• - 5 Yale University Library 39002032095045 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BURKE'S HANDBOOK TO THE MOST EXCELLENT ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE The following first-class Hotels, under the same direction, are renowned for health and quietude, the situations of which are unrivalled. There are extensive Garages (repairs, &c.) adjoining. Grand Pump Room Hotel, (Communicating with Corporation Baths.) Telephone : 1066 Bath. Telegrams: "FUMPOTEL, BATH." BATH. Royal Crescent Hotel, (King's Cliff, Kemp Town.) Telephone : 1091 Kemp Town. Telegrams: "CRESCENT HOTEL, BRIGHTON." BRIGHTON. De Vere Hotel, (Opposite Palace Gardens.) Telephone : 4627 Western. Telegrams: "1MPR0VIS0R, KENSINGTON." KENSINGTON, W. 8. Cox's Hotel, (Jermyn Street, St. James's.) Telephone: 9457 Gerkakd. Telegrams: "ANONYMOUS, LONDOM." LONDON, S.W. 1. Esplanade Hotel, (Overlooking Bristol Channel.) Tetephc ne : 18 Penarth. Telegrams: "ESPLANADE HOTEL, PENARTH." PENARTH, Near CARDIFF. Angel Hotel, (Government in temporary occupation.) CARDIFF- from Illustrated Brochures and Full Particulars can he obtained from the respective Hotels i the London Offices — ' 67, JERMYN STREET, ST. JAMES'S, S.W. Telephone : Gerrard 9458. Telegrams: "ANONYMOUS, LONDON." R. C. VAUGHAN, Managing Director. MILITARY KIBAND KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS AND DAMES GRAND CROSS (G.B.E.) BURKE'S HANDBOOK TO THE MOST EXCELLENT ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE CONTAINING BIOGRAPHIES, A FULL LIST OF PERSONS APPOINTED TO THE ORDER, SHOWING THEIR RELATIVE PRECEDENCE, AND COLOURED PLATES OF THE INSIGNIA EDITED BY A. WINTON THORPE. tit LONDON THE BURKE PUBLISHING CO., LTD. 22, SUFFOLK STREET, S.W. i 1921 ©rinteO In ©reat ^Britain BY WILLIAM CLOWES & SONS, LIMITED, London and Beooles. CONTENTS. PAGE Abbreviations 6 Pbeface 7 Historical Introduction . 9 Statutes, ............... 13 Obituary 19 Biogbaphies '. 21 Lists op Precedence 573 OOLOUKED PLATES OF INSIGNIA. Knights and Dames Geand Ceoss Frontispiece Knights and Dames Commandees Facing 574 Commandees ,> 577 Officees » 594 Members .. 653 ABBREVIATIONS. A.D.C. . Aide-de-Camp. A.F.C. . Air Force Cross. Adj . Adjutant. Adm. . Admiral. A.M.I.C.E. . . Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. A.R.A. . Associate of the Royal Academy. B . Baron. 6 . born. B.A . Bachelor of Arts. Bart. . Baronet. B.C.L. . Bachelor of Civil Law. B.D „ Divinity. B.Sc. „ Science. C.A . County Alderman. C.B . Companion of the Order of the Bath. C.B.E. . Commander of the Order of the British Empire. CC . County Councillor. C.H . Member of the Order of Companions of Honour. C.I . Lady of the Imperial Order of the Crown of India. CLE. . Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire. CM.G. „ ,, „ St. Michael and St. George. C.S.I. „ „ „ the Star of India. C.V.O. . Commander of the Royal Victorian Order. Comm. . Commander. D . Duke. d . daughter. D.B.E. . Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. D.CL. . Doctor of Civil Law. D.D ,, Divinity. D.F.C . Distinguished Flying Cross. D.L . Deputy Lieutenant. D.P.H. . Diploma in Public Health. D.S.C. . Distinguished Service Cross. D.So. . Doctor of Science. D.S.O. . Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. E . Earl. F.B.A. .. Fellow of the British Academy. F.R.A.S. . Royal Astronomical Society. F.R.C.P. . ,, ,, College of Physicians. F.R.C.S. . ,, i, ,, Surgeons. F.R.G.S. . „ „ Geographical Society. F.R.S.- „ „ Society. F.S.A. ,, Society of Antiquaries. G.B.E. .. Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire. G.C.B. . Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. G.CI.E. . , „ Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire. G.C.M.G. . ,, ,, Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. G.C.S.I. . ,, ,, Commander of the Order of the Star of India. G.CV.O. . ,, ,, Cross of the Royal Victorian Order. H.E.I.CS. . . In the service of the Honourable East India Company. Hon .. Honourable. H.I.H. . His or Her Imperial Highness. H.H ,, Highness. H.R.H. ,, Royal Highness. H.S.H. His or Her Serene Highness. I.C.S. Indian Civil Service. I.S.C „ Staff Corps. I.S.O. Imperial Service Order. J.p Justice of the Peace. K.B.E. Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire. KC King's Counsel K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath. K.C.I.E. ... ,, „ „ Order of the Indian Empire. K.C.M.G. „ „ „ Order of St. Michael and St. George. K.C.S.I. ... ,> ,, ,, Order of the Star of India. K.C.V.O. ... ,, ,, ,, Royal Victorian Order. K.G „ of the Order of the Garter. E.G. St. John „ of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem. K.J. St. John „ of Justice of St. John of Jerusalem. K.P. of the Order of St. Patrick. K.T ,, the Thistle. L.G. St. John Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem. L.J. St. John „ Justice of St. John of Jerusalem. LL.D. Doctor of Laws. LL.M. Master of Laws. M Marquis. m marrried. M.A Master of Arts. M.B Bachelor of Medicine. M.B.E Member of the Order of the British Empire. M.C Military Cross. M.Ch. Master of Surgery. M.D Doctor of Medicine. M.P Member of Parliament. Mus. Doc. ... Doctor of Music. M.V.O. Member of the Royal Victorian Order. O.B.E. Officer of the Order of the British Empire. O.JI Order of Merit. P.C Privy Councillor. R.A Royal Academician. R.A „ Artillery. R.A.F. ,, Air Force. R.A.M.C ... „ Army Medical Corps. R.A.S.C ... >i ,, Service Corps. R.D Naval Reserve Decoration. R.E Royal Engineers. R.F.A. „ Field Artillery. R.G.A. ,, Garrison Artillery. R.H.A. „ Horse Artillery. R.M.A. „ Marine Artillery. R.M.L.I. ... „ „ Light Infantry. R.N ,, Navy. R.R.C „ Red Cross. s. Sou. T.D Territorial Decoration. V Viscount. V.A Lady of the Royal Order of Victoria and Albert. V.C Victoria Cross. V.D Volunteer Decoration. V.S Writer to the Signet. PEEFAOE. In compiling the Handbook to the Order of the British Empire the object of the Editor has been to extend and give permanency to the scattered records of those who have been admitted to the Order in recognition of " important services to the Empire " in the hour of its greatest need. Of the origin of the Order at " a moment of almost unrelieved gloom," when " the entire British nation was fully mobilised for war," the story is told in the introductory article which follows, where it is shown that " the Order of the British Empire is in the truest sense of the word the British Democracy's own Order of Chivalry." Erom the nature of the circumstances in which it was evolved, it was inevitable that this Order should become, almost at a leap; the most numerous of all Orders of Knighthood in this country. But numbers are only relatively large or small, and of the millions of citizens who were mobilised in military and civil capacities, only some 25,000— of whom nearly half were naval and military — were singled out for decoration with the Order of the British Empire. The historical interest attaching to the Order made it desirable that some permanent record should be provided, and it has been the endeavour of the Editor to supply a memorial worthy of its subject. In these pages will be found a full list of those who have been admitted to the Order, arranged in order of precedence under their respective classes. Also as many biographical notes as possible are given ; but so many addresses are lacking, even in the official records, and so many others have been changed and are now untraceable, that in many thousands of instances it has been impossible to get in touch with those concerned in order to obtain the necessary particulars. It was originally intended to publish only one edition of the Handbook, as it was thought that subsequent additions to the Order would not be sufficiently numerous to justify a reprint. But with so many biographical gaps it may be found desirable to re-issue the volume later, and those concerned, whose biographies do not now appear, are invited to communicate with the Editor with a view to the inclusion of particulars concerning them in any further edition. That this Handbook will be of lasting interest as a memento of the Great War there is little doubt. It is hoped that it will prove also of considerable value as a reference book, covering ground hitherto barely touched in other publications. The thanks of the Editor are due to the Officials of the Order who have rendered much practical assistance in a difficult undertaking. February 19, 1921. THE ORIGIN OF THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. "The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" was instituted by Letters Patent under the Great Seal on June 4, 1917. The Great War was at its height, and there was no prospect of its early conclusion. It was, indeed, a moment of almost unrelieved gloom and dis appointment for the Allies. The strategical offensive of the spring had broken down. The brilliant tactical victory of the British at Arras had led to no result. General Nivelle's big French offensive on the Aisne had failed decisively. Bevolutionary Eussia was beginning to fade out of the war in disastrous collapse. At Salonica there was deadlock ; at Gaza the British advance on Jerusalem had been checked with heavy loss. At home the dreaded figure of starvation seemed to be on the point of appearing, for the intensive submarine campaign was in full swing, and our food-ships were being sunk in increasing numbers all round our shores. The one bright star was the entry of the United States into the war, but her armies had to be raised and equipped, and the day of their effective help was distant. Such were the grave conditions, though realised, perhaps fortunately, by few, when the King declared his intention of instituting a new Order of Knighthood. And yet from this broad picture of the situation in midsummer, 1917, has been omitted the one great dominant group of facts in the very foreground which made the institution of this Order a necessity. The entire British nation by that time was fully mobilised for war. With the exception of an infinitesimal fragment of the population, all were harnessed to its remorseless wheels. The war had become an intimate part of everyone's life. Its demands were inexorable and insatiable. Erom the very beginning it had taken the best. It now took the second best, the third best, and the indifferent. All the energies of the State, all the energies of industry, all the energies of individuals were directed towards the carrying on of a devouring and devastating struggle, which some day — -but no one knew when — was to end in the victory of the Allies, because on victory the will of the British people was firmly and immovably set. This unconquerable will to victory on the part of the British people is, next to the heroism of the British soldiers and sailors, the proudest memory of the Great War. Eirmly founded on the unshakeable conviction that the cause of the Allies was the cause of Eight, the British people — again we may ignore the waverers, and the timid, and the base — were resolved to go on to the end, cost what it might, and snatch the ultimate victory even out of the very jaws of starvation and defeat. There was little or no distinction between men and women. The womanhood of the country was marshalled and mobilised as never before, and showed an equal courage and an equal endurance with the men, and that great outstanding fact was not forgotten by those who framed the Statutes of the Order of the British Empire. Such were the conditions to meet which the new Order was instituted, for in a nation thus mobilised for war service how else could just recognition be made of those who were rendering signal service to their country? "It is ordained"— so runs the Sixth Statute — ¦ " that the persons to be admitted to the Civil Division of the said Order shall be such persons, male or female, as may have rendered, or shall hereafter render, important services to our Empire." Important services — that was, and is, the sole qualification. Eighteen months later, on December 27, after the war had been won, a Military Division of the Order was 9 INTRODUCTION. added ; but the original object of the Order was the recognition and encouragement of the non-combatant war worker, who was doing his and her best to keep the fighting services working at their utmost capacity and to look after the well-being of the fighting man at home and at the front, in the ranks and in hospital, wherever he might be, and serving m whatever capacity. It is in this respect, therefore, that the Order ofthe British Empire differs m the circum stances of its inception and in the scope of its design from any other Order of Chivalry instituted in this country. In most of the earlier Orders there had been a strong element of exclusiveness, though the idea of equality within the Order had sometimes been emphasized. Eor example, in the Order of the Garter, though possibly in theory the door was open to any knight of stainless chivalry, in practice it was fast shut to all save those of noble birth and the highest social distinction. Indeed, it soon came to be an unwritten, but no less essential, qualification for admission to the Order of the Garter that the candidate should be "a gentleman of blood," which signified " three descents of noblesse, that is to say of name and arms, both of his father's side, and of his mother's side." And so it has remained down to our own times ; for the admission even of a statesman so eminent, and a commoner so bene natus, as Sir Edward Grey (now Viscount Grey of Eallodon), was an event without parallel since the case of Sir Eobert Walpole. As is well known, the circumstances in which Edward III. came to institute the Order of the Garter are very much disputed by historians, though the historian of the Order, Sir N. H. Nicolas, declared confidently enough that there can be no reasonable doubt that "the illustrious Fraternity was intended to supersede the Eound Table which Edward had revived, that it had no loftier origin than a Tournament or Hastilude, and that its Name, Badge, and Motto were derived from no nobler source than a fair Dame's misfortune and a chivalrous Monarch's gallantry." Accepting, therefore, the traditional story of the Tournament and Tilting at Windsor, and the slipping of the Countess of Salisbury's garter at the Ball, could there be a more poignant contrast than that between the Courtly Play of Spears, a Eoyal Gathering, out of which grew the Most Noble Order of the Garter, and the Bloody Tourney of the Nations of the World, known as the Great War— where the combatants were numbered by millions, and the stakes were Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Powers, and even human Liberty itself — out of which arose the Order of the British Empire? It would be easy to heighten this contrast still more by tracing the origins of some of the other great historic Orders of Chivalry. The Order of the Golden Eleece, for example, was instituted at Bruges in 1429, by Philip II. , Duke of Burgundy, on his marriage with Isabel of Portugal; the recent downfall of the Hapsburghs has presumably brought the Austrian branch of that proud Order to a sudden end, though the Spanish branch still remains. The Motto of the Order of the Annunziata — " P. E. E. T." — still recalls, by the capital letters of the legend "Fortitudo Ejus Ehodum Tenuit," the relief of Ehodes by Amadeus V. of Savoy. Or, if we look to our British Orders, even as late as 1725, when the Order of the Bath, based on the old Knighthood of the Bath, was instituted for the reward of both civil and military merit, membership was limited to thirty-six Knights, and it was not until after Waterloo that the Order was enlarged to three classes "for the purpose of commemorating the auspicious termination of the long and arduous contest in which the nation has been engaged." Even so, the Bath retained much of its old exclusiveness until it was extended again in 1847 by the inclusion of the new ranks of Civil Knight Commanders and Companions. The Order of St. Michael and St. George shows a similar expansion. Originally instituted in 1818 for natives of the Ionian Islands (then under the British Crown) and Malta, and others "holding high and confidential situations in the Mediterranean," the Order was reconstructed in 1868, and again in 1877, when it was declared to be intended for those who held high office in the " Colonial possessions " of Great Britain, and again in 1879, when its ranks were thrown open to those who had rendered " good service to the Crown in relation to the Foreign Affairs of the British Empire." 10 INTRODUCTION. In contradistinction to all these, the idea of the Order of the British Empire was conceived on a grand inclusive plan, and was brought into being with five classes, so that from the outset it nnght be all-embracing and fully comprehensive, and on a scale reasonably commensurate with the magnitude and universality of the services to be recognized. The TaL ^ Sh °rder *° P°SSeSS five classes is the E°yal Victorian Order, instituted in 189b, which ranks immediately above that of the British Empire, though nearly all Foreign Orders possess the five classes, which have been justified by practical experience. At the head of the Order are the Sovereign and the Grand Master, who is either to be a Prince of the Blood Eoyal or " such other exalted personage as the Sovereign may appoint." The first to be appointed to the Grand Mastership, with rank as First or Principal Knight Grand Cross, was the Prince of Wales. The five classes are as follows ;— I. Knights Grand Cross and Dames Grand Cross. II. Knights Commanders and Dames Commanders. III. Commanders. IV. Officers. V. Members. Each class consists of two sub-divisions, Military and Civil. Each sub-division consists of Ordinary and Honorary Members, the latter being foreigners on whom the distinction of being received into the Order is conferred. Persons not being members of, or eligible for appointment to, any of the five classes may be awarded the Medal of the Order, either Military or Civil. In each case, whether for Membership or for the Medal, the qualification is the same — the rendering of important service to the Empire. In practice, the award of the Medal is limited to cases of courage, self-sacrifice, or great devotion to duty. Among the first list of Medallists, for example, were many munition workers who had shown great courage and presence of mind in extinguishing . fires in explosive factories, shipwright divers, electrical fitters and drillers, who had executed important repairs in the Grand Fleet during action, and workers of all ranks who had shown " great devotion to duty." One man was thus rewarded who, though 72 years of age, returned from Australia, at his own expense, to his old firm, put in for two years an average of 54 hours a week, and though he often fainted at his work "refused to go home, stating that he could not rest whilst he thought his country wanted shells." His name was Thomas Harper. The great innovation of the Order of the British Empire — and of the Companionship of Honour which was instituted about the same time — was the inclusion of women side by side with men. Never before had there been full admission of women to all degrees of any important Order of Knighthood, and the innovation coincided with the acceptance by the British Parliament of the principle of Women's Suffrage. As has been already said, the womanhood of the country had been mobilised for war service, not indeed as completely as its manhood, for in the circumstances of the case that was impossible, but with no trace of compulsion, for whatever services women performed they performed voluntarily. Theirs, however, was a service absolutely indispensable to victory, and it was rendered with cheerfulness, thoroughness, endurance, devotion and efficiency beyond all praise. The idea of the admission of women to an Order of Knighthood was far older than most people knew, and curiously enough it was the most exclusive of all the ancient Orders of Chivalry which had given them the largest privileges. Soon after the institution of the Order of the Garter we find a sort of quasi-admission of ladies of high rank, who were presented with Eobes of the Order of the Garter, and who wore the Badge of the Order on their left arm. Between 1376 and 1494 some sixty ladies received this signal mark of distinction, and they were usually known as " Dames de la Fraternite de St. George." Several monumental effigies survive showing these ladies wearing the Garter, and in one or two cases apparently (e.g. that of Margaret, wife of Sir Eobert Harcourt) the adornment was placed on the recumbent figure without the lady having had any strict right to wear it in life. The last entry in the Eegister of the Order of this gift of the Eobes was in connection 11 INTRODUCTION. with Elizabeth, wife of Henry VII.— the Princess Bessy of the old Ballad— and then for some unknown reason the graceful custom was allowed to die out. There was considerable talk of its revival about 1730— not long after the institution of the Order of the Bath— but the idea was not carried out. At the time of writing, the Order of the British Empire has a total membership in all its various classes of 25,419, the Military members numbering 11,646, and the Civil, 13,773. The Knights and Dames Grand Cross number 94; the Knights and Dames Commanders 537 ; the Commanders 3,173 ; the Officers 11,369 ; and the Members 10,246. The numbers are large compared with those of any British Order, but they are not so large when one considers what an extensive use was made of the Military sub-divisions to make suitable recognition of the services of large numbers of officers who performed during the war multifarious duties of an indispensable, but in many cases of a non-combatant, character ; and above all when one remembers that the whole nation was mobilised for war, and that even the most ordinary industrial occupations took on during the Great War a special war significance. The War overshadowed everything ; new values attached to conduct, which became good or bad according as it was helpful or the contrary towards the achievement of victory ; public spirit was shown in a thousand different ways as men and women surrendered their own careers and ambitions, and became parts of the Great Machine which existed only for the purpose of keeping our armies and our fleets in the highest state of efficiency. While warfare itself became more pitiless, and the engines of destruction more frightful, the spirit of chivalry spread through all classes, and a nobler idea of the beauty of public service penetrated all ranks alike. Democracy, thus animated, won the war; the Order of the British Empire is in the truest sense of the word the British Democracy's own Order of Chivalry. All classes are blended therein ; the old distinctive qualification of being ¦' a gentleman of blood" has gone and left no trace; service is the only test of admission, and the service of women here finds recognition in exactly the same way as the service of men. The newest and latest-born of the British Orders of Chivalry may therefore well be proud of its long list of members, and of the vast unnumbered host of war workers — unrecognised in the way of honorific distinction, but not unappreciated — whose representatives they are. 12 STATUTES OF THE MOST EXCELLENT ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. (Seotge. IR, & J. George the Fipth, hy the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India, to all to whom these Presents shall come. Greeting ! Whereas hy Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the said United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, hearing date at Westminster the Fourth day of June, 1917, in the Eighth year of Our Reign, We have thought fit and been pleased to institute, erect, constitute, and create, an Order of Knighthood, to he called and known for ever hereafter hy the name, style, and designa tion of " The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire," whereof We, Our heirs and successors for ever shall be Sovereigns : And whereas hy Our aforesaid Letters Patent We did ordain that the said Order should he governed hy Statutes and Ordinances and that the Statutes to be observed within the said Order should he established hy Us and sealed hy the Seal of the Said Order which Statutes so given and in future to he given hy Us, Our heirs and successors, to which the said Seal shall he affixed, should be of the same validity and taken and read as if the same and every Article of them had been verbatim recited in the said Letters Patent and passed under the Great Seal of Our said United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland : And whereas in conformity with the said Letters Patent of the fourth day of June, 1917, We did enact and issue certain Statutes and Ordinances to be observed within the said Order hearing the same date wherein a power was reserved to Us, Our heirs and successors of annulling, altering, augmenting, interpreting or dispensing with these Statutes and Regulations or any part thereof by a notification under the Sign Manual of the Sovereign of the Order : And whereas we deemed it expedient that alterations should be made in the Statutes of the said Order. We therefore in pursuance of the Power vested in Us hy the said Letters Patent did make, ordain and establish certain amended Statutes bearing date the twelfth day of April, 1918 : And whereas it is expedient that certain further alterations should be made in the existing Statutes of the said Order : Now know ye that in pursuance and in exercise of the power vested in Us by the said Letters Patent We have abrogated and annulled and do hereby abrogate and repeal the said Statutes : And further know all ye to whom these Presents shall come that in substitution thereof We have made, ordained and established, and hy these Presents, sealed with the Seal of the said Order, do make, ordain and establish the following Statutes and Ordinances, namely : — 1. It is ordained and enjoined that this Order of Chivalry shall be styled and designated in all Acts, proceedings, and pleadings The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire as in Our said Letters Patent is directed, and by no other designation. 2. It is ordained that the said Order shall consist of the Sovereign and a Grand Master and of five several classes : — I. " Knights Grand Cross " and " Dames Grand Cross." II. " Knights Commanders " and " Dames Commanders." III. "Commanders." IV. "Officers." V. "Members." And it is further ordained that each and every of these five Classes shall likewise contain two 13 STATUTES. sub-divisions whereof the first shall be styled " Military " and the second " Civil," each of which sub-divisions shall be composed partly of Ordinary and partly of Honorary Members. 3. It is ordained that We, Our heirs and successors, Kings or Queens Regnant of Our said United Kingdom, are and for ever shall be Sovereigns of this Order, to whom doth and shall belong all power of annulling, interpreting, explaining, or augmenting these and every part of these Statutes. 4. We do hereby ordain, direct and appoint that a Prince of the Blood Royal or such other exalted personage as We, Our heirs and successors shall hereafter appoint shall be Grand Master of the said Order, and shall in virtue thereof be the First or Principal Knight Grand Cross of the said Order, to whose custody shall be confided the Great Seal of the Order, which he shall affix to all Statutes, Ordinances, and Instruments according to the regulations touching the issue of every of the said Instruments ; and it is further ordained that it shall he his special duty to enforce the due observance of the Statutes and Ordinances of this Order, and that he shall likewise direct the issue of all letters of Summons whenever the Sovereign shall be pleased to command an Investiture of the said Most Excellent Order. 5. It is ordained that all commissioned, warrant and subordinate Officers subject to the Naval Discipline Act or employed under the Order of the Admiralty, and all commissioned and warrant Officers recommended by any Commander-in-Chief in the field or elsewhere, or by the General Officer Commanding, Independent Force, Royal Air Force, or employed under the War Office or Air Ministry, or under the Administrative Headquarters of Dominions or Overseas Forces, or employed under the Ministry of Munitions or the Ministry of National Service on work which, hut for the creation of those Departments, would have been performed hy the War Office ; and all members of the Naval, Army, Dominions, or Overseas Nursing Services, or officials of the Women's Royal Naval Service, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, or the Women's Royal Air Force, and such commandants of the Women's Legion or similar organisations as are under contract with or employed hy the Admiralty, War Office or Air Ministry shall be eligible for appointment to the Military Division of this Order. 6. It is ordained that the persons to be admitted to the Civil Division of the said Order shall be such persons, male or female, as may have rendered or shall hereafter render important services to our Empire. 7. It is ordained that foreign persons upon whom We may think fit to confer the honour of being received into this Order shall he deemed to be, and described as, Honorary Knights Grand Cross or Honorary Dames Grand Cross, Honorary Knights Commanders or Honorary Dames Commanders, Honorary Commanders, Honorary Officers, and Honorary Members, according to the classes in the Order to which they belong. 8. It is ordained that persons already appointed to this Order who are qualified for the Military Division shall, on the recommendation of the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Secretary of State for War or the Secretary of State for the Royal Air Force as the case may be, be transferred to the Military Division of this Order. 9. It is ordained that when We, Our heirs or successors shall he pleased to nominate and appoint any person to this Order such appointment shall he made by Warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual sealed with the Seal of this Order and countersigned by the Grand Master of the said Order. 10. It is ordained that this Order shall rank next to and immediately after Our Royal Victorian Order, that in all solemn Ceremonies, places and assemblies the Knights Grand Cross of this Order shall have place and precedency next to and immediately after the Knights Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, that the Dames Grand Cross of this Order shaU have place and precedency next to and immediately before the wives of Knights Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and may on all occasions have, use and enjoy the appellation and style of Dame before their Christian or first names, that the Knights Commanders of this Order shall have place and precedency next to and immediately after the Knights Commanders of the Royal Victorian Order, that the Dames Commanders of this Order shall have place and precedency next to and immediately before the wives of Knights Commanders of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath and may on aU occasions have, use and enjoy the appellation and style of Dame before their Christian or first names, that the men who are Commanders of this Order shall have place and precedency next to and immediately after the Members of the Third Class of the Royal Victorian Order and the women who are Commanders of this Order shall have place and precedency next to and immediately before the Wives of Companions of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, that the men who 14 STATUTES. are Officers of this Order shall have place and precedency next to and immediately after the Members of the Fourth Class of the Royal Victorian Order and the women who are Officers of this Order shall have place and precedency next to and immediately before the wives of Members of the Fourth Class of the Royal Victorian Order, that the men who are Members of this Order shall have place and precedency next to and immediately after the Members of the Fifth Class of the Royal Victorian Order and that the women who are Members of this Order shall have place and prece dency next to and immediately before the wives of Members of the Fifth Class of the Royal Victorian Order. 11. It is ordained that the Insignia of the Sovereign of this Order shall he of the same material and fashion as are hereinafter appointed for the Knights Grand Cross, save only with those alterations which distinguish Our Royal Dignity. 12. It is ordained that the Grand Master shall wear the Insignia of a Knight Grand Cross, the badge of which for the Grand Master shall be augmented in accordance with the commands of the Sovereign. 13. It is ordained that the Military and Civil Knights and Dames Grand Cross of this Most Excellent Order shall upon all g'reat and solemn occasions wear the badge of the Order, which shall consist of a cross patonce, enamelled pearl, fimbriated or surmounted by a gold medallion with a representation of Britannia seated within a circle gules inscribed with the motto, " For God and the Empire," in letters of gold ensigned with the Imperial Crown or, the whole suspended from a purple riband which in the case of Knights Grand Cross shall be of the breadth of three inches and three-quarters with, for Military Knights Grand Cross, the addition of a vertical red stripe in the centre of the ribbon of the width of about five-sixteenths of an inch, and in the case of Dames Grand Cross shall he of the breadth of two inches and one-quarter with, for Military Dames Grand Cross, a vertical red stripe in the centre of the ribbon of the width of about one- quarter of an inch, passing from the right shoulder to the left side, and they shall wear on the left side of their coats or outer garments an oval Star composed of eight points and charged with a medallion as above. 14. It is ordained that the Military and Civil Knights Commanders shall wear around their necks a riband of the same colour and pattern as that of the Military and Civil Knights Grand Cross of the breadth of one inch and three-quarters, but, in the case of Military Knights Com manders the vertical red stripe is to be of the width of about three-sixteenths of an inch, and pendant therefrom the Badge of the Knights Commanders of the Order, which shall he of similar form and pattern to that appointed for the Knights Grand Cross, hut of smaller size, and also that they shall wear on the left side of their coats or outer garments a silver star composed of four equal points and four lesser, charged with a medallion as before, and it is ordained that the Military and Civil Dames Commanders shall wear a badge of similar form and pattern as that appointed for Knights Commanders attached to a riband also similar to that worn by Military and Civil Knights Commanders but tied in a bow and worn on the left shoulder, and that they shall wear a like star. 15. It is ordained that the Military and Civil Commanders shall in the same manner wear the like riband and badge as that appointed for the Military and Civil Knights and Dames Commanders respectively, but that they shall not be entitled to wear the Star. 16. It is ordained that the Military and Civil Officers shall wear a badge of similar form and pattern as that appointed for the Military and Civil Commanders of the Order, but of a smaller size and silver gilt, attached to a riband of the same colour and pattern of the breadth of one inch and a half, but in the case of Military Officers the vertical red stripe is to be of the width of an eighth of an inch, attached to the left breast of their coats or outer garments by men, and tied in a bow on the left shoulder by women. 17. It is ordained that the Military and Civil Members shall wear in like manner the same ribands and badge as that appointed to the Military and Civil Officers of the Order except that the badge shall be in silver. 18. It is ordained that upon the nomination of any person to be a Knight Grand Cross, Dame Grand Cross, Knight Commander, or Dame Commander of this Order, he or she shall be invested with the Insignia of his or her dignity in the Order by Us, Our heirs and successors if he or she be resident at the time in this country, but if he or she be in India by Our Viceroy of India in Our name and on Our behalf, and if he or she be in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa bv Our Governors General of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa respectively y 15 STATUTES. in Our name and on Our behalf; and that on the day of the Investiture the person to be invested shall be introduced into the presence of the Sovereign, the Viceroy of India, or the Governor General of Canada, Austraha, New Zealand, or South Africa, as the case may be, by the Officer of the Order or other Officer deputed to he in attendance bearing the proper Insignia of the Order, when the Sovereign, Viceroy, or Governor General having in the case of Knights Grand Cross and Knights Commanders conferred the Honour of Knighthood upon the person so nominated if he have not previously received the said Honour, will then proceed to invest him or her with the Ensigns of the said Order in the following manner :— The Sovereign, Viceroy or Governor General will invest the new Knight Grand Cross, Dame Grand Cross, Knight Commander or Dame Commander with the riband and badge and will deliver or place on his or her left side the star of the said Order appertaining to his or her dignity. 19. It is further ordained that it shall be competent for Us, Our heirs and successors by a Warrant or Warrants under Our Sign Manual countersigned by the Grand Master and sealed with the Seal of this Order to authorise some distinguished person in Our Service or other person to perform in Our name and on Our behalf the Ceremony of investing Knights Grand Cross, Dames Grand Cross, Knights Commanders, or Dames Commanders with the Insignia of their respective dignities or to permit the Ceremony of Investiture to be dispensed with. And We reserve to Ourselves, Our heirs and successors, by Our or their Warrant or Warrants as aforesaid, full power and authority to permit and authorise the person or persons not invested by Us to wear the Insignia and enjoy the privileges appertaining to their respective dignities in as full and ample a manner as if they had been invested by Us, Our heirs and successors. 20. It is ordained that on the promotion of a person to a higher class of this Order the Insignia of the class theretofore worn by him or her shall be returned to the Registrar of the Order for the service of the Order, and that on the resignation or decease of an Official of the Order his Badge of Office shall be restored for the service of the Order. 21. It is ordained that for the greater honour and ¦dignity of the Knights Grand Cross and Dames Grand Cross of this Order it shall and may be lawful for them upon all occasions to hear Supporters to their Arms ; and We do hy these Presents direct and command Our Garter Principal .King of Arms for the time being to grant Supporters to such Knights Grand Cross and Dames Grand Cross of this Order as shall not otherwise be entitled thereto and it shall also be lawful for Knights Grand Cross and Dames Grand Cross of this Order to surround their Armorial Bearings with the circle and motto of the Order and to suspend therefrom a representation of their riband and badge and for Knights Commanders, Dames Commanders, and Commanders of this Order to surround their Armorial Bearings with their circle and motto of the Order and to suspend therefrom a representation of their riband and badge and for the Officers and Members of the Order to suspend a representation of their riband and respective badges from the bottom of the escocheon containing their Armorial Bearings. 22. It is ordained that the Seal of the Order shall have engraved thereon as follows (that is to say) a representation of Britannia surrounded by a circle containing the motto of the Order " For God and the Empire," and that the Statutes of the Order shall be sealed by and with the same. 23. It is ordained that it shall be competent for Us, Our heirs and successors by an Ordinance signed by the Sovereign and sealed with the Seal of the Order to cancel and annul the appointment of any person to this Order, and thereupon his or her name in the Register shall be erased. But that it shall be competent for the Sovereign to restore to the Order any person whose appointment may have been so cancelled and annulled when circumstances render it just and expedient so to do. 24. It is ordained that a Military and Civil Medal of this Order shall be awarded to persons, not being Members of or eligible for appointment to the five classes of Our said Order, whose services to Our Empire would warrant such mark of Our Royal appreciation and that persons subordinate to those who are eligible for the Military Divisions of the various classes of this Order shall be eligible for the said Military Medal. 25. It is ordained that the medal of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for men and for women shall consist of a circular medal in silver, having on the obverse a representation of Britannia within the circle and motto of the Order and on the reverse Our Royal and Imperial Cypher, and shaU be worn on the left side suspended by a ring to a purple riband of one inch and one-sixteenth of an inch in width, with the addition in the case of recipients of the Military Medal of the Order of a vertical red stripe in the centre of the riband of about one-sixteenth of an inch. 26. It is ordained that it shall be competent for Us, Our heirs and successors by a Warrant 16 STATUTES. under Our Royal Sign Manual to cancel and annul the award of any Medal of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, and that thereupon the name of the recipient in the Register shall he erased, but it shall be competent for the Sovereign to restore the medal to any person whose name may have been so erased when circumstances render it just and expedient so to do. 27. It is ordained that the twenty- fourth day of May every year shall henceforth he taken and deemed to he the anniversary of the institution of this Order. 28. It is ordained that the following officials shall be appointed to this Order, that is to say, a Prelate, King of Arms, Registrar, Secretary, Gentleman Usher of the Purple Rod. 29. It is ordained that the Prelate of this Order shall wear around his neck pendent to a riband similar to that which is assigned to the Knights Commanders an escocheon of gold enamelled on a field purpure the badge within the circle and motto of the Order, the whole surmounted by an Imperial Crown. Moreover, it shall he lawful for the Prelate to surround his Armorial Bearings with the circle and motto of this Order. 30. It is ordained that the King of Arms of this Order shall he nominated by Us, Our heirs and successors, and that he shall sedulously attend the Service of the Order. And further it is ordained that he shall wear around his neck pendent to a purple riband an escocheon of gold enamelled on a field purpure a representation of Britannia impaling the Arms of the Sovereign surrounded with the circle and motto of tho Order and surmounted hy an Imperial Crown; that he shall carry the Rod of this Order, which shall have on the two greater squares the Arms of the Order impaled with those of the Sovereign, and on the lesser squares the Arms of the Order, the whole surmounted by an Imperial Crown, and that at all Coronations he shall precede the Knig-hts Grand Cross and shall carry and wear a Crown as Our other Kings of Arms are accustomed to do, which badge, rod and crown shall all be of the same materials with those used and borne by Our Garter Principal King of Arms. 31. It is ordained that the Registrar of this Order shall be the person for the time being holding the Office of Registrar and Secretary of the Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood, that he shall record all proceedings connected with this Most Excellent Order in a register to be appropriated for that purpose and shall, under the directions of the Grand Master, prepare all Warrants and other Instruments to be passed under the Seal of the Order and engross the same, that he shall summon the Knights Grand Cross to attend the Sovereign at all investitures of this Order, that he shall wear around his neck pendent to a purple riband an escocheon of gold enamelled on a field purpure the cross of the Order surmounted by a representation of a closed book Gules, clasps Or, within the circle and motto of the Order, the whole surmounted by an Imperial Crown. 32. It is ordained that the Secretary of this Order shall be the person holding for the time being the office of Permanent Under Secretary of State for the Home Department or such other member of the staff of the Home Department as may be nominated by Us, that he shall collect and tabulate the names of those persons who are to be submitted to Us for admission to this Order or to be awarded the Medal of this Order, that he shall wear around his neck pendent to a purple riband an escocheon of gold enamelled on a field purpure the badge of the Order with two pens saltirewise between the angles in pearl enamel within the circle and motto of the Order, the whole surmounted by an Imperial Crown. 33. It is ordained that the Gentleman Usher of the Purple Rod of this Most Excellent Order shall be appointed hy Us, Our heirs and successors, shall wear around his neck pendent to a purple riband an escocheon of gold enamelled on a field purpure a representation of Britannia surrounded by the circle and motto of the Order and surmounted by an Imperial Crown, and that he shall carry the Purple Rod of the Order, having at the top an escrol thereon the motto of the Order surmounted by a representation of Britannia. 34. It is ordained that all and every of the officials of this Order shall over and above the duties more specially imposed by the foregoing Statutes execute diligently whatever the Sovereign or Grand Master may be pleased to command touching the interests of the said Order, and that the said Offices of Prelate, King of Arms, Registrar, Secretary, and Gentleman Usher shall be holden during good behaviour. 17 c STATUTES. 35. We do hereby command and enjoin that these Statutes shall be of such and that same force, virtue and effect in every respect as if they had been duly made and the said acts, deeds, matters and things had been duly done on the fourth day of June, 1917. Lastly. — We reserve to Ourself, Our heirs and successors, full power of annulling, altering, abrogating-, augmenting, interpreting or dispensing with these Statutes and Regulations or any part thereof by a notification under the Sign Manual of the Sovereign of the Order. Given at Our Court at Saint James's, the twenty-eighth day of March, One thousand nine hundred and nineteen, in the Ninth year of Our Reign. By His Majesty's Command. EDWARD SHORTT. IS OBITUARY. Abhayeswari, Debi Hani, O.B.E. Adams, George Francis, C.B.E. Adams, Capt. Herbert Algernon, C.B.E. , R.N. Alcock, Capt. Sir John William, E.B.E. Allardyce, Constance Angel, Lady, O.B.E. Amherst of Hackney, Mary Kothes Margaret Cecil, Lady, O.B.E. Anderson, Brig.-G-en. Sir Francis James, K.B.E., C.B. Andrews, Capt. Henry John, V.C, M.B.E. Arbuthnot, Elizabeth Fountaine, Mrs. H. L., M.B.E. Ashe, Anna Katherine, M.B.E. Atkins, May Clara, Lady Crofton, M.B.E. Atkinson, Surg. -Lieut. Charles Henry Fairbank, O.B.E., R.N.V.R. Atkinson, Major Edward William, D.S.O., O.B.E. Bailey, Capt. James Conner Maxwell, O.B.E. Baird, Sir Alexander, Bart., G.B.E. Barge, Henry Lowthian, O.B.E. Barnett, Capt. Raymond Theodore Frederick, M.B.E. Barrow, Capt. Geoffrey Selwyn, O.B.E. Barwell, Horace George, O.B.E. Beckwith, Capt. William John, O.B.E. Bedford, Adeline Marie, Duchess of, G.B.E. Benningfield, Col. John William, O.B.E. Bennett, Charles Palmer, M.B.E. Benyon, Dame Edith Isabel, G.B.E. Bessborough, Countess of, C.B.E. Biddulph, Lieut.-Col. Michael, O.B.E. Birch, Capt. WiUiam, M.B.E. Black, Major John, O.B.E. Boscawen, Edith Sarah, Lady Griffith, O.B.E. Bottomley, Herbert Holford, C.B.E. Bradey, George WiUiam CantweU, M.B.E. Bradley, Capt. William Allen. Brindley, (Sir) Harry Samuel Bickerton, K.B.E. (died before investiture). Brock, Wing-Commander Frank Arthur, O.B.E. Brown, Margaret Alice, M.B.E. Brown, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam George Charteris, C.B.E. Bucknor, Augusta Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E. Cameron, Joan Jessie, O.B.E. Campbell, Major Charles Duncan MUes, M.B.E. Capel, Arthur Edward, C.B.E. Challenor, Bromley, M.B.E. Chaney, Major Henry Edward, O.B.E. Christie, Lieut.-Col. Henry Robert Stark, O.B.E. Christie, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Edward ToHrey, C.M.G., D.S.O., O.B.E. Clarke, Edward Russell, C.B.E. Clarke, Lieut.-Col. William James, M.B.E. Clarice, Capt. WiUiam Robert Bruce-, M.B.E. Clay, Robert, O.B.E. Coleridge, Lieut. Colin Toss, M.B.E. CoUingwood, Edith Florence, M.B.E. Collyer, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Allen, O.B.E. Condon, Major 'George Henry Edward, O.B.E. Cook, Sir Edward Tyas, K.B.E. Cooke, Major Charles John Bowen, C.B.E. Coote, WUliam Alexander, O.B.E. Crack, Howard Wilfred, M.B.E. Crawford, Hubert, M.B.E. Crawford, Sir Richard Frederick, G.C.M.G., K.B.E. Crawley, Reginald S., M.B.E. Crawshay, Florentina Maria, Mrs. W. T., O.B.E. Cuffey, Edward, O.B.E. Cumberland, John Mason, O.B.E. Cuming, George, O.B.E. Cunliffe, Sir Walter, 1st Baron, G.B.E. Cuyler, Lieut.-Col. Charles, Bart., O.B.E. D'aeth, Major Lewis Narborough Hughes, O.B.E. Dale, Major Alwyn Percy, O.B.E. __.._, Darley, Major WiUiam Hastings la Touche, O.B.E. Davey, Hon. Arthur Jex, C.B.E. Davies, Capt. Alonzo Ernest, M.B.E. Dawson, Margaret Darner, O.B.E. Deakin, Norris Henry, O.B.E. Deo, Rajah Sudhal, C.B.E. Dimmock, Lieut.-Col. Henry Piers, O.B.E. Discombe, George Morton, O.B.E. Dixon, George Francis, C.B.E., M.V.O. Douglas, Margaret Elizabeth, Mrs., C.I., M.B.E. Downie, Capt. Frederick Habler, O.B.E. Drew, Henrietta Dorothy, M.B.E. DuddeU, William, C.B.E. Dudley, Rachel, Countess of, M.B.E. Dyer, Henry, C.B.E. Eaves, Capt. Wilberforce Vaughan, O.B.E. Edwards, Lieut.-Col. Francis William Lloyd, O.B.E., K.R.R.C. Elliott, Capt. WUliam Herron, M.B.E. Ellis, John William, M.B.E. Ellis, Major-Gen. Philip Mackay, O.B.E. Esslemont, Alfred Sherwood, C.B.E. Evans, Henry, C.B.E. Fagan, Charles Edward, C.B.E., I.S.O. FeHden, Major Edward Leyland Cook, O.B.E. Ferguson, Major A. R., O.B.E. Ferguson, Capt. Harold Stuart, M.B.E. Fetherstonhaugh. Florence, Mrs. R. S., M.B.E. Fisher, Harry Kaye Cecil, M.B.E. Forbes, Capt. Charles, O.B.E. Forbes, Capt. Charles Hay, C.B.E., R.N. Franklin, Major and Qr.-Mr. Charles, O.B.E. Franklin, George Cooper, M.B.E., F.R.C.S. Frasher, Hon. Col. John PiUing, C.B.E. Firmer, Willoughby, O.B.E. GaUoway, Agnes Lottie, Mrs., M.B.E. Garrett, Lieut.-Col. Arthur ffoUiott, O.B.E. Gaussen, Col. John Samuel, C.B.E. Gibbs, Victoria Florence de Burgh, Mrs. G. A., C.B.E. GUdea, Sir James, G.B.E., K.C.V.O. C.B. Gladwell, Charles John, O.B.E. Godfray, Brig.-Gen. John WUliam, C.B., C.V.O., C.B.E. Gore, Major Charles Henry, O.B.E. Gould, Lieut.-Col. van Jay-, C.B.E. Graham, Robert Paul, M.B.E. Gray, Herbert Stanley, M.B.E. Gray, WUUam Acheson, M.B.E. Greenwood, Lieut. -Commander Charles, O.B.E., R.N.V.R. Greenwood, Lieut. Harold CecU, O.B.E., R.N.V.R. Grieve, James Dyce, M.B.E. HaU, Capt. Eric Watson, M.B.E. Hall, Frederick Eardley John Blackburne, C.B.E. HamUton, Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E. Harbottle, Sir John George, Kt. Bach. Harris, Major John James Fitzgerald, O.B.E. Harris, Capt. Worsley John, M.B.E. Harrison, Lieut.-Col. Percy Wordsworth, C.B.E. Hazel, Lieut.-Col. Albert William, C.B.E. Hemmant, Edward Vincent, O.B.E. Hewitt, Rev. Sydney Rangely, O.B.E. Hibberdine, William, O.B.E. HU1, Thomas, O.B.E., J.P. Hodder, Rev. Charles William, M.B.E. Hodgson, Lieut.-Col. John Edward, O.B.E. Hope, George Jxving, C.B.E. Hornabrook, Rev. John Oliver, O.B.E. Hornby, Lieut.-Col. Cecil Geoffrey, O.B.E., M.C. Home, Capt. Clement Cooper, C.B.E., R.N. Houndle, Henry Charles Herman Hawker, C.B.E., I.S.O. Howard, Capt. Charles Reginald, O.B.E. Howard, Robert Jared Bliss, O.B.E. Howson, WUliam Richard, O.B.E. Hughes, Marjorie, M.B.E. Hugill, Herbert, M.B.E. Hugo, Major FitzHerbert, O.B.E., M.C. Hulse, Edward James, O.B.E. Hunter, Lieut.-Col. John Muir, C.S.I., O.B.E. Hutton, EmUy Fenton Armitage, Mrs. J. A., O.B.E. Ireland, Col. Sir Robert Megaw, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G. Ivey, Major T. E., O.B.E. Jefcoate, Capt. Frank, M.B.E. Jenkins, Lieut.-Comm. Basil Oliver, C.B.E. 19 OBITUAKY. Jodhpur, Major H. H., Maharaja of, K.B.E. Johnson, WiUiam, C.B.E. Jones, Alfred Richard, M.B.E. v Jones, Beatrice Isabel, C.B.E., R.R.C. Jones, Lieut. Kenneth Charles Johnstone, M.B.E., M.C. Jones, Major Thomas W. H., O.B.E. Jones, Samuel Nathan, O.B.E. Keele, John Rushworth, O.B.E. Keeling, Lieut.-Col. Bertram Francis Eardley, O.B.E., M.C. Keene, Major Robert Francis Ruck-, O.B.E. Keene, WiUiam, C.B.E., M.V.O. Kelly, Robert, M.B.E. Ker. Leighton Buchanan, M.B.E. KUlby, Capt. WiUiam Watson, M.B.E. King, George Kemp, C.B.E., M.V.O. Kirwan, Lieut. Theodore, M.B.E. Knowles, T. Capt. Eustace Oliver, O.B.E. Lane, Col. Clayton Turner, C.I.E., C.B.E. Laurie, T. Capt. Donald Saunders, O.B.E. Lawson, Capt. Harold, M.B.E. Lee, Major-Gen. Henry Herbert, C.B.E. Leeming, Capt. James Arthur, O.B.E. Lever, Major Harry Reginald, O.B.E., R.A.S.C. Lewlas, Lieut.-Col. John Tweedy, C.B.E. Lima, Sir Bertram Lewis, K.B.E. Little, Ernest Knightley, C.B.E. Little, Staff Pay-Master James Scott, O.B.E. Llewellyn, Lieut.-Col. Arthur, O.B.E. Lloyd, Francis Zachary, C.B.E. Long, Violet Beatrice Alice Lambton, Mrs., O.B.E. Longstaff, Lieut.-Col. LleweUyn Wood, O.B.E. Lovelady, Thomas, M.B.E. Lovett, Brig.-Gen. Alfred Crowdy, C.B., C.B.E. Lowe, Catherine Howard, Mrs., M.B.E. Lowe, Gerard HorsfaU Corbett, O.B.E. Luckes, Eva Charlotte Ellis, C.B.E. Lush, Capt. John, C.B.E. Luson, Capt. Thomas Gerhard Leslie, O.B.E. Lyster, CecU Rupert Chaworth, C.B.E. Macdowell, Sir Alexander, G.B.E. MacGUvray, Capt. Thomas Clouston Rae, M.B.E. Maclntyre, 2nd Lieut. Robert William, M.B.E. MacKay, Colin, M.B.E. McLaren, Sir John, K.B.E. McMUlan, Thomas, C.B.E. Mahaffy, Arthur WiUiam, O.B.E. Mahaffy, Rev. John Pentland, G.B.E. Maine, Jane, Lady, Maitland, Adam, M.B.E. Marsh, Col. WUUam, C.B.E. Marston, Dorothy, M.B.E. May, Lieut. William Samuel, O.B.E., R.N. MelvUle, Witham, M.V.O., M.B.E. Mercer, Lieut. William, M.B.E. Miles, Sir C. W., Bart., O.B.E. MUes, Henry Stephen, M.B.E. Mitra, Rai Sahili Rajeshwar, O.B.E. Moffat, John, O.B.E. Moncrieff, Lieut.-Col. George Hay, C.B.E. Moran, 2nd Lieut. John, M.B.E. Morgan, Charles, O.B.E. Morgan, Capt. G. B., O.B.E. Morton, Capt. Harold Swithun, O.B.E. Murray, Capt. Alexander Gordon Wynch, M.B.E. Napier, Emily Caroline, M.B.E. Newton, Major Leslie Cuthbert, O.B.E. Nicholson, Frank, C.B.E. Nightingale, Thomas Slingsby, C.B.E. Niven, Major Douglas Scott, O.B.E. North, Thomas Keppel, O.B.E. Oran, Lieut.-Col. Harry KendaU, C.B.E. Owen, Sir Douglas William, K.B.E. Owen, WUliam Scott, O.B.E. Palmer, Lieut.-Col. Werner WiUiam Thomas Massiah, O.B.E. Parker, Charles Sandbach, C.B.E. Paterson, Lieut.-Col. Andrew MelvUle, C.B.E. Perris, George Herbert, C.B.E. Plunket, WiUiam Lee, Lord, G.C.M.G. K.C.V.O., K.B.E. Pollock, Lieut-Col. Charles Frederick, O.B.E. Poole, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Richard William, M.B.E. Pratt, Capt. Mervyn Palles, O.B.E. Quicke, Herbert John, M.B.E. Ranger, Catherine Sarah, Mrs. Marden-, M.B.E., R.R.C. Ransome, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Robert Sheffield, O.B.E. Restler, Sir James WUUam, K.B.E. Richardson, John, Oi Riddiford, Capt. Richard Errol Wardell, O.B.E. Rimmgton, Coram. Percy WiUiam, O.B.E. Kitson, Sir Arthur, K.B.E. J.P. Roberts, Lieut.-Col. Frank Vi ereat, O.B.E. Roberts, Col. Henry Robert, C.B.E. Roberts, Herbert Wallace M.B.E. Robertson, Sir Frederick Alexander, K.B.K Robertson, Major Robert Arthur Harvey, O.B.E. Rogers, Frederick Charles, M.B.E. Rogers, Herbert, M.B.E. Rouquette, Stewart Henry, O.B.E. Rutherford, Annie, O.B.E. Schank, Capt. Henry Alexander, O.B.E. Scicluna, Corinna, Marchesa, O.B.E. Scowcroft, Thomas, O.B.E. Shepherd, Col. Charles Herbert, C.B.E. Sheridan, Matthew Joseph. O.B.E. Simmonds, Charles, O.B.E., B.Sc. Smith, Lieut. Allan Bertram, M.B.E. Smith, Roland Siddons, O.B.E. Smith, Hon. Mrs. S. L. Smith, Col. Stewart Boyle, C.B., C.B.E. Smith, Thomas, O.B.E. Smith, Lieut. Ronald Tate-, M.B.E. Snell, John, M.B.E. Solomon, Maude Elizabeth, Lady, O.B.E. Spanton, Capt. John Percival, M.B.E. Sparks, Capt. John Barnes, C.B.E., R.N. Sparks, Lieut.-Col. Ralph Harold Austin, O.B.E. Squires, Lieut. Reginald AUred, O.B.E. Stammers, Caroline Elinor, Mrs., M.B.E. Stamp, William Blatspiel, O.B.E. Steward, George Charles, K.B.E., O.M.G. Stewart, George Vesey, M.B.E. Stigand, Major Chauncy Hugh, O.B.E. _„,,._. Strong, The Rt. Hon. Sir. Thomas Vezey, P.C., K.C.V.O., K.B.E. Stuart, Laura Elizabeth, Mrs., O.B.E. Stubbs, John, O.B.E. Taylor, Lieut.-Col. Gerald Oldroyd Cornock, C.B.E. Temple, Elfrida Stella, M.B.E. Thomas, Sir Godfrey John Vignoles, Bart., C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O. Thomas, Capt. John, O.B.E. Thompson, Sir WUliam Henry, K.B.E. Thompson, Capt. WUliam Peter, O.B.E. Thome, Charles Augustus, M.B.E. Tibbies, Frank Parry Relf, M.B.E. Todd, Col. Octavius, C.B.E. Towesy, Joseph Henry, O.B.E. Treves, Major WUfred Warrick, O.B.E. Trueman, Lieut.-Col. Arthur PhUip HamUton, O.B.E. Tuson, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WUliam, M.B.E. Vaughan, Major Arthur Owen, D.S.O., O.B.E. VeUacott, James Richard, M.B.E. Verel, Capt. Raymond, O.B.E. Wace, Major Stephen Charles, C.B.E. Walker, Lieut.-Col. Howard Napier, O.B.E., M.C. Wallis, Col. Charles Thomas, O.B.E. Walsh, Lieut. Martin Oliver, M.B.E. Walters, John, M.B.E. Ward, Com. Charles Bertram, O.B.E., R.N.R. Ward, Capt. George Augustus Crosbie, O.B.E., R.N. Ward, Mary Augusta, Mrs. Humphrey, C.B.E. Webb, Ellen, Lady, M.B.E. Wells, Norman Septimus, O.B.E. Weston, Dame Agnes, G.B.E. White, Com. Hans Thomas Fell, O.B.E., R.N. White. John WUliam, C.B.E. White, Lieut.-Col. Sinclair, C.B.E. Willcock, Lieut.-Col. Stephen, O.B.E. Wilkinson, Major Henry Frederick, C.B.E. WiUiams, Capt. Arthur Albert, M.B.E. - Willoughby. Lieut.-Col. Frederick. O.B.E., V.D., D.L. Wills, Lieut.-Col. Norman Septimus, O.B.E. WUson, Capt. Wilfred Gordon, M.B.E. Wood, Edith Frances, M.B.E. Wood, Frances, Mrs. S.H., O.B.E. Wright, Capt. John Windham, O.B.E. Yar Muhammad Khan Mian, M.B.E. Zigomala, Lieut. John Copeland, M.B.E. 20 BIOGRAPHIES. The numbers following the names give a cross-reference to the Precedence Lists at the end of the Handbook, where will be found the date of the appointment to the Order and whether the person named belo-ngs to the Military or Civil division. The initial letters used are : G=Kniahts Grand Cross ; B.G.=Dames Grand Cross; K=Knights Commanders ; T> = Dames Commanders; C=Commanders: 0=Offleers; M=Members, In cases of compound surnames the entry will be found under the last name at the end of the single names of similar spelling. ABBEY, Paymaster-Lieut. Douglas Wilson, M.B.E., R.N. (retired). . ABBEY, Lieut.-Col. Walter Bulmer Tait, C.B.E., I.A. ABBISS, William Frederick, M.B.E. ABBOT, Mary Joyce, M.B.E., .. 5 Aug. 1S91 ; d. of Henry Napier Abbot, of Bristol. Educ. : Eastbury School, near Watford, Herts. War Work : President, Bristol East Division. S. and S.F.A. and War Pensions Committee. Addresses : 2, Beaufort Road, Clifton, Bristol ; The Cottage, Dulverton, Somerset. (M7176) ABBOTT, Lieut.-Comm. Bernard Edwin, O.B.E., R.N.R. ABBOTT, Major Charles Reginald, M.B.E., R.A.F., b. 11 June, 1884 ; s. of Dr. C. E. Abbott, of Cheltenham. Educ. : Weston-super-Mare and Cheltenham. War Work : With the Royal Naval Air Service from Sept. 1914 ; finally in charge of Marine Acceptance Department in R.A.F. Address : 2, Auriol Mansions, Barons Court, London, W. 14 Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Brooklands Automobile Racing Club. (Ml 320) ABBOTT, Francis Charles, C.B.E., B.Sc.M.B., M.S.( Bond.), F.R.C.S.. b. 28 May, 1867 ; s. of the late Rev. Arthur Robert Abbott. Vicar of Gorleston, Suffolk ; m. Pauline, d. of the late Col. Harry Piesley L'Estrange, of Norwich. Educ. : Bruce Castle, St. Thomas's Hospital, and Univ. of London. Late Asst. -Surgeon. St. Thomas's Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon, Evelina Hospital ; Chief Surgeon, National Fund for Greek Wounded, Greco-Turkish War, 1897. War Work : Donor of, Commandant and Surgeon-in-Charge, Red Gables Hospital, Bletchingley ; Advisory Surgeon, Redhill War Hospital. Address : The Hermitage, White Hill, Bletchingley. (C2404) ABBOTT, George Edward, O.B.E., JP, ABBOTT, Col. Herbert Edward Stacy, C.B.E., D.S.O., b. 6 April, 1855 ; «. of General H. E. S. Abbott, of Bengal Infantry ; m. Mary, d. of Thomas Aveling, of Rochester, Kent. Educ. : EUzabeth CoUege, Guernsey ; and R.M. Academy, Woolwich. Brevet Colonel, Royal Engineers ; Superintending Engineer in Publio Works Dept. of India ; Officiating Chief Engineer, Punjab, and Secretary to Govt, in Public Works Dept. War Work : R.E. Staff of London District, special charge being R.E. Services War Hospitals in London District. Address : 80, King's Road, Richmond, Surrey. Club : Junior United Service. (C796) ABBOTT, John Dixon, M.B.E. ABBOTT, Capt. John Harold, O.B.E., V.D., Delhi Medal; s. of WiUiam Abbott, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Stokes, -Mussoorie, India. Hon. Member Viceroy's CouncU from April, 1913, to June, 1916 ; Municipal Commissioner, Jhansi ; President, Anglo-Indian Empire League ; Member of the Cantonment Committee. War Work : Chief (Hon.) Recruiting Officer for the Anglo-Indian Community, responsible for the recruitment of several thousand Anglo-Indians and the Domi ciled community. Was responsible for the reform and improve ment of many Government services in Ladia ; obtained increases of pay for the Indian Medical Department, and has removed certain disabilities in the Police, Postal and Telegraph. Department, and in the Educational service ; recruited over 5000 volunteers in India and Burma, and in the United Prov inces alone over 100 women, trained and untrained, offered their services as nurses. Address : Jhansi, U.P., India. (O4007) ABBOTT, Joseph Edward. O.B.E., b. 22 March, 1869: s. of W. Abbott, District Superintendent, G.N.R. Assistant to Superintendent of the Line, Great Northern Railway. War Work : Services rendered in connection with transport. Address : Kelso, Holden Road, Woodside Park, N. (09866) ABBOTT, Tom Bland, M.B.E., L.S.A. ABBOTT, Capt. William George, O.B.E., R.A.S.Gf. (M.T.). ABDY, Hon. Brig.-Gen. Anthony John, C.B., C.B.E., 6. 26 April, 1856 ; s. of His Honour J. T. Abdy, County Court Judge, Regius Professor of Civil Laws, Cambridge ; m. Alice Laura, d. of J. Bonham Carter, of Adhurst, Petersrield. Edue. : Charterhouse and R.M.A., Woolwich. Secretary Royal ArtUlery Institution ; Commander R.H.A., and R.F.A., S.A., 1908-1912. War Work : Brig.-Gen. commanding various Divisional Artilleries in their formation, and Assistant Military Secretary, Southern Command. Address : The White Cottage, Woodbridge. Club : Naval and MUitary. (C418) ABEL, Walter Charles, M.B.E. ABELL, Major Charles Franois, O.B.E., R.A.F. ABELL, Major George Henry, O.B.E., R.A.F. ABELL, Prof. Thomas Bertrand, O.B.E., M.Eng., R.C.N.C. ret., 6. March, 1880 ; s. of Thomas AbeU, of Exmouth ; m. Gertrude S., d. of Edwin F. Brook, of Ryde. Edue. : West Bucldand School, Royal Naval Engineering College (Devon- port), Royal Naval College (Greenwich). Naval Architect. Professor of Naval Architecture, University, Liverpool. War Work : Temporary Constructor, Admiralty ; Assistant Director of Designs, Admiralty, and subsequently Ministry of Shipping, in the Department of Controller-General of Merchant Ship building. Address : 10, Greenbank Drive, Liverpool ; The University, Liverpool. Club : University (Liverpool). (09867) ABELL, Sir Westcott Stile, K.B.E., b. 16 Jan. 1920 ; s. of Thomas Abell, of Exmouth; m. Beatrice Gertrude, d. of Joseph Wyld Davenport, of Chester. Edue. : West Buck- land School, Royal Naval Engineering CoUege, Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Professional Secretary to Director of Naval Construction ; Instructor in Naval Architecture, Royal Naval College ; Professor of Naval Architecture, University of Liverpool ; Chief Ship Surveyor, Lloyd's Register of Shipping from 1914. War Work : Assisting President of Board of Trade until Dec. 1916 ; Technical Adviser to Shipping Controller, 1917 ; Member of Merchant Shipbuilding Advisory Committee, 1917 ; Admiralty Shipbuilding Council, 1917 ; Reconstruction Committee on Shipping and ShipbuUding. Address : 11, Wedderburn Road, Hampstead, N.W. 3. Clubs : Savile; Royal Societies'; Royal AutomobUe. (K337) ABERCONWAY, Laura, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of the late Henry Pochin, M.P., of Bodnant, Denbighshire ; m. Charles Benjamin Bright M'Laren, 1st Baron Aberconway. War Work : Equipped and personally superintended a Hospital for Wounded Officers at her own house in Belgrave Square. This Hospital she ran four and a half years during the War, taking cases of severe wounds. Also lent her country house, Hilders, Haslemere, for a Hospital for Soldiers under the Aldershot Command. Address : 43, Belgrave Square, S.W. 1 ; Bodnant, Denbighshire ; Chateau de la Garoupe, Antibes, France. (C419) ABERCROMBIE, Col. Charles Murray, C.M.G., C.B.E., Commanding 16th Bn. Lane. FusiUers, 6. 1874 ; m. Dorothy, d. of John Riley, of Purley Court, Sedbury. Served in the S.A. War, 1901-2 (Queen's Medal, 5 Clasps) ; Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches, C.M.G.). (C1212) ABERDE1N, Florence Maud, M.B.E., 6. 6 Sept. 1893 ; d. of Arthur WiUiam Aberdein, of Brentford, Middlesex. Educ. : St. Mary's College, Isleworth, Middlesex, and St. George's College, London. Civil Servant. War Work: Private Secretary to Chairman of Flour MiUs Control, Ministry of Food. Address : Eversleigh, The Butts, Brentford, Middx. Club : Forum. (M7178) ABLETT, T. Lieut. (T. Capt.) Charles Anthony, O.B.F., ABLETT, 1st Eng. Frank, M.B.E. ABRAHALL, Bennet HOSKYNS-, C.B.E.,. . 26 Aug. 1858 ; s. of T. Bennet Hoskyns-Abrahall, Barrister-at-Law, Com missioner of Bankruptcy, of Goldspink Hall, Newcastle-on- Tyne, and Kernock, Torquay ; m. Edith Louise, d. of the Rev. W. Egerton Tapp, of 85, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. Edue. : St. Peters School, York; Keble Coll:, Oxford (Scholar). Entered Civil Service, Grade I., in 1881, as Clerk in Secretary's Office, G.P.O. ; Principal Clerk, 1906 ; appointed Director of the Investigation Branch, 1910. War Work : Special work in connection with duties as Director of the Investigation Branch. Address : Rubers Law, W. Byfleet. Club : Union. (C922) ABRAHAM, Constance Palgrave, Mrs., M.B.E. ABRAHAM, Lieut.-Col. James Johnston, C.B.E., D.S.O., R.A.M.C, b. 1876 ; s. of WUUam Abraham, J.P., of Coleraine, Co. Deny ; m. Lilian, d. of Dr. Alex Francis, of London. Educ. : Trinity College, Dublin, and London Hospital. Surgeon, The Kensington Hospital and London Lock Hospitals. War Work : Captain, Serbian Army, 1914-15 (awarded Order of St. Sava, 4th Class) ; served British Army, 1915-19 ; was A.D.M.S., Lines of Communications, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 1917-19 ; three times mentioned in despatches. Addresses : 38, Harley St., W.l ; Coleraine, Co. Derry. Club : Savage. (C1367) ABRAHAM, Lieut. John Conrad, M.B.E. ABRAHAM, Lieut.-Col. John William, O.B.E., D.L. Co. Middlesex, b. 3 June, 1875 ; s. of John George Abraham, of Grove Lodge, Muswell HiU, N. ; m. Mabel Eleanor, d. of George Thomas WUson, of Tollington Park, N» Educ. : Totteridge. Licentiate Royal Institute of British Architects ¦ Oct. 1919, appointed Brigade Major to Middlesex Territorial Cadets with rank of Lieut-Col.; Sept. 1920, appointed Assistant Director of 21 Abrahams THE OEDEE OE THE BEITISH EMPIEE. Road Transport, Ministry of Food (Regents Park). War Work : Officer Commanding Transport, Eastern Command, Volunteer Ambulance Convoy ; Radiographer to Middlesex V.A.D. and Order of St. John ; organised, equipped, and ran travelling Cinematograph show, which in 4 years entertained over 100,000 men. (09868) ABRAHAMS, Dr. Adolphe, O.B.E., B.A., M.D., B.Ch. (Camb.), M.R C.P., M.R.C.S., b. 1884 ; s. of Isaac Abrahams, of London. Educ. : Bedford; Cambridge Univ.; St. Bartholo mew's Hospital; Vienna. Consulting Physician. Physi cian to the Royal Chest Hospital ; Assistant Physician to Westminster Hospital and the Hampstead General Hospital. War Work : Major R.A.M.C. ; Officer in charge the Medical ¦ Division, Connaught Hospital, Aldershot ; District Consulting Physician Aldershot Command. Addresses: 24, Park Crescent, Portland Place, W. 1 ; 50, Rodney Court, Maida Vale, W. Club : New Oxford and Cambridge. (06826) ABRAHAMS, Major Arthur Cecil, C.B.E. War Work : Temp. Hon. Major, Special List ; Deputy Director of Stores, Boulogne, and a Special Red Cross Commissioner in France. (C2405) ABRAHAMS, Joseph Godchaux, M.B.E. ABRAHAMSON, Sir Martin Arnold, K.B.E., b. 12 Sept. 1870 ; s. of late Arnold Abrahamson, of Copenhagen ; m. Emma, d. of late Bernard Hirschsprung, of Copenhagen. Educ. : London and Copenhagen. Electrical Engineer ; Managing Director Industrial Trading Co., Ltd., and Tvermoes and Abrahamson, Ltd., Copenhagen. War Work : Vice- President and Chairman of British Red Cross Bureau, Copen hagen ; Organisation of Repatriation of British and Allied Prisoners of War from Germany via Copenhagen after Armistice. Assisted O'Grady Commission and Lady Marling (Pres. Br. Red Cr., Copenhagen) in work connected with Repatriation of British Nationals from Russia the beginning of this year. Address : 6, Krausesvej, Copenhagen. Clubs : Royal Danish Automo bile ; Royal Danish Yacht ; Overseas ; Patriotic League, London (K338) ABRAM, Ethel May, Mrs., M.B.E., b. 30 Nov. 1869 ; d. of Thomas Francis Rider, M.V.O., of London, S.W. ; m. George Stewart, s. of George Abram, of London, N.W. Educ. : Clap- ham High School ; " St. Clair," Tunbridge WeUs. War Work . Commandant, St. Luke's Auxiliary Hospital, Reading, 1914- 19, which was staffed by members of V A.D., Berks 34 affiliated to Reading War Hospital. Address : 106, London Road, Reading, Berks. Clubs : Ladies' County, Reading ; V.A.D. Cavendish Sq., London, W. (M66) ABRAMSON, Loc. Capt. Albert, O.B.E. ABSALE, John Hilling, O.B.E., b. 15 Oct. 1851 ; s. of John Isaac Absale, of London ; m. Caroline Ada, d. of Francis Wood, of HomseyRise. Educ. : Privately. Late Principal, Securities Office, Bank of England, E.C. War Work : Principal of the Bank of England Staff, " American Securities Committee." Address : Hillingwood, Langley Park Road, Sutton, Surrey. (O1037) ACFIELD, Wilfred Cosens, O.B.E. ACHESON, Capt. Albert Edward, C.B.E., R.N. War Work : Divisional Naval Transport Officer, Manchester. (C2242) ACHESON, Annie Crawford, C.B.E. : d. of John Acheson, J.P., of Portadown, Ireland. Educ. : Victoria College, Belfast ; Royal College of Art, South Kensington. Sculptor. War Work : Special splint making for military hospitals as head of Plastic Department of Surgical Requisites Association, Mul berry Walk. Addresses : 18, Beaufort Mansions, Beaufort St., S.W. 3 ; 6, Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea. (C923) ACHESON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. James, M.B.E. R.A.S.C. ACHESON, Hon. Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas Stuart. O.B.E. ' ACHURCH, Lieut. George Philip, M.B.E., R.A.F. ACKERS, Irene Mary, M.B.E. ; d. of the Rev. F. J. Ackers, of Dorchester, formerly Vicar of Frampton, Dorchester. Educ. : Cheltenham Ladies' College, and Somerville College, Oxford. War Work : V.A.D. (Nursing Service) 3rd Southern Gen eral Hospital, Oxford, Aug. 1916, to Jan. 1918 ; Q.M.A.A.C (attached Headquarters Western and Scottish Commands) Jan. 1918 to Nov. 1919 ; Assistant Adminstrator, Jan. 1918; promoted Unit Administrator, Nov. 1918. Address : 21, The Avenue, Clifton, Bristol. (M6589) ACKLAND, Robert Craig, C.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. L.D.S., b. 1865 ; s. of Robert Ackland, of Exeter ; m. Ruth' Kathleen, d. of Edmund Macrory, K.C., of London. Educ ¦ Torquay and London. Senior Dental Surgeon to St. Bartholo mew's Hospital ; Dental Surgeon, London Fire Brigade Benevo lent Society. War Work : Medical Officer in charge ot the Bed Cross Hospitals for Facial Injuries, 78, Brook Street, W. J. and 24, Norfolk Street, Park Lane. Addresses : 54, Brook Street W. 1 ; The Hill, Winterton, Norfolk. (02406) ACKLAND, Vera, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of John Richard Pnilpots, of Moorcroft, Parkstone ; m. Donald, s. of Robert Ackland, of Exeter. Educ. : Brussels. War Work • Work ing Member of 2 Needlework Guilds and 2 canteens 1914 • whole time ambulance driver for Comforts and Convoys day and night, 1916; Commandant No. 1 Red Cross Hospital, Rock House (130 beds), for penetrating chest wounds, 1917 : presented to their Majesties the King and Queen when they visited Bath in 1917 ; joint organiser in raising £8,000 for Red Cross and local Hospitals ; raised £3,400 for Y.M.C.A. by Flag Days; organised Christmas Day Entertainments for troops stationed in Bath. Address: 11, The Circus, Bath. (M7180) ACLAND, Col. Alfred Dyke, C.B.E., T.D..J.P. (T.F., ret.), Croix-de-Guerre, Knight of Justice, Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; 6. 19 Aug. 1858 ; s. of Sir Henry W. Acland, Bart., of Oxford (see BtTKKE's Peerage) , m. Beatrice Danvers, d. of the late Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith, of Greenlands, Henley-on- Thames. Educ. : Charterhouse. War Work : Commanded Royal 1st Devon Yeomanry to 15 Dec. 1914 ; No. 3 Base Remount Department, 6 Jan. 1915, to 8 Feb. 1917 ; Assistant Director Labour Fourth Army, B.E.F., 8 Feb. 1917, to 8 Feb. 1918 ; Labour Commandant Australian Corps, 8 Feb. 1918, to 31 Aug. 1918. Addresses: Digswell House, Welwyn ; 306, St. James' Court. Clubs : Cavalry ; Brooks's ; Athenaeum. (C2407) ACLAND, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Thomas Dyke, C.M.G., C.B.E., b. 1874; s. of the late Hon. John Barton Arundel Acland, and EmUy WeddeU. d. of the Rev. H. J. C. Harper, D.D., Bishop of Christehurch, N.Z. ; m. Evelyn Mary, d. of the late J. L. Ovans, East Sheen. Served in the S.A. War, 1900-1 ; Great War, 1914-17 ; mentioned in despatches ; C.M.G. Address: Christehurch, New Zealand. , (C1848) ACLAND, Katharine, M.B.E., b. 28 Sept. 1892 ; d. of Col. A. D. (q.v.) and Hon. Mrs. Acland, of DigsweU House, Welwyn. Educ. : At Home. War Work : Secretary, Herts Branch, British Red Cross Society ; Assistant Commandant and Secretary, No 5 Australian AuxUiary Hospital, Digswell House, Welwyn ; Secretary of Controller of Entertainments, British Empire Leave Club, Cologne (for British Army of Occupation). Addresses ; Digswell House, Welwyn ; 306, St. James' Court, S.W.I. Club: V.A.D. (M3480) ACLAND, Leopold George Dyke, O.B.E., M.C, b. 1876; s. of Thomas Dyke Acland, of Christehurch, N.Z. ; Educ.: Christ's CoUege, Christehurch, N.Z. Sheep farmer. War Services: with New Zealand Expeditionarv Force. Address: Springbank Farm, Hororata, N.Z. Clubs: Junior Carlton; Christehurch (N.Z.). (07973) ACKLOM, Capt. Cecil Ryther, C.B., C.B.E., b. 1872; s. of Robert Evatt Acklom. Entered R.N., 1885 ; became Lieut. 1893 ; retired (1910), and Com. 1912 ; served in punitive Expedition against Sultan of Vitu, 1890 (medal with clasp) ; appointed Assist. Superintendent of Royal Gun Factory Woolwich, 1899, and Superintendent of Royal Naval Torpedo Factory, Greenock, 1910 ; a C.B. (Civil) 1914. Address : B.T.H. Co.'s Works, WUlesden. Club : United Service. (02214* ACRAMAN. Capt. Ivor Yorath, M.B.E, ACRES, Major (T. Lieut.-Col.)" Thomas George, O.B.E. ACTON, Ellen Marion, C.B.E. War Work: Assistant Secretary, Incorporated Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society. Address : Ladies' Park Club, 32, Knightsbridge, S.W. (C2408) ACTON, Frederick, C.B.E., J.P., b. 20 Sept. 1845 ; s. of James Acton, of the Elms, Nottingham ; m. Frances, d. of Simeon Woodhouse, of Mapperley, Notts. Edue. : WUlougbby House, Nottingham. Sheriff of Nottingham, 1879-80 ; High Sheriff of Lincolnshire, 1915-16 ; J.P. for Lines, and Notting ham ; Deputy Chairman, Lindsey Sessions ; Hon. President National Deposit Friendly Society ; Chairman Nottingham General Hospital for several years. War Work : Chairman of Nottingham General Hospital throughout tho War, and actively engaged in dealing with some 7000 wounded ; Deputy Chairman to the Duchess of Portland, inaugurating and carrying on EUershe Home, Nottingham, for Sailors and Soldiers of Notts., paralysed consequent on war service ; Deputy Chairman of the Lindsey Appeal Tribunal, etc. Addresses: The Elms, Nottingham ; Miramar, Seacroft, Lincolnshire. Clubs : Notts. and Lines. County. (C2409) A£Ti?.P' MaJ°r William Cawley, O.B.E., R.A.O.C. A£^,9,RTH' CoL Louis Raymond, C.B.B., R.A.O.C. ADAIR, Major Alexander Cecil, O.B.E. ADAIR, Capt. Francis Robert, M.B.E., R\e. h ^AIP'._|^-Gon. Hugh Robert, C.B.E., R.A. (ret)., b. 8 Sept. 1863 ; s. of Gen. Sir C. W. Adair, K.C.B., Royal S™ vJ™-uSll£rl. d- ° ,,T- Cayzer, of Aigburth, Liverpool. ? a J,:C?lTte,V££1 CoIlege: E.M.A., Woolwich. Joined fi-; H n iJul#,1892\_ r4tlred ls ADril> 1920- War Work: r?oAf3hn°h ^d .BrlS--Gen-. Royal ArtUIery. Address: c,o Cox & Co., 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. (C1441) .stoP^'.S?1"- SeSer.tJAlgernon' C-B-B-. E-N., b. 3 Jan. 1872 s. of Rev. B. W. Adams, D.D., of Santry, Co. Dublin ; m. Elizabeth Banner Clough, <.. of Capt. S. Y. Somerset- Johnstone. Educ.: Privately and H.M.S. "Britannia." War ZZ i h ? Tim/md °l. ?'M-S- Queen Jor ^st two years of War and landed Anzac Brigade at DardaneUes ; one year, Prin- S™S?S Transport Officer at Salonika with rank of wort f^wJS,'1 ?«SS !¦ renu.'j»ler of war employed in convoy w°r„k 'n S* TAt ?nJ™- 4*«ss • The ChiUies, Uckfleld, Sussex Club : United Service. (C1175) ADAM, James, C.B.E., K.C., b. 6 Jan. 1870 : « of Lord Earth' ttt 0UhVColl%e of Justice Scotland); Z Edith, d. of the late Rt. Hon. George Young, P C Educ • 22 Warm,., Central Re>. Sing Con_mittee, Sco?land ; rS Cross General Commission National Service Scotland- (MffiburSr Nati™al SefViCe (L°nd0^ bl»™ ^ew ADAM, John Hunter, O.B.E (C420) Ne»on*SfyTe. ^ Ukl^I^^^r Work: Hon. Sec. Comforts Committee (L^?es) for the 16th. BIOGEAPHIES. Addington 18th, and 19th Battalions Northumberland Fusjliers ; Worked at Munitions at Armstrongs', Elswick ; Canteen Work Y.M.C.A. and Victoria League (Hospital Dressings Depot). Addresses : 8, Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Luddick, Kenton, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Club : Ladies' Athenscum. (M7181) ADAM, Robert, O.B.E. ADAM, Major Ronald Forbes, D.S.O., O.B.E., R.F.A., b. 13 Oct. 1885 ; s. of Sir Frank Forbes Adam, Bart., C.B., CLE., LL.D., D.L., of Pownall Hall, Cheshire ; m. Dorothy, d. of Frederick Islay Pitman, of Breymead, Berks. Educ. : Eton and R.M.A., Woolwich. War Work : France and Italy, 1914 to 1918. Addresses : Pownall Hall, Wilmoton, Cheshire ; Quebec House, Bordon. Club : Naval and MUitary. (06341) ADAMI, Col. John George, C.B.E., F.R.S., M.A..M.D. (Camb.), F.R.C.P. (Lond.), F.R.C.S. (Eng.), F.R.S.S. (Edin.), 1898, Canada 1902, M.A., M.D. (ad eundem) McGill 1899, LL.D. (New Brunswick) 1900, Toronto (1912), Sc.D. (T.C.D.) 1912, Vice-ChanceUor of the Univ. of Liverpool since 1919, 6. 12 Jan. 1862 ; s. of the late John George Adami, of Manchester and Ashton-upon-Mersey, Cheshire : m. Mary Stuart (died 1916), d. of James Alexander Cantlie, of Montreal. Educ. : Owens CoUege, Manchester ; Christ's CoU. (Camb.), (Scholar) ; Breslau, and Paris (1st class 1st pt. Nat. Sc. Tripos, 1882 ; 1st cl. 2nd pt. 1884; Darwin Prizeman, 1885). House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, and Demonstrator of Pathology, Univ. of Camb., 1887 ; John Lucas Walker Student of Path ology, 1890 ; Fellow, Jesus CoU., 1891 ; Advisory Pathologist to the Montreal General and Royal Victoria Hospitals ; Presi dent, Association American Physicians, 1911-12 ; Canadian Association Prevention Tuberculosis, 1909-12 ; Montreal City Improvement League. 1909 : Montreal Child Welfare Exhibition, 1912 ; Col. C.A.M.C., Medical Historical Recorder, Canadian Expeditionary Force ; member W.O. Committee on Medical History of the War ; Strathcona Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology, McGill University, Montreal, 1892-1919 ; FothergiUian Medallist, Medical Society, London, 1914. Address : The University, Liverpool Clubs : Savile ; University, Exchange and Athenaeum. Liverpool. (C1825) ADAMS, Alexander, O.B.E. (06124) ADAMS, Alfred Montague, M B.E. ADAMS, Arthur Botwell, O.B.E., 6. 1 Oct. 1886 ; s. of WUUam Adams, of Loughton, Essex ; m. Margaret, d. of H. T. Baugust. Educ. : Marlborough, and Emmanuel Coll., Cambridge. H.M. Inspector of Schools. War Work : Adminis trative Officer, Prisoners of War Dept., Home Office. Address : Selby Avenue, St. Albans. (O9870) ADAMS, Lieut.-Col. Sir Arthur Robert, K.B.E., V.D., b. 13 Dec. 1861 ; e.s. of Robert Adams, of Sherborne ; m. Hilda Isabel (died 1907), d. of PhiUp Jones, Assistant Colonial Treasurer, Straits Settlements. Educ. : The Abbey and Foster's Schools, Sherborne. English SoUcitor, 1884 ; Straits Settle ments Bar, 1898 ; Johore Bar, 1917 ; Unofficial Member of the Legislative CouncU, Straits Settlements, 1907-19 ; Senior Unofficial, 1915-19 ; Municipal Commissioner, Penang, 1891, and subsequent years ; has on several occasions acted as SoUcitor-General of the Colony ; Vice-President S.S. Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society ; FeUow, Royal Colonial Institute ; First President of the Association of Malaya, 1918-19 ; P.D.D.G.M. Eastern Archipelago (ruled the district 1910-11) ;' Commandant, Penang Volunteers, 1899-1919 ; mobilised 1914 till the Armistice ; Lieut.-Col. Commanding troops Penang, 1915-18 ; despatches. Address : Rockleigh, Swanage, Dorset. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Sports' ; Penang, Singapore. (K189) ADAMS, Edgar, M.B.E. ADAMS, Dr. Edward WUliam, O.B.E., M.D., b. 25 Nov. 1873 ; s. of Dr. E. J. Adams, of Sheffield ; m. Winifred, d. of Turton Chatterton, of Sheffield. Educ. : Sheffield and London Univs. Medical Officer, Ministry of Health. War Work : In connection with war work of National Health Insurance Commission, England. Address : Ministry of Health, White- haU, S.W. 1. (09871) ADAMS, T. Lieut. (A. Capt.) Edwin Plimpton, O.B.E., .R.E. ADAMS, Francis WiUiam Rhys, M.B.E., b. 16 Oct. 1874; s. of Henry Adams, of Pembroke. Educ. : St. Paul's School, London. Keeper of Photographs, Imperial War Museum. War Work: Orderly at Hopital Temporaire, Arc-en-Barrois, Haute Marne, France, 1915-16, Officer in charge Photographic Exhibitions (Propaganda), Dept. of Information, 1917 ; Officer In charge Photographic Propaganda, Ministry of Infor mation, 1918. Address : Imperial War Museum, Crystal Palace, S.E. (M3481) ADAMS, Col. Gof ton Gee, C.B.E. 6. 1861 ; Col. (ret.) R.A.M.C. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1442) ADAMS, Harold Cotterell, O.B.E., b. 18 Oct. 1874 ; s. of William Adams, of Gloucester; m. Clare, d. of Charles Rampini, D.L., LL.D., Advocate. Educ. : Bath College and Middlesex Hospital. War Work : CivU Surgeon, S. African Field Force, 1900 ; Major, R.A.M.C, second in Command, 212nd Wessex Ambulance, B.E.F. France. Address: May- hurst, Paignton. (02391) ADAMS, Capt. Henry George Homer, C.B.E., R.N., b. 10 April, 1879 ; s. of the late Rev. C E. Adams ; m. Emma Florence, d. of the late James Craig. Edue. : Oxford Prepar atory School and H.M.S. "Britannia." Present appointment H.M.C.S. "Aurora." War Work: Service in the Grand Fleet, H.M.S. "Russell," Aug. 1914, to July, 1915; H.M.S. " Barham," July, 1915, to Oct. 1918 ; S.N.O., Corfu, 1 Oct. 1918, to Jan. 1919. Address : Camrose, Goring-on-Thames. Club < : Naval and MUitary. (C2283) ADAMS, Herbert Windham, M.B.E., B.A., 6. 9 March, 1879 ; s. of Baldwin Adams, of Melling Hall, Carnforth ; m. Evelyn, d. of C. Bridgewater Williams, of Richmond. Educ.: St. Paul's School, and University Coll., Oxford. Assistant to Manager of Alexander's Discount Co., Ltd. War Work : R.A.S.C and, later, Staff Lieut, at War Office (Q.M.G. 6). Address : 24, Lombard Street, E.C. 3. Clubs : Leander ; Vincent's Roehampton. (M5022) ADAMS, Dr. John, M.B.E., b. 1859 ; s. of John Adams, of Glasgow ; m. Jessie, d. of James Reid, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Banff, privately, and Glasgow University. Physician. War- Work: Medical Service Emergency Committee (Scotland) and of its Executive ; Local Medical Committee (Chairman), British Medical Association, War Work. Address : 1, Queen a Crescent, W., Glasgow. (M3482) ADAMS, Major John Basil FrankUn, O.B.E., R.A.M.C. ADAMS, Capt. John Cadwallader, O.B.E. ADAMS, Major John Hughes, O.B.E., R.F.A. ADAMS, 2nd Lieut. John Leonard, M.B.E, D.S.M., R. 4..F. ADAMS, Capt. Josiah Logan, O.B.E., R.E. ADAMS, Major Kenneth Lemesle, O.B.E., R.E. ADAMS, Major Lewis Charles, C.B.E., b. 1877 ; Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. R.A. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1443) ADAMS, Matthew Henry, M.B.E. ADAMS, Major Paul, O.B.E. ADAMS, Richard Percival, O.B.E. ADAMS, Robert Ernest Kennedy, M.B.E. ADAMS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Robert Frank, M.B.E. ADAMS, Thomas, C.B.E. J.P., Chm. S.-E. Scotland Joint Committee, Min. of Pensions. (C421 ) ADAMS, Capt. Thomas Henry, O.B.E., M.A., b. 16 July, 1887 ; s. of Henry Charles Skelton Adams, of Walsall ; m. Matilda Eliza, d. of Charles Deakin, of Old Southgate, London. Educ. : Bishop Vesey's Grammar School (Warw.), Universities of Birmingham, Munich, and Strasbourg. Senior Assistant Master. War Work : Enlisted as Private Aug. 1914 in 15th Service Batt. R.W.R. ; Transferred Aug. 1915 to Gas Com panies (Special Bde.) Royal Engineers (Sergt.) ; 2nd Lieut., Lt., Special Bde. R.E., 1916-17 ; Captain R.E., InteUigence Officer to Directorate of Gas Services and Special Bde., R.E., G.H.Q., France; Mentioned in Despatches, Dec. 1918. Address; Alva, Reservoir Road, Old Southgate, N. 14. (04941) ADAMS, Thomas Herbert, M.B.E. Schoolmaster. War Work : Honorary Secretary, Lowestoft War Savings Committee. Address : 74, The Avenue, S. Lowestoft. (M7183) ADAMS, WiUiam, O.B.E. ADAMS, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Henry, O.B.E., R.A.O.C. ADAMS, William John, C.B., C.M.G., O.B.E., J.P. ADAMS, Col. Sir Henry Edward GOOLD-, K.B E., C.B., C.M.G., R.A., 6. 16 May, 1860; 5th s. of the late R. W. Goold-Adams. Edue. : R.M.A., Woolwich. Entered Army, 1879 ; Capt., 1887 ; Major, 1897 ; Col., 1911 ; served China, 1901 (despatches, medal, C.M.G.) ; a member of the Ordnance Board, 1910. Address: Jamesbrook, Midleton, Co. Cork. Club : United Service. (K128) ADAMSON, Major and Qr.-Mr. George Herbert, M-B.E., R.A. ADAMSON, John, C.B.E. ; formerly a M.L.A., Queens land. (C1990) ADAMSON, John Stockton, M.B.E., b. 1 Nov. 1877; s. of the late John Stockton Adamson, of Liverpool; m. Margaret Mackie, d. of the late Samuel Kirkness, of Liverpool and Kirkness, Orkney. Educ. : Sedbergh Grammar School. Cotton Broker. War Work : Commandant of West Lancashire T.F.A. and B.R.C.S., V.A.D. No. 27 ; organised and trained 400 Voluntary Workers as Stretcher Bearers and Hospital Orderlies at 18 Local and MUitary Hospitals ; during the war worked personally more than 6000 hours. Address : Silverdale, Victoria Park, Wavertree, Liverpool. (M1323) ADAMSON, Lieut.-Col. Robert Hay, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col- and Hon. Col. R.G.A ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1444) ADCOCK, Lieut. Frank, M.B.E., R.E. ADCOCK, Lieut.-Comm. Frank Ezra, O B.E., R.N.V.R. ADCOCK, Fred, M.B.E. ADCOCK, Capt. Frederick Harold, M.B.E., R.F.A. (T.F.) ADDENBROOKE, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Saunders, O.B.E., ADDIE, Col. John Heathcote, C.B.E.; Col. New Armies, and Dep. Director of Agriculture; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1213) ADDIE, Julia Constance, Mrs., M.B.E. ADDINGTON, John Gellibrand Hubbard, Lord, O.B.E., of Addington, co. Buckingham, b. 7 June, 1883 ; s. of Egerton, 2nd Baron Addington (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Christ Church CoU., Oxford. Capt. Bucks Batt., Oxford and Bucks 23 Addington THE OEDEE OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. Light Infantry. Served in the Great War. Address : Adding ton, nr. Winslow, Bucks. Club : Bachelor's. (09712) ADDINGTON, Maud Florence, O.B.E. b. 25, Feb. 1863 ; d. of the late Major the Hon. L. A. Addington, of Ratclyffe, Devon (see BURKE'S Peerage, Sidmouth V.). Educ. : At home. War Work : Chief of the Lady Staff on M.S. 3 Cas. War Office, under Major H.Stanton, M.V.O., from 14 Sept. 1915, to 30 Aug. 1919. Club : Forum. (09874) ADDIS, Frederick Henry, O.B.E., V.D., A.M.Inst.C.E , 6.24 Feb. 1862; s. of the late H. B. Addis; m. Elsie d. of G. F. Cumberland, of Selby. Educ. Dollar Academy and King's CoU., London. Locomotive and Carriage Supt., Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Rly., Metre Gauge Section, India (retired). War Work : Engaged in manufacture and supply of armoured trains, munitions, and rolling stock for Mesopotamia and East Africa ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 21, Wellington Road, Bridlington, Yorks. Club : Royal Societies'. (O4008) ADDISCOTT, William James, M.B.E. ADDISCOTT, Elizabeth Mary, M.B.E. (M10244a) ADDISON, Guy Frederick, M.B.E., b. 5 Nov. 1885 ; s. of George Thomas Addison, of Halifax ; m. Elsie Annie, d. of Alfred Duce, of Dudley. Educ. : Halifax. Works Manager, A. Harper, Sons and Bean, Ltd., Waddam's Pool Works, Dudley, Worcestershire. War Work : Mass Produc tion of Munitions of War (practice shot, Shrapnel shell, high explosive sheU and 60 pdr. B.L. guns). (M7185) ADDISON, Joseph Bartlett, M.B.E. ADDISON, Capt. Lancelot Mark, M.B.E., A.I.F.. ADDISON, Stanley, M.B.E. (M10266) ADDISON, Major Sydney Wentworth, O.B.E., R.A.F. ADDY, Lieut. Ernest, M.B.E., R.N., b. 15 May, 1869 ; s. of George Addy, of Shelley, Huddersfleld ; m. Catherine, d. of Charles Howard, of Southsea. War Work : Served during the war in H.M. Gunnery School " Excellent," Ports mouth, and at the Admiralty in Director of Naval Ordnance's Department. Address : 56, KenUworth Avenue, Wimbledon Park, S.W. 19. (M1325) ADEANE, Jean Henrietta, O.B.E., d. of Henry John Adeane, of Babraham, Cambridge, M.P. for Cambs., and Hon. Maud Adeane, d. of 1st Lord Stanley of Alderley. War Work : Commandant, Stanley Hospital for Sailors and Soldiers, Holyhead ; President, Free Buffet for Soldiers and Sailors, Holyhead. Addresses : Plas Llanfawr, Holyhead ; Lennox Lodge, London, S.W. (09875) ADEY, Lieut.-Col. John Kellerman, O.B.E. ADKIN, Paymaster-Lieut. Guy Tempest, M.B.E., R.N.R. ADKIN, Rev. Walter Kenrick Knight, O.B.E., B.A., R.N. ADKINS, Lieut. George, M.B.E. ADKINS, Capt. WUUam John, M.B.E., 6. 17 Dec. 1865; s. of Colour-Sergt. James Adkins, of late 28th Regt. of Foot ; m. Minnie, d. of Hovel HU1, of PrickwUlow, Ely, Cambs. Educ. : Army Schools. Served in S.A. War (Queen's Medal) ; King George V. Coronation, Long Service and Good Conduct Medals. War Work : Embodied with 6th Gloucester Regt., Aug. 1914 (Qr.-Mstr.) ; France March, 1915, to Aug. 1917 ; transferred to R.A.F. April, 1918 ; DemobUised from R.A.F , Jan. 1920 ; mentioned in despatches, F.M. Haig (Gazette 1 Jan. 1917). Addresses: 16, The Paragon, Bath; 42, Shake speare Cresent, Manor Park, E. (M5904) ADLER, Capt. Herbert Marcus, M.B.E., M.A., LL.M., b. 16 Jan. 1876 ; s. of Marcus N. Adler, M.A., of London. Educ. : City of London School, and St. John's Coll. Cambridge. Barrister-at-Iaw. War Work : Adjutant M.T. Training Depot, R.A.S.C, Osterley Park. Address : 5, Abercorn Place, N.W. 8. (M5025) AFFLECK, Florence Bessie, M.B.E.,,. 25 Mar. 1879 ; d. of John Murray Affleck, of High Wycombe. Educ.: Ellerker College. War Work : Commandant of V.A.D. Bucks. 52 ; part organiser of Wycombe V.A.D. Hospital, and afterwards re sponsible for the catering. Address : Priory Avenue, High Wycombe. (M70) AGABEG, Col. Frank Joseph, O.B.E, AGLEN, Sir Francis Arthur, K.B.E., b. 17 Oct. 1869 ; s. of the late Ven. A. S. Aglen ; m. Senga Marion, d. of Prof. Bayley Balfour. Edue. : Marlborough. Inspector-General Maritime Customs, China, since 1911 ; joined the Customs, 1888 ; Deputy Commissioner, 1896 ; Commissioner, Tientsin 1897 ; Nanking, 1899-1900, 1901-3 ; Shanghai, 1900-1 ; Chief Secretary Inspectorate-General, Peking, 1903-4 ; Com missioner, Hankow, 1906 ; Deputy Inspector-General, 1910 ; Officiating Inspector-General, 1910-11 ; Civil rank, 2nd Class, with Imperial Order ; Double Dragon, 2nd Division, 2nd Class ; Order of the China Ho, First Class. Address : In spectorate-General of Customs, Peking, China. Club : Royal Societies'. (K48) AGLIONBY, Rosa Frances, M.B.E. ; d. of Rev. Dr. Aglionby, Vicar of Newbold Pacey, Warwick. War Work : Under British Red Cross Society. Address : Newbold Pacey Vicarage, Warwick. Club : Lyceum. (M7186) AGNEW, Capt. Andrew, M.B.E. AGNEW, Andrew, C.B.E., .. 28 Feb. 1882 ; s. of Andrew Agnew, of Greenock ; m. BeUe, d. of James McClymont, of Girvan. Educ. : Greenock. Member Legislative Council, Straits Settlements (ret.) ; Justice of the Peace. War Work : Chairman Mesopotamian Riv»r Craft Committee, Singapore ; Member Straits Settlements Food Control and Shipping Com mittees ; Commandant Singapore Civil Guard. Address : St . Helens Court, Great St. Helens, E.C. (C384) 24 AGNEW, Charles Morland, O.B.E., M.A., b. 14 Dec. 1856; s. of Sir WiUiam Agnew, of Manchester and London (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. Evelyn Mary, d. of William Nayler, of Paddington. Educ. : Rugby School, and Trinity College, Cambridge. War Work : Red Cross Society, missing and wounded department. Addresses : Durrants, Croxley Green, Herts. ; 9, Cavendish Square, W. Clubs : Reform ; Farmers' ; Lord's. (O1042) AGNEW, Sir Patrick Dalreagle, K.B.E., Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John, b. 26 AprU, 1868 ; s. of WiUiam Henry Agnew, of Victoria, Australia ; m. Elizabeth Frances Seaton, d. of Lt.-Col. C. F. Massy, of Grantstown, Tipperary. Educ.: Bedford Grammar School; BaUiol College, Oxford. Joined Indian CivU Service in 1889 ; Assistant Commissioner in Panjab till 1898 ; Deputy Commissioner, 1898 ; Divisional Judge, 1910 : Officiating Judge, Chief Court, 1913 ; retired 1914, War Work : Hon. Sec. Indian Soldiers Fund, 1914-16 ; Manag ing Director and Vice-Chairman Central Prisoners of War Committee, 1916-19. Address : 8, Northmooi Road, Oxford. Club : East India United Service. (K339) AGNEW, Capt. Samuel Montagu, O.B.E., R.N., b. 22 Feb. 1867 ; s. of Capt. John de Courcy Agnew, R.N. Club : Naval and Military. (O1043) AHERN, Major Michael David, O.B.E., R.A.M.C AHERN, Lieut.-Comm. Michael John, O.B,E., R.N. AHERNE, Major Denis, O.B.E., R.H.A. AIKMAN, Andrew, M.B.E. AINLEY, Lieut.-Col. Richard, O.B.E. AINSCOUGH, Thomas Martland, O.B.E., M.Com., F.R.G.S., b. 12 Aug. 1886 ; s. of J. M. Ainscough, J.P., of Lindley Mount, Parbold, Lanes. ; m. Mabel, 3rd d. of Wm. Lincolne, of Ely, Cambs. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School and Manchester Univ. His Majesty's Senior Trade Commissioner in India and Ceylon ; travelled widely in China and Eastern Tibet ; Special Commissioner of the Board of Trade in China, 1914-15 ; Secre tary of the Board of Trade TextUes Comm., 1916-17 ; Secretary ofthe Empire Cotton Growing Committee, 1917 ; proceeded to India to take up appointment as H.M. Senior Trade Com missioner in India and Ceylon, 1918 ; Expert Assistant attached to the Commission for the Revision of the Persian Tariff, 1920, Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Bengal, Calcutta. (O80) AINSLIE, Lieut. Eustace Montagu Lafone, M.B.E. R.A.F. AINSWORTH, Ina Cameron, Mrs., M.B.E., b. 6 Nov. 1876 ; d. of John Scott ; m. John, s. of John Dawson Ainsworth, of Manchester. War Work : Continuous services on behalf of the East African Expeditionary Force. Address : 18, Maple Avenue, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. (M6407) AINSWORTH, Col. John, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O., b. 16 June, 1864 ; s. of John Dawson Ainsworth, of Manchester ; m. Ina Cameron, d. of the late John Scott. Edue. : Privately. H.M. Vice-Consul, E.A.P., 1896-1902 ; Provincial Commissioner E.A.P. 1895-1917 ; MUitary Commissioner for Labour East Africa Expeditionary Force, with rank of Colonel, 1917-18; Chief Native Commissioner E.A.P. from 1918 ; Member of Executive and Legislative CouncUs, E.A.P. War Work : Recruitment of natives for the King's African Rifles and as carriers for the E.A. Expeditionary Force. Address : Chorlton- cum-Hardy, Manchester. (C2013) AINSWORTH, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam John, C.B.E., D.S.O., b. 1873 ; s. of late Capt. WilUam Ainsworth (formerly 53rd and 106th L.I.), of Spotland, Rochdale, Lancashire, and Trentham House, Twickenham Park, Middlesex. Entered Durham L.I. 1893; Capt. 1901, Major, 1914; Brevet Lieut.- Col. 1917 ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1900 (despatches) ; Staff Officer, 1911; D.A.A.G. 1914; A.A.G. 1916; has 4th class Serbian Order of the White Eagle. Club : Junior Lmted Service. (C779) AIREY, Lieut-Col. Harold Morris, C.B.E. ; Hon. Lieut.- Col. R.M. War Services : with Wireless Telegraphv during Great War. (C2351) AIREY Major Rowland Montagu, O.B.E., M.C, b. 7 Jan. 1884 ; s. of Major Airey, late 24th Regt. Edue. : St. Paul s School, and R.M. College, Camberley. War Work : D.A.A.M.G. 37th Division July, 1915 to July, 1917 ; D.A.D.P. War Office July, Oct. 1917 to Jan. 1920. Address : C/o Sir C R McGngor, Bart., & Co., 39, Panton Street, S.W. a /i. Junior United Service ; Marlborough. (O4306) n AIRLIE, Mabell Frances EUzabeth, Coun.ess Dowager of, G.B.E 6. 10 March, 1866 ; d. of the Earl of Arran, of Castle bore, Ireland (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. David.Earl of Airlie, late Lt.-Col. 12th i Royal Lancers, kiUed at Diamond HiU, Pretoria, t„ rw_V. I?00 (se«BD*KE'.E [Peerage). Lady of the Bedchamber TTnSn^w??^ ' V'£e ^J?.6?*' £™y Nursing Board ; President Oastfe AivthBTSh' ^otAtls£ K?? ?oss- Addresses: AirUe ai%r4iyichAx?'?- ; 56. Ashley Gardens, S.W. (D.G.29) AITCHISON, Agnes Mary, M.B.E. * AITCHISON, George, M.B.E CC b 9 Tan issq • <, rt William Aitchison, of BriWy HiU,' Hawick,- liff^lLjSitf i.01 c;,f Hough, J.P., of White Craggs, Ambleside War'Wo^T^01^- bounty Councillor foTweftmorland: WffidSre. ^ Ma]OT R-A-S-°- AMress: ¦*»"*<}$& ^,™S' Committee, Berwickshire. Club : Queen's (Edin- (M7188) burgh). BIOGEAPHIES. Aldworth AITKEN, Major AUan Beacon, O.B.E., M.C AITKEN, Andrew, M.B.E., J.P., CC ; s. of the late Andrew Blair Aitken, of Carsehead, Dairy, Ayrshire ; m. Annie Barclay Hogarth, d. of the late John Hogarth, Provost of Ardrossan. Educ. : Royal Academy, Irvine, and High School, Glasgow. Woollen Manufacturer. Member of County Council of Ayrshire, and Convener of Northern District Com mittee of County CouncU, also member of Northern District Licensing Court from the time of its inception ; Chairman of Dairy Gas-Light Coy., Ltd., Dairy, Ayrshire. War Work : Member of County Local Tribunal during all the time of its existence. Chairman of Dairy Parish Council from 1895 to 1915 when war work claimed more attention, therefore resigned that office. Address : One Ash, Dairy, Ayrshire. Club : Scottish Constitutional (Glasgow). (M1328) AITKEN, Constance Margaret, M.B.E., b. 17 Dec. 1890 ; d. of late Andrew Aitken, of Spalding, Lincolnshire. Educ. : Privately. Divisional Superintendent, Ministry of Pensions. War Work: 4 years in the Ministry of Pensions engaged on duties connected with the award and payment of dlsabUity pensions to soldiers invalided in the Great War. Address : Royal Hospital, Chelsea, S.W. 3. (M7189) AITKEN, David Jeffrey, O.B.E. AITKEN, James Herbert, O.B.E AITKEN, Jean Reid, M.B.E., b. SO Jan. 1895 ; d. of Alex. Aitken, of Stranraer. Edue. : Stranraer High School and Glasgow and West of Scotland CoUege of Domestic Science. Staff Mistress of Cookery in the Training School for Teachers of Domestic Science, Preston. War Work : Head and Organ ising Cook at Hinton St. George Flax Camp, Somerset, in summer of 1918. Address: Bowie Cottage, Stranraer. (M3484) AITKEN, Major John Christie, M.B.E. AITKEN, John Malcolm, M.B.E., J.P., F.H. A.S., b . 24 Feb. 1855 ; s. of the late Mark Aitken, of Oaklands, Crieff, N.B. ; m. Isobella WUson, d. of the late WilUam Macindoe, M.D., of Lockerbie. Educ. : Crieff, and Edinburgh. Estate Agent to Sir Robert W. Buchanan-Jardine, Bart., CastlemUk ; is a Member of Dumfriesshire County Council ; chairman of the County PubUc Health Committee, also of Lockerbie District Committee, and of other PubUc Bodies. War Work : acted as first Town Manager of the Townships at H.M. Factory, Gretna, the duties of which office included the setting up of the numerous services connected with the communal life of the Townships; assisted with recruiting, served on the Dumfriesshire Local Tribunal, and was Chairman of the Lockerbie District Food Production Committee. Address : Norwood, Lockerbie, N.B. Clubs : Dumfries and GaUoway County ; Scottish Conservative. (M7190) AITKEN, Robert Young, O.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.S., J.P. • Educ. : Glasgow University. Surgeon, Blackburn Royal Infirmary. War Work : Medical Officer in charge, EUerslie AuxUiary Hospital, Blackburn ; Operating Surgeon, Queen Mary's MUitary Hospital, WhaUey. Address : Oakfield, Blackburn. (04346) AITKENHEAD, WUUam, M.B.E. AITKIN, Major James Alexander HamUton, O.B.E., M.B., R.A.M C. (T.F.). AITON, John Arthur, C.B.E., b. 1864 ; s. of John Aiton ; m. 1895, AdrianaW. Stoop of Dordrecht, HoUand. Mechanical Engineer, and Chm. Derbyshire Munitions Committee ; Ad dress : Duffield Park, Derby. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; Derbyshire. (C85) AKERMAN, Conrad, M.B.E., M.B. AKERMAN, Lieut. John Camille, C.B.E. AKERS, Charles Wrightson, M.B.E. AKERS, Capt. Wilfred Stuart, O.B.E. AKHURST, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WilUam Harry, M.B.E. ALABASTER, Chaloner GrenvUle, O.B.E., b. 24 July, 1880; s. of the late Sir Chaloner Alabaster K.C.M.G. ; m. Mabel Winifred Mary, <_. of Col. E. P. Mainwaring, of 39th Garwahl Rifles. JZduc. : Tonbridge. Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), 1904; Acting Attorney- General, Hongkong. 1911, 1912;- Member of Legislative Council, Hongkong 1911, 1912, 1919; Deputy Censor of Cables, Hongkong, 1914-17. Ad dress: Cheung Chow, Hongkong. Clubs: Thatched House; Hongkong; Peak. (0981) ALBAN, Arthur David, O.B.E., 6. 12 March, 1862 ; s. of the late Major Thomas Clifton Alban, Bombay Staff Corps ; m. AmeUa Anna, ¦ d. of the late Alexander Fritsch. Educ. : Cheltenham CoUege. H.M. Consul- General at Alexandria, Egypt. War Work : H.M. Consul in Cairo during the war. (O2130) ALBANY, Capt. Sidney Charles, M.B.E. ALBRECHT, Major Vaudrey Adolph, O.B.E., M.C. ALBRIGHT, George Stacey, C.B.E., M.A., J.P.,6. 15'June, 1855 ; s. of Arthur Albright, of Mariemont, Edgbaston ; m. Isabella Margaret, d. of Smith Harrison, of Southwoodford, Essex. Educ. : Tottenham ; Trinity College, Cambridge. County Alderman, Worcestershire. War Work : Panel of Munitions Inventions Department, Nitrogen Products Com mittee ; Airships Committee of Board of Invention and Research. Address : Bromsberrow Place, Ledbury. Club : New University. (C2410) ALCIDE, Capt. Edward Augustus, M.B.E., b. June, 1869, Shipmaster, commanding S.S. " Inkula." War Work : In spector of Civil Police Force, Ruhleten Camp, 1915-18. Address : 34, Alexandra Road, Gt. Crosby, Lanes. (M7192) ALCOCK, Lieut. Charles WiUiam, M.B.E. 25 ALCOCK, Edgar, M.B.E. ALCOCK, Commander Reginald, C.B.E., F.R.C.S. (Edin. 1910), J.P., b. 1868; s. of John Alcock, J.P., of Portland House, Burslem ; m. EUzabeth Colebrooke, d. of Rev. James Cowan, of Crawfordjohn. Educ. : Victoria Univ., Manchester. Justice of the Peace for the Borough of Stoke-on-Trent (1920) ; Senior Honorary Surgeon North Staffordshire Innrmary- Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent. War Work : Senior Surgeon, Stoke, on-Trent War Hospital. Address : Chatterley Hoiise, Hanley, Staffordshire. (C1150) ALCOCK, Violet May, M.B.E., b. 14 May, 1878 ; d. of C. W. Alcock, late Secretary of the Surrey County Cricket Club. Educ. : Privately in England and Germany. Formerly Assistant Editor of the " Girl's Realm " ; Secretary to the Lyceum Club Bureau ; Employed on Royal Commission on the Income Tax, now by Inland Revenue ; Contributed to " DaUy Mall," " Pall Mall Gazette," " Lady's Realm," etc., etc. War Work : Junior Administrative Assistant in the War Trade Department. Address : Hazelwood, Richmond, Surrey. (M1329) ALCORN, Alexander, O.B.E. ALDAM, Sarah JuUa WARDE-,Mrs., M.B.E., A.R.R.C ; d. of Rev. William Warde, of Hooton Pagnell Hall, Yorks. ; m. WUliam Wright, J. P., D.L. (who assumed the additional surname of Warde by Royal licence, 1878), s. of William Aldam, of Frickley Hall. Educ. : At home and in Isle of Wight. Landowner and Lady of the Manor of Hooton Pagnell. War Work : Equipped her house at Hooton Pagnell as an AuxUiary MUitary Hospital (100 beds) and was the Commandant and General Administrator from its acceptance in Aug. 1914, until AprU, 1919 ; President of Hooton Pagnell District War Savings Association ; President of the S. Yorks Branch of the West Riding Women's Agricultural Committee; also inaugurated and managed three War Working Parties at Hooton Pagnell, Clayton, and South Elmsall. Address : Hooton Pagnell Hall, Doncaster, Yorks. Club : Albemarle. (M1330) ALDEN, Lieut. Arthur Rhodes, M.B.E., b. 22 Dec. 1894 ; s. of Leonard H. Alden, of Eastwyke, Oxford. Edue. : King's Grammar School, Warwick, and High School, Oxford. Civil Servant. War Work: Inns of Court O.T.C, June, to Dec. 1915 ; with 1/11 London Regt. in Egypt and Palestine, Jan. 1916 to Oct. 1917 ; classified unfit, Bl, Oct. 1917, and attached Graves Registration Unit, E.E.F. ; appointed to command MobUe section, G.R.U., E.E.F., Jan. 1919. Address : East wyke, Abingdon Rd., Oxford. (M4666) ALDER, George, M.B.E. ALDER, Wilfred, O.B.E. ALDERMAN, Col. Robert, CLE., O.B.E., Indian Army Reserve of Officers; served in Mesopotamia, 1917-18 (de spatches; CLE.). (06566) ALDERSON, Lieut. James Richard, O.B.E., R.A.S.C ALDERSON, Major William Frederick, O.B.E. ALDHAM, Lieut. Michael Seymour, O.B.E., R.A.S.C, (M.T.) ALDINGTON, Lieut.-Col. Charles, C.B.E., b. 20 Dec. 1862; s. of John Aldington, of Tanworth, Warwickshire ; m. Rosina, d. of Richard Thomas, of Mullion, Cornwall. Educ. : Packwood School. Lieut.-Col. R.E. (Engineer and RaUway Staff Corps) ; General Manager of Great Western Railway. War Work : Railway Transport arrangements as Superintendent of the Line, Great Western Railway. Address : 53, Eastbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, W. Club : Constitutional. (C86) ALDIS, Arthur Cyril Webb, M.B.E. ALDOM, Major Herbert Raymond Salisbury, M.B.E. (MU.), b. 28 Dec. 1883 ; s. of H. C Aldom, of Eastbourne. Edue. : Privately. Secretary, Warrenpoint Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd. War Work : Sub-Inspector, West minster Special Constabulary, 1914 ; Recruiting Staff, St. Pancras, 1916 ; Chief Registration Officer, 7th R.D.R.A., 1917 ; Asst. to Colonel in charge of Records, Hounslow, 1918-20. Clubs : Sports ; Royal AutomobUe. (M6591) ALDRIDGE, AUen Garnies, O.B.E., J.P. ALDRIDGE, Ernest Charles, M.B.E. ALDRIDGE, Lieut.-Col. Evelyn, O.B.E. ALDRIDGE, Samuel Kendrick, O.B.E., F.L.A.A., 6. 13 Jan. 1873 ; s. of Samuel Aldridge, of Birmingham ; m. Rose, d. of Thomas Briant, of Tring, Herts. Educ. : Haber dashers' Company's School, London. Examiner in Exchequer and Audit Dept., London 1892-1912. War Work : Accountant in Employment Dept., Ministry of Labour, 1912-16 ; Chief Accountant, Ministry of Food. 1916 ; Finance member of National Kitchens Committee 1917 ; Member of Finance Sub-Committee of War Cabinet Committee on Industrial Unrest, 1919-20. Address : 17, St. James' Avenue, London, N.W. 2. (09878) ALDRIDGE, WUUam Frederick, M.B.E., b. 25 Sept. 1872 ; s. of Richard Paul Aldridge, of Melbourne, Australia ; m. Ethel May, d. of Louis Henry Marks, of Maida Vale, London, W. Educ. : Various Secondary Schools. War Work : Super vising Clerk, War Office. Address : Clifton House, Kilburn Square, N.W. 6. Club: Paddington Conservative. (M1333) ALDWORTH, Dorothea Anne Harvey, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of the late Richard William Drew, of Bletchingley House, Surrey ; m. John Richard Oliver Aldworth, British Resident, Negri Sembilan, F.M.S., s. of the late Colonel Robert Aldworth, J.P. of Co. Cork, War Work : Worked on behalf of British and Allied War Charities in the Federated Malay States. Addresses : British Residency, Seremban, Federated Malay States ; Claremont, Dorking, Surrey. Club : Forum. (M6408) Aldworth THE OEDEE OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. ALDWORTH, Capt. Thomas Preston, D.S.O., O.B.E. ALEXANDER, Alfred, M.B.E., b. 14 Feb. 1858 ; *. of WUliam Alexander, of Aldeburgh, Suffolk ; m. Catherine Mary, d. of Henry Spindler, of Thorpeness, Suffolk. Educ. : Aldeburgh National School. Fisherman and ex-Coxswain of Thorpeness Lifeboat. War Work: Coast Watcher (4 years). Address: Alexandra House, Thorpeness, nr. Leiston, Suffolk. (M6097) ALEXANDER, Capt. Arnold, M.B.E. ; 1/4 Border Regt. (T.F.) attd. M.W.S., I. A. (M10213) ALEXANDER, Major Arthur Charles Bridgeman, O.B.E., b. 23 May, 1873 ; s. of Arthur Harvey Alexander, late of Hazelwood, Dufftown, Banffshire ; m. Amy Louise, d. of WUliam Bowland Faulkner, late of Westergate House, King ston-on-Thames. Educ. : Royal Naval Academy, Gosport, Bedford, and R.M.C Sandhurst. Gazetted Seaforth High landers, May, 1893 ; Promoted Captain, Nov. 1899 ; Invalided and retired on pension, 1912. War Work : Served with 3rd Bn. Dorsetshire Regt. May, 1915, to Nov. 1915 ; appointed General Staff Officer, Bermuda Command, Nov. 1915, and gazetted Major, Reserve of Officers, Seaforth Highlanders ; replaced on Retired List, June, 1919, on return from Bermuda ; received the thanks of the Army Council for "the valuable services rendered during the war." Club : Army and Navy. (06832) ALEXANDER, Brig.-Gen. Charles Henry, C.B.E., R.A. (retired), b. 2 June, 1856 ; s. of John Alexander, of Milford, Carlow ; m. Isabel Annie, d. of the late Sir CampbeU Ross, K.C.B. Educ. : Uppingham ; R.M.A., Woolwich. Served in Royal ArtiUery, 1876-1908 ; Colonel, 1908. War Work : Rejoined from retired list, in Great War, 10 Oct. 1914 ; formed 21st Divisional ArtiUery and commanded it with rank of Brig.-Gen. until after the battle of Loos, 1915 ; subsequently commanded 69th Divisional ArtiUery, No. 6 Reserve Brigade, R.F.A. (T.), and No. 5 C. Reserve Brigade, R.F.A. ; mentioned in despatches for valuable services during the war ; Brig- General, 1918. Address : 96, Bouverie Road, Folkestone. Club : Royal Automobile. (C797) ALEXANDER, Donald Clark, M.B.E. ALEXANDER, Edith Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E. ALEXANDER, Eleanor Jane, M.B.E., A.R.R.C, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem ; d. of William Alexander, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland. War Work : Commandant of Auxiliary Military Hospital and served on County Committees of the Order of St. John and B.R.CS. Address : Hampton Court Palace. (M7197) ALEXANDER, Frederick, O.B.E., b. 1878 ; s. of Robert Alexander, of Liverpool. Educ. : Cheltenham College. War Work: British Red Cross, France and Italy. Address: Ogbeare Hall. Holsworthy, Devon. (01046) ALEXANDER, George Edward, O.B.E. ALEXANDER, George Hamilton, M.B.E. Chief Boat swain, R.N. ALEXANDER, Major (T. Lieut.-Col.) Heber Maitland, D.S.O., O.B.E., 6. 1 Feb. 1881 ; s. of Major C. A. Alexander, of Ugley, Essex ; in. 1st Mary Brenda (d. 1914), d. of late J. H. B' Walch, of Tasmania, 2nd, Violet Lilian (widow of Major H. M. Hogg, 32nd Lancers, Indian Army), d. of Lieut.-Col. S. L. ApUn, C.S.I., late Burmah Commission. Educ. : Clifton College and R.M.C. Sandhurst. Indian Army. War Work : In command of 9th Mule Corps, Indian Army, France, Sept. 1914, to April, 1915, with Lahore Div. ; Gallipoli, April to No v. 1915, with Australian and New Zealand Army Corps ; present at first landing in Gallipoli and at battle of Suvla Bay (despatches). Clubs : Naval and MUitary ; Junior Naval and MUitary. (08427) ALEXANDER, Capt. James Ulick Francis Canning, O.B.E. ALEXANDER, James Young, O.B.E., 6. 1868. Educ. : Dumfries Academy. Director of Alexander Cross and Sons, Ltd., Glasgow. War Work : Supervisor of Feeding Stuffs for Scotland. Address : 19, Hope Street, Glasgow. Clubs : Conservative ; S.A.C (O9880) ALEXANDER, Col. John Donald, C.B.E., D.S.O.. b. 11 April, 1867 ; s. of Very Rev. John Alexander, Dean of Ferns ; m. Geoigina Eleanor, d. of Alexander Going, of Altavila. Educ. : St. Columba College, and Trinity College, Dublin. Lieutenant in the R.A.M.C. 30 Jan. 1892, and was promoted Captain 3 years later ; took part in the Tirah Campaign 1897-98 (twice mentioned in despatches) ; also in the South African War of 1899-1902 (three times mentioned in de spatches); was promoted Major in 1906, Lieut.-Colonel in 1914, and Colonel in 1917. War Work : Served during the Great War from October, 1914, till the termination of hostilities in France and Flanders (four times mentioned in despatches, D.S.O., C.B.E.) (C1214 ALEXANDER, John William, b. of July, 186± : s. of R. L. Alexander, of New Southgate ; m. Annie, d. cf Charles Ferry, of Dalston. Educ. : Privately. Merchant. War Work • Founder of Voluntary War Hospital Supplies Depot, Southend- on-Sea ; Hon. General Secretary, V.A.D. Transport and Hospital Work. Address : Arima, Ailsa Road, WestcUff-on-Sea, Essex. (M17981 ALEXANDER, Juliet, Mrs., M.B.E. ALEXANDER, Margaret Katharine Hon. Mrs. Walter, M.B.E. (see Burke's Peerage, Verulam E. and Caledon E.) ALEXANDER, Major Kay, O.B.E. ALEXANDER, Major Robert Donald Thain, O.B.E- D.S.O. Capt. and Acting Major, London Regt. War Services ¦ Mesopotamia, 1915-18 (despatches). (04188) ALEXANDER, Rose, Mrs., O.B.E., b. 10 Dec. 1883; d. of Major H. G. Newcorae, of Aldershot Manor ; m. Brig.- Gen. E. W. Alexander, V.C, C.B., C.M.G., s. of Robert Alexander of Liverpool. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Chairman and Hon. Organiser, Aldershot War Hospital Supply Depot. and Hon. Sec. Ladies Central Committee, Aldershot Command. Address : HorsweU House, Kingsbridge, S. Devon. Club : Ladies' Empire. (09881) ALEXANDER, Samuel Grant, M.B.E., L.R.I.B.A., F.F.S., J.P., Architect, m. Sara Margarete Heydon, d. of Kenneth Mackenzie, of Cape Town, S.A. Educ. : Privately and Rain- ing's College. War Work : Hon. County Secretary for Inver ness-shire Branch British Red Cross Society ; Hon. Sec. Leys Castle AuxUiary Red Cross, Hospital ; Hon. Sec. Q.M.M.G. Surgical Branch, Highland War Hospital Supply Depot. Address : WUlow Bank, Inverness. Clubs : Highland (Inver ness) ; Chelsea Arts. (M1334) ALEXANDER, Stanley Walter, M.B.E. ALEXANDER, Brig.-Gen. Sir William, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. , b. 4 May, 1874 ; s. of Thomas Alexander, of Brentham Park, Stirling ; m. Beatrice Evelyn, d. of the late J ohn Ritchie, of Bingham, Parramatta. Educ : Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow University, and Gottingen. Managing Director of Messrs Charles Tennant & Company, Ltd., Glasgow. War Work : France, 1914-16 ; Director of Administration, National Explosives Factories ; ControUer of Aircraft Supply and Production, Ministry of Munitions, 1917-18 ; Director-General of Purchases, Ministry of Munitions (Supply), 1918-19 ; Member of Air Council, 1918-19. Address : 4, Whitehall Court, S.W. 1. Clubs : Junior Army and Navy ; Royal Air Force ; Conser vative, Glasgow ; Ranelagh. (K340) ALEXANDRE, Capt. Philip George, O.B.E. (MU.), b 2 Feb. 1884 ; s. of Philip Luce Alexandre, of Jersey, Channel Islands : m. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Gartside, of Smithy Bridge, Rochdale. Lanes. Edue. : Leeds High School. De partmental Manager for the Eagle, Star and British Dominions Insurance Co., Ltd. War Work : 11th Yorkshire Regt., 1915 ; in France with 10th Batt. Yorkshire Regiment, Somme, Arras, Cambrai, etc., 1916-17 ; Chief British Signalling Instructor to American Expeditionary Forces in France and Germany, 1918-19 ; mentioned in Marshal Haig's 1918 despatches. Address : Clareville, Pool, near Leeds. Club : Services (Sheffield). (04944) ALFORD, Rev. Canon Josiah George, C.B .E.,M.A. (Camb.), V.D., T.D. ; 6. 1 Jan, 1847 ; s. of the late Chas. Richard Alford, D.D., Bishop of Victoria ; m. Catherine Mary, d. of the late Colonel J. T. Leslie, C.B. Educ. : King's CoUege, London ; and Corpus Christi CoUege, Cambridge. Canon Residentiary of Bristol ; Chaplain (1st Class) Territorial Force ; Hon. Chaplain to the Bishop of Bristol. War Work : Mobilised 1914-19 ; attached to R.A.M.C. (T) ; Senior Chaplain Bristol and District, 1915 ; and Gloucestershire, Somerset and North WUts, 1917 ; afterwards of No 2 Area, Southern Command. Addresses: 0, Richmond Hill, Clifton, Bristol; Park Cottage, Cleeve, N. Somerset. Club: Life member Royal United Service Institution. ( C1445) ALFORD, Capt. Sydney Ernest, O.B.E., M.C, b. 29 March, 1892 ; s. of Rev. S. F. Alford, M.A., of Clifton, Bristol. Educ. : Dean Close School, Cheltenham. Schoolmaster. War Work : Served as Subaltern, Battery Commander, and Adjutant in 14th Army Brigade, R.F.A. in France and Belgium from March, 1915, to April, 1919 ; thrice mentioned in despatches. Address: Rose HU1 School, Banstead, Surrey ; 6, The Fosseway, Clifton Bristol. (04945) ALING, Gerrit, M.B.E. Censor, Cape Town. (M10256/) ALISON, Charles Hugh, M.B.E. ALKIN. Richard Ley, O.B.E., M.I.E.E., 6. 23 Aug. 1878 ; s. of Richard Alkin, of Hartshill, Atherstone ; m. Annie Maude, d. of Capt. H. FrankUn, of Hounslow. Educ. : Leeds University. Chief Representative, English Electric Co., Ltd., China. Address : Shanghai, China. (04946) ALLAN, Lieut.-Col. Bryce, O.B.E., T.D., J.P., 6. 2 June, 1871; s. of Alexander Allan, of Aros House, Tobermory; m. HUda Mary, d. of the late J. H. Allan, of Shrawley Wood House, Worcester. Educ. : Fettes CoU., Edinburgh, and St. John's Coll., Oxford. J.P. for Argyllshire ; Farming and Estate Management ; Sea Scout Commissioner for Scotland. War Work : Capt. Argyll Mountain Battery, 4th High. Mtd. Bde., R.G.A., 1914; Major Commanding, Ross Mountain Battery, July, 1914 ; took part in landing in Gallipoli on 26 AprU with 29th Division ; went to France in command C Batty. 317th Bde., July, 1916 ; seconded with regular Army and given command of 6th D.A.C, which eventually went to the Rhine Area, Nov. 1919 ; mentioned in despatches, Nov. 1918 ; French Croix de Guerre, Feb. 1919 ; Territorial Decoration, }S.\°-, Address: Lindhu, Tobermory, Argyll. Club : New (Edinburgh). ' (04948) ALLAN, Evelyn Julia, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Fielding Nalder, Barrister-at-Law, of Lincoln's Inn ; m. Charles Edward, s. of Francis StaUan Allan, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Privately. war Work : Hon. Secretary and Asst.-County Director and Organiser of British Red Cross work in Borough of Chelsea ; raised 6 Voluntary Aid Detachments (between 800 and 900 members) ; formed, and was Chairman of, Chelsea Red Cross Workrooms and Depot ; assisted Serbian Red Cross Soe. of Gt. Britain. Address : Layham House, near Hadleigh, Suffolk. Club Forum. (082) 26 ALLAN, George Macdonald, M.B.E., b. 22 Dec. 1863; . of Capt. George Arthur Allan, late of 1st West India Regt. ; BIOGEAPHIES. Allen m. Isabella Menzies, d. of John Whigham, of Hawkhurst. Educ. : DubUn. Shipping Agent. U'ar Work : At the Ad miralty and Ministry of Shipping. Address : 155, Camden Road, London, N.W. 1. (M77) ALLAN, Herbert WilUam, O.B.E., M.R.CS. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 11 Feb. 1869 ; s. of the late Thomas Allan, of York ; to. Clara Louisa, d. of Thomas RodweU, of Monkseaton, Northumberland. Educ. : St. Peter's School, York ; Caius College, Cambridge ; Guv's Hospital, London. M.O.H. City of Wells, Somerset. War Work : Medical Officer to Cedars Red Cross Hospital, WeUs, 1915-19 ; Medical Officer in charge troops, WeUs, 1915-16. Address : Melbourne House, WeUs, Somerset. (09883) ALLAN, Ida, Mrs., M.B.E. ALLAN, James, O.B.E. ALLAN, James Craig, M.B.E., 6. 14 Oct. 1884 ; s. of Thomas Gibson Allan, of Helensburgh, N.B. Educ. : Hermi tage Public School, Helensburgh, and Glasgow University. Solicitor. War Work : Commissioned to Cameronians, Dec. 1914 ; Services abroad, 1915 ; wounded, Oct. 1915 ; seconded Recruiting Staff, Jan. 1916 ; transferred to Ministry of National Service as Appeal National Service Representative (Lanark shire), 1917 ; discharged, Dec. 1918, with rank of Captain. Addresses : SUverwells, HamUton ; Urr Bank, Helensburgh. Club : Lanarkshire County. (M1335) ALLAN, Capt. James Lambertini, M.B.E., M.A. (Oxon.), b. 3 Sept. 1893 ; s. of James Manuel Allan, of Glasgow and Burma. Educ. : Charterhouse and Univ. Coll., Oxford. On the active list of tlie Territorial Army with the 1st City of London Brigade, R.F.A. (T.A.). War Work : Joined the 2/3rd West Lanes. Brigade, R.F.A. (T.F.) 57th W. Lanes. Division ou its formation in July, 1915, and served with this unit untU Jan. 1917, going overseas with it in that month; served overseas untU June, 1917, when wounded after the Battle of Messines ; attached for duty at the War Office, in Dec. 1917, serving there until demobUised in May, 1920 ; mentioned in the Press for war services. Address : 20, Hans Place, London, S.W. 1. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Queen's. (M4319) ALLAN, Jessie Whyte, O.B.E. ALLAN, Lieut. John Hunter, O.B.E., R.N.R. ALLAN, Lieut, (acting Capt.) Norman, O.B.E., R.A.S.C ALLAN, Thomas Easton, M.B.E. ALLAN, Rev. Tom, M.B.E. (M10367) ALLAN, Lieut. WiUiam, M.B.E., n. 20 July, 1880 ; s. of WiUiam Allan, of Alrdrie ; m. Elizabeth Coats, d. of John Jackson, of Blantyre. Educ. : E.C Training CoUege and Glasgow University. Teacher. War Work : Enlisted Sept. 1914, in Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) ; to France as CQ.M.S. with 9th Service Batt. 15th Div., July, 1915 ; wounded, 1916 ; with 3rd Reserve Batt. B.W. till June, 1917 ; Supply Officer, 173rd Bde. ; Supply Officer, 9th Corps Troops. Address : Baron Hall, Blantyre, N.B. (M4409) ALLAN, Major WiUiam David, O.B.E. ALLAN, Major and Qr.-Mr. William Murray, O.B.E. ALLAN, Edith, Lady HAVELOCK-, O.B.E., d. of Thomas C. J. Sowerby, of Snow HaU, Darlington ; m. Sir Henry Spencer Moreton, Bart., s. of Lieut.-Gen. Sh- Henry Marshman Havelock-AUan, Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage), of Blackwell Grange, Darlington. Deputy President Red Cross Society, County Durham ; Assistant County Director V.A.D., Co. Durham ; Hon. Commandant, 18th Durham V.A.D. Red Cross ; District Commissioner, Girl Guides, Darlington, to 1919. War Work; Assistant County Director, V.A.D. Durham ; Executive DemobUisation Committee, Co. Durham ; Hon. Com. 18th Durham Red Cross Detachment, Woodside Hospi tal, Darlington, Co. Durham ; Executive Committee, Lady Anne Lambton's Work Depot, Durham ; Deputy President, Red Cross Society, Co. Durham, 1919. Address : Blackwell Grange, Darlington. Clubs : Bath ; Ladies' AutomobUe. (09882) ALLARD, Capt. PhiUp, O.B.E., R.M.L.I. ALLARD, Major WiUiam, O.B.E., R.E. ALLARDICE, Capt. WiUiam McDiarmid, O.B.E. ALLARDYCE, Capt. Kenneth James, M.B.E. ALLAWAY, Henry, O.B.E. (011784a) ALLCARD, Capt. Rupert, O.B.E., b. 5 July, 1884 ; s. of E. J.AlIcard.of Teddington; m. Helen Flora, d. of F. J. Whit more, of Surbiton. Educ. : Eton and Trinity CoU., Cambridge. Stockbroker. War Work : Active Service in France from May, 1915, to April, 1919, in the Royal Engineers, Signal Service, with the 6th Corps, 34th Div. and 51st Div. and as Acting Major in command of 62nd Div. Signal Co., R.E. Address : Gandria, Sydney Road, Walton-on-Thames ; 7, Drapers Gardens, E.C. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; City Uni versity; Leander. (02397) ALLCHIN, Thomas Cuthbert, M.B.E. ALLCOCK, WiUiam Barnes, O.B.E. ALLDEN, Harry, O.B.E., b. 29 Sept. 1861 ; s. of Richard AUden, late of Stapley Farm, Odiham, Hants. ; m. Ann, d. of George Vincent, of Southsea. Educ. : Trafalgar House School, Winchester. Engineer. Appointed Examiner of Naval Ordnance at the Admiralty from 1904 to 1915 ; from 1915 to 1919 Officer in charge of Royal Naval Gun Factory at Westhoughton. War Work : Supervised the manufacture of Gun Mechanism at Contractor's works and assisted the Contractors in the details of manuf acture ; superintended the equipment and organisation of the Royal Naval Gun Factory at Westhoughton, near Bolton, Lanes. Address : Laurel Dene, Hambrook, near Emsworth, Hants. (084) I 27 ALLEN, Capt. Abraham, O.B.E. ALLEN, Alan Bruce, M.B.E., 10 April, 1866 ; s. of Rev. R. Collyns Allen, Vicar of Whaddon, Bucks. ; m. Ella, d. of — Holladay, of Slough. Educ. : Privately. Fur Expert to Debenhams, Ltd., in charge of all Fur sections. War Work : Voluntary Fur Expert in charge of all work concerning their examination and manufacture ; also assisted D.E.O.S. with various urgent matters such as anti-gas veils, cleaning furs in France, etc. member of the Fur Trade Board, Great Britain. Club : Junior Constitutional. (M82) ALLEN, Arthur Denby, O.B.E. ALLEN, Capt. Arthur Dunscombe, M.B.E., R.A.F. ALLEN, Lieut.-Col. Atwell Hayes, C.B.E. ALLEN, Capt. Charles Edward, M.B.E. ALLEN, Capt. Charles Henry, O.B.E., M.B., F.R.C.S.; R.A.M.C. Address : 5, Wellington Circus, Nottingham. ALLEN, Lieut. Charles WiUiam Edward, M.B.E., M.C, EA. ALLEN, Clementina Dorothy, O.B.E., b. 23 Aug. 1885; d. of Clement Allen, of Southfleld, Woodchester. Educ. : Privately. War Work : County Secretary and Assistant County Director, Gloucestershire Branch British Red Cross Society. Address : Southfleld, Woodchester, Stroud. (O1049) ALLEN, David Hugonin Satow, M.B.E. In charge of Recreation and Cinemas at Rouen and Etaples. (M10,256or) ALLEN, Doreen, M.B.E. ALLEN, Capt. Edmund Drury, O.B.E. ALLEN, Col. Edward Watts, C.B.E.; s. of Frederick AUen, late of Mottingham, Kent; m. Edith Jane, d. of Charles Denyer Upham, of Eltham. Educ: Eltham. Secretary and General Manager, Civil Service Supply Assoc, Queen Victoria Street, and Bedford Street, London. War Work : 1915, Major A.S.C, Adviser to Director of Transport of Supplies ; 1916, Lieut.-Col., Adviser visiting France, Egypt, and Salonica to install new accounting systems, after conducting periodical inspections ; 1917, Director Food Production, re sponsible for the Tractor Cultivation Scheme ; 1918, Staff Colonel, instalUng Costings Accounts in Supply and Transport Depots. Address : Elmhurst, Shooters Hill, Kent. Club : Devonshire. (C2076) ALLEN, Elsie Clara, M.B.E., 6. 29 Sept. 1898; d. of Samuel Allen of Dulwich. War Work : Three years clerical work, Ministry of Labour Employment Dept. Address : 51, Worlingham Road, East Dulwich, S.E. 22. (M7199) ALLEN, Ernest Joshua, C.B.E. ; Director of Railway- Materials, Ministry of Munitions. (C87) ALLEN, Ernest King, C.B.E., b. 22 Sep. 1864 ; 4th son late Robin Allen, Secretary of Trinity House ; m. Florence Mary, d. of Peter Gellatly, J.P., D.L., of Essex. Edue. : Privately. Barrister-at-Law. Entered the Public Trustee Office 1 Oct. 1907 ; appointed Assistant Public Trustee 1915 ; author of "The Law of Corporate Trustees." War Work : As second-in-command he was, at that time, responsible for the organisation of the Department which released 70 per cent, of the staff eligible for mUitary service. The general withdrawal of men from civil Ufe was the primary cause of a great increase in the business of the office, and a serious responsibihty and strain feU upon the senior officers who were retained at their posts. Address : Yew Tree House, Leatherhead, Surrey. (C88) ALLEN, Ernest Thomas WilUam, M.B.E. Chief Confi dential Clerk, H.M. Signal School, Portsmouth. (M16303) ALLEN, Francis, M.B.E. ALLEN, Capt. Francis John, O.B.E., M.C, R.A.M.C. ALLEN, Frank, M.B.E. ALLEN, Capt. Frederick John, O.B.E. ; s. of Joseph Allen, of Burnham, Somerset ; m. Mary Rachel, d. of the late Rev. A. R. Cartwright, of Hornblotton, Somerset. Educ. : Clifton and Keble CoU., Oxford. Army Tutor. War Work : England, Sept. 1914, to July, 1915 ; Overseas, France, Belgium, and Germany, July, 1915, to May, 1920. Addresses : JeUala- bad, Tidworth ; 90, Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol. Club : Cavendish. (04950) ALLEN, George James, M.B.E., 6. 29 Mar. 1879 ; s. of James Vince Allen, of St. Pancras, London ; m. Caroline Mary, d. of Herbert Burgess, of Battle, Sussex. Educ. : London. Clerk in the Colonial Office, 1895 ; lent to the Ministry of Munitions of War, Aug. 1915 ; Deputy Assistant Secretary in that Ministry, Feb. 1919 ; Regional Finance Officer, Ministry of Health, March, 1920. War Work : Mainly in connection with the organisation of Finance and Establishment services in the Explosives Department of the Ministry of Munitions. Address : The Firs, MU1 HiU, London, N.W. 7 ; 111, New Street. Birmingham. (M72011 ALLEN, Lieut. George Roland Gordon, O.B.E., R.N. ALLEN, Henry Charles, M.B.E. (M10368) ALLEN, Herbert Warner, C.B.E., ChevaUer of the Legion of Honour, 6. 8 Mar. 1881 ; s. of Capt. G. W. AUen, R.N., of Woodside, Purbrook ; m. Ethel, d. of Warwick Pemberton, Esq., of Warwick. Educ. : Charterhouse ; University CoUege, Oxford. JournaUst. Paris Correspondent of the Morning Post, 1908-15. War Work : War Correspondent representing the British Press with the French Armies, 1915-16; representing Morning Post and other London newspapers with the French Armies, 1916-17 ; with B.E.F. in Italy and Italian Armies, 1917-18 ; with the American E.F., 1918-19. Addresses : 66, Park Street, Hyde Park; The Little House, Ham Common, Surrey. Club : Savage. (C2411) ALLEN, Engineer Lieut. -Comm. James, O.B.E., R.N. ALLEN, Capt. Jesse, O.B.E, Allen THE OEDEE OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. ALLEN, John, M.B.E., b. 7 June, 1863. Deputy Chief Constable of Leicestershire. War Work : PoUce Administra tion. Address : County Constabulary Office, Leicester. (M7202) ALLEN, John, O.B.E., J.P., M.Inst.T., 6. 1856 ; s. of George Allen, of Unicarval, Comber, Co. Down ; m. Elizabeth, d. of John Sampson, of Brompton, Yeovil. Educ. : Cheltenham CoUege. Engineer ; Honorary Advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture on Steam Ploughing ; Member of First CouncU Institute of Transport ; Governing Director of Oxford Steam Plough Co., Ltd. War Work : Chairman of the Oxford shire Munition Board of Management ; Honorary Adviser to Food Production Department on Steam Ploughing ; Organiser of all the Steam Ploughs in England for War Work Production ; Member of the Advisory Committee of the Road Transport Board. Address : Unicarval, Comber, Co. Down. Clubs : Constitutional ; Royal AutomobUe ; Union Club, Belfast ; Royal Ulster Yacht. (085) ALLEN, Margaret Louise, Mrs. Douglas, M.B.E., b. 27 Aug. 1874 ; d. of Edward and Annette Fry, of Ipswich ; m. Douglas, s. of Edward Ransome AUen, of Stoke Newington. Educ. : Ackworth School (Yorks), and the Mount School, York. War Work : British Red Cross, Missing and Wounded Enquiry Bureau, Alexandria, Egypt, Oct. 1915, to Feb. 1919. Address : Bulkeley, Ramleh, Alexandria, Egypt. (M7203) ALLEN, Mary Sophia, O.B.E., 6. 12 March, 1878 ; d. of Thomas Isaac AUen, of Clifton, Bristol. Educ. : Princess Helena CoUege, Ealing. War Work : Women PoUce Service since Sept. 1914 ; second in command under the late Miss Darner Dawson, O.B.E. ; became Commandant of Women Police Service in May, 1920, at death of Commandant Darner Dawson. Addresses : Danehill, Lympne, Kent ; 6, Eccleston Square S.W. Clubs : Forum ; Farm and Garden Union. (086) ALLEN, Major Michael Henry Pereival, M.B.E., R.A.F. ALLEN, Oswald Coleman, C.B.E., b. 13 Apr. 1887. Late Private Sectetary to Rt. Hon. Sir R. S. Home, G.B.E., K.C, M.P., as Minister of Labour ; Principal Clerk, Ministry of Labour ; Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple. War Work : Asst.-Secty. Committee on Munitions of War, Apr.-May, 1915 ; late Deputy Asst.-Secty. Ministry of Munitions and Secty. Mission Anglaise de l'Armement, Paris, 1918 ; Officer Crown of Italy ; Chevalier Legion of Honour. Address : Ministry of Labour, WhitehaU, S.W. 1. Club : Cercle InteralUe, Paris. (C2412) ALLEN, Percy Ruskin, O.B.E. ALLEN, Richard WUliam, C.B.E., J.P. ; eldest s. of WiUiam Henry AUen, D.L., of Bromham House, near Bedford ; m. Geraldine Agnew, d. of WiUiam Joseph Fedden, Clifton, Bristol. Managing Director of W. H. AUen, Son & Co., Ltd., Bedford. Educ. : Christ's CoUege, Finchley ; King's CoUege, London. Served for nine years Bedfordshire County CouncU (ret. in 1912); J.P. for the County of Bedford. Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, awarded Telford Premium 1904 ; Member of the CouncU of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers ; Member of the Institute of Naval Architects ; Member of the Institute of Marine Engineers ; Member of the Institute of Metals ; Member of the Institute of Iron and Steel ; FeUow of the Royal Horticultural Society ; FeUow of the Royal Aeronautical Society ; Governor of the Royal Agricultural Society ; Member of the Management Committee of the Engineering and National Employers Federa tion ; Chairman of the Engineering and National Employers Association for Bedfordshire. War Work : Responsible to the Admiralty for the construction of main propelling machinery for submarines, mine-sweepers, trawlers, pinnaces and special auxUiary machinery for all classes of warships ; re sponsible to the Air Ministry for the construction of the " Le Rhone " engine ; designed, constructed and equipped special works for the speedy production of the " Le Rhone " Engines. The " Le Rhone " engines were used on aU the various fronts and expeditions. Address : Woodlands, Clapham, near Bedford. Clubs : M.C.C. ; R.A.C. ; Town and Country, Bedford. (C89) ALLEN, Stella Ada May, O.B.E. ALLEN, Thomas Frederick, O.B.E., J.P., b. 31 Jan. 1874 ; s. of Frederick Allen, of Kensington, London ; m. Lilian Marie, d. of Edwin Daly, of Kensington, London. Educ. : St. Peter's, London. Property Owner, Executor of Estates and Valuator. War Work : Mayor of Johannesburg, 1917-19 ; Chairman of Recruiting Campaign, raised-large sums of money for all war funds. Address : High Court Buildings, Fox Street, Johannesburg. Clubs : Rand ; Unionist Party ; African Aero ; President, Overseas. (02198) ALLEN, Walter Macarthur, C.B.E., . 31 Jan. 1870 ; s. of the late Sir Wigram Allen, K.C.M.G., of Sydney, New South Wales ; m. Pearl, d. of the late Edward Lamb, formerly Minister for Lands, Queensland, of Sydney, N.S.W. Educ. : Leys School and Trinity HaU, Cambridge (B.A. 1893). Barrister, Inner Temple, 1896. War Work : Assistant Staff Officer Metro politan Special Constabulary, Oct. 1914 ; Director of Supplies thereof, 1915-18 ; Staff Officer to Sir Edward Ward, Bart., G.B.E., K.C.B., K.C.V.O., 1918 (Commandant-in-Chief, M.S.C). Address : Wyndleshore, Datchet, Bucks. Clubs : Conservative ; Royal AutomobUe. (C2413) ALLEN, William George, O.B.E., b. 19 July, 1858 ; s. of Robert Allen, of Pembroke Dock; m. Marion, d. of James Evans, of Pembroke Dock. Educ. : National and Dockyard School. Assistant Expense Accounts Officer, Naval Yard, Hong Kong ; Deputy in charge Sheerness ; Expense Accounts Officer, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. War Work : As Expense 28 Accounts Officer, Portsmouth Dockyard. Address : Lawrenny, Stubbington Avenue, Portsmouth. (088) ALLEN, WilUam Henry, O.B.E. ALLENBY, Capt. Frederick Claude Hynman, C.B.E., J.P , R.N., b. 21 Sep. 1864 ; s. of Hynman AUenby, of Felix stowe, Suffolk (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. Edith Mabel, d. of T. Munton Jaffray, of Stydd House, Lyndhurst. Edue. : Privately, and H.M.S. "Britannia," Dartmouth. War Work: Naval Transport Staff. Address: Loanend, Berwick-on- Tweed. Club : Naval and MUitary. (C2243) ALLENBY, Eng.-Comm. John Norfolk, O.B.E., R.N. ALLEY, Major Herbert Rutton, O.B.E. ALLEYNE, Major Charles Forster, O.B.E., Royal Army Service Corps, b. 8 Oct. 1882. War Work: Went to France with the 1st British Expeditionary Force, Aug. 1914 ; served on the Staff as D.A.Q.M.G., Aug. 1915. Club: Army and Navy. (O8730) ALLEYNE, SteUa Margaret, M.B.E. Educ. : Francis Holland School, Graham Street ; Clifton High School ; Lady Margaret HaU, Oxford. Secretary, British Federation of University Women. War Work : Accountant-General's Department, Admiralty ; Welfare Section, Labour Regulation Department, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 16, CecU Court, Redcliffe Gardens, S.W. Club : Sesame. (M7204) ALLIBONE, Abraham Cory, O.B.E., b. 30 June, 1866. Town Clerk of Wakefield and SoUcitor to Corporation and Overseers. Address : Sandal, Wakefield. Club : Wakefield and County. , (09889) ALLIN, Lieut.-Col. Henry Chester, O.B.E., R.A.S.C. ALL1N, Samuel John Henry WalUs, C.B.E., F.I.A., b. 9 Feb. 1871 ; s. of John Samuel WaUis Allin, of Sidcup, Kent; m. Evelyn Aishton, d. of Arthur Procter Dunstan, of Lee, Kent. Educ. : Blackheath Proprietary School. Secretary Government Actuary's Department. Address : Monabeg, Hatherley Road, Sidcup. (C422) ALLINGHAM, Lieut. Gerald Carlyle, M.B.E., R.E. ALLINSON, Ephraim, M.B.E., b. 17 March, 1873 ; s. of John AlUnson, of Ormside, Westmorland ; m. as his 2nd wife, EUzabeth Alice, d. of George K. AUen, of Rochdale. Educ. : Warcop and Asby Schools (Westmorland) after wards privately at Oldham, Lanes. Joined Oldham (Lanes.) Borough PoUce Force in Jan. 1896, and after 5 years street duty was selected after competitive examination for clerkship in Chief Constable's office ; was Clerk in Charge Office, afterwards Detective Clerk, and subsequently appointed Assistant Chief Clerk ; in 1903 was selected out of 600 . applicants for appointment as 1st Class Sergt. and Asst. Chief Clerk in the County Chief Constable's office, Beverley, East Yorks. ; promoted to Acting Inspector, 1910, 1st Class Inspector 1913, Superintendent iand Chief Clerk, Jan. 1915. Address : Westwood Avenue, Grayburn Lane, Beverley. '(M1337) ALLISON, George Henry, M.B.E. ALLISON, James, C.B.E., M.A., LL.B., b. 27 April, 1865 ; s. of Matthew AlUson, of Dundee ; m. Kate Constable, d. of Peter Young, of Dundee. Educ. : St. Andrews and Edinburgh Universities (LL.B. (with distinction), 1888). Lecturer on Scots Law, University of St. Andrews, 1899 ; Examiner under Law Agents (Scotland) Act, 1873 ; Searcher of Register of Sasines for Burgh of Dundee ; Burgh Prosecutor, Newport, Fife. War Work : Chairman of Court of Referees for Dundee District of Scotland ; Chairman of Local Munitions Tribunal for Dundee District of Scotland. Addresses : 61, Reform Street, Dundee ; Craiglea, Newport, Fife. Club : Scottish Liberal (Edinburgh). (C2414) ALLISON, John Neve, O.B.E. War Work : Worked in France with the Enquiry Department of the British Red Cross Society, 1915-19. Address : BexhUl, Sussex. (O9890) ALLISON, Richard John, C.B.E., F.R.I.B.A., 6. 8 Jan. 1869 ; s. of Joseph Charles Allison, of Radlett, Herts. Educ. : Private Choir School. Chief Architect H.M. Office of Works. War Work : Designed various War Hospitals, including the South African MUitary Hospital, Richmond Park, and Special Hospitals for Officers ; also numerous Institutions for the Ministry of Pensions, and large works for other War Time Departments. Address : 63, Hornsey Lane, Highgate, N. 6. (C2415) ALLISON, Thomas, M.B.E. ALLNATT, Major Alfred Ernest, M.B.E. ALLNUTT, Arthur Joseph, M.B.E. ALLUM, Frederick Warner, C.B.E. ; Engineer-in-Cli. Mushk Extension Railway. (C1064) ALLUM, Herbert George, M.B.E. ALLUM, Horace Benjamin, M.B.E. ALLWOOD, John Humber, O.B.E. ALMOND, the Rev. Col. John Macpherson, C.M.G., S.-1?-1'., D.C.L., b. 1872; s. of James Almond; m. 1901, NeUie EsteUa Beemer. Is Rector of Trinity Church, Montreal, and Hon. Canon of Christehurch Cathedral, Montreal ; S. Africa, 1900, as Chap. Canadian Contingent (Queen's medal with three clasps); Great War, 1914-17, as Director of Chaplains Sers. with rank of Hon. Col. (despatches). Address : 54, St. Denis Street, Montreal. (C1826) t tv1?'IjP?*', _Lieut.-Col. WUUam George Patrick, O.B.E., I.M.S., 6. lo Sept. 1859 ; s. of WiUiam Thomas Alpin, Con- ™. f0?. Office, India ; m. Helen May, d. of Charles H. btoddart, Col. Indian Army. Educ. ; Oscott College, near S^S? bnm- ?lviL§B£8e5n> United Provinces of India; Medical Officer to 39th Central India Horse ; Medical Officer, BIOGEAPHIES. Anderson 14th Jat Lancers ; Medical Officer, General Hosp., Suakin, 1885 ; Medical Officer, Ordnance Field Park, Relief of Chitral, 1895. War Work : Medical Officer, Hospital Ship, 1914 ; S.M.O. Dorset Training Area, and O.C Military Hosp. Brocken- hurst, 1915-16 ; served with British Red Cross in Egypt, 1916-17 ; M.O. Prince of Wales' Hosp. for Officers, London, 1917-19. (011787) „ AL,S2P' Li«ut- Anthony, M.B.E., Temp. Paymaster, R.A.P.D. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co., Charing Cross, S-W.l. , (M10298) ALSOP James WiUoox, O.B.E., B.A. (Lond,,) LL.D. (Liverpool), J.P., 6. 6 June, 1846 ; s. of Rev. James Alsop, of Birmingham ; m. Constance, d. of Charles Grey Mott, J.P., of Harrow Weald, Middlesex. Educ. : Liverpool Institute ; Queen's CoUege, Liverpool. Solicitor ; Pro-ChanceUor of the University of Liverpool ; Chairman of the Liverpool Education Committee. War Work: Chairman of Liverpool Local Tribunal. Business Address : 14, Castle Street, Liverpool ; Residence : Ulverscroft, Bidston Road, Birkenhead. Clubs : Reform, London ; University, Exchange, Conservative, Liver pool. (090) ALSTON, Major Charles Henry, M.B.E., T.D., 6. 28 Feb. 1843 ; s. of James Wm. Alston, of Stockbriggs, Lanarkshire ; m. Sara FuUerton, d. of John Geo. Brown, of Auchlochan, Lanarkshire. Educ. : Loretto and abroad. Served for 20 years in the Queen's Own Glasgow Yeomanry ; retired in 1891. War Work : Employed on Recruiting Duties from Aug. 1914 to Dec. 1918 ; Asst. Recruiting Officer, MUitary Representative at Stirling Tribunal, and National Service Representative, Stirling. Address : St. Albans, Stirling. Club : Stirling County. (M7207) ALSTON, Frances Carr Ross, Mrs., M.B.E. ALSTON, Hilda, Mrs., C.B,E. ALSTON, Capt. John Stirling, O.B.E., K.R.R.C. ALSTON, Rowland AUson, M.B.E., 6. 2 May 1888 ; s. of Rowland Crewe Alston, of OdeU, Co. Bedford (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry) ; m. Dorothy Mildred, d. of Charles Guy Pym of Caesar's Camp, Bedfordshire. Late Capt. 3rd Bn. Northamp tonshire Regt. ; formerly Lieut. Coldstream Guards. Address : Harrold HaU, Bedfordshire. (M3241) ALTON, Surgeon Lieut.-Com. Francis Cooke, O.B.E., (Mil.), M.B., B.S. (Lond.), R.N., b. 17 Feb. 1888 ; s. of Sir Francis Alton, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G. (_...) Educ. : Bedford School and St. Thomas's Hospital. Late Asst. Anesthetist, West London Hospital ; Anaesthetist, National Dental Hospital . War Work : Service in Royal Navy. Address : 73, St. James' Street, S.W. 1. Club : Junior Constitutional. (09444) ALTON, Paymaster Rear Admiral Sir Francis Cooke, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., 6. 24 Aug. 1856 ; s. of late Francis Cooke Alton Chief Inspector of Machinery, R.N. ; m. Pauline (Lina), d. of the late Ernest Barclay. Educ. ; Private School. War Work : Secretary to Principal Naval Transport Officer, France, 1914-17. Address : 38, St. Leonard's Road, Exeter. Clubs • Devon and Exeter. (K263) ALVAREZ, Justin Charles WilUam, I.S.O., O.B.E., M.R.A.S., H.B.M.'s Consul-General (ret.), b. 13 May, 1859 ; s. of the late WUliam Thomas Alvarez, Professor of Languages, Lecturer on Spanish and Italian Literature, of 170, Oxford Road, Manchester ; m. Mary, d. of the late Hon. George Pangiris Efendy, of Constantinople. Judge of the Court of Appeal, Member of the Orthodox Patriarchal CouncU, Mayor of Prinkipo. Educ. : Privately and at Manchester Grammar School. Student Dragoman, 1877 ; Consular Assistant, 1880, first at Salonica, then at Constantinople ; Vice-Consul, 1885 ; H.B.M/S Consul, Benghazy, 1890 ; Judicial Reform Commissioner in Crete, 1896-7 ; H.B.M.'s Consul-General at Tripoli, 1904 ; in charge at Trebizond, 1912-13. War Work : At the commencement of the war with Turkey, sole Censor for Turkish correspondence at first and afterwards Senior Censor ; resigned 1919 ; is a Life Fellow of the Imperial Institute, a Member of the Royal Asiatic Society and of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Address : Villa Bonici, Prince of Wales Road, SUema, Malta. Club : Union (Malta).(01052) ALWOOD, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Albert, O.B.E., R.A.O.C. AMBLER, Joseph Edward, M.B.E., Educ. : Whitworth Institute, Manchester. Engineer. War Work : Munition Area Officer, Lancaster and Carlisle N.W. Area ; Asst. Deputy Director, Shipyard Labour. Address : Patterdale Hotel, Patter- dale, Ullswater. (M7208) AMBROSE, Capt. John Goldwell, O.B.E., M.C ; Capt. R.E. ; Great War. 1914-19 (despatches). (O2400) AMBROSE, PhiUp Firmer, M.B.E. AMERY, William Bankes, C.B.E., 6. 26 Oct. 1883 : s. of Thomas Arthur Amery, NorweU, Newark, Notts. ; m. Adelaide Sophia, d. of Col. Herbert Burrows Adcock, of Highfield. Lane End, Bucks. Educ. : Christ's Hospital. Establishment Officer, Ministry of Transport, 6, Whitehall Gardens, S.W. 1. War Work : Assistant Secretary of War Trade Dept . Address : 5, Egliston Road, Putney, S.W. 15. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (C2417) AMES, Major WilUam Rex, O.B.E. AMEY, Major Fulcher, M.B.E., R.A. AMOR, Emma, Mrs., M.B.E. AMOR, Capt. Stanley Long, M.B.E., R.A.F. AMORY, Alexandra, Lady HEATHCOAT-, O.B.E. ; d. of Admiral Seymour, G.C.B., and Mrs. Seymour, of Barwick House, Norfolk ; m. Sir Ian Heathcoat-Amory (Bart.), C.B.E (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Hospital Work : Knights hayes Court V.A. Hospital from 1915-19; Commandant V.A. Detachment, Devon 78. Address : Knightshayes Court, Tiverton, N. Devon. (09891) AMORY, Sir Ian Murray Heathcoat HEATHCOAT-, 2nd Bt., C.B.E., J.P. and D.L. Co. Devon, b. 16 April, 1865 ; s. of Sir John Heathcoat Heathcoat Amory, 1st Bart., J.P., D.L. (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 6 June, 1893, Alexandra Georgina, O.B.E. (<_._.), e. d. of the late Vice-Adm. Henry George Seymour, C.B. (see Burke's Peerage, Hertford, M.) Address: Knight shayes Court and Hensleigh, Tiverton, Devon. Club : Brooks's. (C2) AMOS, Alfred, M.B.E., C.A., J.P. ; s. of James Amos, of Boughton Court, Ashford ; m. Mary Beatrice Ann, d. of William GUlow, of Woodnesborough. Educ. : Chatham House, Ramsgate. Yeoman and tenant farmer. War Work : Practised and preached grubbing hops in order to grow food ; Agricultural War Committee ; Local Tribunal for enlisting ; Chairman London Farmers Club. Address : Spring Grove, Wye, Kent. Clubs : National Liberal ; London Farmers' ; Canterbury Farmers' ; Chamber of Agriculture. AMOS, Mary Beatrice, O.B.E. AMPHLETT, Theodora Mildred, Mrs., O.B.E. AMPTHILL, Margaret Lygon, Lady, G.B.E., J.P. (1920), b. 8 Oct. 1874 ; d. of the 6th Earl Beauchamp (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Sir Arthur OUver VilUers Russell, 2nd Baron Ampthill, G.C.I.E., G.C.S.I G.B.E., M.A., J.P., D.L. (see Burke's Peerage). Received the Order of the Crown of India in 1899 ; the Kaisir-i-Hind Gold Medal, 1906 ; lady of the bedchamber to H.M. the Queen, 1911. Addresses : Oakley House, Oakley, Bedford. (DG7) AMY, Lillian Eva, Mrs., M.B.E., b. 31 May., 1875 ; d. of W. L. Payne, K.C, of Colbome, Ontario, Canada ; m. Lacey, s. of Rev. Thomas Amy, of Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Educ. : Toronto, Canada (Conservatory of Music). War Work : Mess Sister, Massey-Harris Hospital, Dulwich, England ; Lady Superintendent, Associated Equipment Co., Walthamstow London, to Aug. 1917 ; Lady Superintendent, C A. Vandervell & Co., Acton, W. 3, from Aug. 1917 and stUl there. Club : Marning Music, Toronto, Canada. (M1342) ANASTASIE, Joseph, M B.E.. R.A.M.C. ANCASTER, Eloise Lawrence, Countess of, O.B.E., b. 1884 ; d. of WiUiam Laurence Breese, of New York ; m. Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Ancaster (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Vice-President, Bourne and District Red Cross ; Chairman, , Bourne and District War Pensions Committee ; Chairman, Kestwen Women's War Agricultural Committee, Gresby House, Rutland Gate, London. Addresses : Grims- thorpe Castle, Bourne, Lincolnshire ; Drummond Castle, Crieff, Scotland. (09893) ANDEL, Harry Rudolph, O.B.E. ANDERSON, Adelaide Mary, C.B.E., 6. 8 Apr. 1863 ; d. of Alexander Gavin Anderson, late of 1 Fitzjohn's Avenue, London, N.W. Educ. : Queen's CoUege, Harley Street ; Girton College, Cambridge ; and France and Germany. CivU Servant ; H.M. Principal Lady Inspector of Factories, Home Office, Whitehall, S.W. 1. War Work: On Central Advisory Committee Women's (Industrial) Employment under Ministry of Labour; on Women's Employment Committee under Ministry of Reconstruction ; and throughout War in Factory Department, Home Office, especially on Substitution of Women for men in Industry and Welfare Work. Address : 14, Coulson Street, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Clubs: University Club for Ladies; Albemarle. (C91) ANDERSON, Agnes Hilda, Mrs., M.B.E., 6. 15 June, 1882 ; d. of Robert Orr, late of Kinnaird, Stirlingshire ; m. James Arthur, s. of Robert Anderson, late of Glasgow. War Work : Hon. Secretary for " TheMaxUlo Facial Hospital," Kennington, S.E., and also for Facial Hospital, 78, Brook Street, W. 1, and for Annex of same, 24, Norfolk Street, W. 1. Address : 1, Cleveland Terrace, London, W. 2. Club : Ladies' Athe naeum, Dover, Street, London. (M7209) ANDERSON, Sir Alan Garrett, K.B.E., b. 9 Mar. 1877; s. of the Jate James George Skelton Anderson J.P., Managing Director of Orient Line, who d. 25 Mar. 1907, and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, M.D., his wife, who d. 17 Deo. 1917, d. of Newson Garrett of Aldeburgh, Suffolk; m. 9 June, 1903, Muriel Ivy, d. of G. W. Duncan, of Richmond, Surrey. Partner in firm of Anderson, Anderson & Co., and Director of Midland Rly. ; Vice-ChanceUor of Royal Commission on Wheat, 1916-17; Chairman of Wheat Executive 1917; Con troller of the Navy and Member of Board of Admiralty 1917- 18 and Vice-Chairman of Food CouncU; Ministry of Munitions from 1918 ; Member of Royal Commission on Sugar Supply from 1918 ; is Commander of the Crown of Italy. Address : 19, Craven HiU, Bayswater, W. Clubs : Carlton ; United ; City of London. (K10) ANDERSON, Capt. Albert Roland, O.B.E., J.P., b. 17 Sept. 1882 ; s. of Charles Anderson, of Streete House, County Westmeath ; m. Olga, d. of Henry Oberschmoukler, of Kerch South Russia. Educ. : Farra, Co. Westmeath. J .P., County Westmeath. War Work : Commissioned 1915 from Inns of Court O.T.C; Served 1915-18, R.A.S.C, Salonika; 1918-20 on Staff South Russia and Constantinople ; Twice mentioned in despatches ; awarded O.B.E. and Russian Order of St. Stanislaus. Address : Streete House, Streete, Co. Westmeath. Clubs: Thatched House; United R.A.S.C. (O6430) 29 Anderson THE OEDEE OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. ANDERSON, Capt. Alexander, M.B.E., R.G.A. ANDERSON, Capt. Alexander, O.B.E., A.R.S.M., b. 23 Jan. 1879 ; s. of John Anderson, of Owensboro, Kentucky, U.S.A. ; m. Ida Marguerite, d. of Samuel A. Cockburn, of Cabo Gracias, Nicaragua. Educ. : Olivers Mount School and Edinburgh University. Chief Mining Engineer of a Dutch Company in Sumatra. War Work : MUitary service in France ; Experimental and inventions work under Munitions Inventions Department, and for the Admiralty in the Anti-Submarine Division and the Dept. of Torpedoes and Mining. Address : 27, Inverleith Row, Edinburgh. (O90o3) ANDERSON, Alexander Colin, O.B.E. ANDERSON, Alexander Richard, C.B.E., F.R.CS. ; Surg.-Gen. Hospital, Nottingham ; s. of Col. R. Anderson, formerly 56th Regt. ; m. 1890, Edith, d. of C. E. Tuck, J.P., of Blofield, Norfolk. Address : 3, East Circus Street, Notting ham. (C1151) ANDERSON, Capt. Alfred Thomas Duncan, M.B.E., I.A.R.O. ANDERSON, Amy Douglas Knyveton, Mrs., O.B.E., b. 9 Dec. 1867 ; d. of Canon Edward Harland, of Colwich, Staffs. ; m. Rupert Darnley, O.B.E., _.«., s. of Thomas Darnley Anderson, of Waverley Abbey. War Work : Commandant, Waverley Abbey Military Hospital, 1914-19. Address : Waverley Abbey, Farnham. Club : Ladies' Imperial. (091) ANDERSON, Annie Maria, Mrs., M.B.E. ANDERSON, Capt. Arthur, O.B.B., b. 1 4 Nov. 1872; s. of Robert Anderson, of Strensall Grange, Yorkshire. Educ. : St. Martin's Vicarage, York. Secretary for the York Assembly Rooms ; Commandant of the York Motor Ambulance Detach ment ; Hon. Sec. to the York Anti- Tuberculosis Campaign Committee ; Hon. Sec. Soldiers and SaUors Help Society for the West Riding of Yorkshire ; Hon. Sec. to the York Branch jf the League of Nations Union ; Hon. Sec. to the York Branch of the National Life Boat Institution. War Work : Commandant of the North Riding Field Ambulance Detachment ; Com mandant of the York Voluntary Aid Detachments ; Com mandant of York Military AuxUliary Motor Ambulance Unit ; MobUising Officer for the Yorkshire Coast Hospitals Scheme ; President of the York Stranded Soldiers' Dormitories ; Founder of the Yorkshire War Hospitals Depot ; Founder of the York Sphagnum Moss Dressings Depots. Address : Strensall Grange ; 44, Coney Street, Yoik. Club : York Conservative. (0153) ANDERSON, Engineer Lieut.-Comm. Arthur Robert, O.B.E ,R.N. ANDERSON, Sir Arthur Robert, Knt., CLE., C.B.E., A.M.I.C.E., b. 28 July, 1860 ; s. of the late James Anderson, of Auchendarroch, ArgyUshire ; m. Gertrude (who died), d. of the late J. D. Fraser, J.P., of Tiverton. Educ. : Glasgow Academy and Univ. Educated as a Civil Engineer ; Assistant Engineer to the Southern Maharatta Railway, India, 1882 ; Chief Engineer, 1879 ; Agent of the Madras and Southern Maharatta Railway, 1908 ; Member of the Railway Board, Governmentof India, 1914-19 ; President since 1919. Address: Simla, India. Clubs : Caledonian ; United Service, Simla ; Club of Western India, Poona. (082) ANDERSON, Charles, M.B.E., b. 30 Aug. 1859; s. of Charles Anderson, of West Hartlepool ; m. Catherine Duff, d. of John Macfarlane, of West Hartlepool. Educ. : Fraserburgh Public School and Cambridge University Extension Lectures. War Work : Honorary Secretary, West Hartlepool War Savings Committee ; the Borough won the " Tank " Record in 1918, and the National War Bonds Record 1918-19 for which Tank " Egbert " was awarded to the town. Address : Willow House, West Hartlepool. (M1343) ANDERSON, Major Charles Harrison Murray, O.B.E. ANDERSON, Charles James, M.B.E. ANDERSON, Charles John, O.B.E., J.P., b. 16 March, 1853 ; s. of Thomas Anderson, M.D., F.R.S.E., Professor oi Chemistry, of Glasgow University ; m. Kate, d. of John Barclay, of Shetland. Educ. : Yverdun House, Blackheath ; Durham School ; Glasgow University. Justice of the Peace, Middlesex. War Work : On National Registrar, Chiswick ; Chairman, Derby Recruiting Canvass Committee, Chiswick ; Member, Military Service Acts Committee, Chiswick ; Chairman, Local Relief Committee, Chiswick ; Chairman, War Pensions, Committee, Chiswick ; Joint Chairman, War Savings Com mittee, Chiswick ; Member, Food Economy Committee, Chiswick ; Member, Air Raid Committee, Chiswick. Address : Kelvin Lodge, Spencer Road, Chiswick, W. Clubs : Constitu tional ; Grange (Guernsey) ; Glasgow University (London) ; Royal Guernsey Golf, L'Ancrene, Guernsey. (09894) ANDERSON, Charles LlewUyn, O.B.E. (012040) ANDERSON, Charles Thompson, O.B.E. (O12039) ANDERSON, Daisy Kate, M.B.E. ANDERSON, Major David Irving, O.B.E., R.A.M.C ANDERSON, David Martin, C.B.E. and Knight of the Crown of Italy, b 1880 ; s. of the late James Anderson, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow High School. Mechanical Engineer ; Director Sir William Arrol & Co., Ltd. War Work : Deputy Director-General of Guns, and later Controller of Forgings, Castings, and Stampings for Admiralty, Ministry of Munitions, and Air Boara ; Designed and supervised the complete in stallation of the National Ordnance Factory, Nottingham. Address : 5, Queen's Terrace, Glasgow. Clubs : Devonshire ; Conservative, Glasgow. (C2418) ANDERSON, Dora, Mrs., O.B.E. ANDERSON, Lieut.-Col. Edmund Buller, O.B.E., R.A. ANDERSON, Eleanor Florence, M.B.E. 30 ANDERSON, EUzabeth, Mrs., O.B.E. ANDERSON, Eric Harper, O.B.E. ANDERSON, Eric Oswald, C.B.E., b. 24 July, 1870 ; s. of the late H. D. Anderson, of Shenley, Herts; m. Cicely Violet Mary, w. of A. D. Stafford, Royal Warwickshire Regt. Member of Legislative Council, Burma, and Chairman, Burma Chamber of Commerce, 1917-19. Address : Rangoon, Burma. Clubs : Conservative ; Pegu (Burma). . ^tS.6^6' ANDERSON, Frances Lightbourne Tnmingham, M.B.E. ; d of William Anderson, J.P., of Inistore, Helensburgh. Edue.: St Bride's School and HoUoway CoUege. War Work : Hono rary Secretary, Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, Dumbartonshire Branch; Member of Naval and MUitary War Pensions Committee for the County of Dumbarton, and Honorary Secretary for the District Committee for the Parishes of Row and Rosemeath. Address: Inistore, Helensburgh. Club : Kelvin, Glasgow. (M7210) ANDERSON, Francis, M.B.E. ANDERSON, Major Francis Edward, O B.E., R.A.S.C. ANDERSON, Capt. Francis Henry Middleton, O.B.E., R A S C b 17 Mar. 1881 , s. of George Carpenter Anderson, Educ '¦ ''Blundells School. Land Agent. Address: Park Cottage, Farmer, Lewes, Sussex. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (04951) ANDERSON, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Walter Gale, O.B.E. ANDERSON, George, M.B.E., ..Edinburgh, 23 July, 1866. Educ ¦ George Watson's CoUege. Chartered Accountant (Edinburgh) ; Actuary, Preston Savings Bank ; Member of National Savings Committee. Address : 3, Bank Parade, Preston. Club : Winckley Club, Preston. (M1946) ANDERSON, George Reinhardt, M.B.E., F.R.C.S., L R CP. (Lond.), 6. 18 May, 1864 ; s. of Henry Bunting Ander son MR C.S., of London and Bournemouth; m. Eleanor Annie, d of Rev. Bamford Burrows, of Poulton-le-Fylde. Educ.: New College, Eastbourne, and St. Thomas' Hospital, London. Senior Hon. Medical Officer and Chairman, Medical Board, The General Infirmary, Southport, Medical Referee Workmen's Compensation Act. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of Military Annexes, Southport Infirmary, 265 beds ; Temporary Divisional Surgeon, V.A.D., The Grange and Woodlands, St. John's Hospital, 500 beds ; Surgeon in charge Battalion 1915, during training ; Member of the Local Medical War Committee. Address : " Lansdowne," 36, Hoghton Street, Southport, Lanes. (M7212) ANDERSON, Hon. Major George William Strachan, M B E Senior Assistant Censor, Headquarters, Australia. (M102567() ANDERSON, Gladys, Mrs., M.B.E. ANDERSON, Helen Agnes, Mrs., M.B.E. (M10368) ANDERSON, Henry, M.B.E. ANDERSON, Major H. Graeme, M.B.E., M.D., Ch.B., F.R.CS. , R.A.F., b. 1 Aug. 1882 ; s. of Nicol Anderson, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow Univ. ; King's CoU. ; London Hospital. Consulting Surgeon ; Surgical Consultant to the Royal Air Force ; Surgeon to St. Mark's Hospital : Senior Assistant Surgeon to Belgrave Hospital. War Work : Surgeon- Lieutenant R.N. Aug. 1914 ; attached as surgeon to original R.N.A.S. expeditionary force, Antwerp, 1st Battle of Ypres, Dunkirk ; Aviator's Certificate of Royal Aero Club, No. 3758, 26 Oct. 1916; transferred to Royal Air Force, April, 1918; author of " The Medical and Surgical Aspects of Aviation." Addresses : 75, Harley Street, W. 1. Clubs : Caledonian ; Royal Air Force ; Royal Aero ; London Flying. (M3352) ANDERSON, Capt. Hugh A., M.B.E. ANDERSON, James, C.B.E., . . 22 Jan. 1857 ; s. of Well- wood Anaerson, of Dumfries, Scotland ; m. Arabella WUliam- son, d. of WiUiam Williamson, of Smyrna. Educ. : Dumfries Academy, N.B. Chief Electrician on various Cable Steamers of the Eastern Telegraph ; Electrician at Malta and Divisional Manager in the Levant and Agent in Turkey of the Eastern Telegraph Co ; H.B.M. Consul for Syra and the Grecian Archipelago from 1888 tUl 1892. Foreign Decorations : Com mander of Saviour (Greece) : Commander of Medjidieh and Cretan Medal (Turkey). War Work : Maintenance oi Sub marine Cable Communications ; Chairman in Athens of the Patriotic League of Britons Overseas. Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London. (C2419) ANDERSON, James Alexander, M.B.E. (M10244c) ANDERSON, Lieut.-Col. James Dalgleish, C.B.E., D.S.O. ; Major Cape Auxiliary Horse Transport, and temporary Lieut.- Col. attached R.A.S.C ; German S.-W. Africa, 1914-15 (de spatches). (C1215) ANDERSON, Lieut.-Col. James Douglas, O.B.E., R.G.A. ANDERSON, James Edward, C.B.E., M.I.M.E., 6. 3 April, 1871 ; s. of Rev. Wm. Anderson, Minister of Fettercairn ; m. Agnes Meikle, d. of Andrew Davidson, of Ayr. Educ. : Privately and Montrose Academy and Gordon's CoUege, Aberdeen. Engineer ; Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer, Midland RaUway, Derby. War Work : Responsible for all Munitions turned out of the Works (Locomotive) of the Mid land Ry. Co. at Derby Address : 52, Empress Road, Derby. (C2420) ANDERSON, Lieut.-Col. John Hubback, C.M.G. C.B.E., M.B., B.S. 1908, M.D. 1910, A.A.M.C, A.D.M.S., Australian Imperial Forces Headquarters, 6. 20 Aug. 1883 ; s of Dr J. F. Anderson, of Woodend, Maloa, Victoria ; m. Ruby C, 2nd d. of H. C. Moflatt, of Goodrich Court, Ross, and Hamptworth Lodge, Hants. Educ: Longford Grammar School, Tasmania ; BIOGEAPHIES. Andrews Ormond Coll., Univ. of Melbourne. Senior Domonstrator of Anatomy, Univ. of Melbourne, 1909-11 ; Hon. Out-patient Physician, St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, 1911 : in private practice, BenaUa, Victoria, 1914 ; enUsted A.I.F., 1914 ; served GaUipoli, Egypt, France, in various positions (despatches twice). Address : 28, Carlisle Mansions, Carlisle Place, S.W. 1. (C92) ANDERSON, Major John Samuel, O.B.E. ANDERSON, JuUa Ada, Mrs., M.B.E. ANDERSON, Louis Dessurne, O.B.E. ANDERSON, Capt. Louis Goodrich Abbot, M.B.E., b. 10 July, 1872 ; s. of Major-Gen. E. Abbot Anderson, of KUkenny, Ireland ; m. Beatrice Kathleen, d. of James Edward Huggins, of Dublin. Educ. : Oxford MUitary College. Actor, under the name of Louis Goodrich ; served in Ceylon Planters Rifle Corps in the Boer War, 1900. War Work : Enlisted in 28th Batt. London Regt., in Aug. 1914 ; proceeded overseas (France) Dec. 1914 ; Commissioned, 18 AprU, 1915 ; Adjutant of No. 15 Officer Cadet Batt. from 10 Sept. 1916 to 7 May, 1919 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 10, Palace Mansions, Kensington, W. 14. Clubs: Green Room; Denham Golf. (M5019) ANDERSON, Dr. Louisa Garrett, C.B.E., M.D., B.S., 6. 1873 ; d. of Jas. George Skelton Anderson and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, M.D. of London. Educ. : St. Leonards ; Bedford CoUege ; London School of Medicine for Women. Surgeon to the Roll of Honour Hospital for Children, Harrow Road, and Consulting Surgeon Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, Euston Road. War Work : Joint Organiser of Women's Hospital Corps and Surgeon to the Auxiliary Hospitals in Claridge's Hotel, Paris, and Chateau Mauricien, Wimereux, 1914-15, and Chief Surgeon to the Military Hospital, Endell St., London, 1915-1919. Address : 116, Park St., Grosvenor Square, London. (C3) ANDERSON, Lydia EUzabeth, Lady, C.B.E. ANDERSON, Mary Addison, M.B.E., 6. 2 Oct. 1895; d. of Mrs. WiUiam Anderson, of Leven. Educ. : Kirkcaldy High School. War Work : Served with Women's Legion, Feb. 1917 to Sept. 1917 ; Gazetted Unit Administrator of Q.M.A.A.C; was in Command of Q.M.A.A.C. stationed in Ports mouth Town tUl June, 1919. Address : Leven, Fife. (M6593) ANDERSON, Mary Gardiner, M.B.E., Q.M.A.A.C, 6. 14 March. 1895 ; d. of Robert S. Anderson, of Peebles, N.B. Educ. : High School, Peebles, and Edinburgh School of Domestic Science. War Work : Women's Legion, 13 months ; Q.M.A.A.C, 2 years. Address : South Bank, Peebles, N.B. (M6594) ANDERSON, Maurice Fitzgerald, O.B.E. ANDERSON, Capt. MaxweU Hendry, C.B.E., b. 1879 ; s. of the Rev. J. H. Anderson; Bar. Middle Temple, 1909; entered R.N. 1893, and is Capt. (ret.) ; was Local Govt. Board Member of Central (Unemployed) Body for London, 1914-19 ; appointed Attorney-Gen. of Gibraltar, 1919. Clubs : Gibraltar ; United Service ; National Liberal. (C1176) ANDERSON, Capt. NeU Gordon, O.B.E., R.A.S.C, ANDERSON, Major Neville, O.B.E., b. 11 Jan. 1881; s. of the late W. M. Anderson, Esq., of Oxted, Surrey. Educ. : Rugby, and Oriel College, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law ; A special Commissioner of Income Tax. War Work : 2'Lt. in London Rifle Brigade, Feb. 1915 ; France, Jan. 1916 to March, 1919 ; served on Staff of Headquarters First Army as D.A.A.G., Jan. 1916 to March, 1919; Capt., AprU, 1916; Major Feb. 1918 ; three times mentioned in despatches ; M.B.E., 1917; O.B.E., 7 Jan. 1919. Address: 4, Ralston Street, Chelsea, S.W. Clubs : Brooks's ; TBath. (O2401) ANDERSON, Percival James, M.B.E. ANDERSON, Lieut. Percy, M.B.E. ANDERSON, Mrs. Powell, O.B.E. Rendered valuable war services. (011922) ANDERSON, Capt. Robert Cairns Amis, O.B.E. ANDERSON, Major Robert Gray, O.B.E. R.A.V.C. ANDERSON, Assistant Paymaster Capt. Robert William, M.B.E., 6. 19 July, 1873 ; s. of Mathew WiUiam, of Dublin ; LUian Maud, d. of Lawson H. Stockdale, of Preston. Educ. : Ripley Hospital, Lancaster. War Work: Royal Army Pay Dept. Address : Army Pay Office, Woolwich. (M5033) ANDERSON, Capt. Roy Dunlop, D.S.O., O.B.E. ANDERSON, Major Rupert Darnley, O.B.E., D.L., J.P., 6. 29 AprU, 1859 ; s. of Thomas Darnley Anderson, of Waverley Abbey, Farnham, Surrey; m. Amy Douglas Knyyeton, O.B.E. (_.u.), d. of Canon Edward Harland, of Colwich, Staffs. Educ. : Eton and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Address : Waverley Abbey, Famham, Surrey. (O8035) ANDERSON, Capt. Thomas Andrew Irving, O.B.E., R.A.V.C. ANDERSON, Thomas George, O.B.E. ANDERSON, Major Thomas Lynewolde, O.B.E., A.I.F. ANDERSON, Lieut. Toni Pereival, M.B.E., b. 29 Dec. 1884 ; s. of Robert Anderson, of York. Educ. : York Minster Choir School. Portrait painter. War Work: Served with R.A.S.C. in France, afterwards was an official artist and did portraits of distinguished general officers, which are now in the Royal Collection and the property of H.M. The King. Address : 22, Baker Street, W. (M5034) ANDERSON, WiUiam, O.B.E., b. 11 July, 1853 ; s. of John Anderson, of Glasgow ; m. Ada, d. of Thomas Smith, of Ulver ston, Lanes. Educ : Partick Academy. Chairman Glasgow Liberal Council ; President Central Division Liberal Associa tion, Glasgow ; Vice-Chairman Scottish Liberal Federation ; 31 Chairman Wm. Anderson & Co., Ltd., Glasgow ; Chairman R. A. Whytelaw, Son & Co., Ltd., Glasgow ; Director Scottish Ontario and Manitoba Land Co. ; Director North British Canadian Investment Co. War Work : Chairman Central Division Advisory Committee, Glasgow ; Member Textile Shipping Commission, Manchester. Addresses : 12, Princes Square, Glasgow ; 11, Sherbrooke Avenue, Glasgow. (01057) ANDERSON, Major WilUam, O.B.E., M.B., Ch.B., F.R.CS. (Ed.); R.A.M.C, b. 16 May, 1886; s. of George Anderson, J.P., of Nether Auchamie Forgue, Aberdeen shire ; m. Barbara Matthew, d. of David Gibson, of Redhill Surrey. Educ. : Banff Academy, Aberdeen and Edinburgh Universities. Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon, Aber deen Royal Infirmary. War Work : British Red Cross Hospital, Netley, 1914 ; R.A.M.C, France, Feb. 1915 to Dec. 1918 ; Hospitals in England, Dec. 1918 to May, 1919. Address : 10, Albyn Place, Aberdeen. (04956) ANDERSON, William Dunlop, O.B.E., M.B., M.R.C.S., J. P., b. 10 July, 1858 ; s. of Alexander Dunlop Anderson, of Ardsheal, Argyllshire. Educ. : Trinity College, Cambridge ; St. George's Hospital, London. Commissioner of Income Tax. War Work : Hon. House Surgeon and Radiographer, Cumber land Infirmary, 1914-17 ; Anaesthetist and M.O. in charge X-rays, Fusehill War Hospital, Carlisle, 1917-18. Address : Chestnut Hill, Keswick. Club : Royal Highland Yacht, Oban . (011788) ANDERSON, WilUam James, C.B.E., J.P., b. 30 Nov. 1851; 8. of WUUam Anderson, Chartered Accountant, Glasgow ; m. Eleonora, d. of Alexander Kay, of Cornhill, Lanarkshire. Educ : Glasgow Academy and Abbey Park. St. Andrews. Chartered Accountant. War Work : Honorary Treasurer and Member of CouncU and Executive Committee of the Scottish Branch of the British Red Cross Society. Address : Strath- airly, Largo, Fife. Clubs : Western, Glasgow ; University, Edinburgh. (C93) ANDERSON, Capt. WUUam John Skeat, M.B.E., R.F.A. ANDERSON, WilUam Thomas, C.B.E., b. 1872. Educ. : Grammar School, Darlington. Member of Institution of Minign and MetaUurgy ; Consulting Engineer to Transvaal Mining Companies War Work : 1917, Chief Technical Adviser to. Mineral Resources Department ; 1918, Controller of Iron Ore Mines of Cumberland and Lancashire ; 1919, Chief Labour Adviser, Ministry of Munitions. Clubs : Rand, Johannesburg ; Royal Automobile (London). (C2422) ANDERSON, Capt. WUfred Arthur DUNCOMBE-, O.B.E. ANDERSON, Joan Anderson SCOTT-, M.B.E., b. 1856 ; d. of Thomas Shaw, of Australia ; m. Thomas Scott, s. of Thomas Anderson, of Selkirk. Educ. : Switzerland. War Work : President, Kirkhope Branch of Selkirk Red Cross. Address : Ettrick Shaws, Selkirk. (M7213) ANDERTON, James Edwin, M.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., b. 25 March, 1853 ; s. of James Anderton, of Ormskirk, Lan cashire ; m. Hannah, d. of WUliam Shaw, of Ashton-under- Lyne. Educ. : Sandringham School, Southport. Medical Officer, Hayfield Union ; Medical Officer of Health, New Mills District Council ; Certifying Factory Surgeon. War Work : Medical Officer, New Mills V.A.D. Hospital. Club : Consti tutional (Manchester). (M7214) ANDREW, Bennett Harvey, M.B.E., M.D;. b. 1865 ; s. of Charles Andrew, of Hemsworth, Yorks. ; m. Sarah Edith, d. of James Berry, of Bath. Educ. : Privately and King's College Hospital. Medical Practitioner. War Work : M.O. in charge Thame V.A.D. Hospital. Address : Newbury House, WaUiscote Road, Weston-super-Mare. (M7215) ANDREW, Rev. G. Findlay, O.B.E. ANDREW, Major George Lionel, O.B.E. ANDREW, Lieut.-Col. Phillip Oywalk, O.B.E. ANDREW, Capt. Richard Hynman, O.B.E., M.C ANDREWES, Lieut. Cyril John, M.B.E., R.A.S.C. ANDREWES, Major Sir Frederick William, Knt Bach., O.B.E., M.D., F.R.S., R.A.M.C, b. 31 March, 1859 ; s. of Charles James Andrewes, J.P., of Broad Oak, Reading ; m. Phyllis Mary, d. of John Hamer, J.P. Educ. : Christ Church, Oxford ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Professor of Pathology, University of London ; Pathologist, St. Bartholomew's Hospital. War Work : Pathologist, 1st General London Hospital ; Member of War Office Committee on Tetanus ; Member of War Office Committee on Dysentery ; Tetanus Inspector, London (N. of Thames). Address : 1, North Grove, Highgate, N. 6. (06839) ANDREWES, Lieut. Robert Lancelot, M.B.E. ANDREWS, Lieut.-Col. Albion Ernest, O.B.E., b. 16 June, 1877 ; s. of Albion George Andrews, of WeUs, Somerset ; m. Blanche Derham, d. of Rev. H. Bernard Derham-Marshall, of Norton Canon, Herefordshire. Educ. : Weymouth College. At present commanding 1st Batt. The Hampshire Regiment. Served in South Africa, 1902 ; Somaliland, 1903-4 ; France, 1917-18 ; N. Russia, 1918-19 ; Army of the Black Sea, 1920. Addresses : Messrs. Cox and Co., 16, Charing Cross, London, S.W. 1 ; Messrs. Harris and Harris, Diocesan Registry, WeUs, Somerset. (09713) ANDREWS, Annie, Mrs., M.B.E., b. 27 July, 1872; d. of Robert Bell, J.P., Craigie Lea, New Scotland, Transvaal ; m. George Samuel Burt, M.I.C.E., s. of George Robert Andrews, M.I.C.E., of Bournemouth, England. Educ. : Pietermaritz- burg, Natal. War Work : Governor- General's Fund, since Sept. 1914 ; still serving as committee member ; head of a department in the office. Address : Jabula, 77, St. Patrick's Road, Houghton Ridge, Johannesburg. (M2870) Andrews THE OEDEE OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. ANDREWS, Arthur WilUam, M.B.E. ANDREWS, Major Charles Eric, O.B.E. ANDREWS, Charles Henry, M.B.E. ANDREWS, Major Cyril Rogers, M.B.E., R.A.F. ANDREWS, Elizabeth, M.B.E.; d. of Rev. W. R. Andrews, of 27, Enys Road, Eastbourne. War Work : Secre tary to the Eastbourne Belgian and French Refugees Com mittee. Address : 27, Enys Road, Eastbourne. (M7217) ANDREWS, Capt. Ernest Courtney Harold Norman, M.B.E.. R.G.A. ANDREWS, Capt. Francis Arthur Lavington, C.B.E., R.N., King's Harbour Master since 1912, b. 1869. Address : H.M. Dockyard, Malta. Clubs : United Service ; St. James's. (C423) ANDREWS, Major Frank Leon, O.B.E., D.C.M., b. 17 Nov. 1870 ; s. of the late John WiUiam, of London ; to. Margaret Maria, d. of T. B. Bickerton, of Hove, and niece of the late Rear-Admiral Sir Richard Bickerton, Bart. War Work : Service in India ; South Africa, Medal and 8 clasps ; King's Medal and 2 clasps ; D.C.M. and 1 clasp ; 2 mentions, 10 Sept. 1901, and 29 July, 1902. Club : Junior Army and Navv. ANDREWS, George, M.B.E. ANDREWS, Lieut.-Col. George Henry, O.B.E. ANDREWS, Helen, Mrs., M.B.E., 6. 13 AprU, 1863; d. of Robert ArdiU, of Fallowfield, Manchester ; m. Thomas James, s. of Isaac Andrews, of Comber, Co. Down. Educ. : In France and Germany. War Work : Controller of Buffet for Sailors and Soldiers, Co. Down RaUway, Belfast ; Vice- President, S.S.F.A. ; Vice-Chairman, Local War Pensions Sub-committee, Comber, Co. Down. Address : The Square, Comber, Co. Down. Club : Lyceum (M7219) ANDREWS, Capt. Henry Leonard Herbert, M.B.E. ANDREWS, Eng.-Comm. Henry Osmond, O.B.E., R.N. ANDREWS, Horace George, M.B.E. ANDREWS, Lieut. Joseph Claude, M.B.E., R.A.F. ANDREWS, Leonard, M.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., b. 16 April, 1869 ; s. of Henry Andrews, of Little Langford, Salisbury. Educ. : Bedford County School. Consulting Engineer, Johnson Matthey, and Co. Ltd., 78, Hatton Garden, E.C. 1. War Work : Engineering Superintendent, Metropohtan Munitions Committee Address : The Hut, West End Lane, Pinner. Club : St. Stephen's. (M3491) ANDREWS, Lieut. LesUe Frank, M.B.E. ANDREWS, Major Neale, O.B.E., R.A.S.C. ANDREWS, Surgeon Capt. Octavius WiUiam, C.B.E., M.B., R.N. ' ANDREWS, Lieut. Sidney Byron, M.B.E., R.E. (M10299) ANDREWS, Walter Gower, M.B.E., J.P., b. 1866 ; s. of Thornton Andrews, M.Inst.C E..J.P., of Cefn Eithen Swansea. Educ. : Cheltenham CoUege. War Work : MUitary Repre sentative on the Tribunals for Abergavenny Borough and Abergavenny Rural District. Address : Aberbaiden, nr. Aber gavenny, Mon. Club : Junior Athenasum. (M7220) ANDREWS, Capt. George Edward GENGE-, O.B.E., M.P., B.S., b. 1 Aug. 1888; s. of George Edward Genge- Andrews, of Rimpton House^ Rimpton, Bath. Educ : Guy's Hospital. Medical Assessor, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : CivUian Medical Officer i;c Troops, Lewes, Sussex, from Aug. to Dec. 1914 ; Lieut, and Capt. R.A.M.C, 16 Dec. 1914 to 16 Dec. 1916 ; CivUian M.O. i/c 332 Field Ambulance Hospital, May 1917 to Nov. 1918. Address : 49, Beaufort Mansions, Beaufort Street, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Club : Guy's Hospital. (04374) ANGEL, Frederick William, M.B.E. ANGEL, Capt. Sydney James HounseU, O.B.E., b. 14 Dec. 1872 ; s. of Richard Angel, of Bridport, Dorset, m. Katharine, d. of John Alex Barker, of Upton Manor. Educ. : Upton Cross. Merchant Service. War Work : Commanded H.M.S. " Australind " ; was taken up by the Admiralty at the outbreak of War ; was conveying troops, horses, guns, ammuni tion, etc., to ports of France ; sent to Egypt in March, 1915 ; took part in GaUipoli landing on 25 AprU, 1915 ; carried troops from Egypt to Mudros until July, 1915, then returned to Southampton and was on duty in the Channel until the cessation of hostilities. Address : Rozel, Westbourne Grove, Westcliff -on-Sea. Club : Maritime. (O3603) ANGEL, Capt. Walter Douglas, M.B.E. ANGELL, Capt. Bruce Othniel, M.B.E. R.A.F. ANGELL, Charles Henry Cooper, O.B.E. ANGELL, Col. Frederick John, C.B.E., Assistant Director of Ordnance Services, Southern Command, late Col. Royal Irish Fusiliers, b. 1861. Served Egyptian Expedition, 1884 ; Beohuanaland Expedition, 1884-85. (C94) ANGELO, AUred, O.B.E. ANGELS, Mary Colquhoun, Mrs. FOX-, M.B.E. (M10369) ANGIER, Frederick Leigh, O.B.E., M R C S. ANGUS, John, M.B.E., B.Sc. Glasgow. War Work : Assistant Constructor (Temporary) Department of Director of Naval Construction Admiralty. (M79'71) ANGUS, Maj. Robert, O.B.E., R.E. ANGUS, Major WilUam Brodie Gurney, O.B.E., M.C, M.A., M.D. (Cantab), F.R.CS. (Edin.), b. 28 June, 1884; s. of C. J. Angus, of Hampstead. Educ. : Oundle School ; Christ's College, Cambridge ; London Hospital. War Work • Joined Aug. 1914; served in GaUipoli, Egypt, France ; was Surgical Specialist in Casualty Clearing Stations ; and for a 32 time Medical Officer in charge 108 Army Brigade, R.F.A. Address : 14, North Square, London, N.W. 4. (04959) ANNAN, Margaret, M.B.E. Educ. : Wycombe Abbey School. Administrative Assistant in the Offices of the War Cabinet. Address : Pentlands, Mitcham, Surrey. (M7222) ANNAND, John Fowler, O.B.E., M.Sc. ; s. of Adam Annand, of Keig, Aberdeenshire ; to. Mary Anderson, d. of Robert Harvey, of Aberdeen. Educ. : Aberdeen, Edin burgh, and on the Continent. Divisional Forest Officer, Forestry Commission (Eastern Division, Scotland), was formerly Adviser and Lecturer in Forestry at Armstrong CoUege (University of Durham), and Superintendent of Crown Woods in County Durham. War Work : During the War held the position of Divisional Officer in charge at Newcastle- uponsTyne, of the Board of Trade Timber Supply Department and was responsible for the purchase and manufacture of large quantities of home timber used for war purposes in France and in England. Address : 156, Union Street, Aberdeen. (09897) ANNE, Major George Charlton, O.B.E., R.A.F., b. 11 Feb. 1886 • s. of Ernest Lambert Swinburne Anne, of BurghwalUs, Co. York, (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Amy Violet, d. of late James Montagu, of Malton Park, Yorkshire (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry) ; Capt. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infanttyj Address : Fieldhead. Thornet, W. Leeds. (03248) ANNETT, Henry Edward, M.B.E., M.D. ANNING, Lieut. WiUiam James, O.B.E., R.N.R. ANSCOMBE, Capt. Richard Stanley, O.B.E. ANSELL, George Frederic, C.B.E. ANSON, Major Ernest St. George, O.B.E., b. 23 AprU, 1875 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. A. G. Anson, of Royal Marine Artillery (retired) ; m. Blanche Evelyn, d. of C. C. W. Hoare, of H.M. CivU Service (retired). Educ. : Clifton CoUege. Joined East Surrey Regt., 9 Dec. 1896, as 2nd Lieut. ; served through out with that unit except as below. War Work : At outbreak of war, was employed training arafts for the front until Jan. 1915 ; proceeded to the Ypres district, Jan. 1915 ; evacuated to England very severely wounded, 20 Feb. 1915 ; attached General Staff, War Office, M.I.S., 20 Dec. 1915 ; appointed to Imperial General Staff, M.I.S. War Office, 1 March, 1917 to 31 Dec. 1919 ; rejoined East Surrey Regt., 1 Jan. 1920. Address : c'o Messrs. Cox and Co., 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. (08731) ANSON, Major George Frank Wemyss, O.B.E. (011722) ANSON, Major George Wilfred, M.B.E., M.C, .. 2 June, 1893 ; s. of G. E. Anson, of Windy Brow, Kendal ; m. Dinah d. of A. A. Bourne, of Cheltenham. Educ. : Winchester and Trinity College, Oxford. War Work : Served with 7th Royal North Lancashire Regt., 1914-17 (France) ; adjutant two years ; Adjutant, No 11 Officer Cadet Batt., 1918-20. Address: Copthorn, Downleaze, Sneyd Park, Bristol. Club : Cavendish. (M5036) ANSON, Maud, Mrs., M.B.E. ANSTEY, Eng.-Comm. Henry Charles, O.B.E., R.N. ANSTEY, Norman, O.B.E. ANSTRUTHER, Hon. Dame Eva IsabeUa Henrietta, D.B.E., 6. 25 Jan. 1869 ; e.d. of the 4th Baron Sudeley (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Henry Torrens, 2nd s. of the late Sir Robert Anstruther, 5th Bt., M.P., of Balcaskie (see BURKE'S Peerage). Address: 25, Curzon St. W. 1. (D8) ANSTRUTHER, MUdred Harriet, Lady, C.B.E., b. 2 Juns 1863 ; d. of Edward Hussey, of Scotney Castle ; m. Sir Ralph William, s. of the late Sir Robert Anstruther, Bt., of Balcaskie. War Work : Soldiers and SaUors FamUies Association ; War Pensions ; Red Cross ; Food Control. Addresses : Balcaskie, Pittenweem ; 10, Evelyn 'Mansions, London, S.W. Clubs : Queen s, Edinburgh : New Victorian. (C95) ANSTRUTHER, Eleonora, Hon. Mrs. James LLOYD-, ANTHONY, Isaac John, M.B.E. ANTILL, Lilian Mary, Mrs., C.B.E., 6. 1879 ; d. of John Bassett Christian, of Tudor EUzabeth Bay, Sydney, NS Wales ; m late Major E. A. AntlU, Royal Aust. Field ArtiUery. War Work : Organiser of War Chest Fund at Sydney. Ad dress : Javisfield, Picton, N.S. Wales (C357) ANTOINE, Ivy Madame Andre, M.B.E., .. 18 April, 1884; d. of late Capt. Arthur Gooch, 16th Lancers, of 7, Queen's Gardens, Windsor ; m. Andre Joseph Antoine, s. of Monsieur iL Wn£°m&r ° ^aris4, EdH°- •' " Tile Beehive," Windsor. War Work : Worked at Bow House, Bow, for the late Lady St. Davids, also a short time at the Missing and Wounded Office, Norfolk House, Pall Mall ; 1915, went to AbbeviUe to work in t^neM^h 1°oi?nglai}'LSoldiers' Rooms. where she stayed m March, 1919. Address : 101, Rue Gravel, LevaUois, ANTROBUS, George PoUock, O.B.E. ( ' APPERLY, Dayid Cooper, M.B.E., b. 17 Feb. 1846; s of David Apper y, of Stroud, Glos. ; m. 1st, Louisa, d. T>r w !ni^ac£en?le' IK Kilmalcolm, 2ndly, Beatrice, d of Dr. W. Soltau Eccles, of Norwood. Educ. : Privately. Hon. Treasurer and Chairman of CouncU of Mr. Fegan's Homes War^of^i f^ftor and Chairman of severlfcbmpaffies ZZ 'nwt ?st„abhshed and President of the Langton Green War Hospital Supply Depot (Affiliated to Queen Marv's Needlework GuUd, Carpenters Branch). Club P Royal Auto- A?KYrM?I!?Inl,PmM. MB-B- (M?226) S™' Capt Geoffrey Edmund, M.B.E. APPLEBY, Lieut. -Col. Kinloch Arthur O Tt V APPLETON, Edith EUzabeth, O.BE' BIOGKAPHIES. Armitage APPLETON, Janet, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of the Rev. Canon Parish, Master of Greatham Hospital, Co. Durham ; m. Rev. Charles Reginald, «. of the Rev. T. Appleton, Rector of Lud- gershaU, Bucks. War Work : V.A.D. work 1914-19 at 1st Durham Aux. Hospital, Whinney House, Gateshead, and at St. John's Ambulance Brigade Hospital, Saltwell Towers Gateshead. Address : 17, Osborne Terrace, Gateshead, Co. Durham. - (M7227) APPLETON, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E., 6. 17 Oct. 1858 ; d. of iEneas Joseph Dymott, of London ; to. Thomas Alfred, Surgeon, s. of James Appleton, of London. Educ. : WeUs, Somerset. Commandant, V.A.D., L. 158. War Work : For 5 years Commandant and Organiser of the Red Cross Voluntary work, and Hon. Sec. of the Gifts and Comforts Department at Special Military Surgical Hospital, Shepherd's Bush ; also under the Ministry of Pensions; One year at Fulham MUitary Hospital. Address : 34, Stevenage Road, Bishop's Park, Fulham, S.W. 6. (M7228) APPLETON, WilUam Archibald, C.B.E., b. 1859 ; s. of Edward John Appleton, of Lenton ; Sec. Lace Makers' Trade Union, 1896-1907 ; Sec. Gen. Federation of Trade Unions ; British Correspondent to International Federation of Trade Unions, and Member of Advisory Committee on National Insurance. Addresses : The Larches, Stevenage, Herts. ; Hami'ton House. Bidborough Street, W.C 1. (CI) APPLETON, Lieut. WiUiam Arnold, M.B.E.. R.N.V.R APPLEYARD, Agnes, Mrs., M.B.E.,; d. of Hugh Dickie, B.A., LL.D., of KUmarnock, Scotland ; m. Charles W. Apple- yard, «. of Isaac Appleyard, of Scarborough. War Work : On Administrative Committee of Gov.-General's Fund, Johan nesburg ; did special work in connection with Widows' pensions and the education of the War orphans. Address : 126, Houghton Drive Johannesburg. (M6341) APPLEYARD, Major George Crossley, O.B.E. APPLEYARD, Lieut. RoUo, O.B.E., R.N.V.R., D.S.O. O.B.E. APPLIN, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Vincent Kempenfeldt, D.S.O., O.B.E., Commanding 14th (King's) Hussars, 6. 11 April, 1869 ; e.s. of the late Capt. V. J. AppUn, late R.M.T. ; m. Beatrice Caroline Buchan. Educ. : Newton Coll. and Sherborne. Entered British North Borneo Service as a Cadet, 1889 ; served through Syed and Mat SaUeh RebeUions, 1895- 97 (medal and clasp) ; served through South African War, 1899-1901 ; District Commissioner, Bloemfontein (medal, 4 clasps, despatches twice, D.S.O.) ; battles Messines and Passchendaele, 1917 (despatches twice. Brevet Lieut.-Col.). Address : c;o Cox & Co., 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. Club : Junior United Service. (08732) APSEY, Sir John, K.B.E., 6. 18 March, 1859; s. of the late John Apsey, of Sheerness ; to. 1st, Esther Elizabeth (died 1917), d. of the late Nathaniel Finch, of Sheerness, 2nd, Mabel, d. of James Jesse Coles, South HayUng. Educ. : Royal Naval CoU., Greenwich. Manager of H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, since 1907 ; Chief Constructor, H.M. Dockyard, Malta, 1902 ; superintended the bunding of the following battleships of the Super-Dreadnought type, viz. : " BeUerophon," " St. Vincent," " Neptune," " Orion," " King George V.," " Iron Duke," " Queen Elizabeth," and " Royal Sovereign." these being in each case the leading ship of their class. Address : 2, The Parade, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. (K450) APTHORP, Beatrice Mary, O B.E. ARBERY, Major James, M.B.E. ARBUTHNOT, Constance, Lady, M.B.E. ; d. of Sir WilUam Milman, 3rd Bart. (seeBm-KE's Peerage) ; m. Sir Alexander John Arbuthnot, K.C.S.I., Ci.E., s. of the Right Rev. Alexander Arbuthnot, D.D., Bishop of KUIaloe. Edue. : Private!. . Com mandant, 130 Hants B.R.C.S. ; Foundation Manager, New town School. War W ork. "Correspondent for LocalBelgian Relief Fund (Kingsclere) 1914-19 , Correspondent for Newtown for Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Assoc, and for Group of workers under Newbury Hospital Supply Depot, 1915-19 ; convalescent officers received, 1915-16 ; Newtown House accepted for AuxUiary Hospital (Class A), and opened 17 Dec. 1916 ; en larged to 31 beds, 1918 ; closed 30 June, 1919 ; organised Hospital and acted as commandant ; mentioned in despatch, 1919. Address : Newtown House, Newbury. (M7229) ARBUTHNOT, EUzabeth Fountaine, M.B.E. Address: 26, Cadogan Square, London, S.W.I. ARBUTHNOT, Evelyn Mary, O B.E. ARBUTHNOT, Capt. Lionel Gough, M.B.E., b. 24 Sept. 1870 ; s. of Hugh Gough Arbuthnot. Educ. : Harrow and Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. War Work : Enlisted Oct. 1914 ; Commission, AprU, 1915 ; proceeded to GallipoU, Oct. 1915 ; remained until evacuation ; served in Egypt, and proceeded to France, June, 1916 ; remained there until Aug. 1917, when severely wounded ; after recovering, proceeded to Salonika, and was appointed A.D.C to Gen. Plunkett, Chief of the MUitary Mission with the Serbian Army. Received the Serbian Order of the White Eagle. Club : M.C.C . (M5037) ARBUTHNOT, Major Malcolm Alexander, O.B.E., 6. 23 Sept. 1878 ; s. of W. R. Arbuthnot, late of Plawhatch, East Grimstead ; to. Florence Jessie, d. of G. S. BoUeau, of Sydney. Educ: Trinity College, Cambridge. Stockbroker. War Work : 2nd Batt. Seaforth Highlanders, Western Front, till wounded, and then Staff Capt. and Deputy Assistant Adjutant- General, War Office. Address : 69, Courtfield Gardens, S.W. 5. Club: WeUington. (06841) ARCHDALE, Rev. Mervyn, O.B.E. ARCHDALE, Capt. Nicholas Edward, C.B.E., R.N. ARCHER, Major Basil Henry, O.B.E. f ARCHER, Henry George Fuller, O.B.E. (011936) ARCHER, Henry William, O.B.E. ARCHER, Sir John, K.B.E., 6. 13 June, 1860 ; s. of late John Archer, of Lenzie, Dumbartonshire ; m. Ella Beatrice, d. of J. 0. Sharpe, of Longhope, Glos. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Chairman, Advisory Committee, Customs and Excise, on Wines and Spirits, 1917-19. Address : Devonshire Lodge, Richmond, Surrey. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Con stitutional ; Royal Automobile. (K129) ARCHER, Major John Oliver, O.B.E., R.F.A., S.R. Address : R.F.A., Woolwich, S.E. ARCHER, Major Samuel Frank Alderson, O.B.E., F.A. ARCHER, Thomas WilUam, M.B.E. ARCHER, WiUiam David, O.B.E., b. 4 March, 1860; s. of David Archer, of Croydon. Educ. : Whitgift School, Croydon. Late Principal Ship Surveyor, Board of Trade. War Work : Marine Department, Board of Trade. Address : 3, Birdhurst Rise, Croydon. (O9900) ARCHEY, Capt. Gilbert Edward, O.B.E. ARCHIBALD, David, M.B.E., b. 31 Aug. 1862. Station Master, Waverley Station, Edinburgh. Address : 2, West Mayfield, Edinburgh. (M7231) ARCHIBALD, Major George Grassie, O.B.E. ARD, Rachel Maud, M.B.E., 6. 1871 ; d. of Rev. A. J. Ard, M.A., late Vicar of S. Savionia, Tollington Park, London^N. Educ. : At home, France and Italy with governesses, war Work : Commandant of Rusthale V.A.D. Hospital, Tunbridge Wells. Address : Heatherleigh, Hungershall Park, Tunbridge WeUs. (Ml) ARDEE, Brig.-Gen. Lord Reginald Le Normand, C.B., C.B.E., b. 24 Nov. 1889 ; s. of 13th Earl of Meath ; to. Aileen May, d. of 4th Earl of Dunraven. Educ. : Wellington CoUege. Served in the South African War 1900-2 (Queen's Medal three clasps, King's Medal two clasps). War Work : Commanding 1st Batt. Grenadier Guards when war began; transferred to command of 1st Batt. Irish Guards, Sept. 1914 ; wounded Ypres, Nov. 1914 ; attached Munitions Inventions Department; 1915-16 ; commanded 4th Guards Brigade, Feb. to April, 1918 ; gassed, 1918 ; commandant Etaples Administrative District, June, 1918, to July, 1919. (C1216) ARDERN, Frederick, M.B.E., 6. 21 Dec. 1883; s. of Thomas Henry Ardern, of Stockport ; m. Lavinia Mary, d. of James Royle, of Stockport. Educ. : Stockport and Manchester. Assistant Overseer and Collector of Kates for the parishes and Urban Districts of Handforth and Hazel Grove-cum-Bramhall ; Secretary, Hazel Grove and Wilmslow War Pensions Committee (Cheshire) ; Member, Hazel Grove sub-committee, Cheshire Old Age Pensions Committee. War Work : Sub-District Representative, SaUors' and Soldiers' Families Association ; Sub-District Representative Incorporated Sailors' and Soldiers' Help Society ; Member, local Prince of Wales' Fund Committee ; Hon. Sec, Ashton-under-Lyne and Stockport War Pensions District Committee, afterwards known as Hazel Grove and Wilmslow District Committee (Cheshire) ; Hon. Auditor, Hazel Grove War Savings Association ; Special Constable, Cheshire County Constabulary. Address: " Withernsea," Queen's Road, Hazel Grove, Cheshire. (M7232) ARGLES, Agnes, O.B.E., 6. 21 March, 1866 ; d. of W. H. Wakefield, of Sedgwick, Kendal ; m. Thomas A., s. of F. A. Argles, of Eversley, Milnthorpe. War Work : Chairman of Executive and Disablement Committees for Westmorland War Pensions ; Commissioner for Westmorland Girl Guides ; Presi dent of Westmorland Musical Festival. Address : Eversley, Milnthorpe, Westmorland. ; (O9901) ARGLES, Capt. Guy Arthur Eustace, O.B.E., R.A.S.C ARGO, Archibald, M.B.E. ARIS, Capt. Alexander Frederick, O.B.E., R.A.S.C ARKLE, Alderman Arthur Henry, O.B.E., J.P., b. 29 Aug. 1858 ; s. of W. B. Arkle, of Oxton, Birkenhead. Educ. : Marlborough. Chairman, Birkenhead Education Committee. War Work : Chairman, War Pensions Committee ; Chairman, Recruiting Advisory Committee ; Mayor of Birkenhead, 1914- 1915. Address : Elmhurst, Oxton, Birkenhead. Club : Athe naeum (Liverpool). (O9902) ARKLE, Major John Stanley, O.B.E., M.B. R.A.M.C, s. of Thomas Nixon Arkle, of Gosforth, Northumberland ; m. E. B., d. of WiUiam Wade, of Gosforth. Hon. Asst. to Ophthalmic Dept., Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle-on- Tyne. War Work : Served with R.A.M.C, Sept. 1914 to Nov. 1915 ; attached to 12th Batt. The Royal Scots, Nov. 1915 to AprU, 1919 ; No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station. Address : 14, Jesmond Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (O2403) ARKLIE, Edgar Vincent, M.B.E. ARLAND, Lieut. John Alfred, M.B.E. ARMAN, Edward WilUam James, O.B.E., b. 24 Jan. 1856 ; s. of Orlando Annan, of Hungerford, Berks. ; m. Kate Eliza beth, d. of Joseph Seelie Greenhow, of Chelmsford. Educ. : Hungerford Grammar School, and Privately. War Work : Member, Portsmouth War Pensions Committee ; Member, Portsmouth War Economy Committee ; Member, Portsmouth War Savings Committee ; President, Portsmouth Post Office War Savings Association ; Divisional Food Commissioner, South Midland Division; Hon. Sec. Berkshire County War Memorial. Address : 23, Kendrick Road, Reading. (O9903) ARMBRUSTER, Major Charles Hubert, O.B.E. ARMBRUSTER, Hubert, M.B.E. ARMISTEAD, Thomas, M.B.E. ARMITAGE, CeeU Henry, C.B.E., D.L., _. 1877; _. of 33 Armitage THE OEDEE OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. Frederick Armitage, of NorthaUerton, Yorks ; m. Mary Mar chent Edwards d. of John Edwards, of Taunton. Educi.: King William's College. County Red Cross Hon. Sec. an. County Director. War Work : County Director, Derbyshire ; Red Cross County Hon. Sec. ; Hon. Sec. Derbyshire Soldiers' Comforts Assoc. Address : Longstone Grange, near Bakewell, Derbyshire. Club : Derbyshire County. (C97) ARMITAGE, Major Charles Leathley, D.S.O., O.B.E., b. 1871 ; s. of the late Rev. Arthur Armitage, of Brecken- brough, Cheltenham; m. 1901, Esther, who d. 1914, d. of Richard Armitage. Educ. : Winchester. Entered King's Liverpool Regt., 1892, and became Capt. 1900 ; retired 1907. War Services : Served during 1914-15, as Capt. and Brevet Major Worcestershire Regt. (wounded, despatches) ; is Ch. Constable of Southport. Club : Union (Southport). (06844) ARMITAGE, Elsie Barbara, M.B.E., 6. 10 Sept. 1878; d. of A. C. Armitage, of Kirroughtree, Newton Stewart. War Work : Secretary, British Soldiers' and Sailors' Institute, Boulogne. Address : Kirroughtree, Newton Stewart, Scot land. (M3492) ARMITAGE, Ethel, Mrs., M.B.E. ARMITAGE, Louisa Mary, O.B.E., 5.12 Aug. 1864; d.ot S.F. Armitage, J.P., of Pell HaU, Little Hulton, Bolton, Lanes. Educ. : Mme. Yeatman's School, NeuUly, Paris. War Work : From 1912 to 1920 worked amongst the British Soldiers in Miss Sande's Homes, of which there are eight in India. Address : Sutton Seale, Macclesfield, Cheshire. (O9804) ARMITAGE, Capt. Phihp MeUand, O.B.E., R.F.A. (T. F.). ARMITAGE, Stanley Holt, O.B.E. ARMITAGE, T. 2nd Lieut. Walter Cleveland, M.B.E., R.A.S.C. ARMITAGE, Major WiUiam Bryan, O.B.E., late R.A.F., now Capt. 8th Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers (T.F.) ARMITSTEAD, Henry, M.B.E. ARMITSTEAD, 2nd Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E. ARMOUR, George Denholm, O.B.E., b. 30 Jan. 1864 ; s. of Robert Armour, of Waterside, Busby, Lanarkshire ; m. Mary Emma, d. of John Robb. Educ. : St. Andrews. War Work : In Army Remount Service ; appointed to command of F. Squadron, Remount Depot, Swaythling, April, 1915, with rank of Major ; exchanged to Salonica, June, 1917, to command 42nd Remount Squadron ; in Dec. 1917 was promoted to Staff as D.A.D.R. and to command Remount Depot, Salonica, with temporary rank of Lieut.-Col. ; awarded Greek Military Medal, 3rd Class. Address : Parkside, Corsham, WUts. Club : Savage. (06431) ARMOUR, Major John Douglas, O.B.E. ARMOUR, William Staveley, M.B.E., M.A., Barrister-at- Law,6.28Dec.l883;s. ofthe Rev. J.B. Armour, M.A., of Bally- money Ireland. Educ : Campbell Coll , Belfast ; Jesus Coll. Oxford. President Oxford Union. 1907. Indian Education Service ; Headmaster, Queen's Coll. School, Benares ; Inspector of Schools, Lucknow, etc. War Work : On Special Duty, Northern Army Headquarters, India, 1917 ; Supt. Publicity Bureau, Education Dept. U.P., 1918-19. (M6101) ARMSTRONG, Arthur CampbeU, O.B.E. ARMSTRONG, Capt Cyril, M.B.E., R.A.M.C, b. 11 May 1893 ; s. of John H. Armstrong, of Sunderland ; m. Elizabeth ChUds, d. of the late Stanley Dorling, of Sunderland. Educ. : Argyle House School, Sunderland. War Work : Served with No. 10, General Hospital ; 1/5 Lincolnshire Regt., France, 1914-15 ; West Africa. May, 1916, to July, 1917 ; Registrar, Military Hospital, Rochester Row, S.W. 1., Sept. 1917 to May, 1919. Address : Raincliffe, Roker, Sunderland. (M5038) ARMSTRONG, Capt. Francis Harold Courtenay, O.B.E. ARMSTRONG, Francis Joseph, O.B.E., 6. 14 Jan. 1865 ; s. of the late Joseph Armstrong, of Ipswich ; m. Annie May, d, of the late Frederick Davies, of London. Educ. : Ipswich. Junior Assistant Secretary, in the Scottish Education Depart ment, and Secretary to the Advisory Council of the Depart ment. War Work : Increased departmental duties owing to the absence, on mUitary service, of the younger members of the staff, and evening work on munitions. Address : 7, RUlbank Terrace, Edinburgh. (O3604) ARMSTRONG, Lieut.-Col. Francis Logie, O.B.E., 6. 5 Sept. 1886 ; s. of C. N. Armstrong, of Montreal, Canada ; m. Marjorie Hilton, d. of Lieut.-Col. A. J. Wilkes, K.C, of Brantford, Canada Educ. : St. Alban's School, Royal Military CoUege, Kingston. Director of Records, Department of MUitia and Defence, Ottawa. War Work : D.A.A.G. Canadian Record Office, London ; Staff Captain 4th Can. Inf. Brigade, France ; General Staff Officer H.Q. 3rd Can. Div. France ; Officer-in-Charge Canadian Records, London, Eng. ; Director of Records, MUitia H.Q. Ottawa. Address : Rockcliffe, Ottawa, Canada. Clubs : Junior Naval and Military ; Royal Ottawa Golf. (097) ARMSTRONG, Comm. Francis Philip, O.B.E., R.N.V.R., b. 16 Oct. 1871 s. of Sir G. C. H. Armstrong, Bart. ; m Pucheria Margaret, d. of George Fox, J. P., D.L., of Elmhurst Hall, Lichfield. Educ. : Charterhouse and Magdalen College, Oxford. War Work : Aug. 1914, to Feb. 1916, Admiralty ; Feb. 1916, to Feb. 1917, in charge of Commission for selection of officers and mechanics for AuxUiary Patrol in Canada and New Zealand ; Mar. 1916, to Dec. 1918, Commander Yacht Patrol, Portsmouth, and in Command of Coastal Motor-boat Base at Haslar ; Jan. 1919, to Aug. 1919, Assistant Mainten ance Captain, Portsmouth. Address : Oxleys, Beaulieu, Hants. Club : Junior Carlton. ARMSTRONG, Capt. George MedUcott, O.B.E., R.A.O.C ARMSTRONG, Capt. George William, M.B.E., R.F.A. ARMSTRONG, Lieut.-Col. Godfrey George, O.B.E. ARMSTRONG, Henry, O.B.E. ARMSTRONG, Capt. Howard Wolfenden, M.B.E. ARMSTRONG, Major James Alexander, O.B.E. ARMSTRONG, Col. John Alexander, C.M.G., C B.E., b. 1862 ; s. of late Thomas Armstrong ; m: 1890, Ida, who d. 1904 d of — Spittal. Educ. : Toronto Uni*. Ts a Surg. Dentist, Col. Canadian Forces, and Director of Dental Sers. Overseas Mil. Forces of Canada ; was a Member of Public Sch. Board, Ottawa, 1906-17 (elected Chm. 1912). Address: ] 02 James Street, Ottawa. Clubs : National Liberal ; Sports' ; WelUngton : Laurentian (Ottawa). (C1827) ARMSTRONG, John Henry Nicholas, O.B.E. ARMSTRONG, John Warneford Scobell, C.B.E., b. 1 Mar. 1877 ; s. of John ScobeU Armstrong, of Naneealverne, near Penzance. Educ. : Abroad. Called to the Bar at the Inner Temple on 5 July, 1905, and joined the Western Circuit; author of the " Trade Continuation Schools of Germany," published by the Eighty Club in 1913. War Work : Assistant Postal Censor, 1914-15 ; from 1915 to June, 1919, was in charge of a subsection of the Directorate of Military InteUigence, War Office, and responsible to the Chief Postal Censor for the policy of the Postal Censorship in relation to Commerce and to the Economic Blockade ; from June, 1919, to Feb. 1920, served as Temp. Assistant Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office; now serving as Temp. Legal Adviser to the Reparation Claims Department of the Board of Trade. Received, 25 June, 1920, Les Palmes d' Officier d' Academic conferred by the President of the French Republic. Address : 5, Montagu Street, Portman Sq., London, W. Clubs : St. James'; Eighty; M.C.C. (02424) ARMSTRONG, John WiUiam, O.B.E. ARMSTRONG, Nevill Alexander Drummond, O.B.E. ARMSTRONG, Robert Bayles, M.B.E. ARMSTRONG, Capt. Samuel Richard, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. ARMSTRONG, Capt. Sereld John, O.B.E., M.C, R.E., b . 25 May, 1894 ; s. of Rear- Admiral J. G. Armstrong. Educ. : Cheltenham College and Royal MUitary Academy, Woolwich. War Work: France, Jan. 1915 to Nov. 1918, in 2nd Field Squadron. Address : Brompton Barracks, Chatham. Club : United Service. (04963) ARMSTRONG, 2nd Lieut. Thomas Edward Steele, M.B.E. ARMSTRONG, Col. Thomas Graves Lowry Herbert, C.B.E., b. 1586 ; Col. and Hon. Brig.-Gen. (ret.) ; Great War, 1914-3 9 (despatches). (C1446) ARMSTRONG, FUght.-Lieut. Tom, M.B.E., R.A.F., L.R.C.S. ARMYTAGE, Frederic Fairburn, M.B.E., L.R.C.P. and S. Ed., L.F.P. and S.G., b. 18 March, 1861 ; s. of James Armytage, of Hartshead, Yorks. Educ. : Edinburgh University. War Work : Med. Officer to Clifford Street and Nunthorpe Hall V.A.D. Hospitals, York, and Askham Grange V.A.D. Hospital, near York. Address : Acomb, York. (M7235) ARNEIL, Lieut. London, O.B.E., R.F.A. . ARNISON, Christine Mary, M.B.E. ; d. of WiUiam Prince Trustram, of Cheapside, London ; m. WUliam Drewett, s. of George Arnison, of AUendale, Northumberland. Educ : Blackheath High School, London, S.E. War Work : 1st Northern General Hospital, Newcastle. Address: 4, Lovaine Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (M7236) ARNOLD, Capt. AUred Henry, O.B.E., b. 4 Aug. 1890. Esquire of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; Order of Nile (4th Class) ; Chevalier, Order King George of Greece ; mentioned in despatches. War Work : Secretary, H.Q. Col lections Committee, B.R.C.S. and Order of St. John, 1914 ; attached H.Q. Staff, Red Cross Commission, France, 1914-15 ; Secretary, Malta, Egypt, and Near East Commissions, B.R.C.S. and Order of St. John, 1915-19. Address: 2, Sherbrook Gardens, Winchmore Hill, N. 21. (O9906) ARNOLD, Col. Alfred James, C.B.E., D.S.O., b. 1866 ; s . of Alfred Roberts Arnold, of Bournemouth ; to. H. May, d. of the late R. Hardwick, J.P., of Cheshire. Educ. : Privately and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. War Work : Com manded 20th Batt. Manchester Regt., also 1st G. B. Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Address : Hafod Wen, Harlech. Clubs : Arthur's ; Cavalry ; British Empire. (C798) ARNOLD, Major Allan Cholmondeley, O.B.E., M.C. ARNOLD, Hon. Lieut.-Col. Francis Havard, O.B.E., R.A.O.C ARNOLD, Capt. George, M.B.E., b. 21 Feb. 1862 ; s. of George and Sarah Arnold, of Gooie ; to. Sarah Ellen, d of Jonathan Sales, of Goole. Educ. : National School, Goole. Master Mariner in the employ of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co. War Work : Employed in Cross-Channel Trans port during the whole of the War. Address : 4, Sutton Street, Goole. (M3493) ARNOLD, Henry George, M.B.E. ARNOLD, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Tollemache, CBE. D.S.O., b. 1867 ; Major, Brevet Lieut.-Col., and Staff-Pav- master Army Pay Depart. ; Great War, 1914-18 (despatche.%) , was 2nd class Assist. Accountant, Accounts Depart., 1905-9. ARNOLD, Percy, O.B.E. (C1217) ARNOT, John Wilkie, M.B.E. Works Manager and Engineer to the Hereford FilUng Factorv. (M10304) ARNOT, Capt. William, O.B.E. ' uuiiwu*/ I ARNOT, Lieut. WilUam Mills, M.B.E., R.A.F (T F ) 34 BIOGRAPHIES. Ashwell ARNOTT, Caroline Sydney, Lady, D.B.E., Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, J.P., 6. 22 March 1859 ; d. of Sir Frederick WUliams, 2nd Bart., of Tregullow, Cornwall, and Heanton Court, N. Devon ; m. Sir John Arnott, Bart. s. of Sir John Arnott, 1st Bart., of Woodlands, Cork (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Vice-President for Dublin City Branch of the SaUors" and Soldiers' Help Society , Presi dent, Dublin Committee of " Farewell " to British Troops, Aug. 1914 ; President and Organiser, Dublin Depot for Food Supplies to the Prisoners of War of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers ; Chairman, National War Savings Committee for Leinster, Munster and , Connaught ; Chairman, National Waste Paper Department of Irish Hospital Supply Depot. Address : 12, Merrion Square, Dublin. (D9) ARNOTT, Major Edward Whiston, O.B.E., R.F.A. (T.F. Reserve), 6. 7 May, 1883 ; s. of the late Edward Arnott, J.P., of the Garth, Monmouth ; m. Julia, d. of the late WUliam Alfred Baker, J.P., of Avishays, Newport. Barrister, Inner Temple; Assistant Secretary, War Compensation Court. War Work : Served with Expeditionary Forces in France and Egypt; 1914 15 Star. Address: 11, Old Court Mansions, Kensington, London, W. 8. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; New University. (06846) ARNOTT, Florence Evelyn, Mrs., M.B.E. ARNOTT, Francis WUUam, M.B.E., 6. 21 Sept. 1888; s. of Thomas Richard, of Coventry ; m. Ellen Annie, d. of Arthur Henton, of Leamington Spa. Educ. : Bablake and King Henry VIII. Schools, Coventry. Superintendent, Carriage and Erecting Dept., The Daimler Co., Ltd., Coventry. War Work : Superintendent, Aeroplane Dept., The Daimler Co., Ltd., Coventry. Address : 35, Chester Street, Coventry . (M7237) ARRIGO, Edgar, M.B.E., 6. 15 AprU, 1870 ; s. of Oswald Arrigo, of Valetta, Malta ; m. Marietta, d. of Alfonso Rocco Peralta, of Valetta. Educ : Lyceum, Malta. War Work : At the Secretariat, Malta. Addresses : 126, Strada San Domenico, Valetta ; Casino Maltese, Valetta. (M6410) ARSCOTT, Capt. WiUiam Herbert, O.B.E. ARTHUR, Major Harry Robert, O.B.E., R.A.O.C. ARTHUR, Janet Stevenson Bennet, Lady, O.B.E. ARTHUR, Capt. John Stanley, O.B.E., B.Sc. (Lond.), A.I.C., R.A.M.C. T.F., 6. 1887 ; s. of John Joseph Arthur, of Dulwich, S.E. ; m. Mabel, d. of Edmund Burges Homer, of Lines. Educ. : AUeyn's School, Dulwich, S.E. ; London University. Chemist ; Senior Assistant to Lee's Reader of Chemistry, Christ Church, Oxford, 1904-11 ; Science Master, Oxford High School, 1912-16 ; Assistant Chemist to the Empire Motor Fuels Committee, 1920. War Work : Officer- in-charge, War Office Experimental Water Station ; introduced the system of Sterilisation of Water by Chlorine Gas, as adopted by the War Office ; designer of Water Purification Plants for War Office, 1916-19, and India Office, 1919-20. Address : 2, Halsmere Road, Myatt's Park, S.E. 5. (08735) ARTHUR, Rev. John WilUam, O.B.E., M.D., Ch.B., 6. 23 AprU, 1881 ; s. of John WUliam Arthur, of Glasgow, Scotland. Educ. : Glasgow Academy and Glasgow University. Ordained Medical Missionary and Chairman of the Mission CouncU of the Church of Scotland Mission, Kikuyu, British East Africa. War Work : Captain and Officer Commanding the Kikuyu Missions Volunteers (K.M.V.), attached to the Military Labour Bureau (M.L.B.), the German East Africa Expeditionary Force; served from 16 AprU, 1917, to 16 Jan. 1918. Addresses: 9, Athole Gardens, Glasgow ; Church of Scotland Mission, Kikuyu, Kenya Colony. Club : Nairobi. (09907) ARTHUR, Major Lionel Francis, D.S.O., O.B.E., 26th Cav. (011723) ARTHUR, Olive Juana, Mrs. James, M.B.E. ARUNDEL, Grace. M.B.E. ARUNDELL, Lieut.-Col. Hon. George Vere Arundell MONCKTON-, D.S.O., O.B.E., 1st Life Guards, 6. 24 March, 1882; e.s. of the 7th Viscount Galway. Educ. : Christehurch, Oxford. Served Great War, 1914-17 (despatches, D.S.O.). Address : Serlby, Bawtry, Yorks. (05588) ASBRIDGE, Harry Hales, M.B.E. ASCOTT, Major WUUam, O.B.E., D.A.D.V.S. 43rd (Wessex) Div., b. 29 May, 1864 ; s. of Henry Ascott, J.P., of Bideford ; m. Frances Anne, d. of WUUam John Keyte, of Westward Ho 1 Educ. : Devon County School. Veterinary Surgeon. War Work : At MobUisation was a Capt., R.A.V.C, (T.F.), attached to R. N. Devon Yeomanry ; did duty on East Coast until Regt. sent to GaUipoli as Infantry in Sept. 1915 ; then sent to France, seeing service first with the 12th Div. and from Oct. 1916, to March, 1919, with the 56th Div., as D.A.D.V.S. ; thrice mentioned in despatches ; awarded O.B.E. (MU.), and Order de Reconnaisance (France). Address : West Bridge, Bideford, North Devon. (O2404) ASCOUGH, Matthew Mather, M.B.E. ASCROFT, Lieut. Robert WiUiam, M.B.E. ASH, AHred James, O.B.E. ASH, T. 2nd Lieut. Ernest, O.B.E. ASH, T. Lieut. Frederick Cecil, M.B.E., M.G.C ASH, Major Harold Carton, O.B.E., M.C, b. 26 June, 1884 ; s. of the late Charles Frederick Ash, late of Derwent House, Finchley. War Work : Joined from T.F. reserve, Aug. 1914 ; service with 2/17th Batt. London Regt. ; Staff Capt., 180th Infy. Brigade, March, 1915 to Dec. 1917 ; ap pointed D.A.Q.M.G., Yeomanry Div. (afterwards 4th Cavalry Div.), Dec. 1917, to Dec. 1918 ; and served in France, 1916, afterwards Salonika, 1917, and Palestine, 1917-18. Address ¦' Grassmere, Edgware, Middlesex. (06131) ASH, Capt. William MaxweU VACY-, O.B.E. ASHCROFT, Capt. William, M.B.E. ASHDOWN, Sir George Henry, K.B.E., I.S.O., Legion of Honour, D S.M. American Navy, 6. 1857 Director of Stores, Admiralty. Address : Waratah, Effingham Road, Surbiton. (K341) ASHER, Augustus Gordon Grant, C.B.E., b. 18 Dec. 1861 ; s. of John Gordon Asher, Major, Bombay Staff Corps ; m. Emme Berry, d. of Charles George Barclay, of Dura, Cupar, Fife. Educ. : Loretto and Brasenose College, Oxford. County Clerk and Treasurer of Midlothian ; Secretary of Association of County Councils in Scotland ; Clerk of Lieutenancy of Mid lothian. War Work : Confidential work in connection with the Defence of the East Coast of Scotland ; Hon. Sec. National Relief Fund for Midlothian ; Hon. Sec. Midlothian War Savings Committee. Address : 10, AthoU Crescent, Edinburgh . Clubs: New Edinburgh ; Wellington. (C424) ASHFORD, Major and Qr.-Mr. Frederiok Henry, O.B.E., R.E. ASHFORD Capt. John. O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., b. 1870; 5. of Francis E. Ashford, of Birmingham ; m. Annie, d. of G. Shelvoke, of Handsworth. Educ. : Private School and Sir Jbsiah Mason's Science College, Birmingham. Engineer. Superintendent Central Workshop Division, Public Works Department, Punjab, India. War Work : Manufacture of Munitions and other MUitary requirements. Address : Amritsar, Punjab, India. (O2084) ASHFORD, Mary Adelaide, Mrs., M.B.E. ASHFORD, WUUam, O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 6. 18 Dec. 1871 ; s. of the late William Ashford, of Woodbury, Devon ; m. Elise Mary, d. of Capt. Charles Irwin, of R. Irish Fusiliers. Educ. : Exeter and St. Thomas' Hospital, London. Medical Practitioner. War Work : Topsham V.A. Hospital ; Medical Officer, Nov. 1914, to March, 1915 ; O.C and M.O., March, 1915, to April, 1919 ; Medical Officer to troops at Topsham, and Member of Exeter Medical Board. Address .* 1, Riversmeet Terrace, Topsham, Devon. (O9909) ASHHURST, WiUiam Henry, C.B.E., b. 29 Dec. 1851 ; ft. of John Henry Ashhurst, of Waterstock (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Catherine Sophia, d. of Arthur Henry Clarke Brown, Kingston Blount, Oxon. Edue. : Eton and Cambridge. Chairman Oxfordshire County Council; D.L. and J.P. Oxon. War Work : Chairman Ashhurst War Hos pital, Littlemere, Oxon. ; Member of the County Recruiting Committee. Address : Waterstock, Wheatley S.O., Oxford. Clubs : Carlton ; Oxfordshire County. (C2425) ASHLEY, Anne, M.B.E.,; d. of Sir WiUiam Ashley, Vice- Principal, University of Birmingham (see Burke's Peerage). Educ : Edgbaston High School for Girls and University of Birmingham. Assistant Organiser, Central Care Committee (under Birmingham Education Committee), 1913-16, Board of Trade, 1916-20. Recorder of Section F (Economic Science and Statistics) of British Associal ion for the Advancement of Science, 1916. Address : 40, Mortlake Road, Kew. (M7239) ASHLEY, Ernest Gilman, M.B.E. ASHLEY, Lieut.-Col. Frank, C.B.E., Croix de Guerre, b. 1870 ; to. CeciUa, d. of F. C Walker. Educ. : Clifton Coll. British Red Cross Commissioner, Malta. Address : Southcroft, Stratford-on-Avon. (C99) ASHLEY, Martha Nixon Greenwood, Mrs., M.B.E.: a!, of C. V. F. Greenwood, of Middletown, N.J., U.S.A. ; m. Harry Leigh Ashley, s. of the late Atherton Edward. Educ. : Saint Gabriel's School, PeekskUl, New York, U.S.A. War Work : Organised Red Cross Work and Surgical Dressings Bureau in Havana, Cuba. Addresses: King's Highway Farm, Middle- town, New Jersey, U.S.A. ; c/o United Railways of Havana, Havana, Cuba. (M7240) ASHMOLE, WUliam Hadley, M.B.E;, b. 5 Aug. 1874 ; s. of Elias Ashmole, of Kent. Educ. : Swansea. Borough Treasurer of Swansea. War Work : Hon. Sec. Local War Savings Committee ; organised War Loan Campaigns ; Treasurer to War Pensions Committee, Prince of Wales' Fund, Mayor's War Comforts Fund, etc. Address : GuUdhaU, Swansea. Clubs : Swansea and County. (M7241) ASHTON, Antonio, O.B.E. ASHTON, Arthur, M.B.E. ASHTON, Major Cecil Charles Gough, O.B.E. ASHTON, George Kerfoot, M.B.E. ASHTON, Harold, M.B.E. ASHTON, Helen, Mrs., O.B.E., b. 1869 ; d. of the Rev. Speer Willis, M.A., R. of St. Matthew's, Manly, N.S. Wales ; m. 1898, the Hon. James Ashton, M.L.C War Work : With N.S. Wales Div., Australian Red Cross (Order of Reconnais sance Francaise). Address : Theila, Double Bay, Sydney, N.S. Wales. (02142) ASHTON, Capt. John Herbert, M.B.E. ASHTON, Joseph, O.B.E. ASHTON, Paymr.-Lieut. Reginald WiUiam Alexander, O.B.E., R.N. ASHTON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Robert, M.B.E. R.A.M.C ASHWELL, Lieut.-Col. Herbert George, O.B.E., R.A.M.C ASHWELL, Lena Margaret, O.B.E., b. 1871 ; d. of Capt. Chas. Ashwell Botter Pocock, R.N., of the Royal Navy ; to. Henry John Forbes, s. of Robert Simson. Educ. : Church School, Toronto ; Trinity University ; and in Switzerland. Actress ; Proprietor and Manager of Kingsway Theatre. 35 Ashworth THE OEDEE OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. War Work : Organiser of the movement called " Concerts at the Front," which sent concerts and entertainments to the fighting men during the war, in France, Egypt and Palestine ; also to the men of the Adriatic Fleet ; entertainments at the rate of 14,000 a year were being given at the time of the Armistice ; 600 artistes helped Miss Ashwell in this work, and one hundred thousand pounds was raised. Address : 36, Grosvenor Street, W. 1. (057) ASHWORTH, Tom, M.B.E., b. 18 Oct. 1867 ; s. of the late Thomas Lewis Ashworth, of Heathwood, Bowdon, Cheshire. Educ. : Bowdon CoUege. War Work : Chairman of the Altrincham District War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Sec. National Relief Fund, Altrincham; Hon. National Registration Clerk, Altrincham U.D.C ; Hon. Sec. Altrincham Bowdon Hale and District Committee War Pensions Acts, 1915-18. Address : Heathwood, Heald Road, Bowdon, Cheshire. Club : Conservative (Altrincham). (M7243) ASHWORTH, Wilfred Adam, M.B.E. ASKEW, Percy, M.B.E., b. 27 March, 1876. Educ. : Hutton Grammar School. War Work : Acting Paymaster, Army Pay Dept., Preston ; mentioned in despatches, March, 1919. Address : 18, Queen's Road, Fulwood, Preston. (M7244) ASKIN, Thomas Cuming, M.B.E., B.A., M.D. (T.C.D.), J.P., Suffolk, b. 11 March, 1864 ; s. of the late Rev. W. B. Askin, M.A., of Dublin. Educ. : Royal School, Armagh, and Trinity CoUege, Dublin. Medical Practitioner. War Work : Civilian Medical Practitioner in charge of 1/7 CycUst Batt., Devonshire Regt., 1916-17, and 2 8 Cyclist Batt., Essex Regt., 1917-18, at Bawdsey Manor and Hollesley, Suffolk, also other troops. Address : Alderton, Woodbridge, Suffolk. (M10261a) ASKWITH, Ellen, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of the late Archibald Peel, of Westlea, Herts. ; m. George Ranken, Lord Askwith, s. of the late General Askwith, R.A., 119, St. George's Square, Military Attache in Spain. Educ. : At home. War Work : Lady President Y.M.C.A. London Docks ; organised and ran 6 Canteens there ; organised the Horseferry Road Hostel and Canteen (taken over by the Australians) ; started first National Kitchen ; sat on three Govt. Committees — Women's Unemployment, War Savings, Imperial War Museum. Addresses : 5, Cadogan Gardens, London, S.W. 3 ; Oak Knoll, Sunningdale. (C100) ASLETT, William Stacey, M.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ASPDEN, Hartley, C.B.E., J.P., b. 1858. Director for many years of Amalgamated Press, Ltd. ; present Director of J Sears & Co. (Trueform Boot Co.) Ltd. ; the Leigh Trust, Ltd. War Work : Organising Director of the Beyond Seas Associa tion which includes the Royal Club for Overseas Ladies ; the New Zealand Officers' Club and the Canadian Officers' Club. Address : West Court, Purley Surrey. Club : National Liberal, S.W. (C924) ASPINALL, Gladys Hester. See Birks, Gladys Helen. ASPINALL, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Harry Haworth, O.B.E., ' ASTBURY, Sarah, M.B.E. ASTIN, Arthur, M.B.E. ASTLE, WilUam, O.B.E., J.P., b. 9 Nov. 1869 ; s. of William Astle, of Heaton Norris ; m. Lillie, d. of John Hulme, of Heaton Norris. Educ. : Stockport. Managing Editor, " Stockport Advertiser," and " Cheshire Daily Echo " ; Presi dent, Lancashire, Cheshire and Derbyshire Federation of Weekly Newspapers. War Work : Largely in connection with assistance to wives and families of soldiers and sailors serving in the war in following voluntary capacities : Hon. Sec. Stockport Division, Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association, and Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society ; Hon. Sec. Stockport War Pensions Committee, and Chairman, Cheshire County War Pensions Committee. Address : Overdale, Bramhall, Cheshire. (09911) ASTON, Major Reginald Godfrey, O.B.E., R.E. ASTON, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E. ATCHERLEY, Ethel Mary, M.B.E. ATCHESON, WiUiam, O.B.E. ATCHLEY, Major Charles Atherton, O.B.E., R.E. ATHA, Charles Gurney, O.B.E. ATHERTON, Lieut.-Col. George Bramall, O.B.E. ATHERTON, T. Major Stanley, O.B.E. ATHERTON, Lieut. WiUiam Thomas Finlay, M.B.E., R.F.A. ATHOLL, Dame Katherine Marjory, Duchess of, D.B.E., b. 6 Nov. 1874 ; d. of Sir James Ramsay, 10th Bt. of Bamff (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 1899, John George Stewart Murray, K.T., C.B., M.V.O., 8th Duke of Atholl (see BURKE'S Peerage). (D24) ATKIN, Lieut. Edward, O.B.E., R.G.A. ATKIN, Capt. Percy Harland, O.B.E., J.P., b. 26 July, 1863 ; s. of the late G. Atkin, of Wharncliffe, Yorkshire. Educ. : University and King's Colleges, London. Barrister- at-law, Oxford Circuit ; formerly Capt., Lancashire Fusiliers, served in Boer War, 1899-1901 ; Military Commandant of Hopetown District ; J.P., Cape Colony ; British Commissioner to St. Louis Exhibition, U.S.A., 1904, and to New Zealand International Exhibition, 1906. War Work : Employed in Special Confidential Enquiries at New Scotland Yard, and as Secretary to a Military Service Committee under National Service Ministry. Address : Hadlow Park, Hadlow, Kent ; 3, Plowden Buildings, Temple, E.C. 4. Clubs : Garrick ; Constitutional; Cecil. (O3605) ATKIN, Peter Wilson, O.B.E., M.A., LL.M., J.P., b. 4 Feb 1859 ; s. of George Atkin, J.P., of Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; m. 36 Netley Everett, d. of WUliam Keyser, of Pensacola, Florida, U.S.A. Educ: Royal Institution, Liverpool; Mill HiU School ; Jesus CoUege, Cambridge. Stipendiary Magistrate of Salford. War Work : Chairman Salford Tribunal ; Chairman of Moorlands Hospital, Kersal. Address : 6, Park Lane, Kersal, Manchester. Clubs : Liverpool Reform ; Brazenose, Manchester ; Reform, London ; Leander. (0101) ATKINS, Charles Henry, M B.E., R.A.S.C ATKINS, Gertrude, M.B.E. ATKINS, Capt. Henry Albert, M.B.E. b. 9 April, 1871; s. of J. W. Atkins, of Slough, Bucks. ; to. Frances Hannah, d. of William Rigelsford, of Woolston. Edue. : British School, Slough. Enlisted in 19th Hussars, 21 Nov. 1888 ; proceeded with regiment to India, 1891 ; left India for South Africa, Sept. 1899 ; took part in Boer War, including the foUowing engagements and operations : Tinta Inyoni, Lombard's Kop, Defence of Ladysmith, Laings Nek, Orange Free State, Belfast, Lydenburg, Western Transvaal ; granted Queen's Medal with 4 ciasps, King's S.A. Medal with 2 clasps, Medal for Long Service and good conduct ; discharged as Squadron Sergeant Major, Nov. 1911 ; enlisted in Staffs. Yeomanry, 6 Mar. 1912 ; ap pointed S.S.M. same date. War Work : Mobilised on 4 Aug, 1914 ; commissioned as Lieut, and Qr.-Mr., 28 AprU, 1915, proceeded overseas (Egypt), Oct. 1915 ; Western Desert; 1916 ; operations on Sinai Peninsula, 1916-17 ; mentioned in despatches, 6 July, 1917 ; first and second battles of Gaza, Beersheba, Jerusalem ; invalided to England, Feb. 1918 ; served in Ireland, 1918, untU Aug. 1919. Address : 33, St. John's Street, Wolverhampton. (M5040) ATKINS, Mary Clara Crofton, M.B.E. ATKINS, Major WilUam Ringrose Gelston, O.B.E. ATKINS, Col. Cyril Randell CROFTON-, C.B.E., b. 1867 ; Col. Notts and Derbyshire Regt., and a T. Brig.-Gen. ; Sierra Leone, 1898-9 (medal with clasp) ; S. Africa, 1899-1902 (despatches, Brevet Major, Queen's medal with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps; Great War, 1914-19 (de spatches). (C1533) ATKINSON, Alice Lilian, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Wm. Chapman Atkinson. Educ. : Ladies' CoUege, Chelten ham, and Newnham College, Cambridge. Classical Mistress, St. George's School, Edinburgh. War Work : In Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps : (1) was Senior Area Controller in Western Command, 1917 ; (2) as ControUer, was head of the Corps in Scotland, 1918-20. Address : 19, Pentland Terrace, Edinburgh. Club : University, W. 1. (O3084) ATKINSON, Lieut. Arthur, O.B.E., R.E. ATKINSON, Capt. Arthur George, M.B.E., M.D., .. 3 May, 1881 ; s. of J. G. Atkinson. Educ: St. Olave's Grammar School, London and Trinity Coll., Cambridge. Physician and Surgeon. War Work : R.A.M.C. (T.F.), Oct. 1914 to April, 1919. Address : 27, Sunham Road, Upper Norwood, S.E. 19. (M5041) ATKINSON, Major Arthur Joseph, M.B.E. Esquire of the Order of St, John of Jerusalem. ATKINSON, Carleton Richard Buckley, M.B.E. ATKINSON, Dorothea, Mrs., M.B.E., b. 1881 ; s. of Charles F. Hicks, of SUverdale, Lanes. ; to. John Parkinson, s. of Dr. John P. Atldnson, of Saffron Walden. Educ. : Manor Mount Girls' Collegiate School, Forest Hill. War Work : Local Secretary to the S. & S. F. A. for Saffron Walden ; Commandant of Red Cross Hospital, Saffron Walden. Address : The Grange, Saffron Walden. (M1360) ATKINSON, Edward Hale Tindal, C.B.E ChevaUer Legion of Honour, 6. 19 Sept. 1878 ; s. of Henry Tindal Atkinson, Judge of County Courts. Educ : Harrow ; Trinity College, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : Asst.-Sec. and Sec. War Trade Advisory Committee ; Asst.-Sec. Civil Aerial Transport Committee ; Lieut. R.N.V.R. (R.N.A.S.) ; Capt. and Major R.A.F. ; Legal Adviser Air Section, Peace Conference, Paris ; British Secretary International Air Commission, Paris. Address : 4, Essex Court, Temple, E.C. 4. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Roval Aero. (C24'6) ATKINSON, Major Edward WilUam, D.S.O., O.B.E." ATKINSON. Major Felton Clayson, O.B.E., R.A.F A7S1Nr?°?[', George Arthur, M.B.E., b. 21 July, 1879; _; °. W. H. Atkinson, of Liverpool ; m. Dorothy Amy, d. of Frederick Boxer late R.N., Deal, granddaughter of Admiral Sir Thomas Boxer, K.C.B. Educ : Liverpool. Journalist. War Work: General Secretary, British Red Cross Commission, Salonika; Member of the Order of St. Sava, Serbia mentioned in Salonika despatches. Address: Croft, Nower Hill, Pinner, Middlesex. nvT7 ?A,rG£HAV!(% Lleut.-Col. Herbert Vale, C.B.E., D.S.O., S;A-M.C A.D.M.S., G.H.Q., Cairo, 6. 31 Aug. 1874 ; s. of William Augustus Edward Bagshawe, M.A. (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry Bagshawe of Oakes and Wormhill). Served Great War, 1914-18^ (D.S.O., despatches, Bt. Lieut.-Col.). Ad dress : Cairo, Egypt. (C1369) BIOGEAPHIES. Baillie BAGWELL, WilUam Henry, M.B.E. Local Government Officer. War Work : 2. years Accountant at Church Army Headquarters in France. Address ; 40, Old Ford Road, Victoria Park, E. 2. (M7260) BAIGENT, Major Cyril Victor, O.B.E., M.C, M.B. BAIGENT, William, M.B.E. BAIKIE, William Baikie, M.B.E.. Provost of Kirkwall, b. 12 April, 1853 ; s. of Samuel Baikie, of Kirkwall , m. 1st Margaret H. D. Isbister, d. of James L. Isbister, of Upper Scapa St. Ola, Orkney, 2nd Margaret Murray, d. of William Murray, Contractor, of Glasgow. Educ : Grammar School. Managing Director of S. Baikie and Son, Timber Merchants and Importers and BuUding Con tractors. War Work : Entered KirkwaU Town CouncU in Nov. 1897 ; promoted to the Magis tracy in 1904 ; acted as one of its representatives on the Orkney Harbours Commissioners, the Orkney Comity Council and Commissioners of Supply for several years and also one of the Meason's Trustees for the St. Magnus Cathedral and a Trustee of the Balfour Hospital ; in 1913, elected Provost of Kirkwall, and in 1914 had a very considerable amount of personal connection with the work of the British Navy ; acted as Chair man of the Local Tribunal, Seaforth Highlanders' fund for their disabled and dependants, Belgian and Serbian Relief Funds, and personally carried out the local collection of King George's Fund ; also acted as Chairman of the Orkney Local Food Control Committee and was one of the active members of the Orkney War Savings Committee which raised nearly half a mUlion of money in the county. Address : Palace Road, KirkwaU. Club : KirkwaU Unionist (President). (M7261) BAILEY, Col. Alfred John, C.B.E., T.D., J.P., 6. 26 July, 1867 ; s. of the late Sir WUliam BaUey, of Sale Hall, Cheshire ; to. Ethel Ellis, d. of James Johnson, of Pendleton. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School and Victoria University, Manchester. Governing Director of Sir W. H. Bailey & Co., Ltd., Engineers, Manchester ; Director of Grain Elevator Estates, Ltd., Manchester. War Work : Second in Command 7th Lancashire FusUiers on outbreak of War ; commanded 2/7th Lancashire FusUiers, Oct. 1914, to April, 1915 ; com manded 3rd Line Grouped Units, East Lancashire Division, AprU, 1915. to Sept. 1917 ; Member of East Lancashire Terri torial Association, 1915-19. Address : Chaseley, Bowdon, Cheshire. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; British Empire ; Constitutional, Manchester. (C1449) BAILEY, Major Arthur Charles, O.B.E., R.E. BAILEY, Gunr. Arthur Herbert, M.B.E., R.N. BAILEY, Arthur Stowaway, O.B.E. BAILEY, Benjamin Edwin, O.B.E., J.P., b. 6 Jan. 1856 ; Freeman of London Felt Makers' Company. Educ. : Liver pool CoUege. Registrar of Births and Deaths, Walton District, West Derby, Liverpool. War Work : Chairman of Food Control ; -Chairman of Houses ; Hon. Sec. War Savings, etc. ; Chairman of Hospitals ; Mayor of Bootle, 1917. Address : 49, Merton Road, Bootle, Liverpool. Club : Chairman, Bootle Conservative. (09917) BAILEY, Clement WilUam, M.B.E. BAILEY, Cyril, M.B.E., 6. 13 AprU, 1871 ; s. of Alfred Bailey, of Lincoln's Tnn ; m. Gemma, d. of the late Dr. MandeU Creighton, Bishop of London. Educ. : St. Paul's School, Balliol CoUege, Oxford. FeUow of Exeter CoUege, Oxford, 1894 ; FeUow of Balliol CoUege, 1902. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, Labour Department. Addresses : Balliol CoUege ; the King's Mound, Oxford. Clubs: SavUe ; Alpine. (Ml 366) BAILEY, Duncan, O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., b. 1875 ; s. of Duncan BaUey, of Birmingham ; m. Jessie Marion Hancox, d. of John W. Jeens, of Gloucester. Educ. : King Charles I. School, Kidderminster. Managing Director, 0. Roberts & Co., RaUway Rolling Stock Manufacturers, Wakefield. War Work : Member of Wakefield Munitions Committee ; designed, erected, and equipped 18 pound Shrapnel SheU Forging Plant for 30,000 sheUs per week. Address : Chapelthorpe, Wakefield. Clubs : R.A.C. ; Wakefield County. (O1069) BAILEY, Florence Emily, Mrs., M.B.E. BAILEY, George WiUiam, M.B.E. BAILEY, Gertrude Mary, Mrs., C.B.E., J.P., d. of James Buchanan, of Sunderland ; to. the late Charles Henry Bailey, Partner in Firm of C. H. BaUey, Newport and Barry ; Director Cardiff Junction Dry Dock and Engineering Co., Ltd., Cardiff ; Director Buchanan Shipping Investment Co., Ltd., Newport, Mon . ; Member of Newport Education Committee ; Director of Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Mon. ; President Monmouth shire Training Centre for Midwives ; Court of Governors King Edward VII. Welsh National Memorial ; Court of Governors University CoUege of South Wales and Monmouthshire ; Lady President Newport Borough Centre of The Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Priory for Wales. J.P. for the County Borough of Newport, Mon. War Work : Chairman Mon mouthshire Prisoners of War Committee ; President of Muni tion Workers' Creche ; organised Canteens for the Welfare of Munition Workers ; President National Shell Factory Canteen ; Belgian Refugee Committee ; Received MedaiUe de Ia Reine Elisabeth. Address : Stelvio, Newport, Monmouthshire ; Gliffaes, Brecknockshire. (C425) BAILEY, Harold James, O.B.E., F.I.C., b. 13 Dec. 1879 ; *. of Rev. John BaUey (Baptist Minister), of London, Sheffield, etc. ; m. Edith, d. of Howell PoweU, of Pontypridd. Educ. : Summerfleld School, Wesley College, Sheffield, and University College, Sheffield. FeUow of Institute of Chemistry, Russell Square, W. C 1. ; Inspector of Alkali, etc., Works (under 39 Ministry of Health). War Work : Technical Adviser to the Acid and Fertiliser Branch of the Explosives Supply Depart ment of the Ministry of Munitions. Address : Ingleside, Health Park Avenue, Cardiff. (09918) BAILEY, Capt. Herbert John, M.B.E., R.E. BAILEY, James Rhodes, M.B.E., 6. 23 Feb. 1886. Assist ant Port Master, Great Central Railway, Grimsby Docks, Lines. War Work : Dock administration for the Great Central Railway Co. ; from June, 1917, to Dec. 1918 was in London, Board of Trade, as Chief InteUigence and Statistical Officer in the Department of the Timber ControUer. Address : 81, Oxford Street, Cleethorpes, Lines. (M7265) BAILEY, Lieut.-Col. John Henry, R.E. (ret.). C.B.E. War Work : Served as an Assistant Director of Fortifications and Works at the War Oflice. (C2077) BAILEY, Margaret Fanny, Mrs., M.B.E. BAILEY, Col. Percy James, D.S.O., O.B.E., b. 1873 ; e.s. of the late Sir James BaUey, of Lofts HaU, Saffron Walden, and 58, Rutland Gate, S.W. ; to. 1907, Dorothy Jessica, d. of Thomas Gibson Bowles (formerly M.P. for King's Lynn), of 25, Lowndes Square, S.W. Entered Lancers 1895, became Capt. 1901, and Major 1908 ; served in S. Africa 1899-1902 as SignalUng Officer, present at action of Poplar Grove (severely wounded); Great War, 1914 (wounded, prisoner); was Adj. and Quartermaster at Cav. Sch. 1905-9 ; appointed a Dep. Director of Remounts with rank of Col. 1919. Address : Fosseway House, Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire. (06859) BAILEY, Reginald ThreUall, M.B.E., M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lond.), b. 19 July, 1873 ; s. of Col. Francis James BaUey, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), L.S.A. (Lond.), of Liverpool. Educ : Liverpool CoUege ; Liverpool University ; Liverpool Royal Infirmary. Medical Superintendent, the Mill Road Infirmary, Liverpool, 901 beds ; late Senior Resident Medical Officer, the MU1 Road Infirmary, Liverpool ; House Physician, and House Surgeon, to the Ophthalmological, Laryngological, Aural, and Lock Departments, Liverpool Royal Infirmary ; Member the Liverpool Medical Institution ; Member and Hon. Librarian, the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. War Work : Officer Commanding, the Mill Road MUitary Hospital, Liver pool ; 12,519 acutely wounded SaUors and Soldiers treated, 3,625 operations from May, 1915, to Aug. 1919 ; Medical Officer in charge of troops, 3rd West Lancashire Brigade, Royal Field ArtiUery, Liverpool, 1914-16. Address : 51, Grove Street, Liverpool. Club : Athenaeum, (Liverpool). (M10261&) BAILEY, Robert WilUam Harvey, M.B.E. BAILEY, Sidney AUred, M.B.E. BAILEY, Thomas Henry, M.B.E. BAILEY, Major WUliam Edward, M.B.E. BAILLIE, Amelia Martha, Mrs., M.B.E. BAILLIE, Elizabeth Margaret, M.B.E.; d. of Major James Rose, Lord Lieutenant of Nairnshire, of Kilravock Castle, Nairnshire ; to. Ronald Hugh, O.B.E. \q.v.), s. of Lieut.- Gen. Duncan BaUlie, Royal Horse Guards of Loch Loy, Nairn (see Burke s Landed Gentry). President, Roxburghshire Branch of the Scottish Mothers Union and Member of the Executive Council (Scotland). War Work : Secretary and Treasurer, S.S.F.A. Roxburghshire ; Member, War Pensions Committee, Roxburghshire ; Member, Food Control Com mittee, Roxburghshire. Address : Jedbank, Jedburgh/ N.B. (M1369) BAILLIE, Sir Frank, K.B.E., b. 19 Aug. 1875 ; s. of John BaUlie and Marion Wilton ; m. Edith JuUa, d. of the late Aubrey White, C.M.G., Deputy Minister of Lands and Minesfor Ontario. President, Canadian Aeroplanes, Ltd., Bankers Bond Co., Ltd., and Buriington Steel Co., Ltd. ; commenced business career as a clerk with the Central Canada Loan and Savings Co., Toronto ; became private secretary to the late Senator G. A. Cox ; Accountant, Central Canada Loan and Savings Co., 1896 ; Secretary, 1898 ; Assistant Manager, 1901 ; General Manager, MetropoUtan Bank, Toronto, 1902 ; formed the firm of Baillie, Wood and Croft, members of the Toronto Stock Exchange, 1903 ; organised the Burlington Steel Co., Ltd., Hamilton, 1910 ; the Bankers Bond Co., Ltd., Toronto, 1912 ; and Dominion Steel Foundry Co. Ltd., Hamilton, 1912. War Work : 1914, Organised the Canadian Cartridge Co. Ltd., HamUton, to manufacture Brass Cartridge Cases for the British Govern ment ; Director of Aviation for Canada, Imperial Munitions Board, Dec. 1916; organised and became President of Canadian Aeroplanes, Ltd., acting for British Government. Address : 146, Crescent Road, Toronto. Clubs: Albany; Lambton Golf and Country ; Mississanga Golf ¦ National ; Royal Canadian Yacht; Toronto; Victoria; HamUton Golf. Hamilton. (K49) BAILLIE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George Bertram, M.B.E., R.A.S.C BAILLIE, Granville Hugh, M.B.E. BAILLIE, James Black, O.B.E. BAILLIE, Lieut. Roderick, M.B.E., R.A., b. 5 Aug. 1871 ; _. of Alexander Baillie ; m. Alice Lilian, d. of James Glover. Educ. : Banff Academy and Edinburgh University. War Work : Military Secretary's Division, War Office. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox and Co., 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. (M5049) BAILLIE, Ronald Hugh, O.B.E., J.P., D.L., b. 1863; s. of Lieut.-Gen. Duncan BaUlie, Royal Horse Guards, of Loch Loy, Nairn (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Elizabeth Margaret, M.B.E. (..«.), d. of Major James Rose, Lord Lieut. of Nairnshire, of Kilravock Castle, Nairn. Edue. : Wellington Baillien THE OEDEE OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. CoUege. Sheriff Substitute of Roxburghshire. War Work : Chairman, War Pensions Committee of Roxburghshire ; Member, S.E. of Scotland Joint Disablement Committee ; Member, Executive Council Association of War Pension Com mittees of Scotland ; Member, Advisory Council of Scottish Region (War Pensions) ; Chairman, Roxburghshire Red Cross Committee ; Chairman, both Roxburghshire Recruiting Tribunals ; Chairman, Roxburghshire Fuel Committee. Ad dress : Jedbank, Jedburgh, N.B. Clubs : Carlton ; New (Edinburgh). (09919) BAILLIEN, Major Clive Latham, O.B.E., R.A.F. BAILY, Major Clifford Allan, O.B.E. BAILY, Edwin, M.B.E., M.B. CM., J.P., b. 1860 ; s. of John BaUy, of Calne ; m. Anne Eleanor, d. of Robert Hope Johnstone, of Annandal. Edue. : Privately and Edinburgh University. War Work : 1915-19, on the Staff as Hon. Physician to the S. African Ambulance ; under the French Government at the Croix Rouge Francaise, at L'Hupital Beau Rivage, Cannes, France ; in 1919, appointed Hon. Member of the Medical Staff of the British Officers' Convalescent Home, Hotel California, Cannes. Address : Cannes, France. (M7268) BAILY, Harold, M.B.E., b. 29 Nov. 1869 ; s. of Walter Baily, of Hampstead. Educ. University CoUege School and College. War Work : Sub-Commissioner, British Red Cross, Taranto. Address : 4, Rosslyn Hill, Hampstead, London, N.W. 3. Clubs: National Liberal; Eighty. (M7269) BAILY, Joseph Macdonald, O.B.E., M.A., b. 26 Aug. 1865 ; s. of Rev. Canon Baily, of Ryton, Co. Durham ; to. Ellen Millicent, d. of Rev. T. J. Morris, of Hampton-in-Arder, Warwickshire. Educ. : Magdalen CoUege School and Oriel College, Oxford. Barrister-at-law ; Chairman, Newcastle- upon-Tyne Court of Referees. War Work : Chairman, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Munitions Tribunal. Address : 94 Osborne Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Club : Northern Counties, (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). (O9920) BAILY, Robert Edward HartweU, M.B.E. BAIN, David, C.B.E., b. 1855; s. oi William Bain, of Reay, Caithness. Controller of Timber Supplies, Ministry of Munitions. Address: 2, Downhurst, Parson St.. Hendon, N.W. (C103) BAIN, Herbert Barr, M.B.E. BAIN, Mary Jane, Mrs., O.B.E., b. 11 Aug. 1854; d. of Rev. John Taylor, of Southport ; m. Albert Wellesley Bain, J.P., s. of John Marsland Bain, of Belfast. Educ : Stockport. War Work : Chairwoman, Harrogate Women's Sewing League, it being the first organisation of its kind, opening on 8 Aug. 1914 ; the League raised £12,000 and sent out 1,180,472 articles. (09921) BAINBRIDGE, Col. William Frank, C.M.G., D.S.O., b. 1873 ; s. of Maj.-Gen. F. T. Bainbridge, of Cheltenham ; m. 1902, Violet Maud, e. d. of Capt. Joseph Henderson, of Rylstone, Yorkshire, and Rylstone House, Cheltenham. Educ. : Chelten ham Coll. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 1894 ; Capt. I.S.C. (now Indian Army), 1901 ; Major, 1909 : Brevet Lieut.-Col 1913 ; Lieut.-Col. 1916, and Brevet Col. 1919 ; served on N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897-8 (medal with clasp); China, 1900; present at relief of Pekin (despatches twice); Great War, 1914-19, as a Gen. Staff Officer (despatches, Order of the Nile, Brevet Col.). Club : Junior Army and Navy. (O3083) BAINES, Major Denis Lynch, O.B.E. BAINES, Major Edward George Graham Talbot, O.B E. BAINES, Florence, Mrs., M.B.E. (M10431) BAINES, Sir Frank, C.B.E., M.V.O., b. 7 Dec. 1878. Educ • Privately. Architect, Surveyor, Civil Engineer ; Director of Works ; H.M. Office of Works and PubUc BuUdings. Address : Hillside, Loughton Essex. (C104) BAINES, Lieut. George Norman, M.B.E. BAINES, Hubert, C.B.E., b. 29 June, 1874. Educ. : Pri vately. Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, H.M. Office of Works. War Work : Factory construction and develop ment of process in connection with production of Munitions of War ; Member of Fire Protection Advisory Committee, Ministry of Munitions. Address : Bryn Mawr, Church HiU, Loughton (C2424) BAINES, John William Owen, M.B.E. ; s. of Edwin Frederick Baines, of High Wycombe ; m. Maude Ann, d. of Herbert Denwood Harrison, of Ipswich. Educ. : Perse Gram mar School, Cambridge. War Work : Director, Flour and Bread Section, Ministry of Food. Address : AveUng, 17, Constitution HU1, Ipswich. Clubs : Junior Athenaeum • Ipswich and Suffolk. (M13701 BAINTON, Edward Cecil, M.B.E. BAIRD, Capt. Alexander Edwin, O.B.E. BAIRD, Alexander McDonald, M.B.E. BAIRD, Andrew Henry, O.B.E. (08739) BAIRD, Blanche Mary, Mrs., M.B.E., b. 3 Aug. 1881; d. of the late Alfred Pyne, of Roydon, Ware, Herts. ; to Hugh Robert, s. of the late Hugh Baird. Educ. : Privately War Work : Superintendent of 5, Y.M.C.A. Dock Canteens under Lady Askwith. Address: 34, Hart.'ood Road, Stamford Brook. Club : New Century. (M72731 BAIRD, Constance Kennedy, M.B,E. BAIRD, Douglas Heriot, C.B.E., b. 23 May, 1883 ; s. of Hugh Harper Baud, of Glasgow ; to. Dorothea Frances, d of Henry Templer Prior, of Esher. Educ. : Charterhouse • 40 London Univ. War Work: Contracts for supply of Bacteriological Apparatus to H.M. Affied Armies ; started at the request of the Government, Glass Works for the manu facture of Scientific Laboratory Glassware ; Manager of H.M. Filling Factory, Walthamstow, for filling poison gas shells, 1915-17 • Member of the New Industries Reconstruction Committee, subsection of Dr. Addison's reconstruction com mittee. Address : Halidon, Esher, Surrey. Club : Cavendish. (C2430) BAIRD Brig.-Gen. Edward William David, C.B.E., J.P., 6 1864 • 6th s. of the late WiUiam Baird of EUe (see BURKE'S Landed 'Gentry) ; to. Millicent Bessie, 2nd d. of Maj.-Gen. Sir Stanley Clarke G.C.V.O. (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ: Eton Formerly Capt. 10th Hussars; served with Imperial Yeomanry S. African War, 1900 ; Hon. Maj. in the Army, 1901 ; Lieut -Col. Commanding (Hon. Col. 1906) Suffolk Hussars I.Y., 1901-6; served Great War 1914-17 (T. Brig.-Gen. since May 1916) ; Member of Jockey Club since 1894 ; won St. Lege'r with Woolwinder, 1907. Address : Forse, Caithness ; Kelloe, Berwickshire; Clubs : Turf; Cavalry; Naval and Military. (C799) BAIRD, Malcolm, O.B.E. BAIRD, Lieut.-Col. Randolph Eustace Wemyss, O.B.E. BAIRD, Major WilUam Merrilees, O.B.E., T.D., 6. 7 Feb. 1879 ; s. of the late William Baird, Engineer, of Glasgow : m. Eileen Beatrice, d. of A. C. Bryson, B.C.S. (retired), of Sidmouth. Educ. : HamUton Crescent School and Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Senior Partner in William Band and Son, Structural Engineers, Anniestand, Glasgow. War Work : Served with Army in France, on the Headquarters Staff of the 51st (Highland) Division and 61st (South Midland) Division, from 1 May, 1915 to 10 Feb. 1919. Address: 6, Spring Gardens, North Kelviuside, Glasgow. Club : Royal Scottish Automobile (Glasgow). (04968) BAIRNSFATHER, Capt. George Edward Beckwith, C.B.E., R.N. (ret.), b. 16 Sep. 1855 ; s. of Peter Bairnsfather, D.L., of Dumbarrow, Forfarshire, great-grandson of Patrick MUler, Laird of Dalswinton, Dumfriesshire, who was the first to use steam for the propulsion of boats. He was accompanied on his first voyage by Alexander Nasmyth, Artist, father of the inventor of the Nasmyth Steam Hammer ; m. Charlotte Emily, d. of H. Roberts, of Cambridge. Educ. : St. Andrews, N.B. Joined H.M.S. " Britannia," Sept. 1869, ret. Sept. 1905. War Work : Divisional Naval Transport Officer at Dover ; organised and conducted the Naval Trans port Work at that Port from Oct. 1914, to May, 1918, when something close on one million sick and wounded were landed, besides large numbers of troops were despatched and received in addition to much material. Address : " Brumana," Farnham. (C426) BAIRSTOW, Prof. Leonard, C.B.E., F.R.S., F.R.Ae.S. F.Inst.P., 6. 25 June, 1880 ; s. of Uriah Bairstow, of Halifax, Yorkshire ; to. Eleanor Mary, d. of WiUiam Hamer, of Wands worth Common. Educ. : Royal CoUege of Science, South Kensington. Professor of Aerodynamics at the Imperial College of Science and Technology ; Expert Adviser in Aerodynamics to the Air Ministry ; Member of the Aeronautical Research Committee and of the Advisory Committee on CivU Aviation. War Work : Superintendent of the Aerodynamics Department of the National Physical Laboratory, 1914-17; Expert Adviser to the Research Department of the Air Ministry, 1917-19. Address : The Imperial CoUege of Science and Technology, South Kensington, S.W. 7. (C9) BAISS, Llewelyn Arnold, O.B.E., M.R.C.S. BAKER, Ada Mary, M.B.E. BAKER, Capt. Alan Hugh Sancroft, O.B.E., R.F.A. BAKER, Alfred Gabriel, O.B.E., b. 26 Oct. 1867 ; s. of Henry Baker, of Canterbury ; to. Louisa, d. of WiUiam Black- well, Oundle, Northants. Educ : Abroad. Superintendent of Training Classes for Disabled Sailors and Soldiers, The Queen's Hospital, Frognal, Sidcup. War Work : Hon. Financial Sec. Y.M.C.A., East Kent Division, two years ; Organising Super intendent Queen Mary's Workshop, Royal Pavilion, MUitary Hospital, Brighton. Addresses : The Queen's Hospital, Frognal, Sidcup, Kent ; 18 St. George's Place, Canterbury. (0108) BAKER. Eng. Lieut.-Comm. Alfred Henry, O.B.E., BAKER, Alma, C.B.E. ; founded Malayan Aircraft Fund. (C2014) BAKER, Arthur, C.B.E., 6. 21 May, 1861 ; s. of George Baker, of Barnet ; m. LeUa, d. of H. Pulman. Educ. : Robert CoUege, King's CoU. London. Merchant ; Chairman, G. and A. Baker, Ltd., and of Edwards and Sons, Near East, Ltd. War Work : Serbian Red Cross, Hon. Sec. ; Commissioner British Red Cross, Roumania. Address : 370, Grande Rue de Pera, Constantinople. Club : Club de Constantinople. (C926) BAKER, Capt. Arthur Frederick, O.B.E., R.A.S.C. BAKER, Atheling Herbert, M.B.E. BAKER, Augustus, M.B.E. BAKER, Cecil, Mrs., C.B.E. ; Hon. Sec. British Ambulance Committees. (C5) BAKER, Capt. Charles Matthew, M.B.E., A.E.F. BAKER, Conyers, O.B.E., b. 30 Jan. 1885 ; s. of Charles Conyers Massy Baker, of Lismacue, Bansha, Co. Tipperary, Ireland (see Burke's Landed Gentry); m. Geraldine Susan ?f £Sef'o ' 21. Very Bev- P- J- S. Devenish, Dean of Cashel, of Cashel Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Educ: Privately. Member BIOGRAPHIES. Baker of Incorporated Law Society of Ireland ; Provincial Secretary, Burma Y.M.C.A. War Work : Y.M.C.A. Work in Burma and Salonica. Address : Central Y.M.C.A., Rangoon, Burma. BAKER, Flight-Lieut. Cyril Bennett, O.B.E., R.A.F. BAKER, Major C. H, O.B.E., R.E. BAKER, Edward Charles Stuart, O.B.E. BAKER, Edwin Emmanuel, M.B.E. ; s. of late Major E. Baker, R.H.A., of Woolwich ; to. Annie, d. of Mary Buckley, of Birr, Ireland. Educ. : Privately. For 20 years Superin tending Clerk, War Office. War Work : Dealing with all questions in connection with the Territorial Force, including decorations and drafts to the seat of War, casualties, etc. Address : 32, Leonard Road, SouthaU. Clubs : Conservative (Southall) ; Comrades of Great War. (M7274) BAKER, Ernest Frederick, M.B.E., S.S.M., R.A.S.C. BAKER, Francis, M.B.E. BAKER, Capt. Francis Barrington, M.B.E., M.A. (Cantab.), R. of O., 6. 1892 ; s. of James Barrington Baker, M.D., of Finchley, London. Educ. : King's School, Rochester, and Peterhouse, Cambridge. Assistant to Managing Director of WilUs, SindaU and Syrett Ltd., 4, Lloyds Av., E.C. 3. War Work : 1914-19, York and Lancaster Regt. ; 1915-16, France ; 1916-17, R.E. Record Office, Chatham ; 1917-19, R.E. Record Office (Transportation Branch), Tavistock Sq., W.C 1 ; 1919, Capt., R. of O. Addresses : Grove Lodge, Church End, Finchley, N. 3 ; Peterhouse, Cambridge. (M4291) BAKER, Capt. Francis Pearson, M.B.E. BAKER, Lieut.-Col. Frank, O.B.E., T.F.R., b. 7 March, 1875 ; s. of WiUiam Baker, of Wellesbourne, Warwick. Educ. : WeUesbourne. Soldier ; Enlisted into the Royal Welsh FusUiers 9 March, 1893, and served continuously until 27 May, 1920, in Malta, Crete, Egypt, Crete, China, India, France and Flanders. War Work : Commissioned 19 Dec. 1914, assisted to raise and train 2'5th Batt., Royal Welsh FusUiers, was retained on Home Service until June, 1916 for training purposes ; on the Brigade Staff and 2nd in Command of a Batt. ; proceeded to France, 4 June, 1916 ; seconded to Labour Corps, 13 Aug. 1917 ; Commanded 32 Labour Group, Mar. 1919, to May 1920 ; mentioned in despatches, awarded O.B.E. ; mentioned in French despatches ; received the thanks of the Mayor and Commune of Arques and the Sous-Prefect of St. Omer for personal services to the Commune of Arques during hostile aircraft action from June, to Sept. 1918; awarded La MSdaille de la Reconnaissance Francaise and Diploma ; received thanks of Chinese Authorities for work with Chinese, especially the 78th CL.C which did most excellent work during the war and always in the forward and fighting area. Address : 46, York Road, Northampton. Club : R.A.C (02409) BAKER, Major Frederick Guy StirUng, O.B.E. BAKER, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. Frederick John, O.B.E., R.N. BAKER, George, O.B.E. BAKER, George Stephen, O.B.E. BAKER, Gerald Percival, M.B.E., b. 18 March, 1879 ; g. of Lawrence James, of Brambridge Park, Eastleigh ; to. Rachel, d. of Col. F. HoweU, of TrewellweU, Solva. Educ : Harrow and Cambridge. Barrister-at-law. War Work : No. 2 Motor Ambulance Convoy, France and No. 3 Motor Ambulance Convoy, Italy. Address : Llanunwas, Solva, Pembrokeshire. Clubs : United Universities ; M.CC (M7275) BAKER, Lieut. Gordon St. George WUdman, O.B.E., R.N.F. BAKER, Major Harry CecU, O.B.E. BAKER, Major Herbert, O.B.E., R.A.S.C BAKER, Prof. Herbert Brereton, C.B.E., M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S. ; s. of Rev. John Baker, of Blackburn ; m. Muriel, d. of Harry J. PoweU, of Whitefriars. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School and BaUiol College, Oxford. Professor of Chemistry, Imperial College, S.W. 7. War Work : Member of Trench Warfare Committee of the War Office ; Chemical Warfare Committee of the Ministry of Munitions ; of the Panel of the Admiralty Board of Invention and Research ; Chemical Adviser to the War Office on Purification of Water for the Army. Addresses : Imperial CoUege, S.W. 7 ; Latch- moor House, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. (C4) BAKER, Horace WiUiam, M.B.E. BAKER, Isabel NoeUne, M.B.E., 25 Dec. 1879; d. of John H. Baker, of Christehurch, New Zealand. Educ. : Privately. Hon. Sec. National Association of Landswomen. War Work : Organising Secretary for Surrey under the Women's Branch of the Board of Agriculture. Address : Monk's Path, Warwick's Bench, Guildford. (M7277) BAKER, IsabeUa Winifred, Mrs., M.B.E. BAKER, James Mitchell, C.B.E., D.S.O., b. 1878. S. African War, 1899-1902, mentioned in despatches ; served in Great War, 1914-18 ; German S.W. Africa, Egypt, France and Flanders ; mentioned in despatches. (C1879) BAKER, Col. Jasper, O.B.E., R.A.O.C. BAKER, Capt. John, M.B.E., R.A.S.C BAKER, John, M.B.E., b. 11 May, 1852. An Elective Auditor for the Borough of Hove, Sussex. War Work : Hon. Sec. to the Hove Local Central Committee for War Savings since June, 1916. Address : 2, Lansdowne Square, 'Hove, Sussex. (M105) BAKER, John Edgar, O.B.E. , ., BAKER, John Frederick WiUiam, M.B.E., b. 22 April, 1877 ; s. of John WUliam NichoUs, of Plymouth, Devon. • m. Florence Mary, d. of Samuel Sheriff, of Plymouth. Educ. : Naval and Military Schools, Devonport. Officer in charge, H.M. Naval Store Depot, Langley, Birmingham. War Work : On outbreak of war, was stationed at H.M. Naval Yard, Hong Kong, China, serving in the Naval Store Branch, Admiralty ; recalled to England in AprU, 1915, and was appointed to take charge of H.M. Naval Store Depot, Langley, near Birmingham. Address : 14, Durban Road, PevereU, Plymouth ; 2, Rich mond HiU, Langley, Birmingham. (M7279) BAKER, John WiUiam, O.B.E., J.P., b. 1868 ; s. of John Baker, of Oakwood Grange, Rotherham ; m. Ada, d. oi Henry Bingley, of Rotherham. Educ. : Doncaster Grammar School and Sheffield University. President of Rotherham Chamber of Commerce, 1917-21 ; Member of Labour Ad visory Committee. War Woik : Chairman of John Baker & Co., Rotherham, who directed all their resources to Shell making ; Member of Board of Management of the Rotherham National Shell Factory. Address : Elm Tree Bank, Rotherham ; Wyke Holme, Bridlington, Yorks. (OHO) BAKER, Major Joseph Samuel, O.B.E. BAKER, Maggie Ethel, M.B.E. BAKER, Muriel Carew, M.B.E., b . 29 July, 1892 ; Clerical Assistant, British Legation, The Hague. War Work : Secre tarial work at Foreign Office, Downing Street ; Canteen work, Regent's Park ; Secretarial work at Peace Conference, Palis. Address : 24, Lewisham Road, Dartmouth Park, N.W. 5. (M7282) BAKER, Prof. Percy Montague,M.B.E., B.Sc, A.M.I.M.E., A.M.I.E.E., 6. 27 Aug. 1872 ; s. of John Richard Baker, of Handsworth, Birmingham. Educ. Birmingham. Professor of Electrical Engineering, Bombay ; Director of Instructional Factories in the Ministry of Labour. War Work : Technical Adviser on the Training of Munition Workers ; concerned with the equipment and running of factories for the training of men and women for the production of munitions Address : Livingstone Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. Clubs : Royal Societies ; Royal Bombay Yacht ; Bombay Gymkhana. (M105) BAKER, Capt. Richard Lawrence, O.B.E. (Res. of Officers), b. 1877 ; s. of Lawrence J. Baker, of Brambridge Park, Eastleigh ; m. Katie, d. of the late Ambrose Shere Massey. Educ. : Eton and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Address : The Cwm, Monmouth. Club : Army and Navy. (01074) BAKER, Rosa Agnes, Mrs. CLINTON-, M.B.E., b. 4 July 1899 ; d. of the late WiUiam Henderson, of Berkley House, Frome ; to. Rear-Admiral Lewis Clinton-Baker, C.B., C.B.E. q.v. ; s. of the late William Clinton-Baker, of Bayfordbury, Hertford. War Work: V.A.D., Frome Detachment, B.R.C.S., 1914-17; Superintendent, Frome War Hospital Depot, 1915-18 ; Super intendent Church Army Club (" Charmys "), Marble Arch, London, 1918-19. Address : H.M. Dockyard, Chatham (temporary). Club : Empress. (M8442) BAKER, Sir Thomas, K.B.E., J.P., rendered valuable services in connection with the Great War. Late Mayor of Plymouth. (K343) BAKER, Thomas, O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., b. 26 March, 1852 ; s. of Thomas Brown, of Cosham, Hants ; m. Laurie Hannah, d. of — Glasspool of Southampton. Educ. : Southsea Diocesan Grammar School and Privately. Assistant M.O., St. George's, Hanover Square Union, Infirmary ; District M.O., Havant, Public Vaccinator ; M.O. to Post Office, etc. War Work : In charge of AuxUiary Hospital, V.A.D. for duration of the War. Address : 25, Western Parade, Southsea, Hants. (011789) BAKER, Thomas Edgar, M.B.E. BAKER, Major Wilfred Bertram, O.B.E., 10th Gurkha Rifles, I.A.. has Order of the Star of Nepal, 3rd Class. (08433) BAKER, William Ernest, M.B.E. BAKER, Vice-Admiral WilUam Henry Baker, O.B.E., R.N., b. 7 Dec. 1862 ; y.s. of the late Henry John Baker Baker, of Elemore HaU, Co. Durham, J.P. and D.L. for County Durham ; to. Hariett Constance, y.d. of Henry N. Middleton D.L., J.P. and C.A. Northumberland, late Rifle Brigade, of Lowood, Melrose, N.B. Educ: H.M.S. "Britannia," Dartmouth. Lieut.- Col. and County Commandant, Northumberland Volunteer Force ; went to sea as Naval Cadet, 1878 ; on board H.M.S. " Sultan " in Sea of Marmora during Russo-Turkish War ; assisted in landing troops during the occupation of Cyprus, 1878 ; served in Egyptian Campaign, 1882 (medal and Khedive's Star) ; with expedition against Sultan of Vitu, E. Africa, 1890 (medal and clasp) ; on special commission to Massi- Kissu and UmptaU, Mashonaland, 1891 ; Order of the Red Eagle of Prussia, 2nd Class, 1907 ; Rear-Admiral 1913 ; retired, 1913. Vice-Admiral 1918. Address : Buston House, Lesbury, Northumberland. Club: Naval and MUitary. (06861) BAKER, Rear-Adm. Lewis CLINTON-, C.B., C.B.E., b. 16 March, 1866 ; s. of WUliam Clinton-Baker, of Bayfordbury, Herts, (see Burke's Landed Gentry); to. Rosa Agnes, d of WUliam Henderson, of Berkley House, Frome. Educ. : H.M. Training Ship "Britannia," Dartmouth. War Work: Mid shipman at Bombardment of Alexandria in H.M.S. "Monarch" ; served in South African War, 1900, as Commander of H.M.S. "Gibraltar"; in command H.M.S. "Berwick" as S.N.O. in West Indies, Aug. 1914, to March, 1915 ; captured three enemy supply ships ; in command H.M.S. " Hercules " at Jutland ; in command H.M.S. "Benbow," 1916-17; promoted to Rear Admiral and appointed in command of 1st Minelaying Squadron, and responsible for the laying of the Northern Mine Barrage, 1917-18. Clubs : Army and Navy ; United Service. (C1918) 41 Bakewell THE OEDEE OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. BAKEWELL, Major George Victor, O.B.E., late R.A.M.C, b. 10 Sept. 1887 ; s. of George Bakewell, of Longton, Stoke- on-Trent. Educ. : Epsom College ; Clare CoUege, Cambridge ; London Hospital. Medical Practitioner. War Work : Joined the army as Lieut., R.A.M.C. Sept. 1914 ; demobilised with rank of Major March, 1919 ; saw active service in France and with the Salonica Army from Nov. 1915, to Nov. 1918, when invalided home ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address: London End, Beaconsfield, Bucks. (O3016) BAKEWELL, Robert Turle, O.B.E., M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Anaesthetist to St. John and St. BUsabeth Hospital. (011890) BALAAM, Charles John, O.B.E., b. 18 July, 1876. Divisional Controller Employment Department, Ministry of Labour. Address : 20, Orchard Street, Portman Square, W. 1. (01075) BALBI, Major Henry Alexander, M.B.E. , Royal Malta ArtUlery (retired), b . 14 Oct. 1867 ; s. of the late Raffaele Balbi, LL.D., of Malta Bar and Civil Service ; m. the late EUeen Moira, d. of the late Fleet Surgeon Brien P. S. Macdermott, M.D., R.N. Educ. : The Lyceum, Malta, and Privately. District Super intendent, St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas, Malta, and late Chairman, St. John Ambulance Association, Malta ; Executive Committee, Baden Powell Boy Scouts, Malta, Malta Athletic Club ; President, Malta Art Amateur Associa tion, Malta Football Association ; Member Board of Visitors CivU Prison ; Member of Committee PubUc Library and of Garrison Library, Malta ; Hon. Sec Malta Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, for which awarded Gold Medal and appointed Hon. Vice-President ; Gunnery Instructor. 1st Class; A. Inspector of Warlike Stores; Commanded the Royal Malta Artillery in Egypt, 1900-5. War Work : District Superintendent, St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas, Malta; Chairman, St. John Ambulance Association, Malta ; Member " Our Day " Committee, Malta; "London Gazette," "Malta Government Gazette," and letter of thanks from Governor of Malta for assistance in organising emergency military hospital in 1920, Appointed Esquire, Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; Chief Postal Censor, Malta, 3 Aug. 1914, to 15 Sept. 1919. Addresses : c/o The London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd., 52, Threadneedle Street, London, E.C. 2 ; c/o The Anglo-Maltese Bank, Malta. (M6598) BALDERS, Major Dudley Vere Morley, O.B.E., M.C, b. 28 Oct. 1883 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. Charles Morley Balders, King's Dragoon Guards, of West Barsham, Norfolk ; m. Violet Agnes Fairlie, d. of the late Lieut.-Col. Arthur Watson, the Suffolk Regt. Educ. : Isle of Wight CoUege and Royal Military CoUege, Sandhurst. Appointed 2nd Lieut., Suffolk Regt., 22 April, 1903 ; Lieut., Suffolk Regt., AprU, 1905 ; Capt., Suffolk Regt., Feb. 1914 ; Major, Suffolk Regt., 22 AprU, 1918 ; Adjutant, 1st Battalion Suffolk Regt., 30 Dec. 1913 to 23 Oct. 1915 ; served all Regimental soldiering with 1st Batt. Suffolk Regt., England, Malta, Egypt, prior to the war. War Work : Adjutant, 1st Suffolk Regt., France and Flanders, 16 Jan. 1915 to 13 May, 1915 ; wounded (remained at duty), 26 AprU, 1915 ; wounded, evacuated to hospital, 8 May, 1915, 2nd battle of Ypres ; Instructor, Officers' School of Instruction in London University O.T.C., 6 Sept. 1915 to 6 March, 1916 ; Staff Capt., 198th Inf. Brigade, 6 March, 1916 to 22 Sept. 1916 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., 2nd Cyclist Div., 23 Sept 1916 to 4 Dec. 1916; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., 66th Div., 4 Dec 1916 to 17 Feb. 1917, England ; D.A.A.G., 66th Div. France and Flanders, 18 Feb. 1917 to 17 Feb. 1919 ; D.A.A. G., British Base, Rotterdam, HoUand, 18 Feb. 1919, to 3 Nov. 1919 ; D.A.A.G., G.H.Q., France and Flanders, 30 Nov. 1919, to 22 March, 1920 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., East Anglian Div. (T.A.), 16 AprU, 1920. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox and Co., 16, Charing Cross, London. Club : United Service. (04972) BALDOCK, Henry Augustus, M.B.E. BALDRY, Walter Burton BURTON-, O.B.E., Educ. : King's College, London, and Queen's College, Oxford. Stock broker. War Work : R.N.V.R. Aug. 1914. to Oct. 1914 ; Lieut. Oxford and Bucks. Lt. Infantry, May, 1915 ; Capt., May, 1916 ; Recruiting Staff Officer. June, 1916 ; commanded School of Instruction for Recruiting Officers, 1917 ; Secretary Eastern Region, Ministry of National Service, 1918. Address : c/o Authors' Club, WhitehaU Court, S.W. 1. Clubs : Welling ton ; Authors' ; New City. (O1076) BALDWIN, Arthur George, M.B.E., b. 21 March, 1874 ; s. of Henry Baldwin, of Rayleigh, Essex, Builder ; m. Ethel Daisy, d. cf William H. Scriven, of Chelmsford, CivU Servant. Educ. : Rayleigh Collegiate School. War Work : Aerodrome Constructing ; Chairman, Works Committee, Handley Page's Extensions. Address : 89, DoUis Road, Church End, Finchley London, N. 3. (M7283) BALDWIN, Rev. Charles Henry Robert, M.B.E., 6. 14 May, 1881 ; s. of Rev. Francis Baldwin, of Stede HU1, Harrietsham, Kent. ; to. Silvia Louise, d. of Reginald Emson, of London. Educ : Denstone College and Lincoln Theological College. British Chaplain, Gothenburg ; British Vice-Consul, Gothenburg. War Work : Secretary to British Consulate General 1916 and now held ; Secretary for Sweden British Red Cross Society 1915, to end of war ; collected about £10,000 ; carried out survey of Graves of Officers and men of R.N. for Admiralty 1917 ; Hon. Chaplain repatriation camp, British prisoners of war, Ljungbyhed, Sweden, 1919 ; Commissioner for Sweden, Imperial War Graves Committee, 1920. Address : British Consulate General, Gothenburg. Clubs: Royal Bachelors' (Gothenburg) ; Royal Gothenburg Yacht. (M7284) BALDWIN, Christine, Mrs. Guy MeUort, M.B.E., 42 BALDWIN, Edmund ChapUn, O.B.E., F.C.A... F.C.I.S., F F 1 b. 3 Sept. 1861 ; s. of the late William Chaphn Baldwin ; m Dorothy, d. of the late W. L. Barraclough, M.A. Edue. : Privately Chartered Accountant, Chartered Secretary, PubUc Auditor appointed by the Treasury under the Friendly Societies Acts War Work : Hon. Sec. Sussex County Voluntary Organisation for supplying comforts to Sailors and Soldiers during the War (War Office Scheme), under Col. Sir Edward Ward Bart., G.B.E., q.v. Address: 9, Windlesham Avenue, Brighton. Clubs: Junior Constitutional, London ; Windlesham Bowling Club, Brighton. (-9}S7l'> BALDWIN, Lieut.-Col. John Eustace Arthur, D.S.O., O B E 6 13 April, 1892 ; s. of John Herbert Lacey Baldwin, of' the Hall, Thornton-Ie-dale ; to. Kathleen Betsy, d. of the late Tom W. L. Terry, of Trentholme, York. Edue. : Rugby and Sandhurst. War Work : Cavalry tUl 24 Sept. 1914 ; Royal Flying Corps, Royal Air Force, Independent Force in France for various periods from Jan. 1915 tUl Nov. 1918. Resigned commission in 8th Hussars on appointment to a permanent commission in R.A.F. Clubs: Cavalry ; Bath. (O8041) BALDWIN, Lucy, Mrs. Stanley, C.B.E., 6. 1870; d. of Edward Lucas Jenks Ridsdale, of Rottingdean, Sussex ; m. Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, P.O., J.P., M.P., Financial Secretary to the Treasury since 1917, s. of Alfred Baldwin, M.P., of Wilden, Stourport (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry) Educ. : At home. War Work : Donor and Commandant WUden Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital, 1914-19. Addresses: Astley Hall, Stourport, Worcestershire; 93, Eaton Square S.W.I. Club : Ladies' Imperial. (O1078) BALDWIN, Sam, M.B.E., M.Sc, A.I.C, b. 11 Oct. 1880 ; s. of Greenwood Baldwin, of Todmorden, Yorks ; m. Amy EUzabeth, d. of Charles Joseph HUey, of Todmorden, Yorks. Educ. : Grammar School and Owens College, Manchester. Superintendent and Works Manager, Explosives and Chemical Products, Ltd., Great Oakley, Harwich, Essex. War Work: Engaged in the manufacture of aU kinds of explosives and chemicals for Home and Allied Governments. Address : Sand- holm, St. George's Avenue, Dovercourt. (M7285) BALDWIN, Capt. Walter James, M.B.E., 6. 13 Dec. 1881 ; s. of James Anthony Windum Baldwin, of Chelsea ; m. Alizabeth Annie d. of PhiUip Edmund Weston, of Highgate. Educ. : United Westminster School and Emmanuel School, Wandsworth Common. Buyer and Works Manager to old estabUshed and well-known firm of London Manufacturers in the textile trade ; Eleven years' service in Volunteers and T.F. before the war. War Work : MobUised with T.F., 4 Aug. 1914 (rank Sergt.) ; gazetted 11 Oct. 1915 ; In France with 33rd Division from Nov. 1915 to Dec. 1916 (battles of Somme and Ancre) ; proceeded East, May, 1917 ; service on Sinai Desert, Palestine, Syria ; promoted Capt., 11 Oct. 1918. Address : Tower House, Southcote Road, Bournemouth. (M3165) BALE, Capt. Francis Herbert, O.B.E , R.A.S.C, BALFE, Kathleen, M.B.E. Catholic Soldiers' Club, Abbeville. (M10257&) BALFOUR, Brig.-Gen. Sir Alfred GranviUe, K.B.E., C.B., b. 25 March, 1858 ; s. of John Balfour, of Balbirnie, Fife (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry) ; to. Frances, d. of Sir Benjamin Simpson, K.C.I.E. Educ. : Eton. Joined 71st Highland Light Infantry, 1879 ; Commissioner Royal Hospital, Chelsea. War Work : Embarkation Commandant, Port No. 1, Southampton, Aug. 1914 to Aug. 1919 ; Officer Legion of Honour ; Distinguished Service Medal, U.S.A. ; Commander Crown of Belgium ; Commander Order St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, Italy ; 3rd Class Rising Sun, Japan ; 3rd Class White Eagle, Serbia. Address : 7, Durham Place, Chelsea. Clubs : Turf ; Naval and Military ; WeUington ; Pratt's. (K303) BALFOUR, Capt. Alfred Stevenson, Royal Indian Marine, O.B.E. , 6. 11 Jan. 1870 ; s. of Lewis Balfour ; to. MUUcent, d. of Sir James Balfour, Knt., C.V.O., of Edinburgh. Educ. : Tonbridge School and H.M.S. " Conway." War Work : In charge of mine-sweeping operations and armed patrols, Madras, India. Address: 10, Albany Street, Edinburgh. (O4009) BALFOUR, Bertha Elsie, Mrs., M.B.E. (M10432) BALFOUR, David, O.B.E. BALFOUR, Major Edward WiUiam Sturgis, D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C, 6. 1884 ; s. of Edward Balfour, of Balbirnie, co. Fife; m. 1914, Ruth, d. of the Rt. Hon. Gerald WiUiam? Balfour, P.O. Entered R.A. 1904, Major Dragoon Guards, 1918 ; served during Great War, 1914-18, mentioned in de spatches. (06863) BALFOUR, Lieut.-Col. Harry Hyndman, O.B.E., b. 31 May 1873 ; s. of the late George W. Balfour, of Edinburgh ; m. Bertha Elsie, d. of the late Sir Benjamin Greenacre, of Durban, Natal. Educ. : Edinburgh and Brussels. Late Medical Officer to Rand Mines, Johannesburg ; served in Boer War, , including Siege of Ladysmith (King's and Queen's Medals, 5 bars), late P.M.O., Transvaal. War Work : Sept. 1914, Acting Assistant Director of Medical Service in Natal South Africa ; later attached to South African Medical Corps ^¦i5urope '• was Divisional Medical Officer in South African Military Hospital ; mentioned in despatches, O.B.E. Address : b2, Queen's Road, Richmond, S.W. Club : Durban. (O8005) T BALFOUR, Sir Isaao Bayley, K.B.E., M.A., M.D., D.Sc, ., LL.D F.R.S., King's Botanist in Scotland, Regius Keeper of ' Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh ; Professor of Botany, Univ. of Edinburgh .since 1888, 6. 31 March, 1853 ; s. of John Huttonl Balfour, Professor of Botany, Univ. of Edinburgh, 1845-79;* BIOGEAPHIES. Bamford (01) m. Agnes, d. of the late Robert Balloch, Glasgow. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy ; Universities of Edinburgh, Strasbourg, and Wiirzburg. Transit of Venus Expedition to Rodriquez, 1874 ; Regius Professor of Botany, Univ. of Glasgow, 1879-84 ; explored island of Socotra, 1880 ; Sherardian Professor of Botany, Univ. of Oxford, and Fellow of Madgalen Coll., 1884-88. Address : Inverleith House, Edinburgh. Clubs : Athenaeum ; University, Edinburgh. BALFOUR, Hon. James Monoreiff, O.B.E. b. 6 July, 1878; s. of the Lord Kinross, of Glasclune (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. MadeUne Maude, d. of James Graham- Watson, of Kingston Grange, Liberton, Midlothian. Educ. : Chelten ham, and BalUol CoUege, Oxford. Was Writer to the Signet and was Deputy to the Financial Adviser to the Persian Government at Teheran. War Work : Capt. Scottish Horse, Aug. 1914, to Aug. 1915 ; Staff Capt. in this country and then attached 3rd Echelon in France, 1915-17 ; Assistant Secretary, National Service, 1917-19. Addresses : 23, He iot Row, Edin burgh; Teheran, Persia. Clubs : New (Edinburgh) ; Orleans. (06864) BALFOUR, Jessie Edith, M.B.E. ; d. of James Balfour, late of Clapham Common, S.W. War Work : Commandant, No. 16, City of London, Red Cross Hospital, Finsbury Square, E.C. (M7286) BALFOUR, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John, M.B.E., A.I.F. BALFOUR, Major Nigel Harington, O.B.E., RA.S. BALFOUR, Robert John, O.B.E. BALGARNIE, Capt. WUfred, O.B.E., M.B. (Lond.), F.R.CS. (Eng.), R.A.M.C, 6. 24 Sept. 1863 ; s. of Robert Balgamie, of Scarborough. Educ. : Privately ; St. Bar tholomew's Hospital ; London and Leeds Universities. County Medical Director British Red Cross Society ; Medical Referee Ministry of Pensions and Workmen's Compensation Act. War Work: Medical Officer Minley and Tylney AuxUiary MUitary Hospitals ; Temporary Captain R.A.M.C. Addr"~ The Dutch House, Winchfleld. BALL, Capt. Alexander Douglas, O.B.E. BALL, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Edward, O.B.E. BALL, Major Eric Percy, O.B.E. BALL, Francis Livingstone, M.B.E. BALL, Lieut. Frank Clement, M.B.E. BALL, Frederick Ernest, M.B.E. BALL, Capt. George Joseph, O.B.E. BALL, Capt. Harry Standish, O.B.E., R.E. BALL, James, M.B.E., b. 1874 ; s. of Ebenezer Ball, of Derby ; m. Bertha Christella, d. of Thomas Carnall, of Derby. Educ. : Derby Technical CoUege. PubUcity Expert ; District Food Officer Derbyshire. War Work : Hon. Food Distribu tion Officer, Derbyshire ; Executive Officer, Derby and District Food Control Committee ; Hon. Sec, Derby National Kitchens ; assisted in Recruiting and Registration and other war services. Address : 202, Kedleston Road, Derby. Clubs : Derby Town ; Markeaton Golf. (M7288) BALL, Dr. John, O.B.E., D.Sc, Ph.D., M.Inst.CE., Assoc. R.S.M., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., 6. 1872 ; s. of the late Ebenezer BaU, of Derby ; to. Kate, d. of the late James RusseU Waite, of Darlington. Educ. : Royal CoUege of Science and Royal School of Mines, London. Director of Desert Surveys, Egypt ; Author of numerous works on Geology, Geography, and Surveying. War Work : Reconnaissance surveys in the Libyan Desert, in conjunction with military patrols, and assistance to the InteUigence Division, General Staff. Address : Maison Mandofia, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Turf (Cairo). (02131) BALL, Major John Clement, D.S.O. O.B.E., Major Canadian ArtiUery ; Great War, 1914-19 (wounded, despatches, Belgian Croix de Guerre). (05978) BALL, Capt. Lionel Percy, O.B.E., R.A.F. BALL, Capt. Sydney Arthur, M.B.E. BALL, Capt. Walter Craven, O.B.E, R.E. BALL, Walter Mills, M.B.E. BALL, WiUiam Theodore, O.B.E. BALL, WiUiam Valentine, O.B.E., M.A. (Cantab.), b. 10 Feb. 1874 ; 2nd s. of the late Sir Robert Stawell BaU, LL.D., F.R.S., of Cambridge ; to. Kathleen Mary, d. of the late George Butt, I.C.S. Educ. : Tonbridge School; King's College, Cambridge; Lincoln's Din and Middle Temple. Barrister-at- Law ; Assistant Recorder of Leeds ; an Examiner of the Court. War Work: R.N.A.S. Anti-Aircraft Corps, 1915- 16 ; Military Service (CivU Liabilities) Commissioner for Essex, 1916-19 ; Kensington Red Cross Depot (Metal Shop), 1915-18. Addresses : 1, Brick Court, Temple, London, E.C. ; 18, HoUand St., Kensington, London, W. Club : Athenaeum. (O1079) BALLANCE, Sir Hamilton Ashley, K.B.E., C.B., b. 28 July, 1867 ; s. of the late Charles Ballance, of Clapton, Middlesex ; to. Ruth, d. of the late Rev. G. S. Barrett, D.D., of Norwich. Educ. : MiU Hill School, and Univ. Coll., London. Consulting Surgeon ; Surgeon, Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. War Work : Consulting Surgeon, British Armies in France. Address: All Saints Green, Norwich. (K268) BALLANTINE, AUce Liardet, M.B.E. ; d. of Thomas Ballantine, of Greenock, Scotland. Educ. : Bournemouth. War Work : Quartermaster, Crag Head Hospital, Bournemouth ; had the ordering and giving out of all stores, checking aU accounts, paying salaries and wages, and seeing to aU renova tions and repairs, etc. Addresses : 13, Landseer Road, Bournemouth, West; KUvaree, Douglas Pier, Argyleshire, Scotland. (M3505) I 43 BALLANTINE, Ethel Cadogan Burton, M.B.E. BALLANTYNE, Allan Opie, M.B.E. BALLANTYNE, Andrew, M.B.E. BALLANTYNE, Major David, O.B.E. BALLANTYNE, John, O.B.E. BALLARD, Com. George Norman, C.B.E., R.N., b. 1874 ; s. of the late G. A. Ballard, M.C.S., of PhiUptown, Selkirk. Great War, 1914-19. (C2241) BALLARD, Capt. Gilbert Alfred, O.B.E., Assoc. M.Inst. CE. etc., b . 22 Aug. 1887 ; s. of W. J. Ballard, of Birmingham ; to. Dorothy, d. of T. Milner, of York. Educ : Birmingham Technical School of Engineering. Borough Surveyor, Gran tham. War Work : 5th R.E. Labour Batt. 1915-16, chiefly work in the Ypres Salient ; Headquarters R.E. Staff XIX Army Corps, B.E.F., 2 years, 1917-19. Address: Guildhall, Grantham. (04974) BALLARD, Joseph AUred WiUiam, M.B.E., b. 1 Aug. 1875 ; s. of the late John Suter Ballard, RN., of Portsmouth; to. EmUy Georgina, d. of the late John Woodhouse, of Ports mouth. Educ. : Abingdon Road Academy, Southsea. Civil Servant ; entered the Civil Service in 1890 and has held appoint ments in the Board of Trade and the Admiralty. War Work : Served at the Admiralty throughout the War and took a leading part in the work of provision, preparation, and supply of Torpedoes, Paravanes, and Anti-Submarine Devices to the British and Allied Fleets. Address : 6, Merchiston Road, Catford, S.E. 6. (M109) BALLEINE, Rev. Austen Humphrey, O.B.E. BALLINGER, John, C.B.E., M.A., b. 12 May, 1860 ; s. of Henry BaUinger, of Whitchurch, Herefordshire ; m. Amy Amelia, d. of Captain David Boughton, of Cardiff. Librarian of the National Library of Wales. War Work : Custody of National Treasures removed to the National Library of Wales from the British Museum, the National Portrait GaUery, Lambeth Palace, and the GuildliaU of the City of London. Address : Sherborne House, Aberystwyth. (C2431) BALLS, Lieut. WilUam Daniel Chamberlain, M.B.E. BALME, Archibald Hamilton, O.B.E. BALMER, Hon. Capt. Ruth, OlB.E., M.B., R.A.F. BALMFORD, Joseph WilUam, M.B.E. BALLY, Major Edward Downes, O.B.E. BALSTON, Major Thomas. O.B.B., M.C BALTHAZER, Helen, Mrs., M.B.E. BALY, Edward Charles Cyril, C.B.E., M.Sc, F.l.C, F.R.S., b. 9 Feb. 1871 ; s. of the late Edward Ely Baly, of London ; to. Ellen Agnes, d. of Thomas Jago, of London. Educ. . Aldenham School and University CoUege, London. Grant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Liver pool. War Work : Deputy Inspector of High Explosives, Liverpool Area. Address : 14, Sunnyside, Princes Park, Liverpool. Club : University, Liverpool. _ (C427) BAM, Lieut.-Col. Sir Pieter Cauzius Van Blommestein STEWART- Kt., O.B.E., J.P., M.LA.; b. 99 July, 1869; s. of the late J. A. Bam, M.L.A. ; to. Ena Dingwall Tasca d. and co-heir of the late Alexander G. J. Stewart of Ards, Co. Donegal (see Burke's Landed Gentry), and assumed by Royal Licence the prefix surname and the additional arms of Stewart on his marriage, 1910. Edue. : Cheltenham ; Normal Coll. and South African Coll., Capetown ; Diocesan Coll., Rondebosch ; Cheltenham Coll. Entered Cape Garrison Artillery, 1892 ; retired with rank, 1901 ; served South African War (medal) ; contested Cape Town, 1904 ; Victoria West, 1904 ; Chairman of the General Executive of South African Exhibition, 1907 ; raised, in 1915, and in command of, the3/7th Batt. the London Regt. ; Chief Recruiting Officer City of London Territorials, May-Sept., 1915 ; Founder and first Chairman and present Vice-President, of the South African National Union ; special medal granted in 1910 by King Edward for services rendered in connection with the formation of the Union of South Africa ; connected with many Imperial organisa tions in England and South Africa ; J.P. Co. Donegal. Ad dresses : 61, Addison Road W. 14 ; Ards, Cashelmore, Co. Donegal ; Sea Point, Capetown. Clubs : Sports ; Royal Automobile ; City, Cape Town. BAMBER, Herbert, O.B.E., 6. 1880 ; s. of John Bamber; m. Mary EUzabeth, d. of Thos. Bridge, of Preston. Educ:. Xaverians, Preston. Controller of Coal Mines. Export Representative for South Wales and Monmouthshire. War Work : General Distribution Branch, Coal Controller's Dept,. 1917 ; Coal ControUer's Representative for Scotland, 1917-19 ; acted as a British Delegate, Central European Coal Com mission, 1919, and Reparation Commission, Coal Sub- Commission, Paris, 1919-20. Address : The Crossways, Box- moor, Herts. (09929) BAMBER, Capt. Wyndham Lerriee, C.B.E. R.N. (ret.); Drafting Com. and Assist. Director MobiUzation Div., Ad miralty during Great War. (C2232) BAMFORD, Lieut.-Col. Harry WUUam Morrey, O.B.E., M.C, Croix de Guerre, South African Infantry. Saw Service with Cape Mounted Riflemen (Boer War) ; Transvaal Mounted Rifles (Zulu Rebellion, 1906) ; Natal Police in Northern Zulu- land ; Natal Light Horse ; 2nd South African infantry. War Work : Served throughout S. African RebeUion, 1914, and G.S.W.A. campaign, 1914-15, as Adjutant Natal Light Horse ; then to Egypt with South African Brigade throughout Sennussi Campaign (wounded at Halazin) ; then to France with South African Brigade till end of the "War (wounded at DelvUle Wood in July, 1916 ; very severely wounded Le Cateau, Oct. 1918) ; Brigade Major 90th Infantry Brigade in 1917 and later Bamford THE OEDEE OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. commanded 2nd South African Infantry and South African Composite Regiment ; mentioned in despatches. Address : National Bank of South Africa, Ltd., Circus Place, London Wall, E.C (O1081) BAMFORD, Herbert Richard, M.B.E., b. 4 June, 1864 Staff Clerk, Board of Trade. War Work : Settlement of estates of deceased merchant seamen. Address: East Oakley, Basingstoke. __ BAMFORD, Louisa Orme, Mrs., M.B.E., b. 25 Dec. 1863 ; d. of Thomas Orme Farmer, of Ashbourne, J.P. ; m. Thomas Henry Broughton, s. of John Bamford, of Ashbourne. Educ. : 2u Stanley Gardens, Notting Hill. War Work : Quartermaster, Ashbourne V.A.D. Hospital, 1915-19. Address : Ashbourne, Derbyshire. (M1374) BAMFORD, Lieut.-Col. Percy, O.B.E., T.D. BAMFORD, Capt. Reginald MayaU, O.B.E., M.R.C.V.S., R.A.V.C, b. 16 Nov. 1892 ; y. s. of Herbert Richard Bamford, M.B.E. (q.v.), of Oakley, Hants; to. May, d. of F. H. Roche, of Princes Street, E.C. War Work : Attached 12th Infantry Brigade, Aug. 1914, to Aug. 1915 ; commanded 41st Mobile Veterinary Section tUl Feb. 1917, and later commanded the Base Veterinary Hospital, Basra, Mesopotamia. Address : Oaklev, Hants. (02259) BAMFORD, Walter Cecil, M.B.E. BAMPFIELD, Capt. George Charles, O.B.E. BAMPFIELD, Capt. Lewis Adolphus, M.B.E. BAMPTON, Lieut. John Augustus Hamilton, M.B.E., I.A.R.O., attd. R.E. BANBURY, Charlotte Marie Louise, Mrs., O.B.E. BANCROFT, Blanche, Mrs., M.B.E. BANCROFT, James, M.B.E. BANDON, Hon. Georgiana Dorothea Harriet, Countess of, C.B.E., o.c of the 7th Baron Carbery (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. James Francis Bernard, K.P., 4th Earl of Bandon (see BURKE'S Peeraoe). Addresses: Castle Bernard, Bandon; Coolkelure. Dunmanway, Co. Cork. (C2432) BANFIELD, Richard, O.B.E. BANGAY, Surg.-Lieut. James Darrington, O.B.E., R.N., M.B. '(H2021) BANGER, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. John Henry Adolphus, M.B.E., b. 7 Nov. 1884 ; s. of the late Adolphus Banger, Royal Marines. Educ : Walmer. Confidential Clerk to Director of Organisation, War Office. War Work : Served in France with Royal Engineers from Aug. 1914-16, and subsequently in the General Staff and Adjutant-General's Departments of the War Office ; twice mentioned in despatches, and once mentioned in Secretary of State's Communique ; awarded MedaiUe MUitaire by French Government. Address : 62, Kent Road, Gravesend, Kent. (M3243) BANGOR, Maxwell Richard'Crosbie Ward, 6th Viscount, O.B.E., R.A., b. 4 May, 1868 ; Eldest surviving s. of the 5th Viscount and Mary, d. of Henry King, Ballylin, King's Co. ; m. Agnes Elizabeth, 3rd d. of the late Dacre Hamilton of Cornacassa, Monaghan. Educ : Harrow, and R.M. A., Woolwich. 'Entered Army 1887 ; Capt. 1898 ; Major, 1906 ; retired 1912 ; served Great War, 1914-19 ; Lieut.-Col. Reserve of Officers (O.B.E.) ; Member of the Church of Ireland. Address : Castle Ward, Downpatrick, Co. Down. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Royal Yacht Squadron (Cowes) ; Royal Ulster Yacht. (02412) BANISTER, Lieut. Fred, M.B.E., I.A.R.O. BANISTER, George Henry, C.B.E., M.I.C.E., b. 1856 ; s. of William Banister, J.P., of Devonport ; m. Lydia Eleanor, d. of WiUiam Davies, of Charlton, Kent. Educ : Woolwich, Whitworth Scholar. Mechanical Engineering Director, Engineering Works, Messrs. Vickers, Limited, Barrow-in- Furness. War Work : Manufacture of War material for Navy and Army. Address : Monks Croft, Barrow-in-Furness. Club : County, Barrow-in-Furness. (C927) BANISTER, John, O.B.E., b. 1874 ; s. of Arthur Ban ister, F.C.A., London ; to. Ada, d. of John Brown, of Aspenden, Herts. Educ. : City of London School. War Work : War Trade Intelligence Department ; British Food Missions to Vienna and Prague. Address : Secretary of Commission for the Distribution of the RolUng Stock of the former Austro- Hungarian Monarchy, The Hofburg, Vienna. (O9930) BANKART, Alfred Seymour, M.B.E. BANKS, Lieut. Francis RodweU, O.B.E., R.N.V.R. BANKS, Major George Bertram, O.B.E. BANKS, Isaac, O.B.E., M.D., M.B., 6. 3 March, 1867 ; s. oi Isaac Banks, of R ockspring, Cork ; to. Florence Adelaide, d. of Dr. Evan Jones, of Aberdare. Educ. : Cork ; Dublin ; London. War Work : Surgeon-in-Charge, Aberdare and Merthyr Red Cross Hospital ; 208 beds. Address : 2, Park Lane, Aberdare, S. Wales. (04349) BANKS, Capt. James Harvey, O.B.E., R.A.S.C. and R.A.F. BANKS, Major Thomas Rivers, M.B.E., b. 27 Jan. 1883 ; s. of Rivers Banks, of Stockport ; m. Barbara Elder, d. of James Forbes Duthie, of Thurso, Caithness. Educ : Abbey School, Beckenham, Kent, and Manchester Univ. War Work : 2/Lieut. » Lancashire Fusiliers, April, 1915, to June, 1915; R.A.S.C (M.T.), June, 1915, to Jan. 1920 ; with Mediterranean Ex. Force, Oct. 1915, to Dec. 1915 ; Mesopotamia Ex. Force, Jan. 1916, to AprU, 1919 (mentioned in despatches) ; Q.M.G.3, War Office, July, 1919, to Jan. 1920 ; Acting Deputy Assist. Director of M.T., G.H.Q., Mes. Ex. Force, Oct. 1919, to April, 1920. Addresses : Dean Row, Wilmslow, Cheshire ; 23, Orange Street, W.C 2. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Reform. (M4261) BANNATYNE, Lieut. Archibald Brown, O.B.E., RNR. BANNATYNE, Capt. Arthur Gordon, M.B.E., R.A.SC 6. 5 July, 1885 ; s. of late Lieut.-Col. J. M. Bannatyne, of 8th King's Liverpool Regt. ; to. Frances Nesta, d. of late CM. HoUand, of Bryn-y-grog, Wrexham. Educ. : Westward Ho and King's College, Cambridge. (Mt°i3) BANNATYNE, Lieut.-Col. Gilbert Alexander, O.B.E , M D , F.R.C.P., R.A.M.C, 6. 25 AprU, 1867 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. John MUlar Bannatyne, late 8th King's Liverpool Regt. ; m, Amv Vivian, d. of Surgeon-General WiUiam Walker, Indian Medical Service. Educ. : Glasgow University and Pans. Honorary Consulting Physician, Royal United Hospital and Royal Mineral Water Hospital. War Work : Commandant, Bath War Hospital, March, 1916, to June 1919 ; twice men tioned for valuable services. Address : 21, The Circus, Bath Club : Bath County. „.,.,._.,, , ,(0^8?9) BANNATYNE, Victoria Vera, M.B.E.,Medaille de la Reine Elisabeth, b. 11 Sept. 1887 ; d. of James FitzGerald Bannatyne, of Haldon, Exeter, and Fanningstown, Co. Limerick. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Secretary to Devon and CornwaU War Refugee Committee and Quartermaster in charge V.A.D. Rest Club, TrouviUe, France. Address: Parke, Bovey Tracey; Fanningstown, Co. Limerick. ( M110) BANNER, Major AUan WiUiam, O.B.E., b. 18 July, 1878 • .s of Allan WiUiam Banner, of Liverpool ; m. Charlotte Mary, d. of Thomas Dalton, of Glyn Isa, North Wales Educ.: Privately and Liverpool University. Director of Public Companies. War Work : O.T.C, Epsom, Sept. 1914 ; Pay master, Northern Command, June, 1915 ; Certified unfit, Dec. 1915 ; Voluntary Enlishment, Category 4B, May, 1916 ; 2nd Lieut , Accounts Officer, R.E., Southampton ; Lieut., In spector of Accounts, Richboro', Manston, Eastchurch, and Hawkinge ; Capt., Chief Accounts Inspector of I.W. and D.R.E. Branches and Depots ; Major, Deputy Managmg Director and Chief Accountant National Shipyards, Chepstow, Beacliley, and Portbury ; South Africa, on special duty for Ministry of Shipping. Addresses : 199, PiccadiUy, London, W. 1 ; South Terrace, Littlehampton. Clubs: Littlehampton Golf ; South ampton Yacht ; Royal Automobile. .,A„„.„_i BANNER, Myra, Mrs., M.B.E. (M10244 t>. 5 April, 1876 ; s. of Robert wnuT™ B°yd' of Moulmein, British Burmah ; to. Helen, d. of tSs^/W Glasgow. Shipbroker. War Work: ^rtt^r}iC--S,e\-^^on t0 U.S.A.; thereafter Deputy Director-General, British Ministry of Shipping, New York, "6 BIOGRAPHIES. Bradbury U.S.A. Addresses : The SheUlng, Dongan HUls, Richmond County, New York, U.S.A. ; 24, State Street, New York City. Clubs : India House ; Bowling Green ; Richmond County. (C935) BOYD, Alexander WilUam KEOWN-, C.B.E, 6. 19 June, 1884 ; s. of William Keown-Boyd, of Highgate ; m. the late Joan Mary, d. of Maximilian D. D. Dallson, of Hamptons, Kent. Educ : Merchant Taylors' School and St. John's College, Oxford. Sudan Civil Service, now Oriental Secretary to the High Commissioner for Egypt. War Work : Service on the staff of the Governor-General of the Sudan and Sirdar of the Egyptian Army, and later with the High Commissioner for Egypt ; twice mentioned in despatches in connection with operations in the Sudan and the Hedjaz. Address : The Re sidency, Cairo. Club : Royal Societies'. (C2461) BOYDELL, Thomas, M.B.E. BOYER, Albert Edward, M.B.E, M.R.C.V.S. BOYER, Paymaster-Capt. George Christopher Aubin, C.B.E, 6. 1862 ; s. of George Boyer, of Beaumont, Jersey ; m. 1894, Gertrude EUzabeth, d. of James Allen, ot Batten- hurst, Ticehnrst. Educ. : St. James' Collegiate Sch, Jersey. Accountant Officer R.N. ; Paymaster-Capt. Royal Fleet Re serve, Devonport ; a Com. of Order of Crown of Italy, and a Chevalier of Legion of Honour ; Soudan, 1884-5 (medal) ; China,1900 (medal) ; Dongola Expedition, 1896 (medal) ; Great War, 1916-18, as Naval Base Agent, Boulogne. Address : Windsor ViUa, Saltash. (C879) BOYES, Charles Edward, C.B.E, fi. 1866; s. of Major James F. Boyes. Dep. Resident Commr. in Basutoland ; assisted recruiting dining Great War. (C2016) BOYLAND, Sydney Edward, O.B.E. BOYLE, Sir Alexander George, K.C.M.G, C.B.E, fi. 1872; m. 1898, Sibyl Blanche, d. of the late Rev. J. T. Hodgson, ot Charterhouse. Appointed Private Sec. to Senior Puisne Judge, Straits Settlements, 1893; Assist. Treasurer, Uganda, 1895; Dep. Treasurer, 1900 ; CoUector, 1902; Assist. Sec, 1902; Sub-Commr, E. Province 1905 ; acted as Sec. to H.M. Commr. Uganda Protectorate 1986-8; as Ch. Accountant, 1899-1900; as First Assist. Accountant, 1900; Sec. to Govt, 1901-2; as Sub-Commr, E. Province, 1903-4 ; was Dep. Commr, Uganda Protectorate, 1907 ; Acting Ch. Sec. and Gov. there, 1909-10; Colonial Sec, S. Nigeria, 1910-13; since when he has been a Lieut.-Gov. of Nigeria Protectorate ; acted as Gov. thereof, 1911. Address : Lagos, S. Nigeria ; 24, Mont- pelier Crescent, Brighton. Ctafis : Sports' ; Bath. (C2017) BOYLE, Sqdn.-Leader Archibald Robert, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. BOYLE, Capt. CecU Hefferon, M.B.E. BOYLE, Fanny, Mrs., O.B.E. BOYLE, Comm. Harry Lumsden, C.B.E. BOYLE, Capt. Henry Edmund Gaskin, O.B.E, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P, R.A.M.C. (T.F.), 6. 2 April, 1875 ; s. of Henry Eudolphus Boyle, of Barbados, . W. I. ; to. MUdred Ethel, d. of John Wildy. Educ. : Harrison CoUege, Barbados ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Anaesthetist ; Anaesthetist and Lecturer on Anaesthetics to St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Ansethetist to St. Andrew's Hosptial, DoUis HU1. War Work : Anaesthetist to the foUowing: St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1st London General Hospital, and St. Andrew's Hospital, Dollis HiU ; and the following hospitals for officers : Queen Alexandra's Hospital for Officers at Highgate, The Duchess of Rutland's, The Countess of Carnarvon's, Lady Evelyn Mason's, Miss Birkett's, Sir John EUerman's. Address : 16, Upper Wimpole Street, W. 1. Clubs : West Indian ; R.A.C (08751) BOYLE, Irene Florinda Maud, M.B.E, fi. 1895 ; d. of Edward Louis Dalrymple Boyle (see BTHtKE'S Peerage, Glasgow, E.), of 40, Cranley Gds, S.W. 7. War Work : Clerk in Foreign Office and to British Delegation, Peace Conference, Paris. Address : British Legation, Prague, Czecho-Slovakia. (M7459) BOYLE, Eng.-Comm. James Charles, O.B.E, R.N. BOYLE, Wing Comm. Hon. John David, C.B.E, D.S.O, Royal Air Force, b. 8 July, 1884 ; s. of 7th Earl of Glasgow ; m. Ethel, d. of Sir Henry Hodges, of Melbourne, Victoria. Educ. : Winchester. Officer in H.M. Air Force ; Air Staff appointment. War Work : Served in France and Italy since outbreak of war. Clubs: Travellers'; Junior U.S. (C1888) BOYLE, Lieut. John Valentine, M.B.E, A.I.F. BOYLE, Louise Judith, Lady, M.B.E, 6. 13 April 1873; d. of Reuben David Sassoon, M.V.O, of London and Hove (see BUKKE'S Peerage) ; to. Sir Charles Cavendish Spencer Boyle, K.C.M.G. (who died Sept. 1916), s. of Capt. Cavendish Spencer Boyle (see BURKE'S Peerage, Cork, E.). War Work : Lent (jointly with husband till his death), from outbreak until close of war, No 6 Third Avenue, Hove, Sussex, for a Red Cross AuxUiary Military Hospital ; carried on at this hospital the work of tracing the Missing and Wounded for British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John. Address : Lathkil, 5, Hayne Road, Beckenham. (M7460) BOYLE, Lieut.-Col. Michael, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 1865 ; s. of the late Michael Boyle, of Dundalk ; m. Mary Theresa, d. of the late Alfred J. Le Mesuiier, Guernsey. Educ. : St. Mary's CoU, Dundalk ; Queen's Coll, Cork. War Work : O.C. No. 3 CCS, France ; O.C. 28 CCS, Salonika. Address: Les Terres, Guernsey. Club : Grange, Guernsey. (03022) BOYLE, Percy, M.B.E, 6. 21 June, 1869; s. of NeU Boyle, of Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford; in. Elizabeth Ann, d. of Lambie Hodge, of Manchester. Educ. : Dublin. Traffic Agent, G.W.Rly. ; Lloyd's Agent; Sub-Commissioner of Pilo tage ; Vice-Consul for Belgium. War Work : Traffic Manager, Channel Islands Service ; Sub-Commissioner of Pilotage ; Shell-stamper under Ministry of Munitions ; Special Constable, etc. Address : 1, Grosvenor Road, Weymouth. Club : Carlyle. (M7461) BOYLE, Capt. Walter, O.B.E, R.E. (T.F.). BOYNE, Margaret Selina, Viscountess, C.B.E, 6. 11 Aug. 1883 ; d. of Earl of Harewood, of Harewood House, Leeds ; m. Gustavus William, Viscount Boyne, s. of 8th Viscount Boyne, of Brancepeth Castle, Durham. War Work : Director Brancepeth Castle Auxiliary Hospital with 126 beds ; chair man Durham Women's War Agricultural Committee ; County President British Red Cross Society ; Lady of Grace St. John of Jerusalem. Address : Brancepeth Castle, Durham ; Bur- warton HaU, Bridgnorth, Shropshire ; Belgrave House, Bel grave Square, London. Club : Forum. (C2463) BOYS, Sir Francis Theodore, K.B.E, Principal Director of Meat Supplies, 6. 12 Feb. 1870 ; s. of Henry Scott Boys, Indian Civil Service, and Ethel Rigand d. of Capt. Henry Strong ; to. Christina Josephine de Snaidt, New Zealand. Educ. : Harrow. Seven years on sheep station in N. Zealand ; sixteen years in business ; eight years managing N.Z. Re frigerating Company, London ; two years Principal Director of Meat Supplies, Ministry of Food. Address : 84, Iverna Court, W. 8. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Christehurch (New Zealand). (K202) BOYS, Capt. Henry Cecil, M.B.E. BOYS, Henry Ward, C.B.E. BOYS, Capt. Herbert Augustus, O.B.E, fi. 19 June, 1882 ; s. of Rev. W. J. Boys, Vicar of Fordingbridge, Hants. Educ. : St. John's School, Leatherhead. Manager of Cotton Factory, Wasta, Egypt. War Work : R.A.S.C. in France. Addresses : Wasta, Egypt ; Fairhaven, MUford-on-Sea. Club : United Empire. (O5033) BOYS, Walter Guy Robert, O.B.E, fi. 12 Oct. 1890; s. of Walter Boys, of London ; to. Marian Pamela, d. of the late Harry Wilding Mclsack. Educ. : Alleyn's School, Dulwich. Deputy Director of Meat Supplies, Ministry of Food. Address : Palace Chambers, S.W. 1. Club : National Liberal. (010030) BOYTON, Robert Alexander Stewart, O.B.E. BRABAZON, Lieut.-Col. Hon. Claud Maitland Patrick, O.B.E, Irish Guards (retired), 6. 16 July, 1874 ; s. of 12th Earl of Meath (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; to. Kathleen, d. of Arthur Maitland, J.P, of Shudy Camps Park, Cambridgeshire. Educ. : Wellington CoUege ; Trinity HaU, Cambridge. War Work : Served in R.F.C, R.N.A.S, and R.A.F, during whole of War; seconded from Irish Guards. Address: Old Lodge, Titchfleld, Hants. Clubs ; Travellers' ; Royal Cruising ; Stansted Working Men's. (O8054) BRABY, Wallace, M.B.E, 6. 1864 ; s. of Alfred Braby, of London ; to. Annie AmeUa, d. of John Henderson, of Hex ham. Edue. : University School, Hastings. Hon. Sec. of Edith CaveU Homes of Rest for Nurses ; and Secretary of Companies. War Work : Associated with Australian and New Zealand War Contingent Associations ; Edith CaveU Homes of Rest for Nurses ; R.N.A.S. Comforts Fund. Ad dresses : 25, Victoria Street, S.W. 1 ; 191, Park Road, Kings ton-on-Thames. Club : Overseas. (M7463) BRACKENBORO, Lieut. Henry Edwin, M.B.E, R.A.F. BRACKENBURY, Florence Adelia, Mrs., M.B.E. BRACKENBURY, Hereward Irenius, C.B.E, fi. 1871 ; s. of General Charles Brackenbury, R.A. ; to. Winifred, d. of the late Sir Benjamin Browne, D.C.L, J.P, of Westacres, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Educ. : Dover CoUege. Managing Director Messrs. C A. Parsons, Heaton Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; late General Manager Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co, Ltd, Elswick Works. Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Work : Superintenued the manufacture of 13,000 guns, 11,785 carriages, 102 tanks, torpedo tubes, etc. Address : Seaton Burn House, Dudley, R.S.O., Northumberland. Clubs : Bath ; Northern Counties, Newcastle. (C113) BRADBURN, Albert Edward, M.B.E, 6. 2 May, 1866; s. of WilUam Bradburn, of Pendleton, Manchester ; to. Annie, d. of Frederick William Burt, of Withington, Manchester. Educ. : Brindle Heath School, Pendleton, Manchester. City Surveyor's Secretary, Town Hall, Manchester. War Work : Secretary of Cold Storage Dept, of the Ministry of Food, at Headquarters, Westminster, from its inception ; services were loaned to the Ministry by the Manchester Corporation. Addresses: 8, Glebe Place, Chelsea, S.W. 3 (temporary); City Surveyor's Office, Town Hall, Manchester (business). (M7463) BRADBURY, Capt. Arthur Lyle, O.B.E. BRADBURY, Capt. George Richardson, M.B.E. BRADBURY, William Embry, M.B.E, fi. 3 9 April, 1859 ; s. of Thos. Wm. Bradbury, of Maryleboue. RaUway Official. War Work : Preparation and carrying out of the scheme for Mobilisation of the Army. Address : " Lynwood," Marlboro' Hill, Harrow, Middlesex. (M169) BRADBURY, Major WUliam Percy, O.B.E, fi. 15 Feb. 1889 ; s. of William Embry Bradbury (q.v.), M.B.E, of Harrow, Middx. ; m. Winifred May, d. of Frederick James, of Twick enham. Educ : London. Deputy Chief Staff Clerk, Supt. of the Line's Dept, L. & N.W. Rly., Euston. War Work: EnUsted Jan. 1915 in Royal Engineers ; sent to France same month ; commissioned as a Lieut. R.E, July, 1915 ; promoted Capt, Dec. 1915 ; made a Staff Officer (Deputy Assistant Director), Nov. 1916 ; promoted Major, Jan. 1917 ; employed from Jan. 1915, to Aug. 1919 at G.H.Q, France, 77 Bradby THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. organising Inland Water Transport arrangements for the Army, under the Director of Inland Water Transport ; during the latter part of the war acted as Assistant Director of Inland Water Transport at General Headquarters ; twice mentioned in despatches. (01136) BRADBY, Matthew Samuel, M.B.E, R.N. BRADDELL, Lieut.-Col. Monckton O'DeU, C.B.E.. M.B, R.A.M.C. BRADDEN, EUiot, M.B.E. BRADFIELD, Major Ernest WiUiam Charles, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS.E, I.M.S. BRADFIELD, WiUiam Walter, C.B.E, 6. 1879 ; s. of WiUiam Bradfield. Director and Manager Marconi Co.. Address : 1, St. James's Place, S.W.I. (C448) BRADFORD, Beryl AngeUca Selby, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of Capt. J. B. Taylor, of 76th Regt. ; to. Capt. Sydney Sheridan Bradford, 24th Regt. (who died). Educ. : Privately. War Work : Organiser for Women Patrols, 6 months ; for 2 years Lady Superintendent, Command Pay Office, London ; then Lady ControUer Women Staff, Air Ministry, untU Jan. 1920. Address : 11, Bryanston Street, London, W. 1. (M7464) BRADFORD, Lieut. James, M.B.E. BRADFORD, Sir John Rose, K.C.M.G, C.B, C.B.E, M.D, D.Sc, Hon. M.D. (Christiania), F.R.C.P, F.R.S, Hon. Major-Gen. A.M.S, 6. 7 May, 1863 ; m. Mary, d. ot the late Thomas Ffoulkes Roberts, J.P. Educ. : Univ. CoU. School, CoU, and Hospital. Late Member of the Senate, Univ. of London ; Senior Physician to the Univ. CoU. Hospital ; Holme Lecturer on Clinical Medicine to the Univ. Coll. Hospital Medical School; Sec. of the Royal Society, 1908-15; Senior Medical. Adviser to the Colonial Office ; Consulting Physician, B.E.F.; formerly George Henry Lewes Student and Grocer Research Scholar; served Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, C.B, C.B.E.). Addresses : 8, Manchester Square, W. ; Bryn, near Dinas Mawddwy R.S.O, Merionethshire. Clubs : Athenaeum; Arts. (C1225) BRADFORD, Mary, Lady, O.B.E.; d. of Thomas Foulkes Roberts, J.P, of Llanidloes, North Wales ; to. Sir John Rose, K.C.M.G, C.B, C.B.E, F.R.S, s. of A. R. Bradford (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Private school. War Work : Letter-writer for the wounded in 13 Stationary, and 24 and 26 General Hospitals, B.E.F. ; mentioned in despatches, June, 1916 ; O.B.E, Jan. 1919. Addresses : 8, Manchester Square, W. ; Bryn, nr. Dinas Mawddwy, R.S.O, Merionethshire. (03631) BRADFORD, WilUam, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 17 AprU, 1868 ; 8. of Richard and Mary Bradford, of North Tawton, Devon shire ; m. Sarah Ann Maud, d. of Edward Davis, of Dudley. Educ. : Elementary School. Glassmaker ; General Financial Secretary to National FUnt Glassmakers' Society, since 1906 ; Town CounciUor for Dudley, 10 years ; Justice of Peace for Dudley 3 years. War Work : Dudley Recruiting Committee ; Tribunal ; Pensions Committee ; Chairman War Savings Com mittee at Dudley ; National Advisory Committee, London ; Food Control Committee ; Local Advisory Committee ; Dudley Food Control Committee ; Member of the Committee of Unemployment Act ; Member of Executive CouncU, Joint Industrial CouncU, London ; Member of Housing Town Planning Committee, and several other important committees in London and Dudley. Address : 35, WeUington Road, Dudley, Worcs. (01137) BRADLEY, Lieut.-Col. Charles Raymond Strathearn, O.B.E, LA. and R.A.F. BRADLEY, Henry Edward Manning, M.B.E. BRADLEY, Capt. James Lennox, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. BRADLEY, Capt. John Stanley Travers, C.B.E, M.G.C BRADLEY, Lesley Ripley, M.B.E. War Work: Did valuable work in connection with the Imperial War Museum. (M10307 BRADLEY, Rose Marian, O.B.E. General Secretary, Women's Legion. (011894) BRADLEY, Thomas John, C.B.E, fi. 1857. Entered Exchequer and Audit Depart. 1875, and retired as Principal Clerk, 1917. (C114) BRADLY, Henry George, C.B.E. BRADSHAW, Frances Evelyn, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. BRADSHAW, Fleet-Surg. Frank, O.B.E, R.N, 6. 7 AprU, 1866 ; s. of the late Francis Burgess Bradshaw, of Thurles, Co. Tipperary ; to. Mary Frances, d. of the late Rev. Adderley WUlcocks CampbeU, Tullycorbet, Co. Monaghan. Educ. : Royal University of Ireland. Fleet-Surgeon, R.N. (ret.) ; Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : President Army Recruiting Board, Great Scotland Yard ; Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services ; Ministry of National Services ; Deputy Commis sioner of Medical Services Ministry of Pensions. Address : 13, Palliser Road, West Kensington W. 14. Club : Junior Constitutional. (01138) BRADSHAW, GranviUe Eastwood, O.B.E. BRADSHAW, Laura Katherine, M.B.E. BRADSHAW, Capt. Stanley Goodwin, M.B.E, i. 10 Aug. 1889 ; s. of Bradshaw Charles Goodwin, of Blackheath, Kent. Educ. : Lancing. Solicitor. War Work : Private in the Inns of Court O.T.C, 1913-14 ; granted a commission in the 8th Service Battalion of the East Lancashire Regiment in Sept. 1914 and attained the rank of Captain in Jan. 1915 ; saw service in Belgium and France, 1915-16; appointed a MiUtary Representative for the County of London Appeal 78 Tribunal under the MUitary Service Act3. Address: 2, Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath, S.E. 3. (M1452) BRADSHAW, WilUam Graham, C.B.E, 6. 1 Sept. 1861; 8 of Richard Bradshaw, of 10, Stanhope Street, Hyde Park ; m Dora Sophia, d. of Edward Studd, of Tedworth House, Hants. ; and 2, Hyde Park Gardens. Educ. : Harrow, and Trinity' College, Cambridge. Dep. Chairman London Joint City and Midland Bank since 1891 ; Chairman Commercial Gas Company. War Work: American DoUar Securities Committee. Address: Down Park, Crawley Down, Sussex. (C2465) BRADWELL, WilUam Howard, O.B.E, b. 29 May, 1867 ; 8. of John Howard BradweU, of Nottingham ; m. Carrie d of Benjamin North, of Nottingham. Educ. : Notting ham High School and Shrewsbury. Past President of the Auctioneers' and Estate Agent3' Institute ; Past President of the Midland Counties' Tenant-Right Valuers' Association; Member of CouncU of Central Tenant-Right Valuers' Associa tion War Work: Member of Central Advisory Committee of Cattle Control ; Member of the Central Livestock Fund, Chairman of Auctioneers' Pool Committee, under the Cattle Control. Address: 7, Cavendish Crescent South, The Park: Nottingham. __ ___ ^ _, __ (O10031) BRADY, Rev. Canon Henry Westby, O.B.E, M.A.. fi. 19 Dec. 1884 ; s. of Capt. George Westropp Brady, of Bray, Co. Wicklow, and P.aheens, Co. Clare. Educ. : Privately ; St. John's, London ; University CoUege, Durham. 1907, Curate Parish Church, Plymouth ; 1911, Assistant Seamen's Chaplain, Ports of the River Plate ; 1915, Senior Seamen's Chaplain, East Coast, S. America; Chaplain to Anglican Bishop in Argentina and East Coast, S. America ; 1918, Canon of St. John's Cathedral, Buenos Aires. War Work : As Senior Seamen's Chaplain came in close touch with British ships and shipping during the period of the war ; visited coast Ports, arranged for entertainment and welfare ashore and thousands of British Seamen ; kept in close touch with the British Legation and the Squadron on the Coast. Address : Averida Leandro Alems 693, Buenos Aires, Rep. Argentina. Club : Hurlingham, Buenos Aires. (010032) BRADY, Lieut. John Joseph Hugh, O.B.E, R N.R. BRADY, Capt. Ralph HolUnshed, M.B.E. (The Cheshire Regt.), fi. 1867 ; s. of WUliam HolUnshed Brady, of Stockport; to. Beatrice, d. of Frederick Beech, of Broughton, Lanes. Educ. : Stockport Grammar School ; Manchester Grammar School. Land Agent and Auctioneer; FeUow of Surveyors' Institute ; Vice-President of The Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' Institute. War Work : Appointed by the Ministry of Food (Live Stock Section) Chairman of South Lancashire and Salford Market for the Control and Distribution of Live Stock ; MUitary Representative of Appeal Tribunal for the County of Chester ; Secretary of War Agricultural Committee. Address : The Bungalow, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Club : Egerton, Stockport. (M7466) BRADY, Lieut. Sydney Edward Joseph, M.B.E. BRAGG, Sir WiUiam Henry, K.B.E, D..Sc, F.R.S, fi. 2 July, 1862 ; s. of Robert John Bragg, of Stoneraise Place, Wigton, Cumberland ; m. Gwendoline, d. of Sir Charles Todd, K.C.M.G, F.R.S, F.R.A.S, of The Observatory, Adelaide, South AustraUa. Educ. : King WiUiam's CoUege, Isle of Man ; Trinity. Elder Professor of Mathematics and Physics, University of Adelaide, 1886-1909; Cavendish Professor of Physics, University of Leeds, 1909-15 ; Quain Professor of Physics, University of London, 1915 ; Honorary FeUow of Trinity CoUege, Cambridge ; Nobel Laureate for Physics, 1915. War Work : Resident Director of the Admiralty Experimental Station at Aberdour. 1916, and Parkeston, 1917 ; Scientific Adviser to the Director of the Anti-Submarine Division, 1918. Address : 32, Ladbroke Square, W. 11 ; Clubs: United University; Albemarle. (K352) BRAGG, WiUiam Lawrence, O.B.E, 6. 31 Mar. 1890; s. of Sir WilUam Bragg, K.B.E. Educ : Trinity CoUege. Prof. of Physics, Manchester University. War Work : Technical Adviser on Sound Ranging to the Map Section, General Head quarters, France. Address : 49, Heaton Road, Withington, Manchester. (O109) BRAGGINS, Edith Annie, M.B.E, 6. 20 Oct. 1878; d. of Ezra Braggins, of Hermon, Russell Park, Bedford. Educ. : Bedford High School for Girls ; La Prinlamere, Vevey, Switzer land. War Work : Temporary Clerk, Ministry of Shipping, from Feb. 1916. Address : 39, Kensington Gardens Square, London, W. 2. (M7467) BRAID, Major Arthur Reade, O.B.E. BRAIN, Capt. Hugh Gerner, O.B.E, BRAIN, Edwin LEWTON-, M B.E. BRAITHWAITE, Lieut Col. Francis Powell, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.C, R.E. ; m. 1st Oct. 1920, Victoria Alexandrina, Lady Plunket, widow of the 5th Baron Plunket, and d. of the 1st Marquess of Dufferin (see Bukke'S Peerage). Served in the Great War. 1914-19 (despatches twice. Croix de Guerre). (C1226) BRAITHWAITE, Capt. Stanley Nesham, M.B.E, b. 6 April, 1878; s. of Joseph Braithwaite, of Wood Green; m. Beatrice, d. of WilUam Aubery, of Southampton. Edue.: Margate and Southgate CoUeges. War Work: La command of Transports "Teviot" and "Cardiganshire," R.M.S.P. "Pardo," "Araguaya," "Desna," "Danube," " Amazon"; mentioned in despatches ; present at the Landing at GaUipoli. Address : Ashurst, 04, Westwood Road, Southampton. (M7468) BRAKE, Ethal Primrose, Mrs., M.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Bremner BRAKES, Harry, M.B.E. BRAMAH,- David, C.B.E, M.I.M.E, 6. 17 June, 1875 ; s. of John Bramah, of Manchester ; m. Emilia, d. of Charles Henry Hobday, of Birmingham and Anglesey, and niece of General Sir Owen Thomas (see Bukke'S Peerage). Formerly Chief Engineer White Star Line, and latterly General Secretary Marine Engineers' Association ; Joint Secretary National Maritime Board (Engineer Officers' Panel) ; member of Standard Uniform Committee convened by Board of Trade ; Member of Committee of National War Savings (Mercantile Section) ; Recommended introduction of Commissioned Rank R.N.R. for Engineer Officers M.M. ; Assisted the Authorities in securing the services of officers for special duty in connection with Fleet AuxUiaries, particularly in staffing No. 12 Special Squadron. Addresses : London Bridge House, S.E. 1 ; Alexandra Road, Leyton. (C2466) BRAMALL, Ernest Edward Peel, O.B.E, 6. 5 Jan. 1865 ; s. of the late Edward Charles Bramall ; to. Constance Eva, d. of the late Joseph Haselden. Educ. : Lichfield Grammar School. Member of Benisouef (Egypt) Municipality from its commencement to date. War Work : Egyptian Expeditionary Force (Labour Directorate) ; Recruiting Officer (Lieut.), 28 May, 1917, to 29 Aug. 1917 ; Officer-in-charge Military Labour Bureau Alexandria; Major, 30 Aug. 1917, to 30 April, 1918 ; Officer-in-charge Labour Area, Alexandria Base, 1 May, 1918, to 7 Feb. 1919 ; L.G. 7 June, 1918 ; mentioned in despatches ; L.G. 14 June, 1918. Addresses: Pickforde, Ticehurst, Sussex ; Benisouef. Middle Egypt. Club : Turf, Cairo. (O1140i BRAMALL, Major Harold Egerton, O.B.E, 5. 13 Sept. 1883 ; s. of W. E. Bramall, of Manchester. War Work : With Lancashire FusUiers, Egypt, 1914 ; GallipoU, 1915 ; Rifle Brigade, Palestine, 1917 ; Devonshire Regiment, Palestine, 1918-19. Address : Holmsdale, Kersal, Manchester. (06144) BRAMHALL, Major Charles, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. BRAMLEY, Lieut. Percy Brooke, O.B.E.. I.A.R.O. BRAMMALL, Major LesUe HmehoUffe, O.B.E. BRAMWELL, Hugh, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1 Jan. 1861 ; s. of John Byrom BramweU, of Tynemouth, Northumberland ; to. Margaret Jane, d. of Peter Lang, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Chel tenham CoUege, Edinburgh University, ana Newcastle College of Science. Mining Engineer, Director of Great Western CoUiery Co, Ltd. ; Director of Mon. and S. Wales Employers' Mutual rndemnity Society ; Chairman ofthe Treforest Electrical Consumers Co, Ltd. War Work : Member of the Glamorgan Colliery Recruiting Court and Member of the Standing Com mittee on Mining of Privy Council Committee for Scientific and Industrial Research ; Member of the Coal Controllers' Advisory Board. Address : Pontyquesta, Pontychen, Glam. Clubs : Cardiff and County ; Public Schools ; Albemarle. (0176) BRAMWELL, Percy, M.B.E, 6. 6 June, 1865. Educ. : Privately. War Work : R.N.A.S. Seaplane Inspection (C.P.O.), then Aeronautical Inspection Dept. Ministry of Munitions. Address: 5, Woodland ViUas, Datchet Common, Bucks. (M1456) BRANCH, Albert Ernest, O.B.E. BRANCH, Charles ChurohUl, O.B.E, F.R.G.S, 6. 8 May, 1866 ; s. of Charles Branch, of 67, Chester Square, S.W. ; m. Mary Bernadette, d. of R.N. Rawstron, of Weymouth. Edue. : Eton ; New CoU, Oxford. Barrister-at-law ; Member of Council of the Boy Scouts' Association. War Work : Com missioner in charge of Imperial Headquarters Boy Scouts' Association; in control of Coast Guard and other pubUc services rendered by the Boy Scouts during the war. Adiress : 67, Chester Square, S.W.I. Clubs : Windham ; New University. (010033) BRANCH, Irene, Mrs., M.B.E. BRAND, FUght-Lieut. Sir Christopher Joseph Quintin, K.B.E. D.S.O, M.C, D.F.C, R.A.F, fi. 25 May, 1893 ; s. of E. C J. Brand, late C.I.D. Johannesburg ; to. Marie, d. of Patrick WiUiam Vaughan, of King's Co, Ireland . Educ. : Marist Brothers' CoUeges, Johannesburg and Uitenhage. Flying, War Work : German S.W. Africa, 1914-15 ; R.F.C. and R.A.F. 1916 to date ; commanded 151 Squadron, 1918 ; 112 Squadron Feb. 1918 ; 44 Squadron 1919 ; K.B.E. awarded for Pioneer flight London to Cape Town in company with Col; Sir H. A. Van Ryneveld, K.B.E, D.S.O, M.C, Feb. i Brooklands, Mar. 20 Cape Town, 1920. Club : R.A.F. (K449) BRAND, Edward Murray, O.B.E. BRAND, Lieut. Erie Bergo, M.B.E., R.A.S.C. BRAND, Ethert, M.B.E, fi. 1872 ; s. of George Brand, of Richmond, Surrey ; to. Mary Ann, d. of JohnCoUey.of Stretton Baskerville. Educ : Dulwich CoU. London and North western Railway. War Work : RaUway Transport ; Ministry of Munitions ; Coal Control. Address : Dhoon, Marion Road, Mill Hill, N.W. 7. (M7470) BRAND, Henry, M.B.E. BRAND, Lieut.-Col. Robert Harvey, O.B.E, R.A.F. BRAND, Lieut. Stanley Hunt, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. BRANDER, Capt. James Maudsley. O.B.E., R.A.S.C BRANDER, William Browne, C.B.E, 6. 1880 ; s. of WiUiam John Brander, of Edinburgh ; to. 1909, Matilda Baird Thompson. Educ. : George Watson's CoU. ; Edinburgh Univ. (Hon. M.A.); BaUiol Coll, Oxford. Entered I.C.S. 1903; has been Dep.-Commr. Tavoy since 1914. Address: Tavoy, Burma. Club : East India United Service. (C694) BRANDER, Archibald Alexander DUNBAR-, O.B.E, I.F.S, F.Z.S, F.R.G.S, 6. 23 April, 1877 ; s. of the late Capt. James Brander Dunbar-Brander, of Scots Greys and of Pitgaveny, Elgin, N.B. ; m. Frances Emily, widow of George Rowell, F.R.CS. Educ. : Marlborough Coll, Coopers Hill. Conservator of Forests, Imperial Forest Service, India. War Work : Supplying Forest Produce to the Army Department, chiefly baled Hay, of which some 40,000 tons was supplied. Address : Nagput, Central Provinces, India. Club : Savile. (O2085) BRANDON, Major Percy de Bathe, O.B.E. BRANDON, Comm. Vivian Ronald, C.B.E, fi. 1882 ; s. of G. S. Brandon, of Oakbrook, Ravenscourt Park, W. ; m. 1915, Joan Elizabeth Maud, d. of Capt. H. V. Simpson, R.N, of Highbrook Cottage, Ardingley. Com. R.N, and Mine Clearance Officer in Norwegian Waters ; sentenced at Leipzig, Dec 1910, to 4 years' imprisonment in a fortress (pardoned May, 1913). Club : Junior United Service. (C1146) BRANFORD, Harold, O.B.E. BRANSON, Major Frederick Henry Ewart, O.B.E, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, 6. 18 May, 1878 ; s. of the late James H. A. Branson, 2, Essex Court, Temple ; to. Helen Mary, d. of the late Harold Brown, of 2, Bond Court, E.C. Educ. : Bedford ; Trin. Coll. Cambridge. Club : United University. (06934) BRANSON, WilUam Philip Sutcliffe, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P. (sometime Col. (Temp.), A.M.S.), 6. 1874 ; s. of James H. A. Branson. Educ. : Bedford ; Trinity College, Cambridge ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Consulting Physician ; Phy sician to Royal Free Hospital, London ; Medical Officer, Sun Life Assurance Society, London. War Work : Physician, No. 1 Red Cross (Duchess of Westminster) Hospital, B.E.F, 1914-18 ; Physician, 48th CCS, B.E.F, 1918-19 ; Consulting Physician, 5th Army, B.E.F, 1919. Professional Address : 41, Devonshire Place, London, W. 1 ; Private Address : 9 , York House, York St, London, W. 1. Club : United Uni versity. (C1227) BRASH, Capt. Ernest Livett, M.B.E, A.P.D. BRASS, Thomas Francis, O.B.E, J.P. BRASSEY, Maude Helena, Hon. Mrs. Albert, O.B.E, 6. 27 April, 1850 ; d. of John Charles Robert, 4th Lord Clan- morris (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; to. Albert (died Jan. 1918), s. of Thomas Brassey, of Heythrop, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire (see Burke's Landed Gentry). War Work : Commandant, V.A.D. Hospital, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire ; Vice-President Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association ; on Committee Red Cross Society, Oxon. Address : 29, Berkeley Square, W. 1. (03633) BRATBY, Samuel Henry, M.B.E, 6. 3 Nov. 1878 ; s. of William Bratby, J.P, of Manchester; to. Muriel Hope, d. of Walter Atkinson, of Timperley. Educ. : Sherborne. Member of the Manchester Stock Exchange. War Work: A. Capt. R.A.S.C. (T.F.) ; served in Mesopotamia, 1916-18. Address : Boyton, Hale, Cheshire. Clubs : Public Schools ; Manchester Constitutional ; Manchester Tennis and Racquets. (M2980) BRATHBY, Lieut. George Henry, M.B.E, R.G.A. (T.F.) BRAY, Rev. Albert Edward, O.B.E, Temp. Chaplain, 4th Class BRAY, Denneys de Saumerez, C.B.E. (C1957) BRAY, Major Eustace Arthur, O.B.E, M.C. BRAY, Comm. John Evelyn, O.B.E., R.N. BRAY, Paul Dudley, O.B.E. BRAYBROOKE, Capt. Henry George, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. BRAYBROOKE, Henry Mellor, M.B.E, M.A. (Cantab.), S. 11 Feb. 1869 ; s. of the late P. W. Braybrooke, F.R.G.S, of Studley, Tunbridge Wells ; to. OUve Rowena, d. of the late E. W. Waller, of Ardtona, Dundrum, Co. DubUn. Educ. : WelUngton Coll. ; Pembroke Coll, Cambridge. War Work : Commandant, Oakfield Red Cross Hospital, Hawkhurst, Kent (1914-18), Kent V.A.D, 156. Address : Tates, Hawkhurst, Kent. Club: Wellington. (M7472) BRAYBROOKS, Gladys Marian, Mrs., M.B.E. BRAYDEN, William John Henry, O.B.E. BREACH, William Hall, O.B.E, M.Inst. T, 6. Oct. 1860; 8. of John Robert Breach, of Leeds; m. Jane Annie, d. of Joseph Broadhead, of Leeds. Educ. : Privately. Traffic Manager, Aire and Calder Navigation, Leeds. War Work : In connection with the Canal Control, Northern Sub-Com mittee ; and of the Aire and Calder Navigation. Address : AshviUe, Wheatley Road, Ilkley. (010036) BREADMORE, Major Reginald George, O.B.E, BREAKEY, Lieut.-Col. Arthur John, O.B.E, R.A. BREARS, Lieut. Tom, M.B.E, R.A.O.C BREBNER, Capt. Innes Wares, M.B.E. BRECHIN, Rev. Edwin James, O.B.E, M.A, B.D, 6. 10 Feb 1874 ; a. of James Brodie Brechin, of Dundee ; m. Theodora Mary, d. of Rev. W. Smith, of Unst, Shetland. Educ. : Dundee High School ; St. Andrews Univ. Minister of the Scots Kirk, Paris ; Minister of St. James's Church of Scotland, Dulwich, London; now Parish Minister of Avoch, Ross-shire ; member of the Avoch Parish Council ; of the Black Isle District Committee ; of the Rosemarlde and Avoch School Committee War Work : General Superintendent for France of the Scottish Churches' Huts. Address : The Manse, Avoch, Ross-shire. „ _, __ (03634) BREHM, Mary Chisholm, Mrs., O.B.E. BREMNER, Eng.-Comm. Archibald Gordon, O.B.E, R.N. BREMNER, Capt. David, M.B.E. BREMNER, David Alexander, O.B.E, M.I.M.E, M.I.E.E, M.I.M.M. 79 Bremner THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. BREMNER, Major James Morrison Gardiner, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. (T.F. ). , BREMRIDGE, Major Richard Harding, O.B.E, M.A.. MB B Ch, B.Sc, R.A.M.C, 6. 30 Oct. 1870 ; s. of Richard Bremridge, of 17, Bloomsbury Sri, W.C. 1 ; to. Kathleen, d of James WilUam Britton, Clerk to the Wood Green CouncU. Educ : Magdalen CoU, Oxford ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions ; late Deputy County M.O.H, School Medical Officer and County OcuUst. WUts County Council ; late Medical Officer to the Kolar Gold Fields, Southern India ; late M.O. to the Ministry of Justice, Bangkok, Siam. War Work : Com mand Sanitary Officer Southern Command from March, 1917, to April, 1920. Had charge of aU matters relating to the health of the troops occupying the camps in the 13 counties, com prising the' Southern Command, including the camps and aerodromes of the R.A.F. Address: Ministry of Pensions, Northern Region, 14, Clayton Street West, Newcastle-on- Tyne. (06936) BRENAN, Capt. Frederick Rudolf Esmonde Dowes, O.B.E. BRENNAN, Vincent Talbot, M.B.E. BRENNAN, Capt. WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 13 Dec. 1871 ; s. of Peter Brennan, of Ireland ; to. EUza, d. of Henry Crocker, of London. Educ. : Mungret CoU, Limerick. Quartermaster. War Work : Quartermaster in Casualty Clearing Stations and Field Ambulance in France, 1914-19. Address : c,'o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, S.W. (O5036) BRENT, Margaret, Mrs, M.B.E. BRERETON, Charles CecU Trelawny, M.B.E, 6. 14 Dec. 1889 ; s. of the Rev. CecU Brereton, of Hardham Rectory, Pulborough. Educ. : Horsham. District Traffic Super intendent, Indian State RaUways, PubUc Works Department. War Work : Throughout the war was in charge of Rawalpindi Frontier District of the North- Western RaUway, India ; carried out the Concentration of the Waziristan Field Force Operations, 1917, and numerous other minor Frontier Expeditions. Club : R.A.C (M4119) BRERETON, Rev. Eric Hugh, O.B.E, 6. 17 Nov. 1889 ; s. of Capt. W. E. Brereton, late R.A, of Ascot. Educ. : Glengorse, Eastbourne, and Univ. Coll, Durham. Senior Chaplain, St. Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh. War Work: T. Chaplain to the Forces (4th Class), 1915 ; promoted 3rd Class, 1918, as S.C.F. 26th Division ; twice mentioned in despatches ; served with B.E.F. and British Salonica Force, 1915-19. Address: 7, Cornwall Street, Edinburgh. (06440) BRERETON, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Frederick SadUer, C.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, J.P, 6.5 Aug. 1872 ; s. of Franc. S. Brereton, of London ; m. Ethel Mary, d. of W. J. Lamb, of Southport. Educ. : Cranleigh, and Guy's Hospital. QuaUfied medical man but does not practise ; author of sundry books for boys, and of " The Great War and the R.A.M.C." War Work : Secretary Medical History of the War ; organiser of Army Medical War Museum. Address : Felden Lodge, Boxmoor, Herts. Clubs: Junior United Service; Authors'; R.A.C. _ (C1480) BRERETON, Katherine Blanche, M.B.E, R.R.C, 6. 11 Feb. 1861 ; d. of Capt. S. H. Brereton, M.A, of Briningham House, Norfolk. Sister at Guy's Hospital, 1892-1900, Sister in Imperial Yeomanry Hospitals in Delfontein and Pretoria, and Matron of Elandsfontein during the South African War ; member of the Government Concentration Camps Commission to inquire into the condition of Boer Women and Children in South Africa ; Churchwarden, Guardian, and District CounciUor ; on the District Housing and other Sub-Committees ; member of the PubUc Health Committee, County CouncU ; member of the County National Health Committee. War Work : Member of the District Food Control and Profiteering Committees and MiUtary Tribunal ; Parish Representative of Pension Com mittee; SaUors' and Soldiers' Association; and District War Agricultural Committee. Address : Briningham House, Melton Constable, Norfolk. (M7474) BRERETON, Victor le Gay, O.B.E. (011954) BRESSEY, Lieut.-Col. Charles Herbert, O.B.E, F.S.I, R.E, ChevaUer de la Legion d'Honneur, 6. 3 Jan. 1874 ; s. of John T. Bressey, of Wanstead, Essex ; to. Lily Margaret Francis, d. of Francis Charles HiU, of Wanstead, Essex. Educ. : Rouen ; Bremen ; Forest School, Walthamstow. Divisional Engineer, London, Roads Department. Ministry of Transport. War Work : Assistant Director of Roads, France ; British Member, Inter-Allied Road Commission, Rhine Province. Address : Leicester Road, Wanstead, Essex ; 7, Whitehall Gardens, S W. 1. (02443) BRETON, Eng.-Comm. CoUn Guy, O.B.E, R.N. BRETON, Norton, M.B.E. BRETT, Lieut. George Henry, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. BRETT, Capt. John Vaughan, M.B.E. BRETT, Lieut.-Col. Hon. Maurice Vyner Baliol, M.V.O, O.B.E, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1906, Officer, 1917, 6. 24 AprU, 1882 ; 2nd s. of 2nd Viscount Esher ; to. Florence Zena Dare. Educ. : Eton ; R.M.C Sandhurst (Sword of Honour, 1902). Entered Coldstream Guards, 1902 : Capt, 1910 ; 6th Batt. Black Watch, 1911 ; A.D.C. to F.M. Sir John French, 1904-12 ; served in the Great War (France), 1914-19 (despatches four times) ; Sec. to the Garton Foundation ; Librarian to London Museum. Addresses: ChUston, Wink- field, Berks ; Roman Camp, CaUuuder, N.B. Clubs : Marl borough ; Royal Automobile. (01142) SO BRETT, Hon. Oliver (Sylvain Baliol), M.B.E, 6. 23 March, 1881 ; cs. of the 2nd Viscount Esher ; ¦ to. Antoinette, d. of August Hecksher, New York. Educ. : Eton. Contested Huntingdon (L.), Jan. and Dec. 1910 ; Assist. Private Sec. (unpaid) to Secretary of State for India (Viscount Morley), 1905-10 ; entered 16th Batt. Co. of London Regt. (Queen's Westminster Rifles), 1914 ; attached to the War Office, 1915-19. Address : Chester House, Upper Belgrave Street, S.W. 1. Clubs : Marlborough ; Cavendish ; Ranelagh ; Royal Auto mobile. „ _. __ (M712) BRETT, The Rev. WiUiam, O.B.E. BREWER, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Charles Samuel, O.B.E, R N V R BREWER, EUa Nora Dorothy, M.B.E. War Work: Did valuable work in connection with the Imperial War Museum. (M10380) BREWER, Lieut. Frederick Henry, O.B.E, R.N.R. BREWER, Cadet Lieut.-Col. Frederic WiUiam, O.B.E, M A, 6. 30 Oct. 1867 ; s. of Thomas Brewer, of Preston, Lanes. ; to. Violette EUza, d. of Rev. W. D. Daniel, M.A, of Wymond- ham, Norfolk. Educ. : Preston Grammar School ; St. Catharine's CoU, Cambridge. Headmaster of Dame AUan's School, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Officer Commanding 1st Cadet Battalion, Northumberland FusUiers ; also Officer Commanding AUan's School Cadet Unit. War Work : Recruiting and training Territorials, Volunteers and Cadets. Address : Dame AUan's School House. Newcastle-on-Tyne. (010038) BREWER, Griffith, O.B.E. BREWIN, Lieut. George Grahame, M.B.E, I.A.R.0. BREWIN, Lieut. Harry, O.B.E, R.F.A. BREWIN, Capt. Thomas James, O.B.E. BREWIS, Major Andrew Seymour, O.B.E, M.C, M.D. BREWIS, Arthur WiUiam, 6. 8 Feb. 1884 ; s. of the late Edward Brewis. Member of the London Stock Exchange. War Work : Executive Officer of Lewisham Food Control ; Hon. Financial Sec, Lewisham Victory War Loan Assoc; Hon. Treasurer, Fairlawn AuxiUary Hospital ; Address : Eildon, Ravensbourne Park, Catford, S.E. 6. Club : Con servative (Catford). (M7475) BREWIS, Charles Richard Wynn, C.B.E. (C3186) BREWIS, Major Roddison Douglas, O.B.E. BREWIS, Lieut. Thomas Stamp, M.B.E. BREWITT, 2nd Lieut. Charles Patrick, M.B.E. BREWSTER, WiUiam Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. BRICE, Capt. Albert Victor, O.B.E, R.E. BRICE, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Ernest GottUeb Isdeal, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. BRICE, Mary Helen Thorpe, M.B.E, d. of the late John Brice, jun, of Northampton. Ministry of Labour. Employ ment Exchange. Address: 14, Daylesford Avenue, Putney, S.W. 15. (M1461) BRICKENDEN, Charles, M.B.E, 6. 23 July, 1864; s. of John Brickenden, of Sheerness ; m. Edith Jane, d. of Edward R. Marsh, of Sheerness. Cartographer. War Work : Naval InteUigence at Admiralty. Address : 108, Friern Road, East Dulwich, S.E. 22. (M1462) BRICKWELL, Alfred James, C.B.E, F.S.I, fi. 16 Feb, 1870 ; s. of the late J. BrickweU, of Hertford ; m. Ida Muriel, d. of the late Rev. G. Rogers, of London. Educ. : Hertford. Surveyor to the Great Northern RaUway Company. War Work : Director of Cold Storage from Feb. 1918, to date, controUing the Cold Storage of the British Isles and arranging for additional constructon and financing thereof. Address : New Barnet, Herts. (C2467) BRIDCUT, Lieut.-Col. Sidney Haines, O.B.E, F.R.G.S, A.M.I.E.E, fi. 16 May, 1886 ; s. of the late Alfred Bridcut, of Birmingham ; m. Clarice May, d. of John Meachem, of Moseley, Worcestershire. Educ. : Privately ; Mason's CoU, Bhmingham. Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mesopotamia. War Work: Indian Defence from 1914-16. Commissioned Jan. 1917, and posted to R.E. Unit in Mesopotamia ; Thrice mentioned in despatches ; awarded O.B.E. in Victory Honours List. Address : Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (06581) BRIDGE, Arthur George, M.B.E. (M10245S) BRIDGE, Joseph James Rabnett, C.B.E, M.A, H.M. Inspector of Schools, 6. 8 June, 1875 ; s. of Joseph Bridge, of Shrewsbury ; m. Kathleen Mary, d. of the late Thomas O'Shaughnessey, of Bruff, Co. Limerick. Educ : Shrewsbury School and Gonville & Caius CoUege, Cambridge (Powis Medal for Latin verse, and 1st Class Classical Tripos). 1897-1900, Prof, of Classics, Stonyhurst CoUege ; 1900, Senior Classical Master, St. Edmund's College, Ware ; 1901-2, Prof, of English Literature, University of Calcutta; 1902, Junior Inspector, Board of Education ; 1904, H.M. Inspector, Board of Emula tion ; 1911, Report on Secondary Education in Ceylon. War Work : 1914, Tyneside Dish Brigade Committee ; 1915, lent to War Office ; 1915-19 Secretary, War Office Dependants Assessment Appeals Committee, Addresses : Board of Educa tion, Whitehall ; 47, Front St., Tynemouth, Northumberland. (C2468) BRIDGE, Josiah, M.B.E, F.S.A.A, fi. 31 March, 1865; s. ot George Bridge, of Manchester ; to. Mary Roseline, d. of Thomas Mason, of Oldham. Educ. : Warrington, Manchester ; and Oldham. Borough Accountant to the South Shields Corporation. War Work : Hon. Treasurer of Local War Pensions Committee. (M7476) BRIDGEMAN, Sqdn.-Leader Peroival Cunningham AUen, O.B.E, R.A.F. BIOGRAPHIES. Brightman BRIDGER, Donald Keith, M.B.E, 6. 4 May, 1880 ; s. of the late Archibald Bridger ; to. Mabel Ireland, d. of John William Green, of Southampton ; Educ : Cavendish Coll, Southampton Chief Inspector and Deputy Chief Constable, Great Yarmouth Borough Police. War Work : Emergency work iu connection with possible hostile landing ; Police work during air raids and bombardments, and confidential work with regard to espionage Address : 16, Priory Gardens, Yarmouth. (M7477) BRIDGER, Stanley Alexander, M.B.E, fi. 3 Nov. 1870 ; s. of W. S. Bridger, of Havant ; m. Beatrice Minnie, d. of G. Waldren, of Portsmouth. Educ. : Mile End House Academy, Portsmouth . Foreman of the Yard, H.M. Dock yard. War Work : Arming of merchant vessels, repair of vessels torpedoed near Gibraltar ; repair and upkeep of H.M vessels of all classes. Address : 26, Tower BuUdings, Gibraltar. Club : Overseas. (M1463) BRIDGES, Capt. Arthur Brodie HamUton, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. BRIDGES, Lieut.-Col. Edward James, O.B.E, F.R.l.B.A, 6. 20 Jan. 1861 ; s. of Edward Curson Bridges, of King's Lynn Norfolk ; m. Leah, d. of Edward Sweetman, of Rvde, I. of W Educ. : Privately, King's Lynn. Superintending Inspector of Works, Southern Command, Salisbury. War Work • Employed in erection of hutting at Salisbury Plain and else where, and in designing buildings, etc, for special War require ments ; also in the adaptation of public and private buUdings at various places for use as Military Hospitals and winter billets for troops, etc. Address : 33, Fowler's Road, Salisbury. ^OfiO^Si BRIDGES, Lieut. Frederick Thomas, M.B.E, R.E BRIDGES, Col. James Whiteside, C.B.E. Col. Canadian Army Med. Corps ; Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1829) BRIDGLAND, Richard John, M.B.E. BRIDGWATER, Major Havard Noel, O.B.E, D.S 0 , T.D, Major, Norfolk Regt. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) (06146) BRIEN, Owen, M.B.E. l ' BRIERCLIFFE, Major Rupert, O.B.E, M.B, Ch. B B.Sc. (PubUc Health) D.P.H, R.A.M.C, (T.F.), 6. 27 Jan. 1889 ; s. of Thomas H. Briercliffe, of Wheatfield, Bolton. Educ. : Victoria Univ., Manchester. War Work : Sanitary SScer',X5f. ?ast lancs. Div. (T.F.), Egypt and GaUipoli; Officer i'c District Laboratory, Cairo ; O.C. Military Laboratory, Suez ; O.C. 30th Sanitary Section ; Medical Inspector of Water Supplies, Palestine, L. of C; P.M.O. Haifa; D.A.D.M.S, O.KT.A. (South); mentioned in a despatch from General Sir E. H. H. AUenby, G.CM.G, K.C.B, dated 23 Oct. 1918, for gallant and distinguished services in the field ; Director of Health, Palestine. Address : Government House, Jerusalem. BRIERLEY, Clement HaU, M.B.E, 6. 4 June, 1869 ; s. of Samuel Brierley, of Rochdale, Lancashire ; to. Dene Jessie, d. James Love, of Calcutta, India. Edue. : Rochdale Grammar School. Superintendent of Prisons (Bombay Jail Depart ment). Address : Superintendent, Deccan Convict Gang, Visapur (Ahmednagar District), India. (M2764) BRIERLEY, Edgar, O.B.E, fi. 1858 ; s.of James Brierley, of West Hill, Rochdale, m. Catharine, d. of J. Henry Lanca shire, of Rochdale, Educ : Rugby School and University CoUege, Oxford. Stipendiary Magistrate for the City of Manchester. War Work: Chairman, Manchester Local Tribunal, 1915-18. (0178) BRIERLEY, Eustace Carlile, O.B.E. (05039) ,. BRIERLEY, Major Norman Howorth, O.B.E, late R.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1879 ; s. of Abraham Brierley, of Rochdale, Lanca shire ; m. Rachel Mary, d. of the late Charles Crofton Black, of Cranham, Essex. Educ. : Sedbergh. Mechanical Engineer ; Assistant Locomotive Running Superintendent, Buenos" Aires, Great Southern RaUway. War Work : Commissioned 4 Jan. 1915 ; Captain 12th Batt. Essex Regt. ; transferred to Royal Engineers, Nov. 1915 ; raUway work in Salonica ; has Order °f Serbian White Eagle, 5th Class. Asst. Director Railway traffic, Sofia, Bulgaria, and subsequently MiUtary Manager of Anatolian RaUway. Address: Ferro Carril del Sud, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (06441) BRIERLY, Major James Leslie, O.B.E. BRIGGS, Capt. Albert, O.B.E, 6. 31 Jan. 1887; s. of George Briggs, of Blackpool, Lancs. ; m. Kathleen Annie, d. of WUliam HamUton, of Whitefield, Lancs. Educ. : ?I1Jateiy- So"0"**. Sec. of Tyne Don ShipbuUding Co, Ltd. War Work: Royal Engineers; Special Headquarter duties ; mentioned for services, 1916 ; Acting Sec. Dept. of Controller-General of Merchant Shipbuilding. Address: Wffimgton Quay-on-Tyne. (010040) B,RIGGS, Major Arthur Edwin, O.B.E, 6. 13 Dec. 1889 ; s. of W. E. Briggs, of Kibworth, Leicestershire ; to. Alison Mary, <_. of the late W. Hearth, of Leicester. Educ : Wyggeson school, Leicester. Boot Manufacturer. War Work : Served overseas four years with the R.A.S.C Addresses : 16, York Street, Leicester; Spinney Close, Kibworth Harcourt, Leicestershire. (02444) 1SISGS' Paymaster-Lieut. Charles, O.B.E, R.N.R. BRIGGS, Col. Edward Featherstone, D.S.O, O.B.E. ; .;. 0'tne, late WiUiam Briggs, of Clifton, Bristol ; to. 1918, Violet, d. of Ernest Long, of York. Entered R.N. 1905; became Engineer-Lieut. 1908 ; Squadron-Com. (Roy. Naval Air Ser.), 1914; Wing-Com. 19—; Group-Corn. R.A.F. 1918, wwi rank of Col. ; served during Great War, 1914-18 (wounded, taken prisoner, Legion of Honour, Croix de Guerre). (08057) 81 BRIGGS, Eloir Baron, M.B.E. BRIGGS, Col. George Ewbank, O.B.E. BRIGGS, Prof. Henry, O.B.E, D.Sc, A.R.S.M, 5. 4 Nov. 1883; s. of John Edwin Briggs, of Stott Park, Lakeside; to. Myfanwy, d. of John Heilyn Williams, of Llanllechid. Educ : Bradford ; Imperial Coll, London. Professor of Mining, Heriot Watt Coll, Edinburgh ; Univ. Lecturer in Mining, Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Technical Adviser, Medical Supplies Committee, War Office ; Superintendent, Physical Test Station, Edinburgh. Developed new methods of testing physical fitness. Address : AUermuir, Liberton, Midlothian. (010041) BRIGGS, Eng.-Comm. Henry Smalley, O.B.E, R.N. BRIGGS, Major Henry Stackpoole, O.B.E, R.E. BRIGGS, James, C.B.E. BRIGGS, Margaret Ellen, Mrs., M.B.E. War Work: Founder and President of the Chiddingfold War Hospital Supply Depot. Address : Waterfleld, Chiddingfold, Surrey. (M7480) BRIGGS, Mary Alice, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 17 June, 1864 ; d. of Richard Stanton, of Lancaster ; to. WiUiam, s. of Robert Briggs, of Lancaster. Educ : Privately. Vice-President Lancaster Girl Guides ; Vice-President Lancaster I.C.A.A. ; Governor of Lancaster Girls' Grammar School ; Chairman Lancaster Women Citizens' Association ; Member of Education Committee ; Member of Local War Pensions Committee. War Work : Mayoress of Lancaster, Nov. 1913 to Nov. 1919 '. Chairman Women Munition Workers Clearing Hostel under Ministry of Munitions ; Chairman the King's Own R.L.R. Care Committee for Prisoners of War ; Chairman Y.W.C.A. Club for Women Munition Workers ; Chairman Comforts Fund for local Territorials ; Member of local Belgian Relief Com mittee ; Food Economy Committee, War Pensions, Women's War Employment, and Red Cross Committees. Address : The Vale, Lancaster. • (M7481) BRIGGS, Capt. Waldo Raven, O.B.E. BRIGGS, Major Warwick WeUington, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. BRIGGS, WUliam, O.B.E, J.P, CC, 6. 22 Nov. 1858 ; s. of Robert Briggs, of Lancaster ; m. Mary Alice, d. of Richard Stanton, of Lancaster. Educ. : Friends' School, Lancaster. J.P. County of Lancaster ; J.P. Borough of Lancaster ; Member of Lancaster Town Council ; Member of Lancashire County Council ; Commissioner of the Port of Lancaster. War Work : Mayor of Lancaster from Nov. 1913, to Nov. 1919. President of The King's Own R.L.R. Prisoners of War Care Committee ; Chairman of the following committees : War Pensions, Prince of Wales' Relief Fund, Belgian Refugees Committees, Recruit ing, National Service, Food Control, Food Economy, War Savings, BUleting (Munition Workers), Coal Control, Charities Collection, Advisory Committee Women's War Employment and Employment Exchanges. Address : The Vale, Lancaster. Club : County (Lancaster). (010042) BRIGGS, WUUam Albert, O.B.E. BRIGGS, Helen, Mrs. CURRER-, M.B.E. ; to. the late Arthur Currer, s. of Henry Currer- Briggs, of Leeds. City Council Representative of Leeds Girls' High School ; Co-opted member Local Pensions Committee Leeds City CouncU ; Chairman of Leeds Poor Children's Holiday Camp Association ; Vice- President Leeds Maternity Hospital ; Member of Executive Yorkshire Ladies' Council of Education (Incorporated). War Work : From Oct. 1914 to Feb. 1916 Hon. Treas. Leeds Belgian Refugee Committee ; Gift (£2000) of Operating Theatre 2nd Northern General Hospital Beckett's Park, Leeds ; Donor and Administrator of Broad Leys Officers' Convalescent Hospital, 2_ years' Windermere. Address : The Garth, Moor Allerton, Leeds. Club : Albemarle. (M7479) BRIGHT, Alfred, M.B.E. BRIGHT, Alfred Ernest, C.B.E, 6. 1869; s. of C E, Bright, C.M.G, and the Hon. Mrs. Bright (see BURKE'S Peerage, Canterbury, V.), of Manor House, Elstree, Herts ; to. 1st Edith, d. of the late J. Tully(who died 1902), 2nd Ruby, d. of L. Lloyd. Educ. : Melbourne Grammar School, and Eton. Merchant. Address: St. Leonards, South Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria. Club : Melbourne (Melbourne, Victoria). (C706) BRIGHT, Lieut. Harold Norman, M.B.E, Yorkshire Regt. ; 5. 2 March, 1894 ; s. of the late John Meaburn Bright, M.D, of Forest Hill. Educ. : Epsom Coll. Serving with 1st Batt. (A.P W.O.) Yorkshire Regt. War Work : From Sept. 1914, to Feb. 1915, with 16th Middlesex Regt. (Public Schools Batt.) ; apptd. 2nd Lieut. 8th Batt. Yorkshire Regt, serving with it at home from Feb. 1915, to Oct. 1915 ; to France, joining 2nd Battn. Yorkshire Regt. Oct. 1915, serving continuously; AprU, 1917, present at battles of Somme and Arras, being wounded at Henin, while commanding a company ; AprU, 1915, apptd. Adjutant 52nd West Yorkshire Regt, May, 1918 ; accompanied battalion to Cologne, March, 1919 ; became Acting Staff Capt. 3rd Northern Brigade on disbandonment of battalion, from April to June, 1919 ; apptd. to Regular Com mission Nov. 1915 ; promoted Lieut. Oct. 1916. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. 1. (M5104) BRIGHT, Brig.-Gen. Reginald Arthur, C.B, C.B.E. 6. 1870 • s of the late Gen. Sir Robert Onesiphorus Bright, G.C.B. . Col it A. S. Africa, 1899-1902 (despatches, Queen's medal with foirrclasps, King's medal with two clasps); Mesopotamia, 1914-18 (despatches). (C3086) BRIGHTEN, Major Claude WiUiam, O.B.E. BRIGHTEN, Edgcumbe Rendle, O.B.E. BRIGHTMAN, Capt. Charles John, O.B.E, R.A.S.C G Brightman THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. BRIGHTMAN, Edith Marian, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 8 Oct. 1869 ; d. of E. J. Bass, of Chilham ; to. Frank, s. of E. W. Brightman, of Sheerness. War Work: Commandant, "Fair field " V.A.D. Hospital, Kent V.A.D. 146 ; Hon. Sec. Local War Pensions Sub-Committee, Broadstairs. Address : 1, Victoria Gardens, Broadstairs. (M173) BRI8HTMAN, Lieut.-Col. Eustace Webster, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. BRIGHTMAN, Major Frank, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. BRIGHTMAN, Lieut. John Henry, O.B.E. BRIGHTMAN, Thomas, M.B.E. BRIMS, Lieut.-Col. Charles WiUiam, C.B.E, M.C, T.D, 6. 1 Nov. 1877 ; s. of David N. Brims, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; m. Vera, d. of W. S. Vaughan, M. Inst. C.E.. J.P, of Gosforth, Northumberland. Educ. : Newcastle and abroad. Civil Engineering Contractor ; Chairman and Managing Director of Brims & Co, Ltd., CivU Engineering Contractors, of Newcastle and Westminster. War Work : MobiUsed 5 Aug. 1914, as Capt. in 4th Northumbrian Brigade, R.F.A, T.F. ; went to France with 50th Division, April, 1915 ; promoted Major, 1916 ; commanded Field Batteries until wounded near Arras in 1917 ; promoted Brevet Lieut.-Col. and sent to Admiralty and Ministry of Shipping as Director of Extensions to private shipyards and docks ; remained there until after Armistice. Addresses : Ringstead, Weybridge, Surrey ; 50, Buckingham Palace Road, S.W. 1 ; Pandon BuUdings, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Clubs : St Stephen's ; Union, Newcastle. (C2470) BRINDLEY, Louis Kirwan, M.B.E. BRINDLEY, WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 8 Nov. 1872 ; s. of WiUiam Brindley, of Stoke-on-Trent ; m. Ada Beatrice, d. of WUliam Beebee, of EttingshaU, Wolverhampton. Educ : Eudowed Middle School, Newcastle-under-Lyme. Divisional Officer, Board of Trade (Coal Mines Dept.). War Work : Divisional officer in charge of the Midland Division (Counties Staffs, Worcester, Warwick, Shropshire, Hereford), comprising 140 Local Authorities for the Administration of Household Fuel and Lighting Orders, 1918-19. Address : Derby House, BUston, Staffs. (M7484) BRINGAN, Surg.-Lieut. -Comm. James CampbeU, O.B.E, M.B, R.N. BRINKMAN, Major Rowland, O.B.E. BRINNAND, John Thomas, M.B.E. BRINSMEAD, Lieut.-Col. Horace Clowes, O.B.E, M.C. A.I.F. and R.A.F. BRINSON, Major Harold NeUson, D.S.O, O.B.E. BRISCOE, Ada Ellen, Mrs, M.B.E. BRISCOE, Capt. Edward James, O.B.E, R.A.F. BRISCOE, WilUam Richard BrunskiU, C.B.E. M.A, 6. 11 Jan. 1855 ; s. of Rey. John George Briscoe, of OutweU Rectory, Norfolk; to. Janet, d. of Rev. Charles Soames, J.P, of MUdenhaU Rectory, Marlborough. Educ: Christ's Hospital and Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law, sometime Crown Prosecutor for Egypt. War Work : Assistant in the Intelligence Branch of the Department of H.M. Procurator- General. Addresses : 10, Porchester Square, W. 2 ; 1, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C, 4. (C2471) BRISLEY, Maud Isabel, Mrs, M.B.E, d.oi John Mudon, of Bristol, Gloucestershire ; to. Alfred Stephen, s. of Stephen Brisley, of Birchington, Kent. Educ. : Kensington High School. Hon. Divisional Sec. Borough of Wandsworth Branch British Red Cross Society ; Member of Wandsworth " B " Local War Pensions Sub-Committee. War Work : Organised working parties, weekly teas, and entertainments for wounded men. Address : Ivydene, Lower Park Fields, Putney, S W 15 (M7486) BRISSENDEN, Lieut. Edwin Mayhew, M.B.E. BRISTED, Major Richard Bower, O.B.E, R E BRISTER, Capt. Joseph Fane, O.B.E, Manchester Regt, fi. 9 Aug. 1887 ; s. of Joseph Charles, of Alnwick, Northumber land, and Manchester ; m. Florence, d. of Edmund Withers, of Hertfordshire. Educ. : Hulme Grammar School, Manchester ; St. Mary's CoU, DubUn ; St. Bede's CoU, Manchester Staff Capt. 97th Infantry Brigade. War Work : Served with Manchester Regt. from Sept. 1914; fought with 66th Div. through the German attack on 5th Army in 1918 ; served with 25th Inf. Div.; 33rd Ind. Div.; 32nd Infy. (Staff Capt 97th Infy. Bde, 32nd Div.) ; Brigade Bombing Officer 198th Infy. Bde. ; mentioned in despatches and awarded the O.B.E. (MU.). Address : China, Japan, and South America Trading Co, Ltd, Kobe. Club : Kobe (Japan). (05044) BRISTOW, Capt. Frank Anstie, O.B.E, L I. BRITT, GwendoUne Mary, M.B.E. BRITTAIN, Lieut. Arthur WiUiam, M.B.E, R _ F BRITTAIN, Ernest George, M.B.E, fi. 5 May, 1882 ; 's of the late Beniah Brittain, of WiUingale, Essex. War Work • Expert on the manufacture of the British anti-gas mask Address : Fritton. Brighton Road, Coulsdon, Surrev. (M7487} BRITTAIN, Sir Harry K.B.E, LL.D, M.P, 6 24 Dec 1873 : s. of W. H. Brittain, J.P, of Storth Oaks, near Sheffield ;' m. Alida Luisa, d. of Sir Robert Harvey, of Dundridge S Devon. Educ. : Repton ; Oxford (Honours in Law). First Member of Pariiament for Acton. Officer of the Crown of Belgium. War Work : Work carried out in U.S.A. and other work for Government during the W?r. Address : 2 Cowlev St, Westminster Abbey. Clubs : Carlton; Bath; Consti tutional; Pilgrims ; American. (K1321 BRITTAN, Col. Reginald, D.S.O., O.B.E, 6. 1865- s. of Rev. Charles Brittan, of Darley Abbev. Derbyshire • m' AUce.tf.of W.Gisbome, of AUestree, Derbyshire. Educ: Clifton-' 82 Malvern ; Sandhurst. Commissioner, Boy Scouts, Bristol. War Work : Commanded 14th and 53rd Batts. Sherwood Foresters. Address : FaUand Hill, FaUand, Somerset. Club : Sports. (06844) BRITTEN, Charles Douglas, M.B.E, A.C.A. ; s. of C. H. Britten, of Moseley, Birmingham ; to. Ida Mildred, d. of S. GUlatt, of Leeds. Edue. : King Edward's Grammar School, Birmingham, and Queen's CoU, Taunton. Chartered Accoun tant. War Work : Member of the Examining Staff of the Costings Investigation Division of the Admiralty from April, 1915 ; appointed to Head Office Staff as Superintending Accountant, July, 1916, and stUl holds that appointment. Address : 55, CoUingwood Avenue, MusweU Hill, N. 10. (M7488) BRITTEN, Reginald WeUesley, M.B.E, 6. 8 Jan. 1880; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. John Britten, of 106, Cambridge Gardens, W. ; m. Kathleen Lucy, d. of the late Stanley Chap man, soUcitor, of 27, Kensington Park Gardens, W, and Bedford Row. Educ. : Univ. Coll, School. Member of London Stock Exchange ; Freeman of City of London ; Member of Livery of Clothworkers Company. War Work : Head of Leather Division, War Trade Department ; and Sec. to that Committee. Address: Little Meadow Farm, Pebworth, Strat- ford-on-Avon. (M7489) BRITTEN Capt. WaUace Ernest, O.B.E, R.E. BRITTEN, Major WiUiam Albert, O.B.E, A.P.D. BRITTO, Valentine, M.B.E, 6. 11 Dec. 1886 ; s. of Victor Britto, of Karachi, Sind, India. Educ. : St. Patrick's High School, Karachi, Sind, India. Clerk-in-charge, Indo-European Telegraph Dept, Bander Abbas, Persian Gulf. War Work : Assisted Anglo-Persian OU Co. during their occupation of Kishin Island during a German attack ; worked in the Indo- European Telegraph. Address : 21, CromweU Road, South Kensington, W. 7. Society : The Northbrook Society. (M7071) BRITTON, EUen AUee, M.B.E. BRITTON, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Walter Peaston, M.B.E. BROAD, Capt. Archibald du Bourg, M.B.E, I.F. BROAD, Lieut. Arthur NoweU, M.B.E. BROAD, Lieut. Frederick Laurence, M.B.E, R.F.A, fi. 13 May, 1880 ; s. of H. J. Broad, of 38, Teddington Park Road, Teddington, Middlesex ; m. Rebecca, d. of the late Thomas Cone, of Wolstanton, Staffs. Educ. : Various Schools. Depot Manager, Central Stores Department, Ministry of Munitions. War Work : In connection with Central Stores Department, Ministry of Munitions, Depot 1208, Walton, Liverpool. Address : WinkleviUe, Lancot's Lane, Sutton Oak, St. Helens, Lancs. (M3539) BROAD, Capt. Gordon LesUe, O.B.E, M.C, A.R.I.B.A, F.S.I, 6. 29 AprU, 1885 ; s. of Jas. W. Broad, of Lewes ; m. Ethel Margaret Forrest, d. of Jas. F. MiU, of Chittagong. Educ. : Lewes Grammar School. District Architect and Sur veyor H.M. Office of Works. War Work : Served with 42nd Division Signal Co, R.E, Egypt and GaUipoU, 1914-15; Assistant Director of Army Signals, G.H.Q., Home Forces, 1917 ; Commandant Egyptian Army School of Signalling, Khartoum, 1918. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (01143) BROAD, Major Robert Norman Dymoke, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. BROADBENT, Benjamin, C.B.E, M.A, J.P, fi. 7 May, 1 850 ; *. of John Broad bent, of Longwood Edge ; m. Louisa A, d. of WiUiam Keighley, of Huddersfield. Educ. : Huddersfield CoUege ; King's CoUege, London ; Queen's CoUege, Oxford. Freeman of Huddersfield ; Mayor of Huddersfield, 1904-5 and 1905-6; Chairman, Health Committee and Alderman; Deputy Chairman, National Association for the Prevention of Infant MortaUty. Address : Gatesgarth, Lindley, Huddersfield. Clubs : Cavendish ; Overseas ; Huddersfield. (C115) BROADBENT, Lieut. John Stuart, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, (M.T.). BROADBENT, Margaret EmUy, M.B.E, d. of the late Charles Broadbent, of The Hollies, Latchford, Cheshire. Educ. : Queen's School, Chester ; Liverpool Univ. Com mandant Cheshire (22) V.A.D. War Work : Officer in charge Raddon Court Red Cross Hospital (76 beds), Latchford, Warrington, from Oct. 1911, tUl the closing of hospital, May, 1919. (M7491) BROADLEY, Capt. PhilUp John, O.B.E. BROADMEAD, Edith, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1862 ; d. of George Birch, of Petrograd ; m. Rev. PhUip Palfrey, s. of T. P. Broadmead, of Enmore Castle (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). Address: Oland- Hall, Somerset. (03636) BROADWAY, Lieut. Eric Evans, M.B.E, K.O.S.B.. fi. 22 Dec. 1896 ; «. of Alexander Boradwav ; to. Gwendolen Mostyn, d. of the late Major C M. F. Watkins, R.E. Educ. : Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh ; R.M.C Sandhurst. Address : Heath End House, Farnham, Surrey. (M5105) BROADWOOD, Anna Maria Hennen, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Thomas Capel Broadwood, of Lyne, Sussex. War Work : Voluntary services for British soldiers in ItaUan war zone at Gradi«ca and Arzignano, 1917-18. Address : 7, Piazza Independenzi, Rome. (M7492) BROADWOOD, Capt. Francis, O.B.E, J.P, S. 25 Dec. 1856 ; s. of Thomas Broadwood, late of Holmbush, Crawley, Sussex ; m. Mary Sylvestre Charlotte, d. of Maximffian H. Dahson, of Hamptons, Tonbridge, Kent. Educ. : Harrow and Sandhurst. Retired Captain of South Staffordshire Regiment. War Work : National Service, Recruiting, etc. Address : Hever Court, Singlewell, Gravesend, Kent. Club : Naval and Military. (01144) BIOGRAPHIES. Brook BROATCH, Surg.-Capt. George Thomas, C.B.E, M.B., R.N. BROCK, Major Charles Henry, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. BROCK, Lieut. Donald Carey, O.B.E, R.N, 6. 5 July, 1891 ; s. of the lato Rev. H. W. Brock ; m. Jocelyn Florence, d. of Admiral John Denison, D.S.O, of Rusholme, Alverstoke, Hants. Educ. : Elizabeth Coll, Guernsey. Naval Cadet, 1904 ; Midshipman, 1909 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1912 ; Lieutenant, 1914. War Work : Lieutenant in H.M.S. " Triumph " at Naval Operations, DardaneUes, and Bombardment of Smyrna, 1915. On board that vessel when torpedoed and sunk by German submarine, May, 1915 ; Flag-Lieutenant on Staffs of Vice-Admiral Commanding at Gibraltar, 1915-16, and Vice- Admiral Commanding East Coast of England, 1916-18. C(m6 : United Service. (O9270) BROCK, Edith Balfour, M.B.E. BROCK, Wing-Comm. Frank Arthur, O.B.E, R.N. BROCK, George Sandison, M.B.E, M.D., F.R.CP.E, F.R.S.E, CavaUere of the Order of the Crown of Italy, 6.12 April, 1858 ; s. of George Brock, of Braehead, Orkney, and Greenland, Caithness ; m. 1st, Marianne, d. of David Scott ; 2nd, LUy Maria, d. of John Butler. Educ : Royal High School, Edin burgh ; and Univ., Edinburgh. Senior Headquarters Medical Inspector, and Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services ; Ministry of Pensions ; Late Asst. to Prof, of Pathology, Edin burgh University ; District Surgeon Rustenburg, Transvaal ; Physician to the British Embassy, Rome. War Work: Propa ganda work in Italy, 1914-15 ; Chief Medical Officer, Villa Trento Hospital, near Gorizia, 1915-17 ; Medical Officer, Brook War Hospital, 1918 ; Dep. Com. of Med. Services, Ministrj of National Service, 1918-19. Address : 6, Corso d'ltalia, Rome, Italy. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Authors'. (M3540) BROCK, Major WiUiam, O.B.E, fi. 22 Sept. 1873 ; s. of WiUiam Brock, of Exeter ; m. Annie Bradley, d. of Charles E. Rowe, of Exeter. Educ. : Exeter. Furnishing Ware houseman. War Work : Commissioned, Oct. 1914, Devonshire Regt. ; proceeded overseas, GalUpoU, May, 1915 ; served GaUipoU, Egypt, Salonica, demobiUsed, March, 1919. Address : Naucherrow, Spicer Road, Exeter. (06442) BROCK, Capt. WiUiam Stewart Ranulf, M.B.E, (T.F. Res.). BROCKBANK, Lieut. Charles Joseph, M.B.E, R.A.F. BROCKBANK, Edward Mansfield, M.B.E, M.D, BROCKBANK, Col. John Grahame, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6, 20 Nov. 1883 ; s. of John Ben Brockbank, B.A, of Chappels, St. Bees, Cumberland ; m. Eirene Marguerite, d. of Lionel G. Robinson, of Old Buckenham HaU, Norfolk. Educ. : Cran- leigh, King's CoU. (London). Mechanical Engineer. War Work : Commissioned (Special Reserve), Aug. 1914, A.S.C ; transferred Machine Gun Corps, 1916 ; transferred Tank Corps. Jan. 1917 ; appointed Chief Engineer of the Corps, 1918, Address : 29, Sussex Place, Regent's Park, N.W. 1. Clubs : Badminton ; Royal AutomobUe. (C2047) BROCKHOLES, WUUam Joseph FITZHERBERT-, C.B.E, D.L, J.P, County Alderman (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry), b. 29 May, 1851 ; s. of Francis Fitzherbert, of Swynner- ton Park, Stone, Staffs. ; m. 1st in 1876, Mary Ida (died 1883), d. of the late Robert Berkeley, of Spetchley Park, Worcester shire ; 2nd in 1885, Blanche Winifred Mary, d. of the late Major-Gen. the Hon. Sir Henry Hugh Clifford, V.C, K.C.M.G, C.B. (see Bukke'S Peerage, Clifford, B.). Educ. : St Mary's College, Oscott. War Work : Chairman, Lancashire War Agricultural Executive Committee ; Member of the Agricultural Policy Sub-Committee of the Reconstruction Committee ; Chairman of the Garstang Tribunal. Address : Claughton HaU, Garstang, Lancashire. Clubs: Junior Carlton ; Welling ton. (C160) BROCKINGTON, WiUiam Allport, O.B.E, M.A, King Albert Medal with bar (Belgium), 6. 18 June, 1871 ; s. of Thomas Alfred, of Birmingham ; m. Jessie, d. of Alexander MacGeoch, of Birmingham. Educ. : King Edward's School and Mason University CoUege, Birmingham. Director of Education for Leicestershire ; Divisional Director of Industrial Training (Ministry of Labour), for East Midlands Area. War Work : County Secretary for National Relief and War Refugees Committees ; Organiser of Training for Ministry of Munitions ; Major commanding 2nd V.B. Leicestershire Regt. ; Chairman, Leicestershire War Pensions Committee. Address : Birstall, Leicester. Club : County, Leicester. (05) BROCKLEBANK, Agnes Sylvia, O.B.E. Chairman of the Central CouncU, Forage Dept, Civil Supplies, Women's Legion. (011895) BROCKLEBANK, Capt. Henry Cyril Royds, C.B.E, R.N. BROCKLEBANK, Stanley Hartree, M.B.E. BROCKLEBANK, Thomas Haslohurst, O.B.E. BROCKLEHURST, Herbert CecU, M.B.E. BROCKLESBY, Isabel, Mrs., M.B.E. BROCKS, Capt. Arthur WUUam, M.B.E. BRODERICK, Lieut. Richard, O.B.E, R.N. BRODIE, Arthur WilUam, M.B.E. BRODIE of BRODIE, Caroline Violet Mary, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. 11 Sept. 1878 ; d. of Lieut.-Col. Montagu Hope ; to. 28 Apr. 1904, Ian Ashley Moreton Brodie of Brodie (see 83 Bukke'S Landed Gentry). War Work : Scottish Branch, B.R.C.S. Address : Brodie Castle, Forres. BRODIE, Capt. Harry Campbell, M.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1875 ; _. of William John Brodie, of Edinburgh ; m. Pamela Elizabeth, d. of Francis Kirkwell, of Dundee. Educ : Wygges- ton Grammar School, Leicester. Capt. and Quartermaster, Leicestershire Regt. War Work : British Expd. Force, France, Oct. 1914 to Nov. 1915 ; Mesopotamian Expd. Force, Nov. 1915 to Nov. 1910 ; twice mentioned in despatches ; Staff Capt, War Office, Aug. 1918, to Aug. 1920. (M5107) BRODIE, Marial, M.B.E. ; d. of John Brodie, of TlrydaU. Hon. Sec. of Y.W.C.A. ; Local worker. War Work : Formed Nursing Brigade of St. John Ambulance Association ; organised and acted as Commandant at MUitary Aux. Hospital, Stebon- hoath, Llanelly. Address : Cheriton, Ola Road, LlaneUy. (M5542) BRODIE, Rhoda, M.B.E,; d. of Robert Brodie, M.A, of 20, St. Peter's Road, Croydon. Educ. : Croydon High School for Girls. Sec. to Croydon Mothers and Infants Welfare Association. War Work : Hon. Sec. of Croydon Association of Voluntary Organisations ; Leader of Croydon Women Patrols (voluntary and paia) ; Hon. Sec. Hospitality Committee of Croydon War Refugees Committee ; Clerk in Croydon Branch of Sun Life Assurance Association. Address : 20, St. Peter's Road, Croydon. (M1468) BRODIE, Major Richard, M.B.E,, R.A.M.C. BRODIGAN, Mary Christina, M.B.E, fi. 2 Feb. 1875 ; d. of Colonel Brodigan, of Piltown House, Drogheda. Hon. Superintendent of H.R.H. Princess Marie Louise Club for Working Girls, Bermondsey. War Work : Org. Sec. Bishop of Southwark's CouncU for Munition Areas ; Warden of Joan of Arc Hostel, Plumstead, Woolwich, for 700 munition workers. Address : PUtown House, Drogheda. Club : Lyceum. (M7405) BRODRIBB, Noel Kenrice Stevens, O.B.E. (011955) BRODRICK, Thomas Noel, O.B.E, I.S.O, fi. 25 Dec. 1855 ; s. of the late Thomas Brodrick, of Invercargill, New Zealand ; to. Helen, d. of the late Justin John Aylmer, of Akaroa, New Zealand. Educ. : Privately. Under Secretary of Lands and Surveyor-General for Dominion of New Zealand. War Work : In connection with settling discharged soldiers upon the land. Address : 22, Talavera Terrace, Wellington New Zealand. (08318) BRODRICK, William John Henry, O.B.E. BROKE, Marie Frances Lisette WILLOUGHBY DE-, O.B.E. BROMEHEAD, Capt. Francis Edward ORANGE-, O.B.E, R.E, i. 9 May, 1893 ; a. of Col. J. E. Orange-Brome- head, of Newbold, near Chesterfield. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. War Work : Serving abroad. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, London, S.W. 1. (O3054) BROMET, Geoffrey Rhodes, O.B.E. (03269) BROMHEAD, Lieut.-Col. Alfred Claude, C.B.E, fi. 25 July, 1876 ; s. of Sidney S. Bromhead, of Bristol ; to. Gertrude Carmela, d. of Charles W. Comer, of Fitzhead, Somer set. Educ : Dulwich and Paris. Managing Director of the Gaumont Co, Ltd. War Work : Rejoined 24th London Regt. in Sept. 1914 ; appointed Adjutant, 1915 ; seconded for special duty and sent to Russia, Jan. 1916 ; saw service with Russian Armies from Riga to Caucasus, including Rumania ; decorated twice by Czar ; returned Russia with Special Mission to Russian Armies in the Field, 1917, and in 1918 sent to Italy at head of Special Mission to Italian Armies in the Field. Address : 37, Ladbroke Grove, HoUand Park, W. 11. Club : Roval Societies'. (C116) BROMHEAD, Ethel, M.B.E,; d. of Lieut.-Col. E. R. Bromhead, of Canterbury. War Work : Hon. Sec. S. & S.F.A. from 4 Aug. 1914, Assistant Hon. Sec. to War Pensions Com mittee, June, 1916, and afterwards Hon. Sec, and finaUy Sec. to the same until February, 1919. Address : St. Dunstan's House, Canterbury. Club : Sesame. (M7496) BROMILOW, Major Bernard Heatherington, M.B.E, S.A.S.C BROMILOW, Brig.-Gen. Walter, C.B.E, fi. 11 Aug. 186S ; s. of the late H. G. BromUow, J.P, of Southport and St. Helens, Lancs. ; m. Adelaide Lucy, d. of the late W. Price, M.I.C.E. Educ. : Private School. War Work : Commanded Stafford shire Infantry Brigade, T.F. ; 118th Infantry Brigade ; 8th Training Reserve Brigade ; No, XI District and Infantry Records, Dublin. Club : Army and Navy Club. (C1481) BROMWICH, Frederick Dudman, M.B.E, 6. 12 Nov. 1872 ; a. of Charles Frederick Bromwich, of Derby ; to. Katie Neville, d. of Charles Morton, of London. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Organising Entertainments, etc, for the wounded. (M9747) BROMWICH, Eng.-Capt. George Herbert, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.N. General Manager, Garden Island, New South Wales. Address : Garden Island, Sydney, N.S.W. (011916) BROOK, Arthur, M.B.E. BROOK, Capt. Leonard Thornicraft, M.B.E. BROOK, Mabel Frances, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of the late WiUiam Brook, of Healey House, Huddersfield ; to. Charles, 8. of the late Edward Brook, of Hoddom Castle, Dumfriesshire. War Work : Commandant of Kinmount Red Cross AuxiUary Hospital, Annan, N.B. ; Commandant of Glen Stuart Red Cross AuxiUary Hospital, Cummertrees, N.B, March, 1915 to Nov. 1918. Address : Kinmount, Annan. (M7499) BROOK, Capt. (Brevet Lieut.-Col.) Reginald James, C.B.E, D.S.O, Royal Canadian Regt., 6. 16 Sept, 1885 ; s. of Brook THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Arthur and Ruth Brook, of Weybridge, Surrey ; m. Eleanor, d. of Henry Darlington, of Wigan. Educ. : Uppingham. A.A. & Q.M.G, H.Q, M.D. 2 Toronto, Canada. War Work : 1914-18, France with Canadian Expeditionary Force (D.A.A.G.) ; 1918-19, Siberia with Canadian Siberian Exped. Force (A.A. & Q.M.G. and G.S.O.). Address : A.A. & Q.M.G, M.D. 2, Toronto, Canada. (C2213a) BROOK, Major Reginald Vernon Charlesworth, O.B.E, R.A.F. BROOK, Major Thomas Fleetwood, O.B.E, I.A. BROOKE, Dorothy, Mrs., M.B.E.. fi. 4 Oct. 1887 ; d. of Dr. Horace Lamb, LL.D, D.Sc, F.R.S, of Trinity CoU, Cambridge ; to. John Reeve, C.B, s. of John Reeve Brooke, of Lincoln's Inn Fields. Educ. : Newnham CoU, Cambridge. Studied at British School of Archaeology in Athens ; 1912-13, held Chair of Archaeology at Bryn Mawr Coll, U.S.A. ; 1913-14, Travelling Fellowship, Newnham Coll, Cambridge. War Work : 1915-16, Shift Forewoman, Perivale Inspection Factory, under Woolwich Arsenal ; 1916-18, Administrative Official in Directorate of Recruiting, both under the War Office and National Service Departments ; 1919, Sec to the London Committee of the Supreme Economical CouncU ; 1920, Sec. to the Official Committee for Relief in Europe (Treasury). Address : 1, Mitre Court BuUdings, Temple, E.C. (M467) BROOKE, Grace Milicent, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Ven. Archdeacon J. Ingham Brooke, of Halifax, Yorkshire. War Work : Hon. Sec of Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Assoc, and London War Pensions Committee, Hammersmith A. Division, from Sept. 1914 to March, 1919. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (M7300) BROOKE, Col. Harry Morris Mitchelson, C.B.E. (C3087) BROOKE, Capt. Sir Harry Vesey, K.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 1845 ; s. of Sir Arthur Brooke, Bart, M.P. (see Bukke'S Peerage), of Colebrooke, Co. Fermanagh ; to. Patricia, d. of G. Moir-Byres, J.P, of Tonley, Aberdeenshire (see Burke's Landed Gentry). Educ. : Sandhurst. Served for 15_ years with 92nd Gordon Highlanders. War Work : Chairman of Aberdeen District Emergency Committee, District Committee, Gordon Highlanders Prisoners of War Committee, Loudon and Aber deen, and Soldiers' and SaUors' Help and Famuies Associations ; Administrator of comforts for 1st and 2nd Batts. Gordon High landers during the War. Address : Fairley, CountessweUs, Aberdeenshire. Clubs : Naval and MUitary ; Royal Northern, Aberdeen. (K336) BROOKE, Col. Hugh Fenwiok, C.B, C.M.G, C.B.E. BROOKE, John Walter, O.B.E, J.P, M.I.Mech.E, b. 10 June, 1849 ; s. of John Brooke, of London ; to. Jane Anne, d. of John Hogg, of London. Educ : Charterhouse and privately. Alderman, Borough of Lowestoft ; Chairman J. W. Brooke & Co, Engineers, Lowestoft ; Member Institute Mech. Engineers. War Work : Recruiting, Chairman Emer gency Committee ; Chairman Local Tribunal, and other Committees ; three consecutive years Mayor of Lowestoft, 1915-17. C7.U& : Royal Automobile. (O10046) BROOKE, Capt. Joshua Rupert Ingham, M.B.E, R.G.A. (T.F.). BROOKE, Margery Jean, Lady, M.B.E, 6. 25 AprU, 1886 ; d. of Alexander Geddes, of Blairmore, Aberdeenshire ; to. Sir Robert Weston, s. of the late Sir John Arthur Brooke, Bart, of Fenay HaU, Huddersfield, and Fearn Lodge, Ross-shire (see BUKKE'S Peerage). War Work : Vice-President, Ardgay Branch Red Cross ; War Pensions Committee (Local and Sub). Address ; Midfearn Cottage, Ardgay, Ross-shire. (M7501) BROOKE, Brevet Col. Ronald George, C.B.E, D.S.O. ; s. of Sir Victor Brooke, Bart, of Colebrooke (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; to. Haller, d. of OrviUe Horwitz, of Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. Educ. : Marlborough ; Royal MUitary CoUege ; Staff College. 7th Hussars and 11th Hussars, retired ; Chitral ReUef Force, 1895 (medal with clasp) ; Tirah Expedi tionary Force, 1897 (two clasps) ; A.D.C to Gen. Gatacre during Atbara and Khartoum Campaigns, 1898 (medal with two clasps, Khedive's Medal, D.S.O.) ; South Africa, 1899-1902 (despatches three times, Brevet-Major, Queen's Medal, seven clasps, King's Medal, two clasps) ; SomaUland, 1903 (despatches twice, medal with two clasps, Humane Society Silver Medal, Brevet Lieut.-Col.) ; Great War 1914-19, mentioned for valu able services in connection with the War, Feb. 1917, (Brevet Col. June, 1917, C.B.E. July, 1918). Address : Brooke House, Valescure, St. Raphael, France. Club : Cavalry. (C1482) BROOKE, Edward Geoffrey DECAPELL-, C.B.E,fi. 1880. Educ. : Radley ; Merton College, Oxford. War Work : Prov. Sec. in Chief of Imperial General Staff. Club : TraveUers' (C2472) BROOKES, Albert Edward, O.B.E, M.Inst.T.. MIM & C.E.. 6. 10 Jan. 1870 ; s. of Edw. D. C. Brookes, of Manchester and Southport ; m. Amy I, d. of the late Robt. Wm. White of Manchester. Educ. : Liverpool Institute and Macclesfield Grammar School. County Surveyor, Engineer and Architect Durham County CouncU. War Work : Acted as Resident Chief Engineer to the Road Board in the Southern and Western Commands in connection with the construction of roads and other engineering works in camps, aerodromes, etc, for the War Office, Admiralty, Ministry of Munitions, Air Ministry etc. Address : Shire HaU, Durham. Club : Golfers' (010047) BROOKES, Arthur Stuart, M.B.E. BROOKES, Florence, Hon. Mrs. M. Jones, C.B.E. ; e. d. of the late Frederick Freeman Thomas, M.P, of Ratton, Co. 81 Sussex (see Bukke'S Peerage, Wilhngdon, B.) ; m. 29 April 1899, Hon. Marshall James Brookes, M.A, Brasenose Coll Oxford, J.P. Lancashire and Cheshire, 2nd s. of the 1st Baron Crawshaw. Address : Portal, Tarporley, Cheshire. (C'4411 BROOKS, Alice, M.B.E. ' BROOKS, Sir Arthur David, G.B.E, J.P, 6. 6 March 1864 ; s. of Arthur Brooks, of Birmingham ; to. Florence Ethel, d. of Frederick Howe, of Norwich. Educ : King Edward's School, Birmingham. Solicitor. War Work - Lord Mayor of Birmingham, 1917-19 ; Chairman of Food Control Committee ; Chairman of Military Tribunal ; Chairman Fuel and Lighting Committee ; Chairman War Savings Address : Woodcote, Harbome, Birmingham. Clubs : Union Club ; Conservative Club, Birmingham ; Municipal and Counties Club, London. (G.n BROOKS, Charles John Wood, M.B.E, ' ' BROOKS, Charlotte Elizabeth, Lady, M.B.E, fi 17 Feb 1878 ; d. of the late Rev. W. A. Bathurst ; to. Sir James Henry Brooks, K.C.B, J.P. (see Bukke'S Peerage), s. of James Henry Brooks, of SeycheUes (see Burke's Landed Gentry) Educ. : Cedar House, Salt HiU, Slough. War Work : Volun tary clerical work at Professional Classes War ReUef Council National War Savings, and Admiralty, from March, 1915 to' Sept. 1919. Address : 11, Cedar House, Marloes Road Ken sington, W. 8. (M7504) BROOKS, 2nd Lieut. Ernest, M.B.E. ' BROOKS, Florence Ethel, Lady, C.B.E, 5.23 July, 1884 • d. of Frederick Howe, of Norwich ; to. Arthur David, s of Arthur Brooks, of Birmingham. Educ. : Birmingham and Brussels. War Work : Lady Mayoress of Birmingham Jan 1917 to Nov. 1919. Address : Woodcote, Harbome, Birming ham. Club : Three Counties Club, Birmingham. tC2m\ BROOKS, George Harold, M.B.E. * ' BROOKS, 2nd Lieut. George Thomas Adams, M.B.E. R.D.C BROOKS, Gladys Muriel, M.B.E, 6. 9 Dec. 1886 ; d of Herbert Edmund Brooks, J.P, C.A., of Stifford Lodge, Grays Essex. Educ. : Bieberich a/Rhein, Germany, and Roedean School, nr. Brighton. War Work : Helped coUect and make hospital equipment and clothing ; learned motor-driving to release a man ; Feb. 1915, to Aug. 1915, was with Lady Wimborne's unit for work in Serbia ; decorated with the Serbian Cross of Charity ; Oct. 1915, joined RoshervUle V.A D Hospital, Kent, for nursing duties ; appointed Commandant' March. 1916, and Assist. Commandant RosherviUe and Ingress Abbey V.A.D. Hospital in June, 1917. Address: Stifford Lodge, nr. Grays, Essex. (M7503) BROOKS, Lieut. Henry Arthur, M.B.E. BROOKS, Capt. John Chadwick, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. BROOKS, Lieut. John Rowe, M.B.E. BROOME, Capt. Lewis John, M.B.E. BROOME, Capt. Louis Egerton, M.B.E. BROOME, Comm. Thomas Charles, O.B.E, R D , R N E BROOMFIELD, Dorothy, Mrs., M.B.E. ' BROOMFIELD, Frederick Harry, M.B.E BROOMHALL, Capt. Harold George, M.B.E, fi 26 May 1880 ; s . of Edward Barron BroomhaU, of Bromley Kent • to. Dorothy Mary Josephine, d. of Walter Grimes, of Altrincham! Cheshire, and Amersham, Bucks. Educ. : Privately War Work: Joined R.A.S.C, O.T.C, Aldershot, Dec. 1915- com missioned 2nd Lieut. Feb. 1916 ; Acting Lieut, May 1917 • Lieut. Aug. 1917 ; Acting Capt. Aug. 1918 ; mentioned March 1918; M.B.E, June, 1919 ; engaged in supply work; MiUtary Member, Port Labour and Transit Committee, King's Lynn, 4 r « '_ -Address : Finchers, Amersham, Bucks. Club : United R.A.S.C. (M6604) BROSNAN, Rev. John Brodie, M.B.E, R. 4. Ch D BROSTER, Major Lennox Ross, O.B.E, M.A., MD. (Oxon) R.A.M.C. 6. 1889; s. of Charles John Broster of .^S c_Jony : m- Edith Mary Victoria, d. of D. C. J. Thomas, ?£ .S?,uS?,mI'^°?- Educ- •' Trinity CoU, Oxford. Surgeon, S,',„'D'Jt,S' War Work •' 14th Division, Feb. 1915, to Dec. 1916; Tank Corps, 1916-19; D.A.D.M.S. Address: S, Winn Road, Southampton. (O5046) BROTHERS, Lieut.-Col. Orlando Frank, O.B.E, M.C, t * I '„ s' of F' W- Brothers, of Blackburn, Lancs. ; m. Janet BeU, a. of J. McClelland, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Hutton, ..1£Lcs'™S.e£etary' Transvaal Police, 1900-1906; Editor, Ihe Old Countryman," Vancouver. Boer War, 1899-1902: Lieut. War Work : Canadian Exped. Forces, British Columbia Regiment, Aug. 1914-19 and General Staff. Clubs : Junior Naval and Military ; Press (London) ; Tedesco County, Mass, U.S.A. n??0?^' Major and Bt- Lieut.-Col. Alan, C.M.G, C.B.E D.S.O.. R.E, 6. 20 March, 1876 ; s. of Col. W. R. C. Brough, late Royal Artillery. Educ. : Cheltenham CoUege. Royal Engineers War Work : Served with 7th Division from fai?60'-^1^ toI %pt' 1915 • £rom x SePt- 1915, to 10 July, '. ™th Guards Division ; from 10 July, 1917, to 2 Sept. S transportation in France ; from 2 Sept. 1918, to 2 Jan. 1919, transportation Mesopotamia ; from 2 JaD. 1919, to im5°.v'«,9' transportation Trans-Caucasus; from 17 Nov. 1919,to6Aug. 1920, South Russia. Temp. Brig.-Gen. Clubs: United Service Club ; Pall MaU. (C2070) BROUGH, Lieut. Frederick Arthur, M.B.E, R.AX /I S??1?0?1^.. Piana Is*bel, Hon. Mrs., O.B.E, fi. 1884; a. ot the late Lord Ahngton, of Crichel, Wimborne (see Btjeeb's Peerage); to. Henry, .. s. of Lord Brougham and Vaux, of BIOGRAPHIES. Brown Brougham, Penrith (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Head quarters, V.A.D. Department, British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John. Address : 10, Oxford Square, Hyde Park. Clubs ; Ladies' Automobile ; V.A.D. (03637) BROUGHAM, Capt. James Henry Chamberlain, M.B.E. BROUGHTON, Lieut. CecilHoward, M.B.E, R.E. (M5111) BROUGHTON, Lieut.-Col. Geoffrey Delves, O.B.E, Welch Regt, fi. 10 May 1880; s. of Lieut.-Col Delves Broughton, E. Yorks Regt. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. 1 Sept. 1913, Violet Carnegie, d. of H. Anstey and w. of Talbot Dean-Pitt, G.S 0. (2nd grade). (08575) BROUGHTON, Gladys Mary, O.B.E, 6. SO Oct. 1883 ; d. of William Barnard Broughton, Captain, Dorset Regiment. Educ. : High School, Bedford ; University CoUego, London ; School of Economics, London. Inspectress of schools, Central Provinces, India. War Work : Welfare Work, Ministry of Munitions. Address: 50, Morpeth Mansions, London, S.W. 1. (08) BROUSSON, Robert Peroy, O.B.E. BROWETT, Leonard, O.B.E. BROWN, Hon. Lieut.-Col. Adam, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, R.A.M.0, 6. 21 Dec. 1886 ; s. of Richard Cragg Brown, of Seaton, Cumberland. Educ. : Workington, Cumberland. War Work : Senior Medical Officer, Camel Transport Corps, E.E.F. ; Surgeon to P. of W. Hospitals, Egyptian Hospitals, E.E.F. ; D.A.D.M.S, Egyptian Hospitals. E.E.F. ; O.C. No. 3 Egyptian Stationary Hospital, E.E.F. Addresses : Galecroft, Seaton, Cumberland ; Beechwood, Workington, Cumberland. (06148) BROWN, Agnes EUzabeth, M.B.E, 6. 16 Sept. 1876; d of Pereira Brown, of Glentworth HaU, Lines. Educ. : Hamilton House, Tunbridge WeUs. Councillor, Scarborough Town Council. War Work : Sec. and Treas, Mayoress of Scarborough's Prisoners of War Committee j Sec. and Treas, Mayoress of Scarborough's Branch Working Party, under D.G.V.O. ; also on Committee of Mayoress' Central Committee for War Comforts. Address : 6, CromweU Terrace, Scar borough. (M7506) BROWN, Capt. Albert James Studd, O.B.E, BROWN, Albert Thomas, M.B.E. (M1472) BROWN, Major and Qr.-Mr. Alexander, M.B.E, M.C, D.C.M. BROWN, Capt. AUred Claude, M.B.E. R.A.S.C. (T.F.), fi. 1885 ; s. of AUred E. Brown, late of Clacton-on-Sea; now of Blythwood, Biggin HiU, Westerham, Kent ; m. Nelhe, d. of M. Greevy, of Birmingham. Educ. : Stationers' Co. School, Hornsey, London, N. Inspector of Films for Bengal. War Work: Commissioned Oct. 1914; N.M.D. Train Leicester; served during Irish RebelUon, 1916 ; served in Mesopotamia, March, 1917 to Oct. 1919 ; O.C, R.A.S.C, Kirkuk, during Fraser Force operations, 1919. Address : The Cottage, Theatre Road, Calcutta. (M7023) BROWN, Lieut. Alfred Thomas, M.B.E. BROWN, Lieut. Algernon Gordon, O.B.E, R.F.A. BROWN, AUce, O.B.E. BROWN, Alice EUzabeth, Mrs., O.B.E. BROWN, Lieut. Alwin, O.B.E, R.A.O.C BROWN, Annie Kathleen, M.B.E. BROWN, Archibald, O.B.E, 6. 4 Nov, 1867 ; s. of Archibald Brown, of Westland, New Cumnock, Ayrshire : to. Ada Cathe rine, d. of John Steele, of " Mayfield," West Kirby. Educ : New Cumnock Parish School. Brassfounder and Coppersmith. War Work : Organising and Commanding the Liverpool Special Constabulary during the War. Address : 24, Huntley Road, Liverpool. ' (0181) BROWN, Archibald Hall, M.B.E. BROWN, Arthur Cecil, O.B.E, 6. 29 Feb. 1876. Agent, Bank of Bengal, Dacca, India. Address : Hessle, East York shire ; 53, New Broad Street, E.C. (O4020) BROWN, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Edmund, O.B.E. BROWN, Capt. Arthur George, M.B.E, I.M.S. BROWN, Capt. Arthur Richard Dupuis, M.B.E. BROWN, Col. Arthur Rudston, O.B.E, BROWN, Capt. Arthur Walter, M.B.E. BROWN, Sir Arthur Whitten, K.B.E, late R.F.A.; s. of A. G. Brown, of Manchester ; to. Marguerite Kathleen, d. of Major D. H. Kennedy, of Ealing. Decorated for first crossing the Atlantic in an aeroplane, 4.28 p.m. to 8.40 a.m., 14-15 June, 1919. (K353) BROWN, Lieut. Bertram John, M.B.E, late 6th V. Batt. (P.W.O.) West Yorkshire Regt, fi. 2 June, 1880 ; s. of George Brown, of Smethwick, South Staffs. ; m. Gertrude, d. of Charles Owen, of Birmingham. Educ. : Central Higher Grade School, Smethwick, South Staffs. Manager of the Hippodrome, Leeds, formerly of the Hippodrome, Brighton. War Work : Organiser of VaudevUle entertainments by members of the theatrical and music hall profession for the Northern Command hospitals and Mansion House concerts at York. Address: 27, Avenue Crescent, Roundhay, Leeds. Club : Carlton (Brigh ton). (M7507) BROWN, Lieut. CecU Norman, M.B.E. BROWN, Capt. Cecil Thomas, O.B.E, R.M.A. BROWN, Lieut. Charles Frederick, M.B.E, R.N.V.R, 6. 1895; s. of F. B. Brown, O.B.E, A.M.I.CE. Educ. : Dulwich College and Christ Church Oxford. Club : Primrose. (M175) BROWN, Major Charles John, O.B.E. BROWN, Lieut.-Col. Claude, O.B.E, A.D.C BROWN, Cuthbert, M.B.E. BROWN, Daniel MaoLaren, O.B.E. (012042) BROWN, David, M.B.E. BROWN, Surg. Sub-Lieut. Donald Eadie, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. BROWN, Dorothy Ann, Mrs, M.B.E.; d. of the late Edmund Ellery Bowden ; to. Frederick John Brown. War Work : Commandant of Southwood V.A.D. Hospital, Bickley, Kent, from Oct. 1914, until Feb. 1919. Address : St. Cuth- bert's, Berkhamsted, Herts. (M7508) BROWN, Dorothy Ierne, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. 12 April, 1889 : d. of the late Sh- Evelyn Freeth, of Estate Duty Office, Somerset House ; to. Stuart Kelson Brown. Educ. : Royal Holloway Coll, Surrey. War Work : With Mr. Lloyd George in Treasury and Ministry of Munitions ; with Mr. Montagu in Ministry of Munitions, Reconstruction Committee and India Office. Address : 5, HoUy Place, Hampstead, N.W. 3. (010436) BROWN, Lieut. Douglas Archibald Guillan, M.B.E. BROWN, Comm. Duncan Tatton, O.B.E. R.N. BROWN, Edward John, M.B.E, F.I.P.S, 6. 28 March, 1877 ; s. of Daniel Alfred Brown, of Eton ; to. Margaret, d. of John Hogan, of Coniston, Lancs. Educ. : St. Mark's CoU, Chelsea. Confidential shorthand writer to the Secretary of State for War since 1907, and previously in the Director of Works Department, Admiralty. War Work : Time entirely devoted to official work in personal attendance on successive Secretaries of State with the sole exception of a short period at 10, Downing Street, on the appointment of Mr. Lloyd George to be Prime Minister. Address : 53, Pepys Road, Wimbledon, S.W. 19 (M7509) BROWN, Edward Walter, O.B.E. BROWN, Capt. Edwin, M.B.E. BROWN, Emily May, M.B.E, 5. 9 May, 1891 ; d. of Col. Thos. W. Brown, V.D, of Manchester. Edue. : Edmunds- bury ; Eastbourne ; La Prairie, Vevey, Switzerland. War Work : Quartermaster, East Lancs, 98 B.R.C.S, at Woodlawn Auxiliary Military Hospital, West Didsbury, 1914-19. Ad dress: 84, Palatine Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. (M7510) BROWN, Capt. Ernest Addison, M.B.E. BROWN, Lieut.-Col. Ernest Rudolf, C.B E. Lieut.-Col. Canadian Army Med. Corps ; Great "War 1915-19 (despatches). (C1830) BROWN, Capt. Everard Kenneth, M.B.E, 6. 19 Aug. 1879 ; s. of Rev. John Brown, D.D, of Hampstead, formerly of Bedford. Educ : Bedford. Solicitor ; partner in the firm of Kenneth Brown, Baker, Baker, of Lennox House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. 2 ; First Prizeman (Clements Inn and Daniel Reardon Prizes), Law Society's Honours Examination, Nov. 1902. War Work : InteUigence Officer, General Staff, Northern Command. Addresses : Lennox House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C 2 ; 10, Upper Park Road, Hampstead, N.W. 3. Club : Devonshire. (M1477) BROWN, Florence Fannie, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Elliott Robert Odams, of Ives, Huntingdonshire ; m. William, s. of John Brown, of Manchester. Educ. : Cambridge. War Work : Vice-President B.R.C Society, Heaton Chapel Division, East Lanes. ; Searcher, Wounded and Missing, Jan. 1915-19 ; Canadian Visitor, 1915-19 ; on various War Work Committees. Addresses : The Laurels, Heaton Mersey, Manchester ; Nether- law, Kirkcudbright. (M177) BROWN, Capt. Francis Giles, O.B.E, R.A.F. BROWN, Major Francis Robert, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C, fi. 29 Sept. 1889 ; s. of John Brown, of Hun- dalee, Jedburgh ; to. Hannah, d. of George Pearson, of Heath, Leighton Buzzard . Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Edinburgh War Hospital, Bangour ; Surgical Specialist, 28th Gen. Hosp, Brit. Salonika Force ; Surgical Specialist, 27th CCS, Brit. Salonika Force, and at Batoum, Army of Black Sea ; mentioned in Gen. Milne's despatch of March, 1919. Russian Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd Class. Address : Muir House, Stow, Midlothian. (08679) BROWN, Frank James, C.B.E, M.A, B.Sc. (Lond.), 6. 5 Feb. 1865 ; s. of WiUiam Brown, of Skelton, York ; m. Lucy, d. of Richard Shaw, of Brompton, Yorkshire. Educ. : Privately. Assist.-Sec, General Post Office ; Member of British Peace Delegation, in capacity of expert adviser on telegraph matters ; Member of Imperial Communications Committee ; Member of Imperial Wireless Telegraphy Committee. War Work : Various official work in connection with maintenance of tele graph communication with the Empire and Foreign Countries. Addresses : Secretary's Office, General Post Office, E.C. 1 ; Romney Close, North End, Hampstead, N.W. 3. (C2476) BROWN, Capt. Frank Leader, O.B.E, R.E. BROWN, Lieut. Frederick, M.B.E, R.F.A. BROWN, Major Frederick Alexander WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. BROWN, Frederick Benjamin, O.B.E. BROWN, Frederick Lenox Harman, O.B.E, M.B, CM. (Edin.), 6. 1863 ; s. of Major Fredk. John Harman Brown, of Cheltenham ; to. Dora Annie, d. of Vickers Jones, of Coventry. Educ ; Privately ; Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Hon. Surgeon, Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital ; Hon. Surgeon, Courtbauld's Hospital. Address : St. Oswald, Highweek, Newton Abbot. Club : Newton. (04354) BROWN, Major Geoffrey Manwaring, O.B.E, 6. 15 Jan. 1891 ; s. of Frederick WiUiam Brown, of Southport, Lancs. ; to. Mabel Frances, d. of Thomas Bentley-Turner, of Colchester. Edue. : HaUeybury ; King's Coll, Cambridge. D.A.Q.M.G, at G.H.Q. France. War Work: 1914, Adjutant 10th Batt. 85 Brown THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Suffolk Regt. ; 1915, Captain ; 1918 Major. Clubs : R.A.C. ; Cambridge University Cruising. (O5048) BROWN, Capt. Geoffrey WiUiam, M.B.E. BROWN, George, M.B.E, fi. 9 March, 1872 ; e.s. of WUliam Brown, of Dunkinty, Elgin ; to. Anne, d. of David Bruce, of StirUng. Educ : Inverness CoU. ; Edinburgh Univ. A member of the Faculty of Advocates ; Sec. Scottish Uniomst Association. War Work : Joint Hon. Sec. East of Scotland Kitchener Recruiting Committee, War Aims Committee, and City of Edinburgh Red Cross Committee, 1914-19. Address : 62, Northumberland Street, Edinburgh. Clubs : University ; Scottish Conservative, Edinburgh. (M7512) BROWN, Major George Conway, O.B.E, R.E. BROWN, George Drake, M.B.E, M.A. BROWN, Sir George McLaren, K.B.E, 6. 29 Jan. 1865 ; s. of Adam Brown, of HamUton, Ont, Canada ; to. Eleanor Grahame, d. of John Crerar, K.C, of Hamilton, Ont, Canada. Educ. : Shrewsbury, England ; HamUton Grammar School, Ont. ; Upper Canada Coll, Toronto, Ont. European General Manager, Canadian Pacific Railway; entered service of the Canadian Pacific Railway, 1887 ; General Traffic Manager and Executive Representative for B.C., 1892 ; General Superin tendent, hotels, dining and shipping cars, 1902. War Work : Lieut.-Col. British Army, Feb. 1917 ; Col. April, 1918 ; Assistant Director of Movements, 1917-18 ; Assistant Director General of Movements and Railways, 1918-19 ; special duty France, 1918. Address : 61, Cadogan Square, London, S.W. 1. Clubs : Royal Thames Yacht ; Caledonian ; Royal Automobile ; Constitutional ; Ranelagh ; City Carlton ; St. James' Club (Montreal). (K196) BROWN, Major George S„ O.B.E. BROWN, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. George Thomas, M.B.E. BROWN, 2nd Lieut. George Wauchop Stewart, M.B.E. BROWN, Capt. GUbert Alexander Murray, O.B.E, "R "R fT "V \ BROWN, Major Harold Blumfleld, O.B.E, R.G.A. (T.), fi. 21 Jan. 1882 ; s. of W. B. Brown, J.P, of Ealing, Middlesex ; m. Gladys, d. of C. E. MievUle, of London. Educ. : St. Edward's, Oxford. War Work : An old Volunteer ; went to France in March, 1915, In command of a T.F. heavy battery ; later commanded a T.F. Reserve Brigade, R.G.A, at home, until given a Staff appointment. Address : Horsemoor Green, Langley, Bucks. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (08756) BROWN, Major Harry Egerton, O.B.E. BROWN, Harry Percy, M.B.E. BROWN, Helen Grace Rae, M.B.E. BROWN, Major Henry, O.B.E, R.E. (T.F.). BROWN, Major Henry Harwood, M.B.E. BROWN, Sir Herbert, K.B.E, fi. 4 March, 1869 ; s. of Charles Brown, of Westfield, Bonchurch, Isle of Wight ; to. Anna Flora, d. of John Frith, of Oaklands, Croydon. Educ : Privately. Has received the Legion of Honour and the Order of Leopold. War Work : Founder of the British Farmers' Red Cross Fund, which raised just over £1,053 000 for the British Red Cross Society ; assisted in founding the Baltic and Com Exchange Hospital ; organised an appeal for the Y.M.C.A, which resulted in subscriptions amounting to £500,000 ; after the Armistice assisted in relief work in the devastated areas of France ; directed an appeal for funds for the Officers' Association. Aidress: Coombe Lodge, Addington HiU, Croy don. (K354) BROWN, Rev. Hugh, O.B.E. BROWN, Dr. Herbert Henry, O.B.E, M.D.fLond.), F.R.CS. 6. 1862 ; s. of David Brown, of London. Educ. : Harrow and London Univ. Surgeon to the East Suffolk Hospital. War Work : Surgeon in charge of Broadwater Hospital, Ipswich ; Maryland Convalescent Hospital, Sproughton, Ipswich ; in charge of wounded at East Suffolk Hospital. Address : 3, Museum Street, Ipswich. (010054) BROWN, James, C.B.E, J.P, M.P, fi. 16 Dec. 1862 ; s. of James Brown, of Newtou-on-Ayr ; m. Catherine Macgregor, d. of Matthew Steele, of KUbarchan, Renfrewshire. Educ. : Annbank Public School. Gen. Sec. Ayrshire Miners' Union ; Gen. Sec National Union of Scottish Mine Workers. War Work : Member of Ayr County Tribunal ; of Ayr Countv Food Committee. Adiress : 56, Annbank by Ayr. (C118) BROWN, James, M.B.E. BROWN, James, M.B.E. BROWN, Lieut.-Col. James Carleton, O.B.E, R.E, 6. 3 Oct. 1888 ; s. of David Wark Brown, of St. Stephen, N.B, Canada. Educ. : Univ. of New Brunswick, Canada. CivU Engineer ; Member Engineering Institute of Canada. War Work : Lieut. Canadian Infantry, Mar. 1915 to Nov. 1915 ; transferred to Royal Engineers, Nov. 1915 ; promoted Captain, Mar. 1916 ; Acting Major, June, 1918 ; Acting Lieut.-Col, Oct. 1918 : twice mentioned in despatches ; second in com mand 119th Rly. Co, R.E, in France, May, 1916, to Aug. 1916 ; O.C. 273rd Rly. Co, R.E, British Salonica Force, Sept. 1916, to Oct. 1918; Railway Construction Engc. No. 1, British Salonica Force, Oct. 1918, to March, 1919 ; RaUway Adviser to British MUitary Mission, S. Russia, Aug. to Oct. 1919 ; Chief Engineer, Anatolian RaUways, Military Operating and Control Staff, from Oct. 1919 to present ; General rly. construction and heavy bridge work. Addresses : Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, London, S.W. 1 ; c/o Director of RaUways, A.B.S, Constantinople, Turkey. (08680) BROWN, James Hardy, O.B.E. (06584) BROWN, Major James Parry, O.B.E, 6. 3 Feb. 1880 • «. of the late Alderman W. H. Brown, J.P, of Newport, Mon. ; 86 m. Hetty, d. of the late E. Hartley, J.P, of Newport, Mon. Educ. : Newport CoUegiate School. Accountant. War Work : R.A.S.C. Base Supply Depot, Avonmouth; R.A.S.C, Main Supply Depot, Northampton ; O.C, R.A.S.C, Kholmogors- kaya, North Russia ; O.C, Base Supply Depot, Bakharitza, North Russia. Address : Brynheulog, Llanthewy Road, Newport, Mon. (09681) BROWN, Janet Gilmour, O.B.E. ; d. oi W. R. GUmour Brown, of Sutton. Personal clerk to the Prime Minister (Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George). Address : Rochford, Sutton, Surrey. (O10055) BROWN, Capt. John, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. BROWN, Capt. John, M.B.E. BROWN, T. Lieut.-Col. John Bayley Fairfax, O.B.E, R.E., 6. 13 March, 1887 ; s. of B. Fairfax Brown, of Norwooa, Taun ton ; m. Dorothy, d. of W. T. Tucker, of Loughborough. Educ : Berkhampsted, and Sheffield Univ. Executive Engi neer, 3rd Project Division, Public Works Department, Imperial Delhi. War Work : Mesopotamia, Deputy Asst. Director of Works (E. &. M.), 1917-19 ; Asst. Director, 1919-20. Address : Raisina, Delhi. (06585) BROWN, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. John Edward Ambrose, C.B.E, R.N. BROWN, Major John Falconer, O.B.E, M.D. BROWN, Major John Herald Balfour, O.B.E, M.C, A.M.C, A.I.F. BROWN, Eng.-Comm. John Steven, M.B.E, R.N. BROWN, Jonathan Boswell, O.B.E, 6. 1 Jan. 1871 ; t. of John Brown, of Erith, Kent ; m. Amy, d. of James Schofield, of Erith, Kent. Educ. : Privately. Director, Wolsey, Ltd, Leicester. War Work : Assistant Director of Wool Textile Production ; responsible for aU hosiery and underwear required by Arm. , Navy and other services, British and Allied Govern- ' ments. Officer of the Order of Leopold II. of Belgium. Address: Desford, Leicestershire. Clubs: National Liberal; Leicestershire. (0182) BROWN, Capt. Joseph Hector, M.B.E, I.F. BROWN, Joseph Pearce, C.B.E, J.P. BROWN, Capt. Laurence, M.B.E. BROWN, Margaret, Mrs, M.B.E. BROWN, Margaret Bennett, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Matthew Brown, J.P. for County of Cumberland, of Longtown, Cumberland. War Work : Commandant and organiser of MurreU Hill Military AuxUiary Hospital, Carlisle, for four years (Primary Hospital), March, 1915, to AprU, 1919. Address: East View, Carlisle. (M1481) BROWN, Marian, Lady, M.B.E, 6. 26 Feb. 1852; d. of Rev. Edwin Meyrick, M.A, of Allington Vicarage, WUts. ; m. Sir R. Hanbury Brown, K.C.M.G. (see BURKE'S Peerage). War Work : Commandant, V.A.D. Sussex 30 East Lodge Hospital, Crawley Down. Address : Newlands, Crawley Down, Sussex. (M7514) BROWN, Minnie, M.B.E, 6. 23 June, 1872 ; d. of J. Webster-Brown, of Liverpool and Southport. Educ. : Dag- field, Birkdale, and privately. War Work : Commandant of the St. John V.A.D. Hospitals, Southport ; Acting Matron of the MUitary Hospital, 30, Queen's Road, Southport. Address : 23, Talbot Street, Southport. (M3545) BROWN, Monica Harcourt, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. BROWN, Lieut.-Col. Montagu Wilhelm, O.B.E BROWN, Nicol Paton, C.B.E, 6. 9 May, 1853 ; s. of Thomas White Brown, of Glasgow ; m. Maria Crowley, d. of George Crowley Ashby, of Isleworth, Middlesex. Educ: Glasgow Academy ; Glasgow University. Muslin Manu facturer ; Chairman of John Brown & Son, Ltd, Glasgow; Director of The Albion Motor Car Co, Ltd. Glasgow; Director of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. War Work : Member of CouncU of War Executive, Scottish Branch British Red Cross Society ; Vice-Chairman on Finance Committee ; Chairman of Scottish National Red Cross Hospital, Bellahonston. Address : 22, Belhaven Terrace, Glasgow, W. Clubs : Western Glasgow ; Reform ; R.A.C. ; PaU Mall ; R.S.A.C ; Prestwick GoU.( C2479) BROWN, Patrick Campbell Cowley, M.B.E. Assistant Censor, Straits Settlements. (H10257.) BROWN, Capt. Percy George, C.B.E, 6. 1874 ; s. of the late Capt. Robert Brown, 53rd Regt. ; m. 1914, Mary, d. of S. N. Hutchins, J.P, of Ardnagasgel, co. Cork. Com. and Acting Capt. R.N. ; employed in Drifters, Nore Area (Croix de Guerre) and on Blockade Duties (ChevaUer Legion of Honour) during Great War. (C2215) BROWN, Lieut.-Col. Percy Gordon, O.B.E, A.M.C. BROWN, Phyllis Warden, M.B.E, B.A, 6. 8 June, 1895; i. of Charles Andrews Brown, of Bedford. Educ. : High School, and Victoria Univ., Manchester. War Work : V.A.D. in England and France, 1914-17 ; 1915 Star ; Q.M.AA.C. Administration in France, 1917-19; awarded M.B.E, June, 1919, as Unit Administrator Queen Victoria Camp, Andrincq, Calais. Address : 44, Shakespeare Road, Bedford. Club : V.A.D. Ladles'. (M4430) BROWN, Reginald, M.B.E. BROWN, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. Richard Charles, O.B.E., R.N. BROWN, Robert Burns, M.B.E. BROWN, Capt. Robert Campbell, O.B.E. BROWN, Robert Cunyngham, C.B.E, Officer of Christ (Portugal), Order of St. Sava (Serbia), M.D, etc.. fi. 1867; s. of Rev. Robert Brown, of Paisley, and Mary Cheyne Hoseason, d. of James Hoseason, J.P, of Avwick, Shetland ; m. Arabella Halyburton, d. of Dr. J. J. Johnstone, of Brampton, Cumber land. Educ. : Privately and Universities of Glasgow, Durham, BIOGRAPHIES. Brownnelti and Frankfurt. Deputy Director-General, Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Administrator, Spring- bm-n-Woodside Central Hospital, Glasgow ; Registrar, 37th General Hospital, Macedonia (attached Royal Serbian Army) ; Officer-in-Charge Medical Divisions 60th and 52rd General Hospitals, Salonika ; Visiting Physician, Mental Cases, Salonika Command ; Dept. Commissioner, Ministry of National Service. Address : Rossmore, Chislehurst Common. Club : Royal Societies'. (C2480) BROWN, Robert Cyril, M.B.E. BROWN, Lieut. Robert WUUam, M.B.E. BROWN, SheUa Maepherson, M.B.E, 6. 18 Feb. 1891 ; i. of Major Gideon Brown, . of Galashiels, N.B. Educ : Harrogate, and abroad. War Work : Served in Women's Legion (Cookery Section) from June, 1910, to Sept. 1917, at Summerdown Camp, Eastbourne ; Q.M.A.A.S.C as Unit Administrator at Mansfield Park Camp, near Uckfleld, Sussex, from Sept. 1917 to Dec. 1919. Address : Thorniedean, Gala shiels, Scotland. (M6605) BROWN, Simon Stubbs, O.B.E, J.P, C.A., 6. 13 Nov. 1841 ; s. of Zephaniah Brown, of Ratley ; to. Mary Helen, d. of Joseph Owen, of Warrington. Educ. : Privately. Late cotton spinner and manufacturer. War Work : Chairman of the Lord Derby War Hospital, Warrington. Address : Easton Lodge, 2 Regent Road, Birkdale, Lancashire. Club : Wigan. (010057) BROWN, Capt. Stanley, M.B.E, R.A.M.C BROWN, Theophilus Edward, M.B.E. BROWN, Lieut. Thomas, O.B.E, M.C. BROWN, Tom, O.B.E, 6. 10 Sept. 1858 ; s. of the late Thomas Brown, of Babington, near Bath ; to. Catherine Laura, d. of WiUiam Charles Govier, of Taunton. Educ. : Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath. Deputy Chief Constable of Somerset. War Work : In charge of the Somerset Police Force during the War, in consequence of the Chief Constable being on Active Service. (010058) BROWN, Lieut. Vernon, M.B.E. BROWN, Violet MoConochie, Mrs., M.B.E. BROWN, Capt. Walter Ritchie, M.B.E. BROWN, Wilfred Gordon, O.B.E. BROWN, WilUam, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 11 Aug. 1850 ; s. of Andrew Brown, J.P, of Renfrew ; m. Jeanie, <_. of John McDougal, M.D, of Old Kilpatrick. Educ. : Renfrew and Paisley Grammar Schools, and Glasgow University. Engineer and Shipbuilder ; Chairman of Messrs. Wm. Simons. & Co., Ltd, Renfrew, Scotland ; Represent. itive of the Burgh of Renfrew on the Clyde Navigation Trust ; late Deacon of the Incorporation of Hammermen, Glasgow. War Work : Fully employed with the construction, including the machinery of a large number of twin screw minesweepers, convoy sloops, paddle hospital steamers for Mesopotamia Oil Tankers, etc, etc. Address: 7, Whittinghame Gardens, Glasgow, W. Club : New Club, Glasgow. (C445) BROWN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam, M.B.E. BROWN, Capt. WUUam, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.), M.D. BROWN, WiUiam Henry George, M.B.E. BROWN, Paymaster Lieut.-Comm. WiUiam John Archer, O.B.E, R.N. BROWN, Rev. WiUiam Joseph, O.B.E, 6. 29 Feb. 1880. Educ : Mount St. Mary's CoU, Chesterfield. War Work: R.C. Chaplain, P. W. Camp (Officers), Dyffryn Aled, 1914-15 ; R.C. Chaplain, 38th (Welsh) Division, 1915-19. Address: 31. Farm Street, London, W. 1. (O5050) BROWN, WiUiam Robert, M.B.E. BROWN, Mary Louisa Hester, Mrs. CLERKE-, M.B.E, 6. 1857 ; d. of John Samuel Bowles, of Milton HU1, Berks. ; to. Henry (deceased), s. of Arthur Clerke-Brown, of Kingston Blount, Oxon. Educ. : At home. War Work : Lady Com mandant, Swyncombe Red Cross Hospital, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, for four years. Address : Kingston Blount, Oxon. Club : Ladies' Imperial. (M1482) BROWN, Rear- Adm. Frederick Dundas GILPIN-, C.B.E. Rear-Adm. (ret.), and Capt. Sup, Pembroke Dockyard. Ad dress : The Dockyard, Pembroke. (C2310) BROWN, Capt. AUred Ernest HOLMES-, O.B.E., R.G.A, S.R. BROWN, Cicely LEADLEY-, M.B.E. BROWN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Richard Charles STAPLES-, M.B.E,, M,C BROWN, Capt. Vere WARD-, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. BROWNE, Col. Abraham Walker, C.B.E. Brevet Col. R.A.M.C. (ret.) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1483) BROWNE, Hon. Sir Albert, K.B.E, C.M.G, I.S.O, 6. 1860 ; s. of J. C. Browne, of Bury St. Edmunds; to. 1899, Mabel, d. of Dr U. Lawrence, of Cape Colony. Entered Colonial Office 1877, and became a Clerk in Colonial See's Office, Cyprus, 1880 ; Assist. Accountant to High Commr, S. Africa, 1891 ; Auditor, Basutoland, 1892; Assist. Imperial Sec, S. Africa, 1896 and 1899 ; Financial Adviser, Orange River Colony, 1900 ; Colonial Treasurer thereof 1901 ; retired 1907 ; sometime a Member of Executive, Legislative and Inter-Colonial Councils of Orange River Colony ; was a Member of Board of Inquiry into Postal and Telegraph Administration, Bechuanaland 1892, of National Convention for Union of S. Africa, 1909-10, and of PubUc Service Re-organisation Commn. 1910-11. Address: Govern ment Offices, Bloemfontein, O. R. Colony, South Africa. (K478) BROWNE, Capt. Arthur Ernest Bankhead, O.B.E. 87 BROWNE, Col. Lord Arthur Howe, K.B.E, F.L.S, fi. 1867 ; s. of 5th Marquess of Sligo (see Burke's Peerage) ; Col. Reserve of Officers, to. 1919, Lilian Whiteside, widow of Major A. F. Mann, and daughter of Charles Chapman. Served Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1889-1901 ; Punjab Frontier (1897-8, medal and clasp) ; South Africa, 1901-2 (medal with 5 clasps) ; retired 1909 ; General Staff, War Office, 1914-19 ; K.B.E, Brevet Lieut.-Col, Col, Legion of Honour, Grand Officer Order of Christ of Portugal. Address : 97, Coleheme Court, S.W. 5. Club : Naval and Military. (K305) BROWNE, Cecil Pownall, O.B.E. BROWNE, Lieut. Charles James, M.B.E, K.R.R.C, b. 4 Oct. 1882 ; 2nd s. of Frederick G. Dillon Browne ; to. Dorothy Mary, d. of George Chuter. Educ. : Privately. Stock Exchange. War Work: Gazetted 11th K.R.R.C, March, 1917 ; gassed third Battle of Ypres ; invalided home and attached by W.O. for Special Duty to Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 38, Lombard Street, E.C. Club : PoUards HU1 Golf (Norbury, Surrey). (M4321) BROWNE, Major Claude Melville, O.B.E, M.C 3rd Battn. Gordon Highlanders. Address : c/o Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place, S.W.I. (011877) BROWNE, Capt. Cyril Edward, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C. BROWNE, Lieut.-Col. Denis Robert Howe, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. BROWNE, Dorothy Mary, M.B.E. BROWNE, Douglas, M.B.E. BROWNE, Major Edward Denis, O.B.E. BROWNE, Major Francis John, O.B.E. BROWNE, George Herbert, M.B.E, BROWNE, Major George WUUs, O.B.E. BROWNE, Gerald Maoleay, O.B.E. BROWNE, Comm. Harold Ernest, O.B.E, R.N. BROWNE, Henry William Langley, O.B.E, M.D.. F.R.CS.E, LL.D, J.P. County of Stafford, fi. 26 Nov. 1848; s. of Benjamin Stocks Browne, of West Bromwich. Consulting Surgeon to West Bromwich and District Hospital. War Work : Member of Central Medical War Committee (London) ; Hon. Surgeon, Churchfields Auxiliary Hospital, West Bromwich. Address : Moor House, West Bromwich, Staffs. Club : Royal Societies'. (010060) BROWNE, Isabel Mary Peyronnel, Lady, O.B.E. BROWNE, John Coggis, O.B.E. BROWNE, Mildred Frances, M.B.E. BROWNE, Lieut.-Col. Philip Henry, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. in the Army and Assist. Director Inland Water Transport in Mesopotamia during Great War. (C1422) BROWNE, Surg.-Comm. Robley Henry John, O.B.E, BROWNE, Brig.-Gen. Sherwood Dighton, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 1862 ; s. of the late Gen. Sir Samuel Browne, V.C, of The Wood, Ryde, Isle of Wight ; to. HUda, d. of J. P. Law, J.P, of Hall- field, Wetherby. Edue. : Wellington Coll. Entered R.A. 1882; became Capt. 1890; Major, 1899; Lieut.-Col. 1908; Col. 1911 ; Hon. Brig.-Gen. (ret.), 1919 ; served in Matabeleland Campaign, 1893; with Tirah Expedition, 1897-8 (despatches, medal with two clasps) ; during Great War, 1914-17, on Staff (despatches). Club : Army and Navy. (C1229) BROWNE, Dame Sidney Jane, G.B.E, R.R.C, 6. 5 Jan. 1850 ; d. of Dr. Benjamin Stocks Browne, of Bishop Auckland and West Bromwich. Educ. : Privately. Sister in the Army Nursing Service from 1883 ; served at Netley, Woolwich, Aldershot, Curragh Camp, Malta, and in the following campaigns : Egypt, 1884 ; Soudan Campaign, Suakin, 1885 ; Boer War, 1889-1902. First Matron-in-Chief, (War Office) Queen Alexandra Imperial Military Nursing Service, 1902 ; First Matron-in-Chief, Territorial Force Nursing Service (War Office 1908) ; served in the Great War 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches several times. Address : 2, Lyndale, Childs HU1, London, N.W. 2. Clubs : Halcyon, St. Andrew's House. (DG22) BROWNE, Lieut.-Col. TomBousquet, O.B.E, M.I.Mech.E., M.I A.E, M.S.A.E, 6. 15 July, 1873 ; s. of the late Thomas Brooks Browne. Educ : King's CoU, London. AutomobUe Engineer. President of the Institution of AutomobUe Engi neers, 1913-14. War Work : Mechanical Transport, R.A.S.C, Aug. 1914, to April, 1920 ; 3 years of above with B.E.F, France (mentionea in despatches) ; in charge of Heavy M.T. Repair Shops. Address : 32, Onslow Square, London, S.W. 7. Club : Royal Automobile. (06249) BROWNE, Tomys Reginald, M.B.E, V.D. BROWNE, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Walker, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (011775) BROWNE, Major Granville St. John ORDE-, O.B.E. BROWNFIELD, Lieut.-Col. Harry Munyard, O.B.E, V.D, R.A.M.C. (retired), Hon. Associate Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 28 Aug. 1861 ; s. of S. Brownfield, K.J.V, J.P, of London. Educ. : Greenwich Proprietary School and Guy's Hospital. Medical Officer of Health, Petersfield ; Surgeon, Hants. Constabulary ; Medical Referee, Admiralty ; Medical Officer, L. & S.W. RaUway Co. ; Medical Officer, Post Office ; Lecturer and Examiner, St. John's Ambulance and Red Cross Society ; Medical Officer Bedales School. War Work : Senior Medical Officer in charge of Coldhayes Auxiliary Hospital, East Div. ; Heath Lodge AuxUiary Hospital, Petersfield ; Clayton Court Auxiliary Hospital, East Div. Address : The Old College, Petersfield. (010061) Brownfield THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. BROWNFIELD, Surg.-Lieut. Owen Deane, O.B.E, BROWNING, AdeUne EUzabeth, Mrs., C.B.E. Rendered service in connection with reception and treatment of returned soldiers and saUors during Great War. (C730) BROWNING, Albert Charles, M.B.E, late EA., 6. 10 Nov. 1868 ; s. of Rowland WiUiam Browning, of Woolwich, S.E. 18 ; to. Edith Blanche, d. of Robert WUkinson, of Calstock, Corn waU. Edvc: St. John's National (Higher) School, Devonport, Devonshire. War Work: B.E.F, France, Aug. 1914, to Dec 1915, taking part in the retirement from Mons ; Ministry of Munitions Headquarters, London, in Department of Muni tions Design as Clerk in charge of a Branch. Address : 116, Kinveachv Gardens, Charlton, S.E. 7. (M7525) BROWNING, Elizabeth Anne, M.B.E. (M10376) BROWNING, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Henry, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. Special List; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, Order of Crown of Italy). (C802) BROWNING, Harry, O.B.E. BROWNING, Lieut. Herbert, M.B.E, B.A. (Cantab.), (T.F.) b. 11 Aug. 1894 ; s. of Henry Browning, of Aylesford, Kent. Educ. : Latymer Upper School. London, W, and Selwyn CoU, Cambridge. Address : The Friars, Aylesford. Kent, (M4770) BROWNING, Jeffrey, C.B.E, I.S.O. BROWNING, Capt. Langley, O.B.E, M.C. (F.), 5. 28 July, 1891 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. W. B. Browning, CLE, I.M.S, of Cregg House, Fermoy, co. Cork ; to. Violet Muriel, d. of AUan Cairnes, of The Glen, Drogheda. Educ. : Tyttenhanger Lodge, St. Albans, Herts, and Tonbridge School. War Work : Campaign, Aug. 1914, to Armistice ; twice wounded ; twice mentioned ; 3 decorations ; Regtl. and Staff Employment, 4th, Guards, 16th and 23rd Divisions, France, Belgium, and Italy. Address : c/o Cox and Co, 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. (06350) BROWNING, Mary Louisa, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 4 Oct. 1872 ; d. of Rev. Alfred Forbes Sealy, M.A. (Camb.), Director of Education, Cochin, South India ; m. George EUiot, s. of Arrott Browning, M.I.C.E, Consulting Engineer, Westminster, of Coaley. Educ. : Girls' High School, Croydon. Acted as Confidential Secretary and Stenographer to her husband in connection with drawing up detailed reports and correspon dence connected with the development of the Cochin Harbour into a great Imperial Harbour and the Radial RaUways to connect the same with the rest of India. War Work : Started War ReUef Fund in Trichui, S. India, to gather in monthly subscriptions, divided amongst War Charities ; boxes of " comforts " sent to War Organisations every month. Address: Trichur, S. India ; Sherbrook, Budleigh Salterton, Devon. (M2697) BROWNING, Col. George DANSEY-, C.B.E, A.M.C BROWNLIE, James Thomas. C.B.E, 6. 23 June, 1865 ; s. of Thomas Brownlie, of Dalserth, Scotland : to. Ellen Ritche, d. of Capt. James Anderson, of Saltcoats, Scotland. Educ. : Wason's Academy, Paisley. Chairman of Executive CouncU of Amalgamated Society of Engineers. War Work : Member of National Advisory Committee on War Output ; Central Munitions Supply Committee ; Member cf Mission appointed by the Director-General of Recruiting for Munitions work on the output of Munitions in France, Dec. ]915, and other Government Committees. Address : 98, Arodene Road, Brixton HiU, S.W. 2. (C14) BROWNLOW, Col. Charles William, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1SG2 ; Col. R.G.A. (ret.) ; Zhob VaUev Expedition, 1890 : Burma Expedition, 1891-2 (medal with clasp) ; N.W. Frontier of India, 1S97-8 (medal with clasp); Tirah Expedi tion, 1897-8 (clasp) ; Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (C14S4) BROWNLOW, Capt. (Royal AustraUan Navy) Frederick Hugh, O.B.E, V.D, R.A.N, 6. 8 Aug. 1859 ; s. of Edward Brownlow, Coldstream Guards, of Bovingdon, Herts ; to. EUen, d. of WiUiam GUlespie, of Double Bay, N.S. Wales. Educ. : Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Southwark. District Naval Officer, New South Walei. War Work : Egypt, Soudan, 1885, Advance of Tamai, Medal and Khedive's Star, 1914-19 ; Home Service. Sydney, N.S. Wales ; in charge of R. AustraUan AuxUiary Services, N.S. Wales Intelligence Officer, etc. Address : Mufloma, Ocean Avenue, Double Bay, Sydney, N.S.Wales. Club : Royal Sydney Yacht. (02144) BROWNRIGG, The Rev. Earnest Graham, O.B.E, M.A. BROWNSWORD, Walter, M.B.E. BRUCE, Alexander, M.B.E. BRUCE Lieut.-Col. Alexander, O.B.E. BRUCE, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Carlyon, O.B.E, A.P.D.. (ret.), 6. 27 April, 1853 ; Edue. : At Private Schools. Served in the Army, 60th Rifles and Army Pay Department, April, 1878, to Dec. 1919 ; War Office Staff, Sept. 1897 to Dec. 1919. War Work : Financial Secretary's Department, War Office, 1914-19. Address: 246, IvydaleRoad, Waverley Park, S.E. 15. C/!(fi : Junior Army and Navy. (O4305) BRUCE, Bertha Marguerita, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Major W. T. Bruce, of Leserragh. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Welfare Supt, Ministry of Munitions, Birmingham ; Instruc tress, War Hospital Supply Depot, DubUn. Address : Leser ragh, Borrisokane. Co. Tipperary. (M181) BRUCE, Major Charles Edward, CLE, O.B.E, LA, 6. 2S March, 1876 ; s. of R. S. Bruce, CLE., of Quetta, Ted dington : m. Doris, d. of J. WUding, of Preston. Educ : WeUington and Sandhurst. Indian Army Supernumerary List ; in PoUtical employ under Government of India ; commission, 20th Lancs. FusUiers, 1896 ; 24th Baluchistan Lufy, 1897 ; served in China, 1900 (medal) ; appointed PoUtical Dept, 1901 ; North-West Frontier Gumatti, 1902 ; served Tank, Bannu, Hazara, Peshawar, Sibi, Zhob, and Loralai ; European War : on special duty as PoUtical Officer, Mari Punitive Force, despatches ; MUitary O.B.E. ; Afghan War (despatches, C I E.). Address : Coldingham Lodge, Winchfield, Hants. Club : East India United Service, St. James' Square. (04298) BRUCE, Charles Matthewes, O.B.E. BRUCE, Brig.-Gen. Clarence Dalrymple, C.B.E. Major W. Riding Regt. (ret.) ; T. Brig.-Gen. ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (M1485) BRUCE, Lady Constance Veronica, M.B.E, 6. 24 Feb. 1880 ; d. of the late Victor Alexander, 9th Earl of Elgin and Kincardine (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ. : Privately. Presi dent, County Nursing Association, Fife ; Vice-President. West Fife District, Scottish Branch, British Red Cross Society; President, Women's Rural Institute, Limekilns and Charles- town ; Vice-President, Culross and Torryburn District Nursing Association. War Work : Red Cross Organisation ; Nursing in Military Hospitals. Address : BroomhaU, Dunfermline. Club : United Societies. (M7528) BRUCE, Edward Walrond de Wells, O.B.E, 6. 22 March, 1863 ; s. of WilUam Downing Bruce, late Judge, F.R.A.S, Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; m. Amy Cecilia, d. of John Timms, B.A, late of Mountside, Victoria, Australia. Educ. : Mr. Foster's, Stubbington, Hants, and H.M.S. "Bri tannia." Late R.N. and retired Commander, P. & O. Company ; Member of Harrow Urban District CouncU ; Poor Law Guardian. War Work : In command of Naval Hospital Ship " Plassy," 4 Aug. 1914, to May, 1918, hence to end of War in command of the same ship (turned into a troopship), bringing American Troops over from New York to Glasgow and Liver pool. Address : Garlet, Harrow-on-the-Hill. (01153) BRUCE, Elizabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Thomas Healey, of Clapham, S.W. ; m. Herbert Bruce, M.A, F.R.Hist.S.; s. of A. Bruce, of Batley, Yorkshire. Educ. : Royal CoUege of Science. War Work : War Trade InteUigence Department, 1916-19 (Translator ; Assistant Establishment Officer). Address : 57. Cardiff Road. Llandaff, South Wales. (M1485) BRUCE, EUen Maud, Lady, O.B.E, 6. 10 Oct. 1848 ; d. of Percy Ricardo, D.L, J.P, of Bramley Park, Surrey ; m. Sir Hervey J. LI. Bruce, Bart, s. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir H. Hervey Bruce, Bart, P.C, of DownhiU, Londonderry. War Work : Commandant and Treasurer V.A.D. Hospital, West Bridgford, Nottingham ; Hospital opened on 25 Jan. 1915, with 20 beds ; closed 31 March. 1919, with 150 beds. Addresses : Clifton HaU, Nottingham ; DownhiU, Londonderry, Ireland. (0186) BRUCE, Evelyn Susan, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Major W. T. Bruce, of Leserragh. Educ. : Privately. War Work : St. John Ambulance and Red Cross Society ; Hon. Sec, Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society. Address : Leserragh, Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary. (M7529 BRUCE, Finetta Madeline JuUa, the Hon. Mrs. Charles GranvUle, M.B.E. BRUCE, George, M.B.E, fi. 30 May, 1860 ; s. of Robert Bruce, of Longside, Aberdeenshire ; m. May Mary, d. of George May, of Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire and has issue Capt. George Robert Brace, O.B.E, q.v. Educ. : PubUc Schools, Aberdeenshire. Chief Constable and Procurator Fiscal of Dunfermline ; Author of several weU-known articles on Criminal Investigation, Prevention of Crime, JuvenUe Offenders, etc. ; for more than a quarter of a century an active member of the Executive and Staff Committees of the S.P.C.C. in Scotland ; gave evidence before several Govern ment Departmental Committees ; acted on various Committees in the interests of Service Men, P. of W, etc. ; performed im portant Imperial Duties and War Services during and since the Great War, for which he received the thanks of the Home Secretary, the Secretary for Scotland, Admiralty, 'War Office, etc. ; the recipient of a special letter of thanks from the U.S. Government for services rendered to the U.S. Fleet ; present at the surrender of the German Fleet, 20 Nov. 1918. Address : Glenugie, Dunfermline. (M7530) BRUCE, Capt. George Robert, O.B.E., R.A.M.C (S.R.), 6. 19 July, 1884; s. of George Bruce, of 3, Transv Place, Dun fermline ; m. Gertrude Ethel Ratledge, of Southport. Educ : DunfermUne High School, St. Andrews and Edinburgh Univs. Medical Officer of Health and School Medical Officer to the Borough of Jarrow-on-Tvne. War Work : Specialist Sanitary Officer, Wylye VaUey, Salisbury Plain ; Specialist Sanitary Officer, Malta Command. Address : 22, Bede Burn Road, Jarrow. (O6950) BRUCE, Lieut. (T. Capt.) Ian Robert, M.B.E.. 6. 22 June, 1890 ; s. of Eric Stuart Bruce, of Airth, Sunningdale. Educ. : Beaumont CoU. Staff Captain, 84th Infantry Brigade, Army of the Black Sea. War Work : Enlisted in Honourable ArtiUery Co. Aug. 1914, and proceeded to France with 1st Batt. in Sept. 1914, and served in France and Belgium until AprU, 1915; entered R.M.C, Sandhurst, May, 1915, and gazetted as 2nd Lieut, in Q.O. Cameron Highlanders, Sept. 1915 ; joined 1st Batt. in France in Oct. 1915, and served in Salonica from Oct. 1916, to end of war ; mentioned in despatches by General Milne on two occasions. Address : Airth. Sunningdale. (M4771) BRUCE, Major James Comyn Lewis Knight, O.B.E. BRUCE, Lieut.-Col. John, O B.E BRUCE, Capt. John, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.). BRUCE, John Charles, O.B.E, 6. 1880. Manager, PubUcity Business throughout Scotland and North of England. 88 BIOGRAPHIES. Bryant War Work : Acted as Organiser to the Scottish War Savings Committee ; organised the Food Economy Campaign in Scotland and conducted the " Tank " " War Weapons Week " and other War Bond Campaigns in Scotland. Address : 38 West Savile Terrace, Edinburgh. (010063) BRUCE, Marion, Mrs., O.B.E. BRUCE, Mary Elizabeth, Lady, O.B.E, R.R C ; d. of John Lisson Steele, of Reigate ; to. Maj.-Gen. Sir David Bruce, K.C.B. (Mil.), C.B. (Civil), F.R.CS. (see Burke's Peerage), s. of David Bruce, of StirUng. Received the R.R.C for work in Ladysmith during the siege, other than nursing work. War Work : During the Great War, work in connection with War Office Committees on Tetanus and Trench Fever ; Member of Committee of R.A.M.C. Comforts and Prisoners of War Fund. Addresses: Artillery Mansions, Victoria Street; Lister Institute, Chelsea Gardens, S.W. 1. Club : Forum. (010064) BRUCE, Maye Emily, M.B.E, 6. 1879; d. of Samuel Bruce, of Norton HaU. Educ : At home. War Work : Red Cross Work, Commandant of Hospital for 60 beds. Addresses : Norton HaU, Campden, Gloucestershire ; 23, Cromwell Road, London, S.W. 7. (M182) BRUCE, Robert Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 15 AprU, 1869; s. of Robert Bruce, of Bristol. ; m Alice, d. of Edward Vaughan, of Barton Grange, near Taunton. Educ: Clifton CoU, Bristol. CivU and Mechanical Engineer. 1896-1901, Asst. Engineer, Brennan Torpedo Works, Chatham, assisting inventor Louis Brennan, C.B, in design of torpedo and its installation ; 1902-4, Asst. Works Manager, Joshua Buckton & Co, Leeds; 1904-7, Director and Works Manager, Joshua Buckton & Co, Leeds; 1907-10, Asst. Engineer to Louis Biennan, C.B, assisting in development of Brennan Gyrostatic Mono-rail system of transport ; 1910-12, Engineer, Hick, Hargreaves & Co, Bolton ; 1912-13, Engineer and Manager, British and Colonial Aeroplane Co, Bristol; 1914, Consulting Engineer (Aircraft) to Greek Government. War Work : 1914-15, Lieut, R.N.V.R, Royal Naval Air Service ; 1915, Manager, Westland Aircraft Works, YeovU (Branch of Petters, Ltd.) ; 1916, Manager, Westland Aircraft Works and Director Petters, Ltd. ; 1918, Joint Managing Director, Petters, Ltd, Yeovil, and Manager, Westland Aircraft Works. Address : The Knoll, YeovU. Club : Constitutional. (010065) BRUCE, Robert Randal, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 17 July, 1868; s. of George R. Bruce, of St. Helena ; to. May, d. of Fredk. J. Broadway, of St. Helena. Educ. : Head School, St. Helena. Colonial Treasurer ; Harbour Master ; Shipping Master. War Work : Special services rendered as Reporting Officer in connection with Shipping, and duties performed while in charge of Guard Boat, etc. Address: The Castle, St. Helena. (M1254) BRUCE, Capt. Wilfred Montagu, C.B.E.. R.N.R, fi. 26 Oct. 1874 ; 4th s. of the Rev. Lloyd Stewart Bruce, M.A, Canon of York, Rector of Stokesley, Northallerton, and Chaplain to the Archbishop of York ; g.s. of Sir James Robertson Bruce, 2nd Bt. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. 25 Nov. 1913, Dorothy Florence, d. of Sir Jesse Boot, Bt. (see Burke's Peerage). Awarded Polar Medal, 1913, for the Scott Expedition. (C881) BRUCE, Violet Dorothy Evelyn, Hon. Mrs. G. J. G., M.B.E. BRUCE, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam, O.B.E, M.B, N.Z.A.M.D., fi. 12 July, 1887 ; s. of James Bruce, W.S, of Edinburgh ; m. Martha Louisa, d. of Arthur Reed, of Sunderland. Educ. : Stubbuigton ; Edinburgh Academy ; and Edinburgh Univ. A.D.M.S. Otago MiUtary District, New Zealand. War Work : N.Z.E.F. 1915-19. Now Capt. R.A.M.C Address: R.A.M.C. Records. Club : British Empire. (03241) BRUCE, WUUam Joseph, O.B.E. BRUCE, WUUam Joseph Willett, O.B.E. BRUCE, WilUam Robert, O.B.E. (011931) BRUCE, Sqdn.-Leader WUUam Robert, O.B.E. BRUCE, Charles BRUDENELL-, M.B.E, 6. 6 March, 1885 ; s. of Lord Robert BrudeneU-Bruce, of Hayling Island, Hants (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Else, d. of Capt. C Drechsel, of Danish Navy. Educ : Harrow. Honorary Attache, British Legation, Copenhagen, 1908-10 ; War Work : War Trade Department, 1915 ; Acting Second Secretary, British Legation, Christiania, 1916-19 ; Assistant Commissioner and Secretary-General, Slesvig Plebiscite Commission, 1919-20. Club: St. James's. (M1484) BRUEN, Capt. WiUiam, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 17 April, 1876 ; s. of John Bruen, of Royal Irish Constabulary, Collooney, Co. Sligo ; m. Agnes, d. of Jeremiah Mulvey, of Castlebar, Ireland. Educ. : Camphill, Collooney, and Christian Brothers', Castlebar. War Work : Served with the Connaught Rangers (2nd Batt.) with the first Army ; took part at Mons, the Retreat, the Maine, the Aisne, also 1st Battle of Calais ; slightly wounded Sept. 1914, dangerously Oct. 1914; promoted 2nd Lieut, for " Service in the Field," 1914 ; mentioned in despatches Oct. 1914 ; awarded the French Medaille Militaire, also the military Cross, appointed Assistant Embarkation Staff Officer at North WaU, Dublin, 1915, and was twice mentioned for valuable services and awarded the O.B.E. for duties in the same capacity. Club : Yacht and Boat (Clontarf, Co. Dublin). (08737) BRUFFA, John, M.B.E. Chief Press Censor and Censor ship Establishment Officer, Malta. (M10257d) BRUGGY, Lieut.-Col. Stephen, D.S.O, O.B.E. Lieut.-Col. AustraUan Commonwealth Forces; S. African War, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with four clasps); Great War, 1914-18 (des patches, 4th class Serbian Order of the White Eagle). (03232) BRUMELL, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1 Aug. 18B5 ; d. of George Browne Collins, of St. Columb, CornwaU ; m. Francis, ' 89 s. of Francis Brumell, of Morpeth, Northumberland. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Treasurer and Quartermaster of No. 6 V.A. Hospital, Morpeth, Northumbeiland. Address : Fulbeck, Morpeth. (M3546) BRUMWELL, Rev. Donald Stanley, O.B.E , A.I.F. BRUNE, Cecely AUce PRIDEAUX-, M.B.E, d. of Sir PhUip Grey Egerton, Bart, of Oulton Park, Tarporley (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Denys Edward, s. of Col. C Prideaux-Brune, of Prideaux Place, Cornwall (see Burke's Landed Gentry). War Work : V.A.D. (nursing member) Portal Auxiliary Hospital Cheshire, and Coltesbrooke War Hospital, 1914-15 ; Com mandant V.A.D. 140 London ; Commandant in charge Nielka Auxiliary Hospital, Streatham Common. (M7532) BRUNO, Capt. Hugh Alan BRUNO-, M.B.E, Hampshire Regt, 6. 4 Sept. 1897; s. of Lieut.-Col. H. W. B. Bruno, of The Moorings, Chandlers Ford, Hants Educ. : King Edward VI. Grammar School, Southampton. War Work : Commis sioned to the Hampshire Regt. March, 1915 ; served throughout war in Balkans with 10th Batt. the Hampshire Regt. Address : The Moorings, Chandlers Ford, Hants (M4772) BRUNSKILL, Catherine Lavinia, Mrs., C.B.E, fi. 15 Aug. 1891 ; d. of Robert Bennett, of Eastbourne ; m. Major George Stephen, M.C, of the King's Shropshire Light Iafantry, s. of the late Major Arthur Stephen Brunskill, Major of " The King's Own," and West India Regt. Educ. : Zlon House Convent, Bayswater, and Elstree. War Work : Private Secretary to General Sir Nevil Maoready, G.C.M.G, K.C.B, Adjutant-General to the Forces, War Office ; Private Secretary to Chief Commissioner of Metropolitan PoUce, New Scotland Yard. Address : 135, Sloane Street, London, S.W. 1. (C963) BRUNSKILL, Lieut.-Col. John Handfleld, D.S.O, O.B.E. BRUNTON, Guy, O.B.E, F.R.A.I, 6. 18 July, 1878; s. of Spencer Brunton, of 84, Brook Street, W. ; m. Winifred Mabel, d. of Charles Newberry, of Orange Free State Educ. : Privately, and University CoU, London. Archaeologist, attached to British School of Archaeology in Egypt. War Work : 2 years Pay-Sergeant, British Red Cross Hospital, Netley ; i months Artists' Rifles ; 2 years Labour Corps (France). Address : 2, Regent's Court, Park Road, London, N.W. 1. (05054) BRUNTON, John Dixon, O.B.E, B.Met, F.C.S, 6. 1872 ; s. of W. N. Brunton, of Edinburgh ; to. Helen Edwards, d. of JamesBanks, J.P, of Pittcadie. Educ. : Edinburgh Institution and Sheffield Univ. War Work : Invented aerial bomb proof netting ; produced stream line wires for aeroplanes ; first manufacture of submarine indicator nets ; sat on many Technical Panels, re aircraft material. Address : Inveresk Lodge, Midlothian. Ctofis : R.A.C. ; R.S.A.C. (Glasgow). (010067) BRUNTON, John Norman, O.B.E. BRUNTON, Robert Godfree, M.B.E. BRUNYATE, Bertha Maud Vipond, Lady, M.B.E. ; d. of Andrew Davies, J.P. ; to. Sir WUliam Brunyate, s. of the Rev. W. Brunyate. War Work : V.A.D. Cairo (Australian Gen. Hosp. No. 2, etc,) and Red Cross Librarian, Cairo. Address : Boxford, Suffolk. (M7533) BRUTY, Capt. WUUam Glynes, M.B.E. BRYAN, Lieut. Godfrey Middleton Eric, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. BRYAN, John Lockton, M.B.E. BRYAN, Lieut. Thomas Edward, M.B.E. BRYANS, Capt. Maurice, O.B.E, R.A.S.C BRYANT, Lieut.-Col. AUred Rolfe, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 19 Feb. 1881 ; s. of Edward Bryant, of Harold Wood Hall, Essex ; m. Marta Maria, d. of Frederic Krebs, of Copenhagen. Educ. : Forest School, Essex. War Work : Commandant of Gt. Yarmouth, Jan. to June, 1915 ; Commanding 4th Reserve Batt. Essex Regt. untU disbanded, 1919. (O3098) BRYANT, Charles WUUam, C.B.E. Managing Director of Brotherhoods (Ltd.). Address: Westwood House, Peter borough. (C12) BRYANT, Sir Francis Morgan, C B.E,3I.V.O. (4th Class), I.S.O, 6. 13 March, 1859 ; s. of the late Thomas Bryant, of Lowestoft ; to. May, d. of H. W. Edmunds, of Edgbaston. Secretary of the King's Private Secretary's Office and Assistant Keeper of the King's Archives since 1913 and Registrar of the Royal Victorian Order since 1916 ; served on the Staff of Roval Commission for Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1875-6 ; Paris Universal Exhibition, 1877-8 ; Melbourne International Exhibition, 1879-81 ; Secretary to the Comptroller and Treasurer, Marlborough House, 1881- 1901 ; and Chief Clerk to King Edward VII. (when Prince of Wales), 1893-1901 ; Asst.-Sec to His Majesty's Privy Purse, 1901-10 ; Asst.-Sec. and in charge of the King's Private Secretary's Office, 1910-12. Address : 17, Lower Grosvenor Place, S.W. 1. (C119) BRYANT, Frederick, O.B.E. BRYANT, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Carkeet, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 10 Dec. 1879 ; s. of the late Theodore Henry Bryant, of Juniper Hill, Mickleham ; to. Rosamund, d. of Philip Beres- ford Beresford-Hope, of Bedgebury Park, Goudhurst. Educ. : Harrow and Royal MiUtary Academy. Royal Field ArtUlery. War Work : Commanded Allied Forces in Togoland, 1914 ; served in France, 1915-17 ; wounded, 1917 ; Home Service, 1918 ; Officier du Legion d'honneur, 1914 ; Bt. Lieut.-Col, Jan. 1918. Address : 2, Cumberland Mansions, Bryanston Square, W. 1. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Bath. (C1486) BRYANT, Major George Herbert, O.B.E. BRYANT, Herbert WiUiam, M.B.E. BRYANT, Mary Louisa, M.B.E, d. of Rev. W. F. Bryant, Bryant THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Vicar of St. Mary's, TyndaU's Park, Clifton, Bristol. Educ. : Eastbourne and abroad. Com. B.R.C.S, 126, Somerset; Sec. and Treasurer Bristol Church Day Schools, Women's Branch. War Work : Nurse, etc, at Faye House Hospital, Leigh Woods, Bristol ; Commandant, Ashton Court Officers' Hospital, Long Ashton, Somerset, from opening tiU the close in Aug. 1919. Address : 4, The Paragon, Clifton. Club : Clifton Ladies'. (M7534) BRYANT, Capt. Robert Francis, O.B E, R.A.S. BRYANT, Robert WilUam, M.B.E. BRYANT, Major Thomas Hedley, M.B.E, fi. 10 July, 1865 ; War Work : Hon. Sec. Local Committee of the Bast Suffolk War Relief Fund ; Hon. Sec. Local Committee, East Suffolk Pensions Committee ; County Adjutant Suffolk Volunteer Regt. Address : Martletwye, Beach Road East, Felixstowe, Suffolk. (M5118) BRYANT, Capt. Walter Edward George, M.B.E, R.A F. BRYANT, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E. (M10247) BRYCE, Capt. Francis, O.B.E, K.R.R.C. BRYCE, James McKie, C.B.E. BRYDON, James Herbert, C.B.E, 6. 19 March, 1881 ; 8. ot James Lockhart Brydon, of Bramhall Park, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. Educ. : RossaU and Pembroke, Cambridge. Solicitor. War Work : Hon. County Secretary and Treasurer B.R.C.S. (Cheshire Branch), Nov. 1914, to Aug. 1917 ; Hon. County Director for Red Cross and St. John (Cheshire), Aug. 1917, to date. Addresses : BramhaU Park, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire ; 56a Mosley St, Manchester-. Clubs : Constitutional, Manchester, and PubUc Schools, London. BRYDONE. James Marr, O.B.E, M.B. BRYETT, Henry, O.B.E, 6. 12 Sept. 1873 ; s. of Henry Bryett, of Southchurch, Essex ; m. Edith Mary, d. of Ralph Hooper, of Hornchurch, Essex. Educ. : Culham. Board of Education. War Work : Organised War Savings in Durham County with 60 Committees and 1800 Associations ; Hon. Sec. to Durham County Committee for War Savings and Food Economy. Address: 24, Newlands Avenue, West Hartlepool. (010069) BRYNING, Emma Jane, M.B.E. BRYSON, Lieut.-Charles, M.B.E. BRYSON, Frederick Francis Smith, M.B.E, M.A, B.Sc, fi. 9 May, 1884 ; s. of WUUam Bryson, of Kilsyth, Stirlingshire. Educ. : Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities. War Work : Sub-Section Director, Scientific and Technical Branch, Optical Munitions and Glassware Supply Department, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 12, Oppidans Road, London, N.W. 3. (M185) BUBB, Charles Henry, O.B.E, L.R.C.P, M.R.C.S, L.D.S. (Eng.). Edue. : Wycliffe Coll. and Guy's Hospital. War Work : Hon. Dental Surgeon, King George MUitary Hospital, 1915-19, in connection with the treatment of jaw and facial injuries. Addresses : 1, Burlington Gardens, W. ; Justacot, Chorley Wood. (011794) BUCHAN, Lieut. Andrew, M.B.E. R.A. BUCHAN, Lieut.-Col. Charles Forbes, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. T.F. Reserve ; sometime Dep. Assist. Director to Under Sec. of State for War ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1487) BUCHAN, Eng.-Lieut. John Robertson, O.B.E, R.N. BUCHAN, Capt. Robert, M.B.E, R.N.R. BUCHAN, WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 28 July, 1874 ; s. of Edward Buchan, of Peterhead ; m. Helen, d. of — McBoyle, of Banffshire. Educ. : PubUc School, Peterhead. Chief Barrack Master, H.M. Naval Hutments, Invergordon. War Work : Supervision of aU bUleting, etc, arrangements for men employed at H.M. Dockyard, Invergordon. Address : H.M. Hutments, Invergordon. (M7535) BUCHANAN, Andrew, M.B.E, J.P. (County of London), fi. 12 Oct. 1870 ; s. of Andrew Buchanan, of Murrayfield, Edinburgh ; m. Henrietta Frances, d. of Capt. J. H. Smith, Indian Army. Educ. : Royal High School and Daniel Stewart's CoU, Edinburgh. Labour Adviser, Ministry of Food ; FeUow of Royal Colonial Institute ; Trade Union Founder and Branch President ; Lecturer on Industrialism, Economics, and Trade Unionism ; Borough CounciUor of Paddington for 10 years. War Work : Labour Adviser, Ministry of Food ; Lecturer for Central Patriotic Committee ; Lecturer for Y.M.C.A. to MUitary Camps. Address : 84, Hotham Road, Putney, S.W. 15. (M7536) BUCHANAN, Archibald Samuel, M.B.E, 6. 25 Dec 1873. Superintendent of PoUce, WUtshire Constabulary. War Work : In charge of the Amesbury PoUce Division of Wiltshire (which includes SaUsbury Plain) MiUtary District Address : Police Station, Amesbury. (M7537) ^f?CHANAN' Lieut.-Col. Arthur Louis HamUton, BUCHANAN, Comm. Frederic Gray, O.B.E, R.N, fi. 21 Sept. 1887 ; s. of M. R. Gray Buchanan, O.B.E, of Ettrick- dale, Bute ; m. Hilary Joyce, d. of M. R. Morrow, of HalUax. Educ. : Summer Fields, near Oxford. War Work : Lieut.- Commander H.M.S. "Newcastle," 1914-16; H.M.S. " Devon shire, 1916-19 ^Atlantic Convoy service. Address: Ettrick- dale, Port Bannatyne, Bute. (O9066) f J^H£HAH' Lieut.-Col. Henry Meredith, O.B.E, M.B. . BH-v, ,NA^' Jam£s Courtney, C.B.E, fi. 19 Sept. 1877; s. of Iheodoie James Buchanan, of Heme, Kent ; to. Frauces Marjory d. of George Forbes Bassett, M.A. (Oxon.), of Bassett Mount, Bassett, near Southampton. Educ. : Christ's Hospital, London (Grecian) ; Univ. of London ; MitcheU Scholarship for Classics and English Literature. Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's 90 Inn ; late Secretary and House Governor of MetropoUtan Hospital, London ; appointed Secretary of the Cancer Hospital, London, 14 March, 1920 ; Officer in charge of MiUtary Section (302 beds) of Metropolitan Hospital, London (1914-19). Address : The Lodge, 28, Willoughby Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. 3. (C2482) BUCHANAN, Capt. James Frederick, M.B.E. BUCHANAN, Jane, O.B.E, 6. 17 Aug. 1871 ; d. of Alexander Buchanan, of Mount Prospect, Dungiven, Londonderry. Lady Superintendent, Post Office Savings Bank. War Work : Official work greatly augmented by the various War Loans, etc. ; President of the Savings Bank Branch of Queen Mary's Needlework Guild. Address : 9, Exchange Mansions, Golders Green Road, N.W. 4. Club : Forum. (0188) BUCHANAN, Joseph Andrew WiUiam, C.B.E, 6. 19 AprU, 1865 ; s. of Joseph Buchanan, of Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; to. Caroline Hannah, d. of Henry Hanning, of Calcutta. Educ: Privately. Comptroller of Accounts H.M. Office of Works. Address: 12, Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge WeUs. (C2483) BUCHANAN, Margaret, Mrs, M.B.E. BUCHANAN, Lieut.-Col. Michael Rowland Gray, O.B.E. BUCHANAN, Rhoda Agnes, Mrs, M.B.E. BUCHANAN, Robert John, O.B.E, 6. 1 March, 1871. Deputy Chief Constable, WUtshire Constabulary. War Work : In charge of the WUtshire Constabulary during the absence on Service of Lieut.-Col. Hoel Llewellyn, D.S.O, Chief Constable of WUtshire. Address : Central PoUce Station, Devizes. (010070) BUCHANNAN, Lieut. George Herbert, O.B.E. BUCK, Edward Horace, M.B.E, 6. 1 Dec. 1852; m. Tamzon Eliza, d. of George Parker, of Portsmouth. Educ: City of London School. Outfitter ; formerly Master Tailor, R.M.L.I, Gosport. War Work : Had charge of National Registration from Aug. 1915, to April, 1919, which was an honorary position. Address : 40, High Street, Dartford. (M7538) BUCK, Edward John, C.B.E. Hon. Sec. of *' Our Day" in India. (C699) BUCK, Frank Steele, M.B.E, fi. 20 Feb. 1878 ; s.of William Richard Buck, of West Ham House, West Ham, Essex ; m. Margaret Helen Hearne, s. of Thomas Bond, F.R.CS., of Westminster. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' - School, London. War Work : Explosives Department, Ministry of Munitions. Addresses : Bembridge, Avenue Road, St. Albans ; 22, Austin Friars, London, E.C. ; Stock Exchange, E.C. (M1488) BUCK, Henry, O.B.E. (051195 BUCK, Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E. BUCK, Phillip, O.B.E, J.P. Rendered valuable war services in Tottenham. (011896) BUCKINGHAM, Sir Henry CecU, Kt., C.B.E.; s. of Joseph Hicks Buckingham, of Truro, and Lancaster Gate, and Lucy Webster, d. of Benjamin HaUiweU, of Leeds ; m. Madeleine, d. of WiUiam Bull, of Hove, Sussex., Educ : Harrow ; France. Joined the firm of J. H. Buckingham & Co, Ltd, 1886 ; Governing Director since 1899 ; Chairman, Commissioners of Taxes, Holborn Division ; Arbitrator, City of London Court of Arbitration ; Sheriff of Loudon, 1910-11 ; Master Skinners' Company, 1918-19 ; Member of City of Lon don Advisory Committee, 1916 : Member MUitary Service Com mittee, Ministry of National Service ; Chairman, Board of Trade Section, 1918. Addresses : 15, Hans Place, S.W. 1 ; Seale Lodge, Farnham ; Ropemaker Street, E.C. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Sports ; Ranelagh ; M.CC (C2484) BUCKINGHAM, James Frank, O.B.E, 6. 1886 ; s. of the late Sir James Buckingham, of Assam, India. Educ. : Kelly Coll, Tavistock, Devon. Engineer ; partner in firm of J. F. Buckingham, Engineer, Spon Street, Coventry. War Work: Inventor and manufacturer of the Buckingham Incendiary Bullet used for the destruction of Zeppelins, Kite BaUoons, and Aeroplanes. The firm manufactured large quantities for the British Government and AUies, over 26,000,000 being supplied during the war. Address : Dunstan House, Elmdon. near Birmingham. (010071) BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Sir Sidney Carr Hobart- Hampden-Mercer-Henderson, 7th Earlof,Bt, O.B.E, J.P., D.L, Baron Hobart, Lord-in- Waiting, 1895 (assumed by Royal License in 1903, the additional name of Mercei -Henderson), 6. 14 March, I860; to. Georgiana, d. of Hon. H. Duncan Mercer-Henderson, d. of 1st Earl of Camperdown (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ: Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Addresses: Hampden House. Great Missenden. Bucks. ; FordeU, Inver- keithing, Fife. Club : Brooks's. (06953) BUCKLAND, AUred Virgoe, O.B.E. BUCKLAND, Isabel Maud, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 1880 ; d. ot Edwin Peters, of 29, Grimston Gardens, Folkestone ; m. Harry, s. of John Carey Buckland, of Goldwell, Great Chart, Kent. Educ. : Cheltenham Ladies' CoU. Commandant V.A.D. K/48 (since 1912) ; Hon. Sec. Ashford Branch N.C.W. ; Hon. Sec. E. Kent, for Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society ; Ashford District Commissioner for Girl Guides. War Work: Com mandant K/48 and officer-in-charge Ashford V.A.D. Hospitals and Woodchurch Hospital (Hendon Place), 1914-19; officer- in-charge Swanton House Pensions' Hospital. Address: ChUmington House, Great Chart, near Ashford, Kent. Clubs : New Century; V.A.D. (M7539) BUCKLAND, Major Lionel, O.B.E, 6. 10 Dec. 1870; s. of Stephen Vine Buckland, of Geelong, Victoria, Australia, BIOGRAPHIES. Bugden Educ : Rugby School ; Melbourne Univ. Qualified Solicitor ; Journalist. War Work: Lieut.-Commander, Hood Batt. Royal Naval Division, Sept. 1914, Dardanelles ; transferred to R.A.S.C. as Major, March, 1916 ; served as Deputy Inspector Camel Transport Corps, Egypt, Western Front, Palestine, and Syria, till March, 1919. Address : Bulkeley, Alexandria, Egypt. Clubs : Union ; Alexandria ; Athenaeum ; Melbourne. (06150) BUCKLAND, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Philip Peroival, M.B.E. BUCKLAND, RawUn George Samuel, M.B.E, 6. 6 Sept 1853 ; s. of the Rev. Samuel Buckland, M.A, of Great Torring- ton, North Devon : to. Lucy Beatrice, d. of Charles Richard Jones, M.D, of Great Torrington. Educ. : Privately. Super intendent (retired) Foreign Service, Eastern Extension Austra lasian and China Telegraph Co. War Work : Commandant V.A.D. 108 Devon (Hospital of 100 beds): Military Repre sentative and National Service Representative, Torrington Borough Tribunal ; Lance-corporal V.T.C ; Pte, Devon Motor Volunteer Corps ; Special Constable ; Press Censor for Local Papers. Address : 26 South Street, Torrington. (M7540) BUCKLE, Lieut.-Col. Cuthbert, C.B.E, 6. 19 March, 1885, s. of Henry Rogers Buckle, of Gravesena ; to. Edith Marion, d. of John Kennedy Barlow, of Gravesend. Educ: University of London ; City and GuUds of London Institute. Assessor and Surveyor to the Insurance Offices and to Lloyds' Under writers; Managing Director of Ellis & Buckle, Ltd. War Work : Lieut.-Col. R.A. ; Anti- Aircraft Defence Comm, London Air Defences. Adiresses : 9, Walbrook, E.C. : St. Aubin, Cross Lane, Gravesend. (C1488) BUCKLE, Ethel Agnes, Mrs., M.B.E. BUCKLER, Georgina GrenfeU, Mrs., C.B.E. In Enquiry Depart, for wounded and missing, Red Cross Soe. (C247) BUCKLETON, AUee Australia Gertrude, O.B.E. BUCKLEY, Arthur Burton, O.B.E, 6. 15 Aug. 1877; s. of Arthur Burton Buckley, of Genoa, Italy; m. Sturata Frances, d. of Franz Weyermann, of Hager Hof, Honnef, Germany. Educ. : St. Paul's School, and City and Guilds of London Institute. Egyptian Irrigation Service. War Work : In Mesopotamia with Sir John Hewett, G.S.C.I, CLE, in vestigating military expenditure. Clubs : Turf (Cairo) ; Royal Thames Yacht. (O10072) BUCKLEY, Major Edward Duncombe Henry, O.B.E, R.A, fi. 2 Aug. 1860; s. of Alfred Buckley, of New Hall, Salisbury; to. EUen CeciUa, d. of Col. F. Pridham, O.S.D. Educ. : Eton and R.M.A. War Work : Serving in Coast Defence, etc. Address : New HaU, Salisbury. Club : TraveUers'. (06954. BUCKLEY, Major Edward John, O.B.E. BUCKLEY, Lieut.-Col. George Alexander McLean, C.B.E, D.S.O, F.R.G.S, 6. Oct. 1866 ; s. of the late George Buckley, of Christ Church, New Zealand ; to. Mabel Gertrude, d. of Francis Robert Warren. Educ. : Christ's College, New Zealand ; Cheltenham CoUege. Retired from Army. War Work : Commanded a battalion in France, 1915-17. Cadet Battalion at Oxford 1918-19. Address : Bunt's End, Leigh, Surrey. Clubs : Bath ; Royal Societies' ; Royal Thames Yacht. (C1489) BUCKLEY, James William, O.B.E, fi. 26 Jan. 1850 ; s. of James Buckley, of Quick Edge, Mossley ; to. Ann Maria, d. of WiUiam Ward, of Manchester. Educ. : Balliol Coll, Oxford. War Work: Deputy MUitary Representative and National Service Representative appearing before Manchester Tribunal. Addresses : Westwood, Altrincham ; Moor Crag, Windermere. Clubs : Clarendon (Manchester) ; Royal Windermere Yacht. (01 0073) BUCKLEY, Joan Brunner, M.B.E. BUCKLEY, Capt. Peter Burton, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. BUCKLEY, Wilfred, C.B.E, 6. 13 June, 1873; s. of Henry Buckley, of Birmingham ; m Bertha T. d. of Herbert L. TerreU, of New York, U.S.A. Educ : Giggleswick School. War Work: Director of MUk Supplies, Ministry of Food, 1917- 20 ; Technical Advisor to Food ControUer ; Member War Agricul tural Executive Committee, Hampshire ; Committee on the Production and Distribution of MUk ; Poultry Advisory Committee. Address : Moundsmere Manor, Basingstoke. Clubs: Royal Automobile ; Hampshire (Winchester). (C2481) BUCKLEY, WilUam, C.B.E., J.P, CC ; s. of Joseph Buckley, of Higher Broughton, Manchester ; m. Kate Lewtas, d. of John Carter, of Fleetwood, Lancs. Educ. : Privately. J.P. County Borough of Salford and County of Flint ; Member Flint County Council, Education, and Insurance Committees ; Chairman Meadowslea (Flintshire) Tuberculosis Hospital ; Vice-Chairman Llangwyfan Sanatorium Committee, Denbigh shire ; Governor and Member of CouncU King Edward Memorial Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis ; War Work : Chair man N. Wales Munition Committee (covering five counties) ; Chairman Leeswood Auxiliary Red Cross Hospital, Mold ; assisted in recruiting in County of Flint. Address : Hafod, Mold, N.Wales ; Club : Clarendon ; Manchester. (C448) BUCKLEY, Dr. Winifred Finnimore, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 18 Oct. 1883 ; d. of Robert Burton Buckley, C.S.I. Educ. : Kensington High School, Newnham CoU, Cambridge, and Royal Free Hospital. Physician and Surgeon, Temporary Assistant Physician and Registrar Roll of Honour Hospital for Children, Harrow Road ; Demonstrator of Anatomy, London School of Medicine for Women, 8, Hunter Street, W.C. War Work: Assistant Surgeon and later Surgeon at the MiUtary Hospital, EndeU Street, from May, 1915, to Nov. 1919. Addresses : Roll of Honour Hospital for Children, 688, Harrow Road ; 44, Clanricarde Gardens, London, W. 2. (011795) BUCKMAN, James, M.B.E. BUCKMASTER, Dorothy Mary, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 26 July, 1885 ; d. of WUliam John Dyer, of 1, Sydney Place, Onslow Square, S.W. 7 ; to. Martin Arnold, s. of John Charles Buck- master, of Hampton Wick. Educ. : Kensington and Clapham High Schools and Royal CoUege of Art. War Work : 3 years as officer in War Trade Intelligence Dept. ; 0 months in Disposal Board. Address : 17, Coleheme Mansions, West Bolton Gardens, London, S.W. 5. Club : Halcyon. (M7542) BUCKMASTER, Harry Cuthbert, O.B.E. BUCKMASTER, Major Henry Stephen Guy, O.B.E. BUCKMASTER, William, O.B.E. BUCKNALL, Nathalie, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 21 July, 1895; d. of Councillor of State Ivan de Fedenko, of Petrograd ; to. Lieut.-Comm. George, R.N.V.R, s. of Charles Herbert BucknaU, of London. Educ : St. Anne's Coll, Petrograd. War Work : July, 1914, to Sept. 1915, Czarevitch Alexei's Hospital, Petro grad ; 1915-17, Hospital Trains of T.I.H. Grand Duchess Tatiana and Grand Duehess Marie, as voluntary sister of the Kaufman Sisterhood (awarded Gold Medal of St. Anne for these services) ; 1919 (voluntary), Sister-in-Charge of the aid-post of British Mil. Mission, Ekaterinodar, S. Russia, while her husband was Naval Liaison Officer there (May to Aug.). Address : 3, Kensington Hall Gardens, W. 14. (M7543) BUCKNALL, Capt. Roger, O.B.E. BUCKNALL, Capt. WilUam Beverley, O.B.E. BUCKNELL, Norman Charles, O.B.E. (011958) BUCKNER, Albert Walter, M.B.E, L.A.M.T.P.I, 6. 13 Jan. 1876 ; s. of Thomas William Buckner, of Stoke Row, Oxon ; m. EUen Mercy, d. of Edwin Hatton, of Reading. Educ. : Reading Blue Coat School. Clerk to TUbury Urban District Council and as such responsible for aU negotiations on Tilbury Extended Housing Scheme for erection of 1520 work men's dwelUngs and construction of important reinforced con crete roads and flood prevention works, whole scheme, costing upwards of two miUion pounds, having been definitely sanc tioned and contracts placed. War Work : Executive Food Officer for Tilbury (including Docks) ; Local Fuel Overseer for Tilbury ; Hon. Sec. Tilbury War Pensions Committee, Air Raid Emergency Committee, Local Coal Distribution Com mittee ; Hon. Auditor, Tilbury Supplementary Aid Fund for Discharged Soldiers and Sailors ; Clerk to Tilbury War Housing Committee in carrying out erection of 150 workmen's dwellings for transport workers during war. Addresses : Clontarf, Dell Road, Grays ; Council Offices, Tilbury. (M7544) BUCKNER, Frederick Peroival, M.B.E. BUCKNER, Lieut. Johnstone Stanley, M.B.E, R.N. BUCKNILL, Lieut. Thomas Alfred Townsend, O.B.E. BUDD, Sir Cecil Lindsay, K.B.E, Officer of the Legion of Honour, 6. 29 Sept. 1865 ; s. of Edward Budd, of Vale Lodge, Leatherhead ; to. Muriel Edmee, d. of Wilfrid A. Bevan, of Combe Court. Educ : Winchester CoUege. Chair man of the London Metal Exchange. War Work : Various Committees of the Board of Trade, Ministry of Munitions, and Ministry of Reconstruction ; Departmental ControUer in Ministry of Munitions. Addresses : The Briars, Reigate ; 37, St. JamesSs Place, S.W. Clubs : Reform ; Gresham ; M.C.C. (K203) BUDD, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Charles, M.B.E, R.A.V.C. BUDD, Henry George, M.B.E, 6. 28 Aug. 1873; s. of James Budd, of Croydon, Surrey ; m. PrisciUa Penuel, d. of F. M. MacDermott, of Henfleld, Sussex. Educ. : High School, Hungerford. Bank Official. Served in Boer War, 1900, and awarded the Freedom of the City of London. War Work : As a member of the London Scottish, appointed Drill Instructor in Sept. 1914, Paymaster-Sergeant in 1915 ; organised, and appointed Secretary of the London Scottish War Savings Association in 1917. (M7545) BUDDEN, Henry Ebenezer, C.B.E. Organiser of Over seas AustraUan Comforts Fund during Great War. (C358) BUDDLE, Surg.-Lieut. Comdr. Roger, O.B.E, R.N, M.B. BUDGE, Henry, M.B.E, R.N. BUDGE, John, M.B.E. (Merchant Service), 6. 6 AprU, 1868 ; s. of WiUiam Budge, of Kirkhill, Wick ; to. Georgina, d. of William Hendry, of Forse, Caithness. Educ. : Landward School, Wick, Caithness. Superintending Engineer and Ship Surveyor. War Work : Engaged in Merchant Service during war, carrying war material to France, and also in Russia (from Riga to Petrograd) ; took home ship with disabled engines from Sweden to West Hartlepool (voluntarily). Address : 338, Easter Road, Leith, Scotland. (M7546) BUDGE, Lieut. James WUliam, M.B.E. BUDGEN, Capt. WiUiam Douglas, O.B.E, R.A.F. BUDGETT, Georgiana Essie, Mrs., O.B.E. BUELL, Lieut.-Col. William Senkler, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. Canadian Forces ; Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1831) BUFFHAM, Major Lewis WiUiam, O.B.E. BUGDEN, Sara Amy, M.B.E, 6. 15 June. 1855; d. of George Bugden, of Berwick St. John, Wilts. Educ. : Privately. Certified Mistress (Board of Education). War Work : At the outbreak of war was Hon. Divisional Secretary of the Hackney and Stoke Newington Red Cross Division, County of London Branch ; Initiated and organised many Red Cross activities in that Division — help to needy Service men on Sick Furlough ; establishment of the first Auxiliary Hospital in Hackney and organisation of Air Raid ReUef Units. Address : 4, Alcester Crescent, Upper Clapton, E. 5. (M7547) 91 Bugler THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. BUGLER, 2nd Lieut. WUUam Thomas Hansford, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. BUHAGIAR, Peter, M.B.E. ___ _ BUIST, Florence May, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 11 Jan. 1875 ; d. of Rev. J. C Whitley, late Bishop of Chhota Nagpur ; to. Arthur WiUiam Buist. War Work : Red Cross Depot, Rawalpindi ; also visiting soldiers in Hospital and supplying them with comforts. Addresses: c/o Affiance Bank of Simla, Ltd, Rawalpindi, India; c'o H. S. King & Co, 9, Pall Mall, London. (M6114) BUIST, WiUiam Huntley, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 1876; s. of Thos. P. Buist, of Dundee ; m. Jane, d. of J. Seivwright, of Cleveland, U.S.A. Educ. : High School and Harris Academy, Dundee. War Work: 1st Chairman Dundee War Savings Association ; Building Convener, Scotland, for Y.M.C.A. ; Member of Dundee Food Control Committee ; Chairman Advisory Committee Furnishing Trades, etc. Addresses : 15. Albany Terrace, Dundee ; Whitegates, Balmerino, Fife. Clubs : Scottish Liberal ; Glasgow Liberal. (01159) BULKLEY, Mildred Emily, M.B.E. BULL, Annie, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 15 Dec. 1871; d. of Robert Cartmel Fairrie, of Castlerigg, Cumberland; to. Lieut.-Col. George Henry, I.M.S, s. of Joshua Bull, M.D. War Work : Nursing at The Chalet, Hoylake, Cheshire, Sept. 1915, to Jan. 1916 ; served as Quartermaster Jan. 1916, to Nov. 1919, at the Princess Christian MiUtary Hospital, Englefleld Green, Surrey. (M8044) BULL, Edward BAGNALL-, C.B.E. BULL, Esther, Mrs, M.B.E. BULL, Lieut.-Col. Frederick JuUus, O.B.E, T.D, Middle sex Regt, fi. 12 Dec. 1871. War Work: Attached G.H.Q. Med. Exped. Force, 1915-16 ; attached G.H.Q. British Exped. Force, 1916-19 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Addresses : 2, Western Lawns, Hove, Sussex. Clubs : Constitutional ; Fellow Royal Colonial Institute. (02448) BULL, George, C.B.E. Chairman of the Central Council, Forage Dept, Civil Supplies, Board of Trade. (C3133) BULL, George Frederick, O.B.E. BULL, George Lucien, C.B.E. BULL, Maude Ellen, M.B.E. ; d. of Henry Graves Bull, M.D, J.P, of Harley House, Hereford. Associate of Oxford University Extension Delegacy ; Hon. Local Sec. Oxford University Extension (Hereford Centre) ; Member of L.E.A. for Hereford City, and of Training CoUege Sub-Com. of Hereford County L.E.A. ; Hon. Sub-Librarian Hereford Cathedral Library ; Hon. Sec Ladies' Com. N.S.P.CC (Hereford and County Branch). War Work : Hon. Treas. and Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association ; Distributor and Member of War Pensions Local Committee for Herefordshire. Address : Harley House, Hereford. (M7548) BULL, Thomas Tollemache Jackson, O.B.E. BULL, Paymaster-Comm. WiUrid James, O.B.E, R.N. BULL, WiUiam, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. BULL, Col. WilUam Henry, O.B.E.. F.R.CS. F.D. BULLEID, Prof. Charles Henry, O.B.E, M.A.; A.M.I.CE, M.Inst. Met, fi. 10 Jan. 1883 ; s. of Samuel John Bulleid, of Hatherleigh, Devonshire ; m. Dorothy, d. of S. NeviUe Cox, of Derby. Educ. : Exeter School and Trinity CoUege, Cam bridge. Professor of Engineering, University CoUege, Notting ham. War Work : Genera] Manager, Nottingham National SheU Factory ; Chief Engineer, Admiralty Mining School, Portsmouth. Address : 7, Ebers Road, Nottingham. (O1160) BULLEN, Daisy May, M.B.E, 6. 9 Aug. 1883 ; d. of Frederick WiUiam BuIIen, of HoUoway. Educ : Camden School for Girls. War Work : Sec. Aeronautical Inspection Department War Savings Association. (M7549) BULLEN, Frederick John, O.B.E. (011784A BULLEN, Gertrude, M.B.E, V.A.D. BULLEN, Major Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.F. BULLEN, Capt. WilUam Henry Chambers, O.B.E. BULLER, Dame Audrey Charlotte Georgina, D.B.E. ; R.R.C. War Work : Performed valuable work as Adminis trator, War Hospitals, Exeter, throughout the War. (D61) BULLER, Capt. Francis EUiot, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. ; 6. 5 Dec. 1888 ; s. of the Rev. S. R. A. BuUer, M.A, of Weybridge. Educ: Wellington CoU, and R.M.A. Address: c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, Bombay. Club : Army and Navy. (O8420) BULLER, Brig.-Gen. the Hon. Sir Henry YARDE-, K.B.E, C.B, D.S.O., M.V.O, brother of the late 2nd Baron Churston, of Lupton, Devonshire ; 6. 2 Nov. 1862 ; to. Adelaide, d. of the late Col. Meeking, of Richings Park, Bucks. Educ. : Radley Coll. Entered Rifle Brigade 1881 ; served with Waziristan Expedition, 1894-95 ; Sudan Expedition 1898 ; including Battle of Khartum; Crete 1898-99; South African War 1898-1902, including operations on Tugela Heights, Relief of Ladysmith and Laing's Nek ; MU. Attache at N. European Courts, 1906-11; First Assist, to British Mil. Delegate to Peace Conference at The Hague, 1907 ; Military Attache at Paris, Madrid, and Lisbon, 1912-15 ; Chief of British Mission at French Army Headquarters 1914-17 during Great War ; MUitary Attache Norway and Sweden 1917-18 ; Comm. of the Ordeis of Leopold of Belgium, Dannebrog of Denmark, St. Olav of Norway, Epeeof Sweden and Legion of Honour of France ; retired 1919. Address : Essex Lodge, Windsor. Clubs: Travellers'; Naval & Military. (K30'>) BULLER.Lieut.-Col.WalterThomasMore, C.B.E. Capt. and Brevet Major, R.A.S.C. ; Great War, 1914-19, as Lieut - Col. (despatches). (Cll°4) BULLER, Ralph BuUer HUGHES-, CLE, C.B.E, 6. 28 Feb. 1871 ; s. of the late General Sir WiUiam Hughes, K.C.B, of Dunley, Bovey Tracey ; to. Elizabeth, d. of the late Very Rev. Norman Macleod, D.D, Dean of the Thistle, of the Barony Church, Glasgow. Educ. Marlborough; BalUol Coll, Oxon. Indian CivU Service (retired), joined the Indian CivU Service in 1892, and held various posts including : Settle ment Officer ; Political Officer ; Assistant Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Dept. ; Special Duty, Delhi Durbar : General and Judicial Secretary to Government of Eastern Bengal and Assam ; Inspector-General of PoUce, Eastern Bengal and Assam and Bengal. War Work : Inspector- Geueral of PoUce, Bengal, India, 1914-16 ; Ministry of Muni tions, 1916 ; Special duty New Scotland Yard, 1916-17 ; Director of National Service, South Western Region, 1917-18. Address: Woodhayes, Whimple, Devon. Club: Brooks's. , (C2487) BULLER, Hon. Lilah Constance Cavendish, Lady MANNINGHAM-, O.B.E, 6. 20 March, 1884, only surviving d. of 3rd Baron Chesham (see BURKE'S Peerage), m.Sir Merwyn Edward, 3rd Bt, s. of the late Maj.-Gen. Edward Manningham Manningham-Buller and Lady Anne Coke, 2nd d. of the 2nd Earl of Leicester. War Work : Northamptonshire Red Cross Hospital Supply Depot. Address : BrownhiU, Spratton, North ampton. (010078) BULLD7ANT, Lieut. Hugh Edward, M.B.E, R.F.A. BULLOCH, Marion Maria, O.B.E, ; d. of the late Geo. Bulloch, of Kinloch, Dunkeld, Perthshire. War Work : County Director, Perthshire V.A.D. Address : Kinloch, Dunkeld. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (01162) BULLOCK, Amy Isabel, Lady, O.B.E. ; d. of James Thomson, D.L, of Middlesex ; to. Sir George Mackworth BuUock, s. of Thomas Henry BuUock, Deputy Commissioner of Berar ; one d., Evelyn. War Work : With Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association in England for six months; Bermuda, three years' work for Red Cross ; a year and a half at Belgravia "Splint" Depot, London. Address: 3, Carlton HU1, N.W. 8. Club : Empress. (0984) BULLOCK, Lieut.-Comm. Charles Arthur, O.B.E, R.N.R, R.D. BULLOCK, Capt. Christopher LleweUyn, O.B.E, R.A.F. BULLOCK, Lieut. Frank Henry WiUiam, M.B.E, A.M.I.M.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 1885 ; s. of Capt. W. BuUock, of South Famboro', Hants. Edue. : Privately. War Work : Served with army from 12 Nov. 1914, to end of War ; in France 1915-17 ; in Palestine 1917-18 ; took part in raids on Es Salt and Amam ; also in last advance to Damascus. Address : 30, York Road, South Famboro', Hants. (M3169) BULLOCK, Capt. Harold Malcolm, M.B.E. BULLOCK, Lieut. Herbert Charles Stuart, M.B.E, R.A.F. BULLOCK, Lieut. Herbert Poe Story, O.B.E, LA. BULLOCK, James Arthur Edward, M.B.E, 6. 2 Nov. 1871 ; d. of the Rev. Walter TreveJyan BuUock, of Faulkbourn HaU, Essex (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry) ; m. Helen, d. of John WUks of Stanbridgeford, Bedfordshire. Educ. : Rotting- dean and Reading. Chief Clerk, Colonial Secretary's Oflice, Hongkong. War Work : Served in Hongkong Defence Force. Address : Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong. Ctefi : Hongkong: Thatched House. (M6420) BULLOCK, Lieut. John Walter, M.B.E, R.E. BULLOCK, John WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 17 May, 1865; s. of Thomas BuUock, J.P, of KUUynick House, Belturbet, Ireland ; to. Emma, d. of Henry Mitchell, of Westminster. Educ. : Farra School, Westmeath, Ireland. CivU Servant, Exchequer and Audit Department. War Work : Secretariat Dish Convention ; Assisted on pubUc audit of War Accounts. Address : Emo, York Road, Cheam, Surrey. Club : White- friars. (M3547) BULLOCK, Margaret Annie, M.B.E. BULLOCK, Ralph, C.B.E, b. 1 June, 1868 ; t. of Wm. Hy. Bullock, of South Tottenham. Educ : Privately. Eastern Produce Merchant. War Work : Comm. of N. Division Special Constabulary, 1915-20. Address : 172, High Road, South Tottenham, N. 15. Club : Royal Automo bUe. (C2488) BULLOUGH, Frank, M.B.E. BULLWINKLE, Leonard Albert, O.B.E. BULMAN, Major George Purvis, O.B.E, R.A.F. BULMAN, Capt. John James, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. BULMAN, Mary Helen, Mrs, M.B.E, ft. 1849 ; d. of Dr. Wm. Roderick, of Oswestrv, Salop ; to. the late Andiew, s. of Andrew Bulman, of Kelso. Educ. : Cheltenham. War Work : Member of Roxburghshire War Pensions Committee ; Member of Committee Sailors' and Solaiers' FamUies Associa tion ; Member of Committee, Roxburghshire Sewing GuUd. Address : Pringle Bank, Kelso, Scotland. (M7551) BULMER, Francis Bertram, M.B.E. BULMER, S.S.M. Newlove, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. BULPITT, Walter Henry, O.B.E. BULTEEL, Cecil Edward, O.B.E. (011729) BULTEEL, Lieut. Walter Beresford, M.B.E. BUMPUS, Alf ed Adolphus, M.B.E, J.P. Leicestershire, fi. 13 Aug. 1851 ; s. of Thomas Bumpus, of Stratford-on-Avon ; m. Clara E, d. of Edward Stevenson, of Loughborough. War Work : Chairman of Tribunal, etc. Address : Heatbfield, London Road, Leicester (JI188) BUMSTEAD, Richard Edward, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 1883; ; s. of WUUam Edward Bumstead, of Ashford, Kent ; m. Katn Maytum, d. of WUUam Frederick Cackett, of Canterbury, 92 BIOGRAPHIES. Burgess Kent. Educ. : National School, Ashford, Kent. RaUway Engine Driver. War Work : Appeal Tribunal, Kent ; Soldiers' War Pensions Committee . Food Control Committee ; War Savings Committee ; Prince of Wales' Fund. Address : 264, New Town, Ashford, Kent. (M189) BUNBURY, Comm. Charles Thomas Alexander, O.B.E, R N BUNBURY, Hon. Thomas Leopold McCLINTOCK-, M.B.E. BUNCE, Thomas Lockwood, M.B.E, M.I.Mech.E. 6, 6 March, 1881 ; s. of John Edwardes Bunce, of Halifax ; m. Isabel Mary, d. of WiUiam Colley, of Liverpool. Educ. : Halifax Higher Grade School Technical CoUege ; West Ham College ; Liverpool University. War Work : Introduction of female labour in Machine Tool Factories ; equipment of shell, projectile and gun factories ; Admiralty and shipyard extensions ; Ministry of Munitions, London, 1915-20. Address : 33, Princes Avenue, Liverpool. (M680) BUNCE, Lieut. William Leslie, O.B.E. BUNCH, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E. BUND, John William WILLIS-, C.B.E, D.L, J.P., fi. 8 Aug. 1843 s. of John Walpole WUlis, of Wick Episcopi, Worcester ; m. 1st, Harrietta Penelope, d. of Richard Temple, The Nash, Kempsey ; 2nd, Mary Elizabeth, d. of Col. R. Thackeray, C.B, R.E. Educ. : Eton, Calus College, Cambridge. Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Worcestershire and Cardigan shire ; Chairman, Worcestershire County CouncU Standing Joint Committee ; Education Committee, Worcestershire ; Licensing Committee, Worcestershire and Cardiganshire ; Chairman, Severn Fishing Board. War Work : Chairman, County Appeal Tribunal, Worcestershire ; Chairman, Naval and MiUtary War Pensions Committee and County War Relief Committee. Address : Wick Episcopi, Worcester. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Constitutional. (C334) BUNDOCK, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Charles, M.B.E. BUNDOCK, Capt. Charles Slade, O.B.E. BUNNEY, Michael, M.B.E, F.R.I.B.A, 6. 3 Feb. 1873 ; s. of John Wharlton Bunney, of Venice ; m. Edith Adelaide, d. of John Hewetson, of Ravenstonedale. Educ. : Fettes Coll, Edinburgh. Deputy Chief Architect, Ministry of Health. War Work : Assistant Director, Trench Warfare Supply Department, Ministry of Munitions, 1916-18 ; Resident Engi neer, Administrator of Works and Buildings Department, Air Ministry. Addresses : Windhill, Meadway, N.W. 4 ; 33, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. (M1495) BUNNING, George Harold STUART-, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 25 Dec. 1870 ; s. of Edward Bnnnlng, of Cosby, Leicester ; to. Emily Agnes, d. of Ralph George Lucas, of Malton, Yorks. Vice-Chairman, National CivU Service Whitby Council ; Secretary, Sub-Postmasters' Federation ; Biitish Representa tive International Labour Bureau (League of Nations). Addresses : Parliament Mansions, Victoria St, S.W. 1 ; Port land Lodge, Streatham, S.W. (O60) BUNKER, NeUie, M.B.E, BUNT, Richard Charles, M.B.E, R.N. BUNTING, Lieut. Sheldon Arthur Stewart, M.B.E. BUNTON, Samuel, M.B.E, J.P. BURALL, Henry Charles, M.B.E.. 6. 1854 ; s. of Thomas BuraU, of Devoran, Cornwall to. 1st, Louie, d. of Edward Dariow, of Ramsey, Hunts ; 2nd, Maud, d. of Joseph Reynolds, of Wimblington, Cambs. CounciUor to the Borough of Wisbech ; Hon. Sec. Wisbech Monumental Memorial Committee ; Member ot the National Savings Assembly. War Work: Hon. Sec. Wisbech Local Savings Committee from 1916. Address : Pengreep, Wisbech, Cambs. (M7553) BURBIDGE, Sir Richard Woodman, Bart., C.B.E, fi. 7 Dec. 1872 s. of the late Sir Richard Burbidge, IstBart, of Littleton Park, Shepperton ; m. Catherine Jemima, d. of H. J. Grant, of Sodbury House, Clacton. Educ : Privately. Managing Director Harrods (London), Ltd. ; Managing Director Harrods (Buenos Aires), Ltd. ; Chairman, Dickins & Jones ; Director, Swan & Edgars ; Managing Director, South American Stores (Gath & Chaves), Ltd. ; Hon. Treas. Tariff Commis sion. War Work : Member of Stores Purchases Advisory Committee ; Member of Ministry of Munitions Staff, Investi gation Committee. Addresses : 51, Hans Mansions, Chelsea, S.W. 3 ; Cisswood Cottage, Mannings Heath, Horsham. Clubs : Devonshire; Aldwych ; R.A.C (C937) BURCH, Major Frederick, O.B.E. BURCH, Lieut.-Col. WilUam Edward Scarth, C.B.E, 6. 1863 ; s. John Burch Burcb, of Sheffield ; to. Florence, d. of J. Hebblethwaite, of Richmond, Surrey. Educ. : Privately and at Poulton House, Hampton-on-Thames. War Work : Officer-in-Charge of Records, Royal Flying Corps, from 3 June, 1912, to 25 Feb. 1918 ; Staff Officer, Class I, Air Ministry, 25 Feb. 1918, to 1 Nov. 1918 ; Inspector of Q.M.G. Services, Midland Area, R.A.F, from 1 Nov. 1918, to 1 July, 1919. Address : 41, Emperor's Gate, South Kensington, London, S.W. 7. (C2344; BURCHALL, Major Peroival Russell, O.B.E, R.A.F. BURCHARDT, Christiana Mary, O.B.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1856 ) d. of Otto Burchardt, of Liverpool. War Work : County Secretary for Oxfordshire Branch of British Red Cross Society. Address : 160, Banbury Road, Oxford. Club : Empress. (03642) BURCHATT, Ernest Edward, M.B.E. BURCHELL, Capt. James MelviU, O.B.E. BURCHER, Frederick Edward, M.B.E. BURDEKIN,ex-2nd Lieut. Cyril Blake, M.B.E, fi. 14 Oct. 1887 ; s . of Edward Blake Burdekin, of Nelson, New Zealand ; m. Ada Constance Dorothy, d. of John Hamblet Gill, of 21, Woburn Square, London, W.C 1. Educ. : Wellington Coll, New Zealand. War Work : Assistant to Asst.-Adjutant General, New Zealand Expeditionary Force. Addresses : 2i , Woburn Square, London, W.C. 1 ; N.Z. High Commissioner's Office, Strand, W.C, (M6743) BURDEKIN, Lizzie, Mrs., M.B.E. BURDEN, Capt. Albert Edmund Charles, O.B.E, fi. 5 Dec 1877. On staff London County Council, 1895-1908 ; Chief Accountant United Motor Cab Co, Ltd, and General Motor Cab Co, Ltd, 1908-12. War Work : Stores manager, British Red Cross and Order of St. John, Malta, Egypt, and Near East Commission, April, 1915, to April, 1920. Club : Tm'f (Cairo). (010081) BURDEN, Walter Patrick, M.B.E, R.N. BURDER, Walter Chapman, M.B.E, Assoc. M.I.C.E, J.P, 6. 7 Feb. 1848 ; s. of Rev. Alfred Burder, of Oakley, Essex ; m. Elizabeth J, d. of Rev. F. Gifford Nash, of Clavering. Educ : Bishops Stortford and King's Coll, London. Mechani cal Engineer, Director of Messenger & Co, Ltd, Loughborough. War Work : Commandant, British Red Cross, Leicester, 24 ; Chairman, Loughborough and District Hospital. Address : Field House, Loughborough. (M1497) BURDETT, Henry Stanton, M.B.E, R.A.F. BURDITT, George Frederick, C.P.B. BURDON, Major Edward Griffiths George, O.B.E. BURDON, Col. Rowland, C.B.E, M.P. ; 6. 1857; s. of the late Rev. John Burdon, of Castle Eden, Durham ; m. 1887, Mary, d. of the late Wyndham Slade, of Montys Court, Taunton. Lieut.-Col. Durham L.I. (V.D.), and a J.P. and D.L. for Durham (Sheriff, 1907) ; unsuccessfully contested S.E. Div. of Durham, 1910 ; has sat as M.P. for Sedgefield Div. (Co.U.) thereof since Dec. 1918. Address : Castle Eden, Durham. (C1490) BURDON, Lieut. Walter Boyd Chandlers, O.B.E, R.F.A. BURGE, Capt. Cyril Gordon, O.B.E, R.A.F. BURGES, Capt. (Pasha and Major-Gen. in Egypt), Frank, O.B.E. ; s. of Rev. Frank Bui'ges, B.D, of Winterbourne Rectory, Gloucestershire ; to. Marion Anderson, d. of John Cochran. Educ. : Winchester, Magdalen Coll, Oxford, and R. M. 0. Sandhurst. Joined Gloucestershire Regt. 21 Sept. 1889 ; seconded Egyptian Army, Jan. 1898, and served in Nile Campaign ; present at Battle of Omdurman, 2 Sept. 1898 (mentioned in despatches, British Medal, and Sudan Medal and clasp) ; Commanded Friendly Arabs, Kordofan Field Force, 1899 (mentioned in despatches, clasp to medal) ; joined Sudan Civil Administration, March, 1899, at Suakin ; commanded Force capturing Osward Dijna (4th Class Order Medjidieh) ; transferred to Berber Province, 1901 to 1908 ; joined the Legal Dept. 1909 ; Police Magistrate, Khartum, in charge of Criminal Courts, Khartum Prov. (4th Class Osmanieh) ; made a Pasha, 1917 (2nd Class Order of the Nile). Retired Sept. 1919. War Work : Served on the Canal Zone, 1915, as Assist. Provost Marshal, Canal Defences. Address : Famcombe House, Broadway, Glos. Clubs : Army and Navy ; M.C.O. (09983) BURGES, Frederick Augustus l'Estrange, M.B.E, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 1870 ; s. of the late Rev. R. B. Burges, of St. Paul's Vicarage, Birmingham ; to. Mary Annie, d. of Rev. A. L. Wilkinson, of Bromsgrove. Educ. : King Edward's High School, Birmingham. Medical Officer to the Post Office, Birmingham ; Public Vaccinator, Birmingham District. War Work : Hon. Sec. Birmingham Medical War Committee. Address : 62, Hockley HiU, Birmingham. Club : Garrick (Birmingham). (M7557) BURGES, Col. WiUiam Edward Parry, O.B.E, D.L. M.A. LL.M, 6. 25 Dec. 1856 ; s. of Edward Burges, of The Ridge, Chipping Sodbury, Glos. ; to. EUen, d. of William Parry, of Eaton Bishop. Educ : CUfton College, Eton ; King's College, London ; Trinity College, Cambridge. War Work : Chief Recruiting Officer, Bristol ; subsequently Commanded 12 (S) Bn. Glostershire Regt. ; Commandant Young Officers' School, Pembroke ; Chief MUitary Representative and Appeal Representative, Bristol. Address : The Ridge, Chipping Sodburv. Club : Junior United Service. (01163) BURGESS, Ann, Mrs, M.B.E. BURGESS, Arthur Edward, M.B.E, 6. 8 July, 1873 ; s. of Frederick Burgess, of St. Osyth, Essex ; m. Ethel Mary, d. of James Glasscock, of Ilford, Essex. Superintendent of Horti cultural Instruction, Surrey County Council ; held similar positions in Essex and Hertfordshire. War Work : Organising Secretarj of the Surrey Horticultural Sub-Committee. This Committee was responsible for a great increase in the number of aUotment plots, and rendered assistance to small cultivators generally, thus increasing the home supply of food during the critical days of the war. Address : Wolferton, Burton Road, Kingston-on-Thames ; County Education Office, Kingston-on- Thames. (M7558) BURGESS, Arthur WilUam, M.B.E. BURGESS, Charles Hayward, M.B.E. BURGESS, Lieut.-Col. Charles Roscoe, C.B.E, D.S.O. Lieut.-Col. S. African Forces ; Great War, 1914-19. (C1880) BURGESS, Elspeth.Mrs., M.B.E. ; d.oi Thomas Robinson, Esq, of Leek ; to. Arthur Henry Burgess, Surgeon, of Man chester. War Work : Organised the 1st Red Cross Hospital in Manchester, and had charge of it for the duration of the War ; sat on many committees, and helped generally. Address : Milberton Lodge, Victoria Park, Manchester. (M193) BURGESS, Frederick James, O.B.E. BURGESS, Paymaster-Sub-Lieut. Herbert Smith, O.B .E , R.N.R. 93 Burgess THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. BURGESS, Major John Frederick, O.B.E, Can.A.M.C BURGESS, Kenneth Paul, O.B.E, A.I.N.A, fi. 11 July, 1879 ; s. of Joseph Burgess, of Oxford ; to. Helena Mary, d. of Edward S. Lambert, of Red Hill. Assistant-Director of Technical Services, Ministry of Shipping. War Work : Arrange ment and supervision of the fitting of ships as transports, for the conveyance of troops ; Hospital ships, and Naval Auxili aries. Address : " Kennelle," Edgar Road, Sanderstead. (0193) BURGESS, Lieut. Robert Ashfield, M.B.E, R.H.A. BURGESS, WiUiam Frederick Richardson, O.B.E. M.D. (Lond.), fi. 31 July, 1849 ; s. of the late Frederick Josiah Burgess. Educ. : Privately and Guy's Hospital. Now retired from practice. War Work : Civil Medical Officer, Preston Barracks, Brighton ; Civil Medical Officer, Grove Hospital, Tooting, S.W. Address : 23, High Road, Streatham, S.W. 16. Club. : Junior Constitutional. (011796) BURGOYNE, Lieut. Clarence, M.B.E. BURGOYNE, Capt. Sydney Thomas, M.V.O, O.B.E. BURKE, Capt. Allan Frederick, M.B.E. BURKE, Lieut.-Col. Bernard Bruce, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.A.M.C, 6. 7 Jan. 1876 ; s. of James Marlow Burke, of Westend, MaUow, Deland ; m. Anna, d. of late Sir Adam Scott Reid, K.C.B, of New Kelso, Strathcarron. Educ. : High School, Dublin and Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland. War Work : France, 3rd Division, 34th Division, 30th Division, 11th Divi sion, 1914-19. Address : c/o Holt & Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, S.W. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C1230) BURKE, Major Denis Joseph Gerard, O.B.E, D.C.L.I. BURKE, Capt. Edmund Albert, O.B.E. BURKE, Paymaster-Lieut. Fred, O.B.E, R.N.R. BURKE, Hubert Francis Daubeny, O.B.E. BURKE, Lieut.-Col. Hugh St. George Melville Addison, M.B.E, 6. 15 June, 1884 ; s. of Charles Carrington Burke. Educ : Harrow. War Work : CaterpUlar Tractors. Address : Red House, Levington, Ipswich. Club : R. A. C. (M5125) BURKE, May, Mrs., O.B.E. BURKE, Vincent Patrick, M.B.E.i M.A, B.Sc, LL.D, fi. 3 Aug. 1878 ; s. of Patrick Burke, of St. Jacques, N.F. ; to. Margaret Elizabeth, d. of Capt. Wm. Mulcahy, of St. John's, N.F. Educ. : St. Bonaventure's Coll, St. John's, and after wards Columbia Univ., New York. Principal High School, Torbay, on leaving college ; Superintendent Education, CathoUc Schools, 1899-1920 ; Deputy Minister of Education, N.F, 1920 ; President CouncU of Higher Education, 1918, (re-elected 1919). War Work : Hon. Sec. Patriotic Association of Newfoundland, 1914 to present date ; Member of following Committees during the war : Finance Committee, Recruiting Committee, Officer's Selection Committee, Forestry Com panies Committee, Trustee Patriotic Fund and Hon. Sec. Standing Committee on MUitary Organisation, which com mittee acted in lieu of MUitia Department until Aug. 1917, and under its direction the Royal N.F. Regiment was recruited, enlisted, and despatched on active service. Address: Allan- dale Road, St. John's, Newfoundland. Clubs : City ; Bally- hally Golf ; County. (M124°) BURKITT, Francis Holy, O.B.E. BURLACE, Capt. Leslie Binmore, O.B.E, B Sc A.M.Inst.CE, 6. 5 June, 1891 ; s. of J. B. Burlace of Ealing Educ. : St. Paul's School, and Univ. CoU, London Civii Engineer. War Work : In ranks 1st Batt. " U.P S " (Royal FusUiers), Sept. 1914 ; commissioned R.A.S.C Dec 1914 • served in France, Dec. 1914 to March, 1919. Address ¦ 38' Corfton Road, EaUng, W. 5. Club : New Oxford and Cam bridge. rO50S81 BURLAND, Lieut. Leonard, O.B.E. i".woo; BURLEIGH, Cecil Charles, O.B.E. Address • Haves Cottage, Hayes Road, Bromlev, Kent. .01 (10831 BURLEIGH, John Laurence, M.B E w ' BURLEY, Alison, M.B.E. BURLING, George Alfred, M.B.E. BURLS, Herbert Thomas, M.B.E, F.G.S, M. Inst Ina Civiles de France, fi. 1860 ; s. of Edward WiUiam Educ • Continent ; Royal School of Mines. Consulting Engineer to several Petroleum Companies. War Work : Geologist Petro leum Production Department Ministry of Munitions. Address ¦ 24, Gloucester Street, Warwick Square. Club : St. Stephen's. MSU?IiT?E' Capt Launcelot Henry Beaumont, CB.E. BURMAN, Thomas, M.B.E. _ ^BURMESTER, Major Zante Gower, O.B.E, 31st Lancers ' 1F,SS' J?aj'or Alexander Henderson, O.B.E , I ^O11780) BURN, Col. Charles Rosdew, OB B BURN, Capt. Eric Francis, O B E BURN, Ethel Louise, Hon. Mrs. Rosdew, O.B.E, Ladv f G??™|i 3o^°- of Jerusalem ; d. of The Lord Leith of Fyrie Km O^B F PmT"\ ;fACo1' Ch^'ps Rosdew, A.D.C tothe ^nB'O.B.E.^M.P, s. of Gen. Robert Burn, R A of Jessflplrl War Work: Went to France, Sept. 1914 with Re Cross Units for special work ; gave up own house, StoocUey Knowle Torquay as a First Line Hospital for Officers 'Matron and Commandant Hospital Oct. 1914, to July, 1918 -went to France as Commandant of Church Armv Tr„ti £*\\,Z J(i « Infantry School. Addresses -10, HiTstreet Berkeley Soua'r? WmiRNa £-anr' Sur^ SW ' ladies' Empire (Si 94 to. Emily Harriet, d. of Richard Smith. Actuary of Prudential Association Co. ; Director of British Italian Corporation ; Member of Central War Saving Committee. War Work : War Savings Movement from time of Montagu Committee ; Statistical work in connection with German casualties ; Member of Royal Commission on Decimal Coinage. Address : Rydal Mount, Potters Bar, Middlesex. (K355) BURN, Muriel LyeU, M.B.E, 6. 12 Nov. 1892; d. of Robert George Laing Burn, of Edinburgh. War Work: Assistant Historian to the Official Historian of the Quarter master-General's Department, and Services with the British Armies in France and Flanders. Address : 48, Waterlow Road, Highgate, N. 19. (M7560) BURN, Capt. Reginald WilUam, O.B.E R.A.S.C. BURN, Major Robert Nathaniel, O.B.E, B.E. BURN, Lieut.-Col. WilUam George, O.B.E, V.D, B.Sc, late R.E, 6. 1879 ; s. of WilUam Bum, of Glasgow ; to. Norah Gertrude, d. of W. H. BeU, of York. Educ : Hutcheson's School and Glasgow Univ. Engineer ; East Indian RaUway. War Work : Capt. Indian Army Reserve and Adjutant East Indian RaUway Volunteer Rifles, June, 1915, to Aug. 1916 ; Mesopotamia, Aug. 1916, to AprU, 1920 ; Lieut.-Col. R.E. ; Assistant Director Inland Water Transport ; twice mentioned in despatches. Addresses : 9, Spring Gardens, Kelvinside, Glasgow ; East Indian RaUway, Clive Street, Calcutta. (06589) BURNAND, Lieut.-Col. Montague Berthon, O.B.E. BURNAND, Major Richard Frank, 0 BE. BURNE, Major Lindsay EUiott Lumley.CB.E, LA. (C245fi) BURNE, Louisa Joan, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of the late Rev. J. B. Burne, of Wasing Rectory, Berks ; to. Richard, s. of the late Richard Higgins, of Leybourne Wood, Kent. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant, Dressing Station, Olympia, Aug, 1914, to Dec. 1914 ; Commandant, V.A.D. Hostels, 3rd London Gen. Hosp, Wandsworth, Aug. 1915, to Aug. 1916 ; Commandant, Kensington Hostel, Sept. 1916 ; Commandant, Central V.A.D. Hostel, May, 1917 to June, 1919. Address : 21, Stanley Crescent, W. 11. Clubs : Lyceum ; V.A.D. Ladies'. (M1499) BURNE, Lieut.-Col. Newdigate Addington Knightley, O.B.E. BURNE, Lieut.-Col. (Hon. Brig.-Gen.) Rainald Owen, C.B.E, 6. 3 Jan. 1871 ; s. of Newdigate Burne, Barrister-at-Law, Albury, Surrey, and Hon. Mrs. Burne, d. of 2nd Viscount Sidmouth ; to. Sybil Mary, d. of David H. Owen, late Senior Registrar, H.M. Court of Probate, Somerset House. Educ : Bedford Grammar School and abroad. Assistant- Director of Supplies and Transport, Headquarters, Northern Command. War Work: D. A. Q.M.G, 3rd Cavalry Division, France and Belgium ; A.A. and Q.M.G, 23rd Division, France and Belgium ; Commandant (Temp. Brig.-Gen.), Mechanical Trans- portRecepton and Training Area; R.A.S.C, Lee, Kent. Club : United Service. (C1492) BURNET, Sarah EUzabeth, O.B.E, 6. 4 Jan. 1886 ; e. d. of John E. H. Burnet, of Bradford. Entered the Labour Exchange Department of the Board of Trade in 1910 ; Assistant Divisional Officer for the London Division ; and Secretary of the London Advisory Committee on JuvenUe Employment from 1912 to 1915. Since 1915, in Employment Dept, Ministry of Labour, concerned with the arrangements for recruiting women for the Women's War Services and with the activities of the Women's Section of the Employment Dept. generaUy. Addresses : Queen Anne's Chambers, West minster ; 5, St. Andrew's Road, Golders Green, N.W. 4. (01164) BURNET, WilUam Hodgson, M.B.E, L.R.l.B.A, fi. 11 March, 1873 ; s. of the late John Burnet, Advocate, of Edinburgh ; to. Janet Agnes, d. of Alexander Taylor Machattie, of London, Ont. Educ : St. Paul's School, and St. Andrew's and Oxford Univs. Civil Servant. Assistant Architect in His Majesty's Office of Works. War Work : Acted as Architect in charge of f he London Anti- Aircraft Defences ; sergeant in the F Division, Special Constabulary (Long Service Medal). Address : 2, Sahsbury Tower, Windsor Castle. Club : Savage. (M1500) BURNETT, Alexander, M.B.E, 6. 13 AprU, 1883 ; s. of Alexander Burnett, of Stenhousemuir, Stirlingshire ; to. Ethel Maud Norman, d. of Alfred Pearson, of Newcastle. Educ. : Larbert and also Glasgow Training CoUege. School Teacher of Handwork. War Work : Invented Trench Periscope, which was tested and accepted by War Office, Woolwich Arsenal, etc. ; taught pupUs to make same ; made and sent over 6000 to troops on all Fronts free of cost — all material collected ; also designed artificial limbs and supplied same to hospitals ; sent several other inventions to War Office and Admiralty for development, Services were given without reward from the beginning to the end of War. (M7561) BURNETT, Major Alexander Edwin, O.B.E. BURNETT, Dame Annie Maud, D.B.E, J.P.; d. of Jacob Burnett, J.P, of Tynemouth. Educ: Tynemouth, and Vevey, Switzerland. Town CouncUlor of Tynemouth. Address : 10, Priors Terrace, Tynemouth. (D10) BURNETT, Lieut.-Col. Charles Stuart, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1882 ; s. of John Alexander Burnett (see BURKE'S Peerage, SempiU, B.) ; to. 1914, Sybil BeU. T. Lieut.-Col. R.A.F.; S. Africa, 1900-1, with Derbyshire Imperial Yeo. (medal with three clasps); N. Nigeria, 1904-5 (despatches, medal with three clasps) ; Great War, 1914-18 (despatches, 3rd class Order of the Nile). (C1889) BIOGRAPHIES. Burrows BURNETT, Sir (Edward) Napier, K.B.E, J.P, M.D. (Glas.), F.R.CS, F.R.CP. (Edin.). Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 6. 12 July, 1872 ; y. s. of James Burnett, of Fraserburgh; in. 1903. Educ: Glasgow Univ. ; Edinburgh ; Dublin. Consulting Surgeon. Chair man Economical Committee, Army Medical Dept, War Office ; Assistant-Surgeon, Hospital for Women, Newcastle. Address : 4, Windsor Crescent, Newcastle. Clubs : British Empire ; Liberal, Newcastle. (K204). BURNETT, Ernest Joseph, M.B.E, M.B, CM, M.R.C.P. (Edin.), 6. 21 Feb. 1865 ; .. of Wm. Bridgeford Tather Burnett, Cambuslang, Scotland ; to. Emily Maud Margaret i. of John Brownless, of Whorlton Grange, Barnard Castle. Educ. : Private School, East Wemyss, Scotland. Consultant, Saltburn Brine Baths ; Medical Officer, Post Office, N.E. Ry, Saltburn, War Pensions Hostel, Saltburn, and Northern Convalescent Home, Saltburn ; Ex-President, North of England Branch, B.M.A. War Work : Commandant and Medical Officer, Saltburn Auxiliary Hospital, and part-time Saltburn AuxUiary Hospital ; Member of original Committee, N. Riding B. Red Cross Society. Received Board of Trade Long Service Medal as Captain of the Local Life Saving Rocket Brigade. Address : The Red House, Saltburn, Yorkshire. (M7562) BURNETT, Ethel, O.B.E d. of Sir T. Burnett, Bart, of Leys, of Crathes Castle, Crathes, Kincardineshire, N.B, (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Privately. President, Kincar dineshire Branch, British Red Cross Society. War Work : Acting-President of Kincardineshire Branch, B.R.C.S. from 1915 to 1918 ; afterwards President , engaged in hospital work. Address : Crathes Castle, Crathes, N.B. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (0197) BURNETT, Ethel Mary, C.B.E, d. of — Burnett. Re- dered services during Great War to New Zealand War Con tingent Assoc, in London. (C1991) BURNETT, James, O.B.E. BURNETT, James Taylor, M.B.E. BURNETT, Lieut.-Col. John Chaplyn, D.S.O, O.B.E., fi. 1863 ; s. of the late Charles Mountford Burnett. M.D. Entered R.A. 1884 ; became Capt. 1893 ; Major, 1902 ; retired 1909 ; now T. Lieut.-Col. ; served in S. Africa, 1900-2 (despatches) ; Great War, 1914-18. (06963) BURNETT, Lieut.-Col. Leslie Trew, O.B.E. BURNETT, Mary, M.B.E. BURNETT, Dame Maud, O.B.E. BURNETT, Lieut. Thomas LesUe Forbes, M.B.E, R.A.F. BURNEY, Brig.-Gen. Herbert Henry, C.B, C.B.E, fi. 1858 ; s. of the late Rev. Edward Burney, V. of Thornham, Maidstone ; m. 1858, Diana Geraldine. e. d. of Maj.-Gen. John Talbot Coke, of Trusley, Derbyshire. Entered 39th Regt. 1878 ; became Capt. Gordon Highlanders, 1886 ; Major, 1895 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1898; Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. 1904; Col. 1908 ; retired as Hon. Brig.-Gen. 1913 ; served with Egyptian Expedition, 1882-84 ; present at battle of Tel-el-Kebir (medal with clasp, bronze star, 5th class Medjidieh) ; Soudan 1884 ; present at battles of Teb and Tamai (two clasps) ; with Chitral ReUef Force, 1895 ; present at storming of Malakand Pass (wounded, medal with clasp), on N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 (despatches, two clasps, Brevet Lieut.-Col.) ; S. Africa; 1899-1902, as A.A.G. (despatches); during Great War, 1914-18, on Staff ; was a Professor at Roy. Mil. CoU, Canada, 1899-1900; A.A.G, E. Command, 1908-10; Brig.- Gen. Comdg. 9th Inf. Brig. 1910-13. (C149) BURNEY, Capt. Sydney Bernard, C.B.E. Is Assist. Director-Gen. of Voluntary Organisations. (C123) BURNHAM, John Charles, C.S.I., C.B.E, B.Sc, F.I.C, 6. 9 Dec. 1866 ; s. of Charles Burnham, of Camberwell, London ; to. Lihan, d. of Charles Sinclair Cox, of Southend, Bromley, Kent. Educ Victoria University, Manchester. War Department Chemist, Chemical Dept, Woolwich, 1888-94 ; served on Special Committee on Explosives, 1888-91 ; Chemist-in-Charge, Experimental Cordite Factory, Kirkee, India, 1894-99 ; Manager, Government of India Cordite Factory, Aruvankadu, India, 1899-1915. War Work : Speeiilly recalled from India on loan from the Government of India in Oct. 1915, to take charge of H.M. Factory, Gretna, which was then about to be erected for the manufacture of propellent explosive (Cordite), on an enormously larger scale than had ever before been attempted ; Director of Board of Management, and Superintendent of H.M. Factory, Gretna, 1915-20. Address : Sarkbank, Gretna, Dumfriesshire. (C2490) BURNIE, William Beckit, O.B.E, D.Sc.fi. 1875. Address: 87, Stanford Avenue, Brighton. (01166) BURNS, Donald George, M.B.E. BURNS, Lieut. Edward James, M.B.E, R.A. BURNS, Hon. Emily Dunbar, O.B.E. ; d. of 3rd Baron Inverclyde, of Castle Wemyss (see Burke's Peerage). Educ : At home and Brussels. War Work : Nursing Member of V.A.D, Dumbarton 28 ; Nursed in Woodlands AuxUiary Hospital from Jan. 1915, and in Gartshore Auxiliary Hospital, also worked at Headquarters B.R.C.S. Joint Women's V.A.D. Dept, Devonshire House, London ; Secretary of the Rosneath Peninsula War Work Parties under the D.G.V.O. ; Secretary of Woodlands AuxUiary Hospital, Kilcreggan. Addresses : Castle Wemyss, Wemyss Bay ; 10, Berkeley Square, London. Clubs : Kelvin (Glasgow) ; Ladies' V.A.D. (03643) BURNS, Helen Jaqueline, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 26 Oct. 1875 d. of Capt. John Hope, R.N,, of St. Mary's Isle, Kirkcudbright ; to. Alan, s. of John William Burns, of Kllmahew, Cardross- War Work : Young Women's Christian Association Red Cross Society (Commandant, 24th Dumbartonshire V.A.D.) ; S. & S.F.A. Local War Pensions Committee. Address : Cumber nauld House, Cumbernauld. Club : Kelvin, Glasgow. (M197) BURNS, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Henry, OB.E., R.N, M.B. BURNS, Norah Dalrymple, M.B.E. BURNS, Lieut. Patrick John, M.B.E. BURNSIDE, Ethel Margaret, O.B.E, 6. 19 Dec 1877 ; d. of the late Rev. Canon Burnside, of Hertingfordbury, near Hertford. Educ. : At home. Inspector under the Ministry of Health, Maternity and Child Welfare Branch ; formerly Inspector of Midwives Herts County Council, 1906-19 ; County Superintendent and Secretary, Herts County Nursing Associa tion, 1909-19. War Work : Hon. Sec and Assistant County Director, Hertfordshire Branch, British Red Cross Society, from Aug. 1914, to Dec. 1919. Address : 74, Barons Court Road, W. 14. (0198) BURNSIDE, Robert Henery, M.B.E. BURNYEAT, John, M.B.E. BURRAGE, Cyril Charles Webb, O.B.E. BURRAGE, Lieut. David Alexander, M.B.E. BURRAGE, Lieut. Henry James, M.B.E, R.M. BURRELL, Lieut.-Col. Charles WilUam Wilberforoe, O.B.E. BURRELL, Frederic William White, O.B.E. BURRELL, Lieut.-Col. Sir Merrik Raymond, Bart,CB.E, J.P, fi. 14 May, 1877 ; s. of the late Sir Charles Raymond Burrell, Bart, (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; to. Coralie Archdale Mervyn, d. of John Porter -Porter, of Belle Isle, Co. Fermanagh. Edue. : Eton. High Sheriff for Sussex, 1919. War Work : Inspector of Remounts, Address : Knepp Castle, Horsham, Sussex. Clubs : Cavalry; Boodle's. (C1494) BURRIDGE, Major Arthur, O.B.E, b. 1 Jan. 1872 ; s. of Alfred Burridge, late of Heme HiU, London ; to. Daisy, d. of David Banks, of Bloemfontein, Orange River Colony. South Africa. Educ. : Grays CoUege, Essex. War Work : Sub-Div. Inspector Special Constabulary (Metropolitan), 1914-15 ; 1915-20, O.C. Group 1 Co. of Lond. R.A.S.C, M.T. (V.) ; Evacuation of London Military Hospitals, attached to Metropolitan Police throughout Air Raid period ; Transport Officer, Ministry of Food. The whole of the above work was voluntary. Addresses : 6, Copley Park, Streatham Common, S.W. 16 ; 9, Brackley Street, Golden Lane, E.C. 1. (010086) BURRIDGE, John Harold, M.B.E, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (London), 6. 13 Oct. 1876 ; s. of Alfred Burridge, of London ; to. Maud Frances, d. of Nathaniel Campbell, of Belfast. Educ. : King's Coll. School, King's CoU, and King's Coll. Hospital, London. Hon. Medical Officer, Paddington Green Hospital and Children's Convalescent Home, Slough ; Asst. School Medical Officer for S. Bucks. War Work : Organised and commanded Slough V.A.D. Hospital 1914-19 ; was Commandant and Medical Officer in sole charge (56 beds) ; The hospital was visited by T.M. The King and Queen, in July, 1915. Address : 18, MacKenzie Street, Slough, Bucks. (M1502) BURROUGH, Hedley Gravett, M.B.E, fi. 11 July, 1876 ; s. of Thomas and Maria Burrough, of Broad Chalk, near Salis bury to. Caroline Rosina, d. of Bruce Hersee Potter, of Eastbourne. Educ. : Cleveland House School, Salisbury. Organising Secretary of Y.M.C.A. War Work : In charge of Y.M.C.A. Centres in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex. Address : 26, Duchess Road, Clifton, Bristol. (M198) BURROW, Leopold Arthur, M.B.E. BURROWES, Henry Ambrose, M.B.E, M.D, (Lond.), J.P, 6. 21 Aug. 1864 ; s. of Rev. Henry Burrowes, of St. Mary's, Waterloo, near Liverpool ; to. Norah Eleanor, d. of Dr. W. P. Brabazon. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School, St. Crosby, and Liverpool Univ. War Work : Officer in charge and Medical Officer, V.A.D. Hospital, Lymm, Cheshire. Ad dress : Lemain, W. Looe, Cornwall. (M7576) BURROWES, Major Louis Arundell, O.B.E, R.A.F. BURROWES, Thomas Fraser, C.B.E. ; to. Lena, d. of Hugh Sproston. Controller of Customs, and Receiver of Enemy Estates, Nigeria. (C388) BURROWS, Adam Clarke, O.B.E, L.R.C.P, L.R.C.S, F.R.CS., R.A.M.C, (T.F.). BURROWS, T. Warrant Officer Alexander, M.B.E, Royal Indian Marine. BURROWS, Capt. Amos, M.B.E, R.F.A, 6. 15th March, 1878 ; s. of the late Amos Burrows ; to. Caroline, d. of John Fox, of Walsall. Educ. : All Saints', West Bromwich. War, Work : France from Aug. 1914 till Nov. 1917 ; Italy, Nov. 1917 till Feb. 1919. Address : Bridge Inn, Park Brook, Walsall. (M4725) BURROWS, Anna Louisa, M.B.E. (Medaille de la Relne Elizabeth), 6. 4 Aug. 1861 ; d. of John Edward Bovill, of Sondes Place, near Dorking ; m. Leonard Hedley, Bishop of Sheffield (see BURKE'S Peerage), s. of Leonard Francis Burrows of Rugby School. Educ. : At home and in France. Member of Sheffield Education Committee. War Work : Chairman, Sheffield Prisoners of War Help Committee ; Chairman of Committee of Norfolk Base (Receiving House for Belgian Refugees) ; President of Y.M.C.A. Munition Workers Canteen ; Visitor in all Military Hospitals in S. Yorkshire (Sheffield Dioceses). Address : Bishopsholme, near Sheffield. Club : Church Imperial Ladies'. (M7568) BURROWS, Col. Edmund Augustine, C.M.G, C.B.E, 95 Burrows THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. J P., 5. 19 March, 1855 ; s. of Rev. Canon Burrows, of Roches ter Cathedral; m. Mary Claudine, d. of the late WUliam Coode, Trevarna, St. Austell, Cornwall. Educ. : Wellington CoUege. Lieut.-Col. R.H. and R.F. Artillery. War Work : In command of the Training Brigade of Royal Field Artillery, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1914-18. Address : Manor House, Long Crendon, Thame, Oxon. (C1495) BURROWS, Col. Harold, C.B.E, A.M.S. (T.F.R.), FRCS.fi. 1875 ; s. of the late Surg.-Major E. P. Burrows ; to. Lucy Mary Elizabeth, d. of the late H. Wheeler. Educ. : Marlborough and St. Bartholomew's Hospital Consulting Suveon War Work : Consulting Surgeon, First Army, and Army of the Rhine. Address : 1, The Cams, Grove Road, Southsea. Club : Royal Albert Yacht. (C1231) BURROWS, Capt. James Douglas, M.B.E, 6. 9 March, 1885 ; s. of the late Frederick James, of the East Surrey Regt, Kingston ; to. Edith, d. of WiUiam Murray, late Garrison Staff of the Army. Educ. : Duke of York's Royal MUitary School. Attached to the War Office Staff, Jan. 1916 ; appointed Staff Captain at W.O, Aug. 1918 ; retired on account of wound received in action and appointed Captain of Invalids at the Roval Hospital, Chelsea, Feb. 1919. War Work : Com missioned Royal West Kent Regiment as a 2nd Lieut, Sept. 1914 ; proceeded to France in Nov. 1914 (very severely wounded) ; joined War Office Staff ; promoted Captain in the Essex Regt. and eventually appointed Staff Captain in the Adjutant-General's Department. Addresses : 10, Kendall Road, Beckenham, Kent ; Royal Hospital, Chelsea. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (M5127) BURROWS, John Thomas Ladbrooke, M.B.E, R.N. BURROWS, Kate Ellen, M.B.E, V.A.D. BURROWS, Thomas Enos, M.B.E. BURRUP, John Arthur Evans, O.B.E, I.S.O. BURSTALL, Capt. Edgar Bryan, O.B.E, fi. 28 May, 1881 : s. of Edgar Burstall, of Barnes, Surrey ; m. Marguerite, d. of M. Louis Delzons, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, Barrister- at-Law. Directeur politique du "Journal des Debats *' of Paris. Educ. : Marlborough. War Work : R.A.S.C, M.T, Mar, 1915, to July, 1919. (O5062) BURSTALL, Henry Robert John, M.B.E, M.Inst.C.E, 6. 12 Jan. 1863 ; s. of Henry Abraham Burstall, of London ; m. Alice Maud, d. of J. W. McLeUan, J.P, of Rochester. Educ : Private Schools and Univ. CoU, London. Consulting Engineer to a number of companies. War Work : War Office, March, 1915 ; Govt. Superintending Engineer, M. of M, S.E. London, June, 1915 ; Chief Engineer, Contracts Section, Dept. of Ex plosives Supply, M. of M, from July, 1915, and also Section Director till Aug. 1919 ; under D.G.F. tUl Jan. 1920. Ad dresses : 14, Old Queen Street, S.W. ; 50, Finchley Road, Westcliff-on-Sea. (M3552) BURSTON, Lieut.-Col. Samuel Roy, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1888 ; s. of Brig.-Gen. James Burston, V.D. (Gen. Officer Comdg. an Inf. Brig, in GaUipoli), of Melbourne, AustraUa ; m. 1913, Helen EUzabeth, d. of the late WilUam Culross, Barrister, of Adelaide. Educ. : Melbourne Gram. Sch. and Univ. (M.B, B.S. Melbourne 1910). Lieut.-Col. AustraUan Army Med. Corps, Assist. Physician to Adelaide Hospital, and Hon. Anaesthetist to Adelaide ChUdren's Hospital ; served during Great War, 1915-18, in Gallipoli, Egypt, and France (despatches). Address : Adelaide, S. Australia. Clubs : Adelaide ; Naval and Military (Adelaide). (C2193) BURT, Alexander, junior, M.B.E. BURT, Comm. Arthur Stanley, O.B.E, R.N. BURT, Bryce Chudleigh, M.B.E, B.Sc, 6. 29 AprU, 1881 ; s. of the late Isaac Burt, of Churcham, Gloucester ; m. Beatrice Maud, d. of the late A. Seary, of Bristol. Educ : Merchant Venturers, Bristol, and Univ. CoU, London. Deputy Director Agriculture, United Provinces, India (Indian Agricultural Service). War Work : In India (Wheat and fodder supplies). Address : Cawnpore, U.P, India. Clubs : Cawnpore ; Naini Tal ; University of London. (M4121) BURT, Frank Playfair, M.B.E. BURT, Sir Henry Parsall, K.C.I.E, C.B.E, Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, V.D, A.M.I.CE. 6. 15 April, 1857 ; s. of Henry Potter Burt, of Littlecot, Streat ham Common ; to. Blanche, d. of John Curtis Harrop, of Liverpool. Educ. : Clifton College and Royal Engineering CoUege. Cooper's HiU. Manager of North-Western Railway of India, 1907 ; Member of Legislative CouncU of Punjab, 1908 ; Member of Legislative Council of Gov.-Gen. of India, 1914 ; Director of Indian RaUway Companies, India Office, 1915; Chairman of several Indian Railway Companies since 1919. War Work: Representative thioughout the War of the Secre tary of State for India, on the Priority Committee of the Ministry of Munitions, and was largely responsible for the control and supply from this country and America of India's requirements, especiaUy in the matter of railway plant and material. Addresses : Woodfield, Lytton Grove, Putney Hill,, S.W. 15 ; 237, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, E.C. Clubs : East India United Service ; Bengal, Calcutta ; Royal Victoria Yacht : Ryde, I. of W. (C450) BURT, James, M.B.E. BURT, Jean, M.B.E. BURT, John, M.B.E, J.P. BURT, Capt. John Wotherspoon, O.B.E, R.A.F. BURT, Lieut. Reginald Edward, M.B.E. BURT, Capt. Reginald Stevens, O.B.E. BURT, Capt. Walter Leslie, M.B.E, R.A.F. BURTA, Capt. WilUam, O.B.E. (0199) 96 BURTENSHAW, Major Arthur, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C fi. 25 Aug. 1881 ; s. of Major J. Burtenshaw, R.M.L.I. (ret.) • to. Grace, d. of C. Brooker, of Strood. Educ : Portsmouth" Grammar School ; Mathematical School, Rochester. War Work : Joined R.A.S.C. Nov. 1914, proceeding to France same dav ; Requisitioning and Supply Officer, 19th Inf. Bde, Jan to Aug. 1915 ; attached D.D.S.T, 1st Army, Sept. 1915 to March 1910 ; Senior Supply Officer, 16th (Irish) Division, April' 1916, to AprU, 1917 ; Senior Supply Officer, 51st (Highland) Division, AprU, 1917 to Nov. 1917 ; Senior Supply Officer 58th Div. (London), Nov. 1917 to March, 1919 ; 2nd in charge No. 6 Base Supply Depot, Calais, March to Dec. 1919 ; O.C same Jan. to July, 1920 ; received Military Cross, May. 1916 •' promoted Capt, March 1915 : Major, Oct. 1916 ; mentioned in despatches, June, 1917 and Dec. 1918. (02454) BURTON, David Fowler, M.B.E, J.P, Co. Alderman 6. 7 Oct. 1857 ; s. of David Burton, of Cherry Burton. Edue. '¦ Rugby School. Barrister-at-law, Middle Temple. War Work ': 5 years and 4 months, Assistant Paymaster in West Riding (Yorks.) Territorial Association (Separation Department). Address : Cherry Burton HaU, Beverley, East Yorks. Club ': Yorkshire (York). (M7571) BURTON, Donald, M.B.E, M.Sc, A.I.C, fi. 29 July, 1892 : _. of Arthur Angell Burton, of Morley, Yorks. Educ. : Bradford Grammar School and Univ. of Leeds. Leather Chemist, Co-operative Wholesale Society's Research Depart ment, Manchester. War Work : Assistant to Deputy In spector of High Explosives, University of Leeds ; received a letter from the Minister of Munitions expressing appreciation of the course of action taken at the Explosion at the Low Moor Munitions Company in Aug. 1916, which secured the safety of the magazine and resulted in the preservation of the stock of explosives at the adjacent Picric Acid Factory of Messrs. Breaks & Son, which might otherwise have been lost to the country ; seriously injured at the explosion at Copley in Dec, 1917, while endeavouring to turn on the drenchers after fire had broken out. Address : Holmesfield, Morley, Yorks. (M7572) BURTON, Major Edmund Gerald, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. BURTON, Frances Westbrook, M.B.E. ; d. of Col. Gerard S. Burton, of The Norfolk Regt. War Work : Hon. Sec, Norfolk Regt. Prisoners of War Help Organisation, also Hon. Sec. for 2 years of Norfolk Women's Agricultural Com mittee and Hon. Sec. for East Norfolk Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association. Address : 129, Newmarket Road, Norwich. (M2553) BURTON, Rev. Canon Harry Darwin, O.B.E. BURTON, Rev. Harold John Chandos, M.B.E, M.A., fi. 12 May, 1878 ; s. of Prebendary J. R. Burton, of BUterely, Ludlow ; to. Constance Mary, d. of Rev. D. Vawdrey, of Arcley Kings. Educ. : Trinity CoU, Glenalmond, and Magdalene CoU, Cam bridge. Vicar of Stoke S. Milburgh with the Heath, Salop. War Work : T.C.F, May, 1917, to April, 1919 ; attached 28th Manchesters, May. to Nov. 1917 ; Brigade Chaplain, 222nd mixed brigade, Nov. 1917, to Jan. 1919 ; attached 25thR.D.B. Jan. 1919, to AprU, 1919. Address : The Vicarage, Stoke S. Milburgh, Ludlow, Salop. (M5129) BURTON, Henrietta, O.B.E. BURTON, Lieut.-Col. Henry Walter, O.B.E, R.N. BURTON, Major Herbert Edgar, O.B.E, R.E. BURTON, Kenneth, M.B.E. BURTON, Major Percy Collingwood, M.B.E. BURTON, Major R.B.S, O.B.E. BURTON, Major Sydney Collard, O.B.E. BURTON, Walter WilUam John, M.B.E, Palmes en argent Ordre de la Couronne (Belgium), 6. 1 Aug. 1880 ; s. of John Burton, of Westminster ; to. Florence AmeUa, d. of Frank Moth, of London. Educ. : City of Westminster School. Clerk to Chief Inspector, Aliens Branch, Home Office. War Work : Regulations governing landing and embarkation of passengers in United Kingdom ; Clerk in charge of clerical staff, Aliens Branch, Home Office. Address : 61, Wyndham Road, King ston-on-Thames. (M7575) BURTON, Capt. William Arthur, O.B.E. BURTON, William John, O.B.E. BURTON, WUUam Parker, O.B.E, J.P,M.F.H,6.29 Oct. 1864 ; s. of Henry May Burton, of Ipswich ; m. EmUy, d. of William Chandler, of Ipswich. Educ. : Ipswich School. Joint Master of Essex and Suffolk Foxhounds; Joint Vice- President of Yacht Racing Association ; sailed Shamrock IV. for Sir Thomas Lipton in the America Cup Race ; J.P. for Ipswich Borough. War Work : In the spring of 1915 became Honorary Director Pit-prop section, Board of Trade ; trans feired services, in winter of 1916, to the Ministry of Food at its inception — now one of the verv few original members still serving ; Chairman of the Flour MUls Control Committee, responsible for the manufacture and distribution of flour in the United Kingdom ; Member of the Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies. Address : The Cottage, BurstaU, Ipswich. Club : Royal Thames Yacht. (0200) BURTT, WiUiam Edmund, M.B.E. (M10245) BURY, Ernest, O.B.E. BURY, Francis George, C.B.E. Hon. Treasurer, King George and Queen Mary's Club for Oversea Forces. Address : 8, Cheniston Gardens, W. 8. (C387) BURY. Lieut. George Wyman, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. BURY, John Edwin, M.B.E. BURY, Lindsay Edward, C.B.E, fi. 11 June, 1882 ; ». of Francis George Bury, C.B.E, of 8, Cheniston Gardens, BIOGRAPHIES. Butler Kensington ; to. Frances, d. of Capt. H. J. Beckwith, of Milli- chope Park, Craven Arms. Educ. : Eton and Trinity, Cam bridge. Irrigation Department, Publio Works Ministry, Egypt. War Work : Major, R.E, Suez Canal Defences, 1915- lb; Colonel, Deputy Director, I.W.T, R.E, Egypt, 1917-18. Address : Public Works, Ministry, Egypt. Clubs : Turf and Sporting, Cairo ; New University. (C1372) BURY, Capt. Raymond, M.B.E, BUSBY, Thomas Dalrymple, O.B.E. (011958) BUSBY, Thomas Frederiok, M.B.E, BUSH, Flying Offloer Albert Edward, M.B.E, R.A.F, fi. 8 Oct. 1882 ; s. of William Gardner Bush, of Coventry ; m. Helen Elizabeth, d. of John Ingram, of Coventry. Educ. : St. Peter's School and Technical Institute, Coventry. Engineer, Daimler Co, Ltd, Coventry. War Work : Design of Trans port Vehicles, Aeronautical Engines and Aeroplanes ; Deputy Chief Engineer, Daimler Co, Ltd. ; served on various com mittees of British Engineering Standards Association for Aircraft Materials ; appointed Engineer in charge of BK2 Engine. Address : 4, Avondale Road, Coventry. (M7575) BUSH, Helen Ethel, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 31 Jan. 1877 ; d. of John V. S. Pope, late D.P.I, Burma ; to. Col. Hairy S. Bush, C.B, C.M.G. ; s. of J. Bush, of Hanworth House, Middle sex. Educ. : Princess Helena Coll, Ealing, and Brussels. War Work : Lady Smith-Dorrien's Hospital Bag Fund and Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Assoc. Address : Red Barracks, Woolwich. Club : Kenmar. (M3554) BUSH, Bt. Col. James Paul, C.M.G, C.B.E, T.D. Ch.M, D.L, 6. 30 June, 1857 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. Robert. Bush, of Clifton, Bristol ; to. Laura Annie, d. of the late John Robert son, of Colac, Victoria, Australia. Educ. : Clifton College ; Bristol Medical School ; University College Hospital, London. Consulting Surgeon, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Almondsbury Memorial Hospital and Pontypool Hospital ; Chief Surgeon Bristol PoUce Force ; Lecturer on Operative Surgery, University of Bristol ; Ex-President, Bath and Bristol Br.B.M.A, and Ex-President Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society : Member of CouncU, Epsom College ; Member of Council, International Surgical Society. War Work : Senior- Surgeon, Princess Christian Hospital, Natal Field Force ; P.M.O. H.M. Hospital Ship " Lismore Castle," Boer War, 1899-1900 (medal and clasps and mentioned in despatches) ; Officer Commanding 2nd Southern General Hospital, T.F. and 56 General Hospital, France ; A.D.M.S, No. 2 Area (Bristol), Southern Command (mentioned in despatches, medals and olasps). Address : Clifton Park, Bristol. Clubs : Constitu tional ; Clifton. (C1232) BUSH, Capt. James Tobin, C.B.E, fi. 1874 ; ». of James Charles Tobin Bush, of Bromley, Kent ; to. 1904, Antonia Harriet Lander, d. of John Richard Leonard Cridland, of Copenhagen and Exeter. Capt. R.N. ; in Controller's Depart. Admiralty 1910-12 ; Great War, 1914-19, with Ocean Escort (despatches). (C1180) BUSH, Margery, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 5 July, 1885 ; d. of Edward Scott, M.D, of Stoke Bishop, near Bristol ; to. Robert Edwin Bush, s. of Robert Bush, of Clifton, Bristol. Educ. : Godolphin School, SaUsbury. War Work : With husband, turned residence into a hundred-bed hospital, Aug. 1914 ; equipped, administered, and paid aU costs of running it. Address : Bishop's Knoll, Stoke Bishop, near Bristol. (0201) BUSHE, Surg.-Comm. Charles Kendal, M.B.E, M.D, R.A, R.N. BUSHBY, Maud AUce, M.B.E, 6. 1874 ; d. of H. J. Bushby, of Wormley Bury, Herts. War Work : Secretarial and Staff work for the B.R.C.S. Address: 2, Egerton Gardens, S.W. Clubs : Forum ; V.A.D. Ladies'. (M3555) BUSHELL, Major Christopher Wyndowe, O.B.E, R.N. BUSHELL, Lieut.-Col. Edward Harry, O.B.E. BUSHELL, John James, M.B.E, 6. 25 Jan. 1872 ; s. of James BusheU, of Athlone, Ireland ; to. Mary Rosalie Beatrice, d. of Robert T. D. Popham, of Bermuda. Educ : Manchester (England) High School and private tutors. Member, Board of Trade, Bermuda (Dept. of Govt.) ; Member, Devonshire Parish Vestry, Bermuda ; Secretary, Bermuda Chamber of Com merce ; Managing Editor, " Bermuda Colonist and Daily News " ; author, " AU about Bermuda," and other local handbooks and booklets ; correspondent, " Sun " and " New York Herald," etc ; Member, Empire Air League. Address : "Palm Vale," Devonshire, Bermuda. (M6421) BUSHELL, Sybil Dorothy, M.B.E, d. of the late Rev. William Done BusheU, of Harrow School. Educ. : Wycombe Abbey. War Work : 1915-16 nursed under the Croix Rouge in France, Hopital AuxUiare, 222 ; 1917-19, worked as Higher Grade Clerk in Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement. Address : The Hermitage, Harrow. (M7576) BUSHROD, Frank, O.B.E. BUSS, Major H. A., O.B.E, D.S.C, R.A.F. BUSSELL, Major Albert Cecil, O.B.E. BUSSELL, Percy Dale, O.B.E. BUSTARD, Major Frank, O.B.E, King's Own Royal Lan caster Regt, (T.F.) R, 6. 20 Feb. 1886 ; s. of John Bustard, of Halewood, Liverpool ; m. Norah, d. of Thomas Hamilton, of Liverpool. Educ : Liverpool Institute. Shipping. Principal of the Passenger Conference Depts. of the White Star, Dominion and American Lines. War Work : Military Landing Officer, Mudros ; Asst. Embarkation Staff Officer, Suez ; successively Embarkation Staff Officer, Beirut, Tripoli, Alexandretta, and Mersina : Opening these ports during General AUenby's advance through Palestine and Syria ; mentioned in despatches 4 times. Address : May Bank, 58, Victoria Road, Gt. Crosby, Liverpool. (02870) BUSTARD, George, M.B.E. BUSTEED, Lieut.-Col. Henry Richard, O.B.E, A.F.C, R.A.F. BUTCHER, Lieut. Alfred William, M.B.E. BUTCHER, Lieut. Charlie Robert, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. BUTCHER, Doris Ruth, M.B.E, fi. 22 Sept. 1896; d. of Henry Charles Butcher, of London. Educ. : Whitelands College School, and City of London CoUege. Secretary. War Work : Worked at V.A.D. Headquarters, London, from 1915 to 1918 (staff quartermaster) ; member of London V.A. Detachment, 128. Address : 92, Baron's Court Road, W. Club : Portsmouth. (M7577) BUTCHER, George Henry, M.B.E, 6. 7 Feb. 1875; s. of Joseph Butcher, of Berkeley. Educ : Cirencester. Managing Director, J. Fryer, Ltd, Hereford ; Managing Director, Newport (Mon.) Motor Co, Ltd. ; Director, Hereford Transport Co, Ltd. War Work : Agricultural tractors and transport tractor representative County of Hereford, Food Production Dept. (M1504) BUTCHER, Henry James, M.B.E. BUTCHER, Marjorie Alma, M.B.E, 6. 24 Dec. 1889; d. of Henry Charles Butcher, of London. Educ. : Onslow HaU School, S. Kensington ; S.W.P. Day CoUege, Chelsea. Private Secretary. War Work : Member of V.A.D. London 128 ; worked at V.A.D. Headquarters, London, from 1915-17 ; worked at W.R.N.S. Headquarters, from 1917-19 (Assistant Principal W.R.N.S.). Address : 92, Baron's Court Road, W. 14. Club: Portsmouth. (M3556) BUTCHER, Samuel Foster, O.B.E. BUTCHER, Sidney Herbert, M.B.E, Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne de Belgique, fi. 19 July, 1873 ; s. of Charles Richard Butcher, of Islington ; to. Ada Snell, d. of Henry Jackson, of Flamstead End, Cheshunt, Herts. Educ : Cloudesley Grammar School and Burstead House Academy, BUlericay, Essex. Master of United Institutions, 38, Parish Street, and 28, Tanner Street, Bermondsey, S.E. 1. War Work : The leception of the first War Refugees from Belgium and distribution of same ; The reception, cleansing and feeding of 20,500 Belgian Soldiers in 1915-16, and the establishment of the fourth Belgian Military Hospital and the Belgian Military Bureau, all Belgian troops entering the country passing through the institution. The hospital was visited by Princess Clementine, who invested over 2000 soldiers with medals won on the field of battle, Sir Francis Lloyd, representing the War Office, in attendance, and by H.R.H. Princess Christian and many other notables. (M1508) BUTCHER, Capt. Trevor AveUng, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. BUTCHER, Paymaster-Lieut. Victor George, O.B.E, R.N.R. BUTE, Augusta Mary Monica, Marchioness of, D.B.E.; d. of Sir Henry BeUingham, Bart, Castle BeUdngham, Co. Louth, and Lady Constance BeUingham, d. of the 2nd Earl of Gainsborough ; to. John, 4th Marquis of Bute. War Work : Donor, with Lord Bute, and Administratrix of Mount Stuart R.N. Hospital, of 110 beds ; entertained 40 Belgian refugees for 2 years ; worked in the 3rd Western General Hospital and Prince of Wales's Hospital for Limbless Sailors and Soldiers, Cardiff ; President, Bute Branch of the British Red Cross Society. Addresses : Mount Stuart, Rothesay ; Dumfries House, Ayrshire ; Cardiff Castle, Cardiff. (D27) BUTLER, Albert, O.B.E, 6. 16 Jan. 1862 ; *. of George Butler, of Gillingham, Dorset : m. Mary EmUy, d. of Thomas Catling, late Editor of " Lloyd's " newspaper. Educ: Gram mar School, GUlingham, Dorset. Principal Clerk, Royal Ordnance Factories, Woolwich Arsenal. War Work : In charge of the manufacturing accounts of the Royal Ordnance Factories and responsible for the correct calculations of the earnings of the employees, some 80,000 men, women and boys. Address : Fiona, 23 Vanburgh HiU, Blackheath, S.E. 3. (01170) BUTLER, Major Arnold Charles Paul, O.B.E, K.R.R.C. BUTLER, Arthur Francis, O.B.E, 6. 18 June, 1876 ; s. of the late Spencer Perceval Butler, of Lincoln's Inn ; m. Sibella Akers, d. of Edward Norman, of Chelsfield. Educ : HaUeybury CoUege ; Pembroke College ; Cambridge. H.M. Inspector, Board of Education. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, Labour Supply Department. Address : Chelsfield House, Chelsfield. Club : United University. (0203) BUTLER, Major Charles Walter, O.B.E. BUTLER, Daphne Kendall, M.B.E, BUTLER, Capt. Eustace Norman, M.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.F.) BUTLER, Lieut. Fernand Charles, M.B.E, R.A.F. BUTLER, Sub-Lieut. Francis John, M.B.E, R.N. BUTLER, Major Frank Norman, O.B.E, R.E. BUTLER, Capt. Frederick William, O.B.E, R.A.S.C BUTLER, Sir (George) Geoffrey (GUbert), K.B.E, M.A, 6. 15 Aug. 1887 ; s. of Spencer Butler, of Lincoln's Inn ; to. Elizabeth Levering, d. of J. Levering Jones, of PhUadelphia, U.S.A. Educ. : Clifton ; Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. FeUow, Librarian and Lecturer in International Law and Diplomacy, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge ; Secretary, Cambridge University Board of Research Studies. War Work : Foreign Office ; Balfour Mission to U.S.A. ; Director British Bureau of Information, U.S.A. Address : Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Clubs : Carlton ; United University ; Cambridge County. (K205) BUTLER, Capt. George Guy, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. 97 Butler THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. BUTLER, Harold, M.B.E. .,,.,>_ BUTLER, Harold Branson, M.B.E, F.R.CS. (Eng.), 6. 13 Oct. 1875 ; s. of Thomas Mapleson Butler, of GuUdford ; m. Hilda Bethune, d. of John Denham Smith, late of Hare- stock House, Winchester. Educ .- St. Paul's School ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Surgeon ; Surgeon to the Royal Surrey County Hospital. War Work : Surgeon to MiUtary Annexe of Royal Surrey County Hospital, Clandon Park MiUtary Hospital, and GuUdford War Hospital. Address: Belmont House, GuUdford. Club : Royal Societies'. (M7580) BUTLER, Harold George, O.B.E, 6. 21 AprU, 1877 ; s. of Alexander Butler, of West Wycombe, Bucks. ; to. Eva Beatrix, d. of Alfred Rutt, of 68, Cannon Street, E.C. Educ : Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe. Superintending Inspector of Taxes, Somerset House. War Work : Chairman of Black List Committee, under Minister of Blockade ; Assis tant Secretary, War Trade Department. Address : 16, Wood land Gardens, MusweU HiU, N. 10. (01171) BUTLER, Capt. Henry BasU Bacon, O.B.E, fi. 1 Feb. 1892 ; s. of Prof. W. R. Butler, M.I.C.E, of King's CoUege, Windsor, and Nova Scotia, Canada. Educ. : Shirley House School, Blackheath ; Cheltenham CoUege ; Royal Military College, Kingston, Canada. War Work : Served in France and Flanders with various units between Aug. 1914 and Feb. 1919. Address: c/o Sir C. R. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39 Panton Street, Haymarket. (02458) BUTLER, Col. Henry Hugh, C.B.E, fi. 1863; s. of Lieut.-Gen. — Butler. Educ: WeUington CoU. Col. R.A. (ret.) ; Great War, 1914-10. (C1496) BUTLER, Henry John, M.B.E, 6. July, 1874 ; s. of John Butler, of Ealing. Educ. : Privately. Chief Supt. Wimbledon Fhe Brigade. War Work : Fire protection of Munition Works, Camp, Hospitals ; special precautions during Air Raids. Ad dress : 10, Queen's Road, Wimbledon, S.W. 19. Club : Kings' (Wimbledon). (M7581) BUTLER, Herbert George, M.B.E. BUTLER, Major James Bayley, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. 6. 8 AprU, 1884 ; s. of Col. J. W. S. Butler, of Madras Staff Corps ; m. Katherine Mary, d. of TheophUus McWeeney, of Dublin. Educ: Clongoes Wood and Royal Lniv. of Deland. Professor of Botany, Univ. Coll, DubUn, National Univ. of Ireland. War Work : Attached H.Q. 48th Division, B.E.F, France ; Commandant DubUn Area Anti-gas School and later Commandant G.H.Q. Ireland Science Schools. Address : 81, Ranelagh Road, DubUn. (M5131) BUTLER, Capt. James Dickson, M.B.E. BUTLER, James Ramsay Montagu, M.V.O, O.B.E, 6. 20 July, 1889 ; s. of the Rev. H. M. Butler, D.D, Master of Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Educ. : Harrow ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge. FeUow of Trinity CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Served GaUipoli, Egypt, War Office and France in Great War. Address : Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. (O5065) BUTLER, John Ingham, M.B.E. BUTLER, John Lawrence, M.B.E, A.M.T.C, A.M.I. M.E. BUTLER, Leonard Frederick George, M.B.E, fi. 29 March, 1888 ; s. ot Walter David Butler, of Paulton. Bristol ; m. Clara Elizabeth, d. of Ernest Jeffs, of Bristol. Educ. : Sexey's School, Bruton. Designer for Messrs. BrazU Straker, Engineers, Bristol. War Work : Experimental work on new designs for Aircraft Engines. Address: 22, Walsingham Road, St. Andrew's Park, Bristol. (M7584) BUTLER, LUy IsabeUa, C.B.E. BUTLER, MUdred Mary, Mrs, O.B.E. War Work : Donor and Commandant of Heywood Hospital, Cobham, Surrey. (010089) BUTLER, Montagu Sherard Dawes, C.B, CLE, C.V.O, C.B.E, 6. 19 May, 1873 ; s. of late S. P. Butler, Barrister-at- law, of Lincoln's Inn ; to. Ann, d. of Dr. George Smith, CLE, Edinburgh. Educ. : HaUeybury Coll, and Pembroke CoU. Cambridge. Indian CivU Service. War Work : Recruiting and other war work in the Attock district, Punjab, India. Address : c/o Messrs. H. S. King & Co, 9, PaU Mall, London. Club : Bath. (C2373) BUTLER, Nina, M.B.E, d. of Sir Thomas Butler, K.C.V.O, Secretary to Lord Great Chamberlain Deputy Black Rod, House of Lords (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : British Red Cross Enquiry Department for Wounded and Missing, 1915-19. Address : Royal Court, Palace of Westminster, S.W. 1. (M3558) BUTLER, Lieut. Richard Jefferson, M.B.E, K.O.Y.L.I. BUTLER, Sir Richard Pierce, Bart., O.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6 . 28 Sept. 1872 ; s. of the late Sir Thomas Pierce Butler, Bart, of BaUin Temple, Co. Carlow, Ireland ; m. Alice Dudley, d. oi The Very Rev. The Hon. J. W. Leigh, D.D. Educ. : Harrow. Served in S. African War with Mounted Infantry, Queen's Medal and 5 clasps. War Work : Served in the Great War as Recruiting Officer, Sept. 1911 to Feb. 1915, then Remount Dept. in France till Nov. 1917, then took first Remount Sqdn. to Italy ; in Sept. 1918 appointed D.D.R. (temp. Lieut.-Col.) to Desert Mounted Corps in Syria ; twice mentioned in de spatches. Addresses : 63, Pont Street, S.W. 1 ; BaUin Temple, TuUow, Co. Carlow, Deland. Clubs : WeUington and Kildare Street (DubUn). (02970) BUTLER, Rev. Richard Urban, O.B.E. BUTLER, Samuel Flowers, O.B.E. BUTLER, Sir Cyril KENDALL-, K.B.E, J.P. (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry), 6. 28 July, 1864 ; eldest son of SpencerPerceval Butler, of Lincoln's Inn, and of Mary, only child of the Rev. Nicholas KendaU ; to. Louisa Mary, only child of Joseph Beaumont Pease, of Darlington. Educ. : Harrow. J.P., County of London, and J.P. Co. Berks. ; High Sheriff, Berks, 1906 War Work : Divisional Food Commissioner (Ministry of Food) for S.M. Division, 1917-19 ; Chief of the British Section of the Inter-Allied Mission for Food and Relief to Central Europe, 1919-20. Address : Bourton House, Shrivenham. Clubs - Travellers ; Bath ; Windham ; Hurlingham ; R.A.C. (K356) BUTTENSHAW, George Eskholme, M.B.E, A.M.Inst. ME fi. 5 AprU, 1870. Educ. : Rotherham Grammar School, Sheffield Univ. CoU. Engineer ; Director of Frank Pearn & Co, Manchester. War Work : Section Engineer, Ministry of Munitions. Address : Lynbrook, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. (M3559) BUTTER, Major Charles Adrian James, O.B.E, R.A.F. BUTTER, Capt. Francis Sam, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. BUTTERS, Capt. Adams, O.B.E. BUTTERS, 2nd Lieut. James Waugh, M.B.E. BUTTERS, John Henry, M.B.E. (M10377) BUTTERWORTH, Capt. Arthur Bernard, O.B.E, BUTTERWORTH, Lieut.-Col. Jabez, O.B.E, 6. 15 June, 1878 ; s. of WUUam Butterworth, of Luddenden ; m. Ann Olga, d. of George Marsden, of Harrogate. Educ. : Privately. SoUcitor ; Commissioner for Oaths ; Clerk to District Insurance Committee. War Work : Army Pay Department, 1914-19. Address : 27, St. George's Road, Harrogate. (01172) BUTTERWORTH, Reginald, C.B.E. BUTTON, Howard, C.B.E, 6. 20 March, 1875; s. of John J. Button, of Fern Bank, Olton, Warwickshire ; m. Beatrice Maud, d. of the late WUloughby F. EUis, of WoodviUe. Educ. : Foundation Scholar of King Edward VI. Grammar School, Birmingham. War Work : Served as A.B. for 2_ years in R.N.A.A.C ; Director of Internal Audits (D.I.A.), Ministry of Munitions of War ; Controller of Munitions Ac counts (C.M.A.), Ministry of Munitions of War. Addresses: 86, East Sheen Avenue, S.W. 14 ; 61-62, Lincoln's Dm Fields, W.C. 2. Club : R.A.C. (C2491) BUTTON, Surg.-Lieut.-Comdr. PhUip Norman, O.B.E, R.N. BUTTON, Thomas Frederick, M.B.E. BUXTON, AUred MeUor, O.B.E, 6. 7 May, 1879 ; s. of Alfred Buxton, of Wilmslow ; m. Ethel Marion, d. ot G. E. Mawby, of Northampton. Educ : RossaU. Manufacturer. War Work : B.R.C.S. Cheshire Branch ; Manager of Food and Stores Department for the County Address : Remenham, WUmslow , Cheshire. Club : Constitutional (Manchester). (010091) BUXTON, Lieut. Claude Henry, M.B.E., R.A.O.C. BUXTON, Edward, M.B.E. BUXTON, Frances Mary, O.B.E, 6. 10 Oct. 1879 ; d. ot the late Francis WiUiam and Hon. Mrs. Buxton, O.B.E, of 42, Grosvenor Gardens. War Work : Four years at Red Cross Wounded and Missing Dept, 18, Carlton House Terrace. Address : 43, Hans Place, S.W. 1. (03646) BUXTON, Laura, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of John Gumey, of Sprowston HaU, Norwich ; to. Edward Gurney, s. of Samuel Gumey Buxton, of Catton Hall, Norwich. War Work : Com mandant (and owner) of Catton Hall, V.A.D. Hospital, 1915-19. Address : Catton HaU, Norwich. Club : New Century. (M3561) BUXTON, Lucy Ethel, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1867 ; d. of the late Sir Joseph Pease, Bart, of Hutton HaU, Guishorough, Yorks. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Gerald, s. of E. N. Buxton, of Knighton, Essex. Educ. : Privately. Vice-Chairman, Essex Branch, B.R.C.S. ; Lady President League of Mercy ; Deputy Chairman, Essex County Nursing Association ; Member of Essex War Pensions Committees. War Work : Commandant, Essex 58 and Theydon Towers Hospital, Essex Branch, B.R.C.S. ; Training Centre at Birch Hall Farm, for Land Army ; Pensions Committees. Address : Birch HaU, They don Bois, Essex. Clubs : Ladies' AutomobUe ; Bath. (01173) BUXTON, Mary AUne, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 23 May, 1896 ; d. of Lieut.-Col. F. E. Bradshaw, D.S.O, of 29, Draycott Place, S.W. ; to. Clarence Edward Victor, s. of Sir T. F. Victor Buxton, 5th Bart, of Wariies, Waltham Abbey. War Work : Central Prisoners of War Committee. (M7586) BUXTON, Mary G., The Hon. Mrs. Francis, O.B.E. BUXTON, Capt. Vincent, O.B.E, 6. 25 April, 1893; s. of WiUiam Henry Buxton, of Bryn Coed, St. Asaph. Educ. : France, Germany, and Royal MiUtary Coll, Sandhurst. FUght- Lieut, R.A.F, late the Leicestershire Regt. War Work: Served with the 2nd Leicestershire Regt. in France, 1914 and 1915 (Indian Corps) ; attached to the 2nd East Yorkshire Regt. in France, 1915 (28th Div.) ; served with the 2nd Leicester shire Regt. in Mesopotamia, 1916 and 1917 ; attached to 30 Squadron, R.F.C. in 1917 in Mesopotamia ; appointed to Air Staff in Oct. 1917 ; served as S.O. 3 and S.O. 2 (Air) until 1920 ; transferred to R.A.F. in 1919 ; mentioned in despatches by General Sir Stanley Maude, K.C.B, C.M.G, D.S.O, 2 Nov. 1917 ; wounded at battle of Neuve ChapeUe, March, 1915 ; Loos, Sept. 1915 and whUe bombing Arab tribes on the River Euphrates in Feb. 1919. Address : Bryn Coed, St. Asaph, N. Wales. Club : R.A.F, R.A.C. (O8063) BUXTON, Violet, Mrs, O.B.E. : d. of the late Rev. Dr. T. W. Jex-Blake, of The Deanery, Wells, Somerset ; m. Alfred Fowell, s. of Thomas FoweU, of Easneye, Ware. TFar Work: Lady Almoner of the Manor (County of London) War Hospital, Epsom. Address : FairhUl, Tonbridge. Club : Albemarle. (010092) 98 BIOGRAPHIES. Caillard (06971) (M5981) 24 Oct. 1865 ; Matilda, d. of BYAM, Lieut.-Col. WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 19 Aug, 1882 ; s. of Maj.-Gen. W. Byam, C.B, of Southampton ; to. Doris Mabert, d. of Edward Stlven, M.D, of Harrow-on-the- Hill. Educ : Wellington CoU, Berks, and St. George's Hosp, London. Assistant Director of Pathology, London District. War Work : Member of the War Office Trench Fever Investi gation Committee ; and in charge of the War Oflice Trench Fever Investigation Wards, etc. Address : 9, Harley Street. London, W. 1. BYAS, Hugh Fulton, M.B.E. BYATT, Ernest Henry, M.B.E. BYGRAVE, Leonard Charles, M.B.E. BYGRAVE, William Thomas, O.B.E ». of the late Henry Bygrave, of Norwich . the late Daniel John Mahon, of St. Marylebone. Educ. : St GUes and St. Peter Mancroft Schools, Norwich. Director and Secretary of Eastmau & Son (Dyers and Cleaners), Ltd, Acton Vale ; Member of Council, Chairman of Finance Committee, and Vice-Chairman of House Committee, Acton Hospital. Vice-President of Acton PhUanthropic Society. War Work : Vice-Chairman Acton Local War Pensions Committee ; Chair man Special Disablement King's Fund and Special Appeals Sub-Committees from formation until end of 1919. Address : 11, Cumberland Road, Acton, W. 3. Clubs : Past Masters' ; Priory Constitutional (Acton). (010093) BYLES, Emma Mary, M.B.E, 6. 25 July, 1865 ; 'd. of Pierre BeuzeviUe Byles, of Henley-on-Thames. Educ. : Bradford Girls' Grammar School. Trained Nurse. For 17 years Matron of Lambeth Infirmary , retired Nov. 1918 ; trained Adden- brooke's Hospital, Cambridge. War Work : Organised, and worked shorthanded, accommodation for 300 extra patients to relieve other Institutions which were used for MUitary Hospitals. A large number of muses from her training school (Lambeth) volunteered for war work and many received honours. Ad dress : Resthaven, St. Leonard's Road, Horsham. (M3863) BYNE, Lieut.-Col. Roland Martin, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. (ret.), 6. 19 AprU, 1864. (01175) BYRDE, Edwin Augustus, O.B.E. Engineer-in-Chief, RaUway Construction, Mesopotamia. (017189/) BYRNE, Lieut.-Col. Gerald Bertram Eustace, O.B.E, late Rifle Brigade, 6. 10 Nov. 1873 ; s. of Maj.-Gen. T. E. Byrne, of Tekels Castle, Camberley ; to. AUeen Myrtle, d. of Robert Sanderson Whitaker, of VUla Sofia, Palermo. Educ : Woburn School, Weybridge, and Beaumont College, Old Windsor. War Work : 5th Batt. Rifle Brigade, 1914-18 ; France, 1918-19. Club : Army and Navy. (05066) BYRNE, Brig.-Gen. Sir Joseph Aloysius, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 2 Oct. 1874 ; s. of the late J. Byrne, D.L, F.R.CS.I, of Londonderry ; m. 21 July, 1908, Marjorie, d. of the late Allan F. Joseph, of Ghezira, Cairo. Late Royal InniskilUng Fusiliers ; joined 1893; Major, 1914; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1915; Hon. Brig.-Gen, (ret.) 1916; was A.A.G. War Office, 1915-16; D.A.G. Irish Command, 1916, and Inspector- General Royal Irish Constabulary, 1916-20; served in S. African War 1899- 1902 (two medals, seven clasps, wounded). (K133) BYRNE, Kathleen, Mrs., M.B.E, BYRNE, Louisa Mary, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Andrew Derham, J.P, of Co. Dublin. Educ. : Rathfarnham Abbey, Co. Dublin. War Work : Services on Committee of Tyneside Irish Brigade. Address : 26, Eldon Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (M7587) BYRNE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Richard, O.B.E. BYRNE, Violet JuUa, O.B.E. War Work: V.A.D. Headquarters Staff, 1915-20 ; Hon. Sec. Joint Women's V.A.D. Selection Board, 1916-20 ; Commandant V.A.D. London 284, 1917-20 ; appointed Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, Nov. 1917. Address: 65, Cadogan Place, S.W. 1. Clubs: Ladies' AutomobUe ; V.A.D. Ladies'. (010094) BYROM, Charles Reginald, O.B.E, 6. 7 Nov. 1878 ; s. of the late Rev. John Wolsey Unwin, of Overton Rectory, Ellesmere, Salop (took name of Byrom by Deed PoU, 31 Dec, 1907); m. Blanche, youngest daughter of the late Nicholas Martindale, of Liverpool. Educ. : Shrewsbury School. Assistant Superintendent of the Line, L. & N.W. Railway. War Work : General Transport of Troops and War Material in this coimtry. Address : 65, Hampstead Way. N.W. 4. (01176) BYROM, Thomas Emmett, C.B.E, 6. 12 Feb. 1871 ; s. of John Byrom, of Stockport. Educ. : Stockport. War Work : In 1915, engaged at Glasgow for several months in active recruiting campaign, raising men for Voluntary Army : from 1917 onwards, work in Home Counties raising money for War Bond Campaigns (Tank, and War Weapons Weeks, etc.). Address: 101, Ladbroke Grove, London, W. 11. Clubs: Royal AutomobUe ; National Liberal. (C249) BYRON, Fanny Lucy, Lady, D.B.E. ; 4th d. of the late Thomas Radnall, of St. Margarets, Twickenham, and w. of George Frederick WUliam, 9th Baron Byron (see Burke's Peerage). Address : Byron Cottage, Hampstead Heath, N.W. (D3) BYRON, Margaret Dorothy, O.B.E. BYRSON, T. Warrant Officer John, M.B.E. Royal Indian Marine. BYTHELL, Capt. William James Storey, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.), fi. 14 March, 1872 ; s. of John Kenworthy Bythell, of Manchester ; to. Theodora, d. of R. H. Prestwich, of Tarporley, Cheshire. Educ. : Camb. Univ. Radiologist to Salford Royal Hospital, and Manchester ChUdren's Hospital. War Work : In England and France ; Hon. Med. Officer to East . 99 Lanes. Homes for Disabled Sailors and Soldiers. Address : The Grange, Chelford, Cheshire. (010095) BYTHELL, Col. WUliam John, C.B.E. Col. R.E. (ret.l ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1497) CABLE, Lieut.-Col. James Frederiok, O.B.E. CABLE, Norah Evelyn, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. CABLE, WilUam John, O.B.E, A.C.I. S, 6. 8 July, 1872 ; s. of William Cable, of Ipswich ; to. Mary, d. of Charles Hem- berger, of Hendon. Secretary to the Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress, 1903 ; Hon. See. to the Russian Bene volent Fund, 1910 ; Secretary to the Central Council of Foreign Benevolent Societies, 1914. War Work : Organisation uf Central CouncU of United Alien Relief Societies, and carrying out special work on behalf of the British Authorities. Adiress : 7, Fox Lane, Palmer's Green, N. 13. (0204) CABROL, Right Rev. Fernand, O.B.E, 6. 11 Dec 1855 ; s. of Louis-Pascal Cabrol. Abbot of Farnborough, Hants. War Work : Kept an ambulance in his own house during all the time of the War ; about 2000 soldiers (Belgian and British) were nursed at this ambulance. Address : The Abbey, Farnborough, Hants. (010096) CABUCHE, Major Henry Leon, O.B.E, T.D, F.S.A, F.I.B.D, 6. 9 Aug. 1876 ; s. of Leon Cabuche, of London ; to, Mabel Louise, d. of Frederick Garon, of Essex. Educ. : Paris ; Privately ; University College, London. Architect and Surveyor. War Work : MobiUsed 3 Aug. 1914 ; went to France, 3 Nov. 1914 (1914 Star with bar), as Company Com mander in 13th County of London Batt. ; 1915, appointed to Staff of 60th Division, as Chief Instructor in Bombing ; 1916, transferred to W.O. Staff ana loaned to Ministry of Munitions as Superintendant of Factory Construction ; 1917, appointed Assistant Controller, Dept. of Engineering; 1918, appointed Assistant Director of Training of Disabled Soldiers to Ministry of Pensions. Address : 4, Rusholme Road, Putney, S.W. 15. (0117) CADBURY, Elizabeth Mary, Mrs., O.B.E, M A, fi. 1858 ; d. of John Taylor, of London ; to. George, s. of John Cadbury, of Birmingham. Educ. : Privately and abroad. City Coun cillor, Birmingham ; Chairman of Birmingham School Medical Service ; Past President of National Council of Women. War Work : Chairman of Belgian Refugees Committee ; Chairman of Serbian Refugees Committee ; Vice-President, Worcester shire Red Cross. Addresses : The Manor House, Northfleld ; 1, Druids Point, Malvern. Clubs : Ladies' Empire ; Lyceum ; Forum. (O205) CADBURY, Laurence John, O.B.E. CADDINGTON, Major Thomas George Augustus, O.B.E, R.H.A. CADELL, Fairley Charlotte, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1870 ; d. of Alex. Blair, Sheriff of the Lothians ; to. Hew Francis, s. of Col. T. CadeU, V.C, C.B, of Cockenzie House, Prestonpans, N.B. War Work : President of West Edinburgh Division, Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Assoc. ; Member of the Edinburgh War Pensions Local Committee. Address: 7, Rothesay Place, Edinburgh ; Cockenzie House, Prestonpans, N.B. Club : Ladies' Caledonian (Edinburgh). (M7588) CADELL, Lieut.-Col. Harry Ernest, C.B.E, fi. 1867 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Gen. Alexander Tod CadeU, R.A. Lieut.-Col. R.A. ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1498) CADGE, Capt. Christopher RawUnson, O.B.E. CADGE, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Hotson, O.B.E, l.M.S, 6. 11 Aug. 1853 ; s. of Christopher Goulder Cadge, of Carlton Colville, Lowestoft ; to. Flora, d. of James Bowless Summers, of Haverfordwest. Educ. : Norwich Grammar School ; St. George's Hospital, London. War Work : Organised and in Medical charge of Ipswich MUitary Hospital from AprU, 1915, to June, 1917 ; President of Medical Board, Colchester MUitary Hospital from July, 1917, to AprU, 1918 ; from latter date to Dec. 1918, President of Medical Board, Ipswich MUitary Hospital. Address : Helmingham House, Kirkley Cliff Road, Lowestoft. Clubs : East India United Service ; Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht. (04355) CADIZ, Major Charles James Roche Galway, O.B.E. CADMAN, The Rev. Cecil Frank MILES-, O.B.E. CADOGAN, Gerald Oakley Cadogan, Earl, C.B.E, 6. 28 May, 1869 ; s. of the 6th Earl (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 7 June, 1911, Lilian Eleanor Marie, o. d. of George Stewart Coxon, of Craigleith, Cheltenham. Hereditary Trustee of the British Museum ; Hon. Lieut.-Col. late Suffolk Volunteer Regt. ; formerly Lieut. 1st Life Guards, and Capt. 3rd Batt. Suffolk Regt. ; A.D.C. to the Lords Lieutenant of Ireland, 1895-1905 ; served in South Africa. Addresses : Culford Hall, Bury St. Edmunds ; Chelsea House, Cadogan Place, S.W. 1. (C2085) CADOUX, Capt. Bernard Temple, M.B.E. CAFFYN, Margaret Louise, M.B.E, 6. 2 July, 1885; d. of Alfred Caffyn, of The Chantry, Warbleton, Sussex. War Work : Leader of a Y.M.C.A. Patriotic Club for Soldiers and Girls. (M7589) CAHILL, R.Q.M.S. Albert, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. CAHILL, Lieut. John, M.B.E, R.N. CAHILL, Capt. John Walter Frederiok, M.B.E, A.S.C CAILLARD, Elizabeth Francis, Lady, O.B.E, Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; d. of Capt. John Hanham (see Burke's Peerage, Hanham, Bart.) ; to. 16 June 1881, Sir Vincent Henry Penalver, Knt. Bach, D.L. (see Burke's Peerage), s. of the late Camille Felix De'svie' CaiUard , Cain THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. County Court Judge, of Wingfield House, near Trowbridge, WUts. Addresses : Wingfield House, near Trowbridge, Wilts. ; 42, HaU Moon Street, Piccadilly. W. (O2061) CAIN, Sarah, Mrs., M.B.E, Kaisir-i-Hind bar; 6. 1855, d. of Charles Davies, of Melbourne ; m. John, s. of Henry Cain, of Bedford. Educ. : Melbourne, Australia. Missionary. War Work : Getting socks, caps, comforters, etc, knitted (about 800pairs of socks), part of the wool provided by Ladies' Depot, Madras, part brought from lace profits ; subscribing Rs. 1383, from proceeds chiefly of Lace Industry, from which profits Miss WaUen also subscribed Rs. 800. Address : Dum- magudem, S. India. (M6116) CAINE, Elizabeth, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of the late William Mackenzie, of The Scottish Land Court, Edinburgh; to. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel Caine, of Spital, Cheshire. Educ. : Inverness Academy and Cheltenham College. CouncUlor, Lower Bebington Urban District ; Chairman of the Maternity and ChUd Welfare Committee. War Work: Y.M.C.A. Canteen Work ; Hon. Secretary, Bebington District War Pensions Committee. Address : New Ferry Park, New Ferry, Birkenhead. (M7590) CAINE, Gordon Ralph Hall, C.B.E. Deputy Controller of Paper. (C3134) CAINE, Sir Hall, K.B.E, J.P, Officer of Order of Leopold, fi. 14 May, 1853 , s. of John Caine, of Isle of Man ; to. Mary, d. of WiUiam Chandler, of Walthamstow. Educ. : Isle of Man and Liverpool. Author. War Work : Propaganda (chiefly in U.S.A.) ; devoted the whole period of the War to it to the exclusion of aU professional work. Address : Greeba Castle, Isle of Man. (K134) CAINE, Lieut. Martin Surney, M.B.E. CAINES, Clement Guy, M.B.E. CAIRD, Sir Andrew, K.B.E, 6.14 Oct. 1870 ; s.of Andrew Caird, of Montrose ; to. Anne, d. of WUliam Davidson, of Montrose. JournaUst and Newspaper Manager. War Work : Was Administrator, New York Headquarters, of the British War Mission to the United States of America, 1917-18. Address : Glenmard, Arthur Road, Wimbledon Park, S.W. 10. (K54) CAIRD, Francis Pratt, M.B.E. CAIRNS, Lieut. David, M.B.E, R.A.F. CAIRNS, The Rev. David Smith, O.B.E, D.D. CAIRNS, James, O.B.E, M.A, M.B, Ch.B, D.P.H, fi. 12 July, 1885 ; s. of BaUie James Cairns of Glasgow. Educ. : Allan Glen's School, and Univ. of Glasgow. Principal Medical and Health Officer, Great Indian Peninsula Railway. War Work : Sanitary Officer, DeolaU, India ; SpeciaUst in Pre vention of Disease, 34th (The Welsh) General Hospital ; D. A.D.M.S. (Sanitary), the 8th (Lucknow) Division. Address . Beryl House, Wodehouse Road, Bombay ; 12, Holyrood Crescent, Glasgow. Club : Royal Bombay Yacht. (08446) CAIRNS, Rev. and Hon. Major John, O.B.E, V.D, J.P, 3rd Batt. R. West Kent Regt, 6. 18 March, 1865 ; s. of James Cairns, of Mountpleasant, Berwickshire ; m. Christina, d. of Alexander Jack, of Avoch, Ross - shire, Scotland, Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. and United Presbyterian CoUege. Assistant Principal Chaplain, Royal Army Chaplains' Depart ment. War Work : Staff Officer, Eastern Command ; served on H.M.S. "Aquitania," and Ambulance troopship " Braemar Castle." Address : Glencairn, Little Heath, Charlton, S.E. 7. Club : National Liberal. (06973) CAIRNS, John, M.B.E, J.P. CAIRNS, WiUiam Murray, C.B.E, M.D, CM. ; s. of W. S. Cairns, of Hyldagarth, Heswall, Cheshire ; to. Eleanor Stephenson, d. of the Rev. James Anderson, of Polmont, Stirlingshire. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Medical Officer in Charge Princes Road and Myrtle Street St. John AuxUiary Hospitals, Liverpool ; Corps Surgeon St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Lecturer and Examiner St. John Ambulance Association. Address : 67, Catharine Street, Liverpool. (C2493) CAITHNESS, Norman Macleod Buchan, 18th Earl of, C.B.E. ; Baron Birriedale, Bt, D.L, County of Aberdeen, fi. 4 AprU, 1862; s. oi 16th Earl, and Janet, d. of Roderick M'Leod, M.D. ; succeeded his brother, 1914 ; m. LUian, 2nd d. of Higford Higford, 23, Eaton Place, S.W. Educ. : Upping ham ; Trinity HaU, Cambridge. Changed his surname from Sinclair to Buchan, 1911. Captain in 3/5th Batt. Gordon Highlanders. Address : Auchmacoy House, EUon, Aberdeen shire. Club : Caledonian. (C1499) CALDER, Lieut. George, O.B.E, R.A.O.C CALDER, James Charles, C.B.E, 6. Dec 1869 ; s. of Jas. Calder, of Ardargie, Forgandenny Perthshire ; to. Mildred Louise, d. of Col. Richard Manners, of Royal Scots. Educ. : St. Benedicts, Fort Augustus. War Work : ControUer, Timber SuppUes Department, Board of Trade. Address : 32, Park Lane ; Ledlanet, Milnathort, Scotland. Clubs : St. James's ; Devonshire ; British Empire. London ; County, Perth. (C2494) CALDER, Reginald Colin, O.B.E, 6. 6 March, 1888 : s. of the late WUliam J. W. Calder ; to. Catherine LUv, d. of Henry Self, of London. Educ. : St. Peter's, London Docks ; East London Technical CoU. ; King's Coll, London. Second Division Clerk — Admiralty, 19 Oct. 1908, to 16 Jan. 1912; Board of Trade, 17 Jan. 1912, to 12 Jan. 1913 ; National Health Insurance Commission (England), Jan. 1913, to July, 1917 ; on loan to the Ministry of Information July, 1917 ; Establishment Officer in that Ministry AprU, 1918, to Dec. 1918 ; on loan to Foreign Office Jan. 1919 ; appointed First Class EstabUshment and Accounts Officer in the Foreign Office, Aug 1919. Address: 47, Langdale Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey. (03649) CALDER, WiUiam Beale, M.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1875 ; s. of David Calder, of Pietermaritzburg ; to. Ethel, d. of James Barnes, of Pietermaritzburg. Educ. : Pietermaritz burg CoUege. SoUcitor. War Work : Chairman, Executive Committee, Governor-General's Fund, Durban ; Chairman, Sportsmen's Contribution to Governor-General's Fund. Address : 543, Currie Road, Durban. Clubs : Durban ; Durban Royal Yacht ; Durban Golf. (M1207) CALDICOTT, Capt. Charles Holt, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.), 6. 26 Feb. 1871 ; s. of Oswald Holt Caldicott, of Four Oaks, Warwickshire ; m. Elizabeth Lora, d. of Lieut.-General A Phelps, of Woodbourne Grange, Edgbaston. Edue. : King Edward's School, Birmingham. War Work: Served with South-Eastern Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance in GaUipoli and Egypt ; afterwards in charge of Medical Division, Lewisham Military Hospital. Address : Grantbourne, Chat ham, Surrey. (M5135) CALDWELL, Col. Arthur Lewis, O.B.E.. R.A.S.C. CALDWELL, Major Bruce McGregor, M.B.E. CALDWELL, David, M.B.E. CALDWELL, Francis, C.B.E, M.V.O. CALDWELL, Mary Louisa, O.B.E. CALDWELL, Lieut.-Col. Michael Alexander, O.B.E. CALDWELL Major Thomas Richey, O.B.E. CALDWELL, T. Capt. WilUam James, M.B.E. CALE, Capt. WUUam Frederick, M.B.E. CALL, Capt. HamUton, O.B.E, fi. 8 Sept. 1868 ; s. of the late Stanford Call, of London ; m. Ada Maria WalsgTaves, d. of John Angus Hewat, Educ. : Privately. Commander, P. & O.S.N. Co.'s Service (ret. 1919). War Work: Com manding Royal Naval Hospital Ship " Soudan " (No. 1), Aug. 1914, to AprU. 1919 ; attached to Grand Fleet, North Sea, Aug. 1914, to Feb. 1915 ; attached to Eastern Mediter- rauean Squadron and served off GaUipoli Peninsula throughout Dardanelles Campaign, Jan. 1916; returned home waters and re-joined Grand Fleet in North Sea, serving with same until AprU, 1919, when " Soudan " was paid off as R.N.H. Ship, re-conditioned and returned to P. & O.S.N. Co. Addresses: The Cottage, North Gate, Regent's Park, London ; Cornerways, HUlheao, nr. Fareham, Hampshire. Club : Golfers'. (O10097) CALLADINE, Ernest Thompson, O.B.E, 6. 12 Jan. 1875 ; s. of WiUiam CaUadine, of HucknaU, Notts. ; m. Stella d. of John Holroyd, of HucknaU, Notts. Educ. : Nottingham High School. Manager of the London Joint City and Midland Bank, Hastings. War Work : Hon. Sec. Hastings and St. Leonards War Refugees' Committee, 1914-19. Address: 18, Priory Avenue, Hastings. (010098) CALLAGHAN, John Martin, M.B.E. CALLAGHAN, Capt. Joseph Aloysius, O.B.E. CALLAN, Joseph, O.B.E. CALLANDER, Major Cuthbert BURN-, O.B.E, 6. 5 Feb. 1886 ; s. of Edward Burn-CaUander, late of Preston HaU, Midlothian. Educ : Rugby. Professional Associate of the Surveyors Institution. War Work : Served with Montgomeryshire Yeomanry from beginning of War until March, 1916, when was appointed A.D.C to G.O.C. 56th London Division; Feb. 1917, appointed to Physical and Bayonet Training Staff ; Jan. 1918 appointed Superintendent Physical and Bayonet Training ; twice mentioned in dispatches. Address : Barford, Warwick. Clubs : New Oxford and Cambridge. (O5061) CALLARD, Cuthbert Richard, O.B.E, 6. 27 Dec. 1874; 8. of Thomas Black CaUard, of Chesham Bois, Bucks. ; m. Katharine Miriam, d. of Charles Atkins Faraday. Educ: Privately. Solicitor. War Work : Hon. Sec. to Special Hospitals for Officers (Lord Knutsford's Committee). Ad dresses : Glengariff, Pinner, Middlesex ; 3, St. James' Street, London, S.W. 1. Club : Devonshire. (010099) CALLENDAR, Hugh Longbourne, C.B.E, F.R.S.C. CALLENDER, Edward Henry WiUiam, O.B.E. CALLENDER, Lieut.-Col. Eustace Maude, C.B.E, T.D, M.D, L.R.C.P, M.R.C.S, R.A.M.C (T.), 6. 31 Oct. 1864; s.of Samuel Pope Callender, of Manchester ; to. Adelaide Frances Jane, d. of John Beeching Stephens, of Maidstone. Educ: Rugby and St. Mary's Hospital, London. Physician, Medical Aid Society for Necessitous Gentlewomen ; Medical Officer, St. Agatha's Home ; late House Surgeon, House Physician, Resident Obstetric Officer, and Assistant Anaesthetist, St. Mary's Hospital. War Work : Commanded 2nd London Genl. Hos pital ; mobiUsed 4 Aug. 1914 and continued in command tiU AprU, 1917, on which date proceeded to France in command of No. 53 General Hospital, and served with it untU AprU, 1919 ; disembodied 15 AprU, 1919 ; three times mentioned in des patches. Address : 73, Sussex Gardens, Hvde Park, W. 2. Clubs : St. Albans Medical : Mid-Surrev Golf. (C1233) CALLEY, Major-Gen. Thomas Charles PleydeU, C.B., C.B.E, M.V.O, J.P, D.L, 6. 28 Jan. 1856 ; s. of Henry Calley, J.P, D.L, of Burderop Park, WUts. ; m. EmUy, d. of T. P. Chappell, of Weir Bank, Teddington. Educ. : Harrow and Christehurch, Oxford. Commanded 1st Life Guards, 1902-6; London Mounted Brigade, 1908-12 ; M.P. for North Wilts, 1910. War Work : Commanded 60th Division, Oct. 1914, to Dec. 1915 ; Staff Officer for Volunteers, Southern Command, 'j 1916-19. Address : Burderop Park, Swindon. Clubs : Naval and MUitary ; Guards'. (C1500) CALLWELL, Lieut.-Comm, Eberhard WilUam Ernest, O.B.E, R.N. 100 BIOGRAPHIES. Campbell CALNAN, Denis, C.B.E, I.C.S, b. 14 May, 1865 ; s. of Joseph Calnau, of Bandon, Co. Cork ; m. Florence, d. of Norman Reid, of Behar, India. Educ. : St. Stanislaus' CoU, Fullamore ; Queens' Coll, Cambridge. Commissioner of Bundelkhand, United Provinces. War Work : Was men tioned by the Commander-in-Chief in a despatch reviewing the part played by India in the prosecution of the war. Address: Jhansi, United Provinces, India. Club : East India United Service. (C1958) CALTHROP, Col. Christopher WilUam CARR-, C.B.E, J.P, I.M.S. (ret.), b. 28 July, 1844 ; s. of WUliam Charles Cal- throp, of Crowland, Lincolnshire ; m. Alice Evett, d. of Charles James Hartley, of Edgbaston, Birmingham. Educ : Merchant Taylor's School ; Charing Cross Hospital. Has held man, professional appointments in connection with University of Lahore, Punjaub, India ; Afghan War of 1878-80 ; P.M.O. Malakand Brigade, Swat Valley Campaign, India, 1895-96 ; P.M.O. Indian Contingent, Sudan Field Force, 1896-97 ; P.M.O. Assam Brigade, I.G.CH, Assam, 1899-1904. Address : 9, Grange Road, Ealing, W. 0. (C2497) CALTHROP, Hugh Viotor Ekeward, M.B.E. CALVERLEY, Major Edmond Leveson, O.B.E. CALVERLEY, Louisa Mary, Mrs., O.B.E. 6. 19 April, 1870; d. of Sir Brydges Heuniker, Bart, of Newton Hall, Dunmow, Essex ; to. Horace Walter, s. of Edmund Calverley, Esq. of Oulton HaU. Leeds. Educ. : At home. Vice-President and Commandant, Harlow Division, Essex Branch of British Red Cross Society ; Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. War Work : Had a hospital of sixty beds for men in Harlow, and one of twenty beds for convalescents, in her own house for four years of the War. Address : Down Hall, Harlow, Essex. Club : Ladies' Automobile. (01182) CALVERT, Harry, M.B.E. CALVERT, Harry Thornton, M.B.E, D..Sc", Ph.D., F.I.C, 6. 3 May, 1878 ; s. of Manoah B. Calvert, of Armley, Leeds ; to. Annie, d. of John H. Tetley, of Ilkley. Educ. : Leeds and Leipsic Universities. Demonstrator of Chemistry, Yorkshire CoU, Leeds ; Industrial Chemist ; Chief Chemist and Deputy Chief Inspector (West Riding of Yorkshire Rivers Board) ; Chemical Inspector (Ministry of Health). War Work : Technical Chemist on Lord Moulton's Headquarters Staff (Explosives Supply Department, Ministry of Munitions of War). Address : Watergate, Burbage Road, Dulwich, S.E. 24. Club : Chemical Industry. (M7593) CALVERT, Lieut.-Col. James, C.B.E, M.D. Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1501) CALVERT, Rupert Harry, M.B.E. CALVERT, Tom, M.B.E. CALVEY, Capt. Charles Bernard, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 14 June, 1867 ; s. of Bryan Calvey, of Dublin ; m. Annie Louisa, d. of WiUiam Marshman, of Catford, S.E. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Home Base Supply Depot, Newhaven ; Mechanical Transport Training Depot, Osterley Park. Address : Fairlight, Bath Road, Hounslow, Middlesex. (M5136) CALWELL, WilUam, O.B.E, 6. June, 26 1859; s. of Robert CalweU, of Annadale, Co. Down ; to. Helen Agnes, d. of the late Lieut.-Col. Robert Anderson. H.L.I, of Richmond, Yorkshire. Educ. : Royal Academical Institution, Belfast ; Queen's CoU. and Univ. of BeUast. Visiting Physician to Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast ; visiting Physician to U.V.F. Hospitals, Belfast ; M.O, in charge U.V.F. Craigavon Hospital for Neurasthenia ; Consulting Physician to various Hospitals. War Work : Visiting Physician to the U.V.F. Hospitals in Belfast ; Medical Officer in charge of U.V.F. Craigavon Neurasthenic Hospital ; Physician to Soldiers in Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. Address : 6, CoUege Gardens, Belfast. (O10101) CAMBRAY, Philip George.O.B.E, 6. 1879 ; s. of G. R. Cambray, of Oxford : to. Helen Frances Omash, of Brockley. War Work : Commander, X Division, Metropolitan S.C. ; T.F. Res. (Gen. List) ; Staff Lieut, War Office ; Private Secretary to Sir Auckland Geddes, 1917-19. (O209) CAMBRIDGE, Lieut. Arthur Edward, M.B.E, R.A.F. CAMBRIDGE, Hilda Margaret, Mrs. PICKARD-, M.B.E, fi. 19 June, 1873 ; d. of John Mortimer Hunt, of 4, Airlie Gardens, W, and Bellevue, Holmwood ; m. Arthur Wallace (Fellow of BalUol CoUege, Oxford), s. of Rev. O. Pickard-Cambridge, F.R.S, of Bloxworth, Dorset. War Work : British Red Cross Society (Wounded and Missing Department), Oxford. Address : St. Catharine's, Headington Hill, Oxford. (M7595) CAMBURN, Caleb, M.B.E, 6. 4 Aug. 1857 ; _. of the late George A. Camburn, of Folkestone. Educ. : Folkestone, Peckham and Westminster Training College. Headmaster of Schools at Great Malvern, Bradford, Yorks and now of CouncU School, Hungerford, Berks. War Work : Hon. Sec. of Local Central Savings Committee, Hungerford ; Member of the Food Control Committee ; Chairman of Economy Committee ; Propaganda work in the District. Address : Hungerford, Berks. (M7596) CAMDEN, Joan Marion, Marchioness, C.B.E. ; d. of Lord Henry Nevill, of Eridge Castle, Sussex (see Burke's Peerage) m. John Charles Pratt, 4th Marquess Camden (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : President, Kent V.A.D.'s ; President, Kent County War Fund which she started and raised a Fund of over £17,000 to assist the V.A.D. Hospitals in the County ; President, Kent Branch SaUors' and Soldiers' FamUies Association, and President, Kent County Nursing Association. Address : Bayham Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent. (C2498) CAMERON, Major Alexander, O.B.E, M.B, I.M.S.. (011732) CAMERON, Capt. Alexander Duncan, M.B.E, 6. 2 Aug. 1897 ; s. of Alexander Cameron, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow Academy. War Work : Served in Army from 2 Sept. 1914 commissioned on that date; France and Flanders, 8th Scottish Rifles ; later Signal Services. Addresses : 185, Buchanan Street, Glasgow ; Empire House, 175, Piccadilly, W. 1. Club : Services. (M5137) CAMERON, Allan, M.B.E, fi. 4 June, 1861 ; s. of William Cameron, of Bannockburn, Stirlingshire ; to. Mary Stewart d. of William Stewart, of Hamilton, Lanarkshire. Educ. : Larkhall Academy. Goods and Mineral Superintendent, The Caledonian Railway, Scotland. War Work : Superin tending the transit of War Material, Troops, etc, during the Great War. Address : St. Elmo, Cameron Street, Motherwell, Scotland. (M7597) CAMERON, Annie Buchanan, O.B.E, R.R.C, 6. 8 Aug. 1869 ; d. of John Cameron, of Fort William, Inverness-shire. A. Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service ; served in South African War, and continuously since. Address : The Military Hospital, Curragh Camp, Ireland. (04287) CAMERON, Major Ceoil Aylmer, C.B.E, D.S.O. Major Intelligence Corps, and a Gen. Staff Officer at War Office; served during Great War, 1914-17 (despatches, Legion of Honour, Order of Leopold of Belgium). (C2212c) CAMERON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. CecU Stevenson, O.B.E, M.C. CAMERON, Charlotte, Mrs., M.B.E, F.R.G.S.; d. of Capt. Jacob Wales-Almy, R.N. ; to. Major Donald Duncan Cameron, of Edinburgh (who died). Educ: Brighton and France. Represented "Lady's Pictorial," Delhi, Imperial Durbar. War Work : Lecturing on the German Colonies ; Propaganda work at her own expense for all War Charities, firstly in England and then for two years throughout America, Alaska and the Yukon ; worked at Free Buffet at Victoria Station, also Red Cross Work at Bournemouth ; Fellow of the Botanical Society ; FeUow of the Royal Geographical Society ; Member of the Society of Authors ; FeUow of the Society of Women Journalists. Club : Writers'. (M7598) CAMERON, Clarence St. Clair, M.B.E. CAMERON, CyrU Claude, M.B.E. CAMERON, Capt. Cyril St. Clair, C.B.E. ; s. of the late Col. Aylmer S. Cameron, V.C, C.B. ; to. 1909, Isabel Edith, d. of Peter Hordern, sometime Director of Public Instruction, Burma. Capt. R.N. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 with Anti-Submarine Serv. (despatches). (C2295) CAMERON, Major Donald Cunninghame, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. CAMERON, Major Donald Hay, O.B.E, R.A.F, CAMERON, Donald Phillips, M.B.E, R.A.F. CAMERON, Sir Hector Clare, Kt, C.B.E, M.B, CM, M.B, LL.D.. Emeritus Professor of CUnical Surgery in the Univ. of Glasgow, 6. 30 Sept. 1843 ; s. of Donald Cameron, Plantation Zeelugt, Demerara, sugar planter ; to. Frances (d. 1879), d. of WilUam Hamilton Maodonald. Educ. : St. Andrews, Edinburgh, and Glasgow Univ. Formerly President of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and Representative of the Faculty at the General Medical Council. Address : 18, Woodside Crescent, Glasgow. (C451) CAMERON, James, M.B.E. CAMERON, John, M.B.E. CAMERON, Lieut. John, O.B.E, R.E. CAMERON, Norman Restell, M.B.E. CAMERON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas Duncan, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.). CAMERON, Lieut. WiUiam Maopherson, M.B.E. CAMERON, William Scott, M.B.E, L.L.R. CAMFIELD, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Charles Nathaniel, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. CAMP, Edwin James, M.B.E, 6. 11 Oct. 1884 ; s. of James Camp, of Leigh-on-Sea ; m. Maude, d. of the late Alfred James Indge.of Forest Gate. War Work : Transport Department o; Admiralty and Ministry of Shipping from October 1914. Address : 14, Park Road, Hampton HilL Middlesex. (M7600) CAMP, Capt. Ernest Walter, O.B.E, 6. 5 Aug. 1883 ; s. of William Camp, of Witham, Essex; m. May, d. of S. S. Bloxham, of Blackheath. Educ. : Mann's, Witham, Essex. War Work : Enlisted Aug. 1914, H.A.C ; Commis sioned March, 1917 ; transferred to 182 Labour Co. same year ; given command of 113th Labour Co. Jan. 1918 ; trans ferred to command 53rd P.O.W Co. Nov. 1918 ; mentioned in despatches, 1918. (02461) CAMP, Henry John, M.B.E. CAMPAGNAC, Charles HasweU, M.B.E, 6. 14 Jan. 1886 ; s. of A. G. Campagnac, of Lucknow and Burma ; to. Gladys, d. of C H. Kirkham, of Myindaik, Southern Shan States, Burma. Educ. : Taunton School, Taunton, Somer setshire. Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple ; Municipal Commissioner, Rangoon Municipality, elected by the Euro pean and Anglo-Indian Community. War Work : Recruited for the Burma Contingent, Volunteer MobUe Battery, and Anglo-Indian Forces ; Member of the Burma Fighting Men's Dependants Fund, and the Recruits and Comforts Fund, Committees ; Hon. Sec. and founder of the Kut Prisoners' Fund Committee. Address : 6, Barr Street, Rangoon. (M7075) CAMPBELL, Alexander, C.B.E, J.P. CAMPBELL, Alexander, O.B.E. 101 Campbell THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. CAMPBELL, Angela Mary Alice, Lady, M.B.E, 6. 1863 ; 2nd d. of the 4th Earl of Harrowby (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. 1890, Colin Frederick, s. of George William Campbell. Addresses : 17, Lowndes Square, S.W. 1 ; Evcrlands, Seven- oaks. (M3564) CAMPBELL, Annie, M.B.E, fi. 17 March, 1845 ; d. of Dr. CampbeU, of Tarbert, Loch Tyne. Educated : Privately. War Work : CoUecting and working for soldiers. Address : Kumard, Kiru, Argyllshire. (M1512) CAMPBELL, Archibald, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Archibald Charles, O.B.E, 6. 4 March, 1868 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. CoUn Campbell, of 46th Regt. ; to. Emma OUve, d. of — OgUvie, of YulgiUar, N.S.W. Educ. : WeUington College. President of British Chamber of Commerce for Italy. War Work : Munitions. Clubs : Isthmian ; Union (Geneva). (O3650) CAMPBELL, Lieut. Archibald Sydney, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Archibald Young Gipps, CLE, C.B.E. ; s. of the late Archibald Samuels Campbell, of Auchimbreck ; to. 15 Dec. 1910, Frances Irene, 4th d. of George Edward SavUl Young (see Burke's Peerage, Young, of North Dean) ; Late Sec to British Red Cross Commissioner for France ; Founder Central Prisoners of War Organisation. (C3107a) CAMPBELL, Major Arthur CoUn Clyde, O.B.E, 6. 16 Aug. 1875 ; s. of William CampbeU, of Uppingham and Stoke Dry, Rutland ; to. Gladys Annie, d. of David TheophUus, of Port Elizabeth. Edue. : Uppngham. War Work : Royal Army Service Corps. Address : Greencroft, St. Albans. Clubs: Verulam Golf ; United R.A.S.C. ; R.A.C. (02263) CAMPBELL, Hon. Capt. Arthur Lang, M.B.E. Seni ir Assistant Censor, Second Military District, New South Wales, Australia. (M10257e) CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. Charles, O.B.E , IA. CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. Charles Ferguson, O.B.E, CLE, fi. 1863 ; s. of J. Scarlett Campbell ; m. 1908, Emily Gertrude Lilian, d. of R. D. Steuart Muirhead, and w. of Lieut.-Col. A. Gould, 2nd Dragoon Guards. Entered The Buffs (E. Kent Regt.), 1882 ; became Capt. Indian Army, 1893 ; Major, 1901 ; Lieut.-Col. (ret.), 1908 ; served on N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 ; operations in Kuxram VaUey (medal with two clasps) and with Tirah Expedition; operations against Khani Khel Chamkani (clasp) ; was an Extra Equerry to Prince of Wales, 1906-10, and to King George V. 1910-12 ; acted as A.D.C to Prince of Wales during tour in India, 1905-6 ; appointed one of H.M.'s Hon. Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, 1912 ; Lieut.- Col. Gen. Reserve. Addresses : Salcey Lawn, Northampton ; 10, Cambridge Square, W. Club : Naval and Military. (O8064) CAMPBELL, Charles Ivor Rae, O.B.E, R.C.N.C, M.I.N.A, fi. 12 April. 1878 ; s. of J. A. D. CampbeU, of Science and Art Dept, S. Kensington ; m. Edith Muriel, d. of T. Tre- nerry, of Clapham Park. Educ. : R.N. Eng. Coll, Keyham, and R.N.C Greenwich. Naval Constructor ; Superintendent of Airship Design and Construction, at Royal Airship Works, Bedford. War Work : Sent by Admiralty to United States as Overseer of submarines built by Bethlehem Steel Corp, Dec. 1914 ; returned Oct. 1915 and was placed in charge of newly formed Airship Design Section at Admiralty ; remained on this work until 1920 and was appointed as above on transfer of Airship Work to Air Ministry. Address : Royal Airship Works, Cardington, nr. Bedford. (010103) CAMPBELL, Charles Stewart, C.B.E, I.C.S, 6. 14 March, 1875 ; 3rd s. of Frederick CampbeU, C.B, V.D, J.P, and n. of Sir John WUUam CampbeU, 1st Bart, C.B, of Ardnamurchan (see Burke's Peerage). Address: c/o Messrs. King, King & Co, Bombay. (C1067) CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. Charles Vincent, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Clementina Henrietta, Mrs., M.B.E. CAMPBELL, CoUn, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. David Bishop, M.B.E. CAMPBELL, Comm. Donald, O.B.E, R.N. CAMPBELL, Donald, M.B.E. CAMPBELL, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Donald George, M.B.E, S.L.I. CAMPBELL, Douglas Robert, M.B.E. CAMPBELL, Col. Duncan, O.B.E, J.P. D.L, fi. 11 Sept. 1842 ; s. of James Archibald Campbell, J.P D.L, of InverneiU, Ardrishaig, Argyll (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Isabel (who died 1911), d. of J. A. Tobin, of Eastham House, Cheshire. Educ. : St. Andrews, Fife. Chairman, Territorial Force Association for Argyll ; Member County Council for ArgyU. War Work : Chairman War Pensions Committee for ArgyU ; Hon. Sec. for Argyll Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association. Address : InverneiU, Ardrishaig, ArgyU. Club : Junior Carlton. (010105) CAMPBELL, Capt. Duncan, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. CAMPBELL, Emily, Mrs. Muirhead, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Ethel Margaret, M.B.E. CAMPBELL, Florence Ishbel, O.B.E, 6. 11 July, 1877 • d. of the late George WiUiam Campbell, of 22, Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W. Educ : At Home. War Work : Organising Secretary Y.W.C.A. Munition Workers' Welfare Committee Address : Woodview, Eastbourne. (0212) CAMPBELL, Capt. Francis Ernest Archer, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Lieut. Frederiok Harold, M.B.E. 6. 16 Dec 1879. War Work : Served in 60th Rifles throughout the War ; proceeded to France with B.E.F. on 13th Aug 1914 • Commissioned for Service in the Field ; twice wounded '• invaUded from the Army, Dec. 1919, as result of injuries received' 102 on Service. Address : 15, Haward Road, Gunnersbury W. 4 (M1513) CAMPBELL, Col. George Polding, C.B.E. R.E. ; N.W. Frontier of India 1 897-8 (medal with clasp) ; Great War 1911- 19 (despatches). (C2031) CAMPBELL, Georgina Jane, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 25 Oct 1848; d. of Lionel Oliver, J.P, of Heacham, Norfolk; m. Rev. WiUiam Eraser, late Vicar of Kintbury, Berks, s. of Capt. W. C. J. Campbell, J.P, of Snettisham, Norfolk. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant of Cliff House, V.A.D. Hospital, Hunstanton, Norfolk, from Feb. 1915. (M7604) CAMPBELL, Gerald FitzGerald, C.B.E, B.A, Chevalier Legion d'Honneur, 6. 26 AprU, 1862 ; s. of Col. Sir Edward FitzGerald CampbeU, Bart, 60th Rifles. Educ. : Fettes College, Edinburgh ; Clare College, Cambridge. Editorial Staff of " The Times." War Work : War Correspondent of " The Times " with the French Armies, 1914-18. Address : Albany Chambers, York St, Westminster. Clubs : M.C.C. ; R.A.C. (C2500) CAMPBELL, Geraldine Georgina, M.B.E. CAMPBELL, GUbert, M.B.E. CAMPBELL, Gordon Charles Henry, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Sir Gordon Huntley, K.B.E., Chairman Collections Committee British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John. (K357) CAMPBELL, Capt. Harold James, M.B.E, R.F.A. CAMPBELL, Harry, C.B.E, M.B.E. CAMPBELL, Henry Kenyon, M.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of John CampbeU, of Maryport ; to. Mary, d. of Edward Hope, of Liverpool. Educ. : Privately. Chairman Carlisle Educa tion Committee. War Work : Secretary, and subsequently General Manager, East Cumberland National SheU Factory, Cariisle. Address : 22, Warwick Square, Carlisle. (M1514) CAMPBELL, Henry Samuel, M.B.E, fi. 23 Sept. 1862; s. of the late Donald CampbeU of Tottenham ; m. Florence Eliza, d. of W. D. Chidson, of Liverpool. Educ : Privately Collector H.M. Customs and Excise, Weymouth. War Work : Detection of enemy cargo and general Departmental War work in the Customs Service in Liverpool. Address : 15, Belvidere, Weymouth. (M7606) CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. Hugh, D.S.O, O.B.E, Roy. Fus. (City of London Regt. (T.) ). Served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (O8065) CAMPBELL, Capt. Ian Percy Fitzgerald, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Ina, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1870 ; d. of J. W. Valentine, of Whiteabbey, Co. Antrim; m. Lloyd, d. of John CampbeU, of Rathfern, Whiteabbey. War Work: Controller of free Rest House, for wounded soldiers and saUors, BeUast. Address : Glen House, Whiteabbey, Co. Antrim. (M7607) CAMPBELL, Isabel Edwards, Mrs., M.B.E. (M10435) CAMPBELL, James Alexander West, O.B.E , 6. 6 June, 1866 ; s. of James CampbeU, of Callander, N.B. ; m. Jessie Frances, d. of James Parris Hind, of Brockley. Educ. : Roan School, Greenwich. Accountant, War Office. War Work: War Office. Address : St. Bede's, Sefton Road, Addiscombe. (010107) CAMPBELL, Comm. James Douglas, O.B.E, R.N. CAMPBELL, John, O.B.E, I.C.S. CAMPBELL, John, M.B.E. CAMPBELL, Lieut. John, M.B.E, R.E. CAMPBELL, Surg. -Comm. John Alexander Langdorf, O.B.E.. R.N. CAMPBELL, John Archibald, M.B.E, 6. 12 Dec 1862; s. of the late John CampbeU, of Aberdeen and Woolwich Arsenal. Educ. : Woolwich. War Department Overseer of Shipping, Woolwich Dockyard. War Work : Special services rendered in various Engineering matters, under the Directorate of the Superintending Engineer and Constructor of Shipping (War Office). Address : 30, BeechhUl Road, Eltham, S.E. 9. (M7609) CAMPBELL, John Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 7 Dec. 1877 ; *. of WiUiam Gamble, of North Runcton, King's Lynn; m. Mary Alicia, d. of Richard Worger, of London. Educ. : East Anglian School, Bury St. Edmund's. Theatre and Cinema Proprietor, at Grantham and Peterboro'. ; Proprietor, Theatre Royal, Grantham ; Managing Director, The Picture House, Grantham; Lessee, Theatre Royal, Peterboro". War Work: Services to the Troops at Grantham ; Organiser of the MiUtary Entertainments ; Chairman, Grantham and District Belton Park Hospital Committee Comforts Fund. Address : Welby Gardens, Grantham. Clubs : Eccentric ; The Road. (010168) CAMPBELL, Capt. John Cameron, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. John Hay, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.A.M.C, fi. 31 Dec. 1871 ; s. of the late Maj.-Gen. T. Hay Campbell, R.A. ; m. Clara Edith, d. of James Hedley, Esq, of Richmond, Yorks. Educ : Tinton House School ; St. Mary's Hospital. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place, S.W. (C1234) CAMPBELL, John Honeyford, M.B.E. (M10379) CAMPBELL, Major John MacKnight, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.M.C (S.R.). CAMPBELL, John Maomaster, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 21 Feb. 185 9 ; s. of George CampbeU, of Inverness ; m. Jane Christie, d. ot Alexander Armstrong, of Amprior, Stirlingshire. Eivtc. : Old Academy, Inverness. Sheriff Substitute of Kintyre, Argyllshire. War Work : Army Recruiting in Lanarkshire under MUitary Authorities ; Convener, Campbeltown Branch, British Red Cross Society ; Convener, Campbeltown and BIOGRAPHIES. Cant Kintyre War Savings Committee ; Commissioner for Argyll shire for Civil LiabUities Commission ; President, Union Jaok Club, Campbeltown, for entertainment of Service men ; member, and for a period Chairman, Appeal Tribunal under Military Service Acts for Argyllshire. Address : Norwood, Campbel town. Ctafis : Campbeltown ; Liberal Glasgow. (C938) CAMPBELL, John Maurice Hardman, O.B.E, M.B, B.Ch, 6. 1891 ; s. of John Edward Campbell, F.R.S, of 14, RawUnson Road, Oxford. Educ. : Winchester and New College Oxford ; Medical Registrar and Poulton Research Fellow at Guy's Hospital, London. War Work : Capt. R.A.M.C (S.R.), Mesopotamia and N. Persia. Address : 8, Spa Mansions, Bermondsey, S.E. 1. (06592) CAMPBELL, John St. Clair, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Alexander, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Capt. Lewis Gordon, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Lieut. Malcolm, M.B.E, R.A.F. CAMPBELL, Lieut. Maloolm, M.B.E. CAMPBELL, Capt. Maloolm Hay Alexander, O.B.E, LA. CAMPBELL, Nicol, M.B.E. CAMPBELL, Olga Margaret, M.B.E. Quartermaster, Endell Street MUitary Hospital. (M10257/) CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. Hon. Ralph Alexander, C.B.E, 6. 18 Feb. 1877 ; 3rd s. of Hugh Frederick Vaughan, 4th Earl Cawdor (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. 1st, 1 Dec. 1906, Marjorie TheophUa, d. of the late Sir Jolin Arthur Fowler, 2nd Bart, d. 30 Nov. 1911 ; to. 2nd, 14 Jan. 1914, Marjorie Edith, e. d. of Horace George Devas, of Hartfleld, Kent (see Burke's Landed Gentry). (C1502) CAMPBELL, Robert Garrett, C.B.E, 6. 25 Sept. 1858 ; s. of John Campbell, of Mossley, Belfast ; to. Alicia Anna, d. of Henry S. Ferguson, M.D, of Belfast. Educ : WeUington CoUege. War Work : Representative of the Irish Flax Spinners on the Flax Control Board, and Chairman of the Irish sub committee of the Flax Control Board. Address : Coolgreany, FortwUUam Park, Belfast. Clubs : Ulster ; Royal Automobile. (CHOI) CAMPBELL, Brevet Lieut.-Col. Robert Morris, C.B.E. ; s. of Rev. Edward Fitzhardinge CampbeU, M.A, R.D, of KUlyman Rectory, Moy, Co. Tyrone ; m. Louise Eleanor, d. of Alexander J. Henry, Esq, of Rathescar, Co. Louth. Educ. : Corrig School and Dungannon Royal School. Army Service Corps. War Work : War Office ; Salonica, D.A.Q.M.G. ; Italy, A.Q.M.G. Address : KUlyman Rectory, Moy, Co. Tyrone. (C1398) CAMPBELL, Capt. Roy Niel Boyd, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Lieut. Thomas, O.B.E, R.E. CAMPBELL, Vera, M.B.E, 6. 24 March, 1897; d. of Archibald CampbeU, of Harrow-on-HUl. Educ. : Thame, Oxon. and Kensington CoUege. War Work : Secretary and Assistant in Ministry of Information. Address : 21, Berners St, W. 1. (M3565) CAMPBELL, Comm. Victor Lindsey Arbuthnot, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1875 ; s. of Capt. Hugh Campbell, R.N. ; to. 1903, LUian, d. of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Hamilton Settle, K.C.B, D.S.O. Retired as Lieut. R.N. ; reinstated as Comm. 1917 ; promoted Comm. for service with British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-13 ; served in Great War, 1914-19, Comdg. Drake Batt. R.N. Div. at Antwerp and in GaUipoh ; Comdg. H.M.S. " MUne " with Dover Patrol, H.M.S. " Warwick " at Zeebrugge and Ostend, and with N. Russia Expeditionary Force (despatches thrice, D.S.O. with bar, Croix de GuerreX Address : 34, Sloane Court West, Chelsea, S.W. (04905) CAMPBELL, WilUam, M.B.E. (M10436) CAMPBELL, Lieut. WUUam Little, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Brig.-Gen. WilUam Maclaren, M.V.O, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, WiUiam Robert, M.B.E, 6. 14 Oct. 1895 ; s. of CoUn CampbeU, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Ruther ford CoUege, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England. Chief Accountant, Canadian Press, Ltd, Toronto, Canada. War Work : Served with H.M. Forces from Sept. 1914, to Feb. 1918 ; promoted Sergeant ; wounded at 2nd Battle of Ypres, April, 1915 ; served on Headquarter's Recruiting Staff at York and New castle-on-Tyne from Nov. 1915, to Oct. 1917 ; Assist. Sec. Northern Region, Ministry of National Services from Nov. 1917, to Nov. 1918. Addresses : 7, Warrington Road, Newcastle- on-Tyne, and 2012, Queen St. East, Toronto. Canada. (M1515) CAMPBELL, Archibald Hamilton James DOUGLAS-, CAMPBELL, Mary Vereker HAMILTON-, O.B.E, '6. 2 May, 1867 ; d. of the late Col. C V. Hamilton-Campbell, of Nethef-place, Mauchline, Ayrshire. Educ. : Privately. Vice- President S. & S. F.A, Ayr Division ; Vice-Chairman, Ayr Burgh Local War Pensions Committee. War Work : Joint Convener of Ayrshire County Association, under Director-General of Voluntary Organisations ; also acted as Hon. Sec. S. & S. F.A. (Ayr Division), from outbreak of War in Aug. 1914, for two months. Address : Auchincar, Ayr. Clubs : Queen's, Edin burgh. • (01184) CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. Henry MONTGOMERY-, O.B.E. CAMPBELL, Capt. WiUiam Henry McNeile VERS- CHOYLE-, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.O.C. CAMPDEN, Arthur Edward Joseph Noel, Viscount, O.B.E, T.D, Major the Gloucestershire Regt. (T.F.), J.P. Co. Rutland ; 6. 30 June, 1884 ; e.s. of the 3rd Earl of Gains borough; m. AUce Mary, e. d. of Edward Eyre, 1, Belgrave Place, S.W, 1, Educ : Downside ; Exeter CoU, Oxford. Attache; to the British Legations at Christiania and Stockholm, 1908-12, and to the British Embassy at Washington, U.S.A., 1913-14, when he resigned ; accompanied Dr. Charles Harriss Musical Festival throughout the British Empire, 1911 ; served Great War, 1915 ; D.A.M.S. Forces in Great Britain ; Horse Guards, 1917-19 ; mentioned for valuable services during the War ; organised, with Dr. Harriss, Imperial Concert of 10,000 voices in Hyde Park on Empire Day. 1919. Address : Exton Park, Oakham, Rutland. Clubs: White's; Turf; M.C.C. (06976) CAMPEY, Capt. Thomas Epton, M.B.E. CAMPION, Charles Austin Bunworth, O.B.E. CAMPION, Edwin William, O.B.E. CAMPION, Mary Gertrude, O.B.E. CAMPOS, Lieut.-Comm. Victor Ribeiro d'Almeida, O.B.E, R.N.R. CANDLER, Edmund, C.B.E. CANDLER, Henry, M.B.E, 6. 15 Aug. 1864 ; s. of John Candler M.R.C.S, of Harleston, Norfolk. Educ. : Heversham. Clerk in the War Office (retired). War Work : On permanent staff of War Office. Address : Broad Eaves, Ashtead, Surrey. Club : Alpine. (M216) CANDY, Capt. Algernon Henry Chester, C.B.E. ; s. of William Marshall Candy, of 183, Ashley Gardens, S.W. ; m. 1914, Isabel, d. of Henry Abraham, of Southampton. Capt. R.N. ; was Assist. Director of Torpedoes, 1917-19. (C2216) CANDY, Major Cairns, O.B.E. CANDY, Comm. Geoffrey Charles, O.B.E, R.N. CANDY, Comm. John, O.B.E, R.N. CANE, Arthur Beresford, C.B.E. CANE, Arthur Skedling, D.S.O, O.B.E. CANE, Luoy Mary, Mrs, C.B.E. ; d. of William Dermod O'Brien, of Cahermoyle, Ardagh, Co. Limerick (see Burke's Peerage, Michiquin, B.) ; to. 24 Jan. 1894, Arthur Beresford Cane, barrister-at-law, of 66, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. (C1172) CANHAM, Lieut. Ernest Reginald, O.B.E, R.E. CANNAN, Oa, t. Astley Cuthbert, M.B.E, CANNAN, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. George WUUam, O.B.E, R.N. CANNELL, Daniel George, M.B.E, 6. 19 Aug. 1867 ; s. of James Cannell, of Chelsea ; m. Dorothy, d. of Dr. Arthur Thomas Lloyd Jones, of WeUington, Salop. Educ. : West minster City School. Appointed ¦Second Division Clerk in the Office of Works, Nov. 1885 ; transferred to Royal Hospital, Chelsea, Oct. 1890 ; appointed Staff Clerk Jan. 1904 ; trans ferred to Ministry of Pensions, Feb. 1917 ; became Principal Clerk June, 1918. War Work : Work in connection with the award of pensions to soldiers disabled during the war. Address : 52, SackviUe Gardens, Hove, Sussex. (M7611) CANNELL, Lieut. Harry Hardman, O.B.E, 6. 29, Oct. 1863 ; s. of Fleetwood James CanneU, of Wednesbury, Stafford shire ; to. Alice, d. of Absalom Evans, of Wolverhampton, Staffs. ; Educ. : Royal Orphanage, Wolverhampton. Sec. The Junior Imperial League; acted as Chief Agent to the Conservative party at WalsaU, North Monmouth, Shoreditch, Wednesbury (15 years), South Hackney and Peckham (8 years). War Work : Hon. Sec. Peckham Recruiting Committee ; enhsted for General Service under Derby Scheme, Dec 1915 ; Hon. Sec. Oversea Forces Reception Committee which dealt with over one Milhon Oversea Troops ; attached as Hon. Lieut, Headquarters, Overseas MiUtary Forces of Canada. Address: 1, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, S.W. 1. (O10111) CANNING, Joseph Herbert, O.B.E, F.C.S, 6. 1875; s. of the late Thomas Canning, A. M.I.C.E, J.P, of Newport, Mon. ; to. Frances Edith, d. of the late Alonzo Townsend, of Newport, Mon. Educ. : Prior Park Coll, Bath. Engineer and Manager, Newport, Mon. Gas Company ; Member of Council, Institution of Gas Engineers, 1917^20 ; President, Wales and Monmouthshire Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers, 1910 ; FeUow of the Chemical Society. War Work : Supervising Engineer for Wales and Monmouthshire for the Gas Section of the Department of Explosives Supply of the Ministry of Munitions ; Member of Lord Moulton's Committee of Gas Engineers ; Divisional (Gas and Coke) Officer, Wales (Southern) Division, for the Board of Trade Coal Mines Depart ment ; also furnished technical advice on gas coals to that Dept. Address : Crindau, Newport, Mon. Club : Constitu tional (Newport). (010112) CANNING, Lionel Edgar, O.B.E. CANNON, Peroival Charles, O.B.E. CANNON, Capt. William Butler, O.B.E, R.A.S.C CANNONS, Edwin Galton, O.B.E, 6. 21 Feb. 1862; s. of Henry Edwin Cannons of Andover, Hants. Educ. : London. Master, Merchant Service, 32 years with Atlantic Transport Co, 27 years in Command, North Atlantic Service. War Work : Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, transporting troops, etc, GaUipoU, Salonika, Mesopotamia, and India. Address : 43. Walter Road, Swansea, Glam. - (01187) CANNY, Lieut.-Col. James Clare Macnamara, C.B.E, D.S.O. fi. 1877 ; s. of the late John Macnamara Canny. Educ. Uppingham, and Hertford Coll, Oxford. Entered Roy. Munster Fusiliers, 1899 ; became Capt. Army Ser. Corps, 1908 ; Major, 1914; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1915; S. Africa, 1900 (despatches) ; Great War, 1914-18 (despatches, Brevet Lieut.- Col.) ; was an Assist. Director of Transportation, 1918-19. Club : Isthmian. (C1423) CANSDALE, Capt. Cyril, O.B.E. CANT, Lieut. John, M.B.E.. R.N.V.R. CANT, William Edmund, M.B.E., M.D., F.R.CS, Knight 103 Cantley THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem. War Work : Surgeon AuxiUary Hospitals, Woodhouse, Gt. Horkesley, Colchester and Gostwycke, Colchester. Address : The MiU House, Lexden, Colchester. (M7612) CANTLEY, John Cargill, M.B.E, 6. 28 June, 1872 ; a. of the late James Rankine Cantley, of Edinburgh ; m. Margaret Young, d. of the late John Aitken, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Church of Scotland Normal School, Edinburgh, and Edinburgh University. SoUcitor, Town Clerk, etc War Work : Hon. Sec St. Andrews National Relief Fund and War Savings Committee ; Clerk, Local MUitary Tribunal ; Clerk and Executive Officer, Food Control Committee ; Local Fuel Overseer ; Hon. Treas. St. Andrews Branch of Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, Belgian Refugees Fund, Red Cross Special Efforts, Serbian ReUef Fund and many others ; Organised a very large number of Flag Days and other special efforts on behalf of War Charities and was greatly helped by his wife, who, in addition to other war service, acted as Hon. Sec. for over 4 years in connection with a large Canteen for Soldiers and SaUors. Address : Woodlands, St. Andrews. (M7613) CANTLIE, Col. Sir James, K.B.E, M.B. (Aberdeen), LL.D. (Aberdeen), F.R.CS. (Eng.), R.A.M.C. (T.), 6. 17 Jan. 1851 ; s. of Wm. Cantlie, of Dufftown, Banffshire ; to. Mabel Barclay, d. of Robert Barclay Brown, of Barnes. Edue. : Milner Institution, Fochabers ; Aberdeen University ; Charing Cross Hospital, London. Surgeon, Seamen's Hospital, London ; Lecturer, London School of Tropical Medicine. War Work : Hon. Col. R.A.M.C. (T.) ; Council British Red Cross Society ; Principal of College of Ambulance. Addresses : 23, Harley St, London ; The Kennels, Cottered, Buntingford, Herts. (K55) CANTLIE, Mabel Barclay, Lady, O.B.E. ; d. of Robert Barclay Brown, of Lindores, Putney ; to. 7 June, 1884, Sir James, K.B.E.. LL.D, M.A, M.B, CM, F.R.CS, D.P.H, Hon. Col. R.A.M.C. (T.), s. of William Cantlie, of Kirthmore, Banffshire. Addresses : 23, Harley Street, W. 1 ; The Kennels, Cottered, Buntingford, Herts. (03653) CAPE, Thomas, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 5 Oct. 1868 ; s. of Wm. and Catherine Cape, of Crag Head, Durham. Educ. : Brough- ton Endowed School. Miners' Agent. War Work : Member of Cumberland County Appeal Tribunal ; Workmen's Assessor at the CoUiery Recruiting Committee ; Member of County Pensions Committee. Address : 91, Harrington Road, Work ington, Cumberland. (M8) CAPITO, Charles Erik, O.B.E. CAPLETON, Ernest CarlUe, M.B.E. CAPON, Capt. Herbert WiUiam Thomas, M.B.E. CAPON, Lieut. Selwyn Norman, O.B.E, R.N.R. CAPPER, Lieut.-Comm. Henry Douglas, O.B.E, R.N. CAPRON, Athol John, O.B.E, M.Inst.CE, M.I.Mech.E, 6. 3 Jan. 1859 ; s. of the late Rev. G. H. Capron, of Southwick HaU, Oundle, Northants ; m. Catherine, d. of William Dickin son, of Warham Road, Croydon. Educ. : Wellington ; King's College, London. Managing Director of Davy Bros, Ltd, Engineers, Park Iron Works, Sheffield : Vice-Chairman of Newton, Chambers & Co, Ltd, ThomcUffe, Sheffield ; Presi dent of the Sheffield and District Engineering Trades Employers Association. War Work : Provided machinery for the pro duction of war materials, including hydraulic presses for the manufacture of guns, shells, explosives and Admiralty require ments ; also roUing mills for the manufacture of steel and shipbuilding material. Clubs : Constitutional, London ; The Club, Sheffield. (0214) CAPSTICK, Major Hugh Patrick, M.B.E, M.C. Agent. Club : Birch Lane, Longsight, Manchester. (M7012) CAPSTICK, Dr. John Walton, O.B.E, D.Sc. (Manch ) M.A. (Camb.), fi. 31 Aug. 1858; s. of Thomas Capstick, of Lancaster. Educ. : Manchester and Cambridge Universities. FeUow of Trinity CoU, Cambridge. War Work : In 1 915 served with the French Army in the Vosges as Ambulance Driver ; During 1916, 1917 and most of 1918 was Inspector of shells, guns and mines for the Admiralty ; for a few months at the end of the war, was Superintendent of the Admiralty Physical Laboratory. Address : Trinity CoU, Cambridge (O10113) CARBERY, Lieut.-Col. Edward Oliver Bamford, O B B M.B., R.A.F. CARBERRY, Lieut.-Col. Anderson Robert Dillon, C.B.E, F.R.CS. Lieut.-Col. New Zealand Med. Corps ; served in Great War, 1915-9 (despatches). (C1849) CARBONELL, Edith Frances, M.B.E. ; d. of the late John Carbonell, of Fairleigh, Reigate. War Work : Head of Addressograph Department Central Prisoners of War Com mittee, Thurloe Place. Address: Cranford Lodge, Reigate Surrey. _ (M1516) CARBUTT, Francis, C.B.E, fi. 30 April, 1863 ; s. of George Henry Carbutt ; m. E. Pauline, d. of Charles H. Runge. Educ ¦ Privately. War Work : Under the Joint Committee of the British Red Cross and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Addresses : 19, Hyde Park Gardens, London ¦ Shovelstrode Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex. (C2504) CARD, Ernest, M.B.E. CARDEN, Major Edward David, O.B.E, R.E. CARDEN, Rev. John, C.B.E, M.C. ; fi. 1882. Educ. : Dulwich Coll. ; is in Holy Orders of the Church of Rome, and a Chap, to the Forces ; served in Great War, 1916-19 as Assist Principal Chap. 1st Army (despatches). Address : 3, Prospect Row, Old Brompton, Kent. (C1235) CARDEN, Capt. John Valentine, M.B.E. 101 CARDEN, Mary Gertrude, Mrs., O.B.E, d. of Henry Blaine, M.L.A, of Grahamstown, South Africa ; m. Maj.-Gen. George, s. of Thomas Carden, of Worcester. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Organiser, Women Patrols, National CouncU of Women. Address : Lulworth Court Road, Eltham, Kent. Club : Forum. (0215) CARDEW, Evelyn Roberta, Lady, C.B.E. ; c d. of the late E. J. Firth ; m. 2 Nov. 1886, Sir Alexander Gordon, K.C.S.I, M.A, I.C.S, s. of Rev. J. W. Cardew, M.A, Vicar of West Knoyle, WUts, and Margaret, 2nd d. of the late Michael Francis Gordon of Abergeldie Castle, Aberdeenshire. Addresses : The Albany, Madras ; St. Margarets, Ootacamund, India. (C1068) CARDEW, Major Francis Gordon, O.B.E. CARDEW, Col. George Arthur, O.B.E., V.D, M.R.C.S, 6. 18 June, 1856. Educ. : Queen's CoU, Birmingham ; Uni versity CoUege Hospital, London. Surgeon. War Work: Medical Officer, St. John V.A.D, Hospital, Cheltenham. Address : 5, Fauconberg ViUas, Cheltenham. (O10114) CARDEW, Col. George Hereward, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 3 Jan. 1861 ; s. of Rev. Geo. Cardew, of St. Minver, Liss. Educ : HaUeybury. War Work : A.A. &. Q.M.G, 1st Mounted Division, Central Force, 1914-16 ; Group Commander, Labour Corps, B.E.F, France, 1917-18; assisted as a voluntary worker, War Pensions Committee, Portsmouth, 1919. Club : Army and Navy. (CI 504) CARDONA, Lewis BORG-, M.B.E, 6. 3 June, 1883; s. of the late Alexander Borg-Cardona E.T.C, of Malta; m. Josephine, d. of the late John Calleja Schembri, Notary PubUc, of Malta. Educ. : St. Ignatius CoUege, St. JuUans, Malta. Joined the Malta Civil Service in Feb. 1901 ; served in the Secretariat, the Post Office Department and the Audit Office. War Work : Sec. to the SuppUes and Prices Board ; sec. to the Wheat Board from the date of the constitution of the two Boards in July, 1916, and Dec 1916, respectively, to June, 1916, the date of their disbandment ; in May, 1917 appointed Head Clerk in the newly instituted Food and Commerce Control Office, a position held until the suppression of the Office in March, 1919 ; since 1 AprU, 1919, Chief Executive Officer and Sec. to the Control Board ; in. charge of the operations of the Profiteering Act (Control of Prices) since its inception in Aug. 1917 j in May, 1918 refused permission to accept a Commission as Lieutenant R.N.V.R, the CivU Authorities' view being that services in Food Control Work were indispensable. Ad dress ; 68, Windsor Terrace, SUema, Malta. (M6422) CARDWELL, Major Charles Alexander, O.B.E, 6. 25 1876 ; s. of Thomas Holme Cardwell, of Newnton House, Tetburg, Glos. ; to. Catherine, EUzabeth, d. of Colonel Arthur Leycester Wynter, late of K O.S.B. Educ : Harrow. 2nd OxfordsMre Light Infantry, 1897-1906 ; 3rd Oxfordshire Light Infantry (MUitia). 1906-8; Oxfordshire and Bucks Light Inf. Special Reserve of Officers, 1908, to date. War Work: D.A.A.G. (06451) CARDWELL, Capt. WiUiam Arthur, O.B.E, M.B. CARDY, WiUiam Edward Jesse, M.B.E. CARELESS, Beatrice, Ann, M.B.E. CAREW, Lieut.-Col. Frank John, O.B.E. CAREY, Albert John, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. CAREY, Alfred David, O.B.E.. R.A.F. CAREY, Arthur WiUiam Joseph Greenwood Maoleod, M.B.E. CAREY, Lieut. Basil Ernest, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. CAREY, Major-Gen. Carteret Walter, C.B.E, M.V.O., 6. 1853 ; s. of the Rev. Carteret Priaulx Carey ; m. 1890, Florence Margaret, O.B.E. (q.v.), d. of W. RavenhiU Stock, of Clevedon, Somerset. Entered Highland L.I. 1873 ; became Capt. 1882; Major, 1890; Lieut.-Col. 1900; Brevet Col. 1904; Col. 1906 ; retired 1910; served with Egyptian Expedition 1882; at battle of Tel-el-Kebir (despatches, medal with clasp, bronze star, 4th class Medjidieh) ; on N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897-8 ; at capture of Tanga Pass (despatches, medal with clasp) ; was Comdg. No. 9 Dist. (E. Coast) 1906-10 ; appointed Gov. of MU. Knights of Windsor, 1913 (with rank of Maj.-Gen.); acted as Gov. and Constable of Windsor Castle during War 1914-18 ; received Coronation medals, 1902 and 1911. Ad dress : Governor's Tower, Windsor Castle. Club : Army and Navy. (C2086) CAREY, Capt. Geoffrey Newman, M.B.E. Chevalier Star of Roumania with swords, Manchester Regt, 6. 30 May, 1894 ; s. of Edward Delves Carey. Educ: Privately; Birkbeck CoUege ; Brussels ; Sandhurst. War Work : Enlisted as Private 5 Aug. 1914 ; joined B.E.F. France, 26 Aug. 1914 ; gazetted 2nd Battn. Manchester Regt. 6 April, 1916 ; severely wounded, Battle of the Somme, 1 July, 1910 ; appointed Executive Shipping and Transport Officer for (a) Russian Government Committee, (6) Munitions Account, Roumanian Govern ment Committee, (c) American Expeditionary Forces, on the staff of the Commission Internationale de RavitaUlement, sub-section, Foreign Office, London, from Sept. 1916, to Oct. 1918 ; joined Salonica Army 22 Dec. 1918 ; appointed to MUitary Operating and Control Staff of the Chemin de Fer Ottoman d'AnatoUe, Constantinople, as Chef du Service Com mercial, Chef du Personnel, and Directeur de RavitaiUement, 5 Jan. 1919. Club : Isthmian. (M7619) CAREY, Hattie Maud, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. CAREY, Joseph James Seymour, M.B.E. CAREY, Major LesUe Clement, O B E CAREY, Lieut.-Col. Lewis Adolphus De Vic, O.B.E. CAREY, Hon. Lucius Plantagenet, O.B.E. (08763) BIOGRAPHIES. Carmichael CAREY, Surg.-Lieut. Richard Stocker, O.B.E, R.N. CAREY, Capt. Robert Edward, M.B.E. CAREY, Major Rowland Dobree, O.B.E, R.A.F, CAREY, Capt. Walter, C.B.E.; Capt. R.N. Rendered services at Roy. Naval Depot, Crystal Palace, during Great War. (01162) CAREY, Major WUUam Havilland, O.B.E. CAREY, Florence Margaret, Mrs. CARTERET-, O.B.E, d. of W. Ravenhill Stock, of Clevedon, Somerset , m. Maj.-Gen. Carteret Walter, C.B.E, M.V.O. (q.v.), s. of the Rev. Carteret Priaulx Carey. Address : Go vernor'3 Tower, Windsoi Castle. (011897) CARGILL, Alexander, O.B.E, J.P. for the County of the City of Edinburgh, 6. 7 Jan. 1851 ; s. of James Cargill, M.A, of Aberdeen and Edinburgh ; m. Jane, d. of David RusseU, of Linlithgow. Educ. : Privately and Edinburgh University, Manager of Edinburgh Savings Bank, with which institution he has had over 56 years' service. War Work : Member of Mr. McKenna's (Chancellor of the Exchequer) Committee on War Loans for small investors (Mr. E. S. Mon tague, Chairman) ; and original member of Scottish War Savings Committee, Edinburgh, and Convener of the Committee's PubUcity and Advertising Schemes ; also Sergeant in the Edinburgh Special Constables from the first. Address: 18, Wester Coats Gardens, Edinburgh. Club: Scottish Conservative. (01188) CARGILL, John Henry, M.B.E, fi. 20 July. 1880 ; s. of Dr. Jasper CargiU, of St. Andrew, Jamaica ; m. Gwendolen Isabel, s. of Samuel Halton Morris, of Bluecastle Est. West moreland, Jamaica. Educ. : Kingston Church of England Grammar School, Kingston, Jamaica. SoUcitor. ' War Work : Raised and commanded the St. Andrew Cos. Jamaica Reserve Regiment from Oct. 1914-19 ; Hon. Sec. The Jamaica Aero plane Fund Committee. Address : Kingston, Jamaica, B.W.I. Clubs : West India, London ; Liguanea, Jamaica ; Overseas. (M2932) CARL, Frederick, O.B.E. CARLE, James, M.B.E, 6. 3 Jan. 1871 ; s. of Alexander Carle, of New Pitsligo, Aberdeenshire ; Educ : Aberdeen University. Advocate and Notary PubUc ; Member, Aberdeen Educational Trust Juvenile AuxiUary Board of Trade ; Sec. for various Companies, and Sec. Road Transport Section Ministry of Food. Aberdeen area. War Work : Legal MiUtary Representative, Ministry of Food ; Distribution Officer for margarine and Sec. Road Transport Board, Aberdeen. Ad dress : 217, Union Street, Aberdeen. (M7621) CARLESS, Col. A., C.B.E, M.B, M.C.R.S. ; T. Col. Army Med. Staff: served in Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1505) CARLESS, Lieut. WUUam Edward, M.B.E. CARLETON, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Dudley Massey Pigott, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 26 Feb. 1876 ; s. of The Baroness Dorchester and the late Capt. Francis Paynton Pigott (16th Lancers), of GreyweU HiU; m. Hon. Kathleen Winchfleld, Hants, d. of WiUiam 6th Lord de Blaquiere (died 1920), of Brockworth Manor, Glos, and 3, The Circus, Bath. Educ. : WeUington CoUege; R.M.C Sandhurst (see Burke's Peerage). Joined 9th Lancers 1896 ; retired 1904 ; J.P. for Hants. ; County CouncUlor for Hants for six years, previously Director of S. F. Edge, Ltd, previously Managing Director of R Hoe and Co, Printing Press Engineers, retired ¦ rejoined Army, Aug. 1914 ; served in France, Egypt, Macedonia, 2nd in Command Derbyshire Yeomanry, July, 1917 appointed Military Secre tary to General Sir George MUne, Commanding British Salonika Force. Addresses : 21, Upper Berkeley Street, London, W. 1 ; Hamlet Lodge, Cowes, I. of Wight. Clubs : Carlton, Cavalry, Royal AutomobUe, Hurlingham. (06452) CARLETON, Col. Montgomery Launoelot, C.B.E, fi. 1861 ; s. of the late Gen. Henry Alexander Carleton, C.B. ; m. 1908, Marguerite Helen, d. of Sir Lionel Edward Darell, 5th Bt. Col. and Hon. Brig.-Gen. (ret.) ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1506) CARLILE, Charles, M.B.E, Head Master, Boys' National School, Brixham. War Work : Hon. Sec. to Local Comm. for War Savings, Brixham, since its inception. Address : New Road, Brixham, Devon. (M7622) CARLILE, Sir (Edward) Hildred, Bart., C.B.E, T.D., J.P, D.L. (see BURKE'S Peerage), b. 10 July, 1852 ; s. of Edward CarlUe, of Richmond HU1, Surrey ; to. IsabeUa, 3rd d. of C. Hanbury, of Little Berkhampstead, Herts. Educ: Privately. J.P. and D.L, Herts. ; J.P, West Riding of Yorkshire ; formerly Captain 2nd W. Yorks. Yeomanry ; Lieut.-Col. 2nd V.B. West Riding Regt, 1898-1904 ; Hon. Col. of the Battalion (now 5th Batt. W. Riding Regt.), since 1906 ; T.D. ; M.P. (Unionist), Mid-Herts, 1906-19 ; Member, House of Laity, Canterbury Province. War Work : Red Cross ; Chairman, Board of Trade Committee on Work of National Importance, 1916-19. Address : Ponsbourne Park, near Hertford, Herts. Club : Carlton. (C2505) CARLILE, WiUiam Walter, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 15 June, 1862 ; s. of James WiUiam CarUle, of Ponsbourne Park, Hertford ; to. Blanche Anne, d. of Rev. E. Cadogan, of Wicken, Northants. Edue. : Harrow ; Clare College, Cambs. M.P. for North Bucks, 1895-1906. War Work : 1914 Star and General Service Medal for work connected with "missing," and " Graves Registration " with Fabian Ware's unit in Flanders and France ; afterwards MUitary Representative for Recruiting at home. Address : Gayhurst, Newport Pagnell, Bucks. Clubs : Carlton ; Junior Carlton ; Windham ; Bath ; R.A.C. (0217) CARLISLE, Rev. John Charles, C.B.E. Vice-President of the Baptist Union. War Work : Lectured in Canada and America during the War. (C3135) CARLISLE, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam, M.B.E. CARLTON, Arthur Roscoe.CB.E, J.P.; s. of AlfredRos- coe, of Brighton, Sussex. High Sheriff of the City of Wor cester, 1913-15 ; Mayor, 1916-19 ; Deputy-Mayor, 1919-20 ; served for six years on Devonport County Council, and six years Devonport Board of Guardians. War Work : Raised over £20,000 for War Funds and Charities at Bath, Barry, Worcester, Gainsborough, etc. ; organised the formation of the Worcester Volunteer Transport Corps, of which he is Commanding Officer ; founded the British-American Fellow ship ; and originated the scheme of hospitality to U.S.A. soldiers in connection with the Fellowship ; originated the " Homes " for Disabled Sailors and Soldiers in the City of Worcester — now being buUt ; was Sub-Commissioner of National Service under Mr. Neville Chamberlain ; Chairman of the Land Cultivation, Recruiting, Worcester War Relief, and many other committees. Address : Colehurst, Worcester . (C2506) CARLTON, Lieut.-Comm. George Frederick, O.B.E., R.N.R. CARLTON, Thomas, O.B.E. CARLYLE, Lieut.-Col. Thomas, O.B.E. CARMICHAEL, Andrew, M.B.E, 6. 1857 ; s. of Andrew Carmichael, of Greenock ; to. Isabel Somerville, d. of George Allan, of Greenock. Educ : Greenock Academy and Merchiston Castle. War Work : Chief Inspector, Special Constabulary ; services in connection with Recruiting, National Service, and War Saving Certificates. Address : 41, Union Street, Greenock. (M7623) CARMICHAEL, Evelyn George Massey, O.B.E, 6. 1871 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. George Lynedoch Carmichael, K.L.H., 95 Regt, Chief Constable of Worcestershire ; m. Dorothea Helen Mary EUzabeth Sutherland, d. of Sir James Colquhoun, Bart, of Luss, Lord Lieutenant of Dumbartonshire (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Harrow, Oriel CoU, Oxford. Chairman, Walsall Court of Referees. War Work : Chair man, Coventry, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire Munition Tribunals ; MiUtary Representative (ColUery Courts) Shrop shire, Herefordshire, Radnorshire. Addresses : 10, King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. ; Meretown House, Newport, Shropshire. Clubs : Bath ; Marylebone ; I Zingari ; Free Forester Cricket. (O10116) CARMICHAEL, Gertrude, Mrs., O.B.E. CARMICHAEL, Sir James, K.B.E, 6. 1858 ; s. of the late Robert Carmichael, of Meiklour, Perthshire ; m. 1884, Annie, d. of James Reid, of Ruthven, Forfarshire. Educ. : Privately. A J.P. for London ; Past Pres. Institute of Builders and London Master Builders? Asso, a Member of Standing Council thereof; Member Govt. Surplus Property Disposal Board ; Chm. of Munitions Works Board, Ministry of Munitions, 1917-19 ; since when he has been Director-Gen. of Housing in England and Wales. Address : Redclyffe, Ulla- thorne Road, Streatham Park, S.W.16. Club : Reform. (K206) CARMICHAEL, Major James Charles Gordon, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, D.P.H, 6. 27 Aug. 1878; s. of the late Col. J. 0. G. Carmichael, I. M.S. ; m. Hilda Sade, d. of Lieut.-Col. J. Armstrong, I.M.S. (ret.). Educ. : United Service CoUege, and Edinburgh University. R.A.M.C (regular). O.C. 166 Combined Field Ambulance E.E.F, Egypt. War Work : O.C Forrest Hospital Malta ; O.C St. Andrews General Hos pital Malta, 1914, to 1917 ; O.C. 29, Casualty Clearing Station, France ; O.C 29 Casualty Clearing Station, Germany, 1917-19. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt and Co, 3 Whitehall Place, London, S.W. 1. (O5076) CARMICHAEL, Capt. James Duncan, O.B.E, R.E, 6. 28 May, 1890 ; s. of J. D. Carmichael, of South Shields ; to. Nora, d. of W. G. Merriman, of Harton, Co. Durham. Educ : Westoe High School. Ironfoundry, Works Manager. War Work : Served with the R.E. in France over 4 years. Address : Belgrave Gardens, Harton, nr. South Shields. Clubs : Masonic and Borough, South Shields. (05077) CARMICHAEL, Brevet Lieut.-Col. James Forrest Hal- keth, C.M.G, C.B.E, late R.E, 6. 8 July, 1868 ; s. of Charles Paget Carmichael, C.S.I. ; m. Winifred Mary, d. of Rev. John M.Webster, M.A. Served in Burmah, 1893, and in Tirah, 1897-8 (medal, two clasps) ; has Legion of Honour. War Work : 1915-17, Asst. Controller Raw Materials, Ministry of Munitions ; 1917-18, Chairman of Alloy Steel Committee ; 1919, Chief Engineer to Crown Agents. Address : ArtiUery Mansions, Victoria St.. S.W. 1. Club : United Service. (C125) CARMICHAEL, Montgomery, O.B.E, 6. 17 May, 1857 ; s. of John Carmichael, of Corosal ; to. Maud, d. of John William Parker, pubUsher, West Strand. Educ. : Brewood Grammar School ; Bonn. H.M. Consul at Leghorn ; H.M. Consul- General to the RepubUc of San Marino. War Work : On duty at Leghorn throughout the war. Address : British Consulate, Leghorn. (010117) CARMICHAEL, Winifred Mary, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 24 Sept., 1885 ; d. of the Rev. John Mackeesor Webster, M.A. ; m. Lieut.-Col. James Forrest Halkett Carmichael, C.M.G, C.B.E, R.E. ; s. of Charles Paget Carmichael, C.S.I. War Work : Was president, jointly with Dame Mary Hon. Lady Monro, of The Hon. Lady Monro War Hospital Supply Depot, which was started in Sept. 1914, by Mrs. Carmichael in her own house for the purpose of supplying the needs of the 3rd London 105 Carmody THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. General Hospital ; and later formed a unit representing Old Westminster and PimUco in the Director-General's voluntary organisation scheme for the supply of MiUtary Hospitals. Address : 5. ArtiUery Mansions. (M7624) CARMODY, Capt. Ernest Patrick, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 27 March, 1883 ; s. of Prof. P. Carmody, F.I.C, F.C.S, of Lostwithiel, CornwaU. Educ: Queen's Royal CoU, Trinidad : St. Bart.'s Hospital. Physician and Surgeon at TUehurst, Reading ; Neurologist to the Ministry of Pensions ; for Berkshire : Chairman of Officers' Boards ; Member of the Reading Pathological Society. War Work: CivU Surgeon, Reading War Hospital ; Capt. R.A.M.C. and R.A.F.M.S. ; M.O. to 14th Hants Regt. in France ; Sen. Med. Off. for Reading in the R.A.F, whUe Capt. R.A.F.M.S, and in charge of No. 1 School of Aeronautics. Address : TUehurst, Reading. (M5935) CARNAC, Wilfred, M.B.E. (M10345) CARNAC, LiUan Muriel RIVETT-, Mrs., M.B.E. CARNEGIE, Arthur Alexander, O.B.E. CARNEGIE, Col. David, C.B.E, F.R.S.E, M.Inst.CE, etc, fi. 1868 ; s. of David Carnegie, of Aberdeen ; m. Frances EUen, d. of Thomas Howard Lloyd, of Leicester. Educ. : Gordon's CoUege, Aberdeen, and Royal College of Science, London. CivU and Ordnance Engineer ; Hon. Consulting Technical Ordnance Adviser, Canadian Govt. ; Oversea Member, Labour Committee, Canadian Govt. ; author, " Liquid Steel " and " Can Church and Industry Unite," etc. War Work : Member and Ordnance Adviser, SheU Committee, Canada, 1915 ; and subsequently Member and Ordnance Adviser of Imperial Munitions Board, Canada, 1915-19 : Chairman of Commission (Canadian Govt.) to inquire into the feasibihty of refining zinc and copper in Canada, 1915 ; Chairman, In ventions Committee, Canada ; Chairman, Committee Changes in Munitions Design. Address : Woodlands, Beckenham HiU, Kent. Club : British Empire. (C2507) CARNEGIE, Francis, O.B.E, M.I.C.E, M.I.M.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1874 ; s. of David Carnegie, of Aberdeen, N.B. ; m. Theodora, d. of Rev. E. W. Matthews, of Bembridge, I. of W. Educ : St. Clement's School, Aberdeen ; East London Technical CoU. Appointed to Managerial Staff, Ordnance Factories, as Shop Manager, 1904 ; as Manager, 1908 ; as Assist. Superintendent, 1916. War Work : Munitions, the manufacture of rifles, bayonets, scabbards, machine-guns, cavalry swords, and bayonets, etc (010119) CARNEGIE, WilUam, M.B.E, M.Inst.CE, M.I.Mech.E, 6. 23 May, 1872 ; s. of David Carnegie, of Aberdeen ; m. Mary Wallace, d. ot John Brodie, of Woolwich. Educ. : Aberdeen and London. Manager, Grimesthorpe Steel Works, CammeU, Laird & Co, Ltd, Sheffield. War Work : Manager, SheU Dept, CammeU, Laird & Co. Address : FirshUl House, Pitsmoor, Sheffield. (M217) CARNEGIE, Edward Hugo Wakefield FULLERTON-, O.B.E, 6. 5 Aug. 1870 ; s. of Major-Gen. George Fullerton- Carnegie, LA.; m. EmUie Prange, of Concordia Estancia, Uruguay. Educ. ; Privately ; Dresden and Paris. War Work : Department of Information, Foreign Office (temporary clerk in the PoUtical InteUigence Department) ; Peace Con ference in Paris. Address : AytonhiU, Newburgh, FUe, N.B. Club : St. Jam.s (010118) CARNEGIE, Agnes, Mrs. LINDSAY-, M.B.E. CARNEGY, Violet, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1897; d. H. W. Henderson, of 9, Princes Gardens, S.W. ; m. Capt. Uchtred EUiott Carnegy D.S.O, M.C, s. of Major F. E. Carnegy and Mrs. Carnegy of Lour (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry). War Work: Lady President of H.M. Factory, Watford, Herts. Address: Lour. Forfar, N.B. (M3710) CARNLEY, Mary, Mrs, M.B.E, R.A.F. CARO, Lieut. PhiUip, M.B.E. CAROLIN, Major George Tevers, O.B.E. CARPENTER, Capt. Alexander Scott Jarvis, O.B.E.. 6. 5 Feb. 1878; s. of Stephen Carpenter, of Sutton, Surrey; to. EUza, d. of WiUiam Ramsey, of Sunderland. Educ. : Sutton, Surrey. Master Mariner. War Work: Command of Trans ports carrying ammunition etc, from Canada to France and Salonica ; in action with submarine, navigating a transport in danger zone single-handed. Address: 17, Mount Road West, Sunderland, Durham. (010120) CARPENTER, Charles Claude, C.B.E, D.Sc, Knight of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, M.Inst.CE, F.C.S, 6. 1858 ; 8. of WilUam Richard Carpenter, R.N, of Woolwich ; m. Amy Florence, d. of Richard Phillips, of Kensington. War Work : Consulted by, and carried out work for, Ministry of Munitions . Address : 157, Victoria Street, Westminster. Clubs : Arts ; St. Stephen's. (C2.5"8) CARPENTER, Charles Howard, O.B.E, 6. 7 June, 187S ; 8. of John Howard Carpenter, of Kingstown, Deland, and Teddington, Middlesex ; m. Beatrice Violet Wynn Isdell, of Hampton HIU, Middlesex. Educ: Christ's Hospital. Barrister-at-Law. Secretary of Chartered Institute of Secre taries of Joint Stock Companies, etc. War Work : Lieut, in Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, attached to Director of InteUigence at Malta ; assisted Director-General of Voluntary Organisations working for the fighting forces and the hospitals for wounded ; special constable in City of London PoUce Reserve. Addresses : CornwaU Lodge, Hampton HiU, Middle sex ; London Wall, E.C. ; 4, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. CARPENTER, Capt. Geoffrey Douglas Hale, M.B.E. CARPENTER, Shipwright-Lieut. George, M.B.E, R.N. 106 CARPENTER, Capt. Henry, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C. CARPENTER, Ethel, Mrs. BOYD-, M.B.E, fi. 2 Jan. 1873 ; d. of Sir Francis Ley, Bart, of Epperstone Manor, Notts and LeaUiolm. Yorks (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. Henry John, s. of the Rt. Rev. WiUiam Boyd-Carpenter, K.C.V.O, Bishop ot Ripon (died 1918). Educ. : Cheltenham Ladies' CoU. JT«r Work: Red Cross, Cairo, Egypt. Address: Riversea, Kingswear, S. Devon. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (M7626) CARR, Alexander, O.B.E. CARR, Sqdn.-Leader Alfred George Horsley, O.B.E, CARR, Capt. Charles, O.B.E., 6. 17 May, 1880; s. of Robert Charles Carr, of Aldershot ; _m. Emmeline Marie Louise, d. of — Noverraz, of Cheltenham. Educ. : Army Schools and privately. Capt. R.G.A. War Work : With the Aden Field Force from July, 1915, tUl April, 1916 ; conducted Turkish Hr.soners of War from India to Egypt ; Instructor in Gunnery at Bombay, India ; appointed Fire Commander to the Bombay Defences. Address : 7, Beach Road, Southsea. (08447) CARR, Lieut.-Col. Charles Cattley, O.B.E. O6980) CARR, Lieut. Christopher George, O.B.E, R.N.R. CARR, David LesUe, M.B.E. CARR, Lieut. David Whiston, M.B.E. CARR, Col. Edward EUiott, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 31 May, 1854 ; s. of J. K. Carr ; m. Rosa E, d. of Rev. A. HaU, M.A. Educ. : Privately. Col, late commanding 2nd R. Scots FusUiers ; District Inspector in Musketry, N.E. District ; Commanding Regimental, afterwards No. 2, District Scotland, 1903-08. War Work : 1914, A.A. & Q.M.G, Lowland Division ; 1914-15, Inspector, Lines of Communications, Home ; 1915-16, Commanded No. 16 Base Dep6t, France ; 1916-18, Com manded Reinforcements, France ; despatches, by Sec. of State for War, Feb. 1917 ; by Field Marshal Sir D. Haig, Dec. 1917. Address : Overmead, Ludlow, Salop. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Bath. (C1507) CARR, Edward HaUett, C.B.E, 6. 28 June, 1892; ». of Francis Parker Carr, of 105, Crouch Hill, London, N. Educ. : Merchant Taylor's School, London ; Trinity College, Cambridge. War Work : Foreign Office, June, 1916, to Jan. 1919 ; Peace Conference, Jan. 1919, to Jan. 1920 ; at present Temp. Sec. at the British Embassy, Paris, attached to Ambassadors' Confer ence. Addresses : British Embassy, Paris ; 105, Crouch Hill, London, N. (C2509) CARR, Francis Howard, C.B.E, F.I.C, 6. 13 March, 1874 ; s. of Henry Carr, of Croydon ; to. HUda Mary Sykes, of London. Educ. : Whitgift Grammar School, Croydon. War Work : Supply of Box Respirators, essential drugs, saccharin, etc.; research work in connection with Chemical Warfare. Address : The White House, Petersfield, Hants. (C2510) CARR, Capt. Francis TuUius Fay, O.B.E. CARR, George Alexander, M.B.E, 6. 28 April. 1883; s. of Joseph Carr, of Heworth ; to. Eleanor GUes, d. of Robert Redhead, of WaUsend. Asst. Traffic Superintendent of Newcastle-on-Tyne Corporation Tramways. War Work: Hon. Sec. Board of Trade Tramways Committee (Northern Area). Address : 8. LUae Road, WaUsend. (M7629) CARR, Capt. Gerald Mossman, M.B.E. CARR, Major John, M.B.E. CARR, John Walter, C.B.E, M.D. (Lond.), F.R.C.P. (Lond.), F.R.CS. (Eng.), 6. 8 June, 1862 ; *. of John Carr, J.P, of 40, Bloomsbury Square ; m. Jessie, d. of Walter Griffith, of Streatham HiU. Educ. : University CoUege School, College, and Hospital. Senior Physician to the Royal Free Hospital ; Consulting Physician to the Victoria Hospital for Children, Chelsea ; Lecturer on Medicine to the London School of Medicine for Women ; Examiner in Medicine to the Royal CoUege of Physicians. War Work : Senior Physician to the MUitary Wing for Officers, Royal Free Hospital, London. Address : 19, Cavendish Place, London, W. 1. (C3076) CARR, John WiUiam, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. CARR, Lieut.-Col. Laurence, O.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1888; Capt. and Brevet Major, Gordon Highlanders, and a Gen. Staff Officer with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served in Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (02466) CARR, Capt. LesUe WUden, M.B.E, R.A.F. CARR, Mary, O.B.E, d. of WiUiam Carr, D.L, of Ditching- ham HaU, Norfolk. TFar Work : Commandant Detachment 116, Norfolk ; ran a Red Cross Hospital of 35 beds at Heden- ham HaU from April, 1915, to Dec. 1918. Address : Hedenham; Norfolk. Clubs : Sesame ; Norfolk. Norwich. (010121) CARR, Reginald CMlders CuUing, O.B.E, 6. 3 Aug. 1864; s. of the late Francis CuUing Carr-Gomm, of the Chase, Farn ham Royal ; m. Enid Agnes Herbert, d. of General Kenney- Herbert, of Madras Cavalry. Edue. : Charterhouse and Trinity CoUege, Oxford. Indian CivU Service (Madras), retired. Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple. War Work: Ministry of Food ; Director of Enforcement. Address : 5, FitzJames' Avenue, W. 14. Club : East India United Service. (01191) CARR, WilUam, M.B.E, J.P. CARR, WiUiam Theodore, O.B.E, M.P. CARR, Major Henry Barchard Fenwiek BAKER-, O.B.E. CARRICK, Bt. Lieut.-Col. Charles Ernest Alfred Frenoh Somerset Butler, 7th Earl of, Baron Butler (U.K.) of Mt. Juliet and Kilkenny, Viscount Ikerrin, O.B.E, formerly ComptroUerof the Lord Lieutenant's Household, Deland ; o. s. of the 6th Earl of Carrick, and Kathleen Emily, d. of Lieut. Col. Ross ; fi. BIOGRAPHIES. Carter 15 Nov. 1873 (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. EUen Rosamund Mary, d. of the late Lieut.-Col. Lindsay. Educ. : Repton ; R.M.C, Sandhurst. Late Lieut. King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). Address : Elmfleld, Tonbridge, Kent. Clubs : Cavendish ; Royal Automobile ; Kildare Street, Dublin. (0218) CARRICK, Margaret, M.B.E. CARRINGTON, John William Riohard, M.B.E. CARRINGTON, Capt. Noel Lewis, O.B.E. CARRINGTON, Major Sidney John Ness, M.B.E, R.E. CARRINGTON, Capt. WiUiam, O.B.E, K.O.Y.L.I. CARROLL, Henee Materon, Lady, O.B.E. ; m. Hon. Sir James OarroU, K.C.M.G, of Wellington, N.Z. (see Burke's Peerage). Address : WelUnston, New Zealand. (0934) CARROLL, Capt. Patriok Alphonsus, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. CARROLL, Thomas WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 24 May, 1872 ; s. of Michael CarroU, of Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire ; m. Mary, d. of Henry Hitchings, of Pembroke. Educ. : Royal Dockyard Schools, Pembroke Dock. Senior Foreman of the Yard, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, War Work : Supervising construction of battleships ; repair of warships damaged in action, and general maintenance of ships of the Grand Fleet. Address : 108, Oriel Road, N.E. -Portsmouth. (M218) CARROLL, Capt. WUUam, O.B.E. CARRUTHERS, Engineer-Capt. David John, C.B.E, R.N. Employed in Engineer-in-Chief's Dept. (C2217) CARRUTHERS, Capt. Francis. O.B.E, 5. 14 Feb. 1892 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. F. J. C. Carruthers, of Dixons, Lockerbie, Scotland. Educ. : Warriston Moffat, and Malvern Coll. War Work: Adjutant, 7th Batt. The East Yorkshire Regiment, Sept. 1914 to July, 1916 ; Staff Capt. 50th Infantry Brigade, AprU, 1917 to April, 1918 ; D.A.Q.M.G. 37th British Division, AprU, 1918 to March, 1919 ; D.A.Q.M.G. British Army of the Rhine, March, 1919 .to Oct. 1919 ; D.A.Q.M.G. British Military Mission South Russia, Nov. 1919 to Feb. 1920. Address : o/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. Club : Cocoa Tree. (O5080) CARRUTHERS, Major John Harvey de Wuderhold, O.B.E., M.C. CARRUTHERS, Lieut.-Col. Robert Jardine, O.B.E, D.S.C, R.E, 6. 27 Sept. 1884; s. of Joseph Carruthers, of Eslemont, Moffat, N.B. ; m. Georgina Rose, d. of Sir Robert Liddell, D.L, of Banoge House, Donacloney, Co. Down (see Burke's Peerage). Educ : Elizabeth Coll, Guernsey. In surance Manager. War Work : Minesweeping, East Coast and Dover Patrol, until Nov. 1917 ; awarded D.S.C Jan. 1916 ; Lieut.-Col. in Command of Marine Companies, Richborough ; responsible for Train Ferries and Cross-Channel Barge Service, Nov. 1917 to March, 1919 ; Croix de Guerre (French). Ad dress : Hooper's Farm, Eden Bridge, Kent. Club : Caledonian. (06982) CARSE, Lieut. John R, M.B.E. CARSON, Charles WiUiam Charteris, O.B.E. CARSON, Lieut.-Col. David Simpson, O.B.E. CARSON, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. John Findlay, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. CARSON, Col. Charles John LLOYD-, C.B.E, 6. 16 Oct. 1866 ; 8. of the late John Lloyd-Carson, of Egryn Abbey, Merionethshire; to. Elizabeth Furnival, d. of the late Robt. Wilson Oak Lodge, Bitterne, and Sandbach, Cheshire. Educ. : King WUUam's CoUege. Commanded 3rd Batt. East Lanca shire Regt. ; South African War, 1899-1902 ; European War, 1914-18. Address : Stratton Lodge, Leamington, Warwick shire. (CI 669) CARSTAIRS, Lieut.-Col. Albert Joseph Henry, O.B.E, R.I.R. (ret.), 6. 3 Oct. 1862 ; s. of the late Joseph S. Carstairs, of Bengal Civil Service. Educ. : CUfton CoUege. War Work : With 6th (Service) Batt. R. Dish Rifles, Aug. 1914 ; Railway Transport Officer, Central Force, Oct. 1914 to March, 1915 ; in France, Train Conducting Officer, March, 1915, to April, 1917 ; in charge of 1st Class Section, G.H.Q, 3rd Echelon, April, 1917, to May, 1919. Address : Bowerwood House, Fordingbridge, Hants. (O5081) CARSTAIRS, WUUam Ramage, O.B.E. CARSWELL, Capt. James Ernest Ingham, M.B.E. CART-DE-LAFONTAINE, Lieut.-Col. Henry PhiUp, O.B.E, A.R.I.B.A, Officie'r d'Academie (France), 6. 30 March, 1884; s, ot Henry T. Cart-de-Lafontaine, of Albert Court, London, S.W. Educ : Privately and abroad ; studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Hon. Sec-General, Exhibition of British Architecture, Paris, 1914 ; Member of Council of Architectural Assocn. of London, 1911-13 ; Member of Council of Entente Cordiale Society. War Work : Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 1914 ; British Expeditionary Force, 1915 ; Instructor No. 7 O.C.B, Ireland, 1916 ; Instructor in Aerial Topography, No. 2 R.F.C. Cadet Wing, 1917 ; Deputy Asst. Director of Graves Registration, G.H.Q, France, 1918 ; Asst. Inspector, and Inspector of Works, Imperial War Graves Commission, France, 1918-20. Address : 33, de Vere Gardens, W. 8. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (010794) CARTER, Albert Thomas, C.B.E, D.C.L., 6. 1861; 8. of the late T. A. Carter, F.R.CP, of Shottery Hall, Stratford- on-Avon. Educ. : Leamington, and at Queen's Coll, Oxford (B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1888). Bar. Inner Temple 1886 ; Student of Ch. Ch, Oxford, 1895 ; was Reader in Law Inns of Court, 1898-1910. Author of " A History of EngUsh Legal Institutions," etc. Addresses : Shottery HaU, Stratford-on- Avon ; Christ Church, Oxford. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Savage. (C18) CARTER, Capt. AUred WilUam, D.S.O, M.B.E, R.A.F CARTER, Capt. Charles Frederiok Beall, M.B.E,, R.A.S.C. CARTER, Lieut.-Col. Charles Herbert Philip, C.B, C.M.G., O.B.E., 6. 1864; s. of the late Capt. Willoughby Harcourt Carter, formerly Roy. Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), of Annag Keen, co. Galway ; m. 1899, Kathleen Maud, d. of James Hartley. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. Entered Black Watch (Roy. Highlanders), 1888; became Capt. Roy. Scots (Lothian Regt.),1897 ; Brevet Major, 1897; Brevet Lieut.- Col. 1900 ; Brevet Col. 1906 ; Major, 1908 ; Lieut.-Col. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 1911 ; Col. 1913 ; retired 1913 ; served with Benin Expedition, 1897 (despatches, medal with clasp, Brevet Major) ; Niger Coast Protectorate in command of Force in operations against Kwo Ibibio, 1899 (despatches) ; Benin Territories, 1899 (despatches, medal with clasp ; Ashanti, at relief of Kumasi, 1900 ; in command of S. Nigerian Force (severely wounded, medal with clasp) ; was Comdt. 3rd (Niger) Batt. W. African Frontier Force (Lieut.-Col.), 1900 ; was in command of Gold Coast Regt. (W. African Frontier Force), 1906-9 ; and a Brig. Comm, 1916-17. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (C1508) CARTER, Charles Maurice, M.B.E. CARTER, Edward Clark, O.B.E, 6. 9 June, 1878 ; s. of Clark Carter, of Andover, Massachusetts ; to. Alice Olin, d. of Dr. William H. Draper, of New York. Educ. : Phillips- Andover Academy, and Harvard University. Secretary, Harvard University Y.M.C.A. ; National Secretary, Y.M.C.A. of India and Ceylon ; Student Secretary, International Com mittee, Y.M.C.A. ; Asst.-Sec. English Y.M.CA. ; Chief Secretary, American Expeditionary Forces, Y.M.C.A. War Work : War Secretary, Indian National Y.M.C.A. ; responsible for early administration work in India, for Indian troops in France, and British and Indian troops in India, Mesopotamia and East Africa, from Aug. 1914, to Sept. 1916 ; Oct. 1916, to May, 1917, Asst. Sec, English National Y.M.C.A, with especial reference to recruiting and training ; June, 1917, to Sept. 1919, Chief Secretary American Expeditionary Forces, Y.M.C.A. Addresses : 347, Madison Avenue, New York ; 31, Bartlet Street, Andover, Massachusetts. Club : Harvard, New York. (078) CARTER, Edward Henry, O.B.E. CARTER, Major Edward PhiUp, C.B.E. CARTER, Lieut.-Col. Ernest Augustus Frederick, C.B.E., Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. King's Own Roy. Lancaster Regt. ; served in Great War 1914-19 (despatches). (C1509) CARTER, Lieut.-Col. Ernest Pasley, O.B.E. R.A. CARTER, Capt. Ernest Walker Augustus, O.B.E. R.N. CARTER, Eustace George, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Eng.), 6. 20 July, 1861 ; s. of Joseph Barton Carter, of Chapel AUerton, Leeds ; m. Josephine Mary, d. of Joseph Richardson, of Springfield, Lisburn, Co. Antrim. Educ. : Leeds Grammar School. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of Gledhow Hall and Roundhay Auxiliary Hospitals, Leeds. Addresses : Ivy House, Chapel AUerton, Leeds ; 18, Harrogate Road, Chapel AUerton, Leeds. Club : Leeds. (010122) CARTER, Flora Mactavish, Mrs, O.B.E, 5. 1 April, 1872 ; d. of Sir Alexander Ogston, K.C.V.O, of Glendavan, Dinnet, Aberdeenshire ; to. George Christopher Carter. Educ : Cheltenham Ladies' CoUege. Late Principal, Dunfermline Physical Training College. War Work : Hon. Sec, City of Aberdeen War Work Association ; served as V.A.D. Nurse in Southall Military Hospital, and with First British Eastern Auxiliary Hospital, Belgrade. Address : 252, Union Street , Aberdeen. Club : Halcyon. (01192) CARTER, Francis Tavor, M.B.E. CARTER, Sir Frank WiUington, Knt. Bach, CLE, C.B.E, Director of Turner, Morrison & Co, Ltd, Calcutta, fi. 16 Jan. 1805 ; 8. of Rev. W. A. Carter, Fellow and Bursar of Eton Coll. ; to. Mary, widow of Comdr. Charles Collins, e.d. of Rev. Dacres Olivier. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. Went to India 1891 ; Member of the Legislative Council of Bengal, Jan. 1917 ; Sheriff of Calcutta. Address : 6, Lyons Range, Calcutta. Clubs : Oriental ; Royal Automobile ; Bengal, Calcutta. (C687) CARTER, Capt. Frederick George, O.B.E. CARTER, Frederiok James, M.B.E, R.N. CARTER, George, M.B.E, fi. 14 May, 1883 ; s. of George Carter, of Coventry ; to. Kathleen Blanche, d. of Thomas James Burney, of Strood. Educ: Bablake School, Coventry ; and Birmingham Univ. Civil Servant (Admiralty) ; served as Assistant Naval Store Officer at Devonport, Portsmouth, Portland, Sydney (N.S.W.), and Admiralty, from 1902-14. War Work : At the outbreak of war was appointed to assist the Naval Store Officer, Grand Fleet, and served in various Depot and Store Ships until 1918. Addresses : H.M. Dockyard, Chatham ; Cotehele, Maidstone Road. Rochester. (M1519) CARTER, Major George James, O.B.E. CARTER, Sir George (John), K.B.E, M.I.C.E, M.I.N.A, M.I.M.E, J.P, fi. 1860; s. of George Dean Carter ; m. Edith Harriet, d. of the late J. S. Vaux, Sunderland. Managing Director of CammeU, Laird & Co, Ltd, Birkenhead ; Director of Coventry Ordnance Works, Ltd, President of the Shipbuild ing Employers' Federation ; was Chairman of the Merchant ShipbuUding Advisory Committee to the Controller of Ship ping ; and later a Member of the Shipbuilding Council ; Member of the Council of the Institute of Naval Architects ; Federation of British Industries ; Member of Committee Lloyd's Register ; Member of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board ; Deputy Chairman, Liverpool Munitions Committee. War 107 Carter THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Work : Chairman of the Merchant ShipbuUding Advisory Committee ; President of the ShipbuUding Employers' Federa tion throughout war period ; responsible for the building of a large number of warships and standard type merchant vessels. Addresses : Brackenwood, Hr. Bebington, Cheshire ; Dinbren HaU, LlangoUen, N. Wales. Clubs : Constitutional ; Royal Societies' ; Royal Automobile. (K14) CARTER, George Wallace, C.B.E, 6.1870 ; s.oi Jonathan Carter, of Banbury ; m. Margaret Mary, d. of Alfred Pickard , of Leeds. Educ : Privately. War Work : Joint Hon. Sec, Parliamentary Recruiting ; Parliamentary War Savings, and National War Aims Committees. Address : Fairholme, PoUards HiU West, Norbury, S.W. 16. Club : National Liberal. (C452 CARTER, Major Gerald Francis, O.B.E. CARTER, Major Gerald Vernon, O.B.E, fi. 25 May. 1883 ; s. oi the late Rev. Vernon Robert Carter, of Stone Park, Wim- borne, Dorset ; to. Cicely Joan, d. of the Rev. Charles Lewis Kennaway, (see Burke's Peerage, Kennaway, Bart.). Educ. : Eton. Commissioned in 16th Lancers ; resigned, 1904 ; joined Dorset Yeomanry as 2nd Lieut. Oct. 1909 ; Egypt, AprU, 1915; Suvla Bay, Aug. 1915; A.D.C to Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. R. MarshaU, G.C.M.G, K.C.B, K.C.S.I. Sept. 1915 ; mentioned in despatches, Aug. 1917, and June, 1918 ; Chevalier Legion l'Honneur. Address : Waterston Manor, Dorchester, Dorset. (02265) CARTER, R.S.M. Henry Lower, M.B.E, N.Z.F A, 6. 10 Aug. 1891 ; s. of Francis S. Carter, of Lewisham, London. Educ. : Derby. Accountant to Messrs. Thomas Cook & Son, Tourists' Agents. War Work : With N.Z. Field ArtiUery in Egypt, Suez Canal, Alexandria, GaUipoli, and Northern France. Address : co Messrs. T. Cook and Sons, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C. (M4663) CARTER, Herbert Parkinson, O.B.E. CARTER, Hester Marion, Mrs., C.B.E, 6. 1867 ; d. ot the late James Rose, of Inverness ; to. 1904, the Most Rev. William Marlborough Carter, Archbishop of Capetown. Address : Bishopscourt, Claremont, Cape of Good Hope. (C376) CARTER, John Gordon, O.B.E. (012043) CARTER, Major John Leslie Graydon, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. CARTER, Major John Reginald, O.B.E, R.E. CARTER, Maud Eleanor, Mrs, M.B.E. CARTER, Rei AUred Deakin, O.B.E, J.P, M.P, fi. 3 Dec. 1856 ; s. of Joseph Janney Carter, of Manchester ; m. Annie (died, 1894), d. of WiUiam Henry Woodworth, of Southport. Educ : Stanley House, Blackpool ; Owens Coll. and Victoria Univ., Manchester. Director, Manchester Palace Theatre, and Empire Theatre, Preston. War Work: Chairman, Lord Derby's Recruitmg Campaign, Stretford, Lancs. ; Chairman, Advisory Committee (4 years), Manchester ; Chairman, Brook House AuxiUary Military Hospital, Manchester ; Commander, No. 2 Co, Manchester Special PoUce (5 years). Address : Rushford, Rushford Park, Levenshulme, Manchester. Clubs : Constitutional and Arts, Manchester ; Union, London. (010123) CARTER, Major Silas Bernard Foley, O.B.E, R.A.F. CARTER, Stanley Bronislaw, O.B.E, Member Institute of Transport, fi. 19 July, 1£82 ; s. of WiUiam Henry Carter, of London and Shanghai ; to. Dulcie Isabel, d. of J. E. Melhuish, of London. Educ. : Fettes. District Superintendent, London and North-Western RaUway, Northern District, Liverpool. War Work : Entrainment of Canadian and American Armies at Liverpool. Addresses : Clifton, Helsby, Cheshire ; Lime Street Station, Liverpool. (010124) CARTER, Thomas, M.B E. CARTER, Qr.-Mr. and Capt. Thomas Benjamin, M.B.E. CARTER, Comm. Thomas Gilbert, O.B.E, R.N. CARTER, Major Thomas Moravian, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.) CARTER, WUfred George, M.B.E., A.M.I.M.E, M.I.A.E, A.F.R.A.S, 6. 9 March, 1889 ; s. of George Alfred Carter, of Bedford ; to. HUda, d. of John Frederick Back, of Johannes burg, S.A. Educ : Bedford. Engineer. War Work : Chief of Drawing Office, the Sopwith Aviation and Engineering Co, Ltd, Kingston-on-Thames, Designers and Constructors of Airplanes and Seaplanes. Address : Denehurst, Kingston-on- Thames. (M7633) CARTER, WiUiam, M.B.E. CARTER, WilUam AUan, O.B.E, M.I.C.E, J.P, 6. 27 Nov. 1847 ; s. of Frederick Hayne Carter, C.A, of Edinburgh ; m. Jane Agnes Mortmer, d. of Thomas Blaikie Park, of Had dington. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy, Edinburgh. Civil Engineer. War Work : Member of Edinburgh Recruiting Tribunal ; Member of Munition Board of Eastern District, Scotland. Address : Stamford Hall, GuUane, Bast Lothian. Clubs : Northern, Edinburgh ; Royal Automobile. (0219) CARTER, Hon. Sir WUliam Morris, Knt. Bach, C.B.E, B.A, B.Ch, Chief Justice, Uganda Protectorate, since 1912, fi. 9 Dec. 1873 ; s. oi the late Sidney James Carter, of Canterbury. Educ. : King's School, Canterbury ; Brasenose CoU, Oxford. Certificate of Honour, Bar Examination, and Prize of CouncU of Legal Education in Constitutional Law and Legal History ; called to Bar, Lincoln's Inm 1899 ; Registrar and Principal Registrar of Documents, East Africa Protectorate, 1902- Magistrate, Mombasa, 1902 ; Judge of H.M. High Court of Uganda, and H.B.M. Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa, 1903 ; acted as Principal Judge, Uganda, on several occasions ; I. Capt. Uganda Volunteer Reserve, 1914; T. Lieut.-Col, 108 1916; A.D.T. and Contracts, Uganda, 1916 (despatches); Chairman, Supplies Board, Uganda, 1914-17; in charge of Local Shortages Section, Ministry of Food, London, 1917-18. Address : Entebbe, Uganda. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; M.C.C (C389) CARTER, Capt. WilUam Tom, O.B.E. ; s. of the late Tom Carter, of Warwick. Educ. : Warwick. FeUow Library Association ; Private Secretary. War Work : Enlisted 7th R. Warwick Regt, 1914 ; commissioned S. Staffs. Regt, 1915 ; Capt. and Adjutant, 1916 ; Acting Staff Capt, 2nd T.R. Brigade, 1916-18 ; Garrison Adjutant, Cannock Chase Res. Centre, 1918-19 ; Staff Capt, 1919 ; assisted in organisation of original Army Education Scheme ; lectured considerably ; Law work as Judge Advocate, including case of Capt. von Mtttler, of the " Emden." Address : c,'o Larkhohn, Rugeley, Staffs. _ (06981) CARTER, Lieut.-Col. Ian Malcolm BONHAM-, O.B.E, R.A.F. CARTMAIL, Daisy OUve, M.B.E. CARTMELL, Annie, Lady, M.B.E. ; d. ot Thomas Dewell Scott, of London ; m. 1880, Sir Harry, Knt. Bach, J.P, s. of James Cartmell, of Manchester. Address : 9, Victoria Road. St. Annes-on-Sea, Lancashire. (M7634) CARTWRIGHT, Comm. Charles Chesters, O.B.E. CARTWRIGHT, Capt. Edward Rogers, O.B.E,R.E. CARTWRIGHT, Capt. Francis Lennox, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1874 ; s. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Richard John Cartwright, P.O., G.C.M.G, of King Street, Kingston, Ontario ; m. 1901, Ada Marion Carlos, d. of Augustus F. Perkins, of Oakdene, Holmwood, Surrey. Hon. Capt. in the Army ; Capt. Canadian Cav. ; sometime Inspector of Canadian N.-W. Mounted Police ; served in S. Africa, 1900-1901, as Capt. Strathcona's Horse (despatches). Address : Fort Osborne Barracks, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. (C2313fi) CARTWRIGHT, Mary, M.B.E. CARTWRIGHT, Major Richard Bernard, O.B.E, A.P.D. CARTY, Major Samuel WiUrid, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C. CARUANA, Most Rev. Dom. Sir Maurus, K.B.E, O.S.B, 6. 16 Nov. 1867 ; s. of Henry Caruana, of Malta. Educ. : Malta, and St. Benedict's Abbey, Fort Augustus, Scotland. Took vows as Benedictine, 1885 ; Ordained Priest, 1891. Bishop of Malta and Titular Archbishop of Rhodes, since 1915 ; Archbishop of Malta. Address : Archbishop's Palace, Valetta, Malta. (K122) CARVELL, John Maclean, M.B.E, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.S.A, (Lond.), 6. 20 Aug. 1 856 ; s. of John CarveU, of Southam, Warwickshire ; to. Euphemia Sarah, d. of Benjamin Avery, of London. Educ. : Brewers' School ; London Hospital. Assis tant Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade. War Work : Ambulance Organisation and Training, No. 1 district, Order of St. John ; duty with ambulances during air raids. Address : 31, Avonmore Road, West Kensington. W. 14. (M7635) CARVER, Albert Wing, M.B.E, fi. 25 May, 1866 ; s. of the late George Carver ; to. Florence, d. of the late George Walker, of Wakefield. Clerk to Guardians of Cannock Union ; Clerk to Cannock Rural District CouncU, etc. War Work: Hon. Sec. Cannock and District Recruitmg Committee, 1914- 15 ; Hon. Clerk Cannock Rural National Registration Authority 1915-18 ; Hon. Sec. Bushbury and Penkridge War Pensions Local Committees, 1916 ; Clerk Cannock Rural Local Tribunal, 1916-18. Address : Ryderscroft, Cannock, Staffs. (M221) CARVER, Helena Philae OUve Virginia, Mrs, M..BE, 6. 8 Sept. 1893 ; d. of General Rt. Hon. Sir John MaxweU. G.C.B, K.C.M.G, of London.; m. CUfford, s. of Amos Carver, of New York. War Work : War Pensions Officer, York. Ad dress : Locust Valley, Long Island, New York. (M7636) CARVER, Mary Glendinning, M.B.E, 6. 1872; d. of Henry CUfton Carver, of WUmslow, Cheshire. Educ. : Private schools in England and Germany. War Work : Secretary and Translator, InteUigence Dept, Admiralty. Address : 52, Lower Sloane Street. London, S.W. • (M1521) CARVER, OUve McLaren, M.B.E, Educ. : St. Leonard's School, St. Andrew's. War Work: Commandant, V.A.D. Cheshire 84 ; Joint Officer in Charge AuxiUary MUitary Hospital, Kilrie, Knutsford. Address : Oakhurst, Knutsford. (M7637) CARVER, Sydney Ralph Pitts, C.B.E. CARY, Arthur Deering Lucius, O.B.E, 6. 14 Dec 1856 ; s. of Henry George Cary, County Inspector, R.I. Constabulary ; m. 1st, Edith Lucy, d. of Capt. C. G. Weller, Elder Brother of Trinity House ; 2nd, CaroUne Eleanor, d. of Rev. Stephen Radcliff, of Armagh. Educ. : Drogheda Grammar School. Librarian, Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall, London. War Work : Librarian of the Parliamentary and Reference Section of the War Office Library. Address: 55, Thurleigh Road, London, S.W. 12. (O10125) CARY, Paymaster Henry John, M.B.E, R.N.R. CARY, Major the Hon. Lucius Plantagenet, O.B.E. (set Falkland, Master of). CARY, Reginald Ormsby, O.B.E, 6. 8 Jan. 1875 ; s.of Col. Francis Walter Cary, of East Yorkshire Regt. ; to. LUle Benbow Bowen. Educ. : Harrison's CoUege, Barbados ; Diocesan CoUege, Cape Town. Managing Director of the Sopwith Aviation and Engineering Co, Ltd, Kingston-on-Thames. Addresses : Pompet House, Sunbury-on-Thames ; 8, Hay HiU, W. Clubs : Royal Aero ; Royal Automobile. (01194) CARY, Lieut. Rupert Tristram OUver, M.B.E. CASE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Arthur Joseph, O.B.E., BIOGRAPHIES. Caulfeild fi. 29 Nov. 1870 ; s. of Benjamin Case, of March, Cambridge shire. Educ. : March. War Work : Served on Western Front from Sept. 1915 tUl end of war ; wounded May, 1918 ; men tioned in despatches, June, 1916, and July, 1919. Address : 12, Nene Parade, March, Cambridgeshire. (O5085) CASE, Thomas Henry Towler, O.B.E, 6. 13 April, 1886 ; s. of Thomas Henry Case, of Norwich ; m. Evelyn, d. of WilUam Henry White, of Barnet. Educ. : Norwich Grammar School ; Queen's CoU, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : Assisted in departments of H.M. Procurator-General and Treasury SoUcitor. Address : Abbotsford, Lyonsdown Avenue, New Barnet, Herts. Club : Union. (03654) CASH, Ernest WilUam, M.B.E.. M.I.Mech.E, 6. 18 Aug. 1875 ; s. of Edwin Cash, of Cambridge ; to. EUzabeth, d. of Isaac Draper, of ShorweU, Isle of Wight. Educ. : Aukland School, Cambridge ; East London Technical CoU. Works Manager, Skefko Ball Bearing Co, Luton ; Member of Executive CouncU of Engineering Employers' Federation, Bedfordshire Branch ; previously with the British Thomson-Houston Co, Rubgy, and on Mining work in South Africa. War Work : Associated with Messrs. Dick, Kerr __ Co, in equipping and organising Hackney Marshes National Projectile Factory, London, for the production of 6-inch shells ; afterwards Works Manager of the National Cartridge and Box Repair Factory, Newport, Mon. Address : Lancaster House, Kingsley Road, Lirabury, Beds. (M7638) CASH, C.S.M. Samuel, M.B.E, R.E. CASH, Rev. William Wilson, O.B.E. (OC153) CASHIN, John, O.B.E, F.R.CS, L.R.C.P, Surgeon R.N. (Retired List), 6. 29 June, 1854 ; s. of Michael Cashin, of Shanrahan, Clogheen, Co. Tipperary, Deland ; to. AUce Maud, d. of Thomas Were Fox, of Hoe House, Plymouth, Devon. Educ. : The Abbey School, Mount MeUeray, Cappoquin, Deland ; Queen's CoU, Cork ; Royal CoU. of Surgeons, Ireland. Formerly Resident Surgeon, Jervis Street Hospital, Dublin, and Demonstrator of Anatomy, Ledwich School of Medicine, DuMin. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of 3rd Royal Berkshire Regiment, 3rd Leinster Regiment, 3rd Dorset Regiment, and 2nd. Sussex Regiment. Address : St. Aubyn's, Osborne Road, Southsea, Hants. 04356) CASHIN, Hon. Sir Michael Patriok, K.B.E, Minister of Finance and Customs of Newfoundland since 1909 ; Member, Colonial House of Assembly for Ferryland District ; 6. 29 Sept. 1864 ; s. of Richard Cashin ; m. Gertrude C, d. of Capt. P. MuUowney, of Witless Bay. Educ. : Bonaventure's CoU, St. Johns, N.F. Trained for mercantile career at St. John's ; engaged in business of fishery merchant at Cape Broyle, 1885, on attaining his majority ; has continued same since ; entered poHtical life in Colonial General Election, 1893 ; joined Liberal Party, 1895 ; led Independent Party in Assembly, 1905-08, when joined with Sir Edward Morris ; represented Colony before Imperial Royal Commission on West India trade at Jamaica, Jan. 1910 ; Acting Prime Minister ; Acting Minister of MUitia ; Acting Minister of Shipping, 1918 ; as Minister of Finance raised the first successful Victory Loan in the Colony in 1917-18. Addresses : Sea View, Cape Broyle ; 38, Queen's Road, St. Johns. (K188) CASOLANI, Henry, M.B.E. CASS, Gertrude Margaret Carew, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Frederick Charles Cass, of Monken Hadley, Herts, and 9 Heene Terrace, Worthing. Homes of Holy Redeemer, Dux- hurst, near Reigate. War Work : Matron, Morant War Hospital, Brockenhurst, Oct. 1915, to Sept. 1916 ; then Donor, Commandant, and Matron of the Cass Hospital for Officers, Worthing, 1916-19. Addresses: 9, Heene Terrace, Worthing ; Duxhurst, Reigate. Clubs : Albemarle ; Ladies' Imperial. (10126) CASSEL, Capt. Louis, O.B.E. CASSELS, Lieut.-Col. George Hamilton, C.M.G, O.B.E, Lieut.-Col. 2nd Central Ontario Regt. ; served in Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (03214) CASSELS, Lieut. Hamilton, M.B.E, R.A.F. CASSELS, Lieut. James Houston, M.B.E. CASSELS, John Bordase, M.B.E. CASSELS, Walter Seton, O.B.E, I.C.S. CASSERA, Major Anthony Aloysius, O.B.E, R.E, 6. 11 March, 1893 ; s. of Anthony Cassera, of Handsworth, Birmingham. Educ. : St. PhUip's Grammar School, Edgbaston. Deputy Assistant Director of Engineering Stores. War Work : Served in R. Warwiclshire Regt, 1914-17 ; Royal Engineers, 1917-19. Address : HaU Road, Handsworth, Birmingham . 1 (05086) CASSIDI, Francis Richard, M.B.E, M.D, fi. 1858 ; s. of Francis Peter Cassidi, of Glenbrook, Magherafelt ; to. Marion Elizabeth, d. of John Duncanson, M.D, of AUoa, N.B. Educ. : Rugby, and Trinity CoUege, Dublin. War Work : Director of Transport, First Line Hospitals, Derbyshire. Address : Glenbrook, Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry. (M222) CASSON, Emily Marjorie, M.B.E. ; d. of George Robert Casson, of Apsley House, Queen's Road, Richmond. Educ. : St. Martin's Coll, CUftonvUle, Margate. War Work : For first year of war, V A.D. work in Richmond Red Cross Hospital ; afterwards temp. Clerk in War Trade Statistical Dept. ; then 8 months at Paris Peace Conference. (M7639) CASSON, Gertrude Hamilton, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of Capt. A. Hamilton RusseU, of Heath House, Petersfield ; to. Herbert Alexander Casson, of Tyn-y-coed, Arthog, Dolgelly, Merionethshire, N. Wales ; s. of Rev. George Casson, of Olde Court, Torquay. War Work: Red Cross Depot, Ambala, India ; Member of Committee for Monro Soldiers' Canteens. Address : Tyn-y-Cood, Arthog, Merionethshire, N. Wales. Club: Ladies' Imperial. (M6119) CASSY, Capt. Alexander WUliam, O.B.E, R.A.F. CASTELL, Rose Catherine Clanmorris, Mrs, M.B.E. CASTELLAN, Major Victor Edward, O.B.E, R.F.A. (T.F.) CASTINGS, 2nd Lieut. Walter Rumley, M.B.E, R.A.F. CASTLE, Gordon Harwood, O.B.E. (011959) CASTLE, Hubert William, M.B.E, b. 10March,1878 ; s. of Thomas Smith Castle, of London ; to. Lizzie May, d. of George Henry Hunt, of London. War Work : Asst.-Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary, 1914-19. Address : 20, Muswell Avenue, N. 10. Clubs : R.A.C ; Junior Consti tutional. (M7640) CASTLE, Capt. Ivor, M.B.E. CASTLE, Major Leonard James, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 21 Aug. 1887. (06453) CASTLE, Montague Wilson, M.B.E. CATCHPOLE, AUred Edward, M.B.E. CATERALL, John, M.B.E. CATHCART, Lieut.-Col. Charles Walker, C.B.E, M.B , fi. 1853 ; s. of the late James Cathcart. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. (M.B. and CM. 1878). F.R.CS. (England, 1879; Edin burgh, 1880). Consulting Surg. Roy. Infirmary, Edinburgh ; . Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. (T.F.), 2nd Scottish Gen. Hospital, Edinburgh War Hospital, EdenhaU Hostel for Limbless Sailors and Soldiers during Great War, 1914-19. Address : 3, Tipperlinn Road, Edinburgh. (C804) CATHCART, Major George EUiot, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. CATHERALL, Lieut. John Eric, M.B.E, R.AF. CATHERY, Edmund, C.B.E. CATHLES, Albert, O.B.E, CA, 6. 13 May, 1882 ; s. of John Cathles, of St. Margaret's, Elie, Fife ; to. Ada Rockcliff , d. of Thomas Baker, of Coatbridge. Educ. : George Watson's College, Edinburgh. War Work : Ministry of Munitions ; Assistan Director (Factory Accounts) ; Deputy Director of Factory Accounting ; Assistant Controller of Factory Audit and Costs. Address : c/o Price, Waterhouse & Co, 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C. 2. (01195) CATLEUGH, Lieut. John Harwood, M.B.E, R.A.F. CATLEY, Clare, M.B.E, 6. 21 Dec. 1883 ; s. of J. W. H. Catley, of Scarborough ; to. Florence Mary, d. of Aquila Ladd MitcheU, of Boston, Lincoln. Educ. : St. Martin's Grammar School, Scarborough. Accountant. War Work : Section Director of Dept. Factory Audit and Costs ; Sec. of Canteen Finance Committee, Ministry of Munitions of War. Addresses : Colwyn, Castle Road, Scarborough ; 24, Westborough, Scar borough. (M1522) CATMUR, Benjamin, O.B.E, 6. 30 May, 1861 ; s. of Thomas Catmur, L.CC, of Whitechapel and Bow ; m. Celia, d. of Jabez Druitt, of Manor Park and Bow. Educ. : White chapel Foundation School. Clerk to the Guardians, Hamlet of Mile End Old Town ; Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, District of Mile End Old Town. War Work : As Clerk to the Guardians responsible for the whole of the maintenance, staffing, and upkeep of the MUe End MiUtary Hospital ; Hon. Sec. Wounded Soldiers' Entertainment Fund, Mile End MiUtary Hospital ; Member of the 5th City of London (National Guard) Volunteer Regiment, Jan. 1915, to date of Armistice. Addresses: Guardians' Offices, Bancroft Road, MUe End, E. 1 ; 4, WaUwood Road, Leytonstone, E. 11. (010127) CATON, Richard, C.B.E, M.D, LL.D, F.R.C.P, J.P, s. of Richard Caton, of Heysham ; to. the late Annie, d. of WiUiam Ivory, of St. Roque, Edinburgh. Educ. : Scar borough Grammar School ; University of Edinburgh ; Emeritus Professor, University of Liverpool ; Ex-Lord Mayor of Liver pool ; President, Liverpool Royal Infirmary. War Work : Chairman of West Lancashire Nursing Service Committee. Address: 7, Sunnyside, Prince's Park, Liverpool. Clubs: Athenaeum, Liverpool ; University, Liverpool. (C2513) CATOR, Maud, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 5 July, 1866 ; d. of Henry John Adeane, of Babraham Hall, Cambridge, and of Lady EUzabeth Yorlcc eldest d. of PhUip, 4th Earl of Hardwicke ; to. John, s. of Albemarle Caton, of Woodbastwick Hall, Norfolk. War Work : Commandant, V.A. Detachment, Norfolk 54 ; organised, equipped, and carried out hospital in own home, 1914-18 ; nursed 1220 soldiers. Addresses : Woodbastwick, Norwich; 52, Pont St, London, &.~~~ . 1. (0221) CATOR, Lieut.-Col. Robert, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. CATTANACH, Jean Lorimer M.B.E. ; d. of Peter Lorimer Cattanach, Advocate, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Privately ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Paris. War Work : British Red Cross, Paris, 1914 ; Assist. Sec. Record and Casualty Office, B.E.F, 1914-15 ; Commandant, V.A.D. (W. Lancs, 86) ; Lady Super intendent, King's Lancashire Military Convalescent Hospital, 1915-18. Address : 13, Pembridge Crescent, W. (M7642) CATTELL, Major Arthur Shelton Goodricke, O.B.E. CATTO, Lieut. Andrew Yule, O.B.E, R.N. CATTO, Thomas Sivewright, C.B.E. In Ministry of Shipping. (C126) CAULFEILD, Brig.-Gen. Francis WilUam John, C.B.E, fi. 1859 ; s. of Col. Robert Caulfeild, of Camolin, Wexford, Iceland ; m. Alice, d. of J. H. Finnemor, of Ballyward Manor, Kilbride, Co. Wicklow. War Work : Commanded 65th Infantry Brigade in England, 1914-15 ; served in France as Area Com mandant, 1916-18. Address : Innishannon, Co. Cork. (C765) 109 Caulfeild THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. CAULFEILD, Capt. James Montgomerie, C.B.E, R.J.. (ret ), 6 22 Feb.. 1855 ; s. of WiUiam Montgomerie Stewart CaulfeUd, Lieut.-Col. late Royal DubUn FusiUers, of Weston Park, Dublin (see Burke's Peerage, Charlemont, V.) ; m. 6 Feb, 1889. Kathleen Ruth, d. of the late Lieut.-Col. H. A Crofton (see Burke's Peerage. Crofton. Bt.). (C2267) CAUNTER, Brig.-Gen. James Eales, C.B.. C.B.E, 6. 1859 ; s. of the late J. E. Caunter (15th Bengal Native Inf.;, of Wave, Ashburton, Devon ; m. 1879, Kate. d. of H. Haworth. Entered 69th Regt. 1878 ; became Capt. 1887 ; Major, Lancashire FusUiers, 1898; Lieut.-Col. 1903; Brevet Col. 1906; Col. 1911; and Hon. Brig.-Gen. 1918 ; ret. 1918 ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1900, as D.A.A.G, 6th Div. ; present atreUef of Kimberley, and at actions of Paardeberg, Poplar Grove, and Dreifontein (despatches, Queen's medal with three clasps) ; was D.A.A.G, Bermuda, 1889-94; Professor of Mil. History and Tactics at R.M.C 1900-2; Gen. Staff Officer there, 1902-6; S. Midland Div. 1908-11; A.A.G, War Office, 1911-13; Brig.-Gen. in charge of Administration 1913-19. Address : Trevora. Torquay. (C453) CAUSTON, Major Edward Postle Gwyn, O.B.E. CAUSTON, Ida Jessie, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 14 Dec. 1876; CAUSTON, Lieut.-Col. Joseph, O.B.E.. R.M.E. d. of W. F. Paul, O.B.E, J.P, of Orwell Lodge, Ipswich ; m. Joseph, s. of the late Joseph Causton, of Bickley, Kent. Educ : High School, Ipswich ; Dresden, and Paris. Commandant of V.A. Detachment, Middlesex ; Member of Hendon Rural District Council, and Hendon Board of Guardians. War Work : Organised Pinner. V.A.D. Hospital, Feb. 1915, and was Com mandant and Officer in Charge of the Hospital aU the time it was open, from Feb. 1915, to Feb. 1919. Address : Gippeswyck, Pinner, Middlesex. (M1523) CAUTLEY, Major Harry LleweUyn, O.B.E. CAUVIN, Major WilUam Stephen, O.B.E. CAVAGE, Capt. Ronald James, M.B.E. CAVAN, Samuel Edward, M.B.E. CAVANAGH, Capt. Henry James, O.B.E, L.D.S, R.C'.S, fi. 4 April, 1885 ; 5. of John Cavanagh, of Dublin ; to. Louise, d. of Daniel Cronin, of Cork. Educ : St. Thomas', Deland. Dental Surgeon. War Work: Served in the R.A.S.C. in Gallipoli, Egypt, and France, Aug. 1914, to April, 1919. Address : The Boundary, West Ealing, W. Clubs : Services ; United R.A.S.C. (O5087) CAVE, Beatrice JuUa, Mrs, O.B.E, fi. 20 Sept. 1863 ; d. of Sir Frederick Martin WUliams, Bart, of TreguUow, Scorrier, Cornwall, and Heanton Punchardon, Barnstaple ; m. Charles Henry, s. of Sir Charles D. Cave, Bart, of Sidbury Manor, Sidmouth, and Cleve HiU, Downend, Gloucestershire. War Work : Vice-President, Lawford's Gate Division, Glouces tershire Branch of the British Red Cross Society; Com mandant of Cleve HiU V.A. Hospital, Downend. Gloucester shire, 1914-19. Adaress : Sidbury Manor, Sidmouth. (01196) CAVE, Capt. George Ellis, C.B.E. Capt. R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19, as Div. Naval Transport Officer. Avon- mouth (despatches). (C2245) CAVE, Hugo Charles, M.B.E. CAVE, Col. Sir Thomas Sturmy, K.C.B.. C.B.E, VJD, T.D, T.F. (ret.), 6. 23 Sept. 1846 ; s. of WUliam Cave, of Yatley, Hants. ; to. Beatrice Maria, d. of Edward Cariile, of Richmond, SuiTey. Educ. : Queenswood CoUege. Hon. Col, 4th Hampshires ; served in Volunteers and Territorials from 1863; Ensign, 1865; Lieut, 1867; Captain, 1870; Major, 1877 ; Lieut.-Col, 1886 ; Col, 1888 ; commanded battaUon, 1888-1906; concurrently A.D.A.F. (Vols.), 1904-06; com manded South Midland Infantry Brigade, 1906-10 ; commanded Composite Brigade, T.F, at Coronation of King George V. and Queen Mary, 1911. War Work : Chairman of War Emergency Committee of National Council of Y.M.C.A, 1914-19. Address- KUworth, Woking. Clubs : Constitutional ; National. (C454) CAVE, Wilhelmina Mary Henrietta, Mrs. Charles, O.B.E, ft. 1872 ; d. of Major Francis E. Kerr, late of The Rifle Brigade ; m. Charles John PhiUp Cave, J.P, s. of the late Laurence Trent Cave, of Ditcham Park, Petersfield. Edue. : Convent of Sacred Heart, Roehampton. War Work : Vice-President, Petersfield Division, Hants Branch, B.R.C.S. : Chairman of two hospital committees ; Belgian Refugees (MCdaUle de la Reine Elizabeth). Address : Ditcham Park, Petersfield, Hants. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (010128) CAVE, Beatrice Mabel CAVE-BROWNE-, M.B.E. ; d. of Sir Thomas Cave-Browne-Cave, C.B, of Burnage, Streatham Common (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ. : Girton. War Work : Aeronautical research for the Admiralty, Air Department, Air Ministry, and Aircraft Production Department. Address : Burnage, Streatham Common. S.W. 16. (M7643) CAVE.Wing Comm. Thomas Reginald CAVE-BROWNE-, C.B.E, R.A.F.. F.R.Ae.S., A.M.I.N.A., A.M.I.M.E, 6. 11 Jan. 1885 ; s. of Sir Thomas Cave-Browne-C'ave, Kt, C.B, late of War Office (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Marjorie Gwvnne, d. of Albert Wright, of Idle, Yorkshire. Educ. .- Dulwich CoU, and Royal Navy (Engineering). Deputy Director of Research (Airships), Air Ministry. War Work : R.N.A.S, and R.A.F. ; design and construction of British non-rigid airships, and later in charge of airship experiments. Address : 43, Tierney Road, Streatham HU1, S.W. 2. Clubs : R.A.F.; Junior Army and Navy. ,C'S.->3) CAVENDISH, EUzabeth Janet, Hon. Mrs. WiUiam Edwin, O.B.E. ; d. of Thomas BaiUie, of New South Wales ; m. Brig.-Gen. WiUiam Edwin Cavendish, s. of WUUam, 2nd Baron Chesham. War Work : Equipped and organised, and was Commandant of, V.A.D. Hospital, "Whitehall," Sawtry' Huntingdonshire, 1915-18. Address: The Farm House, Holkham. Norfolk. (01197) CAVILL, Lieut. Herbert John, O.B.E, R.N.R. CAW, WilUam Strathie, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 4 Dec. 1862 ; ». of WiUiam Caw, of Edinburgh : to. Mary, d. of James B. Veitcl_ of Carlops, Peeblesshire. Treasurer and Clerk of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. War Work : Acted as Superintendent of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, in addition to duties as Treasurer and Clerk, from Aug. 1915, to Feb. 1919. Address : 19 Queen's Crescent, Edinburgh. Club : Scottish Conserva tive, Edinburgh. (010129) CAWOOD, Charles John, M.B.E, J.P. Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Address : 47, Esplanade, Scarborough. (M1525) CAY, Albert, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 2 Sept. 1846 ; s. of Robert Dundas Cay, of Shepperton, Edinburgh ; to. Annie, d. of Sir John Jaffray, Bart, of SkUts, Redditch. Educ : Edinburgh Academy, and Edinburgh Univ. Lay Canon of Coventry Cathedral. War Work : Hon. Treasurer, Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Assn. for County of Warwick; Hon. Treasurer, Statutory Committee for the County of Warwick; Hon. Treasurer, War Pensions Committee for the County of Warwick ; Hon Treasurer, Munition Workers' Mission, Diocese of Worcester. Address : Woodside, Kemlworth, Warwickshire. Clubs : Union; R.A.C.; Union, Birmingham. M7644) CAYLEY, Dora, M.B.E. CAZENOVE, Major Percy, O.B.E. CECIL, AUcia Margaret, Hon. Mrs. Evelyn, C.B.E, d. of Lord Amherst of Haclmey ; m. Rt. Hon. Evelyn CecU, M P, s. of Lieut.-Col. Lord Eustace CecU, s. of the 2nd Marquess of SaUsbury- Lady of Justice of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; Freedom of the Gardeners' Company and of the City of London ; on Committee of Management, Chelsea Physic Garden ; Vice-Chairman of the CouncU of the Society for the Oversea Settlement of British Women. War Work: Member of the Joint CoUections Committee, St. John and Red Cross ; worked in St. John Hospital until Food Pro duction Dept. was formed in 1917, when she became Hon. Asst.-Director of Horticulture. Address : 2, Cadogan Square. S.W. 1. Club : Ladies' Emnire. (C2398) CHADWICK, Capt. Alan Wentworth, O.B.E, 6. 19 March, 1890 ; s. of Rev. J. H. Chadwick. Educ. : St. Edward's, and Queen's CoU, Oxford. War Work : 2nd Lieut. Hampshire Regt. (11th Batt. Pioneers), 29 Aug. 1914 ; served in France, Dec. 1915, to Aug. 1916 ; and May, 1917, to June, 1919 ; twice wounded, June, 1916, and June, 1917. Club : Isthmian. (O5089) CHADWICK, Edith CaroUne, M.B.E. ; d. of Samuel Joseph Chadwick, of Dewsbury. Educ. : Privately, and Gbttingen. Member of Dewsbury Education Committee, 1914-19 ; Hon. i^ec. Dewsbury Day Nursery, 1913-19 ; President of Dewsbury Day Nursery, 1919 ; Hon. Sec. Dewsbury and District Nursing Association, 1913-19. War Work: Member, and formerly Vice-Chairman, of Dewsbury War Pensions Committee ; Member of Belgian Refugees' Com mittee ; Member of Dewsbury Patriotic Committee ; Hon. Sec. of Ladies' Visiting Committee (for visiting wives and families of SaUors and Soldiers, and for distributing weekly grants from Patriotic Committee's Funds). Address : Boyne Hill, Chapel- thorpe, near Wakefield. (M7646) CHADWICK, Harry Bernard Clarke, M.B.E. CHADWICK, Thomas, M.B.E. CHAFF, Thomas Waycott, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. CHAFFEY, Col. Ralph Anderson, C.B.E, V.D, J.P, fi. 1356 ; s. of the late Major E. Chaffey, of Keinton MandeviUe, Somerset ; to. Agnes Rosa, d . of the late Dr. Webster (Army Medical), of Balruddery, Otago, N.Z. Educ. : Sherborne. Sheep Farmer. War Work : Commanding Canterbury MUitary District, June, 1914, to Nov. 1919. Address : Keinton Combe, Waiau, N.Z. Club : Christehurch. (C722) CHAINEY, Capt. George Barrett, O.B.E, R.A.F. CHALDECOTT, Harold Richards, O.B.E. CHALKER, AUred Caulke, M.B.E, 6. 25 Sept. 1865; s. of Horace Chalker, of Norwich ; m. Edith Anna, d. of Harold Bridger, of Chichester. Educ : Walberton. Stationmaster, Crystal Palace Low Level, L. B. and S. C. RaUway. War Work : 750,000 seamen, and 500,000 soldiers passed through his station on demobilization. Address : Stationmaster, Crystal Palace Low Level. L. B. and S. C. (M7647) CHALKLEY, Alfred PhiUp, M.B.E. CHALKLEY, Major Francis Henry, M.B.E. CHALLICE, R.S.M. Sydney, M.B.E, fi. 12Jan.l883; s.of WiUiam ChaUice, of Exwick, Exeter, Devonshire ; m. Alice, d. of John Salvia, of Richmond, Yorkshire. Educ. : Exwick, Exeter, Devonshire. War Work : Western Front, France, Aug. 1914, to June, 1919 ; mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's despatches, 14 Dec. 1917, for gallantry and devotion to duty; awarded the Meritorious Service Medal, 1914 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Address : The Barracks, Richmond, Yorkshire. (M4444) CHALLINOR, WiUiam Robert, M.B.E, 6. 26 Oct. 1872; s. of Alfred ChaUinor, M.R.CV.S, of Bolton-le-Moors, Lanca shire ; to. Elizabeth Openshaw, d. of James Addison, of Gorse- field, Lytham, Lancs. Educ. : Bolton Church Institute and Bolton Grammar School. Partner in firm of Langston, Goode & ChaUinor ; Member of the Manchester Stock Exchange ; Director of the Star Paper MU1 Co. (1920), Ltd, Feniscowles, near Blackburn, Lancs. ; Chairman of Directors, Rendevous 110 BIOGRAPHIES. Chance Cafe, Wigan, Lancs. War Work : In 1914, joined the Wigan County Borough Police Special Constabulary ; acted as intermediary for the Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Associa tion, Wigan Branch, between that centre and the various Army Pay Offices in the area, in all matters affecting Army pay, separation allowances, etc ; undertook alien in quiries, and owing to having had private wireless telegraphy station, prior to 1914, continuously served for duty in this connection in various areas ; Special Inspector, Wigan County Borough Police, and awarded Special Constabulary Medal . Club: Lvtham Yacht. (M228) CHALLIS, Major Oswald, O.B.E, late R.A.M.C, fi. 1872. Edue. : St. George's. South African War, 1899-1901 ; severely wounded at Battle of Rhenoster Kop, 29 Nov. 1900 ; mentioned in despatches, " London Gazette," 7 May, and 10 Sept. 1901 ; Queen's Medal with 3 clasps ; relinquished Commission, May, 1905. War Work Employed at War Office (Army Medical Dept.), July, 1915 to June, 1920 ; promoted to Major, 6 Sept. 1917 ; mentioned for services, March, 1918. Address : 23, Dorset Square, N.W. CZwfi : R.A.C (06986) CHALLONER, Bromley, M.B.E. CHALMERS, Jessie Elder, Mrs, O.B.E. CHALMERS, Kenneth Edlmann, OJ3.E, fi. 15 Sept. 1873 ; s. of the late Frederick Chalmers, of Farrants, Bickley, Kent ; m. Agnes, d. of the Rev. Canon Theobald, of Lasham, Alton, Hants. Edu. : Eton and Balliol, Barrister ; Member of Kent CC. War Work : Hon. Sec. of S. & S.F.A, and after wards Chairman of Bromley (Kent) War Pensions Committee ; Vice-Chairman of Kent Disablement W. P. Committee ; Vice- Chairman of Kent County Fund (V.A.D.) ; Special Constable. Addresses : Blackbrook, Bickley, Kent ; 8, Fig Tree Court, Temple, E.C. Clubs : Reform : Union ; WeUington. (03655) CHALMERS, Margaret, M.B.E. CHALMERS, Robert, O.B.E, B.Sc, A.M.I.C.E., late Lieut.-Col. R.M, fi. 18 June, 1883 ; s. of Robert Chalmers, of Dundee ; m. Margaret ColvUle, d. of — Duff, of Glasgow. Educ. : Dundee High School, and St. Andrews. War Work : On Engineering Staff of Messrs. Easton, Gibb & Son, Ltd, Contractors at H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth, tiU Feb. 1918 ; March to Aug. 1918, Special Mission to JLgean Ports for the Admiralty Aug. 1918, to Feb. 1919, Tank Factory at Chateauroux. Addresses: 79, Stretton Road, Croydon, Surrey; Messrs. S. Pearson and Son (Contracting Dept.), Ltd, 10, Victoria Street, S.W.I. (010131) CHALMERS, Major Robert Arthur, O.B.E, A.F.C R.A.F. CHALMERS, Major WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. CHAMBERLAIN, AUred John, M.B.E, 6. 2 Nov. 1868 ; s. of Alfred Chamberlain, of West Hampstead, London ; to. Florence Elizabeth, d. of John Oates, of South Hampstead, London. Educ. : Privately. Entered Accounting Depart ment, RaUway Clearing House, 1883. War Work : Lent to Admiralty (Transport Department) by Railway Clearing House, Jan. 1916, for duration of war ; transferred to Ministry of Shipping on its formation in 1917 ; appointed Assistant to Financial Representative, British Ministry of Shipping, New York, May, 1918. Addresses : 269, West Seventy-Second Street, New York ; 9, GranviUe Road, St. Albans, Herts. (M7648) CHAMBERLAIN, Fernley John, C.B.E, 6. 19 July. 1879; s. of WilUam Henry Chamberlain, of Plymouth ; m. Gertrude, d. of John Holloway, of Stoke-on-Trent. Edue. : Plymouth PubUc and Science and Art Schools. Associate National Secretary of Young Men's Christian Association. Addresses : 26, Bedford Place, W.C. 1 ; 16, Russell Square, W.C. 1. (C127) CHAMBERLAIN, Helen, Mrs., 6. 21 Oct. 1880 ; d. of Edward Jackson, of Tynemouth ; m. Arthur Chamberlain, s. of Arthur Chamberlain, of Moor-Green Hall, Birmingham. Educ. : St. Leonard's School; St. Andrew's, N.B. War Work ; Assistant County Director, S.J.A.B. and Brit. Red Cross Society. Address : 6, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea. S.W. (01199) CHAMBERLAIN, WilUam, O.B.E, fi. 3 April, 1849; s. of WiUiam Chamberlain, of Ruddington, Notts. ; m. Elizabeth (died 1920), d. of James Taylor, of Duffield. Educ. : Privately. Royal Colonial Institute, London, appointed Clerk 1874; Chief Clerk 1889 ; Assist. Sec. 1916 ; War Work .' Organised the arrangements for the transport of overseas Wounded Soldiers that were entertained by the R.C.I. and the various City Companies, etc, under the direction of the Council of the Institute, who were responsible for their transport to and from the various hospitals. Address : 33, Kempshott Road, Streatham Common, S.W. 16. (08381) CHAMBERLIN, Lieut.-Comm. Trevor Ronald, O.B.E, R.N. CHAMBERS, Evelyn Marion, M.B.E, fi. 26 Jan. 1895 ; d. ot James Chambers, M.D, of The Priory, Roehampton. Educ. : Putney High School, and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. War Work : Assistant Head Clerk, Offices of the War Cabinet) Address : The Priory, Roehampton, S.W. 15. (M7649. CHAMBERS, Major F., O.B.E. CHAMBERS, Francis George, M.B.E. CHAMBERS, Rev. Frank Hanson, O.B.E. CHAMBERS, Frank WilUam, O.B.E. CHAMBERS, Major Frederick Foster, O.B.E, R.A.F. CHAMBERS, Capt. George Kirby, M.B.E, R.G.A. CHAMBERS, Lieut.-Col. George Lawson, C.B.E, 6. 29 March, 1852 ; s. of George Chambers, of Preston, Lancashire ; m. Gertrude Grace, d. of Edward Llddell, of Leith. Educ. Tettenhall College. Late Member of Legislative CouncU, Madras ; Chairman of Chamber of Commerce, Madras ; Com mandant, Madras Artillery Volunteers ; President, Anglo- Indian Association ; Founder of Victoria Technical Institute. War Work : Official Consignor (Dyes Dept.), Board of Trade ; Officer Commanding 4th Batt. (National Guard), City of London Rifle Vols. ; Special Constable, Herts. Address : 24, Heath Drive, Hampstead, N.W. 3. Clubs : Oriental ; Royal and Ancient Golf ; St. Andrews ; Royal Dornoch Golf. (C2514) CHAMBERS, Major Harold Tullis.O.B.E, 6. 21 Feb. 1891, s. of G. C Chambers, of Wallasey. Educ : Gresham's School, Holt, Norfolk, and King's Coll, Cambridge. Associate of the Chartered Accountants. War Work : R.A.S.C, Aug. 1914 to Feb. 1920 ; with 10th (Irish) Division, Gallipoli, Serbia, 1915 ; Macedonia 1916 ; G.H.Q, Salonica, 1916-19 ; G.H.Q. Con stantinople, 1919-20 ; D.A.D.S.T, G.H.Q. Army of the Black Sea. Address : 124, Manor Road, WaUasey, Cheshire. Club : R.A.S.C. (O3025) CHAMBERS, Harry, M.B.E.. 6. 1 Feb. 1882 ; s. of Henry Chambers, of Warmer. Staff Clerk, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. War Work: Lent to Ministry of Food ; Private Secretary to Director- General of Food Production ; head of Seeds Branch, Food Production. Address : 7, Adelaide Road, Brockley, S.E. 1. (M230) CHAMBERS, Helen, C.B.E, M.D, B.S. CHAMBERS, Henry, M.B.E. CHAMBERS, James Thomas, C.B.E, 6. 23 July, 1867. Educ: Boys' Free School, St. Neots, Hunts.' Treasurer, National Sailors' and Firemens' Union ; Member, National Maritime Board ; Trustee, Special Fund for Seamen, Nat. Insurance Act, 1918 ; Member, Central Committee Mine sweepers' Co-operative TrawUng Society ; Treasurer, Merchant Seamens' War Memorial Society. War Work : Specially amongst men of the Mercantile Marine. Address : 7, Broug ham Road, Acton, W. 3. Club : National Liberal. (C2515) CHAMBERS, Capt. Robert Alexander, O.B.E, I.M.G. CHAMBERS, Lieut. Sydney Arthur, O.B.E, R.E. CHAMBERS, Sir Theodore Gervase, K.B.E, 6. 31 Jan. 1871 ; s. of Charles Harcourt Chambers, Barrister-at-Law. of 2, Chesham Place, S.W. ; m. Georgina Maria Sandeman. Educ. : Tonbridge ; St. Paul's ; Royal School of Mines. Surveyor. War Work : Hon. Sec, Professional Classes ReUef Association ; Sec. and Controller, National War Savings Committee. Address : 8, North Street, Westminster, S.W. 1. Clubs : Union ; Royal AutomobUe. (K135) CHAMBRE, Capt. John, M.B.E, M.D, R.A.F. CHAMIER, John Adrian, O.B.E. CHAMIER, Lieut.-Col. WilUam, C.B.E, V.D. CHAMIER, Lieut.-Col. William St. George, O.B.E. CHAMPION, John Alfred Cuthbert, O.B.E. CHAMPION, Mary Ann, Mrs, M.B.E. CHAMPION, Major Samuel Stewart, O.B.E, J.P. CHAMPION DE CRESPIGNY, Lieut.-Col. George Harrison, C.B.E, J.P., 6. 9 July, 1863 ; o. s. of the late Col. C B. Champion de Crespigny, of Folkestone, Kent (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. 1890, Gwendoline Blanch, y. d. of the late W. 0. Clarke-Thornhill, of Rushton Hall, Northants, and Fixby, Yorkshire. Educ. : Felstead. Late Lieut. 48th Northampton shire Regt. ; Lieut.-Col. Commanding 3rd Batt. (Special Reserve) Northamptonshire Regt. 1914-1918 ; afterwards attached Head-Quarter Staff till Armistice. Address : 21, York Terrace, York Gate, N.W.I. Club : Junior United Service. (C1510) CHAMPNESS, Edward Leslie, M.B.E, M.Sc, 6. 10 Oct. 1891 ; s. of the late Edward Coulter Champness, of London ; to. Rowena Sanderson, d. of the late J. B. Duckworth, J.P, of The Heys, Eastham, Cheshire. Educ : Barnard Castle, and Durham Univ. Naval Architect. War Work : Assistant Naval Constructor, Royal Corps of Naval Constructors ; on Staff of Director of Naval Construction, Admiralty. Address : The Walled Cottage, Dynas Powis, Glamorganshhe. (M7652) CHAMPNEYS, Edith, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 14 Aug. 1863 ; d. of Francis Harris, of 24, Cavendish Square, London, S.W. ; m. the Rev. Francis Weldon Champneys, Rector of Frant, and Canon of Chichester. Educ : Privately, and Queen's Coll. War Work : Quartermaster, and from 1916, Commandant, Shernfold Park Hospital, Frant, Sussex. Address : The Rectory, Frant, Sussex. (M7653) CHANCE, Sir Arthur, Knt. Bach. C.B.E, F.R.CS.I, F.R.CP.I. (Hon.), F.R.CS. (Edin.) (Hon.), 6. 15 June, 1859 ; s. of Albert Chance and Elizabeth Fleming ; to. 1st, Martha (d. 1891), d. of the late Daniel Rooney, Belfast ; 2nd, Eileen, d. of the late WilUam Murphy, Dartry . Educ. : Univ. CoU, DubUn. Member of Council Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland ; Senior Surgeon, Mater Misericordiae Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon, Orthopaedic Hospital of Ireland ; Consulting Surgeon, Doctor Steevens Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon, Dental Hospital of Ireland ; Consulting Surgeon, St. Michael's Hospital; Col. A.M.S. ; Inspector, Special MiUtary Surgical Hospitals ; Dish Command ; Member General Medical Council ; Medical Visitor in Lunacy under the High Court of Chancery, in Ireland ; President, Royal CoUege of Surgeons in Ireland, 1904-6 ; Surgeon to Jervis Street Hospital, 1884-86 ; Examiner in Surgery, R.C.S.I, 1893-95, 1896-99 ; Surgeon in Ordinary to the Lord Lieu tenant of Ireland, 1892-95 and 1906-15 ; Member of Senate of National Univ. of Ireland, 1914. Address : 90, Merrion Square, DubUn. (C1511) CHANCE, Lieut.-Col. Ernest Washington, O.B.E, T.D, 111 Chance THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. LL.B, F.R.G.S, 6. 28 Oct. 1880 : s. of WilUam Chance, of Leigh. Edue. : Privately ; King's CoU, Univ. of London ; and Gray's Inn. Barrister-at-Law ; served in South Africa, 1901-2, Medal and 3 clasps ; assistant ControUer of Non-Ferrous Raw Materials, Ministry of Munitions : Member of Raw Materials Committee ; Senior Staff Officer, Ministry of Transport, 1920. War Work : Served Aug. 1914. to June, 1919, in Army ; raised 35th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field ArtUlery ; raised 13th Batt. Bedfordshire Regt. Address : 1, Essex Court, Temple, E.C. (06987) CHANCE, Sir Frederick (WilUam), K.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. 26 Dec. 1852 ; s. of Edward Chance, J.P.. D.L, of Malvern ; m. 1st in 1884, Mary, d. of George Berkley Seton-Karr, I.C.S. ; d. (1905) ; 2ndly in 1908, Josephine, youngest d. of Sir Wilfrid Lawson, 2nd Bart. Educ: Harrow; Caius College, Cambridge. Chairman, Ferguson Bros, Ltd, Carlisle ; Director of Bank of Liverpool and Martins ; Director, Cockermouth, Keswick and Penrith Railway; formerly M.P. for Carlisle, 1905-10. War Work : Chairman, Local Advisory Committee of Central Liquor Control Board ; Hon. Col, Cumberland Volunteer Border Regiment, 1st Batt. Addresses : Morton, Carlisle ; Lancrigg, Grasmere. Club : Brooks. (K358) CHANCE, Major Maurice, O.B.E, fi. 28 Oct. 1882 ; s. of WiUiam Chance, of Leigh, Essex. Educ. : Bancroft, and King's CoU. War Work : Officer Commanding London Areas from Brentford to Tilbury Docks, 13th Batt. Bedfordshire Regt, for Transport Work ; supervised detachments loading and discharging over miUion tons of Ammunition ; War Stores Food SuppUes, under Port and Transit Executive Committee ; Commanding Battalion at Croydon until disbandment of unit, Aug. 1919. Address: Fairdene, Dorking. Club : National Liberal. (06988) CHANDLER, AUred, C.B.E, 6. 11 Nov. 1853; «. of James Henry Chandler, of Liverpool ; m. Catherine, d. of Robert WiUiams, of Liverpool. Educ : Liverpool Institute. late General Manager and Secretary, Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Liverpool. War Work : Administration of the Port of Liverpool, the work of which, during the War, largely exceeded that of any other Port in the United Kingdom. Address : Broadlands, Alexandra Drive, Liverpool. (C455) CHANDLER, Major Arthur Frederick Neale, O.B.E. R.A.O.C. CHANDLER, Major Cecil John Golding, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. CHANDLER, Capt. Charles Kingsley, M.B.E, R.A.F. CHANDLER, F, O.B.E. CHANDLER, 2nd Lieut. Frederick Joseph, M.B.E, R.G.A. (T.F.) CHANDLER, Capt. Hugh Elphinstone, M.B.E. CHANDLER, Capt. John Marsden, M.B.E. CHANDLER, T. Warrant Officer S., M.B.E. Royal Indian Marine. CHANDLER, WilUam George, M.B.E, 6. 25 Sept. 1869 ; s. of the late WUUam Chandler, of Bath ; to. Mabel, d. of the late George Baker, of Eastbourne. Educ. : Bath Grammar School. House Furnisher and China Merchant. War Work : Hon. Sec. Darlington War Savings Committee ; Deputy Group Leader for Special Constables ; Member of the Food Control Committee, etc. Address : 107, Bondgate, Darlington. (M7654) CHANNER, Frederick Francis Ralph, O.B.E, 6. 20 June, 1875 ; s. of Rev. E. C. Channer, of 18, Durdham Park, Bristol ; m. Edith Janie, d. of the late Gen. G. W. Channer, V.C, C.B. Educ. : St. Paul's School, London. Conservator of Forests ; Imperial Forest Service of India, 1896. War Work : Special supply of forest hay for the overseas forces in Mesopotamia and Palestine. Address: co Lloyd's Bank, Ltd, Market Harborough, England. (08'41) CHANTER, Francis WilUam, M.B.E, J P CHANTER, Frederick, M.B.E. CHANTLER, John Dale, M.B.E, s. of John Dale Chantler, of Manchester ; m. Ann, d. of Robert Ainscow, of Manchester Educ. : Privately. J.P, City of Manchester, 1905 ; CouncUIor, City of Manchester, from 1907 to date. War Work : Leader Special Constables, Manchester. Address : 274, Dickenson Road, Rusholme, Manchester. (M76571 CHANTREY, Guy Mortimer, M.B.E. CHAPLIN, Constance Helena, M.B.E. CHAPLIN, Frank, M.B.E, 6. 1870 ; s. of CecU Chaplin. Educ. : Harrow. Banker. Address : 21, Great Cumberland PIace- (M1527) CHAPLIN, Lieut. Henry Slater, O.B.E, R.A.O C CHAPLIN, Margaret Seton, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of the laU "tt illiam Setcn Smith ; m. 8 Aug, 1895, Sir Francis Drummond Percy, K.C.M.G, s. of Major Percy ChapUn, 60th Rifles of Chavenage, Tetbury, Glos. Address : Government House SaUsbury, P.hodesia. (C732) CHAPLIN, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Spencer, O.B.E. CHAPMAN, Brig.-Gen. Archibald John, C.B., C M G C.B.E, fi. 1862 ; s. of John E. Chapman, of Monkstown, co Dublin ; m. 1895, Annie Evelyn, 2nd d. of George Orr Wilson formerly of Dunardagh. Blackrock, co. DubUn Educ '¦ Privately. Entered Roy. DubUn Fusiliers. 1884 ; became Capt. 1892; Major, 1901; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1901 ; Lieut -Col 3™;,Bm,ct CoL 1907' CoL 191°; Commanded 1st R.D.F ' 1900-10; Commanded Staffs. Inf. Bde, T F lOU-l' • Gin ?anf i?n\Cy"' x- ,c?mmand, 19] _-14 ; served in S. Africa; 1898-1902 (wounded, despatches three times, Queen's medal 112 with six clasps. King's medal with two clasps, Brevet Lieut - Col.) ; during Great War 1914-18 as Brig.-Comm. (despatches twice, Comm. Legion of Honour) ; appointed Inspector of Inf. 1915, with rank of Brig.-Gen. Address : Condover House Shrewsbury. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Sports'. (C1984) CHAPMAN, Major Charles Leonard, O.B.E, R.M.L I CHAPMAN, Edmund Alensby, M.B.E, fi. 17 July, 1875 • 8. of Edmund Chapman, of Ely ; m. Amy, d. of Peter Low' of Dalston, N. London. Educ: St. Mark's, GiUingham' H.M. Dockyard School, Chatham. Foreman of BoUermakers' H.M. Dockyard, Devonport. War Work : Engaged during the' war in supervising repairs to BoUers of H.M. Ships. Address : 1, Amhurst Road, Plymouth. (M7658) CHAPMAN, Edward Henry, M.B.E, 6. 14 Sept. 1880 ; s. of T. T. Chapman, of Gravesend, Kent. Educ. : Clarence Coll, Gravesend, and King's CoU, London. Superintendent, H.M. Stationery Office, Manchester. Addresses : The Hydro' Bowdon, Cheshire ; 11, The Grove, Gravesend, Kent. Club ': Gravesend SaUing. (M7659) CHAPMAN, Major Edward Henry, O.B.E. CHAPMAN, Edward Stuart, O.B.E, 6. 23 Oct. 1858; s. of John Chapman, of Gloucester ; m. Susan EUa. d. of WiUiam Davies. Educ. : Commercial TraveUers' School ; City of London School. Deputy Accountant and ComptroUer- General, Inland Revenue. War Work : Revenue Work. Address : 7, Rodenhurst Road. Clapham, S.W. (010132) CHAPMAN, Florence, M.B.E. CHAPMAN, George Alfred, M.B.E, 6. 29 AprU, 1878; s. of George Chapman, of Folkestone, Kent ; to. Nora Vera Rose, d. of WiUiam Henry McDermott, of Catonpore, India. Educ. ' Lawrence Memorial Asylum, Murree India. Stationmaster, North-Western RaUway, Inlia. Served in the 11th P.A.O. Hussars, Aug. 1893 to Sept. 1902. War Work : Transportation of Troops ; also Concentration for Marrie and Afghanistan Field Forces. Address : Lytton Road, Quetta, Baluchistan. (M6122) CHAPMAN, Major George James, O.B.E, R.E. CHAPMAN, George Russell, M.B.E. CHAPMAN, Major Guy Patterson, O.B.E. CHAPMAN, Major Harry Ernest, O.B.E.. Border Regt.; fi. 19 Feb. 1870; s. of Harry Stephenson Chapman, C.E. ; m. Catherine Harriette Jessie, d. of the late Arthur Irremlin. Edue. : Royal Naval School. War Work : Deputy Chief Constable of Kent tUl Nov. 1915 ; British Adriatic Mission with Serbs, 1916 ; France, 1916. Address : Sheals Court, Maidstone, Kent. (O10133) CHAPMAN, Capt. James Austin, O.B.E. CHAPMAN, James Gardiner, M.B.E. CHAPMAN, James Henry, M.B.E, 6. 8 Feb. 1871 ; s. of J. S. Chapman, of London; m. Louisa, d. of J. Burke of London. Educ. : High School, Stratford, Essex. Engineer Manager (outside), Messrs. Vickers, Limited, Barrow-in-Furness. War Work : Charge of erection gun mounting machinery and director firing gear, from 1913 to present date. Club: National Sporting. (M7661) CHAPMAN, John Barnett, O.B.E, fi. 25 Aug. 1865 ; ». of John Chapman, of HuU ; m. Annie Louisa, d. of Robert Bailey, of HuU. Educ. : Hull Elementary School, and privately. Town Clerk, and Clerk of the Peace, Burton-upon-Trent. War Work : Secretary to the Burton-upon-Trent Recruiting Committee ; Clerk to the Local (Military) Tribunal ; sec. to the National Service Committee ; Executive Officer to the Local Food Control Committee, and Sec. to the Belgian Refugee Committee ; for services rendered in the last-men tioned capacity awarded by H.M. the King of the Belgians the Me'daUle du Roi Albert avec rayure. Addresses : Ashleigh, StapenhUl, Burton-upon-Trent; Town HaU, Burton-upon- Trent. (010134) CHAPMAN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John Damian, O.B.E., R.A.M.C. (T.F.) CHAPMAN, Major Joseph Thomas, O.B.E. CHAPMAN, Leonard, O.B.E. (O5091) CHAPMAN, Marie Langslow, M.B.E. CHAPMAN, Maud JeweU, Mrs, M.B.E, M.A. ; d. of John Robertson Reep, SoUcitor ; m. Stanley Salter Chapman, F.C.A. Educ. : Girton CoU. Cambridge. War Work : Administrative, Ministry of Shipping. Address : The Women's Institnte, 92, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. (M7662) CHAPMAN, Oswald Cotton, O.B.E, 6. 7 Sept. 1885; s. of Dr. C. W. Chapman, 121, Harley Street, W. Educ.: Westminster School, and Christ Church, Oxford. CivU Servant. War Work : Sec. Freight and Transport Section, Commission Internationale de RavitaiUement ; British Sec. Raw Materials Section, Supreme Economic CouncU, Paris; after Armistice, in charge of Paris Office of Ministry of Munitions Address : Highwood Coombe, MiU HiU, N.W. (010135) CHAPMAN, Paul Morgan, M.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 18 Oct. 1852 ; s. of Evershed Chapman, of Homerton, London ; to. Alice EUzabeth, d. of Rev. John Lewis, of Cascob Rectory, Radnorshire. Educ. : Shrewsbury, Univ. Coll, London. Consulting Physician, and Physician in Charge of Venereal Clinic to Herefordshire General Hospital; Medical Referee for Herefordshire and Radnorshire. War Wort: Senior Physician Herefordshire General Hospital ; Physician in charge of Beechwood V.A.D. Red Cross Hospital, Hereford; Consulting Physician to Sarnesfield V.A.D. Red Cross Hospital, near Hereford, throughout the war. Addresses : Beechwood, BIOGRAPHIES. Chaytor Hereford ; 1, St. John Street, Hereford. Club : Herefordshire County. (M10261A) CHAPMAN, Riehard Herbert, O.B.E, SoUcitor and Commissioner for Oaths. War Work : Hon. Local Organiser, Enquiry Department for Wounded and Missing, East Lanca shire Branch of the British Red Cross Society. Addresses : 33, Cheltenham Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy ; 56A, Mosley Street, Manchester. (010136) CHAPMAN, Sir Sydney John, K.C.B, C.B.E, 6. 20 April, 1871 ; s. of the late David Chapman, of Wells, Norfolk ; to. Mabel GwendoUne, d. of T. H. Mordey, J.P, of Newport, Mon. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School ; Owens CoU. ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Joint Permanent Sec. Board of Trade ; sometime Professor and Dean of Faculty of Commerce in University of Manchester. War Work : Board of Trade. Address: 3, Oak Hill Park, Hampstead, London, N.W. 3. Clubs : New University ; Authors'. (C19) CHAPMAN, Lieut.-Col. T. H., O.B.E, V.D. CHAPMAN, Walter, O.B.E, M.B. CHAPP^, Penelope Louise, Mrs., C.B.E., 6. 1869 ; d. of F. W. McEwan, of Durban, Natal; m. Paul Laffette Chappe. Pres. Durham Women's Patriotic League and Natal Centre, S. Africa Red Cross Soe ; Hon. Sec. and Treasurer S. African Soldiers' and Sailors' Graves Committee (Durban Branch). Address : Brightside, MitcheU Park, Durban, Natal. (C2000) CHAPPELL, Ernest, C.B.E. CHARLES, Ernest Bruce, C.B.E, K.C, 6. 15 June, 1871 ; «. of Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Charles, of The Woodlands, Sevenoaks (see BUKKE'S Peerage). Educ. : Clifton, and New CoU, Oxford. One of His Majesty's Counsel ; Recorder of Bournemouth ; Commissary General of the Diocese of Canterbury ; Chancellor of Hereford ; ChanceUor of Wakefield. War Work : Director of Wounded and Missing Department, British Red Cross in France ; Hon. Legal Adviser to British Red Cross in France ; CivU Member of the Claims Commission in France. Address : The Woodlands, Sevenoaks. Club : SavUe. (C940) CHARLES, Esther, M.B.E. CHARLES, Gertrude Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. CHARLES, Capt. Sir James Thomas Walter, K.B.E, C.B, R D, R.N.R, Commanding the Cunard R.M.S. " Aquitania," fi. 2 Aug. 1865 ; 2nd s. of the late James Charles ; to. Eleanor Mary, e.d. of the Rev. T. Macfarlane, of Clyrd Vicarage, Radnor shire. Educ : Privately. Went to sea in Mercantile Marine, 1880 ; Sub-Lieut, Royal Naval Reserve, 1891 ; Lieut. 1895 ; Commander, 1907 ; Capt. 1914 ; Member Departmental Com mittee on Boats and Davits, 1912-13 ; Nautical Adviser to the British Delegation, International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, 1913-14. Address: Harestock Close, Winchester. (K359) CHARLES, Major Richard, O.B.E, F.R.CS.I. CHARLESON, Bruno Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 27 May, 1878 ; s. of Charles Jonas, of Portland (Oregon), U.S.A. ; to. Contessina Soma, d. of Conte Lenassi, of Gorizia, Italy. Educ : Geneva CoUege. War Work : Bureau de secours. Prisoners of War, British Legation, Berne. (010138) CHARLESWORTH, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Arthur, M.B.E, A.M.C. CHARLESWORTH, Lieut. WUliam, M.B.E. CHARLESWORTH, WiUiam Herbert Rudolph, M.B.E. CHARLEY, Lieut.-Col. Harold Richard, C.B.E, Royal Irish Rifles, 6. 4 AprU, 1875 ; s. of WilUam Charley, D.L, of Seymour Hill, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim. Educ. : Cheltenham. War Work : (With B.R.C) Officer in charge, Technical Instruc tion for British Interned in Switzerland, 1917-18 ; Assistant Commissioner, then Commissioner, B.R.C in Switzerland, 1918-19; Manager, B.R.C, BerUn, March-Aug, 1919. Ad dress : Seymour Hill, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim. Club : Junior Army and Navy ; Royal Automobile (C2516) CHARLEY, Capt. LesUe WUUam, O.B.E. CHARLIER, Paymaster-Sub-Lieut. Leonard Clayton, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. CHARLTON, Capt. Charles Joseph, M.B.E. CHARLTON, Rowland Hugh, O.B.E. CHARNAND, Frederick Christian, M.B.E. CHARNOCK, Lieut. Richard, O.B.E, M.C CHARRINGTON, Elinor Mary, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of late Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Baggalay, P.O., Lorn Justice of Appeal, of Mapletreuse, Edenbridge, Kent, and 55, Queen's Gate, S.W. ; m. Major Hugh Spencer Charrington, of Burys Court, Leigh, Surrey. Vice-President, Staffordshire Branch of British Red Cross Society since 1911, and Hon. Commdt, Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital, Burton-on-Trent. War Work : 1914-19, President and organiser, Burton War Hospital Supply Depot. Address : Dove Cliff, Burton-on-Trent. Clubs : New Century ; Ladies' Imperial. (O1205) CHARRINGTON, John Douglas, O.B.E. CHARTERIS, Rev. WilUam Cramb, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 4 July, 1869 ; s. of Ex-CounciUor W. B. Charteris, of Castle Douglas, N.B. ; to. Jeanie Dick, d. of the late James Jack, of Glasgow. Educ. : The Academy, Castle-Douglas, and privately. Baptist Minister, Ayr. War Work : Served as Army Scripture Reader during S. African War in 1900 ; com missioned as Army Chaplain (Temporary), 8 Dec. 1914, 4th Class ; 6 Jan. 1917, promoted 3rd Class ; 8 Nov. 1917, promoted 2nd Class; demobilised, 8 April. 1919, with hon. rank of Lieut.-Col. Address : Benvue, 11, Ailsa Place, Ayr. (O5094) CHASE, Alfred James, O.B.E. CHASE, Alice Eleanor, M.B.E, 6. 24 Feb. 1892 ; d. of Major L. H. Chase, M.Inst.CE, of Melbourne, Australia, and Chertsey .Surrey. Educ. : Girton Coll., Cambridgo (Med. and Mod. Languages, Tripos, 1914). Officer in charge of Translation and Foreign Press Intelligence Section, Air Ministry. War Work : War Office (Military Translation Bureau), Aug. 1915, to Oct. 1916 ; Board of Trade (Russian Government Committee), Oct. 1916, to April, 1917 ; Air Ministry (as above), April J.917, to present time. Addresses : 14, Ashburn Gardens, S.W. 7 ; Pondside, Chertsey. (M7665) CHASE, Louisa Maud, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. CHASSAR, Major WiUiam Charles, O.B.E. CHATAWAY, Louise, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of the late Wm. Edgar, of London and Paris ; m. Norman, s. of Rev. James Chataway, late of Rotherwick Rectory, Hampshire. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Obtaining funds for Red Cross, etc. Address: The Residency, Umtali, Southern Rhodesia. (M6434) CHATER, Eng.-Comm. Francis Arthur, O.B.E, R.N. CHATFIELD, Frederick, M.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 27 Nov. 1861 ; s. of the late Charles Henry Chatfleld, of Surbiton ; to. Winifred Marian, d. of the late Frank E. Lott, J.P, of Burton-on-Trent. Educ. : Charterhouse. Alderman, Borough of Appleby. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Treas, Appleby District, County of Westmorland, War Pensions. Address : Garbridge, Appleby, Westmorland. (M7666) CHATTERLEY, Lieut.-Col. Frank Martin, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 6 Aug. 1868; s. of John Bishop Chatterley, of Solihull, Warwickshire ; to. Edith Winifred, d. of A. P. Pridmore, of Coventry. Educ : Privately. Director of John B. Chatterley and Sons, Ltd. War Work : MobiUsed with the 6th Royal Warwickshire Regt, and proceeded to France with the 48th Division ; Commanded the 5th Res. Batt. R. Warwickshire Regt, until 22 AprU, 1919. Address : Craycombe, Solihull, Warwickshire. Club : Clef, Birmingham. (06993) CHATTERTON, Alice Gertrude, Lady, M.B.E, ; d. of W. H. Wilson, of Madras ; to. Sir AUred (cr. Knt. 1919) (see Bukke'S Peerage), s. of J. H. Chatterton, of Honor Oak. Educ. : Bedford High School. Address : Yews, Longfleld, Kent. (M6124) CHATTERTON, Elizabeth Eva, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 17 March, 1875 ; d. of Francis Albert Waller, J.P, of Shannon Grove, Banagher ; to. Abraham Chatterton, J.P, s. of the late Abraham Thomas Chatterton. War Work : Member Co. Wicklow War Pensions Local Committee ; Hon. Treasurer, Rathdowne and Bray Sub-Committee. Address : Kilgarron, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. (M7667) CHATTERTON, Col. Frank Beauchamp Macaulay, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 28 July, 1873 ; s. of Col. Frank WilUam Chatterton, CLE, J.P, of Central Lodge, Upper Norwood ; to. Annie, d. of the late W. M. MarshaU, F.R.G.S. Educ. : Monkton Combe School, Sandhurst. Formerly served with Prince of Wales Vols, S. Lancs. Regt, 1894-96 ; Royal Army Service Corps, 1896-1920 ; promoted Col, July, 1920. War Work : Commanding 18th Divisional Train, 1914-15 ; Assistant Director of SuppUes, 1915-17 ; Assistant Dir. SuppUes and Transport, 1917-19 (War Department Liaison Officer with Ministry of Food) ; at present employed as Dep. Dir. SuppUes and Transport, Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Address : co Sir Charles McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39, Panton Street, S.W. Club : United Service. (C1512) CHATTERTON, JuUa, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of Ralph Cook- Watson, of Harrogate ; to. Frederick, s. of George Joseph Chatterton, of Derby. Composer and Lyric Writer. War Work : Member of the Cairo V.A.D. No. 2 ; promoted to- Section Leader, V.A.D, in 1916 ; Red Cross Kitchen Organisa tion for Cairo and district ; Superintendence of Red Cross work at Boulac Dakrour Convalescent Depot ; Musical Direction of the " Cards " Concert Party in Egypt ; mentioned in Gen. Sir Archibald Murray's despatches, 1917, and awarded 1914-15 Star. Address : 6, HaUey House, VauxhaU Bridge Road, S.W. 1. Club : Writers'. (M3569) CHAUNCEY, Alice Louise, M.B.E, W.R.A.F. CHAUVEL, Major James AUan, O.B.E, A.I.F. CHAVASSE, Francis Hannah, Lady, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Arthur Ryland, of The Linthurst Hill, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire ; to. Jan. 1885, Sir Thomas Frederick Chavasse, M.D, F.R.CS, J.P, who died 17 Feb, 1913. (M7668) CHAVE, Capt. Sir Benjamin, K.B.E, R.N.R, 6. 1870; 8. of late Benjamin Chave, of London ; to. Rachel Agnes, d. of late Rev. Thomas Morgan, M.A, of Dilwyn, Herefordshire. Edue. : King Edward VI. Grammar School, Southampton. Master Mariner ; Union Castle MaU S.S. Co, Ltd, 3, Fenchurch Street, E.C. 3. War Work : Commander, Royal Naval Reserve ; served in H.M.S. " Armadale Castle " ; Naval Transport Officer in charge at Ludentzbucht, G.S.W. Africa, during Gen. Botha's successful campaign; mentioned in despatches ; Commanding Transport " Alnwick Castle " when torpedoed, March, 1917. (K360) CHAYTOR, Lieut.-Col. D'Arcy, C.M.G, C.B.E, New Zealand Mounted Rifles, 6. 1873 ; 3rd s. of John Clervaux Chaytor, and Emma, d. of the late Edward Fearon, of Nelson, New Zealand ; m. 1908, Avis Anne, d. of Commander Arthur Robert Atherton Edwin, R.N. (ret.). Educ : Clare Coll, Cambridge. Served in South Africa, 1899-1901 (medal with four clasps), and in the Great War (despatches). Has Order of the Nile 3rd Class. (01396) CHAYTOR, Herbert Stanley, O.B.E, ft. 20 Jan. 1867 ; 113 Chazal THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. s. of WiUiam Chaytor, of Dublin ; m. Edith Constance, d. of Capt. J. M. Daly (77th Regt.), of Castledaly, Co. Westmeath. Edue. : Royal School, Armagh. Sec. Royal Irish Automobile Club. War Work : Irish Automobile Club, Ambulance Service ; Wounded Soldiers' Reception Committee ; Wounded Soldiers' Summer and Winter Clubs ; Repatriated Prisoners Reception Committee ; Central Employment Bureau Discharged Sailors and Soldiers (Mechanics). Address : 17, Morehampton Road, DubUn. (010141) CHAZAL, Dora Stewart, M.B.E. (M2716) CHEALES, Lieut.-Col. Ralph Darby, O.B.E, fi. 29 May. 1869 ; s. of Rev. Alan Cheales, of Hagworthingham, Lines. Educ. : Harrow ; Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Indian Frontier, 1895 ; South African War ; European War. Club : Junior Naval and Military. (05095) CHEATLE, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Henry, C.B.E. Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. R.A.F. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, O.B.E.). (C2345) CHEERS, Capt. Joseph McGregor, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. CHEESEMAN, 2nd Lieut. Bernard, M.B.E, R.A.F. CHEESWRIGHT, Lieut. Frederick Grahame, M.B.E. CHEETHAM, Anastasia, Lady C.B.E, Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem : d. of M. Muravieff, Russian Ambassador in Rome ; to. 1907, Sir MUne Cheetham, K.C.M.G, H.M.'s Envoy Extraordinary and Minster Pleni potentiary in Persia. Address : The British Agency, Rome. (C456) CHEETHAM, Eva Christine, Mrs, O.B.E. CHEETHAM, Rev. Robert Darbyshire, O.B.E, fi. 3 Dec. 1850 ; s. of John Hurst Cheetham, of Manchester ; m. AmeUa Jane, d. of John GUI, of Cheltenham. Educ. : TettenhaU Coll. ; Lichfield Theological Coll. Chairman, Stoke-upon- Trent Board of Guardians, 1903-17 ; Chairman since 1913 of Staffordshire VagrancyCommittee ; Sec. StaffordshireMissionary Studentships Fund ; Sec Hanley Rural Deanery. War Work : Stoke War Hospital came under Stoke-upon-Trent Board of Guardians ; Member of Committee, War Hospital ; Committee Soldiers' and SaUors' Fund, Hanley ; Chairman of 10 Ward (for War Work) in Hanley. Address : Northwood Vicarage, Hanley, Staffordshire. (010142) CHELLEW, Major Thomas John, O.B.E, R.G.A. CHELMSFORD, Frances Charlotte Guest, Lady, G.B.E, CI. ; e. d. of Ivor, 1st Baron Wimborne (see Burke's Peer age) ; to. Sir Frederick John Napier Thesiger, G.B.E, P.C, G.CS.I, G.C.M.G, G.C.I.E, 3rd Baron Chelmsford (see Bukke'S Peerage). Address : 18, Queen's Gate Place, S.W. (G5) CHELMSFORD, Frederiok John Napier Thesiger, Lord G.B.E, P.C, G.CS.I, G.C.M.G, G.C.I.E, 6. 12 Aug, 1868 s. of the 2nd Baron Chelmsford (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; ir, 27 July, 1894, Hon. Francos Charlotte Guest, e. d. of Ivor, 1st Baron Wimborne (see Bukke'S Peerage). M.A. Mag dalen Coll, Oxford; FeUow of AU Souls CoUege, 1892-9 Hon. Fellow of Magdalen CoU. 1917 ; Barrister-at-Law , Captain, 4th Batt. Dorsetshire Regiment ; Member of London School Board, 1900-4, and of London County CouncU, 1904-5 Alderman L.CC 1913 ; Governor of Queensland, 1905-9, and of N.S. Wales, 1909-13; Viceroy of India from 1916 Knt. of Justice of the Order of St. John of Jerusalen, was ChanceUor of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, 1914-16 ex-officio Grand Master of the Star of India and of the Indian Empire from 1916. (G14) CHENERY, George, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. CHERITON, Capt. WiUiam George Lloyd, O.B.E. CHERRY, Edward Hazlehurst, M.B.E. CHERRY, FUght-Lieut. Ernest WiUiam Fraser, O.B.E, R.A.F. CHESHIRE, Capt. Archibald Sidney, M.B.E, R.A.F. CHESHIRE, Frederic Brandon, M.B.E. CHESHIRE, Prof. Frederic John, C.B.E, A.R.C.S, 6. 8 June, 1860 ; s. of George Cheshire, of Leeds ; m. Mary, d. of George Richardson, of Leeds. Educ. : Birkbeck CoUege ; Royal School of Mines. Director and a Professor of the Optical Engineering Dept, Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington. War Work : Organised with A. S. Esslemont, and Scientific and ' Technical Director of, the Optical Munition Dept. of the Ministry of Munitions ; also a Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Munitions. Ad dress : Imperial College, South Kensington, London. Club : SavUe. (C1L9) CHESHIRE, Herbert Henry, M.B.E. CHESNAYE, Major Christian Purefoy, C.B.E, fi. 1869 ; m. 1903, Katharine, d. of Dr. A. WoddUl, of Los Angeles, CaUfomia. Hon. Major in the Army, and Magistrate and Dist. Commr, N. Rhodesia; Matabele War, 1895-6, German E. Africa as Political Officer. Address : Livingstone, N. Rhodesia. (C733) CHESNEY, Capt. Dennis, O.B.E, Worcs. Regt, 6. 1 May, 1892 ; s. of B. S. Chesney, of Holmleigh, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Educ. : Marlborough and Sandhurst. War Work : Served with the Worcestershire Regt, and on the Staff at home. Address : Holmleigh, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Club : Junior Army and Navv. (06995) CHESTER, Jack Granado, M.B.E. CHESTER, Major Stephen Charles Robert, M.B.E, R.A.O.C (M10215J CHESTERMAN, Capt. Clement Clapton, O.B.E, R.A.M.C CHESTERTON, Capt. Hugh, M.B.E. CHESTERTON, Sidney James, M.B.E, Cavaliere 114 deUa Corona d'ltaUa, fi. 11 Aug. 1878 ; s. of Sidney Rawlins Chesterton, of Kensington. Educ. : St. Paul's School. War Work : Served in France, Italy and Germany. Address ¦ 31, Pembroke Road, Kensington. Club : R.A.S.C. (M9J CHETTLE, Major Henry Francis, O.B.E, R.A.S C (ret.), 6. 23 Dec. 1882 ; s. of Henry Chettle, of Hornsey, London' N. ; m. the late Mary Margaret, d. of WUliam John Morris o. Muswell HiU, London, N. Educ. : City of London School and Corpus Christi CoUege, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law, 1908 • Second Class Clerk, Charity Commission, 1911 ; First Class Clerk, Imperial War Graves Commission, 1919. War Work ¦ Lieut, R.A.S.C, Sept. 1914; Capt, R.A.S.C, Aug 1915 : Staff Capt, D.G.R.E, War Office, Aug. 1916 ; Major, Nov' 1918. Address : 12, Treborough House, Great Woodstock Street, W. 1. Club : United University. (012081 CHETTLE, Mrs. Lisbeth, O.B.E. '" CHETWODE, Capt. George Knightley, C.B C B E R.N, 6. 10 Dec, 1877 ; s. of Sir George Chetwode, 6th Bt and 6. of the present baronet ; to. 4 Feb, 1908, AUce Clara y d of the late Major Vaughan Hanning Vaughan-Lee, of DUlington Somersetshire (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). Served in China' 1900 (medal), and in the Great War ; has Russian Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd Class with swords ; Legion of Honour • Hellenes Medal of MiUtary Merit. (C885)' CHETWYND, Capt. Arthur Henry Talbot, O.B EMC CHEVENS, Capt. Herbert Glyn, O.B.E. CHEYNE, Charles, M.B.E, 6. 10 Sept. 1867 ; s. of Charles Cheyne, of Foveran, Aberdeenshire ; to. Margaret Spence, d of Benjamin MundeU, of Douglas, Lanarkshire. Educ ¦ Fyvie Public School, Aberdeenshire. Inspector of Police' War Work : Services rendered to MiUtary Authorities, and assistance to Belgian Refugees located in town and district Address : 109, Quarry Street, HamUton. N.B. (M7671) CHICHESTER, Major the Hon. Arthur Claud Spencer O.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 12 Sept, 1880 ; e. s. of the 3rd Baron Temple- more (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 10 Jan. 1911, Hon. Clare Meriel Wingfield, 2nd d. of the 7th Viscount Powerscourt (see Burke's Peerage). Edue. : Harrow and Royal MUitary CoUege, Sandhurst. Major, Irish Guards; late Capt. Royal FusUiers ; Deputy Lieut, co. Wexford ; served in the South African War, 1902 (medal with four clasps) ; Tibet Mission 1904: action of Gysautse and march to Lhasa (medal with clasp); Great War, 1914-18 (despatches 3 times, Croix de Guerre of Italy). Address: 26, Norfolk Crescent W Clubs : Guards' ¦ TraveUers". (06354) CHICHESTER, Dehra, Mrs. Robert Peel Dawson Spencer, O.B.E. CHICHESTER, Comm. Ivor Francis, O.B.E, R.N. CHICHESTER, Jocelyn BrudeneU Pelham, 6th Earl of, Bt, Baron Pelham of Stanmer, O.B.E, D.L, J.P, Sussex; PubUc Works Loan Commissioner ; Bt. Lieut.-Col. 5th Batt Royal Sussex Regt, 6. 21 May, 1871 ; cs. of the 5th Earl of Chichester (see Burke's Peerage), and Hon. AUce Carr Glyn, d. of the 1st Baron Wolverton (see Burke's Peerage); m. Ruth, e.d. of F. W. Buxton. Address: Stanmer, Lewes, Sussex. Clubs : Brooks's ; Bath ; Beefsteak. (0229) CHICHESTER, Shane Randolph, O.B.E.; s. of Capt. the Hon. F. A. J. and Lady EmUy Chichester (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. Madeline Herschel, d. of Henry A. Whately, of Laurel Lodge, Dancer's HiU, Barnet. Educ. : WeUington CoU. and Pembroke CoU, Cambridge. CivU Engineer ; Public Works Dept. (Irrigation), Egypt, 1905-10. War Work: Royal Naval Division, Aug 1914 ; later in Ministry of Munitions ; 1914 Star. Add ess : Coombe House, Chieveley Newbury, Berks. Club : WelUngton. (010143) CHICHESTER, Lieut.-Col. Walter Raleigh, O.B.E. CHIDGEY, Hon. Lieut.-Col. Hugh Thomas Arthur, M.B.E, M.S.A, 6. 16 Nov. 1860. Chief Surveyor for National Housing, Ministry of Health. War Work : Mayor of Metro politan Borough of Stepney (3 years), 1914-17 ; raised the 3,0th County of London (Stepney) Bn. Volunteers; Com mander of MetropoUtan Special Constabulary, 1915-18: served on Military Service Tribunal Recruiting Committee and War Savings Committee, etc. Addresses : 18, Adam Street, Strand, W.C. 2 ; Highclere, High Road, Buckhurst HUI, Essex. (M3571) CHIDSON, Lieut. Lowthian Hume, M.B.E. CHIDSON, Lieut. Montagu Reaney, M.B.E, R.A. CHIESMAN, Harry, M.B.E, 6. 31 Jan. 1861 ; s. of Walter Chiesman, of Leeds ; to. Florence Catherine, d. of Delamark Waterhouse, of London. Educ. : Stationer's School. War Work : Recruiting ; Derby Scheme ; National Service ; Tribunal ; Mayor of Lewisham, 1919-20. Address : Mayfield, Ravensbourne Park, Catford. (M233) CHIGNELL, Capt. Robert, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, fi. 8 May, 1882 ; s. of the late B. J. ChigneU, of Romsey, Hants ; m. Amy, d. of the late W. Bosworthick, of Stoke, Devonshire. Educ. : Handel CoU, Southampton ; Royal CoUege of Music, If ndon. War Work : Served with R.A.S.C. ; Adjutant, 35th Divisional Train during war ; now commanding 297th Company, R.A.S.C, I. & T, Rhine Army of Occupation. Ad dresses : Commanding 297th Company, R.A.S.C, Cologne, Germany ; 23, Edwardes Square, Kensington, W. 8. Clubi .' Savage, London ; Rhine Army Officers', Cologne. (02472) CHILCOTT, Gregory HaU, M.B.E. CHILCOTT, Capt. Ronald Evered, C.B.E. Capt. B.5. ; served m Great War, 1914-19 (despatches,). (C1916) CHILD, Capt. Armando Dumas, O.B.E, M.B, C.H.B, D.P.H, R.A.M.C. (S.R.), 6. 17 July, 1887; s.of A. Dumas BIOGRAPHIES. Christian Child, of Valparaiso. Educ. : King's School, Chester ; Seven Oaks School. War Work : 1914, 15th CCS, Lahore Division, B.E.F. ; Sanitary Officer, Camlers, 1916-17 ; Specialist Sanitary Officer, Etaples administrative district, 1917-19. Addresses : 51, York Street, Buckingham Gate, S.W. 1 ; Traders Cottage, Rye, Sussex ; 12, Great Ormond Street, W.C. 1. (02473) CHILD, Lieut.-Col. Arthur James, O.B.E, M.C, B.Sc, A.I.C, fi. 19 AprU, 1888. Educ. : Marlborough. (O8068) CHILD, Capt. Cyril HoUand, M.B.E. CHILD, Capt. Gerald Alfred, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, R.A.M.C. (T.F.), 6. 8 Feb. 1871 ; s. of the late Rev. Alfred Child, of Upper Clatford, Hants ; m. Louie Child, d. of the late Richard Hughes, of EaUng. Educ. : St. Edward's, Oxford ; Marlborough Coll. ; Oxford Univ. ; St. Thomas's Hospital. War Work : In charge of Hampshire Automobile Club Ambu lance Work, mostly removing wounded from hospital ships in Southampton Docks. The H.A.C Ambulance conveyed 211,400 mostly serious cases, and travelled 605,800 miles ; Surgeon-in-charge of Westcliffe War Hospital, 1914-18 ; Co-designer with Major Leslie of the " Leslie and Child Ambulance" which has been adopted by the War Office. Address : Gate House, Hythe, near Southampton. (08764) CHILDERS, Mary Alden, Mrs., Erskine, M.B.E. CHILDS, Lieut. Edmund, M.B.E, R.G.A, 6. 23 Jan. 1884 ; s. of Edmund ChUds, of Gosport, Hants ; to. Christina Mary, d. of the late WUliam FenneU, of Gosport. Educ. : Garrison School, Fort Rowner, Gosport. War Work : German East Africa, Oct. 1914, to March, 1915 ; Mesopotamia, March, 1915, to Armistice. Addresses : 29, Astley Avenue, Dover ; No. 31, Fire Command, R.G.A, Bere Island, Bantry, Co. Cork. (M2983) CHILDS, Emma Catherine, Mrs., M.B.E, B.Sc, 6. 9 Feb. 1869; d. of the late Alfred Whiting PoUard, of Reading, Berks; m. WiUiam Macbride, s. of the late Rev. WiUiam Linington Clulds, M.A, formerly Vicar of St. George's, Portsea. Educ : The Mount School, York ; SomerviUe Coll, Oxford. War Work : Commandant V.A.D, Berks 50 ; in Command of V.A.D. Nurses detaUed for duty at the station on the arrival of convoys for the War Hospitals in Reading, May, 1915, to Oct. 1916 ; Commandant of Sutherlands AuxUiary Hospital, Reading, Nov. 1916, to Feb. 1919. Address : Principal's Lodge, Reading. (M7673) CHILDS, James, M.B.E, 6. 23 Dec. 1867 ; s. oi John Childs, of Greenock: to. IsabeUa, d. of Peter Copeland, of Walker-on-Tyne. Educ : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Assistant Iron Manager at C S. Swan and Hunter's, ShipbuUders, WaUs- end-on-Tyne. War Work : Engaged on the buUding of Submarines, Standard, and Oil Vessels. Address : Brandle- how, Grange ViUas, Wallsend-on-Tyne. (M1531) CHILL, Hon. Capt. Edwin Albert, O.B.E, M.D, CM, F.R.G.S, 6. 5 Mar. 1861 ; s. of Arthur WeUington ChUI, Advocate, of Burma, Further India ; m. Evelyn Maude, d. of W. H. Colman, of London. Educ. : King's College School, London ; Edinburgh University. Surgeon, Ealing School Clinic ; Medical Referee of several Life Assurance Cos. ; Lec turer and Examiner, St. John Ambulance Association. War, Work : Chief Commandant, Central Middlesex (V.A.D.) ; Assistant County Director, Middlesex ; Captain, R.A.M.C. (V.), attached to the County of London R.A.S.C, M.T. (V.) ; Officer in command, AuxiUary MUitary Hospital, Southall ; Medical Examiner, Recruits for Territorial Force. Club : Edinburgh Univeisity. (O1204) CHILSTON, Aretas Akers-Douglas," 1st Viscount, of Boughton Malherbe, Baron Douglas, P.C. G.B.E, D.L. (see Burke's Peerage) ; b. 21 Oct. 1851 ; o.s. 'of Aretas Akers, Mailing Abbey, Kent; to. Adeline, e.d. of H. Austen Smith, Hayes Court, Kent. Educ. : Univ. CoU, Oxford. Barrister, Inner Temple; late Capt. E. Kent Yeomanry Cavalry; M.P.(C) for St. Augustine's Division of Kent, 1880-1911 ; Whip to Conservative Party, 1883-95 ; Patronage Sec. to Treasury, 1885-86, 1889-92, and for a short time, 1895; First Commissioner of Works, with seat in Cabinet, 1895-1909 ; Secretary of State, Home Department, 1902-06. Addresses : Chilston Park, Maidstone ; 34 Lower Belgrave Street. (G48) CHILTON, Ruth Helen Jane, M.B.E. (M01245/) CHILTON, EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. CHILVER, Capt. Jas. Thomas, O.B.E. CHINERY, EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.E, Lady of Grace of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in England, fi. 24 Aug. 1853 ; d. of Miles Ponsonby Knubley, of Plumbland Rectory, Cumberland ; m. Edward Fluder, s. of Edward Chinery, of Long MeUord, Suffolk. Educ. : ¦ Harrow. Commandant, V.A.D, 70 Hants. ; Lady Superintendent, St. John Ambulance Brigade (Lymington Nursing Division) ; President and P.G. of the Loyal Elizabeth Chinery Lodge of Oddfellows. War Work : Commandant of Home Mead AuxiUary Hospital and Annexes. Lymington. Address : Lymington, Hants. (M235) CHING, Horace Edwin, M.B.E, fi. 16 Oct. 1874 ; s. of Samuel Clung, of Cardiff ; to. Daisy Alice Hurd, d. of Rev, A. F. Barley. Educ. : Cardiff. Deputy Manager in Egypt for Messrs. Cory Brothers & Co, Ltd, Colliery and Coal Depot Owners. War Work : Lighterage Control Executive Com mittee, Port Said, for which mentioned in Gen. AUenby's despatches. Address : Port Said, Egypt. (M7674) CHIPMAN, Leontine, O.B.E, 6. 11 Feb. 1864 ; d. of Col. L. de V. Chipman, of KenvUle, Nova Scotia. Educ. : Halifax, Nova Scotia ; Bradford, U.S.A. ; London. Guardian and Rural District CounciUor for the Alnwick district of North umberland. War Work : 1914, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Auxiliary Hospitals at Howlok, North umberland, and at Weymouth ; 1915-16, year at 37 and 37A formation at Dieppe, under the French Red Cross ; 1916-19, organiser and head of Soldiers' Rest, Alnwick, Northumberland. Club : V.A.D. (010145) CHIPPENDALE, Martha, M.B.E, 6. 14 March, 1867 ; d. of John Chippendale, of Yeadon, Yorks. Educ. : Public School. Salvation Army Officer. War Work : Assist. Sec. of Naval and Military League War Work of the Salvation Army. Address : 42, George Lane, Lewisham, S.E. 13. (M1532) CHIRNSIDE, Capt. John Percy, C.M.G, O.B.E, 6. 1865 ; s. of the late Andrew Chirnside, of Haprick, Berwick shire ; m. Ethel Mary, d. of G. O. Ross-Fenner. Educ. : Geelong Gram. Sch, Victoria ; was a M.L.A. for Victoria, 1894-1904, and a Sup. in Remount Ser. 1917-19 ; Great War (despatches twice). Address : The Manor, Werribee, Victoria, Australia. (06997) CHIRNSIDE, Capt. Robert Gordon, O.B.E, A.I.F. CHISHOLM, Capt. Percy, M.B.E. CH1SHOLM, Robert, C.B.E. Sup. of WiUiam Beardmore and Co.'s, Ltd, Ordnance Factories. (C457) CHITTENDEN, Doris Mary, M.B.E. War Work : Sec. In connection with Board of Trade, Coal Mines Department, Household Fuel and Lighting Branch. (M7675) CHIVERS, George Tanner, O.B.E, 6. 19 June, 1864 ; s. of Eli Chivers, of Landport, Portsmouth ; m. Rose Jane, d. of James Butchers, of Northend, Portsmouth. Educ. : Ports mouth Royal Dockyard School. Headmaster of Portsmouth Royal Dockyard School ; formerly Headmaster of Royal Dockyard Schools at Devonport and Pembroke Dock, and Assistant Master at Royal Naval Engineering College, Keyham. War Work : Education and training of apprentices and boys employed in Portsmouth Dockyard. Address : Zealandia, East End, Havant, Hants. Club : Havant. (03656) CHOLMELEY, Francis Robert, O.B.E. CHOLMONDELEY, Lord George Hugo, O.B.E, M.C, i. 17 Oct. 1887 ; s. of Marquess of Cholmondeley (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Eton. Stock Exchange, E.C. War Work : Notts R.H.A, England, Aug. 1914, to April, 1915 ; Egypt, AprU, 1915, to Feb. 1917 ; G.H.Q, E.E.F, Egypt and Palestine, April. 1917, to March, 1919. Clubs : Turf ; R.A.C. (06156) CHOLMONDELEY, Hon. Brig.-Gen. Hugh Cecil, C.B, C.B.E. (Mil.), D.L, J.P, fi. 1 Dec. 1852 ; s. ofthe Hon. Thomas GrenviUe Cholmondeley, of Abbots Moss, Northwich, Cheshire ; m. Mary Stewart, d. of Payne Townshend, of .Derry, Ross Carbery, Co. Cork. Educ : Rugby. Vice-Chairman, Shrop shire T.F.A. ; County CouncU ; Chairman, Local War Pensions Committee, Salop. War Work : Commanded Prisoners of War Camp, Lancaster, Handforth, Shrewsbury ; commanded 3rd Batt. London Rifle Brigade ; commanded 173rd Inf. Brigade ; County Commandant, Shropshire Volunteer Regt. ; Staff Officer for Volunteer Services, Western Command. Address : Edstaston, Wem, Salop. Club : Army and Navy; Bath. (C1513) CHOLMONDELEY, Winifred Ida, Marchioness of, O.B.E, 6. 24 April, 1862 ; d. of late Col. Sir Nigel Kingscote, of Kingscote ; to. George Henry Hugh, 4th Marquess of Chol mondeley (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Vice-President of Broxton Division, Cheshire Branch, B.R.C.S. ; now President of Cheshire Branch, B.R.C.S. ; donor of Higgensfield Auxiliary Hospital, B.R.C.S. Address : Cholmondeley Castle, Malpas, Cheshire. (010146) CHOMLEY, Mary EUzabeth, O.B.E, 6. 1871 ; d. of His Honour Judge Chomley, of Victoria, Australia. Educ : Privately. Hon. Sec, Victoria League (of Victoria), 1908-14 ; Hon. Sec, Arts and Crafts Society of Victoria, and connected with committees of numerous phUanthropic and Art Societies in Australia. War Work : Assisted at the Belgian War Refugees Camp, Earl's Court ; was Superintendent of the House Staff at Princess Christian's Hospital for Officers for a few months ; and in 1916 organised the Prisoners of War branch of the Australian Red Cross, and supervised it untU its close in 1919 ; was appointed the same year, by H.M. Government, to accompany a delegation of women to Australia to inquire as to openings there for women from the United Kingdom. Club : Alexandra, Melbourne. (01919) CHORLTON, Alan Ernest Scopio, C.B.E. CHOWN, Major Stanley Gordon, O.B.E, C.A.M.C CHOYCE, Col. Charles Coley, C.M.G, C.B.E, M.D, B.Sc, F.R.CS, 6. 1875 ; s. of Henry Charles Choyce, of Auckland, New Zealand ; to. Gwendolen Alice, d. of F. 0. Dobbing, J.P, of Chislehurst, Kent. Educ. : New Zealand and Edinburgh University. Director of Surgical Unit, University College Hospital Medical School ; Surgeon, University College Hospital ; Surgeon, Great Northern Central Hospital ; Consulting Sur geon, Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich. War Work : Col, Array Medical Service ; Officer in charge, Surgical Division, 19th General Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon, Egyptian Ex peditionary Force. Address : University College Hospital Medical School. (C780) CHRIMES, Capt. Frank, C.B.E. CHRISTIAN, Capt. Charles, M.B.E, R.E. CHRISTIAN, Edward Hompeseh, O.B.E, 6. 2 AprU, 1859 ; s. of Major Hugh Henry Christian, of Bilton Lodge, Edinburgh, N.B. ; to. Olive Susan, d. of Henry Luff, M.D, of Seaton. Educ. : Glasgow Academy ; Glen Park, Greenock. War Work : Station Guide at Victoria Station, from Nov. 1915, controlling the bUleting of troops, and directing soldiers to 115 Christian THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Fr their destinations at night, and generaUy looking after travelfing troops. Addresses : West Huntington HaU, York ; 2, WUton Street, Grosvenor Place, S.W. Club : R.A.C. (010147) CHRISTIAN, Louis de Bylandt, O.B.E, M.B, CM, 6. 20 Jan. 1862 ; s. of Major Hugh Henry Christian, of Bilton Lodge, Duddingston, Edinburgh ; to. Emmeline, d. of James R. A. Douglas, of Hounslow. Educ. : Univ. of Edinburgh ; Royal High School, Edinburgh. Surgeon, Hounslow Hospital ; Surgeon, MetropoUtan PoUce ; Certifying Surgeon (Factory Act). War Work : Commandant AuxUiary Military Hospital, Percy House, Isleworth. Address : Stanley House, Hounslow. (010148) CHRISTIAN, H.R.H. Princess, G.B.E, CI. CHRISTIE, Amie, M.B.E. ; d. ot Peter Christie, of Tay- ort, Fife. Educ. : St. Andrews and Edinburgh. Missionary _n Kalua, Bengal, with U.F. Church of Scotland. War Work : Commandant of l/10tn R. Scots Hut, N. Berwick, and Scottish Churches Hut, Rouen, France. Address : Riverlea, Blair gowrie, Perthshire. (M7676 CHRISTIE, Capt. Fred, M.B.E, R.A.F. CHRISTIE, 2nd Lieut. Harold, M.B.E. CHRISTIE, Lieut.-Col. James, O.B.E. CHRISTIE, James Roberton, O.B.E, LL.B, K.C, 6. 1866 ; 8. of John Gilkison Christie, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow and Albany Academies ; Hutcheson's Grammar School; Glasgow and Edinburgh Univs. Advocate (Scottish Bar, 1891) ; Clerk of Justiciary for Scotland, 1917. War Work : Assisted with Y.M.C.A. Rest Huts for SaUors and Soldiers in Edinburgh ; lectured on behaU of War Charities ; superintended a Department of InteUigence Work under Forth Garrison in the Scottish Command area ; was one of the founders of, and took an active part in, the work of the Edinburgh Hospitality League. Address : 2, Doune Terrace, Edinburgh. Clubs : Cavendish ; University and Conservative (Edinburgh) ; Glasgow Conservative. (010149) CHRISTIE, John Cubie, O.B.E. CHRISTIE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Joseph James, O.B.E. CHRISTIE, Col. Joseph MacNaughtan, C.B.E, M.D, CM. (Glasg.), F.R.CS. (Edin.), F.R.F.P.S. (Glasg.), N.Z. Army Medical Department, fi. 5 May, 1871 ; s. oi John Christie, of Glasgow ; m. Vita AUce Mary, d. of Reginald Bayley, of Otemai, New Plymouth, N.Z. Educ. : Glasgow High School and Univ., DubUn and BerUn. War Work : Surgical SpeciaUst, H.M. N.Z. Hospital Ship " Maheno " (2nd Charter) ; Consulting Surgeon to the Forces in New Zealand. Address : c/o Dr. W. W. Christie, 12, Rosslyn Terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow. (C1850) CHRISTIE, Capt. Lionel Ronald, O.B.E. CHRISTISON, Lieut. Fred HamUton, M.B.E. CHRISTISON, Lieut. MoCuUoch, M.B.E. CHRISTMAS, Jessie, Mrs., O.B.E, W.R.A.F. CHRISTOPHERS, Major Samuel Richard, CLE, O.B.E, IJM.S. Address : Central Research Institute, KasauU, Lndia. (02266) CHRISTOPHERSON, AUce Catherine, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1 June, 1867 ; d. of George F. Howe, of Bruxelles and Paris ; m. Nelson, s. of WilUam Butler Christopherson, of Blackheath. Edue. : Convent des " Dames UrseUne," Warre-Notre-Dame, BruxeUes. War Work : Commandant V.A.D. Hospital, Gardenhurst, Bexley, Kent, 1914-19. Address : Newlands, Bexley, Kent. (M7677) CHRISTOPHERSON, Douglas, C.B.E, 6. 1868; s. of the late Derman Christopherson, of Blackheath, S.E. ; m. 1910, Alma, d. ot the late W. Griffiths, of Cardiff. Educ : Bedford. Served during Matabeleland RebeUion and S. African War ; Vice-Chm. Johannesburg Local Committee Gov.-Gen.'s Fund ; Chm. Disabled Soldiers' Board, Johan nesburg. Address ; Johannesburg, Transvaal. (C378) CHRISTOPHERSON, John Brian, C.B.E, M.A, M D. (Cantab.), F.R.CS. (Eng.), F.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 1870 ; s. of Canon B. Christopherson, Rector of Falmouth ; m. Joyce Eleanor, d. of J. A. Ormerod, M.D, Consulting Physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Educ. : CUfton CoU. ; Caius CoU. ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Vienna. Examiner in Tropical Diseases, Royal CoUege of Physicians (London) ; late Director of the Sudan Medical Department. War Work : Surgeon at the Bury Hospital (Red Cross), Vrynatschka Banja, Serbia, 1915 ; Member of the Commission on Medical Estab lishments (France), appointed by War Office, 1917. Address : 29, Devonshire Place, W. 1. (C2365) CHRISTOPHERSON, Lieut. Kenneth, M.B.E, 6. 3 Feb, 1865 ; s. of Derman Christopherson, of Blackheath. Educ. : Uppingham. War Work : Staff Capt. Home Counties Reserve Brigade from Oct. 1916, to April, 1919. Address : Flat 1, 246 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, W. 2. (M5156) CHUBB, Capt. Harry Emory, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. CHUBB, WilUam Lindsay, M.B.E, M.D. Medical Officer, Menley and Farnborough Court AuxUiary Hospitals, Farnborough. Hants. (M10257») CHUNE, Helen Gertrude, M.B.E. ; d. of H. C Chune M.R.C.S, of Much Wenlock. War Work: Quartermaster' Red Cross Hospital (100 beds), Highland Moors, Llandrindod Wells. Address : Kelmscot, Llandrindod Wells. (M1533) CHURCH, Arthur Frederick, C.B.E. Ch. Engineer Uganda Railway. (C2018) CHURCH, Charlotte Mary Viola, M.B.E,: d. of the late Rev. A. J. Church. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Foreign Trade Dept. of the Foreign Office. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (M7678) CHURCH, Major Eric James, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C. CHURCH, Col. George Ross Marryat, C.M.G, C.B.E, late R.A, 6. 16 Mar. 1868 ; *. of Gen. Thomas Ross Church, CLE. ; to. EmUy, d. of Henry Whymper, CLE. Educ. : Trent CoUege, Nottingham. War Work : General Staff, General Headquarters, France, to May, 1918 ; cororoanding Army Troops, Independent Air Force, June, 1918, to Armistice ; Despatches, " London Gazette," seven times ; Officer, Legion d'Honneur ; Officer Ordre de Leopold ; Croix de Guerre, Beige. Address : Elmfield House, Bickington, Barnstaple. (C1236) CHURCH, Major Thomas Henry, M.B.E. CHURCH, Capt. WiUiam Drummond, C.B.E. Capt R.N. ; served in Great War, 1914-19, with Ocean Escort (despatches). (C1181) CHURCH, Mabel EUen, Mrs. KING-, M.B.E, d. of the late John Robert Malcolm, of TeUera Muila, S. Wynaad, S. Lndia ; to. Lionel James Church. War Work : Hon. Sec. Ladies' Depot, Madras War Fund, TeUicherry, Malabar, S. India ; working and despatching units to France, Mesopo tamia, and Madras Hospital Ships. (M7115) CHURCHILL, Col. Arthur GiUespie, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 17 Aug. 1860 ; s. of Charles ChurchiU, J.P, of Weybridge Park ; m. Katherine Mary, d. of Gen. Sir WiUiam Payn, K.C.B. Educ. : Eton and Royal MUitary CoUege. Joined 12th Lancers, 1880 ; MiUtary Attache, Tokyo and Korea, 1898-1903 ; Colonel, 1902 ; Gen. Staff Officer, 1st Grade, Scottish Command, 1904-08 ; retired, 1909. War Work : CaUed up on 30 July, 1914, to organise the Cable Censorship ; Chief Cafcle Censor untU Jan. 1918, when invaUded by Medical Board, owing to injuries received in a street accident ; awarded C.B, C.B.E, Legion of Honour (Officer), for services during the War. Address : Graylands, HorseU, Surrey. Clubs : Army and Navy ; M.CC (C458) CHURCHILL, Henry, O.B.E, 6. 26 Nov. 1890 ; s. of the Rev. W. H. ChurcbiU, of Stone House, Broadstairs. Educ. : Eton. War Work : Prince of Wales Fund ; Postal Censor ship ; Foreign Office. Address : 5, Lower Grosvenor Place, S.W. 1. Club : St. James. (O230) CHURCHILL, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Forbes, O.B.E. CHURCHILL, Laura, Mrs, M.B.E, d. of Edward Raffe, of Essex ; m. Henry WilUam Reynolds, s. of WiUiam Henry ChurchiU, Wanninster. Educ. : Croyden. Commandant, 98th East Lancs. B.R.C.S. ; Hon. Treasurer of Women's Liberal Association for Didsbury. War Work : Commandant of Woodlawn Hospital, West Didsbury, continuously for 4. years. Address : Westwood, Didsbury, Manchester. (M3573 1 CHURCHILL, Augusta, Lady Edward SPENCER-, O.B.E, d. of the late Major George Drought Warburton, R.A, M.P, and the late Lady Northwick (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Lord Edward Spencer ChurchiU, s. of Duke of Marlborough (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Privately. Deputy President, Red Cross, Bertehire ; on the Executive Committee and Hon. Sec for Windsor, Eton, and Clewer Branch R.S.P.C ChUdren ; President, Chairman, Windsor Branch R.S.P.C. Animals. War Work : Commandant, Windsor Detachment Red Cross ; Commandant of own Hospital for Convalescent Officers;- Organiser, President, and Secretary of Windsor War Hospital Supply Depot ; worker for 3 years at Church Army Canteen for munition makers at Hayes. Addresses : Queensmead, Windsor; 28, Grosvenor Street, London, W. 1. Clubs: Alexandra ; Ladies' Automobile. (010151) CHURCHILL, Clementine OgUvy, Mrs. Winston L. SPENCER-, C.B.E. ; d. of the late Sir Henry Montague Hozier, K.C.B. (see Bukke'S Peerage, Newlands, B.) and Lady Henrietta Blanche, his wife, d. of the 7th Earl of Airiie (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 12 Sept. 1908, Rt. Hon. Winston Leonard, P.C, M.P, e. s. of Lord Randolph ChurchiU (see Burke's Peerage, Marlborough, D.). (C130) CHURCHWARD, George Charles, M.B.E. CHURCHWARD, George Jackson, C.B.E. Ch. Mechanical Engineer Great Western RaUway ; J.P. for WUts. Address : Newburn House, Swindon, WUts. (C459) CHURCHWARD, Rev. Marcus WeUesley, C.B.E, M.A, fi. 11 Nov. 1860 ; s. of Benjamin Hannaford Churchward, of Devonshire ; m. Mary EUa, d. of Joseph WoodaU. Educ. : King's School, Rochester ; St. John's, Cambridge. CF. retired; Asst. Sec. S.P.G. War Work: Asst. Chaplain- General, London. Address : 38, The Chase, Clapham, S.W. 4. Club : Church Imperial. (C2087) CHURSTON, John Reginald Lopes, Lieut.-Col. Lord, M.V.O, O.B.E, Scots Guards (see Burke's Peerage), 6. 9 Nov. 1873 ; s. of 2nd Lord Churston, of Co. Devon ; to. Jessie, d. of AUred Smither. A.D.C to the Viceroy of India, 1902-3, and to H.R.H. Duke of Connaught, 1904-6 ; served in S. A. War, 1900-1 (medal with 4 clasps). War Work: D.A.Q.M.G, London District, I.Q.M.G.S, London District. Address: 25, Knightsbridge, S.W. ; Lupton House, Brixham, Devonshire. Clubs: Turf; Guards'. (O70O0) CHURTON, Ethel Blanche, Mrs., O.B.E. CHUTE, Rev. Anthony WiUiam, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 17 Dec. 1884 ; 8. of Chaloner WUUam Chute, of The Vyne, Basingstoke. Educ. : Winchester ; Magdalen Coll, Oxford. Vicar of St Oswald's, West Hartlepool, 1919. War Work : Chaplain to the Forces, attached to 23rd Division, in France, Belgium, and Italy, 1916-19. Address : St. Oswalds, West Hartlepool. 116 CHUTE, Lieut.-Col. Mervyn Lyde, O.B.E, A.M.IJM.E., BIOGRAPHIES. Clark F.Z.S, 6. 11 Feb. 1881 : s. of Rev. Edward RusseU Chute, o Moulton, Norfolk ; m. Frances Josephine, d. of Rev. Canon Armour, D.D. Educ. : St. Paul's School, London. Mechanical Engineer, with appointments in S. Africa, West Indies, and at home. War Work : First commissioned as 2nd Lieut, R.A.S.C. ; transferred in 1917 to Royal Engineers ; appointed to Staff of Director-General of Transportation ; final rank, Lieut.-Col. Address : Furgarth, Kirknewton, Northumber land. Club : Cavendish. (01211) CHUTER, Arthur George, M.B.E, 6. 1 May, 1877 ; s. of the late John William Chuter, of Andover, Hants ; m. HUda, d. of Charles Holdcroft, of Acton. Educ. : Grammar School, Andover. Sec, British Sections at (a) Golden Fleece Exhibition, Bruges, 1907 ; (fi) Exhibition of Seventeenth Century Flemish Art, Brussels, 1910 ; (c) International Miniature Exhibition, Brussels, 1912 ; Assist. Sec. Committee of Trustees of National GaUery on Export of Works of Art ; Accountant, Exhibitions Branch, Board of Trade, 1913 ; Chief Staff Officer, Exhibitions Division Dept. of Overseas Trade, 1920. War Work : Accoun tant and Establishment Officer, Commission Internationale de RavitaiUement. Address : 22, Highview Road, EaUng, W. 13. Ctefi: Junior Constitutional. (M1535) CIPRIANI, Albert Henry, M.B.E. CIRCUITT, Capt. George Francis Langdale, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. CLANWILLIAM, Muriel, Countess of, M.B.E. : d. of RusseU Stephenson, and w. of Hon. Oliver Howard (see Burke's Peerage, CarUsle, E.) ; to. 27 April, 1909, Arthur Vesey Meade, M.C, 5th Earl of ClanwUUam (see Burke's Peerage). (M7679) CLAPCOTT, Charles Blackstone, O.B.E, 6. 9 July, 1867 ; 8. of Major Charles Clapcott, 32nd Light Infantry ; to. Sylvie, d. of E. d'Avigdor. Educ : Privately, and Jesus Coll, Cam bridge. Judge, Native Court of Appeal, Cairo, Egypt. Ad dress : Cairo, Egypt. (010153) CLAPHAM, 2nd Lieut. Athol England, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. CLAPHAM, Major Douglas, D.S.O, O.B.E. Club : United Service. (01212) CLAPHAM, John Harold, C.B.E, Litt.D, 6. 13 Sept. 1873 ; s. of John Clapham, of Prestwich, Manchester ; to. Mary Margaret, d. of W. E. Green, of Ross, Hereford. Educ. : Leys School ; King's College, Cambridge. Fellow of King's CoUege, 1898-1904, and since 1908 ; Professor of Economics, Universtiy of Leeds, 1902-8 ; Dean of King's College, 1908-13 ; Tutor, 1913 ; Lecturer in Economic History in the University. War Work: Special Enquiry Work for the Board of Trade, 1916 ; Deputy Director, War Inquiries, 1917 ; Representative of Board of Trade on Priorities Committee, War Cabinet, 1918 ; Member of Post War Priorities Committee, 1919. Addresses : King's CoUege ; Storey's End, Cambridge. Club : Alpine. (C460) CLAPP, Rev. Charles Herbert, M.B.E. CLAPPERTON, Gladys Laura, Mrs., M.B.E. CLAPSHAW, Major and Qr.-Mr. Aquila, O.B.E, R.A.M.C CLARE, Lieut. Harold Ernest, O.B.E, R.N.R. CLARE, Capt. Samuel, M.B.E, R.F.A. CLARE, Major Herbert John NEWTON-, O.B.E. CLARE, Capt. Walter Shackfield NEWTON-, M.B.E, R.A.F. CLAREMONT, Adel Dorothy, Mrs., M.B.E. CLARENCE, Capt. Arthur Arderne, O.B.E. CLARET, Capt. Frank Henry, O.B.E. CLARIDGE, Capt. John Watson Lawson, M.B.E, LA. CLARK, Adrian, O.B.E, late Lieut.-Col. R.A.F. Address : 3, Temple Gardens, Temple, E.C. (O8069) CLARK, Alfred Percy Stanley, M.B.E, 6. 4 June, 1889 ; s. of Alfred Clark, of London ; to. Kathleen Grace, d. of — Cheale, of Lewes, Sussex. Educ : Grocers' Company's School. Manager, The Anglo-Egyptian Bank, Ltd, Jerusalem. War Work : Banking for E.E.F., and Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (South). Address : c/o Anglo- Egyptian Bank, Ltd, Jerusalem. (M7682) CLARK, AUce Fanny, Mrs, M.B.E. War Work : Sailors' and Soldiers' FamUies Association ; Royal Patriotic Corpora tion ; HuU Patriotic Fund ; War Pensions Committee, Hull. Address : 29, Coltman St., HuU. (M7681) CLARK, Col. D'Arcy Melville, O.B.E, M.B.E. CLARK, Donald George, O.B.E. CLARK, Edward MelUsh, O.B.E, M.A. (Cantab.), 6. 25 Sept. 1874 ; s. of John WilUs Clark, of Scroope House, Cambridge ; m. LiUan Mary Hart, d. of Sir A. J. 0. MUman, K.C.B, of Speaker's Court, Westminster, Clerk of the House of Commons (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Harrow, • and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Local Director of Barclays Bank, Limited, Cambridge ; Chairman of New Theatre, Cambridge, Limited. War Work : Chairman, Cambridgeshire Local War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Treasurer, Borough of Cambridge, War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Treasurer, Cambs. and Isle of Ely Branch of the Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association. Address : Binnbrook, Cambridge. Clubs : United Univs. ; Cambridge County ; University Pitt ; University A.D.C (010154) CLARK, EUzabeth Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 30 June, 1860 ; A. of Sir WiUiam Lenox-Conyngham of Spring HiU, Co. Derry (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Col. James Jackson Clark, H.M.L. for Co. Derry, s. of James Johnston Clark, of Largantogher, Co. Derry. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Red Cross and other War charities. Address : Largantogher, Maghera, Co. Derry, Deland. (M7683) 11 CLARK, Sir Ernest, Kt. Bach, C.B.E, 6. 13 AprU, 1864; s. of Samuel Henry Clark ; to. Mary, d. of John Thomas Cox Winkfield, J.P, Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple ; Assist.-Sec, Board of Inland Revenue ; Secretary of Royal Commission on Income Tax. Address : 16, Clareville Grove, S. Kensington. Club : Junior Athenaeum. (C461) CLARK, Eng.-Lieut. Ewbank, M.B.E, R.N. CLARK, Capt. Frederiok Ourry, O.B.E. CLARK, Major George, O.B.E, R.A, 6. 3, Aug. 1857 ; s. of the late George Clark. Educ. : Waltham Abbey Commer cial School. Adjutant, R.A. Regimental District Staff, 1897- 1902 ; Superintending Officer, A.G.C War Oflice, 1902-1916 ; Staff Officer to G.O.C, Woolwich, 1916-19. Address : 19, Sherard Gardens, Eltham. (0231) CLARK, George Henry, M.B.E., 6. 1 Aug. 1852 ; *. of John Clark, Builder, of Stepney, London ; to. Laura Andane, d. of Charles Robinson, of Plymouth. Educ. : Privately. Chief Clerk, Plymouth Garrison. War Work : Served 50 years with R. Dublin FusUiers and as Civil Clerk, Corps of Military Staff Clerks ; awarded Long Service and Meritorious Service Medals ; Chief Clerk, Plymouth Garrison, during the whole of the war ; heavy work necessitating attendance at all times, Offices being open day and night ; received the personal thanks of all of the officers including the Generals Command ing ; Received thanks of Secretary of State (War Office List). Address : 16, Alton Road Plymouth. Club : Freemasons', Plymouth. (M7684) CLARK, Lieut. Gordon Lilico, O.B.E, R.N.R. CLARK, Gowan Cresswell Strange, C.M.G, O.B.E, fi. 1856 ; s. of the late Gowan Clark, of Shrewsbury ; to. 1885, Caroline Ann, d. of James Kemsley. Sometime Ch. Traffic Manager of Cape Govt. RaUways ; Assist. Gen. Manager, S. African RaUways. Address : South African Railway Offices, Johannesburg, Transvaal. (0956) CLARK, Harry, M.B.E. CLARK, Capt. Henry Fox Atkinson, M.V.O, O.B.E, R.A.F. CLARK, Capt. Henry William AUred, C.B.E, R.D. Com. and Acting Capt. R.N.R. ; served in the Great War, 1914- 19, as Commodore of Convoys (despatches). (C1182) CLARK, Herbert Ernest, M.B.E. CLARK, Major Herbert James, O.B.E, 6. 13 May, 1866 ; s. of the late Rev. WiUiam Clark, C.M.S. ; m. Mary Elizabeth Howard, d. of the late Rev. T. Howard Gill, of Paris, and Tonbridge, Kent. Educ. : Privately. Indian RaUways. War Work : Commissioned in R.A.S.C, Oct. 1914 ; served in France, Belgium, and Germany ; twice mentioned in despatches was with Indian and British Cavalry for greater part of war ; latterly in command of the Army Patrol Installation, Reisholz, Army of the Rhine. Address: 58, Upperton Road, Eastbourne. CLARK, Lieut. Horace Gordon, M.B.E. CLARK, Capt. Hubert Charles, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. (O5099) CLARK, Capt. Hugh Bryan, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 5 June, 1887 ; «. of Francis J. Clark, J.P, of Street, Somerset ; m. LiUan Genevieve Brooking, d. of George Brooking, of Iquique, Chile. Educ. : Bootham School, York, and Leighton Park School, Reading. Director of C and J. Clark, Ltd, Street, Somerset ; Director of Mid-Somerset Electric Lighting Co. War Work: Nov. 1914, to Feb. 1915, with French Red Cross in France ; 1915, April to July, with British Red Cross in Belgium and France ; Aug. 1915, to Jan, 1919, with British Armies in France. Address : Butleigh, near Glastonbury, Somerset. (O5100) CLARK, Hugh Cook, M.B.E, M.I.M.E, 6. 8 June, 1874; s. of Robert Neilson Clark, of Montrose, Scotland ; m. Helen, d. of — Spalding, of Montrose. Educ. : Academy, Montrose. Engineer (Mechanical) ; Head Engineer ; His Majesty's Mint, Calcutta. War Work : Supervising Coinage operations for India and the Colonies ; also erection of machinery and production of copper-driving bands for shells and gauges for the Ordnance Department. Address : His Majesty's Mint, 47, Strand, Calcutta. (M6126) CLARK, J. A. M.B.E, M.B, M.S., Egyptian Army. (M10349) CLARK, Capt. James Jeffery, O.B.E. CLARK, James John, C.B.E, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1870 ; s. of the Rev. James Clark, of Palmerston ; to. Joy, d. of — Mowatt, of Aberdeen. Educ. : Palmerston High School. Mayor, Dunedin, 1915-19 ; Member, City CouncU since 1908 ; Dunedin Drainage Board, Domain Board, and Prices Investigation Tribunal. War Work : President, Otago Patriotic Assocn. ; Chairman, Soldiers' Welfare Committee ; Member, N.Z. War Funds Council ; Member, Governor-General's Advisory Board of Hospital Ships. Address : Union Street, Dunedin, N.Z. Club : Otago (Dunedin). (C1992) CLARK, Lieut. John Martin, M.B E. CLARK, Col. Sir John Maurice, Bt., M.B.E, V.D, D.L, J.P, 6. 7 March, 1859 ; s. of the late Sir Thomas Clark, Bart, of Edinburgh (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Helen Marden, d. of the late Rev. Henry M. Douglas, of Kirkcaldy. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy ; Edinburgh Univ. PubUsher (Senior Partner of T. & T. Clark, Publishers, Edinburgh) ; Chairman of the Scottish Life Assurance Company, Limited ; Extra ordinary Director of the British Linen Bank ; Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Midlothian. War Work : Vice-Chairman, Midlothian County Association Territorial Army; MiUtary Representative (and later National Service Clark THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Representative) . to |tovC^ty ofJUdtothl^^ BdJn Address : 17; Rothesay Terrace," Edinburgh." Club : TJniversit. . (M2g6) SlaIM. £S2rhffi Si, O.B.E fi. 29 April, 1878 ; s. of WUliam Trested Clark, of Rivermead, Rickmansworth, Herts Educ ¦ Highgate School. Solicitor. War Work . Jotaed the supply branch of the R.A.S.C. at Reading in May, 1915 as a Lieut. ; subsequently saw service in Gallipoli, Egypt, and Palestine ; rose to rank of Major, and on demobilisation In June, 1919, was a Deputy Assistant Director of Supplies. Address : 95, Gresham Street, E.C. Club : Devonshmy CLARK, Major Louis Spencer, M.B.E. &££%& Marta Harry, M.B.E, fi 12 July^ 1882; s, of the late Harry Clark, of Croydon. Educ : Whitgift Grammar School, Croydon. War Work : 1st Batt. County of London Volunteer Regiment, Feb. 1915 ; O.TC, Grove Park, Dec. 1915 ; 2nd Lieut. Jan. 1916 ; Lieut. July 1917 ; Oyei- seas, France, Jan. 1916, to Jan. 1919 ; posted to 62nd Siege Battery Ammunition Column, AprU, 1916 ; A.S.C Personnel of 62nd Siege Battery, transferred to 96th Siege Battery, June, 1916 ; remained with this battery until Armistice ; mentioned in despatches (Sir Douglas Haig s), Nov. 1918. Address : Cralgside, Heathhurst Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. (M4445) CLARK, Owen Aly, M.B.E, J.P. CLARK, Col. Robert, O.B.E, V.D. CLARK, Lieut.-Col. Robert Leaver, D.S.O, OJJ., 6. 1862 • to 1914, Dorothy, d. of J. E. Moulton, of King s Heath, Worcs Entered Army Ordnance Dept. 1896 ; became a Ch Inspector of Ordnance Machinery with rank of Hon. Major, 1907 • Hon Lieut.-Col. 1915 ; S. Africa, 1900 (despatches twice) ; holds Serbian Order of White Eagle. (02875) CLARK, Lieut.-Comm. Roland Arbuthnot, O.B.E, R.N. CLARK, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Henry Dennis, O.B.E. CLARK, Lieut. WilUam Morrison, M.B.E. CLARKE, Andrew CampbeU, M.B.E, M.D, Ch.B. CLARKE, Antoinette, Mrs, M.B.E CLARKE, Viee-Adm. Arthur Calvert, C.M.G, C.B.E, D S O 6 1848 ; s. of the late WiUiam Gray Clarke ; to. 1895, Margaret MacGregor, d. of J. L. Adams, of U.S.A. Entered R N 1861 ; became Lieut. 1872 ; Com. 1883 ; Capt. 1891 ; Rear'-Adm. 1904 (retired 1903) ; Vice-Adm. 1908 ; served during Abyssinian Campaign 1868 (medal); China 1900 (medal); is an Officer of Legion of Honour; T. Capt. Roy. Naval; Reserve. Club : United Service. (C1917) CLARKE, Arthur Ernest, M.B.E, M.D, 6. 2 Aug. 1873. Address : The Old House, Rickmansworth. (M7687) CLARKE, Major Arthur John, O.B.E, M.C, D.C.M. CLARKE, Capt. Sir Arthur WeUesley, K.B.E.. J.P, Lieut.- Comm, R.N.R. (ret.), fi. 7 Jan. 1857 ; s of John Joseph Clarke, of Cork; to. Rosina Margaret, d. of David Hopkins, H.B.M. Consul. Educ : Cork. Elder Brother of Trinity House ; J P County of London ; Member, Port of London Authority (Chairman of River Committee, P.L.A.) ; Chairman, Marine Society (the " Warspite ") ; Deputy-Chairman, Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich (the " Dreadnought ") ; Deputy-Chair man King George's Fund for Sailors ; Member of Committee, Sailor's Home and Red Ensign Club ; of Royal Alfred Aged Seamen's Institution: C.B.E. (Mil.) 1919; K.B.E. (CivU) 1920 Address : 5, Hamston House, Kensington Court Place, W. 8 ; Trinity House, E.C. 3. (C888) CLARKE, Charles Agacy, C.B.E, I.C.S. CLARKE, Col. Charles Childs, M.V.O, O.B.E, 6. 1861 ; s. of the late Rev. Samuel Childs Clarke (formerly V. of Thor- verton) ; m. 1916, Shiela Mary, o. d. of the late Andrew D. Tolmie, of Aldersier, Stirling. Entered R.M. 1879 ; became Capt. 1889 ; Major, 1897 (h.p. 1902) ; Hon. Lieut.-Col. 1908 ; Brevet Col. 1918 ; served with Egyptian Expedition, 1882 (medal, bronze star) ; commanded R.M. detachment during T.R.H. the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York's Colonial Tour of 1901 ; appointed a Barrack Master, 1903 ; Pay master at Roy. Marine Depot, 1914. Club : United Service. (09523) CLARKE, Capt. Charles Hugh, O.B.E. CLARKE, Dora Gunning Elwin, M.B.E. ; d. of Major- General WiUiam Calcott Clarke, Madras Staff Corps. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant, Romney Marsh V.A.D. Hospital, Littlestone-on-Sea, Kent. Address : Casa D'Este, Bordighera. Italy. Clubs : New Victorian ; V.A.D. (M7688) CLARKE, Douglas Allen, M.B.E. CLARKE, Edith, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 27 Oct. 1844 ; d. of the late Edward Nicolls, R.N. ; m. Charles Clarke, I.P.S. Educ : Privately. Pioneer of Domestic teaching ; for 45 years Principal of the National Training School of Cookery, Address : 6, Kensington Mansions, Trebovir Road, Earl's Court, S.W. 5. (M239) CLARKE, Ernest Herbert, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.) CLARKE, Ethel May, M.B.E, fi. 7 May, 1873 ; d. of Henry Thobuin Clarke. Educ : Privately. T7ar Work : Joined Women's Legion, July, 1915, and was sent to Summer- down Convalescent Camp in Aug. 1915 ; was promoted Super intendent eleven months later, and posted to Dunstable ; 7 months later was transferred to Netheravon Cavalry School ; joined the W.A.A.C. in 1917 when it was formed from the nucleus of W.L, and remained in that Corps when it became known as Q M A.A.C, in the capacity of Unit Administrator ; demobffised, Feb. 1920. Address : c/o Mrs. Wood, Harefield MUls, Middlesex. Club : Women's United Services. (M6615) CLARKE, Francis WilUam, M.B.E, M.A, 6. 26 May, 1879 • s of the late John Frank Clarke, of St. Andrews, Worcester Park. Educ. : Harrow. University Lecturer ; formerly Professor of English Literature, Deccan CoUege, Poona India War Work : Temp, second class clerk, Colonial Office,' Dec. 1915, to Dec. 1918. (M1540) CLARKE, Lieut. Frederick, M.B.E, R.A. CLARKE Geoffrey Rothe, O.B.E, J.P, I.C.S, fi. 4 July 1871 ' s. of George Richard Clarke ; m. HUda Geraldine, d of Lieut.'-Col. C. Seymour. Educ. : Trinity CoUege, Dublin. Director-General Posts and Telegraphs, India. War Work: Ministry of Munitions, Dept. of Inspection ; sent on special duty to U.S.A. and Canada in connection with output of munitions. Address : Simla, India. Clubs : East India United Service ; Bengal. (0233) CLARKE, Lieut. George Edgar, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. CLARKE, George Whitlock, M.B.E. CLARICE, Capt. and Brevet-Major Gerald, O.B.E, 6. 1 AprU 1883 ; s. of A. H. Clarke, of Bulcote, Nottingham ; to Marjorie Agnes, d. of Col. J. O. Hodgson (R.A. ret.), of Andover Educ. : Chaterhouse. Territorial Army, Staff War Work : Served in the Great War, France, 1915-19. Address : The Cedars, Duffield, Derby. Club : Services. CLARKE, Harold Thomas, O.B.E. CLARKE, Helen Blanche, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1873 ; d. of Walter Scott Copeland, of Dalbeattie, N.B. ; m. WilUam Edward, s. of WiUiam Clarke, of York. Educ. : Addlestone, Surrey. War Work : Quartermaster 3 years, and Commandant 2 vears of V A.D. Hospital, Strood, Kent. Address : Strood, Kent. (M7690) CLARKE, Lieut. Henry, M.B.E CLARKE, Henry Charles, M.B.E. Clerk, RaUway Clearing House ; Head of a Financial Section, Ministry of Shipping. (M10309) CLARKE, Rear-Adm. Henry James Langford, C.B.E, R N Served in Great War, 1914-19, as Senior Naval Officer and Port Convoy Officer, Dakar (despatches). (C1183) CLARKE, Lieut.-Col. Herman, C.B.E. T. Major and Acting Lieut.-Col. R.E. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). _, __ _, „ . (C1514) CLARKE, Lieut. Hugh Franklin, M.B.E, R.G.A. CLARKE, James Alexander, O.B.E. CLARKE, Lieut. James Bryce, O.B.E. CLARKE, Lieut. James Richard Plomer, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. CLARKE, Lieut. James Thomas Morton, O.B.E, M.B.E, R.A.S.C CLARKE, John Courtenay, C.B.E, O.B.E. CLARKE, Col. John Thomas, C.B.E, Can. A.M.C. CLARKE, Capt. Joseph, M.B.E, R.E, (T.F.) CLARKE, Capt. Joseph Edward, O.B.E, Royal Sussex Regt, 6. 8 July, 1875. War Work : Served in France from May, 1915, to Feb. 1919. Address : 2nd Batt, Royal Sussex Regt, Jamaica. (O5103) CLARKE, Joseph Percival, C.B.E, M.Inst.CE, fi. 15 Oct. 1862 ; s. of Thomas Charles Clarke, M.Inst.C.E. ; m. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Glover, of Buenos Aires. Educ. : Marlborough. Civil Engineer ; constructed many railways in S. America ; 1902-06, Gen. Manager, Leopoldina Rly, Brazil; 1907-14, Gen. Manager, Buenos Aires Gt. Southern Rly. ; at present director of Buenos Aires Gt. Southern Rly, Entre RiosRlys. Cordoba Central, and other Rlys. War Work : 1915-17, assisted Ministry Munitions Priority Dept. : 1917 to Armistice, was Deputy-Director, Inland Waterways and Docks, Wat Office. Address : 20, Rosary Gardens, S.W. 7. Clubs : Argen tine ; Ranelagh : Stoke Poges. (C462) CLARKE, Lieut. Leslie Ebenezer, M.B.E. CLARKE, Comm. Maurice Harvey, O.B.E, R.N.R. CLARKE, Lieut. (T. Lieut.-Col.) Orme Bigland, C.B.E, B.A, fi. 1880 ; s. of Frederick, M.A, heir presumptive to the Rev. Sir Charles Clarke, of Dunham, Bt. (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. 19 June, 1905, Elfrida, e. d. of Alfred Roosevelt, of New York. Educ. : Magdalen Coll, Oxford. Barrister-at-law of the Inner Temple. War Work : Valuable services in relation to the legal Administration of occupied territory. Club: Oxford and Cambridge. (C31076) CLARKE, Peroival Herbert, M.B.E. CLARKE, Percy Daniel, M.B.E, ft. 5 Aug. 1892 ; s. of Robert Henry Arundel Clarke, of The Lawn, Kingsholm, Glou cester ; to. Violet Bessie, d. of WUliam James Barrett, of Glou cester. Educ. : Gloucester. Executive Officer Food Control Committees, and Deputy Registrar of Marriages. War Work: Food Control ; also associated with work of Local Tribunal, War Pensions, and Dependants' Separation AUowances. Address : 7. Howard Street, Gloucester. (M76W) CLARKE, Reuben Arthur, M.B.E. CLARKE, Major Richard Charles, O.B.E, M.C. CLARKE, Major Richard Christopher, O.B.E, M.B, M.R.C.P, (Lond.), fi. 15 June, 1885 ; s. of John Henry Clarke, of Clffton, Bristol ; to. Mabel Kate, d. of F. R. Hall, of Oxford. Educ. : Clifton College, University of Bristol ; Middlesex Hospital. Hon. Physician to Bristol Royal Infirmary ; Hon. Physician to Cossham Memorial Hospital, Bristol. War Work: R.A.M.C. (T.F.), France, March, 1915, to Jan. 1919 ; mentioned 118 BIOGRAPHIES. Clayton in despatches ; attached 4th Gloucestershire Regt, and 19th Casualty Clearing Station. Address: 29, Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. Club : Clifton. (O5104) CLARKE, Thomas Henry, M.B.E, 6. 16 June, 1883 ; 8. of Thomas Clarke, of Woolwich ; to. Catherine Elizabeth, d. of Farquhar Beaton Gollan, of Woolwich. Educ. : Wool wich High School and King's College, London University. Civil Servant, War Office. War Work : Contracts Dept, War Office, and Ministry of Munitions ; Secretary, Sir Albert Stanley's Mechanical Transport Contracts Committee. Address : 118. Dunvegan Road, Eltham, S.E. 9. (M240) CLARKE, Col. Thomas Henry Matthews, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.B, ft. 1869; s. of the late Staff Surg. Thomas Matthews Clarke, M.B, Army Med. Depart. ; m. 1905, Susan MorreU, d. of PhiUp E. Chapin, of Washington, District of Columbia, U.S.A. Educ. : Trinity Coll, DubUn (B.A. and M.B.). Entered Army Med. Depart. 1897 ; became Capt. Roy Army Med. Corps, 1900; Major, 1909; Lieut.-Col. 1915; and Col. Army Med. Ser. 1918 ; served at Candla, 1898 (wounded, despatches twice) ; Med. Adviser to H.R.H. Prince George of Greece, 1901-3 ; appointed Physician and Surg, to Roy. Hospital, Kilmainham, 1912 ; Knight of Order of Saviour of Greece. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Royal Automobile. (C805) CLARKE, Lieut. Thomas Walter, M.B.E. CLARKE, Walter Leonard, M.B.E. CLARKE, Lieut. WilUam Francis, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. CLARKE, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Gay, C.B.E, R.E, 6. 16 July, 1869 ; s. of John Clarke, of Chieveley ; m. Norah Helen, d. of Dr. WUliam Bodkin, of Chelmsford. Educ : King's CoUege, London. War Work : Acting Director of Inland Waterways and Docks. Club : Thatched House. (C2088) CLARKE, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam James, O.B.E. CLARKE, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam James, M.B.E, R.A. CLARKE, WUUam John, C.B.E, 6. 13 March, 1857 ; s. of John Clarke, of Haddenham, Bucks, and Plymouth ; m. Annie Georgina, d. of Joseph Godfrey, of Plymouth, and has issue, three sons. Educ. : Clewer House School, Windsor. Thirty-seven years in the Admiralty Service ; entered by competitive examination in 1882, and retired in 1919 ; from 1882-94, served at Devonport, Portsmouth, Gosport and Bermuda ; in 1894, appointed Superintending CivU Engineer of H.M. naval establishments at Malta, ano afterwards served in a similar capacity at Chatham.the Admiralty (Whitehall), and Devonport, until 1912 ; in that year appointed Assistant- Director of Works at the Admiralty, and later Deputy-Director of Works, and consequently served at the Admiralty during the whole of the War ; Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute, and late M.Inst.CE. Address : Wayside, Brockenhurst, Hants. Club : Royal Societies'. (C2518) CLARKE, LesUe CHATFELLD-, M.B.E, M.I.M.E. M.J.I.E, 6. 1865 ; s. of the late Thomas ChatfeUd-Clarke, J.P, F.R.I.B.A, of Westboume Terrace, Hyde Park, W, and Wootton, Isle of Wight ; to. Grace Brown Moore, d. of WUliam Moore, of BeUast. Educ. : Rev. C Young's School, Brighton ; Rev. T. R. Stebbing's School, Turbridge Wells. Vice-Chair man of the Isle of Wight Rural District Council ; Guardian, Isle of Wight Union. War Work : Assistant Commandant and Superintendent, Northwood Red Cross Auxiliary Hospital, Cowes, I. of W, 1914-18. (M7691) CLARKE, Hope EUzabeth HOPE-, O.B.E. Founder and Organiser of the SUver Thimble Fund. (011898) CLARKE, Col. John de Winton LARDNER-, C.B.E, R.A. (Retired), 6. 19 May, 1858 ; s. of the late Major John Lardner-Clarke, R.A. ; to. Mary EUzabeth Augusta, d. of late Henry Askew Robinson, M.R.C.S, widow of late Alan E. ChambrS, of Halhead HaU, Cumberland. Educ. : Privately. War Work : MiUtary InteUigence Department, War Office, from Aug. 1914, to Aug. 1919. Address : Parkholme, Warbling- ton, Havant, Hants. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Royal Dorset Yacht ; Royal Albert Yacht. (C2134) CLARKE, Major Mervyn Hanbury LOWTHER-, CLARKE, Capt. James Thomas MORTON-, O.B.E, 6. 31 Aug. 1880. Served in the South African Campaign, Staff Captain, War Office (Quartermaster General's Dept.). Clubs : R.A.C; United R.A.S.C. (07494) CLARKE, Capt. Geoffrey SOMERS-, O.B.E, R.A.F. CLARKE, Lieut.-Col. Charles Camden WISEMAN-, 0 B E CLARKSON, Elkanah, M.B.E. CLARKSON, Francis George, M.B.E. CLARKSON, Eng.-Rear-Adm. Sir WilUam, K.B.E, C.M.G, A.D.C, R.A.N, 6. 26 March, 1859 (see BURKE'S Peer age) ; s. of James Nicholson Clarkson, of Whitby, Yorks. ; m. Louisa Clarissa, d. of James C Hawker, of Adelaide, South AustraUa. Educ. : Privately. 3rd Naval Member of the Naval Board of Administration ; Director of Transports ; Controller of Shipping, Australia. War Work : The organisation and direction of transport for conveying Australian troops to Europe ; the Organisation and Control of Merchant Shipping. Address : Mombah, 12, Como Avenue, South Yarra, Victoria, Australia. Club : The AustraUan, Melbourne. (K117) CLAUGHTON, Harold, M.B.E. CLAUSEN, Lieut. Hugh, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. CLAUSON, Albert Charles, C.B.E, K.C, 6. 14 Jan. 1870 ; s. of Charles Clauson, and of Julia Burton, daughter of Rev. John WaU Buckley (see Bukke'S Peerage, Wrenbury, B.); in. Kate, d. of James Thomas Hopwood, of Lincoln's Inn (see Southborough, Baron). Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School, and St. John's CoUege, Oxford. Bencher (1914) of Lincoln's Inn; Past-Master of Merchant Taylors' Company. War Work: Legal Member (unpaid) of the Staff of the Controller of the Navy, at the Admiralty, 1917-18 ; attached to Lord South- borough's Indian Reforms Commission, 1918-19. Addresses : 13, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.O. 2 ; Hawkshead House, Hatfield, Herts. Clubs : Athenaeum ; United University; Albemarle. (C2519) CLAUSON, Capt. Gerald LesUe Makins, O.B.E. CLAVELL, Lieut. Richard Charles, O.B.E, R.N. CLAY, Capt. Ernest, M.B.E, 6. 19 Dec. 1874 ; a. of Philip Clay, of Nottingham ; to. Emma Rose, d. of Thomas Brown, of Dublin. Educ. : St. John's CoUege, Gibraltar, and Army. Adjutant, 6th Batt. London Regt. War Work : South Africa, 1899-1902 ; France, as R.S.M, March-June, 1915 ; Adjutant, 6th Batt. London Regt, Oct. 15, to present date. Address : 41, Mountfold Road, Stamford Hill. (M5161) CLAY, Major Ernest Charles, C.B.E, 6. 2 Dec. 1872; s. of Charles John Clay, of HoUy Bush Hall, Staffs. ; m. Dorothy Mary, d. of John L. Press, of Reymerstone Hall, Norfolk, and Clifton, Bristol. Educ : Marlborough and New CoUege, Oxford. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1899. War Work : Temp. Major and D.A.A.G, Headquarters Staff, War Office. Address : Little Court, Banstead, Surrey. Club : Royal Automobile. (C1515) CLAY, Capt. Frank Septimus, O.B.E, R.A.V.C CLAY, Frederiok Septimus, M.B.E. CLAY, Col. Henry, C.B.E. ; Col. (retired) ; Dep. Director of Recruiting, E. Command. (C806) CLAY, Major and Qr.-Mr. Henry, C.B.E. CLAY, Col. John, C.B.E, M.B, M.R.C.S, R.A.M.C. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1237) CLAY, Joseph Miles, O.B.E, I.C.S, 6. 6 Sept. 1881 ; s. of the late Arthur Lloyd Clay, I.C.S. ; m. Edith Marguerite Florence, d. of Edwin T. Hall, of Dulwich, S B. Educ. : Winchester; New College, Oxford. Deputy Commissioner of the Garhwal District, U.P, India. Address : c/o Messrs. Grindlay and Co, Pariiament Street, S.W. (O2064) CLAY, Laura Beatrice, M.B.E, 6. 1892 ; d. of Laurence Clay, of Kingskerswell, Devon. Educ : Manchester High School. Late Controller, Northern Command, Q M.A.A.C War Work : Four years' service with the Women s Legion and the Q.M.A.A.C ; now on reUef work in Poland. Address : South HiU, Kingskerswell, Devon. (M3254) CLAY, Mignon Elvira, Mrs, M.B.E, d. of Louis Andre, of Paris ; m. Joseph, s. of James Henry Clay, of Giggleswlck. Educ. : France, and Dresden Conservatorium of Music War Work : Sec. and Vice-Chairwoman Leeds City Association ; D.G.V.O, C'othing and Hospital Needs Committee. Address : Riddings, Long Preston. Yorks. (M7694) CLAY, Robert, O.B.E, J.P. CLAY, Major WilUam Henry Christy, O.B.E. CLAYE, Fred Wainwright, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. CLAYTON, Rev. Albert Charles, O.B.E. Board for Tamil Christian Literature, Madras. War Work : Edited ¦' War News " for the PubUcity Board of the Government of Madras. Address : Ingleby, Kodaikanal, South India. (O9810) CLAYTON, Charles Henry James, M.B.E. CLAYTON, Major EmUius, O.B.E, R.F.A, 6. 19 June, 1884; 8. of Col. EmUius Clayton, late R.A, of Charlcombe Manor, Bath ; to. Dene Dorothy Constance, d. of the late Col. Thomas Edmund Strong, LA, of Claremont, Exeter. Educ. : Bradfield ; Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. War Work : Served with the British Army in Flanders, the Balkans, and South Russia, during the European War. Ad dress : Charlcombe Manor, Bath. Club : Sports. (07002) CLAYTON, George Christopher, C.B.E, J.P. CLAYTON, Brig.-Gen. Sir Gilbert Falkingham, K.B.E., C.B, C.M.G, F.R.G.S, Lieut.-Col. R. of O, R.A, 6. 6 July, 1875 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. W. L. N. Clayton, Sandown ; m. Enid Caroline, 2nd d. of Frank Napier Thorowgood, 24, Elm Park, Gardens, S.W. Edue. : Isle of White Coll. ; R.M.A, Woolwich. Entered Army, 1895 ; Capt. 1901 ; employed by Egyptian Govt, 1900-10; Sudan Govt, since 1910; served Nile Expe dition, 1898 (despatches, Egyptian Medal, 2 clasps, medal) ; Director of InteUigence in Egypt, 1914-17 ; Chief PoUtical Officer, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 1917 ; European War, 1914-19 (K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, despatches six times) ; Officer, Legion of Honour : 4th Class Osmanieh; 3rd Class Medjidieh: Officer, St. Maurice and Lazarus and St. Stanislaus : Grand Commander, Order of King George I. of Greece. Address: War Office, Cairo. Club : United Service. (K274) CLAYTON, Harry, M.B.E, fi. 15 April, 1888. Educ: Dover College. War Work : Assistant ControUer, Munitions Accounts Department, Ministry of Munitions. Address : Wavside, Cheam, Surrey. Clubs : Cocoa Tree ; Road. (M3575) CLAYTON, James, M.B.E, M.I.M.E, 6. 17 Nov. 1872 ; s of Jabez Clayton, of Bollington, Stockport, Cheshire ; to. Mary Gertrude, d. of Samuel CoUins, of Derryork, Dungiven, Co. Derry, Ireland. Educ. : Gorton Schools, and Municipal School of Technology, Manchester. Locomotive Engineer ; Personal Assistant to Chief Mechanical Engineer, South- Eastern and Chatham Railway ; Member of Council of Insti tution of Locomotive Engineers. War Work : Planning and equipment of Overseas Railway Workshops; charge of Indenting and inspection of aU Railway Material, the supply of which was undertaken by the Chief Mechanical Engineers Dept, S.E. and 0. Ry, Ashford, for aU theatres of war; 119 Clayton THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. designs of Anti-Aircraft Gun Carriage for Sir Percy Scott, R.N. Addresses : Langton, 36, Albert Road, Ashford, Kent ; Chief Mechanical Engineer's Dept, S.E. and C. Ry. (M7695) CLAYTON, Lieut. Norman WilUs, M.B.E. M.C. CLAYTON, Thomas, M.B.E, J.P. CLAYTON, WUUam EUis, O.B.E. CLEARY, Right Rev. Henry WUUam, O.B.E., R.C. CLEAVER, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Holden, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1875 ; Lieut.-Col. R.A.F. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C854) CLEAVER, Harris Pengest, O.B.E. CLEEVE, Major Charles Edward, O.B.E, 6. 31 May, 1891 ; s. of Frederick Cleeve, D.L, of Limerick ; m. Josephine Eugenie, d. of Alfred Talbot, of Westcliffe-on-Sea. Educ. : St. Edward's School, Oxford; Christ's CoU, Cambridge. Merchant. War Work : Joined R.A.S.C, Mechanical Transport Branch, in April, 1915 ; served with 52 M.T. Coy, Aldershot, tUl April, 1916 ; went to France with No 1 Water Tank M.T. Coy. as Adjutant ; took over Command of Coy. in Feb. 1917 ; twice mentioned in despatches ; relinguished commission, April, 1919. Address : Calgarth, St. Margaret's Road, Hoy- lake. (051 07) CLEEVE, Lieut.-Col. Herbert, C.B.E, R.A.S.C, (R. of 0.), 6. 15 Sept. 1870 ; s. of C. K. Cleeve ; to. Clara F, d. of John F. Holt, of U.S.A. Educ. : WeUington CoUege. Joined 1st Batt. South Wales Borderers, 1892, from 4th Batt. Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regt. ; transferred to A.S.C, 1896 ; served South African War, 1899-1901 (despatches, twice) ; Queen's medal, seven clasps. War Work : European War, 1914-19 (despatches, twice), cr. C.B.E. (MiUtary), 1919. Club : Naval and M-Utary. (C1518) CLEGG, AUred, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 23 June, 1872; s. of Albert Clegg, of New Hey, Lancs. ; m. Frances, d. of Samuel Binns, of Oldham, Lancs. Head Master of Crompton East Crompton School ; Chairman, Crompton Urban District CouncU. War Work : Chairman of the MUitary Service Tribunal, War Pensions Committee, Food Control Committee, and War Savings Committee. Addresses: 31, College Road, Oldham ; East Crompton, Shaw, Lancs. (M1542) CLEGG, BeUa (Rebecca), Mrs, M.B.E. 6. 28 Nov. 1848 ; d. of Joseph Sills, of Orsett, Essex ; to. the late Harry Clegg, J.P, D.L, A.C.C.. Plas Llanfair, Anglesey, s. of Kay Clegg, Solicitor, of Oldham, Lancs. Chairman of District Nursing Association; Vice-Chairman, Biyn Menai Nursing Home; on Committee, North Wales Nursing Association ; Board of Governors, Carnarvonshire and Anglesey Infirmary. War Work : Commandant of Bodlendch AuxiUary Hospital, Menai Bridge, 1915-19. Address : Bryn Llwyd, Menai Bridge, Anglesey. Clubs : Ladies' Imperial : Empress. (M1543) CLEGG, EUzabeth, Mrs, M.B.E. War Work: Joint Hon. Sec, Central Advisory Committee (Care Committee), Royal Dublin FusUiers, Dublin. Address : 11, Kemlworth Road, DubUn. (M3576) CLEGG, Ethel Theodora, M.B.E, fi. 12 March, 1891 ; d. of Leonard Johnson Clegg, of Sheffield. Educ. : The Grange, Buxton ; Vevey, Switzerland. War Work : Joined Women's Legion, MiUtary Cooking Section, Aug. 1916; worked at Folkestone Rest Camps until transferred to Headquarters Chatham Garrison Feb. 1918 ; promoted Deputy ControUer, Eastern Command, Feb. 1918 ; transferred to Q.M.A.A.C. Headquarters Staff, Eastern Command, London, 191 9 ; demobi- Used Nov. 1919. Address: West Hey, Whiteley Wood, Sheffield. (M1544) CLEGG, Fanny, M.B.E. War Work : From Aug. 1914, to Jan. 1919, engaged in voluntary work amongst the wives and dependants of Soldiers and Sailors, first through the Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Assn.. and later the War Pensions Com mittee. Address : Walmsley House, Rochdale. (M7697) CLEGG, Herbert Edmund, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. CLEGG, Comm. John Harry Kay, O.B.E, R.X. CLEGG, Margaret Penelope, M.B.E, 6. 7 Nov. 1846 ¦ d. of Walter Clegg, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.S.A, of Boston, Lincoln shire. Educ. : Privately. War Work : 4i years Comman dant of the Red Cross AuxiUary Hospital, Holden House, Boston, Lines. ; Officer-in-charge of Surgical Clinic for Dis charged SaUors and Soldiers, under the Ministry of Pensions East Midlands Centre. Address : Portarlington, Carlton Road, Boston, Lines. (M243) CLEGG, Capt. Robert Edward, M.B.E, SA.S.C CLEGG, Capt. Sydney James, O.B.E, RAM C (T F ) CLEGG, Lieut. Thomas Harry, M.B.E, M.C. CLEGG, Sir WiUiam Edwin, Kt. Bach, C.B.E, J.P. for the West Riding of Yorkshire and City of Sheffield, LL D (honoris causa), Sheffield University, 6. 21 AprU 1852 • s of WiUiam Johnson Clegg, of Cliffe Tower, Sheffield. Educ '¦ Sheffield and Gainford, near Darlington. Ex-Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1898-99 ; Alderman of the City ; Member bf the Sheffield Town Trust : Chairman of the Sheffield Education Committee ; Corporation Tramways Committee ; Sheffield Licensing Committee ; Member of the CouncU of the Sheffield University ; Chairman of the AppUed Science Committee of the Sheffield University ; Member and Treasurer of the Derwent VaUey Water Board. War Work : Propaganda work In connection with recruiting ; Chairman of the Sheffield MUitary Tribunal ; Chairman of the Sheffield District Munitions Court under the Munitions of War Acts ; Chairman of the Court of Referees for the Yorkshire, and East Midlands Division, under the Ministry of Labour (Employment Department). Clubs ¦ National Liberal ; Sheffield ; Sheffield Reform. (C463) 120 CLELAND. Sir Charles, K.B.E, M.V.O, D.L, J.P 6. 15 AprU, 1867 ; «. of Charles Cleland, of BonvUle, Mary hffi : m. Jessie Houston, d. of William Burrell, of Elmbank, Bowling. Educ : Glasgow Academy, and privately. Chair man, Glasgow Education Authority ; Income Tax Commissioner for City of Glasgow ; Chairman, Glasgow Unionist Association. War Work : Chairman, Glasgow Local War Pensions Com mittee ; Chairman, South West of Scotland Joint (Disable ment) Committee. Address : BonvUle, MaryhiU, Glasgow. Clubs Conservative ; Scottish Constitutional, Glasgow. (K16) CLELAND, John Storkwyn, M.B.E. (M10337) CLEMENS, Major Lionel AUred, O.B.E, M.C. CLEMENT, Sir Thomas, K.B.E, Chairman of the Cheese and Butter Department, Ministry of Food. (K207) CLEMENTI, Marie Penelope Rose, Mrs, M.B.E.; d. of Vice-Admiral C. J. Eyres, R.N, D.S.O, of Denmark House, Rochester ; to. Cecil, s. of the late Colonel Montagu Clementi. War Work : President of British Guiana War ReUef Needle work GuUd (affiliated to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild). Address : Denmark House, Rochester. (M6427) CLEMENTS, Dora, Mrs, O.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C CLEMENTS, Wing Com., Edward Cecil, O.B.E, R.A.F, M.S. Ophthalmic Surgeon, Lincoln County Hospital. War Work : Major, R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Squadron Leader, R.A.F. Med. Service. Address : 3, Lindum Road, Lincoln. (O9620) CLEMENTS, Fred, M.B.E. CLEMENTS, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Frederick James, M.B.E, CLEMENTS, Major Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 23 Aug. 1868; s. of the late Frank Clements, of Lngham, Norfolk ; m. Fanny Bartley, d. of the late Samuel WeUer, of East Grinstead. Educ. : Privately. Served continuously in the Durham Light Infantry since May, 1887. War Work : Served on the Staff Headquarters, Second Army, France, and also with the Italian Expeditionary Force from Jan. 1917, to AprU, 1919 ; mentioned in despatches, London Gazette, 1st Jan. 1919 ; awarded Croce di Guerra (ItaUan), Dec. 1 918. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt and Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, S.W. (02911) CLEMENTS, Lieut, and Quartermaster WiUiam Joseph, M.B.E, 6. 8 Dec. 1887; m. Jessie HatherU, d. of the late John Handy, of Cardiff. Educ: Grocers' Company School. Insur-. ance Official ; served in Grenadier Guards. War Work : Joined and helped to form 10th Batt. Royal FusUiers (Stock Exchange Batt.) in 1914, with rank of R.Q.M. Sergt. ; proceeded with them to France in 1915, and remained with them until May, 1917, with the exception of a few months in 1916, when temporarily attached to the 13th Batt. The Rifle Brigade, as Quartermaster ; promoted to Lieut, and Quartermaster to 13th Batt. The Rifle Brigade in May 1917, and remained with that Brigade until demobiUsation May, 1919. Address: 15, Lupus Street, S.W. 1. (M4449) CLEMISHAW, 2nd. Lieut. John, M.B.E, R.E. CLEMSON, FUght-Lieut. AUred WiUiam, O.B.E, DS.C CLERICI, Major Charles John EmUe, CLE, O.B.E, R.E, fi. 1877 ; s. ot Ernest Clerici, of Milan, Italy ; m. Constance Jessie d. of Yates Brooks, of Victoria, Australia. Assistant Director-General, Posts and Telegraphs of India. War Work : Served in Mesopotamia, 1914-20 ; Director of Postal Services, 'Iraz and Persian Lines of Communication ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Colpelly, Abbott Street, Sandringham, Pretoria, Austraha. (02267) CLERK, Sir Dugald, K.B.E, D.Sc, LL.D, F.R.S., J.P. 6. 31 March, 1854 (see Burke's Peerage) ; s. of the late Donald Clerk, of Glasgow ; m. Margaret, d. of the late Alex. Hannay, of Westburn, Helensburgh, N.B. Educ : Anderson's CoUege, Glasgow ; Yorkshire CoUege of Science, Leeds. CivU Engineer ; inventor and investigator in internal combustion engines since 1876 ; member of the University Grants Committee. War Work : Chairman, Royal Society, Engineering Section Com mittee for War, 1914-19 ; member of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ; Chairman, Internal Combustion Engine Sub-Com. of that body ; member, Air Inventions Committee ; member of Panel Board of Invention and Research ; director of Engineering Research, Admiralty Engineering Laboratory, 1916-19. Addresses : Lukyns, Ewhurst, Surrey ; 57-58, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. 2. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Reform ; Royal AutomobUe ; Royal Clyde Yacht. (£15) CLERK, Lieut.-Col. Robert Mildmay, O.B.E. Hon. Sec, Somerset Branch of the Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Associ ation. (011899) CLERKE, Major Augustus Basil Holt, C.B.E, fi. 1871 ; s. of Col. ShadweU H. Clerke, formerly Roy. Scots ; m. Mabel, d. of J. Seymour Salaman. Educ. : Cheltenham ; R.MA. Major R.A. (ret.) ; Managing Director of Hadnelds • (Limited), of Sheffield ; appointed Assist. Inspector of Steel, 1889 ; Ch. Inspector, Ordnance CoU. 1905 ; Inspector, Roy. Arsenal, Woolwich 1918. Club: United Service. (C131) CLEVELAND, Major Arthur John, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. CLEVELAND, Sir Charles Raitt, K.C.I.E, K.B.E., Director of Central InteUigence , India, since 1910 ; 6. 1866 ; m. Mary Kathleen, d. of Col. W. T. Hogg. Educ : Christ's ColL, Finchley ; BaUiol CoU, Oxford. Entered Indian CivU Service, 1885 ; Assistant Commissioner, C.P, 1887 ; Settlement Officer, 1891 ; Commissioner of Excise, 1894 ; Deputy Commissioner, 1897; Inspector-General PoUce, C.P, India, 1900; D.C.I, 1910; King's PoUce Medal, 1909. Address: Simla and Calcutta, India. Clubs : East India United Service ; United Service, Simla ; Bengal, Calcutta. (K46' BIOGRAPHIES. Clutterbuck CLIBBON, Peroy Gordon, M.B.E, R.N. CLIFF, Capt. Arthur, O.B.E. CLIFF, Edith Maud, O.B.E. CLIFFORD, Elizabeth Lydia RosabeUe, Lady, C.B.E. : d. of the late Edward Bonham, Consul at Calais, and w. of Henry PhiUp Ducarel de la Pasture (see Burke's Peerage, Foreign Titles) ; to. 24 Sept. 1910, Sir Hugh Charles, K.C.M.G, s. of Sir Henry Hugh CUfford, V.C, K.C.M.G, C.B, and g. s. of the 7th Baron CUfford of Chudleigh (see Burke's Peerage). (C390) CLIFFORD, Lieut.-Col. Ernest Stanley, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of Samuel Le Poer Trench Clifford, a judge of Punjab. Joined Punjab Light Horse, 1896 ; served in S. Africa, 1900, with Lumsden's Horse; 1901, as Lieut. W. Australian Mounted Inf. ; in charge of W. AustraUan Scouts ; present at action of Moore Vlej ; capture of Bettah Com mando (despatches) ; Major and T. Lieut.-Col. Canadian Forces ; Assist. Provost Marshal. (O7902) CLIFFORD, Col. Ernest Thomas, C.B.E, V.D, R.E. (T.F.) ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1516) CLIFFORD, Brig.-Gen. Walter Rees, C.B.E. Col. and Hon. Brig.-Gen. (retired) : served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1517) CLIFFORD, Major WiUiam Henry, O.B.E. CLIFT, Agnes, Mrs., M.B.E. CLIFT, Surg.-Comm. Hugh, O.B.E, R.N. CLIFT, James Augustus, C.B.E, K.C, 6. 1857 ; s. of Theodore Clift, merchant, of St. John's. Newfoundland. Bar, Newfoundland 1884, and K.C. 1904 ; Vice-Chm. of Standing Committee of Patriotic Assoc, and a Member of Pensions Board and Mil. Board; elected to Newfoundland Parliament 1889. Address: St. John's, Newfoundland. (C383) CLIFT, Lieut. George Neilson, M.B.E, R.A.F. CLIFT, John George Neilson, M.B.E. (M3365) CLIFT, MUdred, M.B.E. CLIFTON, Major Arthur John, O.B.E, Durham L.I, 6. 27 Jan. 1887 ; s. of the late James CUfton, of Cheltenham, Glos. Educ : Privately. Inspector of Armoured Motor Batteries in India. War Work : Pioneer of the armoured car in India ; played a leading part in organising armoured motor batteries for use in India and on the north-west frontier of India ; Commanded A.M. Batts. on all operations on the N.W.F. between 1915 and 1919 ; author of first official manual on A.M. Tactics ; mentioned in despatches six times ; awarded O.B.E, Croix de Guerre with palm (French), and Brevet Majority. Addresses : Hazle Dean, Cheltenham ; c/o Army Headquarters, Simla, Lndia. Clubs : R.A.C. ; various Indian. (02366) CLIFTON, Rev. Edward James, O.B.E. CLIFTON, Capt. Ernest HamUton, O.B.E. CLINCH, Sidney Herbert, M.B.E. CLINCKETT, Robert James, M.B.E, 6. 30 May, 1846 ; s. of Robert Clinckett, of Barbados W.I. Educ. : Privately. Official Assignee. War Work : Treasurer for British,' French and Belgium Red Cross Societies ; Local ControUer of Clearing Office under Peace Treaty Order, 1919. Address : Strath- clyde, Bridgetown, Barbados, W.I. (M2933) CLINE, Major John George, O.B.E, Can. M.G.C CLINKARD, Lieut. Charles Ernest, M.B.E. CLIPPERTON, EUa EUzabeth, Mrs. Charles BeU ChUd, CLITHEROW, Col. John Bourchier STRACEY-, C.B.E. CLIVE, Major Harry, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 7 May, 1880 ; s. of Col. R. C CUve, V.D, D.L, of Gravenhunger HaU, Woore, Crewe ; m. Dorothy, d. of Joseph Clive, of Combe Flory, Somerset. Educ. : Newcastle ; Staffordshire. Porcelain Manufacturer ; Merchant (Raw Materials). War Work : MobUised 5th N. Staffs Regt, Aug. 1914 ; overseas, 46th Division, Feb. 1915 ; Staff Capt. North Midland Brigade ; D.A.Q.M.G. Headquarters Northern Command, York. Address : Ela's Gorse, WUloughbridge, Market Drayton, Salop. (O7004) CLOETE, Col. Evelyn Rivers Henry Josias, C.B.E. Col. R.A. (ret.) : Soudan, 1885 (medal with clasps, bronze star) ; served in the Great War, 19] 4-19 (despatches). (C807 CLOGSTOUN, Capt. Herbert Cunningham, CLE, O.B.E, fi. 1857 ; s. of Major Herbert Mackworth Clogstoun. V.C; m. 1885, Emily Ursula Anne, who died 1907, d. of Maj.-Gen. A. Hoseason, Madras Armv. Educ. : Wellington CoU. Was in Bengal PoUce, 1882-87; Special Assist, to Bengal Govt. 1887-91; employed under Foreign Depart, of Govt, of India in Rajputana and Central India, 1891-1906 ; has been Tutor to Maharajah Holkar of Indo, and Police Assist, Rajputana ; retired 1912 ; is T. Capt. in the Army. (O5109) CLOGSTOUN, Capt. Herbert Prinsep Somers, M.B.E. R.A.F. CLONBROCK, Augusta CaroUne, Baroness, O.B.E, 6 1839 ; d. of the late Edward, 2nd Baron Crofton ; m. the late Luke Gerald, 4th Baron Clonbrock (see BURKE'S Peerage). President of G.F.S, and of Mothers' Union, Dioceses KiUaloe, Clonfert, etc. ; President, Ladies Committee Mount Bellew Workhouse, and of Co. Galway Assn. for Promotion of Temper ance ; started, and for many years President, Clonbrock and Castlegar Poultry Society. War Work: President, Co. Galway War Fund Association. Address : Clonbrock, Ahas- cragh, Ireland. (010156) „ CLOSE, Col. Sir Charles (Frederick), K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, F.R.S, 6. 10 Aug. 1865 ; s. of Maj.-Gen. F. Close, R.A., of Shanklin ; to. Gladys Violet, d. of Theodore Percival, of Shanklin. Educ. : Jersey and Royal Military Academy. Commissioned in R.E, 1884 ; on Survey of India, 1889-94 ; in charge Niger-Cameroon Boundary Survey, 1895 ; British Commissioner, Nyasa-Tanganyika Boundary Commission, 1898 : S. African War, 1900 ; Chief Instructor in Surveying, Chatham,:1902-05 ; Head of Geographical Section, General Staff, 1905-1911; Director General, Ordnance Survey, 1911 ; Halley Lecturer, Oxford, 1914 ; Boundary Commissioner under Representation of the People Bill, 1917. War Work : During the war the Ordnance Survey was the main source of supply for the millions of trench and other maps required by the British Armies on the Western Front. Addresses : Ordnance Survey, Southampton ; Coytbury, St. GUes's HU1, Winchester. Club : Army and Navy. (K56) CLOSE, EUa, O.B.E. CLOSE, Lieut.-Col. Francis Morton, O.B.E, B.E. CLOSE, Harold Arden, CLE, C.B.E, 6. 13 Dec. 1863; s. of Gen. H. P. Close, Bombay Staff Corps ; to. Edith Mary, d. of W. A. Robinson. Educ. : Cheltenham. Appointed to Indian Police in 1884 ; Inspector-General, North West Frontier Province, 1909-20. War Work : Served on Indian North west Frontier throughout the War ; received King's Police Medal in 1917. Address : Peshawar, Branksome Park, Bournemouth. Club : E.I.U.S. (C1070) CLOSE, Rev. Richard Bevill Middleton, O.B.E, M.A, R.A. CLOTHIER, Lieut. Frederick Nelson, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. CLOUGH, Frederic Horton, C.B.E. CLOUGH, Major Henry Kenny, O.B.E, 6. 19 Dec. 1876 ; s. of the late Rev. John Clough, M.A, Rector of WUford, Nottinghamshire ; m. Mabel Grace, d. of the late Rev. C A. Hodgson, B.A, Rector of Barton-in-Fabis, Nottinghamshire. Educ. : Repton. Commissioned in Regular Army, and appointed to The King's Own Regiment, 4 May, 1898. War Work : Adjutant, 3rd BattaUon The Kings' Own Regt. ; 2nd in Command 2nd Battalion The King's Own Regt. ; in Command 2nd Battalion The King's Own Regt. ; with British Expedi tionary Force, France ; wounded May, 1915 ; Deputy Assistant, Adjutant-General at Headquarters, Northern Command, March 1916, to Feb. 1920. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, London, S.W. 1. Club : Cocoa Tree. (O7006) CLOUGH, WUUam, M.B.E. CLOUSTON, Lieut. Noel Stewart, O.B.E, R.E. CLOUSTON, Thomas Harold, O.B.E, 6. 1875 ; s. of Sir Thomas S. Clouston, of Edinburgh (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Ada Mary Stuart, d. of Major-Gen. A. A. Bruce, of Edin burgh. Educ : Merchiston School, and Roy. School of Mines, Lond. Mining Engineer. War Work : Section Director of Trench Warfare Dept, and later of Dept. of Engi neering. Address : Langskaill, Church Road, Wimbledon, S.W. Clubs : Union ; R.A.C. : Royal Wimbledon Golf. (010157) CLOUT, Capt. Charles WUUam, M.B.E. CLOUX, Frank Louis Whitmarsh, M.B.E, A.R.I.B.A, fi. 27 Aug. 1885 ; s. of P. F. L. Cloux, of Folkestone ; m. Hilda, d. of T. B. Woodfall, of Dulwich. Educ. : Harvey Grammar School, Folkestone. Assistant Architect in H.M. Office of Works. War Work : Engaged upon design and erection of buildings, etc, used for war purposes. Address : Gables, East Dulwich Grove, S.E. 24. (M7701) CLOVER, Major Edgar, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. CLOVER, Capt. Frederiok WiUiam, M.B.E. CLOVER, Margaret Dorothy, Mrs., M.B.E. CLOW, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam, C.B.E. CLOWER, William, O.B.E. CLOWES, Edith EmUy, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of George, Warren, of Woolton, Liverpool ; m. Peter Legh Clowes, of Burton Court. War Work : Acting Hon. Sec. County Branch B.R.C, 1915-16 ; County Agricultural and Horticultural organisation and Committee work for food production ; Dis trict Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association. Address : Burton Court, Eardisland, Herefordshire. (M244) CLOWES, Ethel Robin, O.B.E. CLOWES, Mary Knight, O.B.E. CLOWES, Nina Maud Dacre, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of E. Sparshall WUlett, M.D, J.P, of Wyke House, Isleworth; to. WUliam Archibald Clowes. War Work : Hon. Organising Sec Surbiton War Hospital Supply Depot ; Hon. Superin tendent Surbiton Y.M.C.A. Hut. Address : Berwyn, Ditton Hill, Surbiton. (010159) CLUBB, Leonard, O.B.E. CLUCAS, Capt. AUred Henry, M.B.E. CLUETT, Alfred WilUam Ayers, M.B.E. CLUMECK, Marie, M.B.E, 6. 6 Sept. 1886 ; d. of Abraham Frankel, of Singapore ; to. Victor, s. of Nathaniel Clumeck, of Egypt. Educ. : French Convent, and Raffles Girls' School, Singapore. War Work : British Red Cross, and Star and Gartar. Address : Waringa HiU, 2, Paterson Road, Singapore. (M1257) CLUTTERBUCK, Major Lewis St. John Rawlinson, O.B.E, R.A, fi. 30 June, 1884 ; s. of Col. L. A. Clutterbuck. Educ. : Bath College ; R.M.A, Woolwich, Inspector, Inspection Dept, Woolwich Arsenal ; Military InteralUed Commission of Control in Germany. Address: c/o Messrs. Cox & Co. 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. (03659) CLUTTERBUCK, MilUe Gertrude, M.B.E. CLUTTERBUCK, Peter Henry, CLE, C.B.E. ft. 1868 ; s. of the late Alexander Clutterbuck (see Burke's Peerage, Barrow, Bt.) ; m. 1896, Rose Wimfred, d. of AUred Barrow 121 Clutterbuek THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Wilson Marriott. Formerly Dist. Sup. of PoUce, Central Pro vinces, India. Entered Indian Forest Service, 1899 ; became Dep. Conservator, 1897 ; Conservator, 1913 ; has been Ch. Conservator of United Provinces since 1915 ; has Kaisir-i-Hind Medal. Address : Nairn Tal, United Provinces, India. (C2375) CLUTTERBUCK, Sydney Ernest, M.B.E, CLUVER, Paul Dietrich, O.B.E. ,,,,„„„_. CLYDESDALE, Alexander M'AUster, M.B.E. (M10378) COALES, Capt. Herbert WalUs, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. COAST, Ernest Frederick, M.B.E. COATES, Major Christopher George, O.B.E, 6. 1883 ; s. of Joseph Coates, of Hampstead. Chartered Accountant. Addresses : 26, WUloughby Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. ; 18, Rue Chauveau-Lagarde, Paris. (02972) COATES, David Wilson, C.B.E.. 6. 1886 ; s. of Fletcher Coates, of Broadwater, Beckenham ; m. 1 913, Mabel, d. of the late Thomas Goodley, of KnapweU, Cambridgeshire. Educ. : St. John's Coll, Camb. (B.A. and LL.B. 1907, M.A. 1911). A partner in firm of EUes, Salaman, Coates & Co, chartered accountants ; appointed Chief Accountant, Coal Mines Depart, Board of Trade 1917, and Financial Sec. 1919. Address : Hughenden, Cator Road, Sydenham, S.E. Club : St. Stephen's. (C464) COATES, Capt. Edward CUve, O.B.E. COATES, Ernest, M.B.E. COATES, Lieut.-Comm. Joseph Edward, O.B.E, R.N.V.R, COATES, Lieut. Joseph Michael Smith, O.B.E, M.G.C COATES, Lavinia, O.B.E. COATES, R. H., M.B.E. COATES, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, O.B.E. COATES, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Seymour, O.B.E. COATES, Col. WiUiam, C.B, C.B.E, V.D, D.L, County Palatine, Lancashire. Chairman, East Lancashire Branch, B.R.C.S. War Work : A.D.M.S, Western Command ; Chairman, East Lancashire Branch, B.R.C.S. ; and of TotaUy Disabled SaUors' and Soldiers' Homes. Addresses : Lngleside, WhaUey Range, Manchester ; 17, Market Street, Manchester. (C2522) COATS, Marie Jeanne, Lady, O.B.E, Lady of Grace St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 20 March, 1860 ; d. of Charles Henri Oldam, Member of CouncU General of Basse Alsace ; m. James, 8. of the late Sir Peter Coats, of Auchendrane, Scotland (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Equipped 30 HiU Street, Berkeley Square, as a Hospital for 22 to 25 Officers, and main tained it for 3 vears. Address ; 7, Place Malesherbes, Paris, France. (010161) COBB, Major Charles, O.B.E. COBB, Sir Cyril Stephen, K.B.E, M.V.O, M.A, B.C.L. M.P. (Coalition) West Fulham, since 1918 ; Chairman of the London County CouncU, 1913-14: Barrister-at-Law ; 6. 1861. Address : 5, CornwaU Terrace, N.W. (K136) COBB, Col. Henry Frederiok, C.B.E, F.S.I, 6. 11 March, 1881 ; ... of Herbert Mansfield Cobb, C.B.E, of Mock- beggar, near Rochester ; m. Annie Margaret ; d. of Edwin Walter Wix, of 1, Old Court Mansions, Kensington. Educ. : Rugby. Fellow of Surveyors' Institution ; FeUow of Auc tioneers' Institute. War Work : Chief Valuer and Compensa tion Officer to Directorate of Lands of War Office, Ministry of Munitions, Air Force, Disposal Board ; Member of various committees. Addresses: 5, Rutland House, Kensington, W. 8 ; 61 & 62, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C CZufis : Windham ; Roe hampton. (C2089) COBB, Lieut. Henry Percy, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. COBB, Henry Venn, C.S.I, CLE, C.B.E, M.A, LL.B, 6. 24 Aug. 1864 ; s. ot the late Rev. Clement F Cobb, M.A, late of Teston, near Maidstcne, Kent. Educ. : King's School, Canterbury ; Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Indian CivU Service ; British Resident in Mysore ; and Chief Com missioner of Coorg, India. War Work : In Kashmir, Mysore, Bangalore and Coorg ; received medal from the Govt, of India for Voluntary War Work in India, 1914-19 ; also medal from the Commander-in-Chief in India, for recruiting work during the war ; also MedaiUe de la reconnaissances Francaise from the French Govt, for work in aid of la Croix rouge Fran caise ; worked also as a volunteer for three months in the Ministry of Munitions. Address : 1, St. James's Street, London, S.W.I. CZKfis: East India U.S. ; Bath. (C1959) COBB, Herbert Mansfield, C.B.E. Hon. Adviser to War Office and Ministry of Munitions, on Land Questions. (C465) COBB, Prof. John WilUam, C.B.E, fi. 6 Feb. 1873 ; s. of James Cobb, of Leeds ; m. AUce, d. of John Eadie, of Pais ley. Educ. : Modem School, Leeds ; Yorkshire CoUege, Leeds. Livesey Professor of Coal Gas and Fuel Industries in the University of Leeds. War Work : Deputy Inspector, High Explosives (Leeds Area) ; chemical control of Benzene and Toluene production from gas works, Yorks. and Lincolnshire ; Adviser on Furnaces to Dept. of Glassware Production, Ministry of Munitions. Address : University, Leeds. (C942) COBB, Robert Bennett, M.B.E. COBB, Monica Mary GEIKIE-, M.B.E, B.A. (Lond.), fi. 8 March, 1891 ; d. of Rev. Dr. Geikie-Cobb, of St. Ethel- burga's Church, Bishopsgate. Educ. : Queen's CoU, Harley Street ; Univ. CoU. University of London. War Work : Joint Sec Professional Classes War Relief CouncU for reUeving distress occasioned by the war amongst the professional classes. Addresses: 40, Cathcart Road, S.W. 10; Rishaugles, Eye, Suffolk. (M7704) COBBOLD, Alfred Townshend, O.B.E, 6. 4 Nov. 1852 ; s. of Rowland Townshend Cobbold, of Dedham, Essex; m. AUce Bessie, d. of Robert Lindley Nunn, of Ipswich. Educ. : Felsted. SoUcitor. Clerk of the Peace for East Suffolk and for West Suffolk ; Clerk of the East and West Suffolk County CouncUs ; Clerk to the Lieutenancy for Suffolk (Honorary). -War Work : Sec. East and West Suffolk Appeal Tribunals ; Hon. Sec. East Suffolk War Relief Committee ; Member of West Suffolk War ReUef Committee ; Special Constable, East Suffolk ; Hon. Treas. Bramford War Savings Committee. Address: Bramford House, nr. Ipswich. Clubs: County, Ipswich ; West Suffolk County, Bury St. Edmunds. (O10162) COBBOLD, Herbert St. George, C.B.E. COBDEN, AUred Sydney, M.B.E. COBDEN, Major George Gough, O.B.E. COBURN, Marmaduke Robert, O.B.E. COCHRAN, Alexander, C.B.E, M.I.N.A, 6. 1879. Educ. : Shrewsbury Sch. ; Chairman and Managing Director Burn & Co. (Limited), of Calcutta ; Chairman Indian Don and Steel Co. (Limited) of Calcutta, and other companies. Address: Cal cutta. Clubs : Oriental ; Royal Dorset Yacht ; Bengal (Calcutta). (C1960) COCHRAN, Dora Alexandrina, M.B.E, V.A.D. COCHRANE, Andrew, O.B.E. COCHRANE, Blair Onslow, O.B.E. COCHRANE, Edith Rose, M.B.E. ; d. of Henry Cochrane, of The Longlands, Middlesbro'. Educ. : Ladies CoU, Bath. Treas. War Savings Association. War Work : Naval and Military War Pensions ; War Savings ; Work on Land ; Voluntary Workers' Organisation. Address : The Hawthorns, Loftus in Cleveland, Yorkshire. (M7706) COCHRANE, Ethel, M.B.E. ; d. of Henry Cochrane, of The Longlands, Middlesbro'. Educ. : Ladies' CoU, Bath. Sec. War Savings Association. War Work : Naval and MUitary War Pensions ; War Savings ; Work on Land ; Voluntary Workers' Organisation. Address : The Hawthorns, Loftus in Cleveland, Yorkshire. (M7707) COCHRANE, Ethel Isabel Virginia, Mrs, M.B.E. COCHRANE of CULTS, Gertrude JuUa Georgina, Lady, O.B.E, d. of 6th Earl of Glasgow (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Thomas Horatio Arthur Ernest, 1st Baron Cochrane, s. of the 11th Earl of Dundonald (see Burke's Peerage). Address : Crawford Priory, Cupar, Fife. (010163) COCHRANE, Hon. Katherine EUzabeth, M.B.E. COCHRANE, Major (acting Lieut.-Col.) Robert CecU, C.B.E, F.R.CV.S, R.A.V.C, 6. 11 May, 1871 ; s. of John Cochrane, M.A, T.C.D, J.P, of Combermore, Lifford, Co. Donegal, Deland ; m. LUy Holmes, d. of Oliver Tennant, of Bethlehem, O.R.C, South Africa. Educ. : Privately. Royal Army Veterinary Corps. Served throughout South African War, Oct. 1899 to 1902 ; mentioned in despatches ; served throughout the Great War in France, Italy, and at home. Address : Ardavon, Westcombe Park Road, Blackheath. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C2090) COCHRANE, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Henry, M.V.O, O.B.E, 6. 1867 ; e. s. of the late Rev. Thomas Cochrane ; m. 1909, Jeanie, d. of the late WilUam Wilkin Lumb, of Meadow House, Whitehaven. Entered R.E. 1888 ; became Capt. 1898 ; Major, 1906 ; Lieut.-Col. 1914 ; was an Inspector of Don Structures at Headquarters, 1905-9. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (O7009) COCHRANE, Capt. WiUiam Percy, O.B.E. COCK, Edward, M.B.E. COCK, James Wearne, M.B.E. COCKBURN, Capt. Clarence Beaufort, O.B.E. (Mil), 6. 14 Jan. 1892 ; s. of Lestock W. Cockburn, M.D, of HamUton, Ontario, Canada. Educ. : Trinity CoUege School, Port Hope, Canada ; and R.M.C, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. War Work : Served in France and Belgium from Aug. 1914, to Sept. 1919. | Address : c/o Sir C. R. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, Panton Street, Haymarket. Club : Northern Counties. (02475) COCKBURN, Major David, O.B.E, 6. 29 July, 1860 ; 8. of WiUiam HamUton Cockburn, of HamUton. Educ. : St. John's Grammar School, HamUton, and Glasgow University. SoUcitor, and Joint County Clerk of Dumbartonshire. War Work : Secretary, Dumbartonshire Territorial Force Associa tion ; Executive Officer, Food Control Committee for County of Dumbarton ; Acting County Adjutant, Dumbartonshire Volunteers ; Joint Hon. Treasurer, Local War Pensions Com mittee for County of Dumbarton ; Joint Hon. Sec, County of Dumbarton CivU ReUef Fund ; Member of Committee of Dumbartonshire Branch, British Red Cross Society ; Burgh of Dumbarton War Relief Committee ; County of Dumbarton Fund for ReUef of Disabled and Wounded Soldiers ; Dumbarton and Alexandria Local Employment Committee ; Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association. Address : Netherton, Dumbar ton. Club : Conservative, Glasgow. (01222) COCKBURN, Dorothy, M.B.E. COCKBURN, Major Ernest Radcliffe, O.B.E, 6. 17 Sept. 1875 ; s. of the late Robert Adolphus Cockburn, of Fetcham Lodge, Leatherhead, Surrey ; m. Jean Henderson, d. of George Rodger, of Selkirk. Educ. : Harrow. Joined 3rd Wiltshire Regt, 1894 ; 2nd Batt. Duke of Edinburgh's WUt shire Regt, 1897 ; served South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, 5 clasps, King's medal, 2 clasps) ; promoted Capt, Manchester Regt, for distinguished service in the Field, 1901 ; retired, and appointed Secretary Ayrshire Territorial Force Association, 1912 ; promoted Major and "mentioned, 1917 ; appointed Chief Constable of the County of Ayr, 1919. War Work : Secretary, Ayrshire Territorial Force Association, 122 BIOGRAPHIES. Colbeck administering 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ayrshire Yeomanry ; 1st and 2nd Ayrshire R.H.A. ; 1st, 2nd and 3rd First Lowland Brigade, R.F.A. ; 1st, 2nd and 3rd Fourth Batt. Royal Scots Fusiliers ; 1st, 2nd and 3rd Fifth Batt. Royal Scots FusUiers ; 11th and 12th Batt. Royal Scots Fusiliers. Address : Headquarters, County Constabulary, Ayr. Club : Army and Navy. (01223) COCKBURN, Brig.-Gen. George, C.B.E, D.S.O. (late Rifle Brigade), fi. 9 Jan. 1856 ; s. of Admiral J. H. Cookburn ; m. Alice Lindsay, cf. of HazeU RodweU, of Ipswich. Educ. : Eton. Served in Rifle Brigade, 1876-1905. War Work : A.A. & Q.M.G, 1st London Territorial Division ; Commanded 43rd Light Infantry Brigade (New Army) ; Commanded Reserve Brigade (18th), Ripon Camp ; and Tay Defences. Club : Naval and MUitary. (C1519) COCKBURN, George Bertram, O.B.E. COCKBURN, Major George Ernest, O.B.E. COCKBURN, James Lowrie, M.B.E. COCKBURN, John Alexander, M.B.E. COCKBURN, John Henry, O.B.E. ; s. of Charles Cock- burn ; to. Louisa Annie, d. of Anthony Berriman, of Percy House, Pocklington. SoUcitor (Honours) ; Sec. of South Yorkshire Coal Trade Association ; author of the following works ; Law of Coal and other Minerals, Law of Private Rail way Sidings and Trafiic, Law of Checkweiahing. War Work : Sec. of South Yorkshire District Coal Supplies Committee. Address: Rotherham, Yorkshire. Clubs : Constitutional (Lon don) ; Rotherham. (010165) COCKBURN, Major Ronald, O.B.E. R.A.F. COCKBURN, Major Walter George, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. COCKE, Major Thomas Dudley, O.B.E. COCKELL, Major Norman Alexander Lindsey, O.B.E, fi. 21 June, 1865 ; s. of WUliam James, of Simla, India. Educ. : Dulwich and Oxford. President Association of Master Lighter men and Bargeowners (Port of London). War Work : Enlisted as private in Royal FusUiers (regulars) on 6 Sept. 1914 ; severely wounded in June, 1916, at Givenchy (France) ; Hon. Consultant to Ministry of Shipping, 1917-20. Addresses : 56, Rodney Court, W. 9 ; Old Trinity House, E.C. (010166) COCKELL, Lieut-Col. Anthony Stuart BUCKLAND-, O.B.E, M.C. COCKERAM, WiUiam Henry, C.B.E. COCKERELL, Douglas Bennett, M.B.E. COCKERELL, Florence Elizabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. COCKERELL, Lieut.-Col. Frederiok Peyps, O.B.E, M.C. COCKERELL, Major Henry, O.B.E, R.A.F. COCKERELL, John Pepys, O.B.E. COCKERELL, Capt. LesUe Maurice, O.B.E, M.I.M.E, fi. 2 Nov. 1872 ; s. of Sydney John, of Beckenham ; to. Gladys Marguerite, d. of J. H. Stretton, of London. Educ : Privately. Mining Engineer ; travelled in U.S.A., New Zealand, Mexico, Alaska, Canada, BrazU, Guianas, Italy, Spain, Uruguay. War Work : Special work War Office, 2 years ; and subse quently ControUer of Department for Development of Mineral Resources, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 10, FitzGeorge Avenue, London, W. Club : Isthmian. (010168) COCKING, Albert, M.B.E, 6. 18 July, 1893 ; s. of Elwyn James Cocking, of Nottingham. War Work : Church Army Commissioner for Egyptian Expeditionary Force (Egypt and Palestine). Address : 140, Kirkewhite St, Nottingham. (M13) COCKINGTON, Arthur John, O.B.E, 6. 25 March, 1865 ; a. of John Cockington, of Highbury. Educ. : The Central Foundation School, Cowper Street. Assist. Sec. General Medical CouncU. War Work: Acting Registrar, General Medical CouncU, 1914-19, during absence of Registrar on war service. Address : 44, HaUam Street, W. 1. (010169) COCKS, Albert Edward, O.B.E. COCKS, Edward Charles, M.B.E. COCKS, Capt. Robert, M.B.E, A.I.F. COCKS, WiUiam, C.B.E, fi. 1860 ; s. of W. H. Cocks, of Swansea ; m. 1915, EUa Mary, d. of George Webb, of Brighton. Educ. : Privately. An Engineer and Shipbuilder, and Manag ing Director of Channel Dry Docks Co. of Cardiff. Address : Gwithian, Rogermoor Road, Penarth, Glamorganshire. Club : Royal Automobile. (C466) COCKSHOTT, John James, O.B.E, 6. 1847 ; s. of Hargreaves Cockshott, of Preston, Lancashire ; m. Jane, d. of George Kent, of Walton-le-Dale, Lancashire. Educ. : Kirkham Grammar School. SoUcitor. War Work : Chairman of St. John Primary Hospital for Wounded Soldiers at Southport, being the largest Voluntary Hospital for Wounded Soldiers in Great Britain. Address : 31, Queen's Road, Southport. (010170) CODD, Arthur WiUiam, O.B.E, B.A, 6. 8 May, 1863 ; s. of the late John Codd, of Ventnor, I. of Wight ; m. Florence, d. of WiUiam Whitley, late of Woodstock. Educ. ; Privately, and London Univ. Chief Cartographer, Hydrographic Depart ment, Admiralty, S.W. Address : 48, Westbere Road, N.W. 2. ' ~ (03663) CODDINGTON, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Adolphe, D.S.O, CODLING, WUUam Richard, C.B.E, M.V.O, fi. 5 AprU, 1879 ; Educ. : Enfield Grammar School ; King's College, London. CivU Servant. ControUer of H.M. Stationery Office, King's Printer of Acts of Parliament ; Holder, by Letters Patent issued under the Great Seal, of Copyright in aU Government publications. War Work : Served successively in H.M. Stationery Office during the War in the following capacities : Superintendent of Demands ; Superintendent of Publications and Distribution ; Accountant ; Deputy Con troUer; was responsible for the printing of all the Books, Forms. Coupons, and Cards used in the rationing of food in the United Kingdom ; paid three visits of inspection to the Western Front during the War in connection with the Army Printing and Stationery Services. Address : H.M. Stationery Office, West minster, London, S.W. 1. Club : Union. (C467) CODRINGTON, Adela Harriet, Lady, C.B.E,; d. of MelvUle Portal, of Laverstoke, Hants, and Lady Charlotte, daughter of Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Minto ; m. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Alfred Edward Codrington, K.C.V.O, C.B. Member of Rutland County Education Committee ; President of Mothers' Union, Army Division ; Chairman of V.A.D. Selection Board. War Work : Chairman of London Women Patrols Committee. Address : 110, Baton Square, S.W. 1 ; Preston Hall, Upping ham. (02525) CODRINGTON, Major Geoffrey Ronald, D.S.O O.B.E., 6. 13 May, 1888 ; s. of Sir Alfred Edward Codrington, K.C.V.O, C B , (see BURKE'S Peerage) . Maj or in Leicestershire Yeomanry ; was Staff Capt. and D.A.Q.M.G. in the Great War ; has Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus of Italy. (05116) COE, Capt. Charles George, M.B.E, R.A.F COFFEY, Frank WilUam, M.B.E. COGGAN, Robert Denby, O.B.E. COGGAN, William, O.B.E. COGHLAN, Capt. Daniel, O.B.E, A.I.S.A, Medaille d'Honneur (Senior Div.), 6. Feb. 1881 ; s. of Daniel Coghlan, of Skibbereen, Deland. Educ. : Privately. Confidential Sec. (Harrods' Stores). War Work : Joined as a private ; Com missioned in France ; promoted to Capt. ; mentioned in despatches ; thanked by 2nd Army Commander for excellent work performed by his company (126th Armed Labour Coy.) ; awarded MedaUle d'Honneur avec glaives en vermeil by Presi dent of France. Addresses : 5, Cadogan Street, London, S.W. ; Skibbereen, Ireland. (05117) COGHLAN, Lieut. Edward Maurioe Ernest, M.B.E, R F COGHLAN, 2nd Lieut. George Edmond, M.B.E, R.E. COGHLAN, Capt. Gerald Spencer, M.B.E, M.C. COHEN, Hannah Floretta, O.B.E,; d. of Sir Benjamin L. Cohen, Bart, of 30 Hyde Park Gardens, W, and Shoreham, Kent (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Rocdean, and Newnham. War Work : Hon. Treas. West Kent Women's War Agricultural Committee ; Temp. First Division Clerk, H.M. Treasury. Addresses : 18, Albert Court, S.W. ; Shoreham, Kent. Club : Ladies' Univ. (010171) COHEN, Sir Herbert Benjamin, Bart, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 26 AprU, 1874 ; s. of Sir Benjamin Louis Cohen, Bart, (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Hannah MUdred (Nina), d. of Henry Behrens, of 34, Gloucester Square, W. Educ. : Clifton CoU. ; King's CoU, Cambridge. Barrister-at-law ; Governor, St. Bartholomew's Hospital. War Work : Served as Major in 4th Batt. Royal West Kent Regt, 1900-20 ; Embarkation Staff Officer, 1916-19. Addresses : 6, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C 4 ; Sandy Hatch, Hythe, Kent. Club : Junior Carlton. (O7013) COHEN, Marjorie EmmeUne, M.B.E, 6. 1892 ; d. of Benjamin A. Cohen, K.C, of Champions, Limpsfield, Surrey. Educ. : The Manor House, Limpsfield. War Work : Nursing and Quartermaster's duties at Charing Cross Convalescent Home, and Furzedown AuxUiary Hospital, Limpsfield. Address : Champions, Limpsfield, Surrey. (M7711) COHEN, PhiUp, O.B.E, 6. 20 Sept. 1870 ; s. of J. Cohen, of Edgbaston, Birmingham ; to. Ruby, d. of Edward Lee, CC.D.L, of London. Educ : King Edward VI. High School, Birmingham. Solicitor. Consul of Republic of Honduras ; Supt. City Division (Birmingham) St. John Ambulance Brigade. War Work : District Director, 1st Southern General Hospital Command Area ; Enquiry Department for Missing Wounded and Prisoners of War, British Red Cross and Order of St. John. Addresses : 232, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham ; 7, Waterloo Street, Birmingham. (010172) COHEN, Sir Robert WALEY-, K.B.E, 6. Sept. 1877 ; s. of Nathaniel Louis Cohen, of Courtlanas, East Grinstead, and 11, Hyde Park Terrace, W. ; m. Alice Violet, d. of H. E. Beddington, of Hoathersioe, Newmarket, and 15, Hyde Park Sq, W. Educ : Clifton and Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Director, Shell Transport and Trading Co, Ltd. ; Managing Director, Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co, Ltd. War Work : Petroleum Adviser to the War Office. Address : Caen Wood Towers, Highgate, N. 6. Clubs : Reform ; Royal AutomobUe ; Oxford and Cambridge : Musical. (K361) COKAYNE, Capt. Thomas M.B.E. COKE, Major BasU Elmsley, O.B.E, R.E. COKE, Capt. John GUbert de Odingsells, C.B.E, R.N. COKE, Mabel, Lady, M.B.E, y. d. of Thomas WiUiam, 2nd Earl of Leicester, KG, J.P, D.L. (see Burke's Peerage). (M7713) COKE, Phyllis Hermione, Hon. Mrs. Arthur George, M.B.E. COKER, Major Lewis Aubrey, O.B.E, R.F.A, 6. 30 Aug. 1883 ; s. of Col. L. E. Coker. of Bicester House, Oxfordshire ; m. Margaret Rosalys, d. of W. Mirrlees, of Mt. Blow, Cambs. Educ. : Clifton CoU. War Work : Served in France, Belgium, and Macedonia, and Russia ; Mons Star ; Croix de Guerre avec palmes ; St. Stanislaus of Russia, 2nd Class ; three times mentioned in despatches. Ctefis : United Service ; R.A.C. (06793) COLAM, Capt. Rosslyn Leigh, M.B.E. COLBECK, Capt. Charles Edward Beeby, O.B.E, R.N. COLBECK, Major Edumand Harry, O.B.E, M.D. 123 Colbeek THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. COLBECK, Hon. FUght-Lieut. Paul, M.B.E, R.A.F, fi. 1878 ; s. ot the late Edward John Colbeek, of Alexandria, Egypt ; m. Grace Marie, d. of J. Falshaw Hobson, of Durham. Educ. : Sedbergh School. Formerly Electrical Engineer ; Manager of branch for Hubert Davies & Co, Johannesburg, from 1904-15. War Work : Rejoined 2/6th Batt. Northumber land FusUiers as temp. Capt, May, 1915 ; transferred to 2/7th Batt. Northumberland FusUiers as temp. Major, Aug. 1915 ; transferred to R.F.C, now Royal Air Force, Oct, 1917 ; joined Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Jan. 1917 to date. Address : R.A.F. Aircraft Depot, Egypt, Aboukir, Egypt. Club : New, Johannesburg, S. Africa. (M5944) COLBORNE, Christina Johanna PetroneUa, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 1869 ; d. of Louis Auguste Desvages, of Dordrecht, South Africa ; m. E. W. P. Colbome. Educ. : South Africa. War Work : Hon. Sec. Bloemfontein Branch, Victoria League ; Provincial War Relief Executive ; Red Cross Committee ; Hon. Treas. Women's AuxiUary Comrades of the War. Ad dress : Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. (M2875) COLBOURNE, Robert Bertram, M.B.E. COLBOURNE, Walter Sydney, O.B.E, R.N.R. COLBY, Henry James, M.B.E, R.F.A. COLCHESTER, Annie Frances Julia, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 19 Aug. 1872 ; d. of Fleet Paymaster H. T. Nettleton, R.N, M.R.CS.E. ; m. Maurice Herbert, s. of Henry Sparrowe, Colchester, of Ipswich. Educ. : St. Margaret's House, Twickenham; Bedford CoU, York Place, London. War Work : Hon. Sec. Croydon Local War Savings Committee ; Member of National Kitchens, Food Control, and Profiteering Committees (Croydon). Address : Beechcroft, 2, Park HiU Road, Croydon. (M7715) COLCLOUGH, Paymaster-Capt. Beauchamp Urquhart, C.B.E. ; Pavmaster-Com. and Acting Pavmaster-Capt. R.N. ; served inthe Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1919) COLCLOUGH, Capt. WilUam Caesar Sarsfleld, M.B.E, COLDSTREAM, Major John Clayton, O.B.E.. LA. COLDWELL, Major Reginald Charles, O.B.E. COLE, Albert Percy, M.B.E. (M10245ff) COLE, Annie Violet, Mrs, M.B.E. : d. of Col. E. Shaw, LA. ; m. Col. Edward Hearle Cole, C.B, C.M.G. War Work : Organised a Prisoner of War Depot in own house, for four years. Addresses : Dumfries House, Cheltenham ; and Coleyana, Okara, N.W. RaUwav, Punjab. (M7716) COLE, Comm. Archibald Charles, O.B.E.. R.N. COLE, Major Aubrey du Plat Thorold, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 3 June, 1877 ; s. of Canon E. P. Cole, of Bristol. Educ. : Cheltenham and Sandhurst. TTar Work : Served in East Africa tUl May, 1915 ; then Adjutant 1st Lovat's Scouts, with whom served on GaUipoli Peninsula, including evacuation ; Staff Capt, Alexandria, and D.A.Q.M.G. at G.H.Q, German East Africa, 1916-18. Addresses : 23, Great George Street, Bristol ; Abbotsham Court, Bideford . Clubs : Naval and MUitary ; Bath ; Sports ; Royal AutomobUe. (02308) COLE, Charles Henry, M.B.E. COLE, Lieut. Claude WiUoughby, M.B.E. COLE, Lieut.-Col. Cole Edward Cooper, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. COLE, Capt. David Henry, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. COLE, Edward George, M.B.E,. J.P. COLE, Francis Joseph, M.B.E, F.S.I, 6. 21 Aug. 1876. Surveyor. Appointed to the CivU Engineer in Chief's Dept, Admiralty, 1901 ; served at Home Dockyards and Naval Stations abroad, and, during the war, at the Admiralty. Address : 16, Hitherfield Road, Streatham, S.W. 16. (M7717) COLE, Major Fritz WiUiam, M.B.E. COLE, Major Harold Linter, O.B.E, R.E COLE, Lieut. Harold Ralph C, M.B E, COLE, Harold WilUam, C.B.E. COLE, Col. Henry Walter George, C.S.I, O.B.E, IA.. 6. 8 March, 1866 ; s. of late Lieut.-Col. H. H. Cole, R.E. ; to, Mai Kathleen, d. of Col. W. Shapter Hunt, H.L.I. Educ. : WeUington and Sandhurst. Lieut. 5th FusUiers, 1885 ; 2nd K.E.O. Gurkhas, 1888 ; Hazara, 1888 ; Lushai, 1888-89 ; Chiu- lushai, 1889-91 ; N.E. Frontier, 1891 ; Despatches twice, and thanks of Government of India ; Assam Commission, 1891-20 ; Supdt. Lushai Hills, 1905-10 ; PoUtical Agent, Manipur, 1914- 17 ; Director Temporary Works, Delhi, 1912-13 ; Director, Exhibitions Division Dept. Overseas Trade. War Work ¦ Labour Corps, and Labour Commandant 22nd and 2nd Corps, 1917-19; Despatches twice, and O.B.E. Address : Keynsham Manor, Saltford, Somerset. Clubs : United Service ; United Sports. (05119) COLE, Col. Herbert Covington, C.B.E. ; Chief Valuer and Compensation Officer, Land Directorate, War Office. (C468) COLE, James Edward, M.B.E, 6. 8 Nov. 1875 ; s. of James Cole, of Aylesford, Kent ; to. Constance Lavinia, d. of Walter Larkin, of Brenchley, Kent. Educ. : Avlesford. Marine Surveyor. War Work: Technical Assistant under Machinery Construction Department, Ministry of Shipping. Addresses: 223, Boxley Road, Maidstone, Kent; Via AUa Nunziata 18, Genoa. (M7718) COLE, Lieut.-Col. John Albert, O B E -r, 1°hEf, Lj?,ya Edith' O.B.E., 6. 29 Aug. 1869 ; d. of Robert C. Cole, of London. Matron, GrayUngweU Mental Hospital. " (O10173) r, ,C0L& Li%n ,Seymour, Mrs., O.B.E, m. Alfred Clayton Cole. War Work: Commandant of Red Cross Auxiliary Hospital in own Home, West Woodhay House, Berkshire. 124 Addresses : 64, Portland Place, W. ; West Woodhay, nr. New bury. (010174) COLE, Lieut. Lowry Arthur Casamaijor, M.B.E. COLE, Robert CUfford, M.B.E, 6. 13 Feb. 1892 ; s. of Robert Cole, of Staplehurst, Kent ; m. Maisie Isbeth, d. of — FuUer, of Wheatley HiU, Durham. Educ :. Sir A. Judd's Commercial School, Tonbridge ; King's CoU, London. H.M. Office of Works, Head of section hands and Accommodation Division. War Work : Providing accommodation for Govern ment Staffs in London ; Assist, to Sec. of War Cabinet Com mittee on Accommodation ; 2nd Lieut. Royal Marine AxtUlery, Address : WUsley, 134, Headstone Road, Harrow-on-the-HUl, Club : Bloomsbury House, Cartwright Gardens, W.C. (M7719) COLE, Robert Frank, M.B.E, LA. COLE, Seymour, M.B.E, CC, J.P, House and Estate Agent, 6. 6 Feb. 1860 ; s. of Wadham Cole, of Devon and Wolverhampton ; m. Deborah Morgan, d. of J. Dymmock, BuUder, of Redland, Bristol. War Work : Was Hon. Sec. and Officer-in-charge of the Red Cross Hospital Sussex Lodge, Newmarket ; also interested in pubUc affairs, as Chairman of the Urban District CouncU and a Member of the West Suffolk County CouncU ; the Food Committee and Coal Control. Addresses : 5-8, Station Road, and Rutland Cottage, New market. Clubs : Junior Conservative ; Subscription Rooms (Newmarket). (M7720) COLE, Stanton WUding, O.B.E, 6. 1880 ; s. of R. WUding Cole, of Hillside, Puttenham, Surrey ; m. Florence Annie, d. of Dr. Chetwood. Educ. : King's School, Canterbury. Engineer ; Managing Director of Messrs. Burney and Blackburne, Ltd, 38, Conduit Street, London, W. 1. War Work : Manufacture of Stokes Guns ; majority of experimental work on Stokes Gnu Mountings and Trench Warfare, Bombs, Fuses, etc. Address : The Elms, Tongham, Surrey. (010175) COLE, SybU, Mrs., M.B.E. COLE, 2nd Lieut. WUUam, M.B.E, R.A.F. COLE, WUUam George, O.B.E. COLEFAX, Sir (Henry) Arthur, K.B.E, K.C, 6. 1866 ; «. of the late J. S. Colefax, of Bradford ; m. Sibyl, d. ot the late W. S. Halsey, Indian CivU Service. Educ. : Bradford ; Merton CoUege, Oxford ; Strassburg University. SoUcitor- General, Palatine of Durham ; King's Counsel ; formerly M.P, S.W. Manchester. War Work : ControUer of Optical Munitions ; Glassware and Polish Production, under Ministry of Munitions ; work for Admiralty. Address : ArgyU House, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Garrick ; United University. (K362) COLEGRAVE, EUzabeth Violet, Mrs., M.B.E, Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John. War Work : Lady Supt. of H.R.H. Princess Christian's Hospital at Norwood. Addresses : Bracebridge, Norwood ; Denmark Terrace, Brighton. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (M3579) COLEGRAVE, Capt. WilUam Henry, O.B.E, R.D, R.NJt. COLEING, Charles Thomas, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 7 Jan. 1861; 8. of Charles Coleing, of Hampstead Road. Educ. : Univ. CoU. School, London. Draper. War Work : Chairman, War Savings Committee, St. Pancras ; Chairman of Advisory Committee to MiUtary Representative, St. Pancras ; Member of various Employment Committees, London ; Member of Central Profiteering Committee, County of London ; Chair man of L.CC Consultative Committee on Vocational Education for the Distributive Trades. Address : 135, Hampstead Road, N.W. Club : Junior Constitutional. (010176) COLEMAN, Capt. Amos Hubert, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. COLEMAN, Arthur Charles, M.B.E, S. 2 June, 1874; s. of the Rev. E. O. Coleman, of London; m. Dora Isabel, d. of Charles Hope Harris, of Adelaide, S. AustraUa. Educ. : Kingswood School, Lansdown, Bath. Engineer. War Work : Assistant Inspector of Munitions ; subsequently transferred to U.S A, and promoted Deputy Inspector and Inspectoi-in- charge, Pittsburgh district. Address : Grange House, Grange, South AustraUa. (M1553) COLEMAN, Col. George Henry, O.B.E, V.D. COLEMAN, Capt. Patrick Eugene, O.B.E. COLEMAN, Lieut. Patrick Peter, O.B.E, R.N. COLEMAN, Capt. Reginald Ernest, O.B.E. COLEMAN, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Everit, O.B.E. COLEMAN, WilUam Francis, M.B.E, R.N. COLMORE, Capt. Reginald Blayney, O.B.E , R.N. COLERLDGE, EUen Gertrude, Mrs., O.B.E, d. of the late Frederick Swabey, of 69, Pont Street ; m. RenneU Coleridge, 8. of WiUiam RenneU Coleridge, of Salston, Ottery St. Mary. Educ. : (See Burke's Peerage). War Work : Assistant County Director, Devonshire Voluntary Aid Organisation, etc. Addresses : Salston, Ottery St. Mary ; 69, Pont Street, S.W. .001177) COLERIDGE, Frances May, M.B.E. ; d. of Charles C. C. Coleridge, of Plymouth. Educ. : Privately. War Work : 3£ years in.. British Legation, Copenhagen, as stenographer, etc, during the war ; work was of extremely confidential nature ; archivist to Commission Internationale Slesvig during taking of plebiscite under Treaty of VersaiUes. Addresset: 5, Park Road, Wisbech ; 11, Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park, (M3580) COLERIDGE, Col. Hugh Fortesoue, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 11 Jan. 1859 ; s. of Frederick John Coleridge, of Cadbnry, Devon ; m. Kathleen Grace Fane, d. of AdVmiral J. H. Bain bridge. Educ. : R.M.C, Sandhurst. Address : Langstone, Moortown, Tavistock. CJufi ; Naval and Military. (C1520) BIOGRAPHIES. Collins COLERIDGE, Major Percy Lovel, O.B.E, LA. COLES, Lieut. Harry Viotor, M.B.E., Can. M.G.C COLES, Major Lawrence Walter, O.B.E. COLES, Riohard James, C.B.E, ft. 17 Nov. 1862 ; s. of John Thomas Coles, of Bedfont, Middlesex ; m. Dorothy Jane, d. of Walter Henry Dredge, of Kingston, Surrey. Educ. : Oranford HaU School, Middlesex. Civil Servant ; Financial Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Devised system for payment of Army Pensions weekly when war commenced ; appointed Supt. of Army Pension Issue Office early in 1915 ; appointed Asst. Director-General of Finance, Ministry of Pensions, in AprU, 1917 ; appointed Acting Director-General of Finance, in Sept. 1918 ; and Finan cial Asst. Sec, in May, 1920. Addresses : Cromwell House, MiUbank (Ministry of Pensions) ; 32, Lingfield Avenue, King ston, Surrey. (C943) COLES, Walter George, O.B.E. COLES, Capt. John Monok CAMPION-, M.B.E. COLEY, PhiUip, O.B.E. J.P. COLEY, Major WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 13 AprU, 1858 ;^s. of Abram Coley. Educ. : Army Schools. Quartermaster in Royal ArtiUery and Dep6t, Argyll and Sutherland High landers. War Work : Carried out the duties of a quartermaster from first week of the War to the finish. Received special promotion, M.B.E, and thanks of the Government for work performed during the war. Address : Belsize, London Road, Leigh-on-Sea. (M255) COLLARD, Lieut.-Col. and Staff Paymaster Alexander Arthur Lysons, C.B.E, R.A.P.D, 6. 10 June, 1871 ; s. of Rev. Canon J. M. Collard, of Salisbury ; to. Kathleen Louisa, i. of WiUiam C. Turner, Indian Civil Service. Educ : Wood cote House ; Windlesham : ClUton College. War Work : Employed at War Office, Aug. 1914, to March, 1917 : Regi mental Paymaster, No. 2, Preston Army Pay Office, March, 1917, to Sept. 1919. (C1521) COLLARD, Major Alfred Stephen, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 1865 ; s. of James A. Collard, of Liverpool ; m. Florence, d. of James Haigh, of Ledsham, Cheshire. Served with the Soudan Ex pedition, Relief of Gordon, 1885. War Work : Comman ding Officer, British Red Cross, Stretcher-bearers and Orderlies, in France and Belgium, 1914-19 ; mentioned twice in despatches. Addresses : Ledsham HaU, Cheshire ; 169, Gt. Portland St., W. Club : Junior Carlton. (C469) COLLARD, Col. Arthur WilUam, C.B.E. COLLARD, Cecil Wharton, M.B.E. COLLAS, Major Francis Jervoise, O.B.E, M.C. COLLEDGE, Major Francis WUUam, M.B.E. COLLER, Frederick Ernest Watts, O.B.E, 6. 27 March. 1876 ; s. of the late Rev. W. E. Coller, of Manchester ; m. Norah Beatrice, d. of the late James Annandale, of Sholey Bridge, Durham. Educ. : Privately. Shipyard Manager and a Local Director at Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd's. Naval Yard, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Member of the Central Board of the Ship-buUding Employers' Federation ; Member of the Institution of Naval Architects ; Member of the N.E.C Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. War Work : Construction and repairs of vessels for the Royal Navy. Address : Dipton Foot, Riding MiU, Northumberland. (010) COLLES, Paymaster-Lieut. Ernest Dudley Gordon, O.B.E, R.N. COLLET, Lieut. Arthur WiUiam, M.B.E. COLLET, Lieut. Richard Awdrey White, M.B.E, R.A.F. COLLETT, Charles Benjamin, O.B.E, M.LMech.E, ft. 10 Sept. 1871 ; s. of WiUiam CoUett, of London ; to. Ethel- wyn May, d. of Rev. Henry Simon, of London. Educ. : Mer chant Taylors' School and London University. Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer, Great Western Railway. War Work : RaUway work and assistance in the manufacture of Ordnance and Munitions for the Admiralty, War Office, and Ministry of Munitions. Address: 5, Church Place Swindon, Wilts. (01229) COLLETT, Lieut-Comm. John Alsager, O.B.E, R.N. COLLEY, Capt. Thomas Bellasyse, M.B.E. COLLEY, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Harold, O.B.E, 6. 31 July, 1888 : s. of WiUiam Colley, of ToUerton, York. Educ. : St. Peter's, York; Emmanuel CoU, Cambridge. Master, Uppingham School, Rutland. War Work : Served in France and Belgium with 2nd Bu. A.P.W.O. Yorks Regt. ; Capt, Jan. 1915 ; Acting Major, Nov. 1916 ; Temp. Lieut.-Col, Commanding 16th Manchester Regt., April, 1918, to June, 1919 ; wounded, Ypres ; mentioned in despatches, Jan. 1918, and June, 1919; awarded the Belgium Croix de Guerre, ChevaUer de 1'Ordre de Leopold ; 1914 Star. Addresses : The Beeches, ToUerton, York ; Uppingham School, Rutland. COLLIE, James, O.B.E. (012044) COLLIER, Major Edwin Arthur, O.B.E, R.E. COLLIER, 2nd Lieut. Frank Norton Proctor, M.B.E. COLLIER, Hon. John, O.B.E, 6. 1850 ; s. of the 1st Lord MonksweU (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Ethel Gladys, d. of Rt. Hon. Professor Huxley. Educ. : Eton. Artist. War Work : Temp. Clerk in the Parliamentary Department of the Foreign Office. Address : 69, Eton Avenue, London, N.W. 3. Clubs : Athenaeum; Arts. (011695) COLLIER, Joseph Veasy, M.B.E. ^^^ COLLIER, Major Mortimer Calmady, O.B.E, TD, R.A.S.C. (T.F.), 6. 14 Dec. 1874 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. M. J. Collier, of Foxhams, Horrabridge, Devon. Educ. : Eton. MiUtary Member, Devon County Territorial Association, 1908-19. War Work : Commanded Devon and CornwaU Brigade Coy, R.A.S.C, at outbreak of war; subsequently Senior Supply Officer, 29th Division, taking part in landing, GalUpoU Penin sula, 25 April, 1915 ; commanded 29th Divisional Train (acting Lieut.-Col.) ; Officer Commanding Royal Army Service Corps at Fovant, Wareham, Weymouth, and Queenstown, from July, 1916, to March, 1920. Address : Foxhams, Horrabridge, Devon. Club : Royal Western Yacht, Plymouth. (07017) COLLIER, Lieut.-Col. Riohard Hamilton, D.S.O, O.B.E.; Lieut.-Col. R.A.F. (Special Reserve) ; served in the Great War, 1917-18 (despatches). (O8071) COLLIER, Willoughby, M.B.E. COLLINGS, F. J., O.B.E. (09056.0 COLLINGS, Major T. J., O.B.E, Can. A.M.C COLLINGWOOD, Alfred Henry, O.B.E, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Peace for the City of Carlisle ; SoUcitor. War Work : Acted as Clerk to the Carlisle Local Tribunal ; Hon. Sec. of the Carlisle Local War Pensions Committee ; Executive Officer, CarUsle Local Food Control Committee. Address : Cote Cottage, Skinburness, Cumberland. (010180) COLLINGWOOD, Capt. Bertram James, O.B.E., R.A.M C 'COLLINGWOOD, Sir William, K.B.E, M.Inst.CE., J.P, 6. 18 Aug. 1855 (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; s. of the late George Collingwood, Hon. E.I.C, of Stratford St. Mary, Suffolk ; m. Maria EUzabeth, d. of Rev. G. T. Lermit, LL D, of St. Florence, Tenby. Educ. : Dedham Grammar School. Civil Engineer ; Managing Director, The Vulcan Foundry, Ltd. War Work : Chairman of the Manchester and District Armament Output Committee, 1915-18. Address : Dedham Grove, near Col chester. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; Constitutional ; Argentine. (K18) COLLINS, Lieut.-Comm. Abraham Bennett, M.B.E. COLLINS, Alice Godiva Thorold, M.B.E, 6. 10 July, 1869 ; d. of the late Rev. J. A. Welsh CoUins, Chaplain H.M. Forces, Vicar of Newton St. CyTes, Devon. Assist. Commandant Devon 50 V.A.D. War Work : Exeter War Hospitals, Section III, 1 Nov. 1914 ; The Beacon V.A. Hospital, Sidmouth, Jan. to Feb. 1915 ; Quartermaster Exeter War Hospital, Section IV, March, 1915, to Nov. 1916 ; Quartermaster V.A. Hospital, Peak House, Sidmouth, Nov. 1916, to Feb. 1919; Commissariat Officer Exeter War Hospital, Headquarters, Feb. 1919, to Jan. 1920. Address : Winslade Cottage, Sid mouth, Devon. (M7722) COLLINS, Major Arthur Francis St. Clair, O.B.E., M.C, R.A.S.C. COLLINS, Lieut. Arthur Rutherford Dundas, O.B.E, R.N.R. COLLINS, Lieut.-Comm. Charles Edward, O.B.E, R.N. COLLINS, Major Charles Howell Groset, O.B.E, D.C.L.I. COLLINS, Christabel, M.B.E, 6. 23 March, 1895 ; d. of Edward Treacher CoUins, F.R.CS, of 17, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. 1. Educ. : Queen's Coll, Harley Street, London. War Work : Joint Women's V.A.D. Department, British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John, Oct. 1915, to March, 1920 ; Auxiliary Hospital Section and V.A.D. Scholarship Scheme ; given rank of Assist. Staff Com mandant, 27 Oct 1919 ; Member of detachment London 146 ; mentioned in despatches, 14 Aug. 1918 ; awarded M.B.E, 1 Jan. 1920. Addresses : 17, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. 1 ; Yewgate, Remenham Hill, Henley-on- Thames. (M7723) COLLINS, Rev. Edward Hyaoynth, O.B.E, 6. 7 July, 1876 ; s. of John CoUins, of Youghal. Educ. : St. Thomas CoU, Newbridge ; St. Mary's, Tallaght Roman Univ. Prior of the Black Abbey, Kilkenny. War Work : Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Salonica, Egypt, East Africa, France ; Assist. Principal Chaplain. Northern Command, 3rd Class ; mentioned in despatches, East Africa and France. Address : Black Abbey, Kilkenny. (O7019) COLLINS, Edward Redvers Kerington, M.B.E. COLLINS, Elizabeth Ann, Mrs., O.B.E. (011961) COLLINS, EUen Evelyn, M.B.E., 6. 1892 ; d. of Marcus Evelyn CoUins. Edue. : Bedford High School. War Work : Head of the CoUecting Box Department, County of London Branch of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Address : The Chestnuts, Wooburn, Bucks. Club : Ladies' V.A.D. (M3581) COLLINS, Lady Evelyn Anne, O.B.E, ft. 7 Feb, 1882 ; d. of James Henry Robert, 7th Duke of Roxburghe (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. 23 Nov, 1907, Major William Fellowes Collins, Royal Scots Greys, of Kirkman Bank, Knaresborough, Yorks. (see Burke's Landed Gentry). Address: Knaresborough House, Knaresborough. (010181) COLLINS, Emily Ida, M.B.E. (M10380) COLLINS, Frank Moore, O.B.E, 6. 1872; s. of George CoUins, of Lyme Regis ; to. Isabella, d. of Frederick Caldcleugh, of Durham. Educ. : Bishop Barrington School, Bishop Auckland. Accountant, International Labour Office. War Work : Chairman, Sheerness Urban District CouncU ; Super intendent ReUef Work British and Foreign Sailors' Society ; Member of Red Cross Committee for reUef of repatriated civiUans. Addresses : 24, SackviUe Gardens, Ilford, Essex ; La Chatelaine, Geneva. (010182) COLLINS, Lieut. Frederiok, O.B.E, M.C. COLLINS, George AUred, M.B.E, 6. 10 Nov. 1862 ; s. of George CoUins, of Shirehampton ; m. Mary Ann, d. of George Lait, of Avonmouth. Educ. : Shirehampton National School, and Bristol Trade and Mining School. Traffic Manager of the Bristol Corporation Docks, Avonmouth ; Vice-Chairman, 125 Collins THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Shirehampton Parish Church CouncU. War Work: Import and Export traffic at Avonmouth Docks ; Chairman, War Savings Committee. Address : The Green, Shirehampton (M1558) COLLINS, George WilUam, M.B.E. COLLINS, Gladys Mary, M.B.E, W.A.A.C. COLLINS, Capt. Godfrey Ferdinando Stratford, O.B.E. COLLINS, Lieut.-Col. Sir Godfrey Pattison, K.B.E, C.M.G, ft. 26 June, 1875 ; s. ot the late Alexander Glen Collins, of Aunet Lodge. Skilmoriie. N.B. ; m. 26 April, 1900, Margaret Jane Faith, d. of J. 0. A. Henderson, late Lieut.-Col. R.A.S.C, formerly a Midshipman, R.N. M.P. for Greenock since 1910 ; was Member of War Office SuppUes Committee, 1912-13 ; ParUamentary Private Sec. to the Rt. Hon. J. E. B. Seely, M.P, 1910-14, and to the Rt. Hon. J. W. Gulland. M.P, 1915 ; Inspector of Q.M.G.'s Services, 1915-16 ; Junior Lord of the Treasury, 1919-20 ; served in the Great War in Egypt, GallipoU and Mesopotamia. Address : 40, Rutland Gate, S.W. Clubs : Reform ; Ranelagh ; Western (Glasgow); (K253) COLLINS, Capt. Harold Edmund, O.B.E. COLLINS, Capt. Hugh Michael, O.B.E, I.M.S. COLLINS, John Howarth, M.B.E. COLLINS, Katharine Wilson, Mrs, M.B.E. • d. of John McNeiU, J.P, of 1, Great Western Terrace, Glasgow ; to. Charles MiUington, s. of Edward CoUins, J.P, of Kelvindale. War Work : President of MaryhiU Division Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association; Member of War Pensions Local Com mittee. Addresses : Kelvindale, MaryhiU, Glasgow ; Rowar- dennan Lodge, Rowardennan, Loch Lomond. (M7725) COLLINS, Lesbia, M.B.E. COLLINS, Lionel Dennis, M.B.E, R.N, 6. 17 Aug. 1849 ; s. of the late Frederick Collins ; to. Sarah Ann, d. of the late Richard Warren. Educ. : North Summercoates, Lincoln shire. War Work : Under the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Address : 10, Grove Road, Fareham, Hants. (M257) COLLINS, Major Lionel Peter, D.S.O, O.B.E, l/4th Gurkha Rifles. (011733) COLLINS, Lieut.-Col. Michael Abdy, O.B.E, M.D. M.R.C.S., R.A.M.C. COLLINS, Percy John, O.B.E, 6. 3 March, 1871 ; s. of the late Rev. J W. Collins, of Lawrence-on-Sea, Thanet, Kent. Educ : South Eastern CoU, Ramsgate. Master Mariner. War Work ; Commander of Troop Transport. Addresses : c'o The Aberdeen Line, George Thompson & Co, Ltd, 7, BiUiter Square, London, E.C. Club : Junior Constitutional. (010184) COLLINS, Sibyl Ida, Mrs. Abdy, M.B.E. COLLINS, Timothy, M.B.E, R.E. COLLINS, Major and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam Henry, M.B.E. COLLINS, Lieut. WilUam Joseph, M.B.E. COLLINSON, AUred Howe, C.B.E, M.I.C.E, 6. 1866; ControUer of Inspection of Munitions, Ministry of Munitions ; has Order of Double Dragon of China. Addresses : 1, Down Street, Mayfair, W. 1 ; Westfield Lodge, Hayling Island, Hants. Club : Junior Athenaeum. (C21) COLLINSON, Arthur, O.B.E. COLLINSON, Beatrice Annie, M.B.E, A.R.R.C, Hon. Serving Sister of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 13 Dec. 1875 ; d. of Thomas CoUinson, of Kendal. Educ. : Kendal Friends' School. Member of State Insurance Committee for West morland ; Hon. Sec. Women's Liberal Association, S. West morland ; Member of sub-committee, War Pensions, and many other committees of public interest ; also the Lady Super intendent, since 1908, of the Kendal Nursing Division of the St. John Ambulance ; Commandant of the V.A.D, Westmor land 2, since Oct. 1911. War Work : Four and a quarter years of continuous service as head of the AuxUiary MiUtary Hospital, Stramougate, Kendal, 130 beds. Address : 19, Highfield, Kendal, Westmorland. (M258) COLLIS, Frederick, M.B.E. COLLISHAW, Major Raymond, D.S.O, D.S.C, D.F.C • Major, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches).' (011892) COLLISSON, Capt. Peroival Lorimer, O.B.E. COLLS, Herbert Ailby, M.B.E., 6. 1 July, 1876 ; s. of Thomas Arthur Colls, I.S.O, TufneU Park ; m. Florence Alice d. of Thomas Oldham WiUiams, of Highgate. Educ. : King's CoU, Strand. War Risks Insurance Office, Board of Trade War Work : Government War Risks Insurance, Marine and Aircraft. Address : 3, Kingsdown Avenue, South Croydon (M7728) COLLYMORE, Frederick Appleton, M.B.E. COLMAN, Edith Margaret, O.B.E. COLMAN, Capt. Joseph Leonard, M.B.E. COLMORE, Major Reginald Blayney Bulteel, O.B.E, R.A.F. COLONA, Gilbert Edmond Chalmers, M.B.E. COLQUHOUN, Lieut. Arthur Hugh, O.B.E, RAOC COLQUHOUN, Lieut. Edgar Edmund, M.B.E., R.A.F' COLQUHOUN, EmUy Margaret, M.B.E. ; d. of Andrew Colquhoun, of Stirling. Educ. : Stirling. War Work : Hon Assist. Sec. ArgyU and Sutherland Prisoners of War Fund and StirUngshire Work Dep6t; also Hon. Sec. Soldiers' Mending Bureau. Address : 8, Royal Gardens, Stirling (M7729) COLQUHOUN, Lieut. James CUfton, M B E COLQUHOUN, Lieut. Victor Alexander, O.B.E, R.F.A. (T.F.) 126 COLSON, Charles Henry, O.B.E, Commander Order of Redeemer Greece, M.Inst.CE, 6. 24 April, 1864; s.of Charles Colson, C.B. ; to. Isabel Maude, d. of Capt. NeviUe, R.N. Educ. : Privately. Deputy Civil Engineer-in-Chief, Admiralty. War Work : Admiralty ; British Naval Mission to Greece. Address : 9, Thornton Avenue, Streatham HiU. (03665) COLT, Thomas Archer, O.B.E, L.R.C.P, M.R.C.S, fi 29 Dec. 1851 ; s. of Sir Thomas Colt, Bart, of Torquay (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Annie M, d. of WiUiam Kennett. Educ. : Shrewsbury School ; Univ. Coll. Hospital, London! War Work : Commandant, Brankesmere Red Cross Hospital Portsmouth, 1915-18. (010187) COLTMAN, Capt. Edward Sinnott, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 30 April, 1892 ; s. of Joseph Coltman, F.CI.S. War Work : Trooper, City of London Yeomanry (Rough Riders), Aug. 1914, to April, 1915 ; served as 2nd Lieut, with 3rd, 12th, 14th, and 16th Batts. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt.), April, 1915, to Nov. 1916 ; transferred as Lieut, to R.A.S.C, Nov. 1916 to Sept. 1917 ; M.T. at Grove Park, Sept. 1917, to March, 1918 ; Taranto, Italy (Mediterranean L. of C), Mar 1918, to March, 1920 ; Staff Capt. S. & T. Directorate G.H.Q, Italy , April, 1920, to present day ; War Office Q.M.G.S. Address : The Laurels, Grove Park, Kent. Club : United Sports. (02973) COLTMAN, Grace, Mrs, M.B.E. COLTMAN, Walter WilUam, M.B.E, J.P. COLVILE, Major Charles Rowe, O.B.E, 6. 29 July, 1870; s. of Lieut.-Col. C F. ColviUe, of 16, Harrington Gardens, S.W. ; m. Norah, d. of John Henry Bovill, of Buckland, Betcnworth, Surrey. Educ. : Marlborough CoU. War Work : Major, 6th Batt. K.R.R.C. ; Staff appointments in France ; and attached Royal Fusiliers. Address : Ivyhouse Farm, E. Mailing, Kent. Club : Cavendish. (05124) COLVILLE, Lieut.-Col. Charles EUezer, O.B.E, VD.. J.P. for Perthshire, 6. 22 Nov. 1859 ; s. of Charles David1 ColviUe, of Ayton ; to. Caroline Sophia, d. of Foster Gray, of Edinburgh. Educ. : George Watson's CoU., and Edinburgh Univ. Solicitor ; Town Clerk, Crieff. War Work : Mobilised with 6th Black Watch on 4 Aug. 1914 ; raised and commanded 3 6th Black Watch ; Commanded 4th Res. Batt. Royal Scots FusUiers from April, 1916, until demobUisation in May, 1919 ; mentioned, 1917. Address : Eversley, Crieff, Perthshire. Club : Scottish Conservative. (O7021) COLVILLE, Capt. Cyril Prichard, O.B.E. COLVILLE, Hon. George Charles, M.B.E, fi. 22 Feb. 1867 ; s. of 1st Viscount ColviUe, of Culross ; to. Cynthia, d. of 1st Marquess of Crewe (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ. : Winchester, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : MiUtary Service Tribunal Advisory Committee. Clubs : Carlton ; Turf ; Royal Yacht Squadron. (M1562) COLVIN, Clement Preston, O.B.E, 6. 12 July, 1879 ; s. of Clement Sueyd Colvin, CSX, of London ; m. Dorothea Mary, d. of George Mair, of Sydney, N.S.W. Educ : Dulwich CoU. Deputy Traffic Manager on the Burma RaUway Co, Rangoon, Burma. War Work : Chief Recruiting Officer for Technical Labour in the Province of Burma, for service with the Indian MUitary and Naval forces overseas. Address : c o The Burma RaUway Co, Rangoon, Burma. Club : Devonshire. (09811) COLVIN, Lieut.-Col. Forrester FarneU, C.B.E, J.P, fi. 22 Jan. 1860 ; s. of Beale Blackwell Colvin, of Monkhams, Waltham Abbey, Essex, and Pishiobury, Herts ; m. Isabella Katharine, d. of Lord Rathdonnell, of Lisnavagh, RathviUy, Co. Carlow (see Burke's Peerage), Educ. : Cheam and Marl borough. 9th Lancers, 1880-1903. War Work : Served with 9th Lancers, S. Africa, 1899-1901 ; commanded column under General H. Plumer, 1901-2 ; Divisional Staff Officer to Colonel. C. P. Crewe, Cape Colony, 1902 ; twice mentionedin despatches ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1900 ; appointed to command 2nd DragoonB, 1903 ; commanded 7th Res. Regt. of Cavalry, Aug. 1914, to Feb. 1917 ; commanded 6th Res. Regt. of Cavalry. Feb. 1917, to 31 May, 1918 ; mentioned in W.O. Gazette, 24 Feb. 1917 ; Horse Adviser, 2nd Corps B.E.F. Nov. 1918, to April, 1919. Address : Shermanbury Grange, Henfield, Sussex. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Cavalry. (C1523) COLVIN, Lady Gwendoline Audrey AdeUne BrudeneU, C.B.E, 6. 3 Aug. 1869 ; d. of 2nd Earl of Stradbroke ; m. Richard Beale, s. of Beale BlackweU Colvin, of Monkhams, Essex. War Work : Chairman, Executive Committee, Essex Branch, British Red Cross Society ; Asst. Commandant, Essex, 16, Voluntary Aid Detachment. Address : Monkhams, Waltham Abbey, Essex. (C944) COLVIN, Capt. Ragmar Musgrave, C.B.E, ; was Assist. Director Plans Div. during Great War. (C2234) COLWILL, Lieut.-Comm. George Henry, O.B.E, R.N. COLYER, Claude Gray, O.B.E, M.R.C S, L.R.C.P, L.D.S. 6. 20 April, 1889 ; s. of Horace O. Colyer, of Ryde, I. of W. ; to. Gladys May, d. of Robert King, of Port EUzabeth. S.A. Educ. : Charing Cross ; Univ. Coll. ; Royal Dental Hospitals. War Work : Dental Surgeon to the No. 4 CCS, B.E.F, Nov. 1914, to May, 1915 ; No. 54 CCS, May, 1915, to May, 1918; Advisory Dental Surgeon, First Army, B.E.F, May, 1918, to Feb. 1919. Address: Burnham, Claygate. Surrey. (05125) COLYER, Sir James Frank, K.B.E, L.RC.P., F.R.CS., L.D.S. R.C.S. (Eng.), Dental Surgeon and Lecturer on Dental Surgery to Charms Cross Hospital ; Surgeon to the Royal Dental Hospital, London. Address : 11, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, W. 1. (K444) COMBE, Capt. Harvey Alexander Brabazon, M.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Connolly COMBE, Major James Searth, O.B.E. COMBE, Col. Lionel, C.B.E, fi. 1861 ; s. of the late Maj.- Gen. James John Combe, Indian Army ; m. 1893, Katherine Louise, d. of WilUam Shipp. Formerly Roy. Dublin Fusiliers ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C808) COMBE, Nigel Victor, M.B.E, J.P., fi. 12 Jan. 1873 ; s. of the late Matthew Combe, M.D, Deputy Surgeon-General, R.A. ; m. Margaret Hornby, d. of the late Ven. Archdeacon Walker, of Chichester. Educ. : Charterhouse, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Hon. Sec. Allowances Sub- Committee of the West Sussex War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Sec. West Sussex Soldiers' and Sailors' FamiUes Associa tion. Address : HoUist, Midhurst, Sussex. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (M7731) COMBEN, Robert Stone, C.B.E, 6. 5 AprU, 1868; s. of R. S. Comben, of Woodford Bridge, Essex ; to. late Char lotte Alice, d. of late John Hawkins, of Dorchester. Educ. : Holy Trinity School, Weymouth. War Work : Mayor of the Borough of Weymouth and Melcombe-Regis, 1915-18 ; Chair man of Military Tribunal, Food Control Committee, Local Fuel Committee, etc. ; was successful, with the aid of fellow- townspeople, in raising considerable sums for War Charities, Local Hospitals, etc, during the period of office. Address : 11, RodweU Avenue, Weymouth, Dorset. (C2527) COMBER, Charles Thomas Thornton, O.B.E, M.D, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 29 Jan. 1864 ; s. of Rev. Charles Thomas Comber, of Oswaldkirk, Yorks. Educ : Mercers' School, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Late Surgeon-Capt, Warrens Mounted Infantry, S. Africa ; Vice-President National Medical Union ; Chairman Lewisham Medical War Committee ; O.C. of R.A.M.C. units, 2nd Brigade ; London Div, National Reserve. War Work : Four years Surgeon to the Lewisham MiUtary Hospital : also 3 years in charge of the Electrical and Massage Special Department of the same hospital. Address : 27, Rushey Green, Catford, S.E. 6. (011798) COMBER, Lieut.-Comm. Thomas Geoffrey, O.B.E. R.N. COMBES, Lieut. Percy Matthew, M.B.E, R.G.A. (SR.) COMBRIDGE, CorneUus, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1856; s. of Daniel Thomas Combridge, of Hove, Sussex ; m. Annie, d. of Mark Barker, of BristnaU HaU, Wore Educ : Brighton Grammar SchooL Member of Birmingham City Council. War Work ¦ Chairman of Executive, Birmingham War Savings Committees. Address : 7, Westfield Road, Edgbaston. Club : Conservative, Birmingham. (03666) COMER, George Richard, M.B.E, Inter. B.Sc, 6. 3 Jan. 1878 ; s. of T. H. Comer, of Boston ; to. Emma Martha Margaret, d. of the late Charles Atkinson, of Fishtoft, Lines.. Educ. : St. Mark's Coll, Chelsea, S.W. Headmaster, Tower Road School, SMrbeck ; Worshipful Master (1920) of FrankUn Lodge of Free Masons, No. 838, Boston ; Member Skirbeck Parish Council. War Work : Hon. Sec. Boston and District War Savings Committee; Hon Sec. Skirbeck War Savings Association; Hon. Sec. Skirbeck Emergency Defence Com mittee, and Special Constables. Address : 7, San Francisco Terrace, Boston, Lines. (M7732) COMERFORD, Matthew, M.B.E. COMINS, Capt. Francis Aloysius, O.B.E, A.I.F. COMPLIN, Major Edward Charles, O.B.E. COMPTON, Hon. Paymaster Lieut.-Commander Charles Leonard, M.B.E, R.N.R, 6. 3 May, 1866 ; s. of the late Charles Compton, of H.M. Dockyard, Woolwich ; to. Anne Ferguson, d. ot late James WUson, of Old Charlton, Kent. Educ : Privately. Senior Staff Officer ; General Register and Record Office of Shipping and Seamen, London. War Work : During the War period was in charge (under the Registrar- General of Shipping and Seamen) of the Royal Naval Reserve Department of the General Register and Record Office of Shipping and Seamen, London. Addresses : General Register and Record Office of Shipping and Seamen, Tower HiU, London, E. 1 ; Royal United Service Ins'itution, White- haU, London, S.W. ; Bouverie Place, Folkestone. (M260) COMPTON, Major CUfton WiUiam McGrath, O.B.E. COMPTON, Lord Douglas James Cecil, C.B.E, 9th Lancers (retired), 6. 15 Nov. 1865; s. of 4th Marquess of North ampton, of Castle Ashby, Northampton (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. DoUie, d. of M. WooU. Educ. : Eton. Col, commanded 9th Lancers 1902-11, served with his regiment throughout the Boer War, 1899-1902. War Work : Commanded a Depot on Line of Communication, 1915-19. Address : Delmonden Manor, Hawkhurst, Kent. Club : Turf. (C470) COMPTON, Edna Katherine, Mrs., M.B.E. COMPTON, Capt. Edward Bathurst, O.B.E, R.N. COMPTON, Henry, M.B.E, J.P, Major (retired) Essex Vol. Artillery, Eastern Div. R.A, 6. 22 May, 1853 ; s. of John Compton, of Dorset ; m. Mary Temperley, d. of W. L. Darke, of Plaistow, Essex. Educ : Privately. War Work : Hon. Sec. Kingston Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association; and War Pensions Sub-Committee, 1914-19 ; Chairman, Kingston Surbiton and Fistrict Red Cross Hospital, 1915-19. Address: 50, Kensington Palace Mansions, W. 1. Clubs Royal Thames Yacht ; Constitutional. (M7734) COMPTON, Major John, M.B.E, T.D, Officier d'Academie, fi. 1 Dec 1864 ; s. of Charles Compton, of Royal Dockyard, Woolwich ; to. Kate Mary, d. of WilUam Pye, of Old Charlton, Kent. Educ. : Privately. Postmaster^ Folkestone. War Work : Employed on Postal Work at Folkestone during the Great War. Address : 9, MUlfield, Folkestone. (M3584) COMYNS, Algernon Charles, O.B.E, 6. 17 Nov. 1867; s. of the late Charles WilUam Comyns, Principal Clerk, Admiralty ; to. EUzabeth Annie, d. of John Washington Whmyates, of Liverpool, and U.S.A. Educ. : City of London School. Superintending Clerk, Accountant General's Dept, Admiralty. Address : 7, Stafford Mansions Albert Bridge Road. S.W. 11. Club : Eccentric. (010188) CONACHER, Hon. Major Charles Leonard, O.B.E, 6. 17 May, 1873 ; s. of the late John Conacher, of 69, West- bourne Terrace, Hyde Park, W. ; to. Violet Mary, d. of Henry Merrett. of Bishop's Cleeve, Glos. Educ. : Oswestry Grammar School (Old Foundation). 1896-1910, Generali Manager, Isle of Wight Central Rly. ; 1910-14, Traffic Manager, Cambrian Railways. War Work : Commissioned in Oct. 1914, as a Railway Transport Officer on War Office Headquarters Staff ; transferred to Ministry of Munitions upon first formation in June, 1915, and still so engaged on executive work ; decorated for War Services in Jan. 1919 (first list), and awarded two special mentions. Address : Heathfleld, New Barnet, Herts. (0247) CONCANON, Col. Henry, O.B.E, T.D. J.P., 6. 1861; s. of Christopher Concanon, of Walton-on-the-Hill ; m. Isobel, d. of Joseph Ion Wharton, of Soulby. Educ : Privately. Joint Manager and Liverpool Director, White Star, Dominion, and American Lines ; Chairman, Liverpool Steamship Owners' Association ; Member of Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. War Work : Transportation overseas of troops, munitions, and foodstuffs ; on various committees. Red Cross, Recruiting, Labour, etc. ; formerly commanded 7th Batt. The King's (Liver pool Regiment). Addresses : 30, James Street, Liverpool ; Beechside, AUerton, Liverpool. Clubs : Exchange, Liverpool ; Junior Constitutional, London. (O1230) CONCHIE, Jean, Mrs., M.B.E. CONDER, Walter Tasman, M.B.E. (M10380) CONEY, Lieut. Cecil Frederiok, M.B.E. I CONGDON, Lieut. WilUam Sydney Philip, O.B.E, 1 R.N.R. CONGREVE, Eirene, Mrs., M.B.E. (M10245A) CONIBEAR James Handford M.B.E. CONINGHAM, Major AUred Evelyn, O.B.E, M.C, CONINGHAM, Geraldine EmUy, Mrs. M.B.E. CONYNGHAM, Elsie Margaret, Lady, O.B.E. (O2053) CONN, Robert, M.B.E. CONNAL, Lieut.-Col. Kenneth Hugh Munro, O.B.E, T.D, J.P, 6. 28 Feb. 1870 ; s. of WilUam Connal, of Solsglrth, Dollar ; to. Kitty MacTudoe, d. of A. Cochran, of Glasgow. Educ. : Cheltenham. Vice-Chairman, City of Glasgow T.F. Association ; served li years in the South African Campaign. War Work : Three years 'active service in Egypt, Gallipoli and France ; invalided home from France Oct. 1917 ; Divisional Road Transport Officer, West of Scotland Division, 1918, till Road Transport Board dissolved in 1919. Address : Monkton- head, Monkton, Ayrshire. Clubs / Cavalry, London ; Western, Glasgow. (010189) CONNAL, Sophia Lucy Mackworth, Mrs., M.B.E, B.Sc. CONNAN, Capt. John Cranmer, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. CONNELL, Jessie Murdoch, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 10 Jan. 1882 ; d. of Sir Henry Robson, of Aubrey Lodge, Kennington, London ; m. Alexander, s. of John Connell of Appin, N.B. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant St. John V.A.D. Hospital, Myrtle Street, Liverpool. Address : 4, Alexandra Drive, Sefton Park, Liverpool. (M262) CONNELL, John, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C. CONNELL, Sir Robert Lowden, K.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of Thomas Connell, of Moresby, Cumberland (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Sarah, d. of John Webster, of Bootle. Educ. : Privately. Shipowner and Underwriter ; Senior partner, Lowden, ConneU & Co, Liverpool. War Work : Chairman War Stores Committee, 1917 ;¦ Deputy Controller Army Salvage, 1917-19 ; Member of the Disposal Board Surplus Government Stores, 1919-20. Address : Glencaple, Blundellsands, Liver pool. Clubs : Reform ; Royal Automobile ; Argentine ; Liverpool Reform. (K137) CONNER, Lieut.-Col. Daniel Goodwin, O.B.E, R.A.F. CONNER, James, M.B.E, M.I.M.E, M.I.E.E. CONNERY Capt. William Lawrence, M.B.E . Manchester Regt, 6. 25 Nov. 1875 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. M. H. Connery, M.C, of Willow Bank, Ashton-under-Lyne ; m. Lily Gertrude, d. of J. J. Carroll, of Dundalk. Educ. : Salford CathoUc Grammar School. War Work : South African War, 1899-1902 ; men tioned twice in despatches by Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener ¦ Great War, 1914, with 2nd Batt. Manchester Regt. ; mentioned in Lord French's despatches, Feb. 1915. Address : WUlow Bank, Ashton-under-Lyne. (M6620) CONNETT, Capt. WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 15 March, 1860 ; s. of William Connett, of Appledore; m. Louisa, d. of John Chesterfield, of Portreath. Educ. : Appledore. Master Mariner. War Work: ColUery Transport, S.S. "Treleigh"; valuable services rendered during the war. Address : Hill View, Portreath, Redruth, CornwaU. (M1564) CONNICHIE, Henry Joseph Bexfield, M.B.E. CONNOLLY, Capt. Hugh Francis, M.B.E. CONNOLLY, Matthew, M.B.E. CONNOLLY, Thomas Francis, M.B.E, M.Sc, Fellow of Optical Society, 6. 1878 ; s. of John Connolly of Monaghan, Ireland : to. Emma Adele, d. of A. Richez. Educ : St. Francis Xaviers CoU. ; Liverpool Univ. ; Royal CoU. of Science, S. Kensington. Civil Servant (Technical Science). War 127 Connolly THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Work : Optical Munitions. Address : 45, Dryburgh Road, Putney, S.W. 15. (M7737) CONNOLLY, William Frederiok, M.B.E. CONNOLLY, WiUiam Patrick Joseph, C.B.E, I.S.O. ; Principal Clerk, Chief See's Office, Dublin Castle. Address: 63, Merrion Road, DubUn. (C945) CONNOR, Anthony John, M.B.E. CONNOR, WiUiam James, M.B.E. CONNORS, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. Ernest John, O.B.E, R.N. CONROY, Lieut.-Col. Charles O'NeU, O.B.E, K.C, fi. 24 Jan. 1871 ; s. of James Gervais Conroy, K.C, of Dublin ; m. Mary Agnes, d. of George Weathers, M.R.C.S, of London. Educ. : St. Bede's CoUege, Manchester ; Univ. CoUege and School, London ; Wren and Gumey, London. General Counsel and Treasurer, Reid Newfoundland Co, St. John's, Newfoundland ; Lieut.-Col. commanding Catholic Cadet Corps of Newfoundland. War Work : Executive Member, Standing Committee of Newfoundland Patriotic Association, which raised and equipped Royal Newfoundland Regiment. Address : " Raheen " Bonaventure Avenue, St. John's, New foundland. Clubs : City ; Knights of Columbus. (0974) CONSTABLE, Andrew Henderson Briggs, C.B.E, K.C, 6. March, 1865 ; s. of WiUiam Briggs Constable, of Benarty, FUe ; m. Elizabeth, d. of James Simpson, of Mawcarse, Kincross. Educ : Dollar Academy ; University of Edinburgh. Dean of the Faculty of Advocates. War Work : Supervisor of Military Representatives, and afterwards Representative of the Scottish Office to Tribunals, under MUitary Service Acts, in Scotland. Address: 23, Royal Circus, Edinburgh. Clubs: University, Edinburgh ; WeUington, London. (C2528) CONSTABLE, Arthur Douglas, O.B.E. CONSTABLE, Capt. Clifford Edward, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 20 Aug. 1876 ; s. of Marmaduke Constable, of MUlbrook, Southampton ; m. Sarah Snow, d. of Daniel Kimball, of Boston, U.S.A. Educ. : Eastman's ; R.N. Academy ; "Britannia." Holds Life Saving Certificate; served in the Boer War with B.S.A. Mounted PoUce. War Work : Joined 2nd King Edward's Horse as trooper in Aug. 1914 ; through N.C.O. ranks to commission in Regt. ; finaUy Capt and Adjutant ; left Regt.. May, 1917, and joined Welsh Division (38th Div.), and served with them tUl end of Sept. 1918 ; Camp Commandant of Headquarters Lines of Communication untU demobiUsation in May, 1919 ; twice mentioned in despatches. (05126) CONSTABLE, Eng.-Comm. James Sandford, O.B.E, R.N. CONSTABLE, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. WiUiam Charles O.B.E. CONSTABLE, AUce AmeUa BROWN-, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. CONSTANTINE, Arthur Heaton, M.B.E, 6. 21 Jan. 1885 ; s. of Arthur Constantine, of Bolton, Lancs. ; to. Mary, d. of Frank CorneU, of Birmingham. Educ. : Nottingham High School and Univ. CoU. Engineer. War Work : Served with the forces, Aug. 1914, to Jan. 1916 ; afterwards assistant works manager to National Ordnance Factory, Nottingham. Address : 55, Coney Green Drive, Longbridge, Birmingham. (M7739) CONSTANTINE, WiUiam Windley, M.B.E, A.M.I.Mech.E, M.I.A.E, 6. 18 Sept. 1886 ; s. ot the late Arthur Constantine, SoUcitor, of Blackburn. Educ : Nottingham High School and Univ. CoU. Chief Designer (Engine Dept.), Crossley Bros, Ltd, Erwood Park Works, Manchester. War Work : Served in H.M. Forces from Sept. 1914, to June, 1916 (5th King's Royal Rifles and Machine Gun Corps) ; transferred to Ministry of Munitions, June, 1916, and became Chief Technical Assistant to Director of Munitions, Mechanical Transport ; later trans ferred to Meeh. Warfare Dept. (Tanks), and was appointed Section Director, Engine Design ; voluntary member of Advisory Committee (Engines) to Disposal Board. Address : 42. Peel Moat Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport. (M7740) CONSTERDINE, Rudolph, M.B.E, 6. 15 July, 1887 ; s. of Rev. J. Consterdine, M.A, Rector of Edgware, Middlesex. Educ. : St. Lawrence CoU, Ramsgate ; Univ. CoU. Reading War Work: Served with the Y.M.C.A. (British) at Bedford, Dieppe (Sec), and Third Army Area (Sec.) ; Y.M.C.A. (Chinese), Third Army Area (Sec.) Headquarters for France (Assist. Sec ) ; Holds the Order of Wen-Hu (5th Class). Addresses: Y.M.C.A, Cairo, Egypt ; Edgware Rectory, Middlesex. (M1565) CONWAY, Agnes Ethel, M.B.E. CONYERS, Ada Blanche, Mrs, M.B.E. CONYERS, Evelyn Augustus, C.B.E, R.R.C. Matron-in Chief, Australian Armv Nursing Service. (C1142) CONYNGHAM, Elsie Margaret, Lady LENOX-, O.B E d. of Surgeon-Maj.-Gen. Sir (Alexander) Frederick Bradshaw, K.C.B. ; to. 15 Nov. 1890, Col. Sir Gerald Ponsonby, 5th s. of the late Sir WiUiam FitzwilUam Lenox-Conyngham, K.C.B, of Springhill, Co. Londonderry. (O2053. CONYNGHAM, Eva, Mrs. LENOX-, O.B.E, 6. 10 Sept 1879 ; d. of Edmund Sanders Darlev, of Fern Hill, Co. DubUn ¦ m. the late Hubert MaxweU, Lieut.-Col, D.S.O, s. of Col Sir WiUiam Lenox-Conyngham, of SpringhUl, Co. Derry (see Burke's Landed Gentry of Ireland). War Work : Hon Sec Wounded Soldiers' Club, DubUn. Address : Fern HiU, Sandv Ford, Co. Dublin. (010190) CONYNHAM, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Arbuthnot LENOX-. O.B.E, T.F, Res. COODE, Montgomery Penrose, O.B.E, 6. 20 May, 1853 ; 128 s. of Gen. John Penrose Coode, of Madras Army. Educ • HaUeybury CoU, and R.I.E. CoU, Coopers HiU. Late Indian Public Works Department ; Superintending Engineer in Burma ; retired in 1907 ; late M.Inst.CE. ; Fellow Royal Colonial Institute. War Work : Hon. Treas. and Sec. Devon- port War Hospital Supply DepGt. Address: 13, Penlee Gardens, Devonport. Clubs: E.I.U.S. ; Royal Western Yacht Club, Plymouth. (010191) COOK, Albert Ruskin, O.B.E, M.D. (Lond.), B.A. (Camb.), B.Sc. (Lond.), ChevaUer de L'Ordre de Leopold 6. 2 March, 1870 ; s. of WUliam Henry Cook of Hampstead, N.W. ; m. Katharine, d. of J. Timpson. Educ. : St. Paul's School ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge ; St. Bart.'s Hospital (Science Exhibitioner, St. Paul's School ; Major Scholar, Trinity CoU, Camb. ; Shuter Scholar, Bart.'s). 1st Class Nat. Science Tripos, Part I, 1st Class, Part n. ; S.M.O, Mengo Hospital ; C.M.8, Kampala, 1897 ; President Uganda Branch of B.M.A. War Work : Officer in charge Mengo Base Hospital, Uganda, 1914- 17 ; on the Staff of Bermondsey MiUtary Hospital, 1918 ; late Capt. Uganda Medical Service ; medal with 2 clasps for Uganda Nubian Rebellion, 1897-98. Addresses: P.O. Box 125, Kampala, Uganda ; CM.S, Salisbury Square, London, E.C. (0985) COOK, Albert Sydney, M.B.E, 6. 22 March, 1894 : s. of F. AUord Cook, of Burgess HiU, Sussex. Educ. : S. London School. War Work : Served in France with Loudon Regt. ; later joined MiUtary Secretary's Branch and served on H.Q. Staff of 5th, and then 4th, Army untU the cessation of hos tilities, when recaUed to join a new branch at War Office. Address : 20, Barry Road, Dulwich. (M7741). COOK, Major Alexander, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C, COOK, Lieut. Alexander James, O.B.E, R.N.R. COOK, Capt. Charles Lever, M.B.E. COOK, Fred Compigne, M.B.E. COOK, Grace Muriel Mrs, O.B.E. COOK, Lieut.-Col. Herbert George Graham, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C, 6. 1864 ; s. of Thomas William Cook, of London ; m. Mabel Mary, Norton. Educ. : Charter house ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Surgeon, King Edward VII. Hospital, Cardiff ; Medical Officer, H.M. Prison, Cardiff. War Work : Surgeon-in-Charge, Glamorgan and Monmouth shire Hospital ; attached to French Xth Army, at Berck Plage, Pas-de-Calais, 1914-15 ; Lieut.-Col, Commanding Welsh Hospital, Netley, AprU, 1916-19. Address: 22, Newport Road, Cardiff. (C2091) COOK, Col. James, O.B.E, T.F. Res. COOK, James, M.B.E. COOK, Katharine, Mrs, M.B.E, d. of John Timpson, of Northampton ; to. Albert Ruskin, s. of Dr. W. H. Cook, of Hampstead. Educ : Guy's Hospital. Superintendent of Maternity Training School, Kampala, Uganda ; for 21 years Matron, Mengo Hospital, Kampala, 1897-1918. Medal and clasp, Uganda, 1897-98, War Work : March, 1918, Matron, Base Hospital, Mengo ; 1914-17 Superintendent, Kampala Branch, Red Cross Society. Addresses : P.O. Box 125, Kampala, Uganda ; c/o CM.S, Salisbury Square, London, E.C. (M1257) COOK, Lieut.-Col. Leonard Barnaby, O.B.E. COOK, Col. Peroival Robert, C.B.E, N.Z.A.M.D, fi. 6 Dec. 1867 ; s. of Edmund Cook, of Dunedin, N.Z. ; m. LUian Maud, d. of James C. WUMn, of Christehurch. Surgeon to Masterton Hospital. War Work : Officer Commanding troops on New Zealand Hospital Ship " Marama," from Dec. 1915, to May, 1918; A.D.M.S. Wellington MUitary District, June, 1918, to Feb. 1919. Club : Masterton. (C1851) COOK, Percy Frederick, M.B.E, Q.M.S, R.A.M.C COOK, Richard Frederic, M.B.E. COOK, Capt. Robert Ewing, O.B.E, R.A.F. COOK, Major Sidney George, O.B.E. COOK, Thomas, O.B.E. COOK, Capt. Victor Chandler, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. COOK, Major WiUiam Ernest, O.B.E, R.N. COOK, WiUiam Frederiok, M.B.E, COOK, Capt. William Littlejohn, O.B.E, Gordon High landers, 6. 21 July, 1883 ; s. of George Milne Cook, D.L, of BeaconhiU, Murtle, Aberdeenshire ; to. Xenia, d. of Oscar Steveni, of Petrograd. Educ : Merchiston Castle. War Work : Served in France with unit, 1915 ; attached Admiralty for special service in Russia, 1916-17 ; Norway, 1917-18 ; Egypt, 1918. Address : Anderson Drive, Aberdeen. Club ." Royal Northern, Aberdeen. (08771) COOK, WilUam Wallace, O.B.E. Address: Worcoppice House, White Hill, Caterham, Surrey. (010193) COOKE, Air-Commodore Bertram Hewett Hunter, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1874 ; s. of John Edward Cooke, formerly R.N. ; m. 1903, Mary Henrietta, d. of the late T. H. Cardwell, of Newnton, Tetbury, Gloucestershire. Lieut.-Col. Rifle Brig. (Prince Consort's Own), and attached to R.A.F. with rank of Air-Commodore ; NUe Expedition, 1898 (medal, Egyptian medal with clasp) ; S. African War, 1900-1902, on special service (wounded, Queen's medal with five clasps); served in the Great War, 1914-18, on Staff (severely wounded, despatches four times, Brevet Lieut.-Col, Russian Order of St. Stanislaus with swords, Croix de Guerre). (C1890) COOKE, Major Cedric Franklin, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, fi. 12 Aug. 1882 ; s. of Henry Cooke, late of Thong, Gravesend, Kent ; m. Mabel Dorothy, d. of HamUton Stein, of Mauritius. Educ. : King's School, Rochester. War Work : Raised 18th Divisional Train, 1914: D.A.Q.M.G. 13th Division, 1915: BIOGRAPHIES. Coombs Staff Captain, War Office, 1916 ; and D.A.D.T. Eastern Com mand, 1916-19. Address : R.A.S.C, Mauritius. Club : Junior Naval and MUitary. (08772) COOKE, Clara Mabel, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 9 May, 1870 ; d. of Richard Rudyard, of Scalby Hall, near Scarborough ; m. Major Thomas Percy, s. of J. A. Cooke. Educ : Scarborough and Dresden. War Work : Commandant, Olton AuxUiary Hospital for 5 years. Address : Eskdale, Kineton Road, Olton, Warwickshire. (M7745) COOKE, Lieut.-Col. Claude Edward Arthur, C.B.E. COOKE, Cuthbert CressweU, M.B.E. COOKE, Edward Henry WUliam, M.B.E. COOKE, Sir (Edward) Marriott, K.B.E., M.B. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), A.K.C, 6. 4 Feb. 1852 ; s. of Henry Edward Cooke, of Harrow-on-the-HiU ; m. Mary Anne Henrietta CecU, <_. of Sir George Brooke-PecheU, 5th Bart, of Alton House, Alton, Hants. Educ : Cholmeley's School, Highgate ; King's College Hospital, London. Commissioner of the Board of Control since 1914 ; Chairman of that Board, 1916-18 ; Com missioner in Lunacy, 1898-1914 ; formerly Medical Officer and Superintendent Worcester County and City Lunatic Asylum, and previously Medical Superintendent of the WUts. County Asylum. War Work : Was largely concerned with the initia tion and development of a scheme for the establishment of some 24 weU equipped War Hospitals, formed by the conversion of County and Borough Lunatic Asylums in England and Wales, whereby over 31,000 beds were provided, which during the five years they were avaUable afforded treatment for nearly 500,000 sick and wounded soldiers. Addresses : 43, Coleherne Court, South Kensington, S.W. 5 ; 66, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. Club : Conservative. (K188) COOKE, Frank Alexander, M.B.E, D.C.M. COOKE, Frank James, M.B.E. COOKE, Henry Moore Annesley, O.B.E. COOKE, Herbert Sutton, O.B.E. COOKE, Howard Francis Vernon, M.B.E, B.A, 6. 9 Feb. 1867 ; s. of Rev. R. H. Cooke, B.D, of Healaugh, Yorkshire ; m. Ethel Margaret, d. of W. H. Cobb, of Southwoods Hall, Thirsk. Educ. : Malvern CoU, and Emmanuel CoU, Cam bridge. Electrical Engineer. War Work : Ministry of Muni tions, Salvage Dept. ; Sergt. MetropoUtan Special Constabu lary ; awarded 1914 Star and Long Service Medal. Address : 36, Cleveland Road, Ealing. Club : New University. (M7749) COOKE, Brevet-Major Ion Alexander Scott, O.B.E, F.R. Colonial Inst, 6. 12 Oct. 1888 ; s. of the Rev. Edward Alexander Cooke, M.A, Vicar of St. Paul, Brentford. Educ. : St. John's, Leatherhead. 2nd Lieut. 4th Connaught Rangers, 1907; Lieut, 1910; Capt, 1915; Brevet-Major, 1918; Private Sec. to Sir Lawrence Wallace, K.B.E, CM.G, Adminis trator of N. Rhodesia, May, 1912, to Aug. 1913 ; Private Sec. to Lieut.-Col. H. W. Kempster, CM.G, Commissioner of Land Settlement for Rhodesia, in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, Oct. 1913, to Aug. 1914. War Work : Served in 2nd Batt. Connaught Rangers, Sept. to Nov. 1914 ; Battles, Aisne and 1st Battle of Ypres ; Egypt and Palestine, April, 1915, to Nov. 1918 ; despatches, " London Gazette," June, 1916, and 1917 ; Brevet-Major, New Years' Honours, 1918; O.B.E. New Year's Honours, 1919 ; 1914 Star and Rosette. Address : Devon Estates, Malacca. Clubs : Junior United Service, Charles Street, S.W. ; Malacca Club, Malacca, S. Settlements. (03287) COOKE, James Henry, M.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C COOKE, John Galwey, O.B.E, M.B, B.Ch, ft. 1859; ». of the Rev. Ambrose Cooke, of KUlinane, Co. Tipperary. Educ. : Trinity Coll, DubUn. Hon. Consulting Surgeon, County Infirmary, Londonderry ; late Surgeon to County Infirmary, Londonderry. War Work : Surgeon-in-charge, County Infirmary, Londonderry (AuxUiary Naval and MUitary Hospital) ; Acting Hon. Surgeon to Officers of Buncrana Naval Base. Address : 67, Clarendon Street, Londonderry. Club : Northern Counties, Londonderry. (010194) COOKE, Joseph, O.B.E. COOKE, Margery Randal, Mrs., O.B.E. COOKE, Martin Alfred, O.B.E, T.D, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, L.S.A, R.A.M.C. (T.F.), 6. 1872 ; s. of Alfred Square Cooke, of Stroud, Glos. ; m. May, d. of Thomas W. Elvy, of Stroud. Educ. : WycUffe CoU, Stonehouse ; Weymouth Coll. ; St. Barts. Hospital. War Work: Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C (T.F.) ; L.M. Bde. Field Ambulance; O.C Tooting Grove MiUtary Hospital, S.W. Address : 12, Central Hill, Upper Norwood, S.E. 19. (O7027) COOKE, Capt. PhiUp Andrew, O.B.E, M.C. COOKE, Lieut.-Col. Robert Joseph, O.B.E. COOKE, Thomas FothergiU, O.B.E. COOKE, Capt. WiUiam Edward Hinchley, O.B.E. COOKE, WilUam Herrick, M.B.E, 6. 1881 ; s. of WUliam Cooke, of Leicester ; to. EUzabeth, d. of John Clarke, of Market Basworth. Educ. : Leicester. Master, Poor Law Institution. War Work : Recruited 200 able-bodied men from the Casual Wards ; afterwards turned the whole of the Poor Law Institu tion into Hospital for the sick. Address : Poor Law Institution, Worksop, Notts. (M7750) COOKE, WiUiam John, M.B.E. . COOKE, PhiUp Tatton DAVIES-, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 15 May, 1863 ; s. of P. B. Davies-Cooke, of Gugraney, Mold, N. Wales (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Doris, d. of R. C. Donaldson Hudson, of Cheswardine, Market Drayton. Educ. : Eton and Cambridge. J.P. War Work : Chairman Flintshire War Agricultural Committee ; Member of County Advisory Com mittee : Major, Volunteers. Addresi : Gugraney, Mold, North Wales. Clubs: Carlton; TraveUers'. (O10I97) COOKE, Sir Clement KINLOCH-, Kt, K.B.E, B.A, LL.M, M.P. (U.), Devonport, since 1910; o.s. of the late Robert Whall Cooke, of Sunnyside, Brighton; to. Florence, y.d. of the late Rev. J. L. Errington; assumed additional surname of Kinloch. Edue. : Brighton Coll. ; St. John's Coll, Cambs. ; Mathematical Tripos ; Law Tripos ; Barr. ] 883 ; Oxford Circuit ; H.M. Counsel for Mint in Berkshire ; legal adviser to House of Lords Sweating Commission, 1886-88 ; Private Sec. to Earl of Dunraven (Under-Secretary of State for Colonies) ; Examiner under Civil Service Commission for H.M.'s Factory Inspectorships ; Edited " English Illustrated Magazine," " Observer," " Pall Mall Gazette " ; Founder and Editor, " Empire Review " ; Hon. Sec. to Allied Colonial Univ. Conference held at Burlington House, 1903 ; Member L.CC, 1907-10 ; of Educational Authority for County of London ; of London (Central) Unemployed Body ; of County of London Territorial Force Association ; Governor of Imperial College of Science and Technology ; Chairman, Central Emigra tion Board ; and of S.W. Advisory Committee, London Secondary School for Girls ; Member of Conjoint Committee for Promotion of Commercial Education ; FeUow of the Royal Colonial Institute ; Ruling Councillor of the Iddesleigh Habitation of the S.W. London United Habitation of the Primrose League. Addresses : 3, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, W. 1 ; 2, Garden Court, Temple, E.C. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Carlton ; St. Stephen's ; United ; Beefsteak ; M.CC ; Royal South- Western Yacht. (K208) COOKSEY, Lieut. Frank Reginald, M.B.E. COOKSEY, Henry James, M.B.E, 6. 24 Sept. 1875 ; s. of PhiUp Henry Cooksey, of Camberwell ; m. Maud Watt. Educ. : Privately. Superintending Clerk, War Office. War Work : Clerk-in-Charge, Territori il Officers' section, MUitary Secretary's Department, War Office; served in the N.W. Frontier, 1897-8 Campaigns, India. Address : Undermount, Sydenham HiU Road, Sydenham, S.E. (M267) COOKSON, Christopher, M.B.E, Egyptian State Tele graphs. (M10350) COOKSON, Kenneth, O.B.E. COOKSON, Percy Charles, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 6 July, 1827 ; s. of the Rev. Osmond Cookson, of Adelaide, South Africa ; m. Adelaide EUzabeth, d. of late Georges De La Montaigne, of Paris. Educ. : Denstone CoU, Leeds Grammar School, and Privately. CivU Servant ; Magistrate ; Native Commissioner and Justice of Peace for Northern Rhodesia. War Work : Forwarding supplies for Fife Garrison on Rhodesian Northern Border ; supplying Military Porters for Rhodesian and Nyasaland Field Forces operating in German East Africa and Portuguese East Africa. A.ddress\: Fort Jameson, East Luangwa District, Northern Rhodesia. Club : United Service (Livingstone). (M6429) COOKSON, Lieut.-Col. PhUip Blenoowe, CM.G, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 30 Oct. 1871 ; s. of John Blencowe Cookson, of Meldon Park, Morpeth ; m. Gwendoline, d. of Henry Arthur Brassey. of Preston HaU, Kent (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Eton. 1st Life Guards, April, 1894-1911 ; served on N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 ; S. African War, 1899-1900. War Work : European War, 1914-18, Lieut.-Col. Northumberland Hussars. Address : Meldon Park, Morpeth, Northumberland. Clubs : Turf; White's. (O7028) COOKSON, Thomas Hatton, M.B.E, ft. 17 Sept, 1878 ; s. of Henry Cookson, of West Derby, Liverpool ; m. Winifred Susan, d. of Richard Preston Bishop, of Starcross, Devon. Educ : Shrewsbury School. Merchant. War Work : In charge of the Liverpool Office of the Oils and Fats Branch, Ministry of Food. A ddress : Rose Lea, Willaston, near Birkenhead. Club : Old Hall, Liverpool (M7751) COOMBE, Arthur Henry, M.B.E, 6. 10 Oct. 1865 ; s. of WUliam Coombe, of Torrington, North Devon ; m. Kate, d. of Richard Starling, of Clapham. Educ. : Shebbear CoUege, North Devon. War Work : Duties connected with the post of Registrar to the Accountant-General of the Navy, in whose department, during the war period, the number of com munications received in the Registry averaged two and a quarter millions per annum. Address : 42, Tierney Road, Streatham HU1, S.W. (M268) COOMBES, George Noble, M.B.E. COOMBES, Sydney Cooper, M.B.E, 6. 1 Sept. 1871 ; s. of Walter James Coombes, of Ryde, Isle of Wight ; to. Edith Alathea, d. of George Brewster, of Marston, Staffs. Educ : Privately. Hon. Magistrate, Rangoon, from 1907-10 ; President, Rangoon Trades Association; Hon. Treas. Viceroy's Reception Committee, Rangoon ; Judge, Burma Arts and Crafts Exhibition ; Delhi-Durbar Medal for Public Service, Rangoon 1911. War Work : Naval Supply Officer, Colombo Ceylon, from Jan. 1917, to July, 1919. CZufi : Overseas. (M7752) COOMBES, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. WilUam James, M.B.E, R.A. COOMBS, Edward Alfred, M.B.E, F.S.A.A, 6. 10 Jan. 1866 ; s. of the late Alfred Coombs, of Beckenham, Kent. Treasurer of the Royal Borough of Kensington ; Fellow of the Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors ; Fellow and Past President of the Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants (Incorporated). War Work : Member of the Advisory Committee on Accounts and Audit of the National War Savings Committee ; Hon. Treas. of the Kensington Central Committee for War Savings ; Hon. Treas. of Ken sington Food Control Committee and Kensington National 129 Coombs THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Kitchens. Addresses : The Town HaU, Kensington, W. 8 ; Longside, Beckenham, Kent. (M1568) COOMBS, Capt. Frederick Middleton, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. COOMBS, 2nd Lieut. Percy, M.B.E, R.A.F. COOMBS, Lieut.-Comm. Thomas Edward, O.B.E, R.N.R, 6. 1884 ; s. of John Coombs, of Somersetshire ; m. Kathleen, d. of Rev. H. A. S.Pitt, of Devonshire. Educ: Wells Grammar School. Master Mariner, R.N.S.R. War Work : Second in Command H.M. AuxiUary Cruiser " Patia," 1915-19 ; in Command H.M.T.G. " Gossamer," tiU April, 1919, employed in minesweeping ; in command H.M.S. " Gainsborough," April to Nov. 1919. employed in sweeping mines off the Belgian coast. Address : 32' Khartoum Road, Highfield, Southampton. (09664) COOMBS, WiUiam Walter, M.B.E, fi. 24 Oct. 1866 ; s. of the late Hillary Coombs, of Crewkerne, Somerset ; to. Emma, d. of James Jarman, of Ipswich. Educ. : Crewkerne Grammar School and London University. Civil Servant (Board of Trade). War Work : Work in connection with Trading with the enemv. (M269) COONEY, Capt. Ralph Carson, O.B.E. COOPE, Amy Monica, M.B.E. COOPE, Capt. Raymond Henry, O.B.E, Mercantile Marine, 6. 21 May, 1856 ; s. of the late John Coope ; to. AUce Maud, d. of the late WiUiam Speechley. Educ. : School ship " Conway." In the service of the B.I.S.N.C-L. 44 years, 36 years of which were in command of ships on the Indian coast. War Work : In command of the " Elephanta " when war broke out on 10 Aug. 1914, ship taken by Indian Govt, as troop transport ; served whole war to date of Armistice ; carried some 50,000 men without accident ; mentioned de spatches 3 times ; present first actions, Mesopotamia, and last at Hodeida against Turks. Address : 510, Lytham Road, Blackpool, Lancashire. (01231) COOPER, Alice, O.B.E. COOPER, AUan Ernest, M.B.E, 6. 1874 ; s. of John Cooper, of Lapworth ; to. Elizabeth Ann, d. of PhUip Blight, of Ilfracombe. Educ. : King Edward's School, Aston. War Work : Production of Side Arms. Address : 22, Holly Road, Edgbaston Birmingham. Club : R.A.C. (M1569) COOPER, Capt. Ansell Edgar, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. COOPER, Paymaster-Lieut. -Comm. Archibald Frederick, O.B.E, R.N. COOPER, Bertram George, M.B.E. COOPER, Major Bryan Rieco, M.B.E. COOPER, 2nd Lieut. Cecil Aubrey, M.B.E, R.E. COOPER, Capt. Charles Herbert, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. COOPER, Col. Charles James, C.B.E, T.D. COOPER, Lieut.-Comm. Charles PureeU, O.B.E, R.D., R.N.R. COOPER, Charlotte Leonora, Lady, O.B.E.; d. of Thomas Crambton, of Grove Park, Middlesex ; m. 7 Sept. 1876, Sir Edward Ernest Cooper, 1st Bt. of Berrydown Court (see Burke's Peerage). Address : Berrydown Court, Overton, Hants (03668) COOPER, Daniel George Arthur, O.B.E, S.M, J.P fi. 1 July, 1861 ; s. of George Sisson Cooper ' of Wellington. Educ. : Privately ; WeUington Coll. 1889-1914, Registrar Supreme Court and Court of Appeal, and Sheriff, WeUington District ; Feb. 1914, Stipendiary Magistrate, WelUngton. War Work : Nov. 1914, to Nov. 1918, Chairman, 1st WeUington Military Service Board ; 25 Aug. 1915, Chairman, War Pensions Board for New Zealand. Address : WeUington. Club. Wellington. (08223) COOPER, Edward Stroud, M.B.E.. 6. 17 Sept. 1881 ; s. of Thomas Cooper, of Bishops Waltham ; m. Martha CeciUa Florence, d. of the late John Gregg Corbitt, of Belfast. Educ • Queen's Park CoU, Harrow Road, W. War Work : Assistant to Sec. RaUway Executive Committee, Board of Trade; volunteered for Army in 1915 and rejected. Address : 75 Wrottes'ey Road Harlesden, N.W. 10. (M7754) COOPER, Eleanor Valentine, M.B.E , 6. 14 Feb. 1874 ; d. of Edward Llewelyn Cooper, of Coventry and West Worthing' Educ. : Kensington and Bedford. Joined Red Cross Society in 1911 ; appointed Quartermaster of Sussex 78 in 1913 (Feb ) War Work : Quartermaster of " Cecils " Red Cross Hospital Worthing, Dec. 1914, to March, 1919. Addresses : Seaholme! Heene Road, W. Worthing; 3, Heath Gardens, Petersfield, Hants. (AI1570) COOPER, EUzabeth, O.B.E, 6. 20 Sept. 1861 ; * d. ot James Cooper, of Southampton. Educ : Shirley, Southamp ton. Member of Council of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen. War Work: Hon. Superintendent of work among Minesweepers at Fishermen's Institute of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, MUford Haven ¦ also Hon. Sec. and Treasurer of MlUord Haven and South Wales Minesweepers' Comforts Supply Association. Address : Caer- leon, Wokingham, Berks. (02491 COOPER, Ernest Napier, O.B.E. COOPER, Ethel Beatrice, O.B.E. : d. of John WUson Cooper, of Wincanton, Somerset (late a Principal of War Office Whitehall, London). Educ. : Clapham High School. War- Work : Organiser and Hon. Sec. Clapham War Relief Fund ¦ ft ¦?, ?L the Bx<5cutive Committee, Wandsworth Division' British Red Cross Society. Address : 43, The Chase, Clapham Common. London S.W. .01 moo. COOPER, Ethel Mary, M.B.E. iurcu»tf) H^gSttrdB^-sMT08 Nueent Fitzgeorge de 130 COOPER, Lieut, and Quartermaster Francis John, M.B.E 6. 19 Jan. 1879 ; s. of John Cooper, of Chipping Norton' Educ. : Burford Grammar School. Nurseryman. War Work • Enlisted, Sept. 1914, in Oxf. and Bucks Lt. Infy, became Quartermaster of 6th (Serv.) Batt. ; on disbandment of that battalion, in Feb. 1918, became Quartermaster of the 20th Batt M.G. Corps ; service in France, July 1915, to April 1919' Address : The Hollies, Chipping Norton. (M4454) COOPER, Major Frederiok Ernest, O.B.E, R.A.F. COOPER, Major Geoffrey Beauchamp Astley, O.B E LA. COOPER, Capt. George Alexander Conacher, O.B E R.E. ' '' COOPER, Harold Merriman, O.B.E, M.B, 6. 25 Feb 1873 ; s. of Horace Cooper, M.R.C.S, J.P, of Marlborough Wilts. ; m. Amy Wentworth, d. of Wentworth Tyndale, M.B.' of Hampton, Middlesex. Educ : . Marlborough CoU. ; St! George's Hospital ; London Univ. Surgeon to St. Mary's Cottage Hospital, Hampton ; Poor Law Medical Officer ; Public Vaccinator ; District Medical Officer, Metropolitan Water Board. War Work : Medical Officer County of Middle sex Red Cross Hospital, Hanworth Park ; Medical Officer, St. Mary's Cottage Hospital (MiUtary Hospital), Hampton; Hon Sec. Local Medical War Committee, South Middlesex; Medical Officer, WhitehaU Red Cross Hospital, Hampton Court. (010200) COOPER, Capt., Harold Octavius, O.B.E, R.F.A, 6 3 Aug. 1887 ; s. of J. E. Cooper, of KnodishaU, Suffolk ; m. Yvonne Suzanne, d. of Arthur Cornet-Auquier, of Chalon- sur-Saone, France. Educ. : Dean Close School, Cheltenham, and Corpus Christi CoU, Cambridge. Assistant Master, Dulwich College. War Work : Commissioned to the R.F.A. in June, 1915 ; Posted to C. Battery, 47th Bde, R.F.A, in France, Sept. 1915 ; appointed Reconnaissance Officer, R.A, to 14th Div, 1916, XIX Corps, 1917, and 4th Army, 1918. Address : 6, HUlcrest Road, Upper Sydenham, S.E. (05123) COOPER, Harry, M.B.E, LA. COOPER, Col. Harry, (ret.), C.M.G. C.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 14 AprU, 1847 ; s. of late Henry Cooper, of Shooter's HUl, Kent ; to. EmUy Charlotte Ernestine, d. of late Capt. Henry Caldwell, C.B, R. N, Edue. : Brentwood Gr. School. Royal MiUtary College, Sandhurst. Late 47th Foot, and Staff ; com. Essex Inf. Brig. 1905-11 ; Vice-Chairman, Essex Terr. Force Assoc, 1908-14 ; and commanded No. 3 Dist. 1915-17 ; Fenian Raids, Canada, 1866 ; Ashanti, 1873-74 ; Burma, 1886 ; Sudan, 1896 ; S. Africa, 1899-1902 ; France, 1914 ; Vice-Consul, Bosnia, 1S77-8 ; Asia Minor, 1879-80 ; A.D.C to Viceroy, India, 1884-8 ; A.D.C to the Sovereign, 1898-1904. Address: Pakenham Lodge, Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk. Club : United Service, London. (C1525) COOPER, Major Harry, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. COOPER, Harry Gordon, M.B.E, M.B, B.C. (Cantab.), M.A, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 5 Jatf. 1871 ; s. of Percy Byssche Cooper, of Manchester ; to. Edith Warde, d. of Peter Johnson, of Manchester. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School ; Emmanuel Coll, Cambridge ; Victoria University. Physician and Surgeon. War Work : Hon. Surgeon, St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Assistant County Director, Red Cross, Cheshire ; Hon. Surgeon, Stamford Hospital, Dunham Massey, John Leigh Hospital, Temporary Red Cross Hospital and R.A. CD, Altrincham. Address : Foye, 43, Manchester Road, Altrin cham. (M1571) COOPER, Major Henry, M.B.E. COOPER, Henry Harold, M.B.E. COOPER, Major Henry Sloane, O.B.E.. M.C. COOPER, Lieut. Herbert MUlburn, M.B.E, 6. 12 April, 1885 ; s. of Joseph Cooper, of London ; m. Jennie Frances, d. of WUliam Downey, of London. Educ. : Privately and St. Paul's. Electrical and Mechanical Eng. War Work: Assistant Inspector (2 years), District Inspector (2 years) of Shell, Ontario District, under Imperial Ministry of Munitions. Address : 2335, Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont, Canada. (M272) COOPER, Howard Samuel, M.B.E. COOPER, James, M.B.E. COOPER, James Alexander, C.B.E., J.P. Temporary Principal Clerk Finance Dept, War Office. (C471) COOPER, Col. James Charles, C.B.E, 6. 29 Feb. 1864 ; s. of James Cooper, of Caversham, Reading ; to. Mary Campbell Simpson, d. of Hon. T. W. Hislop, of Wellington, New Zealand. Educ. : Brighton Coll. Insurance Manager for N.Z. ; the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company, Limited ; twenty-five years ArtiUery Officer. War Work : Mobilized Aug. 1914, as Coast Defence Commander, and served in C.D.C. tUl 1920 ; Red Cross Work for three years, Lyttleton and Christehurch, New Zealand. Address : 86, Browns Road, St. Albans, Christehurch. New Zealand. Clubs : Canterbury (Christehurch) ; Wellesley (Wellington) ; Otago (Dunedin). (C185i) COOPER, Major James Percy Carre, O.B.E. COOPER, John, M.B.E. COOPER, Juanita Carlota, Mrs, M.B.E. COOPER, Major Lyall Newoomen, C.B.E, D.S.O. Major, R.E. ; served in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (C781) COOPER, Marion Helen, M.B.E, 6. 1874 ; d. of Rev. Canon J. H. Cooper, Vicar of Cuckfield, Sussex. War Work: Commandant of Red Cross Hospital, Cuckfield. Address: Tentercroft, Cuckfield Sussex. (M7758) COOPER, Mary, Lady, C.B.E, ; d. of George Smith, of Chicago, IUinois ; m. Sir George (Bart.), s. of Alexander BIOGRAPHIES. Cordeaux Cooper, of Elgin N.B. (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Lake Forest, U.S.A.- and England. War Work : Commandant and Donor of Hospital at Hursley Park, Winchester, from 1914-19 ; also maintained Belgian refugees during same period. Addresses : 26, Gros- venor Square, London ; Hursley Park, Winchester ; The College, Elgin, N.B. (C2529) COOPER, PhiUp Ward, O.B.E, fi. 8 March, 1877 ; s. oi Horace Cooper, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, J.P. County of Wilts. ; m. Katharine, d. of Charles Rolls Foster, of Armaside, Hampton Hill. Educ. : Marlborough. Provincial Commissioner, Uganda Protectorate. Address : Fort Portal, Toro, Uganda. Club : Sports. (08382) COOPER, Major Raymond Willoughby, O.B.E, R.E. COOPER, Lieut. Richard Tennant, M.B.E, R.E. COOPER, Lieut.-Col. Robert Higham, C.B.E. Major and Acting Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1238) COOPER, Robert Llewellyn Wilson, M.B.E, 6. 21 March, 1874 ; s. of Robert Cooper, of Luton ; to. Edith Harriet, d. of James Taylor, of Aberdeen. Educ : Cowper Street Founda tion School, City of London. Customs and Excise Depart ment of Civil Service. War Work : Head of Section in Ministry of Shipping. Address : 79, The Avenue, Muswell HU1, London. (M3588) COOPER, Major Robert WUliam, O.B.E, M.C. COOPER, Rose EUen, The Hon. Mrs., O.B.E. COOPER, Major Samuel Edward, M.B.E, R.E. COOPER, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E. COOPER, Thomas Mackay, O.B.E,. M.A, LL.B,; s. of" John Cooper, C.E, of Edinburgh. Educ. : George Watson's Coll., and Edinburgh Univ. Advocate of the Scottish Bar. War Work : Secretarial Assistant, War Trade Department ; Liaison Officer with Ministry of Munitions, and War Priorities Committee of the War Cabinet. Address : 28, India Street, Edinburgh. Club : Northern, Edinburgh. (O10202) COOPER, Major Vivian Bolton Douglas, O.B.E, R.E. COOPER, WUbraham ViUiers, O.B.E. COOPER, Capt. Walter Jackson, M.B.E, R.A.F. COOPER, Rev. WiUiam Henry Hewlett, M.B.E. COOPER, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Linford Edward, O.B.E. COOPER, Willie, O.B.E. (0117856) COOPER, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Naunton Roger GILBERT-, O.B.E. COOPER, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Weldon HERRING-, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of the late Harman Herring-Cooper of Shrule Castle, Carlow. Entered Army Service Corps, 1901 ) became Capt. 1906 ; Maior, 1914 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1918 ; is an A.Q.M.G. ; served in S. Africa, 1902 (despatches). (C2059; COOTE, Comm. Bernard Trotter, O.B.E, R.N, 6. 9 AprU, 1880 ; s. of Sir Algernon Coote, Bart, of Ballyfln (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Grace Harriet, d. of the late Very Rev. John Joseph Robinson, D.D, Dean of Belfast (see Burke's Peerage — Avebury B). Educ. : Royal Navy ; entered H.M.S. "Britannia," 1893 Industrial Welfare Society, 51, Palace Street, S.W. 1. War Work : In charge of the physical and recreational training of the Royal Navy. Address: Clifton House, Cart Bridge, Surrey. (09077) COOTE, Major John Methuen, O.B.E. COPE, Capt. Alan Lachlan SUverwood, M.B.E, 6. 19 Feb. 1891 ; s. of William SUverwood Cope, of 24, Collingham Gardens, S.W. ; m. Elizabeth Masters, d. of Dr. Carl Stone, of Chicago, HI., U.S.A. Educ : Rugby ; Univ. Coll, Oxford. War Work : Served with 1st Batt. The Buffs (E. Kent Regt.) in France, 1914 ; Acting Brigade Major, Dover Infantry Brigade, 1915-16; Adjutant, 1st Garrison Batt. The Buffs, 1916-17; Ministry of National Service, 1917-18 ; Co-ordination of Demobilisation Section, War Cabinet, 1919. Address : 24, CoUingham Gardens, S.W. Clubs : Cavendish ; Leander. (M5626) COPE, Geoffrey SUverwood, M.B.E, 6. 15 Feb. 1889 ; s. of WUliam SUverwood Cope, of 24, Collingham Gardens, S W. 5. Educ. : St. Andrew's School, Eastbourne ; Rugby ; New College, Oxon. War Work : Joint Societies, British Red Cross and Order of St. John ; Sec. Equipment Com mittee, The King George Hospital, S.E. 1, Nov. 1914 to June, 1915; Transport Officer, The King George Hospital, June, 1915, to Sept. 1916 ; Sec. The King George Hospital, Sept. 1916, to Oct. 1919. Address : 24, CoUingham Gardens, S.W. 5. (M1572) COPE, Surg.-Comm. Lidbroke Frank, O.B.E, R.N. COPE, Lieut. Noel Harwood, M.B.E. COPE, Major Thomas Francis, O.B.E. COPELAND, Capt. David Patrick, O.B.E. COPELAND, Capt. John Hugh, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. (M6780e) COPEMAN, Edward Arden, M.B.E. COPLAUS, Meyer, O.B.E. (06356) COPLESTON, Ada Emily, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C, 6. 30 March, 1885 ; d. of WiUiam Francis, of Harlow, Essex ; to. William Horace, s. of William Copleston, of Cambridge. Educ: Pitman's Metropolitan School, Southampton Row, W.C. War Work : Served in France with Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps ; was first attached to the 4th Army Infantry School at Flexicourt, near Amiens ; later to the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, in Calais. Address : c/o Mrs. Gower, Market Deeping, nr. Peterborough. (M4485) COPLESTON, Comm. Reginald Gay, O.B.E, R.N COPLESTONE, Frederick, C.B.E, J.P. Editor of the "Cheshire Chronicle." (C3136) COPLEY, Brig.-Gen. Sir Alington BEWICKE-, K.B.E, C.B, J.P, D.L, 6. 8 April, 1855 (see Burke's Peerage) ; s. of R. 0. Bewicke Bewlcke, of Coulby Manor, Cleveland ; m. Selina Frances, d. of Sir Charles Watson, Bart, of Fulmer, Bucks (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Rugby ; Merton College, Oxford; Sandhurst. 60th Rifles, 1877; A.D.C, India, 1880 ; D.A.A.G, West Indies, 1890 ; D.A.A.G.. Ireland, 1892; MUitary Sec. Bengal, 1896; General Staff, Northern Command, 1908 ; Commanding 17th Infantry Brigade, 1910 ; Commanding West Riding Volunteers, 1914 ; Nile Expedition, 1884-5; N.W. Frontier, Chitral, 1895; Kurram 1897 ; Samana, 1897 ; Tirah, 1898 ; S. Africa, 1899. Ad dress : Sprotborough Hall, Doncaster. Clubs : Carlton ; Naval and Military ; Yorkshire. (K299) COPPINGER, Major Francis Romney, O.B.E, B.A, M.B, R.A.M.C, 6. 10 May, 1883 ; s. of Valentine J. Coppinger, Barrister-at-Law, Dublin. Educ. : Dublin University. In charge of the Vaccine Department, Royal Army Medical College, Grosvenor Road, London, S.W. War Work : Field ambulance, and specialist in the prevention of disease, Aden Field Force, 1914-16 ; D.A.D.M.S. (Sanitary), Burma Division, 1916-18. Address : Royal Army Medical College, Grosvenor Road, London, S.W. 1. (08454) COPPINGER, Capt. Robert Henry, C.B.E, 6. 1877; s. of the late Valentine John Coppinger, Barrister-at-law ; m. 1909, Georgiana Katherine Grace, d: of the late G. Bousfleld Long, of Chipping House, Wotton-under-Edge. Capt. R.N. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19, with Dover Patrol and Ocean Escort (despatches). (C1184) COPPOCK, Harry Stowe, O.B.E, B.Sc, Assoc. M.Inst. C.E, 6. 13 Jan. 1880 ; s. of John George Coppock, of Cardiff ; to. Ivy Jessie, d. of John Edgar, of Melbourne, Australia. Educ. : University College, Cardiff. Manager of the Gun Department at the Elswick Works of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Work : As manager of the Gun Department at the Elswick Works, was responsible for the manufacture of guns of aU caUbres, including the 18-inch long-range naval guns and the 18-inch long-range howitzers for land service ; the output of guns from Messrs. Armstrong-Whitworth during the war period was approximately one-third of the national output. Address : c/o Edgar, 4 Bellevue Terrace, Edinburgh. (0251) COPUS, Clarence George, M.B.E. CORADINE, Sarah Ann, Mrs., M.B.E. CORAH, John Reginald, M.B.E. CORBET, Katharine, Hon. Mrs., M.B.E, Lady of Grace, St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 1861 ; d. of 23rd Baron de Clifford (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Reginald Corbet, J.P, s. of H. R. Corbet, of Adderly, Market Drayton. War Work : Commandant, Adderly Military Auxiliary Hospital, Shropshire ; Organiser Y.M.C.A. Camp Work ; Y.M.C.A. Member for Midland Division, National Auxiliary Committee Y.M.C.A. Address : Adderly, Market Drayton. Clubs : Ladies' Automobile ; Forum. (M1574) CORBET, Lieut. Francis WeUington, O.B.E. CORBET, Rosamond, Mrs. Bertram D'Avenant, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. CORBETT, Major Daniel Maurice, O.B.E, B.A, M.B, B.Ch, B.A.O, L.M, R.A.M.C, 6. 17 Aug. 1882 ; s. of Daniel Corbett, F.R.CS.I, of Dublin ; m. Eleanor Louise, d. of Charles Samuel Hawkes, of Beckenham and Rio de Janeiro. Educ. : Trinity CoUege, Dublin. War Work : Served in France and Belgium, Macedonia and Serbia. Address : c/o Holt and Co, 3, Whitehall Place, S.W. Club : Junior United Service. (05133) CORBETT, Major Edward Richard Trevor, M.B.E, J.P. (Salop), 6. 8 Aug. 1872 ; s. of Edward Corbett, of Longnor, Salop ; m. Marie, d. of Major W. E. Stuart, late 15th Hussars. Educ. : Eton and Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Chairman, Atcham Rural District CouncU. War Work : District Re cruiting Officer, and subsequently Secretary, West Midland Region, under Ministry of National Service. Address: Long nor Hall. Shrewsbury. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (M276) CORBETT, Comm. Godfrey Edwin, C.B.E.; s. of the late Capt. Frank Corbett, 33rd Regt, of Presteigne, Radnorshire. Com. (ret.) R.N. ; Great War, 1914-18, on Blockade Patrol and with Ocean Escort (despatches). (C1185) CORBETT, Lieut.-Col. Robert Lorimer, C.B.E, R.A.O.C. CORBETT, Sybel, O.B.E. CORBISHLEY, Mary CecUia, O.B.E, R.R.C CORBY, Capt. Hugh George, M.B.E.. R.A.F. CORBYN, A.Lieut. Frederick James Harold,O.B.E,R.N.R. CORDEAUX, Edith, Mrs., M.B.E. CORDEAUX, Col. Edward Kyme, C.B.E, Croix de Guerre (Beige), late Lincolnshire Regt, 6. 7 Deo. 1866 ; s. of John Cordeaux, F.R.G.S, J.P, of Great Coates House, near Grimsby ; m. Hilda (M.B.E.), d. of Sir Henry Bennett, D.L, J .P., of Grimsby. Educ. : Oakham School ; Dresden. J.P. for Lincolnshire (parts of Lindsey) since 1899 ; S. African War, 1900-01 (Queen's medal and four clasps, despatches) ; European War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Bractenborough Lawn, Louth, Lincolnshire. Club : United Service. (C1239) CORDEAUX, HUda EUza Agar, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 27 Oct. 1870 ; d. of Sir Henry Bennett, D.L, J.P, of Westlands, Grimsby : m. Col. Edward Kyme Cordeaux, C.B.E, s. of John Cordeaux, J.P, of Great Coates, Lines. Educ : Berlin ; Lausanne. War Work : Commandant, AuxUiary Red Cross Hospital, Louth, Lincolnshire. Address : Brackenborough Lawn, Louth, Lincolnshire. (M277) 131 Cordeaux THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. CORDEAUX, Capt. MelvUle Charles Dymoke.M.B.E, M.C, 6. 21 Aug. 1882 ; s.ofthelateEdwardCordeaux,I.CS. Educ: Privately. Served in the R.G.A. MUitia, and R.F.A. (S.R.), from March, 1904, to July, 1911. War Work : Served in the R.G.A. (T.F.) from Aug. 1914, until disembodied, Sept. 1919 ; severely wounded at the Battle of Arras, 27 April, 1917. (M5179) CORDEAUX, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Wilfred, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 20 Nov. 1860 : s. of John Cordeaux, of Great Coates, Co. Lincoln ; m. Edith, d. of Capt. T. Hilton, late 19th Foot, of Sole Street, Faversham. Educ. : Bute House, Petersham, and St. John's CoU. Cantab. War Work : Cavalry Record Office, Canterbury. Address : Hopeboume, Harbledown, Canterbury. (08775) CORDER, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Annerley, C.M.G, O.B.E. Served in the Great War, 1914-18, as Lieut.-Col. Army Ord nance Depart, (despatches). Address : Geendoon, Havant, Hants. (02877) CORDINGLEY, Major John Walter, O.B.E, R.A.F. CORDNER, Lieut. Edward James O'Cimidi, O.B.E, R A S C I'V F 1 CORFIELD,' Lieut.-Col. Frederick AUeyne, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1884 ; s. of the late Frederick Channer Corfield, of Ormonde Fields, Derbyshire (see Burke's Peerage, AUeyne, Bt.) ; to. 1907, Mary Graham, d. of the late T. Bowater Vernon, of Hanbury, WaUington, Surrey. Major, R.A.S.C, and an A.A. and Q.M.G. with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). Address : ChatwaU, Cardington, Salop. (05135) CORFIELD, Mary Hay, Hon. Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 14 Feb. 1871 ; d. of John, 1st Lord Inverclyde, of Castle Wemyss (see Burke's Peerage) . m. Claud Evelyn Lacy, s. of the Rev. Frederick Corfield, Vicar of Shirley. President of the Mothers' Union in the Diocese of Bath and WeUs ; Divisional Commissioner of Girl Guides in the County of Somerset ; a member of the Diocesan Conference of the Diocese of Bath and WeUs an elected Represen.ative of the National Assembly of the Church of England. War Work : President of the Taunton War Hospital, Supply Depot ; President of the Central Club for young people, started during the war. Address : The Vicarage, Taunton. (010204) CORIN, Major Herbert John, O.B.E, R.A.F, L.D.S., CORK, Major Reginald PhiUp, O.B.E, 6. 18 March, 1884 ; s. of Alfred PhiUp Cork, of Sloane Court, S.W. Educ. : Trent and Eastbourne. Member of the London Stock Exchange Served with the 22nd Batt. London Regt. (The Queens), and the Machine Gun Corps. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (05136) CORKE, Edward Stanton, M.B.E. (M10438) CORKERY, Lieut.-Col. Martin Percy, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. CORKHILL, Percy FuUerton, C.B.E, 6. 21 Nov. 1873 ; s. of Thomas CorkhUl, of Kirkmichael. Educ : Liverpool. Solicitor ; Secretary to the Lord Mayor of Liverpool ; Hon. Tres, Association of Local War Pensions Committees. War Work : Honorary Organiser of Roll of Honour Fund, Lord Mayor's MUUon Smiling Fund ; Lord Mayor's SUver Badge Fund ; Hon. Sec, " Lusitania " Fund ; Joint Hon. Sec, Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society. Address : 18, Rufford Road, Liverpool. (C2530) CORKING, Qr.-Mr. and Capt. James WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.), CORKRAN, Florence Caroline Seymour, C.B.E, 6. 6 May, 1851 ; d. of Sir Charles Lennox Peel, K.C.B. ; m. Charles Seymour, late Col, Grenadier Guards, s. of Charles Corkran, Long Ditton, Surrey. Lady of Justice of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; Order of the League of Mercy. War Work : Officers' Families Fund with Marchioness of Lansdowne, both in the South African War and the Great War. Address : 39, Lowndes Square, S.W. (C2531) CORKRAN, Helena Muriel Seymour, M.B.E. ; d. of Col. Charles Seymour Corkran, of 39, Lowndes Square, London. War Work : Queen Mary's Needlework GuUd (voluntary), Head Officer, St. James' Palace, Aug. 1914-19. Address : 39, Lowndes Square, W. (M7761) CORKRAN, Sybil Florence, M.B.E. ; d. of Col. Seymour Corkran, late Grenadier Guards. War Work : Officers' FamUies' Fund, from Sept. 1914, to Feb. 1919. Address : 39, Lowndes Square, S.W. (M3589) CORLESS, Richard, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 10 Oct. 1884 ; s.of James Corless, of Goosnargh, nr. Preston, Lancs. ; m. Etheline, d. of Samuel Oaten, of Tunbridge Wells. Educ : Preston Grammar School, and Sidney Sussex Coll, Cambridge. Superintendent of Instruments, Meteorological Office. War Work : Arrangements for the supply of Meteorological Instru ments to Navy, Army and Royal Air Force. Address : 21 Wimborne Gardens, West Ealing, W. 13. (O3670) CORLETT, Arthur Ready, O.B.E, 6. 8 Sept. 1873 ; s. of the late Rev. John Corlett, of St. John's, Isle of Man ; m. Eleanor Jane, d. of WiUiam Christian, of Douglas. Isle of Man' Educ: King William's College, Castletown, isle of Man Third Officer, Manchester Fire Brigade, July, 1898 ; Second Officer, April, 1904 ; Chief Officer, Nov. 1916. War Work ¦ As Chief Officer, Manchester Fire Brigade, attended fires in premises engaged on the production of munitions of war especiaUy, high explosives. Address: Headquarters, Fire Dept, London Road, Manchester. (010205) CORLETTE, Major Hubert Christian, O.B'.E, F.R.I B A R.B.C, 6. 27 June, 1869 ; s. of late Rev. Canon James Christian 132 Corlette, D.D. (Oxon.), of Ashfleld, Sydney, N.S.W, Australia to. Florence Gwynedd, d. of Arthur V. Davies-Berrington of Pant-y-Goitre, Monmouthshire. Educ. : Sydney Grammar School ; Sydney Univ. ; Univ. CoU, London ; Royal Academy of Arts, (School of Architecture), London ; Seade School of Fine Art. War Work : Major, 1st King Edward's Horse The King's Oversea Dominions Regiment (Special Reserve' Cavalry) on outbreak of War ; attached R.F.A, 1915-16 ¦ employed on Staff Duty, 1916-18 ; attached to Ministry of Agriculture, 1918-20, under War Office orders, as Head of Labour Section for recruiting and demobUisation duty. Ad dresses : 28, Palace Gardens Terrace, W. 8 ; 2, New Square Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Club : Arts. (O10206) CORMACK, George, M.B.E, 6. 6 Jan. 1852 ; s. of Donald Cormack, of Wick ; m. Jane Johnston, d. of Alexander Black- hall, of Fraserburgh. Educ : Public School, Fraserburgh. 35 years' service as Fishery Officer, under the Fishery Board for Scotland (now retired). War Work : For the services rendered as a Fishery Officer, under the Fishery Board for Scotland, and as Fish Executive Officer, under the Ministry of Food ; these duties were carried on during the war to the entire satisfaction of the above Departments, and also the satisfaction of the traders and members of the community of Fraserburgh Fishery District. (M7762) CORMACK, Brig.-Gen. John Dewar, CM.G, C.B.E. 6. 1870 ; s. of the late Alexander Cormack, of Dumbarton'-' m. 1902, Fanny, d. of the late John Lister, of Leeds. Educ. ': Glasgow Univ. (B.Sc. double 1st class Honours, 1892) ; D Sc Brussels; M.I.C.E, M.I.M.E, M.I.E.E. Is an Hon. Brig.-Gen.' Regius Professor of CivU Engineering and Mechanics, Glasgow Univ., and a Chevalier of Legion of Honour ; sometime Pro fessor of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. Coll, London: ap pointed Chief Contracts Officer, Mil. Aeronautics at War Office 1915 ; Assist. Director, Aircraft Equipment, 1916. and Director there of Supply and Production (Air Board), 1917 ; was Chief Representative Air Board and Chief Representative Aero Supply Dept, Ministry of Munitions in U.S.A., 1917-18 ; author of various scientific and literary papers. Addresses : 11, Park Terrace, Glasgow ; 37, Hyde Park Gate, S.W. (C1125) CORNABE, Comm. WUUam Eckford, O.B.E, R.N. CORNELL, Frederick Carruthers, O.B.E. CORNER, Kate Agnes, M.B.E. CORNER, Sylvia, M.B.E. CORNER, Capt. WiUiam, O.B.E, fi. 25 Nov. 1893 ; s. of WiUiam Corner, of Inverness. Educ : Inverness Royal Academy, and Modern Univ. Medical practitioner. War Work : R.A.M.C. ; now attached to the new Civil Hospital, Bagdad, Mesopotamia. Address : Brookside, Drummond Road, Inverness. (O6600) CORNETT, Major Alexander Don, O.B.E. CORNEY, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Albert, M.B.E. CORNISH, WUUam Delhi, O.B.E, J.P. CORNS, Eng.-Lieut. Frederick Samson, M.B.E, R.N.R., 6. 13 Dec. 1857 ; s. of W. L. Corns, of Newton Heath, Nr. Manchester ; to. AUce MUocent Ursula, d. of P. W. Smyth, of South Norwood, London, S.E. Educ. : Privately. Engineer (retired). War Work : Serving on board the Cable ship, " John Pender," as Chief Engineer whUe maintaining, laying, and repairing submarine cables, etc. Address : 36, Connaught Avenue, Plymouth. Club : Plymouth. (M7763) CORNWALL, Lieut.-Col. James Handyside Marshall, C.B.E. D.S.O, M.C, R.F.A, 6. 27 May, 1887 ; s. of James CornwaU, 24 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh. Educ : Edin burgh Academy ; CargUfield ; Rugby ; Woolwich. War Work : Served in France and Belgium, Aug. 1914, to Jan. 1918: employed in MUitary InteUigence Directorate, War Office, Jan. 1918, to AprU, 1919. Clubs: United Service: Royal AutomobUe ; PhylUs Court. (C2094) CORNWALL, Lily EUzabeth Frances, M.B.E. (M10246_) CORNWALLIS, Hon. Col. Fiennes Stanley Wykeham, C.B.E, T.D, J.P, D.L, fi. 17 May, 1864 ; s. of the late Major Fiennes ComwaUis, of Chacombe, near Banbury ; m. 1886, Mabel, d. of the late Capt, O. P. Leigh, of Belmont, Cheshire. Educ. : Eton. Chairman, Kent County CouncU ; Chairman, Kent War Agricultural Executive Committee ; Prov. G.M. Kent Freemasons ; Trustee, R.A.S.E. and Past President ; formerly M.P. for Maidstpne. War Work : Major, Hon. Col, 2/lst West Kent Yeomanry ; War Agricultural Executive Committee. Address : Linton Park Maidstone. Club : Carlton. (C472) CORNWALLIS, Lieut.-Col. Kinahan, C.B.E, D.S.O.; Major and T. Lieut.-Col. Special List; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, Order of the NUe). (01273) CORNWALLIS, Lieut. Oswald Wykeham, O.B.E, R.N. CORRALL, Capt. George Edward, O.B.E, CORRIE, Donald WeUdon, M.B.E, B.A. (Cantab), fi. 29 Aug. 1886 ; s. of Edward Knowles Corrie, of 4, Chislehurst Road, Richmond, Surrey ; to. Vera Maude, d. of WiUiam Brown, J.P, of ChaUoners, Rottingdean, Sussex. Educ: Eton CoU. (Foundation Scholar), 1901-5 ; King's Coll, Camb. (Scholar), 1905-10. ChanceUor's English Verse MedalUst, 1907 ; caUed to Bar (Inner Temple), 1911 ; appointed Junior Examiner, Board of Education, 1914. War Work : Lent to Ministry of Munitions, July, 1915, to June 1920 ; Private Sec. to Director of Munition Contracts, 1915 ; Sec. to Canadian Branch (R.I.M.B.), 1916-18; Statistical Branch, D.M.R.S, 1918-20 ; War Office (Factories Branch) June to Nov. 1920. Address : Cromden Lodge, Reigate, Surrey. Clubs : M.C.C. ; Eton Ramblers ; Butterflies ; Cryptics. (M1576) CORRIE, Lieut. WiUiam Edward, M.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Cotton CORRIE. WiUiam Maloolm, O.B.E, 6. 3 AprU, 1851 ; s. of John Malcolm Corrie, of Itchen Abbas, Hants ; m. Margaret Louisa, d. of Macgregor Laird, of Birkenhead. Educ : Winchester. War Work : Organised and directed throughout the war a hospital (benevole) for wounded officers at Biarritz, offered and financed by Mr. J. Kennedy Tod, of New York ; helped to organise and maintain throughout the war a Corps of Brancardiers and Ambulances for the convoys of wounded, receiving thanks of the French Government and the Medaille de la reconnaissance Francaise ; helped to organise and main tain a olub for wounded soldiers, and agency for tracing missing wounded and dead. Addresses : Kelwood, St. John's, Woking ; Gurutzea, St. Jean de Luz, B.P, France. Club : British, Biarritz, B.P. (010207) CORRIGAN, Major Albert Arthur, M.B.E. CORRIGAN, John, M.B.E, CORRY, AUce Maude, Mrs., M.B.E, CORSCADEN, Fannie Evelyn, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of Bartholomew McCorkeU, of Richmond, Londonderry ; to. Robert Corscaden. Vice-President Londonderry Women's Unionist Association ; -Member of Executive Committee, Ulster Women's Unionist CouncU. War Work : Committee of Sailors' Rest, Londonderry (British and Foreign SaUors' Society) ; presented a house to render premises large enough to deal with torpedoed ciews and thousands of other sailors ; supported and worked for Red Cross, Regimental Comforts, etc. ; gave a room in her house for packing and collection in connection with Red Cross Stores. Address : Richmond, Londonderry. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (M7764) CORSI, Anthony Joseph, M.B.E. CORSI, Manual Gregory, M.B.E. CORT, Capt. WilUam Percy, M.B.E, Special Reserve R.F.C, and Unemployed List R.A.F, fi. 7 July, 1890 ; s. of WiUiam Smith Cort, J.P, of Market Harborough ; to. Edith Emma, d. of Joseph Stapleford, of Leicester. Educ. : Privately, and Edward VII Grammar School. War Work : One of the original six night-flying pilots of the Royal Flying Corps ; commanded first night-flying detachment, R.F.C, in East London ; after active overseas service returned to command the first R.A.F. School of Wireless Telephony, Penshurst, Kent. Addresses : 52, Howitt Road, Belsize Park, N.W. 3 ; Sibbertoft, Northants. Club: R.F.C. (M3371) CORY, Major Evan James Trevor, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.) CORY, Mabel EmUy Hartridge, Mrs., M.B.E. COSENS, Peter Hunter, M.B.E, 6. 25 May, 1865 ; s. of Rev. A. T. Cosens, Broughton, Peeblesshire. Educ. : Royal High School, and Univ. of Edinburgh. Writer to the Signet. War Work : Hon. Sec. Scottish Freshwater Fisheries Com mission. Address : 17, Hope Terrace, Edinburgh. Club : Conservative, Edinburgh. (M7765) COSGRAVE, Capt. Frederick John, M.B.E, 6. 3 Dec. 1870 ; s. of Frederick Michael Cosgrave, of Co. KUdare, Ireland ; m. EUen Agnes, d. of Thomas Strudwick, of Arundel, Sussex. Educ. : Claremont Academy. Joined 4th Dragoon Guards, 1889 ; served in India, 1894-1904 ; took part in the Relief of Chitral, 1895 (medal and clasp) ; Tirah Campaign, 1897 (medal and clasp) ; N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 (Medal and clasp). War Work : During Great War, served with 2nd Mounted Division in Egypt, GaUipoli (Suvla Bay Landing, Aug. 1915) ; Senussi Campaign, 1915-16 ; and Turkish Invasion of Egypt, Feb. 1915. Address : Shabani, Rhodesia. (M5180) COSGRIFF, Eugene, M.B.E, COSGROVE, James, O.B.E, 6. 21 Aug. 1879; s. of late James Cosgrove, of Aberdeen ; to. EUzabeth, d. of William Ritchie, of Aberdeen. Educ : Aberdeen. Chief Engineer, P. & O. Steam Navigation Co. War Work : Transport of troops, during the whole period of the War. Address : 110, De Vere Gardens, Cranbrook Park, Ilford. (01236) COSGROVE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas Patrick, M.B.E. COSSEY, Capt. Harry John Moore, O.B.E, R.A.S.C COSSGROVE, Capt. David Cecil WaUace, M.B.E. COSTELLO, Lieut. George Arthur, M.B.E, R.E. COSTELLO, Frederiok, O.B.E. COSTER, Gaius William, M.B.E. COSTIGAN, Charles Samuel, M.B.E, 6. 12 June, 1870 ; s. of the late Charles Costigan, of Liverpool ; to. Eleanor Clementina, d. of the late Thomas Daniels, T.C, of Liverpool and Southport. Educ. : Liverpool Institute. Fellow of the Auctioneers' Institute ; Sec. of the Sefton Hall Co, Ltd, Liverpool ; Auctioneer, Appraiser and Fire Loss Assessor. War Work : Commandant of the West Lancashire T.F.A. Voluntary Aid Detachment No. 25 ; O.C. of the Liverpool Ambulance Co. ; supplied the V.A.D. Orderlies at 6 Hospitals in Liverpool. Addresses : 97, Park Road, and 1, Upper Park Street, Liverpool, S. ; Merllyn, Hartington Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool. (M7767) COSWAY, Leopold Harold BaskerviUe, O.B.E. (O8075) COTTELL, Amy Joan, M.B.E, 6. 13 Nov. 1887 ; d. of Mark Cottell, of St. Breward, Bodmin. Educ : Privately, and Goldsmiths' CoU, New Cross. War Work : British War Mission on Lord Northcliffe's personal staff. Address: 63, Taunton Road, Lee, Kent. _ (M1578) COTTELL, Lieut.-Col. and Bt. Col. Reginald James Cope, C.B.E, Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jeru salem, late R.A.M.C, 6. 13 Oct. 1858 ; s. of late Major J. W. CotteU, H.E.I.CS. ; m. Edith Clementina, d. of James Ruthven, of Hull. Physician and Surgeon to the Royal Hospital, Chelsea; Officer-in-Charge, The King George Hospital, London; South African War. 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, three clasps, and King's medal, two clasps). War Work : Medical Officer in charge of Recruiting, Stratford, London, 1914-15, and from May, 1915. to Sept. 1919, Officer- in-charge of the King George Hospital, Stamford Street, London. Address : 7, PhiUimore Terrace, Kensington, W. 8. (C1526) COTTER, Joseph, O.B.E. _J ; COTTERELL, Mabel, O.B.E, d. oUGeorge Cotterell, of York. Educ. : York High School, and privately. Organising Sec. to Women's National Committee to secure State Purchase and Control of the Liquor Trade. War Work : Opened Girls' Patriotic Clubs at Ipswich, Chatham, Hull, for Y.W.CA, 1915 ; Lady Superintendent Welfare Department, H.M. Factory, Gretna, N.B, 1916-19. Addresses : Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W. 1 ; 64, Belsize Lane, N.W. 3. (01237) COTTERELL, Thomas Sturge, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 10 March, 1865 ; s. of Frederick Fowler CottereU, of Clevedon, Somerset. Educ. : Sidcot School, Somerset ; Olivers Mount, Scarborough. Justice of the Peace for Bath since 1902 ; City Councillor, Bath, for 14 years. War Work : Senior Superintendent of H.M. Magazines during the war for Ministry of Munitions. Address : High Cleare, Bath, Somerset. (M1579) COTTLE, Adela, Mrs., C.B.E, COTTLE, Clifford John, M.B.E.; s. of John Cottle, of Bristol ; to. Sarah, d. of George Chittenden, of Snodland, Kent. Educ : CouncU School, Bristol. Church Army Evangelist. War Work : Friends of the Wounded Depart ment, Church Army ; organised outings and personal care of lonely men ; 27,000 taken for drives, concerts, garden parties, the whole cost of which was borne by the Church Army. Address : 187, Marylebone Road, London, N.W. 1. (M3590) COTTLE, Flying Officer Jack, M.B.E, D.F.C. COTTLE, Lieut. and Qr.-Mr. Joseph, M.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 23 Feb. 1886 ; s. of Joseph Cottle, of Bristol ; to. Ethel May, d. of WUliam Rogers, of Bath. Educ. : Russell Town, Bristol. Joined H.M. Forces Feb. 1902, and served in the ranks until June, 1917, when promoted in the field to a commission as Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. ; proceeded on Active Service March, 1915, and served overseas until Aug. 1919, during which time was with Field Ambulance doing front-Une work ; served in France, Belgium, and Italy ; appointed O.C 2/lst N.M. Field Ambulance (Cadre), May, 1919. Address : 3, Congleton Road, St. George, Bristol. Clubs : Regimental ; Broad Plain Social, Bristol. (M4726) COTTLE, Capt. Peter James, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. COTTON, Alonzo, M.B.E, 6. 6 Oct. 1862 ; s. of Thomas Nathaniel Cotton, of Bristol ; to. Sarah Ann, d. of John Hares, of Bristol. Supt. of Transport, St. John Ambulance Brigade, City of Bristol Corps. War Work : Commandant V.A.D, S.J.A.B, Bristol 5 ; disembarking and embarking wounded from H.M. Hospital Ships at Avonmouth Dock ; Bristol Special Constabulary. Address : 100, Barton HiU Road, Bristol. Club : R.A.O.B, Bristol. (M3591) COTTON, Annie, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of the late Venble. Alfred Pott, Archdeacon of Berks. War Work : Lent private house as hospital, 1915-18 ; Commandant of the Red Cross V.A.D. Convalescent Home, 1918-10. (M7768) COTTON, Archibald James, M.B.E. COTTON, Col. Arthur Stedman, CM.G, C.B.E. , D.S.O, A.M., R.F.A, 6. 18 Aug. 1873 ; s. of the late Major J. W. M. Cotton, J.P, late of 21st Hussars, and 9th Foot ; m. Rose, d. of the late Robert Bousfield, D.L. of County of Kent. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' and R.M.A, Woolwich. War Work : Served from Aug. 1914 to the Armistice on the Western Front and occupation of Germany ; British Military Mission to S. Russia, 1919-20 ; 3 times wounded, 9 times mentioned in despatches ; awarded Bt. Lieut.-Col, 1916 ; Bt. Col, 1919; C.M.G, 1919; C.B.E, 1920; D.S.O, 1915 ; and A.M. (Gazette 16 July, 1920) ; Foreign decora tions : St. Vladimir (Russia), 3rd Class ; St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (Italy) Officer ; Croix de guerre avec palmes (France) ; Croix de guerre (Belgium). Address: Perron Lodge, Branksome, Bournemouth. Club : Army and Navy. (C3126) COTTON, Charles, O.B.E, F.R.C.P, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), Knight of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 7 Feb. 1856 ; s. of Hugh Powell Cotton, of Seaway, CocMngton, Torquay ; m. Adelaide, d. of the late Major-Gen. Robert Thomas Leigh, Bengal Staff Corps, of Ilfracombe, Devon. Educ : Western Grammar School ; King's Coll, London ; St. George s Hospital. Commissioner Commanding No. 8 District (Kent, Surrey, and Sussex) St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Hon. Librarian, Christ Church Cathedral, Canterbury. War Work : Assist. County Director (formerly County Director) Kent V.A.D. Organisation. Address : Briarfleld, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury. (010208) COTTON, George Frederiok, M.V.O, M.B.E. COTTON, Harry, M.B.E, B.Sc, F.R.Met.S, 6. 17 June, 1889 ; s. of J. T. Cotton, of Hanley, Staffs. ; to. LiUan, d. of G. R. HaU, of Hanley, Staffs. Educ. : Victoria Univ. of Manchester. Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Univ. CoU , Nottingham. War Work : Observer in Meteorological Section, R.E. Address : Waverley House, Waverley Street Nottingham (M4557) COTTON^ James Temple, M.B.E, 6. 12 Nov. 1879 ; s. of George Frederick Cotton, of Clapham; m. Laura Beatrice, d of W. G. Dunnett, of Ipswich. Educ. : Stationers' Company s School, and Birkbeck CoU. Held appointments in various Government Depts, including Board of Trade, Scottish Education Office, Estate Duty Office, Inland Revenue, Office 133 Cotton THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. of Works, Admiralty, and Air Ministry. War Work : Trade Division, Admiralty. CivU assistant to Assist. Chief of Naval Staff ; and Secretary's Department of Admiralty. Addresses : Ellerslie, Westcott, Dorking ; Air Ministry, Kingsway, W.C. 2. (M1581) COTTON, Capt. Maurice John, O.B.E. COTTON, Major Percy Vernon, O.B.E. COTTON, Major Vere Egerton, O.B.E, R.G.A. (T.), 6. 5 May, 1888 ; s. of the late Charles 0. Cotton. Educ. : Repton ; Magdalene CoU, Cambridge. Address : 2, Black- burne Terrace, Hope Street, Liverpool. (02974) COTTON, Major WUUam Ernest Leslie, O.B.E, M.C, Croix de Guerre, fi. 31 July, 1888 ; s. of Ernest E. Cotton, J.P, of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire ; to. Doris May, d. of William Rowe, of Worcester. Educ. : Bromsgrove School. Engineer ; director of Easton, Lloyd & Co, Ltd, Birmingham. War Work : Mobilized 5 Aug. 1914 ; commanding a company in the 8th Bn. the Worcestershire Regt, T.F. ; France, March, 1915 ; Brigade Transport Officer ; Staff Capt. 144 Inf. Brigade, 1916-17 ; D.A.Q.M.G, H.Q, Fourth Army, 1917-19 ; now 2nd in Command, 8th Bn. Worcestershire Regt. Address : 43, Britannia Sq, Worcester. (02480) COTTON, Olive Harriet STAPLETON-, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1883 ; d. of the late Col. Sir Edward Cotton-JodreU, K.C.B, of Reaseheath HaU, Nantwich ; to. Richard GreviUe Arthur WeUington, s. of Col. Hon. R. Stapleton-Cotton, of Llwynon, Anglesey (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Vice-President, Cheshire B.R.C.S. tiU 1915; Hon. Commandant V.A.D. Cheshire No. 4 ; organised V.A.D. Hospital, Nantwich, Nov. 1914 ; In Portsmouth was from outbreak of war member of S. & S. F. A, and subsequently of War Pensions Committee ; Member of N.S.P.CC and Royal Portsmouth Hospital Com mittee of Management, representing War Pensions Committee ; Chairman of Royal Naval Creche for War Orphans ; Member of Portsmouth Navy League Education Committee. Address : Lennox Road, Portsmouth. (010209) COTTON, Capt. Richard GrevUle Arthur Wellington STAPLETON-, C.B.E, M.V.O, R.N, 6. 7 Nov. 1873 ; s. of Richard Southwall George Stapleton-Cotton, heir-presumptive to the Viscounty of Combermere (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 9 Aug. 1910, Olive Harriet, O.B.E, y. d. of Lieut.-Col. Sir Edward T. D. Cotton-JodreU, K.C.B. Served in the Great War ; has Order of the Crown of Italy. (02282) COTTRELL, Comm. WilUam Henry, C.M.G, O.B.E.; s. of the late Major W. F. CottreU ; m. 1889, Louisa Celestina Baglietto. Com, Roy. Naval Vol. Reserve ; served at Darda nelles, 1915 (despatches). (03476) COTTS, Sir WUliam Dingwall Mitchell, K.B.E, J.P, 6. 15 July, 1871; s. of WUUam Cotts, of Sanquhar, Dum friesshire, N.B. ; to. Agnes Nivison, d. of Robert Sloane, of Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire, N.B. Educ. : Privately, and at Wallace HaU Academy, Dumfriesshire. Colonial Mer chant ; Shipowner and CoUiery Proprietor. War Work : Services in connection with Recruiting. Addresses : 24, Hans Place, S.W. ; 8, St. Helen's Place, E.C. Clubs: City, Cape town ; London — New City ; National Liberal ; Automobile ; Thatched House ; Royal Societies'. (K313) COUBROUGH, Anthony Cathcart, C.B.E, M.A, B.Sc. M.I.E.E, M.I.M.E, 6. 1877 ; s. of Anthony Sykes Coubrough, J.P, of Blanefield, Stirlingshire. Educ. : Albany Acad, and Univ. of Glasgow. Engineer; Gen. Manager for India of Mather and Piatt (Limited), engineers, of Manchester, London and Calcutta ; Controller, Munitions Board, 1917-19. Club : Bengal (Calcutta). (C1071) COUCHMAN, Sir Francis Dundas, K.B.E, M.Inst.CE, fi. 15 Feb. 1864 ; s. of the late Thomas Barnes Couchman, of Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire ; m. Isabella McLean (Daisy), d. of the late Lieut.-Col. Donat Edward McMahon. Entered State RaUways, India, 1886 ; was Consulting Engineer for RaUways, Calcutta, 1899-1900 ; Under-Sec to Government of India, RaUway Branch, 1901-5 ; Sec. and Consulting Engineer for Railways, Burma, 1906-8 ; Chief Engineer Burma Railv/ays, 1909-12 ; Agent and General Manager, 1912-15; Member of the Railway Board from April, 1915, to Nov, 1920. Address : Instow, N. Devon. Club : East India United Service. (K328) COULCHER, Mary CaroUne, C.B.E, 6. 1852 ; d. of Rev. George Coulcher. Educ. : Lymington House School, Clapham Park. Vice-President, British Red Cross Society for Ipswich ; late Lady District Supt. St. John Ambulance Brigade, and a Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; has Coronation Medal, 1911, and Service Medal (2 bars). War Work : Commandant, V.A.D, Suffolk 22 ; Com mandant, Gippeswyk Hall MUitary Isolation Hospital, Ipswich, and Broadwater AuxilUary Hospital, Ipswich : East Suffolk War Relief Committee Executive. Address : Beech- holme, Ipswich. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (C2533) COULON, Major Frederick Coulon, O.B.E, M.G.C COULSON, Lieut.-Col. Basil John Blenkinsopp, C.B.E, COULSON, Edith Mabel, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Corry Coulson, of Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh. Educ. : Dublin and Germany. Asst. Private Sec. to H.E. The Lord Lieu tenant of Deland. War Work : Department of Recruiting for Ireland, 1915-16 ; Assist. Private Sec. to H.E. The Lord Lieutenant. Address : Vice-Regal Lodge. Dublin. (M7770) COULSON, Bt. Lieut.-Col. Frank Morris, C.B.E, 6. 10 July, 1880 ; s. of Morris Coulson, of High Holborn ; to Beatrice Mary, d. of Arthur WUliam Anderson, of Prince's St, 134 Hanover Sq, W. Educ. : Privately. Interested in the work of the Dutch painters of the seventeenth century; South Africa, 1901-02 ; Queen's medal and 5 clasps. War Work : Acting paymaster, 1914, Warwick; Capt. and Paymaster, May, 1917, Warwick; Major and Staff Paymaster, Oct. 1917, Lichfield and War Office ; Bt. Lieut.-Col. Jan. 1919, War Office. Address : 34, Telford Avenue, S.W. 2. Club : The Officers' Association. (C2096) COULSON, Lieut. Horace Wilkinson, M.B.E, RE (T.F.). COULSON, Capt. Thomas, O.B.E. COULSON, William Ernest, M.B.E, A.I.C.S, 6. 18 May, 1865 ; s. of George Coulson, of Cherry Burton ; m. Mary EUzabeth, d. of Henry Creaser, of Dunnington, York. Educ. : Dyson's Boarding School, Beverley. Previously Member of the Cotting- ham Urban District Council for ten years, including Chairman. War Work : 1st Representative Ministry of Shipping, Malta Dockyard ; Chairman of the Food Control Committee, and Allotment Committee ; Member of the Tribunal ; Chairman, Urban District Council ; Member of the Charities Act Committee. Clubs : HuU Constitutional ; Pacific ; HuU Exchange ; Hornsea. (M7771) COULTER, Lieut. Peroival Arthur, M.B.E. COUNAHAN, Michael TyreU, M.B.E, s. of Gerald Counahan, of C. Louth ; m. Theresa, d. of James CantweU, of Dublin and Co. Tipperary. Collector of Customs and Excise, Cork, Ireland. War Work : Examination of papers of ships brought into Queenstown, etc, by Admiralty, under RetaUation Prize Traders, which led to the confiscation of enemy property of about £250,000 ; controUed work of AUen Officers ; put in force orders respecting Ulegal shipment of oil ; as Head Receiver of Wrecks took charge of and disposed of perhaps the largest number of Droits in the U.K. ; acted generaUy in co operation with the Navy as regards ships, routes and notifica tion of enemy submarines. Address : 6, WeUesley Terrace, WeUington Road, Cork. (M7772) COUPER, Chief Carpenter John, M.B.E, R.N. COUPER, John Charles, O.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of Charles Tennant Couper, of Woodstone Row, Dumbartonshire ; m. Elsie Winifred, d. of Benjamin Hall Blyth, C.E, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Winchester, Edinburgh University. Writer to His Majesty's Signet ; Pursebearer to His Majesty's Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scot land. War Work : Chief MUitary Representative, City of Edinburgh Tribunals, and thereafter Chief National Service Representative for Edinburgh Area, including counties of West Lothian, Peebles, etc, 1915-18. Address : 17, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh ; Kaimend, North Berwick. Clubs : New Edinburgh ; Hon. Co. of Edinburgh Golfers. (01239). COUPER, Col. John Duncan Campbell, C.B.E.; Col. R.E. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1240) COUPER, Major Peter, O.B.E. COURAGE, Comm. Archibald Vesey, O.B.E, R.N. COURAGE, Francis Zoe, Mrs, M.B.E. COURATIN, Paul Evelyn, M.B.E. COURSE, Sarah Denton, Mrs, M.B.E. COURT, Charles Edward, O.B.E, fi. 1869 ; s. of the late John Court, of Kendal ; m. Mary J, d. of E. R. Martindale, of Crake Trees, near Kendal. 1916-19, Chairman of the Ulverston Urban District Council. War Work : Chairman of the foUowing Committees : War Savings, Food Control, Red Cross, and Y.M.C.A. Hut Week; Member of the Tribunal. Address : Elm Lodge, Ulverston, Lancs. (010210) COURT, Eleanor Rosina, M.B.E. COURT, Lieut. Henry Darlington Harold, M.B.E, R.E. COURT, Lilian, M.B.E. COURT, Lilian Ethel, M.B.E. COURT, Capt. Sidney Herbert, O.B.E, R.E. COURT, WilUam Albert, M.B.E, 6. 2 June, 1877. Sur veyor of Stores, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. War Work: Admiralty Constructive Repair Overseer, Glasgow ; in this capacity was responsible for the oversight of the docking and refitting of all H.M. vessels sent to the upper reaches of the Clyde for repair during the war. (M7775) COURTNEY, Wing-Comm. Christopher Lloyd, C.B.E, D.S.O. ; Wing.-Comm. R.A.F. ; served in the Great War, 1914- 18 (despatches). (C855) COURTNEY, Col. Edward Arthur Waldegrave, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1868 ; e. s. of the late Maj.-Gen. Edward Henry Courtney, C.V.O, R.E, Governor of Mil. Knights of Windsor; to. 1894, Hilda Maria, y.d. of the late T. E. Chapman, of Silksworth Hall, Co. Durham. Entered Lancashire Fusiliers, 1889 ; became Capt. Army Service Corps, 1896; Major, 1903; Lieut.-Col. 1912; Col. 1917; served during S. African War, 1899-1901 ; present at actions of Paardeberg, Driefontein, and Poplar Grove, and at reUef of Kimberley (Queen's medal with six clasps). War Services : 1914-18, as Dep. Director and then as Director of Requisition Services (despatches, Order of Leo pold of Belgium, Legion of Honour, Croix de Guerre); Dep. Assist. Director of SuppUes and Transport, E. Command, 1906-10 ; is Assist. Director of SuppUes and Transport, K. Command. Clubs : York ; United Service (C473) COURTNEY, Wing-Comm. Ivon Terence, C.B.E. ; Wing- Comm. R.A.F. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (des patches). (C2337) COURTNEY, Janet EUzabeth, Mrs. William Leonard, ^SHSIHSX' Sapt' Reginald Aloysius, M.B.E, R.A.F. COURTNEY, Reginald Sydney, O.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Cox COUSENS, 2nd Lieut. Arthur Bertie, M.B.E, R.A.S.C COUSINS, Lieut.-Col. Arthur George, O.B.E, 6. 1880 ; s. of Harry Cousins, of Braunton, Devon ; m. Kate, d, of Robert Riches. Educ. : City of London School. Director of Publio Companies, including, Ferguson Bros. (Port Glasgow), Ltd. ; Murdoch and Murray, Ltd. (Port Glasgow) ; Fearnley Bros. (1920), Ltd. ; Gwynnes Engineering Co, Ltd. ; Hartlepools Paper Mill Co, Ltd. ; Investment Registry, Ltd. (Managing Director). War Work : Served European War, 1914-18 ; mentioned in despatches. Addresses : The White House, Nether Street, Finchley, N. ; Bix Manor Farm, near Henley- on-Thames. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; R.A.C. (C1527) COUSINS, Capt. Roborc WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. COUTTS, Capt. Colin, M.B.E. COUTTS, Major Frederiok, M.B.E, T.D, 6. 3 May, 1870 ; ». of John Courts, of Invergowrie ; m. EUzabeth, d. of James Robertson, of Fallows. Educ. : West End Academy, Dundee. General Manager and Engineer Paisley Districts Tramways ; on staff of technical advisers to Transport Board. War Work : Served in the Army, 1914-16 ; Hon. Sec. to Board of Trade (Trams Dept.) for Scotland, 1917-19. Address : Knightswood, EldersUe, Renfrewshire. (M7776) COUTTS, Lieut.-Col. Malcolm, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. COUTURIER, The Rt. Rev. Felix Bishop, O.B.E, M.C, D.D, fi. 29 March, 1876 : s. of Antony Couturier, of Lyons. Educ : France ; St. Charles' Coll, Bayswater. Member of the EngUsh Province of the Dominican Order (Blackfriars) ; consecrated Bishop of Myriophytos, April, 1919 ; appointed Visitor ApostoUc to Egypt, April, 1919. War Work : Gazetted Chaplain to the Forces, Jan. 1915 ; served in Egypt from June, 1915, to March, 1919, and held the appointment of Assistant to the Principal Chaplain of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force ; awarded the MiUtary Cross, and mentioned thrice in despatches by General Sir Archibald Murray ; twice mentioned in despatches by F. M. Lord Allenby. Address : St. Dominic's Priory, Southampton Road, N.W, 5. (02878) COUZENS, Arthur Wilson, 51.B.E. COVENTRY Fulwar Cecil Ashton, O.B.E. COVENTRY, Mary Jane, M.B.E, 6. 1860 ; d. of George Andrew Coventry, of Shanwell, Kinross-shire, N.B. War Work : Convenor of County AuxiUary Red Cross Hospital ; Vice-President, B.R.CS.S.B, Kinross-shire. (M7778) COWAN, Capt. Alexander Henry, M.B.E, T.F. Res. COWAN, David John, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 25 May, 1896; 8. of E. W. Cowan, M.I.C.E, M.I.E.E, F.R.E.S, of London ; m. Katharine Mary, d. of Rev. B. J. SneU, M.A, B.Sc, of London. Educ : Magdalen CoU. School, Oxford ; St. Bar tholomew's Hospital. Balkan Representative of The North British Rubber Co, Ltd, Edinburgh. War Work : Served in France as a private in R.A.M.C, Aug. to Nov. 1914 ; Lieut, 5th Conn. Rangers, Ireland, Nov. 1914, to Sept. 1915 ; Lieut, 5th Conn. Rangers, British Salonica Force, Sept. 1915, to Aug. 1919 ; attached to British MiUtary Mission, Sofia, Dec. 1918, to Aug. 1919 ; promoted Acting Capt, March, 1919 ; demobilised, Aug. 1919. Addresses: c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, F Branch, 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1 ; Piazza deU' Unita 6, Trieste, Italy. (04488d) COWAN, Edith Duoksev, O.B.E. (011962) COWAN, Eric Tennant, O.B.E, 6. 17 Jan. 1891. War Work : Aug. 1914, to present date served in France with 17th Batt. Lancashire FusUiers. Address : Edendarroch, Oxton, Cheshire. (02452) COWAN, CoL Harry James, O.B.E. COWAN, Major and Qr.-Mr. Herbert Gladstone, M.B.E, D.C.M. COWAN, Howard Denys RusseU, M.B.E, 6. 23 Oct. 1883; s. of Rev. R. D. RusseU Cowan, of Bushley, Tewkesbury ; m. Gertrude, d. of F. F. Perssg, of Roxborough, Co. Galway. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School, and Abroad. Vice-Consul at Havana, Cuba, 1911-20. (M280) COWAN, John, M.B.E, M.I.M.E, 6. 13 Feb. 1873 ; s. of John Cowan, of Dvine: to. Margaret Dickie, d. of John MacmUlan, of Irvine. Educ : Irvine Academy. Mechanical Engineer ; Chief Inspector of BoUers, Bengal Government. War Work : In charge of Priority Certificates for all imports into Bengal from 1917. Addresses: 13, Alexandra Court, Calcutta ; 4, Government Place West, Calcutta. (M4128) COWAN, Major John, O.B.E, R.E. (T.F.) COWAN, CoL John Marshall, C.B.E, M.D. T. Col. Army Med. Ser. ; served in the Great War 1914-19 (despatches). (C1374) COWAN, Lieut. Percy John, M.B.E. COWAN, Lieut. Peter Hood, O.B.E. COWAN, Capt. Robert CeeU, O.B.E. COWAN, WUliam, M.B.E. COWARD, Capt. Noel Anthony, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, M.D. COWARD, Randulph Lewis, O.B.E, 6. 17 May, 1860; s. of the late James Coward ; m. Amy Florence, d. of Joseph Longbottom, of Leeds. Educ. : Chapel Royal, St. James's. Financial Dept. of the War Office. Address : 14, St. George's Square, S.W. 1. 010211) COWCHER, WUUam Brainsford, O.B.E. COWDROY, Charlotte Jane Howarth, M.B.E, fi. 5 Jan. 1864; d. of S. H. Cowdroy, of the Manchester Cowdroys. Principal of Crouch End High School and CoU, London, N. 8 ; teacher, lecturer, author of various articles on Education. War Work : Originator, Organiser, and Hon. Treas. of Hornsey Prisoner of War I'und. Address : Elm House, London, N. 8. (M7779) COWELL, Edward Hudson, O.B.E. COWELL, Marie, O.B.E. Hon. Sec, North Riding of of Yorkshire Branch of Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Associ ation. (011900) COWEN, Jane, O.B.E. COWIE, Lieut.-Col. Henry Edward Colvin, C.B.E, D.S.O.; 6. 1872;. s. of the late Henry George Cowie, of Tiverton, Devon ; m. 1903, Mary Theodora, e. d. of the Rev. Daniel Thomas, Rector of Hamerton, Hunt3. Educ. : Shrewsbury, and at R.M.A. Entered R.E. 1893 ; became Capt. 1901 ; Major, 1913 ; China, 1900-1902 (despatches, medal with clasp) ; served in the Great War, 1914-19, with rank of Lieut.-Col. (C1241). COWIN, Norris Tynwald, M.B.E. COWLEY, Alexander Percy, M.B.E. COWLEY, Capt. Ernest, M.B.E. COWLEY, Capt. James Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 22 Aug. 1870; s. of James Cowley, of Northwich ; to. Katharine Marion, d. of David Davies, of Carmarthen. Educ. : Sir John Deane's School Northwich. Clerk to Urban District Council of North wich (appointed in 1896) ; Hon. Sec. Victoria Infirmary, Northwich ; for 25 years a member of the Executive Council of the Urban District Councils Association, of which he was formerly Chairman ; 20 years a member of Law and Pariia- mentary Committee ; Member of Lancashire and Cheshire Industrial CouncU for Local Authorities (Non-Trading Depart ments). War Work : One of the two founders of the Northwich Volunteer Training Corps ; appointed 2nd Lieut, and Treas. of the 8th Bn. Cheshire Regt.; then appointed Transport Officer of the Bn, subsequently given rank of Capt. and Command of No. 2 Company of the Cheshire R.A.S.C. ; M.T. (V.).; Hon. Sec. ofthe foUowing: SaUors' and Soldiers' FamUies Association, Sailors' and Soldiers' Help Society, Prince of Wales' Fund, Northwich District War Fund, North wich War Pensions Committee, Northwich Fuel and Lighting Committee, National Service Committee, Mid Cheshire Ortho paedic Clinic for Discharged Sailors and Soldiers ; and Member of Cheshire War Pensions Committee, Cheshire Joint Committee for Sailors' and Soldiers' FamUies Association, and Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society, Northwich and District Prisoners of War Committee, Northwich Patriotic Committee, Part Time Com mittee, National Kitchens Committee, Food Control Com mittee, Recruiting Committee for Women's Land Army ; Hon. Adviser, Queen Mary's Hospital Supply Guild ; Clerk to MUitary Service Tribunal, and National Registration Authority ; first recruiting agent after outbreak of War, and afterwards voluntary worker on Recruiting Committee ; inaugurated the AUotments Holders' Association for the District. Address: Lyndhurst, Hartford, Cheshire. (M7780) COWLEY, Col. James William, O.B.E. COWLEY, Marie, Lady, O.B.E. (011964) COWLEY, Norah Louisa, M.B.E. COWLEY, Lieut.-Col. Robert Mansfield, O.B.E, V.D, East Indian Railway Volunteers, fi. 9 Sept. 1864 ; s. of Capt. Patrick Cowley, of Dublin ; m. Monica, d. of Joseph Robinson, of Elvetham. Educ. : The Coll, Southampton ; King's Coil, London. General Traffic Manager, East Indian Railway. War Work : RaUway Transport, India. Address : HiUsdown Ocklynge Avenue, Eastbourne. (O4030) COWLING, Eleanor, Mrs., M.B.E. COWLING, Capt. John, O.B.E. COWPER, Major Lionel IUred, O.B.E, 6. 19 Dec. 1881 s. of John Cowper, and g.s. of Frederick Cowper, of Carleton HaU, Penrith, Cumberland (see Burke's Landed Gentry ) ; to. Edith Margaret Jane, d. of Charles Lister, J.P, D.L, of Agden HaU, Lymm, Cheshire. Educ. : Cheltenham and Sandhurst. Commission in The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regt.), 8 Jan. 1901. Club : Naval and MUitary. (07037) COWPER, Mary Bourne, Mrs., M.B.E, Educ. : London and Hanover. War Work : Hon. Organiser and Sec. of Leighton Buzzard War Hospital Supply Depot. Address : The Manor House, Leighton Buzzard. (M7781) COWPER, Muriel, O.B.E. COWTAN, Arthur Barnard, O.B.E. COX, Lieut. Aedan, O.B.E. COX, Lieut. Alexander, M.B.E. COX, AUred, O.B.E, M.B, B.S. (Univ. Durham), 6. 1866 ; s. of Thomas Cox, of DarUngton ; to. Florence AmeUa, d. ot Thomas Cheesman, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Albert Road School, Darlington, and University of Durham. Medical Secretary, British Medical Association. War Work : Member, Duke of Devonshire's Committee for providing medical attendance for dependants of sailors and soldiers ; Joint Secretary, Central Medical War Committee for providing doctors for services, with due regard to civilian needs . Addresses : Cotfield, Fairdene Road, Coulsdon, Surrey; 429, Strand, W.C. 2. Club : National Liberal. (O1240) COX, Observer Officer Albert John, M.B.E, R.A.F. COX, Arthur WUUam Franklin, M.B.E. COX, BeUe, Lady, O.B.E. COX, Bernard Henry, O.B.E. COX, Charles Edwin, M.B.E. COX, Constance Louise, Mrs, M.B.E. COX, Major Edward Geoffrey Hippisley, C.B.E, 6. 29 Aug. 1884 ; s. of Edward Hippisley Cox ; to. Ethel Milsted, d. of Mountague Edye. Major, Queen's Westminster Rifles ; served during European War, 1914-19 ; Staff-Capt, 1915 : Deputy Asst. Quartermaster-General, 1916 ; Deputy Asst. Adjutant-General, 1917 ; Asst. Adjutant-General, London 135 Cox THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. District, (temp. Lieut.-Col. in Army), 1918 ; despatches ; Bt. Major in Army, Address : 3A, Dean's Yard, West minster, S.W. Clubs : Carlton ; St. Stephen's. (C1528) COX, Capt. Edward Orme, M.B.E., I.A.E.O. COX, Sir Edward Owen, G.B.E. Chairman Overseas Shipping Committee, Australia. (G66) COX, Major Edwin Charles, C.B.E. Major, Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, and Sup. of the Line S.E. and Chatham RaUway ; has Order of Leopold of Belgium. (C134) COX, Ethel Sophie, Mrs, M.B.E. COX, EveUn Florence Conran, Mrs., M.B.E. COX, Frederick Nutter, O.B.E. COX, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George, M.B.E. COX, George Henry, M.B.E. COX, Gerald, O.B.E, 6. 22 Sept. 1883 ; s. of Joseph Goodenough Cox, of Falmouth ; to. Isabel Scott, d. of WiUiam Scott, of London. Educ. : KeUy CoU, Tavistock. Late Managing Director, Cox & Co, Engineers and ShipbuUders. War Work : Shipbuilding ; Ship Repairing ; Ship Salving. Address : 6, Western Terrace, Falmouth, CornwaU. (010216) COX, Sqdn.-Leader Henry Ashley, O.B.E, R.A.F. COX, Lieut. Herbert Spencer, O.B.E, R.N.R. COX, Lieut. Horace Beresford, O.B.E, R.G.A. (T.F.) COX, Capt. Humphrey John Hamilton, O.B.E, 6. 26 March, 1889 ; s. of Howard W. Cox. Educ : Gresham's School, Holt, Norfolk. War Work : Served with the 2nd Batt. Devon Regt. in France, Nov. to Dec. 1914 ; attd. 2nd Batt. Dorsets, Mesopotamia, April, 1915, to March, 1916 ; Assistant to officer in command M.G.C Record Office, Nov. 1916, to date. Address : c/o H. W. Cox, 23, The Embankment, Bedford. (04272) COX, Irene Winifred, O.B.E. COX, James Henry, M.B.E. COX, John Hugh, CLE, C.B.E. COX, Joseph Peter, M.B.E. COX, Major Joshua John, O.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS, R.A.MC (T.F. Res.) COX, Capt. Keith Trenohard, M.B.E. COX, Oswald, O.B.E. COX, Lieut.-Col. Percy Alexander, O.B.E. COX, Percy Walter, M.B.E, 6. 13 Sept. 1888; y.s. of William Cox, of Maidstone ; to. Beatrice Constance, d. of E. A. Gardner, of Maidstone. Educ. : Maidstone Grammar School. Tenant Farmer ; Chief Executive Officer and Sec. to the Kent County Agricultural Executive Committee ; previously some time Hon. Sec. Kent Farmers' Union, and Editor ofthe Farmers' Union Journal. War Work : In connection with present appointment, and previously as Labour Officer to the above- mentioned Committee ; also sometime member of the Agri cultural Advisory Committee, Ministry of Food. Address : Coombe Farm, Maidstone. Club : Farmers', London. (M7784) COX, Ralph Bouverie, M.B.E. COX, Stephen, M.B.E. COX, SybU Mary, Mrs, O.B.E, 6. 1865 ; d. of T. M. Wegnelin ; m. Reginald Henry, s. of Frederick Cox, of Cox's Bank. War Work : Manager of Messrs. Cox & Co.'s Casualty Enquiry Office, at Harrington House, from Oct. 1914, tiU the office was closed in Feb. 1919. Addresses: 4, Cavendish Square, W. ; Manor Cottage, Old Windsor. (010217) COX, Lieut. Sydney, M.B.E, 6. 8 March, 1881 ; s. of the late Horace Cox, of Downe House, Duke's Drive, Eastbourne ; to. Florence May, d. of the late J. Tranter, of Bromsgrove. Educ. : Harrow. War Work : Went out in charge of the " Wessex," the first Red Cross Launch to be despatched to Mesopotamia, in Oct. 1915 ; during the first six months of 1916, whUe attached to No. 3 Hospital at Basra, the " Wessex " carried over 12,000 sick and wounded men ; Commissioned, Jan. 1918. Addresses : Oakflelds, Carter's HU1, Arborfield, near Reading ; The Bungalow, Grand Lake, Newfoundland. (M3593) COX, Thomas, C.B.E, J.P. Member of National War Aims Committee. (C474) COX, Veronica Mary MacheU, M.B.E. COX, Col. Arthur Francis HAMILTON-, C.B.E, fi. 6 AprU, 1861 ; s. of Charles John Cox, J.P, of London ; to. Susan Josephine, d. of J. van der Riet, of Simonstown, S. Africa. Educ. : Privately. Appointed Lieut, Royal Innis- killing FusUiers, Feb. 1886 ; transferred to Royal Army Pay Dept, June, 1895. War Work : Command Paymaster, S. Africa ; Command Paymaster, Northern District ; Command Paymaster, Southern District. Address : Command Pay Office, Salisbury. (C1601) COX, Lieut.-Col. Ernest WUliam HART-, O.B.E. COX, George HART-, M.B.E. COX, Major Reginald WOODRUFF-, O.B.E, T.D, fi. 16 Aug. 1883 ; s. of Edward William Cox, of London. Educ. : St. George's School, Windsor Castle. Merchant and Shipper. War Work : Proceeded to France with Regt. (Queen Victoria's Rifles), 4 Nov. 1914, and served continuously tiU Dec. 1919 ; held rank of Temp. Lieut.-Col. from Oct. 1917, to Jan. 1920 ; mentioned thrice in despatches, and awarded Order of Wen-Hu of China. Address: 56, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, W. (05143) COXHEAD, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Langhorne, D.S.O, O.B.E, late R.G.A, Military Knight of Windsor, fi. 8 Oct. 1864 ; s. of Henry George Coxhead, formerly of Hardwicke House, Ham Common, Surrey ; m. Eliza Loet, d. of Rev. D. Winter Morris, of St. Ishmaels, Milford Haven. Educ. : Bute House, Petersham. Brigade-Major, China Field Force, 1900-1 ; 136 D.A.A.G, R.A, 1900-02. War Work : On Coast Defences, Portsmouth Garrison, 1914-15 ; Commanding R.G.A. Depot, Brockhurst, 1915-19. Address : 15, Castle Yard, Windsor Castle. (O7039) COXON, Major Alfred Walter O.B.E, 6. 11 July, 1872 ; s. of AUred Coxon, of London ; to. Muriel, d. of the Rev. T W. M. Lund, of Liverpool. Educ. : Marlborough Coll. and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Army Paymaster in France and North Russia. (06774) COXWELL, Charles Blake, O.B.E. COY, Capt. Frederiok, O.B.E. COYLE, James, M.B.E. COYNE, Lieut. Denis, M.B.E, R.F.A. COYNE, Capt. RusseU, M.B.E. CRABB, Mary Maud, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 7 May, 1864 ; d. of Alan Bruce Charles BeUamy ; to. the late Richard WiUiam, s. of WiUiam Crabb, R.N. War Work : With Lady Lugard's Belgian Hospital, 1914 ; French Red Cross Crcpy en Valois, 1915-16; traveUing and organising Sec, War Dept, Y.W.C.A, 1917-20. Address : 19, Westcliff Terrace Mansions, PegweU Bay, Ramsgate. (010219) CRABB, Lieut. WiUiam Charles Pascoe, O.B.E, D.S.C, R.N. CRABBE, Lieut. Sidney Charles, M.B.E, 6. 12 July, 1886 ; s. of John Crabbe, of London ; m. Ivy Hildegarde, d. of John Glynn-Barnes, Kensington. Educ. : Christ's Hospital. War Work : R.A.S.C, M.T, AprU, 1916 to Jan. 1920 (France). Address : 10, Norland Square, HoUand Park, London, W. 11. (M6524) CRABBIE, Capt. John Edward, O.B.E, 6. 11 AprU, 1879 s. of George Crabbie, of Blairhoyle ; m. CecUia Cochrane, d. of the late Patrick TurabuU, CA. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy, and Oxford Univ. Advcoate. War Work : Joined 6th Black Watch in Oct. 1914, as 2nd Lieut. ; promoted Capt, Jan. 1915 ; sent to work as MUitary Representative for the Counties of the Lothians and Peebles, and the cities of Edinburgh and Leith, in March, 1916. Address : 5, AinsUe Place, Edinburgh. Clubs : Vincent's, Oxford ; Caledonian United Service, Edinburgh ; Public Schools, London. (O7040) CRABTREE, Major Ernest Granvffle, O.B.E., R.A.M.C CRACKNELL, Nora Frances Elizabeth, M.B.E. CRADDOCK, Frances Henrietta, Lady, C.B.E. ; y. d. oi the late Gen. H. R. Browne, C.B. ; to. 1888, Sir Reginald Henry, K.C.S.I, I.C.S, s. of the late Surgeon-Major WiUiam Craddock, 1st Gurkha Rifles. (C1962) CRAFT, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Samuel Louis, M.B.E. CRAFTER, Richard Andrew, O.B.E. CRAGG, Rev. Roland Herbert, O.B.E. (011878) CRAGG, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WilUam Joseph, O.B.E. CRAIG, Alexander, C.B.E, J.P. CRAIG, Alexander Meldrum, M.B.E, Can. A.S.C. CRAIG, Alexander Robertson, M.B.E, 6. 2 Oct. 1881; s. of the late WilUam John Craig, of Liverpool. Chief Archivist, The Residency, Cairo, with local rank of Third Sec, in H.M. Diplomatic Service. Address : The Residency, Cairo, Egypt. (M2820) CRAIG, Capt. Archibald MaxweU, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. CRAIG, Capt. Colin McKean, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. CRAIG, EmUy Mary, Lady TUDOR-, C.B.E. ; 2nd d. of Rev. James Lukin, of Felbrigg Lodge, Romsey, Hants; m. 26 Oct, 1898, Major Sir Algernon Tudor, 2nd -s. of the late Rev. AUen Tudor-Craig, M.A, Oxford. Incumbent of Marbceuf Church, Paris (see BURKE'S Family Records). (C2535) CRAIG, Eustace NeviUe, O.B.E. CRAIG, Lieut. Graham, M.B.E. CRAIG, Capt. Hugh Morton, O.B.E. CRAIG, James Douglas, O.B.E. CRAIG, John, C.B.E. Managing Director, David Colvule and Sons, Ltd. (C476) CRAIG, John, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, 6. Feb. 1876. Educ : Glasgow Univ. War Work : Active service in the field, Feb. 1916, to Nov. 1917 ; mentioned in despatches (Battle of Somme) ; Medical Officer in charge Grange Street MiUtary Hospital, Manchester, 1918-19 (M10262fi) CRAIG, Capt. John Gibson, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. CRAIG, JuUet Sisley, Mrs., M.B.E. CRAIG, Lieut.-Col. Maurice, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C, 6. 29 March, 1866 ; s. of WiUiam Simpson Craig, M.D, F.R.C.P., of Bedford; m. Edith de Saumarez, d. of A. Kentish Brock, of The Hermitage, Guernsey. Educ: Bedford Grammar School ; GonviUe and Caius CoUege, Cambridge ; Guy's Hospital, London. Physician (Consult ing) ; Physician for, and Lecturer in, Psychological Mecu- cine, Guy's Hospital ; Consulting Physician (Psychological Medicine), Ministry of Health ; Consulting Physician (Neuro logical), Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Lieut.-Col, R.A.M.C. ; Asst. Physician to Neurologist, Headquarters, War Oflice ; Consulting Neurologist Physician, Headquarters, Medical Board, War Office ; Consulting visiting Physician to Lord Knutsford Special Hospital for Officers. Addresses: 87, Harley Street, W. ; Salona, East Preston, Sussex. Club: Oxford and Cambridge. (C1529) CRAIG, Lieut.-Col. Newman Lombard, C.B.E, D.S.O. ; 6. 1884 ; Capt. R.A.S.C. ; Q.M.G. with rank of Lieut.-Col.; served during the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (C5147) CRAIG, Lieut.-Col. Robert Annesley, CM.G, C.B.E., fi. 1869 ; s. of R. S. Craig, of BeUast ; to. 1904, Helen Mary Stewart, d. of the Very Rev. Graham Craig, of Clonmacnois. BIOGRAPHIES. Craven Iieiit.-Col. R.A, and Sup. of Research, Roy. Arsenal, Wool wich. Club : United Service. (C1530) CRAIG, Robert James, M.B.E. CRAIG, Capt. Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. (T..) CRAIG, Walter Elder, M.B.E, 6. 15 March, 1881 ; s. of Walter T. Craig, of Wick. Educ. : Wick. War Work : Raised funds by means of Flag Days, etc, in aid of Belgian ReUef Fund, Serbian Relief Fund, etc. ; rendered sympathetic service on behalf of relatives of soldiers and sailors of the town and district. Addresses : MUler Street, Wick ; 96, High Street, Wick, Caithness. (M7788) CRAIG, WiUiam, O.B.E, 6. 27 Feb, 1849; s. of John Craig, of Dumbarton ; to. Margaret Anne, d. of WilUam Babtie, of Dumbarton. Educ. : Dumbarton Academy, and Glasgow Univ. County Clerk ; Clerk of the Peace ; Clerk to Lieu tenancy of Dumbartonshire. War Work : Clerk, Local Tribunals for County of Dumbarton ; Hon. Sec. to the follow ing : War Pensions Committee for County, County Fund for ReUef of Disabled and Wounded Sailors and Soldiers connected with the county, County of Dumbarton Civil ReUef Fund, Food Control Committee. Address: In verie ven, Dumbarton. Clubs : Conservative ; Automobile, Glasgow. (01244) CRAIG, WUUam Brownfleld, O.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of W. J. Craig, of Sandown, I.W. War Work : Assistant County Director, British Red Cross Society. Address : Torrhill, Ivybridge, S. Devon. (0257) CRAIG, WiUiam James Robert, M.B.E, R.E. CRAIG, Major Sir Algernon Tudor TUDOR-, K.B.E. F.S.A, fi. 3 Jan. 1873 ; s. of Rev. AUen Tudor-Craig, M.A, Incumbent of Marbceuf Church, Paris ; m. Emily Mary (C.B.E.), d. of Rev. James Lukin, of Felbrigg Lodge, Romsey. Major, late 4th Bn. Royal Dish Rifles, 1902 ; Sec. Inc. SaUors' and Soldiers' Help Society, since 1903, and of Veterans ReUef Fund, since 1908 ; Gold Staff Officer in Westminster Abbey, and Staff Officer to Colonial Coronation Contingent, 1911 ; D.A.A.G, 1914-20 ; Director, Admiralty Convalescent Homes, 1914-20 ; Acting Assistant Provost Marshal, London District, 1915-20 ; ComptroUer, Lord Roberts' Memorial Fund and Workshops, since 1915 ; Member, London War Pen sions Committee, since 1916 ; Esquire of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1914 ; C.B.E. 1918 ; ChevaUer of the Order of the Crown of Belgium, 1920. Addresses : Craigston, Bisley, Surrey ; 2, Cresswell Gardens, S.W. 5. Club : St. James's. (K209) CRAIGffi, Muriel, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C CRAIK, Major George Thomas, O.B.E,. R.A.O.C. CRAILSHAM, Major Harry RoUo, O.B.E. CRAMOND, John McGregor, O.B.E. CRAMP, Annie EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 23 Jan. 1875 ; i. of Henry Welton, of Coventry ; to. the late Charles Frederick, s. of Charles Frederick Cramp, of Coleshi'i JUduc. : Coventry High School. War Work : Commandant, V.A.D. Warwick 70. Address : High Street, Coventry. (M7789) CRAMPTON, Capt. Denis Burke, C.B.E, M.V.O, D.S.O, R.N. ; fi. 1873 ; s. of the late John George Crampton ; to. 1904, EvangeUne Beatrice, d. of Col. E. Dickinson, R.E. Entered R.N. 1886 ; became Lieut. 1894 ; Comm. 1904 ; Capt. 1911 ; Brass River Expedition 1895 (medal with clasp), bombardment of Zanzibar, 1896. War Services : 1914-19, present at operation against the " Konigsberg " (despatches, Legion of Honour) ; has 2nd class Russian Order of St Stanislaus (with plaque); 4th class of Order of Redeemer of Greece, and of Order of the Dannebrog of Denmark; is a Comm. of Order of Crown of Italy. Clubs: Junior United Service ; Royal Yacht Squadron. (C2286) CRAMPTON, Lieut.-Col. PhiUp John Ribton, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col and Brevet Col. R.A. (ret.) ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1531) CRAN, Lieut.-Col. George, M.B.E, V.D, M.D, J.P, 7th Gordons, 6. 1852 ; s. of Alex Cran, F.R.CS.E. ; m. Annie Emslie, d. oi Al. EmsUe Smith, of SummerbiU, Aberdeen. Educ. : Tarland, and Aberdeen Univ. Med. Officer to Banchory, Durris Strachan, and Biore Parish Councils. War Work : Med. Officer to Durris Hospital. Address : Walbrook, Banchory. (M7790) CRAN, Lieut.-Col. James, O.B.E. CRAN, Capt. Peter McLeUan, O.B.E, R.E. CRANE, Capt. Bertie Frederiok, M.B.E, R.A.F. CRANE, Lieut.-Col. Charles Paston, D.S.O, O.B.E, B.A, fi. 1857 ; s. of the Rev. William Crane, Residentiary Canon of Manchester ; to. Mary AUce Caroline, d. of late Col. Henry MUls Skrene, J.P, D.L. (see Burke's Peerage, Temple, E.). Educ. : Exeter CoU , Oxford. Entered R.I.C as Cadet 1879 ; was Private Secretary to Insp.-Gen. R.I.C. 1895-1897 ; Resident Magistrate in Ireland since 1897 ; S. Africa, 1900- 1901, as Capt. and Adj. 12th Batt. Imperial Yeomanry ; Great War as Major and Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a battaUon of Infantry (mentioned in despatches). Address : KiUarney, co. Kerry. Club : WelUngton. (0259) CRANE, Major Francis Leopold, O.B.E, A.I.F. CRANE, Capt. James Henry, M.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.) CRANE, Capt. Lucius Fairchild, O.B.E. CRANE, Major Robert Eugene, O.B.E, F.R.G.S, 6. 8 Jan. 1879 ; s. of Robert Newton Crane, of 4, Temple Gardens, E-C ; m. Aline, d. of F. C. Van Duzer, of 43, Stanhope Gdns, S.W. Educ : Charterhouse. War Work : France and Belgium, Sept. to Nov. 1914 ; Adjutant, 11th Bn. Loyal North Lancashire Regt, 1914r-16 ; Brigade Major, Portland Garrison, 1916-18 ; D.A.A.G, War Office, 1918-19. Address : Santa 137 Barbara, CaUfornia, U.S.A. Club : Junior United Service. (O7043) CRANFIELD, Major Guy WilUam, M.B.E, R.A.F. CRANFIELD, Mary, O.B.E. CRANFORD, Lieut.-Col. Robert Langley, C.B.E, 6. 18 May, 1867 ; s. of Robert Cranford, of Dartmouth, Devon ; m. late Ethel Constance, d. of 0. H. Stanley, of Liverpool. Educ, : Preparatory School, Dartmouth and BlundeU's School, Tiver ton. R.A. Veterinary Corps. War Work : A.D.V.S, London District ; A.D.V.S, Southern Army, H.D..; D.D.V.S., L. of C, Northern (France); D.D.V.S, 5th Army; A.D.V.S, X. Corps, Bonn. Address : 1, Friars Terrace, York. (C1242) CRANFORD, Capt. Stanley Charles Russell, O.B.E, 6. 21 AprU, 1880 ; s. of late Charles Frederick Crawford, of Streatham Common ; to. Sybil Dorothy, d. of Edward S. Elvey, of Streatham Common. Educ. : Streatham Coll.; King's Coll, London. Barrister-at-law of Inner Temple. Deputy Judge Advocate General, Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force. War Work : Capt. 5th E. Surrey Regt. ; served N.W. Frontier (India) ; Mesopotamia Exped. Force. ; N. Persian Force, 1914 to date. Addresses : 3, Temple Gardens, Temple, E.C. ; 29, Lewin Road, Streatham Common, S.W. : Gen. H.Q, Bagdad. (04201) CRANG, James, M.B.E. CRANKSHAW, Major Erie Norman Spencer, M.B.E. CRANMER, Capt. Alexander Thomas, M.B.E.. R.A.F. CRANMER, Lieut. WiUiam Ernest, M.B.E, R.A.F. CRANSTON, Brig.-Gen. Sir Robert, K.C.V.O, Knt. Bach, C.B, C.B.E, V.D, T.D., LL.D, F.R.S.A, J.P, D.L, 6. 2 June, 1843 ; e. s. of Robert Cranston, J.P, D.L, of Edin burgh and EUzabeth, his wife, d. of the late James Dagleish, of Edinburgh ; to. 1 July, 1868, EUzabeth, e. d. of James Simmel GUbert of Edinburgh. FeUow of the Educationa! Institute of Scotland ; late Member of School Board ; formerly Treasurer of City of Edinburgh ; Lord Provost and Lord Lieutenant, 1903-6 ; late Colonel in Territorial I'orce ; formerly Commanding Lothian Brigade, and Col.-Comd. Queen's Rifle Vol. Brigade ; raised and commanded 15th and 18th Batts. Royal Scots ; Comdg. 77th Training Reserve Batt. in 1917 ; Chairman of Cranston's Hotels, and Officer of Legion of Honour ; Knt. Comm. of St. Olaf of Norway. Address : Corehouse, 19, Merchiston Avenue, Edinburgh. Clubs : Junior Constitutional ; Conservative (Edinburgh) (C477) CRANSTON, 2nd Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E, R.E. CRAPNELL, Stanley Riohard, M.B.E. ; s. of Richard GUbert CrapneU, of Portsmouth ; to. Emma Elizabeth, d. of John Barnes, of Portsmouth. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hon. Sec. Prisoners of War Fund for Duke of Wellington's (West Riding) Regt. (M7791) CRAPPER, Capt. Harold Sugden, M.B.E. CRASKE, Mabel Annetta, M.B.E. (M10246fi) CRASKE, Mary, M.B.E, 6. 6 Oct. 1852 ; d. of Wm. Giles Craske, of Lowestoft. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Registration Work, Aug. 1915 ; Volunteer Clerk in Recruiting Office, Sept. 1915 to Sept. 1917 ; Volunteer Clerk in Food Control Office, Sept. 1917 to March, 1920 ; Helped in Canteen for SaUors and Soldiers, Dec. 1916 to March, 1919. Address : 4, Cleveland Road, Lowestoft, South. (M7792) CRASTER, Capt. Albert Kenneth Graves, O.B.E. CRASTER, Barbara Marion, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. CRASTER, Lieut.-Col. Edmund Henry Bertram, C.B.E, 6. 1869 ; s. of the late Edmund Craster, of BeaclneU Tower, Chathill, Northumberland; to. 1902, his cousin, Margaret Eleanor Mary, d. of Col. William Robert Craster. Lieut.-Col. R.G A. ; served In the Great War, 1914 (despatches). (C1532) CRASTER, Major George, D.S.O, O.B.E. (011734) CRASTER, Lieut.-Col. John Evelyn Edmund, O.B.E, CRAUFURD, EmUy Maud, Mrs. HOUISON-, O.B.E. ; d. of Major-Gen. Fairfax Hassard, C.B, Royal Engineers ; to. WilUam Reginald, s. of John Reginald Houison-Craufurd, of Craufurdland, KUmarnock, and Braehead, Cramond Brig, Edinburgh (see Burke's Landed Gentry). War Work : Vice President KUmarnock Division Red Cross Society ; Chairman Dick AuxiUary Hospital, Kilmarnock; President, Maternity and ChUd WeUare Centre, Kilmarnock; Work Party, Fenwick by Kilmarnock. Address : Craufurdland Castle, KUmarnock. (010221) CRAUFURD, Brig.-Gen. John Archibald HOUISON-, C M G C B E, fi. 1862 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. John Reginald Houison-Craufurd, of Craufurd, Kilmarnock, and Braehead, Midlothian; m. 1903, Eleanor Louisa, d. of the late F. F. Dalrymple-Hay, of Dunlop (see Burke's Peerage). Lieut.-Col. Indian Army (ret.), and Hon. Brig -Gen R.A.F. (retired) ; Burma 1886-9 (medal with clasp), China 1900-1 as D A Q M.G. (despatches, medal), SomaUland 1903 (medal with clasp). Served in the Great War as A.Q.M.G. Scottish Command, 1916-18 (despatches) ; was D.A.A.G. India 1899- 1903 Addresses : Dunlop House, Dunlop, Ayrshire ; Borland, Kilmarnock. Clubs: East India United Service; New (Edinburgh). (C866) CRAVEN, Commissary and Capt. Albert, O.B.E. CRAVEN, Lieut.-Comm. Charles Worthington, O.B.E, R.N. CRAVEN, Edward Joseph Eclipsis, M.B.E. CRAVEN, Henry, O.B.E, 6. 11 Nov. 1866 ; s. of Charle3 AUred Craven, of Dewsbury (Yorks), Engineer ; m. Mary Amy, d. of WiUiam Waud, of Baslow, Derbyshire. Educ. : Merchant Craven THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Taylors' School. Solicitor ; Town Clerk and Clerk of the Peace, Sunderland, Co. Durham. War Work : Recruiting, Derby Canvass ; work in connection with the raising of 160th (Wearside) R.F.A, and 20th (Service BattaUon) D.L.I. ; work in connection with a local Military Hospital, and raising £30,000 therefor ; work in connection with Mayor's Local Relief Fund, the Prince of Wales' Fund, the Mayoress's Serbian Fund, and the King's Fund ; Hon. Sec. War Savings ; work in connection with Tank and Guns Week ; Hon. Sec. Food Control Committee ; Hon. work in connection with Air Raid Claims, Fuel Control, and War AUotments ; Hon. Sec. to Local War Pensions Committee. Address : 5, West Lawn, Sunderland. Club : Sunderland. (010222) CRAVEN, Lieut.-Col. John, O.B.E. CRAVEN, Capt. the Hon. Rupert CecU, O.B.E. CRAVEN, WiUiam George Robert Craven, Earl of, O.B.E. (08789) CRAWFORD, Alexander, M.B.E. CRAWFORD, Andrew, C.B.E, 6. 7 Sept. 1871 ; s. of John Crawford, of Raillies, Largs, N.B. ; to. Ursula Ritchie, d. of John Orr, of Largs, N.B. Educ. : Largs Public School; Glasgow High School. Steamship Owner and Broker. War Work : Assistant Accountant-General, Ministry of Ship ping (Voluntary). Address : " Underbank House," Largs, N.B. Clubs : Conservative ; Scottish AutomobUe, Glasgow ; Junior Constitutional, London. (C946) CRAWFORD, Capt. Andrew, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. CRAWFORD, Barbara Grace Rutherfurd, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. (Glasg.) ; d. of the late Rev. J Rutherfurd, B.D, of Renfrew ; to. George Robert, s. of George Crawford, of Rothbury, Northumberland. Educ. : Brighton High School, and Glasgow Univ. Medical Officer, H.M. Factory, Queen's Ferry, Chester. War Work : Medical Officer, MUitary AuxUiary Hospital, Southampton, 1914-15 ; and Leicester, 1915-17 ; Chief Medical Officer, H.M. Factory, Queen's Ferry, Chester, 1917-20. Address ' Mancot Royal, by Chester. (M1596) CRAWFORD, Capt. Charles Wispingto Glover, C.B.E, R.N. Div. Naval Transport Officer ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2246) CRAWFORD, Daniel, M.B.E, J.P, 18 Aug. 1868; s. of Daniel Crawford, of PottereUs Farm, Hatfield ; to. Janie Jessie McEwan, d. of James MelvUle, of Crummock, Beith, N.B. Educ: St. Albans. Vice-Chairman, District CouncU ; Member County Agricultural Committee ; Chairman, County Branch National Farmers' Union. War Work : Chairman, Farm Produce for Herts ; Board of Agriculture Representative at County Appeal Tribunal ; Member of War Agricultural Executive Committee, detaUed to arrange Prisoner of War Camps in Herts for Agriculture ; Member of CivU Supplies Forage Committee for Herts. Address : Birchwood, Hatfield. (M7794) CRAWFORD, Frederick LesUe, O.B.E. CRAWFORD, Gertrude AUce, Mrs, M.B.E. CRAWFORD, Harriette Sophia, Mrs, M.B.E. CRAWFORD, Lieut. James, M.B.E. CRAWFORD, Lieut.-Col. James Muir, O.B.E, M.B, Edinburgh, I.M.S, ft. 5 Aug. 1866 ; s. of James Alexander Crawford, of the Bengal CivU Service ; m. Winifred Edith, d. of Frederick Joseph Wernick, of Lingia, Darjeeling. Educ. : Edinburgh University ; Bonn University ; St. George's Hospital. Served on the N.E. Frontier of India ; Chin- Lushal, 1892-3 ; N.W. Frontier of India, Malakand and Buner, 1897-8 ; China, Boxer Rebellion, 1900. War Work : Commanded " Y," Indian General Hospital at Brighton, 1914-15 ; and at Suez, 1916 ; commanded Lady Chelmsford War Hospital at Benares, 1916-19. Address : c/o Messrs. Grind- lay & Co, 54, Parliament Street, S.W. 1. Club : Oriental. CRAWFORD, Lieut. James Robert, O.B.E, RNVR CRAWFORD, Major John Martin Maynard, O B E R.A.M.C. CRAWFORD, Capt. Stanley Charles RusseU, O B E CRAWFORD, Thomas, M.B.E. CRAWFORD, Col. Robert Gordon SHARMAN-, C B E CRAWLEY, Cecil Gordon, C.B.E, fi. 1862; s of John S.Crawley, of Stockwood, Luton; m. Violet Chadwick. Educ ¦ Eton, and at Magdalene CoU, Cambridge ; is Director-Gen Mechanical Depart, PubUc Works Min, Egypt. Address ¦ Zamalek, Ghezireh, Cairo. Clubs : Windham ; .Arthur's (C3541 CRAWLEY, Cecil, Mrs., M.B.E. (M1598 CRAWLEY, Major Charles, O.B.E. CRAWLEY, Gertrude, M.B.E. ; d. of John Crawley, of Whaplode Manor, Holbeach, S. Lines. Educ. : Merton Coll Croydon W. ; Madeley House, Richmond ; Inst, de Mile' lavernier, Boulogne-sur-Mer. Member of Lines. Art Societv ¦ Vice:President of Holbeach and District Red Cross Dst, No 9 S. Lines. (Hdqrs, Grantham) ; Hon. Sec Prisoners of War Fund, etc. War Work : New Red Cross District ; General Red Cross Work m the various branches required. Club: V.A.D. CRAWLEY, James, M.B.E. (M7796) M&^^fX,' Lieut--C°l- Richard Parry, D.S.O, O.B.E, ^.¦V-°-'.6w1?Z6i0' s'-,o£ tne Iate Eev- WilUam Parry Crawley Vicar of Walberton, Sussex ; to. 1904, AUce Vida Mary, d. of the Rev. David Crawford Cochrane, Master of Etwall Hospital ?«^7y'w iUC- V- AJ wAmches .«*- Entered S. Wales Borderers 1897 became Capt. Army Ser. Corps, 1903, Major, 1914- Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1918; S. Africa, 1899-1902 (wounded' despatches) ; served in the Great War, 1914-18 (Brevet Lieut.- Col. ; appointed Assist. Director, SuppUes and Transport, Headquarters of Administration Services, 1918. (06795) CRAWLEY, Violet EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.E, V.A.D. CRAWSHAY, 2nd Lieut, de Barri, O.B.E, Kent Royal Army Service Corps M.T. (V.), 6. 2 June, 1857 ; s. of the late Francis Crawshay, of Treforest, Glamorganshire, and Brad- bourne, HaU, Sevenoaks, Kent ; m. Rose Mary, d. of Rev. Walter Young, of Pettigo, Co. Donegal, Deland. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Red Cross Transport of 10 hospitals in Sevenoaks (Kent) Area ; recruit ditto, during 1914-15 ; supervisor of Telegraph wires, Motor Patrol Guard, 1914-15 ; O.C section 38 of Kent R.A.S.C. M.T. (V.). Address : Rose- field, Sevenoaks, Kent. Clubs: Royal AutomobUe; Kent Automobile ; Brooklands Automobile Racing. (O10223) CREAGH, Lieut.-Col. Edward Cottingham, O.B.E, LA. CREAGH, Elizabeth Pymer, Mrs., O.B.E, R.R.C. CREASE, Comm. Thomas Evans, C.B, C.B.E, fi. 1875 ; to. Louise, d. of the late John Johnson, of Thetford, Norfolk. Entered R.N. 1888, and became Lieut. 1895, and Comm. 1905 ; retired 1910 ; was Naval Assist, to ControUer of the Navy, 1917-19, with rank of Capt. ; has Orders of Rising Sun of Japan and of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, and Legion of Honour. Address : Riverholm, Datchet. (C883) CREE, Capt. Harold Frederick, M.B.E, 6. 12 May, 1887 ; s. of Joseph Collins Cree. Educ. : Tonbridge School. War Work : Served with 3rd Battn. The Buffs from March, 1915. to June, 1915, and with 2nd Battn. The Buffs from June 1915 to Aug. 1919. Clubs : Junior Naval and Military , Tientsin, Peking. (M4776) CREE, IsabeUa Warden, M.B.E, 6. 13 June, 1883: d. of Thomas Scott Cree, LL.D, of Glasgow. Educ. : Chelten ham. War Work : Hon. Sec, Aug. 1914, to Dec. 1918, Headquarters Clothing Committee and Stores and Despatch Committee of Scottish Branch, British Red Cross Society. Address : 18, Beaumont Gate, Glasgow. Clubs : Lady Artists', Glasgow ; Halcyon. (M1599) CREE, Laura Alexander BeU, Mrs, O.B.E.(20 Feb. 1918), 6. 6 AprU, 1877 ; d. of Alexander T. BeU, M.D, of Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. ; m. Charles Deacon, s. of Robert Scott Cree, of Glasgow. Educ. : Baltimore, U.S.A. War Work : For the Scottish Branch, B.R.C. Society, voluntary full time worker from Aug. 1914, to April, 1919, at St. Andrews Halls, Glasgow ; Convener, Headquarters Organising Clothing Com mittee for Scotland ; Convener, " Stores and Despatch Com mittee for Scotland," Member, War Executive Committeee for Scotland ; Medal of "EUzabeth " (Belgium), conferred Decem ber, 1919, etc. Address: Gartferry, Ayr, Scotland. Clubs: Kelvin ; Literary, Glasgow. (0261) CREE, Thomas Deacon, O.B.E, 6. 26 Feb. 1871 ; s. of Robert Scott ; to. Beatrice Mary, d. of Capt. H. V. Cowley. Educ : Scotland. Merchant. War Work : Political Officer with I.E.F. " D " ; attached to Staff of 6th (Poona) Division ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Baghdad. (O10524) CREEGAN, Edward Patrick, M.B.E, 6. 9 Aug. 1859 ; s. of Hugh Creegan, of Dundalk, Deland ; m. Christiana, d. of WiUiam WeUs, of TUton, Leicester. Many years Chief Superintendent of map drawing Dept, at Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. (M285) CREMETTI, Major Eugene, O.B.E. CRERAR, Major Robert, O.B.E. CRESSWELL, Adelaide Elizabeth, Lady, O.B.E. ; d. of Justice Stow, a Judge of the Supreme Court of S. Australia; to. 1888, Rear-Adm. Sir WiUiam Rooke, K.C.M.G, K.B.E, R.N. (ret.), s. of Edmund CressweU of Gibraltar. (O920) CRESSWELL, Gwladys Catherine, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Pearson R. CressweU, C.B, F.R.CS, of Dowlais, Glamorgan. War Work : One of the Commandants (for the Merthyr Division) and Sec. at the Aberdare and Merthyr Red Cross Hospital from Oct. 1915, to AprU, 1919. Address : The Mount, Merthyr Tydfil. (M7797) CRESSWELL, Capt. Herbert Pinkney, M.B.E. CRESSWELL, John Edwards, C.B.E, M.B, 6. 12 March, 1864 ; s. of late Edmund CresweU, of Gibraltar ; to. Catherine Burleigh, d. of Mathew Towgood, of Ceylon. Educ. : Bruce Castle School and Cavendish CoUege, Cam bridge. Egyptian Public Health. War Work: P.M.0, Government Hospital. Address : Government Hospital, Suez. (C2536) CRESSWELL, Rear-Adml. Sir WUUam Rooke, K.C.M.G, K.B.E, R.N, AustraUan Service ; First Naval Member of R.A.N. Board of Administration; fi. 20 July, 1852 ; 3rd s.of the late Edmund CressweU, Deputy P.M.G. for Gibraltar, and Post Office Surveyor for Mediterranean, and of Mary Margaret Ward, d. of Rev. W. Fraser, Rector of N. Waltham, Hants. ; »• Adelaide EUzabeth, O.B.E, 2nd d. of the late Mr. Justice Stow, Judge of Supreme Court of S. Australia. Educ. : Aitken's School, Gibraltar; Eastman's R.N. Academy, Southsea; "Britannia." Joined Navy, 1866 ; H.M.S. " Phoebe," 1867: Sub-Lieut. 1871 ; specially promoted, boat action, Larost River, 1873 ; H.M.S. " London," Suppression of Slave Trade, 1875-78 ; received thanks of Foreign Minister for service there ; retired after being invalided, 1878 ; took service under S.A. Govt, 1885 ; Commander, 1891 ; Post-Capt, 1894 ; Rear- Admiral, 1911 ; Decorated for Imperial and Colonial services 1897 ; China Medal, 1900. Now farming. Address : Navy Office, Melbourne. Clubs : Queensland, Brisbane ; Melbourne. Melbourne. (K256) 138 BIOGRAPHIES. Crompton CRESWELL, Major Francis Samuel, O.B.E, R.F.C CRESWICK, Capt. James Paul, O.B.E., 6. 25 Sept. 1866 ; s. of James Creswick, of Molesey, Surrey ; to. Maude, d. of George Morris, of Keynsham, Somerset. Educ. : South Lambeth Grammar School. County Transport Officer, Kent Voluntary Aid Detachment ; o/c Group 3, Kent R.A.S.C, M.T. (V.) ; Area Transport Officer, Ministry of Food. Address : Addiscombe Court, Wilbury Rd, Hove. Clubs : Authors' ; Whitefriars ; London Scottish Rifles' Lodge. (O10225) CREWDSON, Lieut., T. Capt. Bernard Franois, C.B.E, Dish Guards, 6. 9 July, 1887 ; s. of F. W. Crewdson, Gilling Grove, Kendal. Educ. : Uppingham ; King's College, Cambridge. Chief of British Relief Mission to Poland, 1919. War Work : Border Regiment, in GaUipoli and France, 1915-17; Dish Guards, France, 1917-18 ; -Ministry of Munitions, Labour Supply Dept, 1916. Address : KaroUnengasse 5, Vienna. Clubs : United University ; American ; Guards' ; A.D.C. ; Warsaw Rowing. (C2537 CREWE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Frank, O.B.E. CREWE, Helen Agnes Josephine, Lady, O.B.E. ; d. of Hon. Joseph Orpen, M.L.C, Surveyor-General of Rhodesia ; m. 11 July, 1887 Sir Charles Preston, K.C.M.G, C.B. s. of Frederick Crewe (see Burke's Peerage, Crewe, M.). Address : East London, Cape Colony. (O2200) CRIBBES, George, O.B.E. CRICHTON, Brevet-Major George Keeble, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 5 Oct. 1888 ; s. of Walter Crichton, of Belgrave, Rutherglen, Lanarkshire ; m. Catherine Bryce Fairley, d. of Thomas Topping, of Edinburgh. War Work : Recalled from Territorial Force Reserve on 5 Aug. 1914, and posted to the Lowland Divisional Train, R.A.S.C. (T.) ; appointed Adjutant, Lowland Divisional Train, 6 Oct. 1914 ; appointed Senior Supply Officer, 10th Division, and promoted T.-Major, R.A.S.C, 1 Jan. 1916 ; appointed Deputy Assist.-Adj. and Quartermaster-Gen, G.H.Q, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 29 Dec. 1917 ; appointed Assist.-Adj.-Gen. (O.E.T.A.), G.H.Q, E.E.F, and promoted T. Lieut.-Col. 16 Sept. 1918 ; appointed Assist. Administrator (Class X), O.E.T.A. (Palestine), and Lieut.- Col. 17 Nov. 1918 ; disembodied to Territorial Force, 12 Sept. 1920 ; awarded MUitary Cross, Jan. 1917 ; Brevet-Major, June 1918; mentioned in despatches, O.B.E, Jan. 1919. Order of the NUe, Jan. 1920 ; Addresses : 24, Queen Street, Glasgow ; 16, Crown Terrace, DowanhlU, Glasgow. Clubs : Conservative, Glasgow ; R.A.C, London. (02879) CRICHTON, Capt. Henry Lumsden, M.B.E, R.A.F. CRICHTON, Lady Jane Emma, C.B.E. CI,; o. d. of Thomas George, P.C, G.CS.I, 1st Earl Northbrook ; to. 29 Jan, 1890, Col. the Hon. Sir Henry George Lewis Crichton, K.C.B, 3rd s. of John 3rd Earl Erne, K.P. (C2538) CRIGHTON, Jean, Mrs. CuUen, O.B.E. (08349) CRIGHTON, John, O.B.E. CRICHTON, Eng.-Capt. Peter Thomson, C.B.E, fi. 1863 ; s. of John Crichton, Engineer R.N, of Southsea; to. 1888, AUce Maud, d. of George Perfect, of Portsmouth, Eng. Capt. R.N. (ret.) ; Consulting Engineer ; served in the Great War 1914-19, on Staff. Address : 41, Chapel Walks, South Castle Street, Liverpool. (C2308) CRIDLAND, Frank, C.B.E. (C3187) CRIPPS, Lieut.-Comm. Arthur Edward WiUiam, O.B.E, R.N.R. CRIPPS, Lieut. George Wilntt, M.B.E. CRIPPS, Gerald Faulkner, M.B.E. CRIPPS, Major Henry Rivers, M.B.E. CRIPPS, Major the Hon. Leonard Harrison, C.B.E. ; fi. 21 April, 1887 ; 3rd s. of Sir Charles Alfred Cripps, 1st Baron Parmoor (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. 5 April, 1913, Miriam Barbara, d. of Sir Mathew Ingle Joyce, Justice of the High Court. (C135) CRIPPS, Lucy Davis, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. CRISFORD, George Northoote, C.B.E, B.A. (Cantab), ft. 19 Feb. 1880 ; s. of George Stephen Crisford, F.I.A, of KingshiU House, Swindon ; m. Effie Mary, d. ot the late WUliam Saul, M.D, of Boscombe. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School and Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Colonial CivU Service ; District Commissioner, East Africa (retired -1916); Jan. 1919, General Manager, Mac Fisheries, Ltd, 33, St. James' Square, S.W. 1 ; Director, Mac Fisheries, Ltd, Charles Saunders, Ltd.. Mac Line Drifters & Trawlers Co, Ltd, Sprigens, Ltd, The Premier Fishmeal Co, Ltd. War Work : Captain, East Africa Forces, D.A.A.G, War Office ; Director of National Service, Northern Region ; Inspector of Regions, Ministry of National Service. Address : 2, Titchfield Road, Regents Park, N.W. 1 . Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Sports. (C947) CRISP, Annette Ina, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. CRISP, Eng.-Capt. Arthur Samuel, C.B.E. Eng.-Capt. R.N. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1920) CRISP, Cadet Lieut.-Col. Charles Doland, O.B.E. CRISP, Helena Jane, M.B.E, V.A.D. CRISP, John, O.B.E. ,„„.„„* CRISPIN, Edward Smyth, C.B.E. (C3182 CRISWELL, Major Walter, O.B.E, A.M.I.CE. CivU Engineer. War Work : 5. years' service in Royal Engineers in Gallipoli, France, North Russia. (06796) CRITCHINSON, WilUam Thomas, M.B.E. CRITCHLEY, Herbert Lawson, O.B.E, 6. 1877 ; 8. of James Critchley, of Bury, Lancashire ; to. Edith, d. of Seth Holding, of Adlington, Lancs. Educ : Bury Grammar School. Works Manager, Locomotive Works, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth's, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Work: Director of Technical and Efficiency Dept. for National SheU and Projectile Factories, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-17 ; Assist. Controller, Dept. of Engineering, Ministry of Munitions, 1917-19. Address : Dinglesyde, Queen's Road, Monkseaton, Northumberland. (010228) CRITCHLEY, WiUiam Edwin, M.B.E, R.A.F. CRITCHLOW, Major John, O.B.E, R.E. CRITIEN, AttiUo, M.B.E, M.D, M.A. CROAD, Hector, O.B.E. CROAL, George Crammond, O.B.E. CROCKER, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Albert, O.B.E, 6. 20 Oct. 1872 ; s. of Arthur WiUiam Crocker, of 3, Second Avenue, Hove ; m. Dorothy Seymour, d. of Lieut.-Col. WUliam Howard, of East Lodge, Bexhill-on-Sea. Educ. : Golden Parsonage, Hemel Hempstead, and Harrow. War Work : Served with 3rd Battn. Essex Regt, Harwich, on mobilisation ; 2nd in command of 11th Service Battn. Essex Regt. B.E.F. ; pro moted to command 3rd Battn. Essex Regt, June, 1917 Battn. stationed at Harwich, Rugeley and Kinsale. Club : Junior United Service. (07049) CROCKER, Lieut. Gordon George, M.B.E, B.A. Cantab, 6. 14 June, 1893 ; s. of George Henry Crocker, of South Molton, Devon. Educ. : Cheltenham and Clare College, Cambridge. Private Secretary to the Financial Adviser to the Persian Government, 1920. War Services : Inniskillings (6th Dragoons) Special Reserve, attached to the General Staff for Intelligence Work. Address : Thome, Enford, Taunton. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (M289) CROCKETT, Capt. Leonard MarshaU, O.B.E. CROCKETT, WiUiam Gordon, M.B.E, 6. 18 Dec. 1880 s. of the late Alexander Irvine Crockett, of Finchley. Educ. : Kentish Town High School. First Class Clerk, Stores Depart ment, India Office. War Work : Work in connection with the purchase and supply of stores (Ordnance, Clothing, etc.) to the Indian Army. Address : 10, Bowrons Avenue, Alperton, Middlesex (M290) CROFT, Charles Rowland, M.B.E. CROFT, Ernest Samuel, O.B.E, 6. 7 May, 1867 ; s. of Christopher F. Croft, of London ; m. Helen Louise, d. of Thomas Whiting, of London. Educ. : North London Col legiate School, and King's College, London. Assistant Accountant-General of the Navy. Address : Red Lodge, The Park, Hampstead, N.W. 3. (0263) CROFT, Lieut. George Henry Belton, M.B.E. CROFT, Geraldine May, O.B.E, V.A.D. CROFT, Capt. Tom, O.B.E. CROFTON, Augusta Maude, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Gen. Sir Henry Lefroy, C.B, K.C.M.G. ; to. the late Capt. Duke Crofton, R.N, s. of Gen. R. H. Crofton. War Work : Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association Sec, Co. Leitrim. Address : Lakefleld, MohiU, Co. Leitrim. (M7799) CROFTON, Lieut. Riohard Llewellyn, M.B.E, R.A.F. CROKER, AUce Georgiana, O.B.E, 6. 12 March, 1845 ; d. ot the late Capt. Croker, late 17th Lancers, and Lady Georgina Croker, of BaUynagarde, Limerick. Educ. : Privately. Sec. Royal Irish Association for Employment and Training of Women from 1886-1903 ; Sec. Dish Training School of Domestic Economy, Dept. of Agriculture and Technical In struction for Ireland, 1903-10. War Work : Hon. Treas. DubUn Committee Royal DubUn Fusiliers Prisoners of War, 1914-19 Address : 4, St. Mary's Road, South, Dublin. (010229) CROKER, Major Crofton, O.B.E. CROLL, Col. G. D., C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. and T. Col. Australian Armv Med. Corps; served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1395) CROMAR, George Scott, M.B.E. CROMBIE, Lieut. CoUn Ross, M.B.E, 6. 1877 ; s. of John L. Crombie, M.D, of North Berwick. Educ. : Abbey School, North Berwick. War Work : Enlisted in the R.A.S.C, Nov. 1914 ; went overseas to France in April, 1915 ; drove a lorry for 9 months ; commissioned in R.A.S.C, Nov. 1915 ; was put in charge of HydrauUc Tyre Press with 3rd Army ; created record for Solid Tyre fitting in France, having put on 1060 Solid Tyres to 588 vehicles in one week, during the push in Nov.-Dec 1915 ; stayed with 3rd Army in charge of " J " MobUe Tyre Press until demobiUsed in April, 1920. Clubs : Scottish Conservative, Edinburgh ; R.A.S.C, London. (M4460) CROMBIE, Henry, M.B.E. CROME, Lieut. Harry, M.B.E. CROMPTON, Capt. Charles, O.B.E, A.M.I.E.E, R.E. (T ) 6 1864 ; s. of Robert Crompton, of Liverpool ; to. Mary Rebecca, d. of John Curphey, of Liverpool Educ. : The Grange School, Bootle, Liverpool, and Liverpool Univ. (Engineering Section). Assistant Superintending Engineer, Post Office Engineering Department, Scotland (East) District, G.P.O, Edinburgh. War Service : Adviser to General Officer Com- manding-in-Chief, Scottish Command, on communications (Telegraph and Telephone) ; also in charge of all War Emergency communications for Admiralty, War Office, Air Ministry, Ministries of Munitions, Food, Timber, Wool, etc, in the East and North of Scotland, and Islands of Orkney, Shetland and Western Hebrides. Address : 27, St. Clair Terrace, Edinburgh. (010230) CROMPTON, Claud, O.B.E, 6. 1876 ; s. of Col.Crompton, C.B, R.E. ; to. Jeanetta, d. of Sir Thomas Gordon, K.C.B, K.C.I.E, C.S.I. Educ : Harrow and Trinity College, Cam bridge. War Work : Inspector of Small Arms Ammunition, 139 Crompton THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. and Consulting Engineer for Electric Power Station, and Heating and Lighting Plant, at the Government M. T. Depot. Slough. Address : 61, Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath, S.E. 3. CZufi : Royal AutomobUe. (0264) CROMPTON, Capt. James, O.B.E, LA. CROMPTON, Rev. James, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 19 July, 1886 ; 8. of Henry D. Crompton, of Edgbaston. Educ. : West House, Edgbaston ; Sedbergh ; Caius CoU, Cambridge. Late Capt. 10th Jats I. A., now in Holy Orders. War Work: France, 1914-15 ; X.W.F. India, 1916-17 ; Mesopotamia, 1918 ; Salonica, 1918-19; South Russia. 1919; Anatolia, 1919; retired, Nov. 1919. Address : c/o Thos. Cook and Son, London. Club : Junior Naval and MiUtary. (08683) CROMPTON, Robert, C.B.E, 6. 1869; s. of Robert Crompton, of Bolton ; m. RosaUne, d. of Charles Allen, of Warrington. Educ. : Blue Coat School, Warrington. SoUcitor, M.L.C, Fiji, a Member of Roy. Colonial Institute, and Vice-Pres. British Empire Producers Asso. ; sometime Solicitor, Supreme Court, England. Address : Tamavua House, Suva, Fiji. (C734) CROMWELL, OUver Underwood, M.B.E, ft. 29 Nov. 1877 ; s. of Joshua CromweU, of Bradford ; to. Annie, d. of Edwin Ogden Ratcliffe, of Bingley. Educ. : Borough West School, and Technical CoU., Bradford. Superintendent of PoUce. War Work : Organising special constables ; alien and mUitary enquiry work ; executive officer, Ministry of Food ; fuel overseer ; Sec. Profiteering Tribunal ; Organising Sec. Trade pools for Food distribution ; organised local transport for distributing food and coal during National RaUway Strike, 1919. Address : St. Ives, Armthorpe Lane, Doncaster. (M7800) CROOK, Major and Qr.-Mr. Arthur, O.B.E. CROOK, Shipwright-Lieut. George Henry HoUand, M.B.E, R.N. CROOK, John Rowland, O.B.E. CROOK, WiUiam Montgomery, O.B.E, B.A, F.R.G.S, 6. 1860 ; s. of the late Rev. W. Crook, D.D, of Galway. Educ : Methodist CoUege, Belfast ; Drogheda Grammar School : Trinity CoUege, DubUn. Head Classical Master, Wesley CoUege, DubUn ; Assistant Editor, " Methodist Times " ; Editor, " Echo " ; Sec, Eighty Club ; Sec, Home Counties Liberal Federation. War Work : Hon. Organiser, Church CoUections for Red Cross Society, 1914-18, which raised about £300,000 for Red Cross. Addresses : 5, Spencer Mansions, Queen's Club Gardens, West Kensington, W. 14 ; 42, Pariia- ment Street, S.W. 1. Clubs : Devonshire ; National Liberal ; Eighty. (01248) CROOKE, Jane Duttie, Mrs, M.B.E. CROOKE, Victor, M.B.E, 6. 18 Oct. 1866 ; s. of William Hugh Crooke, of Preston ; m. AUce, d. of Edward Walker, of Wolverhampton. Educ. : Wolverhampton. Clerk and SoUcitor ; Deputy Town Clerk of Walsall, and Executive Officer for the Borough of WalsaU Food Control Committee. War Work : National Registration ; National Service in London and Wal saU ; Food Control work for WalsaU ; Allotment extension ; acted as Hon. Sec. for Mayor's After- War Fund, and also in similar capacity to WalsaU War Memorial Fund. Address : Woodstock, Borneo Street, WalsaU. (M3596) CROOKHAM, Rev. WUUam Thomas Rupert, C.B.E. Was Rector of Haddenham, Camb. 1893-1905, since when he has been Vicar of Wisbech. War Services : 1914-19, as 1st class Chaplain to Forces (despatches). Address : The Vicarage, Wisbech. (C1534) CROOKS, Capt. David Robert, M.B.E, A.I.F. CROOKS, Capt. Lindsay, M.B.E.. R.A.F. CROOKSTON, John Gray, C.B.E, A. 12 Sept. 1864; s. of Thomas Crookston, of Glasgow ; m. Ella, d. of Vladimir Deline, of Petrograd. Educ. : Odessa and Glasgow. Engineer and Naval Architect ; Vice-President of the Rus sian ShipbuUding Co, and of the Chantiers Navals de Nicolaieff ; Managing Director of the Salamander Steel Works of Riga. War Work : ControUer of the British Ministry of Information (Russian Section) ; BuUdcr of the Russian Black Sea Fleet ; Manufacture of Munitions of War, etc. Address : Galemaya 63, Petrograd; and Cotham House, Weybridge, Surrey. Clubs ; Mining and MetaUurgical ; Petrograd Yacht Club ; British Club of Petrograd. (C948) CROPPER, Ann EUen, Mrs., M.B.E. CROPPER, Edward, O.B.E. CROPPER, Marjorie Constance, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 24 March, 1888 ; d. of Josceline Fitzroy Bagot, Bart, of Levens (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. James Winstanlev, s. of Charles James Copper, of EUergreen, Kendal. War Work: County Sec. to S. and S.F.A. at beginning of war ; subsequently Dis trict Sec. to Statutory Committee and N. and M. War Pensions Committee tiU the end of the war ; member of Executive Finance, and Disablement Committees for County ; organised Club for soldiers' wives. Address : Summer How, Kendal CROSBIE, FUght-Lieut. Dudley Stuart Kay, O.B.E., R.A.F. CROSBIE, Sir John Chalker, K.B.E, 6. 11 Sept. 1876 ; s. of George Graham Crosbie, of Dumfries Scotland ; m. Mitchie A, d. of Josiah Manuel, of Exploits, Nfld. Educ ¦ Methodist CoU, St. John's, Newfoundland. Managing Owi.er of Crosbie and Company ; elected to Newfoundland Legislature for District of Bay de Verde 1908 ; re-elected 191' 9-1 3 ; Member, Executive CouncU, 1909 ; Acting Prime Minister, 1918 ; re-elected to Legislature for Port de Grave, 1919. War Work ¦ Chan-man of Tonnage Committee of the Executive CouncU, 1917 ; Minister of Shipping, 1917-19. Address : Devon Place, Kingsbridge Road, St. John's, Newioundland. Clubs: City; St Andrews ; Old Colony ; BaUyhaly Golf : Curiing. (K312) CROSBIE, Maxwell Arthur, O.B.E, fi. 20 July, 1881; s of MaxweU Crosbie, of Southampton and London; m. Margaret, d. of John Shaw, of Boston (Lines.) War Work: In connection with erection and running of plant for manu facture of Chemical Filling for Box (Anti-gas) Respirators, at Messrs. Boots Pure Drug Co.'s Works at Nottingham, Ad dress : 11, Leonard Avenue, Nottingham. (03675) CROSBIE, Capt. WiUiam MaxweU, M.B.E, R.E. CROSBY, Ada, M.B.E. CROSBY, Josiah, CLE, O.B.E, fi. 25 May, 1880 ; s. of J. P. Crosby, of Southport ; Educ. : Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and GonviUe and Caius CoU, Cambridge. H.B.M. Consul, Saigon, CocMn-China ; at present officiating as H.B.M. Consul-General at Batavia, Java. War Work: In performance of duties as a member of His Majesty's Consular Service in Siam. Address : H.B.M. Consulate-General, Batavia, Java. Clubs: British (Bangkok) ; Batavia Cricket, Roval (Bangkok) ; Sports (Siam). t0267) CROSBY, Capt. Reginald Douglas, O.B.E, M.C. CROSHER, WUUam Samuel, M.B.E. CROSLAND, Clarence Field, M.B.E. CROSS, Arthur, M.B.E. CROSS, Capt. Arthur Gordon, M.B.E, M.C CROSS, Bertram Charles, M.B.E. CROSS, Lieut. CecU Woodrow, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. CROSS, Capt. Charles Garsed, M.B.E. CROSS, Lieut.-Comm. Charles Henry Dennis, O.B.E, CROSS, Edward AUred, M.B.E. CROSS, Ernest, M.B.E. CROSS, GrenvUle Burgess, M.B.E, CROSS, Lieut. James, O.B.E, R.N.R. CROSS, Minnie Eleanor EUzabeth, M.B.E, 6. 14 June, 1869 ; d. of Charles Thomas Cross, of Acton and City of London. Educ. : Miss Frances Mary Buss's School and H. and C. CoU. Responsible Mistress of Tollington Park L.CC Women's Institute. War Work : Asst. Lady Supt. of Royal Arsenal, Woolwich ; and Supt. of the JuvenUe Unemployment Edu cational Centre, Woolwich, after the Armistice and until Aug. 1919. (M1606) CROSS, Richard BasU, O.B.E, 6. 18 March, 1881; s. of late Thomas Cross, of Beckenham, Kent ; m. Janet Helen, d . of Peter Hurst. Educ. : Dulwich and Corpus Christi CoUege, Oxford. (Scholar, C.C.O. ; 1st Class Classical Moderations, 2nd Class Litt. Hum.) ; CivU Servant, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Health ; formerly Private Secretary to successive Presidents of the Local Government Board. Address : Ravens- bourne, Epsom, Surrey. Club : R.A.C. (0268) CROSS, Robert, M.B.E. CROSS, Robert WiUiam Ryder, M.B.E. CROSSE, Rev. Arthur John WilUam, C.B.E, T.D, B.A, s. of the late Archdeacon A. B. Crosse, Res. Canon of Norwich Cathedral ; m. Mary Charlotte, d. of the late WiUiam Sisson, of Wrexham. Educ : Dedham Grammar School ; London University ; Leeds Clergy School. Vicar of Rye, Sussex, 1888 ; Vicar of S. Cyprian's, Durban, S. Africa, 1902 ; Vicar of S. James, Barrow, 1906 ; Vicar of S. Cuthbert's, Carlisle, 1910 ; Vicar of Stow Bardolph and Rector of Wimbotsham, 1919 ; Territorial Chaplain to the Forces since 1890 ; now 1st Class. War Work : Chaplain in 1914 to the 11th Border Regt. (the Lonsdales) ; Chaplain to 97th Brigade, 1915 ; Senior Chaplain to 32nd Division at the Front, from Nov. 1915, to AprU, 1919 ; 3 times mentioned in despatches. Address : Stow Vicarage, Downham, Norfolk. (C766) CROSSE, Lieut. James Frederick, M.B.E, CROSSINGHAM, Agatha Gwendoline Rees, M.B.E. CROSSKEY, Lieut.-Col. CecU, O.B.E, V.D, R.A.S.C (T.F.) CROSSKLLL, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Charles Osbome, O.BE, Cadet Norfolk ArtUlery, fi. 17 Feb. 1888; s.of C. R. CrosskUl, of Norwich. Educ. : King Edward VI. Gram mar School ; King Edward VI. Commercial School (Norwich and Wymondham). Officer Commanding Cadet Norfolk ArtiUery (affiUated to 1st East AngUan Brigade, R.F.A.); Pre sident and Chairman, 1st V.B. Norfolk Regt. Veterans' Associa tion ; President, Cadet Norfolk ArtiUery Old Comrades' Association; Hon. Sec. Norfolk Miniature Rifle Association; Hon. Sec. Norfolk Branch Ex-Officers National Union. War Service : Mercantile Marine ; Volunteer and Cadet Forces training and organising ; awarded British War Medal, and British Mercantile Marine War Medal. Addresses : Highbury Lodge, Thorpe Road, Norwich ; Royal Field ArtUlery Barracks, AU Saints' Green. Norwich. (O10231) CROSSLEY, Professor Arthur WilUam, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.Sc, LL.D., F.R.S. ; s. of the late Richard Crossley, of Accrington ; m. 1901, Muriel, d. of the late R. Lamb, of Liverpool. Professor of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Soe; Professor of Chemistry in King's CoU, Univ. of London; Foreign Sec. Chemical Soe. ; Officer of Legion of Honour ; sometime Lieut.-Col. R.E. Address : King's CoUege, Strand, W.C. 2. (C2097) CROSSLEY, Audrey, Mrs., M.B.E.; a!, of Alfred Thomson, of BeUast ¦ m. Basil Charles, s. of Arthur C. Crossley, of Behast. Educ : Brussels and Hamburg, t. War Work : Qualified Red Cross nurse, Theydon Towers, Essex, Sept. 1915, to Dec. 1916; Section Head, Ministry of Pensions, 140 BIOGRAPHIES. Cruickshank London, Feb. 1917, to April, 1918 ; joined British War Mission in New York, May, 1918 ; appointed superintendent Cabling Dept, June, 1918. Address : 28, Gledhow Gardens, S.W. 5. CROSSLEY, Major Erio, O.B.E. CROSSLEY, Capt. George Henry, M.B.E, 6. 1895; s of Henry Leonard Crossley, Tapton Croft, Sheffield; m Jessie, d. of B. Howlrins, of Bromham, Bedford. Educ • Wesley CoU. Sheffield. Address : Beachcroft, Baslow, Derby shire. (M5198) CROSSMAN, Francis Ward, O.B.E, M.B. CROSSMAN, Major Robert Francis, O.B.E. CROSTHWAITE, Capt. Arthur Tonley, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. CROSTHWAITE, Major Charles Gilbert, O.B.E, 6. 3 June, 1878 ; s. of Sir Robert Crosthwaite, K.C.S.I. ; to. Joan, d. of Major-Gen. A. 0. Becher C.B.E. Educ. : Shrews bury School and Sandhurst. PoUtical Department, Govern ment of India. Address: c/o Messrs. Thos. Cook and Son, Ludgate Circus. (08245) CROSTHWAITE, Lieut.-Col. Henry Robert, PIE C.B.E, fi. 1876 ; s. of the late Sir Charles Crosthwaite, K C S I ; m. 1896, Ada Elizabeth Berry. Educ : CUfton ; Oxford Univ. Entered I.C.S. 1900; Assist. Commr. Central Pro vinces 1902; Registrar Co-operative Credit Socs. 1911; also Dep. Commr. 1915; Sec Central Provinces War Board- T. Lieut.-Col. Indian Army Reserve of Officers. Address : Jubbulpore, Central Provinces, India. Club : SavUe. (C2377) CROSTHWAITE, Capt. WilUam Henry, O.B.E. CROTHERS, Capt. Wallace Guy Murdock, M.B.E, R.A.F. CROTTY, Capt. Trevor, M.B.E. CROUCH, Paymaster Lieut.-Comm. Charles Henrv Anson, O.B.E, R.N. CROUCHER, Lieut. Edward WUUam, M.B.E, R.N. CROUCHER, Wilfred Gladstone, M.B.E, 6. 4 Dec. 1883 ; s. of the late Rev. Charles Croucher, of Victoria, British Columbia ; to. Mary Kate, d. of George Bennett, of Staple HU1, Bristol. Educ. : The Merchant Venturers Technical CoU, Bristol. War Work : Hon. Sec. Bridgwater Local Committee for War Savings ; Joint Hon. Sec. ParUamentary Recruiting Committee ; Joint Hon. Sec. War Aims Committee ; Hon. Sec. Peace Celebrations and War Memorial Committee ; Member of Bridgwater Food Control Committee. Address : The Cottage, Wembdon, Bridgwater, Somerset. (M7809) CROW, Ada Maud, M.B.E, 6. 20 Oct. 1885 ; d. of WilUam Crow, of Borebam, Essex. War Work : Canteen and Relief Work at the Missions to Seamen's Station, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, N.B. Address : St. Margarets, Ferndale Road, Woking. (M7810) CROW, Alwyn Douglas, O.B.E, s. of John Kent Crow, D.Sc, F.I.C, of Blackheath. Educ. : Westminster School, and Queens' College, Cambridge. Director of BalUstic Research, Woolwich Arsenal ; Associate Member of the Ordnance Committee, etc. War Work : Temp, commission, East Surrey Regt, 20 Oct. 1914 ; promoted to temp. Capt, 11 Nov. 1915 ; served in France, 1916 ; wounded at DelviUe Wood, Sept. 1916 ; appointed to Research Dept, Woolwich, March, 1917, and served there for the rest of the war ; mentioned in despatches, 1918. Address : 20, West Park, Eltham, Kent. Club : Devonshire. (01249) CROW, John, M.B.E. CROWDEN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Henry Clarence, M.B.E. CROWDY, Edith Frances, C.B.E, Serving Sister of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; d. of James Crowdy. Educ. : Privately. Divisional Secretary for Paddington British Red Cross Society, 1912. War Work : Senior Staff Commandant, V.A.D, H.Q. ; Deputy Director, Women's Royal Naval Service, 1917-19. Club : Portsmouth. (C921) CROWDY, Isabel, O.B.E, A.R.C.M, d. of James Crowdy Educ: Privately; Royal College of Music. General Secretary of the Society for the Oversea Settlement of British Women. War Work : V.A.D. Quartermaster ; Com mandant and Area Commandant in France, from 1914-18 : Assistant Director, Inspection and Training of Women's Royal Naval Service, 1918-19. Clubs: Portsmouth Blue Triangle; V.A.D. (01251) CROWDY, Mary, C.B.E, also Serving Sister of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; d. of James Crowdy. Educ: Privately. War Work : Assistant-Principal Commandant V.A.D.S in France ; V.A.D. work from Jan. 1913, till present date ; V.A.D. work in France, 19 Oct. 1914, to 17 July, 1919. Address : 100, Beaufort St., Chelsea. Club : Portsmouth ; V.A.D. Ladies'. (C478) CROWDY, Dame Rachel Eleanor, D.B.E, R.R.C, fi. 3 March, 1884 ; d. of the late James Crowdy, M.A, of 8, Orsett Terrace, Hyde Park. Educ : Hyde Park New CoUege, London. 1912-14, Lecturer and Demonstrator, National Health Soe. ; Health Member of the Secretariat of the League of Nations ; Member of Voluntary Aid Advisory Committee ; Joint Women's V.A.D. Committee ; International Committee of Girl Guides ; Associate of Social Students Union. War Work : Served with B.E.F, from 1914-19, as Principal Commandant of V.A.D.s, France and Belgium ; Awards, 1916, despatches ; 1916, Royal Red Cross (2nd Class) ; 1917, Royal Red Cross (1st Class) ; 1917, Lady of Grace, Order of St. John of Jeru salem ; 1919, Dame of the British Empire ; Mons Star. Ad dress : 100, Beaufort Street, Chelsea. Club : Portsmouth. (D33) CROWE, Lieut. George Gordon, M.B.E, Mons Star, 6. 29 March, 1891 ; s. of George Cranmer Crowe, of Southsea ; m. Rene Flora, d. of Albert W. Partridge, of Lewisham. Educ. : Sir Joseph WUliamson's Mathematical School, Rochester, Kent. Assurance Clerk. War Service: Nov. 1914, to Nov. 1915, served with the British Red Cross Society in France (Anglo- Beige Hospital, Calais) ; Dec 1915, to March, 1916, Salonika ; April, 1916, to Nov. 1918, Mesopotamia (promoted Lieut.); Nov. 1918, to March, 1919, Persia, Lieut, in charge Red Cross Depot for distribution of stores to Hospitals and Ambulances. Address: 7, Beaufort Gardens, Lewisham, S.E. 13. Club: Ibis. (M1607) CROWE, Major Henry Aubrey, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. CROWE, Lieut. Joseph John, O.B.E, R.E. CROWE, WilUam, M.B.E. (M10246c) CROWFOOT, John Winter, O.B.E. CROWLEY, Cuthbert, O.B.E, 6. 1883 ; s. of the Rev. H. E. Crowley, of Albury Rectory, Surrey ; to. Jeanie Margaret, a., of John Currey, formerly of 30, Great George Street, West minster. Educ : Portsmouth Grammar School and Downton Agricultural CoU. Previous to 1914, farming in Western Canada. War Work : Served in France and Flanders in 5th Batt. Canadian Infantry ; discharged disabled in 1916 ; subse quently acted under the British Red Cross Society as Director of Kitchener House Club for disabled Sailors and Soldiers from 1917 to 1920. Address : Ridgway, Fordwich Lane, Canter bury, Kent. (03676) CROWTHER, Ethel Annie, O.B.E. (011964) CROWTHER, Lieut. Harold Oakes, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. CROWTHER, Lawrence, O.B.E, 6. 5 June, 1880 ; s. of Joe Crowther, of Golcar, nr. Huddersfield; to. Clara, d. of Thomas Wood, of Golcar^ nr. Huddersfield. Educ : Hudders field. Stock Broker. War Work: Hon. Sec. Huddersfield War Savings Committee ; Member of Advisory, Yorks (West Riding) Committee; Chairman, Golcar Committee; Treas, Belgian Refugees Committee ; Member of Food Control, War Pensions, and War Distress, Committees ; Hon. Sec. War Memoria Committee. Address : Ridgmont, Huddersfield. Clubs: Huddersfield Liberal; Huddersfield Golf; Elland Golf. (010233) CROWTHER, Major Walter, M.B.E. CROWTHER, WiUiam, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 30 April, 1845 ; s. of John Crowther, of Golcar ; m. EUza Anne, d. of Law Heppenstall of Golcar. Educ : Huddersfield Coll. WooUen Cloth Manufacturer. President of the Huddersfield and District Manufacturers' Association ; Chairman of W. and E. Crowther, Ltd, Globe Worsted Co, Ltd, etc War Work : Acted on the foUowing Committees : Wool Control Board, Wool Council, Dilution of Labour in the Woollen Trade, AUocation of Contracts for MUitary Cloths. Address : Field House, Slaithwaite. Club: Huddersfield. (02677) CROWTHER, Comm. WilUam Reginald Denys, O.B.E., R.N. CROXFORD, Charles Henry, O.B.E. CROXTON, Edith Miriam, Mrs., M.B.E. CROYDON, Capt. George, O.B.E, R.G.A. CROYSDILL, Clifford WilUam, C.B.E, 6. 26 June, 1874 ; s. of the late Thomas Henry CroysdUl, of London. Educ. : Privately. Assistant-Director of Navy Victualling. War Work : Served throughout the War as Superintendent of the Royal Victoria Yard, Deptford, S.E, the principal Admiralty Victualling Establishment. Address : Superintendent's House, Royal Victoria Yard, Deptford, S.E. Club : Union (Malta) ; Sports'. (02539) CROZIER, WiUiam, O.B.E, 6. 3 Sept. 1875 ; s. of John Crozier, of Glassford, Lanarkshire ; to. Margaret WUson, d. of James Young, of Rutherglen. Educ : Glassford and Glen- gowan PubUc Schools. Assistant Superintendent of the Line, Caledonian Railway. War Work : Transport arrangements in connection with mobilisation in 1914, and in connection with general movements of troops and war material during the period of the War. Address : Braehead, Kirkhill, Lanarkshire. (010236) CRUDDAS, Hamilton MaxweU, O.B.E. CRUDDAS, WilUam John, O.B.E. CRUICKSHANK, Alexander Jaffray, O.B.E. CRUICKSHANK, Alexander Thomas, O.B.E. CRUICKSHANK, George, M.B.E, 6. 15 Jan. 1880 ; s. of John Cruickshank, SoUcitor, of Elgin ; to. Margaret Henry, d. of James Henry Powrie, Perth. Educ. : Elgin Academy, and Glasgow Univ. SoUcitor, Clerk and Treasurer to Hadding ton County Council and Western District Committee of the County Council. War Work : In connection with County Council, including War Pensions, National Registration, and Tribunal, etc. Address : ClarenceviUe, Haddington. Club : Conservative (Edinburgh). (M7812) CRUICKSHANK, James, M.B.E, 6. 2 June, 1865; s. of Alexander Cruickshank, of Barnes, S.E.; m. 1st Elizabeth Antonia, d. of Alfred Hallamore, of Bromley, Kent; 2ndly, AUce Jane, d. of the late Percy Swan Golds, of Goring, Sussex. Educ. : Leeds Middle Class School and King's Coll, London. Civil Servant, Air Ministry (late of War Office). War Work : At War Office and Ministry of Munitions (Aircraft Production Dept. on loan). Address: Amberley, Bridle Road, Purley, Surrey. (M7813) CRUICKSHANK, James Bell, M.B.E, M.B.. CM' CRUICKSHANK, Lieut.-Col. Jasper Wallace, O.B.E, R.A.F. CRUICKSHANK, Major Percy Hamilton, O.B.E, R.A. CRUICKSHANK, Capt. Robert Scott, O.B.E., R.A.S.C. 141 Cruiekshank THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. CRUICKSHANK, WilUam, M.B.E. CRUICKSHANK, Rev. WUUam Walker, O.B.E, M.A, B D , 6 8 Oct. 1880 ; s. of James Smith Cruiekshank, of Logie, Newton ; m. Mary Walker, d. of James Durno, of UppermiU. Educ. : Aberdeen Univ. War Work : Chaplain to the Forces, Nov. 1915, to Nov. 1919, attached 15th (Scottish) Division, 39th General Hosp, 17th CCS, 36th CCS. Address : 74, Gough Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. (05156) CRUISE, Lieut. Albert John, M.B.E. CRUM, Sir Walter Erskine, Knt. Bach, O.B.E, 6. 2 Sept. 1874 ; s. of the late Walter Ewtng Crum, of ThornUebank, Renfrew ; to. Violet Mary, d. of the late C. H. B. Forbes. President, Bengal Chamber of Commerce, 1919-20; Member Indian Imperial Legislative CouncU, 1919-20 ; Major, Calcutta Light Horse, 1913-20. Address : Ashton Grange, nr. Chester. Club: Union. (O2077) CRUMP, Charles, O.B.E. CRUMP, Major Edward Harold, O.B.E, R.E. CRUMP, Lieut.-Col. Eldon Annesley, O.B.E. CRUMP, Percy Charles, O.B.E, F.I.A, 6. March, 1879 ; s. of Edwin Henry Crump, of Finsbury Park ; to. Ada Minnie, d. of Walter George Diggon, of E. Finchley. Educ. : Stroud Green Grammar School and Lady Owen's, Islington. Con troller, Investments Department, Prudential Assurance Co, Ltd. War Work : Assistant to Sir George E. May, Manager of American Dollar Securities Committee, National Debt Office, 1916-19. Address : Claverley, Bramber Road, North Finchley. (010239) CRUTCHFIELD, Henry, O.B.E. CRUTCHLEY, Capt. Emest Tristram, O.B.E.. R.E. (T.). CUBITT, Hon. Helen Laura, C.B.E. 6. Nov. 1855: eldest d. of George, 1st Lord Ashcombe. War Work : Care of Convales cent Officers under Red Cross. Address : Lyncourt, Torquay. (C2540) CUBBON, Capt. Richard, M.B.E. CUCKOW, Capt. PhiUp Edwin, O.B.E. CUDDEFORD, Arthur Charles, M.B.E, 6. 25 Feb. 1875. Educ. : Privately. Assistant Sec. British Red Cross Society. War Work : As Assistant Sec. British Red Cross Society, was engaged in administration work on behalf of the sick and wounded soldiers and sailors. Address : 40, Clifford Gardens, WiUesden, N.W. 10. (M7814) CUDLIP, Eng.-Capt. Edwin WUUam, O.B.E, R.N. CUDLIP, Ethel Annie Lina PENDER-, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Rev. Pender-CudUp and Annie Thomas, of SparkweU, Devon. Singer. War Work : Superintendent of the Women's Ration Packing Factory at the Supply Reserve Depot, Dept ford, S.E. Address : 45, Norfolk Square, W. Club : New Centurv. (M1609) CUDMORE, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Frederick WiUiam, M.B.E.. R.A.M.C. CUFF, Anna HoUand, Mrs., O.B.E. CUFF, Ethel, Mrs., M.B.E. CUFF, Herbert Edmond, O.B.E, M.D. (Lond.), F.R.CS. (Eng.), fi. 27 Jan. 1864 ; s. of John Cuff, of Binderton, Sussex; m. ^ancy, d. of Dr. PhiUp Nunn, of Bournemouth. Educ. : Proprietary School, Blackheath, Kent. Principal Medical Officer to the MetropoUtan Asylums Board, London. War Work : Resident Head of the Belgian Refugee Camp at the Alexandra Palace. Addresses : Woodside, Bookham, Surrey ; Metropolitan Asylums Board, Victoria Embankment, E.C. (0270) CUFF, Stanley Geikie, M.B.E, 6. 18 April, 1879 ; s. of Reverend WiUiam Cuff, of Shoreditch Tabernacle, London ; m. Mabel Lucy, d. ot the late Reuben Message, -if X< rwood. Educ : Bishop's Stortford CoU. War Work : Special Constabu- ary, Aug. 1914, to Feb. 1917 ; H.M. Forces, March, 1917, to Feb. 1918 ; Assistant Director of Tea SuppUes, Ministry of Food, March, 1918, to May. 1919. Addresses : 7 Cardigan Mansions. Richmond HiU, Surrey ; 134, Fenchurch Street, London , E.C. Club : Old Stortfordians. (M7815) CULBARD, Amelia Jane Chisholm, M.B.E, 6. 1860 d. of WiUiam Culbard, J.P, of OldmiUs, Elgin. Educ. Elgin. War Work : District Head of Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society ; Commandant Red Cross and organiser of Sphagnum moss and war dressing work parties. Address : OldmiUs, Elgin (M1610) CULL, Paymaster-Lieut-Comm. Malcolm Giffard Stebbing, O.B.E, R.N. CULLEN of Ashbourne, Brien Ibrican, Lord, K.B.E. (see Burke's Peerage), fi. 12 July, 1864 ; s. of George Edward Cokayne, of Roehampton ; m. Grace Margaret, d. of Rev. Hon. John Marsham. Educ. : Charterhouse. Deputy Governor and Governor of Bank of England, from April, 1915, to March, 1920, and served on several Government Committees. Address: Exeter House, Roehampton, S.W. 15. Club : Junior Carlton. (K17) CULLEN, Jean Criekton, Mrs, O.B.E. CULLEN, Capt. WiUiam John, M.B.E. CULLEY, James, M.B.E, J.P, CC, 6. 15 Sept 1878 ; 8. ot James Culley, of Kintbury, Berks. ; m. Lillian Annie, d. of James Hubbard, of Birmingham. Educ : Public Elementary School. J.P. County Middlesex ; Member of the M.C.C. ; Member of SouthaU-Norwood Urban District CouncU War Work : Chairman, Local Tribunal ; Chairman, SouthaU- Norwood U.D.C 1915-17, also of National Service Committee ; Member of Middlesex War Pensions Committee, and Secretary of SouthaU and Hayes Sub-Local War Pensions Committee ¦ Vice-Chairman, Middlesex Committee on Industrial Training, and a member of Advisory Committee on Munition Workers and Advisory Resettlement Committee, Ministry of Labour (M7816) CULLEY, Mrs. Zella Evelyn LEATHER-, O.B.E , fi 20 Oct. 1875 ; d. of John E. A. Dick Lander, of Huntleywood,' Berwickshire ; m. the late Arthur George, late Coldstream Guards, s. of Arthur Hugo Leather-CuUey of Fowberry Tower Northumberland. Member of Alnwick Board of Guardians since 1912 ; Vice-President, British Red Cross Society, North umberland Branch, since 1909. War Work : Commandant Northumberland V.A.D. 4, Auxiliary Hospitals, Alnwick, and Command Depot Dressing Station, Alnwick ; Alnwick Red Cross Work Rooms. Address : The Green Gate, Alnwick, Northum berland. Club: Forum. (03678) CULLING, James WiUiam Henry, C.B.E, 6. 25 Oct. 1870. Deputy-Director of Victualling, Admiralty. War Work : In connection with the Supply Services of the Fleet (C2541) CULLIS, Mary Aeldrin, M.B.E, fi. 25 Oct. 1883; d. of Thomas Henry, of London. Educ. : Streatham Hill High School and SomerviUe CoU, Oxford. War Work: One year ambulance driving in Salonica ; one year ambulance driving, attached to French Army, Amiens, France; two years ninning a Soldiers' Club in Amiens and later AbbevUle, France ; one year in charge of a Y.M.C.A. Bookshop in Abbe vUle, France. Address: AUiston, Boscombe Manor, Bourne mouth. Club : Ladies' University. (M7817) CULLIS, Prof. Winifred Clara, O.B.E, D.Sc, fi. 2 June, 1875 ; d. of Frederick John Cullis, of Kempsford House, Gloucester. Educ : King Edward VI. High School for Girls, Birmingham, and Newnham. Professor of Physiology in the University of London attached to the London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women ; Member of tbe Industrial Fatigue Research Board, of the Girton CoUege CouncU, and of the National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases. War Work : Propaganda work for the National War Savings movement, and for the National Council for combating Venereal Diseases, and from Dec. 1917 to May, 1918, filled the duties of the Chair of Physiology in the Uni versity of Toronto, Canada, and lectured widely in Eastern Canada. Address : 47, Belsize Avenue Hampstead, N.W. 3. Clubs : Lyceum ; University Club for Ladies ; University of London. (01T.243) CULLUM, Henry John, M.B.E. CULPIN, George Francis, O.B.E.. 6. 18 Nov. 1861; 8. of the late MilUce Culpin, of Stevenage ; m. Florence Sarah, d. of the late George Wright, of Stevenage. Educ : Stevenage Grammar School and private boarding school, Rothbury CoUege, Stroud Green, N. Acting Chief Examiner, War Office. War Work . Chief Examiner in the Directorate of Lands, which took over Lands and BuUdings for war emergency purposes for the War Office, Ministry of Munitions, and Air Ministry, either under agreement or Defence of Realm powers, and dealt with compensation therefor. Address : Valence Manor, Clavering, Essex. Club : Farmers'. (O10244) CULROSS, James, M.B.E, M.A, M.B, CM, fi. 20 Feb. 1864 ; s. of the late Rev. James Culross, M.A, D.D, of Bristol ; m. Helen Drummond, d. of James Grant, of Philadelphia. Educ. : City of London School ; Glasgow Academy ; Glasgow Univ. Medical Officer, Newton Abbot Hospital. War Work: Assistant Medical Officer to Newton Abbot V.A. Hospital; afterwards O.C. Palmes en Or de l'Ordre de la Couronne conferred by King of the Belgians, Jan. 1920. Address: Roseneath, Newton Abbot, S. Devon. (M3599) CULSHAW, Frank, M.B.E. CULVER, Albert Leopold, M.B.E. CULVER, Edith Bruce, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 15 Mar. 1869 ; d. of Joseph Chambers Mortlock ; to. WiUiam Robert Richard, s. of WUUam Thomas Culver. Educ. : Privately. Head quarters Staff, Commandant, Kent Voluntary Aid Detach ments ; Hon. Sec, RaUwaywomen's Convalescent Home, Lavenham, Suffolk. War Work : Organising Secretary, Gravesend Division, Kent V.A.D.s ; Commandant, Rosher- vUle V.A.D. Hospital, 1 year ; Chatham Area, Transport Officer, 2 years ; Kent Headquarters Staff, Commandant, 3 years. Address : Broomfield HaU, Swanley, Kent. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (01254) CUMBERBATCH, Hugh Carlton, O.B.E. CUMBERLAND, Major Hugh Carlton, O.B.E, M.C. CUMBERLAND, Capt. Thomas DaUy, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. M.B. CUMBERLEGE, Col. Archibald Farrington, 0.B.B, R.E, 6. 2 Sept. 1870 ; s. of the late Lieut. A. F. Cumberlege, R.E. ; m. Beatrice, d. of the late Colonel W. Warner, of the Madras Cavalry. Educ. : Blundell's School. China Campaign, 1900-01. War Work : Mesopotamia 1915. (08456) CUMBERLEGE, Major Barry Stephenson, O.B.E, B.A, 6. 5 June, 1891; s. of Charles Farrington Cumberlege, of 1, Freeland Road, Ealing, W. 5 ; m. LoueUa Louisa, d. of James Gillis, of Matapedia, Quebec, Canada. Educ. : Durham School : Emmanuel CoU.. Cambridge. ITar Work : Mechanical Transport, R.A.S.C ; served overseas from Oct. 1914, to Feb. 1919 (mentioned in despatches). (05159) CUMBERLEGE, Major Cleland Bulstrode, D.S.O, O.B.K, 6. 1875. Entered Army 1902, became Capt. Bedfordshire Regt. 1910; Major, 1915; S. Africa, 1900-1902, with Imperial Yeo. (Queen's medal with tliree clasps, King's medal with two clasps); served in the Great War, 1914-15 (despatches). (O7055) 112 BIOGRAPHIES. Cunnington CUMBERLEGE, Comm. Maroius Victor, O.B.E, R.E. CUMING, Ethel Maud, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 15 Oct. 1864; d. of the late Col. Herbert Locock, C.B, R.E, of Frensham Grove, Farnham ; m. Edward WilUam Dirom, s. of the late Col. E. W. Cuming, 79th Q.O. Cameron Highlanders, of Crover, Co. Cavan, Ireland. Educ. : Privately, and Les Ruches, Fontaine- bleau. War Work : Commandant, B.R.C.S, V.A D London 100 ; Divisional Quartermaster and Asst. Hon. Sec and Acting Divisional Sec, Kensington Division, B.R.C.S. Address : 20, Pembroke Road, Kensington, W. 8. (M7822) CUMING, Lieut.-Col. Robert John, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1872 ; Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Indian Army ; China, 1900 (medal) ; Mesopotamia. 1914-18 (despatches). (O6602) CUMING, Adm. Robert Stevenson Dalton, O.B.E, D.S.O, J.P, D.L, R.N, 6. 10 Sept. 1852 ; s. of Col. Cummlng, of Coulton, Cheltenham; to. Henrietta Florence, d. of Sir James Gibson Craig, Bart., of Riccarton, Midlothian (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Privately. War Work : Captain R.N.R. Yachts "Aries" and " Atalanta," North Sea, Dish Seas, and Mediterranean; Commodore in Charge of Larne Naval Base. Address : Eastbury Manor, Nr. Worcester. Clubs : United Service : Worcester County. (C2218) CUMMING, Major Adam Bennett, O.B.E. CUMMING, Alexander, O.B.E. CUMMING, Alexander Charles, O.B.E, D.Sc. CUMMING, Andrew Lawrence, M.B.E. CUMMING, Lieut.-Col. Arthur WilUe, O.B.E. CUMMING, Beatrioe, Mrs., O.B.E. CUMMING, George, O.B.E, J.P. CUMMING, Capt. Howard, O.B.E, R.A.F. CUMMING, Ida Georgina, M.B.E. CUMMING, Janet Baron, M.B.E, d. of John Cumming, ot Kathlea, Dufftown. Educ : Mortlach Public School and Privately. Gen. Sec, Scottish Y.W.C.A., 45, Melville Street, Edinburgh. War Work : Organising Secretary, Scottish Y.W.C.A. Clubs, Canteens, Hostels, Rest Homes, etc, for Munition and other war workers. (M297) CUMMING, John Fleetwood, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. 5 Aug. 1863 ; s. of Lewis Cumming, of Cardow, Morayshire ; m. Isabel, d. of Arthur Field, of London. Educ : Aberdeen Unlv*. War Work : MUitary Representative and National Service Representative on Recruiting, Morayshire ; Member of Executive Committee, Increased Food Production ; Member of Food Control for County, then Chairman ; Member of County Territorial Association, Morayshire. Addresses : The Dowans, Aberlour, Banffshire ; East CUff, Lossiemouth. Clubs : Conservative ; Caledonian. (03679) CUMMING, Marjorie Stevenson, Mrs., O.B.E. CUMMING, Capt. Percy, M.B.E. CUMMING, Phoebe Eleanor, Mrs., M.B.E. (M10246e) CUMMINGS, David Charles, C.B.E, 6. 16 Deo. 1861 ; s. of George David Cummings, of Greenwich, S.E. Educ. : Roans School, Greenwich. Apprentice to ShipbuUding Trade, 1876 ; joined Trade Union, 1880 ; District Delegate for Yortahire, 1895 ; Member of Leeds School Board, 1898 ; General Secretary of Union (Boilermakers and Ironshipbuilders) 1900 ; J.P. for Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1907 ; Member of Parlia mentary Committee, Trade Union Congress, 1902-8 ; Chair man and President, 1905-6 ; joined Board of Trade, 1908 ; transferred to Chief Industrial Commissioner, as Assistant Industrial Commissioner, 1911 ; transferred to Ministry of Labour, 1916 ; Member of Industrial Court, 1919. War Work : Settiing Trade and Labour disputes ; Volunteer, 17th London. Clubs : Catford Cricket and Lawn Tennis : BeUingham Bowling Club ; Lewisham Volunteers'. (C479) CUMMINGS, Hon. Emanuel Henry, M.B.E, J.P, M.L.C, fi. 27 March, 1863 ; s. of Henry Benjamin Cummings, Merchant, of Freetown, Sierra Leone ; to. AUce Maude, d. of WUliam Ray Taylor, Merchant and Govt. Contractor, Ashantee Expedition, 1874. Educ. : Wesleyan Boys' High School, Freetown, and Queen's CoU, Taunton. Merchant, Member of the Legislative Council of Sierra Leone, 1913-17, re-appointed for another 5 years ; Charity Commissioner since 1896 ; Justice of the Peace, 1902 ; Visiting Justice of the Gaol, 1902 ; Member of the Board of Education. During the war was Mayor of Freetown for 3 successive years ; as Mayor interested himself in Red Cross Work and forwarding War Charities. Addresses : 18, Earl Street, Effnah House, Freetown, Sierra Leone, W.C. Africa. (M1260) CUMMINGS, John Thomas, M.B.E. CUMMINS, Hon. Paymaster-Capt. Henry Ashley Travers, C.B.E, O.B.E, R.N. CUMMINS, Herbert Ashley Cunard, O.B.E. CUNINGHAME, Helen Ethel, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of James McDouall, of Logan, Wigtonshire ; to. Richard John, s. of Capt. John William Herbert Cuninghame. War Work : Assistant County Director, Deputy President Wigtonshire Branch, British Red Cross Society. Address : Hensol, Mossdale, Kirkcudbrightshire. Club : Ladies' Caledonian (Edinburgh). (M7824) CUNINGHAME, Margaret Georgiana, M.B.E, 6. 12 July, 1876 ; d. of Col. Cuninghame, of 11th Hussars. War W)rk : Hon. Sec. and Superintendent to the Ayrshire Surgical Work Depot in Ayr, from 1915-19. Address : Belmont, Ayr, Scotland. (M298) CUNLIFFE, Hon. CeoiUe Victoria, Lady, C.B.E, 6. 18 Feb. 1865 ; d. of Col. Hon. William Edward Sackville West, s. of George Earl De la Warr ; to. late Sir Robert Alfred Cunliffe, 6th Baronet, of Acton Park, Wrexham. War Work : President of Girls' Friendly Society which did work among munition workers in factories, providing hostels and rest homes in various parts of England. Address : River, Tillington, Petworth. Club / Ladies' Imperial. (C2542) CUNLIFFE, Major Ernest Nicholson, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. (T.), CUNLIFFE, Capt. Norman, M.B.E. CUNLIFFE, Walter, O.B.E. CUNLIFFE, WiUiam, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 9 Nov. 1844; s. of Walter Cunliffe, of Rochdale. Educ. : Privately. Corn Miller. War Work : Chairman of Rochdale War Tribunal. Address : Dean Bank, Rochdale. Club : Rochdale and Dis trict Reform. (0274) CUNNINGHAM, Group-Capt. Alexander Duncan, C.B.E. Wing-Corn, and Acting Group-Capt. R.A.F. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2332) CUNNINGHAM, Sub.-Lieut. Andrew, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. CUNNINGHAM, Lieut.-Col. Aylmer Basil, C.B.E., D.S.O, 6. 1879 ; Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. R.E. ; served in the Great War, 1915-18 (despatches, Croix de Guerre, Brevet Lieut.-Col.). (C782) CUNNINGHAM, Barbara Martin, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. CUNNINGHAM, Rev. Canon Bertram Keir, O.B.E. M.A, 6. 26 March, 1871 ; s. of the late George MiUer Cunningham, of Leithenhopes, Peeblesbire (see Burke's Landed Gentry). Educ. : Marlborough and Trinity CoU.. Cambridge. Principal of Westcott House, Cambridge ; Chaplain to the King ; Hon. Canon of Winchester Cathedral ; Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Exeter; Chairman of the India Chaplaincies Board (C of E.). War Work : Principal Chaplain to the Chap lains' School of Instruction in France, Jan. 1917, to April, 1919. Addresses : Westcott House, Cambridge ; Leithen, Innerleithen, Scotland. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (05160) CUNNINGHAM, Lieut. Charlie AUen Chichester, O.B.E.. R.N.R. CUNNINGHAM, Edith Usher, M.B.E. ; d. of Col. John Usher Cunningham, of Birkenhead. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Organiser and head of Red Cross Work Depot, Birkenhead, Aug. 1914, to July, 1919 ; Hon. Treas. Cheshire Regt., Prisoners of War Fund, Birkenhead ; Member of Committee, Work for Women's Association, Birkenhead. Club : Forum. M1612) CUNNINGHAM, Lieut.-Col. Frederiok George, O.B.E. CUNNINGHAM, Brig.-Gon. George Glenoairn, C.B, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 24 July, 1862 ; s. of Major William Cunningham, of Indian Army ; m. Dorothy Louisa, d. of R. Yeo, of Drayton House, Ealing. Educ : Wellington and R.M.C. Sandhurst. Joined the Army, 22 Oct. 1881 ; com manded a Brigade, South African War. War Work : Com manded Special Reserve Brigade, Plymouth Garrison, 5 Aug. 1914, to 30 Nov. 1916 ; served on Base Commander's Staff at Dieppe and Boulogne, 14 Aug. 1917, to 2 March, 1918 ; and as Base Commandant at Brest, 3 March, 1918, to 23 Oct. 1918. Address : Boyne House, Cannongate Road, Hythe, Kent. Club : Junior United Service. (C1536) CUNNINGHAM, Gordon, M.B.E. CUNNINGHAM, John, O.B.E. CUNNINGHAM, Major John Francis, O.B.E, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C, 6. 25 Sept. 1875 ; s. of the late J. K. Cunningham, Sec Tor, Axminster ; to. PhylUs Lovell, d. of the late L. B. Clarence, Judge of the Supreme Court Ceylon, of Coaxden, Axminster. Educ : Sherborne ; St. Thomas's Hospital Surgeon, Central London Ophthalmic Hospital ; Ophthal mologist, Bethlem Royal Hospital. War Work : Served as Major, R.A.M.C. ; Ophthalmic Surgeon attached to B.E.F, France. Address : 27, Weymouth Street, London, W. 1. (05161) CUNNINGHAM, LalUe, C.B.E, d. of Josias Cunningham, Glencairn, Belfast. Educ. : Privately and Edinburgh. War Work : Docks Free Buffet for Sailors and Soldiers ; worked at other Free Buffets ; Sailors' Fund and parcels for over seas ; Quartermaster, St. John's Ambulance Ass, V.A.D. Address : Glencairn, Belfast. (C2543) CUNNINGHAM, Mary Elizabeth, C.B.E. ; d. of Josias Cunningham, of Glencairn, Belfast. Educ. : Privately ; Belfast ; London and Edinburgh. Manager under School Board. War Work : Controller, Free Buffet for S. & S, Gt. Nor. Rly. ; Assistant S. & S. Service Club ; President, " Torpedoed Crews " and Welcome Home Fund ; Commandant of St. John Amb. Ass, V.A.D. ; Demonstrator of St. John Amb. Ass. ; Hospital Trains Buffet, run by V.A.D. ; and helped in many other ways ; inquiry for missing and wounded ; Comrade of the Gt. War (Women's Section). Address : Glencairn, Belfast. (C2544) CUNNINGHAM, Lieut.-Col. Percy Henry, O.B.E, LA. CUNNINGHAMS, James Fraser, M.B.E, J.P 6. 1870 ; s. of WiUiam Cunninghame, of Leith. Educ. : Edinburgh Institution. Assistant Sec. Scottish Employment Council and Deputy ControUer, Retail Business Licensing Section (Ministry of Labour). War Work : Honorary Sec, Derby Recruiting Scheme and National Service Scheme for Burgh of Leith ; Chairman of Leith War Pensions Bureau ; Member of MiUtary Recruiting Advisory Committee for Burgh of Leith. Clubs : Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh) ; Scottish Constitu tional (Glasgow) ; Unionist (Leith). (M3600) CUNNINGTON, Capt. Frederick Joseph, O.B.E, Member of the Order St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 1 Oct. 1870 ; s. of Joseph Cunnington, of Ingham Lodge, South Mimms, Herts. ; 143 Cunnington THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. to. Mary Henrietta, d. of Dr. Edward Williams M'Call, of Highgate. Educ. : Owen's School, Islington. War Work : In Sept. 1914, raised, organised, and equipped the Middlesex Volunteer Transport Corps, which was re-named, in 1918, The Eastern Command Volunteer Ambulance Corps ; resigned the Command in 1917, on appointment as Detraining Officer, Eastern Command attached to A.D.S.T, E. Command, 50, PaU Mall. Address : 26, Cranley Gardens, Muswell HU1, N. 10. (0275) CUNNINGTON, LUy Maria, Mrs., M.B.E. CUNYNGHAM, Lieut -Col. Sir WiUiam Stewart DICK- of Prestonfield, Bt., C.B.E, fi. 20 Feb. 1871 ; s. of the late Sir Robert Keith Alexander Dick-Cunnyngham, Bt, of Prestonfield ; to. Evelyn, d. oi Arthur Fraser, of 58, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, W. Educ : Harrow and R.M.C, Sand hurst. 2nd Lieut, 1892, 42nd Royal Highlanders ; A.D.C. to G.O.C-in-C, Scotland, 1897 ; served in S. African War (despatches) ; P.S to Chief of the General Staff, War Office, 1905. War Work : commanded 10th Bn. Black Watch in France and Balkans, 1915-17 (despatches twice) ; commandant, G.H.Q, Reinforcement Camp, Italy, 1918 (C.B.E. and Croix di guerra) ; War Office, Dept. of Q.M.G, 1919-20 ; retired April, 1920. Address : Prestonfield, Edinburgh. Clubs : Army and Navy ; New (Edinburgh). (C1405) CUNYNGHAME, Lieut.-Col. Sir Percy Francis, 10th Bt. O.B.E, J.P, R. of O, late Middlesex Regt, 6. 21 Feb. 1867 ; s. of Sir Francis George Thurlow Cunynghame, 9th Bt. ; to. Maud Albinia Margaret, d. of Major John Handcock Solywn- Payne, of Badgeworth, Glos. Formerly Resident and Officer Administering Govt, of British Protectorate of Sarawak ; J.P. for County of Gloucester. War Work : 9tn Batt. Royal FusiUers ; A.P.M, 40th Division ; Adjutant. 41st I.B.D, France, with rank of Captain, and as Commandant, Italy, with rank of Lieut.-Col. Address : 20, Cheyne Gardens, S.W. 3. Club : Junior United Service. (02975) CURLETT, Kathleen Lottie, O.B.E, W.R.A.F. (09640) CURLING, Major Joseph, O.B.E, R.F.A. CURNOW, Benjamin Henry, M.B.E, 6. 3 Dec 1871 ; s. of Henry Curnow, of Southfields, Wandsworth ; m. Wilhel- mina Harriet, d. oi John McManus, of Dublin. Controller of Furniture Section of H.M. Board of Public Works, Deland. War Work : OfficiaUy equipped National Shell and Cartridge Factories, Canteens, War Hospitals, Convalescent Hospitals, Ministry of Munitions Offices, Ministry of Pensions Offices, Recruiting Councils, etc. Address : 8, Church Avenue, Upper Rathmines, Co. DubUn. Club : MUtown Golf. (M3601) CURR, Thomas, O.B.E. CURRALL, Henrietta Frances, Mrs., M.B.E. CURRAN, Lieut.-Col. Theophilus John, O.B.E. CURRAN, Lieut.-Col. WUUam John Patrick ADYE-, O.B.E, 6. £4 March, 1877 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. F. G. Adye- Curran, of Esker House, Upper Rathmines, Dublin. Lieut.- Col, R.A.M.C, Specialist in Operative Surgery. War Work : Surgery and Command of an Ambulance Train and several hospitals. Address : c/o Holt & Co. (02394) CURRE, Col. WiUiam Edward Came, C.B.E, J.P, D.L, CC, 6. 26 June, 1855 ; s. of Edward Mathew Curre, of Itton. Monmouthshire ; to. Augusta, d. of Crawshay Bailey, of Maindiff Court, Monmouthshire. Educ. : Harrow and Oxford. War Work : Served lines Communication, M.E.F., 1915 ; invaUded ; Chairman, Mon. War Pensions Committee ; Chair man, Mon. War Agricultural Executive Committee ; on Executive Welsh National Fund. (C2545) CURREY, Muriel Innes, O.B.E, W.R.N.S. CURRIE, Gertrude Barclay, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of W. A. Peterkin. War Work : Hon. Superintendent, H.R.H. Princess Louise Mine Sweepers' Hut, Granton. Addresses : Larkfield, Wardle Road, Edinburgh ; Tnverawe, ArgyUshire. Club : Ladies' Caledonian (Edinburgh). (M3602) CURRIE, Isabel, Mrs., O.B.E. CURRIE, Sir James, K.B.E, C.M.G, J.P, Controller, Train ing Department, Ministry of Labour ; Director, Training Munition Workers, Labour Supply Dept, Ministry of Munitions, 1916-18 ; J.P, Wiltshire ; ft. 31 May, 1868 ; s. of the late Rev. James Currie, LL.D, of Edinburgh ; to. Hilda Beatrice, o.d. of the late Sir Thomas Hanbury, K.C.V.O, la Mortola, Ventimiglia, Italy. Educ : Fettes Coll, Edinburgh ; Edin burgh and Oxford Univs. Member of Governor-General's Council for the Soudan, 1911-14 ; Principal of the Gordon CoU, Khartoum, and Director of Education in the Soudan, 1900-14; 2nd Class Medjidieh, 3rd Class Osmanieh. War Service: 1916-18, Director Training Munition Workers Labour Supply Dept, Ministry of Munitions ; 1918, Con troller, Department, Industrial Training, Ministry of Labour. Addresses : 4, Prince's Gardens, S.W. ; Upham House, Aid- bourne, Wilts. Club : Reform, Brooks's. (K363) CURRIE, Lorna May, Mrs, O.B.E. (011965) CURRIE, Marghuerita Copeland, M.B.E. CURRIE, Major Philip John Reginald, O.B.E, M C, K.R.R.C, fi. 2 March, 1889 ; s. of the late WiUiam Reginald Curne, Rushden House, Northamptonshire. Educ. : Malvern and Sandhurst. War Work : Expeditionary Force, Aug 1914; Adjutant 2nd K.R.R.C, B.E.F. ; G.S.O. Ill, XV. Corps, B.E.F. ; Brigade Major, 25th Infantry Brigade, B.E F • Brigade Major, 3rd AustraUan Training Brigade ; G.S.O. II, Supreme War CouncU Versailles; mentioned in despatches 3 times. Address : Hambledon House. ChUd-Okeford. Bland ford, Dorset. Clubs : Naval and MiUtary ; Bath. (04306) CURRIE, Richard, M.B.E. CURRIE, Lieut. Thomas Dickson, M.B.E. CURRINGTON, Capt. Rtanley, M.B.E. (R.A.F.), fi % Nov. 1892 ; s. of J. T. Currington, of London. Edue. : Penrith House School ; Christ's Coll, Cambridge. War Service ¦ Commissioned Duke of WeUington's (West Rid. Regt.), 29 June' 1915 ; served Overseas with 10th Ser. Bn. D. of W. West Rid' Regt. (wounded, Oct. 1916) ; attached H.Q. No 2 Section' Tyne Garrison, from AprU, 1917, to July, 1918; appointed Adj. and Administrative Officer to P.M.O. H.Q. Midland Area, R.A.F, 10 July, 1918 and later to H.Q. Northern Area R.A.F. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 110, St. Martin's Lane, W.C. (M59531 CURRY, Lieut. Charles Townley, M.B.E, ' CURRY, Capt. Edward, M.B.E, R.F.A. CURRY, James WUUam, O.B.E. CURRY, Brig.-Gen. Montagu Creighton, C.B, C.BE D.S.O, 6. 1856 ; s. of Col. R. M. Curry ; m. 1897, Amy Mary' d. of the late Henry Moulton-Barrett. Entered 11th Regt' 1877, became Capt. Devonshire Regt. 1885, and Major 1897 (transferred to Lincolnshire Regt. 1901) ; Lieut.-Col. 1902 Brevet Col. 1905, Col. 1907 (retired 1913), and Hon. Brig.-Gen' 1917 ; served with Tirah Expedition, 1897-98 (medal with two' clasps); in S. Africa, 1899-1901, as Station Comdt.; sub sequently in command of Imperial L.I. with rank of Lieut.- Col. (despatches) ; was Assist.-Inspector of Wariike Stores 1890-94 ¦ in command of 4th Dist, W. Command, 1909-13 ; appointed to command a Brig. 1914 ; Staff Capt. 1917. Address : Torwood, Torquay. Club : Junior United Service. (C1535) CURRY, Major Philip Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 5 Sept. 1889; s. of PhiUp E. Curry, of Southampton; m. Anita Godwin, d. of R. J. Godwin, of Larchmont, New York. Educ. : Blun dell's School. Manager, White Star Line, Montreal. War Work : Oxford and Bucks L.I, Dee. 1914, to May, 1916 • Embarkation Staff Officer, May, 1916, to Jan. 1917 ; Director of Embarkation, British Ministry of Shipping, New York, Feb. 1917, to Dec. 1919. Address : 386, Sherbrooke Street, Montreal, P.Q, Canada. Clubs: Trojans (Southampton); Canada and St. James's (Montreal). (03681) CURRY, William Fortescue, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 3 Jan. 1864; s. of Thomas Parsons Curry, of Falmouth. CornwaU. Educ. : Falmouth Grammar School. Manager of the African Boating Co, Ltd. ; Member of Durban Harbour Advisory Board. War Work : Admiralty and MiUtary, landing and shipping men and material. Address : Point, Durban, Natal. Club : Durban. (010250) CURSITER, Capt. Stanley. O.B.E, R.S.W, 6. 1887; s.of John Scott Cursiter, of Kirkwall ; to. PhyUis Eda, d. of David Hourston, of Greenfield, Orkney. Educ. : KirkwaU School. Artist. President of the Society of Scottish Artists ; Member of the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colour. War Work : Trained with Inns of Court O.T.C ; Commissioned to 7th Scottish Rifles, and served with the Cameronians (1st Scottish Rifles) ; attached to 4th Field Survey Coy. R.E. in charge of reproduction and distribution of maps with 2nd Army, 4th Army, and Army of Occupation, Cologne. Address : 28, Queen Street, Edinburgh. Clubs : Scottish Arts (Edin.) j Cap and Gown (Edin.). (05162) CURSLEY, Capt. Samuel, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 18 June, 1867. Lace Manufacturer. War Work: Recruiting. Address: Berberry, Derby Road, Long Eaton. Club : County (Derby). (M3260) CURSONS, George, M.B.E, J.P, Order of the Belgian Crown, 6. 1872 ; s. of WiUiam Henry Cursons, of Park St, Grosvenor Square, W. ; m. Clara, d. of Charles Preddy, of Norwood. Educ. : Privately. J.P, Middlesex, 1907, and J.P, Kent, 1914 ; Director and Trustee of PubUc Companies, including the Cairn Line of Steamships, Golden VaUey Estates of South Africa, Sir J. L. Huleth and Sons (S. Africa), Sunder land Tramway Co, Murdoch and Murray, Ferguson & Co.; Chairman The Royal Nationa* Lifeboat Institution, and National Institute for the BUnd, Heme Bay Branch. War Work : Chairman, Heme Bay Urban District CouncU for 1915-18; Chairman of the Prince of Wales' Committee, Recruiting Committee, Local Tribunal, Food Control Com mittee, War Savings Committee, War Relief Committee, Belgian ReUef Committee, Prisoners of War Committee, Troops Entertainment Committee, Canadian ReUef Committee, and Navy and Army Veterans' Association ; Member of the Pensions Committee and National Council Y.M.C.A. ; on the Board of Management, London Temperance Hospital. Address: Ranelagh, Heme Bay, Kent. CURTIS, Agnes, Mrs., O.B.E. CURTIS, Amy, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. CURTIS, Annie, Mrs., M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. CURTIS, Capt. Cecil Montagu Drury, C.B.E. CURTIS, Frederick, O.B.E, F.R.CS. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), F.R.G.S, M.B.O.U, 6. 9 Feb. 1873; s. of the late Albert Curtis, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond). of Staines.; m. Edith Margaret, d . of the late Frederic Green, M.A. (Lond.), of Inner Temple, London. Educ. : Bootham School, York; Guy's Hospital. Surgeon, Medical Officer, Reigate and RedhUl Hospital, etc. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of Redhill War Hospital ; Medical Officer, Merstham Red Cross Hospital; Surgeon, Red Gables War Hospital, Bletchingley; Controlling Surgeon Redhffl Curative Post and Dorking Curative Post. Address : Alton House, RedhiU, Surrey. Club : British Ornithological. CURTIS, Capt. John Dorrien Constable, M.BE, M.C, R.A.F. 144 BIOGRAPHIES. Dainton CURTIS, John WilUam, M.B.E. CURTIS, Rev. Levi, M.B.E, A.M, D.D, fi. 22 Feb. 1858 ; i. of Apollos and Harriet Curtis, of Newfoundland ; to. LiUie CordeUa, d. of George Mason Black, of New Brunswick. Educ. : Methodist CoU, St. John's, and Mount Allison Univ., Saokville, N.B, Canada. Superintendent of Education ; Editor, " Monthly Greeting," etc. War Work : Member of Patriotic Association, Recruiting Committee, and Civil Re-establishment Committee ; raised through Methodist Schools $4546.36 for the Cot Fund ; travelled hundreds of miles and deUvered numerous addresses in recruiting men for the Army and Navy, etc. (M1243) CURTIS, Sir (Richard) James, K.B.E, 6. 1868 ; s. of late WUliam Curtis, of Rotton Park, Birmingham ; m. Edith, d. of George Rowe, of Edmonton. Educ. : North Devon and Birmingham. Solicitor and Clerk to the Birmingham Board of Guardians and Assessment Committee. IFai- Work : Food Commissioner, Midland Division ; at request of Lord Rhondda initiated the first local rationing scheme ; was Deputy Com missioner, National Service, in 1917 ; Honorary Organiser for provision of Military Hospitals, 1915-17 ; Chairman, Birming ham Discharged Soldiers' Committee, 1915-19 ; Member of Local Government Reconstruction Committee ; Member of Ministry of Health, Consultative Council on Local Government ; Honorary Clerk to, and member of, Birmingham Military Tribunal, which dealt with one hundred thousand appeals. Addresses : St. Mary's Road, Harbome, Birmingham ; Ashton- uuder-HUl, Gloucestershire. Club : Union, Birmingham. (K210) CURTIS, Capt. Walter John Brice, O.B.E, R.A.F. CURTIS, William, M.B.E, (M10312) CURTIS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WilUam Arthur, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. CURWEN, Elizabeth Gordon, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 1863 ; d. of Gen. Sir WiUiam Cameron, K.C.B, K.C.M.G, of Nea House, Christehurch, Hants (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Chaloner F. H„ s. of Eldred Curwen, of Withdeane Court, Brighton. War Work : Donor of AuxiUary Hospital, Class A, for 4 years, March, 1815, to March, 1919, and Commandant of same for same period. Address : Brooke Lodge, Weedon, Northants. Club : Ladies' Park. (M7829) CURWEN, Capt. John Spedding, O.B.E, 3rd Loyal North Lancs Regt, 6. 27 June, 1891 ; s. of J. F. Curwen, F.S.A, J.P, of Heversham, Westmorland. Educ. : Sedbergh, Yorks. War Work : France, 1915 (1st Loyal N. Lancs Regt.)-; N. Russia, 1919 (British ReUef Force) ; awarded the Russian Order of St. Anne, 3rd Class, with Cross Swords and Bow; mentioned in despatches for AUied Services with the Archangel Force, N. Russia. Address : Heversham, Westmorland. (09687) CURZON, Edith Bassett, Mrs., C.B.E, 6. 13 June, 1861 ; d. of Charles H. Basset, of Watermouth Castle, Ilfracombe ; m. Ernest Charles Penn, s. of Col. the Hon. Ernest George Curzon (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : privately. War Work : Received wounded Belgian soldiers, 1914 ; English soldiers in house as Convalescents, same year, until 1916 ; after that received Convalescent Officers in Castle and Annexe, 1916^19. Address : Watermouth Castle, lifracombe, N. Devon. (C480) CUSENS, George Charles, M.B.E, 6. 23 April, 1887 ; s. of Thomas Cusens, of Portsmouth, London and Cambridge ; m. LUy, d. of John Samuel Sowden, of Devonport and Ports mouth. Educ. : Organised School of Science, Portsmouth. CivU Servant War Work : Took a leading part in the provision, production, and supply of Mines and Anti submarine AppUcances generally, to the Naval Service and Allies. Address: 42, Craven Gardens, Wimbledon, S.W. 19. (M300) „ OUST, Adm. Sir Herbert Edward PUREY-, K.B.E, C.B, R.N, 6. 26 Feb. 1857 ; s. of the late Very Rev. Arthur Perceval Purey-Cust. Dean of York; to. AUce EUa, d. of of the late G. S. Hepburn, of Smeaton, AustraUa. Educ. : Temple Grove, East Sheen. War Work : Commodore, R.N.R. in charge of AuxUiary Patrol. Orkneys. Address : HoUvside, West HU1, Highgate, N. 6. Club : United Service. (K260) CUTBUSH, Mabel Jane, O.B.E. CUTFORTH, John AshUn, M.B.E. (M1O2460) CUTHBERT, Alexander, M.B.E. CUTHBERT, Helena Eliza, Mrs., M.B.E. CUTHBERT, Kathleen AUce, Mrs. James Harold, CUTHBERTSON, CUve, O.B.E, F.R.S, 6. 29 Nov. 1863 s. of WUUam Gilmour Cuthbertson ; to. MUdred Maude Mary, a. of Major Charles Hesketh Aldersey Gower. Educ. : Trinity College, Glenalmond ; University CoUege, Oxford. Indian Civd Service, 1884 ; Under-Secretary, Government of Bengal, Financial and Municipal Dept, 1888-90 ; retired, owing to ill-health, 1896 ; Assistant Private Secretary to the Marquess of SaUsbury, 1899-1902. War Work : Staff Sergeant, Instruc tor of Musketry, 1914-15 ; Temporary Clerk, Foreign Office, 1915-19. Address and Club : East India United Service, 16 St. James' Square, S.W. (0277) CUTHBERTSON, John, M.B.E, F.R.S.E, F.E.I.S, 6. 15 Aug. 1859 ; s. of David Cuthbertson ; m. Lilias Ann, d. of Capt. John Bowman, of Tain. Educ : Glasgow University. Secretary and Treasurer, The West of Scotland Agricultural College. War Work : Member of County Pension Committee ; Member of Food Production Committee ; Member of Red Cross Committee ; Chairman, Local Pension Committee. Address : 6, Charles Street, Kilmarnock. Clubs : Kilmarnock ; Barassie Golf. (M301) CUTHBERTSON, Major John Ernest Moncrieff, O.B.E, 6. 27 May, 1887 ; s. of the late Robert Moncrieff Cuthbertson, of Uitenhage, S. Africa ; to. Gladys Muriel Lucy, d. of Herbert Melville Guest, J.P, of Klerksdorp, S. Africa. Educ. : St. Andrews Coll, Grahamstown, South Africa. Journalist War Work : German West Africa with South African Forces, 1914-15 ; in British Salonica Forces as O.C, No. 4 Advanced Horse Transport Depot, and No. 3 Base Horse Transport Depot, 1915-19 ; O.C R.A.S.C. Chester District, Western Command, 1919-20. Address : Box 1, Klerksdorp, Transvaal, South Africa. Club : City (Chester). (06458) CUTHBERTSON, WilUam Darling, M.B.E, fi. 3 Feb. 1863 ; s. of Robert Cuthbertson, of Edinburgh and Glasgow ; m. Jessie, d. of Samuel Hanning, of Manchester. Educ. : Glasgow. Archivist of British Embassy, Paris. Addresses : British Embassy, Paris ; Villa " La Fougeraie," Le Vesinet (Seine et Oise). France. (M1613) CUTLER, Ernest Edward, M.B.E. CUTLER, Major Roy Victor, M.B.E, M.C, fi. 1 Nov. 1892 ; s. of Charles F. Cutler, of Elsternwick, Melbourne ; m. Evelyn, d. of Charles H. Westropp, of Melford Place, Long Melford. Educ. : Melbourne University. Architect and Engineer (MiUtary). War Work : Left Australia with 1st Division, attached to 2nd Field Co, Engineers ; was at the landing and evacuation of Gallipoli ; most of the battles in France ; and Commandant of the Brightlingsea Engineer's Training Depot, 20 Feb. 1917, to 26 Nov. 1917. Address : 88, Were St, Brighton Beach. Club : Naval and MUitary, Melbourne. (M30) CUTTING, Lieut.-Col. Frank, O.B.E, R.E. CUTTRISS, Charles Arthur, M.B.E. DABELL, Capt. and Quartermaster WUliam Bates, M.B.E, M.C, fi. 5 May, 1873. With 2nd Batt. Grenadier Guards (Q.-M.-Sergt.) in South Africa, 1900-2. War Work : Joined 1st Batt. Welsh Guards on formation, 26 Feb. 1915; with battalion on Western Front, 17 Aug. 1915, tiU 12 March, 1919. (M6525) DACOMB, Major Leonard Sydney, O.B.E, J.P, B.S.A. PoUce, 6. 15 Aug. 1871 ; s. of Charles Dacomb, of Durbau, Natal ; to. Agnes Jane, d. of Alfred Marks, of England. Educ. : High School, Durban, Natal. Joined British South Africa Police, Nov. 1896, still serving. Mashonaland Rebellion, 1896-97 ; Boer War, 1899-1902. War Work : Rhodesia, 1914-19. Address : Salisbury, Rhodesia. (O8006) DA COSTA, Attamont, M.B.E. DADSON, Mary AUce Portlock, M.B.E. ; d. of Capt. Portlock Dadson, J.P, late R.M.L.I, R.B.G. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Assisted in organising Gifford House AuxiUary Hospital, Roehampton, S.W. 15, in Aug. 1914 ; Quarter master, V.A.D, London, 96, St. John Ambulance Brigade ; appointed Acting Commandant, 29 AprU, 1918, and Assist. Commandant, 27 Aug. 1918. Address: c,o Edward Stenning, 64, Cannon Street, E.C. 4. (M7830) DADSON, Major Reginald Thornton, O.B.E, F.S.I, ft. 17 March, 1881 ; s. of James Thornton Dadson of Finchley ; to. Christian Colquhoun, d. of James Mill, of Nairn. Educ. : Harrow. Surveyor. Addresses : 2, John Street, Bedford Row, W.C 1 ; Taplow. Clubs : Junior Army and Navy ; PubUc Schools. (05165) DADSON, Sophie Portlock, O.B.E. ; d. of Capt. W. Portlock Dadson, J.P, late R.M.L.I, R.B.C Educ. : At home. Lady Superintendent, St. John Ambulance Brigade, Commandant, London. 96. War Work : Organised and Administered Gifford House AuxiUary Hospital, Roehampton, S.W, 1914-19. Address : c,'o E. Stenning, 64, Cannon Street, E.C (010252) DAFFERN, Thomas Wells, O.B.E, F.CA, F.S.A.A, 6. 16 Nov. 1883 ; s. of Thomas Mason Daffern, of Coventry. Director, Hertford Street Motor Co, Ltd. ; M.A.G. Engine Co, Ltd. ; Mohawk Cycle Co, Ltd. War Work : Deputy ControUer, Aircraft Production Accounts, Ministry of Munitions of War. Addresses : Broadwater, Coventry ; 5, Church Row, Fulham, S.W. 6. Clubs : Isthmian ; Coventry and County (Coventry) (010253) DAGGER, Richard, O.B.E., M.D, L.R.C.P. L.R.C.S. DAGLISH, Edith, Mrs., O.B.E. (011966) DAGLISH, Gladys, M.B.E, fi. 5 Sept. 1889 ; d. of J. Daglish, J.P, of Tynemouth, Northumberland. Educ. : St. Leonard's School, St. Andrews, Fife. War Work : Joined Q.M.A.A.C, July, 1917 ; went to France, Aug. 1917, as a gardener (Forewoman) to British Cemetery, Etaples ; became an Administrator, March, 1918; was in France till March, 1919 Address : Wynbury, Leyburn, Yorkshire. (M4462) DAGLISH, James, M.B.E. DAGNALL, Capt. WilUam John, O.B.E. DAILLEY, Lieut. WUfred Gordon Beale, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. DAIN, John Henry, O.B.E, 6. 1874 ; s. of WUUam Dain, of Lincoln ; to. Amy, d. of Ben Green, of Hyde. Educ. : Winterton Grammar School. Chief Constable of the City of Norwich War Work : War Office, InteUigence. Address : GuildhaU. Norwich. (010254) DAINTON, Major Sydney Herbert George, O.B.E. DAINTON, Major WiUiam Charles ANNABLE-, M.B.E. (MU.), 6. 29 AprU, 1884 ; s. of William Charles Annable-Dainton, 145 Daintree THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. of Bath ; m. Alda Marie, d. of WiUiam Taylor, of Burton-on- Trent. Educ. : Bath Forum School ; St. John's CoU. Planter and Accountant ; now Chief Accountant to the British Central Africa Co, Ltd, Nyasaland. War Work : GaUipoU, Egypt, Sinai Syria, Palestine, and France with the 5th Lancashire Fusiliers; Assistant D. A. P.M., MarseiUes ; D.A. P.M., Rouen ; A.P.M, Syren Force, Murmansk, N. Russia. Addresses: 2, Scalpcliffe Road, Burton-on-Trent; Blantyre, Nyasaland. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (M6990) DAINTREE, Capt. John Dodson, C.B.E, fi. 1864 ; s. o John Osborne Daintree, of Lolworth, Cambridgeshire ; -m. 1893, Mary Francis, d. of Rear-Adm. Edward Kelly. Capt. R.N. : Senior Inspector, Life-Saving Apparatus, Board of Trade. Address : 48, Pembridge VUlas, W. (C892) DAKIN, Frances George, M.B.E. DAKIN, FUght-Lieut. Humphrey Burns, M.B.E, R.A.F. DAKIN, Margaret Evelyn HARRISON-, M.B.E, 6. 25 March, 1882 ; d. of J Harrison-Dakin, of Brittany Lodge, Edwardes Sq, Kensington. Educ. : Private Governesses and Caldecote Towers, Bushey. War Work: Battersea Branches of the Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Assn., and Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society, from Jan. 1915, tiU the formation of the War Pension Committee ; then Hon. Sec. of the Battersea Sub-Committee of the L.W.P. Committee until the end of July, 1919. Address: Brittany Lodge, Edwardes Sq, Kensington. (M7832) DAKYNS, Wimfred, Mrs., C.B.E, 6. 16 Sept. 1875 ; d. of the late John Pattinson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; to. Henry Graham, s. of the late Henry Graham Dakyns, of Higher Coombe, Haslemere. Educ. : Gateshead High School for Girls and Newnham CoUege, Cambridge. War Work : Aug. 1914, to Nov. 1917, at Headquarters of the V.A.D. Department, B.R.C.S, and Order of St. John ; Nov. 1917, to Dec. 1919, Assistant Director Women's Royal Naval Service. Address : 7, Thurloe Court, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Club : University for Ladies. (C1173) DALDY, Major Alexander WiUiam, O.B.E, LA. DALE, Albert Ernest, M.B.E, fi. 6 Nov. 1892 ; s. of Robert David Dale, of Aylsham, Norfolk ; to. Sylvia Sarah Minnie, d. of A. Woodcock, of Petworth, Sussex. Educ. : Wesleyan School, and King Edward VI. Grammar School, Retford. Notts. CivU Servant. War Work : Recruiting for the technical branches of the Army and for the Royal Air Force. Address : 29, Acris Street, Wandsworth Common, S.W. 18. (M7824) DALE, Charles Ernest, C.M.G, C.B.E, fi. 26 Feb, 1867 ; s. of the late James George Dale ; m. 1892, Matilda Ada, d. of the late Edmund Parr. Educ. : Greenwich ; King's CoU, London. Appointed Assist. Director of Customs, S. Nigeria, 1895; Acting Director-Gen. of Customs and Postmaster-Gen. 1896; Treasurer, 1898; Acting Sec to Administration, 1900; also Acting CoUector of Customs, 1900, again Acting Sec. to Administration, 1903, and Financial Commr. on Amalgamation of S. Nigeria and Lagos, 1906 ;" on special duty in connection with transfer of Niger Co.'s Territory to Colonial Oflice, 1899, and as Treasurer to Lagos Govt. 1904 ; elected an M.E.C and M.L.C 1905 ; acted as Colonial Sec, and Dep. Gov. of the Colony, 1908 ; retired, 1914 ; is a FeUow of Soe. of Accoun tants and Auditors (Incorporated Accountants), and of Roy. Statistical Soe. War Work : Passport Office, Foreign Office, Jan. 1915 ; Colonial Audit Department, Aug. 1915 ; Deputy Asst.-Director, War Office, Feb. 1917, to end of the War. Address : 72, The Ridgeway, Golders Green, N.W. Club : Sports'. (C2546) DALE, Cicely Susan, M.B.E, 6. 1863 ; d. of Rev. Lawford W. T. Dale, late of Vicarage, Chiswick, Middlesex. Educ: At home. Commandant of V.A.D. Kent 36. T.F. Hythe, Kent. War Work : For 4\ years MiUtary Commandant and Registrar of the Bevan V.A.D. Hospital, Sandgate, Kent (300 beds, 12,109 patients treated). Woiked the whole of the time without holiday, week-day or Sunday. (M7835) DALE, Major Claude Henry, O.B.E, fi. 13 May, 1882 ; 8. of the late Hylton W. Dale, of London ; to. Gwendolen Monica, d. of the late Brisco-Ray, of London. Educ : King's CoUege School, London ; Bedford Grammar School ; Royal MiUtary CoU, Sandhurst. Gazetted 2nd Lieut, in Royal Welch FusUiers in 1900 ; retired in 1907 ; joined 4th Extra (S.R.) Batt. Royal Warwickshire Regt. War Work : CaUed up for service with 4th Extra (S.R.) Batt. Royal Warwickshire Regt. on 1 Aug. 1914 ; sent to France in Nov. 1914 ; given Staff appointment Jan. 1915 ; invaUded to England at end of Oct. 1915 ; found permanently unfit for further service abroad ; held various Staff appointments at home until Nov. 1919. Address : Hawkenbury HaU, Staplehurst, Kent. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (O7060) DALE, Henry Hallett, C.B.E, MD, F.R.S, 6. 1875 ; s of the late Charles James Dale ; m. ] 894, EUen, d. of F. W. Hallett of Highgate, X. Educ. : The Leys Sch, and Trinity Coll ' Camb. (M.A. 1903, M.D. 1909). Member of Scientific Staff Med. Research Committee. Address : Mount Vernon House HoUy HiU, Hampstead, N.W. (C949) DALE, Major John, O.B.E, M.D, B.Sc, 6. 2 Mav, 1885; s. of James Francis Dale, of Coleshill, Warwickshire ; to Wynifred Mary d. of — Evans, of Sydney, N.S.W. Educ : Birmingham. Late Assistant Medical Officer of Health for Bhmingham ; now Assistant Commissioner of PubUc Health Western AustraUa (1920). War Work: Sanitary Officer 48th Division (1915); then D.A.D.M.S. (Sanitation), 2nd 146 Army, B.E.F. Addresses : Public Health Dept, Perth W A ¦ 14, Dean Street, Cottesloe, Perth, W.A. (05_66i DALE, Mary Frances, M.B.E 6. 2 July, 1881 ; d. of Bruno George Dale, of London. Educ. : Convent of Notre Dame, London, N. Music mistress at the boarding school of the "Sainte FamiUe." War Work: Services to sick and wounded soldiers at the Pensionnat de la Sainte FamiUe Esplanade Noyon, Amiens, the school being occupied by the' British troops from 1914 tiU Dec. 1919. (M7833) DALE, Rev. Percy John, O.B.E, M.A.. 6. 23 May, 1876 s. of Henry John Dale, of Leckhampton, GI03. ; m. Dorothy d. of Rev. 0. J. S. Churchill, of Shrewsbury. Educ. : Magdalen CoU, Oxford. Rector of West Dean with East Grinstead and Sec. and Treasurer of the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Finance War Work : Hon. Sec. of the Church of England Board for the WeUare of the Imperial Forces within the Diocese of Salisbury. Address : Dean Rectory, Salisbury. (010255) DALE, Major and Qr.-Mr, WiUiam Henry, O.B E M C R.E. ' ' '' DALE, Capt. WiUiam John, M.B.E. DALE, Capt. WUfred John, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. DALE, Henry Angley LEWIS-, M.B.E, MICE A.M.I.Mech.E, 6. 26 Aug. 1876 ; s. of Henry Lewis-Dale' of Altona, Crewe ; m. Minnie EUzabeth, d. of Arthur Lewis-Dale of MorweU, Colwyn Bay. Educ : Nantwich and Acton Grammar School; Owen's CoU, Manchester (Ashbury Exhi bitioner in CivU Engineering). Entered Admiralty Service as Civil Engineer, 1901 ; served in Royal Dockyards, Chatham Pembroke Dock, and Malta ; 1919, Superintending Civil Engineer on the Staff of Air Officer Commanding Coastal Area Royal Air Force. War Work : Works construction. Admiralty and Royal Air Force ; also acted as Hon. Warden Navy House Chatham, by appointment of the Bishop of Rochester > Chair man of House Committee and Building Committee ; Hon Architect of large extension scheme carried out during the war' and opened by H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught. (During his Wardenship upwards of 250,000 men of H.M. Navy enjoyed the hospitaUty of the Home) ; Member of the Council of the Institution of Professional CivU Servants ; Member of Air Ministry Departmental Whitley CouncU ; Committee Gibraltar Diocesan Assn. Address : Coastal Area Head Quarters R.A.F, Tavistock Place, W.C. (M7836) DALGLEISH, Capt. WilUam Brown, O.B.E. DALGLEISH, Wing-Commander James WilUam OGILVY-, O.B.E, R.A.F, 6. 20 March, 1888 ; s. of James Ogilvy-Dalgleish, late Captain, 29th Foot, of Glebelands, Wokingham, Berks. ; to. Guinevere, d. of Myles Kennedy, of Stone Cross, Ulverston. Educ. : Harrow and Royal Navy. War Work : Served throughout the War with Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Air Force. Now on retired list through iU health contracted on active service. Club : United Service. (O1260) DALLAS, Col. Alexander Egerton, C.M.G, O.B.E, fi. 1869 ; to. 1894, Frederica Katherine, d. of the late Capt. WilUam Montagu Leeds (see Burke's Peerage, Leeds, Bart.). Lieut.-Col. Indian Army- served in Burma 1889-92 (medal with clasp), and during Great War, 1914-17 as Col. on Staff (despatches). (0847) DALLINGER, Percy Gough, O.B.E, fi. 8 Oct. 1867; s. of late Rev. W. H. Dallinger, D.Sc, D.C.L, LL.D, F.R.S. Educ. : At Wesley CoUege, Sheffield, and Trinity CoUege, Dublin. CivU Servant. Address: 17, Unwin Mansions, Queen's Club Gardens, West Kensington. (O280) DALLY, Thomas, C.B.E, 6. 17 Oct. 1860; s. of James Dally, of Llanshipping, Pembrokeshire; m. Edith, d. of WiUiam TrindaU, of Pembroke Dock. Educ. : National School ; Royal Dockyard School ; Royal Naval CoUege, Greenwich. Chief Constructor and Superintendent of Naval Construction, Admiralty. War Work : Refit and repair of warships at Malta ; Design Work on warships, Admiralty ; Supervision of all warships building by contract. Address: Pinedale, 56, Parkwood Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth. (C481) DALMAHOY, EmUy Marion, M.B.E. DALMAHOY, LiUas Edith Jean, M.B.E. DALRYMPLE, James, C.B.E. DALRYMPLE, Col. Joseph, C.M.G, O.B.E. Lieut.-Col. and Acting Col. R.A.M.C. ; served in the Great War, 1914-18(01261) ,o£ALRYMPLE' Lady Marjorie Louise, O.B.E, fi. 23 Feb. 1888 ; d. of 11th Earl of Stair, of Oxenfoord Castle, Dalkeith, Scotland (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : At home. Made ™ y ?J Grace of 0rder of st- Johu of Jerusalem, Dec 1917. War Work : Making Provisional Limbs in London for last 2 years of War ; previously in France for 2J years. Addresses : Lochninch, Castle Kennedy, Wigtonshire ; Oxenfoord Castle, Dalkeith, Scotland. Clubs : Bath ; Victoria. (010256) DALRYMPLE, Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 1865 ; s. of Thomas , ,^m.!?,le' of KirkintiUoch ; in. the late Carrie Thompson, d. of WUliam Thompson, of Woolwich. Educ. : KirkintUloch. n ar Work : Since Sept. 1914 devoted himself exclusively to carry ing on the Soldiers' Social Institute at Bridge of Allan. (M7838) DALRYMPLE, WiUiam, M.B.E. DALSTON, Capt. Norman Howard MaxweU, M.B.I, ¦^w Zealand Expeditionary Force, 6. 15 March, 1862; I. of WiUiam MaxweU Dalston, of Christehurch ; m. Marguerite MaxweU, <_. of Charles Edward Mason, of Norwood. Educ: Privately. Chartered Accountant, New Zealand; General Manager New Zealand Midland RaUway. War Wort: BIOGRAPHIES. Darby Aug. 1914, to June, 1915, Hon. Organising Sec, New Zealand War Contingent Association ; June, 1915, to July, 1920, Quartermaster, and subsequently O.C, No 2 New Zealand General Hospital, Walton-on-Thames. Address : c/o National Bank of New Zealand, 17, Moorgate Street, E.C. 1. Club : Constitutional. (M1617) DALTON, Lieut. Ernest Albert LleweUyn, M.B.E. DALTON, James Henry Chesshyre Dalton, M.B.E, M.D, J.P, 6. 15 AprU, 1861 ; s. of Henry Dalton, of Man chester ; m. Alice Tenison, d. of Rev. T. Mosse, of Dover. Educ : Marlborough CoU. ; Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Alder man, Cambridge Town Council ; Councillor, Cambridgeshire County Council ; Chairman of the Public Health Committees of the County and Borough CouncUs ; Member of the Cambridge Board of Guardians and the Cambridgeshire Insurance Com mittee. War Work : Member of Cambridge Borough War Pensions Committee, and Chairman of the Disabled Soldiers' Sub Committee. Address : The Plot, Adams Road, Cambridge. Club: Constitutional. (M7840) DALTON, Miohael, O.B.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1875 ; s. of Patrick Dalton, of Ballylanders, Co. Limerick ; m. Evelyn, d. of Sundry Stephens, of Bristol. Educ. : Privately. Asst. ControUer, Central Stores Dept, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 27, Gt. Elms Road, Bromley, Kent. (010257) DALTON, William, M.B.E, 6. 24 Feb. 1855 ; s. of Rev. W. B. Dalton, of Little Burstead, Essex ; to. Katharine Beaton, d. of John Hammond, of Newmarket. Educ. : Felstead. Member, Essex County Council ; Sec. Brentwood Cottage Hospital. War Work : Essex County War Pensions Committee ; Chairman of Brentwood War Pensions Committee ; Sec. Brentwood War Hospital Supply Depot ; Member of District Local Tribunal ; Member of District Food Control Committee. Address : Hutton Burses, Brentwood, Essex. Clubs : Portland ; Devonshire. (M7841) DALTRY, Major Henry James, O.B.E. DALWOOD, Lieut.-Col. John HALL-, C.B.E. DALY, Agnes, M.B.E. DALY, Amy, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of the late Rev. 0. W. Pritchard, of Withington Rectory, Herefordshire ; to. James Thomas, s. of Michael Daly, of County Galway. War Work : In 1912 was made Commandant of Warwick N 44 V.A.D, and organised lectures and practical training for the Detachment ; on 29 Jan. 1914, to 15 March, 1919, Commandant of "The Warren" AuxUiary Hospital, Leamington Spa, which commenced with 44 beds and afterwards increased to 60 beds by the buUding of outside wards. Address : Raford, KenUworth Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. (M1618) DALY, Major Charles Calthrop de Burgh, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (Ret.), 6. 23 AprU, 1861 ; s. of Ulick James Daly, of Dublin ; to. Emily Lucy, d. of Christopher French, of Cloonyquinn, Co. Roscommon. Educ. : Christ's Hospital. Medical Superintendent, Special Surgical Hospital, Blackrock, Co. DubUn. War Work : As Civil Practitioner, Nov. 1914, to April, 1915 ; Lieut. April, 1915 ; Capt. April, 1915 ; Acting Major, 1918 ; retired Major, March, 1920 ; in charge of special Malarial Hospital and Limbless Hospital ; Med. Sup. Ministry of Pensions ; Special Surgical Hospital, Dublin, from March, 1920, to present date. Address : Priory Lodge, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Club : Dublin Univ. (08782) DALY, Hon. Florence Maria, M.B.E. DALY, Lieut. Oscar Bedford, M.B.E. DALYELL, Elsie Jean, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.M. ; d. of J. M. DalyeU, of Sydney, Australia. Edue. : Sydney High School ; Univ. of Sydney, Australia. Medical Practitioner ; Beit Memorial Research Fellow. War Work : Bacteriologist, 6th Reserve Hospital, Serbia, 1915 ; for Hopital Auxiliare 301, France, 1916 ; and for R..A.M.C in Malta, Macedonia, and Constantinople, 1916-19. Address : Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, London. (06459) DALZELL, Reginald Alexander, C.B.E, 6. 28 Aug. 1865; of Nicol Alexander Dalzell, M.A, of Edinburgh (Conservator of Woods and Forests) ; m. Katherine Ann, d. of James Living ston, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Dulwich. Traffic Supt. (Tele- E hones), London ; Provincial Supt, West of England ; Chief aspector, Telegraph and Telephone Traffic. Address : 1, Cleveland Road, Ealing, W. (C2549) DALZIEL, Norman Pearson, O.B.E. DAMANT, Lieut.-Comm. Guybon Chesney CasteU, O.B.E, R.N. DANA, Robert Washington, O.B.E, 6. 16 June, 1868 ; s. of WUliam P. W. Dana, of Boston, U.S.A. ; to. Anna, i. of WUliam Kane, of New York. Educ. : Clifton Coll, and Pembroke Coll, Cambridge. CivU Engineer ; Secretary of the Institution of Naval Architects ; and Editor of the Trans actions, I.N.A. War Work : At Ministry of Munitions assisted in organising the ArtUlery Supply Branch under Sir Charles Ellis, G.B.E, from July, 1915, to June, 1917 ; then at Admiralty under the Director of Naval Construction, June, 1917, to Jan. 1919. Addresses : 15, Cranley Place, S.W. 7 ; 5, Adelphi Terrace, W.C. 2. Clubs : Athenaeum ; New University. (0281) DANCE, Charles WUUam, O.B.E, 6. 23 Dec. 1849; s. of Thomas Dance, of Lowestoft ; m. Sara, d. of Jeremiah Warford, of Pakefield. Educ. : Lowestoft and Aldeburgh- on-Sea. Fishery Adviser and Valuer to the Admiralty ; Board of Trade, Expert Surveyor and Valuer, under Fisheries Act, 1891. War Work : Adviser to the Admiralty in connec tion with Assessment of Compensation for losses of Fishing Vessels; and Special Service duties throughout the War. 1 Address: Shipcote, Lowestoft, North. Club : National Maritime. (010259) DANCE, Lieut. Frank, M.B.E, R.A.F. DANCE, Samuel Riohard, M.B.E, A.M.Inst. I, 6. 10 Nov. 1869. Fish Traffic Superintendent, G.E.R, Grimsby Docks. War Work : Technical Advisor on Fish Transport, Ministry of Food. (M7842) DAND, Lieut. James Huddart, M.B.E, R.A.F. DANE, Frederiok Hopper, M.B.E, 6. 13 Nov. 1871 ; s. of Richard Henry, of Canterbury. Educ. : St. Philip's. Member, Essex County Council, and Ilford Urban District Council (Chairman, 1912-13) ; Overseer, Parish of Ilford. War Work : Chairman, Finance Committee, Ilford War Pen sions and CivU Liabilities Committees ; Member, Ilford Tribunal (MiUtary Service Act). Addresses : 20, De Vere Gardens, Ilford, Essex ; Ia, St. Helen's Place, E.C. (M7843) DANE, James Whiteside, M.B.E, D.L, Co. Fermanagh, 6. 22 June, 185'6 ; s. of William Auchinleck Dane, of Killyreagh, Co. Fermanagh. Educ. : Portora ; Enniskillen Royal School. Clerk of the Crown and Peace, Co. KUdare. War Work : Originated and started the Co. KUdare Committee to send warm clothing and comforts to the Royal Dublin Fusiliers ; started the Royal Dublin Fusiliers Central Advisory Com mittee, and co-ordinated therein the above to three other Committees which had been promoted with same object, thus avoiding overlapping, and acted as Hon. Sec. of both, later sharing the office of latter with Mrs. Clegg ; assisted in Recruiting Campaign in Co. Fermanagh, under auspices of the County Council, when County Council of KUdare, had failed to do anything about Recruiting ; at its request organised a Recruiting Campaign in Co. KUdare and was thanked therefor by the Lord Lieutenant of Deland. Address : Garryard, Johnston, Straffan, Co. KUdare. Clubs : Hibernian ; United Service, Dublin ; Royal AutomobUe of Ireland ; Fermanagh County ; Enniskillen. (M7844) DANE, John Stevenson, M.B.E. DANGER, Frank Charles, C.B.E. War Work : Rendered valuable services to the Ministry of Shipping. (C3137) DANIEL, Lieut.-Col. Charles James, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 3 Nov. 1861 ; s. of late Rev. R. Daniel, B.D, Vicar of Osbaldwick, near York ; m. Agnes Margaret, d. of late Admiral T. Saumarez, C.B, of Jersey. Educ. : St. Peter's School, York, and Sandhurst. Late Loyal N. Lancs. Regt. War Work : In charge No. 1 Record Office, Preston. Address : Hillside. Fulwood, Preston. CZMfi .' Army and Navy. (C1117) DANIEL, Lieut.-Col. Edward Yorke, C.B.E, R.M, 6. 2 July, 1865 ; s. of Rev. Robert Daniel, B.D, of York; to. Agnes Elizabeth, d. of Paymaster-in-Chief A. Turner. Educ. : York. War Work : Secretary, Historical Section, Committee of Imperial Defence. Clubs : United Service ; Royal Automo bile. (C136). DANIEL, Major Walter, O.B.E, R.E. DANIELL, Col. Frederick Francis Williamson, C.B.E. Col. and T. Brig.-Gen. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1537) DANIELL, Capt. Humphrey Averell, O.B.E. DANIELL, Major John Acheson Staines, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1882 ; s. of the late Col. William S. Daniel ; to. 1916, EUen Mary, d. of S. Taylor, of Ponchen End, Boxmoor. Entered King's Own Yorkshire L.I. 1901, and became Major, Indian Army, 1916 ; served in the Great War, 1914-15 (despatches). (08558) DANIELL, Major John Clarmont, O.B.E, 6. 8 March, 1869 ; s. of the late Col. James Ie Geyt Daniell, 22, Wilton Crescent, London, S.W. ; to. Julie Linda, d. of Lindo St. Myers, of 10, Culross Street, Park Lane. Educ. : Harrow. War Work : Staff Capt, 162 Infy. Bde, Aug. 1914, to July, 1915 ; Bde. Major, 3/1 S. Midland Division, 1915 to 1916 ; MUitary Inspector Canteen Board, Feb. 1917 ; service in France and Italy, Nov. 1917, to March, 1918 ; D.A.Q.M.G, H.Q, Eastern Command, 1918, to Oct. 1919. Club : White's. (08783) DANIELL, Col. Thomas Edward St. Clare, O.B.E, M.C. DANIELS, Major Arthur Marston, O.B.E, LA. DANIELS, Lieut. Ernest Stuart, O.B.E, R.N.R. DANIELS, Major Henry Douglas, O.B.E. DANIELS, Major Lindsay Sydney, O.B.E, R.E. DANIELS, Margaret Frances, M.B.E. DANIELS, Sir Percy, K.B.E, 6. 15 Aug. 1875 ; s. of Edward Daniels, of London ; to. Florence Grace, d. of John Robert Pakeman, C.B.E. Educ. : MU1 Hill School. War Work : Chief of Leather Mission to U.S.A., from 1917 to Aug. 1919. Address : 41, South Street, Mayfair, W. 1. Clubs : City of London ; Junior Carlton. (K211) DANN, John Charles, M.B.E, DANN, Capt. WUUam Squire, M.B.E. DANNATT, Elsie Mary, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. DANNATT, Frank Cedrie, O.B.E. DANSEY, Lieut.-Col. Edward Mashiter, O.B.E. DANSON, Major Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.O.C, DARBY, T. Lieut.-Col. Alexander Whyte, O.B.E, fi. 5 Sept. 1883 ; s. of G. M. N. Darby, of India ; to. Margaret Binnie, d. of Thomas Binnie Ralston, V.D, J.P, of BothweU, Scotland. Educ. : Dollar Academy and Glasgow University. Mining Engineer. War Work : Home Service, 3rd Hundred Thousand, Oct. 1914, to Aug. 1915 ; Active Service, France, Aug. 1915, to Nov. 1915 ; Balkans, Nov. 1915, to June, 1919 ; Guzetted, Sept. 1914 ; Lieut. 11th Service Batt. The Carner - onians (Scottish Rifles) ; Capt. and Adjt, Nov. 1914 ; Major, 1917 ; Lieut.-Col, 1919 ; Com. Itia Base and L. of C. ; three 17 Darby THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. times mentioned in despatches. Address : 104, Raeburn Place, Edinburgh. Clubs : Scottish Liberal, Edinburgh ; R.S. AutomobUe, Glasgow. (06460) DARBY, Capt. George, O.B.E, M.C. (011879) DARBY, Capt. John Edward, M.B.E. DARBY, Margaret, M.B.E. DARBY, Major Maurice Ormonde, O.B.E, R.A.F. D'ARCY, Lieut. George Graham, M.B.E. D'ARCY, WiUiam James Buchanan, M.B.E, fi. 18 March, 1844 ; s. of William Arthur, of Regent's Park, London. War Work : Joined the Special PoUce, Aug. 1914 ; disbanded, Nov. 1919 ; did over 2100 duties. Clubs : Unionist, Southchurch ; Masonic, Southend. (M7848) DARGIE, Albert, M.B.E. DARKER, Charlotte Tarry, M.B.E. DARLEY, Major Henry Read, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 13 June, 1865 ; s. of T. F. Darley, Esq, of Leeson Park, Dublin ; m. Marjorie, d. of H. Champion, of 83, Onslow Gardens, S.W. Educ. : Clifton ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge ; Sandhurst. Barrister-at-law ; late Capt, 4th Dragoon Guards ; Sec. Cavalry Club. War Work : Assist. Military Sec, Eastern Command ; A.D.C. to G.O.C, 11th Division, B.E.F, France ; Staff Capt. Remounts, Eastern Command. Address : Fircroft, Stoke Poges, Bucks. Club : Cavalry. (07064) DARLEY, Major and Qr.-Mr. Thomas Henry, O.B.E. A.I.F. DARLING, John Ford, C.B.E, fi. 1864; s. of John Darling, of St. Martin's, Perthshire ; to. Margaret Catherine (diedl907),(Z.ofThomasMunro,ofPertb. Educ: St.Martin's School and privately. Was General Manager, London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd. ; subsequently a Managing Director, and now a Director, London Joint City and Midland Bank ; member of Colonial Economic Development Committee. War Work : In the summer of 1918 paid two visits to Spain for t"b<> purpose of negotiating a loan for the British Government through the Rio Tinto Co, which was successfully accomplished. Address : HoUycombe, Englefield Green, Surrey. Clubs : Carlton ; Conservative ; Royal AutomobUe. (C950) DARLOW, EUen Frances, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 23 May, 1867 ; to. Thomas Herbert, s. of Thomas Darlow, of Ramsey, Hunts. Educ. : Westlands, Birkdale ; Bonn , Klostermanns Hohere Tochterschule. Member of Ruislip-Northwcod Urban District Council. War Work : Quartermaster, Northwood V.A. Hospital, from Nov. 1914, to June, 1915 ; after that Commandant, until close of Hospital, Jan. 1919. Address : Beauleigh, Northwood, Middlesex. (M305) DARNELL, Edward, O.B.E. DARNELL, George, O.B.E. DARNELL, Capt. Thomas Noah, M.B.E. DARNLEY, Florence Rose, Countess of, D.B.E. ; d. of John Stephen Morphy, of Kerry and Beechworth, Australia ; to. Ivo Francis Walter, Earl of Darnley. Educ. : Australia. President of Gravesend Girl Guides ; Chatham Brownies ; Y.W.C.A. Hut, Gravesend ; St. .Bartholomew's Linen League, Rochester ; Nurse's Association'of Cobham and Shome ; Cob- ham Hall Arts and Crafts. War Work : Hospital in own home, Cobham HaU, from Oct. 1914, to Dec 1918 ; helped with V.A.D. Hospitals ; President of three Y.W.C.A. Huts ; organised concerts each winter for patients of surrounding and own hospital ; organised Flag days. Address : Cobham Hall, Kent. Club : Ladies' Empire. (D42) DARRACH, WiUiam Elliot, M.B.E. DARROCH, Rev. John, O.B.E. DARTMOUTH, Mary, Countess of, C.B.E, d. of Thomas WUliam, 2nd Earl of Leicester; m. 1879, WUliam, 6th Earl of Dartmouth (see BURKE'S Peerage). Addresses: Patshull House, Wolverhampton; Woodsome HaU. near Huddersfield; 37, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. DARTNELL, Lieut.-Col. George Bruce, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. DARWIN, Major George Henry, M.B.E, M.D, B.Sc. (Vic), P.R.CP. (Edin.), fi. 29 June, 1852; s. of Dr. Henry Darwin, of Masbro', Yorkshire ; m. Amelia Elizabeth, Lady of Grace, Order of St. John, d. of John Bradshaw, of Withington. Manchester. Educ. : Rotherham Grammar School, Manchester University, London, Edinburgh and St. Andrews. M.O. Lancashire and Yorkshire RaUway ; for over 40 years interested himself in Ambulance work, as Judge, Examiner and Lecturer ; devoted much time to service in the Volunteers, Territorials and National Rese rve; was awarded the Volunteer Officers' Decoration, also King George's Coronation Medal, for assisting in the formation and organisation of the National Reserve Force, a regiment of which he raised, to a strength of 685, at Southport, and Com manded for over two years ; also assisted in the formation of the Medical Staff Corps, Manchester ; formed a battalion of Engineers at Manchester (not taken over by Government) War Work : During the war, was the first Medical Officer called up in Manchester for recruiting, etc, and afterwards was attached to the 2nd Western General Hospital ; was M.O. in charge of the Princess Street Militarv Hospital, and assisted at the New Bridge and Refuge Hospitals ; 5 years attended at H.Q, 6th Manchester Regiment ; undertook the Examination of raUwaymen for R.T.O, France, examined a number of Candidates for Commissions, and in addition attended com mittees at St. John's Gate, London ; an application by him for re-Commission for Active Service was not accepted on the grounds of age. Addresses : Wentworth, Lethbridge Road, Southport ; 97, Railway, 79, Corporation Street, Manchester. Club : Southport Conservative. (M10262c2) 148 DARWIN, Sir Horace, K.B.E, F.R.S, M.A, J.P, Assoc- M.Inst.CE, 6. 13 May, 1851 ; s. of Charles Robert Darwin, of Down, Kent ; to. Hon. Emma Cecilia Farrer, d. of Thomas Henry, 1st Lord Farrer, of Abinger Hall. Edue. : Trinity College, Cambridge (M.A. 1877). Chairman of the Cambridge and Paul Instrument Co, Ltd. ; Director of the Cambridge Gas Co. ; Member of the Royal Commission on Oxford and Cambridge Universities ; Mayor of Cambridge, 1896-7. War Work : Chairman of the Air Inventions Committee, 1918-19 ; Member of the Advising Committee for Aeronautics, 1909-20 ; Member of the Munitions Inventions Department Panel. Address : The Orchard, Cambridge. Club : Athenaeum. DASHPER, Alice Hester, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. AprU, 1869 ; to. Charles F, s. ot Capt. W. Dashper, of Dartmouth. War Work : Hon. Sec. Women's Emergency Corps, South ampton, dealing first with distress amongst women and girls ; opened charity workrooms ; cheap meals for workers ; organ ised War Hospital Supply Depot in 1915 ; Hon. Sec for Southampton Baby Week in 1917. Organised and now Hon. Director of " Hostel for Mothers and Babies," Highfield, Southampton. Address : Southerns, Bassett, Southampton. (010264) DASHWOOD, Arthur Paul, O.B.E, 6. 17 July, 1882 ; s. of Sir George Dashwood, Bart, and Lady Mary Dashwood (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. Edmee Elizabeth Monica, d. of Henry de la Pasture. Educ. : Rugby. CivU Engineer. War Work; Richborough; and Water Trans port on East Coast Africa. Addresses : Johore Bahru ; The Warren, Abingdon. Club : Isthmian. (06745) DASHWOOD, Cyril Russell, O.B.E. DASHWOOD, Col. Edmund WiUiam, C.B.E, fi. 9 Sept. 1858 ; s. of the Rev. S. V. Dashwood (see Burke's Peerage, Dashwood of Oxfordshire) ; m. 23 Jan. 1908, Geva, d. of the late Comdr. H. J. Stanley, P„.N, of Cavers-Carre, Melbourne. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (C1538) DASHWOOD, Gova Vereker, Mrs., M.B.E. DASHWOOD, Capt. Sidney Lewes, M.B.E, R.E. (T.) and R.A.F, fi. 25 Nov. 1882 ; s. of Robert Lewes Dashwood, of The Mount, Yarmouth, I. of W. Edue. : Radley Coll. ; Christ Church, Oxford. War Work : R.F.C on Western Front. Address : EUangowan, GrouviUe, Jersey. Club : Constitu tional. (M1623) DAUBENEY, Brig.-Gen. Edward Kaye, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 23 May, 1858 ; s. of Thomas Daubeney, of Eastington, Cirencester ; to. EUeen Gertrude, d. of Sir Peter FitzGerald, Bart, 19th Knight of Kerry, of Valencia, Deland. Educ : Wellington. Lato of South Staffordshire Regiment ; served in the Sekukuni and Zulu Campaigns, 1878-9 (Ulundi) ; Nile Expedition, 1884-5 ; Egyptian Frontier, 1885-6 (Ginnis). War Work : Commanded Gloster and Worcester Brigade, T.F, 1914 ; 182nd (Warwick) Inf. Brigade, 1915 ; Highland T.F. Res. Brigade, 1916-18. Address : Eastington, Cirencester. C(«6 : Army and Navy. (C810) DAUBENY, Mabel Agnes, M.B.E. ; d. of General Daubeny.- C.B. War Work : District Head and Hon. Sec of Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society (Bristol branch) ; Hon. Sec. Men's branch, Bristol War Pensions. Address : 12, Christehurch Road, Clifton, Bristol. (M1625) DAUBENY, CoL Reginald Ernest, C.B.E, fi. 9 Nov. 1877 ; s. of E. Donajowski, of Heathside, Finchley Road, N.W. 2 (changed name by Deed Poll, dated 18 Feb. 1918), m. Louie, the late d. of H. J. Bletcher, of Castlethorpe HaU, Brigg. Educ. : Univ. CoU. School, London, and Royal MU. CoUege, Sandhurst. 2nd Lieut, the King's Own Regt, 1896 ; Lieut, 1898 ; Capt, 1900 ; Major, Royal Army Pay Depot, 1916 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col, 3 June, 1917 ; Lieut.-Col, 15 Feb. 1920 ; Temp. Col. and Chief Paymaster, May, 1917, to June, 1920. War Work : Organised Army Pay Office, Terr. Force, London District ; assisted in reconstitution of Army Pay Oflice, DubUn, destroyed in Sinn Fein RebeUion, 1916 ; inaugurated and organised Labour Corps Pay Office at Nottingham, which comprised eventually 7,500 clerks and 750,000 accounts. Clubs : Army and Naw ; Junior Carlton. (C1126) DAUBUZ, Major Claude, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. DAUKES, Capt. Sidney Herbert, O.B.E, M.B, B.A, D.P.H, D.T.M. and H, R.A.M.C, 6. 20 AprU, 1879 ; s. of Rev. F. Whitfield Daukes, M.A, of Beckenham; m. Emma Maria, d. of WilUam KempseU, of Reigate. Educ. : Lancing CoUege ; Caius CoUege, Cambridge ; London Hospital. Doctor of Medicine ; Curator, WeUcome Research Bureau ; late senior School Medical Officer, Norfolk. War Work: SpeciaUst Sanitary Officer with B.E.F, France ; Commandant, School of Army Sanitation, Leeds ; Lecturer, R.A.M.C. School of Hygiene, Blackpool. Address : 27, Cator Road, Sydenham. (0878E) DAUNCEY, Lieut.-Col. Thursby Henry Ernest, O.B.E. DAUNTESEY, Lieut.-Col. WilUam Bathurst, C.B, C.B.E. (assumed by Royal Licence, Oct. 1912, the surname and arms of Dauntesey), fi. 18 Oct. 1864 • s. of Rev. Robert Hark ness, of St. GUes, Dorset ; to. Evelyn, d. of Capt. WiUiam Dauntesey (see Burke's Landed Gentry), of Agecraft Hall, Lancashire. Edue. : WeUington CoUege. Royal Marino Artillery, 1882-1912. War Work: Commanded 9tb Royal Cheshire Regt, and 14th K.O.Y.L.I. (France), 1912-1918. Ad dress : LoveUs Court, MarnhuU, Dorset. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Royal Automobile. (C2098) DAVENPORT, Lieut. Charles Malcolm, O.B.E, R.F.A, DAVENPORT, Capt. Colin, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. (011735) BIOGRAPHIES. Davies DAVENPORT, Daniel, M.B.E. DAVENPORT, Flora Gladys, M.B.E, 6. 6 Oct. 1881 ; d. of John Davies Davenport, of 17, Kensington Park Gardens, and Lincoln's Inn. Educ. : At home. Commandant V.A.D. London, 4. War Work : Commandant-in-Charge of War Refugees' Dispensary at 265, Strand, W.C ; of B.R.C.S. Recreation Hut and Canteen, No 7 Convalescent Camp, Boulogne and Commandant at Kensington Red Cross (Weir) Hospital, Balham. Address: 17, Kensington Park Gardens, W. 11. Club : Portsmouth Blue Triangle. (M7852) DAVENPORT, Lieut. Hugh Riohard BROMLEY- O.B.E. DAVENPORT, Muriel, Mrs. BROMLEY-, C.B.E, fi. 1879 ; d. of late John Head, of Alington House, Ipswich ; m. Hugh Richard, s. of W. Bromley Davenport, of Capesthorse, Chelford, Cheshhe. War Work : Vice-President and Founder, Hove War Hospital Supply Depot ; Hon. Sec. Invalid Comforts Fund for Prisoners of War. Address : 6, Medine Terrace, Hove. (C482) DAVENPORT, Col. William BROMLEY-, CM.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, T.D.. J.P, ft. 1863 ; s. of the late Col. William Bromley- Davenport, M.P. for W. Warwickshire (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry). Educ. : Eton ; Balliol CoU, Oxford. Hon. Col. Staffordshire Yeo.; Lieut.-Col. in the Army; Lieut.-Col. Territorial Force Reserve (formerly Lieut.-Col. Stafford shire Yeo. ; Chairman of Cheshire Territorial Forces Assoc. ; sometime ParUamentary Private Sec. to Sec. of State for Home Depart. (Rt. Hon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart, M.P.) ; appointed Financial Sec. to the War Office 1903, and Finance Member of Army CouncU, 1904 ; served in S. Africa, 1900, as Lieut.-Col. 4th Batt. Imperial Yeo. (despatches); Great War, 1916-19, Comdg. a Brig, and as an Assist. Director of Labour and Comdt. of a Labour Army in France (Order of Crown of Italy) ; M.P. for Cheshire, Maccles field Div. (C), 1886-1906. Addresses : Capesthorne HaU, Chelford, Cheshire ; Wootton HaU, Ashbourne. (C1228) DAVEY, Annie, Mrs., O.B.E. DAVEY, Benjamin Alfred, M.B.E. DAVEY, Comm. Charles Henry, O.B.E. DAVEY, Grace Emilie, O.B.E, 6. 23 Jan. 1878; d. of Theophilus Davey, of Ronford. CivU Servant. War Work : Superintendent of Women Staff (with rank of Section Director), Headquarters, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-18 ; Chief woman officer, Ministry of Munitions, 1918-20. Address : Western Road, Romford. (010267) DAVEY, Harold WiUiam, O.B.E. DAVEY, Herbert John, M.B.E, 6. 31 Oct. 1875; s. of George Samuel Davey ; m. Ann Ruth, d. of James Howell, of London. Educ. : Kennington Oval Boys' School ; Birkbeck CoUege. Inspecting and Testing Engineer ; Chief Inspector to David Kirkaldy & Son, of London, 1900-14 ; Senior partner, Davey and BeU, 11, Arundel Street, Strand, W.C, 1914 to date. War Work : Consultant on mechanical tests of materials for Gun Ammunition to the Technical Directorate of Inspection of Gun Ammunition, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, 1915-18 ; Inspector of Mercury Fulminate and Detonators for Naval, Land, and Air Services, 1915-18 ; Technical Inspector of Tubes, Primers, and Percussion Caps, 1915-18. Addresses : 11, Arundel Street, Strand, W.C. 2; 25, Danecroft Road, Heme HiU, S.E. 24. (M7854) DAVEY, Shipwright-Lieut. John Henry, M.B.E. DAVEY, Major WiUiam Hamilton, O.B.E, M.A, B.L. ; s. of Robert Davey, of Greenholme, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim ; m. Ruby Dene, d. of W. S. Mollan, of Marlborough Park, Belfast. Educ : Royal Academical Institution ; Queen's University ; Belfast ; and King's Inns, Dublin. Barrister- at-law, North-East Circuit, Ireland. War Work : Combatant Officer, 24th Northumberland FusUiers (Tyneside Irish Brigade), France and Flanders, 1916-18 ; lent to Irish Recruiting Council Aug. to Nov. 1918 ; British Troops in France and Flanders, 1919-20. Address : 48 Bawnmore Road, Belfast, Ireland. (010269) DAVID, Maud Anne, O.B.E, 6. 1872 ; d. of the late Edward David, of The Hendre, Llandaff. War Work : S.S.F.A. ; S. African War, Great War. Address : The Hendre, Llandaff, S. Wales. (03683) DAVID, Morgan Edwin, M.B.E, J.P. DAVIDS, Capt. Maurice, O.B.E. DAVIDSON, Albert, C.B.E. Managing Director of Hattersley and Davidson (Limited), of Sheffield. Address: Sheffield. DAVIDSON, Capt. Alec Stuart, M.B.E. (late R.E.), fi. 10 June, 1891 ; s. of Harold Davidson, of Teddington, Middlesex ; to. Kathleen Muriel, d. of C. W. CressweU Hine, of Dorking. Educ. : Oundle School, Northants. Engineer. War Work : H.M. Army, Sept. 1914, to Feb. 1919. Address : Moleway, Dorking, Surrey. (M5207) DAVIDSON, Major Arthur Madgwick, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. DAVIDSON, Capt. CoUn Keppel, O.B.E, R.A. DAVIDSON, Lieut.-Col. Edward Humphrey, C.B.E, M.C. DAVIDSON, EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. DAVIDSON, EUen Beatrice, Mrs., O.B.E. (011758) _. DAVIDSON, Ethel Sarah, C.B.E, R.R.C; d. of — Davidson; matron, AustraUan Army Nursing Staff; served in the Great War. 1915-19. (C1840) DAVIDSON, Frances Joan, Mrs., O.B.E, ft. 29 May, 1894; d. of Right Hon. Sir W. H. Dickinson (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. John CoUn Campbell, s. of Sir James Mackenzie Davidson (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Member of Central Prisoners of War Committee. Address : 10, Barton Street, Westminster. (O10270) DAVIDSON, George, O.B.E. DAVIDSON, George Frederick, O.B.E. DAVIDSON, Capt. Hugh Stevenson, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, M.B, F.R.CS. DAVIDSON, CoL James, C.B.E, J.P, D.L, late 8th Hussars, 6. 15 Sept. 1853 ; s. of the late William Davidson ; to. Margaret, d. ot Col. Edward Ring Berry, of Hyde Park Gate. Educ. : Privately, and Aberdeen University. War Work : Chairman, Kincardineshire War Pensions Committee ; Chair man, Joint Disablements Committee for Northern Area of Scotland ; Chairman, City of Aberdeen War Pensions Com mittee ; Vice-Chairman, and from 23 Aug. 1918, Chairman, Kincardineshire Territorial Force Assoc ; Member, Joint Institutional Committee for Scotland ; Member, Representa tive Joint Disablement Committee for Scotland ; Member, Local Advisory Committee, Ministry of Labour ; Secretary, Kincardineshire Branch, S. & S. F. Assoc. ; Military Member, Local Emergency Committee, Kincardine ; County Com missioner, Boy Scouts (the Scouts watched the whole coast of Kincardineshire). Address : Balnagask, Aberdeen. Clubs : Arthurs' ; Royal Automobile. (C2551) DAVIDSON, Capt. James MacFarlane, O.B.E. DAVIDSON, James Stewart, O.B.E, J.P. ; s. of Rev. G. S. Davidson, of Kinfauns Parish Church, Perthshire ; m. Agnes F, d. of Rev. P. McLaren, of Fraserburgh Parish Church, Aberdeenshire. Educ. : Royal High School and, University, Edinburgh. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Treasr. County of Aberdeen War Work Association. Address : Cairnlee, Bieldside, Aberdeenshire. Club : Scottish Con servative, Edinburgh. (0282) DAVIDSON, Lieut.-Col. John, O.B.E, R.E. (S.R.). DAVIDSON, Major John, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. DAVIDSON, John Hay, M.B.E. DAVIDSON, Dame Margaret Agnes, Lady, D.B.E, 6. 21 April, 1871 ; d. of General the Hon. Sir Percy Fielding (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Walter Edward, K.C.M.G, Governor of the State of New South Wales, Austraha (see Burke's Peerage) ; s. of James Davidson, of Killyleagh, Co. Down, Ireland. Address : Government House, Sydney, N.S.W.. Australia. (D23) DAVIDSON, Marion, Mrs., M.B.E. DAVIDSON, Capt. Norman GranviUe Walshe, O.B.E. F.R.CS, R.A.M.C DAVIDSON, Robert Gibson, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, 6. 2 Oct. 1880 ; s. of the late Alexander Duncan Davidson, of CuUen, Banffshire, and London. Educ. : Aberdeen. War Work : Ansesthetist to Hospital for treating injuries to the jaw, at Norbury, Croydon, 1915-19. Address : Thornton Heath, Surrey. Club : Royal Societies'. (O11800) . DAVIDSON, Col. Stuart, C.B.E, 6. 1859 ; Formerly Col. R.E, and Chief Technical Examiner for Works, War Office ; retired 1919. (C138) DAVIDSON, Williamina Saida, O.B.E, Hon. Serving Sister of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem since 1912, 6. 15 Nov. 1856 ; d. of Patrick Davidson, of Inchmarlo, Kincardineshire, N.B. Hon. Lady Superintendent for 25 years of the Glasgow Soldiers' Home; and of the Barry Camp Soldiers' Home. War Work : In 1914 in 48 hours secured sufficient money and in 3 months built a spacious tem porary Soldiers' Home, which has paid its own way and had an average attendance of soldiers during war time of over 1000 per night ; the new permanent Soldiers' Home into which the temporary one has now been transferred, costing about £16,000, was opened, free of debt, on 26 May, 1920, by His Grace the Lord High Commissioner, the Duke of AthoU, K.T, C.B, D.S.O, M.V.O, T.D.. and on 9 July, 1920, was visited by Their Majesties the King and Queen and Princess Mary. Address : Royal Soldiers' Home, Colinton, Midlothian. (010272) DAVIE, James Gordon, M.B.E, fi. 14 July, 1883 ; s. of John Davie, of Airiie, Kirriemuir, N.B. ; m. Janet Gow, d. of WiUiam Lyon, of Airlie. Educ : AirUe Public School ; Webster's Seminary, Kirriemuir. Banker, with National Bank of Scotland, Ltd, London. War Work : Chief Cashier to Butter and Cheese Import Committee of Ministry of Food. Address: 122, Christehurch Road, Streatham HiU, S.W. 2. Clubs : Dulwich BowUng ; Scottish Banks Rifle. (M7855) DAVIES, Agnes, M.B.E. DAVIES, Capt. Alewyn Thomas, M.B.E, A.S.C DAVIES, Alfred Maurice, O.B.E. (011785d) DAVIES, Alfred Thomas, C.B.E, M.P, 6. 17" July, 1881 ; s. of John Thomas Davies, of Llanarthney ; to. Joanna Elizabeth, d. of John Lewis, of Llanelly. Educ : London Polytechnic and abroad. Chairman, Charles Hatton & Co, Ltd. ; Director, Glynbeady Tin Plate Works ; South Wales Fuel Co, Ltd. ; Old Silkstone Collieries, Ltd. ; a Governor of Middlesex Hospital and of Bart.'s Hospital. War Work : Hon. Sec, Welsh Prisoners of War Fund ; Hon. Sec, All Welsh Service in Westminster Abbey ; Assistant, Ministry of Muni tions, Priority Branch. Addresses : The Eagles, West HiU, Highgate ; Gore Farm, East Dean, near Eastbourne, Sussex. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Constitutional ; 1900 ; Royal Auto mobUe, etc. (C2552) DAVIES, Sir Alfred Thomas, K.B.E, C.B, J.P, D.L, 6. 11 March, 1861 ; s. of Wm. Davies, of Liverpool ; m. 1st, Margaret Esther (d. 1892), d. of Thomas Christian Nicholas, of 149 Davies THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Liverpool ; 2nd, Mary, d. of Charles Colton, of Liverpool and Birkdaie, Lancs. Educ. : Waterloo High School and Univ. CoU. of Wales, Aberystwyth. Solicitor (admitted 1883) ; Notary Public (adm. 1887) ; Cursitor of the County Palatine of Lancaster since 1895 ; Permanent Secretary to the Welsh Department of the Board of Education since 1907 ; Member of the Imperial Education Conferences of 1907 and 1911 ; of the Departmental Committee on the "National School of Medicine for Wales, 1914 ; and of the Ancient Monuments Board for Wales ; Librarian of the Priory for Wales of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; Governor of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. War Work : Founder and Hon. Director of the British Prisoners of War Book Scheme (Educational). Addresses: Jesmond, Blackheath Park, S.E. 3; Yewtree Cottage, Medmenham, Marlow, Bucks. Club : Reform. (K57) DAVIES, Alphonso WiUiam James, M.B.E. DAVIES, Capt. Andrew WiUiam, O.B.E, R.N. DAVIES, Major Arthur, C.B.E. Hon. Major and Hon. Sup. St. John's and British Red Cross Combined War Gift Depot. (C1963) DAVIES, Arthur Vernon, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 6. 10 June, 1872 ; s. of Edwin Edgar Davies, of Bridgend, Glamorgan ; to. Annie Maude, d. of J. Brooke Unwin, M.D, of Dunchurch. Educ. : Privately, and Owens' Coll, Manchester. M.O.H, Crompton ; Certifying Factory Surgeon, Crompton. War Work : Assist. Com. for Lancs St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Assist. County Director, B.R.C.S.. representing the S.J.A.B. on the East Lancs County Committee, and aU the St. John V.A.D. Hospitals in East Lancs. Address : Glenarm House, Shaw, Lancs. (010273) DAVIES, Ashton, M.B.E. DAVIES, Lieut. Bertram Harold, O.B.E, R.N.R. DAVIES, Lieut. Charles Beverley, M.B.E. DAVIES, Major Charles Frederick FeUows, O.B.E. DAVIES, Charles Llewelyn, C.B.E, fi. 29 June, 1860 ; s. of Rev. John Llewelyn Davies. Educ. : Marlborough ; Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Clerk in Local Government Board, 1884 ; transferred to Treasury, 1888 ; Assistant Pay master-General since 1910. Address : 10, Lupus Street, Pimlico, London. S.W. 1. (C139) DAVIES, Lieut.-Col. Charles Robert. O.B.E. DAVIES, Clara Maud, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. Oct. 1866 ; d. of Henry Moore, of Sampford PevereU, Devon ; to, Lieut.-Col. Henry Davies, CM.G, d. of Henry Davies, of Cheltenham ; Edue. : Cheltenham Ladies' CoUege, and Brussels. War Work : Interpreter for Belgians at Folkestone and Deal, placed 400 in private houses ; organi-ed Church Hall, Dover, for soldiers and wives to meet ; organised entire Red Cross Depot for stores for Admiralty Pier, and all surgical work for MiUtary Hospitals ; Com. and Supt. Red Cross and St. John ; organised and ran Hostel for V.A.D.s and W.L, Dover. Addresses : 10, de Vere Gardens : 37, Salisbury Road, Dover. (M7857) DAVIES, Rev. David, M.B.E, fi. 25 June, 1886; s. of David Davies, of Morlach, Cross Inn S.O, Cardigs. Educ. : St. David's Coll. School, and St. David's CoU, Lampeter. Clerk in Holy Orders. War Work : Chaplain to the Forces with 114 Brigade, 38th Division, on the Western Front. Address : Moeloch, Cross Inn S.O, Cardiganshire, S. Wales. (06461) DAVIES, David Gordon, M.B.E. DAVIES, Lieut. David Owen, M.B.E. DAVIES, David Thomas, O.B.E, F.S.I, 6. 14 Oct. 1868 ; s. of M. Davies, of LlanfyUin, of Montgomeryshire, N. Wales. Educ. : Oswestry High School. Land Surveyor and Valuer ; Superintending Valuer for Wales (Inland Revenue Dept.). War Work : Commissioner for South Wales for Food Production under Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries ; Land Valuer and Adviser to the Admiralty in requisitions under Defence of Realm Regulations. Address : WUlsden, Rhiwbina, Cardiff. Club : Cardiff and County. (O10274) DAVIES, Edward Futcher, O.B.E. DAVIES, Major Edward Owen, O.B.E. DAVIES, Edwin Harold, O.B.E. DAVIES, Emily Geraldine, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of Edward Harte, of WeUs, Somerset ; m. Evan Coleman Davies, s. of Evan James Davies, of Monmouth. Educ. : Home. War Work : Was Commandant of The Cedars Hospital, Wells, Somerset, from 1915-19 ; had over 1000 patients during the time (the hospital was worked entirely by voluntary workers). Address : WeUs. Somersetshire. (M7858) DAVIES, Ernest, C.B.E. DAVIES, Ernest Herbert, O.B.E. DAVIES, Lieut. Ernest James, O.B.E. DAVIES, Evan Edward, O.B.E, 6. 20 June, 1879. Soli citor ; Clerk to the Maesteg Urban District CouncU, and Soli citor to the Joint Burial Board, 1912 ; Member of the Glamorgan County CouncU for Maesteg Division, 1906; Alderman, 1912 ; Member of Local Group of Managers and Chairman of Maesteg Secondary School Governors ; Executive Officer Local Food Control Committee ; Solicitor to Maesteg District of South Wales Miners' Federation. Address : Brynhaulog. 38, Victoria Avenue, Porthcawl. (010277) DAVIES, Capt. Fred, M.B.E. DAVIES, Frederick Charles, O.B.E. DAVIES, George, M.B.E, J.P. DAVIES, Capt. George Frederick, M.B.E. DAVIES, Col. George Freshfield, C.B, CM.G, C.B E 150 fi 1872 • Entered Lincolnshire Regt. 1892, and became Lieut.- Col. 1915, and Brevet Col. 1917 ; served in the S. African War 1899-1902, present at reUef of Ladysmith (despatches, Queen's medal with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps), and in the Great War, 1914-19, in Palestine, as Dep. Director of Sup pUes and Transport, with rank of Col. (despatches). (C1375) DAVIES, Gwilym Meirion, M.B.E, 6. 17 June, 1882; s. of WUUam Thomas Davies, of Shrewsbury ; to. Elizabeth Rigg, d. of Alan Mackune, of Anglesey. Educ. : Shrewsbury. Solicitor ; Labour Advisor to Metropolitan- Vickers Electrical Co, Ltd. War Work : Manchester War ReUef Committee ; Organising Secretary, N.W. Area of Ministry of Munitions. Address : 15, Higher Downs, Bowden, Cheshire. (M312) DAVIES, Lieut. Harry Cornwall, O.B.E, R.E. DAVIES, Capt. Henry, O.B.E, 6. Oct. 1860. Educ. : Normal CoU. ; Bangor ; Univ. CoU, Cardiff. Director of Mining Instruction, Glamorgan County Council ; Member of Cardiff Citv Council. War Work : Returned from Germany two days before War declared ; enlisted as private soldier with three sons on mobiUsation day ; did strenuous recruiting work ; proceeded to France as Capt. in R.W.F. ; wounded on Somme in 1916 ; subsequently attached to Royal Engineers as District Officer Roads and Transport ; appointed Education Officer ; mentioned in despatches. Address : County HaU, Cardiff. (010279) DAVIES, Henry Ivor, M.B.E, 6. 1 May, 1872 ; s. of Joseph Davies. Educ. : Westminster City School ; King's CoUege, London. Appointed to the War Office, Oct. 1890 ; transferred to Ministry of Pensions, Feb. 1917 ; promoted First Class Clerk, June, 1917 ; Deputy Principal Clerk, Oct. 1919. Address : 44, Blenheim Gardens, N.W. 2. (M7861) DAVIES, Horace Victor, M.B.E. Censor, Sierra Leone. (M10257A) DAVIES, Hugh Christopher, M.B.E. DAVIES, Isabel Warwick, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 2 Jan. 1883 ; d. of Maj.-Gen. D. K. Evans, 6th Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; to. Maj-. Gen. H. R. Davies, C.B, s. of Lieut.-Gen. H. F. Davies, of Elmley Castle, Worcs. Educ : Dorchester War Work : Joint Sec. of Prisoners of War Fund for Oxford shire and Buckinghamshire Regiments ; Sec. of 2nd (Oxford and Bucks) Light Infantry Comforts Fund. Address : God- manstone Manor, Dorchester Dorset. (M7S62) DAVIES, Ivor, M.B.E. Lloyd's Agent at Algiers. War Work : Sec. Military Exemption Committee for Algeria ; salvage and repairs to torpedoed steamers. Address: 1. rue Colbert, Algiers. (M1632) DAVIES, James, O B.E. (011957) DAVIES, James David, O.B.E, 6. 4 Jan. 1857; s. of Edward Davies, of The Court, Merthyr TydvU, Glam. ; m. Eleanor Mary, d. of Frederick Cobb, of Frensham, Surrey. Educ. : Christ's CoU, Brecon. Surgeon, Royal Isle of Wight County Hospital. War Work : Hazelwood Red Cross Hospital, Ryde; M.O. in Command Troops, Ryde District. Address: Belmont, Ryde, I.W. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Royal Victoria Yacht. (010289) DAVIES, Capt. John, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. DAVIES, John Cecil, C.B.E, J.P, Legion of Honour, 6. 23 Sept. 1864 ; s. of Thos. Davies, of Swansea ; m. Emma Jane, d. of John Edmunds, of Coed-y-Paen, Monmouthshire. Educ. : Normal CoUege, Swansea. Managing Director of Baldwins, Ltd, etc. ; Member of the Council of the University College of Swansea ; Member of LlaneUy Board of Guardians and Gowerton Council. War Work : One of the founders of the Swansea National SheU Factory ; Member of the Executive Committee appointed by the Ministry of Munitions to control sheU factories ; represented Ministry in aUocation of steel supplies. Address : The Mount, Gowerton, Glam. Clubs : Swansea and Counties ; Bristol Channel Yacht. (C2553) DAVIES, Major John Francis, O.B.E, LA. DAVIES, Major John Hallmark, O.B.E, R.A.F. DAVIES, John HoweU, M.B.E. DAVIES, John Robert, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 1856 ; eldest s. of the late Richard Davies, of Treborth, Bangor, Lord-Lieut, of Anglesey. J.P, Anglesey and Carnarvonshire ; D.L, Anglesey. Address : Ceris, Bangor, N.Wales. (C2554) DAVIES, Lieut. John Trevor, M.B.E, LA. DAVIES, Paymaster-Sub.-Lieut. John Wilfred, M.B.E. R.N.V.R. DAVIES, Sir Joseph, K.B.E, J.P, M.P, 6. 11 Dec. 1866 ; s. of Thomas Seth Davies, of St. Issells, Pembroke ; m. Blanche, d. of John Heron WUson, of Cardiff. Educ. : Bristol Grammar School. Chairman, A. G.W.I. Petroleum Corporation, Ltd.; Status Investment Trust, Ltd. : Director, Cambrian Railways ; Anglo-Baltic and Mediterranean Bank, etc. ; M.P, Crewe Division ; J.P, County of Glamorgan. War Work : Repre sentative for Wales on Cabinet Committee for Prevention of Unemployment and Distress, 1914-16 ; Secretary, Prime Minister's Secretariat, 1917-19 ; visited U.S.A., 1917, on Government Mission. Address: 29, Chester Terrace, Regent s Park. N.W. 1. Clubs : Bath ; Reform. (K58) DAVIES, Capt. Joseph Edward, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. DAVIES, Julia, M.B.E, DAVIES, Capt. Leofrio Pearson, O.B.E. DAVIES, Capt. LleweUyn Wynne, O.B.E, M.D, Ch.B„ 6. 18 April, 1875 ; s. of Rev. D. Davies, of Llansilin Vicarage, Oswestry. Educ. : Oswestry Grammar School, Shropshire ; Edinburgh Univ. ; King's CoU, London ; Berlin. Member of the West African MecUcal Service since 1911 ; Senior House BIOGRAPHIES. Davis Surgeon and Physician, East Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital, 3 years ; House Physician and Acting Medical Superintendent, Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London ; CUnical Assistant, Ear, Nose and Throat Hosp, Golden Square, London ; House Physician and House Surgeon, Dreadnought Hospital, Greenwich. War Work : Medical Officer, Northern Column Cameroon Expeditionary Force, W. Africa, Nov. 1914, to May, 1916 ; acting Assistant Surgeon, Dreadnought Hospital, Greenwich, June, 1916, to Sept. 1916; Medical Officer and Surgical Specialist, No 42 Indian General Hosp, Mesopotamia, March, 1917, to July, 1917 ; Sanitary Officer and Civil Surgeon, Kurna, Mesopotamia, July, 1917, to Jan. 1918 ; Officer Commanding No. 57 CS. Hospital, Mesopotamia, Jan. 1918, to Feb. 1919 ; Surgical Specialist, No. 57 CS. Hospital, Meso potamia ; mentioned in despatches, Aug. 1918 ; Medical Officer Special BattaUon at Rawal Pindi, India, March to May, 1919 ; S.M.O. Kohat-Kurram Force (Afghanistan Campaign), May to July, 1919. Address : c,o Lloyds Bank, Ltd, Penzance, CornwaU. (O4203) DAVIES, Louisa, Mrs. Russell, M.B.E, DAVIES, Magdalen Augusta Lavinia, Lady, C.B.E. (C3106a) DAVIES, MUdred Lucy, Mrs., M.B.E. DAVIES, Morgan, M.B.E, 6. 1 May, 1868 ; s. of B. A. David Davies, of Wernddu, Pontardawr ; m. Elizabeth, d. of Jenkin Bevan Morgan, of Alltwen. Educ. : Elementary School ; Trehanor Grammar School ; Pontardawr Collegiate School. SoUcitor. War Work : Chairman of Pontardawr Rural District CouncU in 1914 ; Chairman, Pontardawr Military Tribunal; Chairman of the Local War Distress Fund Com mittee ; Chairman, Belgian Refugee Committee ; Member of the Local MiUtary Committee ; acted as Hon. Sec. under Lord Derby Scheme ; acted as Executive Officer to the Pontardawr Food Control Committee from 1 Jan. 1918, to 31 March, 1919 ; now Member of the Pontardawr District CouncU and Board of Guardians ; Local Representative on the University CoUege of Swansea. (M7864) DAVIES, Owen, M.B.E. DAVIES, Major Reginald Laidlaw, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. Chevalier, Legion of Honour. DAVIES, Riohard, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 15 July, 1853 ; s. of David Davies, of Crockerbtown, Cardiff, Glam. ; m. Mary, d. of James Barnes, of Kensington. Educ. : Privately. Member of the London Stock Exchange ; one of H M. Lieutenants for the City of London ; J.P. for the County of Middlesex ; Member of the Territorial Force Association for the City of London ; a Trustee of the Crystal Palace ; Vice-Chairman of the Sir John Cass Foundation ; Member of the Corporation of London. War Work : Chairman of the City of London Branch of the British Red Cross Society ; Member of the City of London Military Tribunal ; Chairman (during the War) of the City of London Branch of the National Lifeboat Association. Ad dresses : 10-11, Austin Friars, E.C ; Inglewood, 21 Highbury Quadrant, N. (C2555) DAVIES, Capt. Richard LleweUyn, M.B.E, R.A.S.C DAVIES, Robert YarneU, M.B.E.. DAVIES, Lieut. SeUick, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. DAVIES, Sophia Katherine, M.B.E. DAVIES, Thomas, O.B.E. DAVIES, Thomas, M.B.E J.P, 6. 10 AprU, 1874 ; s. of Henry Davies, of CUwaunyddfawr ; to. Frances Mary, d. of Edward Davies, J.P, of Creig Evan. Educ. : Capel Evan CouncU ¦ School. Farmer. War Work : Chairman of Newcastle-Emlyn Rural Tribunal ; Member of Carmarthenshire War Agric Committee ; Member of Rural Food Control Com mittee ; Member of the Carmarthenshire Women's War Agricultural Committee ; Chairman of Newcastle Emlyn District Agric Committee ; Member of the Live Stock Control Com mittee ; Chairman and Organiser of West Carmarthenshire Prisoners of War Committee ; Promoter of Soldiers' Ploughing School. Address : CUwaunyddfawr, Newcastle Emlyn, South Wales. (M1634) DAVIES, Capt. Thomas Edward, M.B.E. DAVIES, Thomas Evan, O.B.E, ChevaUer Legion d' Honneur, 6. 16 Nov. 1873 ; s. of late David Evan Davies, of Dowlais ; m. Margaret Elizabeth, d. of late Rev. WUliam John son Bain, of Aberdeen. Educ : Cardiff. Civil Engineer. War Work : Liaison Officer in charge of machinery supplies to Allies ; Director of Crane Section, Ministry of Munitions ; in charge of various hutment contracts for War Office, and submarine defences for Admiralty. Address : The General Electric Co, Witton, Birmingham. Clubs : Central and Engineers, Rio de Janeiro. (01269) DAVIES, Major Walford, O.B.E, R.A.F. DAVIES, Walter, M.B.E, J.P. for the County of Middlesex, fi. 24 Oct. 1857 ; s. of Chas. William Davies, of London. War Work : Hon. Sec, Ealing National Emergency Fund (Prince of Wales' Fund) ; MUitary Representative ; National Service Representative ; Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, Ealing War Hospitals Workshop. Address : Downhurst Ealing, W. 5. Club : Constitutional. (M314) DAVIES, WiUiam, M.B.E. DAVIES, Major WUliam Henry Saxon, O.B.E. DAVIES, WilUam John Abbott, O.B.E. DAVIES, WUliam Lloyd, M.B.E. DAVIES, Lieut. WiUiam Thomas, M.B.E, 5. 25 Oct. 1874 ; s. of Michael Davies, of Bridgend, Glamorganshire • m. Florence Eleanor, d. of William John Leat, of Tondu, Glam. Educ : Bridgend Board and Grammar Schools and Cardiff Higher Grade. Manager ; Ministry of Labour. War Work : Joined as Private 10th Batt. Rifle Brigade, 10 Sept. 1914 ; promoted Sergt 12 Sept. ; went to France, July, 1915 ; granted commis sion, Aug. 1915 ; returned to England, Sept. 1915, and posted to 10th Batt. Welsh Regt. ; transferred to 3rd Garr. Batt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers ; proceeded to Egypt, July, 1916, on Prisoner of War work. Club : Masonic. (M4674) DAVIES, Dorothy Mortlock, Mrs. KEVILL-, M.B.E. ; d. of Ernest Lacon, of Ormesby Hall, Norfolk; to. Capt. W. A. S. H. KeviU-Davfes, 7th Hussars, of Croft Castle, Here fordshire. War Work : Hon. Sec. Women's War Agricultural Committee and Horticultural Committee ; Hon. Sec. of County Federation of Women Institutes. Address: The Highwood, Leominster, Herefordshire. (M1631) DAVIES, Ethel, Mrs. PRICE-, O.B.E, 6. 19 May, 1872; d. of 0. E. Charlesworth, J.P, of Conyngham HaU, Knaresborough ; to. Lieut.-Col. Stafford D. Prico-Davles. Vice- President, Montgomeryshire British Red Cross Society. War Work : Started a hospital, Broadway House, Churchstoke, Mont gomeryshire, which continued until the end of the War. Ad dress : Marrington Hall, Chirbury, Salop. Clubs : Ladies' Imperial, London; Shropshire Ladies' County, Shrewsbury. (01267) DAVIES, Capt. Edward Owen WATKIN-, O.B.E. DAVIES, Rev. WiUiam WYNN-, O.B.E, B.A. (lst)(Lond.). Edue. : Grammar School, Beaumaris ; University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. Minister of Capel Mawr, Rhos ; Chair man of Managers of Rhos CouncU Schools ; Member of Gov erning Body of Ruabon County Sehool. War Work : Chair man of War Savings and Rhos Food Production Committees ; Vice-Chairman of East Denbigh War Aims Committee ; and varied and valuable administrative and platform work. Ad dress : Rhos, Wrexham, N. Wales. (010281) DAVIS, Albert Alfred, M.B.E. DAVIS, Lieut. Alexander Horace, O.B.E, M.C, R.G.A, 6. 2 Feb. 1886 ; s. of Charles Davis, of Cumbrae, Wharf Road, Bournemouth ; to. Olive May, d. of Francis Dungey, of Ply mouth. Educ, : Westboume British School, Bournemouth. War Work : Embarked for France with 2nd Siege Battery, R.G.A, Sept. 1914 ; commissioned for service in the field, Sept. 1915 ; served with 102 Siege Bty. in France, from May, 1916, to Mar. 1917 ; appointed Staff Capt, VI. Corps, H.A, Mar. 1917 ; appointed Staff Capt, IX. Corps, R.A, July, 1919. (02487) DAVIS, Anna Gronow, Mrs., M.B.E. _ DAVIS, Capt. Bernard Langridge, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.) . DAVIS, Capt. Bryant FitzwiUiam Richard, O.B.E. DAVIS, Lieut.-Col. CecU, O.B.E, (T.). DAVIS, Charles, M.B.E. DAVIS, Lieut.-Col. Charles Herbert, C.B.E, D.S.O. DAVIS, Lieut.-Col. Charles Thomas, O.B.E. DAVIS, Adm. Edward Henry Meggs, CM.G, O.B.E, 6. 1846 ; s. of the late Capt. John E. Davis ; m. 1895, Ethel Mary, d. of the late F. 0. Lambe, of Flushing, Cornwall. Entered R.N. 1860; Lieut. 1870: Com. 1878; Capt. 1887; Rear- Aclm. 1901 ; Vice-Adm. (ret.), 1905 ; Adm. 1908 : » served at bombardment of Kagosima, Japan, 1863; at capture of Simonoselri Forts, Japan. 1864: during Kaffir War, 1877-78; with Naval Brig, (specially promited), and during Zulu War, 1879 (medal with three clasps) ; hoisted British flag on 13 islands of the Gilbert group, W Pacific, 1892 ; J.P. for Sussex. Address : Rathedmond, Bexhill-on-Sca. Club : Naval and Military. (010283) DAVIS, Capt. Eugene Charles Henry, M.B.E. DAVIS, Florence Mary, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 16 Oct. 1863 ; m. Arthur Walker Davis. Trained nurse, 1885-90, King's College Hospital, London; Charge-nurse, J. J. Hospital, Bombay, 1891-96 ; Sister, R. Sussex County Hospital, 1896-99 ; Matron, Hove Sanatorium, 1899-1904. War Work: From Sept 1914, to Oct. 1918, as Sister, R. Sussex County Hospital ; Matron, with the first B.R.C.S. unit at Boulogne ; Sister-m- Charge, Mrs. Hanbury Tracey's Hospital, Woodcote ; Matron, V A.D. Hospital, P.orchester Terrace, London, W. ; and Interviewing Matron, etc, Devonsliire House, and 83, Pall MaU, W. Address : Highdown, Rhodes Minnis, Elham, Canterbury. (03687) DAVIS, Major Francis Robert Edward, O.B.E, R.A.F. DAVIS, Capt. Frank Gordon, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. DAVIS, Georgina Jessie Chisholm, Mrs, M.B.E, DAVIS, Gershom Willoughby Cecil, M.B.E., A.O.A, 6. 28 July 1880 ; s. of the late AUred Davis, of WiUow Grange- Keston, Kent ; to. Hilda Margaret, d. of the late Judge Vickers, of Kingston, Jamaica, B.W.I. Chartered Accountant of the firm of Linnett, Davis & Co, 42, Poultry, E.C War Work : In Accounts Dept, Ministry of Munitions ; appointed Assistant ControUer of Munitions Accounts on 31 May, 1919 ; later a member of Accounts Liquidation Committee, and other Sub- Committees for winding up affairs of Accounts Dept, Ministry of Munitions. Addresses : 42, Poultry, E.C. ; 2, Moscow Court, Bayswater, W. (M7870) DAVIS, Harry Lewer, O.B.E. DAVIS, Henry WilUam Carless, O.B.E. DAVIS, John, M.B.E, R.G.A. DAVIS, Comm. John Cecil, O.B.E, R.N. DAVIS, John Samuel Champion, C.B.E, V.D, M.A, J.P, D L , 6 21 Feb. 1859 ; s. of Rev. S. Davis, of Burrington, N. Devon ; m. Minna Sophia, d. of WUliam Butt, of Axmouth, Devon. Educ. : Rossall and Balliol College. Indian Civil Service, 1880-1906; D.L. and J P. for Devon; Member of 151 Davis THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Devon County CouncU ; Member of Devon Territorial Force Association ; Deputy Chairman, Exeter Diocesan Board of Finance ; County Director, British Red Cross Society. War Work : Control of Red Cross and V.A.D. work in Devon. Address : Kingford, Burrington, N. Devon. Clubs : New University ; Devon and Exeter. (C142) DAVIS, Capt. Kenneth Randall, O.B.E, Royal Warwick shire Regt. (T.), 6. 1867 ; s. of J. Davis, of Bournemouth ; m. Jane, d. of W. Dolamore, of Bournemouth. Educ. : Privately. Address : Broadmeadow, SolihiU, Warwickshire. Clubs : R.A.C. ; Union, Birmingham. (03688) DAVIS, Lilian Bertha, M.B.E, 6. 25 Dec. 1896 ; d. of Francis J. M. Davis, of Bath. Educ. : Alexandra School, Dublin. Appointed Woman Clerk, Savings Bank Dept, General Post Office, Jan. 1916. War Work : Loaned to War Trade Department as administrative assistant, 1916-19. (M7871) DAVIS, Ct.pt. LesUe Stalman, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. DAVIS, Mary EUzabeth Mrs, O.B.E. DAVIS, Owen, M.B.E. DAVIS, Paymaster Lieut.-Comm. Reginald Unwin, O.B.E, R.N. DAVIS, Capt. Robert, M.B.E, R.E. DAVIS, Capt. Sidney AUred, D.S.O, O.B.E. Lieut.-Gen. List and Acting Capt. ; served in the Great War, 1914-16 (despatches) (07070) DAVIS, Lieut. Spencer, M.B.E. DAVIS, Lieut. Sidney George, O.B.E, LL.B. (Lond.) 6. 15 Dec. 1883 ; s. of Walter James Davis, of Wandsworth Common. Educ. : King's and University Colleges, London. Solicitor. War Work : Attached Staff D.R. 7(6), War Office, London ; transferred to Ministry of National Service ; served at London Headquarters as Personal Assistant to Con troller of Registration and Director of National Service, London and South Eastern Region ; Joint Secretary, Registration Advisory Board ; gave evidence for M. N.S. to Civil War Workers Committee (Ministry of Reconstruction) ; Joint Representative on Committee of Manning (Ministry of Shipping). Addresses : 19, Park Road, Wandwsorth Common, S.W. ; Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. 2. Club : Royal Societies'. (0271) DAVIS, Sydney Carlile, M.B.E, 6. 1878 ; s. of Orlando Davis, J.P, of Plymouth ; to. Saidie, d. of the late Thomas Pickering Pick, F.R.CS, of London. Educ. : Plymouth CoU. Solicitor and Notary PubUc, Vice-Consul for Sweden ; Hon. SoUcitor, National Chamber of Trade ; Hon. Sec. Plymouth Incorporated Mercantile Association. War Work : Clerk to the Plymouth Panel of the Devon County Appeal Tribunal, under the MiUtary Service Act; Road Transport Officer for Plymouth Area of S.W. Division of Ministry of Food ; organiser of Road Transport Services for Plymouth and CornwaU during Railway Strike, 1919. Address : Plvmouth. (M7872) DAVIS, Thomas Ruddock, O.B.E, F.I.S, F.I.D., 6. 7 Dec. 1884 ; s. of Thomas Dewar Davis, of Newcastle-on-Tyne and Streatham ; to. Keturah, d. of George Crowter, of West Norwood. Educ. : Lancaster CoU. One of the first members of the Incorporated Institute of Shipbrokers ; Director of W.R. Smith and Sons (London), Ltd. ; Director of Cornborough Shipping Line, Ltd. ; FeUow of Institute of Directors. War Work : Joined the firm of Ross T. Smyth & Co, appointed to buy all the grain for the AUies under Asquith Government ; negotiated all the chartering of tonnage for carrying grain purchases ; subsequently technical shipping assistant to the Royal Commission on Wheat SuppUes ; Anally managing the Commission's City Chartering Bureau. Addresses : Bonheur, Braxted Park. Streatham ; Exchange Chambers, St Mary Axe, E.C. 3. (010285) DAVIS, Capt. Valfred Emanuel, M.B.E. DAVIS, Lieut. WilUam, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. DAVIS, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Northcote, O.B.E, V.D, J.P. DAVIS, Comm. WiUiam Thomas, O.B.E., R.N.V.R. DAVIS, Evelyn Mary, Mrs. BRAMWELL-, O.B.E. ; d. of Albert R. TUl, of Crookham House, r.r. Newbury, Berks ; to. the late Percy BramweU-Davis, Capt. Highland Light Infantry, s. of Richard BramweU-Davis, K.C War Work : Sec. Berkshire War Pensions Local Committee. Address : co A. S. B. Tull. Esq, Crookham House, nr. Newbury, Berks. Club : Ladies' Empress. (O10254) DAVISON, Major Charles Gray, O.B.E. DAVISON, Daniel, O.B.E. DAVISON, Capt. Duncan Athol, O.B.E, Royal Irish FusUiers, 6. 20 Aug. 1887 ; s. of Duncan Davison, of Sedgefleld House, Sedgefleld, Durham. Educ. : Bedford and Sandhurst. Gazetted 2nd Lieut. R. Irish FusiUers, 9 Oct. 1907 ; Lieut, 12 Dec. 1909; Capt., 27 Oct. 1914; appointed Assistant Instructor, School of Musketry, Hythe, 1 Jan. 1914 ; Assist Instructor, School of Musketry, Hythe (temp.) 20 Dec. 1915 ; Assist. Instructor, Machine-gun Corps, British Armies in France, 18 Oct. 1916 ; Commandant, School of Musketry, Ireland (T. Major) 1 June, 1917 ; Chief Instructor, School of Musketry, Deland (T. Major), 13 July, 1918; Adjutant, 2nd R. Irish FusiUers, 11 Aug. 1919 ; served with 1st Bn. R. Irish Fusiliers in France and Flanders, 18 Dec. 1914, to 1 May, 1915 ; wounded, 2nd Battle of Ypres, 25 AprU. 1915. Clubs : Naval and MiUtary ; Junior United Service. (08788) DAVISON, Edward Anderson, M.B.E. DAVISON, 2nd Lieut. James Edwin, M.B.E, R.E DAVISON, John WiUiam, M.B.E, M.I.Mech.E, fi. 6 May, 152 1864 ; s. of James Davison, of Low Fell, Co. Durham ; m- Mary Dorethea, d. of WiUiam Clemson CowgUl, of Old Colwyn. Educ. : Ravensworth Academy, Co. Durham ; Dr. Ehritc'h's Private School, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Sub-Commissioner, Glam. County St. John Ambulance Brigade, Priory for Wales ; Chief Mech. and Constructional Engineer to the Great Western CoUiery Co, Ltd, Pontypridd ; Member of the CouncU of the South Wales Institute of Engineers. War Work : Organised Flag Days and coUected Funds towards War Hospitals ; supervised the conveying of the wounded from station to hospitals, and charge of orderlies at the hospital ; Commandant of V.A.D. ; 1st Lieut, 6th Vol. Batt. Glamorgan Volunteers ; charge of sentries and guards on night duty, Cardiff Docks, 1917-18 ; Instructor in trench work, obstacles, and bombing to the battalion. Address : Rhondda House, Pontypridd. (M7874) DAVISON, Minnie Gibson, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 11 Dec. 1870; d. of Robert Henry Brooks, of North Shields ; m. Thomas, s. of Charles Davison, of Comsay, Durham. Educ. : Cleminson's Private Seminary, Bishop Auckland. War Work : Col. of New castle Women's Volunteer Reserve ; raised the above corps, which was the first of its kind in the country, to train women to replace men caUed up for war service ; organised and carried on saUors' and soldiers' canteen and free rest rooms at Central Station, Newcastle ; supplied comforts for soldiers at home and abroad ; catered and provided for refugees passing through the Port of Newcastle. (010287) DAVISON, WilUam Henderson, O.B.E, M.B, D.P.H, Barrister-at-Law, 6. 26 Feb. 1880 ; s. of Henderson Davison, of Lame, Co. Antrim ; to. Gladys, d. of late HU1 Norris, M.D, J.P, of Aston. Educ. : Royal School, Dungannon, and Edin burgh University. Assistant Medical Officer of Health, City of Birmingham. War Work: Major, R.A.M.C. (T.F.); D.A.D.M.S. Sanitation, Third Army, H.Q, B.E.F. ; Com mandant, Fourth Army School of Sanitation, Peronne ; Divisional Sanitary Officer, 61st South Midland Division, B.E.F. Address : 11, Vernon Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. (02488) DAVISON, Sir WilUam Henry, K.B.E, J.P, D.L, M.P, ; s. of Richard Davison, of Beechfield, BaUymena, Co. Antrim ; m. Beatrice Mary, d. of Sir Owen Roberts, D.L, J.P. D.C.L, of Henley Park, Guildford, Surrey, and Plas Dinas, Carnarvon. Educ. : Shrewsbury and Oxford (M.A. Honours, Jurisprudence). Barrister-at-Law ; M.P. for South Kensing ton ; Alderman of the Royal Borough of Kensington ; Mayor of that borough from 1913-19, inclusive ; D.L. and J.P. for County of London ; Fellow of Society of Antiquaries and Vice- President, Royal Society of Arts. War Work : Raised men for two territorial battaUons and one service battaUon of the New Army (the 22nd Batt. Royal FusUiers, Kensington); in connection with the latter, undertook the personal responsibUity of housing, clothing, and equipping the men and selecting the officers who trained the battalion for active service in a camp which he erected at Horsham : for this he received the thanks of the Army Council ; Hon. Commandant, Kensington Volunteer Battalion ; Chairman, Kensington MUitary Service Tribunal ; Chairman of Kensington Division, British Red Cross Society ; President, Kensington War Hospital Supply Depots. Address : 14, Kensington Park Gardens, W. 11. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Carlton ; Oxford and Cambridge. (K59) DAVOREN, Carmen, M.B.E. DAVSON, Lieut.-Col. Ivan Buchanan, O.B.E. DAVY, Lieut. CyrU, M.B.E. DAVY, Major Frederick, O.B.E. DAVY, Col. Sir Henry, K.B.E, C.B, M.D. D.Sc DAVY, Sir Henry, K.B.E, C.B, M.D.. D Sc, F.R.C.P, Col. R.A.M.C. (T.), T. Col. A.M.S, 6. 18 Jan. 1855; s. of Henry Davy, of Ottery St. Mary, Devon; m. 1st, 6 Jan. 1885 Beatrice Mary, d. of W. J. Tucker, of Chard, Somerset d. 9 Dec. 1905, 2ndly, 10 Jan. 1920, Mary, d. of the late Samuel Octavius Gray of Swaines, Rudgwick, Sussex, and widow of John Mor timer, M.D, of Southernhay, Exeter. President of British Med. Association, 1907-8; Physician to Roy. Devon and Exeter Hospital since 1881; Consulting Physician, S. Command, 1915. Aidress: Southernhav House, Exeter. Clubs: Garrick, Devon, and Exeter. (K286) DAVY, Capt. Gerald Henry, O.B.E, M.D, 6. 1883. Educ : Hymers Coll. ; GonviUe and Caius CoU, Cambridge ; the London Hospital. War Work : Temp. Commission, R.A.M.C, May, 1915 ; GalUpoU, Aug. to Dec. 1915 ; Meso potamia, Feb. 1916, to Oct. 1918. Address: 301, Beverley Road, Hull. (O4204) DAVY, LUa, C.B.E, 6.1873 ; d. of the late George Baynton Davy, of Owthorpe, Notts, and Spean Lodge, Spean Bridge, Scotland. War Work : 1914-15, Quartermaster, Brae Locha- ber V.A.D, County of Inverness ; Chairman, Local Ways and Means Committee, Brae Lochaber ; 1915-17, served in France with V.A.D, 128, London ; 1917-20, served in France in Queen Mary's Army AuxiUary Corps, acting as Chief Controller overseas, from Sept. 1918. Despatches four times. Address: Spean Lodge, Spean Bridge, Scotland. (C1243) DAVY, Francis Herbert Mountjoy Nelson HUMPHREY-, O.B.E, 6. 9 April, 1880 ; s. of Alfred Humphrey-Davy, M.D, M.Ch, of The Red House, Bournemouth West; g.g.gs. of Frances Herbert, Viscountess Nelson, and descended paternauy from the 10th Earl of Ross, and matemaUy from the 4th Earl of Moray. Educ. : London Univ. ; University Tutorial CoU., London. Founder of the All-British Industrial Movement by forming the Union Jack Industries League, becoming Hon. Sec. BIOGRAPHIES. Day 1905, and Vice-Chairman, 1911; Sub-Editor, London News Agency, 1908-14 ; joined " The Times " Staff, 1914 ; a Private Secretary to Viscount Northcliffe since 1915. War Work : Work in connection with the British War Mission to the United States, 1917. Addresses: "The Times," Printing House Square, E.C. 4 ; The Red House, Bournemouth West. (03689) DAVYS, Maud Lihan, O.B.E, fi. 1 Nov. 1887 ; d. of the late Lieut.-Col. T. C H. Spencer, of Beechview, Blackheath ; m. Lieut.-Col. Gerard Irvine Davys,*, of Cochran Davys, of Sligo. Educ : London, Paris, and Weimar. First Assistant, Military Food Laboratory, Kasauli, India ; prior to War, Assistant, Brigade Laboratory, Jubbulpore ; Assistant, Quetta Malaria Investigation (all of which has been entirely voluntary and unpaid). War Work : Assistant, Cholera In vestigation, Kampti ; Voluntary War Work in London ; Clerk, No. 2 Ambulance Train ; Assistant, Brigade Laboratory, Jullundur; First Assistant, Bacteriological Laboratory, Bombay ; First Assistant, Brigade Laboratory, Ambala ; First Assistant, MiUtary Food Laboratory, Kasauli. Address : Kasauli, Simla Hills, India. (O4031) DAW, Major Thomas, M.B.E. DAWES, Elizabeth LiUan, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 30 March, 1878 ; d. of J. R. Roberts, of Cwm-y-Glo, Carnarvon ; m. Joseph Harold Cowburn, s. of the late Joseph Dawes, of Cheadle, Cheshire. Educ : Home and Colonial Coll ; Gray's Inn, London. War Work : Acting Quartermaster, Detention Hospital, Addison ViUas, Northampton, 3 months ; Nurse, General Hospital, Northampton, 2 months ; Acting Com mandant, Wothorp Stampford R.F.A. Hospital, 2 months ; Quartermaster, Abington Av. Aux. Mil. Hospital, Northants, 3 years. Address : 1, Park Avenue, Northampton. (M7875) DAWES, Helen Frances, M.B.E. DAWES, 2nd Lieut. Henry, M.B.E, R.A.F. DAWES, Major Henry HaUord, O.B.E. DAWES, Hugh Campbell Frederick, D.S.O, O.B.E. DAWES, Jesse Cooper, O.B.E, 6. 21 Oct. 1878 ; s. of James C. Dawes, of Wolverhampton ; m. AUce Gertrude, d. of Joseph Clarke, of York. PubUc Cleansing and Salvage Inspector, Engineering Department, Ministry of Health. War Work : Assistant Director and Chief Technical Adviser to the National Salvage Department. Addresses : Ministry of Health ; Radnor Avenue, Harrow. (010288) DAWKINS, Charles WiUiam, C.B.E, 6. 22 July, 1870. War Work : ControUer of Contracts, Ministry of Information : Member Advisory Committee, Agricl .Machinery Dept, Ministry of Munitions. Clubs : British Empire ; National Liberal. (C951) DAWKINS, Capt. Ernest Walton, M.B.E, 6. 24 Dec. 1876 ; s. of Charles Dawkins, of Southampton ; m. Katherine, d. of Patrick King, of Tralee. War Work : Charge of a Wing of an Army Pay Office. Address : Fairmead, The Mount, Shrewsbury. (M6625) DAWKINS, Horace Christian, M.B.E, 6. 1867; s. of Clinton George Dawkins, of the Foreign Office (see Burke's Landed Gentry, Dawkins of Over Norton) ; m. Marjorie Vesey, d. of Sir Vesey Holt, K.B.E. Educ. : Eton ; BaUiol. Clerk Assistant, House of Commons. War Work : Commander, " G " Division, MetropoUtan Special Constabulary, 1914-18. Address : 9. Onslow Square, S.W. Club .' Travellers'. (M316) DAWKINS, WilUam Paxton, M.B.E., Clerk in the Civil Service. War Work : Temporary Clerk at the Foreign Office from Sept. 1914 ; accompanied Viscount Milner on a Special Mission to Russia, 1917 ; accompanied Mr. Balfour (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) to America, 1917 ; attached to Staff of the Earl of Reading, High Commissioner and Special Ambassador to United States, 1918-19, and subsequently (in 1919) to Staff of Viscount Grey of FaUodon, Special Am bassador to United States ; Confidential Clerk to Sir Auckland Geddes, H.M. Ambassador at Washington, 1920. Address : British Embassy, Washington, D.C, U.S.A. (M7876) DAWNAY, Lieut.-Col. Alan Geoffrey Charles, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 24 March, 1888 ; s. of Lewis Payn Downay, 2nd s. of the 7th Viscount Downe (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 3 Aug. 1914, Elizabeth Sofia, d. of George Bulteel, of Brook Lodge, Ascot, Capt. and Brevet Major, Coldstream Guards' G.S.O. (2nd grade) 1916, and 1st grade from 1916. Served in the Great War (despatches six times, Brevet) ; has Order of the Nile, Silver Medal for MiUtary Valour of Italy ; Legion of Honour. Address: c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. (C1376) DAWNAY, Sybil Mary, O.B.E, 6. 7 April, 1876; d. of Hon. WiUiam Frederick Dawnay, of Brampton House, Northampton. Edue. : Privately. War Work : Hon. Sec, and in charge of Stores Dept, for Northamptonshire County Association for the Administration of Voluntary Work, under Sir Edward Ward ; also Stores Dept. of Northamptonshire Red Cross Committee, 1915-19. Address : Brampton House, Northampton. (01273) DAWSON, Agnes, M.B.E, B.Sc. (Boon.). 6. 22 Sept. 1876; d. of WiUiam Dawson, M.I.C.E, of Leyton, Essex. Educ. : Privately ; London and Munich Univ. Statistician, E.M. 7 and M.S.(M.) Sections, Ministry of Munitions, 1916-18. Chief Statistician, Appointments Department, Ministry of Labour, since Sept. 1918. Addresses : 113, WaUwood Road, Leytonstone, Essex; London School of Economics, Clare Market, Kingsway. (M7877) DAWSON, Agnes Elizabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. DAWSON, Dame Aimee Evelyn, Lady, G.B.E, d. of the late Gordon Pirie, of Chateau de Barenne, France (see Burke's Landed Gentry), and w. of Herbert Oakley ; m. 15 Dec. 1903, Sir Douglas Frederick Rawdon, G.CV.O, C.B, CM.G. ; s. of Thomas Vesey Dawson, 2nd s. of the 2nd Lord Crcmorne, and brother of the 3rd Lord Cromorno and 1st Earl of Dartrey (see Burke's Peerage). Addresses : Remenham Place, Henley- on-Thames ; Stable Yard, St. James's Palace, S.W. 1 . (DG0) DAWSON, Lieut. Albert Edward, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. DAWSON, Capt. Alexander John, M.B.E,, R.A.F. DAWSON, Col. Algernon Cecil, C.B.E, J.P, D.L. for Norfolk, 6. 3 May, 1849 ; s. of Rev. J. Dawson, of Rollcsby Hall, Norwich ; to. Helen Louise, d. of Maj.-Gen. C Daniell, C.B. Educ. : Abroad. Captain, 3rd D.G. ; Major, Norfolk ArtUlery ; Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col, 1st V.B. Norfolk Regt. ; War Work : Supervising Officer, Vulnerable Points, No. 1 District, Eastern Command ; Col, Royal Defence Corps. Address : Manor House, Catton, Norwich. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Norfolk. (C811) DAWSON, Anne, M.B.E. DAWSON, Arthur James, O.B.E. DAWSON, Arthur Robert, M.B.E, I.S.O, R.N.R, 6. 13 May, 1861 ; s. of Rev. WiUiam James Dawson, of South ampton ; to. Mary AUce, d. of Rev. Edward Dodds. Educ. : New Kingswood CoU, Lansdown, Bath. Collector of Customs and Excise, Cardiff ; Registrar of Shipping ; Receiver of Wrecks, etc. War Work : Entrusted with important duties relating to the control of shipping and the import and export trade. Address : 8, Victoria Road, Penarth, Cardiff. (M1639) DAWSON, Cecily, M.B.E, 6. 1878 ; d. of John Walker Dawson^of London. Educ : Grey Coat Hospital, S.W, and Paris, war Work : Registrar, Ministry National Service. Address : Innisfree, Downs Court Road, Purley. Club : Fabian Society. (M7880) DAWSON, Errington, O.B.E, 6. 17 Sept. 1850; to. Leonora, d. of Francis Churchill Cannell, of Lisbon. A Managing Director of Garland Laidley & Co, Ltd, Lisbon, Oporto and Vigo. Address: Garland, Laidley & Co, Ltd, Lisbon, Portugal. (010289) DAWSON, Capt. Frank Donald, O.B.E. DAWSON, Frederick WilUam, M.B.E. DAWSON, George William, M.B.E. DAWSON, Hannah, M.B.E. DAWSON, Paymaster-Capt. Henry, C.B.E, R.N. War Work : employed at Naval Base, Great Yarmouth. (C2296) DAWSON, Lieut. Herbert Milner, M.B.E. DAWSON, Capt. John Kenneth Bonsfleld, O.B.E. DAWSON, Keith Cyril Darlington, M.B.E. (M10216) DAWSON, Minnie Ethel, Lady, O.B.E, y. d. of Sir Alfred Fernandez Yarrow, 1st Bt. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. 18 Dec 1900, Sir Bertrand Edward Dawson, G.CV.O, K.C.M.G, C.B, 1st Baron Dawson of Penn (see Burke's Peerage). (01275) DAWSON, Sidney Stanley, O.B.E, J.P, F.C.A, 6. 1868. Educ. : Blue Coat Hospital, Liverpool. Mayor of Wallasey (Cheshire), 1915-16 ; Professor of Accountancy (Birmingham University), 1907-10. War Work: Chairman, Wallasey War Pensions Committee ; Chairman. WaUasey "War Savings Committee: Member of Cheshire County Appeal Tribunal (under MiUtary Service Acts). Addresses : 51, North John Street, and Prince's Park, Liverpool. Clubs : Con stitutional, London ; Conservative, Liverpool. (010290) DAWSON, Major Thomas Henry, C.M.G, C.B.E. Major New Zealand Inf. (C1853) DAWSON, WUUam, O.B.E. DAWSON, Lieut. William, M.B.E, R.A.F. DAWSON, Major William Bell, M.B.E. DAWSON, Lieut.-Col. WilUam Richard, O.B.E, M.D, F.R.CP.I, R.A.M.C, 6. 11 Sept. 1864 ; s. of the late Very Rev. Abraham Dawson, Dean of Dromore, Ireland ; to. Florence A. E, d. of the late Robert W. Shekleton, Q.C, of DubUn. Educ. : Royal School, Dungannon, and T.C.D. H.M. Inspector of Lunatic Asylums, Ireland ; Consulting Neurologist to the Ministry of Pensions ; co-Editor, " Journal of Mental Science." War Work : Specialist in Nerve Diseases (including Mental Disease) to the troops in Ireland, with com mission in R.A.M.C, first as Major, promoted Lieut.-Col, 1917, from 15 Sept. 1915, to 3 March, 1920; President, Special Medical Board, for 2 years ; also worked for St. John Ambulance Brigade, etc. Address : 7, Ailesbury Road DubUn. Clubs : University, DubUn ; Swiss Alpine. (O7071). DAWTRY, W. F., M.B.E. DAY, Albert Cecil, C.B.E, 6. 9 Nov. 1884 ; s. of C. F. Dav of Eastington, Glostershire ; to. Clara Katharine, d. of the' late W. Fisher, of Lydney, Glostershire. Educ : North- leach Grammar School and privately. Official Sec. to the. Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of New Zealand, Address : Secretary's Lodge, Government House, WeUington. New Zealand. Club : WeUington. (C1993) DAY, Albert Sinclair, M.B.E, 6. 13 Nov. 1873 ; s. of B. N. Day of Calcutta ; to. Maria Meta Charlotte, d. of E. Nyss, of Calcutta Educ. : Reid Christian College, Lucknow. Sec. to Chief Justices Sir Louis Kershaw, Sir Arthur Strachey, Sir John Stanley, Kt, K.C.I.E, C.B.E, Sir Henry Richards, Kt, K B E, and Sir Grimwood Mears, Kt. War Work : Chief Clerk, and later Hon. Sec. U.P. Special War Fund, the activities of which may be measured by its War Charities amounting to over 331 lakhs of rupees ; also connected with Lady Richard's Red Cross and St. John's Ambulance Association, U.P, and the Prisoners' Bread Fund. Address : 11 Strachey Road, Allahabad, U.P. (M7083) DAY, Rev. Arthur, O.B.E. 153 Day THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. DAY, Major Benjamin, O.B.E, R.E. DAY, Ven. Charles Victor Parkerson, C.B.E, T.D, M.A, late Archdeacon of Mackay, 6. 1864 ; s. of Theodore H. C Day, M.A, of Limpenhoe Rectory, Norfolk; m. Helen Constance, d. of Mark Lambert, of Whitley HaU, Northumber land. Educ. : Oundle, Durham, and Cuddesdon CoUege, Oxon. Commissary to the Bishop of North Queensland ; Vicar of Glastonbury, Somerset ; formerly Vicar of Wotkey, Somerset ; Principal of Abbey School, Beckenham, Kent ; late Canon and Subdean of TownsvUle Cathedral, Queensland ; late Vicar of Christ Church, MUton, Brisbane ; domestic Chaplain to the Bishop of Brisbane ; Archdeacon of Mackay, N. Queensland ; Rector of Southwood and Limpenhoe, Norfolk. Served as Chaplain in S. A. War, Queen's and King's Medals with five clasps. Also served in Great War 1914-19. Mentioned in despatches. Address : The Abbey House, Glastonbury, Somerset. Club : Royal Colonial Institute. (C1104) DAY, Capt. Christian Richard John, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. DAY, Major Edmund, O.B.E. DAY Edward PhiUp, M.B.E, 6. 27 Oct. 1881; s. of Ernest Clement Day, of Beaconsfield Terrace, Peterborough. Educ. : St. Peter's Peterborough. Headmaster, AU Saints' School, Bingham, Nottingham. War Work : Da connection with War Savings Movement and Victory Loan Campaign in South Notts. : Local Sec. for Lord Derby's Recruiting Scheme. Addresses : Bingham, Nottingham, and Beaconsfield Terrace, Peterborough. (M7881) DAY, Rev. Edward Rouviere, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of the late Robert Day, J.P, F.S.A, of Myrtle HIU House, Cork ; m. 1893, Lydia Constance Mary Bremner. Educ. : Cork Gram. Sch, and Trin. CoU, DubUn (B.A. 1891, M.A. 1896). Chap, to the Forces (1st Class), with rank of Col. ; served in the S. African War, 1900-2 ; present at relief of Ladysmitn (despatches twice, Queen's medal with six clasps, King's medal with two clasps, promoted) ; and in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches five times) : appointed Principal Chap. Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 1918, with rank of Brig.-Gen. Address : Ivv Cottage, Whittington, Lichfield. (C1377) DAY, Ernest Cockburn, M.B.E. DAY, Florence, M.B.E, R.A.F. DAY, Frederick Thomas, M.B.E. DAY, George, M.B.E, F.R.CS.E, 6. 1 Nov. 1872; Thomas Day, of Norwich ; m. IsabeUa Blackwood, d. of the late John Muckersie, of Kirkcaldy, N.B. Educ. : Privately. Physician and Surgeon. War Work : Medical Officer in Trench Warfare Depot, Hanley, Staffs, (afterwards H.M. CyUnder Depot), where poison gas of various kinds was evacuated ; also work on Recruiting Boards. Address : Lichfield House, Hanley, Staffs. (M6733) DAY, George, M.B.E. DAY, Lieut. George Albert John, M.B.E, EGA, DAY, Gertrude Margaret, M.B.E, 6. 20 Dec 1875 ; d. of Colonel Francis J. Day, Royal Engineers. Educ. : Private Schools. War Work : Board of Trade, Juvenile Advisory Committee, Deptford ; Agricultural Organiser (under the Selborne Scheme), 1916-17 ; Board of Agriculture Travelling Inspector, and originator of " Test of Efficiency trials for Women Workers " ; in 1918 was appointed Chief Organiser of Markets for Small Holders under the Horticultural Section of the Board. Address : 66, Oxford Gardens, London, W. 10. Club : Albemarle. (M1641) DAY, James John, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, D.P.H, fi. 1873 ; s. of the late James John Day ; m. 1903, Mabel Grace, d. of WiUiam John Gordon. Served in the S. African War as CivU Surg. ; and in the Great War attached R.A.M.C. ; Med. Officer Mger Coast Protectorate, 1899-1900, and Assist. Med. Officer Metropolitan Asylums Board, 1901-3. Address : Mav- field, Sandwich, Kent. (C4357) DAY, Maud FitzGerald, M.B.E, 6. 1871 ; d. of Robert John FitzGerald Day, J.P, late of Beaufort, Co. Kerry, Deland. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Assistant Hon. Sec South Staffordshire Regt. Prisoners of War Fund. (M7S84) DAY, Lieut.-Col Robert WiUiam, D.S.O, O.B.E. DAY, Lieut.-Comm. Roderick Wilson, O.B.E, R N R DAY, Victor Grace, O.B.E. DAY, Lieut. WiUiam, M.B.E. DAY, Capt. WiUiam Leigh Maule, O.B.E, M.D. (Oxon.), R.A.M.C, 6. 1877 ; s. of WiUiam White Dav, M.D, of Edmon ton ; m. Gertrude Kate, d. of Surgeon-General Manners Smith, F.R.CS.. I.M.S. Educ. : Charterhouse ; Exeter Coll, Oxford ; Guy's Hospital. Surgeon, Essex County Hospital. War Work : Surgical SpeciaUst, Military Hospital, Curragh. Address : 4, Lexden Road, Colchester. (O8790) DAY, WUUam Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 26 Sept. 1861 ; s. of the late John Day, of Birmingham ; m. MiUicent Florence Beatrice, d. of Nathaniel Dauncey Griffin, of Bristol. Educ. : Bradford VUla School, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Director of E. G. Wrigley & Co, Ltd. War Work : SmaU Tool Depart ment, Ministry of Munitions. Address : The Lodge, Stanley Avenue, Alperton, Wembley, Middlesex. Club : Royal Auto- m°DAYAL, Seth Prabh, M.B.E. 017886) DAYNES, Qr.-Mr. and Lieut. WiUiam Herbert, O B E DEACON, Clara, M.B.E. ; d. of Capt. T. Hooper Deacon of Swindon, Wiltshire. War Work : Commandant of B R C Hospital, The Baths, Swindon, Aug. 1914, tUl June, 1915 Linen Sister at Q.M.C.A. Hospital, Roehampton House, Roe hampton Lane from Aug. 1915, tiU Jan. 1916, then Assistant Matron there tiU 1 Jan. 1917 ; 8 Jan. appointed Matron at the 154 Prince of Wales' Hospital, Cardiff, and Commandant in May of that year, which position she still holds. (M7887) DEACON, Edgar Reginald, O.B.E. DEACON Henry Wade, C.B.E, 6. 18 Oct. 1852; s. of Henry Deacon, of Widnes. Educ. : King's CoUege, London. J.P. for County of Lancaster; Chairman, Finance Committee County CouncU, etc. War Work : Chairman, Lancashire War Pensions Committee, and work in connection with hospitals. Address : 8, UUet Road, Liverpool. Clubs: Reform ; National Liberal. (C2556) DEACON, Capt. Martin, O.B.E, R.E. DEACON, Mary Ariel Stewart, Mrs., M.B.E, M.B, B.S, fi. 1871 ; d. of James Stewart, of Cheltenham ; m. Major Thomas Deacon. Educ. : Public Day School, Cheltenham ; London School of Medicine for Women. (M1642) DEAKEN, Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E. DEAKIN, Major Charles, O.B.E. DEAKLN, Capt. Ralph, O.B.E. DEAKIN, Vera, O.B.E. DEAN, Major Arthur Cecil Hamilton, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1878 ; s. of Charles Percy Dean ; m. 1901, EUzabeth Rybot. Major R.G.A. and Chief Instructor, R.M.A ; served in the Great War, 1914-17 (despatch»s). (O7073) DEAN, Capt. Basil, M.B.E. DEAN, Edward George, M.B.E. DEAN, Frederic WilUam Charles, M.B.E. DEAN, Capt. George Edward, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. DEAN, Lieut. George Edward Morgan, M.B.E. DEAN, Ida Florence, Mrs., M.B.E. DEAN, Seth ElUs, M.B.E. DEAN, Capt. Walter Thomas, M.B.E, R.G.A. DEANE, Augusta, O.B.E. DEANE, Charles Chatterton, O.B.E, M.D, J.P, fi. 1867) s. of Alexander Sharp Deane, of Newlawn, Co. Dublin, and Monkstown, Co. Dublin ; to. Adelaide Elizabeth, d. of Henry A. Stocker, of Co. Cork. Educ : Privately, and Trinity Coll, Dublin. Medical Officer, Loughgall ; Life Member of the St. John Ambulance Association ; Justice of the Peace, Co. Armagh. War Work : Armagh County Director of the Royal British Red Cross and St. John Ambulance Association through- ^ out the period of the Great War. Club : Armagh County. (010293) DEANE, Phyllis Lucy, Mrs. James, M.B.E. DEANE, Lieut.-Col. Richard Woodforde, C.B.E.; formerly Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. (ret.) ; served in the Great War, 1914-19, on Staff (despatches). (C1539; DEANE, Major Robert, O.B.E, M.B.E. DEARDEN, Clarence Reginald, O.B.E, fi. 23 July, 1872 ; s. of Jonathan Dearden, of Sheffield ; m. Edith EUen, d. ot George Booker, of Sheffield. Educ : Royal Grammar School, Sheffield ; Sheffield School of Medicine ; London Hospital. War Work : Medical Officer in charge Orthopaedic Hospital, Penarth, Glamorgan. Address : Glenbura, St. Brannock's Road, nfracombe. Club : Hfraeombe. (010294) DEARING, Lieut. Sidney Arthur, M.B.E, R.E. DEARNLEY, Qr.-Mr. and Capt. Walter Nathan, O.B.E. DEAS, Acting Major Percy, O.B.E, 6. 18 AprU, 1899; s. of Adam Deas, J.P, N.P, of Duns. Educ : RossaU, and Edinburgh Univ. SoUcitor, partner with Adam Deas, in firm of A. and P. Deas, Solicitors, Duns. War Work : Organised purchase and issue of supplies for South Scottish Brigade ; A.D.C. to Duke of Montrose, March, 1915 ; embarked for Salonica ; transferred to 10th Irish Div, and proceeded to Servian and Bulgarian Frontier, Dec. 1915 ; O.C. 840 Park Co, 10th Div. Train, Aug. 1916 ; transferred to Egyptian Camel Transport Corps, Palestine ; proceeded to Tripofi, June 1918; mentioned in despatches Nov. 1918. Address: Briery Bank, Duns, Scotland. (06165; DEASE, Lieut.-Col. Conley Edward, O.B.E. DEASE, Mabel Mary Frances, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. 2 Oct. 1873 ; d. of Ambrose More-O'FerraU, V.L, J.P, Balyna, Co. KUdare (see Burke's Landed Gentry of Ireland) ; m. Edmund James, s. of Edmund Dease, of Rath, BaUybrettas, Queen's Co. Educ. : Privately. War Work : 1st Commandant, V.A.D, 776, St. John's Ambulance Assoc ; organised Nenagh Wat Hospital Supply Depot : from 1916-19, Chief Lady Super intendent, Inspection Dept. and Central Store Dept, Ministry of Munitions. Address : Rath, BaUybrettas, Deland. Club! : Empress ; Alexander (DubUn) ; AutomobUe, Dawson St. (Dublin). (014) DEASE, Mary O'KeUy, M.B.E. (M10246.) DE BARCAYE, Capt. Hugo Seeman, M.B.E. DE BATHE, Lieut.-Col. MaximUian John, O.B.E, s.of the late Gen. Sir H. P. de Bathe, Bart, K.C.B, of Knightstown, Co. Meath : Wood End, Chichester ; and de Bathe Barton, North Tawton (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Harrow. Recreations : Big Game shooting ; racing, principally , in Belgium, where he has won many races and has a training stable at Stockel. War Work : Joined 3rd Gloucester Regt., AprU, 1885, proceeded India with 18th Hussars, Nov. 1889; appointed 8th Hussars, AprU, 1893 ; proceeded S. Africa, Oct. 1899; attached Imperial Light Horse (was present, in Ladysmitn during the siege) ; retired, 1901 ; appointed Major and second-in-command 7th WUts, Nov. 1914 ; proceeded with battalion to France, Sept. 1915 ; proceeded, Nov. 1915, with battaUon to Salonica ; continuously in front line trenches till end of 1917 ; proceeded Ypres SaUent, Jan. 1918; promoted Lieut.-Col. commanding 28th L. Group wrtn BIOGRAPHIES. Delmege advancing army up to the Armistice ; mentioned five times in despatches for services in front line ; retired, Dec. 1919. Address : 74, South Audley Street, Mayfair. Club : Cavalry. (05179) DE BAVAY, Capt. Auguste John Charles, O.B.E, 6. 19 Feb. 1890 ; s. of A. J. F. De Bavay, O.B.E, of Kew, Mel bourne, AustraUa ; m. Vera, d. of Ernest A. ToUey, of Adelaide. Educ. : St. Francis Xavier Coll, Kew, Melbourne. Bacteri ologist. War Work: Joined R.A.S.C (M.T.), Aug. 1915; served in France, March, 1916, until April, 1919. Address : 125, Wattle Street, Fularton, Adelaide. Club : Naval and MiUtary, Adelaide. (011968) DE BAVAY, Auguste Joseph Franoois, O.B.E, Pro Eolesia and Pontiflci, ChevaUer Ordre de Leopold, Officier de la Couronne, Belgium, fi. 9 June, 1856 ; s. of Xavier de Bavay, of VUvorde-BriixeUes, Belgium ; m. Anne, d. of — Hiuzle, of Melbourne. Educ. : Namur and Jambloux (Belgium). Con sulting Chemist, Defence Department, and private companies ; Director, Amalgamated Zinc De Bavay Co, Ltd, and Electro lytic Zinc Co. of Australasia, etc. War Work : At the request of Minister for Defence, evolving process and designing plant and manufacture of Calcium Acetate for Acetone and Cordite ; Inventor of De Bavay's process for the recovery of Zinc Blende. Address : Glencara, Studley Park Road, Kew, Melbourne. Club : Athenaeum (Melbourne). (011970) DE BEAUFORT, Arnaud Jan, O.B.E. (011784) DEBENHAM, Amy, O.B.E, 6. 11 Feb. 1867; a. of Frank Gissing Debenham, of Cheshunt Park. Educ. : At home. Hon. Sec. (East Enfield) Enfield War Pensions ; Hon. Sec. (Cheshunt) Herts War Pensions. War Work : Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, and Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society, throughout war untU War Pensions Act ; then working for War Pensions, and stUl continuing, in capacities described above. Address : Cheshunt Park, Herts. (010295) DEBENHAM, Major Frank, O.B.E, B.A, B.Sc, 6. 26 Dec. 1883 ; s. of the late Rev. J. W. Debenham. of Sydney, Australia ; to. Dorothy, d. of the late John T. Lempriere, of Melbourne, AustraUa. Educ. : The King's School, N.S.W. ; The Univ., Sydney, N.S.W. ; and Cambridge Univ. Royal Geographical Society's Lecturer in Cartography and Surveying, at Cambridge Univ. ; FeUow of Gonville and Caius CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Commission in 7th Batt. Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry ; temp. Major in July, 1915 ; wounded, Aug. 1916, in Macedonia _; further service in England, training of troops. Address : Caius CoUege, Cambridge. (O7075) DEBENHAM, Walter Charles, M.B.E. DE BLAQUIERE, Lucienne, Lady, O.B.E, d. of George Desbarats, of Montreal, Canada, and widow of the late Baron de Blaquiere (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Vice- President, British Red Cross Society, from 1910 ; Cmmandant, No. 1, Red Cross Hospital, Lansdown Place, West Bath, 1914-17 ; organised and raised equipment and funds for Officers Convalescent Home, 28, 29 and 30, Marlborough Buildings, 1914 ; organised Red Cross Comforts for Soldiers, 1916. Ad dress: 3, The Circus, Bath. Club : Ladies' Empire. (01121) DE BOISE, Frank, M.B.E. (M1158) DE BURY and DE BOCARME, Lieut.-Col. Henry Robert Visart, Count, C.B.E, 6. 11 June, 1872 ; to. 7 May, 1898, Agnes Mary, d. of the late Charles Robertson, and widow of Charles Paul Derrick, of Singapore. Lieut.-Col. Canadian Ordnance Corps and A.D.C to the Lieut.-Governor of Manitoba ; Assist. Director of Ordnance Services, 1917 ; late Capt. Royal ArtUlery, formerly Garrison Adjutant, St. Lucia, 1902-5 ; Professor Royal Military Coll, Canada, 1905-10 ; obtained a Royal Licence, 19 Nov. 1910, authorising him and the heirs male of his body in succession to bear and use the title of Count in this country (see Burke's Peerage). Addresses : Bury, Hainault. Belgium ; St. John's, New Brunswick. (C772) DE CASTRO, Edith, Mrs., M.B.E. DE CHAIR, Major George Herbert Blackett, O.B.E, M.C, Royal Sussex Regt, 6. 1891 ; s. of the late Richard Blackett De Chair and Mrs. Richard De Chair, of Emsworth, Sussex ; m. Mary Janet, d. of the late Henry J. Pearson, of Bramcote, Notts. Educ : Norwich and Sandhurst. War Work • France, with B.E.F. Address : Gen. Staff, Aldershot Command. (05181) DE CHAYAL, Dora Stewert, Mrs., M.B.E. DE CORDOVA, Judith, Mrs., M.B.E. DE DOMBASLE, Lieut.-Col. Guy Cyril St. Pourgin, DEEDES, Lieut. John Gordon, M.B.E. R.E, (T.). DEEDES, Ralph Bouverie, O.B.E, M.C. (011776) DEEDES, Rose EUnor, Mrs., M.B.E. DEEKS, Stephen John, O.B.E. (011785e) DE FALBE, Lieut.-Col. Christian Frederick George WiUiam, O.B.E. T.F. Res. DE FELICE, Capt. Rodolfo, M.B.E. DEFRIES, Wolf, M.B.E. (M10246A) DE FONSEKA, Edmund Clarke, M.B.E. DE FRANCIA, Capt. Jeane, O.B.E, R.A.F. DE FRFITAS, Anthony, O.B.E. DE FREITAS, Dora Florence, Mrs., M.B.E. , DE FREITAS, Capt. Julian Mignon, O.B.E, B.A, LL.B.. fi. 26 July, 1889 ; s. of Domingo S. De Freitas, of Grenada, B. West Indies. Educ. : St. Augustine's Coll, Ramsgate ; Haileybury Coll. ; Clare Coll, Cambridge ; Inner Temple. Law Student ; passed Bar Trial ; proposed ; Cocoa Planter, West Indies. War Work : Inns of Court O.T.C. Nov. 1914 ; 2nd Lieut, 11th Batt. Gloucester Regt, Jan. 1915 ; Mesopo^ tamia, 1916-18 ; Persia, July, 1918, to Nov. 1918 ; Caucasus (Baku), Nov. 1918, to Aug. 1919 ; Constantinople, AUied Poltoe, Sept. 1919 ; wounded before taking of Kut, 1917. Club : West India. (08685) DE GLANVILLE, Oscar, O.B.E. DE GRAY, Lieut.-Comm. Nigel, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. DE GRUCHY, Amy Douglas, M.B.E. ; d. of Capt. Thomas de Gruchy, of St. Martin's, Jersey. Educ. : Elson House High School, Leytonstone. CivU Servant ; First Class Clerk, Post Office Savings Bank. War Work : Lent to the War Oflice and employed in administering the estates of deceased soldiers and supervising temporary staff. Address : 24, Sheen Gate Mansions, East Sheen, S.W. 14. (M8290) DE GRUCHY, Frederick de QuetteviUe, O.B.E. DE GRUCHY, WiUiam Geary, O.B.E, 6. 26 May, 1883 ; s. of Thomas De Gruchy, of St. Heliers, Gersey, Channel Islands; m. Doris Ida, d. of William Palmby, of Kensington. Educ : Mercer's School. Joint Manager in New Zealand Common wealth and Dominion Line, Ltd. (Cunard Line, Australasian Service). War Work : Hon. Sec. Shipowners Provision Pool. Address : Oriental Bay, WelUngton, N.Z. Clubs : Wellington N.Z. ; Wellesley (WeUington, N.Z.). (010544) D'EGVILLE, Sir Howard, K.B.E. Educ: St. Cath. College Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law (Middle Temple) ; Organiser and Secretary of Empire Parliamentary Association (United Kingdom Branch) ; editor of " Journal of the Parliaments of the Empire," and of pubhcatlons of Empire Parliamentary Association ; was member of War Cabinet secretariat, 1917-19 ; Commissioner, MUitary Service (Civil Liabilities) Committee, 1916 ; organised visit of representatives of Dominion Parlia ments to Coronation of King George V, 1911 ; and visit of Lords and Commons Delegation to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, 1913 ; and War Visit of Representa tives of Dominion Parliaments to United Kingdom, 1918 ; author of " Imperial Defence and Closer Union," " The In vasion of England " ; " War Legislation of the Empire." Address : Lamb Building, Temple, E.C. 4. (K452) DE HAVILLAND, Capt. Geoffrey, O.B.E, A.F.C DE HOGHTON, Major Daniel, M.B.E. DE HOGHTON, Col. Sir James, Bart, C.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 2 Feb. 1851 ; s. of Henry Bold Hoghton. of Hoghton Tower, Lancashire ; m. the late Aimee Jean, d. of John Fraser Grove, of Feme, Wilts. Educ. : Cheltenham ; Sandhurst. War Work : County Commandant, Lancashire Volunteer Corps. Club : Army and Navy. (C1541) DEIGHTON, Albert, M.B.E. DE JERSEY, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Grant, C.B.E. ; Lieut.- Col. and Brevet Col, R.A. (ret.) ; served in the Great WaT, 1914-19 (despatches). (CI 542) DE KNOOP, Evelyn EUzabeth, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1879 ; d. of Charles John Fletcher, of Dale Park, Sussex. War Work : Commandant, Auxiliary MiUtary Hospital at Calveley HaU. Addresses : Singewick House, Buckingham ; 39, Bryanston Square, London, W. (M8726) DE KOCK, Lieut.-Col. Gervase Meyer, D.S.O, O.B.E. ; Lieut.-Col. S. African Forces. War Services : German S.-W. Africa, 1914-15, Commanding a Commando (despatches). (02384) DE LA BERE, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Pleydell, O.B.E, Royal Scots Fusiliers, 6. 21 June, 1867 ; s. of the late Henry De la Bere, C.B, late Accountant-General of the Army, of Kinnersely Castle, Hereford ; m. WyUie, d. of John Tawse, of Edinburgh, N.B. Educ : Dulwich and Sandhurst. Joined Royal Scots FusUiers, 1886 ; Capt, 1895 ; Major, 1905 ; Lieut.- Col, 1915. War Work : Served with 1st Batt. Royal Scots Fusiliers in Flanders and France, 1915, in temporary command ; appointed Inspector of Guns and Rifles, Ishapore, India, 1915. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (08462) DE LA BOURDONNAIS, H.H. Prince Charles Mahe de Chenal, O.B.E. (07441) DELACOMBE, Lieut.-Col. Harry, O.B.E. DE LA COUR, Major George, O.B.E, R.A. DE LA COUR, — , M.B.E. Superintendent of the School of Cookery, Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh. (M10310) DELANTE, Major Frederio Joseph, O.B.E. DELANY, Thomas WUliam, O.B.E. DELANY, Major William, O.B.E. DE LA POER, The Hon. Mrs. Mary Olivia, O.B.E, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem in England; d. of WiUiam, 1st Baron Emly, of Tervoe, Co. Limerick, to. Edmond, 1st Count de la Poer (see Burke's Peerage) ; s. of John WilUam Power.Jof Gurteen. War Work : Lady Div. Superintendent of Clonmel Nursing Division of St. John's Ambulance Brigade, Clonmel Hospital Supply Depot. Address: Glen Poer, Kilshelan, Co. Waterford. (03872) D'ELBOUX, Louis, O.B.E. DE L'HOPITAL, Winefride Mary, Mrs, O.B.E, W.R.N.S. DE LISLE, Rev. Hirzel Frederick, M B.E, M.A, 6. 4 Dec. 1868 ; s. of the Rev. H. C de Lisle ; m. Dorothy PeU, d of Richard PeU Edmonds, Ripplemead Dohn, Cape Province. Educ : Brentwood, Essex, and Lincoln CoU, Oxford. Rector, St Mark's, Cape Town ; Chaplain to the Forces, S.A. Rebellion, SWA Nyasaland and E. Africa. Address : 70, Roeland Street. Cape Town. (M4989) DELIUS, Comm. Daniel Edwin St. Martin, O.B.E. DELMEGE, James Anthony, O.B.E. (MU. Div.), fi. 4 March, 1887 ; s. of Deputy Inspector-General A. G. Delmege, R N. Educ. : Oundle. Asst. Medical Officer of Health, Smethwick, Staffs. War Work : R.A.M.C, 1914-18 ; Specialist 155 Delprat THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Sanitary Officer to 22nd Division, British Salonica Force. Address : Holly Lane Hospital, Smethwick. (O3029) DELPRAT, GuiUaume Daniel, C.B.E. War Service : In connection with steel supplies. (C359) DE MAINE, Capt. Lionel Thomas, M.B.E. DE MEL, Vidanelage Henry Lawson, C.B.E, 6. 1877; s. of Vidanelage Jacob De Mel, of Villa De Mel, Horton Place, Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo : to. 1900, Caroline Elsie, d. of the late S. H. Jayewickrema Mudaliyar, of Kurunegala, Ceylon. Educ. : Roy. CoU, Colombo. Proctor of Supreme Court, Ceylon, and Notary Public ; head of the firm of H. L. De Mel and Co, produce and plumbago merchants and estate agents, of 3, Queen Street, Fort Colombo ; a J.P. for Ceylon ; Town Commr. for Colombo, Commr. Local Loans and Development Fund ; a Member of Ceylon Med. Advisory Board ; Ceylon RaUway Advisory Board ; of Consultative Committee on Roads ; Pres. of Plumbago Merchants' Union ; Vice-Chairman Ceylon Low Country Products Assoc. ; a Member of Board of Agriculture ; Pres. Ceylon Young Men's Christian Assoc. ; Vice-Pres. Sinhalese Young Men's Assoc. ; and Founder of De Mel Free Library ; has been a Member of Municipal Council for Colombo, Slave Island Ward since 1908 ; rendered services to Ceylon Govt, during the Great War. Addresses : Elsmere, Horton Place, Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo ; Kande, Walauwa, Kadugannawa, Ceylon. Club : Orient (Colombo). (C391) DEMETRIADI, Sir Stephen, K.B.E, 6. 6 March, 1880 ; s. of the late C. E. Demetriadi, of Prestwich, Lancashire ; to. GuUelma Norah Mabel, d. of R. G. Bates, formerly of Calcutta. Educ. : Marlborough. In the firm of RaUi Brothers, East India Merchants, 25, Ftnsbury Circus, E.C. War Work : With the Naval and Military War Pensions, etc. Statutory Committee, 1916-17 ; Asst. Sec, Special Grants Committee, Ministry of Pensions, 1917-18 ; Director of Awards of Pensions to DemobUised men, Ministry of Pensions, 1919. Address : 89, Cadogan Gardens, S.W. Clubs : Bath, Oriental : Bengal, Turf, Calcutta. (K364) DE MOLE, Lancelot Eldin, C.B.E, 6. 13 March, 1880 ; s. of Wm. F. de Mole, of Adelaide, S. AustraUa ; m. Josephine, d. of G. F. Walter, of Bendigo, Victoria, AustraUa, and Bristol, England. Educ. : Berwick Grammar School, and Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne, Victoria. Invented (1912) a type of Tank which was highly commended by the Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors, and who stated that they considered the invention very briUiant, but unfortunately unappreciated because in advance of its time. Address : 79, Jeffcott Street, N. Adelaide, S. AustraUa. (C2813) DE MONTMORENCY, Geoffrey Fitzhervey, C I E , C.B.E, I.C.S, 6. 23 Aug. 1876 ; s. of the Venble. Archdeacon of Ossony, of Castle Moires, Deland. Educ. : Malvern Coll , Pembroke CoU, Cambridge. Deputy Sec. to the Government of India. War Work : Recruiting and War Loans in the Punjab. Addresses : Delhi, India ; Castle Morres, Knock- topher. Deland. Club : TraveUers'. (C2378) DE MONTMORENCY, Hervey Angus, O.B.E, 6. 27 Sept. 1888; s. of Hervey Lodge de Montmorency; m. Eleanor Katharine, d. of Rev. E. R. J. NicoUs. Educ. : Winchester and Brasenose CoUege, Oxford. Second Class Clerk, National Health Insurance Commission (England). 1912 ; Principal Clerk, Ministry of Health, 1919. War Work : Work at Trans port Department, Admiralty and Ministry of Shipping. Ad dress : 24, WeU Walk, Hampstead, N.W. 3. (0287) DE MONTMORENCY, Hervey Guy, Francis Edward, ¦ ¦ • (05183) DEMPSEY, Lieut. CorneUus Thomas, M.B.E. DEMPSTER, WilUam Thomas, M.B.E. Educ. : King's CoUege Hospital, London. War Work : Founder, Organiser Commandant, and sole Hon. Surgeon, South Croydon ReUef Hospital, 1914-19, affiliated to Horton (County of London War Hospital, Epsom). _l_tfj-ess .• 94, Brighton Road, S. Croydon. DEMUTH, Lieut. Richard Harold, O.B.E, R.N.VR88®' DENBY, Clara Sophia, Lady, O.B.E, 6. 26 Sept. 1856 ; d. of Jeremiah Slater, of Stanningley ; to. Sir Ellis s. of John Denby, of Shipley. Educ. : Fulneck and WU ow HaU, Halifax War Work: Queen Mary's Needlework GuUd, and! many other things for the help of the Soldiers and SaUors in Shipley and at the Front. Address: Chapel House nr Skipton. (010298) I25J,12Y' Edward Evershed, C.B.E, 6. 17 Sept 1861- s of the Rev. John Dendy, B.A. ; m. Edith, d. of Herbert New! of Eyesham. Educ : Manchester Grammar School. Metai Manufacturer; Managing Director of WiUiams, Foster & Co Ltd and Pascoe Grenfell and Sons, Ltd. War Work : Chairman of Semi-Manufactured Non-ferrous Metals, Ministry of Munitions ™™A,¥u'imar' England Bay, Mumbles, Glam. (C144) ,_Pr,ENDY. .?rederiok Walter, O.B.E, D.C.L, 6 9 Dec T?sst: rf °„ff ™eri?»k Den£y' of G__rleston, Suffolk; to. 1st; JUSi w \.J??n FeTcy Baumgartner, of Gorleston ; 2nd Honor Elizabeth, d. of Walter Lamplugh Brooksbank of Lamplugh Hall, Cumberland. District Registrar of the High Tvn?' a^,^wgi1rar^£ thf County Court ^ Newcastle-upm ofVheiw^JK •' Peputy-Chairman under the Lord Mayor r h n : ™ ewcf *le Panel of the Northumberland Appeal Tribunal • EldoTHm^J^^ ^Maritime Board .Addresses ietnrdHZrthJuZe°rl^dNeWCaStle-UPOn-Tyne ; High *!K5?< DENDY, John, O.B.E. (0288) Dt^lHAM'TArthur Christopher, O.B.E, J.P 6 1873- of Thomas Nathaniel Denham of Birmingham^ Barristerl 156 at-Law ; Director of various Companies : Member of L.CC. 1918-19. War Work : MUitary Representative, Stepney 1915-16 ; Assistant ControUer, Priority Dept, Ministry of Munitions, 1916-18. Address : 30, Audley House, Margaret St, W. 1. Club : National Liberal. (O1280) DENHAM, Godfrey Charles, CLE, C.B.E,- fi. 1883- s. of Charles Denham ; Sup. of Police, Bengal ; officiated as Dep. Director of Central InteUigence. (C1073) DENHAM, Lieut.-Col. Harold Alfred, O.B.E. DENHOLM, John MaxweU, M.B.E. DENHOLM, Walter Windebank, M.B.E. DENING, Lieut. Maberley Ester, M.B.E. DENISON, Lieut. Amos Allan, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. DENISON, Brig.-Gen. Henry, C.B, C.B.E, T.D., J.P, D.L, 6. 10 March, 1847 ; s. of Stephen Charles Denison, Deputy Judge Advocate General ; m. Edith Kate, d. of Pierce Taylor, of West AgweU, Devon. Educ. : Rugby and Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. Entered R.E, 1867 ; retired as Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col, 1887 ; Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry, 1887-1910 ; commanded regiment, 1904-10 • C.B. (CivU), 1909. War Work: Commanded, 2/1 Scottish Horse Brigade and Lincolnshire Coast Defences, 1915-16; Recruiting, Kensington, South London and Woolwich Areas, 1916-18. Address : 41, Evelyn Gardens. Club : Naval and Military. (C1544) DENLEY, Clara Sophia, Lady, O.B.E. DENMAN, Gertrude, Lady, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 7 Nov. 1884; d. of Viscount Cowdray ; m. 1903, Thomas, 3rd Baron Denman, ' ' P.C, G.C.M.G. (see Btjrke's Peerage). Chairman, National Federation of Women's Institutes. War Work : 1914, Organised with Mrs. Quirk, Lady Sclater, Mr. E. F. Benson and Sir T. Pile, Bart, " Smokes for Soldiers and SaUors " ; 1915, formed Women's Section of National Poultry Society ; 1916, was appointed Chairman of sub-committee of Agricultural Organi sation Society, which was responsible for formation of Women's Institutes in 1917 ; Board of Agriculture took over this work and appointed Lady Denman Assistant Director of the Women's Branch of the Bd. of Agric. ; by Jan. 1919, Women's Institutes had been formed in 774 viUages in England and Wales, and by Jan. 1920, 1500 had been formed. Addresses : 43, Upper Grosvenor Street, W. ; Balcombe Place, Sussex. CZwfis : Bath; Forum. (C2557) DENNE, Mark Thomas, O.B.E. DENNETT, Sydney, M.B.E. DENNING, Arthur du Pre, O.B.E. DENNIS, Sir Alfred Hull, K.B.E, C.B., 6. 31 July 1858; s. of the late John Dennis, of Wonston, Crowborough; m. 7 Jan. 1905, Dorothy Caroline, e.d. of Sir Henry Sutton, for merly Judge of High Court. Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 1885; Assist. Solicitor to Treasury from 1901. Address: 10, Eaton Mansions, Eaton Squre, S.W. Club : Reform. DENNIS, Anna EmUy, M.B.E, fi. Dec 1855 ; d. of Meade Caufield Dennis, of Fort Granite, Co. Wicklow. Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, West Wicklow; Hon. Sec. and Treas. Local War Pensions Sub-Committee, Baltinglass No. 1 District, Co. Wicklow. War Work : Worked as voluntary worker for Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Associa tion, Statutory Committee, and Local War Pensions Committee, as Hon. Sec. and Treas. since 1914, and is stUl working for them. Address : Eadstown Lodge, Stratford-on-Slaney, Co. Wickow, Deland. (M7891) DENNIS, Lieut.-Col. Bertram Ramsey, O.B.E, M.B. DENNIS, Lieut.-Col. Charles Edgar, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C DENNIS, Horace Arthur, M.B.E. DENNIS, Sir Raymond Herbert, K.B.E, Joint Managing Director of Dennis Bros, Ltd, Guildford. War Work: hi connection with the supply of motor lorries and fire engines. Address : GuUdford. (K365) DENNIS, RendaU Hamilton, M.B.E. DENNISS, George Hamson, C.B.E, 6. 1854; s. of Hamson George Denniss, of London ; m. Jeanne Madeleine Pauline Dubouchet. Educ. : University CoUege and School. Barrister-at-Law ; Assistant Solicitor for the Customs and Excise. War Work : Legal work. Address : 2, GUddon Road, West Kensington. (C2558) DENNISTON, Adam Fairrie, M.B.E. DENNISTON, Comm. Alastair Guthrie, O.B.E, R.N.V.R, 6. 1 Dec. 1881 ; s. of James Denniston ; m. Dorothy Mary, d. of Arthur GiUiat, of Leeds. Educ : Bowdon CoUege, Cheshire ; Bonn ; Paris. CivU Servant. War Work : Naval Intelligence Division. Address : 48, Royal Avenue, Chelsea, S.W. 3. (O290) DENNISTON, Major John Dewar, O.B.E. DENNISTON, Mary Grace, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 14 Sept. 1896 ; d. of J. J. Morgan, of 134, HoUand Road, Kensington ; to. John Dewar Denniston, O.B.E, s. of James Lawson Denniston, I.C.S. Educ : Norland Place School, London. War Work : 3i years secretarial work at Ministry of Munitions. Address : 5, Polstead Road, Oxford. (M7892) DENNISTOUN, Robert Maxwell, Hon. Mr. Justice, C.B.E, B.A, K.C, 6. 24 Dec. 1864 ; s. of James Frederick Dennistoun, K.C, of Castleknock, Peterborough, Ont. ; m. MUdred, d. of Rev. J. W. R. Beck, M.A, Canon of St. Alban's Cathedral, Rector of Peterborough, Ont. Educ: Queen's University, Kingston. K.C. Bencher, Law Society of Upper Canada ; Bencher, Law Society of Manitoba ; Governor of Trinity College School ; Judge of the Court of Appeal for Manitoba. War Work : Colonel, Canadian Expeditionary BIOGRAPHIES. De Rothschild Force ; commanded 53rd Batt. Can. Infantry ; Deputy Judge Advocate General on H.Q. Staff ; European War, 1914-19 ; Publications : " Notes on MUitary Law " ; " Notes on District Courts Martial." Address : 166, Roslyn Road, Winnipeg. Ctois: Manitoba; St. Charles' Country. Winnipeg. (C145) DENNY, Barbara Mary, Mrs. C.B.E. DENNY, Henry Samuel, C.B.E, 6. 13 March, 1872 ; s. of Thomas Denny, of Kent ; to. Edith Mary, d. of George Mare, of London. Educ. : High School, Sydney ; School of Mines, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia (in the University of Melbourne). Consulting Metallurgical, Chemical, and Mining Engineer ; Member, Inst. Mining and MetaUurgy ; Member, Inst. Petroleum Technologists ; Member American Inst. Mining and MetaUurgical Engineers ; Member, South African Inst, of Engineers ; Managing Director, Donny Chemical Engineers Co, Ltd. ; Consulting Engineer to various private interests. War Work : Redesign, construction, and organisation of H.M. Factory, Penrhyndeuclraeth, N. Wales; Litherland, near Liverpool ; Langwith, Notts. ; Head of Technical Com mission, nominated by Lord Moulton, to assist Gen. Plumer in tbe occupied area of the Rhine, after the Armistice. Addresses : 810-811, Salisbury House, London, E.C. (Phone : London Wall, 140) ; 2, Rotherwick Court, Golder's Green, N.W. (Phone: Finchley, 2469.) Clubs: Mining and MetaUurgical ; Chemical Industries. (C483) DENNY, Capt. Maurice Edward, C.B.E, 6. 11 Feb. 1886 ; s. of Sir Archibald Denny, Bart, LL.D., of Dumbarton ; m. Marjorie, d. of WUliam Lysaght, C.B.E, of Castleford, Chepstow. Educ. : Tonbridge and abroad. Deputy Chairman of Messrs. WiUiam Denny and Brothers, Ltd, Shipbuilders and Engineers, Dumbarton. War Work : Army (Acting Major , M.G.C.), ana at Admiralty. Address : Ardenvohr, Cardross, Dumbartonshire. Clubs : Windham ; New (Glasgowl. (C484) DENNY, Norah Madeline, M.B.E, 6. 16 June, 1892 ; d. of Frederick A. Denny, of 73, Grosvenor Street, W, and Horwood House, Winslow, Bucks. Educ. : Privately. War Work: Wounded and Missing Enquiries Dept, British Red Cross Society, 18, Carlton House Terrace, S.W. Addresses : 73, Grosvenor Street, W. ; Horwood House, Winslow, Bucks. (M1647) DENNY, Rosalind Mary, M.B.E., 5. 4 Sept. 1894 ; d. of F. A. Denny, of 73, Grosvenor Street, W, and Horwood House, Winslow, Bucks. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Wounded and Missing Dept, British Red Cross Society, 18, Carlton House Terrace. Addresses : 73, Grosvenor Street, W. 1 ; Horwood House, Winslow, Bucks. (M3610) DENNY, Major WilUam Alfred Charles, O.B.E, 6. 20 April, 1871 ; s. of late Lieut. A. Denny, R.N. (see BTOtKE'S Peerage — Denny, Bart, of Tralee), of Tralee, Co. Kerry; to. Lucy Florence, d. of the late Major-Gen. H. Coningham. Educ. : Windsor, and Staff CoU, Camberley. Reserve of Officers Army Service Corps ; late Leinster Regiment ; South African War, thrice mentioned in despatches, promoted Brevet- Major, Medal, 6 clasps, D.A A.G, South China, 1902-3 ; Director-General, MUitary InteUigence Canadian Headquarters Staff : raised and Commanded Canadian Corps of Guides, 1903-6 ; organised Canteen Services for two Divisions Kitchener's Army at Salisbury, 1914 ; Deputy ControUer Welfare Supervision Dept, Woolwich Arsenal, 1916, and ControUer Catering Dept. ; and Managing Director Improved PubUc House Co, Ltd. Address : c/o Sir 0. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39, Panton Street, Haymarket, S.W. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Aldwych ; Royal Golf (Eltham). (O7078) DENNY, Major WilUam Bernard Valentine, M.B.E, fi. 8 Nov. 1878 ; s. of "ft iUiam Henry Denny, of Kennington. War Work : Territorial Officer with 1st London Div. ; Requisi tion Officer to 28th Division in France and Salonica; Com manded 18th (Indian) Divisional Train in Mesopotamia. Address : 142, Hailsham Avenue, Streatham, London, S.W. Club: R.A.S.C. (M4269) DENNYS, Major Guy Tulloch, O.B.E, fi. 14 May, 1884 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. C. J. Dennys, of Indian Army ; to. Melita Mary, d. of Sir George Hart, K.B.E, CLE, I. G. of Forests, India (q.v.). Educ. : Eastbourne Coll. Major, 31st Punjabis, Indian Army. Address : 2, Warwick House, 117, Warwick Road, Earlscourt, London. (O6607) DENNYS, Lieut.-Col. Sir Hector Travers, K.B.E, CLE, Indian Army (ret.), 6. 9 March, 1864 ; s. of Gen. Julius Bentall Dennys, of Bengal Staff Corps ; to. Lucy Maud Massy, d. of Lieut.-Gen. George Wheeler, of Bengal Staff Corps. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. and Sandhurst. Joined Manchester Regt. in 1885 ; Indian Army in 1887 ; Punjab PoUce in Nov. 1888 ; Inspector-Gen. of PoUce from AprU 1914 to March, 1919. Address: c/o Barclays Bank, Ltd, Sidmouth, S. Devon. Club : East India United Service (K246) DENNYS, Lucy Maud Massy, Lady, M.B.E, 6. 31 Jan. 1864 ; d. of Lieut.-Gen. George Wheeler, of the Bengal Staff Corps ; m. Hector Travers, s. of Gen. Julius Dennys, of the Bengal Staff Corps. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Did valuable service at Lahore throughout the Great War. Ad dress : c/o Barclay's Bank, Ltd, Sidmouth, S. Devon. (M54) DENSHAM, Sir Harry Peroival, K.B.E. Chairman, United Tanners' Federation. A ddress : demon Hall, Thelwall. (K443a) DENT, Major Arthur, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 5 June, 1870 ; «• of Rev. R. F. Dent, M.A. (Cantab.), Vicar of Coverdale, Wensleydale, Yorkshire. Educ. : St. Edmund's School, Canterbury. Insurance Manager ; Fellow of Chartered In surance Institute. Joined Territorial Army Service Corps in 1908 ; promoted Capt. and Officer in charge SuppUes, Durham Light Infantry Brigade, 1913 ; embarked for France, April, 1915, with 60th (Northumbrian) Division ; Divisional Senior Supply Officer with rank of Major, 1917 ; was with this famous division 1915-18 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : 145, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Club: Royal Automobile. (05184) DENT, Edith Vere, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 25 Sept. 1863 ; d. of Francis Hanbury Annesley, of The Manor House, Clifford Chambers, Stratford-on-Avon.; m. Robert WUkinson, s. of Thomas Wilkinson John Dent, of Flass, Crosby Ravensworth. War Work : Raised 3 Voluntary Aid Detachments ; President, Westmorland Branch of the British Red Cross Society. The Westmorland Hut at Netley built, and beds maintained, by this branch, also a hospital at Appleby, and about £16,000 and much needlework, sent to the Central Fund. Address : Flass, Crosby Ravensworth, Shap, Westmorland. (010301) DENT, Major Herbert Crowley, M.B.E, Army Medical Staff (ret.), 6. 17 July, 1860 ; s. of WiUiam Yerbury Dent, of War Dept, Woolwich Arsenal ; m. May Burton, d. of the late Rev. WilUam Park, of Rampside (Lanes.). Educ : King's Coll. School ; King's Coll. ; and King's Coll. Hospital, London. Hon. M.O. Cromer Hospital ; Hon. M.O. Norfolk and Norwich Convalescent Home, Cromer ; Cromer Commissioner, District CoUncUior, etc. War Work : Hon. Medical Recruiting Officer, North Norfolk ; Hon. M.O. in charge AuxUiary MiUtary Hospitals (Cromer Area), 1914-19 ; Member of Committese of Prince of Wales' Fund, Canadian Fund, Prisoner of War Fund, Food Control, Coal Control, etc Address : 2, CUff Avenue, Cromer. (M7893) DENT, Hubert Augustus, M.B.E. DENT, Lancelot Wilkinson, O.B.E, fi. 19 Oct. 1868 ; s. of Rev. Charles Dent, M.A, of 104, Gloucester Terrace, W, and The Cottage, Sunningdale ; to. Beatrice Holdsworth (A.R.R.C), d. of Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Dimsdale, Bart, P.C, K.C.V.O, of 29, Sussex Square, W. (see BlTRKE'S Peerage). Educ: Eton, and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Member of the Lieutenancy of the City of London. War Work : Founder and Head of the Ambulance Column, attached to the London District ; in charge of the transport of all the sick and wounded who came to the London District from Aug. 1914, to Oct. 1917. Address : 83, Westbourne Terrace, W. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Ranelagh ; Bengal (Calcutta). (02141) DENT, Richard Court, ChevaUer, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 21 July, 1860 ; s. of Major Richard Dent, of London (late 16th Beds.) ; m. Agnes, d. of Capt. W. C Jackson, of East London, S.A. Educ. : Adelaide House, Jersey, and Brecon, S. Wales. Mer cantile. War Work : Work done in connection with Imperial purchase of S.A. Wools, etc, as Chairman of Advisory Board, East London. Address : East London, Cape Province. South Africa. (O8350) DENTON, Capt. Harold Bentley, O.B.E, R.A.F. DE PARAVICINI, Major Percy Chandos Farquhar, O.B.E. DE PAULA, Lieut.-Col. Frederic Rudolf Mackley, O.B.E. DE PENCIER, Right Rev. Bishop Adam Urias, O.B.E, R.A.F. DE PLEDGE, Cecil Fenwick, O.B.E, J.P, Co. Durham, 6. 9 Jan. 1858 ; s. of the Rev. Joseph Price de Pledge, J.P, of Satley Vic, Co. Durham.; to. Winifred, d. of George Mathew, of Sunderland. Educ. : Richmond and Reading. Deputy Pro vincial Grand Master ol Durham. War Work : Commandant, Sunderland Special Constables ; Chairman, Sunderland Emergency Committee. Address : 11, The Elms, Sunderland. (011145) DE POIX, Major Ralph Claude Busick Tvrel, O.B.E, B.A, 6. 29th May, 1890 ; s. of Edmond Tyrel de Poix, Broome Place, Norfolk. Educ. : Oratory School, Edgbaston, and Christ Church, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple). War Work: Served iu 4th Batt. (T.) Norfolk Regt. in the Dardanelles, and in France with the R.A.F. as a flying officer, and subsequently as Staff Capt. to H.Q. Middle East R.A.F, and Staff Officer to 10th and 9th Brigades R.A.F. in France. Address : 23, PhilUmore Gardens, W. 8. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Cavendish. (O8083) DE PUTRON, Adele Mary, O.B.E, fi. 4 July, 1887 ; d. ol the Rev. Godfrey Pierre de Putron, of Bertozerie, Guernsey. Educ. : Cheltenham. War Work : Deputy Controller, Q.M.A.A.C. Rouen and G.H.Q, France, 1917-20; mentioned in despatches ; Scoutmaster, Boy Scouts' Association, 1914-17. Addresses : Bertozerie, Guernsey ; 102, Abbey Road Mansions, St. John's Wood. N.W. 8. Club : New Century. (05186) DE RHE PHILIPE, Mary Catherine, Mrs., M.B.E. DE ROBECK, Major John Henry Edward, M.B.E. DERRICK, Col. George Alexander, C.B.E, V.D.. fi. 1860 ; s. of George Derrick, of Southampton ; to. 1905, Julia Annn, d. of Jacob Hutkin, of Poltava, Russia. Public Ac countant, and Lieut.-Col. Comdg. Singapore Vol. Corps (ret. as Col. 1919) ; J.P. for Singapore. Address : Mount EUzabeth House, Singapore. Clubs : Singapore, and Sports' (London). (C735) DE ROTHSCHILD, Major Lionel Nathan, O.B.E, M.P. DE ROTHSCHILD, Marie, Mrs. Leopold, C.B.E, 6. 31 March, 1862 ; d. of AchiUes Perugia ; to. the late Leopold de Rothschild, C.V.O, Baron of the Austrian Empire, one of His Majesty's Lieutenents for the City of London. War Work : President, Middlesex Red Cross Society ; on the Executive Committee of the Officers' FamUies Fund. Addresses : 5, HamUton Place, W. 1 ; Gunnersbury Park, Acton ; Ascott, Wing, Leighton Buzzard. Clubs : Ladies' AutomobUe ; Bath. (C2919) 157 De Rougemont THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. DE ROUGEMONT, Frank Alexander, O.B.E, 6. 11 Sept. 1881 ¦ s of the late Commander Frank Rougemont, R.N, of 52, Lancaster Gate, W. ; to. Gladys Mary, d. of the late Thomas Bulteel, J.P, of Radford, near Plymouth. Educ. : KeUy CoU Tavistock, and Continent. Banker. 3rd Class Medjidieh 1911 War Work : Sub-Commissioner, British Red Cross and Order of St. John for Port Said and district, 1915-19 ; twice mentioned in despatches; O.B.E. 1918; Hon. Associate, Order of St John of Jerusalem, 1918. Addresses : Port Said, Egypt ; c/o Baring Brothers &. Co, London. Clubs : Royal Cruising ; M.C.C. : Union (Port Said). (01825) DE ROUGEMONT, Muriel Evelyn, Mrs., O.B.E.; d. of Evelyn Heseltine, of Great Warley, Essex m. Brig.-Gen. C. H. (Roger) de Rougemont, C.B, C.M.G, D.S.O, M.V.O, late Royal ArtUlery, and has issue, two sons. War Work : Commandant, Coombe Lodge Auxiliary MUitary Hospital, from Nov. 1914, to May, 1919 ; also nursed at Middlesex .Hospital, Clacton-on-Sea, Oct. 1914; and Commandant, Brentwood Temporary Red Cross Hospital, Aug. 1914. Ad dress : Great Warley, Essex. Clubs : V.A.D. ; Forum. (0291) DERRY, Major Arthur, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1874 ; s. of the late WiUiam Derrv, of Houndiscombe, Plymouth ; m. 1902, Collette CaroUne, d. of the Rev. WiUiam Oxland, R.N, Vicar of Alston, Cumberland. Educ. : WelUngton Coll. Joined Welsh Regt. 1895 ; became Capt. 1902 ; Major, 1914 ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1902, in command of Welsh Co. of 6th Regt. of Mounted Inf. (despatches twice, Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; was a D.A.A. and Q.M.G. 1912-15 ; on Staff, 1915-19 (despatches) ; has Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus of Italy. Club : United Service. (05793) DE ST. CROIX, Capt. Leslie Lawson, M.B.E, fi. 8 Aug. 1885 ; s. of PhiUp Charles de Ste. Croix, of Jersey. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Artists' Rifles ; 3rd Batt. Royal MUitia, Island of Jersey ; Royal Army Service Corps ; Staff of Quartermaster-General to the Forces. Address : 5, Hastings Terrace, Jersey. Clubs : Conservative ; United R.A.S.C. ; Royal Colonial Institute ; Victoria (Jersey) ; Royal Jersey Golf. (M5220) DE SALIS, Major Herbert Joseph Norman, O.B.E, DE SARIGNY, Major Rene, O.B.E, R.A.F. DE SAROJINI, Mrs, M.B.E. (M4133) DE SAUMAREZ, Jane Anne, Lady, O.B.E. ; e. d. of Capt. Charles Acton Vere Broke, R.E. ; to. 10 Oct. 1882, Sir James St. Vincent Saumarez, 4th Baron de Saumarez, of Saumarez, Guernsey (see Bukke'S Peerage). (01184) DE SAUSMAREZ, Anne Elizabeth, Lady, G.B.E, MedaiUe de la Heine EUzabeth ; d. of Rev. F. W. Mann, of Castel, Guernsey ; m. Sir HaviUand Walter (see BURKE'S Peerage), s. of Rev. HaviUand de Sausmarez, of Guernsey. President and Hon. Sec. of British Women's Work Associa tion for our SaUors and Soldiers and their families, which was formed to enable British Women in China to do such w-ork. The headquarters of the Association were in Shanghai whilst there were 23 other centres of work scattered throughout China and one at Vladivostok. The Association was a branch of Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, and sent donations of clothing and hospital requirements to the number of 1,230,760 articles wherever directed by Her Majesty. Address : Saus marez Manor. St. Martins, Guernsey. (G32) DESBOROUGH, Capt. Arthur Peregrine Henry, C.B.E, late R.A, 6. 10 Sept. 1868 ; s. of late Maj.-Gen. John Des- borough.CB, R.A.; to. Alice Henrietta Rosalie, d. of Maj.-Gen. E.L.Bland, R.E. Educ. : R.M. Academy, Woolwich. Entered R.A, 23 July, 1887 ; appointed H.M. Inspector of Explosives, Home Office, July, 1899 ; appointed Superintendent, R.N. Cordite Factory, Holton Heath, 1915; services lent to U.S. Govt, for an inquiry into accidents in American Coal Mines, in 1908 ; services lent to Canadian Govt, to advise on the regulation of the Explosives Industry,. 1910. Clubs : Army and Navy. (C2560) DESBOROUGH, Walter, M.B.E. DES CLAYES, T. Major Camille, O.B.E, 5. 12 Feb. 1887; s. of C. L. Des Clayes. Educ. : Bedford Modern School. Merchant, Alexandria, Egypt. War Work : 2nd Lieut, Dec 1915 ; Capt.. May, 1916 ; Major (and Deputy Inspector, Camel Transport Corps, attd. Anzac Mtd. Div.), Feb. 1917 ; served with Egyptian Camel Transport Corps, attd. E.E.F, throughout war ; mentioned in despatches, Dec. 1916 ; June, 1918 ; Jan. 1919 ; Order of NUe, 4th Class, Jan. 1919. Address : Union Club, Alexandria. Egypt. Clubs : Junior Athenaeum ; Turf (Cairo) ; Union (Alexandria, Egypt). (02884) DE SEGUNDO, Charles SempiU, O.B.E. V.D, M.B, B.S. DES FORGES, Charles Lee, M.B.E, 6. 20 July, 1879 ; s. of Walter H. des Forges, of Nottingham ; m. AUce Mary, d of late George Stretton, of Nottingham. Educ : Privately. SoUcitor ; Town Clerk and Clerk of the Peace ; County Borough of Rotherham. War Work : Clerk to MiUtary Tribunal ; Hon. Sec. War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Sec. Mayor's Recruiting Committee. Address : Grove House, Rotherham. Clubs : Rotherham ; Royal AutomobUe. (M1727) DESMOND, Lieut. Arthur Edward, M.B.E, R.E. (T.). DE SOISSONS, Louis Emmanuel Jean Guy de Savoie, Carignan, O.B.E. (06360) DE SOISSONS, Pierre Amedee de Savoie, Barignan, O.B.E. (05187) 158 DE SOUSA, Capt. Pascal John, O.B.E, I.M.S. (011736) DE SOYSE, Mary Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E. DESPARD, Beatrice Lome, Mrs., O.B.E, d. ot Thomaa Jarvis, of Mount Jarvis, Antigua ; m. 1st, Major R. V? Dennistown, N. Staffs. Regt. ; 2ndly, Capt. Herbert John C.B.E. (_:».), s. of Richard Carden Despard, of Queen's Co. War Work : Vice-President, Lanarkshire Executive Committee, Scot tish Branch, Brit. Red Cross Society ; President tor HamUton S.B, B.R.C.S. and V.A.D. ; Commandant, V.A.D, Lanark 36- Commandant, Caldergrove Auxiliary Hospital, Hallside; Convener, Lanarkshire Clothing Branch, S.B, B.R.C.S.; also War Work Parties, under Sir Edward Ward. Club ¦ Kelvin, Glasgow. (01282) DESPARD, Capt. Herbert John, C.B.E, D.L, Royal Scots Fus. and 1st W.I. Regt. ft. 7 Feb. 1860 ; s. of Richard Carden Despard, of Queen's Co. ; m. Beatrice Lome, O.B.E, d of Thomas Jarvis, of Mount J arvis, Antigua, W.I. Educ. : King's College ; Sandhurst. Chief Constable, Lanarkshire. War Work : Hon. Sec. S. & S. FamUies Association, Lanark shire Branch. Addresses: Balgreen, HamUton, N.B. Club: Naval and Military. (C2561) DES VOEUX, Hylda Henrietta, Lady, C.B.E, 6. 22 Feb. 1879; d. of the late Sir Victor Brooke, 3rd Bart, of Cole brooke, Brookeboro', Co. Fermanagh ; m. Sir Frederick des Voeux, 7th Bart. Educ. : France. Hon. Controller, Overseas Club and Patriotic League, General Buildings, Aldwych, London, W.C. 2. War Work: Chairman, Overseas Club, Soldiers' and Sailors' Fund. Address : 50, GUUngham St, Eccleston Square, London, S.W. 1. Clubs: Overseas; English-Speaking Union. (C657) DES VOEUX, Lieut.-Col. Henry, O.B.E. DES VOEX, Violet Samana, M.B.E. DE TRAFFORD, Capt. Rudolf Edgar Framin, O.B.E. DE TURCKHEIM, Alfred Frederic, O.B.E, fi. 19 June, 1863 ; s. of late Baron de Turckheinij of Alsace, France. Educ. : VersaiUes and Zurich. Engineer. War Work : Transport. Address : Sydney House, Bedford Park. C(ai : Royal Societies'. (O11508) DE TUYLL, Lieut. Frank, M.B.E. DEVAS, Rev. Francis Charles, O.B.E. (05188) DEVAS, Rev. Philip Dominic, O.B.E, O.F.M, 6. 16 March, 1888 ; s. of Charles Stanton Devas. Educ. : Beaumont Coll. ; Stonyhurst, and in Franciscan Order War Wort : Chaplain, Jan, 1915, to April, 1919 ; garrison duty in England, Jan. 1915 ; l/lst South Midland Field Ambulance, May, 1915 ; transfer ed to l/6th Gloucestershire Regt, May, 1916 ; trans ferred as S.C.F. (P.C.'s Dept.) to 57th Div, March, 1917; appointed to 1st Royal Munster FusUiers, May, 1918. Address : The Friary, Woodford Green, Essex. (05189) DEVENISH, Bertha, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 26 April, 1862; d. of the late G. P. Bidder, Q.C, of Bavensbury Park, Mitcham, Surrey ; m. Henry Weston, s. ot Henry Devenish, of The Lawn, Whitchurch, Hants. Educ : Privately. War Work : On 7 Aug. 1914, originated and personaUy established a Women's League of Service for Mitcham, in order to coUect together and organise all work that Mitcham Women might wish to do for the War. Itwasjoinedby about500 women, who worked under it in many war activities till AprU, 1919. Organised a " Queen's Workroom" for Mitcham; started the first War Savings Association in Surrey. Was Hon. Sec. to the Mitcham War Savings Committee since March, 1916 ; member of the Surrey War Distress Committee, Surrey War Agricultural Committee, Surrey War Savings Committee, Women's Advisory Committee to the National War Savings Committee, Lord Mayor's Com mittee for organising the War Loan Campaign and Food Cam paign, 1917; Registrar for Women in Agriculture. Address: Mount House, Parkstone, Dorset. Club : Sesame. (016302) DEVEREUX, Augustine, M.B.E. DEVEREUX, Ethel Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. . DE VILLE, Flight-Lieut. Edward Alexander de Lossy O.B.E., R.A.F. DEVINE, Capt. Henry, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. DEVINE, Major James, O.B.E, R.E. DEVINE, Major James Arthur, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1869 ; s. of the late Capt. Thomas Devine, Dep. Surveyor-Gen, Ontario ; m. 1916, Mary Hilda, d. of the late Henry MUes, of Liverpool. Educ. : Trin. CoU. DubUn (M.A. and M.D. 1897). Physician. Major, Canadian Army Med. Staff ; Professor of Manitoba Medical CoUege ; Member of CouncU of Mani toba Univ. ; Professor of Clinical Med. ; sometime Major, Canadian Permanent Forces ; appointed Major, R.A.M.C., 1915 ; served in the S. African War, 1900-2 with Canadian Mounted Rifles (despatches). Address : Fort Garry Court, Winnipeg, Manitoba. (O7081) DEVINE, John, O.B.E. DEVLIN, Capt. Joseph, O.B.E. DEVONSHIRE, Sir James Lyne, K.B.E, 5. 4 Oct. 1863 ; s. of late Thomas Harris Devonshire, of 1, Frederick's Place, E.C, and Mill Gap, Eastbourne ; m. Wilhelmina Walker, d. of Charles Sldey, of Kensington. Member and Hon. Treas. of Inst, of Elect. Eng, and a Member of the Inst, of Trans port. Member of Electric Power Supply Committee, appointed by Board of Trade ; Member of Committee appointed by Board of Trade to consider position of Electrical Trades after the War; Member of Consultative CouncU on National Health Assurance (Approved Societies' Section) ; Chairman, National Trade Advisory Committee of disabled SaUors and Soldiers (Elec tricity, Power and Light) ; during the war Member of Middle sex Appeal Tribunal, MUitary Service Acts ; Chairman of BIOGRAPHIES. Dickins Tramways (Board of Trade) Committee. Address : 48, Queen's Gate, S.W. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; Ranelagh ; Royal St. George's Golf; Royal Wimbledon Golf, (K366) DEVONSHIRE, Marie VulUamy, M.B.E. DEW, Lieut. Reginald Francis, M.B.E, R.E. (T.). DEW, Capt. WiUiam James, M.B.E, R.A.F. DEWAR, Capt. AUred Charles, O.B.E, R.N. DEWAR, Capt. Kenneth Gilbert Balmain, C.B.E. ; m. 1914, Gertrude Mary, d. of the late Frederick Stapleton- Bretherton, J.P, of The Hall L Rainhill, Lancashire (see Burke's Peerage, Petre, Bt.). Capt. Q.W. ; served at Peace Conference, 1919. (C2352) DEWAR, Major Miohael Bruce Urquhart, O.B.E, R.E.JT.). DE WARDT, John Isaao, O.B.E. DE WATTEVILLE, Major Herman Gaston, C.B.E. ; Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col, R.A. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1543) DE WET, Lieut. Nicholas Johannes, M.B.E. DE WET, Comm. Thomas Olofl, C.B.E. ; Com. R.N, and Div. Naval Transport Officer, Vancouver ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2247) DEWHURST, CounseU, O.B.E, J.P. DEWHURST, John Henry, M.B.E, M.D, M.R.C.S. DEWHURST, Major Norman, O.B.E,, 6. 25 Nov. 1877 ; s. of late T. H. Dewhurst, of Skipton, Yorks. Educ. : Sed bergh. Solicitor. War Work : Commanding 50th Divisional (formerly Northumbrian Division) Supply Column, Franco, 1915-17 ; No. 7 Divisional Motor Transport Co, Italian Ex. Force, 1918-19. Address : 12, Market Place, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham. Clubs : Golfers; Whitehall Court. (02976) DEWING, Lieut.-Col. Robert Henry, O.B.E, late Indian Army, fi. 6 Aug. 1863 ; s. of the late E. M. Dewing, of Car- brooke HaU, Norfolk ; m. Norah Emma, d. of the late Rev. H. Hunter, of Wath. Educ ; Brighton CoUege ; ' Sandhurst. War Work : Raised and trained 13th Batt. East Yorkshire Regt. ; also commanded it in Egypt and France ; later com manded a Reserve Batt. in England, 1917-19. Address : Grove House, Sible Hedingham, Essex. Clubs : E. I. United Service ; M.C.C. ; I.Z. : Alpine ; Sports. (O3109) DEWING, Lieut.-Col. Sidney Herbert, O.B.E. DE WITT, Capt. Ferdinand, O.B.E, R.A. (T.). DE WOLF, Capt. Francis George, O.B.E, M.C. DE WOLFF, Capt. (acting Major) Charles Esmond. C.B.E, LL.B, 6. 25 Nov. 1893 ; s. of C Louis De Wolff, of Purley, Surrey ; to. Ada Marjorie, d. of Henry R. Arnold, of- Hatch End, Middlesex. Educ. : Portsmouth Grammar School ; King's College, London ; London University. Regular Army. War Work : Served in Dardanelles, Madedonia, and South Russia ; O.B.E, 1919 ; C.B.E, 1920 ; 4 times mentioned in despatches ; Russian Order of VladUmir, 4th Class. Address : Mansion Hotel, Richmond, Surrey. (C2360d) DE WOOLFSON, Major Albert Henry Frederick, O.B.E, DEWRANCE, Sir John, K.B.E, 6. 13 March, 1858; s. of John Dewrance, of Tilford, Farnham, Surrey ; to. IsabeUa, d. of Frances Trevithick, of Penzance. Educ. : St. John's Wood Preparatory ; Charterhouse ; and King's College, London. Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers ; Mem ber of CouncU of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and the Institute of Metals ; Member of the Institute of Naval Archi tects ; Member of the Iron and Steel Dist., and many other learned societies ; President of the Engineering and the National Employers' Federation. War Work : Member of Advisory Committee of the Treasury ; Ministry of Munitions Ministry of Labour ; Department of Overseas Trade. Address: Cranmore Place, Chislehurst, Kent. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; St. Stephens ; Gresham ; Royal AutomobUe. (K367) DEXTER, Edward, O.B.E. DEXTER, Thomas, M.B.E. DEXTER, Thomas Edward, O.B.E, 6. 22 AprU, 1857 ; s. of Thomas PhiUp Dexter, of Southborough, Kent ; m. Alice Maud, d. of Thomas James Stafford, of London. Educ. : Highbury College, London. CivU Service Clerk, Dublin Castle, 1876; Education Dept, Whitehall, 1877-83; Secretary's Dept, Admiralty, 1883-89 ; Officer in charge of Expense Acoounts, Sheerness Dockyard, 1893-1901 ; Devonport Dock yard, 1901-1918 ; Admiralty representative on Plymouth Insurance Committee, 1912-18. War Work : Discharge of official duties under war conditions from 4 Aug. 1914, to retirement, on 8 Oct. 1918, at the completion of 42 years' service ; general assistance, under the Insurance Act, to men of Navy and Army, Invalided for tuberculosis ; receiving official letters of thanks from Board of Admiralty, and National Health Insurance Commission (England) on retirement. Address : 9, Ravenlea Road, Folkestone. Club : Radnor, Folkestone. (01284) DEY, Alexander, M.B.E, M.B, CM. (Aberdn.), 5. 5 Aug. 1854 ; s. of Alexander Dey, of MiUtown, Tomintoul Banffshire ; m. Eva Mary, d. of Thomas Nash Ward, of HempnaU House, Norfolk. Educ. : Aberdeen University. Medical Officer of Health, Rural District of Glendale ; Medical Officer and PubUc Vaccinator, Wooier, Chatton, Districts; Surgeon Glendale Dispensary ; Surgeon to Constabulary ; Certif . Factory Surgeon, Glendale, Northumberland. War Work; Medical Officer, 12th Northumberland V.A.D. Hospital, Fowberry Hetton, and 13th Northumberland V.A.D. Hospital, Etal Manor, CornhUl-on-Tweed. (M7897) DEZEST, Frank, M.B.E. D'HARTY, WiUiam Cornelius, M.B.E, 3rd Class Star of Ethiopia for services rendered to the Government of Abyssinia. Civil Servant (His Majesty's Office of Works). War Work: Resident Arohitect at Aintree, Liverpool, for the Construction of FiUing and Amatol Factories, A.O.D. Stores, Shell Stores, etc. Address : Saltleigh, Hampton Road, Strawberry Hill. (M7899) DHAT, H.H. Raja Sir Udalji Rao Puat of, K.B.E. (K44) DIACK, Sir Alexander Henderson, K.C.I.E, C.V.O, C.B.E, fi. 13 Feb. 1862 ; s. of tho late John Diack, of Aberdeen ; m. Mylsie, d. of the late Robert Alfred Molley. Educ. : Aberdeen University and King's College, Cambridge. India Civil Service, 1881-1916 ; retired after serving 6 years as Financial Commissioner of the Punjab, having previously been 4 years Chief Secretary to the Punjab Govt. War Work : in the Ministry of Munitions, Aug. 1916, to April, 1917 ; and thence onward in connection with the administration of artificial limbs and appliances, in the Ministry of Pensions. Address : Lane End, Putney Heath Lane, London, S.W. 15. (C2562) DIAMOND, Sir WilUam Henry, K.B.E, 6. 23 Sept 1865 ; s. of Thomas Diamond, of Cardiff. Engineer and Ship Repairer. Director of local companies, etc. War Work : President of the Dry Dock Owners and Ship Repairers' Associa tion for the Bristol Channel, during the whole of the War period. Address : Deane House, Newport Road, Cardiff. Club: Devonshire. (K368) DIBBEN, Lieut.-Comm. Arthur Douglas Harry, O.B.E, R.N. DIBBEN, Major CecU Reginald, O.B.E. DICHMONT, Katherine, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 30 Oct. 1863 ; d. of Alexander Maclean, of Largs, Ayr, Scotland ; to. Archibald, s. of George Dichmont, of Oswaldtwistle, Lancs. Prior to marriage was mistress of a Girls' High School in Accring- ton, Lancashire, for nearly two years. War Work : President of the Fairhaven Working Party, which forwarded comforts to South- West Africa, to East Africa, the Hospital Ship " Ebain," the Belgian Refugees, and overseas contingents, and enter tained AustraUan and New Zealand wounded passing through, and was responsible for all delicacies andflowers to the Alexandra Hospital. Address : Fairhaven, Green Point, Cape Town, S. Africa. (O2201) DICK, Col. Sir Arthur Robert, K.B.E, C.B, C.V.O. DICK, Gladys Helen, M.B.E, d. of Archd. W. Dick, oi 48, Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow. Educ : Privately. Sec. Girls' Auxiliary United Free Church of Scotland. War Work : Welfare Supervisor, Aisne Factory, Renfrew, one of the munition factories managed by Babcock and WUcox, Ltd, Renfrew. Address : 48, LUybank Gardens, Glasgow. (M3612) DICK, Helen Maybel Kathleen, Mrs, O.B.E, 6. 22 Aug. 1874 ; d. of S. W. WyUys-Pomeroy, of Boston, Mass, U.S.A. ; to. Major Thomas Aitken Dick. R.F.A, s. of T. Dick, of Edin- burgh^Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant, V.A.D. L/72 British Red Cross Society, from Jan. 1914, to July, 1919; Joint Commandant, Chelsea V.A.D. Hospital, 13, Grosvenor Crescent, March, 1915, to April, 1919. Address : Rushford Warren, Christehurch, Hants. Clubs: Bath; HurUngham ; V.A.D.; Solent Yacht. (010305) DICK, Henry Charles, M.B.E. DICK, James Scott, M.B.E, B.Sc, A.I.C, 6. 3 Nov. 1889 ; s. of WUUam Dick, of Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire ; to. Marion Edith, d. of WiUiam Narborough, of Woolwich. Educ : Kirk caldy High School and St. Andrews Univ. Research Chemist at Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Address : 6, Blendon Terrace, Plumstead, London, S.E. 18. (M7901) DICK, Margaret Mary Douglas, O.B.E. DICK, Marion Edith, Mrs., M.B.E, B.Sc. (Lond.) ; d. of late WUliam Narborough, of Woolwich ; to. James Scott, s. of WilUam Dick. Educ. : Blackheath High School, and Royal HoUoway Coll, London Univ. Lecturer in Science. War Work : Chemist, Research Dept, Woolwich Arsenal. Ad dress : 6, Blendon Terrace, Plumstead S.E. 18. (M7902) DICK, Octavius Petty, M.B.E. DICKENS, Henry Charles, O.B.E, 6. 7 Oct. 1878; s.of Henry Fielding Dickens, K.C, of 8, Mulberry Walk, S.W.; m. Fanny, d. of H. Rungo, of 25, Berkeley Square. Educ : Beaumont CoUege, and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Barrister- at-Law. War Work : Civil Liabilities Commissioner. Ad dress : 52, Chepstow VUlas, W. 11 ; 4, Essex Court, Temple. DICKENS, Lieut. WilUam Samuel, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. DICKENS, Capt. WilUe Hyde, O.B.E. DICKER, Capt. Arthur Seymour HamUton, M.B.E. DICKER, Lieut. GUbert Charles Hamilton, M.B.E. DICKERSON, Major Frederick Thomas, O.B.E. DICKEY, Archibald Alexander George, M.B.E, M.D, J.P, 6. 20 Sept. 1861 ; s. of Rev. J. P. Dickey, of Carnone, Raphow, Co. Donegal, Deland ; to. Marion, d. of late John Yeates, of Botcherly Hall, Cariisle. Educ. : Queen's CoU. Belfast. War Work: Officer-in-Charge and Medical Officer, Coine AuxiUary MiUtary Hospital. Address : Overdale HaU. Whitefield, Manchester. (M1650) DICKIE, James, M.B.E. DICKIE, Robert Charles, O.B.E. DICKD3, Major WilUam Stewart, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, F R C S DICKINS, Sidney John Oldacres, M.B.E, M.D. Brux.. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 24 Aug. 1869; s. of Charles Dickins, of Monken Hadley, Middlesex ; to. Cicely 159 Dickinson THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Margaret, d. of WiUiam Whitchurch Taunton, of Worcester. Educ. : Totteridge Park School ; St. Bart.'s Hospital ; Univ. Brux. Medical Officer and PubUc Vaccinator, Horsham Union, and of Cuckfield Union ; Medical Officer, St. Joseph's Orphanage, West Grinstead. War Work : Commandant and Medical Officer of Sussex V. V.A.D. from 1912-15 ; at his own expense, fitted up a machine shop, with 15 machines, and commenced making fuse bodies, fuse caps, and finaUy fuse hammers for high explosive shells, until the end of the war. Address : Cowfold, Sussex. (M16) DICKINSON, Emily Frances, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 1874 ; d. of Thomas Francis SeweU, of Colne-Engaine, Essex ; to. Henry Basham, s. of Joseph Dickinson, of Wavertree, Liver pool. Educ. : Privately, and Endsleigh House, London. War Work : Commandant, Essex County Hospital, Colchester ; Vice-President, British Red Cross Society, Lexden and Winstree Div, Colchester. Cub : V.A.D. Ladies'. (M1652) DICKINSON, Frances Joan, M.B.E. DICKINSON, Major Francis Sidney, O.B.E, Aust. A.S.C DICKINSON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George Joseph, O.B.E. DICKINSON, Capt. James, O.B.E. DICKINSON, Major and Qr.-Mr. Joseph Espin, O.B.E. DICKINSON, Major Richard Frederick O'Toole, O.B.E, M.B, B.A.O, M.Sc, R.A.M.C; s. of Richard RandaU Dickinson; to. Ita Mary Pauline, d. of Hugh Macken, of DubUn. Educ. : Blackrock CoU, and the Univ. Coll, Dublin, Medical School. Deputy Assistant Director of Hygiene, 5th Division, Deland. War Work : Medical Officer of a unit in the 6th Division in 1914-15 ; afterwards. Specialist Sanitary Officer, TrouviUe Base, and Deputy Assistant Director of Med. Services (Sanitation), 1st British Army in the Field, and later held the same appointment at G.H.Q. British Rhine Army. Address : Bayview. Sandy Cove, Co. Dublin. (08191) DICKINSON, WUUam, M.B.E. DICKINSON, WilUam Henry, O.B.E, M.B. DICKINSON, Capt. WiUiam Henry, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. DICKINSON, Right Hon. Sir WUloughby Hyett, P.C, K.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. 9 AprU, 1859 ; s. of Sebastian Stewart Dickinson, of Brown's Hill, Stroud, Glos. ; to. Minnie EUzabeth, d. of Sir Richard Meade, K.C.I.E. Educ: Eton and Cambridge (Trinity CoUege). Barrister-at-Law ; formerly M.P. for North St. Pancras, 1906-1918. War Work : Chairman of the War Office Appeals Committee (Soldiers' Dependants) ; Member of the London Central ReUef Com mittee (Prince of Wales' Fund) ; Member of War Refugees Committee. Address : 4, Egerton Gardens, S.W. 3. Clubs : Reform ; National Liberal. (K61) DICKINSON, Capt. WilUam Michael Kington, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. DICKS, Capt. Eustace James Carey, M.B.E, M.D, B.S. (Lond.), R.A.M.C.(V.), 6. 3 June, 1883 ; s. of F. R. Dicks, of Cheltenham ; m. Ethel, d. of J. How, of Cheltenham. Educ. : Epsom CoU, and St. Mary's Hospital, London. Medical Officer, FramUngham CoUege. War Work : Medical Officer, Easton Park Red Cross Hospital. Address : The Limes, Framlingham, Suffolk. (M7903) DICKS, Capt. Henry Leage, C.B.E, R.N, 6. 1870 ; s. of the late Henry Dicks, of Haslecourt, Woking. War Work : Served as Senior Naval Officer, Extended Defence Officer, and Capt. of AuxiUary Patrols, Cromarty. (C2235) DICKSON, Beatrice Beaupre, Mrs, M.B.E. DICKSON, Lieut.-Col. Ernest, C.M.G.. C.B.E. ; Lieut -Col R.A.S.C. ; served in Mesopotamia, 1915-18 (despatches). DICKSON, Lieut. Eric James, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. (M102171 DICKSON, Prof. Henry Newton, C.B.E, M.A, D Sc ', 6. 24 June, 1866 ; s. of WUliam Dickson, of Edinburgh ; to. Margaret Stephenson, of Duns, N.B. Educ. : Edinburgh Uni versity. An Assistant Editor of the " EncvclopaediaBritannica." War Work : Head of Geographical S'ection of the Naval Intelligence Department, Admiralty. Address : 125, High Holbom, London, W.C.I. Club : Royal Societies'. (C485) DICKSON, Isabel Anne, O.B.E, fi. 12 Dec. 1872 ; d. of John Farquhar Dickson, of Panbride House, Carnoustie. Educ. : St. Leonard's School, St. Andrew's ; Girton CoUege, Cambridge. Acting Principal, Women's CoUege within the Lmversity of Sydney, New South Wales ; Acting Principal, Bedford CoUege, University of London ; H.M. Inspector of Schools; Acting Assistant Secretary, Board of Education. War Work: Lent to Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Addresses: Deuehar, Forfarshire; 17, Pelham Crescent, S.W. 7. Club : Lyceum. (012851 DICKSON, Major James, O.B.E, Ell l ' DICKSON, Lorna, Mrs., M.B.E. DICKSON, Norman, O.B.E ,. £I£KS?J!,'„MaJor Robert Milne, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C, fi. 13 Dec 1880 ; s. of WiUiam Dickson, of Newport, Fife ; to. Katherine Wilson, d. oi WiUiam Cunningham, of Dundee Educ : St. Andrew's Univ. Ophthalmic SpeciaUst, Aldershot Command. War Work: Medical Officer, King's Dragoon Guards; Commandant, Bath War Hospital. Address : loungsdale. Newport, Fife. (07087) ioi^ICKS??' Robinson Simpson, O.B.E, M.D, 6. 30 Oct 1868 ; s. oi Joseph Dickson, M.D, of Whitehaven, Cumberland ; pSJSt ' Biuf-: c GhyU Bank CoU-. Whitehaven, and Glasgow Univ. Pohce Surgeon, Wood Green, N. 22 ; Surgeon w™S° " ^dwards Hospital, Wood Green ; Surgeon Linen and WooUen Drapers Institution. War Work: Surgeon to Roseneath AuxiUary MiUtary Hospital, Winchmore Hill, N. for 5 years, and Med. Off. to Auxiliary MiUtary Hospital' Palmers Green, N. 3, for 2. years ; Surgeon to Wood Green and Southgate Clinic for Disabled Soldiers. Address: 129 Palmerston Road, Bowes Park, N. 22. (O10308. DICKSON, Major WiUiam, O.B.E. R.A.O.C DIGBY, EmUy, M.B.E, d. of the late Sir Kenelm Digby G.C.B, of King's Ford, Colchester (see Burke's Peerage)'. War Work : Joint Hon. Sec. Colchester War Pensions Local Committee. Address : King's Ford, Colchester. (M7904) DIGBY, Lady LiUan Mary Harriet Diana, M.B.E, A.R.R.C, fi. 10 Feb. 1872 ; d. of Henry George, 2nd Earl of Ravensworth, of Ravensworth Castle, Gateshead ; m. Hon. Gerald Fitzmaurice, Capt. R.N, s. of the 9th Baron Digby. of Mluterne, Dorset (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : 3 years and 9 months' service in Holnest AuxUiary MiUtary Hospital (Primary Class), as Commandant and Nurse. Address: Lewcombe Manor, Dorchester. Club : V.A.D. (M327) DIGGINS, Capt. Arthur, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 10 Nov. 1867; s. of John Diggins, of Totnes, Devon ; to. Eva, d. of J. T. A. Crofton J.P, of DubUn. CivU Servant. A<_a>ess : The Home stead, Richmond, Surrey. (01287) DIGGINS, WilUam Samuel, M.B.E. DIGGLE, Capt. Frank Holt, O.B.E. M.B, F.R.CS R.A.M.C DIGNAM, Edmund Grattan, O.B.E. DIKE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Edward Henry, O.B.E. DILBY, Arthur George, M.B.E. DILKE, Beaumont Albany FETHERSTON-, M.B.E,M A M.B. (Cantab.) 6. 14 Nov. 1875 ; s. of the late Theodore Henry Percival DUke, of The India Office, S.W. ; to. Phoebe Stella d of Rev. W. RUand Bedford, M.A, of Sutton Coldfield, Warwicks. Educ. : St. John's CoU, Cambridge, and St. George's Hospital, London. Physician ; Medical Officer in the West African Medical Service in Nigeria. War Work : Acted as Assistant Surgeon to the Colonial Hospital at Gibraltar during the War. Address : Maxstoke Castle, ColeshUl, Warwickshire. Club : Union. (M6439) DILKS, AUce Irene, M.B.E, 6. 23 May, 1887 ; d. of Arthur DUks, M.A. (Oxon), of Sanderstead, Surrey. Educ. : Ladies' CoU, Eastbourne, and Newnham CoU, Cambridge. Secretary * ,, and Treasurer to the Bureau of Municipal Research, Dayton, ** * Onto, U.S.A., 1912-16. War Work : Administrative Assistant, Ministry of Munitions, 1916-20. Address : 118, Mayfleld Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. (M7907) DILL, John Frederick Gordon, O.B.E, M.D. DILL, Major Thomas MelvUle, O.B.E.. R.G.A. DILLON, Surgeon-Major Luke Gerald, O.B.E, F.S.A, J.P., Co. Durham, 6. 24 April, 1862 ; s. of Charles Blake Dillon, of Springlawn, Co. Roscommon ; to. EUzabeth Mary, d . of the late Hon. Hubert Dormer. Educ. : Queen's Univ., Galway (See Burke's Peerage, DUlon Viscount DiUon, descendants of Thomas, 4th son of Theobald, 1st V. Dttlon). War Wort: , Medical Officer in charge of Seaham HaU AuxiUary IMQIitary i Hospital, Seaham Infirmary, and aU troops stationed at Seaham during the war, including the 4th D.L.I, for 3£ years. Address : Hawthorn Tower, Seaham, Co. of Durham. (011802) DILLON, Malcolm, M.B.E, J.P, fi. 1859 ; s. of Anthony DiUon, J.P, of Wrexham; m. Clara EUzabeth, d. of Walter W. U. Palmer, of Southacre. Norfolk. Educ. : Mercers' School. Chief Agent to the Marquis of Londonderry. War Work: Member of Recruiting and War Savings Committees : County Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association ; Chairman, Seaham Tribunal ; Hon. Sec and Treas. Seaham HaU War Hospital ; Deputy Chairman, Durham County SaUors' Fund ; Sec. Seaham Division Soldiers' Help Society ; Member of Durham County War Pensions Committee ; Chairman of Emergency Committee. Address: Dene House, Seaham Harbour. (M7908) DILLON, Richards Henry, C.B.E. DILLON, Lieut. Robert, M.B.E. DILLON, SteUa Margaret, M.B.E, 6. 26 Dec. 1889 ; d. of Col. the Hon. R. V . DUlon. War Work : Nursing in Bedford shire Hospitals ; Member of No. 4, Bedford V.A.D, 1918-19 ; Quartermaster oi same detachment working at Kempston Military Hospital, Bedford. Address : Biddenham Manor, Bedfordshire. (M7909) DILLON, Thomas Cantrell, O.B.E, M.D. DILWORTH, Lieut. Charles, M.B.E. DIMMER, Lieut.-Col. John Francis, O.B.E. DIMMOCK, Capt. Henry Lionel Ffortington, O.B.E, fi. 2 Feb. 1885 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. H. P. Dimmock, O.B.E,; m. Beatrice Mary, d. of the late Ernest Kent, formerly of Hanley Castle, Worcestershire. Educ. : CUfton and Royal MUitary Academy. Captain in 9th Brigade, Royal Garrison ArtUlery. War Work : Embarked with 7th Division, Sept. 1914 ; com manded 146th Heavy Battery, R.G.A, Dec. 1917 ; Senior Instructor, 1st Army ArtiUerv School, Nov. 1919 ; commanded 290th Siege Battery, R.G.A, Nov. 1918. Address : Stagsdene, StonehiU, Bordon, Hants. (02487) DIMMOCK, Lieut.-Col. Henry Peers, O.B.E. DIMOCK, Capt. John Francis Douglas, O.B.E. DIMSDALE, Beatrice, Eliza Bower, Lady, O.B.E, fi. Aug. 1853 ; d. of Robert Hunt Holdsworth ; to. the late Right Hon. Sir Joseph C Dimsdale, Bart, K.C.V.O. War Wort: CivU Administrator of Fishmongers' HaU Hospital from Oct. 1914, to Feb. 1919. ' (O1290) DINGLE, Henry James, M.B.E, 6. 14 Nov. 1865 ; s. of Henry James Dingle, of Dean, near Salisbury ; m. Mary Ann, 160 BIOGRAPHIES. Dobbin i. of Henry Lewis, of Boyle, Ireland. Educ. : Romsey. War Work : Superintending Clerk, No. 2, Infantry Records, Exeter. Address : 15, West Street, Trowbridge, Wilts. (M4296) DINGLI, Capt. Adrian, O.B.E, R.M.A. DINSDALE, Lieut. Thomas Errington Coutts, M.B.E. DINWIDDIE, Capt. Melville, O.B.E, D.S.O, MO.; Capt. Gordon Highlanders ; served in the Great War 1914-17 (despatches). (05194) DINWIDDIE, Agnes Letitia BLOUNT-, M.B.E. Super visor, Judge Advocate-General's Office, War Office. (M10310) DISNEY, Rev. Anthony Edward Denny, M.B.E. ,6. 1859 ; s. of the late Rev. William Henry Disney, Rector of Winwick, Northamptonshire ; to. Katharine Gertrude, d. of the late Rev. Henry Lacon Watson, J.P, Rector of Sharnford, and Hon. Canon of Peterborough. Educ. : Privately, and Lichfield Theological Coll. Rector of Stoney Stanton since 1885, holding many pubUc offices in Diocese of Peterborough and County of Leicester. War Work : Chairman of the Hinckley Local Tribunal ; Chairman of the Hinckley and District Joint Food Control Committee ; Chairman of the Hinckley Rural Fuel and Light (Coal Control) Committee ; Member of the Hinckley District War Agricultural Committee (Men's) ; Chairman of the Hinckley District War Agricultural Committee (Women's) ; Vice-Chairman of the Hinckley District Sub-Committee, Naval and MiUtary Pensions ; Member of the Joint Food Distribution Committee for County of Leicester ; District Representative of Q.M.A.A.C. Address : The Rectory, Stoney Stanton, near Hinckley, Leicestershire. Ci'«6 : County (Leicester). (M1654) DISRAELI, Marion Grace, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1875 ; d. of the late Edward Silva, of Testcombe, Hants ; to. Coningsby DisraeU, D.L, T.D, C.A, J.P, nephew and heir of the late Earl of Beaconsfield. War Work : Red Cross Organisation ; War Pensions work ; Vice-President, Buckinghamshire Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association. Address : Hughenden Manor. Bucks. (03690) DITCHFIELD, Richard Thomas, M.B.E, 6. AprU, 1855. War Work : FUled the position as responsible head in connec tion with National Service, Chorley Pariiamentary Division ; was responsible for the preparation and presentation of the cases coming before six tribunals; rendered valuable service at the Recruiting Office, and was Hon. Sec for the Derby Scheme for the Borough of Chorley. Address : Windsor Road, Chorley. (M7910) DITTMAN, Capt. (acting Lieut.-Col.) WiUiam Ewart, O.B.E, fi. Oct. 1880 ; s. of Wm. T. Dittman, J.P. Educ : Portsmouth Grammar School. War Work : As Lieut.-Col. commanding 2nd A.A. MobUe Brigade, 1917 ; A.A. Defences, RedhiU, 1918 ; A.A. Defences, Dover, 1919. Address : 24, Saint Ronan's Road, Southsea. (03111) DIVE, Horace, M.B.E. (M1655) DIVER, Paymaster Lieut. James Michael, M.B.E, R.N.R. DIVES, Evelyn Scott, Mrs., O.B.E. Hon. Sec, Hove War Hospital Supply Depot. (011789ff) DIX, Arthur Harold, O.B.E, 5. 6 Aug. 1876. Addresses : 7, Mincing Lane, London, E.C ; Forest Dene, Worth, Sussex. (010130) DIX, Edith Amy, Mrs., M.B.E. DIX, Lieut. Henry PhUip, O.B.E, M.C, R.N.V.R. DIX, Major Robert Malam, O.B.E, R.A.S.C DIX, SeUna, M.B.E, M.I.H, Medallist Dom. Sci, 5. 15 March, 1859 ; d. of the late Edward Dix, of Beeston, Notts. Educ : Beeston ; Lincoln Training Coll. ; Nottingham Univ. Coll. Head Teacher, Wheatley St. Girls' School, and Principal, Wheatley St. Women's Institute, Coventry. War Work : Vice-Chairman, Coventry Women's Advisory Committee for War Employment ; Chairman, Sub-Committee Recreation for War Workers ; Member of Housing Sub-Committee, War Workers ; Red Cross Committee ; Food Economy Campaign Committee ; Chairman, Care of Maternity Committee ; Lecturer, Food Economy Campaign ; Chairman and Co- foundress, Dunsmoor Nursery and Maternity Home ; assisted in raising very large sums of money for war charities ; Treasurer, Wheatley St. War Savings' Association. Address : 4, Fairfax Street, Coventry. (M1656) DIXEY, Evelyn Hilda, M.B.E, 6. 24 Aug. 1891; d. of H. E. Dixey, D.L, J.P, of Malvern, Worcs. Educ. : Malvern and Brussels. War Work : Quartermaster of Red Cross Hospital, Malvern, from Oct. 1914, to May, 1919 ; three separate buUdings, 100 patients in aU. Address : Woodgate, Malvern, Worcestershire. (M1657) DIXON, Comm. Alan, O.B.E., R.N. DIXON, Arthur Lewis, C.B.E, B.A, 6. 30 Jan. 1888; s. of Rev. Seth Dixon, Wesleyan Minister ; to. Marie Price. Educ. : Kingswood School, Bath ; Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Assistant Secretary, Home Office. Address : Dudbroolre House, Eardley Road, Sevenoaks. Club : National. (C146) DIXON, Lieut. Arthur Tollemaehe, O.B.E.. D.C.L.I. DIXON, Lieut.-Col. Charles Egerton, O.B.E. DIXON, Qr.-Mr. and Major Charles Joseph, O.B.E. DIXON, Charles WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 29 AprU, 1888 ; «• of late John W. Dixon, of Manchester. Educ. : Clifton ; BaUiol CoUege, Oxford. 2nd Class Clerk, Colonial Office, 1911 ; Private Secretary to the Permanent Under Secretary of State, 1917; Principal, 1920. Address: Colonial Office, S.W. 1. (M328). DIXON, Edgar Geoffrey, 0.B.E, A.O.A, 6. 11 May, 1880 ; s. of William Dixon, of Liverpool ; to. Beatrice Edith, d. of Col. J. Binning, CLE, of Calcutta. Educ. : Rossall. Char tered Accountant; Director, Turner, Morrison & Co, Ltd, 6, Lyons Range, Calcutta. Address : Post Box No. 68, Calcutta. Clubs : Oriental (London) ; Bengal ; Saturday ; Tollygunge ; Jodhpur ; Barrackpore, all of Calcutta. (08286) DIXON, Edgar George, O.B.E. DIXON, Edward, O.B.E. DIXON, Major Edward Travers, O.B.E, R.A. DIXON, Elizabeth Amy, Mrs., M.B.E. DIXON, Major Frederick Frank, O.B.E. DIXON, George Finley, M.B.E. DIXON, Capt. George Seymour, O.B.E, 6. 28 July, 1895 ; s. of Mrs. K. Deighton Dixon, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Sherborne School ; Wye Agricultural Coll, Kent. Civil Service. War Work : EnUsted Aug. 1914 ; Commissioned 28 Oct. 1914; Adjutant, 2/4th Buffs (E.K.R.), June, 1915, to Sept. 1917 ; Assist. Brigade Major, 86th Brigade, 29th Division, Oct. 1917, to Jan. 1918 ; wounded, Battle of Lys, 11 April, 1918 ; Adjutant, 1st Royal Guernsey Light Infantry, July, 1918. to Jan. 1919 ; General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade, at G.H.Q, B.E.F, France, Jan. 1919, to May, 1919 ; G.S.O, 3rd Grade, G.H.Q, British troops in France and Flanders, May to Oct. 1919 ; Staff Capt, G.H.Q, British troops in France and Flanders, Oct. to Dec 1919. Address : The Inglenook, Ashtead, Surrey. Club : New Oxford and Cambridge. (05197) DIXON, Gertrude Caroline, C.B.E. DIXON, Col. Graham Patrick, C.B.E, Aust. A.M.C DIXON, Harold BaUey, C.B.E, F.R.S, Ph. D., M.A. DIXON, Capt. Herbert, O.B.E, M.P. DIXON, Jennie, Mrs., M.B.E, B.A. (Lond.) ; d. of M. Earlam, of Davenham, Northwich ; to. John Frank, s of J. J. Dixon, of Northwich. Educ. : Northwich High School, and Univ. CoU, Aberystwyth. War Work : Quartermaster, and afterwards Commandant and Officer in charge of the Dowery AuxiUary Military Hospital, Nantwich, Cheshire. Address : 8, Dysart Buildings, Nantwich, Cheshire. (M7912) DIXON, Kate Alice, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. June, 1874 ; d. of John Robinson, of Esher ; to. Charles Harvey, s. of Henry Dixon, of Watlington. War Work : Sec. and Guarantor to the Uppingham AuxiUary Hospital ; Sec. to the Herb Section and Horticultural Section Women's Legion, Rutland Branch. Address : Gunthorpe, Oakham. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (M7913) DIXON, Comm. Kennet, C.B.E, R.N. War Work : Em ployed in Office of Admiral Comdg. Coastguard and Reserves and as Port Mine Sweeping and Mine Clearance Officer. (C2219) DIXON, Rev. Leonard Alexander, O.B.E, 6. 2 July, 1889; s. of the Rev. Canon Dixon, of Toronto, Canada. Educ: St. Alban's School, Toronto ; Univ. of Toronto ; and Wycliffe Coll, Toronto. Sec. Foreign Department, International Committee Y.M.C.A. War Work : Gen. Sec. Y.M.C.A. with Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force, 1915-19. Address : 5, Russell Street, Calcutta. India. (01292) DIXON, Capt. Robert Garside, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, 6. 1881 ; s. of George Edward Dixon, of East Chevin, Otley ; m. Gertrude, d. of James Storey, of Ben Rhydding. Educ. : Leeds Univ. Hon. Surgeon, Bingley Cottage Hospital ; Medical Referee under Pensions Ministry. War Work : 2nd West Riding Field Ambulance, Aug. 1914, to Jan. 1915 ; Surgical Specialist (Acting Major), 58th (West Riding) Casualty Clearing Station, France, Jan. 1915, to Feb. 1919. Address : Old School House, Bingley, Yorks. (05198) DIXON, Major Sydney Wentworth, O.B.E, fi. 6 March, 1868 ; s. of William Hepworth Dixon. Late Capt. 3rd Batt. The Manchester Regt. (MiUtia) ; joined R.A.S.C Horse Transport, Aug. 27, 1914. (08796) DIXON, William Chester, O.B.E. (05199) DIXON, Surg.-Lieut. Walter Ernest, O.B.E, M.D, R.N. DIXON, Walter Reginald, M.B.E. DIXON, WiUiam Vibart, O.B.E, 6. 25 Dec. 1850 ; s. of Rev. John Dixon, M.A. Camb, Vicar of Hoe, etc. Suffolk ; to. Muriel, d. of Richard Ernest Langhome, of Woolley Moor House, near Wakefield. Educ. : Aldeburgh Grammar School. Deputy Clerk of Peace and County CouncU of West Riding of Yorks. ; Solicitor, West Riding Asylums Board. War Work : Hon. Sec. of various bodies, including W. Riding Appeal Tri bunal, E. Central Division ; W. Riding War Agricultural and Executive Committees ; W. Riding War Pensions Committee ; W. Riding Distress Committee etc. ; Chairman of Thorner Sailors' and Soldiers' Fund. Address : Westfield House, Thorner, near Leeds. Club : Wakefield and County. (0296) DOBB, Capt. Harry Raymond, O.B.E, fi. 19 Dec. 1890; s of Harry Dobb. of Shiplake, Oxfordshire. Educ. : Ton- bridge School, and Pembroke CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Served in France, 1914-15 ; Salonica, 1915-16 ; EDgland, 1916-18 ; North Russia, 1918-19. Address : Martlets, Ship- lake Oxfordshire. Clubs : Leander ; Isthmian ; Officers', Aldershot. (09716) DOBBIN, Roy Samuel, O.B.E, M.D., B.Ch, B.A.O, B.A, 6. 5 May, 1872 ; s. of Samuel Dobbin, of DubUn, Ireland. Educ : Trinity CoU, DubUn. Professor of Midwifery and Gynaecology, Government School of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt War Work : Surgical SpeciaUst, British Expeditionary Force, France ; served also with the armies of the Black Sea. Ad dress : Khedivial BuUdings, rue Emad et Dine, Cairo. Club : Turf (Cairo). (O5200) 161 Dobbin THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. DOBBIN, Lieut.-Col. William James Knowles, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. Rifle Brig. (T.F.) ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) (C1378) DOBBIN | Major WilUam Wood, M.B.E, A.M.F, 6 11 April, 1859 ; s. of George Dobbin, of Armagh, late R.E. : to. Kate Shaw, d. of Henry McLaughUn, of Osborne Park Belfast. Educ. : Royal Academical Institution, Belfast Adjutant, Victorian Mounted Rifles ; Commanded 3rd Vic torians, South African War (King and Queen's Medals, 7 Bars) , Governor, Dish Prison Service, 1903 ; Borstal, 1902. War Work: Commandant local St. John Ambulance Brigade, 1914 ; County Director, Joint Red Cross and St. John Organi sations ; 500 Ex-Borstal young men joined the colours. (M7915) DOBBINGS, WiUiam, M.B.E, fi. 1859; s. of WilUam Dobbings, of Leeds, Yorks; m. EUzabeth, d. of Matthew Waugh, of Bradford, Yorks. Educ. : Kippax (Yorks.) CoUegiate School. Foreman, Royal Arsenal Thames Ship buUding Co, etc. War Work : Manufacture of Ordnance ; Dilution Officer, Ministry of Mimitions ; Investigation Officer, Ministry of Munitions and Ministry of Labour. Address : 238, Plumstead Common Road, London, S.E. 18. (M7916) DOBBS, Col. Charles Fairlie, C.B.E, D.S.O. ; 6. 1872. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Indian Army ; served in Aden, 1903-4. and in the Great War, 1914-18. (C30S9) DOBBS, Col. Conway Richard, O.B.E, R.E. DOBBS. Col. George CadeU, O.B.E, Indian Army (retired), 6. 3 July, 1849 ; s. of Major-Gen. R. S. Dobbs, Madras Staff Corps ; m. Sophy de Moleyns, d. of Rev. William Prior Moore, M.A. Educ. : Privately. Commissary-General, Bengal and Bombay. War Work : Hon. Sec to Executive Committee, Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society, Irish Branch. Address : Winton Lodge, Monkstown, Co. DubUn. (03691) DOBIE, Herbert, M.B.E, M.D. (Edin.), M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P.. fi. 6 June, 1865 ; s. of Dr. W. M. Dobie, of Chester ; m. Margaret Ann, d. of James Mclsaac, of Parkend, Saltcoats. Educ. : Marlborough ; Edinburgh Univ. ; London, Vienna, and Dresden. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of Eaton HaU AuxiUary MiUtary Hospital, near Chester ; afterwards in charge of Oakfields AuxiUary MUitary Hospital, Upton, Chester. Address : Northdene, Chester. (M7917) DOBLE, Capt. WiUiam Alfred, M.B.E, A.P.C, E.A.F. DOBREE, Alfred, C.B.E. ; 6. 1864 ; s. of the Rev. Canon Osmond DobrCe, of Colwich, Staffordshire. Consulting Engineer; Member of Royal Institution, Royal Asiatic Soc, and Royal United Service Institution, Hon. Member R.A. Institu tion, Member Ordnance Committee, Min. of Munitions, and a Fellow of Physical Soc. Address : 11, Palace Street, Bucking ham Gate, S.W.I. Club : Savile. (C487) DOBSON, Major Andrew Edward Augustus, O.B.E, R.A.' 5. 1 Jan. 1885 ; s. of Col. A. F. Dobson, late I.M.S. ; m. Deborah Clare, d. of the Rev. T. Sarsfield HaU, late Vicar of Doddington, Kent. Educ. : Heidelberg and Warwick. Obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut, in the Royal Garrison Artillery from the Royal MUitary Academy, 29 July, 1904 ; promoted Lieut, 29 July, 1907 ; passed as Instructor SignaUing, Aldershot, 1908 ; German Interpreter, 1908 ; passed Advanced Class (P.A.C.), 1912 ; appointed Assist. Inspector, Inspection Department, Woolwich Arsenal, 27 March, 1913. War Work : Was retained during the whole of the war in the Inspection Department, when the department was taken over by the Ministry of Munitions from the War Office ; promoted Capt, 30 Oct. 1914 ; appointed Inspector, 14 AprU, 1916 ; promoted Major, 31 Oct. 1918 ; for valuable services rendered in connec tion with the war, promoted Brevet Major, 3 June, 1917 ; mentioned in despatches, 24 Feb. 1917. Address : 123, Coleraine Road, Blackheath, S.E, 3. (07092) DOBSON, Bernard Henry, C.B.E, I.C.S, fi. 1 Jan. 1881 : s. of Austin Dobson, of 75, Eaton Rise, Ealing, W. ; m. Margaret Eleanor, d. of the late Col. M. T. Sale, CM.G, R.E. Educ. : Clifton College ; Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab , Settlement Officer, Chenab Colony, 1911-15 ; Deputy Commissioner, Lyallpur, 1919. War Work : War Office, 1915-16 ; Assistant Director, Commission Inter nationale de Ravitaillement, 1916-19 ; Member of Lord Milner's sub-committee of the War Cabinet on Russian Supplies, 1917-18. Clubs: Athemeum ; Bath; United Service ; Simla. (C2565) DOBSON, Capt. Geoffrey WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.F. DOBSON, 2nd Lieut. George Herbert, M.B.E. (M10218) DOBSON, Capt. Maurice Rowland, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. DOBSON, Capt. William, M B.E. DOBSON, Lieut. William Frederick, M.B.E, R.E. DOCKER, Capt. Cyril Talbot, M.B.E. DOCKERY, Owen, M.B.E, H.S.B, Divisional Super intendent, St. John Ambulance, 6. 1859 ; s. of T. Dockery of DubUn ; m. Mary, d. of John Quinn, of Co. Tyrone. War Work : District Head, Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society, and Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association ; Member of Local War Pension Committee ; rendered first aid to a large number (over 300) torpedoed crews who arrived in Galway Bav during the war ; also to His Majesty's Forces during the Reb'eUion in 1916- (M7918) DOCKRELL, Capt. George Shannon, O.B.E. DOD, Capt. Francis Sandford, O.B.E, F.A.I, F.C I A 6 27 July, 1888 ; e. s. of Francis Augustus Dod, J.P, F.A I of Stoke Newington ; m. Bertha Ivy, d. of Lieut.-Col. J. J. Fox 162 O.B.E, of Streatham. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School. Surveyor, Assessor, and Auctioneer ; Freeman of the City of London ; Liveryman of the Farriers' Company. War Work : 2nd Lieut. A.S.C, Oct. 1915 ; Lieut, Feb. 1916 ; Capt, May, 1918 ; served in Malta as Purchasing and Compensation Officer, Nov. 1916 to, June, 1917 ; Staff Capt. (Q.M.G. Dept.), War Office July, 1917, to Feb. 1919. Addresses : Rosslyn, Manor Road N. 16 ; 11, Grocers' HaU Court, London, E.C. 2. Clubs ; Sports ; Royal Army Service Corps. (O7094), DODD, John WiUiam, O.B.E. DODD, Peter, M.B.E. DODDS, Lieut. Archibald Forbes, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. DODDS, Helen, Lady, C.B.E. ; 2nd d. of Capt. E. Picton Baumgarten, late 10th Hussars ; to. 19 June, 1889, Sir James MUler, K.C.B. (see Bukke'S Peerage), 2nd s. of the Rev, James Dodds, D.D, Minister of Corstophine, Midlothian. (C488) DODDS, Major Jackson, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. DODDS, Lionel, O.B.E, B.A, M.D, fi 1881; s.of Thomas Dodds, of Buenos Aires ; to. Helena, d. of Robert Rodman, of Glasgow. Educ. : National Coll. ; Univ. of Buenos Aires. Medi cal Doctor ; Assist. OcuUst to the Univ. Hospital ; Chief Oculist to the Alvear Hospital. War Work : Revised the eyesight of aU the volunteers from the Argentine RepubUc ; tested them for glasses, and put them in condition for service. Address : Maipu 794, Buenos Aires. Club : Strangers'. (010313) DODDS, Mary Janet, O.B.E, 6. 8 Nov. 1869 ; d. of Rev. James Dodds, D.D, of Corstorphine Parish Church. Educ: Park School, Glasgow ; Ladies' CoU, Edinburgh ; School of Medicine for Women, Edinburgh. Medical Missionary, and Deaconess, Church of Scotland, Poona, India. War Work: Scottish Churches' Huts, Dreghorn, Colinton. Club : Cale donian, Edinburgh. (010314) DODDS, Lieut. Theodore Edwin, M.B.E, R.F.A. DODDS, Thomas LiddeU, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 5 Feb. 1846; s. of WiUiam Dodds, of Newcastle ; m. Jane Widdofield, d. of Stephen Raseby, of Durham. Educ : Hexham. Ex-Mayor of Birkenhead ; Chairman of Licensing Bench. War Wort : Chairman of Tribunal ; Sub-Commissioner for Birkenhead and District. Address : 8, CharlesvUle, Birkenhead. (01293) DODGSON, Capt. Arthur Douglas, O.B.E, fi. 22 Aug. 1884 ; s. of WiUiam Henley Dodgson, of Keston ; to. JuUet Henrietta, d. of F. Hugh Capron, of Northgate, Regent's Park. Educ : Winchester, and Christ Church, Oxford. Stock Broker. War Work: R.A.S.C, Newhaven, Egypt, Palestine, Syria; Officer in charge Supplies, Jaffa, Sarona, Beirut, and TripoU. Address : 13, Kent Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. 1. (06169) DODGSON, CampbeU, C.B.E, 6. 13 Aug. 1867 ; s. of William Oliver Dodgson, of Manor House, Sevenoaks; m. Frances Catharine, d. of Rev. W. A. Spooner, DD, Warden of New CoUege, Oxford. Educ. : Winchester and New CoUege, Oxford. Keeper of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, 1912. War Work : Assistance given to the propaganda work conducted at WeUington House, and afterwards by the Ministry of Information. Address : 22, Montagu Square, W. 1. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Burlington Fine Arts. (C489) DODINGTON, Lieut.-Col. Roger MARRIOTT-, O.B.E, T.D, D.L, J.P. (see BUKKE'S Landed Gentry), 6. 30 July, 1866 ; s. of Thomas Marriott-Dodington, of Horsington ; m. Mary Emeline Bertha, d. of Gen. Couper, I.S.O, of Combe, Dulverton. Educ. : Eton and Cambridge. War Work : Commanded West Somerset Yeomanry tiU autumn of 1916 ; then went to France on Staff of 1st Corps ; mentioned in despatches, and O.B.E. for services. Address : Horsington House, Templecombe, Somerset. Clubs: Cavalry; Oxford and Cambridge. (05541) DODWORTH, Capt, Benjamin, O.B.E, T.F. Res. DODSWORTH, Robinson Irving, O.B.E DODSWORTH, Sir Matthew Blayney SMITH-, Bart, O.B.E., J.P, fi. 26 Oct. 1856 ; s. of the late Sir Matthew Dods- worth, Bart, of Newland Park (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; m. Agnes Eliza, d. of John Crowder. Educ. : Richmond (Yorks.), and Oxford (U.iiv. Coll.). War Work : As Member of the National Council of Y.M.C.A. and Chairman of the Yorkshire Union Council of Y.M.C.A, engaged in work among the troops. Address : Thornton Watlass HaU, Bedale, Yorks. (01294) DODWELL, Charles Money. M.B.E, 6. 20 Jan. 1892; s. of Edward Dodwell. Educ. : City of London School. Deputy Accounts Officer, Admiralty. War Work : Advisory work on Navy Separation Allowances. Address : Foxley Hall, Purkfy, Surrey. (M1659) DOERY, George Henry, O.B.E. DOGGRELL, Capt. Enos, M.B.E, 6. 8 May, 1875 ; s. of Enos DoggreU, of Motcombe, Dorset. Educ : Shaftesbury. War Work : Adjutant and Armament Major, R.G.A, South Gibraltar. Address : Ivy Cottage, Semley, Shaftesbury, Dorest. (M5225) DOHERTY, Arthur Edward, M.B.E. DOHERTY, Francis Cecil, M.B.E, B.A, fi. 10 Nov. 1892; s. of William Pemble Doherty ; to. Marjorie Banks, d. of George Sargent, of Chelmsford. Educ : Westminster School, and Christ Church, Oxford. Assist. Master, Radley CoU, Berks War Work: Lieut, 5th Batt. Essex Regt. (T.F.). Address: East Cottage, Radley, Abingdon, Berks. (M5226) DOIDGE, Major Herbert Frederick, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. DOIDGE, Major R. C, O.B.E. DOIG, Annie EmUia, M.B.E, ; d. ol James Scott Elliot, of Blackwood, Dumfriesshire ; m. late Capt. Doig. Scottish Borderers. Y.M.C.A. War Work : France, 1914-16 ; "AU Welcome Hut," Victoria, 1916-19. BIOGRAPHIES. Dorman DOIG, Claude Prendergast, O.B.E. (O7096) DOIG, David, M.B.E, J.P. DOLAND, Lieut.-Col. George Frederiok, O.B.E, 6. 1 May, 1872 ; s. of George Richard Doland, of Balhain, London, S.W. ; to. Minnie Mary, d. of George Riohardson, of Balham, London, S.W. Educ. : Privately. Member of Wandsworth Borough Council 10 years. War Work : Founder and Officer Commanding County of London Royal Army Service Corps, Motor Transport (Volunteers). Address : Taainga, Clarence Road, Clapham Park, S.W. 4. (O7097) DOLLOND, Alfred Walter, M.B.E, 6. 28 June, 1861 ; s. of the late WUliam DoUond ; to. Louisa, d. of David Beadle, of Ightham, Kent. Educ. : Sir Anthony Browne's School, Brentwood. Clerk in War Office. War Work : Record of prisoners of war captured by the enemy. Address : Westcroft, Salisbury Road, Carshalton, Surrey. (M9720) DOLMAGE, Capt. Francis Alfred Emilio, M.B.E. DOLPHIN, John Byron, O.B.E, Chevalier de l'Ordre de Leopold, 6. 19 AprU, 1877 ; s. of the late Rev. John Maximilian Dolphin, formerly of Long-Eaton Vicarage, Derbyshire (Hon. Canon of Southwell) ; to. Bertha Alice Lucy, d. of Thomas Fumival, of Bishopstone, Sussex. Educ. : Oundle School, Northants. H.M. Vice-Consul at Liege, Belgium, from 1907-14 inclusive. War Work : Assist. Representative, after wards Representative, of Ministry of Munitions, at National Projectile Factory, Brrtley, Co. Durham, 1915-19. Address : 3, Avenue du Hetre, Sclessin, Liege, Belgium. (010515) DOLTON, Capt. Herbert Edward, O.B.E. DOMINY, Lieut.-Comm. Reginald Hugh, C.B.E, R.NJt. DOMVILLE, Edward James, O.B.E, J.P, M.R.C.S. (End), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 14 Sept. 1848 ; s. of Rev. D. E. DomvUle, Chaplain, R.N. ; m. Lucy, d. of WiUiam Danby, of Elmfield, Exeter. Educ : Royal Naval School, New Cross. Mayor of Exeter, 1893-94 ; Justice of the Peace, City and County of Exeter ; Consulting Surgeon, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. War Work : House Surgeon to Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Address : Shutes, Symondsbury, Bridport, Dorset. (010316) DON, Sir WUUam, "K.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 1861 ; s.of James Don, of Dundee ; to. Martha NicoU, d. of J. H. Lindsay, of Dundee. Educ. : Dundee High School. Deputy Lieutenant of the County of the City of Dundee ; Ex-Lord Provost of the City of Dundee. War Work : Chairman of Recruiting Committee ; National Service Committee ; Local War Pensions Committee ; Local Tribunal, etc. Address : Ardarrock, Dundee. Club : Eastern, Dimdee. (K62) DONALD, Cecile, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1872 ; d. of Rev. George Woodberry Spoouer, M.A, of Inglesham Vicarage, Gloucester shire Lieut.-Col. l/4th Border Regt. ; to. WiUiam Nanson, s. of John Donald, of CarUsle. Educ. : Ascham Coll, Oxford ; Florence, Italy. Mayoress of Carlisle, 1917-18. War Work : Commandant of Chadwick Auxuliary MUitary Hospital from 1915-18. Address : Inglesham, The Scaur, CarUsle. (M1661) DONALD, Major-Gen. Colin George, C.B, C.B.E. War Work : Did valuable work in connection with the Imperial War Museum. (C139) DONALD David Angus M.B.E. (M10247) DONALD, Duncan, O.B.E, 6. 30 June, 1864 ; s. of A. J. S. Donald ; m. Isabelle Anne, d. of W. W. Robertson. Educ. : Bishop Cotton School, Simla. Indian PoUce, retired ; now serving as Superintendent Central JaU, Lahore. War Work : Served in the Burma War (medal and clasp) ; subsequently earned the King's Police Medal ; mentioned and thanked by H.E. The Commander-in-Chief for war work during 1915-17. (08287) DONALD, Ethel Maud, M.B.E. DONALD, George GRAY-, O.B.E, R.E. DONALD, Capt. George Reid, M.B.E. DONALD Capt. Robert, M.B.E, R.A.F. DONALD, Robert, M.B.E, 6. 7 May, 1879 ; s. of Robert Donald, of Banchory. Educ. : Central Public Higher Grade School, Banchory. General Merchant, Town Councillor ; Sec. to the St. Ternan Lodge of OddfeUows. War Work : Sec and Treas. of the Banchory War Savings Association ; ' also of the Upper Deeside District Local Central War Savings Committee. Address : Woodside, Arbeadie, Banchory, Kin cardine, Scotland. (M7921) DONALD, WilUam, M.B.E. DONALD, Capt. WiUiam Hamish, O.B.E. DONALDSON, Ada Maud, Mrs., M.B.E. DONALDSON, Major Arthur WiUiam Hunter, O.B.E, M.B, B.Ch. (Oxon.), M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, R.A.M.C, 6. 12 Oct. 1885; s. of Daniel Donaldson, of Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Educ. : Hertford CoU, Oxford ; St. Thomas' Hospital, London. Medical Officer, SomaUland Protectorate. War Work : Attached Cambridge Hospital, Aldershot, Jan. to July, 1915 ; Surgical Specialist, 18th Casualty Clearing Station, France, till AprU, 1919. Addresses : St. Thomas' Hospital, S.E. 1 ; c/o Medical Dept, Berbera, British SomalUaud. (O5026) DONALDSON, Lieut. Ernest, O.B.E, R.N.R. DONALDSON, George Lester, M.B.E. DONALDSON, Norman Patrick, C.B.E. DONALDSON, Qr.-Mr. and Capt. Robert IngUs, O.B.E. DONCASTER, Robert, O.B.E. J.P. DONKIN, Major Herbert Julyan, M.B.E, R.E. DONNAN, Frederick George, C.B.E, M.A, Ph.D., D-bc, F.I.C F.R.S, 6. 6 Sept. 1870 ; s. of William Donnan, of Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland. Educ. : Universities of Belfast ; Berlin ; and London. Professor of General Chemistry University CoUege, University of London ; A Vice-President of the Chemical Society of London, and of the Faraday Society. War Work : Member of the Munitions Inventions Panel, and of the Nitrogen Products Committee of the Munitions Inven tions Deportment ; • Member of the Chemical Warfare Com mittee, Ministry of Munitions of War ; rendered assistance to the Department of Explosives Supply, the Admiralty Hydrogen Committee, and the Air Ministry. Address : 23, Woburn Square, London, W.C. 1. C(ufis : SavUe ; University, Liver pool ; Royal North of Ireland Yacht. (C2568). DONNELLY, Major John WiUiam, O.B.E, A.I.F. DONNER, Anna Maria, Lady, D.B.E. ; d. of W. A. Cunn- ham, of Manchester ; to. Sir Edward Donner, 1st Bart, s. of Edward Sedgfield Donner, of Scarborough. War Work : Vice- President, Fallowfleld and Burnage Division, British Red Cross Society ; Organiser of Fairview Auxiliary Hospital, FaUow- fleld ; President, Manchester War Hospital Supply Depot. Address : Oak Mount, Fallowfleld, Manchester. (D28) DONOHUE, Col. WiUiam Edward, C.B.E, M. Inst. C.E., R.A.S.C, fi. May, 1861 ; s. of Timothy Donohue, of ClonakUty, Co. Cork ; to. Frances Martha, d. of John Everett, of London. Educ. : Privately and Royal CoUege of Science, London. Chairman of Motorists Association, Egypt ; Director, Egyptian Transport Company, Alexandria. War Service ; Chief Inspector of Mechanical Transport and Officer in charge of Home Base Depots, for supply of Equipment and Mechanical Transport Stores, Aug. 1914-16 ; Inspector of Mechanical Transport Services, Eastern theatres of operations, Egypt, Salonika, East Africa, Mesopotamia, Persia, Palestine, 1916-19. Address : 25, Harrington Gardens, South Kensington, London. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe (London) ; Union (Alexandria, Egypt). (C490). DONOHUE, Lieut. WUUam James, O.B.E.. R.N.R. DONOVAN, Capt. Thomas Christopher, O.B..E, M.C, R.G.A, 6. 24 Dec. 1881 ; s. of Thomas Donovan, of Dublin ; to. Bridget Mary, d. of Thomas Moran, of Dublin. Educ : Donnybrook National School. Enlisted at Dublin into the Royal Garrison ArtiUery, 5 Oct. 1899 ; rank of Master Gunner at outbreak of war ; served in Malta, Ceylon, Hongkong, Singapore and Sierra Leone. War Service: Ministry of Muni tions, 18 Nov. 1915, to AprU, 1916 ; 127th Siege Battery, Salonica, July, 1916, to Jan. 1917 ; Ammunition Duties, R.A.O.C, Salonica, Jan. 1917 to Feb. 1919 ; in charge of Ammunition Services, Denniken's force, South Russia, March, 1919, to Dec. 1919 ; awarded O.B.E. for this service and given the order of Saint Anne, Class II. , by Russian authorities ; granted M.C for saving an ammunition depot on fire, caused by air raid ; mentioned in despatches. (O9740) DOOLAN, Edmond, M.B.E, R.F.A. DOOLEY, Lieut. John, M.B.E, R.N. DOOLEY, Lieut. Raymond, M.B.E. DOONER, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Dundas, C.M.G, O.B.E. ; 6. 1876 ; o. surv. s. of Col. WilUam Toker Dooner, of Ditton Place nr. Maidstone. Entered Roy. Irish Fusiliers 1895; Major, Brevet Lieut.-Col. R.A.O.C ; S. African War, 1899-1900, with Roy. Dish FusiUers (severely wounded, Queen's medal with two clasps). Address : 4, Rosary Gardens, S.W.7. Club : Army and Navy. (07098) DOONER, Col. William Toke, M.B.E, J.P. Hon. Sec, Chatham MiUtary Division of Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association. (M10312) DOOR, Reginald Edmund, M.B.E. DOPPING-HEPENSTAL, Major Lambert John, O.B.E, D.L, J.P, R.E. (ret.), fi. 3 Aug. 1859; (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry) \ s. of the late Col. R. A. Dopping-Hepenstal, D.L, J.P, of Derrycassan, Granard ; to. Amy Maude, d. of Major 0. R. W. Tottenham, D.L, J.P, of Woodstock, Co. Wicklow, and Plas Berwyn, N. Wales. Educ. : Harrow and Woolwich. War Work : Volunteered for service 4 Aug. 1914, and served through out the Great War untU Nov. 1919 ; awarded Egyptian War Medal and Star, 1882. Address : Derrycassan, Granard, Co. Longford ; 73, Harcourt Street, Dublin. Club : KUdare Street, Dublin. (08797 DORAN, David John, M.B.E, 6. 1860 ; s. of W. J. Doran, of Ireland ; to. Eliza Ann, d. of John King, Freeman of City of London, and Freemason. Educ. : Aberystwyth Grammar School. Principal Clerk, Chief Goods Manager's Office, Great Western RaUway, Paddington. War Work : Had to deal with the conveyance of all descriptions of explosives, inflammable liquids, dangerous chemicals, gases, etc, for the Great Western Railway, and in association with other Railway Companies ; also the problems arising in connection therewith ; Member of Railway Companies Joint Standing Committee on Explosives ; holds Long Service Medal and King's Medal for service in Metropolitan Special Constabulary. (M7923) DORAN, Lieut.-Col. John Crampton Morton, C.B.E, D.S.O. ; fi. 1880 ; s. of the late Rev. J. Wilberforce Doran, of Souiderne, Oxon ; to. 1917, Hester Maude, d. of Edward Field, of Blackdowu HiU, Leamington. Educ. : St. Edward's School, Summertown, Oxford. Entered Army Service Corps, 1902 ; Major, 1914 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1918 ; served during S. African War, 1901-1902 (medal with five clasps) ; in SomaUland ; 1908-10 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-15, on Staff (despatches twice) ; appointed Dep. Assist. Director of Supplies, War Office, 1915, and an Assist. Director, 1917. Address : Charlbury, Oxon. (C1545) DORMAN, Sir Arthur John, K.B.E, J.P.. N.R, Yorks; 6. 8 Aug, 1848; s. of late Charles Dorman, of Ashford, Kent; m. 163 Dorman THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 18 Sept.. 1873, Clara Share, d. of late George Lockwood, of Stockton-on-Tees. Chairman of Messrs. Dorman, Long & Co, of Middlesbrough. Address: Grey Towers, Nunthorpe, Yorks. Clubs : St. Stephen's and Junior Athenaeum. (K63) DORMAN, Capt. Bedford Lockwood, O.B.E., 6. 1879 ; s. of Sir Arthur J. Dorman, K.B.E, of Grey Towers, Nunthorpe; m. Constance Phelps, d. of A. S. Hay, of Sacombe Park, Ware. Educ. : Rugby and Trinity College, Cambridge. Barrister-at- Law. War Service : Temp. Lieut, A.O.D, Dec 1914 ; Staff Captain, Directorate of ArtiUery, War Office, 1916. Address : Enterpen Hall, Hutton Rudly. Club : Conservative. (01297) DORMER, AUred James, M.B.E, 6. 30 March, 1866 ; s. of Richard Dormer, of Reading ;. m. Edith, d. of James Malham, of Reading. Educ. : St. Mary's School, Reading. War Work : Welfare of Soldiers in Reading. Address : 68, Elgar Road, Reading. (M7924) DORMER, Capt. Charles Joseph Thaddeus, Lord, C.B.E, R.N, J.P, D.L, Gent. Usher, (see BUKKE'S Peerage), 6. 24 Feb. 1864 ; s. of Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Sir James C. Dormer, K.C.B. ; to. Caroline Mav, d. of Col. Sir Spencer Cavendish Clifford, Bart, of Westfield, Ryde, Isle of Wight. Educ. : Oscott Coll. J.P. and D.L. for Warwickshire ; Gentleman Usher to H.M. the King. War SerrAce : Admiralty War Staff ; Chairman of a Committee, War Trade Department. Address : Grove Park. Warwick. Club : Naval and MUitary. (C147) DORRELL, WilUam John, M.B.E. DORRIEN, OUve Crofton, Lady SMITH-, D.B.E. ; o. d. of Col. John Schneider, of Oak Lee, Furness Abbey ; m. 3 Sept, 1902, Gen. Sir Horace Lockwood, G.C.B, G.C.M.G, D.S.O. (see Bukke'S Peerage), 5th s. of Col. Robert Algernon Smith-Doraen, of Haresfoot, Herts (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). (D19) DORRINGTON, Lieut. Frederick James, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. DOTT,. George, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 26 July, 1855; s. of William Dott, of Moffat ; m. Georgina, d. of William Law, of Midlothian. Educ. : Newington Public School, Edinburgh. Member of Glasgow Town CouncU ; ex-Chairman of Glasgow Parish CouncU ; Chairman of Old Age Pensions Sub-Com mittee, District 7, Glasgow. War Work : Member of Glasgow Local Committee, War Pensions Acts, 1915-19 ; Chairman of Central and Kelvingrove Division, 64, Berkeley Street. Addresses: 42, EldersUe Street, Glasgow; BrookvUle, North Mount Vernon, Tollcross. (M7925) DOTTRIDGE, Edwin Thomas, C.B.E, Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy, 6. 1876 ; s. of AUreo. James ; to. Mabel Florence, d. of the late Walter Hudson, of Hastings, and widow of the late Clement TuUoch of the Hong Kong and Shangai Banking Corporation. Educ. : Privately. Director of Messrs. J. Travers & Sons, Ltd. War Work : 1916, Visited Italy (Rome, Piacenza, Palma, Turin, Ancona, Bari, Naples, Messina, Catania, Syracuse) for the purpose of making a report to the President of the Board of Trade ; 1917, visited Rome for the purpose of investigating and making a report to the Foreign Office on certain trade matters ; 1917-19, organised and carried out a scheme for the solution of a semi-political difficulty in connection with food supplies. Address : 47, St. George's Court, Gloucester Road, Kensington. Club : Junior Constitutional. (C2569) DOUBLEDAY, Capt, Charles Edward, O.B.E, 6. 21 June, 1871. Educ. : Simon Langton School, Canterbury. Principal Clerk, Paymaster-General's Office, S.W. 1. War Work : Served in the CivU Service Rifles from mobUisation, 4 Aug. 1914, to 11 Oct. 1918 ; Hon. Sec. of the Civil Service Rifles Regimental Aid Fund and Prisoners of War Committee ; O.B.E. awarded for services in the Paymaster-General's Dept. subsequent to Oct. 1918. Address : Paymaster- General's Office, Whitehall, S.W. (010317) DOUGALL, John, M.B.E, DOUGAN, James Lockhart, C.B.E, M.A, fi. 1 Jan. 1874 ; s. of John Dougan, of Belfast ; to. Margaret, d. of John Morton, of Glasgow, Educ. : Oxford University. City Librarian, Oxford, to 1919. War Work : Hon. Sec, War Emergency Fund, Oxford ; Hon. Sec, National Service Committee, Oxford ; Director of Missing and Wounded De partment for the Mediterranean Area (British Red Cross) ; Hon. Executive Officer, Food Control Committee, Oxford ; Assistant Divisional Commissioner, South Midland Division Ministry of Food, Member of Inter-allied Commission of Relief for Southern Europe ; Representative in Vienna of Vienna Emergency Relief Fund. Address : 20, Beech Croft Road, Oxford. (C2570) DOUGHERTY, Aileen Margaret, M.B.E. DOUGHTY, Beatrice Mary Constance, M.B.E, 6. 19 July, 1861 ; d. of Rear Admiral Frederic Proby Doughty, of Wood- bridge, Suffolk. Educ. : Privately in England ; 2 years in Paris and Frankfurt-am-Main ; studied painting 2 years in Monsieur Blanc Garin's studio, Brussels; 1 year Lady Pupil at Guy's Hospital (certificate). Co-opted member of Lowestoft Education Committee, and Chairman of School Management ; Hon. Sec. Waifs and Strays Societv, Lowestoft Home. War Work : President of Welcome Club for men of H.M. Forces and local girls, 1915-19 ; took part of school nurse's work when she was called up on Territorial Scheme ; Night Nurse and Kitchen Assist, as required at Gunton Cottage Hospital tor several months, 1915-19. Address : 1, High Street, Lowestoft. (M7926) DOUGHTY, Frederick George, M.B.E, R.N. DOUGLAS, Alfred, O.B.E, 6. 9 Oct. 1872; _. of John 161 Douglas, of The Mains, Kirkoswald, Cumberland ; m. Isobel Muriel Mary, d. of Lieut.-Col. W. H. D. Clark, of Hadley Wood. Educ. : Privately. Assistant Accountant-General of the Navy. Address : 64, Bedford Avenue, High Barnet. (01298) DOUGLAS, AUie Vibert, M.B.E. DOUGLAS, Annie Jane, M.B.E. DOUGLAS, Col. Archibald Philip, C.M.G, C.B.E. (C3091) DOUGLAS, Capt. Archibald Sholto George, O.B.E. DOUGLAS, George, M.B.E, F.R.P.S, 6. 13 July, 1884; s. of Thomas Douglas, of Edinburgh ; m. Thomasina Jane Clapperton, d. of John Douglas, of Peebles, Scotland. Educ. : Sciennes Public School, and Heriot Watt CoUege, Edinburgh. Photographer ; Superintendent, Photo-Process Office, Survey of Egypt, Giza (Mudiria), Egypt. War Work : Reproduction of maps, etc, for the Armies on the GallipoU, Sinia, Palestine, and Arabian Fronts ; Aerial Photographic Survey, X-ray work at the Giza Red Cross Hospital, Egypt. Address: Survey of Egypt, Giza (Mudiria), Egypt. Club : Gezira Sporting (Cairo). (M1144) DOUGLAS, Capt. George Robert Poynter, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 7 July, 1881 ; s. of the late T. Kennedy Douglas, M.B, CM, of Scone, Perth ; to. Jessie Ewan, d. of Col. Ewan Campbell, T.D, of Kingussie. Educ. : Perth Academy ; Edinburgh University. War Work : 2 years with Highland Cyclist Batt. ; 2_ years attached 8th Cheshires in Mesopotamia; 7 months M.L.O. to British MUitary Mission to South 'Russia. Address : Mount Place, Scone, Perth. (09741) DOUGLAS, GwendoUne Ethel, Mrs. Sholto, M.B.E. DOUGLAS, Helen Mary Isabel, Mrs., O.B.E. DOUGLAS, Paymaster-Lieut. -Comm. James, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. (S.A.). DOUGLAS, Lieut. John Turner, M.B.E. DOUGLAS, Capt. Robert Douglas ArgyU, M.B.E, S.A.M.C, M.D. DOUGLAS, Robert James, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 19 AprU, 1865 ; s. of John Douglas, of Gordon St, Forres ; m. Jeannie Hender son, d. of Alex. BaUlie Gordon, of Helensburgh. Educ: Forres Academy. Provost of Forres, 1908-20 ; Member of Morayshire Territorial Force Association and Morayshire County Council. War Work : Chairman, MUitary Tribunal, Food Control, Coal Control, and of Area Road Transport Com mittee for Northern Division of Scotland ; Member of Red Cross Committee and of V.A.D. Hospital, Forres. Address: Ormidale, Forres. (010318) DOUGLAS, Lieut.-Col. Robert Vaughan, C.B.E, R.A, 6. 29 June, 1881 ; s. of the late O. P. Douglas, of Chester ; m. Gladys Mary, d. of Col. John Lewes, of Llanlear, Cardigan shire. Educ. : Cheltenham and Royal MUitary Academy. Address : c,'o Messrs. Cox & Co., 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. Club : Army and Navy. (C2099) DOUGLAS, Lieut, the Hon. Ronald John Sholto, O.B.E. DOUGLAS, Samuel Henry, O.B.E, I.S.O, 26 July, 1858. Address : 119, Westminster Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. (010319) DOUGLAS, Comm. Sholto Grant, C.B.E, fi. 1867 ; s. of the late Adm. Sholto Douglas, C.B. ; m. 1896, EUzabeth, d. of the late J. W. Foran, of St. John, Newfoundland. R.N. (ret.) ; Div. Naval Transport Officer ; served in the Egyptian Campaign, 1882 (medal, bronze star) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) ; has King Edward VII. Coronation medal. Address : Sheet, Petersfield, Hants. (C2248) DOUGLASS, Rev. Frederick Wingfield, O.B.E,M.C, M.A, Hon. CF, 6. 22 June, 1866 ; s. of J. H. Douglass, of Market Harborough. Educ : Oakham ; Christ Church, Oxford ; Cuddesdon College. War Service : I.A.R.O, 2nd Lieut. ; Acting Captain, 64 Bengal Labour Co. ; France, 1917-18 ; T.C.F, 4th Class ; B.E.F, 1918-19. Address : Oxford Mission, Calcutta, India. (02498) DOUGLASS, James Douglas Thessiger, M.B.E. (M6781a) DOUGLASS, Major James Henry, O.B.E, M.D, D.P.H. R.A.M.C, 6. 1877 ; s. of W. Douglass, of Stella, Penzance, Cornwall, late Engineer-in-Chief, Irish Lights ; m. Constance, d. of Robert Arthur Holmes, late of Peterfield, Nenagh, Tipperary, Ireland. Educ. : Shrewsbury and Trinity Coll, Dublin. Entered service in Jan. 1904. CivU Surgeon, South African War, 1902, Queen's Medal, 3 clasps. War Work: From mobilisa tion to AprU, 1915, Company Officer, 14th Co. R.A.M.C, Dublin ; May, 1915, to July, 1916, S.M.O, West African Com mand, Sierra Leone ; Aug. to Nov. 1916, Dublin District ; Dec. 1916, to AprU, 1919, France and Belgium ; May, 1919, to Dec. 1919, Eastern Siberia. Address : Stella, Penzance, Corn waU. (O5207). DOUGLASS, James Robertson, M.B.E, M.Inst.C.E, Hon. Lieut. 2nd Vol. Batt. The Black Watch, Royal High landers, 6. 31 Aug. 1869 ; s. of Alexander Forbes Douglass, of The Mains, Haddo House, Aberdeenshire ; to. Grace Hunter, d. of John Menzies BalUle, of Culter Allers, Lanarkshire. Educ. : Cargilfleld, Edinburgh; Fettes College, Edinburgh; Edin burgh Univ. Assist. Harbour Engineer, Dundee Harbour Trust. War Work : Engaged in War Work in connection with the Ministry of Shipping, the War Office, and the Admiralty. Address : Greybank, Magdalen Yard Road, Dundee. (M7927) DOUIE Lieut.-Col. Lawrence Adam, C.B.E. (C1138) DOULTON, AUce Duneau, M.B.E, d. of Frederic Doulton, of Dulwich, S.E. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Aug. 1914, to Jan. 1920, Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Associa tion; Hon. Sec. War Pensions Committee, Camberwell. Address : 22, UnderhiU Road, East Dulwich, S.E. 22. (M7928) BIOGRAPHIES. Dowson DOUTHWAITE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. William Bernard, O.B.E. DOVE, Edward James, O.B.E. Ministry of Food. (O11901) DOVE, Lieut. John Scott, O.B.E, R.N. DOVE, Margaret Anne, Mrs., M.B.E. DOVE, Capt. Percy WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, M.B. DOVER, AUce Eliza, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 11 Feb. 1866 ; d. of Richard Wright, of London ; m. Horace Walter, s. of John William Dover, of Princes Risborough, Bucks. Educ. : SouthweU, Nottingham. War Work : Superintendent North amptonshire Regimental Prisoners of War Depot ; Member of Lady Buller's Hospital Supply Depot ; member of North ampton Naval and Military War Pension Committee ; Member of House Committee, Lady Margaret Spencer's Home of Rest for Convalescent Soldiers. Address : Holyrood, St. James, Northampton Clubs : Ladies' (Northampton) ; Kingsthorpe Golf. (M7930) DOW, James WUliam, M.B.E, M.I.M.E. ; s. of WUliam Dow, of Branxton, Dysart, Fife ; to. Mary, M.B.E. q.v., d. of George Penty, of Thorntree HiU, Grimston, York. Educ. : Privately. Assist. Manager of the Carriage and Wagon Dept, North-Eastern Railway, at York. War Work : Special War Work in connection with the making of munitions. Addresses : Thorntree HiU, Grimston, York ; 15, St. Olave's Road, York. Club : York City. (M1666) DOW, Mary, Mrs., MtB.E. ; d. of George Penty, of Thorntree HiU, Grimston, York ; m. James WUliam, M.B.E. q.v., s. of William Dow, of Branxton, Dysart, Fife. Educ. : Dunning- ton, and Longley Coll, Easingwold. War Work: Voluntary clerical work in connection with recruiting ; 5 years' voluntary service with the Y.M.C.A, serving in their canteens, organising concerts, etc, for the troops. Addresses : Thorntree Hill, Grimston, York ; 15. St. Olave's Road, York. (M7931) DOWBIGGIN, Annie, M.B.E, R.R.C. ; d. of the late Richard Dowbiggin. Matron, Hospital, Edmonton, N. 18; Member of the foUowing : General Nursing Council ; Council, Royal British Nurses Association ; Matrons Council of Great Britain and Deland; Executive Committee and Vice- President, National Union of Trained Nurses. War Work : Matron. Special MiUtary Surgical Hospital, Edmonton, N. 18. Club: Lyceum. (M3616) DOWDELL, Staff Qr.-Mr. Sergt. George James, M.B.E, fi. 21 Nov. 1882 ; s. of the late Edwin DowdeU, of Semley, WUts. ; m. Mabel Bond, d. of the late WiUiam John Baker, of Taunton, Somerset. Educ. : Semley School. Royal Army Pay Corps. War Work : Nursing Staff Accounts ; Supt. Clerk, Clearing House and R.A.S.C. Accounts, Malta. Address : Army Pay Office, Perth, Scotland. (M5230) DOWDING, Dorothy Carwithen, O.B.E. ; e.d of the Rev. W. Berkeley Downing (late Senior Chaplain to the Forces). Educ. : Royal School, Lansdowne, Bath. War Work : Nursed in hospital in London and the Isle of Wight, 1914-16 ; in January, 1917, was appointed personal assistant to Sir Bertram Cubitt, K.C.B, the Assist. Sec. of the War Office ; in Jan. 1919, became a private secretary to Sir Reginald Brade, G.C.B, the Secretary of the War Office, and to his successor, Sir Herbert Creedy, K.C.B, C.V.O, in Jan. 1920. Club : New Victorian. (010320) DOWELL, Brig.-Gen. George WiUiam, C.M.G, C.B.E. DOWER, Edward MaxweU, M.B.E. DOWER, Mary, Mrs. GOUGH-, O.B.E, 6. 7 Dec. 1863 ; d. of WilUam Berresford-Gough, of BaUykerogue, Co. Water ford; m. John, s. of Capt. Augustin Dower, of Abbeyside. Educ. : The Convent, StradbaUy. Hon. Sec. Dungarvan Local War Pensions Committee. War Work : Valuable work on the Co. Waterford War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Sec. Dungarvan War Pensions Local Committee ; mentioned to the Secretary of State for War for general Red Cross work ; Hon. Recruiter, Q.M.A.A.C. Address: The Terrace, Dungarvan, Co. Water ford. (010321) DOWIE, Lieut.-Col. Lawrence Adam, C.B.E. DOWLER, Edwin Harold, M.B.E. DOWLING, Eng.-Comm. Horace Edward, O.B.E, R.N. DOWLING, Lieut.-Col. Thomas, O.B.E, T.D, Croix de Guerre (Belgium), 6. 24 Jan. 1867 ; s. of John Dowling, of Bishop Auckland ; m. Constance Mary, d. of Sir Edward Fraser, D.C.L, J.P, of Nottingham. Educ. : Bishop Auckland. Solicitor. War Service : Served as Senior Supply Officer to the 50th (Northumbrian) Division and 3rd Division in France and Belgium ; commanded, 63rd (Northumbrian) Divisional Train and the 41st Divisional Train in France, Belgium, Italy and Army of Occupation, Cologne ; mentioned in despatches three times. Address : York House, Bishop Auckland. Club : R.A.S.C (02499) _, DOWN, Lieut.-Comm. Sir Charles Edward, K.B.E, R.N.R, 6. 13 July, 1857 ; s. of Rev. Chas. J. Down, of Ilfra- combe, N. Devon ; m. Gertrude Louisa, d. of Very Rev. Dean May, of Demerara. Educ. : Marlborough and Switzerland. Marine Superintendent of Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. War Work : Command of various steamers until June, 1917 ; work employed in reconditioning of company's steamers after their employment as merchant cruisers, hospital ships, transports, etc. Addresses : R.M.S.P. Co, 18, Moorgate St., E.C. ; 52, Hardy Road, Blackheath, S.E. (K369) DOWN, Major Halkett Walton Money, O.B.E, 6. 18 June, 1868 ; 8. of Edward Augustus Down, of Sussex Towers, South sea, Hants; m. Hilda Catherine, d. of George Burnand, of MarnhuU, Dorset. Educ : AU Saints' CoU, Bloxham, Oxon. Commission in the 1st Bn. Prince of Wales' (North Stafford shire) Regt, 13 Sept. 1893 ; transferred to Royal Army Pay Dept, 13 Dec 1902. War Work : Field Cashier to Head quarters, 7th Division, under General Sir Thomas Capper, 1 Sopt. 1914 ; Headquarters IV. Corps, under General Sir Henry Rawlinson ; landed at Ostend, 6 Oct. 1914, for relief of Antwerp ; was present at 1st Battle of Ypres, and Neuve Chapello ; appointed Command Paymaster, Jamaica, B.W.I, 29 Sept. 1916 ; specially mentioned in despatches, 10 March, 1918, and 3 July, 1919. (O7100) DOWN, Major John Egbert, O.B.E. DOWN, Percy Bissett, M.B.E, M.I.Mech.E, fi. June, 1876 ; s. of G. B. Down, of Muswell Hill. Educ. : Stamford Hill Collegiate School, Stamford Hill. War Work : Inspection Dept, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Address : 109, Duke's Avenue, Muswell Hill, N. 10. (M334) DOWN, Thomas Beadle, M.B.E. DOWNES, Doris Mary, Mrs., O.B.E. DOWNES, Sarah Elizabeth, O.B.E. (011969) DOWNES, Thomas, O.B.E. DOWNEY, Thomas, O.B.E. DOWNIE, Major Fairbairn, C.B.E, A.M.I.Mar.E, 6. 19 July, 1880 ; 7th s. of Robert Downie, of Dalmally (N.B.), and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Educ. : School of Science and Art, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and privately. Associate Member of Institute of Marine Engineers ; travelled extensively through out Europe, the Near and Far East and American Continent. War Work : Serving as Lieut, London Scottish Regt, T.F, on outbreak of war ; went to France, Sept. 1914 ; promoted Captain, Oct. 1914 ; invalided home, suffering from sheU concussion and sprained shoulder, Nov. 1914 ; entered Ministry of Munitions, July, 1915, and sent to Ireland where he organised and equipped six National (Shell, Fuse and Cartridge) factories, besides starting 60 private firms on munition manufacture ; was Director and Superintendent Engineer ; resigned position in Ireland, 4 Feb. 1918 ; received letters of appreciation of services from the Minister, G.O.C-in-C H.M. Forces, Ireland, etc. ; entered War Office, 1 March, 1918, during which time French and Belgian factories were visited and reported upon ; received special letters from M. of M. and G.O.C-in-C, The Forces, Ireland, for services rendered in connection with RebeUion, Easter week, Dublin, 1916 ; mentioned in despatches " London Gazette," 25 Jan. 1917 ; promoted to Brevet rank of Major (King's Birthday Honours List), June 1917 ; promoted substantive rank of Major, seniority 20 June, 1917, " London Gazette," 15 March, 1918. Club : National Liberal. (C2571) DOWNIE, Thomas Steel, O.B.E. DOWNING, Lieut.-Col. Henry John, D.S.O, O.B.E, b. 20 Jan. 1862 ; s. of Samuel Downing, LL.D, Professor, Civil Engineering, T.C.D, of Monkstown, Co. DubUn.; to. EmUy Harriett, d. of Capt. Arthur French Lloyd, of 52nd Oxfordshire Light Infantry. Educ. : Rugby, and Trinity Coll, DubUn. Gazetted to the Royal Dish Regiment, 1882 ; Capt, 1889 ; Adjutant, 1898 ; Major, 1901 ; Commanding 1st Batt. the Royal Dish Regiment, 1908-12. War Work: Commanded 8th (Service) Batt. Royal InniskiUing FusiUers, Oct. 1914, to June, 1916 ; 10th (Training) Batt. East Lanca shire Regt, June, 1916, to Jan. 1918 ; 3rd Vol. Batt. Devon Regt, Oct. 1918, to Jan. 1920. Address : Velwell House, nr. Totnes, S. Devon. (O7101) DOWNING, Pansy, M.B.E, 6. 1886 ; d. of Major David Fitzgerald Downing, of Royal ArtUlery. Educ. : Cheltenham Ladies* College. War Work: Temporary clerk in MiUtary InteUigence Dept, War Office, from 1916-19. Club : Halcyon. (M7934) DOWNING, Robert Edward, M.B.E. DOWNS, James, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 2 June, 1856 ; s. of James Downs, of Hull and Bridlington ; m. Ethel Ester, d. of the late William Wilson, of Hull. Educ. : Privately and at High School of Glasgow. Chairman, Rose, Downs and Thomp son, Ltd, Hull, London and Shanghai ; Chairman, Bamsley Canister and Engineering Co, Ltd. ; President, Hull Cricket Club ; President, Hull Literary and Philosophical Society ; Member of Council of Hull Chamber of Commerce ; Justice of the Peace for the City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull. War Work : Largely engaged in the manufacture of munitions of War ; Chief Special Constable, Commander of a Force of 5000 men. Address : Dunedin, The Park, Hull. Clubs : National Liberal ; 1917, London ; Scottish Liberal (Edin burgh) ; Hull and Bast Riding (Hull). (0297) DOWNS, John Henry, M.B.E. „ „ „ _ ™ * DOWSING, Herbert Leopold, M.B.E.. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L R C.P. (Lond.), 6. 29 Aug. 1860 ; s. of William Dowsing, of Hull ; to. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Edmund Johnson Tomalin, of HuU. Educ. : Salway House, Leyton ; The Leys School, Cambridge; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Late Surgeon, Hull and Sculcoates Dispensary. War Work : Hon. Assist Physician, St. John's V.A.D. Hospital, HuU. Address : 275, Beverley Road, HuU. (M7935) DOWSON, Ernest Macleod, C.B.E, 6. 19 Nov. 1876 ; s. of Ernest Dowson, late of Indian Telegraph Dept. ; m. Hilda, d of Rev. S. Pascoe, of Newquay, CornwaU. Educ. : Isle of Wight CoUege and City and GuUds Engineering College. Surveyor-General of Egypt, 1909-19 ; Under Secretary of State for Finance, Egypt, 1919. War Work : The Survey of Egypt ; was charged with the map work required for the Near Eastern theatres of war (GaUipoli, Egypt, Palestine), and supplied officers for the field parties ; initiated use of air photography for map work in Gallipoli, which was gradually 165 Dowson THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. developed throughout these theatres. Address : ¦ Gezira, Cairo, Egypt. (C353) DOWSON, Kenneth, O.B.E. DOWSON, Major Oscar FoUett, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.F.). DOYLE, Capt. James Bernard Harvey, O.B.E. DRACOPOLI, Capt. Ignatius Nicholas, M.B.E, R.A.F. DRAGE, EUnor Katharine, M.B.E. DRAISEY, John WilUam James, M.B.E, R.N. DRAKE, Annie, Mrs, M.B.E. DRAKE, Bernard Harpur, C.B.E. DRAKE, EUen Mary, M.B.E, 6. 10 Oct. 1874 ; d. of WUUam H. Warner, of Percy Lodge, East Sheen ; to. Courtenay H. Drake, F.R.CS. War Work: Relief work for Belgium Refugees, 1914 ; joint head of bandage department, Streat ham War Supply Depot, organised by Mrs. James, M.B.E, and Mrs. Grimwade, M.B.E. ; voluntary worker King George Hospital, 1915, under Lady Wynne ; Organiser and Hon. Treas. of needlework and handicrafts for wounded soldiers at Tooting Military Hospital, Church Lane, S.W, since 1916. Address : 1, Leigham Avenue, Streatham, S.W. (M7938) DRAKE, Lieut.-Col. Francis Richard, C.B.E, R.A.F. Served in the Great War. 1914-19 (despatches). (C856) DRAKE, Frank, M.B.E, 6. 7 Aug. 1873. Sanitary Department, Durban Corporation. War Work : In charge of British Red Cross motor boats, East Africa. Address : Chamberlain BuUdings, Durban, Natal. (M1669) DRAKE, Col. Henry Dowrish, C.B.E, R.M.A, 6. 8 Dec. 1859 ; m. Jessie Heatley, d. of Surgeon-Gen. Alfred Crocker. Entered R.M. ArtiUery, 1877. Served in Australia and Western Pacific, 1881-5 ; Asst. to Prof, of Fortifications, R.N. CoUege, Greenwich, 1885-7 ; Staff College, Camberley, 1888-9 ; D.A.A.G. and D.A.A.G. for Instruction Southern District, 1890-95 ; medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving life, 1892 ; particular Service Squadron, Mediterranean and Channel Fleets, 1896-97 ; Naval InteUigence Department, Admiralty, 1897-99 ; Professor of Fortifications, R.N. CoU. Greenwich, 1899-1904 ; D.A.Q.M.G, Major of General Staff Directorate of MiUtary Operations, War Office, 1904-6 ; Direct ing Staff, Staff College, Deolali and Quetta, India, 1906-12 G.S.O, 1st Grade, retired 1912 ; serving in special appoint ment, War Office, since 1914. Address : 41, Oakley Street, Chelsea. S.W. 3. Club : United Service ; SavUe. (C491) DRAKE, James Ernest, O.B.E. DRAKE, Lieut.-Comm. James Woodard, O.B.E, R.N.R. DRAKE, John, M.B.E. DRAKE, John Collard Bernard, O.B.E, 6. 7 March, 1884; s. of the late FeUx Drake, of East Coker, Somerset. Educ. : Blundell's ; BaUiol CoU, Oxford. Indian CivU Service ; Deputy Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Industries. War Work : 1917-18, Provincial Hon. Sec. Joint War Committee (St. John Ambulance Association), and " Our Day " organisation, in Bihar and Orissa, India. Ad dresses : East Coker, YeovU, Somerset ; c/o Messrs. King, Hamilton & Co, Calcutta. Clubs : East India United Services, London ; United Services, Simla. (04034) DRAKE, Major John Hughes, O.B.E. r DRAKE, Lieut. Tom, M.B.E, 6. 17 May, 1885 ; s. of Dennys Drake, of Orpington, Kent. Educ. : Uppingham. War Work : Served 1 year France, Sept. 1914, London Scottish, as private ; Commissioned 3/lst Herts Yeomanry, Sept. 1915, to March, 1917 ; seconded Machine Gun Corps, Cavalry, March, 1917, untU demobilisation, Jan. 1919. Address : 64 Pariia- ment Hill, Hampstead Heath, London, N.W. '(M1670) DRAKE, Capt. William Barnard, O.B.E, 1st Bn. S. Wales Borderers, fi. 1871 ; s. of the late Sir W. H. Drake, K.C B of War Office, S.W, London ; to. Katherine AUce. d. of C J Lacy, of Basingboume House, Fleet, Hants. Educ : Sher borne. War Work : Served in Egypt, 1915-16 ; Embarkation Staff, Mesopotamia, 1916-18; Embarkation Staff, Hull Tilbury, Devonport, 1919. Address: Cotmaton House' Sidmouth, S. Devon. (O6609) DRAKE, WilUam Henry Milverton, O.B.E, fi. 27 Jan 1885 ; s. of Edward Drake, of Exeter ; to. Ethel Kate, d of WiUiam Betts, of Oxford. Educ. : Exeter CoUege School Assist. National Sec. Y.M.C.A. Headquarters, W C 1 • in Y.M.C.A. work for 17 years ; held General Secretaryships at Devonport and Oxford. War Work : Secretary-in-Charge of the Department of Personnel for Y.M.C.A. war work with the troops at home and overseas. Address : Sutties Hotel Bedford Place, W.C. 1. (03694) DRAKE, Kathleen TYRWHITT-, M.B.E, 6. 27 Dec 1874 ; d. of the late William T. Tyrwhitt-Drake, Boro'gate' St. Albans, sometime Vicar of Gt. Gaddesden, Herts War Work: District Chairman, St. Albans Division, Herts Local War Pensions Committee. Address : Boro'gate, St. Albans. (M7939) ,_BRAKEF0RD' William Dusantoy, M.B.E, 6. 21 Jan 1868 ; s. of the late Rev. David James Drakeford, M.A, Elm Grove, Sydenham ; m. Catherine May, d. ot the late Col. Henry Dixon Indian Army of Sydenham. Educ : Westminster £ CA00lio^827?,4'.aniT Clare CoU, Cambridge, B.A. 1889, M.A 1893. Clerk, War Office. War Work: War Office Military Secretary s Department. Address : 4, Girdlers Road West Kensington, W. 14. (M79401 DRAPER, Capt. Charles Frederick, O.B.E. t t?5tHER' • Christopher Robert Burroughes, M.B.E, J.P. N.Rhodesia, Magistrate and District Commr„N. Rhodesia mihh?,^6' b78.5 S' °£.the_Eev. W. H. Draper, M.A. (Oxon) Middleton Rectory, Bicester. Educ. : Stubbington House 166 Fareham, and H.M.S. " Worcester." War Work : Organisa tion and supply of transport and food for MUitary Porters engaged German East African campaign. Address: Living stone, N. Rhodesia. (M1263) DRAPER, Lieut.-Comm. PhUip Nelson, O.B.E, R.N.R. DRAPER, Thomas Percy, C.B.E, K.C. ; fi. 1864. CaUed to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1891 ; K.C. 1910 ; Chairman, W AustraUan Red Cross. Address : Perth, W. Australia. (C707) DRAPES, Thomas Lambert, M.B.E, B.A, M.B, B.C. (Cantab), M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 5. 4 Aug. 1878 ; s. of Thomas Drapes, M.B, of Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Ireland. Educ: Epsom CoU. ; Sidney Sussex CoU, Cambridge : St. Mary's Hospital, W. M.O.H. Chepstow Urban and Rural District Councils, and Chepstow Port Sanitary Authority. War Work : M.O. Red Cross Hospital. Portskewett, Mon. Address: St. Maur, Chepstow, Mon. Club : Junior Constitutional. (M7941) DRAY, Evelyn Muriel, M.B.E, DRAYSON, Col. AUred Percy, O.B.E, T.D, D.L. (Surrey) 6. 5 Aug. 1877 ; e. s. of AUred W. Drayson, of Ditton Grange" Ditton HU1, Surrey ; m. Dorothy Frances, d. of Francis G Johns, of Glenthorne, Enfield. Educ. : Highgate School. Director of Alfred W. Drayson & Sons, Ltd. War Work : Commandeil 6th East Surrey Reg, 1913-20 ; (India, Oct. 1914-19) ; Served with Aden Field Force, 1917-18 ; Commanded Rawalpindi, May to Oct. 1916 ; Commanded Agra, 1918 ; Mention Des patches twice ; awarded Croix de Guerre. Address : Trohork, Langley Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey. Club: Junior Army and Navy. (02367) DRAYSON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, O.B.E., R.A. DRAYTON, Gertrude, O.B.E. DREAPER, WiUiam Porter, O.B.E, F.I.C, fi. 1868; s. of John Shaw Dreaper, of London; to. Florence Barbara, d. of George Jecks, of Barnet. Educ. : Privately, and City and GuUds Coll. Finsbury. Consulting Chemical Engineer; Hon. Consulting Chemist to Silk Association ; Editor of " Text Books of Chemical Research and Engineering," Author of " Notes on Chemical Research," " Chemistry and Physics of Dyeing," etc. War Work : Superintendent of H.M. Factories at Sutton Oak, St. Helen's, and EUesmere Port, Cheshire. Address : 27, WUlow Road, Hampstead Heath, N.W. 3, Loudon. (010325) DREDGE, Lieut. Austin Edward Makinson, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, fi. 8 July, 1882 ; s. of the Rev. N. Dredge, M.A., of Pettaugh, Suffolk. Educ. : ClairviUe House School, "Ross-on- Wye. War Work : Mobilised 4 Aug. 1914 ; GaUipoU, July, 1915 ; Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Dec. 1915 ; Mesopo- tamian Exp. Force, June, 1916 ; remaining with that force untU 15 Nov. 1919. Addresses : Windervie, Ufford, Suffolk ; Whittiugton Barracks, Lichfield. Club : R.A.S.C. (M4864) DREW, Brig.-Gen. Bertie Clephane Hawley, C.M.G, C.B.E, R.A.F.; 6. 1880. Served in China, 1900 (medal); N.-W. Frontier of India, 1901-2 and 1903-4 (medal); Great War, 1914-18 (despatches, promoted). (C1892) DREW, Florence Grace, Mrs., M.B.E. DREW, Major Francis GrenvUIe, O.B.E, R.E. DREW, James WiUiam, M.B.E. DREW, Lieut.-Col. John Summers, O.B.E. DREW, Lorna Auchterlonie, M.B.E. DREW, Lieut.-Comm. Thomas Bernard, O.B.E, R.N. DREW, Lieut.-Col. Tom MaxweU, O.B.E, 6. 28 Feb. 1869 ; s. of Henry Drew, of Peamore Cottage, near Exeter ; m. CecUia Margaret, d. of Brabazon Campbell, of The Northgate, Warwick. Educ : Malvern and Leamington CoUeges. Served in the Leicestershire Regt. for 31 years, from 1888 to 1919. War Work : Served in GaUipoU and France ; Commanded the 17th Recruiting Area and the Depot of the Leicestershire Regt, from July, 1916, to March, 1919. Address : East Ridge way, Northaw, Hertfordshire. Club : Naval and MUitary. (O7103) DREW, Rev. Monsignor Francis BICKERSTAFFE-, C.B.E, B.D. : see Bickerstaffe. DREYER, Capt. Frederic Charles, C.B. (MU. and Civ.), C.B.E. (Mil.), R.N, 6. 8 Jan. 1878 ; s. of John L. E. Dreyer, M.A, Ph.D., of 14, Staverton Road, Oxford; m. Una Maria, d. of the late Rev. J. T. HaUett, Vicar of Bishops Tachbrook, Warwickshire ; 3 sons, 2 daughters. Educ. : Royal School Armagh and H.M.S. " Britannia," Director of Gunnery, Division Naval Staff Admiralty, since April, 1920 ; Commodore and Chief of Staff to Admiral of the Fleet, The Right Hon. Viscount JeUicoe, of Scapa, G.C.B, O.M, G.CV.O, during Us Mission to India and the Dominions, Feb. 1919, to Feb. 1920. War Work : Capt. H.M. Battleship " Orion," Grand Fleet, Aug. 1914, to Oct. 1915; Capt, H.M. Battleship "Iron Duke,' Fleet Flagship of Admiral Sir John JeUicoe, G.C.B, O.M, G.CV.O, Commander in Chief, Grand Fleet, Oct. 1915, to Nov. 1916 ; (Battle of Jutland— Despatches, MUitary C.B.). Assistant Director, Anti-Submarine Division, Naval Staff Admiralty, Dec. 1916, to March, 1917 ; Director of Naval Ordnance, March, 1917, to June, 1918 ; Director of Naval ArtUlery and Torpedo, Naval Staff Admiralty, June, 1918, to Feb. 1919. Has Orders of St. Stanilaus, 2nd Class, with Star; St. Anne, 2nd Class ; and Rising Sun, 3rd Class, American Naval Distinguished Service Medal ; is Officer of Legion of Honour. Address : 35, Bury Road, Alverstoke. CZufis : United Service; Naval, Portsmouth. (C890) DREYER, Lieut.-Col. George S., C.B.E, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2346_ BIOGRAPHIES. Budding DREYER, Lieut.-Col. Georges, C.B.E, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, B.S, DRIBERG, James Douglas, O.B.E, M.C, F.R.CS, 6. 30 July, 1890 ; s. of the late J. J. S. Driberg, I.C.S, of Crow- borough, Sussex. Educ. : Lancing CoU, and London Hospital. Surgical Registrar to, and assist, to, Surgical Unit, London Hospital. War Work : M.O. 6th Buffs ; Surgical Specialist, 35 General Hospital, Calais. Address : 46, Queen Anne Street, London, W. 1. Club : R.A.C. (05211) DRDJKWATER, Katharine Rosebery, Mrs., O.B.E, J.P, M.B, B.S, B.Sc, D.P.H, 6. 11 Nov. 1872 ;d. of Henry Mason Jay, M.D, of Chippenham, Wilts. ; to. Harry Drink- water, J.P, M.D, F.R.S. (Edin.), s. of the late James Drink- water, of Liverpool. Educ. : Bath High School ; Bedford College, London ; London School of Medicine for Women ; Royal Free Hospital, London. General Medical Practitioner ; Assist. School Medical Officer to the Wrexham Education Committee. War Work : 1916-17, Medical Officer in charge of Staff and Departments and Military Families Hospital, Malta (R.A.M.C.) ; 1914, with Mrs. Bemers, organised Roseneath Military AuxiUary Hospital, Wrexham. Address : Lister House, Wrexham, N. Wales. (O1300) DRINKWATER, Sidney William, M.B.E. DRISCOLL, Eng.-Lieut. Robert, O.B.E, R.N. DRIVER, Lieut. George Osborne Hitchin, M.B.E, Can. A.S.C DROGHEDA, Kathleen, Countess of, C.B.E. ; d. of Charles M. Pelham Burn; to. 1909, Henry Charles Ponsonby Moore, 10th Earl of Drogheda (see Burke's Peerage). (C953) DROWER, Gertrude Louise, M.B.E. DROWER, John Edmund, C.B.E, 6. 1853 ; 8. of George Marwood Drower, of Axminster ; m. Bessie Florence, d. of Edwin Chivers, of Tavistock. Educ : Privately. FeUow of the Royal Astronomical Society and of the Surveyor's Institu tion. War Work : Assistant Director of Army Contracts, having Charge of Works ; Held the post until the end of the war, when he organised the Department of Building Material Supplies for the Ministry of Munitions, and became its first Director. Addresses : 49, Mount Ephraim Road, Streatham, S.W. 16 ; 28, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. Club : St. Stephen's. (C954) DRUDGE, Capt. Ernest O., M.B.E, R.A.F. DRLITT, Hilda, M.B.E, R.A.S.C DRUITT, Reginald Ernest, O.B.E, 6. 1882 ; s. of Theodore Druitt, of London ; to. Ivy MUlicent, d. of Walter Scott-Smith, of London. Educ : Coopers' Company's Grammar School. War Work : Greek Ships Committee (Foreign Office) Inter- AUied Chartering Executive. Address : Southwood, Plough Lane, Purley, Surrey. (01301) DRUM, Col. L., C.B.E. Canadian Forces ; served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1349) DRUMMOND, Charles James, M.B.E, J.P, Officier d'Academie, France, 6. 30 July, 1848 ; s. of Charles Drummond, of Ipswich ; m. Helena Catherine, d. of Humphrey Deen, of Chislehurst. Educ : Queen Elizabeth's School, Ipswich. Ex-Chief Labour Correspondent, Board of Trade ; Local Labour Correspondent, Ministry of Labour ; Vice-Chairman, Tin Box and Paper Box Trade Boards ; a Chairman of Scottish Board, Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act, 1912 ; Member of Chairmen's Panel, Arbitration and ConcUiation Act. War Work : Prince of Wales' Committee ; City of London Local Tribunal ; Civil Liabilities Committee ; Local Food Control Committee, City of London ; Appeal Tribunal, Profiteering Act, 1919, City of London ; Ministry of National Service, Sub-Commissioner for Trade Exemptions. Address: Northfleld, 21, Dahnore Road, Dulwich, S.E. 21. Club : Constitutional. (M1673) DRUMMOND, Capt. Cyril Alexander Fraser, O.B.E. R.A. DRUMMOND, David, C.B.E, M.D. DRUMMOND, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John Raymond, M.B.E, Aust A M C DRUMMOND, Mary Jane, M.B.E, 6. 28 Aug. 1869 ; d. of Walter Scott Drummond, of Charlton, Kent. Educ. : Roan School, Greenwich, S.E. 10. Divisional Sec. Greenwich and Woolwich Division, County of London Branch, of the British Red Cross Society. War Work: Aug. 1914, to July, 1915, assisting in training recruits for V.A.D.'s ; July, 1915, to May, 1917, part time V.A.D. in Southwood Red Cross Hospital, Eltham, part time assisting Div. Sec. Headquarters, Charlton House, Charlton ; May, 1917, to present time Divisional Sec. ; also helped collect funds for Belgian Homes in Charlton from Sept. 1914, to Sept. 1918. Address : 42, WeUington Road, Old Charlton, Kent. (M7945) DRUMMOND, Capt. Robert, O.B.E, J.P, 5. 1856 ; s. of John Drummond, of Trinity, Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh. CivU Engineer and Road Surveyor. War Work : Chairman of Local Tribunal, Paisley ; Member of Joint Roads Committee, London; Chairman of Investigation Sub-Committee for Scotland. Address : Fairfield, Paisley. Clubs : Paisley ; Art (Glasgow) ; R.A.C (London). (O1302) DRUMMOND, Lieut.-Col. Francis Dudley, WILLIAMS- C.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 27 June, 1863 : s. of Sir James Drummond, of Hawthornden and Edwinsford ; to. Marguerete Violet Maud, d. of Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart, of Locknaw. Educ. : Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge. Chairman, Court of Quarter Sessions for County of Carmarthen and of County Petty Sessons ; Chairman, Carmarthenshire Terri torial Force Association ; Alderman, County Council ; Fellow Surveyors Institute ; Member of Government Reconstruction Committee on Forestry and Member of Council, Bath and West Society. War Work : Served on County Appeal Tribunal and War Agr. Committee. Raised County V.T.C Battalion ; Commissioner for Wales (Agr.) National Service ; Appointed Live Stock Commissioner for 7 South Wales Counties, under Ministry of Food ; Vive-Chairman, consultation com mittee for Walos under Forestry Commission ; served on various agricultural Forestry and Grouse Disease Commissions and taken active part in public life and developments of south and west Wales. Address : Hafodneddyn, Llandilo. Club: Travellers. (C955) DRURY, Amy Gertrude, Lady, C.B.E, 6. 2 June, 1863 ; d. of John Middleton of 3, Porchester Gate, W. 2 ; m. the late Admiral Sir Charles Carter Drury, G.C.B, G.CV.O, K.C.S.I, s. of Le Baron Drury, of Rothsey, New Brunswick. Educ. : At home. Hon. General Secretary ot the Royal Naval FriencUy Union of Sailors' Wives ; Division Commissioner of Girl Guides for S.W. Kent ; Member of the Ashford District Board of Education ; President Tenterden Women's Institute ; Member Joint Parliamentary Advisory Committee. War Work : Relief and assistance of wives and families of naval men who were wounded or killed. Chairman of Ladies' Advisory Committee of the Navy League Overseas Relief Fund. Address: Himewood, Tenterden, Kent. (C2573) DRURY, Comm. Edward Dumerque, O.B.E, R.N.R. DRURY, Edward Herbert Merivale, M.B.E. DRURY, Geoffrey Herbert, O.B.E. DRURY, Lieut.-Col. Riohard Frederick, C.B.E. Hon. Lieut.-Col. in the Army. (C857) DRURY, Capt. Thomas, O.B.E. (Mil.), 6. 20 Feb. 1878 ; s. of the Rev. W. F. Drury, late Vicar of Holy Trinity, Burton- on-Trent, and Hornby, Bedale, Yorkshire. Educ. : St. John's School, Leatherhead, and University of London. Schoolmaster. War Work : > Gazetted to 11th Batt. Duke of Wellington's Regt, 24 July, 1915 ; posted to 12th (Lab.) Batt. Duke of Wellington's Regt, March, 1916 ; promoted Capt. and appointed Adjutant 12th (Lab.) Batt. Duke of Wellington's Regt, 20 July, 1916 ; transferred to Labour Corps, 13 April, 1917 ; Adjutant, 40th and 27th Labour Groups, 13 April, 1917, to 22 Nov. 1919. Address : 22, Bisham Gardens, Highgate, Loudon, N. 6. (05212) DRURY, Lieut.-Col. WilUam Prioe, C.B.E, R.M.L.I. (ret.), 6. 8 Nov. 1861 ; s. of the late WUliam Drury, Paymaster- in-chief, R.N. ; to. Marguerite Florence Shirley, d. of the late Rev. Pender H. Cudlip, Vicar of Sparkwell, S. Devon. Educ. : Brentwood School, Essex, and Plymouth College. Author and Dramatist (" The Flag Lieutenant " and other plays) ; Member of the Naval Intelligence Department, 1900-1 ; Was Chief Organiser of Lord Robert's National Service League before the War. War Work : Rejoined Royal Marines at Chatham on outbreak of War, having been invalided out of the Service in 1903 ; Commanded Anti-Aircraft Battery, Portsmouth Harbour, 1914-1 5 ; Served as Intelligence Officer at Plymouth (a) on staff of Garrison Commander, (6) on Staff of Naval Commander-in-Chief, 1915-17 ; Regimental duty during remainder of war ; Was awarded C.B.E. primarily for active service in Crete, Sept. 1898. Address : St. Germans, Cornwall. Club: Garrick. (C1921) DRYSDALE, Charles Vickery, O.B.E, D.Sc. DRYSDALE, Duncan, M.B.E. DRYSDALE, Major John Douglas, O.B.E. DRYSDALE, Capt. John Syme, M.B.E. DUARTE, Edgar Thurston, M.B.E, S.M, R.F.A. DUBERLY, Ida Mary Villiers, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. Dec. 1856 ; d. of Richard Farrer, of Michelstown, Co. Cork ; m. Arthur Grey, s. of James Duberly, of Gaynes, Huntingdonshire. War Work : Hon. Sec. to the Bedfordshire branch of the Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association, and Beds. Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society ; Commandant of the Cardington V.A.D, No 32 : Member of the Bedfordshire War Pensions Committee. (010327) DUBERLY, Capt. Montagu Richard WiUiam, O.B.E. • DU BERN, Jules Emile, O.B.E. DUBOIS, Frederick, M.B.E. DU BOISE, Ferdinand de Ricquebourg, M.B.E. DU BREUL, Major Frederick Alexander, O.B.E. DU BUISSON, Major Henry, O.B.E, Lincolnshire Regt. (ret.), 6. 9 Nov. 1857 ; s. of the late James Du Buisson, of Wandsworth Common, Surrey ; m. Isme, d. of Alexander HamUton, W.S, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Marlborough Coll, and Sandhurst. War Work : Assist. Cable Censor, Aug. 1914, to Oct. 1914 ; second in command, Depot Lincoln, and subse quently in command, Oct. 1914, to Nov. 1918. Address : St WiUreds, nr. Ryde, Isle of Wight. Club : Junior United Service. (03639) DU CANE, Major Charles George, O.B.E. DU CAUR, Arthur George, M.B.E. (M10245) DUCK, Surg.-Lieut. WilUam Agar Scholefleld, O.B.E, R NDUCKETT, Lieut. William Knight, M.B.E, R.E. (T.F.) DUCKWORTH, Lieut. Francis Robinson Gladstone, M.B.E. DUCKWORTH, Robert, M.B.E. DU CROZ, Grace Jessie, Mrs., O.B.E. DUDDING, Bernard Phineas, M.B.E, A.R.C.Sc, 6. 16 Dec. 1885 ; s. of Phineas John Dudding, of Gillingham, Kent ; m Lilian, d. of William Petchey, of Dover. Educ : Wesleyan Higher Grade School, GiUingham, Kent ; Royal College of Science, London. Assistant at National Physical Laboratorj-, Teddington, 1911-18 ; Senior Assistant on the Staff of the 167 Dudding THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Research Laboratories of the General Electric Company, England. War Work : Development of measuring appliances used in the production and examination of screw gauges for Munitions of all kinds. Address : The Nook, Hampton Road, Teddington, Middlesex. (M339) DUDDING, Major Thomas Scarborough, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. DUDDY, Philip Menross, M.B.E, 6. 7 Feb. 1872 ; s. of Joseph Duddy, late Chief Inspector, City Police ; to. Mary, d. of George HUder, of Rolvenden, Kent. Educ. : Weymouth CoU. Senior Staff Clerk, Secretary's Office, H.M. Customs and Excise. War Work : Principal of the Registry of the Secre tary's Office Customs and Excise ; the Secretary's Office maintained a continuous service night and day throughout the war. Addresses : 4, Park ViUas, Loughton, Essex ; Secretary's Office, Custom House, Lower Thames Street, London, E.C. 3. (M7947) DUDFIELD, Capt. Reginald Samuel Orme, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.) DUDGEON, Arthur Frederick, O.B.E, B.A. DUDGEON, Florence Margaret, M.B.E. DUDGEON, Gerald Cecil, C.B.E. ; fi. 1867 ; s. of the late Robert EIUs Dudgeon, M.D, of 53, Montagu Square, W. ; m. 1907, Isabel Annie, d. of the late R. BaUard, of Palumpur, Kangra VaUey, Punjab, and widow of Percy Fitzgerald Camp bell (see Burke's Peerage, CampbeU, Bt.). Educ. : St. Mary- lebone and All Souls' Grammar School (King's CoU, Prizeman). Sup, and subsequently Gen. Inspector of Agriculture, British W. Africa and Protectorate, 1905-10; Director-Gen. Depart. of Agriculture, Egypt, 1910-12; Consulting Agriculturist, Ministry of Agriculture, with rank of Director-Gen. 1912-18 ; sometime on Staff of Indian Museum, Calcutta ; FeUow of Entomological Society ; has 2nd class of Order of the Nile ; author of " The Agricultural and Forest Products of British West Africa." and of various articles ou Agricultural, Economic, and Natural History subjects. Address : 1, Zetland House, Cheniston Gardens, W. Club : Royal Societies'. (C702) DUDGEON, Prof. Leonard Stanley, CM G. C.B.E, F.R.C.P, London; fi. Oct. 1876; s. of John Hepburn Dudgeon of Haddington, N.B.; m. Norah Edith, d. of Richard Hugh Orpen, of ArdtuUy, Kenmare, Co. Kerry. Educ. : St. Thomas's Hospital. Professor of Pathology, Univ. of London ; Bacteri- ologist-in-Chief, St. Thomas's Hospital ; Examiner in Path ology, Royal Army Medical College. War Work : Col. A.M.S. Consulting Bacteriologist, H.M. Forces ; Eastern Mediter ranean, 1915-19 ; Member of War Office Committee of Infectious Diseases ; GaUipoli and Egypt, 1915 ; Thrice mentioned in Despatches ; Order of St. Sara, Serbia, 1917, 3rd Class. Address : 6, Stanhope Street, Hyde Park, W. 2. Club: Union. (C1409) DUDGEON, Margaret, Mrs. Robert Francis, O.B.E. DUDLEY, Capt. Cyril Raymond, M.B.E. DUDLEY, Lieut. Edward Joseph Scott, M.B.E. DUDLEY, George James, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 8 Sept. 1867 ; s. of the late Samuel Dudley, of Dudley ; m. Sarah Jane, d. of the late Luke Jewkes, J.P, of Dudley. Educ : Dudley Grammar School, and Queen's CoU, Birmingham. Medical Practitioner ; Hon. Surgeon, Stourbridge Dispensary ; Surgeon to Post Office. War Work : Medical Officer to Wordsley Military Hospital, 1915-17 ; Medical Officer, Studley Court Red Cross Hospital, 1914-19 ; Commandant, Studley Court Red Cross Hospiral, 1915-17 ; Examiner of Recruits ; lecturer to St. John Ambulance Association and Red Cross Societv. Address : 13, High Street, Stourbridge. (010328) DUDLEY, Capt. Harold Ward, O.B.E, R.E. DUDLEY, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Sheldon Francis, O.B.E, R.N. DUDLEY, Sophie, Mrs, M.B.E. DUDLEY, WiUiam Edward, O.B.E, J.P. DUFF, Col. Charles de Vertus, C.B.E. Capt. and T. Col. 2nd Reserve Batt, S. African Forces ; served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (CI 366) DUFF, Sir Hector Livingstone, K.B.E, C.M.G. ; 6. 1872 • s. of the late J. P. Duff, of Edderton House, Edderton. Ap pointed Asst. Resident Nyasaland, 1897 ; Resident 1907 ; Acting Deputy Governor, 1911 ; Chief Secretary to the Govern ment and Senior Member Executive and Legislative Councils, '1914 ; Acting Governor and Commander-in-Chief, 1918-19! War Work: Served with Nyasaland Field Force, 193 4-18; twice mentioned in despatches ; 1914-15 Star ; General Service War Medal ; Victory Medal ; African General Service Medal and clasp. Appointed Chief Political Officer to General Northey's Forces, 1916 ; administered MiUtary Government of occupied enemy territory in East Africa, 1916-18. Address • The Old Residency, Zomba, Nyasaland. Club : Junior Carlton. DUFF, Mildred Mabel Gordon, Mrs, O.B.E. DUFF, Thomas Duff Gordon, C.B.E, J.P , D L 6. 11 Aug. 1848 ; s. of Major Lachlan D. Gordon Duff, of Dnim- muir and Park, Banffshire ; m. 1st, 1875, Pauline Emma, d. of late Sir Chas. Tennant, Bart, 2nd, 1893, Mildred Mabel, O B E d. of late E. C. Walker, of Chester. Educ. : Harrow and Trinity CoUege, Oxford. Vice-Lieutenant, Banffshire ¦ Chairman Standing Joint Committee, Banffshire. War Work ' Chairman Terr. Force Assoc. tiU 1919, and of Agricult Executive Committee. Address : Drummuir, Keith. Clubs : New Edinburgh ; Royal AutomobUe, London. (C2574) DUFF, Edith Florence, Lady GRANT-, C.B.E, Lady of (.race of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 12 Jan 1877 • d. of Sir George Bonham, Bart, of Knowle, Cranleigh (see 168 Burke's Peerage) ; m. Sir Evelyn Mountstuart, K.C.M.G, s. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Mountstuart Grant-Duff, War Work: Founder and Organiser of the British Section, Bureau de Secours aux Prisonniers de Guerre, Berne, Switzerland, known as the Berne Bread Bureau, 1915 ; founder and organiser of the British Legation Red Cross Organisation in Switzerland, 1914. Address : Earl Soham Grange, FramUngham, Suffolk. (C492) DUFF, Victoria Adelaide Alexandrina GRANT-, M.B.E. DUFFERIN AND AVA, Harriot Georgiana, Mar chioness of, D.B.E, d. of Archibald Rowan HamUton, of KUlyleagh Castle, co. Down; to. 23 Oct. 1862. Frederick Temple, 1st Marquis of Dufferin and Avatsee BURKE'S Peerage). Address: Clandeboye, co. Down. (D2) DUFFES, Hilda Ethel Paterson, M.B.E, M.A, d. of the late George Macpherson Duffes, of 10, Carlton Street, Edin- burgh ; and Forres, Morayshire. Educ. : Edinburgh Ladies' CoU, and Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Was engaged in war work in the Ministry of Shipping, in connection with the control of transfers of vessels and the Inter-AlUed Ship- Purchasing Committee. Addresses : 11, Denning Road, Hampstead ; 10, Carlton Street, Edinburgh. (M7949) DUFFETT, Lieut.-Comm. Edward, O.B.E, R.N. DUFFIELD, Major Edgar WUloughby, O.B.E. DUFFIELD, Walter Dowsett, O.B.E, 6. 15 Feb. 1874; s. of John Duffield, of York. Educ. : Thirsk High School. Assist. Director, Ministry of Transport. War Work : Assist: Director, Statistical Branch, Admiralty. Address : Greenvale Road, S.E. 9. Club : Junior Constitutional. (O1033_) DUFFIN, Lieut.-Col. Earle Calder, O.B.E. DUFFUS, Major Chester Stairs, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 1 March, 1891 ; s. of W. Stairs Duffus, of HaUfax, Nova Scotia ; m. Evelyn Ursula, d. of Major G. D. GUes, of Brora, Sutherlaud- shire. Edue. : Oundle. Company Director. War Work : R.A.F, 2i years iu France. Address : Corner House, Brent wood, Essex. Club : R.A.F. (03298) DUFFY, Capt. Michael Louis, O.B.E, R.E. DUFFY, Major Thomas Augustine, O.B.E. DUFORT, Cyril John NESBITT-, O.B.E, 6. 28 AprU, 1892 ; s. of the late J. C. Dufort, of London. Educ. : Chelten ham Coll, and London Univ. Engineer. War Work : Served with 230th Siege Battery, R.G.A, France, and later, Staff Capt, War Office, WhitehaU, S.W. Address: 12, Thurloe Place, S.W. 7. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (O7510) DU FRAYER, Major AUred Henry, O.B.E, DUFTON, Dorothy, M.B.E. DUGDALE, Ethel Innes, Mrs, O.B.E, A.R.R.C DUGDALE, Hilda, M.B.E, d. of the late Adam Dugdale, D.L, of Griffin Lodge, Blackburn, Lancashire ; and Gilmonby Hall, Bowes, DarUngton. War Work : Hon. Sec. Blackburn Prisoners of War Committee. Address : Griffin Lodge, Blackburn. Clubs : Forum ; Ladies' Imperial. (M7590) DUGDALE, Maud Violet, Mrs., O.B.E, d. of G. Woodroffe late Royal Horse Guards ; to. James Lionel, s. oi John Dugdale, of Crathorne. War Work : Com. Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital; Local War Pensions Committee, etc, etc Address : Crathorne Hall, Yarm-on-Tees, Yorks. Club : Bath. (O1305) DUGGAN, Eva, M.B.E, fi. 1891 ; d. of Dr. M. Duggan, of Altrincham. Educ. : Roedean, Brighton, and Paris. War Work : Sec. to President of The Ordnance Committee, Wool wich. Address : Clevedon, Altrincham. (M3617) DUGGAN, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Eyre Sturdy, O.B.E, R.N. DUGGAN, George Chester, O.B.E, M.A, ChevaUer of the Orders of Leopold II. and ot the Legion of Honour, fi. 5 Feb. 1885 s. of George Duggan, of Provincial Bank House. Dublin, and Ferney, Greystones, Co. Wicklow ; to. Elsie Gore, d. of Rev. R. Blair, of the Rectory, BaUinamallard. Educ : The High School, Dublin, and Trinity College, Dublin. Clerk, Class I, Transport Dept. Admiralty, 1908-10 and Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin, 1910-14 ; Superintending Clerk Transport Dept. Admiralty, and Ministry of Shipping, 1915-19 ; Superintending Clerk, Chief Secretary's Office, 1919-20 : Principal Clerk, Chief Secretary's Office, 1920. War Work : Directorate of Military Sea Transport, Admiralty, and Ministry of Shipping. Address : Mount AnviUe Lodge, Dundrum, Co. Dublin. (O302) DUGGAN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Harry Van Norman, M.B.E. DUGGAN, Lieut.-Col. and Qr.-Mr. Martin Joseph, O.B.E. DUGGAN, Rev. Mother Mary, M.B.E, MedaUle de la Reine Elizabeth, fi. 21 Nov. 1856 ; d. of Matthew Duggan, of KUkenny. Educ. : Convent of the Faithful Virgin, Norwood and Bemardine Abbey of Soleilmout, Belgium ; Lady Superior of the Sisters of Charity at HoUy Mount, Tottington, near Bury, Lancs. War Work: Sheltered over 440 Belgian Refugees from 1914 to 1919 ; provided AuxUiary MUitary Hospital where over 1200 sick and wounded soldiers were nursed from Oct. 1914, to Jan. 1919. Address : HoUy Mount, Tottington. (M7951) DUGGAN, MotherweU, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. DUGGLEBY, Constance Mary, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of the late Frederick WiUiam Huddleston, of Lincoln and Plumstead ; m. the late Septimus, s. of the late Stephen Waldby Duggleby, of Cottam, Yorks. War Work : Confidential Sec. to the Officer Commanding the MUitary Hospital, Lewisham, from its opening in May, 1915, to its closing in May, 1919. Address : Lewisham, London, S.E. (M7955) DUGON, Lieut. Arnold Louis, M.B.E, R.M.L.I. DUGUID, Lieut. David Robertson, M.B.E, R.A.O.C (M10300) BIOGRAPHIES. Dunkley DUKAULT, Capt. Joseph Rene Jacques, O.B.E, Can. A.V.C. DUKE, Major Basil Lawrence, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.F.A. 6. 1882 ; Educ : Wellington. War Work : France and Belgium, Nov. 1914, to Armistice. (04282) DUKE, Capt. Edward, O.B.E, 6. 22 May, 1882 ; s. of Sir Henry Edward Lord Justice Duke ; m. Odette, d. of Idmond Roger, of Paris. Educ. : Dulwich and Neuchatel. Barrister-at-Law ; Sec. to the President of the Probate Admiralty and Divorce Division. War Work : Employed in InteUigence Dept, War Office, from Aug. 1914, to Nov. 1014) ; after that A.P.M. of 24th Division, France and Flanders, 1916 to Armistice ; InteUigence, War Office, receiving thanks of American, French, and Belgian Governments. Addresses : 37, Alleyn Park, S.E. 21 ; 5, Essex Court, Temple, E.C 4. Club: Roehampton. (08799) DUKE, Capt. Herbert Lyndhurst, O.B.E. DUKE, Reginald Franklin Hare, C.B.E. Commercial Secretary, 1st Grade, H.M. Diplomatic Service. (C3106c) DUKE, Richard Hare, O.B.E. DUKES, Cuthbert, O.B.E, M.D, D.P.H, 6. 24 July, 1890 ; s. of the Rev. E. J. Dukes, of Friern Barnet ; to. Ethel, L.R.C.P, L.R.C.S, d. of the Rev. J. PoppleweU, of Bolton, Educ: Caterham School; Univ. Coll, London; Edinburgh. Univ. Bacteriologist; Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. War Work : Late Major, R.A.M.C. ; Medical Specialist to No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station. Address : 18, Gordon Square, W.C. 1. (05213) DUKES, Sir Paul, K.B.E. ; 6. 10 Feb.. 1889 ; s. of the Rev. E. J. Dukes, B.A, of Bridgwater. Educ : Caterham. School, and Conservatoire of St. Petersburg. Assistant to Mr. Albert Coates at the Imperial Marinsky Opera House, Petrograd, 1913-15. War Work: Member of the Anglo- Russian Commission, Petrograd, and lepresentative of the Commission at the Foreign Office, London, 1915-18 ; Chief of British InteUigence Service in Russia, 1918-19. Address : 18, Gordon Square, W.C.I. Club : Royal Societies'. (K443d) DULANTY, John Whelan, C.B.E. Assist. Sec. Estab lishment Depart. Ministry of Munitions. (C493) DULEY, Capt. Cyril C, M.B.E. DULMAGE, Lieut.-Col. Anson, O.B.E. DUMBELL, James Burns, O.B.E, J.P, A.M.I.Mech.E, fi. 7 Sept. 1869 ; s. of James Stone DumbeU, of Wolverhampton ; m. Minnie, d. of the late Dr. Robert Lamb, of London. Educ. : Wolverhampton Grammar School. Managing Director of Motor Manufacturing Co. War Work : Founder and organiser of local fund for providing food parcels for 1000 Wolverhampton men imprisoned in Germany, and caring for the weUare and comfort of all soldiers from the district. Address : The Low lands, TettenhaU, Staffs. (010332) DUMBLE, Lieut.-Col. Wilfred Chatterton, C.B.E, O.B.E, R.E. DUN, Major George, O.B.E, K.C.S.B. (T.F.) DUNALLEY, Mary Frances, Lady, M.B.E, d. of the late Major-Gen. R. Ouslow Farmer, R.A, of Apsley Guise, Bedford shire ; m. Henry O'Callaghan Prittie, 4th Baron DunaUey, D.L, J.P, Representative Peer for Ireland. War Work : President of Co. Tipperary Red Cross Society ; Prisoners of War Fund ; Nenagh Branch Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association ; Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society, North Riding, Co. Tipperary ; Member of St. John Ambulance Brigade, and Local War Hospital Supply Depot ; Chairman, North Riding, Co. Tipperary, War Pensions Committee. Address : Kilboy, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. (M7954) DUNBAR, Paymaster-Capt. Charles Augustus Roger Flood. C.B.E, R.N. (ret.). " (C889) DUNBAR, Frank Hay, M.B.E. DUNBAR, Capt. Henry John, O.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS, fi. 17 July, 1880 ; s. of the Rev. John W. Dunbar, M.A, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Watson's CoU, Edinburgh ; Edinburgh Univ. Medical Practitioner. War Work : T. Major, R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; served with 2nd Welsh Field Ambulance in Dardanelles, Egypt, and Palestine. Address : 47, Cathedral Road, Cardiff. (06172) DUNBAR, Major LesUe, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, M.B. DUNBAR, Major Robert Murray, O.B.E, M.C, S.A.S.C DUNBAR, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WilUam Robert, M.B.E, DUNCALFE, Lucy Harding, Mrs., O.B.E, d. of Thomas Fenn, late of Stonebrook House, Ludlow, Salop. War Work : Vice-President of British Red Cross Society for Wolverhampton ; Head of Red Cross organisations for the borough, and sent many thousands pounds to " Our Day " fund ; opened large workrooms and Hospital Supply Depot in the town. Address : Stockwell End House, TettenhaU, Staffs. (010333) DUNCAN, Paymaster Sub.-Lieut. Alee James, M.B.E, ¦K..N.R. DUNCAN, Lieut. Charles, M.B.E, R.F.A. DUNCAN, Capt. David Blaikie, O.B.E, 1st Sco. Rifles, 5. 27 June, 1878. Educ : James Gillespies Merchant Co, Edinburgh. War Work : Served in France and Flanders from 15 Aug. 1914, to 24 Aug. 1919. Address : H.Qrs. (British Section) Inter- Allied Commission of Control, A.C.O, S5, BerUn; 13 Garrioch Quadrant, Kelvinside North, Glasgow. (05216) DUNCAN, Elsie Eppielow, M.B.E. DUNCAN, George, M.B.E, 6. 23 Aug. 1866 ; s. of Calder irancan, of Aberdeen ; to. Margaret Ann, d. of James Cameron, of Aberdeen. Educ. : Ruthrieston PubUc School, and Ramage's Academy. Engineer ; Chief Engineer in ocean-going vessels ; Superintendent of the Aberdeen Floating Docks. War Work : As Superintendent of the Floating Docks, was responsible for the docking of over 2000 vessels for the Admiralty. Address : 4, Milburn Street, Aberdeen. (M7955) DUNCAN, Capt. George, C.B.E. Com. and Acting Capt. R.N. (C891) DUNCAN, George Douglass, M.B.E. DUNCAN, Surg.-Comm. George Ernest, O.B.E.. R.N. DUNCAN, George Forest, M.B.E. ; s. of William Duncan, of New Deer, Aberdeenshire : to. Charlotte Gordon, d. of Robert Campbell, of Farr, Sutherlandshire. Edue. : Free Church Training CoU, Glasgow. Teacher. War Work : Inspector- in-Charge of Special Constables, Rutherglen and District, for 3i years. Address: 13, Jedburgh Avenue, Rutherglen. (M7957) DUNCAN, Capt. George Wilson, M.B.E, M.C DUNCAN, Rev. George Simpson, O.B.E, B.D, 6. 8 Mar. 1884 ; s. of Alexander Duncan, of Forfar. Educ : Forfar Academy ; Edinburgh Univ. ; St. Andrews Univ. ; Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Professor of Biblical Criticism, Univ. of St. Andrews. War Work : Chaplain to the Forces ; attached to General Headquarters, British Armies in France, 1915-19 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : St. Mary's Coll, St. Andrews. (O2501) DUNCAN, George Leopold, M.B.E. DUNCAN, Lieut. Godfrey Alexander, M.B.E. DUNCAN Henry Clare, O.B.E. (09760) DUNCAN, Houston, O.B.E. DUNCAN, James, O.B.E. DUNCAN, Rev. James, O.B.E, M.A, S.C.F. (hon ), 6. 1882 ; s. of W. A. Duncan, of Deeside, Scotland. Educ : Hatfield CoU. ; Durham Univ. Clerk-in-Holy Orders ; Rector of WillingtoD. War Work: R.A.C. Dept, 1914-19; 16th K.R.R.C (C.L.B. ) Batt, 1914-17 ; Senior Chaplain, 58th (London) Division, 1917-19 : Author of " With the C.L.B. Battalion in France " (Skeffington, 1916). Address : The Rectory, WUlington, Co. Durham. (O1306) DUNCAN, Major James Matthews, O.B.E, T.D, M.A., M.D, 6. 17 June, 1874 ; s. of Charles Duncan, of Deebank, Aberdeenshire ; m. Muriel, d. of G. S. Stephenson, M.D, of Manor House, Grimsby. Educ. : Grammar School, Aberdeen ; Aberdeen Univ ; West London Hospital. Medical Referee, Ministry of Pensions ,; Naval Surgeon ; Certifying Factory Surgeon ; Hon. Physician, Ascot Cottage Hospital. War Work : M.O , 5th Bn. Lines Regt. ; O.C. Ambulance Train, France ; O.C 46 Stationary Hospital, France. Address : Murtle, Sunninghill, Berks. „ __ __ (05217) DUNCAN, Leland Lewis, M.V.O, O.B.E, F.S.A, 5. 24 Aug. 1862 ; s. of Leland Crosthwait Duncan, of H.M. Customs. Educ. : Lewisham Grammar School. Clerk, War Office, since 1882. War Work : In charge of Army Printing and Stationery Services at the War Office. Address : Rosslair, Lingards Road, Lewisham. (O303) . DUNCAN, Margaret ElmsUe,, M.B.E. (M10247c) DUNCAN, Peter Milne, O.B.E. (O12044)a DUNCAN, Robert, M.B.E. DUNCAN, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E. DUNCAN, Capt. William, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.) DUNCAN, Capt. William Lindsay, M.B.E. DUNCOMBE, Lieut.-Col. Charles WiUiam Ernest, C.B.E, JP for N.R. Yorks, fi 15 March, 1862; e. s.of Cecil Dunscombe, of the Grange, Nawton, Yorks, and uncle of the present Earl of Feversham (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. 1st, 8 Feb. 1890, Lilian Bertha, step-d. of Archibald Stuart Wortley (died 14 Feb. 1904) 2nd, 26 July, 1910, Frances Adelaide, e. d. of the late Rev 'H M. ViUiers (see BURKE'S Peerage, Clarendon, E.) and w of Arthur Francis Walrond (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry). Address : 11, Montagu Square, W. Clubs : Carlton ; White's. (C148) DUNCOMBE, Emily Katharine Louisa, M.B.E. Com mandant, Horticultural Section, Women's Legion, Rutland (M10313) DUNDAS, Major Allan Charlesworth, O.B.E. DUNDAS, Betty, Mrs., M.B.E , Q.M.A.A.C DUNDAS, Lieut.-Col. Patrick Henry, O.B.E, D.S.O, 5 1871 -s of Donald William Dundas. Entered Indian Army 1894 ; became Capt. 1901, Major, 1910 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1917 ; Lieut.-Col. 1919 ; served on N.-W. Frontier of India 1897-98 (medal with clasp); in China, 1900 (medal) ; Great War, 1914-17 (despatches) ; Staff-Capt India, 190'-8; Brig.-Major, 1909-11 ; appointed an A.Q.M.G., 1916. (06612) DUNDERDALE, Robert Harold Webster, M.B.E, MDUNDERDALE, WiUred Albert, M.B.E, Lieut. R.N. V R IMIOOOO) DUNELL, Lieut. Alan Gordon, M.B.E, R.A.S.C DUNELL, Marion, Mrs., M.B.E. DUNFEE, Col. Vickers, V.D, J.P, 6. 30 AprU 1861 ; Educ: King's CoUege and School. Commandant City of London Police Reserve ; Deputy Alderman Ward of Vintry. War Work: GaUipoli, Egypt, France. Address: Guildhall E C Club : Royal AutomobUe Club. (C1546) DUNHAM, Walter, M.B.E, E,A..S.C DUNK, Harry WiUiam, M.B.E. Address : Percy Road, Bexley Heath. __ ______ (M1680) DUNKIN, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E. DUNKLEY, Lieut. George William, O.B.E, R.M.A. DUNKLEY, Capt. Stanley Fitz-Roy, O.B.E, fi. 16 Aug. 1889 ¦ s of Joseph E. Dunkley, of Northampton and Montreal ; m. 169 Dunleath THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Doris Evelyn, '/¦ d. of WiUiam James Webb, Managing Director, London Public Company. Educ : St. Mark's CoU, London . Technical Clerk, The Gas Light and Coke Company, Westminster. War Work: Mobilised Aug. 1914 with R.N.V.R, in which he had five years previous service ; Secretary to G.O. Commanding 63rd (R.N.) Division Reserves untU 1916 Staff Capt. with H.Q. 63rd (R.N.) Division, Oct. 1916, to Feb. 1920. Address : 25, Bishops Mansions, Putney Bridge, S.W. 6. Club : Vesta Rowing. (09787) DUNLEATH, Nora Louisa Fanny, O.B.E. DUNLEY, James, M.B.E. DUNLOP, Major Charles, D.S.O, O.B.E. Major in the Armv ; served in the Great War, 1915-19. (01307) DUNLOP, EUzabeth Dorothea, M.B.E. DUNLOP, Frederick George, O.B.E. DUNLOP, Lieut, and Quartermaster Robert, M.B.E, Reserve of Officers Union Defence Force, 6. 22 Feb. 1874 : s. of WUUam Dunlop, of Greenock, Scotland ; m. Marion, d. of WiUiam Gray, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Moray House and Heriot Watt CoUege, Edinburgh. Registered Public Account ant ; Commissioner for Oaths ; Secretary, Chamber of Com merce and Public Comparies. War Work : Organising Secretary and Treasurer (Natal) Governor General's Fund ; Hon. Sec, Disabled Soldier's Board ; Hon. Sec, Returned Soldier's Committee, Maritzburg. Address : 280, Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg. (M1212) DUNLOP, Sir Thomas, Bart., G.B.E, LL.D, J.P, D.L, 6. 2 Aug. 1855 ; $. of Thomas Dunlop, of Glasgow ; m. 1st, Dorothy Euphemia, 2nd, Margaret, both ds. of Peter Mitchell, of Longniddry, E. Lothian, Educ : Glasgow Academy. Shipowner and Flour Importer. War Work : Lord Provost of Glasgow, 1914-17 during which period did a considerable amount of recruiting and raised large sums of money for war purposes and reUef funds. Address : 6, Park Terrace, Glasgow. Clubs : Conservative, Art and New Clubs, Glas gow ; Conservative, Edinburgh. (G23) DUNLOP, Capt. WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, S.R. DUNLOP, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Bruce, D.S.O, O.B.E. (011737) DUNLOP, Capt. WiUiam George, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 9 June, 1892 : s. of WiUiam Dunlop, of Haysmuir, Ayr. Educ. : St. Ninians, Moffat ; Fettes CoU, Edinburgh. Chartered Accountant. War Work : Capt. Ayrshire Royal Horse ArtUlery (T.F.) ; served on Staff of A. and N.Z. Mtd. Div, and of KXth Army Corps ; mentioned in despatches, March, 1917, Oct. 1918, March, 1919. Address : Haysmuir, Ayr, Scot land. Club : Junior, Glasgow. (06173) DUNLOP, WiUiam Louis Martial, O.B.E. DUNLOP, Mary Janet MURRAY-, M.B.E. ; d. of A. C S, Murray-Dunlop, of Corsock and Edinbarnet, Scotland. War Work : Commandant of AuxiUary Hospital, Class B, Glen- darroch, Kirkcowan, Wigtownshire, Jan. 1915-Jan. 1919 ; the Hospital ran for 16 months on voluntary contributions. Address : Corvisel, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire. (M7963) DUNN, Alfred Cuthbert, C.B.E. (C3188) DUNN, Capt. Arthur Edward, C.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2291) DUNN, Ellen S., Mrs, M.B.E. DUNN, Frederick WiUiam, O.B.E, B.A, B.Sc, A.R.C Sc 5. 11 Deo. 1869 ; s. of the late WiUiam Henry Dunn, of Bristol and Parkstone, Dorset ; to. Helen Elizabeth Dunn, d. of David Durham, of Stonehaven. Educ. : Merchant Venturers Technical Coll. Bristol ; Royal CoU. of Science for Ireland ; Glasgow Univ. ; London Univ. Science Research Scholar of Exhibition of 1851 ; Barrister at Law ; Examiner, H.M. Patent Office War Work : attached to the Higher Clerical Staff of the Ordnance Factories, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, from 17 Aug. 1914 to 16 March, 1919. Address: 8, Westmount Road, Eltham, S-E. 9. (010337) DUNN, George Owen WiUiam, O.B.E, fi. 25 Oct. 1854 ; 8. of Major W. J. Dunn, of Royal Marine Light Inf. ; m Charlotte, d. of Daniel de Castro, of East Sheen. Educ ¦ Royal Indian Engineering Coll, Coopers HiU. Late Chief Engineer, Bombay PubUc Works Department, and Chairman Bombay City Improvement Trust, 1904-9 ; Member of the Bombay Legislative CouncU, 1905-9 ; President of the Bombay Municipal Corporation, 1908-9. War Work : Metro politan Special Constabulary, D division, Constable, Sergeant and Inspector, 1914-16 : First Division Clerk, India Office' 1916-19. Address : 60, BickenhaU Mansions, W. 1. Clubs ' East India United Service ; Byculla, Bombay. (O10338i DUNN, Harold Stuart, M.B.E, R.N. iuiumb; DUNN, James D„ O.B.E,; s. of the late James Dunn, of Glasgow ; m. Florence Kerr, d. of John Ward, of Dumbarton Educ: Glasgow Academy, and Fettes CoU, Edinburgh Ship Broker. War Work : Ministry of Shipping. Addresses : 43, Kingsborough Gardens, Glasgow ; 31, St. Vincent Place Glasgow. Clubs : New, Glasgow ; Caledonian, London. S AM™' James stormont. C.B.E. Reuter's Agent in ' DUNN, Marion Prudence, M.B.E. (C2001) DUNN, Patrick Smith, C.B.E. DUNN, Capt. Robert Charles, O.B.E. 5KH5' tieut- Ro°ert Ewart, O.B.E, R.N.R. EKSm'c.M?'j01' Wilfre GeorSe Albert, M.B.E. (M10384) MedACo^!R' C0L Ge°rge DeVey' °'B'E' Canadian ,^ FARMER, Henry Edward, M.B.E, F.R.I.B.A, M.T PI- % T tEJTd Farjner, of Rockford, Salop. ; to. Florence, d. Ohbt _Sw£?? ' ?~ S?80?^'. Educ- ¦' Privately. War Work : Chief Architect to the Ministry of Shipping ; designed and supervised Working Class Dwellings, Men's Hostels Boys' 184 Riveting Schools, etc., in connection with existing shipyards, and laid out, designed and supervised, the new Chepstow. Address: RushaU HaU, Walsall. Club : Primrose. (M3635) FARMER, Capt. Horace Edwin, O.B.E. FARMER, Robert Crosbie, O.B.E, D.Sc, Ph.D. FARMER, Samuel William, O.B.E, J.P. FARMER, William Henry, M.B.E, Chief Superintendent of Police ; Chief Clerk of the Worcestershire Constabulary ; awarded the King's Coronation Medal in 1911 for meritorious Service. War Work : Duties] under D.O.R.A, Emergency Orders and Regulations ; extra duties and responsibilities during the absence of the Chief Constable (1914-19) from the County on Service during the Great War ; mentioned in 1918 for services rendered to Department at War Office during war. Address : Station House, Castle Street, Worcester. (M8047) FARMERY, John, M.B.E, fi. 11 Oct. 1872. Chief Officer of Fire Brigade, Ilford. War Work : Served on Home Office Fire Brigades Committee for fire defence of Metropolis ; Fire extinguishing operations at various factories engaged on Munitions of War ; also at fires caused by, and during enemy air raids on London and district ; dealt with enemy " Gotha " aeroplane brought down in flames in London area during the last raid, Whit-Sunday and Monday, 1918. Address : Central Fire Station, Ley Street, Ilford, Essex. (M8048) FARNDALE, Joseph, O.B.E, 6. 6 AprU, 1864; s. of Thomas Farndale, of Wakefield; m. Emma, d. of WiUiam Selby, of Wakefield. Educ. : Field House Academy, Aberford. Chief Constable of Bradford ; formerly Chief Constable of Margate and York. (010386) FARNELL, Beatrice Isabel, M.B.E. FARNELL, Henry Dawson, O.B.E, J.P, F.R.CS. FARNHAM, Samuel, M.B.E, R.E. FARNLEY, Arthur Hambleton, M.B.E, R.N. FARNSWORTH, Alfred WiUiam, O.B.E. FARNSWORTH, Frank Smedley, M.B.E. FARQUAHAR, Lieut.-Col. FitzRoy, O.B.E. FARQUHAR, Rev. Henry, M.B.E, B.D. FARQUHARSON, Lieut.-Col. A. S. L., C.B.E. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Oxford Univ. Officers' Training Corps. (C1557) FARQUHARSON, Alexander, M.B.E, M.A. FARQUHARSON, Major Christopher WiUiam, O.B.E. FARQUHARSON, Com. John PhiUps, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1884 ; s. of Capt. A. J. Farquharson, R.N, of StoweU Park, Wilts ; m. 1919, PhylUs Ruth, e. d. of Major Francis Edward Presoott, of Bockleton Court, Tenbury. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, Croix de Guerre). (O3490) FARR, Muriel Edith, O.B.E. ; g.d. of the late Archdeacon Farr, L.L.D, Cambridge, and Adelaide, South AustraUa. Member of Literary Staff of South AustraUan "Register," and contributor to South AustraUan and Inter-state papers and periodicals. War Work : Joint founder (with Mrs. Carew Reynell) of League of Loyal Women of Australia; Joint Sec. for one year, and sow Member of Executive Committee and Council ; Hon. Sec. Women's " Yes " Committee, 2nd Con scription Referendum ; Member Executive Committee Anzac HospitaUty Fund; State War CouncU's Soldiers' Hostel; Soldiers' combined Recommendations Committee, South AustraUan Comforts Fund ¦ Vice-President South AustraUan Branch AustraUan League of Nations Union. Address : 29, Jeffcott Street, North Adelaide, S. AustraUa. Club : Queen's, Adelaide. (02149) FARR, WilUam Edward, C.B.E, J.P, 6. October, 1872 ; s. of Albert Hart Farr, of Weston, Herts ; m. HUda Lomas, d. of James Walker, of Leeds and Harrogate. Educ : Privately. SoUcitor ; Alderman of Leeds City CouncU ; J.P. for City of Leeds ; Member of CouncU of Leeds University ; Chairman Leeds Higher Education Committee ; Joint Hon. Sec. Leeds Luncheon Club ; Hon. Sec. Leeds Liberal Federation. War Work : Chairman Leeds ParUamentary Recruiting Committee ; Chairman Leeds Advisory Committee ; National Service Representative at Leeds Appeal Tribunal ; Chairman Leeds Employment Committee. Address : 1, Central Bank Chambers, Leeds. Clubs : Leeds Liberal ; National Liberal. (C2598) FARR, Capt. Arthur James Melancthon SAVILLE-, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. FARRA, Robert Edward, M.B.E. FARRADAY, Major WiUiam, M.B.E. FARRAN, Rev. George Erie, M.B.E, D.D, 5. 1868; s. of F. Farran, of Berkhampstead. Educ. : Rugby ; Oriel CoU, Oxon. Vicar of Kingsbury, N.W. War Work: Com mandant City of London Red Cross Soc. ; Sec. and Registrar of No. 8 Red Cross (Baltic and Corn Exchange) Hospital, Paris Plage, and Boulogne, 1915-19. Address: Kingsbury Vicarage, N.W. 9. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (M3636) FARRAN, Major George Lambert, D.S.O, O.B.E. FARRAN, Helen Isabel, M.B.E, 6. 20 Oct. 1879; d. of George H. Farran, of GeorgeviUe, Rathgar, Dublin. Educ. : Dulwich High School; Guernsey Ladies' CoU. War Wort: Hon. Worker and member of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, 1914-17 ; Hon. worker and member, Local War Pensions Committee (City of DubUn), 1917-20. Address: GeorgeviUe, 16, Highfield Road, Rathgar, DubUn. (M8051) FARRANCE, Lieut. Harry, M.B.E. FARRANT, Mary Josephine, Mrs., M.B.E, ; d. of Rev. J. L. Kitchin, of Heavitree, Exeter ; to. the late Mark, s. of Samuel Farrant, J.P, of Amberd, Taunton. Educ : Privately, and Cheltenham. Asst. Probation Officer, Home Office; Asst. Sec Women's Farm Settlement in South Africa; Cer- BIOGRAPHIES. Fedden tificated by Examination of Sanitary Inspector's Examination Board. War Work : Senior Lady Superintendent, Command Pay Office of London. Address : 66, Portland Court, London, W. 1. (M8052) FARRAR, Major John William, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C FARRELL, Rev. Bernard, O.B.E. FARRELL, Major Gilbert Valentine, O.B.E, I.A., 6. 30 Sept. 1884 ; s. of T. F. Farrell, of HuU ; to. Dorothy, d. of Sir John Sherburn, of Brantingham Thorpe, Brough, East Yorks (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : The Oratory, Birming ham and Sandhurst. Addresses : Brantingham Thorpe, Brough, East Yorks ; c/o Henry S. King & Co, 9, Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1. CZwfis : Junior United Service. (07136) FARRELL, Henry WilUam, M.B.E. FARRELL, Lieut. James Robert, M.B.E. FARRELL, Margaret Georgina Mary, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. FARRELL, Capt. Robert, O.B.E. FARREN, Hugh Richard, O.B.E., J.P. FARREN, Capt. WiUiam Scott, M.B.E. FARRER, Hon. CecU Claude, O.B.E, B.A, 6. 8 May, 1893 ; s. of Lord Farrer, of Abinger ; to. Evelyn HUda d. of E. T. Crook, of Woodlands Hall, Bridgnorth. Educ. : Eton and New CoUege, Oxford. 1st class market officer in Department of Overseas Trade. War Work : Secretary Allied Rationing and Statistical Committee, Ministry of Blockade. Address : 100, Palace Gardens Terrace, Kensington, W. 8. Club : Oxford and Cambridge Musical. (069) FARRER, Major Edward Richard Blackburne, O.B.E, M.C, Chevalier, Legion of Honour, 6. 21 May 1892 ; s. of Canon H. W. Farrer, of Salisbury ; m. Cynthia Betty, d. of J. W. Stanton, of Chepstow. Educ. Sandroyd, Sherborne CoUege and Corpus Christi, Cambridge. Transport Manager, Mac Fisheries, Ltd, 33 St. James Square. War Work : Joined R.A.S.C. 1 Sept. 1914. Served in France with 3rd Cav. Division from 31 Sept. 1914-Aug. 1916. D.A.D.S, 3rd Army from Aug. 1916 tUl 20 Oct. 1919. Five mentions in despatches. Address : 16, Emperor's Gate, London S.W. 7. (01114) FARRER, Julia Frances, M.B.E, A.R.R.C, 6. 19 Sept. 1860 ; d. of Frederick WilUs Farrer, of 66, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Edue. : Privately. Trained nurse attached to 46 V.A.D, London. War Work : Served 13 months with French troops in France and Tenedos ; 2J years nursing garrison in Mudros (Doughty Wylie Unit) ; 16 months Red Cross nursing, London and Bowood ; 5 months with Church Army Canteens, France and Flanders. Address : 10, Colosseum Terrace, N.W. 1. (M8054) FARROW, Arthur Edward, M.B.E. Address: 19, RossaU Road, AnsdeU, Lyntham. (M8055) FARROW, Capt. Frederick Denny, O.B.E, R.E. FARROW, WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 19 March, 1867; s. of Thomas BucknaU Farrow, of York ; m. Fanny, d. of WilUam Brooke, of Huddersfield. Educ : Priory St. School, York. War Work: Hon. Sec. Disablements Committee. Sale and Ashton-on-Mersey War Pensions ; also Y.M.C.A, Piccadilly, Manchester; and Enemy Aliens ReUef Work. Addresses: 80, Chapel Road, Sale, Cheshire ; 1, Temple Street, Manchester. (M8056) FARTHING, Capt. WUUam Walter, O.B.E. R.A.F. FARWELL, George Douglas, M.B.E, A.M.I.CE, A.M.I.M.E, 6. 24 Dec. 1877 ; s. of Frederick George FarweU, of Totnes, Devon. ; to. Eleanor Grace, d. of Everard Jones, of Gwynfryn, Cardiganshire. Edue. : Weymouth. War Works : Ministry of Munitions, Section Director, Gun Ammunition Dept, 1915-18 : Section Director, Dept. of Engineering, 1918- 20. Address : 12, Cyril Mansions, S.W. Club : Royal Auto mobile. (M8057) FASEY, William, M.B.E. FASS, Herbert Ernest, O.B.E. FASSON, Major Thomas WiUiam, O.B.E. FATHERS, AUce Mary, M.B.E. FATHERS, Henry, C.B.E, I.S.O, 6. 25 Nov. 1860 ; s. of Joseph Fathers, of Middlesex ; to. Alice Jane, d . of A. J. Jordan, of Wahner. Educ. : Adelphi School and King's College, London. Appointed Clerk at Admiralty 1 AprU 1879 ; and employed in the Naval Ordnance Department. In 1891 was transferred to the Naval Ordnance Store Department then formed to deal with the provision and supply of guns and ordnance stores for the Navy : appointed Asst. Superintendent of Ordnance Stores on 17 AprU 1909 and Deputy Director of Armament supply on 24 March, 1917. Address : Trewinian, 24, Burnt Ash HiU, Lee. (C2599) FARRELL, Comm. Douglas, M.V.O, O.B.E. FAULKNER, AUred Edward, C.B.E, 5. 3 July, 1882 ; to. llorer.ce Edith NicoU. Educ. : St. Albans School and King's tjollege, London. Transport Department Admiralty, 1901-1917 ; rZ Assistant Director of Transports, Admiralty, 10 April, ™!- War Work: Transport Department Admiralty, from 1901 to March, 1917 ; Deputy Director of MUitary Sea Transport Ministry 0f Shipping, 1 Mar. 1917 to 27 Sep. 1919 ; Director ?ni„ Iltary Sea Transport, Ministry of Shipping, 28 Sept. ial9 hi 31 Jan. 1920 ; Acting Director of Transports and Mipping, Ministry of Shipping, 1 Feb. 1920. Address : 26, Clarence Road, St. Albans. (C2600) FAULKNER, Lieut. Henry Robert, M.B.E. FAULKNER, Roger, O.B.E, 6. 17 April, 1859 ; s. of Joan Faulkner, of Pavenham, Beds. ; to. Mary Frances, d. or John Coulson, of Derby. Educ : Bedford. Deputy Chief nonstable of Derbyshire. War Work : Was solely in charge of the County Constabulary, Derbyshire, from 17 April, 1916, to 31 May, 1918, when a new Chief Constable was appointed. (010387) FAULKNER, Sydney Neal, O.B.E. FAUNTHORPE, Lieut.-Col. John Champion, C.B.E, M.C FAURE, Pieter Jacobus van Breda, O.B.E. FAVA, Albert Bernard, O.B.E. For important services in connection with the Naval Intelligence Division during the War. (011902) FAVELL, Millicent, M.B.E. War Work : Secretary to War Trade Committee. Address : 119, Gleneldon Road, Streatham, S.W. 16. (M8058) FAVIELL, Com. Douglas, M.V.O, O.B.E, fi. 1884 ; s. of Frederick Henry FavieU, of Highstanding, near Barnstaple ; to. 1910, Mary Sanderson, d. of Professor John Hunter. En tered R.N. 1899; became Lieut. 1906, Lieut.-Comdr. 1914, and Comdr. 1917 ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 ; present at battle of Jutland (despatches, promoted) ; has 3rd Class of Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure. (09538) FAVIELL, Mary Sanderson, Mrs. Douglas, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. FAWCETT, Capt. Edward George Duncan, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. FAWCETT, Edward Pinder, C.B.E, 6. 3 Mar. 1874; s. of John Edward Fawcett, of Sheffield ; to. Alice Elizabeth May, d. of W. H. Clifford, of Wexford. Educ. : Leys School and Caius CoUege, Cambridge. Indian Civil Service. War Work : Recruiting and raising War Loan. (C696) FAWCETT, Frederick, O.B.E. FAWCETT, Percy WiUiam, O.B.E. FAWCETT, Walter, M.B.E. FAWCUS, Lieut-Col. Alfred, O.B.E. FAWCUS, Arthur Francis, O.B.E. War Work : Attached to the Fleet CoaUng Section of the Naval Stores Department at the Admiralty. Address : Littleworth Close, Esher, Surrey. (O10390) FAWCUS, Lieut.-Col. James Scott, O.B.E. FAWDRY, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.F. FAWKES, Surg.-Lieut. Marmaduke, O.B.E, R N., M.B. FAWSITT, Lieut. Hubert Harcourt Moriand, M.B.E. FAWSSETT, Frank, M.B.E, M.B, B.S. (Lond.), fi. 31 Dec. 1864 ; s. of Rev. Robert Fawssett, one time Rector of Salmonby, Lines. ; to. Margaret Louisa, d. of Augustus Springett, J.P, of Hawkhurst, Kent. Educ: Bedford School : Privately ; St. Thomas' Hospital. Chief Surgeon East Sussex Constabulary ; Medical Visitor Private Licensed Houses for Lunatics in East Sussex ; Consulting Physician, Victoria Hospital, Lewes. War Work : Medical Officer V.A.D. Hospital, St. Annes, Lewis ; Medical Officer V.A.D. Hospital, East ChUtington, nr. Lewes ; Civil Medical Practitioner - in-Charge Troops, Lewes. Address : 83, High Street, Lewes, Sussex. Club : Lewes aud County. (M8059) FAYRER, Lieut.-Col. Sir Joseph, 2nd Bt., C.B.E, M.A, (Cantab,) M.D. CM, (St. Andrews), F.R.CS.E, L.R.C.P, L.R.C.S, L.F.P.S,L.M. Edin. and Glasgow; Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, fi. 8 Mar. 1859 ; s. of Surgeon- Gen. Sir Joseph Fayrer, 1st Bt, of London ; m. EUa, d. of Col. William Augustin John Mayhew. Educ. : Rugby ; Trin. CoU. Camb. ; St. George's Hospl, Edinburgh. War Work : Organised and commanded 2nd Scottish General Hospital. Address : Meadow Walk, Edinburgh. Club : The New, Edinburgh. (C813) FEAR, Thomas Richard, M.B.E, late R.S.M. Duke of Yorks' Royal MiUtary School, 6. 22 May, 1861; s. of Frank Smith, of Weston-super-Mare ; m. Mary Ann, d. of James Hockett, of New Barnet. Educ. : Penparke School, Aberystwyth. War Work : At the outbreak of the war organised 20 centres in the County of Cardiganshire with a view to obtaining men trained for H.M. Forces, and was successful in obtaining over 500 before the Derby Scheme came into force ; raised by public subscription over £2000 for various war organisations, £1559 of which was expended in a personally conducted fund, caUed the " Comforts for Fighters' Fund," which enabled him to send to men serving overseas 6239 parcels, each containing a letter written by him ; 4052 letters were received and acknowledged, all of which have been deposited in the National Library of Wales. Address: Highbury, Dinas Terrace, Aberystwyth. (M8660) FEARENSIDE, Major Edmund, O.B.E.. D.S.O, 6. 1881 ; s. of the late Thomas Charles Fearenside, of Burton, Westmor land. Educ. : Queen's Coll, Oxford. Schoolmaster ; Major and Acting Lieut.-Col. comdg. a Battn. Manchester B.egt. ; served during the Great War, 1914-17 (wounded, despatches). (07138) FEARFIELD, Marjorie Pollard, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 20 June, 1892; d. of WUliam Stafford, of Nottingham; m. Cecil John Fearfleld. War Work: Assist. Transport Officer, British Red Cross Society, Nottingham. Addresses : Notting ham ; Craig Ohn, Simla, India. (M8061) FEAST, Edith Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. FEATHERSTONE, John Thomas, M.B.E. FEDARB, Frederick J., O.B.E FEDDEN, Alfred Hulbert Roy, M.B.E. FEDDEN, Katharine Waldo Douglas, Mrs., C.B.E, fi. 1873 ; d. of Henry Livingstone Douglas, of New York ; in. 1st, 1894, Francis Kinloch Hunter ; 2nd 1907, Romilly Fedden. Chairman of Belgravia War Hospital Supply Depot, 1915-19. 185 Fegan THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Address: 69, Beaufort Mansions, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Club: Sesame. „ _, _ _, . (c958' FEGAN, Col. Magrath Fogarty, C.B.E, R.A. FEHR, Frank, C.B.E, 6. 2 July, 1874 ; s. of Henry Fehr, of London ; to. Jane, d. of Thomas Poulter, J.P, of London. Educ : Privately. Senior partner Thornett and Felir, 27, Leadenhall St. and Chairman and Director various Colonial Companies ; Underwriter at Lloyds. War Work : Holland, 1915, restricting exports to Germany ; Ministry of Food, 1917-19, being Asst. Director, Oilseeds Supply ; sent to Paris Conference, Holland, Belgium, United States and Egypt to negotiate for the Ministry of Food. Address : Hatton House, Chislehurst and Marwood, Lympne. Clubs : St. Stephen's and Constitutional. (c?w}) FEILDEN, Lieut.-Col. Randle Montague, C.B.E, fi. 17 July 1871 ; s. of late Sir W. L. Feilden, Bart, of Lancashire (see Burke's Peerage). Educ: Charterhouse: R.M.C. Late of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; is a Pasha in the Egyptian Army and Civil Secretary of the Sind Government. War Services : Employed in the Sind through out the War. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Pall MaU ; Royal Automobile ; Junior Constitutional. (C704) FEILDER, W. M. See Taylor, W. M, Mrs. FEILDING, Hon. Francis Henry Everard Joseph, O.B.E, B.A, LL.B,, fi. 6 March, 1867 ; 2nd s. of Rudolf William BasU, 8th Earl of Denbigh (see BUTtKE's Peerage) ; m. 27 Nov. 1919, Stanislawa, d. of Eustachiusz Tomczyk, of Warsaw. Barrister-at-law ; Lieut. R.N.V.R, 1914, late R.N. ; served in Egypt, 1882 ; has 4th Class Order of the Nile and of El Nahda of Hedjaz. Address : 5, John Street, W. Clubs : Savile ; Royal Automobile ; Beefsteak ; Bath. (04427) FEILING, Ethel Bessie, Mrs., M.B .E. FEILING, Gladys Maud, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 22 May, 1879 ; d. of late Col. Compton Norman, Royal Welsh FusUiers. Educ. : Rippingale, Eastbourne and Freiburg. Late Deputy Controller Q.M.A.A.C. War Work : Clerical Work in Recruiting Office, Liverpool Area ; Joined Q.M.A.A.C in Nov. 1917 ; Served in France from Dec. 1917 till Feb. 1919 ; served in Cologne, from Feb. 1919 till Sept. 1920, under Provost Marshal. Address : West Harting Cottage, Petersfield. (05246) FEILING, Capt. Keith Graham, O.B.E. FELKIN, Capt. Samuel Denys, M.B.E, R.A.F. FELL, Aubrey LleweUyn Coventry, C.B.E, 6. 8 July, 1869 s. of the late Samuel Grayson FeU, of Ickham Hall, Canterbury ; m. Isabel Leckie Ewing, d. of the late Thomas Mantel Fielding, of Ingfield Manor, Billingshurst, Sussex. Educ. : Christ's College, Finchley, and Hanover Square School of Engineering. General Manager, London County CouncU Tramways since 1903 to date. War Work : Member Metropolitan Munitions Committee Tramways (Board of Trade) Committee ; Home Office Committee on employment of disabled soldiers and many other Committees and Conferences relating to War Service and transport. Address: Ryestead Common, Chiddingfold. Club : Sports'. (C2602) FELL, Frederick Chandos Courtenay, O.B.E. FELL, Lieut.-Col. Louis Frederick Rudston, D.S.O, O.B.E. Capt. and T. Major, R.A.F. ; Depot Comdr. with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (03306) FELL, Marion Isobel, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 2 March, 1877 ; d. of Robert Wallace ; m. Matthew Henry Gregson, s. of John FeU, J.P, D.L, of Flan How, Ulverston, Lancs. War Work : Commandant, Fair' View Auxiliary Hospital, Ulverston. Address : Flan How, Ulverston, Lancs. (M3638) FELL, Major James Pemberton, O.B.E. FELL, Brig.-Gen. Robert Black, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 5 Nov. 1859 ; s. of John Fell, J.P, D.L, of Flan How, Ulverston. Educ. : Windermere Coll. Served in Zulu War of 1879 ; Anglo-Boer War of 1901-2 ; Commanded 2nd Batt. Scottish Rifles, 1903-7 ; Scottish Rifle Brigade (T.F.), 1908-12 ; Ceylon Volunteer Forces, 1913, to Sept. 1914 ; 102nd (Service) Infantry Brigade, 1914, to May, 1915 ; 51st (Service) Infantry Brigade, June, 1915, to July, 1916 ; 16th Terr. Reserve Brigade, Nov. 1916, to March, 1917 ; Ceylon Defence Force, April, 1917, to June, 1919. Club : Junior United Service. (C1558) FELL, William, O.B.E. FELLOWES, Rt. Hon. Sir Ailwyn Edward, K.C.V.O, K.B.E, 6. 10 Nov. 1855 ; s. of Edward Fellowes, 1st Baron De Ramsey, of Ramsey ; m. Agatha Eleanor Augusta, d. of 2nd Baron Hylton, of Ammerdown (see Burke's Peerage). Edue. : Eton, Cambridge. Address : Honingham, Norwich. Clubs : Carlton ; Boodle's. (Kl) FELLOWES, AUred Ernest, M.B.E. FELLOWES, Major Charles GrinciU, O.B.E, R.A. FELLOWS, Evelyn Emma, O.B.E. ; d. of George Fellows, late of Beeston Fields, Nottingham. War Work : Hon. Sec 1915-19, Nottingham War Hospital Supply Depot. Ad dress : Strancliffe, Barrow-on-Soar, Loughborough. (010392) FELLOWS, George, O.B.E, J.P. FELLOWS, Gertrude Elizabeth, M.B.E. FELLS, John Manger, C.B.E, fi. 1858 ; s. of William Fells, of Deal, Kent ; m. late Henrietta Emily, d. of William Julian, of Chelsea. Educ. : Deal College and privately. Incorporated Accountant. (Member of Council of Incorporated Soc. of Accountants and Auditors). War Work : As private Secretary to Mr. Andrew Weir (Lord Inverforth) assisted in the organisa tion of the department of Surveyor General of Supply at the War Office ; Member of several War Office Committees, including the Cost Accounting Committee ; Work in connection with the Red Cross for which awarded Honorary Life Member ship of the British Red Cross Society. Addresses : 128, Goldhurst Terrace, Hampstead, N.W. 6 ; 7 Union Court, Old Bond St. E 0. Club : National Liberal. (C2603) FELTON, Charles, M.B.E, R.N. FELTON, Edgar Hall, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. FELTON, John Robinson, O.B.E. FELTON, Muriel Harriet, Mrs., O.B.E. FENDER, Thomas, O.B.E. FENDICK, Eng.-Comm. Walter Robert, O.B.E, R.N. FENELON, Martin Joseph, M.B.E, fi. 1860 ; s. of Thomas Fenelon, of Seskin, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow, Deland; m. May, d. of the late Alderman Michael MacDonneU, Limerick. Educ. : The French CoU, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Permanent CivU Service, War Office ; detached for duty at the Head quarters Scottish Command. War Work : Audit of Army Accounts and financial advice. Address : 4, Morningside Park, Edinburgh. (M8066) FENN, Lieut. Ernest Edward, O.B.E, R.E. FENN, Sydney Albert, M.B.E, R.A.O.C, 6. 23 AprU 18S1: s. of Edward Fenn, of Norwich ; to. Elizabeth Louise, d. of Silas Wingrove, of Salisbury." Educ. .Elementary School, Nelson St., Norwich. 1st Class Warrant Officer. War Wort: France, (Havre and Nantes), August, 1914 to 31 Jan. 1915 ; joined 7th Div. at Sailley-sur-la-Lys, 1 Feb. 1915 to 22 Nov. 1917; Italy, 22 Nov. 1917 to 31 March, 1919; awarded Meritorious Service Medal after Somme operations,. 1916 and the M.B.E. after operations between the Piave and the TagUamento. Address : Brentleigh, Wain-a-Long Rd„ Salisbury. (M4731) FENNELLY, Capt. PhiUp, M.B.E. FENNER, Major Ralph Lennox, O.B.E. FENNER, Major Sidney, O.B.E, M.C. FENNING, Lieut. Robert WUUam, M.B.E, R.E. (T.F.). FENTON, Capt. Alexander, M.B.E. FENTON, Capt. Cecil, M.B.E. FENTON, Edith, M.B.E. FENTON, Capt. Henry Walter, M.B.E. FENTON, Capt. John, M.B.E. FENTON, Charles Ernest, M.B.E, 6. 6 Nov. 1870 ; s. of Charles C. Fenton, of Bromsgrove ; m. Ellen Vinnie, d. of Philip Levens, of Bromsgrove. Educ : Bromsgrove and Birmingham. Staff Officer, Post Office Stores Dept. War Work • With Telegraphic and Telephonic apparatus for the various branches of War service ; organisation of the work undertaken in the factories attached to the Post Office Stores Department. Address : ConnisviUe, Powys Lane, Palmers Green, N. 13. (M383) FENTON, Major Samuel Greame, O.B.E, 6. 29 May, 1886; s. of Francis Gregory Fenton, of Paris ; to. Dorothy Margaret, a. of David Sturrock, of Dundee. Educ. : St. Paul's. Engineer. War Work : O. i/c Workshops. No. 6 M.A.C ; O.C, 9th Div. A.S.P.; O.C D.G.T. (M.T.) Workshops, G.H.Q. Address: 78, Rue Michel Ange, AuteuU, Paris, 16me. Club : Royal Automobile. (05249) FENTON, WiUiam Walter, O.B.E, B.A, M.D. (Dublin), 6. 8 Jan. 1860 ; s. of Richard Fenton, of Grange Park, Mow, Co. Carlow, Deland ; to. Florence E, d. of Col. Charles J. Hill, J.P, of Coventry, Warwickshire. Educ: Bective Coll, Dublin; Trinity Coll, Dublin. Surgeon Wincanton and East Somerset Hospital ; Medical Officer Wincanton Union District and Infirmary ; Medical Officer Wincanton Isolation Hospital and Sanatorium. War Work : Medical Officer to Wincanton Red Cross Hospital. Address : Ash House, Wincanton. (010396) FENWICK, Major David Eardley, O.B.E, M.C, M.D. FENWICK, Capt, BrevetMajor, Lieut. Col. Edwin Hurry, C.B.E, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C, 6.1856; s.of Samuel Fenwici ; m. Annie, d. of John Fenwick, Elder Brother of the Trinity House. Educ. : Privately and abroad (Leipzic, Berlin). Consulting Surgeon to the London Hospital ; President, International Society of Urology ; late Lecturer on Clinical Surgery. War Work : Officer in charge Military wards London Hospital ; Officer Commanding, Military Hospital, Bethnal ,<*reen. Address : 53, Bedford Gardens, Kensington. (C155S) FENWICK, Major Ernest Guy, M.B.E, J.P, CC. Rut land ; s. of Chas. R. Fenwick; to. Elsie Robarts. Em.. Eton. War Work : British Remount Commission in Canada and Argentine Republic, 1914-19. Address : North Luffenham Hall, Stamford. Clubs : Turf; White's. (M170B) FENWICK, Major George Ernest Oswald, 0.B.J1, M.C, F.R.CS. FENWICK, Harriet Francis, M.B.E. FENWICK, Capt. Henry ClenneU, O.B.E, R.H.E.,. R.D. . , FENWICK, Paymaster-Cornm. Maurice George Fenwick Bissett, O.B.E, R.N. FERARD, Arthur George, C.B.E, M.A, Oxon, fi. 6 Maj 1853 ; s. of Charles Cotton Ferard, of Ascot Place, WinkMld, Berks ; m. Sarah Margaret, d. of WilUam M. Mffler, of Haluax, Nova Scotia and 55, Lancaster Gate, London, W. Educ. ¦' 0? the continent, Brighton Coll, and University CoU. Oxtora. Assistant Secretary, Post Office Dept. ; entered by open com petition Grade I ; General administration ; Special missions re the continent, e.g., British delegation to Universal Postal union Congress, 1906; Ghent Exhibition, etc.; Committees o Keats-Shelley Association and Memorial, Rome; Hanaei Society etc. ; Borough CounciUor, Marylebone, 1919 L wfH of Queen Charlotte's Hospital ; Chairman of Victoria Hospital 186 BIOGRAPHIES. Fetherstonhaugh for ChUdren, Chelsea, 1920. War Work: Deputy Chief Censor of telegrams on breaking out of war in 1914 ; Organiser and hon. secretary, 1914-1919 of Post Office Relief Fund for the dependants of Post Office servants who joined the colours to the number of 85,000 ; Special Hospital and Convalescent Homes for wounded P.O. servants ; feeding of 1000 prisoners, care of widows and orphans, many thousands in number. Address : 38, Montagu Square, London, W. 1. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (C2604) FERARD, John Edward, C.B.E, 6. 22 Jan. 1889 ; s. of Charles Cotton Ferard, of Winktteld, Berks ; to. Kathleen Marion, d. of E. A. Dennys, of India Public Works Dept. Educ : Eton ; Magdalen CoUege, Oxford. Secretary, Judicial and Public Dept, India Office. War Work : At the India Office. Address : 21, Sumner Place, S. Kensington, S.W. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (C156) FERGUSON, AUred Cornwall, O.B.E, M.D. FERGUSON, Lieut.-Col. Alpin, M.B.E. FERGUSON, Amy, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Percy RockUff, of London ; m. Edward, s. of Edward Ferguson, of Penicuik. Educ. : Leyton County School. War Work : Sec. to Chair man, and Sec Royal Commission on the Sugar Supply. Ad dress : 132, Station Road, Wood Green, N. 22. (M1710) FERGUSON, Anna Wise, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Josias Cunningham, of Glencairn, Belfast ; to. John, s. of James Ferguson, of Silversprings, Templepatrick. Educ : BeUast, and Drumsheugh Gds, Edinburgh. War Work : Joint Sec. Shipwrecked Crews' Fund ; Sec. Welcome Home Fund ; Assist. Belfast Dock Free Buffet ; Great Northern RaUway Free Buffet, BeUast ; Sec Reception of the Wounded Buffets, Belfast. Address : Silversprings, Templepatrick, Co. Antrim. (M8067) FERGUSON, Eng.-Comm. Anthony, O.B.E. FERGUSON, Lieut.-Col. Arthur George, C.B.E, 5. 22 June 1862; s. of Lt.-Col. G. A. Ferguson, of Pitfour Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire ; to. Janet Norah, d. of Sir Alexander Baird, of Drie. Educ. : Eton. Served in the Rifle Brigade, 1883 to 1904 ; H.M. Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland, 1904 to date. War Work : Commanded Training Battn. of the Rifle Brigade from 1914 to 1918. Address : 6, Belgrave Crescent, Edinburgh. (C2605) FERGUSON, Charles Henry, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, 6. 23 Jan. 1877 ; s. of Hugh Ferguson, of Warrington, Lancs ; m. Ada Mary, d. of Robert Muir, of London and Glasgow. Educ. : Warrington Grammar School, and Liverpool Univ. War Work: Held Commission in R.A.M.C. and served in France, Dec. 1915, to Nov. 1916 ; Medical Officer in Charge, Tootal Road MiUtary Hospital, 2nd Western General Hospital, Manchester, 1917-18. Address: 2, Park Road, Pendleton, Manchester. (M10262/) FERGUSON, Major Donald, O.B.E. FERGUSON, Rev. Fergus, O.B.E, M.A, B.D, 6. 12 Nov. 1876 ; s. of Fergus Ferguson, of Glasgow ; m. EUza Goodfellow, d. of 0 ohn B. Fleming, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow High School, and Glasgow Univ. Minister of North United Free Church, Perth, Scotland. War Work : Territorial Chaplain ; on active service May, 1916, to Aug. 1919, with Salonica Expeditionary Force, and as Senior Presbyterian Chaplain to Mesopotamian Force. Address : Denehurst, Bridgend, Perth, Scotland. (06467) FERGUSON, Fergus James, C.B.E, 6. 27 Nov. 1878 ; s. of George Ferguson, of Greenock. Educ. : Privately. After brief period of press-work joined the staff of Reuter's, Ltd, which he has represented in Persia, Egypt, Morocco and Balkan countries. War Work : Acted as official correspondent at headquarters of Salonica Army on behalf of Reuter's and Press Association ; subsequently attached General AUenby's force iq Palestine and Syria. Address : Club de Constantinople, Constantinople. (C2606) FERGUSON, Frances Madeleine, Mrs., M.B.E. FERGUSON, Gilbert, Mrs., M.B.E. FERGUSON, Major James, O.B.E, R.F.A. FERGUSON, James Strathearn, M.B.E, M.I.M.E, fi. 1869 ; 8. of John Ferguson, of Airdrie, N.B. ; to. Agnes fcmith, d. of Alex Dunlop, of Galston, Ayrshire. Educ : Hasgow, Technical CoU. Senior Partner, Ferguson and Palmer, RaUway and Contracting Engineers, 9, Victoria Street, West minster, S.W. 1. War Work : Sectional Director, Railway Material Department ; had charge of the supply of all Broad tjauge rolling stock required by our Armies. Addresses : Rutford House, Rutford Road, Streatham, S.W. 16 ; 9, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1. CZm6: Royal Automobile. (M8071) FERGUSON, Sir John, K.B.E, 6. 19 May, 1870 ; s. of lieorge Ferguson, of Rosslyn, Aberdeenshire ; to. Adelaide, elder daughterof Col. Telfer-SmoUett, of Bonhill and Cameron, Dumbartonshire. Educ. : Aberdeen. Joint General Manager ot Lloyds' Bank and Member of Council of Institutes of Banks jn England. War Work : Chairman of the foUowing War Office Committees ; Contractors Accounts (1917) ; Overtime >imo ' 0verstaflmg Enquiry, (1918) ; also Establishment, (1918-20) and Russian Accounts Committees, Ministry of Munitions (1920) ; Financial Adviser on Housing to Ministry ?f Health, 1920. Addresses : 21, Hans Place, London S.W. 1 ; worsted Manor, Chelsfield. Kent. Clubs : Ranelagh ; Carlton ; ™yal AutomobUe ; City of London ; New, Edinburgh ; Pilgrims, Canada; Henley Stewards'. (K142) FERGUSON, 2nd Lieut. John, M.B.E, R.E. FERGUSON, John Alexander, O.B.E, M.A, Edin. f .A. Oxon : I.C.S, 6. 2 Feb. 1880 ; s. of John Ferguson, of », Wemyss Place, Edinburgh; m. Noel, d. of V. E. de Bros, M.I.C.E, of P.W.D. India. Educ. : Edinburgh and Oxford. 18 Registrar, High Court, Lahore. War Work : Captain, 5th Punjab Light Horse, Indian Defence Force ; Secretary, Punjab, Second Indian War Loan. Address : 8, Racecourse Rd, Lahore. Club : Punjab, Lahore. (O4038) FERGUSON, 2nd Lieut. John Herbert, M.B.E, R.A.F. FERGUSON, Louis, O.B.E. FERGUSON, May Glendening, Mrs., M.B.E. FERGUSON, Capt. Montgomery Dubois, O.B.E, B.A, M.D.. B.Ch, D.P.H, R.A.M.C, fi. 29 Nov. 1881 ; s. of Mont gomery Ferguson, of Dublin ; to. Alberta, d. of Joseph Sheffield, J.P, O.B.E, of Harrogate. Educ : Aldenham School, Herts. Assistant Physician, York County Hospital. War Work : France, Feb. 1915-April, 1919 ; Specialist Sanitary Officer, Boulogne Base, May, 1916 to April 1919; Gazetted Lieut, 7 Dec. 1914 ; Capt, 7 Dec. 1915 ; Mentioned in Despatches, May 1918 ; Cavalier of the Order of Aviz (Portuguese), 1919. (05251) FERGUSON, Engineer-Capt. Samuel Pringle, C.B.E. R.N, 6. 1870 ; s. of Samuel Ferguson. Served in the Great War, 1914-19. (C1923) FERGUSON, Major Spencer Charles, O.B.E, J.P. 6. 13 Aug. 1868 ; s. of the late Chancellor Richard S. Ferguson, J.P, F.S.A, of Carisle ; m. Caroline Agnes, d. of the late Col. T. A. Dwin, of Justice Town, Cumberland. Educ. : Shrewsbury, and Christ's Coll, Cambridge. J.P. for the County Borough of Carlisle, and County of Cumberland. War Work : Embarkation Staff Officer, and Deputy Assistant Adjutant- General for Embarkation, Southampton. Address : Holm- wood, Brockenhurst, Hants. Ctofis : Army and Navy ; Pall Mall ; County, Carlisle. (07141) FERGUSON, Major WaUace, O.B.E. FERGUSON, William Francis, M.B.E. (M10385) FERGUSON, Lady Helen Hermione MUNRO- : seeNovar, Helen Hermione, Viscountess, G.B.E. FERGUSSON, Capt. John CaldweU, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.M.C, 6. 21 Dec. 1890 ; s. of James H. Fergusson, F.R.CS.I, of Londonderry ; to. Agnes Margaret, d. of James Wells, of SackvUle Street, Dublin. Educ. : Foyle CoU, Londonderry ; Univ. Coll, London ; Royal Coll. of Surgeons, Dublin. War Work : No. 10 General Hospital, France ; Medical Officer- in-Charge, 9 North Stafford Regt. MUitary Hospital, Cork. Qddress : White House, Brotton, Yorks. (M5259) FERGUSSON, Margaret Heriot, M.B.E, 6. 20 Jan. 1893 ; d. of Thomas Fergusson, of Hampstead. Educ. : Privately and abroad. Late Deputy Principal, W.R.N.S. War Work : Cook in V.A.D. Hospital, and afterwards started and ran Canteen for the Headquarter Staff of Women's Royal Naval Service. Address : Dinmurchie, 26 Belsize Crescent, N.W. 3. (R8072) FERGUSSON, Robert Loftus, M.B.E, 6. 1877; s. of F. J. Fergusson, of Calcutta. Educ : Haileybury and Heidel berg Colleges. Officer of North Eastern Railway. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, in charge of Motor Transport Section ; during 1919-20 filled position of Director Munitions Inland Transport. Address : Westwood House, Beverley. (M1711) FERMOR, Lewis Leigh, O.B.E, D.Sc. FERNIE, James, M.B.E. (M10442) FERNIE, Capt. Ralph, O.B.E, R.A.F. FERNIE, Major William James, O.B.E., R.A.F. FERNLEY, Alderman James, O.B.E, J.P. ; s. of James Fernley, of Heaton Norris. Educ. : Commercial School, Stockport. Cotton Yarn Merchant. War Work : Active worker in connection with Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association ; Chairman of Local War Pensions Committee from inception. Address : Elmstead, MUe End, Stockport. (010397) FERNS, Walter, M.B.E. FERRAR, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Henry Minchin, C.B.E, 6. 25 March, 1863 ; s. of A. M. Ferrar, D.L. of Belfast, Deland ; to. Laura, d. of John Hargreaves, of Maiden Eilegh, Berks. Educ. : Royal MUitary Academy. Late Royal Artillery, now Inspector of Remounts for Royal Artillery. War Work : Remount work. Address : Hook House, Hook, Hants. Club : Army and Navy. (C1560) FERRAR, Major Michael Lloyd, O.B.E. FERRIER, Capt. Charles Gordon, O.B.E. FERRIER, Thomas Archibald, C.B.E, 6. 1877 ; s. of the late T. H. Ferrier, W.S, of Edinburgh. Officer-in-Charge of Mathematical Instrument Office, Survey of India, Calcutta. Address: Calcutta. (C1074) FERRIS, Lieut. Pierce, M.B.E, R.N. FERRY, Capt. Cuthbert Edmund Caulfield, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.). FERRY, Major Edward Stanton Henry, O.B.E, LA. FETHERSTONE, Lieut. Henry Barry, M.B.E, M.C, R.F.A. FETHERSTONHUGH, Florence, M.B.E. FETHERSTONHAUGH, Margaret, Mrs., O.B.E; d. of Major-Gen. T. G. A. Oakes, C.B. ; to. Col. J. D. Fetherston-- haugh, D.L, s. of R. S. Fetherstonhaugh, of Rockview, Killu- can, Ireland. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society for Ireland ; Member Red Cross Council for Ireland ; collected £2000 and sent and endowed 2 Motor Ambulances from Co. Westmeath ; worked as a V.A.D. at Waverley Abbey Red Cross Hospital ; twice mentioned by the War Office. Address : Rockview, KUlucan, Ireland. (010398) FETHERSTONHAUGH, Victoria Emma Shaw, Mrs.. M.B.E. Fetherstonhaugh THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. FETHERSTONHAUGH, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Albany, C B.E D S O, fi. 1876 ; s. ofthe late WiUiam Albany Feather- stonhaugh, of Beechhurst, Farnham Royal ; to. 1915, Adela Mary, d. of Claud Thornton Cayley (see BURKE'S Peerage, Cayley, Bt.) Educ : Privately and R.M.C Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Indian Army ; was A.D.C. to Gen. Officer Comdg. Quetta Div. 1908-12 : Tirah Expedition, 1897-8 (medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-18, on Staff (despatches, Legion of Honour, Brevet Lieut.-Col.). Address : Cavalry Club. (C3093) FETHERSTONHAUGH, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Samuel, C.B.E. Canadian Forestry Corps, attached R.A.F. (C773) FEUERHEERD, Marietta Robertine, M.B.E. ; d. of H. L. Feuerheerd, of Miramar, Oporto, Portugal, and Anita, his wife, a. i. of Hon. A de LandevUle, of JoinvUle. Educ. : England and France. War Work : Organiser and Manager of the Soldiers' and SaUors' Rest Room and Free Buffet at Euston Station, the first of its kind, started at the request of Lord Kitchener, with the financial aid of Miss Margaret Boulton ; the Buffet was open from 4 Feb. 1915, to 5 July, 1919, serving on an average 100,000 men monthly. Address : Miramar, Oporto, Portugal. (M8073) FFDMCH, Capt. Matthew Benjamin DipnaU, C.B.E, D.L, J.P, fi. 18 Dec. 1866 ; s. of Matthew S. Ffinch, of The Old House, Deptford, Kent ; to. Crystal, d. of Sir Claude Ch. de Crespigny, Bart, of Champion Lodge, Maldon, Essex (see Burke's Peerage). Educ : HaUeybury ; R.M.C. Sandhurst. Gazetted to Prince of Wales' N. Stafford Regt, 30 Jan. 1886 ; late Asst. Chief Constable of Essex. Address: Langford Meads, Maldon, Essex. Clubs: Naval and Military; M.CC ; Shikar. (C15) FFISKE, WUUam Henry, O.B.E, 6. 8 AprU, 1879 : s. of Henry ffiske, of Brundall, Norfolk ; m. Jane Ewing, d. of Alexander B. Dansken, of Glasgow. Educ. : Norwich and Bury St. Edmunds Grammar Schools. Managing Director, Boulton and Paul, Ltd, Norwich and London ; On Council of Norwich Chamber of Commerce ; Member of Local Labour Advisory Committee, Assessor on Court of Referees, etc. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Ptoyal Aero. (01334) FFOOKS, Capt. WiUiam ArchdaU, O.B.E. FFORDE, Comm. Thomas Roderick, O.B.E, R.N. FFOULKES, Katharine Mary, Mrs. M.B.E, fi. 25 May, 1878 ; d. of Sir George Baker WUbraham, Bart, of Rode HaU, Cheshire (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. the Rev. Piers John Benedict, s. of Judge Wynne Floulkes, of Chester. Edue. : Privately. War Work : Acted for 6 months as Commandant of Congleton Red Cross Hospital, Cheshire (25 beds) ; Com mandant of Rode HaU Red Cross Hospital, Cheshire (55 beds) for two years ; raised the V.A.D. detachment to run the hospital. Address : Rode Rectory, Scholar Green, Cheshire. (M8074) FFRENCH, AUred E., M.B.E. FIASCHI, Lieut.-Col. Piers, O.B.E, Ausr. A.M.C FIDLER, George Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 18 Jan. 1883 ; s. of Thomas Fidler, of Ardfert, Co. Kerry ; to. Emily Caroline, d. of Thomas Copley, of Timogue, Queen's Co. Educ. : Cork Grammar School. CivU Servant ; Sec. Departmental Com mittee on the Dish Flax-growing Industry, 1910-11. War Work : Deputy Head of Branch of MUitary Sea Transport Department, Ministry of Shipping, responsible for transport of MUitary Personnel, Stores, and Equipment across EngUsh Channel, and in Mediterranean. Address : Ikotobo, Clontarf, Dublin. (M3640) FIDOE, Alfred Joseph, M.B.E, 6. 16 Jan. 1876 ; s. of Alfred Fidoe, of Dudley. Educ. : Prospect House Academy, Stourbridge, Worcs. Clerk and Steward, Oxford County and City Mental Hospital, Littlemore, nr. Oxford. War Work : Mental Hospital converted into a War Hospital, April, 1918 ; acted as Sec. and Steward of the Hospital. Address : Little- more, nr. Oxford. (MS075) FIDOE, Katharine Mary, M.B.E. FIELD, Capt. Christopher Senior, O.B.E. FIELD, Capt. David, M.B.E. FIELD, Capt. Edward Elgar, O.B.E, D.C.L.I. (T.F.), and R.E. FIELD, Edward Hubert, M.B.E, M.C, 6. 28 Oct. 1884 ; s. of Edward Field, of Leamington, Warwickshire ; m. Catherine LiUan, d. of T. W. Sorby. War Work : Joined 4th S. Midland Howitzer Edge, R.A, Sept. 1914 ; proceeded to France, March, 1915 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Borve, Woldingham, Surrey. (M4478) FIELD, Lieut. Eric Athelstane, M.B.E. FIELD, Herbert Stanley, O.B.E. FIELD, John WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 2 Feb. 1878 ; s . of Edwin Field, of EaUng W. ; to. Edith Anne, d. of Edward J. B. Downing, of Westminster. Educ. : Aylesbury Grammar and City of Westminster Schools. CivU Servant ; Staff Officer in Foreign Office. Address : 93, Coldershaw Road, West Ealing, W. 13. (M8076) FIELD, Joseph Henry, O.B.E, LL.B. (London), 6. 1865 , Town Clerk and Clerk of the Peace, Huddersfield. War Work: Clerk to Huddersfield Local Tribunal; Clerk to Separation Allowances Committee ; Joint Secretary, Hudders field Recruiting Committee , Secretary Huddersfield War Relief Committee ; Legal Adviser to Huddersfield Food and Coal and Fuel Control Committees. Address : Town Hall, Huddersfield. (01336) FIELD, Mabel Clara Hawkes, M.B.E, fi. 26 Oct. 1875 ; d. of Capt. G. Lainson Field, of Talton House, Nr. Stratford- on-Avon. Educ. : Privately ; Malvern. War Work : Com- 188 mandant of V.A.D, Warwick 4 ; worked as Assistant Comman dant at the Town HaU Hospital, Stratford-on-Avon, from Oct 1914, to March, 1915 ; and from May, 1915 to March, 1919- was in charge of V.A. Hospital, Whytegates, Stratford-on- Avon. Addresses : Talton House, Stratford-on-Avon ; lUlton Keynes Rectory, Newport Pagnell. (M36411 FIELD, MathUde, Mrs., M.B.E. ' FIELD, Michael Birt, M.B.E. FIELD, Capt. Raymond Ernest, O.B.E. FIELD, Rev. Major WUUam, O.B.E, Hon. S.C.F, fi. 1874 • s. of WUliam Field, of Norwich ; to. Constance Ethel, d. of WiUiam PhiUp Creak, of Great Yarmouth. Educ : Crescent Range CoUege, Manchester, and London University. Minister of ReUgion. War Work : Served in Egypt, Italy, France Belgium and with Army of Occupation in Germany, in all, four years ; three times mentioned in despatches ; Awarded O.B.E. and Croix de Guerre (Belgium) ; made an Hon. Senior Chaplain to H.M. Forces. Address : The Manse, Cleckheaton, Yorks. Club : Masonic. (05254) FIELD, Lieut. WUUam Samuel, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. FIELD, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Vincent, O.B.E, R.AMC FIELDEN, Dora, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Thomas Henry Ismay, of Dawpool, Thurstaston ; m. Joshua Fielden, s. of Joshua Fielden, of Nutfield Priory, ItedhiU. War Work: Commandant of V.A.D. Hospital from 1914-18. Address: Kineton House, Kineton, Warwickshire. (0333) FIELDEN, Mysie, Mrs., M.B.E. FIELDER, Charles James, M.B.E. FIELDER, Charles Lavington, M.B.E. FIELDER, Sub.-Lieut. Stanley, O.B.E, R.N.R. FIELDHOUSE, Arthur, M.B.E, C.S.M. FIELDHOUSE, WiUiam John, C.B.E, fi. 1858; s. of Thomas Fieldhouse, of Newport, Salop. ; m. 1882, Lucy, d. of Abraham Wood. Educ. : Newport Grammar Sch. Head of the firm of Geo. H. Hughes (Limited), of St. Stephen's Wheel Works, Birmingham ; a Director of Brampton Brothers (Limited) ; J.P. for Warwickshire. Address : Ansty Manor, Wootton Wawen, Warwickshire. Club : Royal Thames Yacht. (C158) FIELDING, Sir Charles Wm, K.B.E. FIELDING, Frederick, M.B.E, 6. 19 Nov. 1863 ; s. of John Osborn Fielding, of Graveley Manor, Cambs. Educ. : Croydon. War Work : Hon. Sec. Buckden Centre British Red Cross Society, and Buckden Centre Hungtingdonshire Volunteer Regt. Address: York House, Buckden, Huntingdon. (M8078) FIELDING, Henry, M.B.E. FIELDING, Thomas Henry, M.B.E. FIELDHMG, Capt. Walter Harrison, M.B.E, 6. 9 Ang. 1889 ; s. of the late Thomas Edward Fielding, of Southport, Lancs. ; m. Marjorie Octavia Adair, d. of F. G. Adair Roberts, of OakbiU Lodge, Hampstead, N.W. War Work: Enlisted in 28th London Regt. (Artists Rifles), 1914 ; commissioned as 2nd Lieut. R.E. 1915 ; promoted Capt. 1916 ; served in GaUipoli, Sinai and on Suez Canal ; Engmeer-m-Charge of R.A.F. buildings at Aboukir, Egypt, 1917-19 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Briarside Cottage, Letchworth. (M3380) FIENNES, Florence Agnes, Lady TWISLETON- WYKEHAM-, O.B.E.; d. of John Rathfeldar, of Wynberg, Cape Colonj-, and widow of Arthur Woodward Fletcher; m. Hon. Sir Eustace Edward Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Bart. (see Burke's Peerage). Addresses : Government House, Victoria Mohe, SeycheUes; Studland House, Studland Bay, Dorset; 86, Eaton Terrace, S.W. (01337) FIENNES, Gerard Yorke TWISLETON-WYKEHAM-, C.B.E, Order of Leopold I, Belgium, 6. 18 Juiy, 1864 ; s. of Rev. Hon. Wingfield Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, of Coine House, Rickmansworth ; m. Gwendolen, d. of Francis Gisborne, of Holme HaU, BakeweU. Educ : Winchester, New Coll, Oxford. Journalist. TFar Work : Naval Correspondent of " Observer," all through ; General Editor, National War Aims Committee, Oct. 1917 to Armistice. Address: Coine House, Rickmansworth. Club : Savile. (C2607) FIFE, WiUiam, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 11 Jan. 1857 ; s. of WUUam Fife, of FairUe. Naval Architect ; Member of the Institute of Naval Architects. War Work : Department of Aeronautical Supplies. Address : The Place, FairUe, Avrshire. Clubs : Royal Thames Yacht ; Conservative, Glasgow ; Royal Automobile. (03712) FIGG, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Charles Arthur, 0.B.E, R.A.M.C. FIGGINS, Eng.-Capt. John WilUam, O.B.E, R.N. FIGGIS, Howard Bradley, M.B.E, fi. 20 Jan. 1868; s. of Samuel Figgis, J.P, of Montagu Grove, Hampstead, N.W. ; m. Edith Annie, d. of Sir Corbet WoodaU, D.S.C, of Walden Chislehurst (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Uppingham. Rubber and General Produce Broker. War Work: Member of City of London Advisory Recruiting Committee. Ad dress : Heathlands, Hampstead Heath, N.W. CZufi : Reform. (M1715) FIGGIS, Ruby Norah, M.B.E, V.A.D. FILER, Samuel, O.B.E. FILDES, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Paul G., O.B.E, EXV.E FILGATE, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Robert Patten MA CARTNEY-, C.B.E FILL, Major Samuel John Vincent, O.B.E, E.A.F. FILLION, Rev Joseph, M.B.E. FILMER, Lieut. Walter George Harry, M.B.E. FINCH, Daisy AmeUa, M.B.E. ; d. of MarshaU Finch, oi BIOGRAPHIES. Fisher Tunbridge WeUs. Educ. : St. James' School, Tunbridge WeEs. Telephonist, G.P.O. War Work: Three years at General Headquarters, Home Forces, one year at the War Cabinet, Whitehall Gardens. Address : 82, Albert Road, Alexandra Park, N. 22. (M8080 FINCH, Lieut. George Ingle, M.B.E. FINCH, Lieut.-Col. HamUton Walter Edward, C.B.E, D.S.O, Middlesex Regt, 6. 1868. Served in the Great War, 1914-17 (despatches). (CI 561) FINCH, Josiah Robert, O.B.E. (O12047) FINCH, Lionel Hugh Knightley, O.B.E. (04488c) FINCH, Madeline Constance, M.B.E. Secretariat, Ministry of Munitions. (M10317 FINCH, Marie Isabel, M.B.E. (M1716) FINCH, Lieut.-Comm. Sidney, O.B.E, R.N.R. (ret.), 6. 1868 ; s. of Robert Finch, of Blackheath, S.E. ; to. Florence May, d. of Lance Smith, of N.S.W. Educ. : H.M.S. " Wor cester." Master Mercantile Marine. War Work : In com mand of troopships, and of Hospital ship " Kalyan," Archangel, 1918-19. (010400) FINCH, Major WiUiam Robert Edward Heneage, O.B.E. FINCHAM, Capt. John WUUam George, O.B.E.. A.C.F. FINCKEN, Major Vernon Shaw Taylor, O.B.E. FINDLAY, EUzabeth Susan, M.B.E. FINDLAY, EUen Kent, Mrs., M.B.E. FINDLAY, Surg.-Lieut. George WiUiam Marshall, O.B.E, M.B, R.N. FINDLAY, Lieut.-Col. Harold, C.B.E, E. Kent Regt. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1562) FINDLAY, James, O.B.E. FINDLAY, James Arthur, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 16 May, 1883 ; s. of Robert Downie Findlay, of Woodside House, Beith ; to. Annie Gertrude, d. of Theodore Walker, F.R.G.S, of Glenn Hall, Leicestershire. Educ. : Ardvreck ; Fettes CoU. ; Geneva Univ. Chairman, Beith Parish CouncU ; Hon. Sec, Ayrshire Branch, British Red Cross Society ; Member, Glas gow Stock Exchange. War Work: Hon. Sec. Ayrshire Branch, British Red Cross Society ; Official organiser for Ayrshire Red Cross Week, 1917-18 ; Chairman, War Savings Association, Beith Branch ; Chairman, War Pensions Com mittee, Beith ; Member of Lord Eglinton's County Fund to relieve distress caused by the war. Address : Woodside House, Beith, Ayrshire. Clubs : Royal Thames Yacht ; New, Glas gow. (M3644) FINDLAY, Jean ElmsUe Henderson, C.B.E. FINDLAY, Sir John Ritchie, K.B.E, D.L, J.P, 6. 1866 ; (see Burke's Peerage) ; s. of J. R. Findlay, of Aberlour ; m. Harriet Jane, d. of Sir Jonathan E. Backhouse, of the Rookery, Middleton Tyas (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ. : Harrow ; BalUol, Oxford. Proprietor of " The Scotsman." War Work : Chairman of Scottish National Housing Company ; member Scottish Advisory Committee, and of the Prince of Wales' Fund. Addresses : 3, Rothesay Terrace, Edinburgh ; Aberlour, Banffshire. Clubs : Brooks's ; New, Edinburgh. (K20) FINDLAY, Lieut.-Col. Richard John, O.B.E, R.A.O.C FINDLAY, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1864 ; s. of the-late Col. Alex ander Findlay, of Nairn ; to. 1st, 1894, Isabella Maria, who d. youngest d. of the Rev. Canon Hodgson, of Horsham, Sussex ; 2nd, 1917, Josephine May, d. of Thomas Vaughan Anthony, of 14; Daleham Gardens, Hampstead, N.W. Lieut.-Col. Canadian Army Ser. Corps ; served in the S. African War with Roy. Sussex Regt. ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, Croix de Guerre). Address: Sunny HiUs, Port WilUams, Nova Scotia, Canada. (05994) FINDLEY, Capt. Harold Bruce, O.B.E. Can. A.D.C. FINK, Kenneth De Quincey, M.B.E. FINLAY, Lieut.-Col. Frank DalzeU, O.B.E, P.S.C, 6. 1868 ; s. of Frank D. Finlay, of Belfast. Tirah Expedi tion N.W. Frontier, Lndia, 1897. War Work : Commanded WUtshire Regt. ; General Staff. Clubs : United Service ; Garrick; M.C.C. (01339) FINLAY, Paymaster-Rear-Adm. George, C.B.E, R.N. Accountant Officer, Depot Ship, Queenstown. (C2270) FINLAY, Capt. George, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C, A.I.F. FINLAY, Lieut. Harry WilUam, M.B.E. FINLAY, Lieut. John, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. FINLAY, May, M.B.E. FINLAY, Hon. Sir WiUiam, K.B.E.. K.C, Officer Legion dHonneur; Officer Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazurus (Italy), fi. 15 Oct. 1875 ; s. of Robert Bannatyne, 1st Viscount Finlay, of Nairn, ; m. Beatrice Marion, d. of Edward Kirk- patrick HaU, of Kevin, Nairn, N.B. Educ : Eton ; Trinity College, Cambridge (President of Union). Junior Counsel to the Inland Revenue, 1905-14 ; King's Counsel, 1914. War Work : Assisted in Procurator-General's Department (Intelli gence), 1915; Chairman of Contraband Committee, Foreign Office, 1916; Vice-Chairman of AUied Blockade Committee, 1917-19 ; Temporary Legal Adviser, Foreign Office, 1918-19. Addresses: 31, PhUlimore Gardens, W. 8; Fairway, Great Bedwyn, Wilts. Club : United University. (K454) FINLAY, Sergt. WiUiam George, M.B.E, 6. 25 Nov. 1864 ; s. of the late George Finlay, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; m. Annie, d. of Frederick Coppin, of Newcastle-ou-Tyne. Received an Army Education, and awarded a First Class Certiflate of Education, CivU Service Examination, by the Horse Guards, War Office, 26 March, 1890. One of the ¦bounders of the Northumberland Veterans' Association, New- iCastle-on-Tyne, for Veterans of the Army and Navy; Hon. Sec. of the Society from its first inception on 18 Oct. 1908, tUl retirement during the present year (1920) ; laboured for up wards of 20 years in the work of social reform, etc, amongst the Veteran Sailors and Soldiers of Newastle-on-Tyne, and District (received the thanks of the late Field Marshal Lord Roberts, V.C). War Work : Recruiting for Kitchener's Army during the early stages of the War, and instrumental in the formation for the duties of Home Defence, of the National Reserve of the County (Northumberland). Address : 39, Seventh Avenue, Heaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (M8081) FINLAYSON, David John, O.B.E. FINLAYSON, Capt. Duncan, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 23 Dec. 1863 ; s. of Roderick llnlayson, bf New Kelso, Strathcarron ; to. Katherine Wylle. Educ. : Lochcarron Public School. Chief Constable of Ross and Cromarty. War Work : County Director of Red Cross Society ; Convener of County Recruiting Committee under Voluntary System ; Member of County Territorial Force Association. Address : Marsfile, Craig Road, Dingwall. (O1340) FINLAYSON, Major WiUiam Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.M.C FINLINSON, Ethel Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 4 June, 1877 ; d. of the late John M. Roberts ; to. Capt. Alfred Louis Finlinson, South Staffordshire Regt. War Work : V.A.D. No 2, B.R.C. Hospital, France, 1915-16 ; Private Sec. to the Controller of Gun Ammunition Filling Dept, Ministry of Munitions, 1917-19. Address: Whittington Barracks, Lichfield, Staffs. (M8082) FINN, Major Charles Napier, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. FINNEY, Capt. Wilfred Josiah, OB.E, Can. F.A. FINNIMORE, Benjamin Kingston, M.B.E. FINNIS, Com. George Home, C.B.E, R.N. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2353) FINNIS, Comm. George Home, C.B.E, O.B.E, R.N. FINNIS, Col. Henry, C.S.I, C.B.E, late R.E, fi. 9 Feb. 1853 ; s. of Steriker Finnis, DX, J.P. of Dover ; m. Mary, d of John Leahy, M.D, late of Indian Medical Service. Educ. : Wellington ; R.M.A, Woolwich. Served in India as an R.E. officer, 1876-1910; Afghan War, 1878-80 ; retired, Feb. 1910. War Work : Re-employed Oct. 1914 as C.R.E. 36th (Ulster) Division, and C.R.E. Cannock Chase, till Mar. 1919. Address: The Cottage, HUlingdon, Uxbridge. (C814) FINNIS, Herbert, M.B.E. FINNIS, Capt. Herbert Cobb, O.B.E, LA. FIRMIN, 2nd Lieut. Cyril Alfred, M.B.E, R.A.F. FIRMIN, Major Norman Haynes, O.B.E, Tyne Electrical Engineers, R.E, 6. 4 July, 1883; s. of Arthur Firmin, of London ; to. Lucy Isabel, d. of the late WiUiam Short, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : King's Coll. School. Personal Assistant to Manager of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electric Supply Co, Ltd. ¦ Sec. of County of Durham Electric Power Supply Co, and County of Durham Electrical Power Distribution Co, Ltd. War Work : Embodied in Special Service Section oi Tyne Electrical Engineers, July, 1914 ; commanded No. 9 (Tyne) Mobile Searchlight Co, March 1916 to Oct. 1917 ; seconded for duty at Admiralty as Sec. to Director of Experi ments and Research, March 1918 ; appointed Assistant-Director of Experiments and Research (for Administration), Oct. 1918. Address : Cotfield, Hexham-on-Tyne. (010401) FIRMINGER, Eveleen Sarah, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 18 Dec. 1871 ; d. of the Rev. P. E. Mies, of Odstock ; to. the Ven. Walter Kelly, Archdeacon of Calcutta, s. of the Rev. T. A. C. Firminger. Address : St. John's House. Calcutta. (M6142) FIRMISTONE, Emily Florence, O.B.E, 6. 1856 ; d of the late Rev. Edward Firmstone, of Winchester. Educ. : Privately. Town CounciUor ; Woman Guardian ; Prison Visitor. War Work : Organiser of Westgate Club and Canteen for soldiers, 1914-19, Winchester. Address : Pyotts' Cottage, Winchester. (010402) FIRTH, Lieut. Bernard, O.B.E, R.N.R. FIRTH, Clare Jane, Mrs., M.B.E, R.R.C, 6. 14 Oct. 1868; d. of late S. A. Turner, of Egham, Surrey ; to. Joseph, s. of John Firth, of Dudley HiU, Bradford, Yorks. Educ. : Egham. Matron of Withington Poor Law Institution (3000 beds). War Work : Matron-in-charge, NeU Lane Military Hospital, West Didsbury, Manchester, 1916-19. Address: Nell Lane Hospital, West Didsbury. Club : Withington Golf. (M392) FIRTH, John William, M.B.E. FIRTH, Col. Sir Robert Hammill, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 1 Dec. 1857 (see BURKE'S Peerage): s. of John Firth, H.E.I.CS. ; m Mary, d. of WUliam Knight, of Appledore, Devon. Educ. : Privately ; Univ. Coll, London. Entered A.M.S, Aug. 1883 ; Lieut.-Col. 1903 ; Col. 1912 ; retired, 1919 ; formerly Professor Mil Hyg. Royal Army Med. CoU, London. Hazara Expe dition, 1888 ; Tirah Expedition, 1897-8 ; served in France, 1915-19 ; mentioned in despatches three times. Address : 4, Canfield House, Hampstead, N.W. 3. Club : Junior United Service. (K269) FISH, Capt. Colin, O.B.E, R.E. FISH, Capt. George Drummond, M.B.E. FISH, Major PhiUip Henry, O.B.E, R.A.S.C FISH, Walter George, C.B.E, 6. 3 June, 1874 ; s. of George Fish, late of Heme HiU, London ; to. NeUie, d. oi D. T. Oakley. Educ : Westminster City School. Director of Associated Newspapers, Ltd. War Work : Honorary Director of Publicity to Coal- Control Department during critical period of the war. Address : 10, Heme HiU, London, S E 24. Club : Devonshire. (C959) FISHER, Amy Anderson, Mrs., M.B.E. FISHER, Cecil James, O.B.E. (06618) FISHER, Charles Browning, C.B.E, 6. 1863. Educ : 189 Fisher THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Winchester. Land Agent ; a Director of Northamptonshire Union Bank (Limited) ; and Agricultural Adviser to Ministry of Food. Address : CUpston House, Market Harborough. Club : Junior Carlton. (C960) FISHER, Major Charles Stanley, O.B.E. FISHER, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Charles Taylor, O.B.E, R.A.O.C, fi. 1 Jan. 1877 ; s. of Rev. W. F. Fisher, of Wooton, I. of Wight ; m. Violet IsabeUa, d. of WUUam Wheeler, of Chatburn. Educ. : Privately. Regular Army. War Work : C.O.O. Sierra Leone, Feb. 1914 to May, 1915 ; C.O.O. Southampton Clothing Area, June, 1915 to Dec. 1915 ; A.D.O.S. East Africa, Jan. 1916 to March, 1918 ; D.D.O.S. North Russia Expeditionary Force (Archangel), June, 1918 to Sept. 1919. Address : c'o Sir C. R. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39, Panton Street, Haymarket, London, S.W. (02313) FISHER, Lieut. Claude Frederick Urquhart. M.B.E., T.F. Res, fi. 4 June, 1891 ; s. of C Urquhart Fisher, L.CC, of Hyde Park, W. Educ. : Westminster School. Asst. District Commissioner, the Boy Scouts' Association, Lowestoft. War Work : Served with 2/1 E.A. (Essex) R.G.A, Heavy Battery, Aug. 1914, to Feb. 1919. Address : 16, High Street, Lowestoft. (M5263) FISHER, Lieut. Douglas Blake, O.B.E, R.N. FISHER, Edward Lamley, M.B.E. FISHER, EUinor Jane, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 23 May, 1868 ; d. of J. H. Whitaker (Cotton Manufacturers), of Burnley, Lancashire ; to. John Henry (Timber Merchant), of HuU. Educ. : Privately. Lady Supt, Kingston Division St. John Ambulance Brigade. Hull ; Lady Supt. HuU Society Pre vention of Cruelty to Children. War Work : Assistant Prince of Wales' Fund (6 months) ; Belgian Refugee Work (decora tion, Queen Elisabeth Medal) ; V.A.D. Nurse, 7 months, Naval Hospital, HuU ; Canteen Work, HuU ; for two years Head Steward St. John V.A.D. Hospital, HuU. Address : WUlerby HaU, WUlerby, near Hull. (M8055) FISHER, Ethel Sophia, M.B.E. ; d. of JohnBowden, of Man chester ; to. Edwin Robert, s. of Robert Fisher, of Ystalyfera. Educ. : Bowdon, Cheshire. War Work : President of the Ammanford Branch of the Soldiers' and SaUors' Fanulies Association, and Member of the War Pensions Committee. Address : Wansbeck, Ammanford, South Wales. (M8086) FISHER, Frederick Furryan, O.B.E, 6. 3 Oct. 1878 ; s. of Frederick WiUiam Fisher, of Ravenscroft, Penge ; m. Blanche, d. of George NicoU, of Epping. Educ. : Privately, and King's CoU, London. Asst. Director of Contracts, Admiralty. War Work : DeaUng with contracts for warships, auxUiary vessels, and aircraft for H.M. Navy. Address : Cranford, Hadley Wood, Middlesex. (010403) FISHER, Frederick Ludolph, M.B.E, A.M.I.E.E, 6. 2 Sept. 1876 ; s. of Charles Fisher, of Hampton-on-Thames, Middlesex ; m. Hetty McEwan, d. of WiUiam Jackson, of Lenzie, Scotland. Educ. : City of London School. War Work : Chief Electrical Engineer of the Cable Ship " Amber," engaged in repairing the submarine cables between England and the Mediterranean throughout the war. Address : c/o Eastern Telegraph Company, Electra House, Finsbury Pave ment, London, E.C. 2. (M8087) FISHER, Capt. George WUfred, O.B.E. FISHER, Honoria Mary, M.B.E. FISHER, Major Hubert Frank, O.B.E, R.A.F. FISHER, Hubert WUUam Warwick, M.B.E, 6. 25 Dec 1890 ; s. of John and Mary Fisher, of Enfield Lock ; Civil Servant. War Work : Registrar, War Trade Dept. ; and Sec. to the Transhipment and Re-export Committees, War Trade Dept. Address: OrweU, Albury Ride, Cheshunt. (M8088) FISHER, Janet Aitken, Mrs, M.B.E. FISHER, John CampbeU, O.B.E, fi. 6 June, 1880 ; s. of the Rev. Canon Robert Fisher, of the Rectory, Stokesley, Yorks. ; to. Agnes Beatrice, d. of John Douglas Close, of Nottingham. Educ. : Oakham and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Clerk, Colonial Audit branch, Exchequer and Audit dept, 1902 ; asst. auditor, Lagos, 1903 ; N. Nigeria 1905 ; local auditor, 1909 ; examnr, 1910 ; 1st div. elk' (2nd els.), central office, 1910 ; auditor, Malta, 1913 ; senior clerk, central office, 1919. War Work : In Malta ; Member of SuppUes and Prices Board, Wheat Board, and Control Board ¦ Head of Food Control Office. Address : 20, Manor Road' Beckenham, Kent. Club : Beckenham. (0991) FISHER, Josephine HUda, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1874- d. of Joseph WilUamson, of Scarborough; m. Herbert, s of John Fisher, of London. Educ : " Westlands," Scarborough War Work : Joined the V.A.D. in 1913 ; Four years Com mandant at Balgowan Hospital, where over 5000 patients were treated. Address : " Cawood," Tudor Boad, Beckenham Kent. (M19) FISHER, Katharine, M.B.E.; d. of John Fisher of Boston Spa. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hospital work at Zagazig and Fayoum, Egypt; Industrial ReUef work at Armenian Camp, Port Said; ReUef work, Jerusalem and Damascus, Orphanage, Soup kitchens, Laundry, and Repair shop for Army clothing. Address : Oak Bank, Whitehaven Cumberland. (M8089J FISHER, Major Otto Sarony, O.B.E, MR CVS R.A.V.C 6. 27 Dec 1877 ; s. of S. W. Fisher, of Scarborough! Educ. : Scarborough ; Private School. M.R.CV.S Address • c,o Messrs. Holt & Co., 3, WhitehaU Place. London. (05257) FISHER, Samuel Joseph, M.B.E, 6. 28 Jan. 1860 • s of Samuel Fisher of Cheltenham; to. EUzabeth Annie, d of John Anthony Carr, of East Murton, Co. Durham Educ ¦ British School, Cheltenham; Boro' Road Coll, London Schoolmaster. War Work: Hon. Sec. Local Central War Savings Committee, Burton-on-Trent. (M8090) FISHER, Comm. Sir Thomas, K.B.E, R.N, ft. 1883 ' s. of Thomas Fisher, of Birmingham ; to. Aimee, d. of Walter Loveridge, of CodsaU. Educ: H.M.S. " Britannia." Retired from Royal Navy, 1919, with rank of Commander; General Manager, Canadian Pacific Ocean Services. War Wort • served afloat in Reserve. Fleet as Flag-Corn. ; at the Admiralty] and at Washington in the United States, as representative of the Ministry of Shipping. Addresses: 103, Sloane Street- 8, Waterloo Place, S.W. Clubs: United Service; St, James. (K371) FISHER, Major Walter Harington,O.B.E, M.B, R.A M C (T.), 6. 19 Sept. 1876 ; s. of J. E. Fisher, of Higham-on-the- HU1, Leicestershire. Educ : Cambridge and London Hospital War Work : Mediterranean Expeditionary Force and Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April, 1915, to June 1920. Address: Pembroke House, Cleethorpes, Lines. Club : Royal Societies' (06181). FISHER, Paymaster-Lieut. WiUiam Newton, O.B.E., R.N.R. FISK, Elsie Beatrice, M.B.E. FISKEN, AUce Maude, M.B.E. FISKEN, LUy Edith, M.B.E. FISON, Edmund Towers, O.B.E, 6. 13 Nov. 1869 ; s. of Cornell Henry Fison, of Ford Place, Thetford, Norfolk; m. Gertrude Mary, d. of F. W. King, of Rushford Lodge, Thetford, Norfolk. Edue. : Repton aud Corpus Christi CoUege, Cam bridge. Surgeon to SaUsbury Infirmary ; M.O. i/c Troops SaUsbury ; M.O.H. and School Medical Officer, Salisbury. War Work : Surgeon to Salisbury Infirmary ; Medical Officer to Troops, Salisbury. Address : 2, St. John Street, SaUsbury. (04363) FITCH, Sir CecU Edwin, K.B.E, M.A, L.L.B, fi. 13 Oct. 1870 ; s. of Edwin Fitch, of Frognal Priory, N.W. ; m. LiUian, d. of Col. Alexander Gordon, of Hamilton, Ohio. Educ. : Privately, and Jesus CoUege, Cambridge. Barrister- at-law, 1895 ; Unionist Candidate, E. Norfolk, Jan. 1910, and mid-Gloucester, Dec. 1910. War Work : Raised some 3000 recruits ; Examiner for Lord Bryce's Commission on Belgian Atrocities ; Enlisted, Jan. 1915 ; Commissionea Lieut, March, 1915 ; Capt, May, 1915 (Gloucester Regt.) ; Major, Nov. 1915, (Worcester Regt.), Lieut.-Col, R.W.E, April, 1917 ; Mentioned in Despatches. Addresses : Gordon Dene, Princes Road, Wimbledon Park, S.W.19 ; St. Anslem, Warmer, Kent. Ctefis : Carlton ; Oxford and Cambridge ; Ranelagh. (K372) FITCH, Rev. Edward Arnold, O.B.E, CF, 6. 23 Feb. 1880 ; s. of Rev. E. H. Fitch, of Burgh-by-Sands, Cumberland; m. Dorothy Ingram, d. of Rev. Dr. Shaw, of Thame Grammar School, Oxon. Educ. : Denstane College ; Bradford Technical College ; Edinburgh Theological CoUege. Curate, St. James, Leith, 1905-10 ; Chaplain to Forces, 1910 ; Stations — Woolwich, Curragh, Harrismith, Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Wareham. War Work : CI', 15th Dif. Brigade, B.E.F. ; CF. 41st Division, B.E.F.; D.A.C.G, XlXth Corps, B.E.F.; A.C.G, Havre Area, B.E.F. Address : " The Homestead," Wareham, Dorset. ' (01024) FITCH, Paymaster-Lieut. Henry Maldon, O.B.E, R.N. FITCH, Major Vernon Frederick, O.B.E, T D, R.F.A. (T.F.). 6. 20 May, 1880 ; s. of Herbert Fitch, of Kensington. Educ. : St. Paul's, London. Director of Herbert Fitch & Co, Ltd, Printers, London. War Work : liaised and trained 2/3rd and 3/3rd London Brigade, R.F.A. (T.) ; trained first 1500 R.F.A. Derby Recruits ; served with the B.E.F. as Battery Commander in the 56th (London) and 36th (Ulster) Division. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (07147) FITCHETT, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam Graham Lawson, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. FITT, Adelaide, Mrs., M B.E.. fi. 20 June, 1854 ; d. of Joseph Fogerty, of Henry Street, Limerick • m. Charles H, s. of Edward Fitt, of CorbaUy, Limerick. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Member of Local War Pensions Committee, Limerick, since 1914. Address : MaryviUe, CorbaUy, Limerick, Co. Limerick, Deland. (M8091) F1TTALL, Robert John, O.B.E, fi. 1870 ; s. of the late John Edward FittaU, of Derby ; m. Florence Emma, d. of the late John Fearn, of Derby. SoUcitor and Town Clerk of Plymouth; Registration Officer and Deputy Clerk of the Peace. War Work: Clerk to Local Tribunal; Executive Officer Food Control Committee, and Area Organising Officer for CornwaU and a district of Devon. Addresses : 6, Osborne ViUas, Devonport; Bickleigh, Devon. Club: The Royal Western Yacht (Plymouth). (010404) FITTON, John Herbert, O.B.E. For work in connection with the Wool Textile Dept. (011903) FITZGERALD, Lieut.-Col. Arthur, O.B.E, LA. FITZGERALD, Edward, C.B.E. ; Deputy-Chairman, Can adian Committee, Hudson's Bay Company, 6. 9 Nov. 1874 ; s.of Charles Lionel John, of Ottawa ; m. Kate, d. of John Buhner, of Montreal, Quebec. Educ. : Model School, Ottawa, Canada. War Work : Imperial Munitions Board (Canada). A-™'®* '¦ 807, Electric Ry. Chambers, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Club: Manitoba. (C15» FITZGERALD, Edward Henry, O.B.E, 5. 1857; ». of John B. FitzGerald; to. Jessie, d. of Wm. Kirtland. War Work : Special Committee, Tea Brokers' Association, London. Address : c/o Stenning, Inskipp & Co, 14, Mincing ^^SjVj 190 BIOGRAPHIES. Fleming FITZGERALD, Franois John, C.B.E, J.P, M.A, LL.B, b i July, 1864 : s. of the Hon. Nicholas FitzGerald, of Mel bourne, Australia ; m Hon. Mina Susanna Georgina, d. of William Henry John, 11th Baron North, of Wroxton Abbey, Banbury. Educ : Oscott and Trinity CoUege, Dublin. Barrister-at-Law, Middle. Temple ; Recorder of Newbury. War Work : 1914, served in France with hospital unit attached to the Expeditionary Force ; 1914 Medal ; 1916-19, Chairman of the Oxfordshire Appeal Tribunal. Addresses : Wroxton, Banbury ; 3, Pump Court, Temple, E.C.4. Clubs : Carlton ; Marlborough. (C961) FITZGERALD, Frank, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. FITZGERALD, Lieut.-Col. Gordon WiUiam, O.B.E, K.A.M.C. (T.F.) FITZGERALD, Henry Frederick, M.B.E. FITZ-GERALD, Rev. Henry Purefoy, M.B.E., F.L.S, M.A, fi. 27 May, 1867 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. R. Purefoy FitzGerald of Preston, Candover, Hants. ; to. LiUan Mary, d. of W. Lang- ton, of Gatcombe House, I. of W. Educ : CUfton CoU. ; Keble Coll, Oxford. Senior Science Master, WeUington Coll, 1893-1908. War Work : Commandant, LidweUs AuxUiary MiUtary Hospital, Goudhurst, Kent ; Member of Tribunal ; Food Control ; Coal Control ; War Agricultural Committee's representative : Chairman, Cranbrook War Agricultural Sub committee ; Head Special Constable, Goudhurst. Address : LidweUs, Goudhurst, Kent. Clubs : New ; Oxford and Cambridge. (M8092) FITZGERALD, The Rev. James Charles, O.B.E. FITZGERALD, Capt. John Sidney North, M.B.E, M.C. FITZGERALD, John Thomas, M.B.E. (M10386) FITZGERALD, Marion, Mrs., C.B.E,, fi. 1860; d. of Mahony Harte, of Batterfield House, Co. Kerry ; to. Robert John, s. of Sir Peter FitzGerald, Bart, Knight of Kerry, of Valencia Island, Deland. War Work : President, Co. Kerry Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association ; Chairman, Co. Kerry War Pensions Committee ; Commandant, Kerry 4 V.A.D. ; President and Hon. Sec, Red Cross Working Associa tion. Address : 10, Milner Street, Cadogan Square, S.W. (C2609) FITZGERALD, 2nd Lieut. Maurice Bolton, M.B.E, R.A.U. FITZGERALD, Capt. Maurice Edward WilUam, O.B.E, FITZGERALD, Major Thomas Patrick, O.B.E, 6. 16 Aug. 1853 ; s. of the late Rev. T. M. FitzGerald ; to. Sarah, i. of WilUam Watte, of Glenavy, Co. Antrim. Educ. : Kings- wood School, Bath. War Work : Senior Assistant Officer, E.G.A. Record Office, Dover. Address : 3, Belgrave Road, Monkstown. Co. DubUn. (O8806) FITZGERALD, WilUam, O.B.E. ; s. of WilUam Sanderson FitzGerald, of Dunedin, New Zealand ; to. Kathleen May, d. of WUliam WoodviUe Shelmerding, of Dunedin N.Z. and Man chester. Educ : Oamaru (N.Z.) Grammar School, Otago (N.Z.) University ; Edinburgh Univ. Medical Practitioner ; Assistant Director (Medical InteUigence Branch) Medical Services Division, Ministry of Pensions ; formerly Surgeon- Capt. New Zealand Volunteer Medical Staff Corps ; Medals in Anatomy and Practice of Medicine at Royal CoUege of Surgeons, Edinburgh. War Work : Examiner of Recruits (under War Office) Manchester and Liverpool ; member of Liverpool No. 1 Medical Board ; Deputy Commissioner of i Medical Services (Ministry of National Service) ; in charge of Liverpool Recruiting Medical Boards. Address : c/o High Commissioner for New Zealand, N.Z. Government Offices, Strand, London. (O11785.0 FITZGERALD, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Coulson, O.B.E. ; FITZHERBERT, Lieut.-Col. Norman, C.M.G, C.B.E, : New Zealand Exp. Force, 6. 29 March, 1863 ; 4th s. of Sir I Henry FitzHerbert, 3rd Bt. (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. 22 April, 1898, Esther Beresford, 2nd d. of the late Henry Sproule, of Ennis, Co. Clare, and widow of NeviUe Sinclair, M.D. Served i in the S. African War and in the Great War. Address : Aber- feldie, Wanganui, New Zealand. (C2197) FITZJOHN, Lieut.-Col. Geoffrey Nigel, O.B.E. FITZMAURICE, Henry, M.B.E, FITZMAURICE, Lieut.-Col. Robert, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.F.A, fi. 1866; served in the Great War, 1914-17 (despatches). (C2106) FITZPATRICK, AUee Harriet, M.B.E, 6. 5 June, 1876. War Work : Sec. of Bowood V.A.D. Hospital, Sept. 1916 to June, 1919. Address: Little Cacketts, Brasted, Kent. (M8093) FITZPATRICK, Col. Ernest Richard, C.B.E, D.S.O, 1. 1878. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. N. Lancashire Regt, a Dep. Director of Personal Services at the War Office, with rank of Col. ; served in the S. African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-18 (despatches, Brevet- Lieut.-Col.) (C1564) FITZPATRICK, Gerald Coleman, O.B.E. (012046) FITZPATRICK, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Lindsay, C.B.E. . on Special List ; Red Cross Commr, Salonica (Order of White iagle); Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. (C161) FITZPATRICK, James Alexander Ossory, CLE, C.B.E., U^B. (C1075) „ FITZPATRICK, Matthew Joseph McKEAN-, M.B.E., H.LE.S.S, fi. 9 July, 1868 ; s. of Peter McKean, of Glasgow ; WM. of John Kyle, of Glasgow. Educ. : St. Margaret's JM/. School, Kinning Park, Glasgow. Consulting Engineer Ifwine), late Senior Engineer, Marine Dept, Nigeria. War Work : Appointed Staff Engineer (Nigerian Marine Contingent), Cameroon Expedition ; Principally engaged on Salvage of vessels wrocked by enemy to form barrage of Duala River ; Vice- President ofthe Priority Committee, appointed by the Governor- General of Nigeria, to control the requisitions of Government and merchant demands for material to be used in the Colony during the war. Address : Rosegarth, Bearsden, Glasgow. Club : Corona. (M1264) FITZROY, Muriel, Hon. Mrs. C.B.E, 6. 8 Aug. 1869 ; d. of late Col. Hon. Archibald Douglas Pennant ; m. Capt. Hon. Edward Algernon FitzRoy, M.P, s. of late Charles, 4th Baron Southampton (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Commandant in charge of General Service V.A.D.'s in Military Hospital's at home and abroad ; Staff Commandant H.Q. Staff of British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John. Address : Fox Hill, West Haddon, Rugby. Clubs : Ladies' Imperial ; Ladies' V.A.D. (C497) FITZSIMON, Lieut. Samuel Ernest Sydney, M.B.E. FITZWATER, WiUred George, M.B.E, S.S.M, R.A.S.C. FITZWILLIAM, Maud Frederica Elizabeth, Countess, O.B.E, 6. 9 July, 1877 ; d. of Lawrence Dundas, 1st Marquess of Zetland, of Aske, Co. York ; m. WiUiam Charles De Meuron 7th Earl Fitzwilliam (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Y.M.C.A. Munition Workers Canteens; Earl FitzwiUiam's Wentworth Hunt and Stud. .Actresses .• (see FitzwUliam, Earl). (010406) FITZWILLIAM, Sir WiUiam Charles de Meuron Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, Earl, K.C.V.O, C.B.E, D.S.O.; 6. 1872, s. of William, Viscount Milton, e. s. of WUliam Thomas Spencer, 6th Earl FitzwUliam ; m. 1 896 Lady Maud Dundas, D.B.E. (q.v.), d. of the Marquis of Zetland (see BURKE'S Peerage). Addresses : Wentworth Woodhouse, Rotherham, Yorks. ; 4, Grosvenor Square, W. 1 ; CooUattin, Shillelagh, Co. Wicklow. (C1565) FLACK, Lieut. (Capt.) Hugh LidweU, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (S.R.), 6. 28 April, 1891 ; s. of the late D. L. Flack, of Airedale, Worthing, Sussex ; to. Nest?. Margaret, d. of W. J. Jones, of The Grange, Highbury New Park, London, N. 5. War Work : Served with 3rd Batt. Buffs. ; transferred to R.A.S.C. ; served in France and Mesopotamia. Address : c/o Airedale, Worthing. (O6620) FLACK, Hon. Lieut.-Col. Martin WilUam, C.B.E, M.B, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C859) FLANAGAN, Mary, M.B.E. (M10248a) FLANNERY, Capt. Harold Fortescue, M.B.E, B.A, A.M.I.CE, 6. 13 Dec. 1883 ; s. of Sir James Fortescue Flannery, Bart, of Wethersfleld Manor (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Maud Ethel, d. of St. George Boswell, of Quebec. Educ. : Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Director of Flannery, Baggallay and Johnson, Ltd. War Work : Regimental Duty, 1914-15 ; Proof Officer, Canada, 1915-17 ; Headquarter Staff, Ministry of Munitions, 1917-19. Address : 11, Chester Place, Hyde Park. Club: Union. (M395) FLAVELL, Thomas, M.B.E. FLEET, Rear-Adm. Ernest James, C.B.E. Retired Capt. R.N.R. ; served in E. Sudan, 1884-5 ; Vitu Expedition, 1890 ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1924) FLEET, Viee-Adm. Henry Louis, C.B.E, J.P, R.N, 6. 1 May, 1850 ; s. of John George Fleet ; m. AUce Mary, d. of WiUiam Frank Elliot. Educ. : St. Paul's. County Director of Berkshire Branch, B.R.C.S, from 1913 to present date. Address : The Camber, Coley Avenue, Reading. Club : United Service. (C498) FLEISCHL, Major Walter, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. FLEMING, Arthur Percy Morris, C.B.E, M.Sc (Tech.), M.I.E.E, 6. 16 Jan. 1881 ; s. of Frank Fleming, of Marvel, Isle of Wight ; m. Rose Mary, d. of the late William Ash, of Newport, Isle of Wight. Educ. : Portland House Academy, Newport (I. of W.), and City and Guilds College. Manager of Research and Education Dept, Metropolitan Vickers' Electrical Co, Ltd, Manchester ; Special Lecturer at CoUege of Tech nology, Manchester ; Past Chairman, Institution of Electrical Engineers (North Western Centre) ; Author of Engineering as a Profession ; Principles of Apprentice Training ; Insula tion and Electrical Windings ; Industrial Research in the U.S.A., etc. War Work : Organised at the request of the Admiralty, and was Vice-Chairman of, the Lancashire Anti submarine Committee ; organised a centre at the Royal Naval Depot, Crystal Palace, London, for the selection and training of anti-submarine staff. Address : West Gables, Hale Road, Hale, Cheshire. Club : Engineers'. (C2610) FLEMING, Lieut.-Col. Baldwyn Henry Francis, O.B.E, 6. 12 Jan. 1880 ; s. of Baldwyn Fleming, of Westaway, Godal- ming, Surrey ; to. Frances Isabel, d. of Frank Verrall, of The Manor House, Lewes. Educ: Beaumont College, Old Windsor. Officer H.M. Land Forces Commission, Aug. 1900. War Work : Military Service ; Latterly Officer, i/c Machine Gun Corps Records. Address : Westaway, Godalming, Surrey. Club : Junior United Service. (04327) FLEMING, Edith May, M.B.E, fi. 28 Oct. 1895 ; d. of Henry Jones Fleming, of Westcliff-on-Sea. Educ. : Holmwood CoU, WestcUff-on-Sea. War Work : Temp. Clerk, War Office, since Aug. 1916. Address : 52, Elderton Road, Westcliff-on- Sea. (M8094), FLEMING, Frederick Alexander, M.B.E, 5. 7 Sept. 1 873 ; s. of Peter Fleming, of Newport, Fife. Educ : Dundee High School. Engineer ; General Manager of The Grimsby Ice Co, Ltd., Fish Docks, Grimsby. War Work: Manager 191 Fleming THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. of The National SheU Factory, Grimsby. Address: 4 Mill Road, Cleethorpes, Lines. (M8095) FLEMING, Frederic John, M.B.E. FLEMING, Capt. Geoffrey Balmanno, M.B.E, M.D, R A M C (T F.), 6. 20 Feb. 1882 ; s. of WUliam James Fleming M D, of Glasgow. Educ. : Haileybury CoU, and King's Coll, Cambridge. Dispensary Physician, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow. War Work : Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 1915 ; East African Expeditionary Force, 1916-19 ; Acting Major, 1917-19. Address : 13, Lynedock Crescent, Glasgow. Club : Western (Glasgow). (M3043) FLEMING, Major Henry Slane, O.B.E. FLEMING, James Finlayson, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, 6. 2 April, 1875 ; s. of Rev. Andrew Gibb Fleming, of Paisley. Educ. : Paisley Grammar School, Glasgow University. Medical Practitioner. War Work : Medical officer in charge Dunfermline AuxUiary Military Hospital. Address : Dunsloy, Dunfermline, Fife. (04364) FLEMING, Rev. James WiUiam, O.B.E, M.A, B.D, D.D, 6. 28 Aug. 1855 ; s. of John Fleming, of Ballindalloch, N.B. ; m. Elizabeth Ann, d. of Rev. Hugh McDiarmid, D.D, of Callander, N.B. Educ. : Aberdeen and Edinburgh Univer sities. Minister of the Scots Church, Buenos Ayres. War Work : Member of various Committees in the Argentine Republic. Address : CaUe Peru 352, Buenos Ayres. Club : The Strangers' (Buenos Ayres). (010409) FLEMING, Capt. John Arnold, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 20 Nov. 1871 ; s. of Sir James Fleming, of Rutherglen ; to. Wilhelmina Reid, d. of Wm. Brand, of Glasgow. Educ. : Albany Academy and Edinburgh Univ. Hon. Sec. of Scottish Pottery Manufacturers Society ; Representative for Scotland on National CouncU of Pottery ; President, St. Rollox Liberal Association. War Work : Chemist on refractory materials for Munitions, being a FeUow of Royal Society, Edinburgh ; also mediator on Labour in Potteries in Scotland. Address : Locks- by, Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire. Clubs : New ; Liberal (Glasgow). (010407) FLEMING, Brevet Lieut.-Col. John Gibson, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.E, fi. 9 Jan. 1880 ; s. of William James Fleming, of Glasgow ; m. Blanche Mabel, d. of — Deglon, of Barberton. Educ. : Haileybury : Royal MUitary Academy, Woolwich. War Work : Military service ; France and Flanders. Clubs : United Service ; R.A.C. (C1249) FLEMING, Lieut.-Col. John Grant, O.B.E, V.D, J.P, 6. 14 Feb. 1859 ; s. of John Fleming, of Marionburgh, Ballin dalloch ; m. LilUas Joan, d. of W. Cullard, of OldmiUs, Elgin. Educ : Edinburgh University. Solicitor and Bank Agent ; Clerk of Lieutenancy for Banffshire. War Work : Repre sentative of War Office at Tribunals ; Lieut.-Col. Commanding 4th Vol. Batt, Gordon Highlanders. Address : Reidharm House, Keith. Club : Conservative, Edinburgh. (01342) FLEMING, Lieut.-Col. John Kenneth Sprot, O.B.E, I.M.S. FLEMING, John Lancelot, O.B.E, fi. 1883 ; s. of Thomas Fleming, of Ambleside ; to. Elizabeth J, d. of Joseph Pimbley, of Altcar. Educ. : St. George's, Liverpool. Diocesan Sec, Church of England Temperance Society ; Police Court Mission and St. George's Home for Boys. War Work : Business Manager of over ninety C.E.T.S. Recreation Rooms, etc, in Kent ; Officer of Special Constabulary, and on Special Service. Addresses : 41, Hoole Road, Hoole, Chester ; 39, Lower Bridge Street, Chester. (010408) FLEMING, The Rev. Michael Joseph, M.B.E. FLEMING, Sarah Kate, Mrs, O.B.E. ; d. of MarshaU Kirkland Hindmarsh, of Perthshire ; to. Robert, s. of John Fleming, of Perthshire. Educ. : St. Andrews and Germany. War Work : Converted her home into a hospital for officers and ran it entirely at her own expense. Addresses : 27, Grosvenor Square, London, W ; Joyce Grove, Nettlebed, Oxon. (010410) FLEMING, Major WiUiam Ernest, O.B.E, M.C. FLESHER, James Arthur, O.B.E. FLETCHER, Wing-Corn. Albert, CM.G, C.B.E, M.C , R.A.F, 6. 1881. (C499) FLETCHER, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Kempson, O.B.E. FLETCHER, Arthur George Murchison, C.B.E, 6. 27 Sept. 1878 ; s. of Dr. G. Fletcher, of Highgate ; to. Violet Dorothy, d. of Col. Rogers-Harrison, of Cheltenham. Educ. : Cheltenham, and Trinity Coll, Oxford. Civil Servant; Acting Colonial Secretary, Hong-Kong. War Work : Chairman, Shipping Control Committee, and Vital Requirements Com mittee, Hong-Kong. Address : 132, The Peak, Hong Kong. Club : Royal Societies'. (C2019) FLETCHER, Basil, M.B.E. FLETCHER, Capt. Cecil John, O.B.E, A.I.F. FLETCHER, Clarence George Eugene, C.B.E, 6. 19 Sept. 1875 ; s. of George Fletcher, of Kingston-on-Thames ; m. Nellie, d. of Robert Molyneux, of Tooting, Surrey. Educ : St. Mark's CoUege and Privately. Barrister-at-Law ; Town Clerk of Islington ; Clerk to the Assessment Committee ; formerly Town Clerk of Bethnal Green ; Editor of Mackenzie and Lushington's Registration Manual (3rd edition), and author of Fletcher's Registration of Electors, 1908 ; President of London Town Clerks' Association, 1918. Address : 100, Highbury, New Park, N.S. (C2611) FLETCHER, Surg.-Lieut. Ccmm. Edward Ernest, O.B E . R.N.V.R, L.D.S. FLETCHER, Paymaster-Sub-Lieut. Evelyn Norman Robert, M.B.E, R.N. FLETCHER, Fanny, M.B.E. FLETCHER, Frank Purser, O.B.E. FLETCHER, Frederick John, M.B.E. FLETCHER, Henry Francis, O.B.E, 6. 20 Sept. 1866 ; s of Henry Fletcher, of Higham (Notts.) ; m. Clara, d. of Alexander Scott. Educ. : City of London School. President, British Chamber of Commerce, Paris, 1917-18 ; founded Canadian Section of that Chamber, 1906 ; Joint Managing Director, Pitt & Scott, Ltd. War Work : Vice-Chairman, Paris Colony Com mittee formed on outbreak of War ; Member of Executive British Army and Navy Leave Club, Paris ; Member Advisory Committee to Recruiting Officer in Paris. Addresses : 10, Hue de la Source, Paris ; 25, Cannon Street, London. Clubs : New City, London ; Imperial (Paris). (O104U) FLETCHER, Lieut.-Col. Henry Rivers, O.B.E. FLETCHER, Lieut. John WiUiam, M.B.E. FLETCHER, Nora Kathleen, C.B.E, R.R.C. ; _. of late J. W. Fletcher, M.A. Oxon. J. P, of Sydney, Australia. Educ: At home. Member A.T.N. Assoc. ; CoUege of Nursing London. War Work : Principal Matron British Red Cross and Order of St. John of Jerusalem, for France and Belgium Oct. 1914 to May 1919. Decorations : C.B.E, R.R.C., 1914 Star, (British War Medal, Victory Medal ; Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; Order of EUzabeth of Belgium ; Order of Gratitude in gUt, France, and mentioned in Despatches, June, 1915. Address : c/o Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, 18, Birchiu Lane, E.C. ; Eamont, Greenwich, Sydney, Australia. (C2612) FLETCHER, Stanley Hewitt, O.B.E. FLETCHER, Violet Eastwood, M.B.E, fi. 30 April, 1878; d. of the late John James Fletcher, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, of Botolph House, Eastcheap, E.C. T. : Training Coll, Stockwell. Certificated Teacher in London Education Service. Joined CamberweU Division B.R.C.S, when formed, in Feb, 1911. War Work : Divisional Matron, CamberweU Division, B.R.C.S, Feb. 1914 ; Commandant, Hanover Park, V.A.D. Hospital, Rye Lane, S.E. 15, Jan. 1916 to AprU, 1919 ; General Divisional Work. Address : 26, Crofton Park Road, Brockley, S.E. 4. (M8097) FLETCHER, Col. Walter Blunt, O.B.E, 6. 22 Mar. 1853; s. of James Fletcher, of Hampton Court ; m. Emily Gertrude Whitworth of Noctorian, Bidston, Cheshire. Educ. : Chelten ham. Various appointments on the Staff. Was in Field Artillery and served in Horse ArtiUery and Garrison Artillery; Chief Staff Officer, Transvaal District, South Africa. War Wort: Secretary, WUts County Association. Address : Kingston Cottage, Bradford-on-Avon, WUts. Club : Junior United Service. (0335) FLETCHER, Sir Walter Morley, K.B.E, M.D. FLETCHER, WiUiam Frederick Ashby, O.B.E. FLETT, John Smith, O.B.E, D.Sc, LL.D, F.R.S, fi. 1869 ; s. of James Ferguson Flett, of Kirkwall, m. Mary Jane, d. of David Meason. Educ. : Edinburgh University. Director, H. M. Geological Survey. War Work : Consulting geologist to Naval, MUitary and Civil departments in Scotland. Address : 28, Jermyn St, S.W. 1. (01344) FLEW, Major Edwin Howard, O.B.E, A.P.C FLICK, Lieut.-Col. Charles Leonard, CM.G, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 20 Dec. 1870 ; s. of Richard FUck, The Holt, Woodbridge, Suffolk ; to. Marie Louise, d. of Joseph MUward, of West Bromwich. Educ: Felstead School, Essex. War Wort: Commanded 31st Canadian Cavalry at outbreak of War, proceeded to England with 1st Canadian Contingent ; attached to 12th Royal FusiUers, 1 March, 1915 ; commanded 7th Essex in GaUipoli ; commanded 6th Devons in Mesopotamia ; G.O.C. Euphrates, June, July, and Aug. 1918 ; commanded No. 2 Special Battalion in India and on N. W. Frontier during April, May, June, and July, 1919 ; commanded 6th Devons in England from Aug. 1919, to March, 1920. Address: c/o Military District No. 11, Victoria, B.C. (C1114) FLINN, Major WilUam Henry, O.B.E. FLINT, Lieut. Alfred WiUiam, M.B.E. FLINT, Frederick Theodore, M.B.E. FLINT, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George WiUiam, O.B.E. FLINT, Samuel, O.B.E, J.P. FLINT, Major Samuel Kirk, O.B.E. FLINT, Violet Amy, Mrs., M.B.E. FLOERSHEIM, CecU Louis Ferdinand, C.B.E, fi. 23 Jan. 1871 ; s. of Louis FerdinandFloersheim, of 12, Cadogan Square, W. ; to. Maud Beatrice Sleath, d. of James W. Skelton. Educ. : Eton; Christ Church, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law. War Wort: Royal Patriotic - Fund Corporation 1914-16; Statutory Committee, 1916-17 ; Ministry of Pensions, 1917-19'j Addresses : 29, Kensington Court Mansions, W. ; Pennyhul Park, Bagshot. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (C2613) FLOOD, Capt. Charles Bertram, O.B.E. FLOOD, Lieut. Otto Barnes Patrick, O.B.E, R.N.R. FLOOK, Capt. Walter Bryan, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. FLOWER, John Walter, M.B.E. FLOWER, LeUa Beatrioe, Mrs., O.B.E. FLOWER, Major Stanley Smyth, O.B.E. FLOWERS, Capt. Cyril, O.B.E, R.F.A. (T.F.). FLOWERS, Capt. Stephen, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. (T.F.) FLUDDER, Capt. George, M.B.E, R.E. _ , . FLUDYER, Augusta Frances, Lady, M.B.E. ; 3rd i. of the late Sir Edward Borough, 2nd Bt. (see BURKE'S Peeraae); m. 9 Sept. 1876, Sir Arthur John Fludyer, 5th Bt, J.P, D.L. and CC for Rutland. Address : Ayrton HaU, Uppingham, Rutland. (M1722) FLYNN, The Rev. William Joseph, O.B.E, M.B.E. 192 BIOGRAPHIES. Forbes FOA, Ferdinand Eugene, O.B.E. FOAKES, Commander Edward Lindsay ASHLEY-, O.B.E, R.N. (ret.), 6. 6 April, 1865 ; s. of W. H. Foakes, of Brighton; m.Idonea Maria. d.ofHon. H. F.F. A. Barrington, of PortUnd, Cape Colony. Educ : Privately. Nautical Adviser General Post Office. War Work : Naval Assistant Director of Postal Services. Address : 55, Nassau Road, Barnes, S.W. 13. Club : Roehampton Club. (O100) FOGARTY, Major Joseph Patriok, O.B.E, M.C, Aust. A.M.C., A.I.F. FOGG, Capt. Herbert George, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C, fi. 7 Feb. 1879 ; s. of George Thomas Fogg, of Manchester ; m. Cecily Ellen, d, of the late Albert Chamberlain, of London. Educ : MUitary Schools. Officer-in-Charge Barracks, Hong Kong. War Work : With B.E.F, France, from Aug. 1914 ; M.E.F, Dardanelles ; Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Address : R.A.S.C, Hong Kong, China. (07155) FOGGO, Watson, M.B.E. FOLEY, Col. Frank Wigram, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1865 ; s. of Capt. E. Foley, R.N, ; to. The Baroness Berkeley (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Tonbridge. War Work : Raised and commanded in France 5th Battn. Royal Berkshire Regt. ; Severely wounded in France. Address : Southcote Lodge, Camberley. Clubs : United Service Club ; M.CC ; Free Foresters. (C1566) FOLEY, Major Gerald, O.B.E, B.A, R.E, 6. 1 Ap. 1886 ; s. of Ven. Archdeacon Foley, B.D, of Tralee. Educ: Tipperary Grammar School and Trinity College, Dublin. District Inspector, Royal Irish Constabulary. War Work : Royal Dish Regiment ; served in Salonica, Palestine and France. Address : R.I.C, Naas, Co. KUdare. (O5260) FOLEY, Mary Gladys Corinne, O.B.E. R.R.C, M.M, Q.A.I.M.N.S. FOLEY, Major Peter Trant, O.B.E, M.B.E. FOLEY, Capt. Walter Barham, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (S.E.), M.B. FOLKER, Herbert Henry, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 16 July, 1864 ; s. of William H. Folker, of Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent ; m. Eliza Georgina, d. of Taylor Ashworth, of Shelton. Educ. : Epsom CoU. ; Charing Cross Hospital. Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon, North Staffs Infirmary and Eye Hospital ; late Ophthalmic Surgeon, Blind Asylum, Stoke-on-Trent ; late Certifying Factory Surgeon, Hanley, Staffs ; late Ophthalmic Referee, County Court No. 26. War Work : County Director B.R.C, Staffs ; Capt. R.A.M.C, AprU, 1915, to Oct. 1917 ; Northern Command Headquarters, York ; Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services, Nov. 1917 to date, Ministry of Pensions. (010415) FOLKER, Horace SHEPHERD-, C.B.E, F.A.I, 6. 17 June, 1859 ; s. of the late Alfred Hanley Folker, of Guild ford ; m. Margaret (who died), d. of the late George Osborne Barratt, of London. Educ. : Brighton Grammar School. War Work : Hon. Director of the Uniforms and Equipment Dept. of the Joint War Committee, British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John ; Member of the Joint War CouncU ; also served on committees of the B.R.C.S. Finance and Com passionate Fund, 1914-19 ; Fire Survey Force for Prevention of Fires in Red Cross Hospitals. Address : Westfield, Cheam Eoad, Sutton, Surrey. (C162) FOLLAND, Henry PhilUp, M.B.E. FOLLETT, Lieut.-Col. Henry Spencer, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 27 July, 1866 ; s. of Sir Charles Foilett, C.B. ; to. Dorothy Margaret, d. of W. N. Champion, of Riddlesworth HaU, Norfolk. Educ. : Wellington and R.M.C Sandhurst. War Work : Commanded 17th Divisional Train, England and France 1914-16; Commanded Officers Command Depot, Eastbourne, 1916-19. Address : Rockbeare House, S. Devon. CZ«6s : Boodle's: Cavalry. (C1567) FOLLETT, Robert Charles, M.B.E, 6. 5 May 1872! s. of Edward Way Foilett, of Bighton Manor, Alresford, Hants ; m. Florence, d. of late Walter Carr, of Batley, Yorkshire. Educ. : Ochkam Grammar School, Kingsley, Hants. H.M. Inspector under the Aliens Act. War Work : Adjutant to the City of Hull Special Constabulary Force, numbering 3,000 Officers and Men ; For work in connection with Belgian War Refugees, received from H.M. the King of the Belgians the Golden Palms of the Order of the Crown. Address : Mead House, Anlaby Park, Nr. Hull. Club : Constitutional, Hull. (M398) FOLLOWS, Major John Henry, C.B.E, 6. 9 Sept. 1869 ; s. of Amos Follows, of Sandiacre, Derbyshire ; to. Amy d. ot Edward Farnsworth, of Biddings, Derbyshire. Educ. : Risley Grammar School. General Superintendent of the Midland Railway, England. War Work : Directed transport of troops and war traffic generally over the whole area covered by the Midland Railway System ; accompanied Government Commission to Italy as Railway Representative in 1917. Address : The Poplars, Spondon, Nr. Derby. (C163) FOOKS, Amy Harriet, M.B.E. ; d. of John Fooks, of Cottesmore, Brentwood. Educ. : Brighton High School. War Work : General Service (V.A.D.) and Labour Super intendent at Colchester Military Hospital from 1916-1919. Address: Cottesmore, Brentwood. (M8100) , FOOKS, Philip Edward Broadley, M.B.E, R.G.A. (T.F.), fi. 9 May, 1884 ; s. of Edward J. Fooks, of Langton House, Langton Green, Kent ; to. Mary Beatrice, d. of Major R. H. Graham, of Longley Hall, Huddersfield. Educ. : St. Augus tine's, Ramsgate ; New Coll, Oxford. SoUcitor. War Work : Anti-aircraft defences and G.S.O, II, H.Q. London Air De fence Area, Horse Guards. Address: St. Maddens, Chisle hurst ; 60, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (M1724) FOORD, Walter James, M.B.E, 6. 7 June,1874 ; s. of Q.M.S. Foord, 9th Lancers ; to. Plevna Mary, d. of Q.M.S. Hamson, R.M.L.I. Educ. : Royal Hibernian Military School. Govern ment Clerk. War Work : Chief Clerk, Registry, Headquarters, Southern Command, Salisbury. Address : Thirlmere, 22, Carlton Road, Bournemouth. (M8101) FOOT, Rear-Adm. Cunningham Robert de Clare, C.B.E, R.N. (ret.), fi. 1864 ; s. of the Rev. Cunningham Noel Foot, formerly R. of Dogmersfleld, Hants. ; to. 1899, Mary, d. of Rear-Adm. John Ingles. War Work : 1914-19 with Ocean Escort (despatches). Address : Upper Restoration House, Maidstone Road, Rochester. Club : United Service. (C1186) FOOT, George Edgar, O.B.E FOOT, PhyUis Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1888 ; m. Robert WiUiam, O.B.E, M C Educ : Hyde Park New CoU, and France. War Work : Administrative Assistant and Staff Officer, Gun Ammunition Dept, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-19. Address : 14a, Chester House, Eccleston Place, S.W. 1. Club : Roehampton. (M1725) FOOT, Capt. Robert WiUiam, O.B.E, M.C, R.F.A. FOOTMAN, Harold, O.B.E. FOOTNER, Capt. Bertram Maughan, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.F.) FORAN, Major Robert, O.B.E, A.P.C FORBER, Edward Rodolph, C.B.E. Secretary Military Service (Civil Liabilities) Committee. (C164) FORBES, Alexander, C.B.E, 6. 30 May, 1860; s. of Charles and Elizabeth Forbes, Belmont, Meigle, Perthshire ; to. Elizabeth McGlashan Low ; d. of Capt. Peter Low, of Dundee. Educ : Meigle PubUc School, Perthshire. Manager, Standard Oil Co. of New York at Rangoon ; Hon. Magistrate, Rangoon, since, 1906 ; Member of the Municipal Committee of Rangoon since 1903. Addresses: Strathmore, Boundary Road, Rangoon ; Craigatin House, Pitlochry, Perthshire. (C2380) FORBES, Major Alister Esme Buchan, O.B.E. FORBES, Arthur Charles, O.B.E, F.H.A.S, M.R.I.A, fi. 1866 ; s. of John Malcolm Forbes, of Farnham Royal, Bucks. Educ. : Beaconsfield School ; Edinburgh University. Forestry Officer ; Assistant Commissioner, Forestry Commission. War Work : Assistant Controller, Timber Supplies (Ireland). Address : Avondale, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow. (03715) FORBES, Brig.-Gen. Sir Arthur Wm., K.B.E, C.B, 6. 17 Sept. 1858 (see BURKE'S Peerage); s. of the late Francis Charles Forbes, I.C.S. ; m. 1892, Marion Harriet, d. of Gen. Sir Horace Searle Anderson, K.C.B, late Indian Army. Embarkation Officer, Devonport, 1916-18, and at Liverpool 1918. Address: 11, Linton Road, Oxford. Club: Junior United Service. (K278) FORBES, Barbara Donald, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of John Jackson, of Shawhill and Solway Bank, Dumfriesshire ; m. James Forbes, M.V.O, formerly commissioner to Queen Victoria and afterwards to Hugh Morrison, of Islay. War Work : Red Cross, Islay, County of ArgyU. Address : Eallabus, Bridgend, Islay. (M8102) FORBES, Major Hon. Bertram Aloysius, O.B.E. FORBES, Duncan, M.B.E, M.D, B.Sc, D.P.H, 6. 7 Dec. 1873 ; s. of Duncan Forbes, Engineer of Perth ; m. Kathleen Penfold, d. of Edwin Penfold HaU, of Brighton. Educ. : Perth Academy and Edinburgh Univ. Medical Officer of Health for Brighton. War Work : Fever cases from camps mid-Sussex, attended at Brighton Fever Hospital, particularly cerebro spinal fever ; assistance to MiUtary Authorities in sanitary matters in connection with hospitals, including Indian Hospital in Brighton ; opinions given to Brighton tribunal and mUitary authorities as to doubtful tuberculosis cases. Address : Town Hall, Brighton ; 4, Goldsmid Road, Brighton. (M1726) FORBES, Eliza Mary, M.B.E, 6. 1856 ; d. of Alexander Clerk Forbes, J.P, of Whitchurch, Oxon. Educ : Privately. War Work : Commandant of Devon 58 ; in charge of Red Cross Hospital, Chudleigh, from Oct. 1914 to Feb. 1919. Ad dress: Swanston House, Chudleigh, Devon. Club: V.A.D.(M3645) FORBES, Lieut. Gordon Harold Norman, O.B.E. FORBES, James, M.B.E. FORBES, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. James George Annand, M.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 4 June, 1885 ; s. of George Forbes, of Glasgow ; to. Henda Catherine, d. of Duncan Cameron, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire. Controller of Stores, Ministry of Pensions Hospital, Orpington, Kent. S.A. Campaign, 5 clasps. Queen's Medal. War Work : Served in France with 4th Stationary Hospital, Aug. 1914 to Nov. 1916 ; Sanitary Inspector at Poperinghe, Belgium, April, 1917 ; with 4th London Field Ambulance, proceeded to N. Russia, Nov 1918 to Nov. 1919. Address : Ministry of Pensions Hospital, Orpington. (M6996) FORBES, Wing-Comm. James Louis, O.B.E, R.A.F. FORBES, Mary Constance, M.B.E. ; d. of Captain T. Arthur Forbes, R.N, of West Coates, Berwick-on-Tweed. Educ. : At Home. War Work : Hon. Sec. Red Cross Clothing Committee, Edinburgh ; also canteen work. Address : 11, Darnaway St, Edinburgh. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (M399) FORBES, Paymaster-Sub-Lieut. Robert, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. FORBES, Col. Ronald Foster, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1881 ; 193 Forbes THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. s. of the late Lieut.-Col. John Foster Forbes, of Rothiemay Castle, Banffshire ; to. 1911, Joan Roseta (who obtained a divorce 1917) d. of Herbert James Torr, of Morton HaU, Lincolnshire. Educ. : Privately. Major, Highland L.I. ; Comdt. of a Sch. of Instruction, with rank of Col. ; served in the S African War, 1899-1901 (Queen's medal with three clasps) ; Great War, 1914-18, as Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a Batt. (despatches); was A.D.C. to Govt, of N.S. Wales, 1913. Clubs: Naval and MiUtary ; Caledonian. (05264) FORBES, WiUiam, M.B.E, J.P. „_,,_,,„ FORBES, Comm. WiUiam Stronach Foster, O.B.E, R.N. FORBES, Major WUliam Wood, O.B.E, L.R.C.P, L R C S. Ed, L.R.F.P. & S. Glas.; s. of the late Fleet-Surgeon Charles Forbes, M.D, R.N. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. War Work ¦ R.A.M.C GaUipoli, Mesopotamia, and Egypt; mentioned in Lord Allenby's despatches ; 1914-15 Star. (02893) FORBES, Capt. Bertram Francis Alex GORDON-, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. FORD, AUen Edward, O.B.E. FORD, Arthur Clow, M.B.E, B.A , L.C.P, 6. 23 Jan. 188S; 8 of George Ford, of PortobeUo, N.B. ; to. CecUia Jessie, d. ot WiUiam Kinvig, of PortobeUo, N.B. Educ. : George Watson's CoU, Edinburgh ; Universities of London and Lau sanne. Sec. at the Central Offices of the Univ. of London. War Work : Chairman of the School for British CivUian Prisoners of War interned in Ruhleben Camp, Spandau, Germany from 1914-18. Address : La Rosiaz, Court Road, Upper Caterham, Surrey. (M8105) FORD, Hon. Cadet Col. Commandant Everard AUen, O.B.E, fi.29 June, 1845; s. of Rev. Joseph Ford, of Hampstead ; to. Rachel, d. of Rev. Sir St. Vincent Hammick, Bart., of Milton Abbot, Devon(seeBURKE'sPeeroffe). Educ: Edinburgh Academy. War Work : Col. Comdt. London Diocesan Church Lads' Brigade and Commissioner for Diocesan Boy Scout Association. Address : 2, Eldon Road, Hampstead. Club : Junior Carlton. (03716) FORD, Major George Newton, O.B.E, 6. 24 Sept. 1874 ; s. of Ernest Ford, of Edinburgh ; to. Adelaide Dickinson, d. of John Ten Broeck HUlhouse, of New York. Educ. : St. Paul's School, London. District Superintendent L. &. N.W. Rly. ; Traffic Superintendent N.L.R. ; Sec. N & S.-W. U. Rly. Joint Committee. War Work : Served in France ; Capt. and Major, London Scottish ; Brigade Major East Lancashire (R.) Brigade, and Yorkshire Coast Defences. Address : 69, Oxford Gardens, London, W. Club : The Bath. (07158) FORD, Capt. Harry Gilbert, O.B.E, R.A.F. FORD, Lieut. Harry Spry, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. FORD. John, M.B.E. FORD, Major John Theodore, O.B.E, 3rd Batt. Hampshire Regt. (ret.), fi. 31 Aug. 1881 ; s. of Arthur Vernon Ford, M.R.C.S, of Portsmouth, Hampshire ; m. Ethel Mary St. Clair, d. of the late Surgeon-General James Davis, A.M. Staff. Educ : Portsmouth Grammar School. Assistant Treas. and ComptroUer, Shanghai Municipal Council, China. War Work : GaUipoli Expedition ; afterwards specially employed ; date of first commission, Sept. 1902 ; retired Jan. 1920. Address : c/o Municipal CouncU, Shanghai, China. Club : Junior Naval and MiUtary. (07159) FORD, Norman Thomas, O.B.E. FORD, Comm. Reginald Bertram, O.B.E, R.N.R. FORD, Brevet Lieut.-Col. Richard Vernon Tredinnick, C. B. E, R. M. A, fi. 18 Feb. 1878 ; s. of the late Arthur Vemon Ford, M.R.C.S, of Sea View, Isle of Wight. Adjutant, Royal Marine ArtiUery, 1904-9 ; Brigade Major, Royal Marine ArtUlery, 1912-17 ; D.A.A.G, Royal Marines, 1918 to date. War Work : Brigade Major, Royal ArtiUery on outbreak of war, afterwards commanded R.M.A. Heavy Siege Train and Heavy Group of Heavy Siege Guns on the coast of Belgium ; recaUed in July 1918 to take up appointment of D.A.A.G. Royal Marines at the Admiralty. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C2309) FORD, Major Stanley WiUiam, O.B.E. FORD, Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E., R.E. FORD, Thomas Benjamin, M.B.E, fi. 3 Nov. 1886 ; s. of Joseph John Ford, of Islington, London, N. Educ. : France ; Privately ; Northern Polytechnic Institute, London, N. Confidential Shorthand Writer; Clerk and Archivist to His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Addresses : 84, Normandy Avenue, Barnet, Herts ; Foreign Office, Downing Street, London, S.W. 1. (M8106) FORD, William George, M.B.E, A.M.Inst.T, 6. 23 Jan. 1879 ; s. of WiUiam Ford, of West Dean, Sussex ; m. Winnie. Ethel, d. of T. H. Inkson, of Norwich. Educ. : Privately. Assistant Divisional Road Transport Officer Ministry of Food. War Work : Road Transport Board, Board! of Trade : subse quently Ministry of Food. Address : 59, Lensfield Road, Cambridge. (M8107) FORD, Lieut. ST. CLAIR-, M.B.E. FORDHAM, Edward Wilfrid, O.B.E, B.A, LL.B. 6. 30 Nov. 1874 ; s. of John Hampden Fordham, of 9, PhiUi- more Gardens, W. 2, and Melbourn Bury, Royston, Herts ; m. SybU Harriet, d. of Charles Langdon-Davies, of London. Edue. : St. Paul's School ; and Trinity CoU, Cambridge Chief Clerk, Solicitor's Department, Ministry of Labour. War Work : Legal Assistant, Ministry of Munitions ; Special Constable. Address : MU1 Vale, Bromley, Kent. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (010147) FORDHAM, Major John Guerney, O B E FORDHAM, Lieut. Percy John Richmond, M.B.E. 194 FORDYCE, John Gordon, C.B.E. Chief Engineer, s.s. " Grantully Castle." (C3107cj FOREMAN, Major CorneUus WiUiam, O.B.E, Res. of Officers, fi. 17 Dec 1881 ; s. of Charles Foreman, of Salisbury • m. Ethel Mary, d. of PhiUp Henry Palmer, of St. Leonards' Educ. : Privately. Land Agent. Served in'the Imp. Yeo manry, South African War, 1900-2. War Work: Res. of Officers, posted to R.A.S.C. on being caUed up in 1914- Transport Officer, Northern Lines Communication, March' 1915, to Aug. 1916 ; 55th Div. Train, Aug. 1916 to Nov. 1916 : Adjt. 65th Div. Train, Curragh, Dec. 1916 to March, 1918 - O.C. R.A.S.C. Fermoy, S.D, March, 1918, to Dec. 1919 Address : Springfield, Fermoy. (O7160) FOREMAN, Sir Henry, O.B.E. M.P. for Hammersmith since 1918 : Mayor of Hammersmith since 1913 ; Col. of Ham mersmith Cadet Corps, and raised Heavy Battery and Ammu nition Column in Great War. Address: 4, York Mansions Earls Court, S.W. 5. (0336) FORESHEW, Ernest, M.B.E. FORMAN, Rev. Adam, C.B.E, 6. 1876; s. of John TurnbuU Forman, of Liverpool ; to. Flora Gordon, d. of James Smith, of Liverpool. Educ. : Loretto and Pembroke College, Cambridge. War Work : Hon. Secy., Joint Sphagnum Moss Committee for Scotland for supplying dressings to MUitary Hospitals and H.M. Forces. Address : Craigielands, Beattock Scotland. (C962) FORMAN, Bernard Gilpin, M.B.E, M.B, B.S, Ch.B, fi. 26 July, 1874; s. of John Forman, of ChurchiU House, Edinburgh ; to. Fanny Evelyn, d. of Vincent Charles Stuart Wortley Corbett, of Chilton Moor House, Fencehouses, Co. Durham. Edue. : Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh, and Edinburgh Univ. Medical Officer of Health, Scalby Urban District CouncU; Hon. LUe Member British Red Cross Society. War Work: Commandant and Medical Officer, Cober Hill Hospital, Cloughton, Scarborough. Address : The Beeches, Clougnton, Scarborough. (M8108) FORMBY, Capt. Hugh Carlton, O.B.E. FORMBY, Lieut.-Col. John, O.B.E. FORREST, Alfred Wightman, M.B.E, M.B, CM. FORREST, Lieut. David, O.B.E. FORREST, Lieut.-Col. James, C.M.G, O.B.E, 6. 1859; s. of the late James Forrest, J.P, of ThonmiU, StUlorgan^Co. Dublin. Educ. : Rugby, and Trinity CoU, DubUn. War Work : Served NUe Expedition, 1898 (despatches, Egyptian Medal, 2 clasps, medal) ; S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, 3 clasps ; King's medal, 2 clasps) ; European War, 1914-19 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Lymehurst, Black rock, Co. Dublin. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (06366) FORREST, John WUUam, O.B.E, 6. 13 March, 1867, s. of John Forrest, of Blackburn ; to. AUce Dugdale, d. of WiUiam Carr, of Blackburn. Educ. : Blackburn Grammar School. Town CounciUor ; Chairman Blackburn Education Committee ; Chairman Corporation Finance Committee ; Chairman Blackburn Conservative Association ; Member Central Executive Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers' Association. War Work : Recruiting ; War Savings ; organised War Pensions Committee, Blackburn ; Chairman until July, 1919. Address : Meins Road, Blackburn. Ctofis : Union and Conservative ; Blackburn. (010418) FORREST, Major Robert, M.B.E, fi. 4 Oct. 1875 ; s. of George Forrest, of Edinburgh and Woolwich ; m. Amy, d. ot the late W. J. Thompson, of Plymouth and London. Educ. : Privately, and King's CoU, London. CivU Servant. War Work : Capt. 5th Batt. The Bedfordshire Regt. ; on Special Service, 30 July, 1914 ; Active Service, Suvla Bay (GaUipoU), Egypt, Sinai ; 2 years Adjutant, 5th (R.) Batt. Bedfordshire Regt, a training battalion for officers and men ; special mention for work done in this battaUon and decoration awarded . Address: AmpthiU, Beds. (M3265) FORREST, Thomas Walker Amsworth, M.B.E, J.P. FORREST, WiUiam Robinson Lidderdale, M.B.E, M.I.C.E. FORRESTER, EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. FORRESTER, James, O.B.E, J.P. FORRESTER, Miriam, M.B.E. FORRESTER, Lieut.-Comm. WiUiam Thomson, O.B.E, R.N.R. FORSDICK, Major Edward Thomas, O.B.E. FORSDICK, Major and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam Henry, O.B.E. FORSDIKE, George Frederick, O.B.E, J. P, 6. 1872 ; s. of John Forsdike, of Llanelly Car. ; to. Editb, d. ot John Thomas, of Pontypridd. Educ. Bridgwater ; Cardiff CoUege. Solicitor until 1919 ; Stockbroker, June, 1919 ; Lord Mayor of Cardiff 1919-20. War Work : Chairman Cardiff MUitary Tribunal ; Member Executive Committee, Priority for Wales (Order of St. John) ; Ambulance Driver under St. John Ambulance ; Inspector Cardiff Special Police ; served in French Army 1917-18 ; Rouge Croix Francaise at Verdun. Address : Cathedral Road, Cardiff. Clubs : National Liberal ; R.A.C. ; County, Cardiff. (01348) FORSDYKE, Lieut. Albert Victor Wells, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. FORSTER, Andrew, M.B.E, M.I.M.E. FORSTER, Aquila, M.B.E. FORSTER, Arnold John, M.B.E. FORSTER, Major Charles Matthew, O.B.E, R.E. (T.F.). FORSTER, Lieut.-Col. David, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1878; s. of Lieut.-Col. W. D. Forster ; to. 1903, Isabel Frances, 4. of Lieut.-Gen. H. A. Brownlow. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col, R.E. ; a Gen. Staff Officer, with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served BIOGRAPHIES. Foster in the S.African War, 1899-1900 , (Queen's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-17 (wounded, despatches, Brevet Lieut.-Col.) (C1987) FORSTER, Douglas Wakefield, M.B.E, 6. 20 Dec. 1874 ; s. of Matthew Forster, of Jesmond Park, Newcastle-on-Tyne, late of Bishop Middleham HaU, Co. Durham ; to. Nora Scott, d. of Ashley Leggatt, M.D, of 2, Walton Place, Chelsea. Educ : Sedbergh School. War Work : Chairman of Pensions Committee ; Vice-Chairman of Food Control Committee ; Member of Tribunal ; Hon. Sec. War Savings Committee. Address : The Cottage, Bishop Middleham, Ferryhill, Co. Durham. (M8113) FOSTER, Major Edward Seymour, M.B.E. FORSTER, Major Frederiok Norman, M.B.E, R.E. FORSTER, 2nd Lieut. George Henry, M.B.E, R.E. FORSTER, John, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 23 Dec. 1853 ; s. of Samuel Forster ; m. Esther, d. of William Twist, of St. Helens. Educ. : Farnworth Grammar School. Engineer and Glass Manufacturer. War Work : Manufacture of Shells and Glass Containers ; Chairman of Local Tribunal ; Member of various War Committees. Address : Cowley HiU, St. Helens, Lanca shire. Ctafis : National Liberal ; British Empire. (010420) FORSTER, John James, O.B.E. FORSTER, Lieut.-Comm. John Vernon, O.B.E, R.N.R. FORSTER, Matthew, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 30 Aug. 1847; s. of Matthew Forster, of Sunderland ; m. Mary, d. of William Hogdson, of London. Educ. : Privately. Chairman, Forster Bishops Middleham Brewery Co, Ltd. ; Director of the Newcastle Breweries, Ltd. ; Local Director of the Lord Roberts Memorial Workshops, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Wort : Hon. Sec Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society for the Co. of Durham ; Hon. Treas. and Sec. for the Earl of Durham's County of Durham Fund for the Northern Branch of the L.R.M. Workshops. Address : Greenhill, Jesmond Park, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Clubs : Northern Counties (Newcastle) ; County (Durham). (M8114) FORSTER, WiUiam, M.B.E. FORSYTHE, Capt. Gordon Harris, M.B.E, F.A. FORT, George Seymour, C.B.E, 6. 1858 ; s. of the late Eev. Richard Fort. Educ. : Uppingham Sch, and Oxford Univ. (B.A, 1884). Sometime Capt. King Edward's Horse; was Private Sec. to High Commr. of New Guinea, 1885 ; to Govt, of Victoria, 1887-89 ; to Govt, of S. Africa, 1891. War Wort : Hon. Sec. S. African Hospital and Comforts Fund . (C720) FORTESCUE, 2nd. Lieut. Albert Edward Muspratt, M.B.E, R.A.F. FORTESCUE, Prof. Cecil Lewis, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 15 Jan. 1881 ; s. of Lewis Fortescue, of Barnack, Northamptonshire ; m. Mary Dorothea, d. of R. T. Wright, of Trumpington, Cambridge. Educ. : Oundle and Christ's College, Cambridge. Professor of Physics ; Royal Naval CoUege, Greenwich. War Work : Attached to H.M. Signal School, Portsmouth for experimental work. Address : Royal Naval CoUege, Greenwich, S.E. 10. (0338) FORTESCUE, EmUy, Countess, C.B.E, 6. 1859 ; d. of WUliam Richard 2nd Lord Harlech ; m. Hugh, 4th Earl Fortescue, K.C.B. (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : President, Devon Branch Red Cross. Address : Castle HiU, South Molton, Devon. (C2614) FORTESCUE, Col. H„ C.B.E. FORTESCUE, Marjorie Ellinor, Hon. Mrs. Denzil, O.B.E, 5. 30 December, 1893 ; d. of Colonel Charles Trotter, C.B, and Hon. Mrs. Trotter, O.B.E, of Barton Hartshorne Manor, Buckingham , m. Hon. Denzil George Fortescue, M.C, s. of Hugh 4th Earl Fortescue, K.C.B. (see BURKE'S Peerage). War Work: Stores Department, H.Q. British Red Cross Society, 83, Pall MaU, 1914-19. Address : 10 South Eaton Place, London, S.W.1. (O11501) FORTINGTON, Edna Winifred, Mrs., M.B.E. FORTINGTON, Harold Augustus, O.B.E. FORTYE, Grace, M.B.E, FORWOOD, Major Harry, O.B.E, D.CM, M.G. Corps, 6. 5 March, 1890 ; s. of H. Forwood, of Ramsgate ; m. Helen Edith, d. of — Horn, of Minster, Thanet. Educ. : Christ Church Boys' School, Ramsgate. War Work : Served as Machine-gun Sergt. in the 1st Batt. of the Buffs. ; proceeded to France, Sept. 1914 with the 6th Division ; twice wounded, Oct. 1914 and Sept. 1915 ; commissioned, 1916 ; Asst. Instr. at M.G.T.C, Grantham, to Armistice ; Instructor of Machine Gunnery to Gen. Denikin's Army, March to June, 1920. Ad dress : 22, Avenue Road, Grantham. (09743) FORWOOD, Sir WilUam Bower, K.B.E, D.L, J.P, 6. 21 Jan. 1840 ; s. of Thomas B. Forwood, J.P, of Thornton Manor, Cheshire ; to. Elizabeth Constance, d. of General Hughes Fleming, D.L,ofRydal Hall, Westmorland. Director ofthe Cunard Steamship Co. ; Director of the Bank of Liverpool. Address : Bromborough Hall, Cheshire. Club : Constitutional. (K67) FOSBERY, Major Widenham Francis Widenham, CM.G, CB.E, R.D.C, 6. 1869 ; third s. of the late Capt. Widenham iraucis Fosbery, formerly of Mosstown, co. Westmeath ; to. 1898, Alice Martha, younger d. of the late Surg.-Gen. J. Lamprey, Army Med. Staff. Educ. : Privately. Appointed Consular Agent, Niger Coast Protectorate, 1893 ; Dist. Commr, 1896 ; Resident, Benin City, 1898 ; Acting Div. Commr, Niger Coast Protectorate, 1900 ; Div. Commr, 1902 ; Senior Div. Commr., 8. Nigeria Protectorate, 1903 ; Acting High Commr, 1903 ; Acting Sec. to Administration, 1904 ; Dept. High Commr. 1905 ; Provincial Commr, M.E.C, M.L.C, and Acting Gov, S. Nigeria, 1906 ; Dep. Gov. and Acting Colonial Sec, 1906 ; Consul for German Protectorate of the Cameroons, 1909 ; Political Officer with Central Div. Expedition, 1896 (severely wounded) ; with Benin Expedition, 1899 (medal with clasp) ; with Ishan Expedition, 1901 (medal with clasp) ; with Asaba Hinterland Expedition, 1902 (clasp) ; with Igarra Expedition, 1903 (clasp). Address : Thurloe House, Cromwell Place, S.W. (07164) FOSSATI, Mary Mussely, M.B.E, 6. 16 May, 1888 ; d. of John Fossati, of Manchester. Educ : Courtrai (Belgium), and Convent Higher Grade School, Bury (Lancashire). War Work : As a result of collections made, and the generous help of the Ladies of the Red Cross and the authorities of the town of Courtrai, clothing and food was supplied by her to hundreds of British prisoners passing through Courtrai. (M8118) FOSSEY, Frederiok Walter, M.B.E. FOSTER, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Albert Percy, O.B.E. FOSTER, Lieut.-Col. AUred James, C.M.G, C.B.E. FOSTER, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Bruce, C.B.E. FOSTER, Major Arthur Norman, O.B.E, F.R.CV.S, R.A.V.C, T.F, 6. 15 Jan. 18S2 ; s. of Philip Foster, of Red House, Clifton, Derbyshire ; m. Mary Dorothy, d. of Ernest Norvill, of 32, Lancaster Road, W. Norwood, S.E. Educ : Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, and Rossali. Vet. Officer, Uganda ; Graduated, M.R.CV.S. (Lond.), 1903 ; Fellowship, 1909; 1903-6, General Practice; 1907-9, Vet. Inspector. Sheffield Corporation ; 1909-12, V.O. Sierra Leone and Gambia ; 1913, General Practice ; 1914, V.O. Uganda ; seconded for the Service, and took up appointment, June, 1920 ; Gazetted Lieut. R.A.V.C, March, 1909 ; Capt, Sept. 1914. War Work: MobUised with W.R.D.R.E, Aug. 1914 ; transferred to Command Doncaster Vet. Hospital, Nov. 1914, and converted establishment from a Civil to a MUitary basis, under Lieut.-Col. A. W. Mason, O.B.E, R.A.V.C, F.R.CV.S. (Croix de Guerre) ; Establishment complete by Dec 1914 ; formed 1/lst West Riding Mobile Vet. Section, and pro ceeded to Western Front as O/C that unit, April, 1915 ; appointed D.A.D.V.S. of 49th (W.R.) Division with rank of Major, July, 1917 ; appointed to command 47th Mobile Vet. Section, May, 1919 ; appointed D.A.D.V.S. Forward Districts in France and Flanders. Addresses : Veterinary Officer, Mbale, Uganda ; Red House, Clifton, Derbyshire. Clubs : Constitutional ; New ; Oxford and Cambridge. (05267) FOSTER, Capt. Charles La Trobe, O.B.E, R.A.S.C FOSTER, Cicely Penrose, M.B.E. (Mil.), 6. 26 AprU, 1885 ; d. of Col. L. 0. Foster, V.D, D.L, J.P, of Trevillis, Liskeard, Cornwall. War Work : Quartermistress and Acting Command ant, V.A.D. CornwaU 56, tiU Jan. 1916 ; went to France in Jan. 1916 as V.A.D. attached to the Army Ordnance Depart ment at Calais and Le Havre for inspection of P.H. Gas Helmets from Jan. 1916 to July, 1917 ; transferred to Q.M.A.A.C, attached Royal Army Ordnance Corps as Technical Adminis trator ; Superintended the work of the French Female Labour in the R.A.O.C Receipts Depot at Valdelievre, Calais, tiU Aug. 1919 ; transferred to the Accounts Branch of the R.A.O.C. at Vendroux, Calais, and worked there as Technical Unit Administrator tUl the Q.M.A.A.C. was demobilised, 31 Dec. 1919 ; returned to Vendroux as a civilian attached R.A.O.C and continued work in the Accounts Branch R.A.O.C. Vendroux tUl Mar. 1920. (M4483) FOSTER, Capt. Dennis, O.B.E. FOSTER, Capt. Edward, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 26 Oct. 1881 ; s. of Henry Foster J.P, of Ludlow ; to. Kathleen, d. of 0. J. Exley, of Arleston, WUlington. War Work: O.C. 332 Co. R.A.S.C ; went overseas with the 38th (Welsh) Division ; mentioned in despatches,' Nov. 1917 and Nov. 1918. (05268) FOSTER, Evelyn Mary, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 10 Oct. 1881 ; d. of Bernard E. CammeU, of The Gate House, Merrow ; to. Wilfrid Lionel (Major, late R.H.A.), s. of Henry Foster, of Malvern. War Work : Royal ArtiUery Prisoners of War Fund. Address: Henwood Manor, TettenhaU, Staffs. (010421) FOSTER, Capt. Francis Kenelm, O.B.E, 6. 10 May, 1877 ; s. of T. Nelson Foster, of Cheltenham ; to. Maude EmUie Prohyn, d. of Maj.-Gen. G. Swinley, C.B. (late R.A.), of Cheltenham. Educ : Cheltenham. Seed Crusher. War Work : Served with 48th (S. Mid.) Division (T.F.), 1914-18. Address : AUt Dinas, Cheltenham. Clubs : New Club, Chelten ham ; Gloucester Club, Gloucester. (06367) FOSTER, Frank, O.B.E. FOSTER, Major Frank Broome, O.B.E, 6. 27 July 1878 ; s.ofC.W, Foster, of Exmouth, Devon. Educ : Rugby. Stock broker. War Work : Supplies, Nantes, Rouen, 1914-15 ; 28th Div. and 33rd Div. 1915-17; S.S.O. 49th 1917-19; Despatches three times. Addresses : 24, Market St, Mayfair ; Stock Exchange. Clubs : Isthmian Club R.A.C. (03269) FOSTER, Henry Knollys, M.B.E, 6. 30 Oct. 1873 ; s. of Rev. H. Foster, of 5, The CoUege, Malvern ; m. Ellen Geraldine d. of Canon PeUy, of Great Malvern and HoUiugton, Sussex. Educ. : Malvern and Trinity College, Oxford. Land Agent. War Work : Chief Executive Officer of the Herefordshire War Agriculture Executive Committee ; Lieut, in Herefordshire V T C. Address : Wargrave House, Hereford. Club : United Sports ; I Zingari ; Free Foresters. (M405) FOSTER, Col. Henry Nedham, CM.G, C.B.E, 6. 1878. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. and T. Col, R.A.S.C. ; served in S. Africa, 1900-2 (despatches, Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps). (C1570) FOSTER, James, O.B.E. 195 Foster THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. FOSTER, James Evelyn, M.B.E, fi. 19 July, 1898 ; s. of Percival R. Foster, of Misterton, Teignmouth, Devonshire. Educ. ¦ Exeter School, Exeter. Electrical Engineering, Rees Roturbo Co, Ltd, Wolverhampton. War Work : Served 4 years as Officer in charge Workshops in the Mechanical Transport, S ISC; joined as private in Aug. 1916 ; commissioned Dec. 1916 ; demobilised in Jan. 1920 ; served in France, Belgium, and Germany. Addresses : c/o Messrs Usher, Ltd, Engineers, Old Court House St, Calcutta ; Misterton, Teign mouth, Devonshire. ' (?*_J??' FOSTER, Lieut.-Col. John George, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6 30 May, 1872 ; s. of the late Rev. Robert Foster, one time Chaplain, Royal Hibernian MUitary School. Educ. : High School and Trinity CoU, DubUn. War Work: Served in Mesopotamia, 1914 to end of campaign ; mentioned three times in despatches ; promoted Brevet Lieut.-Col. Address : c/o Holt & Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, S.W. (06622) FOSTER, Major John Vere, O.B.E. FOSTER, Major Kennedy, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. FOSTER, Marion Ferguson, M.B.E, fi. 26 May, 1881 ; d. of James Yates Foster, of Whitefriars, Penwortham, Preston, Lancs. Educ. : Ladies' CoU, Cheltenham. War Work : Aug. 1914, Canteen work ; Sept. to Dec. 1914, Hospital Depot Work and Belgian Refugees ; Jan. 1915 to May, 1919, Head Clerk AuxiUary Military Hospital, Moor Park, Preston (250 beds). Address : Whitefriars, Penwortham, Preston. (M8119) FOSTER, Lady Mary Louise EUzabeth, Dowager Duchess of Hamilton, O.B.E.; d. of 7th Duke of Manchester; m. 1st, 1873, William Alexander, 12th Duke of Hamilton, who died 1898 ; 2ndly, Robert Camaby Foster. Address : Easton Park, Suffolk. (0337) FOSTER, Col. Michael George, O.B.E, M.D, F.S.A, F.R.C.P, fi. 13 Dec. 1864 ; s. of Sir Michael Foster, K.C.B. F.R.S. of Great Shelford, Cambs. ; m. 1st Charlotte, d. of Gen. R. Shipley, C.B. of Twyford, Hants ; 2nd, Margaret Manning widow of Hon. W. E. RusseU, Governor of Commonwealth, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Educ. : Trinity CoUege, Cambridge ; Univ. Coll. Hosp. London ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. 1888. War Work : Consulting Physician British Troops in France and Flanders. Address : Benington, Harrogate, Yorks ; ViUar San Giovanni, San Remo, Italy. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Cam bridge County. (05271) FOSTER, Sir Norris Tildesley C.B.E, 6. 1855 ; s. of the late Frederick Foster, of Barton-under-Needwood ; to. Eliza, d. of EUjah Barnett, of Edgbaston. Educ. : King Edward's School, Birmingham, and at Oxford Univ., M.A. Called to Bar at the Inner Temple, 1891 ; Joined Midland Circuit ; was member of Warwickshire County Appeal Tribunal ; also Chairman for Ministry of Labour at Court of Referees ; Vice-President, University Graduates Club ; Member of General Purposes, Finance, and Administration Committee of the War Pensions and Citizens Committee ; Founder and Chairman of Birmingham Streets CoUection Committee ; at present Hon. Treasurer of War Pensions Committee ; has taken a leading part in the Unionist Parliamentary work. Address : Southfleld, Priory Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. (C2615) FOSTER, Major Phipps Bentley, O.B.E, 6. 7 Aug. 1883 ; s. of Leonard Foster, of Kirklington HaU, SouthweU ; to. Madeline Vernon, d. of R. L. Crankshaw, of Dunkwy, Gwee- dore, Co. Donegal. Educ. : Uppingham ; Oxford. War Work:. Raised three R.F.A. Batteries; France, 1916 ; Volun tary work, Board of Agriculture, 1918-19. Address : Wood bury Park, Sandy, Beds. Club : Marlborough ; Bath. (010422) FOSTER, Reginald, O.B.E. FOSTER, Robert John, O.B.E, 6. Jan. 20 1864 ; s. of John Foster, of Selby, Yorks ; m. EUen Gertrude, d. of John GorreU, of Lancaster. Educ. : Sheffield CoUege. Director of Flax Cultivation, Ltd. War Work : Flax Commissioner for Eastern Area (England), under Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Address : Westbrook House, Peterborough. (03718) FOSTER, Thomas BurdaU, M.B.E. FOSTER, Major WUfrid Lionel, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 2 Dec. 1874 ; s. of Henry Foster, of Malvern CoUege ; to. Evelyn Mary d. of Bernard E. CammeU, of Merrow. Educ. : Malvern and R.M.A. Woolwich. War Work : organised the Royal ArtUlery Prisoners of War Fund. Address : Henwood Manor, Tetten haU, Staffs. Clubs : Army and Navy. (C963) FOSTER, Lieut. WilUam, M.B.E, R.E. FOSTER, WUUam MelvUle, M.B.E, M.A, B.C.L, F.R.G.S, fi. 31 Oct. 1871 ; s. of John Edwin Foster, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, of Mayfield, Huddersfield ; to. Mary Anson, d. of Matthew George Farrer, of Kemerton, Gloucestershire. Educ. : Dover CoUege ; Christ Church, Oxford ; Geneva. Barrister-at- Law (Inner Temple) ; late Private Secretary to H.E. the Governor of Jamaica. War Work : Private Secretary, Director of Munitions Contracts, War Office ; later Head of Section, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 14, Iverna Court, Kensington. Clubs: The Royal Colonial Institute; Royal Geographical Society ; Oxford and Cambridge ; Ranelagh and Roehampton. (M406) FOSTER, Col. Sir WiUiam Yorke, Bart, C.B.E, late R.A, 6. 1 AprU, 1860 ; s. of the late Sh WiUiam Foster Bt, of Norwich ; m AUeen Ethel, d. of Col. Augustus Berkeley Portman. Educ: Eton. Royal Horse and Royal Field ArtiUery from 1880 to 1910 ; Staff Capt. and D.A.A.G. R.A. May, 1892 to May 1897. War Work : Asst. Adjt.-General, Southern Command, 1914-17 Records Staff, 1917-19. Clubs : Naval and Military ; The Norfolk, Norwich. (C165) 196 FOUCAR, Alexander Ferdinand Emile, O.B.E, M.B.E. FOULERTON, Brevet-Major Alexander Grant Russell O.B.E , F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. (T.F.), 6. 22 April, 1863 ; s. of Alexander Foulerton, Capt. H.M. Indian Navy. Educ. ¦ Kensington School. County Medical Officer, East Sussex' Chairman, Board of Studies in Hygiene, Univ. of London' Lecturer on Hygiene at the London School of Medicine for Women, and in the Hygiene Department of Univ. CoU London • formerly director of the Cancer Research Laboratories at the Middlesex Hospital. War Work: D.A.D.M.S. (Sanitation) B.E.F, France (1914-15 Star) ; O.C Hygiene Department, Royal Army Medical CoU. Addresses : Wealdside, Lewes • Morpeth Terrace, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. Club : Royai AutomobUe. (07165) FOUNTAIN, Annie Christine, C.B.E. ; d. of late Joseph Fountain, of Birthwaite HaU, Darton. CoUiery Proprietor. War Work : Recruiting, Hospital and Red Cross. Address : Birthwaite HaU, Darton, nr. Barnsley. (C964) FOURIE, Louis, M.B.E. FOWELE, Edward Turner, M.B.E. FOWLDS, Hon. George, C.B.E, 6. 1860 ; s. of the late Matthew Fowlds, of Fenwick, Scotland ; m. 1884, M. A, d. of John Fulton, of Chiphall, Fenwick, Ayrshire. Educ. : Water side Sch, Ayrshire ; Andersonian Coll, Glasgow. Was Minister of the Crown, New Zealand, 1906-11, holding Portfolios of Education, Customs, PubUc Health, Defence, Justice, and PubUc Hospitals ; Dep. Chm. Auckland Univ. CoU. CouncU, and a Trustee Jubilee Institute for the Blind. (C723) FOWLE, Edward, M.B.E. FOWLE, Helene, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Baron de Caters, of Antwerp, Belgium ; to. Col. John Fowle ; s. of Edmund Fowle, of Newton Abbot. War Work : Belgian refugees. Address : 9, Hume Street, Dublin. (M408) FOWLE, Col. Sir Henry Walter Hamilton, K.B.E, fi. 1871, s. of late T. E. Fowle, D.L, of Chute Lodge, Hants, and Durrington Manor, Wilts. Commissioner of Enemy Subjects in S. Africa, 1915, and Custodian of Enemy Property, 1916-19 (see Burke's Peerage). FOWLE, Col. Thomas Ernie, C.B.E, A.A, and Q.M.G, S. Africa ; served with the Chitral ReUef Force, 1895 (medal with clasp) ; in S. Africa, 1902 (despatches, Queen's medal with two clasps) (C815) FOWLE, WilUam, M.B.E, V.D FOWLER, Col. Charles Edward Percy, O.B.E, F.R.CS, A.M.S, 6. 1866 ; s. of Charles Edward Fowler, of MUverton Court, Somerset ; to. Mary Dorothy Hopper, d. of William Whytehead Boulton, J.P, of Beverley, E. Yorks. Educ : Clifton ; St. Mary's Hospital. Asst. Prof, of Hygiene, R.A.M. CoUege, London, 1903-7 ; Mil. Representative Malarial Com mission Mauritius, 1907; M.O.H, Gibraltar, 1908-12; Com mandant, Army School of Sanitation, Aldershot, 1913-14 ; retired 1914. War Work : A.D.M.S, Aldershot Command ; Member Army Sanitary Committee, 1914-16 ; mentioned in despatches Brevet Lt.-Col. Aug. 1917 ; A.D.M.S, E.E.F, Mil. Malarial Commission of Egypt, (O.B.E., Mar. 1918); A.D.M.S, Delta District ; A.D.M.S, 54th Division (mentioned in Despatches, E.E.F, May 1919) ; gazetted to reserve as Colonel A.M.S. Address: Ash Green, Surrey. Club: Con servative. (O1025) FOWLER, Capt. Charles Henry, M.B.E, 6. 4 Jan. 1885 ; s. of the late R. H. Fowler. Educ. : Dulwich CoU. ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Managing Director, Messrs. John Fowler & Co Leeds, Ltd, Agricultural Engineers. War Work: Chief Ordnance Engineer (Manchester District), Dept. of Gun Manufacture, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-17 ; Director of Field and Siege ArtiUery Production, Dept. of Gun Manufacture, Ministry of Munitions, 1918-19. Address : Moor House, Moortown, Leeds, Yorkshire. Cfefi : Windham ; Royal AutomobUe. (M1732) FOWLER, Charles Roy, M.B.E. FOWLER, Ethel Ada, Mrs., M.B.E. FOWLER, EveUne Georgina, M.B.E, ; d. of Ernest William Fowler, of Gunton Old HaU, Suffolk. Educ. : At home. War Work : Hon. Matron of the Gunton Cottage Hospital for SaUors and Minesweepers from 1915-19. Address : Gunton Old HaU, nr. Lowestoft, Suffolk. (M409) FOWLER, Lieut.-Col. George Curran Orr, O.B.E, R.A.V.C, 6. 15 Dec. 1859 ; s. of L. Hamilton Fowler, of Dhunekl Greenock, N.B, and Rangoon ; m. Louisa, d. of James Mann, of Levanne, Gouroch, N.B. Educ. : Privately, and Neuwied- am-Rhein. War Work : 5th Div. H.Q. France ; A.D.V.S. 65th Division ; D.A.D.V.S. Dish Command. Address : Messrs. Holt & Co, Ltd, 3, WhitehaU Place, S.W. Club : R.C.Y.C. (07166) FOWLER, George Herbert, C.B.E, B.A, Ph.D., F.L.S, 6. 1861 ; s. of Rev. John Fowler, of Lincoln. Educ : Eton, Oxford ; Leipzig. War Work : Hydrographic and Intelhgence Departments, Admiralty 1914-19. Address : The Old House, Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire. Club : Arts. (C166) FOWLER, Gertrude Dene, M.B.E. FOWLER, Temp. Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry, K.B.E, fi. 29 July, 1870 ; s. of Henry Fowler, of Evesham ; m. Emmie Needham, d. of Phuip Smith, of Horwich, Lancs. Educ : Evesham and Mason Science CoUege, Birmingham. Chief Mechanical Engineer, Midland RaUway ; President Insti tution of Automobile Engineers ; Hon. Secretary, Associa tion of RaUway Locomotive Engineers. War Work : Director of Production, Ministry of Munitions ; Superintendent of Royal Aircraft Factory ; Assistant Director-General of Aircraft BIOGRAPHIES. Francis Production, 1917-18 ; Ministry of Munitions Representative on Aircraft Mission to the United States of America and Canada, 1918; Chairman of the Light Alloys Sub-Committee ; Chairman of Aircraft Committee of British Engineering Standards Association, 1918 ; Chairman of Conference to form the Inter national Aircraft Standards Commission, 1918 ; Chairman of the first Inter-Allied Conference on the Standardisation of Aircraft Components ; Deputy-member of Munitions Council, 1918-19. Address : Derwent House, Milford, Derby. Club : Royal AutomobUe ; R.A.F. (K68) FOWLER, Lionel John Porter, O.B.E, 6. 24 Feb. 1892 ; 8. of John Porter Fowler, of Tredegar ; m. Kathleen Grace, d. of Henry Jeffcoat, of Lymington. Educ. : Privately. War Wort: Production Engineer, The Sopwith Aviation and Engineering Co, Ltd, Kingston-on-Thames. Address : Woodvale, Petersham, Surrey. (010425) FOWLER, Margaret Mary Maitland, Mrs. O.B.E, ; d. of Rev. John George Trotter, Canon of Birmingham ; to. George Herbert Fowler, 8th Sherwood Foresters (kUled in France, Oct. 1915), s. of Gebrge Fowler, of Basford Hall, Nottingham. Educ : Grassendale ; Southbourne-on-Sea, Hants ; Paris. War Work: Commandant (Warwick 68 B.R.C.S.) Weddington Hospital, Nuneaton, Warwickshire ; Vice-President, B.R.C.S. for Atherstone Division. Address : 43, Binswood Avenue, Leamington Spa. Clubs: Lyceum; V.A.D. (03719) FOWLER, May, Mrs. Francis John, O.B.E. FOWLER, Capt. Ralph Howard, O.B.E. FOWLER, Col. Robert, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. FOWLER, Robert Copp, O.B.E, F.S.A, 6. 5 Nov. 1867 ; s. of the Rev. NeweU Vicat Fowler, late vicar of Ultiug, Essex ; m. Mary Dorothea, d. of John Goodacre, late of Ashby Parva and UUesthorpe, Leicestershire. Educ. : Winchester College, and New CoUege, Oxford. Assistant Keeper of the Public Records. War Work: Casualties Branch, War Office. Address: Wayside, West End Lane, Pinner. Club : United University. (01352) FOWLIE, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. FOX, Arthur Wingate, M.B.E. (M10248) FOX, Major Charles Horace, M.B.E, R.E. FOX, David Henry, O.B.E, 6. 7 May, 1863 ; s. of James Fox, of ShepherdsweU ; m. Susan, d. of John Benefield, of Waltham, Kent. Educ. : ShepherdsweU Elementary School. Chief Constable of Dover ; Captain of the Fire Brigade. War Work : Special work in connection with the issue of 40,000 Permit Books to the civiUan population of Dover, Dover being considered a special MUitary Area ; duty in connection with air raids of which there were 113 calls and 18 actual raids, also two bombardments and 4 fires caused by bombs dropped from enemy aircraft. (010426) FOX, Capt. Edward Thornton, O.B.E, J.P. (Southern Rhodesia), British South Africa PoUce, 6. 29 May, 1881 ; s. of Edward Robert Fox, of Leicester ; m. Helen Edith, d. of William Alexander Brunton, CLE, of London. Educ. : Privately ; Wyggestone Grammar School, Leicester ; Real Gymnasium I. Hanover. Sec. Department of Defence, Southern Rhodesia; 1st Vol. Batt. Leicestershire Regt. 1898-1906; Lieut. ; joined British South Africa PoUce, April 1906 ; trans ferred to Southern Rhodesia CivU Service, April 1909 ; retrans- ferred to B.S.A.P. June 1913, and appointed Lieut, and Asst. ControUer on the Staff of the Commandant-General, Rhodesia Forces ; Capt. 1st July, 1918 ; appointed Sec. Department of Defence, Southern Rhodesia, Feb. 1920 ; was Sec. to the Public Committee to enquire into the system of Defence for Southern Rhodesia, 1916. War Work : On Active Service with B.S.A. Police, Southern Rhodesia, from Aug. 1914 to June, 1919, as Asst. ControUer Rhodesian Defence Force (Administrative Services, Supplies, etc.), and ControUer, Pay and Accounts Branch, Rhodesian Defence Force. Address : SaUsbury, S. Rhodesia. (O8010) FOX, Capt. Frank, O.B.E, R.A. FOX, Capt. Harold Arthur, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. FOX, James Bartholomew, M.B.E, S.M, R.G.A. FOX, Lieut.-Col. and Qr.-Mr. James Joseph, O.B.E. FOX, Major John, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. FOX, John Jacob, O.B.E. FOX, Joseph Vincent, O.B.E, M.B, CM. FOX, MarshaU Nathaniel, M.B.E, 6. 1872 ; s. of the late Nathaniel Fox, J.P, of Falmouth ; to. Annie EUzabeth, d. of ™e late L. H. LesUe, of North Shields. Six years Joint Sec. of Friends' Foreign Mission Association, London ; since 1909 a Missionary in Mount Lebanon, Syria, leaving in Oct. 1914. War Work : March, 1916, to March, 1918, Controller of Industries at the Armenian Refugee Camp, Port Said, and Hon. Govt. Inspector, from then until March, 1920, General Sec. (hon.) of the Syria and Palestine ReUef Fund, founded by Bishop Maclnnes, and being the united effort of 12 British Missionary Societies ; expenditure in Palestine over £120,000, in Syria over £35,000. Addresses : c/o F.F.M.A , 15 Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate, E.C. ; 15, Penwerris Terrace, Falmouth. (M8124) FOX, Major Robert Michael Douglas, O.B.E, L.I. FOX, Tom, O.B.E. FOX, Lieut. Thomas Laurence, O.B.E, fi. 21 Sept, 1893; >¦ of Thomas Barter Fox, of Melbourne, Australia. Educ. : Scotch Coll, Melbourne, and Melbourne Univ. War Work: Served in Egypt, France, Salonica, South Russia, Constanti nople, Army of Black Sea, with 1st Division, Australian T.F. ; awarded Russian Order of St. Anne, 2nd Class. Club : United R.A.S.C, London. (07944) FOX, Violet Beatrice, M.B.E. FOX, Lieut. Walter, O.B.E, R.E.. T.F. FOX, Walter St. John, O.B.E, Esquire of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 28 Feb. 1855 ; s. of Thomas Samuel Fox, of Farnborough, Kent. Educ. : Tonbridge. War Work : Commandant of the Headquarters Central Detachment of the Metropolitan Special Constabulary. Clubs : Union ; Con stitutional; M.CC (010428) FOX, Capt. WUliam Harris, M.B.E, fi. 17 March, 1878 ; s. of Joseph William Fox, of Barrie, Ontario, Canada ; m. Emily Gilberetta, d. of Gilbert H. York, of Coburg, Ontario. Educ. : Univ. of Toronto. Electrical Engineer. War Work : Quartermaster, Ontario Military Hospital, Orpington, Kent ; this hospital was built and operated by the Government of Ontario, and was the largest Canadian Hospital in England, having 2100 beds and a staff of 300. (M1733) FOX, Eng.-Comm. WiUiam Henry, O.B.E, R.N.R. FOX, Eleanor Biroh, the Hon. Mrs. WILSON-, C.B.E, 6. 18 March, 1871 ; d. of the 1st Baron Basing (see Burke's Peerage), of Hoddington, Hants. ; to. Henry Wilson-Fox, M.P. for Tamworth Division of Warwickshire. War Work : Chair man of South African Comforts Committee ; Member of South African Hospital and Comforts Fund, and of London War Pensions Committee ; Chahman of Hackney War Pensions Sub-Committee. Address : 20, Lowndes Square, S.W. 1. (C379) FOXALL, Arthur Squire, M.B.E. FOYSTER, Arthur Henry, M.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 13 Dec. 1869 ; s. of the late Rev. G. A. Foyster, of Guise House, Vspley Guise. Educ : Haileybury. War Work : Assist. Inspector of SmaU Arms Ammunition. (M1735) FOYSTER, Constance Helena, M.B.E, fi. 17 Feb. 1878 ; d. of the Rev. Henry Brereton Foyster, Rector of St. Clement's, Hastings, and Prebendary of Chichester. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant of Old Hastings House, British Red Cross Hospital, Hastings, from May, 1915, to AprU, 1920. Address : The Vicarage, Colemans' Hatch, Sussex. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (M8126) FOZARD, Capt. Harry Edwin, M.B.E, R.A.F, fi. 8 Dec. 1883 ; s. of Edwin Charles Fozard, of London ; to. Florence Chiswell, d. of William Myles Chadwick, of Sheffield. Educ : Privately, and Royal Indian Engineering CoU. Engineer (Mech.) ; Assoc. Member of Institute of Mech. Engineers. War Work : Inspector of Aeroplanes ; Officer in charge, Northern Area, A.I.D. Address : 7, Dartmouth Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Club : Constitutional, Manchester. (M3648) FRAMPTON, Capt. Henry Frank, O.B.E. FRAMPTON, Capt. Napier Paul, M.B.E, A.R.S.M, R.A.S.C, 6. 28 Nov. 1871 : s. of the late Walter Frampton, of Adelaide, South Australia ; to. Ada Lilian, d. of the late Edward Lovell Dwyer, Commander R.N, of Lauuceston, Tas mania, and grandniece of the late Admiral Sir Sidney Smith. Educ. : Saint Peter's CoU, Adelaide, and Royal School of Mines, South Kensington. Engaged m Mining in Australia. War Work : Enlisted 5 Jan. 1915 ; Sergt.-Major in France, with 10th Div. ; on Supply Ships at Anzac, Suvla Bay, at Supply Depots at Tel-el-Kebir, Romani, and railhead depots across Sinai Peninsula ; obtained Commission, Jan. 1917, and joined 54th Div. as Brigade Supply Officer, and later Requisitioning Officer with XXI. Corps troops ; June, 1918, made Capt. and Supply Officer, XXI. Corps troops ; in charge of Corps Depot at Ras-el-ain during General Allenby's advance in Sept. 1918 ; went into hospital with malaria, Nov. 1918, in Beirut. Ad dress : 32, Disraeli Road, Ealing, W. 5. (M3174) FRANCE, Reginald, M.B.E. FRANCE, WiUiam Ernest, M.B.E, fi. 6 Dec 1880 ; s. of James France, of Old Trafford ; to. Catherine Moncrieff, d. of David Ames, of Croydon. Educ. : Bishops Stortford Coll. Bank Manager ; Manager, Manchester and Liverpool District Bank, Knutsford and Northwich ; now Sub-Manager, Man Chester and Liverpool District Bank, Southport. War Work : Hon. Sec. Knutsford War Savings Committee. Addresses : Park Cottage, Knutsford ; Delamere Road, Ainsdale, near Southport. (M8127) FRANCES, Edith, Mrs., M.B.E. Organiser, Soldiers' Rest and Refreshment Camp, Beira. (M10258a) FRANCEYS, Amy Constance, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 13 Feb. 1878 ; d. of Alderman Joseph Heap, of Blackpool ; m. Lionel Hope Franceys, d. of Edw. B. Franceys, of Southport. Educ. : Northlands High School, Blackpool. War Work : Soldiers and Sailors' Families Association ; Local War Pensions Com mittee ; Voluntary Aid Association ; Prisoners of War Com mittee. Address : Hopetoun, Read's Avenue, Blackpool, Lancs. (M8128) FRANCIS, Ada Emily, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C FRANCIS, AUred George, O.B.E, B.A. (Cantab.), M.B, B.S. (Lond.), F.R.CS. (Eng.), fi. 25 Nov. 1862 ; s. of Charles Wordley Francis, of Southchurch, Essex ; m. Frederica Jane, d of the Rev. Walter Marcon, Rector of Edgefield, Norfolk. Educ. : Univ. CoU. School ; Univ. CoU, London ; King's Coll, Cambridge ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Late Surgeon, Hull Royal Infirmary. War Work : Chairman, Recruiting and Pension Boards, East Central Region. Address : 101, Beverley Road, Hull, E. Yorkshire. (010429) FRANCIS, Lieut. Arnold Eardley, M.B.E, 6. 21 Jan. 1881 ' s. of F. W. Francis, J.P, of Leamington Spa. Educ. : Leamington Coll. War Work : Served in R.A.S.C. Address : Garthside, Rugby Road, Leamington Spa. (M4486 197 Francis THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. FRANCIS, Lieut.-Col. Charles John, C.B.E, R.E. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1571) FRANCIS, Major Frederick Howard, D.S.O, O.B.E. Australian Army Ser. Corps ; served during the Great War, 1914-16 (despatches). (08616) FRANCIS, George ChapUn, M.B.E. FRANCIS, Guy, M.B.E. FRANCIS, Harvey, O.B.E, M.D. FRANCIS, Herbert WiUiam Sidney, O.B.E. FRANCIS, John Horace, O.B.E. FRANCIS, Joseph, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 1859. For many years associated with the public work of Southend-on-Sea ; elected Mayor in 1900 and again the first Mayor of the County Borough in 1913 and continued in office throughout the war ; founded the National Benefit Assurance Company Limited in 1890 ; Chairman or Director of several Marine Insurance and other Companies ; Chairman of the City of London Maternity Hospital for many years ; Member of the Board of the Orphan Working School ; Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners. War Work : Was Chahman of the War Tribunal, Treasurer of the War Pensions Committee, and Chairman of many other Committees formed in connection with the War ; Member of the Committee of Queen Mary's Royal Naval Hospital ; Honorary Commandant of the National Guard, (later the 4th Volunteer Battalion of the Essex Regiment), of which he was gazetted Lieut.-Colonel ; President of the League of Mercy for south-east Essex. Officer of the Order of the Crown of Belgium. Addresses : Bude, Southend-on-Sea ; National House, Newgate Street, E.C.I. Club : Royal Societies'. (0341) FRANCIS, Katharine LiUan, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of Rev. C Peach, of Evenlode Rectory, Worcestershire. Educ : Brighton. War Work : Hon. Sec Red Cross Committee, Chepstow, since 1911 ; Commandant, Chepstow Red Cross Hospital, V.A.D. Mon. 6, 1918. Address : St. Tewdric, Chepstow. Club : Sesame. (M8130) FRANCIS, Percy Alexander, M.B.E. FRANCIS, Percy James, O.B.E. FRANCIS, Surg.-Lieut. Thomas Evan, O.B.E, M.D, D.P.H, R.N. FRANCIS, EUzabeth Lydia, Mrs. BULT-, M.B.E, 6. 11 June, 1854. War Work : Five years at the Euston Y.M.C.A. Hut, 3_ years of that time Superintendent of above ; donor of the Royal Naval Hut, Harwich, and part donor of the Naval Hut, Rosyth. Addresses : 21, Taviton Street, London, W.C.I ; The Fern House, Little Marlow, Bucks. (M1736) FRANEY, George Ernest, O.B.E. FRANK, Peter, O.B.E. FRANKAU, Col. Claude Howard Stanley, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.B, F.R.CS. Capt. and Brevet Major and Acting Col. Served during the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (C1250) FRANKISH, Lieut. John Raven, M.B.E, R.A.F. FRANKLAND, Percy Faraday, C.B.E, J.P, F.R.S, Ph.D., LL.D, Sc.D, Officer of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, 6. 1858 ; s. of Sir Edward Frankland, K.C.B. to. Grace Coleridge, d. of Joseph Toynbee, F.R.S. Educ. : University College School ; Royal School of Mines ; Wiirzburg University. Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and lately Dean of the Faculty of Science in the University of Birmingham ; Past-President of the Chemical Society and of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Deland ; Past Vice-President of the Royal Society. War Work : Deputy Inspector of High Explosives (Birmingham Area) ; Member of Panel, Board of Invention and Research (Admiralty) ; Examiner of Coal Tar for the High Explosives Committee of the Ministry of Munitions ; Member of the Anti-Gas Committee and of the Chemical Warfare Committee of the Ministry of Munitions ; Member of the Executive War Committee of the Royal Society ; Chairman of the Chemical Section of the Royal Society War Committee ; Chairman of the Reserved Occupations Committee of the Royal Society. Address : House of Letterawe, Loch Awe, Argyllshire N.B. (C2616) FRANKLIN, Arthur Sumpter, M.B.E, 6. 22 Jan. 1872 ; s. of WilUam Alfred Franklin, of Portsmouth, Hants ; m. Rose Fanny, d. of Alfred George Curtiss, of Portsmouth, Hants. Educ. : St. Saviour's School, Paddington. Assistant Manager, National Cartridge and Box Repair Factory, Dagenham Dock, Essex. Address : Howgate, Donnington Road, Willesden, N.W. 10. (M8131) FRANKLIN, Major Edward, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. (T.F.). FRANKLIN, Capt. Frederick Joseph, O.B.E, 6. 10 Feb. 1878 ; s. of Jos. Norris Franklin, J.P. for Devonshire, of Huxham, Exeter. Educ. : Blundell's, Tiverton. Served with the Royal 1st Devon Yeomanry Cavalry in Boer War (King's and Queen's Medals, with clasps) ; Commissioned to A.S.C in 1901, becoming transport officer to Gen. French's flying columns in Cape Colony ; resigned commission after Boer War ; later accompanied Gen. Piet Cronje and Gen. Ben VUjoen to America ; returned to Natal and served in Bambatas Rebellion, Natal, 1908 ; served with Canadian Forces in World's War, 1915-16 (recruiting branch) ; secured commission, R.A.S.C. ; proceeded with B.E.F. to North Russia as O.C. Remounts to Syren Force ; had charge of transportation of troops by sledge from Soroha to Archangel, with rank of Major ; men tioned in despatches. Addresses : Riverside, Grantham, Lines ; Hubbard Woods, 111, U.S.A. Clubs : Royal Army Service Corps ; Adventurers', U.S.A. ; Scarboro', U.S.A. ; Exeter and County National, U.S.A. (09717) FRANKLIN, Major George Denne, O.B.E ,I.M.S, MB. FRANKLIN, Leonard Benjamin, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 15 Nov. 1862 ; s. of Ellis A. Franldin, of 35, Porchester Terrace, W.; m. Laura Agnes, d.ol WiUiam Laderburg, of 2, Inverness Terrace, W. Educ. : King's CoUege, London; Athenee Royale, Bruxelles War Work : appointed Local Government repre sentative at Folkestone and charged with direction of the Belgian Refugee work there ; later on assisted in Housing Schemes of Local Government Board. Addresses : 32, Hyde Park Gardens, N 2 , London ; The Grange, Goudhurst, Kent. Clubs : Reform; National Liberal ; Eighty. (0342) FRANKLIN, LiUan Annie Margueretta, M.B.E. FRANKLIN, Mabel, M.B.E. FRANKLIN, Olga Heather, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. FRANKLIN, Richard, O.B.E, 6. 1876. Educ: Col chester Grammar School, and King's Coll, London. Engineer. War Work : Was engaged from Sept. 1914, until the Armistice on work of a special character for the Admiralty, as whole-time Director of Davey, Paxman & Co, Ltd, London and Colchester. Address : Gidea Park, Essex. Club : British Empire. (010433) FRANKLIN, Robert Francis, O.B.E, 6. 30 August, 1863 ; 8. of late Henry Franklin, of Cottenham, Cambridge ; m. Edith Rosa, d. of late Myles GUbert, of Needham Market, Suffolk. Educ. : Privately and at King's College, London. Clerk, Admiralty 1879-92 ; Assistant Secretary, Chatham Dockyard, 1892-1900 ; Assistant Cashier, Sheerness Dockyard 1900-1 ; Secretary to Admiral Superintendent, Devonport Dockyard, 1901 ; stUl serving. War Work : Secretary to Admiral Superintendent, Devonport Dockyard. Address : 2, The Terrace, H.M. Dockyard, Devonport. Club : Royal South Western Yacht, Plymouth. (0343) FRANKLIN, Col. Will Hodgson, C.B.E, D.S.O, R. of 0, 6. 1873 ; s. of William Franklin, of Liverpool ; to. Sarah, d. of Hon. George Knowling, of St. John's. Newfoundland. Educ. : Liverpool Institute. His Majesty's Trade Commissioner in East Africa. War Work : Served in Royal Newfoundland Regt, Capt. 1914 ; Major, 1915 ; attached to Suffolk Regt, Lieut.-Col, 1916 ; attached to and commanded Batt. Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; severely wounded, Somme, July, 1916 ; Col, R. of O, 1919 ; (D.S.O, twice mentioned in despatches) ; Chief Instructor, Torquay Area, 1918. Address : P.O. Box 220, Nairobi, Kenya Colony. Clubs : City St. John's (Newfound land) ; British Empire. (C2204) FRANKLING, Albert Edward, M.B.E. FRANKLING, Herbert George, C.B.E M.R.C.S, fi. 1876 ; s. of the late George Frankling. Hen. Surg, Harrogate Infirmary ; m. 1906, Florence, who died 1917, d. of the late Joseph AshmaU. Address: 10, York Road, Harrogate. (C1152) FRANKS, Paymaster-Lieut. Maurice CardinaU, O.B.E, R.N.R. FRANKS, Capt. Rudolph Keane, M.B.E, 6. 7 June, 1879 ; s. of Edward Franks, late of India Office, and grandson of George Cattermole, R.A. Educ : St. Peter's Coll, Westminster. War Work : Joined Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars (Yeomanry) as trooper in Aug. 1914 ; proceeded to France with that regt. in Sept. of the same year ; took commission in 2/lst North Somerset Yeomanry, 1915 ; appointed Musketry Instructor to the regiment, 1916, after having gained 1st Class Instructor s Certificate at Bisley ; promoted Capt. and Adjutant, 1917. Address : Dravton St. Leonard, Oxon. (M5270) FRASER, Major Angus George, M.B.E. FRASER, Lieut.-Comm. Bruce Austin, O.B.E, R.N. FRASER, Catherine, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. FRASER, Lieut.-Col. Cecil, C.M.G, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (O3305) FRASER, Constance Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of Col. Edwin Maude; m. Nov. 1888, Sir Stuart Mitford Fraser, K.C.S.I, CLE, I.C.S, s. of the late J. Denholm Fraser", J.P. (C1965) FRASER, Capt. CUve Stewart, M.B.E. Chief Censor, Straits Settlements. (M10258J) FRASER, Lieut. David, M.B.E, S.A.S.S. FRASER, Capt. David Hammand, O.B.E,M.C,M.A,M.D, B. Ch. (Camb.), fi. 25 Dec. 1878 ; s. of Roderick Fraser, of 331, Norwood Road, S.E. ; m. Annie Isabel, d. of Dr. McMuUen, of Parliament HiU, N.W. 3. Educ. : Privately ; Gonville and Caius CoUege, Cambridge ; London Hospital, E. Anaesthetist, Hamp stead General and Great Northern Hospital : Medical Referee, Ministry of Pensions, Hampstead Division ; Lecturer, Central Midwives Board. War Work : Captain R.A.M.C. and R.A.F. Medical Service ; attached 15th Field Ambulance, 28th Brigade R.F.A, 1st Army H.Q, 2nd Wing R.A.F, 65 Wing R.A.F. and M.O.i/c Special Air Force Wards, 14 General Hospital Wimereux. Address : 28, Belsize Avenue, N.W.3. (02238) FRASER, Sir Drummond, K.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of late W. Murray Fraser, of London and Manchester. Joint Manag ing-Director of Manchester and Liverpool Banking Co.; rendered valuable services in connection with War Savings Movement. Address: Earlscliffe, Altrincham, Cheshire. FRASER, Evelyn Margaret, M.B E, d. of Hon. Lord Fraser, Senator of the College of Justice. War Work : Edin burgh War Dressings (Sphagnum Moss). Address: 31, Chester St. Edinburgh. Clubs : Queen's, Edinburgh ; Park, London. (M407) FRASER, Florence, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 9 June, 1851 ; d. of Edward H. Finch Hatton, of Long Stratton, Cambridgeshire; m. Hugh, s. of John Fraser, of Aclmagairn, Inverness-slure. Educ. : At home. War Work : Commandant of Marsandra 198 BIOGRAPHIES. Freeman Red Cross Hospital, Weymouth, Dorset. Address: Wittenham, RodweU, Weymouth, Dorset. (O3720) FRASER, Lieut.-Col. Forbes, C.B.E, Capt. and Acting Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1252) FRASER, Capt. Francis WiUiam Ian Victor, O.B.E, M.C, E.A.F. FRASER, Lieut. George Alexander, M.B.E, M.A, 6. 9 June, 1877 ; s. of Wm. Stuart Fraser, W.S, of 42, Melville Street, Edinburgh ; m. Mary Elizabeth, d. of WiUiam Rams- botham, of Manchester. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy and Edinburgh Univ. (M.A.). Chartered Accountant ; partner of the firm of R. and E. Scott, CA, 64, Queen Street, Edinburgh. War Work : Trooper, Lotbians and Border Horse, Sept. 1914, to March, 1915 ; gazetted, 2nd Lieut, 8th K.O.S.B, March, 1915 ; Lieut, Nov. 1915 ; wounded on the Somme, Aug. 1916 ; attached Adjutant-General's Branch, War Office, from May, 1917, to Feb. 1919. Address : Carcraig, Davidson's Mains, Mid lothian. Clubs : Univ., Edinburgh ; Caledonian, London. (M5272) FRASER, Capt. George Gerald Rae, M.B.E, R.A.F. FRASER, Lieut.-Col. George WiUiam Frederiok, O.B.E, E.A.F. FRASER, Capt. Gordon Colquhoun, C.B.E, R.N. War Work : Rendered service as Capt. in charge of Defensive Mining. , (C1163) FRASER, Gordon Lushington, M.B.E. FRASER, Henry Paterson, M.B.E. FRASER, Hugh, O.B.E. FRASER, Hugh, M.B.E. FRASER, L-ene Gladys, Mrs., C.B.E. General Super intendent of the St. Dunstan's Establishments in London and Provinces. (C3141) FRASER, James, M.B.E. FRASER, Comm. James Gordon, O.B.E, R.N. FRASER, Major James Wilson, C.M.G, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 31 May, 1862 ; s. of the late Capt. John Fraser, of Balnain, Lavemess-shire ; m. Edith Knowles, d. of the late Andrew Knowles, of Swinton Old HaU, Lancashire. Educ. : The CoU, Inverness, and Royal MUitary CoU, Sandhurst. Major (ret.), 1st Batt. The Cheshire Regt. War Work : Served continuously in France from Nov 1914, tiU AprU, 1919, first with the 4th Batt. Seaforth Highlanders, and subsequently on the Staff (D.A.Q.M.G.) ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Leckmelm, by Garve, Ross-shire. (05275) FRASER, Jessie, Mrs., O.B.E. FRASER, John Hugh Ronald, O.B.E, B.A, I.C.S, fi. 15 March, 1878. Educ : HaUeybury, and Pembroke Coll, Cambridge. Serving under Political Department of Govern ment of India. Address : c/o India Office, Whitehall. (08254) FRASER, Lieut. John James, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. FRASER, Katherine Roy, M.BJB., 6. 1870 ; d. of GUbert Paterson ; m. James WiUiam Fraser. War Work : Nine months with Y.M.CA. Huts in Le Havre ; afterwards in charge of Y.M.C.A. Hut on Flotta, Scapa Flow. Address : Merton Cottage, Liberton, Midlothian. (M1740) FRASER, Laura Vivienne, Mrs.. M.B.E. ; d. of Herman Crichton Bell, of Queenstown ; m. John Blackburne Fraser, Civil Commissioner and Magistrate, Riversdale, Cape ; s. of the late Lieut.-Gen. G. H. J. A. Fraser. Educ. : Perth, Scotland. War Work : Soldiers' Hut, De Aar Station, South Africa ; Gifts and Comforts Organisation Committee. Address : Riversdale, c/o Magistrate, Cape Province, S. Africa. (M1216) FRASER, Malcolm, O.B.E, 6. 25 May, 1873 ; s. of John Fraser, of Drummond, Inverness, Scotland ; to. Caroline, d. of Capt. James Watson, of Napier, New Zealand. Educ. : Rainings' School, Inverness, Scotland. New Zealand Govern ment Statistician. War Work : Responsible for administration of N.Z. " Military Service Act, 1916," so far as it applied to civil registration ; originated and conducted system of baUoting for conscripts thereunder. Address : Rawhibi Terrace, Kelburn, WeUington, N.Z. (O8330) FRASER, Norman Graham, M.B.E, A.F.C, R.A.F. FRASER, Capt. Percy Louis Alexander, M.B.E, J.P, 4. 26 Oct. 1867 ; s. of Lionel Mordaunt Fraser, of Inverness- shire, Scotland ; to. Christina Isabel, d. of Valentine Plummer, of United States of America. Educ. : St. Mary's CoU, Trinidad. Superintendent of H.M. Prisons, Trinidad and Tobago. War Work: Trinidad Light Horse ; was Commandant of Prisoners of War Camp, Trinidad, Aug. 1914, to Feb. 1920. Commissioned officer in local forces mobilised for defence of Colony; supervised mounting of guns on two islands for defence of Trinidad ; received thanks of Governor for services rendered during war. Address : H.M. Prisons, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I. Club : St. Clair (Port of Spain). (M1266) FRASER, Lieut.-Col. Pierce Butler, O.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1881 ; s. of George John Fraser. Major R.A.S.C and an A.Q.M.G, with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served in the Great War, 1914-17 (despatches). (08584) FRASER, Robert, M.B.E. FRASER, Sarah Louise, M.B.E, M.D, B.S. (Lond.), fi. 28 Jan. 1874 ; d. of Hugh Innes Fraser, of Inverness, N.B. Educ : Bedford Coll, London ; Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine for Women, London. Hon. Consulting Physician, Maternity Hospital, York ; Hon. Medical Officer for Diseases of Women and ChUdren, York Dispensary. War Work : Hon. Medical Officer, Clifford Street V.A.D. Hospital, York, from May, 1915, to July, 1916 ; Hon. Medical Officer, Nun thorpe HaU V.A.D. Hospital, York, from July, 1916, to April, 1919. Address : 124, The Mount, York. (M8135) FRASER, Lieut.-Col. Thomas, C.B.E, D.S.O M.B, R.A.M.C, and Assist.-Director of Med. Ser. Served, in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (C1251) FRASER, Thomas Houston, M.B.E. FRASER, Capt. Thomas Lookhead, O.B.E, R.A.M.S. FRASER, William, C.B.E, 6. 1889 ; Managing Director, Phumperston Oil Co. (Limited), 135, Buchanan Street, Glasgow. (0500) FRASER, William Stuart. O.B.E. FRAZER, Major George Warren, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. FRAZER, Lieut. Thomas, O.B.E. FRAZER, Wilson Ray, O.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of Joseph Frazer, of London ; to. Grace Haldane, d. of Charles H. Robbs, M.D, of Grantham. Educ. : Dulwich Coll. ; Oxford. Principal in Ministry of Health. War Work : Sec of the MUitary Service (CivU Liabilities) Department during the demobUisation ; aud inaugurated the scheme for giving financial assistance to ex-service men to restart them in civil lUe. Address : 6, College Gardens, Dulwich, S.E. (010434) FREDERICK, Sir Charles Edward St. John, Bart, O.B.E, 5. 11 Sept, 1876; s. of Sir Charles Edward Frederick, 7th Bt. ; m. 1911, Ada Louisa, d. ot Cesar Czarnikow, of Effingham Hill, Surrey, and widow of Lieut.-Col. George Seymour Charles Jackenson, D.S.O. (see Burke's Peerage). (05277) FREDERICK, Capt. George Charles, C.B.E, R.N, (re tired), 6. 1855 ; s. of George Septemus Frederick ; m. NeUie, d. of George Peter Martin, C.B, R.N, of Highlands, Emsworth, Hants. Educ: Eastman's and H.M.S. "Britannia." Entered Royal Navy, 1869 ; promoted Commander R.N. December 1893 and Captain (retired) 1908 ; Employed at Admiralty as Assistant Hydrographer 1892-1900 ; and as Naval Adviser Harbour Department, Board of Trade 1900-10. War Work : On War Staff of the Admiralty, serving under the Trade Division, first as Admiralty representative on the Liverpool and London War Risks Association Committee and subsequently in addition as Shipping Intelligence Officer until May, 1919. Address : Lou Souliou, Boulouris-sur-Mer, St. Raphael, Var, France. Club : United Service. (C167) FREEBORN, 2nd Lieut. Leonard, M.B.E, R.A.F. FREEGARD, Capt. Charles Gordon, M.B.E. FREEL, Lieut.-Col. and Qr.-Mr. Joseph, O.B.E, D.L.I. FREEMAN, Alice, Mrs., O.B.E, MedaiUe de la Reine Elizabeth, 6. 26 Jan. 1860 ; d. of Marcus Goodbody, of Inch- more, Clara^King's Co, Ireland ; to. Richard Birt, s. of John Freeman. War Work : Organiser and Manager of Free Buffet, Kingsbridge Station, DubUn. Address : 13, Ailesbury Road, Dublin. (010435) FREEMAN, Arthur David, O.B.E. FREEMAN, Eng.-Comm. Benson Fletcher, O.B.E, R.N. FREEMAN, Capt. George Herbert, M.B.E, R.G.A. (S.R.), b. 3 Oct. 1880 ; s. of George Deane Freeman, of Woodlane, Falmouth ; to. Patricia Tegfryn, d. of WiUiam Tegfryn Pryce, of Cardiff. Educ. : St. Paul's. Solicitor. War Work : Joined Artists Rifles, Nov. 1915 ; gazetted 2nd Lieut, R.G.A. (S.R.), Aug. 1916 ; Lieut, Feb. 1917 ; A. Capt. and Adjutant 75th Brigade R.G.A, March, 1918 ; proceeded to Salonica, Jan. 1917, and returned to England, Jan. 1919 ; demobilised, March, 1919 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Addresses : Cavendish House, London Road, St. Albans ; 23, Bedford Row, W.C. Club : Camera ; Law Society. (M4785) FREEMAN, John Joseph, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 8 AprU, 1851. War Work : Red Cross and other work. Address : Shepperton- on-Thames. (C2617) FREEMAN, Major Max, O.B.E, R.A.F. FREEMAN, Lieut. Percy Tom, M.B.E, R.E. (T.F.). FREEMAN, PhiUp Anthony MaUows, M.B.E. FREEMAN, Sir PhiUp Horace, K.B.E, M.A, 6. 27 May, 1878 ; e. s. of late George Broke Freeman, Barrister-at-law ; m. PhyUis Mary, d. of late Edward Scott. Educ. : Marlborough and Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Admitted Solicitor, 1904 ; Member of the Arm of Peacock and Goddard of Gray's Inn. War Work : Honorary Sec. of the Business Committee of the Officers' Families Fund 1914-19. Address : 5 Cadogan Court, S.W.3. (K373) FREEMAN, Robert, O.B.E. FREEMAN, Lieut. Sidney Charles, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. FREEMAN, Sidney Thomas, M.B.E. (M15971) FREEMAN, Sterry Baines, C.B.E, M.I.C.E, M.I.N.A, 6. 1875 ; s. of Captain T. W. Freeman, of Great Crosby ; to. Edith Gertrude, d. of Peter Ashcroft, of Great Crosby. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School, Great Grosby, and Gymnasie, Luns- burg, Hanover. Superintendent Engineer, Alfred Holt and Co. ; Member of British Marine Engineering, Design and Construction Committee and of British Engineering Standards Committee. War Work : Supervising the engineering staff and material of the fleets of the Ocean S.S. Co. and China Mutual S.S. Co, carrying troops and munitions throughout the War ; Chairman Liverpool Superintendent Engineers' Committee 1916-17 ; Representative of the Director of Experiments and Research upon Engineer-in-Chief 's Committee at the Admiralty. Addresses : India Buildings, Liverpool ; Palm Grove, Oxton Cheshire. (C2618) FREEMAN, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Peere WILLIAMS-, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1877 ; s. of the Rev. Henry Peere WiUiams- Frecman, Rector of Turner's Puddle, Dorset ; m. 1908, Hilda Gwladys, d. of Lieut.-Col. Robert Erasmus Saunders, of Alton Pancras, Dorset. Major and Acting Lieut.-Col. Duke of ComwaU's L.I. ; served with the Tirah Expedition, 1897-98 (two clasps); Great War, 1914-19 (despatches thrice). (05936) 199 Freemantle THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. FREEMANTLE, 2nd Lieut. Robert McGorman, M.B.E, R.A.F. FREER, Capt. Harry Branston, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. FREER, Maude Alice, M.B.E. FREESTONE, Capt. Sidney, M.B.E, M.C, Essex Regt, 6. 16 Oct. 1870. Educ. : Board School, Sawston, Cambridge shire. War Work : Served in the South African Campaign, 1901 and 1902, and the Great War, Aug. 1914, to Nov. 1918, France and Belgium ; thrice mentioned in despatches. (M6526) u FREETH, Dorothy Irene, O.B.E. FREETH, Capt. Francis Arthur, O.B.E, M.Sc, Cheshire Regiment (T.F.), fi. 2 Jan. 1884 ; s. of Edward Henry Freeth, of Liverpool ; m. Ethel Elizabeth, d. of G. N. Warbrick, of SUecroft. Educ. : University of Liverpool. Chief Chemist, Messrs. Brunner, Mond and Co. Ltd. ; Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry ; Fellow of the Institute of Physics ; Fellow of the Physical Society of London ; Member of the Institute of Metals, the Faraday Society aud the Dutch and American Chemicai Societies. War Work : MobUised August, 1914, served in France, Feb.-March, 1915 ; assisted in the manufacture of explosives at Messrs. Brunner, Mond and Co. Ltd. from April, 1915 tUl the Armistice. Address : Heysmere, Sandiway, Cheshire. Club : Chemical Industry. (01355) FREITAS, Hubert St. Clair, M.B.E. FREITIGRATH, Capt. Otto Tennent Eastman, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. FREIR, Walter Leo, C.B.E. FREKE, Ambrose Eyre HUSSEY-, M.B.E. FREMANTLE, Barberina Rogers, Hon. Lady, C.B.E, 6. 5 Feb. 1843 ; d. of Robert Mcintosh Isaacs, of Sydney, New South Wales ; to. Hon. Sir Edmund Robert Fremantle, Adm, G.C.B, C.M.G, s. of Thomas Francis, 1st Lord Cottesloe. War Work : Emergency Committee of Navy League ; Hospital Work ; Several War Committees. Address : 44, Lower Sloane Street, London, S.W.1. (C2620) FREMANTLE, Lieut.-Col. Francis Edward, O.B.E. FREMANTLE, Major John Morton, M.B.E. FREMANTLE, Vera Evelyn Selina, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Henry Marsh, CLE, of Springmount, Queen's Co, Ireland ; m. Selwyn Howe Fremantle, C.S.I, CLE, I.C.S, s. of Admiral the Hon. Sir E. R. Fremantle, of 44, Lower Sloane Street, London (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Hon. Sec. Red Cross, Allahabad. Address : Commissioner's House, Meerut, U.P, India. (M2698) FRENCH, Hon. Essex Eleonora, O.B.E, d. of Viscount French (see Burke's Peerage). (0347) FRENCH, Henry Leon, C.B, O.B.E, 6. 30 Dec. 1883 ; s. of Frederick E. French, J.P, of Southsea, Portsmouth ; m. Clare, d. of the Iste Charles Grimes, F.R.G.S, of Southsea. Educ. : Privately. Entered Civil Service by open competition and appointed to Board of Agriculture, 1901 ; promoted to First Division, 1909 ; Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1920. War Work : Secretary of Lord Milner's Committee on Home Production of Food, 1915 ; Joint Secretary of Lord Selborne's Committee on Agri cultural Policy, 1916-17 ; Private Sec. to Sir Arthur (now Lord) Lee, Director General of Food Production, 1917 ; General Sec. of the Food Production Department, 1917-19. Address : 91, Upper Tulse HiU, S.W.2. (0348) FRENCH, Lieut.-Col. Herbert, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P, R.A.M.C Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1573) FRENCH, Herbert Edward, M.B.E, 6. 27 April, 1867 ; s. of Thomas John Blencoe French, of Maldon, Essex ; to. Lily, d. of Capt. George Beckett, of Thome, near Doncaster. Educ. : Hull Adelaide Wesleyan, and Trinity House Navigation Schools. Master Mariner ; Younger Brother, Hull Trinity House. War Work : Master of the S.S.'s "Zero" and " Kovno," of the Ellerman's WUson Line of HuU, during the whole period of the war, trading between different ports in the United Kingdon and France, to Archangel and Norway. Address : Maribo, 193, North Boulevard, Hull, E. Yorks. (M8139) FRENCH, Hilda Dillwyn, M.B.E. FRENCH, James Frederick, M.B.E, 6. 21 Nov. 1884 ; s. of Frederick French, of Newcastle, Staffordshire ; to. Gertrude, d. of Alfred Barber, of Brondesbury. Educ. : Haberdashers' Company School (Aske's, Hatcham, London, S.E.). Staff Officer, H.M. Foreign Office. War Work : Acting Staff Officer, Ministry of Blockade, and Foreign Office. Address : 25, Torbay Road, Brondesbury , N.W. 6. (M8140) FRENCH, Sir John Russell, K.B.E, 6. 5 March, 1847; s. of Major John French, of Bengal Light Infantry : in. Margaret Anne, d. of WilUam Lilly Hawkins, of Christehurch, New Zealand. Educ. : The King's School, Parramatta, Sydney. General Manager of Bank of New South Wales, Sydney. War Work : Hon. Treas. and Financial Adviser to various large Patriotic Funds. Address : Vange, Fairfan Road, BeUe Vue Hill, Sydney, N.S.W. Clubs : Union (Sydney) ; Christehurch (New Zealand). (K186) FRENCH, Capt. John William, M.B.E, 6. 8 Feb. 1873 ; s. of John French, of London ; to. Evangeline Mary, d. of Percy Gower, of Cape Town and Rhodesia. CivU Service, Imperial and South African. War Work : German South- West African Campaign. Address: Sunnyside, Pretoria. (M2880) FRENCH, Lewis, CLE, C.B.E, J.P, fi. October, 1873 ; s. of David French, of Eltham, Kent; to. Margaret Ruth Gilliam, d. of Sir Charles Lewis Tupper, K.C.I.E, C.S.I, of East Molesey, Surrey. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School and St. John's CoU, Oxford. Indian CivU Service; Secre tary to Government of the Punjab. War Work: Sec, for Military affairs to the Punjab Goverment ; Sec to the Provin cial Recruiting Board. Address : U.S. Club, Simla. Club : East India United Services. (C1966) FRENCH, Lieut. Louis Emanuel, M.B.E. FRENCH, Reginald Thomas George, O.B.E. FRENCH, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E, 6. 31 July, 1874; 8. of WiUiam Duncan French, of Kendal. Educ. : Kendal Green School. Engineer ; partner, Burkitt and French, 76, Victoria Street, Manchester, Engineers ; partner, Collins and Company, Cheetham HiU, Manchester, Engineers. War Work : Munitions Area Dilution Officer, in charge of Manchester, Bolton, Bury, and Ashton Districts, acting for the Badges and Protected Occupation Section of the Ministry of Munitions. Address : 39, CampbeU Road, Longsight, Manchester. Club : Engineers', Manchester. (M8142) FRERE, Frank Horace, O.B.E, A.K.C, M.Inst.CE, 6. 12 July, 1869 ; s. of Horace Frere, of Lauriston Road, Wimbledon Common, S.W. (see Burke's Landed Gentry, under John Frere, of Roydon Hall) ; to. Alice Mary, d. of James Mclnnes, Kincaid, Milton of Campsie, and widow of Patrick Graham, of Skelmorlie. Educ. : Haileybury CoU. ; Engi neering Department, King's CoU, London. Associate of King's CoU, 1888 ; Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1905 ; now Western Divisional Engineer, Midland Railway, Derby. War Work: Responsible for the layout and construction of siding accommodation, workmen's platforms, etc, provided for the Government on the Western Division (Derby to Bristol, Avonmouth, and Bath) of the Midland Railway, comprising some 30 different works in all. Address : Coombe Crest, Belper Road, Derby. (010437) FRERE, Letitia Helen, M.B.E. FREW, Capt. Harry, M.B.E. FREWEN, Edward James, M.B.E. FREWEN, Violet Helen, M.B.E. ; d of the late Col. Edward Frewen, C.B, of Brickwall, Northiam, Sussex. War Work : Commandant, Red Cross AuxiUary Hospital, Northiam, Sussex, for 3i years ; registrar for Northiam for Women's Land Army. Address : BrickwaU, Northiam, Sussex. Club : Forum. (M8144) FREYBERG, Comm. Geoffrey Herbert, O.B.E, R.N. FRICKER, Guy Carey, O.B.E, 6. 1860 ; s. of Henry Robinson Tricker ; m. Lena, Maud Marian, d. of John Symonds Bockett. Educ. : Privately. Founder and Managing Director of Fricker's Metal Co, Ltd, Luton, Beds. War Work: Inventing, for disposal of Government during war, a successful process for highly refining metahic zinc as required for making cartridge brass, etc. Address .' The Limes, Milton Road, Harpenden, Herts. (01356) FRIEDLANDER, Grace Christian, Mrs., M.B.E. FRIEND, Dorothy, M.B.E. FRIEND, Maj.-Gen. the Right Hon. Sir Lovick Bransby, P.C, C.B, K.B.E, R.E, 6. 25 AprU, 1856; s. of the late Frederick Friend. Appointed Lieut. 1873 ; Capt. 1885 ; Major. 1893; Lieut.-Col. 1900 ; Brevet Col. 1904; Col. 1906; Maj.-Gen 1916 ; was Instructor in Fortification, R.M.C, 1883-4 ; Sec R.E. Committee, 1884-9 ; Director of Works, Egypt, 1900-4 Assist. Director of Fortifications, Headquarters, 1906-8 ; Brig. Gen. comdg. Coast Defences, Scottish Command, 1908-12: Maj.-Gen. in charge of Administration, Deland; G.O.C. Ireland, 1913-16 ; served with the Nile Expedition, 1898 : has 3rd Class Osmanieh and 3rd Class Medjidieh, Commander, Order of Leopold, Belgium Legion of Honour, and has Croix de Guerre. Clubs : Naval and Military ; United Service. (K193) FRISBY, EUzabeth Rowley, M.B.E. ; d. of late Joseph Frisby, of Leicester. Educ : Girls' Wyggestone School, Leicester. War Work : In Aug. 1914, organised the Leicester members of the Women's Social aud PoUtical Union and started a clothing depGt for distribution of garments among the needy f amUies of soldiers ; in Nov. 1914, joined the Women Patrols, London, and performed duty at Waterloo, Euston and Liverpool Street Stations ; in 1915 was actively engaged on work for the W.S.P.U. to gain Government recognition for Women Munition Workers ; in Jan. 1916, in conjunction with her mother and two sisters, gave and equipped a Y.M.C.A. hut which was erected in the camp of the 11th Loyal North Lancs. Batt. at Seaford, Sussex ; with her youngest sister took entire charge and management of hut, and accompanied the Batt. upon its removal to Luton, and afterwards to Parkeston, Harwich, and to Margate ; in AprU, 1918, organised and ran, on behalf of the Y.M.C.A, the smaU canteens attached to recruiting offices in various parts of London under the National Service Ministry ; on completion of the above work, ran two Y.M.C.A. huts in the Shepherd's Bush District, until April, 1919. Addresses: The Cedars, Stoneygate, Leicester ; Queen s Club Gardens, London, W. Clubs : International Women s Franchise ; Leicestershire Golf ; Seacroft Golf. (M414) FRITH, Lieut.-Col. Cyril Halsted, C.B.E. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Oxfordshire and Bucks. L.I. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1574) FRITH, Comm. WUUam Willoughby Cole, O.B.E. FRIZELLE, Frances Emily, Mrs, M.B.E. FROGGATT, Capt. Charles Edward, O.B.E, R.N.E, R.D. FROGLEY, Major Walter James, O.B.E, 6. May, 1874; s. of WiUiam Frogley, of ChaUow, Faringdon ; m. Kathleen Georgina, d. of the late Rev. D. A. Doudney. Educ : King 200 BIOGRAPHIES. Fullerton Alfred's School, Wantage. War Work : Served in Horse Transport in Alexandria, Serbia, Salonica, and Constantinople ; commanded 29th Reserve Park from June, 1915, to March, 1919. Address : Seend, Melskham, WUtshire. Club : Services. (08689) FROOD, Bertha Helen, Mrs., O.B.E. FROOD, Mary Sophia, M.B.E. FROOD, Major Thomas Martin. O.B.E, R.A.M.C. FROST, Ann Lucy, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of the late Sir Thomas Gibbons Frort, of Chester ; to. Francis Aylmer^ s. of Francis Aylmer Frost, of Reddish, Stockport. Educ : Belstead School, Ipswich. War Work: Quartermaster, Raddon Court (B.R.C.S.) Hospital, Warrington, Aug. 1914, to March, 1915 ; Commandant, Thelwall Heys (B.R.C.S.) Hospital, Cheshire, March 1915 to Feb. 1919. Address: Grappenhall Hall, near Warrington. (M8145) FROST, Major Augustine Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, M.B. FROST, E. J. Allan, O.B.E. FROST, Brig.-Gen. Frank Dutton, C.B.E. Capt. and Brevet Major, Indian Army; T. Brig.-Gen. Supply and Transport Corps. War Work: Mesopotamia, 1914-19 (de spatches). (C1424) FROST, Lieut.-Col. Geoffrey Meadows, O.B.E. FROST, Capt. George Hewitt, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. FROST, Mark Edwin Pescott, O.B.E, I.S.O. FROST, Capt. OUver Harry, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. FROST, Percy, M.B.E, fi. 20 Dec. 1858; s. of John Dixon Frost, of Hull ; to. Violet Lyle, d. of John Richard son, of Adelaide, South Australia. Educ. : Marlborough. H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul, Perugia, Italy. War Work : Head of EngUsh Propaganda in the Province of Umbria, Italy. Address : British Vice-Consulate, Perugia, Italy. (M8146) FROST, Major Robert Henry, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. FROST, Capt. Sydney George, M.B.E. FROST, Lieut. WUfred John Thomas, M.B.E. FROST, Capt. WilUam Arthur, O.B.E, M.B, B.Ch. R.U.I, R.A.M.C, fi. 30 March, 1886 ; s. of Edmond Frost, M.D, J.P, of Newmarket-on-Fergus, Co. Clare, Ireland ; m. Josephine Marion, d. of Col. John Stirling StirUng, R.A, of Gargunnock, StirUngshire, Scotland. Educ. : CathoUc Univ., Dublin. War Work : Served in India during entire period of the war ; was Senior Medical Officer, Hyderabad, Sind, Tom Feb. 1915, to June, 1919. Address : Beech Lawn, Newmarket- on-Fergus, Co. Clare, Deland. (08471) FROSTICK, James Arthur, C.B.E. FROUD, William Percy, M.B.E, 6. 13 AprU, 1859 ; s. of late WiUiam Froud, of Brighton; to. Mary Ann d. of late Joseph Fenner, of Brighton. Educ: Clarendon House School, Brighton. Joint Superintendent, Joint South-Westem and Brighton Committee, Portsmouth. War Work : Railway Transport. Address : Terminus House, Town Station, Portsmouth, Hants. (M415) FROUDE, Comm. Ashley Anthony, C.M.G, O.B.E, J.P., R.N.V.R, 6. 28 June, 1863 ; s. of James Anthony Froude, of Salcombe, Devon ; m. Ethel Aubrey, d. of Capt. A. P. HaUifax, of HalweU House, Kingsbridge. Educ : Westminster ; Oriel CoU, Oxford. War Work: Hydrophone Service, in Anti-Submarine Division. Address : CoUapit Creek, Kings- bridge, S. Devon. Clubs : New Univ. : Royal Western Yacht. (09276) FROUDE, Major Charles WiUiam, M.B.E, R.G.A, 6. 9 Feb. 1881 ; s. of Charles Froude, late R.H.A. ; to. Mary, d. of Samuel Howard. Educ : Elementary Schools. Ad dress : 39, Wrottesley Road, London, S.E. 18. (M5274) FROWD, Eng.-Capt. Wm. Smeeton, C.B.E. FRY, Capt. Alfred Andrew, M.B.E, R.A.F. FRY, Alfred Joseph, M.B.E, 6. 1 Nov. 1876 ; s. of George Fry, of London ; to. Florence Annie, d. of WUliam Francis Wright, of London. Educ. : St. Thomas' Charterhouse, London. War Work : Deputation to Mesopotamia in erecting X-Ray apparatus, 1915 ; Electrician to the X-Ray Institute and Orthopaedic Hospital, Lady Chelmsford War Hospitals at Mussoorie and Dehra Dun. Address: X-Ray Institute, Dehra Dun, U.P, India. (M6146) FRY, Beatrice, Mrs., O.B.E. FRY, Dorothy Margaret, M.B.E. FRY, Capt. Douglas Gaskoin, M.B.E. FRY, EUen Margaret, Lady, O.B.E, d. of the late Sir John Goldie Taubman, of The Nunnery, Isle of Man ; m. Major-Gen. Sir William Fry, K.C.V.O, C.B, Lieut.-Govr, Isle of Man (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Training of wounded soldiers, in hospitals, in handicraft. Address : Government House, Isle of Man. (010438) FRY, Frederick William, M.B.E. FRY, George Samuel, C.B.E, 6. 18 Aug. 1853; s. of Robert WUUam Fry, of Stamford HU1, Middlesex ; to. Artemisia Julia, d. of William Cleversley, of Camberwell. Educ. : St. Ann's School, Tottenham ; Commercial College, Stoke Newington. Formerly Accountant-General to the Board of Irade. War Work : Member of Committee for Licensing Export of Coal, 1916-19. Address : 15, Walsingham Road, Hove, Sussex. Club : Royal Colonial Institute. (C168) FRY, Lieut.-Col. John James, M.B.E. FRY, Theodore WiUrid, O.B.E. PRY, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Walter, M.B.E. FRY, Major Walter, Arnold Le Roy, O.B.E. FRYE, Major CoUn Charlwood, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.F.) FRYER, Lieut.-Col. CecU Robert, O.B.E., fi. 11 Jan. 201 1864; s. of the late Col. F. D. Fryer, J.P, D.L, of Moulton Paddocks, Newmarket; m. Margaret Fanny, d. of the late Very Rev. P. F. Ekot, D.D, K.C.V.O, Dean of Windsor. Educ. : Cheltenham. Served in the Suffolk Regt. from Nov. 1885, to Jan. 1914 ; Hazara Expedition, 1888 (medal with clasp) ; South Africa, 1902 (Queen's Medal with 2 clasps) ; served in the Humber Garrison, Northern Command, in the rank of Major, D.A.A. and Q.M.G, from Aug. 1914, to July, 1917, and in rank of Lieut.-Col, A.A. and Q.M.G, from July, 1917, to April, 1918 ; attached to the Staff, Northern Com mand, from April, 1918, to Dec. 1918 ; commanded Dispersal Unit at Ripon from Dec. 1918, to April, 1919 ; twice mentioned in the "London Gazette" for "valuable services rendered during the war." Club : Army and Navy. (07171) FRYER, Frances Mary, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 2 March, 1874 ; d. of Alfred Cooke, of Derby ; to. Arthur TomUnson, s. of Joseph Fryer, of Derby. Member of Derby Borough War Pensions Committee, and ChUdren's Welfare Sub-Committee ; Hon. Sec. Disabled Soldiers' Land Settlement Committee ; Hon. Sec. Derbyshire Golf Club, House Committee ; Joint Hon. Sec. Sherwood Foresters Prisoners of War Regimental Care Committee, Oct. 1915, to April, 1920 ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. Soldiers' and Sailors' Famines Association, Derby Borough Division. Address : 34, Renals Street, Derby. (M8148) FRYER, George Ernest, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. FRYER, Lieut. Sydney Ernest, M.B.E. FRYER, Walter John, C.B.E, 6. 28 March, 1871 ; s. of Frederick George Henry Fryer, of Norfolk ; to. Margaret, d. of George Nyren, of Brighton. Educ. : Brixton Grammar School. Consulting Engineer. War Work : Member of Board of Control with Lord Rothermere and Manager (without pay) of the Royal Army Factories at Pimlico, etc. ; was Controller of the Section responsible for the reclothing of the DemobUised Armies. Address : Kalyis House, Maidenhead, Berks. Club : Constitutional. (C965) FRYER, Walter John, C.B.E. Hon. Manager, Royal Armv Clothing Department Factories. (C965) FUGE, Capt. WiUiam Valentine Greatraks, M.B.E, R.G.A. FUHRMAN, Major Osmond Charles WiUiam, O.B.E, A.I.F. FULCHER, Lieut. Ernest WilUam PoppleweU, M.B.E. FULCHER, Lieut.-Col. George Arthur, O.B.E, R.A, 6. 25 Nov. 1869 ; s. of James Fulcher, of Litcham, Norfolk, Educ. : MUitary School, Woolwich. Deputy Assistant- Director of ArtUlery. War Work : ArtiUery Department, War Office. Address: 66, Hayes Road, Bromley, Kent. (0352) FULFORD, Catherine, M.B.E. FULFORD, Edward OUver Heywood, M.B.E. FULFORD, Major Henry Edward, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. FULLAGAR, Leo AUred, M.B.E, 6. 3 April, 1883 ; s. of the Rev. H. S. FuUagar, of Hunworth Rectory, Norfolk. Educ : FramUngham Coll. ; Caius Coll, Cambridge. Chief Engineer to the British Cyanides Co, Ltd, Oldbury, Worcs, and AUied Companies ; constructed H.M. Potash Factory, Oldbury. Address : Parkhurst, Harbome, Birmingham. (M1746) FULLER, Capt. Charles, M.B.E, R.E. FULLER, Efrida Mary, Lady, M.B.E. ; e. d. of WilUam Henry Demonger, D.L, of WherweU Priory, Hants. ; to. 17 Jan. 1911, Sir Francis Charles Bernard Dudley, K.B.E, C.M.G. (see Btt&ke's Peerage), s. of the late Capt. Charles F. Fuller, 15th Royal Lancers. (M6442) FULLER, Sir Francis Charles, K.B.E, C.M.G, fi. 22 Nov. 1866 ; s. of Capt. Charles Fuller, of Florence ; m. Elfrida Mary, d. of WilUam Iremonger, of WherweU Priory, Hants. Educ : Saint Charles' CoU, Cardinal Manning's School. Colonial Civil Service. Fiji, 1884 ; Resident Commr. Roturah, 1889 ; District Commr. Lagos, 1892 ; Resident of Ibadan, 1897 ; Col. Treas. Lagos, 1901 ; Asst. Sec. to Govt. Malta, 1902 ; Chief Commr. Ashanti, 1905. Clubs : Travellers' ; Garrick ; Royal Automobile. (K318) FULLER, Shipwright Lieut. James, M.B.E, R.N. FULLER, Mabel Frances, M.B.E, 6. 18 Oct. 1888. War Work : Sec. to Director of Stores and Transports, British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John. (M8150) FULLER, Mabel, Mrs. Robert Fleetwood, O.B.E. FULLER, Mary Francis, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of James Samuel Drury, M.D, F.R.CS, of 13, Radnor Place ; widow of the late Herbert Henry Fuller, Mayor of Paddington. War Work : Worked during whole period of war for the Ladies' Emergency Committee, Navy League, as Hon. Sec. Address : 31, Palace Court, W. 2. Club : Albemarle. (M8151) FULLER, Flight-Lieut. Norman Berwick, M.B.E, R.A.F, 6. 5 Nov. 1893 ; s. of the late Herbert H.FuUer, of 31, Palace Court, Bayswater, W. Educ. : Harrow ; Christ Church, Oxford. Seconded from the R.A.F. to the Civil Administration in Mesopotamia ; Assist, to Civil Commissioner, Bagdad. War Work : 2nd Lieut, K.R.R.C, Aug. 1914, to Dec. 1915 (France 1915) ; transferred to R.F.C, Dec. 1915 (France, 1916-17) ; Capt, 1917 ; to Mesopotamia, 1918 ; Commanding R.A.F. Detachment in N. Persia with Gen. DunsterviUe's Expedition to Baku, 1918 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 31, Palace Court, W. 2. Clubs : Cavendish ; R.A.F. (M5973) FULLER, Walter Everard, M.B.E. FULLERTON, Alexander Moffitt, O.B.E, 6. 14 Oct. 1865 ; s. of the Rev. Alexander Fullerton, of Dalkey, Co. Dublin ; to. May, d. of Samuel McComas, J.P, of Dalkey, Co. Dublin. Educ : The CoU, Lurgan, and Wesley Coll. Fullerton THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Dublin. Deputy Chief Clerk, General Valuation and Boundary Survey of Ireland. War Work : Vice-Chairman, Soldiers' Central Club, Dublin ; Hon. Treas. Army Women's Hostel, DubUn ; Corps Officer, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Ad dresses : l, Alexandra Terrace, Dalkey, Co. DubUn ; 6, Ely Place, Dublin. (010440) FULLERTON, Capt. James Glen Anderson, M.B.E, 6. 20 July, 1873 ; s. of James FuUerton, of Johnshaven ; to. Amelia Cowper, d. of David A'alentine, of Montrose. Educ. : Johnshaven PubUc Schools, and Montrose Academy. Ship master. War Work : Transport. Address : 25, Bents Road, Montrose. Clubs : Overseas ; Burns, Montrose. (M1747) FULLERTON, James, C.B.E. FULLJAMES, Edith Marianne, M.B.E, 5. 1 Nov. 1867 ; d. of M. G. TotterdeU, of Portsmouth ; to. GUbert, s. of John FuUjames, of Portsmouth. Educ. : Southsea. War Work : Commandant of Oatlands, Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth, V.A.D. AuxUiary Hospital, equipped and staffed by members of Detachment, Hants 66 : acted as Officer in Charge of this Hospital torn 1914-19. Address : St. Briavel, Queen's Grove, Southsea. (M8152) FULTON, 2nd Lieut. Angus Robertson, M.B.E, R.A.F. FULTON, Lieut.-Col. David, C.M.G, C.B.E. AustraUan Light Horse Regt ; served in the Great War, 1915-19 (des patches). (C792) FULTON, David Bowie, O.B.E. FULTON, Hamilton, O.B.E, 28 July, 1880 ; s. of Hamilton Fulton, of Milford, SaUsbury ; to. GwendoUne Tremaine, d. of Ernest Godfree, late of Wykeham Lodge, Hersham, and 39, Porchester Terrace, W. Educ. : Marl borough and in France. Director and General Manager of Martinsyde, Ltd. , Woking, Aeroplane Designers and Aeronautical and General Engineers ; Director and General Manager, Accumulators of Woking, Lta. ; Management Committee of Society of British Aircraft Constructors (S.B.A.C) ; Executive Committee of London and District Association of the Engi neering and National Employers' Federation, etc. War Work : Ministry of Munitions Committee on Aircraft Production ; Director and General Manager of Martinsyde, Ltd. Addresses : Carlton House, Regent Street, S.W. ; Byways, Berkhamstead . Clubs : Junior Carlton ; City of London. (03221) FULTON, Capt. John Sidney, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 11 June, 1890 ; s. of the late James Fulton, of 11, Mayfield Terrace, Edinburgh ; m. Edith Jeannette, d. of Capt. H. M. J. McCance, late of the Royal Scots. Educ. : Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh ; R.M.C, Sandhurst. Address : 13, Craven Terrace, Lancaster Gate, W. 2. (05278) FULTON, Paymaster Sub.-Lieut. Robert Arthur, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. FURBER, Edward Price, C.B.E, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 1864 ; s. of Charles Furber ; m. OUve, d. of George Mann, of Hamilton Terrace. Educ. : Charterhouse ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. War Work : Medical Officer to the McCaul Naval and MUitary and MackinnonHospitals ; Obstetric Physician to Lady Howard de Walden's Maternity Hospital for Officers' wives. Address : 25, Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square. (C3079) FURBER, Major Montague, O.B.E. PURLER, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Herbert John, M.B.E., R.A.M.C. (T.F.). FURLEY, John TaUourd, O.B.E, 6. 31 March, 1878 ; s. of the late Henry Furley, Rector of Kingsnorth, Kent. Educ. : Tonbridge School. Secretary for Native Affairs, Gold Coast Colony ; Member of Executive and Legislative CouncUs, Gold Coast Colony. War Work : Political Services in Togoland, W. Africa. Club : Junior Constitutional. (0993) FURLONG, Lieut. Dennis Walter, O.B.E, M.C, R. Berks Regt, 6. July, 1897 ; s. of Walter Furlong, of the War Office. Educ. : Emmanuel School, Wandsworth Common. War Work : France, 1916-19 ; Germany and Russia on General Lord Rawlinson's Staff, 1919. Club : Junior Naval and Military. (O5280) FURLONG, Rev. Hubert, O.B.E. FURLONG, Margaret Helen, M.B.E. FURLONG, Capt. (A. Major) Sydney Verner, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C, 6. 1891 ; s, of Wm. V. Furlong, M.D, of 16, Pem broke Road, Dublin. Educ. : St. Columba's CoU, and Trinity Coll, DubUn. War Office : Officer Commanding 300th Nigerian Field Ambulance, East African E.F, and Administrative Medical Officer, Dodoma Area, Jan. 1919. Address: 16, Pembroke Road, DubUn. (0674) FURNER, Duncan CampbeU, M.B.E, 6. 4 July, 1861 ; s. of WUUam CampbeU Firmer, of Brighton, g.s. of Judge WUUam Firmer, D.S.O. J.P. for Sussex, great-grand-nephew of Sir Thomas FTancis Freemantle, G.C.B. (Vice-Admiral of the Blue), a participator in the glories of Copenhagen and Trafalgar, andihrough him a cousin of Lord Cottesloe and Earl Middleton (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Mary Elizabeth Eleanor, a. of Michael O'ReiUy, M.D, of WindmiU Place, Bishop's Stortford, Herts. Educ. : Cranleigh. War Work : Joined Hove Special Constabulary, Aug. 1914 ; appointed Super intendent in 1916 ; Member of the Special Committee, Prince of Wales' Fund, and Hove War Memorial Committee. Address : 11, Palmeira Avenue, Hove, Sussex. Clubs : Hove ; Brighton and Hove Golf. (M8153) FURNISS, 2nd Lieut. John Hunt, M.B.E, R.A.F. FURNIVAL, Capt. John Megarry, M.B.E, R.A.F. FURSE, Jean Adelaide, Lady, O.B.E.; d. of Henry Evans- Gordon, of Prestons, Ightham, Kent ; m. 1899 Lieut.-Gen. Sir WiUiam Thomas Furse, K.C.B. (see BURKE'S Peerage). (010,442) FURSE, Dame Katharine, D.B.E, 6. 1875 ; d. of John Addington Symonds, of Bristol, m. Charles WeUington Furse. Educ. : At home. Director of Companies. War Work : 1914-17 as a V.A.D. (Commandant-in-Chief of V.A.D.s, 1915-17) ; 1917- 19, Director Women's Royal Naval Service. Address : 112, Beaufort Street, Chelsea. (DG4) FYFE, Lieut. Robert George, M.B.E, R.A.E. FYFE, Thomas Alexander, C.B.E, 6. 5 June, 1852; Educ. : Perth ; Edinburgh University. Sheriff Substitute of Lanarkshire (appointed in 1895, and stUl in office). War Work : Chairman of Munitions Tribunals in Scotland, 1915-20 ; Chairman of Labour Unrest Commission — Scotland Division— 1917 ; on the Board of Trade and Labour Ministry Panel of Arbiters under Munitions of War Acts, and ConciUation Act, 1896. Addresses : County BuUdings, Glasgow ; 1, Kings- borough Gardens, Glasgow, W. (C169) FYNN, Ethel May, Mrs., M.B.E. FYSON, Alfred, M.B.E. GABAIN, Adele Mary, M.B.E, 6. 20 Nov. 1886 ;" d. of Victor Henrotin, of Chicago, U.S.A. ; m. George Gabain, 8. of Henry Gabain, of Caterham VaUey, Surrey. Educ. : France and Switzerland. War Work : First lady worker in Y.M.CA, France, Nov. 1914 ; Lady Superintendent, Havre, untU May, 1919. Address : 3, Boulevard de Strasbourg, Le Havre, France. (M3092) GABB, Capt. Samuel Alwyne, O.B.E, M.C, Worcestershire Regiment, fi. 28 May, 1886 ; s. of James Percy Alwyne Gabb, M.D, of GuUdford, Surrey; to. 11 Nov. 1920, Edith Nora Florence, o.d. oi A. Seymour, of Guildford. Educ: Epsom College. War Work : Served in France and Belgium from 14 Aug. 1914, to 10 March, 1919 ; Adj. Wore. Regt, Aug. 1914 to June, 1915; Staff Service, July, 1915, to March, 1919. Addresses : Poyle Mount, Guildford, Surrey ; PortobeUo Barracks, DubUn. (02519) GABE, HoweU WoodweU, O.B.E, F.R.CS. (Edin.), 6. 6 Sept. 1884 ; s. of Dr. J. B. Gabe, of Petrepoeth House Morriston. Educ. : Llandovery CoUege, Wales ; Middlesex Hospital. Consulting Surgeon ; Hon. Surgeon, Swansea General and Eye Hospital; Consulting Surgeon (Southern portion), Western Command. War Work : A. Major, R.A.M.C. ; Surgical Specialist ; Casualty Clearing Station, B.E.F, France. Address : 3, Brunswick Place, St. Helen's Road, Swansea. (05281) GABITES, Lieut.-Col. George Edward, C.B.E, New Zealand Med. Corps ; S. Africa, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; Great War, 1915-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1855) GABRIEL, Lieut.-Col. Edmund Vivian, C.S.I, C.M.G, C.V.O, C.B.E, 6. 28 March, 1875 ; s. of the late Edmund Gabriel, of Babbacombe Glen, Devon. Educ. : Emmanuel CoU, Cambridge. Indian CivU Service. War Work : Special duty, Government of India (1914) ; War Office, M.O. Branch (1915) ; British MiUtary Mission with Italian Armies in the Field (1915-17) ; General Staff InteUigence Officer with the British iEgean Squadron (1917-18) ; Financial Adviser, Occu pied Enemy Territory, E.E.F, and Assistant Aclmimstratcr, Palestine (1918-20) ; has Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus of Italy. Address : Gubbio, Umbria, Italy. Club : Marl borough. (C1380) GADBAN, Capt. Victor John, O.B.E, 6. 12 AprU, 1880; s. of Paul Gadban, of 7, Dpper Brook Street, W. ; m. EUen Mary, d. of Rev. Henry Gretton, of Otley, Suffolk. Eiuc : Winchester ; J^evr CoUege, Oxon. SoUcitor. TFar Work : Active Service, France and Flanders. Address : Alton, Hants. (05822) GADD, Helen, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 31 Aug. 1862 ; d. of 'the late WUliam Bingham, of Hampstead, N.W. ; m. Lieut.-Col. WilUam Laurence Gadd, R.G.A.. s. of the late WilUam Gadd, of Manchester. Educ. : North London CoUegiate School for Girls. Commandant, V.A.D. Kent 92. War Work: Com mandant, Y acht Club V.A.D. Hospital, Gravesend, Kent 92, 1914-19. Address : 7, Landsowne Square, RoshervUle. Kent. (M1749) GADDUM, Arthur Graham, M.B.E. War Work : Organ ising the Boy Scout movement in Greece. Address : Bowdon, Cheshire. (M8154) GADSBY, Capt. PhiUp, O.B.E, A. O.D, and R.A.F. GAGNON, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Thomas EmUe, O.B.E. GAHAN, The Rev. Horace StirUng Townsend, M.B.E. GAHAN, Patrick John, M.B.E. GAIGER, Grace EUzabeth, M.B.E. GAIR, Capt. Charles John Dickenson, O.B.E, F.C.S, 6. 22 March, 1883 ; s. of Rev. John Gair, of Durham ; m. Emily Jane, d. of George Garlett, of London. Educ. : Ehnfield CoU, York, and City and GuUds Technical Institute, Flnsbnry. Works Chemist to the South MetropoUtan Gas Co, London; Capt. R.A.M.C (T.F.) 1st London Sanitary Co. War Work: Gazetted Lieut, R.A.M.C. (T.) Dec. 1914 : Chemical Investiga tion of Poison Gas, Analytical work on Foods, etc, at Royal Army Medical CoU, MiUbank ; AprU, 1915, went to France, present, Battle of Festubert; invaUded, 1915; Salisbury Plain, 1916 ; Officer in charge of Sanitary Services at Head quarters, Eastern Command, 1917-18 ; went to Holland, Nov. 1918, on Repatriation Commission work. Address: 202 BIOGRAPHIES. Gamble 39, Cranston Road, Forest Hill, London, S.E. 23. Club: Territorial Officers'. (07173) GAIR, Christina EUen, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of A. Duncan Fraser, M.D.. D.P H., J.P. of Stratheric, Falkirk. War Work : Commandant and Administrator of Wallside AuxiUary Hospital, Falkirk, from Nov. 1914, to Jan. 1919. _i_aresses .• KilmaUeu, Ardgour, Argyllshire; The Kilns, Falkirk, Stirlingshire. Club : Ladies' Caledonian (Edinburgh). (M8156) GAIR, Lieut.-Col. Sinclair, O.B.E. GAIRNS, James Mather, C.B.E, 6. 5 April, 1880 , s. of the late John Gatrns, of KirklawhUl, SkirUng, Peeblesshire, Scot land ; m. Mary Gray, d. of Robert Gray Murray, of Spittal, Biggar, Lanarkshire. Educ. : DoUar Academy. Audit and Accounts Officer on the Bengal and North-Western and Tirhut State RaUways, India, from 1902-16 ; joined transport Dept. of the Admiralty in Dec. 1916 ; went to New York in AprU, 1918, as Representative in the United States aud Canada of the Accountant-General Ministry of Shipping. Club : Caledonian. (C2622 ) GAISFORD, Gertrude Emma Frances, M.B.E, d. of Charles .Green Gaisford, of Devizes, WUtshire. War Work : 3J years as Matron and Commandant of St. Mary's Red Cross Hospital, Worthing. Address: Cranmere, Victoria Road, Worthing. (M8157) GAISFORD, Harriet Helen, Mrs., M.B.E. GAIT, Christian Maud, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of Col. Stephen, I.M.S. ; to. Sir Edward Albert, K.C.S.I, CLE, I.C.S, Lieut. Governor of Bihar and Orissa from 1915 (see Bukke'S Peerage), s. of late John James Gait. Address: Ranchi, India. (C2381) GAITSKELL, Capt. and Brevet Major Henry Walter, O.B.E., R.G.A, 6. 1 Dec. 1884 ; s. of Col. W. J. Gaitskell, R.M.A. ; m. EUeen Constance, d. of the late Col. Irving S. Allfrey, Somerset L.I. Educ : Cheltenham CoU, and R.M.A, Woolwich. Served during the war in the Proof and Experi mental Establishment, Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. (08809) GALBRAITH, Major James Ponsonby, O.B.E, R.E. GALBRAITH, Marion, Mrs., M.B.E, GALBRAITH, Samuel, O.B.E. GALE, Major Arthur John, O.B.E, J.P, CC, 6. 2 March, 1881; m. Maude EUen, d. of Richard Edward George, of London. Director of Private Companies ; Middlesex County CouncUlor ; Chairman, Friern Barnet U.D.C War Work : Transporting wounded from terminus stations to temporary hospitals ; conveying German prisoners to encampments ; Air Raid duty ; training of low category men for home defence, etc. Address : San Jacopino, Oakleigh Park, N. 20. Clubs : Road; Eccentric. (010443) GALE, Ernest John Albert, M.B.E, R.E. GALE, Frederick Robert. M.B.E, 6. 1877 ; s. of Robert Gale, of Kensington and Hastings; to. EmUy Frances, d. of the Rev. Frederick Tapply, of Lyminge, Kent. Educ. : St. Mary's CoU, Harlow. Editorial Staff of " The Statist," 1895- 1910; Member, Inst, of Journalists, 1904; L.R.B. (T.F.), 1895-1910. War Work: Rejoined London Rifle Brigade, Nov. 1914 ; O.-R.-Sergt, 3rd L.R.B, May, 1915, to Aug. 1916 ; commissioned to A.O.D, afterwards R.A.O.C, Aug. 1916 ; Staff of D.A.G, 3rd Echelon, B.E.F, Nov. 1917 ; G.H.Q, British troops in France and Flanders, April to Sept. 1919 ; retired as Capt. Address : c/o London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd, Kensington High St. W. 8. (M3124) GALE, Capt. Henry Arthur, M.B.E, R.E. GALE, Rev. James Randolph Courtenay, O.B.E., M.A., Royal Army Chaplains Dept. (T.), 2nd Class, 6. 1857 ; s. of Dr. James Gale, of Buckfast Abbey, Devon, and Hampstead ; m. Mary Simpson, d. of Edwin Jago, Paymaster-in-Chief, R.N. Educ. : Privately, and St. John's, Cambridge. Vicar of Christ Church, Sutton, 1888 ; University Extension Lecturer, Cam bridge (Staff), 1905-18, and London, 1904-18. War Work: Hon. Sec. Sutton and District Territorial and Recruiting Com mittee, Military Representative ; Chairman, Sutton War Hospital Supply Depot ; Hon. Sec. Sutton War Pensions Local Committee; Local Representative, Soldiers' and SaUors' Help society : Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association, Sutton Division. Address : Christ Church Vicarage, Sutton, Surrey. (010444) GALES, Major John RusseU, M.B.E. GALILEE, Mary Edith, M.B.E, 6. 1866 ; d. of James Robert GalUee, of Leytonstone. Educ. : City of London. sr.W.CA. Sec. War Work : Girl Guide Organisation ; organ ising and carrying on large canteen and hut for Women Muni tion workers at .Hayes, Middlesex. Address : Y.W.C.A. Hut, Hayes, Middlesex. (M419) GALL, Christian McDowall, M.B.E, 6. 11 Jan. 1890 ; a. of Alexander GaU, of Alloa, N.B. Educ. : Edinburgh Ladies' College. War Work : Private Sec. to Member of Munitions CouncU. Address : 12, Barlow Road, Alloa. (M420) GALL, Robert Laing Bruce, C.B.E. GALLAGHER, John, O.B.E, fi. 27 July, 1884; s. of Michael GaUagher, of MethU, N.B. ; to. IsabeUa Smith, d. of Alexander McRuvie, of Leven, N.B. Educ. : Buckhaven, N.B. Officer of Customs and Excise. War Work: Hon. Sec. to Edenderry War Pensions Committee, Belgian ReUef Com mittee, and Soldiers' Parcel Fund ; Member of the Joint War Pensions Committee for Leinster and Connaught, the King's County War Pensions, the Leinster Regiment Prisoners of War and other committees ; initiated training schemes for disabled soldiers. Address : Windsor Terrace, Edenderry, King's County. (010445) GALLAND, Alfred Jules Louis, O.B.E. GALLIE, Sydney, M.B.E., R.E. GALLIER, WiUiam Henry, C.B.E. GALLON, Lieut. Thomas Heaton, M.B.E. GALLAWAY, James Henry, M.B.E., Knight of the Royal Orders of St. Stanislaus of Russia and Isabel la CatoUca of Spain, 6. 3 June, 1875 ; s. of George GaUoway, of Gooderstone ; to. Mary (died May, 1919), d. of Isaao GaUoway, of Oxburgh. Educ : St. Margaret's and Technical Schools, King's Lynn ; and privately in London. Superintendent of PoUce, and Deputy Chief Constable of the Isle of Wight since 1906; formerly second-in-command of Cambridge Police. Address : Kingsfleld.Newport, Isle of Wight. (M3654) GALLOWAY, Major Alexander Rudolf, O.B.E, M.A, M.B. , CM, 6. 9 July, 1864 ; s. of James GaUoway, of Inverurie and Calcutta ; m. Mary Helene, d. of George Curry, of New castle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Aberdeen Univ. and London. Ophth. Surgeon, Eye Institution and Royal BUnd Asylum, Aberdeen ; Ophth. Surgeon, Aberdeen Education Authority ; Ophth. Surgeon, County of Aberdeen Educ. Authority ; Ophth. Surgeon, Ministry of Pensions Medical Board, Aberdeen ; Lecturer on Ophthalmology, Aberdeen Univ. War Work: Ophthalmic Surgeon, 1st Scottish General Hospital, R.A.M.C. (T.) ; Ophth. Surgeon to Recruiting Medical Boards and Ministry of National Service, Aberdeen. Address : 250, Union Street, Aberdeen. (O1044) GALLOWAY, Sir James, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 10 Oct. 1862 ; 8. of James Galloway, of Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, and Calcutta ; m. Jessie Hermina, d. of Robert Orr Sawers, of Dunbar, East Lothian, and Calcutta. Educ. : Chanonry School, Aberdeen ; University of Aberdeen. Physician ; Senior Physician, Charing Cross Hospital ; Consulting Physician, MetropoUtan Asylums Board. War Work : Major RA.M.C (T.F.), att. 4th London General Hospital ; Col. (A.M.G.) Consulting Physician, 1st and 2nd Armies, B.E.F. (Despatches) ; Chief Commissioner for Medical Services ; Ministry of National Mobile Service. Address : 54, Harley Street, London, W.l. (K69) GALLOWAY, Major James Muir, O.B.E. R.F.A. (T.). GALLOWAY, Kathleen Frances Elaine, M.B.E, fi. 5 May, 1898 ; d. of Lewis Stanley GaUoway, of Birkdale. Educ. : Leatherhead Court, Surrey. War Work : Voluntary assistant to the Sec. Wives' and Dependants' Branch, Local War Pensions Committee, Southport. Address : 14, Lulworth Road, Birkdale, Lancashire. (M8159) GALLOWAY, Mary Helene, M.B.E, 6. 10 Nov. 1871 ; d. of George Curry, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; to. Alexander Rudolf, s. of James GaUoway, of Calcutta. War Work : Hospital Visitor, Joint Disablement Committee for the Northern Area of Scotland, Ministry of Pensions. (M8160) GALTON, Mary Louisa, Mrs. WHELER-, M.B.E, 6. 30 Dec. 1863 ; d. of James Dugdale, of WroxaU Abbey (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; to. Edward Wheler (who by Royal Licence, on 11 Jan. 1913, was authorised to use the additional surname and arms of Galton) (see BUKKE'S Landed Gentry), s. of Edward Wheler, of Leamington. Commandant, V.A. Detach ment, Warwick 36. War Work: Commandant, Guy's CUffe Hospital, Warwick, 21 May, 1915, to 19 Dec. 1918. Address ; Claverdon Leys, Warwick. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (M1751) GALTREY, Capt. Sidney, O.B.E. GALVIN, Capt. Alfred, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. GALWEY, Major WilUam Richards, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. GAMAGE, Lieut. Cecil Murdoch, M.B.E.. R.E, (T.). GAMBELL, Comm. Thomas Francis, C.B.E. GAMBLE, Major Charles WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.F. GAMBLE, Major Henry, O.B.E, R.A.V.C, 6. 15 Jan. 1877 ; s. of John Gamble, of Shouldham Thorpe, Norfolk ; to. Dorothy Constance, d. of Thomas Carlton, of Hampstead. Educ. : Cranleigh School, and Royal Veterinary CoUege, London, N.W. Fellow of the R.C.V.S . ; Officer du Merite Agricole. War Work: Commanded No. 5 Mobile Veterinary Section, 5th Division, from Aug. to Oct. 1914 ; appointed A.D.V.S, 1st Cavalry Division, from Oct. 1914, to Aug. 1916 ; commanded No. 1 Veterinary Hospital at La ChapeUe-aux-Pots from Aug. 1916, to June, 1917 ; appointed A.D.V.S, XIII. Corps, with temporary rank of Lieut.-Col, from June, 1917, to April, 1919. Address : Instow, Barnstaple, North Devon. Club ; Junior Naval and MUitary. (05283) GAMBLE, John Dunn, M.B.E, fi. 11 April, 1876; s. of Rev. J. W. Gamble, of the Manse, Lisburn, Deland ; to. Jane Isabelle, d. of Joseph Adams, of Rakane House, Cootehill. Educ : At Lisburn. Organising Sec. for Ireland, British and Foreign Sailors' Society Committees; North of Deland Central Association Sea Cadets Corps, Belfast ; Sea Scouts Committees, Dublin and Londonderry. War Work : Amongst the SaUors, Buncrana, Lough SwUIy, and Derry ; opening Sailors' Rest and organising relief work on behalf of thous ands of torpedoed saUors. Addresses : Lisnagarvey, Lisburn Co. Antrim ; Gt. James Street, Londonderry ; 18, Dock Street, Belfast. (M431) GAMBLE, Mercier, M.B.E, M.D, Ch.B, 6. 1876 ; s. of Samuel Gamble, of Manchester and Sheffield ; m. Constance M, d. of Laban Spencer, of Manchester. Educ. : Leys School, Cambridge ; and Manchester Univ. Medical Officer, With ington Institution and Hospitals, and Dr. Rhodes' Memorial 203 Gamble THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Home, West Didsbury, Manchester. War Work : Temp. Hon. Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. ; Registrar, NeU Lane MiUtary Hospital, West Didsbury, Manchester, the Central Hospital having 3484 beds. Address : 9 Broadway, Withington, Manchester. (M10262.0 GAMBLE, WiUiam Michael Hudson Julius, M.B.E. GAME, Capt. Henry, O.B.E. GAME, Winifred, M.B.E, L.R.A.M, A.R.C.M, 6. 13 Oct. 1885 ; d. of James Aylward Game, of The Mount, Great Missenden, Bucks. Educ. : Roedean School, near Brighton. War Work : Commandant, V.A.D. Herts 50, Ken Cottage ; and Ewen HaU V.A.D. Hospitals, Barnet. Address : Merton Lodge, Byng Road, Bamet. (M1753) GAMLEN, Robert Loraine, O.B.E. GAMMON, Edith OUve, M.B.E. (M10248<0 GAMMON, Capt. Frank Leonard, O.B.E. GAMMON, Capt. John Charles, O.B.E. GAMMON, John Thomas, M.B.E, R.C.N. GAMON, Major Humphrey Percival, O.B.E. GANDELL, WilUam Raleigh Kerr, O.B.E, 6. 5 Aug. 1870 ; s. of the late Rev. Robert GandeU, of Oxford ; m. MUlicent Anne, d. of the late Joseph Waiter. Educ. : Uppingham. Retired CivU Servant. War Work : Director of the British Industries Fair, organised by the Board of Trade. Address : 18, Hornton Court, London, W. 8. Ctafis : Windham ; Roehampton. (0355) GANDER, Bernard Vincent, M.B.E, B.Sc, 6. 23 Jan. 1894 ; 8. of the late James Gander, of London, late Managing Director Ganders' Ltd, Indiarubber and Leather Merchants ; m. Dorothy Maude, d. of A. J. Field, of London. Educ. : Central Foundation School, London ; Univ. CoU. (Univ. of Lond.) ; and Sheffield Univ. Demonstrator and Assist. Lecturer in MetaUurgy, Sheffield Univ., 1917-19 ; Chemistry and Science Master, Sutton Valence School, Kent, since 1919. War Work : Lieut. 11th Essex, and later the Army Cyclist Corps, 1914-19 ; saw active service in France, 1915 ; present at Loos, Ypres, and the Somme ; invaUded, 1916, and whilst unfit in England assisted in the Technical Training of Unfit and disabled officers in Sheffield Univ. For that purpose loaned to the Ministry- of Labour. Addresses : Sutton Valence School, Kent ; 76, Romford Road, London. (M3655) GANDY, Lieut.-Comm. Eric Worsley, O.B.E, Officer Legion d'honneur, B.A. (Cantab), M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, fi. 6 July, 1879 ; s. of the late WiUiam Gandy, of South Street, Park Lane, London, W. ; m. Margaret, d. of John Kenyon, of RawtenstaU, Lan cashire. Educ. : Privately ; Westminster and Emmanuel CoUege, Cambridge. Teacher of anaesthetics, and anaesthetist to Westminster Hospital, Royal Ear Hospital, Chelsea Hos pital for Women, and Norwood Cottage Hospital. War Work : Carrying 4J years' despatches to Fleets and Embassies in Paris, Athens, Rome, and other places in Mediterranean. Addresses : 2, Cambridge Street, Hyde Park, W. Club : United Sports. (0356) GANDY, Comm. Gerard Knipe, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R, 6. 7 Jan. 1859 ; s. of Gerard Gandy, of Kendal, Westmorland ; m. FaveU Lee, d. of Rev. Horace Meyer, M.A, of CUfton, Bristol. Educ.: H.M.S. "Worcester." Commander in the Union Castle Mail Steamship Company, Ltd, 314, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C. War Work : In command of H.M. Hospital Ship " Carisbrook Castle," H.M. Transports " Briton," "Saxon," and "Balmor.il Castle." in which were carried over 70,000 troops. Address : Rodney, Brockenhurst, Hants. Club : Southampton Yacht, Solent. (O1360) GANDY, Henry Garnett, C.B.E, M.A, D.L, 5. 28 Aug. 1860 ; s. of Capt. Henry Gandy, J.P, D.L, of SkirsgiU Park, Penrith, Cumb. Educ. : Eton, and Trinity College, Cambridge. War Work : T.F.A. County Director ; Vol. Aid Detachments and AuxiUary Hospitals of Cumberland and Westmorland. Address : SkirsgiU Park, Penrith, Cumberland. Club : New University. (C2625) GANDY, Major Henry George, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.E, fi. 27 Nov. 1879 ; s. of the late Capt. Charles Gandy, King's Dragoon Guards, and Mrs. Dorothy Jane Gandy, of Wester Hall, Humshaugh, Northumberland. Educ. : Sedbergh School, Yorkshire. War Work : 2nd Corp Signals, Aug. 1914 to April 1915; Brigade Major, School of MUitary Engineering, Chatham from 1 Jan. 1916, to 10 Oct. 1918. Address : Wester Hall, Humshaugh, Northumberland. Club : Junior Naval and MUitary. (013 61 GANE, Percy James, M.B.E. GANGE, Lieut. Comm. Ambrose Day, O.B.E, R.N.R. (ret.), fi. 6 Nov. 1865 ; s. of William Henry Gange, of Bicken- haU, Taunton, Somerset; to. Henrietta, d. of James Henry Brace, of Scotland. Educ : Independent CoU. (now Taunton School), Taunton. Master of Cable Steamer " Faraday." War Work : Repairing and laying Submarine Telegraph Cables ; laying Murmansk Archangel Cable. Addresses: 50, Elmfield Road, Upper Tooting, S.W. 17 ; Imperial Merchant Service GuUd, Liverpool. (010449) GANN, Edmond Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 3 Oct. 1860 ; s. of Thomas Gann, of Whitstable ; m. EUen Grace, d. of the late E. H. Curling, of Whitstable. Educ : Commercial (now Wraight's) School, Faversham. Sec. Army Sanitary Com mittee, Army Medical Advisory Board, and Consultants' CouncU; Civil Assist, to Director-General Army Medical Service; .appointed Principal Clerk, Pensions Ministry, Jan. 1919. Address: Tankerton, Whitstable. (010450) GANN, Ernest Harry, M.B.E, B.A, late Capt. and Qr.-Mr. R.A.M.C, fi. 8 Oct. 1891. War Work : Served with the R.A.M.C. in Egypt and Palestine. Address: 5, Vicarage Road, Sunbury, Middlesex. (M4677) GANSON, Robert DoweU, O.B.E, J.P. for Orkney and Zetland, fi.25 Sept. 1855 ; s.of Hay Ganson, ofScatsta, Deltuy Shetland ; to. Mary GUlespie Wallace, d. of James WaUace, of Hall Quarter, Stiriingshire. Educ : Moorfield Parish School, Delting, and Anderson Institute, Lerwick. Ex-convener of County of Zetland ; Provost of the Burgh of Lerwick ; Vice-Chair man of the Education Authority of Shetland ; Honorary Sheriff-substitute of Zetland. War Work : Member of the Appeal Tribunal for Caithness, Orkney, and Zetland ; Chak- man cf War Pensions Committee of the County of Zetland ; Chairman of the Appointing Committee for Food Control, etc, in the County. Address : Brentham House, Lerwick Club : Zetland, Lerwick. (01362) GANT, Wilfred Robert Pinfold, M.B.E, 6. 18 Jan. 1872- 8. of Robert Boddy Gant, of Woolwich ; m. Florence Elizabeth! d. of Alfred Stone, of Plumstead. Educ. : Privately. Civil Service. War Work : Accountant-General's Departmental Admiralty. Address : 26, Greenholm Road, Eltham. (M8163) GANTEAUME, Patrick Padroy Joseph, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 1875 ; s. of Henry Ganteaume, of Torquay ; to. Elizabeth Cochrane, d. of John Goodeir Robertson, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh. Senior Surgeon, Frere Hospital, East London, Cape Province. War Work : Surgeon No. 1 General Hospital, Wynberg, Cape Colony ; Mayor of East London, 191? and 1918 ; Chairman Governor-General's Fund, 1917 aud 1918 ; Chair man Recruiting Committee, 1917-18. Address : L-ich-Marls, East London, C.P. Clubs : East London ; East London Sporting. (M2882) GARCIA, Henry John Edward, O.B.E. GARD, Albert, M.B.E. GARD, WiUiam Garrard Snowdon,M.B.E, LL.B. (Lond.), 6. 11 Jan. 1848 ; s. of WiUiam Snowdon Gard, of Hampstead; to. Mary Anne Harriet, d. of Walter Frederick BaU, of Hamp stead. Educ. : Univ. CoU. School and Univ. CoU, London. SoUcitor ; Commandant, Red Cross V.A.D. 49 London ; Chairman, Hampstead Red Cross Divisional Committee; Member of St. Pancras Red Cross Divisional Committee; Member of Executive Committee of County of London Branch, B.R.C.S. ; Member of Hampstead Distress Committee, and representative of Hampstead on M.A.B. andCU.B.L. War Wort: Raised R.C V.A.D.'S 49 and 322 ; organised and directed Air Raid Ambulance work in North St. Pancras Chairman, Rosslyn Lodge A. MUitary Hospital Committee, and since, of Hampstead R.C Clinics Committee ; private in Hampstead Volunteers. Addresses : 10 Hampstead HiU Gardens, Hamp? stead, N.W. 3 : 2, Gresham BuUdings, BasinghaU Street, E.C. Club : Royal Colonial Institute. (M8164) GARDE, Engineer-Capt. Robert Boles, C.B.E, R.N, 6. 1863 ; s. of H. W. Garde, M.B. ; to. 1899, Amy Ethel, d. of T. M. Richards, of Plymouth. Admiralty Engineer Overseer at J. S. White and Co.'s, of Cowes, and at Doxford's, of Sunderland. (G2221) GARDINER, AUce Marie, Mrs, M.B.E, d. of the late John Godden, of Bartley, New Forest; to. Henry Gardiner, musician. Secretary to o/c Met. Obs. Service, 1916-19; InteUigence Officer, Women PoUce Service. War Wort: Joined the Women PoUce Service in May, 1915, and was seconded to Commander Paget, C.B.E, of Admiralty InteUigence, May, 1916, who organised and commanded the MetropoUtan Observation Service, consisting of some 1200 officers and men ; the only woman in M.O.S. (M3656) GARDINER, Lieut. Edward Cecil, M.B.E, 6. 7 Nov. 1884 ; s. of the late T. J. Gardiner, of Cheltenham; m. Dorothy Frances EUzabeth, d. of the late Capt. Horace Rochfort, R.N, of Cheltenham. Educ : Cheltenham CoU, and R.M.C, Sandhurst. Late Planter. War Work: 2nd Batt. Devon Regt, and later served as Topographical Officer to Gen. Lord RawUnson, at Headquarters 4th Army. Address : Isea House, Exmouth. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (M4488) GARDINER, Frederick Henry, M.B.E. GARDINER, Major Herbert WilUam, O.B.E. (011777) GARDINER, Robert Fulton, M.B.E, fi. 2 May, 1861 ; s. of Thomas Gardiner, of Coupar- Angus ; m. Agnes, d. of Alexander King, of Kilmarnock. Organising Sec. Temperance Committee, Church of Scotland, since 1898 ; Member of many pubUc committees for the promotion of Temperance and Social Reform. War Work : Business Manager for Church of ScoUand Committee on Territorial work from 1914, and Business Manager of the Scottish Churches Huts, in France and Germany, 1916-19. Address : 3, Dixon Road, CrosshiU, Glasgow. (M8167) GARDINER, Stanley James, M.B.E, R.A.F. GARDHMER, WiUiam Rattray, M.B.E, 6. 9 June, 1858. Educ. : Perth Academy, N.B. War Work : War Emergency and Finance Committees of Y.M.C.A. National Council; Hon. Treas. S. Eastern Divisional Union of Y.M.C.A.'s. Address : Mount Edgecombe, RedhiU, Surrey. Club : National Liberal ; British-Russia. (M8168) GARDNER, Annie Elizabeth, O.B.E, 6. 3 Aug. 1874; d. of Walter SUvester Gardner, of Cookham, Berks. Educ. : Queen's CoU, Harley Street. Civil Servant ; Chief Woman Officer, London and South-Eastern Division, Employment Dept, Ministry of Labour. TTar Work : Recruitment of Women for all branches of War Work — Munitions, Land, Women's Services, etc. Address: 13, Arundel Gardens. W. 11. Clubs : Halcvon ; Forum. (0357) GARDNER, Arthur Edward, M.B.E. GARDNER, Lieut.-Col. Charles James Hookham, C.B.E. 201 BIOGRAPHIES. Gamier Major and T. Lieut.-Col. Yorkshire Regt. ; Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1575) GARDNER, Dorothy, M.B.E, 6. 24 Oct. 1878 ; d. of Herbert Wilson Gardner, of Armitage, Rugeley. Educ. : Privately and Paris. War Work : Y.M.C.A. worker at Rouen, Abancourt, and Dieppe, from April, 1915 to May, 1919. Address : Armitage, Rugeley, Staffs. (M3657) GARDNER, Major FitzRoy, C.B.E. GARDNER, Capt. Frederick WiUiam, C.B.E, D.C.M, R.A.O.C. GARDNER, Lieut.-Comm. George Frederiok, O.B.E, R.N.R, fi. 23 Nov. 1869 ; s. of Thomas Gardner, of Wimbledon, Surrey ; m. Kate, d. of Ernest RUey, of London. Educ. : Maiden Coll. Master Mariner. War Work : In command of H.M.S. Ships " Carisbrook Castle " and " Braemar Castle," and of base hospital ship at Murmansk during the winter of 1918 and at the evacuation of Archangel. Address : c/o The Union Castle MaU S.S. Co, London, E.C 3. (010451) GARDNER, Major George Herbert, O.B.E. GARDNER, Henry WUloughby, M.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P, fi. 1861 ; s. of Henry Gardner, of Liverpool ; m. Mary Louisa, d. of the late Rev. E. F. Rambant, of Blackrock, Dublin. Educ : Charterhouse, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Senior Physician the Royal Salop Infirmary ; Consulting Physician Baschurch Surgical Home, Lady Forester Hospitals, Broseley and Much Wenlock. War Work: Consulting Physician Barrington War Hospital ; Physician to Quarry Place Auxiliary A. Hospital, Shrewsbury ; and the Royal Salop Infirmary ; Medical Officer to the Baschurch Surgical Home. Address : Shrewsbury. Club : London University. (M8166) GARDNER, Jessie, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of Walter Wylie and Jane Younger of AUoa, N.B. ; m. the Rev. Robert, s. of Robert Gardner, of New Kilpatrick. Educ : Westray House, AUoa, N.B. War Work : Hon. Sec. of Bo'ness Red Cross Committee from 1915 ; President of Bo'ness Red Cross Work Party ; Member of Prince of Wales' ReUef Fund Committee ; Organiser of Ladies' Voluntary Work Party at Bo'ness for the making of Cartridge aud Igniter Bags for the Royal Navy, August, 1915-March, 1917. Address : The Manse, Bo'ness, LinUthgowshire, N.B. (M8169) GARDNER, John, O.B.E. GARDNER, Lieut. John CampbeU, O.B.E, M.A. (Cantab), B.Sc. (Dunelm), A.M.Inst.CE, M.Last.M.E, Wh.Ex. Carnegie Research Scholar, Iron and Steel Institute, 6. 1 April, 1878 ; s. of the late Thomas Gardner, of Middlesbrough. Educ. : Middlesbrough High School ; Armstrong College, Durham Univ. ; Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. General Manager of Works, Ferranti, Ltd, Hollinwood, Lancs. War Work : Enlisted as Sapper in the R.N.D.E. in Oct. 1914 ; commissioned, Jan. 1915 ; served through GaUipoU Campaign ; mentioned in despatches for work at Helles Evacuation ; Deputy Repre- centative, subsequently Representative, Ministry of Muni tions, N.P.F, Birtley, Co. Durham ; Asst. Supt, National Ordnance Factories, Leeds ; Supt. N.O.F, Hunslet, Leeds. Address : 47, Victoria Road, Broomhall Park, Sheffield. (03723) GARDNER, Capt. John Cyril, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. GARDNER, Joseph WUUam, O.B.E. GARDNER, Nora HUton, M.B.E, 6. 15 Dec. 1872 ; d. of Rev. Hilton Gardner, of Stanley, Lancashire. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Quartermaster, Hoole Bank Red Cross Hospital, Chester, 1914-17 ; V.A.D. General Service Superintendent, Chester War Hospital, 1917-19. Address : Upton Heath, Chester. Clubs : V.A.D. Ladies', Cavendish Square (M424) GARDNER, Capt. Reginald Lowood, M.B.E. GARDNER, Major T. Cyril, O.B.E. ; to. Bridget ChUton d. of Herbert E. Friend. War Work : In Malta and France. Club : North Rhodesia. (02522) GARDNER, Thomas Edward, O.B.E. GARDNER, WilUam Reid, M.B.E, 6. 12 Sept. 1873; s. of John Smith Gardner, of Alreoch, Milngavie ; m. Margaret Weatherstone, d. of WiUiam Weatherstone WUson, of Man chester. Educ : Strathblane Public School, and Allan Glen's School, Glasgow. Solicitor ; Treasurer to the Burgh of Milngavie ; Agent of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Milngavie : Sec. to the Local War Pensions Committee, Milngavie ; Fuel Overseer to the Burgh of Milngavie ; Sec. and Treas. Milngavie Angling Club ; Treas. MUngavie Bearsden Cricket and Tennis Clubs. War Work : See. & Treas. to the Committee of Local War Pensions, New KUpatrick Division, Dumbartonshire ; Treas. to the Soldiers' and SaUors' FamiUes Association. Address : Carbeth, MUngavie. (M8170) GARDOM, Edward Theodore, O.B.E. GARFORD, Marian, M.B.E, 6. 29 Jan. 1866 ; d. of the late John Garford. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Clerk in Promotions Branch of MiUtary Secretary to Kitchener's Armies, War Office. Club : Ladies' Imperial. (M8171) GARFORTH, Comm. Franois Edmund Musgrave, C.B.E.. R.N. GARFORTH, Hylda Maria Madeleine, Hon. Mrs, M.B.E, fi. Oct. 1856 ; d. of the 8th Baron Middleton, of BirdsaU House, Yorkshire (See Burke's Peerage) ; to. William Henry, s. of WiUiam Garforth, of Wiganthorpe, Yorkshire. Educ. : Uppingham and Cambridge. War Work: Commandant of Lady Sykes Aux. MU. Hospital, Eddlethorpe, Yorkshire; later, Brompton Aux. Mil. Hospital, Yorkshire. Address: Malton, Yorkshire. (M.3658) GARLAKE, Dorothy Eleanor, Mrs., M.B.E. GARLAND, Arthur Edward, M.B.E, F.I.C, BSc. A.R.C.S, 6. 28 April, 1880 ; s. of Arthur Edward Garland. Educ. : AUeyn's School, Dulwich ; Univ. Coll, London ; Royal CoU. of Science, London. Research Chemist, Imperial Institute ; Assistant Chemist, Directorate of Chemical Inspec tion, Woolwich Arsenal. Address : NewhUl ViUa, Shrewsbury Lane, Woolwich Arsenal. (M8172) GARLAND, Charles Tuller, O.B.E, 6. 16 Nov. 1874 ; s. of James A. Garland, of New York ; to. the late Margaret W, d. of the late Francis Williams. Educ. : Columbia Univ., New York. War Work : Lieut. 2nd Life Guards ; invaUded out of Army Nov. 1916 ; afterwards provided and kept up the Garland Home, 4, Norfolk Street, Park Laue, W. Clubs : St. James' ; Orleans ; Bath. (010455) GARLAND, Herbert, M.B.E, GARLAND, Hilda Margaret, M.B.E, d. of W. G. de F. Garland, of Farrs, East Molesey. War Work : In charge of Treatment and Training Section of London War Pensions Committee, Central Office. Address : Farrs, East Molesey, Surrey. (M8173) GARLAND, John WilUam, O.B.E, J.P. GARLICK, Edith, M.B.E. GARLICK, Richard, M.B.E. GARNER, Arthur, M.B.E. GARNER, Col. Cathoart, C.B.E, M.B. ; formerly Col. R.A.M.C. ; Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C783) GARNER, Harry, M.B.E, CC, 6. 18 July, 1865 ; s. of William Garner, of Barwell; m. Laura, d. of Thomas Argyle, of Hinckley. Boot Manufacturer ; Past High Chief Ranger of the Ancient Order of Foresters ; County CounciUor ; Parish Councillor ; Chairman of CouncU School Managers. War Work : Chairman of Hinckley Rural Advisory Committee, Ministry of National Service ; Chairman of Belgian Refugees Local Committee ; rendered services in connection with Recruiting, and the War Loan. Address : Overdale, Barwell, near Hinckley. (M8174) GARNER, Joseph Richardson, O.B.E. GARNER, Lizzie, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 30 Dec. 1853 ; d. of WUUam Radford, of Newark-on- Trent ; m. Thomas Willcox, s. of James Garner, of Ancaster. Educ. : Privately. Member of Board of Guardians, Newark ; Member of Notts. Executive B.R.C.S. Committee ; Member of Charity Organisation Society Committee, and St. Barnabas' Home for Waifs and Strays, and S.P.C. ChUdren. War Work : Commandant of Red Cross Hospital from Oct. 1914 to March 1919. Address : The Old Hall, Newark-on-Trent. (M3659) GARNER, Walter Wesley, C.B.E. (C3191) GARNETT, .Caroline Sugden, Mrs. Stewart, M.B.E, 6. 8 Nov. 1854 ; d. of Elkanah Armitage, of The Rookery, Manchester ; to. Stewart, s. of Henry Gamett, of Wyreside, Lancaster. War Work : Commandant of 54 East Lancs. Detach, and worked a Hospital, B.R.C, Pendleton Division, " Fair- hope " Hospital, 4_ years. (M425) GARNETT, Frank WaUs, C.B.E, J.P, fi. 1867 ; s. of the late William Garnett, of Bowness, Westmorland ; to. 1895, Susannah, d. of Joseph Goddard, of The Priory, Hamp stead, N.W. President, Roy. Coll. of Veterinary Surgeons, 1914-19. Address : Dalegarth. Windermere. (C170) GARNETT, Helen Maude Dorothy, M.B.E. GARNETT, James Clerk MaxweU, C.B.E, M.A, Barrister- at-law, 6. 13 Oct. 1880 ; s. of Dr. William Gamett, of the Chestnuts, Hampstead Heath, and Sea View, Isle of Wight ; to. Margaret Lucy, d. of Professor E. B. Poulton, F.R.S, of Oxford. Educ. : S. Paul's School ; Trinity College, Cambridge. General Sec. of the League of Nations Union ; formerly Principal, College of Technology, Manchester ; and Dean of the Faculty of Technology in the Victoria University of Manchester. War Work : Directed the war-time activities of the CoUege. These included, firstly, the supply of highly trained men to the technical and other branches of the Navy, Army, and Air Force, and, secondly, the invention or design, and — until the increasing demand made large scale production necessary — the actual manufacture of many implements and materials (mechanical, electrical, metallurgical, chemical, and textile), that helped to win the War. The Manchester District Arma ment Output Committee, and the Lancashire Anti-Submarine Committee, had their headquarters iu the College, and owed to it some of the remarkable success that attended their activities. An account of the war work of the College was prepared at the request of the War Office, and has recently been published by the CoUege Press. Address : 1, Foley Avenue, Hampstead, N.W. 3. Clubs : Athenaeum; Leander. (C966) GARNIER, Capt. Alan Parry, M.B.E, M.C. Northumber land Fusiliers, 6. 9 Aug. 1886 ; s. of the late Comm. Keppel Gamier, R.N. ; m. Hilda de Burgh, d. of the late de Burgh d'Arcy. Educ. : Uppingham ; R.M. Coll, Sandhurst. Gazetted to Northumberland FusiUers, Jan. 1906 ; Capt, Aug. 1914 ; Major, Dec. 1915 ; Brigade Major, Oct. 1916. Employed with West African Frontier Force, Aug. 1910, to May, 1914 ; G.S.O, 3rd Grade, at G.H.Q, Egyptian Exped. Force, 1915 ; G.S.O. War Office, 1919. Address : 42, Mont- pelier Square, London, S.W. Club : Junior Naval and Military. (M3268) GARNIER, Capt. Charles Newdigate, O.B.E. GARNIER, Rev. Thomas Vernon, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 18 July, 1875 ; s. of Rev. Canon Thomas Parry Gamier and Hon. Mrs. Gamier, of Cranworth, Norfolk. Educ. : Win chester ; Trinity College, Oxford. Vicar of Tring, Herts. War Work : CF, Dec. 22, 1915 ; 6th Essex Garrison Batt, , 205 Garnsey THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Mudros ; 24 CCS, Egypt ; 66th Inf. Brigade, 12th Cheshire Regt, Macedonia ; S.C.F, 22nd Div, AprU, 1918. Address : The Vicarage, Tring. (O3040) GARNSEY, Sir Gilbert Francis, K.B.E, 6. 21 March, 1883; m. Miriam Howies, B.Sc. Educ: Wellington, Somerset. Partner in the firm of Price Waterhouse, & Co, Chartered Accountants, London, United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, Egypt, France, HoUand, etc. War Work : Engaged on Government inquiries ; served on Departmental Committees ; joined, in an honorary capacity, the Finance Department of the Ministry of Munitions, 1916 ; Deputy Director Munitions Accounts, 1917 : Director Internal Audits, 1917 ; Controller Munitions Accounts, 1918 ; Chairman Finance Committee, and Finance Member of the Munitions Council, 1918 ; Member of DemobUisation Board, 1918 ; and afterwards Member of Muni tions Council in charge of Liquidation of Contracts, 1919 ; Member of Advisory CouncU, and Chairman of Finance Com mittee, of Ministry of Health in connection with Government Housing Scheme, 1919 ; Member of Committee of Inquiry appointed by Minister of Health into affairs of Metropolitan Water Board, 1920. Addresses : 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C. 2. ; Spencer Lodge, Greenaway Gardens, Hampstead, N.W.3. Telegraphic Address : Accountants Stock, London. Telephone : City 4694 and Hampstead 1371. Clubs : Union ; Gresham ; Royal Automobile ; Ranelagh. GARRARD, Alice Mary, Mrs, M.B.E. (M10446) GARRATT, Major Clarence Herbert Garratt, O.B.E, Royal Army Pay Department, 6. 29 May, 1870 ; s. of the late John Oswald Garratt, of Peterborough ; to. Elise Caroline, d. of WUUam Barker of Smyrna. Educ. : Bedford Grammar School, and Royal MiUtary Coll. War Work : France, Aug. 1914, to June, 1916 ; North Russia, May, 1919 to Oct. 1919. Address : Seaside Cottage, Heme Bay. (09689) GARRATT, Dorothy Agnes, M.B.E. For work in connection with tbe Imperial War Museum. (M10318) GARRATT, George CampbeU, O.B.E, M.D, 6. 1869. Physician and Anaesthetist, Royal West Sussex Hospital. War Work : Physician, GraylingweU War Hospital, Chichester. Address : Chichester. (O11803) GARRATT, Herbert, M.B.E. Town Clerk, Todmorden. War Work : Hon. Sec. Local War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Sec. of Local Committee for the Prevention and ReUef of Distress ; Executive Officer Local Food Control Committee. (M8175) GARRATT, Lieut.-Col. Lawrence ChaUoner, O.B.E. GARRAWAY, Major Frank Harold, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 23 March, 1888 ; s. of John Archibald Garraway, deceased ; to. Winifred, d. of H, Wordley, of Dorney, Bucks. Educ : Privately. War Work : 1914-19, A.D.C. to Gen. Sir WiUiam Fry, Kt. Bach, C.B, C.V.O.; A.P.M, 58th Division, England ; Staff Capt, 173rd Inf. Bde, France ; D.A.O.M.G, 50th Division, France ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Barge Cottage, Taplow, Bucks. (05284) GARRAWAY, T. Warrant Officer Leonard, M.B.E. Royal Indian Marine. (M3i 12a) GARRETT, Col. Arthur Newson Bruff, C.B.E, T.D. J.P, 6. 24 July, 1868 ; s. of Major N. D. Garrett, R.A, of Aldeburgh, Suffolk ; m. Elise Grant, d. of Kenneth Mackenzie, of Borlum-Beg, Inverness-shire. Educ. : Portsmouth Grammar School. Director, Coalport China Company ; J.P. (1909), Shropshire. War Work : Commanded 4th King's Shropshire L.I, 1914-18 ; G.S.O, Straits Settlements, 1916-17 ; Comd. 2/1 Royal N. Devon Hussars, 1918-19; Comd. 2nd Cyclist Brigade, Athlone, 1919. Address : The Cottage, Coalport, Shropshire. (C1756) GARRETT, Charles Scott, M.B.E, D.Sc. GARRETT, Edith, Mrs., M.B.E. GARRETT, Lieut.-Col. Frank, C.B.E, T.D, A. M.I.C.E, A.M.I. Mech. E, J.P, 6. 9 Dec. 1869 ; s. of Frank Garrett, of Aldringham House, nr. Leiston, Suffolk ; to. Evelyn Rosa, d. of Henry Brooks, of Hersham Lodge, Walton- on-Thames. Educ. : Rugby. County Councillor for East Suffolk ; J.P. for Suffolk ; Chairman, Leiston U.D.C ; Director Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd. ; Chairman and Managing Director, Richard Garrett & Sons, Ltd. War Work • Comd. 4th Suffolk Regt. in France, 1914-15. Address : Aldring ham House, nr. Leiston, Suffolk. Club : St. Stephen's. (C171) GARRETT, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Charles, O.B.E. GARRETT, James Charles, M.B.E. GARRETT, Lieut.-Col. John Raymond, O.B.E, R.M.L.I, 6. 7 June, 1869; s. of W. R. Garrett, late of co. Carlow. Educ. : Clifton CoU. War Work : Divisional Paymaster Royal Marine Division, Plymouth. Address: Royal Marine Barracks, Plymouth. (O9540) GARRETT, Capt. Peter Bruff, CB.E, R.N, fi. 14 Julv, 1866 ; s. of Major N. D. Garrett, R.A.. of Aldeburgh, Suffolk ; to. Alice Maude Mary, d. of the late Jone Stone, Weybridge, Surrey. Educ. : Mr. Foster's, Stubbington ; H.M.S. " Brit annia, ' Dartmouth. Naval Officer, retired 1911, and was called up Aug, 1914, serving throughout the war, to Sept, 1919; Joined H.M.S. "Britannia," July, 1879, served in different ranks of Naval Cadet, Midshipman, Sub-Lieut, and Lieut, finally retiring with the rank of Comdr, as above. War Z or} \ ?Trom. August, 1914 to May, 1915, Naval Transport Staff at New-haven, Sussex; June, 1915 to Jan. 1918, served as Divisional Naval Transport Officer and Senior Naval Officer at Newhaven, Sussex, employed embarking stores, ammuni tion, etc, for the B.E.F, France and elsewhere. Feb. 1918 to Sept. 1919, employed as Divisional Naval Transport Officer at Portsmouth, embarking the heavy gear, i.e. locomotives, tanks, raUway wagons, ambulance coaches, etc, and being in charge of all merchant vessels entering Portsmouth harbour, and responsible for their upkeep. Address: Glen Isla, Oatlands Park, Surrey. (C2250) GARRETT, Major Thomas Richard Henty, O.B.I R.A.F. GARROD, Heathcote William, C.B.E. GARROW, Alexander, M.B.E, 6. 14 June, 1846 ; s. of Robert Garrow, of Alteymsh, DaUas, Morayshire ; m. Janet, d. of Donald Grant, of Torchaster, DaUas. Educ: Dallas PubUc School. Retired Supervisor of Inland Revenue. War Work : Voluntary Registration, Recruiting Tribunals, and Local War Pensions Committee. Address : 18, Hay Street, Elgin. (M8177) GARROW, Robert George, C.B.E, R.E. GARRY, Francis Nicholas Arbuthnot, O.B.E, M.A, fi. 1 Feb. 1861 ; s. of the late Canon Nicholas T. Garry, of Taplow Rectory, Bucks ; m. Anne Georgina, d. of Swinton S. MelvUle, of Starmead, Wokingham. Educ. : Aldin House, Slough ; Eton ; Christ Church, Oxford. Member of Reading School Board, 1892-1897 ; Chairman of ditto, 1896-97 ; Member of Berks. Education Committee, 1912-19. War Work : Sub-Divisional Officer, Berks PoUce Special Reserve, Woking ham Sub-Division, Sept. 1914, until May, 1916 ; Temp. 1st Division Clerk in the Foreign Office, 1917-20. Address: 28, Kensington Mansions, S.W.5. Clubs : United University ; Berkshire, Reading. (010458) GARRY, Thomas Gerald, M.B.E, M.D, Mch, M.A.0, R.U.I. Educ : Galway and Dublin. Hon. Physician, Anglo-American Hospital, Cairo ; Consulting British Physician, Pistany, Czecho-Slovakia. War Work: Hon. Sec. St. John Ambulance Association (Egyptian Centre) ; Lecturer and Examiner to the British Red Cross and Order of St. John; Member of the Executive Committee B.R.C. and Order of St. John (Cairo branch) ; T. Major R.A.M.C, attached to Citadel Hospital, Cairo. Address : 12, Shani Elwi, Cairo. Club : Turf, Cairo. (M8178) GARSIA, Lieut.-Col. Herbert George Anderson, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 5 Feb. 1871 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. Michael Clare Garsia, C.B. : m. Myra Mary, d. of Sir George FottreU, K.C.B., of Dublin. Financial Sec, Egyptian Army. Club: United Service. (C2364) GARSIDE, Cecil, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C GARSIDE, Constance EUzabeth, M.B.E. GARSON, Capt. Herbert LesUe, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.M.C. GARSTIN, Lieut. Richard Hart, O.B.E, R.M. GARSTIN, Sir WUliam Edmund, G.C.M.G, G.B.E, Grand Cordon Medjidieh and Grand Cordon Osmanieh ; British Government Director, Suez Canal Co, since 1907 ; engaged on Red Cross Work in England during the war ; ft. 29 Jan. 1849 ; 2nd s. of the late Charles Garstin ; to. Mary Isabella, d. oi the late Charles Augustus North, 56, York Terrace, N.W. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. ; King's CoU, London. Entered Indian Public Works Dept, 1872 ; sent to Egypt, 1885, and retired from India, 1892 ; Inspector-General of Drigation, Egypt, 1892 ; Under-Secretary of State for PubUc Works in Egypt, 1904-8. Address : 17, Welbeck House, Wigmor_ Street, W. Clubs : Turf ; TraveUers' ; Brooks's. (G32) GARTON, Albert, M.B.E. GARTON, Sir Richard Charles, G.B.E, Kt. Bach, fi. 8 Oct. 1857 ; s. of WUliam Garton, of Southampton ; m. Ellen, d. of Andrew Durrani, of Chelmsford. Educ : Owen's College, Manchester; Marburg University. Fellow Institute of Chemistry ; Head of the firm of Messrs. Gorton, Sons & Co., Battersea ; High Sheriff of Surrey, 1913. Address : Lythe HiU, Haslemere. Clubs : Carlton ; Conservative ; Royal Thames Yacht Club. (G25) GARTON, Lieut.-Col. and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam George Alfred, O.B.E. GARTON, Major WUloughby Lewis, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. GARTSIDE, Vincent, M.B.E, M.I.Mech.E, fi. 6 April, 1877. Mechanical Engineer (Machine Tools) ; Director of John Holroyd & Co, Ltd, MUrrrow, nr. Rochdale. War Work : Designer of Special Machine Tools for Manufacture of Rifles, SheUs, etc, and for two years at Ministry of Munitions, WhitehaU ; first in charge of Russian section of Machine Tool Dept, and after in charge of Dept. controUing transfer of idle and second-hand Machine Tools on to War Work. Addresses : 20, Manor Road, Richmond, Surrey ; 34, Victoria Street, S.W.1. Club : Royal Automobile. (M10248e) GARVAGH, Florence, Lady, M.B.E, Order of Mercy; d. of Baron de Bretton, of Denmark. War Work : Red Cross Working Centre ; Packing and despatching of parcels to Prisoners of War ; organised concerts and entertainments for the Wounded. Address : 1, Orme Square, W.2. (M1761) GARVAN, Claire Frances, O.B.E. (011972) GARVEY, Lieut.-Comm. John WiUiam Frederick, O.B.E, M.A, D.L. Co Mayo, R.N.V.R, 6. 1856 ; s. of John C. Garvey, D.L, of Murrisk Abbey, Westport, Deland ; to. Harrie Taylor, M.B.E, for six years Master North Mayo Hounds. Educ: Trinity CoU, DubUn. War Work : ControUer of Recruiting Co. Mayo, and also, as Lieut-.Comm. R.N.V.R, in charge of CivUian Coast Watchers ; now Chairman Co. Mayo War Pen sions Committee. Address : DownhiU, Ballina, Co. Mayo. Clubs : Univ. ; Friendly Brothers, DubUn. (0359) GARVEY, Harrie, Mrs., M.B.E. GARVICE, Major Chudleigh, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1875; s.of Charles Garvice, of Bradworthy, N. Devon ; m. Isabel, d. Of 206 BIOGRAPHIES. Gauntlett Andrew Orriston, of Tasmania. Educ : Tiverton. Major- General Reserve of Officers, and Commandant of Police, Alexandria, Egypt. War Work : Served in Egypt on Western Front as G.S.O . 2, Western Field Force ; also as Military Control Officer, Alexandria, till end of the War. Address : Comman dant's House, Alexandria, Egypt. Club : Naval and Military. (04118) GARWOOD, Edmund John, M.B.E, 6. 6 July, 1874; 8. of the late Edmund James Garwood, of Bushey Hill Road, CamberweU; m. EtheUne, d. of the late John Robinson, of Gosport. Educ : Sir Walter St. John's School, Battersea. Clerk in the War Office. War Work: MobiUzation Directorate, War Office, on outbreak of war ; served with H.M. Forces, from 11 March, 1915, to Jan. 1919, as 1st class Staff Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C, in Mediterranean and Mesopotamian E. Forces; MobiUsation Directorate on return from service. Address : 43, HUlcrest Road, Walthamstow, Essex. (M8181) GARWOOD, Eng.-Comm. Hugh Sydney, O.B.E, R.N. GASCOIGNE, Laura Gwendolen, Mrs. Douglas TRENCH-, C.B.E. ; d. of the late Capt. Sir Douglas Galton, K.C.B. ; m. 1892, Frederic Richard Thomas Trench-Gascoigne, D.S.O. (see Burke's Peerage, Ashtown, B.). Comdt. Lotherton Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Aberford; Lady of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Addresses .• Himbleton Manor, Droitwich ; Craignish Castle, Ardfern, ArgyUshire ; Lotherton Hall, Aberford, Leeds. Club : Sesame. (C173) GASELEE, Stephen, C.B.E, M.A, F.S.A, 6. 9 Nov. 1882 ; s. of Henry Gaselee, of 75, Linden Gardens, Bayswater, W. 2 ; to. May Evelyn, d. of E. Wyndham Hulme, of Clare, Sevenoaks. Educ. : Eton and Cambridge. FeUow of Magda lene CoUege, Cambridge, since 1909 ; Librarian of the CoUege, 1909-1919; Librarian of the Foreign Office, 1920. War Work : Temporary Clerk in Foreign Office, 1916-1919 ; Liaison Officer with Ministry of Information, 1918-1919. Address : 24, Ashburn Place, S.W. 7. Clubs : Athenseum ; Carlton; United University Club. (C174) GASK, Eleanor, M.B.E. ; d. of Henry Gask. War Work: St. Bartholomew's Women's Guild. Address: 7, Harley House, Regent's Park, N.W.I. (M3661) GASKELL, Arthur, O.B.E. (09541) GASKELL, Catherine Julia, M.B.E., 6. 1879; s. of Walter Holbrook GaskeU, F.R.S, The Uplands, Gt. Shelford, Cambs. Educ. : Roedean School, Brighton ; Newnham Coll. War Work: Commandant 1st Borough Red Cross Hospital, Cambridge, Nov. 1914, to March, 1915, and St. Chads V.A.D. Hospital Cambridge, May, 1915, to May, 1919. Address : 26, Barton Road, Cambridge. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (M3662) GASKELL, Helen Mary, Mrs., C.B.E, 6. 1855; d. of Rev. Canon MelvUle, of Worcester Cathedral ; m. Capt. Henry Brooks, s. of Henry Lomas GaskeU, of Kiddington Hall, Oxford shire. War Work : Inaugurated by Mrs. GaskeU, Sept. 1914 the "War Library " to supply the Sick and Wounded of the British Army and Navy in aU the War areas with Uterature. The War Library was taken over by the British Red Cross and Order of St. John in Sept. 1915 ; Mrs. GaskeU and Dr. Hagberg Wright of the London Library appointed Co-managers ; Six mUlion books suppUed during the war. Addresses : Kidding ton HaU, Oxon ; 14, Lower Seymour Street, London, W. 1. Club: Sesame. (C25) GASKELL, Holbrook, O.B.E. GASKELL, Col. Joseph, C.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. 1849; 8. of WiUiam John George Clare GaskeU, of Greenhill, Penarth, Glamorganshire ; to. 1874, EmUy Mary, d. of Richard HiU of Camden House, Cardiff. Educ : Privately. Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. R.F.A. (T.F.) (V.D.) ; Vice-Chm. and Acting Chm. of Territorial Force Assoc, for Glamorgan ; Chm. of William Hancock and Co. (Limited). Addresses : Cumberland Lodge, Llandaff ; The White House, Llanwit Major. Club : National. (C175) GASKILL, Jackson, O.B.E, 6. 12 July, 1864; s. of Jackson GaskUl, of Brighton ; m. Amy, d. of John Hiskett, of Frome, Somerset. Principal Clerk of the Estate Duty Office, Somerset House. War Work : Responsible for the collection of an important branch of the Revenue ; as the War proceeded and the staff were graduaUy withdrawn for mUitary duties, acute difficulties were experienced in carrying on with the reduced staff ; undertook, in consequence, much strenuous work in order that the flow of Revenue might not be seriously diminished. Address : 29, KUlieser Avenue, Streatham Hill, London, S.W. (010459) GASKIN, John, M.B.E. GASPARRO, Francis Christopher, M.B.E, R.N. GATACRE, Hon. Beatrix Wickens, Lady, O.B.E, 6. 21 Jan. 1868 ; d. of the late Rt. Hon. Lord Davey, Lord of Appeal; m. the late Major-Gen. Sir WilUam Forbes Gatacre, K.C.B, D.S.O, s. of Edward Lloyd Gatacre, J.P, of Gatacre HaU, Shropshire. War Work : From July, 1915 to Jan. 1916, worked for Messrs. Vickers, Ltd, at Erith, as lathe-hand in the sheU-turning shop ; from1 Jan. 1915, to Oct. 1918, was Hon. Treas. to the Crowborough V.A.D. Hospital ; and in March, 1917, became Commandant also (V.A.D Sussex, 46) : from Oct. 1918, to March, 1919, was Principal Commandant of V.A.D.s in Italy ; from May to Nov. 1919, served as Com mandant of the ex-V.A.D.s working for the British Empire Leave Club in Cologne. Address : c/o Col. the Hon. H. S. Davey, C.M.G, Norton Bavant Manor, Warminster. (010460) GATEHOUSE, Major Hugh, O.B.E. _ GATES, Lieut.-Col. Edward Alfred, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C, 6. 16 April, 1874 ; s. of the late Philip Chasemore, K.C, Inner Temple ; to. Mary, d. of the late Major-Gen. Charles Fowler, R.E. Educ : Westminster School, and St. Thomas Hospital. War Work : M.O. 25th R. Fusiliers, East Africa ; Consulting Physician, Forward Area, B.E.F, Italy. Address : 5, Burwood Place, W.2. Club : Athenaeum. (O6370) GATES, Capt. Thomas Frank, C.B.E. GATES, Capt. William Henry, M.B.E. GATLIFF, Capt. Geoffrey Gatliff, M.B.E, R.E. GATTIE, Capt. Brian Berkeley, M.B.E, 6. 18 July, 1893 ; s. of A. E. B. Gattie, of London ; m. Madeleine Marie, d. of W. S. Giffin, of Birmingham. Educ : AUeyn's School, Dulwich. Interested in the Timber Trade. War Work: Active Service, Jan. 1916 to Jan. 1919. Address : 55, Mount Ararat Road, Richmond, Surrey. (M4786) GATTIE, Major Vernon Rodney Montagu, C.B.E, M.A. (Oxon.), 6. 29 May, 1885; s. of Walter Montagu Gattie. Educ; Tonbridge School and Worcester CoUege, Oxford. Barrister- at-law. War Work : Member of the British Military Mission to the Peace Conference, 1919 ; Member of the Committee of Enquiry into Breaches of the Laws of War, 1919-20. Ad dress : 5, Paper BuUdings, Temple, E.C. 4. Clubs : Carlton ; Garrick. (C2107) GATTY, Lina Mary, Mrs. SCOTT-, O.B.E, CC, 6. 24 Feb. 1873 ; d. of Sir WilUam Hart Dyke, Bart, of LuUing- stone Castle, Kent ; to. Alexander John, s. of the late Sir Alfred Scott-Gatty, Garter King of Arms, of Welwyn, Herts. County CounciUor. War Work .¦< Head of Centre of Huntingdon Red Cross Hospital ; Organiser of Voluntary War Working Parties ; Sec. of County Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Associa tion ; Chairman of War Pensions Committee. Address : Castle Hill, Huntingdon. Club : Empress. (01367) GAULT, Lieut.-Col. Andrew Hamilton, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1882 ; s. of the late R. F. Gault, of Montreal ; Educ. : McGill Univ. Consul-Gen. for Sweden in Canada, 1911-13 ; Major and T. Lieut.-Col. Canadian Inf. ; A.D.C on Personal Staff ; Pres. of Gault Bros. Co. (Limited), of Montreal ; served during S. African War, 1902 (Queen's medal with three clasps) ; Great War, 1915-19 (mentioned in despatches, 3rd class Order of St. Anne). Address : 595, Sherbrooke Street, Mont real. Clubs : Mount Royal ; St. James's (Montreal). (05998) GAULT, Rev. James Archibald, O.B.E, A.I.F. GAULT, Lieut. WiUiam James, M.B.E, Can. F.A. GAUNT, Capt. Arthur, O.B.E. GAUNT, Lieut.-Col. Cecil Robert, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1836 ; s. of His Honour the late Judge Gaunt, of Melbourne ; to. 1904, Maud, d. of the late Maj.-Gen. 0. I. Moorsom. Major (ret.) 4th Dragoon Guards ; Lieut. Col. R. of 0. ; served on N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 (mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps) ; S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Mesopotamia, 1915-17 (mentioned in despatches). (08473) GAUNT, Percy Reginald, C.B.E, 5. 6 Nov. 1875; s. of John W. Gaunt, of Summerfield, Bramley, nr. Leeds ; m. Ethel Mary, d. of Abimelech Hainsworth, of Farsley, Leeds. Educ : Leeds Boys' Modern School ; Leeds Uni versity. MiU Manager and a Director of Reuben Gaunt & Sons, Ltd, Farsley, nr. Leeds ; Freeman of the City of London ; President of the Leeds University Textile Association ; District- Commissioner for the Farsley District (West Riding of York shire), B.P. Boy Scouts' Association ; President of WoodhaU Hills Golf Club, Calverley ; President of Liberal Club, Farsley. War Work : Honorary Assistant-Director of Wool Textile Production, War Department, Bradford, during the war. Reponsible for arranging supplies of materials (cloths, serges, etc.) required by the Admiralty and Royal Marine Divisions, Post Office, Customs, Prisons, India Office, Crown Agents for the Colonies, Egyptian Services, South African Services, and any other Government Services (other than the Army) ; also for the British Railways, Police Forces, Tramways, Asylums, Corporations, ¦ Schools. Address : Elmwood, Calverley, nr. Leeds. Clubs : National Liberal ; Union, Bradford ; New Leeds & County Liberal. (C2627) GAUNT, Walter Henry, O.B.E, 6. 13 Jan. 1874 ; WiUiam Gaunt, of Bradford ; to. Kate, d. of Alfred Brooks Kearsley, of Manchester. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School. Goods distribution and traffic adviser (Messrs. J. Lyons & Co, Ltd.) ; member of Land Agents' Society and the Institute of Transport. War Work : Erection of munition factories and housing ; Superintendent of distribution, Coal Mines Dept, (Board of Trade) ; Chief special constable of Letchworth, Hertfordshire. Address : Ladybarn, Letchworth, Herts. (01368) GAUNTLETT, Major Eric Gerald, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.B, B.S, F.R.CS, L.R.C.P, R.A.M.C. (T.), 6. 1 Nov. 1885, s. of T. Lee Gauntlett, of Putney, S.W. ; m. HUda Margaret, t_. of James Gerrard, of Edinburgh. Educ. : King's CoUege School ; King's College Hospital. Assistant Surgeon, Padding- ton Green Children's Hospital ; Senior Surgical Registrar and Tutor, King's College Hospital ; Clinical Assistant Great Northern Central Hospital ; FeUow Royal Society of Medicine ; Member ; Harverian Society late Sambrooke . Surgical Registrar House Surgeon and House Physician, King's CoUege Hospital ; House Surgeon, Royal Free Hospital ; Resident Medical Officer, City of London Lying-in Hospital. War Work: Major (T. Lieut.-Col.) R.A.M.C (T.F.), late Consulting Surgeon to the Salonica Forces ; Service in Malta, Gallipoli, Egypt, Salonica (1914-19) ; Mentioned in Despatches three times. Address : Shanghai, China. Club : Royal Auto mobUe. (C1411) 207 Gauntlet. THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. GAUNTLETT, Mager Frederic, CLE, C.B.E, 5. 12 Oct. 1873 ; s. of Charles Augustus Gauntlett, of London ; to. Sophie Gertrude, d. of WiUiam James WeUer, of London. Educ. : Dulwich CoU, and Emmanuel CoU, Cambridge. Indian Civil Service ; ComptroUer and Auditor-General in India. War Work: Assistant Director, Contracts and Purchases Department, Admiralty ; Assistant Director Priority Section, Admiralty ; Sec. Shipyard Labour Department. Address : Arthington, Barton Road, Torquay. Club : East India United Service. (C176) GAUSSEN, Marguerite, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of the late Judge Kelly, of Newtown, Co. Galway, Deland ; m. the late Capt. David, s. of David Gaussen, of Duncote, Northants. War Work : Worked in Canteens in France. Address : Newtown, Co. Galway, Deland. Club : Empress. (M3663) GAVIN, Lieut.-Col. Frederick James, O.B.E. GAVIN, WilUam, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 31 May, 1886 ; s. of the late James Merricks Gavin ; m. LUian M. T. Forteath, d. of tbe late W. E. HUUard and step-d. of Lieut.-CoL F. W. H. Forteath, of Newton, Morayshire, N.B. Educ : Uppingham and Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Gold Medal for Research, Royal Agri cultural Society, 1912 ; Scientific adviser to Lord Rayleigh's Dairies, 1910 ; Manager, Duke of Marlborough's Farms, 1913. War Work : Late Lieut. R.N.V.R. ; Sec. and Deputy- Director, Army Cattle Committee, 1917 ; Director of Flax Production, 1918 ; Director of Land Reclamation, Ministry of Agriculture, 1919. Address : Coombe House, Coombe, Oxfordshire. Club : United University. (C2628) GAY, Charlotte Evelyn, O.B.E, 6. 22 Feb. 1867 ; d. of Rev. Alf. Henry Gay, Weston House, Albury, GuUdford. War Work: CoUecting and arranging for parcels being de spatched to Prisoners of War in connection with the Church Army. Addresses: The Church Army Headquarters, 55, Bryanston Street, W.l ; Weston House, Albury, GuUdford. (010461) GAYE, Major Arthur Stretton, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. GAYE, Rev. Prebendary Herbert Charles, O.B.E, 6. 12 March, 1858 ; s. of Rev. C H. Gaye, R.D, of St. Matthews, Ipswich ; to. Frederica Louisa, d. of Rev. F. Rudston-Read, of Withyham Rectory, Sussex. Educ: Ipswich; Felsted ; Lincoln Theol. CoUege. Vicar of Crewkerne, Somerset, 1897- 1907 ; Prebendary of Wells Cathedral, 1905. War Work : Chaplain to 20th Divisional ArtUlery, 1914-16 ; Senior Chap lain to 20th Div. 1916 ; Senior Chaplain, Dieppe Area, 1916-19 ; Mentioned in despatches, Nov. 1918. Address: Havencliff. Seaton, Devon. Club : Junior Constitutional. (02823) GAYER, Mary HazeU, Mrs., O.B.E. GAYTON, Joseph, M.B.E. GEAKE, Capt. WUUamHenry Gregory, M.B.E, A.M.. 6. 23 Feb. 1880 ; s. of John Venning Geake, of Reading, Berks ; to. SybeUa IsabeUa, d. of Montgomery Marsh, of Gibraltar. Educ. : Sydney Grammar School. Consulting Engineer, AustraUan Defence Dept. ; O.C. AustraUan Research Section. War Work : Enlisted with 13th Batt, A.I.F, 1916, transferred to Munitions Inventions Dept, 1917 ; Inventor of Geake Gun, also message-carrying rocket and infantry flare used during 1917-18 operations ; Wounded, Claremont, 1917 ; Awarded Albert Medal in connection with rescue work at munitions explosion; Address : Mt. Errington, Sydney. Clubs : Imperial Service . Royal Sydney Yacht, Sydney. (M428) GEAR, EUzabeth Anne, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Alexander Hughes, of Fettercaim, N.B. War Work : Joint Organiser, Hon. Sec, and Treas. of Pinner War Hospital Supply Depot. Address : Varhham, Pinner, Middlesex. (M8185) GEARD, Reginald Cheniston, O.B.E. (011930) GEARING, Ernest Handley, M.B.E, R.N. GEARY, Arthur Bernard, O.B.E. GEARY, Major George Reginald, O.B.E. GEARY, Henry Valentine, M.B.E. GEDDES, Capt. Alexander Ebenezer McLean, O.B.E, R.E. GEDDES, Rt. Hon. Sir Erie CampbeU, P.C, G.C.B, G.B.E, LL.D, M.P. (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; s. of Auck land Geddes ; to. Ada Gwendolen, d. oi the Rev. A. Stokes. Educ : Merchiston ; Oxford MUitary Coll. Minister of Transport. War Work : Da Sept. 1914 raised, equipped, and housed the 17th Northumberland FusUiers ; Deputy Director-General Munitions Supply, 1915-16 ; Director- General MUitary RaUways, and Insp.-General of Transporta tion, 1916-17 ; Hon. Major-Gen, 1917 ; additional member Board of Admiraltv, Navy ControUer, 1917 ; Temp. Hon- Vice-Admiral, 1917 ; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1917-19 ; Minister without PortfoUo, Jan. to Aug. 1919 ; first Minister of Transport, Aug. 1919 ; Knight, 1916 ; K.C.B. (MU.) 1917 ; P. C and G.B.E, 1917 ; G.C.B. (Civil), 1919 ; despatches twice ; Grand Officer of Legion of Honour ; Comm. Order of Leopold of Belgium ; Croix de Guerre Beige ; LL.D. (Sheffield) ; M.P. Cambridge Borough since 1917. Address : 12a, Manchester Square. London, W.l. Clubs : Windham ; Marlborough. (G9) GEDDES, George, M.B.E.. J.P. GEDDES, Lieut.-Col. George Hessing, C.B.. C.B.E, fi. 1864 ; s. of Col. John Geddes, formerly 44th and 76th Regts' of 4, Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; to. 1905, Vera Harriet, d. of Maj.-Gen. Charles Alexander Cuningham, Indian Army. Educ: Cheltenham. Entered R.A, 1884 ; Capt. 1893; Major 1900 ; Lieut.-Col. 1910 ; retired, 1919 ; served in S. Africa, 1902 (Queen's medal with three clasps) ; • Great War. 1914-16 (twice mentioned in despatches, Legion of Honour) ; Instructor in Gunnery, R.H.A, and R.F.A, 1904-8. Club: Naval and MUitary. (C1578) 208 GEDDES, Lieut.-Col. Rex Wilshire, O.B.E. GEDDES, Capt. WUUam John, O.B.E, fi. 19 Jan. 1882 Cartographers' Manager. War Work : Served in R.F.A. and' afterwards att. to 5th Field Survey Battn, R.E, as O.C. Map Printing Company. Mentioned in despatches. Address • 92, Ebury Street, London, S.W. 1. (05287) GEDDES, Capt. WiUiam Louis, O.B.E. GEDGE, Capt. Denny Victor, M.B.E. ; s. of James Gedge of London. Sec. Bedfordshire Territorial Force Association' Address : 48, De Parys Avenue, Bedford. (M5281) GEDGE, John Henry Barnes, M.B.E. GEDYE, Lieut.-Col. Nicholas George, O.B.E, B.Sc Officer of the Crown of Belgium, 6. 23 May, 1874 ; s. of the late Joseph Gedye, of Weston-super-Mare : m. Vera Gladys Emeline, d. of the late John Templeton, of RadcUve, Bucks. Educ. : Bristol Grammar School, and Birmingham Univ CivU Engineer ; M.Inst.CE. ; Chief Engineer, Tyne Improve ment Commission, 1910-15 ; Chief CivU Engineer for Docks, Harbours, and Inland Waterways, Ministry of Transport, Oct. 1919. War Work : Superintending Engineer, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-17 ; Major R.E, AprU 3, 1917 ; served on staff of Director-General of Transportation, B.E.F, 1917-18 ; Lieut.-Col. R.E, Oct. 1918 ; seconded for service under CivU Engineer-in-Chief, Admiralty, Nov. 1918, to Oct. 1919, as Assistant, and later acting Director of Special Construction and in charge of Reconstruction work in Belgian Ports; mentioned in despatches, 1918. Addresses : 5, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. 1; Ministry of Transport, 6, White hall Gardens, S.W. 1. Club : St. Stephen's, Westminster, S.W. 1. (O9650) GEE, Alan, O.B.E. GEE, Frederick Whitfield, M.B.E. GEE, Lieut. George Augustine, M.B.E, M.C, R.G.A. (M4489) GEER, Lieut. Ernest Walter, M.B.E, R.A.F. GEIPEL, Lieut. Kenneth Shute, O.B.E, R.E. GELDART, Professor WiUiam Martin, C.B.E, M.A, B.C.L, 6. 7 June, 1870 ; s. of the late Rev. E. M. Geldart, of Croydon ; m. Emily, d. of the late Ferdinand Falk, of CroydOD. Educ : Whitgrft Grammar School ; St. Paul's School ; BalUol College, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn ; FeUow of St. John's CoUege, Oxford, 1892-99 ; FeUow and Lecturer Trinity College, Oxford, 1901-9 ; AU Souls Reader in English Law, Oxford, 1906-09 ; Vinerian Professor of English Law and FeUow of All Souls CoUege, Oxford, since 1909. War Wort : Ministry of Munitions. 1915 ; Department of the Treasury Solicitor, 1915-1919. Addresses: AU Souls' CoUege; 10, Chadlington Road, Oxford. (C26) GELL, Henry WilUngham, O.B.E, M.D, 6. 15 Oct. 1856; s. of John PhiUp GeU, of Kirk Langley, Derbyshire ; m. Edith Georgiana, d. of Richard Bradshaw, of Stanhope Street, Hyde Park, W. Educ. : BaUiol CoU, Oxford. Treas. Royal Berk shire Hospital ; Chairman, Newbury Hospital ; Co-opted Member, Mental Deficiency Committee, Berks CC. ; Director, Commercial Gas Company, London. War Work : Hon. Member of the Staff of Reading War Hospital. Address: Woolhampton Court, Berks. Clubs : ¦ New University ; Berkshire Countv. (011804) GELL, Hon. Brig.-Gen. Harry Anthony CHANDOS- POLE-, C.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 19 Nov. 1872; s. of Henry Chandos-PoIe-GeU, of Hopton HaU, Derbyshire ; m. Ada, d. ot Thomas Henry Ismay, of Dawpool, Cheshire. Educ. : Eton. War Work : Served with Coldstream Guards South Africa, and Great War : Hon. Brig.-Gen. in Army ; Hon. Col. 4th North Midland (Howitzer) Bde, R.F.A. ; late Major, Derbyshire Yeomanry ; County Commandants Derbyshire Volunteer Corps ; Chairman Derbyshire War Agricultural Committee. Address : Heverswood, Brasted, Kent. Clubs : Guards' ; Boodle's. (C128) GEMMEL, Brevet-Col. Archibald Burns, C.B.E, fi. 1862 ; s. of James Gemmel, M.D, of Dunoon, Argyllshire ; m. Margaret MUler Alice ; d. of WilUam Cooper Thomson, M.D, of Glasgow, Educ. : Greenock Academy ; Glasgow University. General Practitioner. War Work : O.C. 1st Western General Hospital; 57th General Hospital, B.E.F. Address : 114, Prince's Ed, Liverpool. Club : Racquet, Liverpool. (C1579) GEMMEL, CoL Archibald Burns, C.B.E. Lieut.-CoL and Brevet Col. R.A.M.C. ; Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1579) GEMMELL, AUce Caroline Anne, M.B.E. ; d. of Andrew GemmeU, of Haddington. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. War Work : Sec. V.A.D. Committee, B.R.C.S, Edinburgh. Com mandant Edinburgh 24 V.A.D. Address: 3, Deanpark Crescent. Edinburgh. Club : Queen's, Edinburgh. (M8189) GEMMELL, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Alexander Stewart, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1874; Major, R.A. ; ret. 1911; rejoined, 1914, and ret. as Lieut.-Col. 1919 ; served in S. Africa, 1899- 1902 (Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (07L9) GEMMILL, Jane, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 17 July, 1855; d.ot John Ferguson, of Glasgow ; m. WUUam, s. of Peter Gernmul, of Glasgow. Educ. : Privately. Hon. Sec. British Womens Temperance Association, Scotland (Vice-President, Glasgow District). War Work : Convener of two Belgian Homes House Committees ; Hon. Sec. to two canteens in Munition Works ; Member of Committee of B.W.T.A. Soldiers' Club; Chairman, Partick War Savings Association ; President, Partick Infant WeUare Visitors. Address: 45, Westbourne Gardens, Glasgow. (MDfcfl BIOGRAPHIES. Gibbons GENDERS, Reginald, M.B.E, B.Met.A.I.C, fi. 14 July, 1891 ; s. of WUUam Genders, of Sheffield ; to. Elsie Doris, i, of Edwin Stoakes, of Sheffield. Educ. : Sheffield Univ. Research MetaUurglst, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. War Work : Investigating work in connection with war materials. Address : 84, Wellington Road, Charlton, London, S.E. 7. (M8190) GENDLE, Major Albert Edgar. O.B.E, R.A.F. GENN, Capt. Otto Herman HAWKE-, C.B.E. Capt. R.N. ; Served in the Great War, 1914-19 with Ocean Escort (mentioned in despatches). (C2312) GENOWER, Reginald, M.B.E. GENT, WilUam Henry, M.B.E. GENTLE, Robert, M.B.E, fi. 30 Oct. 1853 ; s. of Andrew Gentle, Arngask. Educ. : Arngask Parish School, and Edinburgh Univ. Late Accountant, Scottish Education Department, Edinburgh. War Work : Services rendered in the Department owing to the long continuance of the war. Address : 2, Windsor Street, Edinburgh. (M3664) GENTRY, Capt. Frederick Charles, M.B.E. GENTRY, George, O.B.E. GEOGHEGAN, Ethel Constance, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Lieut.-Col. A. O. Geoghegan, R.A.M.C, of Dublin. Educ. : Blackheath High School ; St. Anne's Coll, Lancashire ; and Rouen. War Work : Private Sec, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-19 ; Voluntary Canteen Work, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, for which obtained long service badge. Address: 92, St. John's Park, Blackheath, London. (M1764) GEOGHEGAN, WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of Charles Geoghegan, F.R.I.A.I, of Dublin ; m. Adela Maud, d. of Thomas F. GeU, of Seedley, Lancashire. Educ. : Dublin. War Work : Assistant ControUer St. John Ambulance Assn. ; Joint Red Cross County Director, City of Dublin ; recruiting Military Home Hospital Reserve ; Red Cross Organisation and Administration from August, 1914, to 1920. Addresses : St. Michael's, Eglinton Road, Donnybrook, Co. Dublin ; 19, Kildare Street, DubUn. (M430) GEORGE, Capt. Charles Dennis Victor, O.B.E, R.E. GEORGE, Capt. FitzRoy, O.B.E. GEORGE, Capt. John, O.B.E. GEORGE, Dame Margaret Lloyd, G.B.E. ; d. of Richard Owen, of Criccieth, Carnarvon ; to. Right Hon. David Lloyd George, P.C, LL.D. ; s. of the late William George of BuUord, Co. Pembroke, and of Liverpool, and EUzabeth his wife, d. of late Rev. David Lloyd, of Carnarvon. Addresses : Brynaw- ton, Criccieth, Co. Carnarvon ; The Firs, Fairrrule, Esher, Surrey : 10, Downing Street, S.W. (DG33) GEORGE, Capt. Richard Westropp, M.B.E, R.E. GEORGE, Samuel, M.B.E. GEORGE, Capt. WUfred Harold, O.B.E, R,E. GEORGE, WiUiam, O.B.E. GEORGE, WUUam Frank, M.B.E, 6. 2 Nov. 1881. Schoolmaster. War Work: Hon. Sec. Aldershot Central War Savings Committee, 1917 ; organised Food Economy Campaign and Demonstrations ; Member of Local Advisory Committees, 1917-18 ; Patriotic Fund and Welcome Home Committee ; Special Constable. Address : 11, St. Michael's Road, Aldershot. (M2193) GEORGE, WiUiam Henry Harrison, M.B.E. GEORGE, Capt. Willy Oswald, M.B.E. GEORGE, Arthur Hereford WYKEHAM-, M.B.E. GEORGES, Edith Alexa, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of the late George Milne, of Westwood, Aberdeen ; to. the late Capt. Theodore Georges, s. of Col. Clayton Georges. Educ. : Privately. War Work: Organiser, Commandant, and Ad ministrator of Hospital for Officers, Pembroke Lodge ; also Commandant of V.A.D, London 248. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (M8194) GERARD, Lieut. Charles Edward, M.B.E. GERARD, Harold, M.B.E. GERHARDI, T. Lieut. (T. Capt.,) WilUam Alexander, O.B.E. Gen. List. (012062) GERMAN, Major Sir James, K.B.E, J.P. (late the Welsh Regiment), 6. 3 AprU, 1875 ; s. of the late Alfred John tterman, of London ; m. Gwladys Rose, d. ot Thomas J. Eynon, gPfnarth. Educ : Exeter. Chairman of James German. Ltd, stockbrokers, and a director of several Shipping Companies ; President of the Cardiff Battalion of the Boys' Brigade. War work : Raised the Welsh tunneUing companies of the Royal togineers; secured large numbers of volunteers for the colours ; raised many thousands of pounds for charity, and also for sending recruiting bands to various towns. Address : JJulfryn Efrwd, Nantgarw, nr. Cardiff. CZufis : National Liberal ; Glamorgan County. (K374) GERRARD, Capt. Thomas Maitland, M.B.E, R.A.F. G55XFRS> Dorothy, Mrs. Charles T., O.B.E. £EIKIN> Major Randolph George, M.B.E. GETHING, Charlotte, Mrs. BALTHASAR-, M.B.E, a. 14 Nov. '1865 ; d. of WilUam Monds, of Hythe, Kent ; to. William John Balthasar-Gething. Educ : Privately. 1st Class Army Schoolmistress ; retired after twenty-nine years' service m Army Schools. War Work : Lady Superintendent, Army SV Office, Woking ; Deputy Administrator, W.R.A.F. ; '/° W.R.A.F.'s Central Pay Office, R.A.F, Woking ; Lady supermtendant i/c ex W.R.A.F.'s Civil Subordinate Female uerks Central Pay Office, R.A.F., Woking. Address : Raw- a™> Church Crookham, Fleet, Hants. (M3460) BIBAND, Agnes Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. .. GIBB, Sir Alexander, G.B.E, C.B. (Mil.), D.S.M. (American) member of Soci6te des TnireniRiire Oivils rie France, retired with t of Societe des Ingenieure CivUs de France, retired with rank of Brig. Gen. 1919 ; 6. 12 Feb. 1872 ; s. of the late Alexander Easton Gibb, late of Beamsley Hall, Skipton, Yorks. ; m. Norah Isabel, y. d. of the late Fleet-Surgeon Lowry John Monteith, R.N. Educ. : Rugby ; University College, London. Director-General of Civil Engineering, Ministry of Transport : Late Managing Dheetor of Easton Gibb & Son, Ltd, contractors for the construction of H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth, and other large Engineering Works ; Chairman of Technical Committee on London Traffic ; Choir- man of Light Railways Investigation Committee. Com. of the Order of the Crown of Belgium; Fellow of the University College, London; M.I.C.E, M.I.M.E.; Member Inst, of Transport; A.I.N.A, F.R.S. (Edin.), War Work: Chief Engineer, Ports Construction to British Armies in France and Belgium, 1916-18 ; Deputy-Director of Docks (O), B.E.F, France from March, 1917 to Jan. 1918 ; British Representative (Technical) Commission Militairo des Ports Beiges ; British Representative (Technical) Commission Technique des Ports Beiges ; Civil Engineer-in-Chief, Admiralty, 1918-19 ; Member of Committee appointed to deal with the question of the use of French, Belgian, and Italian Ports for demobUisation purposes. Member of Naval Committee appointed to deal with financial and economic questions arising in connection with the Naval terms of Peace between Great Britain and the Allies, and the Central Powers. Addresses : Woodrow High House, Amersham, Bucks. ; Gruinard House, by Aultbea, Ross-shire, Scotland. Clubs : Reform ; Ranelagh ; Caledonian ; New, Edinburgh. (G49) GIBB, Allan, M.B.E, 6. 13 April, 1890 ; s. of Joseph Gibb, of Millport, Scotland ; to. Helen Anne, d. of Thomas Harris, of Exeter. CivU Servant. War Work : Contracts Dept, Ministry of Munitions. Address : The Holt, St. James Road, Sutton. (M431) GIBB, Major Andrew Dewar, M.B.E. GIBB, Elizabeth, M.B.E, Adjutant (Salvation Army), fi. 18 May, 1885 ; d. of Alexander Gibb, of Peterhead, Scotland. War Work : From June, 1915, to June, 1919, engaged in Hospital Visitation (in the interests of the British wounded) ; also had oversight of various huts and hostels in connection with the Salvation Army. Address : 108O, Stokes Croft, Bristol. (M8195) GIBB, Brig.-Gen. Evan, C.M.G, C.B.E. D.S.O, 6. 12 March, 1877 ; s. of the late William Gibb, of Craigton, Fintry, Scotland to. Beatrice Ramsay, d. of Major-Gen. H. J. Hallowes, of 94, PiccadiUy. Educ. : Rossal and R.M.C, Sandhurst. War Work : Served with British Expeditionary Force in France. Address : Inwoodbarn, by Tongham, Surrey. Club : Royal Automobile. (C1253) GIBB, Maurice Sylvester, C.B.E, J.P. Managing Director. Addresses : 1, The Grove, West Hartlepool ; Central Marine Engine Works, West Hartlepool. (C2629) GIBB, Lieut.-Col. Ronald Charles, C.B.E, R.A.S.C. GIBB, William Doig, O.B.E, M.I.C.E, 6. 11 April, 1866 ; s. of John Smith Gibb, of Edinburgh ; m. Mary, d. of William Hardie, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : George Watson's CoUege, Edinburgh. War Work : Technical Adviser to the Department of Explosives Supplies, Ministry of Muni tions. Address : 166, E. Dulwich Grove, London, S.E. 22. (0362) GIBB, Capt. William Morrison, O.B.E. GIBB, WiUiam Thomas, O.B.E, J.P. GIBB, Aubrey Patrick HUGHES-, O.B.E, 17 March 1885 ; s. of Francis Hughes Gibb, of The Manor House, Tarrant GunviUe ; to. Sibyl Frances, d. of the Rev. G. Edmundson Litt. D, Vicar of St. Saviour's, Upper Chelsea. Educ. : Wel lington ; Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Private Sec. to Viscount Astor (Parliamentary Sec. Ministry of Health), Assistant General Inspector, Ministry of Health. War Work : Private Sec. to Food ControUer, 1917-18, to Parliamentary Sec Ministry of Food, 1918, and to Ministry of Health, 1919. Ad dress : 2, Tedworth Square, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Club : Ranelagh . (0443) GIBBARD, Col. Thomas Wykes, C.B., C.B.E, M.B. M.R.C.S. Educ. : King's CoU, London, and Durham Univ. Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. R.A.M.C. ; S. Africa, 1902 (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; Great War, 1914-18. (C1254) GIBBINS, Gwendolen Mary Gladys, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Henry M. Madge, M.D, of Upper Wimpole Street ; to. Herbert Bowly, M.D, s. of Frederick Gibbins, of Neath, S. Wales Educ : Baker's St. High School. War Work : Com mandant Shoreham V.A.D. Hospital, Kent. Address : 24, Allen House, Allen Street, Kensington. (M8935) GIBBON, Major Edward, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. GIBBON, Rev. Henry Hensman, O.B.E. GIBBON, loan Gwilym, C.B.E, B.A, fi. 1874 ; s. of David Gibbon, of Treherbert, Glamorgan. Educ. : Oswestry High School and London Univ. Assist. Sec. Min. of Health Address : Ministry of Health, Whitehall, S.W. (C177) GIBBON, Major Thomas Holroyd, O.B.E, B.A, M.D, B.Ch, B.A.O, R.A.M.C, 6. 29 March, 1879 ; s. of Brigade Surgeon-Major E. A. Gibbon, of Sleedagh, Wexford ; to. Elizabeth Mary, d. of Harry Joseph Cooper. Educ. : Hailey bury Coll, and Trinity Coll, Dublin. War Work : France and Italy. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place. (06371) ' GD3BONS,Major Gerald Francis Petvin.O.B.E, M.B, B.Sc. (Lond.), M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, Royal Army Medical Corps (Special Reserve), o. 9 June, 1892 ; s. of Henry Gibbons, M.D, J.P, of Desborough ; to. Donalda, d. of W. S. Cameron, M.R.C.S, of 209 Gibbons THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Hampton HiU. Educ. : Market Harhorough Grammar School ; Epsom CoUege ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Medical Referee, Ministry of Pensions : Late Senior House Physician, St. Bar tholomew's Hospital. War Work : Att. 27th Field Ambulance (9th Division) Oct. 1914 to Oct. 1915 ; Att. No. 2, CCS, Oct. 1915 to Feb. 1917 ; Att. H.Q. 2nd Army, Feb. 1917 to to Aug. 1917 ; Deputy Assistant-Director of Medical Services 37th Division, Aug. 1917 to Feb. 1919 ; With B.E.F, France, May, 1915 to Feb. 1919 ; Mentioned in despatches, Midsummer 1918, and Peace Gazette. Address: St. Anthony's Will, Desborough, nr. Market Harborough. (O5290) GIBBONS, Hope, M.B.E, GIBBONS, Lieut. (Acting Major) OUver Thomas Brice, O.B.E, Machine Gun Corps, 6. 11 Aug. 1896 ; s. of the late OUver Thomas Gibbons, of Leytonstone ; m. Peggie, d. of — Redmond, of Deland. (05291) GIBBONS, Lieut. Robert Reginald, O.B.E. GIBBONS, Lieut.-Col Sir Walter, K.B.E, 6. 14 May, 1871 ; s. of John Gibbons, of Wolverhampton ; to. NelUe IsabeUa, d. of the late George Adney Payne, of St. Malo, Heme Bay ; Re married, 1 July, 1913, Doris Blanche, d. of Charles Lee, J.P, of Cavendish Court. Educ. : Privately. Road Transport Adviser to the Ministry of Food ; Hon. Treas. AutomobUe Association and Motor Union ; Commanding Officer, Royal Army Service Corps, County of Middlesex. War Work : Instrumental in raising the necessary funds and presenting to the French, Belgium, and English Governments upwards of 300 Ambulances ; Received the thanks of the President of the French Republic for Ambulances presented. Presented a number to the British Red Cross Society, to the War Office and the Territorial Force Association of the County of Middlesex : gave a Hospital at Stonebridge Park to the British Red Cross Society aud presented them with a cheque for one thou sand guineas towards the upkeep of same ; instituted a Red Cross column consisting of 20 Ambulances and maintained them for deahng with the wounded at the various London Hospitals. Address : 1, Hanover Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. 1. (K375) GIBBONS, WilUam Michael, O.B.E. GIBBS, Capt. Brandreth, O.B.E. GIBBS, Capt. Gerard Yardley, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 8 May, 1887 : s. of Kenneth Yardley, of Hatterscroft, Saw- bridgeworth ; m. Carol, d. of H. Herbert Francis, of Loughton. Educ. : Bradfield Coll. War Work : Served in GaUipoU and Mesopotamia ; three times mentioned in despatches ; organised Arab (Native) Labour, North of Bagdad. Address : 2, Lux- borough House, Northumberland Street, W. (M4273) GIBBS, Henry, O.B.E, 6. 6 Nov. 1865 ; s. of the late Isaac Gibbs, of Somersetshire ; m. Emma Girdlestone-Brown (dec), d. of the late James Girdlestone-Brown, of Terrington, Nor folk. Educ. : King's CoUege, London. Wool Merchant ; Director of Kreglinger & Fernau, Ltd, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Freemantle, AustraUa, and Christehurch, N.Z. War Work : Officer in Charge of Colonial Wool Stocks in the U.K. (volun tary). Address : Terrington Grange, Northwood, Middlesex. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (03725) GD3BS, Hon. MUdred Dorothea, O.B.E, 5. 2 May, 1876; d. of Lord Aldenham, of Aldenham and Clifton Hampden (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Privately. War Work : Com mandant of V.A.D. 116 London ; Administrator, Hostel for Invalid Belgian Refugees ; in charge of Posting Department for V.A.D. Members of County of London. Addresses : 37, Portland Place, W. ; Clifton Hampden, Abingdon. Clubs : Ladies' Empire ; V.A.D. (010465) GD3BS, Sir Philip Armand Hamilton, K.B.E, 6. 1877 ; 8. of Henry James Gibbs, of the Board of Education, White hall ; to. Agnes, d. of the Rev. W. J. Rowland. Educ. : Privately ; Author of many novels, historical works, and the foUowing books on the European War : " The Soul of the War " ; ¦' The Battles of the Somme " ; " From Bapaume to Passchen- daele " ; " Open Warfare and the way to Victory " ; '¦ The ReaUties of War." War Work : War Correspondent with the British Armies on the Western Front, 1914-19. Address : 114, Stamford HiU, London, N. (K376) GIBBS, Lieut. Stanley, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. GD3LETT, Major Robert Harold, O.B.E, A.M.I.A.E, Com. Portuguese MUitary Order of Avis, of MUton, Oxford 6. 22 Jan. 1889 ; s. of Thomas Giblett. Edue. : Privately ; Mechanical Engineer ; Automobile andl.C. Engine Designer; has written extensively on Engineering, Motor, and general sub jects. " Design and Productive Efficiency," 1912 ; " The Recognition of Contemporary Demand," 1913. Numerous other articles and sketches. War Work : Sept, 1914, 2nd Lieut, Royal Engineers ; Nov. 1914, Lieut, Inspector of Mechanical Transport, engaged on supervision of Mobile Workshop Construction ; Aug. 1915, as Capt. R.A.S.C, assisted in reorganisation of Base Mech. Transport Depot in France; Jan. 1917, Major, Chief Stores Officer, Base M.T. Depot, Northern Lines of Com, Fiance ; Nov. 1917, 2nd in Command, 4th Heavy Repair Shop, Rouen ; was President of Committee for interviewing and selecting skiUed tradesmen ; Member of M.T. Accessory Standardisation Committee ; AssMcd Portuguese in organisation of Mech. Transport Depot for their forces, for which made Com. of Portuguese MUitary Order of Avis ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Bryngwyn, MUton-on-Wychwood, Oxon ; 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, E.C.I. Club : Royal Automobile. (0529°) GIBSON, Alfred Edgar, O.B.E, CA, 6. 1SSG ; s of Robert Gibson, of Edinburgh ; to. Katharine, d. of the late James Oliver, of Edinburgh. Educ : Daniel Stewart's Coil Edinburgh, and Edinburgh Univ. Accountant, William' Beardmore & Co, Ltd, Parkhead, Glasgow. War Work ¦ Section Director, Department of lactory Audits and Costs' Ministry of Munitions. Address : c/o WiUiam Beardmore & Co, Ltd, Parkhead, Glasgow. (010466) GIBSON, Agnes, Mrs., M.B.E. ' GIBSON, Capt. Alan Keith, O.B.E, M.C. GIBSON, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Clare Vernon, O.BE GIBSON, Capt. Charles Mends, O.B.E, R.N. GIBSON, Prof. Charles Stanley. O.B.E, M.A, B Sc M.Sc, F.I.C, 6. 8 Feb. 1884 ; s. of Joshua Gibson, Esq, o'f Manchester. Educ. : Grammar School, Manchester, Corpus Christi CoUege, Oxford. Professor of Chemistry ; Guy's Hospital. War Work : Honorary Adviser to the Chemical Warfare Department, Ministry of Munitions. Addresses: Guy's Hospital, London; 15, Birch Lane, Longsight, Man chester, England. Clubs : Royal Societies' : Turf (Cairo). (03726) GIBSON, Edward, M.B.E. ' GIBSON, Finlay Albert, O.B.E. GIBSON, Lieut. Francis Edmund, M.B.E, R.F.A. GIBSON, Comm. Frederick John Butler, O.B.E, R 2f GIBSON, Lieut. George E., M.B.E. GIBSON, George McLean, O.B.E, A.M.Inst.CE M.I.Mech.E, 6. 6 March, 1877 ; s. of WUliam Gibson, of Withington, Manchester ; m. Sarah EUen d. of the late Samuel Midgley, of Kingston-upon-HuU. Educ. : Privately. Deputy Housing Commissioner, Region B (Yorkshire), under the Ministry of Health ; late Chief Assistant Engineer, Blyth Harbour Commissioners, Blyth, Northumberland; Assistant Engineer, North-Eastern RaUway Docks Department. War Work : Assistant Superintendent, BuUdiug Works Dept, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich ; for 4_ years in charge of a Division, being responsible for Civil Engineering, Factory Construction, and also for the Construction of Temporary Houses and Hostels for Munition Workers. Addresses : Quebec House, Quebec Street, Leeds ; Merlewood, King's Road, Harrogate. (010468) GIBSON, Grace, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of WiUiam Gott, of Glasgow ; to. James, s. of Robert Gibson, of Greenlaw* Berwick shire. Educ. : Glasgow. War Work : Hon. Stores Manager, Stores and Despatch Committee, Scottish Branch of the Red Cross Society, Headquarters, Glasgow. Address: 28, Park Gardens North, BroomhiU, Glasgow. (M1766) GIBSON, Sir Herbert, K.B.E, 6. 8 July, 1863 ; s. ofthe late Thomas Gibson, of 1, EgUnton Crescent, Edinburgh ; m. Madeleine Jessie, d. oi the late Rev. W. J. SaveU, M.A, L.L.M, of Wallington, Surrey. Landowner and Uve stock breeder in the Argentine RepubUc. War Work : Commissioner for Church Army Huts with the n. and V. Armies, B.E.F, France, and subsequently Wheat Commissioner for H.M.G. in the Argentine and Uruguayan RepubUcs and head of Inter- AUied Commission for the purchase of cereals in those countries, 1917-19. Address : Compton Hurst, Eastbourne. Clubs : St. James' ; Jockey (Buenos Aires). (K2131 GIBSON, Herbert Mends, O.B.E, fi. 1868 ; «. of Charles George Gibson, of Plymouth ; to. Adele Buckingham, d. of Joseph J. Andrews, of Plymouth. Educ: Plymouth Grammar School. Chief Superintendent, Manchester Ship Canal. War Work : Chairman, Transport Committee, East Lancashire Branch British Red Cross Society. Address : Greyfriars, Hale, Cheshire. Clubs : Clarendon ; Constitutional, Man chester ; R.A.C, London. (01370) GIBSON, Hope, C.B.E, 6. 23 May, 1859 ; s. of the late Thomas Gibson, of 1, Eglinton Crescent, Edinburgh ; m. Agnes RusseU. d. of the late John WaddeU, of The Inch, Bath gate. Argentine landowner and stock breeder ; Senior partner in the house of Gibson Brothers, Buenos Aires. Produce Brokers and Merchants. War Work : Chairman, British Chamber of Commerce in the Argentine RepubUc, 1913-18 ; President of the Inter-Allied Committee representing six AUied Chambers of Commerce in Buenos Aires during the War. Addresses: Estancia " Los Inglesitos," Prov. of Buenos Aires ; 1833, Rodriguez Pefia, City of Buenos Aires. Clubs : Jockey, and Strangers, Buenos Aires, Argentine. (C967) GIBSON, Comm. Ishara Worsley, O.B.E, M.V.O. GIBSON, James Albert, M.B.E, M.D, D.P.H, fi. 16 Sept. 1865 ; s. of James Gibson, of Edinburgh ; m. LiUan Mary, A.R.R.C, d. of the Rev. H. Colson. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. Medical Officer of Health. War Work: Specialist Sanitary Officer (with rank of Capt.) for Section 1, Portsmouth Garrison, Aug. 1914, to March, 1919 ; Hon. Medical Officer in Charge ; Secty. Red Cross Hospital, Gatcombe House, I. of W, 1914-17 ; County Medical Director for I. of W. British Red Cross Society, 1914 to present time. Address : Castle View, Carisbrooke, I. of W. (M8197) GIBSON, Lieut. James Baily, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. GIBSON, Jane, O.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. GIBSON, Jane Margaret Frances, M.B.E, Controller, Southern Command, Q.M.A.A.C. ; d. of the late Jasper Gibson. Educ. : Harrogate. War Work : 1914-15, took charge, under Lady Milman, of the needlework rooms at the Primrose League (Red Cross), in Victoria Street, S.W. ; in 1915, joined the Women's Legion and served as Superintendant at Dartfora MUitary Hospital ; 1917, appointedArea ControUer, Q.M.A-A.C. > Eastern Command ; 1919, appointed ControUer, Q.M.AA.C., Southern Command. A ddress : 30a, Trebovir Road, S.w. 5. CM433) 210 BIOGRAPHIES. Gilby GIBSON, John Constant, C.B.E. For voluntary services in the Contract Dept, Admiralty, from 1917 to 1919. In charge of contract work for auxUiary vessels. (C3142) GIBSON, Capt. John George, M.B.E, T.D, 6. 6 Novr 1879 ; s. of Major J. G. Gibson, of Edinburgh ; to. Ellno. Ewen, d. of Edmund Risoliere BurreU, of Blackheath, S.B. 3. Educ. : HaUeybury CoU. Senior Partner in Begbies, Ross __ Gibson. War Work : Served in France from Sept. 1914 with 1st Batt. Hon. Artillery Company (Infantry). Address : 6, St. Germans Place, Blackheath, S.E. 3. (M4300) GIBSON, Lieut. John Montgomery, M.B.E. GIBSON, John Watson,- O.B.E. GIBSON, Joseph HamUton, O.B.E, M.Eng. (L'pool), M.I.C.E, fi. 2 Feb. 1869 ; s. of Capt. Joseph Gibson, of Liverpool ; to. Margaret. Educ. : Liverpool Institute, CivU Engineer, London and Liverpool ; Past-President, Liver pool Engineering Society ; Member of CouncU, Inst, of Naval Architects. War Work : Member of the following Com mittees: — Board of Invention and Research, British Marine Engineering Design and Construction, British Engineering Standards, etc. Addresses : 7, St. James' Road, Wallasey ; 32, Victoria St, Westminster ; 34 Castle St, Liverpool. Clubs: St. Stephen's (London) ; University (Liverpool). (0363) GIBSON, Lawrence, M.B.E. GIBSON, Myra Macindoe, Mrs., C.B.E, 6. 26 May. 1884 ; d. of W. M. Dunlop, M.D, late Medical Superintendent of St. Pancras Infirmary, London ; to. Edward Hotham, s. of Edward Graeme, of Chislehurst. Educ. : Private Tuition ; Frances Mary Buss Schools, London. Temporary Honorary General Manager, League of Remembrance (1914-19), 1, Marlborough Gate, W. 2. War Work: 1914-15, Honorary Sister-in-Charge of Christehurch AuxUiary Hospital, Chisle hurst ; 1916-20, Honorary General Manager, The Central Depot (H.R.H. Princess Beatrice's), 2, Cavendish, Sq, W. 1. Addresses : 37, Rutland Court, S.W. Ctafis : Halcyon ; PhvUis Court ; Harewood Downs ; League of Remembrance (1914-19). (0502) GIBSON, Major Norman MaxweU, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C, GIBSON, Lieut.-Col. Orland Kingsley, O.B.E, 6. 1878 ; 8. of W.C. Gibson, of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; to. Mona, d. of S. Whalen, of Renfrew, Ontario, Canada. Educ. : Ottawa CoUegiate Institute, Toronto Unkversity, Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dental Surgeon. War Work : Deputy-Director of the Canadian Army Dental Sorvices, Overseas MUitia Forces of Canada. Addresses : 102, Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada House ; 9, Thornton Avenue, Ottawa. Canada. Ctafi : Laurentian (Ottawa). (O7909) GIBSON, Major Riohard Edward, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. retired), fi. 8 July, 1891 ; s. of Henry Francis Gibson, of Ashley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire ; to. Daphne Margaret, d. of the late Venerable R. C. Fletcher, Archdeacon of Blackburn, and Rector of Chorley. Educ. : EUzabeth CoUege, Guernsey, C I • Edinburgh University ; London Hospital. Medical Practitioner. War Work : With B.E.F, France, Aug. 1914 to March 1919 ; No. 8 General Hospital ; Queen Mary's Convales cent Hospital for Officers, Nice ; 92nd Field Ambulance ; 161st Brigade, R.F.A. ; Medical Officer to General Sir Hubert Gough, K.C.B, K.C.V.O, G.O.C Fifth Army; Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services Cavalry Corps ; Men tioned in Despatches, Jan. 1918, and June, 1918 ; Awarded O.B.E, June, 1918, Address : SenUs, Les Gravies, Guernsey, Channel Isles. Club: Grange, Guernsey. (01371) GIBSON, Robert, C.B.E. GIBSON Lieut.-Col. Robert John Harvey, C.B.E. Lieut.- Col. Liverpool Regt. (T.). (C816) GIBSON, Thomas George, M.B.E. GIBSON, Capt. Thorey Carbutt, O.B.E, Spec. Res. Dish Guards, fi. 11 Aug. 1883 ; s. of the late Arthur Buxton Cummings Gibson, of Newborough HaU, Fourstones-on- Tyne ; m Elizabeth, d. of Maurice Wetzlar, of London. Educ. : Charterhouse, and New CoU.. Oxford. British Sec-General, Austrian Section, Reparations Commission. War Work: MUitary Censorship, War Office ; served in Dish Guards ; Assistant MUitary Attache, British Legation, Berne ; Special Mission to Germany, 1918-19 ; attached British Delegation, Peace Conference. Address : 11, Douro Place, London, W. 8. Club: Bath. (08812) GIBSON, Capt. W., M.B.E. GIBSON, WilUam, C.B.E. GIBSON, WiUiam Alfred, O.B.E. GIBSON, WiUiam Charles Ernest, M.B.E. 1868 ; s. 'of the late Rev. H. A. Gibson, of Lmslade Vicarage, Leighton Buzzard ; m. Alice Laura, d. of Edward Salzmann. Educ : Privately. For 20 years in business in the East (now retired) War Work : Commdr. Metropolitan Special Con stabulary, T. Division, Aug. 1914 to March, 1919. Address : Mayfield, Somerset Road, Wimbledon Common, S.W. Club : Sports' (M435) GIBSON, WiUiam Howieson, O.B.E, D.Sc. (Lond ), 6. 20 Feb. 1885 ; s. of John Howieson Gibson, of Edinburgh ; m. Janet, d. of Walter Simpson, of Aberdeen Educ. .-Mathe matical School, Rochester; Univ. CoU. School; and Univ. Coll, London. Chief Chemist, York Street Flax Spinning Co, Ltd, Belfast. War Work : Research Work on High Explosives, TNT Tetrvl, Guncotton, etc, at Research Dept, Woolwich Arsenal ; Directive and Consultative Work as Principal Assistant to Sir Robert Robertson, K.B.E, F.R.S. Address . Shane s Cottage, Ward Avenue, Bangor, Co. Down. Clubs : Chemical Industry; Univ. of London. (010469) (011973) 6. 14 Jan. GIBSON, William John, O.B.E. GIBSON, William Walker, O.B.E, R.A.F. GICK, WiUiam John, C.B.E, O.B.E. GIDDY, Lilian Napier, Mrs., M.B.E. GIELGUD, Capt. Lewis Evelyn, M.B.E. GIFFARD, Lieut.-Col. Jack, O.B.E. GIFFARD, Mary Constance, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Richard Holt Briscoe, of Caynton, Shropshire ; to. Walter Thomas Courtenay, d. of Walter Peter Girrard, of Chillington, Staffs (see Burkh's Landed Gentry). War Work : Vice-President of Wolver hampton (Reval) Branch of B.R.C.S. ; Hostess of Belgian Refugees, of SheU Shock Cases, and of Australian Officers. Address : Chillington Hall, Staffordshire. (010471) GIFFARD, Thomas Arthur Walter, M.B.E, B.A, 6. 2 Aug. 1882 ; s. of Walter T. 0. Giffard, J.P, D.L, of Chilling ton, Staffs ; m. Angela Erskine, d. of Sir WiUiam Trollope, Bart, of 5, Montagu Square, W. Educ. : Harrow and Christ Church, Oxford. Formerly a Member of the Stock Exchange ; now at the Board of Trade. War Work : General Staff, MUitary Intelligence Dept, War Office. Addresses : 16, Alexander Square, S.W. 3 ; Chillington Hall, Wolverhampton. Club : Wellington. (M436) GIFFARD, Major Walter Longueville, O.B.E. GIFFIN, Major WiUiam Herbert Dore, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.). GIFFORD, Emma, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1861 ; d. of Ernest Rossiter, of Taunton ; m. James William, s. of James Benjamin Gifford, of Chard. Educ: Dover, and Bedford Coll, London. Commandant V.A.D. Somerset 52, from Aug. 1911 ; School Manager ; Warden of Women's S. Somerset Unionist League; Hon. Sec. Chard Nursing Assocn. Received freedom of Borough of Chard 1920. Author of " Table of Natural Sines." War Work : Chard Belgian Refugees' Committee until Dec. 1915 ; Commandant of V.A.D. Hospital from Dec. 1915, to May, 1919. Address : Oaklands, Chard, Somerset. (M8200) GIFFORD, Major Herbert Llewellyn, O.B.E, Royal Irish Rifles, 6. 10 Oct. 1873 ; s. of the late Major-Gen. H. H. F. Gifford, 13th Hussars; m. Mary EUeen Barrett, d. of Mrs. Stokes, of Hove. Educ. : Bedford. War Work : Proceeded to France with 2nd Batt. Royal Dish Rifles, B.E.F, in Aug. 1914 ; took part in Operations at Mons and subsequent retreat, Le Cateau, the Marne, the Aisne, Ypres, and Armentieres ; severely wounded ; G.S.O, 3rd Grade, General Staff, War Office; Brigade Major, 60th Infantry Brigade; D.A.A.G. 67th Division. Club : Junior United Service. (08813) GILBERT, Lieut.-Comm. Archibald, O.B.E, R.N. GILBERT, Col. Arthur Robert, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1863 ; s. of the late Rev. Clement Gilbert, of Strumpshaw HaU, Norfolk ; to. 1903, Edith Muriel, d. of Herbert Cook, of Thwaite, Norwich. Educ : Cheltenham Coli. Entered Roy. Sussex Regt, 1882 ; Capt. 1892 ; Brevet Major, 1900 ; Major, 1902 ; Lieut.-Col. 1907; Col. 1911; served with Soudan Expedi tion, 1885 ; with Hazara Expedition, 1888 (medal with clasp) ; with Tirah Expedition, 1897-98 ; in S. Africa, 1900-2 (mentioned in despatches, Queen's medal with four clasps; King's medal) ; commanded a Territorial Force Brig., 1912-17. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C1580) GILBERT, George JuUan, M.B.E, 6. 11 June, 1877 ; s. of Myles GUbert, of Needham Market, Suffolk. Educ. : Theobold's Endowed School, Needham Market. CivU Servant. War Work : On the staff of the Government Committee on the Prevention and Relief of Distress, and the Military Service (Civil LiabUities) Department. Address : Sundridge Mansion Hotel, Bromley, Kent. (M437) GILBERT, James Alnsworth, O.B.E, 6. 23 Dec. 1879 ; s. of Richard James GUbert, of Wickham Lodge, Wiekham Bishops, Essex ; to. Agatha Mary, d. of Browlow Rudinge Martin, M.B, of KUleshandra, Co. Cavan. Educ : City of London School. Bank of Bengal, India. War Work : Hon. Sec. Bengal War Fund ; received thanks of French, Russian, Serbian, and Japanese Governments ; Mentioned, Commander- in-Chief's (India) Despatches, 25 June, 1919. Addresses : Agra, U.P, India ; Briarkot, East Withering, Sussex, England. Club : United Service. (04041) GILBERT, Violet AdeUne, M.B.E, d. of Jeremiah Gilbert, of Leamington. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Personal Cler.k to Minister of Agriculture. Address : 1, Mount View Road, London, N. 4. (M438) GILBERT, Grace Catherine Rose, Mrs. DAVIES-, C.B.E, 6. 10 Dec. 1861 ; d. of George Massey Dawson, of Ballinacourte, Co. Tipperary, and widow of Carew Davies-Gilbert. War Work : Deputy President of the Eastbourne Division, Sussex, of the British Red Cross Society. Address : The Manor House, Eastbourne. , _ (0968) GILBERTSON, Mary Campbell Bisset, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d of John Ferguson, of Glasgow ; m. John, s. of Robert B. Gilbertson, of Lerwick. Trained at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, and afterwards Sister there ; Member of CoU. of Nursing, Glasgow Centre. War Work : Matron, Gilbert Bain Memorial Hospital, Lerwick, Shetland, which was chiefly given over for Naval and MiUtary patients. Address : 168, Cumlodden Drive, Glasgow, N.W. (M8261) GILBURD, WilUam Robert, M.B.E. GILBY, Lieut. Frank, M.B.E, R.N, 6. 19 Sept. 1866; s. of Thomas GUby, of Great Brickhill, Bucks ; m, Ada, d. of George Gilby, of Great Brickhill, Bucks. Educ : National School, Warwick ; British School, Cirencester, Gloucestershire. Naval Torpedo Officer. War Work : Aug. 1914 to Nov. 1915, 211 Gilchrist THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. assisting in construction of H.M. Ships ; Nov. 1915, Torpedo duties with Grand Fleet, Destroyer FlotiUas, North Sea, tiU June, 1918 ; June, 1918, till end of war, Construction duties. Address : Commanding Officer, Hornsea Island ; c/o H.M.S. " Vernon," Portsmouth. (M1769) GILCHRIST, Archibald, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 1877 ; s. of James GUchrist, J.P, D.L, of BeUcairn, Dumbartonshire ; to. Euphemia, d. of WiUiam Mitchell, ShipbuUder, of West Hartlepool. Educ. : Albany Academy ; Andersonian CoUege ; Royal Technical CoUege. Engineer and ShipbuUder ; Director of Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd, Barclay, Curie & Co. Ltd, the British Hydraulic Foundry Co, Ltd, and other industrial concerns. War Work : BuUding of various types of warships, aeroplanes, seaplanes, etc. Address : Highfield, Kelvinside, Glasgow. Clubs : Constitutional ; British Empire. (0367) GILCHRIST, Archibald John, O.B.E, M.C, M.B, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 21 Oct. 1884; s. of the late John GUchrist. Educ. : Harbord Street, CI. ; University of Toronto ; London Hospital. War Work : Lieut. R.A.M.C. (S.R.), 1914, att. 1st Worcesters; promoted Capt. 1915 ; 10th General Hospital, Rouen, 1916-19 ; A. Major, 1918 ; Officer in charge Surgical Division, 10th Gen. Hospital, 1917-19. Address : 455, Palmerston Bend, Toronto, Canada. (05294) GILCHRIST, EUzabeth MacFarlane, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. GILCHRIST, George Prowse, M.B.E. GILCHRIST, Lieut. Henry Thomas, M.B.E, fi. 3 June, 1897 ; s. of H. GUchrist, of RathsaUagh, Colbinstown, Co. Wicklow. Educ. : St. Columba's CoU, Rathfarnham, and The High School, Dublin. Addresses : RathsaUagh, Colbins town, Co. Wicklow, Ireland; c/o O.C, R.A.S.C, Delta Area, Old Army H.Q, Rue Kasr-el-Nil, Cairo. (M4735) GILCHRIST, John MacAnslan, O.B.E. GILCHRIST, Capt. Norman Stephen, O.B.E, R.A.F. GILES, Arthur, M.B.E. GILES, Major Arthur Herbert Wainwright, O.B.E. GILES, Major Godfrey Douglas, O.B.E, R.F.A. (T.). GILES, Lieut.-Col. Godfrey Hill, C.B.E. GILES, Lieut. Harry Herbert, M.B.E, R.A.F. GILES, Capt. (A. Major) Hylton Lloyd, O.B.E, 6. 18 June, 1880 ; s. of Hammond GUes, of Norwich ; to. PhyUis Naomi, d. of Dr. John Herbert Stacy, of Norwich. Educ. : BlundeUs School, Devon. Manager of the Norwich Branch of the Alliance Assurance Co, Ltd. War Work : MobUised 4 August, 1914; demoliUised June, 1919; 2 years in France on G.H.Q. Staff, 3rd Echelon, B.E.F. Address : BlundeUs, MUe End Road, Norwich. Club : Norfolk and Norwich. (05295) GILES, John Dudgeon, O.B.E, M.D, Ch.B. (Edin), fi. 28 Jan. 1880 ; s. of the late Rev. Alexander GUes, M.A. (Aber deen), of Ashkirk, Selkirkshire ; to. Annie, d. of Charles Edward Wright, of London. Educ. : George Watson's College, Edinburgh ; University of Edinburgh ; King's College, London ; and Middlesex Hospital, London. Medical Superin tendent of Salford Union Infirmary, Pendleton, Manchester. War Work : Medical Officer-in-Charge of Hope AuxUiary Military Hospital Pendleton, Manchester, from 1915-19. Addresses : Sunnyside, Lancaster Road, Pendleton. Manchester ; Hope Hospital, Stott Lane, Pendleton, Manchester. (04366) GILES, Robert, M.B.E. GILES, Robert Edgar, M.B.E, 6. 2 Feb. 1889; s. of WiUiam GUes, of Battersea ; to. Helen Hibble, d. of James Gates, of Portchester, Hants. Educ. : Strand School. War Work : Sec. to the Admiralty Sub-Committee, and Principal of the Admiralty Division, War Trade Department. Address : 53, Manchuria Road, Clapham Common, S.W. 11. (M1770) GILFILLAN, Samuel James, O.B.E, M.B. GILHESPY, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. John WiUiam Edward, O.B.E, R.N. GILL, Daisy Lee Heywood, Mrs, M.B.E. GILL, Major Ernest WilUam, O.B.E, R.E. GILL, Frank, O.B.E. GILL, Lieut.-Comm. Henry Dale, O.B.E, R.N. GILL, Col. James Geoffrey, C.B.E, D.S.O, L.R C P I L.M, L.R.CS.I, R.A.M.C. ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; during Great War, 1914-17 (mentioned in de spatches). (C3094) GILL, Major James Herbert Wainwright, O.B.E.. R.E. GILL, Capt. John Galbraith, D.S.O, O.B.E, M C GILL, Lilias Ida, M.B.E, W.A.A.C. GILL, Wing.-Com. Napier John, C.B.E, M.C, R.A.F, 6. 5 April, 1890 ; s. of Robert T. GUI, of Airleywight House, Bankfoot, Perthshire ; m. Daisy, d. of Henry Cotton, of London. Educ. : Summerfields, nr. Oxford ; Rugby ; Wool wich. Address : 1, Chester Place, Hyde Park, London, W. GILL, Capt. Walter BrudeneU, O.B.E, RE GILL, WiUiam Briggs, O.B.E. t Pn£-'^JoseR1?„WITHERS-' O.B.E, fi. 7 Dec. 1864; s. of John Withers GUI, of Thetford Manor, Norfolk ; m. Gertrude Bethune, d. of Horatio Bethune Leggatt, of Brownwich, Hants. Educ : London and Cambridge. Nigerian PoUtical Service (ret ). War Work : Section Director, Ministry of Munitions. Addresses: 33 Stanhope Gardens, S.W. 7 (O10474) __ 9.IL.VAM^C,a?rt' Ve™on, M.B.E, R.F.A, fi. 21 Jan. 1881 ; to. Gem ia Ethel Mary, d. of John Haines, of Brighton. Educ. : Privately. O.C ArtiUery Ranges, Salisbury Plain. War Work: 212 Served with 7th Division, B.E.F, in Belgium, during 1st Battle of Ypres ; was commissioned for service in the field in Jan. 1915 ; appointed Assist. Instructor Gunnery at Shoe- buryness ; Assist. Commandant, R.A. Practice Camp, for training of new armies (ArtiUery), until Nov. 1917. (M5288) GILLAM, Major Vincent Andrew, O.B.E, York and Lancaster Regt, 6. 21 Jan. 1884 ; s. of the late Frank Andrew GiUam, of 18, West Cromwell Road, South Kensington; m. Ida Dorothy, d. of Sir Kenneth Kemp, Bart, (see Burke's Peerage), of Mergate HaU and Gissing Hall, Norfolk. Educ. : WeUington CoU, and Royal Military CoU, Sandhurst. War Work : Served with B.E.F, France, 1914 ; Deputy Assist. Adjutant-General, Headquarters, Eastern Command, 1916-17 ¦ War Office, 1917-20. Club : Army and Navy. (07185) GILLANDERS, Francis Geraldine, Mrs. MACKENZIE-, M.B.E, 6. 26 Aug. 1878 ; d. oi George Francis GiUanders, J.P, D.L, of Highfield (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Capt. Edward Baskerville (who assumed by Royal Licence, on his marriage, the additional name of GiUanders), s. of WiUiam Dalziel Mackenzie, J.P, D.L, of Fawley Court. Bucks, and Farr, Inverness (see Burke's Landed Gentry). Vice-President, Ross and Cromarty Branch Red Cross. War Work : President and Convener, Highfield War Hospital Supply Depot ; President and Convener, Highfield Comforts Fund ; President and Chairman, Mrs. Mackenzie-GUlanders' Prisoners of War Fund ; District Representative and Member of Women's Agricultural County Committee ; organised Fetes, Sales, Flower and Flag Days, etc. Address : Highfield House, Muir of Ord ; Corrie- chattie Lodge, Muir of Ord. (M8204) GILLER, George Samuel, M.B.E. GILLESPIE, Eng.-Comm. Andrew, O.B.E, R.N.R. GILLESPIE, Sub.-Lieut. Gerald James, M.B.E., R.N.V.R. GILLESPIE, Major Harold Evelyn, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. GILLESPIE, James, M.B.E. GILLESPIE, James Macgregor, O.B.E. GILLESPIE, Margaret, Mrs, M.B.E. GILLESPIE, Lieut.-Col. RoUo St. John, CLE., O.B.E. GILLESPIE, Sara, Mrs, M.B.E. GILLESPIE, Lieut. WiUiam Ernest, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. GILLESPIE, WiUiam James, M.B.E, J.P, fi. Sept. 21, 1870 ; 8. of Matthew GiUespie, of Glentriplock ; ra. Jessie, d. of — Anderson Ferguson. Farmer ; J.P. for County of Wigtown ; Chairman, Mochrum Parish CouncU, and Mochrum School Management Committee ; President of Portwilliam Dairy Farmers' Association, and Farmers' Union ; Member of District Committee of County. War Work : Deputy Head Coast Watcher, B. Bay of Luce. Address : South BarsaUoch, PortwilUam, Wigtownshire. (M3667) GILLETT, Capt. Bernard George, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. GILLETT, Edwin, O.B.E. GILLETT, Henry WiUiam, M.B.E. GILLETT, John CorneUus, M.B.E, 6. 14 Jan. 1852 ; s. of Cornehus GiUett, of Walthamstow ; to. MatUda, d. of George GoUop, of Poole, Dorset. Educ. : City of London School. SUk Manufacturer (ret.). War Work : Member of the Local War Pensions Committee, and Chairman of its Disablement Sub-Committee ; Chairman of the Committee for Juvenile Employment under Ministry of Labour; Hon. Sec. of the local branch of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society ; Member of Comm ttee of Local Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Associa tion, and of the Essex CouncU for Industrial Training. Address : 2, Prospect HiU, Walthamstow, E. 17. (M8207) GILLETT, Thomas, M.B.E, M.I.M.E, M.I.A.E, 6. 29 Dec. 1886; s. of John GiUett, of Peel, Lancashire; m. Helen, d. of Thomas McLaren, of Cupar, Fife. Educ. : Holy Trinity, GuUdford. Managing Director, GiUett, Stephen & Co, Ltd, Bookham. War Work : Manufacture of Aero Engines and Spares. (M1773) GILLIARD, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WilUam Thomas, M.B.E. GILLIES, Major Austin Bain, O.B.E, Can. F.A. GILLIES, Major Harold DeU, C.B.E, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C GILLIES, Capt. James, C.B.E. GILLIES, Capt. James Adam Kirkwood, O.B.E, R.D.C. GILLIES, Lieut. John, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. GULLIGAN, Lieut.-Col. Geoffrey Goyer, D.S.O, O.B.E, Major and Acting Lieut.-Col. ArgyU and Sutherland High landers, attached Notts, and Derbyshire Regt.; S. Africa, 1900-1 (Queen's medal with three clasps); SomaUland, 1908-10 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches). (05297) GILDING, Lieut.-Col. Henry Thomas, O.B.E, T.D, R.F.A. (T.). GILLINGHAM, James Searle, M.B.E. GILLMAN, Arthur WilUam, O.B.E, 5. 1862. Bank Manager. War Work: Hon. Treas, London War Pensions Committee, Wandsworth C. ; and Streatham Ambulance Fund. Address : 16, Tooting Bee Gardens, Streatham, S.W. 16. (010476) GILLMAN, Capt. Herbert, O.B.E, R.G.A. GILLON, Dorothy Gladys, M.B.E, d. ot the late Henry GiUon, I.C.S. Educ: Privately. Editress. War Work: On the personal staff of Lord Northcliffe at the headquarters of the British War Mission, New York, U.S.A. ; canteen work at the Little Theatre, Y.M.C.A, Adelphi, London, W.C. 2. Addresses: 4, Madeira Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent; The Fleetway House, Farringdun Street, E.C 4. (M1774) GILLON, Nina, Mrs. Stair Andrew GiUon, O.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Glazebrook GILLOTT, Mary Aloysia, M.B.E. 6. 21 June, 1878; d. of Thomas Gillott, of Eastwood, Nottingham. Educ. : Ursuline Convent, Upton, Essex. War Work : Commandant of Eastwood V.A.D. Hospital from May, 1915, to March, 1919. Address : Uplands, Eastwood, Nottingham. (M8208) GILMORE, AUce Maud, O.B.E. (011741) GILMORE, Fred Peter, M.B.E. GILMORE, Major Thomas Edward, O.B.E, R.A.F. GILMOUR, David, C.B.E. GILMOUR, David, O.B.E. GILMOUR, James, M.B.E. GILMOUR, John, O.B.E, J.P. Provost of Inverary for many years. (011904) GILMOUR, Robert, O.B.E. GILMOUR, Robert, M.B.E. GILMOUR, Robert Soott, M.B.E. GILPIN, Brig.-Gen. Frederic Charles Almon, C.B, C.B.E, fi. 1860 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. B. T. Gilpin ; m. Georgiana, d. of the Rev. Canon Stephenson, of Weymouth. Educ. : Welling ton CoUege ; Sandhurst. Served in the S. African War, 1899-1900; Despatches, 17 June, 1902 ; Brevet. Lieut.-Col. ; and the European War, 1914-18 ; Despatches, 1914. Address : Cavendish, Suffolk. (C1581) GILPIN, Major and Qr.-Mr. George, O.B.E. GILPIN, WilUam John, M.B.E, L.R.C.P, M.R.C.S. GILROY, Lieut. Henry Errington, O.B.E, R.N.R. GILROY, James Boyd, M.B.E. GILROY, John, O.B.E. GILRUTH, Jeannie, Mrs., O.B.E. GEMBERT, Lieut. WUUam Bertie, O.B.E, R.F.A. GIMINGHAM, Capt. Conrad Theodore, O.B.E, R.E. GIMSON, Margaret, M.B.E. War Work: Charge of Registration Department of the Leicester War Pensions Com mittee for the whole period of the war. Addresses: 4, Belmont Villas, New Walk, Leicester ; Rockyfield, Ulverscroft, near Leicester. (M1777) GINGOLD, Lieut. Frederick Maurice, M.B.E, A.P.D. GIOVANETTI, Constantine WilUam, C.B.E., M.L.A, fi. 13 Aug. 1867 ; s. of Gottardo Giovanetti, of Victoria, AustraUa ; to. Marion Frances EUzabeth, d. of Eli HelUer, of Victoria, AustraUa. Educ. : Strangways High School, Victoria, AustraUa. Merchant and Contractor. War Work : Mayor of Pretoria, 1915-20, and as such was Chairman, Recruiting Committee, Governor-General's Fund ; Member of Central Executive of Governor-General's Fund ; Chairman, Returned Soldiers' Committee ; Chairman and Treasurer, Roberts Heights Hospital Entertainment Committee ; Chair man, Disabled Soldiers' Board ; Member of Hospital Com mission re Treatment of Soldiers from East Africa. Address : Melbourne, 908, Church Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. Clubs : Pretoria Unionist ; Pretoria County. (C3210) GIRARD, Mrs. Marie, O.B.E. GIRDLESTONE, EmUy, Mrs., M.B.E. GIRDWOOD, Alexander Forsyth, M.B.E. GIRLING, Marjorie, M.B.E, 6. 21 Feb. 1894 ; d. of Frank E. Girling, of Suffolk. Educ. : North London CoUegiate School for Girls. War Work: April, 1916, to Feb. 1920; temp, clerk at War Office ; previous to that, helped at the Local Red Cross Depot; in Sept. 1918, mentioned in Civil Service Honours List. Address : West Marden, Emsworth, Hants. (M3669) GITTDJGS, Gwendoline, Mrs, M.B.E. GITTINGS, Lieut. Thomas Albert, O.B.E, R.F.A. GITTINS, Henry, C.B.E. GIVEN, Ernest Cranston, C.B.E, M.Inst.CE, M.I.Mech.E, M.Inst.N.A, 6. 11 Nov. 1870 ; s. of late John Given ; to. Wimfred Mary, d. of Ronald Currie, M.D, J.P, of Skelmorlie. Educ. : Harrow and Liverpool Univ. Consulting Engineer ; General Manager, Slough Trading Co, Ltd. War Work : Hon. Organiser Liverpool Munitions of War Committee, No. 2 National Filling Factory, No. 2 National Amatol, 1915 ; Director of Airship Production, Admiralty, 1917-19 ; Director- General of Factories, Ministry of Munitions, 1919-20. Address : Clewer HU1 Lodge, Windsor. Clubs : Union ; Royal Auto mobUe. (C3106a) GIVEN, John CecU Mackmurdo, M.B.E, M.D. GJERS, Annie Gatenby, Mrs., O.B.E. GLACKAN, Sydney Hugh, M.B.E. GLADSTONE, Lieut. Albert Charles, M.B.E. GLADSTONE, Herbert John, Viscount, P.C, G.C.B, G.C.M.G, G.B.E. (see BURKE'S Peerage), 6. 7 Jan. 1854 ; s. of the late Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, four times Prime Minister, of Hawarden ; to. Dorothy Mary, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Paget (see Burke's Peerage), of Cranmore HaU, Shepton Mallet. Educ: Eton; University CoUege, Oxford ; 3rd Class Classics, 1874 ; 1st Class. History School, 1876 ; History Lecturer, Keble College, 1877-80. Contested Middlesex County, 1880 ; Private Secretary to Mr. Gladstone, 1880-81 ; a Lord of the Treasury, 1881-85 ; Finance Sec, War Office, 1886 ; Under-Sec, Home Office, 1892-94 ; First Com missioner of Works, 1894-95 ; Chief Whip to the Liberal Party, 1899-1906 ; Secretary of State for Home Affairs, 1905-10 ; M.P. (L), Leeds, W, 1880-1909 ; First Governor- Gen], South Africa, 1909-14 ; President, National Physical Recreation Society. War Work: Chairman, War Refugees Committee, 1914-18 ; Chairman, South African Hospital and Comforts Fund, and Ambulance Hospital, Cannes. Address ; 4, Cleveland Square, St. James', London, S.W. 1 ; Dane End, Ware, Herts. Clubs : Reform ; National Liberal ; Bath. GLADSTONE, Maud Ernestine, Hon. Mrs., C.B.E, L.G. St. John, 6. 1865 ; d. of the late Lord Rendel, of Hatch" lands, Surrey ; m. Henry Neville, s. of the late Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, of Hawarden Castle, four times Prime Minister. War Work : Vice-President, British Red Cross Society, Chester City Division ; Chairman of the Committee of Hoole House and Hoole Bank AuxUiary Military Hospital, Chester ; Officer in-Charge, Parkgate (Chester) Auxiliary Military Hospital ; and associated with numerous War Work Committees. Ad dresses : Hawarden Castle, Flintshire ; Burton Manor, Chester ; 78, Eaton Square, London, S.W. (C969) GLADWELL, 2nd Lieut. Athelstan Louis, M.B.E. GLADWELL, Ethel Dorothy, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 23 Feb. 1895 ; d. of John Mitchell Brown. I.S.O, of Ramelton, Co. Donegal, and London ; m. Ernest Arney, s. of Henry WiUiam Gladwell, of Cheapside, E.C. Educ. : Aske's Haberdashers' School for Girls, Hatcham ; and CamberweU School of Art. Member of the Dish Literary Society. War Work : Joined the Staff of the Ministry of Information in April, 1917 ; assist. in Articles Section, and Superintendent of Typing Section, until March, 1919. Address : 22, Chiswick High Road, W. 4. (M3670) GLADWYN, Sidney Charles, M.B.E, A.M.Inst.CE, M.I.S.Inst, 6. 8 Sept. 1885; s. of William Charles Gladwyn, of Woolwich ; to. Constance Evaline, d. of Joseph Beaumont, of Sheffield. Educ : Woolwich Polytechnic and Sheffield Univ. Assistant Engineer and Chief Draughtsman to Samuel Osborn and Co, Ltd, Sheffield ; Consulting Engineer, London. War Work : Chief Designer and Chief Draughtsman, Royal Laboratory, Woolwich Arsenal ; in charge of Design of Ammunition. Addresses : 63, Quentin Road, Blackheath, S.E. 13 ; Royal Laboratory Dept, Ordnance Factories, Woolwich. (M8214) GLANELY, Ada Mary, Lady, C.B.E.; d. of the late Thomas Williams, of Pergam, Cardiff; in. 14 Sept, 1897, Sir William James Tatem.lst Baron Glanely (see BURKE'S Peerage). War Work : Services at Caerphilly. Adresses : The Court, St. Fagan's Cardiff ; Lackham, Lacock, Wiltshire ; Exning House, Exning, Newmarket. (C3144) GLANFIELD, OUve, M.B.E. GLANUSK, Editha Elma, Lady, C.B.E. ; o. d. of Warden Sergison (see Burke's Landed Gentry), of Cuckfield Park, Sussex ; m. Joseph, Henry RusseU, 2nd Lord Glanusk, of CrickhoweU (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : President, Breconshire Red Cross, Penoyne Hospital. Address : Glanusk Park, CrickhoweU, S. Wales. (C2632) GLANUSK, Joseph Henry RusseU, 2nd Lord, C.B, C.B.E, D.S.O, J.P. (see Burke's Peerage), fi. 26 Oct. 1864 ; s. of 1st Lord Glanusk, of Glanusk Park, CrickhoweU ; to. Editha Elma, d. of Major Warden Sergison (see Burke's Landed Gentry) , of Cuckfield Park, Sussex. Educ. : Eton ; Sandhurst. Major, Grenadier Guards (retired 1903) . War Work : Com manded Breconshire Territorials in Aden and India, 1914-16; commanded London Command Depot, Shoreham, 1916-18. Addresses : Glanusk Park, CrickhoweU, Breconshire. Clubs • Guards'; Carlton. (C1582) GLANVILLE, Lieut. Ernest Alfred, M.B.E. GLANVILLE, WilUam Henry, O.B.E, 6. 1859; s. of Charles GlanvUle, of Abingdon ; to. Lilian Blanche, d. of George Ferguson, of East Molesey. Educ : Abingdon Grammar School. Director of Sampang (Java) Rubber Plantations ; Director of National Electric Theatres, Ltd. War Work: Munitions Area Inspector for Wales and South West England. Address : Hurstfield, East Molesey. Club : Junior Con stitutional. (010480) GLASBY, Capt. Walter George, O.B.E, R.G.A. GLASER, Herbert, O.B.E. GLASIER, Major Frank Bedford, C.M.G, C.B.E, R.E, 6. 1872 ; s. of J. S. Bedford Glasier, of Hunstanton. General Manager and Chief Engineer, Sierra Leone Government Rail way, 1899-1901 ; Lagos (Slate) RaUway, 1901-12. War Work : Assisted at Board of Trade, Oct. 1914, O.A.O.R.T, Move ments Directorate, War Oflice, 1915 to Oct. 1919. Address : Hunstanton, Norfolk. Club : Sports'. (C1462) GLASON, Capt. John ApoUonius, M.B.E, fi. 18 AprU, 1893 ; s. of Samuel Glason, of Littlehampton ; m. Dorothy Mary, d. of Charles East, of Farley HiU, Reading. Educ. : St. Bernardino's Coll, Buckingham, and Univ. Coll, Reading. Schoolmaster. War Work : Enlisted 28th Batt. London Regt. (Artists Rifles), Dec. 1915 ; 2nd Lieut. 4th Lane. Fus, Sept. 1916 ; Lieut, March, 1918 ; promoted Capt, Dec. 1918 ; service overseas in France and Flanders, Dec. 1916 to June, 1919. Address : 78, Queen's Road, Reading. (M4490) GLASS, Alexander, O.B.E. GLASS, Henry Matier, O.B.E. GLAYSHER, Henry Charles, M.B.E 6. 12 June, 1872 ; s. of the late James Glaysher, of London, formerly Chief Engineer, Imperial Ottoman Mint, and Imperial Arsenal, Constantinople ; m. Jessie, d. of Daniel White, of Highgate. Educ. : Camden High School, and King's Coll, London. War Work : Chief Examiner, War Office. Address : 18. Leyborne Park, Kew Gardens, Surrey. (M8215) GLAYZER, Edward John, M.B.E. GLAZE, Charles WiUiam Livock, O.B.E. GLAZEBROOK, Capt. Edward John, M.B.E, D.C.M. (M10220) GLAZEBROOK, Monica, M.B.E, Hon. Serving Sister of Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 1887 ; d. of Sir Richard 213 Gledhill THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Glazebrook, K.C.B, of Cambridge (see Burke s Peerage). Educ. : Privately. Private Secretary War Work : Private Sec to Principal Commandant of V.A.D. s, Boulogne Base, BEF, from Jan. 1915 to July, 1919 ; previously Sec to War Emergencies Relief Committee, and Soldiers and Sailors FamUies Association, in Teddington Middlesex, Aug. 1914 to Dec. 1914. Address : Coton End, Grange Road, Cambridge Club : Blue Triangle. (M1779) GLEDHILL, John, O.B.E. GLEESON, Lieut.-Col. Andrew FitzwUUam, O.B.E, 6 27 Jan 1860. War Work : Quartermaster- General's Depart ment, War Office. Address : Moyallon, Fairlawn Park Chiswick, W. 4. (07189) GLEESON, Edward John, O.B.E, Superintendent of Police, Baluchistan, fi. 14 May, 1867. War Work : Awarded the 0 B E for successful fights with Pathan raiders during the Afghan War, 1919. (09819) GLEGG, Comm. Robert, M.B.E, 6. 22 May, 1855 ; s. of Robert Glegg, of Aberdeen ; to. Mary Farquhar, d. of William Hobrow of Colchester and Aberdeen. Edue. : Aberdeen. Mercantile Marine, Commanding s.s. " Atholl.'\ War Work : Served as Commander in Naval Transport Service from Sept. 1914 tiU Jan. 1919 ; his steamer, the " Lovat," was sunk by " Emden " in Bay of Bengal, Sept. 1914 ; took over command of s s " Atholl " in Feb. 1915, and continued to command her until the end of the war. (M3672) GLEGHORN, Thomas Richard, O.B.E. GLEICHEN, Lady Helena, O.B.E, Lady of Grace St. John of Jerusalem, Italian Bronze Medal for Valour, fi. 1 Feb. 1873 ; d. of Admiral Prince Victor of Hohenlohe, and Lady Laura Seymour (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Privately ; Westminster ; Calderon ; RoUshoven ; Arthur Lemon (Art). Artist. War Work : Ambulance work, France, 1915 ; X-Ray work, France, 1915 ; Joint Commandant, X-Ray section, Italy 1915-17 ; American Comite des Terres devastees de la France, Soissons, 1919. Address : St. James' Palace, London ; Neuadd, CrickhoweU, S. Wales. Club : Sesame. (010484) GLEN, Elizabeth Hope, O.B.E, 6. 18 Aug. 1892 ; d. of the Rev J P. Glen, of Ardrishaig. Educ. : Newnham Coll, Cambridge (Economics Tripos of the Univ. of Cambridge). Assistant Technical Adviser to the Special Grants Committee, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Sec. to the City of Norwich War Pensions Committee, and Hon. Sec. to Norwich Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association, 1916-19. Address : The Manse, Ardrishaig, ArgyU, Scotland. (010485) GLEN, James Hutchinson, M.B.E. GLEN, James Morrison, M.B.E. GLEN ARTHUR, Janet Stevenson Bennett, Lady, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Alexander Bennett McGrigor, LL.D. (see Burke's Landed Gentry), of Cairnoch, Sthlmgshire ; m. Matthew, 1st Lord Glenarthur, of Carlung (see BURKE'S Peerage) , s. of the late James Arthur, of Carlung and Barshaw. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Vice-President of Ayrshire Branch, British Red Cross Society; Member of War Executive Scottish Branch British Red Cross Society ; Commandant Troon Red Cross AuxiUary Hospital ; Commandant of V.A.D. Ayr 20 ; President of Troon and District Depot for war work parties ; Convener of Troon and District War Pensions Com mittee ; Member of Executive Committees of Carrick Hcuse Auxiliary Hospital, and Ayr and Kilmarnock Red Cross Hospital. Address : Fullarton, Troon, Ayrshire. Club : Kelvin, Glasgow. (C99) GLENCROSS, Lieut. JuUan, M.B.E. GLENDHSTNING, Henry, C.B.E. Director of Brunner, Mond & Co. Ltd. Address : Winnington House, Northwich, Cheshire. (C180) GLENDINNING, Capt. WiUiam Purvis, M.B.E. GLENNIE, Comm. Hugh Gardiner, O.B.E, R.N. GLENNIE, Maud, M.B.E. GLENNIE, Patrick Gordon, M.B.E. GLENNY, WUUam James, O.B.E, 5. 14 Nov. 1873; s. of T. Armstrong Glenny, of Ryde, I. of W. ; to. Jessie Reid, d. of J. McLeish, of Blairgowrie, Perthshire. Educ. : WUson's Grammar School, CamberweU ; B.A. (Lond.). Fellow Royal Statistical Society ; Translator to Board of Trade, 1906-14 ; Senior Staff Clerk, Board of Trade, 1914-18 ; Director of Division, Dept. of Overseas Trade, 1918. War Work : Assist ant Sec, Dominions Royal Commission, Work at Board of Trade and Dept. of Overseas Trade (Foreign Office and Board of Trade). Addresses : Dept. of Overseas Trade, S.W. 1 ; 61, Kingsmead Road, S.W. 2. Club : Royal Societies'. (O270) GLENTON, Arthur Hastings Septimus, O.B.E, 6. 10 Aug. 1879 ; s. on the late Henry Robert Glenton, of Newcastle- on-Tyne ; m. Grace Hilda, d. of the late WUUam Wright, of Manchester. Educ : Science and Art School, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Chartered Accountant. War Work : Divisional Ac countant at the Coal Mines Control in charge of Scotland and South Wales and Monmouthshire Divisions for a period of two years, April, 1917, to Mar. 1919. Address: Alma ViUa, Moorside, Fenham, Newcastle-on-Tvne. Club : Northern Conservative and Unionist, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (011785/i) GLEW, Frederick Harrison, M.B.E, Member Royal Institution, Rontgen, Optical, Pharmaceutical Societies, etc fi. 28 April. 1858 : s. of Richard Hnrrisnn Olew nf WnVsflolH • fi. 28 April, 1858 ; s. of Richard Harrison Glew, of Wakefield'; to. Anne, d. of Henry Lownds, of Clifton-on-Trent. Educ: Wakefield Grammar School. Radiologist and Chemist. War Work : Radium expert to the Ministry of Munitions throughout the war period, in charge Radium Stores : Research Work on Luminous Compounds and Gun Sights for night firing, etc. Address : 156, Clapham Road, London, S.W. 9. (M1782) GLOSSOP, Charles Henry, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 10 July, 1856 ; s of Gilderoy Glossop, of BakeweU ; m. Robina Grigor, d. of George Taylor, of Hassop. Bank Manager (ret.). War Wort : Hon Treas. Derbyshire Branch, British Red Cross Society. Address : Parkwood, BakeweU. (M8217) GLOVER, Capt. Edward Norman, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. GLOVER, Inez Marguerite, M.B.E. For work in con nection with Queen Alexandra's Hospital. (M10319) GLOVER, James Alison, O.B.E, M.D, D.P.H, 6. 21 Feb- 1876 ; s. of James Grey Glover, of Highbury ; m. Katharine, d of Charles P. Merriam, of London. Educ. : St. Paul's ; St John's Coll, Cambridge ; Guy's Hospital. Medical Officer, Ministry of Health. War Work : Sanitary Officer, Malta. M.O. attd. 6th Batt. West Riding Regiment, B.E.F. ; worked research, cerebro-spinal fever. Addresses : Ministry of Health, S;W. 1 ; 23, Rosslyn HU1, N.W. 3. (O7190) GLOVER, Kathleen, Mrs., O.B.E. GLOVER, Thomas, C.B.E. GLUCKSTEIN, Francesca, Mrs., M.B.E. GLUCKSTEIN, Joseph, O.B.E. GLUCKSTEIN, Major Montague, O.B.E, R.E, 6. 13 Oct. 1886 ; s. of Isidore Gluckstein, of 24, Lyndhurst Road, Hamp stead ; to. Hannah, d. of Coleman Joseph, of London. Educ. : City of London School. Director of Lyons & Co, Ltd. Ad dress : 56, Palace Court, Bayswater. (07191) GLYN, Margot Elinor, O.B.E. Member since 1916 and Commandant of the Women's Legion Canteen at Woolwich under the Ministry of Munitions from Nov. 1916-17. (011905) GLYN, Augusta CARR-, O.B.E. ; d. of Capt. Carr-Glyn, of Wood Leaze, Wimborne. Educ : Privately. Comman dant, V.A.D. Dorset 6. War Work : Commandant of Beau- croft Red Cross Hospital, Wimborne, Dorset, for 4 years. Address : Wood Leaze, Wimborne. CZufi : Ladies' V.A.D. (010488) GLYNN, Lieut.-Col. Thomas George PoweU, C.M.G, O.B.E, 6. 13 July, 1863 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. T. G. H. Glynn, ; to. Beatrice EmUy, d. of the late Ernest Peplow Ford. Educ. : Privately. Adj. King's Regiment, 1887-91 ; Adj. London Rifle Brigade, 1892-97 ; Staff during S. African War; Commanded 1st King's Regt, 1907-12. War Work : Commanded Infantry Base Depot, 1914-18; O.C. Reinforcements, 1918. Address: 23, Chester Square, S.W. 1. Club: Naval and MUitary. (01375) GOAD, Capt. David, O.B.E, R.A.F. GOAD, Edwin Henry, M.B.E, 6. Oct. 1865 ; s. of Edwin Curtis Goad, of Hackbridge ; m. Gertrude Sophia, d. of Sir George Lampson, Bart, of Albert Gate. Educ: Eton. Merchant. War Work : Chief of No 1 Section, Borough of Reigate Special Police, for the first 3 years of the war, after which appointed Chief of the whole force. Address : HoUy Court Merton Lane, Highgate, W. Club : City of London. (M8218) GOAD, Frederick Lockhart, M.B.E. GOAD, Capt. Harold Elsdale, O.B.E, CavaUer of the Order *t the Crown of Italy. (O3041) GOADBY, Sir Kenneth Weldon, K.B.E, Medical Referee for Industrial Poisoning, County of London, since 1913; Lecturer on Bacteriology, National Dental Hospital, since 1904 ; late Lecturer on Oral Hygiene, London School of Tropical Medicine, 6. 7 March, 1873 ; s. of Rev. J.J. Goadby, m. Constance Eva, d. of G. Olding. Educ. : Grammar School, Henley-on-Thames ; University Extension CoUege, Reading ; Guy's Hospital. Studied Bacteriology and Bacteriological Research. Guy's Hospital, 1899-1902 ; investigated Operation of Phosphorus Rules for Match Factories for H.M.'s Home Office ; investigated Causes and Pathology of Lead Poisoning (Departmental Committee Home Office ; since engaged in Bacteriological and Pathological Research, Investigation of Lead Poisoning in Industrial Processes, and Pathology and Bacteriology of Disease of the Mouth and Upper Air Passages, and Rheumatoid Arthritis ; Erasmus Wilson Lecturer R.C Surgeons, 1907, and Hunterian Professor in 1911 ; Hon. Bacteriological SpeciaUst for Vaccine Therapy, Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich (during War); Member of War Office Committee for the Study of Tetanus. Address : 83, Harley Street, W. Club : Royal AutomobUe GOALEN, James Thomas, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 31 Jan. 1878; s. of James Goaleu, of Leith ; m. Jane Groundwater, d. .of Peter Duncan, of Belmont, Eskbank. Educ. : Daniel Stewart s College. Member of the Leith Town CouncU ; Magistrate of Leith ; Convener of the Leith Corporation Tramways ; Vice- Chairman Leith National Health Insurance Committee; Member Edinburgh and Leith Gas Commissioners. War Work : Chairman, Leith War Savings Committee ; Member of Prince of Wales' National ReUef Fund; Chairman, Food Economy Committee of Leith. Addresses : 141, Constitution. Street, Leith ; AUerly, RusseU Place, Trinity. (0371) GOATE, Lieut. Ernest Edward, M.B.E, R.E. 214 BIOGRAPHIES. Godwin GOBBITT, Paymaster Sub-Lieut. Reginald Harry Sutton, M.B.E, R.N.R. GOBEY, Franois Edward, O.B.E. GOBLE, Annie Harriet, Mrs., M.B.E. GOBLE, Stanley James, O.B.E. (03316) GOBLE, R.S.M. WiUiam Riohard, M.B.E, 6. 3 June, 1876 ; s. of Charles George Goble, of Brighton ; to. Annio May, d. of Ernest McCulloch, of Dublin. Educ : Brighton, York Place Secondary School. War Work : Taken Prisoner of War at Le Cateau in Aug. 1914, sent to Sennelager bei Paderborn, Germany, and there organised, under the German authorities, a Prisoner of War Camp of over 4000 British troops ; main tained and administered discipline under extremely adverse circumstances. Address : 49, Hartington Road, Brighton. (M43669) GODDARD, Alexander, C.B.E, 6. 17 Oct. 1867 ; s. of Joseph Goddard, J.P, of The Manor House, Newton Harcourt, Leicester; m. EUen Henrietta, d. of Edward Stonhewer Illingworth, J.P, of Borough Court, Hants. Educ. : Hailey bury CoUege, and Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Sccty, to Rt. Hon. Robert Hanbury, M.P, President Board of Agri culture, 1901-2, and to Rt. Hon. Earl of Onslow, President Board of Agriculture 1902-5 ; Secty. The Surveyors' Institution, 1905 to present. Appointed Member of Agricultural Com mittee for England 1920. War Work : Hon. Sec, Agricultural Consultative Committee ; Hon. Sec, Agricultural Reconstruc tion Committee ; Hon. Sec, Professional Classes' War Relief CouncU ; Secty. Royal Commission on Agriculture ; Hon. Sec. National Agricultural Council ; Hon. Sec, Village Clubs Association. Address : 2, Cleveland Square, W. 2. Club : National. (C503) GODDARD, Major Charles Ernest, O.B.E, M.D, T.D, A.K.C, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, R.A.M.C (T.), fi. 31 Oct. 1859 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. T. Goddard ; m. Eleanor Lucy, d. of Samuel Skelton. of Wembley Orchard. Educ. : Privately ; King's CoUege, London ; King's College Hospital. Medical Officer of Health, Wembley ; County CouncUlor, Middlesex CC. ; Hon. Assoc. Order St. John ; Lecturer, Examiner and Life Member, St. John Amb. Assoc. ; Hon. Surg. St. John Amb.Brigade ; Divisional Surgeon Metropolitan Police ; FeUow Society Medical Officers' of Health ; FeUow Royal Institute Public Health ; Fellow (honoris causa) Royal Sanitary Institute ; Assoc. King's CoUege, London, 1883 ; Todd Medal and Prize, 1880 ; Tanner prize, 1881 ; Certificate of Honour, Surgery (Lis ter), 1880 ; late R.M.O, N. London Hospital for Consumption, Hampstead, 1884. War Work : Commanding Officer 2nd London Sanitary Company, R.A.M.C. (T.F) ; attached 1st Cavalry Divi sion, Ypres, 1914-15 ; mentioned in Despatches, 1915 ; President and Senior Chairman, Chelsea, Holborn and City of London Medical Boards, 1916-18 ; Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of National Service, 1917-13 ; served Pension Ministry, 1918-19 ; holds decorations, O.B.E, Hon. Assoc, of St. John of Jerusalem, Territorial Long Service Decoration. Medals, Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee, Edward VII. Coronation, 1914-15 Star, General Service and AUies. Address : Harrowdene House, Wembley, Middlesex. Club : St. Stephen's. (01377) GODDARD, Lieut. Erie Norman, O.B.E, M.C, LA. GODDARD, 2nd Lieut. Ernest, M.B.E. GODDARD, Ernest Hope, C.B.E, 6. March 3, 1879 ; s. ofthe late Arthur Goddard, of Heme HU1. Educ. : Privately and City of London School. Assistant Editor of the " Dlustrated London News " since 1909 and of the " Sketch" since 1905 ; Acting Editor of both papers 1916-18. War Work : Did much work for the Ministry of Information ; afterwards for the News Department, Foreign Office ; was an officer in H.Q.C.D, Metropolitan Special Constabulary (Medal ; Mention). Now in M.S.C Reserve. Address : 23, Holmdene Avenue, Heme Hill, S.E. 24. Clubs: Arts; Savage. (C970) GODDARD, Lieut.-Col. Francis Ambrose D'Oyly, O.B.E, Roy. Mun. Fus, R.O. Address : 45, Warwick Road, S.W. (02527) GODDARD, Lieut. Norris, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. GODDARD, Major Richard Ernest, O.B.E, R.A.F. GODDARD, Capt. Thomas Neilson, M.B.E. GODDEN, Guy Langham, O.B.E, R.A.F. GODDEN, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. James WiUiam Mineard, GODDING, Col. (Temp. Lieut.-Col.) James, O.B.E, T.D, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, R.A.M.C (T.), 6. 1862. Barrister-at-Law ; Medical Officer, Port of London Authority. War Work : O.C. 1/17 Batt. London Regt, Aug. 1914 to Oct. 1915 ; O.C. 53rd Div. Inf. Base Depot, Egypt, Dec. 1915 to July, 1917 ; O.C. 17th General Hospital, Egypt, July, 1917 to May, 1920. Address : Southdene, The Avenue, Wanstead, Essex, E.ll. (02896) GODDING, James WiUiam Sleigh, M.B.E, J.P. GODFERY, Capt. Masters van Someren, O.B.E, R.G.A, b. 7 Dec. 1887 ; s. of Col. M. J. Godfery, A.S.C (late) ; to. Marjorie Coplestone, d. of F. Coplestone, C.B.E, J.P, of Chester (q.v.). Educ : United Services Coll, Westward Ho 1 and Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co. (R.A. Dept.), 16, Charing Cross, S.W. (08815) . GODFRAY Lieut.-Col. John Charles Lerrier, O.B.E, M.C. 215 GODFRAY, Capt. Mowatt, M.B.E. GODFREY, Albert HamUton, M.B.E, J.P, (Surrey) fi. 6 Oct. 1864 ; s. of Albert Henry Godfrey, J.P. (Gloucester), Lt.-Col, late 73rd Regt, Indian Mutiny, of Lindon House, College Lawn, Cheltenham ; to. Florena Margaret Bowring. d. of the late Major-Gen. Edward Melville Lawford. Educ. : Leamington and Angers (Franco). War Work : Chairman ot the following: Woking Urban District CouncU, 1914-20. Local Tribunal (Military Service Acts) ; Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association ; Naval and MUitary War Pensions Com mittee ; Chertsey Division ParUamentary Recruiting Committee ; Surrey Road Transport Committee ; Lighting and Fuel Control ; Member Food Control Committee ; Special Constable. Ad dresses : The Dell, Woking, Surrey ; Brooke House, Ash-in- Canterbury. Club : Union. (M444) GODFREY, Lieut. Alfred PhiUp, M.B.E. GODFREY, Nora, Mrs., M.B.E. GODFREY, Capt. Stanley Charles, M.B.E, M.C GODINHO, Capt. Paul Xavier, M.B.E, I.M.S. GODLEY, Lieut.-Col. Alfred Davis, O.B.E. GODLEY, Major Francis William Crewe, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, fi. 25 Jan. 1893 ; s. of Major H. O. Godley, D.S.O, of 48th Regt. ; to. Kathleen May, d. of Edward Jenner-Davls, J.P, of Stcnehouse, Gloucestershire. Educ : Cheltenham ; R.M.C, Sandhurst. War Work : Service in R.A.S.C. 1914-18. Address : Christehurch Lodge, Cheltenham. Club : R.A.S.C (05299) GODLEY, Lieut.-Col. Godfrey Archibald, C.B.E. S. African Forces ; rendered services in connection with raising of Native Labour Corps in S. Africa during Great War. C2002)) GODLEY, Lieut.-Col. Richard Shearman, O.B.E, 6. 24 Sept. 1876 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. William Alexander Godley, of 56th Essex Regt. ; m. Muriel Margaret Dorothea, d. of Lieut.- Col. A. W. Matterson, of Rosedale, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Educ. : United Services Coll, Westward Ho 1 Devon. Deputy- Commissioner, South African Police ; Justice of the Peace, Natal. War Work : Served through Matabele Rebellion, 1896 ; Mashonaland Rebellion, 1897 ; S. African War, 1900-2 ; General Service within the Union of S. Africa, 1914-18. Address : South African Police Headquarters, Pietermaritz burg, Natal. Club : Isthmian, 105, Piccadilly, W. 1. (08355) GODMAN, Dame Alioe Mary, D.B.E, fi. 1868 ; d. of the late Major Percy Chaplin, J.P, 60th Rifles, Royal Gloucester shire Hussars ; to. Frederick Du Cane, D.C.L, F.R.S, who died. County Commissioner of Sussex Girl Guides ; President, Horsham and. Worthing Unionist and Coal. Assoc. ; Member of Central Advisory Committee. War Work : Vice-President British Red Cross Society, Horsham Division ; Member of British Red Cross Hospital (Netley) Sub-Committee ; Organising Red Cross work and War Savings. Addresses : South Lodge, Horsham ; 45, Pont Street, S.W.1. . (Dll) GODMAN, Lieut.-Col. Edward Shirley, O.B.E. GODSELL, CorneUus, M.B.E, GODSELL, Capt. James Stanley Peel, M.B.E. GODWIN, Capt. George, O.B.E, 6. 18 Aug. 1874 ; s. of Walter Godwin, of Upham, Hants ; to. Lois, d. of John Edwards, of Reigate. Educ: St. Peter's School, Bournemouth. Unionist Agent, GuUdford Division of Surrey. War Wvrk : Sergt. "H" Coy, CI.V, South Africa, 1899-1900 t Queen's Medal with 4 clasps) ; 9th and 14th Batts. The Queen' s, -Royal West Surrey Regt, 1915-17 ; Salonica Force, 1916-19 ; Labour Corps (O.C. 95th Coy.), 1917-19 ; twice mentioned in despatches of C.-in-C, British Salonica Force. Addresses : Guildford, Surrey ; Puttenham, Guildford, Surrey. (06472) GODWIN, George Batley, M.B.E, S.A.I.E, 6. 24 Sept. 1879 ; s. of the late Harold Frederick Godwin, of London ; to. Evelyn Alexandra, d. of the late William Owen, of the South African Railways and Cape Volunteer Medical Staff Corps. Educ : King's Coll. School, London, and Clifton Coll. Late Assistant General Manager of the Koffyfontein Mines, Ltd, Koffyfontein, Orange Free State ; now Chief Engineer of the New Jagersfontein Mining and Exploration Co, Jagers- fontein, Orange Free State. War Work : Union Defence Force during Free State Rebellion ; 5th Mounted Brigade throughout G.S.W. African Campaign ; Chief Draughtsman in the London headquarters of the Dept. of Explosives Supply, 1915-16 ; Manager of the Cordite Factory, H.M. Factory, Gretna, 1916 to Oct. 1919 ; sailed for England immediately G.S.W.A. cam paign was culminated, and within a few days was granted commission in Field Artillery, but before being gazetted was enrolled in the Dept. Explosive Supply, for Ministry of Muni tions service. Addresses : P.O. Box 134, Jagersfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa, (MS221) GODWIN, Herbert James, O.B.E, M.B, B.S, F.R.CS. M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 1873 ; s. of the late Dr. Godwin, of Twyford, Winchester ; m. Florence Marion, d. of the late Capt. G. Appleby, (Scottish Rifles) of Durham. Educ. : St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Senior Hon. Surgeon, Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester ; Consulting Surgeon to Basingstoke, Andover, Fleet, and Odiham Cottage Hospitals ; served through the South African War as Civil Surgeon, 2 Medals, 5 Clasps. War Work : Surgical Specialist to MUitary Hospital, Hursley Park, nr. Winchester ; Surgeon to Lady Cooper's Hospital for Officers, Hursley Park ; Surgeon to Lady Portal's Red Cross Hospital, Laverstoke, Whitchurch, Gofl THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Hants ; Surgeon to Red Cross Section, Royal Hampshire County Hospital ; Surgeon to Basingstoke Red Cross Hospital ; Surgeon to Mrs. Johnson's Red Cross Hospital, Stockbridge, Hants. Address : The Friary, Winchester, Hants. C'Zwfi : Hampshire County. (04367) GOFF, Emily Gertrude, Mrs, M.B.E, GOFF, Capt. Hugh Stuart Trevor, O.B.E, 6. 21 Aug. 1885 ; s. of the late Lt.-Col. Trevor Goff, of Everton Grange, Lymington, Hants. Educ. : Private School. War Work : EnUsted R.A.S.C Aug. 21st 1914 ; landed France, Sept. 4th, 1914 ; served continuously overseas tUl end of War ; thrice mentioned in despatches. Address : 22, Nevern Square, Earls Court, S.W.5. (O5300) GOFFIN, Col. (Hon.) Sydney Frederick Herbert, O.B.E, B.A, LL.B, (Cambridge), fi. 16 Sept. 1878; s. of Robert HemUngton Goffin, of Wakes Coine, Essex, and Westminster : to. Alice EUzabeth, d. of the late John Henry Fricker, of Liverpool. Educ: Westminster City School ; Jesus College, Cambridge. 1st Division CivU Servant, War Office. War Work ; Assistant Auditor Western Command 1914-17 ; Assistant Financial Adviser B.E.F. France, and Financial Adviser, Rhine Army. Address : War Office, S.W.1. Club : United Univeisitv, PaU Mail, S.W. (02528) GOGGIN, Capt. John, M.B.E, R.A.P.D, 6. 24 April, 1872 ; s. of James Goggin, B.A, of Ballinasloe, Ireland ; to. Margaret, d. of Joseph PhiUip3, of Middlewich. Educ. : Breakey's Academy, Ballinasloe, and Privately. Address : 49, Effingham Road, Lee, S.E, 12. (M5291) GOING, Fanny Augusta, Mrs., M.B.E. GOLD, Lieut.-Col. Ernest, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.E, 6. 1881 ; s. of John Gold, of Lapworth, Warwickshire ; to. 1907, Cathe rine, d. of the late John Harlow, of Edinburgh. Great War, 1914-18, Major and acting Lieut.-Col. (Meteorological Section) (despatches) ; appointed Assist. Director of Forecasting, Meteorological Office, 1919. (02529) GOLD, Gerald Gilbey, O.B.E. GOLD, Lieut.-Col. Harcourt GUbey, O.B.E, R.A.F. GOLD, Maud Mary, Mrs. Guy, M.B.E, fi. 1879 ; d. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir John Brunner, Bart, of SUverlands, Chertsey (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Major Guy G. Gold, s. of Sir Charles Gold, of Stansted, Essex (see Burke's Peerage). Vice-President, Essex Branch B.R.C.S. War Work : Commandant, V.A.D. Hospital, Braintree. Address : Abbots HaU, Shalford, Braintree. (M1785) GOLDFINCH, Sir Arthur Home, K.B.E. Director of Raw Materials, War Office ; 6. 10 May, 1866. Educ. : Pri vately. Entered the service of Duncan, Fox & Co, General Merchants, Valparaiso, 1881 ; became a partner of that firm (Liverpool, London, Chile and Peru), 1903 ; retired from business 1913 ; Liberal Candidate for Colchester, 1914-1918. Address : 8, Rosecroft Avenue, Hampstead, N.W. 3. Clubs : Devonshire ; National Liberal ; Royal AutomobUe. (K72) GOLDIE, Major Kenneth Oswald, O.B.E. GOLDIE, Valentine Francis Taubman, O.B.E. GOLDIE, Surg.-Lieut. Walton Leigh Mackinnon, C.B.E, F.R.CS, R.N. GOLDING, Lieut. George Francis, M.B.E, R.A.F. GOLDING, Capt. Thomas, C.B.E. GOLDINGHAM, Isobel Frances, M.B.E, d. of John Dalrymple Goldingham, Indian Civil Service (late). Educ : Privately. . War Work : Assisted in forming the Women PoUce Service- which trained, equipped, and controUed over one thousand Policewomen serving under the Ministry of Munitions in Explosives and National Filling Factories. Address : 2, Lyndale, Child's HiU. Club : Forum. (M1786) GOLDINGHAM, Major Robert Elphinstone Dalrymple, O.B.E, R.E, fi. 2 Sept. 1874 ; s. of the Jate John Dalrymple Golaingham, late I.C.S. of Norfolk. Educ. : Cheltenham College and R.M.A. Woolwich. War Work : Served in France with B.E.F. May, 1916 to AprU, 1919. Club : United Service.(O5301) GOLDMAN, Major Charles Sidney, M.B.E, R.G.A. (T ) GOLDMAN, 2nd Lieut. Julius Israel, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. GOLDNEY, AUce Frances Holbrow, Lady, O.B.E, d. of Major F. C N. Goldney, of the Indian Army ; to. tbe late Hon. Sir John TankervUle, Kt, 3rd s. of Sir Gabriel Goldney, Bart, of Corsham (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Beresford House, Ealing. War Work : Commandant of Corsham V.A.D. Hospital, from June, 1915, to August, 1919. Addresses ¦ Monks Park, Corsham, Wilts. ; Hanover Court, Hanover Square, W. (010491) GOLDNEY, Major Henry Wetherall, O.B.E, M.C , R.G.A, fi. 12 July, 1885 ; s. of Col. W. H. Goldney; m. Bar bara, d . of Col. W. St. John • Richardson. Educ. : Ports mouth Grammar School. War Work : Served in France and Belgium with heavy battery from Aug. 1914 to May 1915, and from July 1915 to May 1918 ; Staff Appointment (Brigade Major) in France and Belgium from May 1918 to after Armistice ' wounded twice, mentioned in despatches 4 times. Address ¦ c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. (O530'1) GOLDSMID, Cyril Julian, O.B.E, 6. 14 Oct. 1890 ; s of Sidney H. Goldsmid, of 35, Chesham Place, London ; to. Anna EmUy, d.ot Major MacGUlycuddy, of Flesk Castle, KiUarney. %?uc.:m,on and Univ. Coll, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law; Lieut. 9th (Q.R.) Lancers (Special Reserve). War Work • France, 1914-17 ; Italy, 1917-18. Address : 16, HU1 Street, M^iSS1,.8,?' S'W' "'¦ Clubs •' Carlton ; Cavendish. (06374 GOLDSMID, Lionel Frederic, O.B.E, 6. 22 Aug. 1880 • s. of Frederic Lestock Goldsmid, of Indian PoUce, Bombay Presidency ; to. Alison Margarette, d. of W. H. Dodd of Melbourne, Australia. Educ. : Cheam School ; Bradl'ieid College, Berks ; Magdalen College, Oxford. CivU Servant • Higher Division Clerk, Admiralty 1904 ; Superintending Clerk, Admiralty, 1908 ; Assistant Accountant-General Ministry of Shipping, 1917. War Work : Transport Department Admiralty ; Ministry of Shipping. Addresses ; Transport Department, Admiralty ; 138, Trinity Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. 17. (03731 GOLDSMITH, Edward, O.B.E, 6. 24 Nov. 1868 ; s. of Adolphus Goldsmith, of London ; to. Georgina, d. of Arthur Kennedy, of Cultra, Ireland. Educ. : St. Leonards. War Work : Commander, C Division, MetropoUtan Special Con stabulary. Addresses : 10 Connaught Square ; Cavenham Park, Suffolk. CZtifi : Marlborough. (037'91 GOLDSMITH, Major Frank, O.B.E. ; GOLDSMITH Lieut. Frank, M.B.E, M.M, R.G.A GOLDSMITH, Lieut.-Col. George Mills, C.B.E, RA M C GOLDSMITH, Wing-Comm. Norman, O.B.E, R A F ' GOLDSMITH, Col. Perry Gladstone, C.B.E, Can. A.M C GOLDSWORTHY, Frederick James, M.B.E. GOLDSWORTHY, Lieut. John Arthur, O.B.E, RNR GOLIGHER, Brig.-Gen. Hugh Garvin, C.B.E. GOLIGHTLY, Col. Robert Edmund, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1856 ; s. of Rev. Canon Gohghtly, of Shipton Moyne ; m. Agnes Francis, d. of T. McDoweU Aikin. Educ : Eton and Sandhurst. Secretary Council of County Territorial Associa tions. War Work : Section Commander, 1914-15 ; Defence Commander No. 1 Lines of Communication, 1916-17 ; Assist. Director Territorial and Volunteer Forces, 1918-20. Address : The Pines, Amberley, Stroud, Gloucester. (C504) GOLLA, Capt. Frederick Lucien, O.B.E., M.B, R AMC (T.). GOLLAN, Sir Henry Cowper, Knt. Bach, C.B.E, M.A, K.C; ft. Coquinibo, ChUe, 8 Jan, 1868; s. of the late Sir Alexander Gollan, K.C.M.G.: m. 1908, d. of James Nelson Morris, of St. Louis, U.S.A. Educ: Charterhouse, Edinburgh Univ. CaUed to the Bar 1891. Northern Circuit; became Private Secretary to Sir Frederick Lugard, G.C.M.G, 1899; went to Northern Nigeria with him and became first Attorney- General, Chief Justice of Northern Nigeria, 1901; transferred to Bermuda as Chief Justice and President of the Legislative CouncU, 1904 ; Attorney-General of Trinidad, 1911-18 ; Attor ney-General of Ceylon since 1919. Address: Colombo, Ceylon. Club: Empire. (C393) GOLLANCE, Ernest Marcus, M.B.E, 6. 21 Aug. 1885 ; s. of the Rev. Prof. H. Gollancz, M.A, D.Lit, of London ; to. Dorothy, d. of Walter B. Styer, LL.B, Solicitor, of London. Educ. : Univ. Coll. School, London, and Privately. SoUcitor. War Work : Head of Division and Chairman of Committees, War Trade Department. Address : 1, St. Cuthbert's Road, Shoot-up HiU, London, N.W. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (118224) GOLLIN, Alfred, C.B.E. GOLLIN, George, O.B.E. GOLLIN, Walter Josephson, M.B.E. GOMERSALL, Edward, O.B.E. GOMES, Bernard Francis, M.B.E. GONET, Adolphe Joseph Louis, M.B.E. GONNER, Edward Carter Kersey, C.B.E, Litt.D, fi. 5 Mar. 1862 ; s. of Peter Kersey Gonner, of South Hampstead ; to. Nannie Ledlie, d. of James Crawford LedUe, of Cork. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School ; Lincoln College, Oxford. Professor of Economic Science, University of Liverpool ; Economic Adviser, Ministry of Food. War Work : Chairman of War Savings Committee, County of Chester (1917) ; Director of Statistics, Ministry of Food (1917-19) ; one of the Cliak- men in the Committee on Production and Interim Court of Arbitration (1918-19). Address : The Gables, WUlaston, nr. Birkenhead. Club : University, Liverpool. (C505) GONSALVES, Major George, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, MJnst. C.E., 6. 11 Mar. 1872 ; s. of John Gonsalves, of Trinidad, British West Indies. Educ : University College School and University CoUege, London. Consulting CivU Engineer. War Work : Commissioned a Lieut, in the R.A.S.C. 1914 ; attached to B.E.F, France from Oct. 1914 tiU demobffised in May, 1919; for the last two years of the war commanded No. 3 Advanced Supply Depot, France ; mentioned in despatches, 1 Jan. 1919 and decorated O.B.E.fMU.), 2 Jan. 1919. Address : Harewood House, Freelands Road, Bromley, Kent. Clubs: Junior Army and Navy ; Sundridge Park Golf. (O2530) GOOCH, Eva Conway Everard, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 25 Dec. 1880 ; d. of Richard Everard Jones, of Fassfern, Inverness- shire ; m. Edward Sinclair, s. of the late John Verot Gooch, of Cooper's HiU, BrackneU. War Work : Organised Lochiel AuxiUary Red Cross Hospital, Banavie ; Commandant, Detachment, Inverness 42 ; Sec. Berkshire Yeomanry Prisoners of War Association. Address : Torcastle, Banavie, Inverness- shire. Club: Forum. (M8226) GOOCH, Henry Martyn, M.B.E, 6. 1874 ; s. of the Rev. W. Fuller Gooch, of West Norwood, S.E. Educ. : Central Hill Coll, Upper Norwood, and Stanley House School, CliftonvUle. General Sec. The World's Evangelical Alliance (British Organisation), Incorporated . War Work : Organiser of the Queen's HaU, W, and the Mansion House United War Prayer Meetings ; services as pubUc lecturer and writer in the interests of war aims and issues. Addresses : Lansdowne, 67, Chestnut Road, Norwood, S.E. 27 ; 19, RusseU Square, W.C. 1. (M8229) 216 BIOGRAPHIES. Goodwin GOOCH, Lieut. Herbert, M.B.E. (M448) GOOCH, Ivy, M.B.E. GOOD, Lieut.-Com. Henry John Graham, O.B.E, R.N. (retired). GOOD, John, O.B.E. GOOD, Minnie Agnes, Mrs., O.B.E. GOOD, Thomas, O.B.E. GOOD, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Saxty, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. GOODALL, Amy Sophia, M.B.E. GOODALL, Clarence Noel, O.B.C GOODALL, Edward Basil Herbert, M.B.E. GOODALL, Lieut.-Col. Edward Wilberforoe, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C (T.). GOODALL, Lieut.-Col. Edwin, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P, R.A.M.C. GOODALL, Lieut. Francis Harrison, M.B.E, R.E. GOODALL, Capt. James Roberts, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. GOODALL, Stanley Vernon, M.B.E. GOODBODY, Lydia Maria, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 15 Nov. 1857 ; d. of the late Thomas White Fisher, of Dublin ; to. Marcus, s. of the late Marcus Goodbody, of Obelisk Park, Blackrock. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Member of the Executive Committee, Royal Dublin FusUier Bureau ; Chairman of the Dependants Aid Committee, Royal Dublin FusiUers ; Organiser and Manageress of the Dish AYar Hospital Supply Sub-Depot, Blackrock, Co. DubUn ; Hon. Commandant of Blackrock (No. 50) Detachment B.R.C.S. Address : Talbot lodge, Blackrock, Co. DubUn. (M8228) GOODCHILD, Alwyn Valerie, Mrs., M.B.E, V.D. GOODCHILD, Major Thomas PhiUip, O.B.E. GOODDEN, CaroUne, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 20 Sept. 1848 ; d. ofthe Rt. Hon. Sir Bernhard Samuelson, Bart, P.C, F.R.S. (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. John Robert Phelips, s. of John Goodden of Compton House, Sherborne, and Ann his wife d. of Rev. Robert Phelips, Vicar of Yeovil (see Burke's Landed Gentry, Phelips of Montacute). War Work : Local President, Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association ; Commandant of Auxiliary .Hospital for 20 N.CO.'s and private soldiers in own house for 4 years. Address : Compton House, Sherborne, Dorset. Club : Ladies' Imperial. (M8230) GOODDEN, Major Robert Blunde, O.B.E. GOODE, Henry Abel, C.B.E. GOODE, Richard AUmond Jeffrey, C.B.E, 6. 1873; s. of the late Rev. Thomas AUmond Goode, a Missionary with the Soc. for Propagation of the Gospel, Newfoundland ; to. 1904, Agnes, d. of Thomas Codrington, M.I.C.E, of Twickenham Park, S.W. Educ. : Fettes Coll, Edinburgh. Appointed Magistrate and Govt. Sec. N.-E. Rhodesia, 1900 ; Judge of Administrator's Court and Govt. Sec, N.-W. Rhodesia, 1908 ; Govt. Sec, N. Rhodesia; 1911. Address : Livingstone, N. Rhodesia. Clubs : United Services (Rhodesia) ; West Indian. (C394) GOODE, Capt. Thomas Charles, M.B.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1881 ; s. of Valantine Charles Goode, of Leicester ; to. Mary Agnes Grace, d. of Edward Dobinson, of Sheffield . Educ. : St. Mary's School, Richmond, Yorks. Commission Agent. War Wort : Served on N.-W. Frontier, India, with 19th Yorkshire Regt. ; Commissioned into 13th P.A. Somerset Light Infantry ; served as Adjutant to No. 3 C.B.I. Depot, India ; Adjutant to No. 1, Reserve Battalion (India) ; Adjutant and latterly as Commandant to Furlough Recreation Camp, Wellington, India. Addresses : Brampton ViUa, 114, Burton Road, Withington, Manchester ; 27, Dickenson Street, Manchester. (M6509) GOODE, Sir WUUam Athelstane Meredith, K.B.E, 6. 10 June, 1875 ; s. of Rev. T. A. Goode ; to. CecUia, d. of Dr. C. A. Sippi, London, Ontario. Educ. : Foyle College, Ireland. President of the Austrian section of the Reparation Commission, British Director of ReUef Missions and Member of the Supreme Economic Council, Paris, 1919 ; Liaison Officer of the Ministry of Food with the United States and Canadian Food Administra tion since 1917 ; Director of the Cable Department, Ministry of Food ; Hon. Sec. and Organiser of the National Committee for Relief in Belgium ; Member of the Newfoundland and West Indian MiUtary Contingent Committees. Served as Purser in British Merchant Marine ; in 4th United States Cavalry, 1894 ; Assistant Night City Editor " New York Recorder," 1895 ; City Editor, " New York Mercury " ; with the Associated Press of America, 1896-1904, representing them on Admiral Sampson's flagship throughout the Spanish American War, and in England for six years as Special Correspondent ; News and Managing Editor, " Standard," 1904-10 ; Joint NewB Editor, " DaUy Mail," 1911 ; Commander of the Order of the Crown of Belgium ; Commander of the Order of Queen Isabella the Catholic ; Hon. Sec. British Committee, Panama-Pacific Ex position, 1914. Addresses : Vienna ; 49, Westbourne Gardens, W. 2. Clubs : West Indian ; PUgrims ; Savage ; Press ; Royal ulster Yacht (Belfast) ; British Schools and Universities (New York). (K73) GOODENOUGH, Henrietta Margaret, Hon. Lady, O.B.E, 6. 22 Feb. 1874 ; e. d. of 4th Lord Sheffield, of Alderley Park, Chelford (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Sir William Edmund, K.C.B, M.V.O, s. of the late James Goodenough, Commodore. Educ. : At home. War Work : War Pensions Committee, Portsmouth. Addresses : Parsons Pightle, Coulsdon, Surrey ; Admiralty House, Simonstown, S.A. (03733) GOODERHAM, 2nd Lieut. George Frederick Robert M.B.E, R.F.A. GOODERIDGE, Capt. Robert Aubrey, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. GOODEVE, Capt. Thomas Edward, O.B.E., R.E. GOODFELLOW, Thomas Ashton, C.B.E, fi. 10 Sept. 1805 ; s. of the late Thomas Goodfellow, of Hyde, Cheshire ; to. Eleanor Winifred, d. of W. J. Robortson, of Manchester. Educ. : The Owens CoUege, Manchester. Doctor of Medicine ; Member of Consultative Council on Medical and Allied Services to the Ministry of Health. War Work : Medical Officer in charge Lawnhurst Red Cross Hospital, Didsbury and the Didsbury Lodge AuxUiary Military Hospital ; Chahman Manchester Medical War Committee ; Assistant County Director, British Red Cross Society, East Lancs. Branch ; Deputy Chairman of Committee, " John Leigh " Memorial Hospital, Woodbourne, Brooldands, Cheshire. Address : 60, Palatine Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. Club : Brasenose, Manchester. (C2635) GOODHART, Lieut.-Comm. Leander McCORMICK-, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. GOODIER, Lieut.-Comm. Robert Simes HULME-, O.B.E, R.N.R. GOODISON, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. GOODLAND, Joshua, M.B.E, 6. 17 July, 1873 ; s. of Gillmore Goodland, of Exmouth, S. Devon ; to. Florence Annie, d. of Dr. William Holdsworth, of Thames Ditton. Educ. : Coombe Down, Bath and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Barrister- at-Law. War Work : Legal Adviser to the Priority Depart ment of the Ministry of Munitions. Addresses : 144, Ashley Gardens, S.W. 1. ; 1 Paper Buildings, Inner Temple. Club : Bath. (M451) GOODMAN, Coleman, O.B.E. GOODMAN, Cyril, C.B.E, M.A, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, M.B, B.C., 6. 1870 ; s. of Henry Goodman, J.P, of St. Ives, Hunts. ; to. 1902, Sue, d. of the Hon. Cassius M. Clay, of Auvergne, Paris, and Kentucky, U.S.A. Educ : St. John's Coll, Camb. Assist. Director-Gen.. Depart, of Public Health, Egypt. Address : Gezira, Cairo, Egypt. Club : New University. (C703) GOODRICH, Walter Francis, M.B.E. GOODSIR, Gertrude Esperance, Mrs., O.B.E. GOODWIN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Arthur, M.B.E, R.A.S.C GOODWIN, Aubrey, O.B.E, M.D, B.S. (Lond.), F.R.CS. (Edin.), M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 4 Sept. 1889 ; s. of the late Professor Alfred Goodwin, M.A, of London ; to. Elsa Mary, d. of the late John RudhaU, of Brighton. Educ. : Univ. Coll. School College, Medical School aud Hospital, London. Gynaecologist and Obstetric Surgeon ; Obstetric Tutor to West minster Hospital. War Work : T. Capt. R.A.M.C. from Oct. 1914 to March, 1919; Staff Officer to Director of Medical Services, Malta, from Nov. 1916 to Jan. 1919, with the local rank of Major. Addresses : 37, Cavendish Mansions, West Hampstead, London, N.W. 6 ; 72, Wimpole Street, W. Club : Union, Malta. (07179) GOODWIN, Charles Arthur, M.B.E. GOODWIN, Ernest, O.B.E, M.A. (Cantab.) late T. Capt. Special List, 6. 17 July, 1877; s. of Felix Goodwin, of 26, Wake Green Road, Moseley, Birmingham ; to. Mary, d. of the late James Cook, of Ardrossan, Ayrshire. Educ. : King Edward's School, Birmingham ; Emmanuel College, Cambridge. War Work : Adviser on Explosives, Trench Warfare Supply Department; Advisory Member, Trench Warfare (Research) Dept.; Officer of the Gun Ammunition Filling Dept. (S. section), aU of the Ministry of Munitions. Address : 15, Stafford Terrace, Kensington, W. 8. Club : New University. (0376) GOODWIN, Frederiok Rice, C.B.E, 6. 17 AprU, 1873; s. of Frederick Charles Goodwin, of London ; to. Annie Louise, d. of Henry Harold Rogers, of London. Educ. : Peckham Grammar School. County CouncUlor for County of Middlesex ; President Cinematograph Association of Great Britain and Deland. War Work : The King's Fund for the disabled (Propaganda Committee) ; the Training of Disabled men for Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Pensions and other work for the Disabled. Address : Fort Haven, Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex. Clubs: Royal Automobile : Road. (C2636) GOODWIN, Capt and Qr -Mr. George, O.B.E, R.E. GOODWIN, Capt John Henry, M.B.E, MercantUe Marine, 6. 8 June, 1850 ; s. of Edward Jonathan Goodwin, Master Mariner, of Liverpool ; to. EmUy Caroline, d. of James Williamson, of Kirkcudbright. Educ. : Privately. President of the Mercantile Marine Service Association, Tower Building, Water Street, Liverpool. War Work : At sea in the Mercantile Marine, 1914-19 ; National Maritime Board. Address : 18, St. Catherine's Road, Bootle, Liverpool. Club : Mercantile Marine Service Association, Tower Building, Liverpool. (M8233) GOODWIN, John Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 3 May, 1877 ; s. of Thomas Goodwin, of Butterley, Derbyshire ; to. Margaret Ann, d. of Atkinson, of Pentrich. Educ. : Privately ; Ripley CoU. ; and Ockbrook Moravian School. General Manager and Engineer of Iron Foundries of Messrs. The Sheepbridge Coal and Don Co, Chesterfield ; Capt. of Derbyshire Motor Trans port, A.S.C (V.), Chesterfield ; Divisional Superintendent of Sheepbridge and District Ambulance Brigade. War Work : Undertook the manufacture of large practice shot for Admiralty, received their congratulations upon the splendid success made ; further increased output with equal success, afterwards made all sizes of practice shot for Admiralty ; Iso made Cast Iron Shells for Ministry of Munitions, and carr.ed out many experi ments for them ; also made Aerial Bombs, Stokes' Shells, Depth Charge Throwers, Trench Howitzer Bombs, making in 217 Goodwin THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. all over 10,000 tons of cast iron munitions ; further, made over 10,000 tons of General Engineering casting of aU descriptions for the requirements of Ministry of Munitions and Admiralty. Address : The Red House, Old Whittington, Chesterfield. (M1788) GOODWIN, Minnie, Mrs., M.B.E. GOODWIN, Walter, M.B.E. GOODWYN, Lieut.-Col. JuUus Henry, O.B.E. GOODYEAR, Charles Ernest, O.B.E, A.R.CSc, Wh. Sch, R.C.N.C, Member of the Royal Corps of Naval Con structors, fi. 25 March, 1874 ; s. of WUUam Henry Goodyear, of Devonport ; m. Mabel, d. of James Beesley, of Manchester and London. Educ. : Stoke PubUc School, Devonport ; Dockyard School, Devonport ; Royal College of Science, London ; and Royal Naval CoU, Greenwich. Assist. Constructor, Admiralty ; Constructor H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth; Senior Constructor, Admiralty ; Chief Constructor, H.M. Dockyard, Gibraltar ; for many years Examiner to the Board of Education, in the subject of Naval Architecture. War Work: Service for Admiralty at Portsmouth Dockyard, and various private Ship buUding firms, in connection with expediting the completion of latest war vessels ; also, the fitting out of merchant vessels for various kinds of war service. Address : Admiralty Quarters, Rosia, Gibraltar. (010495) GOODYEAR, Clarie Helen, M.B.E. GOODYEAR, Lieut. Geoffrey, M.B.E, M.G.C GOODYEAR, Mabel, M.B.E. GOODYEAR, Percy, M.B.E. GOODYER, Thomas Boyce, O.B.E, A.I.E.E, M.Inst.T, fi. 1865 ; s. of Richard Boyce, of Wisbech, Cambs. ; to. Jessie Mary, d. oi Albert Taylor, of Birmingham. Educ. : Royal High School, Edinburgh. Traffic Manager, Birmingham Tramways ; General Traffic Superintendent, British Electric Traction Co, Ltd. ; Tramways Manager, Croydon Corporation Tramways ; Hon. Sec. MetropoUtan Municipal Tramways Council ; Member of Executive Council, Municipal Tramways Association ; Past President, Municipal Tramways Association ; Member of CouncU Tramways and Light Railways Association. War Work : Hon. Sec. Tramways (Board of Trade) Committee (MetropoUtan and East Coast Area) ; served on numerous committees in connection with Tramways Transport during the war. Address : Tramways Offices, Thornton Heath, Surrey. Club : Constitutional. (010496) GOOLD, Eng.-Comm. Hubert, O.B.E, R.N. GOOLDEN, Lieut.-Comm. Archibald CampbeU, O.B.E, R.N. GOOLDEN, Capt. Walter Herbert Lewis, O.B.E. GORDON, Alexander Stewart, O.B.E, M.D. (Edin.), D.P.H, 6. 1 Aug. 1880 : s. of Henry Gordon, of Bloomfield, Bathgate ; to. Marguerite Evelyn, d. of AUan Fulton Brotchie, of Costa, Orkney. Educ. : Bathgate Academy ; George Heriot's School, Edinburgh ; Univ. of Edinburgh ; Royal Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. FeUow Obstetrical Society, Edinburgh ; Member of Harveian Society, Edinburgh; M.O.H. Inverkeithing ; Assist. M.O.H, Port of St. Davids School, and Medical Inspector ; Parish M.O, late House Surgeon, P^oyal Infirmary, Edinburgh; M.O. Red Cross Society; M.O. troops (R.G.A, and R.E.) Inner Forth Defences ; Medical Referee various Life Assurance Companies ; M.O. Post Office, Inverkeithing and North Queensferry. War Work : Ad^rniralty Surgeon, H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth, H.M. Coastguard, and Boom Defence, North Queensferry, H.M. W.T. Station, Rosyth ; Assist. Medical Transport Officer, Rosyth ; organised medical department at Rosyth where, during the war, 10,000 men were employed ; Admiralty M.O.H. for whole Rosyth area and H.M. Ordnance Depot, Crombie ; Casualty Surgeon, all dockyard contractors ; M.O. Holloway Brothers, Housing Contractors, Rosyth; M.O. National Reserve (Royal High landers) ; M.O. Inverkeithing Emergency Ambulance Corps. Address : Rosebery House, Inverkeithing, Fife. Club : Dunfermline Golf. (010497) GORDON, Lieut.-Col. Annesleyde Renzy, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. ' (06188) GORDON, Major Archibald Alexander, C.B.E, M.V.O, J.P, Attache a la Maison Militaire de S.M. le Roi des Beiges, fi. Sept. 1867 ; s. of the late Dr. WUUam Eagleson Gordon, of Bridge-of-AUan, Stirlingshire ; m. Maude, d. of the late Major General E. Davidson-Smith, of the 95th Regiment Educ. : Edinburgh CoUegiate School ; Edinburgh University and abroad. CA. of Edinburgh (1889) ; late Major 9th (Highlanders) The Royal Scots ; Member of the King's Body Guard for Scotland (Royal Company of Archers) ; from 1906- 1920, Private Secretary to the Duke of Wellington, K.G, G.CV.O. War Work: Served with Staff of Royal Naval Division during Siege of Antwerp ; and after same as Attache to the MUitary Household of H.M. the King of the Belgians and as Belgian King's Messenger (1914-18), the former of which appointments he stUl retains ; Hon. Organiser and Hon. Secretary of the Belgian Relief Fund : received several War awards and cited in Belgian and French despatches. Address : Monksbam, Maugersbury, Stow-on-the-Wbld, Gloucestershire. Club : Constitutional, London. (C27) GORDON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Arthur Douglas, M.B.E. GORDON, Capt. Cedric Foskett, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. . GORDON, Sir Charles Blair, G.B.E, 6. 22 Nov. 1868 ; s. of the late John Gordon and Jane Roy ; m. Edith Annie Brooks, Seaforth, Ontario. Educ. : Montreal High School. Representative of Minister of Munitions and Director-General of War Supplies for Great Britain at Washington, U.S.A., since 1917 ; President Dominion TextUe Co, Ltd., 112, Sfc, James Street, Montreal ; Vice-President Bank of Montreal ; President Penmans, Ltd. ; President HUlcrest Collieries, Ltd. : President Dominion Glass Co. ; Vice-President Montreal Cotton Co. ; Vice-President, C Meredith Co, Ltd. ; Director, Royal Trust Co. ; Director, Ritz-Carlton Hotel ; Director, Provincial Paper Co. ; Chairman, Metropolitan Parks Com mission ; Governor, McGUl University ; Vice-Chairman of the Imperial Munition Board, Ottawa, 1916. Address : British War Mission, Munsey BuUding, Washington, U.S.A. Clubs: Mount Royal (Montreal) ; Hunt. SennevUle Golf (Canada) ; Montreal Jockey ; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht ; Royal Montreal Polo (Montreal). . _ „ __ __ __ _ __ (G33) GORDON, FUght-Lieut. David, O.B.E, R.A.F. GORDON, Dora Helen, Mrs., O.B.E. GORDON, Douglas George Hamilton, O.B.E, J.P, fi, 7 Aug. 1852 ; s. of the late Hon. Rev. Douglas H. Gordon, and the late Lady EUen Gordon, of The Close, Salisbury (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; to. Edith Anne, d. of — BuUock, of Faulk- bourne Hall, Essex. Educ. : Eton. Sec, Air League of the British Empire. War Work : Chairman of Committee "D " of the Appeal Tribunal for the County of London and the City of London. Address : 46, Dover Street, London, W.l. Club : Arts. ' (010499) GORDON, Major Edward Ian Drumearn, O.B.E. GORDON, Major Edward Montgomery, O.B.E.. Can. A.S.C „_,__ GORDON, Frank Lindsay, M.B.E. GORDON, Frank Sinclair, M.B.E, R.N. GORDON, George, M.B.E. GORDON, Capt. George, O.B.E, 6. 7 Sept. 1886; m. Hilda, d. of the Hon. O. H. Pearson (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Cheltenham CoU, and R.M.C. Sandhurst. Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Adjutant, 8th (Res.) Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and 16th Batt. ArgyU and Suther land Highlanders, Nov. 1914, to Dec. 1916 ; Navy and Army Canteen Board, Dec. 1916, to July, 1917 ; War Office, July, 1917, to Nov. 1917 ; Ministry of National Service, Nov. 1917, to AprU, 1919. Address : Quarry Wood HaU, Marlow, Bucks. Club : Junior United Service. (07199) GORDON, George Henry, M.B.E. GORDON, George Robert, O.B.E, M.D, B.Ch, s. of Joseph Gordon, of Ireland; m. AUce Maud, d. of George Gordon, of London. Educ. : Dublin and Belfast. Medicine and Surgery. War Work: M.O. in charge of Hartly College Red Cross Hospital. Address: "Ashfield," CoUege Road, WhaUey Range, Manchester. (010500) GORDON, Gladys, Mrs., M.B.E. GORDON, Grace, M.B.E. GORDON, Capt. Grahame Masey, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. GORDON, Major Harry Francis Adam, O.B.E, York and Lancaster Regt.. and R.A.F, 6. 8 AprU, 1887 ; s. of the late Major-Gen. A. H. A. Gordon, of York and Lancaster Regt.; to. Elsie Kathleen, d. of F. G. M. Kennedy, J.P, of Shelbourne, Limerick. Edue. : Bedford and R.M.C. Sandhurst. War Work : Active service, France and Mesopotamia. (O8104) GORDON, Lieut.-Col. Henry Erskine, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, Lanarkshire Yeomanry (retired), 6. 1849 ; s. of the late John Gordon, of Aikenhead, Cathcart N.B. ; to. Bertha Apes, d. of the late Major John Finlay, of Castle Toward, ArgyUshire. Educ. : Private School ; Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Director Caledonian Railway Co, Cathcart RaUway ; Chairman Lanarkshire and Ayrshire RaUway ; Director Union Bank of Scotland ; Director Coltness Don Co. ; Alquife Mines and RaU way Co. ; Warwickshire Coal Co. ; Local Chairman, Norwich Union Insurance Society. War Work: Chairman of Ren frewshire Tribunal ; Aikenhead Auxiliary Hospital. Address: Aikenhead House, Cathcart. Club : Western and Automobile, Glasgow ; New, Edinburgh ; New University, London. (0278) GORDON, Henry Sharpe, O.B.E, J.P, s. of Henry Gordon, of Dumfries, N.B. ; to. John Ann, d. of Hugh Gilmour, of London. Educ. : Dumfries Academy ; Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh. Solicitor and Banker (ret.). War Work : Hon. Sec. Dumfriesshire Local War Pensions Committee ; Military Representative for Dumfriesshire. Address: Glenae, Anusfield, N.B. Clubs: Dumfries and Galloway County; Scottish Conservative, Edinburgh; Royal Automobile, London. (O105U1 GORDON, Isidore Heyam, M.B.E. GORDON, James, C.B.E. _,_,_, GORDON, James Edward, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P, fi. 1872 ; s. of Jas. H. Gordon, M.D, of Salisbury; m. Blanche Violet, d. of the late Campbell MacGUl, F.R.G.S. V.D, of Stratford-sub-Castle, SaUsbury. Educ. : Weymouth CoUege; Glasgow University and St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Medical Superintendent, Isolation Hospital, Salisbury ; Hon. Physician to Salisbury Infirmary. War Work : Chiefly at above Hospitals, for treatment of infectious diseases amongst troops rn the Salisbury Plain District. (°A3,,6,F GORDON, James Scott, O.B.E. B.Sc, 6. 10 Dec. 1867 , s. of Robert Gordon, of Stragollen, Strabane, Co. Tyrone ; m. Martha Jane ; d. of Alexander Moore, of Mile Cross, Co. Down. Educ. : Edinburgh University. First Principal of CheBmre Agricultural and Horticultural CoUege, Holmes Chapel, Deputy Assistant Secretary and Chief Agricultural Inspector to the Department of Agriculture for Deland. War Work ¦ Food Production under Dept. of Agriculture, Mana. Addresses: StragoUen, Strabane, Co. Tyrone, Deland ; A'JDW View, Montestown, Co DubUn. (OUW 218 BIOGRAPHIES. Gosling GORDON, James Tennant, O.B.E. GORDON, Major James William, O.B.E, R.A.F. GORDON, Capt. John de la Hay, O.B.E, M.C, Indian Army, m. 5 Oct. 1920, at Aden, Esme Violet, d. of Cecil Bevan. 02275. GORDON, Lewis, C.B.E. Dop. Controller Small Arms Munition, Ministry of Munitions ; has Legion of Honour. (C181) GORDON, Lisa Mary, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. GORDON, Lieut.-Col. (Hon.) Mervyn Henry, C.M.G, C.B.E, M.D. (Oxon.) 6. 22 June 1872 ; s. of Rev. Prebendary H. D. Gordon, M.A, Rector of Harting, Sussex ; m. MUdred Olive, d. of Sir WiUiam Power, K.C.B, F.R.S. Educ. : Marlborough and Oxford. Bacteriologist to St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Member of Army Pathology Advisory Committee. War Work : Consulting Bacteriologist to the War Office for Oerebro-spinal fever. Address : St. Bartholomew's Hospital, E.C. 1. (C1584) GORDON, Lieut.-Col. PhiUp James, O.B.E, I.A. GORDON, Robert, O.B.E, 6. 27 June, 1866 ; Clerk for Manning duties, Mobilisation Dept, Admiralty. Address : 73, Sydenham Road North, Croydon. (02315) GORDON, Major Stewart, M.B.E. GORDON, Capt. Thomas Grove, M.B.E, R.A.F. GORDON, Paymaster-Lieut-Comm. Walter Hamilton, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. GORDON, WilUam, O.B.E, LL.D. GORDON, Col. WilUam Eagleson, V.C, A.D.C. to the King; 1913; 6. 4 May 1866; appointed the Gordon High landers, 1888; served with Chitral Relief Expedition 1895, including the storming of Malakand Pass (medal with clasp) ; with Tirah Expeditionary Force, 1897-98 (clasp); and as Adjutant 1st Batt. Gordon Highlanders throughout the South African campaiga. 1899-1902 (dangerously wounded at Magersfonteiu; despatches, V.C). Lieut.-Col. 1907; Brevet- Col. 1913; served European War, 1914; Officer Commanding No. 1 District, 1916-20 ; half-pay, 1920. Club : Naval and Military. GORDON, WUliam James, O.B.E. GORDON, Capt. William Lennox, O.B.E. GORDON, Col. Gwynnedd CONWAY-, C.B.E, R.A.S.C, fi. 1868 ; s. of the late Col. Lewis Conway-Gordon, CLE. ; m. 1894, Gwyneth, d. of Sir Arthur WiUiam Mackworth' 6th Bt. (see Bukke'S Peerage). Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1524) GORDON, John CornewaU DUFF-, M.B.E, fi. 17 Aug. 1869 ; s. of Cosmo Lewis Duff-Gordon, and g. s. of Sir WiUiam Duff-Gordon, 2nd Bt. (see Bukke'S Peerage). War Work : Voluntary worker, Catholic Women's League. Address : 61, Warwick Street, S.W. (M10258c) GORDON, Lieut.-Comm. Hugh HAMILTON-, O.B.E. GORDON, EUinorMaud, Mrs. MORE-, M.B.E, fi. 22 May, 1862; ii. of (Eneas Macbean, Writer to H.M. Signet, Edin burgh; m. Harry, s. of George More-Gordon, Charleton, Montrose. War Work: Commandant of No. 1 and No. 2 V.A.D. Red Cross Hospitals, Montrose, Scotland, from Jan. 1915, to April, 1919. Address : 4, Panmure Terrace, Montrose, Scotland. (M8235) GORDON, Edward PIRIE-, M.B.E, J.P, fi. 1853 ; s. of Patrick Pirie-Gordon, of Buthlaw, Aberdeenshire ; to. Louisa, a. of Rev. W. Handley, M.A, Rector of Winthorpe, Notts. Educ : Harrow. War Work : Hon. Sec. Breconshire War Distress Fund ; Member, Breconshire Local War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Treas. Breconshire Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association, and Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society ; Chairman of CrickhoweU District Tribunal, War Savings Association, Food Control, Welcome Home Committees ; Hon. Treas. CrickhoweU War Pensions Committee, and War Memorial Cottage Hospital, etc. Addresses : Gwernvale, CrickhoweU, Breconshire ; Buthlaw, Aberdeenshire. . (M8234) GORDON, Lieut.-Col. Walter Gordon WOLRICE-, O.B.E, fi. 29 Jan. 1861 ; s. of Henry Wolrice- Gordon, of Hall- head and Esslemont. Educ. : Eton. Soudan, 1884 (wounded) ; Nile Expedition, 1884-85 ; South African War, 42nd Royal Highlanders, 1899-1902; 19th Royal FusUiers, 1915-18. Address : Esslemont, Aberdeenshire. Clubs : Naval and MUitary; Cavendish; Travellers'; New (Edinburgh). (05948) GORE, Major Charles Henry, O.B.E. GORE, Col. St. John Corbet, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 10 Dec. 1859. Educ : Winchester. Late Commanding 5th Dragoon Guards (retired) ; Brigade Commander 2nd South Midland Mounted Brigade 1908-11 ; MUitary Secretary, to General fair Archibald Hunter, Aldershot Training Centre, since 1914 ; tiazetted to 5th Dragoon Guards, 22 Jan. 1879 ; served with the Heavy Camel Regt. in Soudan in 1884 (medal and 5™): to India in 1893 with 5th Dragoon Guards ; served as »Utary Secretary to both Sir Baker Russell and Sir George Luck in Bengal 1879-99 ; commanded cavalry at battle of Elands Laagte, Oct. 1899 ; siege of Ladysmitn (despatches thrice, Queen sMedal, 4 Clasps, King's Medal, 2 Clasps, C.B.). Clerk of tneCheque aud Adjutant, His Majesty Body Guard. Address : 6, Hans Place, S.W. Club. : Naval and MUitary. (C182) v £9RTEt 0aP*- Aubrey Edmond PERY-KNOX-, O.B.E., a-O.Y.L.I, 6. 27 Oct. 1883 ; s. of the late Edmond Pery-Knox- «ore, of Coolcronan, BaUina, Co. Mayo ; to. Monica, d. of Capt. J. s. Bridges, of Woodcote, Fleet, Hants, and Lady wace Bridges (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ : Malvern. Address : loolcronan, BalUna, Co. Mayo. (07569) GORE, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Arthur Gore SAUNDERS- KNOX-. O.B.E, R.A. GORELL, Col. Ronald Gorell Barnes, Lord, C.B.E, M.C, B.A, 6. 16 April 1884; s. his brother as 3rd Baron, 1917. Educ: Winchester; Harrow; Balliol Coll, Oxford. Called to tho Bar, Inner Tomple, 1909 ; on the editorial staff of "The Times"; formerly Capt. Rifle Brigade; Temp. Col. and Dep. Div. of Staff Duties, War Office, 1917 ; Dep. Dir. for Education in Army; 1918 (mentioned in despatches). Address : 1, John St, Adelphi, W.O. Club : Garrick. GORGES, Brig.-Gen. Edmund Howard, C.B, C.B.E., D.S.O, 6. 1868 ; s. of the late Capt. R. A. Gorges, R.M.A. ; m. 1900, Sylvia Rosalie, d. of the late Lieut.-Col. Henry Fitz- John Townshend, J.P, of Castletownshend, co. Cork. Educ : R.M.C, Sandhurst. Entered Manchester Regt. 1887 ; Capt. 1896; Major, 1901; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1906; Brevet Col. 1913; Lieut.-Col. W. African Regt. 1912; Comdt. thereof, 1913 ; and Col. 1917 ; served in Uganda, 1897-99 (medal with two clasps) ; in S. Africa, 1900 (Queen's medal with two clasps) ; in command of Turkana Punitive Expedition, 1901 (despatches) , in SomaUland, 1904 ; Comdg. Camel Corps aud Mounted Inf. with Nandi Field Force, 1905-6 ; in command of 1st Batn. King's African Rifles (despatches, medal with clasp) ; and in Cameroon?, 1914-16, Comdg. British Contingent (despatches, Legion of Honour) ; commanded troops in E. Africa and Zanzibar, 1907 ; appointed a Brig. Com. 1916, with rank of Brig.-Gen. (C1587) GORMAN, Capt. James Thomas, M.B.E. GORMAN, William, M.B.E. GORMAN, Major GORMAN-, M.B.E. GORRIE, Capt. Henry James, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.). GORRINGE, EmmeUne Mary Vallance, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of John Bradford, R.N. ; to. William Hugh, J.P, s. of Hugh Gorringe, J.P, of Kingston-by-Sea and Southwick, Sussex. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Superintendent of Canteen and Hostel, National Projectile Factory, feeding 6000 daily, and Soldiers' Club, Shoreham-by-Sea ; and of Soldiers' and Sailors Families Assoc. Address: Oving, Chichester, Sussex. Clubs : Ladies' Army and Navy ; Forum. (M1794) GORTON, Lieut.-Col. Sandford George, M.B.E, R.N.R, 6. 9 Oct. 1883 ; s. of Sandford Thomas Gorton, of London ; m. Haldane Mary, d. of Rev. R. E. Hutchison, of N.S.W, Australia. Educ,: Leatherhead; H.M.S. "Worcester." Commanding Officer of Admiralty Cable Ship. War Work : Submarine Cable operations for Engineering Dept. of General Post Office at home and in Russia ; Lent to Admiralty for duty in Anti-Submarine Division with rank of Lt. -Comdr, R.N.R. Address ; 79, Hervey Road, Blackheath, S.E. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (M459) GORVIN, John Henry, C.B.E, 6. 1 Sept. 1886; s. of John HaU Gorvin, of Bideford, Devon ; m. Winifred, d. of Rev. James Seldon, of Newport. Mon. Educ. : King's CoUege, London. General Secretary, International Committee for Relief Credits, Paris. War Work : Freight Manager to Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies ; Director of Requirements to Allied Food Council; British Secretary to Allied Scientific Food Commission. Officer of the Order of the Crown of Belgium. Address : 3, Rue Francois I, Paris. Club : Reform. (C2638) GOSCHEN, George Joachim, Viscount, of Hawkhurst, C.B.E, 6. 1866 ; eldest s. of 1st Viscount Goschen and Lucy, d. of John Dailley (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. Lady Evelyn Gathorne-Hardy, 5th d. of 1st Earl of Cranbrook (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Rugby ; Balliol Coll, Oxford. Joint Parliamentary Secretary, Board of Agriculture, since 1918 ; late Col. 2nd Vol. Batt. East Kent Regt. ; was Private Secretary to Governor of New South Wales, and (unpaid) to his father at the Admiralty ; M.P. (C) E. Grinstead, Sussex, 1895-1906 ; A.D.C to Lord Roberts, Commander-in-Chief. ; Lieut.-Col. 2/5th Buffs. East Kent Regt. Addresses : Seacox Heath; Hawkhurst; 25, Rutland Gate, S.W. 7. Club : Carlton. (C183) GOSCHEN, Sir WiUiam Henry Neville, K.B.E, D.L. (Essex). 6. 30 Oct. 1865 ; s. of Henry Goschen. of Heathfield, Addington, Surrey ; to. Christian, d. of Col. J. A. Grant, C.B, C.S.I, of Househill, Nairn. Educ. : Eton. Partner, Goschens and Cunliffe ; Director, Nat. Prov. and U. Bank of England ; Chartered Bank of India, A. and Ch. ; British Trade Corp. ; Prime Warden of Goldsmiths' Co, 1919-20; Chairman London Clearing Bankers' Committee, and of Central Assoc. of Bankers, 1918. War Work: Hon. Recruiting Officer, MUitary Representative, Epping Sub- Area ; Member Committee Financial Facilities for Trade ; Currency and Foreign Exchange Committee, Gold Production Committee, Chairman Treasury Committee on Housing Finance. Address : Durnngton House, Harlow, Essex. Clubs : Carlton ; Wellington. (K377) GOSFORD, Louisa Montague, Countess of, D.B.E, d of the 7th Duke of Manchester ; to. Sir Archibald Brabazon Sparrow Acheson, K.P, 4th Earl of Gosford. Is a Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; Lady of the Bed chamber to H.M. Queen Alexandra. Addresses: Gosford Castle, Market HiU; RedhiU, Co. Armagh; 24, Hyde Park Gardens, W. _, _, . _„ _ ., 1914-16 (despatches) ; formerly Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. Denbighshire Imperial Yeo.; Hon. Lieut -Col Reserve of Officers. Address : Gelliwig, PwllheU, N Wales' Club : Naval and Military. cri <;sai GOUGH, Arthur Edward, O.B.E. ( 5S8) RSf^S' M.ai°* Artl""1 Trevor, O.B.E, M.C, R.F.A. isSi • { feleut- Herbert John, M.B.E, B.Sc, 6. 26 AprU, thpWi i\f Hen5' ,James Gough' of EaIiD8 ; m. Sybil, d. of S.wf d i~ESeI Polme3' of CoggeshaU. Educ. : Univ. CoU. ?fii?^i"„ Research Engmeer ; Assistant in Engineering K™°'' National Physical Laboratory. Wa? Work: ServUl in ^Ct~Ve SerTe ™}~~ the E°yal Engineers (Signal Service) m France ; mentioned in despatches, Nov. 1917 in 220 connection with hattie of Arras, and subsequent advance- awarded M.B.E. (MUitary Division) for maintaining forward' telephone communications, Aug. to Sept. 1918. Address - 8, Christehurch Avenue, Teddington, Middlesex. (M3126) GOUGH, Joseph Salmon, O.B.E, J.P. ' GOUGH, Kathleen Mona, M.B.E, 6. 1886; d. ot Col Hon. G. H. Gough, C.B. (see Bukke'S Peerage). Address: IS Grosvenor Place, S.W. 1. (M8240) GOUGH, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Robert Thomas, M.B.E R.E. GOUK, WiUiam, M.B.E. GOULD, Lieut.-Col. Sir AUred Pearce, K.C.V.O, C.BJS M.S., F.R.CS, 6. 1852 : s. of Rev. George Gould, of Norwich • m. Florence, d. of late Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Lush. Educ.': Amersham HaU School, University CoUege and Medical School'. Consulting Surgeon, Middlesex Hospital ; late Vice-Chancellor, University of London. War Work : Surgeon-in-Charge and later Officer Commanding, Third London General Hospital, Aug. 1914 to Aug. 1920 ; Member and Chairman of Health Committee of Advisory Committee ; of the Statutory Pensions Committee ; Medical Member of Officers' Appeal Board under Ministry of Pensions ; Medical Member of Officers' Appeal Tribunal under the Lord ChanceUor ; Chairman of Executive Committee of the War Emergency Fund. Addresses: 10, Queen Anne Street, W. 1 ; Ashe, Ashburton. Clubs: Athenaeum ; University of London. (C1589) GOULD, Claude WiUiam Shepard, M.B.E. GOULD, Harold MUler, M.B.E, 6. 15 May, 1889 ; s. of George Gould, of Ipswich ; to. Robina WUUamson, d. of George Melvin, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Ipswich Middle School. War Work : Y.M.C.A. work, England, 1914 ; France, 1915-19. Address : 1, Brunswick Square, Gloucester. (M1796) GOULD, WiUiam Edward Thomas, M.B.E. GOULD, Lieut. Willis, O.B.E. GOULD, Capt. Edward Sabine BARING-, O.B.E.; R.A.S.C. GOULDEN, Capt. Charles Bernard, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. GOULDING, Major and Qr.-Mr. Edward Sainsbury, O.B.E, T.D, fi. 11 Sept. 1875 ; s. of E. K. Goulding, of Liverpool. Fellow of the Society of Incorporated Accountants. War Wort : Serving as quartermaster of the 6th (Rifle) Battn. The King's \ Liverpool Regt. on outbreak of war ; assisted to mobilise the battalion, went to France with it in Feb, 1915, and served abroad with the battalion untU demobUisation ; twice men tioned in despatches ; has been for many years Secretary of the Lancashire Rifle Association, and interested in the promotion of Rifle Shooting. Addresses : 4, WeUesleyRoad, Princes Park, Liverpool. Club : Conservative, Liverpool. (02533) GOULDING, Harry Wilson, O.B.E, 6. 25 Feb. 1858; s. of Thomas Alfred Goulding, of Cam, Glos. ; to. Mary, d. of George Hadley, of Cam, Glos. Educ : Brownes Green Colle giate School, and Wolverhampton Grammar School. Con sulting Engineer, late Chief Engineer, Soho Foundry, Birming ham ; Messrs. Palmer's, Ltd, and Woolwich Arsenal, R.C.D. ; work embraced Mechanical, Electrical, and Constructional Engineering and Building Construction. War Work : Special Investigator, Ministry of Munitions of War ; Chief DUution Officer, and Chairman of the Enlistment Complaints Ctommittee, South Western Division. Address: 28, Lyndon Road, Olton, Warwickshire. (010508) GOUT, Lieut. Evelyn Rudolf Albert John, M.B.E. GOVER, Capt. WiUiam Cyril, O.B.E, R.G.A. GOVINDARAJULU, Rose, M.B.E. (M6149) GOW, Major Peter Graham, M.B.E. GOW, Capt. Reginald Ronald, O.B.E. GOWAN, Major Francis Edward, O.B.E. ; s. of F. E. Gowan, of Kinsale, Co. Cork ; m. Ora, d. of Rev. John Magill, of Carnlough, Co. Antrim. Educ : King's Coll, London. War Work : Served on the Staff of the Financial Adviser to the Commander-in-Chief, British Expeditionary Force, France, 1915-19, with rank of Major ; mentioned in despatches. Addresses : War Office ; and Woodlands, Constable Close, Golders Green, London, N.W. 4. (010509) GOWAN, George D'OUer, M.B.E. GOWANS, Capt. James Dakers, O.B.E. GOWANS, Thomas, O.B.E. GOWARD, Major Raymond Spencer, M.B.E. GOWER, Lieut. John Forbes, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. GOWER, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. John Richard, M.B.E. GOWER, Sir Robert Vaughan, Kt. Bach, O.B.E. ,F.R.G.S, J.P, CC, 6. Nov. 1880 ; e. s. of tbe late Alderman Joshua Robert Gower, J.P, of Boughton House, Tunbridge Wells; m. Dorothy Susan Eleanor, o. d. of the late Herbert McClellon Wills, D.L, J.P, of Exeter, Co. Devon, and 1st cousin of the 1st Baron Lee of Fareham. Educ. : Privately. Law Society Honours and Final, 1903 ; Alderman, Borough Royal of Ton- bridge WeUs, since 1913 ; Deputy Mayor, 1910-11-12-13 : Mayor, 1917-18-19 ; County CounciUor for Kent since 1910 ; J.P. for Tunbridge Wells ; appointed MUitary Representative, Kent Tribunal, 1915-17; Commissioner (L.G.B, unpaid) for promoting co-operation amongst traders to secure carrying on of businesses of men caUed to colours ; FeUow of Society of Genealogists ; President of Society of Prevention and Relief of Cancer; Member of General CouncU of National Canine Defence League, and of the Vermin Repression Society; Member of Law Society ; Liveryman, Needlemakers' Society ; Chairman, Tunbridge Wells Conservative and Unionist Associa tion. Address : Boughton Colemars, Matfield, Kent. Clubs : Carlton; Junior Carlton ; United ; Kent County. (03738) BIOGRAPHIES. Graham GCWER, Capt. Cecil Octavius Gresham LEVESON-, M.B.E. GOWER, Col. Charles Cameron LEVESON-, C.M.G, 0.B.E, fi. 30 June, 1866 ; s. of the late Capt. H. B. B. Leveson- Gower, of BiU HU1, Berks (see Burke's Peerage); m. Beatrice, d. of H. F. Makins, of 180, Queen's Gate, S.W. Educ : Chelten ham Coll. Late Indian Cavalry, and Royal Field ArtiUery. War Work : Commanded Brigade, R.F.A, in France, 1915-16 ; Inspector of Guns, 1917-19. Address : 13, Cottesmore Gardens, Kensington. Club : Cavalry. (07387) GOWING, Major Reginald Mack, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. GOWING, Warden, O.B.E. GRACE, George WilUam, O.B.E, 6. 1880 ; s. of James Grace, of Sunderland ; m. Gertrude, d. of R. T. Boothroyd, of West Hartlepool. Director of Connell and Grace, Ltd, The Quayside Shipping Co, Ltd, and The Side Shipping Co, Ltd, Newcastle. War Work : Some time in the Royal Engineers (Inland Waterways and Docks Dept.) ; transferred 1917 to the Ministry of Shipping, where, under Sir Ernest W. Glover, was responsible for the management of the large fleet of Scandi navian vessels requisitioned by the British Government during the War. Addresses : Proctor House, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Leasyde, Gosforth. Newcastle-on-Tyne. (010510) GRACE, Lieut. Theodore PhiUip, M.B.E. GRACE, Gladys Sheffield, Mrs. Raymond Sheffield HAMILTON-, C.B.E. GRACEY, Edmund, M.B.E. GRACEY.Hugh Kirkwood, C.B.E, J.P, I.C.S, 6. 23 Nov. 1868 ; s. of David Gracey, of Banbridge ; m.IMabel AUce (M.B.E.), i. of George Frederick BerriU. Educ : City of London School and St. Catharine's CoUege, Cambridge. Commissioner of the Kumaon Division, United Provinces, India ; was also settle ment officer of Cawnpore, and has been district officer of many districts ; is ex-officio poUtical agent to H.H. The Raja of Tehri (Garhwal). War Work : Was in administrative charge of all branches of war work, including the organization of recruiting and wax loans, in the Gorakhpur division, U.P. ; was also a member of the provincial war committee ; mentioned, for valuable war services, in the Gazettes of India, dated 3 June, 1918, and 29 July, 1919. Address : Hatton HaU, Naini Tal, TJ.P, India. (C1967) GRACEY, Mabel AUce, Mrs., M.B.E. GRACIAS, Hyginus Dominie, M.B.E. (MC150) GRACIE, Sir Alexander, K.B.E, M.V.O, 6. 14 Nov. 1860; m. Catherine FuUerton, d. of Walter Rutherford of Glasgow. Chairman and Managing Director, Messrs. Cammel Laird & Co, Ltd. Address : Montgomerie Crescent, Glasgow. Club : Junior Carlton. (K74) GRACIE, Lieut. Duncan McAuley, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. GRACIE, Major Farquhar, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). GRACIE, Robert Spencer, O.B.E. GRACIE, WilUam McAuley, M.B.E, A.MJnst.T, 6. 14 Sept. 1887 ; s. of Duncan Gracie, of H.M. Customs, MovUle ; m. Olga Mary, d. of WiUiam Kaye, of Doncaster. Educ. : Privately. Chief Clerk, Chief Goods Manager's Office, Great Central RaUway. War Work : Transport arrangements in connection with Government traffic. Address : Fernlea, Harrow-on-the-HUl. (M8243) GRADDON, Ernest Edgar, O.B.E. GRAEME, Patrick Neal Sutherland, C.B.E. J.P, Deputy Judge Advocate, CivU Branch of Judge Advocate- General's Office. (C3146) GRAFF, Francis Stephen, O.B.E, fi. 28 Feb. 1868 ; s. of Stephen J. Graff, C.B, of 45, Amherst Road, Ealing. Educ. : Privately. Sec. of the Agricultural Organisation Society. War Work : Agricultural organisation ; served on committees at Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Food. Address : 50, Conrtfield Gardens, West Ealing. Club : National Liberal. (010512) GRAFTON, Alexander, O.B.E. GRAHAM, Lieut. Allan James, C.B.E, B.A, 6. 16 May, 1883 ; s. of John Graham, of Mohrcroft, Aigburth Drive, Liverpool ; m. Norah Russell, d. of WiUiam Delafield. Educ. : Marlborough aud Trinity CoU, Oxford. War Work : Lieut. Liverpool Scottish, and later Commercial Adviser to the British Legation, Copenhagen. Address : 158, Fenchurch Street. Club : Prince's. (C2640) GRAHAM, Arthur John Wood, O.B.E. _ GRAHAM, Major Charles Frederick OUver, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. GRAHAM, Lieut.-Col. Charles Percy, C.B.E, D.S.O. GRAHAM, Capt. Charles Ronald, O.B.E. GRAHAM, Major Charles Townley, O.B.E, I.A. GRAHAM, Rev. Christopher, O.B.E, M.A, R.N. GRAHAM, Christopher Colborne, M.B.E. GRAHAM, Lieut. Cuthbert, M.B.E, R.E. _, GRAHAM, Major David James, O.B.E, M.D, S.E.C.P R.A.M.C (T.). GRAHAM, Capt. David Livingstone, O.B.E, M.B. GRAHAM, David Morgan, M.B.E, J.P. GRAHAM, Duncan, O.B.E. GRAHAM, GUbert Maxwell Adair, C.B.E, 6. 19 June, 1883 ; s. of James N. Graham, D.L, of Carfin and Stonebyres, Lanarkshire ; m. PhyUis Elinor, d. of F. de Mierre Turner, of Oporto. Educ. ; Eton, and New College, Oxford. War Work : berved on the Quartermaster-General's Staff at the War Office. Address : Quinta da Povoa, Oporto, Portugal. Cfofis .• Union ; Bath ; New (Edinburgh). (C1590) GRAHAM, Major Harold John, O.B.E. GRAHAM, Helen, M.B.E. GRAHAM, James, C.B.E, 6. 26 Nov. 1870 ; s. of James Graham, of Stirling, N.B. ; m. Louisa Edith, d. of Robert Rule, of Glasgow and Crieff. Educ. : Charterhouse and Glasgow University. War Work ; Commercial Assistant in Ministry of Shipping, AprU, 1917, to Feb. 1919. Addresses : Hollingden- Woldingham, Surrey ; 7, East India Avenue, E.C Clubs : Thatched House ; Public Schools. (C2641) GRAHAM, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. James, M.B.E, D.C.M. GRAHAM, James, M.B.E, B.A, R.U.I, fi. June, 1861; s. of James Graham, of Carnlea, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland Educ. : The Model School, Ballymena ; Private tuition ; Correspondence CoU, Burlington House, Cambridge. Sur veyor, H.M. Customs and Excise, Long Room, Custom House, London. War Work : During the War was Surveyor in charge of the Special Export Branch, established for the initial depart mental control of merchandise, etc, allowed to be entered at the Custom House, London, for exportation to foreign destina tions under the Law and Regulations relating to Trading with the Enemy. Address: 11, Thornby Road, Lower Clapton, N.E. (M6639) GRAHAM, Capt. James Wells, O.B.E. GRAHAM, Jannet, M.B.E. GRAHAM, Capt. John Irvine, C.B.E, R.N, fi. 17 July, 1862 ; s. of Colonel J. H. Graham ; m. Hazel Dorothy, d. of General Sir Thomas Graham, K.C.B. Educ. : Elizabeth College, Guernsey, and Royal Navy. Captain R.N. (retired), and now Inspector-General of Customs, Waterguard. Address : 48, Evelyn Gardens, S.W. 7. Club : Army and Navy. (C2642) GRAHAM, Major John St. John, O.B.E. GRAHAM, Joseph, O.B.E. GRAHAM, Lieut.-Col. Joseph WiUiam, O.B.E, R.E. GRAHAM, Mary Bremner, O.B.E. GRAHAM, Mary Louise, Marchioness of, O.B.E, 6. 1 Nov. 1884 ; d. of 12th Duke of Hamilton (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. James, Marquess of Graham, s. of 5th Duke of Montrose, of Buchanan Castle (see Bukke'S Peerage). War Work : Vice- President Red Cross, Plomesgate Division, Suffolk, and Arran Division, Bute ; worked 1 year 10 months as V.A.D. in Easton Park Red Cross Hospital, Suffolk ; 51 months as probationer in Scottish National Red Cross Hospital ; 1 year 11 months as Commandant Arran AuxUiary Red Cross Hospital, Isle of Arran. Address : Brodick Castle, Isle of Arran. (0382) GRAHAM, Maurice, C.B.E. For valuable services to the Ministry of Shipping in the capacity of Construction Engineer. (C3147) GRAHAM, Lieut.-Col. Robert Balfour, M.B.E, V.D, F.R.CS, D.P.H, J.P, 6. 25 Aug. 1859 ; s. of the late Rev. M. H. N. Graham, Minister of Parish of Maxton ; to. EUa, d. of Henry T. Balfour, of Clock House, E. Barnet. Educ. : Welfield Academy Kelso Grammar School ; Edinburgh Univ. ; and Medical School. M.O.H. Leven ; County Director Ftfo Red Cross ; Member. War Pensions Committee and Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society, etc. War Work : Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. ; County Director Red Cross, 1913-14 ; 1915-16, Senior Medical Officer, Command Depot for wounded men ; 1916-17, President Headquarters and Special Recruiting Medical Boards ; 1917-18, Officer Commanding Hospital for Officers. Address : Levenbank, Leven, Fife. Club : Scottish Conservative (Edin.). (M8246) GRAHAM, Lieut.-Col. Robert Blackall, C.B.E, 6. 1874 ; s. of Col. R. B. Graham. Educ. : WeUington Coll, and R.M.C N.-W. Frontier of India 1897-98 (medal with clasp) ; S. Africa, 1899-1900 (Queen's medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). Address : Malvern Lodge, Cheltenham. (C1458) GRAHAM, 2nd Lieut. Robert Clark, M.B.E, R.A.F. GRAHAM, Lieut. Ronald, M.B.E. GRAHAM, Sophia Augusta, M.B.E. ; d. of Rev. Malise jteginald Graham, of Arthuret, Longtown, Cumberland. Educ. : Privately. President of Northern Ladies' Hockey Association ; Diocesan Head of G.F.S. Sick Department ; Member of Cumber land Nursing Association Executive Committee ; Sec. of Longtown and District Nursing Association ; Member of Committee (Executive) of Cumberland Branch of the British Red Cross Society ; Chairman of Executive Committee of Association for Rescue and Preventative Work, Carlisle ; Governor of Cumberland Infirmary ; Member of Longtown War Pensions Sub-Committee ; Commandant Cumberland V.A.D. 18 (Longtown) ; a Manager of the Arthuret and Kirkandrews-upon-Esk CouncU Schools. War Work : Com mandant of Claremont, Scaurbank and Glingerbank Hos pitals, Longtown, Cumberland ; Member of the Cumberland and Westmorland Red Cross Working Party Committee ; Member of the Cumberland War Agricultural Committee. Address : Arthuret, Longtown, Cumberland. Clubs : V.A.D. Ladies', London ; North London Rifle ; Ladies', CarUsle. (M3676) GRAHAM, Sydney, C.B.E. GRAHAM, Eng.-Comm. Thomas Alexander, O.B.E, R.N.R. GRAHAM, Thomas Harkness, O.B.E, 6. 5 Sept. 1880 ; s. of John Graham, of Lochmaben ; m. Ruth, d. of Harry Kennedy, of Bootle. Educ. : University of Liverpool. Librarian, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh ; Registrar of the Branch Medical CouncU for Scotland. War Work : Secretary of the Scottish Medical Service Emergency Committee ; 221 Graham THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Secretary of the Central Professional Committee for Scotland, under the MUitary Service (Medical Practitioners' Regulations) Act ; Secretary of the Advisory Medical Board for Scotland, Ministry of National Service. Address: 8, Keith Terrace, BlackhaU, Midlothian. Club : Scottish Arts, Edinburgh. (01380) GRAHAM, Capt. Vivien Horace, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C GRAHAM, Capt. Walter, M.B.E, C.A.F. GRAHAM, WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 14 Dec. 1894 ; s. of A. Graham, of Bradford ; m. Bessie, d. of G. Warnock, of Strat- haven, N.B. Educ. : Bradford and London. Official of Board of Trade. War Work : Sec. of Trade and Licensing Committee, and Dves Dept. Board of Trade ; represented the U.K. at various" International Conferences on dyes, particularly regard ing the supply of dyes by Germany as reparation under the Peace Treaty. Addresses : Downs Court Road, Purley ; Board of Trade, Great George Street, S.W. 1. (M8249) GRAHAM, Eng.-Comm. WiUiam Air, O.B.E, R.N.R, R.A.M.C. GRAHAM, Capt. WilUam Thomson, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 1885 ; s. of J . T. Graham, M.D, M.R.C.S, of Perth. Educ : Perth Academy ; Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Served with Mesopotamia and Egyptian Expeditionary Forces, 1914-19. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, London, S.W. 1. (06190) GRAHAM, Wimfred Maud, Mrs. OgUvie, M.B.E., 6. 23 Sept. 1893; d. of Rev. Canon J. B. Harford, of Ripon Cathedral; m. Capt. OgUvie Blair Graham. D.S.O, s. of 0. B. Graham, of Larchfield, Lisburn. Educ. : Malvern ; Oxford. War Work : Headquarters, Q.M.A.A.C, France. Addresses : Larchfield, Lisburn, Co. Down, Deland ; c/o 4th Batt. Rifle Brigade, Quetta, Baluchistan. (M4505) GRAHAM, Capt. Hamilton Maurice HOWGRAVE-, O.B.E. GRAINGER, Edwin Charles, M.B.E, M.C, fi. 24 July, 1879 ; s. of Edwin Grainger, of Cbilworth, Surrey ; m. Fannie, d. of John Hale. Educ. : Secondary Schools. War Work : Served with the Queen's W. Surreys, from Aug. 1914, to April, 1918, in France and Belgium ; 11th R. Sussex Regt, Sept. 1918, to Aug. 1920, in N. Russia. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co. (M6997) GRANARD, Beatrice, Countess of, O.B.E, d. of Ogden Mills, of Haatsbury, Duchess County, U.S.A. ; m. Right Hon. Bernard Arthur WiUiam Patrick Hastings Forbes, Stb Bail of Granard, K.P, G.CV.O. Addresses: Forbes House, Halkin Street, S.W. ; Castle Forbes, Newtown Forbes, Co. Longford ; 73, Rue do Varenne, Paris. (010516) GRANDIN, Capt. Ernest, M.B.E. GRANGE, Major Charles D'Oyly, O.B.E, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C, 6. 29 Aug. 1887; s. of W. D'Oyly Grange, M.D, of Harrogate ; m. Dorothea, d. of the late C. J. Forster, of Gates- head-on-Tyne, Educ. : Harrogate CoU . : Univ. of Leeds ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Assistant Surgeon, Harrogate Infirmary. War Work : Officer in Charge Surgical Division, Northumberland War Hospital, Newcastle-on-Tyne, May, 1915, to June, 1919, Address : 104, Station Parade, Harro gate. (08818) GRANT, Agnes Jane, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of Robert Ross, of Cape Town, S. Africa ; m. Alexander Fraser Grant, s. of Duncan Grant, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Private School, Cape Town. War Work : Organising and managing a canteen tor sailors and soldiers at Simon's Bay, South Africa. Address : Bosky DeU, Simonstown, S. Africa. Clubs ; Services, London ; Alexandra, Cape Town. (M8250) GRANT, Alexander, O.B.E, 6. 1869; s. of Alexander Grant, of Edinburgh ; to. Margaret St. Clair, d. of John Dunnett, of Bower, Caithness. Educ. : Edinburgh. On the staff of the " Glasgow Herald," 1892-1918 ; ParUamentary Staff, 1899-1918 ; Council of the Newspaper Press Fund 1907-19. War Work : Appointed Superintendent of Publicity, Ministry of Pensions, April, 1918 ; Organiser of the King's Fund for Disabled Officers and Men, Nov. 1918, to June, 1920 Address: 11, SaUord Road, Streatham HiU, S.W. 2. Club : London Press. (010517) GRANT of DRUMINNOR, Alexander PhiUp Fullerton, M.B.E, fi. 29 May, 1887 ; s. of PhiUp Alexander HoUand (latterly Grant). Educ: Eton and Cambridge. Agricul-. turalist; Inspector of smaU live stock. Ministry of Agriculture. War Work: Ministry of Munitions (MUitary Personnel), 1915-20. Address : Druniinnor, Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. Clubs : New Univ. ; Farmers'. (M3677) GRANT, Major Andrew, M.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C GRANT, Lieut.-Col. Sir Arthur, Bt, C.B.E, D.S.O, J.P, D.L, Gordon Highlanders, late 12th Lancers, retired 1909, 6. 14 Sept. 1879 ; second s. of 9th Bart, and Mary, d. of Capt. H. Sholto-Douglas, late 42nd Highlanders ; in. Evelyn, 7th d. of the late ColUngwood L. Wood, of Freeland, Perthshire. Entered Army 1899 , served South Africa 1899-1902 (de spatches, Queen's medal, 5 clasps, King's medal, 2 clasps, D.S.C); Great War, 1914-15 (wounded). Address: House of Monymusk, Aberdeen. Clubs: Carlton; Naval and MUitary ; Royal AutomobUe ; Royal Northern (Aberdeen). (C2113) GRANT, Eng.-Capt. Arthur Robert, C.B.E, R.N. GRANT, Lieut. Arthur Syme, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. GRANT, Capt. Charles Cameron, M.B.E. GRANT, Capt. Donald Ernest, M.B.E. GRANT, Duncan Walter, C.B.E. GRANT, Emma Egerton, Mrs., M.B.E ; to. Charles E. Grant, D.L. War Work : Hon. Sec. Naval and MiUtary War Pensions Committee ; Vice President Scottish Branch British Red Cross Society. Address : Monkcastle, KUwinning, Ayrshire. (M8251) GRANT, Ethel OgUvie, M.B.E. GRANT, Major James Forgan, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 23 Nov. 1882. Educ. : Marischal CoU, Aberdeen. Com missioned, July, 1907. War Work: Convoy duty, 1914-15; India, 1915-16; Mesopotamia, 1917-18; Kurdistan, 1919. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, London. Club: Caledonia. (09762) GRANT, Sec. Lieut. LesUe lam, M.B.E, MM, R.E. GRANT, LiUan, Mrs., O.B.E. GRANT, Capt. Malcolm Kenneth, O.B.E, R.N. GRANT, NeU Forbes, C.B.E, 6. i Aug. 1882 ; s. of Jamea Grant, of Forres, Scotland. Educ. Milne's Institution, Focha bers ; Edinburgh University ; Oxford University (Scholar of Brasenose CoUege). JournaUst; Foreign Editor of the " Morning Post " since 1918. War Work : Attached Foreign Office and subsequently Ministry of Information, acting as Editor of Cables and Wireless Section. Address: 12, Merton HiU Road, Wimbledon, S.W. Club : United University. (C971) GRANT, Norman, M.B.E. GRANT, Capt. Robert Charles, O.B.E. GRANT, Col. Ronald Charles, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1864; 8. of Lieut.-Col. James Murray Grant, of East London, Cape Colony ; m. 1898, Mina, d. of the Rev. James Stewart, M.D, D.D, of Lovedale, S. Africa. Basutoland, 1880-81 (medal with clasp) ; S. Africa. 1899-1900 (despatches, Queen's medal with four clasps. King's medal with two clasps) ; Lieut.-Col. and temporary Col. Union of S. Africa, Permanent Force. (02399) GRANT, Col. Samuel Charles Norton, C.B, CM.G, C.B.E, 6. 1854 ; s. of the late George Grant, R.N. ; m. 1882, Ina, d. of the late Maj.-Gen. J. C. Blackwood De Butts, R.E. Entered R.E. 1874 ; Capt. 1885 ; Major, 1894 ; Lieut.-Col. 1901 ; Brevet Col. 1904 ; and Col. 1908 ; retired, 1911 ; served in S. Africa, 1900 (despatches) ; employed under Colonial Office in Cyprus, 1878-79 and 1880-86 ; in W. Africa, 1895-96 ; and under Foreign Office with Anglo-Portuguese Boundary Commn. 1892-93 ; with Venezuela Boundary Arbitration Commn. 1899 ; and on Indian Topographical Survey Commn. 1905 ; was D.A.A.G at Head Quarters, 1897-99 ; Director-Gen. of Ordnance Survey Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1908-11. Address : The White Cottage, Norton, near Tar- . mouth, Isle of Wight. (C508) GRANT, Selwyn Seafield, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 16 Sep. 1877 ; s. of the late Lieut-Gen. Douglas Grant, of Indian Army ; m. Mary, d. of the late John Spencer Curwen. Educ. : St. Paul's School. Director of J. Curwen and Sons, Ltd; Contracts Manager, J. G. White & Co, Ltd. War Work: Super intending Engineer, London and S.E. England, Ministry of Munitions. Address: 31, Glenloch Road, N.W. 3. Ciafi: St. Stephen's. (0387) GRANT, Capt. Stuart Colquhoun, O.B.E, T.D, Herts. Yeomanry, 6. 7 Feb. 1873 ; s. of Col. G.i Colquhoun Grant, Chief Commissioner, Karachi, Sind, Lndia ; to. Grace Lilian, d. of F. G. Potter, of New York. Educ. : Charterhouse. Member London Stock Exchange, 1896 ; now Secretary Guards' Club ; served in the South African War (Queen's Medal). War Wort : A.D.C to G.O.C E. Mounted Brigade, Aug. 1914; A.D.C. to G.O.C, 29th and 13th_Divisions, GaUipoU, June, 1915 ; A-D.C.to G.O.C, 40th Division, France, June, 1916 ; Camp Commandant, I. Corps, Sept. 1916 tUl end of War ; twice mentioned in des patches ; Territorial Decoration; two mentions; Queens Medal, S.A. War; 1915 Star; Overseas Medal ; Victory Medal; l.'eorge V. Coronation Medal. Address: 7, Kent Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. Clubs : Boodle's ; Junior United Service, etc. (02536) GRANT, WiUiam, O.B.E. GRANT, Lieut. WUUam, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. GRANT, WiUiam Charles, M.B.E. GRANT, Major WUUam Francis Newby, O.B.E. GRANT, Lieut.-Col. WilUam Griffith, O.B.E, F.R.G.S. GRANT, Sir James DUNDAS-, K.B.E, 6. 13 June, 1854 ; s. of James Dundas-Grant, of Edinburgh: m. Helen, d. of Edward Frith, of London. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy ; Dunkirk CoU. (France) ; Universities of Edinburgh ana Wiirzburg (Germany) ; various London Medical Schools. Aurist and Laryngologist ; Consulting Aurist to Ministry of Pensions ; Surgeon (Throat and Ear), Brompton Hospital for Consumption and West End Hospital for Nerve Diseases; Teacher University of London ; Consulting Surgeon, Central London Throat and Ear Hospital, Royal Academy of Music, Royal Society of Musicians, Scottish Hospital; Manager, Royal Institution. War Work : President, Special Aural Board ana Director of Clinics (Ministry of Pensions) ; Visiting Aural Surgeon to King George Hospital, Endsleigh Palace Hospital, Lord Knutsford Special Hospitals, Freemasons' Hospital, New Zealand Hospital, Anglo-Russian Hospital, etc. Address. - 148, Harley Street, W. 1. Clubs : Athenaeum; British Empire ; Royal AutomobUe. ' „ S" GRANT, Capt. George Bertram MACPHERSON-, M.B.E, J.P, D L.. F.R.G.S, 6. 26 Jan. 1868 ; s. of Sir George Mac- pherson Grant, 3rd Bart, of BaUindaUoch and Invereslne Burke's Peerage) ; m. Dorothy Eleanor, d. of J. >>¦ KeUie MacCaUum, of Quinton Rising, Northampton. Educ: Eton. Formerly Engineer, in Argentine Republic ana 222 BIOGRAPHIES. Gray Sudan. War Work : Joined 4th Cameron Highlanders, Aug. 1914, and was transferred to Naval Ordnance Inspection^under Chief Inspector of Naval Ordnance. Address : Craigo House, Montrose. Club ; Bath. (M6948) GRANTHAM, Jane Marian, Mrs., M.B.E. GRANVILLE, Agatha, M.B.E. ; d. of the late James GranviUe. War Work : Red Cross Hospital Assistant at Orwa-el-Wosha Hospital (No 19 Gen. Hos.), Alexandria, 1916-17 ; Lady Superintendent Alexandria Ladies' Red Cross Workroom, 1918-20. Address : c/o Dr. A. GranviUe, C.M.G, C.B.E, Carlton, Alexandria, Egypt. (M8253) GRANVILLE, Alexander, C.M.G, C.B.E., M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 6 Mar. 1874 ; s. of James Granville. President, Quarantine Board of Egypt. War Work : Commissioner, British Red Cross and Order of St. John, for Egypt, Palestine and Syria. Address : Carlton, Alexandria, Egypt. Club : Athenaeum. (C2644) GRANVILLE, Major (T. Lieut.-Col.) Court, O.B.E, 3rd (S.R.) Bn. The Devonshire Regt, 6. 6 May, 1872 ; s. of the late Sub-Dean Roger GranviUe, M.A, of PUton House, Exeter ; m. Mabel Beatrice, d. of the late Col. Dumaresq, R.E, of Bideford, N. Devon. Educ. : Sherborne School, and United Services CoUege, Westward Ho. War Work : 1914, France and Belgium, with 1st Battn. The Devonshire Regt. ; 1916 to end of war, with E.E.F. in command of The Garrison Battn, Royal Warwick Regt, then transferred to Garrison Battn, The Devonshire Regt. ; Commandant at Ismallia. Ramleh (Palestine), Jerusalem, and Haifa areas. Address : The Cottage, Birchanger, Bishops Stortford, Essex. (02S99) GRANVILLE, Capt. Dennis, M.V.O, O.B.E, 6. 14 April, 1863 ; s. of the late G.H. Granville, of Wellesbourne, Warwick ; m. Beatrice Margaret, d. of Sir George Walter, Bart, of Wood cote, Warwick. Educ. : Haileybury. Served in the Royal War wickshire Regiment, 1883-1898 ; Chief Constable of Dorset since AprU, 1898. Address : Somerleigh Gate, Dorchester. Ciufis: Naval and MUitary; Royal Dorset Yacht. (01386) GRAPES Major John, O.B.E. GRASETT, Edward Douglas, O.B.E., 6. 20 July, 1876 ; s. of Edward Grasett, of Bracknell, Berks ; to. Caroline, d. of J. J. Jackson, of Manchester. Educ. : Lancing College, Sussex. Traffic Superintendent, North Staffordshire Railway, Stoke-on-Trent. Address : 15, The ViUas, Stoke-on-Trent. (01387) GRASETT, Capt. Geoffrey WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. GRASSICK, Major Frederick, O.B E. GRATINCK, Doris HUda, Mrs., M.B.E GRATTAN, Caroline Elizabeth, M.B.E. GRATTAN, Col. Henry WiUiam, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.A.M.C Dep. Director of Hygiene at War Office ; Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (01 257) GRATTAN, Brig.-Gen. O'Donnel Colley, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1855 ; s. of the late Henry CoUey Grattan ; to. 1877, Helen Randal, d. ofthe late Maj.-Gen. Henry Luke Le Poer Trench(see Burke's Peerage, Clancarty, E.). Educ : Privately, and at R.M.C. Sandhurst. Entered 8th Regt. 1876 ; Capt. The King's (Liverpool Regt.), 1882 ; Major, 1892 ; Lieut.-Col. 1900 , Brevet. Col. 1904 (retired 1905) ; Hon. Brig.-Gen. 1919 ; Afghan War, 1878-80 (medal with clasp) ; S. Africa, 1899-1900 ; present during siege of Ladysmitn (despatches, medal with clasp) ; Brig. Com. 1st W. Riding Brig. Territorial Force, 1909-13 ; appointed to command an Inf. Brig. 1914. Club : United Service. (C2114) GRAVE, Capt. Frederick, M.B.E, R.A.F. GRAVES, Major Cecil Alexander Hope, O.B.E. GRAVES, Lieut.-Comm. CorueUus BlackweU, O.B.E, R.N.R. GRAVES, Frances Marjorie, M.B.E , 6. 17 Sept. 1884 ; d. of WiUiam S. Graves, of Newells, 'Horsham, Sussex. Educ. : Privately, and Chateau de Dieudonne, Bornel, France. War Work : Foreign Office. Address : S, Stone BuUdings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. 2. Club : Le Lyceum, 8 rue de Penthievre, Paris. (M1800) GRAVES, Margrett Massy, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Major- Gen. R. A. Napper, of BeUeviUe, New Ross, Co. Wexford ; ot. Anthony Elly, s. of A. E. Graves, of Rosbercon Castle, New Ross. War Work : Ran Soldiers' Buffet at Rosslare, and also Waterford, during the war, and had egg coUection for wounded soldiers. - (M8254) GRAVES, Reginald Coupland, M.B.E. GRAVES, Robert Ernest, C.B.E, 6. 22 Dec. 1866 ; s. of James Palmer Graves, J.P, of Waterford, Deland ; m. Marion, d. of John Burt, of Ventnor, Isle of Wight. Educ : Portora Royal School, Enniskillen. H.M. Inspector of Factories, Home Office, 1890 ; H.M. Superintending Inspector, 1908 ; H.M. Chief Inspector, 1920. War Work : Director of Substitu tion in the National Service Department ; Deputy Commissioner for Trade Exemptions, Ministry of National Service ; Deputy Chairman of Reserved Occupations Committee since its forma tionin Oct. 1915. Address: Cowley Cottage, Cowley, Uxbridge. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (C184) GRAVES, The Rev. Robert Vernon Ottley, O.B.E. GRAVES, Robert Windham, C.M.G, O.B.E, 6. 6 July, 1858; s. of late Dr. Charles Graves, Bishop of Limerick, 1866-99 ; to. Bessie Catherine, d. of John R. Thomson, of Constantinople. Educ. : Marlborough. Temporarily Financial Adviser to British High Commissioner, Constanti nople, 1919-20 ; formerly H.B.M. Consul-General in Crete and Salonica : British Delegate on Macedonian Financial Commis- Bion, 1907-09 ; Adviser to Turkish Ministry of Finance, 1909-13, and Ministry of Interior, 1014. War Work: Accompanied Mediterranean Expeditionary Force to Dardanelles, AprU, 1915 ; temporary Staff Captain , July, 1915 ; with G.H.Q, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force andEgyptian Expeditionary Force, during 1915-18 ; General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade, Aug. 1918 ; mentioned in despatches ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour ; Officer of the Greek Order of the Redeemer ; temporary Lieut.-Colonel, November, 1918, and Deputy Chief PoUtical Officer, Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Address : 30, Rue Cabristan, Pera, Constantinople. Clubs : Athenaeum ; bt. James' : Albemarle. (O2900) GRAVESON, Major Henry, O.B.E. GRAVETT, Lieut. George William, M.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C, I.A.R.O. GRAY, Ada Leila, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 24 Aug. 1875 ; d. of Henry Wilson, of 3, Stanhope Street, Hyde Park, W. ; m. Charles Harold, s. of John Gray, of Melbourne, Australia. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Four years Lady Superin tendent, Army Pay Department, York, 1916-20. Address: c/o National Bank, Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park, W. (M8255) GRAY, Major Alexander Charles Edward, O.B.E, M.D, 6. 1864 ; s. of Alexander Gray, of Edinburgh ; to. Mabel, d. of Charles Hastings, of Silsden, Yorks. Educ. : Edinburgh Collegiate School, and Edinburgh Univ. Physician. Member Special Neurological Board, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Officer in Charge Medical Division, and Cerebro spinal Fever Wards, Fulham MiUtary Hospital. Addresses : 2, Stanhope Gardens, S.W. 7 ; Little Mead, Holtye, Cowden, Kent. Club : Savile. (01203) GRAY, Major Alexander Mungo, O.B.E, T.D, T.F. Reserve, 6. 17 Oct . 1886 ; s. of Robert Gray, O.B.E, of Glasgow ; m. Frances Sagar, d. of Joseph Mullineaux Dewhurst, J.P, of Birkdale. Educ. : The Glasgow Academy ; The Leys School, Cambridge. Cotton Manufacturer, Messrs. Carrington and Dew hurst, Ltd, Grove MUls, Eccleston, near Chorley, Lancashire. War Work : France, Captain, 5th Bn. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), T.F, Nov. 1914 ; invalided, May, 1915 ; returned to France, May, 1916 ; assistant to Colonel W. Bromley Davenport, CM.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, T.D, Labour Commandant, Second Army H.Q. ; twice mentioned in des patches. Address : 29, Westcliffe Road, Birkdale, Lancashire. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Royal Yacht, Hunter's Quay. (02538) GRAY, Alice, M.B.E. ; d. of Alexander Gray, M.B, CM, of Bradford, Yorks. Educ. : Girls' Perse School, Cambridge. Managing Director Sefton Gate Nursing Home, Ltd, Llandudno ; Administrator of Plas Tudno Hospital for Pensioners. War Work : Organiser and Administrator of Plas Tudno AuxiUary Hospital (donor of 50 beds) in 1914, enlarged to 186 beds, 1915 ; the hospital closed May, 1919, after having 2600 men through it ; reopened June, 1919, Pensioners Hospital. 27 beds. Address : Sefton Gate, Llandudno. (M3679) GRAY, Andrew, M.B.E. GRAY, Lieut.-Col. Archibald Montagu Henry, C.B.E. Major and temporary Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1258) GRAY, Major Arthur Claypon Horner, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. GRAY, Charles Harold, M.B.E. GRAY, Donald Nixon, M.B.E., R.N. GRAY, Edith Mary Spencer, Mrs, O.B.E, 6. 19 May, 1866 ; d. of James Leonard Wilson, of Wimbledon ; to. the Rev. Ernest Awdry, R.D, s. of the Rev. Joseph Henry Gray, of Keynsham. Educ. : St. Helens, CUfton, Bristol. War Work : From 1914-17, Nursing at Plumton House Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds ; from 1918-19, Commandant in charge of Personal Department, Suffolk Branch of British Red Cross Society, Bury St. Edmunds. Address : Lydgate Rectory, Newmarket. (0 10519) GRAY, Capt. EUiott Cecil George, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. GRAY, Ethel, C.B.E, R.R.C. ; Matron AustraUan Army Nursing Staff ; Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1841) GRAY, Capt. Frank James, O.B.E, R.A.F. GRAY, Lieut. George, M.B.E. GRAY, Major George Douglas, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C GRAY, Col. Sir Henry Mcllree WUliamson, K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, M.B, CM, F.R.CS. (Edinburgh), J.P, 6. 1870 ; s. of A. R. Gray, of Aberdeen ; m. Katharine Anne, d. of Dr. Rattray, of Aberdeen. Educ. : Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh ; Aberdeen University ; and in London and abroad. Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen ; Consultant Surgeon, Royal Hospital for Sick ChUdren, Aberdeen ; J.P. for Aberdeen ; served in the South African War, 1899-1901. War Work: European War, 1914-19, Consultant Surgeon, B.E.F, France ; Consultant in Special Military Surgery, Home Service. Address : 34, Albyn Place, Aberdeen. Club : Royal Northern, Aberdeen ; Caledonian. (K291) GRAY, Lieut. Herbert Chester, M.B.E, R.F.A. GRAY, Major Hubert WUfred, O.B.E. GRAY, James Carter, O.B.E. GRAY, Lieut.-Col. John, O.B.E, T.D, R.A.M.C. (T.), 6. 20 Mar. 1869 ; s. of Alexander Gray, of Inverurie, Aberdeen shire ; to. Nora, d. of William Robinson, M.D, F.R.CS. (Eng.), of Sunderand. Educ: Grammar School, Aberdeen ; Aberdeen University. M.O.H, Stanhope U.D. ; Surgeon to Police ; Medical Superintendent to the Durham County Sanatorium for Men, at Stanhope. War Work : Serving in 6th D.L.I. at the outbreak of hostilities ; promoted to Major in Nov. 223 Gray THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1914 ; transferred to R.A.M.C. in March, 1915, with rank of Major in command of 2,3 Northumbrian Field Ambulance ; promoted to Lieut.-Col. in July, 1915 ; served at home in Newcastle, Retford, and Aldershot till Aug. 1916 ; sent out with unit to British Salonica Force, where served tiU AprU, 1919 ; on unit being demobilised returned to England, being demobUished in May, 1919 ; mentioned twice in despatches ; received O.B.E. (MUitary Division) in spring of 1918, and T.D. Address : Ury House, Stanhope. Co. Durham. (O3042) GRAY, John, O.B.E, M.A, B.Sc, J.P, I.C.S, 6. 26 Feb. 1882 ; s. of John Gray, of Arduthie Road, Stonehaven ; to. Evelyn Mary, d. of WiUiam Rhodes James, of Canowie, Coonoor, NUgiris, India. Educ : Gordon's CoU. ; Aberdeen Univ. ; 'Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Deputy Sec. to Govern ment of Madras, Reforms Department. War Work : Assistant Director, and Director of Civil SuppUes, Madras. Clubs : Madras, Madras ; Ootacamund, NUgiris. (O9820) GRAY, Lieut.Joseph Alexander, O.B.E, R.E. GRAY, JuUe Hunter, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Prof. WiUiam Dittmar, LL.D, F.R.S, of Glasgow ; m. James Hunter, K.C, s.of the late Wiffiam Gray, of Edinburgh. Educ: Glasgow. War Work : Organised and ran the canteen of the St. Maryle- bone War Hospital Supply Depot for 4£ years ; the very considerable profits derived therefrom were spent upon materials for the wounded. Address : 17, Chantry House, Eccleston Street, London, S.W. 1. Club : Bath. (M8256) GRAY, Percy, M.B.E, fi. 6 Sept. 1855 ; s. of Thomas Gray, of Orlebar, Old Charlton, Kent ; m. Minnie, d. of J. B. Sandbach, of Cheadle, Cheshire. Educ. : Wellington CoU. Indian CivU Service from 1876-1905 ; Registrar, High Court of Judicature for North- Western Provinces ; Magistrate and Collector of various Districts in the United Provinces ; ending as Commissioner of a Division ; obtained Honours in Sanskrit. War Work : Instrumental in raising the Bude Volunteer Training Corps in Dec. 1914 ; commanded the Corps from AprU, 1915, to Feb. 1917, with rank of 2nd Lieut. ; was for 2 years (1917-18) employed by the Admiralty in London in recruiting labour for the Army from the shipyards of Great Britain (not Deland). Address : Orlebar, Bude, North Cornwall. Club : Public Schools. (M1802) GRAY, Major Reginald Wentworth, O.B.E, Leinster Regt, 6. 24 Feb. 1879 ; s. of Sir RegLiald Gray, K.C, late Attorney-General of Bermuda (now retired) ; to. Edith Frances, d. of George Curgenven, late of Westcliffe-on-Sea, Essex. Educ. : Saltus Grammar School; Hamilton, Bermuda. War Work: France, Dec. 1914 to March, 1915, Triining Staff, Etaples; July-Oct. 1915, with 2nd Battn. ; Nov.-Dee. 1915, 2nd in Command 6th Battn, in Salonica ; Jan.-April, 1915, 2nd in Command 13th Cheshire Regt. on the Somme ; wounded, 5 Sept. 1916 ; right leg amputated, 9 Sept. 1916 ; in Command M.G.C Section, Rouen, Feb. 1918-May, 1919, with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; mentioned in despatches, Nov. 1918 ; awarded O.B.E., Jan. 1919 ; Commanded Records G.H.Q.. France, May-Dec. 1919 ; now employed 2nd in Command, No. 1 Record Office, HanweU. Adiress : 59, Abingdon Villas, W. 8. (05313) GRAY, Robert, M.B.E, LL.B, S.S.C, 6. 18 May, 1876 ; s. of Rev. Robert Gray, of Edinburgh ; m. Mary EUza, d. of WiUiam Henry Johnson, of Edinburgh. Educ. : George Watson's CoU, and Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Executive Officer, Midlothian Food Control Committee. Addresses : 45, George Square, Edinburgh ; 45, Frederick Street, Edin burgh. (M1803) GRAY, Robert, O.B.E, 6. July, 1853; s. of Capt. Alexander Gray, of Dvine and Port Glasgow ; m. Jane Ann, d. of Joseph Russell, of Port, Glasgow. Educ. : Greenock Academy. War Work : Was chiefly to do with committees, and on an enquiry into the workings and expenses of the Forage Dept, after the Forage Dept. was demobilized ; was Chairman of the Central CouncU (CivU Supplies) Forage Dept. for Scotland ; and member of Central CouncU, London. Addresses : 94, Hope Street, Glasgow ; Craigrownie, Cove, Dumbartonshire. Club : Liberal, Glasgow. (0391) GRAY, Robert, M.B.E. GRAY, Brevet Major Ronald Birdseye, O.B.E, 6. 24 March, 1892 ; s. of James Gray, of Henley-on-Thames. Educ. : Taunton. Chartered Accountant ; Partner, firm of G. N. Read, Son, Cocke, and AYatson. War Work : Assistant Controller, Accounts Dept, Ministry of Munitions ; joined Queen's Westminster Rifles ; transferred Army Pay Dept, Salisbury, Jan. 1915 ; gazetted to R.A.S.C, July, 1915, and transferred to Ministry of Munitions, Oct. 1916. Address : 6, River Ter race, Henley. Club : Royal Automobile. (010521) GRAY, Capt. Valentine Edgar, M.B.E. GRAY, Lieut.-Comm. WiUiam, O.B.E, R.N. GRAY, WiUiam, M.B.E. GRAY, WUUam David, O.B.E. GRAY, Robert Whytlaw WHYTLAW-, O.B.E, Ph.D. GRAYNDLER, Edward, O.B.E. GRAYSON, Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry Mulleneux, K.B.E, M.P. {see Burke's Peerage), b. 26 June, 1865; s. of Henry Holdrege Grayson, J.P., of Liverpool ; to. Dora Beatrice, d. of Frederick WilUam Henry Harrington, of Liverpool. Educ. : Winchester CoUege. Member of Parliament for Birkenhead West ; High Sheriff of Anglesey, 1917-18 ; Director of Ship Repairs (Hon.), Admiralty, 1917 ; Chairman of H. and 0. Grayson, Ltd, Liverpool ; Director of several Shipping and Shipbuilding Companies; Commander of the Order of the 224 Crown of Italy, 1918 ; Officer of the Legion of Honour, 1919 • Commander of the Order of Leopold II., 1920 ; C.B.E, 1920 ¦ K.B.E, 1920. Addresses : 100, Lancaster Gate, Hyde Parit! London, W. 2 ; Ravens Point, Holyhead. Clubs : Carlton; Union ; Conservative, Liverpool. (K456)' GRAYSON, Rev. Joseph Watson, M.B.E, Temp. Chap lain 4th Class. GREAME, Sir PhiUp LLOYD-, K.B.E, M.C, M.P., fi 1 May, 1884 ; s. of Colonel Y. G. Lloyd-Greame, of Sewerby, Bridlington (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. May Constance, d. of Rev. Ingram Boynton of Barmeston, Yorks. Educ : Win chester ; University College, Oxford. Called to the Bar, 1908 ; Conjoint Secretary to Ministry of National Service, 1917- 18. War Work : Major in the Army, 1914 to 1917 ; Chair man of Permanent Labour Committee of War Cabinet ; War Priorities Committee, 1918 ; Member of Select Committee on National Expenditure ; Select Committee on High Prices and Profits. Address : 8, Wetherby Place, South Kensington. S.W. 7. CZufis .' Carlton ; Oxford and Cambridge. (K378) GREATHEAD, AUce Charlotte, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 1866- d. of Dr. Spackman, of Harpenden ; m. the late Daniel Charles Robinson, s. of — Greathead, of Grahamstown, S. Africa. Educ. : Dulwich High School ; S. Omer, France. War Work : Hon. Sec. for the Red Cross Working Parties of Harpenden ; coUected during the last four years of the war an average ol over £100 a month, and converted the same, by means of organising working parties, etc, into hospital garments, bandages, etc. Address : 6, Carlton Bank, Harpenden. (M8258) GREATOREX, Ronald Henry, M.B.E. Censor, Johan nesburg. (M10258d) GREAVES, Constance Mary, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 26 Jan. 1862; d. of James Dugdale, of Wroxall Abbey, 'Warwick; to. Richard Methuen, s. of John W. Greaves, of Bericote, Leamington. War Work : Organised and equipped AuxiUary MUitary Hospital in own house, 'and ran it for over 3 years as Commandant and Matron, 50 beds. Address : Wern, Port- madoc. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (M471) GREAVES, Capt. Francis Ley Augustus, O.B.E.. R.A.M.C. (T.). GREAVES, Isabel, M.B.E. GREAVES, John Ernest, C.B.E, J.P, D.L. 6. 1847; s. of John Whitehead Greaves, of Plas Weunydd, Festiniog; to. Marianne, d. of Edward Rigby, M.D, of Berkeley Square, London. Educ : Edinburgh and Oxford. Lord Lieutenant County of Carnarvon ; Chairman Quarter Session, Carnarvon shire ; J.P.. D.L, Merionethshire ; Alderman County CouncU, Carnarvonshire ; President Carnarvonshire Territoria' Associa tion. War Work : Chairman Carnarvonshire County Tribunal. Addresses : Bron Eifiou, Criccieth : Glangwna, Carnarvon. Clubs : Reform ; Royal Automobile. (C509) GREAVES, Richard Henry, M.B.E. GREAVES, Stanley Haldane Linf ord, M.B.E, fi. 17 June, 1885 ; s. of Haldane Greaves, of Hampstead ; to. Ada, d. of WilUam BaUey, of Purley, Surrey. Educ. : Banister Court School, Southampton. Chartered Accountant. War Work: With Ministry of Munitions from Nov. 1916, to Aug. 1919. Address : Winterbourne, Dixon's Green, Dudley. (M3681) GREAVES, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Walter, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. GREEK, Elizabeth Constance Vittoria, M.B.E. GREEN, T. Warrant Officer Albert Victor, M.B.E. Roval Indian Marine. GREEN, Alexander John, M.B.E. GREEN, Alfred John, M.B.E. GREEN, AUce, M.B.E. GREEN, Capt. Arthur James, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 23 Oct. 1856 ; s. of the late Benjamin Green, of Grahamstown, S. Africa ; to. Frances Emmeline, s. of Benjamin Green, of Grahamstown, S. Africa. Educ. : Bedford ; South Africa (Cape Province). Merchant; Ex-Mayor of Kimberley; Chairman, Kimberley Hospital Board; Director, BuUding Society; retired Capt, Kimberley Regt. (Volunteers). War Work : Chairman, Governor-General's Fund, and Member, Central Executive ; Member, Recruiting Committee ; Member, Advisory Board ; District Grand Master, Central Division, E.C. (Masonic). Address: Box 92, Kimberley, S.A. Club: Kimberley. (M2887) GREEN, Arthur Stanley, M.B.E, M.B, B.S. GREEN, Capt. Douglas Harold, O.B.E.. M.C, R.E. GREEN, Rev. Earnest WiUiam, O.B.E, M.A, Chaplain to the Forces (3rd Class). GREEN, Edward WiUiam, O.B.E, M.I.M.E, M.I.Mech.E, M.I.C.E, M.I.N.A, 6. 7 Jan. 1873 ; s. of Sir Frederick Green, K.B.E, of Hainault Lodge, Essex ; to. Janet Pattison Kerr, d. of Robert Assheton Napier, of Sauchfield, Glasgow. Educ. : Harrow, and Vevey, Switzerland. Marine Engineer and Ship Repairer. War Work : Fitting out and repairing ships for Admiralty, War Office, and other Government Departments. Address : The Priory, Theydon Bois, Essex. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; City of London ; R.A.C. (0392) GREEN, Edwin CoUier, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P., 6. 30 Sept. 1858; s. of Samuel G. Green, of Streatham; to. Constance Pamela, d. of WUUam Grafton Curgenven, of Derby. Hon. Ophthalmic Surgeon, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary ; Derbyshire Hospital for Sick Children, and Burton-on-Trent General Infirmary. War Work: Assistant County Director, South Derbyshire Branch, and Hon. Sec. Derby Borough Division, British Red Cross Society ; Head of War Hospital Supply Depot, Derby. Address : 27, Friar Gate, Derby. (010522) BIOGRAPHIES. Greenly GREEN, Elizabeth Selino, Mrs., M.B.E. GREEN, Ethel Mary, Mrs. Lyoett, O.B.E, Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; d. of the late Arthur Wilson, of Tranby Croft, HuU (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Edward Lycett Green, s. of Sir Edward Green, Bt, of Wakefield (see. Burke's Peerage). War Work : Vice-President (York District No. 5) St. John Ambulance Association since Aug. 1914 ; Commandant of Nunthorpe V.A.D. Hospital from Oct. 1915 until AprU, 1919. Addresses; Ashfleld, York, and Ken Hill, King's Lynn. (01026) GREEN, Major Francis Arthur, O.B.E. GREEN, Sir Frederick, K.B.E, J.P, Knighted 1912 (see Burke's Peerage), 6. 1845 ; s. of Frederick Green, of Princes Gardens, Kensington ; to. Alice, d. of Sir Daniel Cooper, Bt. Educ: Harrow. Shipowner ; J.P. (Essex) ; High Sheriff 1918 ; Director, G.E. RaUway Co, and Suez Canal Co. War Work : Military Representative. Address : Oaklawn, Wimbledon Park, Surrey. Clubs : City of London ; TraveUers" (Paris). (K214) GREEN, Capt. Frederick Michael, O.B.E, fi. 11 March, 1882 ; s. of Michael A. Green, of 26, Upper Hamilton Terrace, N.W. 8. Educ. : St. Paul's School, Kensington ; City and Guild's Technical Coll. Chief Engineer, Armstrong, Whit worth Aeroplane Co. War Work : Engineer in charge of design at Royal Aircraft EstabUshment, Farnborough, from 1910 to end of 1917 ; responsible for design of various engines and aeroplanes used in war ; 1917 to end of war Aeronautical Engineer, Messrs. Siddeley Dean Motor Co. Address : 26, Upper HamUton Terrace, N.W. 8. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Royal Aero ; Drapers', Coventry. (010523) GREEN, George James, M.B.E, R.N. GREEN, Lieut. Gerald GUbert, M.B.E. GREEN, Henry Martyn, M.B.E, 6. 3 March, 1874: s. of WilUam Edwin Green, of Bristol ; to. Annie Elizabeth, d. of WilUam Eyles, of Wick, nr. Bath. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, Central Stores Department. Address : Box 582, Bulawayo, Rhodesia. (M8261) GREEN, Capt. Henry WiUiam, M.B.E. GREEN, Hettie Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 20 Feb. 1870 ; d. of F. R. Radford, J.P, of Cedar Lodge, The Park, Nottingham ; m. John Alfred Henderson, who died 27 AprU, 1919. War Work : Hon. Secretary, General Service Section, Notts. Volun tary Aid Detachments ; Commandant, Notts. 40 V.A.D . Address : 37, Newcastle Drive, The Park, Nottingham. (M473) GREEN, Lieut.-Col. James Alexander, O.B.E, M.C, C.R.A, fi. 26 May, 1879 ; s. of the late James England Green ; m. Gertrude Catharine, d. of the late Alderman Alfred Taylor, of the Red House, Bath. Educ. : George Watson's CoUege . Edinburgh. Principal Clerk, Treasury, Pretoria (retired medicaUy unfit, 31 March, 1920). Served in South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal and 5 clasps). War Work : Served with the Transvaal Scottish Regiment (the Atholl Highlanders) from Aug. 1914 to Oct. 1916, in South African RebeUion, in G. S. W. A, and Europe ; also in Europe as Officer i/c South African Records from Oct. 1916 to end of war. Address : East LassintuUich Lodge, Kinloch Rannoch, Perthshire. (0393) GREEN, Major John, O.B.E. GREEN, Capt. John Alfred Henderson, C.B.E. GREEN, Sir John Little, Knt. Bach, O.B.E., 6. 6 Sept. 1862. Director of Rural Industries, Ministry of Agriculture ; projected and carried on the VUlage Industries move ment, giving much evidence on this and other rural topics to Government Committees ; has traveUed extensively in search of information of an agricultural and rural character ; a strong beUever in the policy of occupying ownership ; worked in a voluntary capacity for the Government in connection with the War from its outbreak to its conclusion, receiving the thanks of the Army CouncU, the Food Production Depart ment, and the Ministry of Agriculture. Address : 2, Belmont Park, Lee, S.E. 13. Clubs: Constitutional; Farmers'. (01393) GREEN, Capt. Joseph, M.B.E, M.D, D.P.H, R.A.M.C. (T.). GREEN, Leslie Benton, M.B.E. GREEN, Lieut. Lionel Havercroft, M.B.E. GREEN, Margaret, Mrs., O.B.E. GREEN, Mary Anne, Mrs., O.B.E. GREEN, Capt. Robert, M.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C , GREEN, Col. Sebert Francis St. David's, C.B.E, M.D, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. (London), A.M.S, 6. 16 Mar. 1868 ; s. of the Rev. A. J. M. Green, M.A, of Glencoe, Clevedon, Somerset shire ; m. Evelyn Caroline Marion, d. of Major Gorges Hely, J.P, D.L, of Foulk's Court, Johnstown, Co. KUkenny, Ireland. Educ : Christ's Hospital ; St Bartholomew's Hospital ; and Durham University. A.D.M.S. of the 5th Division, Head quarters, Curragh Camp, Co. KUdare, Deland. War Work: Proceeded from India to France in October, 1914, with the Rawal Pindi British General Hospital ; appointed to command that unit in March, 1915, and took it to Mesopotamia in December, 1915 ; appointed A.D.M.S. of Amara, July, 1916, and A.D.M.S. of the Base, M.E.F, in May, 1917 ; appointed O.C. the Prince of Wales' Hospital for Officers at Marylebone in Sept. 1918. Address : Bretforton, Moorend Park Road, Cheltenham. Club : Services. (C1106) GREEN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, O.B.E. GREEN, Thomas Ernest, C.B.E. _, GREEN, Major Thomas George, M.B.E, V.D, fi. 18 Feb. 1865 ; s. of Thomas George Green, of HuU, Yorkshire ; m. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Pearce, of St. John's Wood. Educ. Government High School, Lahore, Punjab, India. Letterpress and Lithographic Printer ; Superintendent of Government Printing, Central Provinces, Nagpur, India. War Work : Capt. Nagpur Volunteer Rifle Corps ; promoted Major on the breaking out of the war ; took over duties of Adjutant in addition to Civil duties ; reorganised the Nagpur Rifles from a Volunteer Corps into the 2nd Nagpur Rifles of the Indian Defence Force ; commanded the Corps from AprU, 1917, till July, 1918 ; organised and sent three contingents for service in German South Africa. (M2725) GREEN, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam, M.B.E, R.E. GREEN, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam Holmes, M.B.E. GREEN, WUUam Isaac, M.B.E. GREEN, Major WiUiam Robert, O.B.E, R.A.O.C GREEN, Frederiok WilUam EDRIDGE-, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS., 6. 14 Dec. 1863 ; Educ. : St. Bartholomew's Hospi tal ; Durham University ; St. John's College, Cambridge. Oculist London Pensions Boards. War Work : Late Chairman Ophthalmic Board ; Central London Medical Boards, National Service. Address: 99, Walm Lane, London, N.W. 2. Clubs: Savage ; Wigwam. (C2646) GREEN, Surg.-Capt. Henry WUliam GORDON-, O.B.E, R.N. GREEN, Helen Mowbray, Mrs. VINCENT-, O.B.E. ; d. of Stanley Kemp- Welch ; to. Dr. Vincent Green, of Wimble don. War Work : Founder and Hon. Organiser of the Wimble don War Workers' Depot, and five Sub-Depots, a voluntary organisation for the manufacture of surgical requisities and comforts for the wounded. Address : Greyroofs, Wimble don Hill. (010524) GREENACRE, Walter, O.B.E. GREENALL, Cyril Edward, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 9 May, 1866 ; s. of Rev. Canon GreenaU, of Grappenhall, Cheshire ; m. Susannah, d. of Sir Gilbert GreenaU, Bart, of Walton Hall, Cheshire (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Malvern. War Work : Hon. Director and Chairman of the Kesteven (Lines) War Agricultural Committee. Address : The Manor, Carlton Scroop, Grantham. Club : Wyndham. (010526) GREENALL, Fred, M.B.E. GREENALL, Capt. James Macintosh, C.B.E, R.A.S.C. GREENAWAY, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Joseph, M.B.E. ; s. of Thomas Sunday Greenaway, of London ; m. Hannah, d. of Hartley Duerden, of Nelson, Lancs. Salvation Army Officer. War Work : Served on Executive Committees of War Refugees, Soldiers' and Sailors' Famines Assn., War Savings, Soldiers' Recreations, Prince of Wales' Fund, etc, at Cardiff ; had charge of all hostels and huts in many of the Base Areas of France, and developed the same kind of buildings in First Army Areas ; also hostels for relatives visiting graves in France and Flanders ; Officer in Charge of Disposals of S.A. huts, etc, with the B.E.F. Address : 101, Queen Victoria Street, London. (M8263) GREENE, John Arch, C.B.E. GREENE, Paymaster-Lieut. John Wilmer, O.B.E, R.N.R. GREENE, Kathleen, O.B.E. GREENE, Major WiUred Arthur, O.B.E, M.C. GREENE, WiUiam Henry Clayton, C.B.E, M.B. GREENE, Major WiUiam Howe, O.B.E, F.R.I.B.A, F.R. A.I.C, fi. 30 June, 1865 ; s. of John Howe Greene, of Liver pool. Educ. : Privately, and Liverpool Institute. Articled to Edmund Kirby, F.R.I.B.A, Liverpool, Architect; engaged in rebuUding large portion of St. John's Newfoundland, after the Great Fire of 1892. War Work : Aug. 1914, to Jan. 1916, Musketry Instructor and Chairman of Musketry Committee, Newfoundland Regt, at St. John's, N.F. ; Jan. 1916, to July, 1919, Capt. and Musketry Officer to Royal Newfoundland Regiment in Ayr (Scotland), and Winchester (England) ; mentioned in despatches. Address : c/o Bank of Montreal, St. John's, Newfoundland. Clubs : Bally Haley County, St. John's, N.F. ; Royal Colonial Institute. (08027) GREENFIELD, Edith Mary, M.B.E. GREENHALGH, Frederiok WilUam, M.B.E. GREENHAM, George Frederick, M.B.E. GREENHILL, Major Frederick WilUam, O.B.E. GREENHOUGH, Capt. Arthur Basil Wickham, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. __ , _, GREENING, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.F. GREENLAND, Dora Mrs, M.B.E. GREENLAND, WiUiam John Steward, M.B.E. GREENLEES, Capt. Alexander McPhee, O.B.E, M.C. GREENLEES, Janet Campbell, M.B.E, fi. 28 March, 1886 ; d. of Matthew Greenlees. Educ. : St. Leonard's School, St Andrews, Fife. War Work': Administrative Orderly, Endell Street Military Hospital," London ; Welfare Depart ment No 1 FUling Factory, • Leeds ; Q.M.A.A.C. Address: Langdale, DowanhUl, Glasgow. Club : Kelvin, Glasgow. (M5303) GREENLESS, Lieut. Robert WaUace.M.B.E, R.G.A. (T.). GREENLY, Lieut.-Col. John Henry Maitland, C.B.E. B.A, Herefordshire Regt. (T.), 6. 25 July, 1885 ; s. of Edward Howorth Greenly, of Titley Court, Titley, Hereford shire • m. Joan Isabel; d. of Owen, R. Dunell, of Findon Place, Findon, Sussex. Educ. : Charterhouse and Trinity, Oxford. CivU Engineer. Wdr2. Work : Captain 1914 ; Major, 1916 , Lieut.-Col, 1917; Staff work as Staff Captain and Brigade Major, 1915-16 ; Q served in the Ministry of Munitions as 225 Greenslade THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Assistant ControUer of Inspection of Munitions, 1917-1920. Address : Fernacres Cottage, Fulmer, Bucks. Clubs : New University; Royal AutomobUe. (C1591) GREENSLADE, Capt. Cyrus, O.B.E, Devonshire Regt, fi. 13 May, 1892 ; s. of WilUam Francis Greenslade, of Torquay ; m. Edith Margaret, d. of James Johnson, of Bath. Educ. : BlundeU's. Address : The Cot, St. Mary Church, Torquay. (09735) GREENSLADE, Louisa Grace, Mrs, M.B.E. GREENSTREET, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Hawkins, CLE, O.B.E. GREENUP, WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 14 Dec'1888 ; s. of John WUUam Greenup, of WhaUey Range, Manchester ; m. Dorothy Edna, d. of Charles Booth Clegg, of Coulsdon Surrey. Educ. : The Hulme Grammar School, Manchester. Entered the Civil Service in 1908, and appointed to the Admiralty in 1909. War Work : Navy shipbuilding contracts. Address : Chorlton, Old Lodge Lane, Purley, Surrey. Club : CivU Service Rifles. (M8267) GREENWAY, Bessie, M.B.E, fi. 1865 ; d. of the late John David Greenway. Educ : Privately. War Work : Com mandant, Wesleyan HaU V.A.D. Kent 80 Hospital, Farn borough, Kent. Address : Ardoch, Farnborough, Kent. Club : New Century. (M8267) GREENWELL, Major Sir Bernard Eyre, Bart., M.B.E, 6. 29 May, 1874 ; s. of late Sir Walpole GreenweU, Bart, of Marden Park, Surrey (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Anna, d. of Admiral Sir Leopold McClintock, K.C.B. (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ : Harrow, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Assistant Inspector, Woolwich Arsenal. Address : Marden Park, Surrey. Club .- Carlton. (M5204) GREENWELL, Lieut.-Col. Charles Okey, O.B.E GREENWELL, His Honour Judge Francis John, C.B.E, D.L, J.P, 6. 20 Oct. 1852 ; s. of Francis GreenweU, of Durham ; to. Constance Frances SybU, d. of His Honour Judge Bradsnaw, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Durham School ; BaUiol CoUege, Oxford. Judge of County Courts, Circuit No 1 (Northumberland, Newcastle-on-Tyne, etc.) from 1895. Chair man of Quarter Sessions, County of Durham. War Work : Appeal Tribunal (MiUtary Service Acts) for County of Durham, Deputy Chairman. Address : GreenweU Ford, Lanchester, Durham. Club : Durham County. (C511) GREENWELL, Capt. Percy, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 20 Oct. 1885. Educ. : Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-on- Tyne. War Service: Gazetted Feb. 1915 ; served with Expedy. Force in France and Italy ; was Officer Commanding the first troop train of the ItaUan Expeditionary Force (1917) ; appointed to the Order of the British Empire (3 June, 1918) for " dis tinguished service in connection with mUitary operations " ; mentioned in despatches by General Plumer. Address : 13, Oxford Drive, Waterloo, Liverpool. (02248) GREENWOOD, Alfred Craven, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 26 Aug. 1863 ; s. of the late Charles Greenwood ; to. Julia Wickham i. of C J. Leigh, of Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. and New York. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School. Colonial Treasurer of Gibraltar and Chairman of the Sanitary Commission. War Work : Control of Food, Feeding Stuffs, Fuel, Water and General Stores for supply of CivU and Floating Population, H.M. Fleet AuxUiaries, Merchant Shipping, Allied and Neutral Men-of-war ; Introduction of Paper Currency. Address : The Haven, Gibraltar. Club : Junior Carlton. (02223) GREENWOOD, Capt. Charles Stainforth, M.B.E. GREENWOOD, Edwin Climson, O.B.E, M.R C S L.R.CP, 6. 1861 ; s. of Charles Greenwood, of EweU, Surrey ; m. Marie Mclver, d. of Capt. WiUiam GUI, of New Brighton. Educ. : Guy's Hospital. Medical Superintendent, Hospital of St. John's and St. EUzabeth ; Div. Surgeon, MetropoUtan Police ; Asst. Commander, Metropolitan PoUce Reserve. War Work : M.O. in Charge, Acheson Hospital for Officers ; Anaes thetist at Hospital St. John's and St. Elizabeth, 1915-18 • Assistant Commander. Special Constabulary. Addresses ' Hanover House, St. John's Wood ; Cookham. Club : R.A.C (011806) GREENWOOD, Fred, M.B.E., J.P. ; s. of Robert Green wood, of Coine, Lancs ; m. Mary, d. of James Stansfield, of Haverholt, Coine. Educ : Westminster Training CoU Schoolmaster. War Work: Treas. of District Recruiting Committee; Hon. Sec. of the Local National War Savings National Service, and Economy Committees. Address : The Crescent, Park Avenue, Nelson. Club : Liberal. (M8269) GREENWOOD, George David, O.B.E, 6. 9 Nov. 1881 ¦ s. of George David Greenwood, of Canonbury, London • to' Maud EUza, d. of Gane Clark, of Forest Gate and South' Africa. Educ: City of London School. Charterhouse. Assistant Accountant-General, Ministry of Shipping. War Work - Standard SmpbuUding, and commercial questions affecting Ministry of Shipping. Address : Glenesk, Wimbledon Park Road, S.W. 19. (0105281 GREENWOOD, Josemee Marguerite, M.B E GREENWOOD, Major Jonathan WiUiam, C B E Major b. Afncan Forces ; German S.-W. Africa, 1914-15 (despatches), « GREENWOOD, Margery, Lady, C.B.E., 6. 1886 Pd.' of Walter Spencer, of Fownhope Court, Herefordshire ; m. Rt. Hon. Sir Hamar Greenwood, Bart. K.C, M.P. (see BURKE'S Peerage) War Work : One of the founders of the Women's Section of the Comrades of the Great War, and first Chairman 226 of its Headquarters Committee. Address : 2, Wetherbv Gardens, London S.W. 5. (C26471 GREENWOOD, Robert MorreU, C.B.E. M.A, LLM fi. 21 Jan. 1868 ; s. of John Broadley Greenwood, of Morton Bingley, Yorks ; m. Margaret Emma, d. of Rev. 0. E. Leir of Ditcheat Rectory, Somerset. Educ. : Privately and ' at Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Chief Clerk in Treasury, Solicitors' Department. Address : 67, Cambridge Terrace, W. 2. Club ¦ Oxford and Cambridge. (C5121 GREENWOOD, Capt. T., M.B.E. ' GREENWOOD, WUUam, M.B.E, 6. 1862 ; s. of Joseph Greenwood, of Dent, Yorkshire ; to. Lily, d. of Richard Johnson of Manchester. Educ. : Grammar School, Dent, nr. Sedbergh' Divisional Commander in the Salvation Army. War Work: Sec. for the Salvation Army, visiting camps throughout the United Kingdom, raUway stations, and piers ; looking after stranded soldiers and helping them through London, providing accommodation for them in S.A. hostels. Addresses: 101 Queen Victoria Street, London ; Hotel de Nantes, 46 and 48' Rue St. Severn, Rouen, France. (M1813) GREENWOOD, WiUiam Frederick, C.B.E. GREER, Mary, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of the late Gen. G de la Poer Beresford, of 203, Knightsbridge, London; m. Joseph Henry, Capt. late H.L.I, s. of the late Gen. Harpur Greer, The Grange, Co. Tyrone. Educ : Privately. War Work : Commandant Officers' Hospital, 17 months ; Head of Dish Red Cross Workrooms, DubUn ; on the Committee of Dish Joint War Committee and the Joint Red Cross of St. John of Jerusalem. Address : Curragh Grange, The Curragh, Co KUdare. (03736) GREER, Lieut. Alured Ussher, O.B.E. GREER, Capt. WiUiam Niven, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. (O9057e) GREET, Capt. CecU Ansley, O.B.E. GREG, Major John Ronald, C.B.E., 6. 1866; s. of Albert Greg, of Escowbeck, Caton ; m. Esther, d. of the late John FeU, D.L, of Flan How, Ulverston. Educ. : Rugby, and privately. Justice of the Peace for Lancashire ; Member of the Warwictahire Territorial Force Association ; o/c South Midland (Warwick) R.G.A, 1908-1915. Address: 5, Sussex Square, Hyde Park, London, W. 2. Clubs: Conservative; Ranelagh. (C513) GREG, Capt. Arthur Hyde, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C GREG, Lieut.-Col. Robert Alexander, C.B.E. GREGG, Capt. James, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. GREGORY, Col. AUred, O.B.E, F.S.I, fi. 15 June, 1855; s. of Alfred Gregory. Assistant Director of Fortifications and Works; Chief Inspector of Works, War Office (ret.). WarWork: France, 1914-15. Address: Walden House, BeUinge Road, Heme Bay, Kent. Club : Constitutional. (01396) GREGORY, Alfred John, O.B.E, M.D, B.S, J.P, 1. 30 Aug. 1859 ; s. of George Johnstone Gregory, of Studleigh Park, Melbourne, Austraha ; to. Jennie Hamilton, d. of George Talbot James, of Streatham, London. Educ. : City of London School, and France and Germany. Permanent head of the Department of PubUc Health and Local Government, Colony of the Cape of Good Hope (retired). War Work : Patholo gist and Bacteriologist to the Richmond Park War Hospitals. Clubs : CivU Service, Cape Town ; Royal AutomobUe, London. (010529) GREGORY, Alfred Thomas, M.B.E, J.P, fi. 23 Nov. 1852 ; s. of Thomas Gregory, of Bath, Somerset ; m. Ada, d. of James Barnes, J.P, of Tiverton, Devon. Mayor of Tiverton, 1911-18. War Work : Chairman of Tribunal, Food Control Committee, Recruiting Committee, War Savings Committee, Soldiers' Hospitality Committee, Refugees' Committee. Ad dress : Hillside, Tiverton, Devon. (M8271) GREGORY, Arthur Lamden, M.B.E. GREGORY, Capt. Arthur LesUe, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. GREGORY, Basil Francis, M.B.E. GREGORY, Charles WiUiam, M.BE., 6. 1892. CivU Ser vant ; Chief Storekeeper P.W.D. Kenya Colony ; Food ControUer, E.A. and Uganda Protectorates. War Work : Boer War, 1899-1902; Capt, Supply and Transport, 1914. Address: Mombasa. Club : EngUsh (Mombasa). (M6445) GREGORY, Capt. Ernest Foster, C.B.E, R.N. Great War, 1914-19, as Port Convoy Officer, Gibraltar (despatches). (C2287) GREGORY, Ethel Amy, M.B.E, 6. 5 Jan. 1894 ; d. of Peter Gregory, of East Dsley, Berks. Educ : Queen Anne's School. Caversham. War Work: Shorthand-typist in Mili tary InteUigence Department, War Office, from 1915. Ad dress : 2, Caledonia Place, S.W. 1. (M8273) GREGORY, Frances Violet, M.B.E. GREGORY, Com. George, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1872; s. of John S. Gregory, of Sandhurst ; to. 1904, Margaret Amy, d. of Graham Ross, of 29, Huntley Gardens, Glasgow. Com. R.N. ; an Elder Brother of Trinity House ; Great War, 1914- 19, as Naval Transport Officer (despatches, Order of the NUe). Address : Clifton Down House, Clifton, Bristol. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C2251) GREGORY, Harry WUUam George, M.B.E GREGORY, Capt. Hugh Manley, O.B.E, R.A.S.C (T.). GREGORY, John, O.B.E, 6. 7 Dec. 1877; s. of John Gregory, of Oughtibridge, Yorkshire. (010530) GREGORY, John, M.B.E, M.I.M.E, 6. 28 May, 1871 ; s. ol Thomas Gregory, of Eccles. Educ. : Central School, Manchester. Vice-President, Institution of Mining Engineers, BIOGRAPHIES. Grierson 1915-19; President, N. Staffordshire Institute of Mining Engineers, 1914-18 ; President, North Staffordshire ColUery Owners' Association, 1918-20 ; Director of Sneyd ColUeries, Ltd, Burslem ; Managing Director, Sneyd Bycars Co, Ltd, Burslem. War Work : Charging of shells. Address : Melrose, EUesmere Park, Eccles, Manchester. (M1816) GREGORY, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. Leslie, O.B.E, R.N. GREGORY, WinHred, Mrs. GORDON-, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Dr. J. R. Wallace, of Calcutta, and widow of the late Cyril Thornton Jensen, s. of Carl Godfrey Jensen, of Calcutta ; m. Hubert Clarence Gordon-Gregory, of Calcutta. Educ. : Loretto Convent, Calcutta, and privately in England. War Work : 3_ years at the War Office (Jan. 1917 to Aug. 1920), clerical work and interviewing officers and ladies who had received war decorations ; sole charge since June, 1918, of the section which makes arrangements for attendances at Investitures. Address: 78, Thurlow Park Road, Dulwich, S.E. (M8639) GREGSON, Alvero Church, M.B.E. GREGSON, George WooUey, M.B.E. GREGSON, Major Lancelot Mare, O.B.E. GREGSON, Thomas, M.B.E. GREHAN, Major Franois, O.B.E. GREIG, Major Albert David, O.B.E, M.C, R.A, 6. 16 Feb. 1882 ; s. of Albert David Greig, Accountant and ComptroUer- General of Customs, London ; m. Mabel Frances, d. of Pay- master-in-Chief Henry Vaughan Forrest, R.N. Educ. : Dulwich Coll, and St. John's Coll, Oxford. War Work : Aug. 1914, to May, 1915, Adjutant, Northumbrian (North Riding) and Durham R.G.A, Heavy Batteries : May, 1915, to July, 1916, with No 108 Heavy Battery (Ypres) ; July, 1916, to Aug. 1917, Staff Capt, R.A. 5th Army, on the Somme ; Aug. 1917, to March, 1919, D.A.A. and Q.M.G. 5th Army, Passchendaele. Addresses : Brigade-Major, Rangoon Brigade, Rangoon, Burma ; c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, London. (05317) GREIG, Lieut. Alexander, M.B.E. GREIG, Lieut.-Comm. Alexander ColUe, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. GREIG, Comm. Donald, O.B.E, R.N. GREIG, Lieut. Donald McNeil, O.B.E. GREIG, John, C.B.E., ; s. of John Greig, of Leith. Educ. : George Watson's CoUege, Edinburgh. Partner of firm of Easton, Greig and Co, Steam Shipowners, 30, George Square, Glasgow. War Work : Gave voluntary services to Ministry of Shipping, 1917-19 ; acted as Commercial Adviser to Director of Military Sea Transport in 1917 ; thereafter as Deputy Director of the Ship Management with supervision of the overseas tramp tonnage under requisition by the Government. Address : Brentham Park, Stirling, N.B. Clubs : New, Glasgow : Junior Constitutional. (C2648) GREIG, John Isdale, M.B.E, M.A, B.Sc, M.B., Ch.B, 6. 6 Nov. 1882 ; *. of John C. Greig, of Glasgow ; to. Jeanie Peden, d. of the late Robert Rose, of Bridge of Allan. Educ. : Glasgow High School, and Glasgow Univ. Medical Practi tioner. War Work: R.A.M.C, East African Expeditionary Force. Address: 23, Townsend Place, Kirkcaldy. (M4959) GREIG, Capt. Kenneth Clunie, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. GREIG, Margaret Eunice, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Sir Thomas Storey (see Burke's Peerage), of Westfield, Lancaster, and Plas Nantyr, Chirk ; to. James Lewis, s. of George Greig, of Eccles. War Work : Organiser of work party and of hospital egg coUection at Eccles, Kelso ; donor and superintendent of Officers' Convalescent Hospital, Eccles, Kelso. Address : Eccles, Kelso. Club : Queen's, Edinburgh. (M8276) GREIG, PhyUis Evelyn, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 5 Jan. 1898 ; a. of John M. Jackson, Barrister-at-Law, of Lucknow, U.P, Ma; m. Major John Percival SeUon, R.E, s. of late Col. P. H. Greig, R.A, of Winchester. Educ : Lausanne and London. Peace Conference, Paris (Commission on Interna tional Labour Legislation), secretarial staff. War Work : In connection with the CivUian Internment Camps Com mittee, Home Office, and the French Aviation Commission in London. Address : c/o Lloyds Bank, Ltd, 40, Rosslyn Hill, N.W. 3. (M8277) GREIG, Major WUUam Best, O.B.E. GRENSIDE, Thomas Reed, O.B.E. GRENVILLE, Lieut, the Hon. Harry Nugent MORGAN-, O.B.E. GRESLEY, Major Herbert Nigel, C.B.E, M.Inst.CE, M.LM.E„| (K319) GREY, Lady Sybil, O.B.E, 6. 1882 ; 2nd d. of 4th Earl Grev (see Burke's Peerage). (01398) GREY, Thomas, O.B.E, J.P. GREY, Comm. GrenvUle GRENVILLE-, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. GRIBBON, Lieut.-Col. Walter Harold, C.M.G, C.B.E, The King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt, has Order of the Star of Roumania with Swords, and Legon of Honour. (C1594) GRICE, 2nd Lieut. Geoffrey, M.B.E. GRIDLEY, Sir Arnold Babb, K.B.E.; 6. 16 July, 1878; s. of Edward Gridley, of Cheltenham; m. Mabel, d. of Oliver Hudson, of Fakenham, Norfolk. Educ : Bristol Grammar School ; Downs School, Clifton. Assistant Manager, Newcastle Electric Supply Co. and Manager, Cleveland and Durham Electric Supply Co. War Work : Controller of Electric Power for Ministry of Munitions. Address : Cleve- lands, Saltburn-by-the-Sea. Clubs : Devonshire ; Royal AutomobUe. GRIER, Francis, M.B.E. GRIERSON, Capt. and Quartermaster, Ernest Moore, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T-F.), fi. Aug. 1890. War Work : Served with 50th Division throughout the War. (05320) GRIERSON, George Arthur, O.B.E, M.B. GRIERSON, Liaut.-Col., WiUiam WyUe, CB.r, Engineer and RaUway Staff Corps, R.E. (T.) ; s. of James Grierson, of Kensington. Educ. : Rugby. Member of CouncU of Institute of Civil Engineers ; Chief Engineer Great Western Rly. Co War Work : Attached to War Office, RaUway Home Defence r Addresses : 38, Hyde Park Gate ; Southcroft, Seated. Club : Junior Carlton. (C185) GRIERSON, Capt. Philip Franois HAMILTON-, M.B.E, fi. 15 April, 1883 ; s. of Sir P. J. Hamilton-Grierson, LL.D. (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Edinburgh Academy ; Trinity CoU, Oxford. Advocate ; District Judge, Sudan Civil Service. War Work : Served Aug. 1914, to March, 1919, l/5th R. Scots. FusiUers, Lieut. ; Staff Capt. ; twice mentioned in despatches ; served GaUipoU, Egypt, Sinai, and Palestine, 227 Grieve THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 7, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh; El Obeid. Sudan. Club : University, Edinburgh. (M3180) GRIEVE, Catherine Ramsay Laburn, Mrs, M.B.E. GRIEVE, George Butler, O.B.E, 6. 27 Oct. 1879; s. of Thomas Grieve, of Greenock. Educ. : Greenock Academy and Holmscroft PubUc School. Accountant. War Work: Hon. Sec. and Treas. of the Greenock Central War Savings Committee ; Sec. of the Food Economy Campaign, and organiser of the PubUcity Campaign for aU the War Loans ; various other work. Clubs : Royal West of Scotland Amateur Boat ; Imperial Union. (010534) GRIEVE, Major Richard Albany, O.B.E, GRIFFIN, Capt. Arthur Cecil, O.B.E, B.A. fi. 30 March, 1888; s. of Horace WiUiam Griffin, of Wallasey, Cheshire ; m. Beryl Kathleen Ditton, d. of John Ditton Flynn, CLE, of Bombay. Commissioned in Royal Engineers, 1910 ; India, as Assistant Engineer, Indian State RaUways, 1911- 14 ; recaUed home on outbreak of War and appointed Adju tant of Musketry, R.E. ; 1916, Mesopotamia, appointed to Railway Directorate ; 1917, Deputy Assistant Director of RaUways at G.H.Q.; 1918, promoted T. Major; 1919, War Office ; twice mentioned in despatches. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (O4209)- GRIFFIN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Arthur James. M.B.E, R.F.A. GRIFFIN, Lieut.-Col. AthoU Edwin, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1877 ; s. of Caleb Nelson Griffin, of Wingham, Ontario ; to. 1905, Jessie Anne, d. of John Murray. Educ. : PubUc Sch, Canada, and at Pennsylvania CoU, Philadelphia. A Civil Engineer, Constructor of Railroads ; Lieut.-Col. .Canadian RaUway Troops ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). Address : Vancouver, Canada. Club : Vancouver. (C1555) GRIFFIN, Capt. Edward Christian, O.B.E. GRIFFUJ, Eugene Patrick, M.B.E. GRIFFIN, James Henry, M.B.E, 6. 28 Feb. 1869; s. of John Tricket Griffin, of Sandown, I.W. ; m. Eleanor Amy, d . of Alfred Janaway, of Winchester. Educ : St. John's School, Gosport, Hants. Deputy Chief Constable of Hants. (M1819) GRIFFIN, John, O.B.E, 6. 3 Dec. 1882 ; s. of Henry Charles Griffin, of Wick St. Lawrence, Somerset ; m. Muriel, d. of Adolphus Taylor, of Worle, Somerset. Educ. : Privately. CivU Servant ; on Supplementary EstabUshment, Stores Department, General Post Office ; Staff Clerk, War Office; Assistant ControUer, Ministry of Munitions. War Work: Purchased suppUes of clothing, furs, helmets, jerkins, and other misceUaneous textUe and leather stores ; organised various trades to manufacture special items required for war, and to increase output to meet abnormal demands ; organised salvage schemes to recover suppUes to supplement raw material required for manufacture of cloth, blankets, leather, paper, cordite, and ceUulose. Address : 25, Nightingale Lane, Hornsey, London, N. 8. (010535) GRIFFIN, WiUiam Sashford, O.B.E. GRIFFITH, Ahson Lockhart, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 17 Dec. 1876 ; d. of WiUiam Long, of Grahamstown ; to. Charles, s. of Charles D. Griffith, C.M.G, of Grahamstown. Educ. : Wesleyn High School, Grahamstown. Worked in connec tion with the Governor-General's Fund for Returned Soldiers ; Red Cross, etc. Address : Ermelo, Transvaal, South Africa. (M2888) GRIFFITH, Paymaster-Lieut. Charles Harry, O.B.E, R.N. GRIFFITH, Lieut.-Col. Edward Hugh, C.B.E, 6. 2 Sept. 1858 : s. of the late J. T. Griffith, of 3, Prince's Gate, S.W. ; m. Marguerite Gwendoline, d. of the late Lieut.-Col. Ward Simpson, Royal Dish Regt. Educ. : Harrow and Sandhurst. Retired after 25 years service in The Leicestershire Regt. ; Afghan, Burmah, South Africa, and Great War. War Work : Deputy Assist. Adj.-Gen, G.H.Q. Home Forces, 1914-15 ; Dept. Assist. Adj.-Gen, Eastern Command, 1916-17 ; Assist. Adj.-Gen. Training Division Royal Flying Corps, 1917 ; 1st Class, Staff-Officer, Royal Air Force, 1918-19. Addresses : Barton House, Wroxham, Norfolk ; Rings HiU, Wouldham, Kent. Club : Naval and. MUitary. (2338) GRIFFITH, Rev. EUis Hughes, M.B.E. GRIFFITH, Francis Charles, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 9 Nov 1878 ; s. of the late F. R. Griffith, Civil Engineer, P.W.D. India, and of Clevedon, Somerset ; to. Ivy Morna, d. of George Jacob, I.C.S. (retired). Educ. : BlundeU's. Indian Police ; Com missioner of PoUce, Bombay City. War Work : Was in charge throughout the war of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Bombay City PoUce which was very closely concerned with most of the special duties arising out of the War. Ad dress : Head PoUce Office, Bombay, India. (08256) GRIFFITH, Lieut. George Devonald, M.B.E. GRIFFITH, George Herbert, O.B.E, 3rd Class Order of the NUe, 4th Class Mejidiels, 6. 14 May, 1877 ; s. of the late Rev. J. W. Griffith, B.A, Pentraeth, Anglesey; m. Mary St Lo, d. of the late Capt. W. St. Lo Malet, 8th Hussars. Educ - Oswestry School. Goods Manager, Egyptian State Rlys, Cairo • formerly on the L.N.W. Rly, England. War Work : Traffic Superintendent, Egyptian State Rlys, Alexandria ; was in charge of raUways at Port of Alexandria during the War Clubs : Turf, Cairo ; Union, Alexandria. (01027) GRIFFITH, Capt. Griffith, M.B.E. GRIFFITH, Capt. Gronwy Robert, O.B.E, R.W. Fus GRIFFITH, Capt. Llewelyn Wyn, O.B.E. 228 GRDTFITH, Louisa, M.B.E, fi. 21 AprU, 1863 ; d. ot WUUam Griffith, of Co. Down, Deland. Educ : Model School, Sligo. War Work : Matron, Hackney Infirmary, which had a floor in the City of London Infirmary for two years ; Soldiers were treated in this Infirmary for four months. (M1821) GRD3TITH, Walter Spencer Anderson, C.B.E, M.D F.R.CS, F.R.C.P. fi. 1854 ; s. of the late Rev. John Griffith, LL.D, sometime Head Master of Brighton CoUege ; m. Isabeue Fairweather, d . of WiUiam Jackson Kennedy, of Lisaghmore Kirkcaldy. Educ. : Brighton CoUege ; Downing CoUege, Cambridge ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Consulting Obstetric Physician, St. Bartholomew's Hospital. War Work : Chairman St. Marylebone War Hospital Supply Depot ; Consulting Physician (Army Sisters and Nurses) ; Queen Alexandra's MiUtary Hospital, MUlbank. Address : 96, Harley Street, W. Club : New University. (C2650) GRD7FITH, Sir WiUiam Brandford, C.B.E, 6. 9 Feb 1858 ; s. of the late Sir WiUiam Brandford Griffith, K.C.M.G, of Windsor, Barbados, late Governor of the Gold Coast; m. Eveline Florence EUzabeth, d. of Penrose Nevins, of Settle! Educ : Jersey ; Harrison CoUege, Barbados ; University CoUege, London. Barrister-at-Law ; late Chief Justice of the Gold Coast ; has administered the Government of Lagos and held dormant commission to act as Governor of the Gold Coast ; President of Special Court for trial of human leopard cases in Sierra Leone, 1912. War Work : Special Constable " D " Division, 1914-20 ; Volunteer, Dins of Court Reserve, 1914-19 ; Assisted Air Board, 1917 ; and transferred to Ministry of Pensions, 1917 ; Legal Adviser to Ministry of Pensions 1918. Addresses: 2, Essex Court, Temple, E.C. 4 ; 90 Newman Street, W. 1. Club : Constitutional. (C2651) GRIFFITHS, Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 22 May, 1875 ; s. of John Griffiths, of Hartland, N. Devon. Accountant, Sec. and Superintendent of East Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital, Ipswich ; Director of Felixstowe Gas Co. War Work : Acted as Officer in Charge of E. Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital of 300 beds; was responsible for the official work in connection with five other Hospitals ; carried out all the work of transfers, furloughs, etc, for those hospitals ; made the arrangements for the reception of aU convoys of wounded to Ipswich ; examined and reported on several buildings for the Government as to their suitablUty for hospitals ; purchased aU fittings and equipment for the additional accommodation provided for the wounded and aU suppUes and provisions for mUitary patients here during the war. Address : East Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital, Ipswich. (O10537) GRIFFITHS, Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 11 March, 1875. Borough Treas, CamberweU. War Work : Hon. Executive Officer, Food Control Committee, H.R.H. Prince of Wales National ReUef Committee, Local Central Committee, War Savings; Hon. Accounting Officer, 33rd (CamberweU) Divisional ArtiUery. Address : Town Hall, CamberweU ; 70, Burbage Road, Herne Hill, S.E.24. (010538) GRIFFITHS, Lieut.-Col. Charles, O.B.E, 16th Cavalry. Indian Army, 6. 19 Oct. 1862 ; s. of Col. Leonard Griffiths, R.A, of Sandhurst ; to. Winifred, g.-d. of Sir Alfred Hickman (see Burke's Peerage), of Wightwick, Staffordshire. Educ: Honiton and Sandhurst. War Work : Deputy Assistant Director of Remounts, Western Command. Address : Bryn-y- Mor, Penysarn, Anglesey. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (O7209) GRD7FITHS, Charles Bedlington, O.B.E. GRIFFITHS, Lieut.-Col. Cyril Tracy, C.M.G, O.B.E, b. 1873 ; s. of the late Charles CecU Griffiths, of Sydney, N.S. Wales ; m. Eugenie, d. of R. T. Kirby, of Sydney, N.S. Wales. Educ. : privately. Farmer and grazier ; Lieut.-Col. Australian Forces ; served in S. Africa, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; during Great War, 1916-18, as an A.A.G. (despatches). Address : Sydney, N.S. Wales. (07956) GRIFFITHS, Lieut. David John, M.B.E. GRIFFITHS, David LleweUyn, O.B.E, fi. 20 May, 1880 ; s. of James Griffiths, of Penarth, South Wales ; m. Winifred Rose, d. of the late George GwinneU, of Cheltenham. Educ. : Monmouth Grammar School. SoUcitor and Clerk to Council, Aldershot ; Hon. SoUcitor and Treas. Aldershot War Pensions Committee ; Clerk Aldershot Old Age Pensions Committee. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Treas. Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association at Aberdare and Aldershot ; Hon. Sec. and Organiser Aberdare and Aldershot Patriotic Funds; Hon. Sec. and Tresa. Aldershot War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Sec. Belgian Refugees Fund, Aberdare ; Executive Officer, Aldershot Food Control Committee. Address : St. Catherines, Aldershot. Club : Camberley Heath GoU. (010540) GRDTFITHS, George Edward, M.B.E. GRIFFITHS, Griffith Nathan, M.B.E, 6. 11 April, 1856 ; s. of John Griffiths, of Mydrim, Carmarthen ; to. EUen Ann, d. of Eli BiUingham, of Gloucestershire. Educ. : National School. RaUway Inspector ; Member of the Llanelly Borough Council. War Work : MUitary and National Service Repre sentative for the LlaneUy District during the war. Address : 11, Copper Works Road, LlaneUy. (M8279) GRIFFITHS, Helen Maud, Mrs., M.B.E. GRIFFITHS, Herbert Richard, O.B.E, 7 Nov. 1864] s. of Richard Griffiths, of Bristol ; to. OUve Minnie, d. of A. W. Harrison, of Bristol. Educ. : Bristol Grammar School. BIOGRAPHIES. Grogan Divisional Superintendent (Operations) Great Western RaUway. War Work : Worked in connection with the Railways. Address : 19, Henleaze Gardens, Durdham Downs, Bristol. Club : Bristol Liberal. GRIFFITHS, Ida Mildred Mary, M.B.E, 6. 6 Dec. 1882 ; d. of the late Vincent Griffiths, C.B, of Twickenham. Educ. : Privately. Organiser to the Women's Branch National Unionist Assocn. ; Member of the Middlesex War Pensions Committee, and Local War Pensions Committee. War Work : Entire care of Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies and Dependants from 1914 ; District Head Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Assocn, and District Head Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society. Address : 4, Syon Row, Twickenham. Club : Forum. (M8280) GRIFFITHS, Marion, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Edwin Colman, of W. Didsbury ; to. Thomas Percy, s. of Thomas Griffiths, of Didsbury. War Work : Devoted Service on behaU of the Patients of the Nell Lane Military Hospital, W. Didsbury, Manchester. Address : Westover, W. Didsbury, Manchester. (M8281) GRIFFITHS, Major Noel MarshaU, O.B.E, b. 27 Dec. 1875; s. of Vincent Griffiths, C.B, of Yelverton Lodge, Twickenham ; m. Kathleen Charlotte, d. of Ernest Edye, of Syon, East Budleigh, Devon. Educ. : Winchester. Chartered Accountant ; District Auditor under Ministry of Health. War Work : Commissioned R.A.S.C, May, 1915 ; with 31st Divisional Train in France, March. 1916 to Aug. 1917 ; trans ferred to War Office, Deputy Assistant Director of Quartering. Address : 5, WaUands Crescent, Lewes. Club : Sports. (O7210) GRIFFITHS, Sarah, Mrs., M.B.E. GRIFFITHS, Sarah GUbert, Mrs., O.B.E. GRIFFITHS, Brig.-Gen. Thomas, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O. Col. and T. Brig.-Gen. Australian Imperial Forces ; Great War, 1914-19, at Administrative Headquarters (despatches). (C844) GRIFFITHS, Thomas Henry, O.B.E, 6. 13 Nov. 1872 ; s. of Thomas James Griffiths, of 30, HU1 Avenue, Worcester ; in. Annie Alexandra, d. of WiUiam Emus Smith, of Worcester. Educ. : St. John's School, Worcester. Assistant to the City Engineer, Worcester, until the outbreak of war ; resigned office to devote time to War Pensions work. War Work : Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Assocn. for City of Worcester, since South African War in 1900 ; Hon. Sec. fo City of Worcester Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Relief Com mittee since Aug. 1914 ; Sec. to City of Worcester War Pensions Committee. Address : Kingscliffe, 15, Battenhall Road, Worcester. (010452) GRIFFITHS, Rev. Trevor, O.B.E, 6. 28 Feb. 1871 ; s. of the Rev. F. W. Griffiths, Vicar of Coalpit-Heath, Bristol ; m. Emily Louisa, s. of H. E. Bennett, J.P, of Sparkford Hall. Educ. : Hereford Cathedral School ; Worcester Coll. Oxford (M.A.) ; Lichfield Theolog. Coll. Rector of Sparkford, 1899. War Work : Temp. CF. 1916 ; served in France with 41st CCS. 2_ years ; also with British Interned in Switzerland ; mentioned in Army Routine Orders (5th Army), Feb. 1918, for "Act of Courage." Address: Sparkford Rectory, Somerset. GRIFFITHS, Walter James, M.B.E, fi. 1857. Assistant Manager and Chief Draughtsman, Royal Carriage Dept, Woolwich Arsenal. Address : 228, Burrage Road, S.E. 18. (M8283) GRIFFITHS, Q.M.S. WiUiam Crynant, M.B.E, R.E. GRIFFITHS, Lieut.-Col. Charles du Plat RICHARD SON-, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1855 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. T. Richardson-Griffiths, of Armagh ; m. 1894, Florence E, d. of H. Schwale, of Lymm, Cheshire. Educ. : Merchiston. Entered 13th Regt. 1875; Capt. Bedfordshire Regt. 1885; Major Gloucester Regt. 1896 ; Hon. Lieut. Col. 1917 ; ret. 1903 ; Afghan War, 1879-80 (medal) ; S. Africa, 1900-2, present at relief of Kimberley and battles of Paardeberg and Driefon- tein (mentioned in despatches) ; served in Great War, 1914-19. (07631) GRIGGS, Capt. Alfred George, M.B.E, R.A.F. GRIGOR, Lieut.-Col. WUliam Ernest, O.B.E. GRIGSON, Lieut. Thomas Reginald, O.B.E, R.E. GRIMBLY, James Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 5 June, 1874 ; s. of Thomas PhUip Grimbly, of Hackney, N.E. ; to. EUza Jane, d. of Francis Carter, of Owlesbury, Hants. CivU Servant. War Work : Supervising Clerk in War Office ; engaged in recruiting work during first period of war ; afterwards in MUitary Secretary's Dept, War Office. Address : Cooma, 17, Bockhampton Road, Kingston-on-Thames. (M482) GRIMBLY, Richard Henry, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. GRIME, Joseph Crookes, M.B.E, F.I.S.A, J.P, 6. 21 Sept. 1874 ; s. of Joseph Grime, J.P, of Manchester ; m. Florence Mary, d. of John HaU, of Enniskillen. Educ. : Manchester Technical School. Deputy Chairman Manchester Watch Committee ; Chairman Discharged Prisoners Aid Society; Chairman Borstal Committee, H.M. Prison, Man chester ; Board of Managers, Ancoats Hospital, Babies Hospital ; Governor Fylde Reformatory and Holmes Chapel Reformatory; Member of Manchester City CouncU for nine years. War Work : Commander Special PoUce ; Member of Manchester Tribunal, Red Cross Society, St. John's Ambulance, etc. Addreses : 36, Peter Street, Manchester ; Sandhurst, South Shore, Blackpool. Clubs : Arts ; St. Anns Old Links ; Aldwych, etc. (M8284) GRIMES, John, M.B.E, fi. 10 Nov. 1859; s. of Wm. Howlett Grimes, of Bubbenhall, Warwickshire ; m. Iv. ary Alice, d. of John Alfred Baker, of Cardiff. Educ. : Privately , and Kemlworth and All Saints' School, Bloxham. War Work : Hon. Treas. of St. Pierre AuxUiary Red Cross Hospital for Privates, and Clyne House Auxiliary Red Cross Hospital for Officers, Cardiff; also for Glamorgan Branch, B.R.C.S, Eastern Division, Cardiff. (M3685) GRIMMOND, Margaret Isabella, Mrs., M.B.E. GRIMSDALE, Blanche Emma, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 2 Aug. 1856 ; d. of Edgar Webster, of Chester ; to. Arthur Robins, s. of Daniel Grimsdale, Uxbridge. Educ : Chester. War Work : Gerrards Cross War Hospital Supply Depot, in con nection with 2, Cavendish Square, April, 1915, to Dee. 1918. Address : Ravenscroft, Gerrards Cross. (M8285) GRIMSDALE, WilUam, M.B.E. GRIMSDALL, Lieut. Henry, M.B.E, 6. 21 Sept. 1855 ; s. of Thomas Newberry Grimsdall, of Kensington ; to. Ellen MatUda, d. of WiUiam Deane, of Albion Grove, Barnsbury, N. Educ. : St. Thomas Charterhouse School. High Bailiff, Shoredltch County Court of Middlesex. War Work : Joined Special Constabulary as Sub-Inspector Aug. 1914, a V.A.D. Company 1915, which subsequently became part of Middlesex R.A.M.C (V) Eastern Command, Volunteer Ambulance Con voy. This Corps did all the work of Transfer of Wounded solders for four Base and eighty AuxUiary Hospitals ; promoted from private to Adjutant and was actually on duty for five years and a half. Address : 22, The Avenue, Hornsey, N. ; Club : Hornsey Constitutional. (M483) GRIMSDICK, Capt. John Dennin, O.B.E. GRIMSEY, John Robert, M.B.E, J.P. GRIMSHAW, Wilfred, O.B.E. GRIMSHAW, Capt. WilUam Edwin, O.B.E, R.A. GRIMSLEY, Ellen Maud, M.B.E, 6. 1885. Educ : Wyggestone Girls' School, Leicester. Secretarial work. War Work : Secretary to the County Director for Leicestershire ; and Commandant of Leicester, V.A.D. Reserve. Address : 13, Evington Street, Leicester. (M484) GRIMSTON, Lieut.-Col. Lionel Augustus, CLE, O.B.E. GRIMWADE, IsabeUa Emily, Mrs., M.B.E. GRIMWADE, Surg.-Lt.-Comm. Sidney WiUred, O.B.E, M.B, R.N. GRIMWOOD, Lieut.-Col. James, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1872 ; s. of the late G. A. Grimwood, of Shern HaU, Waltham stow ; to. 1917, Amy Mander, d. of G. Mander AUender, and widow of Lieut. C. E. Fenwick, R.N. Educ. : Forest School, Walthamstow ; Marburg Univ. Germany ; R.M.C. Head of the firm of Grimwood, Roberts and Co. (Incorporated Accountants), of Coleman Street, E.C. ; Lieut.-Col. S. Wales Borderers ; Great War, 1914-17 (despatches) ; appointed Adviser on Cost Accounts to Financial Sec. to War Office, 1917. Address : The Old Ferry House, Wraysbury, Bucks. Clubs : City Carlton ; Bath. (03738) GRINDLEY, Major Hugh Henry, O.B.E, R.F.A. (T.F.). GRINLING, Major WUUam James, C.B.E, (retired) Engineer and RaUway Staff Corps, fi. 7 Aug 1855 ; s. of WiUiam Grinling, of Crouch End ; to. Eleanor Alice, d. of R. C Sutton, of Nottingham. Educ. : Privately. Chief Traffic Manager of the Great Northern Railway up to August, 1919 ; Director East Lincolnshire Railway. War Work : In addition to special railway work during the war, served ou a number of Committees connected with RaUway Executive Committee and Ministry of Munitions. Address : Carisbrooke, Coolhurst Road, Crouch End, N.8. (C2652) GRINSELL, Capt. George Herbert, O.B.E, R.F.A. (T.). GRINSELL, Lieut.-Col .aek, O.B.E, S.A.M.C GRINSHED, Major Harold, O.B.E. GRIPPER, Lieut.-Col. BasU Jasper, O.B.E, V.D, J.P., 6. 24 July, 1861 ; s. of Jasper Gripper, of Hertford ; m. Georgina Agnes, d. of N. Tarral, M.D, of Havre, France. Educ : Chatham House, Ramsgate. Secretary Territorial Force Association, Herts. Address: Hartham House, Hertford. (01401) GRISS, Lieut.-Col. John EUis, O.B.E, R.N. GRIST, Capt. WiUiam AUred, M.B.E. GRITTON, John, M.B.E. GROGAN, Brig.-Gen. Edward George, C.B, C.B.E, J.P, s. of George Grogan, J.P, Carabineers and 7th Royal FusiUers, of Seafield, Co. Dublin ; to. Ida Georgina Mary, d. of F. R. Forman, of Craig-Park, Midlothian. Educ. : Cheltenham CoUege. Served in the 42nd Royal Highlanders (The Black Watch) in expedition to Coomassie 1873-74 (wounded at battle of Amoaful, medal and clasp) ; South African Campaign, in Command of the 1st Bn. The Black Watch (despatches, medal with 4 clasps, C.B.) ; Colonel Commanding Black Watch Brigade, Territorial Force ; retired 1907 ; appointed to command a Brigade with temporary rank of Brigadier-General, 16 Nov. 1914. Address : Torrevagh, St. Andrews. Clubs : United Services ; Royal and Ancient GoU. (C2653) GROGAN, Commander Edward Harry, O.B.E, R.N, 6. Nov. 1876 ; s. of Brigadier General E. G. Grogan, C.B, C.B.E, of Torrevagh, St. Andrews ; to. EUzabeth Beckett, d. of T. ClayhUls-Henderson, of Invergowrie, Forfarshire. Educ. : Stubbington and " Britannia." Egyptian Government Director Ports and Lights Administration, holds rank of Bey ; Gambria, 1894 ; East Coast 1895, wounded ; China 1900. War Work : Naval Transport Service and Ministry of Shipping, 229 Gronow THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1914-1919. Address : Port House, Arsenal, Alexandria, Egypt. Club : United Service. (0907) GRONOW, Albert George, C.B.E. GROOM, Major Edmond Arthur Hudson, O.B.E, 6. 14 Feb. 1876 ; s. of E. C Groom, of Ashwicken Hall, Norfolk ; to. Jennie, d. of W. R. Taylor, of South Cave, E. Yorkshire. Educ. : HaUeybury. War Work : 10 months in England with 10th Norfolk Regt. and 1st (R.) Garrison Bn. Suffolk Regt. : France with 11th Royal Berks Labour Bn, Oct. 1916 to Sept. 1917 ; Commanded 36th Labour Co, Sept. 1917 to Jan. 1919 ; when Co. disbanded. All service in France in forward area ; after armistice commanded 319 P.O.W. Co. Address : Heacham, King's Lynn, Norfolk. (02545) GROOM, Professor Percy, M.B.E, M.A, D.Sc, F.L.S, 6. 12 Sept. 1865 ; s. of F. R. Groom, J.P, of Hereford ; m. Mary, d. of George Harrop, of Horbury (Yorks). Educ. : Universities of Birmingham, Bonn, Cambridge. Professor of Technology of Woods and Fibres, Imperial College, South Kensington ; Consultant on Timber Research to the Depart ment of Scientific and Industrial Research. War Work : The Technical Expert on Timber to the Air Ministry ; Voluntary work for various Government Departments (Foreign Office, Home Office, Board of Trade, War Office and Admiralty). Addresses : North Park, Gerrards Cross, Bucks ; Imperial College, South Kensington. Club : SavUe. (M487) GROOM, Susannah, M.B.E, 6. 4 Sept. 1863 ; d. of the late WUliam Groom, of Boston. Educ. : Ingelow House, High School, Boston. Principal of small Private School. War Work : from Aug. 1914 to Oct. 1914 was preparing hospitals ; Dec. 1914 was put in charge of Allan House AuxUiary Hospital and worked it as Commandant until it was closed, June, 1919. Address: 18, Carlton Road, Boston, Lincolnshire . (M486) GROOME, Capt. Auckland WUUam Wollaston, M.B.E, 6. 6 March, 1885 ; s. of W. Wollaston Groome, M.D, of Suffolk House, Surbiton ; m. Margaret Grace, d. of W. H. Cleburne, of Summerstown^C. Cork. Educ. : Charterhouse. Address : Charlton Hill, Wroxeter, Shrewsbury. Club : Royal Air Force. GROOME, Lieut. Frederick Thompson, O.B.E, R.N.R. GROOME, Capt. Walter, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. GROSE, Fred, M.B.E, J.P, fi. 1858 ; s. of Joseph Grose, of St. Austell;' m. Gertrude, d. of Wm. Matthews, L.CC, of Aneriey, S.E. Educ : Privately. Hon. Inspector Army Contracts. Address : Chesham Park, Aneriey, S.E. (M1824) GROSE, Woodman Cole, M.B.E, fi. 23 Feb. 1859 ; s. of John Grose, of Appledore, St. Ives, Cornwall ; to. Clara, d. of Robert Loosemore. Educ. : Wadham House, Liskeard ; Devon County School. CivU Servant. War Work : Worked as Staff Clerk in the Finance Department of the War Office. Address : 159, Gleneldon Road, Streatham, S.W.16. (M3687) GROSER, Phyllis, M.B.E. For work in connection with Queen Alexanrda's Hospital. (M10320) GROSVENOR, Caroline Susan Theodora, Hon. Mrs. Norman Grosvenor, C.B.E, fi. 15 June, 1858 ; d. of Rt. Hon. James Stuart Wortley ; m. the late Hon. Norman Grosvenor, s. of Lord Ebury (see Burke's Peerage). Chairman Women's Farm and Garden Union ; Vice-Chairman Society for Oversea Settlement of British Women. War Work : Helped to start Women's National Land Service Corps (first organised body of women to work on the land). Address : 30, Upper Grosvenor Street, W. Club : Ladies' Empire. (C2399) GROSVENOR, Lady Mabel Florence Mary, M.B.E, younger d. of 4th Earl of Erne ; to. Lord Hugh William Gros venor, 1st Life Guards (killed in action, Oct. 1914), s. of 1st Duke of Westminster. Address : 9, Southwick Crescent, W. (M36S8) GROSVENOR, Rosamund Argharad, Lady Henry, C.B.E, d. of the late Edward Lloyd, of Castella, Glamorgan ; m. 1st Edward Seymour Greaves, of Glen Etive, Argyll, aud Watchbury, Warwickshire ; 2ndly, Lord Henry Grosv?nor (died 1914), 3rd 8. of 1st Duke of Westminster (see BxmKE's Peerage) . Address : Quenby Hall, Leicestershire. (C186) GROUNDS, Thomas Collier, M.B.E, 6. 8 Nov. 1864 ; s. of Frederick WiUiam Grounds, of Wisbech ; m. Kate Annette, d. of Miles J orm Dobson, of Greenwich. Educ. : Chapel Royal, St. James's. Partner, Hogg and Robinson, Admiralty Shipping Agents ; Organist, St. Olave's, Hart Street, Mark Lane, E.C War Work : In connection with position as Shipping Agents for British Admiralty, and special work for the French and Italian Governments. Address : 2, Devon Mansions, Lewisham, S.E. (M1825) GROVE, Brig.-Gen. Edward Aiokin William Stewart, C.B, C.B.E, (late the Queen's Own, Royal West Kent Regt, J.P, Surrey, 6. 4 April, 1852 ; s. of Capt. Edward Grove, of Dolgnog-MachynUeth ; to. Georgina Annie, d. of Rev. G. Atkinson, of Kettlethorpe, Lines. Educ. : Bedford School. Lieut. 2nd Royal Cheshire MUitia, 1872 ; Lieut. 97th Regiment, 1873 ; Captain, The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), 1881 ; Brevet Major, 1882 ; Major, 1886 ; Lieut-Col, 1896 • Brevet-Col, 1900 ; served in the Transvaal Campaign 1881 ; Egyptian Expedition 1882 ; present at the battles of Kassassin and Tel-el-Kebir ; and was Assistant Provost Marshal to 2nd Division (medal with clasp, bronze star, and Brevet of Major) ; with Soudan Exhibition 1884-85, as D.A.A. and Q.M.G. (clasp) and in South Africa 1899-1901, in command of the 2nd Bn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.) and afterwards of Krugersdorp sub-district, (despatches twice, C.B, medal with four clasps) ; Graduated at Staff College 1883 ; 230 was D.A.A. and Q.M.G, Canada, 1885-87 and D.AAG E. District 1887-88, ; C.S.O, Scottish District 1902-5; Brig '¦ General Commanding 8th Brigade, 3rd Division 1905-9' • retired 1909. War Work : Inspector Lines of Communication' 1914 ; Commanding Halton Park Camp ; raised seven Foreign Service Garrison Bns. ; Commanding No. 7 District 1916-18 Addresses : 135, WhitehaU Court, S.W. 1 ; OakhUl Court' Bucknell, Salop. Clubs / Junior United Service ; Flyfishers' : R.A.C. (01595J GROVE, Frank, O.B.E. ' GROVES, Charles Nixon, C.B.E, M.A, M.D, Boh • Oxford, fi. 16 Feb. 1871 ; s. of Charles Groves, of Sherwood-' m. Frances, d. of Dr. F. M. Mttlar, J.P, of London. Edue '¦' Bradfield ; Oxford ; The London Hospital. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of the Darell Hospital for Officers,' London ; twice mentioned in Usts of Secretary of State for War. Address : 72, Bishops Road, W. 2. (C2654) GROVES, Herbert Austen, C.B.E, LL.B. (Lond.), 6 1880 ; s. of the late Rev. W. H. Groves. SoUcitor and Parlia mentary Agent ; Home Office (Prisoners of War Branch), 1915-17 ; and member of Committee on Proposals for Employ ment of Prisoners of War 1916-17 ; Admiralty 1917-19 ; and Assistant Secretary (Board) 1919. Clubs .' St. Stephen's ; Royal Automobile. (C974) GROVES, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. GRUBB, Charles John Edward, M.B.E. GRUBB, Major John James, O.B.E, fi. 11 Feb. 1859; s. of the late Sergt-Major John Grubb, of the School of Mus ketry, Hythe, Kent ; to. Lily Kate, widow of Joseph Leigh, of Streatham. Educ. : Cheriton, Kent. Joined 2nd Bn. 2nd Queen's Regt, 1877 ; served at Army Headquarters, India, 1890-93 ; commissioned Quartermaster, 1st Batt. The Queen's W. Surrey Regt. Feb. 1893 ; employed at War Office, Oct. 1903 ; retired July, 1906. Continuing in employment at War Office ; appointed Deputy-Assistant Director, Nov. 1917. War Services : N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 ; Malakand Operations in Bajour and in the Mammed Country (Medal with Clasp) ; Tirah, 1897-98, Capture of the Sampagha and Arkunga Passes ; reconnaissance of the Saran Sar and action of Nov. 1897 ; Operation against the Kmmi Khel Chamkains ; Operations in the Bazar Valley, 1897 (Clasp) ; The Great War, 1914-18 ; employed on Staff at War Office ; brought to notice of Secretary of State for valuable work ; promoted Major June, 1916. (07215)i GRUMBAR, Julian Charles, M.B.E, Chevalier Ordre de Leopold, fi. 19 June, 1880 • s. of Alphonse Grumbar, of Sar- reguemines, France ; to. Elizabeth Frances, d. of the late Harris Lebus. Member Committee Societe Francaise de Bienfaisance. War Work : Member of Executive War Refugees Committee ; Hon. Attache' Belgian Consulate ; 2nd Lieut, Buffs. Addresses: 58, Kensington Court, W. ; Bolebroke Cooden, Sussex. Clubs : City Carlton. (M1826) GRUNDY, AUan Wilson, M.B.E. GRUNDY, EmUy Susan, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 17 April, 1871; d. of Walter Baily, of Hampstead, N.W. ; m. Edmund Ford- ham, s. of Edmund Herbert Grundy, of Bury, Lancs, and Royston, Herts. Educ. : North London Collegiate School. War Work : Work in connection with the meeting and accom modation of British Refugees from Germany, Austria, Russia, and Belgium ; and also Hon. Sec. of a Hostel for Belgian Refugees. Address : 14, Thurlow Road, Hampstead, N.W. (M8291) GRUNDY, LUy, M.B.E. GRUNDY, Robert Taylor, O.B.E, 3rd Class Order of, the Nile, 6. 19 Nov. 1866 ; s. of Frank Grundy, of Bury, Lancs, and Sherbrooke, P.Q, Canada. Educ. : Christ College, Brecon, South Wales. Deputy Traffic Manager of the Egyptian State RaUways. War Work : RaUway Officer in Charge at Suez in 1914, arranging despatch by rail of the Indian Army as they arrived ; afterwards stationed at IsmaUia, up to 1917, in charge of movement of all troops in the Suez Canal zone, between Port Said, IsmaiUa, Suez, etc. Address : Gezira House, Cairo. Clubs : Turf, and Gezira Sporting, Cairo ; Union and Sporting, Alexandria. (011819) GRUNDY, Samuel Percy, O.B.E, 6. 20 Sept. 1880; s. of Albert Walker Grundy, of Oak Lodge, Prestwich, Manchester m. Sarah Eleanor, d. of Henry Russell Greg, of Lode HiU, Styal. Educ. : Shrewsbury 1894-9 ; BalUol, 1899-1902. Gen. Secretary, Manchester City League of Help tiU 1919 ; Hon. Secretary, Manchester Committee for National Savings ; Hon. Secretary, National Council of Social Service. War Work: Hon. Secretary and Voluntary Workers Sub-Committee, Manchester Committee, National ReUef Fund ; Hon. Secretary, Manchester War Savings Committee. Address : West Wood House, Bagley Wood, Oxford. Club : Cavendish. (O1403) GRUNER, Lieut. Harold Eric, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. GRYLLS, Charles John Tench Bedford, C.B.E. GRYLLS, Lieut.-Col Glynn, O.B.E, R.A. GUAN, Lee Choon, M.B.E. GUAYS, Lieut.-Col. Francis Lewis, O.B.E, fi. 1880 ; s. of V. Guays, of East Grinstead ; to. Madeleine Lucy, a. of J. O. Fison, J.P, of Stutton Hall. Educ. : King's College, London. Contractor, Farmer, and Planter. War Wort : Despatch rider, Transport and Labour Directorate, Mesopo tamia and Persia. Address : 31, Queensborough Terrace, W. 2. (O4210) GUBBINS, Helen Hartopp, Mrs., M.B.E., 6. 1870 ; d. ot Walter Barnard Byles, of 3, Prince's Gardens, London ; to. Joseph Hartopp, D.L, s, of Thomas Wise Gubbins, of Dunkathal, BIOGRAPHIES. Gumey Co. Cork. Educ : Privately. War Work : Organised and worked in conjunction with her sister-in-law, Miss Maud Gubbins, the Needlework Department for the Co. Cork Red Cross Depot at 11, King. Street, Cork, from May, 1915, to March, 1919. Address : Lota Park, Glanmiro, Co. Cork. Ol-ab: Victoria. (M8689) GUBBINS, Capt. Martin Nepean Traill, O.B.E, M.C, R.A, fi. 16 April, 1891 ; s. of F. C Gubbins, of Nonington, near Dover ; m. Joan Audrey, d. of J. Proctor Humphris, of Kingston Hill. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Assistant Military Secretary to His ExceUency The Governor and C.-in-C, Malta. War Work : Proceeded to France Aug. 1914 ; Staff Capt. R.A. 2ndArmy April, 1916 to Dec. 1916 ; Staff Capt. R.A. 9th Corps, Jan. 1918, to July, 1918 ; Staff Officer to Inspector-General of ArtiUery. Address : The Palace, Malta. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Union, Malta. (07216) GUBBINS, Matilda Ida, Mrs, M.B.E. GUBBINS, Lieut.-Col. Stamer, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1882 ; s. of Evans Hartopp Gubbins, of Milltown, Co. Limerick. Educ. : Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne. Entered Roy. FusiUers (City of London Regt.), 1902 ; Capt. 1912 ; Major, 1914 ; served during S. African War, 1901-02, as Lieut. Victorian Mounted Rifles (Queen's medal with five clasps) ; during Great War, 1914-17, as Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a Batn. of his Regt, and as D.A.A.G. (despatches). (06129) GUDE, Capt. Gerald, O.B.E, R.A.F. GUERIN, Major and Qr.-Mr. Charles Joseph, O.B.E, E.A.S.C. GUEST, Capt. the Right Hon. Frederick Edward, P.C, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.P, 6. 14 June, 1875 ; s. of 1st Baron Wim borne, of Wimborne, Dorset (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Amy, d. of Henry Phipps, of New York. Educ. : Winchester. M.P. for East Dorset; Joint Patronage Secretary to the Treasury. War Work : Capt. 1st Lifeguards ; White Nile, 1900 (despatches); South Africa, 1901-2; A.D.C to F.M. Sir John French, 1914-16 (despatches) ; East Africa, 1916-17 (despatches twice), D.S.O. Address : Templeton, Priory Lane, Roehampton. Club : Turf (C1259) GUEST, Capt. the Hon. Lionel George WilUam, O.B.E. GUGG ISBERG , Decima Moore, Mrs. H. (Decima Moore), C.B.E, MedaUle de Reconnaissance ; d. of Edward Henry Moore, of Brighton ; m. Brig.-Gen. Frederick Gordon, C.M.G., D.S.O , Legion d'Honneur, Governor and CI.C Gold Coast Colony, e. s. of the late Frederick Guggisberg, of Toronto. Educ. : BosweU House CoUege, Brighton. War Work : Constant and consequentive work from Aug. 1914 to May, 1920 ; originator and a founder of the Women's Emergency Corps on 9 Aug. 1914 ; the first organisation of women to replace men. from which sprang tho Women's Volunteer Reserve, the Women's Legion, the National Food Fund, and the Women's Emergency Canteen, working in Paris, Compiegne, Chauny, etc. ; founder and organiser of the West African Chop Box Fund ; Directrice de la Cantine at Depot des Eclopes at Conty, Compiegne, Corneuve, Ramber- velles, Vosges ; Nurse at Hospital Militaire 103, Amiens, France ; Member of Committee British Women's Hospital ; one of the founders and hon. secretaries, British Army and Navy LeaVe Club, Paris ; founder of Leave Club Emergency Unit ; originator, founder and hon. director- general of British Empire Leave Club, Cologne, Germany. Address: Government House, Accra, Gold Coast Colony. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (C514) GUILD, James Bennett, M.B.E. GUILFORD, Rev. Canon Edward, O.B.E, Kaisir-i-Hind Medal, with Bar, 6. 25 Nov. 1853 ; s. of Henry GuUford, of Portsea, Hants ; m. EUzabeth Rose, d. of George Augustus Grimwood, of Suffolk. Educ. : Brighton ; CM.S. Coll, Islington, London. Missionary to the Sikhs of the Punjab, Church Missionary Society : President of Municipal Committee, Tarn Taran ; Member of Amritsar District Board ; Chairman of Punjabi New Testament Revision Committee. War Work : Capt. Indian Army Reserve Officers, 1918 ; Recruiting, Pro paganda, Supplying Literature and Comforts for the EngUsh and Indian Troops on Active Service ; Chaplain to the 71st Punjabi Christian Regiment. Address : Tarn Taran, Amritsar District, Punjab. (08267) GUILFORD, Hannah, M.B.E. GUHyFOYLE, Sqdn.-Leader, WiUiam James Yule, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. GUILLEMARD, Bernard James, O.B.E, M.D. GUINNESS, Lieut.-Col. Earnest Whitmore Newton, 0 B F GUINNESS, Florence, Mrs., M.B.E. GUINNESS, M.B.E., Kenelm Edward Lee, M.B.E. GUINNESS, Capt. Owen Charles, O.B.E, 2nd Bn. Worcestershire Regt, 6. 14 Sept. 1894 ; s. of Col. C. D. Guinness, of Clermont Park, Dundalk. Educ: Uppingham. War Work : B.E.F, France from Aug. 1914 to Oct. 1919. Address : Clemont Park, Dundalk. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (05321) GUISE, Major Anselm Verner Lee, O.B.E. GUISE, Harry Rivett Cecil, O.B.E. GULL, Q.M.S. Alfred Henry, M.B.E, R.E. GULL, Sir WiUiam Cameron, Bt., O.B.E, J.P, O.C. (see Burke's Peerage), 6. 6 Jan. 1860 ; s. of WilUam Wittrey GuU, of Brook Street, Grosvenor Square. Educ: Eton and Christ Church, Oxford. Alderman, Berks CC; Chairman Public Health Committee and of the Berks and Bucks Joint Sanatorium, War Work : Bradfleld Local Tribunal ; later appointed MUitary Representative for the Borough of Reading ; Bradfleld Local Food Control Committee ; Berkshire Pensions Committee. Address : Frilsham House, Yattendon, Newbury, Berks. Clubs : Athenaeum ; R.A.C. (O1405) GULLETT, Capt. Sydney Wolton, O.B.E, A.I.F. GULSTON, Agneta Annie Justina Stepney, M.B.E.; d. of George Stepney Gulston, of Derwydd, Llandebie. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hon. County Sec, Carmarthenshire Branch B.R.C.S. ; Commandant Llandilo Women's V.A.D, Carmarthen 8 B.R.C.S. Address: Derwydd, Llandebie Carmarthenshire. Clubs : Ladies' Park ; Carmarthen and County Ladies'. (M3690) GUMBLEY, Major Douglas WilUam Mew, O.B.E. GUMMER, Capt. Philip Edward, M.B.E, R.E. GUNDILL. WilUam Edward, O.B.E. ; s. of W. N. GundUl, of Dewsbury. Educ: Batley Grammar School. General Mana ger, Henry Cullingworth and Sons, Wool and Rag Auctioneers, Dewsbury. War Work : Assisted to organise Army Clothing Depot, Dewsbury, 1916 ; organised and managed Government scheme for return of tailors' cuttings (khaki, etc.), and issup of same for re-manufacture, 1916-18; Officer i'c Salvage In spectorate (War Office), 1918-19 (unpaid) ; Expert Adviser (TextUes) to Disposals Board, 1919-20 ; superintended disposal of surplus army woollen rags, 1919. (O402) GUNN, Alexander, M.B.E. GUNN, Donald Benjamin, M.B.E, R.A.F. GUNN, Edith Milner, M.B.E. GUNN, Frank Lindsay, C.B.E. (C3195) GUNN, George, M.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS.E, 6. 1879; s. of George Gunn, of Melbourne, AustraUa ; to. d. of U. A. Rit- son, D.L. of Durham. Educ. : Melbourne, Australia, and Edinburgh Univ. Local Physician, Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital, Heswall. War Work : Medical Officer Parkgate MUitary Hospital, and Neston Red Cross Hospital. Address : Neston. Cheshire. (M8295) GUNN, James, M.B.E, 6. 18 Feb. 1869 ; s. of John Gunn, of Golspie, Sutherland ; to. EUen, d. of the Rev. G. WaUace Home, of Bangalore. Educ. : Glasgow Academy. Super intending Clerk. War Work : India Frontier, 1897-98 ; War of 1914-19, employed with General Headquarters, 3rd Echelon, B.E.F. France ; mentioned in despatches ; M.S.M. ; Indian Medal, 1895, one clasp ; 1914-15 Star ; British War Medal ; Victory Medal ; L. S. and G. 0. Medal ; Territorial Efficiency Medal. Address : 14, Eton Place, HiUhead, Glasgow, W. (M4476) GUNN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. James Robert, O.B.E, A.I.F. GUNN, Capt. John, M.B.E. GUNN, Col. John Alexander, C.B, O.B.E. GUNNELL, Capt. Dudley, O.B.E. GUNNION, Thomas, M.B.E, GUNSON, AUce Maud, Mrs., M.B.E. GUNSON, James Henry, C.B.E, 6. 1877 ; s. of WilUam Gunson, of Aside, Lancashire ; to. 1905, Jessie, O.B.E, d. of James Wiseman. Mayor of Auckland. Address : Auckland, New Zealand. (C1914) GUNSON, Jessie, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of James Wiseman ; to. James Henry, s. of William Gunson, of Aside, Lancashire. Address : Auckland, New Zealand. (0939) GUNTER, Lieut.-Col. Clarence Preston, O.B.E, R.E. GUNTER, Eustace Edward, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, F.R.G.S, 6. 30 Sept. 1873 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. Edward Gunter, p.s.c, late of Clifton, Bristol ; to. Harriett Lawrence, d. of the late John Little, M.D, of Singapore. Educ. : Dover CoUege ; King's CoUege School; City and Guilds Engineering CoUege. Appointed Assistant Superintendent, Indian Telegraph Dept. in August, 1893 ; transferred to Indo-European Telegraph Department and appointed Director, Persian Gulf Section ; ex-officio in political charge and J.P. for Makran Coast ; in charge telegraph in November, 1912 ; communications between India and Mesopotamia during War ; raised Telegraph Company of Sind Volunteer Rifles ; Captain in 23rd Sind Rifles, Indian Defence Force. Address : Woodlands, Bonus Road, Karachi, India. Clubs : Sind, Karachi ; East India United Service. (O2069) GUNTHER, Lieut. Frederick Albert, M.B.E. GUNTON, Ernest, M.B.E. GUNTON, George, M.B.E. GUNTON, Major Herbert Charles, M.B.E. R.E. GURDON, Ada, Mrs., O.B.E. GURLEY, Major John Herbert, O.B.E. R.A.M.C. GURLING, Albert Edwin, M.B.E. (M10248A) GURLING, James, M.B.E, 6. 11 April, 1889: s. of John Gurling, of London ; to. Eliza, d. of George Bartlett, of London. Educ. : Elementary. War Work : Inspection of Aeronautical Material. (M1831) GURNEY, Catherine, O.B.E, fi. 19 June, 1848; s. of Joseph Gurney, of Tyndale Lodge, Wimbledon. Educ. : Privately. Founder (1883), till 1917, Hon. Secretary, trom 1917 President, of International Christian Police Association ; Founder and Hon. Secretary of Police Convalescent Homes, Hove, Sussex and Harrogate, Yorks ; Founder and Hon. Sec, of Provincial Police Orphanages at RedhiU, Surrey and Harro gate, Yorks. War Work : Equipped and carried on AuxUiary MUitary Hospitals at Hove, Sussex and Harrogate, Yorks, from November, 1914 to January, 1919. Addresses : la Adelphi Terrace, London W.C 2 ; Woodlands, RedhiU, Surrey ; St. Andrews, Harrogate. Club : The New AUiance. (03739) GURNEY, Cecily Jane, M.B.E, 6. 1884; d. of J. H. Gurney, J.P, F.Z.S, etc, of Keswick Hall, Norwich (see 231 Gumey THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. BURKE'S Landed Gentry). Educ: Privately -War Work: 3i years nursing and administrating Auxiliary Hospital of 36 beds under the British Red Cross Society. Address : Keswick HaU, Norwich. Club : Ladies' Park. (M8278) GURNEY, Lieut. John Cedric, O.B.E. GURNEY, Mabel Annie, Mrs., M.B.E GURNEY Sarah Gamzu, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1879; d. of Walter Garstang, of Blackburn ; to. Robert, s. of John Gumey, of Norwich. Educ. : Somerrille CoU, Oxford Late Com mandant. War Work: Commandant, V.A.D. Hospital at Stalham; Vice-President, Tunstead and Happing Division of B R CS. Address : Ingham Old HaU, Stalham, Norfolk. Club : Forum. , _. __ (M3691) GURTEEN, Horace, M.B.E, 6. 1880 ; s. of Jabez Gurteen, J P, of Sturmere, Essex ; to. Margaret Annie, d. of the late Rev. James Calvert Fowler, of Nottingham. Educ. : Bedford. Manufacturer. War Work: British Red Cross Ambulance Convoy. Address : Eastcotts, Kedington, Suffolk. (M8299) GUSH, Comm. Alfred WiUiam, C.B.E. R.N. GUSH, Eng.-Comm. Arthur Sydney, R.N. GUTHRIE, Capt. Alan, M.B.E, 6. June, 1881 ; s. of James Guthrie, of NorthaUerton. Educ. : North Eastern County School, Barnard Castle, and Yorkshire CoU, Leeds. Leather Expert to Madras Government, 1911. War Work : Two years in Mesopotamia with Madras ArtUlery Volunteers and as Embarkation Officer, June, 1915, to July, 1917 ; Deputy ControUer Hides, Madras June, 1917, to July, 1919. Address : Department of Industries, Madras. (M6152) GUTHRIE, Brenda, M.B.E. GUTHRIE, Capt. Sir Connop, K.B.E, Grenadier Guards (S.R.), 6. 1882 : to. EUa, d. ofthe late Sir Malcolm McEacharn, of GaUoway House, Wigtownshire. Special Representative of British Ministry of Shipping in U.S.A., 1916-19 ; Member of the United States Government Shipping Control Committee, 1918 ; served in the Great War, 1914-15 (wounded) ; ChevaUer Legion d'Honneur ; Commendatore, Crown of Italy ; Dis tinguished Service Medal (U.S.A.). Address: 36, Charles St,BerkeleySquare,W.l. Clubs: Guards'; Pratt's; Ranelagh. GUTHRIE, Lieut.-Col. Robert Lindsay, O.B.E. GUTHRIE, Lieut.-Col. Robert LyaU, O.B.E, M.A, M.D, Barrister-at-Law, R.A.M.C (T.) ; s. of James Guthrie, of Hope Park, Broughty Ferry, Scotland. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. Coroner for the Eastern District of the County of London. Medical Officer, Law Union and Rock Insurance Co. ; Member of CouncU London and Counties Med. Protection Society, and Assurance Medical Society ; late Deputy-Coroner N.E. London. War Work : Served in France as M.O. 7th London R.F.A, 1915 ; Registrar and subsequently Officer in Charge Fulham MiUtary Hospital ; Brevet-Major, 1917 ; Officer in Charge and Commandant Belmont Prisoners of War Hospital, 1917-19. Addresses : 39, Carlyle Square, S.W. ; 180, Fleet Street, E.C. Club : St. Stephen's. (07218) GUTHRIE, WiUiam Alexander, M.B.E. GUTSCHE, Col. Clemens, C.B.E. Col. S. African Forces ; German S.-W. Africa, 1914-15 (despatches). (C753) GUTTERLDGE, Lieut. Leonard, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. GUY, Capt. Edward Martin, O.B.E. GUY, Capt. Percy Claude, M.B.E. GWATKIN, Capt. Archibald James, O.B.E. GWATKDN, Capt. Reginald Dugleby Stapleton, M.B.E, 6. Oct. 1883 ; s. of the late Alexander George Stapleton, of Ceylon; m. Kathleen Maude, d. of Fred Paddock, F.G.S.. of Cookhouse, Cape Colony. South African Permanent ArtiUery. War Services : South African War ; Great War ; campaigns in German S.-W. Africa ; Palestine ; Mesopotamia (Dunster force) ; Caucasus (acting C.R.A. Baku). Address : Roberts Heights, Pretoria. (M4276) GWYER, Capt. Percy Edward, M.B.E, R.M.A. GWYN, Edith, Mrs. MOORE-, O.B.E, 6. 6 May, 1851 ; d. of WiUiam Jephson ; m. Joseph Edward, who assumed the additional surname of Gwyn, s. of Joseph Moore. War Work . Had charge of 3 Hospitals, Red Cross and Pensions in Neath ; Vice-President of S. and S. Families Association, Pen- Committee and Vice-President of the Red Cross in Glamorgan. sions Address : Dyfityn, Neath, S. Wales. (01408) GWYNNE, Clement Wansbrough, O.B.E, B.A, J.P, I.C.S, 6. 3 July, 1883 ; s. of C. T. Gwynne, of Leek, Stafford shire ; m. Kathleen Hawker, d. of Dr. E. 0. Kingdon, of Holsworthy, Devonshire. Educ. : Newcastle, and St. John's CoU, Oxford. Member of the Indian Civil Service ; Deputy Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department. War Work : Commission in the I.A.R.O, T. Major ; Assist. Sec. Army Department, Government of India ; Sec. Indian Soldiers' Board ; Hon. Sec. Imperial Indian Relief Fund. Address : The Park, Simla. Club : United Service (Simla). (O9025) GWYNNE, Major Frederick WiUiam Davies, O.B.E. GWYNNE, Rt. Rev. Bishop LleweUyn Henry, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.D, fi. 1863 ; s. of Richard Gwynne, formerly of KUvey, near Swansea. Educ. : Swansea Grammar School ; St. John's Hall, Highbury. Was Curate of St. Andrew's, Nottingham, 1889-92 ; V. of Emmanuel, Nottingham, 1892-99 ; appointed Archdeacon of Sudan and Suffragan Bishop in Khartum, 1908 ; Great War, 1914-19 ; Deputy-Chaplain General (mentioned in despatches). Address : The Clergy House, Khartum. Clubs : Westminster ; National. (C1260) GWYNNE, NevUle G, C.B.E, M.A, Cambridge, 6. 2 Aug. 1868 ; s. of the late James E. A. Gwynne, of Folkington Manor, Sussex ; m. Isabel Violet, d. ot the late Admiral Charles Wake (see Burke's Peerage, Wake, Bt.) Educ. : Lancing CoUege ; Pembroke CoUege, Cambridge. President of London and District Engineering Employers ; Chairman of the British Engineers' Association ; Chairman Engine Section of Society British Aircraft Constructors ; Managing Director of Gwynnes Engineermg Co, Ltd. ; Chairman of Hammersmith Branch London. War Work : War Pensions Committee ; President Hammersmith Branch of Federation of Demobilised Soldiers and SaUors. Clubs : Carlton ; Oxford and Cambridge : Bachelors'. (C2656) GWYTHER, Louise Banks, Mrs., M.B.E. GYE, Irene AUce, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. GYLES, John WilUam, M.B.E. GYNGELL, Major and Qr.-Mr. George Henry, O.B.E. War Work : Served during the period of the Great War with the 3rd Batt. Dorset Regt. at Weymouth ; assisted in the formation of two Garrison Battalions for service overseas, and in tho establishment of a Depot of the A. I. F. at Wey mouth. Address : Charminster, Dorchester. (07219) HACK, Rev. Robert, M.B.E, M. A., S.C.F, 6. 21 April, 1868 ; s. of George Robert, of Melton Mowbray ; to. Bertha, d. of Henry Davies, J.P, of Cams Lodge, Lancaster. Educ: Melton Mowbray and Univ. CoU, Durham. Vicar of St. Paul's, Slough ; formerly missionary of Church Missionary Society in India ; Hon. Chaplain, Government of India. War Work : Chaplain to Forces, 1915-16, B.E.F, France ; CF. at G.H.Q. St. Omer, and later of 19th Infantry Brigade, 2nd Division; 1916-19, Exped. Force, British East Africa, and CF. at Maktau, Dar-es-Salaam, Nairobi, and Nakuru ; 1919, S.C.F. Shomcliffe Command; 1920, S.C.F. Warley, Essex. Address: St. Paul's Vicarage, Slough, Bucks. (M4960) HACKER, Lieut. Douglas Walter Stewart, M.B.E, R.G.A. (S.R.) HACKER, 2nd Lieut. WiUiam Henry, M.B.E, R.E. HACKETT, John, M.B.E, 6. 5 Aug. 1872 ; s. of WUliam Hackett, of Kensington ; to. Edith Constance Louisa, d. of George Moore, of Wareham, Dorset, and Fulham. Educ. : Birkbeck CoU, London. Chemist. War Work : In charge of accounts for Medical, Surgical, X-Ray, Electro-Medical, Dental, Pathological, and Bacteriological SuppUes for the Army in the Army Medical Department (A.M.D. 3) of the War Office since 22 Feb. 1915 ; Editor of the official " Priced List of Medical Stores." Address : 168, Holland Road, Kensington, W. (M8301) HACKETT, Major and Qr.-Mr. Patrick, O.B.E. HACKETT, Col, Robert Isaac Dalby, C.B.E, M.A, M.D, 6. 31 March, 1857 ; s. of Thomas Hackett, J.P, of Castle Arm strong, King's Co. ; m. Evelyn Mary Wynne, d. of Evan Jones, of Chester. Educ. : Chesterfield School ; Birr and Queen's University, Deland. Retired officer of Army Medical Service. War Work : Senior Medical Officer, Dorset Training Area and of Portland Defences and official visitor of Auxiliary Hospitals. Address : Ocala, Cheltenham. Club : The New, Cheltenham. (C1597) HACKETT, WiUiam Jennens, M.B.E, F.S.I, F.A.I., F.L.A.A, 6. 16 June, 1877 ; s. of WiUiam- Hackett, of St. George's, Shlfnal, Salop ; m. Florence Margaret, d. of Robert Adams HaU, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Privately, U.S.A., and Rutherford CoU, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Chartered Surveyor and Valuer ; Articled to James Scott, F.S.I, of Newcastle-on- Tyne, and in 1910 joined the staff of the Valuation Department of the Board of Inland Revenue. War Work : Hon. Sec. of Newcastle-on-Tyne Local Central Organising Committee for War Savings, from 1916-19 ; assisted to form and control about 370 War Savings Associations with approximate membership of 50,000, and apart from continuous routine work largely organised and carried through : War Loan Campaign in 1917 ; Autumn Campaigns in 1916 and 1917 ; Tank Week, Business Men's Week, and War Weapons Week in 1918. During this period raised upwards of £45,000,000 for war purposes from Newcastle's population of approximately 272,000. Was for some time a member of the Food Committee, and in June, 1917, had the honour of being presented to their Majesties the King and Queen. Addresses : 25, Coquet Terrace, Newcastle-on- Tyne ; 32, West Street, Gateshead. Clubs : Valuers' ; Pen and Palette ; City of Newcastle Golf ; Chartered Surveyors' 232 HACKING, Major Arthur, O.B.E. HACKING, Capt. Douglas Hewitt, O.B.E, M.P, fi. 4 Aug. 1884 ; s. of J. Hacking, J.P, CC. of Clayton-le-Moors ; to. Margery Allen, d. of H. H. Bolton, J.P, of Newchurch-in- Rossendale. Educ. : Giggleswick and Manchester University. Member of Parliament for Chorley Division of Lancashire; Chairman Rishton Urban District CouncU; Vice-Clhairman Accrington Unionist Association. War Work : Commission East Lancashire Regiment and Mechanical Transport, attached to Heavy ArtUlery ; joined up Aug. 1914, 2 years in France. Address: 20, Arthur Road, Wimbledon, S.W. 19. Clubs: Constitutional ; St. Stephen's ; Wimbledon Royal. (02546) HADCOCK, Lieut.-Col. Sir (Albert) George, K.B.E, F.R.S, late R.A, late Lieut.-Col. Commanding 1st Northum brian Brigade, R.F.A. (T.F.), 6. 1861 ; m. d. ot Lieut^Gen. J. W. Hideout, I.S.C Director of Sir W. G. Armstrong Whit worth & Co, Ltd. ; Director of Thames Ammunition Works ; Associate Member of Institute of Naval Architects. Address : Elswick Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (K144) BIOGRAPHIES. Haigh H ADD AD, Capt. Gabriel, O.B.E. HADDEN, Frederiok Weston, M.B.E. HADDO, George Gordon, Earl of, O.B.E, J.P. D.L, L.CC, fi. 20 Jan. 1879 ; e.s. of John Campbell, 1st Marquis of Aberdeen and Temair ; to. Mary Florence, d. of the late Joseph Olixby, of Owmby Cliff, Lines. Educ. : Cargilfleld, Edinburgh ; Harrow ; St. Andrews Univ. ; Balliol Coll, Oxford. Repre sented Peckham on L.CC since 1910 ; one of the representa tives of the L.CC on the Metropolitan Water Board since 1913, and on the body of Trustees for the Crystal Palace since 1914. War Work : Member of War Emergency Committee of National Council of Y.M.CA.'s ; Supervisor and Treasurer for many war centres of the Y.M.C.A. in London and the Home Counties ; Vice-Chairman of EUon District War Emergency Committee, Aberdeenshire. Addresses : 16, Cambridge Square, W. 2 ; Haddo House, Aberdeen. Clubs : Brooks's ; National Liberal ; New (Edinburgh) ; Royal Northern (Aberdeen). (O10546) HADDON, Lieut.-Col. Andrew, O.B.E, V.D. HADDON, Lieut. Reginald Cutler, O.B.E, R.A.S.C HADFIELD, Charles Frederiok, M.B.E, M.A, M.D. (Cantab), M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 17 June, 1875 ; s. of the late Geo. H. Hadfleld, J.P, of Ross, Herefordshire ; to. W. F. E, d. of the late Alexander W. MacDougall, of Blackheath. Educ. : The Leys School, Cambridge ; Trinity Coll, Cambridge ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Anaesthetist ; Senior Anaesthetist, Prince of Wales' General Hospital ; Assist. Anaesthetist, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, E.C. War Work : Anaesthetist, City of London Military Hospital, 1915-19. Addresses : 42, Devonshire Street, Portland Place, W. 1 ; The Old Rectory, Leaden Roding, Dunmow, Essex. (M10262A) HADFIELD, Ernest, O.B.E. HADFIELD, Franois Belt, Lady, C.B.E, d. of Col. S. M. Wickersham, of AUeghany, Pennsylvania ; to. Sir Robert A. Hadfleld, 1st Bart, F.R.S, J.P. (see Burke's Peerage). Address: 22, Carlton House Terrace, S.W. 1. (C188) HADFIELD, John White, M.B.E. HADLEY, Arthur Edward, C.B.E, 5 Dec. 1870 ; s. of Edward Alfred Hadley, M.A, of London. Educ. : Charter house. Managing Director of The Victoria FaUs and Transvaal Power Company, Ltd. War Work : Deputy Director-General, Inspection Department, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 66, Palace Court, Hyde Park, London. Club : Ranelagh. (C189) HADLEY, Frederick Augustus, M.B.E. (M10387) HADLEY, Joanna Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 3 July, 1861 ; d. of Henry T. Wells, R.A, of London, and wi. of Ernest Charrington ; m. Wilfred James Hadley, M.D, F.R.CP. War Work : Organiser, Commandant, and Sec. of The Kitto Relief Hospital, Reigate (AuxiUary MUitary Hospital, Class " A "), for 4_ years. Addresses : Parkside, Reigate, Surrey ; 33, Queen Anne Street, London, W. 1. (M8303) HADKINSON, Frederick, M.B.E. (M10192) HADKINSON, Capt. Peroival, O.B.E. HADNUTT, WiUiam, M.B.E. HADOW, Sir (WiUiam) Henry, C.B.E, 6. 27 Dec. 1859 ; s. of Rev. W. E. Hadow, Vicar of South Cerney, Cirencester. Educ : Malvern and Worcester CoUege, Oxford. FeUow, Tutor and Dean of Worcester CoUege, 1888-1909 ; Principal of Armstrong CoUege, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1909-19 ; Vice-ChanceUor of Sheffield University, 1919. War Work : Director of Education (for Y.M.C.A.) on Lines of Communica tion in France, 1918 ; Assistant Director of Staff duties (Educa tion) at the War Office, 1918-19. Address : The Grange, Ecclesall, Sheffield. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Oxford and Cam bridge. (C2657) HADRILL, Capt. Henry Clement, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. HAFFIELD, Walter MUford Paget, M.B.E, 6. 5 Sept. 1880 ; s. of Cooper Haffield, B.A, of Eden Park, Kingstown. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Voluntary work in connection with the St. John Ambulance Brigade at the unloading of Hospital Ships, etc. ; in charge of Wounded Soldiers' Reception Committees work at Kingstown from Feb. 1915, to Dec. 1919. Address : Summer-Hill House, Kingstown, Co. Dublin. (M8304) HAGAN, Rev. Edward James, O.B.E. HAGGARD, Godfrey Digby Napier, O.B.E. HAGGARD, Sir Henry Rider, Knt. Bach, K:B.E, J.P, fi. 22 June, 1856 ; s. of WUUam M. Rider Haggard, of Braden- ham Hall, Norfolk ; to. Mariana Louisa, o.c. of Major Margitson (19th Regt.), of Ditchingham House, Norfolk. Educ. : Privately. Sec. to Sir Henry Bulwer, Governor of Natal, 1875 ; on the Staff of Sir TheophUus Shepstone, special commissioner to the Transvaal, 1877 ; with late Gen. Brooke, R.E, formaUy hoisted the British flag over the South African Republic at Pretoria, on the Queen's Birthday, 1877 ; Sec. to Secocoeni Commission ; Master High Court of the Transvaal, 1878 ; Barrrister, Lincoln's Inn, 1884 ; Chairman of Committee, Society of Authors, 1896-98 ; journeyed through England investigating condition of agriculture and of rural population, 1901 and 1902 ; British Government Special Commissioner to leport on Salvation Army Settlements, U.S.A., etc, 1905 ; Chairman Reclamation and Unemployed Labour Committee of the Royal Commission on Coast Erosion and Afforestation, 1906-11 ; Nominated Hon. Life FeUow of R. Colonial Institute, and presented with illuminated address of thanks, by Council of the R.C Institute, in recognition of " conspicuous services to the British Empire," 1916; elected a Vice-President R. Colonial Institute, 1917 ; Member, Empire Settlement Committee, 1917. War Work : Served on Dominions Royal Commissions, 1912-1917 and Empire Settlement Committee ; Hon. Repre sentative Royal Colonial Institute to consult with Governments of the Dominions as to the After-War Settlement of Ex-Service Men, 1916 ; has travelled round the world on Empire Service, etc. Addresses : Ditchingham House, Norfolk ; North Lodge, St. Leonards-on-Soa. Clubs: Athenaeum; National; CecU; Pilgrims'. (K215) HAGGARD, Lilias Margitson Rider, M.B.E, 6. 9 Doc. 1892 ; d. of Sir Rider Haggard, of Ditchingham, Norfolk (q.v.). Educ. : St. Felix School, Southwold. War Work : Joined Voluntary Aid Detachment, Norfolk 116, early in 1915, and worked in the Hedenham AuxiUary Hospital, Norfolk, Exmouth Hospital, Devonshire, and Morden Grange Hospital, Wimbledon, until 1918 ; also worked for some months for the Royal Automobile Club as Voluntary Driver. Address : Ditchingham House, Norfolk. Club : Albemarle ; V.A.D. (M8305) HAGGART, Capt. James Dewar, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 22 March, 1875 ; s. of Peter Haggart, Woollen Manufacturer, of Aberfeldy, Perthshire ; to. Millicent Frances, d. of George Bourne, of Oakdene, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Edue. : Morrison Academy. Crieff. Woollen Manufacturer ; Provost of Aberfeldy ; Chief Magistrate of the Burgh ; Chairman, local School Committees ; Chairman of Horticultural Society, etc. War Work : Gave up his house, Eilean Riabhach, as an Auxiliary Hospital for 4_ years ; encouraged all local efforts in connection with Red Cross Fund, Prince of Wales' Fund, The Queen Mary Needlework Guild, Prisoner of War Fund ; Chairman of Aberfeldy Burgh Tribunal and Local Food Control ; Member of County War Pensions and Disablement Committee ; raised a local company of volunteers. Address : Eilean, Riabhach, Aberfeldy. Clubs: R.A.C; Conservative (Edin burgh) ; Royal Scottish Automobile (Glasgow). HAGGITT. Major Edward Dashwood, O.B.E. HAGUE, S., M.B.E. HAHN, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Adolph, M.B.E, R.E. HAHN, Carl Hugo Linsingen, M.B.E. HAIG, Lieut.-Col. David Price, O.B.E. HAIG, Capt. John AUcius, O.B.E, B.A, and Legion of Honour, fi. 1857 ; s. of John Haig, of Cameron Bridge, Co. Fife ; m. Jessie Marion, widow of Sir Edmund Waller, 5th Bart, (see Burke's Peerage). Edue. : Clifton Coll. ; Trinity Coll, Cambridge (B.A.). War Work : Transport Officer, 1st Dorset Regt, Somme, 1916 : Transport Officer, Mhow Cav. Bde.. 1916-18 ; A.D.C. to Lieut.-Gen. Sir Chas. Kavanagh, K.C.B, Commanding Cav. Corps, 1918-19 ; Staff Capt. Namur No. 4 Area, 1919. Address : Lawfield, Ladybank, Fife. (05325) HAIG, Mary Lilian, M.B.E, d. of William James Haig, of Dollarfield, Dollar. War Work : Vice-President, British Red Cross Society (Scottish Branch) ; A. CD. for Clackmannan and Kinross, Co. Branch. Address : Dollarfield, Dollar. (M8306) HAIG, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Wolseley, C.S.I, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1865 ; s. of the late Major Robert Wolseley Haig, R.A, F.R.S. ; m. 1892, Beatrice, d. of Michael Lloyd Ferrar, I.C.S. Educ. : WelUngton Coll, and R.M.C, Sandhurst. Entered Seaforth Highlanders 1884 ; Capt. I.S.C (now Indian Army), 1895 ; Major, 1902 ; Lieut.-Col. 1910 ; served with Burma Expedition, 1887-89 ; Staff Officer Bhamo Command (medal with clasp) ; joined Berar Commn. 1892, and was successively Assist. Commr, Inspector-Gen. of Police, Jails, Stamps, Registration, and Excise, and Civil and Sessions Judge ; entered Political Depart. 1901 ; First Assist. Resident at Hyderabad, 1902 ; Assist. Sec. to Govt, of India in Foreign Depart. 1907 ; was Political Agent in Alwar, 1907-8 ; Officiat ing Political A.D.C. to Sec. of State for India, 1909-10 ; Consul at Kerman, 1910-12; Consul-Gen: for Khorassan, 1912-16, since when at Isfahan. Address : British Consulate-General, Ispahan, Persia. Clubs : Constitutional ; Caledonian United Service. (C2656) HAIGH, Bernard Parker, M.B.E, D.Sc, Educ. : Uni versity of Glasgow. Assistant Professor, R.N. College, Green wich. War Work : Consulting Engineer, Admiralty. Address : R.N. College, Greenwich. (M496) HAIGH, Ernest Varley, C.B.E, 6. 20 May, 1883 ; s. of Sam Haigh, of Slaithwaite, Yorkshire. Educ. : Huddersfield CoUege. Works Manager in Messrs. J. and P. Coats, Ltd, at home and in Russia and Mexico ; Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. War Work : Controller, Trench Warfare Supply Dept. and of Department of Engineering, Ministry of Munitions. Address : Services Club, 19, Stratford Place, W. 1. Clubs: Royal Thames Yacht ; Royal Corinthian Yacht ; Services, (C190) HAIGH, George WUliam, M.B.E, 6. 17 June, 1869; s. of the late WiUiam Haigh, of Huddersfield ; to. Georgina Alice, d. of the late William James Smith. Educ. : Moldgreen Board School, and Huddersfield Technical CoU. Hon. Serving Brother to the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; Corps Superintendent, Huddersfield Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Commandant, 27th and 172nd Voluntary Aid Detach ment, York ; Hon. Sec. Huddersfield and Holmflrth District Fire Brigades' Friendly Society. War Work : As Hon. Supt. of Transport to the Huddersfield War Hospital (9th General), arranged all transport and personally superintended Special and Serious Cases to and from the Hospital, and to the other Com mands and Institutions ; procured voluntary transport and superintended all convoys of wounded soldiers to Huddersfield ; and as Commandant of the 27th and 172nd Voluntary Aid Detachment, York, prepared and mobilised for the R.A.M.C. 233 Hail THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. over 200 ; formed Ladies' V.A.D. Company for Honley AuxUiary Hospital ; arranged transport by motor, etc, of over 78,000 wounded soldiers and patients ; assisted with ambulance in transport of wounded soldiers to HaUfax St. Luke's Hospital ; assisted in the organisation of Treats and Motor Trips to the wounded soldiers at the War Hospital and its auxUiaries. Address : 14, Victoria Street, Moldgreen, Huddersfield. (M8307) HAIL, Lieut. Frederick WilUam, O.B.E, R.N.R. HAILES, Brevet-Lieut Col. David Augustus, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. (ret.), 6. 30 Dec. 1863 ; s. of the late Major-Gen. J. C. Hailes, Roval (Bombay) ArtiUery ; to. Amy Alice PoweU. Educ. : Privately ; Marlborough. War Work : Recruiting Staff Officer, Royal Navy and Royal Marines, Manchester District. Address : 210, Upper Chorlton Road, Manchester, S.W. (04432) HAILEY, Hammett Reginald Clode, CLE, C.B.E, I C S ' HAINES, Augustus John Thomas, O.B.E. HAINES, Acting Lieut. Ernest, M.B.E. HAINES, Capt. Henry Ronald, O.B.E, R.M.L.I, fi. 31 July, 1886 ; s. of Charles Haines, of the Manor House, Locking, Somerset ; m. Phoebe Olivia, d. of Col. H. T. S. Yates, R.A, of Weymouth. Educ. : EUzabeth CoU, Guernsey. War Work : Served in Grand Fleet throughout the war. Club : Junior Naval and MUitary. (09240) HAINES, Samuel James, M.B.E, A.M. HAINES, WiUiam Joseph, C.B.E. HAINS, Charles Brazier, M.B.E. HAINS, John James, M.B.E. HAINWORTH, Edward Marrack, M.B.E, M.D, B.S, B.Sc. (Lond.), F.R.CS, fi. 14 March, 1870; s. of Henry Hainworth, of Blackheath, Kent. ; m. Charlotte Elizabeth, d. of W. P. Burkinshaw, of Hessle, E. York. Educ. : Roan School, Greenwich, and St. Thomas's Hospital. Sen. Surgeon, Hull Royal Infirmary ; Sen. Surgeon, Victoria Cluldren's Hospital, Hull. War Work : St. John's V.A.D. Hospital, Hull ; and Brooklands Officers' Hospital, Hull. Addresses : 14, Albion Street, HuU ; Wolfreton House, Kirk Ella, near HuU. (M8509) HAIR, John Hugh, M.B.E, J.P, D.L. (County of Moray), fi. 17 Nov. 1859 ; s. of John Hair, of Hampstead, London ; to. Lizzie Forsyth, d. of James Johnston, of Newmill, Elgin. Educ. : Univ. Coll. School, London. Formerly Joint Managing Director, Glenlossie-GlenUvet Distillery Co, Ltd, Elgin ; Member of County Council for Morayshire. War Work : County Director, Morayshire Branch, British Red Cross Society ; Member of County MUitary Advisory Committee. Address : Skerry Cliff, Lossiemouth, Morayshire. (M8310) HAKE, Major Henry Engelbert, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 23 Aug. 1868 ; s. of Henry Hake, late Vicar of Chilvers Coton, nr. Nuneaton. Educ. : Leamington CoUege. War Work : Mobi lised, 5 Aug. 1914 ; Proceeded to France, March, 1915 ; Various appointments in France ; Adjutant of Army Railheads from Nov. 1917, to March, 1919. (05326) HAKING, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Richard Cyril Byrne, G.B.E, K.C.B, K.C.M.G, late Hants. Regt, 6. 24 Jan. 1862 ; s. of late Rev. Richard Haking ; to. Rachel Violette, d. of late Sir Henry James Burford Burford-Hancock, C.M.G, Chief Justice of Gibraltar. Commdg. 5th Inf. Brig, Aldershot Command, from 1911 ; served with Burmese Expd, 1885-7 ; S. Africa, 1899-1900 ; in Great War (despatches) ; has Order of St. Vladimir of Russia (4th Class with swords) ; Legion of Honour, Croix de Guerre of France and Belgium ; Military Order of Avis of Portugal, and Sacred Treasure of Japan ; is Grand Officer, Order of the Crown of Italy and of Belgium; ap pointed High Commissioner for Danzig, Jan. 1921. Address : Aldershot. Clubs : Army and Navy ; United Service ; Arthur's. (G67) HALAHAN, Col. John Crosby, C.B.E, A.F.C, R.A.F. Served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C861) HALAHAN, Surg.-Oomm. Thomas Dufour, O.B.E, R.N, M.B, F.R.CS, B.A. HALCROW, Marjorie, Mrs., M.B.E, R.A.F. HALDANE, Henry Chicheley, O.B.E, 6. 10 May, 1872 ; s. of James Haldane, of Edinburgh ; to. Norah, d. of WUliam Bowden, of Hope, Derbyshire. Educ. : Charterhouse and B.N.C, Oxford. War Work : Enlisted West Kent Yeomanry, Sept. 1914 ; received Commission in Lothians and Border Horse, Nov. 1914 ; served in Flanders and France from Sept. 1915, to Feb. 1918 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Pavings, King's Langley, Herts. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (0858) HALE, Felix, M.B.E, 6. 15 April, 1855; s. of John Hale, of Chippenham, WUtshire: m. Hannah, d. of Thomas Rees, of Neath, South Wales. Educ. : St. Paul's School, Chippenham. Locomotive Foreman (Great Western RaUway). War Work : Arrangement of Engine Power in connection with running of ambulance trains, movement of troops, and ammunition trains Address : 9, Ormsby Street, Reading. (M8311) HALE, Lancelot Hugh Dowman, M.B.E. HALE, Muriel AUce Mary, M.B.E, d. of George 0. Hale, of Knowsley, Prescot. War Work: V.A.D. in Liverpool Merchants Mobile Hospital at Etaples ; Lady Superintendent at Amatol Munition Factory, Aintree ; Commandant and Matron of Women Munition Workers' Hospital at Knowsley HaU. Address : Knowsley, Prescot, Lancs. Club : Ladies' Park. (M8312) HALE, Lieut. Reginald, M.B.E, 6. 1888. Educ. : Owen's 234 School, IsUngton. War Work : Service with the Red Cross Commission in Mesopotamia and Persia as Director of Finance and Personnel. (M8513) HALE, Lieut. Sylvester Gresham, M.B.E. HALE, Major Thomas, O.B.E. HALE, Col. Thomas Wyatt, C.B, CM.G, C.B.E, fi. 1864 ¦ to. 18 — , Annette Hannah, d. of the late Daniel Bailey of Moorock, Ballycumber, King's Co. Entered WUtshire Regt 1885 ; Lieut.-Col. Army Ordnance Depart. 1905 ; Col. 1913 • Benin Expedition, 1897 (medal with clasp) ; with NUe Expedi tion, 1898 (despatches, 4th Class Medjidie, Egyptian Medal) ¦ Great War, 1914-18 (despatches twice) ; was a Director of Ordnance Sers. 1918-19, with rank of Brig.-Gen. (C1399) HALE, Lieut. Walter ChurchiU, O.B.E, M.C, R.F.A (T ) HALE, William Stather, O.B.E. HALE, Thomas Edward SHERWOOD-, M.B.E, J.P. Gloucestershire (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry), 6. 28 Feb. 1861; s. of the late Thomas Henry Sherwood-Hale, Royal Scots FusiUers, and Ann, d. of R. B. Hale, of Alderley, Glos.; m. Mary Sophia, d. of Fredk. Addington Goodenough. Edue. : Dulwich Coll. War Work : Canteen management in Gloucester shire and WUts. ; also on staff of Filling Factory, Quedgeley, Glos. Address : Alderley, near Wotton-under-Edge, Glos. (M1834) HALER, Percy James, M.B.E, B.Sc. (Vict, and Leeds), A.M.I.Mech.E, A.I.E.E, fi. 20 Aug. 1876 ; s. of WiUiam Henry Haler, of Ilkley (late of the Board of Education, WhitehaU) ; to. Edith, d. of Arthur Redshaw, of Leeds. Educ : Leeds Central High School, and Leeds Univ. Principal, Leyton Technical Institute, and Supervisor of Evening Studies, Leyton. War Work : Superintendent of the Engineering Department, Hackney Technical Institute, London County Council, June, 1915, to Dec. 1918, producing limit and position gauges for the Ministry of Munitions. Address: 17, Morn- ington Road, Chingford, E. 4. (M8314) HALES, Rev. James Tooke, O.B.E. CF, 6. 7 Sept. 1863 ; s. of the late Rev. George Hales, of Barningham, York. Educ. : Eton, and Lichfield Theol. CoU. Chaplain H.M. Forces since 1900. Principal Chaplain Mesopotamian Exped. Force, 1920. War Work : Served in France with 3rd Division, Aug. 1914 ; remained with wounded on the retreat from Mons, and was taken into Germany and aUowed to remain in men's camp at Sennelager, until Feb. 1915 ; subsequently at Shoreham and Curragh Camps. Address : G.H.Q. Baghdad. (07224) HALES, Lieut. Walter Percy, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. HALES, Capt. WUlie, M.B.E, 6. 1874. Served for 24 years in the Royal ArtiUery. War Work : Assist. Inspector of Shells, Inspection Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Address : 5, Chancelot Road, Abbey Wood, S.E. 2. (M1835) HALFORD, Capt. Ernest Samuel, O.B.E, R.A.F. HALFORD, Lieut.-Col. Michael Francis, O.B.E, Y. & L. Regt. (retired). HALL, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Nelson. O.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. 25 July, 1865 ; s. of A. W. HaU, of Barton Abbey, Oxon (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Susan, d. of Col. G. 0. Porter. of Fairford Park, Glos. Educ : Charterhouse and Oriel CoU, Oxford. Chairman and Managing Director of HaU's Oxford Brewery, Ltd. War Work : Commanded 2/lst Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars. Address : Burton Abbey, Steeple Aston, Oxon. Club : Carlton. (02226) HALL, Major Alfred Kingsley, O.B.E, R.A.F. HALL, Alice Mary, M.B.E, 6. 1863 ; d. of Benjamin Hall. Educ. : High School, Battersea. Matron of The Dreadnought Hospital. War Work : Superintending the Nursing of the Royal Navy and Merchant Seamen during the war at the Dreadnought Hospital, Greenwich. Address : Dreadnought Hospital, Greenwich. (M1837) HALL, Aline Margaret, M.B.E. For work in connection with the Imperial War Museum. (M10321) HALL, Annie, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1867 ; d. of S. I. Hubble, of Barnes ; m. Benjamin James, s. of Rev. R. Hall, B.A., of Leamington. Educ. : Wyggeston School, Leicester. War Work : Converted own private house into a hospital at the com mencement of the War, and acted as Commandant during the whole period of the War. Address : Fieldend, Eastcote, Middx. Club : Lyceum. (01411) HALL, Anthony, M.B.E. HALL, Lieut. Archibald Holte, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HALL, Eng.-Comm. Arthur Colin, O.B.E, R.N. HALL, Arthur Henry, C.B.E, 6. 17 Aug. 1876', s. of H. S. HaU, of Clifton ; to. Maud Henrietta, d. of Lieut.-Col. Webster, of Blackheath. Educ : Clifton ; Trinity HaU, Cambridge. 1st Class Mech. Sciences Tripos ; Engineer, M.I.C.E, M.I.M.E. ; at present ControUer Disposal Board, in charge of factory stores, misceUaneous stores and aircraft disposals. War Work : 1914-17, Woolwich Arsenal, Asst. Supt. Mechanical Engineering Dept. ; In charge of lay-out and equipment of new factories ; 1917, Director of Mine Production, Admiralty ; In charge of production of all weapons, torpedoes, mines, paravanes, hydrophones, depth charges, etc, used in the submarine warfare. Address : 1, Eliot Vale, Blackheath. Club : Authors'. (C19D HALL, Audrey Elizabeth Kathleen, M.B.E. (M10249») HALL, Major Bertram Arthur Montagu, O.B.E, R.A..&.7 Dec. 1879 ; s. of late Col. Montague Hall, Royal Munster Fusiliers, Fairlight, Ryde, I.W. ; m. Iris Mary, d. of F. Cory Yeo, J.P., of Holme Park, Sonning-on-Thames, Berkshire. Educ: I. W. CoUege ; Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. Regular Army. BIOGRAPHIES. Hall War Work : Served with No. 7 Mountain Battery, Deo. 1914 to Dec. 1915, with the B.E.F. Franco, and the same Battery from Deo. 1915 tUl Sept. 1916 with Salonica Expeditionary Force ; invalided to England ; rejoined B.E.F. France, April, 1917 ; commanded various batteries untU Feb. 1918;' appointed Commandant 2nd Army Artillery School, Feb. 1918 to Feb. ' 1919 ; Despatches, Dec. 1918 and June, 1919 ; Belgian Croix de Guerre, O.B.E. .4 of PhiUp A. Ryburgh, M.L.A, of Etseuburg, Mulders Vlei, Cape Colony. Major of Cape Town, 1912-13 ; Greater Cape Town, 1915-18 ; Commander Order of Leopold of Belgium. Address: Talana, Claremont, Cape Colony, S. Africa. Clubs: City ; D.A.C (Cape Town). (K315) HANDS, WiUiam Joseph, C.B.E, 6. 10 July, 1865 ; s. of Joseph Hands, of Moulsoe, Bucks. H.M. Divisional Inspector of Schools (East Central Division) Board of Education. War Work : Assistant Director, DUution of Labour Branch, Ministry of Munitions ; Deputy Director-Gen. National Labour Supply, Ministry of National Service ; ControUer, Ministry of National Service ¦ Sec. of Ministry of National Service and Reconstruction ; ControUer of Profiteering Act Department, Board of Trade. Address : 130, Kedleston Road, Derby. (C2663) HANDY, Lieut. WiUiam, M.B.E, R.E. H ANDYS IDE, Surg. Rear-Adm. Sir Patrick Brodie, K.B.E, C.B, R.N. (ret.), fi. March, 1860 ; s. of John Brodie Handyside ; m. LiUy Chester, d. of Lieut.-Col. F. H. Blenkinsop, I.M.S. Educ. : Edinburgh. War Work : Royal Naval Hospitals, Plymouth and Chatham. Address : Edgehul, Gallane, N.B. Clubs: Junior United Services, London; Caledonian United Services, Edinburgh. (K259) HANKEY, Basil Howard Alers, C.B.E, fi. 1868 ; s. of E. A. Hankey, of Norton House, Lacock ; m. Maud Wyndham, d. of Col. Goodden, of Compton House, Sherborne. Educ.: Sherborne. County Director of Red Cross for WUts. WarWort- Address : Stanton Manor, Chippenham, WUts. Cms: Windham. (C516) HANKEY, Major George Frederick Barnard, O.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Harcourt HANKEY, Lieut.-Col. John Cyril Giffard Alers, C.B.E., M.V.O, fi. 1873. Formerly Lieut.-Col. R.A. ; Extra Equerry to Princess Christian. (C1603) HANKEY, Major WUUam Hubert Alers, O.B.E. HANKINS, Albert Edward, M.B.E, 6. 21 June, 1871 ; s. of the late George Hankins ; to. Mary Ann, d. of the late Thomas Henry Usher. Clerk, War Office. Address : 10, Albert Road, Hounslow. (M1848) HANKINS, Ivy Winifred, M.B.E. HANKINSON, Charles James, M.B.E, J.P. ; s. of Thomas James, of Bournemouth ; to. Violet Downs, d. of William Downs, CE. Educ. : Mill HiU School and privately. Author, Lecturer, and Journalist. War Work : Qualified as Munitions Engineer, 1915 ; head of a Supply Section, Ministry of Muni tions, 1916-18 ; first Superintendent Archives Registry, Ministry of Munitions, 1919-20 ; Lecturer for Belgian Refugees Fund; Lecturer for War Office; Lecturer for Y.M.C.A. throughout the War. Address : 1, Park HU1, EaUng, W. 5. Ciufis: Whitefriars; After Dinner. (M8341) HANKINSON, George, M.B.E, 6. 24 Feb. 1862 : s. of Thomas and Aley Hankinson, of Scarborough ; to. Mary Lettice, d. of Collingwood Smailes, of Scarborough. Educ. : Privately. Member of Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors ; Clerk to Bridlington Guardians, Rural District Council, Harbour Commissioners ; Superintendent Registrar ; Registrar of Borough Debentures, etc. War Work : Hon. Seo. East Riding of Yorkshire County Relief Committee (Prince of Wales' Fund), Canadian Rent Fund Committee, Rural District Tribunal, Bridlington District Food Control Committee, Local Fuel Overseer, etc. Addresses : Long Lane, and Ashbourne, Marton Road, Bridlington. (M502) HANMAN, WilUam Thomas, C.B.E. HANNA, Major Arthur Leonard, M.B.E. HANNA, EUen Victoria, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 24 May, 1876 ; d. of the late Wm. Ridgway Jackson, of Belfast ; m. Henry, s. of John Hanna, of Belfast. Edue. : Friends' School, York. War Work : Soldiers' Canteen Buffet, and Soldiers' Central Club, Dublin, from Sept. 1914 to present date. Address : 83, Pembroke Road, Dublin. (M8342) HANNA, Capt. WUUam Gemmill Chalmers, O.B.E, C.A, fi. 27 March, 1879 ; s. of Thomas Chalmers Hanna, of Littlelaught, Ayrshire ; m. AUce Maud, d. of James Russell Middleton, I.C.S. Educ. : Loretto School. Sec. Edinburgh Canadian Mortgage Co, Ltd. War Work : Lieut, Scottish Horse Yeomanry, 1914-15 ; Lieut, 4th Seaforth Highlanders ; Staff Capt, G.H.Q. ; France, 1915-19 ; mentioned in des patches (twice). Club : University, Edinburgh. (05337) HANNAFORD, Claude, M.B.E. HANNAFORD, Sarah Ann Pike, M.B.E. HANNAH, John MUler, O.B.E, J.P. HANNAN, George James Bryce, M.B.E, 6. 20 Jan. 1882 ; s. of WiUiam CampbeU Hannon. of Edinburgh. Educ. : Public School, DubUn, and Polytechnic, London. Inspection Department, Royal Arsenal, 1896-1914. War Work : Joined British War Mission in U.S.A., Dec. 1914 ; Bethlehem, Pa, 1915 ; Pittsburgh, Pa, 1915-17 ; Chief Clerk Combined British and American Government Aeronautical Inspection Depart ments, Buffalo, N.Y. , 1917-18 ; New York, 1918-19. Address : Hawthorndene, Balcaskie Road, Eltham, London. Clubs : Overseas, Aldwych. (M8344) HANNAY, Major Charles Graham, O.B.E, 6. 1867; s. of H. E. S. Hannay, R.I.N, J.P, of Dibrugarh, Assam ; m. Lucy, d. of James Ramsden, of Meltham, Yorks. Educ. : Eastbourne and privately. Tea planter, Assam. War Work : Remount purchasing officer, 1914; R.A.S.C, S.S.O. 22nd Division, B.E.F. and Salonica E.F. ; Officer in charge, 661 Co. R.A.S.C. No. 1 R.H.T. Depot, Park Royal. Address : Gordon Lodge, Eastbourne. Clubs: Golfers'; United R.A.S.C (07238) HANNAY, Major George Daniel, M.B.E. R.A.F. HANNAY, Jane Ewing, Mrs., O.B.E. HANNAY, Major Donald RAINSFORD-, O.B.E, R.A.F. HANNEN, Lancelot, C.B.E, B.A, 6. 10 Dec. 1866; s. of Benjamin Hannen ; to. Delia Mary, d. of T. Ramsey Dennis, Paymaster-in-Chief, R.N. Educ. : Radley ; Trinity Ball. Cambridge. War Work ; Head Partner of the Firm of Onristie, Manson and Woods, who conducted four Great Red Cross Sales of works of art during the War; a Trustee of British Empire Leave Club at Cologne ; owner-driver on the London Ambulance Column. Address : 11A, Portland Place, W. 1. Ctefis .¦ United University ; Ranelagh ; Royal Auto mobUe; Leander. (C978) HANNEN, Capt. Nicholas James, O.B.E. R.A.S.C. HANNEY, Capt. Michael John, M.B.E, A.P.D. HANNING, Charles Horatio, M.B.E, R.N. HANNON, Marion Coulson, M.B.E. HANNYNGTON, Mary, Mrs. John Arthur, O.B.E. HANRAHAN, WiUiam George Augustin, M.B.E. HANSCOMB, Henry Charles, M.B.E, 6. 15 Oct. 1874; »• of the late WilUam Robert Hanscomb, of Battersea ; to. Annie Caroline, d. of the late Spencer Bannister, of Fletching. muc. : Battersea. Appointed ex-soldier clerk, War Office, Oct. 1908; South Africa 1899-1902, with 1st Batt. The Border Kegiment (Queen's Medal, 5 clasps ; King's Medal, 2 clasps). war Work : Clerical duties at the War Office ; served in the Wandsworth V.T.C. Address : 57, Kelmscott Road, Wands worth Common, S.W. 11. (M8345) 1 0HANSCOMBE, Lieut. Stanley William, M.B.E, 6. 17 May, to, V,*" o£ Wm- Hanscombe, of Cambridge. Educ. : Privately, ine County School, Cambridge. Incorporated Accountant. War Work : Enlisted in 69th (East Anglian) Divisional Cyclist Company ; subsequently transferred to O.T.C, Grove Park, S.E, and commissioned to the R.A.S.C. (Mechamcal Transport) on 15 January, 1917 ; promoted to Lieut. 15 July, 1918. Addresses : KenUworth, Pretoria Road, Cambridge ; 4, Capel Villas, Capel Road, East Barnet, Herts. (M4501) HANSEN, Alina, M.B.E, HANSEN, Sven Wohlford, M.B.E. HANSFORD, Capt. Albert Urbane, M.B.E, R.A.F. HANSFORD, Ernest WilUam Harry, M.B.E. HANSON, Clarence Oldham, M.B.E, 6. 21 Feb. 1871 ; to. Elizabeth Margaret Sinclair Shepherd. Educ : Winchester ; Cooper's HU1. Assistant Conservator of Forests, Indian Forest Department, 1893 (retired 1904) ; Instructor, School of Forestry, Forest of Dean, under Office of Works, 1904 ; Assist ant Deputy Surveyor Dean Forest, 1914 ; Divisional Officer, Forestry Commission, 1920. War Work : Lent to the Timber Supply Dept, April, 1916, to Nov. 1917, and was in charge of their operations in Devon and CornwaU. Addresses : 3, Malvern Place, Cheltenham ; 8, The Close, Exeter. (M504) HANSON, Lieut. Herbert James, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HANSON, Lieut.-Col. John Riohard, O.B.E. HANSON, Lieut.-Col. Paul Rennard, O.B.E, 6. 22 Oct, 1882 ; s. of George F. Hanson, of Montreal ; to. Mary Edith, d. of WiUiam H. Dwin, of Montreal. Educ : Ontario Public School. Sales Manager, Dunlop Tyre and Rubber Goods Company, Ltd, Canada, Montreal Division. War Work : EnUsted September, 1914, Royal Montreal Regiment, 14th BattaUon ; wounded 23 April, 1915 ; mentioned in despatches, June 1916. Address : 702, Grosvenor Avenue, Montreal, Quebec. Clubs : Montreal ; St. George's ; Country. (01425) HANSON, Surgeon-Commander Reginald John Edward, O.B.E, M.A. (Cantab.), F.R.CS, R.N.V.R, 6. 16 August, 1870 ; s. of the late Rev. H. Hanson, of London ; to. Blanche South- wood, d. oi Charles Lee Lewes, of London. Educ. : Haileybury ; Trinity College, Cambridge ; St. Mary's Hospital. Ophthalmic Surgeon, attached to London Division, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. War Work : Di Hospital carriers " Plassy " and " Asturias," 1914-15 ; S.N. Hospital. Haslar. 1915-19 (ophthalmic Burgeon) ; organised ophthalmic cnniques in Grand Fleet, 1914 ; inventor of improvements to periscopes, gun-sighting telescopes and theodolites adopted in tho Royal Navy. Addresses : 20, Kensington Park Gardens, London, W. 11 ; Hayling Island, Hants. CZufis : Oxford and Cam bridge ; Cruising Association ; Union Society, Cambridge. (01426) HANSON, Rev. Robert Edward Vernon, O.B.E, M.A, Deputy Chaplain-in-Chief, Royal Air Force, fi. 29 March, 1866 ; s. of Joseph Hanson, of Clapham Common ; to. Margaret, d. of Thomas Fox Simpson, of Tunbridge Wells. Educ. : King's CoUege, London, and Emmanuel CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Senior Chaplain, 6th Division, B.E.F, France : Senior Chaplain, Winchester and District ; Deputy Chaplain-in-Chief, Royal Air Force. Address : 62, Park Lane, Wallington, Surrey. Club : Royal Air Force. (07239) HANTON, 2nd Lieut. Peter Kydd, M.B.E, R.E. HAPPELL, David, M.B.E. HARBEN, Guy PhiUp, O.B.E. HARB INSON, T. Major WilUam Dawson, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. HARBORD, Frank WUliam, C.B.E, F.I.C, A.R.S.M, F.C.S, Chevalier Legion d'Honneur, 6. Dec. 1860 ; s. of J. Massingham Harbord, of Norwich ; m. Marian, d. of Vernon Smith. Educ. : Privately and Royal School of Mines. Con sulting Metallurgist ; Member of Council Iron and Steel Institute ; Member of Council, Institution of Mining and MetaUurgy ; CivU Member, Ordnance Committee Royal Arsenal. War Work : Acted as Consulting Metallurgist at the Ministry of Munitions. Addresses: 16, Victoria Street, S.W. 1 ; Englewick, Englefield Green, Surrey. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; Mining and MetaUurgical. (029) HARBORD, Capt. Richard Arthur, O.B.E, Mercantile Marine, 6. 13 March, 1859 ; s. of Wm. Harbord, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.S.A. (Lond.), of Wainfleet, Lines. ; to. Rose Helen, d. of James Chamberlain, of Hull. Educ. : Magdalen College School, Wainfleet. War Work : In command of H.M. transport " Lepanto." Address : 45, Melrose Street, Hull. Club : Inter national Shipmasters', Bombay. (010564) HARBOTTLE, Lieut. Denis LesUe, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 20 AprU, 1894 ; s. of John George Harbottle, of Newcastle- on-Tyne. Educ. : Monkton Combe School. War Work : Served in Canadian Expeditionary Force and afterwards com missioned in R.A B.C. Address : 12, Victoria Terrace, Low FeU, Durham. (M4877) HARBURN, EUen Frances, M.B.E. HARCHER, Ernest Edwin, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. HARCOURT, EveUne Alice Marian, M.B.E. HARCOURT, Henry, C.B.E, I.C.S, fi. 20 Sept. 1873; s. of R. F. Harcourt, M.A, of Woodford, Essex ; to. Elsie Mary, d. of John Knight, of Woodford. Educ. : Merchant Taylors', London, and Pembroke CoU, Oxford. Deputy Commissioner, Gundaspur, Punjab. Called to the Bar (Middle Temple) 1920. War Work : Recruiting and War Loans in Rohtak, D.I, Punjab. Addresses : Gundaspur, Punjab ; Upper Norwood, S.E. 19. (C1076) HARCOURT, Mary Ethel, Viscountess, G.B.E, J.P.; Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, d. of Walter Hayes Burns, of New York, U.S.A., to. Lewis, 1st Vis count Harcourt, s. of Rt. Hon. Sir WiUiam Harcourt, Nuneham 239 Harden THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Park, Oxford. War Work : Joint Founder and Hon. Secretary American Women's War ReUef Fund ; Hon. Secty. and Acting Commandant American Women's Hospital for Officers, Lancaster Gate ; Commandant Nuneham Park, Auxiliary Hospital for Officers. Addresses : 69, Brook Street, W. 1. ; Nuneham Park, Oxford. Clubs : Bath ; American Women's. (DG17) HARDEN, Lieut.-Col. Henry Spencer SCOTT-, O.B.E.; has Croix de Guerre of Italv. (02255) HARDIE, Anne, M.B.E. M A, ; d. of John Hardte, J.P, of Elgin, N.B. Educ : Elgin Academy ; Aberdeen Univ. ; France and Germany. Principal, Mahbubia Girls' School, Hyderabad, Deccan, India. War Work : Supt. of Press Section in Mobilisation Directorate, War Office ; Sec. of Women War Workers' Resettlement Committee. Address : Saifabad, Hyderabad, Deccan, India. Club : Secunderabad. (M8350) HARDIE, James March, M.B.E. (M10390) HARDIE, John, M.B.E. HARDIE, Major John Leslie, D.S.O, O.B.E. HARDIE, Muriel, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. HARDIE, Surg.-Comm. Robert, O.B.E.. M.D, R.N. HARDIMAN, John Percy, C.B.E, I.C.S, 6. 24 May, 1874 ; s. of G. J. Hardiman, of Kidderminster ; m. Gertrude Emma, d. oi Percival Smith, of Hampstead. Educ. : Malvern, and Oriel College, Oxford. Indian Civil Service ; Com missioner, Tenasserim Division, Moulmein, Burma. War Work : Controller of Munitions, Burma ; Liquidator of Hostile Firms, Burma ; Custodian of Enemy Property, Burma ; President, Exemption Tribunal, Rangoon Brigade Area ; President, Selection Committee, Rangoon Brigade Area. Address : 13, Compayne Gardens, N.W. 6. Club : Pegu, Rangoon, Burma. (C1077) HARDING, AUred Burcham, M.B.E. HARDING, Alfred John, O.B.E, 6. 24 Sept. 1878 ; s. of John Goulding Harding, of Tetbury, Gloucestershire. Educ. : Christ's CoUege, Brecon ; St. John's College, Cambridge. Assistant Secretary Colonial Office. (O406) HARDING, Lieut. Arthur George, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. HARDING, Major Cecil Redfern, O.B.E, 6. 24 Jan. 1874 ; s. of WUliam S. Harding, of Harborne, Staffs. Educ. : Rugby. War Work : Commissioned in Reserve Batt. Irish Guards, Aug. 1914 ; joined 1st Battn. Irish Guards Sept. 1914 in France ; severely wounded at Ypres. Nov. 1914 ; appointed Staff Capt, H.Q. Staff, London District, 1916 ; Deputy Assistant Adjt.-Gen., London District, 1917-19. Address : Albany, PiccadUly, W. 1. Clubs : Guards' ; Arthur's ; St. James's ; Beefsteak. (O7240) HARDING, Major Edward Hadley, O.B.E. HARDING, Egerton Stephen Somers, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 30 Aug. 1886 ; s. of Francis E. Harding, of Old Springs, Market Drayton ; m. EUzabeth Muriel Scott, d. of Gen. Sir James Browne, K.C.B, K.C.S.I, R.E. Educ. : Oratory School, and King's CoUege, Cambridge. War Work : Founded and directed the " Catholic Club, B.E.F." (huts and chapels for soldiers in France and Germany). Address : Old Springs, Market Drayton. (01427) HARDING, Ethel Emma, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 5 Dec. 1889 ; d. of J. E. King, of Chatham ; to. Arthur James, s. of L. J. Harding, of Chatham. Educ. : Chatham. War Work : Lady Superintendent, Army Pay Offices, Chatham. (M8351) HARDING, John Rudge, O.B.E, 6. 5 Dec. 1861 ; s. of Thomas Harding, of Elvetham, Hants. Educ. : Privately. An actor for thirty years before the War, under the Manage ment of Sir John Hare, Mr. and Mrs. Kendal, Mr. Cyril Maude, Mr. Fred Terry, Miss Ellen Terry, etc. ; played many parts in London, including Rev. James Bartlett, in " Cousin Kate," at the Haymarket Theatre ; Spencer Pringle, in 'The Brass Bottle," at the Vaudeville; Mr. Coote, in " Kipps " ; The Prince of Wales, in " The Scarlet Pim pernel," etc. War Work : Served with British Red Cross Society from Aug. 1914, first as Secretary in AuxUiary Home Hospitals Department, and afterwards as Secretary to " Star and Garter " Committee, which appointment is still held. Address : 34, Elm Park Mansions, Park Walk, S.W. 10. Club : Green Room. (03742) HARDING, Col. John Stafford Goldie, M.B.E, J.P. Devon, Devonshire Regt. (ret.), 6. 1856 ; s. of Capt. Thomas Goldie Harding, of Hallsannery, Bideford, Devon ; to. Louisa Francis WilUam, d. of Col. Francis Farrant, of Buckland House, Dover. Educ. : Clifton. War Work : Chief Recruit ing Officer for the County of Devon from 4 Aug. 1914, to Sept. 1918. Address : 2, The Terrace, Instow, North Devon. (M1852) HARDING, Capt. Kenneth O'Brien, O.B.E, I. A. HARDING, Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E. HARDING, Col. Philip Edward, O.B.E, M.C. HARDING, Lieut.-Col. Richard Spalding, O.B.E. HARDING, Capt. Robert Arthur Cotton, M.B.E. • s. of A. R. Harding ; to. Muriel Annie Fredericka, d. of H H Hextall. Educ. : Eton ; Oxford. War Work : R.F.A. (T.F.) in India and Mesopotamia. Address : 51, Coleherne Court, London. Club : Bath. (M4277) HARDING, Lieut.-Col. WilUam, C.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. HARDING, WiUiam Percy, O.B.E. HARDING, Lieut. Wyndham John Dorney, M.B E , HARDISTY, Arthur Hobson, O.B.E, fi. 1872; s of William Hobson Hardisty, of Fartown, Huddersfield ; to Henrietta, d. of the late Jabez Smith, of Eccles. Educ ¦ Mellor's Acad, and Technical Coll, Huddersfield. Engineer ¦ Hon. Sec. and Gen. Manager National SheU Factory, Hudders- 240 field, during Great War ; a musical composer ; author of numerous works on industrial questions. Address: The Hollies, Halifax Old Road, Huddersfield. (03743) HARDISTY, Major WiUiam Frederick James, O.B E D.L, fi. 13 July, 1858 ; s. of Rev. W. Hardisty, of Eton CoUege ; m. Margaret Elaine, d. of A. T. H. Evans, of Manchester Educ. : Eton. 29th (Worcestershire) Regt., 11th May, 1878 • retired, July, 1906. War Work : Secretary, Territorial Force Association, Warwickshire. Address : Sydney Lodge, Lea mington. (01428) HARDMAN, Frances Mary Holford, Mrs., O.B.E.; d of late General Sir Thomas W. McMahon, Bart, C.B. ; m. late John Wreford Julian Hardman, Capt, Royal Dragoons, s. of Frederick Hardman. Educ. : Privately. Commandant, 2nd Dorset V.A.D. War Work: Commandant, The Castle Hospital, Serborne, 1914-19. Address : The Lattice House, Sherborne, Dorset. (01429) HARDMAN, James, M.B.E. HARDMAN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Walter, M.B.E. HARDWICK, Lieut. Frank, M.B.E, R.E. HARDWICK, Capt. Noel de Courcy, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. HARDWICKE, EUen, Countess of, C.B.E, 6. 1881 ; s. of late James Russell, of New Zealand ; to. Charles Alexander, 8th Earl of Hardwicke. War Work : New Zealand Red Cross ; New Zealand War Contingent Association ; Belgian Refugee Work ; Norfolk House, Overseas Club ; New Zealand Officers' Club. Address : 13, Queensberry Place, London. (C724) HARDY, Capt. Charles Talbot, C.B.E, R.N. HARDY, Major Confred Napier MitcheU, O.B.E, A.P.D. HARDY, Dorothy Clara, M.B.E, fi. 15 Feb. 1882 ; d. of Thomas Bush Hardy, R.B.A, of London. Educ : Privately. War Work : In charge of women Munition Volunteer Records at the Ministry of Munitions. (M8352) HARDY, Major Frank Buckland, O.B.E, fi. 6 Nov. 1868; s. of late General Campbell Hardy, of Dover ; to. Ethel, d. of Angus Macgregor, of Kerry, Malvern. Educ. : Tonbridge. Late Lieut. South African Constabulary, and Resident Justice of the Peace, Lydenbury District, Transvaal. War Work: In Royal Army Service Corps, 1914-19, France, Palestine, Germany. Address : 105, Jermyn Street, S.W. (05343) HARDY, Frank Philip, M.B.E. HARDY, Gladys Rivers, O.B.E, d. of the late W. M. Hardy, of Tasmania. Educ. : Tasmania. War Work : Com mandant, The Garland Home, Norfolk Street, Park Lane, W. 1. Address : 36, Thayer Street, Manchester Square, W. 1. (010566) HARDY, Henry Harrison, M.B.E. HARDY, Major Henry Stewart, M.B.E, M.C. HARDY, Capt. Hermann AUred, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C. HARDY, Ismay Gertrude, Mrs., M.B.E. HARDY, Major John Lawton, O.B.E, E.A.F. HARDY, Margaret Jane, M.B.E. HARDY, Capt. Victor, M.B.E. HARDY, Capt. Walter, O.B.E, R.G.A. HARDY, William Eversley, M.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 1876; s. of Major W. E. Hardy, late R.A, to. Gertrude Maye, d. of Laurence John Birthby. Educ. : United Services CoUege, Westward Ho ; Currie Engineering School, Folkstone. General Manager and Engineer, Bath Electric Tramways, Ltd. War Work : Technical Representative Coal Mines Dept, Area 13. Hon. Sec, Advisory Committee, Area 3, Tramways (Board of Trade) Committee. Address : York ViUa, Kensington, Bath. (M8356) HARDY, Margaret Joy COZENS-, M.B.E, 6. 30 June, 1893 ; d. of Sydney Cozens-Hardy, of Glavenside, Letheringsett, Norfolk (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry). Educ. : Grassendall, Southbourne, Hants. War Work : Probationer, London Hospital ; Nurse at Cambridge MUitary Hospital, Aldershot ; Pensions Oflice, Norwich, 1917-19. Address : Glavenside, Letheringsett, Norfolk. (M8354) HARE, Dorothy Christian, C.B.E, M.D, W.R.N.S. HARE, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Charles Tristram Melville, C.B.E, fi. 9 Feb. 1879 ; s. of Charles E. Hare, of Lee-on-Solent ; m. Marie Gertrude, d. of Volker van Waverveen, of The Klarenbeek, HoUand (G.). Educ. : Stamford and Sandhurst. * Address : 34, Sloane Court, S.W. 3. Club: United Service. (C1604) HARE, Francis Edward, M.B.E, 6. 10 Nov. 1873 ; s. ot Thomas Hare, of West Bay, Bridport, Dorset; m. Rose Mary, d. of Thomas Hopkinson, of Ashover, Derbyshire. Educ : WeUingore HaU CoUege, and Lincoln Grammar School. Estate Manager. War Work : Commandant, V.A.D. Warwick 17 ; Organising Divisional Sec, ColesniU Division, Warwick shire Branch, British Red Cross Society; Commandant, St. Gerard's AuxiUary Hospital. 1915-19 ; Member of Head quarters Council, Warwiclrshire Branch, B.R.C.S. ; Recruiting Officer, Home Hospitals Reserve, R.A.M.C. Address: Cross Heath, ColesniU, Birmingham. ' (M8357) HARE, George Frederick, M.B.E, 6. 7 Feb. 1884. Educ: Laughton's School, Boston, and P. T. Centre, Boston. Head master of Spalding GoodfeUow's School. Commissioned Lay Reader, Lincoln Diocese ; formerly a member of the Spalding Urban Council. War Work : Hon. Sec, Spalding and District War Savings Committee ; Sec. Spalding District War Agri cultural Committee ; Member Spalding Urban Food Control Committee, and Spalding Profiteering Tribunals. Address: GoodfeUow's, Spalding. (M8358) HARE, Major Richard George Powel, O.B.E, R.A.0.C, BIOGRAPHIES. Harper fi 8 October, 1882 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. Robert Powel Hare, R.H.A, of Bath, s. of late Commander Richard Hare, R.N. ; m. Ruby Geraldine, d. of John Warry, of Clifton, Bristol. Educ. : Dulwich. War Work: D.A.D.O.S, 6th Division, B.E.F, and Midland Division, British Army of the Rhine. Address : 47 Wymering Mansions, Elgin Avenue, London, W. (02554) HARE, Samuel, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1862 ; s. of John Hare, of Crook, Co. Durham ; to. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Edward WiUiams, of Brymbo, N. Wales. Educ. : Gainford Academy, nr. Darlington. Mining and CivU Engineer. War Work : Producing Benzol, Toluol, etc, for war purposes. Address : Howlish Hall, Bishop Auckland. Club : Royal Automobile. (0407) HARE, WUUam Henry, M.B.E, 6. 25 March, 1872 ; s. of the late WiUiam Henry Hare, of Louth j m. Edith, d. of the late Felix Goodwin, of Upper HaU, Louth. Educ. : Elstow School, Bedford. War Work : Establishment Officer, National Savings Committee, SaUsbury Square, E.C. 4 ; formerly Staff Clerk, Board of Education. Address : 62, Barrington Road, Crouch End, N. 8. (M3697) HAREWOOD, Rev. Ernest James, O.B.E. HARFORD, Wimfred Maud B., M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C HARGOOD, Harry, O.B.E, J.P., D.L, b. 12 March, 1842; s. of Admiral W. Hargood, J.P, D.L., of Worthing ; m. EUzabeth Mary, d. of the Rev. George Croke Rowden, D.C.L, of Oak Lawn, Weybridge, Surrey. Educ. : Rotting- dean. Member R. National Life Boat Institution Committee ; President of Worthing Branch, R.N.L.B. War Work : Chair man of Graylingwell War Hospital, Chichester and Worthing Advisory Committee. Address : North Lodge, Worthing. Club : Worthing County. (010567) HARGRAVE, Paymaster-Lieut. John Eustace, O.B.E, R.N. HARGRAVE, Mary Montague, Mrs, O.B.E. ; d. of Major Thomas Spring ; m. Abraham Addison, s. of A. A. Har- grave. War Work : Organiser, Soldiers' and SaUors' Club ; Organiser and District Controller, National Egg-CoUection ; Member Co. Kerry Local War Pensions Committee ; worker, British Red Cross ; Interviewer, Repatriated Prisoners of War ; on committee Soldiers' and Sailors' Family Association ; S. Friend and Acting Co-Secretary Soldiers' Help ' Society, suppfied local men prisoners of war with tobacco, etc, at Limburg. (0105687) HARGRAVE, Capt. WiUiam Bowen, O.B.E, R.A F, 6. 20 April, 1894 ; s. of Col. H. J. Hargrave, of Upton Lodge, Acle, Norfolk ; ro. Ethel May, d. of W. F. Batsford, of Essex. War Work: At commencement of War with Suffolk Regt.; transference to R.F.C, Sept. 1914 ; served overseas and at home with that corps. Address : C.F.S. Upavon, WUts ; Lipton Lodge, Acle, Norfolk. Club: R.A.F. (08111) HARGREAVES, Lieut. Gordon John Cooper, O.B.E. HARGREAVES, Paymaster-Capt. Herbert James, C.B.E. Paymaster-Corn, and Acting Paymaster-Capt. R.N. ; Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C2279) HARGREAVES, John Henry, C.B.E, J.P. HARGREAVES, Lieut. Laurence Appleyard, O.B.E, Tt A a rt in, \ HARINGTON, Wanda Grace, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Herbert S. Harington, of Kelston, Simla, India, and grand daughter of the late Col. T. L. Harington, 5th Bengal Cavalry. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Secretarial work at War Office from Jan. 1916, to Nov. 1920 ; worked at Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, Mulberry Walk, Chelsea. Address : Forum Club, 6, Grosvenor Place, Hyde Park Corner, S W. 1. (M8359) HARGROVES, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam Robert, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. HARISON, U., M.B.E. HARKER, Edward, O.B.E. HARKER, John Allen, O.B.E, F.R.S, 6. 23 Jan. 1870 ; s. of the late Rev. John Harker, of Stockport ; to. Ada Laura Maud, d. of Thomas Richardson, CC, J.P, of Alston. Educ. : Stockport Grammar School ; Univ. of Manchester, and Tubin gen. Chief Assistant at National Physical Laboratory, Ted dington. War Work : Acted as organiser of the work of the Nitrogen Products Committee, and Director of the Research in the Ministry of Munitions ; visited Norway, Sweden, France, and America on work of the Ministry ; was torpedoed on Cunarder " Andania." Addresses : ClarghyU HaU, Alston ; 7, Houghton Place, N.W. 1. Club : National Liberal. (O408) HARKER, Rev. Thomas Alphonsus, O.B.E. HARKER, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. WiUiam Edmund, O.B.E, M.D, R.N.V.R. HARKNESS, Edith Geraldine, M.B.E. Hon. Sec. of the Hastings and Battle Division of the Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association. (M10322) HARLE, Charles, M.B.E. (M10354) HARLEY, David, O.B.E. HARLEY, Lieut. Ernest WilUam James, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. HARLOCK, EmUy, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 2 Nov. 1864 ; d. of Alfred Robinson, of Lymm, Cheshire ; to. Edward Baker, J.P, s. of John Harlock, J.P, of Banbury. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hon. Sec. for 4 War Savings Associations ; Hon. Sec. District Nursing Association; Member of the Cheshire County Insurance Committee. Address : Newton House, Middlewich, Cheshire. _ (M8560) HARLOCK, WUfred, M.B.E, J.P. ^HARLOW, Frederick James, M.B.E, B.Sc, A.R.CSc, D.I.C, F.Inst.P, 6. 13 Sept. 1886; s. of James Thomas Harlow, of Preston, Canterbury ; m. Isabel Elsie, d. of J. F. Pettman, of St. Nicholas, Thanet. Educ : Simon Langton School, Canterbury ; and Roya College of Science, London. Head of Department of Mathematics and Physics, Sir John Cass Technical Institute, London. War Work : X-ray and Electro medical Physicist, Army Medical Department, War Office ; Secretary, War Office X-Ray Committee ; Secretary, War Office Electro-medical Committee. Addresses : St. Nicholas, Castlebar Park Road, EaUng, W. 5. ; Sir John Cass Technical Institute, Jewry Street, E.C 3. (M8362) HARLOW, Lieut.-Col. George Henry, O.B.E, R.A.S.C HARMAN, Lieut. Edmund, M.B.E. HARMAN, Rowland George, M.B.E. HARMER, Ronald Frederiok, M.B.E, fi. 22 March, 1892 ; s. of WilUam Scotford Harmer, of Cirencester Glos. ; to. Alison Scott, d. of Walter Charles Harmer, of London. Educ. : Cirencester Grammar School ; New College School, Oxford ; formerly a member of the Editorial staff of the " Morn ing Post." Secretary and Manager Review of the Foreign Press, Ltd, Greycoat Buildings, 99-101, Horseferry Road, Westminster, S.W. War Work : Enlisted in the London Scottish, Aug. 1914 ; Commission l/5th Gordon Highlanders, April, 1915 ; served in France, July to Dec. 1915 ; attached Military Intelligence Dept. War Office, 1916-19 ; promoted Capt. 1917. Address : River Court, Cirencester, Gloucestershire. (M5334) HARMER, Sir Sidney Frederic, K.B.E, Sc.D, F.R.S., 6. 9 March, 1862 ; s. of Frederic William Harmer, J.P, Hon. M.A. (Cantab.), F.G.S, of Oakland House, Cringleford, Norwich ; TO. Laura Russell, ri. of Arthur Pearse Howell, of Bengal Civil Service, formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. Educ. : University College, London ; King's College, Cambridge. Fellow of King's CoUege, Cambridge, 1886-1914 ; Lecturer, 1886-1908 ; Assistant-Tutor, 1890-1908 ; Superintendent of the University Museum of Zoology, 1892-1908 ; Keeper of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History), 1909-20 ; Director of the Natural History Departments of the British Museum since 1919. War Work: Officially concerned in assisting the Trustees of the British Museum to advise various Government Departments on scientific questions referred to them in connexion with the War. Among these were the whales and whaling industry of South Georgia, the South Shetland Islands and other Southern localities. Enormous quantities of oU were obtained from these sources, and these were of vital importance, not only in the manufacture of explosives, but in providing material which must otherwise have been taken from the food-supply of the country. Addresses : British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road S.W. 7 ; 30, Courtfield Gardens, S.W. 5. Club : SavUe. (K380) HARNDEN, AUred Charles, M.B.E. HARNESS, Lieut. Robert John, M.B.E, R.N. HARNETT, Capt. Edward St. Clair, O.B.E, R.A.F. HARNETT, Leslie Bennett, M.B.E, fi. 15 June, 1868. s. of Jeremiah Harnett, of Hamilton, Bermuda ; m. Ina Clifton, d. of George VaUis, of Sutton, Somersetshire. Edue. Baltimore, U.S.A. War Work : Executive Officer and Secre tary, Supply Control Board, Bermuda. Address : Glynhir, Pembroke, Bermuda. Clubs : Royal Bermuda Yacht ; HamU ton Dinghy, Hamilton (Bermuda). (M2945) HARNETT, WiUiam Augustus, M.B.E, 6. 15 Jan. 1873 ; s. of the late WiUiam Harnett, of Heme Bay, Kent. ; m. Annie Grace, d. of the late George Jones, of HiU Farm, Down ham, Norfolk. Educ : Heme Bay. Civil Servant at the Admiralty. Address : Crayholme, KnoU Road, Sidcup, Kent. (M8364) HARNETT, WUliam Falkiner, C.B.E, 6. 1869 ; s. of Falkiner Minchin Harnett, of Shannon Lawn, Glin, co. Lime rick ; m. Mary IsabeUa, d. of Dr. F. P. Philips, of Exeter. Educ. : Grammar School, Drogheda. Entered I.C.S. 1893 ; Locomotive and Carriage Supt, Bengal State Railway, 1911 ; Lieut.-Col. Comdg. 12th E. Bengal Railway Batn, Indian Defence Force (V.D.). Addresses : Indian State RaUways, Bengal ; 12, Victoria Terrace, Exeter. Club : Bengal United Service. (C1078) HAROLD, Joseph, M.B.E, D.C.M, R.A.S.C. HAROLD, May, Mrs., M.B.E. (M7099) HARPER, Capt. Arthur David, O.B.E, F.L.G.A, 6. 2 June, 1875 ; s. of Thomas Harper, of Wolverhampton ; m. Susan Harper, d. of Thomas Reynolds, of Liverpool. Educ. : Windsor Higher Grade School, Liverpool. Late Principal Assistant of the Town Clerk's Department, Liverpool City CouncU ; recently appointed Clerk and Superintendent Liverpool Markets and Abattoir. War Work : Joint Secretary Parliamentary Recruiting Committee ; subsequently Commissioned and attached to Liverpool Area ; appointed Area Registration Officer ; and Headquarters Staff Officer ; appointed to Secretariat North-Western Region, under Ministry of National Service, and transferred to Chester as Assistant Director for Cheshire. (01432) HARPER, Charles Henry, O.B.E. HARPER, Edward Thomas, M.B.E. HARPER, Francis Henry, M.B.E., 6. 2 March, 1877 ; s. of the late Francis HU1 Harper, of New Maiden, Surrey ; m. Ida Louise, d. of William Larkin, of Putney. Acting Staff Officer, Colonial Office. War Work : Military Department of the Colonial Office. Address : 93, OakhiU i,Road, Putney, S.W. 15. (M8366) HARPER, George, O.B.E. HARPER, John Bradford, O.B.E. 241 Harper THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. HARPER, Lieut.-Col. John Robinson, C.B.E, R.A.M.C. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1261) HARPER, Capt. John Stanley, M.B.E, R.E. HARPER, Major Reginald Tristram, O.B.E, R.A.V.C HARPER, Sydney, M.B.E. HARPHAM, Major Harold D., O.B.E. HARPUR, Lieut. John Latimer, M.B.E, R.A.S.C HARPUR, Major WilUam Lewis, O.B.E, R.E. HARRAP, George Edward, M.B.E. HARREL, Right Hon. Sir David, G.B.E, K.C.B, K.C.V.O.. I.S.O. HARREL, Com. WiUiam Vesey, C.B, C.B.E, M.V.O, fi. 1866 ; 8. of the Rt. Hon. Sir David Harrel, P.C, K.C.B, K.C.V.O, I.S.O, of ShanklU, co. DubUn (see Burke's Peerage), Roy. Irish Constabulary. 1 886-98 ; Inspector of Prisons in Ireland, 1898-1902 ; Assist. Commr. of Dublin MetropoUtan Police, 1902-14 ; Com. R.N.V.R. ; Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Clubs : KUdare Street : Royal St. George Yacht. (CI 164) HARRIDENCE, Lieut. Robert Treslove, M.B.E. (M10223) HARRIES, 2nd Lieut. Ernest Bertram, M.B.E. HARRIES, Major George Samuel, M.B.E. HARRIES, Herbert Frederick, O.B.E. HARRIES, Owen, M.B.E, 6. 26 April, 1864; s. of Peter Harries, of Fishguard ; to. Alice Annie, d. of James Henry Clements, of Charlotte Town, P. E. Island. Educ. : Long Ashton School, Somersetshire. Assistant Manager, The Cunard Steam Ship Co, Ltd, Southampton. War Work : Represented the Cunard Steam Ship Co, Ltd, in connection with steamers engaged in transport service during whole period of the war. Addresses : Maritime Chambers, South ampton ; and The Green House, Compton, Winchester. Club : Royal Southampton Yacht. (M8368. HARRIES, Thomas Henry, M.B.E. HARR INGTON, Lieut. Athur George, O.B.E, R.N. HARRINGTON, Ernest John, O.B.E, 6. 4 June, 1864 ; s. of George Harrington, of London ; to. Augusta Elkington, d. of Tate Mansford, of London. Deputy Accountant-General, General Post Office. Address: 21, Hampstead Lane, N. 6. (010569) HARRINGTON, Capt. George, M.B.E, R.M, (ret.), 6. 7 Aug. 1876 ; s. of George Harrington, of London ; m. Alice Maude, d. of George Franks, of Portsmouth. Educ. : Crouch End, Board School, London. Joined H.M. Service in the Royal Marine Artillery, May, 1893 ; served for 21 years ; discharged to Pension, May, 1914, with the rank of Quarter master-Sergeant. Granted a Temporary Commission as Lieut, and Qr.-Mr, Royal Marines, May, 1915 for service with the Land Defences, Scapa Flow ; promoted Captain and Qr.-Mr. Aug. 1918. Addresses : 23, Somerset Road, Brent ford, Middlesex ; 41, Douglas Road, Lenton Sands, Notting ham. (M3469) HARRINGTON, Henry Augustus, M.B.E, 6. 10 July, 1864 ; s. of the late John WUliam Harrington. Educ. : Army Schools, Local Director of Ports, Alexandria, Egypt. War Work : Canteen work, and general interest in the moral welfare of the troops (British) quartered in Alexandria during the War. Addresses : The Overseas Club, General Buildings, Aldwych, London, W.C ; Post Office, Alexandria, Egypt. (M8370) HARRINGTON, Henry WiUiam, M.B.E. HARRINGTON, Lieut. John, M.B.E, Aust. A.O.C HARRIS, Andrew, M.B.E, F.R.CS, L.R.C.P. HARRIS, Capt. Archibald John, O.B.E. R.E. HARRIS, Sir Arthur Ambrose Hall. K.B.E, J.P, 6. 15 October, 1854 ; s. of Henry Vinton Harris, of Stoke, Devon shire, England ; to. Sarah Morris, d. of William B. Lambe, B.C.L, of Montreal, Canada. Educ: Devonport; Stoke Grammar School. Served in various official capacities in Grand Trunk Railway, 1884 to 1902, when he joined the Canadian Pacific. War Work : Director-General British Ministry of Shipping (Canada) August, 1914, to March, 1920. Address : 290, Peel Street, Montreal, Murray Bay. Ctafis : St. James's, Montreal ; Rideau, Ottawa. (K78) HARRIS, Sir Austin Edward, K.B.E, 6. 1870 ; «. of Frederick William Harris, J.P, D.L. : m. Cara Veronica, d. of George MaxweU Batten, I.C.S. Educ. : Harrow. Director of Lloyds Bank. War Work : Assistant Surveyor-General of Supply ; Chairman of the Board of Contracts, W.O. Ad dress : 10, Catherine Street, Buckingham Gate. Clubs : Arthurs' ; Garrick ; Ranelagh. (K3811 HARRIS, Charles, M.B.E. HARRIS, Sir Charles, G.B.E, K.C.B. 6. 2 March, 1864 ¦ s. of late John Harris, of Ivybridge, Devon • m. Lisbeth, d. of late Ferdinand Schiller, of Calcutta. Educ : Bradford Grammar School; Balliol, Oxford (Scholar). First in open competition for Home CivU Service, 1886 ; entered War Office, 1887 ; Assistant Financial Secretary, 1908 ; Joint Secretary, 1920. War Work : Permanent Head of Finance, Departmentof the War Office throughout the War. Addresses : War Office, Whitehall ; Lofftuss, The Drive, Wimbledon. (G51) HARRIS, Charles Hubert, M.B.E. ._HARRIF_,Lieut--Co1- Charles Sydney, O.B.E, 6. 25 May, 1871 ; s. of the late John Harris, of Hawkmoor, Bovey Tracy Devon. Educ ¦ Bedford Grammar School ; Sandhurst. Gazetted 2nd Lieut. 2nd K.O. Yorkshire L I July 1891 • promoted Capt 1899 ; transferred to Army Pay Department! Sept. 1903 ; retired with rank of Lieut.-Col, Jan 1920 War 242 Work : Command Paymaster, Ceylon, 1914-18 ; Regimental Paymaster. No. 2 Army Pay Office, Shrewsbury, 1918-19- Medals : Tirah Campaign, Medal and 2 clasps, 1897-98 ; South' African War, Queen's Medal and 3 clasps, King's Medal and 2 clasps. Address: Osborne House, Stoke, Devonport. (07243) HARRIS, Lieut. Claude Pickering, M.B.E, LA. HARRIS, Capt. Edgar David, M.B.E. HARRIS, Major Edward Ross, O.B.E. HARRIS, Elizabeth Frances, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 1870- d. of the late Alderman Crawford, of SUgo ; to. John Nugent! s. of Henry Bradshaw Harris, of Co. Clare, Deland. Chief Organiser of the National Federation of Womens' Institutes Iddesleigh House, Caxton Street, Westminster, S.W. 1. War Work : Head of the Women's Institutes Section of the Ministry of Agriculture (Women's Branch). Address : 42, Dalebury Road, Wandsworth Common, London, S.W. 17. Club: Forum. HARRIS, Major Emanuel Vincent, O.B.E, R.E. HARRIS, Ernest Alfred, C.B.E. HARRIS, Ethel, M.B.E. HARRIS, Faith Frances, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 29 July, 1888 ; a. of 0. J. Bowen Cooke, C.B.E, of Chester Place, Crewe; to. Dudley Raymond, s. of Arthur B. Harris, M.D, J.P, of Falmouth. Educ. : The Laurels, Rugby. War Wort : Private Secretary to Deputation from Board of Trade visiting America tor purchase of railway material for British RaUways ; afterwards in charge of allocation of material from various ports to the different RaUway Companies. Address : 2, Bank Place, Falmouth. (M8373) HARRIS, Francis George, M.B.E, R.A.S.C HARRIS, Francis WUliam Robert, M.B.E. HARRIS, George Arthur, O.B.E. (07245) HARRIS, Hon. Capt. George Hardy, M.B.E, i. 9 Feb. 1853 ; s. of George WiUiam Harris, of Nether Priors, Halstead, Essex. Educ. : Rugby. SoUcitor. War Work : County War Pensions Committee ; County Adjutant, Volunteer BattaUons, Devonshire Regiment. Addresses: 25, Southern- hay, Exeter ; Woodway, Teignmouth. Clubs : Devon and Exeter ; Royal Automobile. (M8375) HARRIS, Lieut.-Comm. George Henry, O B.E, R.N.R, fi. 7 March, 1854 ; s. of WiUiam Stanley Harris, of Lymington ; to. Bertha Josephine, d. of Miles Berkeley, of Sibbertoft. Educ. : H.M.S. "Conway." Master Mariner; Younger Brother Trinity House. War Work : Commander H.M. Hospital Ship " Oxfordshire," Aug. 1914 to May 1918, serying in North Sea, EngUsh Channel, Mediterranean, Persian Gulf, East and South Africa ; commanded S.S. " Lancashire," July 1918, carrying American troops from Boston, U.S.A. Address : 3, QuadriUe Court, Lymington, Hants. Club : Primrose, (01435) HARRIS, George Montagu, O.B.E, 6. 1868 ; s. of Rev. G. C Harris, of Torquay, Prebendary of Exeter ; m. Violet EsteUe, d. of Lieut.-Col. E. Martineau. Educ. : Winchester ; New College, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law ; Secretary to County Councils Association, 1902-1919 ; now in Ministry of Health. War Work : Assistant Hon. Secretary Surrey War Distress Committee ; Temporary Clerk of Peace and County CouncU, East Sussex ; Clerk to E. Sussex Appeal Tribunal ; Hon. Secretary, E. Sussex War Agriculture Committee, War Pensions Committee, War Distress Committee, etc. ; Lieut. 6th Royal Sussex Volunteer Regt. Club : Reform. (01436) HARRIS, Helen, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Joseph Offenbach, of New York City, U.S.A. ; m. Lionel W, s. of Alderman Lewis Harris, of Dublin. War Work : Recruiting ; Organising ; attached Ministry of Food Dec. 1916 to Feb. 1919. Address : 4, Upper Grosvenor Street, W.l. Club : American Women's Club, 41, Hereford Street. (M3699) HARRIS, Henry Arthur, M.B.E. HARRIS, Henry Lewis, M.B.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1860 ; s. of the late Lewis P. Harris, F.R.G.S. Educ : Dartford Grammar School, Kent. Schoolmaster. War Work : Organising sub scriptions in aid of Red Cross, and other War Funds in the district. Address : Serowe, Bechuanaland Protectorate, S. Africa. Club : Overseas ; Mountain, South Africa. (M2946) HARRIS, Sir Henry Percy, K.B.E, J.P, M.P, D.L, 6. 2 Sept. 1856 ; s. of Sir George David Harris, of 32, Inverness Terrace, W. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Ethel Alice drivers, d. of Edward Olivers Bower, of Broxholme, Scarborough. Educ. : Eton, and Christ Church, Oxford. Barrister-at-law ; M.P. ; Chairman London County Council, 1907-8. War Work : Chairman London War Pensions Committee. Addresses : 98, Gloucester Terrace, London, W. ; Cherry Croft, Forest Row, Sussex. Clubs : Carlton ; Oxford and Cambridge. (K22) HARRIS, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Sextus, O.B.E. HARRIS, The Reverend John Charles, M.B.E. HARRIS, Capt. John Richard, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, SB HARRIS, Joseph Orlando, D.S.O. Sub-Lieut. R.N.V.R.; Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C125) HARRIS, Leonard David John, M.B.E. HARRIS, Lieut. Leopold Jonas, O.B.E, R.E. HARRIS, LiUie Crawford, Mrs., M.B.E. HARRIS, Marjorie MaxweU, M.B.E. HARRIS, Mary Gertrude, M.B.E. HARRIS, Eng.-Comm. Percy George, O.B.E, R.N. HARRIS, Major Samuel WaUace, M.B.E. HARRIS, Major Thomas Guy Marriott, O.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Harston HARRIS, Major Walter Reginald, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 4 July, 1365 ; s. of Henry Harris, of Guildford ; to. Ellen Florke, d. of James Lee Jones, of Guildford. Educ. : Guildford. Secretary to the County Club, Guildford. War Work : Joined 2nd Volunteer Batt. The Queen's R.W.S. Regt. Dec. 1887 ; Commission May, 1904, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. ; Promoted Capt. April, 1906 ; Major Feb. 1911 ; Mobilised Aug. 1914 ; fitted out numerous drafts for overseas ; appointed, with Assist. Adjt, by G.O.C. 225 Brigade, to organise new Batts. for 25th Division, S4th Middlesex Regt, 13th Border Regt, 13th East Surrey Regt. ; served during the war at Chatham, Maidstone, Canterbury, GuUdford, Tunbridge Wells, Seaford, and Lowes toft ; demobUised and relinquished commission on account of ill health July, 1919. Address : Amesbury, Stoke Road, GuUdford. (07246) HARRIS, WilUam, M.B.E, R.N. HARRIS, William Blandford, M.B.E, b. 8. Dec. 1872; s. of WUliam Harris, of Upwell, Wisbech ; m. Bertha, d. of George Trueman, of Ventnor. Educ. : Wisbech Grammar School. CivU Servant. War Work : Secretary's Office of the General Post Office. Addresses : Secretary's Office, G.P.O, E.C. ; 27, Valley Road, S.W.16. (M1855) HARRIS, William Rowland, M.B.E. HARRIS, WUliam Thomas Harper, M.B.E. HARRISON, Sir Ceoil Reeves, K.B.E, 6. 1856 ; s. of James WilUam Harrison, of St. Martin's Lane, W.C 2 ; m. Caroline Clara, d. of Dr. Benjamin Winstone, of Russell Square, London. Educ : TJniv. CoU, London. Director, Harrison & Sons, Ltd, Printers in Ordinary to H.M. The King. War Work : Official ],rinting for Army and Navy, and various Government De partments. Addresses : Woodcote, Chislehurst, Kent ; Hill side, Charmouth, Dorset. Clubs : Union ; Royal Automobile. (K145) HARRISON, Charles Henry, O.B.E, M.C. HARRISON, Col. Cholmeley Edward Carl Branfill, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1857 ; s. of the Rev. J. Branfill Harrison ; m. Mary Evelyn, d. of John Bazley- White (see Burke's Peerage, Rothes, E). Formerly Comdg. 1st Batn. Roy. W. Kent Regt. ; Boer War, 1881 ; Egyptian Expedition, 1882 (medal, bronze star); S. Africa, 1900 (despatches, Queen's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1915-18 (despatches). Address : 15, CromweU Road, Hove, Sussex. Club : Army and Navy. (C1262) HARRISON, Major Christopher Heathfleld, O.B.E. (011779) HARRISON, Major Cuthbert Alfred Lakin, O.B.E, R.A.F. HARRISON, Elsie Lydia, M.B.E^fi. 1882 ; d. of Frederick Stone Harrison, of London. War Work : Deputy Controller Women's Staff, M.I. 5 W. O. Address : 2, Howitt Road, Belsize Park, N.W.3. (M8381) HARRISON, EmUy Margaret, Mrs. O.B.E, ; d. of Robert Brown Watson, of Sudworth, New Brighton ; m. Frederic James, «. of James Harrison, of Dornden, Tunbridge WeUs; Wallasy, Cheshire; Hare Appletree, near Lancaster. War Work : President, Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Associa tion (Potteries, South Division) ; President, War Hospital Supply Depot, Shelton ; President and Chairman, Stoke War Hospital Committee ; Member Executive Committee North Staffs Regt. Prisoners of War Association ; Member Staffs Comity Women's War Agricultural Committee. Addresses : Maer Hall, Staffs ; Hare Appletree, near Lancaster ; 227, St. James' Court, S.W. 1. (0410) HARRISON, Evelyn, M.B.E. HARRISON, Florence Ada, Mrs., O.B.E. HARRISON, Major Francis Edward, O.B.E, R.E. HARRISON, Major Frank, O.B.E, M.C HARRISON, Capt. Frank, O.B.E. HARRISON, Freda, M.B.E, fi. 2 Nov. 1899 • d. of Joseph Harrison, of Wrexham. War Work : Divisional Assistant for North Wales Division, Ministry of Food. Address : 10, Bryn Acton, Chester Road, Wrexham. (M8383) HARRISON, Frederick, M.B.E. HARRISON. Lieut.-Comm. Geoffrey Brancker, O.B.E, R.N. HARRISON, George, M.B.E, D.C.M, R.A.S.C. HARRISON, George Alfred, O.B.E. HARRISON, Gwynedd Helen Lightfoot, M.B.E. HARRISON, Harry, M.B.E. HARRISON, Lieut. Henry, O.B.E, M.C. HARRISON, Capt. Henry Coromandel Watsford, O.B.E, Aust. A.S.C HARRISON, HUda Mary, M.B.E, d. of Frederick Stone Harrison, of Highgate. Educ : Privately, High School. War Work : Head of Dept. dealing with disposal of Surplus Plant, Waste Products, Scrap Metals, Clothing, etc, from Explosive Factories under Ministry of Munitions. Club : Women's International Franchise. (M8385) HARRISON, Capt. James, M.B.E, HARRISON, John Atkinson, O.B.E, M.B, CM. HARRISON, John, C.B.E, LL.D, D.L, 6. 17 Aug. 1847 ; s. of Sir George Harrison, M.P, of Edinburgh ; m. Helen Georginia, d. of George Roberts, of Selkirk. Educ. : High School, Edinburgh. Chairman Edinburgh Public Library and Savings Bank. War Work : Chairman City of Edinburgh Tribunal and Finance Committee of Local Red Cross Society. _l_Wress : 3, Napier Road, Edinburgh. Club : Northern, Edinburgh. (C192) HARRISON, Capt. John Stubbs, O.B.E, R.F.A. (T.), 6. 27 July, 1883 ; s. of Alfred James Harrison, M.D, Clifton, Bristol. Educ. : Clifton. Solicitor. War Work : Com missioned as 2nd Lieut, in S.M. Brigade R.F.A. (T.F.) Oct, 1914 ; A.D.C. to C R. A. 61st Division, April, 1915, to Dec. 1915 ; Staff Capt. 69th Division, Jan. 1916 ; Staff Capt. G. H. Q. Great Britain (Anti-Aircraft), 1918. Address : 24, Orchard Street, Bristol. CZwfis : Royal Automobile ; Clifton. (07245) HARRISON, Lieut. Joseph Lawrence, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. HARRISON, Kate, M.BE. HARRISON, Capt. Leonard Charles, M.B.E, R.E. HARRISON, Lieut.-Col. and Brev.-Col. Louis Kenneth, C.B.E, B.A, M.B, R.A.M.C. (T.), 6. 19 Dec. 1871 ; s. of John E. Harrison, of Buxton ; m. Edith, d. of the late Septimus March, of Aberystwyth. Edue. : Repton ; Caius College, Cambridge ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Member of the Leicestershire and Rutland Territorial Association ; President, Leicester Medical Society 1920-1921. War Work : Officer Commanding and Administrator of the 5th Northern General Hospital which, with its sections and auxUiaries, contained 5,200 beds and admitted 75,000 patients. Address : Springfield, Springfield Road, Leicester. (C1605) HARRISON, Muriel Evelyn, M.B.E. HARRISON, Rosamond Mary, O.B.E. ; d. ot Frederic James Harrison, of Maer Hall, Staffs ; Hare Appletree, Lan cashire ; Wallasey, Cheshire. War Work : Organising Hon. Sec. North Staffordshire Regiment Prisoners of War Associa tion (1800 men). Addresses : Maer Hall, Newcastle, Staffs ; 180. St. James' Court, Buckingham Gate, S.W.1. (010572) HARRISON, Stanley, O.B.E. (0117866) HARRISON, Sydney Thomas Walker, M.B.E. HARRISON, Lieut. Thomas, O.B.E, R.N.R. HARRISON, Tom Curtis, M.B.E. (M10392) HARRISON, Major Walter Lewis, O.B.E, F.R.CV.S. R.A.V.C. (T.). HARRISON, William, O.B.E. HARRISON, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Edward, O.B.E, M.I.M.E, J.P. (Staffs), CC, 6. 14 August, 1875 ; s. of Captain WUliam Bealey Harrison of Aldershawe, Lichfield; m. Edith d. of Herbert W. Gardiner, of Armitage, Rugeley, Staffs. Educ: Eton; Oriel College, Oxford. Member of Stafford shire County Council, Tutbury Rural CouncU and Board of Guardians ; Vice-President British Frieslan Cattle Society ; Chairman of Cannock Chase Coal Owners Association. War Work : C.R.E. 46th (North Midland Division) from mobUisa- tion to Oct. 21 1914 ; C.R.E. 59th (North Midland Division) April, 1915 to March, 1916 ; Acting Commanding, Engineers' Training Centre, Deganwy, March, 1916 to June, 1916 ; Second in Command, Deganwy, June, 1916 to March, 1918 ; Command of Special Brigade Depot R.E. (Devonport) March, 1918 to January, 1919 ; mentioned in despatches 24 Feb. 1917, for War Services. Address : Wychnor Park, Burton-on-Trent, Clubs : Windham ; Royal AutomobUe. (01439) HARRISON, Capt. William John, M.B.E, M.A, R.G.A. (S.R.), 6. 17 June, 1884 ; s. of R. Dimmer Harrison, South Benfleet, Essex ; to. Ethel Marianne, d. of E. W. Harvey Piper, of Clapham, S.W. Educ. : Dulwich Coll, and Clare Coll, Cambridge. Fellow, Assistant Tutor and Lecturer of Clare CoUege, Cambridge ; University Lecturer in Mathematics. War Work : Assistant Proof and Experimental Officer, Research Dept, Woolwich Arsenal. Address : Elmstead, Great Shel- ford, Cambs. (M1856) HARRISON, Surg.-Comm. WiUiam Rhodes, O.B.E, R.N. HARRISSON, Sydney ThirlwaU, C.M.G, O.B.E, 6. 1865 ; s. of Henry Loud Harrisson. Educ. : Blackheath. Appointed Assist. Accountant, PubUc Works Depart. Gold Coast, 1894 ; Ch. Accountant, 1897 ; Assist. Accountant, W. African Frontier Force, 1898 ; Ch. Accountant, 1899 ; Treasurer, N. Nigeria, 1900 ; Comptroller of Customs, Barbados. Address : Bridgetown, Barbados. Clubs : Sports ; Bridge town (Barbados). (08388) HARRISSON, William Walter, M.B.E. HARROLD, John Blake, M.B.E. HARROP, WilUam, O.B.E. HARROWBY, Mabel Danvers, Countess of, D.B.E, 6. 26 Feb. 1867 ; d. of late Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith M.P, and Emily, 1st Viscountess Hambleden ; m. John Herbert Dudley, 5th Earl of Harrowby. Chairman Executive Committee, Staffordshire County Nursing Association ; Vice-President Mothers' Union. War Work : Organised Country and London HospitaUty for Overseas' Officers. Addresses : Sandon HaU, Stafford ; Norton House, Campden, Gloucestershire ; 10, Upper Belgrave St., London, S.W. 1. (D43) HARRY, 2nd Lieut. Herbert Edward, M.B.E. HARRY, Richard John, M.B.E. HARRY, William, C.B.E. HARSLEY, Martha, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 2 Nov. 1860 ; d. of the late Robert Ellerby, of Marfleet, HuU; widow of John (died 1919), s. of Robert Harsley, of HuU. Educ. : Hull. War Work : Member of Committee of Soldiers' and Sailors' Family Association, Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society, and Hull War Pensions Committee ; Investigator (voluntary) Hull Great War Trust. Address : 18, Elm Avenue, Garden VUlage, Holdemess Road, Hull. (M8391) HARSTON, John Edwin, O.B.E, fi. 18 May, 1857; 8.' of John Harston, of Littleborough, Lancashire ; m. Bessie Annie Northey, d. of Thomas Plucknett, of Plymouth. Educ. : Privately. H.M. Inspector of Factories. War Work : Com missioner in the National Service Department for the Midland 243 Harstone THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Division ; and as ActingSuperintending Inspector of Factories (Midland Division). Address : Elmwood, Olton, Warwickshire. (01440) HARSTONE, Lieut.-Col. John Brunton, D S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1879 ; s. of Robert Brunton Harstone T. Lieut.-Col. Canadian Forces ; served in the Great War, 1914-18 (men- oned in despatches). (01441) HART, Charles James, M.B.E. HART, Col. Charles Joseph, C.B, C.B.E, V.D, T.D, J.P, D.L, 6. 15 Aug. 1851 ; s. of Charles Hart, late of Harbome HaU, Staffordshire. Educ. : HaUeybury. Honorary Colonel, 5th Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; Member of Warwick shire Territorial Force Association; Chairman of Hart, Son, Peard, and Co, Ltd. War Work : Commandant Birmingham National Reserve 1909-1914 ; Chief Recruiting Officer, Curzon Hall, Birmingham 1914-1916 ; Commanding Troops, Birmingham, 1915-1917 ; Competent MiUtary Authority for Arms and Ammunition, Birmingham, 1915-1917 ; President of Quartering Committee, 1917-1920. Address : Southbank, Warwick New Road, Leamington. (C1606) HART, Cyril Herbert, M.B.E. HART, Ernest Sidney Walter, M.B.E, fi. 11 July, 1870 ; s. of Sidney George Hart, of Chislehurst, Kent ; to. Ella Mary, d. of Charles Prime, M.I.C.E, P.W.D, of Ceylon. Educ. : Privately. Clerk of the Peace and Clerk of the County CouncU of Middlesex ; Clerk to the Middlesex Lieutenancy and Advisory Committee ; Registration Officer and Acting Return ing Officer for the Parliamentary County of Middlesex. War Work : Joint Sec. of the Middlesex Military Appeal Tribunal, and in connection therewith the investigation of the subject of the enlistment in the Army of unfit men. Valuable evidence on this subject was given before the Select Committee of the House of Commons in July, 1917. As a result of the Com mittee's Report, Civilian Medical Boards superseded MUitary Boards. Address : Guildhall, Westminster. Club : St. Stephen's. (M1859) HART, Sir George Sankey, K.B.E, CLE, 6. 14 April 1866 ; s. of David Hart, of Blackheath, London, S.E. ; m. Georgina Mary, d. of Thornton Temple. Educ. : St. Paul's School, and Cooper's HiU. Indian Forest Service ; Assistant and Deputy Conservator Forests, Punjab, 1887-1906 ; Con servator Central Provinces, 1906-8 ; Conservator Bengal, 1908-10 ; Chief Conservator Central Provinces, 1910-13 ; Inspector-General of Forests to the Government of India. 1913. War Work : Duties as Inspector-General of Forests, Address : c/o MercantUe Bank of India, 15, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C. (K329) HART, Capt. Gilbert, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. HART, Henry, M.B.E, HART, Lieut.-Col. Henry Travers, C.B.E, R.A, fi. 6 May, 1873 ; 8. of Colonel E. C. Hart (late R.E.), of Bournemouth ; to. PhyUis Hope, d. of Colonel H. M. Matthews (late Queen's), of Fareham. Educ. : Sedbergh. Regular Army. War Work : Commanding 13 Siege Battery, France 1915 ; Chief Instrutor BexhiU Siege School, 1915-1916 ; CR.A, South Africa, 1916- 1919. Address : c/o Messrs Cox and Co. 16, Charing Cross, S.W. (C2117) HART, James, M.B.E, 6. 14 May, 1855 ; s. of James Hart, of Hackney, London ; to. Annetta Emily, d. of George Welby, of Plumstead, Kent ; Educ. : Tudor House School, Hackney, and School of Pharmacy. Entered R.N. Medical Service as Dispenser in 1878 ; served at Haslar, Chatham, Yarmouth, Malta, Haulbowline, and Plymouth R.N. Hospitals. War Work : Superintending Pharmacist R.N. Hospital, Plymouth, in charge of medical stores for the Devonport Division of the Fleet and establishments attached. Address ¦ 38, Glenhouse Road, Eltham Park, S.E.9. (M8394) HART, James MacGregor, O.B.E, 6. 20 April, 1878; s. of Thomas Hart, of Glasgow ; m. Isabel GUbert, d. of R. W. Cameron, of Greenock. Educ. : Glasgow ; Glasgow Univ. Chartered Accountant. ' War Work : Hon. Treas. Scottish National Council, Y.M.C.A, and Glasgow Y.M.C.A. Addresses : 17, BroomhUl Terrace, Partick, Glasgow ; 142, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. (010574) HART, Jane Elizabeth, Mrs, M.B.E. HART, Major Kenneth Eugene, O.B.E. M.C. HART, Maurice Roberts WUson, M.B.E. HART, PhiUp Theodore, O.B.E, 6. 3 Dec. 1868; s. of Alderman Henry Hart, J.P, of Canterbury ; m. Hannah, d. of Maurice Levene, of London. Educ. : Dover CoU. War Work : Hon. Sec. Parliamentary Recruiting Committee ; Chairman Local Military Advisory Committee, Military National Service Committee, and Dover Branch Red Cross Society. Address : 68, Bouverie Road, W. Folkestone Clubs : Royal Cinque Ports Yacht, Dover ; Hythe Golf. HART, Surrey Rutherford, M.B.E, 6. 26 June, 1856. Late Principal Clerk, General Post Office. Address : 34 Bernard Gardens, Wimbledon, S.W. (M8395) HART, Thomas Wheeler, C.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, 6. 13 May lf75 ; s. of Rev. Dudley Hart, of Stretford ; to. Edith, d. of — Hey wood, of Manchester. Educ: Manchester Grammar School, and Manchester University. War Work : County Director, East Lancashire Branch British Red Cross Society Address : Avenham House, Edge Lane, Stretford, nr. Man chester. (C30} HART, Eng.-Capt. WiUiam, O.B.E, R.N. HART, WiUiam Edward, O.B.E. HART, Capt. William Whiddon, M.B.E, R.A.F HART, Major James MiUeviUe RAVEN-, O.B E. HARTCUP, Major WiUiam Richard Monyns, O.BE 6. 22 Nov. 1882 ; s. of H. J. Hartcup, of Upland Half, Bungay Suffolk ; m. Marjorie ElUson, d. of J. E. Woods, of SwarW Hall, Northumberland. Educ. : Shrewsbury. Army 1901 to 1919 ; Chief Constable, Isle of Ely, Aug. 1919. War Work ¦ Adjutant, 5th Durham L.I. ; Brigade Major, 189 Infantry Brigade and 194 Infantry Brigade ; attached H.Q. Irish Command, Dublin ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Headquarters, Ripon Reserve centre. Address : St. Edmunds, Newmarket. Club : Army and Navy. (03127) HARTINGTON, Edward William Spencer Cavendish, Marquess of, M.B.E, J.P. for Derbyshire, Mayor of Buxton 1920-21, 6. 6 May, 1898 ; s. of the 9th Duke of Devonshire' of Chatsworth ; to. Mary Alice, d. of the 4th Marquess of Salisbury, of Hatfield (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Eton ¦ Cambridge. War Work : Derbyshire Yeomanry, 1914 ¦' served in Egypt and GaUipoli ; attached InteUigence Dept' War Office ; British Mission, French War Office, 1916-18 ; served on British Delegation, Peace Conference, 1918-19' Addresses : 2, Upper Belgrave Street, S.W. ; Chatsworth! BakeweU. Clubs : Brooks's ; Turf. (M5330) HARTLAND, Lilian Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 18 July 1880 ; d. of Thomas W. Windeatt, of Totnes ; m. Thomas s. of Thomas Hartland, of Bromesberrow Court, Glos. Educ. : Privately ; Weimar, Germany. War Work : Quartermaster and Asst.-Comdt. Totnes V.A. Hospital, Dec. 1914, to March, 1919. Address : N.P. Bank House, Totnes. (M1861) HARTLEY, Major Alan Pickup, O.B.E, R.A.F, 6 4 Nov. 1887 ; s. of J. P. Hartley, of Cheadle-Hulme, Cheshire. Educ: : King's School, Grantham. Cotton Manufacturer, War Work : Sep. 1914, Pte. 6th Manchester ; Nov. 1914, Bombing Officer, 6th Cheshire Regt. ; transferred to R.F.C, June, 1916; PUot; specialised in Aerial Armament; commenced and ran the " Wing of Practical Armament," Uxbridge ; Addresses : HU1 Top Avenue, Cheadle Hulme ; Palatine Bank Bldgs. Manchester. Club : R.A.F. (08114) HARTLEY, Albert, M.B.E. HARTLEY, Major Arthur Clifford, O.B.E, R.A.F. HARTLEY, Major Harold, C.B.E, M.C. HARTLEY, Harry, O.B.E. HARTLEY, Major Harry, C.B.E, R.E. Technical Wool Officer, War Office. (C1263) HARTLEY, Capt. James Norman Jackson, O.B.E, M.B, Edin, F.R.CS, (Edin. and England), T.C, 6. 2 July, 1889 ; s. of James Henry Hartley , of Keighley. Educ : Edinburgh University. Assistant to the Professor ot CUnical Surgery and Surgical Clinical Tutor, Edinburgh University. War Work : Surgeon to the Surgical Observation Hut, Etaples ; Surgeon Specialist, H.M.T.S, "Egypt "; and various General Hospitals. Address : c/o of Mrs. Christie, 20, Royal Crescent, Edinburgh. (05354) HARTLEY, Richard Frederiok, O.B.E. HARTLEY, Capt. Richard Warburton, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.F.), HARTLING, Edward Hadley, O.B.E. (O2380) HARTNELL, Walter George, M.B.E. HARTREE, William, O.B.E, M.A, 8, AprU, 1870; 8. of late John Penn Hartree ; m. Eva, d. of Dr. Edwin Rayner, of Stockport. Educ. : Tonbridge ; Trinity College, Cam bridge. War Work : Anti-aircraft Section of the Munitions Inventions Department. Address : Newton Road, Cambridge (01444) HARTSHORN, Major Arthur Hastings, O.B.E, R.E. (T). HARTSHORN, Hon. Major Stuart, C.B.E, 6. 30 June, 1867 ; s. of James Hartshorn, of Nottingham ; m. Ida Clara' d. of WiUiam Evans, J.P, of Knighton, Leicester. Educ: Chigwell School. Retired Lace Manufacturer. War Work : Hon. Sec, Nottingham Recruiting Committee and Nottingham Notts' Voluntary Workers Association ; District Recruiting Officer, No 6 District, Lichfield, for Counties Lincoln, Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, Rutland, Stafford, Wolverhampton ; Sec. Yorkshire and East Midland region and Northern Region, Ministry of National Service. Address: Knighton, Magdale Road, Nottingham. Clubs : Nottingham Borough ; Nottingham County. (C979) HARTSHORN, Vernon, O.B.E, J.P,M.P. (Lab.), Ogmore Division of Glamorganshire since Dec, 1918; served on the Coal Trade Organization Committee; and also on the Coal ControUer's Advisory Committee. Address : Maesteg, Bridgend, Glam. (0412) HARTY, Capt. WiUiam, O.B.E. HARVEY, Anita Maria, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 24 Jan. 1875 ; d. of Philip Symons, of Bodmin, Cornwall ; m. Charles Henry, s. of Isaac Harvey, of London. Educ : Northfield Seminary, Northfield, Mass, U.S.A. Missionary of the Baptist Missionary Society, London. War Work : Two years at St. John Ambu lance Nursing Sisters' Convalescent Home for wounded British troops, Calcutta ; engaged in massage aud doctors' rooms ; four years at Sambhu Nath Pundit Hospital, Calcutta, training candidates for MUitary Hospitals ; during four years gave " First Aid " and " Home Nursing " lectures to qualify people for war work. Address : c/o Baptist Missionary Society, 19, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. (M4147) HARVEY, Arthur Kenneth, O.B.E. (02381) HARVEY, 2nd Lieut. Austin Mozart, M.B.E. HARVEY, Major Bertram Lionel, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. HARVEY, Lieut.-Comm. Cecil RusseU Hains, O.B.E. R.N. 244 BIOGRAPHIES. Haszard HARVEY, Christina, Mrs., M.B.E. HARVEY, Col. David, C.M.G, C.B.E, M.D, M.B, Ch.B, fi. 1871. Educ. : Glasgow Univ. Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. ; Dep. Director of Pathology at War Office, with rank of Col. ; served in S. Africa, 1900-2 (Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps). (C1607) HARVEY, Rev. Edward Douglas Lennox, O.B.E, M.A, J.P, fi. 26 Dec. 1858 ; s. of W. J. Harvey, of Camousie, Banff shire. Educ. : Harrow ; Trin. CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Recruitmg ; Appeal Tribunal, West Sussex ; Chairman Local War Pensions Committee. Address : Beedingwood, Horsham, Sussex. Clubs : Conservative ; Automobile. (O10576) HARVEY, Major Edward John Morewood, M.B.E. HARVEY, Edward Murray, O.B.E. (011786c) HARVEY, Comm. Edwin WUUam, M.B.E, R.N.R. HARVEY, Emma Jessie, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 26 Sept. 1867 ; _. of Philip Rawson, J.P, D.L, of Woodhurst, Crawley, Sussex. War Work : Raised funds to equip and maintain hut of 20 beds at B.R.C. Hospital, Netley, for four years ; Commandant V.A.D, Sussex/70, and other Red Cross work ; Head of War Hospital Supply Depot, Horsham ; organised Hut Week Campaign for Y.M.C.A. in Horsham and district ; work in connection with Women's Land Army. Address : Beeding wood, Horsham, Sussex. Clubs : Albemarle. (O10577) HARVEY, Sir Ernest Maes, K.B.E, 6. 1 Jan. 1872 ; s. of Julius Harvey, of Ipswich ; m. Blanche, d. of Edward Pogson, of Stj Kitts. Educ : Ipswich. Banker ; Director British Columbia Electric Rly. Co. War Work ; Treasury Repre sentative Archangel, 1918-19 ; Financial Adviser to British Representative, Inter-AUied Rhineland Committee, 1919 ; Financial Adviser, Austrian Section, Reparation Committee, Vienna, 1920. Addresses : Inveresk, Watford ; Hill House, Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Clubs : Union ; Tuesday. (K382) HARVEY, Sir Ernest Musgrave, K.B.E, fi. 27 July, 1867 ; ». of Rev. Preb. C. M. Harvey, late of HiUingdon, Middlesex ; m. Sophia, d. of Capt. Catesby Paget, late of Aspley Guise, Woburn. Educ. : Marlborough. Chief Cashier, Bank of England ; ChevaUer, Legion d'Honneur ; Chevalier, Order of Leopold of Belgium. Address : 29, Cranley Gardens, S.W. 7. (K457) HARVEY, Ethel, Mrs., M.B.E. HARVEY, Lieut.-Col., Francis George, C.B.E, D.S.O. Lieut.Col. S. African Forces ; A.Q.M.G. ; served in Great War (German S.-W. Africa, 1914-15 (despatches, Legion of Honour). (C754) HARVEY, Major Frank Barrington, O.B.E, R. of O. HARVEY, Sir George Samuel Abercromby, K.B.E, CM.G, fi. 21 Oct. 1854 ; s. of WilUam James Harvey, J.P, of Camousie, Turriff, N.B. ; m. EUzabeth Diana Lily, d. of the late Colonel John Craigie-Halkett, of Cramond, Midlothian. Educ. : Trinity CoUege, Glenalmond. Late The Black Watch, Royal Highlanders, then Egyptian Government Service. War Work: Provost-Marshal Cairo and Upper Egypt, 1916-17. Address : 10, West Eaton Place, London, S.W. 1. (K185) HARVEY, Lieut.-Comm. James Robertson, O.B.E, R.N. HARVEY, Capt. John, C.B.E, R.N. HARVEY, Capt. Joseph Massey, O.B.E. HARVEY, Joshua Harold, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 4. 22 Nov. 1867 ; s. of Joshua Harvey, of Broadmoor, Pembroke shire; m. Emily Jane, d. of George Harries, of Trevaecoon, Pembrokeshire. Educ. : Privately and Guy's Hospital. War Work : Civil Medical Practitioner in charge of 3rd Dorset shire Regt. and other troops stationed at Wyke Regis near Weymouth. Address : The WiUows, Wyke Regis, Dorset. (04371) HARVEY, Capt. Nicholas Charles, M.B.E. HARVEY, Lieut. Peroy Edgar, O.B.E, R.E, HARVEY, Lieut. Ralph Oswald, O.B.E. HARVEY, Major Robert Bald, O.B.E, A.S.C. HARVEY, Capt. Robert Bleeck Leech, O.B.E, 6. 19 Aug. 1887 ; s. of Charles O. Harvey, of Bristol. Educ. : ClUton College, and R.M.C. Sandhurst. Appointed 2nd Lieut. Royal Berkshire Regt. 1906 ; seconded for service with the Colonial Office, 1911. War Work : Served with 4th King's African Rules in the East African Campaign ; InteUigence Officer, Uganda, 1914; Adjutant 1/4 King's African Rifles, 1916; 1. Major, 2nd in command 2/4 King's African Rifles, 1916 ; commanding 5/4' King's African Rifles, 1917; T. Lieut.-Col. 1918; served in SomaUland Operations, 1919-20 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : 4, Worcester Crescent, C'ifton, Bristol. Club : Army and Navy. (06749) HARVEY, Tom Horace, O.B.E. For services rendered to the Ministry of Food. (011906) HARVEY, Lieut. William, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. HARVEY, WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 10 Sept. 1862 ; Harness, Trunk and Bag Manufacturer. War Work : Chief Inspector of Special Constabulary, Stockport; Organised Traders' Co. of Special Constables, acting under Chief Constable. Ad dress: RusseU Place, 102, Prince's Street, Stockport. (M516) HARVEY, Winifred Beatrice, M.B.E, fi. 11 Aug. 1888 ; a. of Colonel H. J. Harvey, of Newlands, Guernsey ; Educ. : Ladies' College, Guernsey. War Work : Secretarial Work mr the Guernsey Branch of the Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association ; Member of the Guernsey Local War Pensions Committee. Address: Newlands, Guernsey. (M8396) HARVIE, Charles Frederick, O.B.E. HARWARD, Mabel, Mrs., M.B.E, 6; 1 Sept. 1875; d. of Beroamin Scarf, of Cliffe HiU, Bradford ; m. the Rev. Reginald Cuthbert, s. of the Rev. Edwin C Harward, Vicar of Middleton-by- Wirksworth. Educ. : Isleworth and Lau sanne. War Work : British Soldiers' Institute, Boulogne-sur- Mer. Address : 7, Boulevard Daunow. Boulogne-sur-Mer. (M8397) HARWARD, Rev. Reginald Cuthbert, M.B.E, M.A, 6. 30 Nov. 1871 ; s. of Edwin Cuthbert Harward, of Middleton Vicarage, Wirksworth, Derby. ; to. Mabel, d. of Benjamin Scarf, of Bradford, Yorks. Educ. : Denstone Coll.; Chichester Theol. Coll. ; Durham University. Resident English Chaplain (since 1912), Holy Trinity Church, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. War Work : British Soldiers' and Sailors' Institute, Boulogne Base. Address : 7, Boulevard Daunow, Boulogne-sur-Mer. (M8398) HARWARD, Capt. Robert Blake, O.B.E. HARWOOD, Capt. Alfred, M.B.E. HARWOOD, George, M.B.E. HARWOOD, Gertrude, Mrs., M.B.E. HARWOOD, Lieut.-Comm. Henry Harwood, O.B.E, R.N. HARWOOD, James Henry, M.B.E. HARWOOD, John Edward, O.B.E, 6. 3 March, 1870; s. of John Harwood, of Manchester ; to. Sophia Marion, d. of Rev. E. D. Hall, M.A, of Coin S. Denys, Glos. Mayor of Shoreditch, 1909-10. War Work : Member of Profiteering Appeal Tribunal ; representative at the Electricity Conference, Act, 1919 ; Shoreditch Borough Councillor ; Military Tribunal, Shoreditch ; Right-half Co. Comm. City of London Police Reserve, 1914, to 1918. Address : 32, Brondesbury Park, N.W. 6. Club : Junior Constitutional. (O10580) HARWOOD, Margaret, M.B.E. HARWOOD, Ralph Endersby, C.B.E., F.S.S., 6. 28 March, 1883 ; s. of Charles Harwood, of Shefford ; to. Kitty, d. of WiUiam Rule Endersby, of Old Warden, Bedfordshire. Educ. : Modern School, Bedford. Assistant Sec, H.M. Treasury : Telegraphist, G.P.O, 1898 ; Second Division Clerk, at India Office and Royal Hospital, Chelsea (1901-03) ; Estate Duty Office (1903-11) ; Accountant-General's Dept, Inland Revenue, 1911-12 ; N. H. Insurance Committee, 1912 ; Staff Clerk, 1912 ; Assistant Accountant, 1912-13 ; Clerk, Class I, 1913, at N. H. I. C War Work : Assisted Rt. Hon. Sir John Anderson, K.C.B, in the control of the British drug supply till AprU 1915 ; then seconded to War Trade Dept. in connection with the blockade of Germany ; Appointed Con troller of the War Trade, Statistical Dept. on its formation in 1916 ; Chairman of Inter-AUied Rationing and Statistical Committee, 1917-18 ; Appointed Principal, Finance Dept, Air Ministry, 1918 ; Principal Establishment Officer and Assistant Sec. of H.M. Treasury, 1919. Addresses : Home- field, WarUngham ; Treasury, S.W. 1. (C193) HASELER, WilUam Rabone, O.B.E, 6. 1860; s. of W. H. Haseler, of Birmingham ; to. Florence, d. of WilUam Ryland, of Birmingham. Educ. : Privately. Manufacturer ; Commissioner of Income Tax ; Guardian of Birmingham Assay Office ; Governor of Handsworth Grammar School. War Work : Commander of the " C " Division of Special Constabulary of Birmingham. Address : 43, Handsworth Wood Road, Birmingham. (010581) HASKINS, Arthur, M.B.E. HASKINS, Edith Mabel, M.B.E. ; d. of Joseph Haskins, of Warmley Tower, Warmley, Glos. Educ. : Clifton High School. War Work : Gazetted Assistant Administrator Q.M.A.A.C, Oct. 1917; attached to General Headquarter Staff (Deland) from Nov. 1917 to June, 1919, as Assistant Controller Q.M.A.A.C. Ireland, dealing with general administra tion of Q.M.A.A.C. camps, Deland. Address : 28, Caversham Road, London, N.W. 5. (M6643) HASLAM, Francis Meadows, M.B.E. HASLAM, Capt. Thomas WiUred, O.B.E. HASLAM, Lieut. WiUiam Heywood, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HASLEHUST, Harold Maitland, M.B.E, LA. HASSALL, Lieut.-Col. Owen, O.B.E. HASSELL, Charles Joseph, O.B.E, fi. 20 Aug. 1857; s. of Joseph Hassell, A.K.C (Lond.), Professor of Education ; m. Hannah Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Barrett, of London. Educ. : Islington Proprietary School and King's College, London. Collector of H.M. Customs and Excise, London Port. War Work : In charge of the Outdoor Department of Customs in London, which had many special and important duties imposed upon it by legislation and Orders in Council consequent upon the war. Address : Tregarthen, Windsor Road, Finchley. (010582) HASTHORPE, Alice, M.B.E. HASTIE, Peter, M.B.E. HASTIE, Major Stuart Henderson, O.B.E, M.C. HASTINGS, Albert, M.B.E. HASTINGS, Lieut.-Comm. Edward George Godolphin, O.B.E., R.N. HASTINGS, Frank, C.B.E. HASTINGS, Eng.-Comm. James Frederiok Arthur, O.B.E, R.N. HASTINGS, WilUam, O.B.E. HASWELL, John Watson, M.B.E. HAS WELL, Robert, M.B.E. Secretary, WilUam Doxford & Sons, Ltd, Shipbuilders, Sunderland. Address : 27, ThornhiU Gardens, Sunderland. Club : County Constitutional. (M522) HASZARD, Lieut. Gerald Fenwick, O.B.E, D.S.C. R.M. 245 Haszard THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. HASZARD, Lieut. Henry Vivian Moore, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HATCH, Sir Ernest Frederick George, Bart, K.B.E, 6. 12 AprU, 1859; s. of the late John WiUiam Hatch and Matilda Augusta, his wife, o. d. of Hugh Snell, of Callington, Cornwall, Barrister-at-law; m. 12 Oct. 1900, Lady Constance Blanche Godolphin Osborne yd. of the 9th Duke of Leeds (see BURKE'S Peerage). M.P. for the Gorton Division of S.E. Lancashire, 1895-1906; Chairman and Treasurer of University CoUege Hospital and has been Chairman of various Departmental Committees (Home Office, Board of Trade, Local Government Board and Insurance Commissioners) ; and on the panel of Chairmen of Court of Arbitration; is Commander of the Order of the Crown of Belgium, and Member of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Address : 20, Portland Place, W. (K334) HATCH, Ethel Francis, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. HATCH, Frederick Henry, Ph.D., O.B.E, M.Inst.CE., Past President Inst. Mining and MetaUurgy, fi. 1864. Educ. : Univ. CoU, London, and Bonn Univ. Mining Engineer : S. Africa, Spain, Canada, United States, India, Abyssinia, Natal, Zululand, Urals ; reported on the gold resources of India for the Indian Government in 1900-1, and the mineraf resources of Natal and Zululand for the Natal Government ; at present member of the Governing Body of the Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau, and Director of the Mineral Resources Development Department of the Board of Trade. War Work : Member of the Home Don Ore Supply Committee of the Don and Steel Department of the Ministry of Munitions ; Member of Commission to examine the condition of the Iron and Steel Works in the occupied areas of Germany, in Belgium, and in France ; member of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to enquire into the economic position of the Don Ferrous Mining Industry ; Author of " The Don and Steel Industry of the U.K. under War Conditions." Clubs : Athenaeum ; Bath. (010583) HATCH, Lieut. WUUam Ashton, M.B.E., R.E. HATFIELD, Ada Sophia Lucy, O.B.E. ; d. of James Berriman Tippetts, of Highbury and St. Leonards ; to. George Frederick Hatfield, s. of Charles WUliam Hatfield, of Doncaster. Educ : Privately. War Work: Hon. Sec. to the Y.M.C.A. 1915-20, for the National Women's AuxUiary ; Hon. Auditor of Ladles' Alpine Club ; a Governor of the Green Cross Club ; Address : 11, Bedford Square, London, W.C. 1. Clubs : Albemarle ; Forum ; Ladies' Alpine. (0414) HATHERLEY, Cyril George, O.B.E. HATTERSLEY, John, O.B.E. HATTON, George, C.B.E, J.P. HATTON, James Thomas, M.B.E. HAUGHTON, Major Henry WiUred, D.S.O, O.B.E. HAUGHTON, Francis George, M.B.E, 6. 14 June, 1863 ; s. of Henry Charles Haughton, of London ; to. Kate, d. of Samuel Edward Sturman, of London. Educ. : Stoke Newing- ton ; City of London Coll. Surveyor of Customs and Excise, KirkwaU ; Registrar of Shipping ; Receiver of Wrecks ; Regis trar of Royal Naval Reserve ; Superintendent of Mercantile Marine, and Agent for Admiralty Prize Court, for Orkney Islands. War Work : Mobilised the R.N. Reserve in Orkney in Aug. 1914 ; dealt with custody of prize ships and cargoes, and derelict torpedoed vessels, and flotsam from these and other wrecks ; also all general Customs duties in relation to the duty free stores suppUed to the large fleets of His Majesty in Orkney waters. Address : St. Bernards, Bulstrode Road, Hounslow. (M8404) HAUGHTON, Marjorie Wimeimina, O.B.E, 6. 19 Sept. 1893 ; d. of Benjamin Haughton, J.P, of Cork. Educ. : Polam Hall School, Darlington. War Work : Hon. See. Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffet at Cork Station of Gt. Southern and Western RaUway ; Hon. Lady Sec. Soldiers' and Sailors' Hostel, Y.M.C.A, Cork. Address : WeUington Road, Cork. (010585) HAULTAIN, Capt. WiUiam Francis Theodore, O.B.E, M.C, B.A, M.B, B.Ch. (Cantab), late R.A.M.C. (S.R.), fi. 14 Jan. 1893 ; s. of F. W. N. Haultain, M.D, of 12, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh ; m. Winifred, d. of Major J. D. Outram of Edinburgh. Educ : Edinburgh Academy ; Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities. War Work : Capt. R.A.M.C (S.R.), B.E.F. and E.E.F. Address: 5, Queen's Terrace, Aberdeen. (06197) HAUSWELL, Francis, M.B.E. (M10249<2) HAUXWELL, Samuel, O.B.E. HAVES, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Robert, O.B.E, R.N. HAVES, Paymaster Thomas, O.B.E, R.N. HAVILAND, Capt. Reginald Henry, M.B.E. ; s. of the late Rev. A. C Haviland, of Lilley, Herts. Educ. : Wellington. War Work: Oct. 1914, obtained Commission, in 4th Batt. Durham Light Infantry ; attached to Staff of Tyne Garrison July, 1915, to July, 1916 ; with Army Canteen Committee, now Navy and Army Canteen Board, from July, 1916, to date. Addresses : St. Michael's Manor St. Albans ; 10, Hanover Square, London, W. Club : Bath. (M5332) HAVILAND, Capt. Wilfred Pollen, M.B.E, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (T.F.), b. 14 April, 1881 ; s. of the late Rev. Arthur Haviland, of Lilley, Herts. ; m. Beryl Marion d. of the late Lieut.-Col. Sir Edward Durand, Bart, C B Educ. : Charterhouse and Kings' Coll, Cambridge. Stock Exhange. War Work: With l/8th ArgyU and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's), served in France, 1915-18 ¦ General Staff from Aug. 1917, to March, 1919 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Whitlars, King's Langley, Herts. Club : Isthmian. (M5333) HAVOCK, Donald St. John, M.B.E. HAWES, Albert Henry, O.B.E. (011744) HA WES, Charles Henry, M.B.E, 6. 10 Dec. 1876 ; s. of Philip James Hawes, of Market Drayton, Shropshire; m NelUe Louisa, d. of Thomas Moore, of Havant, Hants. Educ '• Longparish, Hants. Clerk, War Office. War Work : Clerical work at War Office in connection with Transportation of Troops and Stores. Address : 9, Fairfield Terrace, Havant, Hants (M3701) HAWES, George WilUam Spencer, O.B.E. HAWK, WiUiam, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 1851 ; s. of WilUam Hawk, of Kemock, Cornwall ; m. Florence, d. of John Clemence of Howton, CornwaU. Chairman of Cornwall County CouncU and War Agricultural Committee. Address : Kernock, St. MeUion, Cornwall. (C194) HAWKE, Dora Annie, Mrs., M.B.E. HAWKE, Edward Drummond Hay, O.B.E, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S, 6. 7 June, 1867 ; s. of Edward Henry Hawke, of TolguUa, Scarrier, CornwaU ; m. Dora Annie, d. of Charles Park, of Hampstead. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School ; Charing Cross Hospital. War Work : M.O. of Shortlands V.A.D. Hospital, and of Shortlands Depot, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) Address : TolguUa, Shortlands, Kent. (04372) HAWKE, Leah Lucy, Mrs., M.B.E, HAWKE, WiUiam, C.B.E.. J.P. HAWKER, Brig.-Gen. Claude Julian, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1867. Lieut.-Col. Coldstream Guards ; NUe Expedition, 1899 ; served in Great War in Mesopotamia, 1915-18 (mentioned in despatches). (C1107) HAWKER, Francis Feodor Wynne, M.B.E, 6. 14 AprU, 1857 ; s. of James Hawker, of Plymouth ; m. Ada St. John MeUiar, d. of Rev. C. F. Garratt, of Bickleigh. Educ. : Win chester CoU. Wine Merchant. War Work : Y.M.C.A. ; Treas. of Plymouth War Hospital Supply Depot ; coUection and for warding of clothing to Ruhleben Camp ; visiting Hospitals ; entertaining wounded. Address : Hele House, Batsleigh, Roborough, S. Devon. Club : Royal Western Yacht ; British Empire. (M1867) HAWKER, Frank, M.B.E, 6. 9 March, 1868; s. of Thomas Hawker, of Birmingham ; to. Nora Jane, d. oi James Rollason, of Moseley, Birmingham. Educ : Gower Street Schools, and Privately. Manufacturer ; founder of Frank Hawker Carpathian SUver Co, Ltd. ; Director and Chairman of Hawkers, Ltd, and The British Needle Co. Ltd. ; member of the Birmingham City CouncU, since 1911 an Overseer for Handsworth. War Work : Rendered valuable services to the Ministry of Munitions for the production of Fuse parts, especially Safety Shutters, which prevented our shells exploding in our guns or near our men. Address : MUenda House, Devon shire Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham. Club : Midland Conservative. (M1866) HAWKES, Lieut. Comley, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.O.C. HAWKES, Lieut.-Col. Frank Roxburgh, O.B.E., I.A.R.O. HAWKES, Harry George, M.B.E. HAWKES, Major John Alfred, O.B.E. HAWKES, Violet, M.B.E. HAWKESWORTH, Paymaster-Lieut. Riohard Arthur, O.B.E, R.N. HAWKINS, Lieut. Albert Gordon Jones, M.B.E. HAWKINS, Albert Victor, M.B.E, 6. 16 Oct. 1871 ; s. of Alexander Hawkins, of London ; m. Barbara Walker, d. of WilUam Dodds, of London. Educ. : Privately. Superintendent, Criminal Investigation Department, New Scotland Yard, S.W. War Work : Special PoUce (C.I.D.) work. Address : 18, Ravenscourt Park, W. 6. (M523) HAWKINS, Beatrice Helen, M.B.E, 6. 22 Nov. 1887; d. of Isaac Thomas Hawkins, A.M.I.CE, formerly Col. CivU Service, and Mrs. Mary Hope Hawkins, and sister of Lieut. Lionel Hope Hawkins, 1st King's Dragoon Guards, the well-known polo player, who was kiUed in action, Oct. 1914. Educ. : The Abbey CoU, Stroud ; Madame Yateman's, NeuiUy, Paris. War Work : Winter 1914-15 worked in connection with the Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association ; in Autumn 1915 worked in motor repair works, gaining certificate for running repairs, etc. ; also worked for Belgian Food ReUef, driving van to Covent Garden, coUecting and distributing food, etc. ; worked at Woolwich Arsenal, and was one of the first ladies to obtain a certificate as an examiner of shell filling ; afterwards entered the War Office in MUitary Secretary's Dept. Address: 5, Emperor's Gate, S.W. 7. Clubs : Ladies' Army and Navy; Hurlingham. (M8407) HAWKINS, Florence Beatrice, Mrs, M.B.E. HAWKINS, Capt. Harold John Charlton, O.B.E., R.A.S.C. HAWKINS, Capt. George, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 19 Aug. 1893; s. of G. P. Hawkins, of Cambridge. Educ. : Perse and Christ's CoUege, Cambridge. War Service: Served at the front in France from Jan. 1915 to 11 Nov. 1918 continuously ; Enlisted Aug. 1914 ; Served with 28th, 33rd, and 3rd Infantry Divisions ; Latterly S.S.O. 3rd Division. Address: Brunswick Walk, Cambridge. (05358) HAWKINS, Major Henry, O.B.E. HAWKINS, Lieut.-Col. Herbert PenneU, C.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.) fi. 30 June, 1859 ; s. of Rev. Robert Hawkins, Vicar of Lamberhurst ; m. Hester Vera, d. of Fleetwood Rynd, of 246 BIOGRAPHIES. Haynes Mount Armstrong. Educ. : Eton and Oxford. Physician (retired). War Work : O.C. 5th London General Hospital. Address : Lackenhurst, Shipley, Sussex. Club : New Univ. (C1608) HAWKINS, John Alfred, M.B.E. HAWKINS, Capt. John Frederiok, O.B.E, R.A.F. HAWKINS, Sarah Annie Moss, M.B.E. Clerk in Civil Service. War Work : Work in connection with War Savings Certificates. Addresses : 5, Argyle Road, Woodside Park, H. ; Money Order Dept., G.P.O. (M8409) HAWKINS, Thomas Shirley, M.B.E. HAWKS, Lieut.-Col. George Augustus, O.B.E., I.A. HAWKSFORD, Capt. Franois Henry, O.B.E.. R.A.F. HAWKSWORTH, Capt. John LedUe Inglish, O.B.E. HAWKSWORTH, WUUam, O.B.E. HAWLEY, Arthur, O.B.E, M.B, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. HAWORTH, Col. Frederic O.B.E, T.D, V.D, J.P, D.L, fi. 8 May, 1857 ; s. of Richard Haworth, J.P, of Didsbury. Lancashire ; m. Mary Simmons, d. of Robert Hodgkinson, of Cheadle, Cheshire. Educ. : Privately. Cadet Colonel Com mandant for Cumberland and Westmorland ; Hon. Col. 7th Batt. Lancs. Fus. ; Member of Westmorland Territorial iorce Association. War Work: Raised and trained West morland Section of the 11th Batt. (Lonsdale) Border Regt. County Commandant, Cumberland and Westmorland Volunteer Regt. Address : Ashley Green, Loughrigg, Ambleside. Clubs : Arts ; Royal Windermere Yacht. (07256) HAWS, Capt. Albert Henry, O.B.E, 6. 29 March, 1871 ; s. of Charles Henry Haws, of Witcham ; m. AUce M, d. of Charles Strowlger, of Colchester. Educ. : Sutton. War Wort : Enlisted in 1st King's Dragoon Guards, 1914 ; Com missioned Lieut.-Qr.-Mr. in the Scottish Horse Yeomanry, Sept. 1914 ; gazetted Capt. Sept. 1917 ; served in the Darda- neUes, under Lord TuUibardine, C.B, D.S.O, M.V.O, Oct. 1915, to Dec. 1915 ; posted to 2nd Brigade, Scottish Horse Yeo, East Coasts, Nov. 1916 ; posted to 1st King's Dragoon Guards, and proceeded to France, June, 1917 ; India, 1917-19, mentioned in Gen. Monro's despatches for distinguished services during the operations; medals, 1914 Star, British War, 3rd Afghan 1919, Allied, and Long Service. Address : Kings- leigh, Nuffield Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey. Club : Primrose. (011744) HAWSON, Millar Wright, M.B.E. HAWTREY, Capt. WUfred Robert John, O.B.E, fi. 22 Feb. 1875; s. of Rev. H. C. Hawtrey, of Nursling; m. Mary Dixon, d. of W. M. Chinnery, of Hatchford. Educ : -Royal Naval School, and Weymouth. War Work : Helped to form 9th D.A.C, March, 1915 ; Commanded 51st B.'A.C, April 1915, to May, 1915, and "D" Bty, 51st Bde, and "B"Bty, 53 Bde, France ; Loos, Ypres, Armentieres, Somme, wounded 1916 ; Mobilisation, W.D. Staff, May, 1917, to May, 1919 ; Secretary, King's Fund, Ministry of Pensions. Address : Bray Rise, Bray, Berks. Club : R.A.C (01588) HAY, Algernon Richard Francis, O.B.E. HAY, Althea Maud, M.B.E. ; d. of David Hay, M.I.C.E, of 6, Abbey Road Mansions N. W, ,and Little HiU, Melton , Suffolk. Educ. : St. Winifred's, Eastbourne, and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. War Work : Four years in the InteUigence Depart ment, Ministry of Shipping ; previously teaching in boy's school to relieve a master for Active Survice. Address : 6, Abbey Road Mansions, N.W. Club ; Ladies' Univ. (M1871) HAY, Major Arthur Kennet, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1884 ; Major R.A. ; Gen. Staff Officer ; served in the Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches). (02988) HAY, Charlotte Maud, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C HAY, David AUan, 6. 1878 ; s. of James Hay, of Paisley ; m. Frances Margaret, d. of Thomas Walker, of North Berwick. Educ. : Paisley Grammar School ; Glasgow University . Chartered Accountant. War Work : Hon. Sec, and Hon. Treas, of Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, Glasgow Branch. Address : Lorraine Gardens, DowanhUI, Glasgow, W. Clufi.- Glasgow Conservative. (03745) HAY, Lieut.-Col. George Lennox, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1873. Capt. and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Army Ordnance Depart. ; served in Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches). (C784) HAY, Henrietta Louisa, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Sir Robert Hay, Bart, of Haystoun. War Work : Organising of Canteens for women war workers for Young Women's Christian Associa tion. Addresses: 24, Thurloe Square, London, S.W.; The Lees, Innerleithen, Scotland. (M525) HAY, James, O.B.E. (011979) HAY, Capt. James George, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1878 ; sometime an A.A. and Q.M.G. ; S. Africa, 1899-1900 (Queen's medal with three clasps) ; served in the Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches). (02558) HAY, James Lawrence, O.B.E. T HAY, Kenneth Robert, O.B.E, M.A, M.B, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 1873 ; s. of the late Alexander S. Hay, of Sacombe Park, Ware, Herts; m. Rachel, d. of Ernest Beek, of Gt. AmweU, Ware, Herts. Edue. : Sherborne and Cambridge. War Work: Hon. Medical Officer, Officers' Hospitals at 24, Park Street, W, and 53, Cadogan Square, S.W. ; Resident Civilian Medical Officer at 1st London General Hospital, Camberwell, June, 1916, to Dec. 1918. Address : 47, Hill Street, Berkeley Square, W. 1. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (011809) HAY, Capt. Peter Stewart, O.B.E. HAY, Comm. The Hon. Sereld Mordaunt Alan, O.B.E, fi. 25 Nov. 1877 ; s. of Major-Gen. Charles Gore Hay, 19th Earl of Enroll, K.T, C.B, T.D. (see Bukke'S Peerage), of Aberdeen shire, Scotland ; m. Violet, d. of Col. Duncan Splller, of 23, Vale Avenue, S.W. Educ. : Privately ; H.M.S. ,r Britannia." Under-Sec. imperial Institute, South Kensington ; Orange Farmer, owning two orange farms, Penhurst and Riverside, at Selborne on the Sunday's River, South Africa. War Work ; Assist. Naval Transport Officer, under Capt. R. C. Lambert, D.S.O, R.N, during German South-West African Campaign, 1914-1 5 ; Staff Officer to the R.N.V.R, South African Division, 1914-19 ; Author of the " History of the R.N.V.R, South African Division," which has been accepted by Gen. Smuts as the official History of the Corps. Clubs : Junior Naval and Military. (09668) HAY, Capt. Sydney Hartley, M.B.E. HAY, 2nd Lieut. WiUiam Ross, M.B.E, R.E. HAY, Mary Elizabeth DALRYMPLE-, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Admiral the Rt. Hon. Sir J. 0. Dalrymple-Hay, Bart., G.C.B. War Work : Navy League ; in charge of the N.L. Naval Units. Address : 9, Vincent Square Mansions, S.W. 1. Clubs : Bath ; Mid-Surrey Golf. (O10589) HAY, Eveline Anstey, Mrs. DRUMMOND-, M.B.E, 6. 20 Jan. 1874 ; d. of the late Rev. E. T. Bennett, of Castle Roe, Coleraine; m. Francis Edward, M.V.O, H.M. Consul- General at Lyons ; s. of the late Sir Francis R. Drummond- Hay. War Work : Head of Clothing Department of Belgian War Refugees Committee, Folkestone ; organiser of seven Depots in connection with Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, in Brazil; Deputy Commandant Kenry House Hospital for Officers, Kingston Hill ; received from the King of the Belgians the MedaiUe de la Reine EUzabeth. Address : British Consulate-General, Lyons, France. (M8411) HAYCOCK, Herbert Clement, O.B.E, 6. 27 March, 1874 ; s. of W. T, Haycock, of London ; m. Marguerite Lucy, d. of Robert Finch, of Dulwich. Educ : Archbishop Tenison's School. Chairman and Managing Director of Haycock, Cadle and Graham, Ltd, of CamberweU. War Work : Volun tary Administrative Officer, Road Transport Board, Board of Trade. Address : The Nook, Gipsy FOIL Upper Norwood. S.E. 19. Club : National Liberal. (010590) HAYCRAFT, George Tolman, O.B.E. HAYDEN, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Arthur, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1861 ; s. of the late Rev. Charles Frederick Hayden, Vicar of West Hendred, Berks ; m. Henrietta Grace Lambeart, d. of the late Col. Anthony Stewart, I.S.C Educ. : Winchester. Entered 33rd Regt. 1881 ; Capt. Duke of Welhngton's (W. Riding Regt.), 1888 ; Major, 1898 ; Lieut.-Col. 1908 ; ret. 1912 ; served in S. Africa, 1900-2 (despatches) ; served in Great War as Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a Batt. Duke of Wellington's (W. Riding Regt.), 1914-16. Address : 52, Warwick Road, Earl's Court, S.W.5. (07257) HAYES, Agnes, M.B.E. HAYES, Annie Rosina, Mrs., M.B.E. HAYES, Arthur William, M.B.E, 6. 16 Dec. 1873 ; ». of WUliam Hayes, of Blidworth, Notts. ; to. Elizabeth Eleanor, d. of Thomas Glass, of Wingate, Durham. Educ. : HucknaU. War Work : Directed the whole of the Y.M.C.A. activities in the County of Kent ; also for a time the sleeping of soldiers in London ; Twice complimented by His Majesty. jl**ress .' Deneholme, Elm Avenue. Nottingham. (M526) HAYES, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Denis, M.B.E. HAYES, Lieut.-Col. Edwin Charles, C.B.E, 6. 1868. Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. ; China, 1900 (medal) ; Great War, 191 4-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1264) HAYES, Lieut. Ernest George, M.B.E. HAYES, Capt. Francis Bernard, O.B.E, R.A.V.C HAYES, Fredric James, M.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of Louis Milroy Hayes, of Manchester ; to. Lucy Violet, d. of Samuel Horton, of Liverpool. Educ. : Privately. Merchant. War Work : Chahman Y.M.C.A. War Emergency Committee, Lancashire Division. Addresses : Rochester Terrace, Buxton ; Victoria Street, Manchester. CZufis .• Clarendon (Manchester) ; Old Rectory (Manchester). (M527) HAYES, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George Frederick Lacey, M.B.E. HAYES, George Patrick, O.B.E. HAYES, Surg.-Capt. George SulUvan Clifford, O.B.E. HAYES, James Waldegrave, M.B.E. HAYES, John Joseph, M.B.E. HAYES, LiUian May McCaully, Mrs., M.B.E. HAYES, Robert, O.B.E. (O3509) HAYES, Major Robert Cholerton, O.B.E, R.F.A. HAYFORD, Joseph Ephraim Casely, M.B.E. HAYLEY, Major Sydney Thomas, D.S.O, O.B.E. HAYLOCK, Ernest Edwin, O.B.E. HAYMAN, Albert Melville, O.B.E. Organiser, Accounts Branch, Mesopotamian Railways. (011789/j) HAYNE, Frederick WiUiam, O.B.E. HAYNE, Louis Brightwell, M.B.E, M.A, M.D. (Cantab), 6. 19 July, 1869 ; s. of Henry Hayne, of Tunbridge WeUs ; m. Margaret LilUas, d. of Murdock Shaw Morison. Educ: Tonbridge School ; GonviUe and Caius CoU, Camb. ; St. George's Hospital, London. Physician Harrogate Infirmary. War Work : Medical Officer in Charge, Grove House AuxUiary Hospital, Harrogate. Address : Sheen House, Harrogate. (M8414) HAYNES, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. Frederick Gambier, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. 247 Haynes THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. HAYNES, George, M.B.E. HAYNES, Capt. George William, M.B.E. HAYNES, Lieut.-Col. (T. Brig.-Gen.,) Kenneth Edward, C.M.G. C.B.E, R.A, 6. 2 Aug. 1871 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. E. 0. Haynes, of Bridge, Kent ; to. Katharine Mary EUzabeth, d. of Rev. Canon J. H. Carr, of Adisham, Kent. Educ : Malvern ; Royal MiUtary Academy. Regular Army. War Work : Superintendent of Experiments ; Member of Ordnance Committee. Address : c,'o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. Club : Army and Navy. (C1609) HAYSE, Thomas WiUiam James, M.B.E. HAYTER, Major Gordon WiUis, O.B.E, M.I.A.E, 6. 14 Jan. 1888 ; s. of John Short Hayter, of Wimborne. Educ : Christ's Efospital. Engineer. War Work : R.A.S.C. from Oct. 1914, to date ; 2 years Italy as Inspector of Mech. Transport Address : 57, Chancery Lane, W.C. Club : Royal Automobile. (06378) HAYTER, Capt. John, M.B.E, R.G.A. HAYTER, WiUiam George, C.B.E. HAYTER, Sir WiUiam Goodenough, K.B.E, 6. 1869 ; s. of Henry Goodenough Hayter ; to. Alethea, d. of the Rev. J. H. Slessor; Rector of Headborne Worthy, Hants; Barr.-at- Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1895; Civil Judge in the Soudan, 1903; Asst. Legal Adviser in Egypt, 1904 ; Ehedival CounsoUor 1913 ; Sultan's Counsellor, 1915 ; Chairman, Cotton Control in Egypt; acted as Judicial Adviser in 1904-6, and as Financial Adviser in 1919 ; has Orders of the Nile and Medjidie 2nd Class. Address : Lamalek, Gezira, Cairo. Clubs : Turf, Gezira. Sidmouth. (K466) HAYTHORNE, Winifred Scott, O.B.E. (M.), 6. 11 June, 1891 ; d. oi the late T. J. S. Haythorne, M.D, of Liverpool. Educ. : Belvedere School, Girls' Public Day School Trust, Liverpool ; SomervUle CoUege, Oxford ; London School of Economics. Since May, 1920, General and Organising Sec. to the Women's PoUtical and Industrial League, 92, Victoria St, S.W.1. War Work: Assistant Administrator, W.A.A.C, 1917 ; Q.M.A.A.C. Controller, London District, 1918 ; Q.M.A.A.C. Deputy Chief Controller Overseas, 1918 ; Men tioned in despatches, 16 March, 1919. Club : Forum. (03128) HAYWARD, Annie, M.B.E. HAYWARD, CurUng, M.B.E. HAYWARD, Ernest Addison Stanley, O.B.E. HAYWARD, Lieut.-Col. Edwyn Walton, C.B.E. Commr. AustraUan Red Cross Societv. (C416) HAYWARD, John Robert Baxter, M.B.E. Civil Service, War Oflice, 1898-1902; Earl Marshal's Staff, King Edward VII. Coronation (medal). War Work : Sec. of Union Jack Club ; speciaUy mentioned for services by Sec. of State for War, 1918 ; Hon. Sec. and Manager Westminster Club, 1915-19. Address : 91A, Waterloo Road, London, S.E. 1. (M8416) HAYWARD, Major Percy Christopher GaUimore, M.B.E. HAYWARD, Capt. WiUiam, M.B.E, R.A.F. HAYWARD, WiUiam, M.B.E. HAYWARD, Margaret Frances CURTIS-, M.B.E, 6. 23 Oct. 1848 ; s. of John Curtis-Hayward, of Quedgeley House, Gloucester. Educ. : Cheltenham Ladies' CoU. War Work : Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, Gloucestershire; Hon. Sec. Quedgeley District Nursing Association ; Member of Local War Pensions Committee. Address : Quedgeley House, Gloucestershire. (M8417) HAYWOOD, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Harry, M.B.E. HAYWOOD, Lieut. Norman Alphonso, M.B.E. HAZARD, Major Cecil James, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 24 Nov. 1883 ; s. of James Dare Hazard, of Sandown, I. of Wight. Educ. : Wimborne Grammar School, Dorset. Until Aug. 1914, topographical surveyor to the Administration of Northern Rhodesia, C Africa. War Work : Enlisted as a private in Aug. 1914 ; Lieut. Hampshire Regt, Sept. 1914 ; Capt. Oct. 1914 ; Major May, 1916 ; wounded and prisoner, March, 1918 ; on release in Nov. 1918 was promoted Lieut.-Col. and appointed O.C. Troops in Denmark and Base Commandant, Copenhagen, in charge of Repatriation of Prisoners of War Addresses : Redcliff, Sandown, I. of Wight. England ; Finca Seamay, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, C America. (08829) HAZEL, Alfred Ernest WiUiam, C.B.E, M.A, B.C.L, LL.D, 6. 1869 ; s. of the late John Hazel, builder and con tractor, of West Bromwich ; m. Ethel Annie, d. of the Rev. W. G. Percival, of HoUoway, N. ; Educ. : West Bromwich Wesleyan School ; King Edward's School, Birmingham ; Jesus CoU, Oxford. CaUed to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1898 ; Fellow, Dean, and Bursar of Jesus CoU. ; Lecturer on Law at Queen's and Pembroke Colls, Oxford ; Reader of Constitutional Law and Legal History to Inns of Court ; Senior Proctor, Oxford Umv, 1910-11 ; M.P. for W. Bromwich (L), 1906-10 ; ap pointed first Recorder of Burton-on-Trent, Nov. 1912 Ad dresses : Jesus CoUege, Oxford; Oxenford House, West Bromwich ; 3, Temple Gardens, E.C. ; 77, Colmore Row, Birmingham. Clubs : Reform ; National Liberal. (C195) HAZLEHURST, George, O.B.E. HAZLERIGG, Grey, O.B.E. HAZELTON, Major George, O.B.E, R.A F HEAD, Arthur, M.B.E. (M10448) HEAD, Lieut. Geoffrey, O.B.E. HEAD, Herbert Harry, M.B.E, 6. 12 March, 1887; s. of Harry Head, of Faversham ; m. Florence LiUan Alice, d- 0I, — Gowers. Educ. : Faversham District National bchools; Henry Wreight's School, Faversham; Faversham 248 Teachers' Training Centre. Assistant Master under Board of Education ; Fellow of Institute of Specialist and Commercial Teachers ; Executive Staff of Clark's Coll. ; Manager Staff Training Dept, Harrods, Ltd, S.W. 1. War Work : Accounts Dept. of Ministry of Munitions, Assistant Director; Sec. in the Finance Dept. ; Private Sec. to the Assistant Financial Sec. ; Travelling Audit Staff of Ministry of Munitions. Ad dress : 31, ToUenhaU Road, Palmers' Green, N. 13. CZufi : National Liberal. (M3704) HEADLAM, Capt. Cuthbert Morley, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 27 AprU, 1876 ; s. of late Francis John Headlam, formerly Stipen diary PoUce Magistrate, Manchester ; m. Georgina Beatrice, d. of late George Baden Crawley. Educ. : King's School, Canter bury ; Magdalen College, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law, Clerk of PubUc BUls and Clerk of the Journals, House of Lords. War Work : Went to France with the Bedfordshire Yeomanry, la June, 1915, and remained until the end of the war ; was A.D.C. to the Earl of Cavan wlule that officer was in command of the 50th Division and Guards Division ; Subsequently served as General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade, with Second Army ; as G.S.O. 2 with VIII. Corps, and as G.S.O. 1 with rank of Lieut.-Col. at G.H.Q, B.E.F. Address: 4. Montagu Place, W. 1. Clubs : Travellers' ; Beefsteak ; Pratt's. (O5360) HEADLAM, Sir John Emerson Wharton, K.B.E, C.B, D.S.O, D.L, Co. Durham. 6. 16 AprU, 1864 ; s. of Morley Headlam, J.P, of Gilmonby HaU, Yorkshire, and of Whorlton Grange, Durham ; m. Mary Charlotte, d. of Perceval Wilkin son, J.P, of Mount Oswald, Co. Durham. Educ : King's College School ; Royal Military Academy. Entered Royal ArtiUery, 1883 ; served in South African War, 1900-02 (Brevet Lieut.-Col, D.S.O.) ; Director of Staff Duties and Military Training in Didia, 1908-13. War Work : Commanded Divisional ArtUlery, 5th Division, Aug. 1914 to Feb. 1915; Artillery Second Army to Dec. 1915 ; Major-Gen. R.A. at G.H.Q, 1916 ; Liaison Officer, Ministry of Munitions ; ac companied Lord Milner's Mission to Russia, 1917 ; in charge of ArtiUery Mission to U.S.A., 1918 ; promoted Major-Gen. for Distinguished Service in the Field ; Commander of the Legion of Honour, Order of St. Anne of Russia, 1st Class with Swords, American D.S.M. Address: Crack Meole House, Hanwood.W. Shrewsbury. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Cavalry ; Shropshire. (K254) HEADLAND, Robert Vincent, O.B.E, 6. 6 AprU, 1876 ; s. of the late Robert Headland, late Assistant ControUer, Central Telegraph Office ; m. Zoe Antoinette, d. of Alfred PhiUips, of Brookdene, Bournemouth. Educ. : Privately. Principal Staff Officer, Finance Dept, Board of Trade. War Work : Army Contracts Dept. ; Assistant Director of Costings, War Office, 1917 ; ControUer, Disposal Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Munitions, 1919. Address : 11, Blenheim Road, Bedford Park, W. 4. (010594) HEADLEY, Lieut. Arthur WiUiam Aimley, O.B.E, HEADLEY, Robert HoUoweU, M.B.E. HEADS, John George, M.B.E. HEADWARDS, Lieut. Horace, M.B.E, R.E. HEAKES, Major Samuel Rigbye, O.B.E. HEALD, Lieut.-Col. Charles Brehmer, C.B.E. Lieut.- Col. R.A.F. ; Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C862) HEALD, Charles Ernest, O.B.E, 6. 1870 ; s. of William Heald, of Mere, Cheshire ; to. EUen Mary Jeannette, d. of Thomas Garner Daniel, of Manchester. Address : Ventnor, Chislehurst. Club : Cavendish. (O10595) HEALE, Capt. Robert John Wingfield, O.B.E. HEALEY, Basil, O.B.E, 6. 20 Jan. 1863 ; s. of WilUam Healey, of Manchester ; m. Catherine Anne, d. of J. Pickering, of Bedworth, Warwickshire. Educ. : Manchester ; Barnet, Herts. ; Bury Grammar School. District Goods Manager Lancs. and Yorks. Railway. War Work : Supervised the business connected with the Goods Department of the Lancs. and Yorks. RaUway Co. at Liverpool during the years 1916-19 inclusive ; weight of traffic dealt with, sixteen miUion tons, including seven million tons of Merchandise ; one miUion tons of minerals (largely composed of steel bUlets from America for making shells), and eight miUion tons of coal, a considerable proportion of which was for the Admiralty and Government Transports ; responsible for the movements of aU traffic to and from the Aintree Munition Works, and Amatol Factory, from the date they were opened (June, 1916), to the date of the Armistice (total weight involved one miUion tons) ; also super vised the despatch of many trains loaded at the Goods Stations with American Troops, and the unloading of trains of wounded soldiers returning to America; responsible for the working from Liverpool of horses and mules ex the United States intended for the Remount Depot at Ormsklrk, no less than 213 000 animals being so conveyed over the Lancs. and Yorks Railway from Liverpool ; finaUy, the Lancs. and Yorks. Company were caUed upon to deal at Aintree Station with 40l Ambulance trains containing 70,000 wounded soldiers. HEALEY, Col. Coryndon WUliam Rutherford, C.M.G, HEALEY, Lieut. Harry, M.B.E. HEALEY, John Edridge, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. HEALEY, Sir Gerald Edward CHADWYCK-, 2nd Bart, C.B.E, Commander Crown of Italy, fi. 16 May, 1873 ; 8. of Sir Charles E. H. Chadwyck Healey, 1st Bart, K.C.B, of Wyphurst, Cranley ; to. Mary Verena, d. of George A. Watson, BIOGRAPHIES. Hebb of last Court, Fmchampstead. Educ : Eton ; Trinity CoUege, Oxford. Chairman'' The Engineer," Ltd. ; Chairman, A. G. Mumford, Ltd. War Work : Lieut. R.N.V.R, 1915 ; E.N.H.S. " Queen Alexandra " ; Assistant to Controller, Admiralty, 1917 ; Director, of Materials and Priority, Admiralty, 1918-19. Addresses : Wyphurst, Cranley ; 66, Warwick Square, S.W. Clubs : Windham ; Garrlck ; SavUe ; Royal AutomobUe ; Western ; Glasgow. (C981) HEALY, Lieut. Reginald Stafford, M.B.E. HEAN, Walter John, M.B.E, 6. July, 1873 ; s. of Henry John Hean, of London. Educ. : Haberdashers' Co. School, Hoxton, and King's CoU., London. War Work : Admiralty Address : Paxtonia, Kent House Road, Beckenham. (M8420) HEANLY, 2nd. Lieut. Wilfred Edward Graham, M B.E RAJ. HEAP, Edward Barlow, M.B.E, J.P, 0.0. ; s. of Edward Barlow Heap, of Ashton-under Lyne ; m. Kate, d. of Dr Schofleld, M.R.C.S, L.S.A, Dukinfleld, Cheshire. Educ. : Ashton-under-Lyne. War Work : Mayor of Ashton-under- Lyne, 1916-18 ; Chairman of Local War Pensions, Local Tood Control, and War Savings Committees. Address : Stamford House, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire. Club : Union, Ashton-under-Lyne. (M8421) HEAP, Iris Evelina Margaret CampbeU, M.B.E. HEAP, Stephen, M.B.E. HEAPS, James, M.B.E, 6. Dec. 1861. War Work: With Ministry of Munitions, and then, on the inauguration of the ControUer of Coal Mines, was appointed District Superin tendent in the Lancashire, Cheshire, and West Cumberland Areas. Address: Springfield Street, Wigan. (M8422) HEARD, Lieut. Charles CampbeU, M.B.E, R.E. HEARD, Lieut.-Col. Samuel Ferguson, O.B.E, A.P.D. HEARN, Major Edward Miohael WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.F. HEARN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George Henry Seymour, M.B.E, D.C.M, R.F.A. (T.). HEARN, Lieut.-Col. Miohael Leo, O.B.E. HEARN, Phyllis, Mrs., M.B.E, HEARN, Sir Walter Risely, K.B.E, 6. 30 AprU, 1853 ; s. of WilUam Hearn, of Buckingham; to. Edith Gertrude, (Order of the Reconnaissance Francaise and the Queen of ltoumania's Red Cross Medal), d. of George W. Lawson, of Kio Grande do Sui, and grandaughter of the Visconde de bao Jose do Norte, BraziUan Peerage. Educ. : France ; Germany. Vice-Consul Christiania, 1883-1900 ; ConsrU at Rio Grande do Sui, 1890-95, at Cadiz, 1895-97, at Bordeaux 1897-1903,; Consul-General at Havre, 1903-07, at San Fran cisco, 1907-11, at Hamburg, 1911-14, and at Paris, 1914-19. War Work : Consul-General at Paris during the whole of War tui signature of Peace ; Chairman, Local Tribunal and Ambassador's Advisory Committee ; President of the British Army and Navy Leave Club, Paris ; Visiting member during War of the Hertford British Hospital (Red Cross) ; Sec. and Deas. of the Society for the ReUef of the f amines of Devastated JJrance,; Relief and supply of Homes to French Blinded soldiers. Clubs : National ; Royal Yacht Squadron (Hon.). /T7"000\ HEARNDEN, Horace Richard, M.B.E. HEARNE, Major Franois George, O.B.E, R.A.S.C HEARSEY, Dorothy Maud, Mrs, M.B.E. gfAgSEY, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Hyde Young, O.B.E. HEARTLEY, Major Walter, O.B.E. t, «£Si'C!?' Major Adair Colpoys, O.B.E, M.C, M.A , &.A., 6. 9 Feb. 1875; s. of Col. C. P. Heaslop, R.M.A, of Saiween, Ryde, I.W.; to. Sibyl Mary, d. of Henry Bromfield, tw 5,wSllam HaU' Daventry, Northamptonshire. Educ. : LW. CoU, and Lincoln CoU, Oxford. War Work: B.E.F. mance -actions, Aisne, Lys, 1st Battle of Ypres, Ploegsteert, T,?uve,n9&apeUe> Blchbourg, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres, June, 1915, to April, 1916; Hooge, Pilhem, Hooge, The Bluff, iV%- °kSommei M.E.F. Mesopotamia; Tekrit, Nov. 1917 ; ™i Mjy.. 1918 ; Fathah-Hawash, Oct. 1919 ; 3 times K10nei "? despatches. Address: Westwood, Headley, .Borden, Hants. (06635) ggASMAN, capt. Albert Edward, O.B.E. ggASMAN, Arthur WUUam, O.B.E.. HEATH, Cuthbert Eden, O.B.E, 6. 1859 ; s. of Admiral orr Leopold Heath, of Anstie Grange, Holmwood (see Bttrke's tSTHHJ J?- Sarah °- Gore> d. of Charles Gore Gambier, of thfn • ._narnbrook, Bedfordshire. War Work : Member of S™ i? t eefor drafting, and also for administering, the Gov. arrcratt insurance Scheme; organised his country house, anstie Grange, Holmwood, as a First Line Officer's Hospital, ffifj KoveFnment grant being made over to Lady Dudley's H5 for ,™7aIld officers and men ; trustee of Lloyd's Patriotic wS2i. Address : Anstie Grange, Holmwood, Surrey. Club : Windham. (010598) h £j? A1?„! MaJ°r (ret-> Herbert Charles Selwyn, M.B.E, iw ' 1S$U >• ot Com- G- P- Heath, R.N, of 24. Richmond mansions, S.W. 5 ; m. Ethel Morton, d. of late Col. Morton <& Educ: Sydney University, N.S.W. and R.M.C. oancuiurst ; Jomed Essex Regt. (2nd Battalion), Feb. 1892, retired as Capt. on Feb. 1907. War Work : RecaUed to service Wir'8«Ee„i:..„ ,^".._., ^ . ^ Member of National Relief Fund Committee ; 250 Local War Pensions Committee ; SaUors' and Soldiers' Families Association : War Savings Committee. (M8435) HELBERT, Lieut.-Col. Godfrey Gladstone, C.B.E HELDEN, Capt. Frederiok, M.B.E, R.E. HELE, Capt. Thomas Shirley, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.I ) HELLAWELL, Major AUred Stanley, O.B.E, R.A F HELLIER, Maurice, O.B.E. HELLIWELL, Lieut.-Col. John Peroival, C.B.E. T Lieut.-Col. Special List ; Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1611) HELLYER, Capt. Ernest Palmer, M.B.E, F.C.A, fi 10 May, 1882 ; s. of Henry HeUyer, of Bristol ; m. Elina, d. of James Teele, of Sligo. Educ: Channel View School, Clevedon. Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ; Hon. Auditor, Monmouthshire Local Representative Committee of the National Relief Fund. War Work : Pay master, Royal Army Pay Department. Address : " Glencar," Fuller's Rd, Woodford, Essex. (M5338) HELLYER, Flight-Lieut. Francis Edgoombe, O.B.E, R.A.F, fi. 1888 ; s. of the late Robert Edgcombe, of Farlington House, Havant. Educ. : Winchester, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. War Work : Served in 9th Hants Regt, Aug 1914, to Jan. 1914 ; served in R.F.C. and R.A.F, Jan. 1914, to Nov. 1918. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (08118) HELM, Capt. WiUiam, M.B.E. HELME, George Edgar, M.B.E, M.B, CM. HELMORE, George Reginald, O.B.E, fi. 10 October, 1864 ; s. of George Helmore, of Woodlands, Shortlands, Kent ; m. Edith Clara, d. of James WiUiam Hawes, of Great Yarmouth. Educ. : Eastbourne ; Hamburg. Barrister-at-Law ; FeUow of Institute of Chartered Accountants ; Auditor of several Insurance Companies, and other pubUc and private institu tions. War Work : Sergeant of Special Constabulary " D " Division from August, 1914 to May, 1916 ; MUitary Representa- tlbe before the Camberwell Tribunal July, 1916 to AprU, 1918 ; Assistant Director of National Service, South London and District Area, AprU, 1918 to March, 1919 ; Assistant Director of National Service for the Woolwich Area — all honorary. Addresses: Devonshire House, Shortlands, Kent; 186, Pic- cadUly, W. 1 ; 3, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C 4. (01459) HELMORE, Heathcote George, M.B.E. HELPS, Capt. Rowland PhiUp Arthur, O.B.E, M.C. HELSHAM, Capt. Charles Howard, O.B.E, Aus. I.F. HELY, Lieut.-Comm. Hamilton MoMath, O.B.E, R.D.. R.N.R. HELYAR, Brig.-Gen. Arthur Beaumont, C.B.E, R.A. (retired), fi. 3 March, 1858 ; s. of late Rev. H. Helyar, Combe Florey, Taunton, and Rector of Pendomer, Yeovil, Somerset. Educ. : Somerset College, Bath and Royal MUitary Academy. Served in the Tirah Expedition, 1897-98 (despatches, medal with two clasps) ; and in S. Africa, 1902 (Queen's medal, with four clasps). War Work : Formed the Divisional ArtUlery of the Xlllth Division and commanded it in Egypt in 1915 ; Commanded the ArtiUery of the Xth Division in operations in Greece and on the Bulgarian frontier, 1915-16.' Address : 2, Ryder Street, St. James's, S.W. 1. CJufi .' Army and Navy Club. (C8S9&) HEMING, George Booth, C.B.E, J.P. HEMING, Capt. Thomas Henry, C.B.E, R.N. Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1927) HEMINGWAY, Charles Robert, C.B.E, J.P, fi. 26 Sept. 1860 ; 8. of James Hemingway, of Macclesfield. Member of National Council of Y.M.CA.'s. Addresses : Penrhyn House, The Park, Nottingham ; Park End, North Berwick. Cltifis : Oriental ; County, Nottingham ; Borough, Nottingham. (C2670) HEMINGWAY, Stennet, Mrs., M.B.E. HEMPER, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. John Riohard, M.B.E. HEMPHREY, Bernard, M.B.E, fi. 4 March, 1868 ; s. of George Hemphrey, of Bridgford, Notts ; m. Ada Eliza, d. of Henry Knight, of Dorking. Stationmaster, S. E. & C. Rly. War Work : MUitary Control, Aldershot District, S. E. & C. Rly, dealing with arrival and despatch of troop trains ; arrang ing and regulating mUitary stores and Bupply trains throughout whole war period. Address : Middleton, Lynohford Rd, Farnborough. Hants. (M8437) HEMSLEY, Lieut. Alexander Guy, O.B.E. HEMSLEY, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Arthur Cyril, O.B.E, R.N. HEMSLEY, 2nd Lieut. Noel, M.B.E, R.A.F. HEMSTED, Rupert WilUam, O.B.E. HENDERSON, Capt. Alan Keith, O.B.E. HENDERSON, Alexander, M.B.E. (M10356) HENDERSON, Capt. Alexander Mitohell, O.B.E, R.A. HENDERSON, AUoe Craig, M.B.E. HENDERSON, Capt. Hon. Arnold, O.B.E.. 6. 1 July, 1883 ; s. of Alexander, 1st Lord Faringdon, of Faringdon, Berks (see BuitKE'S Peerage) ; m. Helen Madeline, d. of Col. Alexander Evans-Gordon. Educ. : Wellington College. Stock broker. War Work : Captain, Royal WUtshire Yeomanry ; served in France, 1915-1919 ; Staff Captain, 1918 ; mentioned twice in despatches. Clufis : Bachelors' ; Bath. <06??_! HENDERSON, Beatrice Elizabeth, Mrs., O.B.E. (011786* HENDERSON, Charles AUen, M.B.E, J.P. HENDERSON, Lieut. Charles Hender, M.B.E, R.E. HENDERSON, Capt. Christopher WoodaU, O.B.E. HENDERSON, Duncan, O.B.E. HENDERSON, Eveleen Mary, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. 1868. d. of John Smith, of 27, Prince's Gate and Mickleham Hall, BIOGRAPHIES. Henley Dorking ; »'¦ John, s. of Robert Henderson, of Randalls Park, Leatherhead. Educ : At home. Vice-President, Leatherhead Division, Surrey Branch, B.R.C.S. War Work : Red Cross work generaUy in the Leatherhead Division ; Commandant of the Red House Auxiliary Hospital, Leatherhead, Oct. 1917 to Feb. 1918. Address : Randalls Park, Leatherhead, Surrey. Ciufi : The Ladies' Empire. (03748) HENDERSON, Freda Marguerita Dorothy, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 20 May, 1885 ; d. of Thomas Searancke Archer, of Hatfield ; m. Charles James, s. of Henry Henderson. Educ. : Ursuline Convent, St. Trond, Belgium. War Work : Country Branch Sec. Women's Volunteer Reserve, 1914-16 ; Ministry of Munitions (Admin. Assist.), 1916-20. Address : 17b, Ladbroke Terrace, W. (M1882) HENDERSON, Sir Frederiok Ness, K.B.E, fi. 23 Dec. 1862 ; s. of the late WiUiam Henderson, of Newfield, Ayrshire, and 11, Prince's Terrace, Glasgow; m. 24 Apr. 1888, Jessie MiUer, d. of the late Alexander Strathern, Sheriff-Substitute of Lanark. Chairman of David and William Henderson _t Co, Ltd,, Ship- buUders, of Glasgow ; Vice Chairman of Iron Trades Employers' Insurance Association, Ltd. ; and Director of North- West Bolt and Rivet Factory, of Glasgow; sometime member of the Admiralty ShipbuUdiug CouncU. Address: Crosbie House, Monkton, Ayrshire. Clubs: New (Glasgow); Royal Thames Yacht. (K79) HENDERSON, Capt. Garnet Montgomery Hume, O.B.E, M.C. HENDERSON, George, O.B.E. HENDERSON, George, M.B.E. HENDERSON, George Blake, M.B.E. HENDERSON, Rev. HamUton Dunstan, O.B.E, fi. 15 May, 1891 ; s. of Hamilton Henderson, of Fishlake Vicarage, Doncaster. Educ. : Royal Kepier Grammar School (Houghton); Univ. CoU, Durham (B.A.) ; Bishop's Hostel, Lincoln. Curate of St. John's Parish, New Clee, Grimsby. War Work : Royal Army Chaplain's Department, 4th Class Chaplain (Temp.), Church of England ; Egypt Exped. Force, 1916 ; Mesopotamian Exped. Force, 1917 ; mentioned in despatches, 1919. Address : 119. StirUng Street, New Clee, Grimsby. (06636) HENDERSON, Hon. 2nd Lieut. Harry Frederick, M.B.E, 6. 24 Aug. 1877 ; s. of Duncan Henderson, of Leicester ; m. AUce Mary, d. of B. B. Preston, of Leicester. Educ. : Wygges- ton School, Leicester, and Privately ; Matriculated, London Univ. Hon. Treas. and Vice-Chairman, Leicester City War Pensions Committee. War Work : Office organisation, and Financial Administration of Local War Pensions Committee ; also served in the ranks and as subaltern in 1st Volunteer Batt, Leicestershire Regt. Addresses : Felday, Morland Avenue, Leicester ; Laughton Cottage, Cromer. Ciufis : Leicestershire, Leicester ; Royal Cromer GoU. (M8439) HENDERSON, Helen, M.B.E. (M10356) HENDERSON, Henrietta CaroUne, Lady, D.B.E. ; d. of Henry R. Dundas ; m. Lieut.-Gen. Sir David, K.C.B, K.C.V.O, D.S.O, s. of the late David Henderson, of Glasgow. Address : 22, Hans Crescent, S.W. 1. CZufi : Naval and MiUtary. (D34) HENDERSON, Henry Ludwig, O.B.E, Capt, Straits Settlements, Censorship. (011790a) HENDERSON, Capt. Herbert Purse, O.B.E, R.A.S.C HENDERSON, Hubert Douglas, M.B.E, M.A, 6. 20 Oct. 1890 ; s. of John Henderson, of Glasgow ; m. Faith Marian Jane, d. of PhiUp Bagenal, of Wimbledon. Educ. : Rugby School, and Emmanuel CoU, Cambridge. Fellow of Clare CoU, Cambridge ; University Lecturer on Economics at Cambridge Univ. War Work : Temporarily employed in Board of Trade ; Sec. to the Cotton Control Board, 1917-19 ; Sec. of Official Cotton Mission to United States, 1918. Ad dresses : Clare CoU, Cambridge ; 45, Downshire HiU, Hamp stead, N.W. 3. Club : 1917. (M3708) HENDERSON, Capt. Ian Macdonald, M.B.E. HENDERSON, John, M.B.E. HENDERSON, Major John Acheson, D.S.O, O.B.E. Hon. Major in the Army ; S. Africa, 1899-1902 (despatches, Queen's medal, with four clasps ; King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-18 (despatches thrice). (07265) HENDERSON, John BrownUe, O.B.E. (011989) HENDERSON, Major John Gilbert, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. HENDERSON, John HosseU, O.B.E, 6. 29 AprU, 1873 ; s. of George Henderson, of Leghorn ; m. Mary, d. of Dr. Byrom BramweU. of Edinburgh. Educ. : George Watson's CoU. ; Hamburgh Univ. ; BaUiol CoU, Oxford. Commercial Sec. to the British Embassy at Rome. War Work: Assistant to Commercial Attache at Rome. Address: British Embassy, Rome. CZw6: SavUe. (010606) HENDERSON, John Percy, M.B.E, 6. 2 May, 1873; f !l M John Henderson, of Shetland Isles ; m. Jane Grace, d. of lnomas Cosser, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Member Zetland County CouncU ; Member Lerwick Town CouncU ; Member Lerwick Parish CouncU ; ex-Member Lerwick Harbour Trust ; ex-Chairman, Public Health Committee of Zetland County Council ; ex-Chairman, Landward Committee Lerwick Parish Council ; Member T.F. Association ; Director, Lerwick Gas Co. ; Director, Lerwick Coal Co. ; Director, Henderson & Sons, Ltd,, Gateshead, etc. War Work : Patriotic services at Lerwick, Shetland Isles ; Dental Treatment for men of the ftoyal Naval Reserve Forces and Navy at Lerwick, Shetland Isles; received the thanks of My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty "for valuable services rendered," AprU, 1918. Address : EUesmere House, Lerwick, Shetland. (M8440) HENDERSON, Lieut.-Col. John SteiU, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 19 Sept. 1870 ; s. of WUliam Henderson of Lawton, Perthshire ; m. Anna Margaret, d. of Rev. R. Edgar, D.D, of Newburgh. Educ. : Dollar ; Edinburgh University. War Work: On active service from August, 1914 to March, 1920 ; with Bn. in France tUl winter, 1915 ; Commanded 25th Division (Inf.) Base ; Commanded group of Divisional Base Depots; Commanded General Base and Reinforcements of Rhine Army ; Commanded Bn. H.L.I. ; Commanded Demobilisa tion camps, Eastern Army ; Commanded DemobUisation Camp of Western Army. Address: SeacUff, Ardrishaig, ArgyU. CJufi : Scottish Conservative, Edinburgh. (02663) HENDERSON, John Wright, C.B.E. War Office Repre sentative in India for Hides. (C1964) HENDERSON, Kate, Mrs., O.B.E. HENDERSON, Capt. Kenneth George, O.B.E. HENDERSON, Laura Catherine, M.B.E. HENDERSON, Mabel, Mrs., M.B.E. HENDERSON, Marjorie Grace Seton, M.B.E, 6. 24 May, 1886 ; d. of HamUton Gerald Henderson, late R.F.A, of Truro, CornwaU. Educ. : Truro High School. War Work : Junior Administrative Assistant in the Department of the Director of Fortifications and Works, War Office. Address : 45, Morshead Mansions, London, W. 9. (M8441) HENDERSON, Capt. Matthew Bolan, O.B.E, M.C, R.F.A. (T.). HENDERSON, Robert Cron, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1860. Educ. : Sanquhar PubUc School ; King's CoU, London. Bank Manager ; Vice-President, League of Mercy (Epsom, Esher) ; Sutton Hospital (Chairman of Board) ; Sutton Petty Sessions (Vice-Chairman). War Work : Hon. Treas. British Red Cross Society, Sutton Division, and Sutton Red Cross Hospital ; Member of Advisory Committee for Recruiting, Southern Area. Address : Nithsdale, Sutton, Surrey. CJufis : Caledonian ; Surrey Magistrates' ; Walton Heath Golf. (O10608) HENDERSON, Rose Agues, M.B.E. HENDERSON, Violet, M.B.E. HENDERSON, Lieut. Walter Salkeld, M.B.E. HENDERSON, WiUiam Alexander Cruiekshank, O.B.E, 6. 5 Dec. 1876 ; s. of James Henderson, Archdeacon, of North umberland ; m. Pansy Viola, d. Bori Schiirer. Educ. : King's School, Peterborough. CivU and Mechanical Engineer. War Work : Assistant Director, Outside Engineering Branch of Trench Warfare Supply Dept, and Director of Experimental SuppUes Dept. ; took Experimental Portable Ropeways to France. Address : c/o Sir John Jackson, Ltd, 63, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. 1. (010609) HENDERSON, Lieut.-Col. Thomas MaxweU Stuart MILNE-, O.B.E, R.E. HENDIN, Alexander James, M.B.E. HENDRIKS, CecU Morgan, O.B.E. M.B. HENDRIKS, Henry LesUe, O.B.E, 6. 8 March, 1877 ; s. of the late Alfred Hendriks, of Worthing, Sussex ; to. Viva, d. of Major James Penn, of Austin, Texas, U.S.A. Educ. : Cranleigh. Managing Director, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co, Ltd. War Work : Chief Staff Officer, 2nd in command City of London Police Reserve. Addresses : The Old WeU House, Caloiine Road, Wimbledon Common ; 25 & 27 Farringdon Road, E.C. 1. Ctafis : British Empire ; R.A.C. (03749) HENDRY, Capt. Alexander WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. HENDRY, Capt. Frank Courts, O.B.E, M.C, I.A.R.O. HENDRY, Major James, M.B.E. HENDRY, John, O.B.E. HENEAGE, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. George Edward, O.B.E, B.A, J.P, D.L, 6. 3 July, 1866 ; s. of 1st Baron Heneage (see Bubke's Peerage). Educ : Eton ; Trinity CoU. Cambridge. Lieut.-Col. commanding 10th (Service) Batt. Lincolnshire Regt. 1914-16 ; Vice-President of the Lindsey County Council, and Chairman of County Education Com mittee. Address : Hainton HaU, Lincoln. Ctafis : Brooks's ; Bachelors'; Hurlingham. (07266) HENESSEY, Dame Una Constance POPE-, D.B.E, Lady of Grace, St. John of Jerusalem in England ; d. of Sir Arthur Birch, K.C.M.G. ; m. Col. Richard Hubert Ladislaus (D.S.O.), s. of'Sir John Pope-Hennessy, K.CM.G, Knight of Malta, of RosteUan Castle, Co. Cork (see BrmKE's Peerage). Educ. : Privately. War Work : Prisoners' Department, Red Cross, 1915-16 ; Central Committee for Prisoners of War, 1916-18 ; Editor, " The British Prisoner of War " ; organiser Ruhleben Exhibition Central HaU, Westminster, 1918 ; Member of Lord Justice Younger's Committee on the Treatment by the Enemy of British Prisoners of War. Address : 2, Albert Terrace, Regent's Park „__,., T(,D4P HENLEY, Lieut. Francis Antony Hoste, M.B.E, 6. 11 Feb. 1884 ; s. of Anthony Alfred Henley, of Woodbridge, Suffolk'; m. Margaret, d. of John Charrington, of The Grange, Shenley, Herts. Educ. : Forest School, and Oriel CoU, Oxford. Master, Ludgrove, New Barnet, Herts. War Work : 60th (London) Divl. Train, France, Salonica and Palestine. Address : Oriel Cottage, New Barnet. (M4682) HENLEY, Major Frank Le Seu, D.S.O, O.B.E. Major AustraUan Army Ser. Corps ; served in Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches). „,,.., .(02844) HENLEY, Sylvia Laura, Hon. Mrs., M.B.E. ; 3rd d. of 4th Baron Sheffield (see Btjeke's Peerage) ; m. Brig.-Gen. the Hon Arthur Anthony Morton Henley, C.M.G, D.S.O, 5th Lancers, 3rd s. of 3rd Baron Henley. (M3711) HENLEY, Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas, K.B.E, T.D, M.P. (NSW) 6. Wootton Bassett, WUts, 4 Feb. 1860 ; m. d. of 251 Henn THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Charles andCarollne Smith of Wiltshire. BuUder and Contractor ; Alderman for Drummoyne since 1898 ; Mayor, 6 times ; amalga mated the Boroughs of Drummoyne and Five Dock into one municipality in 1902 ; served two terms in the City Council of Sydney ; Member of the Metroplitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage since 1902, representing 68 municipaUties and Shires ; Member of the New South Wales Parliament for Burwood ; elected in 1904 ; Honorary Organising Secretary and Relator in three actions at law against the Holman Government for what was known as'the eviction of the Governor-General (Lord Denman) from Government House, Sydney, in 1912, after pro ceedings which lasted for nearly 3 years and cost £3,550, the proposal to use the building as a museum for antiquities was frustrated and the mansion remains the vice-regal home ofthe State Governor, ; Member of the Board of the Western Suburbs Hospital ; his son, Captain Harold Leslie Henley, was kUled in action in France, 1916. War Work : 4 years Commissioner AustraUan Comforts Fund in Egypt, France and England. Clubs :, Commercial Travellers', Moore Street, Sydney ; MUlions, Sydney. (K472) HENN, Sir Sydney Herbert Holcroft, K.B.E, 6. 4 Dec. 1861 ; s. of Rev. John Henn, Hon. Canon of Manchester ; m. Frances Amie Edith, d. of Frederick B. Shanklin, of Santiago de Chile. Educ. : Marlborough and Manchester. Retired South American Merchant. War Work : Director of Army Priority at the War Office, 1917-19 ; since then a Member of the Surplus Government Property Disposal Board. Addresses : Ixworth Court, Bedford ; Queen Anne's Mansions, S.W. 1. Clubs : City ; Royal AutomobUe. (K146) HENNELL, Col. Sir Reginald, Knt. Bach, C.V.O, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 11 June, 1844 ; s. of the late Robert George Henuell, of Loudon. Educ. : Payne's, Leatherhead ; Knight's, Southsea. Lieut, of the King's Body Guard of the Yeoman of the Guard ; Hon. Col. 3rd Cadet Bn. of the Middlesex Regt. War Work : Abyssinian Expedition, 1867-68 (medal) ; Afghan Campaign, 1879-80 (services acknowledged by Government, medal) ; Burmese War, 1886-87 (medal, D.S.O, despatches). Address: 47, Coleherne Court, South Kensington, S.W. 5. Clubs : United Service; National. (07267) HENNESSY, Major George Richard, O.B.E. HENNESSY, Mary, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of the late Michael Quenian, of BaUarat; m. Sir David Valentine Hennessy, organiser, Victorian Branch of Australian Comforts Fund. (C360) HENNESSY Lady Victoria, C.B.E. HENNIKER, Lieut.-Col. Alan M., C.B.E, R.E, 6. 1870. War Work : Served in France and Belgium from Aug. 1914, to Sept. 1919. Address : Carlinwark, Middleton Road, Camberley. Club : Junior United Service. (C1265) HENNING, Gladys, Mrs., M.B.E. M10249e) HENNINGS, WUliam, M.B.E. HENOCKSBURG, Josephine Norie, Mrs., M.B.E. HENREY, Capt. James Osier, M.B.E. HENRIQUES, Sir PhiUp Gutterez, K.B.E, J.P, D.L, CC, 6. 2 Nov. 1867 , s. of Alfred G. Henriques, of Hove, Sussex ; m. Bearice Rachael, d. of Sir George Faudel-Phillips, Bart, GXU.E, of BaUs Park, Herts (see BUKKE'S Peerage). Educ : Wellington ; Trinity College, Cambridge. Barrister- ai"La5L; Government Director of British Cellulose Co. Ltd. War Work : Deputy Director-General of Explosive Finance, Ministry of Munitions, 1915 ; also of Aircraft Finance from }zil '„nAsa-B}?-nt financial Secretary, Ministry of Munitions, 1918-20. Addresses : 33, Grosvenor Place, London, S.W. ; Normandy Park, GuUdford. Clubs: Carlton; Athenaeum. HENROTIN, Jessie, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 13 March, 1859 ; d. of Frederick JeUd Laugstaff, of Andover, Hants ; m. Victor, s. of Joseph Henrotin, M.D, of Andover, Hants. Educ. : Ladies CoU, Southampton. War Work : Opened tea shop for British soldiers on 11 Aug. 1914, in France at her own house, 34, Rue Gambetta, Sanvic ; voluntary worker in No 4 Convalescent Camp, Havre, from June, 1915, to June, 1919, when the camp closed. Address : 34, Rue Gambetta, Sanvic, Seme Infre, France. (M84431 SESg£ k!?ut£c,01- AUred stani»y. o.b.e. { ' p„HiE, it AuoeHelen,Mrs., O.B.E, Officier de l'lnstruction R™&ue' ?tance' b- ,12 Au«- 1881 ! d- of the late Sir Lauder w^P ".' .LV m' Augustine Henry. Educ. : France and De7™*™/,^' r^JForli: Quartermaster, Sphagnum ?n?™! n„en *„of t?e_I?ish War Hospitals Supply Organisation; SlftJi8?? fPr IreIand' actmg as the Centra RPaXTDuebPUn.f0r ™"-~~- AMr™ : 5' Sandtai *S2»» HENRY, Major Hugh, O.B.E. ( 0) SifSSv' MaJor_ James Douglas, C.B.E, D.S.O. SSSHX' J?ne Se«na, Mrs, M.B.E. Hem nt'A' ~^k?if-i -$, March> 1884 : «¦ oi James Watson'? £ rSnSleaf, Moffat Dumfriesshire. Educ : George Imports \oA ferw?bur?^. Secretary, Board of Trade SS. Mi?J„ports Consultative Councif, 1918 ; Secretary, Branch DertoToiil LT??n' 1919 = Secretary, Overseas Work- Prl v»'t? ,SrCretaS' War Trade D«Pt-. 1&5 to 1918 Secretarv of ?hJ"SSmnattee °J Auied Blockade Committee War Se lwXei230,rary Export Prohibitions Committee BtSuEM^ ***"» : «, Ashmount Road, N 19 , (M535) HENRY, Margaret Jane, Mrs., M.B.E HENRY, Reginald George, M.B.E, 6. 12 Sept. 1884; s. of the late T. A Henry, of Sutton. Educ. : Pocklington Grammar School, Yorks. H.M. Inspector of Taxes. War Work : H.M. Inspector of Taxes at Londonderry and Wigan (2nd district). Addresses: Cunard BuUdings, Water Street, Liverpool ; 22, St. Malo Road, Wigan. (M8445) HENRY, Florence Vaugham MITCHELL-, O.B.E, 6. 20 1870 ; d. of Mitchell Henry, of Strathedon House, Rutland Gate London. War Work : Organiser and Manager, Garrison Buffet, HENRY, Lieut. John Herbert Wallace, M.B.E, AuitLX 252 Dawson Street, Dublin, 1917-19. Address : Bannaboghee House, Letterfrack, Co. Galway. (O10612) HENSHALL, Capt. Leonard, M.B.E, 6. 3 Sept. 1891 ; s. of Louis Henshall, of Deganwy, North Wales. Educ. : Boteler Grammar School, Warrington. Ministry of Finance, Egypt, Customs Department. War Work : France, April, 1915, 4th Batt. South Lancs. Regt, T.F. ; severely wounded, June, 1915. at Hooge ; attached Royal Flying Corps, Sept. 1916, and served on Staff of R.A.F. untU Sept. 1919. CTufis : R.A.F, London ; Union, Alexandria. (M5989) HENSHAW, John Thomas, M.B.E, fi. 27 Jan. 1876; s. of Charles Henshaw, of 1, York Place, Weston Street, North ampton ; m. Sarah Madeline, d. of Joseph Edward, of North ampton. Educ. : All Saints' Commercial School, North ampton. Served in the Army from June 1892 to Feb. 1920, War Work : Rejoined the colours from pension, and served as Regimental Sergeant-Major ; discharged from the Army of the Rhine, Feb. 1920. Address : 74, St. James's Road, North ampton. (M5340) HENSHAW, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. HENSHAW, Thomas Arthur, M.B.E. ; s. of the late Thomas Henshaw, of The Hollies, Chester ; m. Lucy Mary, d. of Lawrence Booth, of Dingle Bank, Chester. Educ. : Stafford and Chester. Clerk to the Company of the Bir mingham Canal Navigations. War Work : Canal transport ; Member of Canal Control Committee (Board of Trade) for Midlands ; also member of the Household Fuel and Lighting Committee for the City of Birmingham. Addresses : Daimler House, Paradise Street, Birmingham ; 52, Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston. (M8446) HENSLOWE, Comm. Ernest, O.B.E, R.N. HENSHILWOOD, George, M.B.E. HENSON, George Herbert, C.B.E. HENSON, John James, C.B.E. HENSTIN, Jessie Mrs, M.B.E. HENTY, Beatrice, C.B.E. Sec. of Australian Comforts Fund at Melbourne throughout Great War. Address : Mel bourne, AustraUa. (C361) HEPBURN, Thomas, M.B.E. HEPENSTAL, Major Lambert John : see Dopping- Hepenstal. HEPENSTAL, Lieut.-Col. MaxweU Edward Dopplng, C.B.E. (C3090) HEPPEL, Capt. Hugh Middleton, O.B.E, 6. 5 AprU, 1893 ; s. of E. M. Heppel, of Somerset. Educ. : BlundeU's School ; Sandhurst. War Work : Adjutant 11th, 12th, and 3rd Bns. Essex Regt. ; Staff Captain 6th Army and G.H.Q. ; D.A.A.G, Headquarters, L. of C. Address : Camerton, nr. Bath. Club : Junior United Service. (02565) HEPWORTH, Major Frank Arthur, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. (T.). HERANO, Victor Carpenter, M.B.E. HERAPATH, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Lionel, C.B.E, 6. 7 December. 1880 ; s. of Edwin John Herapath, of Black heath, Barrister-at-Law ; m. Elsie EUen, d. ot Henry Hoyne Fox, Public Works Department (late Chief Engineer for Burma). Educ. : Charterhouse ; Cambridge. FeUow of Royal Geographical Society. War Work : France, 1916 ; East African Expeditionary Force, on Staff, 1917-19; Russia (Baltic States) with British Military Mission as A.A. and Q.M.G, 1919-20 ; Russian Order of St.Vladimir ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Address : 4, Park Place, St. James's. (C286UO) HERAPETH, Margaret Edith, Mrs., M.B.E. HERAUD, Stanley Franois, M.B.E, R.N. HERBERT, Adelaide Jane, Mrs., O.B.E, d. of WUliam Farrer Ecroyd, J.P, D.L, of Credenhlll Court, Hereford ; m. Frederick William, s. of the late Francis WiUiam Herbert, of Hartleton, Ross. Educ. : Cheltenham Ladies' CoU. War Work : In charge of Soldiers' Recreation Hut, 1915-19, St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Address : 1, Barton Street, Westminster. (O10614) HERBERT, Agnes Mary, M.B.E, V.A.D. HERBERT, Sir AUred Edward, K.B.E, 6. 5 Sept. 1866; (see Buhke's Peerage) ; 2nd s. of WiUiam Herbert, of Leicester ; m. 1st, Ellen Adela, d. of Thomas Ryley, of Coventry; Snd, Florence, widow of Lieut.-Col. H. F. E. Lucas, 2nd Dragoon Guards. Educ. : Stoneygate School, Leicester. Engineer ; Chairman and sole Governing Director of Alfred Herbert, Ltd, Coventry ; President, Society Anonyme Alfred Herbert, France ; President, Societa Anonima Italiana Alfred Herbert, Italy ; President of the Machine Tool Trades Association. War Work : Deputy Director-General, and subsequently ControUer, of Machine Tools, Ministry of Munitions ; Officer of the Legion of Honour ; Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd Class, Russia, with Star ; Officer of the Order of Leopold, Belgium. Address : Dunley, Manor, Whitchurch. Hants. Club : Fly Fishers'. (K23) HERBERT, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Stanley, O.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Hertslet HERBERT, Capt. Edward Dave Asher, O.B.E, R.G.A. HERBERT, Brig.-Gen. Edward Sidney, C.M.G, C.B.E. HERBERT, Lieut.-Col. Ernest Roland, O.B.E, T.D, LP, 6. S March, 1869 ; s. of John A. Herbert, J.P, of High Beach, Sheringham. Educ. : Privately. Landowner and Farmer. War Work : Commanded 1/lst Huntingdonshire Cvclist Batt. Address : Wereham HaU, Stoke Ferry, Norfolk . (07269) HERBERT, Capt. George, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. HERBERT, Guy Frederiok, M.B.E, R.N. HERBERT, Capt. Harold, O.B.E. HERBERT, HeUen Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1867 ; d. of the late Col. W. R. M. Holroyd, formerly Director of Public Instruction, Punjab, India ; to. Lieut.-Col. Douglas, I.A, s. of late Major-Gen. Charles Herbert. T7or Work : With the Red Cross ; mentioned in the Gazette of India, July, 1919 ; received the war badge from the Government of India, and the thanks of H.E. the Commander-in-Chief in India, Aug. 1919. Ad dress : ShiUong, Assam, India. (M6160) HERBERT, Lieut.-Col. Henry Carden, O.B.E. HERBERT, Comm. Philip, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HERBERT, Group-Capt. Philip Lee WUUam, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1882 ; s. of the late W. D. Herbert, of Civil Ser. Group-Capt. R.A.F. ; Great War, 1914-19, as Brig.-Gen. R.F.C. and R.F.A. (despatches, Order of St. Anne of Russia, Order of St. Saviour of Greece, Order of the Nile). (0418) HERBERT, Rosalie Margaret, O.B.E, fi. 29 Sept. 1868 ; d. of Horace A. Herbert, of London and India. Educ. : Kensington; Richmond. StiU serving for B.R.C.S, County of London ; Member of Victoria League ; Middle ClaBS Union ; Primrose League. War Work : Service at Devonshire House ; Wounded and Missing ; Arlington Street, Norfolk House ; Commandant, London 216 B.R.C.S. ; Organiser and Administrator of Fairlawn AuxUiary MUitary Hospital, ForeBt HiU, Sept. 1915 to December, 1919 ; Jan. 1920, Commandant in Charge, Broad Street Clinic, B.R.C.S. Mentioned in Secretary of State's Ust. Address : B.R.C. Clinic, 57, Broad Street, W.C 2. CTufi : V.A.D. Ladles'. (01461) HERBERT, Lady Victoria Alexandrina Mary Cecil, C.B.E, 6. 1874 ; d. of 4th Earl of Carnarvon (see BOTtKE's Peerage). Address : 5, Stratford Place, W. 1. (C982) HERBERTSON, Capt. James John WiUiam, O.B.E. HERBST, Major John Frederick, C.B.E. HERCHMER, Major WiUiam Sinclair, O.B.E. HERCUS, Major Charles Ernest, D.S.O, O.B.E. Major New Zealand Forces; served in Great War, 1915-18 (men tioned in despatches). (06339) HERCY, Capt. Francis Hugh George, C.B.E, D.L, 5. 14 May, 1868 ; s. of Thomas JoBeph Hercy, B.A, D.L, J.P, of Cmchfield and Winkfield, Berks. Edue. : Woburn Park. Formerly Captain 3rd (MUitia) BattaUon, The Queen's R.W. Surrey Regt. War Work : Rejoined 5 August, 1914 ; appointed to Recruitmg Staff at Headquarters, Whitehall ; in charge of aU special enlistments ; thanked for services by Earl Kitchener, and by Earl of Derby in 1915 ; D.A.A.G. at War Oflice during transfer of Recruiting to CivU Control ; transferred to Ministry of National Service and appointed D.D.N.S. London and South Eastern Region ; specially mentioned for services In connection with the War, 1917. Address : 80, South Audley Street, W. 1 ; Club : Junior Naval and MUitary. HERD, Major Walter, O.B.E. HERDMAN, Major Arthur Cochran, O.B.E. HERDMAN, Maud Harriett, Mrs., M.B.E, J.P, 6. 1 Sept, 1879 ; d. of Major-Gen. Clark-Kennedy, late of Camus, Strabane, Co. Tyrone ; m. Capt. John Clandius, D.L, s. of E. T. Herdman, p.L, late. of Sion House, Sion MUls. War Work: Sec. and Commandant, V.A.D. Hospital, Strabane ; Sec. Strabane War ReUef Committee ; Head of Sphagnum Moss Depot. Address : Sion House, Sion MUls, Co. Tyrone. (M8449) HERDMAN, WUUam Abbott, C.B.E, D.Sc, Hon. D.Sc, Harvard, Durham, Sydney and Western Australia, Hon. LL.D. Edin : F.R.S, F.L.S, 6. 8 Sept. 1858 ; e. s. of Robert Herdman, i.B..S.A.; m. 1st Sarah Wyse Douglas, 2nd Jane Brandreth Holt. Educ : Edinburgh Academy and University. waduated, in 1879 ; Assistant to Sir WyviUe Thomson in • cnaPepger " Expedition Office ; Demonstrator of Zoology S MmDur8h University, 1880 ; President, Zoological Section, British Association, 1895 ; General Secretary, British Associa tion, 1903; President of Linnean Society, 1904 ; Foreign Secre- ™J- ™yal Society, 1916 ; has, along with others. estabUshed i™rne Biological Station at Port Erin, I. of M. and a Sea *isn hatchery at Piel near Barrow ; is Hon. Director of Scientific work to the Lancashire Sea Fisheries Committee ; was sent to i*? '5 W01-2 to investigate the Pearl Oyster Fisheries ™ the Government ; President of the British Association, pi. i iPa8 Published many scientific works. Addresses : uroxteth Lodge, Liverpool ; Rowany, Port Erin, Isle of Man. w_ss; Athenaeum; University, and Athenaeum, Liverpool; lioyal Mersey Yacht. (C2674) iJKER,F0RD> CaroUne, M.B.E, M.A, J.P, O.C, 6. 1 Nov. o ii '_"_ o£ w- H- Herford, of Manchester. Educ. : N. London wiu. bchool; Newnham CoU, Cambridge. H.M. Ladybarn £°US8 School for boys and girls ; Lecturer and Tutor, Univ. u>u, Reading, andTHanchester Univ. ; J.P. and City Councillor, uu1 ¦*?• ~war"Work: Commandant, Red Cross, E. Lancs. ,°y assisted in organising part-time work of Univ.H women unaergraduates, i.e. meeting aU trains of wounded arriving at Mayfield Station, and serving them with refreshments (866 trains between May, 1915, and May, 1919). Address : 8, Oak Drive, Fallowfleld, Manchester. CZufis : Univ. Club for Ladies; Ladies', Manchester. (M3714) HERIOT, William MAITLAND-, C.B.E, 6. 1856 ; s. of Frederick L. Maitland-Heriot, of Ramornie, Fife; m. Alice d. of John Bruce, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Abroad. War Work : Military Representative, afterwards National Service Represent- tive on Dumfriesshire Local Tribunal ; Chairman of Dumfries shire Local War Pensions Committee ; Member of Scottish Regional Director's Advisory Council. CZufis : WelUngton ; New, Edinburgh. (C2675) HERD/EL, Lieut. Sidney Peok, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HERMAN, Sur.-Lieut. Ashley Ernest, O.B.E, M.B, R.N. HERMAN, Lena, Mrs., M.B.E. HERN, WiUiam, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.D.S. HERNE, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Cecil, O.B.E, fi. 3 Aug. 1884 ; s. of Joseph Heme, of London ; to. Nora, d. of Joseph EUis, of London. Educ: King's Coll, London. CivU Service. War Work: Served in Volunteer and Territorial Forces for 10 years prior to outbreak of war ; mobilised with 13th (Kensington) Batt. London Regt, 4 Aug. 1914, and proceeded to France, Nov. 1914 ; invalided home 3 months later ; appointed Adjutant to 16th York and Lancaster Regt, Aug. 1916 ; promoted Lieut.-Col. to command same battalion, Dec. 1916 ; remained in command tUl July, 1918, then transferred to command of 16th South Lane Regt, remaining with that unit until June, 1919. Address : H.M. Office of Works, Westminster, S.W. 1. (O7270) HERNE, Capt. Edward, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. HERON, Cyril Renton, M.B.E. HERON, Lieut.-Col. George Wykeham, O.B.E, D.S.O., M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 1880; Major and Acting Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. ; served in Great War, 1914-16 (mentioned in despatches). (06199) HERON, Harold Hastings, O.B.E, 6 1866 ; s. of Samuel Heron, of Garton, E. Yorks. Educ. : Commercial Travellers' School, Pinner. War Work : Transport via Scandinavia for Russia ; Member of Russian Government Committee, and connected with Norwegian Section, Ministry of Shipping. Address : 37, Tarrington Park, North Finchley. (O10615) HERON, Brig.-Gen. Sir Thomas, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 13 May. 1857 ; s. of William Heron. M.R.CS.I, of Dublin ; to. Ethel Mary, d. of Richard Powis Monk, of Clapham Park. Educ : Rathmines School, Dublin. Retired, Army Ordnance Depart ment, Hon. Brigadier General. War Work : France, 1914- 1917 D.D.O.S. L. of C. ; Member of Mr. Balfour's Mission to U.S.A. AprU, 1917 to July, 1917 ; W.O. representative at Franco- HeUenique Conference, Paris, on the reorganisation of Greek Army ; 1917 to 1919, W.O. special work as regards demobUisa- tion &c. of war materials. Address : Round Croft, Cheshunt, Herts. HERR, Helena, M.B.E, 6. 23 March, 1873. Educ. : Privately. Financial Sec. British Congress on Tuberculosis, London, 1900-1 ; Gen. Sec. Church of England Women's Help Society, 1904-11 ; Member of Executive and Council, Westminster Social Welfare Association, 1907-11 ; Press Sec. National Union of Women's Suffrage, 1913-14. War Work : Recording Sec. Trained Nurses Dept, Joint War Com mittee, Order of St. John of Jerusalem and British Red Cross Society, Headquarters, 1915-19. Address : St. Barnabas Orphanage, Chislehurst, Kent. (M8451) HERRICK, Capt. William, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. HERRIDGE, Major George James, O.B.E, 6. 24 Nov. 1858 ; s. of John Herridge, of Blewbury, Berks ; to. Constance Georgina, d. of John Lee, of Langham, Essex ; Educ. : Privately. Staff, 4th Army Corps and Eastern Command, 20 April, 1903, to 20 Feb. 1914. War Work : Attached to Headquarters, Eastern Command, from Aug. 1914, to Aug. 1919. Address : Harrington Towers, East Barnet, Herts. (07271) HERRING, Herbert Thomas, O.B.E, M.B, B.S, fi. 1861 ; s. of John Barnwell Herring, of Esher ; m. Margaret, d. of T. Porter. Educ. : Brighton Coll. ; Univ. CoU. Hospital, London ; CoU. of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Work : Founder, Organiser, with Mrs. Herring and M.O. in charge Wey mouth Street AuxUiary Hospital (A.), (54 Beds), 1914-19. Address: 50, Harley Street, W. 1. Clubs: Reform; Garrick. (011811) HERRIOTT, Capt. WiUiam Malcolm, M.B.E, Aust. I.F. HERRON, Capt. Robert Charles, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. HERSCHELL, Lieut.-Col. Allan, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. HERTSLET, Sir Cecil, K.B.E, J.P, 6. 21 August, 1850 ; s. of Sir Edward Hertslet, K.C.B. ; m. Euphemia Sophia Dalway, d. of Rev. Alfred T. Lee, LL.D, D.C.L, Preacher at Gray's Inn. Educ. : King's College School ; King's College, London. Foreign Office, 1868-96 ; His Majesty's Consul-General at Havre, 1896-1903 ; His Majesty's Consul-General for Belgium 1903-19 ; His Majesty's Consul-General at Zurich, 1915- 17 (during German occupation of Antwerp). War Work : at his post during the siege of Antwerp and the bombardment of the fortress from 4 August till 7 October, 1914, when he left, in view of the final bombardment of the city and its imminent occupation by the German forces ; war work in Switzerland, 1915-17; returned to Antwerp, 30 November, 1918 ; retired 1 January, 1919. Address : The Vicarage, Ramsgate. Ctafis ." Royal Societies' ; Royal Yacht Squadron (hon.) ; Royal Yacht Club of Belgium (Membre d'Honneur). (K384) 253 Hervey THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. HERVEY, Comm. Gerald Augustus Frederic, O.B.E, | HERVEY, Capt. Gerald Charles Irwin, O.B.E. HERVEY, Comm. Richard George, O.B.E. HESELTINE, Lieut.-Col. Christopher, O.B.E. HESELTINE, Capt. Conrad Pelham, M.B.E. HESKETH, Lieut.-Col. Rawdon John Isherwood, I C B E, fi. 3 February, 1872 ; s. of WiUiam Pemberton Hesketh, Captain 42nd Royal Highlanders and 18th Hussars ; to. Grace, d of Harry Holditch Marten, of Tunbridge WeUs. Educ. : Privately. Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Commanding 7th Batt. the Royal -"FusUiers in England from 4 August, 1914 ; France, July, 1916, till invaUded end of May, 1917 ; Commanded 5th Batt. The Royal FusiUers, January, 1918 tiU disembodied, November, 1919; joined. Royal FusiUers, 1900, served with Mounted Infantry, South Africa, Queen's Medal, 3 Clasps. Address : 58, Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge WeUs. Club : Junior United Service. (01614) HESKETH, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam Henry, M.B.E, R.G.A. HESLOP, Major AUred Herbert, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.B, B.S, 6. 3 March, 1880 ; s. of late Rev. R. C. Heslop, M.A. Educ. : High School, Oxford ; University of Durham and St. Thomas' Hospital. Major, R.A.M.C. War Work : Deputy Assistant Director Medical Services, I. Corps and G.H.Q, B.E.F. Address : co Messrs Holt & Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, S.W. (05370) HETCKE, WiUred FuUeylove, M.B.E. HETHERINGTON, Capt. Charles Goldby, M.B.E, R.A.F. HETHERINGTON, Lieut. Graham, M.B.E, R.A.V.C. HETHERINGTON, Roger GaskeU, M. Inst. C.B, 6. 10 Feb. 1876 ; s. of WiUiam Lonsdale Hetherington, of High- gate ; m. Honoria, d. ot Arthur Ranken Ford, of Highgate. Educ. : Highgate School and Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Engineering Inspector, Local Government Board and Ministry of Health. War Work : Lieut. Staff for R.E. Services ; Staff Officer, R.E. .Eastern Command ; Secretary Works Construction Sub-Committee of War Cabinet Priority Committee. Address : 20, HUlside Gardens, Highgate, N. 6. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (01462) HETHERINGTON, Major Thomas Gerard, C.B.E, 6. 1886 ; s. of Thomas Hetherington, J.P.. of Berechurch HaU, Colchester. Is Major, Hussars, and a Staff Officer R.A.F. with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; instrumental in origination of the Tanks. (C197) HETHERINGTON, WiUiam Carruthers, M.B.E. HETT, Janie, Mrs, O.B.E, 6. 31 Jan. 1855 ; d. of George TurnbuU, of Edinburgh and Melbourne ; widow of Frank Crowder (died 1918), s. of John Hett, of Brigg, Lincolnshire. War Work : Vice-President, Brigg District, North Lincolnshire, Branch, British Red Cross Society. Address : The Limes, Brigg, Lmcolnshire. Club : New Victorian. (010616) HETT, Reginald, O.B.E, 6. 12 Feb. 1869 ; s. of Dr. Henry Nicholson Hett, of Lincolnshire ; m. Edith Mary Katharine, d. of Col. WUUam Richardson, of Lincolnshire. Educ. : Epsom CoU. Head of Army Pay Department, Messrs. Holt & Co. Address : 3, WhitehaU Place, S.W. ; 6, Montagu Gardens, Acton, W. 3. (010617) HEURTLEY, Walter, O.B.E. (06479) HEWAN, EUiot DunviUe.O.B.E. HEWELCKE, Theodore WiUiam, O.B.E. HEWER, Basil, O.B.E, 6. 7 March, 1865 ; s. of Robert Hewer, of Fair Green, Oxon ; to. Annie Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Hargxoves, of Charterhouse Square, E.C. Educ. : High School, Swindon. Dean and Lecturer on " Y.M CA. History, Principles, and Methods," Training CoU, MUdmay, N. ; Sec. to the Anglo-American Y.M.C.A, Paris, 1890, Paddington Y.M.C.A, 1892, and Aldersgate Street, E.C, Y.M.C.A, 1897 ; National Staff of Y.M.C.A. as Sec. for London area and ReUgious Activities, 1908-12. War Work : Y.M.C.A, organising work among troops, N.E. England, 1914 ; Workers' Department, Y.M.C.A. Headquarters, 1915 ; Director of Y.M.C.A. Training School for war workers from Nov. 1915, to March, 1919. Address : Y.M.C.A. Training CoU, MUdmav Park, N. 1. (O10619) HEWER, CecU Mackenzie, O.B.E., F.R.CS. HEWER, Edward Septimus Earnshaw, O.B.E, F.R.CS. Eng.), 6. 7 Oct. 1875 ; s. of the late Dr. John Henry Hewer, of Highbury, London ; m. Lucy Margaret, d. of Canon Horace Newton, of Holmwood, Redditch. Address : Church House, Stratford-on-Avon. (010621 ) HEWER, Capt. John Radborn, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. HEWETSON, John ToroUffe, M.B.E, R.N. f HEWETT, Arthur, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C. HEWETT, Lieut. Cecil AUan, M.B.E. HEWETT, Lieut.-Col. Edward Vincent Osborne, CM G D.S.O, O.B.E, late Royal West Kent Regt. 6. 14 March, 1867 ; s. of Lieut.-Gen.. E. 0. Hewett, C.M.G, R.E, of Yyr Mar EUis, Glamorganshire ; m. Brenda, d. of F. Platt-Higgins, J.P, M.P., of Homleigh, Bowdon, Cheshire. Educ. : R.M.C, Canada. Professor Strategy, Tactics, MUitary History, Staff Duties and Reconnaissance, B.M. College, Canada, 1900-5 • Nile, 1885-96 ; N.-W. Frontier, 1896-97 ; mentioned in despatches. War Work : Sept. 1914, joined 8th R.W. Kents ; Feb. 1915, assumed command 6th South Wales Borderers ; March, 1918, commanded 3rd Royal West Kent Regt. ; reverted to retired pay, Sept. 1915 ; awarded CM.G, D.S.O. for services in the Field ; thrice mentioned in despatches. Addresses : Kingston, Sandecotes Road, Parkstone, Dorset. (07273) HEWETT, Capt. George Stuart, C.B.E.. fi. 27 Dec. 1863 ; s. of Frank WiUiam Hewett, g.s. of Sir George Henry Hewett' 2nd Bart, (see BUKKE'S Peerage) ; m. Maud Mary Blind, _' of Sur.-Gen. Henry Kendall, A.M.D. Capt. R.I.M. ; T. Comm R.N. ; Deputy Director R.I.M, Calcutta ; J.P. and first-class Magistrate ; has Legion of Honour. (C225S) HEWETT, James Henry, M.B.E, 6. 3rd March 1868- s of George WiUiam, of Bristol ; m. Jane JuUa, d. of Charles Briant, of Reading. Chief Prison Officer. War Work : Pen sioned Qr.-Mr. Sergt, Royal Field ArtiUery ; served in the Zanzibar Defence Force throughout the War. Address: Central Prison, Zanzibar Protectorate. (M6449) HEWETT, Charles Ernest, O.B.E, J.P. HEWETT, Sir John Prescott, G.CS.I, K.B.E, CLE. 6. 1854 ; s. of Rev. J. Hewett, of Babbacombe ; m. Ethei (Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem), d. of H. B. Webster B.C.S. Entered B.C.S. (N.W. Prov. and Oudh), 1877; officiated as Priv. Sec. to the Viceroy in 1888 and 1892, and as Sec. to Government of India, Home Dept, March 1890 and Jan. 1892 ; Sec. 1895-1902 ; Magistrate and Coll. of Bareffly, 1893-5 ; Chief Commr. Central Prov. 1902-5 ; Member of CouncU of Gov. -Gen. of India, 1905-6 ; Lieut.-Gov. United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, 1907-12 ; Knight of Justice of St. John of Jerusalem. Address: 8, Cumberland Mansions, Upper George Street, W. 1. Clubs: Arthur's; Oriental. HEWETT, Comm. Paul, C.B.E, R.N. (ret.), fi. 14 AprU, 1858 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. PhiUp George Hewett. Educ. : Stnb- bington. War Work : 1914, in Yacht " Sardonyx," carrying wounded between Paris and Rouen ; 1915-16, Sec. Local War Pensions Committee ; 1917-18 Commodore of Convoys between England and Gibraltar. Address : St. Anne's, Ryde, Isle of Wight. Club : Royal Victoria Yacht. (C1188) HEWETT, Reginald, M.B.E. HEWGILL, Edward Burnip, M.B.E. (M10357) HEWGILL, Major WiUiam Herbert, O.B.E. HEWINS, Harold Preece, O.B.E. HEWISON, Robert, O.B.E. HEWITT, Major Albert Claud, O.B.E, R.F, fi. 13 Feb. 1882 ; s. of the late Stanley Hughes Hewitt. Educ. : Hailey bury CoU. In Regular Army ; served in Egyptian Expedition ary Force. Address : 81, Cadogan Place, London, S.W. L. Clubs : Naval and MiUtary ; Royal AutomobUe. (08626) HEWITT, Lieut.-Col. Alfred Scott, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1876 ¦ s. of the late Alfred Hewitt, of Lisle Court, Wootton, Isle of Wight. Major Roy. W. Kent. Regt.; Dep. Provost Marshal with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served in S. African War, 1900-2 ; Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches). Address : Lisle Court, Wootton, Isle of Wight. (06379) HEWITT, Lieut.-Comm. Brian Lifiord, O.B.E. HEWITT, Eileen Mabel, M.B.E, M.D, 6. 1888 ; d. oi James Hewitt, of BaUsbridge, Dublin. Educ. : Alexandra School and CoU, and Trinity CoU, DubUn. Assistant Medical Officer of Health, Stepney. TTar Work ; Medical Officer in charge, Women's Hospital, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Ad dress : 33, High Street, St. John's Wood, N.W. 8. Club : Ladies' TJniv. (M1887) HEWITT, Lieut.-Comm. Heathcote George, 0.B.E, R.N. HEWITT, Major John Theodore, O.BE. HEWITT, Sarah, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 24 Dec. 1860 ; d. of the late Richard Suter, of Eastergate, Chichester, Sussex; m. Francis Hewitt, of Leicester. War Work : Visiting and enter taining. Address : c/o F. O. Hewitt, Esq, Oaklands, Quorn, Leicester. (M8452) HEWITT, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E. HEWITT, Capt. Alfred A. T. LUDLOW-, O.B.E.; s.of T. A. Ludlow-Hewitt, J.P, of Clancoole, Bandon, Co. Cork; m. Margery, d. of late Professor H. W. Moseley, of Oxford. Educ. : Marlborough and Oxford University. Mentioned in Despatches. Address : Whitefield Court.flDeerhurst, Tewkes bury. (O5502) HEWKIN, Edwin Peroy, M.B.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1872. Civil Servant. War Work: Head of Sugar Shipments Section, Ministry of Shipping. Address : 55, Hadleigh Road, Leigh-on- Sea, Essex. Clubs : National Liberal ; Essex Yacht ; Alexan dra Yacht. ' H- • (M3716) HEWLETT, Beatrice, M.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1888 ; d. of W. H. Hewlett, of Standish. Educ. : Eastbury House School, Northwood. TT«r Work : Quartermaster at the 3rd Wood lands Military AuxUiary Hospital, Standish, Lancashire, from Nov. 1914 to Dec. 1917 ; Commandant and Quartermaster from Jan. 1918 to March, 1919, at the same hospital. Address : Strickland House, Standish, Lancashire. (MS,4_?) HEWLETT, Lieut.-Col. Francis Esme Theodore, 0.B.K, D.S.O, R.A.F. Served in Directorate of Aircraft Production. (01463) HEWLETT, Major Kenelm, O.B.E, I.D.F. _ „ . HEWSON, Capt. Frank Lloyd, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6- 8 Aug. 1885. War Work : Served in France, 1914-16, ana 1918-19; N. Russia, March to Oct. 1919. Address : c/o A. Whitehead, Rougemont, SaUsbury, WUts. (°?___' HEWSON, James Archibald, O.B.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1863. Deputy Accountant and ComptroUer-General, H.M. Customs and Excise. War Work : Official duties created by war con ditions in connection with Prize, etc. New Revenue Duties , Vice-Chairman and Ward Sec. Hornsev War Pensions Com mittee. Address : Heathdene, Cranley 'Gardens, Muswell tun. 254 HEXT, Lieut. Arthur Charles, M.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Hickson HEYCOCK, Lieut. Col. Charles Hensman, O.B.E, R.E. HEYCOCK, Florence, Mrs., M.B.E. HEYDE, Lieut. Douglas, O.B.E, R.E. (S.R.) HEYER, Capt. George, M.B.E. HEYLIN, Henry Brougham, O.B.E, M. Text. Inst, b. April, 1870 ; s. of Hy. B. Heylln, of Worsley ; m. Annie Elizabeth, d. of Thos. BaU, of Manchester. Textile Expert under War Office. War Work: Advised on purchase and construction of textUe materials for British War Office and Allies generally ; substituted suitable cotton materials for various purposes in view of shortage of good flax Inaterials ; arbitrator in many oases for Board of Trade on behalf of AUied purchases ; respons ible for the inspection of textile materials generaUy in connection with Army Ordnance Supplies. Address : 8, Beechhill Road, Eltham, S.E. 9. (010624) HEYMAN, Frances Patton, Lady, M.B.E. ; d. of Rev. WiUiam Impey, of Grahamstown ; to. Sir Melville Heyman. War Work : Red Cross Workin Bulawayo, Rhodesia. Address : Bulawayo, Rhodesia. (M6450) HEYMANN, Brevet-Major Frank Albert, O.B.E, 6. 1 Sept. 1882 ; s. of Albert Heymann, of West Bridgford Hall, Notts ; m. Elizabeth Rutherford, d. of John Oliver, of Lynn- wood, Hawick. Educ : HaUeybury. Regular Army. War Wort : 1914-18, B.E.F. ; 1919, Army of Occupation in Germany. Address : Lynnwood, Hawick, Scotland. (05372) HEYN, Capt. Riohard Gustavus, O.B.E., R.A.F. HEYNES, James Baylis, M.B.E, F.R.S.A, Cavaliere ufficiale deUa corona d'ltaUa, Knight of the Order of Wasa (Sweden), 6. 1851 ; s. of James Heynes, of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire ; m. LiUan, d. of late George Harper, J.P, of Southampton. Educ. : St. John's College, Hurstpierpont. British Vice-Consul, Messina, SicUy ; Lloyds' Agent, Messina, Sicily. War Work : Naval InteUigence Officer, MiUtary Intelligence Officer; Port Transport Officer; Port Convoy Officer ; Passport Control Officer, Messina. Addresses : British Vice-Consulate, Messina ; Gazzi, near Messina. Club : National Liberal. (M538) HEYWOOD, Ivy Lenore, M.B.E, HEYWOOD, Lieut. Noel, O.B.E, R.A.S.C HEYWOOD, Major Thomas George Gordon, O.B.E, E.A. HEYWORTH, Beatrioe Hestietha Gundreda, M.B.E, Q.M.A.AC HEZLET, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Robert Knox, C.B.E.. D.S.O, R.F.A, fi. 21 Dec. 1879 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. R. J. Hezlet, of Bovagh, Aghadowey, Co. Londonderry, Ireland ; m. Josepha Dorothy, d. oi Andrew Arter, of Linden House, Ravenscourt Park, W. Educ : CUfton ; Royal MUitary Academy, Woolwich. Regular Army, Royal Field Artillery, Wm Wort : O.C. 19th Battery, R.F.A, France, 1915 ; mentioned in despatches ; O.C. 9th Brigade, R.F.A, Mesopo tamia, 1915-1916. mentioned in despatches ; Member Ordnance Committee, Woolwich, 1916. Address : Bovagh, Aghadowey, Co. Londonderry. Club : Army and Navy. (C1615) HEZLETT, Mary Kathleen, Mrs., O.B.E. HIBBARD, Major Thomas, O.B.E, T.D, M.R.CV.S, R.A.V.C, fi. Mar. 1865 ; s. of Stephen Hibbard, of GUUngham, Kent ; m. Fanny, d. of WiUiam George Fish, of Chingford. Educ. : Doddington. Served in S. Africa, 1900. War Work : Mobffised, Aug. 1914; A.D.V.S. 56th (London) Division; A.D.V.S, 47th (London) Division. Address : Westcourt Cottage, ShepherdsweU, Kent. (05374) HIBBERD, Henry George, M.B.E. HIBBERD, JuUa Florence, O.B.E, 6. 12 Feb. 1873 ; d. of Tom Hibberd, of Dennington, Suffolk. Educ : North- wood CoU. War Work: Sandes Soldiers' Homes, India. (09825) HIBBERT, Lieut. George, O.B.E. HIBBERT, Vice-Adm. Hugh Thomas, C.B.E, D.S.O, E..N, fi. 1863 ; s. of Hugh Robert Hibbert, of Birkles Hall, Cheshire ; m. 1892, Catherine Brownlow, d. of M. A. Butter- neld. Adaress: Birtles Old Hall, Chelford. Club : Army and Navy. (C897) HIBBS, Frank Edward, M.B.E. HICK, Benjamin, O.B.E. , HICKES, Major Edward Weston, O.B.E. HICKES, Major Lanoelot Daryl, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 30 May, 1884 ; m. Vera Newbury. Educ : BlundeU's and Bedford Scnool ; R.M. Acadamy, Woolwich. Officer in Royal ArtiUery. Commissioned, Dec. 1903 ; W. Africa, 1908 ; War Work : Cameroons, 1914 ; GaUipoU, 1915 ; Egypt and France, 1916 ; JJance, 1917-18. Address : c/o Cox & Co (R.A. Dept.), 16, Charing Cross, London. Club: United Service. (05376) HICKEY, Capt. Jeremiah, M.B.E. HICKEY, Major T.A., O.B.E. HICKIE, Capt. George WilUam Clement, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, fi. 2 March, 1897 ; s. of the late Major W. B. Hickie, of S. & T. w>rps. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll, and Imperial Service ujU. Windsor. War Work: Served with B.E.F, France, *9.}._-16; E.E.F, Egypt and Palestine, 1916-18; British Military Mission, S. Russia, 1919-20 ; awarded 2nd Class Order of St. Stanislaus by Commander-in-Chief, Armed Forces, South Russia. Addresses : c/o Messrs. H. S. King & Co, 9, Pall Mall, S.W. 1 ; c/o Sir C. R. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39, Panton Street, Haymarket, S.W. 1. (011800) HICKIE, Capt. Henry Garnet, M.B.E, M.C, 1st Bn. Dish Guards, 6. 29 Jan. 1872 ; s. of Capt. Henry Hickie, R.A.S.C ; m. Agnes, d. of John Cook, Bengal Fusiliers. Educ. : Royal Hibernian MiUtary School, DubUn. War Work : Served with the Gordon Highlanders in the Tirah Campaign of 1897 ; wounded at the charge of Dargai ; wounded with the Gordon Highlanders at Magersfontein ; served throughout the Great War as Quartermaster of the 1st Batt. Irish Guards ; awarded the Military Cross. (M6529) HICKLEY, Alioe, Mrs. Victor North, M.B.E. HICKLEY, Sybil Louise, Mrs. NORTH-, M.B.E. ; d. of Col. G. H. Trollope, of Cobham in Surrey. War Work : Organiser aud Commandant of V.A.D. Hospital in Much Hadham VUlage, working under 1st E. G. Hospital, Cam bridge, which started with six beds, Dec. 1914, was enlarged to 42 beds and closed Jan. 1919 ; Vice-President for district. Address : The Hill, Much Hadham, Herts. (M8455) HICKLIN, Samuel, M.B.E. HICKLING, AUce, Mrs., M.B.E. HICKMAN, John Blair Smith, O.B.E, 6. 22 Feb. 1861 ; s. of Charles Hickman, of Ravenscourt Park, Hammersmith, London ; ra. Lillian Alice, d. of Fleet Eng. R. T. Rundle, R.N., of Plymouth. Educ: Brackenburg House, Hammersmith, London, W. Superintendent of H.M. Victualling Yards, Malta ; Sydney, N.S.W. ; Royal Victorian Yard, Deptford, London ; Royal Clarence Yard, Gosport. War Work : In charge of Naval Victualling Depot, Cape Town, 1900-1 (South African War). Supt. Royal WilUam Yard, Plymouth 1913 to date. Address : Royal WiUiam Yard, Plymouth. Club : Malta Union. (010626) HICKMAN, Kenneth Claude Devereux, M.B.E, B.Sc, A.I.C, D.I.C, fi. 4 Feb. 1896 ; s. of Claude A. Hickman, of Bromley, Kent. Educ. : Hedden Court, Cockfosters ; Royal CoU. of Science, S. Kensington. War Work : Research Chemist to Trench Warfare Dept. ; Research Chemist at Chemical Projectile Laboratory, Wembley, under Chemical Warfare Dept. ; Poison gas, Smoke screens, and flares. Address : Royal CoU. of Science, South Kensington. (M8457) HICKS, Amy Maud, M.B.E, M.A. ; d. of Charles Thomp son Hicks, Gt. HoUand Hall, Essex. Educ. : North London Collegiate School, and Girton. War Work : Motor driver, Women's Reserve Ambulance ; Canteen work in France ; Higher Grade Clerk, Admiralty, 1916-17 ; Junior Administrative Assistant, War Office, 1917-19. Address : RunseU Green, Danbury, Essex. (M8458) HICKS, Arthur Samuel, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. HICKS, Corona, M.B.E. HICKS, John WUliam, M.B.E, F.R.A.S, 6. 22 Oct. 1882 ; s. of John Hicks, of Lisburn, Belfast. Educ. : Privately. Assistant to the Ballistic Officer, Ordnance Committee ; " H " of " Arms and Explosives," and " The N.R.A. Journal " ; "BaUstica" of "The Rifleman." War Work: Preparation of Range Tables and other mathematical work in connection with Gunnery; Publications: "Vocations for our Sons" (Fisher Unwin, 1906) ; " The Theory of the Rifle and Rifle Shooting " (Griffin, 1919) ; Addresses : c/o The Royal Astro nomical Society, BurUngton House, W. 1 ; 27, Old Mill Road, Plumstead Common, S.E. 18. (M8459) HICKS, Major Joseph Marmaduke, M.B.E. HICKS, Lieut.-Col. Sir MaxweU, C.B.E, F.C.A, 6. 20 March, 1878 ; s. of late Henry Hicks, of Plaistow Hall, Kent ; m. Kate, d. of late John Giblett, of Woodside Park, Middlesex. Educ : Privately. Senior partner of firm of Maxwell Hicks & Co, Chartered Accountants. War Work : Commanded M.H.S, Accountants, a technical unit of R.A.S.C. dealing with the financial side of Expeditionary Force Canteens. Addresses : 6, Cadogan Gardens, S.W. ; Lake Lodge, Wargrave, Berks. Clubs : Marlborough ; Carlton. (C1266) HICKS, Eng. -Lieut. Nicholas John, M.B.E, R.N, 6. 26 Feb. 1867 ; s. of Henry Hicks, of St. Minver, Cornwall ; m. Mary Jane, d. of Charles Hicks Harris, of Lostwithiel, CornwaU. Educ : Stoke PubUc Higher School, Devonport. War Work : Senior Eng. of H.M.S. " Blake " ; repairs to destroyers of 11th FlotUla and attached destroyers at Northern bases. Address : 12, Mariston Avenue, Keyham, Barton, Devonport. (M1889) HICKS, Thomas, M.B.E. ^i0.9!' HICKS, Thomas William, M.B.E.. M.D. (Lond.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.) M.R.C.S. (Eng.), J.P. (Middlesex), 6. 1869; s. of Richard Hicks, of HuU, E. Yorks. ; to. Cicely Beatrix, d. of — Grylls. Educ. : Hull and E. Riding Coll. ; London Univ. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, 6th District, Barnet Union ; Medical Officer, Finchley Cottage Hospital ; Medical Officer, National Hospital (Finchley) ; Medical Officer, Summer- ton Hospital (Finchley). War Work: Mobihsed and was Officer in Command Summerlee Auxiliary War Hospital, E. Finchley (100 Beds) ; Capt. Middlesex R.A.M.C (V.) ; Capt. and Medical Officer of Eastern Command Volunteer Ambulance Convoy ; Officer in Command, Middlesex V.A.D. 25. Address : Park House, E. Finchley, N.2. Club : Royal Automobile. (M1890) HICKS, Comm. WiUiam Thomas, O.B.E, R.N. HICKSON, Elizabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Joseph Beck, of London ; m. Frederick George, s. of George Hickson, of London Educ : Univ. Coll, London. Co-Principal of " Old- field " Co, Education School, Swanage. War Work : Quarter master and later Assist. Commandant at Cluny Red Cross Auxiliary Hospital ; Commandant of Dorset V.A.D. 36. Club : V A D (M8460) HICKSON, Major Gerald Robert StedaU, C.B.E, fi. 1879. Major R.M.L.I. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches (O^^oo) HICKSON, Major-Gen. Sir Samuel, K.B.E, C.B, B.A, 255 Hickson THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. MB BCh, L.M, Trinity CoU, Dublin; 6. 14 Nov. 1859; s. of Capt. R. M. Hickson, J.P, of the Grove, Dingle, Co. Kerry; to Aug 1903, Elizabeth Constance, y.d. of the late Rev. Canon Bolsher, of Cork, and w. of R. Fry. Hon. Maj.-Gen. late R A.M.C; formerly Hon. Surgeon to the King; Inspector of Medical Services, War Office, 1914; and Asst. Director of Medical Services, B.E.F, 1914-17 ; served in S. Africa, 1896-7 (despatches, medal with clasp) ; in S. African War 1899-1902 (despatcnes, brevet, 2 medals with 4 clasps); and in the Great War (despatches). Address : White Lodge, Fleet, Hants. Club: Constitutional. HICKSON, WilUam Henry, O.B.E. HIDE, Arthur, M.B.E. HIDE, Constance, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 19 Oct. 1870 ; d. of Robert Redmayne, of The Hermitage, Bowness-on-Winder- mere ; to. WiUiam Seymour, s. of T. C. Hide. War Work : Raising money for the East Riding Prisoners of War Fund ; worked at the Riverside Quay, Hull, in connection with the Repatriated Prisoners. Address : Cottingham Grange, East Yorkshire. (M8461) HIDE, Capt. Lewis, M.B.E, R.E. HIGGIN, EUzabeth Philadelphia Lockhart, Mrs, M.B.E, i. 1866 ; d. of John MacMorland, of Roxburghshire ; to. WilUam, s. of WilUam Higgin, of Rosgauna, Co. Antrim. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association, and War Pensions. Address : Blackwoodhoure, Eaglesfield, Dumfriesshire. (M8462) HIGGINS, Professor Alexander Pearoe, C.B.E, M.A, LL.D, 6. 24 April, 1865 ; s. of Alexander Higgins, of Worcester ; m. Mina, d. of Simon MacLennan, of Glasgow. Educ. : Cathedral (King's) School, Worcester ; Downing CoUege, Cambridge, (Scholar). Whewell Professor of International Law, Cambridge ; Professor of International Law, London. War Work : Adviser on International Law and Prize Law in the Departments of H.M. Procurator-General and Treasury Solicitor ; Legal Adviser in International Law to the Admiralty for the Peace Conference at Paris. Addresses : 2, Pump Court, Temple, E.C. ; 5, Salisbury ViUas, Cambridge. Club : London University. (C198) HIGGINS, Arthur Gordon, M.B.E, 6. 18 Feb. 1871 ; s. of Thomas Dick Higgins, of Lewisham ; to. Edith AUce, d. of Thomas Taylor, of Lewisham. Educ. : Roan School, Greenwich. Master of Belmont Institution. War Work : Acting Quartermaster during the occupation of the Institution as a Prisoners of War Hospital. Address : Belmont, Sutton, Surrey. (M8463) HIGGINS, Lieut. Arthur HaU, M.B.E. HIGGINS, Major Cecil Matthew, O.B.E, M.C HIGGINS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Charles Henry PragneU, M.B.E. HIGGINS, Edward John, C.B.E, 6. 26 Nov. 1864 ; s. of the late Edward Higgins, of London ; to. Catherine, d. of David G. Price, of Penarth. Educ : Privately. Chief of Staff of Salvation Army. War Work : In charge of all Salvation Army work amongst the British Troops in Great Britain, France and Belgium. Addresses : 101, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. ; Clovelly, Powys Lane, Palmers Green, N. 13. (C2676) HIGGINS, Lieut. John, M.B.E. HIGGINS, Major John Esmond Longuet, O.B.E, M.C HIGGINS, Lieut.-Col. and Qr.-Mr. Joseph Thomas, O B F RASP HIGGINS, ' Capt. Robert Henry Constable, M.B.E, R.A.V.C, 6. 13 June, 1889 ; s. of Lieut -Col. Higgins, O.B.E, of DubUn ; m. Phillis Edith, d. of C. R. Cook, of Wheathamp- stead. Educ. : St. Andrew's Coll, DubUn, and R.V. Coll. Ireland. War Work : With 3rd (Lahore) Division from India to France, Aug 1914, to May, 1915 ; posted to 46th Mobile Veterinary Section, Guards' Division, Aug. 1915, to Dec. 1915 ; proceeded to Mesopotamia, Dec. 1915, with No. 7 Field Vety. Section ; appointed A.D.V.S. 14th (Indian) Division, May, 1916 ; transferred to U.K., Jan. 1919 ; proceeded to Archangel with Gen. Sadler Jackson's Brigade ; appointed Commandant, Veterinary Training School, Archangel, until evacuated, with British Forces. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (M6964) HIGGINS, Sir Sydney George, Knt. Bach, C.B.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1867 ; s. of Warner Charles Higgins, of Portlane, Sunbury- on-Thames, late Receiver-Gen. H.M. Office of Woods and Forests ; m. 27 Aug. 1890, Ida Blanche, y. d. of James Hollway, J.P, D.L, of Stanhoe Hall, Norfolk. Managing Director, William France Fenwick & Co, Ltd, Shipowners, London. War Service: Asst. Accountant-General and Ministry of Shipping, 1 917-20. Address : Brooklands, Sunbury- on-Thames. Club: Union. (C518) HIGGINS, Capt. Thomas Twistington, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. HIGGINS, William, O.B.E. HIGGINS, Major WilUam George, O.B.E, 6. 4 May, 1883 ; s. of Charles Patrick ; to. Adrienne Fannie, d. of Henry Higgins, of London and Paris. Educ : Privately ; on the Continent ; Manchester University. War Work : Supplies, R.A.S.C. ; Organiser and President, 3rd Army Purchase Board and Central Purchase Board, G.H.Q. France. Club : Thatched House. (02568) HIGGINSON, Charles James, C.B.E, n. 17 May, 1871 ; s. of Charles Frederick Higginson, of Hampstead. Educ. : Privately. Barrister-at-Law, (Inner Temple). War Work : From 1916 to 1919, Secretary to Restriction of Enemy Supplies Department ; from February, 1919 to July 1919, Director of the Department. Addresses : 1, Paper Buildings, Temple ; 54, Crediton HUI, Hampstead, N.W. 6. Club : Royal Societies'' (C2677) HIGGON, Catherine Octavia, Mrs., M.B.E, J.P. ; Promoted to Lieut.-Col, raised and commanded, intb Battn. Scottish Rifles, Paisley, Scotland; June, 1918, transferred to command 16th Battn., York and Lancaster Regt, ftrt Castle, Yorks. Address : c/o Colonial Bank of London, ^2, William Street, NewJYork, U.S.A. (CI 616) 257 HILL, Christopher John, O.B.E, B.A, 6. 18 Sept. 1870 ; s. of Thomas Rowland Hill, of Broadwater Down, Tunbridge WeUs ; m. Hilda Isabel, d. of Milner Moore, of Eastbourne. Educ. : Rugby and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. War Work : Chairman of Shell Band Committee, and Director of Depart ment controlling the whole of the manufactured copper in the country. Address : Warley Mount, Brentwood, Essex. Clubs : New Univ. ; St. Stephen's ; Sports ; M.O.O. (010630) HILL, Edith, O.B.E. HILL, Capt. Ernest Edward, M.B.E, D.C.M, 6. 29 Aug. 1870 ; s. of William Hill, of Littleport ; to. Agnes, d. of George Markall, of Southery. Educ. : Marham School, Norfolk. War Work : Adj. 2/1 Lincolnshire Yeomanry, and Garrison Adj., Canterbury. Address : Aberdeen, York Road, Heme Bay. (M6654) HILL, EUzabeth Ann, Mrs, O.B.E. HILL, Emma Carey, Mrs., M.B.E. HILL, Lieut.-Col. Franois Robert, C.B.E, T.D, M.B, CM, 6. 1873; s. of Laurence Hill, J.P, CE, of Greenock. Educ. : Loretto. Chief Commissioner of Medical Services, London Region, Ministry.'of Pensions. War Work : Commanded 2/4th East Lancashire Howitzer Bde. R.F.A, 1915 ; Lieut.-Col. Commanding 331st Brigade R.F.A, 1915 to August, 1917 ; transferred to R.A.M.C, Aug. 1917 ; appointed D.A.D.G, A.M.S, at War Oflice ; transferred to Ministry of Pensions, April, 1919 ; Commissioner of Medical Services, West Midland Region, (Birmingham) tUl Jan. 1920, when he was appointed Director of Medical Services at Headquarters, which appoint ment he reUnquished to become Chief Commissioner of the London Region in August, 1920. Address : 2, The Grove, Highgate Road, N.W. 5. Clubs : Caledonian ; Royal Society of Medicine. (C1617) HILL, Frank, M.B.E. HILL, Lieut.-Col. Frank William Rowland, C.M.G, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1875 ; to. 1904, Queenie, d. of Col. Moutray Read, formerly of Oriel House, Folkestone. Entered Dorsetshire Regt. 1895 ; Capt. Roy. FusUiers (City of London Regt.) 1901 ; transferred to Army Ordnance Depart. 1914 ; Brevet Lieut.- Col. 1915 ; Tirah Expedition, 1897-98 (medal with two clasps) ; S. Africa, 1899-1900 (despatches, Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-17, as Ordnance Officer (despatches). Address : 30, Bramham Gardens, S.W.5. (07278) HILL, Major Frederick George, O.B.E, 6. 17 June, 1878 ; s. ot Robert Hill-Littler, of Chichester Park, Belfast. Educ. : Royal Academy, Belfast. Official Assignee, Belfast Local Bankruptcy Court. War Work : O.C R.G.A, Greypoint Batt, Helen's Bay, Co. Down, from Sept. 1914, to June, 1919 ; selected Military Officer, Belfast, Defences and in charge of Examination Service from Sept. 1914, to AprU, 1918 ; the Examination Anchorage, Belfast Lough, was one of the chief shelters for ships and convoys untU late in 1918 ; responsible for identification and passing in of H.M. ships of all classes to the shipyards and docks for repairs. Address : Ballyvernett House, Bangor, Co. Down. Clubs : United Service ; Royal Ulster Yacht ; Bangor. (07278) HILL, Lieut. Garrington Lewis Watson, M.B.E, R.G.A. a -a ' HILL, Lieut. George Alexander, D.S.O, M.B.E, M.C. HILL, Major George Bernard, O.B.E, 6. 1874 ; s. of James Duke HIU, of Terlings Park, Essex ; m. Frances Grace, d. of J. Heywood Johnstone, M.P, of Bignor Park, Sussex, and Trewithen, Cornwall. Educ. : Repton ; Pembroke College, Cambridge. Member of London Stock Exchange. War Work : Served 4 years in France in M.T, R.A.S.C ; Commanded Fourth Army Mechanical Transport Company. Address : 37, Draycott Place, S.W. 3. Club : WeUington. (01468) HILL, George Grayson, M.B.E. HILL, George James, M.B.E, M.A. (Cantab.), F.C.I.S, 6. 3 May, 1856 ; s. of Henry HUI, of Croft, Lincolnshire ; to. Emma Eleanor, d. of William Rhodes, of Antigua, West Indies. Educ. : Royal ' Coll. of Science, and Cambridge Univ. War Work : Hon. Sec. Cambridge War Savings Committee ; Member, Ministry of Labour ; Officers' Appointments Dept. Committee; Officers' Univ. Mechanical Classes ; Private, 1st Vol. Batt. Cambridgeshire Regiment from May, 1917, to July, 1918. Addresses : 6, Pemberton Terrace, Cambridge ; Peterhouse, Cambridge. Club: Cambridge Union. (M8471) HILL, Lieut. Gerald Dudley, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HILL, Harry, M.B.E, 6. 5 July, 1887. War Work: Executive Officer, Borough of Basingstoke Local Food Control Committee ; Hon. Sec. Church of England Soldiers' Institute ; Hon. Sec. National Service Local Committee ; Joint Hon. Sec. YMCA. Hut Week Committee. Address: Grove Cottage, Basingstoke. (M8472) HILL, Capt. Hedley, O.B.E, Can. A.P.C HILL, Helen Ogatha, M.B.E. „,,„,„, HILL, Henry Grenville, M.B.E. (M10449) HILL, Major Henry Leonard Gauntlett, O.B.E. HILL, Major Herbert John, D.S.O, O.B.E. HILL, Jessie, Mrs., M.B.E. HILL, Capt. John, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. HILL, Major John Arthur, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.). HILL, Capt. John Burrow, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 27 Dec. 1886 ; s. of late Edward Burrow HiU, of Bristol ; to. Dorothy Muriel, d. ot late Sir Lionel DareU, Bt. of Gloucestershire (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Winchester ; Magdalen CoUege, Oxford. Land Agent ; Partner in firm of Messrs Whatley, Hill & Co., 24, Ryder Street, St. James's. War Work : Bucks Bn, Hill THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Oxford and Bucks L. I. ; Staff Captain, 144 Drfy. Bde. Address : 6, St. Leonard Terrace, Chelsea. Club : Windham. (02481) HILL, Major John Edgar, O.B.E, M.A, Oxon, 6. 17 Aug. 1886; s.of John Cathles HiU, of Highgate, London, N. Educ. : Felsted School ; Merton College, Oxford. Address : 9, Regent's Court, Hanover Gate, N.W. 1. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (O2906) HILL, Capt. Ledger Story, M.B.E. HILL, Major Leslie Rowley, O.B.E, R.F.A, fi. 28 Dec. 1884 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. R. R. 0. Hill, 31st Foot : m. EUeen Dorothy, d. of Col. J. B. Hutchinson, C.S.I, J.P, of Cambridge. Educ : St. Ninians, Moffat, and WeUington. War Work : Sept. 1914, to June, 1916, France and Belgium ; Feb. 1917, to end of War, General Staff, War Office. Address : Cox & Co. (08837) HILL, Major Lionel Edward, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. HILL, Rear-Adm. Marcus Rowley, C.B.E, 6. 13 Mar. 1867 ; s. of late Rt. Rev. Rowley 0. G, g.s. of Sir George HiU, 4th Bart, (see BTTKKE'S Peerage) ; in. EUen Mabel, d. of Rt. Hon. J. W. MeUor, P.C, M.P. Is an officer of the Legion of Honour. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (C2270) HILL, Major Reginald Day Finch, O.B.E, 6. 19 Jan. 1875 ; s. of Thomas Rowland HiU, of Tunbridge Wells ; m. Eugenie Marie, d. of L. Poudret, of France. Educ. : Clifton CoUege. Chartered Accountant. War Work : R.A.S.C, Nov. 1914-April, 1919. Addresses : 10/12, CopthaU Avenue, E.C. 2 ; " Tanagra," Brighton Road, Purley, Surrey. CZufi : City of London. (02571) HILL, Capt. Robert, M.B.E. HILL, Robert, O.B.E. HILL, Capt. Robert Charles, M.B.E. HILL, Lieut.-Col. Robert Montague, C.B.E, R.G.A. (S.R.). Served in Great War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in des patches. (C1618) HILL, Lieut. Thomas Edgar, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 26 Jan. 1881 ; s. of Thomas HiU, of Moseley, Birmingham ; to. Mona Isobel, d. of G. A. J. Burr, of Douglas, Isle of Man. Educ. : King Edward VI. Grammar School, Birmingham. Cashier, Lloyds Bank, Ltd. (Final Institute of Bankers). War Work : Served with 2/5 Gloucesters, in France, 1916 ; with R.A.S.C, France and Belgium, Aug. 1917, to Sept. 1919 ; wounded, Sept. 1918. Address : St. Crantock, Wotton-under-Edge. (M4522) HILL, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Eustace, O.B.E, M.A. (Durham), M.B, B.Sc. (Edin.), R.A.M.C. (V.), 6. 1865 ; s. of Dr. Alfred HiU, F.R.S, of Birmingham ; to. Kate, d. of Edward Pritchard, of Kingswood, Warwickshire. Educ. : King Edward's High School, Birmingham, and Edinburgh University. County Medical Officer of Health, Durham, etc. ; Professor of Public Health, Durham University. War Work : Officer Commanding, Durham R.A.M.C. (V.). Addresses : Harewood Hill, Darling ton ; Shire HaU, Durham. Clubs : County Durham ; Royal Societies'. (O1470) HILL, Major Trevor Montague, O.B.E. HILL, Lieut.-Col. Walter de Marchot, C.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 12 Feb. 1877 ; s. of Major-Gen. WilUam Hill ; m. Margaret Ethel, d. of Robert Reed, of Bristol. Educ. : Blairlodge, Scotland. Adviser in Special MiUtary Surgery, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Lieut. R.A.M.C, Nov. 1914 ; France, 1915, with 82nd Brigade, R.F.A. ; 1916-1918, Lieut.-Col, officer i/c Special MiUtary Surgical Hospital, Shepherd's Bush ; 1918-1920, Assistant Inspector of Special MUitary Surgery, and Liaison Officer to Ministry of Pensions. Addresses : 31, Cadogan Gardens, S.W. ; 80, Grosvenor Street, W. Club : Wellington. (C1619) HILL, Marjorie CROSBIE-, O.B.E. HILL, Capt. Harold GARDINER-, M.B.E, R.A.F HILL, Capt. Gerald Arthur SINCLAIR-, O.B.E, R.A.F. HILL, Amy, Mrs. WOOD-, M.B.E. HILLARY, Capt. Michael James, D.S.O, O.B.E. Lieut. and T. Capt. AustraUan Forces ; served in Great War, 1915- 19 ; mentioned in despatches. (06737) HILLEARY, Major Edward Langdale, O.B.E. HILLEARY, George Edward, O.B.E. HILLIAR, Harry WilUam, C.B.E. HILLIAR, Robert James, M.B.E. HILLIARD, Gladys EUzabeth Clark, M.B.E, 6. Oct, 1880 ; d. of J. B. Hilliard, of Glasgow. Edue. : Glasgow ; Sunderland; Brussels. Welfare Supt, The United Turkey Red Co, Ltd, Vale of Leven, Dumbartonshire, Scotland. War Work : Clothing and Despatch Dept, Glasgow (Scottish Branch British Red Cross Soc.) ; Canteen work in connection with Women's Volunteer Reserve (Glasgow Batt.) ; Lady Supt. Inspection Dept, Ministry of Munitions, Glasgow and West of Scotland Area. Address : 32, Athole Gardens, Kelvinside, Glasgow. Club : Lady Artists', Glasgow. (M1895) HILLIARD, Capt. James Joseph, O.B.E, R A V C HILLIARD, Robert, M.B.E. HILLINGDON, Alice Marion, Lady, O.B.E, 6. 1857 ; 2nd d. of 5th Baron Suffield (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Charles William, 2nd Baron Hillingdon (died 1919) (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Red Cross ; Middlesex Agricultural Women's Com mittee ; War Pensions ; Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Associa tion. Address: Vernon House, 6, Park Place, St. James', ¦ (O10633) HILLKIRK, Evelyn Margaret, M.B.E. ,THIKL1iAoN5 CApt- Ge°rge Brown, M.B.E, L.M.S.S.A. (Lond), L.S.A (Lond.), R.A.M.C, fi. 5 July, 1867; s. of Samuel David Hillman, of Ilkley, Yorkshire; m. Christina Gordon, d. of John Henderson, of Bradford, Yorks. Eauc ¦ High School, Dkley ; Yorkshire Coll. ; Leeds Univ. M.O.H Whitwood Urban District ; Medical Referee, Ministry ' of Pensions ; Chairman, Local Medical and Panel Committees for W.R. of Yorkshire j Chairman, Wakefield Division British Medical Association. War Work : Officer in charge " Spinola " and " Hamrun " Military Hospitals at Malta ; Medical Officer Ledston Hall AuxUiary Hospital, Yorkshire ; Member of Recruiting Medical Boards, Pontefract. Address : 3, South Parade, Wakefield, Yorkshire. Club : Leeds and County Conservative. (M8475 HILLS, Lieut.-Col. Charles Edward, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. HILLS, Capt. Henry, M.B.E, R.E. HILLS, Isabel Sinton, Mrs., M.B.E, M.A, 6. 4 March 1889 ; d. of WiUiam Thorburn, of Edinburgh ; m. Philip Cowlishaw, s. of W. A. Hills, M.Inst.M.M, of Barnes, London. Educ. : George Watson's Ladies' Coll, Edinburgh ; Edinburgh, Univ. ; Women's Institute, Victoria Street, London. Asst. Sec. to the Natural Food Reform Assoc. ; Sec. to Messrs. E. W. Neems & Co, Gracechurch Street, E.C. War Work : Personal Assistant to Sir Arthur Dickinson, Chief Financial Adviser to the ControUer of Coal Mines. Address : ThorhUl, Denton, Kent. (M1898 HILLS, Major John Harris, O.B.E, R.A.F. HILLS, Lieut. Loftus, M.B.E. HILLS, Lucy, M.B.E, 6. 1858 ; d. of John Hills, of Maidstone. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Responsible for sending boxes of food to Prisoners of War who belonged to Maidstone ; Hon. Business Manager to the Maidstone and District Central War Work Association ; Egg ControUer for Maidstone, for sending eggs to the wounded. Address : Rock House, Maidstone. ¦ (M8476) HILLS, Major Reginald Playfair, O.B.E, M.C. HILLS, Capt. Reginald Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 19 June, 1876 ; s. of Henry Hills, of Warwick ; m. Amy Lilian, d. of Robert Symington Gold, J.P, of Warwick. Educ. : Warwick School. Asst. Director of Education for County of Warwick. War Work : Served in France with 2/7th Batt. R. War. Regt. ; invalided Aug. 1916 ; on discharge from hospital, Aug. 1917, appointed to staff of L. S. Dept, Ministry of Munitions; ap pointed Director, War Munitions Volunteer Enrolment Sub section of Ministry of Munitions, May, 1918. Address : Lane- borough, Leamington Spa. (M8477) HILLS, Col. Edmond Herbert, GROVE-, C.M.G, C.B.E., 6. 1 Aug. 1864 ; s. of Herbert A. HUls, of High Head Castle, Cumberland ; to. Juliet, d. of James Spencer-BeU, M.P, of Fawe Park, Keswick. Assumed by deed poU, 28 Oct. 1920, the additional name of Grove. Educ. : Winchester ; Royal MiUtary Academy. Colonel, Royal Engineers. War Work: Assistant Chief Engineer, Eastern Command. Address: Campden HiU, W. 8. Club : United Service. (C1620) HILLYARD, Capt. John WiUiam, O.B.E. HILLYER, Herbert Keys, O.B.E. HILTON, Evelyn, M.B.E. War Work: Hon. Sec, Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association, Hampstead Divi sion ; Hon. Sec, London War Pensions Committee, Hampstead; Hon. Agent, Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation, Hampstead. Address : 52, Upper Park Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. 3. (M8478) HILTON, George Grimmer, M.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of Alder man George HUton, of Chelsea ; to. Mary, d. of Henry Bayley, of Bleadon, Somerset. Educ : City of London and City of Westminster Schools. Manager, Shipping Dept, Merchant's Office. War Work: Supervising Clerk, War Oflice; Secretary, War Savings Association, M.S 4 T. Branch, War Office ; Treasurer, St. Mark's, Noel Park Institute War Savings Association. Address : 149, Lymington Avenue, Wood Green, London, N. (M3721) HILTON, Mary, M.B.E, 6. 24 May, 1848; d. of Capt. Thos. Hilton, of Sole Street, Faversham, Kent. War Work: Chiefly Canteen Work at West Station, Canterbury; working for Blue Cross, horse bandages. Address : The Green, St. Stephen's, Canterbury. (M8479) HILTON, Major R. S., O.B.E. HINCHLIFFE, Capt. Arthur, M.B.E. HINCHLIFFE, Robert, M.B.E, M.I.N.A, i. 28 July, 1874 ; s. ol John Hinchliffe, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; m. Elisa beth, d. of John T. Dove, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ: Rutherford Coll, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Assistant Naval Archi tect to Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co, Ltd, Newcastle- on-Tyne ; late Lecturer on Naval Architecture at Armstrong Coll, Univ. of Durham. War Work : Construction and repair of warships. (M1901) HINCHCLIFFE, Engineer-Capt., WUUam Fryer, C.B.E. R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19; mentioned in despatches. (C1928I HINCKS, Capt. Henry, O.B.E, 6. 10 June, 1879; s. of late Capt. T. C. Hincks, Royal Berks Regt. Educ. : Privately. Served York and Lancaster MUitia Regt. during S. African War. War Work : Served in France ; appointed, under Ministry of National Service, ControUer Profiteering Department. Addresses : Easterlands, WeUington, Somerset ; Howser, B.C.. Canada. Club : Windham. (03131) HINCKS, WiUiam Edwin, O.B.E. HIND, Capt. Arthur Mayger, O.B.E. HIND, Capt. LesUe Glossop M.B.E, b. 3 Jan. 1896; s. of Robert Anderson Hind, of Cheadle Heath, Cheshire. Ed-uc. : Manchester Central High School. Assistant Chief of Police, Midland RaUway. War Work : Served in France and 258 BIOGRAPHIES. Hitchcock Belgium, 1914-20, as D.A.P.M. Railways, British Troops in France and Flanders. Address : Cleeve, Cheadle Heath, Cheshire ; Glendale, Swinburne Street, Derby. Club : Derby shire Conservative. (M6530) HIND, Lieut. Norman Sinclair, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HIND, Robert William, M.B.E. HIND, Wilhelmina Maria, Mrs, O.B.E, 6. 29 May, 1859 ; d. of WUUam Manfleld, of Lxworth Thorpe, Bury St. Edmunds ; m. Wheelton, s. of the Rev. W. M. Hind, LL.D, of Honington, Siinolk. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Vice-Pres. Red Cross Society, Stoke-upon- Trent Division ; Hon. Commandant, V.A.D. Staffs 6; Sec. of Ladies' Committee (Stoke Branch), North Staffs Cripples' Aid Society ; Initiator and Sec. Stoke upon-Trent Penny Fund from July, 1915, to Feb. 1919, which Fund realised nearly £1000 for Red Cross and Comforts for troops ; Chairman and Sec. of Stoke-upon-Trent local Branch of Voluntary Organisation in the County Association of Stafford shire. Address : Roxeth House, Stoke-upon-Trent. (010635) HINDE, Lieut.-Col. Alfred Buckley, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (ret.), 6. 6 Nov. 1862 ; s. of Joshua Bryer Hinde, of Lancaster ; m. Annie Jacoba, d. of Archibald McCallum, of Middelburg, Transvaal. Educ. : EUzabeth Coll., Guernsey ; Middlesex Hospital, London. District Surgeon, De Lagers Drift, Middel burg ; D.S, Carolina. War Work : India, N.W. Frontier, 1897, medal and clasp ; South Africa, 1899-1902 (medal with five clasps ; twice mentioned in despatches) ; A.D.M.S. German West Africa, Southern Force, 1914-15 ; O.C 76th Field Ambulance, 25th Division, France, 1915-17 (mentioned in despatches) ; O.C. 31st General Hospital and 87th General Hospital (Egypt), 1917-19 (mentioned in despatches). Ad dress : Carolina, Transvaal, South Africa. CTufis .- Junior Naval and MUitary ; Primrose. (O6202) HINDE, Capt. Harold Montague, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, fi. 24 Aug. 1895; s. of Lieut.-Col. W. H. Hinde, R.E. (ret.). Educ. : Blundell's School, and R.M.C, Sandhurst. War Work : Embarked with 6th Div. for France, Sept. 1914 ; Invalided home, Aug. 1915 ; Home Service in Deland, Jan. to May, 1916 ; embarked for France, June, 1916 ; with 30th Div., 1916-17 ; with Guards Div, M.T. Coy, tiU Jan. 1919; Hdqrs. 2nd Army and Rhine Army, Dec. 1919. Address : Heathcote, Wellington College, Berks. Club : The Services. (05382) HINDE, Capt. Henry Thomas Langford, O.B.E. HINDELL, Lieut. Harold GoodaU, M.B.E, R.E. HINDLEY, Edith Cairns, O.B.E., d. of Rev. W. Talbot Hindley. War Work : Warden of Bedford and Digram House (Y.W.C.A.); Area Secretary, Boulogne (Clubs 2, Recreation Huts for the Q.M.A.A.C). Address : 62, Gloucester Place, Portman Square. Club : Forum. (03754) HINDLEY, Major Frank Lawton, O.B.E, M.R, N.Z.O.F. HINDLIP, Charles AUsopp, Lord, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, Junior Whip, House of Lords ; 6. 22 Sept. 1877 ; s. of 2nd Baron Hindhp (see Bttrke's Peerage) ; to. 1904 Agatha, d. of the late John 0. Thynne. Educ : Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Late' Capt. 3rd Batt. Worcestershire Regt. : served in South African War, 1900 (medal, 3 clasps) ; A.D.C to late Governor of Victoria ; Capt., War Office Staff since Aug. 1914 (despatches). Address : Hindhp HaU, Worcester. CZ»6s .- Carlton : Turf. (08838) HINDMARSH, Col. Edwin Andrew Cuthbert, M.B.E, V.D, F.R.C.S.E, 6. 25 July, 1865 ; s. of John Hindmarsh ; m. Mary Dorothea, d. of the late Thomas Gott Livingston, Vicar of Addingham, Diocese of Carlisle. Educ. : Univ. of Edinburgh. S.M.O, India Defence Force Medical Corps ; MD. 1st Bihar Light Horse ; CivU Surgeon, Nuzaffarpur District ; Superintendent, Nuzaffarpur JaU. War Work : Organised War Gifts Fund in Sept. 1914, acting as Hon. Sec. and Treasurer tiU 1919 ; lectured on the war ; collected funds tor " Our Day." Address : Nuzaffarpur, India. Clubs : Bengal ; Junior Army and Navy ; Royal Societies'. (M2762) HINDMARSH, Capt. Harold Hammond, O.B.E. HINE, Major Thomas Guy Macaulay, O.B.E., R.A.M.C. HINE, Major Walter, O.B.E, 6. 20 Nov. 1889 ; s. of Herbert Hine, of Essex. Educ : Woodside. War Work : Served Egypt, Salonica, and Constantinople continuously from 1915 to Feb. 1920. Address : 42a, Elsham Road, Kensington. (08695) HINES, Arthur Sidney, M.B.E. HINES, Ernest Edward, M.B.E, F.CI.I, 6. 22 May, 1871 ; s. of Edward Hines, of Norwich ; to, Mary Jane, d. of WUUam Huddlestone, of Norwich. Edue. : King Edward VI. Commercial School, Norwich. Branch Manager, Commercial Union Assurance Co, Ltd, Norwich. War Work : Special PoUce, Commander No. 2 Company (Norwich). Address : 439 Unthank Road, Norwich. (M1902) HDJES, Major John Tatham, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. HINGSTON, Lieut. Alfred, M.B.E, R.A.F. HINGSTON, Capt. Alfred Joseph, O.B.E, R.E. HINGSTON, Cicely Lamorna, M.B.E, fi. 26 Aug. 1894 ; a. of Richard Hingston, of Liskeard, CornwaU. Educ. : Ladies' Coll., Cheltenham. War Work : Joint Committee V.A.D, proceeded to France 18 Aug. 1915 ; worked at Boulogne Rest Station (B.R.C.S.), attached to Gas Helmet Repair Depot, AbbeyUle. from Aug. 1915 to Feb. 1918 ; seconded to Queen Mary's Army Aux. Corps as Assist. Administrator, June, 1917 ; attached to Directorate of Ordnance Services, G.H.Q., Feb. 1918, and became Officer in charge, Central Registry at Directorate, April, 1918, tffl Nov. 1919 (mentioned in despatches). Addresses : Liskeard, Cornwall ; c/o Messrs Lloyds Bank, Ltd St. James' Street, W. 1. Club: V.A.D. Ladies'. (M3133) HINGSTON, Major Clayton Alexander Frances, O.B.E, I.M.S. HINKS, Arthur Robert, C.B.E, M.A, F.R.S, Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne (Belgium), 6. 26 May, 1873 ; s. of Robert Hinks, of London ; to. Lily Mary ; d. of Jonathan Packman, of Croydon. Educ : Whitgfft Grammar School, Croydon, and Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, and Gresham Lecturer in Astronomy. War Work : Geographical work for the General Staff, especially the 1/MUlion Map of Europe and the Near East, and the 1/Two MiUion Map of Africa. Addresses : 1, Peroy VUlas, Campden HiU, W. 8. ; The White Cottage, Royston, Herts. (C2680) HINKS, Lieut. Edward, M.B.E, R.A.V.C. HINKS, Frederiok George, O.B.E. HINKS, Peroy John, O.B.E. HINKSON, Ernest Augustus, M.B.E. HINNELL, Joseph Squier, O.B.E, M.D, B.C., B.A. (Cantab.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.S.A. (Lond.), 6. 10 April, 1862 ; s. of Geo. Jno. Hinnell, of Bury St. Edmunds ; to. Emma Mary, d. of David Scott, of Cambridge. Educ. : Bury St. Edmunds Grammar School ; Pembroke Coll, Cambridge ; St. Thomas' Hospital, London. Senior Hon. Med. Officer, West Suffolk General Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds : Medical Officer and PubUc Vaccinator, 6th District of Bury St. Edmund's Union. War Work : Hon. Surgeon, Ampton Red Cross Hospi tal. Address : 62, Garland Street, Bury St. Edmunds. (010636) HINTON, Margaret Searle, M.B.E. ; d. of Thomas James Searle-Hinton, of Boundstone, Farnham. Educ. : St. John's, Oxford. War Work: Lady Supt. Separation Allowance Dept, Surrey Territorial Force Association, 1915-20. Club : Cartwright Gardens. (M8480) HINTON, Lieut. WiUiam Henry, M.B.E, R.F.A. HIPPISLEY, Major Arthur, O.B.E, late R.A, 6. 1883 ; 8. of Henry Edward Hippisley, J.P, of South Lawn, Ston- Easton ; to. Cecily Louisa White Crawford, of Wyke Regis. Educ. : WeUington College, and R.M.A. War Work : France, Sept. 1914, 110 Heavy Battery ; Egypt and France, Adjutant, 35 Heavy ArtiUery Group ; Belgium and Italy, Commanding 197 Siege Battery, R.G.A. ; Italy, Brigade Major, Heavy ArtiUery, British Force, in Italy. Address : South Lawn, Ston-Easton, nr. Bath. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (02982) HIPPISLEY, Comm. Richard John Bayntun, O.B.E, T.D, D.L, R.N.V.R. HIPWELL, Rev. Richard Senior, O.B.E, M.A, B.D, 6. 1881 ; s. of the late Abraham Hipwell, of Spring Gardens, Mountrath. Educ. : Patrician Brothers Schools, Mountrath ; University of the Cape of Good Hope ; Trinity Coll, Dublin. Curate-in-Charge of Oldcastle, Co. Meath. War Work : Tem porary Chaplain to the Forces, 1915-20 ; served in Dardanelles, France, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Address : The Rectory, Oldcastle, Co. Meath. Club : Church Imperial, Westminster. (06639) HIRD, Frank, O.B.E, 6. 16 Jan. 1873 ; s. of James Hird, R.N, of Lowmoor. Educ. : Privately. Assistant-Editor of the " Guardian." War Work : Voluntary service as porter and secretary in two Red Cross Hospitals in Tunbridge Wells. 1914-1916 ; voluntary service as Commissioner to the Third Army in France, and Assistant Chief Commissioner for France and Belgium, for the Church Army, 1916-1918. Address : 20, Redcliffe Gardens, S.W. 10. Clubs : WeUington ; Odd Volumes. (01475) HIRD, Thomas Cullen, M.B.E. HIRTZEL, Major Clement Henry Armitage, O.B.E, R.A.F. HISCOX, George, M.B.E. (M10395) HISLOP, James, O.B.E. HISLOP, Margaret Mary Annie, M.B.E. HITCH, LiUan, M.B.E. HITCHCOCK, Eldred Frederick, C.B.E., Order of St. Stanislau (Russian), Order of the Crown (Belgium) ; to. Ethel May, d. of Adolph Lorie, of Horsham Downs, New Zealand. Educ. : Burford Grammar School, and Oxford University. TUl Nov. 1919, Warden of Toynbee HaU, London. War Work : Deputy-Director of Wool TextUes, Department of Surveyor- General of Supply, War Office ; Member of Board of Control of Wool Textile Industries, Wool CouncU, War Trade Depart ment, Export Licences Committee, War Office Clothing Committee, etc. ; Assistant Director of Raw Material. Address : 62, Cleveland Square, Hyde Park, W. 2. Club : Authors'. (C2681) HITCHCOCK, Howard, O.B.E. (011980) HITCHCOCK, Katherine Elizabeth, M.B.E, b. 25 June, 1896 ; d. of Brooke Richard Brasier, J.P, of BaUy EUis, MaUow, Co. Cork; m. Frank C, s. of the Rev. F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock, D.D, of Kinnitty, King's Co. Educ. : French School, Bray ; Northwood HaU, Hornsey, London. War Work : Manageress of the MaUow Free Buffet for Soldiers and SaUors from April, 1915, to Nov. 1918 ; organised entertain ments for wounded soldiers. Address : c/o Lieut. F. C Hitch cock, M.C, 1st Batt. the Leinster Regt, Fort St. George, Madras, India. (M8482) HITCHCOCK, 2nd Lieut. Lawrence Hiron, M.B.E. HITCHCOCK, Lieut. Percy Albion, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. HITCHCOCK, Capt. Richard Howard, M.B.E. HITCHCOCK, Capt. Roland George, M.B.E. HITCHCOCK, Thomas GUbert, O.B.E, 6. 22 Nov. 1872 ; 259 Hitchcock THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. s of Albert Hitchcock, of WelUngton, Somerset; to. Jessie Maud, d. of Edward ParneU Vine, of London. Educ : County School, WeUington, Som. War Work: Hon. Sec. PubUcity Sub-Committee of Manchester War Savings Committtee. (010637) HITCHCOCK, Major Harry WilUam Geddes BURNETT-, HITCHEN, Ann Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E, HITCHINGS, Capt. Oswald Thomas, O.B.E. HITCHON, Witham, M.B.E. War Work : Hon. Sec. War Savings Committee and Member of Food Control Com mittee, Denton; Hon. Sec, Food Economy Committee. Address : 108, Hyde Road, Denton, Manchester. (M8483) HIVES, Ernest Walter, M.B.E. HIXSON, Francis WUUam, O.B.E. (011981) HOAD, Capt. Lewis, O.B.E. HOADLEY, Jane, C.B.E, R.R.C. Formerly Matron Queen Alexandra's Imperial MUitary Nursing Service. (C1621) HOAR, Eng.-Lieut. Henry Samuel, O.B.E, R.N. HOARE, AUred Ernest, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 29 Mar. 1861 ; s. of Francis Hoare, of 5, Buckingham Palace Gardens, S.W, and Cromer, Norfolk (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; to. Edith Gertrude, d. of Richard Benyon, of Englefield House, Reading (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry). Educ. : Harrow, and Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. County CouncUlor, West Suffolk ; J.P, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. War Work : Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer, British Red Cross Society, Suffolk Branch, Bury St. Edmunds. Address : Chelsworth HaU, BUdeston, Suffolk. Clubs : Boodle's ; County, West and East Suffolk; Queen's. (0425) HOARE, Capt. Charles, E, O.B.E. S.A.S.C HOARE, Brig.-Gen. Cuthbert Gurney, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1833 ; Major Indian Army ; Lieut.-Col. R.A.F. ; Brig.-Gen. ; served during Great War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C1896) HOARE, Daisy, Mrs, M.B.E. HOARE, Frances Louisa Gurney, M.B.E, ; s.fi. 1875 of Richard Hoare, of Marden Hill, Hertford. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant, Officers' Hospital, B.R.C.S, 53, Cadogan Square, S.W. Addresses: 40, Halsey Street ; North Cottage, Cromer. (M8487) HOARE, Lieut.-Col. Francis Richard Gurney, C.B.E, R.A.F. Served in Great War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C863) HOARE, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Geoffrey Lennard, C.B.E, fi. 10 AprU, 1879 ; s. of WiUiam Hoare, of SummerhUl, Benenden, Cranbrook, Kent, late of Iden, Staplehurst. Educ. : Eton, and Christ Church, Oxford. Director, Artisans' and General Labourers Dwellings Co, Ltd, Foster and Dicksee, Ltd, Hoare, Gothard, and Bond, Ltd. War Work : Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Reserve of Officers (Spec. Res. R.F.A.) ; S. Africa, 1900-2 (Queen's Medal with three clasps) ; served in the Great War, 1914-18, General Staff Officer in charge of Economic and MisceUaneous Section of General Staff (directorate of MUitary InteUigence) ; served on various Government Committees; awarded C.B.E, (MU.), 1918; Brevet Lieut.-Col, Chevalier of Legion of Honour. Address : SummerhUl, Benenden, Cranbrook, Kent. CZufi ; TraveUers' ; M.C.C. (C520) HOARE, Major Henry Noel, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. Served in Great War, 1914-18 ; mentioned in despatches. (02983) HOARE, Major Herbert, O.B.E. HOARE, Margaret, M.B.E.. 6. 3 July, 1856 ; d. of John Gurney Hoare, of Cromer, Norfolk, Sidestrand Hall, and the HiU, Hampstead Heath (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ : Privately. Commandant, 114 London; Lady Superintendent, St. John Brigade, N.D. 16 ; Hon. Nursing Sister of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in London. War Work : Commandant, American Hospital, Caen Wood Towers ; Highgate ; Officers' Hostel, Oak Hill Lodge ; New End MUitary Hospital ; Manor House Hospital. Address : North End House, Hampstead Heath. N.W. (M8486) HOARE, Robert Richard, O.B.E. (011982) HOARE, Lieut. Stephen Leonard, O.B.E, R.N.R. HOARE, WiUiam Dpuro, C.B.E, J.P, M.A, 6. 1 Aug. 1862 ; s. of Richard Hoare ; to. Ida Mary LUian, d. of Lachlan Mackintosh Rate, of MUton Court, Dorking. Educ : Win chester, 1875-80 ; Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Director, Bank of England ; AUiance Assurance ; Deputy Chairman, London aud BrazUian Bank. Addresses : Gnessens, Welwyn, Herts ; North Lodge, Cromer ; 88, St. James Street, S.W. 1. ; and Pinner's Hut, E.C 2. (C2682) HOBART, Lieut.-Col. Claud Vere Cavendish, D.S.O, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, b. 1870 ; o.s. of Sir Robert Henry Hobart, Bart, K.C.V.O, C.B, of Langdown, Hants (see Burke's Peerage); m. Violet Verve, M.B.E, d. of late John WyUe, of West Cliff HaU, Hants. Educ. : Eton and Sandhurst. Retired Army Officer ; served in Grenadier Guards, 1890-1906 ; Commanded Princess Beatrice's I. W. Rifles (8th Bn. The Hampshire Regt.). 1908-1913 ; seconded for service in Uganda Protectorate, 1897-99 ; took part in operations in Naudi country and against Baganda rebels (D.S.O, Medal and clasp, mentioned in despatches) ; on Staff in South African War, 1899-1900, (Queen's Medal and clasp) ; on Staff British Forces in France and Flanders, 1914-19 ; Commandant First Army Railheads, 1915-19; three times mentioned in despatches; O.B.E. (MU.); 1914 Star; British and AUied Medals. Ad dresses : West Cliff HaU, Hythe, Hants ; Standen House, Isle of Wight. Ciufi ; TraveUers'. (05384 260 HOBART, Major Percy Cleghorn Stanley, D.S.O, 0 E E M.C, 6. 1885 ; s. of the late R. T. Hobart, I.C.S. Educ '¦ Clifton and R.M.A. Entered R.E. 1904 ; Capt. 1914 ; N.-W' Frontier of India, 1908 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914J 1919 as Gen. Staff Officer and Brig.-Maj. (despatches six times). Club : Junior Naval and MiUtary. (O6203) HOBART, Violet Verve, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of the late John WyUe, of West Cliff HaU, Hants ; to. Lieut.-Col. C. V C Hobart, D.S.O, O.B.E, s. of Sir R. H. Hobart, Bart, K.C.V.O ' C.B, of Langdown, Hants (see Burke's Peerage). Vice- President, British Red Cross Society, Hampshire Branch War Work : Donor and Commandant of West Cliff War Hospital, 1914-19 ; M.B.E. ; Queen Elizabeth Medal. Addresses ; West CUff HaU, Hythe, Hants ; Standen House, Isle of Wight (M546) HOBBINS, Capt. Thomas PhiUips, C.B.E, R.E. Served in Great War, 1914-19, as Capt. and T. Lieut.-Col. ; mentioned in despatches. (C1400) HOBBS, Herbert, O.B.E, 6. 11 Oct. 1866 ; s. of Henry James Hobbs, of Falcons' HaU, Goldhanger, Essex ; m. Octavia Emily, d. of Edward Humpherys, of Maldon, Essex. Educ. : Bedford County School and privately. War Work : 2. years Deputy Food Commissioner, Northern Division, Ministry of Food. Address : Riding Mill, Northumberland. (010638) HOBBS, Dene Decima, M.B.E, B.A, 6. 13 Aug. 1891; d. of James Hobbs, of Walton Hall, Felixstowe, Suffolk. Educ. : Ipswich High School, and Royal HoUoway CoU. War Work: Overlooker inSmaUArms Factory, Woolwich Arsenal Sept. 1916, to AprU, 1917; Administrator in Q.M.A.A.C, Boulogne, Etaples, and Calais areas, June, 1917, to Jan. 1920. Address : Brampton Grove, Wangford, Suffolk. (M4523) HOBBS, May EUiot, Mrs, M.B.E. HOBBS, Major Reginald Arthur, O.B.E. HOBBS, Walter Edward, O.B.E. HOBDAY, John WiUiam, M.B.E. HOBDAY, Kingsford George, O.B.E, 6. 24 Oct. 1864 ; s. of Kingsford John Hobday, of Dover ; m. AUce Eleanor d. of George Rymer, of Stepney. Educ. : Sheerness and London. Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages for Poplar ; Member of Central Unemployed Body for London ana Poplar Distress Committee. War Work : Hon. Sec. for aU Voluntary Work in Poplar Borough in conjunction with the Mayor, 1914-19, including the War Hospital Supply Depot and aU Flag Days. Address : 141, East India Dock Road, Poplar, E. 14. (010639) HOBDEN, Gideon, O.B.E, 5. 5 Dec. 1872 ; s. of Edward Hobden, of Ashburnham, Sussex ; to. Christina, d. of J. Tait, of " Dothan," Scotland. Educ. : Battle, Sussex, and Woolwich. Superintendent, The S- Uors' Palace, Commercial Road, London. War Work : Dealing with the crews of torpedoed saUors in the Port of London, providing food, clothing, housing accommo dation and entertainment ; feeding, sleeping, and entertainment of Naval Ratings in the Port of London ; in charge of large air raid shelter for 500 ; arranging work for Sea Scouts during air raids in the Dock Area. Address : The SaUors* Palace, 680, Commercial Road. (03757) HOBLEY, AUee Mary, Mrs. Charles WUUam, M.B.E. HOBSON, Arthur John, O.B.E. HOBSON, Lieut. Bruce, M.B.E, Royal Berks. Regt, 6. 1892 ; s. of Andrew Hobson. War Work : Served in France and Belgium, 1914 ; Prisoner of War in Germany. 1915 ; served on Salonica Front, 1917-18, and subsequently in South Russia ; T. Capt. 1919 ; decorated for service in Russia. Address : 37, Connaught Street, Hyde Park, W. (M7013) HOBSON, Charles Kenneth, M.B.E. HOBSON, Dorothy, Mrs, M.B.E. HOBSON, Rev. Edmund Joseph, O.B.E, 5. 2 Dec. 1874 ; s. of Edmund J. Hobson. Educ : Radcliffe CoU, Leicester ; Italy. CathoUc Priest of the Institute of Charity. War Work: Army Chaplain, 4th Class, from Sept. 1916, to March, 1919 ; 2 years in Mesopotamia (twice mentioned in despatches), Address : St. Maries, Rugby. (06640) HOBSON, Hugh George, O.B.E. (011946) HOBSON, WiUiam Edward, M.B.E. HOCKADAY, WiUiam Thomas, C.B.E. HOCKING, Francis Almond, M.B.E, B.Sc. (Lond.), fi. 12 June, 1869 ; s. of Francis Almond Hocking, of St. Ives, CornwaU; m. Margaret, d. of Joseph Jones, of Cwmavon, South Wales. Educ. : Marylebone Grammar School ; King's and University CoUeges, London Univ. Pharmaceuist to the London Hospital ; Lecturer on Materia Medica and Pharmacy, London Hospital Medical CoUege ; Consulting Pharmacist to the Evelina and Western Ophthalmic Hospitals, and to the Hospital for Epilepsy, Maida Vale, W. ; Assistant Examiner to the Society of Apothecaries, London. War Work : Expert Adviser on Drugs and Chemicals to the Russian Government Committee and to the Russian Red Cross, from Sept. 1915, to May, 1917, in London ; Supply Officer for Drugs, etc, on the staff of the Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement from June, 1917, to March. 1919 ; ChevaUer de 1'Ordre de la Couronne (Belgium). Addresses : 32, Glenshiel Road, Eltham, S.E. 9 ; The London Hospital, Whitechapel, E. (M8489) HOCKDJG, R. C, O.B.E. HOCKING, WiUiam John, C.B.E, 6. 10 Mar. 1864; s."~of WiUiam Thomas Hocking ; m. Elizabeth Jane, d. of WiUiam Stokoe. Educ. : Privately. Superintendent, Opera tive Department, Royal Mint, E. 1. War Work : Coinage and Medal Work. Address : Royal Mint, E. 1. (C521) HOCKING, WUUam Stanley, M.B.E, 6. 9 Nov. 1893; BIOGRAPHIES. Hogan s. of WiUiam John Hocking, of Royal Mint, London. Educ. : St. Olave's Grammar School, Southwark. Actuarial Assistant, Government Actuary's Department. War Work : War Trade Statistical Department, 1915-18. Address: The Royal Mint, London, E. 1. (M547) HOCKRIDGE, Alfred George, M.B.E. HODDER, Henry Charles, O.B.E., 6. 13 July, 1861 s. of John Hodder, of London, England ; to. Catherine, d. of John Fullerton, of London. Commissioner of The Salvation Army, New Zealand. War Work: EstabUshed Recreation Hutments and Hostels, one Hostel being especiaUy for relatives of departed soldiers, accommodating upwards of 200, and patronised by thousands ; raised £150,000 towards the com fort and benefit of men at home and abroad. (02187 HODES, Francis Peroy, M.B.E. HODGE, AUred, M.B.E. HODGE, John Mackey, D.S.O , O.B.E, R.N. HODGE, Major Reginald Thomas Keble.O.B.E, 6. 19 Aug. 1882 ; s. of the late Rev. W. H. Hodge, Vicar of Penwerris, Falmouth ; m. Helen, d. of James A. Kellie, of Elgin, Scotland; and agent of RohUkund and Kumaon RaUway, India Educ. : Exeter School. War Work: Adjutant 4th D.C.L.I. from Aug. 1914 to Oct. 1916 ; Commanded 6th Loyal North Lancs. Mesopotamia, from Dec. 1916 until March 1917, during opera tions before Kut ; served with 6th Loyal North Lancs. until end of war. Address : Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, London, E.C. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (06641) HODGE, Rebeooa Prince, M.B.E. War Work : The welfare of all Seaforth Highlanders in the field or as prisoners of war and their widows and dependants. Address : 1, Strath- fillan Road, Edinburgh. (M8493) HODGE, Lieut. Richard Henry, M.B.E. R.N. HODGEN, Capt. Gordon West, M.B.E. HODGENS, Lieut. John, O.B.E, R.N.V.R, 6. Dec. 1869 ; s. of Edward Hodgens, of St. John's, N.B. ; m. Katherine Maud, d. of Richard Parry Harries, of Kidwelly. Educ. : St. Andrew's CoUege, and LyceS de Coutances (France). Founder and Commodore, Swansea Naval Brigade. War Work : Hon. Naval Recruiting Officer for the area of Swansea, Carmarthen, Pembroke, and part of Breconshire ; holds the record for one person, having enroUed over ten thousand naval ratings and six hundred boys, Ex-Brigade, during 1914-19. Address : South View, Sketty, Swansea. Club : Royal Corinthian Yacht. (0426) HODGES, George Ernest, M.B.E. HODGES, James Robert, M.B.E, 6. 22 Aug. 1876 ; «. of James Joseph, of YeovU, Somerset ; m. Emma, d. of John Whitehead, of Stalybridge. Educ : Forest HiU CoU. ; Blanken- berghe, Belgium. Deputy Chief Constable, Norwich City. Address : 8, Queen's Road, Norwich. (M8494) HODGKINSON, Capt. Harry Drake, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. HODGKINSON, Lieut.-Col. Robert Frank Byron, O.B.E, T.D, fi. 27 March, 1876 ; s. of Robert Hodgkinson, of Newark ; m. Isabel Freda, d. of the Rev. Frederick Vernon Russell, of Balderton, Notts. Educ: Rugby. SoUcitor; Registrar of Newark County Court. War Work; Mobilised and proceeded to France with 8th Sherwood Foresters (T.F.l (wounded); attached Headquarters, 3rd Line, North Midland Division ; commanded 3/8 Sherwood Foresters (T.F.) until amal gamation with new Reserve Unit; President, Quartering fnmmittee.Humber Garrison. Address: Trent View House, mil Gate, Newark-on-Trent. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (07286) HODGKINSON, Thomas Thorpe, M.B.E, b. 30 June, v- t ¦'¦ s' 2£ ^noinas Clement Hodgkinson, of Melbourne, Victoria. Educ. : Rockhampton Grammar School, Queensland, Australia. Engineer. War Work: Returning from United states, Nov. 1915, joined temporary staff of Electrical Engineer's Department, Admiralty, initiaUy to supervise work at Mudros ; transferred to Invergordon Naval Base, N.B, March, 1916, tor duties connected with the electrical equipment of the uepair Depot there, District Defences, and the Mining Bases at Dalmore and Glen Albyn, used by the U.S. Navy for assembly of mines for the Northern Barrage ; resigned after termination of hostilities. " (M8495) Di,Hr0D,GKINS0N> Prof- William Richard, C.B.E, F.R.S.E., £n.D, b. 1851 ; s. of Joseph Hodgkinson, of Hope. Educ. : f°?'_™am- s<:h, Sheffield, and Roy. Sch. of Mines. Was Assist. Professor at Roy. CoU. of Chemistry; Professor of ohemistry and MetaUurgy, Ordnance CoU, Woolwich; has mace numerous inventions for War Office. Address: 89, footer's HU1 Road, S.E.3. (C199) i„/i0aD(;S0N' Anthony, M.B.E, 5. 8 Dec. 1863. Super- mtendent, Eastern Telegraph Co, Gibraltar. Address: isamorna, South Gibraltar. (M6455) HODGSON, Arthur John, O.B.E. isJI 0DGSpN. Benjamin, O.B.E, M.Sc, Ph.D., 6. 1 July, a , ''„ s- oi Joml Eobson Hodgson, of Hylton : to. Margaret, a. of George Reay, of South Shields. Educ. : Armstrong CoU, Newcastle ; Univ. of Gottlngen. Lecturer in Physics, Bristol university. War Work: Experimental Officer, Signals Mperrmental Establishment, Woolwich. Address: The Umversity, Bristol. (010642) HODGSON, Charles Courtenay, O.B.E, 6. 3 Aug. 1860 ; s. o: Rev. George Courtenay Hodgson, of Barton Vicarage, Westmorland. Educ. : Pocklington School, Yorkshire; university CoUege, Durham, B.A, Hon. M.A. Oxon. Clerk ot the Peace for Cumberland ; Clerk of County CouncU ; Sohcitor. War Work : Clerk. to Appeal Tribunal for Cumber- and and Westmorland, and the City of Carlisle, for whole period of its existence. Addresses : 1, Devonshire Terrace, Stanwix, CarUsle ; The Courts, CarUsle. Club : Brooks's. (0427) HODGSON, Lieut. Charles Edward, M.B.E, R.A.F. HODGSON, Clement Gaukroger, O.B.E. HODGSON, Edgar Stanley, O.B.E. HODGSON, Edward Highton, O.B.E. HODGSON, EUzabeth Odeyne, Hon. Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1861; d. of Thomas, 5th Lord Walsingham (see Burkb's Peerage) ; to. Francis Henry; s. of Sir Arthur Hoagson, of Clopton. Warwickshire (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Assistant Commandant, V.A.D. Hospital, Town HaU, Stratford-on-Avon ; Commandant, Clopton War Hospital, Stratford-on-Avon. Address : Clopton, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire. (0429) HODGSON, Lieut.-Col. Greenwood, C.B.E. Capt. and T. Lieut.-Col. on Staff, S. African Forces. (C760) HODGSON, Henry Miohael, O.B.E. HODGSON, John Alexander, O.B.E HODGSON, Jonathan Wright, M.B.E. HODGSON, Joseph Willoughby, O.B.E, M.D.. 6. 30 March, 1857 ; s. of the Rev. John WiUoughby Hodgson. Educ : Brighton Coll. ; Guy's Hospital. Radiographer and Electro-therapeutist to the Ministry of Pensions Hospital, Exeter. War Work: Special, Electrical Hospital for the Southern Command at Exmouth. (01477) HODGSON, Lillie, Mrs, M.B.E. HODGSON, Malcolm Elliot, O.B.E, b. 1 Oct. 1877; s. of John Hodgson, of Nocton HaU, Lincoln ; to. Mary Gwendolen EUzabeth, d. of Tom Mitchell, of Upwood, Bingley. Educ. : TettenhaU Coll. and abroad. Engineer. War Work : Chief Dilution Officer for North- Western area ; worker in France for 9 months with the Croix Rouge F'rancaise. Address : Wyndgate, Scarboro'. Club : Reform. (010644) HODGSON, Comm. Oswald Tylston, O.B.E, R.N. HODGSON, Capt. Patrick Kickman, O.B.E. HODGSON, Capt. WiUiam Ewart, O.B.E HODGSON, Capt. William, O.B.E, R.A.F. HODKINSON, Frederick, M.B.E. HODKINSON, John Alfred, O.B.E, 6. 22 Feb. 1853; s. of George Hodkinson, of Preston ; m. Anne, d. of George Bramwell, of Stockport. Educ. : Isherwood's Private School, Preston. War Work : District Goods Manager, Great Central RaUway, Sheffield ; supervising railway transit of important war material. Addresses : Gaythorn, Blyth Road, Worksop ; The Cottage, Hutton, Lancashire. (O10645) HODSDON, Sir James, K.B.E, J.P, M.D, F.R.CS, 6. 1 858 ; s. of Francis Eve Hodsdon, of Pembroke, Bermuda ; m. Joan TurnbuU, d. of WUUam] Baffin, Edinburgh. Edue. : Sherborne School ; Queen's College, Belfast ; Edinburgh University. Senior Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh; Senior Lecturer on Clinical Surgery, University of Edinburgh ; Member of General Medical Council. War Work : Major, R.A.M.C (T.F.), 2nd Scottish General Hospital ; Member of Scottish Medical Service Emergency Committee ; Member for Scotland on the National Service Medical Advisory Board ; Member of the Medical Advisory Council (Scotland), Ministry of Pensions ; Member of Institutional Committee for Scotland, Ministry of Pensions ; mentioned in despatches, 28 March, 1919, and 29 August, 1919 ; awarded C.B.E. (MU.), dated 3 June, 1919. Address : 6, Chester Street, Edinburgh. Ctafis : University, Edinburgh ; Royal Societies'. (K385) HODSMAN, Henry James, M.B.E, M.Sc, F.I.C, 6. 24 Oct. 1886 ; s. of Joseph Hodsman, of York ; m. EmUy Muriel, d. of Walter Brayshay, of Leeds. Edue. : Archbishop Holgate's Grammar School, York ; Leeds Univ. ; Technical High School, Karlsruhe ; La Sorbonne, Paris. Lecturer on Gas Chemistry, Univ., Leeds. War Work : Chief Assistant and Deputy of the Deputy Inspector of High Explosives (Leeds Area) ; in charge of the analysis and testing of tars and berzol produced in the gasworks of the counties of York and Lincoln, for Ministry of Munitions Department of Explosives Supply. Address : 2, Norwood Grove, Victoria Road, Headingley, Leeds. (M8497) HODSON, Col. Frederick Arthur, C.B.E. N. Rhodesia Police. (C1882) HODSON, Lieut. Leopold Peroival, M.B.E. HODSON, Thomas Stuart, M.B.E. A Deputy Chief Dilution Officer, Labour Supply Dept, Ministry of Munitions (M10258e) HODSON, Violet, M.B.E, 6. 1893 ; d. of Henry Algernon Hodson, of 23, Brunswick Square, Hove, Sussex. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Records Department, Prisoners of War, Dorset Guild of Workers. Address : Delphi Cottage, Parkstone, Dorset. (M8498) HOFFMAN, Emilie, M.B.E, Secretary, Air Ministry Refreshment Club. Address : 66d, Prince's Square, W. 2. (M8499) HOFFMANN, Anne Avery, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1857 ; d. of James Law, of Bradford ; to. Gustavus Julius James, s. of Achior Hoffmann, of Bradford. Educ: Privately, and VersaiUes. War Work : Chairman of Soldiers' and SaUors' Dependents, Ladies' Committee, from Aug. 1914-19 ; collected privately £1500 for parcels to Prisoners of War and members of H.M. Forces ; Member of War Pensions Committee. Address : Rookwood, Bradford. Club : Bradford Ladies'. (M3725) HOFMAN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Augustus, M.B.E. HOGAN, Arthur, M.B.E. 261 Hogan THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. HOGAN, Lieut.-Col. Edward Vinoent, C.B.E, Can. A.M.C. Med. Corps ; served in Great War, 1916-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C1352) HOGAN, Eva, Mrs.. M.B.E. HOGAN, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E, R.E. HOGARTH, Major Archibald Harvey, C.B.E, D.C.M. Major, R.A.F. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C2350) HOGARTH, Frederick W., M.B.E. HOGARTH, Major Lionel Brewer, O.B.E. HOGARTH, Robert George, C.B.E, F.R.CS. (Eng.), 6. 18 May, 1868 ; s. of George Hogarth, of Eccles Tofts, Berwick shire ; to. Mabel Winifred, d. of D'Ewes Lynam, of Nottingham. Educ. : Felsted School, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Surgeon, General Hospital, Nottingham ; Consulting Surgeon, ChUdrens' Hospital, Nottingham. War Work : Consulting and Operating Surgeon to the MUitary Hospitals in and round Nottingham. Clubs : County, Nottingham ; Royal Auto mobile. (C1154) HOGARTH, WiUiam, O.B.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1868. Educ. : Rutherford CoUege, Newcastle-on-Tyne. CivU Servant ; Superintendent, Royal Clarence Yard, Gosport. War Work : Superintendent, H.M. VictuaUing Yard, Malta ; Member of Control Board, Malta, and of Wheat Board, Malta. Address : Royal Clarence Yard, Gosport. Ctafis : Sports ; Royal Albert Yacht (Southsea). (01479) HOGARTH, WilUam Anthony, M.B.E. HOGBEN, Lieut.-Col. George Justice, O.B.E, 6. 6 May, 1879 ; s. of the Rev. Geo. Hogben, of Adelaide, S. Australia ; m. Maude Melita, d. of Wm. Bungay, of Cherryville, S. Australia. Educ. : Prince Alfred Coll, Adelaide. Acting Official Sec. to High Commissioner for Australia, London. War Work : ComptroUer, A.I.F. Canteens ; General Auditor, A.I.F. Address : AustraUa House, London. Club : British Empire. (07957) HOGG, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Wilson, O.B.E. HOGG, John Drummond, M.B.E. HOGG, John Ewer Jefferson, O.B.E, M.A., J.P, D.L, 6. 6 July, 1860 ; s. of John Hogg, M.A, J.P, F.R.S, Norton House, Co. Durham (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; to. LUlie Grey, d. ot Lieut.-Col. W. WiUiamson, of Whickham, Co. Durham. Educ. : Bath CoUege ; Magdalen CoUege, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Dm ; High Sheriff, Co. Durham, 1903 ; Deputy Lieutenant, Co. Durham ; J.P, Co. Durham, 1888; Alderman, and Mayor of Chelsea, 1920. War Work: MUitary Representative, Chelsea and Kensington ; Assistant Director, National Service, West London Area ; Sub- Inspector, Special Constabulary, " B " Division ; Hon. Secretary, Chelsea War Savings Committee. Address : 59, Elm Park Gardens. Club : Junior Carlton. (03759) HOGG, Margaret, C.B.E. Matron of Guy's Hospital. Terr. Force Nursing Service. Principal Matron 4th London General Hospital 1920. (C32) HOGG, Major Robert Henry, O.B.E. HOGG, 2nd Lieut. WiUiam, M.B.E. HOILE, Lieut. George Vincent, M.B.E, R.A. HOILE, WilUam Henry, M.B.E, R.A.F. HOLBERTON, Edgar Joseph, C.B.E. ; s. of John Bed stone Holberton, of Greenbank, Wordesley, Staffordshire ; m. 1911, Mary Renee, d. of Robert Ramsey Kane, of DubUn. Manager, Bombay-Burma Trading Corporation, Ltd, of Rangoon ; Member of Burma Legislative CouncU ; Consul for Siam at Rangoon ; Chairman, Burma Chamber of Commerce. Address : Kemendine Lodge, Rangoon, Burma. Club : WeUington. (C1079) HOLBORN, Paymaster-Lieut. Arthur Savory, O.B.E, R.N. HOLBROOK, Col. Sir Arthur Richard, K.B.E, V.D, J.P. for Portsmouth, D.L, Hants, M.P, Basingstoke Division of Hampshire, 6 1850 ; s. of Richard Holbrook of Southsea ; m. AmeUa Mary, d. of Alexander Parks, of Constantinople. Educ. : Portsmouth. President, Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce, 1907-12 ; President, Newspaper Society, 1913-14 ; Member, Admiralty, War Office, and Press Committee ; FeUow Institute of JournaUsts ; Deputy Prov. Grand Master, Mark Masons, Hampshire and Isle of Wight ; late Lieut.-Col, Com mandant and Hon. Colonel, 3rd (Duke of Connaught's Own) Volunteer Battn, The Hampshire Regiment. War Work ¦ Commanded Royal Army Service Corps, SaUsbury Plain district 1914-1919. Address : Ashe House, Overton, Hants. Cfofis : Constitutional ; Savage ; 1900; Unionist ; United. (K82) HOLBROOK, Lieut.-Col. Claude Vivian, C.B.E. HOLDEN, Rev. Albert Thomas, C.B.E. Hon. Chap. Australian Forces during Great War, 1915-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C1842) HOLDEN, Major Alexander Henry Shuttleworth, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, fi. 8 March, 1884 ; s. of the Rev. James Shuttleworth Holden, of Aston-on-Trent ; m. MiUicent Jeanie Lathom, 0. of the Rev. Robert Charles Lathom Browne, of Hever, Kent. Educ : Rossall. War Work : Served on the Western Mont throughout the war. Address : c/o Sir C R. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39, Panton Street, S.W. Clubs : Junior United Se2J$! U&u,een'8 : United R.A.S.C. (08590) SSfSIS' ?.dge Anthony, O.B.E. (011983) HOLDEN, Major Ernest Frank, M.B.E. w .?• L?^,N' Ethel Mary- M™- M.B.E., 6. 14 June, 1868 ; d.oi Sir J. Benjamin Stone, of The Grange, Erdington, Warwick- w,e '•„"•¦ £_>bert Henry, s. of Sir Edward Holden, of Glenelg, • "" '•'"¦¦• Privately, and Germany. War Work: WalsaU. Educ. 262 Organising Sec. of Walsall B.R.C.S. Depot, and, together with Lady Holden, collected for an ambulance for France ; Member of Soldiers' and Sailors Committee, Rushall, Belgian and WalsaU HospitaUty to Soldiers' Committee ; Representative for Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society. Address: Crandels, WalsaU. Club : Three Counties', Bhmingham. (M3727) HOLDEN, Lieut. Fred, M.B.E, 6. 4 Sept. 1888 ; s. of the late Richard Holden, of Burnley. War Work: Joined Army, Feb. 1915 ; served with R.A.S.C in GaUipoU, Sept. 1915, to Jan. 3916 ; Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Jan. 1916, to June, 1919. Address : 496, Biunswick Terrace, Prestwioh, Manchester. (M3182) HOLDEN, Lieut. Frederick Morgan, M.B.E. HOLDEN, John Edward, O.B.E. HOLDEN, Norman Edward, O.B.E, LL.B, B.A, 6. 30 Nov. 1879 ; s. of Sir Edward Holden, Bart, (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Marion, d. of George S. Munro, of Wellington. Educ. : Lycee Condorcet, Paris ; Trinity HaU, Camb. Senior partner in Haes and Sons. War Work : Attached 18th Lancers, Indian Army, Aug. 1914-Jan. 1915 ; GaUipoU with Royal Naval armoured cars ; Deputy Director-General Mechanical Warfare Dept, Ministry o i Munitions. Address : 6, Green Street, Park Lane, W. Clubs : Reform ; Cavalry ; Bath. (O430) HOLDEN, Rev. PhiUp Giffard, O.B.E, M.A, fi. 31 Oct. 1886; s.of Rev. A.M. Holden, of Kirkstead; to. Margaret, d. of F.Rushworth, M.D, of London. Educ: Coventry and Lincoln CoUege, Oxford. Priest-in-Charge, St. Faith's Church, Parish of Portsea. War Work : Pte. in R.A.M.C, 1915 ; CF, 1915- 1919 to R.A. 2nd Div. ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 18, WUberforce Road, Southsea. (05385) HOLDER, Rev. Albert Thomas, C.B.E, B.A. HOLDER, Lieut. Alfred Edward, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. HOLDER, Charles Howard, O.B.E. HOLDER, Major Stanley Borwood, O.B.E, Aust. A.P.C. HOLDERNESS, Barry Layton, M.B.E, 6. 1877 ; s. of Henry Holderness, of Putney ; to. EmUy, d. of F. Teak, of Richmond, Surrey. Educ. : St. John's High School, S.W. General Manager, The Peoples Refreshment House Association, Ltd. War Work : Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic). Club : Eccentric. (M8500) HOLDFORTH, Harold, O.B.E, F.S.I, 6. 26 Aug. 1881 ; s. of Henry Holdforth, of West Hartlepool ; m. Gladys, d. of J. Addison Smith, of Monkseaton, Northumberland. Educ: Higher Grade School, and Municipal Technical CoU, West Hartlepool. Chartered Surveyor ; held appointments under the Corporations of West Hartlepool and Reading (Berks.), and Easington Rural District CouncU ; EstabUshed Valuer under the Board of Lnland Revenue ; Acting District Valuer, New castle-upon-Tyne ; Diploma of the Royal Sanitary Institute. War Work : Hon. Sec. Tyneside Scottish Dependants' Aid Committee ; assisted in the recruitment of the Tyneside Scottish Brigade in 1914, and subsequently organised and con- troUed the machinery for affording reUef in want, sickness, and distress of every kind, and the financial and other difficulties, consequent upon some 7000 men joining the colours. Address : 6, GranviUe Gardens, Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; 4, Mosley Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Club : Valuers'. (010646) HOLDICH, Lieut.-Col. Thomas White, O.B.E. HOLDICH, Capt. WiUiam Jeffkins, O.B.E. HOLDSWORTH, EUzabeth Annie, Mrs., M.B.E. HOLDSWORTH, Capt. John Evelyn, O.B.E, Reserve of Officers, late of 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), fi. 1 May, 1883 ; s. of the late Capt. Walter Holdsworth, of Spring Hall, HaUfax, Yorks. ; m. EmUy Blanche, d. of Dr. W. H. L. Welchman, of Graaff Reinet, Cape Colony. Educ. : Chiton CoUege, and Sandhurst. War Work : Served for first 18 months with 2nd Res. Regt. of Cavalry at Aldershot, then with Queen's Bays in France ; appointed A.P.M. of 17th Division in France from Sept. 1916 to the end of war. Address : Cavalry Club, PiccadiUy, W. 1. Club : Cavalry. (05387) HOLDSWORTH, Major John Joseph, O.B.E, A.P.D. HOLDSWORTH, WiUiam Godfrey, M.B.E. HOLE, Edwin, M.B.E, R.N. HOLFORD, Capt. Charles Frederick, D.S.O, O.B.E, late R.H.A, 6. 2 Sept. 1879 ; s. of Thomas Holford, of Castle Hill, Dorchester ; m. Ursula Isobell, d. of R. C. Corbett, of 3, Cavendish Place, Bath. Educ. : Rugby. War Work : South Africa, 1898-1902 ; Southampton Docks, Embarkation Staff, Aug. 1914, to March, 1919. Address : Bircher HaU, Leo minster. Herefordshire. (07289) HOLFORD, Lieut.-Col. Sir George Lindsay, K.C.V.O, CLE, C.V.O. C.B.E, 6. 2nd June, 1860; s. of the late Robert Hayner Holford (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry); ~n. 17 July, 1912, Susannah West, e.d. of the late Arthur Wilson, D.L, of Tranby Croft, Yorks, and widow of John Graham Menzies. Late 1st Life Guards; J.P. Co. Gloucester. Equerry to King Edward VII. 1892-1910, and to Queen Alexandra from 1910; Extra Equerry to King George V. from 1910; Esquhe of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England; Commander of the Order of Vasa of Sweden with Star. Addresses: Dorchester House, Paik Lane, W.; Weston Birt House, Tetbury. Club: Carlton. HOLFORD, Mary Eleanor Mrs., Gwynne, C.B.E, b. 16 June, 1864 ; d. of P. R. Gordon Cannery, of Hartpeerz, Gloucester ; to. J. P. W. Gwynn Holford, J.P, D.L, of Buck- land (see Burke's Landed Gentry). War Work: Initiated BIOGRAPHIES. Hollins the work at Roehampton for supplying artificial limbs to Sailors and Soldiers who lost their limbs in the War. Address : Buckland, Bwlch, Breconshire. (C522) HOLGATE, Capt. Maurice James, O.B.E, l.M.S, M.B. HOLLAND, Edith Clara, M.B.E, 6. 12 June, 1862 ; d. ot Joseph HoUand, Superintendent of Whlttingham Counl y Asylum, Preston. War Work : Commandant of V.A.D. Cheshire 52, and Cheadle House Red Cross Hospital, Cheshire. Address : Cheadle, Cheshire. (M552) HOLLAND, Capt. Edgar Stopford, M.B.E. HOLLAND, Capt. Franois, M.B.E, HOLLAND, Capt. Franklin, M.B.E., B.A, LL.B, 6. 21 Aug, 1881 ; s. of Walter Holland, of Carnatic Hall, Liver pool; m. Nancy, d. of the Rev. Canon Andrew Knox, of Birkenhead. Educ. : Rugby, and King's CoU, Cambridge. Barrlster-at-Law. War Work : Served in Belgium and France with 10th King's Liverpool Regiment (Liverpool Scottish), 1st Batt. ; and served in England with Reserve Batt. 10th K.L.R. as Adjutant. Address : Edge House, Malpas, Cheshire. ^ (M3273) HOLLAND, Henry, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 1859 ; m. 1885, Jane, O.B.E, d. of — Eastwood. Member of Men's Executive of New Zealand Red Cross Soc. ; has been Mayor of Christehurch, New Zealand, since 1911. Address : Christehurch, New Zealand. (C1995) HOLLAND, Lieut.-Col. Henry William, D.S.O, O.B.E. Capt. (T.D.) Inns of Court Officers' Training Corps, and a Gen. Staff Officer with rank of Lieut.-Col. during Great War; mentioned in despatches. (02595) HOLLAND, Lieut-Col. Henry WiUiam, D.S.O, O.B.E.. T.D, 6. 3 Jan. 1875 ; s. of Henry HoUand, of Montrose. Educ. : Westminster. Capt. Inns of Court O.T.C War Work: Attached Gen. Staff, B.E.F. ; subsequently Gen. Staff Officer, 1st Grade G.H.Q, France. Address : 28, Bramham Gardens, S.W.5. CZufis : Travellers' ; WeUington. (02575) HOLLAND, Jane, Mrs., O.B.E. HOLLAND, Julia, O.B.E, 6. 28 Nov. 1873 ; d. of the late Rev. F. W. HoUand, Vicar of Evesham. Guardian and D.C, Ledbury (Rural). War Work : Commandant of Brand Lodge Auxiliary Hospital, ColwaU, Malvern, and of V.A.D. Worcester, 32. Addresses : Brand Lodge and Old ColwaU, near Malvern. (0431) HOLLAND, Capt. Kenneth George, O.B.E, late R.A.S.C, 6. 6 AprU, 1886 ; s. of S. George HoUand, of 22a, Sussex Square, London, W. Educ. : Rugby, and Univ. CoU, Oxford. War Work: Served in R.A.S.C. from July, 1915, to July, 1919; service overseas with M.E.F. and E.E.F. from Sept. 1915, to July, 1919. Address : 38, Hyde Park Gate, S.W. 7. Ciwfis : Oxford and Cambridge ; Isthmian ; Ranelagh. (08628) HOLLAND, Leonard Duncan, C.B.E, fi. 16 Jan. 1874 ; s. of the late Rev. H. W. HoUana ; m. Gertrude Mary, d. of John Conacher, RaUway Manager. Educ. : Kingswood School, Bath, and Merton CoUege, Oxford (late Classical Exhibitioner). Appointed to War Office, Oct. 1896 ; a principal clerk since 12 Jan. 1918. Address : 1, Gayton Crescent, Hampstead, N.W. 3. (C2685) HOLLAND, Mary Blanche, M.B.E, 6. 19 June, 1862 ; d. of Francis Dermot HoUand, of Cropthorne Court, Pershore. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant, No. 14 Worcesters, Pershore Detachment, from 1914 ; inaugurated Work Depot at Pershore ; V.A.D. Nursing, June, 1915, to Dec. 1918 ; Assistant Commandant 2 years, and Commandant 1 year, Glos. 106 Detachment Red Cross at Naunton Park AuxUiary Hospital, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Address : Cropthorne Court, Pershore, Worcestershire. (M8501) HOLLAND, Robert Wolstenholme, O.B.E. HOLLAND, Lieut. Ronald Morris, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. V.s. of the late WiUiam HoUand of Biookside, Ashton-under- Lyne. Served in the Great War 1914-19. HOLLAND, Thomas, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 27 Dec. 1860 ; s. of Benjamin HoUand, of Wigan; m. Carry, d. of John Haigh Lister, of Manchester. Educ. : St. James", and Warrington Lane, Wigan. County Borough CounciUor, serving on the following Committees : General Purposes, Local Pensions ; Byelaws and Charities, Education, Health, Housing, etc. Maternity and ChUd WeUare, Sewage Disposal, Fuel and Light ing, etc. ; Chairman of the Wigan Property Owners' Association ; Governor of the Wigan Grammar School, and Wigan and Dis trict Mining and Technical CoUege. War Work : Hon. Administrator of aU Local War Pensions work relating to allowances, adjustments, and payments of aU kinds ; Hon. Treas. War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Treas. War Savings Committee ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. Lord Derby's Recruiting Committee, and Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association ; a member of the Local Tribunal ; served on the following com mittees : National Service, War Aims, King's Fund, and Local Representation ReUef. Addresses : Prudential BuUdings, W gan ; 31, Melling Road, Southport. Club : Conservative, Wigan. (M8502) HOLLAND, Capt. Thomas George, O.B.E, I.A. HOLLAND, Capt. Theodore Samuel, O.B.E. HOLLAND, Capt. Vyvyan Bereslord, O.B.E, R.F.A. HOLLAND, Major Wilfred, O.B.E. HOLLANDER, Ethel Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. HOLLANDER, John William, M.B.E. HOLLANDS, Emily Hannah, Mrs., M.B.E. HOLLEY, Alfred Ewart, O.B.E, 6. 21 Aug. 1881 ; s. of Maurice Holley, of Calne, Wilts ; m. Emily, d. of Charles Turner, of Hastings. Educ. : Calne (Wilts) Grammar School. Chemical Engineer and Works Manager untU July with Messrs. Chance and Hurt, Oldbury ; now commencing farming. War Work : Works Manager of H.M. Factory, Oldbury ; co-patentee of improved process for manufacturing T.N.T. in large quantities. Address : Huxton Grange, Sutton Scotney. (0432) HOLLEY, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George, O.B.E. HOLLICK, Frank, M.B.E, fi. 15 AprU, 1879 ; s. of Henry HoUick, of Kenilworth ; m. Gladys May, d. of C. W. Sydney, of Coventry. Educ. ; King Henry VIII. Grammar School, Coventry. Inspector of Naval and MUitary Guns at the works of Messrs. CammeU, Laird & Co, Ltd. War Work : Chief Inspecting Engineer of Tank construction for Mechanical Warfare Department, Ministry of Munitions, Eastern Area ; brought out several valuable improvements, and later acted as Divisional Liquidator for Disposal Board. Addressee : 88, Hewitt Road, Harringay, London, N. 8 ; 16, Gray's Dm Road, W.C 1. Club : Rotary. (M8504) HOLLIDAY, Lieut.-Col. John Cecil Hamilton, O.B.E, LA. HOLLIDAY, Major Lionel Brook, O.B.E., T.D, M.F.H, 5th Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regt., 6. 12 Jan. 1880; s. of Thomas HoUiday, of Lunnclough Hall, Huddersfield. Educ. : Uppingham ; Bonn University. Master of the Derwent Foxhounds ; Chairman, L. B. HoUiday & Co,. Ltd, Aniline Dye Manufacturers, Huddersfield. War Work : Served in France with 49th Division ; mentioned in despatches, Sept. 1915 ; territorial decorations ; buUt and managed two Explosive Factories, making picric acid by new methods ; Addresses : Oaklands, Kirkburton, near Huddersfield ; WiUersley, Scarborough. CZwfi : Badminton. (01412) HOLLIDGE. Lieut. Aleo, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.), 6. 13 Jan. 1892 ; s. of Thomas HoUidge, of Hornsey Rise ; to. Dorothy EmUy Durrant, d. of AUred Francke, of Crouch End. Educ. : Tollington Park CoU. Supervisor of the testing department to Studebaker Motors, Ltd, London. War Work : Enlisted Artists' Rifles, Sept. 1914 ; Commission, Army CycUst Corps, Aug. 1915 ; France, April, 1916, to Oct. 1919 ; trans ferred, 1917, to R.A.S.C, attached R.G.A. andM.T, Workshops. Address : 24, Elder Avenue, Crouch End. (M4524) HOLLINGDALE, Harold John, M.B.E, fi. 23 July, 1875 ; s. of Eli HoUingdale, of Wivelsfield, Sussex ; m. Louisa Caroline, d. of Sergt. Thomas John Armstrong, 2nd Batt. Rifle Brigade, " Best Shot in the British Army," 1878-79. Educ. : St. John's, Penge, Surrey. Railway Stationmaster, L. B. & S. 0. Rly. War Work : Control of Seaford Station, Sussex, 1914-20 ; transport arrangements of troops and stores from and to Seaford Military Camp, which was occupied successively by 22nd Division, 36th Ulster Division, West Indian Contingent, London Command Depot, 4th Reserve Infantry Brigade, and finally Canadian Training and Reserve Brigades ; Member of Seaford Local Coal Control Committee. Address : Station House, Seaford, Sussex. (M8505) HOLLINGS, Nina Augusta-Stracey, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 4 March, 1862 ; d. of Gen. J. H. Smyth, C.B, J.P, of Frimhurst, Frimley, Surrey; to. Herbert J. B, J.P, D.L, Surrey, s. of John HoUing, of Wheatly HaU, Yorks, and Watchetts, Frimley. Surrey. War Work : Ambulance driving, France, 1915 ; Joint Command of X-Ray Section Italian Front, 1915-17, Addresses: Watchetts, Frimley, Surrey ; Neuadd, CrickhoweU. Brecknockshire. Clubs : Ladies' Empire ; Sesame. (010647) HOLLINGSWORTH, Howard, C.B.E, 6. 1871; s. of Charles HoUingsworth, of Bilston. Educ. : St. James' School, Edgbaston, Birmingham, and Taunton School. Commander of the Order of the Crown of Belgium, 1916. War Work : Part donor of King Albert's Hospital, No. 1 ; and member of Executive Committee of King Albert's Hospitals ; Advisory Committee, Marylebone ; Pensions Committee, Marylebone. Addresses : Briar Clyffe, Lowestoft, and Oxford Street, London. Club : Royal Societies'. (C528) HOLLINGWORTH, Edward, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 9 AprU, 1860 ; s. of James HolUngworth, of Dobcross ; to. Mary Alice, d. of WiUiam RadcUffe, Manufacturer, Greenfield. Educ. : Huddersfield Collegiate School. Engineer ; Chairman and Managing Director of Hutchinson, HolUngworth & Co, Ltd, Dobcross Loom Works, Dobcross; Chairman of Directors, Chadwick Machine Co, Ltd., Cleckheaton ; Vice-Chairman, Henry Livesey. Ltd, Blackburn; Director of Asa Lees & Co, Ltd, Oldham ; Director of the GledhiU-Brook Time Recorders, Lta, Huddersfield. War Work : Chairman of Huddersfield District Munitions Committee, 1915 ; Member of Dr- Addison's Reconstruction Committee ; Chairman of Saddleworth War Agricultural Committee ; Vice-Chairman, Coine Valley Advisory Committee ; Divisional Commander of Special Constabulary ; Plant of Dobcross Works placed at disposal of Government for manufacture of bombs and hand- grenades, gearboxes for special tanks, and other experimental work, mine-sinkers, etc. Address : Moordale, Dobcross, Yorks. Club : Huddersfield. (C2686) HOLLINS, Beatrice Isabel, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of Charles Bircham FarneU, of The Elms, Acton HiU, W. ; to. AUatt Henry, of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, s. of Sidney Hollins, of Woo dbank, nr. Stockport. Educ. : Privately. Married, 17 Feb. 1920. War Work : Quartermaster and Hon. Secretary 263 Hollins THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. of the Charing Cross Free Buffet for SaUors and Soldiers, Charing Cross Station, 1914-1918. Address : The Elms, Acton HU1, London, W. (M8049) HOLLINS, Dora EmUy, Lady, O.B.E. HOLLINS, Edith Blanche, Mrs, O.B.E. War Work' Founder and Organiser of Malvern Red Cross Depot and Com forts for Soldiers, including Recreation Rooms ; Organiser and Head of Malvern Red Cross Work Party, and of Branch of National Egg CoUection ; Hon. Sec. Malvern Prisoners' of War Association under Central Committee ; served on the com mittees of the Red Cross and Order of St. John Hospitals, and the Malvern Urban District CouncU War Services. (010648) HOLLLNS, Mary Clare, M.B.E, 6. 18 June, 1879 ; d. of Edwin Francis Hollins, of Liverpool. Educ. : Chester Queen's School ; Liverpool High Schools. War Work : 4 years with the Y.M.C.A. in Rouen, France. Address : c/o Lloyds Bank, Lodge Lane, Liverpool. (M1909) HOLLINS, Rotha Mary, M.B.E, HOLLIS, Alfred Claud, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 12 May, 1874 ; s. of the late George HolUs, of West Worthing (formerly of Dartmouth Park, N.W.) ; to. Enid Mabel, d. of the late Valentine I. R. Longman, CC, of Highgate. Educ. : Privately at Highgate and St. Leonards, and in Switzerland and Germany. Assistant CoUector, East Africa Protectorate, 1897 ; CoUector, 1900 ; Acting Vice-Consul for German East Africa, 1900-1901 ; Secretary to Administration, E.A.P, 1903 ; Secretary for Native Affairs and M.L.C, 1907-1912 ; Colonial Secretary, Sierra Leone, 1913 ; Secretary to Provisional Administration, German East Africa, 1916 ; Chief Secretary, Tanganyika Territory, 1919 ; Uganda Mutiny, 1897 ; Jubaland Expedition, 1900 ; Nandi Expedition, 1905-6 ; African General Service Medal and 2 clasps. War Work : As Secretary to the Provisional Administration of German East Africa assisted in the organisa tion on British lines of aU departments of the administration of the former German Colony. Address : Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Territory. Clubs : Oriental; Sports. (C2020) HOLLIS, John Walter, M.B.E. HOLLIS, Lieut. WiUred Norman, M.B.E. HOLLOND, Henry Arthur, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 14 Oct, 1884 ; s. of Arthur Edward Hollond, of Great Ashfield House, Bury St. Edmunds, and 5, Norfolk Crescent, London, W. 2. Educ. : Rugby ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge. FeUow and Lecturer of Trinity CoU, Cambridge, and Barrister-at-Law. War Work : Gazetted Lieut, in the Wessex (Hants.) R.G.A. (T.F.) in Oct. 1914 ; attached to the British Armies in France for duty as Court Martial Officer in Feb. 1916 ; appointed Staff Capt. at General Headquarters, France, in Aug. 1916, D.A.A.G, March, 1917 ; T. Major, March, 1918 ; mentioned in despatches, Dec. 1917, Dec. 1918, and June, 1919. Address: Trinity CoU, Cambridge. (05392) HOLLOWAY, Arthur Brissenden, M.B.E, fi. 14 Nov, 1868 ; s. of William Henry HoUoway, of Ealing ; to. Lizzie Frances Evelyn, d. of Edwin Mayo, of Basingstoke. Educ. : Ealing CoU. Great Western RaUway, Principal Clerk, Chief Goods Manager's Office. War Work : RaUway transport of Heavy Guns, Tanks, and general Munitions of War ; Supply of wagons for, and regulation of, movement of merchandise traffic over Great Western RaUway. Address : 108, The Avenue, West Ealing. (M8508) HOLLOWAY, Major Arthur Joseph, O.B.E, R.E. HOLLOWAY, Arthur WiUiam, M.B.E. HOLLOWAY, Capt. Ernest, O.B.E, R.A.F. HOLLOWAY, Frank Herbert, M.B.E, 6. 5 July, 1885 ; s. of Thomas HoUoway, J.P, of Lavington, WUts ; m. Helen Anne, d. of A. C Bannister, of Bedford. Educ. : Queen's CoUege, Taunton; Crystal Palace School of Engineering. Proprietor Market Lavington Brick, TUe and Pottery Works ; Proprietor of Agricultural, Electrical and Motor Engineering Works. War Work: On Technical Staff of Ministry of Munitions and holding rank of Assistant Superintendent Engineer, North West Area. Address : HiU Cottage, Littleton PaneU, WUts. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (M553) HOLLOWAY, Comm. Graham Charles, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. HOLLOWAY, Henrietta Palfrey, Mrs, M.B.E. HOLLOWAY, Herbert Benjamin, M.B.E, fi. 9 March, 1881 ; s. of Joseph James HoUoway, of Bristol ; m. Dora, d. of Robert Henry Bryans, M.I.E.E, of Sunderland. Educ. : St. Augustine's Upper Grade School, KUburn, N.W. ; King's CoU, Strand. Acting Deputy Cashier, H.M. Dockyard, Invergordon. War Work : In charge of Cash Department of H.M. Dockyard, Invergordon, since the Dockyard Establish ment was set up in September, 1914. Address : Mineral Bank, Saltburn, Invergordon. (M8509- HOLLOWAY, Major Reginald, M.B.E, R.A.F. HOLLOWAY, WilUam Henry, O.B.E, 6. 21 July, 1873 ; s. of W. HoUoway, of Uley, Glos.; to. Agnes, d. of George Waterfield, of Kingsthorpe. Educ. : Privately. Proprietor, Northampton Independent." War Work : Founder and Hon. Treas. of the Northamptonshire Regimental Prisoners of War Fund ; Hon. Sec. of Northamptonshire Soldiers' Comforts Fund, and Northamptonshire Volunteer Regt. Address : Rosebank, Kingsley Park, Northampton. Clubs : Northampton ; Masomc, Northampton. (O10649) HOLLWAY, Edith Blake, O.B.E, M.B, B.S. (Lond.) ; u ,WlUiam J°hn HoUoway. of Pinner. Educ. : London School of Medicine for Women, and Royal Free Hospital. War Work : Doctor attached Scottish Women's Hospital, Serbia and Corsica, 1914-16 ; and R.A.M.C, Malta, Salonica, Con stantinople, 1916-20. Address: R.A.M.C, Constantinople. 264 HOLLWAY, Geoffrey Fynes, O.B.E. HOLMAN, Lieut. Bernard Whelpton, O.B.E, R.E. HOLMAN, Capt. Joseph Quest, M.B.E, M.C. HOLMAN, PhyUis, O.B.E. HOLMDEN, Sir Osborn George, K.B.E, J.P, D.L London; 6. 24 Nov. 1869; s. of late George Holmden oi Shearnden, Kent; to. 13 Oct. 1897, Mary MUdred, d. of John Swanston, of MarshaU Meadows, Berwick-on-Tweed. Director of the Inter-AUied Chartering Executive during Great War; has the Order of St. Olaf of Norway, and is Commander Order of the Crown of Belgium and Officer Legion of Honour Address: Danes HiU, Oxshott, Surrey, Clubs: Conservative' Bath ; City Carlton, and Ranelagh. HOLME, Major Alfred Siegfried, O.B.E, R.E. HOLME, T. Lieut. Charles Geoffrey, M.B.E, R.A.S.C HOLME, Ernest Rudolph, O.B.E. (011984) HOLME, NeUie, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 7 Oct. 1871 ; d. of the late Col. T. R. Cowie, LA. ; to. Henry Edward, s. of Edward V. Holme, late of Naples, Italy. War Work : Hon. Sec. Red Cross, BareUly, U.P, India ; Lady Manager, Monro Soldiers' Canteen, BareUly. Address : Melrose, Hatherley Crescent, Sidcup, Kent. (M7103) HOLMES, Capt. Alfred Henry Robert, M.B.E, R.E. HOLMES, Annie Gertrude, Mrs., M.B.E, Hon. Serving Sister of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 18 September, 1861 : d. of W. O. QuibeU, J.P, of Newark-on-Trent ; m. Henry s. of Samuel Henry Holmes, J.P, of Hull. Educ: Miss Janions, Harold House, Bayswater. Lady District Officer, No. VI District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. War Work : Organised Royal Naval Hospital, HuU ; County Commandant. Recruiting Commandant for the East Riding Yorkshire. Address : The Croft, Newark-on-Trent. (M554) HOLMES, Lieut. Arthur Ernest, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. HOLMES, Arthur WiUiam, C.B.E, 6. 1877; m. 1905, Lottie, d. of the late Charles Wood, of Lewes, Sussex. Freeman of City of London ; Partner in the firm of Sbipton, Anderson and Co, Grain Merchants, LeadenhaU Street; Director of Contracts, Roy. Commission on Wheat SuppUes since 1916 ; appointed a Member of Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies, 1919. Addresses : Tytherley North, Surbiton Hill, Surrey ; Stokeley, Bognor, Sussex. Clubs : Athenaeum, Royal Auto mobile ; Sports'. (C200) HOLMES, Major Barnard, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 31st July, 1876 ; s. of James Holmes, of Burnley ; to. Jane Alice, d. oi John James Ashworth, of Burnley. Educ. : Fufiedge Day School, Burnley, Lancs. Served in the R.A.M.C. from Sept. 1896 ; South Africa, 1899-1900 ; Malta, Crete, and India. War Work : On mobilisation was appointed Warrant Officer in charge of the Clothing and Equipment Store at the Depot, R.A.M.C, Aldershot ; October, 1917, was appointed Quarter master and proceeded to Woolwich for temporary employment in the Army Medical Reserve Store ; July, 1918, proceeded to North Russia as Officer-in-charge No. 15 Base Depot Medical Stores ; was brought to the notice of the Secretary of State for War for valuable services rendered whilst Warrant Officer-in- charge of the Clothing and Equipment Stores Depot, RA..M.C, Aldershot ; in possession of Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct. Address : 3, Lark Street, Burnley, Lancashire. (06813) HOLMES, Constance Coote, O.B.E, 6. 1883 ; d. of John S. Holmes, of Roborough, Barnstaple, formerly of Matahiwi, Masterton, WeUington, New Zealand. Educ. : New Zealand ; England ; Heidelberg, Germany. War Work : Organising Hon. Secretary to Belgian Refugee Food Fund, 1914-1915, (received Medal of Queen Elizabeth) ; Lady WeUare Inspector Army Pay Offices Female Staff, Jan. 1916-May, 1920. Address : Roborough, Barnstaple, N. Devon. Club : Forum. (0433) HOLMES, Lieut. Dan CampbeU, O.B.E. HOLMES, Elsie May, M.B.E. (M10396) HOLMES, Lieut.-Col. Gerard Robert Addison, C.M.G, O.B.E, D.Sc, 6. 31 Aug. 1881 ; s. of Sir George Holmes, K.C.B, K.C.V.O, of Moycashel, Deland (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : WeUington, and Glasgow Univ Trained as a Naval Architect ; late with the Cunard Steam Ship Co, Ltd, now studying educational maters as a Schoolmaster. War Work : served as Lieut, Lieut.-Comm. and Comm. R.N.V.R, with naval forces from 1914-18 ; transferred to Royal Air Force as Lt.-Col. ; served in Cuxhaven Raid 1914, and Belgian Coast; also Staff Appointments. Address: c/o Sir George Holmes, K.C.B, K.C.V.O, St. James' Club, PiccadiUy. (0434) HOLMES, Gertrude Eirene, M.B.E. South African MiUtary Nursing Service. (M10258/) HOLMES, Lieut.-Col. Gordon Morgan, C.M.G, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P, B.A, 6. 1876 ; s. of the late Gordon Holmes, of DeUin House, Castle BeUingham, Deland. Educ : Dublin Univ. Sometime Lieut.-Col. Roy. Army Med. Corps ; Physi cian to National Hospital for Paralysed and EpUeptic ; Assist. Physician to Charing Cross Hospital ; served in Great War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 101, Harley Street, W. Club : Junior Athenaeum. (C1268) HOLMES, Brig.-Gen. Hardress GUbert, CM.G, CJ5JS.. J.P, 6. 7 July, 1862 ; s. of Bassett WiUiam Holmes, J.P, D.L, of St. Davids, Nenagh ; to. AUce Maude Josephine, d. oi John Lloyd, of Gloster, King's Co. Joined Yorkshire Regt, 1885 ; served N.W. Frontier, Lndia, 1897-8 (Medal, 2 clasps); S. Africa, 1899-1902 ; Commanded M. I. Regt., and a Column BIOGRAPHIES. Homer (despatohes twice, Bt.-Major, Queen's Medal, 5 clasps, King's Medal, 2 clasps), retired, 1908. War Work : Rejoined Army August, 1914 ; Commanded 9th Battn. Yorkshire Regt. and 8th Infantry Brigade in France also a Brigade in England ; despatches 5 times, CM.G, C.B.E, Bt. Lieut.-Colonel and Honorary Brigadier General ; J.P, Co. Tipperary, High Sheriff, 1910. Address : St. Davids, Nenagh ; Clubs : Naval and Military ; KUdare Street, Dublin. (C1623) HOLMES, Henry BurviU, C.B.E, 6. 1864 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Burvill Holmes, R.E. ; m. Mabel de Ireyne, d. of the late Victor Bertelsen, of the Indian Police. Educ. : Gram. School, Reading, and King WilUam's Coll, Isle of Man. Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. Indian Defence Force (V.D.) ; entered Indian State RaUway Depart. 1883 ; Dep. Traffic Sup. 1908; Traffic Sup. 1910; Agent Oudh and Kohilkund RaUway, 1914. Club : United Service (Calcutta). (C1080) HOLMES, Henry NichoUs, O.B.E, F.R.G.S, 6. 20 Sept. 1879 ; s. of Henry Holmes, of Adelaide, South Australia ; m. Jeannette Elise, d. of the late Adam Knecht, of Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A. Educ. : Way College, South Australia. Secre-. tary British National CouncU, Y.M.C.A. War Work: In 1915 organised the Y.M.C.A. with troops of General Botha in German South West Africa at Swakopmund ; in 1916-17 in charge of Y.M.CA. work with 2nd Army in France ; in 1918 Field Secretary and LiaisoD Officer with British Y.M.C.A. France; and 1919 Chief Secretary of British Y.M.C.A. iu France. Address : c/o Y.M.CA, 13, RusseU Square, London, W.C. 1. (01484) HOLMES, Herbert Thomas, O.BE, H.M.I, 6. 6 Jan. 1876. Educ : Merchant Taylors' School, London ; St. John's CoU, Cambridge. H.M. Inspector, Technological Branch, Board of Education. TFar Work : Personal Assistant to Sir Glynn West, ControUer of SheU Manufacture, Ministry of Munitions; Secretarial Officer, Materials Group, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 58, Rotherwick Road, Golders Green, London, N.W. 4. (010652) HOLMES, Horace Gordon, O.B.E, F.C.A, 6. 14 May, 1889; s. of Horace George Holmes, J.P, of WoodviUe, Brondesbury Park, N.W. 6. ; m. Violet May, d. of Henry Parry, of Portmadoc and Aberystwyth, North Wales. Educ. : City of London School. During War held the rank of Honorary Temporary Captain. War Work : Assistant Commissioner and Financial Director to the British Red Cross and Order of St. John with the Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force, 1916 to 1918. Address : Copps Lodge, Northwood, Middlesex ; 33, Paternoster Row, E.C. 4. Clubs: (FeUow) Royal Colonial Institute; Northwood GoU. (01485) HOLMES, Major Hubert Jack, M.B.E, M.C HOLMES, Paymaster-Comm. John Dickenson, C.B.E, R.N. HOLMES, Joseph Edward Leo, O.B.E. HOLMES, Margaret Ann, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Ross Aldis, of Garstang, Lancashire ; to. Ernest, s. of Henry Holmes, of KUsby, Rugby. Educ. : Blackpool and Scarborough. Joined St. John Ambulance Brigade, 1897. War Work : Aug. to Nov. 1914, St. John Warehouse ; Nov. to Dec. 1914, Nurse at Naval Hospital, Southend ; Jan. to Dec. 1915, in charge of Gift Store, St. John's Warehouse ; Jan. to May, 1916 ; Quarter master, Lady Dane's Hospital, Southampton ; May to Oct. 1916, Devonshire House ; Oct. 1916, to July, 1917, No. 2 Red Cross Hospital, Rouen, France ; Sept. 1917, to Dec. 1918, Acting Quartermaster, St. John's Depot, Belgrave Square ; now working at V.A.D. Headquarters, Commandant of V.A.D. London 298, and Lady Supt. Temple Nursing Div, St. John's Ambulance Brigade. Address : 33, SackviUe Gardens, Ilford. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (M8510) HOLMES, Major Maurice Gerald, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. HOLMES, Capt. Reginald Valentine, O.B.E. R.A.S.C HOLMES, Lieut. Robert, M.B.E, R.N. HOLMES, Col. Robert Blake Worsley, O.B.E. HOLMES, Capt. Samuel Edward, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. (S.R.), fi, 20 Feb. 1888 ; s. of John Holmes, of Co. Antrim, Ireland. muc. : Ballymena Academy, Co. Antrim, Deland. Veterinary burgeon. War Work : Veterinary Officer with the 5th Division m France and Italy from August 1914 to May, 1919. Address : Warren Road, Reigate, Surrey. (02577) HOLMES, WilUam, O.B.E. (012058) HOLT, Capt. Alec Horace Edward Litton. O.B.E. HOLT, Constance, M.B.E, fi. 19 May, 1897 ; d. of Edgar M. Holt, of East Sheen. War Work : Clerical work at the Admiralty. Address : 21, Richmond Park Road, East Sheen, Surrey. (M2729) HOLT, Sir Edward, Bt. C.B.E, 6. 1850, (see BURKE'S reerm) ; s. of Joseph Holt, of Manchester ; to. Elizabeth, «¦ of Joseph Brooks, of Manchester. Educ. : Privately. uiairman, Manchester Water Committee, Parliamentray ww ' Board of Overseers and War Pensions Committee. war Work : Chairman Manchester Local War Pensions since September, 1914. Clubs : Carlton ; Clarendon,'; Constitutional. ««,-, (C2687) HOLT, Edwin Brook, M.B.E, I.M.D. HOLT, Frederick O.B.E. HOLT, Frederick Appleby, O.B.E, 6. May, 1888 ; s. of Mwyn Holt, of Hale, Cheshire ; to. Rae Vera Franz, d. of srr George Hutchinson, of 55, Pont Street, W, and Ly minster Wurt, Arundel. Educ : Rugby, and King's Coll, Cambridge. War Work: 1916-19, Private Sec. to the Rt. Hon. H. W. , M.P. (now Lord Forster of Lepe), Financial Sec. to the War Office. Address: 28, Brechin Place, S.W. Club: Reform. (O10655) HOLT, Capt. Frederick William, M.B.E. HOLT, Gertrude Mary, M.B.E. ; d. of Vesey Weston Holt. War Work : Hon. Sec. to the Chelsea Workrooms and Depot of British Red Cross Society. Address : 14, Elm Park Gardens, London, S.W. 10. (M8511) HOLT, Lieut.-Col. Harold Edward Sherwin, C.B.E, F.R.CS, 6. 1862 ; s. of the late Major Joseph Holt, of Farn borough Grange, Hants ; to. 1904, Lady Mary Florence Brabazon, d. of 12th Earl of Meath (see Burke's Peerage). Formerly Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. Hampshire Yeomanry ; Major, attached R.A.F. ; an Officer of Crown of Belgium ; Lord of the Manor of Farnborough. Addresses : The Grange, Farnborough, Hants ; Clashnardarroch, Aberdeenshire ; Clubs : Wellington ; Cavalry : TraveUers'. (C864) HOLT, James Marston, MJB.E. HOLT, Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 25 Jan. 1873 ; s. of the late Thomas Holt, of Bolton and Leigh ; to. Isabella, d. of the late Christopher Cook, of Preston and Leigh. Educ. : Bedford Church School, and Privately. SoUcitor ; Town Clerk, Deputy Clerk of the Peace, Clerk, Local Education Authority, and Clerk Old Age Pensions Committee, Winchester. Wat Work : Executive Officer. Local Food Control Committee ; Member Recruiting Committee ; Winchester Belgian Refugees Committee ; Organising Sec. for Repatriation of Belgian Refugees ; Member Winchester Soldiers' Club Committee ; Clerk to the Local Tribunal, Winchester. Address : Westfield, Winchester. (010656) HOLT, Thomas Herbert, O.B.E, fi. 19 Nov. 1861 ; s. of the late R. B. Holt, of Whitby, Yorks ; m. Edith Charlotte, d. of Walter King, of Frinton-on-Sea. Educ. : Fulneck School, Yorkshire. Head of Shippmg Office, Crown Agents for the Colonies. War Work : Member of Overseas Prize Disposal Committee. Addresses : 13, Gt. St. Helens, E.C. 3 ; Aston, Bishop's Stortford. Club : Constitutional. (01487) HOLT, Sir Vesey George Mackenzie, K.B.E, J.P, Kent, fi. 23 Feb. 1854 ; s. of the late Vesey Weston Holt, of Woodside, Windsor Forest ; to. Mabel Mary, d. of the late Walter Drum- mond (see Burke's Peerage, Perth, E.). Educ. : Privately. Senior partner in firm of Holt & Co, Army Agents and Bankers ; Chairman, London and Scottish Life Assurance Agency ; of Scottish Metropolitan Insurance Co. Ltd. ; of Anglo-American Debenture Corporation ; and Director of New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. Addresses : Mount Maseal, Bexley, Kent ; 67, Cadogan Place, S.W. Clubs : Arthur's ; Union. (K458) HOLT, Florenoe Annie, Mrs. LYSTER-, O.B.E. HOLTON, Surgeon-Lieut. Ernest Charles, O.B.E. R.N HOLYMAN, Honora, Mrs., M.B.E. (M10397) HOLYWOOD, Matthew, M.B.E, R.A.S.C HOME, Major George, C.B.E. HOME, Lieut.-Col. George Archibald Swinton, O.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1875 ; s. of the late Rev. R. Home of Swinton, Berwickshire. Educ : Privately. Major, 5th Dragoon Guards (ret.) ; Lieut.-Col. E. Africa Protectorate Forces ; Resident at Soy ; served during S. African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with two clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; has 2nd class of Order of Leopold of Belgium. War Work : Commandant East African Volunteer Forces ; later, on Staff of East African Expeditionary Force and King's African Rifles. Address : Soy, Kenya Colony. Clubs : Cavalry ; Naval and MUitary. (04148) HOME, Col. James Murray, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. R.A.F. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C865) HOME, Col. Robert Elton, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1869 ; s. of the late Col. Robert Home, CLE, R.E. ; to. 1904, Delphine, d. of the late W. J. Etheridge. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. Entered R.A. 1888 ; Capt. 1898 ; Major, 1908 ; Lieut.-Col. 1915 ; Brevet Col. 1917 ; served with Waziristan Expedition. 1894-95 (medal with clasp) ; Tirah Expedition, 1897-98 (medal with clasp) ; during S. African War, 1899-1902 (despatches three times, Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal) ; appointed an Instructor at Ordnance Coll. 1906 ; Ordnance Officer, 1909 ; Ch. Instructor, Ordnance CoU. 1913 ; Comdt. 1918. (C818) HOME, Capt. Thomas Nathaniel, O.B.E, K.R.R.C. HOME, Fleet-Surgeon William Edward, O.B.E, R.N, 6 1860. Educ. : Rugby ; Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Major (A.Lieut.-Col.)R.A.M.C Army Hospital Ships. Clubs: Naval and MiUtary ; Royal Naval, etc. (07291) HOMER, Lieut.-Col. John Leonard, O.B.E, R.M.A.; fi 9 Oct. 1865; s. of T. Homer, J.P, of Witchampton, Wimborne, Dorset ; m. Edith Frances, d. of Gen. Sir Henry Tuson K C.B, of The Poplars, Surbiton. Educ. : Cheltenham College. Assist. Gunnery instructor, R.M.A, 1892-95 ; Gunnery Instructor, R.M.A, 1897-1902 ; Musketry Instructor, R M A ,1904-08 ; served H.M.S. " Swiftsure," 1880-90 ; H.M.S. " Camperdown," 1896-97 ; H.M.S. " Hannibal," 1902-4 ; " Prince George," 1908 ; " Duncan," 1908-09 ; " Exmouth," 1909-11 ' " Victory " (Staff of C-in-C, Portsmouth), 1912-13 ; Paymaster, R.M.A, 1913-20. Address: Witchampton, Wimborne, Dorset. (09553) HOMER, John Twigg, C.B.E, J.P, D.L. Co. Staffs, fi. 24 June, 1865 ; s. of Frederick Augustus, J.P, of Sedgley, Staffs Educ. : Wolverhampton Grammar School. Divisional ControUer, West Midlands Division, Ministry of Labour; Alderman Staffordshire County CouncU; Member Staffordshire 265 Homfray THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Territorial Forces Association. War Work : Departmental Recruiting for Territorials. Address : Dormston, Sedgley, Staffs. Club : County, Stafford. ^H68? HOMFRAY, Ernest Randolph Popkin, O.B.E, i. 12 Sept. 1860 ; s. of Charles Jeston Homfray, of Down Lodge, Wands worth ; m. Gertrude Everard, d. of Dr. Richard Roe, of Eccles. Educ : Privately. Sec. Appeal Committee, Guy's Hospital, London, S.E. War Work: Sec. H.M. Queen Mary's R.N. Hospital, Southend-on-Sea ; Commandant, 43rd Essex V.A.D. Address : Uckfleld, Sussex. (010657) HOMFRAY, Lieut.-Col. John Robert Henry, C.B.E, R.M.A, (retired), fi. 23 Oct. 1868; s. of Lieut.-Col. J. R. Mackenzie Homfray, of Indian Army ; m. Margaret Emily, d. of Captain Bonham Ward Bax, R.N. Educ. : R.N. Academy Gosport; Portsmouth Grammar School. Now Master at Brighton College. War Work : 33 years in Royal Marine ArtUlery ; served in H.M.S. "King George V," 2nd Battle Squadron, Grand Fleet, 4 August, 1914 to 16 January, 1916 ; 2nd in command of R.M. Garrison, Cromarty ; O.C. Royal Marines, British West Indies, 1917-19. Address: Brighton CoUege. (C2289) HONEY, Annie Violet, O.B.E. HONEY, Capt. WiUiam John, O.B.E, HONY, Capt. Henry Charles, M.B.E. HOOD, David WUson, C.B.E, 6. 1874 ; s. of the late James Hood, J.P, of LiUesleaf, Roxburghshire. Educ. : Daniel Stewart's CoU, and Heriot Watt Coll, Edinburgh. Engineer-in-Chief to Trinity House. Address : 5, Beech Mansions, West Hampstead. (C983) HOOD, Georgina, O.B.E. HOOD, Grosvenor Arthur Alexander, Lieut.-Col.Viscount, O.B.E, 6. 13 Nov. 1868 : s. of 4th Viscount Hood (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Primrose (who died, 1919), 3rd d. of Col. Hon. R. Stapleton Cotton (see Burke's Peerage, Combermere, V ). Educ. : Eton, and R.M.A, Woolwich. 2nd Lieut. Royal ArtiUery, Feb. 1887 ; 2nd Lieut. Grenadier Guards, Sept. 1889 ; Lieut. 1893 ; Capt. 1899 ; Major 1905 ; on retired pay, 1907 ; Lieut.-Col. to Command 7th City of London Batt. T.F, 1912 ; retired owing to iU-health, Sept. 1914 ; Staff Officer L. of C (at home), Oct. 1914 ; Defence Commander (T. Lieut.-Col.), Jan. 1916; retired (iU-health), April, 1920, with rank of Lieut.-Col. War Work : Commanded 7th City of London Batt, London Regt., Aug. to Sept. 1914; Staff Officer (D.A.A.G.), L. of C (England), Oct. 1914; Defence Com mander (T. Lieut.-Col.), Jan. 1916 ; Staff Capt, War Office, AprU, 1918. Address : 19, Upper Berkeley Street, London, W. 1. Clubs : Guards' ; Turf ; Carlton. (07292) HOOD, Joseph, M.B.E, M.A, F.E.I.S, 6. 18 July, 1872 ; s. of WiUiam Hood, of Stirling, Scotland ; to. Louisa B. Wilson, d. of Thomas Wilson, of Douglas, Lanarkshire. Educ : Glasgow Univ. Rector of Academy, Stranraer. War Work : Organised War Savings Associations in County of Wigtown, more especially in Schools, and assisted in various ways the Scottish War Savings Committee ; Chairman of Executive of War Savings Committee for Burgh of Stranraer; Member of Stranraer Burgh Military Tribunal for upwards of 2 years. Address : The Rectory, Academy Street, Stranraer. (M8513) HOOD, Margaret ACLAND-, M.B.E, d. ofthe late Sir A. Acland-Hood, Bt. (see BURKE'S Peerage). War Work : Organised large Central Clubs, Social and Educational, in various in dustrial towns, for working women and girls, some clubs having a membership of over 1000. Address : Erlands, Crondell, Hants. Club : The New Century. (M67) HOOD, Lieut.-Col. Arthur FULLER-ACLAND-, O.B.E. HOOK, Reginald Myles, M.B.E. (M10249.0 HOOKER, Edith, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 18 June, 1872 ; d. of Thomas Corsby, of London ; m. George Septimus, s. of WUliam Thomas Hooker, of Hackney. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Class Sec, Quartermaster, and Assistant Commandant, Stechford Red Cross V.A.D. Hospital; helped at Canteen work ; Leader of Sewing Circle for making garments for soldiers Address : Finmarken, Lyttelton Road, Stechford, Bhmingham . (M8514) HOOKER, Lieut. Charles WUUam Ross, O.B.E, R.N V.R. HOOLEY, Lieut.-Col. Vernon Vavasour, C.B.E, 6. 15'Mar. 1862 ; s. of WiUiam Hooley, of Ashton Lodge, Belmont Road, Southampton ; m. Mary, d. of Lieut.-Col. Thomas MaxweU, of Eshowe, Zululand. Educ. : South Hants College ; Privately. Shipping Manager. War Work : Formerly Snipping Manager at New York; fitted out S.S. "Arcadian" and " Caribbean " which conveyed Canadian Troops from Quebec ; came to England, January, 1915 ; joined R.A.S.C as Lieut. ; served at Deptford, Liverpool, France and Southamp ton untU Nov. 1919 ; Commanded No. 2 Home Base Supply Dept. R.A.S.C. Address : Ashton Lodge, Belmont Road, Southampton. Club : United R.A.S.C. (C2121) HOOPER, Major Alexander Francis Anderson, O.B.E. HOOPER, AUred, O.B.E, M.D, 6. 18 May, 1848 ; s. of John Hooper, of Castle Gresley, Derbyshire ; n. Helen Louisa, d. of WiUiam GUes, of London. Educ. : Burton-on-Trent Grammar School, and Guy's Hospital. War Work: CivU Medical Officer to the Royal Air Force from May, 1917, to May, 1920. Address : The Manor House, Thurnby, near Leicester. (010658) HOOPER, Barrington, C.B.E. HOOPER, Charles Stuart, M.B.E.. 6. 11 Aug, 1874; 8. of Joshua Hooper, of Bridestowe, Devon ; m. Anne, d. of John Myatt, of Hfracombe, Devon. Educ. : AU Saints' Choir School, Clifton, Bristol. Assistant Accountant-General, 266 Ministry of Shipping. War Work : At Ministry of Shipping. Address : The Corner House, GreerJiill, Sutton, Surrey. (M555) HOOPER, Florence Mary AUce, M.B.E. ; d. of Sir Richard Mills K.C.B, K.C.V.O, of Lindridge, Oxted, Surrey; m. Godfrey s. of George Hooper, of The Cedars, Mitcham Common. War Work : Commandant, V.A.D. Sussex 150 ; in charge of Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital, Lindfleld, Sussex, from Nov. 1914 to Dec. 1918 . Address : Lyndhurst, Lindfleld, Sussex. (M8515) HOOPER, Francis WiUiam, M.B.E. HOOPER, Lieut. Geoffroy William Winsmore, O.B.E, R N.HOOPER, George Henry James, O.B.E, M.D. HOOPER, Lieut.-Col. Harry Uppington, C.B.E. Col. R.E. (T.F.) ; served in Great War, 1914-19, in Balkans ; mentioned in despatches. (C1412) HOOPER, Helen EUzabeth, M.B.E. HOOPER, Capt. Herbert Ross, O.B.E, R.E. HOOPER, John, M.B.E, 6. 16 June, 1882 ; s. of Richard Streete Hooper, of London ; m. Elsie Angela, d. of Charles Vickers of Enfield, Middlesex. Lecturer (Furniture, Ii.C.C), 1903-11 ; Technical Assistant, H.M. Office of Works, 1911-19 : appointed Deputy ControUer, Furniture Section, Disposal Board, March, 1919, and ControUer, March, 1920. In charge of special section at H.M. Office of Works, furnishing townships, including Gretna and Queensferry, hostels, hospitals, and furnishing services generaUy for the Ministry of Munitions, Air Ministry, Admiralty, and Ministry of Pensions. (M817) HOOPER, Capt. WaUis Dawson, O.B.E. HOPCRAFT, Capt. Harry Douglas, M.B.E, 5. 26 Nov. 1892; s of Alfred Hopcraft, of Deddington, Oxon. Educ. : Owen's School Islington, N. War Work : Mobilised with 4th Oxf. and Bucks L. Infty (T.F.), Aug. 1914; France and Flanders, March 1915, to Oct. 1915 ; InvaUded to England ; joined 4th Res. Batt. Oxf. and Bucks L. Lnfty ; posted to No. 12 0.C.B, April 1917 ; Gazetted to l/4th Oxf. and Bucks L. Duty, Sept. 1917 ; France and Italy, Oct. 1917, to March, 1919. Address: Fernleigh, Deddington, Oxon. (M4738) HOPE, Capt.Arthur Clement, M.B.E, Scots Guards; 0.8. of Major CecU Hope, late InniskUling Dragoons. Served in the Great War, 1914-19. Address : The Deal House, West Lavington. WUts. (M3183) HOPE, Major Charles WiUiam Menelaus, O.B.E, R A M C HOPE, CoUingwood, C.B.E, K.C, J.P, D.L, 6, 10 Nov. 1858 ; s. of Thomas Arthur Hope, of Bebington, Cheshire ; m. AUce Therese, d. of R. N. Dale, of Bromborough, Cheshire. Educ. : Rugby ; Oxford. Recorder of Bolton ; Deputy Chairman Quarter Sessions ; Chairman Essex District Wages Committee ; Chairman Agricultural Wages Board ; Chairman Profiteering Appeal Tribunal for Essex. War Work : 2 years Essex Territorial Association; Chairman MiUtary Appeal Tribunal for Essex ; Chairman Midland and S.E. Divisional CouncU ; Chairman District No. 9, Appointments Department, Ministry of Labour ; Volunteer and Special Constable. Addresses: Crix, Hatfield Peverel, Essex. Club : WmdTiam. (C201) HOPE, Edward WiUiam, O.B.E, M.D, D.Sc, 6. 1856; s. of late R. W. Hope, formerly of War Office ; m. Charlotte Rennie, d. of John Bowring. of Newfoundland and Liverpool. Educ. : Royal School of Mines ; University of Edmburgn. Medical Officer of Health, Liverpool ; Professor of Public Health, University of Liverpool ; late Examiner in the Univer sities of Belfast, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Man chester and Royal CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons, London. War Work : Major, R.A.M.C ; serving in connection with Port Sanitation, in regard to transport of Troops, Foodstuffs, etc. Address : Crow How, Rydal, Ambleside. Cfta _¦' University, Liverpool. (0149-) HOPE, Herbert George, M.B.E. HOPE, John, M.B.E. „v.oo« HOPE, Sir John Augustus O.B.E. (07295) HOPE, John Wilson, C.B.E, 6. 1856 ; s. of WiUiam Hope, of Edinburgh ; to. Georgina, d. of WiUiam Lyon, of Edmburgn. Educ : Edinburgh ; Brussels. Manufacturer. War Work : Ministries of Munitions, Food Control, and Reconstruction. Address : Drylaw, South Woodford, Essex. CZufis : British Empire ; Royal West Norfolk, Hunstanton ; Newquay ™"-02. HOPE, Mabel Ellen, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 30 March, 1873; d. of Francis RiddeU, J.P, of Cheeseburn Grange, NorthumDer- Iand; to. James Fitzalan, M.P, J.P. ; s. of James Hope Scott, Q.C, of Abbotsford, N B. Educ. : Privately. War Wort- Chairman of the War Huts Committee of the Catholic Women s League, which equipped and ran thirty-five soldiers Huts ana Clubs in England, France, and Germany ; Mrs. Hope was given the Medaille de la Reine EUzabeth for Belgian Refugee worK organised by the CathoUc Women's League. Address ¦' Herons GhyU, Uckfleld, Sussex. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum (Oipew HOPE, Mary, Hon. Lady, O.B.E, 6. 1877 ; d, oi Lord Balfour of Burleigh, Kennet, AUoa (see Burke's PeeWJ, to. Lieut.-Col. Sir John, Bt, M.P, s. of the Rev. Canon Hope, and nephew of Sir Alexander Hope. Educ. : £>™W; Chairman of Women's Sub-Committee of Edinburgh LaDour Employment Committee. War Work : On various committees under the Ministry of Labour, dealing with recruiting ior women's war services, substitution, re-settlement, and training, in Scotland. Address: Pinkie House, Musselburgh, cm- Queen's, Edinburgh. (OlOKHiJ BIOGRAPHIES. Home HOPE, Brevet Major (T. Lieut.-Col.) Peroy Mirehouse, O.B.E, M.S.A, M. Inst, M.C.E., 6. 17 July, 1886 ; s.ot Joseph Fearon Hope, of Keswick ; m. Constance Maud, s. of Thomas William Mark, of Liverpool. Educ. : Keswick School ; King's CoUege, London. War Work: With 4th Border Regt, Burma, 1914-15 ; Mesopotamia, 1915-18 ; Att. Royal Eng, firstly as o/c water suppUes, then Deputy Assistant Director of Works at Baghdad on capture of that city ; then Deputy Assistant Director of Works Baghdad and Advanced Section on the advance beyond Baghdad ; then Assistant Director o! Works (Engineer Field Parks), M.E.F. ; then Assistant Director of Works, L. of C, M.E.F, and lastly Assistant Director of Works, G.H.Q, M.E.F. ; Awarded O.B.E. ; Twice mentioned in despatches and promoted Brevet-Major for conspicuous service in the Field. Addresses : 39, Brundholme Terrace, Keswick ; 21, Station Road, Keswick. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (02278) HOPGOOD, Franois George, M.B.E. HOPKIN, Capt. Frank, OHB.E, M.R.CV.S, 6. July, 1879 ; «. of T. Hopkin, of Manchester ; m. Frances Shaw, d. of T. H. Porgan, of Northwich. Educ. : Rydal Mount, Colwyn Bay. Veterinary Surgeon. War Work: Joined R.A.V.C. on out break of war, Aug. 1914 ; served at home and with the Salonica Forces. Address : 15, New Bridge Street, Manchester. (06482) HOPKINS, Charles James WiUiam, M.B.E. HOPKINS, Rev. Father Charles Plomer, C.B.E., O.S.P, 6. 7 March, 1861 ; s. of Charles Hopkins, of Bassein, Burmah. Educ. : Falmouth Grammar School ; Osnabriick, Germany. Superior General of the Order of St. Paul ; Hon. Trustee, National SaUors' and Firemen's Union; Hon. Joint Sec, SaUors' and Firemen's Panel of the National Maritime Board. War Work : Co-operation with the Ministry of Shipping in matters appertaining to the personnel of the British MercantUe Marine. Address : The Priory, St. Mawes, CornwaU. Club : Royal Colonial Institute. (C2690) HOPKINS, Lieut. Franois Arthur, M.B.E. HOPKINS, Frederiok Friend, M.B.E. HOPKINS, Major GUbert Rivers, O.B.E. HOPKINS, Harry, M.B.E,, R.N. HOPKINS, Harry Sinclair, O.B.E, HOPKINS, James Francis Gordon, O.B.E.; has 3rd Class Order of the Nile. HOPKINS, Lieut. John Boyd, M.B.E. HOPKINS, Lieut.-Col. Lewis Egerton, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.E, i. 1873; s. of the late Thomas Hopkins, of Limber Grange, Lincoln ; to. 1906, Carrie Estoteville, d. of Sir Peyton D'EstotevUle Skipwith, 10th Bt. (see Burke's Peerage). Served during Great War, 1914-17 ; mentioned in despatches. (08487) HOPKINS, Muriel Margaret, M.B.E, d. of J. W. W. Hopkins, M.P, of London. Educ. : St. Felix School, South- wold. War Work : Aug. 1914. to April, 1915, Local Branch of the Prince of Wales' Fund; May, 1915, to Nov. 1915, secretarial work at the Westminster Red Cross Divisional Office; Dec. 1915, to June, 1920, Secretarial work at Conva lescent Homes for Officers Dept, B.R.C.S. Address: 80, Regent's Park Road, London, N.W. 1. (M1915) HOPKINS, Lieut.-Col. Peroy Alfred, O.B.E. HOPKINS, Capt. Raymond Beechey, O.B.E. HOPKINS, Robert Hemiss Handasyd, O.B.E. HOPKINS, Thomas, M.B.E, R.N. HOPKINS, Thomas Edmund, O.B.E, J.P. HOPKINS, Capt. Thomas HoUis, O.B.E, R.E. HOPKINSON, Capt. AUen Haigh, M.B.E. HOPKINSON, GwendoUn Blanche, O.B.E. HOPKINSON, 2nd Lieut. Harold, M.B.E, R.A.S.C HOPKINSON, Col. (Lewa and Pasha Egyptian Army) Henry Charles Barwick, CM.G, C.B.E, 6. 6 Nov. 1867 ; s. of George Henry Hopkinsun, late of Edgeworth Manor, Ciren cester, Glos, and of Blanch Isabel Somerset; to. Mabel ¦Trances Laetitia, d. of Henry WiUiam ParneU 3rd Baron Con gleton (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Winchester. Col, late iseaforth Highlanders; Director-Gen. of the Municipality, Alexandria. War Work : Provost Marshal, D.A.A.G, E.E.F. Address : Downton House, Kington, Herefordshire. Club : Army and Navy. (C1381) , HOPKINSON, Capt. MUes Staveley, O.B.E, fi. 30 AprU, >. • sa of *Q6 late George Henry Hopkinson, of Edgeworth Manor, Glos. ; to. EUen Marion, d. of Henry Walter, of Ifield, Sussex. Educ. : Repton. Stockbroker. War Work : Served m France, 1915-17; Italy, 1917-19. Address: 23, Lansdowne Crescent, w. 11. Club : Royal Thames Yacht. (06381) gOPKYNS, WiUiam Stenning, O.B.E. HOPPER, James, M.B.E. HOPPER, Percy Clarence, M.B.E. HOPPERTON, 2nd Lieut. Henry Edward, M.B.E, R.E. HOPPING, Sydney, O.B.E. HOPPS, Walter, M.B.E. th i fPS' w"Iiam George, M.B.E, 6. 30 April, 1871 ; s. of J i IS Tnomas Hopps, of Lurgan, Ireland ; m. Eva May, a. of the late James Ebey, of Plumstead. Educ. : Lurgan Model School, and Privately. War Office Clerk. War Work : to p9,yld *" Quartermaster-General's Department of the war Office, during the whole period of war. Address : 4, Barnard Road, London. S.W. 11. (M8521) SS5W00D> Eleanor Mary, O.B.E. f, HOPWOOD, Capt. Geoffrey, C.B.E, R.N, b. 1877 ; s. of we late Rev. Canon Frank Edward Hopwood. Was Assist. Director of MobiUsation, Admiralty, 1916-17 ; served in Great War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C2271) HORA, Capt. Hansord, M.B.E. HORAN, Lieut. Preston, M.B.E. HORDEN, Eva, Mrs., O.B.E. (011985) HORDEN, Florenoe Julia, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of John B. Law, of Leamington Spa. ; m. Frederick PUkington, s. of George Horden. War Work : Com. of Brynglas Red Cross Hospital, Newport (Mon). Address : 21, Bassaleg Road, Newport (Mon). (M5 0) HORDERN, Major Anthony, C.B.E, 6. 1889; s. of Samuel Hordern, of Sydney, AustraUa ; m. Viola Sydney Bingham. Dep. Commr. AustraUan Red Cross Soc, AustraUan Imperial Forces. (0417) HORDERN, Rev. Arthur Venables Calveley, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 12 AprU, 1866 ; s. of Rev. J. 0. Hordern, late of R.N. ; m. HUda Leigh, d. of Rev. F. Slater. Educ. : Privately. Re tired Chaplain to the Forces, 1st Class; now Rector of St. Peter's, Adderley, Market Drayton, Salop. War Work : Served in the South African War, 1899-1902 (including defence of Ladysmitn), 2 Medals, 7 clasps, specially promoted and mentioned in despatches ; Principal Chaplain (Brig.-Gen.) in the campaigns of GaUipoli, Salonica, Sennusi, Egypt and Pales tine, 1915-18 ; Asst. Chaplain Gen, Northern Command, 1918 to end of war ; mentioned in despatches 6 times. Address : Adderly Rectory, Market Drayton, Salop. (C624) HORDERN, Herbert Vivian, M.B.E. (M10398) HORDERN, Comm. Lionel Herbert, O.B.E, R.N. HORE, Alexie, M.B.E, 6. 29 June, 1882; d. of Charles, ClaveU Hore, of Dulwich, Surrey. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Temp. Clerk in Officers Casualty Dept. (M.S. 3 Cas.), War Office, from Nov. 1915, to Sept. 1919. Address : The Corner House, Dulwich Common, S.E. 21. (M3732) HORE, Major Reginald Mitchell, O.B.E, Aust. A.V.C HORLICK, Major James Nookells, O.B.E, M.C. HORN, Lieut. D'Aroy, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. HORN, Gerald, M.B.E, 6. 17 Feb. 1882 ; s. of the late George Horn, of Kempston, Bedford ; to. Marjorie LiUan, d. of H. S. Russell, B.Sc, of Hanwell, Middlesex. Educ. : Bedford Modern School. War Work : Was rejected for MiUtary Service three times in AustraUa ; came home at own expense, and being rejected in England, entered Ministry of Munitions, in June, 1916 ; made assistant Director of Accounts, Oct. 1917 ; Section Director of Accounts, April, 1918 ; Deputy to ControUer Non- Ferrous Raw Materials Dept, July, 1919 ; made ControUer and Liquidator Non-Ferrous Raw Materials Dept, Oct. 1919 ; resigned Aug. 1920. Address : 2, Northcote Avenue, EaUng, W. 6. (M8523) HORN, Capt. Peroy Sutherland, O.B.E, R.A.S.C HORN, Capt. Robert Victor Galbraith, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 1886 ; s. of John Galbraith Horn (see Burke's Peerage). Capt. and Brevet Major, Royal Scots FusiUers ; served in Great War, 1914-18 ; mentioned in despatches. (07247) HORN, Major WiUiam Herbert Gascoine, O.B.E, HORN, Edith Mabel FREEMAN-, M.B.E, 6. 2 Oct. 1883 ; d. of W. Freeman-Horn, of Streatham. Educ. : East Putney High School, and Univ. CoU, London. Artist. War Work : British Red Cross Society ; on the Staff of the County of London Branch ; Organising Sec. of CoUecting Box Depart ment. Address : 27, Grosvenor Place, S.W. 1. Club : The AUiance. (M8522) HORNBLOWER, George Davis, O.B.E. HORNBLOWER, WiUiam Crothers, O.B.E. HORNBUCKLE, Thomas, M.B.E, B.Sc, Assoc. MJnst. EC- s of Thomas Hornbuckle of Barkestone, Leicester shire Educ. : Univ. CoU, Nottingham. Electrical and works Inspector, Chief Mechanical Engineer's Dept, Midland Railway, Derby. War Work : Organising Manufacture of Fuses, Gun Parts, and Renovation of Cartridge Cases. Addresses: 6, Huntington Street, Derby; Barkeston, Bottesford, dotting- HORNBY, Capt. Henry Epton, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. HORNBY, Anna, Mrs. PHIPPS-, M.B.E. HORNE, Professor Alexander Robert, O.B.E, B.bc, F R S E, 6. 8 March. 1881. Educ. : George Henot s Hospital, Edinburgh. Professor of Engineering, Robert Gordon s Technical Coll, Aberdeen ; Lecturer in Engineering Fieldwork in the Univ., Aberdeen. War Work : Engineer to North East, Scotland Board of Management ; Manager. Aberdeen National Shell Factory. Address : 374, Gt. Western Road, Aberdeen. (O10OO5) HORNE, Andrew Courts, M.B.E., J.P. HORNE, Lieut. Charles Frederick, M.B.E, R.N.R. HORNE, Col. Edward WilUam, C.M.G, O.B.E. HORNE, Rev. Edwin de Jersey, O.B.E, R.A. HORNE, Frederic, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 1863 ; s. of the late Charles Home, M.A, of Newport, Salop ; m. Jean Picken, d. of Andrew Thomson, of Shifnal. Educ. : Adam's Grammar School, Newport, Salop. District Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. War Work: Commissioner, Food Production Dept, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries for the Counties of Somerset, Devon, and CornwaU. Address: Culloughmore, Exmouth. Clubs : Devon and Exeter- National Liberal ; Farmers'. ,.,.,..,_.<, >° „S HORNE Major Henry Hastings, O.B.E, fi. 1872 ; s. ot the late Henry Davidson, son of the late Sir William Home, Attorney General, of Epping, Herts, and Margaret Hastings, granddaughter of the 11th Earl of Huntingdon (see Burke s 267 Home THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Peerage) ; m. Gladys, d. of Henry T. Toulmin, J.P, D.L, late of ChUdwickbury, Herts. Educ. : Clifton CoUege. Acting Provincial Commissioner, Kenya Colony. War Work : Political officer, att. 2nd Div, East African Campaign ; Awarded Military O.B.E,lfor special services rendered on German East and Portuguese East African Borders. Address : Secretariat, Kenya Colony. Club : Sports. (02319) HORNE, Lieut. Henry Spence, O.B.E. HORNE, John WUliam, O.B.E. HORNE, Lancelot Worthy, C.B.E, M.V.O, fi. 8 AprU, 1875 ; s. of late Octavius Home. Educ. : Shrewsbury. Superintendent of the Line London and North-Western Rly. War Work : RaUway Transport. Address : The Manor House, Cheddington, Bucks. Club : Conservative. (C204) HORNE, Leonard Thomas, C.B.E, fi. 28 June, 1860 ; s. of Charles Home, of Newport, Salop ; m. Mary Fletcher, d. of M. I. Whibley, of Cambridge. Educ. : Newport Salop Grammar School ; St. John's CoU, Cambridge. Late Assistant Sec, General Post Office. War Work : During 1916 in charge of the Disabled Soldiers Award Branch of the Ministry of Pensions, Chelsea. Address : Fairspeir, Totteridge, Herts. (C203) HORNE, Marjorie, Mrs. M.B.E. ; d. of George MiUer- Cunningham, of Leithenhopes, Peebleshire (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Edward WilUam, s. of Major Home, of Stirkuke, Caithness. War Work : Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association, Caithness. Address : Stirkuke, Caith ness. Club : Sesame. (M8526) HORNE, Sir Robert Stevenson, P.C, G.B.E, K.C, M.P, General Officer of Crown of Italy, 6. 28 Feb. 1871 ; s. of Rev. Robert S. Home, of Stamannan, StirUngshlre. Educ. : University of Glasgow (M.A. with First-class Honours : LL.B.). Minister of Labour from Jan. 1919 tiU March, 1920 ; now President of Board of Trade. War Work : Deputy Director of Agriculture in National Service Dept. ; Lieut.-Col. Royal Eng. ; Assistant Inspector General of Transportation ; Director of Materials at the Admiralty ; Director of Labour at the Ad miralty ; Third CivU Lord and member of the Board of Admiralty Addresses : 59, Pah MaU, S.W. ; 63, Northumberland Street. Edinburgh. Clubs : Carlton ; Conservative. (G53) HORNER, Frances, Lady, O.B.E, 4th d. of WUUam Graham, M.P, m. Sir John Francis Fortescue Horner, K.C.V.O, J.P, D.L. (see Burke's Peerage). Addresses : Mells, Frome ; 16, Lower Berkeley Street. Club : Bath. (03762) HORNER, Lieut. Harry, M.B.E. HORNER, Major John FitzLloyd, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 7 April, 1861 ; s. of John Horner, of Fitz Manor, nr. Shrewsbury ; m. Maud, d. of Major-Gen. Hayward, of Crayford. Educ. : Malvern CoUege ; Christ Church, Oxford. War Work : Infantry Records, No. 4 District ; Received thanks of Army CouncU. Address : Fitz Manor, nr. Shrewsbury. (04275) HORNIBLOW, Edith Marjory, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. HORNIBLOW, EmiUe Hilda, C.B.E, fi. 24 June, 1886 ; d. of F. T. Horniblow, of Reading. Educ. : Oxford High School for Girls ; University CoUege, Reading. Organising Training of unemployed Ex-service women. War Work : Deputy Commandant of Women's Legion (MUitary Cookery Section) ; after the absorption of this organisation into Q.M.A.A.C was Area ControUer for the Southern Command stationed at SaUsbury ; in 1918, was made Chief Controller of Q.M.A.A.C. att. to the American Expeditionary Force, and finaUy Chief ControUer of the whole Corps. Addresses : 23, Hamilton Road, Reading ; 8, Chaucer Mansions, Queen's Club Gardens, W. 14. (C1625) HORNIBROOK, John Laurence, M.B.E, HORNIDGE, Capt. Edward Stewart, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. HORNSBY, Bertram, C.B.E. Sub-Governor National Bank of the NUe ; has 2nd Class Order of the NUe. (C2362) HORNSBY, Major Frederiok Middleton, O.B.E, M.B.E HOROBLN, OUver WiUiam, O.B.E. HORRIDGE, Herbert WiUiam, M.B.E. HORSBRUGH, Florence Gertrude, M.B.E, 6. 13 Oct 1889; d. of Henry Moncrieff Horsbrugh, of Edinburgh. Educ : St. Hilda's, Folkestone. War Work : Supervisor of Lady Lawrence Munition Canteen, Abbeywood, and Ministry of Munitions Canteen, Hotel Victoria; Supervisor of Chelsea National Kitchens. Address : 11, BeUord Terrace, Edinburgh. (M8528) HORSBURGH, Lieut.-Comm. Gordon Staveley, 6 B E R.D, R.N.R. HORSBURGH, Lambert Gordon, M.B.E. HORSEY, Ada Noel, Mrs., M.B.E, W.R.N.S. HORSEY, Lieut.-Comm. Frank Lankester, O.B.E, D.S.C R.N. .HORSFIELD, Major George WiUiam, O.B.E, R.G.A. (T.F.). HORSFIELD, Capt. James, M.B.E. HORSFIELD, Robert Lund, M.B.E, 6. 12 July, 1874- s. of Fairbank Horsfield, of Bradford ; to. Susannah, d. of Timothy Lister Fisher, of Bingley, Yorks. Educ: Public Elemen tary ; Private ; and Technical Institute, Bradford. General Manager, Cardiff City Tramways ; Member of the Institute of Transport. War Work: Organising Munition Workers transport ; Sec. Local Advisory Committee No 4 Area Tramwavs ways (Board of Trade) Committee. Address: The Haye"s, uarclitt. (M8531) HORSLEY, Capt. Albert Beresford, C.B.E, F.R.G.S, J.P , fi. 2 Jan. 1880 ; s. of George Horsley, J.P, of West Hartlepool ; m. Ethel Rose, d. of the late Charles Cox, of Bristol. Educ ¦ Leys' School, Cambridge. War Work: Sec. to War Office Committee on Reorganisation of Recruiting Services, 1916-17 ; Deputy Director of Recruiting South Western Region ; Deputy Director of Recruiting Wales. Address : Bradgate, West Hartlepool. Club : Arts. (C2692) HORSMAN, Ernest George, M.B.E. HORSTMANN, Gustav Otto Henry, M.B.E, fi. 10 Feb, 1863 ; s. of Gustav Horstmann, of Bath ; to. Eleanor Sarah d. of Samuel Tarry, of Bath. Educ : Privately. Engineer and Manufacturer of Automatic Lighting Apparatus and clocks. War Work : During the war The Horstmann Gear Co. of which the above is Chairman, was controUed under the Ministry of Munitions for the manufacture of hardened screw, plug, and ring gauges, and carried out the work with conspicuous success. Address : Forres, Newbridge Road West, Bath. (M1920) HORSTMANN, Sidney Adolph, M.B.E. HORTON, Ernest Charles, O.B.E, 6. 25 Sept. 1865; 8. of Benjamin Horton, of Lewisham, Kent ; m. EUen Louise, d. of George Burls, of Greenwich. Educ. : Privately ; Margate College. Home Timber Merchant. War Work : Hon. Adyiser on Home-grown timber matters to Timber ControUer. Address : Eversleigh, Westerham, Kent. (03736) HORTON, Capt. Sydney Charles, O.B.E, fi. 27 AprU 1895 ; s. of James Horton, of Whitchurch, Salop. Educ. : St. Martin's Grammar School, Scarborough. War Wort: Served with Q.O. Oxfordshire Hussars, Sept. 1914, to March, 1915 ; R.A.S.C. March, 1915 ; Adjt. 7th Div. Train, France and Italv, Aug. 1917, to March, 1919. (06382) HORTON, Percy Thomas, O.B.E. HORTON, Capt. Vernon Grove, M.B.E. HORWICH, Lieut-Col. David, O.B.E, S.A.M.C HORWOOD, Reuben, M.B.E. HOSE, Capt. Walter, C.B.E, R.C.N. HOSKEN, Major Courteney Charles, O.B.E, S.A.S.C. HOSKEN, Capt. WilUam LesUe, O.B.E. HOSKING, Major Arthur, M.B.E. HOSKING, Capt. Cyril WUUam, M.B.E, Aust. A.S.C. HOSKING, WUUam Samuel Victor, M.B.E. HOSKINS, Lieut. WaUace Edward, M.B.E, R.E. HOSKYN, Brevet Lieut.-Col. John, C.B.E, D.S.O., Indian Army, 6. 20 Dec. 1875 ; s. of Lieut. John T. Hoskyn, R.N. ; to. Dorothy Mary, who died 1920, d. of FfoUiott PoweU, of Allercombe, Devon. War Work: Staff Employ, India, Sept. 1914 to March, 1916 ; D.A.Q.M.G., General Head quarters, Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force, March, 1916 to Sept. 1917 ; A.A. and Q.M.G, 15th Indian Division, Mesopo tamia, Sept. 1917 to May, 1918 ; G.S.O, First Grade, General DunsterviUe's Force, Persia, May, 1918 to Oct. 1918 ; MUitary Attache, British Legation, Tehran, Nov. 1918 to date. Club : United Services. (C1626) HOSKYNS, MabeUa Harriette Georgina, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Capt. Thomas Edward Whitby, of CresweU HaU, Stafford; to. Henry WUUam Paget, s. of Henry WiUiam Hoskyns, of North Perrott Manor, Crewkerne, Somerset. Vice-President, Chard District, Somerset Branch, B.R.C.S. War Wort: District Red Cross Work ; District Representative Women's War Agricultural Committee, Somerset. Address: North Perrott Manor, Crewkerne, Somerset. Club : Ladies' Empke. (01495) HOSSACK, Lieut. James Davidson, O.B.E. HOSTINGS, 2nd Lieut. James Walter, M.B.E, R.A.F. HOTHERSALL, WiUiam Christian, M.B.E. HOTSON, Capt. John Ernest Buttery, O.B.E. HOUGH, Edwin Leadam, C.B.E, 6. 22 Oct. 1852 ; s. of Edwin Hough of CarUsle ; m. Emma Josephine, d. of Joseph Chambers, of Oxford, Lieut.-Col. H.M. Indian Army. Educ: RossaU; Queen's College, Oxon. Late Senior Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, High Court of Justice. Address: KUdonan, Enfield. (C2693) HOUGHTON, EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. HOUGHTON, Evelyn Francis, M.B.E. HOUGHTON, Capt. Richard Johnson, O.B.E, B.A, M.A. Oxon, Cheshire Yeo, 6. 14 June, 1876; s. of John Johnson Houghton, of Westwood, Neston, Cheshire ; m. Margaret who died 1919, d. of Sir John Sutherland Harmood Banner, M.P, (see Burke's Peerage). Educ: Eton; New CoUege, Oxford. Master, Win-al Harriers from 1904. War Work : Served with Cheshire Yeomanry, Aug. 1914 to May, 1916, on East Coast and Egypt ; Served with Imperial Camel Corps, May, 1916 to June, 1919, Egypt, Sinai, Palestine, and Western Desert. Address: Westwood, Neston, Cheshire. Ctafis : Junior Carlton ; Cavendish. (O2097) HOUGHTON, Lieut. Sydney Charles, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HOUGHTON, Walter John, M.B.E. HOULDSWORTH, Joseph, O.B.E. HOURSTON, Charles MarshaU, O.B.E. HOURSTON, Margaret Anne, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of James Patience, of Glasgow ; m. John J. D. Hourston, C.A, J.P, s. of the late George Hourston, of Greenock. Educ. •' Hig" School, Inverness ; Kilblain Academy, Greenock. War Wort: From Aug. 1914, and during war devoted herself to the raising of money by organisation of War ReUef Funds, thereby raising over £100,000 ; organised Italian Red Cross 1918 ; Scottish Churches Huts, 1917-18 ; Armenian Refugees, 1917 ; Jewish Refugees, 1916 ; Harry Lauder's Fund (Flag-day), 268 1918 ; Lewis Naval Disaster Fund, 1919 ; Toy Fair for I Soldiers' and SaUors', 1915, and Maternity Hospital Flag Bay, BIOGRAPHIES. Howe 1919; organised annually the Central areas of the City for Lifeboat Day, Heather Day, St. Andrews Ambulance Day, Red Cross Day, Y.M.C.A. Day, Limbless Hospital Day, Rose Day, and also acted similarly in the various Flag Days on behalf of Disabled Sailors' and Soldiers' Fund, French, Belgian, Serbian, and Montenegrin Relief Funds, Lord Roberts Memorial Funds, and Jocks' Box Funds ; Hon. Treas. British and Foreign Sailors' Society, Ladies Guild, Glasgow Branch, and Vice-President of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Address : Morangie, Larch Road, Dum- breck, Glasgow. (010670) HOUSDEN, James Anderson, O.B.E. HOUSE, Charles Edward George, M.B.E, A.R.C.Sc. (Lond.), A.M.I.A.E, 6. Sept, 1883 ; s. of John Charles House, of Chatham. Educ : Mathematical School, Rochester ; Royal Dockyard School, Chatham ; Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. Senior Trade Officer, Dept. of Overseas Trade. War Work : Representative of Board of Trade and of Dept. of Overseas Trade, on the Priority Com mittee of the Ministry of Munitions of War, to advise the Committee as to applications for the supply of raw materials controlled by the Ministry of Munitions required for essential purposes not directly connected with the conduct of the war. Address : Beverley, Pollard Road, Whetstone, Middlesex. (M8534) HOUSTON, Sir Alexander Cruikshank, K.B.E. (1918), C.V.O. (1919), M.B, D.Sc, 6. 18 Sept. 1865 ; s. of the late Surgeon-Gen. John Houston, of I.M.S. ; m. Ethel Mary, d. ot the late William Hartley, of CatteraU HaU, Settle. Educ. : Harbome Vicarage School ; Mercbiston Castle School ; Edin. Univ. Director of Water Examination, Metropolitan Water Board; Examiner D.P.H. (Chemistry and Physics) Oxford University. War Work : Voluntary work for the Forces chiefly in connection with water supplies. A ddresses : 19, Fan-hazel Gardens, N.W. 6; 20 Nottingham Place, W. 1. Club: Royal Societies'. (K148) HOUSTON, Major Alexander McLean, M.B.E. HOUSTON, Henry James, O.B.E, fi. 1885 ; s. of Henry Houston, of Deal; m. LUy, d. of Edward Hart, of Brandon. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Deputy Director, Printing Branch Ministry of Food, 1916-18 ; Director, Printing and Stationery Services Branch, Ministry of Food, 1918-20 ; Press and publicity work in France and with the Grand Fleet, 1917. Addresses : Rostherne, Bushey, Herts. ; 8, Broad Court Chambers, Bow Street, W.C 2. (010672) HOUSTON, Major Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.M.C HOUSTON, Thomas, M.B.E. HOVELLS, Ernest WiUiam, M.B.E., R.N.R. HOVEY, Major Gordon, O.B.E. HOW, Ethel Mary Beatrice, Mrs., M.B.E. HOW, Capt. Eustace Arnold, O.B.E. HOW, EUinor, Mrs. Trotter, O.B.E. HOW, WiUoughby, M.B.E. HOWARD, 2nd Lieut. Alfred Thomas Stewart, M.B.E. HOWARD, Annie, M.B.E. HOWARD, Capt. Arthur Henry, M.B.E, M.C, Yorkshire Hussars Yeomanry, 6. 20 March, 1885 ; s. of the Rev. Henry F. Howard, M.A, Rector of Brightwalton and Catmore, Carlisle Colls, (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Radley. Ad dress : Brightwalton Rectory, Wantage. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (M566 HOWARD, Carter WilUam, O.B.E, 6. 10 Aug. 1861 ; «. of George Howard, of Eynesbury, Hunts. ; to. Anne Cope, d. of Abraham Harrison, of Clonmore Co. Carlow. Educ. : King's CoU, London, and Univ. CoU, Dublin. CivU Servant ; Director of Printing and Binding in H.M. Stationery Office ; Director of British Delegation Press at Peace Conference, Paris. Address : Minvaude, Hampton-on-Thames. (O10673) HOWARD, Catharine Meriel, Lady, M.B.E. HOWARD, Major CecU Harry St. Leger, O.B.E. HOWARD, Major Charles Holmes, O.B.E. HOWARD, Major Ernest James, O.B.E, R.A.F. HOWARD, Helen Edith, Mrs., M.B.E. HOWARD, Francis, M.B.E, 6. 9 May, 1867 ; to. Sarah, a. of WiUiam Pickard, of Nottingham, and widow of WUUam McQuade, of Sydney, N.S.W. Attached to the British Com mission in SwazUand, 1889-90 ; official of the Imperial British East Africa Coy, 1890-93 ; private Sec. to Lord Currie, H.M. Ambassador, Constantinople and Rome, 1893-1903 ; and to Viscount Bertie of Thame, H.M. Ambassador, Rome and Paris, 1903-18. Club : Junior Constitutional. (M8536) HOWARD, Lieut.-Col. Francis James Leigh, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1870. Lieut.-Col. Army Service Corps ; Dongola Expedition, 1896 (despatches, medal) ; Nile Expedition, 1897-9 (despatches, medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-17. (C1627) HOWARD, Frederick James, O.B.E, 6. 24 Jan. 1883 ; s. of Frederick Thomas Howard, of Bedford ; to. NeUie, d. of Chas. 'Hatfield, of Kimbolton, Beds. Educ: Bedford Modern School ; King's College, London. CivU Service. War Work : Dianed by War Office to High Explosives Dept, Ministry of Munitions, Dec. 1914 ; Appointed Assistant ControUer of Dept. Finance, 1918. Address : 4, Beech Walk, M1U HU1, N.W. 7. Club: R.A.C (O440) HOWARD, Helen Edith, Mrs., M.B.E. HOWARD, Lieut. Henry Mowbray, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HOWARD, Major Henry Ralph Mowbray, O.B.E. HOWARD, Holly, Mrs., M.B.E. HOWARD, Capt. Hugh Roberts, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 14 Sept. 1894; s. of S. Howard. Educ. : Dulwich; Brighton Technical College ; Mechanical Engineer. War Work : Work shop Officer. R.A.S.C, M.T, France, 1914-19 ; Army of the Rhine, 1919 ; Army of the Black Sea, 1920. Address : Broadley Cottage, Grove Road, Bournemouth. Clubs : AUeyn; United R.A.S.C. (O5401) HOWARD, John Palmer, M.B.E. HOWARD, Joseph, O.B.E. HOWARD, Lady Mabel, C.B.E. ; 2 d. of 5th Earl of Antrim (see Btjrke's Peerage) ; to. 1878 Henry Charles Howard, of Greystoke, Cumberland (died 1914). Address : Greystoke Castle, Penrith. (C2694) HOWARD, May, Mrs., M.B.E. HOWARD, Robert, M.B.E, M.D. HOWARD, Russell John, C.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, fi. 1875. Sometime Senior Assist. Surg. London Hospital. Address : 40, Devonshire Place, W. (C1155) HOWARD, 2nd Lieut. Septimus Carolus, M.B.E. HOWARD, Major Stephen Goodwin, C.B.E, J.P, M.P.; s. of Stephen Howard, J.P, of KirtUng, Cambridgeshire ; in. 1895, Mary Maude, d. of the late Henry Haily, of Clare, Suffolk. Comdg. a Batt. Cambridgeshire Vol. Regt. ; County Alderman for Cambridgeshire and Chairman of its Appeal Tribunal ; Sat as M.P. for Sudbury Div. of W. Suffolk since Dec. 1918. Address : The Moat, Upend, Newmarket. (C525) HOWARD, Violet Angel, Mrs., M.B.E. (M10249) HOWARD, Capt. William, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. HOWARD, Capt. WiUiam GUbert, C.B.E, R.N, 6. 12 Mar. 1877 ; s. of Alfred John Harad, of Warton Hall, Isle- worth (see Burke's Peerage, CarUsle, E.) ; to. Hon. Agnes Caroline Sophia Parnell, d. of 4th Baron Congleton (see Burke's Peerage). Address : Ernesettle House, St. Budeaux, S. Devon. (C1189) HOWARD, WiUiam Henry Ker, O.B.E, 5. 17 Sept. 1866 ; s. of Col. Howard, R.E. ; m. Ethel Louisa, d. of Capt. C E. Farquharson, late 21st Hussars. Educ. : Dulwich ; Royal Indian Engineering CoUege, Coopers Hill ; Government of India ; Public Works Dept. Railways. War Work : I.A.R.O. with Labour Corps in France. Address : c/o Messrs. Grindlay & Co, Pariiament Street, S.W. Club : Junior Carlton. (02057) HOWARD, WiUiam James, O.B.E, 6. 16 April, 1880; s. of John Howard, of Liverpool ; to. Margaret Elsie, d. of John McDougall Kerr, of Seaforth, nr. Liverpool. Educ : Liverpool Institute. Assistant General Manager, Union Cold Storage Co, Ltd. War Work : Director of Fish, Poultry, Game, and Egg Supplies for Ministry of Food ; also Member of Fish Preservation Committee, Food Investigation Board, of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Address : Santon, The Vale, Golders Green, N.W. (010674) HOWARD, Capt. Hon. Bernard Edward FITZALAN-, M.B.E,fi.l0May,1885;e.s.of2ndBaronHoward of Glossoptsee Burke's Peerage) ; to. 1914 Baroness Beaumont (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Address : 15, Manchester Square, W.l. (M8535) HOWARD DE WALDEN AND SEAFORD, Margherita Baroness, C.B.E. Maintained a hospital at her own expense in France, and aUowed her own house in London to be used as a hospital. (C3138) HOWARTH, Osbert John RadcUfle, O.B.E, 6. 18 Nov. 1877 : to. Eleanor Katherine, d. of Stephen Paget, F.R.CS, of Limpsfield, Surrey. Educ. : Westminster and Christ Church, Oxford. Asst. Sec. Brit. Assoc, for Advancement of Science. War Work : Naval Intelligence Division. Address : Hawthorn Lodge, Sevenoaks. (010675) HOWARTH, WUUam James, C.B.E, M.D, Medical Officer of Health, City of London. Addresses : GuildhaU, E.C. 2 ; Hartley Grange, Longfield, Kent. (C1156) HOWDEN, Lieut.-Comm. Jan, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. HOWE, Capt. Albert Edward, M.B.E, Merchant Service, 6. 2 Oct. 1871 ; s. of David Howe, of Bristol. Educ. : Bristol Cathedral School. War Work : Trooping, and Cross Channel Passenger Service to Havre and Channel Islands. Address : 37, Spring Road, Portswood, Southampton. Club : Carlyle. ' (M8538) HOWE, Clarence Samuel, M.B.E, 6. 3 Feb. 1865 ; s. of Capt. Beniamin Howe, of Brightlingsea, Essex; to. Catherine, d. of Capt. James Shaw, of Nairn, Scotland. Educ. : Bright lingsea. Shipmaster ; went to sea at the age of 12 ; joined the Aberdeen Steam Nav. Co. in 1893 ; saUed in all capacities from A.B. to Master. War Work : Commanded the s.s. " City of London " between Aberdeen and London throughout the war; estimated distance through danger zone, 150,000 miles. _, __ (M8539) HOWE, Francis Cecil, M.B.E. HOWE, John Allen, O.B.E, B.Sc, F.G.S, M.Inst.M.M., b. 1869 ; 8. of WiUiam Elliott Howe, of Matlock Bath ; m. Isabel Sarah, d. of Thomas Bickley, of Barlaston, Staffs. Educ. : Privately, and Royal CoU. of Science, London. Curator and Librarian, H.M. Geological Survey and Museum of Practical Geology. War Work : Advisory duties in connection with Economic Geology and Mineralogy. Addresses : 28, Jermyn Street, London, S.W. 1 ; The Corner House, Dryburgh Road, Putney, S.W. 15. (010676) HOWE, Col. RandaU Charles Annesley, C.B.E, 6. 1858 ; s. of the late Randall Howe, J.P, of Richmond, Nenagh ; m. Florence Maud, d. of the late W. J. Lewis, Fleet Surgeon, R N Educ. : Trinity CoUege, Dublin. War Work : In 269 Howe THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Command of 3rd Batt. York and Lancaster Regiment. Address : Stonepitts, Ryde, Isle of Wight. Club : Royal Victoria Yacht. (C1628) HOWE, Major Thomas Harris Manners, O.B.E. HOWE, Capt. WiUiam Tuxford, O.B.E, 6. 5 Jan. 1892 ; s of Alfred Jessie Howe, of Southsea. Educ : Portsmouth High School. War Work : Mesopotamia, 1916-18 ; N. Persia, 1918-19 ; Palestine, 1920. Address : c/o Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, London. __ (04218 HOWELL, Alban Berkley Butts, M.B.E. HOWELL, CecU Ingledew, M.B.E, R.N.R. HOWELL, Charles Frederick, M.B.E., 6. 27 July, 1854 ; s. of the late £. H. HoweU, of Leatherhead, Surrey ; m. Maude, d. of Rev. H Power, of Bramley, Surrey. Educ. : Rugby. Member of the London Stock Exchange. War Work : Hon. Sec and Hon. Treas. to the Eastleign and District War Pensions Sub-Committee, Oct. 1916, to March, 1919 ; stiU Hon. Treas. Address : Wattles, Chandlers Ford, HantB. (M8541) HOWELL, George, M.B.E. (M10249A) HOWELL, Godfrey Valentine, O.B.E. HOWELL, Major Hector Lionel, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.M.C, fi. 1882 ; s. of Major R. H. HoweU. of RosherviUe, Kent ; m. 8 Dec. 1920, Elsie Mary, y.d. of the late F. J. Batchelor and Mrs. Batchelor, O.B.E, of 10, Cumberland House, Ken sington Road, W. 8. Educ : Charing Cross Hospital. War Work: 1914, M.O. i'c 1st Sherwood Foresters; Oct. 1914 to June, 1915, France, 1914 star with clasp ; D.A.D.M.S, 13th Division, Sept. 1916 to Dec. 1918, Mesopotamia ; Three times mentioned in despatches : awarded M.C. inj FTance ; awarded O.B.E. in Mesopotamia. Address : 63, Leigham Vale, Streat ham, London, S.W. Club: Junior Army and Navy. (04219) HOWELL, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Gwynne, D.S.O, O.B.E., R.F.A, 6. 15 Nov. 1879 , s. of Marmaduke Gwynne HoweU, of Llanelwedd HaU, Radnorshire, Wales ; m. Amiable Dora, d. of Capt. Martin, late The Buffs, of Donmore House, Galway. Educ : Privately. War Work : Bechuanaland, 1897 ; Le Fleur RebeUion, 1898 ; S. Africa, 1899-1902 (despatches twice) ; Nigeria, 1908 ; Great War, Cameroon Cam paign (despatches three times, D.S.O.), Egypt and Palestine (despatches and O.B.E.). Address : Llanelwedd HaU, Radnor shire, Wales. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Sports. (O6210) HOWELL, Ivor Morris, M.B.E. HOWELL, John, C.B.E, M.B, B.S. (Lond.), F.R.CS.. (Eng.), 6. 19 Sept. 1871 ; s. of WiUiam Griffith HoweU, of Tynycymmer HaU, Forth, Glam. ; m. Ida, d. of Thomas Rees, of Newport, Pern. Educ. : Christ's CoUege, Brecon ; Guy's Hospital, London. Hon. Surgeon, Cheltenham General Hospital ; Surgeon Cheltenham CoUege ; Gen. Sec, Spa Medical Advisory Committee of Town Council. War Work : Consulting Surgeon, Cheltenham AuxiUary Hospital ; Hon. Sec. Medical Committee. Address : 7, Imperial Square, Cheltenham ; Clubs : New ; Steeplechase ; Polo, Cheltenham. (C2695) HOWELL, Joseph, M.B.E. HOWELL, Capt. Norman, O.B.E, R.F.A. HOWELL, Major Owen Alfred, M.B.E, 6. 12 April, 1862 ; 8. of Frederick HoweU. Educ. : King's Coll, London, and in Paris. War Work: O.C. B Squadron, 3rd Company of London Yeomanry, 1914 ; O.C. Depot. 3rd Co. and London Yeomanry, 1915-16 ; O.C 368-369 Labour Co, 1917-19 ; and 686 Em ployment Co.; Military Representative of the Boro. of St. Marylebone. Address : 101, Sinclair Road, Kensington. Clubs : Junior Constitutional ; Royal AutomobUe. (M5359) HOWELL, Lieut.-Col. Wilfred RusseU, C.B.E, D.S.O. HOWELLS, Capt. WUfred AUen, O.B.E. ; s. of John Rowland Howells, of Franklyn House, Cardiff ; m. Ethel Mary, d . of Charles Davis, of Glossop, Derbyshire. Contributed cartoons to " Vanity Fair " over the name of " Owl." War Work : Joined the London Welsh Batt. (15th Royal Welch FusUiers) in Oct. 1914 ; took Company to France in 1915 ; wounded on Somme, 1916 ; attached Camouflage School, Kensington Gardens, in 1917, as lecturer. Addresses : Parkdene, Glossop ; LarkhiU, WUts. Club : Chelsea Arts. (07298) HOWELLS, WiUiam WaUaoe, M.B.E. HOWES, Arthur James, M.B.E, fi. 8 Dec. 1864 ; s. of Charles Howes, of Norwich. Educ. : Presbyterian School, Norwich. PoUtical Agent. War Work : Organiser, National Registration ; Hon. Sec. Derby Recruitmg Scheme ; Hon. Sec. Advisory Committee, National Service ; Local Fuel Overseer ; Executive Officer, Local Food Control ; Special Constable. (M8545) HOWES, Capt. WiUiam Thomas, M.B.E. (M10224) HOWES, WUUam Trotman, M.B.E, F.S.I, fi. 3 AprU, 1870 ; s. of Joseph Tippett, of The Poplars, Kingswood, Bristol ; m. Eleanor IsabeUa, d. of WUUam SommervUle, J.P, late of The Grange, BiUon, Glos. Educ. : The Bristol Grammar School. Principal Valuer to the Ministry of Aericulture. War Work : Chief Executive Officer to the Wilts War Agri cultural Executive Committee. Address : 21, Holwood Road, Bromley, Kent. Club : National. (M1924) HOWIE, Capt. Adrian Morrison, O.B.E. HOWIE, Christina Lamond, Mrs., M.B.E. HOWIE, LeUa Adeline, Mrs., M.B.E. HOWKINS, Lieut.-Col. Cyril Henry, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, R.A.M.C. (T.) ; m. 1905, Annie, d. of the late Hemy Shaw, of Birmingham. Hon. Dental Surg to Birmingham Dental Hospital; S. African War, 1901-12 as CivU Surg. (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; Great War, 270 1914-19 ; sometime Assist. Director of Med. Services to a Div (despatches four times). Addresses : 3, York Road, Leaming ton Spa ; 83A, Edmund Street, Birmingham. (C1269) HOWLETT, Charles Edgar, C.B.E, I.S.O, fi. 16 Aug 1854 ; s. of Henry Howlett, M.R.C.S, of Castlemaine, Australia • m. Mary Sinkins, d. of the late J. Bayfield Clark, of Wingfield' Trowbridge. Educ : Marlborough Grammar School. For merly Joint sec. Office of Woods and Forests. War Wort ¦ Home-grown Timber Committee, etc. Address : The Green" Maybury, Woking. Club : National. (C2696i HOWLETT, Edmund Henry, C.B.E, 6. 29 Sept. 1854 ; s. of the late Gen. Sir Arthur Howlett, K.C.B, late Indian Army ; m. Amy Lavinia, d. of Rev. R. Masters Hutchins, of SpUman's Court, Gloucestershire. Educ. : Cranbrook ; East bourne CoUege. Surgeon ; Consulting Surgeon Hull Royal Infir mary ; M.O, G.P.O. and H.M. Prisons, HuU|; Radiographer, Hull Royal Infirmary. War Work: Radiographer to Royal Infirmary Naval Hospital, V.A.D. Hospital, Cottingham Road ; Surgeon, Naval Hospital and V.A.D. Hospital. Address • 4, Wright Street, HuU. (C2697) HOWLETT, Frank, M.B.E, 6. 28 May, 1884 ; s. of George Howlett, of Thame, Oxon. Assist. Sec. Church Army Social Centres. War Work : Stores and General Equipment Sec. of the Church Army, Naval and MUitary Dept, which opened over 2000 Huts and Centres for H.M. Forces during the war. Addresses : North Street, Thame, Oxon. ; Oaklands, Brams- hill Road, Harlesden. (M1926) HOWLETT, Capt. John Flemyng, M.B.E. HOWLEY, Capt. James M., M.B.E. HOWLEY, Richard Joseph, C.B.E, fi. 1871 ; s. of Lieut.- Col. John Howley, D.L, of Rich HiU, Co. Limerick. Educ. : Oscott CoUege. Vice-Chairman, Standing Joint Committee of Mechanical Road Transport Association ; Member of Insti tution of Civil Engineers. War Work : Member of Tramways (Board of Trade) Committee ; Member of RaUways Priority Committee ; Ministry of Munitions. Address : 88, Kingsway, London, W.0.2. Clubs : Union : St. Stephen's. (C2698) HOWSE, Lieut. GUbert, M.B.E, R.N.R,6. 10 Feb. 1858; s. of Richard Howse, M.A, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; m. Alice Maud Mary, d. of George Mason, of Earsdon, nr. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ Newcastle. Master MercantUe Marine. War Work: Admiralty Service, in s.s. "Gardenia" and '" Clintonia." Address : " AUandale," Exeter Road, Exmouth, S. Devon. (M8546) HOWSON, Capt. John, C.B.E, R.D. Comm. and Acting Capt. R.N.R. (R.D.) ; served in Great War, 1914-19, as Commodore of Convoys ; mentioned in despatches. (C1190) HOYLAND, Lieut. Harold AUan Dilke, M.B.E. HOYLAND, Lieut. PhUip Charles, M.B.E, R.A.F. HOYLE, Major, Edward Jonas, O.B.E, R.E. HOYLE, Lieut.-Col. Emanuel, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.). HOYLE, George, M.B.E, M.D, M.S. HOYLE, George Herbert, M.B.E, HOYLE, John PhiUp, M.B.E, 6. 28 June, 1876 ; «. of the late Caleb Hoyle, J.P, of Roomfield House, Todmorden, 1st Mayor of Todmorden ; m. Elizabeth, d. of Sugden Sutcliffe, J.P, of Prestwich. Educ. : Private School, Harrogate. Cotton Spinner and Manufacturer. War Work : Vice-Chair man' Todmorden ReUef Committee ; Chairman, Labour Employment Committee ; Vice-Chairman, War Pensions Committee ; Chairman Disablement Committee. Address .' Glenroyd, Todmorden. (M8548) HUBAN, Capt. John Patrick, O.B.E. (011745) HUBBARD, John Francis, O.B.E, HUBBARD, Major Reginald Kirshaw, O.B.E, M.I.A.E., 6. 6 AprU, 1887 ; s. of Robert Hubbard, of Worthing. Educ : Bethany House School ; Goudhurst and Brighton Technical CoUege. War Work : Employed in a civilian capacity hy War Dept. Sept. 1914, at Avemouth in connection with the repair of a large number of impressed motor lorries which had broken down on their way to embarkation for France; gazetted 2nd Lieut, Nov. 1914; Posted to 1st Indian Cavalry Supply Column which went over to France, Nov. 1914 ; commanded 1st Echelon of this unit, Aug. 1915 ; gazetted Capt. and transferred to 1st Base M.T. Depot, em ployed in connection with the technical stores for the Mechanical Transport in France ; responsible for the organisation of the Provision and Demands Office of that Depot ; Aug. 1917, gazetted Major and placed in charge of the whole of the Mechanical Transport Stores of the 1st Base M.T. Depot; mentioned in despatches 4 times. Address : 8, New Parade, Worthing, Sussex ; c/o Primrose Club, 4, Park Place, St. James's S.W. Club : R.A.S.C. ; United. (O5403) HUBBERSTY, WiUiam PhiUp CantreU CANTRELL-, O.B.E, 6. 24 Oct. 1877; e.s. of Col. Albert CantreU CantreU- Hubbersty, of Ragdale Hall and RatcUffe HaU, co. Leicester. Reserve of Officers; late Lieut. 15th Hussars; Deputy Assistant Director of Remounts, Northern Command, 1905-10. (02464) HUBBERT, OUver John, M.B.E, 6. 9 Jan. 1886. Educ: George Green's School, London. Staff Officer, Foreign Office. Address : Foreign Office, Downing Street, S.W. 1. (M8549) HUBBLE, WiUiam CoUister, M.B.E. (M10250o) HUCK, Major John, O.B.E.. EA, F.C.S, Border Regt, (T.), 6. 17 May, 1872 ; s. of Richard Huck, of Leatherhead, Surrey ; m. Beatrice May, d. of T. E. G. Marley, of St. Bees, Cumberland. Educ. : High School, Dorking, Surrey ; Selwyn CoUege, Cambridge. Headmaster, Stationers' Company's School, Hornsey, London, N. 8. War Work : In England and in France; MobUised with Territorial Force, 4 Aug. 1914; BIOGRAPHIES. Hughes Demobilised, 4 Feb. 1919 ; Mentioned in Sir D. Haig's des patches, March, 1919 (Gazette, 19 July, 1919). Address : 15, Clifton Road, Crouch End, London. N. 8. (O5404) HUDDART, Major Alfred Harry, M.B.E, A.S.C HUDDLESTON, Arthur James Croft, O.B.E. HUDDLESTON, Capt. Ernest Whiteside, CLE. (1916), O.B.E. (1919), R.I.M, 6. 18 Aug. 1874 ; s. of Major Graham Egerton-Huddleston, late c o East Surrey Regt. ; m. Elsie, _, of the late J. Barlow Smith, of Buenos Aires. Senior Marine Transport Officer, Bombay ; Assistant Marine Transport Officer at Suakin 1896 (two medals) ; in China, 1901-2 ; in SomaUland, 1908-4 ; thanked by the Gov. of India, despatches thrice, and in Great War from 1914, despatches. Club : Soyal Bombay Yacht. (C2255) HUDDLESTON, Lieut.-Col. Henry Batten, O.B.E, . HUDDLESTON, Col. WiUrid Edward, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1872 : s. of the late Col. WUfrid Huddleston, Indian Army; m. 1908, AUce Maude Mary, d. of the late WUUam Ferguson, W.S. Col. Army Med. Ser. ; Nile Expedition, 1888 (medal) ; Great War, 1914-18 ; mentioned in despatches. (C1270) HUDDLESTONE, Frieda, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 7 AprU, 1871 ; d. of Joseph Ignac Kaczka, of Poland ; to. John Richard, s. ot John Huddlestone, of Rochdale. Educ. : Poland and France. Managing Director of the Blackpool Winter Gardens, Co. Ltd. ; Chairman of the Board of Management of the Victoria Hospital Blackpool. War Work : In connection with Belgian wounded soldiers and refugees during the whole period of the war ; President of Voluntary Aid Centre in Blackpool for providing comforts for British soldiers ; awarded Palmes en Or de l'Ordre de la Couronne du Rol de la Belgique ; Medaille de la Reiuc Elizabeth de la Belgique. Address : 5, Leopold Grove, Blackpool. (M8550) HUDLASS, Felix WiUiam, O.B.E. HUDLESTON, Franois Josiah, C.B.E. HUDSLON, Lieut. Alfred, M.B.E, R.E. HUDSON, Albert Edward, M.B.E, F.S.I.A. M.R.San.Inst, fi. 22 June, 1863 ; s. of AUred Albert Hudson, of HalUax ; ra. Marie, d. of Augustus Oakes, of Halifax, Yorks. Chief Sanitary Djspector and District Food Officer. War Work : Executive Food Officer, Cheltenham ; Area Organising Food Officer for Cheltenham and District ; did a considerable amount of work (voluntary) in connection with Soldiers' Clubs, War Savings Certificates, National Registration, etc. Address : Southbourne House, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham. (M8551) HUDSON, Alfred, M.B.E, 6. 7 Sept. 1876 ; s. of WiUiam Hudson, of Mayfield, Stafford ; m. Edith Roberts, d. of Edward Draper, of Kirkheaton, Huddersfield, granddaughter of Pro fessor John Beaumont of Leeds Univ. Educ. : Privately. Sec. to Hutchinson, HolUngworth & Co, Ltd, Dobcross Loom Works, Dobcross, Yorks. War Work : Works Accountant, Huddersfield National SheU Factory, 1915-19 ; Sec. Hudders field N.S.F. War Savings Association. Address : Beulah House, Diggle, Dobcross ; The Cottage, Kirkheaton, Hudders field. " (M4793) HUDSON, Capt. Charles, M.B.E. HUDSON, Lieut.-Col. Charles, O.B.E, R.E. HUDSON, Lieut.-Comm. Charles Edward, O.B.E.. R.D, R.N.R. HUDSON, Major Ernest John, O.B.E. HUDSON, Miss Fanny Marian, O.B.E, 6. 4 Feb. 1850 ; d. ol Capt. W. J. Hudson, of the 61st Regt. War Work : Utilised her own house as hospital for men class A ; began with 20 beds, ended with a second house, as annexe, making 82 beds in aU; was Officer-in-Charge. Address : Brabyns Hall, Marple Bridge, Cheshire. (01499) HUDSON, George, M.B.E. HUDSON, Harry Kynoch, C.B.E, 6. 14 May, 1867 ; ». of Robert Hudson, of Lapworth ; m. Emily Bright, d. of Henry Hammerton, of Coventry. Educ. : Ludlow Grammar School. Private Sec. to the late Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W Dilke, Bart, M.P. War Work : Commissioner of the British Red Cross in Salonika, and in Russia, and Roumania. Address : Stratford Lodge, St. Peter's Road, Twickenham. Clubs : Union; Whitefriars. (C526) HUDSON, Lieut.-Col. Henry Victor, O.B.E, R.N. HUDSON, Hilda Phoebe, O.B.E, M.A, Sc.D, A.F.R.AiS.S, ft. 1881 ; d. of W. H. H. Hudson, late professor of mathematics at King's CoUege, London. Educ. : Clapham High School ; flewnham CoUege, Cambridge. War Work : Technical Assistant, Aircraft Production Dept. Address : 34, Birdhurst ^?A_proydon, Surrey. (O1500) HUDSON, Joe, M.B.E. HUDSON, Eng.-Comm. John Augustine, O.B.E, R.N. HUDSON, J. H., M.B.E. HUDSON, Kate, Lady, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Major J. Hawkins, of 85th King's Light Infantry; m. Lt.-Gen. Sir Havelock Hudson, K.C.B, K.C.I.E, s. of the late Lt.-Gen. on) John Hudson, K.C.B. (08261) HUDSON, Sir Robert Arundell, G.B.E, Kt. Bach, •LP, fi. 30 Aug. 1864; s." of the late Robert Hudson, of Lapworth, Warwickshire ; m. Ada, who died 1895, d. of tne late Henry Hammerton, of Coventry. Educ. : Stratf ord- onAvon Grammar School and Ludlow Grammar School. Chief Agent of the Liberal Party since 1895 ; J.P, for the bounties of London and Suffolk ; a trustee of Westminster Abbey Fund; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. War w°*t: Chairman of the Finance Committee of the British Ked Cross and OrderjToflSt. John; member of the Imperial War Graves Commission. Addresses : 13, Dean's Yard, West minster Abbey ; Beach House, Felixstowe, Suffolk. Club : Reform. (G27) HUDSON, Major Robert ChalUs, O.B.E, T.D., fi. 31 Deo. 1875 ; s. of Thomas Hudson, of Sunderland. Educ. : Rectory Park School, Bishopwearmouth. Hardware Dealer and Tool Merchant. War Work : Proceeded to France on 18 April 1915 in command of No. 3 Company, Army Service Corps, 50th Divisional Train ; afterwards transferred to No. 2 Company, and finally to No. 1 (Headquarters) Company of y?fT Train ; was attached for about 6 months to Headquarters XIII. Corps as Demobilisation Officer; mentioned on three occasions in the Commander-in-Chief's despatches for dis tinguished service in the field ; awarded the Order of the British Empire on 2 June 1919, and the Territorial Decoration on the 19 Aug. 1919 ; left Cambrai, 1 July, 1919, with the cadre of the Train for demobUisation. Address : 314, High Street West, Sunderland. (O5406) HUDSON, Lieut. Roland Ceoil, M.B.E. HUDSON, Russell, M.B.E, A.M.I.Mech.E, A.M.I.E.E, 6. 9 May, 1880 ; s. of Joseph Hudson, of Whitby, Yorkshire ; to. Rosa Amelia, d. of James Smith. Educ. : East Loudon Technical Coll. (Univ. of London). Commercial Engineer. War Work : Technical Assistant to the Metropolitan Munitions Committee from its inception until Feb. 1917 ; transferred, by request of the Ministry of Munitions for War, to assist in the management of the Munitions Gauges Section of the Ministry ; continued in this capacity with the rank of Section Director until March, 1919. Address : Ridgmont, James Lane, London, E. 10. (M8555) HUDSON, Samuel, M.B.E, F.A.I., fi. 10 Dec. 1854; s. of George Hudson, of Burnley ; to. Eliza Jane, d. of Thomas Calverley, of Burnley. Educ. : Burnley Grammar School, and Morton Banks, Keighley. Auctioneer and Valuer ; Officer to the Sheriff of Lancashire since 1897. War Work : Com mander of Special Constabulary from Oct. 1914, to Dec. 1919, Burnley. Address : Highmead, PiccadUly Road, Burnley, Lancashire. (M8556) HUDSON, Walter. O.B.E, J.P, 6. 23 Jan. 1852 ; s. of Henry Courtley Hudson, of Richmond, Yorks ; m. Catherine, d. of David Thomas, of Middlesbrough. Educ. : Richmond, (Yorks) National School. Trade Union Official. War Work : House of Commons Munitions Committee ; visited front lines 1915 in France and Flanders ; in charge of expert workers, on grenade, hand and rifle, and trench bombs ; served on Executive Committee for relief of population in occupied Belgium and France ; Military Service (CivU Liabilities) Committee, 4 years. Address : 22, Atherfold Road, Stockwell, S.W. 9. (027) HUDSON, Major William, M.B.E, R.E, 6. 6 March. 1885 : s. of Wm. Wilmot Hudson, of Nottingham ; m. Margaret Ellen, d. of John Michal Walsh, of Bristol. Educ : Arch bishop's Holgates, York ; Bradford Grammar School. Ad dress : Rose Bank, Park View Villas, Hove. (M4302) HUFFAM Lieut.-Col. WUUam Tyers Christopher, O.B.E, M.C. HUGGARD, Capt. Rev. Richard, M.B.E. HUGGETT, James, C.B.E. Served during Great War in Financial See's. Depart. War Office. (C527) HUGGINS, Amy Christine Adela, M.B.E, 6. 24 Feb. 1876 ; (J. of WiUiam Huggins. of St. Vincent B.W.I. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Worked amongst, and for, the men of H.M.'s M. F.'s stationed in Trinidad, B.W.I, and to men of the Royal Navy and Merchant Service, during the War. Decorated by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, at Govt. House. Trinidad, Sept. 1920. Address : " M. F. Cottage," 3, Warner Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I. Club : SaUors and Soldiers. (M8554) HUGGINS, Elizabeth Annie, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of Charles Spencer Boorman, of Stanford-le-Hope, Essex ; to. Henry, s. of Henry Huggins, of Gravesend. Educ : Portland House School, Chiswick. Mayoress of Gravesend, 1914-16. War Work : Hon. Sec, Treas, and Organiser of Gravesend Prisoners of War Fund ; Organiser of Gravesend Disabled Sailors' and Soldiers' Fund ; Founder of Gravesend Infant Welfare Centre. Address : 17, Clarence Place, Gravesend. (M8558) HUGGINS, George Frederick, O.B.E, HUGGINS, Major Samuel John, O.B.E. HUGHES, Agnes Eva, Mrs. Frederic Godfrey, O.B.E. HUGHES, Albert, M.B.E. HUGHES, Col. Alfred Mahony, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1867 ; s of Edward Hughes, of Ellesmere, Burghersdorp, Cape Colony. S. Africa, 1899-1902, with Field InteUigence Dept. ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Wonderpoort, Jamestown, Cape Province, S. Africa. (C761) HUGHES, Alfred Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.F. HUGHES, Arthur, O.B.E. HUGHES, Capt. Arthur Beckett, C.B.E, R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19, with Ocean Escort ; mentioned in despatches. (C2313) HUGHES, Arthur Joseph, O.B.E, 6. 12 June, 1880 ; s. of Alexander Hughes, of London ; m. Emma Elsie, d. of WUliam Steven Grimwade, of Broughton Hall, Suffolk. Educ. : St Dunstan's College. Marine Optician ; Managing Director, H. Hughes & Son, Ltd, 59 Fenchurch Street. War Work: Invented and organised production of compasses for aeroplanes in immense quantities. Addresses : 19, Warren Road, Wanstead; Husim Works, Barkingside, Hf ord. Clubs: Rotary; Cruising. 0442) 271 Hughes THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. HUGHES, T. Capt, Bernard, O.B.E, N. Stafford Regt, Service Batt. (012063) HUGHES, Charles, M.B.E, MedaUIe du Roi Albert, 6 21 Feb. 1881 ; s. of David Hughes, of Huntingdon ; m. Elsie Mary, d. of Wm. John Searjeant, of Peterborough. Educ • Privately. Organising Sec, Eastern Counties Liberal Federation. War Work : Hon. Sec, City of Peterborough Belgian Refugees Committee ; Hon. Sec, Mayor of Peter borough's Prince of Wales' Fund ; unpaid Private Sec. to Parliamentary Sec, Board of Agriculture, 1917-18 ; Hon. Organising Sec, Derby Recruiting Scheme, War Aims, etc. Addresses : 186, Lincoln Road, Peterborough. Club : National Liberal. (M8560) HUGHES, Major Claud GUlan Erskine, O.B.E. HUGHES, Surgeon-Comm. CecU Hugh Myddleton, O B F R N HUGHES, Capt. Cyril Emerson, M.B.E. HUGHES, Dulcie, M.B.E, 6. 1882 ; d. of Jasper Hughes, of Medbourne, Swindon. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Quartermaster Cook in Red Cross Hospitals in France. Ad dress : Medbourne, Swindon. (M8561) HUGHES, Alderman Edward, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 1862 ; s. of Joseph Hughes, of LlausUin, Denbighshire ; to. Margaret, d of James Armstrong, of Liverpool. Educ. : Trefonnen and Oswestry. Mayor of Wrexham, 1906-7 and 1907-8 J.P, for County of Denbigh, 1908 ; Steward for the Crown Lordship of Bromfield and Yale since 1908 ; Member of Wrexham Town CouncU, since 1898 ; Alderman since 1907. War Work : Member of Wrexham Local Tribunal under MiUtary Service Act ; Member of County Appeal Tribunal for Denbighshire ; Local Pensions Committee and Recruiting Committee ; and Local Food Control Committee ; Hon. Lieut, and Q.M. 2nd Vol. Batt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Addresses : Glyndwr, Wrexham, Denbighshire; Frydlyn, LlansUin, nr. Oswestry. (M571) HUGHES, Major Edward Locock, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 21 Feb. 1880 ; s. of Dr. R. H. Hughes, M.A, M.B, of Plymouth ; to. Mary Tatham, d. of W. Tatham Hughes, late Assistant Secretary, Royal Hospital, Chelsea. Educ. : KeUy College ; Marlborough ; Clare College, Cambridge. War Work : Company Commander 1st Northamptonshire Regt. ; retreat from Mons ; wounded, Battle of Marne, 10 Sept. 1914 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. 3rd Canadian Division, 1916 ; A.A. and Q.M.G. 2nd Canadian Division, Jan. 1917 to May 1917 ; Base Commandant, Taranto, to July, 1918 ; Assistant to Brig.-Gen. i/c Administration Western Command, Aug. 1918 to May, 1920. Address : Richmond Barracks, Templemore. (02249) HUGHES, Capt. Edward LleweUyn, C.B.E. Com. and Acting Capt. R.N. ; served in Great War, 1914-19, as Commo dore of Convoys ; mentioned in despatches. (C1191) HUGHES, Elizabeth PhiUips, M.B.E. HUGHES, Capt. Ernest Cranmer, O.B.E, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. (T.). HUGHES, Evan, C.B.E, 6. 18 Jan. 1882 ; s. of Evan Hughes, of Llwydiarth HaU, Montgomeryshire ; m. Dora Mary, d. ot Edward Brady Patching, of Brighton. Educ. Deytheur School ; University CoUege of Wales, Aberystwyth ; GonvUle and Caius CoUege, Cambridge. Director of External Organisation, National Savings Committee, (formerly University Lecturer in Economics). War Work : One of the chief promoters and organisers of the National War Savings Movement. Address : 5, Highfield Avenue, Hendon, N.W. 4. Club : National Liberal. (C528) HUGHES, Capt. Evan Jukes, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. HUGHES, Frances, M.B.E. HUGHES, Frederick Richard, M.B.E, fi. 9 Nov. 1869 ; s. of John Hughes, of Hampstead ; m. Lucy Marian, d. of Richard Hughes Evans, of Hampstead. Educ. : St. Paul's School. County Education Sec, West Suffolk County CouncU. War Work : Hon. Sec, Bury St. Edmunds and District War Savings Committee and Food Saving Campaign ; lectured to troops on " Belgium and FTance " ; lectures in Aid of Red Cross Funds ; Special Constable. Address : Hexham House, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Club : West Suffolk County. (M8562) HUGHES, Major Frederick St. John, M.V.O, O.B.E, 6. 22 Feb. 1866 ; s. of Capt. J. W. Hughes and grandson of the late Rev. Sir Collingwood Hughes, 8th Bart, (see Burke's Peerage) m. Mabel Jane, d. of David Evans, of Ffrwdgrech, nr. Brecon, S. Wales. Educ : Winchester. Late Captain 1st S. Wales Borderers ; S. A. War Medal and 6 clasps ; mentioned in despatches ; A.D.C to Sir E. Forestier-Walker, then to Gen. Sir Reg. Pole-Carew, afterwards to Lord Minto in Canada. War Work : Mounted InteUigence Corps, 1914 ; Adjutant, reinforcements, Havre to 1915 ; Camp Commandant 2nd Army to end of war ; Brevet Major M.V.O, Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus, Italy, O.B.E, twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Meon-Marsh, Titchfield, Hants. (O5407) HUGHES, George, C.B.E. HUGHES, George WaU WaU Bagot, M.B.E. HUGHES, Gibbard Richard, M.B.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1855; s. of Thomas John Hughes, Landscape Painter, of Hampstead ; m. Ethel Winifred, d. of Rev. WUliam Farrer, LL.B, B.A, of New CoUege, London. Educ. : Privately ; City of London CoU. War Work : Organising the production of articles of lamp-blown glass essential to the prosecution of the war, e.g. vaccine ampoules for inoculation, gas-antidote capsules, and mine-horns ; aU these were required at short notice In enormous quantities, and belonged to a class of goods which 272 this country had, with negUgible exceptions, imported from enemy countries up to the date of the outbreak of war • the mine-horns presented such pecuUar technical difficulties' that for several months the factory he controUed had the honour of being the only source of supply of this detail of the British defence against enemy submarines. Addresses : Hyposol Limited, Wealdstone, Middlesex ; Great Hampden, Greai Missenden, Bucks. (M37391 HUGHES, Capt. H. H., M.B.E. Master of the ss " Franz Ferdinand." HUGHES, Henry, O.B.E, 6. 13 Oct. 1869 ; s. of Edward Thomas Hughes, of Barnes, Surrey. Educ. : Privately. Chief Surveyor, Department of Works and BuUdings, Air Ministry War Work : In connection with the construction of Aero dromes. Addresses : Air Ministry, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2 • 11, Rutland Gardens, Hove, Sussex. Club : Golfers'. (0117868) HUGHES, Rev. Hugh Michael, O.B.E, B.A. ; s. of Michael Hughes, of Llanllechid, Bangor ; to. Mary Anne, d. of Thomas Howell, of Aberystwyth. Educ. : Brecon Memorial Aberystwyth, and Cardiff Univ. Colleges. Minister of Ebenezer Congregational Church, Cardiff ; Editor of " Y Tyst " • Member of the CouncU and Court of Univ. CoU, Cardiff'- Member of the Court and of the Theological Board of the University of Wales ; Chairman of the Congregational Union of Wales, 1920-21 ; Vice-President of National CouncU of PubUc Morals (Wales). War Work : Chairman of Committee recruiting Temperance Companies for 3rd Welsh Regt, 1914-16 • member of Cardiff Corporation Parliamentary Committee for Recruiting ; officiating Minister to Welsh-speaking troops in Cardiff and district ; only representative of Welsh Congre- gationalists on the United Navy and Army Board for selection of chaplains ; organised distribution of Welsh periodical literature in various camps. Address : 17, Glynrhondda Street, Cardiff. (010678) HUGHES, J. H., M.B.E. (M10323) HUGHES Lieut. John Archibald, MJB.E. HUGHES, , Col. John Arthur, CB. C.B.E, V.D, D.L, 6. 14 June, 1860 ; s. of Dr. John Hughes, of Carmarthen. Educ : Taunton ; Univ. CoUege, London. Formerly Colonel Commanding Severn Div. R.E. (Submarine Miners) then C.R.E. WelshDiv, T.F. War Work: Recruiting Officer for Barry and Penarth Sub-area and also for Bridgend Sub-area ; also County Director of V.A.D's in Glamorgan, including charge of the administration of 47 hospitals providing over 3,100 beds. Club : National Liberal. (C529) HUGHES, John Brierley, M.B.E, M.B, M.R.C.S,, HUGHES, John GwUyar, M.B.E. HUGHES, Lady, O.B.E. HUGHES, Rev. Levi Gethin, M.B.E. HUGHES, PhyUis May, Lady, O.B.E, 5. 27 Sept. 1869 ; d. of tee late J. F. Edisbury J.P, of Wrexham, N. Wales ; m. Sir Thomas, Knt. Bach, (see Btjrkb's Peerage) ; s. of the late Thomas Hughes, of Bridgend, Glamorgan. Educ : Chester and Cassel (Germany). President of Cardiff City Couecting Guild ; Queen Victoria's JubUee Institute for Nurses ; member of the Committee of the Cardiff Y.M.CA. ; King Edward VH Hospital Needlework GuUd and Cardiff War (Part time) Workers. War Work : Commandant, Munitions Canteen at National SheU Factory for two years, ; Chairman of the Executive Committee ; organiser of the voluntary workers 6bif ts of a local munition factory canteen. Address : Cardiff. (O1501). HUGHES, Rev. Randolph, O.B.E. HUGHES, Capt. Richard Lloyd, M.B.E. HUGHES, Capt. Robert., O.B.E, R.A.S.C, (T.). HUGHES, Lieut. Robert Edwarde Armour, M.B.E. HUGHES, Sydney Herbert George, CB.E, BA, 6. 14 July, 1879 ; s. of Geo. 0. Hughes, of Folkestone ; m. Leonora Louise, d. of John James Carnon, of Southsea. Educ. : Alleyn's School, Dulwich and University CoUege, London. Deputy Accountant-General, Ministry of Shipping ; Formerly held the appointments of Deputy Cashier, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. 1902 ; Secretary and Cashier, H.M. Dockyard, Gibraltar, 1904-9 ; Accountant, National Health Insurance Commission, 1912. War Work : Navy and Army Insurance F -nd ; Ministry of Shipping. Address: Thrale HaU, Streatham, S.W. 16. (C530) HUGHES, Thomas, O.B.E, J.P, 6. Aug. 1868 ; s. of the late WiUiam Hughes. Educ. : Brynhyfryd Board School, Swansea. Assist. District Sec, Tinplate Section, Dockers' Union. War Work : Chairman, Ward Committee, Prince of Wales' Fund, and member of Local Executive Committee; Member, Swansea War Pensions Committee and Chairman of Training Committee ; Member and Vice-Chairman of South Wales Joint Disablement Committee and Chairman of Training Sub-Committee ; Member of Institutional Committee (Wales) ; Member of Swansea Local Employment Committee and of the National Employment Committee (Wales). Address : Y Dreflan, Landore, Swansea. . (010679) HUGHES, Thomas John, M.B.E. HUGHES, WiUiam, M.B.E, R.N.R. HUGHES, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E. HUGHES, Paymaster Comm. WiUiam Henry, O.B.E, R.N. HUGHES, Major WiUiam Rawson, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 1891 ; s. of the late W. H. Hughes, of Denbigh. War Work : Granted a commission at the beginning of the War served on BIOGRAPHIES. Hunt the Staff of the 12th Division in France as D.A.Q.M.G. and later, at the end of the war, on the Staff of the 23rd Army Corps in England : and on the the Staff of the 2nd Army Corps in Germany ; mentioned in despatches three times. (02581) HUGHES, Ethel Blanche, Mrs. PRICE-, O.B.E, 6. 8 AprU, 1860 ; d. of Rev. James Cook, of Peopleton, Pershore, Worcestershire ; m. 1st, James Graham-Gilmour, and has issue, Herbert James, killed in action, 1914 ; Henry Reginald d. 1914, 2ndly, WUliam Price-Hughes. War Work : Started a depot in Sept. 1914, for supplying comforts to the Worcestershire Regt. in France, and in 1915 a Red Cross Work Depot, British Red Cross and St. John of Jerusalem, for supplying all local hospitals and the headquarters in London and France ; con tinued this work for 6 years. Address : Red Hill, near Worcester. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (010677) HUGHES, 2nd Lieut. Reginald THARLE-, M.B.E. HUGHMAN, Capt. Gordon Stewart, O.B.E, Middlesex Kegt, 6. 1 Apr. 1885; s. of Capt. N. R. Hughman, of 120, Sinclair Road, London, W. 14 ; m. Catherine Muriel, d. of Daniel Woodruffe, of The Mount, Market Harboro. Educ. : Christ's Hospital. At present Adjutant 5th Bn. East Surrey Eegt. (T.). War Work: M.G. officer 4JMiddlesex Regt, Handers, 1914-15; Adjutant and Asst. instructor, Mersey School of Instructions for Young Officers, and O.C. Company 8th (Cadet) Bn.. 1915-16: Staff Capt. (East Coast) 1916 ; D.A.A.G, 11th Division, B.E.F, 1917; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Tees Garrison 1918 ; D.A.A.G. Woolwich Garrison 1919 ; D.A.A.G. G.H.Q. British Army of the Rhine, 1919-20. Address : 122, Pepys Road, Wimbledon, S.W. 19 ; DriU HaU, Wimbledon, S.W.19. (O7304) HUGILL, Engineer Lieut. -Com. Rene Charles, M.V.O, O.B.E. Entered R.N. 1905 ; Engineer Lieut. 1908 ; Engineer Lieut.-Com. 1916. (09432) HU1E, Major Richard WUUam, O.B.E, V.D, J.P, (ret.) R.G.A. (V.), 6. 13 Aug. 1852 ; s. of the late Richard Huie, Banker, of Scarborough ; m. Mary Purvis, d. of the late Archibald Young, General Manager, Capital and Counties Bank, Ltd, London. Educ. : Clare CoU, Scorton, Yorkshire. Chairman of Directors, Edinburgh and PortobeUo Cemetery Co. (PiersbUl), Ltd, and New Edinburgh Investment Braiding Society; Chairman, House Committee, Edinburgh Parish CouncU ; Chairman, Executive Committee, Church Army Labour Lodging Homes, Edinburgh ; Licensed Lay Reader, St. Columba's Episcopal Church, Edinburgh ; Member, Edin burgh District Board of Control ; Member, Edinburgh Distress Committee; Justice of Peace for County and City of Edin burgh ; for many years Staff Officer and Member of Council, Hational ArtUlery Association. War Work : Recruiting Officer at Edinburgh ; Military Representative, Leith Tri bunal ; Acting Anglican Chaplain. Address : 16, Findhorn Place, Edinburgh. Clubs : Duddingston Golf, Edinburgh ; Merchants of Edinburgh Golf ; Craiglockhart. (010680) HUISH, Lizzie, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 18 Dec. 1880 ; d. of, Samuel Delderfleld, of Northchurch, Herts ; to. Harry James, s. of John Huish, of MUton, Weston-super-Mare. Educ. : Berkhampsted. Staff Captain, Salvation Army, Argentine Republic, France, and Germany. War Work : Hut work at Staples, France, and hospital visitation, June, 1915, to Jan. 1918; Cologne, Germany, with Army of Occupation, Jan. 1918, to May, 1920. Address : 10, Great Peter St, West minster, S.W. (M3710) HULBERT, Capt. Harry, M.B.E, R.A.F. HULBERT, Lieut. Leonard, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. HULBERT, Major Thomas Ernest, O.B.E. HULCATT, Helen CorneUa, M.B.E. HULL, Charles, M.B.E. HULL, Charles Robert Ingham, O.B.E. (02582) HULL, Capt. Gordon Burnett Gifford, O.B.E, R.E. HULL, Major Tom Grove, O.B.E, R.A.F. HULLETT, Gertrude CeciUa, M.B.E. HULME, Agnes Maud, O.B.E. HULME, Gilbert Ratcliffe, M.B.E. HULSE, HUda Gertrude Overs, Mrs., M.B.E. HULTON, Major John Meredith, C.B.E, D.S.O. 1K£2PN» WUUam Arthur Hyde, O.B.E. §U,}J£N' Arnold Henry, C.B.E. HUMBERSETH, Lieut. John Johansen, M.B.E. HUMBLEY, Cicely, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1872 ; d. of the late Upt. W. H. Peel, of Trenant Park, Duloe, and Heronden, Tenterden; m. WilUam WeUesley, s. of Lieut.-Col. W. W. aumbley, of S.Neots, Hunts. Educ. : Privately. War Work : w>mmandant ofthe V.A.D. hospital, Tenterden, Kent, 1914-19. Address : Llais Afon, Llanddulas, nr. Abergele. • (M9273) SHJJ& Alexander Walter, M.B.E. HUME, Blanche, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of James Carr, of Belfast; m. George Alexander, K.C, s. of George Alexander Hume, M.D, of Crumlin, Co. Antrim. War Work : Hon. -_ Sec, War Hospital Supply Depot, Belfast, under iRn Mary's Needlework Guild. Address : Dunvegan, S?,e»¥d Park> Belfast. (O10682) 2JKJE' MaJ°r HuSh Bliss Torriano, M.B.E. HUME, Col. John Edward, C.B.E. „ HUME, Col. John James Francis, C.B.E. Col. and Hon. Jirig^Gen. (ret.); Served in the Great War, 1914-19; me*°ned in de- spatches. (C1629) HUME, WiUiam, M.B.E. HUME, Lieut.-Col. Alexander ROSS-, O.B.E, R.A.F. HUMFRESS.FUght-Lieut. Harold Tunmer O.B.E, R.A.F. HUMFREY, John Charles Willis, O.B.E. HUMPHREY, Capt. Bernard, O.B.E. HUMPHERY, Major George Edward Woods, O.B.E, R.A.F. HUMPHREY, Major John, O.B.E. HUMPHREY, Comm. John Cave, O.B.E, R.N. HUMPHREY, Comm. Percy Edward May, O.B.E, R.N. HUMPHREY, Thomas Clements, M.B.E, fi. 3 April, 1867 ; s. of Thomas Clements Humphrey, of Gosforth ; m. Frances Ann, d. of James Douglass Ridley, of Angerton, Mor peth. Educ. : Gosforth School. Station Master, York Station, N.E. Rly. War Work: Station Master at York Station during tho whole of the war, being responsible for the convey ance of millions of troops, equipments, munitions, etc. ; carried out important work during mobilisation. Address : 26, Blossom Street, York. Club : York Conservative. (M1931) HUMPHREYS, Edith Louisa Sophia, M.B.E. HUMPHREYS, Elizabeth Clement, O.B.E, R.R.C. HUMPHREYS, George Osoar, M.B.E, HUMPHREYS, George William, C.B.E, M. Inst. CE, 6. 1863 ; s. of T. W. Humphreys, of London ; to. Helen McGilliwie, d. of Robert Sinclair, of London. Educ : Mill Hill School. Chief Engineer, L.CC War Work : Member, Vice-Chairman and Chairman of Munitions Works' Board, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 104, Drayton Gardens, S.W. 10. Club : Reform. (C2702) HUMPHREYS, Gilbert, O.B.E, fi. 1880; s. of David Evan Humphreys, of Newport, Mon. ; m. Edith Louise, d. of I. LleweUin, of Newport, Mon. Educ : Private Schools. Trained as an engineer ; successively Superintendent of Dock yard, Hong-Kong ; in business on own a,c as contractor in Montreal, Canada ; now Cologne manager, Inter-AUied Trade and Banking Corporation. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, asJDirector of shell and gun statistics ; Deputy ControUer shell manufacture ; Deputy Liquidator projectUe contracts. Address : 54, Windsor Road, Church End, Finchley, W. (0444) HUMPHREYS, Harold Goundrill, M.B.E, 6. 16 July, 1878 ; s. of the late John Goundrill Humphreys, O.B.E, of Birmingham and Liverpool ; to. Minnie Lindsay, d. of the late William Gerrard, of Liverpool. Educ : High School, Liverpool Institute. Assistant Traffic Superintendent London N. W. Rly. Co, London District. War Work : Transport Depart ment, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-1919 ; Sub. Section Director ; Director (Railways and Canals). Address : 2, Brockley Avenue, New Brighton, Cheshire. (M571) HUMPHREYS, Henry Herbert, O.B.E. (O5410) HUMPHREYS, Major Herbert, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C. HUMPHREYS, Capt. Percy Harry IUingworth, O.B.E. HUMPHREYS. Richard, O.B.E, M.B, CM. (Edin.), 6. 9 May, 1860 ; s. of Humphrey Humphreys, of Llanfairtalhaiarn, N.W. ; m. Amy Mary, d. of John Dight, of Martock, Somerset. Educ. : Privately, and Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Medical Officer attached to the Mersey defences, and Assistant Em barkation Medical Officer. Address : 1, Cressington Park, Liverpool. Club : Fly Fishers'. (011813) HUMPHREYS, Lieut. Robert Henry, M.B.E, R.A.F. HUMPHREYS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, M.B.E. HUMPHREYS, Walter Ebenezer, M.B.E, R.A.F. HUMPHREYS, Lieut.-Col. WUUam, O.B.E, V.D, 7th Batt. Lancashire Fusiliers (ret.), 6. 10 July, 1858 ; s. of WiUiam Humphreys, of Didsbury. Educ : Privately. War Work : Commandant, Manchester Group, Lancashire Volunteer Infantry Corps, which consisted of 9 battalions. Address : Lyndhurst, Eccles. Club : Union, Manchester. (O7307) HUMPHRIES, Albert, M.B.E. HUMPHRIES, Lieut. Eric Beresford, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. HUMPHRIES, Lieut. Henry Hurl, M.B.E, Can. A.S.C. HUMPHRIES, 2nd Lieut. Hubert John, M.B.E. HUMPHRYS, Col. Charles Vesey, C.B.E. Formerly W. Riding Regt. ; Col. in the Army ; S. Africa, 1899-1901 (despatches, Queen's medal with three clasps). (C819) HUMPHRYS, John Goundrill, O.B.E. HUMPHRYS, Capt. Robert Arthur, M.B.E, B.Sc. (Lond.), A.M.I.CE, R.A.S.C. (M.T.), 6. 12 Oct. 1881 ; s. of Dr. Chas. B. Humphrys, of EgUnton, Clevedon, Somerset. Educ. : Malvern Coll. ; Univ. CoU, London. Engineer. War Work : O.C. 618 M.T. Co, R.A.S.C. ; B.E.F, E. Africa. Address : EgUnton, Clevedon, Somerset. Clubs : Public Schools ; United R.A.S.C (M3053) HUNKIN, Rev. Joseph Wellington, O.B.E, M.C. HUNLOKE, Sylvia, Mrs., O.B.E, d. of G. P. Heseltine, of 196, Queen's Gate ; m. PhiUp, s. of Perceval Hunloke. War Work: British Red Cross Stores Dept, Y.M.C.A. Addresses: Grenenurst Capel, Surrey, and 7, Sloane Street. Club: Empress. (O1504) HUNN, Lieut. John Alfred, O.B.E, R.N.V.C HUNN, Major Sydney Arthur, M.V.O, O.B.E, M.C Capt. and T. Major, AustraUan Imperial Forces ; served in Great War, 1915-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (02846) HUNT, Albert, C.B.E, 6. 1863. Educ. : Horfield. Joined Donald Currie and Co, 1889 ; was Local Manager, Union-Castle Line at Southampton, 1901-11 ; Freights Manager in London, 1911-12, since when he has been Joint Manager and Chairman of Managers, Union-Castle MaU Steam ship Co, Ltd. ; Director of Bullard, King and Co, Ltd, and of the Durban Navigation CoUieries, Ltd. ; Member of Executive Council of Chamber of Shipping, and of Shipping Federation ; Member of War Committee of Chamber of Shippmg (submarine menace) ; inventor of numerous popular war 273 Hunt THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. games ; assisted to organise Naval and MUitary Transport during S. African and European wars, especiaUy despatch of original Expeditionary Force to France 1914. Address : 2, Oxford and Cambridge Mansions, N.W. Club : Constitutional. (C531) HUNT, Arthur Henry WiUiam, M.B.E, L.R.C.P, M.R.C.P. HUNT, Dame Catherine Reeve, D.B.E, 6. 22 Dec. 1854 ; d. of late Charles Henry Hawkins, J.P, of Maitlands, Colchester ; m. Edgar Atlee, J.P, s. of the late Josiah Hunt, of Westminister. Town CounciUor of the Borough of Colchester ; Chairman of the Colchester Division Conservative and Unionist Women Workers' League. War Work : A Vice President and late Chairman of the SaUors' and Soldiers' FamUies Association ; Honorary Secretary of the Local War Pensions Committee, Colchester, 1914 to 1919. Address : Crouched Friars, Col chester. (D48) HUNT, Charles Henry, M.B.E. HUNT, Francis CecU, M.B.E, A.M.I.E.E, 6. 27 Dec. 1885 ; s. of Edward Hunt, of Westminster ; to. Sarah Ann, d. of Alfred John Cooper, of Chelmsford. Educ : Chatham Dockyard Schools and Battersea Polytechmc. First Assistant Electrical Engineer, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. War Work : DrstaUation of electrical equipment in warships, submarines, and mystery boats (special service ships). Address : 12, York Avenue, GUlingham, Kent. (M8571) HUNT, Lieut.-Col. Francis DiUon, O.B.E, A.V.C HUNT, Major Frederick Eckstein, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1879 ; s. of Arthur WiUiam Hunt, of Longlands, Lancaster ; m. 1908, Helen Ornis, d. of David McKaye Cassidy, M.D, F.R.CS. E, of Lancaster Moor, Lancaster. Entered King's Own (Roy. Lancaster Regt.), 1901 ; Lieut. Indian Army, 1905 ; Capt. 1911 : Major, 1917 ; served in S. Africa, 1900-1901 ; present at defence of Fish River Station (despatches twice). (O8490) HUNT, Col. Frederick Welsley, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1871 ; s. of Thomas Hunt, of Rockmount, co. Waterford ; m. 1910, Kathleen, d. of Col. Robert Frederic WiUiamson, C.B. Entered Army, 1895 ; Capt. Army Vet. Corps, 1902 ; Major, 1910 ; Lieut.-Col. 1915 ; Brevet Col. 1917 ; N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897-8 (medal with clasp) ; S. African War, 1899-1902 ; present at reUef of Kimberly (Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; SomaUland. 1908—10 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) ; sometime Dep. Director of Vet. Sers. (C1271) HUNT, George, M.B.E, R.N. HUNT, George Henry, C.B.E, I.S.O, fi. 2 Jan. 1853 ; s. of late Henry Hunt, of Croydon ; to. EmUy Mary, d. of the late George Hosegood, of Tiverton, Devon. Educ. : St. Olave's School. Appointed by open competition to Clerkship in Inland Revenue Department, Somerset House , February, 1872 ; appointed Assistant Accountant, H.M. Treasury, AprU, 1888 ; and Accountant, July, 1902 Nov. 1902, C.B.E, Jan. 1918. Address Croydon. HUNT, Geraldine, M.B.E. HUNT, Gladys Muriel, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 20 Feb. 1892 ; d. of David George Ginn, of London ; to. Neville Greaves, s. of Neville Hunt, of Manchester. Educ. : Stamford Hill High School and Les Fauvettes, Dieppe, France. War Work : Secretarial work in the Women's War Relief Fund, Bombay ; Hon. Sec, National Service Bureau, War Purposes' Board, Bombay, and War Museum, War Purposes' Board, Bombay ; Red Cross searcher for three years. Addresses : Malabar HiU, Bombay ; 31, Weymouth Street, London, W. (M6165) HUNT, Lieut.-Col. Godfrey Massy Vere, C.B.E. Lieut - Col. and Brevet Col. R.A.S.C. (ret.) ; served in Great War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C1630) HUNT, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Henry Charles, M.B.E. HUNT, Jesse Brookes, O.B.E. HUNT, John, O.B.E. HUNT, John Herbert, O.B.E, 6. AprU, 1885 ; s. of the late George Hunt, of Southampton. Educ. : Southampton. Organising Secretary, South Western Division of Y.M.CA.'s. War Work : Organising Secretary for Y.M.C.A. with First Army, B.E.F, France, 1914-18. Address : 100, Union Street, Plymouth. (03766) HUNT, Joseph, O.B.E, I.SO, fi. 12 Aug, 1854 ; s. of WUUam Joseph Hunt ; m. Alberta, d. ot Arthur Bown. Educ : St. Olave's School, Southwark. Clerk in War Office 1871 to 1890 ; Royal Ordnance Factories, 1890 to 1919. War Work: Deputy CivU Assistant to Chief Superintendent of Ordnance Factories, Woolwich Arsenal. Address : 3, St. Mildred's Road, Lee, S.E. (0446) HUNT, Joseph Henry, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 1876 ; s of Major J. Hunt, R.A.M.C, of "WoodvUle," Shooters HiU, Kent ; to. EUzabeth Mary, d. of Robert Frederick Seldon, of Barnstaple, Devon. Educ. : Taplow Grammar School Government Clerk. From 1896 untU the outbreak of war employed at the Supply Reserve Depot, Royal Dockyard Woolwich ; in 1914 moved to Deptford Cattle Market where he continued his duties, which consisted chiefly in providing provisions, etc, to British troops in every theatre of war ; attested under the " Derby Scheme," 1915. and exempted untU July, 1918, when caUedup ; posted to Mechanical Transport and qualified as motor driver in Sept. 1918 ; posted to Cadet Co, R.A.S.C, Aldershot, and obtained a Temporary Commission m the R.A.S.C, March, 1919. Address: 51, MayhiU Road Blackheath. (M576) Created I.S.O, 3, Bramley HiU, (C205) HUNT, LiUan Hart, M.B.E, 6. 23 May, 1889 ; d. of the late Col. W. H. Hunt, of Preston and Blackpool. Educ • Southgate House, Devizes, and Fairhaven High School. War Work : V.A.D. Driver, Etretat and Treport, France, Oct. 1916 to Dec. 1917 ; afterwards Commandant, Rouen Convoy' attached 41st AuxiUary Ambulance Car Co.; later 21st V.R p' M.T, R.A.S.C, 1917-20. Address: 22, Pollux Gate, Fair-' haven, Lytham, Lancs. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (M8572) HUNT, Capt. Reginald Noel, M.B.E, 6. 25 Dec. 1873 • s. of Thomas Howard Hunt, of Glastonbury ; m. LUian Mary' d. of Alfred Sidney. Joined the Army early in Ufe. War Work : served with R.A.P.D. during the whole period of the war. (M5364) HUNT, Stanley Herbert, C.B.E. HUNT, Stanley Peroival, M.B.E. HUNT, Thomas, M.B.E, R.A. HUNT, Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 5 April, 1867. CivU Servant; Inspector of Schools, Board of Education. War Work : Regis tration Section of Recruiting Office (Ipswich) for the Derby Scheme and the MiUtary Service Acta ; Hon. Sec. to the Suffolk County (East and West) War Savings Committees. Address : Bradgate, 102, Christehurch Street, Ipswich. (010684) HUNT, WUUam, M.B.E. HUNT, WUUam Wright, M.B.E, J.P. HUNT, Major Thomas Edward CAREW-, D.S.O, O.B.E, Royal Berkshire Regt, fi. 27 Nov. 1874 ; s. of H. T. Carew- Hunt, late H.M. Consul-General at New Orleans, U.S.A ; m. Ethel EmUy, d. of the late C J. L. Nicholson, of London. War Work : Proceeded with Royal Berkshire Regt. to France, 12 Aug. 1914 ; took part in battle of Mons, the Marne and tie Aisne ; appointed Brigade Major, 146th Brigade, 49th Division, March, 1915 ; G.S.O.3, 10th Army Corps, AprU, 1916 ; G.S.O. 2, 10th Army Corps, Aug. 1916 ; G.S.O.l, April, 1918; G.S.O.2, War Office, Sept. 1919 ; mentioned in despatches twice. Address : 22, Iverna Gardens, Kensington, London, W. 8. Clubs : United Service ; Royal AutomobUe. (O7308) HUNTER, Major Albert, O.B.E. HUNTER, Alexander, O.B.E, L.R.C.S. HUNTER, Capt. Alfred PhiUp, M.B.E, R.E. HUNTER, CampbeU Murray, O.B.E. HUNTER, Catharine Augusta, Mrs. Harry Osborne, M.B.E. (M25) HUNTER, Major CecU Stuart, D.S.O, O.B.E. HUNTER, David, O.B.E, 6. 1863 ; s. of David Hunter, of Ayr ; to. Mary Louisa, d. of James Collier, of Musselburgh. Educ. : Glengaraoch and Glasgow. Shipping Agent. War Work : Five years' work among Belgian Refugees in Ilford, Essex ; organising aUotments and vacant lands for cultiva tion. Address : Shandon, Holcombe Road, Hford. (010685) HUNTER, David, C.B.E. Dep. ControUer Coastal Shipping, Australia. (C709) HUNTER, Edith Lena, M.B.E. HUNTER, Capt. Evan Austin, O.B.E, W.S, B.A. (Oxon.), R.A.S.C. (T.F.), fi. 28 Sept. 1887 ; s. of Frank Hunter, W.S, of Edinburgh ; to. Jane Ritchie, of Hill of Ruthven, Perthshire ; d. of the late Thomas Smith Kay. Educ : Fettes CoU, Edin burgh ; Christ Church, Oxford, and Edinburgh Univ. Writer to the Signet. War Work: 2nd Lieut. T. & S. Column, A.S.C ; Scottish Horse Mounted Brigade (T.F.), 30 Sept. 1914 ; promoted Captain, Feb. 1915 ; O.C 909 M.T. Co, R.A.S.C, March, 1917, in France; Staff Captain, Q.M.G. 3, War Office, Dec. 1917 ; mentioned in despatches, March, 1919. Addresses: 7, York Place, Edinburgh; ParkhUl, Colinton, Midlothian. Clubs : New, Edinburgh ; Hon. Com pany Edinburgh GoUers, Muirfield; Prestwick GoU; Cale donian, London. (O7309) HUNTER, George Albert, M.B.E. HUNTER, Sir George Burton, K.B.E, D.Sc, M.I.C.E, Member of CouncU, I.N.A, J.P, 6. 19 Dec. 1845; s. of Thomas Hunter, of Sunderland ; m. Annie, d. of Charles Hudson, of Whitby, Yorks. Educ. : Private School_ Ship builder. War Work : ShipbuUding. Address : Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. HUNTER, Capt. George Noel, O.B.E. HUNTER, Eng. Lieut. Harry, O.B.E, R.N. HUNTER, Major Herbert Patrick, O.B.E. HUNTER, Lieut.-Col. James, O.B.E, R.A, fi. 30 May, 1868 ; s. of the late Major J. Hunter, of Dover ; m. Lilian Agnes, d. of the late WiUiam Vail, of Cambridge. Educ. Camden School. War Work : Command 'ArtUlery Defences, Simon's Bay, South Africa. Address: Commanding 3rd Div, Ammunition Column, R.F.A, Meerut, India. (O8840) HUNTER, Capt. James, O.B.E, 6. July, 1863; s. of James Hunter, of RosherviUe, Kent ; to. Gertrude, d. of William SkUleter, of RosherviUe, Kent. Educ : Gravesend. Com mander, Eastern Telegraph Co. War Work : Repairing and laying submarine cables in Mediterranean and Atlantic during the War, 1914-20. Address: 8, EUiot Street, The Hoe. Plymouth, Devon. (O10686) HUNTER, Sir John, K.B.E, Officer of the Legion of Honour, Commander of the Order Leopold, Commander oi the Order of the Crown of Italy, Member of the Order of bt. Anne, with Diamonds, 6. 1863 ; s. of John Hunter, of Montreal, Canada ; m. Catherine Fingland, d. of John Gardner, of White- vale, Glasgow. Engineer ; Managing Director, Sir Wm. Anoi & Co, Ltd. ; Chairman, The North West Rivet, Bolt and MM Factory, Ltd, Airdrie, and The Rivet, Bolt and Nut Co, Lta, Glasgow; Director, The Don Trades Employers' Insurance The WiUowB, (K84) 274 BIOGRAPHIES. Hussey Association, Ltd. War Work : During the War was Director of Factory Construction and Director of Don and Steel Pro duction, Ministry of Munitions, from 1915 ; Member of the Air Ministry and the Council of the Ministry of Munitions. Ad dress : Ravenscourt, Thorntonhall, Lanarkshire. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; Junior Carlton ; Ranelagh ; British Empire ; New, Glasgow. (K24) HUNTER, 2nd Lieut. John, M.B.E, R.A.F. HUNTER, Capt. John Franois Stuart, M.B.E, R.E. (T.). HUNTER, John Henry, M.B.E, fi. 28 AprU, 1881- s. of Harry Reed Hunter, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; to. Emma Frances, d. of Capt. Theodore F. Strand, of Brooklyn, N.Y. Educ. : Keyford School, Frome. Member of New York Produce Exchange ; Member of New York Maritime Exchange ; Member of the firm of H. W. St. John & Co, Forwarding Agents. War Work : Director British Ministry of Shipping in the U.S.A., and Liaison Officer between British Ministry of Shipping (in U.S.A.) and British Ministry of Shipping (in Canada) ; Liaison Officer between British Ministry of Shipping (in U.S.A.) and British Ministry of Food (In U.S.A.). Addresses : 1396, Carroll Street, Brooklyn, New York ; Riverside Drive, Red Bank, New Jersey. Ctofis : Royal AutomobUe ; The Pilgrims ; British Schools and Universities ; St. George's Society ; Japan Society; Crescent; Staten Island Cricket and Tennis. (M3744) HUNTER, Capt. John LesUe, M.B.E. HUNTER, Margaret Bruce, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 21 March, 1863 ; d. of William Johnson, of Lerwick ; m. Robert Bruce, J.P, s. of Samuel Dunn Hunter, of Lerwick. Educ. : Privately and Anderson Destitute, Lerwick. War Work : Acted as Hon. Treas. of the Shetland Branch of Queen Mary's Needlework GuUd during the whole period of the war ; organised and superintended concerts, social evenings, processions, whist drives, competitions, etc., for the raising of War funds, and personaUy assisted in coUecting and packing thousands of the celebrated Shetland hand-knitted and hand-spun articles of underclothing to be sent to the front. Address : Union Bank House, Lerwick, Shetland. (010688) HUNTER, Marion Janet, M.B.E. HUNTER, Lieut. Col. Maurioe, O.B.E, T.D, fi. 28 Oct. 1863 ; s. of John Hunter, of Field Head House, Belper ; to. Agnes Mary, d. of Rev. J. Ford Simmons, of HuU. Educ. : Repton. Land Agent and CivU Engineer. War Work : Sept. 1914 to Jan. 1918. Address: Highfield, Belper. (07311) HUNTER, PhiUp Vassar, C.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 3 Aug. 1883 ; s. of Josiah Hunter, of Emneth Hungate, Norfolk ; m. Helen Maud, d. of Charles Golder, of Finchley. Educ. : Wisbech Grammar School, andFaraday House, London. Member of CouncU of Institution of Electrical Engineers ; Member of Engineering Standards Association ; Member .of the Inter national Electrotechnical Commission. War Work : Engineer representing the Director of Experiments and Research in the Anti-Submarine Division of the Naval Staff, Admiralty. Address : Salcombe, Foxley Lane, Purley, Surrey. Club : St. Stephen's. (C2704) HUNTER, Capt. Reginald Gordon Pulteney, O.B.E, 'HUNTER, Summers, C.B.B., 6. 12 July, 1856; s. of John Sanson Hunter, of Inverness ; m. Dora EUzabeth, d. of Joseph EUiott, of South Shields. Educ. : Royal Academy, Inverness; Privately; and Wedgwood Institute, Burslem. Chairman and Managing Director of The North Eastern Marine Engineermg Co. Ltd, WaUsend and Sunderland ; Director of The Tyneside Tramways and Tramroads Co, WaUsend-on- Tyne. War Work : Vice-Chairman of North-East Coast Armaments Committee, which later became the Tyne and Wear Board of Management for Shel Production ; Member of Shipping ControUer's Advisory Committee ; Admiralty Controller's Advisory CouncU ; Ministry of Munitions Advisory Committee re Labour ; Internal Combustion Engineering Sub-Committee of theGAdmiralty Board of Invention and Research ; Board of Trade___hipping and ShipbuUding Committee. Address : 1, Manor Terrace, Tynemouth, Northumberland. Clubs : Thatched House ; Union, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (C206) HUNTER, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Anderson, C.B.E. Lieut.- Col. and Director of Dental Sers. New Zealand Forces. (C725) HUNTER, Thomas Briggs, O.B.E. HUNTER, Thomas Charles, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E, 6. 11 May, 1858 ; s. of the lateWUUam Danby Hunter, of Brighton ; m. Alice Jane, d. of Henry Gorham, of Folkestone. Educ : Brighton. CivU Engineer ; late Assistant Director of Works, Admiralty. War Work : Responsible, under the CivU Engineer- ln-Chief, Admiralty, for the War Emergency Works at the many Naval and Oil Fuel Bases on the East Coast of England and Scotland. Address: "SUema," Effingham Road, Sur- Mtion. (0447) HUNTER, WiUiam Robert, M.B.E, HUNTER, Capt. John Erio ARROL-, O.B.E, R.A.F. •HUNTINGFORD, Lieut.-Col. Walter Legh, C.B.E. Major, R.M.A. ; served in Great War, 1914-19, as British JXaval Liaison Officer, Mediterranean, with rank of Lieut.-Col.; mentioned in despatches. (C2314) HUNTINGTON, Major Herbert Francis Searancke, 0.B.E, The Welsh Regt, 6. 15 Jan. 1888 ; s. of Major H. Runtingdon, of 20, Abingdon ViUas, Kensington, W. 8 ; to. Kathleen Mary, d. of Dr. Griffin, of Plymouth. Educ. : Fel- sted and Sandhurst. War Work : Served in France, Jan. 1916 to April, 1919 ; held appointments as Deputy Inspector M Physical Training, B.E.F, with Temporary rank of Lieut.- Ool. Addresses : Hd. Qrs. Eastern Command; 51, Queen's Gardens, Bayswater, W.2. Clubs: Junior United Service; Junior Army and Navy. (05413) HUNTLEY, Alfred Henry, M.B.E, M.C.I, 6. 15 March, 1877 ; s. of Edmund Boyce Huntley, of Lowestoft ; to. Ger trude AmeUa Florence, d. of Frederick Ernest WilUam Resker, of Islington. Educ : St. Mary's School, Walthamstow ; Science and Art School, South Kensington. Assistant Archi tect, H.M. Office of Works ; Member of the Concrete Institute. War Work : Special War Hospitals ; Chief Petty Officer, R.N.V.R, Anti-Aircraft Corps. (M8575) HUNTON, Alfred William, O.B.E, M.R.C.S , L.R.CP. (Loud.), 6. 20 May, 1859 ; s. of Thomas Hunton, of Torquay ; m. Kate, d. of John Edwin Jones, of Breinton. Herefordshire. Educ. : Owens CoUege, Manchester. War Work : Manchester Infirmary ; Ancoats Hospital • L'Hopital Dames des Greves, France ; the Lord Derby War Hospital, Warrington. (04373) HUNTON, Edgar Barton, O.B.E, B.Sc, 6. Feb. 1877; s. of J. G. Hunton, J.P, of Stockton-on-Tees ; to. Sablna Booth, d. of John Graham, of Stockton-on-Tees. Educ : High School, Stockton-on-Tees, and Durham Coll of Science, Newcastle-on-Tyne. H.M. Superintending Inspector of Taxes, Board of Inland Revenue. War Work : Arising out of the Administration of the Acts of Pariiament imposing duties on Excess Profits and Munitions Exchequer payments. Address : Feilding, Egmont Road, Sutton, Surrey. (O10690) HUNTON, Capt. and Brevet Major Thomas Lionel, O.B.E, Royal Marine Light Infantry, 6. 30 Oct. 1885 ; s. of Theodore Hunton, of CUfton, Bristol; to. Margaret Mary Frances, d. of Lieut.-Col. W. H. Steele, R.A.M.C, of CUfton, Bristol. Educ. : CUfton CoUege. War Work : Mentioned in despatches, 1918 aud 1919 ; Chevalier Order of Star of Rou- mania, AprU, 1919 ; Chevalier Legion of Honour, June, 1919 ; promotion to Brevet Major, 1 Jan. 1919, for distinguished service in the prosecution of war. (09554)fl| HURCOMB, Cyril, C.B.E, fi. 1883. Educ. : St. John's* College, Oxford. An Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Transport. War Work : Deputy Director, and later Director, of Commercial Services, Ministry of Shipping. Address : 20, CromweU Crescent, S.W. Club : Reform. (C209) HURD, WilUam Burton, O.B.E. HURLE, Alfred Edward, M.B.E, HURLSTON, WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 2 April, 1887; s. of Charles Hurlston, of Cheltenham and Birmingham. Educ : King Edward VI. Grammar School, Birmingham. Finance Official, Birmingham Area, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Joined Recruiting Staff, Birmingham, Aug. 1914, after being rejected for active service ; worked continuously under War Office until transferred to Ministry of National Service in November, 1917 ; afterwards transferred to Ministry of Pensions m April, 1919 ; appointed Finance Official and Secretary, Birmingham, in Feb. 1919. Address : 8, Montague Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. (M8577) HURLEY, Charles Richard, M.B.E. HURRY, Lieut. Sydney Charles, M.B.E, R.E. HURSON, James, M.B.E, B.A, 6. 1882 ; Educ. : Black rock CoU, and Univ. Coll, DubUn. Private Secretary to the Vice-President of the Local Government Board for Deland. War Work : National ReUef Fund ; Measures for reUef of distress occasioned by the war. (M8578) HURST, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Reginald, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of Robert Henry Hurst, of Horsham Park, Horsham ; to. Esther Winm-ed Mary, d. of Rev. E. Oldridge de la Hey of Bathealton. Educ. : Westminister, and Christ Church, Oxford. J.P. Oxfordshire ; retired Major 3rd Royal Sussex Regiment. War Work : Served with the 24th, 33rd, and 41st Divisions from 1914 to end of war ; organised, and went to France with, the Ammunition Column of 41st Division, and commanded it in Italy, Flanders and Germany. Addresses : Horsham Park, Horsham ; Little Barrington, Burford, Oxon. (05414) HURST, Christopher Salkeld, O.B.E. Appointed an Asst. Under-Secretary Mines Dept. Board of Trade. (010691) HURST, Major Godfrey Thomas, D.S.O, O.B.E, V.D. HURST, John, O.B.E, HURST, Capt. Jan., M.B.E. HURSTHOUSE, Major WilUam Richmond, M.B.E. HUSKINSON, Col. Charles John, O.B.E, T.D, fi. 28 Aug. 1867 ; s. of WiUiam Lambe Huskinson, of Epperstone, Notts. Educ. : Oakham School. War Work : 33 year3 Territorial Officer; 1914-15, Lieut.-Col. Commanding 8th Battn. Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regt.) ; 1915 to 1919, Commanding Base Depot at Etaples, France. Address : Newark, Notts. Clubs : County, Nottingham ; Bath. (02583) HUSKISSON, Major WiUiam Gordon, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.A.S.C, fi. 23 Dec. 1877 ; s. of the late Colonel S. G. Huskisson, C B , of S. Staffordshire and Middlesex Regts. Educ. : Privately. S. Africa, 1900-02 ; SomaUland, 1902-03 ; Egypt, GaUipoU, Palestine, 1914-18. Address : Home Mechanical Transport Depot R.A.S.C. Club : Junior Naval and MUitary. (C1382) HUSSEY, Annie, M.B.E. HUSSEY, Lieut. Arthur Vivian, O.B.E, R.E. HUSSEY, Capt. Henry, M.B.E, 6. 1 Aug. 1869. Inspector of Army Schools. War Work : Officer in charge of the Central Casualty Bureau, Army Headquarters, India. (M5368) HUSSEY, John Walton, O.B.E, F.A.I, 6. 2 AprU, 1865 ; s. of John Richards Hussey, of Alphington, Devon ; m. LUy, d of Thomas Andrew, J.P, of Exeter. Educ. : Malvern 275 Hutcheon THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. CoUege. War Work : Live Stock Control. Address : Matford Lodge, Exeter. Club : Northernhay, Exeter. (010693) HUTCHEON, Ada Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Thomas Finer, of Tendring, Essex. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Chairman Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association, Wimble don Division ; Vice-Chairman, Wimbledon War Pensions Committee ; Member of Wimbledon MiUtary Tribunal. Ad dress : 113, Pepys Road, Cottenham Park, Wimbledon, S.W. 19. (M8580) HUTCHESON, Alexander Byres, M.B.E. HUTCHESON, Grace, M.B.E. ; d. of John M. Hutcheson, of Greenock and London. Educ. : Highbury High School. War Work : Personal Secretary to Director of Intelligence, Mediterranean Naval Staff, Malta. Address : 55a, High Street, St. John's Wood, N.W. 8. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (M8582) HUTCHESON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John, M.B.E, Can. A.M.C. HUTCHIN, Lieut.-Col. James WiUiam, C.M.G, C.B.E, A.P.C. HUTCHINGS, Sir Alan, K.B.E. (1920), 6. 9 May, 1880 ; s. of Alfred Blandford Hutchtngs, of Seaford. Educ. : Privately ; Tonbridge School ; Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. War Work : Temporary Paymaster, Army Pay Department, 1914-15 ; Secretary to Department of Director-General of Voluntary Organisations (War Office), 1915-19 ; a member of several Government Committees in connection with the War. Address : 134, Westbourne Terrace, W. 2. Clubs : Carlton ; Constitutional ; Royal Thames Yacht. (K386) HUTCHINGS, Charles Henry, O.B.E, K.C. HUTCHINGS, Schoolmaster Lieut. Samuel Louis, O.B.E, R.N. HUTCHINGS, Capt. W. F., M.B.E. ~ HUTCHINS, Arthur Edmund, M.B.E. 3 HUTCHINS, George D'Oyly, C.B.E, 6. 15 Oct. 1866; ~s. of the late George Albert Hutchins, M.I.C.E, of Welshpool, N. Wales ; to. Maude EmUy, d. of Arthur Newman. Educ. : Bedford Grammar School. Secretary to Public Companies. War Work : Aug. 1915-Oct. 1916, Secretary, Munitions Inventions Dept, Ministry of Munitions ; Oct. 1916-Aug. 1917, Secretary, the Advisory Committee, Ministry of Munitions ; Aug. 1917-Aug. 1918, Chief CouncU Officer, Ministry of Muni tions ; Secretary to Co-ordinating Committee; Aug.— Nov. 1918, Aircraft Production Department (Personal Assistant to D.G.A.P.) ; Nov. 1918-Aug. 1919, Secretary to Liquidation of Aircraft Contracts Committee. Addresses : 70, Dukes Avenue, Chiswick, W. 4. ; Pharaoh's Island, Shepperton-on-Thames. (C2705) HUTCHINSON, Annie bene, M.B.E. HUTCHINSON, Arthur, O.B.E, M.A, Ph.D., b. 6 July, 1866 ; s. of George Hutchinson ; to. Evaline Demezy, d. of Alexander Shipley, of Windsor. Educ. : ClUton CoUege ; Christ's College, Cambridge ; and the Universities of Wurzburg aud Munich. FeUow and Tutor of Pembroke CoUege, Cambridge ; University Demonstrator of Mineralogy ; Appointed Secretarv to General Board of Studies, Cambridge. War Work : Chemical Work for the Admiralty. Address : Aysthorpe, Newton Road, Cambridge. Club : Royal Societies. (0449) HUTCHINSON, Bertha Charlotte, Mrs, M.B.E. HUTCHINSON, Beryl Butterworth, M.B.E. (M10250fi) HUTCHINSON, Frances Catherine Maude Haynes, M.B.E. ; d. of Haynes Hanley Hutchinson. War Work : Recruiting ; Statistics. Clubs ; Roehampton ; Royal North Devon Golf. (M3745) HUTCHINSON, George Arnold, M.B.E, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 6. 7 Feb. 1870 ; s. of G. W. Hutchinson, of Barbados, W.I. ; m. Helen Laura, d. of W. A. Young, of Bank of England, London. Educ. : St. Mary's Hospital, London. War Work : CivU Medical Practitioner attached to Seaforth MiUtary Hospital, Liverpool. Address : Rosslyn, Crosby Road, N. Waterloo, Liverpool. (M10269) HUTCHINSON, Major George Rowland, O.B.E. HUTCHINSON, Henry Norton, O.B.E. HUTCHINSON, FUght Lieut. Hubery Gerald, M.B.E, R.A.F. HUTCHINSON, Lucy, Mrs., O.B.E.; d. of WiUiam Franks, of Liverpool ; m. Edward Mason, s. of Edward Hut chinson, of Liverpool. War Work: Voluntary work daily from Aug. 1914 ; Liverpool Civic League, arranging working parties, ambulance classes for ladies, despatching parcels and comforts to troops at the front ; British Red Cross Society (Liverpool Branch), Stock Room.reeeiving and packing clothing and surgical requisites for Military Hospitals, Liverpool, care of Ambulance equipment ; riverside canteen for troops arriving and departing ; founded " Inglefleld " babies home, as a War Memorial. (010694) HUTCHINSON, Thomas Massie, O.B.E. (05416) HUTCHINSON, Capt. Thomas Herbert, M.B.E. SKJS9SS0N' Capt- Wa»er Ernest, O.B.E, R.N.H. HUTCHINSON, Wilfred Leanold, O.B.E. , _SUTCH,JNS0N> Major WilUam Gordon, O.B.E, 6.15 June, 1876 ; s. of Lt.-Col. J. B. Hutchinson, C.S.I, of Jhandraghat, Camberley; m. Kathleen Gordon, d. of Major-Gen. Alfred^ Denniss R.A. Educ : WelUngton CoU. Govt, of India Political Dept. War Work : PoUtical Agent Chaqai and in political charge of the Sarhad in Eastern Persia. Address : c/o Messrs. H S King & Co, 9, Pah Mall, S.W. Club : Junior Naval and Military. HUTCHINSON, Lieut.-Col. Coote Robert HELY-, O.B.E (O2068) J.P, fi. 6 Feb. 1870 ; s. of John Hely-Hutchinson, of Seafield Donabate ; to. Juha Hariet Vere, d. of WiUiam Browne-Clayton' of Brownes HiU, Carlow. Educ. : Harrow. War Wort '¦ Commanded 14th Royal FusiUers, 1914-16; 31st Training Reserve Batt, 1916-18. Address: Lissen HaU, Swords Co. DubUn. Club : KUdare Street. (07264) HUTCHISON, Agnes Hood, M.B.E., fi. 4 Dec. 1876- d. of WiUiam Grant, of Dunoon, Argyllshire; to. WUliam Hutchison, M A, LL.B, s. of WiUiam Hutchison, of Greenock Educ. : Durham and Brussels. War Work : President of Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, Glasgow ; President Women's Unionist (Bridgeton, Glasgow) Association Work Party and Clothing Department for Soldiers and Sailors from 1914 untU War Pensions Committees were formed ; afterwards local President of War Pensions and representative Unemploy ment Committee. Address : 22, Bute Gardens, Glasgow, W. Club : Glasgow Literary. (M8583) HUTCHISON, Alexander, M.B.E. HUTCHISON, Helen Duguid, M.B.E, d. of James H. Hutchison, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Educ. : Greenock and London. War Work : V.A.D. in R.A.M.C. Hospital, Jesmond Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1915-1916; V.A.D. St. John Ambulance Brigade Auxiliary Hospital, 6, Kensington Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Commandant of same Hospital till Mav, 1919. Address : 131, Osborne Road, Newcastle-upon- Tyne. (M3746) HUTCHISON, Col. James Alexander, C.B.E. Canadian Army Medical Corps ; served in Great War, 1915-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C1833) HUTCHISON, Lieut. James Lawrie McKie, O.B.E. HUTCHISON, Robert OUphant, M.B.E, 6. 1 Nov. 1880; s. of Henry WilUam Hutchison, J.P of Eastbank, Kirkcaldy ; to. Rose Blenheim, d. of — Jupp. Educ : Rugby and Oxford. Chief Magistrate and Rice ControUer, Hong Kong. War Work : Work in Hongkiong in connection with Volunteers. Address : Thatched House, Eastbank, Kirkcaldy. Club : Hongkong. (M1271) HUTCHISON, Lieut.-Col. Robert Schlesinger, C.B.E. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Army Pay Depart. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C1127) HUTCHISON, Sarah Hannah, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 1852; d. of John Key, of Kirkcaldy ; to. Henry WiUiam J.P, s. of Robert Hutchison, of Kirkcaldy. Educ. : Edinburgh. War Work : Chairman Disablement Committee, Kirkcaldy ; Convenor 3rd Ward Pension Committee ; President, Patte- head Tipperary Club for women ; Member South Eastern District Committee for Scotland; Vice-President Nursing Association, and President Health Visitors, Kirkcaldy. Ad dress : Eastbank, Kirkcaldy. (M8585) HUTH, Bertha, Mrs. O.B.E, 6. 10 Jan. 1862; d. of Edward Henry Moore, of Brighton, Sussex ; to. Frank, s. of Edward Huth, J.P, of Huddersfield, Yorks. Educ. : Privately, and Royal Academy of Music. War Work : Ran a home for professional women affected by the War ; organised conceits aU over the country at camps for soldiers, and in hospitals ; gave recitals in aid of Lord Roberts Memorial Fund and coUected £28,000 thereby. Address: 29, Clarendon Road, Holland Park, London, W. 11. (03767) HUTSEL, Robert, O.B.E. HUTSON, Capt. Henry Porter Wolseley, D.S.O, O.B.E. M.C, R.E. HUTSON, Surgeon-Major John, M.B.E, M.B, CM, D.P.H, J.P, Barbados Volunteer Force, 6. 13 July, 1859 ; s.of Archdeacon Eyre Hutson, K.D, M.A, late of St. Thomas, Danish West Indies ; m. Mary EUen, d. of Archdeacon W. T. Webb, M.A, late of Coclrington CoUege, Barbados. Educ. : Codrington CoU, Barbados, and Edinburgh Univ. Senior Medical Officer Local Forces ; PubUc Health Inspector and Poor Law Inspector ; Medical Assessor and Member Gen. Board of Health, Barbados, W.I. War Work : Senior Medical Officer H. T. Magdalena for two voyages from W. I. to Egypt, 1916-17 ; employed as civU surgeon at Lakenham MiUtary Hospital, Norwich ; Ministry of Pensions, Chelsea, 1917 ; Appointed to be a member of the Legislative Council of the Island of Barbadoes. Address : Harmony HaU, Barbados, W.L C7.U& : Royal Societies'. (M2948) HUTT, Alfred, M.B.E, B.Sc, 6. 27 June, 1888 ; s. of George H. Hutt, of London. Educ. : Bedford Grammar School ; Lycee Hoche, Versailles. War Work : Motor driver in France with British Red Cross, 1914 to 1915 ; Staff Lieut, Ministry of Munitions (Raw Materials Section), 1915 to 1919. Address : 52, Redcliffe Square, S.W. 10. (M582) HUTT, John, M.B.E, fi. 19 Jan. 1890 ; s. of George Harry Hutt, of Pietermaritzburg ; to. Olive VUlette, d. of W. H. Gillespie, of London. Educ : Bedford Grammar School; Lycee Hoche, VersaiUes ; Wohler Realgymnasium, Frankfurt- am-Main. University CoUege, London. Civil Servant (Class I.). War Work: In charge of Naval Supplies, Dunkerque, Dec. 1914 to June, 1916 (Lieut. R.N.V.R.) ; Woolwich Naval Ordnance Depot, 1916-18; Admiralty, 1918-19. Address: 5, Highmore Road, Blackheath, S.E. 3 Club : Junior Army and Navy. (M583) HUTTON, Arnold WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 12 Sept. 1882; Organising Secretary, Hospitals WeUare Society ; Member National Savings Assembly, 1919-20. War Work: Local War Savings work, War Loans, Food Economy Propaganda, National Service Recruiting, Red Cross work. Address : 11, Riseldine Road, Honor Oak Park, S.E. 23. HUTTON, Stamford, M.B.E. J.P. 276 BIOGRAPHIES. Infield HUTTON, William, O.B.E. HUTTON, WiUiam Ross, M.B.E. HUXFORD, Ernest Henry, M.B.E. HUXLEY, Henry Soott, M.B.E. HUXTABLE, 2nd Lieut. Geoffrey, M.B.E. HUXTER, Muriel Kathleen, M.B.E, HUYSHE, Capt. Rowland Radolifie, M.B.E, fi. 17 Feb. 1881 ; s. of the Rev. Canou Huyshe, of Wimborne, Dorset. Educ. : Marlborough, and Oriel Coll, Oxford. Landowner and Farmer. War Work : Gazetted Lieut, in R.A.S.C. 1914 ; Capt. Dec. 1915. Address : The Manor, Clyst Hydon, near Exeter. (M5369) HYATT, Major Peroival Taylor, O.B.E. HYDE, Charles, O.B.E. HYDE, Lieut.-Col. Dermot Owen, C.B.E, D.S.O, B.A, M.B, B.Ch, BA..O, D.P.H, Royal Army Medical Corps, 6. 1877 ; s. of Brigade Surgeon Robert Hyde, late Army Medical Service ; in. Hilda Edith Richmond, d. of Lieut.-Col. F .R.M.C de R. Mauduit, Indian Army. Educ : Trinity College, Dublin. War Work : Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services with 49th West Riding Territorial Division, and then with 5th Division, between Aug. 1914 and July, 1916 ; Officer Commanding 14th Field Ambulance during Battle of the Somme; Officer Commanding No 1 Casualty Clearing Station, Feb. 1917 to AprU, 1918 ; Assistant Director of Medical Services with 21st Division, AprU, 1918, to March, 1919 ; served in France from April, 1915, to March, 1919. (C1272) HYDE, Ethel Vivian, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 12 March, 1880 ; d, of Frederick Dixon Taylor, of Tottenham ; m. Capt. John Sutherland, s. of Thomas Robert Hyde, of Tottenham. Educ. : Privately. War Work : WeUare Superintendent under Ministry of Munitions ; Unit Administrator Q.M.A.A.C, B.E.F. 1916-18. Address: 64, Anson Road, Tufnell Park, London, N. 7. (M3138) HYDE, Lieut.-Col. James Reid, C.B.E. Major and Acting Lieut.-Col. Canadian Field ArtUlery ; served in Great War, 1915-19 ; mentioned in despatches. (C1139) HYDE, Katharine Anne, Mrs., O.B.E. HYDE, Capt. Richard, C.B.E, M.V.O, 6. 1872 ; s. of the late WiUiam Hyde, of the Grange, Market Stainton. Entered R.N. 1886 ; Lieut. 1894 ; Com. 1905 ; Capt. 1912 ; and later Commodore (2nd class) ; Gambia Expedition, 1894 ; China, 1900 ; present at capture of Taku Forts ; Great War, 1914-19, with Ocean Escort; mentioned in despatches. Club : Army and Navy. (C1192) HYDE, Lieut.-Col. John Irvine LANG-, CM.G, O.B.E, 6. 1859 ; s. of WiUiam Lang, of Willowdale St. Mary's, Ontario, Canada ; m. 1895, Agnes Stanley, d. of the late Henry C. Hyde, of San Francisco, CaUfornia. Educ. : R.M.C, Kingston, Canada Entered R.E. 1883 ; Capt. 1891 ; Major, 1900 ; Lieut.-Col. 1907 ; retired, 1912 ; A.D.C. to Inspector-Gen. of Fortifications, 1885-6 ; Boundary Commr. for deUmitation of W. Frontier of Gold Coast Colony, 1891 ; Chief Engineer of proposed RaUways Survey, Gold Coast, 1893 ; served on Staff during Attabubu Expedition, 1894 ; appointed British Commr. in connection with Niger Boundary, with temporary rank of Lieut.-Col. 1900. Club : Royal Societies'. (03141) HYLAND, Charles John, M.B.E. HYMAN, Major Arthur WeUesley, O.B.E. HYNARD, WiUiam George, O.B.E. HYNES, Major Brian Mansfteld, O.B.E, Royal Sussex Regt, fi. 11 July, 1879 ; s. of John Hynes, Paymaster in-Chief Royal Navy. Educ. : Lancing CoU. War Work : Adjutant 6th Batt. Royal Sussex Regt. on outbreak of war ; subsequently 2nd in Command ; appointed to command 25th London Regt. May 1917 ; commanded BattaUon in Waziristan 1917 and Afghan War 1919 ; mentioned in despatches. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Royal Cruising ; Royal Thames Yacht. (08491) HYSLOP, Francis, C.B.E. (C3095) HYSLOP, Irene Murray, M.B.E.; d. of Sir Murray Hyslop, of Beckenham. Educ. : Caldecote Towers, Bushey Heath. War Work : Secretary and Caterer of Crescent Road Soldiers' Club, Beckenham ; Worker at Grosvenor Gardens Y.M.CA. Hut. Address : Cedar Lawn, Beckenham. (M8587) HYSLOP, James, M.B.E. HYSON, Herbert Augustine Henry, M.B.E. IBBETSON, Alexander, O.B.E, 5. 17 Nov. 1869 ; s. of Thomas Alexander, of London ; m. Jessie Madeline, d. of Benjamin Vibert, of Newport, I. of W. Educ. : United West minster Schools. Chairman, Wholesale Tea Dealers' Section, Uiamber of Commerce. War Work : Member of eight com mittees, assisting Ministry of Food in distribution of Tea ; Member of Tea Distribution Advisory Committee ; Gave entertainments for wounded soldiers in hospitals. Address : 21, Oakdale Road, Streatham, S.W. 16. (010699) ffiBITSON, Lieut. George, M.B.E, R.A. IBBOTSON, Capt. Archie WUliam, M.B.E,, M.C. I.A.R.O. IDLE, Percy, M.B.E. IFOULD, Edwin, M.B.E. JKIN, Lieut. Harry Claude, M.B.E, Aust. I.F. ILBERT, Joyce Violet, O.B.E, 6. 1890 ; d. of Sir Courtenay Ubert, G.C.B, K.C.S.I, CLE, of Speaker's Court, Palace of Westminister (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Secretary of the Meeting Box Dept. of the Collections Committee of me British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John; and Member of the above Committee, 1915-19. Addresses : H, Pelham Crescent, S.W. 7 ; TroutweUs, Penn, Bucks. (O1509) ILCHESTER, Giles Stephen HoUand Fox-Strangeways, Earl of, O.B.E, 6. 31 May 1874 ; e.s. of 5th Earl of Ilchester (see Burke's Peerage) and Mary, only d. of 1st Earl of Dartrey, K.P. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Lady Helen Stewart, only d. of 6th Marquess of Londonderry (see Burke's Peerage), late 2nd Lieut. Coldstream Guards. Addresses: Holland House, Kensington, W.8 ; Melbury House. Dorchester. (08841) ILES, Annie Christease, M.B.E, fi. 18 June, 1867 ; d. of the late James lies, J.P, of Binbrooke Hill, Lincolnshire. Educ. : Privately, and Sheffield High School. Dormitory Matron and Housekeeper, Guy's Hospital, S.E, 1896-1902. War Work : Housekeeper, Medical Officers' Mess, 2nd London General Hospital, Aug. 1914, to June, 1916 ; Lady Super intendent under Ministry of Munitions of the Ordnance Hostels for Girls, Coventry, Aug. 1916-18. Address: Castlemere, Nuneaton. Club : New Century. (M3748) ILES, Surgeon-Lieut. Arthur Ernest, O.B.E, M.B, B.S. (Lond.), F.R.CS. (Eng.), R.N, 6. Aug. 1880; s. of Samuel Hes, of Bristol ; to. Amy Constance, d. of Frederick Wadmore, of Newport, Isle of Wight. Educ. : Clifton College ; University of Bristol ; St. Bartholomew's. Ophthalmic Surgeon ; Assistant Surgeon, Bristol Eye Hospital ; Ophthalmic Registrar, Bristol Royal Infirmary. War Work : Temporary Surgeon-Lieutenant, R.N, from Jan. 1915 to March, 1919. Address : 17, Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. (O3520) ILES, George Ehret, O.B.E. ILIFFE, Edward Mauger, C.B.E, 6. 17 May, 1877 ; s. of William I. Ililfe, of Allesley, nr. Coventry ; to. Charlotte, d. of Henry Gilding, J.P, of Gateacre, nr. Liverpool. Managing Director, Iliffe and Sons, Ltd, proprietors of " The Auto car," " The Amateur Photographer," etc. War Work : Con troller, Machine Tool Department, Ministry of Munitions. Has the Legion of Honour. Addresses : Allesley Hall, nr. Coventry; 5, Portland Place, London, W.l. Clubs: Royal Societies'; Queen's. (C532) ILSLEY, Arthur Frederick, M.B.E, 6. 23 May, 1870; s. of Thomas Hsley, of London ; to. EUzabeth Forbes, d. of James WUson Robertson, of Rayue, Aberdeenshire. Educ : Private School. War Work : Sec. (Hon.), Board of Trade Engineering Industries Committee ; Sec. (Hon.), Ministry of Munitions Financial Advisory Committee. Address : Thorndon Friars, Monken Hadley, Barnet, Herts. (M585) IMISON, Herbert, M.B.E. IMPEY, Frank, M.B.E. IMPEY, Isabella Edith, M.B.E, fi. 17 Aug. 1884 ; d. of Frederick Murray Impey, of Ottery St. Mary, Devon. Educ. : Tiffin's Endowed School, Kingston-on-Thames, and Christ's Hospital, Hertford. Civil Servant, 1st Class Clerk, London Telephone Service. War Work: Clerical and Accounting Work in connection with recruiting. Address : 36, Stanmore Road, West Green, N. 15. (M3749) IMPEY, Lieut.-Col. Lawrence, C.S.I, CLE, C.B.E, 6. 17 June, 1862 ; s. of Col. E. C Impey, of Bengal Staff Corps. Educ. : Marlborough ; Sandhurst. Appointed to Notts and Derby Regt, 10 March, 1883 ; transferred to Indian Army, 1885 ; appointed to Indian Political Dept, Dec. 1887 ; CLE, 1911 ; C.S.I, 1917 ; C.B.E, 1920 ; retired in 1917. War Work : Sec. Central Prisoners of War Committee. Club : East India United Service. (C2706) IMPSON, Herbert John, O.B.E, M.C. IMR1E, George Blair, M.B.E, R.E. (T.). IMRIE, May, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 28 Feb. 1873 ; d. of the late WiUiam John Bidfood, of Woolwich ; to. Henry John, s. of the late Henry William Imrie, of Plumstead, Kent. Educ : Privately. War Work : Honorary, Y.M.C.A. Work (Canteen) at the Army Branch Y.M.CA. of Jubbulpore, C.P, India. Address : 11, Mile End Lane, Stockport, Cheshire. (M6166) IMRD3, Lieut.-Col. Hew Franois BLAIR-, C.M.G, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 10 July, 1873 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. Henry Blair, R.E, of 21, Norfolk Crescent, Hyde Park ; to. Selina Gladys Eyre, d. of Brig.-Gen. Eyre Crabbe, C.B, of Glen Eyre, Southampton. Educ. : Wellington CoU. and Pembroke CoU, Cambridge. Landed Proprietor. War Work : Commanded 5th Batt. (T.F.) The Royal Highlanders (The Black Watch), and afterwards D.A.Q.M.G, Northern Command, York, until demobUisation ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Lunan House, Montrose. Clubs : United Service ; New (Edinburgh). (06922) LM THURN, Sir Everard, K.C.M.G, K.B.E, C.B. (see Burke's Peerage), 6. 9 May, 1852 ; s. of J. 0. im Thurn ; m. Hannah, d. of James Lorimer, Reg. Prof, of Edinburgh Univ. Educ. : Marlborough Coll, and Exeter CoU, Oxford. CivU Servant (ret.) ; late Governor of Fiji and High Commissioner of Western Pacific. War Work : Took charge of interests of Overseas Soldiers from the Crown Colonies, especiaUy from Fiji ; Deputy Chairman of King George and Queen Mary's Soldiers' and SaUors' Club, Peel House ; Chairman of British West India Contingent Committee. Address : Cockenzie House, Prestonpans. Club: Athenaeum. (K123) IM THURN, Capt. John Knowles, C.B.E, R.N, fi. 1881 ; s. of J. 0. im Thurn. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2293) INCE, Major Bernard Sidney, M.B.E. INCE, Capt. Erie Henry PhiUp BlundeU, O.B.E. INCH, Capt. Thomas Douglas, O.B.E, M.C, M.B. INFIELD, Louis, O.B.E, 6. 14 Oct. 1888; s. of Max Infield, of Methuen Park, Muswell HiU. Educ. : Owen's School, IsUngton, and Queens' CoU. Cambridge. Civil Servant, Ministry of Health. War Work: Secretary and Deputy 277 Ingham THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. ControUer, War Trade Statistical Department, Ministry of Blockade, Foreign Office, Dec. 1915 to April 1918; Director of Rationing and Distribution, Ministry of Food, April 1918, to Jan. 1921 ; British Representative, Essen Commission of Enquiry (Spa Protocol) 1920. Address : 5, Hinde House, Manchester Square, W.l. Club : Authors'. (0453) INGHAM, Sybil, Mrs, M.B.E. INGHAM, WiUiam Henry, O.B.E. INGILBY, Lieut.-Col. John Uchtred Macdowall, O.B.E, late Gordon Highlanders, J.P, fi. 28 Dec. 1874 ; s. of the late Sir WUliam IngUby, Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage), of Ripley Castle, Harrogate ; m. Marjorie CecUy ( q.v.), d. of the late WUUam Robert Phelips, of Montacute House, Somerset. Educ : Charterhouse. J.P, West Riding, Yorkshire. War Work : Officer i/c Infantry Record Office, Perth. Address : North Deighton Manor, Wetherby. Clubs : Wellington, Yorkshire. (04276) DJGILBY, Marjorie CecUy, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of the late WilUam Robert Phelips, of Montacute House, Somerset ; to. Lieut.-Col. John Uchtred MacdowaU (q.v.), s. of the late Sir WUUam IngUby, Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage), of Ripley Castle, Harrogate. War Work : Was connected for 4£ years with the Perth War Dressings Organisation, and helped to found it ; and for 2 years was Hon. Sec. and Organiser ; was a member of the Executive Committee of the Perthshire Branch of the British Red Cross Society (Scottish Branch). Address : North Deighton Manor, Wetherby, Yorks. (M8593) INGLE, Lieut. Harry Cyril, M.B.E. INGLEFIELD, Rear Adm. Sir Edward Fitzmaurice, K.B.E, R.N. (ret.), fi. 1861; s. of late Admiral Sir Edward Inglefield, K.C.B, D.C.L, F.R.S. ; m. 1887 JuUa Katherine Margaret (_.».), d. of late J. Christopher Wilson, of 20, Charles St, Berkeley Sq, W, and Ambleside, Westmorland. Educ. : Privately. Entered R.N. 1874 ; served as Lieut, with Nile Expedition, 1884-85 (medal, clasp, and bronze star) ; Assistant Director of Naval InteUigence, 1901-5 ; Commanded H.M.S. Antrim 1905-6 ; A Younger Brother of Trinity House. Addresses : 49, Lennox Gardens, S.W.1 ; Burke House, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Clubs : United Service ; City of London ; Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes (hon. mem.). (K200) INGLEFIELD, Julia Katharine Margaret, Lady, O.B.E, and MedaUle de la Reine EUzabeth ; d. of Christopher WUson, of Lownook, Westmorland ; to. Admiral Sir Edward Inglefield ( q.v.), s. of Admiral Sir Edward Lnglefield (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Privately. President, Buckingham and Bedfordshire Lace Association. War Work : Hon. Sec. to the County Com mittee of Belgian Refugees, and had 2 hostels in London for distressed Belgian Lace and Lingerie makers ; worked for 5 years for Local Government Board, London. Addresses : 49, Lennox Gardens, S.W. 1 ; Burke House, Beaconsfield, Bucks. (O1070) INGLIS, Major Alexander Francis, O.B.E, 1st King George's Own Gurkha Rifles, fi. 16 Oct. 1881 ; s. of the late Col. David WUUam Inglis, of 35th Sikhs ; m. Anne Stirling, d. of Robert Houston, of Milliken Park, Renfrewshire, N.B. Edue. : Bedford School, and Royal Military CoU, Sandhurst. Com missioned, Sept. 1901 to 40th Regt. P.W.V, South Lancashire Regt, attached 82nd Regt. (2nd Batt.), India, 1902 ; trans ferred Indian Staff Corps, 1902, to 17th Bengal Infantry, Wana, Waziristan ; attached 2nd King Edwards' Own Gurkha Rifles ; appointed 1st King George's Own Gurkha Rifles, Dharmsala, Pirnjaub, 1904 ; on duty with Indian Contingent for H.M. The King's Coronation, 1911 ; accompanied battaUon Delhi Durbar, 1911 ; served Chitral (N.W.F.P.) and GUgit as MUitary Assistant and Commandant Scouts, 1914-17. Proceeded to Egypt as, Senior Special Service Officer to 1st Kashmir Imperial Service Infantry as Lieut.-Col. ; commanded battaUon in the line (Palestine), and in Gen. AUenby's final operations of Sept. 1918; participated in 10th Div. attack on Nablus with 30th Brigade ; mentioned in despatches ; O.B.E. ; regiment received C-in-C.'s congratulations, and was awarded 2 guns for its services in Sept, 1918. Address: c/o H. S. King & Co, 9, Pall Mall, London. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (06212) INGLIS, Capt. Alexander Reid, O.B.E. INGLIS, Major Charles Edward, O.B.E, R.E. INGLIS, Dorothy Winifred, Mrs., M.B.E. INGLIS, Lieut. Henry MaxweU Burton, M.B.E. INGLIS, Hugh, O.B.E. INGLIS, Capt. John, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.). INGLIS, Kate, M.B.E, 6. 5 Dec. 1873 ; d. of Frank Inglis, Capt, R.N. Educ. : St. Margaret's School for Naval Officers' daughters, Twickenham. Organiser and Speaker, Women's Unionist Assoc, 1906-14. War Work : British Red Cross Society (Headquarters), Aug. 1914 to July, 1918 • France, Jan. 1915 to 15 July, 1918 ; mentioned in despatch from General Sir Douglas Haig, dated 13 Nov. 1916 ; joined Women's Royal Naval Service, July, 1918 to Dec. 1919. Address : 2, Elsham Road, Kensington, W. 14. (M587) INGLIS, Walter George, M.B.E, INGLIS, Capt. WilUam Clarence, O.B.E. INGLIS, Col. Russell TRACY-, C.B.E. INGPEN, Capt. Arthur Lockyer, O.B.E. INGRAM, Capt. Alexander Gordon, M.B.E. INGRAM, Alfred Sydenham, M.B.E, 6. 14 Sept. 1875 ; s. of Francis Thynne Ingram, of Salisbury ; to. Kate, d. of George Janson, of Rio Janeiro. Educ. : Privately. War Work: In charge of aU coaling of Naval ships aud transports at Port Said untU Oct. 1919 ; representative of CivUian Firms on Labour Committee at Port Said, 1916-18. Address : The Square House, Bury St. Edmunds. Club : Road. (M8594) INGRAM, Capt. Bruce StirUng, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 5 May 1877; s. of Sir WUUam Ingram, Bart, (see Burke's Peerage), of Westgate-on-Sea ; m. Amy, d. of John Foy, of London. Educ. : Winchester ; Trinity CoUege, Oxford. Editor of the " Illustrated London News," also of the " Sketch." War Work- Joined the Royal Garrison ArtUlery, Dec. 1915 ; fought in the first battle of the Somme, 1916, as second in command of 105 Siege Battery ; joined the Staff of the Heavy ArtUlery 3rd Corps, with which he served during the first battle of Cambral, for his service in which he received the M.C. ; also during the Great Retreat, March, 1918, and the final victory of the Somme ; he received his O.B.E. for services subsequent to the Armistice. Address : 65, CromweU Road, London, S.W. Clubs ; Bath ; BurUngton Fine Arts. (05419) INGRAM, Lieut.-Col. Charles Robert, D.S.O., O.B.E., 6. 1882. Major, Royal W. Kent Regt. ; A.Q.M.G. with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served in the Great War, ] 914-18 (despatches). (06643) INGRAM, Hon. Capt. Edward Maurice Berkeley, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 14 Dec. 1890 ; s. of Major Edward RusseU Berkeley Ingram, of the Welsh Regiment. Edue. : Eton ; King's CoUege, Cambridge. 3rd Sec, H.M.'s Diplomatic Service. War Work : General Staff, War Office ; MUitary InteUigence Directorate. Address : The Foreign Office, Downing Street. Clubs : TraveUers' ; Cavendish. (0463) INGRAM, Major Francis Manning, O.B.E. INGRAM, Capt. George Skinner, M\B.E. INGRAM. Lieut.-Col. John O'Donnell, C.B.E, D.S.O, S. 1870 ; s. of Col. M. T. Ingram, of Littlehampton ; m. EUeen, d. of J. 0. Dunbar, of Ceylon. Educ. : Privately ; Sandhurst. War Work : Served with 1st Gloucestershire Regt. in France tttl severely wounded, Nov. 1914 ; O.C. Depot, Gloucestershire Regt, 1916-20 ; O.C. Troops, Bristol, 1918-20 ; C.M.A, Gloucestershire and Bristol Counties. Address : St. Columba, Littlehampton. (C2122) INGRAM, Joseph, O.B.E. DSGS, Lieut. George Benjamin, M.B.E. INMAN, Arnold, O.B.E, 6. 3 Nov. 1867 ; *. of T. F. Inman, of Bath ; to. Margaret Amy Hope, d. of E. A. Le Mesurier, of Genoa. Educ. : CUfton, and Magd. CoU, Oxon. Barrister- at-Law. Commander X Division, Met. Special Constabulary. Addresses : Thomdyke, Hatch End, Middlesex ; 5, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. Club : New University. (010703) INMAN, Cecil Daubeny, O.B.E. INMAN, Ernest Stobart, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 31 March, 1852 ; s. of WiUiam Inman, of Upton Manor, Birkenhead (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Rose, d. of the late Edward Foster, of London. Educ. : Repton. General Manager, River Weaver Navigation, 1892-1919. War Work : Member of Recruiting Committee, MiUtary Tribunal, Local Government Labour Advisory Committee, and of Prince of Wales' Fund, War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Treas. Queen Mary's GuUd (North wich Branch) Unemployment Committee. Address : Seaholm, Morlan Park, Rhyl, N. Wales. (M8595) INNES, Capt. Arthur, O.B.E. INNES, Lieut. Cameron Starr, M.B.E, R.E. (T.), 6. 12 June, 1892 ; s. of George Innes, of Cults, Aberdeen ; m. Christian Dempsey, d. of Henry Austin Robb, of Aberdeen. Educ: Robert Gordon's * Coll, Aberdeen. CivU Servant. War Work : With the Forces. Address : 44, Stanley Street, Aberdeen. (M3054) INNES, Charles, O.B.E, B.Sc, A.M.I.CE, 6. 3 April, 1882 ; s. ot Alexander Innes, of West Park, Dufftown, N.B. Educ. : Daniel Stewart's CoU, Edinburgh. Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Burma. War Wort: Opened communications to the WoUram Mines, Tavoy, Burma. Clubs : Pegu, Rangoon ; East India United Service. (08262) INNES, Major George Alexander, M.B.E. INNES, James, O.B.E, 6. 27 Aug. 1861 ; s. of David Innes, of Cupar-Fife and Coleraine, Deland ; m. Manuela, d. of Agustin Nava, of Albacete, Spain. Educ. : Model School, Coleraine, Co. Derry, Ireland. British Vice-Consul at BUbao, Spain. Address : British Consulate, BUbao ; Las Arenas, Province of Biscay, Spain. Club : Overseas. (010704) INNES, Capt. James OUver, M.B.E, M.C, R.N. INNES, Capt. James WiUiam Guy, C.B.E, J.P, D.L, R.N, ChevaUer of Legion of Honour, 6. 1873 ; s. of Alexander Innes, J.P, D.L, of RaemoirCowieand Dunnottar, Kincardine shire ; m. SheUa, d. of Lieut.-Col. J. F. Forbes, J.P, D.LV of Rothiemay Castle, Banffshire. Educ. : H.M.S. " Britannia," and R.N. CoUege Greenwich. Entered Royal Navy, 1887; Sub-Lieut. 1892 ; Lieut. 1895 ; Commander, 1906 ; ret. Captain, 1919. Address : Raemoir House, Banchory, Kin cardineshire. Club : Royal Northern (Aberdeen). (C1165) INNES, Jessie Dods, Lady, C.B.E, 6. 1 Nov. 1860 ; d. of the late WiUiam Dods Pringle, of Lynedoch, Bedford, Cape Province ; m. Sir James Rose Innes, P.C, K.C.M.G, s. of the late James Rose Innes, C.M.G, of Cape Town. Educ. : Good Hope Seminary, Cape Town. War Work : Committee, Field Force Comforts and Red Cross, Boer War; Chairman, National CouncU of Women's Defence Force Comforts; Chairman, Women's Committee Hospital Ship " Ebani "_; Executive Committee, S. African GUts and Comforts Associ ation ; Chair. Dept Committee ; Member Voluntary Aid Committee, Red Cross of S. Africa, 1914-18. Address: Midwood, Newlands, near Cape Town. Clubs: Ladies Empire ; Alexandra, Cape Town. (C380) 278 BIOGRAPHIES. Irwin INNES, Lieut. Robert, M.B.E, E.A.F. INNES, Capt. Robert McGregor, O.B.E. INNES, Cant. Ceoil MITCHELL-, C.B.E. (ret.), 6. 6 July, 1866 ; s. of GUbert MitcheU-Innes, of Edinburgh ; to. Sarah Etheldreda, d. of the late Col. James Le Geyt Daniell. Educ : Cheam School, Sutton, Surrey ; Fettes CoUege, Edin burgh; Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Gazetted to Prince of Wales' Lincoln Regt, 29 Aug. 1885 ; promoted to Capt, 23 Oct. 1893 ; transferred to 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, 1898 ; appointed Chief Constable of Lincoln shire, Oct. 1903. Address: High House, Leadenham, nr. Lincoln. Club: Junior United Service. (C2707) INNES, Major Edward Alfred MITCHELL-, C.B.E ,K.C, J.P, fi. 21 Dec. 1863 ; s. of Gilbert MitcheU Innes, of 39, Inver- lelth Place, Edinburgh ; m. Annie Barbara, d. of Robert Lay- cook, of Wiseton, Bawtry, Yorks. Educ. : Wellington and Balliol Coll. Oxford. Barrister-at-Law ; K.C 1908 ; Recorder of Middlesbrough, 1915 ; Bencher of Middle Temple, 1918 ; Deputy Chairman of Herts Quarter Sessions ; Member of National Assembly of Church of England ; Chairman of Con solidated Cambrian Ltd. ; and of Glamorgan Coal Co. Ltd. Ministry of Munitions ; Legal Adviser to British and Canadian Recruiting Mission in U.S.A., 1917-1918. Address : Churchill, Hemel Hempsted. Clubs : St. James' ; Garrick. (C1129) INNS, Major Jeremiah, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. DJSKD?, Capt. Arthur CecU, O.B.E, 6. 7 Dec. 1892; s. ot J. Inskip, of London ; m. Edith Annie, d. of E. 0. Harper, of Brighton. Educ. : London. War Work : Served with Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in GaUipoU, and with British Expeditionary Force in France. Addresses : Adder- bury, Egremont Place, Brighton ; Cawnpore, India. (O5420) INSKIP, Grace Hampden, O.B.E. INSKIP, Thomas Walker Hobart, C.B.E, K.C, J.P., M.P, fi. 6 March, 1876 ; s. of the late James Inskip, of Clifton Park House, Bristol ; m. Lady Augusta Helen, 7th d. of Earl of Glasgow (see Burke's Peerage), of Kelburn. Educ. : Clifton ; King's CoUege, Cambridge. King's Counsel ; Chancellor of Diocese of Truro ; M.P. for Central Bristol. War Work : Head of Naval Law Dept. of Admiralty. Addresses : 10, Eaton Square, S.W. 1 ; Knockinaam, Lochans, Wigtownshire. CMs : Carlton ; United University ; Roehampton. (C2708) INSKIPP, Major Percy Sidney, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. INWOOD, Capt. Charles Herbert, O.B.E., M.C, Wor cestershire Regt, 6. 5 Feb. 1875 ; s. of George Inwood, of Cradley, Herefordshire ; m. Sophia, d. of Christopher Evans, L.R.A.M, of London. Educ : Edgbaston Commercial School, Birming ham. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (06644) IONIDES, Helen Euphrosyne, M.B.E, 6. 7 AprU, 1871 ; d. of Constantine A. Ionides, of London. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Organised Gift Room at 2nd Eastern General Hospital ; Assistant to Controller of Q.M.A.A.C. in the Aider- shot Command. Addresses .' 23, Second Avenue, Hove ; 22, Prince Edward Mansions, Palace Court, W.2. Club : Albe marle. (M5374) IRBY, 2nd Lieut. Gerald Howard Boteler. M.B.E. IRBY, Lieut-Col. Leonard Paul, O.B.E. ; s. of Leonard Howard Loyd Dby (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Ethel Maud, d. of the late WiUiam John Casberd-Botelet, R.N, of Taplow (see Burke's Landed Gentry). Educ. : Eton. War Work : Commanded successively 15th Batt. Rifle Brigade, 24th Batt. King's Royal Rifles, and 16th Training Reserve Batt. ; sub sequently served on lines of communication in Italy. Address : ¦Evington, Ashford, Kent. Ctefis .• Army and Navy ; Wind ham. (07315) IREDALE, Lieut. Frederick MitcheU, M.B.E, R.A.F. IREDALE, Joe, M.B.E, L.R.C.P, M.R.C.S. IRELAND, Blanche, M.B.E, W.A.A.C. IRELAND, Henry Ralph, M.B.E, 6. 19 Nov. 1873 ; s. of J. Deland, of Woodford. Bank Clerk. War Work : Services in connection with employment by Messrs. Morgan, Grenfell & Co, Merchants. Address: Norfolk Villa, St. Clements Avenue, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. (M8597) IRELAND, Herbert James, M.B.E. IRELAND, Lieut. James Augustus, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, IRELAND, Myrtle, De Courcy, M.B.E, 6. 9 Aug. 1883 ; i of the late John Lloyd, J.P, D.L. of Gloster, Roscrea, Kings Co. ; m. the late Wyndor Plunkett de Courcy, Lieut. Commander R.N. and R.N.A.S, s. of de Courcy Ireland, of Merton HaU, Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary. Educ. : Alexandra CoU, DubUn. War Work : Personal Assistant to the late Air Commodore R. M. Groves, C.B, D.S.O, A.F.C, during his appointments as Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Ministry, Deputy Controller, Technical Dept. Air Ministry, and Director Air Divisjon, Admiralty, 1916-19. Address : Gloster, Roscrea, King's Co. Club : Empress. (M8598) IRELAND, WiUiam Edward, O.B.E, M.I.M.E. IREMONGER, Col. Edgar Assheton, C.B.E. Formerly WL Durham L.I. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (de spatches). (C1631) IREMONGER, Capt. Ernest LasceUes, O.B.E. IRISH, Elsie CeUa, M.B.E. IRON, Capt. Douglas, O.B.E, R.A.F. IRON, Capt. John, O.B.E, S. 25 May, 1858 ; s. of Richard fron, of Dover ; m. Annie, d. of H. Crundall, of Dover. Educ : Dover College. Harbour Master and Surveyor to Lloyds agister. War Work : Salvage Officer for the District under Me Admiral of the Dover Patrol. Address : 3, Maison Dieu Boad, Dover. Club : Royal Cinque Ports Yacht. (01511) IRONS, Major Thomas William, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. IRONSIDE, Catherine Mary, M.B.E, M.B. IRONSIDE, Helen Maud BAX-, M.B.E, IRVIN, Sir John Hannell, K.B.E, late Adviser to the Board of Trade and the Restriction of Enemies' SuppUes Dept. on purchases of fish, etc, from Foreign Countries ; Joint Managing Director R. Irwin & Sons, Ltd. Address: 86, Queen's Road, Aberdeen. (K25) IRVIN, Capt. WUliam Dion, C.B.E, fi. 1870 ; s. of David S. Irvin, of Bombay ; in. Winifred May, d. of C H. Maxted, of Windermere. Educ. : Northern Institute, Liverpool. Comdr. and Acting Captain, R.N. War Work : 1914-19 ; present at the battle of Jutland ; at Zeebrugge ; and as Commodore of Convoy ; mentioned in despatches. Club : Naval and Military. (C1193) IRVINE, Capt. Charles Alexander Lindsay, M.V.O, O.B.E. IRVINE, Professor James Colquhoun, C.B.E, Ph.D., D.Sc, F.R.S, fi. 9 May, 1877 ; s. of John Irvine, of Springburn, Glasgow : to. Mabel Violet, d. of John WiUiams, of Dunmurry, Co. Antrim. Educ : Allan Glen's School ; the Universities of St. Andrews and Leipzig. Professor of Chemistry and Dean of the Faculty of Science in the University of St. Andrews ; Director of tlie Chemical Research Laboratories in the United College, University of St. Andrews; now Appointed Principal of the Univertity of St. Andrews. War Work : Devised new methods for the preparation of the Bacteriological Sugars required for the Navy and Army, and conducted their manu facture ; carried out investigations on gas-poisons, and acted as scientific adviser to various Government Departments. (C2709) IRVINE, John Maitland, M.B.E, B.Sc, 6. 29 Oct. 1878. Educ. : Robert Gordon's Coll, Aberdeen, and Aberdeen Univ. Schoolmaster, Headmaster, H.M. Dockyard School, Rosyth. War Work : Organised H.M. Dockyard School, Rosyth, in 1916 for the training of apprentices in Technical Education; pre viously, Headmaster, H.M. Dockyard School, Pembroke Dock, South Wales. Addresses: H.M. Dockyard School, Rosyth; 13, Stanley Street, PortobeUo, Edinburgh. (M8600) IRVINE, Capt. Lionel Herbert, M.B.E. IRVINE, Lieut. Matthew, O.B.E. IRVINE, Margaret Elizabeth, Mrs. Charles Irvine DOUGLAS-, M.B.E. IRVING, Henry Edward, M.B.E. Censor, Bloemfontein. (M10258B) IRVING, Herbert Cavan, C.B.E, M.A, LL.M, fi. 1854 ; s. of John Irving, of 94, Eaton Place, S.W. ; m. 1st, 1880, Mary Helen, who d. 1905, d. of the late John Johnstone, of Halbeaths ; 2nd, 1907, Jane Euphemia, d. of the late Robert Thorburn, of Romanby, Yorkshire. Educ : Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Bar. Inner Temple, 1880 ; formerly Capt. and Hon. Major 3rd Batt. King's Own Scottish Borderers ; Chair man, Local Tribunals ; Convener, and J.P. for Dumfriesshire. Address : Burnfoot, Ecclefechan. Clubs : Windham ; New (Edinburgh). (C34) IRVING, Dene Hazel, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 27 June, 1894 ; d. of the late AUan Bruce Maclean, C.M.G, of (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Stanley Gordon, H.M. Commercial Diplomatic Service, s. of Charles Frederick Dving. Edue. : Godolphin School, SaUsbury, and abroad. War Work : Voluntary con fidential work at British Consulate- General, Valparaiso, Chile. Address: The Manor House, Oban, N.B. (M3823) IRVING, John, M.B.E, 6. 11 Sept. 1873 ; s. of WUliam Lowther Irving, of Annan, N.B. ; to. Jessie Howatson Mitchell, d. of James Wyllie, of Elmbank, Dumfries. Educ. : Annan Academy ; Solihull Grammar School ; Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Treas. Dumfries Burgh War Pensions Sub-committee. Address : The Summit, Dumfries, N.B. Club: Southern, Dumfries. (M8601) IRVING, Capt. John Duckworth, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 1890 ; s. of Martin Luther Irving, Rector of Bloxham, Lincoln. Educ. : St. John's, Leatherhead ; Lincoln School. War Work : Served in 23rd Division, 1916-17, France ; 1918 tiU conclusion of war in Italy. (06385) IRVING, Lieut.-Col. Lewis Allen, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (ret. pay), 6. 1850 ; s. of Major-Gen. A. Irving, of Royal ArtiUery. Educ. : Dublin and Germany. War Work : Member of the War Refugees Committee, with special charge of the Belgian Hostels in London. Address : 22, Westgate Terrace, Red- clifle Square, S.W. (01512) IRVING, Lieut.-Col. Miles, O.B.E. IRVING, Lieut.-Comm. Robert Beaufin, O.B.E, R.D, IRVING, Lieut.-Col. Andrew BELL-, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6 1855 ; s. of the late John Bell-Irving, of White Hill, co. Dumfries. Entered R.A. 1875 ; Capt. 1883 ; Major, 1891 ; Lieut.-Col. 1900 ; retired 1903 ; served in the Afghan War, 18.78-80; present at battle of Kandahar (despatches, medal with clasp) ; S. Africa, 1900-2 (despatches twice) ; served in the Great War as D.A.A.G. 1914 ; Defence Commander, Lines of Communication, 1915-18. (06895) IRVING, IsabeUa, Mrs. BELL-, M.B.E, IRVING, Lieut.-Col. Riohard BELL-, O.B.E. IRWIN, Major AUred WUliam Adamson, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. IRWIN, Major Basil Herbert John, O.B.E. IRWIN, Eric Barnby, M.B.E. IRWIN, Capt. George Robert, C.S.I, O.B.E. IRWIN, Jean Peroival, Mrs., M.B.E. 279 Irwin THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. IRWIN, Sarah, Mrs. Fitzjohn, M.B.E, fi. 25 Feb. 1856 ; d. of A. A. Murray-Ker, J.P, D.L, of Newbliss ; m. the late Fitzjohn Robert, s. of John Dwin, of Carnagh. War Work : Commandant St. John V.A.D. 642 ; Head of Depot work under D.G.V.O. in Monaghan, Deland; Emergency Lecturer for F A and H N, St. John Ambulance Association. Address : Beech Hill, Monaghan, Ireland. (M8603) IRWIN, Lieut. Stanley, M.B.E. IRWIN,Lieut.-Comm. Thomas Cuthbert, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. IRWIN, Thomas James, O.B.E. ISAAC, Charles, M.B.E. ISAAC, John Edward, M.B.E. ISAAC, John Raja Ratnam, M.B.E, B.A. (Madras), 6. 20 Sept. 1881 ; s. of the Rev. Gurnbatham Isaac, of Palam- cottah, S. India ; to. Dr. Mary Ratnamma (L.M.S, Madras), d. of Martin Luther, B.A, of Palamcottah. Educ. : CM.S. CoU. Tinnevelly ; Madras Christian Coll. Gen. Sec. Y.M.C.A, Madras, Colombo, Bangalore. War Work : In Mesopotamia and Bangalore, among British and Indian troops. Address : Y.M.C.A, Bangalore. (M6168) ISAAC, Joseph Charles, C.B.E. ISAAC, Major Thomas Austin, O.B.E, T.D. R.E, (T.). ISAAC, WiUiam Rudolph Vernon, M.B.E, M.C ISAACS, Capt. David Nathan, M.B.E, M.C. ISAACS, EUis, M.B.E, fi. 1874 ; s. of Emanuel Isaacs, of Merthyr TydvU, Wales. Educ. : Hutcheson Grammar School, Glasgow. President Jewish Representative Council, South Portland Street Synagogue, Hebrew Benevolent Loan Society, and Jewish Board of Guardians, Glasgow ; Member of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, London. War Work : Hon. Treas. Russian Jewish War Relief Fund ; Member Prince of Wales' Committee, Local Committee under MUitary Service Act, Food Committee, and Profiteering Committee. Clubs : Liberal, Glasgow ; Scottish Liberal, Edinburgh. (M8606) ISAACS, Harry Michael, O.B.E, D.L. ISAACS, Isaac Benjamin, O.B.E, fi. 27 Feb. 1871. Educ. : Brighton Grammar School. Financier. War Work : JoinedWessex Divisional Train, Sept. 1914, and went to France with 27th Reserve Park, March, 1915 ; was given Command 1st Reserve Park, B.E.F, 1 June, 1915 ; promoted T. Major, Aug. 1915 ; joined 1st Cavahy Division as 1st Cavalry Divison Reserve Park, and remained with this Division until March, 1919, when the unit was broken up for DemobiUsation ; mentioned in despatches, July, 1917. Address : 8, Jubilee Terrace, Southsea. (02586) ISAACS, Marietta, Mrs, O.B.E. ISBISTER, WUliam James, M.B.E. ISHAM, Lieut. Ralph Heyward, C.B.E, R.E. ISHERWOOD, Col. Charles Edward Ramsbottom, C.B.E. T. Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. Special Reserve ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1310) ISHERWOOD, Lieut.-Comm. Harold, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. ISMAY, Capt. Charles BOWER-, O.B.E. IVELL, Grace Mary, M.B.E. ; d. of WiUiam Ivell, of Birmingham. Educ. : Birmingham. Professional Singer. War Work : Concerts at the Fronts, for Miss Lena Ashwell, O.B.E, Feb. 1915, to Jan. 1916, France ; Feb. 1916, to Aug. 1916, Malta and Italy; Aug. 1916, France ; Sept. 1916, to Jan. 1919, Egypt and Palestine ; Feb. 1919, to July, 1919, France and Germany. Address : 14. Observatory Road, East Sheen, London, S.W.14. (M8607) IVERMEE, Lieut. Robert, M.B.E, R.N. IVES, Lieut. WiUiam Henry Martin, O.B.E, fi. 1 Sept. 1883 ; s. of Capt. J. F. Ives, M.C, of 65, Lincoln Road, Peterborough ; m. Annie, d. of Thomas Storrs, of Clayworth, Notts. Educ. : Army School (Elementary). Joined Royal ArtiUery, Jan. 1898 ; served through S. A. War, 1899-1902 (King and Queen's Medals with 7 clasps) ; Military Clerk, War Office, 1904-12 ; joined Staff of Committee of Imperial Defence, 1912 ; served with 2nd Cavalrv Division in France, 1914-15 (1914 Star, British War Medal, and Victory Medal) ; War Committee Secretarial, 1915 ; Confidential and Chief Clerk, War Cabinet, 1916-19 ; Confidential and Chief Clerk Cabinet and Committee of Imperial Defence, 1919. Address : Chelstone, Waterden Road, GuUdford. (O10709) IVORY, Capt. Harold Frank, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. IYOD, Edwin GUbert, M.B.E. IZARD, Major Arnold Woodford, O.B.E, M.C, M.D. JABOTINSKY, Lieut. Vladimir, M.B.E. JACK, Alexander Mackenzie, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 1851 ; s. of Alexander Jack, of Avoch. Dep. Chairman of Hadfields, Ltd. Address: Brincliffe, Sheffield. (C2711) JACK, Brig.-Gen. Archibald, C.B, C.M.G, C.B.E.; Brig.- Gen. Great War 1914-19 (despatches). Address: 13, Ladbroke Grove, W. 11. (01632) JACK, Douglas WiUiam, M.B.E. JACK, Col. Herbert Rowett Henry, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6.1863; s. of Richard George Jack, M.D. Soudan Exp. 1884-5 (medal with two clasps, bronze star); S. Africa, 1899-1901, as Assist. Director of Supplies (despatches) ; Dep.-Director of Transport, 1914: Assist. Director of SuppUes and Transport. 1915-19. (C8°0i JACK, James Robertson, M.B.E. JACK, Capt. John Gordon, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C JACK, John WilUam, O.B.E. JACK, Major Walter, O.B.E, Aust. A.O C. JACKA, Hilda Tyacke, M.B.E, M.A. WarWork: Headof the Records and General InteUigence Section, Statistical Branch Ministry of Food, 1918-19. (M8608J JACKLING, Capt. Peroival, O.B.E. War Work : Finance Officer, Machine Gun Corps, Machine Gun Training Centre Headquarters, Grantham ; Controller and Hon. Treas. Machine Gun Corps Prisoners of War Relief Fund. Address : Lloyds Bank House, Hythe, Kent. (010711) JACKMAN, Lieut. Cornelius John Gershom, M.B.E R.A.S.C, 6. 5 Oct. 1888 ; s. of E. G. Jackman ; m. Laura Mary Dorothy, d. of Alderman Charles Farley, J.P, of Tenby Educ. : HUlmartin Coll, London, N.W. Central Stores Department, Ministry of Munitions. War Work : Roads Officer, then Workshop Office, and finaUy O.C. 568 Co. R.A.S.C. attached 15th Motor Ambulance Convoy, France. Address'- The Gables, Venner Road, Sydenham, S.E. 26. (M4529) JACKMAN, Douglas Arthur John, M.B.E, 6. 1 Jan. 1893 ; s. of A. D. Jackman, J.P. of Dorchester ; m. Nancy Oliphant' d. of H. W. Hutchison, J.P, of Kirkcaldy. Educ. : Dor chester Grammar School. War Work : 1914, V.A.D. Orderly) Feb. 1915 to May 1919, Sec. Y.M.C.A, Boulogne Base, B.E.F. Address : Equihen, Dorchester, Dorset. (M8753) JACKS, Harold Benjamin, O.B.E. JACKSON, Lieut.-Col. Alfred, O.B.E. JACKSON, AUce Mabel Erskine, M.B.E, 6. 29 Oct. 1873; d of James RawUnson Jackson, of the Indian Medical Service (Deputy Surgeon General), and of Ktrkbuddo, Forfar, Scotland. War Work : Member of the East Scottish Branch Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association (Forfarshire Branch) ; Member of the Dundee Local Committee ; Vice-Convener of the Dis ablements Department of that Committee; Member of the Forfarshire Local Committee. Address : Korkbuddo, Forfar, Scotland. (M591) JACKSON, AUne Louise, Lady, O.B.E, d. of late William Wallace Cooper, of Dublin ; to. Sir F'rederick John Jackson, K.C.M.G, C.B, Gov. and Com.-in-Chief of Uganda, 1911-17. Address: Evergreens, Lyndhurst, Hants. (02356) JACKSON, Andrew Eric, O.B.E, M.A, LL.D. ; 6. 6 Aug. 1882 ; s. of Andrew Marvel Jackson, of Hessle, E. Yorks. Educ. : Hymers CoU, HuU ; Pembroke CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Procurator-General's Department deaUng with Prize. Addresses : Beacongarth, Hessle, E. Yorks. ; Victoria Chambers, Bowlalley Lane, Hull. Clubs : Junior Constitu tional, London ; Hull and East Riding, HuU. (010713) JACKSON, Arthur, M.B.E. JACKSON, Sir Cyril, K.B.E., M.A , 6. 1863 ; s. of the late Laurence Morris Jackson of South Park, Bodiam, Sussex. Educ. : Charterhouse ; New CoU. Oxford. Barrister of the Inner Temple, 1893 ; Member of London School Board, 1891-96 ; Head of the Education Dept, West AustraUa, 1896- 1903 ; Chief Inspector, Board of Education, 1903-6 ; In vestigator on Unemployment in England and Deland, and on Boy Labour, to the Royal Commission on the Poor Law, 1906 ; Member L.CC, Limehouse Division, 1907-13 ; Alder man L.CC. 1913-16 and 1919 ; Chairman L.CC. 1915 ; Chair man of London InteUigence Committee on Unemployment Local Government Board, 1914 ; Chairman of Advisory Committee on National Register, 1915 ; Vice-Chairman War Pensions, etc., Statutory Committee, 1916-17 ; Member of Central Tribunal, 1915-16 and 1918-19. Addresses : BaUards Shaw, Limpsfield ; 12, St. James' Place, S.W.1. Club : Savile. (K26) JACKSON, Daniel, C.B.E.; partner in the firm of Denny Bros, shipbuilders, Dumbarton. Address: Dumbarton. (C209) JACKSON, Daniel Noel, M.B.E, M.B, B.S, fi. 25 Dec. 1871 ; s. of the late Daniel Jackson, of BelUster Castle, Halt whistle-on-Tyne ; m. Catherine, d. of the late James Williamson, of Craigbarnet, Greenock. Educ : Durham School, and Durham Univ. Medical Practitioner ; Poor Law Medical Officer ; PubUc Vaccinator. War Work : M.O. in charge 4th Northumberland Auxiliary Hospital, DUston HaU, Cor- bridge ; M.O. in charge P. of W. Camp, Slaley, Northumber land. Address : Bridge House, Corbridge-on-Tyne. (M8609) JACKSON, Dorothy Starr, Mrs., M.B.E. JACKSON, Edward St. John, O.B.E. JACKSON, Edward SiddaU, M.B.E, M.D, CM, 6. 20 July, 1856 ; s. of WUUam Jackson, M.R.C.S, of Bolton- le-Sands, Lancashire ; to. Nora, d. of John Vickers Stacey, of Sheffield. Educ. : Royal Grammar School, Lancaster, and Edinburgh Univ. Medical Officer of Health for Carnforth Urban District ; Poor Law Medical Officer for Lancaster Rural District Union, and for Luresdale Union : Surgeon of Police ; Medical Officer for the Post Oflice. War Work: Medical Officer in Charge of Bleasdale House V.A.D. War Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon to the Wray V.A.D. War Hospital. Address: Robin HiU, Carnforth. Club: Carnforth Conservative. (M8610) JACKSON, Capt. Francis Munton, M.B.E. JACKSON, Freda ChristeUe, M.B.E. JACKSON, Major George Erskine, O.B.E, M.C, T.D, J.P, 6. 13 Mar. 1872 ; s. of James Rawlinson Jackson, Deputy Surgeon-General, I.M.D. Educ : HaUeybury Coll, and Corpus Christi CoU, Oxford (B.A, 1895 ; 2nd Class Honour Mods. ; 1st Class Honours Law). Writer to the Signet, 26, Rutland Square, Edinburgh ; Justice of the Peace, and Com missioner of Supply for the County of Forfar, late Major of 280 BIOGRAPHIES. Jackson Fife and Forfar Yeoy. War Work: Served as Private in the O.T.V. (M.I.) in South African War (Queen's Medal, 3 Clasps), 1900 ; Staff Capt. Highland Mounted Brigade, Aug. 1914, to AprU, 1916 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Western Force, E.E.F, June. 1916, to May, 1917 ; D.A.Q.M.G. Delta and Western Force, E.E.F, May, 1917, to July, 1917 ; D.A.A.G. AustraUan Mounted Division, E.E.F., July, 1917, to July 1919 ; Served in GaUipoU, including evacuation from Suvla ; Egypt, Palestine, and Syria ; took part with General Allenby's Mounted Troops in all the operations from the capture of Beersheba to the capture of Damascus ; twice mentioned in despatches. Addresses : Kirkbuddo, Forfar ; 26, Rutland Square, Edin burgh. Clubs : New, and Univ., Edinburgh ; Caledonian, London. (06214) JACKSON, Lieut.-Col. George Scott, C.B.E, D.S.O, T.D, 6. 1870 ; s. of the late Daniel Jackson ; ». 1894, Maud, „. of the late C Harrison Stanton. Major and Brevet Lieut.- Col. Northumberland FusiUers (T.F.) ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). Address : Alnwick, Northumber land. (C1273) JACKSON, GwendoUne Doris, Mrs., O.B.E. JACKSON, Comm. Harold Gordon, O.B.E, R.N. JACKSON, Squadron-Leader Henry Leigh, C.B.E. JACKSON, Herbert, M.B.E, I.A. JACKSON, Professor Sir Herbert, K.B.E, F.R.S, 5. 17 Mar. 1863 ; to. Amy, d. of late James Collister. Assistant Professor, 1902 ; Professor of Organic Chemistry, King's CoU, 1905 ; FeUow of King's CoU. London, 1907 ; Director of Research ; British Scientific Instruments Research Assoc. ; Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, Univ. of London ; Daniell Professor of Chemistry, King's CoU.- London, 1914-18. Address : iii, Lansdowne Rd, HoUand Park, W.ll. Clubs : Athenaeum ; SavUe. (K27) JACKSON, Sir Herbert WiUiam, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 5 Feb. 1861 ; s. of late W. H. Jackson, of Frowlesworth HaU, Leicester. Entered Army 1881 ; served Egyptian War, 1882 (medal and Khedive's Star) ; Sudan Expedition, 1884 ; joined the Egyptian Army, 1888 ; NUe Expedition, 1884-85 ; Dongola Expeditionary Force, 1896 ; Atbara, 1898 (clasp, despatches) ; battle of Khartoum (despatches, Br. Lt.-Col, clasp, British Nile Medal) ; Governor of Fashoda district and in command of forces at Fashoda during March and Mission incident ; Nile Expedition, 1899 ; Governor of Berber Province, 1899-1900 ; Lt.-Gov. of the Sudan and CivU Secretary, 1900-2 ; mentioned in despatches, 1916, for administrative work connected with the situation in the Sudan created by the War. Address : Dongola, Egypt. (K325) JACKSON, Capt. Hugh WiUiam, M.B.E. JACKSON, Jessie MUUcent, O.B.E, R.R.C, Q.A.I.M.N.S.K. JACKSON, John, O.B.E, 6. 1 Jan. 1865 ; s. of John Jackson, of Manchester ; m. Amy A, d. of Samuel Beaumont, of Southport. Educ. : Broughton High School ; Owens CoUege, Manchester. CivU Servant. H.M. Superintending Inspector of Factories (Home Office) for the N.W. Division. Wm Work : Special work and enquiries in connection with the Factory Dept. ; 1917, Commissioner for the N.W. Division, National Service Dept. ; Technical Adviser to the Reserved Occupations Committee, and later to the Trade Exemptions Dept. of the Ministry of National Service. Address : Rich mond HiU, Bowdon, Cheshire. (0457) JACKSON, John WilUam, O.B.E, 6. 16 Sept. 1873 ; s. of William Jackson, of Pendleton, Manchester. Educ. : Manchester. SoUcitor ; Town Clerk of Grimsby and Clerk to the EnroHed Freemen of Grimsby since Jan. 1914 ; pre viously. Deputy Town Clerk of Salford. War Work : Member of the Board of Management, and Hon. Sec. to the Grimsby National SheU Factory ; Clerk to the Local MUitary Tribunal ; Member of the Recruiting Committee ; Hon. Sec. to the War Emergency Committee ; Sec. and Treas. to the Local War Pensions Committee ; Executive Officer of the Food Control Committee, and Hon. Sec. to the Local Relief Committee. Address : The Mount, 8, Dudley Street, Grimsby. Club : County, Grimsby. (010715) JACKSON, Joseph Clough, M.B.E, 6. 1 Dec. 1878 ; s. of Hornsby Jackson, of the Brownberries, Horsforth ; to. Nora Wainman, d. of the late J. M. Fawcett, of Leeds. Educ. : Repton. Chartered Accountant. War Work : Hon. Sec, Lord Mayor of Leeds Belgian Refugees Committee. Address : Heathfield Cottage, Far Headingley, Leeds. Club : Leeds and County Conservative. (M594) JACKSON, Laura, Mrs., O.B.E. 6. 1867; to. George Frederick Jackson. War Work : Red" Cross ; Vice-President, SolihuU Division, B.R.C.S, Warwickshire ; Commandant, Springfield V.A.D. Hospital, Knowle. Address: Springfield Rouse, Knowle, Warwickshire. Club : Three Counties, Birrningham. (0458) JACKSON, Lieut. Leonard Edward Selmas, M.B.E. R.F.A. (T.F.). JACKSON, LilUan May, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 11 Jan. 1895 ; a. of WiUiam Rogers, of Helston, Cornwall; to. Vincent Edmund, s. of E. B. P. Jackson, of Enfield. War Work : Ser vice with Women's Voluntary Reserve, May, 1915, to July, 1917 ; service with Q.M.A.A.C from Aug. 1917, to May, 1920. Address : 5, Hazelwood Lane, Palmers Green, N.13. (M1948) JACKSON, Major Gen. Sir Louis Charles, K.B.E, l?.B, CM.G, 6. 7 Mar. 1856; s. of late Sir Louis Stewart Jackson, CLE, B.C.S, of Hadleigh Hall, Suffolk; m. Bessie, d. of WUUam Vivian, D.L. Club : United Service. (K85) JACKSON, Mary, M.B.E. JACKSON, Maud Mary, Mrs., MB.E. JACKSON, Capt. Max., O.B.E, 6. 7 May, 1877 ; s. of Thos. H. Jackson, of the Manor House, Birkenhead ; m. Lily, d. of Riohard Stubbs, of Birkenhead. Educ. : Harrow. Farmer. War Work : EnUsted Public Schools Batt, R.N.D, Dec. 1914 ; Served with M.E.F. from May, 1915 to Deo. 1915 ; invalided home ; commissioned as Transport Officer, 16th Batt, Sher wood Foresters (Chatsworth Rifles), June, 1916 ; served in France till Sept. 1916 ; invalided home ; appointed M.A.R.O, Chester Area, May, 1917 ; Capt, Sept. 1917 ; Transferred to M.N.S. as D.D.N.L.S, Nov. 1917 ; Deputy Controller, Min. Lab, North-Western Division, from Jan. 1918 to Jan. 1919. Address : Upheld Farm, Brockweir, nr. Chepstow. (03135) JACKSON, Nellie, Mrs. Hilditch, M.B.E, fi. 29 Dec. 1890 ; d. of Major John Pitt, of Hong Kong and Woolwich ; to. Charles Hilditch, s. of Joseph Jackson, of Audley, Staffs. Educ. : Grosvenor House School Wokingham, Berks. For eight years was engaged at the War Office, and during the War was in charge of the typing establishment, Park Buildings, War Office. Address : Glencairn, Forthbridge Road, Clapham Common. (M2291) JACKSON, Sub.-Lieut. Norman, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. (M6853) JACKSON, Major Oswald Egerton Orme, O.B.E. JACKSON, Alderman Robert, O.B.E, J.P. Mayor of Todmorden for seven years. (011907) JACKSON, Major Robert Hugh Holmes, O.B.E, M.C, 3rd Batt. East Surrey Regt, 6. 21 May, 1891 ; s. of Col. Sir Robert Whyte MelvUle Jackson, K.C.M.G, K.B.E, O.B. Educ : Downside. Address : 50, HurUngham Court, London, S.W.6. (06485) JACKSON, Col. Sir Robert Whyte MelviUe, K.C.M.G, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 3 June 1860 ; s. of late Robert Jackson, Registrar-General of Shipping ; m. Frances, d. of Capt. Hugh McTernan, J.P, D.L, of Heapstown House, Sligo. Educ. : Marlborough. Entered 2nd Batt. Royal InniskiUing FusiUers, 1881 ; Army Ordnance, 1886 ; Capt. R. InniskiUing Fusiliers, 1890 ; Major, 1897 ; Lt.-Col, 1901 ; Col. 1907 : Brig. Gen. 1915 ; served S. Africa, 1900-1 (despatches twice, brevet of Col, Queen's Medal, 3 clasps ; King's Medal, 2 clasps, C.M.G.) ; Chief Ordnance Officer, Cape Colony, 1903-5 ; appointed Director of Ordnance for Mediterranean Expedition ary Force (despatches three times) ; Order of White Eagle, Serbia, 1916. Address : 50, HurUngham Court, S.W.6. (K271) JACKSON, Roland Octavius, M.B.E, 6. 26 Mar. 1879 ; s. of Thomas Hughes Jackson, of the Manor House, Birken head. Educ : Harrow ; and BaUiol Coll, Oxford. War Work : B.R.C.S. Transport Officer for Birkenhead and Wirral District. Addresses : The Manor House, Birkenhead ; 2, Cockspur Street, London, S.W.1. Clubs : Bath ; Denham Golf. (M1949) JACKSON, Samuel, O.B.E, F.I.C, A.R.C.S, 6. 20 March, 1871 ; s. of Joseph Jackson, of Keighley, Yorkshire ; m. Maud Morison, d. of David Duncan, LL.D, of Aberdeen. Educ : Yorkshire CoU. (now Leeds Univ.) ; Royal CoU. of Science, London. Superintending Chemist, Buckingham MU1 Co, Ltd, Madras, and Camari Mill Co, Ltd, Madras. War Work : Chiefly engaged on Khaki Cloth for Indian Army (Army Clothing, Indian Munitions Board). Address : c/o Messrs. Binny & Co, Ltd, Madras, India. Club : Madras. (08263) JACKSON, Major Samuel, O.B.E, R.A.S.C (T.). JACKSON, Eng.-Lieut.-Col. Stanley, O.B.E, R.N. JACKSON, Capt. Swinscho James, O.B.E. (Mil), 6. 19 Feb. 1868 ; s. of Swinscho Jackson, of Retford, Notts ; m. Henrietta Elsie, d. of John Peters Richards, of Sharnbrook, Beds. Educ : Privately. Served a number of years in the 14th (King's) Hussars, also in the 8th Royal Irish Hussars. War Work: Appointed (G.S.) General Service Officer on the outbreak of war and proceeded to Ireland ; Commanded various detachments in Deland and took part in the Rebellion, Dublin ; took charge of the armoured cars, Royal Barracks, Dublin ; afterwards proceeded to France with the 8th Batt. Royal Irish Regt, in the advance on Hmden- burg fines; twice mentioned in despatches by Sir Douglas Haig. Address : 3, East Ascent, St. Leouards-on-Sea, Sussex. Clubs : Constitutional ; Conservative (Hastings). (05421) JACKSON, Lieut. Thomas Edwin, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. JACKSON, Capt. Thomas Eldridge, O.B.E. JACKSON, Violet, Mrs., M.B.E. JACKSON, Violette Mary, Mrs, M.B.E. JACKSON, WiUiam Henry Congreve, M.B.E. JACKSON, Ada Frances, Lady MATHER-, O.B.E, Lady of Grace St. John of Jerusalem, fi. 17 March, 1861 ; d of the late Gen. Edward Arthur Somerset, C.B, of Troy House, Monmouth ; to. Henry Mather, s. oi Sir Henry Mather-Jackson, Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage), of Llantilho Court Abergavenny. Chairman of the Monmouth Board of Guardians ; Sec. Monmouthshire Nursing Association ; Member of the Maternity and Child Welfare Committee ; CC. War Work ' Chairman of the Monmouthshire Land Army ; Sec of the Nursing Committee of the Manideff Court AuxiUary Red Cross Hospital, Abergavenny. (010712) JACKSON, Sir Henry MATHER-, C.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6 19 Oct. 1855 ; m. Ada, d. of late Gen. Somerset, C.B, Troy House, Monmouthshire. Educ. : Harrow ; Trin. CoU. Cam bridge Barrister, Lincoln's Inn, 1881 ; Alderman ; Chairman Quarter Sessions for Monmouthshire; Deputy Chairman 281 Jackson THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. of the Grand Trunk RaUway of Canada. Address : LlantiUio, Abergavenny; 56, Montagu Square, W.l. Cub : Brooks's. (C533) JACKSON, Lieut.-Col. Arnold Nugent Strode STRODE-, C.B.E, D.S.O, (Res. of Officers), 6. 5 AprU, 1891 ; s. of the late Morton Strode-Jackson, I.S.O, of Addlestone, Surrey ; m. Dora Berryman, d. of the late WiUiam AUen Mooney, of Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A. Educ. : Malvern, and Brasenose College, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law (Middle Temple). War Work : Adjutant of 13th Bn. of the Rifle Brigade ; Commanded the 13th King's Royal Rifle Corps ; D.S.O. with 3 bars ; six times mentioned in despatches ; three times wounded ; tempor arily lent to Foreign Office for duty with the British Delegation at the Peace Conference, Paris (C.B.E.). Addresses : Mead Cottage, Merstham, Surrey ; 93a, Linden Gardens, W. 2. Club : Junior Carlton. (C2712) JACOB, Lieut.-Col. Arthur LesUe, CLE, O.B.E, 6. 1870 ; s. of the late H. P. Jacob, Educational Depart, India ; to. 1896, Jenny Coke Mickleburgh. Entered Indian Army, 1891 ; Major, 1909 ; Lieut.-Col. 1917 ; appointed Assist, to Agent to Gov. Gen, Baluchistan, 1901 ; Assist. PoUtical Agent, Zhob, 1903 ; PoUtical Agent, Baluchistan, 1909 ; 1st Assist. Agent to Gov. Gen. 1909 ; PoUtical Agent, Zhob, 1902. Address : Zhob, Baluchistan, India. (0843) JACOB, Edmund Henry, O.B.E. JACOB, Ven. John Attwood, O.B.E, M.A, fi. 28 Sept. 1866 ; s. of Rev. Canon Jacob, of Horningsham, Wilts ; to. AUcia Barbara, d. of Rev. F. W. MaunseU, of Symondsbury, Dorset Educ. : Lancing CoUege ; Keble CoUege, Oxford. Archdeacon of Timam and Westland ; Vicar of Timaru, New Zealand. War Work : Chaplain, New Zealand Expeditionary Force, 3rd class, July. 1916 Aug. 1919. Address : St. Saviour's Boys' Orphanage, Timaru, New Zealand. (07998) JACOB, John Hier, O.B.E, B.A. (Oxon.), 6.20 Feb. 1884 ; e. ot the late Hier Jacob, Solicitor, of Abergavenny, Mon. and London ; to. AUce, d. of the late John Mortimer, of EUands, Forres, N.B. Edue. : St. Paul's School ; Lincoln CoUege, Oxford. Solicitor ; Principal Clerk, Legal Administrative, side of the PubUc Trustee Office. War Work : PubUc Trustee's Office. Addresses : 15, Warwick Gardens, Kensington, London ; CaUandraed, Cooden, Sussex. Club : Sudbrook Park Golf. (O3770) JACOB, Rev. John Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 1 Aug. 1859 ; s. of PhiUp Jacob, of Norwood ; to. Edith Mary, d. of Rev. Alfred Henry New, of Addiscombe. Educ. : Privately ; Cheshunt CoU. Cambs. ; DubUn Univ. Clerk in Holy Orders ; Vicar of Torquay; Surrogate. War Work: Chaplain to the Torquay Town HaU Hospital for Wounded Soldiers, 1914-17 ; made 18 pr. shells in munition works in Torquay, 1914-17 ; Commissioned Chaplain Mar. 1917 to Mar. 1919 with H.Q. Heavy ArtiUery, 9th Corps, and after, with Fourth Army ArtiUery School, 27 Jan. 1918 to 13 July 1918 ; 71st Bde. H.A, 12 Aug. 1918 to 27 Aug. 1918; Fourth Army School of Musketry, 27- Aug. 1918 ; Instructor and Lecturer on History, Geography, and Photography in the 4th Army Young Soldiers' School, Namur ; mentioned in despatches ; held an Honorary Commission in the Army. Address ; Tor Vicarage, Torquay. (05422) JACOBS, Dorothy Isabel, M.B.E. JACOBS, Lieut. Jonathan, O.B.E, R.F.A. (T). JACOBS, JuUus, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 7 July, 1861 : s of David Jacobs, of Liverpool ; to. Hannah, d. of the late P. Hands, Banker, of Charing Cross, London. Educ. : Liverpool Member of the Liverpool, Bootle. and District Advisory Com mittee Ministry of Labour ; member of Committee of Employ ment Exchange ; member of Sub-Committee of the Local War Pensions Committee ; Visiting Justice, H.M. Prison, Walton; Member of the Licensing Committee of Theatres and PubUc Entertainments. War Work : Hon. Sec Liver pool and Birkenhead Branch of the National Association for Employment of ex-Soldiers. Address : Linwood, Sefton Park Road, Liverpool. Clubs : Conservative, Liverpool ; Press Liverpool ; The Club, Harrogate. (O10717) JACOBS, Louis, M.B.E, fi. 26 Oct. 1891. War Work : Chief Accountant of the Trading with the Enemy Dept Address : 57, Warrington Crescent, Maida Vale, W. (M8614) JACOBSON, Ernest Nathaniel Joseph, C.B.E, 6. 15 July 1877 ; s. of the late S. N. Jacobson, of 23, Woburn Square, London ; m. Gladys Welcome, d. of the late Walter ElUs, of 94, Portland Place, W. Educ. : City of London School. Member of firm of Guedalla, Jacobson & Spyer, Sohcitors War Work : Joined Metropolitan Special Constabulary, 1914 ; Chairman of Discipline Board from Oct. 1914 ; Assistant Staff Officer on Staff of Sir Edward Ward (Chief Staff Officer) S|P*- 191*; Commandant and Chairman of Discipline Board of Metropolitan Special Constabulary Reserve. Addresses : Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C. 2 ; 63, Gloucester Portman Square, W. 1. CZufis : Reform; Law Society; Walton Heath Golf. (C35) JACOBSZ, Lieut.-Col. Jan, O.B.E JACOMB, Major Frederick Basil Wood, O.B.E, I.A. JACQUES, The Rev. George Henry Paul, M.B.E. JAFFRAY, Rev. William Stevenson, Deputy Chaplain im^lf^ F,0.ce^,?I-G-iC':B-E- D'D' ^(Edin.),6, 30 March" M?Za if- he late wuliam Stevenson Jaffray, of Greystones f„w ^f^.; ™- Ethel Annie Duncan, d. of Major James Law, of Lauriston, Torphins, Aberdeenshire. Educ. : Edin burgh University. War Work : Senior Chaplain, 7th Division (1914-16), B.E.F.; Assistant Principal Chaplain, 5th Army • Principal Chaplain, British Salonica and Black Sea Forces' Four times mentioned in despatches ; Awarded C.M.G. June' 1915 ; C.B.E, 1919 ; Knight Commander of Order of St. Sava' Serbia (St. Sava II Class). Address : Royal Army Chaplains' Dept, War Office. (C1413) JAGGARD, Cape. George, O.B.E. JAGGER, Major Hugh Cleivion, O.B.E, R.A.V.C (T ) JAGGER, Lieut. WiUiam, M.B.E, R.A.S.C JAIPUR, H.H. Maharajadhiraja Sir Sawai Madho Sins Bahadur of, G.CS.I, G.C.I.E, C.V.O, G.B.E, 6. 1861; s. of the Thakar of Lsarda. Hon. Major-Gen. in the Indian Army raised and maintains the Imperial Transport Corps for service of the British Govt. ; raised a permanent Famine ReUef Fund for India, 1900; attended Coronation of King Edward VH. 1902; entitled to salute of 21 guns. Address: Jaipur Palace' Rajputana India. (G20) JAKEWAY, George, M.B.E. ' JAMES, Lieut.-Col. Albert John Stanley, C.B.E, D.S.O. M.C. Major and Acting Lieut.-Col. Roy. Welsh FusUiers; served in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (C534) JAMES, AUred Henry, C.B.E. JAMES, Arthur Godfrey, C.B.E, fi. 22 Oct. 1876; s. of John Henry James, of Kingswood, Watford; m. Helen, d. of Thomas Maitland, of Broughty Ferry, Scotland. Educ. : Eton; Trinity CoU, Oxford. SoUcitor. War Work: Lieut R.A.S.C, 1915-16; Egypt, 1916; Staff Capt, D.A.A.G, War Office, 1916-17 ; Ministry of National Service, 1917-18. Address : 58. Rutland Gate, S.W. 7. Clubs : Union ; Burling ton Fine Arts ; Leander. (C2713) JAMES, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Cuthbert, C.B.E, M.P, 6. 29 Feb. 1872 ; s. of Walter Henry. 2nd Lord Northbourne (see Burke's Peerage), of Bettishanger, Eastry, Kent; m. Florence Marion, d. of Hussey Packe, of Prestwold, Lough borough. Educ. : Harrow ; Magdalen CoU, Oxford. Lieut.- Col. (ret.). M.P. (Co.-U.) for Bromley, Kent, bye-election, Dec. 1919 ; formerly an officer in the East Surrey Regt, the Egyptian Army, holding appointments under the Sudan and Egyptian Governments. War Work : Joined up at outbreak of War ; Capt. 7th (s.) Batt. E. Surrey Regt. ; Major Nov. 1914 ; served in France and Flanders till early in 1916, relinquishing his commission owing to iU-health; appointed to tbe Royal Marines, with rank of Major, as Inspector of Admiralty Motor Transport; shortly after promoted Lieut- Col. Address : 3, Ormonde Gate, S.W. 3. Clubs : Brooks's, Garrick; Beefsteak; 1900, etc. (C1930) JAMES, Major Dennis Cory, O.B.E, 6. 1896 : s. of late WiUiam Cory James, of Taflra, Grand Canary ; to. Florence Rose, d. of WiUiam Barr, of Naramine, Australia. Educ: Hurstpierpont CoU. Sussex. Anglo-American OU Co. War Work : Lieut, 2nd Worcestershire Regt. 1914-16 ; wounded ; transferred to Royal Flying Corps ; Staff Officer, Air Ministry, 1917-20 ; Staff Officer, 2nd Class and Sec. to R.A.F. Delegation to Peace Conference, Paris, 1920 ; Sec. to Technical sub- Commission on International Aerial Navigation, Paris, 1920. Legion of Honour. Address : 20, Woodville Gardens, Ealing, W. 5. Club : R.A.F. (08124) JAMES, Diana LUy, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of De Vere Beauclerk (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Christian Hugh, s. of the late Thomas James, of Otterburn Towers, Northumberland (see Burke's Landed Gentry). War Work : Commandant, Holeyn HaU Hospital, Wylam-on-Tyne. Address : Rudchester, Wylam-on-Tyne. (M1951) JAMES, Dudley WiUiam Henry, M.B.E, 6. 1873; s. of WilUam James, of Hampstead. Educ. : Univ. Coll. Chair man Income Tax Commissioners, St. Martin's Parish ; Chair man of Governors of St. Martin's High School. War Wort .' Sub-Inspector of Special Constabulary H.Q.C Division; seconded for duty with MetropoUtan Observation Service (Anti- Aircraft) ; Member of Advisory Committee to Tribunal, City of Westminster. Address : Under Ridge, Bourne End, Bucks. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; National Liberal. (M3755) JAMES, Capt. Edward Lionel Luscombe, M.B.E. JAMES, Major Edward Stewart, O.B.E, Aust. A.V.C. JAMES, Eleanor Marian, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. JAMES, Eric Ibbetson, O.B.E, M.A, fi. 23 Sept. 1888; s. of the late Herbert James, of Hampstead; m. Dis, d. ol Charles SUburn Barber, of 12, Rivercourt Road, W. Educ : St. Paul's School, and Corpus Christi CoU, Oxford. British CouncU Officer, Supreme Economic CouncU ; British Sec, Permanent Committee, Supreme Economic Council; Sec, Interdepartmental Russian Trade Committee. War Wort: Ministry of Food, 1917-19 ; Sec, Inter-AUied Oilseeds Execu tive, 1918-19 ; sometime British Sec. and acting representative, European Coal Commission. Address : 71, Talgarth Mansions, W. Club: Authors'. (010718) JAMES, Lieut.-Col. Eustace Lindsay Haweis, O.B.E., R.A.O.C. JAMES, Major Frank Treharne, M.B.E, V.D, 6. 9 Oct. 1861 ; s. of Frank James, of Merthyr Tydfil ; m. Agnes Grace, d. of WiUiam Powell of Hirwain, Glamorganshire. Educ.: Clifton. SoUcitor. War Work : MiUtary Representative, 0.U 3rd V.B. Welsh Regiment. Address : Penydarren House, Merthyr Tydfil. Clubs : Sports; Cardiff and County, Cardiff. (M8616) 282 BIOGRAPHIES. Jammu JAMES, Major Frederiok, C.B.E, R.A.S.C. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1633) JAMES, Frederick Ernest, O.B.E. JAMES, Frederiok John, M.B.E. JAMES, Capt. Fullarton, O.B.E. JAMES, George Charles, O.B.E. JAMES, Gwenyfred, Lady, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 27 April, • 1870 ; d. of Dr. Hearder, of Carmarthen, Wales ; m. Hon. Sir Walter Hartwell, K:C, of Perth, Western Australia (see Burke's Peerage), s. of Edward Senior James. Educ. ; Carmarthen. War Work : Executive of Red Cross, Western Australia ; President, XI. Batt. Women Workers ; National Council of Women ; Y.M.CA. Address : 69, Mount St, Perth, Western Australia. Club : Kanakatta, Perth. JAMES, Gwilym Prosser, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. JAMES, Henry MannseU. M.B.E. JAMES, Lieut.-Col. Herbert EUison Rhodes, C.B, CM.G, O.B.E, F.R.CS, 6. 20 Oct. 1857 ; s. of the late Rev. Herbert James, of Livermere, Suffolk. Educ. : Aldeburgh School : Charing Cross Hospital. R.A.M.C, attached to General Staff, War Office, for training of Medical Units, O.T.C War Wort: Served in Egypt, Command of No. 15 General Hospital, 1915-18 ; Salonika, Command of Nos. 61 and 36 Gen. Hospitals, 1918-19. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place. Clubs : Junior United Service ; Flyflshers'. (06486) JAMES, Herbert WiUiam, M.B.E, fi. 4 Dec. 1875; s. of the late Frederick James, of Twickenham ; m. Edith Mary, d. of the late Francis MiUar, of Watford. Educ : Watford Grammar School. Parliamentary Assistant, SoUcitor's Office, L. and N.W.Ry, Euston Station, N.W. War Work : In charge of Legal Ejection, Timber SuppUes Department, Board of Trade; Assistant Controller of Timber SuppUes, supervising administration of orders regulating the sale and purchase and distribution of home-grown timber and pitwood in England aud Wales. Address : 4, WiggenhaU Road, Watford, Herts. (M3756) JAMES, Iris Silburn, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. Oct. 18 1892 ; d. of Charles SUburn Barber of 12, Rivercourt Road, W. 6; m. Eric lhbetson, s. of the late Herbert James. Educ. : Francis HoUand School ; Ecole St. Pierre, Nancy. Official of the League of Nations. War Work : Voluntary work in connection with North Islington Welfare Centre ; organised registries in the Ministry of Food, M. and D. Divisions ; Sec. to Mr. J. I. Craig, Statistician, of the Ministry of Food ; organised Registries of the Supreme Economic CouncU ; loaned to the Reparation Commission for Inter-AUied Secretariat work. Address : 71, Talgarth Mansions, Barons Court, W. 14. (M1953) JAMES, Ivor Lough, M.B.E. JAMES, James Picton, M.B.E. JAMES, Jenkin, O.B.E. JAMES, Josephine Selina, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Capt. Elisha Hitchins, of Falmouth ; m. Richard, s. of Richard James, of Tiverton. War Work : Hostel for Belgians ; Streatham War Hospital Supply Depot. (M1955) JAMES, Katharine Margaret, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. JAMES, 2nd Lieut. Maurice Jewison, M.B.E, R.A.F. JAMES, Rev. Peroival Walter, O.B.E. JAMES, Lieut.-Col. Ralph Ernest Haweis, CM.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1875. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Loyal Regt. (N. Lancs.) ; served in China, 1900 (medal) ; and during Great War, 1914-18. Address : 47, Draycott Place, S.W.3. (C2354) JAMES, Rebecca Green, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1859 ; d. of William Davis, of KUleagh House, Co. Cork; to. Charles Edward, s. of John James, of Butler House, Kilkenny.' War Wort: Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Assocn, Friend" Soldiers' Help; Hon. Sec. and Treas. KUkenny Castle War Hospital Supply Depot, 1915-19 ; Assistant in Soldiers' Home; Voluntary Recruiter for the Q.M.A.A.C, Member of Local War Pensions Committee. Address : Butler House, Kilkenny, Deland. . (010722) JAMES, Robert Perciva'l, O.B.E. JAMES, Sidney Frederick, O.B.E, 6. 13 Sept. 1869 ; A of E. James, of Liverpool ; to. Florence Gray, d. of J. JJ, Beer, of Liverpool. Educ : Liverpool. Town Clerk ; Olerk to the Local Education Authority ; Clerk to the Higher Education Committee ; Clerk to the Burial Board, Ilkeston. war Work: Assist. Sec. Admiralty Labour Department; Bee. Tramways (Board of Trade) Committee. Address: Town flail, Ilkeston ; Roseneath, Ilkeston. (010723) JAMES, Rev. Canon Sidney Rhodes, C.B.E, V.D, fi. "lav 1855 ; «. of Rev. Herbert James, of Livermere, Suffolk ; m. Luida, d. of Henry Hoare, of Staplehurst, Kent. Educ. : aafieybury; Trinity CoUege, Cambridge; Archdeacon of Dudley. Canon of Worcester Cathedral ; Examining Chaplain i«onP' Worcester ; Select Preacher, Cambridge University, , _2°> 1?11, lflie ; Formerly assistant master, Eton CoUege, w , 97' and headmaster, Malvern CoUege, 1897-1914. War wort: Chaplain, (T.F.) First Class, 61st Division, 1915; senior Chaplain Norwich, 1916 ; District Senior Chaplain, ¦lhames and Medway Garrison (Chatham area), 1916-19. fitnesses : The CoUege, Worcester ; St. Denis, Bembridge, I. of W. Clubs : Worcestershire County ; Bembridge SaUing. (C1634) ¦JAMES, Thomas David, C.B.E, M.A, fi. 3 AprU, 1871 ; m. Pauline, d. of Sir Francis MacCabe, F.R.CP.I, of Dublin. Educ : Christ's College, Brecon ; Christ's College, Cambridge. Acting Deputy Accountant-General of the Navy. Address : 24, Queen's Gate Terrace, S.W. Club : Junior Carlton. (C2714) JAMES, Thomas Qwynfab, M.B.E. JAMES, Wilhelmina Martha, O.B.E. ; d. of Rev. Octavius James, of Clarghyll Hall, Alston, Cumberland. Educ. : At home. Literature. War Work : Canteen for Sick and Wounded under British Red Cross Society in Salonica, 1916-18 (2i years) ; Canteens of the Church Army (after the Armis tice) in Belgium, France and Germany ; also, Y.M.C.A. in All Welcome Hut, Victoria Station. Address : c/o Miss J. M. James, Summerfield, Malvern Wells, Worcestershire. Club : Ladies' Lyceum. (01515) JAMES, WUUam Arthur, M.B.E. JAMES, Eng.-Capt. William Henry, C.B.E, R.N. JAMES, WilUam Henry, O.B.E, 6. 27 Sept. 1870; s. of William James, of WalsaU ; to. Catherine Anne, d. of Rev. Griffith WilUams, of Carnarvon. Educ : Privately. Trained under the London and North Western Railway Co. at Crewe Works ; Civil Engineer on public works. War Work : Chief Investigation Officer, Northern Counties, investigating and adjusting industrial disputes in connection with wages, working conditions, etc. ; maintaining production by improving time keeping and working conditions of the workers. - Address ; 30, Windsor Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Club : Rotary. (010724) JAMES, WilUam Isaac, O.B.E. JAMES, WilUam John, O.B.E, 6. 18 Oct. 1852 ; s. of the late John James, of Haven Street, nr. Hyde, I. of W. ; to. 1st, Sarah, d. of George Whale, late of Hampton Court, Middle sex, 2nd, Ethel Lucy, d. of W. H. Wooster, late of Bath. Educ : Ryde, I. of W. Superintendent, Plymouth Post Office, 1885-90 ; Postmaster, Devonport, 1890-1900 ; Postmaster of Colchester, 1900-1 ; Postmaster of Middlesbrough, 1901-4 ; Post master of Oxford, 1904-7 ; Postmaster of Exeter, 1907-9 ; Postmaster of Southampton, 1909-18. War Work : Making up and receipt and disposal of maUs to and from the armies overseas, and the great pressure of telegraph work relating to the various armies. Address : Westfield, Clifton Road, Southampton. (01516) JAMES, WilUam Warwick, O.B.E, F.R.CS, L.D.S. JAMES, WiUiard Frank, O.B.E. JAMES, Capt. Edward HamUton CARKEET-, O.B.E., M.C, D.C.L.I, 6. 15 June, 1893 ; s. of Charles Carkeet-James, of Westminster, S.W. Educ : Cheltenham CoUege ; R.M.C, Sandhurst. War Work : Served with the B.E.F, Dec. 1914 to May, 1915, and B.E.F, Nov. 1915 to May, 1919. Clubs: Junior United Service ; R.A.C. ; Roehampton. (O5075) JAMES, Renel, Mrs. FULLARTON-, M.B.E. JAMES, Capt. Charles Wilmot WANKLYN-, O.B.E. R.A.M.C. JAMESON Major Aaron, O.B.E. JAMESON, Capt. David Napier, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. JAMESON, Erskine Dawson, M.B.E, M.A, LL.B, 6. 8 Feb. 1868 ; s. of James Jameson, of Elgin. Educ. : Aberdeen Grammar School ; Aberdeen and Edinburgh Universities. Solicitor and County Clerk of Moray. War Work : Hon. Treas. Red Cross Society, Morayshire Branch ; was instru mental in collecting large sums on behalf of Red Cross, French ReUef Fund, Belgian ReUef Fund, etc. ; largely responsible for success of War Savings movement in Elgin. Clubs : Elgin; Scottish Conservative, Edinburgh. (M8619) JAMESON, Capt. George Lionel, O.B.E, R.E. JAMESON, Capt. William Storm, M.B.E. JAMIESON, Adam James, M.B.E. JAMIESON, Alexander, M.B.E. JAMIESON, Major Alexander Harvey Morro, O.B.E, R.G.A. JAMIESON, Charles Fleming, M.B.E. JAMIESON, Major Edmund Charles Kean, M.B.E. JAMIESON, Stanley Wyndham, C.B.E, 6. 1885 ; s. of the late John Donaldson Jamieson, of Greenock; m. Muriel Cartmel, d. of Rt. Hon. Lord Marchamley, of 29, Prince's Gardens, S.W. Educ. : Charterhouse. County CouncUlor, Gloucestershire ; Director, Duttons Brewery, Ltd. (Black burn), and Burrow's Press, Ltd. (Cheltenham). War Work : Served Gloucestershire Regt. (1914-15) ; Private Sec. (unpaid), to Deputy Sec. of State for War (1916-19) ; Assistant (unpaid), to Controller of Inspection of Munitions (1919). Addresses : Thirlestaine Lodge, Cheltenham ; 103, St. George's Road, S.W. Clubs : Junior Athenaeum ; New Cheltenham. (C984) JAMIESON, Thomas HiU, M.B.E, 6. 19 April, 1873; s. of Thomas Hill Jamieson, of Edinburgh ; to. Mary, d. of J. J. Milnes, of Huddersfield. Educ. : Arbroath High School, and Univ. of Edinburgh. Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : CiviUan doctor in charge of malaria wards, 4th London General Hospital. Club: Sports. (M13269) JAMINSON, Samuel Jones, M.B.E. JAMISON, Lieut. Robert Edward, M.B.E. JAMMU AND KASHMIR, Lieut.-Gen. H.H. Maharaja Sir Pratap Singh Maharaja of, G.CS.I, G.C.I.E, G.B.E, 6. 14 July, 1850' s. of H.H. the late Maharaja, of Jammu and Kashmir, G.CS.I. One of the Ruling Chiefs of India, with an area of 79,784 square mUes and a population of three mUlions ; entitled to a salute of 21 guns. Addresses : Srinagar, Kashmir ; Jammu, Punjab. (G19) 283 Janes THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. JANES, Capt. Ernest, O.B.E, 6. 10 Sept. 1879 ; s. of WiUiam James, of Long Crendon, Bucks. ; m. Fanny Florence, d. of John Betts, of Long Crendon. Educ : Long Crendon School. Quartermaster, R.A.M.C ; Commissioned from the ranks of the R.A.M.C. after 17 years' service in May, 1915. War Work : Employed at Headquarters of the Eastern Com mand, on the staff of the Deputy Director of Medical Services of that Command ; from Jan. 1919, until May, 1920, held the appointment of Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services, Eastern Command. Addresses : R.A.M.C. Record Office, Woking ; Hilltop, Long Crendon, Bucks. (O7320) JANION, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Arthur Cyril Austin, O.B.E, R.N. JANSON, Lieut. Frederick Ernest, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. JAPP, George Attison, M.B.E, L.S.O, 6. 18 Aug. 1865 s. of Alexander Japp. Educ : Board School, Kirkcaldy, Scotland. Printer ; now Salvation Army Officer. War Work : Assisted with Recruits at Cardiff early days of war ; helped with reception of Belgian Refugees ; work in Le Harve, TrouvUle and Rouen areas, from the spring of 1917, to Oct. 1919. Address : 84, Third Avenue, Heaton, Newcastle-on- Tyne. (M8622) JAPP, Sir Henry, K.B.E, M.I.C.E, 6. 6 June 1869; s. of James W. Japp, of Montrose ; to. 1st, EUzabeth (died 1911), d. of David Hodge, Dundee ; 2nd Kathie, d. of R. W. Sutherland, of Montreal. Educ : Montrose Academy ; Dundee Univ. Coll. Director and Managing Engineer S. Pearson & Son, Ltd, New York ; President, S. Pearson, Son & Partners, Canada, Ltd, Montreal ; with British War Mission in U.S.A. ; Director in charge of Production. Address : 799, 17th St, Brooklyn, New York. Club : Bankers' (New York). (K149) JARDIM, Antonietta Marcial, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Antonio d' Almeida Jardim? of Funchal, Madeira. Educ. : Notre Dame de Sion, Worthing. War Work : Assist. Sec. at the King George Hospital, Stamford Street, London. Address : 5, Travessa do Arcipreste, Funchal, Madeira. (M8623) JARDINE, Douglas James, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 13 Oct. 1888 ; s. of James Jardine, M.D, of Richmond, Surrey. Educ. : Westminster ; Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Assistant Secretary to the Government of Cyprus, 1910-16 ; Secretary to the Administration of SomaUland, since 1916. Address : The Secretariat, British SomaUland. Clubs : New University ; Royal AutomobUe. (02226) JARDINE, Ethel May, Lady, O.B.E.; d. of late Benjamin Piarcy, of Marchwiel HaU' Denbighshire, and of Macomer, Sardinia ; m. 1894, Sir Robert WiUiam Buchanan Jardine, 2nd Bart, (see Burke's Peerage). Addresses: Castle Milk, Lockerbie, N.B. ; 24, St. James's Place, S.W.; and the Kremlin, New market. (011787) JARDINE, Capt. John, O.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS. JARDINE, Lieut. John, M.B.E, R.E. JARDINE, Major WiUiam, O.B.E, T.D. JARDINE, Capt. WiUiam Christopher, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. JARMAN, Capt. CecU Trevelyan, O.B.E, Aust. L.I, A. T.F. JARMAY, Charlotte E., Lady, O.B.E. ; d. of George Wyman, M.D, of Alcester ; m. Sir John G. Jarmay, K.B.E. War Work : Vice-President Northwich Division, B.R.C.S. ; Joint Officer in Charge, AuxUiary Hospital, The Ley, Northwich ; and other war work for B.R.C.S. Address : Hartford Lodge. Hartford, Cheshire. (O10726) JARMAY, Sir John Gustave, K.B.E, F.C.S, F.I.C, 6. 31 Dec. 1856 ; s. of the late Gustav de Jarmay ; m. Charlotte E, d. of late George Wyman, M.D. Educ. : Privately ; Univ. of Zurich. Inventor of processes which are in use in several industries in England and abroad ; special study in the Am monia Soda Process with which industry he has been connected since its infancy ; Technical Managing Director of Brunner Mond & Co. Ltd, and Scientific Director of other Chemical Works in England and abroad. Address : Hartford, Cheshire. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Royal AutomobUe. (K86) JARRATT, Elizabeth Lankester, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 17 May, 1887 ; to. WUUam Theodore Jarratt, s. of WiUiam J. Jarratt, of Ealing. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Confidential clerk to the Controller of Shipping. Address : Ministry of Shipping, London. (M8624) JARRETT, Herbert Ernest, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. JARROLD, AUce IsabeUa, Mrs., M.B.E. JARROTT, Major Charles, O.B.E, R.A.F. JARRY, Rev. Frederick WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 25 Oct 1871. Missionary in Orissa, India, for 25 years. War Work : Recruitmg for Labour Corps in Mesopotamia. Address : Balangir, Orissa, India. (M4151) JARVIS, Alfred WiUiam, M.B.E. JARVIS, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Murray, CM.G, C.B.E, fi. 1863 ; s. of Arthur Murray Jarvis, of Osgoode HaU, Toronto • to. 1912, Gertrude Mary, d. of the late Capt. Lewis WUliam Ord, 71st Highland L.I. Joined Canadian N.W. Mounted Police, 1880 ; retired, 1912 ; N.W. Rebellion, 1885 (medal) ; b. Africa, 1900-1, as Major, Strathcona's Horse (despatches), served m the Great War, 1914-19 as Assist. Provost Marshal, Canadian Forces with rank of Lieut.-Col ; appointed Stipen diary Magistrate, Kootenay Co, British Columbia, 1897 ; to command out ports ou Yukon River, 1902 ; Mackenzie River Dist. Police, Herschel Island, 1907 ; Magistrate of Alberta ; engaged in farming and ranching. Address : Munson, Alberta, Canada. ' (C774) 284 JARVIS, Major Charles Francis Cracroft, O.B E . 3 May, 1875 ; s. of Rev. Canon Jarvis (F.A.), of Burton-on- Stather Vicarage, Doncaster ; to. Helen Constance, _ of Sir Edward Hunter Blair, Bart, of Blairquhan, Ayr, NB Educ: Marlborough. Capt. (Ret. Pay), 19th Yorkshire Regt ¦' now Major, in 3rd Lincolns ; Member of Lloyds. War Work '¦ 1914-19, France ; 1914 Star. Addresses : Doddington Hall' Lincoln ; 8, Manson Place, Queen's Gate, S.W. Club : Boodles'! JARVIS, Enid SybU, M.B.E, 6. 29 AprU, 1899. Earn® Bedford High School. War Work : Voluntary worker on National Registration and Recruiting ; joined paid staff and held several responsible appointments, both under the War Office and Ministry of National Service, at Huntingdon, Wat ford, Hertford, and finally in London ; on demobUisation of Ministry of National Service recommended to Home Counties Division, Ministry of Food ; appointed Administrative Assistant in London and Home Counties Division, Ministry of Food Address : 5, Kensington Gardens Square. (M8627) JARVIS, Capt. Oswald Duke, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C JARVIS, Capt. Thomas Stanley WUes, O.B.E. JARVIS, Capt. WiUiam Bertie, O.B.E. JAY, Edward Aubrey Hastings, O.B.E, M.A, LL.B 6. 2 June, 1869 ; s. of the late Thomas Jay, of Clifton Villas) Putney ; m. Isobel Violet, d. of Major P. G. Craigie, C.B, of Avenue House, Lympstone, Devon. Educ. : Winchester ; and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Member of London School Board, 1900-7 ; Assist. Sec. Royal Commission on Feeble Minded, 1905-7 ; London County CouncU, 1907-11 ; Chairman of L.CC Education Committee, 1910-11. War Work : Organising Sec. to Charity Organisation Society in East London, 1915-17 ; Chairman of Advisory Committee for Juvenile employment, Woolwich, 1914-15 ; also Chairman of Committee formed to organise hostels for boys employed in the Arsenal ; Hon. Sec. Poplar War Savings Committee, 1916-17 ; Chairman of Whitechapel Local War Pension Committee, 1916-17 ; Ministry of Food, 1917-21. Address: Clifton Lodge, East Heath Road, Hampstead, N.W. 3. Club : Athenaeum. (010727) JAY, Lieut. Stanley, M.B.E, K.R.R.C. JAY, Major WiUiam CunUffe PickersgiU, O.B.E. Ad dress: White Lodge, Datchet, Bucks. JAYNE, Major Arthur Alfred, O.B.E, D.S.O, M.C. JAYNE, Ethel Basil, O.B.E, d. of the late BasU Jayne, J.P, of Breconshire. Educ. : St. John's CoUege, St. Leonards- on-Sea. Founder and Director of the Little Laundries, Ltd. War Work : Women's Emergency Canteens for soldiers with the French 6th Army 1915 ; Organiser and Chief Superintendent of Welfare for Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth, Ltd, 1916-18; Capt. of the Elswick Co. of the Newcastle Women's Volunteer Reserve. Address : Kimscot, Stanmore, Middlesex. (028) JAYNE, Ronald Garland, O.B.E, 6. 8 June, 1877 ; 8. of F. J. Jayne. formerly Bishop of Chester ; m. Mary Salkeld, d. of Thomas Salkeld Robinson, of Rochdale. Educ : Privately. Man aging Director of Garland, Laidley & Co, Ltd, Liverpool. Lisbon, Oporto, and Vigo ; a founder of the British Hospital, Lisbon, and Lisbon Nursing Association ; of the British Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) in Portugal ; Chairman of CouncU of same since foundation ; Member of the Navigation Committee of the Commercial Association, Lisbon. War Work: Director of British Press Bureau for Portugal and Colonies ; Official representative of British Ministry of Information in Portugal and Colonies ; ControUer on behaU of the British Government at the Companhia Uniao Fabril, Portugal. Address: 65, Travessa de Cabral, Lisbon, Portugal. Clubs: R.A.C. and Junior Constitutional, London ; Royal British, Lisbon ; British, Oporto. (010728) JAZDOWSKA, Mary Margaret, M.B.E, fi. 28 May, 1844; d. of John Jazdowska, of Aberdeen. Educ. : Aberdeen. War Work : Organising and running the British SaUors' and Soldiers' Club in Rome. Address : c/o Sir Charles McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39, Panton Street, Haymarket, London. (M1956) JEAL, George, M.B.E, 6. 18 June, 1860 ; s. of Jeremiah Jeal, of Horsham ; m. Charlotte, d. of Thomas Kent, of London. Educ. : Colgate, Sussex. RaUway Station Superintendent. Address : 112, Buckingham Palace Road, S.W. 1. (M8628) JEAL, Lieut. Joseph, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 1 Aug. 1880; s. of Joseph Jeal, of Dorking, Surrey ; to. Alice Annie, d. of Alfred Tickner, of Petworth. Educ : Univ. School, Reigate. Shipping Agent. War Work: Special PoUce; 10th Surrey Volunteers as Platoon Commander and Musketry Officer, 1914-15 ; joined 3rd Batt. London Rifle Brigade, 1915, serving' on Musketry Staff of that unit ; commissioned 1918 ; served at Murmansk and Archangel ; appointed A. Capt. May, 1919, while on the staff of D.D.S.T, Archangel Force. Address: Brook View, Wathen Road, Dorking. Club : United R.A.S.C. (M6968) JEANS, Lieut.-Comm. George, O.B.E, R.N. JEBB, Georgina Martha, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1867 ; d. oi Charles T. Tunnard, of Frampton House, Boston, Lines, (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. George S. W. Jebb, s. of John Joshua Jebb, of Norton House, Boston, Lines. Sometime on the Board of Management, Bedford Co. Hospital ; Sec, Bedford Habitation Primrose League; Mayoress of Boston, Lines. ; Vice-President, and! Hon. Commandant of Lines. 2/4 V.A.D.'s ; on the Ely, Lincoln, and Hereford Councils of the Mothers' Union. War Work : Commandant Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital, Leintwardine, Herefordshire; Hon. Sec. of the Red Cross War Working Party ; Registrar for the BIOGRAPHIES. Jenkins Women's War Agricultural Work ; Hon. Sec. for the Fruit and Vegetable Depot at Leintwardine. Address : The Manor House, Mektreth, Nr. Royston, Herts. (M3758) JEBB, Lieut.-Col. Gladwyn Dundas, C.M.G, C.B.E. JEBB, Robert Russell Horsley, O.B.E. JEEVES, Isabel Blanche, M.B.E. JEEVES, WilUam John, C.B.E, K.C, 6. 20 Dec. 1864 ; . of WUliam Jeeves, of Hitchin, Herts. ; m. EUsabeth Blanche, <_' of William Blinkhorn, J.P, of Sutton Grange, St. Helen's, Lanes. Edue. : Privately. Town Clerk of County Borough of St. Helens, 1891-99, and of the City of Leeds, 1899-1903. War Work : British Red Cross and Order of St. John ; Wounded and Missing Dept. ; Hon. Organiser of Searching for Infor mation in aU Provincial Hospitals in Great Britain and Ireland. Addresses : 3, Farrar's Buildings, Temple, E.C. 4 ; The Well House, Wimbledon. CZufis: St. Stephen's. (C2715) JEFF, Capt. Robert Hunter, O.B.E. JEFFERIES, Marguerite, M.B.E, B.Sc. (Lond.) ; d. of John Robert Jeff eries, of Ipswich. Educ: Ipswich High School, and Westfield CoU, London. Poor Law Guardian, Ipswich. War Work : Member of foUowing Committees : Ipswich War Savings, Ipswich Communal Kitchen, of the Mayor's (Ipswich) War Relief Fund, of the Ipswich War Pensions, of East Suffolk Women's Agricultural. Address : 2, Park Road, Ipswich. (M3760) JEFFERSON, Capt. Henry, C.B.E, R.N. ; 6. 1865 ; s. of Henry Thomas Jefferson; to. Violet Catherine, d. of late William Harrison, of Winscales, Cumberland. Dep. Naval Assistant Director of Transports. Great War 1914-19 (de spatches). Address: Upton nr. Birkenhead. Clubs: Junior Army and Navy ; and Conservative, Liverpool. (C2256) JEFFERSON, Capt. Herbert, O.B.E, R.A.S.C JEFFERY, Benjamin James Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 31 Dec. 1870. War Work : Foreman of the Yard, EM. Dockyard, Devonport, until July, 1917, then Senior Foreman of the Yard at H.M. Naval Base, Invergordon. Address : 28, Ford Hill, Devonport, Devon. (M8629) JEFFERY, Florence Augusta, O.B.E, Medaille de la Reine Elisabeth ; d. of the late John Jeffery, of Broadmead, nr. Folkestone. War Work : In charge of Free Buffet for Soldiers and SaUors, Folkestone Pier, 1914-19. Address : Broadmead, nr. Folkestone, Kent. (010729) JEFFERY, Eng.-Comm.-Lieut. George Hoare, O.B.E, R.N. JEFFERY, Major George Russell, O.B.E. JEFFERY, Herbert Orthelstan, M.B.E. JEFFERY, Major John, O.B.E, M.C. JEFFERY, Margaret Arm, O.B.E, MedaUle de la Reine Elisabeth ; d. of the late John Jeffery, Esq., of Broadmead, nr. Folkestone. War Work : In charge of Free Buffet for Soldiers and SaUors, Folkestone Pier, 1914-19. Address : Broadmead, nr. Folkestone, Kent. (010730) JEFFERY, Lieut. Reginald, O.B.E, R.F.A. JEFFERY, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Thomas Walter, O.B.E, R.N. JEFFERYS, Capt. Arthur Harold, O.B.E, M.C. JEFFERYS, Edward Compton, M.B.E, 6. 19 Jan. 1877 ; s. of John Compton Jefferys, of Highgate. Educ. : TMiaw CoU, Durham. Secretary. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, Trench Warfare Dept, as Secretary to Sir Alexander Roger, 1915-19. Address: Swanmore, Hendon. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (M1957) JEFFES, George Ernest, O.B.E. JEFFREY, Edward James, M.B.E. JEFFREYS, Charles Nicholas Theodore, M.B.E, 6. 19 Nov. 1877 ; s. of the late Walter PoweU Jeffreys, D.L, J.P, of Forde, Ludlow, Salop ; to. Ida Baines, d. of the late Sir Arthur Bower, of Forwood, Bart, P.C, M.P, ofthe Priory, Gateacre, Lancs. Educ. : Radley. Deputy Town Clerk of Brighton. War Work: Chief Superintendent, Brighton Force of Special Constables. Address : 7, Windlesham Gardens, Brighton. Clubs : New (Brighton) ; Leander R.C. (M601) JEFFREYS, Capt. Henry Albert Gravious, O.B.E, A.P.C, E.A.F. JEFFREYS, Hon. Brig.-Gen. Patrick Douglas, C.B, 0.B.E, J.P, C.C, fi. 29 July, 1848 ; s. of the late General E. R. Jeffreys, C.B. of Seafield House, Ryde, I. W. ; to. Maude Maynard, d. of the late Sir Richard 0. Oldfield. Educ. : Marlborough CoU, and Royal MUitary Coll, Sandhurst. Entered 88th Regt. 1866 ; Captain 1878 ; Major, Connaught Rangers, 1881 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1887 ; Brevet Col. 1891 ; Col 1894 ; retired 1905 ; Brigade Major, Bengal, 1882-87 ; A.A.G. Sirhind Dist. 1887-88 ; A.A.G. Quetta Dist. 1889-94 ; A.A.U. at Headquarters in India 1894-98 ; in command of a £nd Class District in India 1898-1903 ; Hon. Brig.-Gen. 1912 ; ?2_S CamPaign 1879 (Medal with clasp) ; Burmese Expedition 1886-87 as Brig. Maj. ; capture of Kemmendine Princes Camp (despatches, Medal with clasp Brev. of Lieut.-Col.); Zhob Field Force 1890 as A.A.G. (Despatches Brev.-Col.) ; in command of 2nd Brigade Malakand and Buner Field Forces ™.u 'T • Frontier of India 1897-98 (Despatches twice, Medal with clasp). War Work : Commanded East Group, Kent Volunteer Regiment, 1915-19. Address : Doddington Place, Sittrngbourne, Kent. Club : United Service. (07323) JEFFRIES, Henry Charles, O.B.E. JEFFRIES, Major Lewis Wibmer, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.B. U.S., fi. 1884 ; m. 1917, Shirley Frances Singleton. Educ. : Prince Alfred Coll, Adelaide ; Adelaide Univ. AustraUan Army Med. Corps ; Dep. Assist. Director of Med Sers • served in the Great War, 1914-16 (despatches). (01961) JEFFRIES, Martha, O.B.E, fi. 11 Aug. 1866; d. of WUliam Harris, of Sydney, Australia ; to. Charles Henry, s. of William James, of London. Educ. : AustraUa. Officer, Salvation Army. War Work : Organised and directed women officers to visit wounded soldiers in 40 hospitals London and district, who distributed comforts, arranged accommodation for visiting relatives, communicated with friends, etc. Address : 200, KUmarnock Road, Shawlands, Glasgow. (O10731) JEHANGHIR, Cowasjee, O.B.E, CLE, J.P, 6. Feb. 1879 ; s. of Sir Cowasjee Jehanghir, Bart. ; to. Hilla, d.ot H. A. Hormarju. of Lowju Castle, Bombay. Educ. : St. Xavier's Coll. Bombay ; St. John's Coll. Cambridge. Address : Malabar HiU, Bombay. Clubs : Asian ; WiUingdon ; Ripon ; Bombay. (0898) JEKYLL, Agnes. Lady, D.B.E, 6. 12 Oct. 1861 ; d. of WUliam Graham; to. Col. Sir Herbert JekyU, K.C.M.G, R.E. Lady of Justice of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem Chair man of the Borstal Institution Visiting Committee, Aylesbury. War Work : Chairman, St. John and British Red CrossHospital Supply Warehouse, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell. Address : Munstead House, Godalming, Surrey. Club : Ladies' Empire. (D12) JEKYLL, Annie, M.B.E. JELLICOE, Brig.-Gen. Riohard Carey, C.B.E, D S 0 JELLICORSE, Major Harold, O.B.E, J.P, late Royal Sussex Regt, 6. 26 June, 1864 ; s. of E. J. B. Jellicorse, of Fallowfleld, Lancashire ; to. Edith Emily, d. of Col. R. E. W. Garnham, of Densworth, near Chichester. Educ. : Dulwich Coll. War Work : Posting Officer for Sussex ; Posting Officer Army Trade Test Centre, Woolwich ; Hon. Organising Sec. of Committee formed by the Board of Admiralty, the Army Council, and the Air Ministry, to consider and report upon questions affecting the interests of those who have served and are serving in the Royal Navy, the Army, and Royal Air Force. Club : Naval and MUitary. (07325) JELLY, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Frank, O.B.E, R.E. JEMMINSON, H., M.B.E. JENKIN, Lieut.-Col. Charles Frewen, C.B.E, M.Inst.CE, R.A.F, 6. 24 Sept. 1865 ; s. of Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin, of Edinburgh ; m. Mary Oswald, d. of Lord Mackenzie, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy ; Edinburgh Uni versity ; Cambridge University. Professor of Engineering Science, Oxford. War Work : Lieut. -Com, R.N.V.R, trans ferred to R.A.F. ; Director of Materials Section, Technical Dept, Air Ministry. Addresses : Engineering Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford ; Brasenose CoUege, Oxford ; 7, Fyfield Road, Oxford. (C1897) JENKIN, Francis Charles, C.B.E. Dep. Sup. Hongkong Special PoUce Reserve. Address : Hongkong. " (C395) JENKIN, Henry Archibald, O.B.E. JENKINS, Albert David, M.B.E. JENKINS, Ann Nora, Mrs., O.B.E. JENKINS, Frances Edith, M.B:E. War Work : Signal Division, Admiralty. Club : New Century. (M3762) JENKINS, Brig.-Gen. Francis Conway, C.B.E, 6. 25 Jan. 1888 ; s. of Edmund Ernest, of Westcliff ; to. Winifred Vera, d. of Thomas Cooper, of Worthing. Educ. : Privately. Managing Director, British Motor Trading Corporation, Ltd. War Work : Director of Aircraft Acceptance, Director of Parks and Depots, Air Ministry ; PUot's Certificate, May, 1911 ; Second Class St. Stanislaus of Russia ; Commander Order of Redeemer of Greece. Addresses : Middle Fell, Whyteleafe, Surrey ; 25 Jermyn St, S.W. 1. Clubs : Badminton ; London Country ; R.A.F. (C536) JENKINS, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Howard, O.B.E, CM. Address : Micomi, Florida, (08125) JENKINS, Capt. George John, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. (T.). JENKINS, Herbert George, O.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of the late Capt. WiUiam Henry Jenkins, of Dublin. Educ : St. Thomas's Church School, Seaforth. Master Mariner ; Master of the EUerman Hall Line Steamer " Newby Hall " en route for Perim Island. War Work : Master of H.M.S. " Branksome Hall " employed in carrying Government Stores, etc, between England and France, principle loading port being Manchester ; H.M.S. " Denbigh Hall," which was sunk in May, 1918 when bound home from River Plata. Addresses : 40, Clarendon Road, Egremont, Cheshire ; HaU Line, Limited, Liverpool. Club : Mercantile Marine Service Association, Liverpool Lodge 594. (01476) JENKINS, Jenkin, M.B.E, v. 22 June, 1863 ; s. of Henry Jenkins, of New Quay, Cardiganshire ; m. Margaret, d. of Thomas Davies, of New Quay, Cardiganshire. Master Mariner. War Work : Commanding Naval Transport Collier. Address : Craig-y-mor, New Quay, Cardiganshire. (M3763) JENKINS, Lieut.-Col. John Alexander, O.B.E. JENKINS, Mary Ann, Mrs. Address : 30, Newland St„ Barry, Glam. (M8632) JENKINS, Brig.-Gen. Noble Fleming, C.M.G, C.B.E, fi. 29 Oct. 1860 ; s. of D. J. Jenkins, M.P, of Penryn and Falmouth; m. 1st, MabeKwho died 1918), d.oi Maj.-Gen. J. F. Richardson, C.B. ; 2nd, Muriel, d. of Major L. B. Edgar. Educ. : Rugby and R.M.C. Sandhurst. Deputy Secretary, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. War Work : Served in South African War ; in Great War as 285 Jenkins THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Capt. with 2nd Border Regt. (7th Division) 1914 ; Lieut.-Col. 7th East Yorks, 1915; Infantry Brigade, 1916; Deputy Commander, Machine Gun Corps, 1917-18; three times mentioned in despatches. Address: 32, Greycoat Gardens. Westminster, S.W.1. (C1635) JENKINS, Percy Fitzgerald, M.B.E, 6. 3 Nov. 1883 ; s of Watkin WiUiam Jenkins, of Aberdour, Cleveland Road, Paignton, South Devon ; to. Florence Maude, d. of AUred Syrett, J.P, of Sydenham, London. Educ. : Dudley Grammar School, and Lycee Lakanal, Sceaux, Paris. Director of Grainger & Smith, Ltd, Dudley. War Work: Hon. Sec. of Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association, Dudley Branch ; Hon. Sec. of Statutory Committee, then Naval and MiUtary War Pensions Dudley Local Committee, and various Sub committees and County Committees in connection with the same work ; Member of Dudley Old Age Pensions Committee ; Member of War Savings Committee. Address : Redlands, Stourbridge. (M8633) JENKINS, Capt. Rees, M.B.E, 5. 31 Aug. 1886 ; s. of Thomas Jenkins, of Blaencorrwg, Glamorganshire ; m. Vera Muriel, d. of Herbert Selwood Sutton, of Neath, Glam. Educ. : Bath CoU, and Germany . War Work: Joined H.A.C out break of war, afterwards commissioned in Welsh Regt. ; transferred InteUigence Corps, then Aeronautical Commission of Control, Berlin. Address : 37, Gloucester Road, Kew, Surrey. (M1958) JENKHSfS, Lieut. Stanley Evan, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. JENKINS, Thomas Lewis, O.B.E. JENKINS, Walter St. David, C.B, C.B.E. Director of Contracts, Admiralty ; Order of Crown of Italy ; Legion of Honour. (C211) JENKmSON, Alfred James, O.B.E, 6. 30 AprU, 1877 ; s. of the Rev. Arthur Jenkinson, of InneUan, N.B. ; m. Hilda Mary, d. of John Turner, of London. Educ : Fettes CoU, Edinburgh, and Hertford CoU, Oxford. Fellow and Tutor of Brasenose Coll, Oxford. War Work : War Office, Arma ments Output Committee, Intelligence Branch, May, 1915 ; Ministry of Munitions, Labour Department, July, 1915, to Dec. 1916, and Secretariat, Historical Records Section, Jan. 1917, to Sept. 1919. Address : Stamford House, Oxford. Club: Authors'. (010735) JENKDJSON, Mark Webster, C.B.E, fi. 1878 ; s. ot Mark Jenkinson, of Sherwood, Kenwood Park Road, Sheffield. Chartered Accountant, 30, Cecil Chambers, Strand, W.C. ; ControUer of Factory Audits and Costs ; Ministry of Munitions Chief Liquidator Munitions Contracts. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Authors'. (C537) JENKINSON, Mary AdeUne, M.B.E. JENKINSON, Stanley Noel, M.B.E. JENKINSON, Lieut.-Comm. Thomas Norman, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. JENKINSON, WiUiam RusseU, M.B.E. JENKS, Capt. Herbert WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 2 June, 1878 ; s. of WUliam Jenks, of Norwich. Educ. : Binfield Coll, Clapham. War Work : Officer in His Majesty's Army. (M5381) JENNENS, Lenore SybU, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 9 May, 1889 : d. of Sir GUbert Barling, Bart, (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Capt. Keith Jennens. War Work: Motor Transport, V.A.D. Hospital, Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham ; Aero Engine Construction, Dumfries, GaUoway Works ; Ministry of Muni tions, DUution of Labour, Aero Section ; Aeronautical Inspec tion Department, Engines. Address : 8, Glebe Place, Chelsea. Club: Writers'. (M8635) JENNER, Major Lawrence Wynyard, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. JENNEY, Col. Archibald Offley, C.B.E.; 6. 1864; s. of ate Arthur Henry Jenny, of Ditchingham Lodge, Norfolk (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry) ; m. Doreen Mary, d. of Col. Gerard Paul Townshend, Elcot Park, Hungerford; Col. Royal Scots, Great War 1914-19 (despatches). (C1274) JENNINGS, Arthur Oldham, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 15 July, 1855 ; s. of Frederick Jennings, of Framlingham, Suffolk ; m. Mabel, d. of John Newnham Winter, of Brighton. Registrar of Brighton County Court ; Chairman of Court of Referees for S. Sussex. War Work : Superintendent in Special Con stabulary, Brighton. Addresses: 29, Adelaide Crescent, Hove ; Chelwood Clump, DanehUl, Sussex. Club : New, Brighton. (M8636) JENNINGS, Lieut.-Col. Edward Charles, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 17 July, 1877 ; s. of Richard Edward Jennings, D.L, J.P, of Gelli-deg, Kidwelly, S. Wales ; to. Ethel Anita Dawes, d. of Thomas Teece Whitehurst, of The Mount, Shrewsbury. Educ. : Eton. J.P, Carmarthenshire ; County Director, British Red Cross Society ; Member, Territorial Association, Car marthenshire ; Commanding 6th Batt. (S.R.), Royal FusUiers. War Work : 2nd in command, 6th Batt, Royal FusUiers, from Aug. 1914 ; Commanded 6th Batt. (S.R.), Royal Fusiliers, from March, 1917 ; mentioned in despatches. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Junior Constitutional. (C1636) JENNINGS, Major George Leslie, O.B.E. JENNINGS, Harry John, M.B.E. JENNINGS, Ida, Mrs, M.B.E, d. ol the Rev. A. Bennett, of Houghtou-le-Spring, Co. Durham : to. Edward James, 8. of Dr. E. Jennings, of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Educ. : Har- rowden HaU, WeUingboro ; Glasgow ; Hanover. War Work : Commandant AuxUiary Military Hospital, Abington Avenue, Northampton, 1915-19. (M3764) JENNINGS, Capt. Leonard, O.B.E, 6. 10 Nov. 1877 ; s. of S. Jennings, of Acton, Middlesex. Educ : Privately. War Work : EnUsted in the Surrey Yeomanry, Sept. 1914 ; Com missioned "2nd Lieut, in the Northumberland Hussars 21 Feb. 1915 ; Served in France and Belgium on the General Staffs of the 4th Army and the XIX Corps ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 11, Cheyne Gardens, Chelsea, S.W. 3 Club : Chelsea Arts. (05428) JENNINGS, Leonard WiUiam, M.B.E. ' JENNINGS, Capt. Percy John, O.B.E, R.E. JENNINGS, Col. Richard, C.B.E, M.D, late A.M.S., 6 2 Jan. 1858 ; s. of Martin Jennings, of Oldcourt, Creagn, Co' Cork ; to. Mabel, died 13 July, 1919, d. of John Borthwick Paterson, late of Elmstone, Kent, and of Smyrna. Educ ¦ Privately; Queen's CoUege, Cork. War Work: Adminis trative Medical Appointments in the Southern Command Address : ChevreUe, Southsea, Hants. Club : Royal Albert Yacht, Southsea. (C281) JENSEN, Major H. D., O.B.E, M.C. J JENSEN, W., Mrs. : see Gregory, W, Mrs. Gordon-. JEPHCOTT, Susan, Mrs., M.B.E. War Work: Com mandant V.A.D. Hospital, Alcester. Address : Hardwick House, Alcester. (M8640) JEPHSON, Major, P.H.R., O.B.E. ' JEPPE, Julius, C.B.E.; Services in connection with Hospitals and General War Work, Johannesburg, during Great War. (C3211) JEREMY, Mary Ethel, O.B.E, M.B, B.Ch, fi. 1864; d. of Daniel Davies Jeremy, of Dublin. Educ : Alexandra College, DubUn ; Privately ; Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine. War Work : Medical Officer, University CoUege Hospital, Southampton, July, 1916 to Jan. 1919. Address : Meadowside, ColehiU, Wimborne. Club : Hants and Dorset Ladies' (Bournemouth). (04314) JERMAIN, Comm. Harry Bingham, O.B.E, R.N. JERMYN, Ida Mary, O.B.E, W.R.N.S. JERRAM, Frederiok Horace Oldershaw, M.B.E. JERRARD, Lieut.-Col. Augustus George Aimes, C.B.E. 3rd Batt. Somerset L.I. Served on the N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 (medal with clasp) ; Sierra Leone, 1898-99 (medal with clasp) ; S. Africa, 1900 (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1637) JERRARD, Gamett Longsdou, M.B.E. JERSEY, Margaret Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of, C.B.E, 6. 29 Oct. 1849 ; e.d. of 2nd Baron Leigh (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Victor Albert George, 7th Earl of Jersey, P.C, G.C.B, G.C.M.G. (d. 1915) (see Burke's Peerage). WarWork: Red Cross Central Workrooms (Hon. Sec). Address: 18, Montagu Square, W. 1. Club : Ladies' Empire. (C2716) JERVIS, Ethel Mary PARKER-, O.B.E, d. of W. R. Parker- Jervis, Meaford and Park HaU, Staffs. War Wort: Commandant of Sandon Red Cross Hospital, 1915-19 ; Chair man of Stone War Refugees Committee, 1914-19 ; Medaille de la Reine Elizabeth. Address : Meaford Stone, Staffs. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (0631) JERVOISE, Rear-Adm. Edmund Purefoy Ellis, C.B.E, R.N, fi. 24 AprU, 1861 ; s. of F. J. E. Jervoise, of Herriard Park, Basingstoke, Hants ; to. AUce J. M, d. of G. Christian, of Bighton Wood, Alresford, Hants. Address : Newton Valence Place, Alton, Hants. Clubs : Junior United Service. (C538) JERVOISE, Edwyn, M.B.E, A.M.I.CE, A.M.I.E.E, 6. 13 June, 1884 ; s. of F. M. E. Jervoise, of Herriard Park, Basingstoke (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; Educ : Univ. CoU, London. Late Section Director, Ministry of Munitions, Gun Manufacture Dept. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Roe hampton. (M8641) JESS, Brig.-Gen. Carl Herman, C.M.G, C.B.E. D.S.O.; 6. 1884 ; s. of George Jess, of Bendigo, Victoria ; m. Marjory, d. of D. McGibbon, of Melbourne. War Services : Great War, 1914-18, GaUipoU as Staff Capt, Brigade Major, and Com manding a Bn. and an Infantry Brig, (despatches thrice). Addresses: Montalto, MUler St, Fitzroy, Melbourne. Clubs: Naval and Military, Melbourne and Adelaide. (C3196) JESSAP, Charles Townsley, M.B.E, 6. 29 June, 1888 ; s. of Thomas Jessap, of Lincoln. Practising Accountant, Skeg ness ; Member Urban District CouncU, Skegness ; FeUow of Incorporated Secretaries' Association. War Work: 2J years Adjutant of 4th Reserve Batt. The Lincolnshire Regt.; awarded M.B.E. for organising and adnrinistrative work in that capacity, and previously "mentioned" for the same work. Address : Gordon House, Skegness. (M5382) JESSEP, Capt. Alfred James, M.B.E. JESSIMAN, Major George Gaston, O.B.E. JESSON, George Arthur Touchet, M.B.E, A.M.I.M.E., A.I.A.E, 6. May 31, 1885 ; s. of Thomas Jesson, of Cam bridge ; m. Gwladys Bronwyn Violet, d. of A. J. Hunter, of Swinton, Lancs. Educ. : Felsted School. Governor and Hon. Sec. Manchester ChUdren's Hospital ; Director Messrs. Hale, Peam & Co, Ltd, Manchester. War Work: Chair man of Grove House Red Cross Hosspital ; of Pendleton B.R.C.S. " Smokes " Fund ; of Pendleton B.R.C.S. Comforts Section ; of Swinton Dist. Nat. War Savings Assocn. ; of Dlams-o'-th'-Height Belgian Colony ; Commandant Men's Detachment E. Lanes. No. 7. Address : Endsley, Swinton, Lancashire. Clubs : Constitutional, Manchester ; Western, Eccles. (M8642) JESSOP, Major Bernard, O.B.E, R.E. JESSOP, Gertrude, M.B.E. JESSOP, WiUiam, O.B.E. JESTY, Ernest, M.B.E. JEUNE, Charles Henry, M.B.E, fi. 1877 ; s.. of late Henry WUUam Jeune. Purchasing Agent, Great Eastern 286 BIOGRAPHIES. Johnson RaUway Company. War Work : 1916-19, Sub. -section director, RaUway Materials Department, Ministry of Munitions, War Office, Embankment Annexe ; administered suppUes of permanent way, roUlng stock and other railway materials from Great Britain for France, Belgium, Italy and other allied countries both for military and civil requirements ; Member of the Centralising Railway Committee of the Com mission Internationale de RavitaUlement, and of the Railways Priority Committee of the Ministry of Munitions. Address : Liverpool Street Station, London, E.C2. Club : Constitu tional. (M8644) JEWELL, Bertie, O.B.E, 6. 6 July, 1881 ; s. of Thomas James JeweU, of London ; m. Ethel Ada, d. of Henry Stony, of Southsea. Educ. : WUson's Grammar School. Sec. H.M. Dookyard, Portsmouth. War Work : At Malta, Pembroke, 'Dover Dockyards, and R.N. Torpedo Factory, Greenock. Address : H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. (010736) JEWELL, Frank Ashton, M.B.E. J.P. JEWELL, Henry James, O.B.E, 6. 1 Aug. 1871 ; s. of Henry JeweU, of Torrington, N. Devon ; to. Flora AUce, d. of George Charles Wickham, Kings Lynn. Educ. : Brompton School. Manager in United Kingdom B. and N. Line, Norwegian Royal MaU Steamship ; Director Haycock, Cadle and Graham, Ltd. ; Director United Advertising Service, Ltd. War Work : Chairman and Divisional Officer, London and Home Counties Road Transport Board, Board of Trade. AiWresses .' The Poplars, Enfield Road, Southgate, London, _f. 14 ; 179 and 353, Strand, London, W.C Club : National Liberal. (010737) JEWELL, WilUam Henry, O.B.E, M.D, D.P.H. JEZZARD, Flying Officer Frank, M.B.E. JICKLING, Major Charles Maurice, O.B.E. JIMENEZ, Vivian Eustace, M.B.E. JOANES, Capt. Walter, M.B.E. JOB, Herbert Shipley, O.B.E. JOBLING, Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 28 Oct. 1861 ; s. of Thomas Jobling, of Wallsend-on-Tyne ; to. Sarah Jane, d. of Robert Robson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Walker Factory School. Foreman Blacksmith. War Work : Em ployed by Messrs. Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltd, Neptune Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Address : Rosalind, Appletree Gardens, WalkerviUe, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (M1961) JODRELL, Mary RenneU, Lady COTTON-, O.B.E.. e.d. of late Am. RenneU Coleridge, of Salston, Devon ; to. 1878. Col. Sir Edward Thomas Davenant Cotton-JodreU, K.C.B, T.D, J.P, D.L, of Reaseheath Hall, Cheshire (died 1917) (see Burke's Peerage). Address : 2, Portman Sq, W.l ; Reaseheath HaU, Nantwich ; SaUcross Manor, Whaley Bridge. (010738) JODRELL, Dorothy Lynch, Mrs. RAMSDEN-, C.B.E, 6. 1879 ; d. of the late Sir E. T. S. Cotton-JodreU (see Burke's Peerage, Combermere V.), of Reaseheath HaU, Nantwich, and ShaUcross Manor, Whaley Bridge ; m. Lt.-Col. Henry Ramsden, CM.G. (who assumed the additional surname of JodreU on his wife's succeeding to the Jodrell estate, 1920); s. of Capt. J. C. Ramsden (see Burke's Peerage), of WUlinghurst, Guildford. War Work : Organiser of Y.M.C.A. Munitions Canteens. Addresses : Taxal Lodge, Whaley Bridge ; 10, Stanhope Street, W. 2. (C2894) JOEL, Capt. Herbert CecU, O.B.E. JOHN, Edwin, C.B.E. Address : Ages, United Provinces, India. (C197) JOHN, Paymaster-Lieut. Henry Brynmor, M.B.E, R.N. JOHN, Capt. Jordan Constantine, O.B.E, I.M.S, M*. JOHN, Major Niohol Shaw, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. JOHNS, Arthur WiUiam, C.B.E. Assistent Director of Naval Construction, Admiralty. (C2717) JOHNS, Lieut. Frederick, M.B.E, R.A.O.C JOHNS, Capt. Frederick Nelson, O.B.E, R.E. JOHNS, Richard John, M.B.E. JOHNS, Capt. WiUiam Alexander, M.B.E, R.E. JOHNSON, Adela, Mrs., M.B.E, A.C.P. ; d. of W. Howell Lambourne, of Oxford ; m. the late Rev. Henry, s. of WiUiam Johnson. Educ. : Oxford and Cheltenham. Secretary. War Work: Superintendent of the Training Classes for Women Clerks, Aircraft Production Department, Ministry of Munitions. Addresses : The Rectory, South Hackney, E. 9 ; 59, Bainton Road, Oxford. (M8647) JOHNSON, Agnes Norah, Mrs., M.B.E. JOHNSON, Lieut. Albert, O.B.E, R.F.A, 6. 8 Sept. 1889 ; 8. of Charles Johnson, of Ashford, Kent ; m. Miriam, d. of P. B. Newall, of Aneriey, S.E. Educ. : Tonbridge, Kent. War Work : France and Flanders, 1914-18 ; Capt. Instructor in Gunnery, 1918-19, at Parkhurst, I. of W. Addresses : 54th A.A. Co. R.A, Dalmeny, N.B. ; 43, Maple Road, Aneriey, S.E. (07331) JOHNSON, Alfred Joseph, O.B.E, fi. 7 Dec. 1873 ; s. of Joseph Johnson, of Harbome ; m. Ida, d. of Frank Newman, of Sutton, Surrey. Educ. : New Hall CoU. Chairman and Governing Director of The Chad Valley Co, Ltd, of Harborne ; .Director of Chafen & Newman, Ltd, Riverside Engineers, London. War Work : Sub-Commissioner for National Service in Birmingham ; Deputy Divisional Food Commissioner for Midland Counties. Address: The Oaklands, Knowle, War wickshire. (010739) JOHNSON, Lieut. AUred WiUiam, M.B.E. JOHNSON, Major Arthur Ainslie, O.B.E. JOHNSON, Arthur Henry, O.B.E. JOHNSON, Capt. Cuthbert, M.B.E. JOHNSON, Diana Mabel, M.B.E, 6. 26 May, 1872; d. of the late Capt. F. Johnson, R.A, and of H.M. Prison Service. Educ. : Privately. Companion Governess. War Work: Canteen Work; Q.M.A.A.C. Official. Address: c/o Mrs. Kidd, Graylingwell, Chichester. (M4532) JOHNSON, Dorothy, M.B.E. ; d. of F. G. Johnson, of Clayton Hall, Newcastle, Staffs. Educ : St. Leonard's School, St. Andrews, Fife. Hon. Sec. of the North Staffordshire Cripples Aid Society (Hanley Branch). War Work : Com mandant of the Red Cross Hospital, The Hollies, Trent Vale, for troops in training (30 beds) ; Assistant Commandant ol the Red Cross Hospital, Sandon Hall, Stafford (110 beds). Address : Clayton HaU, Newcastle, Staffordshire. (M3766) JOHNSON, Lieut.-Col. Edgar David, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. (T). JOHNSON, Edith Clara, M.B.E, fi. 12 April, 1864 : d. ot the Rev. Henry I. Johnson, Head Master of Royal Institution School, Liverpool, and formerly Rector of Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth, S. Africa. Educ. : Privately, and Ladies' Coll, Cheltenham. Teacher, Bolton High School for Girls and Clifton High School for Girls ; Voluntary Social Economic work, Kensington. War Work : Hon. Sec. of the Kensington War Savings Local Central Committee, and various other movements for encouraging saving and general economy, both in Kensington and other parts of London. Address : 46, Campden House Court, Kensington, W. 8. (M3767) JOHNSON, Edward Odium, O.B.E, I.S.A. JOHNSON, Edwin Thomas, M.B.E. JOHNSON, Lieut. Edwin WUliam, M.B.E. JOHNSON, 2nd Lieut. Ernest Alfred, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. JOHNSON, Ernest James, O.B.E, Fellow of the Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants' (Incorporated), 6. 24 Feb. 1879 ; s. of Edward Johnson, of Barking, Essex ; m. Edith Sarah, d. of James TuUy, of Brixton, Surrey. Educ. : Privately. Borough Treas, East Ham Corporation. War Work : Treasurer, East Ham War Pensions Committee, Local Committee for the Prevention and Relief of CivU Distress, the Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association, Mayors Belgian Relief Fund, and Mayor's Memorial to the FaUen Fund. Address : Bryn-Teg, 30, Lee Park, Blackheath, S.E. 3. (010740) JOHNSON, Major-Gen. (Hon.) ^Frederick Francis, C.B, C.B.E, D.L, 6. 1 May, 1852 ; s. of the Rev. John Evans Johnson, D.D, of 70, Harcourt Street, Dublin ; m. Bertha, d. of Henry Gotto, of New House Park, St. Albans. Educ. : Cheltenham ; Trinity College, Dublin. Secretary, Territorial Force Association, County of Essex. War Work : Joined 69th Regt, 1874 ; transferred to 50th Regt, 1875 ; Ad]. att. 0. and T. Staff, 1881-89 ; Adj. transferred Army Service Corps, 1889 ; D.A.A.G, and Chief Staff Officer, Jamaica, 1887-90; D.A.A.G, Belfast District, 1891-94; A.A.G. N.E. District 1900-3 ; General Officer in Charge, Administra tion Southern Command, July, 1915 to Oct. 1916 ; Served in the Egyptian War (medal and clasp for Tel-el-Kebir, 4th class, Medjidieh, Khedive's star), South African War, 1899- 1900 (medal and three clasps, C.B.) ; Decorated for services as Asst. Director of Supplies for South Africa, 1899-1900; promoted Hon. Major-Gen. for valuable services during the War, 3 June, 1917 ; County Commandant Essex Volunteer Corps, July, 1917 to Jan. 1920. Address : Hill House, Danbury, Chelmsford. Clubs : Army and Navy ; United Service. (C2125) JOHNSON, Frederick WiUiam, M.B.E. JOHNSON, Major (A. Lieut.-Col.) Frederiok WiUiam, O B E T D , R.A.M.C. (T.), 6. 14 Oct. 1876 ; s. of the late Dr. WiUiam J. Johnson, of Bawtry, Yorkshire; m. Mary- Irene, d. of Herbert Stephenson, of Slade Hooton HaU, Laughton, Yorks. Educ. : King Edward VI School, Retford ; Leeds University. War Work : Served with 1st N. Midland Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C. (T.F.), from outbreak of War to May, 1917, in France and Belgium (six months m England) ^Com manded 2/2nd N. Midland Field Amb, R.A.M.C. (T.F ), in France and Belgium from May, 1917 to March, 1919. ¦Address: Nearfield House, Bawtry, Yorkshire. J05!30' JOHNSON, Lieut.-Col. George HamUton, C.B.E. Canadian Forestry Corps; served in the Great War, WlS-l^ ?VP?' t2~-0-£?~-s, langley, c.B.E, F.S.A.A. Educ. : Privately War Work: Deputy Controller of Munition Accounts and Assistant Member of Council in the Ministry of Munitions. Address: Ridgway House, 40/42, King WUliam Street, London, 291 E.C. ; Littlebourne, Warren Road, Guildford. Club : New City. (C2729) JUDGE, Lieut. Charles Edward MiUer, M.B.E, JUDGE, Lieut.-Col. and Qr.-Mr. Wybrants, M.B.E. JUDSON, Capt. Daniel, O.B.E. JUKES AUred, M.B.E, R.A.F. JULIAN, Maj.-Gen. Oliver Richard Archer, C.B, C.M.G. C.B.E, 6. 1863 ; s. of Capt. Thomas Archer Julian, J.P.' formerly 52nd Regt. Entered Roy. Army Med. Corps, 1887' Major, 1899 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1908 ; Lieut.-Col. 1911 ; Col Army Med. Ser. 1915 ; T. Maj.-Gen. 1918 ; served in S. Africa 1899-1902 (despatches) ; Zakka Khel and Mohmand Expedi tions, 1908 (despatches); Great War, 1914-16 (despatches); appointed Physician and Surg, Royal Hospital, Chelsea, 1913. Address : Broomhill, Harford, Ivybridge. (C1642) JUPP, Cecil May, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1893 ; d. of Conway Morgan, of Stafford; to. 13 Oct. 1920, Major W. D. L. Jupp, O.B.E. Educ.: Rathgowry, Eastbourne. War Work : V.A.D. work from 1914, to Sept. 1915 ; started and managed Queen Mary Needlework Guild, Stafford, for a year: joined Queen Mary's Army AuxiUary Corps in Aug. 1917, as Assist.-Adminis- trator, and crossed to France in Sept. 1917 ; promoted to Unit Administration in May, 1918, and given charge of one of the three largest camps in France, namely, Q.M.A.A.C. Camp, attached to E.R.S, R.A.F, France. Address : Queens- viUe, Stafford. (M4556) JUPP, Lieut.-Col. William Alfred, O.B.E. JUPP, Major WilUam Dallas Loney, O.B.E, R.A.F. JURISS, Lieut. MaximiUan, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. JURY, Capt. Arthur Ernest, O.B.E, F.I.S.E, M.R.S.I, R.A.M.C. (T.), 2nd London Sanitary Co, 6. 21 Jan. 1886; 8. of Horatius Arthur Jury, of Southborough ; m. Helen Dorothy, d. of D. W. Hopkins. Educ. : Privately, and Whitgift School. Sanitary Specialist ; Housing Inspector, Ministry of Health ; late Technical Secretary to Sir Alexander Houston, K.B.E, C.V.O. War Work: O.C. 32nd Sanitary Section, B.E.F. ; Commandant III Army School of Sanitation, B.E.F. ; Acting D.A.D.M.S. (San.) Ill Army, B.E.F. ; Sanitary Officer Dover Garrison. Addresses : 59, Shelgate Road, S.W. 11 ; Saxondale, Orlando Drive, Carlton, Notts. Club : Notting hamshire Masonic. (02591) JURY, Horatius Arthur, O.B.E. Chief Inspector, Public Health Dept, London County CouncU. (O11908) JUSTICE, Charles Ernest WUUam, M.B.E. JUSTICE, Major PhiUp Welman, O.B.E, R.G.A. JUTA, Helen Lena, Lady, O.B.E. KAHL, Frederiok, O.B.E. KALKER, Emanuel, O.B.E. KANE, Capt. John Leonard Kirkpatrick, O.B.E, LA. KAPPELE, Capt. John Logan, O.B.E, C.A.D.C KASTOR, Ella Marguerite, M.B.E. (M8680) KAUFMAN, Louis, O.B.E. KAUL, Sir Diwan Bahadur Dayer Kishan, K.B.E. (K330) KAULBACH, Lieut.-Col. Henry Albert, O.B.E, The King's Own Royal Regt, 6. 16 Feb. 1878; s. of the Ven. Archdeacon of Nova Scotia ; m. Alice Mary, d. of Rev. A. J. Townend, CF. Educ. : CoUegiate School and King's Coll, Windsor, N.S, and R.M.C. Kingston, Ont. War Work : India, Aug. to Dec. 1914 ; Flanders, Jan. to March, 1915 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G, Catterick Camp, Yorks, AprU, 1916, to end of war; wounded, Feb. 1915. Address: Royal Bank of Canada, Princes Street, London, E.C 2. CTufi : United Service. (07339) KAUNTZ, Capt. WiUiam Henry, M.B.E. KAUNTZE, Lieut.-Col. Bertram Charles, O.B.E. KAVANAGH, Capt. Henry Richard, M.B.E, 2nd Batt. Princess Victoria's Royal Irish Fusiliers, 6. 11 Aug. 1890; s. of Hope Kavanagh of Carlow, Ireland, late S. Police, United Provinces, India ; to. Sylvia Eleanor, d. of Sir James Martin, M.B.E, J.P, of BeUair, Surbiton. Educ: Queen Elizabeth CoU. Commissioned, Dec. 1910. War Work: France, 1914-16 ; Royal Air Force, 1917 ; Independant Air Force, France, Aug. 1918; Royal Air Force Staff, Cologne, 1919. Address : c/o Sir James Martin, BeUair, Surbiton, Surrey. Club : Services. (M5995) KAXTON, EUa Marguerite, M.B.E. KAY, Andrew Cassels, O.B.E. KAY, David, M.B.E. KAY, Edward, M.B.E. KAY, Major Herbert Davenport, O.B.E. KAY, Lieut.-Comm. Ivo James, O.B.E, R.N.R. KAY, Mary Lees, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of E. Moss, of Ravens- croft Hall, Middlewich ; to. Christopher Kay, D.L, of Daven- ham Hall, Northwich. War Work : Vice President Red Cross Middlewich Division ; Commandant of Red Cross Hospital, Middlewich; and of Ravenscroft Hall Annexe; President Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association ; and of Soldiers'and Sailors' Help Society. Address: Ravenscroft Hall, Middle wich. (03778) KAY, Sydney Entwisle, M.B.E. KAY, Major WUUam, O.B.E. KAY, William Gimmell, O.B.E. KAY, WUUam Norrie, M.B.E, 6. July, 1866 ; s. of the late William Norrie Kay, of Lome Bank, Monifieth (Forfarshire) ; m. Margaret Gibson, d. of the late David Alexander Tearing, of Forfarshire. Educ. : Morgan Academy, Dundee. Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine. War Work : Chief Engineer of BIOGRAPHIES. Keeping the steamers " Devona " and " Cairmona," Cairns-Thomson Line ; carried horses, munitions, and other stores from August, 1914, to the end of the war (from U.S.A. and Canada to France and U.K.). Address : Hillside, Monifleth, Forfarshire. (M8688) KAYE, Lieut.-Col. Ceoil, C.S.I, CLE, C.B.E, Indian Army, fi. 27 May, 1868 ; s. of WUliam Kaye, of the Indian Civil Service (retired) ; m. Margaret Sarah, d. of Rev. Thomas Bryson, ofthe London Missionary Society. Educ. : Winchester. Joined 2nd Batt. Derbyshire Regt. 1889 ; 21st Punjabas, 1892 ; served N.W. Frontier of India, 1897 ; General Staff Officer, Army Headquarters, India, 1907 ; Deputy Chief Censor, India, 1914; Director Central Intelligence, India, 1919. War Work : In charge of Censorship, both Cable and Postal, in India, from Oct. 1914 to Sept. 1919. Addresses : Simla (in the summer) ; Delhi (in the winter), India. (C2036) KAYE, Evan, O.B.E. KAYE, George WilUam Clarkson, O.B.E, R.A.F. KAYE, Sydney Herbert, O.B.E. KAYE, Sir John Pepys LISTER-, Bt., O.B.E, fi. 18 Feb, 1853; 8. of Lister Lister-Kaye, and g. s. of Sir John Lister Lister-Kaye, 2nd Bt. (see Burke's Peerage), whom he succeeded in 1871 ; m. 5th Dec. 1881, Natica, 2nd d. of Senor Antonio Yznaga del VaUe, of Ravenswood, Louisiana, and Cuba ; late Lieut. Royal Horse Guards and Yorkshire Hussars, D.L. West Hiding; Groom-m-Waiting to King Edward VII, 1908-10. Address: Overton Lodge, nr. Wakefield, Yorkshire. Clubs: Carlton; Marlborough. (07393) KAYE, Lieut.-Comm. RusseU LISTER-, O.B.E, R.N. KEALY, Florenoe Tempe, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 26 Oct. 1883; _. of Sir Charles Bayley, G.C.I.E, K.C.S.I, Secretary of State for India's Council (see Burke's Peerage); to. Edward Herbert, s. of the late John Robert Kealy, M.D. War Work : Hon. Sec. of the Ladies Branch of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John of Jerusalem in the North West Frontier Province, India. Addresses : c/o Grindlay & Co, London ; Little hampton, Sussex. (M2695) KEAN, Charles, M.B.E. KEANE, Capt. Charles George Gordon, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, b. 5 Sept. 1891 ; s. of Major B. J. Keane, late of Indian Army ; m. Eva Constance, d. of F. A. Denny, of Wimbledon. Educ : Bombay Univ. ; St. Mary's Hospital, London. War Work : With a Field Ambulance in France ; W.H.W.M.S, Syren Force, N. Russia. (09719) KEANE, Lieut.-Col. Richard Henry, C.B.E. KEARN. Lieut. A. W., O.B.E, R.A O.C. KEARNEY, Arthur Richard Kearney, M.B.E. KEARNEY, Mother Superior Teresa Mary, M.B.E, O.S.F, fi. 30 April 1876 ; d. of Michael Kearney, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Educ. : Convent of Mercy, Wicklow, Ireland. R.C. Mission Sister of the Order of Saint Francis. Worked in hospitals of the Mission of MiU HiU, in Nsambya, Uganda, for the native Carrier Corps and wounded brought from German East Africa Campaign until Nov. 1916. Address ; MiUHiUMission.Nsambya.KampalaP.O, Uganda. (M1274) KEARNS, Haidee Ida, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 18 March, 1862 ; d. the late Henry Holmes, of Toronto, Canada ; to. the late Thomas Joseph, s. of PhiUp Keams, of Portsmouth. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Camps Library, 1915 ; Welfare Supervisor, Navy and Army Canteen Board, Dec. 1916-18. Address: 14, Minnis Bay, Birchington-on-Sea. (M8689) KEARNS, WiUiam Irving, O.B.E. * (011780) KEARSEY, Major Alexander Horace Cyril, D.S.O, O.B.E. ; 6. 17 Dec. 1877 ; s. of Francis Kearsey, of Burstow, Hurley, Sussex ; m. Frances Mitford, d. of Lord Redesdale, of Batsford, Moreton-in-Marsh (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Rottingdean; CUfton; R.M.C Commissioned, 1898. War Wort: Staff Captain, Brigade Major, G.S.O. 1st Grade, Battalion Commander ; held rank during the war as Lieut.- Col. from Deo. 1915. Address : The Mount, Queen's Park, Bournemouth. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Queen's. (09596) KEARY, George, O.B.E., 6. 8 July, 1859 ; to. Sarah Ann. Educ: Ongar. Divisional Superintendent of Operations, London Division, Great Eastern Railway. War Work : Orhcer in charge of raUway at night in connection with Trans port and Air Raids. Address : Kingston, 8, Hempstead Boad, Walthamstow, E. 17. (01539) KEARY, Margaret Alice, M.B.E. KEATINGE, Reginald Heber, O.B.E, J.P, Co. Dublin, c 25 AprU, 1874 ; s. of Joseph Francis Keatinge, J.P, of Dublin ; m. Florence, d. of L. C Murphy, of Dublin. War Wort: Hon. Sec, Irish War Hospital Supply Depot (Men's section) ; Joint Hon. Sec, Ireland's " Our Day " Red Cross t>5 A. Ast- Comrty Director for the City of Dublin Branch Bed Cross Soc. ; Corps Superintendent, St. John Ambulance Mgade. Address: Bramberg, Strand Road, Sutton, Co. Dublin. (03779) KEAY, James Donald, C.B.E, s. of David Keay. Engine Works Manager to Harland and Wolff (Limited). (C987) ¦d??AY' Lieut.-Col. John, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.CP, K.A.M.C KEAYS, Capt. Cyril Arthur, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. . KEDDIE, Col. Herbert WUliam Graham, C.B.E, D.S.O, c 1873 ; Lieut.-Col. and T. Col. Army Ordnance Depart. ; se"ei_m S. African War, 1899-1902 (despatches, Queen's medal win two clasps) ; SomalUand, 1902-3 (medal with clasp) ; S?i.ZF' 1914-19 (despatches). (C1275) a £EEBLE> Frederick William, C.B.E, Sc.D, F.R.S, 6. £March, 1870 ; s. of Francis Henry Keeble, of Tatsfleld, nr. westerham, Kent ; m. 1st, Mathilde Marie CecUe Marechal, who d. 1915, and 2nd, 1920, Lillah, O.B.E. (q.v.), d. of J. McCarthy, of Cheltenham. Educ: Alleyn's School, Dulwich ; Gonvilleand Caius College, Cambridge. Sherardian Professor of Botany, Oxford ; Scientific Adviser, " Gardener's Chronicle " ; formerly Assistant Sec, Ministry of Agriculture ; War Work : Con troller of Horticulture, Ministry of Agrioulture ; Member of Army Agricultural Committee. Address : Magdalen College, Oxford. Club : Savile. (C36) KEEBLE, Lillah, Mrs. (Lillah McCarthy), O.B.E, d. of ,1. McCarthy, of Cheltenham; to. 1920, Frederick WiUiam, C.B.E, Sc.D, F.R.S. (q.v.), s. of Francis Henry Keeble, of Tatsfleld, nr. Westerham, Kent. Services in connection with the organisa tion of matinfjes and the coUection of funds for the Queen Mary Fund in aid of the Star and Garter Hospital. Address: Magdalen College, Oxford. (011913) KEEFE, Capt. Ernest, M.B.E, 6. 30 Nov. 1883; s. of Cornelius Keefe, of The Green, Bandon ; m. Gertrude, d. of John McMahon, of Castleconnel, Co. Limerick. Educ. : Rin- curran, Summer Cove, Kinsale. War Work : served with 37th Field Bty, R.F.A, during retreat from Mons, Aug. 1914 ; wounded at Le Cateau, 1914 ; served as Adjt. to Training Brigades at home until Apr. 1919 ; now serving at Record Office, Woolwich. Address: 107, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.3 Club : Conservative (Blackheath). (M5391) KEEGAN, Capt. Michael, O.B.E, M.M, R.A.F. KEEL, William Henry, O.B.E, fi. 19 Dec. 1866 ; s. of William H. Keel, of Eastbourne ; m. Katherine Emily, d. ol Joseph Watson, of Hampstead, N.W. Educ : Privately. Retired Civil Engineer ; for ten years Resident Engineer, in Brazil, of the City of Santos Improvements Co, Ltd. War Work : For four years Head of the Men's Department, the St. Marylebone War Hospital Supply Depot, Cavendish Square, W. 1. Addresses : 41, Fellows Road, Hampstead, N.W. ; Budleigh Salterton, Devon. (O10764) KEELING, Dorothy Clarissa, M.B.E, 6. 2 Dec. 1881; d. of Rev. W. H. Keeling, LL.D, Headmaster, Bradford Gram mar School, 1872-1916. Educ. : Bradford Girls' Grammar School. Sec, Liverpool Personal Service Committee since 1918. War Work : Assistant Sec, Bradford City Guild of Help, 1907-17 ; Sec, National Association of Guild of Help, 1917-18 ; Joint Hon. Sec, Joint Com. of Social Service, 1917-18 ; Chairman, Bradford Women's Employment Work rooms Committee, 1914-15 ; Chairman, Bradford Tipperary Club, 1914-17 ; Chairman, Bradford Women Patrols, 1917-18. Address : 16, Huskisson Street, Liverpool. Club : Sandon Arts. (M3783) KEEN, Katharine Elizabeth, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 26 July, 1846 ; d. of John Clutton, of Flauchford, Surrey ; to. Alfred Gunning, s. of Alfred Joyce Keen, of Buckland, Surrey. Educ : Privately. War Work : Commandant of Hillfield Red Cross Hospital, Reigate, from opening in Nov. 1914, untU closing, 31 Dec. 1918. Address : 8, York Road, Reigate. Club : Albemarle. (010765) KEEN, Lieut.-Col. William John, CLE, C.B.E, e. s. of the late Col. Sir Frederick John Keen, K.C.B. ; m. 1899, Marion Beatrice, d. ol Col. A. McL. Mills, formerly Indian Army, Educ. : Haileybury, and R.M.C. Entered Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1892 ; Indian Army, 1894. Served with the Chitral Relief Force, 1895 (medal with clasp), on N.-W. Frontier of India, 1908 (despatches, medal with clasp) ; during Afghan War, 1919. (C3096) KEENAN, Major Augustine Henry, D.S.O, O.B.E. KEENE, Henry Furse, O.B.E, 6. 7 May, 1863. Asylums Officer, London County Council. War Work : As chief officer of the department was responsible for preliminary negotiations and subsequent administrative arrangements for the use of three of the L.CC mental hospitals as war hospitals, affording accommodation for 4000 sick and wounded soldiers. Addresses : 13, Arundel Street, Strand, W.C ; 11, Creighton Avenue, MusweU HUI, N. (010766) KEENE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John James, O.B.E, R.A.S.C KEENE, Capt. John Limrick, O.B.E. KEENE, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Mann, O.B.E. KEENE, Lieut.-Col. Harry Lancelot RUCK-, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 5 May, 1868 ; s. of Col. Edmund Ruck-Keene, of Swyncombe, Henley-on-Thames ; m. Awdry Frances, d. of WUliam Henry Ashhurst, C.B.E, of Waterstock, Oxford. Educ: Winchester and Sandhurst. Land Agentto the Rt. Hon. The Earl FitzwiUiam. War Work : July, 1917, Commandant Escort Prisoners of War, Proven nr. Poperinghe, att. H.Q, 5th Army ; Sept. '1917, Commandant Corps Troops, XIX Corps ; Nov. 1917, Commandant V Corps Reinforcement Training Camp ; May, 1918, Commandant V Corps Rest Camp ; June, 1918, Commandant " F " Infantry Base Depot, Etaples ; Feb. 1918, Commandant Base Depot, Camiers ; retired Aug. 1918, after thirty years' continuous service in the Oxford, and Bucks Light Infantry (43rd and 52nd). Address : The White House, Armthorpe, Doncaster. Clubs : Naval and MUitary ; M.C.C. ; R.A.C. ; Doncaster. (05139) KEENLYSIDE, Rupert Hales Headlam, O.B.E. KEEP, Major Thomas Bettsworth, O.B.E, 6. 1884; s. of Alfred H. Keep, of Greenhithe ; to. Irene Alison, d. of Walter Heslop, of Margate. Educ : Malvern College ; King's CoUege, London. Engineer. War Work : In R.A.S.C. Mechanical Transport. Address : 29, High Street, Wimbledon, S.W. 19. (05441) KEEPING, Capt. Harold Balfour, M.B.E, 6. 20 Sept. 1886 ; s. of Tom Jeffery Keeping. Educ : Tonbridge School. Chartered Accountant. War Work : Private, 28th County of 295 Keer THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. London Regt, Sept. 1914, to Dec. 1914 ; Lieut. R.A.S.C, Jan. 1915, to Sept. 1915 ; Capt. R.A.S.C, Sept. 1915, to Jan. 1920 ; graded Staff F.F, July, 1919, to Jan. 1920. Address : 18-19, Ironmonger Lane, E.C. 2. (M5292) KEER, Lieut. Raymond WUfred Cordy, M.B.E. KEERY, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. WilUam James, M.B.E. KEESAU, Perdot Cuthbert, M.B.E. KEESON, Peridot Clara Cuthbert, M.B.E, 6. 1894 ; d. of Major C Cuthbert Keeson, V.D. Educ. : Privately. War Work : H.R.H. Princess Beatrice's Surgical Depot, 2, Caven dish Square. Address : St. Cuthberts, Hampstead. (M8690) KEEVIL, Capt. Ambrose, M.B.E, M.C. KEIGHTLEY, Mary, M.B.E. KEILY, Lieut.-Comm. Charles Joseph, O.B.E, R.N.R. KEIR, WUliam, M.B.E. KEITH, Capt. Angus, O.B.E. KEITH, Lieut.-Col. George Theodore Elphinstone, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 22 May, 1882 ; s. of George Elphinstone, of 14, Hans Place, S.W. ; to. Catherine JuUa, d. of J. Blease, of Liverpool. Educ. : Eton. Employed in France as a Regi mental Officer from Aug. 1914 tUl wounded 22 Oct. ; Gazetted as Brigade Major, New Armies, 15 Feb. ; D.A.A.G, June, 1916 ; A.A. and Q.M.G, Nov. 1917 ; A.A.G, AprU, 1919. Club : Junior United Service. (05442) KEITH, Lieut. Gerald, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. KEITLEY, Capt. Cyril Humby, M.B.E, fi. 1891 ; s. of H. B. Keitley, of London ; to. Joyce Margaret, d. of Bernard Gibson, M.A, of London. Educ. : Shrewsbury School. War Work : Served with 12th Batt. The Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Batt. The Manchester Regt. Address : The Torrs, South Norwood Park, London. (M5394) KEKEWICH, Capt. Sydney, M.B.E, 21st Lancers, 6. 17 June, 1893 ; s. of Lewis P. Kekewich, of 14, Adelaide Crescent, Brighton ; m. Madeline Elizabeth, d. of Rear-Admiral S. Gordridge, CLE, of Rudgwick Grange, Rudgwick, Sussex. Educ : Eton. War Work : India (N.W.F.P.) wounded Sept. 1915 ; War Office, Jan. 1917, to Sept. 1919, as Staff Captain. C7«fi : Cavalry. (M5394) KELCEY, WiUiam FOORD-, O.B.E. KELHAM, Bimbashi Arthur Robert Langdale, O.B.E, D.C.M, 6. 25 Aug. 1865 ; s. of Augustus Kelham, of Chester ; m. Margaret Ethel, M.B.E, d. of Joseph Haselden, of Alexandria, Egypt. Educ : Bedford Grammar School. Egyptian PoUce. War Work : Served in Dongola Expedit, 1896 ; Khartoum Campaign, 1897-98 ; thrice mentioned in despatches ; D.C.M. ; Order of Medijieh and of Nile ; with Bikanir Camel Corps in Western Desert. Address : The Caracol, Sidi Gabor, Egypt. Club : Union, Alexandria. (09864) KELHAM, Margaret Ethel, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 17 Sept. 1876 ; s. of Joseph Haselden, of Alexandria, Egypt ; to. Major Arthur Robert Langdale Kelham, O.B.E, D.C.M, s. of Augustus Kelham, of Chester. War Work : Hospital Trains in Egypt, May to Aug. 1915 ; Red Cross Tea Kiosks on Alexandria Quays, 1914-18 ; Red Cross Librarian to March, 1920 ; despatches, June, 1917. Address : The Caracol, Sidi Gabor, Egypt. Club : Alexandria Sporting. (M8691) KELL, Sir Vernon George Waldegrave, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 21 Nov. 1873 ; s. of the late Major Waldegrave C F. KeU ; to. Constance Rawdon, d. of James Scott, of Queenstown. Educ : Sandhurst. War Work : First commissioned 1894 ; served China, 1900 (medal with clasp) , has Order of St. Olaf (Norway) ; American Order of the Chinese Dragon ; Legion of Honour ; Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus. Address : 34, ArgyU Road, W. 8. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Wellington. (K306) KELLER, Lieut.-Col. Rudolph Henry, D.S.O, O.B.E. KELLETT, Adelaide Maud, C.B.E, R.R.C. Matron Australian Army Nursing Staff during the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). KELLETT, Major and Qr.-Mr. James Albert, O.B.E, R.E. KELLEWAY, Lieut. Percy Dixon, M.B.E, R.N.V.R KELLEY, Major Frederick Arthur, O.B.E, J.P, M.P, 6. 6 May, 1863 ; s. of Ralph Kelley, of Heekmondwike ; to. Laura, d. of Charles Henry Pickles, of Heekmondwike. Educ. : TettenhaU CoUege ; Giggleswick Grammar School. Managing Director, Messrs. Whitworth, Son and Nephew, Ltd, Wath- on-Dearae ; Director, Messrs. Duncan Gilmour, Ltd, Sheffield. War Work : Raised Harrogate Pals Coy, recruited over 1000 men ; was O.C. R.D.C Coy. Addresses : HoUey Court, Harrogate ; Harcourt House, Cavendish Square, London, Clubs : Constitutional ; Junior Constitutional ; 1900. (03138) KELLNER, Lieut.-Col. PhiUp Travice Rubie, D.S.O. O.B.E, R.E, 6. 19 Dec. 1872 ; s. of Edwin Welsh KeUner, CLE. ; to. Mabel Alicia, d. of Rev. Alfred Bourne, B.A. Educ. : Giggleswick Grammar School. Indian Finance Dept. ; now Ministry of Transport. War Work : In charge of RaUway Stores, and later head of the Transportation Stores Dept, dealing with railways, roads, docks, and water trans port, under the Dir.-Gen. of Transportation, B.E F. ; served in France from Dec. 1914 to July, 1919. Address : The Oaks, Beaconsfield, Bucks. (05444) KELLY, Alfred Evans, O.B.E. KELLY, Arthur Lindsay, O.B.E, 6. 5 Sept. 1880. Educ. : Winchester; University CoUege, Oxford. War Work : Lieut, 6th Batt, King's Royal Rifle Corps; Court Martial Officer; Staff Captain. Address : Hockley Lands, Worplesdon, GuUdford. Club : Carlton. (05445) KELLY, Edmund Walsh, M.B.E, F.R.S.A.I, J.P, 6 296 4 Oct. 1857 ; s. of Gerard Kelly, of Waterford ; m. Margaret d. of Edward Slattery, of Carrick-on-Suir. Educ. : St' Stanislaus' CoU, Tullabeg. Hon. Life Member of the C.T c' War Work : Co. Waterford War Pensions Committee ; Hon' Sec. Waterford Rural District Sub-Committee. Address '• BeUa Vista, Tramore, Co. Waterford. (M8692) KELLY, Eleanor Sarah, M.B.E, R.R.C KELLY, Elisabeth Hariott, C.B.E, J.P, fi. Jan. 1878- s. of the late Col. H. H. Kelly, R.M.A, of Southsea, and of EUsabeth Eleanor, d. of John CoUum, Esq, of Bellevue, Co Fermanagh. Educ. : The Hermitage, Southsea. Justice of Peace, Portsmouth ; Chairman of Sub-Committees, Ports mouth War Pensions Committee ; Member, Special Grants Committee, Ministry of Pensions ; Member of the Royal Patri otic Fund Corporation ; Chairman, Portsmouth Women's Employment Sub-Committee, Ministry of Labour ; Member of Portsmouth Insurance tommittee. War Work: Joint Hon. Sec, S. and S. F.A, 1914-16 ; Hon. Org, Services' Chil dren's Home ; Hon. Sec, Portsmouth Services' Committee, 1914-16 ; Hon. Sec. and Hon. Principal Officer, Portsmouth War Pensions Committee, 1916-20 ; Hon. Agent, R.P.F.C. ; Hon. Local Agent, S. & S.H.S. ; Member of Pensions and Grants Sub. -Com. Statutory Committee ; Member of Special Grants Committee, Ministry of Pensions ; Member, Portsmouth Employment Committee, Ministry of Labour ; Hon. Sec, Portsmouth Women's Patriotic League and United Service Clubs, 1914-19 ; Chairman, Children's Sub.-Com, Portsmouth War Pensions Committee ; Member National ReUef Fund Com, Portsmouth; Hon. Sec, Navy League Sub.-Com, Portsmouth, etc. Address : 2, Malvern Road, Southsea. Clubs : Sesame. (C2730) KELLY, Col. Francis, C.B.E, 6. 1868. Col. R.A.M.C. and Asst. Director of Med. Sers, Highland Div. during Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). KELLY, Frank Arthur, M.B.E, fi. 25 March, 1879; s. of Charles Kelly, of Newport, Mon. ; m. Dene Winifred, d. of WiUiam LidweU Scoones, of Brixton. Edue. : Bancroft's School, Woodford Green, Essex. Principal Clerk to the MetropoUtan Asylums Board. War Work : Provision of accommodation for, and maintenance of, War Refugees in London. Address : 262, Amesbury Avenue, Streatham HiU. (M626) KELLY, Frederick Arthur, O.B.E.. J.P, R.D.C, M.P. KELLY, Helena Creed, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 8 Sept. 1888; d. of R. W. Phillips, of DubUn ; to. Joseph Angelo Kelly. Educ. : KUdare St. School, DubUn, and privately. Assistant ComptroUer to the Lord-Lieutenant of Deland. War Wort : Was Private Sec. to Sir CecU Partridge when Metropolitan Munitions started, and remained there tiU Dec. 1915 ; in 1916, when Irish RebeUion broke out, went to Ministry of Munitions and again returned to Dublin. Address : Vice-Regal Lodge, DubUn. Club : United Arts, Dublin. (M9293) KELLY, Henry Titus, M.B.E. KELLY, Hilda Margaret Catherine, O.B.E, 6. Sept. 1875 ; d. of the late Col. H. H. KeUy, of Southsea. Educ: The Hermitage, Southsea. Organising Sec, Charity Organisa tion Society. War Work : Sec. Officers' Families Fund, 1916-19 ; Membe- of local Com, Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Assoc, Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society, and National Relief Fund ; Member of Women's Advisory Com, Central Control Board (Liqtlbr Traffic), 1915-16. Address: 52, Lower Sloane Street, S.W. Clubs: Sesame; Eorum. (01543) KELLY, James, M.B.E. KELLY, Eng.-Comm. John, O.B.E, R.N. KELLY, Capt. Patrick Anselm, O.B.E, I.A.R. of 0. (011781) KELLY, Lieut. Richard CecU, O.B.E. KELLY, Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E, A.P.D. KELLY, Comm. Wm. H., C.B.E, D.S.O. ; Comm. and Acting Capt. R.N.R. Served during Great War, 1914-19, with Auxiliary Patrol (despatches). KELMAN, John, O.B.E, M.A, D.D, 6. 20 June, 1864 ; s. of Rev. John Kelman, B.D, of Edinburgh ; m. Ellin Runcorn, d. of WUliam HamUton Bell, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh Royal High School ; Edinburgh University ; New CoUege, and Ormond College, Melbourne. Minister of Peterculter United Free Church, 1892-97 ; New North United Free Church, Edinburgh, 1897-1907 ; St. George's United Free Church, Edinburgh, 1907-19 ; Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, 1919. War Work : With Y.M.C.A. for six months, along whole British Front, engaged in lecturing on religious subjects, and also with a view to good understanding between British and American troops ; also four months' service under the British Foreign Office in the United States'! n 1917. Clubs : University Union, Edinburgh ; University, New York. (0477) KELSEY, Lavinia Jano, M.B.E. KEMBALL, Hattie, Lady, O.B.E. ; d. of GUbert Elliot, I.C.S.; to. Maj.-Gen. Sir George Vero KembaU, K.C.M.G., C.B, D.S.O. (09827) KEMBLE, Henry, M.B.E, F.R.G.S, 6. 5 Sept. 1854; s. of Hon. H. F. Kemble, of Jamaica, West Indies. Educ. : Cheltenham CoUege. Managing Director, Eastern Counties Branch of Lord Roberts' Memorial Workshops. War Work: Hon. Sec, Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society, N. Essex ; Essex War Pensions Committee ; Colchester (Borough) War Pensions Committee. Address : West Bergholt, Essex. CZuis : Junior Carlton; Sports. (M1982) KEMBLE, Katherine Charlotte, M.B.E, 6. 17 July, 1879; d. of Henry Kemble, of Wroughton, nr. Swindon. War Wort : BIOGRAPHIES. Kennedy Quartermaster, Asst. Commandant and finally Commandant at Struan House, Reading ; V.A.D. Berks 52, from, 1914-19. Address : Newlands, Goodworth, Clatford, Andover. (M8693) KEMBLE, Major Paul Berthon, O.B.E. KEMBLE, Virginia Margaret, M.B.E, d. of the late Capt, H. F. Kemble, R.N, D.L, of St. Claydons, nr. Chelmsford. War Work : Commandant of Red Cross Hospital, Chelmsford, from 1915, when it opened until 1919, when it closed, during which time nearly 2000 patients passed through the hospital ; mentioned in despatches, 1916. Club : Blue Triangle. (M2782) KEMM, Stephanie LiUan Septima, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Charles Piesse, M.R.C.S, D.P.H, Consul-General for Monaco, 1889-96 ; m. Thomas Kemm. Educ. : Putney College. War Work : Surrey Reserve Commandant ; Assistant County Sec retary, Surrey B.R.C.S, and other B.R.C.S. work. Address : 12, DeanhiU Road, E. Sheen. S.W. 14. (010767) KEMP, Charles Richard William, M.B.E. KEMP, Capt. Edgar Stephen, O.B.E. KEMP, Herbert Edward, M.B.E, 6. 17 Feb. 1867; s. of Edward Kemp, of Plumstead. Educ. : Plumstead High School and King's Coll, London. Senior Armament Supply Officer in the Armament Supply Department of the Admiralty and in charge of the Royal Naval Armament Depot at Crombie, N.B. War Work : Employed during the whole of the war at the Naval Ordnance Depot, Lodge HiU, supervising manufacture and supply of ammunition for the Fleet. Address : Ordnance House, Crombie, Dunfermline. (M8696) KEMP, Joseph Horsford, C.B.E, B.A, K.C, 6. 23 Dec. 1874 ; s. of P. Kemp, of Dublin ; to. Mary, d!. of P. Stuart, of London. Educ : High School, Dublin ; Cape Univ. Attorney-General, Hong Kong. Address : Hong Kong. (C397) KEMP, Col. Sir Kenneth Hagar, Bt, C.B.E, B.A, 6. 21 April, 1853 : m. Henrietta, d. of Henry Hamilton, of Blackrock, Co. Leitrim, and Chilham, Kent. Educ. : Canter bury ; Jesus Coll. Cambridge. Barrister and Banker ; Col. Commanding 2nd Garrison Bn. Suffolk Regt. Address: Gissing HaU, Diss ; Pentlow, Sheringham. Club : Carlton. (C822) KEMP, OmeUa Susanna, Mrs., M.B.E. KEMP, William, M.B.E. KEMP, William Henry, M.B.E. KEMPE, Charles GUbert Burrington, O.B.E, M.D., B.S, M.R.C.S, L.R.CP, fi. 17 Feb. 1872 ; s. of Charles Marshall, of Chantry House, Shoreham-by-Sea ; to. Ethel Maud, d. of George Rawlence, of WUton, WUts. Educ : Brighton Grammar School ; Durham University. Senior Hon. Surgeon, Salisbury Infirmary; Consulting Surgeon to Fisherton House, Laver- stock House, Andover Hospital, Westminster Hospital, Shaftes bury, and G. W. Railway ; FeUow of Royal Society of Medicine. War Work : In charge of Countess of Radnor's Hospital, Longford Castle ; Consulting and Operating Surgeon to Countess of Pembroke's Hospital, Wilton House, Salisbury Infirmary, and Red Cross Hospitals. Addresses : 17, Endless Street, Salisbury; The Grange, Warminster, WUts. (04376) KEMPER, Major Joseph, M.B.E. KEMPLE, Major John Howard, O.B.E, 9th Lancers, 6. 26 Aug. 1870; s. of John Howard Kemple, of Portumna, Co. Galway, Deland; m. Edith Mary, d. of Francis Clarke, of Canterbury. Educ : The Rectory, Brompton. War Work : Adjutant, 7th Reserve Cavalry Regiment, England ; tour of Instruction, France and Belgium ; attached 9th Lancers ; Riding Master, 1st Reserve Cavalry Regt, Deland. • Address : 9th Lancers, Tidworth. (08848) KEMPSTER, James Charles, M.B.E. KEMPSTER, Ruby, Mrs., M.B.E. KEMPTON, Lieut.-Col. Charles LesUe, C.B.E, R.E. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1644) KEMSLEY, John Chambers, M.B.E, 6. 29 May, 1855 ; 8. of the late John Chambers Kemsley, J.P, of Maidstone, Kent, and g.s. of late James Crawford, J.P, one of the British Settlers of 1820 ; m. Rachel Rogers, d. of Joseph Wesley Frost, of Port EUzabeth, and g.d. of late Joseph Wesley Frost, one of the British Settlers of 1820. Educ. : Grey Institute; High School, Port Elizabeth. Mayor, Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Africa, 1901-4, and 1915-18. War Work : Mayor of City ; recruiting, organising and collecting Governor-General's Fund, etc. ; Chairman, Governor-General's Fund ; Chairman, Recruiting Committee, and Defence Committee. Address : 50, Park Drive, Port Elizabeth. Club : Port Elizabeth. (M1222) KEMSLEY, Kate Annie, Mrs., M.B.E. (M10450 KENDALL, Beatrice, M.B.E. KENDALL, Charlotte Emma Mabel, M.B.E, 6. 28 Jan. W94 ; d. of James Kendall, of EUesmere, Shropshire. War Wort: Quartermaster, AuxUiary Military Hospital, EUesmere ; Sec, Feb. to Dec. 1915 ; Q.M, Dec. 1915 to Feb. 1919. Address : Reevehurst, EUesmere, Salop. Club: United Societies'. (M1984) KENDALL, Rev. George, O.B.E, S.C.F, 6. 10 Oct. 1881 ; s. of Charles and Ann KendaU, of Bum Cross, Sheffield ; m. itmuy Mary, d. of John Nathaniel Lessware, of London muc : Burn Cross Board School ; Hartley CoUege ; Victoria University, Manchester. Primitive Methodist Minister ; Sec. and President of the Windsor and District Free Church toS1 ' Uxtoidge an(_ District ; began ministry, Horncastle, 1906; Superintendent Minister of Shieldmuir, Wishaw, Scotland ; Colnbrook and Uxbridge ; Windsor. War Work : "! " ned as Chaplain to the Forces, 3 May, 1915, previously officiated to the Troops in Windsor ; served in France, Flanders, Salonica, aud Germany, with 12th Division, 22nd Division, 59th Division, 38th Welsh Division, 17th Brigade, R.G.A, 50th Division; Senior Chaplain, Royal Naval Division; Northern Division ; and to Forces in Belgium ; Educational Officer to 17th Brigade, R.G.A, aud Army of Occupation on the Rhine ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Horncastle, Lincolnshire. (05446) KENDALL, Rev. Henry Ewing, O.B.E, B.A, R.N. KENDALL, Major John, O.B.E. KENDALL, Lieut.-Col. John, O.B.E, Aust. A.V.C KENDALL, Major John Kaye, O.B.E, R.G.A. KENDALL, Capt. John Murray, M.B.E. For work in connection with the Imperial War Museum. (M10324) KENDALL, Joseph Abner, M.B.E, 6. 3 Dec. 1883. Merchant. War Work : Red Cross work, and production of munitions. Address : Civil Lines, Cawnpore, India. (M6175) KENDALL, Kathleen Addison, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1874; d. of the late W. G. Izard, of Blackheath ; to. Nicholas Fletcher, s. of F. R. Kendall. War Work : Joint Manager, Chiddingfold War Hospital Supply Depot (3 years). Address : Brookhurst, Chiddingfold, Surrey. (M8700) KENDALL, Lieut. Ramsay George, M.B.E, R.E. KENDALL, Major Sydney Robert Gordon, O.B.E. (011748) KENDALL, WilUam Henry, O.B.E, 6. 12 Dec 1858; s. of John Kendall, of Caterham j to. Alice, d. of Nathaniel Roberts, of Southwater, Sussex. Educ. : Private School and King's College, London. Secretary, Metropolitan Police Office, New Scotland Yard. Address : Claremont, Croham Road, South Croydon. Club : National Liberal. (01544) KENDALL, William Thomas, O.B.E. KENDERDINE, Sir Charles Halestaff, K.B.E, 6. 1866 ; m. Henrietta Florence, d. of the late Col. Vincent Bailey, Bedfordshire Regt. Secretary of the Land Union. 1910-17 ; Director Royal Insurance Company ; Director of Artificial Limb Supplies for Disabled SaUors and Soldiers, Ministry of Pensions ; one of the founders of Queen Mary's Convalescent Auxiliary Hospitals, Roehampton ; The Queen's Hospital, Frognal, Sidcup ; founder of Queen Mary's Workshops at the PaviUon, Brighton ; Agent for the Earl of Romney and for the Lowndes Estates in Knightsbridge and Buckinghamshire. Address : 46, Thurloe Sq, S.W.7. Club : Union. (K89) KENDRICK, Major Sydney John, O.B.E, 7th Batt. Indian Defence Force, 6. 15 March, 1872 ; s. of John Kendrick, of Birmingham ; to. Jessie, d. of John Masterman, of Hull. Educ. : Privately. RaUway Engineer (Carriage and Wagon Supt. East Indian Railway). War Work : Superintendent of a large works in Lndia manufacturing munitions of war and constructing rolUng stock for the mUitary railway in Mesopo tamia. Address : Holmwood, Lillooah, Bengal, India. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; Junior Army and Navy. (O4051) KENELM, Capt. Francis, O.B.E. KENNARD, Col. Henry Gerard Hegan, C.B.E, 6. 1871; s. of Adam Steinovetz Kennard, of Belmore, Upham. South ampton ; m. 1895, a d. of Col. Richard Poyser, D.S.O, F.R.CV.S. Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. 5th Dragoon Guards ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1902 (despatches, Queen's medal with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1645) KENNEDY Alexander, O.B.E, J.P. KENNEDY, Lieut.-Col. Archibald Arrol, D.S.O, O.B.E, T.D, J.P. ; s. of Thomas Kennedy, of Glasgow. Educ. : Albany Academy, Glasgow. Shipbroker. War Work : Mobi lised 5 Aug. 1914 ; served in France and Flanders tUl 31 Dec, 1919 ; severely wounded High Wood, France, July 1916, when commanding the 5th Batt, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). Address : 1, Marchmont Terrace, Kelviuside, Glasgow. W. (05448) KENNEDY, Lieut.-Col. Charles Matheson, M.B.E, F.R.CS. (Eng.), R.A.M.C. (T.), 6. 25 June, 1884 ; s. of the late David Lithgow Kennedy, of Loughton, Essex ; m. Mabel Maud, d. of Henry Hore, of Ware. Educ : St. Edward's School, Oxford, and London Hospital. Assistant Surgeon, S. Devon and E. CornwaU Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon to Paignton and District Hospital. War Work : Surgeon to Queen Mary's Hospital, Queensferry, Aug. and Sept. 1914; T. Lieut. R.A.M.C, Oct. 1914 ; Capt, 1915 ; A Major, Jan. 1918 ; served in France, Feb. 1915, to April, 1918, when invalided home after pneumonia ; O.C. Charterhouse MUitary Hospital, May, 1918, to June, 1919. Address : 19, Lockyer Street, PIvmouth. Clubs : Royal Western Yacht, Plymouth ; Fellow Roy. Soc. Med. (M5397) KENNEDY, David Henry, O.B.E, R.A.F. KENNEDY, Lieut. Douglas Neil, M.B.E, R.D.C. KENNEDY, Capt. Duncan, M.B.E, R.A.S.C KENNEDY, Helen, Mrs, M.B.E. KENNEDY, Lieut. Horas Graham, M.B.E, R.A.S.C KENNEDY, Lieut. James, O.B.E, R.N.R. KENNEDY, Capt. James Bowie, O.B.E, fi. 29 Jan. 1867 ; s. of Admiral Kennedy, C.B, of 39, Onslow Square ; m. Nina, d. of Sir George Lampson. Educ : Rugby and Sand hurst. War Work : A.G.'s Branch, War Office, with rank of Staff Captain. Address : 54, Streatham HiU, S.W. Club : Naval and MUitary. (01545) KENNEDY, James Hutchinson, M.B.E. KENNEDY, John Macfarlane, O.B.E, 6. 12 Oct. 1879, s. of Sir Alexander B. W. Kennedy, Kt. Bach, of A7 The Albany, W. (see Burke's Peerage); to. Dorothy Farrer, d. 297 Kennedy THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. of the late Thomas Farrer. Educ. : University CoUege School, and Cambridge University. Partner in firm of Kennedy and Donkin, Consulting Engineers, 17, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. War Work : Technical Assistant to Chief Engineer, Central Force, 1914-15 ; Chief Engineer on Construction, and subsequently Superintendent of Government Rolling MUls, Southampton, 1916-18. Addresses : 8, Bristol House, Southampton Row, W.C. ; Blackheath, ChUworth, Surrey. Club : Athenaeum. (03782) KENNEDY, John Morgan, M.B.E. (M10451) KENNEDY, Rev. Samuel Hanna, M.B.E, B.A, D.D, 6. 14 Nov. 1868 ; s. of James Kennedy, of Garryduff, BaUy- money, Deland ; m. Jennie BeUe, d. of Josiah Dodds, of Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A. Edue. : Ditermediate School, Ballymoney, and Queen's CoUege, BeUast. Missionary, Irish and Scotch Reformed Presbyterian Mission, Syria. War Work : Y.M.C.A, Egypt. Address : Reformed Presby terian Mission -House, Alexandretta, Syria. (M2823) KENNEDY, Major Stuart Samuel, O.B.E, R.A.F. KENNEDY, Capt. Thomas Fuller, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 12 June, 1892 ; s. of J. S. Kennedy, of Donnybrook, Dublin. Educ. : Royal University of Deland. War Work : Joined R.A.M.C Oct. 1914, and served abroad in GaUipoU, Serbia, Macedonia, and Palestine from July, 1915, until after Armistice. Address: co Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, London, S.W. 1. • (02913) KENNEDY, Walter, M.B.E, 6. 20 March, 1884; s. of Walter Kennedy, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; m. OUve Mansfield, d. of James Humphries, of Charlton, Kent. Educ : Rutherford CoU, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Civil Servant. War Work : Navy and Army Insurance Fund. Address : 204, Pitshanger Lane, Ealing, W. Club: Hanger HiU Golf. (M8701) KENNEDY, Lieut. Walter Stewart, M.B.E, R.F.A. (T.F.). KENNEDY, Major WiUiam Nicol Watson, O.B.E, M.D, Ch.B, D.P.H, late R.A.M.C. (T.), fi. 27 March, 188S ; s. of the late Charles Kennedy, M.D, of Edinburgh ; to. Mary Balfour, d. of John Alison, M.A, F.R.S. (Edin.), of Edinburgh. Educ : George Watson's Coll, Edinburgh ; Univ. of Edinburgh. Deputy Medical Officer of Health, County Borough of Croydon, Surrey. War Work : Specialist Sanitary Officer, France, Salonica, and North Wales ; Deputy Assist. Director of Medical Services (Sanitation) for North Russian Expeditionary Force. Address : Town HaU, Crovdon, Surrey. (O6801) KENNEDY, Sir Charles Edward WiUiam MACKENZIE-, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 6 July, 1860 ; s. of Rev. C. Le Poer M. Kennedy ; m. Ethel May, d. of Major Fuller, LA. Educ. : Canterbury and R.M.C, Sandhurst. Major-General Lndian Army (retired). Burma 1885-87 ; Hazura, 1891 ; China, 1900-1 ; (ReUef of Pekin). War Work : Commanded 26th Division, 1914-17 ; served in France and the Balkans. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co, 54, Parliament Street, S.W. 1. Club : United Service. (K3210) KENNELL, Joseph, M.B.E, fi. 24 May, 1874; s. of Charles Henry Kennell, of London. Educ. : Privately. Superintendent of Printing, Stationery and Stores in the Foreign Office. War Work : In charge of Government Secret printing work ; attached to Peace Conference, Paris, 1919. Addresses : Foreign Office; Catford, London, S.E. (M8702) KENNINGTON, Capt. Arthur James, O.B.E. KENNY, Lieut. Louis, M.B.E, R.A.F. KENNY, Lieut. Vincent Raymond, M.B.E, R.E. KENNY, WUUam James, M.B.E. Retired CivU Servant. War Work : Army Ordnance Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Address : KerminghaU, Attleborough, Norfolk. (M630) KENRICK, Capt. Hubert Wynn, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R, fi. 9 July, 1863 ; s. of WilUam Wynn, of Wynn HaU, Ruabon, Denbighshire ; m. Alice Edith, d. of Charles Beal, J.P, of Mount GeUibrand, Victoria, AustraUa. Educ. : United States America ; Cadet School-ship " Conway," Liverpool. Joined the P. and O. S. N. Co.'s service as a junior officer, in 1885 ; served in Hospital Transport " Malacca " in Benin Expedition and Cretan troubles, 1897 ; served in S.S. " Malta " conveying troops to South Africa in Boer War, 1899-1900 ; commanded Transport "Soudan," 1911-14, and maU steamer "India" during latter part of 1914. War Work : Reported at Chatham, Dec. 1914 ; appointed Trade Division Admiralty War Staff, Dec. 1914 ; as technical adviser in MercantUe Marine, and in March, 1916, was given additional appointment of Adniiralty Shipping InteUigence Officer, Port of London. Address : 35, The Strand, Warmer, Kent. Club : Constitu tional. (0478) KENRICK, Sylvia, M.B.E. KENSINGTON, Lieut.-Col. Guy Belfleld, O.B.E, R.E. KENT, Arthur Thomas, M.B.E. KENT, Chris Shorter, C.B.E. Member of British War Mission to U.S.A. during the Great War. (C988) KENT, Major LesUe Martin, O.B.E, R.E. KENT, Rev. Norman Braund, O.B.E., R.N. KENT, Eng.-Capt. Walter James, C.B.E, R.N. Engineer Overseer for Birmingham Dist. (C222) KENT, Walter George, C.B.E, fi. 1858 ; s. of George Kent, of Southwood, Highgate. Educ. : Private School, and London University. Manufacturing Engineer. War Work : Making and filling fuses of many natures for War Office, Ministry of Munitions, aud Admiralty, gun directors, steering gears, mines, etc. Address : Ben Hale, Stanmore, Middlesex. Club : British Empire. (C216) Clifton KENT, Capt. WUfred Francis, O.B.E, R.E. KENT, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Arthur PELHAM-, O.B.E.. R.N. KENTISH, Hilda Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 4 July, 1883 ¦ d. of Llewellyn Samuelson, Royal Thames Yacht Club; m. Major Leonard WiUiam, D.S.O, s. of George Kentish, of 12,' Courtfield Gardens, South Kensington. Educ: Holy Child Convent, St. Leonard's on-Sea. War Work : Wycombe V.A.D. Hospital, Bucks, Nov. 1914 to Jan. 1919, Quarter master, afterwards Commandant. Address: Hughenden Cottage, Hughenden, Bucks. Club : Ladies' V.A.D. (M3786) KENTISH, Ida Clementina, M.B.E. ; d. of John George Kentish, of Avening Court, Gloucestershire. Educ : At home. War Work : Four-and-a-haU years as Commandant, residing in Hospital (raised 20 beds to 54) Englethwaite Anx- MUitary Hospital, Cumberland (Primary Hospital) ; with her detachment (24 V.A.D. Cumberland) served Red Cross trains, CarUsle Station, 1914-17; 1915-16 Commandant, Dalston HaU Hospital, Cumberland. Address : Whooff House, Carlisle. Club: V.A.D. (M3787) KENWORTHY, Major Harold, O.B.E, R.E. KENYON, Margaret Kilroy, Mrs., M.B.E, W.A.A.C. KENYON, MiUy Esther Innes, Mrs., M.B.E. KENYON, Rose AUce, M.B.E. KENYON, Thomas, M.B.E. KENYON, Thomas AUan, M.B.E. KENYOUMDJIAN, Manouk, M.B.E, B.C.A. KEOGH, Capt. Joseph Wiseman, M.B.E, J.P, late Capt. 6th Brigade S. Irish Div, R.A. ; s. of George Keogh, D.L, J.P, of Geevagh, Co. SUgo ; Giencourt, Co. Wicklow ; m. EUa Douglas, d. of Admiral Douglas Curry, of Shottery Hall, Warwickshire. Educ. : Oscptt Coll. ; Trinity CoU, Dublin. H.B.M. Consul for the Alpes Maritimes and Monaco. War Work : British representative at Nice. Addresses : Villa Barla, Nice ; Geevagh, Co. Sligo. Club : Stephen's Green. (M631) KEOUGH, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Frederick, M.B.E., R.FA. KEPPEL, Capt. John Joseph Quiney, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. (S.R.). KER, Col. Charles Arthur, CM.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 18 April, 1875 ; s. of Charles Buchanan Ker, of Clifton, Glon- cesterahire ; to. Blanche, d. of Charles Bewes, of Gnaton Hall, Devon. Educ. : Clifton CoUege ; Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; Staff CoUege, Camberley. Commissioned 2nd Lieut. Royal ArtiUery 15 June, 1895 ; promoted Brevet Major, 5 Aug. 1914 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col, 1 Jan. 1917 ; and Brevet Colonel 1 Jan. 1918 ; received the D.S.O. for his services in West Africa, 1898-9 (twice mentioned in despatches) ; served in the South African War, 1899-1902 (mentioned in despatches) ; served for four years in France during the Great War, rising to the rank of Brigadier-General, General Staff (four times mentioned in despatches), being awarded the C.M.G. and C.B.E ; is also Grand Officer of the Orders of Avis and Christo of Portugal. Address : War Office. (C1277) KER, Helen Bethea, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1855 ; d. of James Scott, of Woodside Place, Glasgow ; m. Thomas Ripley, s. of Robert Ker, of Dougalston, Dumbartonshire. War Work : Vice Pres. MUngavie Red Cross Branch ; Vice Pres. SaUors' and Soldiers' Families Association, New KUpatrick, Dumbartonshire ; President Local Pensions Committee for care of wives and dependants. Address : Dougalston, Milngavie, Dumbartonshire. Club : Kelvin (Glasgow). (M632) KER, Major Hugh T., O.B.E, M.I.C.E, R.E. Served in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (04126) KER, Major Thomas Reginald, O.B.E. KER, Capt. (A. Lieut.-Col.) Douglas Rous EDWARDS-, O.B.E, R.E. ; has Croix de Guerre of France (2nd Award). (05231) KERR, AUen Coulter, O.B.E, 6. 28 Jan. 1875 ; s. of Thomas Coulter Kerr, of India Office. Educ. : Dulwich CoUege. Late His Majesty's Charge d'Affaires at Santiago, ChUe ; Local Rank of Second Secretary in His Majesty's Diplomatic Service. War Work : Foreign Office ; Member of Special War Mission under Sir Maurice de Bunsen, Bart, G.C.M.G, which in 1918 visited the RepubUcs of BrazU, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentine, ChUe, Peru, BoUvia, Ecuador, Pariama, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, and U.S.A. Address: 19, ColUngham Road, S.W. 5. CZttfis : St. James' ; Beefsteak ; R.A.C. ; Addington GoU. (01547 KERR, Lady Anne O.B.E, 6. 27 AprU, 1857; d. of the 14th Duke of Norfolk (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. Maj.- Gen. Lord Ralph Kerr, K.C.B, late Col. 10th Hussars, who died 18 Sept. 1916, s. of the 7th Marquess of Lothian (see BURKK s Peerage). War Work: County Director, Midlothian Red Cross Societv ; Chairman V.A.D. Selection Board for Scotland. Address: Woodburn, Dalkeith, Scotland. (0479) KERR, Capt. Charles, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C (T.). KERR, Errol, O.B.E. KERR, Comm. Fairfax Moresby, O.B.E, R.N. KERR, Harold, O.B.E, M.D, fi. 1880 ; s. of Alexander Kerr, of Arran ; to. Elsie, d. of Frank Dean, of Burgess Bui, Sussex. Educ. : Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet ; University of Edinburgh. Medical Officer of Health, City and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Professor of Hygiene and Examiner, Durham University CoUege of Medicine ; FeUow of Society of Medical Officers of Health ; of Royal Sanitary Institute. War Work: Medical Officer of Health, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Addresses : Town HaU, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; 102, Moorade, Fenham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (010771) 298 BIOGRAPHIES. Kiddle KERR, James Rutherford, C.B.E, Ch.M. (Glasg.), 6. 14 June, 1878 ; s. of John G. Kerr, LL.D, of Glasgow ; to. Nettie Russell, d. of Thomas Donald, of Glasgow. Educ : Allan Glen's School, and University of Glasgow. Surgeon- in-cliarge of the PUkington Special Hospital (Orthopaedic and Limb-flttlng Centre), St. Helens, Lancs. War Work : Chir- urgien-chef, Hopital de l'AUiance, Yvetot, France (awarded MedaiUe d'Honneur en Vermeil) ; Surgeon to the PUkington Special Hospital ; Surgeon to V.A.D. and Auxiliary Hospitals. Address : The Gables, St. Helens, Lancs. (C2731) KERR, Kenelm, O.B.E, 6. 15 June, 1881 ; 8. of W. R. Kerr, I.S.O. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Assistant to General Manager, Nprth- Eastern Railway. (010772) KERR, Martha, Mrs., O.B.E. KERR, Maud, Mrs., M.B.E. KERR, Murjel Constance, Mrs., O.B.E. KERR, Major Norman Munroe, O.B.E. KERR, Major Robert, D.S.O, O.B.E. AustraUan Forces ; served in the Great War, 1915-18 (despatches). (O6082) KERR, Capt. Robert, M.B.E, R.A.O.C, fi. 26 April, 1884 ; s. of James Kerr, of Edinburgh ; m. Laura, d. of Samuel Smart, of Banbridge, Co. Down. Educ. : University Coll. and King's CoU, London. War Work : France, 1915 ; Royal Army Ordnance Depot, Weedon, 1915 to end of war. Address : Weedon, Northamptonshire. Club : Yorkshire Ramblers'. (M5401) KERR, Sybil Mary, M.B.E. KERR, Walter Coke, M.B.E. KERR, Capt. WilUam Lord Coke, O.B.E, 6. 30 Oct. 1887; s. of Lionel P. Kerr, J.P, of MandevUle, Jamaica, B.W.I.; m. Edith Maud, d. of J. Bowery, of Cheltenham. Educ : Blackheath Prop. School, and Crystal Palace School of Engineering. Engineer. War Work : Served in France from 1 Sept. 1915 continuously in the R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; was also in the inarch up to Germany, and served on the Rhine for 10 months ; was then sent to join the Army of the Black Sea for 6 months in Salonica ; held the appointment of Adjutant to a Siege Park for two and a half years. (02594) KERR, Capt. WiUiam Munro, C.B.E, R.N. KERR, WiUiam Warren, C.B.E, 6. 1864 ; s. of the late John Wilson Kerr ; m. 1887, Janie Buchanan, d. of the late Rev. Alexander Gosman, D.D, Congregational Min. of Haw thorn, Victoria, AustraUa. Managing Director of Richardson Kerr Property (Limited), insurance brokers, of Melbourne and Adelaide ; President AustraUan Associated Chambers of Commerce ; Dep. Commr. State Savings Bank of Victoria ; Chairman Commonwealth War Savings Council and Victoria War Savings Committee ; Chairman Congregational Union of Victoria, 1905-6 ; Mayor of Kew, 1907-8 ; Pres. Melbourne Chamber of Commerce, 1916-18. Addresses : Trenant, Kew, Melbourne, AustraUa ; CraU, Upper Beaconsfield, Victoria, Australia. (C710) KERRISON, Lieut.-Col. Edmund Roger AUday, CM.G, 0.B.E, late R.A, 6. 1855 ; s. of Roger AUday, Banker, of Norwich; m. Jessie, d. of Admiral Stapylton GrevUle, R.N. Educ : Harrow, Repton, and R.M.A. War Work : Formed and commanded the 2/6 Norfolk Regiment. Address : Burgh Hall, Aylsham. Club : Army and Navy. (07347) KERRY, Lieut. Arthur Henry Gould, M.B.E, R.E. KERSEY, Winifred EsdaUe, M.B.E. KERSHAW, Abraham, O.B.E, F.Inst.P, F.O.S, 6. 1861. Gov.-Director, A. Kershaw & Son, Ltd, Scientific Instrument Makers, HarehiUs Lane, Leeds. War Work : Organising on Optical Munitions. Address : Teddington Rise, RaincUffe Avenue, Scarboro'. (01548) _, KERSHAW, Capt. Edward Bertram Hilton, O.B.E, B.A. (Cantab.), J.P, 6. 17 May, 1870 ; s. of the late WiUiam Edward Evans, of Trefrie, Aberdovey, N. Wales ; to. Alice Bleasdale Curling, d. of Edward Friend, of Southend, Essex. Edue. : Uppingham; St. John's CoU, Cambridge. Justice of the Peace for the County of Merionethshire ; Vice Chair man of the Board of Conservators, Dovey, Mawddach, and Glaslyn rivers, N. Wales; Member of the Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries Board ; County Director, British Red Cross Society, Merioneth Branch ; Sub-Commissioner of Pilotage, Aberdovey area; Barrister-at-law of the Inner lemple ; author of "Brief Aids to the Criminal Law." War wort: County Director, B.R.C.S. ; Member of- County Appeal Tribunal; Special Constable; 2nd in Command 4th Vol. Batt, R.W.F. Address: Trefrie, Aberdovey, N. Wales. .__ (01549) KERSHAW, Comm. Frederiok WUUam, O.B.E, R.N.R. KERSHAW, John Felix, O.B.E. KERSLAKE Arthur Thomas, O.B.E. KESTEVEN, Clement Peroy, M.B.E. KETT, George Robert, O.B.E. KETTLE, Lieut. Harry PhUip, O.B.E. KETTELL, James Henry, M.B.E, 6. 9 July, 1867 ; s. of Samuel Kettell, of Warmington, Cheshire. 1915, Deputy Mayor,Crewe ; 1916 and 1917, Mayor ; 1918, Deputy Mayor. war Work: Chairman, National Service Tribunal, Food Wntrol, Profiteering Committee ; Member of Agricultural War Committee ; President of Allotment Association, and Kabbit and Poultry Society. Address : High Street, Crewe. (M8706) KETTLES, WiUiam, O.B.E. KETTLEWELL, Arthur Bradley, CLE, C.B.E. Educ : Cheltenham, and Now CoU. Oxford. Entered I.C.S. 1890; Political Officer, Wano, 1898 ; Deputy Commr. 1903 ; Sec. to Govt, Punjab, 1903 ; Officiating Ch. Sec. 1914 ; additional Sec. 1915 ; acted as Sec. to British Mission at Athens during the Great War. KEW, John Charles, M.B.E, J.P, CC. (Notts), MedaUIe du Roi Albort, 6. 20 Jan. 1868 ; s. of John James Kew, of Newark ; to. Annie, d. of Frederic Dixon, of Newark. Educ. : Newark. Mayor of Newark 1913-14. 1914-15; Chairman, Newark Board of Guardians ; Chairman, Newark Rural District Council ; Vice Chairman, Newark Education Com mittee ; Member for Balderton Division, Notts County Council. War Work : Organised Belgian Relief Funds and placed refugees in scattered homes at Newark ; raised £2500 for Prince of Wales' Fund ; Chairman, Newark Division, Parliamentary Recruiting Committee ; addressed recruiting meetings ; organised War Savings effort in Newark R.D.C. area. Addresses : Magnus Street, Newark; Sunnyside, Sutton-on-Sea, Lines. (M1990) KEWLEY, WilUam Graham, M.B.E, R.A.F. KEY, Benjamin Wm. Martin Aston, O.B.E, M.A, M.D. (Cantab.), 6. 22 Aug. 1870 ; s. of Commander Benjamin H. Key, R.N, of Southsea; to. Edith, d. of Thomas Knowles, of Bradford. Educ. : Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and Guy's Hospital, London. Medical Referee to the Ministry of Pensions ; Hon. Physician to Princess Christian's Home for Sailors and Soldiers, Portsmouth ; Hon. Physician to United Services ChUdren's Home, Southsea. War Work : Medical Officer in Cha.ge of R.A.M.C Reception Hospital, Portsmouth, 1914-19. Address: Valetta, Clarendon Road, Southsea. (04377) KEY, Lieut.-Comm. George, O.B.E, R.N. KEY, Lieut.-Col. Robert EUis, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 21 Dec. 1882 ; s. of Capt. W. H. Key, J.P, of Water Fulford Hall (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry) ; m. Violet Mabel, d. of Lieut.-Col. 0. Parker Jervis. Educ. : Richmond School, Yorks, and St. Peter's School, York. Sheriff of York, 1919-20. War Work : Major, 6th York and Lancaster Regt, 1914-16, Gallipoli campaign ; Lieut.-Col. commanding 32nd Royal FusiUers, 1916-17 (despatches) ; Lieut.-Col. commanding 89th Training Reserve Batt, 1917-18 ; Lieut.-Col. (special appointment), 1918-19. Address : Water Fulford Hall, York. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Yorkshire. (07348) KEYES, Lieut.-Comm. Adrian St. Vincent, C.B.E, D.S.O., fi. 1882 ; s. of the late Gen. Sir Charles Patton Keyes, G.C.B. ; m. 1916, Eleanor, d. of Lieut.-Col. Walter Campbell, of The Ivy House, Hampton Court. Entered R.N. ; became Lieut. 1902 ; Lieut.-Com. (ret.), 1910; Acting Capt. on Staff of Com.-in- Chief, Plymouth; DardaneUes, 1915-16, in command of Canadian Submarines ; present at landing at, and withdrawal from, Gallipoli (despatches twice). (C2223) KEYMER, Col. the Rev. Bernard WUUam, O.B.E, R.A.F. KEYMER, Daniel Thomas, O.B.E. ; e.s. of late D. J. Keymer, of 1, Whitefriars, London. Educ. : City of London School. East India Merchant ; Agent to the Govern ment of Nepal ; Hon. Treas. of Rev. Dr. Spurstowe and Bishop Wood's Charities ; Hon. Treas. and Trustee, London Diocesan Church Schools Assoc ; Member of the Committee, Queen's Hospital for Children ; was prospective Unionist candidate for Central Hackney, withdrew owing to Coalition ; Ruling Councillor of the Cranbome Habitation of the Primrose League. War Work : Hon. Military Representative and' Member of Advisory Committee ; Chairman of Hackney Volunteers ; Acting Chairman and Hon. 'Treas. 10th County of London Cadets ; Chairman, Hackney and Stoke Newington Division, British Red Cross Society, and of Amhurst Park and Stormont House Hospitals, and Dalston Clinic ; Member of the Belgian Refugees Committee ; Member of the Hackney Recruiting Committee ; on behalf of the Maharaja of Nepal, presented 31 machine-guns and equipment to H.M. the King in 1915. Address : 1, Whitefriars, London, E.C 4. Club : Constitu tional. (010777) KEYSER, Maurice Max, O.B.E, 6. 21 Nov. 1879 ; s. of Assur Keyser, of 29, Hamilton Terrace, London, N.W. ; Butlers Green, Haywards Heath, Sussex ; to. Margaret, d. of Mortimer Woolf, of London. Educ. : University Coll. School. War Work : Section Director, Priority Department, Ministry of Munitions. Addresses : 22, GreviUe Place, London, N.W. 6 ; 31, Throgmorton Street, E.C 2. (010778) KEYTE, Capt. Vincent John, O.B.E, 6. 1872 ; s. of William John Keyte, of Westward Ho I, N. Devon. Educ. : Bideford Gram. Sch. War Work : Capt. Nyasaland Field Force ; German East Africa, 1914-18 ; appointed Chief Transport Officer, Nyasaland Protectorate, 1911. Address : Zomba, Nyasaland. East Africa. (02228) KIDBY, Capt. Edward William Brand, O.B.E. KIDD, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Edward, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.) KIDD, Gladys Louise, M.B.E, 6. 19 Dec. 1890; d. of John Kidd, C.M.G. War Work : Clerk in charge of Copying Department, H.M. Treasury, Whitehall, S.W. 1. (M633) KIDD, Lieut.-Col. Harold Andrew, C.B.E, R.A.M.C. KIDD, Brevet Major James Dunlop, O.B.E, M.C. R.A.M.C, 6. 4 April, 1883 ; s. of Thomas Kidd of Moniaive, Dumfriesshire. Educ : Glasgow Academy, Glasgow Univ. War Work : East African Campaign, Oct. 1914, to Feb. 1919 ; served with various units and was A.D.M.S, G.H.Q. Address : c/o Messrs Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place, S.W. 1. (06753 KIDDLE, Capt. John .O.B.E, R.N. 299 Kiddle THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. KIDDLE, John Beacham, O.B.E. KIDDLE, Capt. John Lindsay, M.B.E. KIDDLE, Capt. Kerrison, C.B.E, R.N, 6. 1876 ; m. 1909, Hi'ordis d. of Consul-Gen. O. Holter, of Christiania. War Work ¦ ' 1914-19 with 4th Destroyer Flotilla, with Dover Patrol, and Comdg. Depot Ship, Grand Fleet (despatches). Club : United Service. (C2224) KIDLEY, Capt. Alexander John, O.B.E, R.A.S.C KIDNER, Samuel, O.B.E, J.P, CC, 6. 12 Aug. 1848; s. of WiUiam Kidner, of MUverton. Educ. : Taunton. Agri culture. War Work : On Advisory Committee, Board of Agriculture ; Central Advisory Committee, Food Control ; Central Advisory Forage Committee, War Office ; Chairman, County Forage Committee. Address : MUverton, Somerset. Club : Farmers'. (O480) KIDSON, Arthur Frederic, M.B.E. KIDSON, Edith Marian, M.B.E, fi. 27 Jan. 1888 ; d. of J.C Eyre Kidson, of Sittingbourne. Educ. : Woodford School, Croydon. War Work : Hon. Sec. of the Sittingbourne War Hospital Supply Depot, 1915-19. Address: Holy Trinity Vicarage, Sittingbourne, Kent. KIDSON, Capt. Edward, O.B.E, R.E. KIDSTON, Jessie CeoiUa BrownUe, Mrs., M.B.E. KILBY, Lieut. James Wheatley, O.B.E, R.E. (T.). KILGOUR, Martin HamUton, M.B.E, 6. 1865 ; s. of John Stewart KUgour, M.D, etc, of Cheltenham. Educ : Privately in Cheltenham ; Fettes Coll, Edinburgh ; Finsbury and Central Technical Colleges, London ; School of Mines. Borough Electrical Engineer, Cheltenham, 1894-1905 ; War Work : Division Officer, R.E, Chelmsford, Jan. 1915, to May, 1919. Clubs : Promenade ; Union. (M8709) KILLICK, John Spencer, C.B.E, M.Inst.CE, 6. 8 Sept. 1878 ; s. of WUUam Cassam KUUck, of Yalding ; m. Lizzie Sheldon, d. of Sir Henry Maybury, K.C.M.G, C.B, of Barnes- field, Greenhithe, Kent (see BUKKE'S Peerage). Educ: Cranleigh. Civil Engineer. Chief Engineer, Roads Dept, Ministry of Transport. War Work : Acting Manager and Chief Engineer of H.M. Road Board ; Chief Engineer, Joint Roads (W.O.) Committee. Address : Stone Park, Greenhithe, Kent. Clubs: R.A.C; Golfers'. (C2733) KILLIN, Robert, C.B.E, 6. 1870 ; s. of James KUlin, of Rutherglen ; m. Jane EmUy, d. of Peter Kerry, of Rutherglen. Educ. : Scott's School, Rutherglen. Superintendent of the Line, Caledonian RaUway. War Work : RaUway Transport. Address : Kingholm, Rutherglen, Scotland. (C217) KILLMAYER, FUght-Lieut. Leon Joseph, M.B.E, R.N. KILNER, Charles Scott, M.B.E, M.B, CM, (Edin. Univ.), D.P.H. (Camb. Univ.), FeUow, Society of Med'cal Officers of Health, late President, East AngUan Branch, British Medical Association, J.P, fi. 2 Oct. 1853 ; s. of John KUner, F.R.CS, of Bury St. Edmunds ; to. Lucy Ussher, d. of Strangman Davis-Goff, J.P, of Horetown House, Co. Wexford. Educ. : King Edward VI. School, Bury St. Edmunds, and Edinburgh Univ. Late Honorary Senior Medical Officer, West Suffolk General Hospital ; now Honorary Consulting Medical Officer, West Suffolk General Hospital ; Medical Officer of Health, Thingoe Rural District. War Work : Senior Medical Officer, West Suffolk General Hospital, which received disabled men straight from the front ; Medical Officer, Northgate Red Cross Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds. Address : The Old MU1 House. Bury St. Edmunds. Club : West Suffolk County. (M8710) KILROY, Lieut. Willie Dickson, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. KILVERT, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Charles Robert, M.B.E. KILVERT, John EUis, O.BIE., F.R.CS, L.R.C.P. KIMBER, Augustus Charles Edmund, O.B.E. KIMBER, Lieut.-Col. Edmund Gibbs, C.B.E, D.S.O, T.D, late 13th Batt. (Princess Louise's Kensington BattaUon) the London Regt, 6. 6 Aug. 1870 ; s. of Edmund Kimber, of Shooter's HU1, Kent ; to. Maud, d. of WUliam Bridekirk WUson, of Manchester. Educ. : University CoUege, London. Bar rister-at-law ; caUed at Lincoln's Inn, 1892 ; also Member of Middle Temple, South-Eastern Circuit, Surrey and South London Sessions. War Work : MobUised with 13th Batt. The London Regt. on 4 Aug. 1914 ; served in France with B.E.F., in 13th Batt. The London Regt, 25th Infantry Brigade, 8th Division ; present at Battles of Neuve ChapeUe and FromeUes (wounded at latter battle on 9 May, 1915) ; awarded D.S.O. for services ; Prosecutor and Judge Advocate on standing Courts-Martial, Dish RebeUion, 1916 ; Staff Capt War Office, 1917 ; D.A.A.G, War Office, 1918 ; A.A.G, War Oflice, 1919. Addresses: 6, Yale Court, West Hampstead, N.W. 6 ; 4, Pump Court, Temple, E.C. 4. Club : Junior Carlton. (C1646) KIMBER, Ernest, M.B.E. KIMBER, Florence Edith, M.B.E, fi. 16 May, 1885. Educ. : Wesleyan Training CoU. School, Westminster. Ad dress : 64, Foxbourne Road, London S.W. 17. (M8711) KIMBER, Thomas, M.B.E. KIMBERLEY, Lieut. Harold WiUiam, M.B.E. KIMBERLEY, Henry, M.B.E. KIMBERLEY, Capt. Paul, O.B.E, 6. 23 Nov. 1881 ; s. of Thomas Kimberley, of Langley, Birmingham ; m. Mabel Annie, d. of H. Knowles, of Isleworth. Educ. : St. John's, Paddmgton. Managing Director of Imperial Film Co, Ltd, also Director and Manager of Hepworth Picture Plays, Ltd. War Work : Started Training Scheme for Disabled Soldiers and SaUors, which was afterwards taken over by Ministry of Pensions, who formed National Cinema Trade Advisory Com mittee, and was appointed Hon. Technical Adviser oh Methods 300 of Training ; also Capt. and Adjutant of County of London R.A.S.C, M.T. (V.). Address : Ivanhoe, 1, Pierrepoint Road Acton, W. 3. Clubs : R.A.C ; Eccentric. (0107791 KIMMINS, James Charles Clegg, M.B.E, J.P, C.C., fi 31 July, 1850 ; s. of James Kimmins, of Stonehouse • m'- Isabel Maud, d. of Edward Hubbard, of London. Educ '¦ Privately. Chairman of Gloucestershire War Pensions Com mittee ; Vice Chairman of Gloucestershire Education Com mittee ; County Councillor for the Stonehouse Division of Gloucestershire ; Chairman of Stroud Rural District Council- J.P. for the County of Gloucestershire; Chairman of Stroud Rural District Tribunal and War Pensions Committee, and Gloucestershire War Pensions Committee. Address: Ryeford Hall, Stonehouse. Club : Bristol Liberal. (M1992) KIMMITT, Lieut.-Col. Robert Robertson, O.B.E. ; s. of the late Rev. E. Kimmitt. of Knock, Co. Down ; m Elizabeth Marie Rowand, d. of the late Charles Loudon, of Bank of Deland, Belfast. War Work : Commanded the Reserve Batt. London Dish Rifles from its formation in AprU, 1915, until its disbandment in July, 1919. Address: 18, Mattock Lane Ealing, W. 5. (07349) KIMPTON, Arthur Ernest, O.B.E. KINAHAN, John, O.B.E, 6. 6 AprU, 1866 ; s. of Fredk. Kinahan, of Low Wood, BeUast ; to. Eve, d. of Captain Thomas Sanders, D.L, Sallow Glen, Co. Kerry. Educ. : Repton. War Work : Hon. Superintendent of work of Soldiers Christian Association in France, 1914-19. Address : LumvUle House, Curragh, Co. KUdare. Club : Junior Constitutional. (01551) KINAHAN, Major George Frederick HUDSON-, C.B.E. KINCAIRD, James Scott, O.B.E. KINDERSLEY, Ada Molesworth, M.B.E. ; d. of Capt. E. N. Molesworth Kindersley, of Sherborne, Dorset. Educ. : Privately. Head of Training Section, Women's Branch, Board of Agriculture. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Organiser of Queen Alexandra's Relief Fund for War Nurses ; head of Training Section, Women's Branch, Board of Apiculture. Address: 12, Graham Street, Eaton Terrace, S.W. 1. Club: Forum. (M8712) KINDERSLEY, Capt. Guy, O.B.E. KINDERSLEY, Katherine Emma, M.B.E. KINDERSLEY, Sir Robert Molesworth, G.B.E, 5. 1872 ; s. of Capt. E. N. M. Kindersley (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; m. Gladys Margaret, d. of Major-Gen. J. P. Beadle, R.E, of 6, Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W. Educ. : Repton. Chairman Lazard Bros. & Co, Ltd.; Director of Bank of England; Governor of the Hudson's Bay Co. ; Director of Eastern Telegraph Co.; President of National Savings Committee; Member of Court of Fishmongers' Company ; Lieutenant of City of London. War Work : Chairman of the National Savings Committee since its inception in 1916 untU March, 1920. Addresses : 15, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. 1 ; Langley House, Abbots Langley, Herts. Clubs: Carlton; Garrick; Royal Thames Yacht. (G5'4) KING, Capt. Albert Lewin, O.B.E. KING, AUce CiceU, O.B.E, d. of James King, of Monkstown, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Educ : Ladies' CoUege, Cheltenham. War Work : Commandant of New Court AuxiUary Red Cross Hospital, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire ; opened the hospital on 21 Oct. 1914, and acted as Commandant tiU its close in Jan. 1919. Address : Lypiatt House, Cheltenham. (03786) KING, Capt. Basil, M.B.E, Royal Warwickshire Regt,, b. 21 June, 1883 ; s. of the late George P. King, of Swindon, WUts, m. Katherine Martha Woolford, d. of the late Henry John Brunsden, of SnodshiU, Swindon, WUts. Educ. : Privately ; Swindon Technical CoU. Accountant; at present Manager and Accountant (Stores) Messrs. Doulton & Co, Sanitary Engineers, Lambeth, S.E. War Work : Served in the Wiltshire Regt. and Royal Warwickshire Regt. in the East and France in the Great War ; for the last twelve months of the War was Depot Manager, Birmingham, for the Central Stores Department, Ministry of Munitions. Address : Linden, Palace Road, East Molesey, Surrey. (M10250e) KING, C. W., O.B.E, R.N.V.R. KING, Col. Charles Dickson, C.B.E, 6. 1860 ; Formerly Col. R.A. ; served with the Egyptian Expedition, 1882 ; present at Battle of Tel-el-Kebir (medal with clasp, bronze star) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1647) KING, Capt. Charles John Stuart, O.B.E, R.E. (011749) KDMG, Capt. CoUn, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. KING, David Barty, O.B.E, M.B, M.R.CP, R.A.M.C. KING, Dame Ethel, O.B.E. KING, Emma Ethel Maud Ford, M.B.E, KING, Lieut.-Col. Frank, D.S.O. O.B.E. KING, Capt. Frank, D.S.O, O.B.E, 4th Hussars. Served in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (05452) KING, Capt. George, M.B.E, A.I.F. KING, George WilUam, M.B.E, R.E. KING, Godfrey James, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 29 Oct. 1870; s. of the late John Richard King, of St. Peter's Vicarage, Oxford ; to. Mary Francis, d. of Harcourt Capper, of Hereford shire. Educ. : HaUeybury CoU, and Oriel Coll, Oxford. Registrar of Deeds Companies and Patents, Southern Rhodesia ; CivU Commissioner, SaUsbury, Southern Rhodesia. War Wort: Senior Censor, Southern Rhodesia. Address: Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Club : SaUsbury. (08394) KING, Comm. Henry Douglas, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.P, &• 1877 ; s. of the late Capt. Henry Welchman King ; ffl. 19™>> Margaret EUzabeth, d. of the late W. R. Swan, of S. AustraUa. Bar. Middle Temple, 1905 ; formerly in Mercantile Marine ; BIOGRAPHIES. Kinloch Koy. Naval Reserve, 1893-1902 ; Inns of Court Rifles, 1902-4 ; Koy. Naval Vol. Reserve (VD.), 1904-14 ; served during the Great War, 1914-17, with Roy. Naval Div, with rank of Com. (despatches thrice, Croix de Guerre) ; appointed ParUamentary Private Sec to ParUamentary Sec. to Min, of Shipping, 1919 ; unsuccessfully contested N. Div. of Norfolk, Jan. 1910, and Dec. 1910 ; elected therefor (C.-Ind.) Dec. 1918. Address : The Dales, Sheringham, Norfolk. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Bath. (C1098) KING, Henry SmaUs, O.B.E. KING, Capt. James Edward, M.B.E, R.G.A. KING, James Edward, C.B.E, B.A, 6. 17 March, 1875 ; ». of Sir James King, Bart, (see Bukke'S Peerage), of Campsie and Carstairs ; m. Muriel May, d. of Capt. Frederick James Taylor, of Waddon, Surrey. Educ : New Coll, Oxford. Barrlster-at-Law, Inner Temple ; Second Secretary to the British Legation at The Hague. War Work : Attached to the Contraband Department, Foreign Office ; Sec. to the Allied Blockade Committee in Loudon ; Hon. Sec. to the Borough of i Stepney Committee for Production and ReUef of Distress. Addresses : Monks' Alley, Binfleld, Berks. ; British Legation, The Hague. Clubs : TraveUers' ; Bath ; HurUngham ; Oxford and Cambridge. (C2735) KING, James Foster, C.B.E, Vice Pres. I.N.A, M.I.C.E, b. 1862 ; s. of James Foster King, of Longhaugh ; m. Margaret, d. of Douglas Turner. Educ-: Glasgow High School. Chief Surveyor to the British Corporation Registry of Shipping. War Work : In connection with the Admiralty programme of construction for their auxUiary fleet, and the Government programme of merchant ship construction, etc. Address : 14, BlythsWood Square, Glasgow. Club : Royal Scottish AutomobUe.' (C2736) KING, Paymaster-Lieut. James Henry, O.B.E, R.N. KING, John, M.B.E, fi. 24 Aug. 1881 ; s. of Robert King, of Belfast; m. Annie, d. of Thomas Gatensby, of Belfast. Educ. : Primary School ; MercantUe Coll, Belfast ; Royal Univ. of Ireland. Clerk in Secretary's Office, General Post Office. War Work : Head of Commercial Vehicles Section, Petrol Control Department, Board of Trade. Address : Lyn- Bted, Hide Road, Harrow. (M8713) KING, John Alexander, O.B.E, L.L.D. KING, John Charles, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. KING, Lieut.-Comm. Joseph, O.B.E, R.N.R. KING, Major Lancelot Noel Friedriok Dving, O.B.E, R.E. KING, Capt. Leonard Algernon Bertram, M.B.E. KING, Capt. Malcolm Kirkwood, M.B.E, ArgyU and Sutherland Highlanders, fi. 7 Oct. 1886 ; s. of WUUam King of Glasgow. Educ. : Strathbungo Public School. War Work : Returned from India with 1st Batt. ArgyU and Sutherland Highlanders, Oct. 1914 ; joined Expeditionary Force, Dec 1914 ; served continuously in France and Flanders till Nov 1915 ; Macedonia, Nov. 1915 to Jan. 1919. Address : 6th Batt. ArgyU and Sutherland Highlanders, 66, High Street, Paisley. (M4800) KING, Mary Liddon, O.B.E. ; d. of Richard Poole King, LP, of BrisUngton, Somerset. War Work : Commandant of Standish Red Cross Hospital ; a Vice President of Red Cross Society, GIob. Branch. Address: Newark Park, Wotton- under-Edge, Glos. Club: Empress. (0482) KING, NeUy Maria, O.B.E. Acted for nearly there years as HaU Orderly at, and organised the voluntary work for Queen Alexandra's Hospital. (011909) KING, Nora, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1883 ; d. of George and Frances McDonald, of Torquay ; to. James Malcolm, s. of James King, of D'DrbanvUle, S. Africa. Educ. : Heme Bay, and Tunbridge WeUs. War Work: Red Cross work from (and since 1911) the commencement of War ; Commandant of Cambs. 26, and Matron of V.A.D. Hospital, WUlingham, Cambs, from Jan. 1915, to AprU, 1919. Addresses: WUlingham, Cambs.; Lochgyle, Parsonage Road, Heme Bay. (M636) KING, Sarah Hannah, Mrs., M.B.E. ' KING, Rev. Thomas, M.B.E. KING, Rev. Thomas Joseph, O.B.E. KING, Rev. Vincent George Bryan, O.B.E. KING, Capt. WiUiam Bernard Robinson, O.B.E, M.A, fi. 12 Nov. 1889. Educ : Uppingham, and Jesus College, Umbridge. Assistant to the Woodwardian Professor of beology in the Univ. of Cambridge ; FeUow of Jesus CoUege, Cambridge. War Work: Geologist to Engineer-in-Chief at G.H.Q, France, from July, 1915, to March, 1918. Address : 45, Barton Road, Cambridge. (02596) KING, WiUiam Frederick, O.B.E. KING, Major WiUiam Henry, O.B.E, 6. 13 Sept. 1871 ; ». of Capt. W. King, of Burridge, Chard ; to. May Violet, d. of J. 0 Connor, of Halifax. Professor of Music. InniskUling Uragoons, S. Africa, 1899-1902. War Work : Remounts, Ireland, 1914-15; Egypt, 1915-16; France, 1916-18. Ad- ams : 1, Duncairn Terrace, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Club : Kildare Street. (O7350) KING, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WilUam Henry Daniel, O.B.E, ..KING, WilUam Samuel, M.B.E, 6. 5 July, 1879 ; s. of tne late Joseph WiUiam and Margaret King, of Clonmel, Ireland ; m. Evie EmUy, d. of George Walton Abbott, of The WMes, Leytonstone, N.E. Educ : RockweU CoUege, Deland. veterinary Surgeon. War Work : In sole veterinary charge Siii ist EF- ArtUlery Officers' Cadet School horses, as well as, being in sole veterinary charge of horses belonging to many other units ; made collections which resulted in the accumulation of substantial sums of money for R.A.V.C. Comforts Fund. Address: 264, Burdett Road, Limehouse, E. 14. Club : National Sporting. (M1995) KING, Dame Ethel LOCKE-, D.B.E.; d. of Col. Sir Thomas Gore Browne, K.C.M.G, C.B. (who died 1887); to. Hugh Fortescue, s. of Hon. Peter John Locke-King, M.P, J.P, D.L. (who died 1885), of Brooldands. Educ. : At home. Assistant County Director, and Vice President, North Surrev Division, B.R.C.S. War Work : Raising V. A. Detachments"; organising and opening hospitals for sick and wounded in Surrey. Address : Brooklands, Weybridge. Club : Bath. (D14) KING, Lieut.-Col. Franois John NEWTON-, O.B.E. KINGDON, R.S.M. Albert Arthur, M.B.E, Norfolk Regt, fi. 20 Jan. 1884 ; s. of the late E. Kingdon, of Thetford, Norfolk ; m. Maud, d. of the late James Calthrop, of Thetford. Educ. : Thetford Board School and Army School. War Work : Active Service, Mesopotamia, 1914-16 ; 13th (Transport Workers) Batt. the Bedfordshire Regt, 1917-19. Address : The Norfolk Regt. Depot, Britannia Barracks, Norwich. (M5404) KINGHAM, Robert Dixon, O.B.E. KINGHORN, Lieut. Douglas Charles, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. KINGMAN, Capt. Abner, O.B.E. KINGSBERRY, Lieut. William Henry, M.B.E, fi. 11 Feb. 1897. War Work : commissioned Tempy. 2nd Lieut, 11th Bn. Loyal North Lancashire Regt, Mar. 1915 ; Commissioned 2nd Lieut. N. Lan. Regt, Feb. 1916; served with 6th Bn. Loyal North Lancashire Regt. Mes. Exped. Force, Dec. 1916 to Jan. 1919 ; Staff Capt. 34th Infy. Bde.. Mesopotamia, since Jan. 1919. Addresses : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, London, S.W.1 ; c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, Hornby Rd, Bombay. (M4887) KINGSBURY, Kathleen, M.B.E. War Work: Ministry of Munitions, Central Stores Dept, Jan. 1916, to July, 1919. Address : 123, Heme HiU, S.E. 24. (M8714) KINGSLAND, John Edward, M.B.E, fi. 18 Nov. 1873 ; s. of WUliam Gaylor Kingsland, of Canterbury ; to. Flora Kate, d. of Thomas Gambrill, of Crundale. Served with the 15th The King's Hussars at home and abroad, 1891-1909, and finished his mUitary career with the East Kent Yeomanry. War Work : Employed at the War Office on work in connection with the transport of nurses to the various theatres of War, and was transferred to the Ministry of National Service in Dec. 1917, for duty with the Medical Department. Address : 38, Green Street, Cambridge. (M1997) KINGSTON, 2nd Lieut. Alfred Thomas, M.B.E., D.C.M, KINGSTON, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Charles, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. KINGSTON, George Henry, O.B.E, 6. 9 March, 1866 ; s. of Joseph Kingston, of Southsea ; to. Fanny Louisa, d. of AUred George Croucher, of Southsea. Civil Servant, War Office. War Work : Assistant Director of Army Contracts, War Office and Ministry of Munitions ; Assistant Controller, Disposal Board, Ministry of Munitions. Address: 103, Streathbourne Road, Tooting Common, S.W. 17. Club : National Liberal. (01555) KINGSTON, Major John Rudolph, O.B.E, 6. 8 July, 1882. Educ. : HuU Grammar School, and Hull Municipal Technical CoU. Civil Servant. War Work : Went to Belgium with Expeditionary Force in Oct. 1914, as officer in charge of Wireless Section of 4th Army Corps ; appointed Assist. In spector of R.E. Stores at Woolwich in Sept. 1915, to complete design of new field wireless set ; promoted to Inspector, Dec. 1916 ; with British War Mission, U.S.A., Sept. to Dec. 1918. Address : Fern Bank, Colney Hatch Lane, Muswell HU1, London. N. Club : Junior Naval and MUitary. (07351) KINGSTON. Lieut.-Col. WilUam, O.B.E, R.E. KINGZETT, Norman Froggatt, M.B.E, fi. 18 Nov. 1880 ; s. of Charles T. Kingzett, of Newlands, Weybridge, Surrey ; to. 1st, d. of T. B. Lightfoot, of Putney ; 2ndly, Cicely y.d. of Sir George Agnew, of Rougham Hall, Suffolk. Educ : Royal Naval School, Eltham, Kent. Managing Director of Sanitas Co, Ltd. War Work : Member of Committee and Treas, Byfleet War ReUef Committee, 1914-19 ; Chahman of Chertsey Rural Pensions Committee, 1916-19 ; Chairman of Chertsey with Egham War Pensions Committee from 1919 ; Treas. of Sanitas War Savings Assocn. Address : Karridale, West Byfleet. Clubs : Constitutional ; City Carlton ; R.A.C. (M8715) KININMONTH, Lieut. Alec MarshaU, M.B.E. KINLOCH, Charles, M.B.E, KINLOCH, George, O.B.E. KINLOCH, Sir George, Bart., O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1 March, 1880 ; s. of the late Sir John G. S. Kinloch, 2nd Bart, of Kinloch, Meigle (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Ethel May, d. of Major James Hawkins, of 85th Regt. Educ : Charterhouse ; Trinity Coll, Cambridge (B.A.). War Work : Recruiting Officer, 42nd Area ; Lieut. T.F. Reserve ; Appeal National Service Representative for Perthshire. Address : Kinloch, Meigle, N.B. Clubs : New (Edinburgh) ; Caledonian. (01556) KINLOCH, Rev. Michael Ward, O.B.E, 6. 18 Dec. 1865 ; s. of Charles Kinloch, of Harrow, Middlesex ; to. Ella Adria, d. of Percy C Heath, Indian Army. Educ. : Harrow and Pembroke Coll, Camb. Rector of West Stafford, Dorset, 1896 ; Eccleston, Cheshire, 1904 ; Holy Trinity, Dorchester, 1911; Sarum St. Edmund, 1919; Prabendary of Salisbury Cathedral. War Work : Temp. CF, Sept. 1914 ; Senior CF, Portland Defences ; Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, May, 301 Kinnaird THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1915, GaUipoU, Mudros, and Egypt; Senior CF, L. of C, Aug. 1915 to Feb. 1916 ; Senior CF, 15th Army Corps, Feb. 1916 to July, 1916 (mentioned in despatches) ; CF . Netley Hospital, Aug. 1916 to Nov. 1916; Senior CF. Portsmouth, Nov. 1916 to Jan. 1919 (mentioned for Home Service). Address : St. Edmund's Rectory, Salisbury. (07352) KINNAIRD, Hon. Emily CeciUa, C.B.E. ; d. of 10th Baron Kinnaird (see BUKKE'S Peerage). Educ. : Privately. Acting Vice-President of the Y.W.C.A. of Great Britain, and Vice-President of the World's Y.W.C.A. ; chairman of the Committee for Hobday Camps ; member of the British Com mittee of the World Affiance for International Friendship among the Churches. Address : 4, Duke Street, Manchester Square, W. Club : Portman. (C2727) KINNEAR, James Franois, M.B.E, fi. 19 Nov. 1866; s. of James Kinnear, of Melrose ; to. Beatrice Mabel, d. of late WUliam Fred Vernon, of Kelso. Educ : Edinburgh. Post master. War Work : Postal and Telegraphic Administration of Shetland from 1915-19 ; also War Savings Campaign. Address : WiUiamfield House, Stirling. (M8716) KINNEAR, Thomas John, O.B.E, 6. 19 Oct. 1870 ; s. of Alexander Kinnear, of Ballybay, Co. Monaghan, and Cre- morne, BaUsbridge, Dublin. Barrister-at-law ; Representa tive for Ulster of Industrial Department of Ministry of Labour. War Work : Sec. to Food Control Committee for Deland ; actively assisted Irish Recruiting CouncU, as voluntary organiser and speaker ; assisted in Hospital Ship work as member of St. John's Ambulance Brigade. Addresses : Grand Central Hotel, Belfast ; Holywood, Co. Down. (010783) KINNEAR, Sir Walter Samuel, K.B.E, B.A. (Hons.); to. Dis Mary, d. of Dr. W. Y. Orr, of Kenmore, Putney, S.W. Chairman of the Navy and Army Insurance Fund ; Deputy Chairman of the National Health Insurance Commission (Deland) ; Past President Insurance Institute of Deland ; Fellow Chartered Insurance Institute. Addresses : Cremorne, BaU's Bridge, DubUn.; WeUington House, Buckingham Gate, S.W. Club : Stephen's Green (DubUn). (K150) KINNERSLY, George Edward, M.B.E, fi. 1869 ; s. of WiUiam Thomas, of Binfield Manor, Berks. ; to. Mabel G, d. of Alan Broderick, of Broughton-Gifford. Educ. : St. Thomas' Hospital Medical School. Jurat, Royal Court of Guernsey. War Work: T. Capt, R.A.M.C, 1915-20. Address : St. Martin, Gurnsey, CI. (M6664) KEMNERSLEY, Capt. WiUiam Harold, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. KINROSS, Anne Mary, M.B.E, 6. 25 Dec. 1887 ; d. of Henry Kinross, of Park Terrace, Stirling. Educ. : St. Leonard's School; St. Andrew's; Girton CoUege, Cambridge. Teaching and lecturing. War Work : French Red Cross, 1915-16, France ; Q.M.A.A.C (Unit Administrator), France, May, 1917, to Oct. 1919. Address: 23, Park Terrace, Stirling. Club : St. Andrews House, W. 1. (M4535) KINSMAN, Harry Jeoffrey, M.B.E. KINSMAN, Major WiUiam Augustus CecU, D.S.O, KIPPEN, James WiUiam, M.B.E, K.O.S.B. KIRALFY, Gerald Archibald, M.B.E. KIRBY, Wing-Comm. Claude, O.B.E, R.A.F. KIRBY, Major Edmund Bertram, O.B.E, R.F.A. KIRBY, Capt. Edward WiUiam, M.BE. KIRBY, Lieut.-Col. F. H., V.C, 6. 12 Nov. 1871 ; s. of WiUiam Henry and Ada Kirby ; m. 1909, Kate JoUy. Educ : Alleyne's School, Dulwich. Capt, Depot Comm, Squadron Comm. R.A.F. ; enlisted in Royal Engineers, 1892 ; proceeded to S. Africa with Field Troops, Royal Engineers, on mobilisation 1899 (D.C.M. Bloemfontein, March, 1900 ; V.C. action East of Pretoria, June, 1900 ; Troop Sergt. -Major from Corporal for services in the field, July, 1901) ; Warrant Officer, Dec 1906 ; commissioned from ranks, AprU, 1911 ; posted to Air Batt, Royal Engineers, South Farnborough ; gazetted to R.F.C. 1912 ; served in the Great War, France, 1916-18 ; promoted to Capt. for services in the field, 1 Jan. 1917. KIRBY, George, O.B.E, 6. 6 Nov. 1845 ; s. of George Kirby, of Malton, Yorkshire ; m. Hannah, d. of John Jackman, of Hardwick, Bucks. Educ. : Church of England School, Scamp- ston. Curator of the City Art Gallery ; Superintendent of the Exhibition BuUdings, under the City of York Corporation, for 41 years. War Work : Local recruiting staff ; Hon. Assist. Sec, National Service ; Member of Publication Committee of the local Food Control Committee ; organised and was for five years Hon. Sec. of the York Cheer and Comforts Committee for care of wounded soldiers. Addresses : 26, Clifton, York. Club : Comrades of the Great War, York. (010784) KIRBY, George Clarvis, M.B.E. KIRBY, Marion EUen, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Alfred O. Kirby. War Work : Helped the Penny Fund for Sick and Wounded, collecting and organising the South Kensington Division ; after was Joint Secretary of Lady Smith-Dorrien's Hospital Bag Fund from July, 1915, tUl it closed March, 1919. Address : 50, Burton Court, S.W. 3. Club : Albe marle. (M2000) KIRBY, WiUiam, O.B.E, R.N.D. KIRBY, Major WilUam Lewis Clark, D.S.O, O.B.E. KIRK, Col. Albert Edward, O.B.E, V D KIRK, Capt. James Robert, M.B.E. KIRK, Lieut.-Col. John Charters, C.B.E, R.F.A. (T.); 6. 1868. Educ. : Wellington Coll. Lieut.-Col. Anti-Aircraft Defence, Home Forces. KIRK, Mabel Cecil, Mrs, M.B.E. KIRK, Norah, Mrs.,- O.B.E, 6. 2 Jan. 1874 ; d. of Frederic R. Rose, of Diss, Norfolk ; to. John Lamplugh, s. of John Wright Kirk, of Hull. Educ. : Bromley (Kent) High School andRoyal CoUege of Music. War Work : Four years Comman dant of V.A.D. Hospital, HaUgarth, Pickering, Yorks. _t__ress • Houndgate, Pickering, Yorks. (01558' KIRKE, Sarah EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.E, KIRKLAND, Lieut. James, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. KIRKNESS, John Johnston, O.B.E. KIRKNESS, Lieut.-Col. Lewis Hawker, D.S.O, O.B E KIRKPATRICK, CecU WUUam, M.B.E. KIRKPATRICK, Lieut.-Col. Charles, O.B.E, LA. KIRKPATRICK, Lieut.-Col. Ivone, C.B.E, 6. I860- s. of the late Alexander R. Kirkpatrick, of Donacomper, Cel- bridge, co. KUdare (see Burke's Peerage, Ashtown, B.); m 1891, the Hon. Mary Hardinge, d. of the late Gen. the Hon' Sir Arthur Edward Hardinge, K.C.B, CLE. (see Burke's Peerage). Formerly Lieut.-Col. S. Staffordshire Regt. ; Soudan Expedition, 1884-85 (medal with two clasps, bronze star) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1649) KIRKPATRICK, John, M.B.E. KIRKPATRICK, Mary Hawkins, Mrs., M.B.E. KIRKPATRICK, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Robert, M.B.E. KIRKUS, Arthur Ernest, O.B.E, 6. 30 Nov. 1875; s. of John Richard Kirkus, of Hessle, East Yorkshire; m. Mabel Mary Sergeant, d. of John Stow, J.P, of Hessle. Educ. : High School, Hornsea. Assistant Director of Statistics, Ministry of Transport. War Work: Head of Statistical Branch, Woolwich Arsenal, Oct. 1915 to June, 1917 ; Assistant to Director of Statistics, Aclmiralty, June, 1917, to Jan. 1919. Address : Oakhurst, Thicket Road, Sutton, Surrey. (0485) KIRKWOOD, Major Andrew Samuel, O.B.E. KIRKWOOD, Lieut.-Col. Andrew Torton, O.B.E, LA. KIRKWOOD, Ethel Kate, Mrs., M.B.E. ; to. Montague Kirkwood. War Work : Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association, Stepney and MUe End ; Hon. Sec. of Sub-Committee London War Pensions for Stepney A. Address : 12, Egerton Gardens, S.W. Club : Lady Golfers'. (M8719) KIRKWOOD, Richard Cameron, M.B.E. KIRKWOOD, Major Thomas WilUam, O.B.E, LA. KIRKWOOD, WUUam Dennett, O.B.E, 6. 1871 ; s. of WUliam Kirkwood, of Glasgow ; m. IsabeUa Robertson Stewart, d. of John Stewart, of Rutherglen. Educ. : Hutcheson's Grammar School, and AUan Glen's School. Engineer ; appointed H.M. Inspector of Factories (Home Office), 1899, as Junior Inspector in Belfast and District Inspector in Aberdeen, then Lanarkshire. War Work : Transferred or lent to the Ministry of Munitions, June, 1915, acting as Superintendent Engineer tiU Feb. 1919, in Glasgow aud West of Scotland Area, with responsibiUty for 27 direct, 82 indirect, contractors, and 5 National ProjectUe Factories; and latterly as Technical Assistant to the Director of Munitions in Scotland. Address : 11, Richmond Drive, Cambuslang, Glasgow. (0486) KIRKWOOD, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Love, O.B.E. Aust. A.M.C. KIRSOP, Lieut. Alexander Kennedy, O.B.E. KIRWAN, Florence Sydney BrudeneU, M.B.E. KIRWAN, Capt. Lionel Edward, M.B.E. KIRWIN, Eng.-Comm. Joseph John, O.B.E, R.N. KISCH, Brevet Lieut.-Col. Frederick Hermann, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.E, 6. 23 Aug. 1888 ; s. of H. M. Kisch, C.S.I, of 56, Lexham Gardens, London : m. Jeanne Eleanor, d. of M. PhUippe CoUn, of Neuchatel, Switzerland. Educ : Clifton CoUege, and R.M.A, Woolwich. War Work : Served in France and Mesopotamia in 1914, 1915, and 1916 with 3rd (Lahore) Division (thrice wounded) ; awarded D.S.O. and Croix de Guerre ; served on the General Staff at the War Office from Sept. 1916 untU the Armistice, and thereafter with the British Peace Delegation at Paris. Address : c/O Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross. Club : Bath. (C2133) KISSANE, Matthew, O.B.E. KISSOCK, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E. KITCAT, Rev. Henry James, O.B.E, 6. 12 March, 1860; s. of James Butler Kitcat, m. Ethelreda Sophie, y.d. ot the late Sir Joseph OUiffe, Physician to the English Embassy In Paris. Educ. : St. Michael's CoU., Tenbury ; Bradfleld Coll. ; Keble CoU, Oxford. Rector of St. Mary Stratford, Bow, E. 3, 1904 ; Rural Dean of Poplar, Nov. 1919 ; Senior Dean of Sion Coll, 1920 ; CounciUor for Bow, South Ward, on Poplar Borough CouncU, Nov. 1919. War Work : Member of Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association, Bow Committee ; Chairman Poplar A. London War Pensions Sub-Committee; Member of Poplar Borough Air Raid Relief Committee ; served in and chaplain to, the Local G.R. Volunteer Force. Address : The Rectory, Bow, E. 3. (010785) KITCAT, Capt. Henry Jeffreys de Winton, O.B.E., R.N. KITCHEN, Preston, O.B.E. KITCHIN, John WiUiam, O.B.E. KITCHING, Lieut. Douglas WooUey, M.B.E, 6. 28 Nov. 1880 ; s. of Albert George Kitcning, of Enfield ; m. Marjorie, d. of Morton Peto Betts, of Mentone. Educ : Mill HU1 School. War Work : Served with the Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force. Address: Holmbury, Keston, Kent. Club: R.A.O. KITCHING, Fanny RushaU, M.B.E. War Wort: ControUer of Typists, India Office. (M2004) KITCHING, Lieut. Harold Edward, M.B.E. KITCHING, Theodore Hopkins, C.B.E, fi. 29 Dec. 1866 , 302 BIOGRAPHIES. Knocker s of WiUiam Kitching, of Clevedon, Som. ; to. Jane, d. of WiUiam C anshaw, of Southport. Educ : Friends' School, Ackworth, Yorks. Secretary to General Bramwell Booth, of the Salvation Army.' War Work : Was associated with General Bramwell Booth in organising the Salvation Army s work amongst His Majesty's forces in various parts of the Empire. Addresses : Tnoleton. New Barnet, Herts ; 101, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. 4. (C2738) KITSON, Lieut. Alan Kennedy, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, (T.). KITSON, Albert Ernest, C.B.E. Director Gold Coast Geological Survey. (C398) KITSON, Major Alexander Wentworth, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, (T ). KITSON, Lieut.-Col. Hubert Vernon, O.B.E, R.A.S.C (T) fi.9 AprU, 1883 ; s. of F. C. Kitson, of Leeds. Educ. : Forest School, Essex. Engineer ; Director of Leeds Wheel and Axle Co, Ltd, Leeds. War Work: Aug. 1914, O.C 2nd Brigade Co, West Riding Division T. and S. Column ; Aug. 1914, to Nov. 1916, O.C. 49th Division Supply Column ; Nov". 1916, appointed Deputy Assistant Director of Transport ; Dec. 1918, Assistant Director of Transports. Address : Beamsley, Headingley, Leeds. (02599) KITSON, Lieut.-Col. Paul Hengrave, O.B.E, 6. 18 Jan. 1869 ; s. of Major G. P. Kitson, of Elm Lee, Winkfield ; m. Ethel d. of Hon. J. Meiring, of Bloemfontein. Educ. : L.I.C Merto'n CoUege. Served for thirty years in the Army and PoUce of Africa and India ; through S. Af. War with S.A.L.H. and Roberts' Horse ; gazetted Capt 1900 ; twice mentioned in despatches ; commanded O.R.C Police Force prior to it being taken over by S.A.C ; two medals and six clasps ; on the cessation of S.A. War, commanded two important districts ; appointed J.P. ; retrenched and returned to England on responsible government being granted ; appointed to Indian Police. War Work : On the outbreak of European War was on leave ; appointed for duty by War Office, Oct. 1914 ; organised and commanded three M.T. R.A.S.C. depots from 1915 to 1920 ; commanded Grove Park Depot (the largest in England) from 1918 until it was closed down in 1920 ; pro moted Major 1915 ; Lieut.-Col. 1918, twice mentioned in de spatches ; during 'bus and raUway strike assisted to organise lorry service ; had command of 1000 men after the explosion at T.N.T. works SUvertown ; organised and conducted the R.A.S.C, M.T. display at Naval and MUitary Tournament, Olympia, 1920; holds the Indian Durbar medal for special service during His Majesty's tour in India in 1912. Club : R.A.C. (07358) KITSON, Major Walter Frederick Clifford, O.B.E, RASP (T 1 KITTERMASTER, Harold Baxter, O.B.E. KITTOE, Lieut -Col. Montagu Francis Markham Sloane, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 1873 ; s. of late Capt. Markham Robinson Kittoe, late 106th (Durham) L.I. ; grandson of late Major M. Kittoe, Bengal Native Dafty, of Coddenham, Suffolk ; m. Blanche Margaret Paton, d. of J. G. Scott, of Southport. Educ : Chatham House, Ramsgate, and Middle Temple. Stockbroker. Some years on Essex County T.F. Association. Wm Work : Lieut.-Col. comdg. l/10th London Regt, subse quently Director, R.M.L. Dept, Ministry of Munitions, and later Acting ControUer, R.M. Disposal Dept, Disposal Board. Addresses : The Woodlands, Harrow-on-the-HUl ; Newlands, Hook Heath, Woking. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (03789) KLEIN, Major Adrian Bernard Leopold, M.B.E, b. 1 Sept. 1892 ; s. of Herman Klein, of 40, Avenue Road, Regent's Park, London ; m. Angela Edith, d. of Admiral John Bracken- bury, C.B, CM.G. Educ. : Stevens' Institute of Technology, N.Y. ; Horace Mann School, N.Y. ; Slade School ; London University. Artist and Scientist. Adviser on Colour Physics, the Cahco Printers' Association, Manchester ; Director, the Sheringham DayUght, Ltd, etc. War Work : Enlisted in Artists' Rifles Sept. 1914 ; received commission in 1st Batt. Norfolk Regt, June, 1915 ; wounded, Sept. 1915 ; Commanded Experimental Dept. the Camouflage School, R.E, 1916-19. Address: 32, The Pryors, East Heath Road, Hampstead. Clubs : Chelsea Arts ; Art Workers' GuUd. (M3281) KLE1NENBERG, Maude EUen, Mrs., M.B.E. KLERCK, Major WiUem Jan, O.B.E. KLITZ, Wilfrid Robert, M.B.E, 6. 16 May, 1883 ; s. of WiUiam Lawson Klitz, of Lymington, Hampshire ; to. Dora Kathleen, d. of the late H. E. Welsh, of Wimbledon. Educ. : Gillingham Grammar School, Dorset ; Byron House School, Ealing. Manager of Messrs. Eastwood and Holt's (punster House, Mincing Lane, E.C.) Fur Dept. ; Brokers to the War Office for the purchase of goat and sheep skins and other fur and wool skins, etc, of which many millions were bought; subsequently acted in same capacity to Disposals Board for sale of surplus stock ; originated the use of goatskin coats in the British Army ; assisted in designing same ; suggested various processes which were followed for adapting fur and wool skins to mUitary uses. Address: DorwU Cottage, Avenue Road, Epsom. (M640) KNAPP, Arthur Rowland, C.B.E, 6. 10 Dec. 1870; s. of Lieut.-Col. C. B. Knapp ; m.- Florence Annie, d. of the late Dr. E. Moore, Canon of Canterbury. Educ. : Westminster and Christ Church. Indian CivU Service, 1891 ; served in Madras, Chief Sec. to Government and temporary member of Executive CouncU. War Work : In charge of the War Dept. of the Madras Government and organised the special war recruiting in the Madras Presidency. Address : Ootaca- liuind, India. Ctafis : Madras ; East India United Service. (C1974) KNAPP, Lieut. E. C, M.B.E. KNIBB, Frederiok Charles, M.B.E. KNIBBS, Lieut. Arthur Reginald, M.B.E. KNIGHT, Capt. Alfred, M.B.E. KNIGHT, Lieut. Alfred George, M.B.E, R.A.F. KNIGHT, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Alfred James, M.B.E. KNIGHT, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. AUred John Hammond, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). KNIGHT, Major Cecil Davenport, O.B.E. KNIGHT, Lieut.-Col. Charles Louis William Norley. D.S.O, O.B.E. KNIGHT, Christina Graham, M.B.E. KNIGHT, Christopher Newman, O.B.E, B.A, fi. 16 Feb. 1880 ; s. of John Cable Knight ; m. Margaret Lawson, d. of John Foilett. Educ. : Heme Bay College and Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Principal, Air Ministry. Address : The Birches, Durham Road, Bromley, Kent. (0488) KNIGHT, Enid Mary, M.B.E, 6. 5 Jan. 1894 ; d. of the late Hugh Coleraine Knight, of Baron Grove, Mitcham ; 2, South Square, Gray's Inn. Educ : Wimbledon High School, Fontainebleau, Bournemouth, and abroad. Junior Adminis trative Assistant, Ministry of Health. War Work : Temporary Clerk, National Health Insurance Commission, 1915-17 ; Shipping Control Committee, 1917 ; personal clerk to Sir John Anderson, K.C.B. (Secretary, Ministry of Shipping), 1917-19 ; Ministry of Health, 1919. Address : 18, University Mansions, Putney, S.W. 15. (M8721) KNIGHT, Major Ernest, O.B.E, M.B. (Lond.), M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, R.A.M.C(T.). 6. 29 April, 1870 ; s. of Jonas Knight, J.P, of Ashton-under-Lyne ; m. Rachel, d. of WiUiam Jennison, of Manchester. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School, and Owen's CoUege. Surgeon. War Work : Second in command of 1/3 West Lancashire Field Ambulance, 55th Division. Address : 45, Cross Street, Manchester. Club : Lytham ; St. Anne's Golf. (05459) KNIGHT, Ethel Corbet, O.B.E. KNIGHT, Florenoe Mary, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 13 Feb. 1873 ; d. of Robert Dyson, of Rotherham ; m. Henry Ernest, s. of Henry John Knight. Educ. : Westlands, Scarboro' ; Royal Academy of Music. Rotherham Education Committee. War Work : Y.M.C.A. Munitions Canteen ; Vice-Chairman, National Kitchen, Rotherham. Address : Brooklands, Rotherham. (M8722) KNIGHT, Frank, M.B.E. KNIGHT, George, M.B.E. KNIGHT, Lieut.-Col. Glen Alburn WilUam James, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. KNIGHT, Major James St. Pierre, O.B.E. KNIGHT, John, M.B.E, 6. 13 Oct. 1853; s. of John Knight, of High Wycombe, Bucks. ; to. Martha Amelia, d. of George Kirlew, of Warthill, York. Educ : National School, High Wycombe. Civil Servant, British Museum. War Work : Sailors' and Soldiers' Guide, Victoria Station, during the War giving 50 hours per week, meeting troop trains, conducting troops to the various raUways and Rest Houses, performing innumerable other services to any soldiers or sailors passing through Victoria Station. Address : 111, Hughenden Road, High Wycombe, Bucks. (M8723) KNIGHT, 2nd Lieut. John Morgan, M.B.E, R.A.F. KNIGHT, Capt. Robert Charles, O.B E. KNIGHT, Samuel Henry, M.B.E, R.N. KNIGHT, Violet Hannah, M.B.E, 6. 29 March, 1877, d. of the late George Edmunds, of Bethseda Place, Rogerstone, Mon. ; to. the late Henry WilUam Knight, s. of the late Thomas Knight, of Cliff House, Minster-on-Sea. Educ. . Grammar School, Pontlottyn, Glam. Matron-iu-Chief and Superintendent Nurse, Union Workhouse and Infirmary, Hitchin, Herts. War Work : Two sick wards at the Infirmary were used for the military sick, containing 24 beds, from Feb. 1915 to March, 1919 ; during that period 2109 cases were admitted, medical and surgical ; helped the medical officer with inoculations and vaccinations, and assisted at all sick parades and casualties during the day ; in the absence of R.A.M.C. orderlies, undertook aU duties until June, 1918, when the epidemic of influenza was raging, and R A M.C orderlies were requisitioned. (M8724) KNIGHT, Capt. WilUam CoUins, O.B.E. KNIGHTON, Thomas Spencer, M.B.E. KNIGHTS, Capt. Alfred John Hammond, O.B.E, T.D, b. 1865 ; s. of John Hammond Knights, of Norfolk ; to. Rose Maud ii. of Francis William Skipper, of London. Educ: Wis bech Cambs. War Work: Served with the 84th (2nd City of London) Field Ambulance, Aug. 1914 to Oct. 1919 ; with the 28th Division in Flanders, France, Egypt, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, and the Army of the Black Sea in Asia Minor • twice mentioned in despatches. (06493) KNIGHTS, Capt. Henry Newton, M.B.E, J.P, M.P. KNILL, Charles Henry, O.B.E, 6. 1868 ; s. of Charles KnUl of Knighton. Educ. : Shrewsbury. Don and Steel Manufacturer. War Work : O.C. Shrewsbury Remount Depot Aug. 1914 to Sept. 1919. Address : Oak Lodge, Shrewsbury. Clubs : Shrewsbury, and Royal Automobile. (010788) KNOCKER, George Stodart, M.B.E, M.I.Mech.E.' fi. 1866 ; s. of Frederic Knocker, of Dover ; to. Mary, d. of Francis Chamberlain, of Tottenham. Educ. : Haberdashers' School Consulting Engineer. War Work: Volunteered 303 Knocker THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Oct. 1914 into Mechanical Transport, A.S.C and served till Oct. 1915 in Flanders ; joined Ministry of Munitions, Nov. 1915, and attached Area Office, Birmingham National Pro jectile Factory, Dudley, and in Dec. 1917, opened Area Office at Nottingham and appointed Superintending Engineer for East Midlands Area. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; British Motor Boat. (M643) KNOCKER, Reginald Edward, M.B.E, V.D, 6. 13 Sept. 1870 ; s. of the late Sir E. W. N. Knocker, Kt, C.B, of Dover ; m. Nora Violet, d. of W. W. Knocker, of Sevenoaks. Educ. : Dover College. Town Clerk of Dover ; Registrar of the Cinque Ports. War Work : Duties as Town Clerk of Dover. Address : Cotswold, Kearsney, nr. Dover. Club : Royal Cinque Ports Yacht. (M2007) KNOLLYS, Capt. the Hon. Edward George WilUam Tyrwhitt ,M.B.E, D.F.C, 16th Bn. London Regt, 6. 16 Jan. 1895 ; e. s. and heir of 1st Viscount KnoUys, P.C, G.C.B, G.CV.O, K.C.M.G. (see Burke's Peerage), Page of Honour to King Edward VII, 1904-10 ; Page of Honour to King George V, 1910-11 ; holds the Order of the Crown of Belgium. (M5999) KNOLLYS, Ethelred Mary, Mrs, M.B.E. KNOOP, Evelyn EUzabeth, M.B.E. (M8726) KNOTT, Rev. Alfred Ernest, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1869. 1st Class Chap, to the Forces ; served in the Tirah Campaign, 1897 ; France, 1914-15 ; Mesopotamia, 1916-19 (despatches twice). (C1109) KNOTT, Major George Patrick, O.B.E., R.A.V.C. KNOTT, Harry Ernest, O.B.E, J.P. KNOWLAND, Capt. George Henry, O.B.E., LA. KNOWLES, Christine, O.B.E. KNOWLES, Constance Mary, Lady, O.B.E, Lady of Grace, Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, Nov. 1912 ; d. of James Augustus Elmslie, of 25, Norfolk Square, W. ; m. Major-Gen. Sir Charles Benjamin, K.C.B, J.P, s. of John Knowles, of Trafford Bank House, Old Trafford. War Work : Commandant of Camberley Military Hospital, Camberley (130 Beds), Sept. 1914 to March, 1919, under the Aldershot Command ; Vice-President Camberley and Windles ham Red Cross Division, and as such responsible for four women's and two men's detachments and for supervising the two Military Hospitals at Windlesham ; served on County and Executive Committees and on aU Sub-Committees throughout the War tUl Dec. 1919. Address: Eastfields, Camberley, Surrey. Clubs : Ladies' Athenaeum. (0489) KNOWLES, Charles James, M.B.E. KNOWLES, Frank, C.B.E, fi. 1865 ; s. of Joseph Knowles. War Office Meat Expert. Address : Shortlands, Kent. (C543) KNOWLES, George Potter, M.B.E. KNOWLES, George Shaw, O.B.E. KNOWLES, Major James, O.B.E, 15th Hussars, 6. 23 June, 1875 ; s. of Andrew Knowles, of Newent Court, nr. Gloucester (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; to. Nancy, d. of William Hornibrook, of Bedford Square, London, W.C. Educ. : Eton. War Work : Assistant Military Secretary to G.O.C Second Army, B.E.F, France ; has Lesion of Honour. Address : 31, Upper Hamilton Terrace, N.W. 8. Clubs : Cavalry ; Army and Navy ; Junior Carlton. (O2250) KNOWLES, Kate Christine, O.B.E.. 6. 1890 ; d. of late Charles JuUus Knowles, 17, Kensington Gore, and Linkenholt Manor, Hungerford, Berks. Educ. : At home. War Work : Founder and Hon. Treas. of British Prisoners of War Food Parcels and Clothing Fund, which started with 20 prisoners of war and at the date of Armistice had nearly 4,000 under its care ; Founder and Chairman of Advisory After-Care Committee for British Prisoners of War ; assisted ex-prisoners of war to find employment ; visited cases in hospital ; advanced sums of money pending Civil LiabUities Grants. Address : 17, Kensington Gore, London, S.W. 7. (03791) KNOWLES, Sir Lees, Bart, C.V.O, O.B.E, T.D, M.A, LL.M, D.L, Knight of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, fi. 16 Feb. 1857 (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; s. of John Knowles, D.L, J.P, of Westwood, Pendlebury ; m. the Lady Nina, y.d. of the 10th Earl of Seafield (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Rugby School, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. With his wife did much to aUeviate the suffering of woimded soldiers ; placed a large house at the disposal of a local doctor for hospital. endowed a bed at one of the hospitals in France, and also housed refugees ; supplied a whole battalion with iodine capsules ; canvassed for troops at the beginning of the war, and took special interest in the prisoners in camps in Germanv ; by correspondence, kept in touch with the Lancashire Fusiliers in all the camps, sending them supplies and cigarettes until that work was taken over by the Government. Addresses : Westwood, Pendlebury, and Turton Tower, Lancashire. Clubs : Carlton and Junior Carlton. (O10790) KNOWLES, Thornton, O.B.E. KNOWLING, Capt. Arthur Ernest George, O.B.E, M A, fi. 4 Feb. 1884 ; s. of Dr. E. M. KnowUng, of Tenby ; to. Ruth Geraldine, d. of the late Rev. Canon Mullins, of Grahamstown. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. ; New Coll, Oxford. Assistant Master at St. Andrews College, Grahamstown, S. Africa. War Work : Returned to England to join up, Dec. 1915 ; 2nd Lieut. R.A.S.C. May, 1916 ; attached D.D.S. and T. H.Q. 4th Army 1917, France ; Lieut. 1917 ; attached D.D.S. and T. 2nd Army 1917-18, France and Belgium ; Capt. 1918 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : St. Andrews CoUege, Grahamstown, S. Africa. (05462) KNOX, AUce, Lady, M.B.E, fi. 1855 ; 2nd d. of Sir Robert Dundas, 1st Bart, of Arniston (see Burke's Peerage) ; m Maj.-Gen. Sir WUliam George Knox, K.C.B, who died 1916' War Work : Red Cross organisation. Address : 23, Cadogan Gardens, S.W. 3. (M2008) KNOX, David Alexander, M.B.E. KNOX, Capt. Errol Galbraith, M.B.E, Aust F.C, and R.A.F. KNOX, Ethel Laura, Mrs. Stuart George, O.B.E. KNOX, Brig.-Gen. Henry Owen, C.M.G, CLE, C.B.E 6. 1874 ; s. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Ralph Henry Knox, P C ' K.C.B. ; to. 1st, 1899, Muriel Lucy, who d. 1907, d. of the late Sir Owen Roberts, D.C.L, LL.D, F.S.A. ; 2nd, 1910, Elsie CaroUne, d. of the late Harry Harker, of HurUngham Lodge, HurUngham. Entered S. Staffordshire Regt. 1896 ; retired 1914 ; Major Reserve of Officers, Army Ser. Corps, ; Hon! Brig.-Gen. Served in S. Africa, 1899-1901(despatches, Queen's medal with four clasps) ; Great War, 1914-16 ; first in Flanders (despatches), and subsequently at GaUipoU, as A.Q.M.S, Australian and New Zealand Army Corps ; Mesopotamia 1916-17, as D. Q.M.G. (despatches). Order of St. Anne of Russia); Q.M.C, New Zealand Mil. Forces, 1911-14; joined Comdg. Engineer-in-Chief's Depart. Admiralty, 1918 ; became Chief of Staff, 1919. Address : Burwood, Upper Wariingham, Surrey. Club : United Service. (C2355) KNOX, Lieut.-Col. James Stuart, O.B.E, late E. Yorks. Regt, 6. 15 July, 1864 ; s. of Major James Knox, Governor of Wandsworth Prison ; to. Ursula Mary Demonger, d. of Francis Watts, of Newton Abbot. Educ. : King's School, Gloucester, and abroad. p.s.c; Commander of a company of cadets at R.M.C; now Inspector of H.M. Prisons. War Work: A.A. & Q.M.G, 41st Div, and after was A.A.G. withthe A.I.F. Address : 106, Belgrave Road, S.W. 1. (O7360) KNOX, Rev. John, O.B.E. KNOX, Capt. John Frederick, O.B.E, R.N. KNOX, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. Robert G., 0,B,E, R.N. KNOX, Sara, M.B.E. KNUDSEN, Sir Karl Fredrik, K.B.E.; s. of David Faye Knudsen, of Kristiania, Norway ; to. Anne, d. of Alexander McArthur, of KUmartin, ArgyUshire. Educ. : High School, Kristiania, and Commercial CoUege, Kristiania. Managing Director of H. Clarkson and Co, Ltd. ; Director of British Bank of Northern Commerce ; Member of CouncU and Past President of Norwegian Chamber of Commerce. War Wort : During the war acted as unofficial intermediary between Norwegian shipowners and the AUies in concluding and executing shippmg agreements; also presented the AUies' cause by writing in Norwegian Press and by public speaking in Norway. Addresses : 21, Queensberry Place, S.W. 7 ; Little Stoke Manor, North Stoke, Oxon. Club : National Liberal ; Junior Athenaeum. (K389) KNUDSEN, Capt. Orric Joures, O.B.E. KNUTFORD, Lilian May, Mrs. M.B.E. Had special charge of bUnded men at St. Dunstan's who have also been crippled. (M10325) KNUTHSEN, Major Louis Francis, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. KNYVETT, Rev. Carey Frederick, O.B.E. KNYFTON, Edith Mary, Mrs. GRAVES-, O.B.E, ; m. late Major Reginald Benett Graves-Knyfton Somerset Light Infantry. War Work: Vice-President, B.R.C.S, in Weston- super-Mare district. Address : The Manor, UphUl, Weston- super-Mare. (01561) KOE, Col. Lancelot Charles, C.B.E, 6. 1862 ; Formerly Lieut -Col. and Brevet Col. R.G.A. ; served in the Soudan Expedition, 1884-85 (medal with clasp, bronze star) ; Hazara Expedition, 1888 (medal with clasp) ; Benin Expedition, 1897 (severely wounded, medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches twice). (C1650) KOHAN, Capt. Charles Mendel, O.B.E, B.A, F.S.S, 6. 15 Nov. 1884. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School and Trinity Coll. Camb. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : Obtained commission in Royal Field ArtUlery, Sept. 1914; Adjutant, 291st Brigade R.F.A, Nov. 1917 to March, 1918 ; G.S.O. 3 H.Q. Fourth Army, Sept. 1918 to March 1919. Addresses: 20, Albion Street, Hyde Park, W. 2 ; Farrar's BuUding, Temple, E.C. 4 ; Granby Lodge, Stantou-in-Peak, Derbyshire. Clubs : New Oxford and Cambridge ; United. (05465) KONSTAM, Edwin Max, C.B.E, K.C, fi. 10 June. 1870; m. Mary Beatrix, d. of Rev. Lewis Haig Loyd. Educ. : Marl borough ; King's CoU. Camb. Indian CivU Service (Bengal, L.P), 1890-1902. War Work : Hon. Sec. Shoreditch L. R. < Committee, Prince of Wales' Fund, 1914 ; Hon. Sec. Shore ditch War Pensions Sub-committee, 1916; served in Food Production Dept. Board of Agriculture, from Jan. 1917 ; Direc tor of Land Drainage, Ministry of Agriculture, Sept. 1918 to Dec. 1919. Addresses : 19, Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, S.W. 1 ; 2, Mitre Court BuUdings, Temple, E.C 4. Club: Oxford and Cambridge. (C2739) KOPETZKY, AdoU, M.B.E. For services in connection with the Jewish War Refugees' Committee and the Russian Dependants' Committee. (M10326) KOPPEL, Percy Alexander, C.B.E, 6. 3 Nov. 1876; s. of B. Koppel, of 9, Wetherby Gardens ; m. Dorothy, a. of J. 0. im Thurn, of 5, Collingham Gardens. Educ. : Bradfleld CoUege ; Magdalen Coll, Oxford. Inner Temple, called to Bar 1910, Northern Circuit ; Law Clerk, National Health In surance Commission (England), 1912 ; Prince of Wales's Fund, 1914 ; Wellington House Committee, 1914 ; News Dept. ot Department of Information, 1917 ; Political InteUigence Dept. of Foreign Oflice, 1918 ; First Secretary in H.M. Diplomatic 304 BIOGRAPHIES. Lambert Service and Foreign Office, 1920. Address : 5, Sumner Place, S W. 7. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Leander. (C2740) KORN, George Ernest, M.B.E. KOTAH, H.H. Maharo Sir Umed Singh Bahadur of. GC.S.L. G.C.I.E, G.B.E. KRABBE, Capt. Charles Frederiok, O.B.E. KRABBE, Capt. Clarence Brehmer, O.B.E, R.A.F. KRANE, John, O.B.E. KROHN, AUce, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Henry Moreina, of Braidwood, N.S.W. ; m. Herman Alexander, s. of Nicolas Peter, of Grahamstown, S.A. Vice-President and Member of Executive Committee, Essex Branch, Royal Red Cross Society ; Hon. Sec. for Victoria League (Essex Branch) ; Member of Demobilisation Committee, Essex Branch, Royal Red Cross Society. War Work : Lectured and examined for Red Cross and trained V.A.D.s ; organised and ran River- court Hospital for 5 years ; organised Red Cross Working Parties and collections for Our Day, for Comforts Fund for Essex troops, and for Jewel Fund. Address : Maldon Court, Maldon, Essex. Clubs : Ladies' Empire ; Ladies' Service. (010792) KROHN, Herman Alexander, C.B.E, J.P, D.L. ; s. of Nicolas Peter Krohn, of Grahamstown, S. Africa ; to. 1st, Amy Constance, d. of Col. Meadows Taylor, C.S.I. ; 2nd, Alice, d. of Henry Moreing, of Braidwood, N.S. Wales. Educ : Upping ham and Cambridge. Vice-chairman, Essex Territorial Association, 1914-16 ; Chairman, BuUding and Ranges Com mittee, since 1908 ; Alderman of Maldon, 1907 (Mayor 7 times) ; Assistant Director, Essex Branch, Royal Red Cross Society. War Work : Recruitmg, etc, for Essex Territorial Association ; Red Cross Hospital Management, etc. ; Chairman, Maldon MUitary Tribunal ; Member, Essex Committee, Prince of Wales' Fund. Address : Maldon Court, Maldon, Essex. Club : Thatched House. (C2741) KUHNE, Major Carl Hans, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, a Dep. Assist. Director of Transport ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (05466) KUHNER, Charles Henry, M.B.E. Lately Hon. Sec. and Treasurer of Southminster and Denzil Hundred Sub- Committee of the Essex Local War Pensions Committee. (M10327) RUNNING, Arthur Blandford, M.B.E. KYDD, Oswald Jensen, M.B.E. Master of s.s. " Austrat- ford." (M10250.-) KYLE, PhiUip Kyle, O.B.E. KYNOCH, Minnie, M.B.E. LA BROOY, AmeUa Fanny, Mrs., O.B.E, d. of Robert Johnston, of Sidcup ; m. Justin Theodore, s. of Francis Frederick Theodore, of Ceylon. Educ. : Private Schools. War Work.: Y.M.CA. Canteens, Woolwich ; Vice-President and Head of the Voluntary Workers Y.M.CA. Emergency Canteen, SUvertown ; Girls' Clubs, Woolwich ; Member of the Woolwich Advisory Committee on Women's and ChUdren's Welfare. Address : 20, EldersUe Road, Eltham. (010049) LACEY, Ada, M.B.E. LACEY, EUen, M.B.E. ; d. of Thomas Lacey, of Highbury, London, N. Educ. : Frances Mary Buss Schools. Late Matron, Heath Memorial Convalescent Home for Men, Llanfair- fechan, North Wales. War Work : Lady Superintendent in Army Pay Dept. at Dover, 1915-19 ; mentioned in despatches, Sept. 1917. Address : 21, Aubert Park, Highbury, London, N. 5. (M8728) LACEY, Henry Cubitt, M.B.E. LACEY, Capt. Samuel Barningham, O.B.E, Aust. LACEY, Lieut.-Comm. Solomon James, O.B.E. LACEY, WiUiam Henry Westwood, O.B.E. Manager, Checekan OUfields, Baku. (O11790fi) LACK, Edwin, M.B.E, A.M.I.E.E, fi. 12 Sept. 1865; «. of Robert West Lack, of Hull; to. Louisa, d. of George iMashffi, of HuU.- Assistant Staff Engineer, Engineer-in-Chief's Office, G.P.0, London. Addresses: General Post Office, London, E.C 1 ; 61, Adelaide Road, Brockley, S.E. 4. (M644) LACKIE, WiUiam Walker, C.B.E, fi. July 1869 ; s. of David Lackie, J.P, of Montrose ; to. Anne Robson, d. of William Robson, of Jarset House. Educ. : Montrose Academy; Grammar School, Aberdeen ; University CoUege, Dundee ; University, Glasgow. Engineer and Manager, Glasgow wrporation Electricity Dept ; Electricity Commissioner. ,™™ ¦' Supply of electrical energy to munition works in the Clyde area ; Princess Louisa Hospital, Engineering Equip ment ; Georgetown SheU-FUling Factory, Engineering Equip ment. Address : Gwydyr House, WhitehaU, London. CZm&s : St- Stephen's ; Conservative (Glasgow). (C989) LACROIX, Capt. Lucien, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. LAFONE, Rear-Adm. Albert Sumner, C.B.E, F.R.Z.S, il.fr. (ret.) fi. 14 Oct. 1863; s. of the late AUred Lafone, Tr'Vti °; Hanworth Park, Middlesex. ' Educ. : Privately; UM.i, .Britannia." Address: Sherborne St. John, Hants. c™ '¦' Naval and MiUtary. (C899) LA FONTAINE, Capt. Edward Leonard, M.B.E. LA FONTAINE, Capt. Frederick Charles, M.B.E. LAGERWALL, Capt. Frank Alfred, M.B.E. r. JSI'AW' Lieut- John Brown, O.B.E, R.E. t fe?IDLAY, Eileen, Mrs, M.B.E. ; m. John E, J.P, s.of John Laidley, of Seacliff, North Berwick, East Lothian. War Work : Vice-President for Dirleton and Gullane, County of Hadding tonshire, East Lothian. Address : Invereil, Dirleton, Hadding tonshire. Club : Queen's (Edinburgh). (M8730) LAIDLEY, Ethel, Mrs., M.B.E. LAING, Andrew, O.B.E. Director of Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co, and of Newcastle and Gateshead Gas Co. ; Dep. Chairman Walker and Wallsend Gas Co. Address : 15, Osborne Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (C38) LAING, Major George, O.B.E, R.A.F. LAING, George Smith, M.B.E. LAING, Hugh, O.B.E. LAING, John George, M.B.E. LAIRD, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Frederiok Nicholas, M.B.E, A.I.F. LAIRD, Nellie, Mrs., M.B.E. LAIRD, Roy Maogregor, C.B.E. Dist. Supt. of Ship Repairs, Liverpool and Manchester Dist, Ministry of Shipping. LAIRD, William, C.B.E, L.R.C.P, L.R.C.S., 6. 18 Nov. 1881 ; s. of Robert Laird, of LarkhaU, Scotland ; to. Mary, d. of Robert Mulholland, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow University ; St. Mungo's College, and Anderson's College, Glasgow. Surgeon-in-Charge, Orthopaedic Annexe, and Artifi cial Limbs Repair Depot (Ministry of Pensions) ; Dispensary Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. War Work : Lieut., R.A.M.C ; Surgical Specialist, 48th General Hospital, Salonica ; Visiting Surgeon, Orthopaedic Dept, Bellahouston Hospital ; Visiting Surgeon, Springburn Red Cross Hospital, and Shakespeare Hospital, Glasgow. Address : 18, Royal Crescent, Glasgow, W. Club : Scottish Constitutional (Glas gow). (C2743) LAJOIE, Louis Patrick, M.B.E. LAKE, Ada Louise, O.B.E. ; d. of Henry G. Lake. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Lady Superintendent of the Sailors' and Soldiers' Free Buffet, Charing Cross Station ; started as a worker Nov. 1914 and was made Lady Superintendent June, 1916. Address: 2, GreviUe Place, Kilburn Priory, N.W. 6. (010795) LAKE, AUred Samuel, M.B.E. LAKE, Lieut. Atwell Henry, O.B.E. LAKE, Bruce Lancelot, O.B.E. (09694) LAKE, Lieut. Ernest, O.B.E, R.E. LAKELAND, Capt. WilUam John, M.B.E. LAKER, AUred, M.B.E. LAKIN, Capt. CoUn Arthur, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. LAMAN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Ernest Kirkland, M.B.E. LAMB, Andrew, O.B.E. LAMB, Brydon, M.B.E. LAMB, Major Claude Carnegie, O.B.E, Black Watch, 6. 8 Jan. 1881 ; s. of David I. Lamb, of St. Andrews ; to. Louise Harriet Mary, d. of Col. W. J. Parker, of Indian Staff Corps. Educ. : Trinity CoUege, Glenalmond, and Sandhurst. War Work : Held Staff Appointments ; Brigade-Major, South Mid land Reserve Brigade and Light Reserve Brigade. Address : 6, Playfair Terrace, St. Andrews. Club : Royal and Ancient Golf (St. Andrews). (08354) LAMB, Lieut.-Col. David Ogilvy Wright, O.B.E,_).s.c,10th .Lancers, 6. 29 Jan. 1885 ; s. of D. I. Lamb, of St. Andrews, N.B. Educ. : Trinity CoUege, Glenalmond, and R.M.C, Sandhurst. First commissioned Jan. 1904 ; appointed to Indian Army, AprU, 1905 ; Captain, Jan. 1913 ; Major, Feb. 1918 ; Asst. Instructor, Cav. School, 1913-14 ; Adjutant, Behar Light Horse, 1915 ; Brigade-Major, Allahabad, 1915 ; D.A.A.G, Army Headquarters, 1916 and in 1919 ; extra A.D.C. to Governor of Bengal, 1920. War Work : Served with 10th Lancers and as D.A.A.G, G.H.Q. Mesopotamia ; D.A.Q.M.G. in Waziristan Expedition, 1917 ; Deputy Inspector-General of Communications, Khyber Line, in 3rd Afghan War. Ctefis .• Cavahy; Caledonian. (04228) LAMB, Dorothy, M.B.E. LAMB, Edwin Daniel, M.B.E, R.N. LAMB, Emily Frances Edith, M.B.E, d. of the late Edward Charles Lamb, of Bengal, India. Educ. : Privately ; Cambridge (Higher) Certificate, Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal3 for Elocution. Private Secretary ; Clerk to the Joint CouncU of the Order of St. John and the British Red Cross Society. War Work : Private Secretary to the Vice-Chairman and to the Organising Secretary of the British Red Cross Society since the commencement of the War ; produced several plays in aid of the British Red Cross Society. Address: 103, Ebury Road, Rickmansworth, Herts. (M8734) LAMB, Major Frank de ViUiers, C.B.E, 6. 1880 ; s. of John de ViUiers Lamb, of Sydney, N.S. Wales. Hon. Major AustraUan Imperial Forces. War Work : Australian Branch of British Red Cross Soc. in Egypt, Malta, and England. (C362) LAMB, Capt. Maloolm Henry Mortimer, O.B.E, M.C (01565) LAMBERT, Arthur Bradley, C.B.E, fi. 3 AprU 1858; s of the late Henry Lambert, J.P, of Hampstead ; m. Emma Matilda, d. of the late Charles Jones, M.I.C.E, of Ealing. Educ. : Privately. Original Member of Council and Executive Committee of Bribery and Secret Commissions Prevention League (Incorp.), 1906; Fellow of Royal Colonial Institute since 1909. War Work : Section Superintendent (Voluntary) Royal Army Clothing Department, 1914-18. Addresses: 18 Wood Street, E.C. 2 ; 232, St. James' Court, S.W. 1. Clubs : Junior Athenaeum ; Royal AutomobUe. (C37) LAMBERT, Major Bertram, O.B.E, R.E. LAMBERT, Blanche Sarah, M.B.E. ; 4th d. of Henry Lambert, late General Manager, Great Western RaUway. Educ. : Princess Helena CoUege, Ealing. Late Departmental 305 Lambert THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Secretary, Y.W.C.A. War Work: Secretary, War Workers' WeUare Committee of the Young Women's Christian Association. Address : 39, Biddulph Mansions, Elgin Avenue, W. 9. (M2012) LAMBERT, Florence Barrie, C.B.E, M.B, B.S, D.P.H. ; d. of Thomas Henry Lambert. Educ : France, and London. School of Medicine for Women. Medical Officer, Ministry of Health. War Work : Inspector Military Massage and Electrical Services ; Member, Electro-Medical Committe, War Office ; Member of Electro-personnel Committee, War Office ; Member of Joint War Office and Pensions Committee for Massage Personnel. Address : 10, Seymour Street, W. 1. Club : Forum. (C3080) LAMBERT, Capt. Francis John, O.B.E, 9th D.L.I. (T.), 6. 31 Aug. 1880 ; s. of Thomas Lambert, of Lintz Green House, Lintz Green, Co. Durham ; to. Ena, d. of Wm. Patter son, J.P, of Blaydon-upon-Tyne. Educ. : Newcastle-upon- Tyne ; Harrogate, and London. Solicitor to N.S.P.CC ; SoUcitor to Northumberland Division, Comrades of Great War. War Work : MobUised 4 Aug. 1914 ; demobilised 31 March, 1919. Address : Lintz Green House, Lintz Green, Co. Durham. Clubs : Conservative ; Pen and PaUet (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). (O3140) LAMBERT, Major George Herbert, O.B.E. LAMBERT, Henrietta IsabeUa, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 1873 ; d. of George Lowther, of SwiUington House, Leeds, Yorks ; m. Robert, s. of Robert Lambert, of Weston, Surrey. Com mandant Shropshire 26, V.A.D. War Work : MobUised, Jan. 1915 until March, 1919, and did whole-time work at her V.A.D. Hospital in Whitchurch, Salop. Address : Ash Grove, Whit church, Salop. • (M8735) LAMBERT, Surgeon-Lieut. John, O.B.E, R.N. LAMBERT, Lieut.-Col. John Hamilton, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. LAMBERT, Miriam Constance, M.B.E, 6. 2 June 1884 ; d. of the late John Henry Lambert, of Aggard, Co. Galway. Educ : Privately. War Work : Worked for Scottish Women's Hospitals for Foreign Service, 1916-17 ; Deputy Administrator, Q.M.A.A.C. (Overseas), 1917-20. Address: Redmount, BaUinasloe, Deland. Club : Ladies' Caledonian (Edinburgh). (M3142) LAMBERT, Octavius Edward, M.B.E. LAMBERT, OUve Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. LAMBERT, Lieut. Roger Uredale, M.B.E, R.F.A. (S.R.). LAMBERT, Stanley Harrison, O.B.E. LAMBERT, Major Thomas Erskine, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. LAMBERT, Capt. WUUam Clement, O.B.E. LAMBERT, Major Arthur WARREN-, O.B.E, R.A.S.C LAMBIE, Lieut.-Col. George, M.B.E. LAMBIE, Robert, O.B.E, fi. 18 April, 1848. Member for LarkhaU Division of Lanarkshire County CouncU, 1889-1919. War Work: Member of Naval and Military War Pensions Committee in Lanarkshire ; Food Control Committee ; MUitary Tribunai ; took part in voluntary War Recruiting Campaign in Lanarkshire, 1915-16. Address : 446, Victoria Road, Queen's Park, Glasgow. (010797) LAMBOURN, Frank Harper, M.B.E, 6. 27 March 1878 ; _. of George Lambourn, of Oxford ; m. Eleanor, d. of R. V. HorsfaU, of Slaithwaite. Educ. : Oxford High School. War Work : Superintendent of Royal Alexandra Navy Victualling Yard, Haulbowline, Deland. Address : Midleton Park, Queenstown. Club : Royal Cork Yacht. (M3790) LAMBOURN,NoraMay,Mrs,M.B.E.; 6. 2 Sept. 1880 ; d. of WUUam Cox Brother-ton, of Woodstock, Oxon. ; m. George Ernest Lambourn. War Work : In Suri, Birbhum, Bengal and Dacca, Bengal ; at the latter place Secretary to the Dacca Ladies' War Fund. (M7121) LAMBOURNE, Christopher, M.B.E. (M10250A) LAMBTEN, Dorothy, M.B.E. LAMBTON, Brevet Lieut.-Col. George Charles, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 10 Nov. 1872; s. of Lieut.-Col. Francis WiUiam Lambton. Educ. : WeUington. War Work : Commanded 2nd Wore Regt, 29th R.F. (T.R.), 1st Norfolks (Temp.), 52nd Bn. Notts, and Derby and 11th Leicesters. Address : Brownstade, Pembroke. Club : Junior United Service. (07365) LAMING, Evelyn Hamar, Mrs, M.B.E. LAMING, Major Henry Thornton, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 28 July 1863 ; s. of the late James Laming, of Manor House, Richmond, Surrey ; to. EUa Loetitia, d. of the late Robert Cunliffe, D.L, of 17, Inverness Terrace, Educ : Eton and Sandhurst. Served in 18th Hussars, 1883-1903. War Work : Second in Command, 11th aud 5th Reserve Cavalry Regiments Oct. 1914 to July 1919. Address : The KnoU, Barton-under- Needwood. Clubs : Naval and MiUtary ; Cavalry. (07366) LAMING, Richard Valentine, O.B.E, 6. 30 Dec. 1887 ; s. of WilUam Laming, of Rotterdam. Educ. : Gymnasium Erasmianum, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam University. Com mercial Secretary, H.M. Legation, The Hague. War Work : Represented the Restriction of Enemy SuppUes Department of the Ministry ofjBlockade in HoUand. Address : 21A, Gava- straat, The Hague. (010798) LAMONT, Hellen, M.B.E. (M10452) LAMONT, James, M.B.E. LAMONT, John Macnab, M.B.E, J.P. LAMPE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Frederick Nicholas, M B E A.I.F. LAMPSON, Curtis Walter, C.B.E, 6. 18 Aug. 1875 ¦ m 7 July, 1908, HUda, d. of Sir David Baird, 3rd Bart, of New byth (see Burke's Peerage), B.A. Magdalen CoU. Oxford Address : Hampton Lodge, Seale, Farnham. Club: TraveUers'. 306 LANCE, Octavius, M.B.E, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, fi. 25 Dec. 1876 ; s. of W. H. Lance, of London • Z Mabel Elsie, d. of the late — Coleman, of Wisbech. Educ '• United Westminster School, Westminster. Officer of Accounts' H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. War Work: Employed in Admiralty Service. Address : 104, Palmerston Road, South sea. Clubs ; Union of Malta ; Royal Portsmouth Corinthian Yacht. (M2013) LAND, Col. WiUiam Henry, C.B.E, V.D. LANDAU, Capt. Henry, O.B.E. LANDAU, Herman, O.B.E. LANDELLS, Helena Jane, M.B.E. LANDER, Capt. Arthur, O.B.E. LANDER, Capt. Edward Leonard, M.B.E, R.A.F. LANDER, Richard GUbert, M.B.E. LANDER, Sidney Montem, M.B.E. LANDON, Lieut, and Brevet Major Arthur Henry Whittington, O.B.E, M.C, Croix de Guerre, 6. 13 Jan. 1889- s. of Major-Gen. Sir Frederick Landon, K.C.M.G, C.B, oi 74, Gloucester Place, London, W. 1 (see Burke's Peerage) ¦ to. Elsie Mary, d . of J . GiUanders, of DrumUthie, Purley, Surrey' Educ : Malvern ; Worcester CoU, Oxford. Lieut. (Brevet' Major) in the Royal Canadian Regt, Permanent Force of Canada. War Work : A.D.C. to Major-Gen. H. J. S. Landon C.B, C.M.G, G.O.C. 9th (Scottish) Division, B.E.F, March' 1915 ; Staff Capt. 19th Infantry Bde, B.E.F, July, 1916 ; D.A.A.G. Headquarters, XVIIIth Army Corps, B.E.F, Jan 1918; D.A.Q.M.G. at G.H.Q, Allied Forces, Archangel, July, 1919 . Addresses : Wolseley Barracks, London, Ontario, Canada. Club : Junior Naval and Military. (O6017) LANDON, Lieut.-Col. CyrU, O.B.E, M.C. (011750) LANDON, Paymaster Lieut.-Comm. Edward Cyril Turton, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R 6. 31 Aug. 1877 ; s. of Frederic George Landon, M.A, of St. John's, S.E. ; m. Daisy Herbert, d. of WilUam Henry Evans, of Sheerness. Educ. : City of London School. Bank of England Clerk; Member of the Beddington and WaUington Urban District CouncU. War Work : On Naval Transport Staff at St. Nazaire, Dunkerque, Deptford and Copenhagen. Address : Glenlyon, Carew Road, WaUington, Surrey. (09243) LANDON, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Herbert Arthur, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (wounded, despatches). (08131) LANDON, Capt. Joseph Whittington, M.B.E. LANDON, Katharine Ann Brenda, M.B.E, fi. 13 April 1879 ; d. ol the late H. W. L. Landon, of Kenmore, Exmouth, Devon. War Work : Exmouth V.A. Hospital, 1914-19, as Quartermaster from Oct. 1914 and as Assistant Commandant (and Quartermaster) from April, 1917 to 1919. Address: Kenmore, Exmouth, Devon. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (M31) LANDRY, Capt. Pierre AUred, O.B.E, R.A.F. LANE, Charlotte Jane, Lady Arbuthnot, M.B.E, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem ; d. of J. Briscoe of London ; to. Sir WiUiam Arbuthnot Lane, C.B, M.B, M.S. (Lond.), F.R.C S. (Eng.). Address: 21, Cavendish Square, W.l. (M2014) LANE, Daniel de Moura, O.B.E. LANE, Ernest, M.B.E. LANE, Franois Lawrence, O.B.E, 6. 1856 ; s. of John Lane, of The Limes, 27, Charnwood Street, Derby ; m. 1885, Helen, d. of WilUam John Horton, of Warrington. Educ. : Great Eastern RaUway Mechanics' Institute. Engineer, and Managing Director Leeds Forge Co. (Limited). Address: Maryland House, Grosvenor Road, Leeds. Clubs: St. Stephen's ; Constitutional ; Royal Automobile. (01566) LANE, Major Frank Bernard, O.B.E, 8th Cavahy LA.; 6. 16 Aug. 1879 ; s. of WUmot Lane,of Hove. Educ. : Shrews bury School and Sandhurst. War Work : Mesopotamian Field Force. (08725) LANE, Lieut.-Col. Frederick, O.B.E. LANE, Capt. Harold Arthur, O.B.E. LANE, Capt. Harry James, O.B.E, Aust. A.S.C LANE, Harry Joseph, M.B.E. LANE, Harry PhiUp ParneU, C.B.E, M.V.O, fi. 1870; s. of the late Major Henry Eyre Wyatt Lane, R.M.L.I, of Seaton, Devon ; to. 1903, Flora Emma, d. of the late Capt. Edmund Richard Peel, of Rock Ferry, Cheshire. Sometime in Essex, Devon, Kent, and Liverpool Police Forces ; appointed Chief Constable of Lancashire, 1913. Has King's Police Medal. Addresses : EUel Hall, Lancaster ; County Constabulary Office. Preston. Club : County (Lancaster). (C544) LANE, Helena, Mrs., M.B.E. LANE, Capt. Henry Gerald Elliot, C.B.E, R.N, fi. 1875 ; m. 1901, Rachel Elizabeth, d. of the late Adm. Sir John Reginald Thomas Fullerton, G.CV.O. Served in the Great War, 1914-19. LANE, Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. LANE, Col. Samuel WeUington, C.B.E, R.A. (ret.) Served on the N.W. Frontier of India, 1897- 98 (medal with clasp); S. Africa, 1900-2 (despatches, Brevet Lieut.-Col, Queen s medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1652) LANE, Lieut.-Col. WilUam Byam, CLE., C.B.E, M.R.C.S. Eng, L.R.C.P. Lond, 6. 1866 ; s. of Edgar Henry Lane, of Antigua ; to. 1896, Edith Kate Westlake Reindorp. Indian Med. Ser. Served with Hazara Expedition, 1891 (medal with clasp) ; Waziristan Expedition, 1894-95 (clasp) ; Chitral Relief Force, 1895 (medal with clasp) ; Mesopotamia, 1916-18, as Inspector of Disciphnary Labour Corps. (C1110) BIOGRAPHIES Larke LANE, Capt. Wilhelm Heinreich Christian Ahrens, M.B.E. LANE, Col. WUliam MOORE-, C.B.E, 6. 1861 ; Formerly Col R.A.O.C. ; served with the Hazara Expedition, 1888 ; Great War. 1914-19 (despatches). (C1704) LANG, Flying Offloer Albert Frank, M.B.E, R.A.F. LANG, Charles RusseU, C.B.E, 6. 1862 ; s. of John Lang, engineer. Director of G. and J. Weir (Limited), of Cathcart, Glasgow. Address : Cathcart, Glasgow. (C545) LANG, Col. EUiott Brownlow, C.B.E. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C142C) LANG, Capt. James, O.B.E, R.E, LANG, Capt. James Arthur Maule, O.B.E, R.A.F. LANG, John Henry, M.B.E. LANG, Patrick Keith, C.B.E, fi. 20 June, 1863 ; s. of Very Rev. J. MarshaU Lang, C.V.O, LL.D., D.D, Principal of Aberdeen University ; m. Elizabeth Gentle Stevenson, of IngUston, Ratho, Midlothian. Educ. : Privately and Glasgow University. Banker from 1881 to 1904 in India, Transvaal, Constantinople, and Egypt. Contested the Bridgeton Division of Glasgow as Unionist Candidate at the General Election of 1909-10. War Work : Commissioner (unpaid) for the organi sation of Church Army Recreation Huts in the Area of the Second Army at the Western Front, 1916-17 ; Secretary (unpaid) of the Surplus Government Property Advisory Council, 1917-18 ; at the Ministry of Munitions 1919, under the Disposal Board, as ControUer (unpaid) of Relations with the Governments of Dominions, British Colonies, Dependencies and Protectorates, and with Local Government Authorities. Address: Thorp Chace, Merrow, near Guildford, Surrey. Citifis: Oriental; 1900. (C2745) LANG, Stuart-Calvert Jackson, M.B.E, 6. 4 July, 1888 ; s. of Dr. E. Jackson Lang, of London (Med. Supt. L. & S.W. Ry, Waterloo). Educ. : St. Dunstans, S.E. Commercial Repre sentative. War Work : B.R.C.S, No. 2 M.A.C, Aug. 1914 to July, 1915 ; Aisne, Marne, Lys, Flanders, Ypres, etc. ; Ad vanced Stores, Southern Area, July, 1915, to AprU, 1919 ; Somme, Ancre, Marne, etc. Address : Rue Cambon 2 f, Paris. (M2015) LANG, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Henry, O.B.E, R.A.F. LANGDALE, Lieut.-Col. PhiUp, O.B.E. LANGDON, Capt. Charles Henry Clarke, C.B.E, R.N. LANGDON, Major Henry Charles Theodore, O.B.E, R.A.F. LANGE, Capt. Richard Charles, O.B.E. LANGEBRINK, Col. Andries, O.B.E. LANGER, Charles Frederiok, M.B.E. LANGFORD, Hon. Major Frederiok Charles, M.B.E., V.D, M.D, MJt.C.S, L.R.CP. (Lond.), R.A.M.C, 6. 13 Mar. 1864 ; s. of Fiederick George Langford, of Bristol ; m. Adelaide, d. of J. A. Marks, of East Dulwich, S.E. 22. Educ. : Royal Naval School, Devonport, and privately. War Work : Medical Officer in charge, Hanover Park AuxUiary Military Hospital ; Divisional Inspector, Camberwell Division, British Red Cross Society. Address: West Lodge, 142, The Rye, S.E. 22. (M8742) LANGFORD, Lieut. Horace Trevor St. Ledger, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. LANGLANDS, George, M.B.E. LANGLEY, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Albert Ernest, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 3 Nov. 1876 ; s. ofthe late W. V. Langley, Fakenham, Norfolk ; m. Kathleen Leonie, d. of W. Eydmann, of Eastleigh. Educ. : Northampton. War Work : Proceeded to France as a warrant officer with Expeditionary Force in Aug. 1914 ; promoted to Lieut, and Qr.-Mr, Jan. 1915 ; proceeded to Egypt in March, 1915, and to Salonica in Oct. 1915, and served there until June, 1919; appointed T. Major (D.A.D.T.) Nov. 1918 ; relinquished appointment June, 1919. Addresses : Home M.T. Depot, Deptford, S.E. 8; 41, Eltham Road, Lee, S.E. 12. (06494) LANGLEY, Cecil Ernest Herrick, O.B.E. (012050) LANGLEY, Frank, M.B.E. LANGLEY, George Johnson, M.B.E, M.D. LANGLEY, Lieut. Gerald MaxweU Bradshaw, O.B.E, R.N. LANGLEY, John, C.B.E. Under Sec of State, Min. of Agriculture, Egypt. Address : Cairo, Egypt. (C1094) LANGLEY, Col. John Penrice, C.B.E, late R.A, 6. 17 AprU, I860; s. of the late Gen. Sir G. C Langley, K.C.B. Educ : Cheltenham CoUege. War Work : Commanding 6th Reserve Brigade, Royal Field ArtiUery. Address : Rowena, Westward Ho I N.Devon. Club : Army and Navy. (C1653) LANGLEY, Peroy James, M.B.E, 6. 1 June, 1877. Deputy Finance Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Ad dress : Whitehall Place, S.W. 1. (M2016) LANGMAID, Ernest Richard, O.B.E. LANGMAN, Thomas Witheridge, O.B.E. LANGMEAD, Capt. Harold Francis, M.B.E. LANGMUIR, Lieut. John WilUam, M.B.E, R.A.F. LANGRIDGE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Edwin Joseph, M.B.E, N. Stafford Regt, 6. 11 Oct. 1876 ; s. of Edwin Joseph, of Portsmouth ; to. Margaret, d. of Thomas Duke, of Folkestone. muc : St. Mary's, Portsmouth. War Work : Served overseas Sept. 1914 to Aug. 1919 on Western Front. Address : St. Clarr, Essex Road, Portsmouth. (M6002) LANGRIDGE, Capt. Francis Barton, O.B.E. LANGRIDGE, Harry Dickinson, M.B.E., 6. 8 Aug. 1866 ; s. M WilUam Langridge, of Manchester ; m. Constance Mary, d. of Jidwin F. Prince, of Manchester. District Traffic Manager, 307 Great Central Railway, Manchester. Address : 24, Athol Road, Alexandra Park, Manchester. Club : Clydesdale (Manchester). (M8744) LANGRIDGE, Herbert, M.B.E, 6. 14 April, 1873 ; s. of Thomas Langridge, of Richmond, Surrey. Educ : Richmond. CivU Servant, at present attached to the Department of Over seas Trade. War Work : During the whole course of the War engaged upon the staff of the Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement. Address : Llanrhos, BurneU Road, Sutton, Surrey. Club : Primrose. (M2017) LANGRIDGE, WilUam, O.B.E. LANGSLOW, Lieut. Melville Cecil, M.B.E, Aust. A.P.C LANGSTAFF, WUUam Henry, M.B.E. LANGSTON, Jessie Eleanor, M.B.E, 6. 3 Jan. 1891 ; d. of Henry Langston, late of Southwark and Upper Norwood. Educ. : Orford College and Sydenham High School. Ministry of Munitions, Nov. 1916 to March, 1918, Supervisor of Regis trations of Contracts (Headquarters) ; Ministry of Labour, (Appointments Department) March, 1918, to date ; Supervisor and Organiser of system of registrations in regard to DemobUi- sation, Training of Serving Officers, Resettlement in CivU Life of ex-soldiers. Training and Appointments (Headquarters). Address : 27, Park Mansions, Prince of Wales Road, S.W. 11. (M3794) LANGSTON, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam, M.B.E, R.A.M.C LANGTON, Albert Smith, M.B.E. LANGTON, Capt. George Philip, O.B.E, B.A, 6. 22 April, 1881 ; s. of F. A. R. Langton, of Danganmore, Co. Kilkenny; m. Alice Mary Katherine, d. of D. F. Arthur Leahy, of Shanakiel, Co. Cork. Educ : Beaumont, Stonyhurst, and New College, Oxford. Barrister-at-law. War Work : Served with Royal Garrison Artillery and in MUitary InteUigence Department of the War Office ; Deputy Controller (Military Service Branch) Labour Dept, Ministry of Munitions ; Special Commissioner, Labour Disputes, Ministry of Munitions ; Controller, De mobilisation of Services Branch, DemobUisation Dept, Ministry of Labour. Address : 26, South EatonPlace, London, S.W. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Beefsteak. (0493) LANGTON, Major Theobald Michael, O.B.E. LANGTON, Major Francis Wilfred GORE-, O.B.E. LANHAM, Laurence, O.B.E. LANITIS, Vrasidas Demitriou, M.B.E. LANSDOWN, Charles Ewbank, O.B.E, M.D. LANSDOWNE, Maud Evelyn, Marchioness of, G.B.E, CI, Lady of Justice of St. John of Jerusalem ; m. 1869 Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne (see Burke's Peerage). Addresses : Lansdowne House, Berkeley Square, W. 1. ; Bowood Park, Calne, WUtshire ; Derreen, Kenmare, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Brooks'. (DG30) LAPAGE, Comm. Walter Neville, O.B.E, R.N. LAPHAM, Major Robert John, M.B.E, A.S.C LAPRAIK, John, O.B.E, F.R.G.S, 6. 28 Aug. 1877; s. of James Lapraik, of Muirkirk, Ayrshire ; m. Rachel, d. of Alfred Clark, late of the Bank of Bengal, Calcutta, and Gyalpore, Chittagong. Agent, Bank of Bengal, Bombay. War Work : War Loan propaganda as Agent of the Bank of Bengal, Cawn pore, and voluntary work as Hon. Treas. of various War Funds in the United Provinces, India. Address : Bank of Bengal, Elphinstone Circle, Bombay. (O9830) LAPSLEY, Chief Engr. Claude Charles, O.B.E, R.N.R. LAPSLEY, Major WiUiam, O.B.E, M.B, I.M.S. LARACY, Patrick Joseph, M.B.E. LARGE, Capt. Edwin R.„ D.S.O. O.B.E. Capt. in Mer cantile Marine ; Lieut. -Com. Roy. Naval Reserve ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (09144) LARGE, Frederick George, M.B.E, 6. 19 Mar. 1887 ; s. of Harry Large, of Thetford ; to. Florence, d. of James Piggott, of Birmingham. Adjutant, Salvation Army. War Work : Management of the Rest Huts and Hostels at Weedon, Ripon, Codford, Bulford, Calais, ahd Lille, 1914 to 1920. Addresses : 91, Boulevard Gambetta, Calais ; 10, B Terrace, Lawrence Street, Birmingham. (M8747) LARGE, Robert James, M.B.E. LARKE, William James, C.B.E, M.I.E.E, M.I.S.Inst. A.M.Inst. Mech. B, 6. 26 AprU, 1875 ; s. of WUliam James Larke, of London ; to. Louisa Jane, d. of James Tayler MUton, of Blackheath, Kent. Educ. : Colfe's School Technical College and Engineering Apprenticeship. Engineer ; En gineer and Manager of the Power Mining Dept. The British Thomson-Houston Co, Ltd, 1899 to 1912 ; Deputy to Chief Engineer, British Thomson-Houston Co, Ltd, 1912-15. War Work: Ministry of Munitions (Voluntary), July, 1915 to 'Feb. 1919 ; Director, Controlled Establishments Division, July, 1915 ; devised and introduced Priority of Work Order for regulation of production of Munitions and distribution of National resources, men and materials, Mar. 1916 ; re-organised and became Director Badges and Exemption Dept, June, 1916 ; re-organised and became Director, Dilution of Labour Dept, Jan. 1917 ; appointed Technical Adviser to Secretariat ranking as Assistant Secretary, Member Council Committee on DemobUisation and Reconstruction, Chairman of various Committees in connection therewith, Jan. 1918 ; ControUer, D.B. 5 0. Miscellaneous Section, Disposal Board, Jan. 1919 ; appointed on Staff Ministry of Munitions, Feb. 1919; Chahman British EngineeringCommission, visited the occupied territory of Germany, May, 1919 ; appointed Director-General of Raw Materials and Member of Disposal Board responsible for Larken THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Disposal of Ferrous and non-Ferrous Metals, Chemicals, and Explosives and warlike stores, June, 1919 ; m addition responsible for Disposal of Aircraft, Miscellaneous Stores and Factory Consumate Stores, May, 1920. Addresses . Ministry of Munitions, S.W. ; Eastburn, Sidcup, Kent. Clubs : R.A.C. ; SavUe. (C2746) LARKEN, Lieut.-Col. Edmund, C.B.E, Lincolnshire Yeo Served in the Great War, 1911-19. (C1278) LARKIN, Capt. Gerald Ross O.B.E, Can. A.S.C LARKIN, Herbert Benjamin George, C.B.E, 6. 6 March, 1872 ; s of George Edwin Larkin, of London ; m. Annie Mary Frances, d. of Patrick McHugh, of Queensland, AustraUa. Educ. : Roan School, Greenwich. Commonwealth Govern ment Shipping Representative and General Manager, Common wealth Government Line of Steamers. War Work : Control and management in the United Kingdom of the AustraUan Naval Transport Department and Commonwealth Government- owned and controlled mercantUe shipping throughout the War. Addresses : Australia House, Strand, London, W.C. 2 ; Kyarra, St. KUda, Melbourne, Australia. Ctofis : Royal Automobile ; AustraUan. (C2747) LARKING, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Nesbitt Wingfield, C.B.E, fi. 5 Dec. 1868 , s. of the late Col. Cuthbert Larking, of Laysion Lodge, Buntingford, Herts. ; m. Violet Campbell, d. of William Macbean Rankine, of Dudhope, Forfarshire, N.B. Educ. : Eton and Malvern. Joined Scots Guards Dec. 1 891 ; placed on retired pay on account of Ul-health, Dec. 1907 ; Active Service in South Africa. 1899-1900 ; Queen's Medal (2 clasps). War Work : Recalled to service with Scots Guards, Aug. 1914 ; attached General Staff, London District, to April, 1915 ; in AprU, 1915, appointed Deputy Assistant Adjutant- General, Headquarter Staff, War Office, and promoted Assistant Adjutant-General in July, 1917 ; New Years' Honours List, 1917, received Brevet Majority ; in Birthday Honours, 1919, awarded C.B.E, also Order of the Crown of Belgium (Officer), awarded in 1918 by King of Belgium ; Order of the Star of Roumania with Swords (Officer), awarded in 1920 by King of Roumania ; Legion of Honour (Chevalier), awarded in 1920 by President of the French Republic ; also holds CivU Medal, 1st class, and Order of CivU Merit, 1st class, awarded by King of Belgium in 1907 and 1914, respectively, for saving life. Club : Brooks'. (C1654) LARKMAN, 2nd Lieut. Raymond, M.B.E, B.Sc, A.C.A, T.F. Reserve, fi. 31 Oct. 1891 ; s. of Rev. C. S. Larkman, of Northampton. Educ. : SUcoates School and Manchester University. Chartered Accountant ; at present Divisional Chief Accountant, Coal Mines Dept, Board of Trade. War Work : Coal Mines Dept. Addresses : 12, West Hill Road, Southfields, S.W. ; 21, Birchfield Road, Northampton. (M8748) LARNDER, Col. Eugene William, C.B.E, M.R.CV.S. 6. 1864 ; s. of the late George Philip Lamder ; m. 1889, Mary, d. of the late Brake Marshall, M.R.C.S. Col. Army Vet. Ser. ; served in the S. African War, 1899-1901, with 2nd Div. ; Great War, 1914-19, in Salonica and France, as Asst. Director aud Dept. Director Vet. Ser. ; Afghan War, 1919, as Dept. Director Vet. Ser. ; has been Dept. Director of Vet. Ser, Southern Com mand, India, since 1919. Address : Poona, Bombay. Club : Junior United Service. LARNDER, Capt. Harold Frederick, O.B.E. LARNER, Victor John, M.B.E. LARPENT, Major Lionel WilUam Peppe DE HOCHE- PIED-, O.B.E, Connaught Rangers, 6. 10 Feb. 1877 ; to. 1907, Marion Lucy, d. of Lieut.-Col. G. F. A. Harris, M.D. (08578) LARSSON, Carl AUred, M.B.E, 6. 5 July, 1862 ; s. of B. C. Larsson, of Malmoe, Sweden ; to. Eleanor Chambers, d. of J. C Roe, of Loudon. Educ. : Privately and Royal Technical High School, Stockholm. Engineer, Chief Designing Office, Machine Gun Dept, Vickers, Ltd. War Work : Responsible for designing, etc, of Vickers' Automatic guns and equipment used by the AUies. Address : 31, Oxford Road, Putney, S.W. (M8749) LARTER, Alfred Tabois, M.B.E, B.Sc, fi. 25 AprU, 1883 ; Educ. : St. Mark's CoUege School ; Finsbury Technical College ; Central Technical College (now Imperial College of Science and Technology). War Work : Engaged at the Ad miralty from Dec. 1914 to Feb. 1917, and at the Ministry of Munitions from Feb. 1917 to Jan. 1919, in connection with Surchase of equipment for the Royal Naval Division, Royal [arine ArtiUery, Royal Naval Air Service, and Royal Air Force. Address : 5, Rookfleld Avenue, Muswell HU1. (M10) LARTER, Charles Seymour, M.B.E, R.N.R. LARTER, Major Percy John, O.B.E. LASCELLES, Edward Charles Ponsonby, O.B.E. LASCELLES, Lieut.-Col. Edward ffrancis Ward, C.B.E. For services in connection with the Founding of Scholarships for Overseas Soldiers and Sailors. (C3151) LASCELLES, Lieut.-Col. Ernest, O.B.E. LASCELLES, Evelyn Louisa, O.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1853 ; d. of the Hon. George E. Lascelles, J.P. (died 1911), and Lady Louisa LasceUes, d. (died 1900) of 4th Earl of Mansfield (see Burke's Peerage), of Sion HiU, Thirsk, Yorks. Educ. : At home. Hon. Serving Sister the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. War Work : Appointed Commandant of St. John's V.A.D. 54, W.R. Yorks, 1911 ; Commandant of Grove House Aux. MU. Hospital (Class A, 64 beds) from Nov. 1914, to AprU, 1919, when the Hospital was closed, address : 19, Park View, Harrogate, Yorks. (0492) LASCELLES, Lieut.-Col. George Reginald, O.B.E, 6. 14 AprU, 1864 ; s. of Col. Walter R. LasceUes, J.P, D.L, of Norley Cheshire ; m. Beatrice, d. of Rev. R. Pulteney, of Ashley, Northants. Educ. : Marlborough. Exon. of the King's Body Guard. War Work : Commanded the 16th Batt. Royal Fusiliers, 1914-18 ; Area Commandant, CaviUon, Somme, France, 1919. Address: 6, Queen's Gate. S.W. Club : Army and Navy. (07369) LASCOT, Frank LesUe, O.B.E. LASH, Major Ivor Richard de Warraine, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. LASH, Major John Francis, O.B.E. LASKEY, Major Walter WiUiam, O.B.E. LASLETT, Eng.-Comm. Charles Frederick, M.B.E, R.I.M. LATEY, WiUiam, M.B.E. LATHAM, George, M.B.E, D.C.M. LATHAM, Major John Ion, O.B.E, R.E. LATHAM, Percy James, O.B.E, A.I.A, 6. 2 Oct. 1880 j 3rds. of John Latham, of Tetsworth, Oxon. and Reading, Berks, and of Mrs. Latham, 34, Woodville Gardens, Ealing, Middlesex; m. Charlotte Cunningham (who died), d. of John Robert Greig, of Falkirk. Stirlingshire. Educ : Brunswick House School, Reading ; King's CoU, London, and privately. District Inspector, Ministry of Health (Insurance Department). War Work : Liaison Officer between the Navy and Army Insurance Fund, and the Inspectorate of the Insurance Department, Ministry of Health. Addresses : 34, WoodvUle Gardens, Ealing, Middlesex ; Ministry of Health (Insurance Department) ; Brook House, Francis Street, London, W.C. 1. (O10808) LATHBURY, Major Ernest Browning, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 20 Oct. 1881 ; s. of F. R. Lathbury, of Chipperfield ; to. Rhoda Matilda, d. of Bishop Fyson, of Hokkaido, Japan. Educ : Aldenham, Epsom CoUege, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital. War Work : Served with 3rd Cav. Field Amb, B.E.F, 1914-15 ; acting Lieut.-Col. Commandant Mile End MUitary Hospital, Southwark MUitary Hospital ; S.M.O. Peace Concentration, Kensington Gardens ; acting Lieut.-Col. Commandant 159 Field Amb, N. Russia Murmansk Relief Force ; Commandant Hemel Hempstead and Warlingham Military Hospitals ; FeUow of Royal Colonial Institute. (07372) LATIFI, Alma, O.B.E, M.A, LL.M. (Cantab.), LL.D. (DubUn), Battister-at-law, I.C.S, ft. 12 Nov. 1879; 8. of Kamaruddin Aniiruddin Latifi, of Bombay ; m. Nashua, d. ot the late Hon. Mr. Justice Budrudin Tyabji, of Bombay. Educ. : Cambay (W. India) ; Zanzibar (W. Africa) ; Poona and Bombay ; and later at Paris and HeUdelberg. (Macmahon Law Studentship, St. John's CoU. ; Degree of Honour, first division, of the Govt, of India for eminent proficiency in Arabic.) Joined the Indian CivU Service in Jan. 1903; Executive Judicial Officer in the Punjab ; was on special duty to survey the industries of the Punjab in 1909-10 ; on special duty at the Press Camp, Coronation Durbar, Delhi, 1911-12; on deputation to the Hyderabad State (Deccan) as Director of Education, 1913-16. War Work: Sub-Divisional Officer (Rohtak District) ; Deputy Commissioner (Ludhiana and Hissar Districts) ; worked in connection with recruiting in the Punjab ; commended for his success in keeping bis district free from .isturbances during the Punjab troubles in April-May, 1919 ; mem ioned in the Government of India Gazette of 29 July 1919, for valuable services rendered in India in connection with the War awarded the recruiting badge and the badge for voluntary work in India. Club : Orient, Bombay. (09831) LA TOUCHE, Comm. George Henry Stransham, O.B.E, Royal Indian Marine, fi. 10 April, 1872 ; s. of the late Gen. W. P. La Touche, of Wicklow, Deland ; m. Daisy Jerome, d. of Col. JuUus Witkowski, of New York. Educ : Cheltenham. War Work : SomalUand, 1902-4, medal and clasp ; Persian Gulf Arms Traffic Operations, 1910-12, N.G.S. medal and clasp ; 1914 Star, General Service, and Victory medals. Address: 33, Grange Road, Ealing. (O4055) LATTER, Eva, M.B.E, 6. 2 July, 1867 ; d. of Henry Joseph Latter, of Farnborough, Kent. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hon. Sec. Battersea and Clapham War Hospital Supply Depot. Address : 12, Overstrand Mansions, Battersea, S.W. (M8750) LATTER, Flora, M.B.E, 6. 5 Nov. 1865 ; d. of Henry Joseph Latter, of Farnborough, Kent. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, Member of Committee, etc, from 1914 ; London War Pensions, Batter sea Branch, Secretary (Hon.) and Member of Committee from inception ; Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society, Member of Committee. Address : 12, Overstrand Mansions, Battersea, S.W. 11. (M8751) LATTEY, Jane MBude, M.B.E. LATTINORE, Ralph, M.B.E. LAUDER, EUzabeth Shaw, M.B.E. LAUDER, WiUiam Beith, O.B.E, fi. 13 July, 1874; WUUam Lauder, of Glasgow; to. Ada, d. of Charles Goodley, of Nottingham. Educ. : Allan Glen's School, Glasgow ; Glasgow and W. of Scotland Technical CoU. ; and Glasgow Univ. His Majesty's Inspector of Factories and Workshops, Home Office. War Work : Prominent and active member of Tyneside-Scottish Committee, which in 1914 raised a full brigade of men ; the committee was responsible for recruiting, housing, feeding, training and equipping the Tyneside-Scottish Brigade untU taken over by the War Office ; represented the Home Office on the N.E. Coast Armaments Committee, which was formed in 1915 for the purpose of increasing the production of munitions of war ; the committee was formed with Lord 308 BIOGRAPHIES. Lawrence Kitchener's fuU approval and worked under the directions of War Oflice and Admiralty ; National Service Commissioner for N. of England (appointed Jan. 1917) ; engaged at various times on special investigations for Home Office, War Oflice, Admiralty, and Ministry of Munitions. Address : 21, The Poplars, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (010809) LAUGHTON, Elvira Sibyl Marie, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. LAUGHTON, Major Joseph Vinters, C.B.E. Quarter master, T. Capt, and Acting Major, Lancers. Served with the Nile Expedition, 1898 (medal) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C704) LAURENSON, Capt. George, M.B.E. LAURIE, Annie Maopherson, Mrs., M.B.E. LAURIE, Major Herbert, M.B.E, 6. 4 AprU, 1874 ; s. of A. St. G. McAdam Laurie, J.P, of Rochdale, Sevenoaks, Kent. Educ : Sherborne. Stockbroker. Address : Kingston Manor, near Lewes. Clubs : City of London ; M.C.O. (M653) LAURIE, Capt. Rawdon Hastings St. Barbe, M.B.E. LAURIE, T. Capt. Robert Douglas, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. LAURIE, Capt. WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 5 Feb. 1868 ; s. of John Laurie, of Dunscore, Dumfriesshire ; m. Agnes, d. of Alexander Gowdy, of Dublin. War Work : Chief Clerk, Headquarters, Southern Command, Salisbury, 1914-18 ; G.H.Q, Great Britain, London, 1918-19. Address : Thornhill, Dum friesshire. (M5410) LAVENDER, Joseph, M.B.E. late F.R.I.B.A, 6. 3 May, 1862; s. of Frederick Lavender, of WalsaU; m. Emily, d. of Henry Farrington, of WalsaU. Educ. : Privately. Private practice as an Architect in Wolverhampton for many years ; retired 1910 on account of health. War Work : Chair man of 1st Prestatyn Belgian Refugee Relief Committee; Member of Local Tribunal during its existence ; Hon. Sec. Local Committee for War Savings. Address : Plas Gwyn, Prestatyn. (M8754) LA VER, Samuel, M.B.E, 6. 21 Sept. 1861 ; s. of George Laver. Educ : AU Saints' CoU, Hyderabad, Deccan. Mer chant. War Work : Served on the Cantonment Committee of Secunderabad, and for two years ran a Cinema in the Canton ment Theatre ; was also a member of the Protestant Orphanage Committee ; frequently gave free shows at his theatre to wounded soldiers and for charitable purposes. Address : c/o The British India Corporation, Ltd, Cawnpore, U.P. (M6189) LAVERTON, Lieut.-Col. Henry Sanderson, O.B.E. LAVERTON, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Curling, O.B.E., Reserve of Officers, the Black Watch, 6. 26 March, 1875 ; s. of W. H. Laverton, D.L, J.P, of Leighton, Westbury. Educ : Harrow. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (07373) LAVERY, Capt. Andrew, M.B.E. LAVILLE, EUen, M.B.E. LAVY, Rev. Ernest Edward, M.B.E. LAW, Bertha, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 9 Jan. 1868; d. of James Robert Whitworth, of Weston Underwood, Bucks ; m. Edward Ernest, s. of Thomas Law, of Leicester. War Work : Ran a Soldiers' Club for 208th Brigade, 69th Div, 1917-19, at Thoresby Camp, Doncaster, Welbeck Camp, CUpstone Camp, and Brocton Camp. Address : Sunnydene, Wellingborough. (M18755) LAW, Major David, O.B.E. LAW, Laura Jessie, M.B.E, 6. 26 AprU, 1860 ; d. of George Henry Law, of Northampton. Educ. : Aneriey. Hon. Superintend of Balham and Streatham Nursing Division of St. John Ambulance Brigade. War Work : Secretary, St, John's Warehouse, ClerkenweU, for 5 years, under the Joint Committee of the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Address : 58, ManviUe Road, Upper Tooting, S.W. 17. (M3798) LAW, Capt. Robert WilUam Rowland, O.B.E, M.C. LAWDER, Lieut.-Col. Cecil Edward, O.B.E, late R.F.A, and R.A.F, fi. 6 May, 1877 ; s. of J. Ormsby Lawder, D.L, J.P, of Lawderdale, Co. Leitrim ; to. Violet, d. of J. Basden Orr, of Irvine. Educ. : Shrewsbury. R.H.A. and R.F.A. 1900-8; R.H.A, R.F.A. and R.A.F. 1914-19 ; A.D.C. G.O.C. Eastern Dist. Cape Colony, 1902 ; A.D.C. Lieut. Governor Bengal, 1906-7 ; South Africa, 1900 to conclusion. War Work : Provost-Marshal, China Command, 1914-15 ; France and Home Service tiU April, 1919 ; Command of Battery R.F.A, M. of M, S.O. ; R.A.F. Liaison Officer, Independent Air Force. Addresses : Lawderdale, Co. Leitrim ; Tower House, West Dean, SaUsbury. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Bibury ; Newbury Race. LAWDER, Lieut.-Comm. Keith Maeleod, O.B.E. LAWES, Ernest Lingwood, M.B.E, 6. 30 Aug. 18 ; s. of Tom Lawes, of Maidenhead, Berks ; to. Edith Annie, d. of James Larrard, of Croydon. Educ. : Privately. Business Manager. War Work : Inspector, Police Reserve, Southend- on-Sea. Address : 39, Wenham Drive, WestcUff, Essex. (M654) LAWFORD, Emma Ada, M.B.E. LAWLER, Capt. Robert Edward, M.B.E. LAWLESS, Major Thomas, O.B.E. LAWLESS, Emily Anne, Lady CROOKE-, O.B.E. ; d. of c. E. Lawless ; m. 1894, Surgeon Lieut.-Col. Sir Warren Roland Crooke-Lawless, C.B, CLE, C.B.E, M.D. (q.v.). Address : Kil- crone, Cloyne, Co. Cork, Deland. (O1570) LAWLESS, Surgeon Lieut.-Col. Sir Warren Roland 0ROOKE-, Kt, C.B, CLE, C.B.E, M.D, LL.D. (Hon. Cans.), late Surgeon to the Viceroy, fi. 1863 ; to. 1894, EmUy Anne, O.B.E. (q.v.), d. of C E. Lawless. Joined the Army Medical Department, 1886 ; posted to the Coldstream Guards, 1892 ; given a commission in regiment as Surgeon-Major, 1898 ; served throughout the South African War (despatches twice, promoted to rank of Surgeon Lieut.-Col. ; Queen's Medal, 6 clasps; King's Medal, 2 clasps) ; retired 1911 ; D.L. Co. Cork ; Knight of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1911. Address : House Governor Osborne. l.o.W. ; Kilcrone, Cloyne, Co. Cork, Ireland. Clubs: Guards'; Albemarle. (O7990) LAVVLEY, Annie Allen, The Hon. Lady, G.B.E, Lady oi Grace of St. John of Jerusalem ; d. of Sir Edward Cunard, 2nd Bart. ; m. 188fK Hon. Sir Arthur Lawley, 4th s. of 2nd Baron Wenlock (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Secretary to Queen Mary's Needlework Guild. Address: 9, Sevmour Street, W. 1. (DG1) LAWLOR, Lieut. Leslie, O.B.E, R.N.R. LAWN, James Gunson, C.B.E. Sometime Professor, Johannesburg School of Mines ; Controller, Explosives Supply Dept. Ministry of Munitions, during the Great War. LAWRANCE, Major Kenneth Edward, O.B.E. LAWRENCE, Alexander Samuel, M.B.E, 6. 7 Mar. 1876; s. of Surgeon-Captain James Lawrence, of Belgaum, Bombay Presidency, India ; m. Florence Ethel, d. of — Brinkworth, of Simla. Educ. : Cathedral High School, Bombay. Super intendent, Home Department, Government of India. War Work : Dealt with all the war work in the Home Dept. of the Govt, of India, i.e. the civil side relating to internal India, Was mentioned on both occasions in the supplement to the Honors Gazette for good work done in connection with the war. Addresses : 22a, Goldstone Villas, Hove, near Brighton ; Supt. Home Dept, Govt, of India, Simla. (M4175) LAWRENCE, Capt. Alfred, O.B.E, R.A.O.C LAWRENCE, Alfred Clive, C.B.E, 6. 1876 ; s. of the Hon. Sir Alfred Tristram Lawrence. Educ. : Haileybury ; Trin. Hall, Camb. Barrister Middle Temple, 1902 ; Revising Barrister, 1914 ; Director of Intelligence Branch, Procurator- Gen. 's Depart, since 1914. Addresses : 10, South Street, May- fair, W. ; 7, Fig Tree Court, Temple, E.C. ; Bunce's Farm, Birch Grove, E. Grinstead. Clubs : Garrick ; Oxford and Cambridge. (C218) LAWRENCE, Angel Lawrence, M.B.E, 6. 1892 ; d. ot Lieut.-Col. Henry J. Lawrence, of The Haven, Sandecotes, Parkstone, Dorset. Educ. : St. Leonard's ; St. Andrews ; Girton CoUege, Cambridge, (1st- Class Historical Tripos). Assistant Secretary, War Committee, British Medical Associa tion, 1915 ; Intelligence Officer, British Medical Association, 1919; Vice-President, Women Clerks' Association. War Work: Work on Farm land, 1915, followed by War Committee of British Medical Association Assistant Secretaryship. Address : 16, St. Mary's Mansions, Paddington, W. (M2019) LAWRENCE, Aubrey Trevor, M.B.E, LAWRENCE, Cecil John Rhodes, O.B.E. (06652) LAWRENCE, Dora Muriel, M.B.E. LAWRENCE, Dorothy Helen, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of the ate Anthony Pemberton Hobson ; m. Alexander Graham, 3rd Baron Lawrence, only son of 2nd Baron Lawrence (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Founded Munition Makers' Canteen Committee (President, May, 1915 to Jan. 1917) ; Adviser to Welfare Dept, Ministry of Munitions, May, 1917 to end of war. Address : Stanhope Park, Greenford, Middlesex. Club : Ladies' Imperial. (C2749) LAWRENCE, Elizabeth Mary Hilda, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of the late WUliam Sumner Rawcliffe, of Haigh, Lancashire ; to. Edward, s. of the late James Lawrence, J.P, CC, of Chorley, Lancashire. Educ : Privately. War Work : Part Founder and Superintendent of the Wigan Work Room, British Red Cross Society, 1915-19. Address : Worthington Lodge, Worthington, near Wigan, Lancs. (M2020) LAWRENCE, Capt. Eric Nathan Samuel, M.B.E, LAWRENCE, Major Ernest Harry Thome, O.B.E, 6. 20 Feb. 1877 ; s. of A. F. Lawrence, of Brighton ; m. Elaine Winning, d. of J. Cousins, of Brighton. Assistant Commis sioner of Police, Uganda. Major Reserve of Officers, late 4th Connaught Rangers ; served in S.A. War 1900-2 ; ap pointed Officer in Charge, Defence Measures, Uganda, Aug. 1914 ; Commandant, Uganda Volunteer Reserve ; Provost- Marshal, Uganda ; Commanded Uganda Police Service Battns. Dec. 1914 to Jan. 1917. Address : Uganda. Clubs : Junior Naval and MUitary. (06734) LAWRENCE, Capt. Francis Henry, M.B.E, R.G.A. LAWRENCE, Major Frederick George, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6 21 Aug. 1874 ; s. of the late Hugh Man Lawrence, of Brecon and Blackheath; to. Frances Mary d. of the late Osborne Edward Mortimer, of Croydon. Educ : WeUington Coll. South Wales Borderers. War Work : Served with 1st Batt. in France during the Retreat and afterwards ; Commandant G H Q. Cadet School, France ; D.A.Q.M.G. 33rd Div. and Fourth Army, France ; A.Q.M.G. XV. Corps, France ; and A A M G, Southern Command, SaUsbury. Address : 2nd Batt. South Wales Borderers, Jhansi, India. Club : United Service. (08856) LAWRENCE, Lieut.-Col. Hervey Major, D.S.O, O.B.E. LAWRENCE, Isaac, M.B.E, fi. 5 Nov. 1863 ; s. of WiUiam- Lawrence, of Stroud, Glos. ; d. of Richard Banting, of Southsea ; Educ : National School, Stroud, Glos. Chief Clerk, General Staff Headquarters, Southern Command ; Pensioner Sergeant, Royal Marine ArtiUery, (served 21 years). War Work : Mobilised 4 Aug. 1914, with Royal Fleet Reserve. Returned to duty as Chief Clerk, General Staff, 26 August, 1914, and continued as Chief Clerk up to May, 1920. Address : 2, Queen Alexandra Road, Bemerton, Salisbury. Clubs : Portsmouth Masonic ; Fisherton Liberal. (M8758) 309 Lawrence THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. LAWRENCE, Capt. James, M.B.E. LAWRENCE, John Henry, O.B.E. LAWRENCE, Lister James Harvey, C.B.E. Reuter s Special Correspondent with British Fleet at Dardanelles, and with French Armies during the Great War. LAWRENCE, Margaret AUce, Lady, M.B.E. ; d. of Joseph Jackson, of Southport, and widow of the late Sir Joseph, s. of the late PhUip Lawrence, of Zante. War Work : Vice-President, Coulsdon and Purley B.R.C. Division War Hospital Supply Depot. Address : Oaklands, Kenley, Surrey. LAWRENCE, Thomas David, M.B.E. LAWRENSON, Thomas Alfred, O.B.E. LAWRIE, Annie, Mrs. MACPHERSON-, O.B.E. ; d. of Rev. Samuel Johnson Smith, of Smitliboro' and Orchard Vale, Co. Monaghan ; m. James Macpherson-Lawrie. War Work : Appointed Vice-President of Dorset Branch B.R.C.S. in 1911 ; organised and equipped four Red Cross Hospitals in Weymouth, complete and ready for duty with full medical and surgical staffs, on outbreak of war ; awarded decorations from the Czarina of Russia and King of the Belgians. Address : Green- hiU, Weymouth, Dorset. (03793) LAWRY, Major Raymond Alexander Reid, O.B.E. LA WRY, William, M.B.E, 29 Aug. 1879 ; s. of William Lawry, of St. Ives, Cornwall ; m. Kitty Lang, d. of WiUiam Lang Harry, of St. Ives, CornwaU. Educ. : National Schools, St. Ives, CornwaU. Organiser of Fisheries to Fisheries Organisa tion Society ; Secretary, Cornish Fishing Vessels Insurance Society ; Port Fishery Officer. War Work : Secretary, War Savings Association ; Organisation of Fishing Fleet under Protection, 1917-20 ; Sec. to St. Ives Fishermen's Society. Address : 35, Trenwith Place, St. Ives, Cornwall. (M8760) LAWS, Ernest, M.B.E. Staff Clerk, Local Government Board (now Ministry of Health). War Work : Asst. Sec, London InteUigence Committee ; Asst. to Sec, National Register Committee ; Asst. in Military Service Tribunals Dept, Local Govt. Board. Addresses : Ministry of Health, WhitehaU, S.W. 1 ; 158, Palmerston Road, Bowes Park, London, N. (M657) LAWS, Major Frederick Charles Victor, O.B.E. LAWS, Percy Charles WiUoughby.O. B.E, M.A, L.M.S.S.A, 6. 11 Jan. 1870 ; s. of Joseph Christopher Laws, of Brighton, Sussex. Educ. : University CoU. School, London ; Wadham CoU, Oxford; St. George's Hospital, London. Formerly Lecturer in Bacteriology at the Durham Univ. CoU. of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; now Pathologist to the War Pensions Hospital, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Work : Held the post of Bacteriologist to No. 1 Area, Northern Command, for the Investigation of Cerebro-spinal Fever amongst the troops, from Aug. 1915 to March, 1920 ; in addition was Bacteriologist to 1st Northern General Hospital, March, 1917, to June, 1919 ; Pathologist and Bacteriologist to the Northumberland War Hospital and Special Surgical MiUtary Hospital, Newcastle-on- Tyne, May, 1919, to March, 1920. Address . 31, St. George's Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (011819) LAWSON, Sir Arnold, K.B.E, F.R.CS. Eng, 6. 4 Dec 1867 ; s. of George Lawson, F.R.CS. Eng of 12, Harley Street, London, W. ; to. Helen Hargreaves, d. of Andrew Clark, F.R.CS. Eng, of Cowley Grove, Uxbridge. Educ. : Merchant Taylor's School ; Middlesex Hospital Medical School. Senior Ophthalmic Surgeon and Lecturer on Ophthalmology Middlesex Hospital. War Work : For five years Hon. Surg, to St. Dunstan's Hostel for BUnded Sailors and Soldiers ; Hon. Ophthalmic Surgeon to many other War Hospitals, including Prince of Wales Hospital for Officers, King Edward VII. Hospital tor Officers, the Duke of Rutland and Park Lane Hospitals for Officers ; twice mentioned in Secretary of State's Lists. Address : 12, Harley Street, London, W. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Northwood Golf. (K459) LAWSON, Emma Louisa, M.B.E. LAWSON, Lieut.-Col. Eric St. John, O.B.E. LAWSON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Ernest Evelyn Lister, O.B.E. LAWSON, Major Francis Bernard, O.B.E, 6. 22 July, 1861; s. of Rev. G. Lawson, of Upleadon, Gloucester ; m. EmUie Marian, d. of Rev. G. Garrett, of Kilmeague, Naas, Ireland. Educ. : Marlborough ; Sandhurst. Served in Northamptonshire Regt, Jan. 1880, to Jan. 1897. War Work : Recruiting. Address : 12, Wellington Court, Knigbts- bridge, S.W. Clubs : Junior United Service, Ranelagh, and Royal AutomobUe. (01572) LAWSON, Lieut. John Boyd, M.B.E, R.E. (T.). LAWSON, Lieut. John Cuthbert, O.B.E, M.A, R.N.V.R. LAWSON, Capt. John Hanson, O.B.E, R.E. LAWSON, Mildred Zacyntha, Mrs, M.B.E. LAWSON, NeUie EUzabeth, Mrs.. M.B.E. LAWSON, Noel John CecU, M.B.E, fi. 9 Dec. 1886 ; s. of F. W. Lawson, of Chelsea ; m. Edith Mathews, d. of Charles Dickey Monteith, of Exmouth. Educ. : St. LawTence's CoU, .Ramsgate; and School Ship H.M.S. "Conway." In com mand of Eastern Telegraph Company's cable ship, laying and repairing submarine telegraph cables, etc. Address : 2, Carlton Hill, Exmouth. (M8702) LAWSON, Capt. Wentworth Dillon, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. n ¦i^'W,?,?N\ Wiffi™. M.B.E, N.D.A. (Hons.), N.D.D, CD.A. (Glas.), 6. 11 Aug. 1882. Organiser of Agricultural Education for West Sussex County Council. War Work : Chief Executive Officer, West Sussex Agricultural Executive Committee. Address : County Hall, Chichester. (M8763) LAWSON, Lady Wilma, C.B.E, d. of the 5th Earl of Radnor (see Burke's Peerage), and widow of Edward George, 2nd Earl of Lathom (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 16 Nov. 1912, Lieut -Gen. Sir Henry Meyrick, K.C.B, late A.D.C. p.s.c. R.E. ; s of the late Rt. Hon. James A. Lawson, P.C, of Dublin. (C3106e) LAWSON, Catherine Adah, Mrs. KERR-, O.B.E. LAWTHER, James Alfred, M.B.E. LAWTON, Frank Warburton, O.B.E, 6. 26 Oct. 1881; 8. of John Lawton, of Heaton Mersey ; to. Violet Miriam, d. of George Dickinson Savage, of Stratford-on-Avon. Educ. : Macclesfield and King's CoU, London. SoUcitor; Assistant in the Dept of H.M. Procurator-General. War Work : Served as a trooper in the City of London (Rough Riders) LY. in South Africa, 1900 ; engaged on Prize Court work from Sept. 1914 onwards throughout the Great War. Address : 70, Bishops Mansions, S.W. 6. (0157.3) LAWTON, Major Frederick Donald Herbert Blois, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. LAY, Capt. John Richard, O.B.E. LAYARD, Major Arthur Raymond, O.B.E, R.A.F. LAYLAND, Comm. Henry, O.B.E, R.N.R. LAYTON, Maud Matilda, M.B.E, fi. 1876 ; d. of WiUiam Layton, of London. Educ. : Folkestone and Germany, War Work : Head Masseuse in the Military Massage Service ; in charge of Massage and Electrical Departments at the 3rd London General Hospital, Wandsworth, 1915-20. Address ; 55, West Side, Wandsworth Common, S.W.18 (M658) LAYTON, Capt. Peroival Norman, C.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. War Work : 1914-19, Commodore of Convoys (despatches). (C2316) LAYTON, Walter Thomas, C.B.E, CH, 6. 15 Mar. 1884 ; s. of Alfred John Layton ; to. Eleanor Dorothea, d. ot F P. Osmaston. Educ. : King's CoU. School, London ; City of Westminster ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge. FeUow of Caius Coll, Cambridge ; University Lecturer ; Newmarch Lecturer, London University ; Assistant Editor " Economist " ; W.E.A. Lecturer for Portsmouth and Leicester. War Work : Director of Statistics at Ministry of Munitions ; Member of Munitions Council ; subsequently Director of Nat. Fed. of Iron and Steel Manufacturers ; temporarily Director of Economic Section of League of Nations. Addresses : HUlside, Wey bridge, Surrey ; League of Nations Office, 16 Curzon Street. Club : National Liberal. (C39) LAZARUS, Emanuel Samuel, O.B.E. LAZENBY, Frederick George, C.B.E. Wounded and Missing Dept. British Red Cross, during the Great War. LEA, Doris, M.B.E. LEA, Hon. Capt. Frederick, O.B.E, D.Sc, M.Inst.CE, M.I.M, A.R.C.S, Wh.Sc, R.A.F, 6. 25 June, 1871 ; s. of Measham Lea, of Crewe ; to. AUce, d. of the Rev. W. R. Sunman. Educ. : Owens Coll. Manchester, and Royal CoU. of Science, London. Professor of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Birmingham. War Work : Served as Lieut. R.N.V.R, and Capt. R.A.F, and on Government Committees dealing with aircraft. Researches in connection with Aeroplanes and Rigid Airships. Addresses: Elmsdale, Mayfield Road, Moseley ; University, Birmingham. (010813) LEA, Capt. George Edward, O.B.E, Mercantile Marine, 6. 2 Nov. 1878 ; s. of Joseph Lea, of Goole ; m. Edith Emma, d. of Charles D. Moore, of Goole. Educ. : Goole. Master Mariner. War Work : Captain of one of His Majesty's MUitary Transports, conveying munitions of war to France, 1914 to Nov. 1918.' Address : 9, CecU Street, Goole, Yorkshire. LEA, Measham, O.B.E, M.I.C.E, 6. 3 July, 186? ; s. of Measham Lea, of Crewe ; m. Annie, d. of Alfred Kingston, F.R.H.S, of London. Educ. : Crewe. Civil Engineer; Chief Engineer to Miinicipality, City of Karachi, India ; Member In stitution Municipal and County Engineers, of the CouncU and or the Examination Board, and Member, Royal Sanitary Institute. War Work : Engaged as Chief Engineer, Karachi, which city formed an important War base for troops for Mesopotamia, East Africa, and Europe ; received the special thanks of the mUitary authorities. Addresses: Seafield Road, Karachi, India ; The Homestead, Sandford Road, Moseley, Bhminghain. Club : Sind. (09832) LEACH, Arthur John, M.B.E. LEACH, Charles Henry, M.B.E, J.P. , LEACH, Claude Pemberton, M.B.E, 6. 1858; I. of Sir G. A. Leach, K.C.B, R.E.; m. Mary Champain, _. of Thomas Leach, J.P, of Ryde, I.W. Educ: Highgate School. Architect. War Work : Inventor of Leach's Trench Catapult ; Worker for Red Cross Hospital Supplies ; Inspector of Prisoners ot War Parcels. Address : 21, Pelham Crescent, S.W.7. Club ' . Ranelagh (M8765) LEACH, Dame Florence Edith Victoria, D.B.E, 6. 9 Oct. 1874 ; d. of Colonel W. FitzA. Way ; m. Henry Edmund Burleigh, s. of Gen. Sir E. Leach, K.C.B. Educ • Privately; France ; Germany. War Work : Commandant Military Cookery Section, Women's Legion ; ControUer-in-Chief Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps. Address : 7, St. Leonard s Mansions, Chelsea, S.W. 3. (u"' LEACH, Frank, M.B.E. „ „ „ LEACH, Brig.-Gen. Harold Pemberton, C.B, C.B.E, D.S.O.. late R.E, 6. 14 AprU, 1851 ; s. of the late Sir George Archibald Leach, K.C.B, Royal Engineers. Educ. : Cholmeley School, Highgate, and Royal MUitary Academy. Afghan war, 1st Div. Khyber Field Force, 1878-79 (despatches), Kurram Vallev. 1879-80 (dosnatches. thanks of Govt, of India, medal 310 VaUey, 1879-80 (despatches, thanks of Govt, of India, BIOGRAPHIES. Leeky with clasp) ; NUe Expedition, 1884-85 (medal with 2 clasps, Bronze Star, Brevet of Major) ; Lushai Expedition, 1888-89 (Honourably mentioned, medal with clasp) ; Chin Lushai Expedition, 1889-90 (despatches, clasp, Brevet of Lieut.-Col., D.8.0. Birthday Gazette, 1891); Chitral Relief Force, 1895 (despatches, medal with clasp, C.B.). War Work : 1914-17, 1st Reserve Brigade (Secretary of State's list, C.B.E.). Address : 139, Gloucester Road, S.W. 7. Cfefis .• United Service ; Ranelagh. (C1655) LEACH, Marian, Mrs., O.B.E. LEACH, Mary Summer, M.B.E. LEACH, Milton, M.B.E. LEACH, Riohard, O.B.E, 6. March, 1863: s. of WiUiam leach, of Bradford, Yorks. ; to. Elouise Annie, d. of R. J. Pearl, of Canonbury, N. Entered the Civil Service in Nov. 1881, and served successively in the Veterinary Dept. (Ireland), the 'Board of Trade, and the Ministry of Labour. Retired! in Dec. 1918 on account of Ul-health. Address : 22, Muswell Road, MusweU HiU, N.10. (01576) LEACH, Major Riohard Ernest HoweU, O.B.E, M.A, M.D, B.Ch. (Oxon), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), R.A.M.C, 6. 21 Nov. 1874. Educ. : Rugby ; Merton Coll, Oxford ; St. Thomas's Hospital. Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Served with E.E.F. 1915-19; Registrar 31st and 88th General Hospitals. Address : 16, ArgyU Road, Kensington, London, W. 8. Club : Public Schools. (06221) LEACH, WilUam, M.B.E. LEAHY, Lieut.-Col. Henry Gordon, O.B.E, J.P, R.A. (ret.), _>.a.c, Lefroy Gold Medal, 6. 21 Jan. 1868 ; s. of the late Colonel Arthur Leahy, R.E, of Flesk, KiUarney ; m. EUen EUzabeth, d. of WUliam Johnson, formerly of BarnshUl, Wavertree, Lancs. Educ : Cheltenham CoU, and Royal MUitary Academy. War Work : Inspector of Guns and Carriages, 1914 ; Inspector of Guns 1914-15 ; Commanded 22nd Heavy Brigade, R.G.A, Aug. 1915 ; Commanded R.G.A. Sheerness, and No. 12 Fire Command, 1916-18. Address : Carriglea House, KiUarney, Co. Kerry. Club : Army and Navy. (07376) LEAHY, Eng.-Comm. James Palmer, O.B.E, R.N. LEAHY, Lieut.-Col. John Patrick Daunt, C.B.E. New Zealand Med. Corps. Served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1860) LEAK, Daniel Arthur, O.B.E, I.S.O. LEAKE, Major Claude Lancelot, O.B.E. M.C. LEAKE, Frederiok Osborne Simeon, O.B.E. LEAKE, Sidney Henry, O.B.E, 6. 31 May, 1892 ; s. of Henry Leake, of York. Educ. : Model School Training CoU, York. War Work : Secretarial Officer and Private Sec to Secretary, Ministry of Munitions ; Capt. on Special List whUst attached to Munitions Mission to Russia in 1917. Address : 13, Hermitage Road, Richmond, Surrey. Ctefi : National Liberal. (010816) LEAL, Winifred Marie Louise, M.B.E, 6. 30 Dec. 1880 ; s. of late Charles Edward Leal, G.P.O. (S.B. Dept.). Educ. : North London CoUegiate School. Salvation Army Officer. War Work : France, Jan. 1916 to Aug. 1917, Etaples, visiting and writing letters for the dangerously wounded ; Sept. 1917 to Armistice, Le Treport ; Armistice to July 1919 with the Rhine Army working for the benefit of our troops. Address : 15, Taviton Street, Gordon Square, London, W.C 1. (M10251fi) LEAMY, Major Alfred, O.B.E. LEAN, Janette Winifred, M.B.E, A.R.CM, 6. 17 Oct. 1893 ; d. of Lieut.-Col. W. W. Lean, late 5th Bengal Cavahy. Educ : Redmoor, and Royal College of Music. War Work : Hon. Organising Sec. First Aid Nursing Yeomanry, Passport Dept, British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John of Jerusalem. (M8767) LEANE, Col. Edwin Thomas, C.B.E, Aust. A.V.C LEANING, WiUiam, M.B.E. LEAPINGWELL, Major Louis Albert, M.B.E, R.E. LEARMONT, Capt. John, O.B.E, J.P, D.L. LEARMONTH, Rear-Adm. Frederick Charles, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 1866 ; s. of the late Alexander Learmonth, M.P. Entered R.N. 1879 ; joined Hydrographic Service, 1891 ; has made surveys in all parts of the world 'thrice thanked by Admiralty) ; became Superintendent of Charts at Admiralty, 1908 ; Hydrographer to the Navy, 1919 ; Director of Fixed Defences, 1918-19 ; Legion of Honour. Address: 87, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. CTitfis; United Service ; Junior Constitutional. (C902) LEARMONTH, Agnes Moore, Mrs, LIVINGSTONE-, C.B.E., M.D. Served in the Great War, 1914-19, with R.A.M.C. (despatches). LEARMOUTH, Lieut. Archibald Thomas, O.B.E, LgAROYD, Col. Charles Douglas, C.B.E. LEAROYD, Joan Vera Douglas, O.B.E. LEAROYD, Lieut. Leonard, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. LEARY, Dennis Donald, M.B.E. LEASK, Capt. James Bruce, O.B.E. LEATHAM, Capt. Nigel Clere, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. LEATHER, Lieut.-Col. Kenneth John Walters, C.B.E., ?;-.LJtlly> 1878 ; s. of the late Frederick John Leather, of Middleton Hall, Belford, Northumberland ; to. SybU Margarate, ,M Arthur Laing, of Sunderland. Educ. : Wellington CoU, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. 2nd Lieut. 3rd (now 4th) Batt. Durham Light Infantry, March, 1898 ; 2nd Lieut. 1st Batt. Durham L.I, Sept. 1899; South Africa, Nov. 1899-1902 (5 clasps, Queen's Medal ; 2 clasps, King's Medal) ; resigned commission and appointed Major and 2nd in Command 4th Extra Special Reserve Batt. Durham Light Infantry, March 1912 ; to Command, 22 March 1918. War Work : 2nd in Com mand 4th Batt. Durham L.I. to Aug. 11, 1915 ; appointed to Command 20th Batt. (Wearslde) Durham Light Infantry, which was raised by the Sunderland Recruiting Committee at the latter end of that month ; went to France with the 41st Division at the end of April, 1916 ; severely wounded, July, 1916 ; attached Eastern Command Headquarters, March, 1917-18 ; appointed to command the 4th Extra Special Reserve Batt. Durham Light Infantry, March, 1918. Address : Whalton, Northumberland. (C1656) LEATHERBARROW, Edward John, M.B.E. LEATHES, Major Carteret de Mussenden, O.B.E. LEATHES, Major Herbert de Mussenden, O.B.E, 6. 16 Nov. 1863 ; s. of Col. H. de Mussenden Leathes, of Herring- fleet Hall, Suffolk (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Agnes Isabel, d. of Mr. Justice Stephens, LL.D. Educ. : HaUeybury, and Royal Agricultural Coll. Cirencester. Guardian to Rajah Sahib of Pooneh. War Work : Commanded 2/5th Yorks. Regt, and 15th Yorks. Regt. ; 2nd in Command 13th Yorks. Regt, and 1st Gar. Batt. Scottish Rifles ; Organising Sec R.A.T.A, Simla ; Provost Marshal, 2nd Rawalpindi Div. and Kashmir. Address : Kashmir House, Ajmer, Rajputana. (08496) LEAVER, Frederick John, M.B.E, fi. 1 March, 1872; s. of Frederick Leaver, of Newbury ; to. Frances Elizabeth, d. of Richard Tomsett, of Bognor. Educ. : Newbury Grammar School. Raw Material Buyer in the Chocolate Dept. of Nestle, Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. War Work : Deputy Manager and Buyer for the Central Prisoners of War Committee of the British Red Cross Society. Address : Berstead, Purley Oaks Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. (M3800) LEAVER, Capt. Gray, M.B.E. LEANER, Kate Rose, Mrs., M.B.E. LEAVIS, Major Henry, C.B.E, 6. 1 July, 1886; s. of the late James Hicks Leavis, of Cork ; m. Josephine Rita, niece of the Earl of Reading. Educ: Carmichael School- Presentation CoU, Cork ; Private Study. Divisional Road Transport Officer, London and Home Counties Division. War Work : Enlisted Aug. 1914 ; Gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.A.S.C. Sept. 1914 ; promoted Major Feb. 1917 ; Mentioned in De spatches, 1919 ; awarded C.B.E, 1920 ; served in France, 1914-19. Address: 45, Bryanston Street, W. 1. (C2752) LE BRETON, Clement Martin, O.B.E, K.C ; s. of the Very Rev. W. 0. le Breton, M.A, Dean of Jersey. Educ : Victoria Coll, Jersey, and Sandhurst. Recorder of Sudbury ; Chairman of Trade Boards. War Work : Commissioner Civil Liabilities ; Chairman of Trade Boards ; Arbitrator in Indus trial Disputes for Minister of Labour. Clubs : Reform ; Orleans. (0495) LE BRUN, Paymaster-Comm. WiUiam Henry, C.B.E. LEBUS, Herman Andrew Harris, C.B.E, 6. 1 June, 1884 ; s. of Harris Lebus, of London ; to. Ethel Hart Harris, d. of Charles Hart, of Chicago, 111, U.S.A. Partner in Messrs. Harris Lebus, of Tabernacle Street, E.C. 2, and Tottenham, N. i 7. Address : 6, Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W. 8. Clubs: Junior Constitutional ; Royal Automobile. (03)06/) LECHE, John Hurleston, O.B.E, Knight of Order of the Crown of Belgium, fi. 21 Nov. 1889 ; s. of John Hurleston, of Carden Park, Chester (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Amy Violet, d. of Clement WUliam Joseph Unthank, of Intwood HaU, Norwich. Educ : Eton, and Sandhurst. 2nd Lieut. 12th Lancers, Feb. 1910 to Nov. 1913 ; Lieut. 12th Lancers Special Reserve ; appointed 3rd Sec. Diplomatic Service, June, 1919. War Work : Served with 12th Lancers in France and Belgium, and on the Staff as General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade. Addresses : Carden Park, Chester ; Stretton Hall, Malpas. Clubs: Carlton; White's. (O5470) LECK, William, M.B.E. LECKIE, Col. John Edwards, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, B.Sc, fi. 19 Feb. 1872 ; s. of the late Major Robert Gilmour Leckie. Educ. : Bishops CoU. School, LennoxviUe ; Royal Military Coll, Canada ; King's Coll, Windsor, N.S. Mining Engineer. War Work : Lieut. Lord Strathcona's Horse, South Africa (Despatches and D.S.O.) ; Capt. 2nd Can. Mtd. Rifles, South Africa; Major, 2nd in Command 16th Batt. The Canadian Scottish, 1914; Lieut.-Col. and O.C 16th Batt. 1915; De spatches and C.M.G. ; Col. Commanding 2nd Can. Res. Brigade, 1917 ; Col. " Syren " Party, N.R.E.F. Murman Coast, 1918-19 ; Despatches, Croix de Guerre, Order of St. Vladimir. Address : Vancouver, B.C. (C2359A) LECKY, Col. John Gage, C.B.E, fi. 19 July, 1872 ; s. of Col. George Lecky, late of the Indian Army ; m. Ethelberta Theodosia, d. of Hunt Walsh Leech, of Castleroe, Coleraine, Co. Derry, Ireland. Educ. : Llandulas House (N. Wales) ; Repton School ; Sandhurst. War Work : Senior Supply Officer (5th Division), B.E.F, Aug. 1914 to Dec. 1914 (Major) ; O.C, 5th Divisional Train, Dec. 1914 to Dec. 1915 (Lieut.-Col.) ; to United Kingdom as O.C, 40th Divisional Train (New Army), Dec. 1915 to May, 1916 ; O.C, 40th Divisional Train, B.E.F, June, 1916, to Oct. 1917 ; O.C, Base Supply Depot, Havre, Jan. 1918 to May, 1918 ; Assistant Director of Supplies, Base Ports, May, 1918 to Aug. 1918 ; Deputy Director of Supplies, Investigation Department, Aug. 1918 to July, 1919 (T. Col.) ; Deputy Director of SuppUes, British Troops in France and Flanders, July to Dec. 1919 (T. Col.) ; Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport, British Forces on the 311 Lecomber THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Rhine, Dec. 1919 ; Promoted Substantive Col. to date from Feb. 1919 ; mentioned in despatches four times. Address : Castleroe, Coleraine, Co. Derry, Ireland. Club: United Sports. (C1279) LECOMBER, Capt. Harold Roger, O.B.E, R.A.F. LECOURT, Rev. Gustave Alexander Vincent, M.B.E, O.S.M, fi. 2 Sept. 1885 ; to. Gustave Alexander Lecourt, of Cork, Ireland. Educ. : England and Bologna, Italy. British Roman Catholic Chaplain in Brussels, from March, 1914, until Sept. 1919. War Work : Member of the various societies in Belgium for helping British subjects both civil and military in hiding, etc. Addresses : 264, Fulham Road, London, S.W. ; The Priory, Clarence Road, Bognor, Sussex. (M8769) LEDBURY, Rowland Egbert, M.B.E, 6. 26 Aug. 1875 ; s. of Francis Rowland Ledbury, of Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts. Assistant Commissioner, Ministry of Food ; Hon. Treas. Walsall General Hospital ; Member, Walsall Naval Military War Pensions Committee ; organiser of Weekly Entertainments for Wounded Sailors and Soldiers, Walsall and District, from Nov. 1914-18 (Honorary) ; organiser of Flag Days and other collections on behalf of the Mayor's Local War Fund, 1915- 18. Address : Rochefort, Rushall, nr. Walsall. Club : Unionist, Walsall. (M8770) LEDEBOER, Flight Lieut. John Henry, M.B.E, R.A.F. LEDGARD, Reginald Armitage, O.B.E. LEDGER, Sidney Seaward, M.B.E. LEDINGHAM, Alexander, M.B.E, M.A, M.D, D.P.H, 6. 15 Sept. 1872 ; s. of Rev. James Ledingham. of Boyndie, Banff ; m. Louisa Lemmon, d. of WUUam L. Stewart, M.D, of Falcon Avenue, Edinburgh. Educ. : Aberdeen Univ. Minister of the Parish of Boyndie ; Medical Officer of Health of the County of Banff. War Work : County Director of the Banffshire Branch of the British Red Cross Society ; Lance- Corporal of the Banff Company of the Banffshire Volunteer Battalion. Address : 43, High Street, Banff. (M8772) LEDLIE, James Crawford, O.B.E, M.A, B.C.L, fi. 29 April, 1860 ; s. of Alexander Holmes, late of Calcutta ; to. Lily, d. of J. C Ledlie, late of Endsleigh, Cork. Educ. : Heidelberg and Lincoln CoU, Oxford. Chief Clerk of the Judicial Department of the Privy Council Office, 1902-9 ; Chief Clerk of the Privy Council Office and Deputy-Clerk of the Council since 1909. War Work : In connection with the Privy Council Export Licence Department, 1914-15. Addresses : Privy Council Office, Whitehall, S.W. ; The Garth, Cobham, Surrey. Club : Oxford and Cambridge Musical. (049e) LEDWARD, Lieut.-Col. Harold, O.B.E. LEE, Lieut. Albert Victor, M.B.E. LEE, Lieut. Alestair, M.B.E, R.A.F. LEE OF FAREHAM, Col. The Right Hon. Arthur Hamilton, Lord, P.C, G.B.E, K.C.B, J.P, Knight of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem (see Burke's Peerage), 6. 8 Nov. 1868 ; s. of Rev Melville Lee, of Bridport, Dorset ; to. Ruth, d of John Godfrey Moore, of New York, U.S.A. Educ. Cheltenham ; R.M.A. Woolwich. Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries; Col. General Reserve of Officers. War Work: Service with B.E.F. in France and Flanders, Sept. 1914, to Oct. 1915 as Colonel and Liaison Officer at G.H.Q. (1914 Star and clasp) ; Parliamentary Mili tary Secretary, Ministry of Munitions, Nov. 1915, to July, 1916 ; Personal Mil. Sec. to Sec. of State for War (Mr. Lloyd George), July, 1916, to Dec. 1916 ; Director-Gen. of Food Production, Feb. 1917, to July, 1918. Address : 2, The Abbey Garden, Westminster, S.W. Clubs : Athenaeum ; United Service ; Burlington Fine Arts. (G28) LEE, Lieut.Col. Arthur Neale, D.S.O, O.B E T D Notts and Derby Regt. ; Gen. Staff Officer ; served in the Great War, 1914-19. (O2609) LEE, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Lionel, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 27 Feb. 1867 ; s. of the late Vaughan H. Vaughan-Lee, of DUUngton Park, Somerset ; to. Rose, d. of LleweUyn LleweUyn, of Nethway, Devon. Entered the Royal Navy as Naval Cadet, 1880 ; served in the Egyptian War ; Lieut. 1887 ; Commander 1889 ; Capt. 1904 ; Rear-Admiral 1915 ; Naval A.D.C. to the King, 1914. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (K357) LEE, Lieut. Emsley Mark, O.B.E, R N V R LEE, Capt. Eric AUred, M.B.E, Aust. I.F. LEE, Brig.-Gen. Francis, C.B.E, 6. 1866. Col. and Hon Brig.-Gen. in the Army ; served in SomaUland, 1903-4 (medal with two clasps); Great War, 1914-15 (despatches). (C1657) LEE, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Reginald, M.B.E, V.D M A (Oxon.), I.D.F. (ret.) 6. 2 July, 1861 ; s. of the Rev. F. G. Lee, D.D, of Thame, Co. Oxon. ; m. Mary Morwenna, d. of Lieut.-Col. C. E. Cardew, J.P, of Wadebridge, Cornwall. Educ. : King's Coll London, and Oxford. For nearly 30 years an officer of the Indian Volunteer Service ; before the war an active member of Lord Roberts' National Service League ; author of " Prac tical I Swordsmanship " and many articles on military subjects in the Royal United Service Magazine, India." War Work : Served on the Burma Divisional Staff as Instructor in Pistol Shooting. Address: Taunggyi, S. Shan States, Burma. (M4178) „f i£ E; Geo/ee> MJf.E, 6. 23 Feb. 1880 ; s. of George Lee, of Portsmouth; m. Florence, d. of George Warren, of Ports- ?i0o„ 1- $f;'- C,ta^ers.' Civil Service Academy, Southsea. Inspector, Electrical Engineers' Department, H.M. Dockyard, S™*'/-? ^orS: Assistant Electrical Overseer n,SKW,. ,and._Newcastle District; from 1916 Electrical S™„i ti™ ^fif8' LlYerpool District. Addresses: 334, BSenheld?1 ^"^ llVerp0ol; 79' Gor8efleld(M^^; LEE, Major George, M.B.E, R.A. LEE, Harriet Louise, Mrs, M.B.E. LEE, Henry Blott, M.B.E, 6. 4 April, 1872 ; s. of John Lee, of Gt. Yarmouth. Educ. : Belle Vue House School, Eaton Park, Norwich. Managing Director and Secretary of Yarmouth Mercury, Ltd, Newspaper Proprietors. War Work : Divisional Leader, Gt. Yarmouth Special Constabu lary. Address : 9, Gordon Road, Southtown, Great Yarmouth (M8774) LEE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Herbert Benjamin, O.B.E, R.A.M.C LEE, Herbert Newton, O.B.E. LEE, Paymaster-Lieut. Herbert Victor, O.B.E, R.N.R. LEE, Hugh Warren, O.B.E. LEE, Jane Winfred, Mrs., M.B.E. LEE, Capt. John Dalby, M.B.E. LEE, John Robert, O.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS, fi. 1873; s. of WiUiam and E. J. Lee, of Victoria, Australia ; m. Bertha Ethel, d. of John Butson, of Melbourne. Educ. : Melbourne. Surgeon. War Work : Officer-in-Charge of the Surgical Division, Fulham Military Hospital, Hammersmith, 1915-19, Address : 49, Harley Street, London, W. 1. (07379) LEE, John Thomas, M.B.E. LEE, John WiUiam, O.B.E. LEE, Major Lennie Henry, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. LEE, Loraine, M.B.E. LEE, Mabel Meyrick, Mrs., M.B.E, b. 2 April, 1892; d. of Capt. H. R. Fowler, of Hants Regt. (retired) ; m. Walter, s. of Frederick Lee, of Faversham. Educ. : Privately. War Work : General Service Section, British Red Cross Society, from July, 1915, to date; Chief Clerk to O.C. Cambridge Hospital, Aldershot, from Nov. 1915, to Nov. 1916; Chief Clerk, Queen's Hosp. for Facial Injuries, Sidcup, from opening in April, 1917 to date. Address : Frognal, Sidcup, Kent. (M8776) LEE, Sarah Josephine, Mrs., O.B.E. LEE, Very Rev. Canon WiUiam, M.B.E., 6. 27 Sept. 1875 ; s. of Richard Lee, of Mitchelstown, Co. Cork. Educ : St. Colman's, Fermoy ; St. John's, Waterford ; Oscott, Birmingham. Canon of CUfton, Bristol. War Work : Chair man of Belgian Refugee Committee, Bristol ; Chaplain to R.C Troops, Bristol. Address : Pro-Cathedral House, Clifton, Bristol. (M8777) LEE, WiUiam Alexander, C.B.E, 6. 31 May, 1886; s. of William Allan Lee, of Grantham ; m. Edith Lydia, d. of William Henry Grimwood, of London. Educ. : -Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Assistant Secretary to Mining Association of Great Britain. War Work : Secretary of Coal Mines Dept. of Board of Trade tUl end of 1919; is Officer of the Order of the Cown of Belgium. . Address : 66, Rutland Park Mansions, London, N.W. 2. Club : St. Stephen's. (C2754) LEE, William John, M.B.E, 6. 30 April, 1856 ; s. of Rev. WiUiam Lee, D.D, Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the University of Glasgow ; to. Amy Florence, d. of David Henry Lee. Educ. : Fettes CoU. ; St. John's Coll, Cambridge. Barrister-at-law of the Inner Temple. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Treas. Roxburghshire Branch of the Scottish Branch, British Red Cross Society. Address : The Scaurs, Jedburgh, N.B. Club: United University. (M8778) LEE, Major WUliam Lauriston Melville, O.B.E, M.A, late Royal Warwickshire Regt, 6. 8 Oct. 1865 ; s. of late Rev. Melville Lee, of Bridport, Dorset ; m. Winifred Acton, d. of the late Henry Barter, D.L, of Worplesdon, Surrey, and Airlie Gardens, W. Educ. : Wellington Coll. ; Magdalen Coll, Oxford ; Sandhurst ; Inner Temple. Sec. County of Oxford T.F. Assoc, Editor of " Industrial Peace." War Work : Terri torial Army Administration ; Ministry of Munitions ; Food Production Department (MiUtary Labour). Addresses : Stoke Place, Old Headington, Oxon. ; 20, Magdalen Street, Oxford. Clubs : United Service ; Royal AutomobUe ; Oxford and County. (O1580) LEE, Vaughan Alexander Edward HANNING-, D.S.O, O.B.E. LEE, Vice-Adm. Sir Charles Lionel VAUGHAN-, K.B.E, C.B, fi. 27 Feb. 1867 ; 3rd s. of the late Vaughan Hamung Vaughan-Lee, D.L, M.P, of Dallington Park, Somerset ; m. 4 July, 1895, Rose CecUia, d. of Llewellyn Llewellyn, of Nethway House, S. Devon. Admiral Supt. Portsmouth Dock yard, 1917-20 ; Naval A.D.C. to the King, 1914-15. Served in Egyptian War, 1882 (medal, bronze star) ; Great War, from 1914 (despatches) ; Commander Legion of Honour, Commander of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus of Italy, and 2nd Class Order of the Rising Sun of Japan. Address : Naval and Military Club. LEE, Mary Ess WELSH-, Mrs., C.B.E. Sec. PUgrims of Great Britain ; Business Sec. American Officers' Club. LEECH, Arthur John, M.B.E, 6. 6 July, 1873 ; s. of Sir Bosdin T. Leech, of Manchester; m. Kathleen Maida, a. of William Cotton Rohde, of Folkestone. Educ : Manchester Grammar School. Merchant. War Work : General War Work in Madras, principally in assisting the starting and run ning of a Soldiers' Club there. Address : The Palms, CoUege Road, Madras. Clubs: Madras; Brazenose, Manchester. LEECH, Beatrice Ellen, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of B. L. Nias; to. John Henry, s. of John Leech, of Gorse HaU, Cheshire. War Work : Hon. Sec to SaUsbury and District Prisoners ot War Assoc, 1917-19. Address: Bretford Moat, Salisbury. (M877U) 312 BIOGRAPHIES. Legh LEECH, Samuel Chetwynd, O.B.E. LEEDOM, Beatrice Lucy, M.B.E.. 6. 17 Dec. 1895 ; d. of William James Tizard, of Weymouth, Dorset; m. Henry Stancliff, s. of WilUam Leedom, of London. Shorthand Typist to the Secretary of the Ministry of Shipping. Address :• Fire Station, Old Kent Road, London, S.E. 1. (M8780) LEEMAN, Walter Joseph, O.B.E, 6. 2 Aug. 1858; s. of Commander J. Leeman, R.N.R, of Aberdeen; m. Ada Constance, d. of Thomas Gill, of the Manor of Treverbyn, CornwaU. Educ : Aldenham, and Aberdeen. Member of the London Stock Exchange. War Work : As Acting Pay master in the Army Pay Dept. from Aug. 1914, to Dec. 1918. Address : 39. Rusholme Road, Putney Hill, S.W. Clubs : Bath; Constitutional. (010820) LEEPER, Alexander Wigram AUen, C.B.E, 6. 4 Jan. 1887 ; s. of Alexander Leeper, LL.D, of Melbourne, Australia ; Educ. : Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne ; Trinity CoU, Univ. of Melbourne; BaUiol CoU, Oxford. Second Secretary, Diplomatic Service, Foreign Office. War Work : PoUtical inteUigence -work under the Foreign Office ; subsequently at the Peace Conference. Address : 4, Palace Street, Westminster, London, S.W. 1. Clubs: New University ; R.A.C. (C2755) LEEPER, EUzabeth Anne, Mrs., M.B.E. LEEPER, Reginald Wildig Allen, C.B.E, 6. 25 March, 1888 ; s. of Alexander Leeper, LL.D of Melbourne, AustraUa ; m. Margaret Primrose Dundas, d. of G. Boyce Allen, of 145, Woodstock Road , Oxford. Educ : Melbourne Grammar School ; Trinity CoU. : Melbourne Univ. ; New Coll, Oxford. War Work : 1915-17, Press Work, News Department, Foreign Office ; 1917-18, InteUigence Bureau, Department of Informa tion ; 1918-20, PoUtical Intelligence Department, Foreign Office. Address : 9, Oxford and Cambridge Mansions, N.W. 1. Club: WeUington. (C2756) LEES, Lieut.-Col. Charles Archibald, C.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). Served in the Great War, 191 4-18 (despatches). (C1658) LEES, Ebenezer Antony, O.B.E, 6. 1853; s. of Rev. W. Lees, of Glasgow, and Walsall ; to. Alice Rose, d. of F. W. WooUard, J.P, of Stony Stratford. Educ : Privately. Sec. of the Water Department, Birmingham Corporation (now retired). War Work : On the outbreak of war undertook the management of the Lady Mayoress's Depot, Birmingham, and was Chairman of the Executive and Finance Committee ; Chairman of the Prisoners of War Fund from their inception until the end of the war. Address : 123, Oxford Road , Moseley, Birmingham. (01581) LEES, Rear-Adm. Edgar, C.B.E, R.N, 6. 1866; s. of the late James Lees, of Alkrington Hall, Lancashire ; to. 1904, Mary Agnes, d. of Com. — Tucker, R.N. (C901) LEES, Major George, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. LEES, Sir John McKie, K.B.E, M.A, LL.B. (Edin. Univ.), K.C, i. 1843 ; s. of Walter Lees, of Glasgow ; m. AUce Susan, d. of James Clark, of Crossbasket, Lanarkshire. Educ. : Ayr and Edinburgh Academies and Edinburgh Univ. Sheriff-Principal of Forfarshire ; Examiner for Degrees in Law to Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities ; Scottish Bar, 1867; K.C. 1901; Sheriff-Substitute of Lanarkshire, 1872; Sheriff-Principal of Stirling, Dumbarton, and Clackmannan, 1891, and of Forfar, 1917 ; Convener of Sheriffs, 1907 ; Com missioner of Northern Lights, 1917. War Work : Chairman of Appeal, MUitary Tribunal of StirUng, Dumbarton, and Clackmannan Counties. Address : 4, Darnaway Street, Edinburgh. Club : University, Edinburgh. (K218) LEES, Kenneth Arthur, O.B.E, M.A, M.B, B.Ch. (Cantab.), F.R.CS. (Eng.), 6. 10 AprU, 1881 ; s. of the late Da-rid Lees, M.D, F.R.CS, of 22, Weymouth Street, W. 1 ; m. Ivy Comyn, d. of J. Bastian HiU, of 55, Overstrand Mansions, S.W. 11. Educ. : St. Paul's School ; King's Coll, Cambridge ; St. Mary's • Hospital, Paddington. Assistant Surgeon, Ear, N_se, and Throat Dept, St. Mary's Hospital ; Surgeon, Ear, Nose, and Throat Dept, Queen's Hospital for Children. Hack ney. War Work : Surgeon, Princess Club MiUtary Hospital, Bermondsey ; Temporary Asst. Surgeon at St. Mary's Hospital ; Paddington Green ChUdren's Hospital ; Golden Square Throat Hospital ; London Fever Hospital ; Florence Nightingale Hospital. Address : 48, Harley Street, W. 1. (O11820) LEES, Lieut.-Col. Roderick Livingstone, D.S.O, O.B.E, V.D, Lancs FusiUers, T.F, 6. 17 Sept. 1864 ; s. of late James Lees, of Alkrington ; to. Amy Constance, d. of William Jones, of Abberley HaU. Educ. : Eton CoU. War Work : Com manded 6th Batt. Lancashire FusUiers in GaUipoli, Egypt, and Ilance 1914-17; Commanded 14th Batt. Suffolk Regt, 1917-19 ; mentioned three times in despatches. Address : c/o i Manchester and County Bank, Manchester. (07380) LEES, Dame Sarah Anne, D.B.E, LL.D, Lady of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 13 Nov. 1842 ; d. of John , S?ey> o£ Carr HiM. Mossley ; to. Charles Edward Lees, s. of J1^1668' oi Werneth Park, Oldham. Educ. : Privately ; and Wincobank HaU, Sheffield. Member of Oldham Town Council from 1907-19 ; First Freeman, 1910 ; Mayor, 1910-11 ; Alderman, 1913 ; Hon. LL.D, Manchester Univ., 1914. Ad dress : Werneth Park, Oldham. (D5) LEES, Major Thomas Orde Hans, O.B.E, A.F.C, f&.A.F. - LEES, WUUam, O.B.E. Provost of Dunoon. Distin guished war service as municipal head of the Borough of Dunoon (011910) LEES, WUliam Clare, O.B.E, J.P, Hon. Serving Brother, Order of St. John, 6. 9 Dec. 1874 ; s. of WilUam Lees, of Birkdale ; m. Kathleen, d. of John Nickson, of Liverpool. Educ. : Leys School, Cambridge. Director, Bleachers Associa tion, Ltd. ; Vice-President, the Manchester Chamber of Commerce ; Assistant Commissioner St. John Ambulance Brigade, No 4 District. War Work : 1915, Chairman, Building Committeo, St. John V.A.D. Hospital (500 beds), Southport; 1917-19, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, War Department (Cotton Textiles), Manchester. Address : Etherow House, HolUngworth, Cheshire. Clubs : Constitutional ; Clarendon, Manchester. (O10821) LEESE, Major Clive, M.B.E. LEESE, Lieut.-Col. Neville, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 23 March, 1872 ; 3rd s. of Sir Joseph Francis Leese, 1st Bart. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Matilda, d. of J. Saunders. (06391) LEESE, Vernon Franois, O.B.E. LEESON, Gladys Mary, M.B.E. LEETE, WiUiam Chambers, O.B.E. LEETHAM, Ethel Mary, M.B.E, 6. 1886 ; d. of Henry Ernest Leetham, J.P, of York. Educ : The Mount School, York. War Work : Sec, and latterly Commandant, of the Training CoU. V.A.D. Hospital, York. Address : Aldersyde, Dringhouses, York. (M8782) LEFEBURE, Major Victor, O.B.E. Essex Regt.: has Legon of Honour. (07381) LEFEURE, Capt. Frederiok Charles, O.B.E. LEFROY, Grace, C.B.E, 6. 1848; d. of Rev. Anthony CottreU Lefroy, of Church Crookham, Hants. Educ. : Privately. Hon. Sec from 1886-1919 of the British Women's Emigration Association at the Imperial Institute, South Kensington. Address : 8, Launceston Place, Kensington, W. 8 (C2401) LEFROY, Capt. Langlois Massey, O.B.E. LEFTWICH, Charles Gerrans, C.B.E, B.A, I.C.S, 6. 31 July, 1872 ; s. of late T. W. Leftwich, of E. Dulwich ; to. Evadne, d. of H. W. Fawcus, of Alnmouth. Educ. : Christ's Hospital, and St. John's CoU, Cambridge. Indian Civil Service. War Work : Controller of Munitions, and Director of CivU Supplies, Central Provinces, India. Address : St. Aubins, Jersey, C.I. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (C1975) LEGARD, Lieut.-Col. AUred Digby, C.B.E, fi. 19 June, 1878 ; to. 19 Aug. 1902, Winifred, o. d. of Col. Sir WUUam George Morris, K.C.M.G, C.B, R.E. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col, late King's Royal Rifle Corps. (C1659) LEGAT, Kathleen, Mrs., M.B.E. LEGG, Capt. CecU Henry, O.B.E , 6. 18 Nov. 1890 ; s. of H. P. Legg, of Lee4s. Educ. : Eastbourne CoU. War Work : Mobilised with Yorks Hussars ; served in France with the 49th (W.R.) Div. Train, R.A.S.C, 1915-19 ; Adjt. 1917-19. Address : 7, St. Mary's Road, Newton Park, Leeds. (05474) LEGG, Capt. Sir George Edward Wiokham, K.B.E, M.V.O, Knight of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, ChevaUer, Legion d'Honneur, 6. 13 July, 1870 ; s. of Rev. WiUiam Legg, Rector of Hawkinge, Kent ; m. Kathleen (Lady of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem), d. of Col. Sir James Gildea, G.B.E, K.C.V.O, C.B. Educ. : Radley ; Trinity Coll, Cambridge ; Sandhurst. Joined South Stafford shire Regt. 1891 ; Capt. General Reserve of Officers, 1905 ; Member of the Council of St. Peter's CoU, Radley. War Work : Sec. Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association. Address : 14, Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W. 8. Club : Army and Navy. (K390) LEGGAT, Lieut.-Col. George Leggat, O.B.E, M.B. LEGGATT, Capt. Charles William Stares, C.B.E, 6. 1864 s. of the late Samuel Bethune Leggatt, of Crofton Manor, Fareham, Hants; m. 1900, Gertrude EUzabeth, d. of J. B. Walmsley, of Hartfield, AUerton, Liverpool. Formerly Capt. R.N. ; joined Naval Transport Service, 1914 ; became Div. Naval Transport Officer, Devonport; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) ; Jubilee medal, 1897. (C2259) LEGGE, Capt. Edward Alder, M.B.E, D.C.M. LEGGE, Major Francis Cecil, C.B.E, 6. 14 Sept. 1873 ; s. of the lato Charles Gounter Legge (see BURKE'S Peerage, Dartmouth, E.) District Superintendent, East India Railway, Calcutta ; Hon. Major, Ind. Defence Force ; Dep. Coal Con troUer, Bengal. __ . _, _ _ (°1_7°) LEGGE, Brig.-Gen. Reginald Francis, C.B.E, D.S.O. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Leinster Regt. ; T. Brig.-Gen ; served in the S. African War, 1900-2 (Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps); Great War, 1914-17 (despatches; Legion of Honour). (C1280) LEGGE, Thomas Morison, C.B.E, M.D. Chief Med In spector of Factories. (C547) LEGGETT, Arthur, M.B.E. LEGGETT, Major Edward James, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. LEGGETT, Henry Anfrere, C.B.E. Principal Clerk m Ministry of Health. , LEGGETT, Lieut.-Col. Robert Anthony Clegthorn Linington, O.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1874 ; Major Reserve ; Comdg. an Officer Cadet Batt. with rank of Lieut.-Col ; served in the S African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 ^(des patches) (07383) LEGH, Major Frank Bertham, O.B.E, R.E. Address: 11, Salisbury Road, Edinburgh. (0547o) LEGH, Capt. the Hon. Piers Walter, O.B.E, Grenadier Guards 6 12 Dec. 1890 ; s. of Lord Newton, of Lyme (see Burke's Peerage). Educ: Eton. Equerry to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. War Work: ADC. to H.R H. the Duke of Connaught from 1914-15 ; A.D.C and 313 Le Gios THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. MUitary Sec. with the rank of Major to Gen. the Earl of Cavan, in France and Italy ; mentioned in despatches ; awarded the Croix de Guerre and the ItaUan Croce. Addresses: 75, Eaton Square, S.W. ; Lyme Park, Disley, Cheshire. Clubs : Guards'; Bachelors'. (06392) LE GROS, Edith Katharine, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 22 Dec. 1878; d. of Peter Brotherhood, of 15, Hyde Park Gardens, W. ; m. John Alfred, s. of PhiUp Le Gros, J.P, of Frome, Somerset. Educ. : The Cliff, Eastbourne, and abroad. War Work : Supt. Knitting and Spinning Dept, British Red Cross and Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Central Workrooms, Burlington House. Address : Bury Court, Yapton, nr. Arundel. (M3686) LEGROS, Lucien Alphonse, O.B.E, M.Inst.CE, M.l. Mech E, M.I.E.E, M.I.A.E, M.desI.CF, 6. 1865 ; s. of Al phonse Legros, of Dijon, France. Educ. : Univ. Coll. School, and Univ. CoU. Member of Army Transport Advisory Board, War Oflice ; Member of Treasury Committee on Type Faces. War Work : 1915-16, Assistant Consulting Engineer to Admiralty Landship Committee, Tank Designing for Munitions Inventions Committee ; 1916-17, Chief DUution Officer (Labour) Aircraft, Ministry of Munitions ; 1918, Chief Technical Assistant, Ministry of National Service. Address : 25, Cumberland Park, Acton, W. 3. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Royal Aero. (03795) LEHMANN, Henry David, M.B.E, R.A.F. LEICESTER, Alice Emily, Countess of, D.B.E. ; d. of 2nd Baron Annaly (see BURKE'S Peerage)- to. 1879, Thomas WiUiam Coke, G.CV.O, C.M.G, 3rd Ear] of Leicester, e. s. of 2nd Earl of Leicester, K.G. (died 1909) (see BURKE'S Peerage). War Work : President of the Norfolk Branch of the British Red Cross Society. Address : 44, Mount Street, W. 1 ; Holk- ham HaU, WeUs, Norfolk. (D49) LEIGH, Alan de Verd, M.B.E, B.A, fi. 7 June, 1891 ; s. of the Rev. J. de V. Leigh, of Oatlands, Weybridge. Educ. : Marlborough, and Merton CoU, Oxon. Dept. Ass. Sec. London Chamber of Commerce. War Work : Accountant-General's Dept, Admiralty. Address: 88, HoUand Road, W. 14. (M8783) LEIGH, Charles Edward, M.B.E, M.A. (Cantab), 6. 13 July, 1856 ; s. of the Rev. Charles Brian Leigh, J.P, of Goldhanger, Essex ; to. Constance Mary, d. of John Pickup Lord, J.P, of Hallow Park, Worcester. Educ. : Winchester ; Clare CoU, Cambridge. Assistant Land Agent to F. W. Greswolde Greswolde-WUUams. War Work : Volun tary Ambulance Driver in France and Belgium, 1914-15 ; Hon. Sec. Leamington Local Central Committee for War Savings, 1916-18 ; Food Executive Officer, Leamington Food Control Committee, 1917-20. Address : Craiglea, Mount Hermon Road, Woking. (M8784) LEIGH, Lieut.-Col. Geoffrey HamUton, O.B.E. LEIGH, MaxweU Studdy, O.B.E, I.C.S, fi. 19 Oct. 1882 ; s. of Col. H. P. P. Leigh, CLE, of Bath ; to. Muriel Harriet, d. of James Whishaw, of Petrograd. Educ. : Newton CoU. ; Winchester CoU. ; New CoU, Oxford ; Univ. CoU, London. -Address : c/o Civil Secretariat, Lahore. Clubs : East India United Services ; Punjab,' Lahore. (O4056) LEIGH, Norah Marjorie, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of John Henry New, of Melbourne, Australia ; m. Sir John, 1st Bt, s. of John Leigh, J.P, of Brooklands, Cheshire. War Work : Equipped the John Leigh Memorial Hospital at Altrincham, which was presented by her husband to the British Red Cross Society for the use of wounded officers ; took a large share in the management and acted as officer in charge of the hospital, which contained 86 beds, and was opened in AprU, 1917, by Katherine, Duchess of Westminster; received H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught when he inspected the hospital in June, 1918 ; responsible for the equipment and took an active interest in the John Leigh Memorial Hospital at Woodbourne, Brook- lands, which her husband gave as a memorial to his father to the Ministry of Pensions for the treatment of sheU-shock cases ; the hospital was opened by the Duke of Connaught on the occasion of his visit to Altrincham ; Member of the Board of Management of the Llandudno Hospital, to which her husband made a gUt of £5000 in 1919 ; Member of the Council of the Beyond Seas Association, and took a warm interest in the work of the Canadian Officers' Club at 8, Chesterfield Gardens, which was established and maintained by her husband. (C2758) LEIGH, Reginald Gerard, O.B.E. LEIGHTON, Lieut.-Col. Gerald Rowley, O.B.E, M.D, 6. 12 Dec. 1868 ; s. of the Rev. James Leighton, of Manchester ; m. Clara, d. oi Bernard Gordon, of Manchester. Educ : Nelson CoU, New Zealand ; Manchester Grammar School ; Edinburgh Univ. Late Professor of Pathology, Royal (Dick) Veterinary Coll, Edinburgh; Medical Officer (Foods), Scottish Board of Health. War Work : Inspector of Army Food Contracts (Scotland) for War Office ; Inspector of Food Contracts for Admiralty (Scotland) ; Technical Adviser to National Salvage CouncU ; Administrative Adviser to Ministry of Food (Scot land) ; Member of Committee on Production and Distribution of MUk (Astor Committee) ; Member of Various Departmental Committees. Address : Scottish Board of Health, Edinburgh. Clubs : Authors' ; Scottish Conservative, Edinburgh. (O10823) LEIGHTON, Jane Creagh, M.B E, 6. 11 April, 1865; d. of the late David C R. Leighton, of Chariton Kings, Glouces tershire. Educ. : Cheltenham. War Work : Sept. 1914, to May, 1915, as V.A.D. Nurse at Moorend, V.A.D. Hospital, Charlton Kings ; May. 1915, to Feb. 1919, as Quartermaster at Naunton V.A.D. Hospital, Cheltenham. Address : Menmuir Cottage, Charlton Kings, Gloucestershire. (M3801) 314 LEIGHTON, Comm. John Albert, C.B.E, D.S.O, R._J_> Served in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches, Order of Crown of Belgium). (C2258) LEIGHTON, Thomas WiUiam, O.B.E, M.B, ChB 6. 18 Nov. 1877 ; s. of WiUiam Edward, of Blackburn, Lanes' to. Florence, d. of John J Stones, of Samlesbury, Lanes! Educ. : Ushaw, Durham, and Manchester Univ. District Med. Officer and Pub. Vaccinator, Chorley Union ; M.O. Post Office : Member, U.D.C Withnell. War Work : 1915-19 Capt. R.A.M.C East Lancs Cas. Clearing Station Hospitals • Med. Boards; 2/2 Field Ambulance, France ; M.O. 2/7th Batt Manchester Regt. France May, 1917, to March, 1918 ; taken prisoner, March, 1918; Rostatt-Mainz ; Med. Officer-in-charge Hospital, Wounded AUied Officers, Quedlenburg, Hartz, June to Dec. 1918. Address : Bury Lane, BrinscaU, Lancashire. (044889) LEINSTER, Elsie Maude, M.B.E. LEITCH, John, O.B.E. (011987) LEITCH, Walter, C.B.E. War Work: Director of Munitions, AustraUa. (C711) LEITH, Major Alexander Robert, O.B.E, fi. 22 Feb. 1878 ; s. of the late Major Thomas Leith and Lady Mary Leith, of Petmathen, Aberdeenshire (see Burke's Peerage, Camwatb, E.) ; m. Alexandra Gladys, d. of 1st Baron Swansea, of Singleton, Swansea (see Burke's Peerage), Educ. : Eton. Joined the King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1899, and rose to rank of Major ; S. African War (Queen's medal and five clasps) ; present at the Siege of Ladysmith. War Work : Served with 2nd Batt. K.R.R.C, in 1914 ; Staff Capt. Directorate of Movements, 1917-19 ; Order of White Eagle 4th class with swords (Serbia) ; Order of the Sacred Treasure 4th class (Japan) ; Order of the Wen Hu 4th class (China) ; ChevaUer of the Legion of Honour (France) ; Croix de Guerre with palms (France). Address : Bishop's Sparkford, Winchester. Club : WeUington. (08857) LEITH, Capt. George Peacy, C.B.E. Com. and Acting Capt. R.N. War Woik : 1914-19, with Ocean Escort (des patches). (C1194) LEITH, Gordon, C.B, C.B.E, fi. 10 March, 1879 ; s. of Walter Leith, of Manor House, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicester shire. Edue. : Harrow and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Banker, late partner of Messrs. Speyer Brothers. War Wort : War & Office Staff (Qr.-Mr.-General's Department) ; Chairman, ™ Board of Management, Navy and Army Canteen Board; Deputy Controller, Army Salvage Board ; rejoined Northumber land Yeomanry on outbreak of war ; Capt. 1914 ; Major 1916 ; Lieut.-Col. 1917 ; Colonel 1918 ; called to War Office, July, 1915. Address: 21, Portsea Place, Connaught Square, London. Clubs : Marlboro ; White's ; St. James'. (C1660) LEITH, Major Thomas Geoffrey, O.B.E. LELAND, Col. Francis WiUiam George, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1877 ; Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Army Ser. Corps ; Dep. , Director of Supply and Transport, with rank of Col. ; served in S.Africa, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; Great Mar, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1427) LE MAISTRE, Charles, C.B.E. Adviser to Aircraft Production Department, Ministry of Munitions. LEMAN, Lieut.-Col. George Edward, O.B.E. LEMAN, Major George, O.B.E, p.s.c, 6. 12 Sept. 1875; s. of George Downton Leman, of Madras CivU Service. Educ : Charterhouse and Sandhurst. War Work: Served with 1st Batt. 6th Division to France; wounded Armentiers, Nov. 1914; appointed General Staff Officer 10th Irish Division; served with 10th Div. Dardanelles and Serbia, July 1915 to Dec. 1915 , commanded 8th Ches. Regt. 13th Div. Dardanelles, Jan. 1916 ; transferred to command 7th N. Stafford Regt, Egypt, Mesopotamia, N W. Persia, Caucasus; wounded Fallaliiyah, AprU, 1916. Address: Raleigh, Bideford, N. Devon. Club : Army and Navy. (O8700) LEMAN, Lt.-Col. Harry Charles, O.B.E, T.F. Reserve, 6. 12 Sept. 1888 ; s. of WlUam Edgar Leman, of Dulwich ; ro. Florence Mary, d. of J. Fairer, of Dulwich. Edue. : St. Olaves, London. War Work : Served as O.C. 47th Div. Cycle Co. in France. March to June, 1915 ; Adjt. 3,'25th Lond. Regt. Feb. to Aug. 1916 ; second-in-command 2/21st Lond. Regt. in France, Salonica, Egypt, Aug. 1916 to Oct. 1917 ; Prisoners of War Staff Egypt 1918-20. Address : Lancaster House, E. Dulwich Grove, London, S.E. Clubs : Services ; Junior Army and Navy. (06224) LE MARCHANT, Brig.-Gen. Edward Thomas, C.B.E., J.P, 6. 21 Oct. 1871 ; 2nd s. of the late Sir Henry D. Le Mar- chant, Bart, of Chatham Place, Surrey ; to. Evelyn Brookes, d. of R. MUlington Knowles, D.L, J.P, of Colston Bassett Hall, Notts. Educ. : Eton. Director of Messrs. Andrew Knowles & SonfL Ltd, Colliery Proprietors, Pendleby, Man chester, and the Griff CoUiery Company. War Work : Brigade Commander 1915-16 attached Staff in France 1917. Address: Colston Bassett HaU, Bingham, Notts. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (C1661) LE MESURIER, Capt. Algernon George, O.B.E. LE MESURIER, Major Edwin PhiUp, M.B.E. LE MESURIER, Major James, C.B.E. Director of Small Craft Disposal, Ministry of Shipping. LE MESURIER, Thomas Henry, O.B.E. LEMON, Ernest John Hutchings, O.B.E. LEMON, Major Guy Talbot, O.B.E, LA. LEMON, Margaretta Louisa, Mrs., M.B.E, M.B.O.U, F.Z.S, fi. 22 Nov. 1860; d. of Capt. W. E. Smith, Royal Sherwood Foresters, of Moolpa, AustraUa, and Blackheath, Kent ; to. Frank Edward, s. of WUUam George Lemon, J.P . of BIOGRAPHIES. Lethbiidge Blackheath, Kent. Educ. : Belstead, near Ipswich. Hon. Seo. Watchers' Committee. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ; Hon. Sec. East Surrey Branch R.S.P.CA. ; Member ol Reigate Board of Guardians ; School Manager. War •fort : Commandant V.A.D. Surrey 108 ; 1914-15, Super intendent of RedhiU War Emergency Clothing Depot ; 1915-17, Superintendent of RedhiU Clinic for Treatment of Soldiers in Training ; 1917-19, Officer in charge of RedhiU War Hospital. Address : HUlcrest, RedhiU, Surrey. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (M8785) LEMONIUS, Lieut.-Col. Gerald MacLean, C.B.E. For merly Lieut.-Col. Liverpool Regt. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1662) LEMPFERT, Rudolph Gustav Karl, C.B.E, M.A. F.InstP, 6. 1875 ; s. of the late Gustav Lempfert, of Man chester ; m. Marjorie OUve, d. of the late George Olive Hay- ward, Master Mariner, of London. Educ. ; Manchester Grammar School ; Emmanuel CoU, Cambridge. Assistant Director, Meteorological Office. War Work : Superintendent Forecast Division of Meteorological Office through which weather reports and forecasts were supplied to H.M. Forces on land, sea, and in the air. Address : 540, Redcliffe Square, S.W. 10. Club : Oxford and Cambridge Musical. (C220) LEMPRIERE, Lanoelot Raoul, O.B.E, B.A, M.B, b. 30 Aug. 1872 ; s. of Capt. P. R. Lempriere, R.A, of EweU. Educ : HaUeybury CoU. ; Oxford ; Manchester Univ. Medical Officer, HaUeybury CoU, Hertford. War Work : 13th Field Ambulance ; M.O. 1st Army H Q. Address : Haileybury CoU, Hertford. (O2610) LEKCH, Harry, O.B.E, J.P. for Staffordshire, 6. 1868. War Work : Recruiting and other work as Chairman of the Rowley Kegis Urban District CouncU. Address : Hazelmere, Black- leath, Staffordshire. (01586) LENCH, Major WilUam F., M.B.E. LENDEN, Mary Isabel, Mrs. O.B.E. (011988) LENDRUM, John Black, O.B.E, Hon. Assoc. Order of St. John of Jerusalem, M.D, CM, 6. 16 Feb. 1869 ; s. of the late George Lendrum, of Huddersfield, Yorks. ; to. Susan Edith, d. of the late John McGee MacCormac, M.D, of Belfast. Educ. : Huddersfield CoU. ; Aberdeen and Berlin Universities. Hon. Surgeon, Oldham Royal Infirmary ; Corps Surgeon, Oldham Corps St. John Ambulance Brigade ; C.M.P. 199th Ter. Force Depot, and 63rd Recruiting Area, Oldham ; Hon. Life Member, Brit. Red Cross Society. War Work : M.O.-in- charge Woodfield AuxiUary MUitary Hospital, Oldham; Lecturer to St. John Ambulance Assocn. and to British Red Cross Society. Address : 101, Manchester Street, Werneth, Oldham, Lancs. (010824) LENDY, Commissioned Mechanician Thomas, M.B.E, B.H. LENEGHAN, Mary Esther Rishworth. M.B.E.; d. of the late W. R. Leneghan, and g.-d. of the late Emmanuel Asquith, of Stubbing House, near Keighley, Yorks. Trained Nurse ; trained at Stockton and Thornaby Hospital ; after wards Sister at the Cluldren's Hospital, Mosely HaU, Birmingham; Sister and Night Superintendent at Stockton and Thornaby Hospital. War Work : From Feb. 1915 to Dec. 1915 Sister at Lowfields War Hospital, Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland; from Feb. 1916 to Feb. 1917, at the Urgency Cases Hospital for the French, near Bar-le-Duc ; April 1917 to AprU 1919, Unit Administrator Q.M.A.A.C. Depot, Aldershot Command. Address : Sutton-in-Craven, Yorks. (M3286) LENG, Hilary Howard, C.B.E. LENN, Paymaster-Commander Frank C.B.E, R.N, b. 7 Aug. 1868; s. of Charles Henry, of Launceston ; m. Lilian Maud, d. of W. F. World. Educ. : Greenwich Pro prietory and Roan Schools. War Work : Chief Accountant Officer of the R.N.A.S. from its inception until amalgamation with R.F.C as the R.A.F. Address : Wooda Bay, 87 Bristol Boad, Weston-super-Mare. Club : Royal Aero. (C548) LENNARD, Lieut.-Col. John BARRETT-, C.B.E, late ben. List, 6. 14 Dec. 1863 ; 3rd s of Walter James Barrett- Lennard, and g. s. of Sir Thomas Barrett- Lennard, 1st Bart. (see Bubkb's Peerage) ; m. 20 Oct. 1887, Mary Emma, e. d. of J. Gardiner, of Richmond. Served in the S. African War and Great War. (C1450) LENNOX, Agnes Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E. LENNOX, Jessie Orr, Mrs., M.B.E. LENNOX, Rev. John C. F., O.B.E. LENNOX, Blanche, Lady Algernon GORDON-, D.B.E. ; a. of Col. Hon. Charles Maynard, of Easton Lodge, Dun- mow Essex (see Burke's Peerage); to. Algernon Charles, s. °' Duke of Richmond and Gordon, K.G. (see Burke's Peerage). War Work: Attached 13th Stationary Hospital, B.E.F, throughout the war ; Director in France of H.R.H. Princess victoria's Rest Clubs for Nurses. Addresses : 20, Queen Street, Mayfair, W. ; Monte San Michele, Capri, Italy. (D35) LENTHALL, Lieut. Charles Bertram, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. LEON, Capt. Joseph, O.B.E. LEONARD, Capt. Guiseppe Stanley, M.B.E. LEONARD, Major John Douglas, O.B.E. LEONARD, Lieut. Thomas Goulton, M.B.E, R.G.A. (T.). LEOROYD, Col. Charles Douglas, C.B.E. ; Lieut.-Col. and Mew. Col. R.E. Served in the Soudan, 1885 (medal with «Bp bronze star) ; Burma, 1885-6 (despatches, medal with ™sp) ; S. Africa, 1900 (despatches, Queen's medal with four •r3?8',,KulS'8 medal with two clasps, Brevet Lieut.-Col.) and mthe Great War. LEPORTIER, Lieut.-Comm. Theodore, O.B.E, R.N.R. LEPPER, Elizabeth Herdman, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. LERESCHE, Capt. Percy Vere, O.B.E, R.A.S.C (T.). LE ROSSIGNOL, Major H. S., O.B.E. LE ROY, Donovan, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. LERRY, George Geoffrey, M.B.E, 6. 13 March, 1883; s. of Geo. H. Lerry, of Oswestry ; to. Bertha, d. of E. Schrciber, of Blackpool. Educ. : Oswestry Grammar School. JoumaUst ; Editor of " Wrexham Leader " ; Member of Welsh National F'und Executive ; Member of Ministry of Pensions Advisory Council (Wales). War Work : Secretary, Ministry of Pensions Joint Committee (North Wales) ; Secretary, Denbighshire War Pensions Committee, Address : 19, King's Mills Road, Wrexham. (M2031) LERWILL, Capt. Franois William Henry, O.B.E, R.A.F. LESCHALLAS, Capt. Henry PIGE-, M.B.E. LESCHER, Thomas Edward, O.B.E, fi. 12 June, 1877 ; s. of the late F. Harwood Lescher, of Devonshire Place, W. ; to. Ella Mary, <_. of L. M. Casella, of Hampstead. Educ. : Stonyhurst College. Director, Evans Sons, Lescher and Webb, Ltd, Liver- gool, London, and New York • President The Drug Club ; hairman Westminster Catholic Federation. War Work : As Hon. Sec. of The Drug Club rendered services in connection with suppUes and control of Medical Drugs and Chemicals during the war ; Chairman Stonyhurst CoUege War Memorial Council. Address : Eaglehurst, 10, Lyndhurst Gardens, Hampstead. Clubs : Conservative : M.C.C. ; The Skating ; Northwood Golf ; Aldeburgh Golf. (010825) LESLIE, Arthur Trevor O'Bryen, M.B.E, 6. May, 1868 ; 8. of the late Capt. Thomas Leslie, of Kilmore, Co. Cavan ; to. Guendolen Amy (died 1912), d. of Sir Charles Rugge-Price, Bart, of Spring Grove (see Burke's Peerage). Educ : Brighton Coll. Commandant " A " Division Metropolitan PoUce Special Reserve. War Work : Enlisted Special Constabulary " A " Division, 1914 ; served throughout the war on street and special duties. Address : 218, Adelaide Road, London, N.W. 3. Club : Royal Thames Yacht. (M3802) LESLIE, Lieut.-Col. Bradford, O.B.E, R.E. LESLIE, Capt. Charles WilUam, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. LESLIE, EmUy Florence, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Major Montagu Battye, of Hon. Corps Gontlemen-at-Arms (Royal Bodyguard) ; m. Arthur Cecil, s. of John Leslie. War Work : Assistant Commandant and Quartermaster under Mary, Lady Gerard, at Garswood Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Ashton-in- Makerfleld, for 4i years (Oct. 1914 to March 1919). Address : Newton-le-WiUows, Lancashire. (M8786) LESLIE, George, M.B.E. LESLIE, Col. Sir John, Bart., C.B.E, D.L, late Royal Innis. Fus, 6. 7 Aug. 1857 ; s. of the late Sir John Leslie, of Glaslough (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Leonir Blanche, d. of the late Leonard Jerome, of N. York, U.S.A. Educ. : Eton. War Work : Raised and Commanded 12th Preserve Batt. R. Inn. Fus. ; Member of Council, Lord French's Dish Recruit ing. Address : Glaslough, Deland. Clubs : Guards' ; Turf ; KUdare St. (C1664) LESLIE, Lewis Franois, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. LESLIE, Sir Norman Alexander, K.B.E, 6. 1870 ; s. of the late John Leslie ; to. 1898, Mimy Muriel, d. of the late James Gambier. Ministry of Shipping. Address : Birchwood, West Bvtleet, Surrey. Club : Junior Carlton. LESLIE, Lieut.-Col. Sir Norman Roderick Alexander David, 8th Bt., of Wardis, Co. Moray, C.B.E, 6. 10 Jan. 1889 ; s. of Sir Charles Henry Leslie, 7th Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. 4 Oct. 1919, Betty Elise, d. of John Thomas Beadsworth Sewell, C.B.E. (_. v.) Major, King George's Own Central India Horse, Indian Army ; Squadron Leader R.A.F. ; G.S.O. (3rd grade) 1916 ; (2nd grade), 1917 ; Air Attache British Embassy, Paris, 1918. Addresses : Goona, Central India ; c/o Messrs. Grindley & Co, 54, Parliament Street, S.W. 1. (C867) LESLIE, Chief-Eng. Robert, O.B.E, R.N.R. LESLIE, Maj or Robert Walker Dickson, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. , 6 31 Jan. 1883 ; s. of the late T. C LesUe, of Dungannon, Ireland; to. Eleanor Violet, d. of Rear-Admiral F. L. Field, C B C M G, R.N, 3rd Sea Lord. Educ. : Michaelhouse, Natal, South Africa; Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Royal Automobile. (0547(e) LESLIE, Major Seymour Granger, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. LESLIE, Theordore, O.B.E. _„..,,.,„-_ LESSER, Catherine Maud, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 21 Feb. 1878; War Work : Member of the Staff of the Officers' Clothing Branch, Officers' Famines Fund, 2, Albert Gate, S.W. from Jan. 1915 to July 1919. Address : 90, Campdcn Hill Court, Kensington. _, __ (M8788) LESSING, Lieut. Edward Albert, O.B.E. LESTER, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. Arthur EUis, D.S.O , 0 B E Entered R.N. 1900 ; became Engineer-Lieut. 1904 ; Engineer-Lieut.-Com. 1912 ; served in the Great War, 1915-19 ; present at landing at GaUipoU (despatches). (03529) LESTER, Horace Lenton, M.B.E. LESTER, John Bingley Garland, O.B.E. LESTER, Leontine Isahelle EmmeUne, Mrs., M.B.E. L'ESTRANGE, Major Henry Roland, O.B.E, R.A.M.C LETHABY, Major Tom, O.B.E. LETHBRIDGE, Major Harold Octavius, M.B.E. LETHBRIDGE, Marion Eva, C.B.E. War Work : Comdt. General Service V.A.D.'s, France. (C549) LETHBRIDGE, Col. Robert Thomas Morland, O.B.E., A.P.D. 315 Lethbridge THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. LETHBRIDGE, Lieut.-Col. Sydney, O.B.E, R.A. LETT, Hugh, C.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, fi. 17 April, 1876 ; s. of Richard Alfred Lett, of Wadingham, Lines. ; m. Helen Buckston, d. of George Buckston Browne, of Wimpole Street. Educ. : Marlborough Coll. ; Leeds ; London Hospital. Sur geon to the London Hospital ; Vice-President Medical Society of London ; late President Hunterian Society. War Work : Surgeon to the Anglo- American Hospital, Wimereux, 1914-15 ; Surgeon to the Belgian Field Hospital, 1915 ; Major, R.A.M.C, Officer-in-charge Surgical Division, 31st General Hospital, Port Said, 1915-16 ; Consulting Surgeon to the Prince of Wales' Hospital for Officers, and other war hospitals, 1917-19. Clubs : Garrick ; Royal Automobile. (C3116) LETTICE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WUliam Henry, O.B.E. LETTON, Charles Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 25 March, 1878 ; s. of Charles W. Letton, of London ; m. Maud Annie, d. of Edward Barnes, of London. Educ. : London. Superintendent Government of India Printing Office, Simla, Punjab, India War Work : Twice mentioned in Gazette of India for valuable services rendered in India in connection with the War. Address : Clarefield, Simla, Punjab. (M4179) LETTS, WiUiam Malesbury, C.B.E, 6. 1873. Managing Director of Crossley Motors (Limited), of Gorton, Manchester ; Governing Director of Charles Jarrott and Letts (Limited) ; Director of Carbic (Limited). (C550) LETTY, WUUam, M.B.E, fi. 12 Dec. 1857 ; s. of WilUam Joseph MUlard Letty, of Portsmouth ; m. Susan, d. of Frederic Beck, of Southsea. Educ. : Privately. Principal Overseer Engineer-in-Chief's Department, Admiralty ; Steward in the Wesleyan Methodist Church. War Work : Inspecting and hastening manufacture and completion of machinery for war vessels. Address : 126, Wrottesley Road, Harlesden, London, N.W. 10. (M2033) LE VACK, WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 4 Jan. 1862. Civil Ser vant ; Senior Clerk ; Statistical Office, H.M. Customs and Excise, London, E.C. 3. War Work : Lent by the Honourable Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise to organise and control a Statistical Branch of the War Trade Department, from March, 1915, to AprU, 1919. Address : 56, The Avenue, West Ealing, London, W. 13. (M2575) LEVERETT, Frederick WilUam, M.B.E. LEVEY, 2nd Lieut. Bernard Alexander, M.B.E, R.A.F. LEVEY, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Henry, D.S.O, O.B.E. Capt. and Brevet Major Gordon HiglUanders ; Dep. Inspector of Training with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (05477) LEVI, Louis, M.B.E. LEVICK, Major Albert, O.B.E, R.A.F. LEVICK, Sir Hugh Gwynne, K.B.E, fi. 17 March, 1870 ; s. of John Musgrave Levick, of Burleigh, Cheshunt ; to. Agnes Burwell, d. of James D. Stout, of Hoboken, U.S.A. Educ. : Port Elizabeth, S.A. ; Malvern CoU. ; Hamburg. War Work : Treasury in an advisory capacity ; Chairman Russian Liquida tion Committee ; Treasury Representative on London Ex change Committee ; Treasury Representative on Colwyn Committee on Contracts ; Deputy British Delegate to the Reparations Commission. Addresses : 7, Square Thiers, Avenue Victor Hugo, Paris ; The Manor, Castle Combe, Wilts. Clubs : St. James' ; City of London ; Algonquin, Boston, U.S.A. (K151) LEVICK, Hon. Capt. Thomas Henry Carlton, O.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of Frederick Levick, J.P, of Pinner, Middlesex ; m. Evelyn Constance, d. of the late Frederick Quinton, J.P. Educ. : London Univ. CoU. School, and France. War Work : Special Missions abroad for H.M. Foreign Office and Ministry of Shipping ; Capt. attached G.O.C. London Volunteer Regiments ; Capt. attached by H.M. War Office to Head- Quarters Staff of G.O.C. American Expeditionary Force, London. Address : 23, Palace Court, London, W. 2. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Ranelagh. (01592) LEVICK, Capt. Vivian Mortimer KENNY-, M.B.E. LEVIEN, Capt. Norman James, O.B.E. LEVINGE, Edward George, M.B.E. LEVITA, Lieut.-Col. CecU Bingham, C.B.E, M.V.O, J.P. County of London, R.A, fi. 1867 ; s. of the late E. Levita, of 27, Ennismore Gardens, London ; to. Florence Woodruff, d. of W. Robb of Glasgow. Educ. : Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. Member of London County Council for N. Ken sington ; CouncUlor of Hove ; Managing Committee of Brompton Hospital ; Member of Lloyds'. War Work : Mata- bele War, 1896 ; S. Africa, 1899. mentioned in despatches ; Lieut.-Col. Reserve of Officers, R.A. ; General Staff Officer, 1st Grade mentioned in despatches, 1917 ; thanked by Minister of National Service, 1919. Address : 6, Brunswick Square, Hove. Clubs : Carlton ; Garrick ; 1900. (C1665) LEVITT, Capt. Robert Thorp, M.B.E, Cadet Batt. A.P.W.O. Yorkshire Regt, 6. 18 June, 1870 ; s. of Joseph Levitt, of Kingston-upon-HuU ; m. EUzabeth, d of Robert Morns, of Kingston-upon-HuU Educ. : St. John's Church School and West End Academy, Hull. Chief Clerk North Riding territorial Force Association. War Work : Organisa- ?'¦,, ? tnin8. Equipping, and Administration of Territorial and Volunteer Units raised in the North Riding of York- i™fe.- . Address : The Parade, NorthaUerton, Yorks. Clubs : t-J?,™' Conservative ; Comrades of the Great War. (M8790) LEVY, Jeanne Athol, M.B.E. LEVY, Joseph, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. LEWARN, Harold Stanley, M.B.E, 6. 9 June, 1883 ; s. ot James Henry Lewarn, of Lydford, Devon. Educ. : Grey Coat School, Plymouth. Sub-Conductor (Warrant Officer Class I). War Work : Served on the Staff of the Headquarters 4th Division B.E.F. from Aug. 1914 to May, 1919. Addresses ¦ R.A.O.C, Army Inspection Buildings, Park Royal, London' N.W. 10 ; Rossmoyne, Lydford, Devonshire. (M4539)' LEWELLEN, Florence Beatrice, Mrs., M.B.E. ; _ of the late A. G. Kitching, J.P, of Enfield ; to. Ernest, 8. of — LeweUen. War Work : Hon. Sec. of Finchley War Pensions Committee, and of Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association Finchley. Address : Coningsby, Duke's Avenue, Finchley. ' (M8791) LEWER, Major Arthur John, O.B.E, fi. 3 July, 1888 ; j of John Lewer, of 7, Old Street, E.C. 1 ; m. Ada, d. of Edward Page, of Plumstead. Educ. : St. Thomas's ; Charterhouse. Bank Inspector ; CouncUlor, Islington Borough CouncU ¦ Chairman Finance Committee ; Major, T. F. Reserve ; stood in Labour interest (1918 General Election) for East Islington. War Work : Major, 11th London Regt. ; present at Suvla Bay' Aug. 1915 ; Recruiting Officer for IsUngton, 1916-17 ; sub stitution Officer for North London, 1917 ; Deputy Controller of Registration, Ministry of National Service, Dec. 1917, to Aug. 1918 ; Official i/c Propaganda, Irish Recruiting Council, Aug. 1918, to Nov. 1918. Address : 28, Aberdeen Park, N. 5 (01593) LEWERS, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Bennett, D.S.O, O.B.E. Assist. Director AustraUan Med. Ser. (0501) LEWES, John Guy Robert, O.B.E. (012051) LEWES, Mary Louisa, M.B.E. ; d. of Major Price Lewes, R.A, J. P, D.L, of Tyglyn Aeron, Cardiganshire. War Wort : Red Cross V.A.D. work ; organised and became Commandant of the Red Cross Auxiliary Hospital at Aberayron, Cardigan shire, July, 1916 to Jan. 1918. Address : Tyglyn Aeron, CUlan Aeron, Cardiganshire. Clubs : London ; New Century. (M8792) LEWIN, Lady Ada Edwina Stewart, O.B.E, fi. 28 March, 1878 ; d. of the late Field-Marshal 1st Earl Roberts, of Engle- mere, Ascot (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Col. Henry Frederick EUiott, R.A, s. of Commander W. H Lewin, R.N. Educ: Privately. Address : Englemere, Ascot. (0502) LEWIN, IsabeUa Marion, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 15 Oct. 1868 : d. ot the late James Brown Alston ; m. Lieut.-Col. Wilfred Hale Lewin, LA. (retired), s. of the late Edward Bernard Hale Lewin. Quartermaster, V.A.D. Kent 54, 29 March, 1912; Commandant V.A.D. Kent 54. 30 April, 1913. War Wort: Opened Red Cross Hospital at St. Mary's Church HaU, Brom ley, Kent, on 14 Oct. 1914, which continued in operation until Dec. 1918 ; mentioned for War Services, Oct. 1917 and Aug. 1918 ; inscribed on RoU of Honourable Service, BlR.C.S. Oct. 1918. (M3804) LEWIN, Percy Evans, M.B.E, F.R.Hist.S, fi. 3 April, 1876 ; s. of Edward Christopher Lewin, of Boston, Lincoln shire ; m. LContine Berthe, d. of John Dorman, of Cherbourg. France. Educ. : Boston Grammar School. Librarian, Royal Colonial Institute; author of "The Germans and Africa" (1915); "The German Road to the East "(1916). War Wort: Prepared a Report for the Foreign Office on German Adminis tration in Africa ; employed in the Admiralty Intelligence Division (Geographical Section), 1918-19 ; Propaganda work. Address : Newholme, Coombe Lane, Wimbledon, S.W. 19. (M8793) LEWIS, AUce Pansy Mary, M.B.E, 6. 19 Feb. 1892; d. of Richard Lewis, of Tufnell Park. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Sec. at Ministry of Shipping (Transport Depart ment) from Sept. 1915 to Dept. 1920. Addresses: 100, Huddleston Road, Tufnell Park, N. 7 ; 7, Impasse des Ormeant, Le Havre, France. (M8794) LEWIS, Annie Caton, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. 1 June, 1877 ; d. ot the late Hugh Rose, of Edinburgh; m. Frederick Gustav Lewis, C.B, C.M.G, T.D, of London. Educ. : The Grange House, Edinburgh. Assistant Hon. Sec. Kensington Division, B.R.C.S.; Commandant, London V.A.D. 28. War Wort: Commandant-in-charge Military Hospital, White City, Oct. 1914 to May, 1915 • General Service Supervisor, 3rd London General Hospital, Aug. 1915 to March. 1916 ; Hostel Super intendent, No. 8 Red Cross Hospital, B.E.F, AprU, 1916, to Dec. 1917 ; P. of W. Central Committee, April, 1918, to Feb. 1919. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (010821) LEWIS, Benjamin Joseph, M.B.E. LEWIS, Charles Henry, O.B.E, R.A.F. LEWIS, Major Edward Trevor, O.B.E. LEWIS, Edwin, M.B.E. LEWIS, Elizabeth Tryphena, Mrs., O.B.E. LEWIS, Ernest Harry, C.B.E. LEWIS, Lieut.-Col. Ernest WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. LEWIS, Capt. Frank Oswald, C.B.E, R.N. (ret.), fi. 1873; s. of the late Samuel Lewis, of EdgehiU, Duffield, nr. Derby. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches twice). At- dress : Evancoyd, Walton, Radnorshire. Club : United Service. (C903) LEWIS, Lieut. Frederiok, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. LEWIS, Capt. George Ernest, O.B.E, 6. 20 Apnl, 1872; s. of Lieut. W. Lewis, of Hereford. Educ. : Westminster and Cologne. War Work : Officer-in-charge Barracks anu Camps in Dorset, Hants, Devon, and CornwaU. -Address. 16J, Orchard Street, Westminster. (07388) LEWIS, George Frederiok, O.B.E, 5. 1889; s. ol WiUiam Stephens Lewis, of Whitchurch, Glamorgansmre. Educ. : Penarth County CoU. Commercial Manager, war Work : Joined Army Aug. 1914 ; proceeded France, 19la 316 BIOGRAPHIES. Lewis Batt Lewis Gun Officer, and IVth Corps Senior Lewis Gun Instructor; afterwards Company Commander; severely {founded during the taldng of Eaucourt L'Abbeye (Somme) in file winter, 1916 ; joined Ministry of Shipping in 1917 ; aonointed as Shipping Adviser on staff of Naval Commander- in-Chief, Mediterranean, and in this position visited all the Mediterranean ports. Address : Mayton, Whitchurch. Glam. (010828) LEWIS, Lieut.-Comm. Guy Perdell, O.B.E, R.N.R. LEWIS, Helen, O.B.E. Attached to British MUitary Hosnital British Military Mission, South Russia. (011790c) LEWIS, Col. Henry, O.B.E V.D, J.P, D.L. Glamorgan, 1 21 July. 1847 ; s. of Henry Lewis, of Gieenmeadow Tong- wynlois, near Cardiff; m. Rose Mabel, Brevet Lieut.-Col. Robert Hector, O.B.E, o. i_77 ; s. of Robert Logan, of London ; m. Gladys Gwenlian Crawford, d. of the Hon. G. H. Greene, M.L.C, of Australia. o *i Vmv- Co11- School. War Work: Regular Army; ;Sa Bn. the Loyal Regt. (North Lancashire). Address: 38, Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. 1. Club : Junior United Service. (02321) LOGAN, William, M.B.E. (M10358) r SSAK' MaJ°r William, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. TX£A.N,',.Wiluam Malcolm, M.B.E. n^fiHD?N' Lieut. Frederiok Charles, O.B.E, 5. at West uartlepool 13 June, 1871 ; s. of J. Lohden, of Seaton Carew. w>. Durham ; to. Margaret EmUy, d. of Thomas Marshall, of S^_ Educ: Durham School; France; Germany. 1™™ Representative on the Lawn Tennis Association ; member of the Badminton Association ; Member of the Baltic Exchango ; Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers. War Work : Commissioned as a Lieut, in 2/5th East Surrey Regt.. 4th Nov. 1914 ; served until Sept. 1917, when entered Ministry of Shipping ; had charge of the Standard Steamers, OUers, Requisitioned Neutrals, Russian and Finns ; left the Ministry in 1919. Addresses : Latchmere, Sutton, Surrey ; Bury Street Chambers, Bury Street, E.C 3. Club : Public Schools. (O3802) LOMAS, Hugh Arthur, O.B.E, I.C.S, 6. 7 July, 1876 ; s. of John Lomas, of Territet, Switzerland ; to. Florence Beatrix, d. of Frederick John Eyre, of St. John's Wood. Edue. : Bradfleld ; Lincoln Coll, Oxon. Major, N. Regt. U.P. Horse, I.D.F. War Work : Deputy Commissioner, Almora, U.P. Address : Cornborough, Abbotsham, N. Devon. Club : East India United Services. (O4060) LOMAX, Edith Annie, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Rev. John Joseph Lomax, M.A, of Hereford. War Work : Controller of Women Staff, M.I. 5. War Office, Feb. 1915, to Aug. 1920. Address : 46, Jasper Road, Upper Norwood, London, S.E. (010848) LOMAX, Frederick, M.B.E. LOMAX, John, O.B.E, J.P, D.L. LOMAX, Mabel Sarah, M.B.E, 6. 13 Aug. 1875 ; d. of John Lomax, J.P, of Westwood, Brooklands, Cheshire. Educ. : Privately, and at Coed CoU, Chislehurst. War Work: Hon. Sec, Ashton-on-Mersey, Brooklands and Sale Township, Cheshire Branch B.R.C.S. ; Officer-in-charge Linden Lea Aux. Mil. Hospital, Brooklands, Cheshire ; Commandant, V.A.D. Cheshire 100. Address: Westwood, Brooklands, Cheshire. Club : V.A.D. (M2053) LOMBARD, Rev. Bousfleld Swan, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 25 Nov. 1866 ; s. of Graves Chamney Swan, Bedfordshire Regt. ; to. Marian Alice, d. of the late Ferdinand Shaw, of Milford, Hants. Educ : Berkhamstead Grammar School ; Clare Coll, Cambridge. Vicar, All HaUows, North St. Pancras ; Chaplain (British) British Factory and British Embassy, Petrograd; Rector of Cound, Shrewsbury. War Work : Acting Chaplain to Submarine Flotilla in the Baltic, 1914-18 ; Chaplain to British Military Mission, Petrograd ; Hon. Chaplain to Anglo- Russian Hospital, Petrograd ; CF. 1919, Eastern Command ; imprisoned and sentenced to death in the Fortress of SS. Peter and Paul, Petrograd, 1918. Address : Cound Rectory, Shrewsbury. (010849) LOMER, Lieut.-Col. Sydney Frederick McIUree, O.B.E, late 60th Rifles, 6. 21 May, 1880 ; s. of Cecil Wilson Lomer, of Old ColwaU, Glos. Educ. : Rugby ; Sandhurst. War Work : Adjutant, l/6th Batt. Sherwood Foresters (France, 1914-15) ; Staff Sudan Administration (1916-17) ; 1st Com mandant No. 2 O.T.T.W. of R.F.C, 1917-18 ; Commanded 52nd Graduated Batt. K.R.R.C 1918-19. Address : Perrotts Brook House, near Cirencester, Glos. Clubs: Junior Naval and MUitary ; Royal Automobile. (O7400) LONDON, Edgar Stanford, C.B.E, 6. 1861 ; s. of Thomas London, of Bettws-y-Coed ; to. Marion Fanny Pinnell, d. of Septimus Luff, of Parkstone. Educ. : Gloucester College School. Barrister-at-Law of Gray's Inn ; entered Inland Revenue Dept, 1881, and became Chief Inspector of Stamps and Taxes, 1920 ; was Member of the Committee to Consolidate the Lncome Tax Acts, 1916-17. Address : Craigdarragh, Briar Walk, Putney. CZwfis : Junior Athenaeum ; Ciro's. (C223) LONDON, Francis Henry, O.B.E, 6. 31 Jan. 1865 ; s. of AUred London, of Devizes ; to. Mary Elizabeth, d. of John Downing Spencer, of Devizes. Educ. : Colston School. Assistant to General Manager, Great Northern Railway. War Work : Railway Transport. Address : Hartmoor, Chandos Avenue, Oakleigh Park, N. 20. (010850) LONDON, WiUiam Shakespeare, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 15 Dec. 1881. Councillor ; Vice-Chairman, Southgate Urban District Council ; Overseer of the Poor, Parish of Southgate ; Chairman, General Purposes Committee, Southgate U.D.C War Work : Hon. Sec. Middlesex War Pensions Committee ; Vice-Chairman, Southgate War Pensions Committee ; District Head, Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society ; Hon. Sec. Southgate War Savings Local Central Committee ; formed 47 War Savings Associations, raised nearly £200,000 ; also Hon. Sec. of Southgate War Savings Committee. Address : Shakespeare House, Lakeside Road, Palmers Green. (010851) LONDONDERRY, Dame Edith Helen, Marchioness of, D.B.E, J.P, 6. 3 Dec. 1878 ; d. of Henry, 1st Viscount Chaplin (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; m. Charles Stewart Henry Vane Tempest Stewart, 7th Marquess of Londonderry (see Bukke'S Peerage). J.P. for County of Durham, and County Down, Ireland ; President and Chairman, Women's Legion ; Chairman, Service Women's Association, and South London Hospital for Women. War Work : Founded Women's Legion in 1915, first women employed in British Army, which eventuaUy developed into existing Women's Services ; Director, Londonderry House Hospital. Address : Londonderry House. Clubs : Bath ; Ladies' Automobile. (Dl) LONEY, Henry Frith, O.B.E. LONG, Archibald Percy, O.B.E, B.A.., Diploma of Agri culture and Diploma of Forestry (Cantab), 6. 26 May, 1889 ; s. of Reuben Long, of Soham, Cambs. ; to. Annie EmUy, d. of John Hunt, of Coton, Cambs. Educ. : The Perse, Cambridge, and St. John's Coll, Cambridge. Demonstrator in Forestry ; Timber Research Officer ; Cambridge Univ. School of Forestry (1912-14) ; Inspector Board of Agriculture and Fisheries (1914-19) ; Divisional Officer, Forestry Commission (Northern 323 Long THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Division), Sept. 1919. War Work : Divisional Officer-in- Charge, Board of Trade, Timber Supplies Department, Division X (Home Counties). Address : 22, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. 1. LONG, Brig.-Gen. Sir Arthur, K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, D S O 6 26 Feb. 1866 ; s. of James and EUzabeth Long, of Henlow, Bedfordshire; m. Maud Eleanor, 2nd .d. ot Rev. Canon S. Davenport KeUy, of Manchester. Educ. : Modern School, Bedford. 1st Batt. Leinster Regt, 1887-90 ; Army Service Corps since 1890; served in defence of Ladysmith, Dec. 1890 to Mar. 1900 (special service) ; on Staff, Gen. Hunter's Division ; Gen. Ian Hamilton's Division (despatches thrice ; Queen's Medal, 4 clasps ; King's Medal, 2 clasps, D.S.O.) ; commanding A.S.C, Egypt; Assistant Director SuppUes, Army Headquarters, 1901-2 ; Assistant Director, Transport, S. Africa, 1903-4 ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches eight times, K.B.E, C.M.G.) ; Director of SuppUes and Transport, British Army in Macedonia and Black Sea since Jan. 1916. (K276) LONG, Arthur Tilney, C.B.E. Union of S. Africa Agent, Lorenco Marques. Address : Lorenco Marques, British East Africa! (C2004) LONG, Arthur WiUiam, M.B.E. LONG, Capt. Edmund James, M.B.E. LONG, Edward Ernest, O.B.E. ; s. of Edward Long, of East Sutton ; m. Mabel Edith, d. of Andrew Benjamin Leicester, of Singapore, Straits Settlements. Educ. : Sutton Valence School, and abroad. Editor " Rangoon Times," and " Indian DaUy Telegraph,"; Special Correspondent of " The Times " in India ; represented India at Conference of Overseas Journahsts in London, 1910 ; Fellow, Institute of Journalists ; now Officer-in-Charge, Eastern Section, News Department, Foreign Office. War Work : Lieut. Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve ; Seconded for special service with Foreign Office ; organised propaganda in Bast and Far East ; Director, Eastern Propaganda under WelUngton House ; Deputy Controller, Eastern Propaganda in Ministry of Information. Address: Lucknow, India. Clubs : Savage ; United Service. (03803) LONG, Brig.Gen. George Merrick, C.B.E. Col. and T. Brig.-Gen. AustraUan Forces ; served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1844) LONG, Capt. Gerald Hanslip, O.B.E, 6. 10 Sept. 1882 ; 8. of Lawsell Long, of Brinkley, nr. Newmarket ; to. Annie Frances, d. of A. R. Catchpole, of Lidgate HaU. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Served in MercantUe Marine for 3 years, and 2 years with Capetown Highlanders during S. African War, 1900-2 ; granted commission in that force and on termination of war granted hon. rank of Lieut, tin CCF. ; joined 5th Batt. Suffolk Regt. (T.F.) in 1913 ; appointed Adjutant and subsequently commanded 2/5 Batt. Suffolk Regt. ; commanded 13th (S.) Batt. Yorkshire Regt, and invalided home after Spring offensive in 1918 ; commanded 2/1 Lothians and Border Horse in Deland until demobihsation. Address: Fornham St. Martin, nr. Bury St. Edmund's. (07401) LONG, Hilda Charlotte, Mrs., M.B.E. LONG, John Percy, M.B.E. LONG, Katherine EUis, Mrs, M.B.E. LONG, Major Michael John, O.B.E, R.A, 6. 16 Nov. 1854 ; s. of Michael Long, of County Cork, Deland. Educ. : Privately. War Work : War Depot, Durham Light Infantry, Sept. 1914, to July, 1915; No 5 Territorial Royal ArtiUery School, July, 1915, to Feb. 1916; Anti-Aircraft Training Depot, Feb. 1916, to May, 1919 ; mentioned in despatches, 1916. Address : Fermoyle, Marine Parade, Gorleston-on- Sea, Suffolk. (01607) LONG, Lieut. Robert Claude, M.B.E, fi. 2 May, 1887 ; 8. of |J. R. Long, of Saffron Walden ; to. Dora Edith, d. ol WilUam Booth Reeve, M.B.E, J.P, of Margate. Educ : King Edward Grammar School, Saffron Walden. Address: 48, Garden Avenue, Mitcham, Surrey. (M6670) LONG, Capt. Sydney Herbert, O.B.E, R.E. LONG, Capt. Walter, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. LONG, Major Walter, M.B.E, M.C, R.F.A. LONG, The Hon. Mrs. Walter, O.B.E. LONG, Capt. WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 9 April, 1864; s. of Alexander Wearing Long, of Kendal, Westmorland ; to. Margaret Voorhies, d. of F. O. Rhoades, of New York, U.S.A. Educ. : Stramongate School, Kendal ; H.M.S. " Conway," Liverpool. Master Mariner ; Manager of Steamship Line (Elders and Fyffes, Ltd, Gardon, Lancashire). War Work : As above and Salvage work in Ireland during the war. Ad dress : 22, Western Drive, Grassendale, Liverpool. Club : Conway. (M2055) LONG, Major WilUam Dickson, O.B.E, R.A.F. LONG, Lieut. William Edward, O.B.E. LONG, Capt. WilUam Edward, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. LONGBOTHAM, Arthur Thompson, M.B.E, 6. 2 Dec. 1864 ; s. of John WiUiam Longbotham, of Heath Bank, Halifax ; m. Annie, d. of Arthur Barraclough, of Bright View, Hahfax. Educ. : King WUUam's Coll, Isle of Man. Solicitor; Clerk to Guardians ; Clerk to Halifax Rural District CouncU ; Clerk to several Urban District CouncUs in the neighbourhood of Halifax. War Work : Arranged transfer of St. Luke's Hospital, HaUfax, as a War Hospital (700 beds) ; conducted financial operations in connection with Hospital throughout the war ; acted as Clerk to several MiUtary Service Tribunals. Address : Stafford Lawn, Halifax. Club : Halifax. (M682) LONGBOTHAM, Capt. Charles Rawson, M.B.E. LONGBOTHAM, Hugh Ashley, C.B.E, 6. 28th Sept. 1880 ; s. of the late Jonathan Longbotham, Mining Engineer, of 324 Sheffield ; to. Muriel, d. of the late Harry Steel, of Sheffield Educ. : King Edward School, Warwick, and St. Peter's, York Chairman Rotherham Local Employment Committee ; Vice- President North of England Coal Traders' Association. War Work : Sub-Commissioner for Rotherham and District under National Service Scheme ; Author of Scheme for Employing Disabled ex-Service Men on a percentage basis. Clubs ¦ Constitutional ; St. Stephen's ; Eccentric ; Sheffield. (C2764) LONGCROFT, Cecil James, M.B.E. LONGCROFT, Gwendoline Mary, O.B.E, 6. 24 March 1881 ; d. of C. E. Longcroft, of Llanina, New Quay, Cardigan shire. Address : Llanina, New Quay, Cardiganshire. Club : New Century. (010855) LONGDEN, Capt. Henry John Leicester, O.B.E, A.E Corps. (O7402) LONGDIN, Lieut.-Col. Herbert WiUiam, O.B.E. LONGDON, Arthur Frederick, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 25 Aug. 1860 ; s. of the late Frederick Longdon, of Derby ; m. Helen Mary, d. of the late A. O. Francis, of Derby. Educ. : Derby School, and Bonn. Manufacturer. War Work : Chairman of Local MiUtary Tribunal. Address : Highfield, Littleover HiU, Derby. (010856) LONGMORE, Col. John Constantine Gordon, C.B, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1870 ; e. s. of the late Surg.-Gen. Sir Thomas Longmore, C.B. ; to. 1897, Anita, d. of the late Thomas Davis. Entered E. Lancashire Regt. 1892 ; Capt. Army Service Corps, 1898 ; Major, 1904 ; Lieut.-Col. 1913 ; Col. 1918 ; served in S. African War, 1899-1901, on Staff ; present at actions of Belmont and Modder River (Queen's medal with five clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, Montenegrin gold medal for merit) ; Deputy Assist.-Director of SuppUes and Transport, S. Command, 1910-13 ; appointed D.A. and Q.M.G. 1915 ; Assist.-Director SuppUes and Transport, 1919 ; A.Q.M.G. 1919. (C1283) LONGMORE, PhiUp Raynsford, O.B.E. LONGMUIR, Percy, M.B.E. LONGRIDGE, Michael, C.B.E, M.A, M.Inst.CE, M.I.Mech.E, 6. 29 July, 1847 ; s. of James Atldnson Longridge, M.Inst.CE. (Inventor of the Wire Gun) ; m. Georgina Frederica Nepean, a. of Rev. Owen Lucas O'NeU, M.A, of Bishops Nympton, Devon. Educ. : Radley, and Trinity Coll, Cam bridge. Past President Manchester Association of Engineers ; Past President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. War Work : On Staff (unpaid) of the Munitions Inventions Department, and Member of the Advisory Panel of Scientific Experts ; Member of the Advisory CouncU, Ministry of Pensions, Artificial Limbs Branch. Address: c/o Cyril Atkinson, K.C, 74, Oakwood Court, Kensington, W. 14. (C2765) LONGRIDGE, Capt. Theodore Ernie, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 29 Jan. 1894 ; s. of Theodore Longridge, of 3, Priory Parade, Cheltenham. Educ : Wellington ; Eastbourne ; Sandhurst. War Work : Served from July, 1915, to Oct. 1919, with the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force as Flying Officer and Staff Officer. Address : c/o Sir O. R. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39, Panton Street, Haymarket. Clubs : Badminton ; Junior Army and Navy. (03352) LONGSTAFFE, Capt. John Walter, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. LONGWORTH, Capt. Ernest Victor, M.B.E. LONSDALE, Grace CeciUe Gordon, Countess of, C.B.E. ; d.oi Charles, 10th Marquess of Huntley (see Bukke'S Peerage); to. Col. Hugh CecU Lowther, 5th Earl of Lonsdale, D.L. (see Bukkes Peerage). Address: 14, Carlton House Terrace, S.W. 1; Lowther Castle, Penrith, Cumberland; Whitehaven Castle, Cumberland ; Barley Thorpe, Oakham. (C2766) LOONEY, Qr.-Mr. and Capt. Daniel, M.B.E. (M10227) LORAINE, WUUam George, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 23 Aug. 1864 ; s. of Thomas Loraine, of West Hartlepool ; m. Sarah Ann, d. of William Beedie, of West Hartlepool. Educ : Elementary Schools. District Officer of the National Union of Railwaymen ; Justice of the Peace for the Borough of DarUngton ; CouncUlor and Deputy Mayor for the County Borough of Darlington ; 12 years a member of the Hartle- pools' Board of Guardians ; commenced to work at 13 years of age as a raUway signal lamplighter (29 years' service with N.E. RaUway). War Work : Member of the Local Military Tribunal ; Member of the Food Control Committee ; Chair man of the Darlington Labour Employment Committee. Address : 11, MUton Street, Eastbourne, Darlington. (010858) LORD, Arthur Ernest, M.B.E, 6. 21 Dec. 1863; m. Ellen Phoebe, d. of C J. Brown, of Bromley. RaUway Station Supt. War Work : Transport, Charing Cross Station, S.E. and CR. Address : 8, Beaufort Gardens, Lewisham, S.E. 13. (M8830) LORD, Charles Ernest, M.B.E, 5. 1863 ; s. of Stephen Watkin Lord, of London. Educ. : London and Paris. Banking. War Work : Principally in a professional capacity. Address : 86, rue Charles Laffitte, NeuiUy-sur-Seine, France. (M2057) LORD, Charles Lupton, O.B.E. LORD, 2nd Lieut. Godfrey James, M.B.E, M.M. LORD, Capt. Henry Hardman, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. (T.). LORD, Lieut.-Col. John Robert, C.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1070) LORD, Lieut.-Col. Percy Calvert, O.B.E. LORD, WilUam John, M.B.E. LORIMER, Christian Gray, M.B.E, 6. 16 Aug. 1885; d. of George Lorimer, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh. Professional, D'Oyley Carte and Carl Rosa Companies. War Work : W.A.A.C. ; Unit Administrator of 4 Camps. Address : 1, Elcho Terrace, PortobeUo, Edinburgh. (M4542) BIOGRAPHIES. Lowe LORIMER, Lieut. Dunoan, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.N.V.R. LORIMER, HUda, Mrs., O.B.E. LORIMER, Capt. James Vass, O.B.E, 6. 30 June, 1889 ; s. of James Lorimer, J.P, of Aberdeen ; m. Eleanor Rebecca, _. of the lato George Atkins. Educ. ; Aberdeen Grammar School. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. War Work : Mobilised Aug. 1914, as Lieut. Highland Transport and Supply Column ; promoted Capt. and appointed Adjutant 51st (Highland) Division Train, R.A.S.C, 26 Aug. 1914 ; proceeded to B.E.F, 30 April, 1915 ; wounded Sept. 1916 ; twice mentioned iu despatches. Address : 24, Carlton Place, Aberdeen. (05497) LORNIE, Capt. Peter, O.B.E, M.D, 6. 6 Oct. 1881 ; s. of the late Alexander Murray Lornie, of Newburgh-on-Tay, Scotland. Educ. : Perth Academy ; Univ. of Edinburgh. Senior Assistant Medical Officer ; Monmouthshire County Asylum, Abergavenny, Mon. War Work : Served with Medical and other units in France, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Palestine, Address : Monmouthshire Asylum, Abergavenny, Mon. (06229) LORRAINE, EUen Mary, M.B.E. LOSCOMBE, Col. Arthur RusseU, C.B.E, formerly W. India Regt. Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. in the Army. (C824) LOTHIAN, James, O.B.E. LOTT, Capt. Robert Elgin Lloyd, M.B.E, R.A.F. LOUCH, Arthur Charles Dines, M.B.E. LOUDON, Mary Sophia, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1 Feb. 1869 ; d. of G. WoUen, of Normanhurst, GuUdford ; to. May Francis Arthur, late Administrator-General, Bombay, s. of WiUiam Loudon. War Work : Joint CommandantjRed Cross Hospital, Christehurch, from 1914-19. Address : Hengistbury House, Christehurch. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (O3804) LOUDON, 2nd Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. LOUGH, Major Reginald Dawson Hoporaft, D.S.O-, O.B.E, R.M.L.I, 6. 1885. Served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches) ; has Croix de Guerre of France. (C2617) LOUGHBOROUGH, Major Arthur Harold, O.B.E, R.A, fi. 20 Feb. 1883 ; s. of the late Arthur Loughborough, Barrister- at-Law, of Lincoln's Inn ; m. Norah Mary (who died), d. of the late Montague Alexis PoUard-Urquhart, Craigston Castle, Aberdeen, and Castle PoUard, Westmeath. Educ. : Bradfleld CoU, Berkshire. Adjutant, Clyde R.G.A. (T.F.), 1913, to May, 1915; Assistant Superintendent of Experiments, 1918 and 1920. War Work : In the field, June, 1915, to end of 1917 ; wounded July, 1916 ; under Ministry of Munitions as above, 1918. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox of Newport, Mon. Educ : Hereford Cathedral school and Univ. Coll, London. War Work : R.A.S.C from ±eb .1915, to Feb. 1920. Address: Old Bank Chambers, theitenham. Clubs: Royal AutomobUe ; Cheltenham Race. r ™„ . (M5427) LUDDINGTON, Leila Arthur, Mrs., M.B.E,: d. of Major aenry Reginald Bate, of Bulford, Co. Mayo ; to. Henry Tansley, ni % ¦?e,nry Luddhigton, of Littleport. War Work : Chairman or sub-Corn, of Prisoners of War (Isle of Ely) ; War Pensions ; S™" Iale of Ely Women's War Agricultural Com. ; Chair- 52? . ie,of 1Jy Women's Institutes Com. Address : Walton's ,fJ\TAsndon, Saffron Walden, Essex. Clubs : Ladies' Army ".fe Forum. (M8839) t EEFS3D> George Frederick, M.B.E, fne? T°H' Brig.-Gen. Edmund Ronald Owen, C.B, mL" b-,5. SePt- 1864 : '¦ of the late Col. E. S. Ludlow, LA. w?w,"o,SPvateIy- Served in S. African War; Matabele wax (1896) ; and in the Great War (1914-18) ; has Legion imK: Club •' Junior Naval and MiUtary. (C1672) r TrSiSy**' CaP*- FreJ and Soldiers' Home, Eastbourne ; Hon. Sec. R. Sussex Regt. ". Prisoners of War Fund. Address : 59, Watts Lane, East- 1 bourne. (M8863) McCAUSLAND, Gertrude, Mrs., M.B.E. MacCAW, Vivian Hardy, O.B.E. ; s. of W. J. M. MacCaw, Jf of 103, Eaton Square, London. Educ : Marlborough CoU, Si- and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Supervision of bi Enemy Aliens and Munitions. Address : Bengal Club, Cal- to cutta, India. CZufis : Bachelors' ; Bath. (O4062) 36 McCAY, Major-Gen. the Hon. Sir James Whiteside, ' K.C.M.G, K.B.E, C.B, V.D, M.A, LL.M, 6. 21 Dec. 1864 ; _» s. ofthe Rev. Boyd McCay, D.D, M.A. ; to. JuUa Mary O'Meara. .2. Educ. : Scotch CoU, Melbourne ; Melbourne Univ. Barrister :-e> and Solicitor of High Court of Australia and Supreme Court ¦ii' of Victoria ; Lieut. Victorian Volunteer Forces, 1886 ; Deputy . !» Judge- Advocate, 1894; M.L.A. for Castlewaine, Victoria, 0 1895-99 ; Minister of Trades and Customs, and Minister of jjl Education, 1899-1901 ; Member of the House of Representa tives for CorineUa, AustraUan Commonwealth Parliament, y. 1901-6 ; Minister of State for Defence, 1904-8 ; Col. Command- _.; ing Australian InteUigence Corps, and Director of InteUigence, ; ii Commonwealth Section, In-perial General Staff, 1909; Com- ijjmanded 2nd AustraUan Infantry Brigade in GaUipoli, 15th 4ii Australian Division in Egypt and France, subsequently G.O.C. j -$ Australian Imperial Force, U.K. ; Commander Legion of '¦" 5°Sour- Address : 360, CoUiers Street Melbourne. Clubs : )& Melbourne ; Naval and Military (Melbourne). (K311) »-.*n,¥S.0HEANE» Lieut.-Col. Montague WUliam Hiley, ,i C;M.O, C.B.E, Order of the White Eagle, Serbia, Order j(S« the Nahda, Hedjaz; 6. 27 March, 1872; s. of the late -,i\i lieut.-Col. W. H. McCheane, R.M.L.I. Educ : Portsmouth JS?rfnmar School and Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. ;.,.< bate Royal Artillery; Royal Army Ordnance Corps ; South ( jJUTican War, with Army Ordnance Department; mentioned i!^Jd4SIiat,ches- War Work: With Army Ordnance Dept., "iiii1™*0^1 Army Ordnance Corps, from April, 1915, till end of ( ; . 1 in E8ypt and Palestine ; four times mentioned in de- rfl< PWS?- Club •' United Service. (C2063) 5* 5J°£PJ?ISTELI', Major Thomas, O.B.E, N.Z.A.O.C «»*.»r ¦ LEAN' Rev- Canon Richard Arthur, O.B.E. For sjservices as Episcopalian Chaplain to the Forces in the War. ti> !!!l!£HiiLLAN. °apt. Creighton WilUam, M.B.E. fe' mEH^AN" Frank CampbeU, C.B.E. i>> SJ°S'E.LLAN' Capt. Frederic Ewing, C.B.E. " si cfELLAN, Sarah Georgina Corbetta, M.B.E, 6. iiii ™ i?' 1859 > *• oJ Canon Griffiths, of MachynUeth and Bangor ; '*-¦¦ 2;™ Sv- Edward James, s. of Captain James Creighton ¦¦'« X, ellff' ot York- Educ. : St. Mary's Hall, Brighton. War [bk fork: Hon. County Sec. (Breconshire) B.R.C.S. ; Commandant, J'1"!',' Reserve County Detachment ; organiser of " Our Day " Fund for Breconshire 1915-18; Assist. Administrator, Red Cross Hospital. Address: Llanhamlach Rectory, Brecon. Club : V.A.D, London. (M3819) McCLELLAND, Andrew McClelland, M.B.E. MoCLELLAND, Sir Peter Hannay, K.B.E, fi. 1856; s. of Thomas McClelland, of Wigtown ; to. Aurora Amelia Violeta, d. of James WiUiamson, of Valparaiso (Chile). Educ. : Wigton Normal School; George Watson's Coll, Edinburgh. Merchant Banker ; a Partner of Duncan Fox & Co, Liverpool and London ; a Liveryman of the Girdlers' Guild ; a Life Governor of the Royal Scottish Corporation ; Director of the South American Export Syndicate, Ltd, the British Mexican Petroleum Co, Ltd, the British Union Oil Co, Ltd, and the Union Petroleum Products Co. Ltd. Address : Eaton House, 66a, Eaton Square, S.W. 1. Club : Royal Overseas Officers' ; Argentine. (K95) McCLELLAND, William, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. MoCLELLAND, WilUam, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, fi. 22 Oct. 1873 ; s. of the late WilUam, of Ballybay, Clones, Ireland ; m. IsabeUa, d. of James Whaley Shepherd, of Manchester. Educ. : Manchester. Member, Institution of Electrical Engineers ; Associate Member of American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Director of Electrical Engineering, Admiralty. War Work : Responsible at Admiralty for administration tif electrical engineering work at H.M. Dock yards, including electrical work in shipbuilding ; also for electrical repairs to H.M. Ships of Fleet and AuxiUaries ; also erection of electrical work at Shore Defences, War Factories, etc. Address : 62, York Mansions, London, S.W. 11. Club : St. Stephen's. (0563) McCLIMENT, Rev. Robert James, O.B.E, B.A, 6. 2 June, 1887 ; s. of R. J. McCUment, of Ardrossan. Educ. : St. Edmund's Coll, Old Hall, Ware. Professor, St. Edmund's Coll, Old Hall, Ware. War Work : Chaplain to the Forces ; gazetted, Aug. 1914 ; proceeded to France, Dec. 1914 ; Italy, Nov. 1917. Address : St. Edmund's CoUege, Old Hall, Ware. Club : Union, Cambridge. (06397) MoCLINTOCK. Lucy Antonia, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Sir Anthony Cleasby (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Frederick Robert, s. of Col. McCUntock, of Drumcar. War Work : Breconshire War Hospital, Dec. 1915, to Feb. 1918. Addresses : Penogre, Brecon, S. Wales ; 7, Ormonde Gate, Chelsea. (01618) McCLURE, Capt. George Buchanan, O.B.E, R.A.F. McCLURE, Janet Mary, M.B.E, 6. Oct. 1868; d. of Col. John McClure, of Stockport. Educ. : Laleham, London, and abroad. Commandant of the B.R.C.S. V.A.D. Cheshire 60, since commencement, 1910. War Work : Commandant of the Sir Ralph Pendlebury AuxiUary Hospital Stockport, Nov. 1914, to April, 1919 ; Masseuse to the above hospital and at Heysleigh Aux. Hospital ; appointed to the Special Surgical MiUtary Orthopaedic Hospital, Newcastle-on-Tyne, June, 1919, as masseuse. Address : c/o Major W. R. McClure, Denby Lane Farm, Stockport. (M8864) McCLURE, Mary, Lady, M.B.E, 6. 18 Aug. 1860; d. of James Johnstone, of Holcombe, Lancashire ; to. Sir John David (see Burke's Peerage), s. of John McClure, J.P, of Wigan. Educ : Girls' High School, Saltaire. War Work : A Vice-President of the Middlesex Division of British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John ; Head of Red Cross working party at Mill HiU, N.W. Address : Head Master's House, MiU HiU School, N.W. 7. (M2078) McCLURE, Capt. Samuel, O.B.E, R.A.F. McCLYMONT, Rev. James Alexander, C.B.E, V.D, D.D, 6. 26 May, 1848: s. of Samuel McClymont, J.P, of Girvan, Ayrshire ; to. Agnes, d. of Thomas Smith, J.P, of Dundee. Educ. : Girvan Grammar School ; Ayr Academy ; Edinburgh Univ. Deputy Clerk of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and Convener of Committee on Chaplains to H.M. Forces. War Work: Entrusted by the War Office with the duty of nominating several hundred Ministers of the Church of Scotland for appointment as Temporary Chaplains during the war ; also served personally as a T.F. Chaplain for nearly five years ; appointed Principal Chaplain, ranking as Brigadier-General, July, 1918 ; Moderator and Designate of the General Assembly, 1921. CZufis : Conservative, Edin burgh ; Authors', Loudon. (C22136) McCLYMONT, LiUie Atkinson, M.B.E, 6. 1 Jan. 1891 ; d. of Andrew McClymont, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow. Sec V.A.D. Committee, Scottish Branch, British Red Cross Society, Headquarters. War Work: Secretarial duties in connection with the administrative work of the Scottish Red Cross during the whole period of the war. Address : 61, Newlands Road, Newlands, Glasgow. CZufi : V.A.D, Glasgow. (M8865) McCLYMONT, Lieut.-Col. Robert Arthur, C.B.E, D.S.O., fi. 1874 ; Major, R.F.A. ; S. African War, 1902 (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; SomaUland, 1904 (medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-17 (despatches) ; appointed a Gen. Staff Officer at War Office, 1917 ; MU. Attache', 1918, with rank of Lieut.-Col. -,._,. <£1677) MeCOLL, Col. George Guthrie, C.B.E. Australian Forces, Dep. Ch. Censor for Australia. (C714) MACCOLL, Capt. Henry Hector, O.B.E. MeCOLL, Henrietta Sutherland, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C MeCOLL, Hugh Ernest, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, R.A.M.C, 6 !27 March, 1893 ; s. of Rev. John MeColl, of Foveran, Aber deenshire. Educ. : Paisley Grammar School, and Glasgow Univ. Junior Assistant Surgeon to Victoria Infirmary 331 McCoIl THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Glasgow."* War Work : Sept. 1914, to March, 1915, Private, R.A.M.C, 3rd Scottish Gen. Hospital ; Nov. 1916, gazetted Lieut. ; Nov. 1917, Captain ; Dec. 1916, to June, 1918, service with Salonica Force, attached 2nd Buffs, 85th and 86th Field Ambulances, and 1st K.O.Y.L.I. ; July 1918, to Feb. 1919, service in France with 1st K.O.Y.L.I. ; March, 1919, to April, 1920, Bangour War Hospital, Edinburgh. Addresses: U.F. Manse, Foveran, Aberdeenshire; c/o Adam, 5, Stanley Street, Charing Cross, Glasgow. (O2051) MeCOLL, Lieut.-Col. John Thomas, O.H.E, M.C, Aust. I.F. ,_ , . , McCONAGHY, Minnie Bevernand, O.B.E. Valuable services to the troops in Egypt. (011790) McCONKEY, Lieut.-Comm. Henry, O.B.E, R.N.R. McCONNEL, Lieut.-Comm. William, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. McCONNELL, William Alexander, O.B.E, F.CI.I, 6. 13 March, 1873 ; s. of the late James McConnell, of Dublin ; to. Ada Margaret, d. of the late Robert Morrow, of DubUn. Educ : DubUn. Manager for Deland, Friends' Provident and Century Life Office and Century Insurance Co, Ltd. ; Vice- President and Past President, Insurance Institute of Ireland. War Work : Joint Hon. Sec. National Savings Committee for Leinster, Munster, and Connaught. Address : Glenmalure, 11, AUesbury Park, Merrion, Co. Dublin. Club : Rotary, DubUn. (010874) McCORKELL, Dudley Evelyn Bruce, M.B.E, B.A, J.P, Esquire of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 6. 22 Feb. 1883 ; s. of David Browne McCorkell, J.P, D.L, of BaUyarnett, Londonderry ; to. Helen EUzabeth, d. of Francis James Usher, of Meadow Bank, Terenure, Co. DubUn. Educ. : Shrewsbury, and Pembroke Coll, Cambridge. War Work : County Director for British Red Cross and Order of St. John for City of Londonderry and County of Donegal ; War Pensions ; Recruiting. Address : BaUyarnett, London derry. Club: Univ.. DubUn. (M2079) MacCORMAC, Lieut.-Col. Henry, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P, R.A.M.C. ; s. of John MacCormac, of BeUast (see Burke's Peerage, MacCormac, Bart.). Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. Phy sician for Diseases of the Skin, Middlesex Hospital, London ; Lecturer on Forensic Medicine in Medical School. War Work : Went to France, Jan. 1915, with French Red Cross ; then joined R.A.M.C. in June, 1915, as Lieut, finally becoming Consulting Dermatologist to B.E.F, France, in 1918, with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; twice mentioned in despatches. Club : SavUe. (C1285) McCCRMACK, Arthur John, C.B.E. McCORMACK, Major Carson Alexander Vivian, O.B.E. McCORMICK, Gerald Bernard, M.B.E, R.N. McCORMACK, Rev. John Bernard, M.B.E, E.A.F. McCORMACK, Michael, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 1 March, 1871 ; s. of Patrick McCormack, of Roscommon, Ireland ; to. Dulcie Evelyn, d. of T. T. Logan, late Indian Civil Service, of Bourne mouth. Educ : Elphin Grammar School, and privately in DubUn. Director of Companies. War Work : S. African War, 1899-1902, Capt. and Paymaster, Kitchener's Horse ; S.W. Africa, D.A.Q.M.G. to Gen. Botha's Force, with rank of Major ; subsequently attached to (Queen's) R.W. Surrey Regt. ; afterwards appointed for staff work, MobUisation Dept. War Office ; transferred to National Aircraft Factories Dept, Ministry of Munitions, and appointed Assistant ControUer of that Dept. Addresses : c/o Country Club, Johannesburg ; P.O., Box 1988, Johannesburg. Clubs : Rand ; Country ; Johannesburg Golf. (07416) McCORMICK, Lieut. Henry Charles Gordon, M.B.E, 6. 20 July, 1888 ; s. of the Rev. Canon J. McCormick, D.D, of Roundstone, Co. Galway ; to. Eva, d. of Alexander Sim, J.P, of CoUooney, Co. Sligo. Educ. : St. Lawrence Coll, Ramsgate. SoUcitor. War Work : Served with 16th Irish Division. France, 1916, and with 28th Division, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, 1917-19 ; mentioned in despatches, March, 1919. Address : The Abbev, CoUooney, Co. SUgo. (M4806) McCORQUODALE, Norman, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 24 Oct. 1863 ; s. of George McCorquodale, of Newton-le-WUlows, Lancashire, and Gadlys, Isle of Anglesey (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; to. Constance Helena, d. of E. 0. Burton, of The Lodge, Daventry. Educ. : Harrow ; Pembroke CoU, Oxford. War Work : County Director for Buckinghamshire, St. John's and Red Cross. Address : Winslow HaU, Bucks. Club : Boodle's. (010875) McCOSH, Major Robert, O.B.E. McCOWEN, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Gerald Roche, O.B.E, M.D, R.N. McCOWEN, OUver Hill, C.B.E, LL.B. McCRACKEN, David Edenfleld, O.B.E. McCRACKEN, Major Frederio de Crez, O.B.E, late R.A.S.C. Special Reserve, 6. 30 Jan. 1885 ; s. of Frank de Crez McCracken, of 14 Onslow Crescent, and 38, Queen Street, Cannon Street, E.C Educ. : Switzerland (Lausanne) ; Arling ton House, Brighton ; King's CoU, London. War Work : Attached headquarters 1st and 3rd British Armies in France, 1915-10 ; S.S.O, 12th Division in the field ; D.A.D.T. Head quarters, L. of C, France, Nov. 1917, to June, 1919. Address : 11, Wetherby Mansions, Earl's Court Square, London, S.W. 5. C7h6s : Isthmian ; TraveUers', Paris. (05511) McCRAE, Lieut.-Col. James, M.B.E, R.A.F. McCRAKEN, John, M.B.E. McCREA, Hugh Moreland, O.B.E. M.D, B.Ch, fi. 4 March, 1877 ; s. of John McCrea, M.D, of BeUast ; to. Kate Rose, d. of Charles Hannen, late Commissioner Chinese Customs. Educ. : Royal Academical Institution ; and Queen's TJniv Belfast. Assistant Physician to Out-Patients, Paddington Green Children's Hospital. War Work : Physician, City of London MUitary Hospital; President, No. 2 Final Appeal Board ; organised and acted as Convener of the Emergency Surgical Aid Corps of Royal Society of Medicine. Address ¦ 20, Devonshire Place, London, W. 1. (011821a) McCREERY, EmiUe, Mrs., M.B.E. McCRINDLE, Major James Ronald, O.B.E, M.C,R,AF McCULLAGH, Capt. Francis, M.B.E. McCULLAGH, Margaret Craig, Lady, C.B.E.; d. of William Brodie ; m. 1896, Sir Crawford, s. of Robert McCuUagh, of Aghadee. Address : Niswara, Whiteabbey, Co. Antrim. MACCULLAH, Major Albert, C.B.E, R.A.S.C. McCULLOCH, John Smith, M.B.E,'R.A.S.C. McCULLOUGH, Capt. Robert Stuart, O.B.E, fi. 18 April, 1883 ; s. of the late Wm. McCuUough, of Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Educ. : Portora Royal School, EnniskiUen. War Work : Went to France, Dec. 1914, and served continuously with B.E.F. to end of war, with 3rd and 18th Divisions. Address : c/o Hartley Buckley, J.P, The Grange, Crawley Down, Sussex. Clubs : Constitutional ; United R.A.S.C. MACCULLUM. AUred Erasmus Geoffrey, O.B.E.., R.A.F.' ' McCURDY, David, O.B.E. MoCURDY, Major Donald Arohibald, O.B.E. MoCUSKER, Ralph Henry John, M.B.E, R.N. MoCUTCHAN, Capt. WilUam Charles, M.B.E, M.C. McCUTCHIN, Sydney Cameron, M.B.E. McDERMAID, Neil John, O.B.E. MoDERMENT, WilUam, M.B.E, Can. A.D.C. MACDERMOTT, Lieut.-Comm. Anthony Franois Joseph, O.B.E, R.N. MCDERMOTT, Lieut.-Col. John, O.B.E. MCDERMOTT, Lieut.-Col. Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. McDERMOTT, Capt. WilUam, O.B.E, 6. 28 May, 1888; s. of T. McDermott, of Abbey Wood, Kent; m. Kathleen Constance, d. of Jasper Geer, of Twickenham, Surrey. Edue. : PubUc School, London. War Work : Served in the Regular Forces in India and Mesopotamia, and commanded the 7th Cav. Bde, Ammunition Column, R.H.A, in Mesopotamia until Jan. 1919. Address : 42, The Vineyard, Richmond, Surrey. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (06655) MACDIARMID, Lieut.-Col. Peter, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. MACDONA, Major Cuthbert Laud, O.B.E. McDONALD, Capt. Alexander, M.B.E, R.G.A. MACDONALD, Major Alexander, O.B.E. McDONALD, AUan McDonald, C.B.E. MACDONALD, Capt. AUen Fraser, M.B.E, T.F. Res. (ret.). MACDONALD, Amy Beatrice, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 12 July, 1880 ; d. of Rev. E. F. Cavalier, M.A, of Wramplingham, Norfolk ; to. Major Eric WiUiam, s. of John M. Macdonald, of Lombard Street, London. Educ. : St. Mary's Hall, Brighton. War Work : Organiser and Hon. Sec. of The King's Own (Scottish Borderers) Prisoners of War Fund, from 1914 to end of war. Address : Little Ote HaU, Burgess HiU, Sussex. (M8867) MACDONALD, Major Andrew Edward, O.B.E. MACDONALD, Rev. Angus, O.B.E. MACDONALD, Capt. Angus G., O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. McDONALD, Eng.-Comm. Archibald Anthony, O.B.E. MACDONALD, Archibald CampbeU, C.B.E. Assist. Director of Agriculture E. Africa Protectorate, and a M.L.C. ; rendered services to E. African Expeditionary Force during Great War (mentioned in despatches). (C1145) MACDONALD OF THE ISLES, Celia Violet Bosvffle, O.B.E, 6. 28 Jan. 1889 ; d. of Sir Alexander Macdonald of the Isles, Bart, of Thorpe HaU, Bridlington (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Privately. War Work : Teaching (by request of the Chief Constable of the East Riding) a class of policemen Morse and Semaphore SignaUing ; helping to found and run a Club at Farnborough for the girls of the clerical staff of the Aeroplane Factory ; helping the Countess of Harrowby in her work for Overseas Officers. Address : Thorpe HaU, Bridlington. (08397) MACDONALD, Charles, M.B.E, 6. 1870. Manager, B Clearing House, Liverpool Docks Scheme, Ministry of Labour ; Manager of Bootle Employment Exchange. War Wort: hi connection with the inauguration of the 1st Dock Battv Ki-R- Address : Inveresk, Ince Avenue, Great Crosby, I*Tf3_X; McDONALD, Charles, O.B.E. MoDONALD, Major Charles James Lewis, O.B.E. MACDONALD, Paymaster-Capt. David James, C.B.E. R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentionedin despatches). MoDONALD, 2nd Lieut. Duncan, O.B.E. MACDONALD, Major Duncan, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. MACDONALD, Comm. Duncan Finlayson, O.B.E. _ MACDONALD, Elsie Hay, M.B.E, 6. 8 June 1872 , d. of D. J. K. Macdonald, of Sanda, Argyll. War Wort : Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association, Salisbury Div, from Aug. 1914 ; Member of Wilts. Local War Pension Com mittee from its formation, and Hon. Sec. of Salisbury sub committee. Address: 23, The Close, Salisbury. Cft»- New Century. (JJ««™> MACDONALD, Eva Flora CaroUne, M.B.E., b. 27 WD. 1892 ; d. of Alexander Macdonald, of Balranald, Lochmaday, 332 BIOGRAPHIES. McDougall and Edenwood, Cupar, Fife. Educ. : Privately. War Work : i years coast watching for Admiralty, as District Head, and flnaUy Head, Coast Watcher for Island of North Uist. Ad dresses : Balranald, Lochmaddy, North Uist ; 19, St. Bernard's Crescent, Edinburgh. (M694) MACDONALD, Lieut. Ewen WilUam Charles, M.B.E, K.A.O.C. MACDONALD, Flora Emma, Mrs., M.B.E. MACDONALD, Florence, M.B.E, 6. 23 Aug. 1869; d. of Rev. F. W. Macdonald, of London. Educ. : Clifton High School, and Handsworth Coll. Worker under the Young Women's Christian Association ; leader of Girls' Clubs. War Work : Clerk in the Army Pay Dept. of the War Office : Superintendent of Y.W.C.A. Munition Workers' Club at Lancaster. Addresses : 18, WeUington Road, Bournemouth ; Y.W.C.A. Club, Camberley, Surrey. (M695) MACDONALD, Capt. Francis Caven, O.B.E, M.B, K.A.M.C. McDONALD, Lieut.-Col. George Frederic Handel, O.B.E, 1914 Star, G.S. AUied Medal, Volunteer Long Service Medal, Coronation Medal (King George and Mary), Order of the Nile, 3rd Class, 6th Essex Regt, 6. 8 July, 1868 ; s. of Archibald McDonald, of Portsmouth ; m. Mabel Annie, d. of Henry Hubbard Goodner, of Midhurst. Educ. : Portsmouth Grammar School (Stone Scholar). Associate of the Institute of Bankers ; formerly Base Commandant, Suez ; President of the Board of Control of Floating Craft and Labour, Port of Suez ; thirty-five years' service in 17th North Middlesex Rifle Volunteers, London Scottish Rifle Volunteers, and Essex Regment; first com mission, 8 AprU, 1898. War Work : Took part in the opera tions with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in the Islands of the JLgean Sea, Aug. 1915, to Jan. 1916 ; operations in Egypt, Jan. 1916, to March, 1916 ; operations with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, March, 1916, to Oct. 1918 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Emerson Park, Horn- church, Essex. CZufi : Junior Army and Navy. MaoDONALD, George WUliam, O.B.E, M.Sc, F.I.C. ; s. of John MacDonald, of Casterton, AustraUa ; to. Anne, d. of — Callender, of Birkenhead. Educ. : Melbourne Univ. ; Univ. of Londn. Analytical Chemist. War Work : Admiralty work in connection with Explosives. Address : 116, Belgrave Road, S.W. 1. (0523) MACDONALD OF THE ISLES, Godfrey Meddleton Bos- vUle, M.B.E, 6. 25 Sept. 1887 ; s. of Sir Alexander Went worth Macdonald BosviUe Macdonald of the Isles, 14th Bart. of Sleat, in the Island of Skye, Co. Inverness (see Burke's Peerage) ;m. Rachel Audrey, d. of Colin Campbell (see Burke's Peerage, Harrowby, E.). Educ : Eton, and Magdalen Coll, Oxford. Barrister-at-law. War Work: Was in command B.R.C.S. Stores Transport Dept, Boulogne. Address : Scor- borough HaU, Beverley. (M2082) MACDONALD, Hector Munro, O.B.E. MACDONALD, Herman Arthur, M.B.E. MaoDONALD, Lieut.-Col. Ian Thomas Alister, O.B.E, fi. 14 AprU, 1883 ; s. of Rev. Alex. MacDonald ; to. Ruby Josephine, a. of J. Boyd Love, J.P, of Outlands, Devonport. Educ. : Sherborne School ; Univs. of Edinburgh and London. Ministry of Education, Egypt ; Department of Supplies, Mimstry of Agriculture. War Work : Lieut. A.S.C and 0.C9 121st Co. A.S.C, attached 13th Division, DardaneUes ; I.E.F. " D." Local Purchase Officer ; Deputy Assist. Director and Assistant Director, Dept. of Local Resources, Mesopotamian Exped. Force; mentioned in despatches, Aug. 1918 and June, 1919 ; promoted Lieut.-Col, Jan. 1919. Address : Cereals Bureau, Alexandria, Egypt. Club : R.A.S.C. (06656) McDONALD, Capt. James, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. MACDONALD, James, O.B.E. MACDONALD, 2nd Lieut. James, O.B.E, K.O.S.B. McDONALD, Major and Qr.-Mr. James, M.B.E. McDONALD, James Gordon, O.B.E. McDONALD, Major James Ratcliffe, O.B.E. MACDONALD, Johanna Margaret, Mrs.,M.B.E, Comman dant S.C. Club, G.H.Q, France, ; d. of John Adam, of Indian Civil Service ; m. Edward EUice, late Rector of Hillhead High School, Glasgow. War Work : President of War Work Party for sending comforts to troops overseas, 1914-16 ; Commandant of Scottish Churches' Club, MontreuU S.M, France, and Wimereux, France, 1916-19. Address; Chapelton Terrace, Bearsden, Scotland. (M8870) MACDONALD, Major John, O.B.E. Aust. A.M.C. McDONALD, John, M.B.E. Educ : George Heriot's ' School, Edinburgh. Manager of Hydropathic. War Work : Sec. Melrose War Savings Committee. Address : Waverley Hydropathic, Melrose. (M8872) McDONALD, John, M.B.E. MACDONALD, John, M.B.E, M.B, CM, J.P, 6. 23 Bee. 1860 ; s. of Archibald Macdonald, of Tobermory, Mull. Educ : Tobermory School ; Royal High School ; Univ. of Edinburgh. Medical Officer, Parishes of Kembaek, Dairsie and Logie ; Pensions Medical Referee for County Fife, etc. ; Member Fife County Insurance Committee ; Chairman Fife Panel Committee. War Work : Interim Red Cross Director for the County of Fife ; Medical Officer in charge of Spring field V.A.D. Hospital ; M.O. in charge troops, Cupar. Address : Marathon House, Cupar, Fife. (M8873) MACDONALD, Major John Alexander, O.B.E. MACDONALD, John Angus, M.B.E, J.P. MACDONALD, Major the Rev. John Howard, C.B.E., D.D, F.R.G.S. Hon. Major Oversea Contingents ; Assist. Drrector Chap. Sers. Canadian Forces. (C535) MACDONALD, Major John Robert, O.B.E, Order of tho Nile (4th Class), 17th London Regt, 6. 19 June, 1879 ; s. of John Robert Macdonald, of Craigengower, Tighnabruaich ; m. Marrion Elizabeth Evetts, d. of John Galloway Watson, of London. Educ. : Streete Court, Westgate-on-Sea. Barrister- at-law, Inner Temple (Nov. 1911) ; North-Eastern Circuit. War Work : Enlisted (London Scottish) Aug. 1914 ; B.E.F., Sept. 1914, to Sept. 1915 ; and June, 1916, to Dec. 1910 ; M.E.F. (Salonica), Dec. 1916 to June, 1917 ; E.E.F, June, 1917 to July, 1919 ; mentioned in despatches, June, 1919. Address : 3, Elm Court, Temple, E.C. 4. (08631) MACDONALD, Capt. Kenneth, O.B.E, 6. 1883. Mercan tile Marine, City Line. War Work : Commanded Admiralty Transports " Rufidji," " Huntscliff," and " Polglass Castle." Address: c/o The City Line, Bothwell Street, Glasgow. (010880) MACDONALD, Com. Malcolm Henry Somerled, O.B B , D.S.O, R.N. Present at battle of Jutland, 1916 ; served at Peace Conference, 1919 (mentioned in despatches). (09654) MACDONALD, Margaret Clare, M.B.E. MACDONALD, Marian Louie, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. MACDONALD, Mina, M.B.E. McDONALD, Niel, O.B.E, M.B.Ch.B, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 29 July, 1886 ; s. of John McDonald, of Preston, Lancashire. Educ. : Preston Grammar School, and Manchester Univ. Hon. Anaesthetist, Royal Free Hospital, London. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of Royal Free Officers' Hospital, 1915-19. Address : 25, Gower Street, London. W.C. 1. Club : Royal Societies'. (011822) MaoDONALD, Ranald, O.B.E, F.R.G.S, fi. 8 April, 1868 ; s. of the late James MacDonald, of Lochmaddy, North Uist. Educ. : Lochmaddy and Glasgow. Comptroller of Customs and Magistrate, Nyasaland Protectorate. War Work : Served with, and in connection with, Nyasaland Field Force during the whole war. Addresses : Tigh-na-Creige,Lochmaddy, North Uist, N.B. ; Port Herald, Nyasaland, Africa. Club : Caledonian. (08398) MaoDONALD, Major Ranald, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C, 6. 1885; s. of W. J. MacDonald, M.A, F.R.S.E, of Edinburgh. Educ : Daniel Stewart's CoU, and Edinburgh Univ. Doctor of Medicine. War Work : Egypt. Address : L.C Mental Hospital, Colney Hatch, New Southgate. (06232) MACDONALD, Ranald, M.B.E, fi. 25 April, 1895 ; s. of Ranald Macdonald, of Liverpool. Educ. : Liverpool Coll, and Queens' Coll, Cambridge. War Work : Served with the 15th and 9th Batt. " The King's " (Liverpool) Regt. ; wounded at the Battle of Loos, Sept. 1915 ; Recording Office of 19 Squadron, R A.F, France, 1917-18 ; Adjutant of the Royal Air Force School of Navigation and Bomb Dropping, at Andover, Hants. Address : 2, Belvidere Road, Prince's Park, Liverpool. MACDONALD, ' Ranuld Macintosh, C.B.E. Rendered services during Great War to New Zealand War Contingent Assocn. in London. (C1996) McDONALD, Rebecca Anne, M.B.E. (M10402) MACDONALD, Major Reginald Henry, O.B.E, S. Lancs. Regt. (011781) MACDONALD, Rev. Robert Gordon, O.B.E, M.A., 6. 1£ Dec. 1885 ; s. of W. J. Macdonald, of Knockbreck House, Tain. Educ : Tain Royal Academy ; Aberdeen Univ. ; Glasgow U.F.CoIl. Scottish Sec, Student Christian Movement. War Work : Sec. Y.M.C.A, Third Army Area. Address : Knockbreck House, Tain. (01623) MACDONALD, Capt. Robert Parker, M.B.E. MACDONALD, Sheena, Mrs., O.B.E. MACDONALD, Wilfrid Frank, M.B.E. MACDONALD, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Marshall, C.B.E. New Zealand Med. Corps. (C848) McDONELL, Major Aeneas Ranald, C.B.E, 21st Chief Glengarry (see Burke's Perrage), b. 8 Aug. 1875 ; s. of JSneas Ranald McDonell, 20th of Glengarry ; to. Dorah Edith, d. of William H. Hartford, of Christehurch, Hants. .Educ. .- St. Paul's School. British Vice-Consul, Baku, S. Russia. 1907-17 ; British Consul, Tiflis, Caucasus, 1920. War Work : Joined Caucasus Military Mission in 1917 ; served in North Persia and Caucasus, 1918-19. Address : Foreign Office, London. Clubs : Badminton ; Royal Automobile. (C2774) MACDONELL, Lieut. Ian McLean, M.B.E. , MACDONNELL, Major Alister MaxweU, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. MACDONNELL, Major Mervyn Sorly, O.B.E. McDONNELL, Mysie, M.B.E. MACDONNELL, Richard, M.B.E. McDONNELL, Walter James, M.B.E. MACDONOGH, George Frederick, M.B.E. McDOUALL, Lieut.-Col. Robert, C.B, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, Officer of Legion of Honour, 6. 3 Nov. 1871 ; s. of John McDouall, of Stranraer, Scotland ; to. Mabel Constance, d. of Gen. Sir Charles Pennington, K.C.B. (see Burke's Peerage). Edue. : Felsted School, and R.M.C, Sandhurst. Joined the Buffs in 1892 and served on active service in the Chitral Relief Force ; throughout the South African War ; Relief of Kimber ley, Paardeberg, etc. ; twice mentioned in despatches, and D.S.O.) ; commanded 1st Batt. The Buffs in the Great War, and commanded an Infantry Brigade with the temporary rank of Brig.-Gen, from July, 1916, to the conclusion of hostilities ; subsequently in command of the Base at Dunkirk ; seven times mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lieut.-Col. (C2049) McDOUGALL, Agnes, Mrs., M.B.E. McDOUGALL, Alexander Patrick, C.B.E. 333 McDougall THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. McDOUGALL, Brig.-Gen. Alexander, C.B, C.B.E, 6 1878 ; s. of the late John Tom McDougall, C.M.G. Col. Canadian Forestry Corps, and a T. Brig.-Gen. ; served during Great War, 1915-18 ; Legion of Honour. (C999) McDOUGALL, Lieut. AUred, M.B.E, R.E. McDOUGALL, Donald, M.B.E. McDOUGALL, Edith, O.B.E. MACDOUGALL, Major Frederick George, O.B.E, R.E. (I.W.T.) McDOUGALL, Harold James, M.B.E, A.C.A, 6. 5 Aug. 1878 ; s. of the late Walter McDougaU, of Perrymead, Streat ham, S.W. ; m. Helena Victoria Augusta, d. of the late Col. Eardley Maitland, C.B, of Westbourne Terrace, W. Educ. : Dulwich Coll. Chartered Accountant. War Work : Senior Clerk-in-charge, Vesting Orders Dept. of the Trading with the Enemy Dept, Public Trustee Office, Klngsway. Address : 5, St. John's Wood Park, N.W. 8. Club : The Drive. (M8878) MACDOUGALL, Major Ian, O.B.E, S. 13 Sept. 1882; s. of the late Alexander Macdougall, of Fort WiUiam, Scotland ; m. Marjorie EUzabeth, d. of Hugh James McCubbin, of MUlbank House, West Derby, Liverpool. Educ. : George Watson's CoU, Edinburgh. Farmer. War Work : Served in German South- West Campaign (Natal Light Horse) ; in France as Major, 2nd Regt. South African Infantry ; Adjutant, Reserve Batt. South African Infantry ; Commanding 2nd Res. Batt. South African Infantry ; Commandant, South African Con tingent, Repatriation Depot, Harehall Hutments, Romford, Essex. Address : Catsfold, Henfleld, Sussex. (O9016) McDOUGALL, Major John Mel, O.B.E, R.G.A. McDOUGALL, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Allan, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 5th June, 1868 ; s. of John McDougall, of Jedburgh, Scot land. Educ. : The Nest Academy, Jedburgh ; New Veterinary CoU., Edinburgh. Appointed to a commission in Royal Army Veterinary Corps in June, 1893. War Work : MobUised with 46th (North Midland) Division, T.F, as A.D.V.S. on outbreak of war ; served continuously with this Division until June, 1917 ; when he was appointed A.D.V.S. I. Corps and served with that Corps untU the end of the war. Address : The Nest, Jedburgh, Scotland ; Morth Grange, Northlew, North Devon. (05518) MacDOUGALL, Alice Mary, Lady PATTEN-, O.B.E. ; d. of Major James Home, of Stirkoke, Caithness ; to. Sir James Patten, who assumedthenameof MacDougaU on succeeding his mother in 1891 (see Burke's Landed Gentry), s. of John Patten, Writer to the Signet. War Work : President of Red Cross for Argyll ; Chairman of Soldiers' and SaUors' Famines Associa tion for North ArgyU ; Chairman of Soldiers' and SaUors' War Pensions Committee for Lorn District, ArgyU. Address : Galla- nach. Oban. CZwfis : Empress ; Queen's, Edinburgh. (010881) McDOWALL, Charles, O.B.E. McDOWELL, Capt. Alexander, O.B.E, R.E. McDOWELL, Lieut.-Col. Donald Keith, C.M.G, O.B.E, 6. 16 Sept. 1867 ; s. of Col. Edmund Greswold McDoweU, C.B, to. Bertha Kathleen Mary, d. of John BaUey, M.I.C.E. Educ : Berkhampstead, and St. Thomas's Hospital. Late Principal Medical Officer, Federated Malay States. War Work : Lieut- Col. R.A.M.C, Aug. 1914, to Oct. 1919. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, London, S.W. 1. Club : WeUington. (07423) McDOWELL, Major Samuel Johnson, O.B.E. MACE, Comm. Frederick WilUam, O.B.E., R.N.R. MACE, William Ethrington, M.B.E, 6. 26 Nov. 1881 ; s. of the late WiUiam Mace, of Marseilles and London ; m. Monica Helen Grace, d. of Richard Hemsley, of Montreal Educ : Durham ; Copenhagen. Investment Banker. War Work : Officer in charge Administration, Inspection Depot, Canada Imperial Ministry of Munitions, Ottawa, Canada, 1915-19. Address; 451, Mountain Avenue, Westmount, P.Q. Clubs : Montreal ; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht. (M3820) McEACHARN, Capt. Niel Boyd Watson, M.B.E, D.L, K.O.S.B. McELHONE, William Percy, M.B.E. McELWAINE, Capt. Erick James Dalby, O.B.E. MACEWAN, Capt. Andrew Kenneth, O.B.E, R.F.A. (T.); m. 27 Nov, 1920, Barbara Hussey Bowen. McEWAN, Jean Margaret, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. McEWAN, Lieut.-Comm. John Robert, O.B.E. McEWEN, Frederick Charles, O.B.E. MACEWEN, Hugh AUan, O.B.E, D.P.H. (Cantab.), F.R.S. E, fi. 21 May, 1880 ; s. of Sir WiUiam Macewen, F.R.S, of 3, Woodside Crescent, Glasgow (tee Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Univ. of Glasgow ; Univ. CoU, London ; Heidelberg. Medical Officer, Ministry of Health ; late Medical Officer of Health for Fife and Kinross ; Assistant Medical Officer of Health for Cumberland ; Lecturer on Hygiene, Cooper Medical CoU, San Francisco ; Resident Physician Belvedere Fever Hospital, Glasgow, etc. Addresses : Ministry of Health, WhitehaU, S.W. 1 ; 5, Suffield Chambers, 79, Davies Street, W. 1. Club : Savage. (O3807) McEWEN, Major James, O.B.E. McEWEN, Major Robert James, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. McEWEN, Thomas, O.B.E. MACEWEN, Capt. WiUiam, O.B.E, 6. 2 July, 1886 ; s. of Sir WiUiam Macewen, C.B, F.R.S, Glasgow (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Glasgow ; London. Assistant Medical Officer, City of Exeter. War Work: O.C. No. 6 MobUe Laboratory (Hygiene), First Army, France, and No. 33 Mobile Laboratory (Hygiene), Third Army, France. Address : 5, Friars Walk, Exeter. (05520) 334 McEWEN, WilUam FuUerlon, O.B.E, M.B. MACEY, Josiah, M.B.E. MacFADDEN, CecU John Read, O.B.E, MD CM.(Edin), 6. 20 July, 1870 ; s. of James MacFadden jp" of Portadown, Co. Armagh ; to. May, d. of David Gibson of Jonsered, Sweden. Educ. : Lurgan CoU, Deland ; Edinburgh Univ. District Surgeon No. 1 District St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Divisional Surgeon Metropolitan Police ; Councillor Hampstead Borough Council ; Chairman, Maternity and Quid Welfare Committee for the Borough of Hampstead; Hon Treas. Hampstead Medical Society. War Work : M.O. in Charge Caenwood Towers MUitary Hospital, Highgate, Cedar Lawn MUitary Hospital, Hampstead ; M.O. Officers Hostel Oak HiU Lodge, Hampstead ; Chief Surgeon, St. John Am bulance Brigade, London District Air Raid Organisation- M.O. Sir Frederick Milner's Hostel for Neurasthenic Soldiers' and of Edith CaveU Home, Hampstead. Address : 30, Frognal' Hampstead, N.W. 3. (04379) McFADYEN, Lieut.-Col. Duncan, M.B.E, L.R.C.S.E. J.P, 6. 5 June, 1846 ; s. of Duncan McFadyen, ' of KUbride, Argyleshire ; m. Mary, d. of Walter MundeU, of Inverlaul. Educ : Lochgilphead and Glasgow Univ. M.0. 3rd Cameron Highlanders ; M.O. Inverness Post Office; M.o! for the Parish of Inverness ; Member of the Medical Staff of the Northern Infirmary, Inverness. War Work : Mobilised as M.O. 3rd Cameron Highlanders at Aldershot during the Boer War ; during the Great War acted as County Director for Inverness-shire under the British Red Cross Society, and is M.O. for the Highland Volunteers with rank of Captain. Address : 94, Academy Street, Inverness. (M88801 MACFADYEN, Jessie, Mrs, M.B.E. McFALL, Col. Albert WiUiam Crawford, O.B.E, fi. 19 Feb. 1862 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. D. Chambers McFaU ; to. Anne, d. of WiUiam Peter, of Glenloth. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Brigade Major 91st Infantry Brigade ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Southern Reserve Centre ; R.A.F. DiscipUnary Branch, pre siding on Courts Martial and instructing in Military Law. Address : The Manor House, Winterborne Zelstone, Blandford, Dorset. (07426) MACFARLANE, Capt. Alexander, O.B.E, fi. 9 Oct, 1874 ; 8. of Peter Macfarlane, of Port Glasgow ; m. Jean, d. of David Galloway, of Greenock. Educ. : Greenock Academy and Edinburgh Univ. CivU Service. War Work : Engaged in various CivU Service Departments. Address : 4, Devonshire Road, Davenport Park, Stockport. Clubs : National Liberal; Davenport. (O10886) McFARLANE, Andrew, O.B.E. MACFARLANE, Edith Mary, Mrs, O.B.E. MACFARLANE, Major Fane Andrew James, DS.0, O.B.E., Capt. London Regt. ; D.A.Q.M.G. with rank of Major ; served during Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches). (08594) MACFARLANE, Hugh, O.B.E. MACFARLANE, James Arthur Henderson, M.B.E. MACFARLANE, James Colquhoun, O.B.E. MACFARLANE, James WaUace, O.B.E. MACFARLANE, John MUler, O.B.E. MoFARLANE, Joseph, O.B.E. MacFARLANE, Lauchlan Grant, O.B.E, fi. 1 Jan, 1861; s. of Archibald MacFarlane, of Johnstone ; m. Helen CampbeU WyUe, d. of John Wylie, of Largs. Educ : EldersUe Wallace School, and Andersonian Coll, Glasgow. Manager of Sub marine and Oil Engine Department, CammeU, Laird, Birken head. War Work: Submarines and OU Engines. Address: 10, Princes Park Mansions, Liverpool. (O3609) MACFARLANE, Malcolm, O.B.E. MACFARLANE, Peter, O.B.E, J.P. MACFARLANE, Stuart Gordon, M.B.E. (M10304) MACFARLANE, Walter Mace, M.B.E. MACFARLANE, Col. David James MASON-, C.M.G., C.B.E, T.D, M.D. (Edin. Univ.), 4th Seaforth Highlanders, b. 22 Nov. 1862 ; s. of David Mason, of Edinburgh, assumed by Royal Licence, 1909, Maternal Surname of MacFarlane; to. Mary Blanche, d. of Francis Edmund Anstie, M.D.(Lond.), F.R.CP.(Eng.), of London. Educ. : Edinburgh Institution and University of Edinburgh,. Practised as Physician in Maidenhead from 1888-1907 ; retired from practice on account of UI health, 1907 ; served in 4th Royal Berkshire Regiment from 1890-1913 ; rose from Subaltern to Major ; transferred Feb. 1913 to command 4th Batt. Seaforth Highlanders. War Work: MobUised in Aug. 1914 ; commanded 4th Batt. Seaforth Highlanders and took the Batt. to France Nov. 1914 ; Danger ously wounded at battle of Neuve-Chapelle, March, 1915; received C.M.G. afterthe battle ; in hospital for several months; Feb. 1916 posted to command 4th Reserve Batt. Seaforth High landers, Commanded this Batt. until March, 1919, providing reinforcements for the 51st Division ; thrice mentioned in des patches. Address : Turin, Forfarshire, Scotland. Clubs : Arts ; Bath. (C1690) McFERRAN, Lieut.-Col. Edwin Millar GiUiland, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. 4th Batt. Royal Dish Rifles ; served in S. Africa, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with five clasps) ; during Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1678) McFERRAN, EmUy, M.B.E, 6. 28 May, 1859 ; d. of Henry McFerran, J.P, of Newtown HamUton, Co. Armagh, Deland. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Head of Work Depot ; Organiser of Our Day Collections in Newtown Hamil ton, Co. Armagh district during war ; also worked in Sphagnum Moss Depot. Address : Newtown HamUton, Co. Armagh. (M2086) BIOGRAPHIES. McGuire MoFERRAN, Helen Sarah, M.B.E. ; d. of John McFerran, of The Barn, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim. War Work : Com mandant V.A.D. Auxiliary Hospital, Tickford Abbey ; Manager and Hon. See. North Bucks. War Hospital Supply Depot at Newport PagneU. Address : Walton Manor, Blotchley, Bucks. (M8881) MoFERRAN, Howard Addison, O.B.E. MACFIE, Mary Jane, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 22 Feb. 1855 ; i. of Charles Lloyd, of WaunUor, Maesycrugian, Carmarthen shire ; m. David Johnstone, s. of William Macfie, of Langhouso, Inverkip, Renfrewshire. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Chairman No. 1 Sub-Committee, Midlothian War Pensions ; Interviewer for Board of Agriculture (Women's Land Army for Border District) ; Chairman War Pensions Sub-Committee, Heriot and Stow; Member of Midlothian Military Selection Board. Address: Borthwick Hall, Heriot, Midlothian. Club: Queen's. (M8882) MACFIE, Major Ronald Bute, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, r.R.C.S.(Edin.), R.A.M.C, 6. 28 June, 1887 ; s. of Daniel Macfie, of Edinburgh ; to. Monica Enid, d. of Rev. George R. Taylor, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : George Watson's Coll, Edinburgh. Surgeon-in-charge, Orthopaedic Clinic, St. Martin's, Cheltenham ; Medical Referee, Ministry of Pen sions. War Work: Second Surgeon 36th CCS. France; Surgical Specialist 55th CCS. FTance; R.A.M.C, 1914 to 1919. Address : Segrave House, Cheltenham. (05521) MoGAVIN, Lawrie Hugh, C.B.E, F.R.CS.(Eng.), 6. Nov. 1868 ; s. of John McGavin, of Calcutta, and Ayr, N.B. ; m. Edith Mary, d. of Horatio Beauchamp, of Melbourne. Educ. : Fettes CoU. ; R.M.C. Sandhurst ; Guy's Hospital. Consulting Surgeon ; Surgeon to the Dreadnought Hospital and to the Hospital for Women. War Work : Surgeon to the King George, Endsleigh Palace, Michie, R.A.F. and Farn- ¦ borough Court MUitary Hospitals ; Member of the Emergency i Surgical Aid Corps and Final Appea Board of Medical Assessors. I Addresses : 32, Weymouth Street, W. 1 ; Moons Mill, Black- > boys, Sussex. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (C3119) : MoGAVIN, Maude, M.B.E. r MacGEAGH, Lieut.-Col. Henry Davies Foster, C.B.E,, i B.A, 6. 21 Oct. 1883 ; s. of Foster MacGeagh, late of Hadlow Castle, Kent; m. Rita, d. of the late WiUiam Kiddle, of Wal- i bundrie, New South Wales. Educ. : St. Paul's, and Magdalen i CoU, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple and _ South Eastern Circuit. War Work : 1st Batt. London Rifle t Brigade; Assist. Adjutant- General, War Office, since 1918; ia D.A.A.G, 1917 ; MiUtary Assistant to the Judge Advocate- u General, 1916-20; served in France and Belgium, 1914-15; . mentioned in despatches ; Brevet-Majority, 1914 Star and clasp. Addresses : 29, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. 1 ; 2, Garden Court, Temple, E.C. Clubs : Arthur's ; Conserva- ,i tive ; Ranelagh ; Leander ; St. George's HiU Golf. (C826) .j McGEORGE, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 7 May, 1867 ; d. of s C. J. Bertram, of Newcastle on-Tyne ; to. David, s. of R. ¦ , McGeorge, of Dumfries. Educ : High School, Gateshead- on-Tyne. War Work: Commandant Dumfries Red Cross jj Auxiliary Hospital, 1914-19; Vice-President B.R.C.S. for Dumfries Burgh. Address: Dock Park House, Dumfries, Scotland. (M8883) McGEOUGH, Alexander. O.B.E. McGEVOR, Capt. John, M.B.E. % MACGIBBON, Mabel Jane, M.B.E. SS MoGIFFIN, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Robert Hunter, O.B.E, i M.B, R.N. ¦J, McGILCHRIST, Thomas Brown, M.B.E. B !50£5'L' Alioe Mary. Mrs-, M.B.E. 7t M0.G,ILL' EB- McGONTGAI. 1WJ..O.O.O* T\~~~t\,„ i_r u t? ^'Y.MoGd01YAN' Sir Harry Duncan, K.B.E, 6. 1874 ; ¦v _ean Uoyle Young, of Paisley, nhairtnnn and Mini J£S2K!?AL» Margaret Dorothy, M.B.E. in, K.B.E, 6. 1874 ; m. Chairman and Managing ive Co, Ltd. ; Director of Canadian Dyestuffs Corporation, Ltd, Dunlop ress : Abbotstall, MaxweU Park, Clubs : Bath ; Carlton ; Conservative (Glasgow). K°WAN, Capt. Henry Edward, M.B.E. K°WAN, James, O.B.E. „S~ CG°WAN, James, O.B.E, Educ. : Dumfries Academy, ?«»n»„ , ¦ wu- OI science, uivu servant; iormeriy '¦'" SHP*-o£ Taxes at Aberdeen, and Lands Valuation and r-c- rnSS- on Assessor for the City of Aberdeen, and'County of '¦' &££?*£' nowH.M. Superintending Inspector of Taxes at somerset House. Address : 10, Woodland Gardens, N. 10. fit KSmA5' Cant- James Alexander, O.B.E. W- l«n . 0WAN, Margaret Jane, Mrs., M.B.E, jp'ifp™- Bobert George McGo »:' Hosifi i i Ia?y Superintendent of 1:;,:Hoap&Mancheat.r. Mdnss .. 1; (010889) fi. 18 Dec. Mc'Gowah. Educ. : Privately. Shenstone House AuxiUary Thomas Street, Cheetham (M8887) MoGRATH, Lieut. Harry Nisbet, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. MoGRATH, the Hon. Sir Patrick Thomas, K.B.E, LL.D, fi. 16 Dec. 1868 ; s. of William McGrath. Educ. : Christian Brothers' Schools, St. John's, Nfid. Joined reporting staff of " Daily Herald " ; Acting Editor, 1893 ; Editor, 1894-1907 ; established " Evening Chronicle," 1912 ; held secretarial posts to various Government Commissions and Councils in Newfoundland ; Hon. Sec. Newfoundland Patriotic Fund, Newfoundland Regt. Finance Committee, and New foundland War Pensions Board, since Aug. 1914 ; Chairman, Cost of Living Commission, 1917. Address : 6, Gower Street, St. John's, Newfoundland. Club : B.I.S. (St. John's). (K121) MoGRATH, Lieut.-Comm. Redmond Walter, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. McGRATH, WeUington Albert, M.B.E. MoGRATH, Lieut. William Henry, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. McGREER, Rev. Arthur Huffman, O.B.E, M.C. MCGREGOR, Capt. Alexander Muir, O.B.E. MACGREGOR, Major Alexander Stewart Murray. O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. (T.). ' MACGREGOR, Archibald Bow, M.B.E. MACGREGOR, Capt. James St. Cuthbert, O.B E R.F.A, MACGREGOR John, C.B.E, M.I.E.E. Educ. : Dollar. Managing Director Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co. ; Director Wagon Repairs, Ltd. War Work : Chairman Directing Board National Filling Factory No. 5 ; Member of Gloucester City Tribunal, Pensions Comirnttee, and Labour Advisory Committee. Address : Falklands, Gloucester. Club : Gloucester. (C2775) MACGREGOR, John, O.B.E. MACGREGOR, John Alister, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 27 Sept. 1874 ; s. of John Macgregor of Balmenach, Cromdale, Moray shire ; to. Jemima Fanny, a. of William Ogilvy Cunningham, of Hillside, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. Educ. : Merchiston Castle, and Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Assistant County Director for the County of the City of Dundee ; Assistant to the Red Cross Commissioner for the Central Eastern District of Scotland. Address : Hurst Grange, Twyford, Berks. Club : Sports. (M8889) MACGREGOR, John Julius, C.B.E., M.I.E.E. McGREGOR, Lieut.-Col. John Robertson, O.B.E. MACGREGOR, Joseph, M.B.E. McGREGOR, Pura, Mrs, M.B.E. MacGREGOR, Robert WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 9 May, 1886 ; s. of Alexander MacGregor, of Greenock ; to. Robina Garson, d. of James Scarth, of Birsay, Orkney. Educ. : Greenock Higher Grade, and Technical Schools. Chemical Engineers. War Work : Engineer for construction of Longparish Wood DistiUation Factory ; appointed Superintendent when taken over by Ministry of Munitions. Address : 1237, Meridian Street, Fall River, Mass, U.S.A. (M2090) McGRIGOR, Major Dalziel Buchanan, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B,fi. 20 Jan. 1885; s. ot late James McGrigor, of Aberdeen, N.B. ; to. Dorothy Macgregor, d. of Alexander J. Macgregor Drysdale, of London Lieut. R.A.M.C. July, 1907 ; Capt. Jan. 1911 ; Major, July, 1919. Served in India, Sept. 1909 to Sept. 1914 ; France, Sept. 1914 to April, 1916 ; India, April, 1916 to Nov. 1918; D.A.D.M.S, Northern Command, York, Dec. 1918 to June, 1920. Address : Lag-Na-Ha, 17, Palace Road, Streatham Hill. Club : Caledonian. (08869) McGRIGOR, Margaret Anne Kay, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. 2 March, 1865 • d. of Sir John Muir, Bart, of Deanston House, Perthshire (see Buuke's Peerage) ; to. Alexander, s. of Alexander Bennett McGrigor, of Cairnoch. War Work : Organiser and Vice-President Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Prisoners of War Fund and Stirlingshire Work Depot ; Vice-President Stirlingshire Branch British Red Cross Society ; Convener Stirlingshire V.A.D. Selection Committee. Addresses : Cair noch by Cambusbarum, Stirling ; Beechwood, StirUng. Clubs : Queen's, Edinburgh; Kelvin, Glasgow. (03819) MACGUCKIN, Charles John Graham, C.B.E, M.Inst.CE, M.I.M.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1884 ; s. of Neal MacGuckin, J.P, of Ballinderry, Co. Derry ; to. Anna, d. of James Malone, of Cookstown. Educ. : St. Mary's CoU, Dundalk. Local Director, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co, Elswick Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Work : In charge of Arm strong's Ammunition Factories from June, 1916, to end of war. Address : South House, Grainger Park Road, Newcastle- on-Tyne. Club : Junior Carlton. (C556) McGUGAN, Capt. Donald, O.B.E, M.C. McGUINESS, Mary Jane, M.B.E. McGUINNESS, Capt. Charles Hamilton, O.B.E. McGUINNESS, Ethel Theresa, M.B.E. McGUINNESS, Nora Mary Ursula, M.B.E. ; d. of James McGuinness, of Felling-on-Tyne. Educ. : Convent of the Assumption, Richmond and France. War Work : Hon. Sec. of the Tyneside-Irish Brigade for two years ; Red Cross War Relief work ; nursed in France under the French Red Cross. Address : Shanid, FelUng-on-Tyne, Co. Durham. (M8890) MACGUIRE, Lieut. Edward Robert Mileson, M.B.E. McGUIRE, Capt. Georga Patrick, O.B.E, 6. 18 Dec 1889 ; s. of George McGuire, of Ulverston ; m. Mabel Gladys. d. of Arthur Craven, of Hallas HaU, CulUngworth, Yorks: Educ. : Bradford Grammar School, and King WiUiam's Coll Engineer. War Work : Joined R.N.A.S. Oct. 1914 ; trans ferred to l/4th Duke of WelUngton's (W.R.) Regt. Feb. 1915 , active service in France, AprU, 1915, to Dec. 1919 ; Staff Capt. 335 >.£' McGuire THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. ' G.H.Q. Jan. 1918 ; D.A.Q.M.G, G.H.Q. March, 1918, to Dec. 1919. Address : The Bungalow, Freshwater Bay, Isle of Wight. Clubs : Junior Army and Navy ; English, HurUngham Buenos Aires. (02627) McGUIRE, Major Michael, O.B.E. McGUIRK, Lieut. Henry Francis, M.B.E. McGUISE, T. Capt. Bernard Aloysius, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. MACGURK, Capt. Nioll Austin, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. MccGWIRE, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. John Edward, C.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 14 April, 1878 ; s. of John Frederick Kane MccGwire ; m. Jean EUzabeth, d. of Col. Henry Benjamin Naylor Adair, late Royal Engineers. Educ. : Privately. 2nd Lieut. 5th Batt. the Royal Fusiliers (MiUtia), 1900; served South African War, 1901-2 (Queen's S.A. Medal and 5 clasps) ; entered Army Service Corps, 1903 ; Lieut. 1905 ; Capt. 1912 ; T. Major, 1914 ; Major, 1916 ; T. Lieut.-Col. 1917-19 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1918 ; served European War in France and Belgium, 1914 ; Staff Capt. at War Office, 1916 ; Deputy Assistant Director at War Oflice, 1917; entered the Middle Temple, 1911 ; called to Bar, 1917 ; 1914 Star and clasp, War Medal, and Victory Medal ; thrice mentioned in Sec. of State for War's Lists. Club : Army and Navy. (C2139) MoHAFFIE, Major George Addison, O.B.E. McHARDY, William, O.B.E. MACHTIG, Eric, M.B.E. McHUGH, Rev. Daniel John, O.B.E. McHUGH, Harry Ralph, M.B.E. MACHUTCHON, Capt. Edwin Gray, O.B.E, R.E. (T.V McILROY, Anne Louise, O.B.E, M.D. McILVENNA, James Graham, M.B.E. MACILVENNA, Capt. John, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. MACINDOE, Capt. James Douglas, O.B.E, M.C, Scots Guards, fi. 31 Dec. 1888 ; s. of J. Black Macindoe, of Glasgow ; to. Mary Margaret, d. of Capt. F. Hungerford Pollen, R.N, C.B.E, of Farley, Reigate. Educ. : Cayilfield ; Fettes ; Sandhurst. Address : 43, Norfolk Square, Hyde Park. Clubs : Guards' ; White's ; Pratt's. (07428) MACINDOE, Major Robert HaU Forman, O.B.E, Aust. A.V.C McINERNEY, Margueratta, Mrs, O.B.E. MacINNES, Mary, O.B.E. MACINNIS, Major Carlyle William, O.B.E. McINTOSH, Alexander, M.B.E, 6. 13 Feb. 1873; s. of WilUam Mcintosh, of Tollomill. Inverkeithney, Banffshire ; m. Agnes, d. of Andrew Howie, of Crosslet, Dumbarton. Banker. War Work : Sec. and Treas. of Naval and MiUtary War Pensions and Dumbarton War Fund Committees. Addresses: Netherdale, Dumbarton ; Commercial Bank, Dumbarton. Clubs : Dumbarton PhUosophical Society ; Dumbarton BowUng. . (M8891) McINTOSH, Alexander Hugh, M.B.E, 6. 23 Aug. 1871 ; s. of David Mcintosh, of Kirkwall ; to. Isaline, d. of Pierre Dizins, of Albens, Savoie, France. Educ. : Kirkwall Burgh School, and Privately. War Office Clerk. Address : 9, Ruskin Walk, Heme HiU, S.E. 24. (M8892) McINTOSH, Annie, C.B.E, R.R.C, Medaille d'Honneur (argent) i'assistance publique, Paris, 1914, d. of Donald Mcintosh, J.P, of Bromyard, Herefordshire. Educ. : Wolver hampton High School for Girls. Matron and Superintendent of Nursing, St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Member of Com mittee of Nurses' Insurance Society ; Nurses' Representative of Nurses' Policy Holders, National Pension Fund for Nurses ; Member of College of Nursing (Limited). War Work : Was a member of Committee for Supply of Nurses by War Office, 1916 ; Member of Committee of Queen Alexandra's War Relief Fund for Nurses. Address : St. Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithfield, E.C. 1. MACINTOSH, John, O.B.E, M.D. McINTOSH, John, M.B.E. McINTYRE, Major Donald, M.B.E, M.B. Ch.B, F.R.CS. Ed, L.M, fi. 1891 ; s. of Donald Mclntyre, of Greenock. Educ. : Glasgow Univ. Surgeon. War Work : Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve ; Active Service with Darda nelles Army and East African Forces ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 36, Lansdowne Crescent, Kelvinside, Glasgow. (M5058) McINTYRE, Donald Arderne, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 0 July, 1857 ; s. of Malcolm Mclntyre, of Glen Etive, Argylshire, Scotland ; to. Florence Maud Philipson, d. of Frederick Philip- son Stow, of Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Educ : Diocesan Coll, Rondebosch, Cape Province, S.Africa. Retired Civil Servant. O.C, Town Guard, George, in Boer War; Hon. Sec. Royal Automobile Club of South Africa. War Work : Hospital Transport work in connection with sick and wounded soldiers performed by the members of the Royal Automobile Club of South Africa during the War. Address : Park Road, Ronde bosch, C.P, South Africa. Club : CivU Service, Cape Town. (M6363) MACINTYRE, Capt. Duncan Charles, O.B.E, Order of the Sacred Treasure of Japan, R.N.R, fi. 1864 ; s. of Ronald George Macintyre, of Glencoe, Inverness-shire, Scotland ; to. Violet Frances, d. of Rev. G. Hesketh Biggs, Vicar of Etting- ton, Warwickshire. Port Officer. Harbour-master, and Marine Magistrate, Penang, Straits Settlement. War Work : Resi dent Naval Officer, Penang, H.M.S. " Tamar " ; Member repre senting unofficial members Legislative CouncU on MUitary Tribunal ; Resident Sec. at Penang, Govt. Control Shipping ; Agent Food Control at Penang. (08399) MACINTYRE, Duncan Mackinnon, M.B.E. 33e MACKINTYRE, Lieut. Francis Peter, O.B.E, T. Major 14th Hussars. (011945c) MACINTYRE, James Colin. M.B.E. McINTYRE, James Lewis, O.B.E, M.A, D.Sc, F.E.I S J.P, fi. 13 July, 1868; s. of the late James Mclntyre,' of " Scotsman," Edinburgh ; to. Jane Russell, d. of the late Rev. Adam Ross, M.A, of U.F. Church, Rattray, Perthshire Educ. : George Watson's Coll, Edinburgh ; Univ. Edinburgh • Univ. Coll, Oxford ; Freiburg i/B. ; Berlin; Halle. Lecturer on Comparative Psychology, Aberdeen University, and Training Centre. War Work : Member of Aberdeenshire Branch B.R.C.S. Executive Committee, 1914 ; County Director of V.D. organisation, 1917 ; Volunteer, Special Constable Munitions-worker ; organisation work in connection with' plot-holders' association ; Member of the Advisory Committee and of County Emergency Committee. Address : Abbotsville' Cults, Aberdeenshire. Club : Aberdeen Univ. (O10892) MACINTYRE, John Andrew, O.B.E, B.Sc. (Lond.) fi. 6 Sept. 1881 ; s. of Malcolm Macintyre, of Honolulu; m. Agnes, d. of Henry Bett, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Daniel Stewart's Coll. ; Heriot Watt Coll. ; Edinburgh Univ. Engineer. Senior Engineer, H.M. Office of Works. War Work : Engineer ing work in connection with National Filling Factories and other Munition Services. (010893) McINTYRE, Major Peter, O.B.E, R.A.V.C (T.). McINTYRE, Professor Ronald George, O.B.E, B.D.. M.A. McINTYRE, WilUam, M.B.E. MACIVER, Agnes Edith Stewart, M.B.E. McIVER, Capt. Walter, M.B.E. MACK, Peter, M.B.E. MACKARNESS, Mildred Blankley, Mrs., M.B.E. McKAY, Benjamin Thomas, C.B.E. Acting Manager, Australian Small Arms Factory. (C715) MACKAY, Christian Frances Nora, M.B.E, MedaUle des Epidemics, 6. 30 May, 1887 ; d. of Col. J. F. Mackay, C.B.E, V.D, of Whitehouse, Cramond. Educ. : Bushey Heath, Herts ; Edinburgh ; Paris Universities. War Work : Attached S.W. Hospital, Abbaye de Royaumont, France, for 2_ years; Administrative and Executive posts as an official in the Q.M.A.A.C, from Aug. 1917 to Oct. 1919. Address : White- house, Cramond Bridge, Midlothian. (M6672) MACKAY, Daniel Sayre, O.B.E. MACKAY, Capt. Donald Morrison, O.B.E, Can. A.O.C. MACKAY, Capt. Frank Forbes, M.B.E. McKAY, Hugh Victor, C.B.E, for services rendered to war industries during Great War. (C364) MACKAY, IsobeUe Mary Agnes, Mrs., M.B.E. MACKAY, Col. and Hon. James Alexander Kenneth, C.B, O.B.E, F.R.G.S, 6. 1859 ; s. of the late Alexander Mackay, of WaUendbeen, N.S. Wales ; to. Mabel Katherine, d. of John Coppick White. Educ. : Camden Coll, and Grammar School, Sydney. Raised and Commanded 1st AustraUan Vol. Horse ; raised W. Camden Light Horse ; was a M.L.A. (Burrow Div.), 1898-9 ; Chief Staff Officer and A.A.G, Oversea Colonial Forces, Cape Town, 1900-1 ; served in S. Africa, 1900-1, as Col. 6th Imperial Bushmen (despatches) ; is a M.L.C. of N.S. Wales ; Vice-Pres. of Executive Council ; Chairman of Papuan Royal Commn. 1907 ; appointed ,Brig. AustraUan Light Horse Brig. 1912 ; Director-Gen. AustraUan Army Reserve, 1916. Address : WaUandoon Station, WaUendbeen, N.S. Wales. Clubs : Australian and Imperial Service (Sydney). (011992) MACKAY, Lieut. James Eugene, M.B.E. MACKAY, Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. James Franois, C.B.E, V.D, J.P. (Midlothian), R.G.A, Vol. and T.F, 6, 6 April, 1855 ; s. of John Mackay, of Inveralmond, Cramond, Midlothian ; to. Annie Alma, d. of David Croall, of Southfleld, Midlothian. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. Member of the Midlothian County Council. War Work : Commander of ArtUlery Depot, R.G.A, T.F. ; also served on the recruiting Staff in Edinburgh, and latterly acted as military representative ; to the City of Edinburgh Tribunal. Address : White House, Cramond, Midlothian. Club : Northern, Edinburgh. (C2776) ; MACKAY, John George, M.B.E. McKAY, Mary, M.B.E. MACKAY, Murdoch, M.B.E, 6. 6 May, 1857. Chief,Trafflc Inspector, Highland Railway. War Work : Movement of MiUtary and Naval Forces in the north of Scotland during the war. Address : Alfred ViUa, 30, Union Road, Inverness. (M8895) MACKAY, Neil, O.B.E. MACKAY, Nora, O.B.E. MACKAY, Rev. Patrick Robson, C.B.E. MACKAY, Capt. Robert Henry Ramsay, O.B.E, R.N. McKAY, Capt. Robert James, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.C. Capt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ; Great War, 1914-16 (men tioned in despatches). (C5443) MACKAY, Robert John, C.B.E, b. 1859 ; s. of the late Robert Gordon Mackay, of Edinburgh ; m. Edith Margaret Mary, d. of the late Henry Baxter, of Glasgow. Educ. : Edin burgh Institution School, Edinburgh Univ., and Univ. Coll, Oxford. Entered See's Office, Gen. Post Office, 1883, and became Principal Clerk, 1903 ; British Delegate to International Telegraph Conferences at Budapest, 1896 ; London, 1903 ; Lisbon, 1908 ; International Wireless Conferences at Berlin, 1903 and 1906 ; London, 1912 ; Knight of Order of Dannebrog of Denmark. Address : 1, Beulah Hill, Upper Norwood, S.B. (C557) BIOGRAPHIES. Mackenzie MACKAY, Capt. Robert Whyte, O.B.E, 1/7 Batt. The Gordon Highlanders, 6. 24 March, 1874 ; s. of Robert Whyte Mackay, of 30, Albyn Place, Aberdeen ; to. Margarette Hyde, d. of Dr. T. W. H. Garstang, of Brit. Med. Assoc, LondoD. Edue. : Aberdeen Grammar School ; Blairlodge School, Sthlingshtre ; Heriot- Watt Coll, Edinburgh ; and Aberdeen Univ. Partner in the firm of Anderson and Thomson, Wholesale Woollen Merchants, Aberdeen, established in 1773. War Work: Served with the 7th Batt. Gordon Highlanders from 1914, until Feb. 1919 ; 4 years 8 months embodied service ; 3 years 4 months in France with the 51st (Highland) Division ; mentioned in despatches, AprU, 1919. Address : Alt-na- Braigh, MiUtimber, by Aberdeen ; 103, Union Street, Aberdeen. (05524) MACKAY, WUliam George Scott, M.B.E, 6. 15 Sept. 1889 ; s. of James Balfour Mackay, of Kinlochbervie, Suther land ; m. EUa May, d. of William George Peacock, of Hydera bad, Deccan. Educ : Cathedral High School, Bombay, India. Engineer, H.M. Mint, Bombay, India. War Work : Superintendent of Munitions Dept, H.M. Mint, Bombay. Address : 12, Kitteredge Road, Colaba Reclamation, Bombay, India. (M6198) McKAY, Major William Kirby, O.B.E, R.M.L.C MACKAY, Major WUUam Murray, O.B.E, T.D, M.B, Ch.B, 6. June 1875 ; s. of Alexander Mackay, J.P, of Black Hambledon and Crook, Durham ; m. Winifreda Jane Taylor or Mackay, d. of Rev. G. R. Taylor, of Byker, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Educ : Durham School and Edinburgh Univ. Medical Officer to 6th Batt. Durham L.I. ; served 5 years in Edinburgh Univ. Corps, 1894-99 ; 2 year as-Civil Surgeon to South African Field Forces (Medal and 4 clasps) ; continual service in volun teers and territorials during 23 years in R.A.M, CT.F. War Work : Aug. 1914, to Dec. 1918, with various units as Major, R.AJH.C (T.) ; wounded at Ypres, 1915 ; Territorial Officers' Decoration. Address : Wheatbottom, Crook, Co. Durham. Clubs : O.D.'s, Durham, and Crook Golf. (O8870) MoKEARTAN, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, McKECHNIE, Capt. George, M.B.E. MoKECHNIE, Sir James, K.B.E, Director Vickers, Ltd, with control of their Naval Construction Works, Barrow-in- Furness ; Chairman of the loco Rubber and Waterproofing Co, Ltd, Glasgow ; Director of Contraflo Condenser and Kinetic Air Pump Co, Ltd. ; Vickers-Petters, Ltd. ; Canadian Vickers, Ltd. ; The Donaldson South American Line, Ltd. ; Centri fugal Separators, Ltd. ; The Isle of Walney Estates Co, Ltd. ; awarded Grand Cross and Star as a Knight Commander of the Ancient Royal Order of Djabel la Catolica by the Queen Regent of Spain for work done whilst Engineer-in-Chief of Naval Works in Spain ; Member of Management Committee of the Engineering and the National Employers' Federations ; Member of Executive Council and Trustee of Foremen's Mutual Benefit Society ; Member of CouncU of Institution of Naval Architects ; Member of Institution of CivU Engineers ; In stitution of Mechanical Engineers ; Liveryman of the Worship ful Company of Shipwrights ; FeUow of the Society of Anti quaries of Scotland ; has contributed several papers on technical subjects to Professional Societies. War Work: Responsible for the initiation and construction of the large extensions at the Barrow Works to meet the demands of the Naval, MUitary, and Air Forces ; under his direction the works produced com- . plete all classes of war vessels, including battleships and submarines, mercantUe ships, the largest types of naval gun mountings, airships, howitzers and projectiles of aU types and sizes ; he was also responsible to the Ministry of Munitions for the erection and management of the National ProjectUe Factory, Lancaster, and the National FilUng Factory, More- cambe. Addresses : 4, WhitehaU Court, S.W. 1 ; The Abbey House, Furness Abbey, Lancashire. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; British Empire ; Royal Automobile ; Pilgrims'. (K96) MACKENSIE, Helen, C.B.E. Joint Sec. New Zealand War Contingent Assocn. (C726) MACKENZIE, Sir Alexander, K.B.E, fi. 30 June, 1860 ; s. of Donald Mackenzie, of Kincardine, Canada ; to. May, d. of S. H. Blake, K.C, of Toronto, Canada. Educ. : Canada. Barrister and SoUcitor ; President of various PubUc UtiUty Companies in BrazU. Addresses : 12, Hyde Park Place, W. 2 ; Avenida Atlantica 594, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (K229) MACKENZIE, Capt. Alexander, O.B.E, R.AV.C, (T.), fi. 1 Dec. 1885 ; s. of Alexander Mackenzie, of 115, South Street, St. Andrews. Educ: Madras CoU. ; St. Andrews; and Royal (Dick) Veterinary CoU, Edinburgh. Veterinary Surgeon. War Work: Attached Veterinary Hospital and in the Field with 51st, 55th, and 12th Divisions ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 115, South Street, St. Andrews. (05256) MACKENZIE, Capt. Alexander Donald, O.B.E, R.E. (T.). MACKENZIE, Major Colin, O.B.E, M.D, B.Ch. (Cantab.), F.R.C.S. (Eng.), R.A.M.C, 6. 9 June, 1883 ; s. of Alexander George Mackenzie, of London ; m. Edith Annie, d. of David W. Rice, of Shaftesbury. Educ. : Eastbourne CoU. ; Emmanuel CoU, Cambridge ; Middlesex Hospital, London. Hon. Assistant Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, Bradford. War Work : Mobilised Aug. 1914 ; served throughout the war in France and Flanders tUl March, 1919 ; Surgical SpeciaUst and Officer in charge of Surgical Division, No. 14 General Hospital ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 1, Camden Terrace, Manningham Lane, Bradford. (05525) MACKENZIE, Lieut.-Col. Colin Mansfield, D.S.O, O.B.E. Major and T. Lieut.-Col. London Regt. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (O7430) MACKENZIE, Donald, M.B.E. MACKENZIE, Dorothy Helen, Mrs., M.B.E. MACKENZIE, Dorothy Rose, M.B.E, MACKENZIE, Capt. Edward Montagu Compton, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. MACKENZIE, Erio Francis WaUaoe, O.B.E, M.C M.B, Ch.B, R.A.M.C, 6. 1890 ; s. of Dr. F. WaUace Mac kenzie, of WeUington, New Zealand. Educ. : WeUington, Coll, New Zealand ; Univ. of Edinburgh. Deputy Assistant Director-General, A.M.S. War Work: Medical Officer, l/6th Gordon Highlanders, Depot R.A.M.C, and War Office. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (07431) MACKENZIE, Finlay Matheson, O.B.E, L.R.C.P, J.P. MACKENZIE, Frances Louisa, M.B.E, 5. 26 Oct., 1849 ; d. of Kenneth Mackenzie, of 3rd Regt. of Foot. War Work : Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association for Wolverhampton Rural (Representative TettenhaU Wood) and Seisdon S.C. ; Staffordshire War Pensions Committee. Address : Apple- cross, TettenhaU Wood, Staffs. Club: Ladies' Army and Navy. (M889) MACKENZIE, Helen, C.B.E. MACKENZIE, Henrietta Mary, Lady, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Rev. Alex. Macquisten, D.D. ; m. as his 2nd wife, Col. Sir Robert Campbell, K.B.E, C.B, V.D, J.P, D.L. (q.v.) (see Bukke'S Peerage), s. of the late Walter Mackenzie, of Law and Edinbarnet. Address : Edinbarnet, Duntocher, Dum bartonshire. (010896) MACKENZIE, James, O.B.E. MACKENZIE, Jessie, M.B.E. McKENZIE, John, M.B.E, J.P. MACKENZIE, Major John WilUam, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. (T.). MACKENZIE, Kenneth Child, M.B.E. MACKENZIE, Major Kenneth Davidson, O.B.E., 6. 9 Aug. 1873; s. of H. D. Mackenzie, of Hattigor, Assam, India ; to. Lily Louise, d. of J. H. Croft, of 69, RedcUfle Gardens, London, S.W. Educ. : Uppingham School. War Work : Served in South Africa, 1900-1902 ; France, Flanders, East Africa, and North Russia, 1914-19. Club : Cavahy. (09698) MACKENZIE, Malcolm Ayers, M.B.E. MACKENZIE, Lady Marjorie Louise, C.B.E. ; d. of Viscount Stormont, s. of 4th Earl of Mansfield (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. Sir Kenneth John Mackenzie, 7th Bart, of Gairioch (sec Burke's Peerage). Addresses : Conan House, Conan Bridge, Rosshire, N.B. ; Flowerdale, Gairioch, Ross- shire ; 10, Moray Place, Edinburgh. (C2777) MACKENZIE, May, Lady, M.B.E, 6. 31 May, 1870; d. of S. H. Blake, K.C, of Toronto, Canada ; to. Sir Alexander (see Burke's Peerage), s. of Donald Mackenzie, of Kincardine, Can. Educ. : Privately. Addresses : 12, Hyde Park Place, W. 2 ; 594, Avenida Atlantica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (M8899) MACKENZIE, MUlicent, Mrs., O.B.E. MACKENZIE, Mina, M.B.E. MACKENZIE, Lieut. Murdo, M.B.E. MACKENZIE, Peter, M.B.E. MACKENZIE, Col. Sir Robert Campbell, K.B.E, C.B, V.D, J.P, D.L, fi. 1856 ; s. of the late Walter Mackenzie, J.P, CA, of Law and Edinbarnet ; to. 1st Katherine EUis, d. of David Richardson, of Hartfield; 2nd, Henrietta Mary, O.B.E. (_.».), d. of the Rev. Alex. Macquisten, D.D. Educ. : Glasgow Academy, Uppinghim School, and Glasgow Univ. In business as Chartered Accountant ; Director, Scottish Board, Liverpool and London Globe Insurance Co. ; served as Lieut, and Capt. Glasgow Highland Regt. Volunteers, 1875-1889 ; Lieut.-Col. and CO. 1st Vol. Batt. H.L.I. 1889-1906 ; Col. Commanding H.L.I. Brigade, 1906-11 ; 3rd Liae Group Lowland Division, 1915 ; Chairman, T.F. Association of the County of the City of Glasgow ; Income Tax Commissioner, and Member Standing Joint Committee of Dumbartonshire of Licensing Appeal Committee in the County. Address : Edinbarnet, Duntocher, Dumbartonshire. Clubs : Bath ; Western (Glasgow). (K308) M'KENZIE, Hon. Robert Donald, O.B.E, 6. 1 March, 1865 ; s. of Hugh M'Kenzie, J.P. ; to. Emma Mary, d. of James Widgery, of Sydney, N.S.W. Educ : St. Paul's Grammar School, Melbourne. Went to AustraUa, 1892 ; a pioneer of Kalgooriie ; largely interested in mining and commercial pursuits ; Senior CouncUlor of Kalgooriie, afterwards Mayor ; Member of Legislative Council for N.E. Province since 1904 ; served on three Royal Commissions in connection with mining industries in W. AustraUa ; founded Kalgooriie Chamber of Commerce ; elected first President ; Hon. Minister and Member of Executive CouncU of W. AustraUa. Clubs : Perth ; Hannans ; KalgoorUe ; Masonic (Perth). (03812) MACKENZIE, Major Thomas Roderick, O.B.E. MACKENZIE, Thomas WiUiam, O.B.E. McKENZIE, WilUam, O.B.E. MACKENZIE, Capt. WiUiam, O.B.E. MACKENZIE, Lieut.-Col. WilUam Scobie, D.S.O, O.B.E, A.O.D.; m. 1900, Geraldine, d. of the late Col. Francis Moore (see Burke's Peerage, Drogheda, E.). Served during Great War, 1914-18, as Lieut.-Col. (despatches). (08871) MACKENZIE, Sir WiUiam Warrender, K.B.E, M.A, K.C, fi. 1860 ; to. Lilian Bradbury. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. ; Univ. Coll, London. President of the Industrial Court ; Chairman of National (RaUway) Wages Board. War Work : Chairman of Commission on Industrial Unrest (South western District), 1917 ; Member of War Cabinet's Committee of Inquiry into position of Women in Industry, 1918-19 ; Chairman of Committee of Inquiry on Baking (Night Work), 337 z Mackenzie THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1919 ; Chairman of Committee on Production, 1917-18 ; Chairman of Interim Court of Arbitration (Industrial), 1918-19 ; Arbitrator for Board of Trade and Minister of Labour. Ad dresses : 5, Old Palace Yard, Westminster ; 3, Paper BuUdings, Temple, London. Club: Reform. (K156) MACKENZIE, Isabel BURTON-, O.B.E. MACKENZIE, Beatrice Anna FRASER-, O.B.E, fi. 28 Nov. 1862 ; d. of Capt. A. V. Mackenzie, of Ord ; to. Robert Scarlett, s. of John Fraser, of Bunchrew. War Work : President Ross and Cromarty Red Cross, County Branch ; Member Inver ness-shire War Pensions Committee ; Inverness-shire Food Production and Food Control Committee ; Ross-shire Food Production Committee ; Convener Inverness-shire and Ross- shire Women's Agricultural Committees, and Member Highlands (Inverness) Employment Committee (Women's Sub-Committee). Address : Allangrange, Munlochy, Ross-shire ; Bunchrew, Inverness-shire. Club : Bath (010895) MACKENZIE, John Hugh MUNRO-, O.B.E J.P.. 6. 1 Sept. 1849 ; s. of John Munro-Macken'zie, of Mornish ; to. Jeanie Helen, d. of Thomas Chalmers, of Tringcroft. Educ : Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Head Coast Watcher, Isle of MuU ; Appeal Tribunal. Address : Calgary, Isle of Mull. Clubs : Conservative, Edinburgh ; Royal Highland Yacht. Oban. (01625) MACKENZIE OF SEAFORTH, Mary Margaret, Lady STEWART-, C.B.E.: see Seaforth, Mary Margaret, Lady. McKEOWN, John James, O.B.E. MACKEOWN, Surg.-Comm. Robert John, O.B.E. McKEOWN, Col. Walter, C.B.E. T. Col. Canadian Army Medical Corps ; served in Great War, 1915-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1834) McKERCHAR, James, M.B.E, M.A, F.S.A. (Scot), 6. 18 June, 1882 ; s. of James McKerchar, of Aberfeldy, Scotland ; m. NeUie, d. of A. Murray Stewart, of Broughty Ferry, Scotland. Educ : Breadalbane Academy, and Univ. of St. Andrews. Schoolmaster. War Work : Enlisted as a private in Seaforth Highlanders (Kitchener's Army) 1914 ; Commissioned into Army Service Corps, 1918 ; Officer in charge Supplies, Pechenga, 1918 ; O.C. R.A.S.C, Soroka, 1919 (North Russian Expedi tionary Force) ; promoted A. Capt. AprU, 1919. Address : Kirkpatrick, Fleming. Lockerbie. (M5016) McKERGOW, Lieut.-Col. Robert Wilson, O.B.E, T.D, M.F.H, fi. 22 Sept. 1866 ; s. of Robert McKergow, of Burgess HU1 ; to. Jane Elizabeth Madelaine, d. of T. Baker, of Wilming ton, Sussex. Educ. : Downing Coll, Cambridge. Lord of the Manor, Woodmancote, Sussex ; Master of the Crawley and Horsham Foxhounds,' 1919 ; Master of the Southdown Fox hounds, 1903-8 ; Joint Master of Crawley and Horsham Foxhounds, 1913-15. War Work : Raised the 3rd Line of Sussex Yeomanry in 1915, and commanded same tiU dis banded ; then commanded the 4th Batt. Royal West Kent Regt. (Reserve), from 1917 to 1919 ; mentioned in despatches, 1917. Clubs : Badminton ; Union and New, Brighton. (07432) McKERRELL, Lieut.-Col. Reginald L'Estrange, O.B.E, fi. 5 March, 1860 ; s. of Robert McKerrell (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry — McKerreU of Hillhouse) ; m. Grace O'Brien, d. of The Hon. Henry O'Brien (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Hawtreys ; Aldin House, Slough. Joined the Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 1879 ; retired, 1911. War Work : Deputy Provost Marshal, Scottish Command. Address : 94, Piccadilly. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Wel lington. (07433) McKERROW, Alexandrina, M.B.E. McKERSIE, Marion, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. ofthe late Anthony McCall, of Ayr ; to. WUUam, s. of the late WiUiam McKersie, of Campbeltown. Educ : Ayr Academy. War Work : Vice- President, Campbeltown Division, ArgyUshire Branch, B.R.C.S. Address : Craigard, Campbeltown, Argyllshire. (M2099) MACKESY, Lieut.-Col. Charles Ernest Randolph, CM.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1861; s. of the late Major Mackesy. Lieut.- Col. New Zealand Mounted Rifles; Great War, 1915-18, in GaUipoli and Egypt (despatches) ; Mil. Gov of Es-Salt- Amman Dist. E. of Jordan. (C1397) McKEURTAN, Mary Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 29 July, 1858; d. of William McFee, of Dundee, Scotland ; m. John, s. of James McKeurtan of Gartmore, Scotland. Educ. : West End Academy, Dundee, Scotland. War Work : Meeting troops passing through Bulawayo to and from East Africa. Address : Box 189, Bulawayo. (0961) McKEW, Rev. Robert, C.B.E, 6. 1872 ; s. of John McKew, of Valencia, Co. Kerry. Chap, and Instructor-Comm. R.N. ; Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1932) McKEY, Capt. Charles, O.B.E. McKIBBIN, Major Thomas, C.B.E. McKICHAN, Lieut. John James, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. MACKIDD, Barbara Winifred Logan, M.B.E. MACKIE, Annie, M.B.E. MACKIE, Major Frederiok Peroival, O.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS, I.M.S. MACKIE, George, M.B.E, 6. 9 Nov. 1874 ; s. of George Mackie, of Leith; m. Margaret, d. of John Fraser, of Leith. Educ. : Leith Board School. Executive Officer, Leith Food Control Committee. War Work : Member of No. 1 Edin burgh V.A.D, B.R.C.S. ; Member of Edinburgh Military Training Association, latterly Volunteers ; Member of Local Volunteer Fire Brigade. Address: 33, Ryehill Terrace, Leith. (M8904) MACKIE, Lieut. George WiUiam, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. 338 MACKIE, Horatio George Arthur, C.B.E, 6. 1868 Ap pointed Vice-Consul, 1895 ; Consul, 1905 ; Consul-Gen. at Buenos Aires, 1913; appointed H.M. Consul-Gen. for the Dept. of Seine, Seine-et-Marne, Marne, Seine-et-Oise, Oise, Eure-et-Loire, Loiret, Loir-et-Cher, Cher Indre, Meuse, Aube Haute Marne, Yonne, Cute d'or, Aisnes and Ardennes, and to reside at Paris. Address : British Consulate-General, Buenos Aires (C227) MoKIE, Lieut.-Col. John, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1857 ; s. of the late James McKie (formerly M.P. for Kirkcudbrightshire), of Bargaly ; to. 1910, Violet, d. of Sir Oswald Mosley, 4th Bt, of Rolleston, Burton-on-Trent (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ: Harrow. Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. (T.D.) King's Own Scottish Borderers ; served in S. Africa, 1900-2, as Comdt. at Christianaand Modder River (despatches). Address: Ernespie, Castle Douglas, N.B. Clubs : Bachelors' ; Boodle's. (C1680) MACKIE, Mary A, Mrs. W. CampbeU, M.B.E, M.B.. Ch.B, d. of A. A. Noble, of Southport ; to. Major WiUiam C. Mackie, R.A.M.C, s. of Dr. W. Mackie, of Helensburgh. Educ: Glasgow Univ. Doctor of Medicine ; Working under the Ministry of Health in Baghdad, Mesopotamia. War Work: Resident Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, HaUfax, and Whitecross Military Hospital. Address : Baghdad, Mesopotamia.(M10273) MACKIE, Thomas Callender CampbeU, M.B.E, 6. 1886 ; s. of Dr. Wm. Mackie, of Helensburgh. Educ : Larchfield School ; Glasgow School of Architecture ; Glasgow School of Art. Artist and Decorative Architect. War Work : Or ganised for the Scottish Branch, British Red Cross Society, the Scottish Penny-a-week Fund for providing comforts for the Sick and Wounded ; this Fund amounted to upwards of £53,000 ; was also official lecturer in Scotland for the Scottish Branch, B.R.C.S. (M2100) MACKIE, Col. Tom Darke, CM.G, O.B.E, M.I.M.E, R.A.F, 6. 25 July, 1883 ; s. of the B.ev. John Henry Mackie, M.A, Rector of Filton, Bristol ; to. Constance, d. of Kilmister, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Sedbergh. Deputy-Director of Works and BuUdings, R.A.F. War Work : Served as 2nd Lieut, in France, 1914 ; DardaneUes, 1915 ; France, 1916 ; Admiralty, end 1916, to March, 1918; Air Ministry, 1918-20, with rank of Colonel. Address : c/o The Air Ministry, London. Club: Wellington. (01626) MACKILLIGAN, Capt. Alister Pelham, O.B.E, R.A.F. MACKILLIGAN, Capt. Robert Springett, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. MACKILLOP, Edward Laurence, O.B.E, M.B.E. MoKILLOP, Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E, M.A, fi. 22 Jan. 1864 ; d. of James Seward, of Liverpool ; m. John McKillop. Edue. : Blackburne House, Liverpool ; SomervUle Coll, Oxford. Tutor SomervUle Coll. ; Lecturer Royal HoUoway CoU. ; FeUow and Lecturer of King's Coll. for Women, Univ. of London. War Work : Organiser for War Savings Committee, 1916 ; Head of Foreign Intelligence Section, Ministry of Food, tiU Jan. 1920. Address : 3, Stafford Mansions, Battersea Park, S.W. 11. (M8905) McKIM, Major Frederick George, M.B.E, R.A.S.C (M10230) MACKINDER, Charles Henry, M.B.E, 6. 14 Feb. 1871; s. of James Maokinder, of The Limes, Pitsmoor, Sheffield; ot. Florence Edith, d. of Thomas Benbow MorraU, Burngreave Road, Sheffield. Educ. : AshviUe Coll, Harrogate. War Work : As a Director of Kayser EUison Co, Ltd, Steel Manu facturers, Sheffield, was concerned in the production of special steels for aircraft, motor transport, and more particularly armour-piercing bullets, and all steel aeroplane wings. Address: Somersby, 3, Endclifie Grove Avenue, Sheffield. (M8906) McKINERY, Lieut.-Col. John WilUam Herbert, D.S.O, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1879 ; s. of the late John McKinery ; m. Gertrude, d. of the late John Matthews, of Mossel Bay, S. Africa. Lieut.-Col. Canadian Forces ; S. African War, 1899-1902 (des patches, King's and Queen's medals with five clasps) ; Great War, 1915-18 (despatches). Club : Beaufort. (O6023) McKINLAY, Eng.-Comm. AUred White, O.B.E, R.N. McKINNA, Alexander, O.B.E. MacKINNON, Major Alexander Dugald, O.B.E, V.D, J.P, 6. 19 June, 1862 ; s. oi NeU MacKinnon, of Tobermory, Island of MuU ; m. Margaret Gertrude Harding, of Wetheral, near CarUsle. Educ. : Public School, Tobermory ; George Watson's CoU, Edinburgh ; Edinburgh Univ. Procurator- Fiscal Inverness-shire at Portree. Solicitor. War Work: Served in South African War, 1900-1, Capt. in command of Volunteer Service Company, Queen's Own Cameron High landers ; granted rank of Hon. Capt. ; MUitary Representative in Skye ; National Service Representative in Skye and Outer Isles : Hon. Head Coast Watcher, Royal Navy, in Skye District of West Coast of Scotland. Address: 3, County Buildings, Portree. (08872) MACKINNON, Alister, M.B.E. MACKINNON, Major Archibald Donald, CM.G, O.B.E., M.D, J.P, 6. 27 March, 1864 ; s. of the Rev. D. Mackinnon, D.D, of the Parish of Strath, Isle of Skye ; m. Mary Henderson, d. of Harry Macdonald, of Portree. Educ. : Private school, and Aberdeen Univ. Physician (retired). War Work : MUi tary duties. Address : Dunringell, Kyleakin, Isle of Skye. Club : Oriental, London ; Highland, Inverness. (07434) MACKINNON, Capt. Cecil Gordon, O.B.E., Can. A.S.C. MACKINNON, Eleanor Vokes Teby, Mrs., O.B.E. MACKINNON, Lucy Vere, Mrs, O.B.E. MACKINNON, Madeleine Frances, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. oi Col. ViUiers Hatton, of Clonard, Wexford; to. General Sir BIOGRAPHIES. McLaren Henry (see Burke's Peerage), s. of WiUiam Alexander Mackmnon, of Acryse Park, Kent. War Work : Chairman, City of London Red Cross, and Chester City Red Cross. Address : Evelyn Mansions, S.W. 1. Club : Ladies' Athenteum. (C2778) McKINSTRY, Capt. Edward Robert, C.B.E, R.N.R. Great War, 1914-19, as Commodore of Convoys (despatches). (C1195) MACKINTOSH, Alexander, M.B.E. MACKINTOSH OF MACKINTOSH,' Col. Alfred Donald, C.B.E, s. of the late Alexander MacKintosh of MacKintosh, 6, 1851; m. 1880, Harriot Diana Arabella Mary, C.B.E. (q.v.), only chUd of the late Edward Priest Richards, of Plas Newydd, co. Glamorgan. Served in the Great War 1914-19 (despatches). Addresses : Moy Hall, Inverness ; Dunachton, Inverness ; CattreU, Cardiff ; 8, HiU Street, Berkeley Square, W. 1. Club : Carlton. (C1681) MACKINTOSH, Donald Grant, M.B.E, A.M.I.Mech.E„ 8. of George Andrews Mackintosh, of Aberdeen.; to. Louisa Humphrys, d. of Edwin John Lewis, of Reading. Educ. : King Edward VI. Grammar School, Blrmingharn. Works Manager, Messrs. Braithwaite & Co, Crown Bridge Works, West Bromwich. Address : Maney VUla, Birmingham Road, Sutton Coldfieid. (M8908) MACKINTOSH, Col. George, C.B, C.B.E, fi. 28 Aug. 1860 ; s. of Eneas Mackintosh, J.P, D.L, of Balnespick, Inverness-shire ; m. Mary, d. of George Baynton Davy, of Spean Lodge, Inverness-shire, and Owthorpe, Notts. Educ. : Marlborough Coll. ; R.M.C. Sandhurst. Gazetted 78th High landers, May. 1878 ; Commanding 2nd Batt. Seaforth High landers, 1904-9 ; Commanoing No. 1 District, 1912. War Work : Ln command No. 1 District, and Col. in charge Records to March, 1919. Address : Clune, Tomatin, Inverness-shire. Ctefis ; Naval and MiUtary ; New, Edinburgh ; Highland, Inverness. (C1682) MACKINTOSH OF MACKINTOSH, Harriet Diana ArabeUa Mary, Mrs., C.B.E, 6. 1859 ; d. of the late Edward Priest Richards, of Plas-Newydd, Co. Glamorgan ; to. Alfred Donald, The Mackintosh of Mackintosh, C.B.E. (q.v.). War Work : Supplied and entirely maintained during the war a private hospital at Inverness ; President, Lnvemess-shire Red Cross Association. Addresses : Moy Hall, Inverness-shire ; CottreU, near Cardiff ; 8, HiU Street, Berkeley Square. Clubs : Alexandra ; Sesame. (C2779) MACKINTOSH, Herbert Bannermen, M.B.E, F.S.A. (Scot.), ft. 22 July, 1868 ; s. of Lachlan Mackintosh, of Old Lodge, Elgin. Educ : Elgin Educational Institute ; West End School , Elgin Academy. Hon. Sec. Moray and Nairn Uniomst Association ; Hon. Sec. Elgin and Morayshire Literary and Scientific Association ; Curator of the Elgin Museum. War Work : One of the promoters in Aug. 1914 of the Elgin Volunteer Training Corps, and its Commandant during the two years of its existence ; Hon. Sec. and Organiser of the County of Moray War Work Association ; Organising Sec. for the 1918 County of Moray Red Cross Week ; a " socio perpetuo " of the Italian Red Cross ; Member of Committee of the Moray shire Seaforths Comforts Fund, and of the Elgin Y.M.C.A. Canteen. Address : Redhythe, Elgin. Clubs : Junior Con stitutional; Elgin. (M8909) MACKINTOSH, James, O.B.E, 6. 20 Nov. 1880 ; s. of James Mackintosh, of Coupar Angus, Perthshire, Scotland ; m. Margaret Guthrie Crawford, d. of John Ross, of Glasgow. Educ : Glasgow and West of Scotland Agricultural CoU. Senior Lecturer in Agriculture, and Farm Director, South- Eastern Agricultural CoU, Wye, Kent ; Lecturer and Adviser in Dairy Farming, Univ. CoU, Reading ; in charge of Research in Dairy Husbandry, Research Institute in Dairying, Univ. CoU, Reading. War Work : Technical Adviser in Dairy Farming, Food Production Department ; Technical Adviser to MUk Section, Ministry of Food. Addresses : Univ. CoU, Reading ; Wolverscote, Addington Road, Reading. Club : Farmers'. (010901) MACKINTOSH, John, O.B.E. (O4380) MACKINTOSH, Noma Susan, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of James Labouchere ; m. Charles Alexander Gordon Mackintosh. War Work : Canteen work at Rouen at Lady MabeUe Egerton's Rouen Station Coffee Shop ; founded the Church Army Club, Caudry, near Cambrai ; employed on special service during part of 1918 and 1919. Addresses : Gezira Gardens, Cairo ; • 23, Chapel Street. London, S.W. (010902) MACKINTOSH, Capt. WiUiam Cameron, O.B.E. MACKLIN, Capt. Alexander Hepburn, O.B.E, M.C, M.B, R.A.M.C. MACKLIN, Barbara Emly, Lady, M.B.E. ; d. of A. M. Main, of SaUsbury ; m. Sir James (see Burke's Peerage), s. of James MackUn, of Harnham. Educ : Privately. War Work : Chahman of the Q.M.N.G. Soldiers' Entertainment Committee ; Prisoners of War Committee ; Mayoress of Salisbury from 1913- 19. Address: Harnham House, Salisbury. (M3821) MACKLIN, Edward Lionel, O.B.E. MACKROW, George Frank, M.B.E. MACKWORTH, Col. John Dolben, C.B.E, B.A, 6. 20 3 one, 1887 ; s. ot Sir Arthur Mackworth, 6th Bart, (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Marianne Annette, d. of H. W. Sillem. of the Pines, HorseU. Educ. : Corpus Christi CoU, Oxford. Capt. late R. W. Surrey Regt, and Lieut.-Col. late R.A.F. ; has Legion of Honour. Address : Tudor House, Farnborough, Hants. (C558) MACLACHAN, Morrison, M.B.E. McLACHLAN, Lieut. AUan, M.B.E. MoLACHLAN, Arthur Ceoil, O.B.E, fi. 20 Nov. 1872 ; s. of James McLachlan, of Cheltenham. Educ : Cheltenham, and abroad. War Work : Advisory Committee on Dutch and Dutoh Colonial matters ; War Trade InteUigence Dept. Address : 51, South Street, Park Lane, W. 1. Clubs : St. James' ; Dutch. (010904) MoLACHLAN, Donald MoBrayne, M.B.E. McLACHLAN, Gwendolen Mab, Mrs., M.B.E. MoLACHLAN, IsabeUa Brodie, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 12 Oct. 1877 ; (.. of Col. Brodie-Mills ; m. Thomas WUliamson MoLachlan. Educ. : Orford Coll, Gipsy HU1, London. War Work : In England, Burma, Ceylon, and Aden, from 1914-20. Address: c/o The National Bank of India, 26, Bishopsgate, London. (O10905) MaoLACHLAN, James, M.B.E, T.D, M.B, CM, J.P, fi. 18 Oct. 1865 ; s. of David Ewing MacLachlan, of Alexandria, Dumbartonshire ; to. Christian, d. of John Fleming CuUen, M.D, of Alexandria. Educ : Parish School ; Dumbarton Academy ; Glasgow Univ. Medical Officer of the Town and Parish of Dornoch since 1894 : Physician to the County Fever Hospital ; Factory Surgeon to the parishes of Criech and Dornoch ; Examiner of Recruits (Army) and several insurance companies ; represents Scottish Insurance Commissioners on County Com mittee ; Member of British Medical Association and Caledonian Medical Societies. War Work : Initiated and organised Recruiting Campaign in town and parish ; County Director and Hon. Sec. of Sutherland Branch, British Red Cross Society ; Member of Dornoch Tribunal Advisory Committee ; acted as M.O. to the 11th Service Batt. Gordon and Seaforth High landers ; MUitary Member of the County Territorial Association ; Member of Memorial Committee ; Medical ¦ Referee under Pensions Minister ; Combatant Officer (Lieut.), Sutherland Volunteer Regt. Address : Burnside, Dornoch, Sutherland. (05527) MoLACHLAN, Major James, O.B.E. McLACHLAN, Capt. James WilUam Francis, O.B.E. McLAGAN, Major Douglas Craig, D.S.O, M.B.E, T.D, 6. 12 March, 1880 ; s. of the late Thomas Thompson McLagan, M.A, Edinburgh ; to. Jessie, d. of John Young-Scott, of Redford Hill, Peeblesshire. Educ. : Royal High School, Edin burgh, and Edin. Univ. War Work : Major, 5th Royal Scots, Gallipoli and France ; Deputy Controller of Stats, Ministry of National Service, Nov. 1917, to Feb. 1919 ; Ministry of Labour, Feb. 1919, to July, 1919. Address : 24, Queen Anne's Gate, London. Clubs : Junior Army and Navy ; Scottish Con servative, Edinburgh. (M8912) MACLAGAN, Douglas Philip, M.B.E. MACLAGAN, Eric Robert Dalyrmple, C.B.E, B.A, Ofncier de l'lnstruction Publique (French); Order of St. Saba, 5th Class (Serbian), 6. 4 Dec. 1879 ; s. of the late William Dalrymple Maclagan, Archbishop of York; m. Helen Elizabeth, d. ot the Hon. Frederick LasceUes (see Burke's Peerage), of Sutton Waldron, Dorset. Educ. : Winchester ; Christ Church, Oxford. Assistant-Keeper (Department of Architecture and Sculpture), Victoria and Albert Museum. War Work : Trans ferred to the Foreign Office (News Department), 1916, and later to the Ministry of Information ; in charge of Paris Bureau, 1917 ; ControUer for France, 1918 ; attached to British Delegation (Foreign Oflice) at Peace Conference, 1919. Address : 15, Queen's Gate Place, S.W. 7. Clubs : Athenseum ; Burling ton Fine Arts. , _ (C1000) McLAREN, Alexander Ernest, O.B.E. ; s. of Ahck McLaren, of Edinburgh. Educ : Merchiston, Edinburgh ; Trinity Coll, Oxford. 1st Class Clerk, Charity Commission. War Work: Enlisted in 16th Middlesex Regt, P.S.B, in Sept. 1914 ; 2nd Lieut, 6th North Staff. Regt. ; resigned commis sion in 1916, from Ul-health due to service in the field ; served in Ministry of Food from Nov. 1916. Address : 43, Connaught Square, W. 2. Club : New University. (01627) McLAREN, Capt. Colin Temple, O.B.E, R.A.F. McLAREN, Capt. Douglas, M.B.E. _,„_,. ,__„ MACLAREN, Major GeoHrey, O.B.E, 6. 28 Feb. 1883; 8. of James Maclaren, of Manchester ; to. Lily, d. ot H. N. Suter. Educ. : Harrow. Civil Service. War Work : Served in GaUipoU, Egypt, Palestine. Address: Government House, Jerusalem, Palestine. -._,., „ J P 2 McLAREN, Hon. Henry Duncan, C.B.E, M.P, 6. 6 April. 1879 ; s. of Lord Aberconway, P.C, of 43, Belgrave Square, London (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Christabel Mary MelvUle, d. of Sir MelviUe Macnaghten (see Burke's Peerage). Educ: Eton and BalUol. Member of Parliament. War Work : Joined Staff of Ministry of Munitions, early in 1915, to assist in organisation of Munition Committees throughout the country to control groups of contractors and National Shell Factories ; subsequently appointed Director of Area Organisation, responsible for the work and output of these Committees, and also for aU the local branches (Area Offices) of the Ministry. Address: 69, Eaton Place, London, b.W. Clubs : Brooks's ; Reform. (???o McLAREN, Sergt. -Major John, M.B.E, 6. 4 Nov. 1852; s of Duncan McLaren, of KiUin ; to. Susan, d. of Robert Belli of Edinburgh Educ. : Duke of York's Royal MiUtary School; Chelsea. Local General Manager, Lord Roberts' Memorial Workshops, Edinburgh Branch. War Work: Secretanal, The Incorporated Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society. 4. (08596) MACSWINEY, Major John Charles, O.B.E. MacSWINNEY, Elsie Trant, O.B.E, 6. 1878 ; d. of R. F. MacSwinney, of the Inner Temple. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Nursing, Princess Beatrice Hospital, HiU Street, 1914- 15 ; Commandant, V.A.D, London 198, May, 1915, to Jan. 1920 ; Officer-in-charge, Prisoner of War Parcels Census, July, 1916 ; Escort to Prisoners' Wives to Switzerland, Oct. 1916 ; Head of Motor Ambulance Department, V.A.D. H.Q, Devon shire House, July, 1916 onwards ; Head of Joint Committee Section V.A.D. H.Q, Sept. 1917, to May, 1919; Head of General Service Section, V.A.D. H.Q, May, 1919, to Dec. 1920 ; Divisional Sec, Paddington B.R.C.S, Jan. 1920 onwards. Address : 21, Sussex Square, W. 2. Club : Brancaster Golf. (03822) MacSWINNEY, Nora Kathleen, M.B.E, d. of R. F. MacSwinney, of 21, Sussex Square, W. 2. Educ. : Private School in London, and in Germany. Member of Paddington Borough CouncU. War Work : Quartermaster, Paddington Division B.R.C.S, Aug. 1914, to April, 1916 ; Quarter master, Paddington V.A.D. Hospital, AprU, 1916, to July, 1919 ; mentioned by Secretary of State for War, Feb. 1919. Address : 21, Sussex Square, W. 2. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (M8931) MACTAGGART, Lieut.-Col. John Norman, O.B.E, V.D, J.P. Valuable war services in the various local organi sations in Kintyre. (011916) MACTIER, Henry Carter, M.B.E, B.A, M.B, B.Ch, B.A.O. (Dublin), 6. 18 May, 1872 ; s. of James McTier, of Belfast and Castlebar ; to. AdeUne Herbert, d. of Hugh Pierce, of Birkenhead. Educ. : Corrig School, Kingstown, Co. DubUn, and DubUn Univ. Hon. Surgeon, Wolverhampton and MUdand Counties Eye Infirmary ; Hon. Ophthalmic Surgeon, Royal Orphanage, Wolverhampton ; Member of CouncU British Medical Association ; Member Wolverhampton Insurance Committee. War Work : Member Wolverhampton Recruiting Board, 1914 -18 ; Member Pensions Board to May, 1919 ; Medical Referee, Ministry of Pensions, Feb. 1917, to Jan. 1920; in charge of wounded, Wolverhampton Eye Infirmary (auxUiary to 5th Northern Hospital) ; Hon. Sec. Local Medical War Committee, South Staffs. Address : 33, TettenhaU Road, Wolverhampton. (M8932) McTURK, Major Alexander Gladstone, O.B.E, M.C. McTURK, Isabel, Mrs, M.B.E, d. of John Marsh, of London. Educ. : London and Paris. Artist ; Exhibitor and MedaUist. War Work : Queen Mary's Needlework Guild ; Head of Moss Dressings-room ; League of Remembrance, 1914-19. Address : 1 Marlborough Gate, W. 1. (M8933) MACVEY, Major Thomas, O.B.E. McVICAR, NeU, M.B.E. McVITTIE, Lieut.-Col. Robert Henry, C.M.G, C.B.E.; 6. 1872. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Army Ordnance Depart ; N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 (medal with two clasps) ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1429) MacWATTERS, John Courtenay, M.B.E, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 15 July, 1873 ; s. of David MacWatters, of Rudgeway, Glos. ; m. Ruth Ethel May, d. of Col. Stephen Bishop, of ClUton. Educ. : King Edward's School, Bath ; Bristol Univ. ; Medical School, R.U. Hospital, Bath ; Bristol Royal Infirmary ; St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington. Hon. Med. Off. Almondsbury Memorial Hospital ; Med. Off. P.O. Inspector of Factories for Almondsbury District ; Med. Off. Thornbury Union ; late Res. Obstetric Off. ; Assist. House Physician, and Clinical Assist, at Bristol Royal Infirmary. 344 War Work : In 1914, with the help of a committee, organised the Almondsbury MiUtary Hospital (42 beds), (subsidiary to the 2nd S.G.H.), with his wife as Hon. Matron, and acted as Commandant and Hon. Med. Off. of this Institution till Jan 1919 ; Hon. Med. Off. of the King's Weston AuxiUary Hospital (84 beds) : M.O. Prisoners of War Camp, Henbury ; M.O. Henbury I.W. and D. R.E, Camp. _i<__res5.- The Copper Beeches, Almondsbury, Bristol. (M16274) McWHAE, Col. Douglas Murray, C.M.G, C.B.E, M D B.S, 6. 1884 ; s. of William Douglas McWhae. Educ'': Toorak and Melbourne Grammar Schools. Col. Australian Army Med. Corps ; Assist. Director of Med. Ses, AustraUan Imperial Forces Depots, Great Britain. (C846) McWILLIAM, Andrew, C.B.E. McWILLIAM, Dorothy, M.B.E. MADDAMS, 2nd Lieut. WiUiam Samuel, M.B.E, R.E. E.A.F. MADDEN, Frank Cole, O.B.E, M.D. (Melb.), F.R.CS. (Eng.}, 6. 2 March, 1873 ; s. of Daniel Anthony Madden, of Sydney, AustraUa ; to. MadeUne, d. of Dr. WiUiam Cox, of Winchcombe, Glos. ; Educ. : Scotch CoU, Melbourne ; Univ. of Melbourne ; St. Mary's Hospital, London. Professor of Surgery, Egyptian Govt. School of Medicine ; Senior Surgeon, Kasr-el-Ainy Hospital, Cairo ; Hon. Medical Adviser to H.E. the High Commissioner for Egypt. War Work : Civil Surgeon, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, with surgical charge of Surgical Division, Citadel MiUtary Hospital, Cairo, Kasr-el-Ainy Hospital, as MiUtary Hospital ; British Red Cross Hospital, Giza, near Cairo. Address : St. David's BuUdings, Cairo, Egypt. Club : Authors'. (04119) MADDEN, Guy Ross, M.B.E, LL.B, 6. 25 Sept. 1878 ; s. of the late Sir John Madden, G.C.M.G, LL.D, D.C.L, LL.D. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Doris Anne, d. of Charles Edward McEvoy, of Melbourne. Educ : Crimloden ; Melbourne Univ. SoUcitor ; Supreme Court of Victoria, High Court of AustraUa ; Member of the Firm of Woolcott, Drysdale, and Madden, Sohcitors, Bank Place, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. War Work: Captain in 52nd Infantry A.M.F. ; employed on Embarkation and Training work, 1914- 17; Lieut, in R.A.S.C, O.C. 316 S.B.A.C, and 317 S.B.A.C, 1917-19, ItaUan Expeditionary Force. Address: Golden Quadrant, East Malvern, Victoria, AustraUa. Clubs : Mel bourne ; Stock Exchange. (M4746) MADDEN, Samuel Fitzgerald, O.B.E. MADDEN, WiUiam Thomas, O.B.E. MADDICK, Capt. Edmund Distin, C.B.E, F.R.CS. ; Capt. on Special List, and Proprietor of the Scala Theatre. (C2783) MADDISON, Charles Henry, M.B.E. MADELEY, Edith Mary, Mrs., M.B.E., 5. 1878; d. of John Watson, of Bolton ; m. James Welby, s. of James Chatburn Madeley, of Guildford. War Work: Red Cross, also social work for men on leave from Mesopotamia. Ad dresses : c/o London, County, Westminster, and Parr's Bank, Charing Cross ; Woodstock, Madras, S. India. (M6200) MADGE, Gwendolen Mary Gladys, M.B.E. MADGE, Henry Ashley, O.B.E. MADGE, Capt. Quintus, O.B.E, B.A, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, R.A.M.C, 6. 16 Nov. 1887 ; s. of Henry WooUey Madge, of Liverpool ; m. Janet Margaret Mathieson, d. of Alexander Boswell, M.D, of Ashbourne, Derbyshire. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School, Crosby ; Emmanuel CoU., Cambridge. War Work : Served in East African Expeditionary Force from Aug. 1917. Address : Brookside, St. John Street, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. (04158) MADHAVLAL, Chinubhai, Lady, O.B.E, d. ot ChunUal Khushalrai, of Ahmedabad ; m. as his 2nd wife, Sir Chinubhai Madhavlal (Runchorelal), CLE, 1st Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage), who died 1916. Address : Shahpur House, Ahmeda bad, India. (08277) MADIN, Charles GUbert, O.B.E. MADOC, Lieut.-Col. Henry WiUiam, C.B.E. MAEERS, Frank, M.B.E. MAER, Constance Muriel, Mrs. Astley, O.B.E. MAFFEY, Dorothy, Mrs., O.B.E. MAGEE, Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 8 Feb. 1879. Educ. : Liver pool Institute. War Work : Assistant Commandant (now Commandant), Men's Detachment Cheshire 15, Wallasey Division, B.R.C.S. (M8936) MAGEE, Arthur Fitzherbert, KING-, M.B.E, E.A.F. MAGER, Sydney, C.B.E, 6. 19 Dec. 1877 ; s. of the late Edmund Mager. Educ. : New CoU, Eastbourne. Chief Land Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. War Work : Chief Commissioner of Food .Production Depart ment of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Address : 12, Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W. 1. Clubs : National ; Farmers'. (C562) MAGGS, Agnes Mary, Mrs. O.B.E. MAGGS, Percy Harold, O.B.E, 6. 21 Jan. 1881. Director of Awards, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Assistant Sec. Prince of Wales' National Relief Fund, 1914-16 ; Principal Clerk, War Pensions Statutory Committee, 1916-17 ; Director of Awards, Ministry of Pensions, 1917. Address : Belstone, Cromwell Avenue, Bromley, Kent. (010916) MAGILL, Ethel Mary, O.B.E, M.B, B.S, D.P.H, 6. 1881 ; d. of James MagUl, M.D, of Bovevagh, Co. Derry. Educ. : London School of Medicine for Women ; Royal Free Hospital. Examiner to the Chartered Society of Massage and Medical Gymnastics. War Work : Medical Officer in charge BIOGRAPHIES. Malcolm of the X-Ray, Medical Electricity, aud Massage Departments at the Military Hospital, Endell Street, W.C. 1. Address : (Jwelo, Southern Rhodesia. Club : Halcyon. (011824) MAGILL, Major Henry Patriok, O.B.E, Loyal North Lancashire Regt, fi. 17 March, 1871 ; s. of James Macgillycuddy Magill, of Churchtown, Co. Kerry, Ireland ; m. Doris Cotteiill, _. of George Harding Neame, of 6, Egerton Terrace, London, S.W. Educ : Felsted School, and Trinity Coll, Dublin. Address: c/o Messrs. Holt oi Co, 3, Whitehall Place, S.W. Club : Army and Navy. (O7440) MAGINNESS, Edmond John, C.B.E, M.V.O, fi. 1857 ; s. of the late John Maginness ; to. Jane, d. of Charles Augustus Bland, of Balmah HaU, Norfolk, and Melbourne, Australia. Sometime Constructive Manager, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham ; Member of Institute of Naval Architects. (C233) MAGMAC, Brig.-Gen. Charles Lane, C.M.G, C.B.E. MAGNAY, Capt. Christopher Robert Alexander, M.B.E. MAGNIAC, Brig.-Gen. Charles Lane, CM.G, C.B.E, fi. 1873 ; s. of the late Maj.-Gen. Francis Lane Magniac, M.S.C ; m. 1900, Letitia Anne, d. of T. H. W. Knowles, of Oatlands, Kinsale. Entered R.E. 1894 ; served in Great War, 1914-19 as Assist. Director of Railway Transport (despatches, Brevet lieut.-Col, Legion of Honour) ; a Director of Railways in India with rank of Brig.-Gen. (C769) MAGNUS, WiUiam Robert, M.B.E. MAGOR, Edward Manuel, M.B.E, 6. 29 Oct. 1877 ; 8. of R. B. Magor, of Northfield, Minehead ; m. Olive Shirley, d. of J. E. Yerburgh, of 130, Oakwood Court. Educ. : Uppingham. Tea Broker. War Work : Supt. Essex Special Constabulary, Brentwood Division ; Chairman, Local Emergency Committee, Brentwood Area. Address : Long Ridings, Hutton. Club : Oriental. (M8937) MAGRATH, Dr. Charles John, O.B.E, D.Litt, M.A, B.R. Hist. Soc, Belgian Croix de Guerre, 6. 14 April, 1878 ; s. of the late Charles Frederick Magrath, of Bengal CivU Service. Educ. : Winchester Coll, and Oriel Coll, Oxford. Has held various educational appointments. War Work : Worked for B.R.C.S. and Y.M.C.A. 1915 ; Lieut, Gen. List, 1916 ; Capt, 1919. CZufi : Cavendish. (01030) MAGRUDER, Maryel Alpina, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1875 ; d.oi the late Rear-Adm. Sir Malcolm MacGregor of MacGregor, Bart, R.N. (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; to. Ernest Pendleton, A.M., M.D, Director of American Red Cross Unit 3, Serbia (died of typhus at Belgrade, AprU, 1915), s. of Caleb Clarke Magruder, of Glendale, Md, U.S.A. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Forewoman, Royal Naval Cordite Factory, Holton Heath, Dorset, 1916; Principal Forewoman, R.N.C.F. 1917. Ad dress: c/o Lady -Helen MacGregor of MacGregor, Edinehip, Balquhidder R.S.O, Perthshire. (M3288) MAGUIRE, EmUy Herbert, Mrs., M.B.E. MAGUIRE, James Roobiort, C.B.E, fi. 1853 ; s. of the Rev. JohnMaguire, Rector of Kilkeedy, Co. Limerick ; m. 1895, the Hon. Julia Beatrice Peel, d. of 1st Viscount Peel (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Cheltenham, and Merton Coll. Oxford. Bar. Inner Temple, 1883 ; M.P. for N. Donegal Div. of Donegal Co. (N.), 1890-92 ; and for W. Div. of Co. Clare, 1892-95 ; Ladies' AuxUiary Committee. Address : 3, Cleveland Square, St. James's, S.W. (C234) MAGUIRE, Capt. Richard Kenneth Calton, M.B.E. MAHON, LiUan Frances, O.B.E, 6. 17 July, 1874 ; d. of the late John George Moore, I.C.S, of Onslow Square, London ; to. Foster MacMahon, s. of the late WUUam Henry Cortlandt Mahon, of Dulwich. Educ. : Bedford ; Crescent House Schools. War Work : Commandant of the Close and Town Close V.A.D. Hospitals, Norwich. Address : Fernley, New market Road, Norwich, Norfolk. Club : Forum. (010917) MAHONEY, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Daniel, O.B.E. MAHONY, Mary EUen, M.B.E. MAIDSTONE, Guy Montague George Finch Hatton, Viscount, O.B.E, D.S.C, Croix de Guerre, 6. 28 May, 1885 ; s. of the Earl of Winchilsea, of Haverholme Priory, Sleaford (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Margaretta Armstrong, d. of Anthony J. Drexel, of PhUadelphia, U.S.A. Educ. : Eton, and Magdalen CoU, Oxford. Stockbroker. War Work : Served for 3 years with the Naval Siege Guns in Flanders, and for one year in the R.A.F. ; retired with hon. rank of Lieut.-Col. Address: 23, Manchester Square. Clubs: White's; Bath. (08143) MAILE, Alfred Charles WilUam, M.B.E, R.A.O.C, 6. 3 Oct. 1881 ; s. of Alfred MaUe, of Westminster ; to. AUce EUen Amelia, d. of Walter Thomas Mack, of Southampton. Educ : St. Stephens, Westminster. Chief Clerk, H.M. Gun- wharf, Chatham. War Work : Director of Ordnance Services, Office General Headquarters, France, Aug. 1914, to March, 1920 ; mentioned in despatches, Feb. 1915 ; awarded Medal for Meritorious Service, Jan. 1917. Addresses :. RohUla, 12, Elm Avenue, Chatham ; 9, Portland Street, Southampton. (M4548) MAILER, Ramsay, O.B.E. MAIN, Ernest WiUiam, M.B.E, fi. 23 March, 1879; s. of the late William Main, R.C.N.C War Work : In charge of Admiralty Floating Dock at Harwich for the period of the war. (M8928) MAIN, MelvUle Pownall, M.B.E. MAIN, Lieut. WilUam Smith, O.B.E, R.N.R. MAIN, Capt. WUliam Wright O.B.E. MAINWARING, Rev. John, O.B.E. MAINWARING, Mary Sibyl, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1875 ; d. of orr James Rankin, Bart, of Bryngwyn, Hereford (see Burke's " m. Charles Francis Kynaston, s. of Saiusbury Kynaston, of Oteley, EUesmere (see Burke's Landed Genlry). Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant of V.A.D. Salop 36, and in charge of 3 Hospitals, Feb. 1915, to Feb. 1919. Addresses: Oteley, EUesmere , 19, CoUingham Road, S.W. 5. (0535) MAINWARING, Lieut.-Col. Watkin Randle Kynaston, C.B.E, J.P, fi. 1875 ; s. of the late Salusbury Kynaston Main waring, of Oteley Park, Salop (see Burke's Peerage, Williams, Bart.) ; m. 1903, Violet Francis, d. of the lato Sir Albert de Rutzen, Chief MetropoUtan Magistrate. Educ. : Eton and Christ Church CoU. Oxford. Lieut.-Col. Denbigh- mire Yeomanry ; Hon. Capt. in the Army ; S. Africa, 1901-2 ; (present at action of Ladybrand, Queen's medal with clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19, as Brig.-Gen. (despatches) ; Serbian Order of the White Eagle. Address : Hafod-y-Coed, St. Asaph. Club : Junior Carlton. (C785) MAINZ, Ernest, M.B.E. MAIR, Jessy, Mrs., O.B.E. MAIR, John Bagrie, O.B.E, M.V.O, J.P, 6. 8 May, 1857 ; >. of John Mair, of Pitscurry, Huntly, Aberdeenshire ; m. Jessie, d. of Wm. Blackley, of High Blantyre, Lanarkshire. Educ : Longhill School, and Privately. Chief Constable of Morayshire ; Inspector of Weights and Measures of Morayshire ; Burgh Prosecutor in the Burghs of Grantown-on-Spey, Rothes, and City of Elgin ; Manager of the scheme for clothing destitute ChUdren in Morayshire. War Work : Hon. Sec. of the Elgin section of the British Red Cross Society ; Commandant of No. 1 Men's Detachment ; Transport Officer for Morayshire, conveying all wounded soldiers arriving for the various V.A.D. Hospitals. Address : Maida View, Elgin. Clubs : Moray Golf; Lossiemouth. (010918) MAIR, Robert, M.B.E. MAITLAND, Sub.-Lieut. Arthur Albert, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. MAITLAND, Edward BeUasis Wightman, O.B.E. MAITLAND, Frederick Colin, Viscount, O.B.E, 6. April, 1868 ; s. of 13th Earl of Lauderdale, of Thirlestane Castle, Lauder (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Gwendoline Lucy, d. of Judge P. Vaughan- Williams, of Bodloufa. War Work : Served in the S. African War, and in the Great War. Address : Thirlestane Castle, Lauder, Scotland. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Bachelors' ; New (Edinburgh). (07442) MAITLAND, Jean HamUton, M.B.E, fi. 1890 ; d. of Robert Findlay, of Crossbasket, Lanarkshire ; m. George Ramsay, s. of Sir John Maitland (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Work in connection with the B.R.C.S. Club : Empress. (M8941) MAITLAND, Major Reginald Ferdinando, O.B.E, R.A.F. MAITLAND, WilUam Whitaker, O.B.E, 6. 15 June, 1864 ; s. of the Rev. J. W. Maitland, of Loughton HaU, Essex ; to. Lindisfarne, d. of Ven. Geo. Hans Hamilton, Archdeacon of Northumberland, and Lady Louisa Hamilton (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Harrow, and Trinity Hall, Cambs. Sec.tothe Government, Jersey, Channel Isles. War Work : The Govern ment secretarial work was enormously increased by the war, and included much work outside the scope of ordinary duties. Addresses : Beau Desert, Jersey ; Loughton HaU, Essex. Clubs : Badminton ; Junior Carlton . (01635) MAJOR, Albany Featherstonehaugh, O.B.E, 6. 3 Dec. 1858 ; 8. of Charles Messenger Major, of Cromwell House, Croydon ; to. Margit, d. of Albert Gron, of SandefjordJSforwav. Educ. : Dulwich CoU. Principal, War Office (ret.) ; Hon. Sec. of the Committee on Ancient Defensive Earthworks, etc. (Congress of Archaeological Societies) ; Hon. Sec. Viking Society, 1894-1903 ; Hon. Editor, 1904-09 ; Hon. Vice- President, 1918; President, Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society, 1919-20. War Work : Had charge of the Effects Branch of the War Office from Jan. 1915, to May, 1920. Address : Bifrost, 30, The Waldrons, Croydon. Club : Authors . (0537) MAJOR, Col. Charles Thomas, C.B.E, D.S.O. MAJOR, Capt. WilUam Reginald, O.B.E, R.E. MAKALUA, Major Matthew James Manuia, O.B.E. MAKEHAM, Rev. Edward, O.B.E, A.I.F. MAKGILL, Lieut.-Col. Robert Haldane, C.B.E, M.D, 6 24 May, 1870; s. of Sir John Makgill, Bart, (see Burke's Peerage). Lieut.-Col. New Zealand Medical Corps. Address : Brackmont, Wamku, Auckland, New Zealand. _ (01862) MAKINS, Agatha Caroline, M.B.E. ; d. of Sir William Makins, Bart, of Rotherfield Court, Henley-on-Thames (see BURKE'S Peerage). War Work: Commandant, Auxiliary Military Hospital, Henley-on-Thames, Oct. 1914, to Nov. 1918 ; President, Red Cross Workrooms, Henley-on-Thames. Ad dress : Paradise Farm, Henley-on-Thames. Clubs : Albemarle; Bath. (M712) MALAN, Charles Huntingford, O.B.E, I.C.S. MALAN, Lieut.-Col. Leslie Noel, O.B.E, R.E. M ALB Y, Henry Arthur, O.B.E. „, _ _ T,^„ MALCOLM, Lieut. Frederick Arthur, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. MALCOLM, George, C.B.E.. 6. 6 Jan. 1876 ; s. of the late John Malcolm, F.E.I.S, of Blairgowrie, Perthshire ; m. Mary Sophia Lowden, d. of the late John Kelly Allan, of Dundee. East India Merchant, Messrs. Ralli Brothers. War Work : Controller of Raw Jute and Hemp, War Office and Ministry of Munitions . British Representation on Programmes Com mittee, Allied Maritime Transport Council ; Chairman of Commission of Enquiry into the condition of Jute Industry, appointed bv the President of the Board of Trade 1919. 345 Malcolm THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Addresses : Hartsfeld, Purley, Surrey ; Bushbury, Blackboys, Sussex (C23D) MALCOLM, George WilUam, M.B.E, M.I.Mech.E, MIEE 6 5 May, 1870; s. of William Alfred Malcolm, of Twickenham, Middlesex, and Japan ; to. Adelaide Marion, d. of WiUiam Maclachlan, of London. Educ. : St. Pauls School, London, and privately. Managing Director Salt Union, Ltd, and Mersey Power Co, Ltd. ; Member of Weaver Navigation Trust Board ; Chairman, Local Juvenile Advisory Committee, Northwich T7ar Work : Superintendent, H.M. Magazine, Northwich ¦ connected with construction and working of various Explosives Factories; Lieut, Cheshire Volunteer Regiment. Address : Davenham House, Northwich. (M8942) MALCOLM, Harcourt Gladstone, O.B.E, K.C, J.P, 6 7 Feb 1875 ; s. of the late Sir Ormond Drimmie Malcolm, K C Chief Justice of the Bahamas ; w. Kathleen Helena Gray, d of' George Butler Adderley. Educ. : Privately. Barrister- at-Law ; Private Sec. to the Governor of the Bahamas, 1892-99 ; member of the House of the Assembly of the Bahamas, 1900 ; Deputy Speaker, 1901 ; Acting Chief Justice of the Islands, 1913 War Work : Chairman, Bahamas War Relief Committee and Treas. " Our Day " Red Cross Fund ; Senior Lieut. Bahamas Home Defence Fund ; Bahamas delegate to Canada, West Indies, Conference at Ottawa ; representative Bahamas House of Assembly at Tercentenary of Bermuda House of Assembly. Address : The Casuarinas, Nassau, Bahamas. Clubs : Royal Thames Yacht ; Caledonian. (O1001) MALCOLM, Jeanne Marie, Mrs, M.B.E. MALCOLM, Major Pulteney WiUiam, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. MALCOLM, WiUiam, M.B.E. MALCOLM, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Alister, O.B.E. MALCOLMSON, Norman, O.B.E, 6. 13 Oct. 1874 ; s. of George Forbes Malcolmson, of London ; m. Edith Helen, d. of Thomas Du Buisson, of Betchworth, Surrey. Educ. : Eton and Cambridge. Private Banker and Merchant. War Work : Commanded D. Division, City Police Reserve. Addresses : Holmshurst, Burwash, Sussex ; 19, Brechin Place, London, S.W. Club : Athenamm ; Cavendish ; Public Schools. (010920) MALDEN, Rev. Edward EUiott, M.B.E. MALEHAM, George Edgar, M.B.E, 6. 11 AprU, 1850 ; s. of Henry Maleham, of Sheffield; m. Edith, d. of John Yeomans, of Sheffield. Educ. : Wesley CoU, Sheffield. War Work : Hon. Sec. to the Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Associa tion. Sheffield Division. Address : 88, Grove Road, MUUiouses, Sheffield. Club : Athenaium, Sheffield. (M3829) MALERBI, James Michael, M.B.E, Chevalier, Order of the Crown of Italy, Order Reconnaissance Francaise and the Russian Order Red Cross and Diplomas, 6. 12 Jan. 1856 ; s. of Michael Angelo Malerbi, of BuUth WeUs, Breconshire ; m. Blanche, d. of Percival Henry Fowler, of Essex Lodge, Watford. Edue. : Llanelwedd Schools, BuUth Wells, Brecon shire. RaUway (Districts) Traffic Superintendent. War Work : Local Hon. Sec. National War Savings, Southampton ; Joint Hon. Sec. Southampton American Welcome Committee ; Organiser and Hon. Sec. of 58 Flag Days for Naval and Military Services, Local Hospitals, as weU as the Red Cross and other activities in the town of Southampton. Addresi : Cranleigh, 26, The Polygon. Southampton. (M8943) MALET, Sir Harry Charles, Bart., D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 21 Sept. 1873 ; fi. of 5th Bart, sue. his nephew, the 6th Bart, 1918 (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; m. MUdred Laura, d. of Capt. H. S. Swiney, Gensing House, St. Leonards, Sussex, Lieut.-Col. (retd.). Formerly in Cape Mounted Rifles; Capt, 8th Hussars ; served S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal, 4 clasps, King's medal, 2 clasps). Address : Wilbury, Newton Tony, Salisbury. (08597) MALET, Major Robert James, O.B.E. MALEY, 2nd Lieut. WiUiam John, M.B.E, R.A.F. MALIM, Major Edward John, O.B.E, M.G.C MALIM, John Charles, M.B.E, A.M.I.CE, 6. 23 Aug. 1875 ; s. ol Frederick John Malim, of Chichester ; m. Brenda, Stirling, d. of WiUiam Frederick Robinson, of 53, Baker Street, W. 1. Educ. : Blackheath School, and Central Technical CoU, South Kensington. Civil Engineer in the Department of the CivU Enginecr-in-Chief of the Admiralty. War Work : In charge of all engineering and building work at the Admiralty Establishments on the River Humber, including the Oil Fuel Storage Depot, and Ah Station at KUlingholme, the Naval Bases at Immingham, and Grimsby, and aU similar work. Address : c/o CivU Engineer-in-Chief, Admiralty, London, S.W. 1. (M2124) MALLM, Julia, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of Eccles Shorrock ; m. Aubrey H, s. of Frederic Malim, of Grantham. Educ. ; Queen's Coll, Harley Street, London. War Work : Sec. of large Soldiers' Home in connection with Belton Camp and Harrowbv Camp, Grantham, Sept. 1914, to July, 1919. (M8944) MALING, Nesta Gertrude, Mrs., M.B.E. MALINS, Mary Selina Beatrice, O.B.E. MALLALIEU, Vernon, M.B.E. Secretary, Lancashire Anti-Submarine Committee. (M10259fi) MALLEN, James, M.B.E, 6. 28 July, 1882 ; s. of Joseph Mallen, of Galashiels ; to. Barbara Mary, d. of John Thomas Smith, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Greenhill Public School ; Glasgow Athenaeum ; Robertson's CoU, Glasgow. Sec. to General Manager, The Caledonian Railway ; Traffic, etc. Assistant to the General Manager. War Work : Dealt with matters relating to traffic movement, especially in connection with urgent naval and military requirements. Addresses : Rycroft, Selborne Road, JordanhUl, Glasgow ; 302, Buchanan Street, Glasgow. _, ,, „ (M8945) MALLET, Lieut. Frank Charles. M.B.E, R.A.S.C MALLET, MatUde, Lady, C.B.E, fi. 13 March, 1872 ¦ d. of Don G. de Obarrio, of Panama ; m. Sir Claude Coventry (see BURKE'S Peerage), s. of Capt. Hugh MaUet, of Ash Hatherley, Devon. Educ. : Academy of the , Sacred Heart Manhattan-vine, New York ; Convent du Sacr, Coeur, Pang '• MedaiUe de la Reine Elizabeth, Reconnaissance Francaise' Panama Red Cross. Lady MaUet is Founder and LUe President of the Panama National Red Cross. War Work : Established branches of Queen Mary's Needle Work GuUd and of the British Red Cross in Panama, Colon, Guayaquil (Ecuador), San Jose (Costa Rica), and other towns ; forwarded to England clothing, blankets, chocolate, cigars, etc, and contributions of money, partly sent to France and Belgium, — of an approxi mate value of £10,000 ; coUected funds to buUd three rooms at the Star and Garter Hospital, of which two are endowed • visited the Hospital Ships " Marama " and " Maheno " on all their journeys through the Panama Canal, and distributed on board the great number of gifts presented by the citizens of Panama for the wounded soldiers on their way to Australia and New Zealand. Address : 14, SevUle Street, Lowndes Square, London, W.l. (C2785) MALLETT, Capt. Henry CUfford, M.B.E, R.A.F. MALLETT, John Moore, M.B.E. MALLETT, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Thomas Robert, M.B.E. MALLINS, Lieut.-Col. John Robert, O.B.E. MALLINSON, Clarice Elsie, M.B E, B.Sc, 6. 21 Sept. 1894 ; d. ot Samuel MaUinson, of Reedley. nr. Burnley. Educ. : Univ. CoU, Reading. Research Chemist ; Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, S.E. 18. War Wort : Engaged in the Research Department, Woolwich, as Research Chemist from Sept. 1916, to the present time. Addresses: Holmleigh, Reedley, nr. Burnley, Lanes. ; Research Depart ment, Royal ATsenal, Woolwich, S.E. 18. (M10252o) MALLINSON, Frederick, O.B.E, 6. 23 Oct. 1880 ; s. of John MaUinson, of BirstaU, near Leeds ; m. Annie EUza, d. ot WUUam Askew, of Norbury. Educ. : Batley Grammar School. War Work : Admiralty ; Ministry of Shipping. Address : Swanfield, 107, Nimrod Road, Streatham Park, S.W. 16. (010922) MALLOCH, Ethel Josephine Victoria, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of WUUam OUver, of Highbury ; m. George Reston, s. of John MaUoch, J.P, of Elderslie, N.B. Educ. : Highbury High School, and Bad-Neuenahr. War Work : 1916-19, Sec. to Sir Ernest Michael Clarke, Director, Motor Ambulance Dept, B.R.C.S. 's Headquarters. Address : The- White Cottage, Chingford, Essex. Club : Studio. (M8946) MALMESBURY, Dorothy, Countess of, C.B.E, fi. 5 Oct. 1885 ; d. of Augustus, 6th Lord Calthorpe (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. James Edward, 5th Earl of Malmesbury, s. of Edward James, 4th Earl of Malmesbury (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ. : Privately. Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, and the Order of Mercy : President of Hampshire Branch B.R.C.S. ; Member of Joint County Committee of Hampshire under Joint CouncU of the Order of St. John and B.R.C.S.; Divisional Commissioner of the Bournemouth Div. of Girl Guides ; Rural District Councillor for the Parish of Hum and Member of Board of Guardians. War Work : Donor and Organiser, Heron Court Auxiliary Hospital, Christehurch, Hants. Address : Heron Court, Christ- church, Hampshire. Club : Bath. (C2786) MALONE, Cecil John 1'Estrange, O.B.E, M.P, Order of the NUe, fi. 7 Sept. 1880 ; s. of the Rev. SavUe L'Estrange Malone, of Dalton, Yorkshire. Educ: Ludgrove, New Barnet ; CordwaUes, Maidenhead. Entered Royal Navy, 1905 ; served in H.M.S. " Isis," Sept. 1906, to Dec. 1906 ; in H.M.S. " Dread nought," Jan. 1907, to Dec. 1908 ; H.M.S. " Duncan," 1908-9 ; in H.M.S. " ExceUent " ; H.M.T.B. No. 25 (Navigation School) ; H.M.S. " Vernon " ; R.N. CoUege, Greenwich, Jan. 1911, to May, 1911 ; H.M.T.B. No. 81 ; H.M.S. " Essex," 1911 to Deo. 1911 ; selected to undergo a flying course at Eastchurch. Dec. 1911 ; obtained R.A. Club's Pilot's certificate ; appointed assistant of Air Department at the Admiralty on its formation, Nov. 1912. War Work : Aug. 1914, appointed in command of H.M.S. " Engadine " ; Dec. 1914, in command of R.N.A.S. units during raid on Cuxhaven ; 22 March, 1915, appointed to command H.M.S. " Ben-my-Chree " ; served in Dardanelles campaign until final evacuation ; Jan. 1916, commanded East Indies and Egypt seaplane squadron : Jan. 1917, employed at the Ah Ministry ; March, 1917, took command of Grain Air Station ; May, 1917, to Jan. 1918, service in H.M.S. " Lion," flagship of the battle-cruiser " Force " ; Dec. 1917, appointed Plans Division, Admiralty ; FeUow of the Aeronautical Society ; mentioned in despatches. Clubs : Reform ; National Liberal ; 1917 ; Royal Aero. (03346) MALONEY, WiUiam DonneUan, M.B.E, fi. 29 July. 1868 ; s. of Patrick Maloney, of Nenagh, Deland ; m. Rosie Roberta, d. of William Wotton, of Exeter. Educ: St. Brendan's Birr, Ireland. Assistant Sec. Territorial Force Association of the County of Lincoln. War Work : Served in Territorial Force. Address : The Old Barracks, Lincoln. (M8947) MALONY, Edward, O.B.E. MALPAS, Comdr. James Herbert, O.B.E, R.N.R. MALTBY, William Graham, M.B.E, 6. 6 June, 1882; j. of Aid. D. H. Maltby, J.P, of Mansfield. War Work : With the firm of Barringer, WaUis and Manners, Ltd, of Mansfield, in 346 BIOGRAPHIES. Mansfield connection with the development and supply of Anti-Gas Equipment. Address : Coorabhurst, Alexandra Avenue, Mans field. (M8948) MALYN, Capt. Donald Paton, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. MALYON, Major Frank Haistone, O.B.E, I. A. MAMOS, (Monsignore) John Baptist, M.B.E, Officer of Greek Order of Redeemer, Diploma of University of Rome, fi. 3 April, 1869 ; e. of Lorenzo Mamos, of Patras, Greece. Edue. : Urbanian Coll, Rome. Titular Bishop of the Papai Court ; Vicar of the parish of St. Denis, Athens. War Work : Served in Balkan Wars as chaplain, during European War ; has served on the British Refugee Committee, Athens. Ad dress : Presbytery of Cathedral of St. Denis, Athens. (M8949) MAN, Frederiok Henry Dumas, O.B.E, 6. 25 April, 1861 ; «. of Fredk. Man, of Beckenham, Kent ; m. Catherine Fenwick, i. of — Wilson. Educ. : Charterhouse. Colonial Broker ; Broker to Admiralty and War Office. War Work : Engaged In supplying the whole of the Rum used by both Navy and War Office ; was a special constable. Addresses : 11, Hyde Park Terrace, W. 2 ; MiU House, Bransbury Barton Stacey, Hants. Clubs : Cavendish ; Royal Automobile ; Royal St. George's GoU ; Cinque Ports • Stoke Poges. (0538). MAN, Lieut.-Col. Hubert WiUiam, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1876. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Army Ordnance Depart. ; Assist. Director of Ordnance Sers. ; S. Africa War, 1899-1901 (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1289) MAN. Capt. Joseph, O.B.E, C.M.G. Appt. Commander Order of Leopold of Belgium. MANDER, Lieut. Albert, O.B.E. MANDER, Capt. John Harold, O.B.E, 6. 3 Aug. 1869 ; I. of Charles B. Mander, J.P, of The Mount, Compton, Wolver hampton; m. Elinor Lloyd, d. of the late J. P. A. Lloyd- Philipps, of Dale Castle, Pembrokeshire, and Mabys, Cardigan- Bhire. Educ : Rugby, and Trinity HaU, Cambridge. Lieut. Srd N. Staffordshire Regt, 1888-90; Duke of Cornwall's L.I, 1890-1906 ; Adjutant, 4th V.B. Durham L.I, 1901-5 ; Brigade Major, D.L.I. Brigade, 1904-5 ; Chief Constable, Isle of Ely, 1906-19 ; Chief Constable, Norfolk, 1915. War Wort : Chief Constable of Isle of Ely and Norfolk, 1915-19. Address : Thorpe Hurst, Thorpe St. Andrew, Norwich. Club : Naval and MUitary. (010923) MANDERSON. Major Robert Wardlaw, O.B.E. MANICO, Capt. Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 17 June, 1879. Fellow of the Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' Institute, and senior partner of the firm of Woolland, Son and Manico, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, Plymouth. War Work : Served with the Mechanical Transport Section of the R.A.S.C Address : Kirknewton, Newton Abbot, S. Devon. C7m6 : Plymouth. MANIECE, WiUiam Christopher Henry, M.B.E. MANIFOLD, Col. Sir Michael Graham Egerton BOW MAN-, K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, D.S.O , R.E, 6. 9 June, 1871; s. of the late Surg.-Gen. Manifold ; m. Kathleen CecUia, d. of the late Admiral Sir Thomas Brandreth, K.C.B. Entered Army, 1891 ; Dongola Exped. Force, 1896 (Khedive's Medal) ; Atbara, 1898 ; Khartoum ; S. Africa, 1899-1901 ; Great War, Darda nelles, 1914-15; Egypt, 1917; has 4th Class Order of the Medjidieh, 4th Class Order of Osmanieh, is Officer of the Legion of Honour. CZufi : United Service. (K273) MANIPUR, H.H. (Raja Chirra Chand Singh), Raja of, C.B.E. (C79) MANLEY, Kate, O.B.E, H.M.I, 6. 19 July 18,66 ; d. of Wm. Hewitt Manley, of Bridport, Dorset. His Majesty's Inspector of Schools, holding a Staff-Inspectorship under the Board of Education. War Work : Worked for the National War Savings Committee in their Food Economy Campaign ; and later for the Ministry of Food. Address : 28, Chenies Street Chambers, W.C 1. (03823) MANLEY, Major John Charles Medland, O.B.E, R.E. MANLEY, Major WilUam Edward, O.B.E, R.A. MANN, Lieut.-Col. Algernon Edward, O.B.E, R.E. MANN, David Barrie, M.B.E, 6. 25 Dec. 1877 ; s. of George Mann, of Arbroath, Scotland. Educ. : Keptie School and High School, Arbroath, and Engineering College, Glasgow. Inspector of Factories, Governments of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, and Assam. War Work : Engaged on Priority Work, Board of Industries and Munitions, 1916-19 ; appointed Government Arbitrator for steel plates, 1918 ; Member of the Priority Committees, Textiles and Engineering. Clubs : United Services (Calcutta) ; Barrackpore (Barrackpore, Bengal).(M4182) MANN, Franois Oscar, O.B.E. MANN, Frederick WiUiam, M.B.E. MANN, Gerard Noel Cornwallis, M.B.E. MANN, Grace, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. MANN, Surg.-Lieut. Harold Corry, O.B.E, M.D, M.R.C.P, R.N. MANN, Major Harry Ainsley, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. MANN, James Henderson, M.B.E. MANN, Sir John, K.B.E, J.P, M.A, C.A., 6. 8 April, 1863 ; s. of John Mann, of Glasgow ; m. Margaret Anderson, a. of James Henderson, of Groomhill, Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow Umv. Addresses : 8, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C ; wrayfleld, Reigate, Surrey. Clubs : Reform ; Authors' ; City; New, Glasgow. (K92) MANN, Capt. Peroival Ramsey, O.B.E. MANN, Capt. Sydney Frederick, M.B.E. MANN, Lieut. Thomas Clifford, M.B.E, R.E. (T.). MANN, Walter George, M.B.E, fi. 13 Aug. 1882 ; s. of George T. Mann, of Faversham, Kent ; m. Emily EUzabeth, d. of Henry Newton, of St. Albans. Educ : Faversham, and Tunbridge WeUs. Banker. War ¦ Work : Controlling Cable Don, Chain Cable and Anchor Industries in connection with Department of Materials and Priority, Admiralty; Member of Admiralty Panel for Shipbuilding SuppUes to U.S.A. ; Member of Ministry of Munitions Sub-Committee on Forgings and Castings. Address : Newlands, Clarence Road, St. Albans. Clubs : Primrose ; Verulam Golf, St. Albans. (M3830) MANN, Lieut.-Comm. William Burridge, O.B.E, R.N. MANN, William Henry, M.B.E, 6. 14 March, 1872; s. of Henry Alfred Mann, J.P, of Cookstown, Co. Tyrone ; to. Isabel Richmond, d. of Wm. Beer Lindsay, of The Lodge, Hilltown, Co. Down. Educ. : Cookstown Academy. Bank Manager. War Work: County Director for Tyrone British Red Cross and Order of St. John ; Esquire of Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Address : BeUast Bank, Castle Place, Belfast. (M718) MANN, Eng.-Comm. William Selwyn, O.B.E, R.N. MANNERS, Capt. Charles Manners, O.B.E, R.E. MANNERS, Lieut. James Benjamin, M.B.E, R.N. MANNERS, Mildred Mary, Lady Robert, C.B.E. ; d. of the late Rev. Charles Buckworth, of Sherborne ; to. 1st, Major Henry Edward Buchanan RiddeU.K.R.R.C, of Basingstoke, 2nd, the late Robert Manners William Orlando, C.M.G, D.S.O, K.R.R.C, s. of 7th Duke of Rutland (see BURKE'S Peerage). War Work: Joint Sec. B.R.C.S, Central Workrooms. Ad dresses : The Red House, Knipton, Grantham ; 20, Chester Street, S.W. (C2787) MANNING, Albert John, M.B.E. MANNING, Arthur Edward, M.B.E. MANNING, Major Arthur Pitcher, CLE, O.B.E, M.C. Major Indian Army ; Indian Telegraph Depart. (C2326) MANNING, Charles Nicholson, O.B.E. (012053) MANNING, Edith Lindsay, O.B.E. : d. of the late Major- General Henry Dimsdale Manning. War Work : Head of the Surgical Department of Queen Mary's Needlework Guild at St. James's Palace, from Aug. 1914, to Feb. 1919. (03824) MANNING, Capt. Lionel John, O.B.E. MANNING, Major Nathaniel Samuel, O.B.E, F.R.CS.I, 6th Devon Regt, fi. 1860 ; s. of George Manning, of Co. Cavan, Deland ; m. Winifred Alice, d. of Col. George Fleming, C.B, LL.D, Combe Martin, N. Devon. Educ. : Royal School Cavan, T.C.D. ; Roy. CoU. Surgeons, Deland. Med. Supt. City Hospitals, Birmingham ; M.O. 8th District, Barnstaple. War Work: CO. 2/6th Devons; transferred R.A.M.C, 1915 ; M.O. in charge MiUtary Hospital and Camp, Wareham, Dorset; President, Recruiting Medical Board, Winchester ; D.CM.S. County Hampshire, M.N.S. ; Chairman, Board of Medical Assessors, London, under L.G.B. (010925) MANNING, William, C.B.E. Dep. Commr. S. African Police ; commanded Prisoners of War Camp, Pietermaritzburg, during Great War. (C2005) MANNING, Brig.-Gen. Sir WiUiam Henry, G.C.M.G, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 19 July, 1863 ; s. of Henry Manning. Educ. : Cambridge ; R.M.C, Sandhurst. Governor and Commander- in-Chief of Ceylon. War Work : In connection with raising the Jamaica Contingent of the British West Indies Regiment, while Governor of Jamaica, and other War Work. Address : Queen's House, Colombo, Ceylon. Clubs : Naval and MUitary ; East India United Services ; Ranelagh. (K124) MANSBRIDGE, Capt. Henry, O.B.E. MANSEL, Charles John Linskill, O.B.E, M.D. MANSELL, Arthur, M.B.E. __ ,_,_„ MANSELL, Rear-Adm. George Robert, C.B.E, M.V.O, fi. 18 Feb. 1868; s. of the late Commander George Hope ManseU, R.N, of Westwood Park, Southampton ; to. Loma Sylvia Isabel, d. of Vice-Adm. George E. Richards, of SUverton, Devon. Educ. : The CoUege, Southampton. Elder Brother of Trinity House, London. War Work : In command of the Royal Naval CoU, Keyham, Devonport; training Special Entry Naval Cadets. Club : United Service. ___,_, (C906) MANSELL, Lieut.-Col. Sir John Herbert, K.B.E, D.L, R.A, 6. 20 Sept. 1864; s. of Capt. George Hope i ManseU, R.N. ; to. Jane Wilhelmina, d. ol Major-Gen. W. J. Stuart, R E. Educ. : Privately, and R.M.A, Woolwich. Com missioned in the Royal Artillery in 1883 and retired with rank of Lieut.-Col. in 1913 ; was Proof and Experimental Officer Woolwich, 1901-1905; Supt. Research, 1906-10, and Chief Inspector, Woolwich, 1911-13; Director of the Enghsh Electric do. War Work : Managing Director of the Coventry Ordnance Works. Address: The Chace, near Coventry Club : United Service. ,_,_,,,_ -,r -i 5 , £' MANSELL, Capt. Reginald Anson, M.B.E, M.A, MB, B.C. (Cantab.), R.A.M.C, 6. 1 March, 1891 ; s. of Thomas ManseU, of Oxton, Cheshire: Educ : Bradfleld CoU, Berla; Em manuel CoU, Cambridge; St. Bartholomews Hospital, London. War Work: MiUtary Service. Address: c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3 Whitehall Place, London, S.W. (M3228) MANSELL, Capt. Reginald Baynes, O.B.E, R.A.U. MANSELL, Richard Vivian, O.B.E. MANSELL, RosaUe, M.B.E. „'-.-„ MANSETH, Capt. WUUam Alfred, M.B.E S.AS C. MANSFIELD, Sir Alfred, K.B.E, 6. 17 May, 1870; s of Edwin Mansfield, of Prenton, Cheshire. Educ. : Manchester. Managing Director, Olympia Mills, Selby ; Managing Director Mansfield and Sons, Ltd.. Birkenhead. War Work: Director of Oils and Fats, Ministry of Food .Address : Bryanston Road, Prenton, Cheshire. Club : St. Stephen's. (K397) 347 Mansfield THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. MANSFIELD, Lieut.-Col. Henry Lattm, O BE. MANSFIELD, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. James Walter, M.B.E. MANSFIELD, Norman Polety, M.B.E, 6. 12 March, 1869 • s of E. Mansfield, of Swansea ; m. Rose Hannah, d. of B Thomas of Swansea. Educ. : Grammar School, Swansea. Station and Quay Superintendent, Fishguard Harbour; Member of the 1st Vol. Batt. Welsh Regt. ; Member of Our Boys" Committee; Chairman of Committee for assisting wives and dependents of soldiers ; President of a St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Vice-President of the District Horti cultural Societv. War Work : Transporting soldiers and war material to and' from Rosslare, Cork, and Waterford, and a large quantity of high explosives in special steamers from Messrs. Kynochs', Arklow, to various ports of Great Britain. Address : Connaught House, Goodwick, Pem. (M8954) MANSFIELD, Capt. Ralph Sheldon, O.B.E, R.E. MANSFIELD, Thomas Edward, O.B.E, 6. May, 1864 ; s. of the late James Mansfield, of Pointon Grange, FoMngham, Lincolnshire ; m. Annie (who died), d. of the late John Thornton, of Bourne, Lincolnshire. Educ. : Spalding, Lincolnshire, and privately. Barrister-at-law, Northern Circuit and Lancashire Chancerv Court. Chairman of Courts of Referees for North and East Lancashire under National Employment Act, 1911, and Chairman of Munition Tribunals for North and East Lancashire. War Work : In capacity as Chairman of Munition Courts as above ; Sub-Commissioner, National Service for North and East Lancashire ; Representative, Board of Trade on Port Labour Committees for Preston and Fleetwood; formed the Preston and District Chamber of Commerce, 1916 ; Member of the CouncU, Public Speaking for Recruiting, National War and Victory Loans. (01641) MANSFORD, Major Henry, O.B.E, i. 16 Feb. 1869. Educ. : Clifton. War Work : Commanded West London Recruiting Area, Sunderland Recruiting Area ; Assist. Director of Recruitmg, and Assist. Director of National Service, Hamp shire ; InteUigence Department, War Oflice. Addresses : 39, Park Mansions, Knightsbridge, S.W. ; Bouldnor Lodge, near Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. Clubs : Junior United Service ; Royal Victoria Yacht ; Solent Yacht ; Bembridge SaUing. (01642) MANSON, Albert James, M.B.E. MANTON, Arthur Woodroffe, O.B.E, B.Sc, M.I.C.E, M.Am.Soc.CE, F.R.G.S, fi. 2 July, 1866 ; s. of Sir Henry Manton, J.P, of Edgbaston, Birmingham ; m. Alice Annie, d. of William Hooper Thorne, of Barnstaple. Educ. : Privately ; Queen's CoU, Birmingham ; Birmingham Univ., Birmingham. CivU Engineer. War Work : Sept. 1914, constructed south coast anti-submarine defences under Sir Ernest Moir, Bart, for the Admiralty; June, 1915, super intended machine-gun production for him at Ministry of Munitions, London ; Sept. 1915, Res. Engr, under Sir Edward Pearson, J.P, at Gretna Explosives Factory, Scotland ; Dec. 1915, appointed by Sir Ernest Moir (Chief of Ministry of Muni tions in U.S.A.) to superintend production of machine-guns, sheU components, raw materials, etc, in U.S. ; and later in charge of a department for purchasing in the U.S. for the British War Mission, N.Y. Addresses : c'o S. Pearson & Son, Ltd, 10, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1 ; Rowington, Norfolk Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. (0540) MANTON, John, M.B.E, 6. 18 Oct. 1873 ; m. Alice Mary. Educ. : Birmingham CouncU School, Sparkbrook, Birmingham. Shorthand Writer, Staff CoUege. JFar Work : Discharged to pension after 21 years' army service, 30 June, 1913 ; re-enlisted in response to the late Lord Kitchener's appeal to ex-N.CO.s, Aug. 1914 ; served continuously in France and Egypt, May, 1915, to April, 1919 ; employed as superintending clerk ; has Meritorious Service Medal, 1914-15 Star, War Medal, and Victory Medal ; mentioned in despatches ; served with Mohmand Field Force and Tirah Expeditionary Force; awarded India Medal, 1895, with clasps ; Punjab Frontier, 1897-98 ; Tirah, 1897-98 ; in possession of G.C Medal. Address : Norbury, The Flats, Blackwater. (M4547) MANUEL, Stephen, C.B.E. MANWELL, Capt. David Thomas WiUiam, M.B.E, Aust. F.C and R.A.F. MANWELL, Gertrude Thompson, M.B.E. MAPLES, Major Edward WilUam, O.B.E, LL.D. MAPLES, Euretta Mary, M.B.E. MAPLESDEN, Charles WiUiam, O.B.E. MAQTJIRE, Matthew Michael, O.B.E. MARCH, Hilda Madeleine, Countess of, C.B.E. MARCH, Joseph Ogdin, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 18 Nov. 1866 ; s. of J. Ogdin March, of Emsworth, Hants ; m. Grace EUen, d. of H. J. Manning, of Laverstock, Salisbury. Educ. : Privately, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. War Work : Red Cross Hospital, Bulford ; Med. Off. Experimentary Ground, Porton. (M8956) MARCHAND, Isidore Henri Alphonse, M.B.E, J.P. for Herts and Middlesex, 6. 16 Oct. 1860; s. of Charles Tony Marchand, of 14, Bentinck Street, London, W. ; m. Annie Jane (who died 1894), d. of John James Heath, of New Bamet. Educ : Privately, and abroad. County Councillor for Hert fordshire ; Chairman, Barnet Local Old Age Pensions Com mittee, and Victoria CoU. Hospital, Barnet ; Governor, Barnet Grammar School. War Work : Vice-President, Herts Branch, B.R.C.S. ; Hon. Treas. St. James's V.A.D. Hospital, New Barnet; Visitor (under Herts War Pensions Committee) to Bamet War Hospital. Address: Orleans, WoodviUe Road, New Barnet. (M8957) 348 MARCHANT, 2nd Lieut. Alfred Palmer, MBE D.S.M., R.A.F. MARCHANT, Major Eric Lachlan, O.B.E, M.C MARCHANT, Frank, M.B.E, R.N. MARCHANT, Lieut. Frederick James, M.B.E, RA.P0 fi. 10 May, 1881 ; s. of Frederick Henry Marchant, of Ipswich'-' m. Beatrice, d. of Charles Henry Blackmore, of Exeter. Educ '• Halstead Grammar School, Essex. War Work : Was a member of the Army Pay Corps and Army Pay Department during tbe war ; employed chiefly in connection with the organisation of the Army Pay Offices, R.H. and R.F.A, Blackheath, and Labour Corps, Nottingham ; speciaUy promoted to Assist Paymaster, Army Pay Dept, from Staff Sergt.-Major, Army Pay Corps ; and also speciaUy mentioned by Secretary of State for valuable services in connection with the war. (M5455) MARCHANT, Herbert George, M.B.E. ' MARCHANT, Rev. James, C.B.E, LL.D, F.R.A S F.R.S, s. of the late John Marchant, 6. 1867 ; m. 1895, Eleanor Jane, d. of George Gordon, of South Shields. Educ : Privately Minister of Exeter Street Independent Church, Director of National Council for Promotion of Race Regeneration, Sec to Dr. Barnardo's Homes and Memorial 1905-6, and to National Birth Rate Commn. 1913-16. (C2789) MARCHANT, Capt. WUUam Francis, O.B.E. MARCHBANK, Helen MiUicent, M.B.E, fi. 12 Dec. 1895- d. of Archibald Marchbank, of Dalbeattie, Scotland. Educ.': Mexico. Sec. to the British Consulate, GuayaquU, Ecuador. Address: c/o British Consulate, GuayaquU, Ecuador, S-. America. (M720) MARCY, Janie, O.B.E. ; d. of George Nichols Marcy, of Chelmarsh HaU, Bridgworth, Shropshire; and 45, Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. Educ. : Privately. War Work : March, 1915, to May, 1917, in the department of the R.N.A.S. Admiralty; May, 1917, to June, 1919, Junior Administrative Assistant, Ministry of Shipping. (010926) MARDALL, Col. George Stratford, O.B.E. MARGACH, Capt. Lewis Grant, O.B.E. MARGERISON, Laurence, C.B.E. Director of Adminis tration of Local War Savings Committee. (C563) MARGETSON, Florence Nys, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 16 Nov. 1846 ; d. of Edgar Lutwyche, of Streatham, Surrey ; m. John Margetson, s. of John Stewart Margetson, of Streatham. War Work : President of Chislehurst and Bickley War Hospital Supply Depot. Address : Copley Dene, Chislehurst, Kent. (M8959) MARGETTS, Surg.-Lieut. Horace Palmer, 0.B.E, R.N. MARIANS, Reginald Ingram, O.B.E. (07448) MARLLLIER, Frank WiUiam, C.B.E, 6. 29 Nov. 1855 ; s. of the Rev. J. F. MariUier, M.A. (Cantab.), of Hereford ; m. Katheiine Maud, d. of J. Brooke, of Marlborough, WUts. Educ. : Bristol Grammar School. Engineer ; Superintendent, Great Western RaUway, Swindon, Carriage, Wagon, and Timber Departments. War Work : Chairman of the Technical Com mittee for Ambulance Trains in Great Britain, France, Lines of Communication, and the United States ; also supervised tho making of G.S. Wagons, Mark 5, Water Tanks, Leather Work for 4*5 Howitzer and 18-pounder Guns, Timber Trucks, Open Goods, Armoured Wagons, Bogie Wagons, for conveying Tanks, thousands of 6-inch Shells, Copper Bands. Address : Deva, Westlecott Road, Swindon, WUts. (C2790) MARINDIN, Lieut.-Col. CecU ColvUe, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1879 ; s. of Charles Randall Marindin, I.C.S. ; m. Amy Victoria, d. of the late Rev. W. T. Richardson. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. R.A. ; Tibet, 1903-4 (medal with clasp); Great War, 1914-18 (despatches, Italian Croce di Guerra). (C1898) MARINDIN, Gertrude Florence Evelyn, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 11 Aug. 1876 ; s. of the late Edward Robert Erskine Wilmot Chetwode, of Woodbrook, Portarling, Queen's Co. ; m. Arthur Henry, Brig.-Gen, C.B, D.S.O, s. of Henry ColvUe Marindin. War Work : Soldiers' and SaUors' FamiUes Association, East of Scotland ; War Pensions Committee, Edinburgh (President, East. District). Address : The Constable's Tower, Dover. Club : Ladies' Imperial. (M8960) MARJORIBANKS, Dudley Sinclair, C.B.E, 6. 12 Feb. 1858 ; s. of Edward Marjoribanks, of Bushey HaU, Watford ; m. Bertha, d. of the Rev. W. Featherstonhaugh, of Edmond- byers. Educ. : Eton, and King's Coll, London. Mechanical Engineer ; Local Director and ControUer of Labour, Sh W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co, Elswick Works, Newcastle-on- Tyne. War Work : CivU War Workers' Committee ; Chair man, National Trades Advisory Committee ; Ministry of Munitions Advisory Committee ; Ministry of Munitions Joint Consultative and Advisory Committee ; Admiralty Advisory Committee ; Tyne and Wear Board of Management for Munitions ; Newcastle-on-Tyne Employment Committee ; Chairman, Local Trade Advisory Committee for Newcastle-on- Tyne. Address : Shepherd's Bank, Riding MU1, Northumber land. Club : Northern Counties', Newcastle-on-Tyne. (C1004) MARKBREITER, Charles Gustavus, C.B.E, MARKHAM, Anna Elizabeth Daisy, Mrs, M.B.E, MARKHAM, Brig.-Gen. Charles John, C.B.E, fi. 1862. Col. and Hon. Brig.-Gen. (ret.) ; Manipur Expedition, 1891 ; Burma Expedition, 1891-2; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1684) MARKHAM, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Ernest Lacey, O.B.I. BIOGRAPHIES. Marriott MARKHAM, Lucy Bertram, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of Capt. Cunningham, R.H.A. ; m. Arthur Basil, s. of Charles Markham, of Tapton House, Chesterfield. War Work: Converted her residence, Beechborough, near Folkestone, into the Queen's Canadian Military Hospital, and acted as Superintendent there for 18 months; coUected £22,000 for the Wounded Allies' Relief Committee, including the proceeds of the sale of 11,000 tons of coal at the Caledonian Market ; organised the Miners' Lamp Fund for Serbia, and collected £3000 for this fund ; organised and worked the Women's Active Service Club in London through which 36,000 girls passed. Address : 47, Portland Place, W. 1. (C2463) MARKHAM, Theodora ChevaUier, Lady, C.B.E. MARKS, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Hammett, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.D, B.A, B.Ch, fi. 1880 ; s. of the Hon. Charles Ferdinand Marks, M.D, of Brisbane, Queensland ; m. 1907, Annie Georgina Rhodes, of Dublin. Educ. : Brisbane Grammar School and Dublin University. Lieut.-Col. Australian Army Med. Corps ; served in Great War, 1914-19, as a Dep. Assist. Director of Med. Sers. ; subsequently Comdg. a Field Ambu lance (despatches). (C1362) MARKS, Major Edward Seaborn, O.B.E. MARKS, Geoffrey, C.B.E, ft. 15 Nov. 1864 ; s. of John Georgt Marks, of Croydon ; m. Alys Mary, d. of J. H. Bridges, of Ipswich. Educ. : Whitgift Grammar School. Actuary and Manager, National Mutual Life Assurance Society ; Chairman of the life Offices' Association, 1914-15 ; President of the Institute of Actuaries, 1918-20 ; ex-officio member of the Council of the Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation ; Member of the Royal Commission on Decimal Coinage, 1918, and of the Royal Commission on Income Tax, 1919. War Work : 5 Aug. 1914, to Dec. 1916, Finance Officer, MetropoUtan Special Constabulary, on the staff of Sir Edward Ward, Bart, K.C.V.O, K.C.B. ; 1914-16, as Chairman of the LUe Offices' Association, acted as intermediary between the Government and the Life Assurance Offices in negotiating the concessions in regard to Extra Premiums and other conditions of Assurance which Government wished to be abrogated in order to encourage recruiting; also conducted other negotiations in relation to questions arising out of the war, with the Treasury, Inland Revenue, and other Government Departments ; Member of the Advisory Committee formed by the Insurance Offices and the Trust Companies at the request of the Treasury in order to promote the scheme for mobilisation of DoUar Securities ; assisted in establishing and was for some time Chairman of the Disabled Officers' Home and Club, 46, Westbourne Terrace, W. 2 ; Dec. 1916, to July. 1919, lent to the Navy and Army Canteen Board — then the Army Canteen Committee — to act as Financial Adviser. This post was subsequently abolished, but on a formal request from the War Office (D.Q.M.G. Canteens) was lent as a whole time worker to the Navy and Army Canteen Board to act as Personal Assistant to the Controller, Lieut.-Col. Sir Francis Towle, C.B.E. AU these services have been given in an honorary capacity, owing to disquahfication for Military Service on account of age. Address : 8, Chesham Place, London, S.W. 1. Clubs : Union ; M.CC ; Royal St. George's. (C2793) MARKS, Sir George Croydon, C.B.E, J.P, M.P, 6. 9 June, 1858 ; s. of the late WiUiam Marks, of Eltham ; m. Margaret, d. of Thomas Maynard, of Bath. Educ. : Royal Arsenal School, Woolwich, and King's Coll, London. Con sulting Engineer and International Patent Law Expert of London and New York. War Work : Member of Advisory Committee on Labour DUution, Ministry of Munitions ; Chief Commissioner for DUution of Labour for Newcastle-on-Tyne district; Chairman of Commissioners for Unrest Enquiry, Midlands and E. Yorkshire ; visited Fiance on munition work during the war. Addresses : 58, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C 2 ; Rothbury, Blackheath Park, S.E. 3 ; Penarvon, Bude, Corn waU. Clubs: National Liberal; Reform. (C45) MARKS, Henry, C.B.E, fi. 1861 ; s. of the late Benjamin Marks, of Melbourne, Victoria ; to. Annie Abrahams. Some time Major, Fiji Vol. Force ; Managing Director, Henry Marks and Co, Ltd, Merchants; M.E.C and M.L.C of Fiji ; J.P. for Suva. Address: Suva, Fiji. (C399) MARKS, 2nd Lieut. Herbert Elton, M.B.E, D.C.L.I. MARKS, Major John Barkly, O.B.E. MARKS, Richard Harris, O.B.E. War Work : Chief Special Constable, Borough of Luton. Address : The Shanty, Lea- grave Road, Luton. Club : R.A.C (010927) MARKWICK, Col. Ernest ElUott, C.B, C.B.E, R.A.O.C, fi. 19 July, 1853 ; s. of WiUiam Markwick, of East Acton, Middlesex, W. ; to. Amy, d. of F. M. Murton, of Pietermaritz burg, Natal. Educ : 'Privately, and King's CoU, School. Entered late Control Dept. of the Army 1872 ; served Zulu War, 1879 ; Boer War, 1880-1881, including Siege of Pretoria ; Bechuanaland Expedition, 1884-85, hon. mentioned and specially promoted, mentioned in despatches ; Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and past-president, British Astronomical Association. War Work : Assist. Directoi of Ordnance Services at G.H.Q, Dublin, during the whole period of the war. Addresses : The Knowle, West Moors, Dorset ; c/o Sir C. R. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39, Panton Street, Hay- market, S.W. l (C828) MARLING, Lucia, Lady, C.B.E, fi. 1883 ; d. of Major- Gen. Sh John Slade, K.C.B. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Sir Charles Marling, K.C.M.G, C.B, H.B.M. Minister at Copen hagen, s. of Sir WilUam Marling, Bart, Stanley Park, Stroud (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Looking after Belgian re^ fugees atH.I.H. the Duchesse de Vendome Hostel at Wimbledon until 1915 ; raised a fund for comforts for the troops in Mesopo • tamia in 1915 ; in charge of arrangements for evacuation of women and children of British Colony from Tehran during Turkish advance in 1916 ; undertook organisation for repatri ation of Prisoners of War and British civilians from Russia in Match, 1920. Addresses : British Legation, Copenhagen ; 8, Lowndes Stieet, S.W. (C2794) MARLOW, Major Arthur Lambert, O.B.E, 6. 27 May, 1857 ; s. of Arthur Marlow, of Mullybrannon, Co. Tyrone ; to. Sylvia Margaret, d. of E. B. Lewin HiU, C.B, J.P, of Kingston Hill. War Work : 1914-19, served with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, and British Salonica Force. Twice men tioned in despatches. Address : 43, Rowan Road, W. 6. Club : Authors'. (O6507) MARLOW, Edmund George, O.B.E. MARLOW, Capt. George William Augustus, O.B.E. MAROCHETTI, George Charles Marie, Baron, M.V.O, O.B.E, Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy, 6. 1894. Lieut. 11th Hussars, 1916 ; Capt. Gen. Staff and Asst. British military representative, Vienna, 1919 ; naturalised in the United Kingdom, 1917 ; obtained a royal licence authorising him to bear the title of Baron in this country, 1918. MARPLES, Capt. Morris Edgar, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. MARQUAND, Alan Herbert, O.B.E. MARR, Capt. David Murdock, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, (S.R.). MARR, Major Hugh, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 15 March, 1878 ; s. of Andiew and Sarah Marr, of Manchester ; to. Emily, d. of WiUiam W. Rothero, of Brecon. Edue. : St. Clement's, Manchester. Enlisted private, Sept. 1899 ; Commissioned, Aug. 1914; South Africa, 1900-1904. War Work: Darda nelles and Mesopotamia, June, 1915, to March, 1920 ; Lieut.- Col. Commanding 18th (Indian) Machine Gun Batt. ; MUitary Governor, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan ; Brevet rank of Major on promotion to Capt. ; five mentions in despatches. Address : The Watton, Biecon. (M6664) MARR, Sir James, Bart. C.B.E, 6. 9 Sept. 1854 ; s. of Christopher HaU Matt, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Educ : Privately. Is the 1st Baronet (cr. 1919) ; is a ShipbuUder ; a Member of Shipping Controller's Advisory Committee ; a Member of Shipbuilding Council at Admiralty ; Chahman of Sir James Laing and Sons, of Sunderland, of Sunderland Forge Commrs, and of Lloyds Registry of Shipping; Managing Director of Joseph L. Thompson and Sons, of Sunderland ; a Freeman of the City of London, and J.P. for Durham. Ad dress : Parkside Roker, Sunderland. Club : Royal Thames Yacht. ( C237) MARR, Lieut.-Col. John Lynn, O.B.E, T.D, R.G.A. (T.), 6 1877 ; s. of Sir James Marr, of Sunderland ; to. May, d. of the late Robert Thompson, of Dinsdale, nr. Darlington. Forge- master ; Director of the Sunderland Forge and Engineering Co, Ltd Sir James Laing and Sons, Ltd, T. W. GreenweU & Co, Lloyds British Testing Co, E. G. S, Ltd. War Work: Commanded the Durham Heavy Battery, R.G.A, from 1912 ¦ mobilised 14Aug. 1914 ; in Flanders and France, 1916-17 ; recalled to British Admiralty, June, 1917 ; appointed Assist. Director, Merchant ShipbuUding Department to Armistice ; O C 3rd Northumbrian Medium Brigade, R.G.A. (T.), AprU, 1920. Address : Aykleypeads, Durham. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; National Sporting. MARRACK, Philip Edward, O.B.E, 6. 14 Aug. 1882; s of John Reed Marrack, J.P, of Tiverton; m. EUzabeth Foster d of Roland Butler, Barristei, of Lincoln's Dm. Educ : BlundeU's School, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Admiralty Civil Servant. Address : Caer Eden, Lyonsdown Road, New Bamet. Club : United Univ. (03827) MARRIOTT, Major Donald James, O.B.E, R.E. MARRIOTT, Ethel Gertrude, Mrs, M.B.E. MARRIOTT, Capt. Herbert, O.B.E. MARRIOTT, Herbert, C.B.E, 6. 1865. Chief Goods Manager of Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway ; Traffic Sup. Dearne Valley Railway ; Sec. S. Yorkshire Joint Line Com mittee and Axholme Joint Line. Address : EUesmere House Eccles (0564) MARRIOTT, Surg.-Comm. Horace Bruce, O.B.E, R.N. MARTIN, Capt. George Walter Howard, C.B.E, R.N., 6. 1859 ; s. of George Peter Martin, C.B, R.N, J.P, of High lands, Emsworth, Hants. War Work : Naval Transport Officer, Newhaven, Sussex ; Divisional Naval Transport Officer " Thames," London, Devonport, and Plymouth. Ad dress : Brockland, Saltwood, Hythe, Kent. Club : Cinque Ports, Hythe. (C566) MARTTN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George WiUiam, M.B.E, R.A.S.C MARTIN, Gerald, O.B.E. MARTIN, Lieut.-Col. Gerald Hamilton, C.M.G, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1879 ; s. of WilUam John Martin ; m. Mary Augusta, d. of the late George Banks Rennie (see Bukke'S Peerage, Anglesey, M.). Entered King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1898 ; Major, 1905 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1917 ; S. African War, 1899- 1902 (Queen's medal with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) ; appointed an A.Q.M.G. 1918. (05548) MARTIN, Capt. Gilbert Charles, M.B.E, fi. 1887 ; s. of F. C. Martin, of Tewkesbury. Educ. : Dean Close Memorial School, Cheltenham. War Work : Joined 1916 ; commissioned March, 1917 ; service in Mesopotamia, May, 1917, until March, 1920 ; two mentions in despatches. Address : 103, High Street, Tewkesbury. (M4895) MARTIN, Capt. Harrison, M.B.E, R.F.A. (T.). MARTIN, Capt. Harry Cutfleld, C.B.E, R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C2280) MARTIN, Capt. Herbert Walter, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. MARTIN, Lieut.-Col. Horace, O.B.E., R.E. MARTIN, Hubert Stanley, C.B.E, 6. 12 Aug. 1879 ; s. of the late Capt. Ernest Martin, 31st Regt. Educ. : Huntingdon School, Teddington and King's CoU, London. Chief Passport Officer, Foreign 'Office. War Work : Ln charge of the British Passport Oflice throughout the war. Address : 43, Airedale Avenue, Chiswick, W. 4. Club : Cavendish. , , M.M, M.A, 6. 1861, s. of the late Richard MoUoy, of Rathgar, co. Dublin. Educ. : Trin. CoU, Dublin • is Major Yeo. Territorial Force Reserve ; served during Great War 1914-17 (despatches) ; Address : 3, Brighton Parade, Blackpool • Club : Cavahy. (C1086) MOLONY, Capt. Brian Charles, O.B.E. MOLONY, Edmund Alexander, C.B.E, s. of Edmund. Weldon Molony, 6. 1866 ; m. Ethel Blanche, d. of the late Herbert Smith, of Barla, Aligarh Dist, India. Educ. : Marl borough ; Emmanuel Coll, Camb. ; entered I.C.S. 1886 Commr, Agra Div, United Provinces 1915-19 ; retired 1919 sometime a M.L.C, United Provinces of Agra and Oudh author of a Manual of Irrigation Wells. (C1086) MOLONY, Lieut.-Col. Francis Arthur, O.B.E, R.E. MOLONY, John Barre de Winton, O.B.E, I.M.S, M.B. MOLONY, Rev John Patrick, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 6 Oct. 1875 ; s. of Michael Molony, Civil Service. Educ : St. Edward's CoU, Liverpool, and St. Joseph's CoU, UphoUand. Senior Chaplain and Vicar-General, Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force. War Work : Aug. 1914, to May, 1915, with 2nd Cav. Div. France ; June, 1915, to Sept. 1915, with 2nd Leinsters R.C, 6th Div. ; Sept. 1915, wounded ; Feb. 1916, went to Salonica, on Hospital Ship "MassUia"; July, 1916, on Somme with 8th L.N.L. ; rejoined 2nd Leinsters, Sept 1916 ; wounded at Messines, 1917 ; May 5 to present time in Mesopo tamia. Awarded M.C, 1915. Address: 2, Elmhurst Road, Bruce Grove, N. 17. (06672) MOLYNEAUX, Thomas, M.B.E. MOLYNEUX, CaroUne Elizabeth, Hon. Mrs. Caryl, M.B.E, 6. Jan, 1848 ; d. of 2nd Baron Wenlock, of Escrick Park, York (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Caryl Craven (died 1912), s. of 3rd Earl of Sefton, of Croxteth, Liverpool (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : County Sec. Oxfordshire Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association: Member Executive Committee, County Red Cross ; President Banbury War Hospital Supply Depot, Queen Mary's Needle work Guild. Address : The Red House, Bodicote, Banbury. (M9065) MOLYNEUX, Lieut. Edward Arthur, M.B.E, R.A.F. MOLYNEUX, Rev. Frederick Merivale, M.B.E, M.A., fi. 10 May, 1885 ; s. of Rev. F. E. Molyneux, Rector of Martyr- worthy. Educ. : Rossall School ; Keble CoU, Oxford ; Cud- desdonColI. Hon. 0. E. (4th Class) ; Vicar of High Wycombe ; and lately Chaplain of Cuddesdon CoUege. War Work : CF, Woolwich, 1916 ; embarked for Mesopotamia, Nov. 1916 ; Chaplain, 40th British General Hospital, Mesopotamia, Jan. 1917, to May, 1917 ; Chaplain 23rd British Stationary Hospital and Isolation Hospital, Baghdad, May, 1917, to Nov. 1917 ; Chaplain, Gen. Headqrs, Mesopotamia Exped. Force, Nov. 1917, to May, 1919 ; mentioned, 1917. Address : High Wycombe Vicarage, Bucks. (M3002) MOLYNEUX, Thomas FeU, O.B.E. MONCK, Louise EmiUa, M.B.E. MONCKTON, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Anthony, O.B.E, M.A. (Cantab.), R.A.F, 6. 22 Oct. 1885 ; s. of E. P. Monckton, M.A, J.P, of Fineshade Abbey, Stamford. Educ. : HaUey bury ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Royal Mint, Ottawa, Canada; Dobel's Metal and Munitions, Birmingham ; Messrs. Johnson and Sons, Refiners, London ; on Chemical, Engineering and Inspection work. War Work : Design, invention, and supply of all Hydrogen and Hydrogen-making machinery for British airships and kite balloons throughout war, and in sole charge of that department. Club : Junior Carlton. (01676) MONCKTON, WiUiam Leopold, O.B.E, 6. 1865 ; s. of Rev. Inglis George (died 1899). Divisional Engineer (London), Great Western Railway. War Work : Great Western RaUway. Address : 19, Upton Road, Slough, Bucks. (010982) MONCRIEFF, John, O.B.E, 6. 1874 ; s. of John Mon crieff, of Perth ; m. Marion Isobel, d. of — Dunlop, of Glasgow. Educ. : Perth Academy, and Switzerland. War Work : Establishment of Scientific and Chemical Glassware production in this country ; also services to the Glass Industry generaUy. Address : Summerbank, Perth. Club : Caledonian. (010984) MONCRIEFF, Lieut.-Col. John Mitchell, C.B.E, M.I.C.E, late R.E, 6. 8 March, 1865 ; s. of the late MitcheU Moncrieff, of South Shields; to. EUzabeth, d. of the late P. AUan. Consulting Engineer. Director of Engineering Work, Dept. of ControUer-General of Merchant Shipbuilding, Adnuralty, July, 1917, to May, 1918. Address : 33, Old Jewry, E.C. 2. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; New City ; Union (Newcastle-on-Tyne). (C57Jf MONCRIEFF, Capt. Malcolm Matthew, M.B.E. MONCRIEFF, Major Roger Murray, O.B.E.; s. of the BIOGRAPHIES. Montgomery late Col. Sh Alexander Moncrieff, K.C.B. Address: 9, Moore Street, Cadogan Gardens, S.W. 3. Club : Bachelors'. (05587) MONCRIEFF, Jane Mary SCOTT-, O.B.E, d. of the late Major Alexander Pringle Scott-Moncrieff, Bengal Staff Corps. War Work : Originator of Canteens at Railway Stations, Aug. 1914 ; also ran Soldiers' Hostel and Institute at StrenseU Camp, York. Addresses : Strensall Camp, York ; The Castle, Elie, Fife, Scotland. (010983) MOND, Violet Florence Mabel, Lady, D.B.E, ; d. of the late James Henry Gortze ; to. Rt. Hon. Sir Alfred Moritz Mond, P.O., M.P, 1st Bart, (see Burke's Peerage), s. of the late Ludwig Mond, Ph.D, F.R.S, of 20, Avenue Road, St. John's Wood, and Winnington Hall, Northwich. Address : 35, Loundes Square, S.W. ; Ffynone, Swansea. (D59) MONEY, Sir Arthur Wigram, K.C.B, K.B.E, C.S.I., 6. 23 Oct. 1866 ; s. of the late Gilbert Pocklington Money, of Bengal Civil Service ; m. Euphemia Mabel, d. of the late George James Drummond, of Swaylands, Penshurst, Kent. Educ : Charterhouse, and R.M.A. Woolwich. Major-Gen, General Staff, Mesopotamia, 1916-17 ; Chief Administrator of Palestine, 1918-19 ; retired, March, 1920. Address : Levington Hall. Ipswich. Clubs : United Service ; WeUington. (K270) MONEY, Major Kenneth Robertson, M.B.E. MONEY, MUdred Catherine, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 22 July, 1868 ; d. of WiUiam H. FitzHugh ; to. Col. George Alfred, s. of Wigram Elliot Money, I.C.S, Brighton. War Work : Commandant, Sussex 66, B.R.C.S, and later Commandant, Sussex Reserve Division. Address : Westmeston Place, Hassocks, Sussex. (O10985) MONEY, Lieut.-Comm. Norman Angel Kyrle, O.B.E, R N MONEY, Col.Robert Cotton, C.M.G, C.B.E, b. 1881. Col. (ret.) ; served in Great War, 1915-19 with Canadian Force (mentioned in despatches). (C1294) MONEY, Major Rowland, O.B.E. MONEY, Capt. Wigram Seymour EUiot, O.B.E. MONEYPENNY, Sir Frederick WiUiam, C.B.E, M.V.O, 6. 6 Feb. 1859 ; s. of Joseph Moneypenny, of BeUast. City Chamber lain, Belfast, and private secretary to the Lord Mayor of that City. War Work : Conspicuous service throughout the war. Address : Wyncote, Strandtown, BeUast. (C2814) MONFRIES, Major Charles Babington Smith, C.B.E. special List, Finance Sec. to Commn. Internationale de RavitaiUement ; has Order of Crown of Italy. (C572) MONK, Capt. Errol Francis, O.B.E, R.A.F. MONK, Geoffrey, M.B.E, 6. 28 Nov. 1881; s. of George H. Monk, of Blackheath. Educ : Stratheden House School, Blackheath ;' Roan School, Greenwich ; King's Coll, CivU Service Dept. Staff Clerk, War Office. War Work : In con nection with administration of Royal Army Chaplains' Dept. Address: 191, Shooters HiU Road, Blackheath, S.E. 3. (M9066) MONK, Capt. John Bird, M.B.E, H.A.C, 6. 1883 ; s. of the late Thomas Henry Monk, of HorseU, Surrey, and Toronto. Member of the London Stock Exchange. War Work : Pro ceeded overseas with 1st Batt. H.A.C, in Sept. 1914 ; Adjutant of Tower of London, 1917-18 ; Staff Capt, 3rd London Reserve Brigade, 1918-19. Addresses : Elm Cottage, Church Road, HanweU ; 62, London Wall, E.C. Club : Devonshire. (M5477) MONK, Owen, M.B.E. MONK, WiUiam AUred, M.B.E. MONK, WilUam Dusar, M.B.E, 6. 23 March, 1882 ; «. of James WiUiam Monk, of Isle of Sheppey ; m. Maud, d. of WiUiam Henry Savage, of London. Poor Law Adminis tration for 24 years. War Work : Quartermaster, Lewisham MUitary Hospital. Address : SummerhUl, Leaves Green, Kent. (M775) MONKHOUSE, John Parry, O.B.E. MONKHOUSE, Marjorie Mary, O.B.E, W.R.N.S. MONKHOUSE, OUve Eleanor, M.B.E, B.A. MONKS, Major Kelson Charles Harley, O.B.E. MONKS, Lieut. Thomas Vernon, M.B.E. MONRO, Rev. and Capt. Alexander James Falconer, O.B.E, M.A. (Hon.), 6. 22 Jan. 1885 ; s. of Alexander Monro, of Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire. Educ : Aberdeen Grammar School ; Aberdeen Univ. Clergyman ordained to U.F. Church, Ancrum, Roxburghshire, Scotland ; commissioned ,4th Batt. Gordon Highlanders ; transferred to 9th West Riding Regt. ; Sec. Social Welfare Association of London : Sec. Central Charities Committee ; Sec. War Relief Trastees. War Work : left his parish at outbreak of war and joined Gordon High landers; commissioned 4th Batt. Gordon Highlanders in Prance, May, 1915 ; wounded ; transferred 9th West Riding Begt. ; invaUded out 1918 ; took charge of repatriation of all British CivUian prisoners of war and refugees, under Ministry ol Health. Addresses : Auchreddie, New Deer, Aberdeenshire ; 26, Rosebery Street, Aberdeen. Club : Rhymour, Edinburgh. (010987) MONRO, Major John Dunsan, O.B.E, R.E. MONRO, Hon. Mary Touneley, Lady, D.B.E. ; d. of 1st Baron O'Hagan (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Gen. Sir Charles Carmichael Monro, G.C.M.G, G.C.B, G.CS.I, Commander- in-Chief, India (see Burke's Peerage). Address : 20, Eccleston Square, S.W. (D38) . MONSELL, Caroline Mary Sybil EYRES-, Mrs., C.B.E, J; 1881 ; d. of the late Henry WiUiam Eyres, oi Dumbleton gall, Worcestershire ; m. Bolton Meredith Eyres Monsell, M.P. for S. Div. of Worcestershire. Donor and Administrator °l Annexe to King Edward VII. Hospital. Addresses : 19, Belgrave Square S.W. ; Dumbleton HaU, Evesham. (C5<3) MONTAGU, Col. Edward, C.B.E, fi. 23 Nov. 1861 '• s. of the late General Sh Horace William Montagu, K.CB., of the Royal Engineers (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Charlotte Eva, d. of Edward Kemble, formerly a Judge of the Supreme Court, Jamaica. Educ. : Wellington CoU. ; Sandhurst ; Staff College. 30 years iu Suffolk Regiment ; commanded 1st Batt, 1908-1912 ; Staff Capt, Alexandria, 1898-1903. War Work : Hazara Expedition, Burmah, 1888 (medal and clasp) ; Chin- Lushai Expedition, India, 1889-90 (clasp) ; European War, 1914-18, first as A.A. and Q.M.G. in France, and afterwards as A.A. and Q.M.G. at Plymouth ; twice mentioned in des patches, C.B.E. ; 1914 Star, British War Medal, and AUied Victory Medal. Address : Holmwood; Swaffham, Norfolk. Club : United Service. (C1701) MONTAGU, Capt. Frederick James Osbaldeston, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 9 Feb. 1878 ; s. of James Montagu, J.P, of MUton Park, Doncaster (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Louisa St. Aubyn, d. of W. Collier St. A. Angove.of London. Educ. : Eton. War Work : South Africa, 1899-1902 ; France, 1915-19. Address : Lynford HaU, Norfolk. Clubs : Guards' ; TraveUers' ; Naval and Military ; Carlton. (05591) MONTAGU, Major St. John Edward, O.B.E, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, late Capt. Northumberland FusUiers, fi. 26 Jan. 1878 ; s. of the late Right Hon. Lord Robert Montagu, P.C. (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. . Charterhouse. Director of PubUc Companies. War Work : South African War, 1899- 1902 (mentioned in despatches, Queen's medal and four clasps. King's medal and two clasps) ; European War, 1914 to end (mentioned in despatches, 1914 Star, General Service, and Victory Medals. Address : 27, Austin Friars, E.C. 2. Club : Army and Navy. (05592) MONTAGU, Capt. Vivian Charles, O.B.E, 6. 28 July, 1885 ; m. Terese Maria, d. of — Donovan. Educ. : Chelten ham Coll. War Work : Served with Honourable Artillery Com pany. Address : 10, Kensington Court Place, W. 8. Club : R.A. (05593) MONTAGUE, Capt. Charles Edward, O.B.E. MONTAGUE, Major Stewart Francis, O.B.E. MONTEFIORE, Capt. Claude Emanuel, O.B.E. MONTEFIORE, Captain Leonard Nathaniel, O.B.E. MONTEFIORE, Edmund SEBAG-, C.B.E, 6. 2 Nov. 1869 ; s. of Sir Joseph Sebag-Montefiore, of East Cliffe Lodge, Ramsgate ; to. Alice, d. of Col. Lysaght. Educ. : Clifton. War Work : Home Office. Clubs : Bath ; Wellington. (C49) MONTEFIORE, Capt. Geoffrey Edmund SEBAG-, M.B.E, 21st Lancers, 6. 12 AprU, 1893 ; s. of Edmund Sebag- Monteflore, of London. Educ. : Eton ; Sandhurst. War Work : 2nd Lieut, attached 9th Lancers, Aug. 1914, to Oct. 1914 ; Adjutant, Sidi Bishr Camp, Alexandria, Dec. 1915, to AprU, 1916 ; Assistant Provost-Marshal, Alexandria, AprU, 1916, to June, 1917 ; Assistant Provost-Marshal, Palestine Lines of Communication, June, 1917, to May, 1919. Address : Bath Club, Dover Street. Clubs : Bath ; Cavahy. (M2182) MONTEITH, Capt. Hugh Glencairn, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 1883 ; s. of the late Rev. J. C Monteith, of Glencairn, DumfriessMre ; to. Dorothy Huntly, d. of Owen Robert Dunell, of Garboldisham Manor, Norfolk. Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). Addresses : 59, Catherine Street, Westminster, S.W. ; Moniaive, Dumfriesshhe. (05595) MONTFORD, Eleanora, M.B.E. ; d. of Edward Momford, of Ivy House, Church Stoke, and Pentreheyling, Shropshire. Educ. : The Cedars, Clapham. War Work : Commandant of Broadway House Hospital for four years. Address : Ivy House, Church Stoke, Montgomeryshire. (M777) MONTGOMERIE, Lieut.-Col. Alexander, C.B.E, 6. 4 Nov. 1882 ; s. of Hugh Montgomerie, of Rothesay, Scotland ; to WUlena Blanche, d. of Hugh Mackay, of Trenton, Nova Scotia. Educ. : Halifax, Canada. Manager for Nova Scotia and Newfoundland for Furness, Withy & Co, Ltd, Steamship Owners War Work : District Officer Commanding New foundland ; Deputy Registrar, Military Service Act ; Member, Military Service Board; Member, Militia Council; Member Executive and Finance Committees, Newfoundland Patriotic Association. Address: Rosemont, Jubilee Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Clubs : Halifax ; City ; Waegwaltic, Halifax. (C1884) MONTGOMERIE, IsabeUa MacaUister, M.B.E, 6. 27 Sept, 1879 • d of John C Montgomerie, of Dalmore, Stair, Ayrshire. Educ ' • Privately. War Work : Sec. to the Mauchline Division of the Naval and MUitary War Pensions Committee. Ad dress ¦ Dalmore, Stair, Tarbolton Station R.S.O, Ayr. (M778) MONTGOMERIE, -Major Victor, O.B.E, 2nd Life Guards (Reserve of Officers), 6. 1887 ; s. of Rear-Admiral R. A. J. Montgomerie, C.V.O, C.B, C.M.G. ; m. Mildred Mary, d. of W Dalglish-Bellasis, of Sundorne Castle, Shrewsbury. Educ. : H M S " Britannia." War Work: Exped. Force, France, 1914^-18 Address : Hunsdon House, near Ware, Herts. Clubs : Conservative ; Junior United Service ; Royal Auto mobUe (07487) MONTGOMERIE, Capt. WiUiam Dunn, M.B.E, 6. 3 Jan. 1892 ¦ s of J. C. Montgomerie, of Dalmore, Stair, Ayrshire. War Work ' Joined the Army as a private in the 7th Batt. Cameron Highlanders, Sept. 1914 ; active service in France, 1915 and 1916 as 2nd Lieut, with 8th Batt. Black Watch ; active service in Mesopotamia, 1917-19, as 2nd Lieut, with 2nd Batt. Black Watch, also as Lieut, and Staff Capt. with Army Head- rtnnrtprs (M4280) MONTGOMERIE, Mary MOLINEAUX-, M.B.E. MONTGOMERY, Col. James Alexander Lawrence, C.S.I, 367 Montgomery THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. C B E J P , D.L, 6. 1849 ; s. of the late Sir Robert Mont gomery G.CS.I, K.C.B, of New Park, Moville, Ireland ; to. 1st ' 1876, Jessie Alice, d. of the late Sir Douglas Forsyth, K C S I C.B. ; 2nd, Katharine Mary, d. of Col. F. J. Millar, Indian Army Educ. : Harrow. Entered Gordon Highlanders, 1867 ¦ Capt. Indian Army, 1879 ; Major, 1887 ; Lieut.-Col., 1893 •' Hon. Col. 1916; was Assist. Commr. and Settlement Officer Punjab, 1870-85 ; Director of Settlement and Revenue Records 1885-7 ; appointed Dep. Commr, 1887 ; Settlement Commr ' 1897 ; Commr. and Sup, 1899 ; Financial Commr, Punjab ' J 904 ; retired. 1905 ; was a Member of Indian Police Commn, 1902-3 ; Commr. of Lands, British E. Africa, 1906-10 ; High Sheriff for co. Donegal, 1915 ; British Red Cross Commr. E' Africa Expeditionary Force, 1916-19, with rank of Col. (despatches) ; Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Address : St. Columb's, Moville, Londonderry. Club : Junior United Service. (C252) MONTGOMERY, Major James Thomas, O.B.E. MONTGOMERY, John, M.B.E. MONTGOMERY, Samuel, M.B.E, 6. 27 May, 1882; s. of Samuel Montgomery, of Park Hall, Antrim, Deland. Educ. . Model School, BaUymena, Ireland. Hon. Lieut. A.I.F. Dairy Expert. War Work : Enlisted for active service in the AustraUan Imperial Force, Feb. 1915 ; obtained commissioned rank, May, 1915 ; served in Egypt and GaUipoli ; disabled and invalided to 3rd London Gen. Hospital, Dec. 1915 ; returned to AuftraUa, Sept. 1916, and invalided from the Army, Dec. 1916 ; volunteered again for service in any capacity ; returned to England, June, 1917 ; served to civU capacity in MUk Section, Ministry of Food, until 30 June, 1919. Address : c'o Durban Club, Durban, Natal. (M9071) MONTGOMERY, Walter Ernest, M.B.E, R.N. MONTGOMERY, WilUam, M.B.E. MONTGOMERY, Major WUUam Alexander,C.B.E, D.S.O. Is Capt. and Acting Major, Roy. Irish Rifles ; served during Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches). (C2815) MONTGOMERY, WiUiam Barr, O.B.E. MONTGOMERY, WiUiam Hugh, C.B.E. Assist. Director of Base Records in New Zealand. Address : WeUington, New Zealand. (C1999) MONTGOMERY, Walter BasU GRAHAM-, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, County of Kinross, 6. 20 Aug. 1881 ; s. of Sir Basil Graham Montgomery, Bart, Stanhope and Kinross House, Kinross. Educ. : Eton Coll, and Trinity HaU, Cambridge. War Work : County Director, Clackmannan and Kinross Voluntary Aid Detachments ; MUitary Representative under M.S. A, and National Service Representative, Kinross-shire Tribunals ; Sec. part time Labour Committee, under Ministry of National Service ; County Commissioner, Boy Scouts' Association. Addresses : Kinross House, Kinross, Scotland ; 25 Bruton Street, London, W. 1. CZwfis .- Turf ; Bachelors'. (010988) MONTGOMERY, Mary Maud, Mrs. NURVIS- RUSSELL-, M.B.E. MONTIETH, David Taylor Monteith, O.B.E. MONTIETH, Major Joseph Basil Lawrence, O.B.E. MONTROSE, Violet Hermione, Duchess of, G.B.E. ; d. Sir Frederick Graham, 3rd Bart, of Netherby, Cumber land (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Douglas Beresford Malise Ronald Graham, K.T, 5th Duke of Montrose (see Burke's Peerage). Address : Buchanan Castle, nr. Glasgow. (DG10) MOOD, Major John Muspratt, O.B.E, M.C MOODIE, Adam Wilson, O.B.E. MOODY, Lieut-Col. Arthur Hatfield, C.B.E, F.J.I, CC for Worcestershire, 6. 21 Jan. 1875 ; s. of George Moodyi of Stourbridge ; m. Mary, d. of C. Holroyd-Doveton, of London. Educ. : King Edward VI. 's Grammar School, Stourbridge, and Wolverley. Journalist and Newspaper Proprietor ; AldermaD of Borough of Stourbridge. War Work : Selected in 1914 for service under the Forage Committee, War Office ; became successively D.P.O.S, Berks and Oxford; Deputy Adminis trator Eastern Area ; Administrator of Eastern Area, Adminis trator of Northern Area, Administrator of West Midland Area • twice mentioned (Brevet-Major, C.B.E.). Address : Norton Close, Stourbridge. Club : Press. (C2142) MOODY, Charles Harry, C.B.E. Organist at Ripon athedral for 20 years. For war services in Ripon. (C3158) MOODY Major Edward Thomas, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 1890 ; s. of Thomas Moody, of Finchley ; m. Glady Harriet, d of Arthur Flint, of Finchley. Educ. : Privately, and Christ's CoU. War Work: Served in Territorial Force with 7th Middlesex Regt. (Company Commander) in Gibraltar and France until end of 1916 : then as Staff Capt. to 23rd Bgde and 214th Bgde. ; D.A.A.G. 23rd Corps early in 1918 ; from Aug 1918, until June, 1920, D.A.A.G. G.H.Q. Palestine and Egypt Address : Underwood, Finchley. Club : Junior Army and Navy- (08635) MOON, Lieut.-Col. Alfred, C.M.G, O.B.E, 6 1861 • s of the late W. H. Moon, of Sheffield ; to. 1907, Christina Elsie McLennan. Educ. : Grammar Sch, Farnsworth. A general merchant in Brisbane ; Lieut.-Col. Army Ser. Corps, Australian Imperial Force ; served during Great War, 1914-16, commdg. a Div. Supply Column (despatches) ; was a Trustee of Com mercial TraveUers' Assoc, of Queensland, 1906-14 ; Pres Merchants Assoc, Brisbane, 1910-12 ; a Trustee of United Sers. Institution, Queensland, 1909-14. Address : Brisbane Queensland. (07966) MOON, Capt. Jasper, O.B MOON, Malinda Ann, M.B.E.; d. of the late Thomas Moon, of Barlby House, Selby. Educ. : Riversdale, Boston Spa, Yorks. First Class Diplomee, Yorks School of Cookery and Domestic Science, Leeds. War Work : Supervisor, Gas- shell Filling Factory for Russian Munition Supply ; Deputy Cashier at the Selby Branch of Yorks Dyeware and Chemical Co, Ltd. ; ordered and distributed food and stores for SaUors and Soldiers' Canteen, N.E. Railway Station, Selby. Ad dress : West Lynne, Selby. (M9072) MOON, Rosa, O.B.E.; d. of the late Charles Moon, of Aneriey. Educ. : Privately. Gen. Sec. of the London Division of the Young Women's Christian Association. War Work: Organising girls' clubs in districts which for the time were militarv centres ; organising canteen for ' girls employed in Pension Office ; arranging for accommodation for British refugees on arrival in England from the enemy countries. Address : 75, Croydon Road, Aneriey, S.E. (010990) MOONEY, Alexander Patrick, M.B.E, M.D, J.P. MOONEY, Lieut. Cecil Douglas, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C. MOONEY, Rev. George Elderkin, M.B.E, M.A, fi. 28 Feb. 1860; s. of WilUam Mooney, of Huntingdon, Hunts; to. Clara, d. of Thomas Booth Wilkinson, of Sale, Cheshire. Educ. : Trinity Coll, Dublin. Chaplain of St. Edmund's Church, Christiania, and Hon. Chaplain to H.M. Legation, Christiania. War Work : Voluntary services rendered on work connected with the war for H.M. Legation, Christiania ; work for the Red Cross, and also for British seamen interned in Norway. Address : 45, NUs Juels Gate, Christiania, Norway. (M9074) MOONEY, Sir John Joseph, K.B.E, B.L, J.P, 6. 1874 ; s. of J. G. Mooney, of DubUn ; to. Ethei, d. oi E. MacmiUan, M.D, of HuU. Educ. : Belvedere, Dublin ; Ushaw ; T.C.D. M.P, DubUn County, 1900-6, Newry Borough, 1906-18. War Work : AUens Advisory Committee and Defence of the Realm Advisory Committee. Address : 11, Allen House, Kensington, W. 8. Clubs : National Liberal ; Royal AutomobUe. (K400) MOOR, Marjorie, M.B.E, 6. 1 Dec. 1894 ; d. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick Moor, P.C, K.C.M.G, D.Ch, LL.D, M.L.A, of Greystone, Estcourt, Natal (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ. : Dykeham School, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, S. Africa. Organiser. War Work : Sept. 1914, to Feb. 1916, work for Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Assocn, Leith ; Feb. 1916, to Nov. 1916, work on land ArgyUesbire, N.B. ; Nov. 1916, to Sept, 1917, with Scottish Women's Hospital, Abbaye de Royaumont, France ; Oct. 1917, to Dec. 1919, Unit Administrator, Q.M.A.A.C. Clubs : Forum ; International Franchise. (M5478) MOORE, Eng.-Comm. Albert John CampbeU, O.B.E, R.N. MOORE, Lieut.-Col. AUred WilUam, O.B.E, M.B, fi. 1881. s. of the Rev. W. T. Moore, of Norwich ; to. Dorothy, d. of Rev. F. Lane. Educ: Norwich; Emmanuel CoU, Cambridge; St. George's Hospital, London. Commissioner of Medical Services, West Midland Region, Bhmingham, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Commanded 10th Cavahy Brigade Field Ambulance in Palestine and Syria, and acting A.D.M.S. 4th Cavalry Division ; thrice mentioned in despatches. Ad dress : Hampton-to-Arden, Warwickshire. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (06252) MOORE, Annie, Mrs., M.B.E. MOORE, Arthur Frederick, M.B.E, fi. 22 Dec. 1859; s. of Edwin Moore, M.D, of Preston ; to. Bessie Haslam, d. ot George Galloway, J.P, of Preston. Educ. : Preston Grammar School, and Privately. SoUcitor. War Work : On various committees connected with the safety and weUare of the town of Birkenhead ; Member of the 2nd Batt. Cheshire Volunteer Regt. ; Superintendent of the Birkenhead Special Constabulary. Address : 10, Devonshire Place, Claughton, Birkenhead. Club : Birkenhead Constitutional. (M8075) MOORE, Capt. Arthur Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.F. MOORE, Col. Arthur Trevelyan, C.B.E, fi. 1866. Col. R.E. ; Izanzai Expedition, 1892 ; served in Great War, 1814-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1702) MOORE, Capt. Cecil Arbuthnot St. George, M.B.E. MOORE, Charles Henry, O.B.E. MOORE, Christina TurnbuU, M.B.E. MOORE, Rev. David Keys, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 1854; s. of Rev. Hugh Moore, of Donegal, Ireland. Educ. : Trinity Coll, DubUn. Senior Moderator (Modern Literature) ; British Chaplain at LUle, France, 1913-20 ; Vicar of St. James's, Hull, 1887-1913 ; Member of HuU School Board for 6 years, twice Mayor's Chaplain. War Work : In connection with the British Colony at LUle, and for wounded British and French soldier prisoners ; Member of two French Red Cross Societies. Address : Heatherlea, Hessle, E. Yorks. (C2810) MOORE, Decima, C.B.E. : see Guggisberg, Decima. MOORE, Ernest Reginald, M.B.E. MOORE, Evelyn, O.B.E. MOORE, Lieut.-Col. Franois, D.S.O. O.B.E, fi. 22 Dec. 1879 ; s. of the late Col. Francis Moore, 8th Regt. (see BURKE'S Peerage. Drogheda, E.) ; to, 1916, Annie Early, d. of William Van Wyck, of New Jersey, U.S.A. Roy. FusUiers. Served in S. African War, 1900-1901 (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; and in Great War. (O6804) MOORE, Lieut.-Col. Francis Hamilton, C.B.E, D.S.O, b. 1876. Entered Roy. Berkshire Regt, 1896 ; became Major, 1915; served during S. African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with tiu-ee clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; during Great War, 1914-18, as a Gen. Staff Officer with rank of Lieut.-Col. (despatches). (C2145) 368 BIOGRAPHIES. Moorehouse MOORE, Lieut. Frederick Ernest, M.B.E. MOORE, Eng.-Comm. Gerald, O.B.E, R.N. MOORE, George Frederiok, M.B.E. MOORE, Lieut. George James, O.B.E, M,C MOORE, 2nd Lieut. Gordon, M.B.E, R.A.F. MOORE, Harold, O.B.E, B.Sc, F.I.C, F.Iust.P, 6. 5 Jan. 1878 ; s. of the late William Moore, of Middlesbrough ; tn. Grace Dora, d. of the late R. J. Read, of Norwich. Metal lurgist ; Director of MetaUurgical Research, Research Depart ment, Woolwich ; Associate Member of the Ordnance Com mittee. War Work : Carrying out and directing metallurgical research work in connection with the manufacture of guns, ammunition, and other war supplies for the Navy and Army. Addresses : Lindsey House, Blackheath, S.E. 3 ; Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, S.E. 18. (0593) MOORE, Lieut.-Col. Harold Arthur, C.B.E, M.C. Major and Acting Lieut.-Col, R.A.F. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C869) MOORE, Major Harold Mead, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. MOORE, Capt. Harry Formby, M.B.E. MOORE, Major Harry Franois Beauchamp Seymour, O.B.E, R.E. MOORE, Comdr. Hartley RusseU Gwennap, O.B.E, R.N, fi. 18 April, 1881 ; s. of the late John Gwennap Dennis Moore, of Garienick, Cornwall ; m. Lenore, d. of Col. Ewing Crawford, D.L, of Auchentroig, Sthlingshire. Entered H.M.S. " Britannia," 1895. Comm. R.N, 1914 ; served on the Staff of the Admiral ; 2nd in Command, Grand Fleet; subsequently on Naval Staff at the Admiralty ; to command of H.M.S. " Nairana," Jan. to Nov. 1919, operating with North Russian Expeditionary Force in the White Sea. Address : Gartinstarry, Bucklyvie, Stirlingshhe. (03543) MOORE, Henry Byron, O.B.E. MOORE, Herbert Joseph, M.B.E. MOORE, Major Herbert WilUam, O.B.E, R.G.A. MOORE, Capt. James Horatio, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C, fi. 17 Feb. 1870 ; s. of George Horatio Moore, of Liverpool ; m. Margaret Francis, d. of John McNevin, of Birr. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Base Supply Officer, France, Aug. 1914, to Oct. 1914; Chief Clerk to Qr.-Mr.-General to the Forces in France and Flanders, Oct. 1914, to Sept. 1919 ; five times mentioned in despatches ; Chevalier of the Order of Crown of Roumania. Address : c/o Sir 0. R. McGrigor, Bart, 39, Panton Street, Haymarket, S.W. Clubs : Conservative, Liverpool. (05598) MOORE, Capt. James Stuart HamUton, O.B.E. MOORE, Capt. James York, O.B.E, R.A.M.C MOORE, John, M.B.E, 6. 20 Nov. 1856; s. of John Moore, of Liverpool ; m. IsabeUa A, d. of WUliam Thompson, of Liverpool. Educ : Commerical and Mathematical School, Chesham, Bucks. Assistant Collector, H.M. Customs and Excise, Port of Liverpool (ret.). War Work : Carrying out the war regulations in connection with the above office as regards the prohibitions and restrictions on goods imported and exported ; also the special faciUties granted for the admis sion into this country of goods free of duty, which would be otherwise Uable, for deposit in approved depots for use of Empire troops, and for shipment to the front. Address : 22, Penkett Road, WaUasey, Cheshire. (M9076) MOORE, John George, M.B.E, 6. 6 Jan. 1863 ; s. of WUliam Moore, of Portsmouth ; m. Sarah, d. of WUliam Archer, of Leek Wooton, Warwick. Educ. : Bowlesc' Academy, Portsmouth. Chief Supt. of Portsmouth Constabulary. War Work : Second in command of the Portsmouth PoUce Force during the war ; arranged for bUleting of the 1st Army Corps on mobUisation ; assisted the Army and Navy commands to deal with exceptional circumstances arising from the war. Address: 3, The Square, MUton Road, Portsmouth. Club : Waverley, Southsea. (M9077) MOORE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John Sarel, M.B.E, 6. 29 Oct. 1872. Accountant. War Work : Mesopotamia from July, 1916, to May, 1919 ; Afghan War, May, 1919, to Oct. 1919. Address : 18, Nansen Road, Clapham Common, S.W. 11. (M4903) MOORE, John Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 2 Feb. 1859 ; s. of John Moore, of Jedburgh, N.B. ; to. Elizabeth Jane, d. of William Taylor, of Bridgwater. Educ. : H.M. Army Schools, and Privately. Surveyor, H.M. Customs and Excise. War Wort : Detention and seizure of enemy cargo in the port of London. Address : 23, Chadwick Road, Leytonstone, E. 11. (M9078) MOORE, Margaret, M.B.E, d. of Alex. Moore, O.A., of Glasgow Educ : Glasgow. War Work : Town Canteen, Comforts for soldiers (laundry and mending) ; Red Cross work- party; superintending Concerts, Sales, Games, for various funds and for soldiers. Address : DeanviUe, Bridge of Allan, Stbnngshire. (M9079) MOORE, Margaret Stuart, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 18 Jan. 1889 ; a. of D. Percival Whitcombe, of 69, Queen's Gate ; to. John Boland, s. of — Moore. Educ. : Queen's Coll, Harley Street. Wm Work : Head of the Bread Section Dept. at the Central Prisoners of War Committee, Thurloe Place. Address: 41, Rosary Gardens, S.W. 7. Club : Bembridge SaUing. (M9080) MOORE, Muriel, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 29 AprU, 1879 ; d. of Frank Burton, of Gt. Yarmouth ; m. John Lee Moore, s. of John Robert Moore, I.S.O, of Bromley, Kent. Educ. : Privately. Commandant, V.A.D. Norfolk 2. War Work: Commandant, Gt. Yarmouth Red Cross AuxiUary Hospital, Feb. 1915, to Jan. 1920. Address: 200, Lowestoft Road Gorleston. (M9081) MOORE, Capt. Nithsdale Carleton Atkinson, C.B.E, R.N, 6. 1874 ; s. of Joseph Fletcher Moore, of Manor Kilbride, co. DubUn. Served in Great War, 1914-19, as Port Convoy Officer and Senior Naval Officer, Lamlach (despatches). Club : United Services. MOORE, Pye, M.B.E. MOORE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Riohard William, M.B.E., 6. 29 Dec. 1858 ; s. of Richard Moore, of London ; m. Louisa, d. of Arthur James Smith, of London. Educ. : Spa Fields, War Work : Served with Norfolk Regt. in GaUipoli, 1915 ; invalided home ; posted to 4th Res. Batt. Norfolk Regt, Quartermaster ; disembodied 14th June, 1919 ; 1914-15 Star, B.W. Medal, Victory, King George Coronation, L.S.G. Conduct Medal. Address : 30, NeviUe Street, Norwich. (M5480) MOORE, Robert Foster, O.B.E, M.A, B.C. (Cantab.), F.R.CS, 6. 1878 ; s. of Edward Moore, of Cambridge ; to. Sophie Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Attridge, of Mallow. Educ. : Christ's CoU, Cambridge ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeon, St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Surgeon, Moorfields Eye Hospital. War Work : In charge of Ophthal mic Centre, Etaples, France. Address : 91, Harley Street, W. 1. (O5600) MOORE, Brevet-Col. Robert Reginald Heber, C.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C, 6. 8 April, 1858 ; s. of Rev. Thomas Moore, of Midleton, Co. Cork ; m. Christina Turnbull, d. of Lewis BUton, W.S, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Midleton CoU, Co. Cork ; T. C. Dublin. War Work : Assist. Director of Medical Services at Headquarters of Eastern Command. Address : Painswick Lodge, Cheltenham. (C1703) MOORE, Brevet-Major Thomas Cecil RusseU, C.B.E, 6. 16 Sept. 1886 ; s. of John Watt Moore, of Fintona, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Educ : Portora Royal School. Enniskillen, and privately. Deputy Assist. Director of Supplies and Transport, Ireland, June, 1916, to Sept. 1918, and Assist. Director of Supplies and Transports, " Syren " Force, North Russian Exped. Force, during operations in North Russia; Order of the White Eagle 4th Class. Address : 7, Park Place, St. James's, London. Clubs : Junior Naval and Military ; Golfers' ; Stephen's Green ; Dublin and Royal Dish Yacht, Kingstown, Deland. (C2359e) MOORE, Thomas Edwin, M.B.E. ; s. of James Moore, of Styal, Cheshire ; m. Annie, d. of William Brown, of Melch- bourne, Beds. Superintendent and Deputy Chief Constable, Stockport Borough Police Force. War Work : Personally making inquiries of a secret and confidential nature for the authorities at the War Office, Home Office, and other Govern ment Departments, and being successful generally in supplying the requhed information. Address : 143, Chapel Street, Stockport. (M9082) MOORE, Thomas Warren, C.B.E, F.R.G.S, Hon. Lieut. R.N.R, 6. 20 AprU, 1872 ; s. of the late Captain John Grant Moore, of Bebington. Educ. : Privately. Sec, Imperial Merchant Service Guild ; Joint-Chairman, Navigating Officers' Panel of the National Maritime Board ; Vice-Chahman, Sea farers' Joint Council ; Hon. Sec, Fryatt Memorial Fund. War Work : Voluntary Services to the Admiralty, War Office, India Office, and other Government Departments, who, through his hands, secured over 6000 experienced certificated Seafarers who were appointed for war service with officers' commissions in either the Naval or MiUtary Forces, and other confidential business in respect to the work of these Departments ; service on the National Maritime Board as a representative of the Navigating Officers of the Merchant Service ; a member of the Admiralty Transport Arbitration Board ; Organiser of the Imperial Merchant Service Guild War Fund, and of the Captain Fryatt Memorial Fund ; Member of the Committee on the Release of Ruhleben Prisoners of War. Address: Dixon House, Lloyd's Avenue, London. CZwfis : Royal Mersey Yacht ; Royal Automobile ; Conservative, Liverpool. (C2817) MOORE, Major William, O.B.E, T.D, A.C.I.S, 6. 25 Feb. 1886. Sec. of Public Companies. War Work : Aug. 1914 to Nov. 1916, 4th London Regt, England, Malta. France, and Belgium ; Nov. 1916, to May, 1918, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, England ; May, 1918 to Jan. 1920, D.A.Q.M.G, 69th Division England. Club : Junior Army and Navy. SSI."?. MOORE, WUliam Arthur, M.B.E. $^5481) MOORE, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Gale, O.B.E, 6. 16 Oct. 1881 • m. WiUiam Turle Moore, late of Stock Exchange. Educ ¦ Felsted School, Essex. War Work: At outbreak, Capt in Kent Cyclist Batt. on coast defence duties ; Batt. changed to infantry and sent to India, March, 1916; became second in command ; obtained command m May, 1916 ; Cam paigns : Waziristan, 1917; Baluchistan, 1918 ; Afghanistan, 1919. Address : 133, Finchley Road, London, N.W. Clubs: Junior Army and Navy ; Royal Temple Yacht. (08514) MOORE, WiUiam Gunn, M.B.E, Ex-Provost of Dornoch, 6 1 Dec 1867 ; s. of Sinclair Moore, of Acharry ; m. Hellen, d of Robt. Sutherland, of Plancey. Educ : Larachan Public School. Clothier. Provost of Dornoch, 1913-19. War Work ¦ Chairman, Local Tribunal ; Chairman, Red Cross ; Chahman, War Savings Association, the Royal Burgh of Dornoch ; was successful in winning the Victory Loan Flag, and had the honour of receiving same at the hands of H.R.H. The Princess Mary on board the Royal Yacht at Aberdeen. Address : St. Clair House, Dornoch (M9083) MOORE, William Struthers, M.B.E, M.D, Ch.B. MOOREHOUSE, Jessie Matilda, Mrs., O.B.E. 2 B 369 Moores THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. MOORES, Major Frank Gerald Guise, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6 15 Nov 1884 ; s. of Col. S. Moores, late Devon Regt. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll, and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Club ¦ R A S C (06816) MOOREHEAD, Harold Peroival, O.B.E. (011998) MOORHEAD, Major Charles Andrews, O.B.E. MOORHOUSE, Col. WUUam Henry Septon, M.B.E. MOORS Florence Donald. M.B.E MOORSHEAD, Engineer-Capt. Herbert Brooks, C.B.E, R.N. Served in Great War 1914-19 (mentioned in des patches). , „ _ , „ (C1934) MOORSOM, Comm. Winstanley Robert Coverdale, O Tt ff ~R N MORAN, Capt. John WiUiam, O.B.E, B.A, B.A.I, A.M.I.CE.L, R.A.S.C (S.R.), 6. 12 Aug. 1888 ; s: of the late Gerald A. Moran, of 61, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. Educ. : Lausanne ; Clongowes Wood Coll. ; Dublin Univ. T.CD. Civil Engineer ; Dublin Port and Docks Board. War Work : Mobi lised, Aug. 1914; proceeded overseas (France), 1915, with 16th Division and served with 16th Divisional Train, until dis embodied, in July, 1919 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : 5, De Vesci Terrace, Kingstown, Co. DubUn. (O5601) MORAN, Mrs. Selina, M.B.E, 6. 22 Jan. 1877 ; d. of James Henderson, of Newcastle ; m. John Moran, s. of Francis Moran, of Durham. Eight years member of Hebburn Educa tion Committee ; member of National Insurance Committee. War Work : Member of Prince of Wales' Committee ; Local War Relief, Local Pensions, Food Control, and Soldiers' and Sailors' Dependants Committees. Address : 30, Frederick Street, Hebburn CoUiery, Co. Durham. (M9084) MORANT, Lydia Louisa, O.B.E. Hon. Sec, Bermondsey Division, Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association. (011918) MORANT, WilUam George, O.B.E, D.L, 6. 1862 ; s. of late Alfred William Morant, M.Inst.CE, F.S.A, F.G.S, of Leeds. Educ. : Privately. Chief Constable of the County of Durham. War Work : General and assisting Naval and Mili tary Authorities. Awarded the Cross of ChevaUer of the Order of Leopold II. for services rendered to Belgian Government; Hon. Serving Brother, the Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Address : 23 Old Elvet, Durham. Club : County, Durham. (010991) MORCOM, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Keble, C.B.E. Major and Acting Lieut.-Col, R.E. ; served in Great War, 1914-19, in Balkans (mentioned in despatches). (C1414) MORDEY, Thomas, M.B.E. MORE, Comm. George Irwin Sanctuary, O.B.E, R.N. MORE, Jasper Frederiok, O.B.E, 6. 23 June, 1876 ; s. of the late Robert Jasper More, M.P, of Linley Hall, Bishops Castle, Shropshire ; to. Rosamond Winifred, d. of W. Morton Philips, of Heybridge, Tean, Staffs. Educ : Westminster School. Barrister-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 1903; Principal Clerk, Chancery Registrar's Office. War Work : Military Intelligence Department, War Office^Aug. 1914, to July, 1919. Address : The Old Vicarage, Ware, Herts. Club: Travellers'. (0594) MORE, Lieut.-Col. Paxton St. Clair, O.B.E, M.B, I.M.S. MORE, Riohard Edwardes, O.B.E. MORE, Brig.-Gen. Robert Henry, C.M.G, C.B.E, fi. 1 875 ; s. of the late Robert Jasper More, M.P. for S, or Ludlow. Div. of Shropshire, of Linley, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire ; m. 1919. PhylUs Blanche, d. of the Hon. Francis Parker (see Burke's Peerage, Macclesfield, E.). Hon. Lieut.-Col. Reserve in the Army ; T. Col. R.A.F. ; Dep. Director Air Personal Ser, with rank of Brig.-Gen. ; S. African War, 1900-2 ( Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus). Address : 17, South Eaton Place, S.W. Club : Wellington. (C1900) MORE, Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E, Cameron Highlanders, fi. 12 April, 1885 ; s. of the late Francis More, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy ; GonviUe and Caius Coll, Cambridge. War Work: B.E.F, France; attached G.H.Q, Great Britain, for Anti- Aircraft work ; attached General Staff, War Office, Directorate of Military InteUigence. Addresses : 76, St. George's Road, Warwick Square, S.W. 1 ; 4, Royal Circus, Edinburgh. Club : Leander. (M6681) MORE, Thomas Jasper Mytton, O.B.E, J.P. MORE, Sir James, Bart., C.B.E. MORELAND, Major Harold, O.B.E. MORELL, Major Roy, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 18 May, 1889 ; s. of James Harris Morell, of Sydney, N.S.W. ; to. Frances lone, d. of Charles E. Pole-Carew, of Totnes, Devon. War Work : Enlisted as trooper, Sept. 1914, 6th Aust. L. H. Regt. ; Egypt, 1915 ; Gallipoli, May, 1915, to Nov. 1915 ; Lieut. Aug. 1915 ; Capt. March, 1916 (in command 13th Aust. M.G.C) ; France, June, 1916 ; Staff Capt. Oct. 1916 (13th Aust. C.M.G.C) ; Staff Major, March, 1917 (13th Aust. C.M.G.C.) ; July, 1918, Corps M.G. Officer. Address ; Morval, Maxwelton, North Queensland. (O6087) MORESBY, Walter Halliday, C.B.E, M.A, LL.B. (Can tab.), s. of Admiral John Moresby, of Fareham ; m. Mary Graham, d. of Capt. Oswald Niven, R.N, of Torquay. Educ. : Westminster School, and St. John's Coll, Cambridge. Bar- rister-at-lnw ; Legal Adviser, War Office; Hon. Legai Adviser, Chevrons Club. War Work : Legal Adviser, Special Intelli gence Department, War Office. Addresses : 2, Hare Court Temple ; 11 , Pembroke Road, Kensington. Club : Cale donian. (C2818) MORETON, Capt. Arthur Ernest, M HE, K.O.S.B, fi. 28 Feb. 1882 : s. of Joseph Mpreton of Winchester ; m. Violet Waldie, d. of James Cruden, of West Ferry, if.B. Educ ¦ Privately. War Work: Served with the 2nd K.O.S.B. in the' Great War, 1914-18 ; mentioned in despatches, July, 1915 ¦ wounded (gassed), April, 1915. Address : c/o Cox & Co, Army Agents. »_,¦_. t r> -^ T , (M5482) MORETON, Loftus B., O.B.E., 3.V D.L fi. 1859; s. of John Moreton, of Moseley Court, Wolverhampton; m. Grace, d. of Joseph UnderhUl, Q.C, of London. Educ : Clifton Coll Chairman, Wolverhampton Local Employment Com mittee War Work : Chahman of Tribunal ; Territorial Force Association. Address : Moseley Hall, Wolverhampton. Club : Conservative ; Gresham. (01677) MORGAN, Col. Alexander Braithwaite, C.B.E, fi. 1866. Lieut.-Col. and T. Col, Army Pay Dept. ; Hazara Expedition, 1888 (medal with clasp) ; S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (O1705) MORGAN, Amy Helena Margaret, M.B.E.; d. of WilUam Fairbank. C.V.O, O.B.E. (?¦»•), of Windsor; m.5Feb. 1921, Benjamin Howell Morgan, s. of late Benjamin Morgan, of Ferryside. Asst.-Sec. British Empire Producers' Organisation. War Work .• Canteen Work, 1914 ; Shell Department, Vickers, Erith, 1916-16 ; Deputy Chief Woman Dilution Officer, Ministry of Munitions, 1917 ; Chief Woman Technical Assistant.Ministry of National Service, 1918. Address : Moulsey House, Windsor. Clubs : Forum ; Roehampton. (M3634) MORGAN, Lady Anne Lalande, M.B.E. Responsible for the welfare of blinded officers, St. Dunstan's. (M10331) MORGAN, Arthur Riohard, M.B.E, R.E. MORGAN, Capt. Bernard Donald Crawford, O.B.E. MORGAN, Bessie, M.B.E. ; d. of James Morgan of Pembrokeshire and Liverpool. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School for Girls, Great Crosby ; Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. War Work : Joined the Postal Censorship in Dec. 1914 ; Censor in charge of the Female Staff of the Liverpool Branch, 1915-19. Address : 62, Hough Green, Chester. (M2189) MORGAN, Cecil May : see JUPP, Cecil May, Mis. MORGAN, Lieut.-Col. Charles Langbridge, C.B.E, M.I.C.E, R.E, 6. 1855 ; s. of the late William Morgan, of Tower House, Beacon HiU, Bath ; to. 1883, Mary, d. of William Watkins. Educ : Privately in Australia, and Bath. Civil Engineer ; a Director of London Brighton and S. Coast RaU way (Chief Engineer, 1896-1917) ; sometime a Member of Hon. Advisory Valuation Committee, Min. of Munitions. Address : Woodhurst, Kenley, Surrey. Club : St. Stephen's. (C253) MORGAN, 2nd Lieut. David, M.B.E, R.F.A. (T.). MORGAN, Lieut.-Col. David Watts, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.P, 6. 1867 ; s. of Thos. Morgan, of Neath, Glam. ; m. Blanche Amy, d. of George Moon, of Shepton MaUet. Educ. : Elemen tary School, Meath. Mining Engineer and Miners' Agent; Rescue work after Explosions ; Research work Govt. Depts. Raised 8 Infantry Battalions ; Welsh Army Corps ; 2 Labour Battalions ; Cambrai Pick and Shovel Labour Corps. (C2819) MORGAN, Edith Lilian, M.B.E, 6. 21 Nov. 1876; d. of Charles Morgan, 5th son of the late Giles Chapman Morgan, of Macknade, Kent. Educ. : King Edward's High School, Bhmingham ; Birmingham Univ. War Work : King Edward's School Belgian House, Treas. and Sec. (Hon.); Organiser (Hon.) King Edward's School Canteen, at Messrs. Bulpitt & Sons, Birmingham 1915-16 ; Supervisor of Canteens at National Projectile Factory, Dudley, 1916-18 ; at National Fuse Factory, Tipton, 1917-18 ; and at National ProjectUe Factory, Templeborough, Sheffield, 1918. Address: 22, Hallewell Road, Edgbaston, Bhmingham. Clubs : Bhming ham Girls' Old Edwardian ; Three Counties, Bhmingham. (M9085) MORGAN, Edward Barcham, M.B.E. MORGAN, Edward Lleurwg, O.B.E. MORGAN, Effie Blanche, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 20 Jan. 1866 ; d. of Charles Noon, of Knighton, Leicester ; m. Conway, s. of John Morgan, of Forebridge, Stafford. War Work : Equipped and organised " Soldiers' Welcome Club " in Stafford, which was open from Jan. 1915, to May, 1919. Three members of her family received the D.S.O, D.S.C, and M.B.E. respec tively. Address: Queensville, Stafford. (010994) MORGAN. Eileen Cynthia Marjorie, M.B.E, 6. 5 June, 1897 ; d. of Robert Upton Morgan. Educ. : Camden School for Girls. War Work : Divisional Superintendent, Pension Issue Office, Ministry of Pensions. Address : Woodside. Baring Road, Beaconsfield. (M9086) MORGAN, Eleanor Elizabeth Bamlet, Mrs, O.B.E. (011787.) MORGAN, Ethel Marion, M.B.E, 6. 4 Dec. 1882 ; d. of Albert C F. Morgan, of 135, Oakwood Court, London, W. Educ. : Kensington Park High School, London, W. War Work : Central Prisoners of War Committee of the British Red Cross Society ; Head of the Civilian Dept. of the above and Sec. of the Repatriated British CivUians Help Committee. Address : 135, Oakwood Court, London, W. (M9087) MORGAN, Col. Frederick James, C.M.G, C.B.E, fi. 21 June, 1862 ; s. of Dr. J. L. Morgan, of London ; to. Elizabeth Agnes, d. of W. H. Johnston, of Dumfriesshire. Educ: TJni- vesity Coll. School and Westminster Hospital. Served in Army Medical Service (ret.) in Egypt (Nile Expedition), 1889, as Colonel, and in South Africa, 1900-1902 ; mentioned in 370 BIOGRAPHIES. Morphy despatches ; received thanks of C-in-C ; Queen's medal with three clasps : King's medal with two clasps. War Work : Served in France and Flanders, 1914-19 ; O.C. No. 2 Clearing Hospital; O.C. No. 5 General Hospital, 1914; A.D.M.S. 38th (Welsh) Division, 1915-17 ; D.D.M.S. Cavahy Corps, 1917-19 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 5, Ravenna Road, Putney, S.W. (C1296) MORGAN, George, C.B.E, I.S.O, Chevalier de i'Ordre de Leopold, 6. 15 April, 1853 ; s of WilUam Morgan, of Alton, Hants ; m. Annie E, d. of Joseph Feltham, of Canonbury. Educ : Wanstead, Essex ; City of London College ; Birkbeck Institute ; Finsbury Technical CoUege. Controller of the Post Office Stores Department (Embracing Factories and Stamps) ; Member of the Fair Wages Advisory Committee ; Official Adviser to the Central Committee on Women's Employ ment during the War. War Work : Largely of a technical and confidential nature, connected with the supply of material for the Imperial Forces in the Field and at Home as well as tor the AUies, and for many of the special organisations established during the War. Address : Downings, WaUington, Surrey. (C1009) MORGAN, Capt. George Urquhart, O.B.E, R.E. MORGAN, GUbert Thomas, O.B.E, F.R.S, D.Sc. Profes sor of Chemistry Unversity of Birmingham. War Work : Associate Member, Chemical Warfare Committee. Address : The University, Edgbaston, Bhmingham. (010995) MORGAN, Capt. Griffith Benjamin, M.B.E. MORGAN, Harold Roland, M.B.E MORGAN, Sir Herbert Edward, K.B.E, fi. 11 Sept. 1876 ; s. of the Rev. A. R. Morgan. Educ : In U.S.A. General Adviser in printing and advertising to W. H. Smith & Sons ; a Director of A. and F. Pears ; Vice-chairman, Mac Fisheries, Ltd.; worked in connection with War Refugees' Committee, Serbian ReUef Fund, PoUsh War Victims' Relief Fund, and Queen Alexandra's Field Force Fund ; Hon. Organiser of the Union Jack Club Fund since 1917 ; in charge of Inspec tion, etc, InteUigence Dept, Ministry of Labour, 1919 ; Adviser in Propaganda, Housing Dept, Local Government Board ; acted in an advisory capacity to Parliamentary War Savings Committee, Labour Dept, Ministry of Munitions, Imperial Munitions Board of Canada, Labour Organisation ; President of many public societies and clubs. Address : IB, King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. Clubs : Savage ; Reform ; American : Royal AutomobUe ; Thames Punting ; Rye; Walton Heath; GuUane. (K31) MORGAN, Brig.- Gen. Sir Hill Godfrey, K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, D.S.O, fi. 20 June, 1862; s. ofthe late Capt. Hill Faul- coner Morgan, 28th Foot ; m. Fanny, d. of the late J. Bonsfleld, of Grassmere, Craneswater Park, Southsea. Joined 1st Glouces tershire Regt. 1883 from the MUitia as Lieut, and transferred to R.A.S.C as Capt. 1888 ; Major, 1898 ; served Dongola, 1896-98 ; NUe Expedition, Khartoum, mentioned in des patches, D.S.O, 4th class Medjidieh, 4th class Osmanieh, Khedive medal, and British medal with two clasps ; Dhector of Supplies, Natal, 1899-1900, S. Africa, 1900-2, five times mentioned in despatches ; C.B. ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. ; Qaeen's medal with six clasps ; King's medal, two clasps ; Lieut.-Col. 1904; Brevet Col. 1917; retired 1906; Assist.-Dtrector of SuppUes, Central Force, Home Army, 1914 ; Mil. Member Organising Committee Farmer's County Committees, 1914 ; Administrative Member Forage Committee, 1916; T. Brig.- Gen. 1917 ; mentioned for valuable services in connection with the war (CM.G, K.B.E, and medal). Residence: 9, Manson Place, Queen's Gate, S.W. 7. Clubs : Junior United Service ; Ranelagh. (K304) MORGAN, Hopkin, C.B.E, J.P.. 6. 1849 ; s. of Morgan Morgan, of Neath ; m. Hannah, d. of David Griffiths, of Neath. Educ : Neath Academy. Alderman of Glamorgan County CouncU, and also of Neath Town Council ; President of Welsh Education Committees ; Member of Court of Welsh University ; Member of Central Welsh Board for Secondary Education ; Member of Welsh CouncU of Music ; Chairman of Board of Governors Neath County Schoool ; Chairman of Neath Educa tion Committee. War Work : Addressed Meetings for Recruit ing purposes ; Chahman of County Appeal Tribunal (Western) ; addressed Meetings re War Loan. Address : Bryn Clydach, Neath. Club : Neath Liberal. (C254) MORGAN, Capt. Hugh, M.B.E. MORGAN, Paymaster-Lieut. James Walwyn Gynlais, M.B.E, R.N.R. MORGAN, John, M.B.E. MORGAN, Capt. John HamUton, O B.E, R.M. MORGAN, Lieut. John Scrammell, M.B.E. MORGAN, Major Kenyon Pascoe Vaughan, O.B.E, R.A.S.C MORGAN, Margaret Alice Agnes, Mrs. Conway, M.B.E. MORGAN, Capt. Peroival Robert, M.B.E, R.I.M. MORGAN, Capt. Phillip Sydney, M.B.E, R.A.V.C. (T.). MORGAN, Robert Henry, M.B.E. MORGAN, Robert Upton, M.B.E. MORGAN, Lieut. Stanley Herbert, O.B.E, R.E. MORGAN, Major Sydney Cope, M.B.E, M.A, 6. 25 Oct. 1887 ; s. of G. E. Morgan, of Hampstead, N.W. Educ. : Tarnton and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Entered Middle Temple, Jan. 1919. War Work : Commanding A Coy. 6 S.W.B. from formation Sept. 1914, till wounded in Somme Battle, 1916 ; Company Commander and 2nd in Command of Garrison Officer Cadet Batt, Cambridge; caUed to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1921. Club: United University. (M5486) MORGAN, Thomas, M.B.E. MORGAN, Major Thomas Henry, O.B.E. MORGAN, Tom Henry, M.B.E. MORGAN, Walter Llewellyn, M.B.E. MORGAN, Capt. William, M.B.E, R.E. MORGAN, Capt. William Harold, M.B.E, 6. 27 Aug, 1884 ; s. of J. P. Morgan, of Peterstow, Ross. Educ : Dean Close School, Cheltenham. Merchant. War Work : Enlisted in Herefordshire Regiment, Sept. 1914 ; Commissioned to Welsh Divisional Train (R.A.S.C) July, 1915 ; Mesopotamia, March, 1917, to July, 1919. Address : Peterstow, Ross, Herefordshire. (M4901) MORGAN, William Henry, O.B.E. MORGAN, WUliam Richard, M.B.E, 6. 10 March, 1879 ; s. of John Morgan, of Abernant-y-groes, Cwmbach, Aberdare. Educ : Grammar School Pontypridd. SoUcitor ; Clerk to Aberdare Urban District Council ; Deputy Registration Officer, Aberdare Division, Parliamentary Boro of Merthyr Tydfil. Address : Abernant-y-groes, Cwmbach, Aberdare. (M9090) MORGANS, Lieut.-Col. Godfrey Ewart, O.B.E, R.E. MORGON, Lieut.-Comm. James Kendle, O.B.E, R.N. MORICE, George Farquhar, C.B.E, Public Security Dept. (C3184) MORISON, Albert Edward, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS. MORISON, Capt. Ernest, O.B.E. MORISON, Sir Theodore, K.C.S.I, K.C.I.E, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 9 May, 1863 ; s.of James Cotter Morison ; m. Margaret, d. of the Rt. Hon. Arthur Cohen, K.C Educ. : Westminster, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Tutor to the Maharajas of Chhaturpur and Charkhari, Central India, 1885 ; joined Staff of Muhammadan Coll.of Eligarh, 1889 ; Principal, 1899-1905 ; Additional Member of Viceroy's Legislative CouncU, 1903-4; Member of the Council of India, 1906-16 ; now Principal of Armstrong College ; 2nd Lieut Cambridgeshire Regt. (T.), 1915 ; Political Staff, B. African Force, 1916 ; D.P.O. Moslie, 1916-17; Hon. Major attached to Belgian Forces, 1917; Senior Political Officer in charge of Southern Area, G.L.A, with hon. rank of Lieut.-Col. 1917-18 ; T. Lieut.-Col. G.S.O. 1. Address : Principal's Lodge, Armstrong College, Newcastle. Clubs : United University ; Northern Counties. (K743) MORISON, Capt. William Roger, O.B.E. MORISONS, Jules Louis, O.B.E. MORKEL, Paul Andrew, M.B.E. MORKETT, Hugh Brooke, O.B.E. MORKILL, William Lucius, C.B.E. MORLAND, Lieut.-Col. Algernon, O.B.E, A.P.D. MORLE, Major Denzil Adair Bartlett, O.B.E, R.A.F. MORLE, Helena Francis, M.B.E. MORLEY, Arthur, O.B.E, M.A, fi. 19 Nov. 1881 ; s. of WUliam James Morley, of Heaton. Bradford ; m. Dorothy Innes Murray, d. of the late WilUam Forest, of Bank of AustraUa. Educ. : Bradford School and Christ Church, Oxford. Barrister- at-Law, Middle Temple ; Practising London and N.E. Circuit. War Work : Administration Officer, Royal National Ortho- psedic Hospital MiUtary Section ; Hon. Sec. and Administration Officer, Lady Evelyn Mason's Hospital for Officers. Address : 4, Harcourt BuUdings, Temple. Club : United University ; Union. (010996) MORLEY, Lieut. Cornelius Cecil, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. MORLEY, George, C.B.E, B.C.L. (Oxon.), fi. 17 Nov. 1873 ; s. of WilUam James Morley, F.R.I.B.A, of Heaton, Bradford ; m. Agnes, d. of Joseph Tetley MUnes, of Hillside House, Bradford, and Brookside, Bishops Lydeard. Educ : Worcester College, Oxford. Chief Constable of Hull; a Governor of the Hull Savings Bank ; a Co-opted Governor of Hvmer's CoUege, HuU. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; National. . . <2820) MORLEY, Ida Rose, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1857 ; d. of Stephen Seaward Tayler, of Streatham, London; m. Henry Forster, s of Prof. Henry Morley, LL.D, of Hampstead, and Caris- brooke, Isle of Wight. Educ : Bedford College, London, and Royal Academy Art Schools, London. War Work : Organiser of the Rosslyn Depot, Hampstead, Queen Mary's Needlework Guild. Addresses : 5, Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, N.W. ; Midhurst, Sussex. _ „ (°i,099_) MORLEY, James Wyclifle HEADLAM-, C.B.E, 6. 24 Dec 1863 ; s. of Rev. Canon Headlam, of Whorlton Hall, Barnard Castle ; m. Else d. of Dr. A. Sonntag, of Luneburg. Educ. : Eton (Scholar) ; King's CoUege, Cambridge (Fellow). Historical Adviser to the Foreign Office. War Work : 1914- 17 Co-operated in work of Propaganda ; and numerous other articles and pamphlets ; 1917-1918, Assistant Director of Political IntelUgence Bureau in the Department of Information ; 1918-20, Assistant Director of PoUtical IntelUgence Department In the Foreign Office ; 1919, Member of PoUtical Section of the British Delegation to the Peace Conference at Paris. Address : 1 St Mary's Road, Wimbledon. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (C2821) MORLEY, Lieut.-Col. Lyddon Charlris, C.B.E. Legion of Honour. MORNEMENT, Col. Edward, C.B.E, R.E. MORNEMENT, Surg.-Comm. Robert Harry, O.B.E, MORPHY, Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 7 Nov. 1876 ; s. of WiUiam Morphy, of Patras, Greece and London; m. Gwendolyn, d. of Lewis Pilcher, of London. Educ. : Whitgift Grammar School and Louvain. Ship agent and owner. War Work : Foreign Office (F.T.D.) from beginning of 1916, till Feb. 1919 371 Morrell THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Address: Moorsfort, East Sheen, S.W. 140. Clubs: Royal Automobile ; Roehampton. (010998) MORRELL, AUred, C.B.E, 6. 15 Aug. 1865 ; s. of George Morrell, of Liverpool ; m. Edith AUce, d. of Frederick Simmons, of Bhmingham. Educ. : Turton Hall CoUege, nr. Leeds. Managing Director, John Morrell & Co, Ltd., Merchants, Liverpool. War Work: At Ministry of Food in Voluntary capacity as Director of Bacon Section from July, 1917, to AprU, 1919. Address : Balholm, BlundeUsands Liverpool. Clubs : Junior Constitutional ; Exchange Club, Liverpool ; West Lancashire, and Formby Golf. (C2822) MORRELL, Capt. Arthur Claude, O.B.E, M.C. MORRELL, Capt. Henry, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. MORREY, Lieut. Percy, M.B.E. MORRIS, Major AUred Samuel, O.B.E, R.A.F. MORRIS, Lieut. Archibald John, M.B.E. MORRIS, Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 1875 ; s. of Sir Lewis Morris, of Penbryn, Carmarthen ; to. Margaret Christina, d. of George A. Sanford, J.P, of Hertfordshire. Educ. : Westminster and Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Armstrong Naval Yard, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Work : Assistant to General Manager, Armstrong Naval Yard, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Ad dresses : The Lea House, Riding MiU, Northumberland ; Penbryn, Carmarthen. (M2194) MORRIS, Col. Arthur Hugh, C.B.E. Served in Great War, 1914-15 (mentioned in despatches). (C1430) MORRIS, BasU Arthur, M.B.E. MORRIS, CeciUa Margaret, M.B.E. MORRIS, Charles Edward, M.B.E. MORRIS, Surg.-Comm. Claude Woodham, O.B.E, R.N. MORRIS, Cynthia Gertrude, Mrs, O.B.E. MORRIS, Edward, M.B.E. MORRIS, Capt. Edward GUbert, O.B.E, B.A, East African Forces, 6. 15 July, 1884 ; s.of WiUiam Morris, M.I.C.E, of Brockley, Kent ; to. Mary Grave, d. of Frank Grave Morris, M.I.C.E, of Brentford, Middlesex. Educ. : Bedford School, i'.nd Hertford CoU, Oxford. District Commissioner, Uganda ; District PoUtical Officer, Tanganyika. War Work : Assisted organisation food and transport Uganda Forces, also for Belgian troops advancing Tabora ; District Commissioner in charge Aukole District on German border. Address: Kampala, Uganda. Clubs : Constitutional ; Isthmian. (O8402) MORRIS, Edward Robert, C.B.E. Was a Member of Newfoundland War Contingent Assoc, in London. (C2009) MORRIS, Major Edwin Logie, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. ; 2nd son of late Dr. Clarke Morris, J.P, and Mrs. Clarke Morris. MORRIS, Elza Mary Jane Mrs. M.B.E. MORRIS, Ernest WiUiam, C.B.E, fi. 1865 ; s. of the Rev. WUUam Edward Morris, of Market Harborough ; m. Mary, d. of John Ashton Knight, of Walthamstow. Educ. : Privately. House Governor of the London Hospital, E. 1. War Work : The London Hospital was the first to organise for the reception of wounded, and did admit, at the request of the War Office, the first wounded sent to this country, on Aug. 30, 1914 (350) ; from this date onward, the Hospital admitted Officers and Men throughout the war (about 7000) ; loaned by the Hospital to the War Office during the early part of the War to assist to the work of equipping the hospitals at the Front. Address : The Elms, Winchmore HiU, N. 21. (C2823) MORRIS, Etheldreda Elizabeth. M.B.E. ; d. of late Sir Lewis Morris, poet, of Penbryn. War Work : Qr.-Mr, Red Cross Hospital, Carmarthen, 1914-16; Chief WeUare Super intendent, National FUling Factory, Pembrey, 1916-20. Address : Penbryn, Carmarthen, S. Wales. (M2196) MORRIS, Florence Muriel, O.B.E, M.D. ; d. of John Edward Morris, of Bishop's Stortford. Educ. : Tremaith School ; Bedford CoUege ; London School of Medicine for Women. Medical Officer, Paignton and District Hospital ; Medical Officer, Infant Welfare Centre, Paignton. War Work : Commandant, Devon 104 and Medical Officer in Charge, The Larches, V.A. Hospital, Paignton. Address : 4 Queen's Park, Paignton. (010999) MORRIS, Francis Joseph, O.B.E, K.C MORRIS, Frank, M.B.E, fi. 9 March, 1893 ; s. of WiUiam Walter Morris, of Bolton. Edue. : Sandbach Grammar School. Member of Cheshire County Horticultural Sub- Committee, and Bee Sub-Committee. War Work : County Horticultural Organiser and Sec. Horticultural Sub-Com mittee (Cheshire) ; Hon. Sec. County Bee Sub-Committee (Cheshire). Address: The Limes, Middlewich. (M9091) MORRIS, Major Frederick, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.O.C. MORRIS, Major Frederick Herbert, M.B.E, 6. 2 June, 1872 ; s. of I. Morris, of Wellington, Shropshire ; to. EvaUne Morris, d. of H. Harrison, of Fairfield, Manchester. Educ. : St. Paul's Coll, Cheltenham. Headmaster, Whitfield School, Glossop. War Work: Major in 3'6 Batt. Cheshire Regt.; Supervising Officer of Recruits Training, attached 204th Infantry Brigade ; Commandant, N.CO.'s School of Instruc tion 204th Infantry Brigade. Address : HiU Crest, Glossop, Derbyshire. (M5488) MORRIS, Capt. Frederick Montague Augustus, M.B.E. MORRIS, Major George PhiUp O.B.E, I.A. MORRIS, Harold Spencer, M.B.E, 6. 21 Dec. 1876; s. of Si* Malcolm Morris, K C.V.O.. of 11, Marlborough Place, N.W. ; m. Olga, d. of Emil Teichmann, of Sitka, Chislehurst. Educ : CUfton CoU, and Magdalen Coll, Oxford. Barrister. War Work : 1915-16, Special Constable ; June, 1916, Commis sion Coldstream Guards ; Oct. 1916, went to France and served with 1st BattaUon ; Sept. 1917, A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen. Sh Geoffrey Feildtog G.O.C Guards Division ; June, 1918, Staff Appoint ment with R.A.F. with rank of Major; Feb. 1919, left France. Address : 28, Chester Square, S.W. 1. Clubs : Reform ; Guards'. (M6018) MORRIS, Harry, M.B.E. MORRIS, Henry, O.B.E. MORRIS, Capt. James Hulbert, O.B.E, R.E. MORRIS, Jean Anderson, M.B.E. MORRIS, John, M.B.E, 6. 2 Nov. 1868 ; s. of Charles, of Winkfield, Berkshire ; to. Alice Barber, d. of Andrew Thom son, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Winkfield, Berkshire. Retired non-commissioned officer from Regular Army, after 21 years' service. War Work : Superintending clerk in a MiUtary Branch of the War Office during the whole period of the Great War. Address : 93, Oliphant Street, London, W. 10. (M9094) MORRIS, John WiUiam, M.B.E. MORRIS, Jorwerth, M.B.E. MORRIS, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. LesUe MUes, O.B.E, R.N. MORRIS, Lieut. Max Cyril, M.B.E. MORRIS, Rev. Patrick Joseph, M.B.E. MORRIS, Lieut. Rhys Hopkin, M.B.E. MORRIS, Lieut.-Col. Richard John, C.B.E, T.D, M.D, M.R.C.P, M.R.C.S, L.S.A, R.A.M.C. (Retired), 6. 23 July, 1860 ; s. of John Beamish Morris, of Corron, Leap, Co. Cork ; to. Martha A, d. of Joseph Benn, of Hortan Grange, Bradford, and WUlaston, Harrogate. Educ : Queen's Univ, Deland ; Queen's CoU, Cork ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Gazetted to 1st V.B. (King's Own) Royal Lancaster Regt. July, 1888 ; Capt. 5 Sept. 1891 ; transferred to Surg.-Lieut. July, 1900 ; passed School, Aldershot, July, 1900 ; appointed Surg.-Capt. 8 Aug. 1903 ; Territorial decoration, May, 1909 ; Hon. Surg.-Major May, 1909, ante-dated March, 1908 ; retired July, 1910. War Work: T. Lieut.-Col. 18 Oct. 1915; appointed Medical Officer in Charge Northern Command Depot, North Camp, Ripon ; on demobilisation of this Depot was appointed Medical Officer to Charge of Malarial Concentration Centre, No. 17 Camp, Ripon ; mentioned in Sec. of State's list for War Services Feb. 1917. Address : Southfleld, York Place, Harrogate. Clubs : Royal Cork Club, Queenstown ; Royal Automobile, London. (C2214«) MORRIS, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Henry, C.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. 3 Feb. 1848 ; s. of WiUiam, of The Lodge, nr. HaUfax, York ; to. Florence Ethel, d. of Richard Crompton, of Bury, Lancs. Educ. : Rugby. War Work : PubUc and local services as Chahman of the West Riding Standing Joint Committee, Special Constables, and Advisory Committee for Recruiting. Address : Bolton Lodge, Bolton Percy. Yorks. Club: Union. (C574) MORRIS, Lieut. Thomas Robertson, O.B.E, R.N.R. MORRIS, WilUam Anthony, M.B.E. MORRIS, WUUam Hardwiek Grant, M.B.E. MORRIS, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. William Henry, M.B.E. MORRIS, Lieut. WUUam Henry, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 3 Nov. 1886; s. of Mr. W. H. Morris, of Darwen, Lancs. ; to. the d. of J. W. Faulkner, of Rugby. Educ. : Darwen Secondary School. Engineer. War Work : Enlisted Nov. 1915 ; trained at Marlborough, Bulford, and Bath ; France, May, 1916 ; Lorry driver in Bethune sector ; later drove an ambulance car in same area ; Rouen to 2nd Heavy Repair Shops as designer and technical engineer for 1 year ; came home for Commission Dec. 1917 ; Commd. Feb. 1918 ; was first at Norwood Depot, and then at London M.T. Repair Depot in charge of Drawing Office and Engine Test Dept. for 1 year. Address : 40, Woodlands Park Road, Kings Norton, Bhming ham. (M4558) MORRIS, WUUam Richard, O.B.E. MORRIS, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Anselan POLLOK-, O.B.E. MORRIS, Lieut.-Col. AUred Drummond WARRING TON-, O.B.E, R.A.F. MORRISON, Agnes Brysson, C B.E, 6. 24 March, 1867 : d. of Thomas IngUs, of Edinburgh ; m. Arthur Mackie, s. of John Morrison, of Glasgow. Educ. : Edinburgh ; London ; Leipzig. War Work : Raising of Funds for War Charities ; Originator and initiator of the Flag Day movement ; Organised Union Jack Day in Glasgow, on 5 Sept. 1914, which was the first Flag Day ever held ; the total sum coUected in the United Kingdom by Flag Days amounts to over £15,000,000 ; per sonally organised, in Glasgow, Flag Days which resulted in the collection of over £30,000, and in addition organised 344 Flag Days in other centres ; has taken a keen interest in philan thropic and social work, especiaUy in that pertaining to ChUd Welfare ; identified with the Glasgow Branch of the Scottish Children's League of Pity for a great number of years, being President of that Branch for seven years ; organised many Charity Matinees, the first of these being held on 31 March, 1900, on behalf of the Lord Provost of Glasgow's Fund for sufferers in the South African War. Address : Merchiston, 8, Freeland Road, EaUng, London, W. 5. (C2827) MORRISON, Lieut. Archibald Cameron, O.B.E, M.A, LL.B, 4th Batt. Gordon Highlanders, 6. 29 July, 1870; s. of John Morrison, of Logie Pert, Forfarshire ; m. Agnes Sproul Nicolson, d. of John Nicolson, of Paisley. Educ. : Logie Pert School ; Royal High School, Edinburgh ; St. Andrews and Glasgow Universities. Advocate in Aberdeen ; Lecturer in Conveyancing in the Univ. of Aberdeen. War 372 BIOGRAPHIES. Mortori Wort : Service at Home with Gordon Highlanders ; MiUtary Representative at Appeal Recruiting Tribunal for 175th KecrutUng Area Counties of Aberdeen, Kincardine, and Banff. Address: 54, Rublslawden North, Aberdeen. (O11001) MORRISON, Florence MUdred, Mrs., M.B.E. MORRISON, Henry St. John, M.B.E, Indian PoUce ; s. of Malcolm Brown Morrison, of Bhagalpur, India ; m. Winifred Alice, d. of — de Almeida, of Calcutta,India. Educ. : St. Xaviers College, Calcutta, India. War Work : Helping to raise the 133rd Behar and Orissa Regiment ; helping to preserve order at a time of unusual unrest in the Province; assisting in the control of cloth, coal, and other products. Address: Bhagalpur, Behar and Orissa, India. (M6211) MORRISON, James Augustus, M.B.E. ; s. of James Morrison, of Edinburgh ; m. Grace, d. of John Mark, of Enfield. Educ : St. Mary's School, Edinburgh. Master, Princess Christian Homes and Workshops, Bisley ; late Staff Qr.-Mr. - Sergt, Brigade of Guards ; served in the Kaffir and Zulu War, 1877-9 (Medal and clasp), NUe Expedition, 1884-5 (Medal and clasp) and Khedive of Egypt's Bronze Star ; The Long Service Medal. War Work : Was in charge of The Princess Christian Convalescent Hospital for Wounded Soldiers and Sailors during the War, and responsible for maintenance, general comfort, recreation, and amusement from 1914-19. Address : Princess Christian Homes, Bisley, Surrey. (M2201) MORRISON, Col. John, M.V.O, O.B.E, J.P. MORRISON John, O.B.E. MORRISON, John, M.B.E. MORRISON, John, 0 B E. MORRISON, John, M.B.E. MORRISON John Dow, O.B.E. MORRISON, Lieut. John Fraser, O.B.E, R.A.O.C MORRISON, Major John Norman, O.B.E, fi. 20 Aug. 1889 , s. of John S. Morrison, of Galashiels. Educ. : Heidel berg and Hanover. Farmer in England and the Argentine. War Work : Four and a haU years with Army Remount Service in England, Egypt, and Salonica. Addresses : Southmoor House, Kingston-Bagpuize, Berks ; Rowanlea, Galashiels, Scotland. (06512) MORRISON, John Tertius, O.B.E, F.R.CS, late Major, RA.M.C, 6. 1888 ; s. of Rev. John Morrison, M.A, D.D, of Yester, Lady Road, Edinburgh. ; to. Eliza Mary, d. of WiUiam Wrigley, of Wesley ViUa, RawtenstaU, Lancs. Educ. : Fettes CoU, Edinburgh, and Edinburgh Univ. Surgical Registrar, Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool ; Demonstrator of Anatomy, Univ. of Liverpool. War Work : Surgeon i/c Surgical Research Unit, Etaples (2 years) ; Officer i/c Surgical Division, General Hospital, B.E.F., France. Address : 5, St. James' Road, Rodney Street, Liverpool. Club : Univ. Liverpool. (O5607) MORRISON, JuUa Minnie, C.B.E. ; d. of John Hamilton Whitcroft, of Kilree House, Co. Kilkenny ; m. Beamish Austin, 8. of W. B. A. Morrison, of Queenstown, Co. Cork. Educ. : Kilkenny. War Work : Organising Soldiers' and SaUors' Buffet at Kingstown, Deland. Address : 3, Arkendale Road, Glenageary, Co. Dublin. (C2825) MORRISON, Kate, M.B.E, Principal Women's Training CoUege. (M10359) MORRISON, Sidney WiUiam, O.B.E. MORRISON, Major WiUiam Geekie, O.B.E, Can. A.P.C MORRISSEY, Paymaster-Lieut. Patrick Henry, M.B.E, R.N. MORRISSEY, WiUiam, M.B.E, R.N. MORROW, Charles Thomas, M.B.E. (M10244) MORROW, George Andrew, O.B.E., fi. 28 Oct. 1877; 8. of J. M. Morrow, of Toronto, Canada ; m. Phoebe C, d. of J. C. Graham, of Toronto. Educ. : Collegiate Institute, Peterboro, Toronto, Canada. Financier ; President, Imperial life Assurance Coy, Toronto, Canada. War Work : Director of Aviation for Canada during years 1917-18, under Imperial Munitions Board (Canada). Address : 26, King St. East, Toronto. CZufis: York; Toronto. (0599) MORROW, Major John Srnythe, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. MORSE, Capt. Leopold George Esmond, M.B.E. MORSE, Major Thomas Ricketts, O.B.E, 6. 3 Oct. 1858 ; s. of Richard Morse, of Aivre, Glos. ; m. Janie WUliam- on, d, of Henry Scott, of Winterton Holmes, Lincoln. Educ : Cheltenham. War Work : 5_ years during late war ; Active service in France and Serbia; 2nd in Command 9th Border Regt. ; Commanded 27th Div. Base Depot, Salonica and Egypt ; Commanded 4th Convalescent Depot, Salonica. Address : North House, Northam, N. Devon. (08887) MORSLEY. Major John WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A. MORSON, Surg.-Lieut. Albert CUflord, O.B.E, F.R.CS, R.N. MORSON, Arthur, M.B.E. MORT, Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 15 Sept. 1873; s. of WUliam Mort, of Manchester ; to. Florence Ann, d. of Rev. J. Court, Rector of Widdington, Essex. Educ. : Central School, Man chester, and Royal Coll. of Science, Dublin; B.Sc. London University. Mining engineer. War Work : Was on Govt. Mining service in Baluchistan, India. Addresses: Quetta, India; 34, Central Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. (O4075) MORT, Lieut. John WiUiam, M.B.E. MORT, Mary Laidley Marjorie, O.B.E. (011999) MORTEN, Lieut.-Col. Raymond Laroche Alexander Burdett, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. MORTIMER, Capt. Frederick George Crofton, O.B.E, ¦ft .A. O.C. MORTIMER, Joseph, O.B.E, MORTIMER, Capt. Leslie, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. MORTIMER, Muriel Ida, Mary, M.B.E, 6. 22 April, 1871 ; d. of Alfred Thomas, J.P, of Frodsham, Cheshire ; m. Harry Percival, s. of William Mortimer, J.P. Educ. : Privately. War Work: Official Searcher, Enquiry Department for bounded and Missing, British Red Cross Society. Address: Jrofton Lodge, Kingsley, Cheshire. (M9097) MORTIMER, Ralph George Elphinstone, O.B.E, M.A, J.P, Hon. Capt. 1st (Vol.) Batt. Northumberland Fusiliers. 6. 7 July, 1869 ; s. of WUliam Brook Mortimer, of Hay Carr, nr. Lancaster ; m. Violet, d. of Major E. W. Stokes, of King's Own Regt. Educ. : Elstree ; Harrow; Trinity Coll, Cam bridge. Chahman, Castle Ward Board of Guardians ; Member Castle Ward Rural District Council ; Vice-Chairman, House Committee, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; J.P. Northumberland ; Chairman, Northumberland County Cricket Committee ; District Commissioner, East Castle Ward, Boy Scouts. War Work : Commandant Belsay V.A.D. ; Group Leader Castle Ward Special Constables ; Private, and later commission, 1st (Vol.) Batt. Northumberland Fusiliers ; National Service Sub-Commissioner ; Assistant Commissioner for Food, Northumberland ; Chahman Castle Ward Local Tribunal (MUitary Service Act), and Local Food Control Committee. Address : Milboume HaU, Higham Dykes, Northumberland. Clubs : Sports ; Northern Counties (New castle-upon-Tyne) ; County (Lancaster). (011006) MORTIMER, Hon. Lieut. Reginald Mortimer Higgs, M.B.E, M.A, J.P, for Herts County, 6. 2 April, 1861 ; s. of the Rev. Mortimer Lloyd Mortimer, of Norton Vicarage, Durham ; to. Gertrude Mary, d. of Rev. E. Norgate, of Bartlow Rectory, Cambs. Educ. : Harrow and Cambridge. Divisional Director of Industrial Training for Disabled Soldiers. War Work : Helped to raise and train a Company of the Herts (V.) Regt. ; MUitary Representative N. Herts, 1915-17 ; Assistant Director of National Service for Hertfordshire. Address : Molesworth, Hitchin. Club : Carlton. (M9098) MORTIMER, Robert Richardson, M.B.E. MORTIMER, William AUred, O.B.E. MORTIMORE, Lieut. CUflord Charles, M.B.E. MORTISHED, Paymaster Lieut.-Comm. John, M.B.E, R.D, R.N.R, 6. 16 June, 1861 ; s. of P. Mortished, of Limerick. CoUector, H.M. Customs aud Excise, Middlesbrough ; Super intendent MercantUe Marine ; Registrar Royal Naval Reserve ; Admiralty Marshal's Substitute. War Work : Mobilisation of District Forces of the Royal Naval Reserve ; official super vision of control of imports and exports of the port of Middles brough ; receipt and disposal of Naval Prize Cargoes. Ad dress: Marton, Cleveland, Yorks. (M9099) MORTON, Capt. Alfred, M.B.E, 6. 1886; s. of Sh Alpheus C Morton, of London. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School. War Work : Army, 1914-1920, Bedford Regt, Staff Capt. Jan. 1919, to April, 1920. Address : 47, Ganden Road, S.W. 4. Club : Junior Constitutional. (M6682) MORTON, Major Arthur WUUam, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C, R.A.S.C. MORTON, Professor Charles Alexander, O.B.E, F.R.CS. fi. 10 Sept. 1860. s. of John Morton, of Indian Medical Service. Educ : Bristol, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Professor of Surgery in University of Bristol, Senior Surgeon to the Bristol General Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon to the Bristol Children's Hospital. War Work : Surgeon to the Beau- ford War Hospital, Bristol, for 4 years, and District Consulting Surgeon for Gloucester and Somerset in the Southern Com mand. Address : 14, Vyvyan Terrace, Clifton, Bristol. (08889) MORTON, Lieut.-Col. Edward, C.B.E, the Cheshire Regt, 6. 28 AprU, 1871 ; s. of the late Robert Morton, Col, Royal ArtiUery ; m. Adeline Louise, d. of the late Rev. R. Langshaw, Rector of West Grinstead. Educ. : Privately. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C1706) MORTON, Capt. Edwin Ralph Maddison, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 7 Dec. 1891 ; s. of Edwin Morton, M.A, M.D, D.P.H. ; of Christ Church, Oxford. Educ. : Magdalen Coll. School , Queen's Coll, Oxford. War Work: France and Belgium, Aug. 1914, to March, 1919 ; Germany, Nov. 1919 ; Adjutant, Sept. 1917, to Nov. 1919. Addresses : Chaucer's House, Wood stock; United Service Institution. (05608) MORTON, Elsie Eleanor, M.B.E. ; d. of Sir Alpheus C Morton, M.P. for Sutherland, 1906-18 ; Chahman of Deptford Association of Care Committees ; Member of London Insur ance Committee ; Member of London Old Age Pensions Com mittee ; Chairman of Old Age Pensions Committee for South wark and Bermondsey. War Work : Hon. Org. Sec. of workrooms for unemployed women and girls in the City of London and in Deptford ; Hon. Organising Sec. of Deptford War Hospital Supply Depot ; Member of London Committee for allocating aUowances to soldiers' dependants; work on Sundays as reUef hand at munition factory, Bermondsey. Addresses : 47, Gauden Road, Clapham, S.W. ; The Home Farm, Patterson Court, RedhiU, Surrey. __ __ ._, MORTON, Lieut. George Bowen, M.B.E, R.F.A, 6. 95 March, 1888 ; s. of Rev. T. E. F. Morton, of Princess Anne, USA.; to. Beatrice Louisa, d. of J. Oxford, of Brookwood, Surrey. Address : c/o Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, London, S W. 1. (M5491) MORTON, Hugh, O.B.E. MORTON,Lieut.-CoI.Hugh Murray.CB.E, D.S.O, M.B, R A M C , 6. 1873. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. (M.B. and CM. 373 Morton THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1896). S. Africa, 1900-2, present at reUef of Ladysmith (Queen's medal with five clasps); served in Great War in Mesopotamia, 1915-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1431) MORTON, Lieut. John Darnley Mitford, M.B.E. MORTON, Capt. Robert, O.B.E. MORTON, Capt. Robert Connell, M.B.E, R.E. MORTON, WilUam Cuthbert, C.B.E, M.A, M.D, 6. 1 March, 1875 ; s. of Rev. John Morton, D.D, of Trinidad, B.W. Indies. Educ. : Royal CoU, Trinidad ; Edinburgh Univ. Hon. Demonstrator in Anatomy, Univ. of Leeds. War Work : Captain, R.A.M.C, in charge of Department for Muscle Re-education, 2nd Northern General MUitary Hospital (Orthopedic). Address: 34, Headingley Lane, Leeds. (C1158) MORWOOD, 2nd Lieut. Arthur, O.B.E. MOSCRIP, Holbourn Jackson, M.B.E, 6. 5 May, 1869 ; s. of Holbourn James Moscrip, of Boston, Lincolnshire ; to. Margaret, d. of Thomas Lowes, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Educ : Boston Grammar School. Committee Clerk, Tyne Improvement Commission, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. War Work : Services in connection with the maintenance of the flow of traffic in the port of Tyne. Address : 35, Balmoral Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (M9100) MOSCROP, Andrew, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1863 ; s. of the late WUUam Jobson Moscrop, of Saltburn-by-Sea ; m. Annie Chapman, d. of Eccles Haigh. Land Agent ; Member of Agricultural Wages Board, CouncU of Yorkshire Agricultural Society ; Chairman of Yorkshire Fat Stock Society ; President of Yorkshire Coach Horse Society. War Work : Member, Central Agricultural Advisory CouncU, and Advisory Council on Food Production under four successive Presidents of Board of Agriculture ; Chairman of Local Tribunal, Local Food Control Committee. Address : Thorganby Hall, York. Club: Farmers'. (01685) MOSELEY, Arthur Herbert, M.B.E. MOSELEY, Lieut. Edward James, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. MOSELEY, Louise, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Joseph Moseley, J.P, of Cringle Hall, Levenshulme. War Work : Drove motor cars and ambulances for the East Lancashire Branch of the B.R.C.S. from Aug. 1914, to 11 May, 1919 ; assisted in the direction of the Cringle Hall Convalescent Home, Levenshulme, from Oct. 1914, to Jan. 1919. Address : Pen- dyffryn, Penmon, Beaumaris, Anglesey. Clubs : Royal Anglesey Yacht ; Empress. (M9101) MOSELEY, Mary, M.B.E. MOSELEY, Miriam Louise, Mrs., O.B.E. MOSES, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Joseph Henry Gronow, M.B.E. MOSEY, Paymaster Lieut.-Comm. James Yeoman, 0:B.E, R.D, R.N.R, 6. 1857 ; s. of PhUip Stephen Mosey, of London ; m. Frances, d. of S. Clarke Tolbutt, of Sussex. Educ. : Privately and City of London CoU. Chief Super intendent, Board of Trade MercantUe Marine Office, London District. War Work : Mobilisation of R.N.R. and despatch ing men to Depot; recruitment in large numbers of Merchant Seamen for Ministry of Shipping for Admiralty AuxiUary Reserve ; promptly refitting crews of torpedoed vessels and generaUy assisting in the work of keeping the Merchant Service going during the war. Address : Beachfield, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. Club : P.M. L.R. All Saints' Lodge of Freemasons. (011009) MOSS, Enoch, O.B.E, M.D. MOSS, Lieut. Frederic WiUiam, M.B.E, M.C, M.G.C MOSS, George Sinclair, M.B.E, fi. 26 April, 1882 ; s. of Charles Davis Moss, of Cirencester and Yokohama ; to. Gladys Lucy, d. of G. A. Moore, of Liverpool. Educ. : Privately and King's CoU, London. H.M. Vice-Consul in China. War Work : District Officer and Magistrate, Weihaiwei, 1914-15 ; employed in the Foreign Office, 1916 ; Principal Assistant to the War Office Representative for the Recruitment of Chinese Labour, 1916-18 ; appointed War Office Representative, 1918-20. (M787) MOSS, Henry, M.B.E, A.M.I.M.E. MOSS, Lieut. (T. Capt.) Kenneth NevUle, O.B.E, A.M.Inst.CE, M.Sc, R.E. (T.), fi. 30 May, 1891 ; s. of WiUiam Moss, of Gairioch, Perms, Warwickshire ; m. Dorothy, d. of Professor R. Warington, F.R.S, M.A, of Harpenden and Oxford. Educ: Queen Mary's School, Walsall, and Bhmingham Univ. Mining Engineer ; Assistant Professor of Coal Mining, Birmingham Univ. ; Tyndall Scholar of the Royal Society, 1920. War Work : Joined S. Staffs. Regt. as a 2nd Lieut, Feb. 1915, transferred to Royal Engineers, T.F, in May, appointed Adjutant to 59th Divisional R.E. in Nov. 191 5 : served in Deland during the RebeUion, AprU, 1916, to Jan. 1917 ; served in Franco, Feb. 1917, to Jan. 1919, as Adjutant to 59th Div. R.E. ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Gairioch, Penns, Warwickshire. (05610) MOSS, Margaret, Mrs., O.B.E, W.R.A.F. MOSS, Thomas, O.B.E. MOSS, WiUred, M.B.E. ; Chairman of Advisory Committees under the Derby Scheme and MiUtary Service Acts. (M10339) MOSSES, WiUiam, O.B.E. MOSTYN, Mary Florence Edith, Lady, O.B.E. ; s. of the 4th Earl of Leitrim (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Llewellyn Nevile Vaughan, 3rd Baron Mostyn, s. of Hon. Thomas Edward Lloyd-Mostyn (and g.s. of 1st Baron : see Burke's Peerage) and Lady Henrietta Augusta NevUe, d. of 4th Earl of Abergavenny (see Burke's Peerage). Address : Mostyn HaU, Holywell, FUnt. (03846) MOSTYN, Pamela Georgina, Hon. Mrs. LLOYD-, M.B.E. ; d of the 2nd Lord Penrhyn (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. the Hon. Henry Richard Howel, J.P, D.L, Lieut.-Col. Commanding 17th Batt. R. W. Fusiliers, s. of the Hon. Thomas E. Lloyd- Mostyn, and brother of the 3rd Baron Mostyn. Address: BodysgaUen, Llandudno. (M9102) MOTH, Rev. John Charles, O.B.E. MOTHERWELL, Capt. Gavin Black Loudon, O.B.E. MOTHES, 2nd Lieut. Frederick WilUam, M.B.E. MOTT, Sir Frederick Walker, K.B.E, F.R.S, M.D, 6 23 Oct. 1853 ; s. of Henry Mott, of Brighton ; to. Georgiana Alexandra, d. of G. T. Soley, of Liverpool. Educ. : University CoU, London. Consulting Physician, Charing Cross Hospital; Director, Pathological Laboratory, L.CC. Asylums. War Work : Neurological SpeciaUst, Maudsley Neurological Clearing Hospital, Denmark Hill, with rank of Brevet Lieut.-Col. ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 25, Nottingham Place, London, W. Club : Savage. (K294) MOTT, Owen Edward, O.B.E, Ph.D. MOTTRAM, Capt. Francis Henry, M.B.E, R.E, fi. 24 AprU, 1891. Educ. : Felsted School, Essex. Mechanical Engineer. War Work: Joined R.E. (T.F.) 5 Sept. 1914; served abroad in Egypt, GaUipoli, Balkans, Caucasus (South Russia), June, 1915, to Aug. 1919. Address : 23, Westbourne Road, Birkdale, Lancs. (M6579) MOTTRAM, Thomas Harry, C.B.E. Chief Inspector for Mines, and Chahman of CoUiery Recruiting Courts, York shire and N. Midlands Div. (C255) MOUAT, BasiUna Ninian, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. MOUAT, Lieut. Charles George KAY-, O.B.E, 1/70 Burma Rifles. (M9057e) MOULD, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John Alfred, O.B.E. MOULDEN, Capt. Arnold Meredith, O.B.E. MOULLIN, Brevet. Col. Charles WilUam MANSELL-, C.B.E, M.A, M.D, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C (T.), 6. 24 Oct. 1851 , s. of James Mansell-MouUin, of Porchester Terrace, W. 2; m. Edith Ruth, d. of D. C Thomas, of Hove. Educ : Pem broke Coll, Oxford ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Consulting Surgeon, London Hospital ; formerly Vice-Pres. and Member of CouncU of Royal CoUege of Surgeons ; RadcUffe's Travelling FeUow, Oxford ; Examiner in Surgery, Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow. War Work : Col. in charge of Surgical Division, 2nd London (City of London) General Hospital, Chelsea. Address : 28, Victoria Road, Kensington, W. 8. (C1707) MOULTON, Major John Coney, O.B.E. MOULTON, John Fletcher, Baron, P.C, G.B.E, K.C.B, 6. 1844, 3rd s. of the Rev. James Egan Moulton ; m. 1875, Clara, widow of R. W. Thompson, of Edinburgh. M.A. (Cantab.), Senior Wrangler and First Smith's Prizeman, 1868 ; Bar.-at-Law. Chahman, Med. Research Committee, National Insurance Act ; Director-General of Explosives, Ministry of Munitions ; Grand Officer, Order of " EtoUe Noire," Comm. Legion of Honour and Order of Leopold of Belgium. Addresses : 57, Onslow Square, S.W. ; Forest Green, Bank, near Lyndhurst, Hants. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Reform ; Savage ; Garrick ; Royal AutomobUe. (G4) MOUNSEY, George Augustus, O.B.E. MOUNSEY, Major John, O.B.E. MOUNSEY, Major Roland James, O.B.E, R.A.F. MOUNT, Lieut.-Col. Alan Henry Lawrence, C.B.E. MOUNT, HUda Lucy Adelaide, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 25 May, 1875 ; d. of Malcolm Low, of Clatto, Cupar, Fife • m. WiUiam Arthur, s. of WilUam George Mount, of Wasing Place, Berks. War Work : Hon. Sec. Royal Berks Regt, Prisoners of War Committee. Address : Wasing Place, Berks. Club : Ladies' Imperial. (O11010) MOUNT, WiUiam Arthur, C.B.E, B.A, J.P, M.P, fi. 1866 ; s. of the late WiUiam George Mount, of Wasing Place, Berks ; m. 1899, HUda Lucy Adelaide, d. of Malcolm Low, of Clatto, Cupar, Fife, and 22, Roland Gardens, S.W. Educ: Eton and New Coll. Oxford. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1893 ; Assist. Private Sec. 1895-1900 ; ParUamentary Private Sec. 1900-1, to Chancellor of the Exchequer 1902; Civil Member of Claims Commn. War Office, 1916-17 ; Member of Council of Duchy of Lancaster, and an Officer of Legion of Honour ; appointed Second Church Estates Commr. 1919 ; sat as M.P. for S. or Newbury Div. of Berkshire, 1900-6, and 1910-18; elected for Berks, Newbury Div. Dec. 1918. Ad dress : Wasing Place, near Reading. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge; Carlton. (C256) MOUNTFORD, Lewis James, C.B.E, 6. 1871 ; s. of Henry Mountford, of West Dulwich, S.E. Educ. : Dulwich CoU. and Pembroke CoU. Camb. Entered I.C.S. 1890 ; appointed Collector of Sholapur, 1907 ; Satara, 1911 ; Poona. 1913 ; Commr. since 1916 ; Member of Standing Committee of Bombay Provincial Recruiting Board, 1917 ; Additional Member ol Viceroy's Legislative CouncU, 1919. Address : Belgaum, Bombay Presidency, India. CZwfis : East India United Service ; Royal Automobile. (C690) MOUNTGARRET, Robinia Marion, Viscountess, O.B.E, Lady of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 25 Aug. 1874 ; d. of Col. E. Hanntog-Lee, 2nd Life Guards, of Bighton. Alresford, Hants ; to. Henry Edmund, 14th Viscount (died 1912), s. of Henry Edmund, 13th Viscount Mountgarret (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Vice-President of No. 4 District W.R. Yorkshire, St. John Ambulance Association; for four years Commandant and Matron, Officers' Hospital at 18, Cadogan Gardens, London. Address : Nidd HaU, Ripley, Harrogate. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (O11011) 374 BIOGRAPHIES. Mules MOUNTIFIELD, Engineer-Capt. James, C.B.E, 6. 1871 g. of Alfred Mountlfleld ; m. 1908, Maud, d. of WUUam PhilUps Educ : R.N. Engineering Coll, Keyham, and R.N. Coll. Greenwich. Professional A.M.I.CE. 1902- Assist. Engineer- Manager at Chatham, 1900-6 ; at Hong Kong, 1908-9 ; at Devonport, 1910-13 ; and at Portsmouth, 1915-17 ; since when he has been Chief Engineer, Sheerness Dockyard ; served in Great War, 1914-15, present at battle of Dogger Bank. Ad dress : H.M. Dockyard, Sheerness. (C2318) MOUNTJOY, John Peroy, O.B.E, F.CA 6. 18 May, 1881 ; s. of J. Fursman Mountjoy, of Bideford, North Devon ; m. Alice, d. of Major Rees Thomas, J.P, of Pyle, Glam. Educ. : Cardiff Municipal Secondary School ; Chartered Accoimtant in practice at Cardiff. War Work : Divisional Accountant, Coal Mines Department, Board of Trade ; Hon. Auditor, National ReUef Fund, County of Montgomery. Actresses : 5, Plas- turton Avenue ; 27, High Street, Cardiff. (01688) MOUNT STEPHEN, Giana, Baroness, D.B.E, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. Aug. 1862 ; d. of the late Capt. George Tufnell, R.N.; to. George Stephen, 1st Baron Mount Stephen. G.CV.O. (see Burke's Peerage), s. of William Stephen, of Dufftown, Banff. War Work : Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, St. James' Palace ; Vice-President, British Red Cross in County of Hertfordshire. Addresses : 17, Carlton House Terrace ; Brocket Hall, Hatfield, Herts. (D36) MOUNTSTEPHENS, Lieut. Richard, O.B.E, R.N. MOUSLEY, Arthur, M.B.E. MOWAT, Brig.-Gen. Magnus, C.B.E, T.D, R.E, M. Inst. C.E, M.I.M.E, 6. 1875; s. of the late Hon. Magnus Mowat. Educ. : King's CoU, London (Asso. Honours in Engineering). Was administrative Officer for Roads and Bridges at War Office, 1919-20 ; served in Great War 1914-19 as Staff Officer to Ch. Engineer Comdg. R.E. of a Div. and Director at War Oflice. (C2214/) MOWAT, Annie Angus, M.B.E. MOWBRAY, George, M.B.E. MOWBRAY, Lieut.-Col. John Arthur Clark, O.B.E, Can. A.P.C. MOXON, Hon. Major Francis Henry, O.B.E, M.B, B.S, R.A.M.C, fi. 22 Aug. 1879 ; s. of Dr. Benjamin Howard Hoxon, of HuU, Yorks ; m. Alice Esther (d. 25 May, 1914), d. of I M. GUford, of RedhiU, and Evelyn Anna, widow of B. P. Eykyn, and d. of J. L. Patton, of U.S.A. Educ : Ockbrook Moravian School, and Durham Univ. Hon. Ophthalmic Surgeon, St. Marylebone General Dispensary ; Chief Clinical Assistant, Moorflelds Eye Hospital ; OcuUst, Medical Boards, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Gazetted Temp. Lieut, Aug. 1914 ; Officer in charge, Ophthalmic Centre, Havre Base ; Officer in charge, Ophthalmic Centre, St. Omer Area ; Officer in charge, Ophthalmic Centre, First and Fifth Armies ; Officer in charge, Spectacle Depot at Arques for aU the Armies at the Front (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4thland 5th) ; Officer in charge, Ophthal mic Centre, TrouvUle Hospital Centre ; Officer in charge Ophthalmic Centre, Boulogne Base ; Officer in charge, Surgical Division, No. 14 Stationary Hospital. Addresses : 4, Bentinck Street, Cavendish Square, W. 1. ; Barham Cottage, Wimbledon Common, S.W. 19. (05611) MOXON, Lieut.-Col. Herbert WUUam, O.B.E. MOXON, John, O.B.E, 6. 17 Oct. 1864; s. of John Moxon, of BaghlU House, Pontefract; to. Annie Henrietta Helena Louisa, d. of PhiUp Ebzury Purdon, of Kilcooley, Co. Meath, Deland. Educ. : St. Peters, York, and The Leys, Cambridge. Chairman Newport Electricity and Tram ways Undertakings ; late Chairman, Newport Harbour Com missioners ; Alderman of Newport Corporation. War Work : Secretary, the Newport National SheU Factory. Addresses : The Lodge, Malpas, Newport, Mon. Clubs ; Constitutional ; County, Newport. (01689) MOYLAN, John FitzGerald, C.B.E, fi. 16 June, 1882 ; s. of the late Edward Kyran Moylan, of Rangoon, Burmah ; m. Ysolda Mary Nesta, d. of the late Hon. J. D. FitzGerald, K.C. Educ : Bedford School and Queen's CoU, Cambridge. Receiver for MetropoUtan Police District. War Work : Home Office. Address : 24, Stafford Terrace, W. 8. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (C575) MOYLES, John George, M.B.E, M.B, B.Ch, B.A.O, JJ., 6. 24 Feb. 1864 ; s. of Robert Moyles, of Queen's County, Ireland ; m. Evelyn Mary, d. of Charles D. PhilUps, London. Hduc : Dublin Univ. Liverpool City CouncUlor for 17 years ; Created an Alderman of the City Council, Liverpool, 1920; Chairman of the Port Sanitary and Hospital Committee. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of Westminster Road Aux. Military Hospital (250 beds) for 4j. years ; Medical Referee, Ministry of Pensions ; Medical Officer in charge, Walton Recruiting Station, 1914-15. Address: 2, Bedford Road, Walton, Liverpool. Club : Conservative, Liverpool. (M10277) MOYSES, Harry John Swenson, O.B.E. MOZLEY, WiUiam, O.B.E. MUDD, Edith EmUy, M.B.E. ; d. of Barrington Richard «idd, of Storrington, Sussex. Educ. : Privately. Lady Almoner, St. George's Hospital ; District Organiser of Children's Ure Work (L.CC). War Work : Superintendent of Canteen, Park Royal Inspection BuUdings. Clubs : Sesame ; Ladies' Alpine. (M2210) MUDGE, Jenny, M.B.E.; d. of Arthur Thomas Mudge, °t Sydney Plympton, S. Devon. War Work : Quartermaster, J.A. Hospital, Plympton, S. Devon ; Superintendent, Sec. of Wympton War Hospital Supply Depot ; Manager of Plympton Local Work Party. Address : Sydney, Plympton, S. Devon. (M9104) MUDIE, Annie Bertha, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 13 March, 1861 ; d. of the late WUliam Milner, of Hampstead ; m. Ernest Robert, s. of George Ritchie Mudie. War Work : President of the Executive Committee of the Muswell HU1 War Hospital Supply Depot, a Surgical Branch of Queen Mary's Needle work Guild. Address : 34, Queen's Avenue, Muswell Hill, N. 10. Club : Highgate Golf. (03847) MUDIE, Capt. Robert Franois, O.B.E. MUDGE, Capt. Albert Edward Phayre, O.B.E. MUECKE, Lieut.-Col. Franois Frederick, C.B.E, M.B., B.S, F.R.CS, 6. 1879 ; s. of the Hon. H. B. Muecke, M.L.C, of Adelaide; to. 1905, Ada, d. of the late Edward WalUs Crossley. Educ. : Adelaide Univ. Assist. Surg. London Throat Hospital ; Assist. Aural Surg. London Hospital, Member of British Med. Assocn. ; served in Great War, 1914-19, as Lieut.-Col. R.A.F. (despatches). Address : 59, Queen Anne Street, W. (C870) MUGGERIDGE, Capt. Charles Ernest, O.B.E., M.C. MUGLISTON, Franois Hugh, O.B.E, B.A, Bar.-at-Law; Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne, 6. 7 June, 1886 ; s. of Thomas Crlchton MugUston, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, etc. Colonial Medical Service (ret.); to. Amy Phyllis Keigwin, d. of the late Thomas Henry Keigwin, of Sydney, New South Wales. Educ : Rossall School, and Pembroke Coll, Cambridge. Home CivU Service ; appointed H.M. Superintending Aliens Officer in Jan. 1917 ; H.M. Deputy Inspector under the Aliens Act in July, 1918, and H.M. Superintending Inspector, Aliens Branch, Home Office, in June, 1920. War Work : Gazetted 2nd Lieut. 6th Batt. (Service), Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 43rd Brigade, 14th Light Division, in Sept. 1914 ; seriously wounded at Ypres in June, 1915 ; 1916, did voluntary work for the Government Committee on the Treatment by the Enemy of British Prisoners of War, and for tho Central Tribunal, National Service Department ; invalided out of the Army in Sept. 1918, on account of ill-health caused by wounds. Ad dress : lb, Cornwall Gardens, S.W. Clubs : Cavendish ; M.CC. ; Free Foresters CC ; Corinthian Football ; Oxford and Cambridge Golfing Society. (011013) MUIR, Major Allan Stanley, O.B.E. MUIR, Lieut. Allan Thompson, O.B.E, R.N.R. MUIR, Major Archibald Huleath Huntley, O.B.E. MUIR, Dorothy Coward, M.B.E, R.A.F. MUIR, Lieut.-Col. George, O.B.E, R.E. (S.R.) MUIR, Major James Ernest, O.B.E, R.E. MUIR, Capt. John, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). MUIR, John, O.B.E, J.P. MUIR, Lieut.-Col. Robert Bunten, O.B.E. MUIR, Major Wingate Wemyss, O.B.E. MUIRHEAD, Essa GemmeU, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Andrew G. Ronald, late of Oak Hill Park, Liverpool ; to. David James, s. of David Muirhead, late of Shanghai, China. Edue. : Privately, and VUla Marie Louise, Paris. War Work : Hon. Sec. of Local War Savings Committee, Woking, Surrey, from Dec. 1916 ; Hon. Sec. and Organiser of the local War Loan Campaigns, also the Food Control Committee of 1917. Ad dress : Sturry House, Weybridge, Surrey. (M9105) MUIRHEAD, Frank StirUng, O.B.E. MUIRHEAD, Capt. James Calder, M.B.E. MUIRHEAD, John, O.B.E. MUIRHEAD, Hon. Mrs. Katherine Charlotte Elizabeth Stewart, M.B.E, fi. 1861 ; d. of the 17th Baron Semphlll, of Craigievar, Aberdeenshhe (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. George Muirhead. War Work : Vice-President of the Fochabers and Garmouth Branches of the Morayshire Red Cross Society ; Convenor of the House Committee of the Gordon Castle Auxil iary Hospital (100 beds) ; Member of the Finance Committee connected with that hospital ; started and helped to carry on a large and successful Red Cross Work Party ; assisted in equip ping and carrying on a Red Cross Hospital of 30 beds at Spey Bay, Morayshire, for wounded Belgian soldiers. Address : Speybank, Fochabers, Morayshire. Club : Ladies' Park, Knightsbridge, London, S.W. (M3858) MUIRHEAD, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Henry, O.B.E MULCAHY, James HamUton, M.B.E, 6. 25 July, 1878 ; s. ot the late WiUiam Mulcahy, a Mutiny veteran holding the Mutiny Medal, Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, of Tipperary, Ireland ; to. Emily Ada, d. of George Turnage, of London and B.I.S.N. Co, India. Educ. : St. George's School, Hyderabad, Deccan, India, and Ootacamund Laurence Asylum, India. Assistant Commissioner of Police Criminal Investiga tion Department. War Work : In charge of the German and Austrian subjects (civU) during the war ; rounding up of enemy subjects, supervision of enemy correspondence ; tracing spies, suppressing illegal trading and checking of passports during the whole period of the war ; general supervision in Calcutta. Address : 18, Lall Bazaar, Police Office, Calcutta, India. (M7132) MULES, Sir (Horace) Charles, Knt. Bach, C.S.I., M.V.O.) O B E 6. 23 March, 1856 ; s. of Lieut. W. M. Mules, 1st Bombay European Fusiliers, of Honiton, Devon ; m. Jane Lee, d. of M G Luck, of Campden Hill, Kensington. Educ. : Wellington Coll Berkshire. Sind Commission ; Chairman Port Trust, Karachi Sind, from Nov. 1909, to May, 1920 ; now retired. War Work : Chahman of the Karachi Port Trust throughout the war ¦ was actively concerned in the embarkation and dis embarkation of troops and stores. Address: 29, Bramham Gardens S W. 5. Clubs : Sind (Karachi) ; East India United Service. (04076) 375 Mulhallen THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. MULHALLEN, Vivian BREW-, M.B.E. MULHERION, George Frederiok, D.S.O, O.B.E. MULHOLLAND, Capt. the Hon. Charles Henry George, D.S.O, O.B.E, 11th Hussars, 6. 19 Aug. 1886 ; eldest sur viving s. of 2nd Baron Dunleath, of Ballywalter, Co. Down (see Burke'? Peerage) ; to. Sylvia, d. of the late Sir Douglas Brooke, of Colebrooke, Co. Fermanagh. Educ: Eton and Sandhurst. Military Sec. to Lord-Lieutenant of Deland. War Work : Adjutant 11th Hussars with original Exped. Force ; severely woundea at Messines, Oct. 1914 ; twice mentioned in despatches; 1916-18, Home Service and Brigade-Major, 3rd CycUst Brigade. Address : BaUywalter Park, BaUywalter, Co. Down. Club : Cavahy. (O7500) i MULLAN, Capt. Henry Felix, M.B.E, R.A.M.C _ MULLAN, Rev. Father John, M.B.E, M.C. b MULLARD, Capt. Stanley Robert, M.B.E, R.A.F. '* MULLENEUX, Capt. Hugh Bowring, C.B.E, R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19, as Chief of Staff, N. America and W. Indies Station, and as Liaison Officer, Navy Depart. Washington (mentioned in despatches). (C1198) MULLER, George Herbert, C.B.E, V.D. MULLER, Lilian, Mrs., M.B.E. MULLER, Percy MAXWELL-, M.B.E. MULLICK, Sarat Kumar Bose, C.B.E, M.D, M.B, CM, 6. 1870; s. of O. C. MulUck, Bar.-at-law ; to. 1903, Shishir Kumarie, d. of the late Hon. Larbmohun Ghose. Educ. : St. Xavier's CoU. Calcutta ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Univ. Coll. London ; and in Paris. Founded National Med. CoU. India, and King's Hospital, Calcutta ; Hon. Sec. Bengalee Regt. Committee ; All-India Med. and Indian Health Assocns. ; Member of Provincial Recruiting Board, Bengal Publicity Board, and Calcutta Corporation. Club : Calcutta. (C700) MULLIGAN, Lieut. CUfford Victor, M.B.E. MULLIGAN, Capt. William Peroival, O.B.E. MULLINEAUX, John, M.B.E. MULLINGS, Major Joseph RandoU, O.B.E. R.F.A. MULLINS, AUred James, M.B.E. Chief Cable Censor, Malta. (M10259/) MULLDMS, Arthur, C.B.E. MULLINS, George WUUam, M.B.E, M.Inst.Met, 6. 1867 ; s. of the late WiUiam MuUins, of Bhmingham ; to. Jane Elizabeth, d. of the late Samuel Francis, of Bhmingham. Educ. : King Edward's School, Birmingham. Commercial Manager ; Director, Cold Rolled Brass and Copper Association, Bhmingham. War Work : With the King's Noiton Metal Co, Ltd, Bhmingham, both before and through the war ; then concerned in ammunition production and in metal trades work for munition purposes. Address : King's Heath, Bir mingham. (M2213) MULLINS, Capt. (A. Lieut.-Col.) James Finbarr, O.B.E. MULLINS, Rev. WiUiam, O.B.E. MULLINS, Capt. Henry Rubert, O.B.E. MULOCK, Lieut.-Col. Redford Henry, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.A.F, fi. 1886 ; s. of W. R. Mulock, K.C. Served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches, Legion of Honour). Address : 557, WeUington Crescent, Winnipeg, Canada. (C1901) MUMFORD, Agnes, Mrs., M.B.E. MUMFORD, Charles AUan, O.B.E, J.P, I.C.S, 6. 4 Feb. 1874 ; s. of Charles Mumford, of Wisbech ; to. HUda, d. of F. Manser, of Tunbridge WeUs. Educ. : Oundle School and Peterhouse (Camb.). Deputy Commissioner of Naini Tal in the United Provinces of India. War Work : Collector of Bulandshahi district (U.P.), which had 15,018 combatants and 5952 non-combatants in the Indian Army at the conclusion of the Armistice. Address : Aberfoyle, Naini Tal, India. (04077) MUMFORD, Capt. Harry George, M.B.E. MUMFORD, Hilda, Mrs, M.B.E. MUMFORD, Capt. Wilfred George, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. MUMMERY, John Howard, C.B.E, D.Sc. (Penn.), M.R.C.S, L.D.P. (Eng.), fi. 18 Jan. 1847 ; s. of John Rigden Mummery, of Cavendish Place, London ; to. 1st, Mary Lily, d. of Dr. Lockhart, of Shanghai, 2nd, Lillian, d. of Thomas Parker, of Notttogham. Educ : Univ. Coll, London. Late Examiner in Dental Surgery, Royal CoU. of Surgeons ; late Lecturer on Bacteriology, Royal Dental Hospital of London. War Work : Commandant and Medical Superintendent to Maxillo-Facial (War) Hospital, Kennington. Address : 79, Albert Bridge Road, S.W. 11. (C2827) MUNBY, Mary Forth, O.B.E, 6. 8 July, 1859 ; d. of John Forth Munby, of Clifton, York. Educ : Clewer Sisters' School of St. John Baptist, London. Hon. Branch Sec. Girls' Friendly Society, York and Ainsty Branch, and other social work. War Work : Hon. Sec. York Station Canteen for Soldiers and SaUors. (011016) MUNDAY, Major and Qr.-Mr. Alfred, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. MUNDAY, John Augustus, O.B.E, fi. 21 Oct. 1863 ; s. of John Munday, R.N, of Thanet, Kent; to. Mary Elizabeth, d. of J. W. Cripps, of London. Educ. : Privately, and St. John's Coll, Battersea, S.W. Commissioner National Savings Committee ; Headmaster (1) Hartfield School, Sussex, (2) Abingdon N. Boys' School, Berks ; Organising Inspector of Schools, Diocese of Winchester (1891-98) ; States Inspector and Sec. of Education, Guernsey (1898-1914). War Work : Joint Hon. Organiser for War Savings, West Riding of York shire; established War Savings Local Committees and Associa tions throughout the W. Riding ; assisted in " Tank " and other Loan Campaigns in Leeds, Bradford, Hahtax, Hudders field Dewsbury, Harrogate, and other towns and localities, Address • 17 Claremont Drive, Headingley, Leeds. (011017) MUNDAY. Lieut. WUUam Thomas, M.B.E. MUNDAY, Major Henry Clement PAUNCEFORT-, ° MUNDY Major Robert Godfrey, O.B.E, 6. 21 Oct. 1875; s of Lieut -Col. Herbert G. Mundy, Colonial Office; m. Dorothv d of Capt. F. PhiUips, J.P, of Bydown, North Devon. Educ -Eastbourne and CUfton. Formerly Private Sec. to Permanent Under See. to Colonies; served in the Border Horse South African War. War Work : Commanded Head quarter Co. 17th Div. Train, R.A.S.C, 1914-19 ; wounded, March 1918 • twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Raleigh House, Barnstaple, North Devon. (05614) MUNDY, WiUiam Charles, M.B.E. MUNDY, Catherine Lousia, Mrs. MILLER-, O.B.E, 6. 24 Mav 1863; d. of the late Sh John W. Cradock Hartopp, Bart. ; to E MUler-Mundy, of Shipley HaU, Derby (who died). War Work ¦ Vice-President of Ilkeston Division (Derbyshire) B R CS. (03848) MUNFORD, AUred James, M.B.E, R.E. MUNFORD, Frank Jago, M.B.E, 6. 12 AprU, 1868 ; s. of Francis Munford, of Leytonstone; to. Catharine Ann, d. of WilUam Plumsted, of Norwich. Educ. : Leytonstone, Essex. War Work • War Office (Recruiting Department) and Statistical Department, Ministry of National Service. Address: W. Westbourne Street, Ebury Street, London, S.W 1. (M788) MUNGALL, Walter Heggie, M.B.E, B.Sc, fi. 1867; s of the late James Mungall, of Transy, . near Dunfermhne ; m Mary Catherine, d. of WiUiam Simpson, of Dunfermline. Educ. : DoUar Academy, and Glasgow Umy Provost of Crieff from 1913 ; Chahman, Crieff and District Cottage Hospital; a Governor of Morrison's Academy, Crieff. War Work : Chairman of Crieff Belgian Refugee Committee, Derby Recruiting Committee, Local Tribunal for Burgh of Crieff, Dependants Allowances Committee Lady Burghcleres Prisoners of War Fund, Crieff Food Control Committee and Crieff District War Savings Committee ; Member of Executive Committee, British Red Cross Society (Perthshire Branch). Address: Croftweit, Crieff. Clubs : Scottish Conservative, Edinburgh; Unionist, Crieff; Royal Scottish AutomobUe, Glasgow (M9110) MunGAVIN, George Walter, M.B.E, 6. 6 June, 1857; s. of James St. John MunGavto, of Castle Connel, Ireland; to. EUa, d. of David Harold Sykes, of Yorkshire Late Engineer and Electrician, Indo-European Telegraph Dept, Karachi, India. War Work : Attached War Office (Ms 3) Jan. 1917, to Dec. 1919. Address : c/o Messrs. T. Cook & Sons, Ludgate Circus (M9111) MUNKHOUSE, Alfred Frederick O'GORMAN-, 0 B.E., FIGS., F.R.C.I, fi. 28 AprU, 1856 ; s. of Edmund Thomas O'Gorman-Munkhouse, of Winton, Westmorland ; m. Mary Anne, d. of Henry Rourke, of Melbourne, Aust. Educ. : Privately. Acting British Vice-Consul at San Francisco, California ; during 14 years' residence in Austraha was Justice of Peace, Queensland and Northern Territory of South AustraUa. War Work : Voluntary Services to British Consu late-General, San Francisco. Address: British Consulate- General, San Francisco ; 972, Bush Street, S.F. (011018) MUNN, Capt. Leonard, O.B.E. .,.,,,, MUNRO, Flight-Lieut. David, O.B.E, R.A.F. MUNRO, Donald, O.B.E. MUNRO, Major Edward Brodie, O.B.E, M.D, l.M.b. MUNRO, Hugh George, O.B.E. MUNRO, Rev. James Lorimer, O.B.E. MUNRO, John Edward, O.B.E. MUNRO, Col. Lewis, C.B.E. (retired pay), late Hampshire Regt, 6. 25, July, 1859 ; s. of the late Capt. Lewis Munro, of Hon. East India Company's Service ; to. Maud, d. ot c. jj. Eynaud, of Malta. Educ. : Clifton CoU ; Sandhurst. Joined 37th Foot as 2nd Lieut, 14 Jan. 1880; Lieut. Hampshire Regt, 9 April, 1881 ; Adjutant, Hampshire s Regt, Nov. 1882, to Oct. 1886; Captain, July, 1886; Major, Sept. 1896, Lieut.-Col, Jan. 1905; Brevet Col, Jan. 1908; Col, June, 1909; Bgde. Major, Gibraltar, Dec. 1891, to Dec. 1894, Bgde. Major, Inf. Bgde, Aldershot, Jan. 1898, to Oct. 1899, Bgde. Major, Inf. Bgde, S. Africa, Oct. 1899, to Dec. 1899, D.A.A.G, S. Africa, Dec. 1899, to Mar. 1900 ; Hon. Staff Officer, graded as D.A.A.G, S. Africa, Mar. 1900, to Nov. 1900, D.A.A.G. for Colonial Forces, H.Q, S. Africa, Dec. 1900, to June, 1901; retired, Jan. 1909. War Work : From com mencement of War to Feb. 1918, Assistant Major-Gen. in charge Administration and A.Q.M.G, Eastern Command ; Feb. 1918, to June, 1919, employed under Air Ministry as S.O. 1U-"; Club: Army and Navy. T . , A . ¦ MUNRO, Sir Thomas, G.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 10, June, 1866; s. of Thomas Munro, of Moorfarm House, Tain ; m. Jean RusseU, d. of James Smart, of Balgreen, Hamilton. Educ. : Privately ; MUne's Institution, Fochabers ; Edmburgn Univ. County Clerk and Treas. of Lanarkshire ; Clerk and Treas. Lanarkshire Education Authority; Clerk and ireas. Lanark District Board of Control, and other public appoint ments in Lanarkshire ; Chahman of Consultative Council on Local Health Administration and General Health Questions. Scottish Board of Health; Chairman of Lanarkshire Loan Advisory Committee, Ministry of Labour ; Chairman appointee by Government of National Industrial Provisional Jomt Com mittee (1919-20). Addresses : Avongrange, HamUton ; m, 376 BIOGRAPHIES. Murray Manor Place, Edinburgh. Clubs : National ; Caledonian ; Univ., Edinburgh. (G67) MUNROE, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Edwin, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C MUNTON, Lieut. Horaoe Munton BAKER-, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. MUNTYER, George Frederiok, O.B.E. MURCH, John, M.B.E. MURCHESON, Lieut.-Comm. Frank, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. MURCHIE, Archibald, O.B.E, M.A, B.L, 6. 30 Jan. 1890 ; s. of Capt. Archibald Murchie, of Ardrossan, Scotland.; to. Marianne, d. of Brooklyn Birks, of Manchester. Educ : Ardrossan Academy, and Glasgow Univ. War Work : June, 1915, to May, 1919, Supervising Accountant of the Y.M.C.A. with the British Armies in France and Belgium. Address : Welbeck, Waterloo Park, Liverpool. (03849) MURDOCH, Comm. Hugh CampbeU, O.B.E, R.C. MURDOCH Major Robert, O.B.E, J.P, Tipperary, 6. 24 Nov. 1871 ; s. of Sidney Murdoch, M.D. ; to. Florence Maude Mary, d. of John Alexander, M.A, Dean of Ferns. Educ. : Uppingham ; Trinity, Dublin. War Work : Major, R.A.S.C, Motor Transport, in France. Address : KUcoran, Cahir, Co. Tipperary. Club : Royal Automobile. (05616) MURDOCH, Major-Gen. John Franois BURN-, C.B, CM.G, C.B.E, J.P, fi. 26 March, 1859 ; s. of the late Rev. Canon Burn-Murdoch, of Greenyards ; m. Alice, d. of J. Burn- Murdoch, J.P, of Gartincaber. Educ. : Eton. Hon. Major- Gen, (ret.) ; Col. The Royal Dragoon. War Work : Com manded a mounted division untU March, 1918 ; then Staff Officer for Volunteer Services, Northern Command. Address : The Manor House, Normanton-on-Soar, Loughborough, Clubs : Cavalry ; Naval and MUitary ; New, Edinburgh. (C1491) MURDOCH, Major Ian BURN-, O.B.E, 6. 1 Nov. 1885; ». of Thomas Monck Burn-Murdock, F.R.C.P. (E.), M.B, CM. (Edin.), of Edinburgh (see Burke's Landed Gentry), l/32nd Sikh Pioneers. (011945a) MURDOCH, Regiaulde deMaule.Mrs T. BURN-, M.B.E, fi. 23 Oct. 1856 ; d. of Capt. Urmston, R.N, Knight, Legion of Honour ; m. Thomas Monck, s. of John Bum-Murdoch, of Gartincaber, Doune, Perthshire. Educ. : Privately. War Wort : Assistant County Director, Edinburgh ; worked at forming and training Voluntary Aid Detachments in Edinburgh and Midlothian ; assisted with staffing and equipping Auxiliary Hospitals ; served on several Red Cross Committees in Edin burgh and Glasgow, both before and during the war. Address : Gartincaber, Doune, Perthshire. Club : Ladies' Caledonian, Edinburgh. (M196) MURE, EmUy May, M.B.E. ; d. of J. B. Innes, W.S, of Edinburgh ; to. WUUam John, s. of David Mure. Educ. : Privately. Vice-President, Scottish Red Cross Society, East Lothian Branch. Addresses : St. Ann's, North Berwick ; 39, Lennon Gardens, S.W. 1. Club: Queen's, Edinburgh. (M9112) MURFITT, Major Charles Joseph, O.B.E., R.A.F. MURGATROYD, Dorothy Sarah, Mrs, M.B.E, B.A. Hons. (Lond.), fi. 24 Sept. 1890 ; d. of the late Frederick John Cox, of Nottingham. Edue. : MundeUa Secondary School, and Univ. CoU, Nottingham. Assistant Mistress, Secondary Schools. War Wort : Deputy Administrator, Q.M.A.A.C ; afterwards Acting Unit Administrator ; organised work under 67th Division, attached to Divl. Train. Address : 30, Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park, W. 2. (M5495) MURGATROYD, WiUiam John, M.B.E, 6. 11 Nov. 1876. Educ. : The Old British School, Castle Street, Kendal. Presi dent, Kendal Adult School ; Vice-President, Kendal Y.M.C.A. ; Chairman, W.P.C, N.S.P.CC ; District Sec. Affiance of Honour; Sec. Kendal Savings Committee; Cir. Steward, Primitive Methodist Church. War Work : Sec. of Local War Savings Committee ; succeeded in establishing 65 War Savings Associations, together with Local Agencies in a wild and scattered area. Addresses : 5, Parr Street, Kendal ; 26, Stricklandgate, Kendal. (M9113) MURISON, Annie AUce, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1869 ; i. of Peter Crombie, Dental Surgeon, of Aberdeen ; to. WiUiam Murison, County Clerk of Aberdeenshire. Educ. : Aberdeen, and Privately. War Work: Hon. Quartermaster, and District Prisoners of War Bureau. Addresi Road, Aberdeen ; County Buildings, Aberdeen. MURISON, WiUiam, O.B.E. MURLEY, Rev. James Reginald de Courcy O'Grady, O.B.E., fi. 19 April, 1882 ; s. of John James Murley, Vicar of St. Erth, Cornwall ; m. Florence Annie, d. of Reuben O'NeiU Pearson, of Tanley, Cartmell. Educ. : Malvern Coll, and Pembroke CoU, Oxford. 1906, Curate, St. Mary, Hornsey; 1911, Curate, St. George's, Hanover Square ; 1920, Vicar of DunstaU; 1920, Rector of Lanreath. War Work: T.C.F. «h Class, 1916 ; T.C.F. 3rd Class, 1917 ; Assistant Principal Chaplain, British Salonica Force, and Army of the Black Sea, 1917-19; mentioned in despatches, 1918 and 1919; Officer of the Serbian Order of St. Sava, 4th Class, 1920. Address : Lanreath Rectory, Duloe, R.S.O, CornwaU. (06513) MURPHY, Rev. Charles, M.B.E, A.I.F. MURPHY, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Clarence Robert, M.B.E. MURPHY, EUen Theodora, Lady, M.B.E, d. of the late Henry S. King ; m. 1880, Sh Shirley Foster Murphy, s. of the late George Murphy. Address : 9, Bentinck Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. (M3861) _ MURPHY, Major Francis PhiUp Sidney, M.B.E, fi. 22 July, 1882; s. of Francis Murphy, SoUcitor, of Liverpool Educ. : Privately, and Liverpool Univ. SoUcitor ; Member of Aberdeen ' 67, Forest (011022) the firm of F. Murphy and Son, 2, Hatton Garden, Liverpool, SoUcitors. War Work : Major, 8th (Dish) Batt. The King's Liverpool Regt. ; mobUised at outbreak of War ; assisted to reoruiting 2nd Batt. ; served with Expeditionary Force in France, 1915 ; invaUded ; appointed Appeal Representative to the Salford National Service Hundred Appeal Tribunal, 1917. Address : Walton Park, Liverpool. (M5496) MURPHY, Lieut. Frank, M.B.E, R.A.F. MURPHY, Hannah, Mrs., M.B.E. MURPHY, Henry Palmer, M.B.E, fi. 24 July, 1861 ; s. of WilUam John Murphy, of Plumstead, Kent ; m. Susan, d. of George Copsey, of Gosfleld, Essex. Educ : Privately. Retired Civil Servant; entered the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, July 1879 ; transferred to Inspection Department, March, 1888 ; Chief Clerk to successive Chief Inspectors of Ordnance untU June, 1915; when appointed Special Assistant to Chief Inspector of Munitions, Woolwich ; personal Assistant to Director-General of Inspection of Munitions at Ministry of Munitions from April, 1916, to Feb. 1920. Address: 64, Genesta Road, Plumstead. (M789) MURPHY, Major James, O.B.E. MURPHY, James, M.B.E, F.R.CS.E. ; s. of John Murphy, of Midleton, Co. Cork. Educ. : Queen's CoU, Cork, and Edinburgh. Hon. Surgeon, Albert Infirmary, Winsford ; Hon. Surgeon, Cottage Hospital, Tarporley. War Work : M.O. in charge Hopital Hotel Notre Dame des Greves, Parame, 1914-15 ; M.O. in charge AuxiUary Home Hospital, Middlewich, 1915-19. Address : The Beeches, Middlewich (M9114) MURPHY, Jerome Bernard, M.B.E. MURPHY, Capt. John, O.B.E. MURPHY, Maurice Michael, M.B.E, L.R.C.P, L.R.C.S. Educ : Deland, and Edinburgh. Hon. Physician, Borough Hospital, Birkenhead ; Med. Officer to Post Office. War Work : Medical Officer-in-charge, Hemingford Street MiUtary Hospital ; Physician, Boro' Hospital, Birkenhead ; Medical Officer, 19 T Branch of Red Cross. Address : 77, Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead. Club : Birkenhead Constitutional. (M10278) MURPHY, Lieut. Peter Kevin, M.B.E, A.I.F. MURPHY, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Reginald WilUam, M.B.E, A.I.F. MURPHY, Sir Shirley Forster, K.B.E, F.R.CS. ; s.of the late George Murphy ; m. Ellen Theodora, M.B.E. (q.v.), d. of Henry S. King. Educ. : Univ. Coll. School ; Guy's Hospital. Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C (T.) ; Vice-President, Royal Sanitary Institute ; Society of Medical Officers of Health and Epidemio logical Section, Royal Society of Medicine ; FeUow Royal Statis tical Society ; Deputy Chairman of TaUoring and Shirt Making Trade Boards ; late Examiner in Public Health, Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons ; Bisset Hawkins Medallist, Royal College of Physicians ; late Medical Officer of Health Adminis trative County of London ; Member of Royal Commission on Tuberculosis. Address : 9, Bentinck Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. 8. Clubs : Athenasum ; Savile. (K288) MURPHY, Rev. Thomas Carlyle, O.B.E. MURPHY, Rev. William, C.B.E. Is in Holy Orders of Church of Rome ; Chap, to the Forces ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1709) MURRANT, Ernest Henry, M.B.E. MURRAY, Lieut.-Col. Alan Sim, O.B.E. MURRAY, Alexander, O.B.E, fi. 25 May, 1868; s. of Daniel Murray, Inspector of Poor, Carluke ; m. Jessie Helen d. of Gavin Muter, of Stonehouse. Educ. : Carluke Public School, and Hamilton Academy. Assessor and Registration Officer for the County of Lanark. War Work: Organised recruiting meetings throughout the county ; had charge of National Registration, Local Tibunal anntWar Pension work ; acted as Assistant Hon. Sec. of Lanarkshire War Relief Fund. Address : Baltotore, Stewarton Drive, Cambuslang. Club : County, HamUton, ^ __ , i®1®9®) MURRAY, Sir Alexander Robertson, Knt. Bach, C.B.E. Senior Partner, Messrs. Duff & Company, Calcutta; Presi dent, Chamber of Commerce. MURRAY, Amelia Henrietta. Mrs., M.B.E. MURRAY. Amy H, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 13 Nov. 1870; d. ot Andrew J. Johnston, of Dublin; m. Albert E. Murray, R.H.A, F R I B.A, s. of WilUam George Murray, of DubUn. Educ. : Alexandra School, Dublin ; France; Alexandra Coll, Dublin. War Work : for some time Chairman Women's Branch Royal DubUn Fusiliers; 1916-19, Organiser and Hon. Treas. of the Soldiers' Club, BaU's Bridge, Dublin, and of Military Canteen at Bombing School, Irish Command; this club was a great success: the proceeds, £229, were given to the Dummond Institute of Orphan Daughters of Soldiers. „ _, __ WM5) MURRAY, Arthur John Layard, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.N. MURRAY, Lieut.-Col. Charles Frederick Kennan, O.B.E, M D F R 0.S.I, J.P, fi. 27 Sept. 1848 ; s. of Thomas Davis Murray, of Co. Wicklow, Deland ; to. Caroline, d. of Sh John Charles Molteno, K.C.M.G, of S. Africa. Educ : Queen's and Royal Univ. of Deland. President Colonial Medical Council, S Africa ; Consulting Medical Officer of Somerset Hospital, Cape Town ; Consulting Surgeon Wynberg Hospital. War Work ¦ Surgeon, Royal Navy, 1869 ; served in Ashantee War, 1873 • mentioned in despatches ; awarded Ashantee War Medal • served as Lieut.-Col. S.A.M.C ; Medical Officer in charge of Convalescent Hospitals at Wynberg and Newlands, S Africa, 1915-18. Addresses : Kenilworth, C.P, South Africa ; Palmiet P.O., Elgin, C.P, S. Africa. (08359) 377 Murray THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. MURRAY, Capt. Charles Geoffrey, O.B.E, R.M. MURRAY, Edith, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Robert McKerehar; M.B, Ch.B, Newton House, Dalbeattie, Scotland • to. Lieut. Matthew Randolph, R.E, s. of M. D. Murray. Educ : Geo. Watson's CoU, Edinburgh. War Work : Hon. Sec. to the Local War Pensions Committee. (M9116) MURRAY, Edward, M.B.E. (M10457) MURRAY, Lieut.-Col. Erie Madden C.B.E, A.P.D, 6. 3 March, 1869 ; s. of the late Col. J. W. Murray, of Warmer ; to. Mary EUzabeth, d. of the late Surgeon-Major P. H. Roe, of Coolfinn, Deland. Educ. : United Services CoU, Westward Ho t Joined Royal Warwickshire Regt, 9 April, 1892 ; seconded for service under the Foreign Office and served as District Commissioner, H.B.M.'s Niger Coast Protectorate, 1896-1900 ; rejoined regiment, Jan. 1900 ; transferred from Royal Warwickshire Regt. to Royal Army Pay Department, June, 1900. War Work : Served in Command Pay Office, Dublin, Aug. 1914, to Sept 1915 ; Regimental Pay Office, Perth, Oct. 1915, to Dec. 1916 ; Regimental Pay Office, Chatham, Dec. 1916, to Feb. 1918 ; in charge of Regimental Pay Office, Woking, Feb. 1918, to date. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, London. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C1710) MURRAY, Evelyn, Hon. Mrs. Ronald Thomas Graham, O.B.E. ; d. of Sh David Baird, 3rd Bart, (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Major Hon. Ronald Thomas Graham, s. of the 1st Baron Dunedin, Capt. 3rd Batt. Black Watch. Address: 13, Cheyne Place, Chelsea, S.W. 3. (0994) MURRAY, Everitt George Dunne, O.B.E, M.A. (Cantab.), L.M.S.S.A. : s. of G. A. E. Murray, M.B, F.R.CS, of 24, Plein Street, Johannesburg, S. Africa ; to. Winifred Hardwick, d. of T. Hardwick Woods, of Blundeston HaU, Suffolk. Educ. : St. John's Coll. ; Johannesburg Coll. ; Transvaal Univ. Coll. ; Christ's Coll, Cambridge ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Late Senior Demonstrator of Pathology, St. Bartholo mew's Hospital, London ; in charge of the Medical Research Councils, Serology Laboratory, Cambridge. War Work : On the Staff of the Central Cerebro-Spinal Fever Laboratory, London ; served at Basra, Mesopotamia ; on the Staff of the Vaccine Department of the R.A. Medical Coll, London ; Member of the War Office Committee on BacUlary Dysentery. Address : The Univ. of Cambridge Field Laboratories, Milton, Cambridge. Club : Fly Fishers'. (07503) MURRAY, Dr. Flora, C.B.E. Doctor-in-Charge of Mil. Hospital, Endell Street, W.C. (C50) MURRAY, Frederick, M.B.E. MURRAY, Sir George, K.B.E, 6. 12 Aug. 1865 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. Charles Murray, 42nd Black Watch (Royal High landers) ; m. LUy GwendoUne, d. of Walter Mayhew, J.P, of Duxbury Park, Chorley, Lancs. Educ. : Weston-super-Mare. War Work : Territorial Officers' Casualty Dept. War Office,, 1915-17 ; Statistical Department, War Office, 1917-20 ; Secretary of Ferguson Committee, War Office, 1918. Address : 37, Kensington Park Gardens, W. 11. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Baldwin. (K401) MURRAY, Eng.-Capt. George WilUam, C.B.E, R.N. MURRAY, Gertrude Margaret, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of W. MUls Baker, of Stoke Bishop ; m. John, s. of John Murray, of DubUn. Educ. : Clifton High School ; Laleham ; The London Hospital. War Work : The Central Depot (H.R.H. Princess Beatrice's), 2, Cavendish Square. Address : 110, Harley Street, W. 1. (011025) MURRAY, Helen Mary, Hon. Lady, C.B.E, Lady of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, fi. 18 Oct. 1857 ; d. of 1st Baron Dunleath, of BaUywalter Park, Ireland (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Rt. Hon. Sir George Herbert, P.C, G.C.B, s. of the Rev. George Murray, of Southfleet. War Work : Founder of No. 10 B.R.C Hospital, Le Treport, France, a hospital for British Officers from June, 1916, to Feb. 1919 (previously for French wounded, from Dec. 1914. to June, 1916), for which she received the MedaiUe de Ia Reconnaisance Francaise. Address : 15, Cadogan Square, S.W. (C1010) MURRAY, Capt. Howard, O.B.E, 6. 19 Feb. 1875 ; s of Edward Murray, of Halifax, N.S. ; m. Ida Gertrude, d. of Alex. 0. Ritchie, of HaUfax, N.S. Educ: Halifax County Academy. Financier ; Vice-President, Aldred & Co Ltd Investment Bankers ; Vice-President, The Shawinigan Water and Power Co. ; Member, CouncU of PubUc Instruction for Province of Quebec. War Work : Chahman, Explosives Committee, Imperial Munitions Board, directing production of Explosives and Propellents in Canada, including erection of National plants ; directed development of Canadian Electro Products Co. plant producing acetic acid and acetone. Ad dresses : 51, Belvedere Road, Westmount, P.Q. ; Ivesleigh Stanstead County, P.Q. Clubs : St. James' ; Beaconsfield Golf : Hermitage Country ; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht. (O602) MURRAY, Hugh, C.I.E.. C.B.E, J.P, fi. 1861; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. Charles Murray, 42nd Highlanders ; m 1st, GwendoUne Mabel Langridge (who died) ; 2nd, Dorothv Christine, d. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir William Mather, P.C. of Bramble Hill Lodge, New Forest, Hants. Entered India Forest Ser. 1882 ; Dep. Conservator, 1887 ; Conservator, 1905 ¦ retired as Senior Conservator of Forests, Bombay, 1911 •' appointed Dep. Controller of Timber, 1907 ; Assist. Commr' Forestry Commr. for England and Wales, 1919. Address : Graylands, Wimbledon Park, S.W. (C576i MURRAY, Janet, M.B.E. ' MURRAY, James, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 2 Aug. 1854; s. of David Murray, of East Grinstead, Sussex ; to. Fannie, d. of 378 Henry HaU, of East Grinstead, Sussex. Educ : East Grin- stead. Farmer. War Work : Chahman of the Surrey War Agricultural Executive Committee. Address : Headley Grove Epsom, Surrey. _„_.,_, (O604)' MURRAY, Lieut. James Edward, M.B.E. MURRAY, James Robertson, M.B.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1886; s. of the late James Robertson Murray ; to. Helen Brooks, _. of Dr. F. M. Wilson, of Bridgeport, Conn. U.S.A. Educ • Privately. H.M. Consul at LUle. War Work : Acting Consul, Colon, Panama. Address : H.M. Consulate, Lille. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (M791) MURRAY, John, O.B.E, 6. 12 May, 1871 ; s. of Alexander Murray, of Gartymore, Sutherlandshire. Educ : Dr. Coke's School, Brecon. Superintendent of Freight trains, Midland RaUway. Address : 52, Harttogton Street. Derby. (011027) MURRAY, Major John, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.), fi. 5 Feb. 1871 ; s. of Alexander Murray, of Glasgow ; m. EUzabeth Craig, d. of W. S. Miller. J.P, of Brecon. Educ : Hutchesons Grammar School, and Glasgow Univ. President of the Shrop shire and Mid- Wales Branch of the British Medical Association ; M.O.H. Llandrindod Wells Urban District ; Senior Medical Officer Llandrindod Wells Hospital. War Work: M.O-in- charge AuxUiary Hospital, Llandrindod WeUs. Address: Havod Awen, Llandrindod WeUs. Club : Royal Societies'. (011026) MURRAY, Engineer-Capt. John Adam, C.B.E, R.N. (ret.). Emergency Repair Overseer, Aberdeen, during Great War. (C2319) MURRAY, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John Francis Stuart, M.B.E, M.C, Aust. A.M.C. MURRAY. Josephine, M.B.E. ; d. of P. J. Murray, late Manager National Bank, Galway. Educ : Sacred Heart Convent, Carlisle, and Calais. War Work : Hon. Treas. and Sec, Irish War Hospital Supply Sub-Depot, Galway; Hon. Treas, Galway War Fund Association ; Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society Friend. Address : Eglinton House, Galway. (M9118) MURRAY, Major Kenneth A., O.B.E. MURRAY, Capt. Lennox Biggar, O.B.E. MURRY, Mary Stewart, O.B.E. MURRAY, Lieut. NeU Smith, O.B.E, R.N.R. MURRAY, Major Patrick Moncreifl, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 8 April, 1884 ; s. of Patrick Murray, W.S, of 7, Eton Terrace, Edinburgh ; to. Margaret, d. of the late W. Holms-Kerr, of Largs, Ayrshire. Educ. : The Edinburgh Academy, Edin burgh. Tea Planter. War Work : Joined the Lothians and Border Horse Yeomanry, Sept. 1914 ; Commissioned 2nd Lieut. 7th Batt. the Seaforth Highlanders, Dec. 1914 ; France, May, 1915 ; invaUded to U.K. Oct. 1915 ; attached H.Q. 75th Inf. Bgde, France, as Staff Capt. 124th Inf. Bdge, March, 1917; Italy, Nov. 1917; D.A.A.G. 48th South Midland Division, March, 1918 ; D.A.A.G, G.H.Q. Italy, March to July, 1919. Has ItaUan Croce di Guerra ; twice mentioned in des patches. Addresses : Brownlow Estate, MaskeUya, Ceylon ; 7, Eton Terrace, Edinburgh, Scotland. Club : The HU1, Nuwara EUya, Ceylon. (02993) MURRAY, Phoebe Henrietta, Mrs., O.B.E. (012052) MURRAY, 2nd Lieut. Reginald Myrie, M.B.E. MURRAY, Richard, O.B.E, M.V.O, 6. 19 June, 1865; s. of Richard Murray, of Portsmouth ; to. IsabeUa, d. of the late Thomas Sagar, Fleet Engineer, R.N. Educ. : Privately. Technical Assistant Naval Store Dept, Admiralty, S.W. Address : 14, Oakington Avenue, Wembley Park, Middlesex. (011029) MURRAY Robert Alexander, O.B.E, M.D, J.P. Educ: Edinburgh Univ. ; Paris. Consulting Surgeon (Hon. Sur geon for 25 years) ; Alderman, County Borough of Stock port ; Chairman, Old Age Pensions Committee. War Wort : Took active part in organising and was A. Medical Officer to School, and MiUtary Hospitals, and Brinnington Neurological Hospital, Stockport (over 60,000 cases treated). Address: Apsley, Stockport, Cheshire. (011828) MURRAY, Robert Alexander, M.B.E, fi. 5 June, 1864 ; s. of the late John Murray, of Grongar Bank, KUmarnock ; m. Jessie Kerr, d. of Gordon Kerr, of Helensburgh. Educ : Grongar School ; Wigtown School ; Crookedholm School ; KUmarnock Academy and School of Art. Bank Agent; Actuary Bathgate Savings Bank ; House Factor and Insurance Agent ; Sec. Bathgate Agricultural Association and Farmers' Union ; Sec. St. Andrews' Ambulance Association Bathgate Centre. War Work : Commandant of No. 1 Linhthgow V.A.D. serving at Bangour War Hospital on arrival of all convoys of wounded from the front ; Sec. of Bathgate Red Cross Society, and latterly of LinUthgowshhe Branch. Address: National Bank House, Bathgate. (M9119) MURRAY, Major Robert WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.), F.R.CS. MURRAY, Hon. Mrs. Ronald Thomas Graham, O.B.E. MURRAY, Stuart, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, M.R.0.S, L.R.C.P, F.R.G.S, 6. 1880 ; s. of Richard Murray, of Man chester ; m. Constance Mary, d. of T. C Orton, of Nottingham. Educ. : Manchester Univ. Medical Officer, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : T. Capt, R.A.M.C. Address : King's Lancashire Convalescent Centre, Blackpool. (06675) MURRAY, Susan Ann, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Robert Stephen, of Peterhead, Scotland ; to. Donald David CoghUl Murray, D.S.O, s. of the late John Jolly Murray, of Castletown, Caithness, Scotland. Educ. : Church of Scotland Training Coll, Aberdeen, Scotland. Hon. Organising Sec. of the BIOGRAPHIES. Myers Victoria League of South Africa (Orange Free State Section) ; Hon. Sec. of the South African Red Cross Society in the Orange Free State ; Chahman of the Orange Free State Committee of the South- African Soldiers' Graves Association. War Work : Hon. Organising Sec. of the Provincial War Relief Committee of the Victoria League of South Africa (Orange Free State Section), which acted as the O.F.S. Branch of the Queen Mary's Needlework GuUd, the South African Gifts and Comforts Organisation, and the South African Red Cross Society, with headquarters at Bloemfontein. Address : Haldon, nr. Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, S. Africa. Otefis .' Ramblers (Bloemfontein) ; Alexandra (Capetown) ; Associate of the Royal Colonial Institute, London. (M1225) MURRAY, Thomas Roberts, O.B.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1862, s. of James Murray, of Hendon ; to. Annie Starrier Bain, d. of Peter Bain, of FountviUe, Woodside, Aberdeen. Educ. : Chanonry House School, Old Aberdeen. Joint Managing Director to Messrs. Spencer & Co, Ltd, Engineers of Melksham, Wilts. War Work : Engaged in development and production of war and munition work, explosive paravanes. Address : Keverstone, Bath. Clubs : Bath and County ; Royal Auto mobile ; British Empire. (O605) MURRAY, Col. Sir Valentine, K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G. (late E.E.), 4. 13 Feb. 1867 ; s. of George Murray, of Lincoln's Inn ; m. Flora Constance, d. of Ralph Entwistle Peters, of Eastington, Glos. Educ : Malvern CoU, and R.M.A. Woolwich. Lieut. R.E, 1886 ; Capt. R.E, 1896 ; Brevet Major, 1900 ; Major E.E, 1904; Lieut.-Col. R.E, 1912; Colonel, 1916. War Wort : South African War, 1899-1902 ; Queen's Medal, with 8 clasps, King's Medal, 2 clasps ; Despatches ; Brevet Majority ; European War, 1914-18, employed as Deputy Director of EaUways, France, Oct. 1914, to Feb. 1917 ; Director of Trans portation and Railway Traffic, with rank of Brig.-Gen. Feb. 1917, to June, 1919 ; despatches 5 times ; Knight of Grace St. John of Jerusalem ; Commandeur Legion d'Honneur. Address: 10, Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. 1. Club : United Service. (K267) MURRAY, Violet, O.B.E. MURRAY, Major Walter, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. MURRAY, WilUam, M.B.E. MURRAY, WUUam, O.B.E., J.P. MURRAY, Major WiUiam, O.B.E, M.P, 6. 31 Oct. 1865 ; s. of Capt. John Murray, R.N, of Murraythwaite, Ecclefechan, rf.B. ; m. Evelyn, d. of John Bruce, of 13, AinsUe Place, Edin burgh. Educ. : Privately, and Magdalen CoU, Oxford. M.P. Drimfriesshire, 1918. War Work : Deputy Assistant Inspector of Recruiting H.Q. Scottish Command, 1915-18 ; Competent MUitary Authority, Forth Garrison Command, 1918-19. Addresses : Murraythwaite, Ecclefechan, N.B. ; 98, Park Street, Mayfair, W. 1. Clubs : Carlton ; New Edinburgh. (01697) MURRAY, Major WiUiam Alexander Kininmount, MURRAY, WilUam Alfred, O.B.E, ft. 1865 ; s. of Dr. J. Ivor Murray, of Hong Kong, and Scarborough ; m. Edith Mary, i. of Rev. J. Sturton, of Woodboro', Wilts. Educ. : Tonbridge School ; Queen's CoU, Cambridge ; St. Bartholo mew's Hospital; Aberdeen Univ. D.C.M.S. (Tropical diseases) Ministry of Pensions, Yorkshire Region. War Work : CivU Surgeon, Chittagong, Bengal, 1915-16 ; R.A.M.C, 1917- 18; M.O. 43 Stadantwerpen ; M.O.-in-charge Tropical Diseases Section, 4th London General Hospital ¦ War Office, as asssistant to Consultant in Malaria. Addresses : c/o National Bank of India, Bishopsgate Street, E.C. ; c/o CM.S. Ministry of Pensions, 7, Boar Lane, Leeds. Club : PubUc Schools. (O7404) MURRAY, Major WiUiam Cochrane, O.B.E, M.B, E.A.M.C. (T.). MURRAY, Major Robert Alan ERSKINE-, O.B.E. MURRAY, Clarisse Maria Guthrie RIGBY-, Mrs, O.B.E, i. of Capt. 0. W. Reynolds ; to. George Rigby, s. of B. Rigby Murray, of Parton. War Work : In charge of Y.M.C.A. Hut in Military Surgical Hospital, Shepherd's Bush, London. Address: Parton, GaUoway, Scotland. (011023) MURRAY, Emma CeciUa, Lady WYNDHAM-, O.B.E. ; i. of E. Walker ; to. Col. Sh Charles Wyndham. K.C.B, s. of the late Rev. T. B. Murray, Prebendary of St. Paul's. Addresses : 10, Rutland Gate, S.W. 7 ; Winton House, Rich mond, Surrey. (05235) MURRELL, Capt. Henry Franois, M.B.E. MURRELL, Major Percy Murray John, O.B.E, R.A.F. MURRY, John Middleton, O.B.E, 6. 6 Aug. 1889 ; s. of John Murry, of Wandsworth, London; to. Kathleen, d. of Harold Beauchamp, of Wellington, N.Z. Educ. : Christ's Hospital; Brasenose CoU, Oxford. Editor of the " Athenseum." War Work : Editor of the " DaUy Review of the Foreign Press." Address : 2. Portland ViUas, Hampstead. (011031) MURSELL, Col. Henry Temple, O.B.E. MURTON, AUce Hope, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of the late WUliam Hardwick Bradburv, Proprietor of " Punch " ; m. Uiarles Duncan, s. of Sir Walter Murton, C.B, of Langton, Kent. War Work: Commandant of the Aux. Mil. V.A.D. Hospital, Cranbrook. Kent, from Oct. 1914, to Jan. 1919. Address: Cranbrook Lodge, Cranbrook, Kent. Club: Halcyon. (M9121) MURTON, Capt. Ivo Murray, M.B.E. MURTRIE, David James, O.B.E, I.S.O. -MUSGRAVE, Lieut. Arthur Stanley Gordon, M.B.E, MUSGRAVE, Lieut.-Col. Bernard, O.B.E, M.I.M.E., 6. 4 April, 1877 ; s. of Walter Martin, of Bolton, Lancashire ; m. Ellen Susan,' d. of Thomas Symos, of Yeovil. Educ : Uppingham, and Neuwied, Germany. Late Director of Messrs. John Musgrave & Sons, Ltd, Bolton, Lancashire. War Work : Commanded the 2/12th The Loyal North Lancashire Regt. in England, the l/4th K.O.Y.L.I. in France; left for Russia North Expd. Force, June, 1918, returned Nov. 1919 ; men tioned three times in despatches. Addresses : Glenwood, Amersham Common, Bucks ; Valparaiso, ChUi. (09701) MUSGRAVE, Catherine Wares Rittie, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 19 July, 1864; d. of James Bremner^ of Kirkhill, Wick, Caithness ; to. Edgar Musgrave, s. of Benjamin Musgrave. Educ. : Wick ; Edinburgh ; London ; Germany. Manageress, Prince's Hotel, Hove. War Work : Care of invaUd officers, who through the generosity of the Directors of Prince's Hotel were given free hospitaUty. Address : Prince's Hotel, Hove. (M9122) MUSGRAVE, Capt. Francis Peete, M B.E, I.A.R.O. MUSGRAVE, Henry, O.B.E. MUSGRAVE, Capt. William Newcome, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. MUSGRAVE, WiUiam Noel SAGAR-, M.B.E, 6. 18 Jan. 1876; s. of J. M. Sagar-Musgrave, of Red HaU, ShadweU, Leeds. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. War Work : Assist. Com mander, " 0 " Division, the MetropoUtan Special Constabulary. Address : 30, St. James' Square, Pall Mall, S.W. 1. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Royal Automobile. (M9123) MUSGRLN, WiUiam Charles, M.B.E. MUSKER, Capt. Herbert, O.B.E. MUSPRATT, Horace, O.B.E, 6. 31 Dec. 1875; s. of Edmund K. Muspratt, of Seaforth Hall, Seaforth, Lancashire ; m. Rose Mary, d. of Hugh Verdon, of Llanerchydol HaU, Welshpool, Montgomery. Educ. : Lockers Park ; Clifton CoU. ; Paris ; Wiesbaden. Director of the United Alkali Co, Ltd. War Work: Hon. Sec. Liverpool Local Central Com mittee for War Savings, which was instrumental in collecting more money for War Bonds, Loans, and War Savings Cer tificates than any other provincial city. Address : 15, Alex andra Drive, Sefton Park, Liverpool. Clubs : Racquet, Liverpool ; National Liberal. (01698) MUSSON, Arthur, M.B.E. MUSTARDE, John Clark, M.B.E. MUTEE, Rohera Muriwair, Mrs., O.B.E. (02193) MUTTLEBURY, Stanley Duff, O.B.E. MYATT, Agnes Rose, M.B.E, 6. 15 July, 1891 ; d. of the late Frederick Myatt. Educ. : Green Secondary School, Isleworth. War Work : Chief of Women's Staff, War Trade Statistical Dept. ; Member of Women's Legion. (M2216) MYATT, Major Arthur Egbert, O.B.E. MYDDLETON, Lieut.-Col. Cornelius WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. MYERS, Arthur WalUs, C.B.E, fi. 24 July, 1878; s. of the late Rev. John Brown Myers, of Watford, Herts. ; m. LiUan Agnes, d. of the late Captain George Gentry, of Maldon, Essex. Educ. : Watford ; The Leys, Cambridge. War Work : Attached Department of Information (Foreign Office) ; Director of Publications, National War Aims Committee. Address : Berrow, Epsom. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Queen's. (C2828) MYERS, Charles Samuel, C.B.E, F.R.S, 6. 13 March, 1873 ; s. of Wolf Myers, of London ; to. Edith, d. of I. Sehgman, of London Educ. : City of London School ; GonviUe and Caius CoU, Camb.; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Director of the Psychological Laboratory, Cambridge ; FeUow of GonviUe and Caius CoU. ; Editor of the " British Journal of Psychology ; Member of the Industrial Fatigue Research Board. War Work : Consultant Psychologist to the British Armies in France; Inspector of Neurological Hospitals for the War Office ; Advisor to the Anti-Submarine Division of the Admiralty m selection tests for hydrophone operators. Addresses: 30, Montagu Square, London, W. 1; Birchwood, Porlock, Somerset. Clubs: Athenaeum; Savile; Oxford and Cambridge Musical (C2051) MYERS, Dudley Borron, O.B.E, 6. 23 Feb. 1861 ; s of the late Thomas Borron Myers, J.P, of Porters Park, Shenley, Herts ; m. Anna Frances, d. of the late Major Thomas William Hilton, of H.M. Indian Army. Educ. : Eton Late President in India of European Association of Ind-a. War Work : 1914, organising centres for Voluntary Social Service Bureau for Men ; also voluntary work, Queen's Work for Women Fund ; 1915, voluntary work, Government Commission for Providing Occupation for Belgian Refugees ; 1915-19 Hon. Sec Employ ment Bureau, Queen Mary's Convalescent Auxiliary Hospitals, Roehampton ; Member Committee Queen Mary s Workshop, PavUion MiUtary Hospital,. Brighton. Address Junior Carlton Club. Clubs: Junior Carlton; Orleans ; Royal Automobile ; Hurltagham. .,„_„-_, (Oibaaj MYERS, Lieutenant Harry Cecil, M.B.E. MYERS, Horace, M.B.E. MYERS, James Eekersley, O.B.E, D.Sc, A.I.C , 6. 24 June, 1890; s. of WilUam Myers, of Bolton, and Cheadle Hulme ; m. Elsie, d. of John Ingram of Colwyn Bay. Educ . Manchester Grammar School, and Manchester Uinv. Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, and Science Tutor Univ of Manchester War Work : Research on various chemical problems, including poison gases, for H.M. Ministry of Munitions. Address : The University, Manchester. _ _„T,1JTTlt,-Rr, i (Voi V MYERS, Lancelot Brainard, M.B.E, L.D.S, R.C.S. (Eng ), 6 1 May, 1870. Educ. : St. Albans Grammar School ; Middle sex and Nat. Dental Hospitals. Dental Surgeon. Hon. 379 Myers THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Dent. Surgeon, CorneUa Hospital, Poole ; Dental Surgeon, Poole School Clinic. War Work : Hon. Sec, Poole Local War Pensions ; Hon. Dental Surgeon, Poole Red Cross Hospital ; Member of the Red Cross. Address : The Pines, Parkstone Road, Longfleet, Poole, Dorset. Clubs : Poole Yacht ; Dorset Gon. (M9128) MYERS Leopold,, O.B.E. MYERS, Lieut. Nathan Coleman, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. MYERS, Vera Anita, Mrs., O.B.E. MYLCHREEST, Thomas, M.B.E. MYLES, Lieut.-Col. Charles Duncan, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C MYLES, Capt. Robert Boulton, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. (011756) MYLES, Surg.-Comm. Thomas WilUam, C.B.E, M.D, B.A, B.A.O. B.Ch, F.R.CS, R.N , fi. 27 May, 1878 ; s. of Thomas W. Myles, M.D, of Howth, Co. DubUn, Ireland. Educ. : High School, Dublin ; Trinity CoU, DubUn ; Royal Coll. of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Officer of Crown of Italy ; Officer of Order George I. of Greece ; Greek Order of MiUtary Merit. War Work : Medal and clasp for operation in the Persian Gulf, H.M.S. " Hyacinth," flagship, Rear-Admiral Sir E. Slade, 1909-11 ; S.M.O. H.M.S. " Sapphire " 1914-16 ; employed on Dover Patrol, North Sea, and to the landing at Y. Beach, GaUipoU, 2d April, 1915 ; May, 1915, to Oct. 1916, attached to the ItaUan Light Cruiser division in the Adriatic, Dec. 1916-20, S.M.O. 3rd Royal Marine Batt. attached to the Salonica Field Force ; afterwards S.M.O. Royal Marine Garrison, _Egean Islands, and Royal Naval Hospital, Mudros, and Russian Refugee Camps at Mudros. Address : c/o Admiralty, London. Club : Royal Societies'. (C3215) MYLES, Capt. Walter Andrew, O.B.E, fi. 18 Sept. 1892; s. of Capt. Walter Myles, of the Mercantile Marine. Educ. : Holy Trinity School, Formby, Lancashire. Entered Liverpool cotton firm (Continental Dept.), 1910 ; enlisted T.F. (Scottish Batt.) May, 1912, and subsequently won many shooting prizes ; mobilised Aug. 1914, and went to France Oct. same year ; wounded, Ypres, 1915, and Somme, 1916 : to Prisoners of War Camp in France, 1917 ; promoted Capt, 1918 ; to command 189 Prisoners of War Co. ; relinquished this on being appointed Staff Lieut, G.H.Q, and later Staff Capt, G.H.Q. (Prisoners of War Section) ; after all Prisoners of War repatriated from France in 1919, transferred to War Office to wind up Prisoners of War affairs. Address : St. Brelades, Bakehouse Road, Wanstead, Essex. (05619) MYLINS, WUhelmina Leonie, M.B.E. MYLNE, Katharine Isabel, O.B.E. ; d. of the Rev. Townsend Webb Mylne. War Work : Headquarters, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Address: 42, Bullingham Mansions, Kensington. (011035) MYLREA, Doctor Charles Stanley Garland, O.B.E. MYLREA, Maynard, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. ofthe Rev. Charles Matheson, of St. Edmunds School, Canterbury ; to. Col. WUliam Percy Mylrea (who died 1915). Educ. : Privately. War Work : Nurse at Woodhouse Hospital, Essex ; four years in charge of Y.M.C.A. Hut for N.Z. troops at SUng Camp, Salisbury Plain. Address : Hospytts HaU, Gt. Horkesley, Colchester. (M792) MYOTT, John, M.B.E, R.N. MYRES, Lieut.-Comm. John Linton, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. MYSORE, H.H. Maharaja Sur Krishnaraja Wadijat, Bahadur of, G.B.E. (G17) NADIN, Joseph, O.B.E, F.R.S.A, 6. 2 Jan. 1860 ; s. of John Nadin, of Salford ; m. Hannah Jane, d. ot WUliam Oldham, of Oldham. Educ. : Privately. Co-opted member of Oldham Education Committee ; a Governor of the Municipal Secondary School ; a Trustee of the United Charities ; Member of Council of Social Welfare. War Work : Hon. Sec. of Local Representative Committee of National Relief Fund ; Hon. Sec, Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Associa tion ; District Head Incor. Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society ; the Oldham Representative on the Lancashire County Appeals Tribunal ; District Representative Women on Land ; Chah man, Oldham War Pensions, etc. Local Committee, and member Lancashire and Westmorland Advisory Committee, Belgian Refugees Hospitality Committee, War Savings Com mittee, AlUes General Relief Fund Committee, Oldham, and Middleton Labour Advisory Committee, and Executive Council of Oldham Branch League of Nations Union. Address : 11, Nadin Street, Oldham. Club : Reform, Oldham. (O11036) NAEF, Conrad James, C.B.E, fi. 28 July, 1871 ; s. of Conrad Naef, of Hausen am Albis, Switzerland. Educ. : City of London School, and Merton Coll, Oxford. Civil Servant ; Deputy Aecountant-Gen. of the Navy. Addresses : Admiralty, London, S.W. ; 32, Strawberry HU1 Road, Twickenham. Clubs : United Univ. ; Royal Societies'. (C257) NAGGS, 2nd Lieut. Leonard Bertram, M.B.E. NAIRN, Capt. Douglas Gordon, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.). NAIRN, Major George Alexander Stokes, M.B.E. NAISH, Lieut. Francis Clement Prideaux, M.B.E, R.E. NAISH, Harold Walter, M.B.E. ,mN^LDER' Leonard Fielding, CLE, C.B.E, T. Major (T. Lieut.-Col.), Special List. (03185a) NANCARROW, Charlotte AUce, Mrs., M.B.E. NANCE, Sir Arthur Stanley, K.B.E, C.B, J.P, R.N, 6. 27 May, 1860 ; s. of James Nance, F.R.CS, of Eccleshall, Staffs. ; m. Janet Besnard, d. of WiUiam Newburgh TisdaU, of Donemark, Bantry. Educ. : Trent CoU. ; St. Bart's Hospital. War Work : Naval Medical Transport Officer for Scotland, and later Principal Medical Transport Officer at the Admiralty ; temporarily employed Ministry of Pensions London. Address : Donemark House, Bantry, Co. Cork Club : Junior Army and Navy. (K262) NANCE, Thomas Pierce Hams, M.B.E. (M10408) NAPIER, Capt. Arthur Lenox, O.B.E, 6. 3 Dec. 1863; 5. of the late Rev. J. W. Napier-Clavering, of AxweU Park, Blaydon-on-Tyne ; to. Marianne, d. of the late Louis Valentine, of Belfast. Educ. : Rossall School, and R.M. Coll. Lieut Alexandra P.W.O. Yorks. Regt, 1882 ; Capt. 1892 ; retired, 1904 ; Assistant to Col. in charge Records Border Grouped Regt. District, 1905 ; Sec. Northumberland T.F. Association, 1908. War Work : Sec. Northumberland T.F. Association, Northumberland Local War Pensions Committee, Committee of Northumberland Prisoners of War Organisation. Address : Abbey Cottage, Alnwick, Northumberland. Club : Army and Navy. (O606) NAPIER, CeciUa Jane, Mrs., C.B.E. ; d. of Charles John Harper, of Canterbury, N.Z, and gr. d. of the Right Rev. H. J. C Harper, D.D, first Bishop of Christehurch, N.Z, and Primate of New Zealand ; to. Arundel Berkeley Napier, second s. of Edward Berkeley Napier, of Penward House, Shepton MaUet. War Work : Hon. Sec. British Red Cross, Bath 1914-19; Commandant V.A.D, Somerset 120, since 1915; Hon. Sec. Bath War Hospital Committee, 1915-20; Com mandant Bath Rest Station, 1916-19 ; Hon. Sec. Bath Red Cross Soldiers" Comforts, 1916-19 ; Commandant Bathampton Red Cross Hospital for Limbless Soldiers, 1917-19 ; Organising Sec. Bath Flag Days, 1916-19 ; Joint Sec. Bath Red Cross Fete, 1917. Address : 26, St. James' Square, Bath. (C2829) NAPIER, Major Charles James, O.B.E. NAPIER, Major Franois, O.B.E. NAPIER, 2nd Lieut. James Roos, M.B.E, M.C. NAPIER, Lieut.-Col. John Steward, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. NAPIER, Norman WUson, M.B.E. NARBETH, John Harper, C.B.E, M.V.O, R.C.N.C, M.Inst.N.A, 6. 26 May, 1863 ; s. of John Harper Narbeth, of Pembroke Dock, South Wales ; m. Aqrula EUzabeth, d. of William Anstey, of Portsmouth. Edue. : National School, Pembroke Dock ; Mathematical School, Pembroke Dockyard ; Royal Naval CoU, Greenwich. Chief Constructor, Royal Corps of Naval Constructors ; Member Inst, of Naval Architects ; Member of various committees and sub-committees of British Engineering Standards Association ; Member of Joint Aero nautical Technical Committee of Admiralty and Air Ministry. War Work : Design and construction of immense numbers of vessels for auxUiary services, such as Oil Tank Steamers for fleet services and ocean transports ; conversion of passenger and cargo steamers for same purposes ; mine sweeping vessels, such as Single Screw Sloops of Flower Class and Paddle Steamers of Ascot Class ; Submarine hunting vessels ; Seaplane and Aircraft Carriers, such as " Ark Royal," " Engadine " and " Campania." Addresses : Ferndale, Grove Road, Sutton, Surrey ; Admhalty, WhitehaU, London, S.W. 1. (C2830) NARES, Lieut. Ramsay LleweUyn Ives, M.B.E. NARRACOT, IsabeUa Frances, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. NASH, Agnes Kathleen Mary, Lady, O.B.E. ; e.d. of the late James Harran, J.P, of Limerick ; to. Sh Vincent Nash, Knt. Bach, J.P, D.L, who, in 1909, was created Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great by His Holiness Pius the 10th. Address : Shannon View House, KUmurrv, Co. Limerick. NASH, AUce Emma, M.B.E, fi. 24 Jan. 1857; d. of WiUiam Nash. War Work : Divisional Sec. B.R.C.S, Lambeth, from 1916 ; (Special Work) Air Raid Organisation. Address : 17, Barrington Road, Brixton, S.W. 9. (M9133) NASH, Blanche Thompson, M.B.E.; d. of the late Thompson Nash, of 14, Highbury Terrace, N. ; The Old House, Geldeston, Norfolk. Educ. : Privately ; Highbury and IsUngton High School. Lady Superintendent, Mersey Dock and Harbour Board. War Work: Welfare Supervisor, Ministry of Shipping, from Aug. 1916, to Nov. 1919. Address : 38, Brooke Road, BlundeUsands, near Liverpool. (M2220) NASH, Dorothea, M.B.E. ; d. of Walter Nash, of Hampton- in-Arden. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant of V.A.D. Warwick 52, and of the AuxUiary Hospital, Hampton- in-Arden, opened in Dec. 1914. Address: Glenthorne, Hampton-in-Arden. Clubs : Three Counties', Bhmingham ; V.A.D. Ladies'. (M9134) NASH, Elizabeth LUy, Mrs., M.B.E. NASH, Elsie Kathleen, M.B.E. NASH, Capt. Franois Joseph, M.B.E, A.O.A., A.P.D, 6. 17 Aug. 1884 ; s. of WUliam Joseph Nash, of Breamore, Combe Down, Bath; to. Louisa Theresa Aubrey, d. of the late Robert Maclauchlan Brandreth, D.C.L, of Woodcombe, Minehead, Somerset. Educ. : St. George's School, Southamp ton ; Prior Park Coll, Bath. War Work : Acting Paymaster, Army Pay Office, Preston, 1915-18; Paymaster, Army Pay Office, Preston, Feb. 1918 to date. Address: Breamore, Combe Down, Bath. (M5497) NASH, Lieut. Frank Horace EUiott, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. NASH, George Howard, C.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 1881 ; «¦ of George Nash, of 45, Clifton Gardens, W. : m. 1914, Florence Clarice, d. of Edward MUls, Mus. B. Electrical Engineer; Chief Engineer, Western Electric Co, Ltd, since 1911; Technical Adviser to Admiralty Experimental Station, Portland, since 1918. Club : Royal Dorset Yacht. 380 BIOGRAPHIES. Neill NASH, Henry, M.B.E. NASH, Lilian Mary Hamel, M.B.E. : d. of the Rev. Canon T. A. Nash, M.A, Hon. Canon of Norwich. War Work : Superintendent of Girl Messengers at Air Ministry, March, 1917, to 30 Sept. 1919 ; previously Assist. Supt. of Girl Mes sengers at War Office, Jan. 1916, to March, 1917. (M9136) NASH, Capt. Ryder Peroival, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). NASH, Comm. Walter Maodonald, O.B.E, R.N. NASH, WilUam, O.B.E, 6. 18 Nov. 1889. Educ. : Cleaves School, Yalding. Civil Servant, Ministry of Labour ; upon demobilisation from Navy in Dec. 1918, was loaned to Ministry of Food, and appointed Sec. to the Flour MUls Control Com mittee ; stiU so employed. War Work : 1914-15, Receiving Officer for Board of Trade, of Belgian refugees at Tilbury and Folkestone Harbour ; 1915-17, Personal Assistant to Director- General of National Labour Supply, Ministry of Munitions ; subsequently Sec. to National Labour Advisory Board, Ministry of National Service ;- 1918, Sub-Lieut. R.N.V.R. Southern Patrol (Anti-Submarine Division) ; decorated by Belgian Government with MedaiUe du Roi Albert avec rayure. Address : United Sports Club. (0607) NASH, Capt. WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 4 Aug. 1892; s. of W. G. Nash, of St. Paul's Cray, Kent. Educ. : The Leys School, Cambridge. War Work : Served with l/4th Royal West Kent Regt, Aug. 1914, to June, 1918 ; as G.S.O. 3 with Special MUitary Mission to Meshed and Russian Turkestan, Jiuy, 1918, to Jan. 1919 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : St. Paul's Cray, Kent. Club : Conservative. (M6499) NASH, Capt. WiUiam John Charles, O.B.E, R.N.R. (ret.), fi, 28 Dec. 1866 ; s. of WiUiam Nash, of Dublin ; to. Mabel Louise, d. of Francis Tozer Kinsman, of Eccles. Educ : Bridge House, Chester. Marine and Dock Superintendent, London and North-Western Railway Company, Holyhead. War Work: In command of AuxiUary Cruiser attached to Grand Fleet, Aug. 1914, to Aug. 1915 ; in command Hospital Ship, Aug. 1915, to March, 1916. Address : Bryn-y-mor, Holyhead. Club : Holyhead GoU. (O1701) NASMITH, Major George WiUiam, O.B.E, 6. 11 July, 1888 ; s. of John WilUam Nasmith, of Barlochan, Dalbeattie, ST B. ; m. Mary Frew, d. of John M. Robertson, of Glasgow. Educ. : Manchester Univ. Engineer Vickers, Ltd. War Wort : Regimental Duty, 7th Batt. Manchester Regt, T.F. ; seconded to R.E. Salonica ; attached to 16th Corps H.Q. on Struma Front, in charge Light RaUways for British Troops, afterwards instructing and handing over to Greek troops ; after Armistice, with Bulgars, duty with Light RaUways in Bulgaria, and Standard Gauge, Adrianople ; one of the four members of Inter-AUied MUitary Railway Commission for the Near East. Address : Norwood, Heaton Mersey, Manchester. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (06515) NASON, Lieut.-Col. Henry Hyde WilUamson, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 8 March, 1857 ; 8. of the late Major-Gen. John Nason, of Comrie House, Comrie, Perthshire ; m. Florence Hannay, d. of Col. Alexander Hannay. Educ. : Harrow. O.C. 2nd Batt. R. Guernsey L.I. (MUitia) Embarkation Staff, 1910-13. War Work: O.C. 2nd Reserve Batt. R. Guernsey LX, 1916-20. CZufi: PubUc Schools. (08892) NATHAN, Capt. Arthur Frederic, O.B.E. NATHAN, Capt. Edward Jonah, O.B.E. NATHAN, Col. Sir Frederic Lewis, K.B.E., Knt. Bach, late R.A, fi. 10 Feb. 1861 ; s. of Jonah Nathan, of 11, Pembridge Square, London; to. Adeline Edith, d. of E. F. Sichel, of London. Educ. : Privately ; Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. Entered Royal ArtiUery, 1879 ; Capt.1887 ; Major, 1897 ; Lieut.-Col. 1905 ; Brevet Col. 1908 ; Capt. Inspector, Royal Laboratory, 1886-88; 2nd Assist, to the D.O. of Ordnance Factories, 1888-92; Officer-in-charge of Danger BuUdings, Royal Gunpowder Factory, 1892-99 ; Assist. Superintendent, R.G.P.F. 1899-1900; Superintendent, 1900- 9 ; Works Manager, Nobel's Explosives Co, Ardeer Factory, 1909—15. War Work : Adviser to the Admiralty on Cordite Supplies, 1915 ; Director of PropeUant SuppUes, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-19. Address : 37, CornwaU Gardens, S.W. 7. CM ; Army and Navy. (K159) NATHAN, Lieut.-Comm. George Emanuel, O.B.E, E.N.V.R, NATHAN, Lieut. Stanley John, M.B.E, R.E. NATHAN, SybU Caroline, M.B.E. NAUGHE, James, O.B.E. NAUGHTON, Lieut. Thomas Henry, M.B.E, Mily. Works, LA. NAWANAGAR, Lieut.-Col. H.H. Shri Sir Ranjitsinhji Vibhaii Jam Sahib, G.B.E, K.C.S.I. (G45) NAWTON, Daisy, M.B.E, fi. 6 Jan. 1868 ; d. of Thomas Lourt, of Winchcombe, Gloucestershire ; m. Charles William, «. .of George Nawton; of Kirby-Moorside, Yorks. Educ. : Wmchcombe Private School. War Work: Searching for Missing at King George Hospital, S.E. 1, for 4 years ; ah raid ™ty, and general V.A.D. work as Section Leader L/258, JS.R.C.S. ; now doing voluntary work for L.CC Children's Ure Committee. Address: 28, Canterbury Road, Brixton, 8-W. 9. (M9137} NAYLER, Joseph, M.B.E. NAYLOR, Rev. Capt. Alfred Thomas Arthur, O.B.E. , M.A. (Cantab.), hon. CF, 6. 27 Dec. 1889 ; s. of the Rev. A. J. flaylor, of Tunbridge Wells. Educ. : King Edward's School ; Emmanuel Coll, Ridley HaU, Cambridge. Domestic Chaplain, wemyss Castle • Chaplain, Wemyss Coal Company. War Work : B.E.F, France, 1914 15 and 1916-19 ; mentioned in despatches, Nov. 1917, Dec. 1918. Address : Chaplain, Wemyss Castle, FUe, Scotland. Clubs: Conservative, Edin burgh ; Arts, Glasgow. (02654) NAYLOR, Henry William Letts, O.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of Capt. Henry Thomas Naylor, late Cavahy Depot, Canterbury. Office of the Crown Agents of the Colonies. War Work : Army Contracts ; Assistant Director of Raw Materials and Assist. Controller of Salvage ; Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne (Belgian) 1918. Addresses : 4, MUlbank, Westminster ; 50, Aldrlngton Road, Streatham Park. Club Royal Automobile . (011038) NAYLOR, WiUiam James, M.B.E. NEALE, Clara, M.B.E, d. of George Antrim, of Gloucester. Educ. : Privately. Missionary in Portuguese East Africa. War Work : Queen Mary's Army Aux. Corps, Unit Adminis trator. Address : 242, Pitt Street, Sydney, AustraUa. Club : Belgrave. (M3146) NEALE, Major John Arnold, O.B.E, 6. 9 April, 1894 ; s. of Arnold Ferrers Neale, of Dulwich, Surrey. Educ. : C B. Coll, St. Kilda, Australia. Officer of Commonwealth of Australia Public Service. War Work : Lieut. 14th Batt. Aus. Inf. ; Capt. 3rd Echelon, Egypt ; Major and O.C. Base Records, A.I.F, London. Address : 16, Mayfield Street, St. Kilda East. (08995) NEALE, Major WilUam Walter Raymond, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. NEAME, Ada Grace, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1860 ; d. of James Sant, C.V.O, R.A, Principal Painter in Ordinary to the late Queen Victoria ; to. Laurence, s. of George Harding. War Work: Commandant of Christehurch V.A.D. Hospital, Beckenham, for 4 years (130 beds). Address : Woodfield, Southend Road, Beckenham. Club : V.A.D. (M796) NEAME, Major Arthur Lawrence Cecil, O.B.E, R.E, and R.A.F. NEAME, Lieut. George Austin, M.B.E. NEAME, Maud Kathleen Frances, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 1874 ; d. of Francis Marsden Cobb, of Margate ; m. Harry Sidney, s. of Percy Beale Neame, of Faversham. Educ. : Brussels. War Work : Commandant at The Mount Hospital, Faversham ; Vice-President of the Clothing Branch, Soldiers' and Sailors' FamiUes Association ; packed for the Faversham Branch of the Prisoners of War. Address : Alfred House, Faversham, Kent. (M3862) NEAME, Thomas, M.B.E, M.A, 6. 23 Dec. 1885 ; s. of Frederick Neame, of Luton, near Faversham. Educ. : Cheltenham ; Caius CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Served in GaUipoU with 9th Batt. Worcestershire Regt. ; Manager of Brass and Spelter Departments with Messrs. Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd. Address : Colkins, Faversham. (M797) NEASHAM, Lieut. John Robert, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. NEATE, Capt. Alfred, O.B.E, fi. 19 Feb. 1873 ; s. of Charles Neate, of Bristol. War Work: Served as Quarter master with 1st Batt. P.A. Somerset L.I. throughout the war. Address : Palace Barracks, Holywood, Co. Down. (05621) NEATE, Lieut. Frederick Harry, O.B.E, R.E. NEAVE, Major Charles Alexander, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. NEAVE, John Sime, M.B.E. NEEDHAM, Major Alfred Owen, O.B.E, M.C NEEDHAM, James Easthorpe, O.B.E. NEEDHAM, James Ernest, C.B.E, 6. 30 April, 1875; s. of Edward Moore Needham, of Duffield, Derbyshire ; m. Dorothy, d. of Graham R. Lynn, of Karachi. Educ. : Rugby. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Oriental ; BycuUa ; Royal Bombay Yacht ; Bombay, India. (C2831) NEEDHAM, James Henry, M.B.E. NEEDHAM, John Hewson, O.B.E. NEEDHAM, Col. Joseph George, D.S.O, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 2 Sept. 1876 ; s. of the late John Needham, of Eccles, Lancs. Edue : Privately, and Owens Coll. Steel and Iron Merchant, partner, John Needham and Sons, 15, Cross Street, Manchester. War Work : Mobilised and Commanded 42nd (East Lancashire) Divisional Train ; embarked for Egypt, Sept. 1914 ; remained in command till Feb. 1918 ; Command 60th (London) Divl. Train until April, 1919 ; mentioned in despatches four times. Addresses : 15, Cross Street, Manchester ; Ranighar, Didsbury. Clubs : Clarendon, Manchester ; United R.A.S.C. (06258) NEEVE, William, M.B.E. „ _, _, m ^ NEIGHBOUR, Capt. Sidney William, O.B.E, T.D, Artists Rifles, 6. 4 Aug. 1875 ; s. of W. F Neighbour F.S.I of 56, Chancery Lane, W.C. ; m. Gwenydd Joyce, d. of the late Edward Prentis, of TunstaU, Kent. Educ. : Privately. War Work : MobUised, Aug. 1914 ; proceeded to France Oct. 1914 ; served in France until 1918 ; served with 1st Batt. Artists Rifles and on Staff of 102nd and 12th Infty. Bdes. ; North Russia 1918-19, served on Staff of Dwina Force. Address : 56, Chancery Lane, W.C (O6702) NEIL, Capt. George London, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. NEILD, Capt. Ralph, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. NEILEY, Major Bjyard Lamont, O.B.E, Can. A.D.C NEILL. Capt. Eric Vansithart Ernest, M.B.E. NEILL. Col. James WiUiam SMITH-, C.B.E, J.P. Bucks and Ayrshhe, late Scots Guards, 6. 6 March, 1865 ; s. of the late Capt W. J. Smith-Neill, late R.H.A, of Swmdugenum, AvTshire Educ : Wellington. Joined Scots Guards 1888. retired 1903 ; Member of Bucks County Council, 1901-7 ; Sec Renfrewshire Territorial Force Association, 1907-14 ; reioined the Armv for service during the war; appointed DA Q M G. London District, Nov. 1914 ; appointed G.S. 2, London District, 1915 ; appointed Lieut.-Col. commanding 381 Neill THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Scots Guards, March, 1916, to end of war ; appointed comp troller and equerrv to H.R.H. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, April, 1919. Address : Doonbrae, Alloway, Ayr. Club : Guards'; Arthur's. (C1767) NEILL, Capt. Joseph, O.B.E, R.G.A. NEILL, William Reid, M.B.E. NEILSON, Capt. George Clement, O.B.E, M.B, R.A M.C. NEILSON, Major Henry John, C.B.E, M.D, fi. 30 Dec. 1862 ; s. of Matthew Gilmour, of Glasgow ; m. Annie KeU, d. of John Tullis, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow High School ; Univs. of Glasgow, Vienna, and Berlin. Chief Commissioner of Medical Services, London Region, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Major, R.A.M.C, to medical charge of Scottish Command Depot, Randalstown, Ireland ; Deputy Chief Com missioner of Medical Services, Ministry of National Service. Address : Shandon, St. George's HiU, Weybridge, Surrey. Club : Royal Automobile. (C830) NEILSON, Major John Fraser, C.B.E, D.S.O, 10th Royal Hussars, fi. 27 June, 1884; s. of Wilham NeUson, of Arnewood, Kelvinside, Glasgow ; m. Helen Vera. d. of Wm. Cazalet, of Moscow. Educ. : Uppingham ; Sandhurst. War Work: Attached Russian Armies in the Field, Aug. 1914, to end of war ; attached Russian Armies in the Field in Siberia. Sept. 1918, to Oct. 1919; ret. 1920. Club : Cavahy. (C22127i) NEILSON, Katherine Helen, M.B.E, fi. 1852 ; d. of Daniel Neilson, of Hundhill Hall, Yorkshire. War Work : Founder and Chief Supporter of Flounders College AuxUiary Hospital, Ackworth, Yorkshire. Address : HundhUl Hall, Pontefract, Yorkshire. (M3863) NEILSON, Capt. Ronald Braco Stenhouse, O.B.E. NEILSON WiUiam Hardcastle, O.B.E, M.A, M.A.I. (DubUn), M.I.C.E, M.I.M.E, fi. 21 Feb. 1875 ; s. of Henry Charles Neilson, of DubUn ; m. Ethel Maud, d. of Frank PhiUips, of Plymouth. Educ. : Mr. Strangways' School ; Trinity Coll., Dublin. Chief Engineer, Karachi Port Trust, India ; Member of Concrete Institute, American Society of CivU Engineers, CouncU of the Institution of Engineers (India). War Work : Controller of Munitions, Karachi Circle, Indian Munitions Board, 1917 ; Member of the Priority Committee, Karachi Circle, Indian Munitions Board, 1917-18 ; Karachi being the base of operations for the campaign in Mesopotamia, a large amount of work was undertaken by the Karachi Port Trust for the MiUtary Authorities. CTm&s : Oriental ; Sind, Karachi. (09837) NEISH, Major Colin Graham, O.B.E. NEISH, EUzabeth Oliver, M.B.E. NEL, Charles Paul Leonard, M.B.E. NELIGAN, Comm. Erie Claude, O.B.E, R.N. NELSON, Major Arthur, O.B.E. NELSON, Arthur Edward, O.B.E, J.P, I.C.S, fi. 17 April, 1875. Educ. : Newcastle High School, and Magdalen Coll, Oxford. Chief Sec. C.P. and Berar Adtoiinistration. War Work : Secretary of Provincial Red Cross Fund. Address : Nagpur, C.P, India. Club : East India United Service. (O4078) NELSON, Charlotte Mabel, M.B.E. 6, 21 Jan. 1877 ; d. of AUine James Nelson, of Fulneck, Leeds. Educ. : Ock- brook ; Bedford ; Brighton ; Switzerland. War Work : Appointed Quartermaster of V.A.D. 2 Derby, at its commence ment, in 1910 ; became Commandant in April, 1914 ; detach ment equipped a Sunday School lent for a hospital in Autumn, 1914, in Ockbrook ; received 20 British patients on Dec. 23, 1914 ; after which date patients were received till Feb. 27, 1919, when the hospital was closed. Address : HiUside, Ockbrook, Derby. (M9142) NELSON, Major and Qr.-Mr. David, M.B.E, D.C.M, 6. 25 Oct. 1866. War Work : Served with 2/lst Lothians and Border Horse Yeomanry from its formation in September, 1914, until disbanded in Sept. 1919 ; D.C.M. awarded for services in South African War, 1900. (M5498) NELSON, Brig.-Gen. Edgar Forbes, C.B.E, fi. 1859. Col. and Hon. Brig.-Gen ; Served in S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1712a) NELSON, Lieut.-CoI. Henry, O.B.E. NELSON, Bt.-Lieut.-Col. James Owen, O.B.E. NELSON, Joe, M.B.E. '(M4748) NELSON, Capt. John Joseph Harper, O.B.E, M.C, M.D, F.R.CS.. I.M.S. NELSON, Capt. Maurice Henry Horatio, C.B.E, R.N. (ret.) ; s. of the late Rear-Admiral Hon. M. H. Nelson. Educ. : Royal Academy, Gosport. War Work : Employed at Devon- port Dockyard as assistant to the Captain of the Dockyard. Address : Summer House, Hamble, Southampton. (C2320) NELSON, Col. Percy Reginald, C.B.E, 6. 9 Sept. 1884; to. Helen Cicely, d. of the late Edward WUlett, of Bromley, Kent. War Work: Served with Expeditionary Force Canteens in France from Jan. 1915, to AprU, 1919 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Club : Union. (C1298) NELSON, Eng.-Comm. Robert Douglas, O.B.E, R.N. NELSON, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam, O.B.E. NELSON, WiUiam, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 16 June, 1862 ; s. of Joseph Nelson, of Appleby, Westmorland ; m. Annie, d. of Dr. Charles Read, of London. Educ. : Elmfield CoU, York ; King's CoU, London. Headmaster, Roval Schools for the Deaf, Manchester ; Registrar, National Coll. of Teachers of the Deaf. War Work : Sec. Special Aural Board, Ministry of Pensions. Address : Royal Schools for the Deaf, Old Trafford. Manchester. (O7704) NELSON, WiUiam, M.B.E. NELSON, WiUiam Ernest, O.B.E, M.A M.R.CS L R.C.P, 6. 7 Nov. 1870 ; s. of the late Rev. WUUam Nelson'' M A, of Arden House, Henley-in-Arden ; m. Rosa Gertrude' d. of the late A. J. Tompkins, of 10, Park Terrace, Cambridge Educ : HaUeybury CoU. ; Clare Coll, Cambridge; St Thomas' Hospital, London. Medical Practitioner at Henley- in-Arden, Warwickshire; also partner with Oswald Nelson at Arden House, Henley-in-Arden, Preparatory School for Boys. War Work : Commandant and Medical Officer of the V A.D. AuxUiary Hospital, Henley-in-Arden (82 beds) • Medical Director, B.R.C.S, for the County of Warwickshire. Address : Arden House, Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire. Club: Sports. (041) NELTHORPE, Major Robert Nassau SUTTON-, O.B.E J.P, D.L, late 8th Hussars, 6. 13 May, 1850 ; s. of the Rev. Robert Sutton, of Scawby Hall, Lines. ; m. the Hon. DulcibeUa Eden, d. 61 WUliam George, 4th Baron Auckland (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Eton. Formerly County CouncUlor and Alderman of the Lindsey County CouncU ; Chahman of Education and Finance Committees ; Chahman of Governors, Brigg Grammar School. War Work : Chairman of the Emergency Committee for the River Trent, from Nottingham to the Humber. Address : Scawby HaU, Brigg, Lines. Club : Oriental. (O1705) NEOBARD, Capt. Harold John Cooke, O.B.E. NESBIT, Capt. George, O.B.E, M.C. NESBITT, Lieut. Thomas Hunter, M.B.E, R.A.F NESBITT, Edward John BEAMONT-, O.B.E, H.M.L. King's County, 6. 20 Nov. 1860 ; s. of Rev. T. G. Beaumont, formerly Rector of Chelmondiston, Suffolk; m. Helen (died 1918), d. of Frederick Freeman Thomas, of Ratton, Sussex. Educ : Winchester and Oriel CoU, Oxford. War Wort : Parliamentary Dept, Foreign Office. Addresses : Tubberdaly, Edenderry, Deland; 56, Rutland Gate, S.W. Clubs: TraveUers' ; KUdare Street, DubUn. (011040) NESS, Bertha, Mrs., M.B.E. Worker in CathoUc Soldiers' Club, Abbeville. (M10259») NESS, Helen Dorothy Parker, M.B.E, fi. 10 March, 1886 ; d. of G. Parker Ness, Barrister-at-Law, J.P, of 19, Porchester Terrace, London. Educ. : Bedford Coll. War Work : Quartermaster, Westbourne Hospital, Porchester Terrace. Address : 19, Porchester Terrace, London. (M9143) NETHERSOLE, Harrison Ralph, M.B.E. NETTLEFOLD, Robert, O.B.E. NETTLESHIP, WiUiam Sharp, M.B.E. NEVATT, Capt. Christopher George, O.B.E, R.A.F, NEVE, Col. Edward John, C.B.E, 6. 1870. Lieut.-Col. and T. Col. Army Pay Corps ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1712.) NEVE, Col. Edward John, O.B.E, A.P.D. NEVILE, Maria EUzabeth, M.B.E, 6. 1861 ; d. of Canon NevUe, of Lincoln. War Work : Member of Lincolnshire MUitary Appeal Tribunal ; Chairman, Women's ReUef Com mittee. (M2225) NEVLLL, Major Cosmos Charles Richard, D.S.O, O.B.E., fi. 1873. Entered Roy. Warwickshire Regt. 1900; Major, 1915; served in the S. African War, 1902 (medal) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (07514) NEVILL, Euphan, Mrs., M.B.E, NEVILL, Florence Mary, Lady George, C.B.E, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem ; d. of the late Temple 'Soanes, of Brenchley House. Kent ; to. 1882, Lord George Montacute NeviU, J.P, D.L, 3rd s. of the 1st Marquess of Abergavenny, K.G, J.P. (see Burke's Peerage). War Work: Deputy Presi dent of B.R.C.S, Brighton, Hove, Preston, and Patcham Division. Is Commandant of the Lady George Nevill Hospital, now in conjunction with the Ministry of Pensions. Addresses : 22, Palmeha Square, Hove, Sussex ; la, Eaton Square. S.W. (C2832) NEVILL, Lieut.-Col. Henry Rivers, O.B.E. NEVILL, Major Stanley Sharp, O.B.E, R.A.F. NEVILL, Capt. Walter Elphinstone, O.B.E. NEVILLE, Lieut. Maurice Michael, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. NEVILLE, Ralph, O.B.E. (011787ft) NEVILLE, Sir WiUiam Henry, K.B.E. NEW, Lieut. Arthur Henry, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. NEW, Major Claud E., O.B.E. NEW, Evelyn Helen Johnston, M.B.E. NEWAL, Lieut.-Col. Frederick WiUiam Monk, O.B.E. NEWALL, Group-Capt. Cyril Louis Norton, C.M.G, C.B.E. Dep. Director R.A.F. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1902) NEWALL, Ethel Nest, Mrs. Geoffrey Stirling, O.B.E. NEWALL, John Walker, M.B.E. NEWALL, Capt. Norman Dakeyne, O.B.E, R.A.F. NEWALL, Helen Frances, Mrs. STIRLING-, M.B.E, d. of John Deakin Heaton, M.D, F.R.CP, LL.D., J.P.. of Clare mont, Leeds ; to. Frederick Stirling, s. of Robert Starling Newall, F.R.S, D.C, J.P. War Work : Sec. and Organiser of the Wylam Hospital Supply Depot, which made 200,000 articles for every part of the fighting zone ; meetings were held partly at Castle Hill and partly at a viUage institute ; responsible for buying, warehousing, and raising the Fund of £2000; judge of the soldiers needlework at the MiUtary Hospital, Cox Ledge, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Address : Castle Hill, Wylam- on-Tyne. Club: Empress. (M9144) NEWBERRY, Percy Edward, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 23 AprU, 1869 ; s. of Henry James Newberry, of Ealing ; m. Essie 382 BIOGRAPHIES. Newton Winifred, d. of WiUiam Johnston, of Bromborough, Cheshire. Edw. : King's Coll. School, and King's Coll., London. Brunner Professor of Egyptology in the Univ. of Liverpool, 1906-19 ; Hon. Reader in Egyptian Art University of Liverpool 1919; FeUow of King's Coll, London. War Work : Police work and organising help for Belgian refugees, 1914-15 ; enrolled as a War Munitions Volunteer, 1916 ; employed first in shell- turning, and during the whole of 1917 on gauge-making ; Assist. Sec. to the Director of National Service, London and South-Eastern Region, 1918-19. Address : Oldbury Place, Ightham, Kent. CT«6s : Constitutional ; University, Liver pool. (011041) NEWBERY, Capt. James Wilfred Trevor, O.B.E, M.C, R.F.A. NEWBOLD, Col. Ambrose WilUam, O.B.E. NEWBOLD, Major WUUam, O.B.E, M.A, F.R.A.S, P.R.G.S, R.G.A, 6. 17 June, 1878 ; s. of WiUiam Newbold, of Tunbridge Wells and the City of Mexico. Educ. : Uppingham, and Magdalen CoU, Oxford. Assist. Master, Tonbridge School, 1902-14 ; H.M. Inspector of Schools (Secondary Branch), 1919. War Work : Commissioned Lieut, R.G.A, Dec. 1, 1914 ; served with B.E.F. France, Jan. 1915, to March, 1919 ; 119th Heavy Battery, R.G.A, Feb. 1915, to Jan. 1916 ; attached 3rd Field Survey Batt, R.E, Jan. 1916, to Nov. 1918; attached Maps Section, General Staff, G.H.Q, Nov. 1918, to March, 1919 ; thrice mentioned in despatches. Address : c/o Board of Education, London. Club : Royal Automobile. (02658) NEWBOLT, George Palmerston, C.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS. (Eng.), fi. 15 March, 1863 ; s. of Kosciusko Kent Newbolt, of Weymouth ; to. LUa, d. of John Elliot, of Canonbie. Educ : Weymouth Coll. ; Thompson's, Jersey ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Univ. of Durham. Consulting Surgeon ; Hon. Surgeon, Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool ; Leasowe ChUdren's Hospital. War Work : Operating Surgeon, Royal Southern Hospital, Myrtle AuxiUary Hospital, Croxteth Hall Officers' Hospital, and Leasowe ChUdren's Hospital. Address : 5, Gambier Terrace, Liverpool. Club : Hoylake and WaUasey Golf. (C2833) NEWBY, Albert Ernest, M.B.E. NEWBY, Gervase Edward, O.B.E, F.R.CS. NEWBY, Styan, O.B.E. NEWCASTLE, Kathleen Florence May, Duchess of. O.B.E. ; d. of the late Major Henry Augustus, 9th Lancers, and Hon. Mrs. Candy, d. of the 3rd Baron Rossmore (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 1889, Henry Pelham Archibald Douglas Pelham- Clinton, 7th Duke of Newcastle (see Burke's Peerage). Ad dresses : Clumber Park, Worksop, Notts ; Forest Farm, Wind sor Forest; 11, Berkeley House, Hay HiU, W. 1. (011042) NEWCOMB, Major NeviUe, O.B.E. NEWCOMBE, Major Harold Kenzie, O.B.E. NEWEL, Rose AUce, Mrs., M.B.E. NEWELL, Frank, O.B.E. NEWELL, Lieut.-Col Leopold Monk, O.B.E, T.D, R.A.S.C. (T.). " NEWELL, Lieut.-Col. Stanley Monk, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.E. (T.). Served in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (O4240) NEWELL, 2nd Lieut. Will, M.B.E. NEWEY, Capt. Frank, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.). NEWHAM, Major WiUiam Henry, O.B.E, R.A.S.C NEWITT, Leonard, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 10 Aug. 1865 ; s. of Edward Newitt, of Westbury, Bucks ; m. Ethel, d. of WiUiam Scott, of Glasgow. Educ. : Magdalen CoU. School, Brackley, Oxford. Electrical Engineer, M.H. Dockyard, Chatham. War Work : Engaged in supervising the repairs and iustaUation of electrical gear on H.M. Ships. Address : H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. (O610) NEWLAND, Col. Edmund Walcott, C.B.E, A.P.D, 6. 11 Jan. 1858 ; s. of Capt. Charles Frankland Newland, R.N, of Midhurst, Sussex ; m. EUen Charlotte, d. of Charles Hornby, of Dalton HaU, Lancs. Educ : King Edward VI. School, Bruton, and Sidney Coll, Bath. War Work : Command Pay master, Western Command, Aug. 1914, to Jan. 1916 ; Command Paymaster, Gibraltar, Jan. 1916, to end of war. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, Charing Cross. (C1713) . NEWLAND, Lieut.-Col. Henry Simpson, C.B.E. , D.S.O, M.B, B.S, M.S., F.R.CS, Australian Army Med. Corps, o. 1873 ; s. of Simpson Newland, of The Terraces, Adelaide, S. Austraha ; m. 1910, Ellen Mary, d. of James Hemery Lindon. Educ. : St. Peter's School, Adelaide, and Adelaide Univ. Assist. Surg. Adelaide Hospital ; Senior Surg. Children's Hospital, Adelaide ; Surg. Australian Section, Queen's Hospital. Served during European War, 1914-18, in Egypt, GaUipoli, and France (despatches) ; Surg.-Registrar, London Hospital, 1901. Address : Strangways Terrace, North Adelaide, Australia. Club : Adelaide. (C2194) NEWLAND, Major Victor Marra, O.B.E, M.C. NEWLANDS, Capt. Alexander, M.B.E. NEWLANDS, Alexander, C.B.E, M.I.C.E, F.R.S.A, fi. 11 Jan. 1870 ; s. of Alexander Newlands, of Elgin, Moray shire ; m. Bessie Hamilton, d. of the Rev. John MacGUchrist, of Boraiore, Islay. Educ. : West End School, and Privately. Engineer-in-Chief, Highland Railway Co, Inverness ; Member Of the Board of Trade Water Power Resources Committee ; Member of the Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies, Royal Society Water Power Sub-Committee; Deputy Chahman of Inverness (Highlands) Local Advisory Committee. Addresses : Highland RaUway ; Caol-Ila, Inverness. (C2834) NEWLANDS, Arohibald, O.B.E. NEWLANDS, John, CLE, C.B.E, fi. 1857 ; s. of the late John Newlands, of Galashiels, Selkirkshire ; m. 1881, Cecilia Catherine, d. of tho late John Wicks, dentist, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Jedburgh and Edinburgh. Entered Postal Telegraph Sor. Edinburgh, 1870 ; Controller, Telegraph Depart. 1898 ; Traffic Manager, Sec.';-- Oflice, Gen. Post Office, London, 1901 ; Dep. Controller, Central Telegraph Office, 1905 ; Controller, 1910 ; retired, 1919 ; reorganised Traffic Depart. Indian Telegraphs, 1907-9 ; has Order of Crown of Belgium. War Work : Inlan d and Foreign Telegraph work. Address : Bemersyde, Farnham Royal, Bucks. (C578) NEWMAN, Comm. Edward John Kendall, C.B.E, R.N. Div. Naval Transport Officer ; served in the Great War, 1914-9. (despatches). (C2260) NEWMAN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Frederick Herbert, O.B.E. NEWMAN, Henry Charles, M.B.E, R.N. NEWMAN, Lieut. Herbert John Greatrex, M.B.E, R.A.F. NEWMAN, Lieut. James Benjamin, O.B.E, R.N. NEWMAN, Lieut. James Colin, M.B.E. NEWMAN, Capt. John Campin, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. (T.). NEWMAN, Capt. Leslie, O.B.E, R.A.F. NEWMAN, Major Richard Ernest Upton. O.B.E, M.C, R.A.M.C NEWMAN, Capt. Vincent Chester, O.B.E, R.M. NEWMAN, WilUam. O.B.E NEWMAN, William, M.B.E, 6. 11 Jan. 1868. Educ: National and Collegiate Schools. Superintendent, Metro politan Police. War Work : Intensive police work in the central (Metropolitan) bombed areas. Address : 1, Queen Street, Hammersmith, London, W. 6. (M9147) NEWMAN, WiUiam Augustin, M.B.E. (M10409) NEWMARCH, Bernard James, C.M.G, C.B.E, V.D, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P, 6. 28 AprU, 1856 ; s.of the late John Newmarch, Barrister-at-Law, of the Inner Temple ; to. Blanche Edith, d. of the late John Heathcote, R.N, of Canley Vale, N.S.W. Edue. : Cholmondeley School, Highgate ; Buston and Sherborne ; King's CoU, London. Hon. Consulting Surgeon, Sydney Hospital, and Royal North Shore Hospital, North I Sydney. War Work : O.C. 1st AustraUan Field Ambulance ; 1 O.C. 1st and 3rd Australian General Hospitals (1914-19). Address : 193, Macquarie Street, Sydney. Clubs : Imperial Service (Sydney) ; Automobile Club of Australia. (C2195) NEWMARCH, Capt. Edward, M.B.E, 6. 1880; s. of Joseph Newmarch, of South Shields ; to. Margaret Bone, d. of Henry Holland, of South Shields. Master Mariner ; Master, s.s. " War Grange." War Work : White Sea, Russian Expedi tion. Address : 70, Julian Avenue, South Shields. (M9148) NEWMARCH, Henry Clarence, M.B.E, R.N. NEWNHAM, Charles, M.B.E, 6. 23 May, 1850. Educ. : Munslow National School (Salop). Hon. Licensed Lay Reader, Diocese of Exeter ; late Conductor, Ordnance Store Corps (Egyptian Medal and Star, 1882). War Work : Superintendent, Separation AUowance Section, Worcester Territorial Force Association, Dec. 1914, to March, 1920. Address : Broad- hempston, Totnes, Devon. (M9149) NEWNHAM, John Montague, O.B.E, V.D, D.L. NEWPORT, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. George Charles, M.B.E, 6. 15 Oct. 1881. War Work : Joined the Rifle Brigade, after wards receiving Commission in Royal FusUiers ; served with 39th Royal FusUiers (Jewish Batt.) from their formation, proceeding to Egypt and afterwards to Palestine ; was present with Battalion in the Jordan Valley, also taking part in the offensive, Sept. 1918, in the advance on Bs Salt and Ammar. (M4697) NEWSOM, Col. Augustus Charles, C.M.G, C.B.E, R.A.V.C, fi. 1866. Dep. Director of Vet. Sers. ; served with the Chitral ReUef Force, 1895 (medal with clasp) ; in S. Africa, 1899-1900, present at defence of Ladysmith (Queen's medal, with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1299) NEWSOME, Capt. Charles Todd, O.B.E, fi. 8 Aug. 1888 ; s. of Mark Newsome, of Dewsbury ; m. Elsie Mary, d. of J. M. Hay of Wallasey. Educ. : Harrogate and Rossall. Motor Engineer. Address: Myton Bury, Warwick. Club: Junior Army and Navy. __ _, , . _. (05629) NEWTON, Alice C, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of Duncan Hender son J P of Leicester. War Work : Commandant of Knighton V 4..D. Hospital, Evington, Leicester, Sept. 1915, to Feb. 1919. Address : Bridport, Great Malvern. (M532) NEWTON, AUce Elizabeth Maud, Mrs., M.B.E. NEWTON, Charles Wemyss, M.B.E. NEWTON, EUzabeth Louisa, O.B.E, MedaiUe de S.M. la Reine Elisabeth ; d. of the late General W. S. Newton, of 43 Lowndes Street. War Work : Worked for the War Refugee Committee, General Buildings, Aldwych, from Sept. 1914, to the end of May, 1919. Address : 43, Lowndes Street, S.W. 1. (011045) NEWTON, Ernest, C.B.E, R.A, 6. 12 Sept. 1856 ; s. of Henry Newton, of Bickley, Kent; to. Antoinette Johanna, d of WiUiam Hoyack, of Rotterdam, Holland. Educ : Private School, Blackheath ; Uppingham. War Work : Hon Director Building Licences Section ; Chairman, BuUding Labour Committee, Ministry of Munitions; transferred in March, 1918, to Ministry of National Service. Clubs : Athe- QcBUiii * Arts (O^ooo) NEWTON. Florence Mai Shedlock, Mrs, M.B.E, R.A.F. 383 Newton THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. NEWTON, Lieut.-Col. Frank Graham, C.B.E, D.S.O. Australian Gen. List; served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). T , (C794) NEWTON, Capt. Frederick, M.B.E, 6. 23 July, 1858; s.of John Newton, of Warrington ; to. Margaret Annie Maitland. Educ. : PubUc School. Master Mariner. War Work : On Salvage Work, Admiralty Service, United Kingdom and Belgian Coasts. Addresses: Macuan, The Ards, Holyhead; Liver pool Salvage Association, The Exchange. (M9150) NEWTON, George Burns, M.B.E. NEWTON, Sir (George) Douglas Cochrane, K.B.E. ; s. of the late George Onslow Newton, and of the late Lady AUce Newton, of Croxton Park, Cambs. (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; to. Muriel, d. ot the late Colonel Jemmett Duke, of Newpark, Co. Sligo. Educ. : Eton, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. High Sheriff of Cambs. and Hunts, 1910 ; Chahman of the Cam bridgeshire County CouncU, 1919-20 ; before that, Vice-Chair man of Cambridge County CouncU. War Work : Assistant Sec. at the Ministry of Reconstruction ; also at the Ministry of Munitions. Address : Croxton Park, Cambridgeshhe. CZwfis : Bachelors' : Carlton ; Boodle's. (K225) NEWTON, Lieut. Giles FendaU, M.B.E, R.A. NEWTON, Major Harry Kottingham, O.B.E.. M.A. (Oxon.), M.P, 6. 2 April, 1875 ; s. of Sh Alfred James Newton, Bart, of 17, Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park ; to. Myrtle Dens, d. ot W. W. Grantham, J.P, of Balneath Manor, Sussex ; Educ. : Rugby, and New Coll, Oxford. M.P, Harwich Divi sion of Essex since Jan. 1910 (Unionist) ; One of His Majesty's Lieutenants for the City of London. War Work : A.D, S. and T. Thames and Medway Defences, 1914-15 ; D.A. Duector SuppUes and Transport, Eastern Command, 1915-19 ; acting Hon. Sec. C.I.V. Regiment South African War. Address : 4, Lower Sloane Street. S.W. 1. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Bath; Garrick. (O3160) NEWTON, Lt.-Col. Henry, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 24 Feb. 1880 s. of Thomas Newton, of The HoUies, Quarndon, nr. Derby ; m. Beryl Bertha, d. of Earnest Augustus Barford, of Luton. Educ : Derby School. Director of Newton Brothers (Derby), Ltd. War Work : Commanded a company 5th Notts and Derby Regt. (T.F.), 46th N. Mid. Division, 1914 up tiU May, 1915 ; was the founder of and Officer Commanding II Army R.E. Workshops, May, 1915, to Dec. 1917 ; Member of Trench Warfare Committee, Deputy Controller Trench War fare Dept, and chief design officer Mechanical Traction Dept, Dec. 1917 until March, 1919 ; Inventor of the Nos. 107 and 110 " Newton " fuses (the first wire-cutting fuses ever used by British troops); Inventor of the "Newton" 6-inch Trench Mortar ; Inventor of the " Newton " Trench Mortar bomb used tor British Trench Mortars ; Inventor of the " Newton" Pippin rifle grenade ; Inventor of the " Ring charge " for the Stokes Mortar which increased the range from 300 yards to 800 yards and reduced "prematures;" Inventor of the "Newton Universal MUitary Tractor" among many other minor devices, whilst serving with Infantry, Royal Engineers, and ArtUlery services. Address : MUe Ash House, Darley, nr. Derby. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; Royal AutomobUe. (C22149) NEWTON, John Charles, M.B.E, J.P, fi. 29 May, 1869 ; s. of Thomas Newton, of Liverpool ; to. Emma Casson, d. of Thomas Rogers, of Liverpool. Educ. : Liverpool Institute. Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council of Sierra Leone ; Justice of the Peace of the Colony of Sierra Leone. War Work : As Manager for Elder Dempster & Co, Ltd, and The Sierra Leone CoaUng Company, had charge, under Admiralty direction, of all Coaling and Transport Operations on the Sierra Leone Station, which was the base for the 9th Cruiser Squadron. (M2228) NEWTON, Capt. Robert Henry, C.B.E, 5. 8 April, 1864; 6. of Robert Newton, of Liscard, Cheshire ; m. Catherine, d. of WUUam Jones, of Holyhead. Educ. : The Northern Insti tute, Liverpool. War Work : Capt. of R.M.S. " Ulster," carrying H.M. mails, despatches, troops, and CivUian passengers between Holyhead and Kingstown. Address : Homelea, Walthew Avenue, Holyhead. (C2836) NEWTON, Major Stephen Guy, O B.E, 6. 18 March, 1889 ; s. of John Vernon Newton, of Chesterfield ; to. Maud, d. of A. J. Forsdike, of Sheffield. Educ. : Worcester CoU. War Work : Gazetted 2nd Lieut. Sept. 1914 ; appointed to K.O. Yorks. Light Infantry • Capt. and Adjutant, May, 1915 ; Major, May, 1916 ; served with Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 1915 to March. 1916 ; France, 1916 to First Battle of Somme ; In command of Leeds Recruiting Area, 1917 ; appointed to Lord French's Irish Staff for special duties, 1918. Address : Knaresboro' Road, MUlhouses, Sheffield. Club : Athenamm, Sheffield. (07512) NEWTON, Susan, M.B.E. ; d. of James Lafferty, of Parsonstown, Ireland ; to. George Daniel, s. of George Newton of Burton, Lincolnshire. War Work : Commandant of V.A.Dl 176 East Lancs, raised Aug. 1914 ; Organiser and Command- ant-in-Charge of Britannia and Hartley Coll. Hospitals, Man chester, from Dec. 1915 to AprU, 1919. Address : 36, Manley Road, Whalley Range Manchester. (M3865) NEWTON, Major Thomas Cochrane, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.A, 6. 1 Jan. 1885 ; s. of G. O. Newton, of Croxton Park, St. Neots, Hunts. Educ. : Wellington, and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. War Work: Service in France and Belgium. Club : Army and Navy. (07513) NEWTON, Zoe EUesmere Davidson, Mrs, M.B.E. NEYLAN, Daniel, C.B.E, fi. 1866 ; s. of the late James Neylan, of Dysart, Co. Clare. Sometime Financial Adviser to 384 Salonica Expeditionary Force ; Director of Finance, War Office. _ _, __ (C258) NGATA, Aritia Kane, Mrs., M.B.E. NIAS, Lieut. Herbert John, M.B.E. NIBLETT, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Harry Edwin Newton, O.B.E, D.C.M. NIBLETT, Lieut.-Col. Herbert, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.A.S.C. Dep. Assist. Director at War Office with rank of Lieut.-Col. • Member of the Mechanical Transport Advisory Board, War Oflice; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1714) NICHOLAS, AUce Jane Winifred, M.B.E. NICHOLAS, Lieut.-Col. Edward HaU, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. NICHOLAS, Lieut. Ernest, O.B.E, R.N. (ret.). NICHOLAS, Lieut.-Col. John, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. NICHOLAS, T. Lieut. Samuel WilUam, O.B.E, R.E. NICHOLAS, Major TressiUan Charles, O.B.E, M.C, M.A, R.B, 6. 17 Aug. 1888 ; s. of Charles Alfred Nicholas, of Canter bury (late of London Stock Exchange) ; m. EmUy Lothian, d. of the late John Buchanan, of Wishaw. Educ : Berkham sted, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. FeUow and Lecturer of Trinity CoU, Cambridge ; FeUow of the Geological Society of London. War Work : Drawing, printing, and issue of Maps with the 5th Field Survey Batt, R.E, B.E.F, 1916-19; att. Gen. Staff for Map work, Dardanelles, 1915, and Egypt, 1916. Address : Trinity CoU, Cambridge. (02661) NICHOLL, Capt. Charles Carlyon, O.B.E, F.I.A, F.F.A, 6. 10 May, 1879 ; s. of David Charles NichoU, of Wisbech, Cambs. Educ. : lie CoUege, Vevey ; Sedbergh ; Cambridge. Actuary to Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Singapore. War Work : Served in R.A.S.C. Investigation Dept. ; France, Dec. 1915, to Feb. 1918 ; Italy, Feb. 1918, to AprU, 1919. Address : Great Eastern LUe Assurance Co, Singapore. Club : Singapore. (O6404) NICHOLL, David Arthur, O.B.E, M.A, LL.M, fi. 1868; s. of Rev. David Nicholl, M.A, of Edwin Loach Rectory, Herefordshire ; m. HUda Maud, d. of J. Chalmers-Hunt, of ChadweU, Ware, Herts. Educ : St. John's Coll, Cambridge. SoUcitor ; Town Clerk of Wandsworth ; Election Registration Officer of Wandsworth, etc. Address : 36, St. John's Road, Putney HiU, S.W. Clubs: Oxford and Cambridge; Albe marle. (042) NICHOLL, Major Earle MoKUlop, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. NICHOLL, Lieut. Edwin McKiUop, M.B.E, LA. NICHOLL, Major Hazleton Robson, O.B.E, R.A.F. NICHOLL, AUan HUME-, C.B.E, 6. 12 March, 1866- s. of Hume NichoU, of Usk. Monmouthshire ; m. Annie Rosalie, d. of W. H. Thornton, of Minster. Educ : Cordwallis; Maidenhead ; King's CoU. Mayor of Lewisham, 1914-19; Alderman of Lewisham, 1911 to date ; Div. Commander City of London PoUce Reserve, B Div ; Governor Lewisham Grammar School ; Div. Inspector Lewisham Red Cross V.A.D. ; Chahman, Profiteering Committee ; Chairman Lewisham War Pensions ; trustee Crystal Palace ; Governor, St. Dunstan School ; Chairman, Red Cross, Lewisham Div, War Loan, War Savings, Tribunal, Food Control. Address : Hillsboro', Sydenham. Club: Junior Carlton. (C2837) NICHOLLS, Ada Casterton, Mrs., M.B.E. NICHOLLS, Arthur Burleigh, M.B.E, CavaEere della Corona d'ltaUa, 6. 8 July, 1876 ; s. of WiUiam Henry, of Burleigh House, Sutton, Surrey; to. NeU Duncan, d. of Ronald D. Doulton, of Surbiton. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School; France and Germany. Merchant, MUan, Italy. War Wort : Head of Metal Department, Commission Internationale de RavitaiUement, India House, Kingsway. Address : Rovera, Mahiate pior. di Como, Italy. (M9152) NICHOLLS, Lieut.-Comm. Arthur Sydney Moir, O.B.E., R.N.R. NICHOLLS, Major Edward Alfred, O.B.E. NICHOLLS, Evelyn, M.B.E. NICHOLLS, Frederick Lucius, O.B.E, 6. 29 Dec. 1859 ; 8. of Lucius NichoUs, and Amy NichoUs, nee Pigott, of the famUy of Abington Pigott, of Cambridgeshire and grandson of Major John George BeU ; m. Margaret Jesse Bance, d. of WilUam Albert James, of the famUy of James, of ChUcompton, Somerset. War Work : Medical Officer to AuxiUary Hospital; Medical Attendance to the wives and famUies of soldiers and saUors, and assistance to Belgian Refugees. Address: Fulbourn, nr. Cambridge. (011046) NICHOLLS, George, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 25 June, 1864; Educ. : Privately. Chief Organiser for Agricultural Organisa tion Society, on the AUotments and SmaU Holdings Section. War Work : Lecturing for Recruiting Campaign, for War Savings ; Mayor of Peterborough, 1916-18 ; Chairman of a number of Committees for War purposes ; Member of Agricultural Wages Board ; Member of the recent Royal Commission on Agri culture ; was M.P. for N. Northamptonshire, 1906-10. Ad dress : Kimberley Lodge, 162, Lincoln Road, Peterborough. Club : National Liberal. (011047) NICHOLLS, George Thomas, M.B.E. NICHOLLS, Major Gregory BasU Treglisson, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. NICHOLLS, Helen, Lady, O.B.E, v. 13 Oct. 1879 ; d. ol Chas. P. Sprent, late Surveyor- General of Tasmania ; m. Sir Herbert NichoUs, Chief Justice of Tasmania, s. of Henry Richard NichoUs, of BaUarat, Victoria, and Hobart, Tasmania. Educ. : Friends' High School, Hobart. War Work : Vice- President, Tasmanian Red Cross Society during the war, and Member of executive committee and organiser and head of a BIOGRAPHIES. Nicol Red Cross Circle, formed to collect money and make garments for Australian Red Cross ; Member of Australian Comforts Fund Committee. Address: Dionnan, PiUlnger Street, Hobart, Tasmania. (02166) NICHOLLS, Capt. James Edward, O.B.E. NICHOLLS, Capt. Reginald Latham, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. NICHOLLS, Riohard Howell, C.B.E. ; ,Supt. of the Line, Great Western Railway. (02838) NICHOLLS, Thomas, M.B.E. NICHOLLS, Capt. William, M.B.E. NICHOLS, Charles Lee, C.B.E. Hon. Auditor of British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John of Jerusalem. (C1011) NICHOLS, Dorothea Marian, M.B.E. NICHOLS, Lieut. Frederiok William, M.B.E. NICHOLS, John Alexander, M.B.E, 6. 23 Jan. 1880 ; s. of H. Norman Nichols, of Wantage ; m. Agnes Mabel d. of J. A. George, Auctioneer, of Newport, Mon. Educ. : King Alfred's Grammar School, Wantage. War Work : Founded and organised the Wantage and District Territorial Comforts Fund which sent out many comforts to the men ; it also main tained Prisoners of War ; Hon. Sec. of the Wantage and District War Savings Committee, the first committee in the county to form a War Savings Association in every village in its district ; the savings per head of the population and per head per member were highest in the county ; also Hon. Sec. of the Wantage War Savings Association. (M9156) NICHOLS, Col. Joseph Cowie, C.B.E, 6. 1859 ; s. of Charles Nichols, of Dunedin, New Zealand ; m. 1900, Helen Hunter, d. of R. M. Ayre, of Benduck Station, Hay, New South Wales. Educ. : Boys' High School, Otago ; Christ's Coll. Christehurch ; Jesus Coll. Cambridge. Sheep farmer ; Director of N. Otago Farmers Co-operative Association, Ltd. ; Col. New Zealand Mounted Rifles, Comdg. Otago Dist. ; J. P. for New Zealand; appointed an A.D.C to Gov.-Gen. 1913. Address : Kuriheka Station, New Zealand. Club : Otago (Dunedin). (C707) NICHOLS, Capt. Thomas George, M.B.E. NICHOLSON, Capt. Bernard John, M.B.E, R.A.F NICHOLSON, Catherine, Mrs., O.B.E. NICHOLSON, Christabel, M.B.E, W.L. NICHOLSON, David Walter, O.B.E. NICHOLSON, Evelyn Johanna, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Thomas H. Jackson, of The Manor House, Birkenhead ; to. Charles M. Nicholson, s. of Hugh H. Nicholson, of Spital Hall, Spital. War Work : Quartermaster, Vernon Institute Red Cross Hospital, SanghaU, Chester. Address : MoIUngton, nr. Chester. (M801) NICHOLSON, Florence Isabel, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 12 July, 1881 ; d. of Thomas RothweU, of Rockfield, Kelts ; to. John Hampden, s. of Christopher Armytage, of Babrath Burry, Kells. War Work : Commandant of Kells Auxiliary Hospital, May, 1917, to Feb. 1919. Address : Babrath Burry, Kells, Co. Meath. Club : AutomobUe, DubUn. (M2231) NICHOLSON, George Gibb, C.B.E. (C3201) NICHOLSON, Major Henry Sooble, O.B.E. NICHOLSON, Ivor Percy, C.B.E, 6. 1891 ; s. ofthe late Rev. Thomas Nicholson, of London. Educ. : MU1 HU1 School. War Wort: Ministry of Information, 1916-18, Pictorial Propaganda Dept, Officer-in-Charge of Periodicals ; Department of Overseas Trade, 1918-19, Assistant Private Sec. to Sir Arthur Steel- Maitland, Bart, M.P, and in charge of Press Dept. under Rt. Hon. Sh Hamar Greenwood, K.C, M.P. ; Victory Loan Campaign, 1919, Assistant Director to Mr. Sydney Walton, C.B.B. Address : 18, Queensthorpe Road, Sydenham, London, S.E. 26. Club : Whitefriars. (C2839) NICHOLSON, Col. John Sanctuary, C.B, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1863 ; s. of William Nicholson, of Basing Park, Alton, Hants, and 2, South Audley Street, W. Entered Hussars, 1884 ; Capt. 1891 ; Major, 1899 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1900; Lieut.-Col. (h.-p.) 1903 ; Brevet Col. 1905 ; Col. 1907 ; deputed to take over guns, arms, etc, of British S. Africa Co, subsequent to Dr. Jameson's raid into Transvaal, 1896 ; served during Matabele War, 1896-97 (despatches) ; S. Africa, 1900-2 (despatches, Brevet Lieut.-Col.) ; served during the Great War, 1914-17, on Staff (despatches, Order of Leopold of o .FP' I^Sion of Honour, Croix de Guerre) ; raised British S. Africa Co.'s Police, of which he was appointed Comdt. Worth of Zambesi, 1897 ; Comdt.-Gen. Rhodesia Protectorate, 1898 ; sometime Inspector-Gen. S. African Constabulary ; Comdt at Base, 1914-19, with rank of Brig.-Gen. 1917 ; Vice-Chairman of Hants Territorial Force Assoc. ; unsuccess- fmly contested Stafford (C), Dec. 1910. Addresses : Bordean House, Langrish, Petersfield; 2, South Audley Street, W. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Cavalry. (C579) NICHOLSON, Capt. John Steel, M.B.E NICHOLSON, Lieut.-Col. Malcolm, M.B.E, R.A.F., fi. 30 Jan. 1888 ; s. of Sh Arthur Nicholson, of Highfield Hall, • Sf' stans. ; m- Kathleen Gertrude, d. of CorneUus Chambers, ot Moseley, Birmingham. Educ. : Private School, and Trinity nan, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : Joined Army as 2nd Lieut. R.F.A, Oct. 1914 ; transferred to R.F.C, flarch, 1916 ; served overseas, France ; transferred to Royal Air Force Staff at the Horse Guards as Staff Officer, 1st Class, on the London Air Defences. Address : CaUuna, Heathside Road, Woking, Surrey. Club : Royal Automobile. (M2232) NICHOLSON, Capt. Norwood, M.B.E, 6. 4 May, 1880; s. of Rev. Thomas Nicholson, of Birkdale ; to. Eileen Hilda, «¦ of the late F. G. Myers, of Rotherham. Educ : Rotherham Wammar School. Chartered Accountant. War Work: 385 Accounts, Home Base Supply Depot (No 3). Address : Edale Moorgate, Rotherham. (M5502) „ .NICHOLSON, Reginald, M.B.E, M.P. for Doncaster ; s. of William Norris Nicholson, of 43, PhilUmore Gardens, London ¦ m. Natalie, d. of Frederick S. Pearson, of New York. Educ • Charterhouse. Assist. Traffic Manager, Bengal Nagpur RaU way, 1894 ; Manager of " The Times," 1909-15. War Work : Central Prisoners of War Committee, Food Production Depart ment. Address : 61, Park Mansions, Knightsbridge ; Hurley, Gt. Marlow ; Tretheake Mill, Trogoney, Cornwall. Clubs : Queens ; Princes. (M2233) NICHOLSON, Major Richard Granville, O.B.E. NICHOLSON, Robert Beattie, O.B.E, 6. 17 April, 1848 • s. of James Nicholson, of CarUsle ; m. Sarah Jane, d. of Joseph Pattinson, of Carlisle. Educ. : Privately. Town Clerk ¦ Clerk to the Education Committee, Port Sanitary, and Burial Authorities. War Work : Hon. Sec. Conference of Bast Coast Watering Places, Local Canadian Fund Committee, Local National Relief Fund Committee ; Special Constable ; Sec. to Emergency Committee, Local Tribunal, Naval and Military War Pensions Committee, Fuel Control Committee; Joint Executive Officer Food Control Committee. Address : Kirklinton, Lowestoft. Clubs : Northern Counties ; Lowestoft Coif. (07708) NICHOLSON, Major Roger Brighouse, O.B.E, I.M S. NICHOLSON, Samuel Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 10 ,Dec. 1850; s. of WilUam Nicholson, of Crowle, Lines. Insurance Manager. War Work : Member of Home Office Shops Committee ; Organised and became Hon. Sec. to the National Chamber of Trade in support of the Camps Library, and other Voluntary Assistance. Address : Chaseley, Holderness Road, Hull. Club : Literary ; HuU Exchange. (M2234) NICHOLSON, Major Stephen William, O.B.E, M.C, R.A. NICHOLSON, Sybil Helen, Lady, O.B.E, d. ofthe late Sir Herbert Croft, 9th Baronet ; to, 1902, Sir John Rumney Nicholson, Knt. Bach, C.M.G, M.I.C.E, Chief Eng. for Docks N. B. Rly. Address : 20, Nevern Mansions, S.W. 5. (O1003) NICHOLSON, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E. NICHOLSON, Major Thomas Brinsley, O.B.E. NICHOLSON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WUUam Henry, O.B.E, M.B.E. NICHOLSON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WilUam James, O.B.E, Can. M.G.C NICOL, Charlotte, M.B.E. ; d. of Alexander Nicol, of Belfast. Educ. : BeUast MercantUe CoU. War Work : Joined Ministry of Munitions in July, 1916, as Sec. to repre sentative of the Ministry at Lancaster National Projectile Factory ; transferred to Headquarters in Feb. 1917 ; returned to Lancaster Factory in July, 1917, as Chief Assistant to repre sentative of the Ministry, and remained there until Oct. 1919. Address : 20, Hopefield Avenue, BeUast. Club : Anglo-French Society. (M9158) NICOL, Lieut. George, O.B.E. NICOL, Rev. George Erskine, O.B.E, 6. 15 July, 1868 ; s. of George Nicol, of Clackmannan ; to. IsabeUa Bowman Geddes, d. of George Geddes. of Dysart. Educ. : Edinburgh TJniv. ; United Presbyterian - Theological Hall. Minister, at Muswell Hill, Presbyterian Church. War Work : Three years' service as Chaplain, mostly with Fourth Army on the Somme ; attended sick and wounded in Casualty Clearing Stations ; conducted Recreation Rooms and Canteens for the troops ; provided equipment for footbaU teams, and concert parties' and acted as biUeting officer. Address : 31, Church Crescent, Muswell HiU, N. 10. (05634) NICOL, Capt. John, O.B.E., V.D. NICOL, John Strathdee, M.B.E, 6. 12 AprU, 1869 ; s. of M. Nicol, of Cumnock, Ayrshire; m. Jeannie Rae, d. ot Jas Breckemidge, of Cumnock. Educ. : Cumnock PubUc School, and Ayr Academy. Explosives Factory Manager ; Chahman, Pitsea Drainage Board ; Member Southend LAC; Ex-Chairman of Pitsea Parish Council. War Work : Manufacture of PropeUants (Cordite). Address : 44, Kilworth Avenue, Southend-on-Sea. (M803) NICOL, Quintin Anderson, M.B.E, 6. 1876 ; s. of Edward Douglas Nicol, of Arbroath; to. Cisse, d. of Ralph Wilks Herbert, of Sunderland. Educ. : Arbroath and Sunderland. Assistant County Director V.A.D. ; District Officer for Trans port, St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; Corps Trans port Officer, Royal Naval Medical Transport Corps. War Work ¦ Organised and controlled aU Ambulance and Hospital Transport work in Durham County for MiUtary and Naval purposes during the period of the War, 1914-18. Address : The Hermitage, Roker, Sunderland. Clubs : Royal Auto mobile ' Road (M2235) NICOL, Capt. Randall James, O.B.E, 6 Aug 1882 ; s of WiUiam Edward Nicol, of Ballogie. Educ: Eton and Christ Church. Oxford. War Work : Capt. (T. Major) Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ; Camp Commandant VII Corps H.Q. Address: Ballogie, Aboyne, N.B. Club: Junior Carlton (05635) NICOL. Robert Gordon, O.B.E, J.P. NICOL, Sir Thomas Drysdale, K.B.E, 5. 16 Feb 1878 ; s of Thomas Nicol; m. Jean Henderson, y. d. of Robert Simpson. Educ. : High School, Glasgow, and Univ. Glasgow. War Work • Financial Adviser to the Ministry of Munitions ; ControUer of Aircraft Contracts ; Chahman of Liquidation of 2 C Nicol THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Aircraft and Mechanical Transport Contracts Committee ; Special Commissioner for Disposal of Surplus Government Property in the Occupied Area of Germany. Address : 28, Park Lane, London, W. 1. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (K402) NICOL, Major Brev. Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Hutton, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. NICOLL, Capt. Frederick Alan Benson, O.B.E. NICOLL, Lieut.-Col. Peter Strachan, C.B.E, T.D, J.P, D.L, 6. 21 Nov. 1864 ; s. of Robert Nicoll, of Dundee ; m. Jane, d. of James Rutherford, of Dundee. Educ : Dundee High School. ColUery and Shipping Agent ; Lord Dean of GuUd, City of Dundee. War Work : served with l/5th Black Watch ; raised and commanded 2/5th Black Watch ; commanded 9th (Res.) Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders, and 2/7th Northumberland FusiUers, E.E.F, and Sudan ; Order of the Nile, 3rd Class ; mentioned in despatches 3 times. Addresses : 65, Trades Lane, Dundee ; Eaglemount, Carnoustie. (C1386) NICOLL, Thomas Alexander, M.B.E. NICOLL, WiUiam Harry, M.B.E. NICOLLE, Capt. John MacArthur, O.B.E, R.A.F. NICOLLS, Edward Hugh Dyneley, O.B.E. NICOLLS, Heloise Scott, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. NICOLSON, Joseph, Henry, O.B.E. NIELD, Faerie Edith Lilian, M.B.E, L.L.A. ; d. of Edward Whalley, of Liverpool ; m. Charles B. Nield. War Work : Hon. Treas. Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Assocn. (Southport Branch) ; Member of War Pensions Committee ; Member of Birkdale Surgical Aid Association ; Queen Mary's Needlework GuUd. Address : 16, Oxford Road, Birkdale, Lancashire. Club: Formby Ladies' Golf. (M9160) NIGHTINGALE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas George Hull, M.B.E, R.A. NIGHTINGALE, Thomas Herbert, M.B.E NIGHTINGALE, WilUam Joseph Edward, M.B.E, R.N. NIGHTINGALE, WilUam MaxweU, M.B.E. NIMMO, Sir Adam, K.B.E, Vice-President, Mining Association of Great Britain ; Chairman of the Scottish Coal Trade Conciliation Board ; Managing Director, James Nimmo & Co, Ltd. ; Dhector, Fife Coal Co, Ltd. ; Scottish BoUer Insurance and Engine Inspection Co, Ltd. ; Yorkshire In surance Co, Ltd. ; The Shotts Iron Co, Ltd. Address : 21, Bothwell Street, Glasgow. (K160) NIND, Capt. Henry James, O.B.E, R.A. NISBET, Henry Kingscote, O.B.E, 6. 21 Sept. 1875; s. of Rev. Canon John Marjoribanks Nisbet, formerly Canon of Norwich, and Rector of St. GUes in the Fields. Educ. : Eton, and Balliol Coll, Oxford. General Inspector Local Government Board. War Work : Ordinary and. War Work of the Local Government Board. Address : Purton, Wilts. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Union. (03851) NISBET, Robert, M.B.E. ND7EN, Charles Bain, M.B.E. NIVISON, WilUam, M.B.E. NIX, Major Charles George Ashburton, O.B.E. NIXON, Herbert ThomUnson, M.B.E, M.D, Ch.B, F.R.C.S.E, 6. 17 Dec. 1869 ; s. of John Nixon, of Aintree, Liverpool. Educ. : Royal Institution School, Liverpool Univ. Coll, and Royal Infirmary, Liverpool. War Work : Medical Officer, Venice Street AuxiUary Military Hospital, Liverpool. (M10279) NIXON, Margaret Eva, M.B.E. NIXON, Capt. Sydney, O.B.E, R.A.F. NOAL, Frederick Worth, M.B.E. NOAL, Comm. Richard John, O.B.E, R.N.R. NOBLE, Alexander, M.B.E, R.N. NOBLE, Major Bertram WUfrid, O.B.E, H.A.C , fi 3 July, 1881 ; s. of Chas. Rossiter Noble, of Athol House, Sidcup, Kent. Educ. : Sidcup CoU, Kent. Chahman, B. W. Noble, Ltd, Incorporated Insurance Brokers and Managers 78-79, King WiUiam Street, E.C. 4. War Work : Berved 1914-17, H.A.C Infantry in France and Belgium and in England, 1917-19; attached XIII. Corps H.Q, as Chief Instructor XIII. Corps Infantry Schools. Address : Cross- ways, Bickley Park, Kent. Clubs : New City ; Exchange, Liverpool. (05637) NOBLE, Major Crawford, M.B.E, 6. 13 Oct. 1880 • s of Crawford Noble, of Aberdeen ; m. Elizabeth Kathleen, d. of the late Richard Reade, of BaUycayne, Co. Wicklow. Educ. : Aberdeen Univ, and Ecole des Eaux et Forets, Nancy, France Assist. Principal Forest Officer, Cyprus. War Work ¦ 2<1 Suffolk Yeomanry, A.P.M, 27th Division, and afterwards in charge of aU MiUtary PoUce in the Caucasus. Address: Nicosia, Cyprus. (M4817) NOBLE, Capt. George Anderson, M.B.E. NOBLE, John, M.B.E.. M.B, J.P NOBLE, Capt. Riohard, O.B.E. NOBLETT, Brevet Lieut.-Col. Louis Hemington, C.B.E R. of O. Royal Dish Rifles, 6. 15 Jan. 1869 ; s. of H. S. Noblett of Cork ; m. Edith Mary, d. of George Bennett, late of Little Rissington Manor, Glos. Educ. : Bath CoU. Joined Royal Irish Rifles, Aug. 1888 ; served in S.A. War as Company Commander in " Lumsden's Horse" ; mentioned in despatches and awarded Brevet Majority. War Wort: Employed as Embarkation Staff Officer from Aug. 1914, to May, 1919 at Liverpool and Folkestone; mentioned. Address : Ashton, Chaffcombe, Chard, Somerset. Club : Junior Army and Navy. NOEL, Hon. Charles (Hubert Francis), O.B.E, Cpt°, 1st Batt. Coldstream Guards, 6. 22 Oct. 1885; 2nd s. ofthe 3rd Earl of Gainsborough (see BURKE'S Peerage); in. May d. of Brig.-Gen. Douglas Dick, C.B. of Pithkerro. Address: Campden House, Gloucestershire.- Clubs : Guards' ; Naval and Military. (05638) NOEL, Charlotte, M.B.E. NOEL, Major Frances Arthur Gerard, O.B.E. NOEL, Capt Kenneth Hugh, O.B.E, LA. NOEL, Martial Louis Auguste, C.B.E. Registrar-Gen. of Mauritius. War Work : Acted as Food Controller and Controller of Exports. Address : Port Louis, Mauritius. (C2021) NOLAN, Elizabeth Florence Mary, M.B.E, 6. 11 Aug. 1887 ; d. of John Nolan, of Sawbridgeworth, Herts., and Monaghan, Ireland. Educ. : Privately, and at Sacred Heart Convent, Deal. War Work : Sec. to Principal Clerk and Supervisor of Women's Staff, Public Trustee Office. Address: St. KUda's, Worcester Park, Surrey. (M9164) NOLAN, Robert Howard, C.B.E. Hon. Sec. New Zealand Soldiers' Club. (C372) NOON, Major Charles, O.B.E, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. NORBURY, Major Frank Hubert, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.). NORBURY, Capt. Lionel Edward Close, O.B.E, M.B, B.S.(Lond.), F.R,CS.(Eng.), R.A.M.C, fi. 9 Jan. 1882 ; s. of Sir H. F. Norbury, K.C.B, K.H.S, of St. Margaret's, Eltham, Kent ; m. Grace, d. of A. W. Rogerson, of The Avenue, Lewes. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School, and St. Thomas's Hospital. Surgeon Belgrave Hospital for ChUdren ; Assistant Surgeon, St. Mark's Hospital ; Assistant Surgeon MUdmay Mission Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon, Isleworth Infirmary ; Demon strator of Anatomy St. Thomas's Hospital. War Work: Surgeon British Red Cross Hospital, Netley, from Oct. 1914, to May, 1919, with temp. hon. rank of Capt, R.A.M.C. Address : 25, Harley Street, London, W. 1. • (03852) NORCOCK, Comm. Charles Vernon Lowcay, O.B.E.' R.N. NORIE, Grace, Mrs, O.B.E. NORIE, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E. NORMAN, Major Edward Hubert, D.S.O, O.B.E, The Queen's Own (R.W.K.) Regt, 6. 5 Nov. 1880 ; s. of Philip Norman, of 45, Evelyn, Gardens, London, S.W. ; m. Isabel Helen, d. of J. W. PhiUp, of Johannesburg, South Africa. Educ : Eton. Club : Army and Navy. (05339) NORMAN, Florence PrisciUa, Hon. Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of Charles Benjamin Bright M'Laren, 1st Baron Aberconway (see Burke's Peerage) ; to, 1907, as his 2nd wtfe Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Norman, Knt. Bach, P.C, M.P. (L.) for Blackburn, 1910. War Work: Established and superintended the British Hospital, Wimereux, 1914-16; was mentioned in the Commander-in-Chief's despatches ; has the 1914 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal; was member of the General Committee, Chahman of Women's Work Sub- Committee; and is a trustee of Imperial War Museum. Addresses : The Corner House, Cowley Street, S.W. 1 ; Honeyhanger, Hindhead, Surrey. (C51) NORMAN, Frank Arthur, O.B.E, Commander of the Order of Leopold II. of Belgium, 6. 14 Dec. 1883 ; s. of Frank E. B. Norman, late of Kingsley Road, Kings Norton, Bhming ham ; m. Ethel Frances Lucy, d. of H. F. Austen Peck, of Earls Court Road, S.W. Educ. : King Charles I. Grammar School, Kidderminster. Acting Principal Clerk, Establishments Dept, Ministry of Labour. War Work : Belgian Refugee work in England and HoUand with special reference to the question of employment ; Chief Labour Officer of the Ministry of Muni tions for the London and South Eastern Division, 1916 ; special work for Ministry of Labour and London War Pensions Committee in connection with the employment and training of disabled saUors and soldiers ; received La MedaiUe du Roi Albert avec Rayure from the King of the Belgians. Address : 5, Manor Road, Merton Park, S.W. 19. Club : Emerson. (O1710) NORMAN, Herman Cameron, C.S.I, C.B.E, B.A, fi. 1872 ; s. of the late Charles Loyd Norman, of Bromley Common, Kent. Educ. : Eton, and Trinity CoU. Cambridge. Appointed Attach^, 1894 ; 3rd Sec. in the Diplomatic Service, 1896 ; 2nd Sec. 1900 ; 1st Sec. 1907 ; Counsellor of Embassy, 1914 Mto. Plen. 1919 ; Secretary British Delegation at Peace Conference at Paris, 1919. Clubs : Marlborough ; Travel lers' ; St. James's : Beefsteak ; Royal AutomobUe. (C52) NORMAN, Jennie Gilkinson, Mrs, M.B.E. NORMAN, Percy George, O.B.E. NORMANBY, Gertrude Stansf eld, Marchioness of, O.B.E. ; d. of Johnston J. Foster, of Moor Park, Ludlow, Shropshire ; m. the Rev. Constantine Charles Henry Phipps, 3rd Marquess of Normanby (see Bukke'S Peerage). War Work: Jointly with her husband, equipped and maintained for 4_ years the hospital in Mulgrave Castle for wounded Soldiers, which was opened in Dec. 1914, first with an accommodation of 30 beds, and later on with 40 beds ; the hospital was closed in May, 1919 ; was Commandant of the Mulgrave Detachment of V.A.D, North Riding, Yorkshire ; President and Chahman of the Whitby Women's League of Help for the War ; Voluntary Organiser of the Whitby Strand Sub-Depot of the Voluntary Workers' Association ; Chahman of the Naval and MiUtary War Pensions, Whitby Local Sub-Committee. Addresses: Mul' grave Castle, Whitby, Yorkshire ; 90, Eaton Square, S.W. (011051) NORMINGTON, Arthur Edward, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B (Vict.), J.P, 6. 11 Jan. 1872 ; s. of Joshua Normington, of 386 BIOGRAPHIES. Norton Keighley, Yorkshire ; m. Edna Mabel, d. of Edmund Lea, M.R.CS, L.R.C.P, of Manchester. Educ. : Grammar School, Keighley; Victoria Univ, Manchester Surgeon Nelson Brigade St. John Ambulance Assocn. ; Representative Burnley Division British Medical Assocn. ; Surgeon Reedyford Hospital, Nelson; Hon. Sec. Nelson Medical Society. War Work: Medical Officer in Charge of Reedyford Auxiliary MUitary Hospital, Nelson, from Oct. 1915, to May, 1919. Address : Remony House, Nelson, Lancashire. (M9167) NORNABELL, Major Henry Marshall, D.S.O., O B.E, R.F.A, fi. 16 Oct. 1877 ; s. of the late M. Nornabell, of Naf- ferton and Bridlington ; m. Catherine Van Dyke, d. of the late George Van Dyke, of New York and Detroit, U.S.A. Edue. : Wellington (Salop). War Work : Served in France, Aug. 1914, as Adjutant, 39th Brigade, R.F.A, 1st Division ; Indian Corps, 18th Brigade, R.F.A. (3 times despatches). Clubs : Junior United Services ; Junior Naval and Military. (07522) NORRIE, Beatrice, Mrs., C.B.E. ; 2nd d. of the late Andrew Stephen, of 58, Queen's Gate Terrace ; widow of Major G.M. Norrie. War Work: Lady President ofthe London Bridge Y.M.CA, also of Ciro's Y.M.C.A, Orange Street, Leicester Square ; organised Y.M.C.A. Free Buffet at Cannon Street Station, for Repatriated Prisoners of War, where 20.000 prisoners were received and welcomed ; organiser of Y.M.C.A. canteens in Hyde Park during railway strike in Oct. 1919. Address : 62, Queen's Gate, S.W. Club : Ladies' Park. (C2840) NORRIE, Capt. Forster Heddle Brown, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. (01175a) NORRIS, Francis Edward Boshear, C.B.E, F.G.S, F.R.G.S, 6. 17 May, 1885 ; s. of Francis Boshear Norris ; m. Nancy Rosalind Mary, d. of Frank W. Jenkins. Educ. : Rugby, and Corpus Christi Coll, Oxford. Superintendent, SeismogTaphic f Observatory, GuUdford (now closed). War Work: County Director and Hon. County Sec. for Surrey, British Red Cross. Address : Ockwells, East Molesey, Surrey. (C2841) NORRIS, Capt. Harold, M.B.E. NORRIS, Henry, C.B.E, 6. 1852 ; s. of Robert Norris. Dock and Warehouse Manager, Port of London Authority. (0580) NORRIS, Capt. WUUam Albert, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. NORRISH, Edith Gladys Barrett, M.B.E. ; d. of George Roper Norrish, of Upper Norwood. Educ. : Privately, and Crystal Palace Art School. War Work : Registrar, Restriction of Enemy SuppUes Dept, Ministry of Blockade, Foreign Office. Address : Hawley House, Upper Norwood. (M9168) NORTH, Lieut.-Col. Edward, O.B.E, R.E. (T.). NORTH, Frank, M.B.E, 6. 19 Oct. 1880 ; s. of Joseph North, of Bracebridge, Lincoln; to. Gertrude Annie, d. of Charles Bugg, of Lincoln. Educ. : Lincoln. Sec. Lincoln Unionist Association ; Sec. Lincoln and Rutland Provincial Division, National Unionist Association. War Work : Hon. Sec. Lines. Regt. Tobacco Fund ; Hon. Sec. Lines. Regt. Plum Pudding Fund; Hon. Sec. Special Effort for Lines. Regt. Prisoners of War Fund ; assisted other War Charities, inchiding Red Cross Society, altogether raising about £14,000 ; Hon. Sec. Lincoln SaUors' and Soldiers' Reception Committee, which entertained 4000 returned service men. _l, Lieut,-CoI. 3rd Vol. Bn. Queen's Roy. West Surrey Regt. ; Col G.S.O. 1st Grade, G.H.Q, B.E.F. France 1918 ; Knight of Grace, St. John of Jerusalem; Knight of Legion of Honour. Addresses : 107, St. George's Square, S.W.1 ; Clandon Park, i;"A „ „ -PIubs ¦' Carlton ; Beefsteak ; Turf ; Travellers' ; M.C.C. ; GuUdford County. (0619) r. ¦?SSL.°yi.Violet Marcia Catherine Warwick, Countess of, UB.E, A. R.R.C, Lady of Grace, Order of St. John of Jeru salem ; only d. of 3rd Baron Poltimore, of Poltimore Park, Exeter (see Bukke's Peerage); to. WilUam Alan Richard, f: , ,*WlJhirm EUber, 4th Earl of Onslow, of Clandon Park, GuUdford (see Bukke'S Peerage). Lady District Officer for 392 Surrey, St. John Ambulance Brigade. War Wort • Commandant, Clandon Park Primary MiUtary Hospital, 1914-19 ; Commandant, Broom House AuxiUary Red Cross Hospital, 1915-19 ; Vice-President, Surrey Branch B.R.C.S, 1914-20 ; Commandant, Women's V.A.D. Surrey 86, 1914-20 Addresses: Clandon Park, GuUdford; 107, St. George's Square, S.W. 1. (C2852) ONSLOW, Henry HUGHES-, C.B.E, 6. 3 Jan. 1871; 5th s. of the late H. J. Hughes-Onslow, of Balkissock, Co. Ayr (see Bukke'S Peerage, Onslow, E.). Educ. : Eton. Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature. War Work : Organised the examination of witnesses for the Government Committee on the Treatment by the Enemy of British Prisoners of War, etc. Addresses : 8, Cavendish Place, Cavendish Square, W. 1 ; Royal Courts of Justice, W.C. 2. Clubs : Carlton ; Marl borough ; White's ; Bath. (C1016) ONSLOW, Marion, Mrs. Denzil HUGHES-, C.B.E.; d. of George OUver, of Laggan, Ayrshhe ; m. Denzil, Major 6th Dorsets (kiUed in action, July, 1916), s. of Henry John Hughes-Onslow, of Balkissock, Ayr (see Bukke'S Peerage, Onslow E.). Donor and Resident Commandant of Laggan House Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital, BaUantrae, Ayrshire, which hospital (50 beds) she maintained at her own expense, free of all Government or other grants, from 1916 tiU its close in 1919 ; she also, with her husband, the late Major DenzU Hughes-Onslow, handed over her English residence, Colliton House, Dorchester, as a Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital (200 beds) from 1914 till 1919 ; Commandant of Ayr (50) V.A.D. of the Red Cross ; President of the BaUantrae District Sailors' and Soldiers' FamUies Association tiU merged into the Sailors' and Soldiers' Help Association and Pensions Committee ; President of the BaUantrae War Work Party and of the BaUantrae District Committee's Campaign for promoting employment of women on the land. Addresses : Laggan House ; ¦ Balkissock Lodge, BaUantrae, Ayrshhe; CoUiton House, Dorchester. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (C2851) OPENSHAW, Edith Newbold, M.B.E. Educ: Ladies' CoU, Cheltenham. War Work : Voluntary Worker, Bury War Pensions Committee. Address : Brooklands, Wilson Street, Bury, Lancs. (M9193) OPENSHAW, Florence, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 3 June, 1872; d. of Henry Grey, of Heme, Kent ; to. Lawrence Gramme, s. of Thomas Openshaw, of Middleton Cheney Rectory. Educ. : Heme Bay. War Work : Commandant of V.A.D. Detachment, Kent 90 ; in charge of AuxiUary Hospital, Heme Bay, from 1914-18. Address : The Haven, Exton-in-Exeter. Club : New Century. (M9194) OPENSHAW, Lieut. George Arthur, M.B.E. OPENSHAW, James, O.B.E, M.A., J.P, D.L. (Lancs), 6. 13 April, 1871 ; s. of the late Frederick Openshaw, of Hothersall HaU, Ribchester ; to. Muriel Ellen, d. of the Rev. W. J. MelvUle, of Ashton-in-Makerfield. Educ. : Harrow, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Chahman, Lancashire Quarter Sessions (Preston Division). Address : HothersaU HaU, Ribchester, near Preston, (O11066) OPPENHEIM, Major Arthur Edwin, O.B.E, LA. OPPENHEIM, Lieut.-Col. Robert WiUiam, O.B.E. ORAM, Major Harry, O.B.E. ORAM, Capt. Matthew Henry, M.B.E. ORAM, Dame Sarah EUzabeth, D.B.E, R.R.C. Principal Matron, Queen Alexandra's Imp. Mil. Nursing Service. (D40) ORANGE, George James, C.B.E. Joint Hon. Organiser for Official Agents, National War Savings Committee. (C2853) ORANGE, Lionel, M.B.E. ORCHARD, AUred John, C.B.E. Chairman of War Pensions Committee, Rhondda. (C2854) ORCHARD, Lieut. Edward Henslow, M.B.E, R.G.A. ORCHARD, Lieut.-Comm. Edwin Harold, O.B.E, R.N.R. ORCHARD, Jonathan, C.B.E, B.Sc. (Lond.), 6. 4 Dec. 1853 ; s. of Jonathan Orchard, of Southampton ; m. Charlotte Sophia, d. of J. Pitt, of Southampton. Educ : Private School, Lowestoft ; Mason's CoU, Bhmingham. Late Chief Inspector of Customs and Excise, Custom House, London. E.C. War Work : In connection with adnrinistration of Customs and Excise Dept. Address : 319a, Brixton Road, S.W. 9. (C1017) ORCHARD, Hon. Richard Beaumont, C.B.E. Minister for Recruiting, Commonwealth of AustraUa, during the Great War. (C3202) ORD, Lieut. Benjamin, M.B.E. ORD, Evelyne Mary, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Richard Ord, of Sands HaU, Co. Durham. Educ. : Privately ; Bedford Women's Coll. President, Sedgefleld District, Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association ; President of other local societies. War Work : Founder, organiser, and Hon. Sec. of the British and AUies Comforts and Victims of War Fund ; assisted dhectly over 10,000 individuals, not counting the thousands helped indirectly by goods sent in bulk ; received the Order of the Serbian Red Cross ; also Order of Montenegrin Red Cross. Address : Sands HaU, Sedgefleld, Co. Durham. (011067) ORD, Mark Curry, M.B.E. ORD, WiUiam WalUs, O.B.E, M.D. O'REILLY, Arthur, M.B.E. O'REILLY, Major Brefney Rolph, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.F. O'REILLY, Isabella, Mrs., M.B.E. O'REILLY, Rev. James, O.B.E. O'REILLY, Major Thomas Leslie, O.B.E. ORFORD, Lieut.-Col. Herbert John, O.B.E. ORFORD, John, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, L.S.A,. 6. 22 March, 1857 ; s. of John Orford, of Brookes HaU, Ipswich ; BIOGRAPHIES. Osborne m. Fanny Florence, d. of Thomas Sorby of Sheffield. Educ. : St. Thomas' Hospital. Surgeon. War Work : Medical Officer in charge Stapleton, Darrington and SwilUngton War Hospitals. (M9197) ORFORD, Capt, William Oswald, O.B.E, R.F.A. (T.). O'RIORDAN, Lieut. Henry Miohael, O.B.E. ORLOFF, Capt, Eugene, M.B.E, R.E. OBMAN, Frederick Brook, M.B.E., 6. 9 Oct. 1869 ; s. of Henry Oman of Portsmouth, Hants ; m. Amy Drew, d. of John Gapes, of Portsmouth, Hants. Educ : Gorsuch's Academy, and Dockyard School, Portsmouth. Surveyor of Stores. H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth. War Work: Aug. 1914 to Feb. 1918, Principal Hull Overseer in the Tyne District for emergency repairs to H.M. ships, and during this period dealt with the repairs to several of H.M. vessels damaged by enemy action, besides attending to the general maintenance and refitting of many vessels of the Grand Fleet. Address : 4, Jingal Place, Edinburgh. (M3876) ORME, Capt. Frederiok George, O.B.E, 7th Bn. Middle sex Regt. (T.), 6. 1874 ; s. of George HiU Orme, of Bayswater ; m. Minnie, d. of John Rutgers, of Amsterdam. Educ. : St. Paul's School. FeUow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries. War Work : Held rank of Inspector in the Inspection Dept, Koyal Arsenal, Woolwich, High Explosives Directorate. Address : 3, Fairfax Mansions, Hampstead, N.W. 3. Club : Royal Automobile. (01716) ORME, Marie, Mrs., M.B.E, L.R.CP.I, L.R.CS.I ; d. of John Goodwin, of Matlock, Derbyshire ; m. Albert L'Estrange, s. of Robert Orme, of Owenmore, Co. Mayo. Educ: Privately. Resident Physician, Rockside Hydro, Matlock; Hon. Physician, Derby and Derbyshire Convalescent Home, Matlock, and the Sheffield Works Association Convales cent Home for Women. War Work:' M.O. Royal Air Force Hospital for Officers, Rockside; M.O. Red Cross Auxiliary Hospital, Dariey, near Matlock : Commandant, Derby 22 R.C. V.A.D, which, conjointly with Derby 34 R.C V.A.D, organised and ran the Dariey AuxiUary Red Cross Hospital for wounded soldiers, over 2000 cases being admitted ; served as Member of the Matlock Belgian ReUef and War Rehef Committees. Address : Rockside, Matlock. (M9198) ORME, Thomas Charles Rushmer, O.B.E, 6. 11 March, 1861. Educ. : Park House Academy, Southampton. Assist ant Marine Manager, London and South-Western Railway Co. War Work : Transport. Address : Blah Athol, Alma Road, Southampton. (011069) ORMEROD, Annie, M.B.E. ORMEROD. Marion Grace, O.B.E, 6. 12 June, 1872 ; d.oi the Rev. Canon J. G. Alford, C.B.E, of Bristol (q.v.); to Henry Lawrence Ormerod, M.D, s. of Henry Ormerod, Surgeon, of Westbury-on-Trym. Educ. : Privately. War Wort : Commandant Bristol 8 ; Rest Station work, Sept. 1914, to April, 1919 ; also on County Director's Selection Board. . Address : 2, Henleaze Road, Westbury-on-Trym. (011070) ORMISTON, Capt. Thomas Maclay, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.) fi. 30 July, 1889 ; s. of Robert Onniston, of AUoa, Scotland; m. Winifred Ethel Douglas, d. ot the Rev. John Ross. M.A, of GarnethiU Parish, Glasgow. Educ. : Alios Academy. Address : 375, SauchiehaU St, Glasgow. (05653) ORMOND, Bt. Major Arthur WUUam, C.B.E, F.R.CS, fi. 8 Dec. 1871 ; s. of Maurice Ormond, of London ; to. Mary Charlotte, d. of E. H. P. Eason, of London. Educ : Guy's Hospital. Ophthalmic Surgeon, Guy's Hospital ; Lecturer in Medical School. War Work: Officer in charge Ophthalmic Department, 2nd London General Hospital, Chelsea ; Ophthal mic SpeciaUst, London Area ; Hon. Ophthalmic Surgeon, St. Dunstan's Hostel for BUnded SaUors and Soldiers. Address : 7, Devonshhe Place, W. (02151) ORMSBY, Surg.-Comm. WUliam Edwin, O.B.E, M.B. ORMSTON, John Maurice, M.B.E. O'RORKE, Major George Mackenzie, CLE, M.B.E. O'RORKE, Gertrude Isabel, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of the late fiev. Canon WilUam Wayman Hutt, of Hockwold Rectory, Brandon, Norfolk ; m. Ashley Robert Howard, s. of the late Rev. Henry O'Rorke, of Feltwell Rectory, Brandon, Norfolk. War Work: Commandant, and later Qr.-Mr. and Sec. of Pontyclun Red Cross AuxiUary Hospital, Pontyclun, Gla morgan, S. Wales, July, 1915, to Jan. 1919. Address : Tal-y- garn, Pontyclun, Glamorgan, S. Wales. (M9199; ORPEN, Major Anthony Shroeder, O.B.E. ORPEN, Ida Grace Victoria, M.B.E, fi. 31 March, 1887 ; a of Richard Hugh MiUerd, of ArdtuUy, Kenmare, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Lady Super intendent, H.M. Inspection of Munition Areas, Sheffield, Liverpool, and North Wales for 2 years ; District Lady Super intendent, H.M. Central Stores Dept, Bhmingham and the Midlands. (M3877) ORPEN, Sybil Margaret, Hon. Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of 1st Baron Plumer (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; m. 1916, Maj. Anthonj »• Orpen, E. Lancs. Regt. Address : 10, Old Court Mansions, S-W. 8 (011071) _ ORPEN, Sir WiUiam Newenham Montague, K.B.E, B-A, fi. 1878 ; 4th s. of Arthur Herbert Orpen, M.A. (of Oriel), or StiUorgan, Co. Dublin ; m. Grace, d. of Walter John Knew- stub, of Highgate. Addresses : 8, South Bolton Gardens, S.W.10; 11, Royal Hospital Rd, Chelsea, S.W.3. Clubs: Garrick ; SavUe ; Arts. (K161) ORR, Charles Roger, C.B.B. ORR, Major Frank George, C.B.E, R.F.A. (T.). ORR, Lieut. George, M.B.E, fi. 24 July, 1884. Educ : Hutcheson's Grammar School. Cooperage Proprietor. Ad dress : 431, Victoria Road, Queen's Park, Glasgow. (M3007) ORR, Major Harold, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. ORR, James Peter, C.S.I, C.B.E, I.C.S. ORR, John, M.B.E, J.P. Kimberley; fi. 7 Jan. 1858; s. of Dixon Orr, of Benburb, co. Tyrone, Ireland; to. Mary Ellen, d. of Henry , of Staffordshire. Educ. : National School and private tuition. Merchant, Kimberley, Durban, Johannesburg, etc. War Work : Was for three years Mayor of Kimberley, S. Africa, during the war period 1916-19, and during that time was Chairman of the local Recruiting Committee and of the various patriotic organisations — notably that of the Governor-General's Fund — for which an amount of nearly £30,000 was raised at the " Kimberley Wa' Market." President. Kimberley Branch of Navy League of S. Africa. Club: Kimberley. (011072) ORR, John, O.B.E, M.B, CM, late Capt. R.A.M.C. (T.), 6. 17 Jan. 1861 ; s. of the late Major-General James Orr, of 27th Regt. N.I. (India) ; m. Annie Isabel ; d. of the late Thomas Jones, of Woodcroft, Windermere. Educ. : St. Andrews (Fife), and Edinburgh Univ. Medical Referee to Board of Education ; Medical Referee to Ministry of Pen sions ; M.O. to Post Office. War Work : Officer in charge of Blm Bank Hospital (Red Cross), and Eccles and Patricroft Hospital, Patricroft ; M.O. to both hospitals. Address : 3, Clarendon Road, Eccles, Lancs. (011072) ORR, John, O.B.E, B.Sc, M.I.C.E, M.I.Mech.E, 6. 25 April 1870 ; s. of late Henry Orr, of Westcraigs, Lanarkslure, Scotland ; m. Janet Louise, d. of F. J. Quinton, of Johannes burg. Educ. : Royal Technical College, Glasgow, and Glasgow University. Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Univ. College, Johannesburg (University of South Africa) ; Past President S.A. Institution of Engineers ; Past President S.A. Association for the Advancement of Science ; Member Union Government Advisory Board of Industry and Science (1917-20) ; Chahman British Engineering Standards Association (S.A. Branch) ; Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of South Africa (1918-21). War Work : Chahman of Witwatersrand Disabled Soldiers Board ; Member of Central Executive of the Governor-General's Fund and of Administrative Com mittee Governor-General's Fund (Johannesburg Branch). Address: P.O. Box 1176, Johannesburg. Clubs : Rand (Johannesburg) ; Kimberley (Kimberley). (04361) ORR, WilUam James, C.B.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1874; s of James Orr, of Manchester; to. Kathleen Marguerite, d. of the late Sir Joseph Leigh, of Stockport. Educ : Pembroke House School; Switzerland and Germany. War Work: Textile Adviser to the Director of Army Contracts, and later Chief Executive Officer of the War Dept. Cotton Textiles Office, Manchester; Chevalier Order of the Crown of Belgium. Addresses: Empire House, Charlotte Street, Manchester; Barton Grange, near Preston. Club: Clarendon, Manchester ORRIN, Herbert Charles, O.B.E FR.CS.fi. 1878; s. of the late Henry Orrin ; m. Beth A, d. of the late Rev. T. W. Gibson, M.A. Educ. : Privately. Surgeon Ministry of Pensions Board. War Work : 1914-20, Medical Officer in charge, Earl of Onslow's Hospital, Clandon Park- Medical Officer in charge, Kensington Red Cross Hospital, London; Surgeon attached 3rd London General Hospital. Address 150, Harley Street, W. 1. (04382) ORTON, C. J., M.B.E. ^ _^ __ ORTON, Comm. John Henry, O.B.E, R.iN. ORTON, WUUam, M.B.E. OSBORN, Catherine Augusta, Mrs., M.B.E, a. or Andrew Cusin, of Kirkcaldy, Fife ; m. Harry, s. of William Edward Osborn, of Kirn, N.B. Educ: Convent of Notre Dame, Liverpool. War Work: Quartermaster at Hoole House AuxUiary MU. Hospl. Chester Aug 1915 to June, 1919 Nursing Duties at Richmond House Aux. MU. Hospl. Chester 1914-15. Address : 18, Castle Street, Chester. (M25) OSBORN, Capt. Howard Harry, M.B.E. OSBORN, Capt. Tom Douglas Hamilton, M.L.Ji, R.A.J!. OSBORN, WUliam Albert, M.B.E, R-N- OSBORNE, Albert AUred, 03 E M R.CS, L.R.CJ. l£?*§iJS?& S£ch^ra^SoV°Un| « f™i ofTife. War Work) Sec. and Trea, .Fife : Branch of Scottish Branch of Brit sh Red Cross Society raised and iuLntend^t ^^¦0^^'^^^ reTonlle for the design and production of components requhed to produce Anti-Gas apparatus. * , .. 1-isnnRNF. Lieut -Col. George Henry, O.B.E, 6. 1 Oec. 1858- ? of WM Osborne of SCowes, I. ofW.;m. Annie dot J O'Neill of Aldershot. Educ. : Privately. War Work: Service to Into and Arabia. Address: 50, Latchmere Road Kingston-on-Thames. '¦ OSBORNE, Lieut. Henry WiUiam, M.B.E OSBORNE, Capt. John Warde, CBE,R.N- 0 ncRnnNR Maior John William, O.J5.JL, it.A.ivi.^., n_,.J,.((Es.MajM jm. Osborne, of »am3?y St. Mary, Herts ; to. Emily Ann, d. of G. Cudlipp Hitchin, Herts. 393 Osborne THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Educ : Ramsey and Peterborough. Commissioned in 1908. War Work : Proceeded to France with a General Hospital on 12 Aug. 1914, and continued to serve in France throughout the war till 26 May, 1919, with various units and formations. Addresses : 46, Wimpole Road, Colchester ; c/o Holt & Co. (05654) OSBORNE, Margaret, O.B.E. Superintendent, London derry North- West Sphagnum Moss Depot. (011790/) OSBORNE, RosabeUe, C.B.E. Principal Matron Army Nursing Service. War Work : Rendered services in connection with mUitary operations in Salonica. (C1124) OSBORNE. WilUam Henry, M.B.E. (M10410) OSBURN, Lieut, Harold, O.B.E.; R.N.V.R. OSGERBY, Isabel, Mrs, M.B.E. OSGOOD, Frederick Stanley, C.B.E, M.V.O. OSLER, Capt. James BeU, O.B.E, 6. 6 July, 1889 ; s. of James BeU Osier, of Coupar Angus. Educ. : Dundee High School ; Royal Technical CoU, Glasgow. Engineer. Address : 49, Ridgmount Gardens, W.C 1. Club : Royal Automobile. (05655) OSMAN.Hon. Lieut.-Col. Alfred Henry, O.B.E, 6 12 July, 1864 ; s. of John Jonas Osman, of the Civil Service ; to. Ada Gertrude, d. of Edward Jones, of Tonbridge. Educ. : Edmon ton Grammar School. War Work : (voluntary) Organised the Carrier Pigeon Service ; enlisted men for this service after examination ; obtained, free of cost to the country, thousands of carrier pigeons to maintain the service on all fronts ; was in command of the Carrier Pigeon Service G.H.Q. Great Britain ; bred and suppUed large numbers of birds from his own lofts. Address : Apsley House, Cambridge Park, Leyton stone, E. 11. (01717) OSMASTON, Col. CecU Alvend FitzHerbert, C.B, C.B.E.. late R.M. ArtiUery, fi. 24 July, 1866 ; s. of John Osmaston, of Osmaston Manor ; to. Minnie Buckley, d. of General Sir Henry Tuson, late R.M. ArtUlery. Educ. : Wtochester. Adjutant, R.M. ArtUlery ; Adjutant, Sligo ArtiUery ; Instructor of Gunnery, R.M. ArtiUery (ret.); Member, Ordnance Board; Member. Ordnance Committee ; Assistant ControUer, Munitions Inven tions Department. War Work : Commanded Brigade of Artil lery in France. Club : United Service. (C2281) OSMASTON, Sophie Florence Lothrop, C.B.E. OSMOND, Lieut.-Col. Edward, C.B.E, R.A.F. Served during the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1903) OST, Lieut. Henry John, M.B.E, R.E. OST, Lieut. WiUiam Lewis, M.B.E, R.N, fi. 5 Feb. 1859. June, 1915, appointed to H.M.S. " CoUeen," as assistant to Officer in charge of Anti-Submarine Boom Defence, Queens- town Harbour ; Aug. 1917, took over charge of Boom Defence, Queenstown, from Comdr. E. L. Hughes, R.N, and continued in charge untU the end of the Great War. Address : 3, Ardnalee, Crosshaven, Co. Cork, Ireland. (M2250) OSTLE, Helen Muriel, M.B.E, 6. 18 May, 1883 ; d. of the late Rev. Wm. Ostle, of the Vicarage, S. Bartholomew's Hospital, E.C, and Haydon Vicarage, Sherborne, Dorset. Educ. : St. Mary's HaU, Brighton ; City of London High School ; and Wiesbaden. Emigration work in connection with the S. African Colonisation Society and British Women's Emigration Association ; L.CC Care Committee work ; In charge of Employment Department for Debenham's, Ltd. War Work : Administrative Assistant in Gun Ammunition Filling Dept, Ministry of Munitions, Dec. 1915, to March, 1919. Address : 5, Smith Street, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Club : Efficiency. (M9201) OSTLER, Major Franois Edward, O.B.E, N.Z.A S.C. OSTREHAN, Lieut.-Col. Francis George Rodney, O.B.E.. OSTREHAN, Capt. Malcolm, M.B.E. O'SULLIVAN, Col. Daniel, C.B.E, 6. 1853. Col. Army Med. Depart, (ret.) ; served during the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1726) O'SULLIVAN, Gerald Hendon, M.B.E, 6. 6 Jan. 1888 ; 8. of John O'SulUvan, of Aberavon, South Wales. Educ. : Privately, and at Broadstairs. War Work : Acted as Admiraltv Sub-agent at Port Talbot, 1914-19, and as Transport Officer during most of the time. Address : St. Cuthbert's, Port Talbot, South Wales. (M2251) O'SULLIVAN, Cadet Lieut.-Col. Hugh Dermod Evan, C.B.E, Royal Marines, 6. 11 Sept. 1874 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. Eugene O'SulUvan, Royal ArtUlery; to. Flora, d. of Hugh CampbeU, of Eden Lodge, Beckenham. Educ. : Wimborne, and Royal Naval Coll. Royal Marines L.I. 1892 ; attached Egvptian Army, 1901 ; and Sudan Government, 1903 ; Governor and O.C. Troops, Upper Nile Province. 1909-11 ; Senior Officer, Royal Marines, East Indies Naval Command, 1912-14 ; Orders : Osmanieh, the Medjidieh, and the Nile. War Work : Senior Officer, Royal Marines, East India and Egypt, 1914-15 ; Intelligence Officer to Naval C.-in-C, East Indies and Egypt, 1915; General Staff Officer (1st Grade), Special Service on Staff of Naval C.-in-C, East Indies and Egypt, 1916, and of Mediterranean, 1917; Naval Political Officer (G.S.O. 1), Egypt, 1918-19. Address : Royal Marines, Stonehouse, Plymouth. Club : United Service. O'SULLIVAN, Major Patrick, O.B.E, R.A. O'SULLIVAN, Capt. Richard Benjamin, O.B.E. OSWALD, Lieut.-Col. Christopher Percy, O.B.E. OSWALD, Surg.-Sub.-Lieut. David James Tosh, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. OSWALD, Ethel Margaret Oswald, M.B.E. OSWALD, Maude, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 18 June, 1849 ; d. of James H. Smith Barry, of Marbury HaU, Cheshire ; m. Richard s. of George D. Oswald, of Auchincruive, Ayr. War Work: Vice-President, Red Cross; Convener, Carrick House, and Seaflelds AuxUiary Hospitals ; Vice-President Pensions Com mittee, Soldiers' and SaUors' FamiUes Association. Address : Auchincruive, Ayr. (O11074) OSWALD, Percy Cunningham, O.B.E. • OSWALD, Lieut.-Col. Robert James William, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). OTTAWAY, John, M.B.E. OTTEWILL, James Thomas, M.B.E. OTTLEY, Capt. Robert Bruce Hamilton, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. OTTMAN, Amelia Gertrude, M.B.E. ; d. of Hugo Ottman, of Glasgow. Educ. : Park School, Glasgow ; Brussels, and Dresden. War Work: Joined Q.M.A.A.C, Jan. 1918; pro ceeded overseas and was posted to Camp 3, Abbeville; in Sept. 1918, was put in charge of War Workers' Parties at Gezain- court Chateau, under G.H.Q, tiU work closed there at end of Jan. 1919 ; returned to Camp 3, AbbevlUe, and remained there as Deputy Administrator tiU demobilised in Nov. 1919. Address : 13, Glenan Gardens, Helensburgh, Scotland. (M4566) OUDIN, Eugenie Josephine, O.B.E. OUGHTON, Ernest, O.B.E. OUSELEY, Capt. Joseph WiUiam Glynn, O.B.E. OUSELEY, WilUam, M.B.E. OUTERBRIDGE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Herbert A., M.B.E. OUTRAM, Major Francis Davidson, O.B.E, M.I.C.E, M.I.M.E, late R.E. ; 6. 4 Aug. 1867 ; 2nd s. of Sir Francis Boyd Outram, of Clach-na-fatre, Pitlochry, N.B. (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. 1st, Maud Charlotte, d. of the late J. P. Kitchin, of the Manor House, Hampton-on-Thames (died 1913), 2nd, Isabel Mary, d. of late H. C Berry, of Birmingham. Educ : HaUeybury, and R.I. E.C, Coopers HiU. 2nd Lieut. Royal Engineers, Nov. 1889 ; Lieut. Nov. 1892 ; rethed, 1897 ; Consulting Engineer at 28, Victoria Street, S.W, until 1911. War Work : Staff Capt, Directorate of Fortifications and Works, War Office, Dec. 1914, to July, 1917 ; Deputy Assistant Director of Fortifications and Works, War Office, July, 1917, to AprU, 1919. Address : Lyss-na-grevne, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire. Club: National. (07537) OUTRAM, Haidee Maria, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 23 July, 1873 ; d. of H. F. Beaumont, of Whitley Beaumont, Huddersfield; m. WiUiam, s. of Sir Francis B. Outram, Bart, of Clach-na- faire, Pitlochry (see BUKKE'S Peerage). War Work : Command ant of Kirkburton Military Hospital, 1915-18 ; Sec. for the Kirkburton Belgian Refugees, 1914-19. Address : Stubbings Vicarage, Maidenhead. (M2252) OUTRAM, Wing-Comm. Harold WiUiam Sydney, C.B.E, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2340) OUVRY, Lieut.-Col. Ernest Carrington, M.B.E, fi. 2 July, 1866 ; s. of The Rev. Peter Thomas Ouvry, M.A, J.P, of Wing, Bucks, and East Acton, Middlesex ; m. Elinor Southwood, d. of Charles Lee Lewes, L.CC, of 3, Cambridge Terrace, Regent's Park. Educ. : Marlborough Coll. ; Wad- ham CoU, Oxford. Senior partner, EUis & EUis, SoUcitors, Westminster ; Steward of the Manors of, and SoUcitor to, New CoU, Oxford ; a Director of French Protestant Hospital, Victoria Park ; a Governor and Hon. Sec. Westminster French Protestant School ; Trustee French Church, Soho ; Sec. French Protestant Church of the Savoy ; FeUow of the Hugue not Society. War Work : South African War, 1900-1, 34th Co. Middlesex Imperial Yeomanry (medal, 4 clasps) ; Veterans' Corps, Hon. ArtUlery Co. ; raised and CO. 1st Cadet Batt. Hon. ArtUlery Co. ; Member, City of London Territorial Cadet Committee ; Sec. National Association of Cadet Training. Addresses : 10, Little CoUege Street, Westminster ; 15, Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park ; Crockham HiU, Kent. Clubs : St. Stephen's; Public Schools. (M9204) OUZMAN, WiUiam Charles, M.B.E. OVANS, Capt. Charles Phipps John, O.B.E. OVANS, Major Hugh Lambert, C.B.E. Ministry of National Service. (C3161) OVEN, Capt. Richard Trevor Tudor, M.B.E. OVENS, Lieut. Alexander Rutherford, M.B.E, R.A.F. OVENS, Jean Broomfield Weir, M.B.E.; d. ot Walter Ovens, of Torr, Castle Douglas, N.B. War Work: Joined Women's Legion, Sept. 1916 ; to charge of kitchen at Summer- down Camp, Eastbourne, for 10 months ; superintendent of an Officers' Mess in same town, Aug. 1917 ; transferred to Q.M.A.A.C, Oct. 1917 ; Unit Administrator at Officers' Com mand Depot, Eastbourne, Nov. 1917, to Jan. 1919, and at Grove Park, Feb. 1919, to Dec. 1919. (M5509) OVERELL, Major Percy WUUam, O.B.E. OVERHEAD, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E, R.N. OVERMAN, Henry, C.B.E, J.P. OWEN, 2nd Lieut. Bertram Maurice, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. OWEN, Edward Tudor, O.B.E. OWEN, Frederick WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 1 Deo. 1879; s. of George Owen, of Williton, Somerset ; to. Edith Eveline, ((. of Alfred Woodmansev, of Harpham, Yorkshire. Educ : Westminster. War Work : Cabinet Staff. Address : 96, Norbury Court Road, Norbury, Surrey. (M3880) OWEN, Gladys, O.B.E. OWEN, Griffith EUis, M.B.E, fi. 25 July, 1855 ; s. of EUis Owen, of Craflwyn, Beddgelert ; to. Gwen, d. of Rees Edwards, of Barmouth. Educ. : Beddgelert. Member of various local and county committees. War Work: Member 394 BIOGRAPHIES. Paeke of Food Control and Fuel Committees ; also Sec. of the Bar mouth War Refugees Committee, 1914-18 : awarded MedaUlo du Roi Albert. Addresses : Greenwich House, Barmouth ; Wern, Barnouth, N. Wales. (M9205) OWEN, Major Herbert Charles, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 18 Aug. 1877'; s. of Col. G. P. Owen, J.P, of Folkestone ; m. Mabel Elvira, d. of the late Right Hon. Sh Samuel Walker, Bart, Lord Chancellor of DeLind. Educ. : Marlborough Coll, and Sandhurst. Resident Magistrate in Ireland ; stationed at Donegal. War Work : Deputy Assistant Adjutant-Gen, 23rd Division ; served in France and Italy, 1917-18 ; Gen. Staff Officer, Chatham, 1915-16 ; four times mentioned In despatches ; awarded Croce di Guerra. Address : Magherabeg, Donegal, Ireland. (02996) OWEN, John, O.B.E, 6. 3 Feb. 1858; s. of William Owen, of Trefriw, N. Wales ; m. Sarah Ann, d. of Benjamin PoweU, of Mold. Educ : Llanrwst Grammar School. Small Holdings Commissioner, under Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, for Wales and Monmouth ; District Commissioner, Food Production Department ; Superintending Commissioner for Land Settlement and Small Holdings for Wales and Mon mouth, under Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. War Wort : Superintending the work of War Agricultural Executive Committees in Wales ; Recruiting Labour for Agriculture. Address : Whitehouse, Bersham, Wrexham. Club : National Liberal; Farmers'. (O1720) OWEN, John Albert, M.B.E. OWEN, Langer, C.B.E, K.C Barrister, Lincoln's Inn, 1888. War Work : Rendered services in connection with Information Bureau, N.S. Wales Div, Australian Red Cross. Address : Sydney, N.S. Wales. (C717) OWEN, Percy Thomas, O.B.E. (012001) OWEN, Capt. Reginald Charles Lloyd, O.B.E, R.N. OWEN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Riohard A., O.B.E, R.A.V.C, fi. 9 Aug. 1871; s.of A. Owen, of Springfields, Wolverhampton, Staffs.; m. Helen Maud Mary, d. of Horatio W. Pearce, of Cosh am, Hants. Educ. : St. Mary's, Wolverhampton. Served through ranks from 1889-1920. War Work : Assist.-Deputy Director of Vety. Services, Aldershot Command, 1914-18 (despatches, M.B.E, 1916) ; service in Salonika, and South Russia as D.A.A.G. to Denikln's Mission (despatches, 1920). A ddress : Sutton Scotney Hants. Club: H. and H.E, Farnham. (09747) OWEN, Lieut.-Col. Roger Carmichael Robert, C.M.G, O.B.E, F.R.G.S. OWEN, Capt. Robert David, O.B.E, 6. 9 Aug. 1870 ; s, of Robert Owen, of Fourcrosses, Pwllheli ; m. Elizabeth Catherine, d. of David Evans, of Bay View, Nevin. Educ. : Ideym National School. Master Mariner ; Master of T.S.8. "Nestor" (15,000 tons), Messrs. Alfred Holt & Co, of Liverpool (Blue Funnel Line). War Work : In command of the " Nestor " at the commencement of trooping in Aug. 1915 ; she was then taken over by the AustraUan Government, and since that time has carried over 55,000 soldiers, including Australians, Imperials, South Africans, and Americans ; she was unsuccessfuUy attacked by submarine — twice with troops on board, and three times without ; the largest complement she carried on one trip was 2930 Americans from New York to Liverpool, and on that occasion she established the record of arriving without one single case in hospital. Addresses : Bay View, Nevin, Carnarvonshire : 70, Farrar Roaa, Bangor, North Wales. (011076) OWEN, Thomas, M.B.E, fi. 15 Dec. 1872. Manager of LlaneUy Employment Exchange, Ministry of Labour. War Wort : Assisted in recruiting labour for three large munition factories; Member of Executive Committee of LlaneUy Borough War ReUef Fund for dependants of sailors and soldiers. (M3881) OWEN, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Hugh, C.B.E, R.B. : s. of the late Thomas Owen, of Holyhead, N. Wales ; m. 1919, Enid Strathearn, d. of Col. the Hon. Sh John Strathearn Hendrie, K.C.M.G, C.V.O. (see Bueke's Peerage). Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1727) . OWEN, Frederick PhUip Lewis CUNLIFFE-, C.B.E, b- 30 Jan. 1855 ; s. of Sir Philip Cunliffe-Owen, K.C.B, K.C.M.G, etc. ; to. Marguerite Isaure, d. of Jules de Godart, Comte du Planty et de Sourdis, France. Educ. : Lancing, Sussex. Vice-President of the Pilgrims' Society of the United States ; Chahman of the France America Society ; of the American and Hellenic Society ; Chairman of the American Committee of Queen Alexandra's Lord Kitchener Memorial * nnd ; Officer of the Order of the Legion of Honour, and of the Instruction Publique of France ; Grand Commander of the Greek Order of the Redeemer, the Order of Charles III. tl °.Pam> 'he Osmanieh; Commander of the Italian Order of the Crown, of the Serbian Order of the White Eagle, and several other foreign orders. Address : 248, Central Park West. IfewYork. Clufis: New York Yacht ; Garrick. vC2857) OWEN, Major Alfred LLOYD-, O.B.E, M.C. R.E, 6. 10 Feb. 1884 ; s. of the late Dr. A. Lloyd-Owen M.D, of South sea. ; m. Marion Elizabeth, d. of late Joseph Hayward Jervis, late Chief Constable of Warwickshire. Educ. : Portsmouth Urammar School : Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. War work : Served with B.E.F. in France, Aug. 1914, tUl the Armis tice; Commanded 11th Corps Signal Company, and 3rd Army Signal Company ; subsequently to the Armistice was in command of the Signal Depot, B.E.F, with acting rank of ueut.-Col. for a period of five months. Address : The Cot, Hayling Island, Hampshire. (01718) 1 oE 1N' Murlel Mary, Mrs. TUDOR-, M.B.E, 6. 24 Aug, ™l d.ot Henry J. Musgrave Croley; m, William Courtenay. l.c.b, Ihe Abbey, Denbigh, s. of Edward Tudor-Owen. Mue. : Privately. War Work : Organised working party and raised £6000 funds for War purposes at Wadhwan and Gohelwad Prant ; worked in connection with Convalescent pificers' Home at Palitana, from 1916-18. Address: c/o Messrs. Cox and Co, Bankers, Bombay. (M7167) OWENS, Lieut. John Daniel, O.B.E, R.N.R. OWENS, Lieut. Joseph Hubert, CLE, M.B.E. OWENS, Col. Robert Leonce, C.B.E, R.M, late The Royal Irish Regt, fi. 3 Oct. 1862 ; s. of Robert Ivers Owens, of Limerick ; to. Helen Mary Winifred, d. of Lieut.-Col. F. G. Shaw, late of Heathburn Hall, Riverstick, Co. Cork. Educ. : Privately. Commissioned May 1887, Bedford Regt. ; pro moted Capt, The Royal Irish Regt, Jan. 1895 ; retired Major, Ihe Royal Irish Regt, March, 1908 ; promoted Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batt, April, 1913. War Work : Served in Dublin from Aug. 1914, and Commanded Batt. at top of SackviUe Street, during Rebellion of 1916; despatches, London Gazette, Brevet of Col. ; from March, 1918, until Oct. 1919, Com manded the troops in the following disturbed areas : Co. Clare, West Cork, North Tipperary, Westport, Co. Mayo, and Co. Tipperary ; promoted Substantive Col, Jan. 1919 ; appointed Resident Magistrate, March, 1920. Address : Spring Gardens, Mallow, Co. Cork. Clubs : KUdare Street ; County, Cork. (01728) OWENS, WiUiam, M.B.E. OWTRAM, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Hawkesworth, O.B.E. OXBURGH, Lieut. George Stanley, M.B.E. OXLAND, Capt. Thomas Benjamin, M.B.E. OXLEY, Major Frederick John, O.B.E, R.A.M.C OXLEY, John Stewart, C.B.E. ; s. of the late John Stewart Oxley, of Fen Place, Turners Hill, Sussex ; to. Helen Charlotte, d. of the late Charles D. Cumming, of Hayling, Epsom. Educ : Charterhouse ; Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law, and General Inspector, Ministry of Health. Address : Monks, Balcombe, Sussex. Club : Conservative. (C585) OXLEY, Alfred James RICE-, C.B.E, M.D., M.R.O.P, J.P, Member of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, 6. Jan. 1856 ; s, of George Oxley, of Yorkshire ; to. Eva Augusta, d'. of C E. Amos, C.E., of Clapham. Educ. : Doncaster Grammar School ; BaUiol CoU, Oxford ; The London Hospital. Physician-in-Ordinary, H.R.H. Princess Beatrice ; Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kensington ; President, Kensington Council of Social Service ; President, West London Medico- Chirurgical Society ; Chahman, Council Society of Yorkshire- men in London ; late Member Central Council British Medical Association. War Work : Hon. Medical Director and Acting Physician, H.R.H. Princess Beatrice's Auxiliary Hospital for Wounded Officers, and Dorchester House Hospital for Wounded Officers, during whole period of war ; mentioned for valuable services in connection with war. Address : 5, Prince of Wales ' Terrace, Kensington. Club : Roehampton. (C1160) OYLER, Cadet-Col. Alexander Wilfred, O.B.E, 6. 19 Sept. 1884 ; s. of David Jonathan Oyler, of The Laurels, Millfleld Lane, Highgate, N. 6. Educ. : St. Andrew's School, Eastbourne; Winchester Coll. Managing Director. Oylers, Limited, tyre manufacturers and Rapson Automobile Patents, Limited ; Member London District Council of National Joint Industrial Rubber CouncU ; Cadet-Col, Chief Staff Officer, London Division, Church Lads' Brigade ; Member of Committee, London Diocesan Council for Welfare of Lads, and Seaside Camps for London Working Boys ; Chahman, St. Pancras Juvenile Welfare Committee, and London Joint Council of Juvenile Organisations Committees, Board of Education. Address : The Laurels, Millfleld Lane, Highgate, N. 6. CTwfis : Cavendish ; Royal AutomobUe ; M.G.C. (011078) OYSTON, WUliam Fletcher, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, 6. 26 Oct. 1873 ; s. of the Rev. George Oyston, B.A, of 116, Union Road, Sheffield ; m. Florence Caroline, d. of Robert MarshaU, J.P, Pontefract. Educ. : Kingswood School, Bath. M.O. Friends' School, Ackworth ; M.O. and Public Vaccinator, Hemsworth, R.D.C War Work : M.O, Flounders Coll. AuxUiary Hospital, Ackworth, near Pontefract (100 beds). Address : High Ackworth, near Pontefract. (M9207) PACKARD, Major and Qr.-Mr. Joseph Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. PACKE, Lieut.-Col. Edmund Christopher, D.S.O, PACKE, Sir Edward Hussey, K.B.E, 6. 6 Jan. 1878; s of the late Hussey Packe, of Prestwold HaU, Leicestershire (see BUKKE'S Landed Gentry) ; rn. the Hon. Mary Sydney Colebrooke, d. of Edward, 1st Lord Colebrooke (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Eton. J.P. and D.L. for the County of Leicester ; High Sheriff, 1911 ¦. a member of the County Council, 1908-19 ; Assistant Priv. Sec. to Sec. of State for War (Marquis of Landsowne), 1900 ; Assist. Private Sec. to First Lord of the Admhalty (the Earl of Selbome), 1901-5, and to the Earl of Cawdor 1905 ; a Government Director of the Anglo-Persian Oil Co ,' since 1919. War Work Attached to the Civil Staff of the Admiralty, 4 Aug. 1914, as Assistant to the Permanent Sec of the Admhalty ; appointed Assistant Private Sec. to the First Lord of the Admiralty (the Right Hon. A. J. BaUour), 1915-16 to Sir Edward Carson, 1917 ; Private Sec. to Sh 395 Packe THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Eric Geddes, 1917-19, and to the Right Hon. Walter Long, 1919. Addresses: Prestwold HaU, Loughborough ; 41, Charles Street, W. Clubs : Brooks's; Turf (K406) PACKE, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Edward, O.B.E, 6. 12 May, 1879 • s of WUUam Packe, of 1, Cavendish Square. Educ. : Marlborough. War Work: France, 1914, very severely wounded; France, 1915, very severely wounded; France 1916. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Arthur's. (07540) PACKER, Rev. George Francis, O.B.E. PACKER, Henry Walter Percy, M.B.E. .,._.„ PACKFORD, Lieut. Charles William, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. PADDEY, Major John Elliott, O.B.E, 6. 24 March, 1870; s. of George Paddey, of Wolverhampton; m. Edith Fanny, d. of Thomas Malpas, of Codsall. Educ : St. Mary's, Wolverhampton. Superintendent Telegraphs, Post Office. War Work : Joined as subaltern in the R.E. in Dec. 1914 ; served in France, Macedonia, and Turkey ; mentioned in despatches, 25 Oct. 1917 and 1 Nov. 1918; awarded the MedaiUe d'Honneur. Address : AUen Road, Wolverhampton. (03055) PADDISON, WilUam Perceval, M.B.E. PADDLE, Lieut. Albert, M.B.E. PADDON, 2nd. Lieut. John Locke, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. PADFIELD, Capt. Cecil James Carpenter, M.B.E, 6. 4 July, 1893 ; s. of Joseph Webb Padfield, of Coleford, Somerset ; m. Olga, d. of John Terlezky, of Vladivostok. Educ. : Halstow School; privately. War Work: Enlisted Sept. 21 1914; commissioned Sept. 27, 1915 ; gazetted Capt. Oct. 14, 1916 ; Hong Kong, 1916-18 ; Russia, 1918-19 ; Hythe Certificate (Distinguished) Musketry, 1915. Addresses : 24, Humber Road, Blackheath ; 12, Markelovski, Vladivostok. (M6773) PADFIELD, Major Frederick Henry, O.B.E. PADWICK, Francis Herbert, C.B.E, J.P, fi. 21 March. 1856; s. of Frederick Padwick, of West Thorney, Sussex; m. Marv Grace, d. of Rev. Thos. P. Boultbee, LL.D, Principal of London Coll. of Divinity, of Highbury, N. Educ. : Ton- bridge School ; Corpus Christi Coll, Camb. ; Inner Temple. Barrister at law, and Agriculturist. War Work : Served on the Agricultural Consultative Committee, appointed by Lord Lucas (President of Board of Agriculture), and continued to serve under Lord Selborne and Lord Crawford ; on Mr. Pro- thero's (Lord Ernie) Advisory Committee on Food Production.; on Central Agricultural Advisory Council (appointed to advise President of Board of Agriculture and Ministry of Food) ; on Departmental Committee appointed by the President of Board of Agriculture to consider the Settlement and Employ ment on the land, in England and Wales, of discharged sailors and soldiers ; Chahman of the West Sussex County War Agricul tural Committee ; Chahman of West Sussex County War Agricultural Executive Committee ; Chahman of the West Sussex County National Services Committee (Neville Chamber lain's Scheme) ; served on West Sussex County Distress Com mittee ; served on West Sussex County War Savings Com mittee ; served Chichester Petty Sessional Division Emergency (Invasion) Committee ; served Westbourne Local Tribunal ; Chahman Westbourne Rural District Food Control Committee ; Chairman Westbourne Rural District War Savings Committee ; Chahman Westbourne Rural District Distress Committee. Address : The Red House, West Ashling, Chichester. Club : Farmers'. (C54) PAFFARD, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Reginald Douglas, O.B.E, R.N. PAGE, Agnes Margaret, Mrs, M.B.E. PAGE, Charles Herbert, O.B.E. PAGE, Edward, M.B.E, fi. 6 Feb. 1860 ; s. of Thomas Page, of Hastings ; m. EUzabeth Caroline, d. of James Gregory, of New Zealand. Educ. : Church School, Hastings. Chief Fishery Officer under the Sussex Sea Fisheries, War Work : In connection of Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, and with the Admhalty. Address : 61 , Tamworth Road, Hove, Sussex. (M821) PAGE, Ethel Augusta, M.B.E, PAGE, Capt. Francis James, O.B.E. PAGE, Frederick Handley, C.B.E, fi. 1885. Managing Director of Handley Page, Ltd, Aeroplane Manufacturers. (C586) PAGE, Frederick James, O.B.E, fi. 19 Dec. 1920 ; s. of Sidney John Page, of Yatton, Somerset ; m. Margaret, d. of Henry Casswell, of Boston, Lincolnshhe. Educ. : Castle HU1 School, Ealing. Engineer ; Locomotive and Carriage Supt. of Bombay-Baroda Central India Rly. War Work : Railway work in moving material and troops ; manufacture of muni tions and war material in railway shops ; Member of Bombay Government Munitions Committee, and later of Advisory Committee to Munitions Board. Club : Royal Yacht (Bombay). (04168) PAGE, Lieut.-Col. Frederick WilUam, O.B.E, Aust. A.O C PAGE, George Albert, M.B.E. PAGE, Capt. Harold James, M.B.E, B.Sc. (Lond.), A.I.C, R.F.A. (S.R.) (ret.), 6. 29 May, 1890; s. of James WiUiam Page, of Carshalton, Surrey ; to. Gladys Isabel, d. of Edward Easton Shepperd, of Knockholt, Kent. Educ : Southend-on-Sea High School, and Univ. CoU, Univ. of London. Head of Soil Chemistry Department to Lawes Agricultural Trust, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden. War Work : Served in France in R.F.A. from 1914-16; twice mentioned in despatches ; wounded July, 1916 ; served under Ministry of Munitions at Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich from 1917-19. Address : Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts. (M5510) PAGE Howard John, M.B.E, fi. 23 March, 1856 , s. of John Page, Supt. of Constabulary, Dorking ; to. Florence Helena d. of John Guttridge Burry. Educ. : Mr. Hooke's School at Dorking, Surrey. Address: Epsom Road, Guildford, Surrey. (M9210) PAGE, James, M.B.E, Esquire of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Town CouncUlor, fi. 21 June, 1864 ; s. of Thos. A. Page, of South Shields ; m. Frances Charlotte Mary, d. of Edward Smith, of Quebec, Canada. Educ. : Smoults Academy. Architect. Hon. Sec. St. John Ambulance Association, South Shields Centre, 30 years ; Capt. South Shields Volunteer Life Brigade (Rocket Life Saving Apparatus) ; Capt. South Shields Golf Club War Work : Assistant County Director Durham V A D 's • District Staff Officer, St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Chief Staff Officer, Royal Naval Medical Transport Corps; Assistant Commandant, No. 2 V.A.D. Hospital, South Shields. Address : South View, South Shields. (M3882) PAGE, Jessie EUen, Mrs, M.B.E. PAGE, John Foulger, M.B.E. PAGE, Capt. Reginald, M.B.E, fi. 10 Oct. ,1881 ; s. of WiUiam John Page, of Dulwich, London ; m. Margaret Helena, d of William Parkinson, of Princes Park, Liverpool. Educ : Liverpool Institute. War Work : Served in the Rifle Brigade, 1915-19. Address: 107, Kingsley Road, Princes Park, Liverpool. (M9212) PAGE, Robert Palgrave, C.B.E, 6. 29 Nov. 1867 ; s. of the late Samuel Page. Educ. : Harrow, and Trinity HaU, Cambridge. War Work ; Intelligence Staff, War Office. Address: 33, Dover Street, W. 1. Clubs : Travellers'; Orleans. (C2858) PAGE, Rev. Walter Sutton, O.B.E, B.A, B.D. PAGE, WiUiam Charles, M.B.E. PAGE, WilUam Morton, C.B.E, 6. 1883 ; s. of George Charles Page, of Ashby-de-la-Zouch ; m. 1911, Nora Margaret, d. of W. H. Harsant, of Clifton. Educ. : King's Coll. Cambridge (B.A. 1905, M.A. and Fellow, 19081. H.M. Inspector of Schools ; an Officer of Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus of Italy ; Chevalier of Legion of Honour ; Assist. Sec. for Require ments and Statistics, Ministry of Munitions, since 1917. Ad dress : Minster Yard, Lincoln. (C587) PAGET, Major Eden Wilberforce, C.B.E, 6. 9 Sept. 1865: s. of Rev. Edward Heneage Paget (see BURKE'S Peerage, Anglesey, M.), Vicar of Hoxne, Suffolk, and Hon. Emma Mary, 3rd d. of Robert, 3rd Lord Auckland, Bishop of Bath and Wells (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. 4 Dec. 1898, Gertrude Amy. d. of the late WiUiam Maudesley Chamley, of Preston. (C588) PAGET, Lieut.-Comm. Henry Edward Clarence, C.B.E, J.P, R.N.V.R, 6. 20 March, 1860 ; s. of the Rev. Edward and Hon. Mrs. Paget (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. Maria Caroline, d. of the late Thomas Simon Bolitho, of Trengwainton (see Burke's Landed Gentry). Late Commissioner of Police, Calcutta. War Work : Naval InteUigence Departments, and afterwards organised and commanded the MetropoUtan Obser vation Service. Address: 31, Bryanston Square, London, W. 1. Club : Boodle's. (C1018) PAGET, Louisa Margaret Leila Wemyss, Lady, G.B.E. PAGET, Lady Muriel Evelyn Vernon, O.B.E.. 6. 19 Aug. 1876 ; d. of 11th Earl of WinchUsea and Nottingham (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Sir Richard Arthur Surteus, s. of the late Rt. Hon. Sh Richard Paget, Bart, P.C. (see Burkes Peerage). Educ. : At Home. War Work : 1914-15, invalid Kitchens of London ; 1915-18, inaugurated Anglo-Russian Hospitals ; served at intervals in Russia, in Petrograd, and on Southern Fronts, and in Roumania ; organised aUied civU relief in Kiev, 1918; 1919-20, organised relief missions, Czecho slovakia, Crimea and Dvinsk. Addresses: Cranmore HaU, Shepton MaUet ; 1, Devonshire Terrace, Lancaster Gate. W. 2. Club : Ladies' Athenseum. (043) PAGET, RosaUnd Margaret, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. Feb. 1856; d. of Peter Northall Laurie, Pax HiU Park, Lenchfield, Sussex ; m. WiUiam Henry, s. of Lord WiUiam Paget, R.N. War Work : Organised and superintended Westminster War Hospitals Supply Depot for 4 years ; Y.M.C.A. Canteen Work throughout the war. Address : 12a, Evelyn Mansions, Carlisle Place, Victoria Street, S.W. Club : Forum. (011079) PAIN, Dorothy AUce, O.B.E. Superintendent of Class Rooms in which inmates of St. Dunstan's learn Braille. ( 011920) PAIN, Lieut.-Col. Edgar, O.B.E, B.E, A.R.S.M,M.I.M.M, fi. 21 Oct. 1882 ; s. of Leopold Pain, of Welwyn, Herts. ; m. Mary MUlicent, d. of R. D. Prior. Came from Africa. R.E. April 1916 ; joined 170th Coy. R.E, in France as 2nd Lieut. ; transferred to H.Q. 1st Army on Q. Staff, July 1916 ; D.A.D.G.T. 1st Army, Dec. 1916, with rank of Capt. ; promoted Major, Oct. 1918 ; A.D.G.T. 1st Army, July 1918, with rank of Lt.-Col. ; transferred to Div. G.H.Q. Ipa, Dec. 1918, and to Army of the Rhine. Jan. 1919. Address : The Gables, Cleve land, Transvaal. Club : Rand. Johannesburg. (05561) PALM, Brig.-Gen. Sir George WilUam HACKET-, K.B.E, C.B, J.P, 6. 1855 ; s. of the late George Pain, formerly m the 11th Hussars ; to. Saidee, d. of S. Merton, of Sidney, N.S. Wales. Educ. : Elizabeth Coll, Guernsey, and privately. Divisional Commissioner of Royal Irish Constabulary for Ulster, and Justice of Peace for every county in the province ; late 2nd Worcester Regt.. formerly Queen's Royal Regt, Comdg. No. VII Dist, 1908-11'; ret. 1912. Served in the Soudan, 396 BIOGRAPHIES. Palmer 1888, action of Gamaizah, capture of Tolmr (horse shot, medal with clasp, bronze star with clasp, 3rd class Medjidieh, 3rd class Osmanieh) ; with Dongola Expedition 1896 (horse shot, despatches, medal with two clasps, Brevet Lieut.-Col.), with Hile Expedition, 1897-8 (medal) ; in S. African War, 1899-1902 (despatches), two medals, five clasps, C.B. War Service : Eaised and commanded 108th Infantry Brigade. Ulster Division, in 1914 ; served in France ; awarded 1915 star, Victory and Allies' Medals ; commanded Northern District Ireland, 1916-20. Ctefis .' United Service ; Kildare Street : Automobile. (K301) PAINTER, Paymaster-Lieut. Arthur Coliett, O.B.E, PAINTER, Thomas Abbott, M.B.E, 6. 11 Nov. 1864 ; 8. of J. Painter, of Launceston, Cornwall ; m. Selina Ann, d. of Thomas Holmes, of Edensor, Derbyshire. Educ. : Wesleyan Sohools, Doncaster, Yorkshire. Assistant District Manager, G.N.R, King's Cross, London. War Work : Commandant of Ho. 44 Middlesex V.A.D. ; Assistant County Director, Middle sex (N. E. District) ; Organising and Training Detachments ; attending convoys of wounded trains, and ah raid duties. Address : 47, Elvendon Road, Palmers Green, London, N. IS. (M3884) PAINTING, Helen, M.B.E, PAISH, Leonard AUred, O.B.E. PAKEMAN, John Robert, C.B.E, 6. 22 July 1860; s. of Robert Pakeman, of Highgate ; m. 1st, Florence, d. of Major Drerer, 2nd, Charlotte Isobel, widow of Capt. Julian Spencer-MitcheU. Educ. : Private School. Solicitor. War Work : Chahman of Section B, London Appeal Tribunal, and Chairman of other War Committees in the City of London ; also Advisory Member of the American Leather Mission. Ad dresses : 25, Victoria Road, Kensington, W. 8 ; 16, Donmonger Lane, E.C. Clubs : Constitutional ; Royal Automobile ; GuUdhaU. (C1019) PAKINGTON, Hon. Mary Augusta, M.B.E, 6. 21 June, 1878; d. of Herbert Perrott Murray Paklngton, 3rd Baron Hampton, of Westwood and Hampton Lovett (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Hon. Sec. Worcestershire Women's War Agricultural Committee ; Member of Hartlebury V.A.D. Address .' Waresley Court, near Kidderminster. (M9213) PALAEOLOGUS, Harriett Oatman, O.B.E. (0117886) PALFREMAN, Eng.-Lieut. Edwin, O.B.E, R.N. PALIN, Helen Grace, M.B.E. PALIN, Major Randle Harry, O.B.E, LA. PALING, Vincent, M.B.E, 6. 1882. s. of Robert Paling ; m. LUy Gertrude, d. of WilUam Ranger, of Stroud. Educ. : Bhmingham. Secretary. War Work : Sec. to ControUer of Gun Manufacture, Ministry of Munitions, being associated with Ministry from inception in 1915 to June, 1919. Address : Mossend, Lanarkshire, Scotland. (M2259) PALLIN, Sydney David, M.B.E. PALLIN, Major (T. Col.) WiUiam AUred, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 6 June, 1873 ; s. of William Pallin, of Athgarvan Lodge, Curragh Camp, Co. KUdare, Deland ; to. Agnes Marie Marthe, d. of Emile de Lenclos, of Aubyn St. Vaast, France. Educ : Aravon, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland ; Cheltenham CoU, England. Major (T. Col.) Royal Army Veterinary Corps ; Fellow of the Royal CoU. of Veterinary Surgeons ; FeUow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh ; Deputy Director-General R.A.V.S. War Work : Vet. Officer-in-charge, Royal Horse Guards, 1914-15 ; Assist. Director of Veterinary Services, 37th Division, 1915-16 ; D.D.V.S, L. of C, Northern B.E.F, 1916-17, and H.Q. Third Army, B.E.F, 1917-19. Address : 36, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W. 1. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C1300) PALLIS. Lieut. Andreas. M.B.E. PALMER, Capt. Alexander Croydon, O.B.E, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. PALMER, Major Archibald James, O.B.E. PALMER, Major Basil Owen, M.B.E, 1st Border Regt, s. of the late Edward Palmer, of Froddington House, Southsea. Educ. : Vickerys Coll. Joined the Army in 1899 ; served in the S. African War, 1900-2 ; took part in the operations in the Transvaal, 30 Nov. 1900, to 31 May, 1902 (Queen's medal with 3 clasps, and King's medal with 2 clasps). War Work : Em ployed on Recruiting at WhitehaU. Address : 96, PiccadUly. Club : Junior Naval and MUitary. (M5511) PALMER, Paymaster-Lieut. Bennet, O.B.E, R.N.R. PALMER, Major Charles Ernest, O.B.E, R.E. PALMER, Major Charles WiUiam Gustavus, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 14 Jan. 1875 ; s. of W. J. Palmer, of Bournemouth ; to. Ethel Blanche, a. of the late 0. W. Keep, of Bournemouth. Educ : Private Schools. Wine Merchant. War Work : Left l/7th Hampshire Regt. in Sept. 1914 ; helped form 2/7th Hampshire Regt. ; proceeded with that unit to India in 1914; stationed at Trimulgherry (Deccan), Jubbulpore, Subathu. and DeolaU ; regiment ordered to Mesopotamia in > 917 ; stationed at Azizieh, Amara, and the Jabal Hamdin ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : 25, Richmond Park Crescent, Bournemouth. (06682) PALMER, Clara Adeline, M.B.E. PALMER, Lieut.-Col. Claude Bowes, C.B.E, J.P., D.L, Knight of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, fi. 29 March, 1868; s. of Sh Charles Mark Palmer, 1st Bart, M.P, of Grinkle Park, Yorkslure (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Marian, O.B.E, A.R.R.C, Lady of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusa lem (q.v.), d. of Edward Charlton Ramsey, of South Shields, and widow of Edmund Charles Jenkins. Educ : Cheltenham CoU, and Royal School of Mines, Freiberg, Saxony. Com missioner, Northumberland, Durham, North and East York shire, St. John Ambulance Brigade ; County Director, V.A.D, Northumberland and Durham ; Member of Durham Terri torial Force Association ; Member of Durham County Licensing Committee ; is a J.P. and D.L, Co. of Durham ; Lieut, late Army Motor Reserve of Officers. War Work : Had charge of all Red Cross work of the Order of St. John and British Red Cross Society in Northumberland and Durham ; raised and commanded (Lieut.-Col.) Northumberland R.A.M.C. (V.) ; raised and commanded Royal Naval Medical Transport Corps ; raised two Volunteer Field Ambulances in Durham ; took contingents of men of the St. John Ambulance Brigade to France, 1914-15 ; inspected, on behalf of the French Red Cross, over 200 French Hospitals in France ; in charge of Auxiliary Medical Arrangements for Coast Defences of Tyne and Tees Garrisons ; had charge of 47 AuxUiary Hospitals in Northumberland and Durham, Addresses : Wardley Hall, Pelaw-on-Tyne ; 28, Lexham Gardens, W. 8. C7wfis : Royal Automobile ; County, Durham ; Union. Newcastle-on-Tyne. (C201) PALMER, Capt. Creighton Ross, O.B.E, A. P.C. PALMER. Lieut. Edward George, M.B.E. PALMER. Capt. Edward Henry Banks, O.B.E, R.A.F. PALMER, Comm. Edwin Mansergh, O.B.E, R.N. PALMER, EUen Amelia, Mrs., M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C PALMER, Major Eric Barton, O.B.E. PALMER, Capt. Ernest Henry, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. PALMER, Florence Mary, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Samuel Palmer, of Northcourt, Hampstead. War Work : Joint- organiser of Belgian Refugee Hostel, followed by club for same, Sept. 1914, to July, 1915 ; joint organiser of Hamp stead War Hospital Supply Depot, July, 1915, to March. 1919. Address : 1. Compagne Gardens, N.W. (M9214) PALMER, Capt. Gilbert, M.B.E, R.A.F. PALMER, Lieut.-Col. Herbert James LesUe, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. PALMER, Horace Frank, M.B.E. PALMER, Lieut. Hubert Leslie, M.B.E. PALMER, Major John Harald Gore, O.B.E, LA. PALMER, Surgeon-Major John Irwin, O.B.E. (V.M.S. ret.) ; s. of John Palmer, of Eliot Place, Blackheath ; to. Alice Scott, d. of Charles WUd, of Hampton Wick. Educ. : Guy's Hospital. Surgeon ; Visiting Medical Officer, Special Surgical Neurological Hospital, Church Lane, S.W. War Work: Visiting Surgeon, Tooting MUitary Hospital and Mile End Military Hospital ; attached Special Orthopaedic Hospital, Ducane Road, W. ; Medical Officer, Special Surgical Neuro logical Hospital, Ministry of Pensions, Tooting, S.W. ; Member and Hon. Sec. Marylebone Medical War Committee. Address : 31, New Cavendish Street, Harley Street, W. (011832) PALMER, Surg.-Lieut. Comdr. John Ramsey, O.B.E, L.D.S, R.N.V.R. PALMER, Capt. Leonard Edgeombe, O.B.E, R.A.F. PALMER, Louise Madeleine, Mrs, O.B.E. PALMER, Marian, Mrs., O.B.E, Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class ; d. of Edward Charlton Ramsey, of South Shields ; to. Lieut.-Col. Claude Bowes, C.B.E, D.L. (q.v.), s. of Sh Charles Mark Palmer, 1st Bart, M.P, of Grinkle Park, Yorkshire (see Burke's Peerage). Formerly Lady District Super intendent, Northumberland, Durham, North and East York shire St. John Ambulance Brigade; late Lady Assistant, County Director Voluntary Aid Detachments, Co. of Durham. War Work : Commandant, 1st Durham V.A.D. Hospital (110 beds) Whinney House, Gateshead ; and St. John Ambu lance Brigade Hospital (50 beds), Saltwell Towers, Gateshead ; as Lady Assist. County Director (Durham) had supervision of 8 AuxUiary Hospitals ; mentioned by Secretary of State lor valuable services rendered ; late Lady Supermtendent, Royal Naval Medical Transport Corps. Addresses : Wardley HaU, Pelaw-on-Tyne, Co. Durham; 28, Lexham Gardens, W. 8 Club : Ladies' Army and Navy (0625 ) PALMER, May Blanche, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 6 Jan. 1876 ; d of Alexander Place, of HaUfax ; m. Edward, s. of James Edward Palmer, Major, Indian Army, of Deccan, Hyderabad, India. Edue. : Privately. Lady Superintendent of Liptons, Ltd. War Work: Lady Superintendent of the munition workers colony at Slades Green, Kent, from 1916-19. Address Tigarah, 11, St. Mary's Rd, Highbury , London N (M824) PALMER, Nellie Hurcomb, M.B.E, 6. 27 Oct. 1889, d. of WiUiam Henry Palmer, of Nottingham. Edue. .-Lichfield High School; Bhmingham Women's Settlement. Organising Sec National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, .1912-14. War Work : Senior Lady Superintendent, both technical and welfare, Army Pay Dept. ; stationed at Exeter Army Pay Office. Address : Nadderwater, Exeter. Club : Exeter ^^ggg^ PALMER, Philip, O.B.E. . .„ pwv„ PALMER, Lieut. Reginald Howard, OJ.E., J^V.R. PALMER! Robert Edward, O.B.E, B.Sc, M.Inst.M. & M 6 16 Dec. 1865 ; s. of Charles Palmer K.C of Prince Edward Island, Canada ; m. Mary Helen Constance, d. of Charles Maitland Leonard, of Canada. Educ. :Pnaceol Wales' Coll PB. Island; McGiU Univ, Montreal. Con sulting Mining Engineer, Rio Tinto Co, Ltd. War Work : SionalDh-ector, Dept. of Iron and Steel Production Ministry of Munitions, London. AMresses:f Lombard Street London, E.C. ; 55, Iveraa Court, Kensington, W. 8. Clul > . Mining and Metallurgical. (UllUB^j PALMER, Rosa Jane, M.B.I,. 397 Palmer THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. PALMER, Sydney Joseph, M.B.E, M.D, 6. 1863 ; s. of Joseph Tett Palmer, of Seaton, Devon ; to. Florence, d. of Dr. WiUiam Palmer Rowe, of Liverpool. Educ : Framling ham Coll. ; St. Bart.'s Hospital ; Durham Univ. Member Special Medical Board, Ministry of Pensions ; late Surgeon Liverpool Police ; Hon. Medical Officer, Liverpool Penitentiary and Magdalen Home, Liverpool. War Work : M.O. in charge Netherfleld Road AuxiUary MUitary Hospital, Liverpool. Address : 15, Oxford Street, Liverpool. (M10281) PALMER, Capt. Vivian TrestraU Dampier, O.B.E.. J.P , 6. 29 Dec. 1870 ; s. of the late Col. James Dampier Palmer, M.P. of Herondon Hall, Tenterden ; m. MeUta, d. of Fairless Harrison. of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Marlborough CoU. Served in S. African War, 1899-1900 ; Hon. Lieut, to the Army, 1900 ; Capt 3rd Batt. E. Kent Regt, 1904-7 ; late 2nd Lieut. Coldstream Guards ; CC Kent (on roU for High Sheriff, 19201. War Work : Capt. (temp.), 1914-19 ; Recruiting Staff Officer, 3rd Regimental District ; Sec. South-Eastern Region, Ministry of National Service, and Private Sec. to Sh CecU Beck, M.P. (Parliamentary Sec, Ministry of National Service). Address : Herondon Hall, Tenterden, Kent. Club : Junior Carlton. • (01724) PALMER, Capt. Walter Benjamin, O.B.E. PALMER, Lieut. WilUam, O.B.E, R.N. PALMER, Capt. William, M.B.E. PALMER, William Harold, O.B.E. PALMER, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E. PALMER, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Carey Stukeley SAMBORNE-, C.B.E. PAM, Major Albert, O.B.E, Legion d'Honneur, Croix de Guerre ; to. Maude le Clerc (q.v.), d. of the late Gen. J. G. Faugh K.H.S. (O5660) PAM, Lieut.-Col. Edgar, O.B.E. PAM, Maude Le Clerc, Mrs, O.B.E, and mentioned in despatches; d. of the late Gen. J. G. Faught, K.H.S. ; to. Major Albert Pam, O.B.E, Legion d' Honneur, Croix de Guerre. While waiting for Hospital to be used, worked at Canteen in charge of shift of 30, and Red Cross working parties. War Work : Lent own house, fuUy equipped for 120 beds, as AuxiUary Hospital, and personaUy organised and administered same as Commandant and Quartermaster from March, 1916, to March, 1919 ; raised detachment Herts 48 to work hospital ; Vice-President, B.R.C.S. for Wormley and Broxbourne ; raised substantial sums to send to headquarters of the B.R.C.S. Address: Wormley Bury, near Broxbourne, Herts. Club : Ladies' Imperial. (01726) PANCHAUD, Lieut.-Col. Harry George Louis, O.B.E. PANCKRIDGE, WiUiam Panckridge, O.B.E, M.B, fi. 14 March, 1874 ; s. of Francis Panckridge, of BroadweU, Oxon ; m. Maria, d. of — Waiting, of Johannesburg. Educ. : Forest School ; Middlesex Hospital. Hon. Surgeon, Petersfield Cottage Hospital ; M.O. Petersfield Isolation Hospital Com mittee. War Work: M.O. Adhurst St. Mary, Clayton Court, and Heath Lodge AuxUiary Red Cross Hospitals. Address : Winton House, Petersfield. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (011083) PANNELL, Charles Thomas, M.B.E. PANTER, Lieut. George WiUiam, M.B.E, R.A.F. PANTHER, Helen Annie, Mrs, M.B.E. PANTLING, Frederick, M.B.E, R.N. PAPE, Comm. Percy John, O.B.E, R.N.R, R.D. PAPE, WiUiam George, O.B.E. PAPWORTH, Frederic WilUam, O.B.E, F.S.A.A., Assistant Accountant-General, Admiralty. War Work : At Admiralty. Address : 7, Whitefriars Crescent, WestcUff, Essex. (01108*5) PARAMOUR, Capt. Frank Richard, M.B.E. PARDOE, Major Edward Percy HamUton, O.B.E. PARDOE, Winnie, Mrs, O.B.E. PARDON, Eva, Mrs, M.B.E. PARES, Sh Bernard, K.B.E, 6. 1 March, 1867 ; s. of the late John Pares, J.P, of Westfield, Southsea ; m. Margaret EUis, d. ot E. A. Dixon. Educ. : Harrow, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Professor of Russian in the Univ. of London ; formerly Professor in the Univ. of Liverpool, 1908-17. War Work : Attached as official correspondent of H.M. Government to the Russian forces ; later attached to H.M. Ambassador in Petrograd ; attached to the Russian Red Cross ; Soldiers' Cross and Medal of St. George ; gave addresses at many meetings to Russia and in the chief towns of Siberia. Addresses : Westfield, Adelaide Road, Surbiton ; King's CoU, London, W.C 2 Club : Univ, Liverpool. (K226) PARGITER, David Scott, C.B.E. Chahman of S. African Shtoptog Committee for Homeward Loading. (C72P) PARIS, WiUiam Richard, M.B.E, R.N. PARISH, Arthur John, C.B, C.B.E, fi. 1861 ; s. of the late Rev. William Samuel Parish, Rector of Freckenham, Suffolk ; m. 1911, Helen Mary, d. of WiUiam Griffiths, CE, of 61, Sinclair Road, Kensington, W. Educ. : King's Sch, Ely, and St. Peter's CoU, Camb. (B.A, 26th Wrangler, 1884; M.A. 1887). Appointed a Naval Instructor, R.N, 1886; Dep. Sup. of Naval Examinaton, 1909 ; Chief Naval Instructor, 1917 ; Dep. Adviser on Naval Education, 1919 ; retired, 1919. Address : The Red Gable, Cleardown. Woking. (C1199) PARISH, Henry, M.B.E, 6. 27 May, 1862 ; s. of Henry Parish, of The Hollies, Halesowen, Worcestershire ; m. Florence Kate, d. of Edward Dutton, of Oldbury, Worcestershire. C5 -"f - -'Townshend House School, Kidderminster, and Cam bridge House School, Birchflelds, Birmingham. Sec. of Women Unionists War Savings Association; Member of District Nursing Association, and Civic Recreation Committees; a Foundation Manager, Correspondent, and Hon. Treas. of Cnristchurch Schools ; Member of Lichfield Diocesan CouncU • Member of Stanley Trust. War Work : From the commence ment of the war did a lot of useful and important work as District Head of the Incorporated Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society, and as a member of the Local War Pensions Committee; Chahman oi Enquiries and Grants Sub-Committee ; Member of Finance and General Purposes Sub-Committee, and Disable ment Sub-Committee ; represents Local War Pension Com mittee on Ministry of Labour, Employment Department, and on Association of Local War Pension Committees. Address : Hafod. 8, Grange Road, West Bromwich. (M9219) PARISH, Brevet Lieut.-Col. Woodbine, C.B.E, fi.21 Sept. 1862 ; s. of Frank Parish, of London ; m. Frances Helen, d. of George Brittain, of Tunbridge WeUs. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. Director of several RaUways. War Work: D.A.D.M. War Office Staff. Address : 2, Stanhope Street, Hyde Park. Clubs: St. Stephen's; Argentine; Ranelagh; Royal St. George's; M.C.C. (C1988) PARISOTTI, Rev. Albert, O.B.E, CF, 6. 8 May, 1885 ; ». of L. Parisotti. Educ. : Old HaU, Ware. (06265) PARK, Ernest William, M.B.E. PARK, Major Frank Stewart, O.B.E., Can. A.M.C. PARK, James Harvey WUUamson, O.B.E. PARK, Thomas, O.B.E. PARK, Major WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.F. PARK, Rev. WiUiam Robert, CLE, O.B.E. PARKER, Arthur Claude, M.B.E. PARKER, Capt. Arthur Stanley, O.B.E, 6. 12 May, 1894 ; s. of Favor Parker, of MUdenhaU, Suffolk. War Work : Served ¦with 5th Batt. Suffolk Regt. Addresses : MUdenhall, Suffolk ; Sov P.O., Kenya Colony. (06266) PARKER, Major Beltran WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. PARKER, Bertha Theodore England, M.B.E. PARKER, Charles, M.B.E. PARKER, Lieut. Charles Anson, M.B.E. PARKER, Capt. Charles Peroival, O.B.E. PARKER, Charles Thomas, C.B.E, J.P, fi. 6 Jan. 1859 ; s. of John Francis Parker, Osboumby, Lines ; to. Mary Ann, d. of Charles Hunt, of North Hykeham. Entered City CouncU, 1901 ; Mayor, 1909-10. War Work : Chahman, Local Military Service Tribunal throughout its existence; Mayor, 1915-16, 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19 ; first Chahman, Local Food Control Committee ; Chairman, Watch Committee ; took great interest in organisation of Special Constabulary in arrangements for dealing with enemy aerial attack. (C2859) PARKER, Major and Qr.-Mr. Edward Augustus, O.B.E. M.C, D.C.M. PARKER, Major Edwin Charles Lewis, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 8 Jan. 1874; s. of the Rev. Fredk. Wm. Parker, M.A, of Cheltenham, formerly of Montgomery, N. Wales. Educ; Winchester. SoUcitor. War Work : Gazetted Lieut, R.A.S.C. April, 1915 ; Capt, Aug, 1915 ; Major, Aug. 1917 ; Mesopo tamia, 1917-19 ; thrice mentioned in despatches. Address : SaUsbury. (06684) PARKER, Edwin Thorley, O.B.E. PARKER, Capt. Ernest Edward, O.B.E, R.N. PARKER, Ethel EUzabeth, M.B.E, 6. 27 Jan. 1886. Address : Charlwood, Harrow View, Harrow. (M9221) PARKER, F. Mary, Mrs., O.B.E. PARKER, Frances Mary, O.B.E. M.B.E, W.A.A.C PARKER, Major Frank Woolmer, O.B.E. PARKER, Surg.-Comm. Frederick WiUiam, O.B.E, R.N. PARKER, George PhilUps, O.B.E, J.P. PARKER, Haydon, O.B.E. PARKER, Lieut. Henry Charles, M.B.E, R.E. PARKER, 2nd Lieut. Hugh Love, M.B.E, PARKER, James George, M.B.E, 6. 15 Jan. 1864 ; s. of the late David Parker, of London ; m. Rosina Anne (who died), d. of the late WiUiam Jones, of Barnstaple, Devon. Educ : Privately. Assist. Commander H. Div. MetropoUtan Special Constabulary (now rethed) ; Assistant Town Clerk, Metro politan Borough of Stepney ; Liveryman of the City of London (Basketmaker's Company). War Work : Assistant organising officer of the Stepney National Reserve since May, 1911 ; King's Coronation Medal, 1912 ; enroUed as a Special Constable on 4 Dec. 1914 ; promoted to Inspector on the Headquarter Staff, and Assistant Commander in May, 1915 ; carried out the administrative duties, and also the reorganisation of the Force; paid special attention to recruiting, serving until 1 Nov. 1919 (Special Constabulary Medal) ; enlisted in the Volunteer FoTce in 1881 ; resigned on account of official duties in 1902 (Volunteer Long Service Medal) ; one of the promoters and first Capt. of the Stepney Municipal Staff Miniature Rifle Club. Address: Fern Cottage, 82, Chetwynd Road, Dartmouth Park, London, N.W. 5. (M9222) PARKER, John, O.B.E. PARKER, 2nd Lieut. John, M.B.E. PARKER, John JosUn, M.B.E, R.A.S.C PARKER, Rev. Joseph, O.B.E. PARKER, Capt. LesUe CUve, O.B.E, A.I.F. PARKER, Mary Jeannette, M.B.E. PARKER, Owen, C.B.E, J.P. for County of Northampton, fi. 21 Aug. 1860 ; s. of the late Alderman Charles Parker, J.P, of Higham Ferrers ; m. Kate Annie, d. of the late G. F. Pack- wood, of Rushden. Educ. : Chichele Grammar School. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer ; President of the Incorporated Federated Associations of Boot and Shoe Manufacturers of 398 BIOGRAPHIES. Parry Great Britain and Deland; Churchwarden of the Palish Church ; Member of the Northants Territorial Force Associa tion. War Work : Technical Adviser to the War Office (Raw Material Dept.) ; Controller of War Time Boot Scheme ; Member of the Leather Control Board. Address : Ivy House, Higbarn Ferrers. Clubs : Junior Constitutional ; North ampton County. (C2800) PARKER, Capt. Peroy Frank, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. PARKER, Reginald Baroroft, O.B.E, 6. 1855 ; s. of the Eev. Edward Parker, Vicar of Waddington, Yorks ; to. Margaret Anne, d. of Col. T. G. Parker, D.L, of Browsholme, Yorks. Educ. : RossaU. War Work : Organised Soldiers' and SaUors' Canteen at Selby Station,1915-19, which provided food for upwards of 1,000,000 men ; MUitary Representative on two tribunals, twice commended in 1917 by Recruiting Service Bulletin for Ms appeals for withdrawal of Exemption Certifi cates held by young men, to enable them to take the place of soldiers, who, after being wounded, were sent back to the trenches. Address : MUford HaU, S. Milford, Yorks. (011088) PARKER, Capt. Reginald Frank, O.B.E, M.C PARKER, Capt. Robert Derwent, O.B.E. PARKER, Capt. Ronald Francis, M.B.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1883 ; s. of Hon. Francis Parker (see Burke's Peerage, Macclesfield, E.). Educ : Eton ; R.M.A, Woolwich. War Work : Commander, MetropoUtan Special Constabulary, R.H. and R.F.A. (1914 Star). Clubs : Bachelors' ; Pratt's. (M9223) PARKER, Major Sidney Ernest, M.B.E, A.F.C, R.A.F. PARKER, Lieut. Sidney James, O.B.E. PARKER, Capt. Thomas Mayor, M.B.E, R.A.V.C. PARKER, Capt. Walter Henry. C.B.E, R.D, R.N.R, War Work : As Commodore of Convovs (despatches). (C1200) PARKER, Capt. Wilfrid Watson, M.B.E, T.D, 6. 13 June, 1869 ; s. of the late Sh Henry Watson Parker, Kt, of Hamp stead; m. Frances Charlotte, d. of the late Alfred Purssell, of Hampstead. Educ. : Beaumont CoU, Old Windsor. Solicitor. War Work : Musketry Staff appointment. Ad dresses : 35, Bloomsbury Square, London ; Hethe, near Bicester, Oxon. (M5516) PARKER, WilUam Edwin, O.B.E. (011788c) PARKER, Sir WiUiam Lorenzo, 3rd Bt, O.B.E, 6. 1889 ; s. of Sh WiUiam Biddulph Parker, 2nd Bt. (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. 1915, Ruth Margaret, only d. of A. B. Hanbury Sparrow (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). Address : Blackbrook House. Fareham, Hants. (O9048) PARKER, Engineer-Capt. WiUiam Ramsey, C.B.E, R.N. War Walk : In charge of Repair Work, B. Coast of Scotland. (C2226) PARKES, Lieut. Alfred John, O.B.E, R.N. PARKES, Major Charles Herbert, O.B.E, R.A.F. PARKES, Colin Egbert, M.B.E. PARKES, Dorothy Phoebe, Mrs, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C PARKES, Edward, O.B.E, 6. 19 Jan. 1864 ; s. of the late Capt. Harry Parkes, R.A, of Southampton ; to. Florence E, d. of E. J. Hastier, of Shirley, Southampton. Educ. : Privately, Fareham, Hants. Assistant Librarian of the Foreign Office ; Editor of British and Foreign State Papers. Address : Foreign Office, WhitehaU, S.W. (01728) PARKES, Edwin, M.B.E. PARKES, LUy Beatrice, Mrs., M.B.E. PARKES, Surg.-Lieut. Oscar, O.B.E, M.B, R.N. PARKES, Capt. WilUam Ashley, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. PARKES, Col. WUUam Henry, CM.G, C.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, fi. 1864; s. of the late WilUam Parkes, of Christ- church, New Zealand. Educ : Edinburgh Univ. New Zea land Forces ; served during the Great War, 1915-16, comdg. a New Zealand Gen. Hospital, and subsequently as Dep. Director of N.Z. Expeditionary Med. Services (despatches, pro moted Col.). Address : Marinoto, Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand. (C589) PARKHOUSE, Lieut.-Col. John Bardsley, O.B.E. PARKHOUSE, Capt. Stanley Ernest, O.B.E, R.E. PARKIN, Fanny Ida, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 19 Nov. 1877 ; d. of ueut.-Col. T. C McKenzie of Caldra, Duns, N.B. ; m. Lieut.- Col. Francis Hearle Parkin, O.B.E. (q.v.) Educ. : Brighton. War Work : Hon. Sec. FamUies' Benevolent Fund, Aldershot Command, and Aldershot Branch, Soldiers' and SaUors' TOmiUes Association ; Member of Aldershot and Farnborough War Pensions Committees; Representative of Aldershot tommand on Hampshire County War Pensions Committee. Address : Academy House, Coldstream, N.B. (M9227) PARKIN, Lieut.-Col. Francis Hearle, O.B.E , 6. 16 Aug. 1872 ; i. of the late Capt. J. B. Parkin, R.A, of Woolwich. Educ: Privately. South Staffordshire Regt. (ret.). War Wort : Commanded 28th (R.) Batt. Middlesex Regt, and after wards 53rd (Y.S.) Batt. Middlesex Regt. Address : Academy ¦Sonse, Coldstream, N.B. Club : WeUington. (07545) PARKIN, Major Herbert Denis, O.B.E, M.C. R.A.S.C. PARKIN, Major James Edward, M.B.E, R.A.F. PARKIN, Joseph Henry, M.B.E. PARKINSON, Albert Ernest, O.B.E, 6. 7 March, 1869 ; i-,of Joseph Parkinson, of Shipley ; m. Mary Margaretta, d. of uiarles Henry WUkinson, of Keighley. Educ. : Bingley Wamrnar School. Machine Tool and Small Tool Maker. war Work: Chairman of Board of Management, Bradford national Munitions Factory. Address : High Close, Shipley. °'«* •' Royal AutomobUe. (044) PARKINSON, Major Arthur Charles Cosmo, O.B.E. PARKINSON, Frederick Henry, M.B.E, 6. 26 Sept. 1887 ; *¦ OJ William Henry Parkinson, of Preston ; to. Laura, d. of Edward Heenan, of Bolton. Educ: Bolton. Accountant. II or Work : Joint Hon. Sec. Bolton Local War Savings Com mittee ; Hon. Sec. Bolton Food Economy Committeo ; Executive Officer, Bolton Local Food Control Committee. PARKINSON, James, M.B.E. (M9229) PARKINSON, Janet, M.B.E, fi. 12 Aug. 1887; d. of Thomas Parkinson, of Norden, near Rochdale. Educ. : North Manchester High School for Girls. Secretary. War Work ¦ Soldiers and Sailors' FamiUes Association, arid War Pensions work. Address: Brook House, Norden, Rochdale. !M9230) PARKINSON, John Frederick Main, M.B.E, 6. 25 March, 1861 ; s. of the late John F. Parkinson, of Portsmouth. Senior Examiner of Marine Engine Work, Engineer-in-Chief's Depart ment. Admhalty. War Work : Preparation and Examination of the designs of machinery for war vessels, etc, for the past 2A/eal'3' i ln ttle Engineer-in-Chief's Department. Admhalty. Address: 48, Montholme Road, New Wandsworth, London, ¦ • (M9231) PARKINSON, Lieut.-Col. Peroival George, O.B.E, PARKINSON, Walter, M.B.E. PARKS, Major Ernest WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A V.C (T ). PARKS, Lieut.-Col. John Hegan, O B.E, 6. 21 Dec. 1874 ; s. of John Hegan Parks, of St. John, N.B, Canada ; m. Ethel Louise, d. of G. W. Burpee, of Vancouver, B.C. Educ : Royal MUitary CoU. ; Kingston, Ont, Canada. Civil Engineer. War Work : Served in France in the Infantry (Canadian) tUl Dec. 1915 ; seconded to Royal Engineers and served with Adriatic Mission to Serbs, in Macedonia and Italy till end of war. Clubs : Constitutional ; Vancouver, Van couver, B.C. (02252) PARKYN, Major Harry Gordon, O.B.E. PARKYNS, Thomas Samuel, M.B.E. PARLBY, Joshua, O.B.E. PARLETT, Harry Edgar, C.B.E, M.I.N.A, 6 15 Nov. 1865 ; s. of Henry Thomas Parlett, of Portsmouth. Deputy Director Technical Services, Transport Dept, Admiralty. War Work : Arranging, planning, fitting, etc, of merchant ships taken up for transport service, hospital ships, horse and infantry transports ; visited U.S.A. in connection with trans port of American troops. Address : 70, Geraldine Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. (C2861) PARMELEE, Major James Grannis, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C. PARMITER, Major Charles Lister, O.B.E. PARNABY, John Murray, M.B.E, F.S.A:A, 6. 13 June, 1857 ; s. of John Parnaby, of Middlesbrough (Congregational Minister). Educ : Wakefield, and privately. Borough Accountant of Middlesbrough. War Work : Hon. Sec. Local War Savings Committee ; Hon. Treas. Local War Pensions Committee. Addresses : Municipal Buildings, Middlesbrough ; Dairy, the Avenue, Marton, Middlesbrough. (M9233) PARNELL, Comm. Gerald Langton, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.N. War Work : 1914-18, with Destroyer and Torpedo Boat FlotiUas (despatches, Croix de Guerre). (C9672) PARNELL, John WilUam, O.B.E. (012002) PARNIO, Alfredo, O.B.E, LL.D. PARR, Capt. CecU William Chase, O.B.E. PARR, Col. Clements, C.B.E.; b. 1865; Major, Brevet Lieut.-Col. and T. Col.. Oxford and Buckinghamshire L.I. (ret.) ; served with the Tirah Expeditionary Force, 1897-8 (medal with two claspsi ; and in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1729) PARR, George Herbert Edmeston, M.B.E. PARR, Robert John, O.B.E, 6. 12 April, 1862; s. of John Parr, of Torquay ; to. Louie, d. of WilUam A. Goss, of Torquay. Educ. : Torquay. Director, N.S.P.CC. since 1905. War Work : Undertook at the request of the War Office to inquire into and assist the cases of children of soldiers ; from Oct. 1914, to the date of the Armistice 81,079 children were helped by the N.S.P.CC Addresses: 3, PhUbeach Court, S.W. 5 ; 40, Leicester Square, W.C 2. (045) PARR, Major Sydney Charles, O.B.E, R.A.F. PARR, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. PARROTT, Arthur Hughes, O.B.E, M.D.S. (Birm.), L.D.S, R.C.S. (Eng.), 6. 8 June, 1876; s. of Thomas Dancer Parrott, of Birmingham ; m. Annie Edith Maude, d. of Richard Cable Taylor, of Birmingham. Educ. : Privately, and Mason Coll, Bhmingham. Hon. Dental Surgeon, Bhmingham Dental Hospital ; CUnical Lecturer, Bhmingham Univ. ; Hon. Dental Surgeon to Protestant Dissenting Charity School ; Hon. Dental Surgeon to the Crippled Children's Home, North- field ; President of the Central Counties Branch British Dental Association ; Past President of Bhmingham Dental Students' Society ; Demonstrator and House Surgeon, Bhmingham Dental Hospital ; Member of Royal Society of Medicine (Odontological Section), and of the British Dental Association. War Work : Hon. Consulting Dental Surgeon in charge of Centre for Jaw and Facial Injuries of the Southern Command, at 1st and 2nd Southern General Hospitals, Bhmingham, where over 2000 cases passed through ; Active Member of 1st Volunteer Batt. Royal Warwickshire Regt. from its forma tion. Addresses : 87, CornwaU Street, Birmingham ; Delaware, The Lickey, Bromsgrove. Club : Bhmingham Univ. (011833) PARRY, Capt. Arthur Haydon, O.B.E. PARRY, Charles de Courcy, C.B.E, 6. 29 Nov. 1869; Capt. F. J. Parry, of Stonehouse, Glos. ; to. GwendoUne Mary, d. of G. W. Wilkinson, J.P, of Risca, Mon. Educ. : Repton 399 Parry THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. School. Late Chief Constable of Cumberland and Westmor land (retired July, 1920). Address: Earnslaw, Malvern. Club : Junior Carlton. (C2862) PARRY, Major Edward Cecil Morgan, O.B.E. PARRY, Lieut. Gladwyn, O.B.E, R.N. PARRY, Lieut.-Col. Henry Jules, C.B.E, D.S.O, MB.. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 1867 ; to. 1899, Helen Dorothea Elizabeth Cockbum, d. of the late Robert Pitcairn, Barrister-at-Law. Educ. : Durham Univ. Entered Royal Army Med. Corps, 1890 ; retired, 1910 ; served in S. Africa, 1900 (despatches) ; and in the Great War, 1914-19 (Brevet Lieut.-Col.) ; formerly Surg, at Roy. Infirmary, Newcastle- on-Tyne. (C1730) PARRY, Eng.-Comm. Herbert LyeU, O.B.E, R.N. PARRY, Hugh Lloyd, O.B.E. PARRY, Joan Brunner, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 12 March, 1896 ; d. of Major T. W. and Mrs. Buckley, of Clopton Manor, Thrapston ; to. Major Rey Griffith Parry, D.S.O, R.A.F. Educ. : Winches ter School for GUIs and Geneva University. War Work : Entered War Office, MUitary Ditelligence Directorate, Nov. 1915 ; appointed Junior Administrative Assistant, July, 1918 ; private secretary to Deputy Director of MUitary Intelligence Sept. 1918, until July, 1919; mentioned in Gazette, Aug. 1918. Address : The Gables, Turvey, Beds. Club : Halcyon. (M7541) PARRY, John, O.B.E, 6. 20 June, 1858 ; s. of WiUiam Parry, of Penmon, Anglesea, N. Wales ; m. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Lloyd, of Geltic Farm, Nerquis, N. Wales. Educ. : Penmon National School. Master of S.S. " Dronian," Messrs. F. Leyland & Co, Ltd, 27, James Street, Liverpool ; 11 March, 1906, rescued crew of "British King" to a heavy gale to mid- Atlantic ; received the British Government's plate, Shipwrecked and Humane Society's gold medal, EmUe Robinson's award for the most meritorious act of the year 1906 ; the New York Life Saving Benevolent Society's gold medal. War Work : From Aug. 1914, to April, 1915, in Expeditionary Force, in command of transport "Georgian"; afterwards on Mediterranean AuxiUary Fleet Force, from May, 1915, to March, 1917 ; carrying wounded from GaUipoU, Aug. and Sept. 1915 ; men tioned in despatches, May, 1916 ; made 4 voyages up to Busara and reheving garrisons in Red Sea ; on the Shireff of Mecca's Expedition, 1916 ; from Jan. 1917, to March, 1917, trooping between Alexandria and Salonica ; torpedoed to the JEgean Sea with large number of Greek and British troops on board, lost 37 men in all ; 26 AprU, 1918, attacked by an enemy submarine off coast of Ireland, saved the ship and escaped ; 6 Feb. 1920, rescued the crew of S.S. " Bradboyne " in a strong gale in mid- Atlantic ; awarded the Shipwrecked and Humane Society's sUver medal, silver mounted prism binoculars, and iUumtoated address ; 13 Aug. 1920, awarded the British Government's plate. Address : 10, Exeter Road, Bootle, Liverpool. (011090) PARRY, Col. Llewelyn England Sidney, C.B.E, D.S.O, T.D, D.L, J.P, fi. 1856 ; s. of Richard Parry, of Royal Scots Greys ; m. Mary Sophia, d. of Sir R. Price Puleston, of Emral, co. Flint. Educ : Rugby, and Trinity Col, Oxford. War Work : Lieut.-Col. Commanding 2/1 Denbighshire (Hussars) Yeo. ; Staff appointment to France. Address : Pengwern, Rhuddlan Clubs: United Univ.; Cavahy. (C1731) PARRY, Mary Evelyn, M.B. E. PARRY, Lieut.-Col. Percy Edward Langworthy, D.S.O, O.B.E. Major (ret.). Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (07368) PARRY, Capt. WUUam Francis Vaughan, M.B.E. PARRY, WiUiam John, C.B.E, F.C.A, 6. 28 Sept. 1842 ; s. of John Parry, of Bethesda, North Wales ¦ m. Mary, d. of Samuel Home, of Kingswinford. Educ. : National ; British Schools, and Grammar School, Llanrwst. Chartered Accoun tant ; Ex-Chairman of Carnarvon County Council, and Carnar vonshire Standing Joint PoUce Committee, and Bethesda District Council ; Alderman of the County ; one of the original members of the National Liberal Club. War Work : Hon. Auditor of Carnarvonshire and Anglesey Soldiers' and Sailors' Association Fund; Chahman of the Bethesda Tribunal, and of the Bangor Pension Committee. Address : Coetmor HaU, Bethesda. Club : National Liberal. (C2863) PARRY, Major Ernest GAMBIER-. O.B.E, J.P, late Royal Welsh FusiUers, and 1st R. Devon Yeomanry, 6. 25 Oct. 1853 ; s. of Thomas Gambler-Parry, J P, D.L, of Highnam Court, Gloucester ; to. Hon. Evelyn, d. of Lord Haldon of Ha'.don Exeter. Educ. : Eton. War Work : Served in the Eastern Sudan 1885 ; Major for services, medal and clasp, and Khedive's Star ; ran a hospital during the Great War, 1914-18, largely at his own expense. Address : Highnam Court, Gloucester. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (O1730) PARSLEY, Major Walter, M.B.E, M.C. PARSONS, Arthur Ambrose, M.B.E. PARSONS, Capt. Arthur Edward Broadbent, O.B.E, 52nd Sikhs. (011762) PARSONS, Bertha Adelaide, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 10 March, 1879 ; d. of George PeUew Paul ; to. Ronald Cleeve. War Work : With the Delhi — Simla work-party, 1914-19 ; also with the Monro Canteen. Addresses : Hyde Vale, Simla, India ; 9, Cavalry Lines, Delhi, India. (M7143) PARSONS, Charles O'Connor, M.B.E, L.R.CP.S. (Edin.) L.F.P.S.G, fi. 20 July. 1863 ; s. of Daniel Walter Parsons, of Liverpool ; to. Isabel EUzabeth, d. of Edward Kidman of Shefford, Brds. Educ. : Liverpool, and Tullabeg, Deland. Medical Officer. EcclesaU and Bierlow Union. War Work ¦ 400 Medical Officer, St. John's R,ed Cross Hospital, Dore, and Carter Knowle Hospital, Sheffield ; Medical Examiner Recruit ing Station, Sheffield. Address : Totley Brook Road, near Sheffield. Club : Athenaeum, Sheffield. PARSONS, Christopher Thaokray, O.B.E, M.D. (Lond.), 6. 7 Aug. 1870 ; s. of Abram Parsons, of London; m. 1st Amy EUzabeth (who died), 2nd daughter of James Hunter, of Liverpool; 2ndly, 3 Jan. 1921, Annie Burgess, w. of Archibald Hugh Payon Downay, F.R.CS. Educ : St. Mary's Hospital, Univ. of London. Physician; Med. Supt. Fulham Infirmary W. 6. War Work : Capt. R.A.M.C. with Mesopotamian Expeditionary Foice M. O. 40th General Hospital; M.O. Tigris Transport ; M.O. 112th Indian Field Ambulance ; Lieut.- Col. R.A.M.C. officer-to-charge Fulham Military Hospital Address : Fulham Infirmary, W. 6. (07552) PARSONS, Major Edward Howard Thornbrough, C.B.E. late R.A, 6. 1868 ; s. of Capt. Edward Thornbrough Parsons, R.N. ; to. Marion Marjorie Winifred Glen, d. of Sir Thomas Glen-Coats, Bart, C.B. (see Burke's Peerage), of Ferguslie Park, Paisley. Educ : Clifton. Royal Artillery, and Metro poUtan PoUce. War Work : As Chief Constable, MetropoUtan Police. Address : 5, Prince's Gardens, London, S.W. 7. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Cavahy. (C262) PARSONS, Col. Frederick George, D.S.O, O.B.E. PARSONS, Joan Dorothea Langton, M.B.E. PARSONS, John Edward Hocking, M.B.E, B.A. (Cantab.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 12 Nov. 1870 • s. of Thomas Parsons, of Whiteleaf , Prince's Risborough, Bucks ; to. CeciUa Emela A. Drummond Parsons, d. of the late John Sale Barker, of Palace Gardens Terrace, London. Educ. : Cambridge and Guy's Hospital. Poor Law Medical Officer, and Public Vaccinator No. 4 District, Chipping-Norton Union. War Work : Bruern Abbey V.A.D. Hospital ; Shipton Court AuxUiary Hospital for Officers; Chipping-Norton V.A.D. Hospital ; Medical Charge of Guard of Leafield Wireless Station. Address: The Cottage, Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxon. (M9237) PARSONS, John Herbert, C.B.E, D.Sc, F.R.CS, 6. 1868 ; I. J. Parsons, of Bristol. Educ. : Bristol. Ophthalmic Surgeon ; Ophthalmic Surgeon to Univ. Coll. Hospital, London ; Surgeon to the Royal London (Moorfields) Ophthalmic Hospital. War Work : Colonel, A.M.S. ; Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Forces. Address : 54, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. 1. (C1732) PARSONS. Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Oswy Lonsdale, O.B.E, R.N. PARSONS, Rachael Fannie, Mrs., O.B.E. PARSONS, Ronald, M.B.E. PARSONS, Paymaster-Lieut. Stanley Seymour Conway, O.B.E, R.N. PARSONS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WilUam Henry, M.B.E. PARSONS, Eng.-Capt. WilUam RoskiUy, C.B.E, fi. 1865. Engineer-Capt. R.N. (ret.). (C590) PART, Lt.-Col. Dealtry Charles, O.B.E, R. of 0. 21st Lancers, 6. 1882 ; s. of Charles Thomas, D.L, J.P, of Aldenham Lodge, Radlett, Herts ; to. Edith Mary, d. of the late Wakefield Christie MiUer, of BritweU Court, Burnham, Bucks. Educ. : Harrow. War Work : Deputy Assist. Director of Remounts Indian Cavahy Corps, 1915-16, and commanded a Remount Depot. Address : Houghton Hall, Dunstable, Beds. Club : Cavahy. (O7550) PARTINGTON, Charles Frederick, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 17 Jan. 1858 ; s. oi Thomas Ashton Partington, of Liverpool ; m. OUvia Gertrude, d. of Julius Lowenthal, of London. Edue. : Liverpool Institute. Produce Broker, Hibernia Chambers, London Bridge, S.E. 1 ; Chahman Provision Trade Benevolent Institution ; Chahman Amalgamated Trades Association ; Vice-Chairman London Savings Bank. War Work : Ministry of Food, Butter and Cheese Import Committee ; Surveyor of Provisions to the Board of Trade ; Lambeth Recruiting Tribunal ; Lambeth Local Food Committee. Addresses : Hibernia Chambers, London Bridge, S.E. 1 ; The Forestj Felpham, Sussex. (011091) PARTINGTON, Lieut. James Riddick, M.B.E. PARTINGTON, Mary Alice, Mrs, M.B.E. PARTINGTON, Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 30 May, 1872 ; s. of Frederick Partington, of Manchester ; to. Emily Agnes, d. of Alfred West Battey, of HanweU. Educ. : Manchester. (M4819) PARTINGTON, WUUe Percival Hindley, M.B.E, fi. 12 Aug. 1883 ; s. of John Frederick Partington, of Atherton, Lancashire ; to. May Caroline, d. of Amos Gutteridge, of London. Educ. : Bury Grammar School. War Work : Sub- Section Director, Machine Gun Section, SmaU Arms and Machine Gun Dept, Ministry of Munitions. (M9239) PARTRIDGE, Sir Cecil, K.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of R. W. Partridge, of Worcester; to. Ada I, d. of the late David WUUam Palmer, of Doddtogton House, St. Margarets-on- Thames. Educ : Privately. Chahman and Managing Director, Kirk and RandaU, Ltd. ; Chahman, South African Carbide and By-Products Co, Ltd. ; Chahman Ambrose Shardlow & Co, Ltd. ; formerly, General Manager of the Central London RaUway. War Work : General Manager of the MetropoUtan Munitions Committee. Address: 24, Grosvenor Place, S.W. 1. Club : Constitutional. (K32) PARTRIDGE, Major Edward Henry WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.S.C (M.T.), 6. 22 AprU, 1882 ; s. of Charles.Edward Part ridge, of Damemora, Beaminster ; m. Margie, d. ol E. MarshaU, of London. Educ. : Uppingham. Engineer, M.I.M.E, M.I.A.E. War Work : enlisted as private, Aug. 1914 ; served BIOGRAPHIES. Pattie in France from Aug. 1914, till date ; five mentions in despatches. Address : 147, Shooters Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E. (O2670) PARTRIDGE, Comm. Reginald Montague O.B.E, B.D, R.N.R. PARTRIDGE, Lieut.-Col. Sydney George, C.B.E, 6. 1881 ; e. s. of Arthur George Partridge, formerly of Painswick, Gloucester ; m. 1912, Elsie, d. of E. Judson Mills. War Work : Director of Army Printing and Stationery Services, General Headquarters in France during 1914-18, with rank of Col. (despatches twice). (C411) PARTRIDGE, Sydney John, M.B.E, 6. 19 Jan. 1877; s. ot WilUam Dickens Partridge, of Dunstable, Beds. ; m. Blanche CordeUa. Educ. : Richmond. Deputy Accounts Officer, Admiralty. Address: Lodore, 65, Earlsfield Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. 18. (M9240) PASCOE, Lieut. Claud Alfred Leonard, O.B.E, London Regt. (011883) PASCOE, Frederiok Riohard, M.B.E, J.P. PASKE, Major Edward Lake, O.B.E. PASS, Ralph, M.B.E. PASSINGHAM, Edith Laura, Mrs, O.B.E. PASSINGHAM, Major Robert Townshend ANWYL-, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 16 Oct. 1867 ; s. of Robert Townshend Anwyl- Passingham, of Bryn-y-groes, Bala (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Charlotte Angie Bigoe, d. of Capt. R. Bigoe Williams, of late 4th Dragoon Guards. Educ. : Sandhurst. War Work : Recruiting Officer 23rd Recruiting Area ; after wards Assistant Director of National Service for North Wales. Address : Bryn-y-groes, Bala, N. Wales. Club : Junior United Service. (01731) PASSINGHAM, Lieut.-Col. Augustus Mervyn Owen Anwyl ANWYL-, O.B.E.; Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy.PASSMORE, Capt. Herbert, M.B.E. PATCH, Capt. James, O.B.E. PATCHETT, Capt. Arthur Nesbit, O.B.E, R.A.S.C PATE, George, O.B.E. PATENALL, Clara Poynton, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of S. J. Joll, of Waddington, Lines. ; to. Thomas, s. of James PatenaU, of Higham Ferrers. War Work : Four years as Commandant in the Higham Ferrers V.A.D. Hospital. Address : Bron Dinas, Rushden, Northants. (M2268) PATERSON, CUfford Copland, O.B.E, M.I.C.E, M.I.E.E, I. 17 Oct. 1879 ; s. of Frederick Paterson, of River House, Woodberry Down, N. ; to. Eleanor Daisy, d. of WilUam Thomas Ogden, of 93, Clapton Common, N Educ. : M1U HiU School. Duector of the Research Laboratories of the General Electric Co, London ; formerly to charge of the Electro-technical Dept. at the National Physical Laboratory. War Work : Range- finding apparatus in connection with Anti-Aircraft Gunnery, and other research and standardisation work at the National Physical Laboratory and the Engineering Standards Associa tion. Addresses: Research Laboratories of the General Electric Co,_Ltd,_67. Queen Victoria Street, London; 10, (0633) (012003) M.A, M.B. Walpole Gardens, Twickenham. PATERSON, Daniel Gavin, O.B.E. PATERSON, Doris Hirst, M.B.E. PATERSON, Florence Lavinia, Mrs., O.B.E. PATERSON, Herbert John, O.B.E, R.N.R. PATERSON, Herbert John, C.B.E, M.C, „...-, (Cantab.), F.R.CS. (Eng.), 6. 1868 ; to. Tempe Langrish, d. of the late Geo. H. Faber, Beckenham, M.P. for Boston. Educ. : Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Senior Surgeon London Temperance Hospital; Medical Hon. Sec. Royal British Nurses' Associa tion ; Joint Hon. Sec. FeUowship of Medicine. War Work : Commandant and Honorary Surgeon-to-charge Queen Alex ia s Hospital for Officers ; Hon. Surgeon to King Edward tne VH. Hospital for Officers. Address : 9, Upper Wimpole ™*_t. London, W. Clubs : M.C.C. ; Berkhamstead and Machinhanish Golf. (C3120) PATERSON, James Graham, O.B.E. PATERSON, Capt. John, O.B.E. PATERSON, John WUson, M.B.E. PATERSON, Louise, Mrs, O.B.E. PATERSON, Mary Agnes, Mrs., M.B.E. ; <_. of the Rev. John McNeiU, of Rutherglen; to. James Bain, C.A., J.P, f <" lames Paterson, M.D, L.R.C.P. & S. (E.), of Partick. Mtc : Chalmers' and Dick's ' School, Claremont Terrace, Wasgow War Work : President of Partick West, Whiteinch ana scotstoun Division of the Soldiers' and SaUors' FamiUes Association and Member of the Partick Local Sub-Committee w the Glasgow War Pensions Committee. Address: 6, K22,4 Terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow. (M9244) PATERSON, Mary Muirhead, C.B.E. National Health insurance Comm, Scotland. (C2864) u?A75I5SON' CaP4- Matthew WaUace, O.B.E, M.C, B.A.M.C. (S.R.). PATERSON, Lieut.-Col. Robert Ormiston, O.B.E, PATERSON, Col. Stanley, C.B.E, fi. 1860. Col. (ret.). nArnEine Great War> 1914-19 (despatches). (C1733) PATERSON, 2nd Lieut. Thomas, O.B.E, R.A. -PATERSON, Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 1 July, 1861; s. of ™Smf's Paterson, of Lugar, Ayrshire. Educ. : Irvine Academy ana- Ayr Academy. Master, Merchant Service. War Work : master of H.M. Transport " Hunsgate." Address : 39, Ash- srove Street, Ayr. (M3887) c- PA£IALA> Maj.-Gen. H. H. (Maharajah of), G.CS.I, <*.CI.E„ G.B.E. One of the Ruling Chiefs of India; Chief of Patiala States ; Hon. Col. Patiala Inf. and an Hon. Maj.-Gen. in the Army ; served with the Indian Expeditionary Force during the Great War,. 1914 (Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nile, Grand Cross of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, and Legion of Honour) ; appointed a Member of Council of Gov. of Punjab 1917 ; represented India at Special War Conference, 1918. (G22) PATMAN, Frederick, O.B.E. M.Inst.T, 6. 7 Nov. 1869 s. of the late John Richardson Patman, of Gosberton, near Boston, Lines. ; m. Bertha, d. of the late John Nicholson of NosteU, Wakefield, Yorks, Educ. : Tankersley, near Barnsley, Yorks. District Traffic Manager (Eastern Division) Great Central Railway. War Work : Transportation ; in charge of troop movements under Northern Command, to and from camps at Humberstone, Weelsby, Grimsby, Riby, Stallingboro, Brocklesby, Lincoln, and Clipstone Camp, Mansfield ; Naval and MiUtary requirements at Humber ports ; East Coast Air Raid arrangements. Addresses : The Royal Grimsby Docks ; 1, Grosvenor Crescent, Grimsby. (O11094) PATON, Sir Alfred Vaughan, K.B.E, 6. 18 Nov. 1861 ; s. of the Rev. Dr. J. B. Paton, of Nottingham. Educ. : CUfton Coll, and Trinity, Oxford. Retired merchant. War Work : As President of the Liverpool Cotton Association, 1917-18, served as Chahman of Committees acting on behaU of the Board of Trade and Ministry of Shipping in connection with the cotton trade, and in Oct. 1918, went to Washington, D.C, for the Board of Trade as chahman of a Cotton Mission. Address : West Kirby, Cheshire. Club : Univ, Liverpool. (K407) PATON, Benjamin Lewis, O.B.E, B.A. (Lond.), M.D. (Edin.), D.P.H. (Camb.), Fellow of Royal Institute of PubUc Health, 6. 22 Dec. 1860 ; s. of Robert Paton, of Highbury, London ; to. Janet Cowan Scott, d. of John William Macfie, of Rowton Hall, Chester. Educ. : Univ. Coll, London, and Edinburgh Univ. Medical Officer, Rugeley District Hospital ; M.O. to Post Office. War Work : M.O. Ravenhill Auxiliary Military Hospital ; Member of Medical and Pension Assess ment Board, Walsall ; Part-time M.O. Rugeley Camp. Address: Rugeley, Staffs. (011094) PATON, Daniel Shaw, M.B.E, 6. 31 Dec. 1877; s. of George Fisher Paton, of Paisley ; to. Florence, d. of Joseph Glazier FUlingham, of Bourne. Educ. : John NeUson Educa tional Institution, Paisley. Surveyor in H.M. Customs and Excise Department. War Work : As Hon. Sec. Bourne District, British Red Cross Society. Addresses : Custom House, E.C. 4, and Bourne, Lincolnshire, (M9245) PATON, Mary Emma, O.B.E. PATRICK, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. John McDonald, M.B.E. PATRICK, NeU James KENNEDY-COCHRAN-, O.B.E, B.A. (Cantab.), LL.B. (Edinburgh), J.P, D.L, (Ayrshhe), fi. 18 Aug. 1866 ; s. of John Kennedy, of Underwood ; to. Eleonora Agnes, d. of Robert William Cochran-Patrick, D.L, LL.D, of Woodside and Ladyland. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy ; Monkton Combe ; Cambridge Univ. ; Edinburgh Univ. Advocate ; contested in the Unionist interest the constituency of Stirling Burghs at the General Election of Jan. 1910, and the County of Roxburghshire, Dec. 1910. War Work : Joined 2/4th Royal Scots Fusiliers in Oct. 1914. with rank of T. Capt. ; in March, 1916, appointed Appeal MUitary Representative for the Counties of Renfrewshire and Bute, and acted as such until the Armistice. Address : Ladyland, Beith, Ayrshhe. Clubs: New, Edinburgh; County, Ayr. ' (OM2269) PATRON, Joseph Armand, C.M.G, O.B.E. PATTEN, Alan Stewart, M.B.E. ; 6. 6 Oct. 1894 ; s. of Lieut.- Col. Patten, of Clone Aughrim, Co. Wicklow. Educ. : WelUngton Coll. Address: Clone, Aughrim, Co. Wicklow. (M4571) PATTENSON, Lieut.-Col. Edwin Cooke TYLDEN-, D.S.O, O.B.E. (011770) PATTERSON, Lieut. D. H, M.B.E, R.A.S.C (M.T.). PATTERSON, Major Daniel Wells, O.B.E, M.B, PATTERSON, Eng.-Comm. George, O.B.E, R.N.R. PATTERSON, Capt. Harold Dorman, O.B.E. PATTERSON, Comm. JuUan Francis Chichester, 0 .B.E, R.N. PATTERSON, Major Lamont, O.B.E, M.D. PATTERSON, Robert George, O.B.E, J.P. PATTERSON, Robert Hogarth, M.B.E. PATTERSON, Walter, M.B.E, J.P. PATTERSON, WiUiam Baker, M.B.E PATTLNSON, Lieut. Edward Harold, M.B.E, R.A.b.O. (T ) PATTINSON, Major George Hedworth, O.B.E, M.C, PATTINSON, Henry, O.B.E, 6. 28 Nov. 1865; s. of John A. Pattinson, of Liverpool ; m. Kate Alexandra, d. ot Hugh James Galbraith, of Kenley. Educ. .-Harrow. War Work • Chahman, Liverpool Raw Cocoa Grading Committee. Address: 8, Fulwood Park, Liverpool. Club: Liverpool Racquet (011097) PATTISON, Annie Maitland, M.B.E, 6. 7 Feb. 1887 ; d of Fred L. Maitland Moir, of 16, Kensington Gate, Glasgow, W • to Major James WiUiam Henry Pattison, s. of James Pattison, of Drimnamona, KUmacolm, Renfrewshire. Ecluc : St. Leonard's School, St. Andrews, Fife. War Work .'Hon. Sec. Ladies' Auxiliary Committee of Scottish Y.M.C.A. (M772) PATTLE, Cecil Frederic, M.B.E. PATTLE, Capt. Rupert James HartweU, M.B.E, S.A.b.L . 401 2 D Pattrick THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. PATTRICK, Emma, Mrs., M.B.E. PATTULLO, James Burleigh, O.B.E, Can. A.P.C. PAUL, Lieut.-Col. Denis, C.M.G, C.B.E. Army Ordnance Dept. ; sometime Chief Inspector of Ordnance Machinery ; served during S. African War, 1899-1902 (despatches, Queen's medal with two clasps, King's medal with two clasps) : and during the Great War, 1914-10 (despatches). (C591) PAUL, Brig.-Gen. Ernest Moncreiff, C.B, C.B.E, Order of the Nile, Associate Institution of Civil Engineers, 6. 2 Sept. 1864 ; s. of Henry Moncreiff Paul, late of 12, Lansdowne Crescent, London, W. ; m. Katherine Harriette Coldstream. Educ. : King's Coll. School, London ; Marlborough CoU, Wilts ; Royal Indian Engineering Collv Coopers HU1 ; School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Lieut. Royal Engineers, 6 Jan. 1886 ; Colonel, 15 Oct. 1915, and Brig.-Gen. 23 Nov. 1915 ; 35 years' Army Service (Home 18 years, foreign, 17 years, India, Gibraltar, Ceylon, Egypt) ; selected six times to carry out special service for Government, 1900-6 ; Member of Executive Committee, Palestine Exploration Fund, also Anglo- Russian Literary Society ; Assessor for War Office to Advisory CouncU for Scientific and Industrial Research ; MUitary Interpreter, Russian ; author of " Road Construction and Maintenance " ; has travelled extensively in different parts of the world, viz. nearly every country in Europe, also India, Burma, Russian Central Asia, Caucasus, China, West Indies, Venezuela Panama, Morocco, Egypt, Macedonia, jEgean. and Palestine. War Service : Served from 1914-19, without a break in following theatres : East Indies, GaUipoli, Salonica, Egypt, Sinai, and Palestine ; awarded C.B. (1915) for Dis tinguished Service to the Field (Gallipoli), and C.B.E. (1919) for work in Palestine and Egypt ; 4 times mentioned to de spatches ; officiated as Engineer-in-Chief to Field Marshal Viscount AUenby in Palestine for four months, 1917-18 ; as Director of Works, Mediterranean, Gallipoli, Egypt, Sinai, and Palestine for almost the whole war, had full responsible control of aU expenditure on Works, Air Buildings, Aerodromes, Engineer Stores and Workshops, with attendant finance and management involving some miUions of money ; conserved the economy of the PubUc Purse, meriting special commenda tion from Viscount AUenby, War Office, etc. Address : 26, Campden HiU Court, Kensington, W. 8. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Senior Officers'. (C1387) PAUL, Eveline Alice Wanda, Lady, O.B.E. PAUL, Capt. Henry WUUam Moncreiff, O.B.E, M.C, Legion of Honour, Middlesex Regt, 6. 20 Jan. 1894 ; s. of Brig.-Gen. Ernest Moncreiff Paul, C.B.E, of 26, Campden HiU Court, Kensington (q.v.). Educ. : Hartford House, Winch- field ; WelUngton Coll. (Berks) ; Royal Military CoU, Sand hurst. 2nd Lieut. Feb. 1914 ; Capt. Aug. 1916 War Work : Full period, 1914-19, without a break in foUowing theatres : France, B.E.F, Dardanelles, Egypt, Salonica ; awarded M.C. for gaUantry in action, 1916 ; O.B.E, Jan. 1919 ; Legion of Honour, March, 1919 ; thrice mentioned in despatches ; held General Staff appointment G.S.O. 3 ; Brigade Major, G.S.O. 2 ; served with Royal Air Force, Oct. 1917, to Nov. 1918 ; sub sequently with Army of Occupation ; A.D.C to Lord Home during tour with Lord Kitchener to the East. Address : 26, Campden HiU Court, Kensington. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Royal Ah Force. (03385) PAUL, Janie Ramsbottom, Mrs, M.B.E. PAUL, Minnie, Mrs, M.B.E. PAUL, Engr. -Capt. OUver Richard, C.B.E, R.N. War Work : 1914-19, Senior British Naval Officer in Italy (des patches). (C2272) PAUL, Ruth Ethel, Mrs, M.B.E. PAUL, Lieut.-Col. Walter Reginald, C.B.E, R.F.A, 6. 28 April, 1882 ; s. of the late Charles Paul, of CUfton, Bristol ; m. Eileen, d. of the late Col. J. W. H. Potts, R.H.A, of New Court, Athlone. Educ. : CUfton CoU. War Work : Experi mental Establishment, Shoeburyness. Address : The New Ranges, Shoeburyness, Essex. (C2153) PAUL, Walter Wyatt, O.B.E, 6. 21 AprU, 1864 ; s. of Walter Paul, of Bradford Abbas, Sherborne, Dorset ; to. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Daniel Ewens Biddlecombe, of Bridport, Dorset. Educ. : Privately at WaUingford, Berks. Farmer and Landowner ; Lord of the Manor of Bradford Abbas. War Work : As Chahman of the Local Advisory Committee and Member of Central Committee of Flax Branch under the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, gave assistance in the development of the Flax industry as a war measure rendered necessary through faUure of supplies and the particular need to safeguard sufficient seed. Address : The Manor, Bradford Abbas, Sherborne, Dorset. (011098) PAUL, William Francis, O.B.E, fi. 11 Feb. 1850. Merchant; Justice of the Peace for the Borough of Ipswich and the County of Suffolk. War Work: Equipped and maintained Broad water Hospital, Ipswich, 50 beds, 1914-19. Address : Orwell Lodge, Ipswich. Club : Reform. (03865) PAULL, Catherine Swan, Mrs. Alan, M.B.E, 6. 21 July, 1864 ; d. of James Drysdale, of Devonslde, N.B. ; to. Alan, J.P. ; 8. of H. J. Pauli, of London. Educ. : DoUar Academy ; Thombeck House, Darlington. War Work : Commandant of WiUesden District Military V.A.D. 1st Line Hospital, from Dec. 1914, to Dec. 1918. Address : Kylecote, North Wembley Middlesex. (M830) PAULL, Emily Anne, Mrs, M.B.E. PAULL, James George, O.B.E, 6. 4 Nov. 1870 ; s. of the Rev. WiUiam Pauli, of TuUynessle, Aberdeenshire ; to. Char lotte Rose, d. of Charles Duncan, of Deebank, Aberdeen 402 Educ. : Aberdeen Univ. Advocate. War Work : Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association (Hon. Sec.) and Local War Pensions Committees for Aberdeen (City) and Aberdeenshire (County). Address : Danestone House, Woodside, Aberdeen shire. Clubs : Royal Northern ; Scottish Conservative. PAULL, Lieut.-Col. James Ratley, O.B.E, T.D, fi 15 April, 1863 ; s. of Joseph Pauli, of Ilminster ; to. Elizabeth Agnes Barry, d. of Lieut.-Col. F. A. Smyth, of Weymouth Educ. : Ilminster Grammar School, and Fullands School' Taunton. Has fiUed the offices of Guardian of the Poor' Grammar School Governor, Chahman of School Board Churchwarden (Vicar's), Capt. of Ringers, Capt. Cricket Club! Capt. Fhe Brigade, Supermtendant Sunday School, Treas. Provident Club, Sec. Allotments Trustees, Member of Diocesan Board, and W.M. 3 times, Nyanza Lodge, and P.P.G. S.W. Somerset. War Work : Mobilised on Salisbury Plain when war broke out ; was 2nd in Command of 5th Batt. Somerset L.I. ; appointed to Command Reserve Batt. 5th Somerset LI 3 Oct. 1914 ; took Batt. to Burma on 12 Dec. 1914 ; transferred to India, May, 1917 ; stayed in India until Oct. 1919. Address : Summerlands, Ilminster. (08525) PAUS, Christopher Lintrup, C.B.E. PAVY, Dorothea, Mrs., C.B.E, D.Sc, B.A, d. of the late Cornelius Proud, of Blackwood, S. AustraUa ; to. 1917, Capt. Gordon Augustus Pavy, Australian Imperial Forces. Obtained Certificate of Social Ser. (Honours), Adelaide, 1912; first Catherine Helen Spenee Scholar for S. Australia, 1912-15 ; Diploma of Social Science (Honours), London, 1914; D.Sc. (Economics), London, 1916 ; has been in Welfare and Health Section, Ministry of Munitions, since 1915; author of Welfare Work. (C58) PAWLE, Capt. Hanbury, O.B.E. PAWLEY, Katharine AUce, M.B.E, 6. 1887 ; d. of Tom Edward Pawley, of Bromley, Kent. Educ. : Tonbridge, Kent ; Dresden, Germany. War Work : Commandant of Church House V.A.D. Hospital, Bromley, Kent, 1915-19. Address : Yardley Dene, Bromley, Kent. (M9252) PAWSON, Herbert Alfred James, M.B.E. PAXMAN, Major William, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 29 May, 1866 ; s. of James Paxman, of Colchester ; m. Mildred Evelyn, d. of Major John Barnett Barker, late 5th FusUiers, of Birkenhead. Educ. : Privately, and Univ. Coll. London. Engineer ; Director of Davey, Paxman & Co, Ltd. War Work : Company Commander in the London Rifle Brigade from 16 Jan. 1915, to 10 Feb. 1919. Address : Colchester. Club : Junior Naval and MiUtary. (07557) PAYN, Thomas, O.B.E. PAYNE, Hon. Lieut. Arthur, M.B.E, s. of John Buxton Payne, of Knutsford, Cheshire ; m. Ethel Maud, d. of Henry Dalton, of Stella, Northumberland. Educ : Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; FeUow of the Chemical Society of London ; Fellow of the Royal Photo graphic Society of Great Britain. War Work : Administrator, 7tb Northumberland V.A. Hospital, Whitley Bay, North umberland ; Commandant, V.A.D. Northumberland 41 ; Lieut. Northumberland R.A.M.C(V.) ; Div. Supt, Whitley Bay and Monkseaton Division St. Jolin Ambulance Brigade ; Charge of Ah and Sea raid ambidance dressing stations at Whitley Bay. Address : 5, SaltweU View, Gateshead, Northumberlani. (M9253) PAYNE, Charles, C.B.E, J.P. ShipbuUder; Manasing Director, Harland and Wolff, Ltd, Belfast. War Work: Managing Director, National Shipyards. Address : Verona, Malone Park, Belfast. Club : AutomobUe (C2866) PAYNE, Major and Qr.-Mr. Charles, O.B.E, R.E. PAYNE, Capt. Christopher RusseU, C.B E, 6. 1874; c. of the late Rev. S. W. Payne, LL.D, R.N. , Rector of Dela- mere, Cheshire. Capt. and Commodore (2nd class), R.N. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) ; is Com. Legion of Honour, and has 3rd class of Japanese Order of Rising Sun. (C1170) PAYNE, Capt. CUfford, O.B.E. PAYNE, Ellen, M.B.E. PAYNE, Rev. Francis Reginald Chassereau, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 17 June, 1876 ; s. of the Rev. William John Payne, of Brighton ; to. Ethel Annie, d. of John Ambrose Cope, of Derby. Educ. : Saffron Walden ; Keble Coll, Oxford. Vicar of St. Margaret's, Leicester ; Chaplain, H.M. Prison, Leicester. War Work : Ward Sec. for Relief to Soldiers' Wives, 1914-15 ; Hon. Sec. Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland Prisoners of War Committee. Address : St. Margaret's Vicarage, Leicester. (O11103) PAYNE, Capt. George, M.B.E, R.G.A, fi. 8 Aug. 1876 ; s. of George Payne, of Wandsworth, Surrey ; Educ : CouncU Schools, London, and Army. War Work : Organisation and control of Ammunition Depot under Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Addresses : The Nook, HarweU, Steventon, Berks; Ordnance, Didcot, Berks. (M2270) PAYNE, Hazel Vivienne, M.B.E. PAYNE, Herbert, M.B.E. PAYNE, Col. Herbert Chidgey Brine, C.M.G, C.B.E., 6. 12 Oct. 1862 ; s. of the late Col. James Payne. Educ. : Harrow. War Work : Chief Paymaster, British Salonica Force. Club : Junior United Service. (C1415) PAYNE, Janet, Mrs., M.B.E. PAYNE, Joseph, O.B.E. PAYNE, Joseph Lewin, O.B.E, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S, BIOGRAPHIES. Pearman J_.D.S.(Eng.), 6. 1872 ; s.of William Payne, of The GuUdhall, London ; m. May Castine, d. of Charles J. D. Derry, of The Hall, Cliffs' End. Educ : City of London School, and Guy's Hospital. Dental Surgeon and Lecturer in Dental Surgery to Guy's Hospital ; External Examiner in Dental Subjects to the Universities of Birmingham and Leeds. War Work : Hon. Consulting Dental Surgeon attached to London MiUtary Hospitals ; treated cases suffering from jaw injuries at The Hampstead Military Hospital, Southwark MUitary Hospital, Richmond MUitary Hospital and Belmont Hospital for prisoners of war ; Hon. Dental Surgeon to the MaxUlo Facial Hospital at Kennington. Address : 18, Portland Place, London, W. Clubs ; Royal Automobile ; London University. (011737) PAYNE, Lily, M.B.E. PAYNE, Peroy John, M.B.E. PAYNE, Riohard Alfred Ernest, O.B.E. PAYNE, Stephen, M.B.E, R.G.N.G, 6. 8 July, 1886 ; 8. of Jabez Payne, of Portsmouth ; to. MireiUe Antonia, d. of Dr. Peirre Dorey, of Vieune, Isere, France. Educ. : Royal Naval Engineering Coll, Keyham ; Royal Naval CoU, Greenwich. Assistant Constructor, Devonport Dockyard and Admhalty ; Airship Constructor, Cardington, Bedford. War Work: Constructor in charge of construction, H.M.S. "Aurora " ; Designed calculations of H.M.S. " Renown " and " Repulse " ; Chief Airship Overseer, R31, R32, R37, and R38. Address : 21, Devbn Road, Bedford. (M9257) PAYNE, Sylvia May, Mrs., C.B.E, M.B, B.S, 6. 1880; d. of the Rev. Edwin WilUam Moore, of Wimbledon, S.W. ; m. 1908, John Ernest Payne, M.B, B.C., F.R.CS. Comdt. and Med. Officer in charge, Torquay AuxiUary Hospital. Address : 57, Carlisle Road, Eastbourne. (C592) PAYNE, Tom, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. PAYNE, Walter, O.B.E, 6. 26 June, 1874 ; s. of George Adney Payne, of London. Educ. : City of London School ; Heidelberg University. Barrister-at-Law ; Director of Public Companies. War Work : Director of Outside Organisation (Labour Regulation and Munitions Tribunals), Ministry of Munitions ; Chief Resettlement Officer, DemobUisation and Resettlement Dept. ; Deputy-Controller, Military Service (CivU LiabUities) Department. Address : 16a, New Cavendish St, Portland Place, W.l. Club : Bath. (0638) PEABODY, Kathleen, O.B.E. PEACE, Edwin, O.B.E. PEACE, John WUliam, M.B.E,; s. of Joseph Peace, of Leeds; m. Clara Foster, d. of Joseph Broadbent, of Leeds. Educ. : Morley CoUegiate School, Morley, near Leeds. Goods Agent, Midland RaUway Co. War Work : Loaned by Midland Rly. Co., and acted as Divisional Road Transport Officer, Ministry of Food, North-Eastern Division ; Member of N.E. Divisional Road Transport Board, Road Transport Board, Board of Trade ; Munitions, Inland Transport Officer, No. 3 Area, Ministry of Munitions, Leeds. Address : 41, Church HiU, Northfield, Bhmingham. (M9258) PEACH, Major Benjamin Neave, O.B.E, R.F.A. PEACH, Lieut. Leonard Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, S.R. PEACH, Capt. Robert STEPHENSON-, M.B.E, R.A.F. PEACHEY, George Wyatt, O.B.E, F.R.H.S, 6. 26 Feb. 1864; s. of George Charles Peachey, of Barrow, Suffolk. Educ : Privately, and in France. CouncUlor of Borough of Fulham since 1903. War Work : MUitary Representative of Fulham Area and National Service Official under National Service Ministry. Address : Rose ViUa, Fulham Park. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Fulham Unionist and Conservative. (011104) PEACHEY, Rev. Robert WilUam, M.B.E, b. 1865 ; a. of Robert Peachey, of Halesworth, Suffolk ; to. Lydia, d. of James Barber, of Stoven, Suffolk. Educ. : Church Missionary Society's Coll, IsUngton, N. CM.S. Sec, Madras, South India ; formerly CM.S. Missionary, Beywada, Telugu Mission. War Work : Recruiting principaUy labourers for Mesopotamia Railway Corps, Porter Corps, etc. ; Joint Sec. District Soldiers' Committee. Address: CM. House, Vepery, Madras, South India. (M7148) PEACHEY, Lieut.-Col. WUliam EUis, O.B.E. PEACOCK, AUce Evelyn, M.B.E, 6. 30 Jan. 1864 ; d. of Mark Beauchamp Peacock, of Springfield Place, Essex. Educ. : Germany and France. War Work : National Registration, Aug. 1915, and the Brighton Recruiting Office till Dec. 1918. Address : 157, Marine Parade, Brighton. (M2273) PEACOCK, Rev. Charles Alfred, C.B.E, 6. 1868 ; s. of the late Rev. E. Peacock, Vicar of Netherexe, Devon ; to. Annie Kathleen, d. of the late Capt. W. B. Rendle, of 10th Lincolnshire Regt. Educ : Oxford (M.A. (Oxon.), 1897). Chaplain to the Forces, 1st Class ; Assistant Chaplain-General, Irish Command, since July, 1917. War Work : S.C.F, Woolwich District, 1914-17 ; A.C.G, Irish Command, 1917. Address: Glen Lodge, Park Gate, Dublin. Clubs : Phyllis Court, Henley-on-Thames ; Royal St. George's Yacht, Kingstown. (C1734) PEACOCK, Major Gerald Selwyn, O.B.E, R.A.F. PEACOCK, George John, O.B.E, M.D, F.R.CP.I. PEACOCK, Major Henry, O.B.E. PEACOCK, Capt. Henry Kartchkal, M.B.E, R.G.A. PEACOCK, May Beauchamp, M.B.E, fi. 12 Jan. 1868 ; a. of Mark Beauchamp Peacock, of Springfield Place, Essex. muc : Germany and France. War Work : National Regis tration, Aug. 1915 ; Secretarial work at Brighton Recruiting Office to Dec. 1918. Address :¦ Belgrave House, 157, Marine Parade, Brighton. (M2274) PEACOCKE, Aungier, M.B.E, 6. 6 Oct. 1869. Station- master, G.E. Railway, Cambridge. War Work : Transport of troops and material. Address : Morcambe House, Mill Road, Cambridge. (M9259) PEACOCKE, Ethel Helen, Mrs., M.B.E, PEACOCKE, Lieut.-Col. Goodrioke Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 8 Sept. 1865 ; s. of Goodrioke Thomas Peacocke, of Carraig- na-Greine, Dalkey, Co. Dublin ; m. Maud Mary, d. of A. R. Cobbett, of Woburn Chase, Addlestone, Surrey. Educ. : Harrow, and Sandhurst Coll. War Work : Officer-in-charge Infy. Records, Lichfield. Address : Argyll Lodge, Lichfield, Staffs. Club : Army and Navy. (O8904) PEACOCKE, Reginald Christopher, O.B.E, M.D, 6. 5 April, 1871 ; s. of the Most Rev. Joseph Ferguson Peacocke, D.D, late Archbishop of Dublin ; to. Evelyn Clair, d. ot the late Wm. Hyde, of Bangor, Co. Down. Educ. : Corrig School, Kingstown ; Trinity Coll, DubUn. Medical Officer, Post Office ; Hon. Anaesthetist, Monkstown Hospital ; Member of CouncU, B.M.A. War Work : Medical Officer, Corrig Castle Red Cross Hospital; Anaesthetist, Special MiUtary Surgical Hospital, Blackrock ; Assistant County Director, Co. Dublin Branch, British Red Cross Society. Address : Blackrock Lodge, Blackrock, Co. DubUn. Club : Royal AutomobUe, DubUn. (04383) PEAD, Winifred, M.B.E. PEAK, William Herbert, O.B.E, 6. 27 Oct. 1879; s. of WiUiam Henry Peak, of Belper; m. Kate Beatrice, d. of Harry Sedgwick Sever. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School. Chief Accountant, Imperial Tobacco Co., Ogden Branch ; also Wm. Cory and Son, Ltd, London; Sec. and Chief Accountant. Jurgens, Ltd, London. War Work : Chief Financial Representative, H.M. Factory, Gretna. Address : 14, Kensington Crescent, Kensington, W. 14. (01736) PEAKE, Major Edward Gordon, O.B.E. PEAKE, Emily M, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 14 June, 1863 ; d. of E. J. B. JeUicorse, of FaUowfield, Manchester ; m. Arthur Copson, s. of Edward Copson Peake, of Pinner. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Diocesan President, Girls' Friendly Society, Ripon Diocese ; Recreation Hut at Catterick Camp, Yorkshire, for the Q.M.A.A.C, and its finance, for which £2700 was raised within three months. Address : Underbank, Blstree, Herts. (M9261) PEAKE, Lieut.-Col. Walter King, O.B.E. PEAKE, Wilfred Stevenson, O.B.E. Staff Engineer Grade I, Wireless Telegraphy Staff, H.M. Signal School, Portsmouth. (011921) PEAKER, AUred, O.B.E. PEAL, Major Edward Raymond, C.B.E, D.S.C Major R.A.F. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2347) PEARCE, Agnes Isobel, M.B.E, V.A.D. PEARCE, Col. Charles Marshall, C.B.E, V.D. Indian Defence Force. Gen. Traffic Manager, B. India RaUway, Bengal. (C1090), PEARCE, Lieut.-Col. Cyril Harvey, C.B.E., T.D T.F.R., fi 19 July, 1878 ; s. of Thomas Pearce, of HuU ; m. Martha, d. of Martin Henry Cross, of HuU. Educ. : Denstone Coll. War Work : 5th Yorkshire Regt, France and Belgium ; Capt, 1914 ; Major, 1915 ; Lieut.-Col, 1916 ; Commanded 5th Yorkshire Regt. in France, until wounded in autumn, 1917 ; Commanded 7th (R.) West Yorkshire Regt. and East Riding Yeomanry in Ireland until Feb. 1920; battles of Ypres, Hooge, Loos, Somme, Arras. (C1235) PEARCE, Capt. Edward Oscar, O.B.E, R.E. PEARCE, Ernest Alfred John, O.B.E. PEARCE, Herbert Cecil, M.B.E, 6. 19 Dec. 1884 ; y.s. of the late WiUiam Pearce, of South Hampstead, London, and Mrs Pearce, of Ardun, Howard Road, Bournemouth; m. Katharine, d. of Walter Hooker, of Beech House, Croydon. Educ : Privately, Margate ; Blois, France ; Brunswick, Germany. Address : Sydney, N.S.W , AustraUa. (M4572) PEARCE, James, M.B.E. PEARCE, John, M.B.E. „„___.„ PEARCE, Major and Qr.-Mr. John Wesley, O.B.E, R.E. PEARCE, John WUliam, M.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1873 ; s. of the late Robert Frederick Pearce, of Bristol. Public Works Contractor, Contractor to H.M. Government. War Work : Divisional Officer for Board of Trade, Timber Supplies over Yorkshire Notttogham, and Lincolnshire ; Authority on Housing- at present engaged on large development scheme for Housing on Tees-side, Cleveland. Address : 14, Prudential Buildings, Doncaster. (M9263) PEARCE, Capt. Joseph, O.B.E, R.A.F. PEARCE, Kathleen, M.B.E, W.E.AJ. ,..,,_, PEARCE, Standen Leonard, C.B.E, M.Sc, M.I.C.E.; MIME MIE.B, 6. 1873; s. of the late Rev. Standen Pearce of Crewkerne, Somerset. Educ. : Bishop's Stortford CoU and Finsbury Technical Coll. Chief Engineer and General Manager Manchester Corporation Electricity Dept. ; Past Pres Incorporated Municipal Electrical Assoc. Address : 15 Edge Lane, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Lancashire. (C1020) PEARCE, Thomas, O.B.E. Superintending Inspector of Customs and Excise. (O11106) PEARCE, Capt. Wallace George James, O.B.E. PEARCE, Major William, O.B.E, R.E. PEARCE, WUUam Sidney, M.B.E. PEARMAN, Ernest Albert, M.B.E, A.C.I.S, A.M.Inst T, FLA A 6 2*Nov 1874; s. of John Pearman, of Leyton, Essex'; "m." Jessie Letitia, d. of John Bmbleton Smith, of 403 Pears THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Wanstead. Educ. : Leyton. Accountant and Traffic Supt. Sunderland District Electric Tramways, Ltd. ; Assistant Overseer to the Parish of East and Middle Hernngton. War Work ¦ Member of the Durham County Committee for War Savings; Hon. Sec. Houghton and Sunderland Rural Local Committees for War Savings. Address : 9, Ryhope Village, Co. Durham. (M9264) PEARS, Vice-Adin. Sir Edmund RadcUffe, K.B.E, C.B, 6 25 AprU 1862 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. A. C. Pears, of Bath ; m. Jeanie Mayhew, d. of J. H. Innes, of Vancouver Island. Educ: Clifton CoU. Entered Royal Navy 1875 ; Captain, 1904 ; Rear-Adm, 1914 ; Vice-Adm, 1920. War Work : Acting Sub-Lieut, of " Ruby " to Egyptian War, 1882 (Egyptian Medal, Khedive's Star) ; 1st Lieut, of " Forte " in Benin Expedition, 1897 (Benin Medal) ; Commander of " Perseus " to Expeditions against MuUah, 1902-3 (SomalUand Medal) ; Rear-Admiral Commanding Cromarty Naval Base, 1914-20; Address : 1958, Ogden Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. (K201) PEARSALL, Lieut. Richard Montague Stack, M.B.E. PEARSALL, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Sidney James, O.B.E. PEARSE, Capt. Claude Alwin Rombulow, C.B.E, R.N. Served in the Great War, 1914-19, at Mudros Base (despatches). (C3359 Feb- 1917 I A^t- * C.A.R.D. Chelsea ; iJtatf Capt. and Staff M.iior. .Time, lot s to i™-!! iqiq- c«„„„i ' Capt. and Staff Major, June, 1918, 'to Aprii, 1919 ; served overseas, France, with R.F.C. Mentioned in the New Year's Honours List, 1919. Address : 2, Canfield House, Finchley Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. 3. Clubs : R.A.F. ; Public School. „ n (08165) PENDARVES, Alice Louisa, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. 2 Dec. 1857 ; d. of Henry Richard Farrer, of Green Hammerton Hall, York ; m. WiUiam Cole, d. of John Wood, of Martock, Somerset. War Work : Deputy-President, B.R.C.S. Cornwall Branch ; organiser of " Our Day," 1916-18, in Cornwall. Addresses : Pendarves Camborne, Cornwall ; 40, Cadogan Square, London, S.W. 1. (0644) PENDER, Major James, C.B.E, J.P, T.D, of Ardnadam, Argyll.fi. 1860; s.of James Pender, of Clober, Stirling ; to. Janet Helen Maud, d. of Thomas GeUs, of GeUston, Ardmore, and Ar- dardan, Dumbartonshire. Educ. : Larchfield Academy ; Edin burgh Univ. Lately Member of County and Parish Councils, and of School and Parochial Boards ; served as Capt. during South African War, 1900-2. War Work : Major 8th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1914-15 ; Commanding Depot, Dunoon, and Military Representative for Cowal and Dunoon, 1916-17 ; Assistant Food Commissioner for Glasgow and West of Scotland, 1918-20. Address: 14, Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh. Club : Caledonian ; R.A.C.A. (C2870) PENDER, Lieut. WiUiam Stanhope, M.B.E, LA. PENDER, William Edmonstone, O.B.E, Eastern Tele graph Co. (011943) PENDER, Sir John DENISON-, G.B.E, K.CM.G, J.P., 6. 10 Oct. 1855 ; 3rd s. of the late Sir John Pender, G.CM.G, M.P, of 18, Arlington Street, S.W. 1, and Foots Cray Place, Kent ; m. Beatrice Katherine, only chUd of Cuthbert EUison. Educ. : Eton. Chairman and Managing Dhector of Associated Cable Companies, Electra House, E.C. 2 ; Knight Commander of Dannebrog ; Grand Cross Order of Lady Conception, Portugal ; Grand Cordon Osmauieh, Turkey ; Double Dragon, Second Division, China ; decorated for services in connection with South Africa and China. War Work : In connection with above TelegTaph Cable Companies. Address : 6, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. 1. Clubs : Reform; R.Y.S. (G58) PENFOLD, Comm. Marchant Hubert, C.B.E, R.N. PENFOLD, William Cowan, M.B.E. PENFOLD, Paymaster-Capt. WiUiam George Edward, C.B.E, fi. 1852. Entered R.N, 1869 ; present during forcing of Dardanelles, 1878 ; was Sec. to Commodore, Jamaica, during Yellow Fever epidemic ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) ; is Sec. Royal Naval and Marine Orphan Home, Portsmouth. CZufis : Portsmouth ; Sports' ; Royal Naval (Portsmouth) ; Royal Corinthian Yacht. (C1935) PENHALE, Capt. Richard Hugh, O.B.E, 6. 5 June, 1894; s. of WUliam Penhale, of Holsworthy, Devon ; to. LiUan Mary, d. of G. P. Dymond, M.A, of Plymouth. Veterinary Surgeon. War Work: Bast Coast and Salonica Force. Addresses: Penbode, Holsworthy, Devon ; 6, Lockyer Street, Plymouth. (06251) PENGELLY, Major George Hastings, O.B.E, S. and T. Co, LA. PENHORWOOD, Lieut.-Col. Sydney Lewis, M.V.O, PENKETH, Major James, O.B.E. PENMAN, 2nd Lieut. Victor Robert, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. PENN, Lieut. Henry Albert, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. PENNEFATHER, Major Edward CyrU, M.B.E. PENNEFATHER, T. Capt. John Broderiok, O.B.E. PENNELL, Charles Waldegrave, M.B.E, J.P. Chairman, Wm. Foster & Co, Ltd, Engineers ; Chairman, Lindsey and Kesteven Chemical Co, Ltd. ; Chairman, City of Lincoln Public Library. War Work : Chief Superintendent, Special Constabu lary. Address : 12, Lindum Terrace, Lincoln. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (M2277) PENNELL, Dorothy, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Sh Herbert ThirkeU White, K.C.I.E. (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Chyles Stuart, s. of the Rev. James Pennell. Educ. : Abroad. War Work : President from Jan. 1915 tUl the end of the War of the Prome Centre of the Burma Branch of the Indian Red Cross Society. Address : Bassein, Burma. (M4199) PENNELL, Frederick, M.B.E. PENNEY, Mary Bentley, M.B.E. ; d. of the late D. J. E. Penney, of Edinburgh. Educ : Sherborne. War Work : Com mandant's Head Clerk and Treas. V.A. Hospital, Exmouth (Special Electrical Treatment Centre), from 1914-19. Address : 2, Morton Crescent, Exmouth, S. Devon. (M9257) PENNEY, Peter John, O.B.E. PENNING, Walter, M.B.E. PENNY, Capt. Cyril John, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (S.R), fi. 16 Sept. 1892; s. of Thomas S. Penny, J.P, of Taunton; to. Muriel Mercer, d. of Dr. A. B. Kenworthy, of Southport. Educ. : Mill Hill School ; Jesus Coll, Cambs. ; Middlesex Hospital. War Work : Surgeon Probationer, R.N.V.R. H.M.T.B. "Liberty," Harwich FlotUla, 1915; R.A.M.C. Mesopotamia and India, 1917-19. Address : Knowls, Taunton. (04242) PENNY, Surgeon-Capt. Herbert Lloyd, O.B.E, R.N, 6. 13 Jan. 1867 ; s. of Rev. E. G. Penny, M.A. (deceased), of Gloucester ; to. Elizabeth, d. of Rev. F. E. Drummond Hay, of Bath. Educ : Christ's Coll, N.Z. ; Rossall School, Lancs. ; London Hospital, B. Surgeon-Capt, R.N. Barracks, Chatham Address : 20, Sion HiU, Bath. (03548) PENNY, Richard, M.B.E. PENOYRE, John, M.A, C.B.E. ; s. of the Rev. Slade Baker Penoyre, of Clifton-on-Teme (Worcs.). Educ: 406 BIOGRAPHIES. Perkin Cheltenham Coll. ; Keble Coll, Oxford. Sec. to the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies ; Soc. to the British School at Athens. War Work : Mamager of Lord Roberts' Field Glass Fund ; organiser of a movement for supplementing the supply of sweaters to the Forces ; manager of the organisa tion devised by Sir Edward Ward, D.G.V.O, for the provision of Games for the Forces. Addresses : 8, King's Bench Walk, Iuner Temple, E.C. 4 ; 19, Bloomsbury Square, W.C. 1. (C593) PENROSE, Major Edward Samuel, O.B.E. PENROSE, Emily, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 18 Sept, 1858 ; d. of Francis Cranmer Penrose, F.R.S, of Colebyfleld, Wimbledon. Educ : SomervUle Coll. Principal of Bedford Coll, 1893-98 ; Principal of the Royal HoUoway CoU, 1898-1907 ; Principal of SomervUle CoU, since 1907 ; Member of the Senate of the Univ. of London, 1900-7 ; Member of Advisory Committee on Univ. Grants, 1911-19 ; Membor of the Royal Commission on Univ. Education in Wales, 1916 ; Member of the Royal Commission on the Univs. of Oxford and Cambridge, 1919. Address : SomervUle Coll, Oxford. Club : Albemarle. (0646) PENROSE, Katharine St. Aubyn, O.B.E. (O4900) PENROSE, NevUl CoghUl, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, 6. 1884 ; s. of James E. Penrose, of WoodhiU, Co. Cork, Deland ; m. KeUie, d. of the late A. C. Osier, of Bhmingham. Educ. : Haileybury Coll. ; Bhmingham Univ. Hon. Surgeon, Horton Infirmary, Banbury. War Work : Commandant, Oxford V.A.D. 30 ; M.O. Banbury Auxiliary Hospital ; M.O. Banbury Rest Station. Address : South Bank, Oxford Road, Banbury, Oxon. (011113) PENSON, Sir (Thomas) Henry, K.B.E, M.A, 6. 1864 ; s. of late John Whiteman Penson, of Oxford ; m. Slgrid, d. of Dr. T. A. Save, K.V.O, R.N.O, late member of the First Chamber of the Swedish Riksdag. Educ : City of London School ; Worcester . Coll. Oxford Lecturer and Tutor in Modern History and Economics, Pembroke Coll, Oxford ; Lecturer and Examiner for the Oxford Diploma in Economics and PoUtical Science ; Chahman of the Trade Clearing House (War Trade Dept.), 1915 ; Chahman of the War Trade In telligence Dept, since 1916. Addresses : War Trade Intelli gence Dept, 1, Lake BuUdings, St. James' Park, S.W.1 ; 104, Oakley St, Chelsea, S.W. CZufi : New University. (K98) PENTLAND, Lady Marjorie Adeline Gordon, D.B.E, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, only d. of 7th Earl of Aberdeen, K.T, P.C, G.C.M.G. (see Burke's Peerage); m. (1904) John Sinclair, 1st Baron Pentland, P.C, G.C.I.E, G.CS.I. (D6) PENTON, Sir Edward, K.B.E, 6. 18 June, 1875 ; s. of Edward Penton, of 9, Cavendish Square, W. 1 ; m. Eleanor, 2nd d. of WUUam Arthur Sharpe, of Broadlands Road, High- gate. Educ. : Rugby, aud New CoU, Oxford. Mayor of MetropoUtan Borough of St. Marylebone, 1912-13, Alderman, 1913 ; Chairman of Executive Committee of Boot Trade Benevolent Society ; Member of Board of Management of Cordwainers' CoU. ; Member of Weekly Board of Middlesex Hospital. War Work : Superintendent of Royal Army Clothing Department (Boot Section), and afterwards Deputy- Dkector from November, 1914, to May, 1919. Addresses : 2, Cambridge Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. 1 ; Ashwick, Dulverton, Somerset. CZufis : Brooks's ; Garrick ; Oxford and Cambridge ; Reform. (K99) PEPLER, Capt. Seth Bernard, M.B.E, M.C. PEPLOE, Alfred, O.B.E. PEPLOE, Rev. Howard MelvUle WEBB-, O.B.E, M.A, CF. 2nd Class, 6. 12 Feb. 1870 ; s. of the Rev. Prebendary H. W. Webb-Peploe, of London. Educ. : Brighton CoU. ; Ueuwied on the Rhine ; Pembroke Coll, Cambridge. Curate St. Paul's, Onslow Square, S.W, from 1894-1902 ; Acting Chaplain to the Forces, S. African War, 26 May, 1900, to 8 Oct. 1901 ; Chaplain to the Forces, 15 July, 1902 (Portsmouth, Shomeliffe, Roberts' Heights, Harrismith, Aldershot, Cater ham). War Work : CF. 19th Lofty. Bgde. B.E.F, Aug. 1914, to Aug. 1915 ; S.C.F. 6th Div. Jan. 1915, to April, 1915 ; S.C.F. 16th Div. Sept. 1915, to June, 1916 ; S.C.F. 1st Corps June, 1916, to Nov. 1916 : went to Salonica, Jan. 1917 ; S.C.F. C. of E, 16th Corps, and B.S.F, Nov. 1917, to Dec. 1918 . Chaplain to R.M.S.M. KneUer Hall and Hounslow Barracks. Address : 31, Lampton Road, Hounslow. (O3069) PEPPE, Caroline Marion, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Charles Henry Pope, of Bath, and late of Tirhoot, India, and Bengal ; m. Arthur Tosco, s. of Thomas Fraser Peppe, of Chota Nagpur. Educ : Cheltenham. War Work : Hon. Treas. of the Red Cross Society for the province of Bihar and Orissa, from 28 Aug. 1914, to April, 1915 ; Hon. Treas. for the same Society of the same-province, excluding the Patna Branch, from 1 Jan. 1916, to 25 AprU, 1919. Addresses : Ranchi, B.N. RaUway, Chota Nagpur, India ; Apthorpe, Weston Road, Bath. (M7146) PEPPER, Major Arthur LleweUyn, O.B.E, M.C. PEPPER, Colonel Charles, M.B.E, J.P, D.L, Hon. Colonel of the 5th Bn. Leinster Regt, 6. 1 Nov. 1845 ; s. '« Col. Charles Pepper, Ballygarth Castle, Julianstown, Co. Meath. Educ. : Harrow ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge (M.A.). War Work: County Dhector, Co. of Meath. Address: Bauygarth Castle, Julianstown, Drogheda. Clubs : Carlton ; Kildare Street; SackviUe Street, Dublin. (M9277) PEPPER, Major Henry, O.B.E, LA. | PEPPER, Major Thomas Oswald, O.B.E, R.E. PEPPER, WiUiam James, M.B.E, 6. 18 March, 1875 ; » of the late S. H. Pepper, of Peterborough ; to. Audrey Uevonald, d. of Devonald Edwards, of Haverfordwest. Princi pal Clerk in office of General Manager of the Great Northern Railway. Address : York Road, New Barnet, Herts. (M9278) PEPPERCORN, Capt. Geoffrey Arthur, M.B.E, M.C, A.M.I.CE. PERCEVAL, Col. Charles Cecil, C.B.E, R.E. PERCEVAL, Brevet-Major Franois Westby, O.B.E, B.A, 6.21 Jan. 1882; s.of Sh Westby Perceval, K.C.M.G, of South down, Wimbledon, S.W. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Dorothy Anne CecUia, d. of George Thornton, of Fahlawn, Eltham, Kent. Educ : Wimbledon Coll. ; Stonyhurst Coll. ; Balliol Coll, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 1907. War Work : Joined Royal Army Ordnance Corps as Lieut, 1915 ; Officer-in-charge Army Clothing Depot, Dewsbury, 1916 ; Assistant to A.D.O.S. (Clothing) War Office, 1916-18 ; appointed Deputy Assistant Dhector of Equipment and Ordnance Stores (Q.M.G. 7B), 1918 ; finally in charge of Q.M.G. 7B dhectly under D.E.O.S. ; Q.M.G. 7b was inaugurated to deal with unserviceable and part-worn army clothing, and the laundry arrangements for the troops in the United Kingdom ; four times mentioned for valuable services rendered in connection with the war, and promoted Brevet Major. Address : Dun- clutha, North Park, Eltham, Kent. CZm&s .- Royal Automobile ; Royal Wimbledon Golf ; All England Tennis ; Eltham Golf. (07567) PERCH, William John, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). PERCIVAL, Capt. Alexander PhiUp, M.B.E. PERCIVAL, George Henry, O.B.E, M.B. (Lond.), M.R.C.S, 6. 23 Feb. 1848 ; s. of WiUiam Percival, of Northamp ton ; to. Alice, d. of William Martin, of Paul's Grove, Cosham. Educ. : Aylsham, Norfolk. Consulting Surgeon to the North ampton General Hospital ; Police Surgeon ; Surgeon to L. & N.W.R. and Midland RaUway (Northampton District). War Work : Consulting Surgeon to War Hospital, Duston, Northampton. Address : 20, Kingsley Road, Northampton. Club : Northampton Town and County. (04384) PERCIVAL, Surgeon-Lieut. Harold Fey, O.B.E, R.N. PERCIVAL, Col. Harold Franz Passawer, C.M.G, C.B.E. , D.S.O, fi. 1876; s. of B. P. Percival, LL.D, of Vienna; to. 1904, Constance Lilian, d.ol J. Meyrick, formerly of The Grange, Mealing. Educ. : Christ Church, Oxford. Entered Sherwood Foresters. 1898 ; became Capt. Army Ser. Corps, 1904 ; Major, 1914, and Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1918 ; served in S. Africa, 1899- 1902, with Mounted Inf. ; during the Great War, 1914-18, D.A.Q.M.G. at Gen. Headquarters (despatches twice, Order of White Eagle, Legion of Honour, Brevet Lieut.-Col, Order of Crown of Italy) ; appointed a Staff-Capt. at Headquarters, 1910; a D.A.Q.M.G, Staff CoU, 1912; Assist. Director at War Office, 1915 ; a Dep. Dhector, 1917, and A.Q.M.G, 1919, with rank of Col. ; was British Representative Silesian Plebis cite Commn, 1 919. (C2155) PERCIVAL, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. PERCIVAL, Lieut. Philip Mason, M.B.E. PERCY, Gladys May Heber, M.B.E. PERCY, Brig.-Gen. Sir John Samuel Jocelyn, K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, D.S.O, East Lancs Regt, fi. 1871 ; s. of the late Edward Jocelyn Baumgartien Percy, J.P. County of Hunting don ; m. Inez D'Aguilar, d. of Col. Alister William Jameson, of Indian Army. Educ. : Queen Elizabeth's School, Sevenoaks ; Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Served, Chitral, 1895 (medal with clasp) ; South African War, 1899-1902 (despatches, Bt. Major, Queen's Medal. 4 clasps ; King's Medal, 2 clasps) ; GreatWar, 1914-18 (despatches, Bt. Lieut.-Col, C.B, C.M.G. , D.S.C). Club : Armv and Navy. (K446a) PERCY, Col. Lord WilUam Riohard, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6 1882 ' 5th s.of the 7th Duke of Northumberland. Barrister, Inner Temple, 1906 ; Cipt. (Brevet Major, 1919), Grenadier Guards from 1916 ; Dep. Judge-Advocate-General (T. Major), 19J5-18 • A A G. (T. Lieut.-Col.), 1918-19 ; Assistant Director at War Office 1919. Club : Travellers'. (C2156) PERDUE, Florence Louise Sophia, M.B.E, A.R.R.C, fi 30 Dec 1876 ; d. of William James, of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. Educ. : Brighton. Special Surgical training (Ortho paedic and Massage) ; General training, Hertford British Hospital and St. Mary's Highgate HiU; Fever, Haverstock Hill War Work : Attached private Nursing Co, Pans, from 1903-14, when she joined French Red Cro„s, Aug. 1914, again ioined Private Nursing Co. from 1919 ; Sister Scottish Women's Hospital, Claridge's Hotel, Oct. 1914 ; attached French Army, Dec. 1914 ; Sister, St. Valcy Hospital Dec. 1915 ; Sister at Frevent MiUtary Hospital, Assistant Matron, 1st Field Ambu lance 1915 • Tenedos, Oct. 1915 ; Matron at Imbros, 1916 (Roval Naval Division) ; Sister, Royal Naval Hospital at Mudros, 1916-18. Addresses : 33, rue Greuze, Paris ; Royal National Pension Fund, 15, Buckingham Street, Strand (JV19ZoO) PEREIRA, T. Warrant Officer Vincent Manoel Francis, M.B.E. Royal Indian Marine. PEREZ, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. PERFECT, Capt. Herbert Mosley, CB.E, R.N PERKIN, Frederick MoUwo, C.B.E, D.Sc. Rendered valuable services to various departments of State ,^3163) PERKIN. Herbert, O.B.E, M.I.Min.B, F.S.I, 5. 17 Aug. 1876 • s of John Perkin, of Leeds ; to. Emily Elizabeth, d. of RichaW Brooks, of Leeds. Educ : Leeds Univ. Head of Tech nical Section, Production Division, Coal Mines Dept Board of Trade; sometime Mining Engineer to the Great Central Railway ; joint author " Electricity as appUed to Mining ; formerly engaged in management of collieries and lecturer in the Mtoing Deft, Leeds Univ. War Work : On the invitation of Sir Guy Calthrop, then Controller of Coal Mines, joined 407 Perkins THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. the Staff of the Coal Mines Dept. in July, 1917, being loaned by the Great Central Railway Co. ; rendered valuable service in a technical capacity on mining engineering questions arising in the control of the Mining Industry. Addresses : 17, Well- don Crescent, Harrow ; Hotel Windsor, Victoria Street, S.W. (011115) PERKINS, Major Albert Augustus, O.B.E, T.D. PERKINS, Charles CUffarde, M.B.E. C PERKINS, Col. Edwin King, C.B.E, D.L. PERKINS, Frederick WilUam, C.B.E. PERKINS, 2nd Lieut. Harry Dunbar, M.B.E. PERKINS, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Wharton, C.B.E. PERKINS, 2nd Lieut. James, M.B.E, R.E. PERKINS, Capt. Lewis Arthur, M.B.E. PERKINS, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Wharton, C.B.E. On Special List, and Dep. Assist. Director of Railway Transport, S. Command. (C1739) PERKINS, Sydney, M.B.E. PERKINS, Capt. William Hughes, O.B.E, R.E. PERKINS, Capt. WiUiam Jackson, O.B.E, M.C. PERKINS, Alys Mary, Mrs. BERTIE-, O.B.E.; d. of Thomas Sandbrook, of Swansea ; to. Albert Auguste, s. of Christian Henry Perkins^of Swansea. Educ. : Swansea High School for Girls. War Work : Hon. Sec. and District Com mandant, B.R.C.S, Swansea Division ; Hon. Recruiting Commandant for County of Glamorgan under the General Service Scheme. Address : Rhyd yr helyg, Skett, Glamorgan. (0743) PERKINS, Major AUred Horace Steele STEELE-, O.B.E, R.A.F. PERKINS, Winifred Mary, Mrs. WARD-, M.B.E, fi. 1885; d. of J. R.Hickman, of Bromley, Kent; m. Bryan Ward- Perkins. War Work : President Amherst District Red Cross Society, 1916-18 ; Member of Friends' War Victims Relief party to France, 1915 ; V.A.D. work in England, 1914-15. Address : c/o B. Ward Perkins, E.I.C.S, Burma. (M4200) PEROT, Louise Pauline, M.B.E. PERRETT, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Edwin, O.B.E. PERREY, Albert Victor George, M.B.E, 6. 9 Nov. 1881 ; s. of Charles Henry Perrey, of Plymouth, Devon ; to. Annie Beatrice, d. of John Glasson, of Truro, Cornwall. Educ : Stoke Public High School, Devonport, Devon. Staff Officer of Ministry of Labour, formerly engineer in service of Admhalty. War Work : As Manager of Ministry of Labour Employment Exchange assisted in administering various war-time measures ; recruited labour for armament work ; recruited for H.M. Forces, Women's Land Army, Q.M.A.A.C, W.R.N.S, etc. ; also assisted Minister of Munitions, as skilled investigator, in the release of men from H.M. Forces for munitions work ; suffered severe and permanent breakdown in health as result of work during the war. Addresses: 46, Abbotsbury Road, Weymouth; 176, Whiteladies Road, Bristol. (M10252e) PERRIER, Capt. John WiUiam O.B.E. PERRIN, AUred WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 5 July, 1853 ; s. of Samuel James Perrin; to. EmUy Elizabeth (who died 1913), d. of James Finch, of Sudbury, Suffolk. Educ : National School ; Evenings : Spurgeon's CoU, East London ; Regent St. Poly. ; Tottenham Poly, in Art, Physiology, Chemistry and Common Law. Works Overseer; Tottenham U.D. CounciUor ; Member of Finance Committee ; Vice-Chairman War Pensions and Chairman Disablement Committees ; Chahman of Trustees of War Services Inst. ; Member of Educa tion, Higher Education and Health Committees ; Chahman of Finance Committee of Maternity and Child Welfare, etc. War Work: Tottenham Naval and MUitary War Pensions Committee ; Chairman of Disablement Committee, Middlesex and Essex Joint N. and M. War Pensions Committee ; London Technical Trades N. and M. War Pensions Committee ; Tottenham Local Advisory Employment and Joint Com mittee ; Prince of Wales' Distress Committee ; Promoter and Chairman of a Works War Savings, resulting to raising £9,600 ; Promoter and Chahman of Principals and Employees Special Appeals Fund, distributing £2,500 ; Promoter and Chahman of Tottenham War Services Inst. ; through Mr. Percy Alden, M.P, sent to Special Committee of House of Commons ; suggested additions to the Workmen's Compensation Act relative to employment of partially disabled soldiers ; advised the training of men on Fancy Leather Goods and served on sub-committee ; Member of the Walthamstow Memorial Y.M.C.A. ; Member of Tottenham Raising Committee for Training and Equipping Local troops ; Member of the Com mittee of 7th Bn. Middlesex Volunteers, and of Middlesex and Tottenham Comforts Committee, providing comforts for Middlesex and local troops ; Vice-Chairman of Fete Committee for St. Dunstan's, realising £1700, and numerous committees for whist drives, fetes, etc, to raise funds for War Charities ; Member of Executive of Tottenham War Savings Committee ; shared service at Casualty Ah Raid Centre with Medical Officer and Nurses ; taken by motor at syren signal day or night; com missioned by Warrant to administer to distressed through air raids in the locality ; Member of Executive, London Branch of Welfare Workers ; Vice-President of two AUotment-holders' Associations ; Vice-President of JuvenUe After-care, and of Juverule Employment Bureau ; Member of National Council V.D. ; Member of Tottenham Coal Supply Committee ; Chah man Extra Ration Committee, and of Tottenham Labour Advisory Committee ; Chairman Labour Advisory Women's Committee. Address: 62, Tynemouth Road, Tottenham, N- !5- (M9282) PERRIN, Flight Lieut. Eugene Courtenay, O.B E B.A, LL.B. (Cantab), R.A.F, 6. 13 Dec. 1885; s. of John Edward Perrin, M.B.E, of Hoylake, Cheshire, q.v. ; m. Kather ine Arthur Mary Violet, d. of the late Arthur Percy Hickman, of Hagley, Worcs. Educ. : Mostyn House School, Parkgate Cheshire ; Shrewsbury School ; Peterhouse, Cambridge' (Classical Scholar). Barrister-at-law; called to the Bar, Inner Temple, Jan. 1912 ; gazetted to a Regular Commission in R.A.F, 1 Aug. 1919 ; previously held a commission in 4th Batt. the Cheshire Regt, T.F. ; first commissioned, May, 1911. War Work : Mobilised with the 4th Batt. Cheshire Regt, 4 Aug. 1914, and served with Regt. until transferred to R.F.C, 5 Aug. 1915 ; proceeded to France with No. 12 S _dn R.F.C, as observer, Sept. 1915, returning to England. Jan. 1916 ; injured in aero accident, April, 1916, and subsequently Adjutant to various R.F.C. units ; on Staff, H.Q, Western Group, R.F.C, Nov. 1917 ; S.O. 2, H.Q, Midland Area, R.A.F. April, 1918 ; gazetted O.B.E, Jan. 1919. Address : 15, St. Mark's Road, Leamington. Club : Isthmian. (03388) PERRIN, Rev. Howard Nasmith, O.B.E, M.A, fi. 1873 ; s. of the late Henry Story Perrin, of Old Change. London; to. Katharine Meta Fairfax, d. <-t the late Edward Fairfax Taylor, of BweU. Educ. : CUfton CoU. ; King's CoU, Cam bridge ; Auckland Castle. Curate of St. John's, DarUngton, 1898-1903 ; Member of Oxford Diocesan Society of Mission Clergy, 1903-7 ; Domestic Cha.lain to the Bishop of Oxford, 1907-11 ; Vicar of Runcorn, 1911 to date. War Work : Donor and Hon. Commandant of Runcorn Vicarage Hospital (150 beds). Address : The Vicarage, Runcorn, Cheshire. (03868) PERRIN, John Edward, M.B.E, 6. 11 June, 1858; s. of Eugene Henry Perrin, of Wicklow ; to. Mary Theopbila, d. of Courtenay Cruttenden, of Macclesfield. Educ. : Birken head School. General Produce Broker ; -Senior Partner in the firms of E. H. Perrin & Co, Liverpool, and of NickoU & Knight, London. Addresses : The Paddock, Hoylake, Cheshire ; D9, Exchange BuUdings, Liverpool ; 65, London WaU, London, E.C 2. CZufi .' Royal Liverpool Golf. (M9283) PERRIN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WUUam Andrew, M.B.E. PERRIN, Capt. WUUam Gordon, O.B.E, R.A.F. PERRY, Ada Stair, M.B.E. PERRY, Edward Verdon, O.B.E, L.R.CP.L, M.R.C.S, J.P, Norfolk, fi. 29 March, 1852 ; s. of Charles Henry Perry of Reepham, Norfolk. Educ: Gresham School, Holt, Norfolk; Royal Medical CoU, Epsom. Medical Officer and PubUc Vaccinator, No. 1 District, Aylsham Union ; Gt. Witchingham District, St. Faith's Union, and Sparham District, Mitford and Launditch Union. War Work: Medical Officer, Red Cross Hospitals, Reepham, Cawston Manor, and Felthorpe Hall ; Prisoners of War Camp, WhitweU, Norfolk. Address: Reep ham, Norfolk. (011116) PERRY, Major Ernest Middleton, C.B.E, T.D., F.R.CV.S, fi. 1878 ; s. of Samuel Perry, of Croydon ; m. Gladys L, d. of S. H. Weston, of Eastbourne. Educ. : The Whitgift School; Royal Veterinary CoU, London. Veterinary Surgeon; D.A.D.V.S, 1st London Division, T.A. Joined Volunteers, 1901, in 2nd Sussex R.G.A. ; transferred toto Territorial Force R.F.A. ; commanded 6th Sussex Battery until 1912 ; trans ferred to R.A.V.C. (T.F.) ; mobiUsed 4 Aug. 1914 ; organised and commanded Home Counties Veterinary Hospital, Ayles ford ; proceeded overseas AprU, 1915, as A.D.V.S, 51st (Highland) Division; June, 1917, appointed A.D.V.S. 15th Corps with temporary rank of Lieut.-Col. ; appointed A.D.V.S. Advanced G.H.Q. and subsequently to No. 4 Area, returning home Oct. 1919 ; now appointed D.A.D.V.S, 1st London Division (T.A.) ; awarded C.B.E, and gained the T.D. ; thrice mentioned in despatches. Address : Sutherland^, Sunnyside, Wimbledon. (C1302) PERRY, George Albert, M.B.E. PERRY, George Henry, O.B.E. PERRY, Major Henry Marrian, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. fi. 1884 ; s. of John Perry, of Deland ; m. Mary Eleanor, d. ot Edward Griffith Brewer, of CornwaU, Assistant Professor, Royal Army Medical CoU, London ; late Assistant Adviser in Pathology to B.E.F. War Work : France, Aug. 1914, as Regimental Medical Officer ; later commanded Field Ambu lance ; in latter part of war, Assistant Adviser in Pathology to British Expeditionary Force. Address : 26, Carlisle Man sions, Carlisle Place, S.W. 1. (05678) PERRY, Capt. Joseph Charles, M.B.E. PERRY, Muriel, O.B.E, 6. 5 March, 1886; d. of George WUliam Perry, of Clifton. Educ. : Home. War Work: Sept. 1914, worked with Belgian Refugees, Victoria Station ; three years Quartermaster, Free Buffet, Victoria Station ; April, 1918, went to Italy with British Pioneer Motor Kitchen and Ambu lance Unit, attached to 3rd Army on ItaUan Front; 1916, awarded EUzabeth Reine des Beiges medal ; June, 1918, decorated by the King of Italy during the Piave attack with Al Valore MUitaire medal for Ambulance work; de spatches, 1919 ; received Croce di Guerra with two bars, Red Cross Order of Merit SUver medal, British Service medals, Victory medal ; 1920. received the O.B.E. for work with the British and ItaUan Armies in Italy. Address : 13, Eccleston Street, Eaton Square, London, S.W. (011116) PERRY, Sir Peroival Lea Dewhurst, K.B.E, 6. 18 March, 1878, 3rd s. of Alfred Thomas Perry. Educ : King Edward School, Birmingham. President, Motor Trade Association, 1914-16; Dhector, Machinery Dept. and Food Production Dept, 1916 ; Dhector, Machinery Branch, Agricultural Machinery Dept. Ministry of Munitions, 1917-18; Deputy 408 BIOGRAPHIES. Phayre Controller, Mechanical Warfare Dept. and Dhector of Traction, Ministry of Munitions, 1918-19. Address : Ewell Place, EweU, Surrey. Ctafis : Reform ; National Liberal ; Royal Automobile. (K163) PERRY, Robert Grosvenor, C.B.E. Rendered service in production of explosives during European War. (C66) PERRY, Violet, M.B.E. PERRY, WUUam, M.B.E. PERRYER, Lieut. Harold WilUam, M.B.E, R.E. PERRYMAN, Peroy Wilbraham, M.B.E. PERTWEE, WwenUiam, Mrs., M.B.E, W.R.A.F. FESCOD, Joseph Hind, M.B.E. PESKETT, Leonard, O.B.E. PETAVEL, Sir Joseph Ernest, K.B.E, D.Sc, F.R.S, M.I.Mech.E. ; A.M.I.CE, fi. 14 Aug. 1873; s. of the late Rev. E. Petavel, D.D. Educ. : Univ. Coll, London. Scientific research at the Royal Institution and at the Davy-Faraday Laboratory, 1896-98 ; John Hailing FeUow of the Owens CoU, Manchester, 1900-3 ; Director, National Physical Laboratory since 1919 ; Professor of Engineering and Director of the Whitworth Laboratories, the University, Manchester, 1908-19; Member of the Aeronautical Research Committee. Address : National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. CZtifis : Athenteum ; Primrose ; Royal Automobile. (K408) PETCH, Lieut. Frederick, M.B.E, R.A.F. PETERKIN, Major Charles Duncan, C.B.E, M.A, LL.B, fi. 14 June, 1887 ; s. of the late Henry Peterkin, of Aberdeen ; to. Netta Macgregor, the adopted daughter of Sh Thomas Jaffrey, Kt, of Aberdeen. Educ. : Aberdeen Grammar School, and Aberdeen Univ. Advocate in Aberdeen ; 2nd in command, 4th Batt. The Gordon Highlanders (T.A.). War Work : Served continuously, 5 Aug. 1914, to 13 Dec. 1919 ; 3 years and 10 months with B.E.F. and Army of the Rhine ; wounded 25 Sept. 1915 ; twice mentioned in despatches ; C.B.E, 1914-15 Star, General Service medal, and Victory medal. Addresses : 21, Golden Square, Aberdeen ; 71, FountainhaU Road, Aberdeen. (C1303) PETERKIN, Lieut.-Col. Montagu James Grant, O.B.E. PETERKIN, Lieut. WiUiam, O.B.E, R.N.R. PETERS, AUce, Mrs., M.B.E. PETERS, Arthur, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 18 July, 1867 ; s. of James Peters, of Brighton ; to. Annie, d. of Alfred Lowe, of Blakeney, Glos. Educ. : Brighton Commercial School. Deputy Housing Commissioner (Ministry of Health) ; Member Croydon Borough CouncU ; Member Croydon Borough Magis trates. War Work : Joint Hon. Sec. Parliamentary Recruiting Committee ; Joint Hon. Sec. War Aims Committee ; Deputy Chairman, Croydon Food Control Committee. Address : The Hawthorns, PoUards HiU West, Norbury, S.W. 16. (C594) PETERS, Bernard Richard, M.B.E. PETERS, Cecil James Razzell, M.B.E, fi. 3 March, 1889 ; s. of James Peters, of Purley, Surrey ; to. Rita Gertrude, d. of Charles Cooke, of Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. Educ. : Privately, and King's Coll, London. War Work : Entered CivU Service, May 1908 ; serving in War Office at outbreak of war ; trans ferred to Ministry of Munitions, May, 1915 ; and served in the Explosives Dept. of that Ministry until Jan. 1919 ; since March, 1917, as Assistant Dhector of PropeUant Supplies under Col. Sh F. L. Nathan, K.B.E, Director ; transferred to Ministry of Labour, Jan. 1919 ; present official rank, Deputy Assistant Accountant-General, Finance Dept, Ministry of Labour, St. Errnins, Westminster, S.W. 1. Address: 15, Edith Road, South Norwood, S.E. 25. (M841) PETERS, Capt. Gordon, O.B.E. PETERS, Herbert John, M.B.E. PETERS, Henry Robert, M.B.E, fi. 13 Oct. 1888 ; s. of the late Robert John Peters, of Oaklev, Hants. ; m. May, d. of the late Charles Dudley West, of Downton, Wilts. Educ. : Queen Mary's Grammar School, Basingstoke. Assistant to sec. Railway Executive Committee, Board of Trade. War Wort : General raUway administration ; arrangements in connection with the conveyance of heavy guns, troops, and aU kinds of explosives ; ah raid control arrangements so far as the raUways were concerned. (M9286) PETERS, Major John Weston Parsons, D.S.O, O.B.E., R. of O, 7th Dragoon Guards. Educ. : Winchester ; R.M.C, Sandhurst. Served Chin Lushai Expedition, 1889-90 (medal wth clasp) ; Hazara Expedition, 1891 (clasp) ; S. African War, 1900-2 (Queen's medal, 4 clasps, King's medal, 2 clasps) ; Great War, 1914-16 (despatches thrice, D.S.O.). Address: 5,, Palmer Street, Westminster, S.W. 1. Club: Naval and MiUtary. (O8907) PETERS, Sir Lindsey Byron, K.B.E. Chairman, Ungineer and Works Supply Committee, War Office ; Director of G. D. Peters & Co, Ltd. ; Burma Development Syndicate, ltd. Address: Windlesham Moor, Windlesham, Surrey. PETERSEN, Sir WilUam, K.B.E, F.R.A.S, F.R.G.S, »• 29 May, 1856 ; to. (1889) Flora McKay (died 1918), e.d. of tjeorge Sinclair, J.P. of Aberdeen. Educ. : Roskelde and Copenhagen. Chairman of Petersen & Co, Ltd, London, shipowners ; Founder and Dhector of London-American Maritime Trading Co, Ltd, and Dhector of several other shipping companies ; Founder of the Royal and Oraneum Passenger Lines to Canada and U.S.A. ; Chairman of the British Committee of the International Shipping Registry, Bureau Veritas (nominated by the Board of Trade) ; Proprietor of the Hebridean Islands, Eigg; owns over 18,000 acres Address : 80, Portland Place, W. 1. ; Herons Ghyll, Uckfleld, Sussex ; The Lodge, Eigg, Inverness-shire. Clubs : Junior Carlton; Constitutional; Royal Societies' ; Ranelagh. (K409) PETERSON, Major Guy Lansbury, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. PETHERICK, Wallace, M.B.E, 6. 22 Jan. 1858 ; s. of J. W. Petherick, Solicitor, of Exeter ; to. Gertrude Elizabeth, d. of Richard Moxon, of Pontefract. Educ. : Privately. General Medical Practitioner. War Work : Surgeon to Garboldisham Auxiliary Hospital for four years. Address : Hopton, Attleborough, Norfolk. (M9287) PETIT, Joyce Jbhangir, Mrs, M.B.E. (M7148) PETO, Dorothy Olivia Georgiana, O.B.E, 6. 15 Dec. 1886 ; d. of Morton Kelsalland Olivia G. B. Peto (nee Maude), of Old House, North Cheriton, Somerset, lately of Little- croft, Lyndhurst, Hants. Educ: At home. Dii ector of the Bristol Training School for Policewomen and Patrols from May, 1915, to present time. First began patrol work, Nov. 1914 ; as Director of Bristol School trained and supplied a number of policewomen and patrols, besides training all the patrols for Q.M.A.A.C. and the first of those for the W.R.A.F. Address : Old House, North Cheriton, Somerset. (011119) PETO, Capt. Geoffrey Kelsall, C.B.E, Wilts Yeomanry, 6. 8 Sept. 1878 ; 2nd s. of William Herbert Peto, of Dunkinty, Elgin, and g. s. of Sir SamuelMorton Peto, 1st Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. 1 July, 1903, PauUne, d. of the late William Quirin, of Boston, U.S.A., and widow of Lieut.-Col. R. Cokayne- Frith, 15th Hussars. (C1024) PETRE, Francis Loraine, O.B.E, fi. 22 Feb. 1852 ; s. of the late Hon. Edmund Petre ; to. Maud Ellen, d. of Rev. W. C. Rawlinson, of Chedburgh, Suffolk. Educ. : Oscott College. Indian Civil Service (retired), and Ministry of Muni tions (Finance Dept.). War Work : Ministry of Munitions, Finance Dept, 1915-20, and previously worked for Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association. Address : Bekyngton, Farnham Royal, Bucks. CZwfis ¦ Bast India United Service ; Hurlingham. (011120) PETRE, Col. Henry Cecil, C.M.G, O.B.E, fi. 27 Oct. 1861 ; s. of Sir George Glynn Petre, K.C.M.G, C.B, of Dun- kenhalgh, Lancashire ; to. Marjorie Elizabeth, d, of tho late R. H. Seymour, of Boxley Abbey, Maidstone. Educ. : Oratory School, Edgbaston; Harrow; Royal MUitary Coll, Sandhurst. Commanded 3rd Bn. Rifle Brigade from 1909-1913. Served in India, Burmah and Egypt, and in S. African War. War Work : Appointed to command Rifle Depot, Winchester, 1 Sept. 1914 ; left Winchester 12 Sept. 1914, to take over com mand of 11th Bn. Rifle Brigade on its formation at Aldershot ; took 11th Bn. Rifle Brigade to France, 21 July, 1915, occupy ing the line at Laventie ; moved afterwards to Ypres with the Bn. ; mentioned in despatches twice ; returned to England, 31 Jan. 1916 ; commanded 14th and 15th Bus. K.R.R.C. at Seaford and Northampton ; demobilised Jan. 1919 ; O.B.E, 5 June, 1919 ; C.M.G, 3 June, 1916. Addresses : Charlton Hawthorne House, Sherborne ; 19, Park Mansions, Knights- bridge. Clubs : Travellers' ; Naval and Military. (O7670) PETRIE, David, CLE, C.B.E, 6. 9 Sept. 1879 ; s. of Thomas Petrie, of Inveraven, N.B. ; to. Edris Naida, d. of Capt. H. BUiston Warrall. Educ : Aberdeen Univ. ; M.A, 1900. Entered Indian Police, 1900 ; Adjutant, Samana Rifles, Punjab ; Assistant Director, Criminal Intelligence. Govt, of India ; on special duty under Home Department since 1915. War Work : Suppression of Indian and Indo-German revolutionary plots in India, Burma, Siam, and the Far East. Address : c/o Messrs. King, King & Co, Bombay. Club : Bast India United Service. (C1091) PETRIE, Helen Young, Mrs., M.B.E. PETRIE, Major James, O.B.E. PETRIE, Major John Campbell Eggar, O.B.E, I.A.R. of O (011783) PETRIE, Thomas Alexander, O.B.E, M.I.Mech.E, 6. 1877. War Work • On Technical Staff of the Coventry Ordnance Works ; General Manager of the Basford National Ordnance Factory, Nottingham. Address : 10, Caledon Road, Sherwood, Nottingham. (011211) PETTEN, Eliza, Mrs, M.B.E. PETTER, Edith Mary, Mrs, O.B.E, fi. 3 June. 1869 ; d of the late James Hutchinson Robson, of Darlington; to. Walter, s. of the late Henry Petter, of Mmehead. Educ : Scarborough. War Work : Commandant Durham 6th V.A. Hospital, Woodside, Darlington, 1914, to July, 1919. Address : Netherlaw, Darlington. (O170U) PETTET, Walter Bell, M.B.E. PETTIFOR, William, O.B.E. ,_¦_,., PETTIT, Isobel Helena Courtney, Mrs., M.B.E. PETTIT, Major WiUiam Haddon, M.B.E. PETTYFER, Percy William, M.B.E, 6. 26 Dec. 1868; s. of the late J. Pettyfer, of Penshurst and Oxford ; to. Louisa Maude, d. of Joseph Pettyfer, of Ringwood, Hants. Educ . Privately. Station Supermtendent, S.E. and C Rly, Canter- burv War Work : Transportation of troops, war material, etc.; receipt and despatch of wounded ; also receipt and despatch of repatriated prisoners of war. Address : 28 bt. Dunstans, Canterbury. (M9288) PEUCH, Capt. Albert Gottlieb, O.B.E, V.D. PEYTON, Guy Wynne, C.B.E. PEYTON, Capt. WUUam de Malet, O.B.E, M..B. PHARASYN, Godfrey Norris, O.B.E PHAYRE, Lieut.-Col. Richard, O.B.E, J.P, D.L. ; s. of General Sh Robert Phayre, G.C.B. ; to Frances Anne, d of the late John Jasper Leigh Bayly, of Alderley, Gloucestershire. 409 Phelps THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Educ : Marlborough Coll. Lieut.-Col. (ret.), Alexandra, Princess of Wales' Own Yorkshire Regt. Served in Afghan 1880 Medal, mentioned hi despatches. Address : War, (01752) Belgaum, Woking. Club : Junior United Service. PHELPS, Fanny Elizabeth, M.B.E. PHELPS, Major Joseph Bryan William, O.B E, 6. In Jan 1879 ; s. of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Phelps, of St. Johns, Newfoundland ; m. Agnes Muriel, d. of Dr. Evans, of Edgbaston. Educ : Rossall. Civil Engineer ; South Africa, South America. War Work: 9th Div. Amm. Park; 613 M.T. Co. R A S C , Western Command ; 7th Div, Amm. Sub-Park, France; 613 M.T. Co, Western Command, England; Jan. 1915 to May, 1919. Address : Grimsdell Cottage, Amersham Common, Bucks. Clubs : English, Buenos Aires ; Argentine, London ; Racquet, Liverpool. (011122) PHELPS, Capt. Joseph Harold, O.B.E, 6. 1874; s. of the late J. L. Phelps, of Water Park, Castleconnell, Ireland. Educ. : Harrow, and Magdalen Coll, Oxford. Sec. to H.H. The Maharajah of Karhmir's Game Reserves. War Work : 1915-17, with Col. A. J. Barry's Unit of B.R.C.S, serving with French Army, Champagne, 1915, Verdun, 1916 (Croix de Guerre, 2 citations), 1917, to end of War; to Mesopotamia as Director of Motor Launches, B.R.C.S. (mentioned in despatches). CZufis : Windham ; WelUngton. (011123) PHELPS, Maude Marion, Mrs, M.B.E. PHELPS, Lieut. Seth Arthur Rose, M.B.E, R.E. PHEYSEY, Capt. Frederick Cecil, M.B.E, R.A.S.C PHILIP, Alexander John, M.B.E, 6. 18 April, 1879 ; s. of Thomas Philip, of New Aberdour ; m. Yvonne, d. of Breton de Plunivez, of Bordeaux. Borough Librarian, Gravesend ; Compiler of International BibUography of the War ; Author. War Work : Executive Officer, Food Control ; Hon. Searcher for missing ; Hon. Sec. War Savings Committee ; Author "Rations, Rationing, and Food Control." Address : Bendula, Old Road West, Gravesend. (M3896) PHILIP, Eng.-Comm. Arthur Edward, O.B.E, R.N.R. PHILIP, Elsie Green, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 24 March, 1856 ; d. of James Cumming, of Keith, Banffshire, Scotland ; m. Peter, s. of James Philip, of Insch, Aberdeenshire. Educ. : Private School and Grammar School, Keith. War Work : President, Div. 13, Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, Glasgow ; an official visitor at StobhiU Military Hospital under Red Cross; later, Member of Gorbals and Tradeston Local War Pensions Committee, Glasgow. Address : 16, Braemar Street, Langsidu, Glasgow. (M9289) PHILIP, Fullarton Bell, M.B.E. PHILIP, Professor James Charles, O.B.E, D.Sc, 6. 12 Feb. 1873. Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Imperial CoU. of Science and Technology, South Kensington ; Sec. of tbe Chemical Society. War Work : Research work in connec tion with defence against poison gas. Addresses : Imperial Coll. of Science, S.W. 7 ; 5, Queen Anne's Gardens, Bedford Park, W. 4. (01753) PHILIP, Major James Porter, O.B.E, M.D, CM, D.P.H, fi. 15 Oct. 1865 ; s. ol the late Rev. G. F. J. PhiUp, of New Deer, Aberdeenshire, to. Susan Ktonear, d. of the late John Fleming, J.P, of Aberdeen. Educ. : Aberdeen Univ. ; King's and MarshaU's CoU. Private practice in Morpeth; M.O.H. Morpeth Rural District ; Medical Referee to Northumberland Pensions Committee. War Work : M.O. i/c 6th Northumber land V.A. Hospital since Aug. 1914, until AprU, 1919 ; Tempor ary M.O. i/c 3/6th D.L.I. ; M.O. i/c Whalton Auxil. Hospital ; M.O. i/c aU troops in Morpeth Area ; Major, Permanent rank granted O.C. of C. Section Volunteer Ambulance R.A.M.C. Address : Bon- Accord House, Morpeth, Northumberland. (011830) PHILIP, Bimbashi (Major) John, M.B.E, D.C.M, fi. 3 Jan. 1873 ; s. of Thomas PhiUp, of New Pitsligo, Aberdeen shire ; to. Annie Grace Park, d. of James Barnet, of Ugiebrae, Old Deer, Aberdeenshire. EnUsted 1st Gren. Guards, June, 1886 ; Services lent to Bgyptian Army as Sergt. Instructor, Feb. 1897 ; present with 3rd Batt. E.A. at Battles of Abu Hamed 1897, Atbara and Khartoum, 1898 ; granted Medal for Distinguished Conduct in the Field (D.C.M.) at latter engagement ; Khedive's Medal with 5 clasps, Queen's Sudan Medal, Long Service Medal ; joined Egyptian Civil Police as Capt. Oct. 1907 ; granted 4th Class Order of the Nile by H.H. The Sultan of Egypt in 1916 ; assisting British Army by working with Military Police, in Civil Police capacity, in all work where soldiers and Chilians were concerned during the war. Address : BsbeWeh Caracol, Cairo City Police, Cairo. (M7036) PHILIP, Katherine Laura, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 26 June, 1861 ; d. ol the late Rev. Dr. Cruiekshank, of Turriff, Aber deenshire; m. James Allan, s. of the late Dr. James Philip, of Aberdeen. War Work : Canteen worker, at the British Soldiers' Institute, Boulogne-sur-Mer, from its opening in Oct. 1914, to its finish in Jan. 1920. Address : 95, Grande Rue, Boulogne-sur-Mer. (M9290) PHILIPE, George WUliam VitalU de Rhe, O.B.E. PHILIPE, Mary Catharine Catharine, Mrs. de Rhe, M.B.E. (M6223) PHILIPPIDES, Messib Cleanthes, M.B.E, Legal Dept. (M10360) PHILIPPS, Mai Alice Magdalen, Lady, C.B.E, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem ; co-heiress of the late Thos. Morris, D.L, of Coomb, Carmarthenshire ; m. (1902) Sir Owen (Cosby) Philips, G.C.M.G, D.L, M.P. (U.), Chester, since 1916 ; Knight of Justice of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; 3rd s of the Rev. Canon Sh Jas. Erasmus PhUipps, 12th Bart, and Hon. Lady Philipps, sister of 5th Baron Wynford (see Burke's Peerage). Addresses: Amroth Castle, Pembrokeshire ; Coomb, Llangain, Carmarthen ; Trevallyn Rossett, Denbigh ; Chelsea House, Cadogan Place, S.W. 1. (C2874) PHILIPPS, Marian Isobel (Mabel), Lady, O.B.E. : y d of late J. B. Mirrlees, of Redlands, Glasgow, wife of Major- General Sir Ivor Philipps, K.C.B, D.S.O, M.P. War Wort : Organiser and Hon. Sec. Welsh Regiment Prisoners of War Association ; Vice-President, Pembrokeshire Branch British Red Cross Society. Addresses : Cosheston HaU, Pembroke shire ; Chantrey House, Eccleston Street, S.W. 1. (011125) PHILIPS, Edward Mark, O.B.E, 6. 25 AprU, 1879; s. ( iRev. E. PhUips, of Hollington, Tean, Staffs ; m. Diana O'Carrol, nee Darby. Educ. : Shrewsbury. Managing; Dhector of J. & N. PhUips & Co. Ltd, Manchester ; Dhector of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Organiser of East Lancs Homes for disabled SaUors and Soldiers. Address : Colshaw Hall, Over Peover, Cheshire. Clubs : Union ; Clarendon, Manchester. (011124) PHILIPS, Enid, Mrs., M.B.E. PHILIPS, Capt. Harry Vaughan, M.B.E. PHILIPS, Helena Adelaide Sara, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 24 Feb. 1870 ; d. of the late Col. B. G. Davies-Cooke, of Colomendy, Mold ; m. Basil Edwin Philips, J.P, D.L, of Rhual, Mold, Lieut.-Col. Commanding 5th Bn. R.W.F. (Fhntshire Territorials), MUed in action, GaUipoU, Aug. 10, 1915. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Vice-President, Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, Mold and district, Flintshire War Pensions Committee, FUntshire Women's War Agricultural Committee ; Head of Working Party B.R.C.S. (Gwernaffield Branch) ; work for Girls" Friendly Society War Emergency Committee, particularly in organising Canteen for Munition Workers at Wrexham. Address : Rhual, Mold, Flintshire. Club: Alexandra. (M9291) PHILIPS, Col. Lewis Francis, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1870 ; s. of the late John WiUiam Philips, of Heybridge Staffordshire ; to. 1909, Margaret Aline, d. of the late Lieut.- Col. Augustus Henry Macdonald-Moreton (see Burke's Peerage, Ducie, E.). Educ. : Winchester, and at R.M.C. Entered King's Roy. Rifle Corps, 1890; became Capt. 1898; Brevet Major, 1902 ; Lieut.-Col. 1915 ; served in the S. African War, 1899-1902 ; present at actions of Colenso and Spion Kop, and at reUef of Ladysmith (despatches, Brevet Major) ; in the Great War, 1914-19, as a Brig.-Com. with rank of Brig.-Gen. (des patches). Address : Darts Cottage, Bembridge, Isle of Wight. Club : Naval and MUitary. (C770) PHILLIBROWN, George Ernest, M.B.E. PHILLIMORE, Ethel Maud, M.B.E. War Wort: Quartermaster, Standish Aux. MiUtary Hospital. 1915-19. Address: Stonehouse, Glos. (M3895) PHILLIMORE, Capt. Valentine Egerton Bagot, C.B.E. D.S.O, 6. 1875 ; s. of the late Sir Augustus PhiUimore, K.C.B. (see Burke's Peerage, Fortescue, E.) ; m. 1st, 1908, Mary Kathleen; who died 1909, d. of the late George Robinson, of Overdale, Skipton-in-Craven, Yorkshire ; 2nd, 1910, Ines Agnes Geraldine, d. of 15th Baron of Castel Cicciano. Entered R.rT. 1888 ; became Lieut. 1896 ; Com. 1906 ; Capt. 1913 ; served in China, 1900. Club : United Service. (C3185) PHILLIP, WUUam Littlejohn, O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Acton, O.B.E, 6. 29 May, 1877 ; s. of Maberly PhiUips, F.S.A. J.P, of Enfield, Middlesex; TO. Marion, d. of George WiUiam FaU, of Netherton, Northumberland. Educ. : Privately. Chartered Accountant. War Work : After being totally rejected on Medical grounds for Active Service took charge under the Joint Finance Committee of the British Red Cross and Order of St. John of the Accounts and Statistics of over 1000 Auxiliary Hospitals ; after the Armistice was Assist. Sec. to the Central Demobilisation Board. Addresses : Avenue House, Frinton-on-Sea ; 28, BastoghaU Street, E.C. (011126) PHILLIPS, Paymaster-Lieut. Algernon Wynn Pendennis, O.B.E, R.N. (ret.). PHILLIPS, CeciUa L.. M.B.E.; d. of James PhiUips, of CUfton. Educ. : EUenborough House School, CUfton. Head mistress, The Grammar School for Girls, Thetford, Norfolk; Girl Guide Commissioner, S.W. Division of Norfolk. War Work: Vice-President, British Red Cross Society, Thetford Division ; Member of Norfolk County Executive Committee B.R.C.S. Addresses : The Girls' Grammar School, Thetford; Glenholme, Sheringham. (M2283) PHILLIPS, Major Charles Edmund Stanley, O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Major Charles Keith, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 1 Deo. 1880 ; s. of Alfred PhiUips, of 57, St. George's Square, S.W. 1. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School ; St. Catharine's CoU., Cambridge. Land and Legal Adviser, Imperial War Graves Commission. War Work: Feb. 1915, 2nd Lieut. Royal Irish Rifles ; Feb. 1917, Staff Capt. H.Q.. 2nd Army ; Aug. 1918. D.A.A.G, G.H.Q. British Forces in Italy. Address: 57, St. George's Square, S.W. 1. Club: New Oxford and Cambridge. (O6407) PHILLIPS, Major Charles Kendall, O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Capt. Cyril Charles, O.B.E, R.G.A. PHILLIPS, David, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, Edith Helen, Mrs, O.B.E, R.R.C, fi. 1871, d. of the late Alfred Coxon ; to. Llewellyn PoweU, M.A, ffl.i>, F.R.CS, F.R.C.P, s. of James Mathias PhiUips, M.D., of Cardigan, S. Wales. War Work : Hon. Matron, Duchess at Westminster's Hospital, Le Touquet, 1914-15 ; mentioned in 410 BIOGRAPHIES. Phillips despatches (F.M. Sh John French) ; Hon. Matron In Chief for Egypt. Brit. Red Cross Society, Matron of Giza Hospital, 1915-18 ; mentioned in despatches (Gen. Sh J. Maxwell) ; twice mentioned in despatches (Gen. Sir A. Murray) ; Lady Superintendent and Inspector Women's Internment Camps, Prisoners of War from Palestine and Hedjaz (Egypt) ; twice mentioned in despatches (F.M. Viscount AUenby). Addresses : 8, Sharia Suliman Pasha, Cairo, Egypt ; 17, De Vere Gardens, London, W. (011127) PHILLIPS, Elizabeth MiUer, Mrs., O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Emily, Mrs., M.B.E. PHILLIPS, Eric Taylor, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, Ernest Harold, O.B.E, 6. 8 April, 1881 ; j. of H. T. PhiUips, of Wolverhampton. Educ. : Wolver hampton Grammar School, and Sidney Sussex CoU.,Cambridge. CivU Service ; Principal, Ministry of Health. War Work : Private Sec. to Parliamentary Sec. and to Permanent Sec. of Locai Government Board. Address : Dairy, Heathside Avenue, Woking. (01754) PHILLIPS, Ernest Thomas Adams, M.B.E, 6. 22 May, 1878 ; s. of Thomas Adams PhUlips, of Bromley, Kent. Educ. : Eastbourne CoU, and Emmanuel Coll, Cambridge (LL.B. degree). SoUcitor ; Assistant Official Receiver, Companies Liquidation Dept. War Work : England, Artists' Rifles ; France, 296 Siege Battery, R.G.A. (S.R.) ; Anti-Gas Schools, Havre, attached R.E. Address: Beech Corner, Chipstead, Surrey. (M4576) PHILLIPS, Lieut. Ernest WiUiam, O.B.E, R.G.A. PHILLIPS, Ernest WUliam, O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Franois Hardwick, O.B.E, A.I.F. PHILLIPS, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. Frederick Brown, O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Frederick Solomon, O.B.E, 6. 21 Nov. 1860 ; s. of Barnet S. PhiUips, of 59, Queen's Gardens, Hyde Park ; m. LUy AdeUne, d. of R. HaU, of Brighton. Educ. : Uni versity Coll, School. War Work : Hon. Asst. Sec. to the St. John Ambulance Association from Oct. 1914, till end of War. Addresses : Sunnyside, Holmwood, Surrey ; 14, Marina Court Avenue, BexhiU-ou-Sea. CZufis : Badminton ; Albemarle ; Royal AutomobUe. (01756) PHILLIPS, Brig.-Gen. Geoffrey Francis, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1879 ; s. of J. H. PhiUips. Educ : Wellington Coll. Entered Duke of Cornwall's L.I. 1900 ; Capt. 1910 ; Major, 1915 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1917 ; serving with King's African Rifles, with rank of Brig.-Gen ; served in SomaUland, 1908-10 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-19, on Staff (wounded, despatches, Brevet Lieut.-Col, Order of SS. Maurice and Lazarus of Italy). (C1099) PHILLIPS, Lieut.-Col. George Ingleton, C.B.E. T. Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. in the Army ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) (C1740 PHILLIPS, Major George Lort, M.B.E, 5. 7 March, 1891; s. of George Gordon Owen PhiUips, M.D, F.R.CS, F.R.C.P, of Warwick, Queensland, AustraUa, late of MUford Haven, Pembrokeshhe, Wales ; m. LiUan, d. of the late John AnseU, of Inverell, N.S.W. Educ : Church of England Gram mar School, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Confidential Sec. to AustraUan Diplomatic Service ; Freeman of County of Haverfordwest, Wales. War Work : Served in Australian Imperial Forces from Aug. 1914, in 2nd Battn. A.I.F. ; Active Service, Egypt and GaUipoU ; wounded severely latter theatre, " Lone Pine," and repatriated to England ; afterwards Adjutant, Australian Command Depot, SaUsbury Plains ; A.D.C. to G.O.C, A.I.F. ; Camp Commandant, A.I.F. Depots in U.K. ; Commandant, A.I.F. Detention Barracks, Lewes, Sessex; CO. Australian Graves Services in aU theatres. Address : Australia House, Strand, London. Club : Royal Automobile. (M2284) PHILLIPS, Lieut.-Col. George Percy AchiUes, O.B.E, PHILLIPS, Lieut. Harold Lionel, M.B.E, R.F.A. (T.) PHILLIPS, Harry Joseph, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, Helena Creed, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, Henry Archibald AUen, M.I.M.E, 6, 13 Oct 1871; s. of WUUam Henry Medland PhUlips, of Edge Hill House, Mitcheldean, Glos. ; m. Madeleine, d. of John E. Thomas, of Aberdare. Educ : Colston School, Bristol, and Llandovery CoU. Mining Engineer, practising at Swansea ; District Inspector under the Coal Mines Department for South Wales, Jfon, Somerset, and Glos. ; Consulting Engineer to several Collieries, and Mineral and Estate Agent. War Work : District Inspector as above ; Executive Officer, Pitwood Department for South Wales ; Member, and acted Sec, of the South Wales Pitwood Allocation Committee ; Member of Commission appointed to inquire into short time worked in South Wales Collieries, 1918. Address: Westmancote, Uplands Terrace, Swansea. (011128) PHILLIPS, Henry Dixon, M.B.E, J.P. PHILLIPS, Henry Percy, O.B.E, fi. 26 July, 1869; ». of Edwin PhUUps, of Machen, Mon. ; to. Lucy Edith, d. of John Pritchard, of Beaumaris. Educ. : Private School, and Commercial Coll, Neuchatel, Switzerland. CoUiery Shipping Agent (played haU-back under the Rugby code for Newport, Mon, 1889-93, and for Wales, 1891-93). War Work : Hon. Sec. for Belgian Refugee Committee at Newport and Monmouth shire (for which was made " an Officer of the Order of the Crown " by the King of the Belgians) ; voluntary munition worker making Shells ; voluntary work in Recruiting Office ; Member of the Port Labour Committee for organising Dock 411 Work during the War; Member of the Committee for the arrangement of Export of Coal to France and Italy during the War. Address: Rosenlaui, 19, Fields Park Road, Newport, Mon. Club : Monmouthshire. (01758) PHILLIPS, Henry Thomas, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, Herbert, O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Capt. Herbert Thomas, M.B.E., A.I.F. PHILLIPS, Capt. Horace Stook, M.B.E, R.E. PHILLIPS, Lieut. James Charles Joseph, M.B.E, R.A.S.C PHILLIPS, James Falkner, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, John Henry, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, John Robert, O.B.E, 6. 28 May, 1871; s. of the late John Foster PhiUips, of Brixton, Surrey ; m. Lydia Redfarn, d. of the late Henry Smith, of Hay's Wharf, and St. John's, S.E. Educ : Haberdashers' School ; Birkbeck Coll. CivU Servant ; Boy Clerk, Money Order Dept, G.P.O, 1887- 90 ; Second Divion Clerk and Examiner, 1890-1914 ; Account ant General's Dept, 1914-19 ; Accounting Officer, National (War) Savings Committee, 1917 ; Director of Accounts National (War) Savings Committee, 1919. War Work : Special duties in G.P.O, 1914-16 ; seconded to National (War) Savings Committee, May, 1916 ; appointed Accounting Officer, March, 1917. Address : 11, Slaithwaite Road, Lewisham, S.E. 13. (O3870) PHILLIPS, Major John Robert Parry, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. PHILLIPS, John Ruskin, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, LiUan Marion Estelle, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of the late Edward Savile, of Okehampton. Devon ; m. Capt. Lionel 0. W, s. of Charles Phillips, of Unsted Park, Godal- ming. War Work : Vice-Pres, Surrey B.R.C.S. ; Commandant Thorncombe MUitary Hospital, Bramley, Surrey. Address : Unsted Park, Godalming, Surrey. Club : Bath. (01759) PHILLIPS, Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E. PHILLIPS, Marion Isabel, Lady, O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Major Peroival, O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Sir Peroival, K.B.E, 6. 2 July, 1877 ; s. of Hibbard Samuel PhiUips, M.D, of Canonsburgh, Pennsyl vania, U.S.A. Educ. : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Associated continuously with daily newspapers In America 1895-1901 ; with Greek Army in War against Turkey, 1897 ; Spanish- American War, 1898 ; War Correspondent, " DaUy Express " in Russo-Japanese War, 1904 ; Jamaica earth quake, 1907 ; Balkans, 1909 ; revolution in Catalonia, 1909 ; revolution in Portugal, 1910 ; Champagne riots, Northern France, 1911 ; with Italian Expedition in Tripoli 1911 ; Coronation Durbar at Delhi, and Imperial tour through India, 1911-12 ; other Royal tours at home and abroad ; funeral of King Frederick of Denmark, 1912 ; with Bulgarian Army in first Balkan campaign, 1912-13 ; with Belgian Field Army from declaration of War, August, 1914, until fall of Antwerp ; one of the first five accredited war correspondents with British Armies (Western Front), May, 1915; reprepenting "DaUy Express" and "Morning Post"; and served in this capacity until the Armistice, 1918; with the advance into Germany, and attached British Army of the Rhine until conclusion of Peace ; accompanied Prince of Wales on Canadian Tour, 1919; in Egypt, then Syria and Palestine during Arab rising, 1919-20 ; in Constantinople until signing of Peace with Turkey; and Athens during Greek Crisis, 1920; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Clubs : Royal Aero ; Savage ; Royal Automobile. (K410) PHILLIPS, Capt. Rees, O.B.E, M.D, D.P.H. (London), 6. 1878 ; s. of Richard PhUlips, of Great Molleston, Narberth, Pembrokeshhe ; m. Ida Gladys, d. of Walter Sheard, of Leeds. Educ. : Univ. Coll, Aberystwyth ; Middlesex Hospital, Univ. of London. Medical Practitioner. War Work : Section Commander in l/2nd East Anglian Field Ambulance ; served in GaUipoli, Egypt, and Palestine, 1915-18 ; mentioned m despatches twice. Address: 62, Upper Kennington Lane, S.E. 11. (06269) PHILLIPS, Paymaster-Comm. Richard Hood Grant, O.B.E, R.N. __ , , __ . „ „ _ PHILLIPS, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Brooklehurst, O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Thomas WUliams, C.B.E, 6. 1883 ; s. of Thomas PhiUips, of Schoolhouse, Cemmaes, Montgomeryshire ; m. 1913, Alice Hah Potter. Educ : Jesus Coll, Oxford. Barrister, Gray's Inn, 1913 ; entered Board of Trade, 1906; be came Principal Officer, Employment Depart. 1916 ; appointed Acting Director, Employment Depart, Ministry of Labour 1918 ; Assist. Sec. 1918 ; also a Member of its Departmental Council, 1919. Club : Royal Societies'. (C595) PHILLIPS, WaUace Henry, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, Walter John, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, Major WiUiam Albert, OBB PHILLIPS, Major WilUam Austin, M.B.E. PHILLIPS, William James, M.B.E, 6. 16 April, 1892 ; s. of John W PhUlips, of Chelsea. Incorporated Accountant Superintending Accountant, Admhalty. War Work: Work for Admhalty. Address : 56, Delated Street, Fulham London, S.W. 6. ... _ n __ _ (O8019) PHILLIPS, Capt. WiUiam James, O.B.E. PHILLIPS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WUliam John, O.B.E, E PHILLIPS Capt. William John, O.B.E, 6. 5 July, 1867; s. of the late WiUiam Beal PhiUips, of Brentford and Chelms ford ; m. EmUy, d. of John Cooksey, late of Aldershot. Educ : Liskeard County School, and Military School. Capt and Qr-Mr Royal Horse ArtUlery. War Work: Instructor m Phillips THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Gunnery and ArtUlery to the 9th, 12th, 14th, 17th, 23rd, and 37th Division, R.A. ; Instructor and Camp Staff Officer, Okehampton Artillery Camp, 1915-16 ; Instructor at St. Johns Wood and Mansfield Park, Officer Cadet Schools ; Instructor in Artillery to Young Officers, No 60 Reserve Bde, R.F.A. Address : Ash Bank, Ash Vale, Aldershot. (07547) PHILLIPS, WilUam Lambert CoUyer, O.B.E. PHILLIPSON, Major John, O.B.E. PHILLPOTTS, Bertha Surtees, O.B.E, Litt.D. ; d. of James Surtees Phillpotts, B.C.L, formerly Head Master of Bedford School. Educ : Girton Coll, Cambridge. Principal of Westfield CoU. (Univ. of London) ; previously Lady Carlisle Research Fellow, SomervUle Coll, Oxford. War Work : Private Sec. to H.B.M. Minister at Stockholm. Address : Westfield CoUege, London, N.W. 3. Club : Univ. for Ladies. (01761) PHILLPOTTS, LilUan LesteUa Elizabeth Georgina, M.B.E.; Q.M.A.A.C. PHILLPOTTS, Owen Surtees, O.B.E, fi. 9 Oct. 1870 ; s.of James Surtees PhUlpotts, of The Ousels, Tunbridge Wells. Educ. : Bedford; Worcester Coll, Oxford. H.B.M. Com mercial Sec. to H.B.M. Legation in Vienna ; formerly H.M. Consul in Vienna. War Work : Commercial Attache to H.M. Legation at Stockholm. Club : National Liberal. (0652) PHILPOT, Lieut. Albert John, O.B.E, R.E. PHILPOT, David, D.S.O, O.B.E. PHILPOT, Harold Percy, M.B.E, F.CI.S, 6. 28 March, 1878 ; s. of Percival PhUpot, of Lewisham ; to. Jessie, d. of George Henniker, of Wandsworth Common. Educ. : East Dulwich Coll. (now dissolved). Director, Canned Goods Importers. War Work : In charge of Canned Fish Section, Ministry of Food, untU 1 Jan. 1920. Address : 47-51, King William Street, E.C. 4. (M3899) PHILPOT, Joseph Henry, M.B.E, M.D. (Lond.), M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 14 July, 1850 ; s. of the Rev. Joseph Charles PhUpot, formerly FeUow of Worcester Coll, Oxford ; m. Isaline, d. of Joseph Needham, of New Inn, W.C Educ : King's CoU, London. War Work : Chairman of Committee, War Refugees' Dispensary ; awarded the MedaiUe du Roi Albert, by the King of the Belgians. Address : 61, Chester Square, S.W. 1. CZufi .- Savile. (M9297) PHILPOT, Thomas, M.B.E, J.P. PHILPOTT, Capt. Henry Goschen, O.B.E, R.N. PHILPS, Evelyn Chapman, M.B.E. PHILSON, Lucy, Mrs., M.B.E. PHIPPS, 2nd Lieut. Charles WiUiam, M.B.E, R.A.F. PHIPPS, Capt. Frederick Reginald, O.B.E, R.E. PHIPPS, Capt. Henry Croly, M.B.E. ; s. of the late Charles Hare Phipps, M.A, of South Cregg, Fermoy, Co. Cork ; m. Dorothy EmUy Mary. d. of the late George Masters Pyne, of Ballyvolane, Fermoy, Co. Cork. War Work : Royal Army Service Corps. CZufi. : Royal Dish Yacht, Kingstown. (M5535) PHIPPS, Capt. Paul Campbell, M.B.E. PHIZACKERLEY, George Thompson, O.B.E, M.Inst.T, fi. 22 Oct. 1858 ; s. of Edmund Phizackerley, of Lancaster ; m. Margaret, d. of WUliam Kench, of Chipping Norton, Oxon. Educ. : Privately. District Goods Manager (for Liverpool and Birkenhead), L. & N.-W. RaUway. War Work : Transport of Munitions of War, Foodstuffs, and MiUtary Equipment of Canadian-American troops through Liverpool ; Member of several local Government Committees in connection with transport, etc. Address : 25, Highfield South, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. Club : Exchange, Liverpool. (011129) PHC3NIX, Herbert Ray, M.B.E, fi. 19 May, 1873 ; s. of Joseph Phoenix, late of Inland Revenue Dept, Ipswich ; to. Lucy Maud, d. of Joseph Summers, of Wood Green, N. Educ : Berners House School, Ipswich ; Ipswich Middle School. Chief Registrar, Ministry of Labour. War Work : Reorganisa tion and control of Registry Branch, Labour Departments, Ministry of Munitions ; organisation and control, Registry Branch, Department of Demobilisation and Resettlement ; co-ordination and control of Registries of Ministry of Labour. Addresses: Laleham, Barnard HiU, Muswell Hill, N. 10; Ministry of Labour, Whitehall, S.W. 1. (M9298) PHOTIADES, Lieut. Nicolas John, M.B.E. PHYTHIAN, Thomas Ewart, M.B.E. PICKARD, Henry, M.B.E. PICKEN, Capt. Andrew, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. (S.R ). PICKEN, Anna Craig, Mrs., M.B.E. PICKEN, 2nd Lieut. Richard Nelson, M.B.E. PICKERILL, Major Henry Percy, O.B.E, M.D. PICKERING, Alice Mabel, Mrs., M.B.E, A.R.R.C. fi. 1860 ; d. of the Rev. Michael Henry Simpson, of Tow Law, Durham ; to. William Henry, H.M. Chief Inspector of Mines, s. of James Pickering, of Gathurst, Wigan. Educ. : St. Peter's School, York. War Work : Commandant of the Arnold Auxiliary MUitary Hospital, Doncaster, 1914-19 ; hospital began 25 beds, increased to 150 ; over 3000 patients were treated in hospital ; 2000 out-patients were treated ; £2000 handed over to the local infirmary when hospital closed. Address : Rirlgehome, Bentley, Doncaster. (M849) S.SJ5S5J?0' Lieut- Edwin Fitzgerald Samuel, M.B.E. PICKERING, Fred, M.B.E, J.P, 6. Sept. 1866 ; s. of George Pickering of Batley, Yorkshire ; to. Emma Louisa, d. ot George Wright Grinstead, of Leeds. Educ : Batley Grammar School. J.P, Bradford; Managing Director, Fred Pickering & Son, Ltd, Umbrella and Stick Manu facturers; Sec. and Director, John W. Hill, Ltd, Cloth and Yarn Manufacturers ; Hon. Sec. of Bradford Chamber of Trade for 14 years until 1919 ; President National Chamber of Trade 21st Conference at Bradford, 1919, now Hon. Sec. again ; North of England and North Wales Organiser And Adviser under the One-Man Business Preservation Scheme of the Ministry of National Service and the Local Government Board ; Vice-President of the West Yorkslnre Federated Chambers of Trade of the National Chamber ; was the Organiser and Hon. Sec. of the Bradford Traders' War Fund, which raised nearly £9,000 in weekly collections from traders ; joint Hon. Sec. of the Lord Mayor's War Fund (raised £200,000) ; Hon. Sec. and Organiser of the Bradford Sailors' and Soldiers' Children's Christmas Fund, which entertained some 80,000 youngsters each war-time Christmas ; Hon. Sec. of the local Belgian Pure Water Fund and the Serbian Fund of a similar nature ; Organiser of egg shows which resulted in thousands of fresh eggs being collected for the miUtary hospitals ; Organiser of a traders' contribution to the Y.M.C.A. funds for a new Bradford centre ; local Hon. Sec. for the Farmers' Red Cross Fund ; a Member of the local MUitary Service Tribunal ; Trader's Representative on the Bradford Citizens' Army League, which raised three " Pals " battalions and recruited for other units ; Chahman of the local Committee administering the Retail Businesses Licensing Order ; Member of the local Labour Advisory Committee ; Vice-Chahman of Directors of the York shire branch of the Lord Roberts' Memorial Workshops for disabled Service men ; Member of the Council of the Bradford Army Veterans' Association and of the local Committee of the Navy and Army War Pensions Committee; Member of the Interviewing Board, Appointments Committee, Ministry of Labour ; Member of the local Advisory Committee, Ministry of Labour. Address : Fagley House, Bradford. (M9302) PICKERING, Lieut.-Com. Frederick, O.B.E, R.N.R, R.D. PICKERING, Capt. John RusseU, M.B.E, F.L.A.A, fi. 7 July, 1884 ; s. of j. C Pickering, of Scarborough, m. Dora, d. of A. W. Hilling, of Chorley Wood. Educ. : Ancaster House, St. Leonards, and King's. War Work : With the Royal Army Service Corps. Addresses : Balham Court, London, S.W. 12; The Point, Exmouth. Clubs: Farmers'; United R.A.S.C. (M5536) PICKERING, Percy, M.B.E. PICKERING, Comm. WUUam AUred, O.B.E, R.N. PICKERSGILL, WUUam, C.B.E, J.P, W.Sch, 6. 1 March, 1861 ; s. of John Gaukrodger PickersgiU, of Crewe ; to. Mary, d. of James Hope, of Jamulpur, India. Educ. : Public School and Academy, Crewe ; Finsbury College ; and Birkbeck Institute, London. Locomotive, Carriage, and Wagon Superintendent, Caledonian RaUway Company ; Member of Engineers and ShipbuUders Institute of Scotland; Member of Institute of Locomotive Engineers (President, 1920) ; Member of Association of RaUway Locomotive Engi neers of Great Britain and Ireland (President, 1912). War Work : Manufacture of ambulance trains for France for British Troops ; supplied locomotives to France ; manu facture of general service waggons, fuses, torpedoes, gun mount ings, mines, transport waggons, railway waggons for armoured trains, sterilising tanks, etc. (C2875) PICKETT, Capt. AUred Cleveland, O.B.E,, R.A.M.C PICKFORD, Hind, M.B.E. PICKIN, Major WiUiam David, O.B.E. PICKLES, Edward Llewellyn, M.B.E. PICOT, Henrietta Sybil Douglas, M.B.E. PICOT, Lieut.-Col. Henry Philip, C.B.E, late Indian Staff Corps, Officer of Legion of Honour, 6. 29 April, 1857; s. of Phillip Henry Picot, of Brisbane, Australia ; m. Frances Mary Douglas, d. of Major-Gen. Douglas Scott, of Erin Lodge, Weybridge. Educ. : Thomsons' School, Jersey ; R.M.C. Sandhurst. Lieut, 21 Sept. 1874, Dukeof WeUington's Regt. ; retired as Lieut.-Col. 4 Nov. 1903 ; Afghanistan, 1878-80 (twice mentioned in despatches) ; Zaimusht Expedition (men tioned in depatches) ; Black Mountain Expedition : Military attache', Teharan 1893-1900 ; Oriental Secretary, H.M.'s Legation Teheran, 1898-1900. War Work : MiUtary Attache, Berne, Switzerland, 1914-16 ; Officer in Charge of British Interned in Switzerland, 1916-18 ; President of the British Legation, Red Cross Organisation in Switzerland (Interned Branch) 1916-18 ; Member of Committee of Berne Bread Bureau (affiliated to Central Prisoners of War Committee, London), 1915-16. Address: 33, Onslow Gardens, S.W. 7. Club : Junior United Service. (C596) PICTON, Lionel James, O.B.E, M.A. Oxon, M.B. Oxon, B.Ch, L.R.C.P, M.R.C.S, 6. 20 Feb. 1874; s. of WUliam Henry Picton, of Bebbington, Cheshire, and Liver pool ; m. Mary Emma, A.R.R.C, d. of Charles Hibbert Btnney, of Ilford. Educ : Merchant Tavlors' School, Crosby, Merton CoU, Oxford, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London; Surgeon, Albert Infirmary, Winsford ; M.O.H. Winsford; Hon. Sec, Cheshire Medical and Panel Committee. War Wort : Surgeon and Registrar Baltic and Corn Exchange Hospital, Calais; Surgeon in charge of St. John AuxUiary Hospital, Somerford Park, Congleton, and Witten House Hospital, Northwich ; Surgeon, Holmes Chapel Divisions, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Addresses : Holmes Chapel, Cheshire : B.M.A. 429, Strand, W.C ; Liverpool Medical Institution. (011130) PICTON, Col. Reginald Ernest, C.B.E. Formerly Col. R.E. ; served in SomaUland, 1890 ; and in China, 1900 (medal with clasp). (C2041) 412 BIOGRAPHIES. Pilling PIDGEON, Major Geoffrey Denzie, O.B.E, R.A. PIENAAR. Felippus Fowrie, O.B.E. (012054) PIERCE, Elsie Louisa, Mrs., M.B.E, b. 23 March, 1895 ; d. of John Robert Dines, of Grays, Essex ; m. Ernest Vernon, s. of EUis Pierce, of Rainham, Kent. Educ. : Palmer's Coll, Grays, and the Convent of La Ste. Union des Sacres Coeurs, Grays, Essex. War Work : Member of Sir Auckland Geddes Personal Secretariat during his tenure of office as Minister of national Service ; President of the Board of Trade, Minister of Reconstruction, and President of the Local Government Board. Address : New Road, Grays, Essex. (M9305) PIERCE, Helen, O.B.E. PIERCE, Thomas John, M.B.E. PIERCE, Major WiUiam Robertus, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, T.F, fi. 15 Aug. 1883 ; s. of Hugh Pierce, of Llanrwst ; m. Leta Rogers, d. of T. Rogers Jones, J.P., CC, of Llanrwst. Educ. : Wesley Coll., Sheffield ; Univ. of Liverpool. Hon. Anaesthetist David Lewis Northern Hospital, Liverpool. War Work : Served in 2nd West Lancs Field Ambulance, 34 Casualty Clearing Station, and 41st Stationary Hospital in France, 1915-18. Address : 34, Princes Avenue, Liverpool. CZitfis : Lyceum; University. (05682) PIERCY, Mary Louisa, Mrs. WiUiam, O.B.E. PIERCY, WUUam, C.B.E, Officier de l'Order de Leopold H, fi. 7 Feb. 1886 ; s. of Edward Piercy ; to. May Louisa, d. of Hon. T. H. W. Pelham, of Deene House, Putney HiU, S.W. (see Burke's Peerage, Chichester, E). Lecturer at the London School of Economics and Political Science. War Work : Principal Assistant C.B. Division, Ministry of Munitions ; Associated Secretarial Officer of Inland Revenue, Member of Allied Provisions Export Commission, U.S.A. ; Dhector of British Ministry of Food in U.S.A. Address : 12, The Grove, Boltons, London, S.W. Club: National. (C1025) PIERPODJT, Major Harry William, O.B.E, F.R.CS. I.M.S. PIERPOINT, Marie Eugenie, Mrs., M.B.E. PIERSON, Reginald Kershaw. M.B.E. PIETER, Sir John George, O.B.E. PIGGOTT, His Honour Judge Sir George Bettesworth, K.B.E, F.R.G.S, J.P, 6. 30 AprU, 1857 ; s. of Fraser Piggott, J.P, of Fitz-HaU, Sussex ; m. 1st, Amy (dLd 1909), d. of Major Harvey SpiUer. 2nd, Madine Sophie, d. of the late Sir Reginald Proctor Beauchamp, 5th Bart, and Lady Violet, d. of 5th Earl of Roden (see Burke's Peerage). Educ : Westminster School. Student, Middle Temple, 1884 ; caUed to Bar, 1888 ; Judicial Officer and Vice-Consul of the British Central Africa Protectorate 1896 ; Chief Judicial Officer, 1898 ; Assistant Judge for Zanzibar, 1900 ; Senior Judge 1901-4 ; Assistant Judge HM.'s Supreme Consular Court, SubUme Ottoman Porte, 1904-12, and Acting Judge ; retired, 1911 ; sat to Appel late Jurisdiction as Pres. of H.M. Appeal Court for Eastern Africa ; also sat as Judge in Arab matters on the highest judicial tribunal of H.M. the SiUtan of Zanzibar ; was legal member of the East Africa Protectorate Council ; Member of the Appeal Tribunal for the County of London under the Military Service Act, and Deputy Chahman and Secretary to that tribunal. Address : 24, Cliveden Place, Eaton Square, S.W. CZufis: Carlton; St. James's; Wellingon. (K228) PIGGOTT, Henry Howard, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 13 Sept. 1871 ; s. of the late Rev. Henry James Piggott. of ViUino Belloni, Via Mondovi, Rome, Italy ; to. Mary Edith Frederica, d. of the late Rev. Routh Tomlinson, of Finchampstead, Berks. Educ. : Kingswood School, Bath, and Corpus Christi Coll, Oxford. Assistant Master, Bradfleld College, Berks, 1895- 1902; H.M. Inspector of Schools, Board of Education, 1902-15. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, 1915-19 ; Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. C. Addison and to Rt. Hon. Winston ChurchUl, when Ministers of Munitions, 1916-17 ; Assistant Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions, 1917-19. Address : 74, Cheyne Court, Chelsea, S.W. 3. ' (C265) PIGHTLING, Garnet, M.B.E. PIGOTT, Major Henry Lionel, O.B.E, Lieut.-Comm. K.N, retired, 6. 6 Sept. 1877 ; s. of Edmund Pigott, of Trentham Staffs.; m. Mary Gwendolyn, d. of Walter Palmour, of Preston. Educ : Stubbington. Chief Land Agent, Southern Command. Address: The Red House, Durrington, WUts. CZwfi : Sports. (01762) PIGOTT, Capt. John Glyn, O.B.E. PIGOTT, Capt. St. John Renwick, O.B.E. PIGOTT, Richard, C.B.E, J.P, fi. 1 April, 1861 ; s. of Richard Pigott, of London ; m. Mary Richards, d. of Edward Mountford, of Shipston-on-Stour. Educ. : MUl HiU School. Wholesale Tea and Coffee Merchant. War Work : Hon. Director of Tea Supplies at the Ministry of Food. Address : 1, Barlsfield Road, Wandsworth Common, London. Clubs : Beforrn; New City. (C1026) PIGOTT, Lieut.-Col. WeUesley George, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 20 AprU, 1861 ; s. ofthe Rev. W. Pigott, of Bemerton, SaUsbury ; ». Helen Louise, d. of Captain T. Donaldson, of Cheswardine, Salop, 3rd Hussars. Educ. : Eton. Rifle Brigade 1881-97 ; 1900-1, 1914-19 ; Adjutant 3rd Batt. Rifle Brigade, 1884-89 ; Adjutant, Rifle Depot, 1889-92 ; Adjutant, 3rd V.B. Essex Regt. 1892-1897; Adjutant, Royal Rifle Reserve Regt, 1900-1. War Work : Rejoined for service, Sept. 1914 ; served with 12th Batt. Rifle Brigade, and Commanded it at the Battle of loos ; Commanded 15th Batt. Rifle Brigade from May, 1916, to Feb. 1919, and 25th Batt. Rifle Brigade from Feb. to June, 1919. Address : The Weirs, Brockenhurst. Club : Army and Navy. (07576) PIKE, Lieut.-Col. Cuthbert Joseph, C.B.E, D.L, Cornwall, 6. 5 June, 1868 ; s. of Walter Pike, m. Dorothy Margaret Mary, d. pf the late Daniel O'Connell (deceased). Educ. : Oscott Coll. Commanding 3rd Batt, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Addresses: 1, Douro Terrace, St. Heller, Jersey; PorkelUs, nr. Helston, Cornwall. (01741) PIKE, Emma, M.B.E, 6. 5 May, 1861. Trained Nurse. War Work : District Nursing at Ramsgate. Address : Lang- don House, The Elms, Ramsgate. (M9310) PIKE, Paymaster-Lieut. Evan Cuthbert, M.B.E, R.N.R. PIKE, John, O.B.E, M.Inst.T, fi. 1868; s. of John Pike, of Knightsbridge ; to. Laura Edith, d. of Adolphus Pursell Patten, of Rickmansworth. Educ. : City of London School. Director of Rates and Charges, Ministry of Transport. War Work : Assistant Goods Manager, L. and N.W .Rly. ; represented Railway Companies on Port and Transit Executive Committee, and Home Trade Transport Control Committee. Address : Cromdale, Marlborough HiU, Harrow. Club : Junior Constitutional. (011131) PIKE, T. Major Montague Headland, O.B.E, M.C. PIKE, Robert, O.B.E. PILCHER, CeoU Westland, M.B.E, 6. 15 Oct. 1870; s. of W. J. Pilcher, F.R.CS, of Boston ; m. Evelyn Mary, d. of Clement Southam F.S.A, of Shrewsbury. Educ. : Bath Coll. ; Oxford Univ. ; St. Thomas's Hospital. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of troops, 1914-18 ; Commandant V.A.D. (men) ; Capt. Lines. R.A.M.C. (V). Address : Boston, Lincolnshire. (M9311) PILCHER, Col. Edgar Montagu, C.B, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.B, B.A, B.C., F.R.CS, fi. 1865 ; s. of Col. Jesse G. Pilcher, F.R.CS, Indian Med. Ser. ; to. 1899, Lilias, d. of the late Capt. Henri Campbell, I.S.C. Educ. : Clifton, and Clare Coll. Camb. Entered Army, 1892 ; Capt. R.A.M.C 1895 ; Major, 1904 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1913 ; Lieut.-Col. 1914 ; Brevet Col. 1916 ; Col. Army Med. Ser. 1917 ; served with Tirah Expedition, 1897-98 (medal with two clasps) ; S. Africa, 1900 (despatches, Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; appointed Professor of MU. Surg, Roy. Army. Med. Coll. 1910 ; Hon. Surg, to H.M. 1918. Club : Con stitutional. (C1304) PILCHER, Richard Bertram, O.B.E, F.C.I.S, 6. 23 March, 1874 ; s. of Herbert Edward PUcher, of Patrixbourne, Kent ; to. Violet Frances, d. of George Alfred Sims, of Upper Winchen- don, Bucks. Educ. : B.O.A, and King's CoU, London. Registrar and Sec. ofthe Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Deland ; Member of Council, Chartered Institute of Secre taries, 1st President of the Chartered Secretaries' Students, Socioty (London) ; a Vice-President, Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men ; Sec. of the Glass Research Committee of the Institute of Chemistry, promoting the production of scientific glassware, etc, co-operating with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Department of Optical Munitions and Glassware Supply, Ministry of Muni tions ; assisted to securing the services of chemists (1 ) for the Admiralty, especially for the R.N. Experimental Station, Stratford, (2) for the War Office, especially in connection with Gas Warfare (offensive and defensive), and Royal Army Ord nance Corps, (3) for the Royal Ah Force (Hydrogen Officers, Kite BaUoon Section, Aeronautical Inspection Department and Royal Ahcraft Factory), (4) for the Ministry of Munitions, Department of Explosives Supplies. (5) for other Government Departments, (6) for Controlled Establishments producing various materials of war, etc. ; joined Special Constabulary, Aug. 1914 ; Dep. Insp. 1920 ; Member of the Officers' Resettle ment Committee, Ministry of Labour, 1918-20 ; Civilian Advisory Board (France), 1919 ; Member of the Grants Committee, Appointments Department, Ministry of Labour, 1919-20 ; Resettlement of Ex-Service Chemists in civil appointments. Addresses : 9, Westbury Road, Woodside Park, Finchley, London, N. 12 ; 30, RusseU Square, W.C. 1. Club : Chemical Industry. (011133) PILDITCH, Eng.-Lieut. Cyril Harold Lee, O.B.E, R.N. PILGRIM, Ida Helen, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 27 April, 1869; d. ot AUred Ernest Hawley, of Leicester ; to. Walter John, s. of Stephen Pilgrim, of The Castle Hill, Hinckley. War Work : Hon. Sec. for the Hinckley and Market Bosworth Divi sion of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association ; Organiser and Joint Hon. Sec. Hinckley Area War Pensions Committee ; Organiser and Hon. Sec. Hinckley and District Prisoners of War Relief Fund. Address : The Priest Hills, Hinckley, Leicestershire. (011134) PILKINGTON, Lieut. Dennis Fielden, M.B.E, R.A.S.C PILKINGTON, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Edward, C.B.E. New Zealand Forces ; served in S. Africa, 1900 (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1864) PILKINGTON, Leonard Gamier, M.B.E. PILKINGTON, Percy, M.B.E. PILLAI, Hannah Sargon, Mrs., M.B.E. PILLER, Sir John George, O.B.E. PILLERS, Major Robert Kingsley, O.B.E, R.A.F. PILLING, Henry, M.B.E, 6. 13 July, 1867 ; s. of WiUiam PUling, of Bolton ; to. Sarah, d. ot Miles Gerrard, of Bolton. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School. General Manager of GaUoways, Ltd, Engineers, Manchester. War Work : Steam Boilers, Rolling MiU Engines, Blast Furnace Gas Engines ; Shell Forgings, Floating Mines, Aerial Torpedoes, Tank Hulls, Machined Shells, etc. Address : Glenderwyn, 20, Manchester Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. CZufis : Engineers' ; Reform, Manchester. (M850) 413 Pillow THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. PILLOW, Capt. Frederiok WiUiam, O.B.E. PILTER, Sir John, O.B.E, Knight of Legion of Honour, and Commander of the Order of Nicliam lftikhae, 6. 17 March, 1848 ; s. of Thomas Pilter, of Paris ; m. EmUy, d. of James Bowman, J.P, of Halifax. Educ. : Privately. Retired from business; Hon. President, British Chamber of Commerce, Paris. War Work : Chairman of Committee of Hertford British Hospital, Paris ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. British Charitable Fund, Paris ; Member of Committee of Paris British Recruiting Committee ; Member of Military Local Tribunal and Ambassa dor's Advisory Committee on Exemption ; Hon. Treas. of Comer of BUghty for soldiers on leave in Paris ; British Vice- President of Union des Colonies Etrangeres in Paris for the re education of mutUated soldiers ; Member of Council of Associa tion France — Great Britain. Address : 48, Rue Michel Ange, Paris. Clubs : St. James's ; Interallied (Paris). (011135) PIM, James Howard, C.B.E. Chairman, Cost of Living Commn, S. Africa, during the Great War. (C2006) PIM, Major John, O.B.E. PIM, Violet May, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of J. O. Thompson, of Grantham ; m. John, s. of Joshua Pirn, of KUliney, Co. Dublin. Educ. : Grantham Ladles' Coll, and Baker Street High School. War Work : Commandant V.A.D. No 12, Lines, and Red. Cross Hospital, The Barracks, Grantham (60 beds), Non. 1914, to Feb. 1919. Address : Norman Leys, Grantham. (01765) PIN, Violet Constance Letitia Mary, M.B.E. Educ : St. Martin's-in-the-Fields High School. Private Sec. to The Hon. Sir Arthur Stanley, G.B.E, Chairman, Joint Council British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John. Address : 6, Sandringham BuUdings, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2. (M9312) PINCHARD, Rev. Arnold Theophilus Biddulph, M.B.E, Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne (Belgique), 6. 30 June. 1860 ; s. of John Henry Biddulph Pinchard ; m. Maud Sophia Julia, d. of John Matthew Butler, M.D, of Woolwich. Educ. : Shrewsbury School, Durham Univ. Sec. to the English Church Union. War Work : Vice-Chairman and Sec. to the War Refugees Committee, Birmingham ; Chahman, Civic Recreation League, Bhmingham. Address : 31, Russell Square, W.C. 1. Club : Authors'. (M851) PINCHES, Nora, Mrs, M.B.E. PINCHIN, Lieut. John Fitzmaurice, O.B.E, R.N.R. PmCHING, Charles James, O.B.E, M.B, B.Ch. Oxon, fi. 12 AprU, 1875 ; s. of Charles John Pinching, of 76, New, Road, Gravesend ; to. Gertrude, d. of John Russell, of Gravesend. Educ : Tonbridge School ; Oxford Univ. ; Guy's Hospital. Surgeon Gravesend Hospital. War Work : M.O. in charge of MUitary Hospital, Gravesend ; Consulting Surgeon Great Hermitage Auxiliary Hospital ; Surgeon Military Red Cross Gravesend Hospital ; Surgeon, Thames Section Thames and Medway Defences. Address : 76, New Road, Gravesend. (04385) PINCKNEY, Capt. David Ward, M.B.E, R.A.F. PINCKNEY, John Robert Hugh, C.B.E, 6. 11 May, 1876 • s. of Erlysman Pinckney, of Highbury, Warminster; m. Winifred, (i of James Ledger Hill, of Combe Grove, Bath. Educ. : Wellington CoUege, and Trinity College, Cambridge. Director of various PubUc Companies. War Work : War Trade Intelligence Department (acting Deputy Chairman) Address : Hidden Cottage, Hungerford. CZwfis : Carlton • Oriental. (C2876) PINCKNEY, Capt. Leonard Durnford, O.B.E, 6. 21 Sept. 1869 ; 2nd s. of John Pinckney, of The Manor House, Great Durnford, Salisbury. Educ. : Dr. Burney's, Gosport ; Train- ng Ship " Conway." Capt. P. and O. Co. War Work : Capt of P. and O. s.s. " SomaU " in Aug. 1914 ; " SomaU " at out break of war was fitted as troopship and carried troops to India and back ; carried troops to GaUipoli ; at Malta was fitted as H.M. Hospital ship under Admiralty ; all through the Campaign was carrying wounded from GaUipoli to Malta and Alexandria ; was present at both evacuations and flnaUy brought wounded to England, when he was transferred to P. and O. s.s. " Kyber " acting as H.M. Troopship ; carried troops twice to Montreal and back ; after Armistice was for six months in North Sea taking Belgians from Hull to Antwerp and bringing back English Prisoners of War from Rotterdam to HuU. Address : Eastmount, SaUsbury. Club : Golfer's. PINCOMBE, Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 18 Jan. 1869 ^s^of John Pincombe, of Cardiff ; m. Annie Jane, d. of Cornelius James GuUyes, of Cardiff. Educ. : Privately. SoUcitor and Clerk to the Mountain Ash Urban District Council • Clerk to Mountain Ash Burial Board, and Legal Adviser to Mountain Ash Education Committee. War Work : Hon. Sec of Local Representative Committee of National Relief Fund; Hon Sec of Local Belgian Refugees Committee ; Clerk to Local Tribunal under the Military Service Acts ; Hon. Sec. of Local Food Control Committee. Hon. Sec. Local War Pensions Committee. Address : The Town HaU, and Glanpennar Mountain Ash. fMQ31^1 PINDER, Lieut. Arthur WiUiam, M.B.E. ' PINDER, Charles Ralph, C.B.E, 6. 1866 ; s. of the late Frederick Pinder of Exeter; Construction' Manager at H.M High Explosives Factories since 1915. (C2661 EK55EJ?' Lieut' Francis WiUiam Stanley, O.B.E. nr w^& Capt- £1?arle„s,' ?'BE> B-A- : «• of Thomas Pine, of Westbury-on-Trim Gloster.; to. Emily, d. of Joseph Brace of bt. Neots, Bedfordshire. Educ. : Bhmingham. For 30 years in the Royal Regiment of Artillery through every grade from Gunner to Captain ; War Work : Instructor in Gunnery Coast ArtiUery School, Golden HU1, and Portsmouth Garrison 1914-20. Address: Tremelbye, Alton Road, Freshwater' Isle of Wight. (O8910i PINE, Lieut. John Henry, M.B.E. ' PINHEY, Eustace Townley, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.M fi 1877 ; s. of W. H. Pinhey, of Strathfield, Sydney, Australia' Educ : Sydney Univ. Senior Medical Officer, Hackney Infirmary, London. Awarded Silver Medal of Royal Humane Society of New South Wales, 1908, for conspicuous bravery in saving two lives from drowning. War Work: Regimental Medical Officer attached 78th Brigade, Royal Field ArtUlery ¦ twice mentioned in despatches ; Surgeon, MiUtary Hospital' Bethnal Green, London. (011837) PINHORN, Col. Henry Quinten, C.B.E, Rethed Pay fi. 11 Dec. 1862 ; s. of the late 0. H. Pinhorn, and grandson of Joseph Pinhorn, of Vale End, Southsea. Late Royal Army Pay Department, formerly Bast Lancashire Regiment. War Work: served throughout the war, T. Col. and Chief Paymaster, 11 Dec 1916; mentioned in despatches, 7 Aug. 1917 and C.B.E. (military Division), 3 June, 1919 ; promoted substantive Colonel on retirement. Address: Barkston Gardens Hotel, Earl's Court, S.W. 5. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C1742) PINK, Wing-Comm. Richard Charles Montague, C.B.E R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). PINKERTON, 2nd Lieut. James Morton, M.B.E. R.A.F. PINKHAM, Lieut.-Col. Charles, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, M.P, Alderman, Middlesex County Council, 6. 24 Oct. 1853 ; s. of PhUip Pinkham, of Plympton, Devon. Educ. : Plympton, Devon. Builder and Contractor (ret.). War Work : Recruit ing Chahman, War Service Tribunal ; Member, Middlesex Profiteering Appeal Committee ; Member, Munition Court, N.W. District ; Chahman, WUlesden MUitary Hospital. Address : Linden Lodge, Wtochester Avenue, Brondesbury, N.W. 6. Club : St. Stephen's. (011137) PINKNEY, Major Samuel Renny, O.B.E, T.D, fi, 28 Oct. 1873 ; s. of Thomas Pinkney, of Sunderland and Sleights, Yorks. ; m. Evelyn Mary, d. of J. Bourdas, of London and Whitby, Yorks. Educ. : England ; Germany. War Wort : MUitary Representative at Tribunals ; Recruiting Officer ; Assistant Dhector in Ship Purchase Department of Ministry of Shipping. Address : Eskholme, Ashbrooke Crescent, Sunder land. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Sunderland. (03871) PINNIGER, Capt. Albert Edward, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. PINNINGTON, Francis StanUaus, O.B.E. PINSENT, Capt. Arthur, M.B.E, R.E. PIPE, Nellie, Mrs, M.B.E. PIPER, Capt. Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 20 Jan. 1866; s. of late Austin Piper, of Norwich; m. Maude Monemia, d. of Charles Dennison, of Eltham. Educ : Dulwich CoUege. Stockbroker. War Work : Royal Army Pay Department. Address : Heron- gate Common, nr. Brentwood, Essex. Club : New Hampton Court. (M853) PIPER, George, O.B.E. PIPER, Oliver James SouthweU, O.B.E. PIPON, Comm. James Murray, M.V.O, O.B.E, R.N. PIPPARD, Alfred John Sutton, M.B.E, D.Sc, ft. 6 April, 1891 ; s. of the late Alfred WUUam Pippard, of Yeovil, Somer set. Educ. : Bristol University. Consulting Engineer. Wm Work : Technical Staff, Admiralty Ah Department and Ah Mimstry. Address : 41A, Penywern Road, S.W. 5. (M854) PIRIE, Lieut.-Col. Duncan Vernon, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, M.P. for N. Aberdeen, 1896-1918; 6. 22 March. 1858; s. of Gordon Pirie, of Waterton, Aberdeenshire ; m. Hon. Evelyn Courteney Forbes-Sempill, d. of 18th Baron SempiU (see Burke's Peerage), of Craigievar, Aberdeenshire. Educ: Glenaldmond College, Perthshire, and CUfton CoUege. War Work: M.L.O. Boulogne, Marseilles, Havre, 1914-16 ; Suffolk Regt. attached D.L.I. Salonica ; Commandant of the Likovan area in Macedonia, 1917 ; promoted to rank of Lieut.-Colonel and given command of the forces at Corfu, 1917-18. Address : Chateau de Varennes, Savennieres, France. Club : Bachelors'. PIRIE, Major WiUiam Rattray, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.), 6. 15 Aug. 1868 ; s. of J. K. Pirie, of Aberdeen ; m. EUa Gordon, d. of George Collie, of Balnagarth. Educ. : Universities of Aberdeen, Leipzig, and Vienna. Physician ; Hon. Physician, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary ; Lecturer in Clinical Medicine Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, etc. War Work : Attached to 1st Scottish General Hospital, 1914-16, thereafter mainly employed in Recruiting, Medical Boards, and Pension Boards, Address: 20, Bon-Accord Square, Aberdeen. (07577) PITCHER, Albert John, O.B.E. PITCHER, Brig.-Gen. Duncan Le Geyt, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1877. Major and Brevet Col. Indian Army ; Brig. Com. R.A.F. with rank of Brig.-Gen. ; Great War, 1914-18 (des patches). (C1904) PITKEATHLY, Col. James Scott, C.V.O, C.B.E, D.S.O., fi. 1882 ; s. of James Pitkeathly ; m. 1913, Eleanor Mary, d. of Henry Haines, of Astley, Worcestershire, and Tipton, Stafford shire. Electrical Inspector to Govt, of United Provinces, India ; Electrical Engineer, Coronation Durbar, Delhi, 1911 ; T. Major on Special List ; Dep. Dhector of Works (Electrical and Mechanical) in Mesopotamia with rank of Col. (C1112) PITMAN, Arthur James, M.B.E. PITMAN, Arthur Joseph, O.B.E. PITT, Arthur George, M.B.E, 6. 1880, of London; m., Ethel, d. of R. T. Woods, of London. Educ. : London, 411 BIOGRAPHIES. Poignant Member Institution Mechanical Engineers; Member, Inst. AutomobUe Engineers ; Chief Designer (Engines) Royal Aircraft Establishment. War Work: Designing motor ambulances, and field workshops at Messrs. D. Napier & Sons, sunerintending design of aero engines and experimental anparatus at Royal Aircraft Establishment. Address : Borfleld, Fellows Road, Farnborough, Hants. (M9310) PITT, Major Bernard, O.B.E. PITT, Charles Peniston, M.B.E. PITT' Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George John, O.B.E. PITT, George John, O.B.E, 6. 17 Jan. 1868; s. of Malcolm Bruce Pitt, of Stroud, Glos. ; m. Alice Caroline, d. of WUliam Heale, of London. Educ : Birkbeck Schools, London. Costings Accountant. War Work : served with the 1st Batt. Manchester Regt. in South African Campaign ; was besieged in Ladysmith (medal and 5 clasps) ; served with 12th (Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry) Batt. the Manchester Regt. in the Great War in Fance and Flanders for 4 years ; 4 times mentioned in despatches. Address : Ikona, North Road, Parkstone, Dorset. CZuft : Overseas. (02675) PITT, Major George Newton, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. (T.). PITT, George PhiUp, M.B.E, R.N. PITT, Harry Arthur, O.B.E. PITT, Inez Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 15 June, 1867 ; d. of the late WUliam MitcheU lhnes, of Ayton Castle, Ayton, Berwickshire ; m. Brig.-Gen. Thomas Morton Stanhope, s. of the late Colonel Thomas Pitt, deceased, of Hayle Place, Maidstone, Kent. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant of Charing Cross V.A.D. Hospitals for 4 years. (M9317) PITT, Marion, Mrs., O.B.E ; d. of J. Hanson- Walker, to, Sydney Pitt. War Work : Was one of the first to take a Canteen out to France in 1914, working there for 3£ years. Addresses: 12, Hyde Park Gate, S.W.; The Islands, Cookham, Berks. (01767) PITT, NeUie Flora, M.B.E. (M2291) PITTS, Capt. Joseph, C.B.E, M.C. PITTS, Mary, Mrs., C.B.E, fi. 1843 ; d. of Alexander Mackay; m. the Hon James S. Pitts, C.M.G. (who died). A Vice-Pres. of Newfoundland Women's Patriotic Assoc. Address : St. John's, Newfoundland. (C2010) PITTS, Comm. Percy, C.B.E, R.N. PITTS, Robert Henry, O.B.E. PIXLEY, Major Stewart Aitken. O.B.E. PLACKETT, James WiUiam, O.B.E. PLAGE, John PhiUp, O.B.E. PLAISTER, Major WiUiam Edward Plaister, M.B.E. PLANT, Hon Major David Thomas, M.B.E. PLANT, Major Erie CUve Pegus, D.S.O, O.B.E, Australian Forces ; s. of Lieut.-Col. C. F. Plant, Brisbane ; to. Oona, i. of the iate J. Hunter Brown. Served in the Great War, 1914-18. Address: Thornton, Pinner. (O6092) PLATT, Capt. Claude Bernard Meister, M.B.E. PLATT, Isaiah, O.B.E. PLATT, 2nd Lieut. Oswald Gordon, M.B.E, M.C PLATT, Capt. Sydney Frank, M.B.E. PLATT, WUUam Alexander, M.B.E. PLATT, WiUiam Charles, O.B.E. PLATT. Lieut. WUliam Peroival, M.B.E. PLATTEN, Samuel Henry, M.B.E, J.P, fi. 26 Feb. 1857 ; s. of WUliam Platten, of Sudbury, Suffolk ; m. Rebecca EUza beth, _. of John Martin Coward. Educ. : Privately. Ministry of Food. War Work : Chahman of Tribunal (Local) Distri bution of Food. Address: 20, Latymer -Road, Edmonton. Club: Edmonton Conservative. (M9320) PLATTS, Capt. Matthew George, O.B.E, M.C. PLAYER, WiUiam John Percy, M.B.E. PLAYFAIR, Caro, Mrs, M.B.E. PLAYFAIR, Brevet.-Major Charles Murray, O.B.E. PLAYFAIR, Wing-Comm. Frederick Hope Grant, C.B.E, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). PLAYFAIR, Thomas AUred Jack, O.B.E. (06091) PLAYFORD, Major Elliott Frank, O.B.E. PLEDGE, Henry, C.B.E. Assist. Dhector of Naval Construction, Admhalty. (C267) PLEDGER, Charles RusseU, M.B.E. PLENDER, Sir WiUiam, G.B.E, Kt. Bach, J.P. Kent, Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, fi. 20 Aug. 1861 ; s. of WilUam Plender, of The Oaks, Dalston, Cumberland ; to. Marian, d. of John Channon, of Woodford Green. Advised the Government in connection with the Port of London BUI, 1908 ; Member of Committee on Irish Finance, 1911 ; Member Royal Commission on RaUways, 1913; Commissioner (unpaid) under the Welsh Church Act, 1914 ; Senior Partner in firm of Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co, of London, United States, Canada, Argentine, Brazil, and South Africa ; President of Institute of Chartered Account ants, 1910-12. War Work : Treasury Controller German, Austrian, and Turkish Banks, 1914-18; Member of Foreign Trade Debts Committee, of Enemy Debts Committee, of Liquor Trade Finance Committees (2) ; Government Repre sentative on MetropoUtan Munitions Committee ; Chahman of Panels MUitary Service (Civil LiabiUties) and Ministry of Labour Grants Committee ; Member of Committee, Company Law Amendment and of PubUc Trustee Organisation Inquiry ; Hon. Financial Adviser to the Board of Trade ; Chahman, Advisory Committee Clearing Office (Enemy Debts), etc. Addresses : 51, Kensington Court, W. 8 ; Ovenden, Sundridge, Sevenoaks. CZafis .- Reform ; Garrick ; City of London ; Arts. Burlington Fine Arts ; Ranelagh. (G29) PLENDERLEATH, Capt. Claude William Manners, C.B.E, R.N. War Work : 1914-19, as Commodore of Convoys (despatches). (C1201) PLEVIN, Mary Jean, M.B.E. PLEWS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Harry, O.B.E. PLOWMAN, Lieut.-Col. William Albert, M.B.E PLUCKNETT, 2nd Lieut. Frederiok, O.B.E. PLUMER, Annie Constance, Lady, O.B.E.; d. ofthe late George Goss, of Park Crescent ; m. 1st Baron Plumer (Field Marshal Sir Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, G.C.B, G.C.M.G, G.CV.O.) (see Burke's Peerage). Addresses : The Palace, Valetta, Malta ; 22, Ennismore Gardens, S.W. 7. (0657) PLUMMER, Arthur Bertram, M.B.E. PLUMMER, John Robert, M.B.E. PLUMMER, WiUred Henry Coates, O.B.E, 6. Jan. 1877 ; s. of H. J. Plummer, of Oxford ; to. EUzabeth SUvester, d. of F. T. Harrison, of Kensington. Educ. : Oxford High School. Dhector, Soldiers' Awards Branch, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Acting Assistant Sec. Royal Hospital, Chelsea ; Dhector, Soldiers' Awards Branch, Ministry of Pensions. Address : 62, Hazlewell Road, Putney, S.W. 15. (011146) PLUNKETT, Lieut.-Col. Edward Abadie, C.B.E, 6. 28 July, 1870 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. G. T. Plunkett, of Belvedere Lodge, St. Mary's Road, Wimbledon ; to. Grace Mary, d. of Lieut.-Col. Morgan Martin, of Sydney, Austraha. Educ. : Dover Coll. War Work : Military Staff work. Address : 108, Brompton Road, S.W. CZufi : Junior United Service. (C1743) PLUNKETT, Capt. James Joseph, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. PLYMOUTH, Robert George Windsor-Clive, Earl of P.C, G.B.E, C.B, Officer of the Legion of Honour (France), 6. 27 Aug. 1857 ; s. of The Hon. Robert Windsor-CUve, M.P. (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Alberta Victoria Sarah CaroUne, d. of Sir Augustus Paget, P.C, G.C.B. (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ : Eton, and St. John's CoU, Cambridge. Lord- Lieutenant of the County of Glamorgan, Sub-prior of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; High Steward of the Univ. of Cambridge. War Work : Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and the British Red Cross Society ; Hon. Treas. of the Serbian ReUef Fund. Addresses: 2, Great Cumberland Place, W. ; Hewell Grange, Redditch ; St. Fagan's Castle, Cardiff. Clubs: Carlton; TraveUers ; Marl borough. : Ladies' Army and Navy. „ ^ _ _ ,. T , ( isoi POCOCK, Dorothy Martha, M.B.E, 6. 10 July, 1891 ; d of Edward Henry Samuel Pocock, of Marlborough, WUts. Educ: Drapers' Coll, Tottenham. Canteen Supervisor Associated Equipment, Walthamstow. War Work : Battersea. Canteen, Eagle Hut ; Ponders End Shell Works. Address. 97, PhiUp Lane, Tottenham ,i,5 i ar-o ¦ POCOCK, Capt. Elisha John, M.B.E, 6. 20 July, 1869 , s. of Elisha Pocock, of Boldre Lymington ; to. Sarah, d ol WiUiam Anstey, of Dyrham, Ctoppenham. Educ. Taplow Grammar School. Address : Army Pay Office, Hounstow. ^ POCOCK, Capt. Herbert Cheyney, O.B.E, R.N. POCOCK, Capt. James Charles, CB.E, R.E. POCOCK, Major Sydney Elsdon, O.B.E, LL.^ b. 19 Aug. 1880 ; s. of Sydney Pocock, of Chase Lodge, Clapham, SW Educ .' City of London School, and King's Coll Cam bridge War Work : Royal Army Service Corps Addresses. 2 The Sycamores, Crooked BiUet Wimbledon Common ; 1. TTaxcoiirt Buildings. Temple, London. (U/»si) Harcourt BuUdings, Temple POE, Muriel Gladys, M.B.E Lady or urace oi uie ™ nf Rt fohn of Jerusalem ; d. ol Capt. Poe, R.N, of Santry Court Co DubUn Educ : Privately, and Cheltenham .Ladies' CoU War Work: Administrative Work as District Officer St John Ambulance Brigade ; member of Irish Joint V.A.D .';:™ 4™ Tfl T Assist County Dhector, etc. ; also nursed Knee TsT VIAJT 4^" / Santry Court, Co. Dublin.^ CBPEETfiT'l6M0«!8n; s^seWy ^et^ofsa^ Mateo" California ; m W CasweU Poett, d of Edward 1914-19, Staff; five clasps, Queen's Medals, u ~-~_~, -¦- . mentioned to gX^^^ttSi mentionea in aes- promoted Hon. Major ^General .^ __15 gftChp^™i^erS'oe and Victory Medals. Address: Rhode l^JffivM^ P^ ¦' NaTOl and MiUtary(C771) ^,^^01' «}weden; to. Annie_Lake, d. of H. Ferraby, of Cottingham, Hull. Educ : Naval CoU, 415 Pointing THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Stockholm, Sweden. War Work : Joined 15th West Yorks, Sept. 1914 as Lieut.; gazetted Capt, Sept. 1914; France, Sept. 1916, to Oct. 1917 ; Major, Sept. 1917 ; Lieut.-Col, Dec. 1918, on going to North Russia ; Commanded Vaga Column, Arch angel Force, Jan. 1919, to June, 1919 ; Commandant Advanced Base Bereznik, June to Sept. 1919 ; mentioned in despatches. Address . Stockholm, Sweden. (O9703) POINTING, T. Warrant Officer Albert E, M.B.E. POLE, 2nd Lieut. WeUesley Tudor, O.B.E. POLEHAMPTON, Lieut. John, O.B.E, R.N.R. POLLARD, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Erskine St. Vincent, O.B.E, fi. 30 July, 1869 ; s. of Rear-Adml. E. J. Pollard, R.N, D.L, of Haynford HaU, Norwich ; to. Enid, d. of W. H. Wilson, of Ootacamund. Educ. : Repton Oriel Coll, Oxford ; R.M.C, Sandhurst. S. African Campaign, 1899-1902 ; Queen's Medal with five clasps, King's Medal, two clasps. War Work : D.A.A.G. India, Aug. 1914, to July, 1915 ; Commanded 1st Border Regt, GaUipoU Campaign, July, 1915, to evacuation, and in Egypt and France to May, 1916 ; Commanded 3rd Border Regt. Jan, 1917, to end of war. Address : Quetta, SarlsdownRd, Exmouth. Club : Naval and Military. (07582) POLLARD, Charles, M.B.E, 6. 3 April, 1868 ; s. of Eli Pollard, of Waddesdon, Bucks ; m. Emma Jane, d. of G. HUlesdon, of Waddesdoii. Deputy Chief Constable and Chief Clerk Buckinghamshire Constabulary. War Work : Adminis trative work in Headquarters Office of County Constabulary. Address : St. Mary's ViUa, Aylesbury. (M9324) POLLARD, Major Frederick Ernest, M.B.E, A.R.C.S, A.F.R.Ae.S, R.A.F. (ret.), fi. 29 Sept. 1880; s.of John Pollard, of Eastwood, Notts. Educ : Royal CoU. of Science, South Kensington. H.M. Inspector of Factories. War Work : On Technical Staff of R.N.A.S, Admhalty, Air Board, and Ah Ministry. Address : Eastwood, Notts. (M3906) POLLARD, Capt. Pedr, M.B.E, CA.I.B.(Eng.). The Loyal Regt. (North Lancashire), 6. 29 Aug. 1894; s. of. Benjamin Pollard, of Highfield, Davenport Park, Stockport. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School. ControUer of Stores and Supervisor of Workshops, Ministry of Pensions Hospital, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland. War Work : From Cadet to Capt. ; Musketry, Physical Training, Bayonet Fighting, and Bombing Instructional work from time to time ; A.R.T.O. ; District Salvage Officer, DubUn District ; Assistant Staff Capt, DubUn Castle ; Administrative work generally ; Officer- in-charge Workshops for Disabled in Ireland; overseas twice ; invalided home once. Addresses : Arbutus, Monks- town, County DubUn ; Highfield, Davenport Park, Stockport, Cheshire. Club : SackviUe Street, Dublin. (M6692) POLLEN, Capt. Francis Gabriel Hungerford, C.B.E, R.N. (ret.), fi. 25 Mar. 1862 ; 4th s. of John Hungerford Pollen, M.A, formerly FeUow of Merton College, Oxford, and g.s. of Sir John Pollen, 1st Bart, (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. 4 Nov. 1890, Flora Mary, d. of the late James Logan DonoUy . Served in the Soudan, 1884-85 (medal with clasp) ; Burmah, 1886 (medal) ; Great War as S.N. 0, Grimsby. Address: Langham Mansions, Earl's Court. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (C911) POLLOCK, Capt. Arthur Jocelyn Coleman, O.B.E. POLLOCK, Catherine Hentig, M.B.E, 6. 28 Oct. 1884; d. of the late James Gibson PoUock, of Oatlands, StUlorgan, Co. DubUn, Ireland. Educ. : St. Margaret's Hall, Dublin. Masseuse at the Special Surgical Neurological Hospital, Church Lane, Tooting, S.W. War Work : Nov. 1914 to March, 1917, King George V. Hospital, Dublin ; March, 1917, to Aug. 1917, Military OrthopEedic Hospital, Blackrock, Co Dublin • Au» 1917, to March, 1919. 8th Stationary Hospital, B.E.F, France. is a diploruee I.S.T.M. ; Masseuse of the A. P.M. M.C. (M9325) POLLOCK, Col. Charles Edward, C.B.E, D.S.O, A.M.S. fi. 1868 ; s. of Alexander R. Pollock, J.P, of Greenhill, Paisley'; m. Winifred, d. of C. E. H. Jay, of Felixstowe. Educ. : Wel lington Coll. ; Guy's Hospital. War Work : A.D.M.S. 15th Division ; D.D.M.S, 4th Corps and 6th Corps, B.E.F. Club : Junior United Service. (C1305) POLLOCK, Lieut. Douglas Warren, M.B.E, R.E POLLOCK, Sir Ernest Murray, K.B.E, K.C, J P MP i. 25 Nov. 1861 ; s. of George Frederick PoUock, of Han'wortri', Middlesex ; m. Laura Helen, d. of Sh Thomas Salt, Bart , of Weeping Cross, Stafford (see Burke's Peerage). Educ : Charterhouse (Scholar), and Trinity Coll. Cambridge. Barrister- at-Law, Inner Temple, 1885 ; K.C. 1905 ; SoUcitor- General 1919 ; J.P. for Hertfordshire. War Work : Chahman of Contraband Committee, Nov. 1915, to Jan. 1917 ; Controller of Foreign Trade Department of the Foreign Office from Jan. 1917, to Jan. 1919 ; made an Officer of the Legion of Honour by President of French Republic and Officer of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus by the King of Italy for services rendered as above during the war. Addresses • 40 Thurloe Square, S.W. ; Norths w, Herts. Clubs .- Athenseum ; Carlton ; Oxford and Cambridge. (K33) POLLOCK, Col. Evelyn, C.B.E, 6. 28 Jan. 1861 ; 3rd s. of the late George David Pollock, and g.s. of Sh George Pollock, 1st Bart, (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 16 July 1890 Mary, d. of the late Henry Jeffard Tarrant. Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. late R.H.A. ; Lieut.-Col. Comdg. Jersey Artillery ¦ Commandant Lines of Communication, 1914. Address ¦ 40 Gledstairs Road, W. Club : Army and Naw (07861 POLLOCK, Lieut.-Col. Evelyn Hay, O B E TD POLLOCK, Surg.-Lieut. J. Donald, O.B E M D „,POyi,?CF'TJohn Wilson, M.B.E, fi. 9 Aug. 1854; s. of Alex. Pollock, Junr, J.P., of Paisley; to. Marion Shaw d of 416 John Brunton, M.A, M.D, of London. Educ . Paislev Grammar School. CivU Servant; Ministry of Labour, Em ployment Dept. ; Manager of Govan Labour Exchange War Work : Special work of various lands for the War Office Ministry of Munitions, and Ministry of Labour. Address '¦ Lyndhurst, Hawkhead Road, Paisley. (M9326) POLLOCK, Samuel Alexander, O.B.E. POLLOK, Major AUan Bingham, O.B.E. POLLOK, Robert, O.B.E, M.I.N.A, M.I.E. & S fi 6 AprU, 1859 ; s. of Robert PoUok, of Mearns, Renfrewshire '¦ to. Louise Augusta, d. of George Baker, of Southampton' Educ. : Paisley Grammar School ; High School of Glasgow' General Shipyard Manager. War Work: In charge of all Admhalty Shipyard work at Messrs. Vickers, Ltd, Barrow-in- Furness. Address : Cavendish Park, Barrow-in-Furness Club .- Barrow County. (01771) POLLOK, Major Robert Valentine, C.B:B, D.S.O, Irish Guards, 6. 14 Feb. 1884 ; s. of John PoUok.of Lismany, BalUn- asloe, Co. Galway ; to. Sylvia Bettina, d. of George Fellows of Barrow-on-Soar, Loughborough. Educ. : Eton, and R.M.C' CZwfis : Guards' ; Cavahy ; KUdare Street, Dublin. (C1306) POLSON, Col. Sir Thomas Andrew, K.B.E, CMS T.D, M.P, 6. 28 Aug. 1865 ; s. of the late Thomas Andrew Poison, of Dublin and Tuam, Co. Galway- m. EUzabeth d. of John Lindsay, of Edinburgh. Educ. : DubUn. Joined the Middlesex Yeomanry Cavahy (now the 1st County of London Yeomanry) to 1896, transferred to the City of London Yeomanry, Rough Riders, 1901, and was mainly responsible for recruiting that regiment ; in command of " A " Squadron at outbreak of war, and was subsequently appointed to com mand of the depot, during which appointment he raised the first second line of a yeomanry regiment raised in the war ; 1916 gazetted to the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, and ap pointed Chief Inspector of Clothing with the rank of Col. ; lent to the Air Ministry for three months end of 1917, and did valuable reorganisation work for that Ministry as well as representing it on the Army Agricultural Committee ; also served on the Expenditure of Stores and SuppUes Committee set up by the Surveyor-General of Supply ; is a Trustee of the R.A.O.C. Memorial Fund; elected M.P. for Dover, Jan, 1921. Address: 18, Sussex Place, N.W. Club : Cavahy. (K229) POLWARTH, Walter George Hepburne-Scott, Baron, C.B.E, V.D, J.P, D.L, fi. 7 Feb. 1864; s. of Walter Hugh, Lord Polwarth, of Mertoun St. Bonvello (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Edith Frances, d. of the late Sh T. Fowell Buxton, Bart, of WarUes, Essex (see Burke's Peerage). Educ : Eton, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Chahman Prison Commissioners for Scotland. War Work : Lieut.-Col. Commanding 3rd Reserve Bn. 8th Royal Scots, Jan. 1915, to Dec. 1915; Col. Commanding Lowland Reserve Brigade, Dec. 1915, to Sept. 1916 ; Col. on Gen. Staff, Scottish Command ; Staff Officer for Volunteer Services, Sept. 1916, to AprU, 1918. Address: Humbie House, Humbie. Clubs: New, Edinburgh ; National, London. (C1612) POLWHELE, Arthur Came, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 20 Feb. 1864 ; s. of the late Thomas Roxborough Polwhele, of Polwhele, Truro (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; to. Eva Florence, d. of WilUam Nassau Gordon, of MuUingar. Educ. : Tavistock, and Cooper's HiU. Superintending Engineer, India Public Works Dept, retired, 1912 ; present occupation, Farmer. War. Work : County Dhector Cornwall Voluntary Aid Organisation. Address : Polwhele, Truro. (011148) POLYBLANK, Major WiUiam Joseph, O.B.E, R.A.F. POMARE, Miria Woodbine, Mrs, O.B.E. POMEROY, Amy, Mrs, M.B.E. POMEROY, Lieut. Arthur WUUam Jobbins, M.B.E. POMEROY, Major the Hon. Ralph Legge, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1869 ; s. of the 6th Viscount Harberton (see BURKE'S Peer age) ; m. Mary Katherine, d. of Arthur Leatham, J.P, of Smallfleld Place, Surrey. Educ : Charterhouse, and BaUiol Coll, Oxford. Major late 5th Dragoon Guards; J.P. for Northamptonshire. War Work : Served with the Reserve Regiment of Dragoons, affUiated to the 5th Dragoon Guards from Aug. 1914, to March, 1919. Address : Southfields Place, Towcester. CZufi: Cavahy. (03166) POMFRET, Edith Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 2 Jan, 1877; d. of John Carrick, of Southborough, Tunbridge Wells; in. Charles Denne, s. of Benjamin Pomfret, of Tunbridge Wells. Educ. : Ashburnham House School, Southborough. Sec. (Organising) Women's Reform Club, and National Service Fund, Johannesburg. War Work: With National Service Fund (amongst wives and children of soldiers, etc.). Addresses : Kintore, Mehose, Johannesburg ; Eden, Simon's Town, Cape. Clubs : Women's Reform ; Phoenix, Johannesburg. (M1319) POND, Ethel Augusta, Mrs., M.B.E. PONSONBY, Hon. Cyril Walter, O.B.E, 6. 8 Sept. 1853 ; s. of 7th Earl of Bessborough, of Bessborough, PUtown, Ireland (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. EmUy Harriet, d. of the Rev. H. Addington, of Henlow, Beds. Educ : Harrow. War Work : Head of Station Guides, Victoria Station ; Sergeant, 7th Section H.Q.C.D. ; Founder and Manager of St. Valentine Hostel for Married Soldiers, 37, Eccleston Square. Address : 53, Draycott Place, Cadogan Gardens, S.W. (0111491 PONSONBY, Diamond, M.B.E. ; d. of Hon. Mrs. Arthur Ponsonby, of London. Educ. : Wantage. War Work : Aug. to Oct. 1915, Land Work, Wiverton Hall, Norfolk; Nov. 1915, to June, 1918, Red Cross Work, V.A.D. Nurse at Tbe Wier Hospital, Balham, London; June, 1918, Ministry of BIOGRAPHIES. Porter Food, London. Addresses : 55, Cambridge Street, Hyde Park ; Hotel Bristol, Vienna, Austria. (M9328) PONSONBY, Hon. Mrs. Maurice George Jesses, O.B E. PONTIN, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam Jamos Henry, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. POOL, Augustus Frank, O.B.E, fi. 14 Aug. 1872 ; s. of tbe late Lieut. WUliam Pool, R.N, of Blackheath, S.E. ; to. Harriette Maude Mary, d. of the late Oliver Smith, of Green- wioh. Educ : The Academy, Lowestoft, and King's Coll, London. Assistant Chief Inspector of Taxes, Inland Revenue Department. President of the Association of Tax Surveying Branch in 1917-18. Address : Kenmuir, Manor Way, Becken ham, Kent. (0659) POOLE, Arthur Reginald, M.B.E, 6. 24 March, 1885. Member of Staff of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries War Work: Administration of the purchases of Standing Timber by Timber Supply Department of Board of Trade. (M2296) POOLE, Major Francis Garden, D.S.O, O.B.E, Reserve of Officers, 6. 24 June, 1870 ; s. of the late Rev. S. W. Poole, M.D, of St. Mark's, Cambridge ; to. Madeline Leyland, d. of Alfred Bright, of Windy Gap, Formby, Lancashire. Educ. : Cambridge, and Royal Military Coll, Sandhurst. War Work : With 3rd Middlesex Regt, Ypres SaUent, Jan. 1915, to Feb. 1915 (invaUded) ; Commandant, Officers' School of Instruc tion, 1915-16; General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade, 1916-17, mentioned in despatches ; returned British Exp. Force, 1917-19 ; Batt. Commander and General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade, 2nd Army and War Office ; mentioned in despatches ; MU. O.B.E. Address : 18, Great CoUege Street, S.W. 1. Clubs : Travellers' and United Service. (05688) POOLE, Major-Gen. Sir Frederiok Cuthbert, K.B.E , C.B, C.M.G, D.S.O, 6. 3 Aug. 1869 ; s. of the late Rev. R. H. Poole, of West Ratoton, Durham ; to. AUce Maude, d. of Sir Charles A. Hanson, Bart, M.P, of Fowey Hall, Cornwall (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. ; Durham School, and R.M.A , Woolwich. Joined Royal Artillery, 15 Feb. 1889. Served in Tirah Expedition, 1897-98; S. African War, 1899- 1902 (3 times mentioned in despatches, D.S.O.) ; SomaUland Exp. 1903-4 (mentioned in despatches). War Work: 1914-18, seven times mentioned in despatches ; CM.G, C.B, K.B.E, Officier de la Legion d'honneur (France), Grand Officer de la Couronnede Rumanie (Rumania), Grand Cross St. Anne and St. Stanislaus (Russia), St. Vladimir, 2nd Class (Russia). Addresses : Cotswold House, Fowey, CornwaU ; Lane End, Danchurch, Rugby. Club : Army and Navy. (K284) POOLE, Capt. George Arthur Evered, M.B.E. POOLE, George Francis, M.B.E, 6. 6 Aug. 1874 ; s. of George Poole, of Crowle, Lincolnshire ; m. LUy, d. of George Banks, Birkdale, Lancs. Educ. ; Epworth, Lincolnshire. Director of EngUsh Margarine Works (1919), Limited. War Work: Organised and controUed the Inspectors' Department of the Margarine Clearing House under the Ministry of Food. (M9329) POOLE, Major Henry Reynold, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1877 ; s. of Henry Skeffington Poole, of Halifax, Nova Scotia . Entered B.A. 1899 ; became Major, 1914 ; served during the Great War, 1914-16 (despatches, Legion of Honour). (07585) POOLE. Herbert Richard, M.B.E, 6. 27 Dec. 1872 ; s. of John Westbrook Poole, of London ; m. Mary Anne, d. of Charles Wyman, of Edmonton. Educ. : Latymer's School, Edmonton. Accountant, Office of Accountant and Comp troller General, Customs and Excise, Custom House, London. Addresses : Custom House, London, E.C. 3 ; Clevedon, 48, Foxley Lane, Puriey, Surrey. POOLER, Major John Read, O.B.E, M.B, B.Ch, IU.M.C. (T.), fi. 23 Nov. 1875 ; s. of Henry Pooler of WelUng ton, Shropshire ; to. Florence Beatrice, d. of WUliam Parker Kgcott, of Bishopsgate, E.C. Educ. : Adam's Grammar School, Newport, Salop ; Birmingham Univ. Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Univ. of Bhmingham ; Licen tiate in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery ; Society of Apothe caries, London ; Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions. War Work: Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force, 1901-2 ; Lieut.-Col. Commanding l/3rd East AngUan Field Amb, 54th Division, and 10th Cavalry Brigade Combined Field Ambulance, 4th Cavahy Division in GaUipoli, Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, 1914-20. Address : btonebroom, nr. Alfreton, Derbyshire. (06271) POOLE, Capt. John Sanderson, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1896. Capt. King's Roy. Rifle Corps ; Staff-Capt. ; served during the Great War, 1914-17 (despatches). (O6807) POOLE, Comm. Richard Hayden Owen LANE-, O.B.E, E..JS . POOLES, Capt. Mark, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. POOLEY, Arthur Milnes, M.B.E. POOLEY, Capt. Robert, O.B.E, 6. 6 Feb. 1874 ; s. of Robert Pooley, of Wimbledon ; to. Adie Emma, d. of Robert lawes, of Aldershot. Educ. : City of London, and King's Coll. London Representative, Shelton Iron, Steel, and Coal Oe, Ltd. War Work : Joined Inland Waterways Dept. of War Office, Dec. 1916, and loaned to Admhalty in May, 1917, as personal assistant to Sir Harry Livesey, Dhector of Navy Contracts. Addresses .- Tregonwell, Teddington ; 122, Cannon Street, E.C. (011150) POOLEY, Warner Lake, O.B.E, 6. 28 Dec. 1878 ; s. of the late Rev. J. G. Pooley, R.D, J.P, of Stonham Aspal, Suffolk ; m. Ethel Dora, d, of Francis Ince, of The Hermitage, 417 Jarvis Brook, Sussex. Educ. : Haileybury Coll. Chief Accountant of the Navy and Army Canteen Board. War Work : In relation to canteens through the following bodies : Canteen and Mess Co-op. Society, Ltd. ; Expeditionary Force Canteens; Army Canteen Committee; Navy and Army Canteen Board. Address: The Leyslands, Radlett, Herts. Clubs : Union ; Cavendish. (011151) POPE, Capt. Andrew Noble, O.B.E, R.F, fi. 14 Nov 1881 ; s. of J. N. C Pope, of Clifton, Bristol ; m. Marjory Lorna, d. of John Shute, of Bristol. Educ. : Harrow and Magdalen Coll, Oxford. War Work: Served with 9th Battn. Royal Fusiliers from formation till Sept, 1915, in France ; attached H.Q. 6th Corps from Sept. 1915, until appointed Camp Commandant, 6th Corps, in June, 1916 ; resigned appointment Sept. 1919, to join 4th Battn. Royal FusUiers. Addresses : 7, Princes Buildings, Clifton, Bristol ; 5, Addison Mansions, London, W.14. (O5690) POPE, Frances Madge, M.B.E, 5. 11 July, 1893 ; s. of John Madge Pope, of Copplestone. Educ. : At home, and Sandecotes School, Parkstone, Dorset. War Work : Clerk on the County Director's Staff of the Devonshire Branch, British Red Cross Society, later promoted to Head Clerk ; Assistant Sec. to the County Director and Commandant Devon Reserve 16, and in May, 1919, Sec. to the County Dhector. Address : Copplestone House, Copplestone, N. Devon. (M9331) POPE, Major Seymour Fell, O.B.E, fi. 1 Feb. 1880 ; s. of WilUam Pope, of Okefield, Crediton ; m. Helen CaroUne, d. of George Sinclair-Smith, of Coombe, Copplestone. Educ. : Winchester Coll , and Univ. Coll, Oxford. SoUcitor. War Work : D.A.Q.M.G, Base Headquarters, Basra, Mesopotamia ; D.A.Q.M.G, Refugee Camp, Baquba. Address : Forches Corner, Crediton. Clubs : Devon and Exeter ; Leander. (04243) POPE, Lieut.-Col. William Henry, O.B.E, R.A.F. POPE, Professor Sir William Jackson, K.B.E, F.R.S, M.A. (Cantab.), D.Sc. (Melbourne), LL.D. (St. Andrews), fi. 31 March, 1870 ; s, of William Pope, of Chiswick. Educ. : London. Professor of Chemistry, Univ. of Cambridge ; President of the Society of Chemical Industry ; lately President of the Chemical Society. War Work : Member of the Chemical Warfare Committee ; Member of Lord Fisher's Panel, Board of Invention and Research. Address : The Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge University. Clubs : Savile ; Savage ; Chemical Industries. (K230) POPHAM, Henry Bradshaw, M.B.E. POPPLESTONE, Capt. WilUam Gilbert, M.B.E. POPPLEWELL, Violet May, M.B.E, 6. 27 Jan. 1892 ; d. of Arthur Popplewell, of Sydney, N.S.W, Australia. Educ. : Groveley Manor CoU, Boscombe, Hants. War Work : 2\ years as V.A.D. in 6th AustraUan AuxiUary Hospital in London ; 15 months with the Home Defence Comforts Fund (being transferred from the former) at Tollesbury, Essex, on the East Coast, being in charge of an emergency station there, sometimes working single handed, and for which work received the order of M.B.E. Address : Craigie Lodge, St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight. (M9332) PORDAGE, Anna, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 22 April, 1873; d. of Chris topher Richardson, of Camerton, Somersetshire ; m. Frederick s. of John Pordage, of Faversham. Certified Midwife ; trained general nursing Royal Infirmary, Bradford, afterwards appointed sister same institution ; night sister Rochester Hospital ; nursing sister Uganda Administration ; Matron Victoria Hospital, St. Lucia, B.W.I. War Work: Nursing of miUtary patients from Royal Canadian Garrison ArtiUery ; emergency pneumonia patients from troopship " Grantully Castle," and other ships ; instruction to members of the local V.A.D. Address: c/o The National Bank of India, Ltd., 26, Bishopsgate, E.C.2. (M6476) PORGES, Major Edmund Daniel, O.B.E. PORITT, Hannah Mary, Mrs, M.B.E. PORTAL, Florence Elizabeth Mary, Lady, C.B.E, Order of Mercy, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, fi. 17 June, 1858 ; d. ot the late Hon. St. Leger Glyn (see Burke's Peerage, Wolverton, B.) ; m. William Wyndham, s. of the late Sir Wyndham Portal, Bart, of Laverstoke (see Burke's Peerage). War Work: Commandant of Laverstoke Red Cross Hospital from Sept. 1914, to July, 1919. Addresses: Laverstoke House, Whitchurch, Hants. ; 12 Grafton Street, W. 1. Club : Ladies' Automobile. (C2877) PORTAL, Lady Louise Rosemary Kathleen Virginia, M.B.E, fi. 1889 ; d. of 2nd Earl of Cairns (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. (1909) Lieut.-Col. Wyndham Raymond Portal, M.V.O, D S O e s. of Sir William Wyndham Portal, 2nd Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage). Address : Kingsclere House, nr. Newbury ( _.\ I •> v\j i) PORTEOUS, Capt. Lawrence Victor, M.B.E. PORTEOUS, Major Peroy Guynedd, O.B.E, R.E. PORTER, Amy, Mrs, M.B.E. PORTER, Lieut. Edward Ernest, M.B.E, D.C.M. PORTER, Elizabeth Allison, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 12 May, 1865 • d of Turnbull James, of Plumstead ; to. William Henrv s of Thomas Porter, of Plumstead. War Work : Y M CA Munition Workers' Canteens, Royal Arsenal and Drill Hall, Woolwich; Voluntary worker full time (Purple Ladies) ; Caterer (voluntary) for Munition Girls Club, held at Royal Arsenal; Reference Library, deaUngwrth, on an average, two hundred girls each evening; packing of parcels for Prisoners of War of the Royal Regiment of ArtiUery. (M9333) 2 E Porter THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. PORTER, Frank, O.B E, M.A, 6. 23 Nov. 1878 ; s. of William Porter, J.P, of Boston, Lincolnshire ; to. Marjorie Lillian, d. of the late James Pascall, J.P, of Southwark and Croydon. Educ. : Boston Grammar School ; Caius CoU, Cambridge; Worcester Coll, Oxford. Entered Admiralty (Accountant-General's Department), 1902 ; Superintending Clerk, 1911 ; Assistant Accountant-General, 1919. War Work : Admiralty. Address : 3, Fryston Avenue, Croydon. Club : National Liberal. (011152) PORTER, Herbert, O.B.E, fi. 1 Jan. 1880 ; s. of Rev. John Robinson Porter, M.A, of Wartling, Sussex ; m. Evelyn CecUe Mary, d. of Richard David Sanders, of Blackheath. Educ. : Tonbridge School. Fellow of the Institute of Char tered Accountants. War Work : Squadron Q.M.S, Inns of Court O.T.C (T.F.), Aug. 1914, to Aug. 1915 ; Assistant Director Finance Department, Ministry of Munitions, Aug. 1915, to March, 1919. Address : Struan, Beaconsfield Road, Blackheath, S.E. Club : Constitutional. (O660) PORTER, Major Herbert Charles Vivian, O.B.E. PORTER, Major James Douglas, O.B.E. PORTER, John Fletcher, C.B.E, M.B, J.P. PORTER, Joseph Francis, O.B.E, M.D, M.R.C.S. PORTER, Ludovic Charles, C.S.I, CLE, O.B.E, fi. 27 Nov. 1869 ; s. of Ludovic Porter, of Cockington, Devon. Educ: Eton; Trin. College, Cambridge. Commissioner, United Provinces India (I.C.S.). Joined Indian Civil Service, 1889; at present Commissioner and Member Legislative Council, U.P. War Work : Executive Council, Lady Lansdowne's Fund ; Ministry of Munitions, 1916-18 (Director, Release from the Colours Section) ; attached Sir John Hewett's mission to Mesopotamia, 1918. Address : Lucknow, U.P. Clubs : Bath ; Oriental. (011153) PORTER, Major Mansel Loudon, O.B E, King's Royal Rifle Corps, fi. 1809 ; s. of Capt. Henry Porter, 60th Rifles, of Birlingham, near Pershore, Worcestershire. Educ. : Harrow. Joined King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1892 ; promoted Capt. 1900 ; served to S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with 6 clasps) ; Major, 1915 (Reserve of Officers) ; appointed Sec. Berkshire Territorial Force Association, Sept. 1913. Club : Armv and Navy. (0661) PORTER, Comm. Robert Milne, O.B.E, R.N.R. PORTER, Col. Sir (Harry Edwin) Bruce BRUCE-, K.B.E, C.M.G, M.D, fi. 5 Feb. 1869 ; s. of the late Capt. J. Porter, R.A. ; to. Agnes Sinclair, d. of the late Rev. David Bruce, D.D, of Auckland, N.Z, and widow of the late J. H. Honeyman, M.D, of Auckland, N.Z. Educ. : London ; Brussels, etc. Physician ; is Knight of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem. War Work : Commanded 3rd London Gen. Hospital, Wandsworth ; commanded 40th Gen. Hospital, I.E.F.D, Mesopotamia ; Medical Member of Mission to Italy, 1915 ; served 1914-19 ; despatches. Addresses : 6, Grosvenor Street, W. 1 ; New House Farm, Chobham, Surrey. Clubs : Roval Automobile ; Pilgrims". (K198) PORTER, Capt. Samuel LOWRY-, M.B.E. PORTERS, Lieut. Robert Halstead, M.B.E. POST, Capt. Donnell Shepard, M.B.E. POST, Lieut. George Henry Draper, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. POSTLETHWAITE, Major Francis John Marshall, O.B.E. POSTLETHWAITE, Lieut. Frederick Hartley, M.B.E, R.A.F. POSTLETHWAITE, John Rutherford Parkin, M B B 6. 26 Nov. 1883 ; s. of John WUliam Postlethwaite ; m. Ellen Anna, d. of Col. Caddell. of DubUn. Educ. : Haileybury Coll District Commissioner, Uganda. War Work : Recruiting for King's African Rifles in the Northern Province of Uganda; Hon. Lieut, on Staff of Western Command during leave from Uganda. Club : Constitutional. (M6477) POSTLETHWAITE, WUUam Taylor, O.B.E , L L B POTIER, George Charles, M.B.E, 6. 1 June, 1867 ; .s. of George Potier, of London ; to. Nellie, d. of — Leedham, of Dudley. Educ. : St. Giles, Camberwell. Chief Clerk, Staff Coll, Camberley, Surrey ; served in Matabeleland 1896 (medal), and South Africa, 1899-1900 (medal and 3 clasps) ; Long Service and G.C medal). War Work : B.E.F. from May, 1915, to May, 1920 ; mentioned to despatches ; meritorious service medal, 1914-15 Star, G.S. and Victory medals. Address ¦ Amblecote, Frogmore, Blackwater, Hants. (M4580) POTT, Evelyn Mabel, M.B.E. ; d. oi the late Robert Pott, of Bentham Hill, near Tunbridge Wells. War Work ¦ Member of V.A.D. Kent 74 ; worked at the Auxiliary Hospital, staffed by that detachment, Oct. 1914, to Feb. 1919 ; awarded Silver War Badge, 1917. Address : Paveys, Langton Green, Kent. „„,™ „, , „ , (M9334) POTT, Gladys Sydney, M.B.E, 6. 1867 ; d. of Alfred Pott, Archdeacon of Berkshire. Educ. : Privately. War Work ¦ Hon. Sec. National Relief Fund, Berkshire, 1914-16 • Hon Sec Women and Farm Labour Committee, Berkshire, 1914-17 • SST?^lng ^P^01 10 B°ard of Agriculture (Women's Branch), 1917-20; Sec to Agricultural Sub-Committee of Reconstruc tion Dept, 1919 ; Woman Commissioner under Overseas Settle ment Committee (Colonial Office), 1919 ; Chairman of Society for Overseas Settlement of British Women, 1920. Addresses: 3A£1^and^rde^'Z': Little Hace. Clifton Hampden Abingdon. Club : Forum. (M9335) POTT, Katharine Frances Wilson, M.B.E, 6. 4 Oct. 1867 d. of Francis Pott Rector, of NorthUl, Beds. Educ. : Privately £tri^"™;ii1C0mmaSdantt J-A-D- Kent 74> Speldhurst and District, Bidborough Court Hospital, Oct, 1914, to Aug 1916 ; Nevill Park Hospital, Tunbridge WeUs, Oct. 1916, to Feb 1919. Address : Birchetts, Speldhurst, Kent. (M3908} POTT, Walter, O.B.E, F.R.I.B.A, F.S.I., fi. 23 Feb 1864. Late Principal Architect in H.M. Office of Works (ret.). War Work : Architectural services in connection with the provision of buildings for Government Departments durinB the war. Address : Warren Garth, Belmont, Surrey. (01772) POTTER, Major Benjamin Henry, O.B.E, M.C. POTTER, Major Cyril CharUe Hamilton, O.B.E. POTTER, Edith Madelene, M.B.E. POTTER, Edith, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1870 ; d. of Robert Roberts, CE, of Chester, and widow of Arthur Randal Flint, of Chester; m. Charles John Potter, s. of Lieut.-Col. Addison Potter, C.B, of Heaton Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Wort : Food distribution for the Counties of Northumberland and Durham V.A.D. Hospitals ; Commandant of Detachment Reserve T.F.A. in the County of Northumberland. Address : Heaton Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (011154) POTTER, Edmund, C.B.E, fi. 1853 ; s. of Robert Potter, of ShepherdsweU, Dover ; m. 1880, Edith Isabel Loud, d. of Henry Loud Harrisson, formerly of Blackheath. Assist. SoUcitor, Board of Trade. Address : Chester Lodge, 78, Gleneldon Road, Streatham, S.W. (C597) POTTER, Francis Martin, M.B.E, B.Sc, A.R.CS, F.I.C, 6. 1887. Educ. : City of London, Hameln Weser, Germany, and Royal Coll. of Science, London. Member of CouncU, Institute of Chemistry. War Work : Served with London Scottish, 1914-15; Superintendent H.M. Factory Penrhynden- draeth, N. Wales, 1915-18. Club : Chemical Industry. (M859) POTTER, Major Frank Thomas, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.O.C. POTTER, Capt. Frederick Effingham, M.B.E. POTTER, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. James Archer, C.B.E, T.D, fi. 27 March, 1875 ; s. of Wm. Hy. Potter, of Leicester. War Work : 4th Leicester Regt. (T.) and served on the Staff. Address : Meadowcourt Road, Leicester. (C2157) POTTER, John Alexander, C.B.E. A member oE Military Service Committee, Ministry of Munitions during the Great War. (C2879) POTTER, Mary Ann, Mrs, M.B.E. POTTER, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, O.B.E, D.C.M. POTTER, Major Thomas James, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. POTTS, Alan Calder, M.B.E, 6. 14 Aug. 1869 ; s. of George Calder Potts, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ: Privately. Mechanical Engineer ; Superintendent Steamers Works, Sudan Govt. Railways and Steamers Dept. War Work : Construction and upkeep of fleet of Sudan Government steamers and barges employed in military and other transport in the Sudan. (M1152) POTTS, Capt. and Bt. Major Charles, O.B.E. POTTS, Dorothy Feilden, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 22 Nov. 1887 ; d. of Arthur Cuthbert Alport, of Heme Bay, Kent, England. to. William Edward Herbert, s. of Thomas Moodie Potts, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Rocklands High Schools, Cra dock, C.P, and Normal CoU, Pretoria, Transvaal. War Wort : Organised, equipped, and conducted a Rest Hut for troops engaged in the German East Campaign in the town of Chinde, at the mouth of the Zambesi River, in Portuguese East Africa. Address : St. Andrews Road, Yeoville ; Johannesburg, Box 3410. (M9336) POTTS, George Louis, M.B.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1865; s. of George Potts, of Louth, Lincolnshire : to. Lina Fanny, d. of James Jeanneret. of Neuchatel. Director, Messrs Apperly, Curtis & Co, Ltd, Dudbridge Mills, Stroud, Glos. ; Vice- President, British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium. War Work : Head of Textiles, Commission Internationale de Ravi- taillement, India House, Kingsway ; Oflicer Order of Leopold II. CZm&s : Junior Constitutional ; Eccentric ; Cercle Artistique (Bruxelles). (M9337) POTTS, Reginald, O.B.E. POTTS, Lieut. Thomas Moflett, O.B.E, R.N.R. POTTS, Thomas Worthington, O.B.E. POTTS, William Thomas, C.B.E. A J.P. for Essex; Director of Port Forwarding Depart, Ministry of Munitions, during the Great War. Address : The Hall, Southminster, Essex. (C2880) POUGNET, Lieut. John Maurice Barbes, O.B.E, R.N.R. POULTNEY, Edward Cecil, M.B.E. POULTNEY, Samuel Levi, M.B.E. POULTON, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Faulconer, C.B.E, fi. 28 July, 1858 ; s. of Dep. Surgeon-General C W. Poulton, of Cricklade, Wiltshire ; to. Susan Edith, d. of W. E. Grimston, of Earls Coine, Essex. Educ : Royal Navy (1871-77), and Royal Military CoU, Sandhurst (1878-79). Served in Suffolk Regt, 1879-99 ; Afghan War, 1879-80 (medal) ; Chief Con stable of West Suffolk, 1899-1902 ; Chief Constable of Berk shire from 1902. War Work : Area Administrative Officer, Southern Area, R.A.S.C, Forage Dept, 1915-18 ; granted rank of Lieut.-Col. Address : Highgrove, Reading. Clubs : Wel lington ; Berkshire County. (C1744) POULTON, E. L, O.B.E., POULTON, Capt. Faville Clement, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. POUNTNEY, Arthur Meek, C.B.E. Treasurer of Straits Settlement. Address : Singapore, Straits Settlements. (C202ll, Southsea; R.M.C. Sandhurst. Commandant l/97th infantry, Indian Army. War Work : Served on the Indian trontier, 1914-15 ; in Mesopotamia, 1915-16 ; severely wounded at the action of Skaikh Saad ; despatches, D.S.O. ; Afghanistan and North West Frontier, 1919. Addresses: 34, Carlisle Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W. ; c/o H. S. King & Co, 9, Pall Mall, S.W. Clubs : Junior United Service ; HurUngham ; Queen's. (08529) PRESTON OF ARDCHATTAN, Mary Augusta Margaret Niool, Mrs. CAMPBELL- M.B.E. ; d. of the late Augustus Ihorne, of 22, Gt. Cumberland Place, W. ; m. Robert William l'iggott Clarke-Oanipbell-Preslon. s. of Rev. William Colin Clarke Preston, of Vnlleyfleld, Perthshire (died 1870). Address : Ardcluittan Priory, Taynuilt, Argyllshire. (M9358) PRESTON, Capt. Alistair HOUSTON-BOSWELL-, PRETTY, Margaret Emily, Mrs, M.B.E. PRETTY, Lieut.-Col. William Tertius, O.B.E, T.D, J.P, D.L, M.F.H, 6. 1866 ; s. of William Pretty, of Ipswich ; m. Mabel Hewett, d. of R. S. Paul, of Ipswich. War Work : Commanded l/6th Suffolk Regt, 1911-18, (despatches twice). Address : Goldrood, Ipswich. (07595) PRETYMAN, Lady Beatrice Adine, O.B.E, fi. 1870 ; d. of the Earl of Bradford (see Borke's Peerage) ; m. Ernest George, s. of Canon F. Pretyman. War Work : Commandant of Hospital. Address : Orwell Park, Ipswich. (03874) PRETYMAN, Wing-Comdr. George Frederick, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.A.F, 6. 8 Sept. 1891 ; s. of the late Major-Gen. Sir Geo. Pretyman, K.C.M.G, C.B. ; to. Maureen Kate, d. of Col. E. S. Heard, of Rossdohan, Co. Kerry Ireland. Educ : Wel lington Coll, and Sandhurst. War Work : Served in France with R.F.C. from Aug. 1914, to Dec. 1917 ; Air Ministry, March, 1918, to conclusion of hostilities. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 110, St. Martin's Lane, W.C. 2. Clubs : United Service ; R.A.F. ; Royal Aero. (03394) PREWER, Major WiUiam Henry Russell, O.B.E, 6. 16 Feb. ; s. of WilUam Prewer. of Homager, Suffolk ; m. Isabel Susannah, d. of Samuel Lister, of Plumstead, S.E. 18. Major in the Royal Regiment of Artillery. War Work : Adju tant, Ordnance Coll, Woolwich. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, S.W. (07596) PRICE, Annie Vincent, M.B.E, M.M.S, 6. 18 Sept. 1862 ; d. of Walter Price, of Bristol. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Four years at Netley, three under the Almeric Paget Massage Corps, aud one under the Military Massage Service. Address : Sisters' Quarters, British Red Cross Section, Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, Hants. (M9360) PRICE, Bernard, O.B.E. (O12055) PRICE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Cecil Stanley, M.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. PRICE, Lieut.-Col. Charles Weaver, O.B.E, M C, fi. 12 June, 1876 ; s. of C. E. Weaver Price, of North House, Brecon ; m. Rhianedd Mary Gwendolen, d. of Gwilym Jones, of PwllheUg, Llanwonno, Glamorgan. Educ. : Christ's Coll, Brecon. Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes. Agricidturist, War Work: Enlisted in South Wales Borderers, Sept. 1914 ; trans ferred to Motor Machine Guns, Nov. 1914 ; went to France as Battery Sergt.-Major of 12th Motor Machine Gun Battery, 13 July, 1915 ; Commissioned, Dec. 1915 ; transferred to Heavy Branch (Tanks), March 1916 ; Staff Capt. Tank Corns (H.Q.), June 1917 ; Commanding Tank Corps, Dec. 1919 tc June 1920. Address : Ashgrove, Brecon. (05693) PRICE, Major Columbus Leigh, O.B.E, A.I.F. PRICE, Cyril Oliver Rose, M.B.E. PRICE, Edward French, M.B.E. PRICE, Edwin Lessware, O.B.E, B.A. Oxon, Bar.-at- Law, 6. 1874 ; s. of E. A. Price, of London ; to. 1st, HUda Dorothy (who d. 1913), d. of F. Wright, J.P, of Lenton Hall, Notts; 2nd, Kathleen Mary, d. oi R. P. Earle, Bairister, Bris bane, Australia. Merchant. War Work : Assessor, Transport Claims Committee, India, 1915 ; Member, Government of Bombay, War Purposes Board, Sind Publicity Committee, and Karachi Sub-Committee Government Hides ; President, Karachi Division, War League of India ; Agent Consulage de Fiance a Karachi; elected Member Indian Legislative Assembly for Bombay European Constituency, 1920. Address: Chartered Bank Buildings, Karachi, India. Clubs : Berkshire (Reading) ; Sind (Karachi). (09847) PRICE, Emily Annie, M.B.E. Hon. Sec. of the Lewisham and Blackheath Division Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association. (M16333) PRICE, Ernest, M.B.E, fi. 14 Dec. 1879. Civil Servant ; India Store Depot, India Office. War Work : Shipment of war stores to India. Address : 5, Beechhill Road, Eltham, S.E. 9. (M864) PRICE, T. Major Frank, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. PRICE, George, M.B.E. PRICE, Henry Gilbert, O.B.E. PRICE, James Ben, M.B.E. PRICE, John Glanville, M.B.E, 6. 1876 ; s. of David Griffith Price, of Penmark (Glam.) ; m. Harriet, d. of George Telford. Educ. : Collegiate School, Penarth, Wales. Archi tect. War Work. : BuUding of munition workers' huts and hostels at Woolwich ; Depot Manager for Central Stores Department of the Ministry of Munitions. Address : Sandford House. Luton Avenue, Broadstairs. (M9363) PRICE, Joseph Thomas, M.B.E. PRICE, Julian Hugh, M.B.E. PRICE, Percy Howard, O.B.E. PRICE, Col. Sir Rhys Howell, K.B.E, CM.G, 6. 1872 ; only s. of Sir Thomas Rees Price, K.C.M.G, of Johannesburg ; m Constance Mary, 3rd d. of John M. Peacock, of Queenstown, Cape of Good Hope. Served in S. African War, 1899-1902, with Kaffrarian Rifles, and commanding Border Light Borse (three times mentioned in despatches ; Queen's medal, 4 clasps ; 421 Price THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. King's medal, 2 clasps) ; Officer Commanding Union Expe ditionary Base, Capetown, Sept. 1914; Col, April 1915; Director of War Recruiting, Nov. 1916. Address : ArtiUery Barracks, Pretoria, S. Africa. (K191) PRICE, Richard, M.B.E, fi. 6 June, 1867 ; s. of Richard Price, of Northumberland ; m. Louisa Ellen, s. of John Lane, of Larkfield. Educ. : Scotch School, Woolwich. War Work : Dhector Inspection of Optical Supplies. Address : 23, Wrottesley Road, Plumstead, S.E. 18. (M3913) PRICE, Sydney Reginald, M.B.E. Technical Assistant, H.M. Contracts Section, Explosives Supply Dept, Ministry of Munitions. (M10259A) PRICE, Lieut.-Comm. Thomas Slater, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. PRICE, Violet Amelia, Mrs, M.B.E. PRICE, Capt. Walter Dennis, O.B.E, 6. 2 Oct. 1895 ; s. of W. J. Price, of Bournemouth. Educ. : Abingdon. Director of E. Price and Sons, Ltd, Pianoforte Dealers. War Work : Mobilised with special service section of Territorial Force, July, 1914 ; served throughout the war with the l/9th Hampshire Regt. in England, India, and Siberia. Address : Handel House, Bournemouth. (O9049) PRICE, Brig.-Gen. William, C.B, C.M.G, C.B.E, V.D.. 6. 1864; to. 1891, Mary, d. of the late George Middleton, of Culiss, Ross-shire. Hon. Major in the Army, and Lieut.-Col. R.E. ; sometime Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. 8th Battn. City of London Regt. ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1902, with Army Post Office Corps (despatches) ; Great War, 1914-18, on Staff (despatches) ; appointed Assist. Private Sec. to Postmaster- Gen. (Rt. Hon. S. C. Buxton, M.P.), 1907 ; Private Sec. to Post master-Gen. (Rt. Hon. H. Samuel, M.P.), 1910 ; Director of Army Postal Services, 1913, with rank of Brig.-Gen. Address : 21. Emperor's Gate, S.W. (C599) PRICE, Lieut. William, M.B.E, A.I.F. PRICE, Lieut. William Alfred, O.B.E, R.N. PRICE, Lieut. William Edward, O.B.E, T.F. PRICE, Gertrude, Mrs. STANLEY-, M.B.E. ; d. of Dossey Wightman, of Unstone Grange, Derbyshire. War Work : Wynberg Base Hospital, Cape Colony ; Superintendent of Vickers' Canteen, Weybridge, Surrey, of Ordnance Hostels Canteen, Coventry, and of Edgewood Hostels, Kent. Address : Unstone Grange, Derbyshire. (M3912) PRICHARD, AUce Maud, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of J. T. Dug- dale, of Ivy Bank, Barnley, Sezincote, Moreton-in-Marsh. War Work : Commandant of Red Cross Detachment Glos. 58, which detachment staffed a hospital. Address : Donning- ton Manor, Moreton-in-Marsh. (M2305) PRICHARD, Lt.-Col. Hubert Cecil, C.B.E, 6. 1865 ; s. of the late Charles John Collins Pilchard, of Clifton, Bristol (see Burke's Landed Gentry); in. 1905, Nora Diana, d. of Arthur Piero, of 31, Sefton Park Rd, Liverpool. Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. Glamorganshire Yeomanry ; a J.P. for Glamorgan, and Lord of the Manor of Colwinston. Served in the Great War as Lieut.-Col. (despatches). (C2158) PRICHARD, Mabel Henrietta, Mrs., M.B.E. PRICHARD, Richard John, M.B.E, fi. 28 Sept. 1862 ; s. of Richard Prichard, of Holyhead ; m. Matilda (who d.), d. Robert Seed, of Preston. Educ. : Beaumaris Grammar School. Chief Engineer, Merchant Service. War Work : Aug. 1914, to July, 1915, Engineer-Lieut. R.N.R. H.M.S. " Cambria " attached to Grand Fleet, North Sea ; Aug. 1915, to Oct. 1916, Hospital Ship "Cambria," Englano to various French Ports; Oct. 1916, to March, 1919, Chief Engineer, Transport " Greenone." Address : Ll-infair Bach, Holvhead. (M3914) PRICHARD, Captain Samuel David, M.B.E. PRICKETT, Major Frederick Cecil, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 19 Feb. 1895; s. of William Prickett, of Haverfordwest, Pem brokeshire, South Wales. Educ : Sir John Cass's Foundation, in the City of London, E.C Fruit grower in Victoria and Western Australia ; Freeman of the City of London. War Work : EnUsted Aug. 1914, as Rifleman l/6th Batt. City of London Rifles (T.F.) ; Commissioned Jan. 1916, Durham Light Infantry ; seconded to Command the 93rd Light Trench Mortar Battery from Aug. 1916, to March, 1919 ; proceeded to the British Military Mission, South Russia (General Denikin's Forces), April, 1919, as Chief Instructor Light Trench Mortars ; Evacuated (Typhus), March, 1920 ; thrice mentioned in des patches ; awarded the Russian Order of St. Anne, 2nd Class, with Swords ; twice wounded. Addresses : c/o Australian Farms, Ltd, 99, King's Street, Melbourne, Australia; Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue, London, S.W. (9748) PRIDDEN, Edith Mary, O.B.E, W.A.A.C PRIDE, Herbert Charles, M.B.E. PRIDEAUX, Constance Mary, Mrs, O.B.E. PRIDEAUX, Frank Winckworth Austice, O.B.E. PRIDEAUX, George Edward, M.B.E, R.N. PRIDHAM, Lieut.-Col. Geoffrey Robert, D.S.O, O.B.E, C.R.E, fi. 4 Oct. 1872 ; s. of Colonel F. Pridham, of Instow, North Devon; m. Mignonne Muriel Maude, d. of C L. B. Gumming, I.C.S. Educ: Marlborough Coll. ; R.M.A, Woolwich. War Work : Service in Gallipoli and France. Club : United bervice. (07597) PRIEST, James Dainer, M.B.E, M.R.C.S. PRIEST, Joseph, M.B.E, fi. 9 June, 1874 ; s. of Thomas Priest, of Birmingham ; m. Agneta Elizabeth, d. of William Rowland, of Redhill, Surrey. Educ : Birmingham. Director or 1 and C Osier, Ltd, Birmingham, and late Chairman of the Electricity Committee (Reigate Borough CouncU). War Work : Engaged in Manufacture of Small Tools for Filling Factories, Aeroplane Parts, etc. ; Member of the Reigate Food Control Committee. Address Hatchlands, RedhiU, Surrey. nmsfia' PRIESTLEY, Beatrice Ada, O.B.E. Q.M.A.A.C. PRIESTLEY, Robert Chambers, O.B.E, M.A, M.B. (Camb.), J.P. Bucks, 6. 1857 ; s. of Sir WilUam O. Priestley, of London ; to. Ida Mary, d. of T. Eustace Smith, M.P, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Harrow, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Medical Officer, Wycombe V.A.D. Hospital. Address : Terriers House, High Wycombe, Bucks. Clubs : United University ; Royal AutomobUe. (O11160) PRIETLYS, Major WUUam, O.B.E. PRIME, Capt. Frederick Charles, M.B.E, fi. 11 Feb. 1869 ; s. of the late John Prime, of Needham Market, Suffolk ; m. Emma Bessie Fox, d. of James Richard Smithson Barnieott, of Sheerness. Educ. : Army Schools, late R.A. War Work : Served with No. 1 Depot Royal Garrison Artillery, Aug. 1914, to May, 1915 ; joined the Inspection Department, Woolwich, May, 1915, as Assist, to the Director of Inspection of High Explosives, and served in the Dept. untU the end of the war. Address : 30, Vambery Road, Plumstead Common, London, S.E. 18. _ (MR66) PRIMROSE, Capt. Alexander Ferguson, O.B.E, R.E. (T.). PRINCE, Major Charles Edmond, O.B.E, 6. 9 July, 1874; s. of the late Rev. E. B. Prince, ot Witham Friary, Bath ; m. Amelie Ella Violet, d. of C A. Verner, of War Coppice, Cater ham. Educ. : Clifton Coll, Faraday House. Technical Manager, Aircraft Dept. Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. War Work : Originator of the application of Wireless Telephony to aeroplane work, and designer of most of this apparatus used in the war ; seconded from Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry to R.A.F, in 1915, for wireless work, and, on forma tion of Air Force, appointed Officer-in-charge Experimental Section, Wireless Experimental Establishment, R.A.F. Addresses : Stubbings Manor, Burchetts Green, Berks. ; 63, Drayton Gardens, S.W. (03395) PRINCE, Constance Perrott, M.B.E. PRINCE, Edwin James, M.B.E, 6. 1 Oct. 1859; s. of John Prince, of Romsey, Hampshire ; m. Ida IsobeUa, d. of Isaac Mou- land, of Nether Wallop. Educ. : Privately. Station Superinten dent, Waterloo Station, L. & S. W. Rly. War Work : Dealt with all Naval and Military traffic in connection with the war. Address : Delapre, 2, Howard Road, New Maiden, Surrey. (M2307) PRINGLE, Col. David, C.B.E, T.D. Col. New Zealand Forces ; served to the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1865) PRINCE, George, M.B.E, R.N. PRING, 2nd Lieut. John Nathaniel, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. PRINGLE, Arthur Young, O.B.E. M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. PRINGLE, Lieut.-Col. Charles Herford, O.B.E, A.P.D. PRINGLE, Ethel Louise, Mrs, M.B.E. PRINGLE, George Cossar, M.B.E, 6. 10 Dec. 1858 ; s. of George Pringle, of Greenlaw, Berwickshire ; m. Annie Hay, d. of James Douglas, of Edinburgh. Educ : Greenlaw, and Edinburgh Univ. Late Rector of Peebles Burgh and County High School ; now Organising Sec. Educational Institute of Scotland. War Work : Convener of Thrift Sub-Committee of the Educational Institute of Scotland, the Secondary Education Association of Scotland, and the Scottish Class Teachers' Federation ; Member of the Scottish War Savings Committee: and Convener of its Schools Sub-Committee till 1918. Addresses. 47, Moray Place ; 120, Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh. Club . Liberal (Edinburgh). (M43) PRINGLE, James Scott, O.B.E. PRINGLE, Lieut.-Col. Seton Sidney, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. PRIOLEAU, Major Lynch HamUton, M.B.E. PRIOR, Paymaster-Comm. Cunningham, O.B.E, R.N. PRIOR, Lieut.-Col. Harold Astley Somerset, O.B.E, D.S.O. Major and T. Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a Battn. Yorkshire Regt. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (O7602) PRIOR, Capt. WilUam Henry, M.B.E. PRISMALL, Lieut.-Col. Edwin, O.B.E, T.D. PRITCHARD, Charles WiUiam, M.B.E, fi. 1 May, 1870 ; s. of Thomas Pritchard, of Sheffield ; to. Amy BeU, d. of Thomas Braithwaite, of Selby. Educ. : Pitsmore, and Sheffield. Surveyor, Loddon and Clavering Rural District Council, Norfolk ; late Resident Engineer to Road Board. War Wort : Resident Engineer for Construction of MUitary Camp Road ; Executive Officer, Food Control Committee ; Night Orderly at Local Military Red Cross Hospital. (M9370) PRITCHARD, Paymaster-Capt. Francis Burnett, C.B.E, R.N. Accountant Officer at Liverpool ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2262) PRITCHARD, Henry Ambrose, O.B.E. PRITCHARD, Herbert Alfred, M.B.E, F.S.I, fi. 20 Aug. 1872; s. of Alfred John Pritchard, of London. Educ: Privately, and St. Paul's. Surveyor ; District Valuer, Cardiff District, Valuation Department, Inland Revenue. War Work : Secretary Glamorgan War Agricultural Executive Committee. Address : 30, Marlborough Road, Cardiff. (M44) PRITCHARD, Henry Gibbon, O.B.E. PRITCHARD, Hugh John Mostyn, O.B.E. PRITCHARD, Isabel, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Henry Leigh Lace, of Cardiff. War Work : Served in Women's Legion as Superintendent, April, 1916 ; as Administrator in Women s 422 BIOGRAPHIES. Pugh Army Auxiliary Force, April, 1917 ; promoted Controller in Irish Command in Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Force attached to G.H.Q, Aug. 1917 ; demobiUsed, Dec. 1919. Address : The Great House, Llanblethian, Cowbridge, Glam. (09796) PRITCHARD, Flight-Lieut. John Edward Maddock O.B.E, A.F.C, R.A.F' PRITCHARD, Capt. John Mervyn, O.B.E, 6. 19 May, 1895 ; s. of John Arthur Pritchard, of London. Educ. : Charterhouse, and Oxford. War Work : Commissioned, Aug. 1914, 5th R.W. Kent Regt. ; India, Dec. 1914, to Dec. 1917 ; Mesopotamia, Dec. 1917, to Feb. 1919 ; T. Capt, Sept. 1915 ; Capt, June, 1916 ; T. D.A.Q.M.G. 18th Div. Mes. Exp. Force, May and June, 1918 ; Staff Capt. 51st Inf. Bgde. 17th Div. Mes. Exp. Force, Sept. to Dec. 1918; demobilised, March, 1919. Address : c/o Messrs. Grindlay & Co, 54, Parliament Street, S.W. 1. (06687) PRITCHARD, Mary EUen, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 18 Feb. 1876 ; d. of Alderman W. Eifl Jones, of PwUheli ; to. Hugh Pritchard (who died), SoUcitor, Ex-Mayor of Pwllheli. Educ. : Pwllheli and Ladies' Collegiate School, Stafford. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Hon. Treas. Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association ; Co.-Seo. Pwllheli War ReUef Association ; Hon. Sec. Pwllheli War Entertainments Committee ; Member of Local War Pensions and North Wales Joint Disablement Committees. Address : Mount Pleasant, Pwllheli. (M9371) PRITCHARD, Major Riohard Graham, O.B.E, R.E. PRITCHETT, Theodore, O.B.E. PRIVETT, Eng.-Lieut. George John, O.B.E, R.N. PROBERT, Col. WiUiam Godfrey, O.B.E, R.A.S.C (T.). PROBST, John Charles, O.B.E, fi. 20 Dec. 1865 ; s. of Peter E. Probst, of Caterham VaUey. Educ. : St. Join's School, Wandsworth. War Work' : Sub-Commissioner, British Red Cross Society, 1914-20, Havre district. Address : Cercle Francois, Havre. (011165) PROBYN, EmUy, Lady, O.B.E, 6. 1867 ; d. of G. Davies, of Bristol ; m. Sir Leslie, Governor of Jamacia, s. of E. Probyn, of Huntley. Educ. : Privately. Specially interested in organi sations which aim at securing the welfare of young women. War Work: Work in connection with the Prince of Wales' National ReUef Fund, Queen Mary's Fund, King George's Fund for Sailors, and " The Shower of Gifts." Address : King's House, Jamaica. (O1006) PROCTER, Charles James, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 5 March, 1850 ; s. of Robert Procter, of Liverpool ; to. Bertha Evaline, d. of William H. Fitz-Hugh, of Liverpool. Educ. : Liverpool Coll. Corn Merchant ; Freeman of City of Liverpool ; J.P. tor Liverpool ; Director of Liverpool Grain Storage Co. ; Director of State Assurance Co. ; President Wirral Children's Hospital ; President Birkenhead Y.M.CA. War Work : One of initiators of Y.M.C.A. Army work, and actively engaged throughout war in North- Western District ; Chairman of Merseyside Dock Canteen Work. Address : Boscobel, Oxton, Birkenheau. Club : Exchange (Liverpool). (0663) PROCTER, Capt. Edward, O.B.E, R.E. PROCTER, George Henderson, O.B.E, J.P. PROCTER, Helen MatUda, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of Lieut.- Col. T. A. Freeman, East Surrey Regt. ; to. Henry Edward Edleston, s. of Charles E. Procter, of Macclesfield. Educ : Cheltenham Ladies' CoU. War Work : Chairman of the War Work Department of the Young Women's Christian Associa tion, responsible for the Blue Triangle Hostels, Clubs, Rest and Recreation Rooms and Canteens for Women Workers in England and France. Addresses : Ware HiU, Great Amwell, Herts ; 15, New Cavendish Stieet, London, W. 1. (C269) PROCTER, Sir Henry Edward Edleston, Knt. Bach,CB.B., i. 30 April, 1866 ; s. of Charles Edward Procter, of Macclesfield ; m. Helen MatUda, d. of Lieut.-Col. T. A. Freeman. Educ. : Birkenhead School. East Indian Merchant. War Work : gon. Treas. Y.M.C.A. Address : Ware HU1, Great Amwell, Herts. Clubs : Oriental ; Royal Automobile ; Byculla (Bombay). (C600) PROCTOR, Doris Brownsword, M.B.E. PROCTOR, Sir PhiUp Bridger, K.B.E, 6. 1870 ; s. of the late PhiUp Francis Proctor, of Nightingale Lane, S.W. ; to. Nellie, d. of H. B. Shaul. Educ : St. Paul's. War Work : Director of Meat Supplies, Ministry of Food. Address : TUe hurst, Furze HiU, Purley. Club : St. Stephen's. (K461) PROCTOR, Capt. Roger Cecil, M.B.E. PROCTOR, Vernon, M.B.E. ; s. of the late Robert Proctor, of Sheffield ; m. LiUan Agnes, d. of John Kirby, of Eurley, Surrey. Educ. : Grammar School, Sheffield. Steel Manufacturer and Merchant. War Work : Manufacture of Bun forgings and armour plates for tanks, etc. Address : Ecclesall, Sheffield. Club : Athenaeum (Sheffield). (M3916) PROGER, Harriett Gertrude, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 8 Nov. 1865; d. of John Waldron, of Moulsford, Berks. ; to. Thomas William, s. of John Guy Proger. War Work : Commandant of St. Fagan's V.A.D. Hospital for 4 years. Address : Llanmaes, St. Fagan's, near Cardiff. (M2308) PROSSER, Ernest Albert, C.B.E. General Manager of lafi Vale Railway. (C2887) PROSSER, Thomas Gilbert, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. PROSSER, Walter Byron, O.B.E. „ PROTHERO, Sir George Walter, K.B.E., Litt.D, LL.D, *-B-A., 6. 14 Oct. 1848 ; s. of the Rev. Canon Prothero, of Whippingham, I. of Wight ; to. Mary Frances, d. ot the Right Jey. Dr. Butcher, Bishop of Meath. Educ. : Eton, and King's CoU, Cambridge. Tutor of King's CoU, Camb, 1878-94; Professor of History in the Univ. of Edinburgh, 1894-9; Editor of the " Quarterly Review " since 1899 ; Editor of the Camb. Historical Series, and co-Editor of the Camb. Modern History. War Work: In conjunction with Henry Oust, founded the Committee for National Patriotic Organisation ; wrote three pamphlets concerning the war, and a book " German Policy before the War" (1916); Director of the Historical Section in the Foreign Office, 1917-19 ; attended the Peace Conference as Historical Adviser to the British Delegation, Feb. to April, 1919. Address : 24, Bedford Square, W.C 1. Clubs : Athemeum ; Alpine ; Rye Golf. (K411) PROTHEROE, Major Arthur Havard, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C. PROUD, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. William, M.B.E. PRO UT, Lieut.-Col. William Thomas, C.M.G, O.B.E, M.B. PROUT, Major Reginald ADDENBROOKE-, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. PROWER, Ernest Edward, M.B.E, fi. 4 Au g. 1877 ; s. of John Alfred Prower, of Devon ; in. Mabel, d. ol W. G. Sudbury, of Halstead, Essex. Quantity Surveyor. Performed valuable organisation work in connection with the Great War. Ad dresses : Weeton, New Maiden, Surrey ; 13, South Square, Gray's Inn, W. C 2. (M867) PROWSE, Albert Edward, M.B.E, fi. 5 Feb. 1880 ; s. of Albert Edward Prowse, of Aston Manor, Birmingham ; m. Annie Marguerite Clare, d. of John Alfred Darby, of Sutton Coldfield. Educ. : Aston Manor. Fellow of the Surveyors' Institution ; Associate of the Auctioneers' Institute ; Chevalier de l'ordre de Leopold. War Work : Local Representative of the Ministry of Munitions at the temporary vUlage of Elizabeth- ville, built and equipped for the housing of Belgians engaged on Munition Work at the National ProjectUe Factory, Birtley, Co. Durham. Addresses : Lambton House, Birtley, Co. Durham ; Mimstry of Munitions Estate Offices, Birtley, Co. Durham ; and Scotswood, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (M2309) PROWSE, John Skardon, M.B.E, B.A, M.B, B.C. (Cantab.), L.M.S.S.A. (London), 6. 5 May, 1861 ; s. of the late WUliam Prowse, M.R.C.S, of Clifton, Bristol ; m. CeciUa, d. of the late George Cartwright, of Kirmington, Lines. Educ : Perse School, and FitzwUliam Hall, Cambridge, and St. Mary's Hospital, London. Physician and Surgeon ; Senior Hon. Physician, Hulme Dispensary, Manchester ; Hon. Medical Officer, Hulme Day Nursery. War Work : Hon. Medical Officer of Basford House AuxiUary Military Hospital, Old Trafford, and of Willow Bank Red Cross Hospital, Moss Side ; Anaesthetist, Clyne House MUitary Hospital, Old Trafford ; Member of Manchester Medical War Committee ; Recruiting and Pensions Medical Board work throughout the war. Address : Oker House, Moss Lane East, Manchester. (M9373) PRUNELL, Rev. William Alfred, O.B.E, Hon. CF, 6. 5 Jan. 1874 ; s. of WUliam Prunell, of Kidderminster ; m. Hannah Louise, d. of Jabez Mather, of Hobart Town, Tasmania. Educ. : Didsbury Coll. Wesleyan Minister. War Work : Sept. 1915, to Aug. 1916, Senior Chaplain (Wesleyan) at Le Havre, B.E.F. ; Aug. 1916, to March, 1918, attached 1st Guards Brigade (Battle of the Somme, 3rd Battle of Ypres, Arras, Cambrai, and advance to Maubeuge, with Guards Division to Cologne) ; despatches twice. Address : Eastcott House, Swindon. (02682) PRUST, Major Robert Bateman, O.B.E. PRYCE, Major Walter John Dakyns, O.B.E, D.C.M. PRYCE, Major Wilfred Harry, O.B.E. PRYN, Sir WUliam Wenmoth, K.B.E, C.B, R.N, 6. 21 Oct. 1859 ; s. of WiUiam Pryn, of Tredown, Saltash ; to. Isabella Kate, d. of Major John Cotter, of The Buffs. Educ. : BlundeU's School, Tiverton, and Guy's Hospital, London. Surgeon Rear-Admiral (retired). War Work : Deputy Surgeon- Gen, in charge of Royal Naval Hospital, Gibraltar, 1912-16 ; Surgeon Rear-Admiral in charge of Royal Naval Hospital, Plymouth, 1917-19. Address : Yeoland, Yelverton, S. Devon.(K258) PRYNNE, Col. Harold Vernon, C.B.E, D.S.O, F.R.CS, A.M.S, 6. 1869. Served in China, 1900 (medal with clasp); Great War, 1914-17 (despatches). (C1307) PRYOR, Ethne PhiUppa, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 19 Jan. 1886 ; d. of Sir Norman Moore, Bart, M.D, of 67, Gloucester Place, London, W, and Hancox, Battle, Sussex ; m. Lieut.-Col. Walter Marlborough Pryor, D.S.O, of Weston Stevenage ; of the late Marlborough Robert Pryor, of Weston. Educ : Privately. War Work : Hon. Sec. Royal Air Force Prisoners' Fund, 1915-19. Address : Weston, Stevenage, Herts. Club : Empress. (M2310) PRYOR, Capt. WUUam, M.B.E. PRYSE, Nina Katherine Webley PARRY-, O.B.E. PRYTHERCH, Henry James, M.B.E. PUCKLE, Emily Alice, M.B.E. PUDDEY, Henry, M.B.E. PUDDICOMBE, John, M.B.E. PUGH, Col. Archibald John, O.B.E. PUGH, Capt. George Wilfred, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. PUGH, Prof. WiUiam John, O.B.E, fi. 28 July, 1892 ; s of John Pugh, of Westbury, Shrewsbury ; to. Manon Clayton, d of J. Davies Bryan, of Alexandria, Egypt. Educ. : Univ. Coll of Wales, Aberystwyth. Professor of Geology, Univ. Coll of Wales, Aberystwyth. War Work : Served with 4th (Reserve) Batt. Royal Welsh FusUiers, 2nd Batt. Royal Welsh FusiUers, and later attached to General Staff, 2nd and 4th Army H.Q. ; has French Croix de Guerre ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address: Geological Department, University CoUege of Wales, Aberystwyth. (02683) 423 Pugh THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. PUGH, 2nd Lieut. WiUiam Peter Boulton, M.B.E, R.A.F. PULFORD, Major Conway Walker Heath, O.B.E. R.A.F. PULFORD, WiUiam John, O.B.E. PULHAM, Capt. Frederick Bygrave, O.B.E. R.A.F. PULLAR, Major George Douglas, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 6 Feb. 1883 ; 8. of Alfred Pullar, M.D, of Edinburgh. Educ : Dulwich Coll. War Work : Served in France and Belgium with the 6th Batt. Black Watch (R.H) in the 51st (Highland) Division, and subsequently on the staff of the 61st Division. Address : Lyndhurst, Oakcroft Road, Blackheath, S.E. 13. (05697) PULLAR, Capt. John Lindsay, O.B.E. PULLIBLANK, Engineer-Comm. John, D.S.O, O.B.B, R.N, 6. 1879 ; s. of the late Rev. Canon Joseph Pulliblank, Rector of Rampisham, Dorset. War Work : 1914-19, with Dover Patrol, and at Vladivostock (despatches twice). (09572) PULLING, Rev. Edward Herbert, C.B.E, 6. 1859 ; s. of lthe Rev. F. W. PuUing, Vicar of Pinhoe, Devonshire ; to. Emily Frances, e.d. of Oswald Cornish Arthur, and Mrs. Arthur, of WeUsbourne, Compton Gifford, Plymouth. Educ. : Royal Academy, Gosport ; Oxford Univ. ; SaUsbury Theological Coll. Vicar of Morgan's Vale. War Work : Senior Chaplain, Ports mouth Command ; Senior Chaplain, Humber Garrison and Lincolnshire Coast Defences ; Y.M.C.A. work. Address : The Vicarage, Morgan's Vale, SaUsbury. Club : Church Imperial. (C1747) PULLINGER, Dorothee Aurelie Marianne, M.B.E, 6. 13 Jan. 1894 ; d. of T. C. W. PuUinger, C.B.E, J.P, (q.v.) of Dum fries. Educ : Loughborough High School, and in France. Engineer. War Work : Lady Supt, Messrs. Vickers, Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, during the whole period of the war. A ddress : The Brae, near Dumfries, Scotland. (M9377) PULLINGER, Thomas Charles Willis, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 1867 ; s. of Fleet-Paymaster Thomas Pinfold PuUinger, R.N, of Wyvenhoe, Dartford ; m. 1893, Aurelie Bernice Sitwell, of St. Nicholas, D'AUumont, Seine Inferieur, France. Managing Director, Arrol Johnston (Limited) of Dumfries, and a Dhector of Galloway Engineering Co, of Tougland, Kirkcudbright. Address : The Brae, nr. Dumfries. Clubs : Royal Auto mobile ; Royal Scottish AutomobUe ; Royal Clyde Yacht ; Conservative (Glasgow). (C2888) PULLMAN, Major Gerald Cozens, O.B.E, M.A. (Oxon.), 6. 10 May, 1885 ; s. of Henry Pullman, J.P, of 64, Oakwood Court, Kensington, W. 19. Educ. : Uppingham, and St. John's Coll, Oxford. Solicitor ; Member of the firm of Nicholson, Graham, and Jones, Solicitors, 24, Coleman Street, E.C ; served in 6th Batt. East Surrey Regt,. (T.A.) War Work: MobUised with Territorial Force, Aug. 1914 ; served with Regiment in India, Dec. 1914, to July, 1916 ; with Aden Field Force, March, 1917, to AprU, 1919. Staff Appointments : Acting G.S.O. (2nd Grade), 2nd (Rawal Pindi) Division, India ; Acting Brigade Major, Rawal Pindi (Infantry Brigade) ; Staff Capt. and Acting Brigade Major, Aden (Infantry )Brigade ; D.A.A.G. Aden Field Force ; twice mentioned in despatches. Addresses : 64, Oakwood Court, Kensington, W. 14 ; 24, Coleman Street, E.C. 2. Club : junior Army and Navy. (06823) PUNCHARD, John Alfred, O.B.E, fi. 2 Sept. 1858. Cashier, South Eastern and Chatham RaUway. War Work : Organised and was in charge of the exchange of foreign money during the war for British, Colonial, and Belgian troops arriving at Victoria Station on leave ; the total exchange amounted to nearly £15,000,000 ; this work was undertaken in addition to ordinary duties as cashier of S.E. & C Rly. Address : Bramble Tor, South Croydon. (011168) PUNTIS, Major Walter Ernest, O.B.E. PURCELL, Col. Matthew Henry, O.B.E, R.E. (retired), 6. 15 July, 1845 ; s. of Admiral Edward Purcell, of 13, Camden Crescent, Bath ; m. Caroline Mary, d. of Richard Westmacott, R.A, of 1, Kensington Gate, London, S.W. Educ : Bath, and Royal MUitary Academy, Woolwich. Employed on Ordnance Survey of Great Britain from April, 1877, to April, 1883 ; Professor of Fortification and Geometry at Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich, 1890 to 1893 ; Acting Colonial Engineer at Gibraltar, 1896-97. War Work : Worked for Westminster Division of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association from Aug. 1914, to July, 1916, and for Admiralty in the Elswick Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne, as Temporary Assistant Inspector of Steel from Dec. 1917, to May, 1919. Address : The White House, Ferring, Goring-on-Sea, Sussex. Club : Junior United Service. (011169) PURCELL, Capt. Thomas Edwin, M.B.E. PURCHAS, Frederick Hayden, M.B.E, 6. 1861 ; s. of William Henry Purchas, of Wakefield ; to. Mary, d. of Robert GUliat, of Oldham and Eccles, Lancashire. Educ. : Wakefield. Journalist, formerly proprietor "Dewsbury District News," and " Batley News," now Editor " Country Gentleman's Estate Magazine " and " Estate Book " ; Manager Land Agency, Farm Management, and Farm Accountancy Depart ments for the Country Gentleman's Association, Limited. War Work : Senior Stores Officer, Bolton SheU Inspection Board ; subsequently made Superintendent of the Manchester- Barrow area in charge of all the Bonds and Stores ; Organiser of School for Stores Officers, School for lady clerks ; inventor of sheU painting machines. Address : 26, Balaclava Road, Surbiton. Clubs: Cocoa Tree; Farmers'. (M869) PURDIE, Rev. Albert Bertrand, O.B.E, fi. 27 Aug. 1888 ; s. of Arthur Purdie, of London. Educ : St. Edmund's Old Hall, and Christ's CoU, Cambridge. War Work : Joined Army in Aug. 1914 ; served in France and Balkans, 1915-19 • Senior R.C. Chaplain of British Salonika Force ; Order of St. Sava (3rd class) ; mentioned in despatches. Address : St. Edmund's House, Cambridge. (03059) PURDOM, John Ritchie, O.B.B, J.P, Capt. late Border Rifle Volunteers, Roxburghshire, 6. 27 Sept. 1862 ; s. of the late Thomas Purdom, of Hawick, Scotland ; m. Annie Humo (who died), d. of the late Alexander Rutherford Turnbull, of Hawick. Educ. : Privately, and Edinburgh Univ. Solicitor and Banker ; Joint Town Clerk of Hawick ; Chairman Local War Pensions Committee ; President of Council of Juvenile Organisations. War Work : Local Recruiting Officer (unpaid) and Clerk to Local Recruiting Tribunal ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. to many local War Charities ; Hon. Sec. War Memorial. Address : Langheugh, Hawick, Scotland. Club : Border. (011170) PURDON, Lieut. Alick, O.B.E, R.N.R. PURDON, Lieut. Henry Maurice Chidley, O.B.E, R.N. PURDON, Col. Richard Ireland, C.B.E. Lieut.- Col. in the Army during the Great War, 1914-19. (C2052) PURDUE, Lieut. Harry Roy, M.B.E, fi! 9 Sept. 1887 ; s. of George Henry Purdue, of Surbiton ; m. Edith Annie, d. of the late F. Dexter, of Northampton. Sec. Imports and Trans port Board, Ministry of Food. War Work : Joined 21st County of London Regiment 10 Aug. 1914; won Commission in the Field, Aug. 1916 ; served in France, Belgium, Salonika, and Serbia ; relinquished commission, March, 1918 ; appointed Assist. Sec, Inter-Allied Meat and Fats Executive, and afterwards Sec, Imports and Transport Board, Ministry of Food. (M9379) PURDY, Col. James Robert, C.B.E, V.D. Col. New Zealand Forces ; served to the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1866) PURDY, WiUiam Frank, O.B.E. PUREFOY, Adm. Richard Purefoy, C.B.E, M.V.O, J.P, fi. 26 May, 1862 ; s. of Richard Purefoy FitzGerald ; m. Mary LUlias, d. of the Rev. F. G. Sandys Lumsdaine, of Blancrue Edronn, Berwickshire, N.B. Educ. : Royal Navy. J.P, Co. Bucks, and Co. Southampton. War Work : Naval Service, 1914-15; Naval Attache, The Hague, 1916-18 ; Special Service (Convoy), 1918-19. Address : Shalstone Manor, Buckingham. Club : Army and Navy. (C1202) PURNELL, Edward KeUy, M.B.E, M.A, F.R.Hist.Soc, 6. 1849 ; s. of the late W. A. Purnell, Physician General, Bombay Army ; to. Elizabeth, d. of C J. Geldard, of Settle. Educ : Wellington and Cambridge. Assist. Master, WeUington CoU. War Work : Served at Admiralty, Foreign Office, and Ministry of Shipping ; Sec, Greek Ships Committee, and temp. Assist. Master Eton CoU. Address : North HiU, Windlesham, Surrey. Club : United Univ. (M9380) PURNELL, WiUiam Ralph, O.B.E, A.L.C.M, 6. 11 Nov. 1885 ; s. of H. A. Purnell, of Edinburgh and Glasgow ; m. Elizabeth Hogg, M.A, d. of Robert Hogg MUler, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow. War Work : 1914-15, Chief Draughtsman with the Glasgow Steel Roofing Co, Ltd, engaged on steel construction for the several Government departments ; 1915-16, Superintending Engineer for same firm, erecting large airship sheds ; 1916-17, Confidential Assistant to Managing Director of same firm, engaged wholly upon Government work ; Jan. 1918-19, Chief Engineer in charge of Administration and Con trol of Construction on Marine Stations, Air Ministry, in Great Britain, Ireland, Northern France, and the Mediterranean. Address : 46. Kersland Street, Glasgow. (011171) PURSER, Major Arthur WUliam, O.B.B, R.F.A. Educ. : Marlborough, and R.M. Academy. War Work : Served in the R.F.A. (O7605) PURSER, Francis C, O.B.B. Educ. : Galway, and Dublin Univ. Address : 32, FitzwUliam Place, Dublin. Club : University (Dublin). (O7606) PURSLEW, Samuel, M.B.E. PURSSELL, Francis WiUiam, M.B.E. PURSSELL, Richard Stanley, O.B.E. PURVES, Major Thomas Fortune, O.B.E, R.E. PURVIS, Bertha Maud IsabeUa, M.B.E. ; d. of GUbert Purvis, of WaUiscote, Torquay. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hon. organiser and head of the War Hospital Supply Depot, Torquay, from its commencement, July, 1915, tiU its close in Dec. 1918, which included 600 members and suppUed over 100 hospitals at home and abroad. Address : WaUiscote, Torquay. (M9383) PURVIS, IsabeUe Marie, Mrs, M.B.E. PURVIS, Col. John Spottiswoode, C.B.E, R.E, fi. 1864; Served in S. Africa, 1900-1 (Queen's medal with two clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (des patches). (C1748) PURVIS, WUUam Frederick, M.B.E. PUTNAM, William Clarke, M.B.E. PUTT, Paymaster-Comm. William Pearce, O.B.E, R.N. PUTTOCK, Muriel, Mrs, M.B.E, B.A. (Hons. Lond.), 6. 16 Sept. 1888 ; d. of the Rev. John WUson, M.B.E, D.D, of Woolwich ; to. Harold, s. of George S. Puttock, of Exmouth. Educ : Greenwich and Bedford Coll, London. War Work : Superintendent of the staff of 900 women at the office of the Public Trustee, including the section engaged in the Trading with the Enemy Dept. ; also worked for Y.M.C.A. and Munition Girls' Club. Address : Desswood, Oakes, Huddersfield. (M9385) 421 BIOGRAPHIES. Radnor PYBUS, Percy John, C.B.E, 6. 1880 ; s. of John Pybus, of Kingston-on-HuU. Electrical Engineer and Joint Managing Director of English Electric Co, Ltd, of Bradford ; rendered services to Labour Supply Depart. Ministry of Munitions, during the Great War ; author of various pamphlets on educational and social subjects. Addresses : Bradford, Yorkshire ; 9, WhitehaU Court, S.W. 1. Ctafis : Cavendish ; Royal Automo bUe. (C59) PYGALL, Frank Thomas, M.B.E. PYKE, Cyril Cameron, O.B.E. PYKE, Harold Reason, O.B.E, LL.D, 6. 29 Sept. 1887 ; 8. of Joseph Pyke, of Reading ; to. Theodora Vera, d. of the late Edward WiUiam Austin, of Bridgnorth. Educ. : Christ's Hospital, and King's Coll, London. Solicitor ; Commissioner for Oaths. War Work : Temporary Clerk at the Foreign Office (Ministry of Blockade), 1916-19 ; Author of " The Law of Contraband of War " (Oxford Univ. Press, 1915). Ad dresses : Bankside, Upper Tooting Park, S.W. 17 ; 218, Strand, W.C. 2 ; 240, Lavender Hill, S.W. 11. (011173) PYKE, Capt. WiUiam Thomas, M.B.E. PYLE, Lieut.-Col. George-EUiot, O.B.E. ; s. of T. T Pyle, J.P, of Earsdon, Northumberland ; m. Lurline. d. of Col. J. E. Varty-Rogers, of H.M. Bodyguard. War Work : Commanded Territorial Batt. 1914-19. Address : 19, Onslow Gardens, S.W. Club : Junior United Service. (O7608) PYM, Major Charles Evelyn, O.B.E. PYM, Major Frederick Harry Morris, C.M.G, O.B.E. PYMAN, EUzabeth, M.B.E, 6. 9 Nov. 1892 ; d. of F. H. Pyman, of 82, Fitzjohn's Avenue, Hampstead. Masseuse. War Wort: Assisted in running Hawkstone Park Convalescent Hospital for Officers, AprU, 1916, to July, 1918 ; trained as masseuse and worked in that capacity during the year 1919, both in London and West Hartlepool. Address : 82, Fitzjohn's Avenue, Hampstead, N.W. (M9387) PYNE, Capt. Frederick Dennis, O.B.E, R.E. (T.) QUARMBY, Herbert Henry, O.B.E, 6. 9 Jan. 1883 ; s. of Charles Quarmby, of Horbury, Wakefield ; to. Jessie Symes, d. of the late Christopher James Fry. Educ. : Spalding Grammar School, First-Class Establishment and Accounts Officer, Foreign Office. War Work : Jlesponsible for establish ments dealing with the carrying out of the Blockade. Address : Parkhurst, 38, Bridport Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey. (011174) QUANN, John James, M.B.E. QUARTLEY, Lieut. Arthur Gilbert, M.B.E. QUASS, Phineas, O.B.E, 6. 6 Aug. 1891 ; s. of Michael Quass. Educ. : Univ. CoU. School, and St. John's CoU, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law; sometime Macmahon Law Stu dent, WheweU Scholar in International Law in the Univ. of Cambridge, and holder of the Bar Studentship. War Work : Served in Admiralty and Ministry of Shipping, and later in Mimstry of Food, successively as Assistant Director of Statistics, Director of Requirements, and Assistant Legal Adviser. Address : 2 Paper Bldngs, Temple, London, E.C. 4. (011175) QUAYLE, Lieut.-Col. Edwin, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. QUAYLE, John, O.B.E, 6. 30 Aug. 1876 ; s. of Thomas Quaylo, of Peel, Isle of Man, and Liverpool ; to. Jane, d. of Joseph Pattinson, of Maryport (Cumberland), and Liverpool. Educ. : Liverpool. Chief Engineer, MercantUe- Marine. War Work.- Employed as Chief Engineer in the following vessels of the Elder and Fyffe Steamship Company during whole of war P,e"od, viz : " Barranca," " Reventazon," " Aracataca," Matina," "Manzanares," and thus completing forty-one Atlantic voyages between Aug. 1914, and the Armistice, in these ships. Address : Canonby, 8, Oxford Avenue, Bootle, Liverpool. (03875) QUELCH, Arthur Temple, O.B.E, B.Sc. (Lond.), M.I.Mech.E A.M.I.N.A, 6. 28 Nov. 1874 ; s. of Robert James Welch, of London ; to. Wilhelmina AUce, d. of John Ball, of Swansea. Educ. : City of London School, and Univ. Coll, London. Works Manager, The Manganese Bronze and Brass «°'tr- • War Work : The production of propellers for ships ot His Majesty's Navy, and many other special castings in manganese bronze. Addresses : 41, Breakspears Road, Brpckley, S.E. 4; St. David's Wharf, Westferry Road, .. MiUwaU, E. 14. (01784) QUENNELL, Robert WilUam, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. QUEST, Arthur Charles, O.B.E. QUICK, Lieut. Abraham, M.B.E. QUICK, Eliza Ellen, Mrs., M.B.E. QUICK, Henry James, M.B.E. QUICK, Sidney Curtis, M.B.E. QUILTER, Major Eustace Cuthbert, O.B.E. QUILTER, Joseph Rogers, M.B.E, F.C.I.S, 6. 1865; »¦ of WiUiam Qmlter, of Chelmsford, Essex. Educ : Chelms ford. Chartered Secretary. War Work : Assisted variously m Government departments. Addresses : 104-6, Newgate nrU london. E-C ; Lerryn, Sutton, Surrey. • (M871) OBi? ^aJ°r Cr»u.rles Frederick Talbot Wyndham, QUINAN, Major Edward Pellew, O.B.E, 27th Punj, LA. (011764) QUINCEY, George, M.B.E, R.N. QUINN, George Edwin Walter, M.B.E. QUINN, Major John James, M.B.E, 6. 9 Aug. 1875; '¦ ot John James Quinn ; m. Geraldine Winifred, d. of Richard George Moore. Educ. : St. Fidelis's School, Mussoorie, India. Major, Royal Army Service Corps. War Work: At Pro fession; also specially employed on the introduction of Auto- ma»10. Machine Bakeries into the Army. Club : The United R.A.S.C. (M5753) QUIRK, Capt. Edward John Joseph, M.B.E. ,_QUIRKE, Capt. Raymond FitzwUliam, O.B.E, R.G.A. i?vi , V. „ Professional Associate of Surveyors' Institution, F.R.H.S, 6. 10 April, 1889 ; s. of William Michael Quirke, of Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, and Hove, Sussex, England. Educ : Privately. Surveyor to the Wick Estate, Hove, Sussex ; Assistant Quantity Surveyor on the Staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. War Work : En listed 2/lst Sussex Yeomanry, Sept. 1914 ; transferred to Inns of Court O.T.C, Aug. 1915; Commissioned R.G.A. (S.R.) on July, 1910 ; R.G.A, Sheerness, 1917-18 ; carried out experimental flying tests with R.A.E, Farnborough, and R.A.F. ; appointed Liaison Officer with the R.A.F. and attached to General Staff G.H.Q, Great Britain, 22 Aug. 1918 ; Addresses : 5, Shepherd Market, Curzon Street, Mayfair, W. ; 22, Compton Avenue, Brighton, Sussex. (07610) RABAGLIATI, Major Duncan Silvestro, O.B.E, B.Sc. M.R.CV.S,R.V.S, 6.31 July,1880; s.of A.CF.Rabagliati, of Bradford, Yorkshire ; m. Lucy Evershed, d. of the late Thomas Dale, oi Scoughall, North Berwick. Educ. : Bradford Grammar School, and Edinburgh Univ. Director, Serum Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Egyptian Government. War Work : Capt. R.A.V.C, Feb. to Aug. 1916; Major,, R.A.V.C, Aug. 1916 to July, 1919 ; O.C No. 1 Camel Veterinary Hospital, E B.F. Address: Fidra, Zeitoun, Egypt. Club : Turf, Cairo ; and Silvesto Rabaglati. (06274) RABAN, Brig.-Gen. Sir Edward, K.C.B, K.B.E, late R.E, 6. 8 Aug. 1850; s. of Major-Gen. H. Raban, of Bengal Staff Corps ; to. Edith, e.d. of Col. H. W. P. Welman. Educ. : Sherborne; R.M.A, Woolwich. Address: 35, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. 10. Club : United Service. (K302) RABBIT, Edward Joseph, O.B.E. RABINO, Hyacinth Louis, O.B.E, fi. 17 July, 1877 ; s. of Joseph Rabino (di Borgomale). H.B.M. Consul, Casa blanca, Morocco. Address : 33, St. George's Road, Eccleston Square, London, S.W. 1. (01177) RACKHAM, Lieut. George John, M.B.E. RACTLIFFE, Dorothy Mary, M.B.E, 6. Dec. 1890 ; d. of William Ractliffe, of Preston, Cirencester. War Work : Assistant Commandant and Qr.-Mr. at the Cirencester Red Cross Hospital for two years ; was in Salonika for ten months with the British Red Cross as InvaUd Cook ; afterwards joining the Scottish Women's Hospital (Dr. Elsie Inglis Unit) and going with them to Macedonia and Serbia for one year. Address : Preston, Cirencester, Glos. (M9388) RADCLIFF, Capt Arthur Samuel, O.B.B, R.A.S.C, S.R. RADCLIFFE, Major Arthur S.. O.B.E. ; s. of W. P. Rad- cliff, of Hurdlestown, Kells. War Work : Gazetted 2nd Lieut, Aug. 1914 (Special Reserve) ; served overseas, France, from Dec. 1914, to May, 1920 ; mentioned in despatches, Dec. 1918 ; awarded O.B.E, Jan. 1919 (MiUtary Division). (02685) RADCLIFFE, CecUy, Mrs., O.B.E. RADCLIFFE, Frank, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. RADCLIFFE, Lieut.-Col. Frederick Walter, CM.G, CLE, C.B.E, p.s.c, commanding 2nd Bn, The Dorsetshire Regt, 6. 25 Jan. 1873 ; s. of Gen. G. T. Radcliffe, of Leamside, Leamington, Warwickshire ; to. Mabel Gertrude, d. of Frederic Steward, of Lincoln's Inn. Educ. : Leamington Coll. ; R.M.C Sandhurst. 2nd Lieut, the Dorsetshire Regt, March, 1894 ; Chief of Police, Crete, 1898-99 ; S. African War, 1899-1902, on Staff ; held several Staff appointments ; Lieut.-Col. 2nd Dorsetshire Regt, Oct. 1918. War Work : Mesopotamia, 1914-15 ; commanded 2nd Dorset Regt. ; severely wounded at capture of Kut-el-Amara, Sept. 1915 ; G.S.O. 2 and G.S.O. 1, 58th Division ; Assist. Commandant, R.M.C, 1916-17 ; France, 1917-19 ; Brig.-Gen. ; Oflicier Legion of Honour (France). Addresses : The Bourne, Camberley ; c/o Cox & Co, Charing Cross. Clubs : Junior Army and Navy ; CecU. (C1308) RADCLIFFE, John, M.B.E. RADCLIFFE, Robert, M.B.E, 6. 28 Oct. 1868 ; s. of Capt. R. Radcliffe, of St. Agnes, Cornwall ; to. Johannah, d. of Leonard Rogers, of St. Agnes. Educ. : St. Agnes, and Culham Coll, Oxford. Schoolmaster; Ex-President, N.U.T. (Cornwall County Association) ; Representative to the National Assembly; Member of the Hayle Urban District Council; Advanced Liberal ; ardent Wesleyan. War Work : Sec. of the Local War Savings Association, Hayle ; Member of Hayle Tribunal ; E.O. of Local Food Control Committee. Address : 16, Penpol Road, Hayle, Cornwall. (M9389) RADCLIFFE, Major Seymour Arthur DELME-, O.B.E. RADCLYFFE, Major Charles Raymond, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.A.S.C. (C3125) RADFORD, Beatrice Letitia May, Mrs., O.B.E. RADFORD, Dorothy, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 8 Sept. 1887 ; d. of Capt. J. A. H. Green, C.B.E, of Nottingham ; to. William Ernest, s. of F. R. Radford, of Notttogham. Educ : Privately. War Work : Hon. Qr.-Mr. General Hospital, Nottingham (300 beds), from Oct. 1914, to March, 1919. Address : 35, Luck now Drive, Nottingham. (M2317) RADFORD, Joseph Charles, M.B.E. RADFORD, Lily Anne, Mrs, M.B.E. RADNOR, Jacob, Earl of, CLE, C.B.E, T.D, additional 425 Radstock THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. A.D.C to the Kins, J.P, fi. 8 July, 1868 ; s. of WilUam, 5th Earl of Radnor ; m. JuUan Eleanor Adelaide, d. of Charles Balfour, of Newton Don. Educ. : Harrow ; Trinity Coll, Cam bridge. Alderman, Wilts County Council ; Chairman, WUts Standing Joint Committee ; Chairman, Wilts T.F. Association. War Work : Commanded 4th Batt. -\\ ilts Regt, 1914 ; Col. Dehra Dun Bde, India, AprU, 1915, to April, 1917 (Brig.-Gen.) ; Commanding 52nd Grad. Batt. Notts and Derby Regt, 1917 ; Director Agricultural Production, B.E.F, Jan. 1918-19. Addresses : Longford Castle, SaUsbury ; Cliff House, Sandgate, Kent. Clubs : Carlton ; St. Stephen's. (C1309) RADSTOCK, Granville George, Lord, C.B.E, 6. 1 Sept. 1859 ; s. of 3rd Baron Radstock, of Castletown (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Repton School ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge. War Work : With Y.M.C.A. during the War. Address : May- field, Woolston, Hants. Club : National. (C601) RAE, Alexander Frederick, M.B.E. RAE, Major James Gordon, O.B.E, LA. RAE, Sir James Robert, K.B.E. Master Mercantile Marine. Address : 73, Caledonia Road, Saltcoats, Scotland. (K112) RAEBURN, Sir Ernest Manifold, K.B.E, 6. 13 Dec. 1878 ; s. of Sir W. H. Raeburn, M.P, of Woodend, Helens burgh, N.B. ; m. Greta Mary Alison, d. of Eng.-Capt. James H. Watson, R.N, Educ. : Kelvtoside Academy. Shipowner. War Work : Advisory capacity, Transport Dept, 1915 ; Private Sec. Shipping ControUer, 1916 ; Advisory capacity, Washington, 1917 ; Assistant Director, British Ministry of Shipping, New York, 1918 ; Director-General, British Ministry of Shipping, New York, 1919-20. Address : Auchengower. Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire. Clubs : Caledonian ; Royal Societies' ; Conservative, Glasgow. (K413) RAEBURN, Ernest Manifold, C.B.E. Director of Trans port Depart. Ministry of Shipping. (K413) RAEBURN, William Norman, C.B.E.. M.A, LL.B, K.C, fi. 1877 ; s. of Sir William H. Raeburn, M.P, of Woodend, Helensburgh, N.B. ; m. Mary Irene, d. of Frederick Lennard, of Hove. Educ. : Kelvtoside Academy, Glasgow ; Upping ham School ; Glasgow Univ. Barrister. War Work : Served as assistant to H.M. Procurator-General, and Treasury Solicitor. Addresses : 5, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. ; The Mount, St. John's, Woking. Clubs : Union ; Woking Golf. (C2890) RAFFETY, Harold V., O.B.E. RAFFLES, Capt. Stamford Cecil, O.B.E, R.A.F. RAFTER, Charles Haughton, C.B.E. RAGLAN, George FitzRoy Henry Somerst, Lord, G.B.E, C.B, J.P, D.L, fi. 18 Sept. 1857; s. of Richard, 2nd Lord Raglan (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; m. Lady Ethel Ponsonby, d. of Walter, 7th Earl of Bessborough (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Eton ; Sandhurst. Page of Honour to Queen Victoria, 1868-74 ; late Capt. Grenadier Guards ; late Lieut.-Col. R. Monmouthshire R.E. Militia; now Hon. Col. R. Monmouthshire R.E, Special Reserve ; Under Sec. of State for War, 1900-02, War Work : Lieut. -Governor, Isle of Man. Addresses : Cefn- tiUa Court, T'sk ; 24, Sloane Gardens, S.W. 1 Guards ; Carlton ; Royal Automobile. RAHILLY, Major John Maurice Bisdee, O.B.E R.A.M.C. RAIKES, Ernest Barkley, O.B.E. RAIKES, Francis Edward, M.V.O, O.B.E. RAIKES, Henry St. John Digby, C.B E , J P 6. 23 Dec. 1863 ; s. of The Right Hon. Henry Cecil Raikes', M.P, of Llwynegrin HaU, FUntshire ; m. Annie Lucinda, d. of Gen. D. H. MacKinnon, of 16th Lancers. Educ. : Charter house ; Trin. CoU, Cambridge. Recorder of King's Lynn; Chairman of Derbyshire Quarter Sessions. War Work : Chair man, Derbyshire War Savings Committee ; Chairman, Div II Derbyshire Military Appeal Tribunal ; Member Coal SuppUes Committee for Midlands. Addresses : 10, Eccleston Square 4, Paper BuildingsJTemple, E.C. 4 ; Makeney Lodge, Clubs (G43)M.B, D.L, S.W. 1 ; Derbyshire; Llwynegrin HaU, Flintshire. Club : Carlton. (C2892) RAIKES, Hilda, Mrs, M.B.E. RAIKES, HUda Taunton, M.B.E. RAIKES Capt. Kenneth Cochrane, O.B.E, fi. 9 May 1889 ; s. of Francis Walter Raikes, J.P, of Malpas New port, Mon. ; m. Sybil, d. of the late WiUiam Slater Boddington, of Manchester. Educ. : Shrewsbury School, and Keble Coll Oxford. Barrister-at-law (not practising) ; Assistant Works Manager, Cordes (Dos Works), Ltd, Newport, Mon. War Work : Capt, 1st Monmouthshire Regt, France ; Staff Capt and D.A.Q.M.G, General Headquarters, France. Address ': Fernchffe, Stow Park, Newport, Mon. Club : Vincents, Oxford. (02686) RAIKES, Lieut.-Col. Richard, O.B.E, Can. \ M C RAIKES, Capt. Robert Cecil Montague, O.B.E R i RAIKES, Lieut. Wm. OsweU, O.B.E, R V F RAILTON, James, C.B.E, 6. 10 Mav, 1863 ; s. of the late James Railton, of Malpas, Mon. ; m. Margery d of Llewellyn Wood, J.P, of Gardenhurst, Penarth. Educ : Privately Director of Topham, Jones and Railton, Ltd. ; Alto Parana Development Co, Ltd. War Work: Submarine defence at Scapa Flow ; Erection of Explosive Factories etc ¦ various works in France. Address : St. Leonards, Windsor.' Clubs: Umon; St. Stephen's. fC7m RAINBOW, Wm. Thomas, O.B.E. V ' g^JKE' ?.nd Lieut- John Charles, M.B.E, RA.F. . „,„•,,•' William Stephenson, M.B.E, fi. 10 Jan. 1880 ; s. of WUham Raine, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; m. Eleanor Annie 426 d. of E. A. Bance, of Woolton HiU, Newbury. Educ : High School, Stockton-on-Tees. Engineer and Surveyor to the Hungerford District Counicl. War Work : Hon. Executive Officer to Hungerford and District Food Control Committee ; Propaganda work in connection with Economy and other War Emergency Committees. Address : Hillside, Hungerford. (M9394) RAINEY Major John Wakefield, C.B.E. RAINFORD, Thomas, M.B.E. RAINIER, Gladys Mary, M.B.E. RAINSFORD, Lieut. George, O.B.E. RAIT, Lieut. Alexander Macpherson, M.B.E. (T.), R F A. RAIT, Helen, C.B.E, R.R.C, Chief Lady Superintendent Q.A.M.N.S. for India. War Work: France, Oct. 1914, to Dec. 1915 ; Mesopotamia, 1916, to 1917 ; C.B.E, Sept. 1919 ; twice mentioned in despatches ; 1914 Star ; awarded Royal Red Cross, Dec. 1915 ; Kaisir-i-Hind Medal, 1911. Address : c/o Messrs. Grindlay & Co., 54, Parliament Street, London England. (C2042J RAIT, Robert Sangster, C.B.E, 6. 10 Feb. 1874 ; s. of David Rait, of Aberdeen ; to. Ruth Edith Mary, d. of John C B. Bridge, of Peverel Court, Aylesbury. Educ : Aberdeen Univ.; New Coll, Oxford. Historiographer Royal for Scotland since 1919 ; FeUow of New Coll, Oxford, 1899-1913, and Tutor 1903-13 ; Professor of Scottish History and Literature in the University of Glasgow since 1913. War Work : Served in the War Trade IntelUgence Department from Aug. 1915, to Dec. 1918 ; Sec. of a Departmental Committee of the Department of Information, 1917-18. Address : 31, Lilybank Gardens, or The University, Glasgow. Club : Athenamm. (C602) RAITT, Charles Palmer, M.B.E, M.Inst.J.E, 6. 12 Dec. 1878 ; s. of Daniel Raitt, of Worcester. . Educ. : Secondary School, Dockyard Apprentices' School, Municipal CoU, Ports mouth. Inspector of Engine Fitters, H.M. Dockyard, Malta. War Work : Inspection of Machinery Repairs on H.M. ships at Portsmouth Dockyard till May, 1915, and then in Liverpool District to Nov. 1919. Addresses : 137, St. Augustine Road, Southsea, Hants ; 14, Strada Marina, Senglea, Malta. (M9395) RALEY, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Ensley, O.B.E. RALPH, Alexander, M.B.E, R.N.R. RALSTON, Andrew Agnew, O.B.E. RALSTON, Capt. Gavin, M.B.E.. RA.F. RALSTON, Helen Ripley, Mrs, M.B.E. RAMAGE, Capt. George, M.B.E, R.A.F. RAMAGE, Capt. WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.S.C RAMSAY, Alexander, O.B.E. RAMSAY, Arthur Dennys GUbert, O.B.E. RAMSAY, Capt. Arthur Douglas, O.B.E. RAMSAY, Arihur George, M.B.E. RAMSAY, Eleanor, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of J. T. Hopwood, of Ketton HaU, Stamford ; widow of the late Herbert Murray Ramsay. War Work : For four years Quarter Master and Hon. Sec. of V.A. Detachment Wilts 22 ; one year at the Countess of Suffolk's Hospital, Charlton Park, Malmesbury ; three years at the Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital, Malmesbury. Address: The Beeches, Malmesbury, WUts. (M9297) RAMSAY, Ermyntrude SidweU, Mrs., O.B.E. RAMSAY, Francis Graham, M.B.E. RAMSAY, Capt. Graham ColviUe, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. RAMSAY, Helen Margaret, M.B.E, RAMSAY, James, M.B.E, fi. 14 Dec. 1851 ; s. of the late John Ramsay, Ward of Turin Rescobie, Forfarshire; m. Isabella, d. of Duncan Gilchrist, of Chirnside, Berwickshire. Educ. : Newtyle, Couparangus, and Dundee, Forfarshire. Since 1893, Works Manager at Vickers' Gun Works, Erith. War Work : Mauufacturing guns, gun mountings, gun carriages, shells of various sizes and types ; machine guns, etc, and sights for all sizes of guns. Address : Park Crescent House, Erith, Kent. (M3918) RAMSAY, James, O.B.E, fi. 14 Aug. 1868 ; s. of James Ramsay, of Perth, Scotland. Educ. :' Perth. War Wort : Wagon supplies for traffic arising on Caledonian RaUway. Address: 15, Florida Street, Mount Florida, Glasgow. Clubs: Gleneagles Perthshire ; Caldwell Golf, Renfrewshire. (01787) RAMSAY, Lieut.-Col. James Gordon, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1880. Cameron Highlanders, and an A.A. and Q.M.G. with rank of Lieut.-Col. : served in S. Africa, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-18 (despatches, Croix de Guerre). (O86014) RAMSAY, Capt. Jeffrey, O.B.E, M.D.. R.A.M.C. (T.). RAMSAY, John Maclean, O.B.E, M.A. (Glas.), B.A. (Oxon.), 6. 3 Nov. 1875 ; s. of G. A. Ramsav, of Greenock ; m. Florence Mary, d. of George Smith, of London. Educ. : Greenock Academy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Oxford. Superintendent of Statistics and Intelligence, Board of Agriculture for Scotland, 29, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. War Work : Official work. Address : 10, Merchiston Gardens, Edinburgh. (03877) RAMSAY.MajorKenneth Alan, D.S.O, O.B.E. Canadian Forces ; served in the Great War, 1915-18 (despatches). (06042) RAMSAY, Margaret, Lady, O.B.E, 6. 1868 ; d. of the late Frederick Henvey, of Indian Civil Service ; m. Sir John, K.C.I.E, C.S.I, s. of General Sir H. Ramsay, K.C.S.I, C.B. War Work: Raised and administered a fund called Lady Ramsay's Fund for Comforts for Troops in Baluchistan, India, from 1915-18. Address : c/o Messrs. King & Co, 9, Pall Mall. Club : Kent County. (071) BIOGRAPHIES. Rashleigh RAMSAY, Margaret Evelyn, M.B.E, 6. 16 March, 1898 ; _. of the Rev. A. Ramsay, D.D, of Highgate. Educ: North London Collegiate School. War Work : Junior Administrative Assistant, Ministry of Shipping. (M9399) RAMSAY, Major Ronald Arthur, O.B.E. RAMSAY, WiUiam, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 22 Oct. 1847 ; s. of Alexander Laing Ramsay, of Elgin.; to. Amelia Stirling, d. of the Rev. James Reid, of Auldearn, Nairn. Educ. : Elgin Academy. Hon. Sheriff Substitute for Inverness, Moray, and Nairn; Justice of the Peace for Moray ; Lord Provost of the City of Elgin, 1913-19. War Work : Chairman of War Savings and of Local Tribunal Committees. Address : Longmorn House, Longmorn, Moray, Scotland. Club : Elgin. (C2893) RAMSBOTHAM, Major Herwald, O.B.E. RAMSBOTHAM, Lieut. Richard Bury, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. RAMSBOTTOM, Edmund Cecil, M.B.E, 6. 30 j Sept. 1881 ; s. of E. Ramsbottom, of Manchester. Educ. : Man chester Grammar School. Ministry of Labour. War Work : Board of Trade ; Ministry of Food ; Ministry of Labour ; Bee. of Departmental Food Prices Committee, Address : 58, Blenheim Gardens, Cricklewood, N.W. 2. (M2321) RAMSBOTTOM, James, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, D.P.H, .. 3 Feb. 1884 ; s. of Rev. G. F. Ramsbottom, of Thornham, Lancs. Educ. : Middleton Grammar School, and Manchester Univ. Medical Officer of Health to the Tendring Rural District CouncU; Assistant County Medical Officer of Health for Essex. War Work : Served in German East Africa. 1917-19, as Sanitary Officer for. the Tabora area. Address : Thornham House, Castleton, Manchester. (06523) RAMSBOTTOM, Lieut. John, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. RAMSDALE, Capt. James EUwood, M.B.E. RAMSDEN, Dorothy, Mrs., C.B.E. RAMSDEN, Major Eugene, O.B.B. RAMSDEN, Col. Herbert Frecheville Smyth, C.B.E, J.P. (Sussex), fi. 6 March, 1856 ; s. of the Rev. C H. Ramsden, of Chilnam, Kent ; to. Hon. Edwyna S. E, d. of 17th Baron Saye and Sele (see Bukke'S Peerage), of Broughton Castle, Oxon. Educ. : Felsted School, and R.M.C, Sandhurst. Indian Army (ret.) ; Military Accountant-General, India, 1905-8. War Work : Re-employed as Pay Officer, Indian Troops in England, Dec. 1914, to March, 1916 ; Field Con troller of MUitary Accounts, Indian Force in France, Feb. 1918 to Oct. 1919; despatches, C.B.E. (MU.), 1919. Address: Mostham House, Wadhurst, Sussex. (C1311) RAMSEY, Arthur George, M.B.E, B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.CE. A.M.I.E.E, F.R.S.A, 6. 16 Dec. 1890 ; s. of Arthur James Ramsey, of London, W. 4 ; m. Bertha Elizabeth, d. of the late John Turner Emmett, of Manchester. Educ. : Emmanuel School, S.W. ; Xaverian CoU, Cressier, Neuchatel, Switzer land; Privately at Bonn, Germany; Day Technical Coll. (Univ. of London) ; Battersea Polytechnic, S.W. Electrical and Mechanical Engineer ; 1910-14, with the British Westing- house Electric and Manufacturing Co, Ltd, Manchester ; 1914-19, Scottish District Engineer, H.M. Office of Works (Headquarters, Edinburgh) ; 1919-20, Assistant Engineer, H.M. Office of Works, London, S.W. 1 ; 1920, Engineer, H.M. Office of Works, London, S.W. 1. War Work : Design and instaUation of general and process plant in National Shell Filling Factories, Munition Inspection Bonds, National Saw mills, Government Industrial Mills, plant and Electro-Medical apparatus in hospitals : in addition, the inspection, testing, and purchase of locomotives, cranes, general mechanical and electrical plant for war purposes. Address : H.M. Office of Works, Engineering Division, Westminster, S.W. 1. (M9400) RAMSEY, Florence Edith, Mrs., M.B.E. RANDALL, Alec Walter George, O.B.E, 3rd Secretary H.M.'s Diplomatic Service. RANDALL, Lieut.-Col. Charles Russell JekyI, C.B.E, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C873) RANDALL, Lieut.-Comm. James, O.B.E, 6. 9 May, 1876 ; s. of Col. Randall. Educ. : Sedbergh School. Mer chant. War Work : IntelUgence Division, Admiralty. Ad dress: 6, Pelham Place, S.W. 7. Clubs : Reform; M.CC(0671) RANDALL, Capt. Richard Walter Kimbal, M.B.E, A .P.D. RANDELL, Capt. Alan Summers, O.B.E. RANDELL, Reginald Maurice Henry, M.B.E, M.D.(Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), fi. 26 April 1862 ; s. of Surg.-Major Henry Lloyd RandeU, P.M.O. Straits Settlements. Educ : Welling ton Coll. ; Guy's Hospital. 27 years Member of Beckenham Urban District Council ; Chairman in 1902 and 1919 ; 20 years Chairman Bromley and Beckenham Joint Hospital Board. War Work : M.O, Balgowan Hospital, Kent V.A.D. 96 ; Capt, Kent R.A.M.C(V.) ; awarded King Albert's Medal for services to Belgians. Address : 10, Copers Cope Road, Beckenham, Kent. Club : Constitutional. (M9401) RANDOLPH, George Boscawen, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 28 Oct. 18o4; s. of the late Rev. Leveson Cyril Randolph, of Hill House, Streatham Common, S.W. Educ. : Marlborough Coll. LP. (Oxfordshire) ; Chairman of the Education Committee M the Oxfordshire County Council, 1919-20. War Work : National War Savings work in the County. Address : Steeple Aston, Oxon. (011182) RANDOLPH, Thomas Henry, O.B.E. » RANKEN, Cadet Capt. Charles Ernest," M.B.E, fi. 27 Feb. J.867 ; g. of Samuel Ranken, of Chelsea. Educ. : Western Grammar School. London District Sec, The Boys' Brigade, Joint CouncULondon J.O.C (Boardof Education). War Work : Leader, the Boys' Brigade Recreation Huts Base Camp (Prance) VMtation2ndLondonGeneralHospital. Addresses: 3,Gressen- hall Road, S.W. 18 ; 34, Paternoster Row, E.C. 4. (M9402) RANKEN, Wing-Comm. Francis, O.B.E, R.A.F. RANKIN, Alexander Donald, O.B.E. RANKIN, Lieut.-Comm. Franois James, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. RANKIN, Major Frederick Powlett, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. RANKIN, George WiUiam, M.B.E. RANKIN, Capt. Henry Charles Deans, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, R.A.M.C, fi. 16 Sept. 1888 ; s. of Henry O. D. Rankin, of Skelmorlie, Ayrshire ; m. Edith Watson, d. of James Gardner, of Skelmorlio, Ayrshire. Educ. : Stanley House, Bridge of Allan; Glasgow Academy ; Glasgow Univ. Address: Briar- field, Skelmorlie, Ayrshire. Club : Junior United Service. (O8601fi) RANKIN, Hugh Fraser, O.B.E, F.B.I.S, 6. 10 Nov. 1868; s. of Andrew Rankin, of Stratherrick ; m. Margaret Elizabeth, d. of WUliam Ramsay, of Glasgow. Educ. : Fort WUliam Public School; Edinburgh Univ.; Caen (France). Civil Servant in Ministry of Food, formerly Principal, Anglo-Chinese Coll, Amoy. War Work : Inspecting Schools in Scotland, 1916 ; making Munitions in Royal Scottish Museum Edinburgh, for 2 months ; in Ministry of Food since Jan. 1917 ; at present, Sec. of Butter and Cheese Import Committee. Addresses : 30, Moston Terrace, Edinburgh ; Ruskin Manor, Denmark Hill (London). Clubs : Overseas ; Moray House. (0672) RANKIN, John Arthur, M.B.E. RANKIN, Mary Ellen, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 28 Aug. 1880 ; d. of William Macdonald, of P. W. Department, India ; to. James Thomson, s. of James Rankin, of Carluke. Educ : Privately. War Work : Vice-President,' St. John's Ambulance War Gift Dept, DarjeeUng ; worked for Soldier's Club, Darjeel- ing ; worked for Lady Carmichael's Bengal Women's War Fund in Calcutta and DarjeeUng ; organised Howrah Fete, 1917. Address : c,o Messrs. Grindlay & Co, Calcutta and London. (M6229) RANKIN, Major Thomas, O.B.B. RANKIN, Lieut. WUliam Robert Theodore, M.B.E, and Order of St. Stanislav of Russia, 6. 14 June, 1881 ; s. of Hamilton Rankin, late of The Stock Exchange, London ; m. Florence, d. of Charles Stevens, of Barnet, Herts. Educ. : Privately. Member of the London Stock Exchange. War Work : Temporary Commission in Royal Army Service Corps ; served in France and North Russia ; was O.C. R.A.S.C, Onega, from Sept. 1918, to July, 1919, and was awarded Order of St. Stanislav (3rd class) with swords and ribbons, by the Archangel Government. Address : Wimpson Farm, Mill- brook, Southampton. (M6979) RANKINE, Professor Alexander Oliver, O.B.E, D.Sc, fi. 1881 ; s. of Rev. John Rankine, of Guildford ; m. Ruby Irene, d. of Samuel Short, of Reading. Educ. : GuUdford Grammar School ; Univ. Coll, London. Professor of Physics in the Imperial Coll. of Science aud Technology, South Kensing ton. War Work : Chief Research Assistant, Admiralty Experimental Station, Harwich, 3 917-18: Deputy Resident Director of Research, Admiralty Experimental Station, Dart mouth, 1918. Addresses : Imperial Coll. of Science and Tech nology S.W. 7 ; 9, Birch Grove, Acton W. 3. (03878) RANKINE, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Roger Aiken, O.B.E, M.B, R.N. RANKINE, William, M.B.E. RANN, Major AUred Edward, O.B.E, M.C. RANSOM, Herbert Charles, M.B.E. RANSOME, Edward Coleby, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1 Sept. 1864 ; s. of late James Edward Ransome, of Holmewood, Ipswich ; to. Florence Mitford, d. of the late Rev. J. J. Smith, of Loddon, Norfolk, sometime tutor of Caius Coll, Cambridge. Educ. : Haileybury and Pembroke Coll, Cambridge. Chair man, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies Ltd. War Work : Member of Advisory Committee of the Argicultural Machinery Depart ment, Ministry of Munitions. Address : Highwood, Ipswich. Clubs : British Empire ; County Club, Ipswich. (011183) RANSON, Capt. Joseph Barlow, O.B.E. RANSON, Lieut. Percy, O.B.E, R.N.R. RAPER, Major Ernest Charles, O.B.E. RAPER, Lieut.-Col. Henry Stanley, C.B.E, R.E. Served to the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1749) RAPHAEL, Effie, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of John Galloway, of Kilmeny, Ardrossan ; m. Robert Walker, s. of John Raphael, of Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Educ. : Glasgow and London. War Work : In the Huts of Soldiers' Christian Association at Convalescent Camps at Rouen and Buchy, at 5 different periods between 1915 and 1919; returned from France in Feb 1919, when the Camps and Huts were closing down. Ad dress : Kincaid House, Milton-of-Campsie, Stirlingshire. Club : Kelvin, Glasgow. RAPKIN, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Geoffrey Jennings, n B F "R N RAPLEY, Lieut. WilUam Sydney, M.B.E, R.E. RASHBROOK, Engr.-Capt. Henry Samuel, C.B.E, R.N. On Staff of Rear-Admiral, Falmouth. (C£2fT7) RASHLEIGH, Capt. Vernon Stanhope, C.B.E, R.N., 6 1897 ; s. of George Vernon Rashleigh ; formerly of Lust- le'i»h Devon ; m. 1909, Dorothy Richendra, d. of John Cooper WUkinson, M.B, of Ashford, Kent. Educ. : Christ's Hospital. War Work : 1914-19, with Ocean Escort (despatches). Ad dress : Erskine House, Erskine Hill, N.W. Club : Junior United Service. (C1203) 427 Rasmusen THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. RASMUSEN, Capt. Charles Francis, O.B.E, R.A.F. RATCLIFF, Major Charles John, O.B.E. RATCLIFF, Constance Lilian, O.B.E, fi. 30 April, 1877 ; d. of Richard Ratcliff, of Stanford Hall, Loughborough. War Work : Commandant, Race Course Hospital, Cheltenham, from Oct. 1914, to March, 1919 ; Address : Southam Delabere, Prestbury, Glos. Clubs : Ladies' Park ; V.A.D. Ladies'. (0674) RATCLIFF, Sidney, M.B.E, R.N. RATCLIFFE, Lieut. Charles Plummer, M.B.E, R.E. RATCLIFFE, Henry Stephenson, O.B.E. RATCLIFFE, Herbert Coakley, M.B.E. RATCLIFFE, Lieut. Herbert James, O.B.E. RATHBONE, Capt. Charles Arthur, O.B.E. RATHBUN, Aileen, Mrs, M.B.E, R.A.F. RATSEY, Major Harold Edward, C.B.E, D.S.O. RATTEY, Eng.-Comm. William, O.B.E, R.N. RATTRAY, Francis Cochrane, O.B.E. RATTRAY, Col. Paul Robert BURN-CLERK-, C.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 1859 ; s. of the Rev. John Alexander Higgins Burn-Murdoch, of Neuch, Larbert, Stirlingshire ; to. 1910, Ferelith, d. of Sir James Henry Ramsay, 10th Bart, (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : R.M.A. Formerly Col. R.E. ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1902 (despatches twice) commanded R.E, Highland Dist. 1914-18 ; assumed by deed poll, 1910, the surname of Burn-Clerk-Rattray, in lieu of his patronymic. Address : Craighall-Rattray, Blairgowrie. Clubs : United Service ; New (Edinburgh). (C803) RATTRAY, Robert Sutherland, M.B.E. RAVEN, Lieut. Norman Vincent, M.B.E. RAVEN, Sir Vincent Litchfield, K.B.E, M.I.C.E, M.I.M.E. Engineering pupil with the Chief Engineer, N.E.R, afterwards holding many positions with N.E.lt, until appointed Chief Assist. Mech. Eng. 1902, in charge of wagon, engine and carriage building, and repairing establishments ; Chief Mechanical Engineer, North Eastern Railway Co, since 1910 ; Chief Superintendant, Royal Arsenal Factories, Woolwich, 1915-17 ; ControUer of Armament Production, Admiralty, since 1917 ; returned to N.E.R. in previous capacity, 1919. Address : Chief Mechanical Engineer, North Eastern RaUway, DarUngton. Club : Wellington. RAVENSCROFT, Capt. and Asst.-Paymaster John Arthur, O.B.E, A.P.D. RAVENSHAW, Rose Constance, Mrs. Hurdis Secundus Lalande, O.B.E. RAW, Rev. Albert Edward, O.B.E, CF, 6. 24 May, 1862 ; s. of Rev. N. Raw, Wesleyan Minister ; m. Gertrude Maria, (died Dec. 24, 1919), d. of the late Francis Bretherton, of Tun bridge Wells. Educ. : Kingswood School, Bath. Wesleyan Minister. Temp. Chaplain 4th Class. War Work : Chaplain to Forces, SaUsbury Plain, Aug. 1914 to Oct. 1918 (mentioned) ; A.P.C, S. Command, Oct. 1918, to March, 1919 ; A.P.O., E. Command, March, 1919, to Aug. 1920. Address : No. 3/65 Elgin Crescent, Notting Hill, W. (07613) RAWBONE, Annie Christine, Mrs, O.B.E. (012056) RAWES, Stanley, O.B.E, 6. 31 Dec. 1873 ; s. of the late James Rawes, of Lisbon ; to. Amy Jane, d. of Errington Dawson, O.B.E, of Lisbon. Educ. : Dover College. Partner in James Rawes & Co, Lisbon. War Work : Providing office accommodation for British InteUigence Department and Senior Naval Transport Officer. Address : c/o James Rawes 1? (CZM) REID, Capt. Isaac William, M.B.B, R.E. REID, IsabeUa Elizabeth, M.B.E. REID, James, M.B.E, D.L. REID, Lieut. James, M.B.E, R A.O.C REID. Paymaster-Lieut. Joseph Alfred, O.B.E, R.N.R. REID, Lieut. Lionel, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. REID, Maria Jane, Mrs, M.P.E. ,,_.,.„. j REID May, C.B.E, fi. 1 May, 1882 ; d. ot the- late Edward Jervis Reid. War Work: Acting County See County of London Branch, British Red Cross Society. Address : 137 Ladbroke Road,' London, W Club : V.A.D. Ladies' (C|898) HF1D Pauline. Mrs., O.B.E. (Ol^uua) BEID. Lfeut -Col. Percy Lester, O.B.E, fi 20 Nov. 1882; s of Percy T. Reid. of Mill Hall, Cuckfield ; to. M. 13. Fergusspn. Educ ¦ Eton. One of the first regular officers to receive the order. War Work: Joined B.E.F. to 1914 ; Commanded 2nd Batt. Irish Guards, and end of warwas at G.H.Q, France , 431 Reid THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. four times mentioned in despatches. Address : Thorpe MandeviUe Manor, Banbury. Clubs: Guards'; Bath. (01795) REID, Robert, O.B.E. REID, Capt. Robert Alburne, O.B.E, R A.F. REID, Robert Whyte, C.B.E, 6. 25 leb. 1885; s. of WUliam Paton Reid, C.B.E, of Belmont Crescent, Glasgow retired Loco Supt, North British RaUway; to. Frances Mary, d. of Edward Mclnnes, of The Old HaU, Littleover, Derby. Educ : Dimdee High School, and Royal Technical Coll, Glasgow. Trained as an Engineer in Glasgow and elsewhere; joined Midland Railway, 1909, as Assistant Works Manager, Carriage and Wagon Dept. ; held progressive positions until appointed Carriage and Wagon Supt, Midland RaUway, May, 1919. War Work : Acted as Carriage and Wagon Supt. during the absence, of D. Bain, C.B.E, in the Ministry of Munitions, and was responsible for special rolling stock required in con nection with war purposes in this country and overseas. Address : South Avenue, Littleover, Derby. (C2894) REID, Thomas, M.B.E. REID, Thomas Ebenezer, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 1869 ; s. of Thomas E. Reid, of Armagh; to. Annie Margretta, B.A, d. of Robert Mann, of Hockley. Educ. : Armagh. Sec. to County Council, and Clerk to the Local Authority for the County of Armagh War Work : Hon. Sec. Comforts Fund, Royal Irish Fusiliers ; Hon. Sec. Co. Recruiting Committee ; Hon. Sec. to Reception Committee for Dish Canadian Rangers, Irish Fusiliers, and Irish Guards ; Hon. Sec. Distress Committee for Co. Armagh ; Hon. Sec. Belgian Relief Committee, Armagh District. Address : County Court House, Armagh ; Little CastlediUon. Armagh. Club : Armagh City. (M10252A) REID, Capt. Thomas Morley, O.B.E. REID, Major Walter Clarke, O.B.E, LA. REID, Major Sir William, Knt. Bach, M.B.E., J.P, s. of the late William Reid, of Glenhead, Benzie, Provost of Largs, 1915-18: Chairman, Royal Glasgow Asylum for the Blind, 1918-21 ; Vice-Chairman of Advisory Committee to the Scottish Board of Health on the care and supervision of the Blind, 1918-21 Address: Hutton Park, Largs, Ayrshire. Clubs: National Liberal; Scottish Liberal (Edinburgh); Liberal (Glasgow); Royal Scottish Automobile; Royal Gourock Yacht. (M9427) REID, WiUiam, M.B.E. REID, WUUam Macdonald, M.B.E, 6. 27 Sept 1873 ; s. of WUliam Reid, of Dungarvan ; m. Jane Coulter Amelia, d. of Samuel Gilmore, M.D, of Castleblayney. Educ : Royal School, Cavan. Solicitor. War Work : Recruiting Services. Ad dress : Church Street, Cavan. Club : Co. Cavan. (M9428) REID, WUliam Paton, C.B.E, S. 8 Sept. 1854; s. of Robert Reid, of Glasgow. Locomotive Superintendent, North British RaUway. War Work : Gun Mountings, Transport Wagons, etc. Address : 15, Belmont Crescent, Glasgow. (C2900) REID, Dame Clarissa GUTHRIE-, D.B.E. ; d. of Wm. Harnett Blanch ; m. James Guthrie Reid. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Founder and Hon. Sec. of the Anglo-South American Central Depot and Club. Address : 2, Queen's Gate, S.W. 7. (D29) REILLY, Major Bernard Rawdon, O.B.E. REILLY, Professor Charles Herbert, O.B.E, M.A (Cantab.), F.R.I.B.A, 6. 1871 ; s. of Charles ReUly, of High House, Upminster, Essex ; m. Dorothy Gladys, d. of James Jerram Pratt, of Bournemouth. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School, and Queens' Coll, Cambridge. Professor of Archi tecture, Univ. of Liverpool ; Vice-Chairman, Liverpool Repertory Theatre Co, ; Member of Board of Architectural Education, R.I. B.A. ; late Member of Council of the Royal Institute of British Architects. War Work : H.M. Inspector, Munitions Areas, Liverpool and N. Wales. Address : Univ. Liverpool. Club : Univ. Liverpool. (011195) REILLY, Lieut. Charles Oliver Caloott, M.B.E, LA. REILLY, Major James Myles Townsend, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 23 April, 1855 ; s. of the late Capt. J. M. T. ReUly, of Scarva, Co. Down, Deland ; to. Frances Isabel, d. of Dr. S. Spranger. Major, Royal InniskiUing FusUiers (ret.). War Work : Sub- Area Commander for Recruiting from Aug. 1914-18. Address : 18, Royal Crescent, Bath. Clubs : Junior United Service ; Bath and County. (08961) REILLY, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, M.B.E. REISS, Lieut.-Col. Alexander, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 27 March, 1871 ; s. of Frederick Reiss, of 42, Pont Street, London, S.W. ; to. Angelique Constance, d. of WilUam Candy, of 183, Ashley Gardens, London, S.W. Educ. : Winchester. War Work : Interpreter, Sept. 1914 ; joined Cheshire Regt. (new Army), Oct. 1914; 2nd in command 12th (S.) Batt. March, 1915, transferred to R.A.F. 1 April, 1918 ; Assist. ControUer, Aircraft France and Salonica ; later, Deputy Assist. Director, W.O. ; transferred to R.A.F. 1 AprU, 1918: Assist. Controller, Aircraft Production Dept, attached Minintry of Munitions, 1 Jan. 1918. Address : 30, Hans Mansions, London, S.W. 1. Clubs : Cavalry ; Hurlingham ; M.C.C. (C2348) REISS, Charles, C.B.E, B.A. (Oxon.), 6. 7 Sept. 1873 ; s. of F. Reis.-, ut 4^, Pont Street, S.W. 1 ; m. Esme, d. of A. P. MacEwen. Educ : Harrow-on-the-HiU, and Christ Church, Oxford. War Work : Sec. to the Liner Requisition at the Ministry of Shipping. Address: 22, Hans Place, London, S.W. 1. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (C1028) REISS, PhyUis EmUy, Mrs., M.B.E. REITH, Alexander Murray, O.B.E , M.S. A, J.P, fi 432 18 Sept. 1885 ; s. of Wm. Reith, of Aberdeen. Educ. ¦ Aberdeen, and Edinburgh. Partner in firm of Richardson and Cruddas, Engineers, Bombay and Madras. War Work ¦ Deputy Sec. to Government, Bombay, in charge of War Resources in 1918 ; one of the founders of the " Bombay Scottish." Clubs : Royal Bombay Yacht ; Caledonian. (08292) REITH, Jan Stuart, M.B.E. RELPH, John WilUam, M.B.E. RELTON, Arthur John, C.B.E, F.C.I.I, 6. 4 Nov. 1856 - s. of the late Francis Boyer Relton, of St. Leonards-on-Sea •' to. Geraldine Victoria, d. of Daniel Thomas Lyons Clanchy, of CharleviUe, Co. Cork. Educ. : Chatham House, Ramsgate,' and Oberlahnsteto-am-Rhine ; Fellow of Chartered Institute of Insurance ; Member of Aircraft Insurance Committee ; Manager of Fire and other Departments, Guardian Insurance Co, 1888-1915. War Work : Member of War Risks Insurance Committee (Govt.). Clubs : Junior Athenaeum ; Sandy Lodge Golf. (C274) REMINGTON, Alfred Arnold, O.B.E, M.LMechE M.I.A.E, A.F.Ae.S, fi. 25 April, 1877 ; s. of John Remington' of Birmingham. Past-President, Institution of AutomobUe Engineers ; Technical Director Karrier Motors, Ltd, Hudders field. War Work : Engineer in connection with production of Aeronautical Engines. Address : Overdale, Wylde Green. Club : Royal Automobile. (011196) REMINGTON, Capt. Peroy Thordon, M.B.E. REMNANT, Lieut.-Col. Sir James Farquharson, Bart, C.B.E. ; m. Frances EmUy, d. of late Robert Gosling, of Hasse- bury, Bishop-Stortford. Educ. : Harrow, and Magdalen CoU , Oxford. Called to the Bar, 1886 ; M.P. for Holborn since 1900 ; Member L.CC. for Holborn, 1892-1900. Address : The Grange, Twyford, Berks. Clubs : Constitutional ; United(C1750) RENAUD, Lieut.-Col. Ernest James, O.B.E. RENDALL, Percy John, O.B.E, M.D, fi. 26 July, 1861 ; s. of John Rendall, of Inner Temple ; m. Edith, d. of E. Watson, of Buckhurst HIU. Educ. : Repton ; King's Coll, London ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Medical Officer, Special CUnics at Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, and Victoria Cottage Hospital, Woking, under Surrey County CouncU, War Work : Lieut. R.A.M.C. ; CUn. Apt. Skin Dept. Middlesex Hospital ; M.O.-in-charge Special Clinic, Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich ; mentioned in despatches, Feb. 1919. Address : 28a, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. (011841) RENDALL, Capt. Thomas Shuttleworth, O.B.E. RENDEL, Major Richard Meadows, O.B.E, R.A. RENDEL, 2nd Lieut. WiUiam Vincent, M.B.E. RENDELL, Robert George, C.B.E. Organised Newfound land Cadet Corps. (C2011) RENDELL, Lieut.-Col. Walter Frederick, C.B.E. RENDLE, Evangeline Annette Harriett, Mrs. (Eva), M.B.E, fi. 1855 ; d. of Thomas Saunders Cave, of Branclifle Grange, Yortahire, and Rossbrin, Co. Cork, Ireland ; m. Arthur Edgcumbe, s. of WiUiam Edgcumbe Rendle, London. Educ. : England and France. War Work : Superintendent of Indexing Staff of Prize Court Branch of Treasury SoUcitor's Dept. Law Courts, for 5_ years. Address : 28, Lebanon Park, Twickenham. (M3927) RENDLE, Lieut. WilUam Edgcumbe, O.B.E. RENFREW, Lieut. Robert, M.B.E. RENNET, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. David, M.B.E, M.D, D.P.H, R.A.M.C. (T.), 6. 19 Jan. 1866 ; s. of David Rennet, LL.D, of Aberdeen ; m. Elizabeth, d. of — Foggo, of Braemar. Educ. : Grammar School ; Univ. Aberdeen. Medical Officer of Health, City of Chester. War Wort: SpeciaUst Sanitary Officer, Western Command, Sept. 1914, to March, 1919. Address : Cluny, Queen's Park, Chester. (M5568) RENNICK, Major Denis Kingston, M.B.E, LA. RENNIE, Comm. Alexander, O.B.E, R.N.R. RENNIE, Capt. Andy Gerald, M.B.E. RENNIE, Lieut. George, M.B.E. RENNIE, (Cadet) Lieut.-Col. Horace Watt, C.B.E, fi. 6 May, 1866 ; s. of the late James Rennie, of Edgbaston ; m. Margaret Maude, d. of Robert Dixon, of Truro, CornwaU. Educ. : K.E. High School, Birmingham ; Mason's Science CoU. Trained as MetaUurgical Chemist and Mining Engineer ; MetaUurgist to Pahang Corporation, Ltd. (Malay States) ; at present partner in firm of James Rennie & Co, Metal Merchants, Birmingham (founded 1868). War Work : Not passed for active service, being over age ; joined Warwickshire Rifle Corps, Sept. 1914 ; received Cadet Commission, Mav, 1915 ; later appointed County Staff Officer for Cadets, Warwickshire, to supervise organisation and training of the 60 Cadet Companies under command of Brig.-Gen. W. R. Ludlow, C.B, T.D. ; stiU hold this appointment, and granted C.B.E. for services rendered during the war. Addresses : The Gable House, Hazelwell, Birmingham : 54, Exchange Buildings, Birmingham. Club : Old Edwardrans'. (C2901) RENNIE, Capt. WilUam Hoyles, M.B.E. RENOUF, Lieut. Cyril Peroival, O.B.E. RENSHAW, Lieut. John WilUam, M.B.E, R.N. RENSHAW, Samuel Henry, O.B.E, J.P. RENTON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. William Clifford, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. RENWICK, Sir Harry (Benedetto), K.B.E, 6. 13 June, 1861 ; s. of Andrew Renwick, of Windscr ; m. Frederica Louisa, d. of Robert Laing, of Stirling, N.B. Educ. : Brunswick BIOGRAPHIES. Rhodes House, Windsor, and Privately. Chairman and Managing Director of the County of London Electric Supply Co. Ltd, of the Bournemouth and Poole Electricity Supply Co, Ltd., of the South London Electric Supply Co, Ltd, of the Richmond (Surrey) Electric Light aud Power Co, Ltd, of the Coatbridge and Airdrie Electric Supply Co, Ltd, of the Lower Thames Land and Power Co, Ltd. ; Director of the South Metropolitan Electric Supply Co, Ltd. ; Chairman of the Provincial Electric Supply Committee of the United Kingdom, and other companies ; Member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers. War Work : Director of Feeding Stuffs, Ministry ofFood, 1917-18 ; and served on several Government Com mittees. Address: Burnham, Chartfleld Avenue, Putney Hill, S.W. Club : City of London ; Gresham ; St. Stephen's ; Automobile. (K414) RENWICK, Capt. John, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. REPTON, Guy George, M.B.E, 6. 16 Aug. 1861 ; s. of George WiUiam John Repton, late M.P. Warwick, and Lady Jane Repton, daughter of third Duke of Leinster (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; m. Marion Emily, d. of John James Knight. Educ. : Eton and Oxford. War Work : Metropolitan Special Constabu lary; now Commandant "G" Division. Addresses: 29, Curzon Street, Mayfair, W. ; Winchfleld House, Winchfleld, Hants. Cftifis: Carlton; Bachelors'. (M9431) RESIDE, Capt. David Alexander, M.B.E. RESTALL, Walter Tapley, O.B.E, fi. 10 Dec. 1858 ; s. of Robert Restall ; to. Edith Jessie, d. of WUliam Pugh. Senior Clerk in H.M. Exchequer and Audit Department ; served as Private Secretary to Sir John A. Kempe, K.C.B, late Compt. and Auditor-General, and to Sir Henry J. Gibson, K.C.B, Compt. and Auditor-General. Address: Rothesay, 14, Parkside, Hampton Wick. (01798) RESTLER, Squadron-Leader James Douglas Kendall, O Ti F RAF RETALLACK, Major John Ley, O.B.E. REVELL, Alfred Edgar, O.B.E. (011788) REVILLON, 2nd Lieut. Joseph Whistler, O.B.E, R.E. REVNELL, Rev. Arthur Jesse, O.B.E, 6. 24 Feb. 1877 ; s. of WilUam Fry Revnell, of London : to. AUce Louisa, d. of Henry Gould Barker, of Dover. Educ. : Martyr Memorial School, and Richmond Coll. Superintending Wesleyan Chaplain in India. War Work : Chaplain to the Forces in Mesopotamia. Address ; Abbeyfeale Lodge, Simla. Club : United Service (Simla). (04246) REW, Lieut.-Col. Charles Edward Daliel Oldham, O.B.E. REYNARDSON, Lieut.-Col. Arthur ACLAND-HOOD-, O.B.E, J.P, 6. Dec. 1859 ; s. of Sir Alexander Acland-Hood, Bart, of St. Audries, Somerset ; m. Miriam Anne, d. of Col. Birch-Reynardson, of Holywell HaU, Stamford. Educ. : Eton. Retired, 1906— as a Major to the Rifle Brigade. War Work : 1914, InteUigence (Home) ; 1915, Camp Commandant to T.I.G.C, B.E.F, Mediterranean ; 1916-19, Commanded a Batt. of Cheshire Regt. Address : Ranworth HaU, Norwich. C7m6 : Travellers'. (07172) REYNAUD, Capt. Edward Henry, M.B.E, R.M.A, fi. 8 Oct. 1874 ; s. of Henry Frederick Reynaud, of Valetta, Malta. Educ. : Lyceum, and Malta Univ. Acting Staff Capt, No. 1 Section, Malta. War Work : Orderly Officer to G.O.C, No. 1 Section, on Staff since 1917 ; Acting Staff Capt, No. 1 Section and twice acted as Staff Officer to the General commanding No. 1 Section. Malta, and A.O. Royal ArtiUery. Address : 2, Sda. Molini, Valetta, Malta. Club : Casino Maltese. (M6695) REYNISH, Capt. James Bruce, M.B.E, B.A, B.Sc, H.M.I, fi. 14 April, '1879 ; s. of the late James Reynish, of Poole, Dorset ; m. AUeen, d. of the Rev. F. W. AveUng, M.A, B.Sc, of Twickenham, Middlesex. Educ. : London Univ, and St. John's CoU, Oxford. H.M. Inspector of Schools, Board of Education. War Work : Capt. R.E. Chemical Warfare, Anti-Gas Section; Officer-in-charge Inspection Depots. Address : 712, Chester Road, Stretford, Lancs. (M5569) REYNOLDS, Lieut. Andrew Bishop, M.B.E, R.N, ft. 1 Feb. 1870. Divisional Officer of Coastguard. War Work : Examining Officer (N.E.S.), Berehaven, 1914-17 ; Assistant King's Harbour Master and Coaling Officer, Berehaven, 1917- 19; Divisional Officer of Coastguard, Castletown Division, 1919-20. Address : 49, Blenheim Street, HuU, Yorkshire. (Ml 0487) REYNOLDS, Comm. Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 30 Oct. 1866; s. of Matthew Reynolds, of HucknaU Torkard, Notts ; to. Elizabeth Francis, d. of James AeUens, of Hastings. Educ : HucknaU Torkard, Notts. Over 33 years' service as a Salvation Army Officer. War Work : Manager of the Salvation Army Hut, Shomcliffe, 6 months, the Salvation Army Naval and Military Chatham Home, for three years, and the Salvation Army Naval and MUitary Home, Dover, for one year. Address : 130a, Snargate Street, Dover. (M9433) REYNOLDS, Arthur Charles, M.B.E, 6. 13 April, 1875 ; *• of R. C. Reynolds, R.N, of Portsmouth ; to. Edith, d. of James Brewtey, of Windsor. Educ : Christ's Hospital, Newgate Street, B.C. Master Mariner, Trinity House Steam Vessel Service. War Work : General sea work in the Harwich area throughout the whole period of the war ; for Trinity House and Admiralty, maintaining the war channel ; locating and surveying wrecks ; buoying mine fields, etc. Address : 1, Alexandra Road, Dovercourt, Essex. (M3929) REYNOLDS, Clement Unsworth, M.B.E. REYNOLDS Lieut.-Col. Edgar Hercules, O.BE, 6. 20 Oct. 1878; 's. of Capt. R. H. Reynolds, of Svdney ; m. Frances Lucy, d. of Francis Adams, of Sydney. Educ : St. Aloysius Coll, and Univ. of Sydney. Seconded from the Royal Australian ArtiUery to the Genera] Staff ; now G.S.O, 1st Grade, at Dist. H.Q Sydney. War Work: Director of MUitary Operations at Army H.Q. (Melbourne, Australia), Aug. 1914 to March 1916 organised the Australian Flying Corps and commanded the 1st Squadron ; appointed at War Office, May 1916, to organise the A.F.C and act as Liaison Officer ; served on Australian H.Q. in France as G.S. 0.2 until appointed Staff Officer Australian Flying Corps ; appointed Director of Military Art, R.M.C, Duntroon, Oct. 1918. Address : Victoria Barracks, Sydney. Club : New South Wales (Sydney). (O1800) REYNOLDS, Capt. Ernest Brayley, O.B.E, M.R.CV.S, R.A.V.C, 6. 3 Jan. 1879 ; s. of James Henry Reynolds, of Daventry. Veterinary Surgeon ; Professor at Royal Veterin ary Coll, London. War Work : Served through South African War ; served in France, then in Mesopotamia, commanding the veterinary hospital at Baghdad, and later on the North west Frontier, India. Address : Royal Veterinary College, Camden Town, London. (06692) REYNOLDS, Ethel Maude, M.B.E. REYNOLDS, Col. Frank Romilly, O.B.E, R.F. REYNOLDS, Harold Bulkely, O.B.E. REYNOLDS, Harriet Sarah, Mrs., M.B.E. REYNOLDS, Henry George, M.B.E, 6. 1873; s. of the late Henry Niblett Reynolds, of Bristol ; to. Beatrice Elizabeth, d. of the late Henry Fisher, of Bristol. Educ. : British School, Bedminster, Bristol. Secretary ; appointed Divisional Sec. South Midland Division, Young Men's Christian Association, 1916. War Work : Organising Sec. for military work in the counties of Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Hertfordshire. Address : 144, Blrchfield Road, Northamp ton. (M3930) REYNOLDS, Major Herbert James Blakemore, O.B.E. ; s. of John James Reynolds, of Manchester. Educ : Sedbergh. Mining Engineer (private practice). War Work : Officer of the R.A.S.C (T.F.) ; O.C. R.A.S.C, Cyprus, 1914-15 ; Mediter ranean Exped. Force, GaUipoli, 1915 ; Egyptian Exped. Force, 1916 ; Mesopotamian Exped. Force, commanding 596 Co. R.A.S.C, M.T, 1916-19. Addresses : Parr's Bank Buildings, 3 York Street, Manchester ; 16, Knowsley Road, Southport, Lancs. • (02295) REYNOLDS (late Major), Louis George Stanley, O.B.E, (T.F. and R.A.F.), 6. 23 Dec. 1883 ; s. of the late Col. E. Swatman Reynolds, of Indian Staff Corps. Educ. : Bradfleld, and BaUiol. Civil Servant; Private Sec. to Under Sec. of State for War (Col. Seely), Jan, to June, 1912 ; Private Sec. to Q.M.G. to the Forces (Sir J. S. Cowans), July, 1912, to Aug. 1916. War Work : Private Sec. to Q.M.G, War Office, outbreak of war tiU Aug. 1916 ; Aeronautical Contracts Dept, Aug. 1916, to May, 1917 ; R.F.C. and R.A.F. (Flying Officer and Flight Comm.), May, 1917, to March, 1919 ; S.0.2, Air Ministry, April to May, 1918. Chevalier Legion d'Honneur. Address: 2, Stanhope Gardens, S.W. 7. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; R.A.F. (07621) REYNOLDS, Margaret Maude, Mrs., M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. REYNOLDS, Capt. Philip George, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. REYNOLDS, Reginald Carey, O.B.E, M.Inst.T, A.C.I.S, fi. 9 Feb. 1883 ; s. of Herbert Reynolds, of London ; to. Rosa Stella, d. of Powell S. Tripp, of Manchester. Educ. : Borden Grammar School, Kent. War Work : Chairman of Advisory Committee ; Chairman of Divisional Board, and Divisional Road Transport Officer ; Road Transport Board, North Western Division ; various transport undertakings and con tracts for H.M. Government. Address : Dunedin, Albert Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Club : Arts, Manchester. (011198) REYNOLDS, Col. Reginald Philip Nesi, C.B.E. R.E. (ret.). REYNOLDS, Lieut.-Col. Sidney Latimer, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. REYNOLDS, Lieut. Walter Deveson, M.B.E, R.E. REYNOLDS, Capt. Walter PhiUp Kearns, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.F.) REYNOLDS, William, M.B.E, fi. 5 July, 1871 ; s. of the late James Reynolds, of Truro, Cornwall, and latterly of King's Heath, Birmingham ; m. Mary Ann RenneU, d. of George Shears, of ChurchiU, nr.. Salcombe, South Devon. Educ. : St. John's Collegiate School, Truro, Cornwall. Began journa listic work in 1889 as member of Staff of "Western Morning News " Plymouth ; appointed Sub-Editor of " The Midland Daily Telegraph," Coventry, 1894 ; has been Editor of " Mid land DaUy Telegraph " since 1914. War Work : The journal of which he is Editor took active part in support of cause of National Service and in the promotion of recruiting and other war activities, including assisting Red Cross and similar work. Address : 12, Ellys Road, Coventry. (M9434) REYNOLDS, Capt. WilUam Charles Noel, O.B.E. REYNOLDS, William Howe, M.B.E, RENAUD, Lieut. Edward Henry, M.B.E. RHIND, Sir Thomas Duncan, K.B.E, T.D. fi. 1871 ; s of late John Rhind, Sculptor, A.R.S.A. ; m. Mary EUzabeth, d of lateW. Mathews Gilbert, of Edinburgh. Educ. : George Watson's Coll, Edinburgh. Served with the Royal Scots ; Statistical Advisor Ministry of Pensions. Club : Junior Naval and Military; Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh). (K232) RHIND, WUliam Alexander, M.B.E, R.N. RHODES, Arthur Edgar Gravenor, O.B.E. 433 2 JJ Rhodes THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. RHODES, CampbeU Ward, C.B.E, 6. 17 Jan. 1874; s of Franc-is Rhodes, M.D. ; to. Eleanor Wemyss, d. of A G Reid, J P. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School, and Owen's Coll. Chairman, Hoare, Miller & Co., Ltd, Calcutta and Bombay ; Member of the Bengal legislative Council. Address : 10, Loudon Street, Calcutta. C7«6s : Bengal ; Cal cutta ; Oriental. (C2392) RHODES, Caroline Maud, Mrs, M.B.E; d. of Robert Griffin, J.P, of Court Garden, Marlow ; m. Hubert Victor (Major, O.B.E.), s. of J. W. Rhodes, J.P, D.L, of Hennerton, Henley-on-Thames. War Work : Served in France, Jan. 1915, Commandant V.A.D. Berks. 58, B.R.C.S, and opened Wood- clyffe AuxiUary Hospital, Wargrave, in 1915 ; was Command ant of that until it closed in 1919 ; holds British War Medal, and Victory Medal ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Ash Tree House, Wargrave, Berks. Club : Empress. (M3931) RHODES, Edward Hugh, O.B.E, 6. 3 Jan. 1874; s. of Edward Hawksley Rhodes, late Deputy-Keeper of the Land Revenue Record Office ; m. Patricia, d. of W. H. Scrymgour, of Millstrood, Whitstable. Educ. : Clare Coll, Cambridge. Principal Clerk, Ministry of Health ; Barrister-at-law. War Work : In charge of War Refugees Department, Local Govern ment Board, during war. Address : 8, Belsize Lane, N.W. 3. (011199) RHODES, Ellen Laura Amy, Mrs, O.B.E. RHODES, George Edward, O.B.E. RHODES, Capt. and Brevet-Major Godfrey Dean, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.E, also Officier Legion d'Honneur, 6. 18 July, 1886 ; s. of H. Rhodes, of Vancouver, B.C., Canada ; m. Marion Jessie, d. of the late W. Topping, London. Educ. : Trinity Coll. School, Port Hope ; Royal MiUtary Coll, Kingston. Royal Engineers ; Indian State Rlys. (P.W.I). ). War Work : O.C. Rly. Construction Co, 1915-16 ; Asst. Director of Rlys. (Construction), Salonika, 1916-17 ; Director of Rlys. Salonika, 1917-18 ; Constantinople, 1918-20; hasheldtherankofBiig.-Gen. Address : c/o Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross. Club : Junior United Service. (C1416) RHODES, Major Hubert Victor, O.B.E, fi. 20 Aug. 1873 ; s. of the late John WUliam Rhodes, J.P, D.L, of Co. Berks, and Hennerton, Henley-on-Thames ; to. CaroUne Maud, d. of Robert Griffin, J.P, Co. Bucks, of Court Garden, Marlow. Educ. : Winchester Coll. Army (retired), Reserve of Officers ; late The Sherwood Foresters ; served in India, China, South Africa, Malay States, Mediterranean; War Service ; South Africa, 1899-1903 (Queen's Medal, 4 clasps ; King's Medal, 2 clasps ; despatches) ; European War, 1914-19 ; 1914 Star, Allied Victory Medal, British War Medal, Despatches, O.B.E.; served on Staff throughout the war. Addresses: Ash Tree House, Wargrave ; Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross. Clubs: Army and Navy; M.C. C; PhylUsCourt. (07624) RHODES, Sir Robert Heaton, K.B.E, M.A. ; s. of late Robert Heaton Rhodes, Christehurch ; m. Jessie Cooper, d. of late Walter Clark, of Clenara, Victoria. Educ. : New Zealand ; Brasenose Coll, Oxford. Barrister-at-law, Inner Temple, 1887 ; Member of House of Representatives for EUesmere since 1899 ; served S. African War with 8th N.Z. Contingent, commanding the Canterbury Mounted Rifles Brigade of New Zealand Territorial Force ; Postmaster-General and Minister for PubUc Health, Hospitals and Tourists Resorts, 1912-15 ; N.Z. Red Cross Commissioner, London, 1917 ; Special Com missioner, London, 1917 ; Special Commissioner to Egypt and GaUipoli to report on conditions of N.Z. troops, 191 5. Address : 125, High Holborn, W.C. ; Otahuna, Tai Tapu, Canterbury, N.Z. (K235) RHODES, Major Stanislas Matthew Hastings, O.B.E. RHONDDA, SybU Margaret, Viscountess (Dowager), D.B.E, 6. 25 Feb. 1857; d. ot George Augustus Haig, of Pen Ithon ; m. David Alfred Thomas, 1st Viscount Rhondda (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ : Home. War Work : Chair man, Women Advisory Committee, National War Savings Committee. Addresses : Llanwern Park, Newport, Mon. ; 122, Ashley Gardens, Westminster. Clubs : Lyceum ; Forum. (D52) RIACH, George, M.B.E. RIALL, Major Malcolm Brown Bookey, O.B.E. RICARDO, Brig.-Gen. Ambrose St. Quintin, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 21 Nov. 1866 ; s. of Henry David Ricardo, of Gatcombe, Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire ; m. EUzabeth AUce, d. of Emerson T. Herdman, of Sion Mills, Co. Tyrone. Educ. : Winchester Coll. J.P. War Work : Served Tirah Expedition. 1897-8 ; S.A. War, 1899-1902 ; Great War, 1914-19. Address : Sion Mills, Co. Tyrone. Clubs : Ulster, Belfast: Friendly Brothers House, DubUn. RICARDO, Col. Francis Cecil, C.V.O, C.B.E, fi. 1852 ; s. of the late Percy Ricardo, of Bramley Park, Guildford : m. Marie Annie, who d. 1907, d. of J. Littlefleld. Entered Grenadier Guards, 1872 ; Capt. 1884 ; Major, 1890 ; Lieut.- Col. 1897 ; Col. 1903 (h.p. 1905) ; retired, 1909 ; Adj. at School of Instruction for Auxiliary and Reserve Forces, Welling ton Barracks, 1877-80 ; A.D.C. to Lord- Lieut, of Ireland, 1880 ; Brig. Major, Home Dist. 1885-90 ; A.A.G. Home Dist. 1900-4 ; acted for 11 years as Hon See. to Royal MiUtarv Tourna ment; Chief Constable of Berks, 1915-18; J.P. for Berks (High Sheriff, 1913) ; received Coronation medal, 1902. Address: Lullebrook Manor. Oookham. (C2902) RICARDO, Katherine Alice, O.B.E, fi. 22 Dec. 1879 ; d. of Frank Ricardo, of Bure Homage, Christehurch, and Bromesberrow Place, Gloucester. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant, Red Cross Hospital, Sept. 1914, to Feb. 434 1919 ChrLstchurch, Hants. Address : Berghmote, Wimborne, Dorset. Club : Empress. (03884) RICCARD, Major John Stanley, O.B.E, R.G.A. RICE, Major Arthur Henry, O.B.E. RICE, Arthur John, M.B.E, R.N. RICE, Bernard, O.B.E, M.D , M.R.C.S, fi. 8 July, 1860; s of Bernard Rice, of Stratford-on-Avon ; m. Lilian Hyde, d of WilUam Hannav, of Leamington. Educ. : King Edward's School, Stratford-on-Avon, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Consulting Surgeon (late Surgeon), Warneford Hospital; Consulting Surgeon, Midland Counties Home for Incurables, and Leamington Provident Dispensary. War Work : Surgeon to Warneford AuxiUary Military Hospital ; Surgeon-in-charge, The Warren V.A.D. Hospital. Address : Westrock House, Leamington Spa. (04388) RICE, Lieut.-Col. Cecil Edward, C.B.E, D.S.O. Comdt. of a School of Instruction with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served in S Africa, 1901-2 ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, with Bar). (C1388) RICE, Fabian Arthur Besant, O.B.E. RICE, Helen Sarah, Hon. Mrs.,, O.B.E. J.P. ; d. of Sir Arthur Godlev, G.C.B, 1st Baron Kilbracken (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Henry Edward Harcourt, s. of the late Adm. Sir E. Rice, K.C.B, of Dane Court (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). Address : Dane Court. Dover, Kent. (O11200) RICE, Lieut.-Comm. James, O.B.E, M.V.O. RICE, Percy Christopher, M.B.E, 6. 21 Feb. 1877; s. of John Norman Rice, of West Dulwich ; m. Edith Beatrice, d. of Ernest Colman, of Wimbledon. Educ. : King's Coll, London. Passed a competitive examination, 16 May, 1895, and appointed a Second Division Clerk in the Foreign Office, 30 Dec. 1895 ; promoted to be a Staff Officer, 16 Jan. 1916 ; appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire, 1 Jan. 1918 ; appointed Finance Officer in the Department of Over seas Trade, 1 April, 1918 ; assistant Editor of the " Foreign Oflice List " since 1 Oct. 1915. Address : KUdare, Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W. 19. (M884) RICE, Lieut.-Col. Sidney Mervyn, CLE, C.B.E, fi. 1873 ; s. of Lewis Rice, CLE, of Greenhalgh, Harrow-on-the-Hill. Educ. : Reading and R.M.C. Lieut.-Col. Indian Army ; A.Q.M.G. S. Command, India. Address : Poona, India. Clubs : East India United Service ; Junior Army and Navy. (C3101) RICE, Major WiUiam Henry, M.B. RICE, Dame Margaret, VAUGHAN-PRYSE-, D.B.E, fi. 17 Julv, 1869 ; 2nd d. of late Capt. James Stewart, D.L, of AUtyrodyn, Cardiganshire (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry); m. 27 Sept. 1887, John Carberry Pugh Vaughan-Pryse-Rice, D.L, o. s. of late John Pugh Vaughan-Pryse, D.L.. of Bwich- bvchan, Cardiganshire (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). President Carmarthenshire British Red Cross Society, which she organised in 1910. Address : Llywn-y-Brain, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire. (DIG) RICH, Major Theodore, O.B.E, R.E. (T.) RICHARDS, Albert Edwin George, C.B.E, R.C.N.C; fi. 11 Aug. 1856 ; s. of George Richards, of Pembroke, Pembroke shire ; m. Hannah Elizabeth, d. of George Tucker, of Sheerness, Kent. Educ. : Royal Naval Coll, Greenwich. Naval Constructor, Admiralty ; Assistant Director of Naval Con struction, Royal Corps Naval Constructors. War Work: Design of Warships. Address : Morlands, Rueford Road, Streatham, London, S.W. 16. (C2903) RICHARDS, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Carew, O.B.E, fi. 20 Feb. 1865 ; s. of the late Rev. W. H. Richards, of Westridge, Ryde, Isle of Wight ; m. Gwaldys Penelope, d. of the late Major-Gen. C J. Richards, of Indian Army. Educ. : Eton and Cambridge. War Work : Railway Transport Officer, Woolwich, 4 Aug. 1914, to 17 May, 1916; Commandant Prisoners of War Camps, 10 June, 1916, to 12 Jan. 1920. Address : Westridge, Ryde, Isle of Wight. Clubs : M.C.C. : Free Foresters. (0891) RICHARDS, Paymaster-Lieut. Augustus Gluckstein, O.B.E, R.N. RICHARDS, Ensc.-Lieut. Edward, O.B.E.. R.N. RICHARDS, Eleonora Kathleen, Mrs.. M.B.E.. fi. 24 Dec. 18S1 ; d. of Thomas Gulston- Wollaston, M.D, of Liverpool; m. Henry Edward Sutherland (Doctor of Medicine), s. of the late John Richards, of Co. Wexford, Ireland. Educ : Liver pool High School, and Dresden. Hon. Commandant of the British Red Cross Society. If«r Work : Recruiting Com mandant for the County of London Branch of the British Rett Cross Society ; three and a half years' service on the staff of the County Director ; raised personally a V.A.D. of 1000 personnel, and recruited a further 2000 women into other detachments. Address : 6, Grosvenor Place, London, S.W. 1. Club : The Forum. RICHARDS, Franois Bartlett. M.B.E. RICHARDS, Frances Maud Lyster, Lady, O.B.E.; d. of late Henry M. Smythe, of Barbavilla, Co. Westmeath ; m. Sir Henry George, K.B.E.. K.C, M.A. (see Burke's Peerage); s. of late John Henry Richards, g. s. of late Rt. Hon. John Richards, Baron, of Court of Exchequer in Ireland. Address : The Yarrows, Church Hill, Camberlev. (08273) RICHARDS, Gertrude Mary, C.B.E. Matron Queen Alexandra's Imperial Mil. Nursing Ser. (C1751) RICHARDS, Capt. Harold, O.B.E. RICHARDS, Sir Harvey George, K.B.E, K.C, M.A.J s. of late John Henry, and g. s. of late Rt. Hon. John Richards, Baron of Court of Exchequer in Ireland ;' m. Frances Maud BIOGRAPHIES. RichardsoB Lvster d. of late Henry M. Smythe, of Barbaville, Westmeath. Educ. : Trinity Coll , Dublin. Called to Irish Bar, 1883 ; joined Connaught Circuit ; practised in Irish Courts ; Senior Crown Prosecutor for Counties of Roscommon and Mayo ; Puisne Judge, High Court of Judicature for the New Provinces of India, 1905-11 ; Chief Justice, 1911 ; retired 1919. Ad dress : The Yarrows, Church Hill, Camberley. Club : Univer sity fDubUn). (K240) RICHARDS, Sir Henry George, K.B.E, Knt. Bach, M.A, T.C.D. ; 6. 21 Sept. 1860 ; s. of John Henry Richards, late County Court Judge of Co. Mayo ; m. 20 Alia. 1891, Trances Maud Lyster, O.B.E, y. d. of late Henry Matthew Smvthe, of Barbavilla, Co. Westmeath. Called to Irish Bar, 1883 ; K.C. 1901 ; Judge of High Court of Judicature, N.W. Provinces, 1905-11 ; Chief Justice, 1911-19 ; Vice-Chancellor of Univ. of Allahabad, 1909-12. Address : University Club, Dublin. (K248) RICHARDS, Major Henry Meredyth, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, b. 30 Jan. 1870 ; s. of Richard Meredyth Richards, of Caer- ynwoh ; m. Mary Alice Ellinor, d. of Frederick Stokes, of Knowle Hurst, Lichfield. Educ : Winchester Coll. ; R.M.C, Sand hurst. Landowner. War Work : Served as 2nd in-command of 16th Batt. Royal Welsh FusiUers, 1914-17 ; afterwards 2nd-in-command, 53rd Batt. Welsh Regt, 1918-19. Address : Caerynwch, Dolgelley. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Junior Carlton. (07627) RICHARDS, Jane Wilson, Mrs, M.B.E. RICHARDS, John, O.B.E. RICHARDS, Engineer-Capt. John Arthur, C.B.E, R.N. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2273) RICHARDS, Lieut. John Osment, O.B.E, R.N.R. RICHARDS, John Samuel, 51. B.E, RICHARDS, John Thomas, O.B.E. RICHARDS, Lieut. Malcolm John, O.B.E, 6. 19 Feb. 1897 ; s. of G. E. Richards, of Stour Lodge, Wimborne, Dorset. Educ. : Marlborough Coll. Lieut, Royal Garrison Artillery. Jfar Wort : Army. Address : Stour Lodge, Wimborne, Dorset. Clubs : United Service ; Pall Mall ; Royal Automo bUe. (05713) RICHARDS, Lieut. Peroival Stanley, M.B.E. RICHARDS, Province Wellesley, M.B.E. RICHARDS, Lieut. R. M., M.B.E. RICHARDS, Rupert Peel, C.B.E, 6. 6 April, 1871 ; s. of James Richards, M.A, Clerk in Holy Orders, late Vicar Newbold, Rochdale. Lancashire ; to. Helen, d. of John Pilling, J.P, of DeepUsh HaU, Rochdale. Educ : Middleton School, Bognor, Sussex ; Premium App. in Crewe, Pupil of the late F. W. Webb. C.E , Loco. Sup. L.N.W.R. Inspecting Engineer, under Sir A. M. Rendle, K.C.I.E, 1897-99 ; Assistant Manager to the Vulcan Foundry, Ltd, Newton-le- Willows, Lancs, from 1899-1904; Works Manager, 1904-14 ; Assistant Gen. Manager 1914-17 ; Gen. Manager, 1917 to present time. War Work : Engaged at the above works on Admiralty guns, gun mount ings, sights, paravanes, tanks for Tank Dept, War Office, breech mechanism for the Admiralty, locomotives for the Ministry of Munitions. Address : Holly House, Wargrave, Newton-le-WiUows, Lancashire. (C2904) RICHARDS, Capt. Samuel Charles, O.B.E, A.V.C RICHARDS, Rev. Sydney* WiUiam Letcher, O.B.B, M.A, D.C.L, fi. 21 Oct. 1878 ; s. of the late James Richards, of Mellanoweth, Cornwall ; to. Evelyn Mary, d. of the late Prank Holman, of Bristol. Educ. : Privately, and Univ. of Durham (Hatfield Coll.). Vicar of Cricklade, Wilts. War Wort : Chaplain to the Forces, 1915-20 ; in France, 1915-19 ; Senior Chaplain, North Camps Area, Rouen, B.E.F, 1916-18 ; Senior Chaplain Repatriation Centre, Winchester, 1918-20. Address : The Vicarage, Cricklade, Wilts. (08918) RICHARDS, William, C.B.E, 6. 19 April, 1863; s. of William Richards, of Springfield, Upper Clapton, N.E. ; to. Marion Montgomerie, d. of WilUam Lang, of Glengorm, Isle of Mull. Educ. : Marlborough Coll. War ~Work : Member of the first Committee appointed by the Government on the outbreak of the Great War, being then appointed to organise and carry on the Government War Risks Insurance Scheme, and Joint Manager of its Claims Department throughout the War. Addresses: 39, Cleveland Square, London, W. 2; 70, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C 3. Club : City of Lon don. (C2905) RICHARDS, Major John Charles FIELD-, O.B.E, fi. 10 May, 1878 ; s. of the late Rev. Frederick Field-Richards, of OTlyn, Cornwall. Educ. : Privately, and Keble Coll, Oxford. War Wort : 2nd Batt. Hampshire Regt, France, 1914 ; Com mandant, Officers' School of Instruction and Training Com pany, Chatham, 1915; Staff Capt. and President, Central Quartering Committee, Harwich Garrison; 2nd Batt. York- Mire Regt., France, 1916 ; Staff Capt, MiUtary Secretary's Wanch, War Oflice, 1917-20 ; retired April, 1920. Address : Maison Amiti., Jersey. Clubs : Carlton ; Junior Carlton ; JSoyal Western Yacht; Junior Constitutional; R.A.C; Cruising Association. (07628) RICHARDS, George Cobley SMYTH-, O.B.E. RICHARDSON, Surg.-Lieut. Alan Harvey, O.B.E, R.N. RICHARDSON, Capt. Albert Angus, O.B.E. RICHARDSON, Rev. Albert Thomas, M.B.E, M.A, fi. f Feb. 1862 ; s. of J. C. Richardson, of Lichfield ; m. 1st, Annie Hurt. d. of E. W. Barnsley, of Edgbaston; 2nd, Muriel, «• of the Rev. Robert Taylor, Vicar of Warthill, Yorks. Educ. : Wen Mary's School, Walsall ; Hertford Coll, Oxford. Vicar M Uradford-on-Avon ; formerly Vicar of Langrish, and Vicar of Keevil. War Work : Founder and Sec. of Bradford-on- Avon War Loan Syndicate. Address : The Vicarage, Bradford- on-Avon. (M2340) RICHARDSON, Sqdn.-Leader Albert Victor John, O.B.B R.A.F. RICHARDSON, Sir Albion Henry Herbert, Knt. Bach, C.B.E, fi. 1874 ; s. of the late James Henry Richardson. Barrister, Gray's Inn, 1912 ; M.P. for Peckham from 1910 ; Chairman, Law Society ; Sec. London Appeal Tribunal. Address : 5, Portman Mansions, York Place, W. Clubs : Eighty ; Reform. (C603) RICHARDSON, Alderman David, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 27 June, 1867 ; s. of W. H. Richardson, of North Shields. Edue. : Union British School, South Shields. Ex-Mayor; Vice- Chairman South Shields Education Committee. War Work : Chairman Local Parliamentary Recruiting Committee ; Chair man Local War Emergency Committee ; Superintendant South Shields Special Constabulary ; Chairman Local Red Cross Motor Ambulance Fund ; South Shields Representative National Committee for Relief of the Belgians. Address : Bodavon, St. Aidan's Road, South Shields. Clubs : South Shields Liberal ; Newcastle Farmers'. (M9439) RICHARDSON, Annie Bertha, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 18 May, 1867 ; d. of John Lumby, of Eversley, Bournemouth ; m. Arthur, s. of Thomas Martinson Richardson, B.C.L. (Camb.), of Croxton, Lincolnshire. Educ. : Privately. Commandant 8 and R. Oxon. V.A.D. ; Assistant County Director, B.R.C.S ; Hon. Sec. Oxford Women's Ambulance Society. War Work : B.R.C.S. as above. Address : 187, Banbury Road, Oxford. Club : V.A.D. Ladies. (M2341) RICHARDSON, Bernhard Herrmann, O.B.E, 6. 28 May, 1877. Educ. : George Watson's CoU, Edinburgh, and Edin burgh Univ. Acting Chief Accountant, War Oflice. War Work : Army Auditor, Salonika, and Mediterranean Expedi tionary Forces (temporarily) ; Acting Financial Adviser, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April, 1915, to Sept. 1917. (011203) RICHARDSON, Lieut.-Comm. Charles Dene, O.B.E, R.N. RICHARDSON, Lieut.-Col. Charles WiUiam, O.B.E. RICHARDSON, Capt. CoUn Spencer, M.B.E, R.A.F. RICHARDSON, Dunsford, O.B.E, fi. 23 Dec. 1863; s. of John Richardson, of Gledhow, Leeds ; m. Jeanie, d. of Henry Walton Whitehead, of Leeds. Educ. : Leeds Grammar School. Commission Agent ; Chief Distribution Officer, and Assistant Commissioner for N.E. Division, Yorkshire. War Work : Hon. Treas. Moortown War Fund, raised about £700 in village house-to-house collections. Address : Holly Bank, Moortown, Leeds. (011204) RICHARDSON, Lieut.-Col. Edwin Hautonville, O.B.E. RICHARDSON, Florence Ellen, Lady, O.B.E. ; d. ol the iate Fleetwood Williams ; m. Lieut.-Gen. Sir George Richardson, K.C.B, C.S.I, CLE. War Work : Ulster Prisoners of War ; War Pensions. Address : Hyde Court, Chalford, Gloucester shire. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (011205) RICHARDSON, Comm. Franois Joseph, O.B.E. R.N.V.R. RICHARDSON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Frederick, O.B.E. R.A.M.C RICHARDSON, Major Frederick, O.B.E. RICHARDSON, Capt. Frederick, O.B.E. RICHARDSON, George Alexander, O.B.E. RICHARDSON, George Herbert, M.B.E, 6. 1858 ; s. of WiUiam Richardson, of Dewsbury, Yorks ; m. Mary, d. of Thomas Spedding, of The Aldams, Dewsbury. Educ. : Batley Grammar School ; Oundle, Northants ; Yorkshire Coll. of Science, Leeds. Examiner of Cloth, Alipore, India, 1889-90 ; Inspector of Cloth, Roval Army Clothing Department, London, 1891-1920 ; retired (after 28, years' service), 31 Jan. 1920. War Work : In connection with provision and examination of cloth supplies for the British Army and for armies of our AlUes. Address: Horton Bank, 20, Grosvenor Road, Scarborough. Club : Ganton Golf. „ (M&S5 ) RICHARDSON, Brig.-Gen. George Stafford, C.B, CM.G , C.B.E, New Zealand Staff Corps, fi. 1869. War Work : 1915-16 as D.A. and Q.M.G. ; New Zealand Representative at the War Office ; Comdt. New Zealand Forces in England, with rank of Brig.-Gen (despatches, Legion of Honour). (C850) RICHARDSON, Capt. Harry, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. (T.). RICHARDSON, Harry, M.B.E. RICHARDSON, Lieut. Harry, O.B.E, 1st Vol. Bn. R Warwicks. Regt, fi. 7 Feb. 1865 ; s. of Samuel Richardson, of Birmingham ; to. Ida EUen, d. of H. M. Stevenson, of Birmingham. Educ : King Edward's, Birmingham, and privately Civil Engineer; Chief Assistant Engineer and Surveyor, City of Birmingham. War Work : Executive Officer of Food Control, City of Birmingham ; introduced first Food Rationing Scheme, 1917-18. Address: Handsworth Wood, Birmingham. _.-„_, (0388d) RICHARDSON, Helen Morewood, Mrs., O.B.E. RICHARDSON, Herbert Lindsley, O.B.E, B.A. (Cantab.), MICE ; s. of WilUam Richardson, of Bishop Downs Grange, Tunbridge WeUs ; to. Sybil Ursula, d. of R. C A. Beck, of Cheam. Educ. : Marlborough Coll. and Trinity Co I, Cam bridge. Partner in Messrs. Richardson and Cruddas, Engineers, Bombay War Work : Section Director, Gun Ammunition Fillings Department, Ministry of Munitions of War. Address : Southfleld, Southborough, Kent. Clubs : Royal Bombay Yacht; Byculla, Bombay. (011206) 435 Richardson THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. RICHARDSON, Capt. Henry WiUiam Arbuckle, O.B.E. RICHARDSON, Paymaster Lt.-Comm. Hugh Maclean, O.B.E, R.N. RICHARDSON Major and Qr.-Mr. James, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. RICHARDSON, James BirreU, O.B.E. ; s. of John, of Dryfedalegate, Lockerby ; m. Anna Arundel, d: of Geo. Bourn, of Ryton-on-Tyne. Educ. : Royal Grammar School, Newcastle- on-Tyne. Managing Director, Brown, Lerox & Co, Ltd. ; Chairman, Brown, Lerox & Co. (London), Ltd. War Work : Warship production, chain cables and gear, anchors, harbour moorings. Address : Llonblethion House, Cowbridge, Glamor gan. Club : British Empire. (011211) RICHARDSON, Jerusha Davidson, Mrs. Aubrey, O.B.E. ; d. of Richard Hunting, of Holmdale, Priory Road, N.W. ; to. Aubrey, s. of Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson, M.D, F.R.S, F.R.C.P, LL.D. Educ : Privately, and Boarding School ; studied piano with Otto Goldschmidt. Clerk to the Chadwick Trustees, and Sec. Chadwick PubUc Lectures ; Hon. Sec. and Founder of the Phcebe Girls' Club, Kilburn. War Work : In 1914, formed, under the Presidency of Her Grace the Duchess of Bedford, and with a committee of ladies interested in social work among women and girls, the KUburn Girls' AuxiUary for Nursing and General Service with the St. John V.A.D. ; all members of the AuxiUary were officers or members of the Phcebe Girls' Club, or Kilburn Company of the Church Nursing and Ambulance Brigade ; the Auxiliary was posted by the County Director, Middlesex, to the first Willesden War Hospital at St. Matthew's Institute, Harlesden, in Nov. 1914, and it formed a nucleus for V.A.D. Middlesex 58, winch was registered with Mrs. Aubrey Richardson as Commandant in Aug. 1915 ; Mrs. Richardson had previously served as Assist.-Quartermaster and Quartermaster at Harlesden ; V.A.D. Middlesex 58 was appointed to the charge of DoUis Hill House Auxiliary MiUtary Hospital in Oct. 1915, and the Hospital was opened for patients Feb. 1916, Mrs. Richardson being Commandant of the hospital until its demobilisation as a War Hospital, March, 1919 ; beginning with 23 beds, the hospital had 72 at the close, and received in all 2416 patients. Address : St. John's Vicarage, Kilburn, N:W. 6. Club : Victoria Ladies'. (011207) RICHARDSON, John William, M.B.E, 6. 25 Sept. 1882: Chairman of Conference of Executive Officers of Local War Pensions Committees in the Northern Section of the North Western Region ; for nineteen years with the Town Clerk of Blackburn, now Sec. Blackburn Local War Pensions Com mittee ; Hon. Sec. Blackburn Local Subscription Committee, Lord Kitchener Memorial Homes, Lowestoft ; Assistant Hon. Sec. Local Branch of Imperial Association for assisting dis abled Naval and MiUtary Officers. War Work : Dependants' Separation AUowance Claims, 1914-19 ; War Relief Work, 1916-20 ; War Pensions Work, 1916 to date. Address : Red Lodge, Pleasington, near Blackburn. (M9441) RICHARDSON, Kathleen Rayner, O.B.E. RICHARDSON, Lewis, C.B.E. War Work : Rendered Bervices in connection with Gov. -Gen. of S. Africa's Fund and Returned Soldiers. (C2007) RICHARDSON, Mabel, M.B.E. RICHARDSON, Maria Isabel, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 27 Dec. 1868 ; d. of Wm. S. Spivey, of Carmarthen ; m. WUliam, s. of Luke Richardson, of WilUngton-on-Tyne, Northumberland. Educ. : High School, Carmarthen, and Whitelands Coll.. Chelsea. Member of Northumberland County Education Committee ; Wallsend Borough Education Committee ; Treas. of District Nursing Association. War Work : Founder and Hon. Sec. of Wallsend Borough Branch of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association ; Hon. Sec. of Wallsend Borough War Pensions Committee ; Guardian to Motherless Children. Address : Field Head, WiUington-on-Tyne, Northumberland. (M9442) RICHARDSON, Mary Anita, Mrs., M.B.E. RICHARDSON, Percy, O.B.E, 6. 28 Feb. 1878; s. of John Gadd Richardson, of Nottingham ; m. Patricia Annie, d. of John Bain, of Dublin. Edue. : Nottingham. Late Managing Director of the Sheffield-Simplex Motor Works, Ltd, of Tinsley, Sherfield. War Work: Supervised design and construction of Armoured Motor Cars ; directed reorganisation and extensions of the works of the Sheffield-Simplex Co. for execution of following work : Experimental work on power units for large and small airships for Admiralty and aero engines for Air Board ; produced large quantities of shells, ; hand grenades, aero engines, aero bombs, paravanes, and other war material. Address : The Pebble, Bexhill-on-Sea. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Royal Aero ; Road ; London Flying. (O1I209) RICHARDSON, Peter, M.B.E, 6. 23 Sept. 1878 ; s. of James Richardson, of Stockport ; to. Lucy, d. of Samuel Arnold, of Prestbury. Educ. : Stockport. Goods Agent, L.& N.W. Rly. Co, London Road Station, Manchester. Address : 7 Erlington Avenue, Rye Bank Road, Old Trafford, Manchester. (M9443) RICHARDSON, Peter, M.B.E, fi. Sept. 1860 ; s. of the late James Richardson, of Dumbarton ; m. Mary Connell, Educ. : Grammar School, Dumbarton. Blacksmith ; Member of Dumbartonshire Territorial Force Association. War Work : Was a Member of the MUitary Appeal Tribunal for the Sheriff dom of Stirling, Dumbarton, and Clackmannan, also the Irofiteering Appeal Tribunal for the same areas. Address : 25, Castlegreeii Terrace, Dumbarton. (M886) RICHARDSON, Lieut.-Col. PhiUp Wigham, O.B.E RICHARDSON, Capt. Rosslyn James Dilyell, O.B.E. I.A.R.O. RICHARDSON, Comm. Sidney Sherlock, O.B.E R.D, R.N.R, 6. 4 March. 1877 ; s. of the late George Richard son, of Halewood, Lancs. ; m. Margaret, d. of the late Thomas BrakeU, of BlundeUsands, Liverpool. Educ. : The CoUege School, Huyton, Liverpool, and H.M.S. " Conway." Master Mariner. War Work : Naval Officer in charge of Defensive Arming of Merchant Ships, Liverpool. Address : 23, Regent Road, Gt. Crosby, Liverpool. Clubs : Northern and " Con way." (O1806) RICHARDSON, Capt. Thomas, O.B.E. RICHARDSON, Major Thomas WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.S.C 6. 24 Feb. 1895 ; s. of T, W. Richardson, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), of Norwich ; g.s. of Major-Gen. A. T. Ethridge, C.S.I, Indian Army. Educ. : Norwich, and R.M.C, Sandhurst. Regular Officer. War Work : Adjutant 3rd Divisional Train ; O.C. 37th Divisional M.T. Company ; O.C. 4th Army Troops, M.T. Company ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Eaton Cottage, Eaton Hill, Norwich. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (02694) RICHARDSON, William, M.B.E, 6. 20 Jan. 1863 ; s. of the late Joseph Richardson, of Springfield, Lisburn, Co. An trim ; m. Laura Emily, d. of the late John Richardson, J.P, of Lambeg House, Lisburn. Educ. : Hitchin, Herts. War Work : Hon. Treas. Waterford County Division of Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association and Waterford County War Pensions Committee. Club : County, Waterford. (M9444) RICHARDSON, Capt. WilUam Augustus, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. RICHARDSON, Capt. WilUam WIGHAM-, M.B.E. RICHES, Henry, O.B.E. RICHMOND, AUce Jane Maud, Mrs., O.B.E.; d. of the late J. J. de Rozario, of the Provincial Judicial Service; m. the Hon. Thomas Richmond, B.A, Barrister-at-law, s. of Francis Edward, late of Mannantoddy, Wynaad, Southern India. War Work : Almost from the beginning of the War till long after the conclusion of the Armistice, Mrs. Richmond worked indefatigably in assisting Her Excellency, Lady Pent- land, in the enormous Ladies' War Work inaugurated and managed with much success by Her ExceUency. Address: Linden Towers, Nungumbankum, Madras, India. (08295) RICHMOND, Annie Catherine Mary, M.B.E. RICHMOND, Capt. Arthur Eaton, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 28 Feb. 1 892 ; s. of Richard Richmond, M.D, of Wimbledon ; to. Margaret Mary, d. of W. KeUy, of Cool Park, Tuam, Deland. Educ. : Oundle School ; London Univ. ; St. Thomas' Hospital. War Work : Medical Transport work in Mgean Sea ; Assistant Embarkation Medical Officer, Alexandria ; Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services, Alexandria District; Field Ambulance, 75th Division, Palestine ; D.A.D.M.S. Headquarters Force, Egypt ; D.A.D.M.S. 20th Corps ; D.A.D.M.S, G.H.Q, E.E.F. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, London. (08644) RICHMOND, Daniel, O.B.E, fi. 18 Jan. 1868 ; s. of Hugh Richmond, of KUraughts, Co. Antrim ; to. Helen Mary. d. of John Harper, of Seaham Harbour. Educ. : Ballymoney ; Queen's Coll, Belfast ; Glasgow Univ. ; Manchester Uni versity, B.C. Surgeon ; Senior Surgeon, Rochdale Infirmary. War Work: Chief Surgeon and M.O. in charge, St. John's Ambulance Drill Hall, V.A.D. Hospital, Rochdale, 350 beds. Address : Buckley HU1 House, Milnrow, Rochdale. (011210) RICHMOND, Major John Duncan, D.S.O, 0.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, R.A.M.C, 6. 14 Oct. 1877 ; s. of WiUiam Richmond, of Glasgow. Educ. : Allan Glen's School, Glasgow, and Glasgow Univ. War Work : D.A.D.M.S, Headquarters Scottish Command ; D.A.D.M.S. 12th Infantry Division, O.C. 65th Field Ambulance, D.A.D.M.S. Rouen, D.A.D.M.S. Headquarters L. of C, France ; O.C. 173 Indian Cavahy Field Ambulance, Afghan War, 1919. Address: c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place, London. . (05715) RICHMOND, John Ritchie, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 1869 ; s. of John Richmond, of KUmarnock ; to. Isabella Macintyre, d. ot Thomas Davidson, of Cambuslang. Educ. : Glasgow High School, and Glasgow Univ. War Work : Managing Director, G. _. J. Weir, Ltd, Glasgow. Addresses: 7, Blanefield, Kirkoswald, Ayrshire ; 14, Hamilton Drive, Pollokshields, Glasgow. Clubs : New, Conservative, and Art, Glasgow ; St. Stephen's, London. (C276) RICHMOND, Lieut.-Col. Thomas HeyUger, O.B.E., }•¦£•' ch-B-> 6- 2 April, 1879 ; s. of (Dr.) Thomas Richmond, of Glasgow ; to. Stuart, d. of Alexander Mories, of Greenock. Educ. : Glasgow High School, and Glasgow and Edinburgh Univs. Capt. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) : Surgeon, Longton Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent. War Work : M.O. 2nd North Midland Brigade, R.F.A.; Officer to charge- Surgical Division, Fargo Military Hospital, Salisbury Plain ; O.C. 85 General Hospital, Archangel, N. Russia. Address : Chaplin House, Normacot, StS.e^n;TreTlt- Club ¦' a°yal Automobile. RICHMOND, Lieut.-Col. Vincent Crane, O.B.E, B.Sc, A.R.C.Sc, A.F.R.Ae.S, 6. 21 Jan. 1893 ; s. of Joshua Rich mond ; to. Florence Mary, d. of Capt. H. C Hodder, of Preston, N. Shields. Educ. : Royal Coll. of Science, London. War Work : R N.A.S., Mar. 1915, to April, 1918 ; Lieut, and Lieut. Com R.N.V.R, Airship Flying and Construction; R.A.F, April 1918, to Sept. 1919; Major and Lieut.-Col.; O.C. Royal Airship Works, White City, London, Sept. 1919; lnter-Alhed Aeronautical Commission of Control, Germany. Address : 5 Peterborough Rd, Harrow-on-the-HUl. 436 BIOGRAPHIES. Rigby RICKARD, Barbara, M.B.E, 6. 24 Oct. 1894 ; d. of the late Rev. Thomas Rickard, of Kemendine, Rangoon, Burma. Educ. .' Queen Anne's School, Caversham, Reading, and Manchester Univ. War Work : Woman Clerk in Accountant- General's Department, Admiralty, from July, 1915. Address : 25 Blenheim Park Road, South Croydon, Surrey. (M9445) RICKARD, late Lieut.-Comm. Charles Ernest, O.B.E, Mi.Mech.E, 6. 31 May, 1880 ; s. of Thomas WiUiam Rickard, of Dorchester. Edue. : Univ. Coll, London. Late Inspector-General and Technical Adviser in Radiotelegraphy to Chilean Navy ; Chilean Delegate Plenipotentiary to International Radio telegraph Conference, London, 1912 ; at present Deputy Chief Engineer, Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. War Work : Valuable services to H.M. Navy in South America. Address : 5 Baldwyn Gardens, Acton, W. 3. Club : Junior Constitu tional. (04212) RICKENBACH, Frieda, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Edward Kickenbach, of London, and MUan, Italy. Educ : Clifton High School. War Work: Commandant V.A.D, Sussex, 106, B.R.C.S.; V.A.D. Hospital, Claytons, Mayfield, 1915-19. Ad dress : Airlie Cottage, Mayfield, Sussex. (M9446) RICKETT, Alfred Charles James, M.B.E. RICKETT, Capt. Gerard Russell, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. (T.). RICKETT, Hubert Cecil, O.B.E. RICKETTS, Capt. Joseph, M.B.E, R.E. RICKETTS, Capt. Walter, M.B.E, R.A.F. RICKMAN, Capt. Arthur Patriok WilUam, O.B.E. RICKMAN, Major Graham Egerton, O.B.E, 6. 10 May, 1869 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Gen. W. Rickman ; to. Florence, d. of the late B. Piercy, of Marchwiel Hall, Wrexham. Educ. : Winchester. Address : 79, Knightsbridge. Club : Naval and Military. (03169) RICKMAN, Mary Charlotte Murray, M.B.E. RIDDELL, Major Brownlow, O.B.E, M.D. . R.A.M.C. (T.). RIDDELL, Capt. Douglas Errington, M.B.E, A.F.R.Ae.S, fi. 26 March, 1892 ; s. of Charles Scofield Riddell, of Edgbaston, Birmingham ; m. Nancy Westropp, d. of Joseph Thompson, of Bournemouth. Educ. : Oundle. Technical Officer, Direc torate of Research, Air Ministry. War Work : Capt. 5th Batt. Royal Warwictohire Regt. (T.F.), France and Belgium, 48th Division, March to Dec. 1915 ; invalided and sick till Oct. 1916 ; Oct. 1916, to Dec. 1916, Reserve BattaUon ; Dec. 1916, to May, 1919; Design Dept, Ordnance Factories, Woolwich Arsenal. Address : 8, Chester House, Eccleston Place, S.W. 1. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (M5573) RIDDELL, Col. Edward Vansittart Dick, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.G.A, fi. 30 Mar. 1873 ; s. of the late Col. Robert Vansittart Riddell, R.E. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. 10 Feb. 1902, Edith Mary, d. of Maj.-Gen. E. P. Bingham-Turner, R.A. Served in the S. African War, 1900-02 (Brevet, two medals, four clasps): Great War from 1914 (despatches five times). (C2168) RIDDELL, Major John BaUour C.B.E, D.S.O. RIDDELL, Col. John Scott, CB.E, M.V.O, T.D, M.A, M.B.C.M, Hon. LL.D, A.M.S. (T.) (ret.), 6. 10 April, 1864 ; s. of John Scott RiddeU, of Aberdeen ; to. Jean Grindlay, d. of John Gordon, J.P, of Arabella, Ross-shire. Educ. : Grammar School, and Univ. of Aberdeen. Consulting Surgeon, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary ; Hon. Medical Director Aberdeen Orthopaedic Annexe : Member of Council of British Red Cross Society (Scottish Branch) ; Assessor on Aberdeen Univ. Court; Univ. Representative on City of Aberdeen Territorial Army Assoc. ; Chairman of Joint (Disablement) Committee of North of Scotland ; Member of Joint Institu tional Committee for Scotland (Ministry of Pensions). War Work : Consulting Surgeon to Royal Navy ; Red Cross Com missioner, North Eastern District of Scotland ; Surgeon-in- charge of Naval Wards, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. (C292) RIDDELL, WiUiam George, O.B.B. RIDDING, Capt. Reginald, M.B.B. RIDEAL, Capt. Erie Keightley, M.B.E, D.Sc, M.A, Ph.D., F.I.C, M.R.I, 6. 11 April, 1890 ; s. of Samuel Rideal, of Elstead, Surrey. Educ. : Oundle, Northants ; Trinity Hall, Cambridge ; Bonn, Germany. Late Visiting Professor of Physical Chemistry, Univ. of IUinois, U.S.A. War Work : Captain, R.E, Service in France ; Anti-Gas, and Munitions Inventions Dept. Addresses : 94, Queen's Gate, S. Kensing ton; The Old Cottage, Elstead, Surrey. (M2344) RIDEHALGH, Gertrude Mary, M.B.E.; d. of James Jtiuehalgh, of Lancashire. War Work : Ambulance Driver for the Red Cross, Bast Lancs. Branch. Address : Shawe HaU, Flixton, near Manchester. (M9447) RIDER, Douglas, O.B.E. RIDER, Graham Stanley, M.B.E. RIDER, Lewis Herbert, O.B.E, i. 8 Jan. 1877 ; s. of James Carter Rider, of Chertsey ; m. Gertrude, d. of Richard J!- Cooper, of Chobham. Educ. : Highfield School, Chertsey, ™ King's CoU, London. Civil Servant, Board of Inland ¦Bevenue. War Work : Finance Branch, Ministry of Shipping, where he was head of one of the Finance Divisions ; he was lent by the Revenue to the Transport Dept., Admiralty, in oept. 1914, having had previous experience in that Dept. Juring the S. African War ; the Transport Dept. became the Mimstry of Shipping. Address: Calais Cottage, Chertsey, Surrey. r" * (011215) RIDER, Lieut. WUUam Rider, M.B.E. RIDGES, Lieut. Robert Vigurs, M.B.B. RIDGWAY, Lieut.-Comm. Bertram Henry Akroyd, 0-B.E, R.N.R. RIDGWAY, Lieut. Robert Edward, O.B.E, R.G.A. (T.). RIDINGS, Major Ceoil, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1376; s. of the late Surg.-Maj. J nines Sadleir Ridings. Entered Roy. InniskiUing Fusilieis, 1890 ; Capt. 1904 ; Major, 1915 ; served in Dardanelles, 1915 (despatches) : Brig.-Maj. (C8919) RIDLAND, Capt. Charles Forbes, M.B.E. RIDLER, Lieut. Arthur James, M.B.E. RIDLEY, Capt. Albert, M.B.E. RIDLEY, Rev. Charles Lawrence, O.B.E. RIDLEY, Most Rev. Archbishop Charles Owen Leaver, O.B.E. (012010) RIDLEY, Cecil Guy, CB.E, fi. 21 June, 1885; s. of Right Hon. Sir Edward Ridley, of 48, Lennox Gardens, S.W. 1. Educ: Harrow; New Coll, Oxford. Barrister-at-law. War Work : Private Sec. to Sir Edward Ward, Bart, G.B.E, etc., from Aug. 1914, to Dec. 1914 ; Staff Officer to Metro politan Special Constabulary (under Sir E. Ward), from Dec. 1914, to Feb. 1918; from Feb. 1918, to Dec. 1920, in the Ministry of Labour. Address : 48, Lennox Gardens, S.W. 1. Clubs: Oxford and Cambridge; Burlington Fine Arts. (C604) RIDLEY, Clarence Oliver, O.B.E, M.I.C.E, M.I.Mech.E, M.N.E.CI.E. & S, 6. 9 Aug. 1869; s. of the late Oliver Matthew Ridley, of Charmtoster, Dorset ; to. Gertrude Hen rietta, d. of Henry Houseman. Educ : Harrow. War Work : Manager of Engine Works Department, Elswick, for Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. ; also in Ministry of Munitions, Hydraulic Machinery Section. Addresses : Lancaster Lodge, Putney, S.W. ; Australia House, Strand. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; New, Glasgow. (011216) RIDLEY, Ernest Rupert, M.B.E, LA. RIDLEY, Ethel Blanche, CB.E, R.R.C. RIDLEY, Eustace, M.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 20 Jan. 1873 ; s. of Percy Ridley, of Morden, Surrey ; to. Annie, d. of Joseph Ridgway, of Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent. Engineer, London County Council (Fire Brigade). War Work : Sec. to Ministry of Munitions, Fire Protection Advisory Committee. Address : Morden, Burcott Road, Purley, Surrey. (M9449) RIDLEY, Capt. Geoffrey William, O.B.E, A.R.I, B.A, 6. 13 March, 1887 ; s. of William and Mary Ridley, of London ; to. Ursula Mary, d. of J. Godwin King, J.P, of West Hoathly, Sussex. Educ. : Charterhouse. Architect. War Work : Terri torial Force pre-war, and Active Service in Gallipoli, Egypt, and Palestine. Address : West Hoathly, Sussex. (06281 RIDLEY, Major the Hon. Jasper Nicholas, O.B.E, B.A, 6. 6 Jan. 1887 ; s. of Sir Matthew White Ridley, 5th Bart, created Viscount Ridley and Baron Wensleydale of Blagdon and Blyth, Northumberland (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. Countess Nathalie, d. of H. E. the late Count Benckendorff. Educ. : Eton, and Balliol Coll, Oxford. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1913; Major of Yeomanry and a D.A.A.G.; served during European War, 1914-18 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : 31, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, W. Clubs : Carlton; Travellers'. (05716) RIDLEY. John Henry Llewellyn, O.B.E. RIDLEY, Mary Constance, M.B.E. ; d. of the late J. H. Ridley, of Park End, Northumberland, and Mrs. Ridley, of Little Park End. War Work : Organised and acted as Hon. Sec. to the War Information Oflice, Newcastle-on-Tyne, from Sept. 1914, till June, 1919 ; this office was rim as a department of the Newcastle-on-Tyne War ReUef Fund. Address : Little Park End, Wark-on-Tyne. Club : Ladies' Park. (M9450) RIDLEY, Mary Stephanie, Mrs. Henry Matthew, O.B.E. RIDLEY, Major Richard Cooke, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. RIDLEY, Rosamond Cornelia Gwladys, Viscountess, D.B.E.; d. of 1st Baron Wimborne (see Bukke'S Peerage); to 2nd Viscount Ridley (who died 1916) (see Burke's Peerage). Addresses : Blagdon, Cramlington, Northumberland ; 10, Carlton House Terrace, S.W. (D17) RIDOUT, Col. Sir Dudley Howard, K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, 6 15 Jan. 1866; s. of late Lieut.-Col. Joseph Bramley Ridout ; to. Maud Elizabeth, d. of C H. Hutton, of Middle- burg, Cape Province. Educ. : Christ's Hospital, Kingston Collegiate Institute, RM.C, Canada. Entered Army, 1885 ; Capt. 1894; Major, 1902; Lieut.-Col. 1910; Col. 1914; T. Brig -Gen 1915 ; T. Maj.-Gen. 1916 ; War Office Staff, 1888- 89 ; S. Africa Intelligence Oflice and Cavalry Brigade, 1900-2 ; mentioned in despatches ; Great War, Singapore Command, 1914-18- mentioned in despatches ; Member of Executive and Legislative Council, 1915-19. Club : United Services (K282) RIDSDALE, Sir Edward Aurelian, G.B.E, J.P, fi. 23 Feb 1864 ; s. of Edward Lucas Jenks Ridsdale, of Rottmg dean, Sussex ; m. Susan Stirling, d. of John Ritchie Findlay of Aberlour, Banffshire. Educ. : Univ. Coll. School, and Roval School of Mines. For some years member of the London Stock Exchange, retired 1904. War Work : Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the British Red Cross Society, and organising and administrative work in connection therewith at home and abroad; also member of the Commission appointed to investigate the breakdown of the Medical Services to Mesopotamia in 1916. Addresses : 14, Ennismore Gardens, London, S.W. ; Water- wynch, Tenby, Pembrokeshire. Clubs : Reform : Brooks s; Bath (G59) RIDSDALE, Herbert Wheatley, M.B.E. R1DYARD, Lieut. Arnold, O.B E, R N.R. RIGBY, Major James Charles Alexander, O.B.E, M.B. 437 Rigby THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. RIGBY, Lieut. Robert Stacey Marks, M.B.E, M.G.C RIGDEN, Major William Percy, O.B.E, T.D. RIGG, Hubert MacMulIen, M.B.E. RIGG, Major Richard, O.B.E, T.D, J.P. RIGG, Rowland William, O.B.E. RILEY, Edmond John, O.B.E. RILEY, George Willis, M.B.E, 6. 8 March, 1871 ; s. of Abraham Raby Riley, of Wolverhampton ; to. Jessie Eliza beth, d. ,of Peter Mitchell, of Wolverhampton. Educ. : Wolverhampton. Chief Examiner of Printers' Accounts, H.M. Stationery Office, Westminster. War Work : Control of the examination of a tremendously increased number of accounts and contracts involving constant late work over several years. (M9452) RILEY, Lieut.-Comm. Gerard Brook, O.B.E, R.N. RILEY, Henry, M.B.E, fi. 3 March, 1874; s. of Henry Riley, of VVidnes ; m. Florence Jane, d. of John Gratrix, of Manchester. Educ. : Wiclnes West Bank Board School. District Inspector, Rolling Stock Dept,' L. & N. W. Rly. War Work : Providing stock and seeing all troop trains marshalled correctly as required by Transport Officer, and despatching same to loading point from commencement of the war up to date. Address : 259, Smithdown Road, Sefton Park, Liver pool. (M10253). RILEY, Joseph Albert, O.B.E. RILEY, Richard, M.B.E. RIMER. Alfred Henry, M.B.E. RIMINGTON, Frederick James, M.B.E. RIND, Walter Lockhart, O.B.E, 6. 28 May, 1876 ; s. of the late Col. M. M'Neill Rind, of Royal Sussex Regt. ; m. Lalla, d. of the Hon. G. Hollier Griffiths, I.S.O. Educ. : Rossall, and Univ. Coll, Oxon. Civil Servant. Colonial Civil Service, 1900-11 ; 1911, National Health Insurance Committee ; Private See. to Mr. Charles Roberts and Sir E. Cornwall ; 1917, Ministry of Pensions, Deputy Assist. Sec. ; 1918-20, Ministry of Muni tions. War Work : Belgian Refugees (is Officier de l'Ordre de la Couronne) ; Ministry of Pensions ; Ministry of Munitions. Address : 23, Buxton Gardens, Acton, W. 3. Clubs : M.C.C. ; Northwood Golf. (0687) RING, Major James Sinclair Henry, O.B.E, LA. RINGLAND, Major Thomas Hazlett, M.B.E. RINTOUL, William, O.B.E. RIORDAN, John McMahon, O.B.E. RIORDAN, Patrick, M.B.E. RIORDAN, Thomas Mortimer, M.B.E. RIPLEY, Lieut.-Col. Blair, CB.E, D.S.O, Canadian Forces. Served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1354) RIPLEY, Capt. Edward Guy, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. RIPLEY, Lieut. Horace Stephens, M.B.E.. R.E. (T.). RIPON, Rt. Rev. Thomas Banks Strong, Bishop of , G.B.E, D.D, fi. 24 Oct. 1861; s. of Thomas Banks Strong, of 1, Priory Grove, West Brompton, S.W. Educ. : Westminster School ; Christ Church, Oxford. Bishop of Ripon. War Work : Admini stration of University of Oxford as Vice-Chancellor, 1914-17. Address : The Palace, Ripon. Club : Athenaeum. (G35) RIPPON. Joseph, O.B.E. RIPPON, Squadon-Leader Thomas Stanley, O.B.E, R.A.F, 6. 19 Sept. JS83; s. of the Rev. Thomas Rippon, of Gateshead-on-Tyne ; m. Dorette Adeline, d. of Louis Roche, of Napier Avenue, HurUngham. Educ. : Bristol Univ, and London Hospital. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1911. War Work : Temp. Com. R.A.M.C, 1915 ; served in France with 38th (Welsh) Div. and was in the Arras attack with 30th Div. (98th Field Ambulance), attached R.F.C, 1917 ; transferred to R.A.F, 1918 ; promoted Squadron-Leader, 1919 ; contri buted "The Essential Characteristics of Successful and Un successful Aviators," Lancet. 1918 (Rippon and Manuel) ; on staff of H.Q. R.A.F. in India, 1920. Address : H.Q, Royal Ah Force, Ambala, India. (08174) RISELEY, Arthur Henry, O.B.E, fi. 7 July, 1874 ; s. of Henry Lorymer Riseley, J.P, of Bristol ; m. Gertrude Edith, d. of Marcellus Purnell Castle, M.V.O, J.P, of Brighton. Educ. : Privately. Barrister-at-law (Middle Temple), Western Circuit, and Fellow of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers. War Work : 1914-17, Assistant to Recruiting Officer, Bristol ; 1918, Sec. Ministry of National Service, South Western Region ; 1914-19, Hon. Sec. Bristol Citizens' Recruiting Committee. Addresses : 4, Princes Buildings, Clifton, Bristol ; 33, Corn Street, Bristol. (03887) RISELEY. John William, M.B.E. (M10402) RISHWORTH, Lieut.-Col. Albert Henry, O.B.E, fi. 30 Sept. 1858; s. of Henry Rishworth, of Keighley, Yorks. ; m. Melicent Estcourt, d. of Nathaniel Bradley, J.P, F.C.S, of Manchester. Educ. : Pannal Coll, Harrogate. Vice-President, St. John Ambulance Association. Tfar Work : Organising Officer i National Reserve : assisted in training three Battalions of New Armv, Aug. 1914, to Jan. 1915 ; com manded 2nd Vol. Batt. E.Y.R, Jan. 1915, to Jan. 1919 ; Special Constable Commander, Jan. 1915, to May, 1920 ; Military Representative, Skirlaugh Tribunal ; Member of Committee Territorial Force Association, E. Yorks. Address : 59. Park Avenue, Hull. C7wfi : Constitutional, Hull. (011220) RISHWORTH, Major Norman John, M.B.E. RISING, Comm. Francis Simon, O.B.E, R.N. RISK, Capt. Riohard Henry Little, CB.E, R.N. Assist. to Senior Naval Officer. Liverpool. (C2221) RITCHIE, Alice Maude, M.B.E. ; d. of Sir James Thorn- sou Ritchie, Bart. War Work : Recruiting Commandant 438 St. John Ambulance Brigade, County of London. Address - 72, Queensborough Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. 2. RITCHIE, Major Blyth, O.B.E. (M9455) RITCHIE, Charles John, M.B.B, J.P, D.L, City of London, fi. 12 Jan. 1871 ; s. ot Sir James Ritchie, Bart, of London ; to. Ethel Beatrice, d. of David Bruce, of Dundee Educ. : Westminster School. War Work : Assistant Com mander, Metropolitan Special Constabulary, Aug. 1914 to July, 1919. Chairman, All Saints' Hospital ; Member of City of London Committee for National Service. Address ¦ 141, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, London. Clubs . Carlton '¦ Roval Thames Yacht ; Royal Automobile. (M94561 RITCHIE, Hugh, O.B.E, fi. 19 Sept. 1864 ; s. of the late John Ritchie, of H.M. Customs ; in. Clara Amelia, d. of Robert Blow, of Grimsby. Assistant, Treaty Department, Foreign Office. Address : Dover House, Painswick, Glos. (0688) RITCHIE, Sir James WilUam, Bart, M.B.E, fi. 1868 ; s.of the late Sir James Thomson Ritchie, of Dundee; m. Edna Muri?.l d. of J. Emerton, of Cheltenham. Educ : Westminster School • Lincoln Coll, Oxford. Deputy Lieutenant, City of London. War Work : Commander " D " Division, Special Constabulary, since Sept. 1914. Addresses: 26, Melcombe Court, Dorset Square N.W. 8 ; Crick Manor, nr. Rugby. Clubs : Garrick ; Carlton' (M892) RITCHIE, Lieut. John, M.B.E. ' RITCHIE, Marie Isabel, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 28 Aug 1893 ; d. of Frederick Finch, of Wembley ; to. Alexander Gordon! Capt. R..A.O.C, s. or Alexander Ritchie. Educ. : St. Paul's Girls' School ; Univ. Coll, London. War Work : Assistant to Lieut.-Col. Fulcher, Deputy Assistant to Director of Artillery for 3 vears until Feb. 1919. (M1716) RITCHIE, Mary, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 1853 ; d. of William Harvey, of 10, Park Terrace, Glasgow ; to. James, s. of David Ritchie, of 29, Park Circus, Glasgow. Educ. : Edinburgh, and Glasgow Univ. On committees for social and philanthropic Work. War Work : Hon. Sec. City of Westminster War Savings Committee. Address : 28, Victoria Street, S.W. 1 ; Women's Institute, 92, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. (M3935) RITCHIE, Major Michael, Balfour Hutchison, D S 0 O.B.E, M.B.. Ch.B, fi. 1882; of the late Rev. R. Ritchie, of St. Mary's, Inverurie ; m. 1910, Sydney D'Abzac, d. of thelate Rev. Addison Crofton (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Aber deen Univ. Entered R.A.M.C. J 905; ('apt. 1909; Major, 1915 ; served on N.-W. Frontier of Inda, 1908 (despatches. medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-16, as a D.A.D.M.S, (despatches). RITCHIE, Capt. Robert Linton, O.B E, R.-V.M.C RITCHIE, Major Thomas Clark, O.B.E, M.D.. B.Sc, 6. 26 Oct. 1886 ; s. of James Ritchie, M.D, F.R.C.P. (Edin.), F.R.CS. (Edin.), of Edinburgh ; to. Isobel, d. of Mrs. Dobie, of Leytonstone, Essex. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy, and Edinburgh Univ. Medical Practitioner, Prospect House, Malpas. Cheshire. War Work : Temporary commission as Lieut. R.A.M.C, July, 1915 ; served in France as Medical Specialist to 30 CCS, R.A.M.C from Sept. 1915, to March, 1919, when demobilised as Major; T. Capt. July, 1916; A. Major, Jan. 1918. Address : The Groves, Malpas, Cheshire. (02696) RITCHIE, Major WUUam, O.B.E, 6. 11 Nov. 1867 ; s. of James Ritchie, Textile Manufacturer, of Glasgow. Educ : The Western Academy, Glasgow ; Allan Glen's School, Glasgow. War Work : Served with Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Address: J37, Stockwell Street, Glasgow. (02926) RITCHIE, William Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of Robert Brown Ritchie, of Edinburgh. Educ : Edinburgh Academy, and Edinburgh Univ. M.D, F.R.C.P. (Edin.); Physician to the Deaconess Hospital ; Assistant Physician, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary ; Lecturer on Clinical Medicine in the Univ. of Edinburgh. War Work : Capt. (A. Major) R.A.M.C. (T.). Address : 14, Rothesay Place, Edinburgh. Club : University, Edinburgh. (06282) RITCHINGS, Mary Thompson, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. RITSON, Major Cuthbert Ward, O.B E RIVERS, Lieut. Arthur Thomas, O.B.E, fi. 28 May, 1882; ?: °* Thomas Rivers, of Brockley ; m. Ethel Emma, d. of James William Bowery, of Reading. Educ. : Westbourne Schools. Member of the Executive Committee of the Junior Imperial League. War Work : Hon. Treas. Overseas Reception Com mittee which dealt with over one million oversea troops,; attached as Lieutenant, Headquarters, Overseas MiUtarv 1 orces of Canada. Addresses : 41, Burnaby Gardens, Gunners- bury, W. 4 ; 1, Sanctuary Buildings, Gt. Smith Street, S.W. 1. t, ? ™?,RS,, ,Capt> and Qr.-Mr. Walter Samuel, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). RIVERS, Capt. Arthur Joseph DE CARRARA-, O.B.E, K-£^,V-™CalIe,d t0 thft Bar- Inner Temple. RIVET, Albert Robert, M.B.E., 6. 28 Jan. 1879; s. of Pierre Rivet, of Brixton and Paris. Educ : Privately, England and France. Manager (Lead Manufacturers). War Work: Director of Materials, Non-Ferrous Material Supplies, Ministry of Munitions, Northumberland Avenue, Jan. 1917, to gl Dec. 1918. Address : Sardis, Meteor Road, Westcliff-on- bea, Essex. (M9457) Siyr?Joi.FI/ins 2fflcer Wilired John CARNAC-, M.B.E. Sr^J^S^' °^pt; Eusene Gonzague, M.B.E, M.C. „,?';„ IER E' Evelyn. O.B.E, fi. 22 Feb. 1876 ; s. of Briton Riviere, R.A, D.CL. ; to. Joan, d. of Hugh j. Verrall, of BIOGRAPHIES. Roberts Brighton. Edue. : St. Paul's School, and Balliol Coll, Oxford. Barrister. War Work : Legal Assistant, Ministry of Munitions, from Sept. 1915 to, April, 1919. Addresses : 11, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn ; 10, Nottingham Terrace, York Gate. Club : Athenseum. (011222) RIX, Capt. Dudley Gerald, M.B.E. RIX, Lucy, Mrs, M.B.E. ; widow of Septimus Rix, of Buenos Aires. War Work : Head of Splint Room, Surgical Branch Q.M.N. GuUd, 2, Cavendish Square ; Canteen work at Shakespeare Hut, New Zealand Y.M.C.A, 1915-20. Addresses: 14, Chaucer Mansions, Queen's Club Gardens, Kensington, W. 14 ; Remembrance League, 1, Marlborough Gate, W. Club : Overseas. ROAD, Alfred, M.B.E. ROADS, Edith Mary, O.B.E. War Work : Controller of Typists in the War Office. Address : 42, Craigen Avenue, Addiscombe, Croydon. (02888) ROAF, Major James Richardson, O.B.E. ROARK, John, M.B.E. ROB, Joseph WUUam, O.B.E, M.D. (Cantab.), 6. 14 Oct. 1876; s. of Joseph Dresser Rob, of The Hall, Skipton-on- Swale. Yorkshire ; to. Alice Maud, d. of the Rev. Canon Gran ville Smith, of Little 11-ansliam. Educ. : St. John's Coll, Cambridge ; St. Thomas' Hospital, London. Medical Officer to Junior Masonic School for Girls, and to the Walton-on- Thames Hospital ; formerly House Surgeon St. Thomas' Hospital, London. War Work : M.O. to the St. George's Hill Hospital, 1914-19. Address : Oatlaiids Park, Weybridge. (011223) ROBB, Capt. James Jenkins, O.B.E.. M.D. ROBB, John McLorinan, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, fi. 17 Oct. 1859 ; 8. of Gawn Robb, of Belfast ; to. Charlotte, d. of John Johnston, of Garvagh, Co. Londonderry. Educ. : Privately. Superintending Engineer, Post Office" Engineering Dept, South Midland District. War Work : Provision of Telegraph aud Telephone Lines for Admiralty, War Office, and anti aircraft purposes. Address : Ardmore, Wokingham Road, Reading. (03889) ROBBINS, Sir Edmund, K.B.E.. 6. 4 April, 1847 ; s. of Councillor R. Robbins, of Launceston, CornwaU ; m. Jeannette, d. of WiUiam Pearson, of Plymouth. Educ. : At Priory House Academy, and Eagle House Academy, Launceston. JournaUst ; connected with the Press Association for nearly 50 years ; Chief Sub-Editor, 1870-74 ; Sec. and Assistant Manager, 1874-80 ; Chief of the Staff, 1878-80 ; Manager, 1880-1917 ; Sec. of the Provincial Newspaper Society, 1870-81 ; Chairman of the Liberator Relief Fund until transferred to the PubUc Trustee ; Vice-President of the Newspaper Press Fund. War Work : Sec. of the Admiralty, War Office, and Press Com mittee from its formation. Address : 168, Peckham Rye Common, S.E. 22. (K36) ROBBINS, Gertrude Florence EveUne, Mrs., M.B.E. ROBBINS, Rowland Richard, CB.E, J.P, 6. 24 Dec. 1872 ; s. of Rowland Robbins, of Willersey, Hounslow, Middle sex; m. Estelle May, d. of Charles Centurier Harris, of St. John's Wood, N.W. Educ : Taunton School and private School at Maidenhead ; Member Middlesex County Council ; Vice-President National Farmers' Union ; Income Tax Com missioner (General) ; Justice of the Peace, Middlesex ; Member Royal Commission on Agriculture, (1919) ; Member Agricul tural Wages Board (England and Wales). War Work : Chair man of the following committees : Staines Rural District Military Service Tribunal, Staines Rural District Naval and Military Pensions, Staines Rural District Food Control, and Cultivation and Machinery, Middlesex Agricultural Executive Committee. Address: Hollycroft, Sipson, Middle sex. Clubs : National Liberal ; Farmers'. (C2906) ROBBINS, WUUam Henry, M.B.E, R.N. ROBERTON, Margaret, Mrs., M.B.B, L.L.A. ; d. of the Rev. Thomas HIU, of Dundee ; to. Nigel Craig, s. of the Rev. Thomas Roberton, of Dunipace, Stirling. Educ. : Privately. Hon. Sec. of the Q.V.J. Nursing Association, Wick; Member of the Education Authority of Caithness. War-Work : Sec. of the Wick and East of Caithness Branch of the Red Cross Society, Aug. 1914, to March, 1919. Address : Central United Free Church Manse, Wick, Caithness. (M9461) ROBERTS, Adeline, O.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C ROBERTS, Aileen Mary, Countess, D.B.E, 6. 20 Sept. 1870 ; d. of 1st Earl Roberts, S. father, 1914. Founder of Field Glass Fund ; Hon. Sec. of Officers' Families Fund, and a member of War Pensions Committee. Address : Englemere, Ascot. (D30) ROBERTS, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Fowler, C.B.E. ; New Zealand Forces. War Work : Director of Field Artillery and Senior Embarkation Officer. (C1869) ROBERTS, Alfred Henry, O.B.E, 6. 1872 ; s. of Charles Digby Roberts, of Bath. Educ. : Bedford Grammar School. Supt. and Engineer, Leith Dock Commission ; Member- Institution of Civil Engineers ; Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh. War Work : Advisory and other Committees on Port and Labour questions. (01810) ROBERTS, Alfred Jabez, O.B.E. ROBERTS, Lieut.-Comm. Arthur Cecil, O.B.E, R.N. ROBERTS, Sir Arthur Cornelius, K.B.E, 6. 15 Sept. 1869 ; s. of Stephen Arthur Roberts, of Clapham Park ; to. Madeline Rose, d. of F. C. Brown. Educ. : New Coll, East bourne. Chartered Accountant ; Senior Partner in firm of A. 0. Roberts, Wright &. Co, 9-10, Pancras Lane, Queen Street, B.C. 4 ; L.CC Member for Streatham, War Work : Assist.-Director-Gen. Royal Army Clothing Department, and Chairman, Clothing Committee, Contracts Department, War Office, 1916 ; Chairman, Board of Financial Control, and Chief Auditor of Works Accounts, Air Ministry, 1917-18. Address : Copthorne, 29, Aldrington Road, Streatham Park, S.W. 16. Clubs: British Empire ; New City. (K35) ROBERTS, Arthur Harry, M.B.E, 6. 12 March, 1865; s. of Charles Roberts, of Exeter ; to. Cora, d. of Samuel Cornish, of Bradninch, Devon. Educ. : Exeter Training Coll, Prac tising School. Executive Engineer, G.P.O, A.M.I.E.E. War Work : Establishment of communications in North Russia. Address : 17, Foyle Road, Blackheath, S.E. 3, (M9462) ROBERTS, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Henry, O.B.E, D.S.O, R.A.S.C, 6. 1876. Served in the S. African War, 1900-2 (Queen's medal with seven clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C3001) ROBERTS, Major Arthur Neil Stewart, O.B.E. ROBERTS, Col. Arthur Noel, C.B.E, R.A.S.C (ret.), 6. 1860. Served in S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with our clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1752) ROBERTS, Capt. Cecil Henry Woolcott, O.B.E. ROBERTS, Charles Abraham, C.B.E, fi. Nov. 1855. Educ. : Northleach Grammar School ; Gloucestershire. Joined service of Great Western Railway Co. in 1871 ; was Goods Manager for Gloucester District from J 893 to 1896, and for Bristol District from 1890 to 1904 ; Assistant Chief Goods Manager, 1904-1912, and from that date Chief Goods Manager ; Chairman of Goods Manager Conference at Railway Clearing House during year 1918. Address : Fair Leigh, Windsor Road, Slough. (C2907) ROBERTS, Major Charles Cecil Gwynedd, O.B.E. ROBERTS, Charles Herbert, M.B.E. ROBERTS, Paymaster-Sub-Lieut. Charles John, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. ROBERTS, David Richard, M.B.E, fi. 12 March, 1879; s. of Richard Roberts, of Rhydyfelin, Aberystwyth ; to. Gwen Ellen, )d. of David Griffith, of Portmadoc. Educ. : Clark's Coll. Civil Service ; Intermediate. War Work : 4 years at Ministry of Munitions of War ; Director in the Central Stores Department. Address : 2, The Chestnuts, Adelaide Road, Surbiton, Surrey. (M2348) ROBERTS, Edward Coleridge, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, J.P. ROBERTS, Ernest, O.B.E. ROBERTS, Evan, M.B.E. ROBERTS, Florence Alice, M.B.E. ROBERTS, Major Geoffray Dorling, O.B.B. ROBERTS, George Augustus, C.B.E, F.R.CS. (Eng.), fi. 30 May, 1875 ; s. of The Rev. A. J. Roberts, of Tidebrook, Sussex ; to. Florence Muriel, d. of Col. A. McMill, of Indian Army. Educ. : Marlborough Coll, and King's Coll. Hospital. Hon. Surgeon Royal Hants. County Hospital, Winchester. War Work : Surgeon to the Red Cross Hospitals, Winchester. Address : Walcote, Winchester. (C2908) ROBERTS, Major George Fossett, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 1 Nov. 1870 ; s. of David Roberts, of Aberystwyth ; m. Mary, d. oi John Parry, of Glanpaith, Cardiganshire. Educ. : At Cheltenham (Private School). War Work : Embarkation Staff Officer, Aug. 1914 to June, 1919. Address : Laura Place, Aberystwyth. (07638) ROBERTS, George James, M.B.E. ROBERTS, George Quinlan, C.B.E, M.A, 6. Feb. 1860 ; s. of G. V. Roberts, of Hobart, Tasmania ; m. Mary Louise, d. of Henry Waters, of Chisell Hall. Educ. : Hutchins School, Hobart; Hertford Coll, Oxford. Formerly House Governor, London Hospital ; since 1903 Sec. and Receiver, St. Thomas' Hospital. War Work : Sec. St. Thomas' Hospital ; Huts built ; St. Thomas' was constituted 5th London General Hospital (520 military beds) ; took active part in arrangements for treatment of wounded and war prisoners. Clubs : Leander ; Roval Automobile. (O1029) ROBERTS, Capt. George William Pearson, M.B.E, B.Sc, R.A.S.C, fi. 1893 ; s. of Gervase Henry, of Lee, S.E. Educ. : Univ. Coll. School, and City and GuUds Coll, S. Ken sington. Engineering Student at Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. War Work : Joined R.A.S.C, Dec. 1915 ; commissioned, May, 1910 ; served with B.E.F, June, 1916, to July, 1917 ; demobilised, Oct. 1919. Address : 79, Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, S.E. 12. _ . „ __ (M5577) ROBERTS, Gervase Henry, CB.E, M.Inst.CE. ; s, of Alderman G. H. Roberts, J.P, Mayor of City of Wakefield Educ. : Stanlev Hall, and Leeds Univ. Civil Engineer. War Work : Chief Mechanical Engineer, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Address : 3, Blessington Road, Blackheath, SE 13. (C2299) ROBERTSON, Capt. John WiUiam, O.B.E, M.B, F.E.C.S, R.A.M.C ROBERTSON, Kate Ann, Lady, O.B.B. ; d. pi Thomas Morris-Banks, of Liverpool ; widow of Sir Helenus Robert, s. of James Hunter Robertson, of Greenock. War Work : Organised scheme for providing free board and lodging for relatives of dangerously UI or wounded soldiers in Chester war Hospitals who had been summoned to their bedside ; on all War Committees in Chester ; started one of the first Belgian Eefugee Homes in Cheshire. Address : Netley Park, Gomshall, Surrey. (011231) ROBERTSON, Major Kenneth Struan, O.B.E. ROBERTSON, Major Malcolm', O.B.E., M.C. ROBERTSON, Margaret Agnes Josepha, M.B.B, 6. I Hov. 1869 ; d. of Vincent Stuart Robertson. War Work : V.A.D. Nurse, St. John's Ambulance Brigade, at 16th General Jospital, Le Treport, France, then 13th General Hospital, Boulogne, subsequently 4th Northern General Hospital, bincoln, and two V.A.D. Hospitals for short periods ; Q.M.A.A.C. Administrator, Jan. 1918, to May, 1919; «.M.A.A.C.Records,andU.A,R.H.G, Regent's ParkBarracks ; yaartermistress, British Com. French Red Cross at Vitry-en- Artois, June, 1919, to April, 1920. Address : South Lodge, Mfleia Chase, Middlesex. Club : Q.M.A.A.C. Old Comrades Association. (M5580) ROBERTSON, Margaret Ida, M.B.E. (M10253) ROBERTSON, Margaret Hill, Mrs., M.B.E. ROBERTSON, Mary Elizabette, M.B.E. ROBERTSON, Philadelphia Nina, O.B.E, d. of the late yery Rev. John D. Robertson, of Melbourne, Victoria, . Educ. : Presbyterian Ladies' CoU, Melbourne. .-General of Australian Red Cross Society. War Since 1915 has acted in above capacity at Head quarters of Australian Red Cross Society, Federal Government House, Melbourne, working under Her Excellency Lady Helen Mum-o Ferguson, G.B.E, President of the Society. Address : c/o Australian Rod Cross Society, Federal Government House, Melbourne. (0929) ROBERTSON, Richard, M.B.E. ROBERTSON, Richard Frederiok, M.B.E. ROBERTSON, Sir Robert, K.B.E, M.A, F.R.S, 6. 17 April, 1869; s. of Dr. John A. Robertson, of Cupar, lite ; to. Kathleen d. of the late Professor Hugh Hutton Stannus, F.R.I.B.A, of Hindhead. Educ. : Madras Academy, Cupar, Fife ; St. Andrews Univ. (M.A. 1890, D.Sc. 1897). Director of Explosives, Research Dept, Woolwich ; Associate Member, Ordnance Committee ; Vice-President, Institute of Chemistry, 1918. Principal Government Chemist. War Work: In charge of Research on Explosives at Research Dept, Woolwich, from winch emanated many processes and new ex plosives adopted into the Service and used on the largest scale during the war. Addresses : Research Dept, Woolwich ; 29, Charlton Road, Blackheath, S.E, 3. Club : Chemical Industry. (K102) ROBERTSON, Robert, O.B.E, 6. 26 Jan. 1879; s. of John Sinclair Robertson, of Kinross, Scotland ; to. Elizabeth, d. of James Patterson, of Highgate. Educ. : Waterloo School, Oldham ; and at Kinross. Borough Accountant, Lowestoft. War Work : Hon. Treas. and Financial Adviser to East Coast towns ; for the Inhabitants the sum of £473,379 was obtained, and for the MunicipaUties, £290,000, a total of £763,379 ; Hon. Treas. War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Treas. War Savings Committee ; Hon. Treas. and Administrator, Canadian ReUef Fund, and also of Mayor.'s Relief Fund. Address : Town Hall, Lowestoft. (011232) ROBERTSON, Capt. Robert Charles, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. ROBERTSON, Major RusseU Butler, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. ROBERTSON, Lieut.-Col. Struan Gordon, C.B.E. Canadian Forces. War Work : Officer in Charge of Estates Branch, Overseas Military Forces of Canada. (C605) ROBERTSON, Stuart Duncan, O.B.E, 6. 12 June, 1884; s. of Murray Robertson. Educ. : King's School, Ely, and elsewhere. Deputy Traffic Manager, Great Indian Peninsula Railway, Bombay, India. War Work : In charge of all mUitary traffic during last 3 years of war on Great Indian Peninsula Railway, Bombay, which was main base for all Indian Expeditionary Forces and the G.I.P.R. carried the bulk of the traffic. Address : Co.'s Offices, G.I.P.R, Bombay. Club : Royal Bombay Yacht. (08297) ROBERTSON, Major Thomas Alexander, O.B.E, D.C.M, R.A.M.C. ROBERTSON, Major Thomas Edward, O.B.E, R.A.F. ROBERTSON, Lieut. Walter Allan, M.B.E, Aust. A.P.C, A.I.F. ROBERTSON, Walter Thomas, M.B.B. ROBERTSON, Capt. William, M.B.B. ROBERTSON, WiUiam, O.B.E, 6. 23 April, 1856 ; s. of James Robertson, J.P, of Brighton ; to. Edith Grace, d. of N. Salamon, of London. Educ : Weymouth CoU, and privately. War Work : Royal Army Pay Department, Chatham and Hounslow Pay Offices. Address : 43, Mount Park Crescent, Ealing. (011233) ROBERTSON, Lieut.-Col. WilUam, V.C, O.B.E, 6. 27 Feb. 1865 ; s. of John Robertson, of Dumfries ; to. Sarah, d. of Samuel Ferris, of Belfast. Enlisted in Gordon High landers, Dec. 1884 ; Commissioned during S.A. War, May, 1900 ; promoted Lieut.-Col. for services in connection with the war, April, 1917. War Work: Recruiting Staff Officer, Edinburgh, and afterwards Assistant Director of National Service for Edinburgh and Lothian and Peebles Area under Ministry of National Service ; was awarded V.C. in S.A. War as a combatant. Addresses ; 5, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh ; 21, Lee Crescent, PortobeUo. (0692) ROBERTSON. Capt. WilUam Adam, O.B.E, Can. A.V.C ROBERTSON, WiUiam Eugene, M.B.E. ROBERTSON, William Nathaniel, CB.E. (C3203) ROBERTSON, William St. Leonards, O.B.E. ROBERTSON, Winifred Agnes Florence, M.B.E. ROBERTSON, Major James Archibald St. George FITZWARRENNE-DESPENCER-, O.B.E, 6. 1 888 ; s. of the late Sir Helenus Robertson. Educ : Eton, and New CoU., Oxford. War Work : Mil. Sec. to Gen. Sir Henry Mackinnon, G.C.B, Nov. 1914, to March, 1916 ; attached to War Oflice, March, 1916, to April, 1916 ; attached to Western Command, April, 1916, to May, 1918 ; Mil. Sec. Western Command, May, 1918, to April, 1919. Address : Netley Park, Gomshall, Surrey. Club: Bath: Leander. (O7150) ROBERTSON, Hon. Major James STEWART-, O.B.B, late 3rd Bn. The Black Watch, 6. 14 Nov. 1856 ; s. of James Stewart Robertson, of Edsadynate, Strathtay, Perthshire ; m.. Janet Beatrice, d. of T. W. Murray Allan, of Glenfeochan, Kilmore, Argyll. Educ. : Loretto and privately. War Work : Local War Pensions Committee for Perthshire ; Joint (Dis ablement) Committee for Central Scotland • Local Tribunal, Highland Area and Highland Agricultural Committee ; Food Control Committee for County. Address : Edradynate, Strathtay, Perthshire. Club : New, Edinburgh. (011230) ROBEY, George, CB.E, fi. 20 Sept. 1869; to. Ethel, d of — Haydon. Comedian ; made first appearance, 1891 ; has appeared at the Alhambra Theatre and the Hippodrome and all the principal variety theatres in London and the 441 Robin THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Provinces. Worked in connection with various war charities, raising money, organising, and giving his services for theatrical performances. Address : 3, Cadogan Place, S.W. CZttfis : Eccentric ; M.CC. ROBIN, Alexander Gibson, O.B.E. ROBIN, Maggie, M.B.E. ROBIN, Matthew, O.B.E, fi. 30 Jan. 1867 ; s. of Robert Robin, of Hamilton and Glasgow ; m. Mabel Mylius, d. oi Surgeon-Gen. W. G. Don, of London. Educ. : Gilbertfield, Hamilton, and Glasgow Univ. Engine Builder (Marine), retired ; late Managing Director, Muir and Houston, Ltd, Glasgow. War Work : Special Constable, Central Division, Glasgow ; Constable to Inspector to Superintendent of Central Division, Canteen, Central Station, Glasgow. Address : Lanfine, Dumbreck, Glasgow. Clubs : Royal Scottish Auto mobile ; Scottish Constitutional, Glasgow. (011236) ROBINOW, William, M.B.E, M.C, M.A, fi. 8 Nov. 1882 ; s. of the late Max. Emil Robinson, of Manchester. Educ. : Rugby School, and Christ Church, Oxford. Called to the Bar, 1908 . War Work : Sec. East Lancashire Branch, British Red Cross Society ; private in Royal Fusiliers to Capt. 3rd Batt. Tank Corps. Address : Hawthornden, Green V alk, Bowdon, Cheshire. Club : Clarendon, Manchester. (M9472) ROBINS, Harry George, M.B.E. ROBINS, Eng.-Comm. Leslie, O.B.E, E.N. ROBINS, Lieut. Veral Glen, M.B.E.. R.E. ROBINSON, Major Alexander Augustus Edmund, O B F "R 4 F ROBINSON, Major Alick Christopher, O.B.E, R.A.F. ROBINSON, Andrew, C.B.E, M.V.O, F.R.S. A, fi. 17 Feb. 1858; s. of George Robinson, of Ballytweedy, Mucka- more, Co. Antrim ; m. Robina, d. of James Hutton Salmond, of Perth, Scotland. Educ. : Belfast. Principal Architect, Office of Public Works, DubUn ; Inspector of Ancient and National Monuments in Ireland. War Work : Special services rendered in connection with naval, military, and Royal Air Force operations, wireless and hydrophone stations and munitions works ; also services rendered to the United States Navy Department. Addresses : 116, St. Lawrence Road, Cbntarf, Dublin ; Ballytweedy, Muckamore, Co. Antrim. (C606) ROBINSON, Major Augustus Francis, O.B.E, fi. 1883 ; s. of the late Frederick King Robinson, of London. ; m. Doris Isabel, d. of the late Thomas Chas. Cloud, of Maiden, Surrey. Educ. : King's Coll, Strand, W.C. Chartered Secretary. War Work : On the outbreak of war was mobilised with the 19th London Regt, and drafted to France as part of the 47th (London) Division on 9 March, 1915 ; served with the battalion until after the Battle of Loos, Sept. 1915, when he was appointed Acting Staff Capt. to the 141st Infantry Brigade ; was Adjutantof the 47th Divisional School of Instruction until Oct. 1916, when Divisional Schools were abolished ; he was then sent to Divisional Headquarters to understudy " Q " Branch ; also organised laundry serv _ce for division, being mentioned in despatches in 1917 ; in Oct. 1917, was sent to Headquarters 2nd Army, and organised laundries for the whole of the 2nd Army ; mentioned in despatches, 1918 ; continued as Laundry Adviser, G.H.Q, British Army of the Rhine. Address : 120, Castellain Mansions, Maida Vale, London, W. 9. Club: Junior Army and Navy. (05725) ROBINSON, Beatrice Evelyn Eugenie, Mrs., M.B.E. ROBINSON, Lieut. Bernal, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. ROBINSON, Lieut. Charles, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. ROBINSON, Charles, M.B.E. ROBINSON, Major Charles Walter, O.B.E, Aust. A.S.C ROBINSON, Major Charles Wilson, O.B.E. ROBINSON, Major Cyril Ellett, O.B.E, late R.G.A , 6. 3 Sept. 1889 ; s. of Charles Robinson, of Willesden Lane, N.W. ; m. Bertha Marie, d. of William T. Bashford, of Crickle- wood, N.W. Educ. : Kilburn Grammar School. Engineer. War Work : Served with Royal Garrison Artillery, 1914-19 • commanded 13th Heavy Battery. Address : 293, Willesden Lane, London, N.W. (O0525) ROBINSON, Doris Firth, M.B.E, fi. Feb. 1892; d. of Thomas A. Robinson, of North Ferriby, East Yorks. War Work : Organising work in St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Quartermaster-in-charge, Sculcoates V.A.D. Hospital, Hull ; 1917-19, Registrar and Quartermaster, St. John V.A.D Hospital, Hull (450 beds). Address : Ferriby House, North Ferriby, East Yorks. (M9475) ROBINSON, Dorothy Eyre, O.B.E, 6. 6 Jan. 1889 ¦ d. of Herbert Sylvester Robinson, of Wilmslow, Cheshire Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hon. Assist. County Sec. B.R.C.S, Cheshire Branch, April, 1915, to Dec. 1917; Hon Acting County Sec. B.R.C.S, Cheshire Branch, Dec. 1917, to date. Address : Hill Crest, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Club ¦ V.A.D. Ladies'. (01815) ROBINSON, Dorothy Faith, M.B.E. (M10253. ROBINSON, Edward, M.B.E. ROBINSON, Edwin, O.B.E. ROBINSON, Elizabeth Street, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 12 Oct. 1857 ; d. of J. B. Plumb, of Niagara, Canada ; m. Christopher s. of Sir John Beverley Robinson, Bart, of Toronto. War Work : Lady Superintendent, Canadian Convalescent Home for Officers, Dieppe and Trouville, France, from Oct. 1915, to Jan 1919. Address : A, Sultan Street, Toronto, Canada. Club : loronto Ladies', Toronto, Canada. (M3940) ROBINSON, Lieut.-Col. Ernest, O.B.E, R.E. 'm6JilJ> 442 ROBINSON, Eric Gascoigne, V.C, O.B.E, R.N, ROBINSON, Frederick Anthony, M.B.E, 6. 12 Jan. 1852 • s. of the late George Robinson, of Northampton. Educ '- Northampton Grammar School. Accountant to the Northants County Mental Hospital, Berry Wood, near Northampton War Work : Accountant at the Northants War Hospital at Duston, near Northampton. Address: Duston, Northampton (M9477) ROBINSON, Frederick Field, O.B.E, L.D.S, fi. 28 March 1858 ; s. of Thomas Field Robinson, of Richmond (Yorks) ¦ m. Florence EUzabeth, d. of Francis E. Anneveld, of London! Educ. : Doncaster Grammar School. Dental Surgeon, Hert ford British Hospital, Paris. War Work: Senior Dental Surgeon to the following : British Red Cross Society, Paris Branch, No. 4 General Hospital, Versailles, B.R.C.S. Auxiliary Hospital, Hotel Astoria, Paris, and to the British Army in Paris District from Oct. 1914, to June, 1919. Address: 9, Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris. ROBINSON, George Fox, M.B.E. ROBINSON, George Lovely, M.B.E. ROBINSON, Lieut. George WUliam, M.B.E. ROBINSON, Lieut. Harold, M.B.E, R.G.A. ROBINSON, Paymaster-Capt. Harry, O.B.E, R.N. ROBINSON, Sir Harry Perry, K.B.E, Knt. Bach, Chevalier, Legion d'Honneur, 6. 30 Nov. 1859 ; s. of Rev. Julian Robinson, Chaplain in Hon. East India Co.'s service ; m. Florence Anne, d. of Joseph Tester, of Surbiton, Surrey. Educ. : Westminster (Capt. of the School), and Christ Church, Oxford. For many years on the Staff of the " Times." War Work : War Corre spondent for the " Times" from Aug. 1914, in Belgium; in 1915, in Serbia ; 1916 to Armistice, in France and Belgium ; then to Cologne, etc. Address : The " Times " Oflice. Club : New University. (K415) ROBINSON, Major Henry, O.B.E, F.R.CS. R.A.M.C. ROBINSON, Henry William Bradley, M.B.E. ROBINSON, Horace Astell Lynn, O.B.E , fi. 22 Sept., 1870. Superintendent, the Eastern Telegraph Co, Ltd. War Work : Valuable services rendered to the Government of India, 1914-18. Address : Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C 2. Clubs : Royal Bombay Yacht, Bombay ; Exiles'. (O4084) ROBINSON, Capt. James, M.B.E, R.A.F. ROBINSON, James Thomas, M.B.B. ROBINSON, Surgeon James, C.B.E, fi. 1867; s. of Richard Robinson, of Portadown ; m. Harriet Agnes, d. of Thomas Bevan, of Abergavenny. Educ. : Dundalk, Galway, Belfast, and Dublin. Physician and Surgeon. War Wort : Chairman of Executive Committee, Welsh National Hospital, Netley. Address : Hillside, Penylan, Cardiff. (C2910) ROBINSON, John, C.B.E. ROBINSON, John Alexander, M.B.E, LL.D, J.P, fi. 29 June, 1862 ; s. of the late Rev. E. J. Robinson, of Weston- super-Mare ; to. Flora Louisa, d. of the late Joseph Hayward Taylor, of Carbonear, Newfoundland. Educ. : Victoria Coll, Jersey ; New Kingswood, Bath ; Manchester Grammar School. Journalist. " Daily News and Free Press," St. John's (Robinson & Co, Ltd.). Address : 14, Cathedral Street, St. John's, Newfoundland. Clubs: City, St. John's; Masonic, St. John's. (M6401) ROBINSON, John George, C.B.E, M.Inst.CE, M.Inst.M.E, 6. 30 July, 1856 ; s. of Matthew Robinson, of Bristol ; m. Mary Ann, d. of Richard Hildyard Dalton. Educ : Chester ; Engineering training received to the Great Western Rly. Works, Swindon, Wilts. Locomotive and Carriage and Wagon Supt. to the Waterford, Limerick and Western Railway of Ireland, 1888 to 1900 ; joined the Great Central Railway Company in July, 1900, as Chief Mechanical Engineer. War Work : Member of the Railway War Manufactures Sub- Committee, and superintended the Manufacture of Gun Carriages, 6-inch High Explosive Shells, Cartridge Cases, etc, at the Company's Gorton Works ; also the building of Ambu lance Trains at Dukinfield Works ; his design of 2-8-0 Loco motive Engine was adopted by the War Office as standard for service in France ; Inventor of the " Robinson Superheater," the " Intensifore Lubricator," and of apparatus for burning Pulverised Coal, Oil, and Colloidal Mixtures as applied to Locomotive and Marine work. Address : Mere Bank, Fair field, near Manchester. (C2912) ROBINSON, Katharine Haigh, O.B.E. ROBINSON, Lieut.-Comm. Leonard, O.B.B, R.N. (ret.) ROBINSON, Leonard Bainbridge, O.B.E, fi. 26 April, 1888; s. of Samuel Robinson, O.B.E, of Sheffield; m. Jessie Barnes, d. of Benjamin B. Brown, of Sheffield. Educ. : Derwent House School, and Sheffield Univ. Manager. Machine Shops, W. Beardmore & Co, Ltd, Parkhead, Glasgow. War Work : Manufacture of guns of all sizes, 15-inch to 6-pounders, with breech mechanisms, ships' castings, and machinery. Address : Inniemore, Blairbeth Road, Burnside, Glasgow. (011238) ROBINSON, Lieut. Leonard Mould, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. ROBINSON, Hon. Lieut.-Col. Leonard Nicholas, C.B.E, M.D. (Edin.), M.D. (Paris), R.A.M.C, fi. 24 Nov. 1869 ; s. of Samuel Henry Robinson, of Howrah, Bengal ; ni. Victoria, d. of D. Hoef. Educ. : Malvern Coll, and Univs. of Edinburgh and Paris. Senior Physician, Hertford British Hospital, Paris ; Senior Member, Paris Board, Egyptian Government Medical Commission ; Chairman, Executive Committee, Paris Branch, Overseas Club and Patriotic League ; Chairman, Executive Committee, Imperial Club, Paris, War Work : President, BIOGRAPHIES. Robson Paris Branch, B.R.C.S, from Sept. 1914 ; gazetted Commission, Hon. and T. Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C, June, 1915 ; mentioned in despatches, May, 1917; Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. Address : 28, rue de Pontliieu, Paris VIHe. Clubs : Travellers' ; Imperial, Paris. (C2913) ROBINSON, Maurice Alexander, O.B.E. ROBINSON, Norah Gertrude, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. ROBINSON, Lieut. Peroy Gilbert, M.B.E. ROBINSON, Hon. Lieut. and Qr.-Mr. Percy, Holland, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. (V.), Lancs, 6. 16 July, 1873. s. of Edward M. Robinson, of Liverpool ; m. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Rowland Allen, of New Hall, West Derby, Lancs. Educ : Breck House Coll, Liverpool. Insurance Manager. War Wort : Quartermaster of British Red Cross Society and West Lanes T.F. A. ; Voluntary Aid Detachment, No. 27, having charge on arrival of all sick and wounded both from overseas and by rail in the port and city of Liverpool ; received com mission as Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. in Lancs R.A.M.C (V.), Liverpool Field Ambulance, for assisting to raise that corps, and various other duties such as the training of nurses for France in stretcher drill, etc. Address : 53, Mayville Road, Mossley Hill, Liver pool. (M9481) ROBINSON, Lieut.-Col. Riohard Stirling, O.B.E., E.A.F. ROBINSON, Lieut.-Col. Robert Hervey St. Clair, M.B.E. ROBINSON, Roy Lister, O.B.B, B.A. (Oxon.), B.Sc, b. 8 March, 1883 ; s. of Wm. Robinson, of South Australia ; m. Charlotte Marion, d. of — Bradshaw, of Torquay. Educ. : St, Peter's Coll, South Australia; Adelaide and Oxford Univs. (Rhodes Scholar). Forestry Commissioner. War Work : Explosives Department, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Address : 22, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. (0694) ROBINSON, Samuel, CB.E. ROBINSON, Rev. Samuel Fairbrother, O.B.E, 6. 19 March, 1879 ; s. of Robert Edward Robinson, of Rochdale ; m. Ada, d. of Henry Broughton, of Rochdale. Educ : Congre gational Institute, Nottingham. Sec. and Treas. Macclesfield Local War Pensions Committee ; Free Church Minister, Cheshire County Asylum, Parkside, Macclesfield. War Work : Vice-Chairman, Cheshire Joint (Disablements) Committee ; Hon. Sec. Macclesfield Borough Division, Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association ; Hon. Sec. War Pensions Committee, Macclesfield. Address : Brierfield, Chester Road, Maccles field. (011239) ROBINSON, Sir Thomas, K.B.E, J P, CC, 6. 23 Jan. 1855 ; s. of John Robinson, of Cleethorpes ; m. Cornelia Agnes, d. of George Wheeler, of Cleethorpes. Educ. : Humberstone Grammar School. Steam Trawler Owner ; Director of several companies. War Work : Technical Adviser to the Fish Food Committee, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries ; Member of the Cured Fish Committee, Ministry of Food ; Technical Adviser to the Dept. of Fisheries. Address : Southlands, Cleethorpes. (K34) ROBINSON, Sir Thomas, O.B.E, J.P, M.P, fi. 2 Jan. 1863 ; s. of Peter Robinson, of Stretford ; to. Emma, d. of William Lowe, of Chorlton, Manchester. Educ. : Stretford. Dyer ; Director, Bradford Dyers' Association, Ltd. ; for 25 years Member of the Stretford Urban District Council, and thrice Chairman ; Chairman of the County Licensing Committee, Salford Hundred ; Manchester Port Sanitary Authority ; of the AUied Trades, Bleaching, Dyeing, and Printing Industries, Lanes, Cheshire, and Yorks. War Work : Chairman of the Stretford Red Cross Society, and Hospitals Committee ; M.P. for the Stretford Division of Lancashire, since 1918. Address : The Hawthorns, Edge Lane, Stretford. Clubs : National Liberal, London ; Reform, Manchester. (03892) ROBINSON, Thomas, C.B.E. ROBINSON, Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas Bilbe, G.B.E., K.C.M.G, K.B, 6. 1853 ; s. of Robert William Robinson. of Nelson Dock, Rotherhithe ; to. Rosa Hannah, d. of W. Cowell, of Broadstairs. Agent-General for Queensland, 1910- 20. War Work : Purchaser and Director of meat supplies for the Allied Armies in all theatres of war ; purchaser and director of army and civilian imported cheese supplies from 1915, until relieved from this duty by the Ministry of Food ; Chairman of Refrigerated Ships' Tonnage Control Committee ; Officer Legion of Honour, Commander Crown of Italy, Crown of Belgium. Addresses : 7, Cambridge Gate, Regent's Park ; Worth Foreland, Broadstairs. Clubs : Oriental ; Reform ; Queensland ; Chelsea Arts. ROBINSON, Thomas Ingle. M.B.E, 6. 13 Aug. 1878; s. of John Robinson, of Over, Cambs. ; to. Gertrude, d. of Thomas Page, Ocklev, Surrev. Educ. : Privately, and Military. CivU Servant. War Work : Civil Service duties at War Office. Address: Glen-Derup, 29, Derwent Road, Palmers Green, ». 13. (M2355) ROBINSON, William, C.B.E. Financial Sec, India Offlcs. (C279) ROBINSON, Col. William Arthur, C.B C.M.G., 6. 1864 ; *¦ of the late George Robinson, of R6union, Mauritius ; m. 1906, Florence Helen, d. of the late Wentworth L. Cole. Educ : Eton, and R.M.A. Entered R.A., 1884 , became Capt. 1893 ; Brevet Major, 1899 ; Lieut.-Col. 1910 ; Col. 1913 (h.-p, 1919) ; served with the Niger ExperUtion, 1897-98 (despatches, medal Wth clasp, Brevet Major) ; in the S. African War, 1899-1900 ; Present at actions of Paardeberg and Poplar Grove (Queen's medal with five clasps) ; in the Great War, 1914-19, as Brig.- ™. on Staff (despatches). Address : 6, Albert Gate Court, Kmghtsbridge, S.W. 1. Club : Naval and Military. (C280) ROBINSON, Sir William Arthur, K.C.B, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 9 Sept. 1871 ; s. of late William Robinson, of Saunders House, Lung Marton, Westimirland; to. 24 Oct. 1910, Jean Pasley, -2nd. d. of C Mitchell. Served in Colonial Office, 1897-1912 ; First-Class Clerk, 1905 ; Asst. Secretary, Imperial Conference, 1907 and 1911 ; Secretary Dominions Roval Com mission, 1911-12; Asst. Secretary H.M. Office of Works, 1912-18; Permanent Secretary to the Air Council, 1918-20; First Secretary, Ministry of Health, from 1920. Address : 12, Albion Street, Hyde Park, W. (C280) ROBINSON, William Charles, M.B.E, 6. 18 Oct. 1855 ; s. of William Robinson, of Peckham, S.E. ; to. Mary Ada Allen, d. of Henry Taylor, of Bow, E. Educ. : Wesleyan Training Coll, Horseferry Road, Westminster, S.W. Super intendent of " V " Division, Metropolitan Police (ret.) ; Member of the Richmond Borough CouncU. War Work : In charge of a large area of London during the air raids of the war. Address : Melvin, High Park Avenue, Kew Gardens, Surrey. Club : National Liberal. (M900) ROBINSON, William Cornforth, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 12 July, 1861 ; s. of Mary Ann Smith, of Burnley ; m. Martha Ann, d. of Dennis Booth, of Burnley. Educ. : Burnley. Trade Union Sec. War Work : Red Cross (Sir Dennis Bayley's Committee); County Tribunal, re Recruiting. Address : 237, Manchester Road, Bury. (052) ROBINSON, Capt. William Edward, M.B.E. ROBINSON, William Henry, C.B.E. ROBINSON, Major WiUiam Henry, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C, has Croix de Guerre of France (2nd Award). ROBINSON, Lieut. William Henry, M.B.B. ROBINSON, Major-Gen. William Henry Banner, C.B, C.B.E, fi. 1803 ; s. of the late Capt. Valiancy Robinson, R.N. ; to. 1905, Elsie Marian, d. of W. Deane Butcher M.R.C.S, of Holyrood, Ealing, W. Entered Indian Medical Service, 1888 ; became Major, 1898 ; Lieut.-Col. 1900 ; Col, 1914, and Maj.- Gen, 1918 ; served with the Burma Expedition, 1885-89 (despatches, medal with two clasps) ; Waziristan Expedition, 1894-95 (clasp) ; Chitral Relief Force, J 895 (medal with clasp) ; Tirah Expedition, 1897-98 (clasp) ; in the Great War, 1914-15 (despatches) ; appointed an Hon. Surg, to H.M, 1919, (C2914) ROBINSON, Lieut.-Col. William Pasley, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 1877. An Assist. Director of Transport with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served in the S. African War, 1900-2 (Queen's medal with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; in the Great War, 1914-17 (despatches). (08533) ROBINSON, William Walter, M.B.B. ROBINSON, Capt. Cecil BOWES-, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. ROBLEY, Lieut. Vernon Edward, M.B.E. ROBSON, Major Archibald, O.B.E. ROBSON, Constance Evelyn, Mrs, M.B.E. ROBSON, Helene, Mrs, M.B.E. ROBSON, Sir Herbert Thomas, K.B.E, 6. 17 Nov. 1874 ; s. of the Rev. Canon W. H. F. Robson, of Claughton, Birkenhead ; to. Gladys Meredith, d. of J. G. Apthorp, of Brough, Yorks. Educ. : Birkenhead School ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Chairman, Karachi Chamber of Commerce, 1910-11 ; additional Member, Bombay Legislative Council 1910-11 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, Sept. 1919. War Work : Member Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies, 1917 to date ; Chairman, Wheat Export Co, Inc., New York, Official Agents to Allied Wheat Executive, 1917 to date. Address : Westalls, Burnham, Bucks. (K401) ROBSON, James, M.B.E, fi. 5 Oct. 1871 ; s. of George Robson, of Hexham ; m. Margaret Alice, d. of Andrew Leithead, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Elswick. Engineer. War Work : Design of heavy gun mountings for H.M. Services, and special adaptations of heavy naval guns for use in the field. Address : 61, Earlsdon Street, Coventry. Clubs : C.F.A, Coventrv ; Hearsal. (M90D ROBSON, Capt. John, O.B.E. ROBSON, Lieut. John Wintour, O.B.E. ROBSON, Philip Warwick, O.B.B. ROBSON, Lieut. Thomas Buston, M.B.E, R.G.A. (T.) ROBSON, WiUiam Tuke, M.B.E. ROBSON, Col. Sir Arthur William. MAYO-, K.B.E., C B , C.V.O, Knight of Grace Order of St. John of Jerusalem, D.Sc, F.R.CS, 6. -17 April, 1853; s. of J. B. Robson, of Filey.- to Florence, d. of Wm. Walker, of Osmondthorpe Hall, Yorkshire. Educ. : Wesley Coll, and Yorkshire Coll, Victoria Univ. Hon. Consulting Surgeon, King Edward VII. Memorial Hospital, Windsor, also of Leeds General Infirmary ; Emeritus Professor of Surgery, Univ. of Leeds ; Member of Council, Royal Coll. of Surgeons of England, 1893-1909; Vice-President, 1902-3, and 1904-5 ; Hunterian Professor, R C S 1897, 1900, 1904 ; Bradshaw Lecturer, R.C.S, 1905 ; late Hon. Surgeon, Dreadnought Hospital, and Lecturer, London School of Clinical Medicine; Hon. President, 15th International Congress of Medicine at Lisbon, 1906 ; Hon. President, Surgical Section, 13th International Medical Congress, Paris, 1903 ; Past President of Leeds and W.R. Med Chir Soc. ; Hon. Fellow American Surgical Soc. ; Hon. Member Soc. de Chir, Paris ; Hon. Member, Royal Soc. de Medic Ghent; Governor and Member of Council, Imperial Service Coll, Windsor ; Chairman, Managing Committee, Home of Recovery, Cobham ; Author of several works on Surgery and AUied Subjects, and of numerous articles in Medical Journals ; Joint Editor of " Surgery, Medicine and Gynecology," PhUa- delphia War Work : Col. A.M.S. ; served 6 months m 3rd 443 Roch THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. London General Hospital; Feb. 1915, lent by War Office at request of French Military Sec. to Instal Urgency Cases Hospital for the French in the Argonne ; April, 1915, recaUed to help instal Reading War Hospital (3000 beds) ; May, 1915, sent to Egypt ; served through Dardanelles Campaign ; at Suvla Landing ; mentioned twice in despatches, Egypt and Dardanelles ; later to France ; awarded C.B. (Mil), and K.B.E. (Mil.) ; 1917-20, Consulting Surgeon, Southern Command ; Member of Council of Consultants at War Office ; Inspector of Special MUitary Surgical Hospitals, Southern Command. Address : Broadoak, Seale, Surrey. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Bath ; Royal Societies' ; Ranelagh. (K292) ROCH, Col. Horace Sampson, C.M.G, CB.E, D.S.O, fi. 1876 ; s. of the late Dep. Surg.-Gen. Sampson Roch, of Woodbine Hill, co. Waterford ; to. 1919, Marjorie, who died, 1919, e. d. of the late Robert Henry Power, of Cliff House, Ardmore, co. Waterford (see Burke's Peerage). Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C ; Assist. Director of Med. Sers. of a Div. with rank of Col. ; served in the S. African War, 1899-1902 ; present at relief of Ladysmith (Queen's medal with six clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; in the Great War, 1915-18 (despatches), (C3177) ROCH, Eng.-Comm. Sydney George, O.B.E., R.N. ROCHDALE, Lady Beatrice Mary, M.B.E, 6. 5 Nov. 1871 ; d. of 3rd Earl of EUesmere (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. George Kemp, 1st Baron Rochdale (see BrmKE's Peerage). Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant Convalescent Hospital for officers and men. Address : Lingholm, Keswick. Club : Ladies' Athenaeum. (M9485) ROCHE, Capt. AUred Lyttleton, M.B.B. ROCHE, A. W, O.B.E. (011788/) ROCHE, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin Robert, O.B.E, 6. 3 Feb. 1865 ; s. of T. Roche, J.P, of Annakisha House, Killavullen, Co. .Cork; m. Blanche, d. of W. Jones, of Manor House, Finchley, N. Educ. : The Abbey, Tipperary. War Work : Served in France from Nov. 1914 to Feb. 1916 : home from Feb. 1916 to Sept. 1919. Address: Dorset Lodge, KiUinev, Co. DubUn. Club : Royal Irish Yacht. (07645) ROCHE, EUzabeth Jane, M.B.E. War Work : For three years from 1916-19, organising Sec. of the EaUng War Dressings Association, 2, Grange Road, EaUng, W. Address : 16, St. Stephen's Road, Ealing, W. 13. (M3943) ROCHE, Francis Patrick, M.B.B. ROCHE, Lieut.-Col. Nelson Joseph, O.B.E, R.A.F. ROCKETT, Capt. Herbert Charles, O.B.E, M.R.CV.S, 6. 12 Aug. 1892 ; s. of F. Rockett, of Paignton ; to. Florence Beatrice, d. of W. R. Greenwood, of London. Educ. : All- hallows School, Honiton, and Queen's Coll, Taunton. Veterin ary Surgeon. War Work : Royal Army Veterinary Corps (attached 34th Division). Address : 14, Claremont Road, Tunbridge WeUs. (05727) ROCKEY, WUUe, O.B.B. RODD, Surg. -Comm. Montague Louis Bouchier, O.B.E, R.N. RODDA, George Charles, M.B.E. RODDAM. Lieut.-Col. Roddam John, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. March, 1857 ; s. of Roddam John Roddam, of Roddam ; to. Helen Fredericka, d. of Capt. A. T. Goldie, R.N, of The Hermitage, Douglas, Isle of Man. Educ. : Clare CoU, Cam bridge. Commandant, 3rd Batt. Northumberland Fusiliers (Special Reserve) from 1909. War Work : Raised and com manded 15th Batt. Northumberland Fus. in 1914 tiU Sept. 1916 ; MiUtary Member of TravelUng Medical Board ; went overseas to May, 1917, and was attached to 2nd Anzac Corps (afterwards the 22nd Corps). Address : Roddam HaU, Wooper- ton Station, Northumberland. (0696) RODDIS, Lieut. Ernest, M.B.E, b. 16 July, 1885 ; s. of Thomas Roddis, of Rotherham ; m. Daisy LiUan, d. of Alfred C Taylor, of Warwick. Educ. : Grammar School, Rother ham. Civil Servant. War Work : Royal Engineers (Signals), Dec. 1914, to Oct. 1919 ; France, Salonica, E.E.F. Address : Alpha Cottage, 16, Cherry Street, Warwick. (M4701) RODERICK, Dr. Henry Buckley, O.B.E, T.D, M A. M.Ch, M.D. (Cantab.), M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), D P h' (Camb.), fi. 19 Aug. 1874 ; s. of WilUam and Maria Roderick, of LlaneUy ; m. Hilda Mary, d. of John Clay, of Cambridge. Educ. : Bath CoU. ; Emmanuel Coll, Cambridge ; St. George's Hospital, London. Surgeon ; Univ. Demonstrator of Surgery ; Surgeon to Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge. War Work ¦ Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. (T.F.), commanding Medical Unit of Cambridge Univ. O.T.C. ; M.O. to Univ. Board for Com missions ; Surgeon to first Eastern General Hospital ; Officer commanding No. 55 General Hospital, B.E.F, France ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : 17, Trumpington Street Cambridge. (05728) RODERICKS, John FISHER-, M.B.E, 6. 12 July, 1866 ; s. of George Rodericks, of Madras. Postmaster of some of the largest Post Offices to India and in chief charge, as Presidency Postmaster, of Madras and Calcutta ; now Post master-General and Deputy Director-General Posts and Telegraphs, Indian Empire. War Work: Hon. Sec. of the PubUcity Committee (Calcutta Branch) of the Great War Loan raised in India. Address : AUpore Park Place, Calcutta. „ „ (M6283) RODET, Engr.-Capt. Ernest WiUiam, CB.E, R.N. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (CI 937) RODGER, Alexander, O.B.E. -^v*') RODGER, James AlUson, M.B.E. RODGERS, Charles, O.B.E. RODGERS, Major Frederick MiUar, O.B.E, M.D R.A.M.C. RODGERS, Capt. Rivers Thomas, M.B.B, I.M.D, fi. 13 Sept. 1872 ; s. of Thomas Rodgers, of Chunar ; m. Elizabeth Idee ; d. of W. J. Brinkworth, of Simla. Educ. : Boys' High School, Allahabad, IncUa, and privately. Assistant Health Officer, Simla, 1899 ; Civil Surgeon. Buldona, Berars, 1906-11 ; Superintendent, Central Jails, Rajpur, Nagpur, Jubbulpore, India, from 1911-20. War Work: In Medical and Executive charge of the Jubbulpore Central Jail ; the custody of certain special prisoners, and the manufacture of TextUe Munitions for British and Indian troops. Address : c/o Inspector-General of Prisons, Central Provinces, India. Club : Nerbudda, Jubbulpore, C.P. (M6234) RODHAM, Paymaster-Comm. Cuthbert HaUiburton, O.B.E, R.N. RODHAM, Robert, M.B.E. RODHOUSE, Alfred Edward, M.B.E, 6. 13 Nov. 1871 ; s. of Charles Rodhouse, J.P, of Daventry, Northants; m. Amy Ellen, d. of John Matthew Ambler. Educ. : Daventry Grammar School. Leather Factor. Address : Lugano, The Drive, Northampton. (M9487) RODICK, Lieut. WilUam, O.B.E. RODLIFFE, Capt. Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. RODNEY, Corisande, Baroness, C.B.E. RODWAY, Barron John, O.B.E, L.D.S. RODWAY, George Frederick, M.B.E, R.N. RODWELL, Major Francis John, O.B.E, T.D, fi. 1886; s. of John Kirby RodweU, of Cambridge ; m. Florence Catherine, d. of Frederick Brown, I.S.O, of Malvern. Educ. : Dulwich Coll. Solicitor ; Clerk to Halesworth District CouncU ; Clerk to Burial Board, etc. War Work : Volunteer, 1903 ; Active Service, Aug. 1914-19. Address : Castle House, Halesworth, Suffolk. (03172) RODWELL, Major James Theodore, O.B.E, R.A.F. ROE, AUiott Verdon, O.B.E, 6. 26 April, 1877 ; s. of Edwin Hodgson Roe, of Manchester ; to. Mildred, d. of Samuel Kirk, of Derby. Educ. : St. Paul's, Hammersmith. War Work : Pioneered and developed the Avro Aeroplanes ; during the latter part of the war about cne-third of the total timber supply for aircraft was absorbed by the Avros, according to a speech made by Lord Weir. Address : High Firs, Bursle- don, Hants. Club : Royal Aero. (0697) ROE, FUght-Lieut. Robert Lloyd, O.B.B, M.B, R.A.M.C. ROEBER, WiUiam Carl Trorey, O.B.B, M.C, Capt. (T.F. Res.), 6. 25 Sept. 1887 ; s. of the late Oscar Julius Hugo Roeber ; to. Dorothy, d. of Charles Goode, of Wandsworth Common. Educ : Sir Walter St. John's School. War Work : Served at home and B.E.F. F'rance, in the ranks, 1914-17 ; CivU Service Rifles and Army CycUst Corps ; later at No. 8 O.C.B., Lichfield ; commissioned, March 1918, to Civil Service Rifles ; served for winter campaign, North Russia, Sept. 1918, to June, 1919 ; mentioned in despatches, and received Order of St. Stanislaus (2nd Class) with swords, and Order of St. Anne (3rd Class) with swords. Address : 5, Broomwood Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. Club : Civil Service Rifles. (O6808) ROEBUCK, Samuel, M.B.E, J.P. ROFFE, John, M.B.E, fi. 16 March, 1857 ; s. of WiUiam Henry Roffe, of Tunbridge Wells ; m. Mary Sophia, d. of Thomas Palmer Machin, of Beddington, Surrey. Educ. : St. James' School, Tunbridge Wells. Station Superintendent, Central Station, Brighton, L.B. & S.C Rly. War Work : In connection with movement of troops, ambulance trains con veying wounded, etc. Address : Station House, Shaftesbury Place, Brighton. (M9488) ROGAN, Rev. Peter, O.B.E. ROGER, Herbert Campbell, M.B.E. ROGERS, Capt. Alfred George, M.B.E, The King's Liverpool Regt, fi. 5 July, 1878 ; s. of the late Tom Rogers; m. EmUy Alice. Educ. : Army Schools. Joined the Army at the age of 15, and passed through the various ranks from Boy to Capt. (27 years service). War Work : Commanded The Depot, The King's Liverpool Regt, Peshawar, during the Frontier Risings, Aug. to Dec. 1915 ; commanded the Attached Section and Rest Camps, Bombay, 1916-19 ; awarded M.B.E, June, 1919, for work in connection with accommodating large numbers of troops at very short notice and making them com fortable compatible with the circumstances ; also accom modating large numbers prisoners of war. Addresses : 2, Westgate Gardens, EaUng, VV. 13 ; c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross. (M6512) ROGERS, Arthur Burden Campbell, C.B.E, M.I.C.E. ROGERS, Lieut.-Col. Charles Herman, O.B.E. ROGERS, Dorothy Heyward, M.B.E. ROGERS, Rev. Edgar, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 26 Feb. 1873 ; s. of John Frederick Rogers, of Liverpool ; m. AUce Buckley, d. of James Smith, of Wigan. Educ. : Liverpool Coll. ; St. John's CoU, Oxford. Chaplain-General and Sec. of Church Lads' Brigade (K.R.R.C.) Cadets ; late Vicar of St. Sepulchre, London, Middlesex. War Work : Cadet service, joint raiser of 16th (S.) Batt. K.R.R.C. (C.L.B.). Address : 5, Essex VUlas, Kensington, W. (011242) ROGERS, Edith Louisa Julie, Lady, C.B.E, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 21 Nov. 1861 ; d. oi Major Frederick Sykes, of 3rd Bombay Cavalry ; m. John Godfrey, s. of the late G. Handel Rogers. Educ. : London. War Work : Seventeen months nursing as V.A.D. in Red Cross Hospital, 444 BIOGRAPHIES. Rolleston Cairo, Egypt ; section leader of detachment executive ; on committees for convalescent outings, Nurses (Red Cross) Club, Rea Cross Work Rooms ; President of Committee running permanent canteen for troops, and raUway canteens. Address : Whitelands, Edenbridge, Kent. (0607) ROGERS, Fergus Carstairs, M.B.E. ROGERS, Florence Criohton, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of G. T. Jenkins, of Franklands, Burgess HU1, Sussex ; to. Col. 6. W. N. Rogers, late the Royal Irish. War Work : Six years' work for wives and famUies of soldiers and sailors with Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Assoc, and War Pensions ; and Chairman of sub-committee3, etc. Address : 25, Albany Villas, Hove, Sussex. (M9490) ROGERS, Frederiok Henry, M.B.E, 6. 16 May, 1884 ; s. of F. H. Rogers, CouncUlor of Teignmouth ; m. May Edith, „. of Thomas Lay, of Stockwell, S.W. Educ. : Ashburton Grammar School, South Devon. Staff Clerk, Air Ministry, Kingsway. War Work : Assisted in the organisation of the Prisoners of War Bureau, Wellington Street, Strand ; from 1916 onwards engaged upon compiling the records and arrang ing the distribution and despatch of correspondence of the whole Air Ministry ; also acted as custodian of files of an extremely confidential nature. Address : 1, Linden Avenue, Thornton Heath. (M9491) ROGERS, George James Nicholas, M.B.E. ROGERS, Lieut. George Wase, M.B.E. ROGERS, Lieut. Gilbert, M.B.E. ROGERS, Lieutenant Gilbert, M.B.E. ROGERS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Harry George, M.B.E, M.C, 6. 14 Feb. 1873 ; s. of George Rogers, of Essex ; to. Alice EmUy, d. of Frederick Kemp, of Essex. Educ. : London. War Work : Quartermaster 1st Batt. R.W. Kent Regt, British Expedition ary Force, Aug. 1914, to Aug. 1916. Address : 87, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. (M6700) ROGERS, Henry, M.B.E, 6. 9 Sept. 1862 ; s. of George Rogers, of Cheddleton, Staffs ; m. Georgina, d. of John Foster, of Cheltenham. Educ. : Cheddleton School. Metallurgist and Works Manager. War Work : Production of High Class Non-ferrous aUoys for Ammunition. Address : 75, Blenheim Road, Moseley, Birmingham. Clubs : Member of Institute of Metals ; FeUow of the Royal Society of Arts. (M2360) ROGERS,Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Henry, O.B.E, R.N. ROGERS, Henry Montague, M.B.E, 6. 22 Aug. 1885. Chief Clerk, Government Office, Isle of Man ; Private Sec. to the Lieutenant Governor. War Work : Chiefly in connection with AUen's Detention Camps. Address : Maybank, Eastfield, Douglas, Isle of Man. . (M3944) ROGERS, Capt. Henry Waters Lyttleton, M.B.E, ROGERS, Herbert Edwin Wright, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 30th June, 1864; s. of Herbert Wright, of London; m. Ellen Maud Bickley, d. of Benjamin Bickley Rogers, M.A, D.Litt, of Strawberry HU1, Middlesex. Educ. : Charterhouse and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. M.A, LL.B., Barrister-at-Law. Wat- Work: Member of DiscipUne Board, MetropoUtan Special Constabulary; Member of Committee of Royal Air Force Hospitals. Addresses : Yarlington, Somerset ; Old Bracon- dale, Cromer, Norfolk ; 57, Cleveland Square, London, W. 2 ; Hi, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. 2. Clubs : Reform; Royal Automobile ; Cromer. (01819) ROGERS, Comm. Hugh Hext, O.B.E, R.N. ROGERS, Hugh Innes, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 1872 ; s. of Jonh Innes Rogers, of Bournemouth ; to. Beatrice Elizabeth, d. of Charles Hunton, of Bath. Educ : Temple Grove ; Marl borough ; King's Coll, London. President Bristol Association of Engineers, 1913-15 ; Chairman Western Centre Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1918-19 ; Member of Council Institu tion of Electrical Engineers, 1918-20. War Work : Member West of England Munitions Committee ; as Chairman of BreckneU, Munro and Rogers, Ltd, Bristol, organised and ex tended their works which became the biggest producer of shells in the West of England. Address : Heathfield, St. Stephen's Road, Bath. (011243) ROGERS, James George, M.B.E, R.N. ROGERS, Joan, M.B.E, fi. 2 July, 1894 ; d. of Arthur Edmond Rogers, of London. Educ. : St. Paul's Girls' School. War Work : Lady Superintendent, Royal Army Pay Depart ment, 3 years 8 months ; also for two years worked on the Na tional Land CouncU, training and placing women on the land. Address : 24, CharleviUe Road. W. 14. (M2363) ROGERS, John, O.B.E. ROGERS, John, O.B.E. ROGERS, John Henry, O.B.E, 6. 15 Feb. 1867; s. of John Rogers, of Birmingham ; to. NeUie Coulson, d. of Edward Smith, of Birmingham. Educ : Privately. Chartered Ac countant. War Work : Hon. Sec. Birmingham Joint V.A.D. Committee ; Hon. Sec. Birmingham Local Centre, St. John Ambulance Association ; Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John. Address: Calthorpe Fields, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Club: Clef. (03893) ROGERS, Kenneth, O.B.E, M.D. (Lond.) 1894, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. (1893), 6. 17 March, 1870 ; s. of John Innes Rogers, of Knyveton Court, Bournemouth ; m. Elizabeth Hope, d. of Archibald Parker, of Camden Wood, Chislehurst. Educ : Temple Grove School ; Marlborough Coll. ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; and Vienna. House Physician, St. Bart.'s Hospital, 1895-96; author of " Musings of a Medico" (verse). War Work : Physician on staff of the Brook War Hospital, Wool wich, 1915-19. Address : 16, Upper Park Road, Bromley. Kent. Clubs: Walton Heath; Sundridge Park Golf . (04389) ROGERS, Lilian May, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C ROGERS, Capt. Lincoln Coslett, O.B.E, R.A.O.C ROGERS.Mary Georgiana Helen, Mrs.,M.B.E, 6. 27 Jan. 1871 ; d. of Capt. Duncan McNeill, of Oransay Priory, Argyll- store ; m. 1st, J. F. Tanatt, of Ellary, Argyll; 2nd, Rev. Henry Rogers, s. of the late Richard Rogers, of Coltishall Hall, Norwich. War Work : Hon. Organising Officer of Women's Recruiting for Lowestoft Area under Ministry of Labour ; was member of Divisional Council of Ministry of Labour for S. Midlands and Eastern Division ; Member of Lowestoft Local Employment Committee ; Chairman of Women's Sub-Committee ; Chairman of Main L.B.C. from March, 1920. Addresses : Ellary, Ardrishaig, Argyll ; Claren don, Lowestoft. ROGERS, Richard Hawke, M.B.E. ROGERS, Rose Sophia, M.B.E, 6. 8 June, 1852 ; d. of John Rogers, of Holt Hall, Norfolk. Educ. : At home. Mem ber of Board of Guardians. War Work : Hon. Sec. Red Cross Mutford and Lothingland District, Suffolk ; Quartermaster Suffolk 48 V.A.D. ; Member of Local Tribunal and Food Committee ; Collector of Red Cross Work for three parishes. Address : The Lodge, Belton, Gt. Yarmouth. Club : Alexan dra Ladies'. (M3945) ROGERS, Major Tanner Montagu, O.B.E. ROGERS, Thomas Edward, M.B.E. ROGERS, Major Thomas Leslie, O.B.E, A.P.D. ROGERS, Timothy, M.B.E, 6. 3rd Sept. 1862; s. of John Rogers, of Scariff, Co. Clare. Surveyor ol Customs and Excise. War Work : Deputy to the Admiralty Marshal in work associated with the Blockade. (M9494) ROGERS, Lieut. WUliam Aldrioh, M.B.E, R.A.S.C ROGERS, Muriel Augusta G., Mrs. COLTMAN-, C.B.E.; d. of Major Fred. B. Chapman, of 14th Hussars ; to. Charles Coltman, s. of the Rev. John Rogers. Educ. : Privately. Member Local Education Authority, Co. Radnor ; County Nursing Committee ; President B.R.C.S, Radnor. War Work : Commandant Knighton Auxiliary Hospital (100 beds) ; Chairman Radnor Women's War Agricultural Committee ; Member County Appeal Tribunal. Addresses : Stanage Park, Brampton-Bryan, Radnorshire ; Llagnaby Priory, Spilsby, Lincolnshire. (C2915) ROGERS, Capt. Henry Waters LYTTELTON-. O.B.E, 6. 1878 ; s. of Capt. J.H. Lyttelton-Eogers, of Co. Longford, Ireland ; to. Eleanor Frances, d. of Major H. W. Reeve, Educ. : Abroad. War Work : Service in France, June, 1916, to Feb. 1919. Address : 25, HU1 Street, Knightsbridge, London, S.W. (05729) ROGERSON, Albert Chorley, C.B.E, M.Inst.CE, M.I.Mech.E, 6. 13 June, 1869 ; s. of WUUam Chorley Rogerson, of Manchester ; to. Eleanor Blanche, d. of Arthur Hambleton, of Manchester. Educ. : Privately, and Manchester School of Technology. General Manager of Messrs. Beyer Peacock & Co, Ltd. Locomotive Engineers and Machine Tool Makers, Manchester; Member of the Institute of CivU Engineers, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, and Executive Committee of the Manchester Engineering Trades Employers' Association. War Work : Field Artillery ; 18-Pounder Gun Carriages ; Howitzer Carriages and Equipments, and Gun Director Towers for Battleships. Addresses : Gorton, Manchester ; Malvern, AUerton Road, Hesketh Park, Southport. (C2916) ROGERSON, Capt. John Edwin, O.B.E. ROGERSON, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E. ROLFE, Capt. Charles Bertram, M.B.E, 6. 21 April, 1884 ; s. of Francis Rolfe, of Wendon Lofts. Educ. : Perse School, Cambridge. Surveyor ; Sec. The Farmers' Club. War Work: Hon. Artillery Company, Aug. 1914, to March, 1915 ; Sec. The Forage Committee, War Office, March, 1915, to April, 1919. Address : The Farmers' Club, 2, Whitehall Court, S.W. 1. Club: R.A.S.C. (M5586) ROLFE, Ethel Blanche, M.B.E. ROLFE, Richard Alfred, M.B.E. ROLFE, Sybil Katherine, Mrs. NEVILLE-, O.B.E. ROLLAND, Lieut.-Col. Charles Edward Tulloch, C.B.E, ROLLASON, Walter Herbert, O.B.E, 6. 1868. Educ. : Leamington Coll, and Caius Coll, Cambridge. War Work : Hon Executive Officer, Llandudno Food Control Committee, and other clerical work. Address: Wynberg, Carmen Sylva Road, Llandudno. (011244) ROLLESTON, Major Arthur George, O.B.E, R.H.A, and R F A 6 11 Oct. 1883; s. of T. W. Rolleston, of Glasshouse, Shim-one, King's Co. ; m. Susan Agnes, d. of Baron Carina, of Elm Park, Carina, Limerick (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ. : St Columba's Coll, Rathfarnham, Co. DubUn. Army (Regular) War Work : Served with R.H.A. and R.F.A. in Belgium France, Egypt, and Italy ; Commandant of Artillery School in Italy, 1918, with rank of Lieut.-Col. Address : Elm Park, Carina, Limerick. Club : Cavahy. (06412) ROLLESTON, C. E. Maud, Lady, CB.E, 6. Sept. 1859 ; d of Col the Hon. Robert Dalzell, C.B. (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; rh Sir Lancelot, K.C.B, D.S.O, s. of Col. Lancelot Rolleston, ofWatnaU Hall, Notts, (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). Educ: At home President iof the City and County of Nottingham Women's PoUce Court Association. County Sec. Soldiers' and Sailors' FamiUes Association ; Member of County War Pensions Committee. Address : Watnall Hall, Notts. (C1013) ROLLESTON, Iris Brenda, Mrs., C.B.E. Organised and was Matron of Taumaru Hospital (N.Z.) for wounded and 445 Rolleston THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Convalescent Soldiers. Address : Taumaru, Dowry Bay, New Zealand. (C1998) ROLLESTON, Lieut.-Col. Lancelot William, CB.E, M.B., R.A.M.C ROLLIN, Ambrose, O.B.E, 6. 5 July, 1871 ; s. of William Chas. RolUn, of Plymouth ; m. Eva Maria Edwinia, d. of Edwin Smithbirt, of Plymouth. Educ. : Stoke Public School, Devonport;- King's Coll, London. War Work: Served as Cashier, H.M. Dockyard, Devonport, throughout the war, with a turnover of several milUons of money each year. Address : Pentillie House, 23, Ford Park Road, Plymouth. (03894) ROLLING, Lieut.-Col. Bernard Ismay, D S.O, O.B.E, R.E. (T.), fi. 31 May, 1883 ; s. of George Miller RolUng, of The Grove, Penistone, near Sheffield ; in. Edith Annie, d. of W. H. Bourne, of Stourbridge. Educ. : Wheelwright Grammar School, and Victoria Univ, Leeds. Engineer, Igranic Electric Co. War Work : Commanding 2nd Lowland Field Co, R.E, 29th Division, 1915 ; took part in original landing in Gallipoli, April, 1915; commanding 412 Field Co, 1916-18, in Egypt, Palestine, and France ; C.R.E. 8th Corps, Oct. 1918, to June, 1919 ; awarded Brevet Majority, and 4 times mentioned in despatches. Addresses : 9, Craignulla Road, Langside, Glas gow ; Maybank, Auchamore Road, Dunoon, Argyllshire. Club : Constitutional, Glasgow. (02699) ROLLINGS, William George Benjamin, M.B.E. ROLLINSON, Capt. Harry Duggan, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (S.R.). ROLLO, WilUam John, M.B.E. ROLO, Robert, O.B.E. ROLT, Frederick Henry.M.B.E. (London), B.Sc, A.C.G.I, A.M.I.Mech.E, 6. Nov. 1888 ; s. of Frederick James Rolt, of Wimbledon ; in. Florence Mary, d. of Samuel Edwards, of Wimbledon. Educ. : RutUsh Science School, Merton ; Central Technical Coll, Univ. of London. Senior Assistant in Metrology Dept. of The National Physical Laboratory. War Work : Supervision of Gauge-Testing Work for Munitions. Address : National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. (M9499) ROME, Francis John de, M.B.E. Assistant Censor, Hong Kong. (M10260a) ROME, Capt. Samuel Greenlees, O.B.E, M.B. ROMER, Capt. Charles Robert Ritchie, O.B.E. ROMER, Lieut. Frederick, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. ROMER, Leila Harriette, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 29 Aug. 1864 ; d. of John Harding Robinson, late Examiner Standing Orders, House of Lords ; m. Thomas Ansdell, late Senior Chancery Master, s. of Thomas Romer. War Work : Started and ran Y.M.C.A. Hut, Kensington, from Oct. 1914 till July, 1919. (M2354) ROMER, Lieut.-Col. Malcolm, O.B.E, 6. 13 April, 1882 ; s. of Col. F. C Romer ; m. Evelyn Louisa, d. of General Sir Reginald Gipps. Educ. : Eton. 2nd Lieut. Scots Guards, Jan. 1901 ; Lieut. 1903 ; Capt. 1906 ; Adjutant, 1st Batt, Dec. 1910, to April, 1914 ; Major, Sept. 1915 ; A. Lieut.-Col. Sept. 1917 ; retired on retired pay, with rank of Lieut.-Col, July, 1919. War Work : Served with 2nd Batt. Scots Guards, Sept. 1914. to Nov. 1914, B.E.F. ; Adjutant 3rd Batt, Jan. 1915, to Jan. 1916 ; Regimental Adjutant, May, 1916, to July, 1917; Commanded 1st Batt. B.E.F, Aug. 1917, to March, 1918; Commanded 3rd Batt, Aug. 1918, to July, 1919; mentioned in despatches, June, 1918, and June, 1919. Address : Addington Manor, Thrapston, Northamptonshire. Clubs ; Guards' ; Turf ; Boodle's ; Arthur's. (08927) ROMER, Robert LesUe, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. ROMER, Capt. Robert Wolfgang, O.B.E, R.F.A, fi. 16 Feb. 1895 ; s. of Robert W. W. Romer, of Reigate, Surrey. Educ. : Bedford School. Shaw Wallace & Co, Calcutta. War Work : Joined H.A.C. in Aug. 1914 ; proceeded with " B " Battery to Egypt and Aden ; returned as Sergeant, May, 1916 ; received commission to R.F.A, Aug. 1914 ; pro ceeded to France, Feb. 1917 ; wounded and gassed at Armen- tiers, July, 1917, and sent to Manchester, Convalescent ; returned to France, Nov. 1917 ; promoted to Capt. and ap pointed Instructor of French Mortar School at St. Omer ; was specially mentioned in despatches. (05732) ROMILLY, Capt. Herbrand Alan, M.B.E. ROMNEY, William, M.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1865 ; s. of WiUiam Romney, of Barfrestone, Kent. ; in. Clara, d. of Richard Coleman, of Langdon Court, nr. Dover. Educ. : Deal School. Continental Agent, Folkstone Harbour (S.E. and C. Ry. Co.). War Work : At Folkestone Harbour, Passenger and Goods, Troops and MUitary Stores, during whole period of War. Address : 5, Wear Bay Crescent, Folkestone. (M905) RONALD, George, O.B.E. (06784) RONALD, James, M.B.E. RONALD, Capt. Reginald Stanley, O.B.E, R.A. S.C (T.F.). RONALDSON, Thomas Percy, M.B.E, fi. 17 June, 1865 ; s. of the late Thomas Ronaldson, of Bickley, Kent, late of Bournemouth; m. Christine, d. of S. V. B. Asser, J.P, of Windlesham. Educ. : Privately. Formerly engaged in shipping business both in London and Antwerp ; was residing at the latter place when war broke out. War Work : At War Trade Intelligence Department from Feb. 1915, to April, 1916 ; at Censorship (War Office) from April, 1916, to Aug. 1919 (as Censor, then Assistant Chief Censor). Address : 34, St. Mary's Mansions, W. 2. Club : Thatched House. (M9504) RONALDSON, Thomas Sheriff, O.B.E. RONAN, Capt. Walter Joseph, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C, 6 19 AprU, 1890; s. of Walter B. Ronan, of Cork, Ireland. 446 Educ. : Stonyhurst Coll. and DubUn Univ. Surgeon. War Work: Capt, R.A.M.C, 1914-19. Address: 47n, Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square, W. 1. Club : Constitutional. (057331 RONCA, James Franois, M.B.E. ROOK, Major William Robert, O.B.E, T.D, fi. 18 Nov 1877. War Work : France, 1915-18. Address : Edwalton' Notts. (05134) ROOKE, Lieut.-Col. Alfred Shipton, O.B.E. ROOKE, Capt. John Wentworth, O.B.E. ROOME, Engr.-Capt. George William, C.B.E, R.N fi. 1865 ; s. of Henry Roome, formerly Sup. Clerk, Admiralty • to. 189P, Catherine Aaderson. Stewart, of Newbury, Fife] Educ. : Aske Sch, Hatcham, S.E. Assist. Instructor Roy' Naval Coll, Greenwich, 1895-9S and 1906-11, and to Chief Engineer, Devonport Dockyard, 1898-1901 ; Malta, 1901-2, and Devonport, 1902-5 ; Chief Engineer, Dockyard, Hong Kong 1912-15, and Pembroke, 1915. (C913) ROOSE, Capt. Gerald Unna Bond, O.B.E. ROPE, Dene Mary, M.B.B, W.R.N.S. ROPER, Brig.-Gen. Alexander WiUiam, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 3 July, 1862 ; s. ol Sir Henry Roper. Educ. : Marlborough. and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. War Work : Chief Engineer, Eastern Command, Jan. to Feb. 1915 ; attached to G.H.Q, Mediterranean Expeditionary Forces, March, to Oct. 1915 ; Inspector of Royal Engineers, Nov. 1915. to Dec. 1919. Address: 21, Arlington Road, Eastbourne. Clubs : Army and Navy ; M.C.C. ; Sussex (Eastbourne) ; Royal Eastbourne Golf. (C1755) ROPER, Ann, Mrs, O.B.E. ROPER, Lieut. George Orchard, M.B.E, R.A.F. ROPER, John Gregson, O.B.E. RORISON, George Henry, M.B.E, fi. 13 Dec. 1883 ; s. of James of Liverpool. Educ. : Birkenhead. Cargo and Lighterage Expert. War Work : Lighterage Control Board at Port Said. Club : Union (Port Said, Egypt). (M9502) ROSCOE, Major Harry, O.B.E, R.G.A. (T.), fi. 31 March, 1886 ; s. of Walter Roscoe, of Worsley, Manchester ; m. Elizebeth Annie, d. of J. 0. Schofield, of Hanley. Educ: St. Mark's, Worsley, and Salford Royal Tech. Institute. Surveyor, Stafford, Coal and Iron Co, Ltd. War Work: Mobilised with 1/1 North Midland (Staffs) R.G.A. (T.F.), Aug. 1914 (Lieut.) ; Captain, July, 1915 ; transferred to 2/1 N.M. (Staffs.) R.G.A, AprU, 1915 (owing to injury) ; posted to command 2/4 Staffs R.F.A. Bty. Oct. 191 5; served in Irish Rebellion, April, 1916 ; transferred to R.G.A, Woolwich July, 1916 ; commanded 187 Hy. Bty, Sept. 1916, to Jan. 1917 ; Capt. 188 Hy. Bty, R.G.A, 60-Pdr, 17 Feb. ¦ served with 188 Hy. Bty, Macedonia, April, 1917, to Jan. 1919, being in Command from Feb. 1918; first 60-Pdr. Bty. to enter Bulgaria, Sept. 1918 ; invalided home, Jan. 1919 ; demobilised. May, 22, 1919. Address : Primrose Hill, Hanford, Stoke-on-Trent. (06528) ROSE, Lieut.-Col. and Qr.-Mr. Ambrose George, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. ROSE, Lieut. Clifford, M.B.E, LA. ROSE, Edith, O.B.E, d. of the late John Rose, of Norwich. Liverpool and District Secretary of the National Vigilance Association. War work: Honorary Secretary to the Liver pool Reception Committee for Belgian Refugees and other Allies. Address : 16, Daulby Street, Liverpool. (011247) ROSE, Edward Armstrong, O.B.E, fi. 4 Oct, 1868; s. of Edward Rose, of Wyton Grange, Huntingdon. Educ. : Cowper House School, Huntingdon. Alderman of Huntingdon County Council and Chairman of County SmaU Holding and Allotment Committee. War Work : Active Member of County War Agricultural Executive Committee. (011248) ROSE, Lieut.-Col. Ernest Albert, C.B.E, R.A.S.C. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1402) ROSE, Felix, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 1867. Educ : Royal Insti tution, Liverpool. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : Hon. Director, Purchases Department, Board of Trade ; Hon. Assessor Cotton Claims, Board of Trade, from June, 1915, to July, 1920. Address : 66, Portland Place, London, W. 1. Club : Reform ; Walton Heath Golf. (053) ROSE, Hannah Catherine, M.B.E. ROSE, Harold GreenweU, M.B.E, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E, 6. 16 April, 1878; s. of John Thompson Rose, of Roker, Sunderland ; to. Margaret, d. of Thomas Leeman of Geneva, Switzerland. Educ. : Bede Collegiate School, Sunderland. Civil Engineer ; Managing Director of the Provincial Con struction Co, Ltd, Public Works Contractors, Sunderland War Work : Design of Sewerage and Sewage disposal works for many Camps ; Resident Engineer, Kinmel Park Camp, Rhyl ; Chief Assistant Drainage Engineer to the Air Ministry. Address : 39, West Sunniside, Sunderland. (M9504) ROSE, Major Harold Oldham, M.B.E, R.E, 6. 13 Dec. 1880 ; s. of Henry Rose, of Bishop Auckland. Educ. : Durham. Overseer, G.P.O. Sunderland. War Work: R.E. Signals, France, Salonica Force, Army of the Black Sea. Address: 25, Grindon Terrace. Sunderland. (M4821) ROSE, Ivor Sainte Avix, 03.E. ROSE, Major James, M.B.B, fi. 24 Aug. 1875 ; s. of James Rose, of Lodsworth Manor, Sussex ; m. Margaret Sophia, d. of Alfred Leighton, of Pelton, Co. Durham. Educ. : Midhurst Grammar School. Enlisted at age of 18 years in the Royal Garrison Artillery. War Work : Served in Sierra Leone from outbreak of war till Nov. 1915 ; organised and managed the Ordnance Depot attached to No 1 National FUUng Factory BIOGRAPHIES. Rostron nr Leeds. Address : 5, Marshall Avenue, Cross Gates, nr. Leeds. (M2365) ROSE, Lieut. Norman Frank, M.B.E, M.G.C. ROSE, Capt. Thomas Whateley, M.B.E.. M.C, fi. 10 May, 1876; s. ot Frederick Rose, J.P, of Westminster; in. Isabel Emma, d. of Frederick Savage, of Marden, Kent. Educ. : Westminster School. Solicitor, England ; Barrister and Solicitor, Western Australia ; Solicitor, New South Wales. War Work: Returned from Western Australia, Dec. 1914; rejoined 5th Batt. The Royal Sussex Regt, 18 Feb. 1915; Served in France, Belgium, and Italy, June. 1915, to April, 1919 ; mentioned in despatches ; awarded Italian Silver Medal for Valour. Address : Katoomba, New South Wales. Club : Imperial Service (Sydney). (MM 14) ROSEVEARE, Major Leslie, O.B.E, M.Inst.CE, 6. 12 May, 1876 ; s. of Edwin Roseveare, J.P.. of Plymouth. Educ. : Wycliffe CoUege. Civil Engineer. War Work : Deputy Assistant Dhector of Roads, 1 Corps, France, 1916-19. Ad dress: 2, WUmington Square, Eastbourne. (05735) ROSEVERE, Eng.-Comm. Edward James, O.B.E, R.N. ROSHER, Noel Burn, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 6 Dec. 1875 ; s.of George Rosher, of Higham. Kent ; m. Madeline, d. of Rev. Canon Cayley, of Toronto. Educ. : Repton School and King's Coll. Consulting Engineer ; Vice-Chairman, Midland Centre of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. War Work : Inspector of Munitions Areas under Ministry of Munitions. Address : 48, Fountain Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Club: Union Club (Bhmingham). (O700) ROSKROW, Albert CyrU, M.B.E. ROSKRUGE, Engr.-Comm. Francis John, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.N, fi. 1871. Served in S. Africa, 1899-1900 with Naval guns, and in E. Africa, 1914-18 (despatches). Club : Services. (03557) ROSLING, 2nd Lieut. CecU, M.B.B, R.E. ROSS, Lieut. Alexander Jacob Meyer, M.B.E, R.A.F. ROSS, 2nd Lieut. Alexander Joseph, M.B.E. ROSS, Capt. Alexander Lewis, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. ROSS, AUce Constance, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 31 July, 1870 ; d. of Major-Gen. T. Bland Strange, of Geraghmeen, Camberley ; m. John, s. of Hon. John Ross, of Toronto, Ontario. War Work : Hon. Divisional Sec. for Westminster Division, British Red Cross Society. Address : The Steps, Playden, Sussex. Club : Victoria, for Ladies. (011249) ROSS, Major Andrew Alexander, O.B.E, R.A.F. ROSS, Capt. Angus, O.B.E. ROSS, Archibald John CampbeU, CB.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of the Rev. A'exander Johnstone Ross, D.D. ; to. 1896, Marion d. of the late Col. — Gousieff. Eiuc : Marlborough. Ship builder and Engineer ; a Member of Shipbuilding Council, Admiralty. War Work : Member of Advisory Committee on Merchant Shipbuilding, Ministry of Shipping, and to Ad miralty Controller, 1917. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Royal Automobile. (C282) ROSS, Lieut. Charles Arthur, M.B.B, R.E. (T.). ROSS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Charles Thomas, O.B.E, R A.M.C. (T.). ROSS, Clara Louise, O.B.E, R.R.C, A.I.F. ROSS, Major Conrad, O.B.E, R.A, fi. 25 Nov. 1884 ; s. of Col. W. H. Ross, Indiau Staff Corps, of Bournemouth ; m. Helen, d. of Martin Cormac, of Eltham. Educ. : Down side School, Wimbledon Coll, and R.M.A, Woolwich. Officer in the Royal Garrison ArtiUerv. War Work : Research Department, Woolwich Arsenal. (07649) ROSS, 2nd Lieut. Duncan, O.B.E, R.E. ROSS, Lieut.-Col. Edward Henry, O.B.E. ROSS, Capt. Findlay McKay, O.B.E, M.C ROSS, Frederick Alexander, O.B.E. ROSS, Gladys Ethel, M.B.E. ROSS, Lieut.-Col. Henry, O.B.E, 6. 29 June, 1877 ; s. of William Ross, of Leeholme, Cork ; to. Betty, d . of Christopher Mitchell, of Weymouth. Educ. : Queen's CoU, Cork. Indian Medical Service. War Work : Hospital Ship " Joorkha," Oct. 1914, to AprU, 1916 ; Assistant Director-Gen. Indian Medical Service, AprU, 1916, to end of War ; Commandant, Lady Chelmsford Convalescent Home for Officers, Simla, from 1916-19; Hon. Sec. Indian Joint War Committee for periods aggregating three years during war. Address : The Crags, Simla. Clubs : East Indian U.S.; U.S. (Simla). (08928) ROSS, Lieut.-Col. Hew Dalrymple, O.B.E, fi. 22 Sept. 1871 ; s. of Gen. Sir John Ross, G.C.B. ; to. Kathleen Emma Mabel, d. of Col. Rt. Hon. Sir Albert Hime, P.C, K.C.M.G. Educ : Eton and Sandhurst. Rifle Brigade. War Work : Home, France, and Flanders with Service Battalions of the Rifle Brigade, 1914-16 ; Rifle Records Office, Winchester, M16-20. AiWresses : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co. ; Hill House, Winchester. Clubs : Hampshire County ; Greenjackets Cricket. (08929) ROSS, Hugh Henderson, O.B.E. ROSS, Capt. James Maxwell, M.B.E, F.R.CS. ROSS, James Stirling, M.A, C.B.E, ft. 3 Aug. 1877; s. of John Ross, of Edinburgh ; to. Christina MacDonald, M.A, d. of John Ross, M.A, of Arbroath. Educ. : Royal nigh School, Edinburgh ; Edinburgh Univ. ; and Balliol toll., Oxford. Appointed to War Office Staff, 1900 ; now Director of Finance (for Personnel), Air Ministry. War Work Chief Accountant for Q.M.G's finance, War Office, and Deputy s the Assistant Financial Secretary, Air Ministry. Address : Sutmleigh, Nether Street, Finchley, London, N.3. (C1032) ROSS, John David MoBeath, M.B.B. ROSS, Comm. John Kenneth Leveson, O.B.E. ROSS, Millicent Ellen, M.B.E. ROSS, Roderick, C.B.E. , M.V.O, 6. 18115: m. Eliza beth Estlier, e. d. of Henry Mills, of Folkestone. Educ : Helms dale. ClucI Constable of Ramsgate, 1895-97, and of Bradford, 1898-99 ; Cliief Constable of Edinburgh City since 1899 ; author of " City of Bradford Constabulary Code," and " City of Edin burgh Constabulary Code." Address : Bual, Helmsdale, Sutherlandshire. (C2917) ROSS, Stella M. Dalrymple, M.B.E. ; d. of Gen. Sir John Ross, G.C.B, formerly of Stone House, Hayton, Carlisle. War Work : Hon. Sec. Southfleld Red Cross Hospital, Duns ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. County Local War Pensions Committee. Address : Oxendean, Duns, Berwickshire. Clubs : New Victorian ; Queen's (Edinburgh). (M2368) ROSS, Stewart Buckle Carne, O.B.E. Censor-in-Charge, Hong Kong. (011700.0 ROSS, Pillot Officer Tasoar Alan, M.B.B, R.A.F. ROSS OF CROMARTY, Brig.-Gen. Sir Walter Charteris, K.B.E, C.B. C.M.G, J.P, D.L, 6. 5 Aug. 1857 ; s. of Col. G. W. H. Ross of Cromarty, of Cromarty House, Cromarty ; to. Gertrude May Gathorne, d. of Charles Hill, of Clevedon Hall and Hazel Manor, Compton Martin, Somerset, England. Served with Durham Light Infantry in Afghan War (men tioned) ; S. Africa (3 mentions and C.B. 1900) ; dangerously wounded 1899 at Botheville, S. Africa; Military Sec. C in C, Punj ab, India, 1898-99. War Work : Commanded 1st Highland Brigade, France, 1914-16, and 228th Brigade, Salonica Force, 1916-18 (4 mentions) ; Greek Order of Redeemer, Greek Military Medal, Star of Roumania. Address: Cromarty House, Cromarty. Club : Naval and Military. ROSS, Major William, O.B.E. ROSS, Major William David, M.A, O.B.E, fi. 15 April, 1877 : s. of John Ross, M.A, of Edinburgh ; m. Edith Helen, d. of John Ogden, of Manchester. Educ. : Royal High School, Edinburgh ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Balliol Coll, Oxford. Fellow, Tutor, and Librarian of Oriel Coll, Oxford. War Work : Secretary, N.E. Coast Armaments Committee, 1915-16 ; Administrative Officer, Inspection Dept, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, 1916-17 ; Deputy Director of Inspection, Ministry of Munitions, 1917-18 ; Deputy Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Munitions, 1918-19. Address : Oriel CoUege, Oxford ; 6, Charlbury Road, Oxford. (01823) ROSS, WiUiam Henry, O.B.E, fi. 19 June, 1862 ; s. of the late John Ross, of Dalkeith ; in. Annie Giimour Pollok, d. of the late David Dalglish, of Manchester. Educ. : George Watson's Coll, Edinburgh. Managing Director of the Distillers' Company, Ltd, Edinburgh, also director of several other public and private companies. War Work : Member of Advisory Committee on Alcohol supplies. Address : Stan- more, Davidson's Mains, Midlothian. Clubs : Devonshire ; Royal Automobile ; Scottish Conservative (Edin.). (01824) ROSS, Major WiUiam John, O.B.E, F.R.G.S, R.E, fi. 29 Aug. 1881 ; s. of Donald Ross, of Inverness, N.B. ; m. Laura, d. of Jonathan Brown, of Horley, Surrey. Educ. : Royal Academy, Inverness, N.B. Before war, Chief Engineer, Dorada Railway Ropeway Extension, Colombia, S.A. ; for merly General Manager Bahia S.W. RaUway, Brazil, and Construction Engineer, Uruguay, E.C Railway ; served in S.A. War with 1st Cam. Highs. 1900-1. War Work : 1915-16, Lieut. 110th Co. R.E, B.E.F, France; 1916-17, Capt. 110th Co. R.E, B.E.F, France ; O.C 110th Co. R.E, France;, 1917-19, O.C. 266th Co. R.E, Palestine ; 1919-20 Major R.E. Chief Engineer, Palestine Military RaUways. Address : c/o Cox and Co. Charing Cross, London. (06285) ROSS, Winifred Margaret, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. ROSSALL, Jane, M.B.E. ROSSER, Thomas Newland, M.B.E. ROSSITER, Capt. Frederick Norman Chambers, M.B.E, M.C, R.A. __,_, ROSSITER, Capt. Thomas Frederick, M.B.E. ROSSMORE, Mittie, The Lady, O.B.E, d. of Richard Christopher Naylor, Hooton Hall, Cheshire ; to. Derrick Warner WUliam, 5th Baron Rossmore, who died 31 Jan. 1921 (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Red Cross and Canteen. Addresses : Rossmore, Monaghan ; The Steed House, Hampton Court (011250) ROST, Lieut.-Col. Ernest Reinhold, O.B.E, I.M.S. ROSTERN, Joseph, C.B.E, M.Inst.T, fi. 4 Oct. 1862; s of Philip Rostern, of Manchester ; to. Clara, d. of John Walkden J P , CC, of Manchester. Educ. : Privately. Assistant to General Manager, Great Central Railway, 1899-12, Chief Goods Manager, G.CR. since 1912 ; Chairman of Goods Managers' Conference, 1916 ; a member of Sub-Committee of Board of Trade Railway Conference, 1908-9 : Foundation Member of Institute of Transport, 1920. War Work : Served on Railway Executive Committee and various Sub-Committees, 1914-19 • Member of the Treasury Committee on Staffs, re Staffing of Government Offices, 1918 ; Member. Road Trans port Board 1918 ; Member, War Cabinet Strike Committee (Traffic Emergency Committee), 1919 ; Member, War Cabinet Committee (Congestion at Ports), 1919; Member, Storage and Transit Committee, 1919 ; Member, Standing Committee Covernment Departments and Railways 1915-19 (Chairman 1916) Address : Prestwych, Northwood, Middlesex. (C2981) ROSTRON, Comm. Arthur Henry, C.B.E, R.D., ROSTRON, Major Philip Simpson, O.B.E. 447 Roth THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. ROTH, Major Albert Alexander, O.B.E, 6. 11 Nov. 1889 ; s. of Charles Roth. Educ. : Privately and London Univ. Accountant ; now Partner in firm of Roth and Gibson Im porters and Exporters of China aud Glass. War Work : Obtained commission to R.A.O.C. from London Univ. Officers' Training Corps, Feb. 1915 ; appointed to command a company of R A.O.C. in April, 1915 ; took it to France in June, 1915; appointed D.A.D.O.S. of the 50th Division (Northumbrian), Dec. 1915 ; made Captain, Jan. 1916 ; Major, 1918 ; three times mentioned in despatches. Address: 1-3 Red Lion Court, Watling Street, E.C. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe. (O2700) ROTHERA, Capt. Percy O.B.E, LA. ROTHSCHILD, Capt. Sydney Henry, O.B.E, 6. 1875 ; s. of the late Alfred A. Rothschild, of 80, Lancaster Gate, W. ; m. Helen Jane, d. of the late W. Taylor, of Felstead Essex. Educ : Clifton College. Stockbroker. War Work : Enlisted 18th Royal Fusiliers, Sept. 1914 ; 2nd Lieut. R.A.S.C, May, 1915 ; 31st Div, 52nd Div, 4th Cavalry Div, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, 1915-19 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : 20, York Buildings, Adelphi W.C Club : Bath. (06286) ROTHWELL, James Herbert, C.B.E, 6. 7 July, 1881 ; s. of John RothweU, of Southport ; m. Evelyn Mary, d. ol Chas. R. Johnson, of Sheffield. Educ. : Southport Modern School. SoUcitor ; Town Clerk, Chesterfield. War Work : Director of Local Rationing Schemes, and later Director and Deputy Assistant Secretary, Rationing Division, Ministry of Food. Address : Crossfield House, Chesterfield. Clubs : Law Society ; East Derbyshire. (C2920) ROTHWELL, Thomas James, O.B.E. (012011) ROTHWELL, William Edward, O.B.E. (O2701) ROTTER, Godfrey, O.B.B, D.Sc, F.I.C, 6. 3 Sept. 1879 ; s. of Charles G. Rotter, of Croydon and Fowlmere ; to. Gertrude Elizabeth, d. of George Plank, of Clapton. Edue. : City of London School, and Univ. Coll. of North Wales. Chemist, Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. War Work : Part inventor of new process for making trotyl, of cordite R.D.B, and of the No 106 Fuse, also occupied with general research in connection with service explosives and ammunition. Address : 2, Parklull Road, Sidcup, Kent. Club : Chemical Industries. (O9702) ROTTON, Letitia, M.B.E, fi. 4 May, 1896 ; d. of J. R. C Rotton, of 45, Hamilton Terrace, London, N.W. Educ. : Francis Holland School, Clarence Gate, N.W. War Work : Clerk in the Ministry of Shipping. Address: 45, Hamilton Terrace, London, N.W. 8. (M3948) ROUGUETTE, Gladys Howard, Mrs, M.B.E. ROUND, Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 20 March, 1875 ; s. of Ben jamin John Round, J.P, of Nithsdate, St. Mary's Road, Leamington ; m. Gertrude Elizabeth, d. of Mark Lawton, of Handsworth, Birmingham. Educ. : King Edward's School, Aston. Solicitor ; Commissioner for Oaths. War Work : Regional Officer for Civilian National Service, West Midlands Division ; Assistant Clerk to the Military Tribunal, Birming ham. Addresses : 21, Waterloo Street, Birmingham ; Niths- dale, St. Mary's Road, Leamington. (011251) ROUNDELL, Lieut. Christopher Foulis, C.B.E, 6. 11 July, 1876 ; s. of the late Charles Savile Roundell ; to. Lady Maude, d. of the 4th Earl of Leitrim (see Burke's Peerage) Educ. : Harrow ; Balliol. General Inspector, Ministry of Health ; Barrister-at-Law. War Work : In charge of Trans port arrangements for Refugees and Allied Recruits, Local Government Board War Refugee Department, and of Jewish Refuges and Refugees ; Member of Special Government Tribunal (Military Service Conventions with Allies) ; Inspector Quartermaster-General's Department, War Office and Eastern Command ; Commissioner, National Salvage Council. Address ¦ 54. Rutland Gate, London, S.W. 7. Clubs : Travellers' ¦ Brooks's; Windham; Garrick. (C2921) ROUSE, Capt. Alfred Corrie, O.B.E, 6. 28 Oct 1886- s. of Alfred Rouse, of Carvedras, Truro ; to. Elizabeth Jane Marian Drewe, d. of T. E. Thriscutt, of Newquay. Educ ¦ Christ's Hospital, and King's Coll. Secretary and Land Agent. War Service : Commissioned in 1914 ; served with B E F France, July, 1915, to Feb. 1919, with 19th Division ; '0C No. 1 Co, 19th Div. Train ; twice mentioned in despatches Address : Treburthes, Newquay Cornwall. Clubs : Junior Army and Navy ; HurUngham (B. Aires). (027031 1oS,0UJ,LEI!8E' Robert, M.B.E, R.G.A, fi. 5th Julv 1868. Clerk (War Office). (M95101 ROUSE, AUred Robert, M.B.E. \"^oio> ROUSE, Lieut. WiUiam Sydney, M.B.E. ROUTH, Lieut.-Col. Jason Rudolph, O.B.E. ROUNTREE Capt. Arthur Noel, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. Ad dress: Glenrise, Parkstone, Dorset 5SH?'rREE' CaP*- Arthur Fitzgerald, O.B.E, I.A.R.O ROW, Bessie Rose, O.B.E. ,. R°^VAN' Mai°r Robert Houston, O.B.E, T.D. RE 6. 19 July, 1875 ; s. of Thomas B. Rowan, of Greenock ; m. Betty , d of George Macdonald, of Greenock. Educ. : Blair- todge School Polmont. Chartered Accountant. War Work : CC Clyde Electric Light Defences, Coast Defence ; Intelligence Officer, Clyde Defences. Address : 22, Esplanade, Greenock. Club : Greenock. (07652) SS^gSI^M- CaP*- Farnel, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. 5SS§2Ji?AM' James MacKean, M.B.E., M.I.C.E R E UWT J Ll6Ut' Wilmos WiUiam Boxall, M.B.E, ROWCLIFFE, Clementina Elizabeth Hope, Mrs , O.B.E. , and Order of Mercy ; d. of the late Gen. Sir Edward WUliams K.C.I.E. ; m. Edward Lee, s. of the late William Rowcliffe of Northbrook, Farnham, Surrey. War Work: Commandant and Administrator of Oaklands Red Cross Hospital, Oranleigji Surrey, for 3 years, 1915-18 ; Vice-President, Cranleigh Division, Surrey, Branch of the B.R.C.S, 1910-20. Addresses : Hall Place, Cranleigh, Surrey ; Stovolds Hill, Cranleigh, Surrey ¦ 70, St. James's Court, Buckingham Gate, S.W. 1. Club : The Ladies' Empire. (03897) ROWDEN, Major Arthur Roger, O.B.E. ROWDEN, Capt. Ernest George, O.B.E. ROWE, Lieut. Alfred Edward, M.B.E, fi. 24 Feb. 1893 ; s. of the late Josiah Rowe, late of Birmingham ; m. Ada, _. of E. Rawlings, of Shirley, Birmingham. Educ : Waverley Road Secondary School. Birmingham; matriculated at Birmingham Univ. Incorporated Accountant, holding appoint ment as Assistant Local Accountant under Ministry of Labour. War Work : Assistant Chief Accountant to British Red Cross and Order of St. John in France and Belgium, Jan.-May, 1917 ; and Chief Accountant in the Balkans, June, 1917, to June, 1919 ; mentioned in despatches, Nov. 1918. Address : 27, Westfield Road, Acock's Green, Birmingham. (M9511) ROWE, Capt. Arthur AUred, M.B.E, R.E. and R.A.F. ROWE, Arthur WiUiam, M.B.B. ROWE, Major Charles WiUiam, M.B.E. ROWE, George John, O.B.E. ROWE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George Richard, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. ROWE, Capt. Henry Gordon, O.B.E, R.A. (T.). ROWE, Capt. James Stewart, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 6 Feb. 1880 ; s. of the late Robert Rowe, South Kensington ; m. Anna Gray, d. of WiUiam Ernest Good, M.R.C.S. (Lond.), of Dorchester, Dorset. Director, Burton, Rowe and Viner, Ltd, Address : The Avenue, Surbiton Hill. Club : City Carlton. (M5590) ROWE, John WiUiam, M.B.E. ROWE, Mabel Ruth, Mrs., M.B.E. ; to. Thomas Bradley. Educ : Exeter High School. War Work : Mayoress of Exeter's Depot from 1914 tUl 1919. Address : Lafrowda, Exeter. (M2370) ROWE, Capt. WUfred Aubrey, M.B.E. ROWE, William George, M.B.E. ROWE, Lieut.-Col. WilUam Hugh Cecil, C.B.E, 6. 19 July, 1883 ; s. of the late WiUiam Hugh Rowe, Assist. Paymaster, Supreme Court of Justice, of London. Educ : St. Paul's School, London, and Jesus Col, Cambridge. War Work: Served in R.A.S.C, 8th Aug. 1914, to 30 June, 1919 ; B.E.F, France, 14 Aug. 1914, to 9 Dec. 1917 ; ItaUan B.F, 10 Dec. 1917, to 8 June, 1919; Ministry of Munitions, June, 1919, to May, 1920. Address : 32, Victoria Road, Kensington, London, W. 8. Club : Junior Constitutional. (C1403) ROWE, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Mayow FISHER-, C.B.E, T.F.R, fi. 1870 ; s. of the late Edward Rowe Fisher-Rowe, of Thorncombe, Surrey ; m. 1901, Maud, d. oi the late Alfred Seymour, of Hollybrook, Southampton (see BURKE'S Peerage, Hertford, M.). Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1563) ROWELL, Capt. Charles, O.B.E. ¦ ROWELL, Henry Snowden, O.B.B. ROWELL, Sir Herbert Babington, K.B.E, J.P, M.Inst.CE, M.I.N.A. ; 6. 24 Nov. 1860 ; s. of Robert Rowell, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; to. Mary Dobree, d. of John N. Robin, of Naples. Educ. : Mill HU1 ; Switzerland ; Glasgow Univ. Chairman of R. and W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co, Ltd, New castle-on-Tyne, ShipbuUders, Marine and Locomotive Manu facturers ; President of Shipbuilding Employers' Federation,- 1912-14; President of N.E. Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 1915-17 ; Vice-President of Federation of British Industries ; Member of Northumberland Territorial Force Association ; Member of CouncU, Institution of Naval Architects ; Member of CouncU, Armstrong College ¦ Member of Lloyd's Technical Committee ; Member of Board of Trade Shipping Advisory Committee ; Member of CouncU, Industrial Welfare Society. War Work : Served on the following Government Committees : Board of Trade Committee on Engineering Trades after the War ; Advisory Committee to Admiralty Shipyard Labour Department; Committee of Enquiry into Government Labour Embargo Scheme; Admiralty Shipbuilding Council ; Advisory Committees to Ministry of Munitions, Ministry of Labour, and Ministry of Reconstruction ; Standing Council on Post- War Priority. Addresses : The Manor House, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Reedsmouth House, Northumberland; 242, St. James s Court, London, S.W. 1. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Royal Societies. (K103) ROWELL, Capt. William Henry, O.B.E. R.A.M.C. (T.). ROWLAND, Arthur Margaret, M.B.E. ROWLAND, Frank Mortimer, C.B.E, M.D, B.Ch, B.A. (Cantab.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), fi. 19 April, 1866 ; s. of William Samuel Rowland, of Wolverhampton and Lichfield ; m. Cornelia Isabel, d. of the Rev. W. H. A. TrueU (see Burke's Peerage, E. of Moray), Clonmannon, Co. Wicklow. Educ: Repton; Caius Coll, Cambridge ; Univ. Coll, London ; Birmingham. County Hon. Treas. and Assistant County Director (Staffs Branch) B.R.C.S. : Medical Referee, Ministry of Pensions ; Medical Referee, Workmen's Compensation Act (County Court Circuits 25 and 26) ; Medical Officer, Police, Post Office, Workhouse, Girls' High School, King Edward VII. School, Girls' Industrial School, Boys' Short Term Industrial 448 BIOGRAPHIES. Royle School. War Work: Medical Officer, Freeford Hall V.A.D. Hospital ; Medical Officer, Ward in own private house ; Organised Red Cross Transport locally ; Chairman, Mid-Staffs Local Medical War Committee. Address : 26, St. John Street, Lichfield. (C2922) HOWLAND, Frederick, O.B.E, F.CI.S, 6. 13 April, 1871 ; m. Maud Mary, who was a member of the Natal Volun teer Nursing Service, and served through siege of Ladysmith (mentioned in despatches, Queen's Medal). Sec. South African Bed Cross Society ; Assist. Sec. Institute of Land Surveyors of the Transvaal. War Work : Boer War — assisted in forma tion of irregular Corps in Natal, Oct. 1899 ; subsequently Lieut. Bethune's Mounted Infantry on formation ; promoted Capt, Deo. 1900 (Queen's Medal, 6 clasps; King's Medal, 2 clasps) ; Great War — Hon. Sec. South African Red Cross Society. Addresses : African Board of Executors Building, Sauer and Fox Streets, P. 0. Box 3266 ; Barkly Road, Park- town West, Johannesburg. Tel. Add. : " Red Cross," Johannesburg. (08363) ROWLAND, John, CB.E, M.V.O, J.P, 6. 1 June, 1877 ; s. of John Rowland, of Tregaron, Cardiganshire ; m. Mair, d. fit David Lewis, of Aberystwyth. Educ. : Technical Coll., Cardiff, and Univ. Coll, Aberystwyth. Member of Welsh Board of Health. War Work : Commissioner for National Service in Wales. Addresses : 166, Cathedral Road, Cardiff ; City HaU, Cardiff ; and Penbontfach, Tragaron. (C283) ROWLAND, Joseph Samuel, M.B.E, J.P. ROWLAND, Margaret LUian, O.B.E.; d. of Thomas Bushby, of Trevor, Llangollen ; to. Sir Leonard Bromfield Rowland, Kt, s. of WiUiam Rowland, of Wrexham. Mayoress of Wrexham, 1915-18. War Work : Chairman and Organiser of ~l. W. F. Comforts Fund, and Wrexham Municipal War Work Committee ; Member, Women's Land Army Committee, Q.M.A.A.C Committee, Q.M. Needlework Guild, Y.M.CA, local committee, Pensions Committee, Food Committee, etc. Address: Whybro House, Wrexham. (01827) ROWLANDS, Capt. Archibald, M.B.E.. A.C.C. ROWLANDS, Richard Alun, O.B.B, M.D, B.S, B.Sc, M.R.C.P, fi. 12 Sept. 1885 ; s. of Richard Rowlands, of Bryn- gwran, Anglesey. Educ. : Beaumaris Grammar School ; Univ. CoU. of North Wales ; London Hospital. Physician ; Assistant Physician to the London Hospital ; Physician to Poplar Hospital ; Medical Tutor and Demonstrator of Physiology, London Hospital Medical College. War Work : CivU and MiUtary Medical Work at the London and Poplar Hospitals. Address: 58, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, W. 1. (011843) ROWLANDS, Capt. Robert Pugh, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C (T.). R0WLAND3ON, Major Herbert Wynyard, O.B.E, LA . ROWLATT, Capt. Charles James. M.B.E, M.A, fi. 24 Aug. 1894 ; s. of The Hon. Mr. Justice Rowlatt, K.C.S.I. Educ. : ¦ Eton and Univ. CoU, Oxford. Assistant Master at Eton College. War Work : Oct. 1914, gazetted 2nd Lieut. 13th Batt. Rifle Brigade ; March, 1916, promoted Lieut. ; July, 1916, wounded in the 1st Battle of the Somme ; Feb. 1918, appointed General Staff Officer (3rd Grade) in the In telligence Directorate, War Oflice. Address: Eton College, Windsor. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Leander Rowing. ROWLATT, Capt. Frederick George, M.B.E. ROWLATT, Sir Frederick Terry, K.B.E, 6. 10 Feb. 1865 ; s. of late A. H. Rowlatt ; to. Edith May, d. of J. E. Cornish, C.M.G. Educ. : Fettes Coll, Edinburgh. FeUow, Inst, of Bankers, London ; Grand Cordon of the Medjidieh and of the Nile ; Governor^ National Bank of Egypt ; President, Agricultural Bank of Egypt ; President, Bank of Abyssinia. Address : National Bank of Egypt, Head Office, Cairo, Egypt. (K324) ROWLATT, Lieut. John Henry, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. ROWLEDGE, Arthur John, M.B.E. ROWLEY, Amy Isabel, Lady, O.B.E, fi. 21 Oct. 1867 ; d. of WiUiam Forster Batt, of Cae Kenfy, Abergavenny ; in. George Charles Erskine (3rd Baronet) (see Btoke's Peerage), s. of Major George Rowley, of Bombay Light Cavalry. War Wort : Vice-President Guildford Division, B.R.C.S, 1910-20 ; Commandant HIU House Hospital, GuUdford ; Staff Command ant, Red Cross Annexe, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guild ford. Address : Bastfield Lodge, GuUdford. Club : V.A.D. Ladies. (O704) HOWLEY, Capt. Charles Donovan, M.B.B, R.A. ROWLEY, Capt. Howard Fiennes JuUus, C.B.E, R.N. (ret.), fi. 14 Aug. 1868 ; 4th s. of the Rev. Julius Henry Rowley, M.A, rector of South Ockendon, Essex (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; m. 27 Mar. 1900, Alice Udall, d. of the late WUUam Paterson Muir, of Melbourne, Victoria. Served in the Great War ; has American Distinguished Service Medal. Address : The Ingle, Weybridge. Club: United Service. (C1167) ROWLEY, Mary MUdred, M.B.E. ; d. of Smith Howlett Kowley, J.P., Histon, Cambs. Educ. : Cambridge. War Work: Commandant, Histon Red Cross Hospital, 1914-19. Address: Histon, Cambs. (M911) ROWLINSON, George Henry, M.B.E, J.P, fi. 24 July, 1852; s. of Samuel RowUnson, of WalsaU; -to. Sarah, a. of John Lane, of Cheltenham. Late Miners' Agent for Forest of Dean ; Chairman of East Dean Rural Dis trict Council; Vice-Chairman, Westbury-on-Severn Board of Guardians; Chairman, Forest of Dean Group of CouncU Schools. War Work : Chairman of War Savings Committee (East Dean) ; Chairman of Local Recruiting Committee Vice- Chairman of Bast Dean Recruiting Tribunal; Chairman, Belgian Refugees Committee ; Chairman, East Dean Meritorious War Fund, etc. Address : Prospect House, Cinderford, Gloucestershire. Club : Gloucester Liberal. (M912) ROWLLINGS, Major Alfred Lefevre, O.B.B, 6. 1869; s. of Edward Rowllings, of Corby, Lincolnshire ; to. EUzabeth. d. of Stephen WUkinson, of Lindley, Yorkshire. Educ. : Corby Grammar School, and Edinburgh. Marine Superintendent. War Work : Mesopotamia, 1917 to 1918 ; Egypt, 1918 and 1919 ; mentioned in despatches 3 times. Addresses : 28, Park Mansions ; 2, Clive Ghat Street, Calcutta ; Ash Vale, Surrey. (02296) ROWNTREE, John Harvey WodviUe, M.B.B. ROWORTH, Harry James, M.B.E, 6. 25 April, 1870; s. of Thomas Roworth, of London ; to. Emily EUen, d. of A. MacDonald. of London. Educ. : St. Thomas, Charterhouse (Goswell Road), and Birkbeck Institute. Railway Accountant ; Head of Division, Railway Clearing House. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, June, 1915, to June, 1920 ; Statistical work for Gun Ammunition Dept. until Armistice ; then ap pointed Section Director in charge of Records and Statistics for Liquidator of Projectile Contracts. Address : 94, Duke's Avenue Chiswick, W. 4. (M913) ROWS, Lieut.-Col. Richard Gundry, C.B.E, M.D. ROWSE, Arthur Albert, M.B.E. ROWSELL, Comm. Clarence Ralph, C.B.E, R.N. A Div. Naval Transport Officer ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2263) ROXBURGH, Eleanor Mary Ann, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of the late Sir Thomas Chambers, Q.C ; m. 1888, as his second wife, Sir Francis Roxburgh, Q.C, who d. 1891. Addresses : 12, Devonshire Place, W. ; Glenisla, Felixstowe, Suffolk. (C60) ROXBURGHE, Annie Emily, Duchess of, V.A, O.B.E. , d. of 7th Duke of Marlborough (see Bukke'S Peerage), and widow of 7th Duke of Roxburghe (see Burke's Peerage). Was Mistress of the Robes to H.M. Queen Victoria, 1883 ; extra Lady of the Bedchamber to H.M. Queen Victoria, 1895-97 ; and a lady of the Bedchamber to H.M. Queen Victoria, 1897- 1901. Address : Broxmouth Park, Dunbar. (03899) ROXBY, Lieut.-Col. Francis Maude, O.B.E, D.F.C, R.A.K. ROY, Jotindra Nath, O.B.E, I.C.S. ROY, Thomas, O.B.E. ROYALL, WilUam, M.B.E, R.N. ROYCE, EUzabeth LUian, M.B.E. ROYCE, Frederick Henry, O.B.E, M.I.M.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 27 March, 1863 ; s. of the late James Royce, Corn Miller of AUwalton, nr. Peterborough. Educ. : Croydon ; City Guilds' Technical Coll, London. Mechanical and Electrical Engineer ; one of the Founders and Directors of Royce, Ltd, Manchester, and Rolls-Royce, Ltd, Derby and London. War Work : Responsible for the design and manufacture of the aero engines made by the Rolls-Royce Company, and other firms, known as the "Eagle," "Falcon," "Hawk," and "Condor"; also air ship gearing, etc. Address : Elmstead, West Wittering, nr. Chichester. (O705) ROYDEN, Ethel Martha, O.B.E. ROYDS, Lieut.-Col. Albert Henry, O.B.E, 6. 7 April, 1876 ; s. of Edmund Albert NuttaU, of FaUnge, Lancs. ; m. Adeliza Beatrix, d. of George James Drummond, of Sway- lands, Penshurst, Kent. Educ. : Eton. Lieut.-Col. (retired) Scots Guards ; joined Scots Guards, 1899 ; Capt. 1904 ; Major, 1914 ; Lieut.-Col. 1919 ; served in S. African War, 1900-2 (Queen's Medal with 3 clasps ; King's Medal with 2 clasps), War Work: Served in France from Aug. 1915, to Dec. 1918, as Commandant Guards Divisional Base Depot ; mentioned twice in despatches. Addresses : Brownhill, Rochdale ; Kenegil, Gulval, nr. Penzance. Clubs : Guards' ; Carlton ; United Service. (O2705) ROYDS, Annie Bourne, M.B.E. ROYDS, Lieut.-Col. Edmund, O.B.E, M.P. ROYDS, Margaret Ada, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Charles Everard, of Cawthorpe, nr. Bourne, Lines. ; to. Charles Cradock Twemlow, s. of Charles Twemlow Royds, of Heysham, Lancs. War Work : A private Hospital at Heysham Rectory. Address : Heysham Rectory, Lancs. (M9515) ROYLANCE, Ethel Manford, Mrs., M.B.E. War Work : Officer-in-charge, Auxiliary Military Hospital, Assembly Rooms, Bowdon, Cheshire. (M9516) ROYLE, Capt. Ernest Rupert, O.B.E. ROYLE, Sir George, O.B.E, F.R.G.S, J.P, fi. 3 Nov. 1861; s. of the late George Royle, Bury, Lancs. ; to. Rosetta, d of W Wilford, of Northants. Educ. : Clarke Street Schools, Bury, and Privately. Mayor of Bedford, 1903 ; Chairman of Bedfordshire National Health Insurance, and National Savings Committees. War Work: Hon. Recruitmg Officer Army, appointed 1914 ; Navy, appointed 1915 ; Hon. Gen. Sec. Derby Scheme ; National Service Representative to two Tribunals ; Chairman of Belgian Refugees Committee, Bed ford ; Chairman of the War Savings and War Loan Committee, Bedford, etc. Clubs: National Liberal; Eighty; Bedford De Pary's. (011252) ROYLE, Leonard, M.B.E, fi. 15 Feb. 1883 ; s. of Booth Royle, of Manchester. War Work: Commandant, East Lances 77 Voluntary Aid Detachment, British Red Cross Societv. Address : 3, St. James's Square, Manchester. (M9517) ROYLE, Thomas Wright, M.B.E., A.M.I.T, 6. 27 Sept. 1882 ; s of T. W. Royle, of Manchester ; m. Mary EUen, d. of Charles EUiott, of Manchester. Educ : Manchester. Assistant 449 2 G Roythorne THE ORDER OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Superintendent of the Line Lancashire and Yorkshire RaUway, and Associate Member Institute of Transport. War Work : RaUway work to connection with Railway Executive Com mittee. Address : 12, Hawkshead Street, Southport, Lancs. (M915) ROYTHORNE, Herbert, M.B.E. ROZARIO, Michael Anthony, M.B.E. RUBENSTEIN, Vera Rachel, Mrs, M.B.E, W.R.N.S. RUBIE, Major John, O.B.E, R.A.F. RUBY, Anna Colburn, M.B.E. ; d. of the Rev. James Smith Ruby, M.A, of Murragh Rectory, Bandon, Co. Cork, Deland. Educ : At private schools, Clifton (England), and DubUn. Address : Bride Park, Ovens, Co. Cork. (M9519) RUCK, Capt. Richard Conyers, O.B.E, LA. RUCK, Major-Gen. Sir Richard Matthews, K.B.E, C.B. , C.M.G, fi. 1851 ; s. of the late Laurence Ruck, of Newington Manor House, Kent. Entered R.E, 1871 ; Capt, 1883 Major. 1889; Lieut.-Col, 1896 ; Brevet Col. 1901 ; Col, 1904 Maj.-Gen. 1908 ; retired, 1912 ; Assist. Instructor in Tele graphy, Sch. of Mil. Engineering, 1881-85 ; Assist. Inspector Submarine Mtoing Defences 1886-91, Inspector Mining Defences at Headquarters, 1891-96 ; Dep. Inspector-Gen. of Fortifications, 1902-4 ; Director of Fortifications and Works, 1904-8 ; Maj-Gen. in charge of Administration, E. Command, 1908-12 and 1915-16; was a Chief Engineer 1914-15. Address : 44, Thurloe Square, S.W. (K417) RUCKER, Reginald Wynn, C.B.E, fi. 27 Dec. 1854 ; s. of the late Daniel Henry Rucker, of Errington, Clapham Park ; m. Frances Marv, d. of the late Henry Harrod, F.R.S. A, of Aylsham, Norfolk. Educ. : CUfton CoU, B.N.C, Oxford. Partner in Henry Rogers, Sons & Co, of 85, Gracechurch Street, E.C, Metal Merchants ; Chairman of Committee of London Metal Exchange, 1897-1901, and 1916-19. Director of Messrs. P. H. Muntz & Co, Ltd, West Bromwich, YeUow Metal Manufacturers ; Director of British Metal Corporation, 3, Abchurch Yard, E.C. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, 1916, to Sept. 1919 (Copper Committee, Assistant ControUer of Non-Ferrous Materials, Supply Dept.) ; Feb. to Sept. 1919, Controller and Liquidator of Non-Ferrous Materials. Address : 113, Kenilworth Court, Putney. (C2923) RUDD, Lieut.-Col. Hubert, O.B.E. RUDD, Col. Thomas WilUam, C.B.E, R.A.V.C. Served on the N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 (medal) ; in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1318) RUDDEN, Capt. Bernard, M.B.E, 6. 10 March. 1877 ; s. of Charles Rudden, of Armagh ; m. Mary, d. of John McGrath, of CarUsle. Educ. : Private School. Enlisted Border Regt, Aug. 1894; Lieut, British West Indies Regt, Nov. 1916; Capt, Dec. 1918. War Work: Served in the Field — Egypt, Belgium, France, and Italy. Address : 11, Peter Street, Carlisle. (M2972) RUDDER, Capt. Charles Joseph, O.B.E. RUDDICK, John, M.B.E. RUDDIN, John Henry, M.B.E, fi. 1 Nov. 1871 ; s. of James Ruddin, of Liverpool ; to. Ethel Mary, d. of Thomas Hamson, of Liverpool. Educ. : Ampleforth CoU, Yorkshire. War Work : Technical Adviser to Ministry of Food. Address : 12. Sutton Court Road, Chiswick, London, W. (M9521) RUDDLE, Frank WilUam, O.B.E. RUDDLE, George, M.B.E. RUDDOCK, Thomas Emerson, C.B.E, fi. 1873 ; s. of the late Thomas Ruddock, of Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; to. 1899, EUzabeth, d. of the late WUliam EngUsh, of Newcastle, on-Tyne. Educ : Privately. Shipowner and Coal Exporter ; Head of Norwegian Section, Ministry of Shipping, since 1917 ; Principal Coal and Shipping Adviser to Mins. in Christiania, Stockholm and Copenhagen, 1916-17. Address : Kingswood, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Clubs: Junior Constitutional Northern Conservative (Newcastle-on-Tyne). (C608) RUDGARD, Henry John, O.B.E, M.I.C.E, 6. 1 Dec. 1866 ; s. of J. R. Rudgard, of Lincoln. Educ. : Malvern Coll, and St. Peter's, York. Assistant Engineer (Maintenance), North Eastern Railway, York. Address : Aldeen, St. Peter's Grove, York. (011254) RUDGE, Louise AUce, M.B.E. RUDGE, Florence Mrs., HAYNES-, C.B.E. ; d. of the late Charles Fox ; m. 1st, Edward Charles Rudge, J.P, of Abbey Manor, Evesham, Worcestershire, who died; 2ndly, 1916, Capt. Leonard Haynes, Worcestershire Yeo, who assumed the additional surname of Rudge. War Work : Comdt. and Donor Abbey Manor AuxiUary Hospital, Evesham, during European War. Address : Evesham, Worcestershire. (C1033) RUDKIN, George Drury, O.B.E.. B.A, fi. 22 Jan. 1879; s. of G. M. A. Rudkin, of Teignmouth ; to. Heather Kathleen, d. of F. E. Little, of Teignmouth. Educ. : BlundeUs School and BalUol Coll., Oxford. Indian Civil Service ; Revenue and Finance Member of Council, Bikaner, India. War Work • President of War Board, Bikaner. Addresses : Bikaner Rajputana, India ; c/o Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, London, S.W. Clubs : E. I. United Service. (040871 RUDKIN, Major Hugh Ernest, O.B.E. RUDLAND, Paymaster-Lieut. Henry Alfred, O.B.E, RUDOLF, Col. Robert Dawson, C.B.E, M.D , F R C P 6. 1865 ; s. of WiUiam Norman Rudolf ; to. 1894, Rosa Mar guerite Danson. Educ. : Birkenhead School and Edinburgh Univ. Canadian Army Med. Corps ; Professor of Thera peutics in Toronto Univ.; sometime Consulting Physician, Canadian Forces. Addresses : 100, CoUege Street, Toronto : 450 147, Farnham Avenue, Toronto. Club: York (Toronto). RUEGG, Alfred James, M.B.E. 4' RUFFELL, Frederick, O.B.E, fi. 10 Feb. 1872; s. of J. Ruffell, of Watford Gap, Northamptonshire ; m. Liliian EUena, d. of B. Attwell, of Somerset. Educ : Privately ¦ Rugby. Superintendent of Rolling Stock, L. & N. W. Rly ' Crewe. War Work : Responsible for preparation of troop trains, etc. ; Also provision of stock for aU Munitions of War etc, and was one of those responsible for scheme and working of common user of waggons on the raUways. Address : Oak Lodge, Penkridge, Staffs. (011255) RUFFER, Ferdinand Robert, M.B.E. RUFFLE, Capt. WilUam Harry, M.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6 14 Dec. 1872 ; s. of George WUliam Harry Ruffle, of London •' in. Annie Elizabeth Emma, d. of Arthur Prickett, of Maidstone' Educ. : London. Capt. R.A.S.C. ; South Africa, 1901-2. War Work : Curragh, 1914 ; England and France, 1915, as O.C L. of C. Units, 32nd Division ; German East Africa, 1916-1 as O.C. Imperial Section, East African Expeditionary Force graded as Staff Capt. Address : Curragh Camp, Co. KUdaTeJ Deland. (M3066) RULE, Alexander, M.B.E, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.I.C, 6. 15 Aug. 1880 ; s. of Alexander Rule, of Liverpool. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School, Crosby ; Victoria Univ, Univ. of Jena. Lecturer in Chemistry, Univ. of Liverpool. War Work : Super intendent of Wood Distillation Factories, and Administrative Officer of Wood DistUlation Factories, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 33, Melling Road, Southport, Lancs. Clubs :' University, Liverpool ; Chemical Industry, London (M3949) RULE, Lieut.-Col. John AUan, O.B.B, 6. 29 July, 1878 ; s. of J. A. Rule, of Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Educ. : Public Schools, U.S.A. War Work : DardaneUes, May to Aug. 1915 ; wounded, Aug. 1915 ; Egypt, Oct. 1915, to Sept. 1916 ; Salonica Force, Sept. 1916, to Dec. 1918, except Sept. to Oct. 1917, when served in France and Italy ; Russia, Transcaucasia, Dec. 1918, to July, 1920 ; Turkey, July to Aug. 1920. Four times mentioned in despatches. Clubs : Thatched House ; Canton (China) ; Constantinople. RUMBOLD, Etheldred Constantia, Lady, C.B.E, 6. 3 July, 1879 ; d. of Sir Edmund Fane, K.CM.G, of Boyton Manor, WUts ; to. Rt. Hon. Sir Horace, Bt, P.C, K.C.M.G, M.V.O, s. of Sir Horace Rumbold, G.C.B. War Work: President of Prisoners of War Bread Bureau at Berne, 1916-19, and of British Legation Red Cross in Switzerland, 1916-19. Address : British Legation, Warsaw, Poland. (C2924) RUMBOLL, Arthur Charles, CLE., O.B.E. RUMFORD, Dame Clara Ellen BUTT-, D.B.E, fi. 1 Feb. 1873 ; d. of Capt. H. A. Butt, of Bristol ; m. Robert Kennerley, s. of Joseph Kennerley Rumford, of London. Educ. : Royal College of Music. Singer. War Work: Gave over £80,000 by means of concerts and pageants to various war charities. Address : 7, Harley Road, London. RUMMINS, Major Henry, O.B.E. RUNCIMAN, Henry Weir, M.B.E. RUNDALL, Col. Frank Montagu, C.B, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1851 ; s. of the late Gen. Francis Hornblow Rundall ; m. 1876, Emily Rosa, e. d. of the late Rt. Rev. Edward Henry Bickersteth. Served Burma War (medal with clasp) ; Chin- Lushai Expedition (despatches, clasp) ; Chin HUls, Commanding Column as Political Officer (despatches) ; was A.A.G. 9th Div. S . Command, India ; Commanding Group A, City of London Vol. Regt. (mentioned). Address : 25, Porchester Square, Bayswater. W. (O7660) RUNDELL, Comm. Matthew Adkins, C.B.E, fi. 1856; s. of Matthew RundeU, of Devonport ; to. Susan, d. of W. W. Rundell, of Liverpool. Educ. : Plymouth Grammar School. War Work : Govt. Representative on London Group of War Insurance Associations (Ships), and also on Fishing Vessels War Insurance Association. Address : Grove Park, Kent. Club : London University. (C285) RUNDLE, Brevet Lieut.-Col. Claude, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C. (T.), 6. 1873 ; s. of the late J. P. Rundle, of Saltash. Cornwall ; to. Florence Maltby, d. of WilUam Kerruish, of Isle of Man. Educ. : Plymouth Grammar School. Super intendent, Fazakerley Hospitals and Sanatorium, Liverpool; Lecturer, Univ. of Liverpool. War Work : Registrar, 1st Western General Hospital. Liverpool ; Officer Commanding, Berrington War Hospital, Shrewsbury ; Officer Commanding, No. 54 General Hospital, France Expeditionary Force. Ad dress : Fazakerley Hospital, Liverpool. Club : University (Liverpool). RUNDLE, Comm. Henry John Montague, O.B.E, R.N, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, fi. 29 Oct. 1874 ; s. of the late Robert Rundle, of Stoke, Devonport ; m. Alida, d. of the late Rev. J. P. Jourdan, of Victoria West, South Africa. Educ. : Stubbington House, Fareham, and H.M.S. " Britannia." Served in Royal Navy, 1890-1919. War Work : Intelligence Officer on Staff of Commander-in-Chief, Coast of Scotland, Aug. 1914, to March, 1917 ; Assistant Director of Minesweeping, Naval Staff, Admiralty, March, 1917, to Oct. 1919. Club: Junior Army and Navy. (O1830) RUNGE, Norah Cecil, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Lawrence Hasluck ; m. Julius Joseph Runge. War Work : Superin tendent SaUors' and Soldiers' Free Buffet, Paddington Sattion. Address : 24, Westbourne Terrace, W. 2. (O708) RUNTZ, Sidney Westwood, CB.E, F.C.A, fi. 1875; s. of Sir John Runtz, of Tunnel Woods, Watford. Educ. : Uppingham. War Work : Financial Adviser to the Coal Mines BIOGRAPHIES. Ruthen Department of Board of Trade. Address ." Tunnel Woods, Watford. Club : City Carlton. (C2925) RUSH, Frederick Charles, O.B.E. (07933) RUSH, Engineer Thomas Arthur Edwin, M.B.E, R.N.. fi. 19 AprU, 1869 ; s. of Thomas Rush, of Floore, near Weedon, IJorthamptonslure ; to. Elizabeth, d. of William Jackson, of Northampton. Educ. : Weedon Grammar School. Com missioned Engineer, R.N. War Work : Artificer Engineer in H.M.S. " Hogue " until Torpedoed: next H:M.S. "Actseon"; to' Torpedo Boat No. 3, for escort duty from Newhaven to France (night work for 2 years); and to H.M.S. Destroyer " Pigeon," for escort and patrol duties from Buncrana, North of Ireland, until Oct. 1919. Addresses : R.N. Depot, Imming- ham ; 39, Linden Road, Gillingham, Kent. (M2377) RUSH, Major John Shipman, O.B.E. RUSH, Lieut. WUUam, .M.B.E. RUSHALL, Richard BosweU, M.B.E, 6. 6 March, 1865 ; s. of Benjamin Rushall, of Braunston, Northamptonshire ; m. Charlotte Sarah, d. of Charles Trype, of Rangoon. Educ. : National School, Braunston. Sole proprietor of Rushall & Co, Stevedores, Rangoon. Address : Post Office Box, 197, Ran goon ; Lyndene, CUfton Road, Rugby. (M9524) RUSHTON, Capt. Leveson, M.B.E. RUSHWORTH, Mary, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. RUSSELL, Major Alexander, O.B.E, M.C. RUSSELL, Alexandra Alberta, M.B.E, fi. 10 Jan. 1883 ; d. of Major-Gen. John Cecil Russell, C.V.O, Extra Equerry to King Edward VII, and Col. of 12th Royal Lancers, of Barton Court, Canterbury. War Work : Commandant, Dane John Hospital, Canterbury, V.A.D. Kent 186. Address : Barton Court, Canterbury, Kent. (M3950) RUSSELL, Lieut. Arthur Edward Jan Montague, M.B.E. RUSSELL, Rev. CecU Edward, M.B.E, 6. 18 June, 1889 ; s. of W. H. RusseU, of MusweU Hill ; to. Cicely Cherry, d. of A. J. Squire, of EaUng. Educ. : Owens School, and King's Coll, Univ. of London. Priest, St. Saviour, Ealing, 1913-18 ; Vicar of Manston, near Leeds, 1919. War Work : Assistant to Sec, Clergy National Service Committee, then Assistant to Sec, Boy Labour Section, National Service Dept. ; finally in charge of Boy Labour Section, Ministry of National Service. Address : Manston Vicarage, Cross Gates, nr. Leeds. Club : Scouts'. (M3951) RUSSELL, Delia Constance, Mrs., O.B.B. (012013) RUSSELL, Diana, M.B.E. RUSSELL, Major Edmond CecU, O.B.E. RUSSELL, Comm. Edward Holden, O.B.E, R.N. RUSSELL, Edward John, O.B.E, F.R.S, D.Sc, Officer of the Order of the Crown of Belgium, fi. 1872 ; s. of the late Rev. E. T. RusseU, of Glasgow ; to. Elnor, d. of the late Walter Oldham, of Singapore and Manchester. Educ. : Univ. Coll. of Wales, Aberystwyth ; Victoria Univ, Manchester. Director of the Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden. War Work : Technical Adviser, Food Production Dept. ;' Member of the Munitions Inventions Panel and of the National Salvage Council, 191 7. Address : Laboratory House, Harpenden. Herts. Club : Savile. (O709) RUSSELL, Capt. Ernest Gordon, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. RUSSELL, Ethel, Mrs., M.B.E. RUSSELL, Frederick Vernon, C.B.E, fi. 7 May, 1870 s. of Henry Vernon RusseU, R.N, of Warwick ; to. Gladys d.at — Sala, of Carcassone. Educ: Christ's Hospital. Super intendent of Operation, Great Eastern Railway. War Work Hallway Operating, Military and Civil ; public safety pre cautions, especially in connection with the East Coast ; pro^ tection of the public and raUway, etc, in connection with hostile aircraft. Address : 17, Teesdale Road, Leytonstone, E. 11. (C2926) RUSSELL, George Dearie, O.B.E. RUSSELL, George Shipton, M.B.E, fi. 8 Feb. 1878 ; s. of Herbert Russell, ot Lichfield : to. EUa Maud, d. of Robert Colegate, of Sutton, Surrey. Educ : Rossall. Solicitor ; Under-Sheriff of the City of Lichfield. War Work: As an amateur mechanic constructed a four-stretcher ambulance, and maintained and drove it over 25,000 miles without a break down. Address : Gaialands, Lichfield. (M9527) RUSSELL, Major Harry WilUam, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C o. 31 March, 1877 ; s. of the late Rev. Canon E. J. Russell, of Todmorden. Educ. : Rossall and Manchester. Major, R.A.M.C. War Work : O.C. 8 B.F.A, France and Mesopo tamia; O.C Officers' Hospital, Baghdad; O.C. MUitary Hospital, Mosul. Address : c/o Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place, Westminster, S.W. (06697) RUSSELL, Lieut.-Comm. Harold David Watts, O.B.E, fi.N.R. R.D. RUSSELL, Henry Alexander, M.B.E. RUSSELL, Capt. Henry Hartley Aloysius, O.B.E. RUSSELL, Herbert Ernest Henry, O.B.E. RUSSELL, Sir Herbert WilUam Henry, K.B.E, 6. 28 March, 1869 ; s. of W. Clark RusseU, of Bath ; to. Lucie Marion, * of Charles Meech, of Beaminster, Dorset. Educ. : Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and privately. Reuter's war Correspondent. War Work : GaUipoli, June to Sept. 1915 (invaUded home with dysentery) ; France, Dec. 1915, to *¦ 1918; received Order of Chevalier of the Legion of Honour from French Government ; gave first news to the TOrld of opening of Somme offensive, capture of Bapaume, and ™1 of Lille. Address: Plymouth. Club: Royal South. i Yacht. (K418) RUSSELL, Janie, M.B.E.; d. of John Russell, of Middle- held, Cupar, Fife, and Helen McLaren, Castle Hill, Perthshire Educ : Madras Coll. War Work : Canteening with the French Army in war zone, 1916 ; assisted in Chester Gate Canteen, Regent's Park ; decorated for work in connection with the repatriation of civilian prisoners. Address: 6, Grosvenor Place, S.W. 1. Club : Forum. (M9529) RUSSELL, John, M.B.E, 6. 25 May, 1857 ; s. of John Russell, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; to. Eleanor Jane, d. of Robert Bunn, of Gateshead-on-Tyne. Educ. : Kidman's Academy, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Certified Sanitary Inspector; Chief Inspector to the Tyne Port Sanitary Authority. War Work : Voluntary Services rendered in the transport of sick and wounded naval patients during the period of the war. Address : Port Sanitary Offices, Mill Dam, South Shields. (M9530) RUSSELL, John, O.B.B, Major 5th N. Staffs. Regt. (ret), 6. 30 July, 1862 ; s. of John Russell, of Insch, Aberdeenshire ; m. Alice, d. of the late Peter Whyte, of Streatham, London. Educ : Aberdeen Univ. Hon. Physician, N. Staff. Infirmary. War Work : Assistant Director, British Red Cross Society, N. Staffordshire ; Physician, Stoke-on-Trent War Hospital. Address : Bleak HiU House, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent. (0711) RUSSELL, Mary Ruth, Lady, M.B.E, fi. 8 Jan. 1859 ; d. of the late Capt. George Boyes Prior, R.A. ; to. Sir James A, LL.D, s. of the Rev. Alex. Fraser Russell, M.A. War Work : Convener, Ladies' Committee, Boys' Brigade, Y.M.C.A. Rest Hut, 1915-19. Address: Woodville, Canaan Lane, Edinburgh. (M9531) RUSSELL, Mildred, M.B.E, 6. 1866 ; d. of Capt. Andrew Hamilton Russell, of The Heath House, Petersfield. Educ. : Lausanne. War Work : Divisional Sec, Petersfield British Red Cross Society. Address : The Heath House, Petersfield, Hants. (M3952) RUSSELL, Rachel Augusta, M.B.E, 6. 20 Nov. 1888 ; d. of Champion B. Russell, of Stubbers, North Ockendon, Essex. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, July, 1915, to June, 1919 ; Private Sec. to the Sec. Ministry of Munitions, Sept. 1917, to June, 1919. Address: 258, King's Road, Chelsea, S.W. 3. (M2379) RUSSELL, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Edmund MaghUn, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1870 ; s. of E. M. Russell, of Milford House, Limerick ; to. 1918, Dorothy, d. of the late Major B. B. Crake, Rifle Brig. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. Entered R.E, 1898 ; became Capt, 1907 ; Major, 1915 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col, 1918 ; served in S. Africa, 1901-2 (despatches, Queen's medal with five clasps) ; with Anuak Expedition, 1912 (medal, Order of Medjidieh) ; and during the Great War, 1914-15, on Suez Canal Defences, and subsequently on Gen. Staff, Headquarters, Cairo (despatches, Order of the Nile and of 'SS. Maurice and Lazarus of Italy, Brevet Lieut.-Col.) ; attached to Egyptian Army, 1905-15 ; was a Gen. Staff Officer, 1916 ; and a Chief Engineer, 1917-19. Club: Naval and Military. (C1905) RUSSELL, Capt. Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.). RUSSELL, Thomas Wentworth, O.B.E. RUSSELL, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Victor Alexander Frederick VilUers, O.B.B, B.A, 6. 27 June, 1874; s. of Lord Odo William RusseU, 1st Lord AmpthiU (see Btjkke's Peerage) ; to. Annora Margaret Bromley, d. of late George Edward Martin, of Ham Court, Worcester (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : WeUington New Coll, Oxford. Barrister-at-law; Lieut.-Col. 5th Batt. Bedfordshire Regt. Address : 17, Hornton Street, W. Club : Brooks's. (08183) RUSSELL, WilUam Archibald, M.B.E. RUSSELL, Wm. David, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 1853; s. of Rear-Admiral John RusseU, of Maulside, Ayrshire ; to. Jessie Blake, d. of Robert Finnie, of Newfield, Kilmarnock. Deputy Chairman, Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Railway, and Deputy Chairman, Ardrossan Harbour Co. War Work : Convener of County of Ayr during period of the War, and therefore connected with various war associations, and war work in the county. Address : Maulside, Glengarnock, Ayrshire. Clubs : County (Ayr) ; New (Edinburgh). (011256) RUSSELL, William Sidney, M.B.E. RUSSELL, Capt. WiUiam Sydney Kemp, O.B.B, b. 14 Dec. 1895 ; s. of W. J. Russell, of Hayes House, Hayes, Kent ; m. Dorothy, d. ol W. Durran, of 30, Vereker Road, W. Educ : St. Vincents, Eastbourne ; Shrewsbury ; and Pembroke Coll, Cambridge. War Work : 2nd Lieut. Royal Sussex Regt, 1914 ; served in France with K.R.R.C. 1916-18 ; Censorship and Publicity Section, General Staff, G.H.Q, France, 1918-19. Address : South Lodge, Grange Road, Eastbourne. (05741) RUSSELL, Hon. Eustace Scott HAMILTON-, O.B.E, J.P 6. 7 Feb. 1878 ; s. ef Gustavus Russell, 8th Viscount Boyne, D.L, J.P. ; m. OUve Mary, d. of Francis Alexander Woolryche- Whitmore, J.P, of Dudnaston, Salop (see Burke's Landed Gentry) Late Lieut. 5th Batt. Northumberland Fusiliers. Address : Stoke Lodge, Ludlow. Club : Junior Carlton. (O3900) RUST, John. M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. RUST, Capt. Peroy, M.B.E. RUSTON, Henry Thomas, M.B.E. RUSTON, John Albert Edgar, M.B.E. RUTHEN, Sir Charles Tamlin, O.B.E, 6. 22 Oct 1871 ; s. of the late John Ruthen, of South Shields ; m. MatUda Jane, d of the late WUliam Bondfield Westlake, of Swansea. Educ. : Public School, South Shields, and privately. Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects ; President of the Society of Architects ; Member of the CouncU of the Institute of Arbitrators and of the London Society ; Fellow of the Royal 451 Rutherford THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Society of Arts; Member of the Concrete Institute, Grants Committee of the Ministry of Labour, and General Advisory Committee of the Empire Timber Exhibition, 1920 ; Archi tectural Director, Messrs. R. E. Jones, Ltd. War Work: Inspector, War Cabinet Committee on Accommodation, 1917-18 ; Chief Inspector and Deputy Controller for London Area, 1918-20 ; now Consulting Chief Inspector of Accommoda tion, H.M. Office of Works (honorary appointments) ; Capt. R.A.S.C, M.T. (V.) ; Special Constabulary (Motor Ambulance), County Borough of Swansea. Addresses : Dderwen-fawr, Blackpyl, Swansea : Bank Chambers, Heathfield Street, Swansea; 44, Bedford Row, London, W.C. 1. Clubs: National Liberal ; Swansea Liberal ; Swiss Alpine. (01832) RUTHERFORD, Ernest Victor Buckley, O.B.E, CC, fi. 1871 ; s. of James Buckley Rutherford, of London ; to. Alice Maud Julia, d. of Wm. Oliver, of Hove. Educ. : Westminster. Adviser on wines and spirits to War Office. War Work : Sub-Inspector, Special Constabulary, F Div. ; Adviser to War Office on wines and spirits. Address : 29, Orsett Terrace, Hyde Park, W. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Ranelagh. (011257) RUTHERFORD, Eva Lydia, Mrs., O.B.E. RUTHERFORD, Capt. Percival Thomas, O.B.E, fi. 21 Nov. 1884 ; s. of John James Rutherford, M.D, of Rock Villa, Shipley, Yorks ; to. LUian, d. of John Greenwood, of Highfield, Ravensbourne Park, S.E. Educ. : Salts Schools, Saltaire, Yorks. War Work : 2nd Lieut. 4th London How. Bgde, R.F.A, 1st London Division ; Medical Officer, 4th London How. Bgde, R.F.A, 56th Division ; M.O. 283rd Bgde, R.F.A, 56th (London) Division ; Second-in-Command, 2/3rd London Field Ambulance, 56th (London) Division ; Lieut.-Col. Commanding 2/3rd West Riding Field Ambulance, Highland Division, British Army of the Rhine ; Lieut.-Col. Commanding 2/3rd Wessex Field Ambulance, 57th Division. (05742) RUTHERFORD, Capt. Zerube Bailie, O.B.E, R.A.V.C RUTHVEN, Capt. the Hon. Charles Edward Stewart HUE-, O.B.E, fi. 21 April, 1940 ; s. of WilUam Hue-Ruthven and. _-. s. of Mary EUzabeth Thornton, Baroness Ruthven (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Mariana, d. of Col. Edward Robert Wood, of Southall, Co. Glamorgan. Late Lieut. 51st Regt. and Capt. Quebec ArtiUery ; J P, Breconshire. Address : Vaynot House. Cefn Coed. Merthvr Tydfil. (011258) RUTLAND, George Henry, M.B.E, A.K.C, A.M.Inst.N.A, 6. 16 March, 1884 ; s. of George Rutland, of Conduit Street, London, W. ; m. Daisy Florence Mary, d. of William Henry Roberts, of Lowestoft. Educ. : Tiffin School, Kingston-on- Thames, and King'sColl, Univ. of London. Late Chief Draughts man, Warship Department, Messrs. R. and W. Hawthorn, LesUe & Co, Ltd, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Work : Design and construction of vessels for H.M. Navy. Address : The College. Loughborough. (M2382) RUTTAN OF FREELAND, Lieut.-Col. Charles Millidge, C.B.E. Canadian Army Service Corps • served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1836) RUTTER, Herbert Llewellyn, M.B.E, F.R.CS, M.D. RUTTER, Joseph Gatt, M.B.E. RUTTER, Richard Golden, M.B.E. RTJTTLE, Lieut. Jacob SutcUffe, M.B.E, R.A.F. RUTTLEDGE, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Geoffrey, O.B.E. M.C. RUXTON, Major Robert Minturn Clarges, O.B.E. RUXTON, Lieut. WiUiam MiU, O.B.E, R.N.R. RYALL, Sir Charles, Knt. Bach, C.B.E, F R C S 6 1870 ; s. of Edward C RyaU, M.R.C.S, 18th and 86th Regts. ; to. Frances Mary, d. of Thos. Collier, J.P, of Alderlev Edge. Educ. : DubUn, Paris, Westminster, and King's Coll. Hospital. Member of Council of the Royal College of Surgeons ; Senior Surgeon to Cancer Hospital and to Bolingbroke Hospital ; Con sulting Surgeon to London Lock Hospital, Gordon Hospital for Diseases of Rectum, and Leatherhead Cottage Hospital War Work : Assessor-in-Charge of the Appeal Board of Medical Assessors to tbe Appeal Tribunals of England and Wales ; Member of National Service Advisory Medical Board, and of Committee of Reference for recruiting doctors and seeing to needs of Metropolitan Hospitals ; Surgeon to King George's Hospital and Lady Carnarvon's Hospital for Officers ; formerlv Member of the Special Medical Appeal Board under Army Council. Addresses : 62, Harley Street, W. ; Aldenham Corner, Radlett, Herts. Clubs : Ranelagh ; Reform. (C1609) RYAN, Brig.-Gen. Charles Montgomerie, C.M.G, C B E , D.S.O, Officier Legion d'Honneur, France, fi. 12 Aug 1867 ¦ s. of the late Col. Edward Moody Ryan, of Bengal Staff Corps' Indian Army. Educ Winchester Coll, and Jesus Coll Cambridge. Retired List (Reserve of Officers) ; Commissioned 22 Aug. 1888, to 29 Aug. 1919. Address: c'o Sir C R McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39, Panton Street, Haymarket', London, S.W. Clubs : United Service ; Sports. (C610) RYAN, Major-Gen. Sir Charles Snodgrass, K B E C B C.M.G, V.D, 6. 20 Sept. 1853 ; s. of Charles Ryan, of Darriwait! Upper Macedon, West ; m. Alice Elfrida, d. of The Hon Theo Sumner, of Stony Park, Brunswich. Educ: Church of England Grammar School, Edinburgh ; Paris ; Bonn ; Vienna. Surgeon • Cons. Surgeon, Melbourne Hospital ; Cons. Surgeon, Children's Hospital ; late Surgeon in Turkish Army during the Servo- Turkish and Russo-Turkish Wars of 1876-8. War Work ¦ A.D.M.S, 1st Australian Division, at Anzac, France, and England; Consulting Surgeon to the Australian Imperial Force. Clubs : Oriental; Melbourne. (C61) RYAN, Rear-Adm. Frank Edward Cavendish, C.B E S??"£?53- (retA aI\cl Capt' E'N'B' ! served in the> «reat War. 1914-19 (despatches). (C.Q3R (C1938) 452 RYAN, (late Capt.) HughKaye, O.B.E, M.A, LL.M.. 6.25 Jan. 1875 ; s. of the late Vicar of St. Barnabas, Hessle, Yorks; m. Anne Campbell, d. of John Cooke, M.D, of St. 1 eonards". Educ. : Privately, and Corpus Christi CoU, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple; well-known platform speaker ; author of various works. War Work : Took prominent part in establishing the extensive recruiting organi sation of the Inns of Court O.T.C, thereby furnishing many thousands of officers for training ; then did secret work for the mUitary authorities ; afterwards joined Directorate of the Inland Waterways and Docks, War Office, and rendered special services, for which he was mentioned and later recommended for distinction. Addresses : 2, Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C.4 , 37, Craven Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. 2 ; BugseU, Robertsbridge, Sussex. (07663) RYAN, Isabel, Mrs., M.B.E. RYAN, John, O.B.E. RYAN, Mervyn Frederick, CB.E. War Work: Director of Munition Gauges. (C611) RYAN, Capt. Pierce Neimeyer, O.B.E, R.N.R. RYAN, Lieut. Thomas PhiUp, O.B.E, R.N.R. RYAN, Lieut. Walter Thomas, O.B.E, R.N.R. RYAN, Victor Herbert, O.B.E. (012015) RYAN, Rev. WUUam, O.B.B, fi. 8 Dec. 1887; s. of Daniel and Mary Ryan, of Tramore, Co. Waterford. Educ. : St. John's Coll, Waterford. Was Curate in St. Mary's, Greenock, in the Archdiocese of Glasgow. War Work : Served with the 49th Division in France from 11 May, 1915, and with the 2nd Royal Munster Fus. (wounded, Dec. 1916) ; appointed S.C.F. 30th Division, and assistant to A.P.C Boulogne ; twice mentioned in despatches. Addresses : R.E. Officers' Mess, Bulford Camp, WUts ; Marine View, Tramore, Co. Waterford. (05746) RYAN, Lieut.-Col. WilUam John, C.B.E, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, M.B.E, O.B.E.). (C1906) RYCROFT, Lieut. Albert, M.B.E,. R.A. RYCROFT, Capt. Frederiok, M.B.E, R.A. RYCROFT, Percy Edward, M.B.E. RYDER, Edward Northern, M.B.E. RYDER, Lieut.-Col. Charles Frederick, O.B.E. RYDER, Lady Frances, C.B.E, fi. 7 Aug. 1888 ; d. of 5th Earl of Harrowby, of Sandon HaU, Stafford (see BURKE'S Peerage). War Work : Nursed in military hospitals in England and France ; organised Hospitality Scheme for Overseas Officers since Feb. 1917. Addresses: Sandon Hall, Stafford; Norton House, Campden, Glos. (C2023) RYDER, George Thomas, O.B.E, J.P. RYDER, Lady Mary Maud Anson, O.B.E ; 3rd d. of 2nd Earl of Lichfield (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Hon. Edward Alan Dudley, s. of 5th Earl of Harrowby (see Burke's Peerage). Address: 46. Cadogan Square, S.W (011259 RYLAND, Edith, Mrs. SMITH-, M.B.E. ; d. of the late W. F. Richards, of Folkestone ; widow of Charles Alston Smith-Ryland, of Barford HiU, Warwick. War Work : Hon. Treas. British Red Cross Society, Warwickshire County ; Commandant, Barford HiU AuxiUary Hospital, March, 1916, to Dec. 1918. Address : Chobham Park, Chobham, Surrey. Clubs : Emnress ; Forum. (M3954) RYLE, Herbert, O.B.E. RYLES, Major Charles, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. SABESTON, Robert, O.B.E, A.I.F. SABINE, Dorothy Gladys, M.B.E,. 0. 10 Aug. 1898 : d. of Henry George Sabine, of London. War Work : Joined British Red Cross Society on the outbreak of the war and served at th* Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich, from 1915-16 ; until cessation of hostUities was avaUable for Red Cross Ambulance duty during air raids on London ; War Office Staff, 1916 tUl present date. (M9534) SACKETT, Rev. Alfred Barrett, O.B.E. SADLER, Annie, O.B.E. SADLER, Henry, M.B.E. SADLER, James, O.B.E, 6. 4 Jan. 1858 ; s. of Charles Sadler, of Tattenhall Lanes, Chester ; to. Emma, d. of Edward Dod, of Hampton, Malpas ; Educ. : British School, Tattenhak. Chester. Member of County Agricultural Committee ; Sec. to Cheshire MUk Producers' Association, Cheshire Chamber of Agriculture, Cheshire Dairy Farmers' Association, Cheshire Milk Producers' Depots, Ltd, Cheshire Rural Workers' Friendly Society, Nantwich Farmers' Club. War Work: Sub-Com missioner to Food Production Department; Sec. to Local War Agricultural Committee, SuppUes Sub-Committee, and Committee for Supply of Forage to His Majesty's Forces ; Representative of Board of Agriculture on Local Tribunal. Address : Holmleigh, Wistaston, Nantwich, Cheshire. (011261) SADLER, Lieut.-Col. LesUe, O.B.E. SAER, John, M.B.E, fi. 12 Jan. 1864 ; s. of the late John Saer, of Newhouse, St. Clears ; to. Sarah, d. of David Lewis, of Bridgend. Clerk to the Carmarthen Rural District CouncU ;. and to Guardians of Carmarthen Union. War Work : Execu tive Officer, Carmarthen Rural Food Ccntroi Committee; Clerk to Local Tribunal ; Member of Local Committee Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association. Address : Glannant House, Carmarthen. (M9535> SAFFORD, SteUa Fanny, O.B.E. SAGE, Arthur Reginald, M.B.E. SAGE, Molyneux Baxter Sage, M.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Salmond SAIES, Rev. Father Lorenso, M.B.E. SAINSBURY, Charles, M.B.E, 6. 10 Nov. 1885; s. of Edward Sainsbury. Educ : Clifton Coll. Stock Exchange. War Work : Ministry of Munitions. Address : 35, Upper Gloucester Place, London, N.W. 1. (M45) SAINSBURY, Edgar John, O.B.E. SAINSBURY, Lieut. Eric John, M.B.E, R.F.A. (S.R.) SAINSBURY, Flora Gregory, M.B.E, fi. 6 April, 1883 ; d. of Richard Henry Sainsbury, of Trowbridge. Educ. : Hawkesbury, Clevedon, Somerset. Teacher of Domestic Science- and Organising Inspectress in Domestic Subjects under Norfolk County Council. War Work : Administrator in Q.M.A.A.C. at Boyton and Chiseldon Camps, and Preston Barracks. Address : 3, Bradley Road, Trowbridge, Wilts. Club : Women's Active Service. (M6702) SAINSBURY, Harrington, O.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P, fi. 1853. Consulting Physician to the Royal Free Hospital and the City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest^Victoria Park; Examining Physician, Royal National Hospital, Ventnor. War Work : At the Richmond Military Hospital and subsequently at the Bermondsey Military Hospital. Addresses : 52, Wimpole Street, W. 1 ; 12, Woburn Square, W.C. 1. (011844) SAINT, Major Charles Frederick Morris, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1319) SAINT, Rosa Charlotte, M.B.E. ; d. of the late John James Heath Saint, Recorder of Leicester. Educ. : St. Mary's Convent, S. Ascot, Berks. War Work : Clerk at the War Office. Address : 6, Lisgar Terrace, W. 14. (M9537) ST. AUBYN, Brevet.-Major Guy Stewart, O.B.E. ST. AUBYN, Ingeborg Alfhild Lady MOLESWORTH- O.B.E. ; d. of I. V. Sigvald MuUer, of Beaucliffe House, Newquay, CornwaU ; m. the late Sir St. Aubyn Sender, s. of Hender Molesworth-St, Aubyn, of Pencarrow, Cornwall. Educ. : Privately. President of CornwaU County Federation of Women's Lnstitutes ; Vice-Chairman of County Horticultural Committee ; Member of the Statutory Agricultural Committee for Cornwall, and County Agricultural Executive Committee ; Delegate to the National Federation of Agricultural Executive Committee. War Work : Chairman, Cornwall War Service for Women Committee ; President of Cornwall Women's Agricultural Council ; Chairman of its Executive Committee ; Vice-Chairman of the National Federation of Women's Agri cultural Committees; Chairman of AUotments and Horti cultural Committee during the Food Production Campaign ; Member of County Appeal Tribunal (Military Service). Ad dress : Atlantic House, Newquay, Cornwall. Clubs : County of CornwaU Ladies' ; Women's Institute, Newquay. (011263) ST. BARBE, Henry, M.B.E. ST. CLAIR, Frank Verity, O.B.E., fi. Sept. 1858 ; s. of Francis Robert, of Addingham ; m. Mary Adelaide, d. of WilUam Fox, of Poynton. Educ. : Dr. Kerrs, Wharfedale. Executive Committee, V.A.F. and M.H.A. Benevolent Funds ; Provincial Delegate, Variety Artistes Federation. War Work : Organising War Charities and Concerts for Wounded ; devoted aU profits from the sales of his compositions : " Follow The Drum," "When the Boys Come Home," and other patriotic songs; received fourteen thousand post-cards from the trenches, and three thousand from British prisoners for com forts his songs sent out. Address : The Chalet, Prees Heath, Salop. Club: VaudeviUe. (011264) ST. CLAIR, Hon. Lockhart Matthew, CLE, O.B.E, M.Inst.CE, 6. 25 July, 1855 ; s. of 14th Baron Sinclair (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. EUen Mary Margaret, d. of the late Surgeon-Major-Gen. W.R.Rice, C.S.I, M.D. Educ : Welling ton CoU, and Royal Indian Engineering CoU, Cooper's Hill. Joined the Indian Public Works Department, Oct. 1876 ; served as Assistant Engineer in the Saugor Road, and Executive Engineer in Charge of Nagpur and Jubbulpur Divisions, 1881-85 ; State Engineer to the Nepal Government, 1889-92 ; Executive Engineer, Lower Assam, 1894-95 ; Executive Engineer, Hoshungabad Division, Central Provinces, 1895-97 ; Under Sec. to the Government, Central Provinces, in the Public Works Department, 1897-99 ; in charge Nagpur Division Buildings, Roads, Waterworks, and Famine Relief Works, Oct. 1899, to March, 1900 ; Superintendent of Works tor all works 8 Southern Districts of the C.P. ; in Nov. 1900, appointed Superintending Engineer and Sec. to the Govern ment, Central Provinces, in the P.W.D. ; as such had pro fessional responsibility for, and administrative control of, all Public Works in the Provinces, including roads, buildings, waterworks, raUways, mines, irrigation works, relief works, etc. ; designed and superintended the building of many water works in India, for which he received the thanks of the Imperial in0„v.emment ' C.I.E, 1902 ; retired from the Public Service, 1904. War Work : Joined the Metropolitan Special Constabu- 'ary.Aug. 1914; appointed Chief Inspector of the Sutton sub-Division ; appointed Assistant Commander, Sept. 1914 ; Acting Commander of the " W " Division, Oct. 1914 ; Com mander, Nov. 1914, which post he has since held. Address : Dernana, Mayfield Road, Sutton, Surrey. Clubs: Junior Carlton ; Royal AutomobUe. '-.¦ ¦'•.¦' (03964) ST. HELIER, Susan Mary EUzabeth, Lady, C.B.E. ST. JOHN, Lieut.-Col. Henry Beauchamp, CLE, C.B.E, Indian Army, 6. 26 Aug. 1874 ; e. s. of Sir Oliver Beauchamp Coventry St. John, K.C.S.I, R.E. (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; •»• 6 Feb. 1907, Olive Amy, 2nd d. of Col. Cbarles Herbert, Resident at Jaipur, Rajputana. Assist. Sec. to the Govern ment of India. Address : Foreign Department, Simla. (C1303) ST. LAWRENCE, Bertha, Mrs. GAISFORD-, M.B.E. ; d. of Francis Riddell, of Cheeseburn Grange, Northumberland ; m. 1889, Julian Charles, s. of Thomas Gaisford-St. Lawrence, of Olltogton, and Lady Emily St. Lawrence, e. d. of 3rd Earl of Howth. Address : Howth Castle, Co. DubUn. (M9539) ST. MAUR, Nina Mabel Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. ST. QUINTIN, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Newton, O.B.E, late Naval Ordnance Department, 6. 9 April, 1854 ; s. of William St. Quintin, of Bengal Civil Service ; to. Mary Leaper, d. of Charles Edmund Newton, of Mickleover Manor, Derby (see Burke's Landed Gentry). Educ. : Blackheath School. Sec, Lloyds Patriotic Fund. War Work : Admiralty, 1914-15 ; Special Constable, 1915-19 ; Member London War Pensions Committee from formation, 1916 ; Hon. Sec. Princess Christian Home, Portsmouth. Addresses : 36, Moore Street, Chelsea ; Lattice House, Bracknell, Berks. Club : National. (011265) SALBERG, Capt. Frank James, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. SALCOMBE, Capt. Ernest Walter, O.B.E. SALE, Major Arthur Bromwich, O.B.E, M.C, M.A, 6. 17 Nov. 1884 ; s. of WilUam Hanson Sale, J.P, of Atherstone ; to. Dorothea Lucy, d. of Walter Bicknell, of Henley-in-Arden. Educ. : St. Peter's School, York, and Pembroke Coll, Oxford. Schoolmaster. War Work : Served with 13th Batt. R. War wickshire Regt, at home, and 9th Batt. R. Warwickshire Regt. in Mesopotamia, India, Persia, Turkestan, Trans-Caspia, Caucasus, Turkey, and in Salomca ; 2nd in command, 9th R. Warwickshire Regt, July, 1916, to Jan. 1917, and Jan. 1919, to Sept. 1919 (disbandment of battalion) ; commanded 7th R. Berkshire Regt, Aug. to Sept. 1919, in Caucasus. Ad dress : Arden Hill, Atherstone. (08710) SALISBURY, Francis, C.B.E, I.S.O, J.P, 6. 13 June, 1850 ; s. of the late Francis Salisbury, of the General Post Office ; m. Ann Catherine, d. of the late Dr. Hugh R. Hughes, J.P, of Bangor, Carnarvonshire. Educ. : Stockwell Grammar School, London. District Surveyor and Postmaster, General Post Office ; Postmaster Surveyor at Liverpool, Jan. 1896, to June, 1913. War Work : Took charge of the North Midland Postal District, April. 1915, to April, 1919 ; employed as Postal Adviser to British Delegate to Marienwerder Inter-AUied Plebiscite Commission, Jan. 1920, to Aug. 1920. Address: Athenaeum, Liverpool. (C612) SALLIS, Major Daniel, O.B.E, T.D. ; s. of George Sallis, of Malvern ; to. Sarah, d. of John Davis, of Chaddesley Corbett. Educ. : Army Schools. Sec, War Pensions Com mittee. War Work : Mobilised with l/8th Batt. the Worcester shire Regt, 5 Aug. 1914 ; served in France, Belgium, and Italy ; mentioned in despatches twice, and awarded higher rate of pay for service in the field. Address : 28, Hill Avenue, Worcester. (07664) SALMON, Hedley, O.B.E. _,-„*. SALMON, Major Isidore, C.B.E, D.L, L.CC, 6. 10 Feb. 1876 ; s. of B. Salmon. Educ. : Privately. Managing Director of Public Company; Member of London County CouncU ' Vice-Chairman of London War Pensions Committee ; Chairman City of London Employment Exchange (Ministry of Labour) Address: 30, HoUand Villas Road, Kensington, London, W. 14. (C2928) SALMON, Joseph Harold, M.B.E. SALMON, Lieut. Ronald Martin, M.B.E, R.E. SALMON, WilUam John Cecil Redford, M.B.E. 6. 5 June, 1876; s. of Chas. Salmon, M.I.C.E, J.P, R.N, of Riversfield, Erith; m. Lilian Harriet Augusta, d. of Capt. John Prittie Bayly, R.N, of Ballyre, Co. Cork, Ireland Educ : Privately and Univ. Coll, London. Mechanical Engineer, 1898-1910 ; Assist.-Manager Messrs. Vickers, Ltd, 1908-1913 ; held commission in 4th Home Counties Howitzer Bde ; re signed commission as Battery Leader whilst in Australia. War Work : Returned to England, Oct. 1915 ; joined Inspec tion Dept at Woolwich as Assist.-Inspector of Carnages ; went to America, U.S.A., for special work on guns carnages, and shells, etc, Jan. 1918; appointed Assist.-Inspector Carriages, Manchester ; resigned March, 1919 ; joined the firm of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Address : -Rivers- field, Erith, Kent. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe^ (M9541) SALMOND, Elaine Marguerite, Mrs, O.B.B, 6. 1870. War Work: London War Pensions Committee. -Address 36, Brunswick Square, W.C 1- (n t* F SALMOND. Mary Augusta Compton, Mrs., O-B.li, 6 12 Sept. 1858 ; d. of William Compton Smith of Wands worth Surrey ; to. Walter, s. of Col. J. Salmond, of Waterfoot, CumDerland,yand Langton HaU near Alfreton (see BURKE s Landed Gentry). Educ. : Privately. Song writer; Hon. County Se : tor Derbyshire of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society for nearly 20 years; Member of Lord Roberts Memorial Work- hops Committee (East Midlands) ; Lady Almoner of Regi mental Homes of the Sherwood Foresters (Notts, and Derby R»rt> • Member of four War Pensions Committees ; Hospital visitor 'in three counties, and voluntary pianist in hospitals. Addresses: Newton Old Hall, near Alfreton, Derbyshire j and Folkestone. (01835) SALMOND; Robert Williamson Asher, O.B.E, M.D 6 1883 ¦ s of Robert Salmond, of Aberdeen ; m. Amelia Maud d of J.'Thomlinson, of Headcorn .Educ. : Grammar School, and Marischal Coll., Aberdeen. Physician and Radiologist; TTon Radio ozist Univ. CoU. Hospital, London ; and Lecturer to ^ology^Wai Work: Deputy 'Consulting Radiologist, 453 Salmond THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. British Armies in France. Addresses : 51, Welbeck Street, London, W. 1 ; 4, Brendon House, Great Woodstock Street, W. 1. Club : Aberdeen Univ. (O8602) SALMOND, Comm. Kenneth GOFTON-, O.B.B, R.N, fi. 17 July, 1880 ; s. of Robert Gofton-Salmond, and g.s. of Robert Salmond, Capt. R.N, of H.M.S. "Birkenhead"; m. Maud Alice, d. of Col. W. H. Lyster, of Indian Army. Educ. : Dulwich, and Royal Naval School, Eltham. Member of British Naval Mission to Greece, 1910-12 ; Director of Naval Ordnance, Royal Hellenic Navy ; Naval Sec. to the Navy League, 1913-14 ; Capt.-Supt. of the Sea Cadet Corps, 1919-20 ; Director of Organisation, British Commonwealth Union, from 1919 ; awarded Royal Humane Society's Bronze Medal, 1904 ; and Order of the Redeemer of Grace by the late King George of Greece, in 1912, for valuable services rendered. War Work : Aug. 1914, to May, 1915, Gunnery Officer of H.M.S. " Amphi- trite," Atlantic Patrol Flagship of Vice-Admiral de Roebeck ; May, 1915, to Jan. 1916, Second-in-Command, aud Gunnery Officer, of H.M.S. " Grafton," Dardanelles and GaUipoli ; invaUded as unfit for sea service ; Jan. 1916, to Feb. 1919, Naval Experimental Officer at Experimental Establishment, New Ranges, Shoeburyness. Address : The Nook, Kingswood Road, Upper Norwood, S.E. 19. Clubs : Junior Army and Navy; Royal Navy Club. (09165) SALSBURY, Albert Edward, M.B.E, D.C.M. SALTER, Albert Hugh, M.B.E. (M10465) SALTER, William Henry, M.B.E, M.A, LL.B, 6. 19 March, 1880 ; s. of W. H. Gurney Salter, of 66, Ladbroke Road, W. ; m. Helen WooUgar de Gandrion, d. of Prof. A. W. Verrall, of Cambridge. Educ. : St. Paul's School ; Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : Ministry of Munitions (Labour Supply, Legal Departments, and Secre tariat). Addresses : Crown House, Newport, Essex ; 3, New Square, Lincoln's Inn. Club : United Univ. (M2384) SALVIDGE, Sir Archibald Tutton James, K.B.E, Knt. Bach, J.P, 6. 1863 ; 2nd s. of Archibald Tutton Salvidge ; m. 1885, Alice Margaret, d . of late Thomas McKernan. Educ : Liverpool Institute. Managing Director, Bent's Brewery Co, Ltd. ; Liverpool Alderman ; Chairman Liverpool Men's Con servative Assocn. ; of Council National Unionist Assoc. ; of Conservative and Liberal Unionist Organisations, 1913 ; of Canvassing Sub-committee ; Liverpool Recruiting Committee ; of Liverpool Advisory Committee ; declined Lord Mayoralty (Liverpool), 1910; Leader of City Council and of Unionist Party in Liverpool. Address : Braxted, Hoylake. Clubs: Con stitutional ; Conservative ; Royal Golf, Liverpool. (K419) SAMBLE, Read, O.B.E, fi. 4 Dec. 1876 ; s. of the late Read Samble, of Burton-on-Trent ; m. Rowena, d. of the late Alder man John Yeomans, of Burton-on-Trent. Educ. : Burton-on- Trent Grammar School. SoUcitor; Chairman of Higher Education Committee. War Work : Sec. to War Pensions Committee, Burton-on-Trent; Hon. Sec. to Burton-on- Trent Parish Belgian Refugees Committee. Address : March- ington House, Stanton Road, Burton-on-Trent. (011627) SAMBRIDGE, William, M.B.E. SAMMUT, Mrs., M.B.E. SAMPLE, Charles Herbert, O.B.E, B.A, F.S.I, 5. 22 Nov. 1862 ; s. of Thomas Sample, of Bothal Castle, Morpeth, and Carrycoats Hall, Northumberland ; m. Maria Florence, d. of John Greene, of Gateshead. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy and Cambridge Univ. Alderman Northumberland County Council ; Chairman of SmaU Holdings Committee, and of Committee of Management of Cockle Park Experimental Station ; Land Agent for several estates in Northumberland and Durham. War Work: From Feb. 1917, to Feb. 1919, District Commissioner for four Northern Counties for Board of Agriculture and Fisheries (Food Production Department). Addresses : Shildon Grange, Corbridge ; 29, Grainger Street West, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Clubs : Union and Farmers'. Newcastle ; Farmers', London. (01886) SAMPLE, Capt. Leslie, M.B.E. SAMPSON, Alexander Whitehead, C.B.E, 6. 13 Oct. s. of the late Thomas Sampson, of Greenock ; m. Jane 1859; (who died), d. ol John Tait, of Greenock. Educ. : Normal School, Edinburgh. Shipbuilder ; late Director and Shipyard Manager of the Fairfield ShipbuUding and Engineering Co, Ltd, Glasgow. War Work : Director of AuxiUary Vessels, at the Admiralty, and responsible for the ordering and completion of all Auxiliary War Vessels. Address: Bonington, Bella- houston, Glasgow. Club : Royal Scottish Automobile. (C1034) SAMPSON, George Frederick, O.B.E 6. 21 Feb 1883; s. of John Sampson, of Stanley, near Wakefield ; to. Gerda, d. of E. A. Hedin, of Gefle (Sweden). Educ. : Wakefield Grammar School ; Beriin Univ. Archivist at British Embassy, BerUn, till 1914 ; Assistant Commercial Attache' to British Legation, Stockholm, during war. Address : 66, Sinclair Road, West Kensington. Clubs : National Liberal ; New City. SAMPSON, Henry William, O.B.E. ' "! ''"'' SAMPSON, Major Herbert Henry, O.B.E, M.C, M.B, B.Ch, F.R.CS. (Eng.), 6. 4 Oct. 1886 ; s. of the late Frederick Sampson of Sutton Coldfield. Educ. : Birmingham Univ. ; London Hospital. Consulting Surgeon ; Assistant Surgeon, General Hospital, Birmingham, and Children's Hospital, Birmingham. War Work: France, 69th Field Ambulance, 1915; 26th Field Ambulance, 1916; Surgeon-in-charge of Special Abdominal Hospital, Bac St. Maus, 1915-16; 6 Casualty Clearing Station, 1916, surgeon ; 19 Casualty Clearing Station ; Surgical Specialist, 1916 to end of war. Addresses : 47, NewhaU Street, Birmingham; Ferndale, Manor Road,- Sutton Coldfield. Clubs : Conservative ; Clef, Birmingham (05757) SAMPSON, Lieut. Howard, M.B.B. SAMPSON, John, CB.E, M.I.C.E, M.I.N.A, 6. 1859; s. of John Sampson, of Hayle, Cornwall ; to. 1890, Lucy Eliza beth, d. of John Pearce Sawyer, of Filham House, Ivybridge, Devon. A Director of John Brown and Co. (Limited), of Sheffield and Clydebank, and other steel production, ship building, engineering, electricity and ordnance Cos. ; a Member of Financial FacUities Committee ; sometime British Repre sentative on Anglo-Russian Sub-Committee in New York. Addresses : Queen Anne's Mansions, S.W. ; Folkestone, Kent Clubs: Athenteum; Reform. (C613) SAMPSON, Leslie Norman, O.B.E. SAMSON, Sir Edward Marlay, K.B.E, K.C, 6. 27 March, 1869 ; s. of Louis Samson, of ScotchweU, Haverfordwest. Educ. : Harrow ; Trinity CoU, Oxford. Recorder of Swansea ; ChanceUor, St. David's Diocese ; Chairman, Court of Quarter Sessions, Haverfordwest ; Vice-Chairman Court of Quarter Sessions, County of Pembroke. War Work : Chairman, South Wales and Monmouth Disablement Committee ; Vice-President, Association of War Pensions Committees ; Chairman, Institu tional Committee (Wales) ; Hon. Sec. Welsh National Fund. Address : ScotchweU, Haverfordwest. Clubs : Cariton ; United Univ (K420) SAMSON, Major Felix Rumney, O.B.E, R.A.F. SAMSON, Howard Lewis, M.B.E. SAMSON, Lieut.-Col. Louis Lort Rhys, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1866 ; cs. of Louis Samson, J.P, D.L, of ScotchweU, Haver fordwest ; to. Gertrude Maud, d. of the late Edwin WUUams. Educ. : Harrow, and R.M.C. Entered Army, 1886 ; Capt. Lancashire FusUiers, 1894 ; Major King's Own (Roy. Lancaster Regt.), 1905 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1916 ; served in S. Africa, 1900-2 (Queen's medal with two clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; was Consul at Adrianople, 1906-14 ; appointed a Gen. Staff Officer, 1916; J.P. for Pembrokeshhe. Club: Junior Army and Navy. (C2161) SAMUEL, Casmire, Mrs., M.B.E. SAMUEL, Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Louis, P.C, G.B.E, M.A, (M.P. Cleveland Division, N. Riding, Yorks. 1902-18), 6. 6 Nov. 1870 ; s. of the late Edwin L. Samuel and Clara Yates ; m. 1897 Beatrice, y. d. of the late EUis A. Franklin. Educ. : Univ. Coll. School ; BalUol Coll, Oxford. First Class Honours, Oxford, 1893 ; contested South Oxfordshire as a Liberal 1895, and 1900 ; ParUamentary Under-Sec. Home Dept. 1905-9 ; Privy Councillor 1908 ; ChanceUor of the Duchy of Lancaster (with a seat in the Cabinet) 1909-10, and 1915-16; Post master-General, 1910-14, and 1915-16 ; President of the Local Government Board, 1914-15 ; Secretary of State for Home Affairs 1916 ; Chairman, Select Committee on National Ex penditure, 1917-18 ; British Special Commissioner to Belgium, 1919 ; appointed High Commissioner for Palestine, 1920. Address : Government House, Jerusalem, Palestine. (G65) SAMUEL, Sir John Smith, K.B.E, F.R.S.E,F.S.A. (Scot.), J.P, D.L, Knight of the Swedish Royal Order of Vasa (1st class), Commander of the Belgian Order of the Crown, Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honour, CavaUer of the ItaUan Order of the Crown, Order of St. Sava of Serbia, Imperial Order of the Russian Red Cross, Officier de I'Academie of France, Officer of Order of Prince Danilo of Montenegro, 6. 2 AprU, 1870 ; s. of Hugh Samuel, of. Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow Univ. Official Sec. to the Lord Provosts of Glasgow ; Clerk of Lieutenancy for the County of the City of Glasgow, and to the Visiting Committee of H.M. Prison, BarUnnie ; Hon. Sec. Glasgow Branch of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society ; Joint Hon. Sec. of the Pr ncess Louise Scottish Hospital for Limbless Sailors and Soldiers ; Hon. Sec. of the Prince Albert Workshops for the Training of Disabled Sailors and Soldiers ; Member of the Glasgow War Pensions Committee, and Chairman of Springburn District War Pensions Committee ; Member of the City of Glasgow Branch of the Red Cross Society. War Work : Was identified with aU the most important War organisations in Glasgow from the commence ment of hostiUties in 1914 till the signing of the Armistice in 1918 ; has held the office of Hon. Sec. of the Glasgow Branch of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society since 1901, and personally interviewed and assisted most of the discharged service men belonging to Glasgow for 16 years ; during the late war, the Society was placed upon a permanent footing, and an Acting Sec. was appointed to take over the work hitherto discharged voluntarily by him ; one of the promoters and is Joint Hon. Sec. of the Princess Louise Scottish Hospital for Limbless Sailors and Soldiers at Erskine, on the Clyde ; one of the promoters and Hon. Sec. of the Prince Albert Workshops for the training of disabled sailors and soldiers at Possilpark, Glasgow ; his most important War work was the raising and collecting of War Funds under the auspices of successive Lord Provosts of Glasgow ; Hon. Treas. of a great variety of such funds, including the Prince of Wales' National Relief Fund, for which the enormous sum of £270,000 was subscribed; one of the first 43 Knight Commanders to receive the accolade which was conferred upon him by H.M. the King at an open-air Investiture held in Glasgow on 18 Sept, 1917.' Addresses : City Chambers, Glasgow ; 13, Park Circus, Glas gow. Clubs : Caledonian and Road, London ; Art and Literary, Glasgow. (K37) SAMUEL, Dame Victoria Louise, O.B.E. A founder of War Refugees Committee during Great War. (D54) 454 BIOGRAPHIES. Sanguinetti SAMUEL, Thomas John, M.B.E. SAMUELSON, Lieut.-Col. Cecil LleweUyn, O.B.E, fi. 7 June, 1882 ; s. of Llewellyn Samuelson of Cookham, Berks. ; m, Norah, d. of Henry Richardson, of Kirklevington, Yorks. (see Burke's Landed Gentry). Educ : Cheltenham Coll. Member of London Stock Exchange. War Work : Served in Royal Army Service Corps. Address : 6, Sumner Terrace, London, S.W. 7. Club : Bath. (09725) SAMUELSON, SybU Charlotte Eleanor, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. 27 Feb. 1876 ; d. of the late Hon. Walter Harbord, s. of 3rd Baron Suftteld (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Herbert Walter, s. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Bernhard Samuelson, Bart, P.C, F.R.S. (see Burke's Peerage). War H'ori.- Gave herresidence, 58, Grosvenor Street, London, W. 1, for Hospital for Officers for 4J years, to which officers were sent direct from abroad ; the hospital contained 14 beds, and about 520 patients were treated there. Address : 58, Grosvenor Street, London, W. 1.(011269) SAMWAYS, William Henry, M.B.E, R.N. SANDARS, Major Edmund Thomas, O.B.F... R.A.S.C. SANDARS, Gertrude Marian, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 23 July, 1863 ; d. of WilUam Wtogate, of Ludford, Lincolnshire ; m. George' Edward Sandars, s. of John Edward Sandars, of Sandsfield, Gainsboro'. Wat Work : Head of small voluntary needlework party at the 4th Northern General Hospital, Lincoln ; Red Cross visitor to AustraUans and Americans at above hospital, and latterly Chairman of the Territorial Force Nursing Service Committee. Address : Scampton, Lincoln- Shire. (011270) SANDBACH, Lna, Hon. Mrs. Arthur Edmund, O.B.E. ; 5th d. of 2nd Baron Penrhyn (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. (1902) Arthur Edmund, 3rd s. of the late H. R. Sandbach, of Hafouunnos, Co. Denbigh, and EUzabeth, d. and co-heir oi Martin Williams, of Bryn Gwyn, Co. Montgomery. Address : Bryn Gwyn, Bwlch-y-Cibau, Montgomeryshire. (01837) SANDBERG, Christer Peter, C.B.E, M.I.C.E. SANDBERG, Judith Mary, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C, d. of the late Rev. Francis Sandberg, Indian Government Chaplain, and Mrs. Sandberg, 3, WeUington Mansions, Queen's Club Gardens, W. 14. SANDBERG, Nils Percy Patrick, C.B.E, 6. 1881 ; s. of Christian Peter Sandberg ; to. 1911, Rina Mary Stewart, d. of Com. Samuel Ewing, R.N. Educ. : Dulwich CoU, and in Brussels. CivU Engineer, and a partner to the firm of C. P. Sandberg, consulting engineer, of 40, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. ; was Director of Inspection of Steel (Land Ser.), Min. of Munitions during the Great War. Address : 6, West Eaton Place, S.W. (C287) SANDBERG, Oscar Fridolf Alexander, O.B.E. SANDELS, T. Lieut. CecU Arthur ANGLESEA-, M.B.E, M.C, R.F.A. SANDELSON, Capt. David Isambard, M.B.B, B.A, B.C.L, fi. 6 Oct. 1889 ; s. of the Rev. Rabbi Y. M. Sandelson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; m. Dora, d. of Victor Lightman, J.P, of Roundhay, near Leeds. Educ. : Durham Univ. SoUcitor. War Work : 1915-17, Acting Paymaster Northern Command ; 1917-18, War Office Representative at Tsingtau, North China, for recruitment of Chinese Labour for France ; 1918-19, Financial Adviser to British MiUtary Mission to Siberia. Address : Chistlehurst, Street Lane, Roundhay Leeds. Ctefis : Law Society; National Liberal. (M6775) SANDEMAN, Major Alfred Patrick, O.B.E. SANDEMAN, David Alexander Stewart, O.B.E. SANDEMAN, Ella Victoire Glas, M.B.E, 6. 1863 ; d. of John Glas Sandeman, of Whin-Hurst, HayUng, Island (see Burke's Landed Gentry). War Work : Commandant, V.A.D. Hospital, Hants, 32, HayUng Island, 1915-19. Address : Whin-Hurst, HayUng Island, Hants. Club : Sesame. (M922) SANDEMAN, IsabeUa Emma, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of John Henry WUlock, I.C.S. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Deputy President, Brighton, Hove and Preston Division of British Red Cross Society, from 1910-18. Address : 14, Second Avenue, Hove. Clubs : Sesame ; Royal Colonial Institute. (01838) SANDEMAN, Ronald Leighton, O.B.E. SANDEMAN, WiUiam WelUngton, M.B.E. SANDERCOCK, Lieut. Archie, M.B.E, R.G.A. (T.). SANDERS, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Arthur Addison, O.B.E, M.B., R.N. SANDERS, Sir Charles John Ough, K.B.E, 6. 14 July, 1865 ; 8. of James Charles, of Devonport ; m. Agnes Jessie, i. of HoweU Hughes, of Neath and LlaneUy. Educ. : Privately, Mid King's CoU, London. Chairman, Conference and Works Board, Shipbuilding Employers' Federation. War Work : In charge of Merchant Shipbuilding, Board of Trade, 1914-16 ; Director of ShipbuUding Work, Ministry of Shipping, 1916-17 ; Assistant to Deputy ControUer of Auxiliary ShipbuUding, Admiralty, 1917 ; Assistant to Controller-General of Merchant ShipbuUding, 1917-18 ; Member of several Departmental and hiter-Departmental War Committees; is Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy. Addresses : 9, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. ; Lyndhurst, Northbrook Road, Lee, S.E. 13. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; National Liberal. (K421) SANDERS, Major Douglas Brooking, O.B.B, R.A.F. SANDERS, Grace Louise, O.B.E, 6. 30 Jan. 1888 ; d. of James Harris Sanders, of London. Educ : Privately. Civil Servant, Ministry of Labour. War Work: National ReUef Jfund and National Registration, Stepney ; Lord Derby's Kecruiting Canvas, Edmonton ; Clerk, War Trade Dept. and Admiralty ; served in Q.M.A.A.C June, 1917, to Oct. 1919, overseas ; Controller, H.Q. Northern Command. Address : 406, Fulham Road, S.W. 6. (08932) SANDERS, Hilda, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Francis H. Beau mont, of Bucldand Court, Betchworth, Surrey (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; to. Robert Massy Dawson, s. of Thomas Sanders, of CharleviUe Park, Co. Cork (see Burke's Landed Gentry). War Work: Hon. Sec. CharleviUe War Pensions Sub-Committee. Addresses : CharleviUe Park, Co. Cork ; 259, St. James' Court, London, S.W. Club : Ladies' Automobile. (M9546) SANDERS, Lewis Samuel, O.B.E. (O12016) SANDERS, 2nd Lieut. Peroy Alan, O.B.E. SANDERS, Major Samuel George, O.B.E. SANDERS, Capt. William Stephen, C.B.E. Sec. British Section, International Socialist Party. (C289) SANDERSON, Lieut. Franois Robert, O.B.B, Chevalier of the Order of King George of Greece. SANDERSON, Capt. WUUam Lauchlan, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 23 Oct. 1890 ; s. of W. J. A. Sanderson, of New Zealand and India. Educ : Scotch Coll, Western AustraUa. Irrigation and Drainage Engineer ; at present engaged in pastoral pur suits. War Work : Embarked from Western Australia with the Australian Light Horse, and served on Gallipoli, taking part in their famous charge on the 7th August, 1915, against "The Nek"; was wounded at Hill 60, GaUipoU, and after the evacuation, transferred to the 4th AustraUan Divisional ArtiUery, and served with them in France and Flanders from June, 1916, till the termination of the war ; French Croix de Guerre ; mentioned in despatches. Addresses : Claremont, Western Australia ; Kooline Station, via Onslow, W.A. Club : Naval and Military (Western AustraUa). (01855) SANDES; Major Charles William Wallace, O.B.E. SANDES, Elizabeth, C.B.E, 6. 1851 ; d. of Stephen Sandes, of Sallowglen, Co. Kerry (see Burke's Landed Gentry). Educ : The French School, Bray. War Work : Originator of Soldiers' Homes in Ireland and India, and for fifty years Hon. Supt. of Soldiers' Homes, which now number thirty. Address : Sandes Soldiers' Home, Curragh Camp, Deland. (C2930) SANDES. Lieut.-Col. Thomas Lindsay, O.B.E, M.A, M.D. (Dublin), F.R.CS. (Eng.), F.R.CS. (Ireland), 6. 1882 ; s. of Thomas Sanders, S.A.M.C, of County Dublin, Deland ; m. Evelyn Bell, d. of — Metcalf, of Cradock, Cape. Educ. : Privately ; Trinity Coll, Dublin Univ. ; Berne Univ, Switzer land. Surgical Specialist, Wynberg MiUtary Hospital, Cape. War Work: Capt. S.A.M.C, Surgical SpeciaUst, Wynberg Military Hospital, Cape, 1914 ; Major, R.A.M.C, with South African MUitary Hospital, France, 1915-16 ; Lieut.-Col, S.A.M.C, Surgical Specialist, South African MUitary Hospital, Richmond, Surrey, 1917-20. Clubs : CivU Service, Capetown ; Union of South Africa. (01841) SANDFORD, Lieut.-Comm. Ceoil Stanley, O.B.E, R.N. SANDFORD, EUzabeth Ada, M.B.E, R.R.C SANDFORD, Thomas Frederick, M.B.E. SANDHURST, Eleanor Mary Caroline, Viscountess, O.B.E, d. of Matthew Arnold and widow of Hon. Armine Wodehouse ; to. (1909) William Mansfield, 1st Viscount Sand hurst, P.C, G.CV.O, G.CS.I, G.C.I.E, J.P., Lord Chamber lain. Address : 60, Eaton Square, S.W. 1. (O3906) SANDIESON, Eng.-Lieut. John, O.B.E, R.N. SANDISON, David, O.B.E. SANDISON, Capt. John Forbes WiUiam, O.B.E, M.C, M.B, R.A.M.C __ ____ SANDLANDS, Paul Ernest, O.B.E, 6. 25 May, 1878 ; s. of Rev. J. P. Sandlands, late Vicar of Brigstock, Northants ; to. Laura, d. of the late B. E. West, of Flore Grange, Weedon. Educ. : Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law, Recorder of Newark-on-Trent. War Work: S. Africa, 1900, Queens Medal and 5 clasps ; C.I.V. (Mounted Infantry) ; Commander B. Division, Special Constabulary, Bhmingham ; Member of the Committee of Queen's Hospital, Birmingham, during the War. Addresses : 16, Emperor's Gate, S.W. 7 ; 2, Harcourt BuUdings, Temple, E.C. 4. Club : Oxford and Cambridge Univ. SANDON, Capt. James Francis, O.B.E, 6. 20 April, 1885; s. of Charles Albert Sandon. Educ. : Stratheden House, Blackheath ; Munich, Bavaria ; Neuchatel, Switzerland. Employed with General Merchants and Shippers.. War Work : Volunteered and obtained commission in R.F.A. m Nov. 1914 ; Demobilised Oct. 1919, as Staff-Capt. G.H.Q, Army of the Rhine (Cologne). n^„ (05749) SANDS, Charles Edward Walker, O.B.E. ,,,,„,-,,. SANDS, Robert Sydney, M.B.B. •Mr}0J,1J!> SANDS, T. Major Robert WiUiam Philip, O.B.B, A.P.D. SANDWELL, Percy WiUiam, M.B.E. SANFORD, Lieut.-Col. George Batthyany, O.B.E, LA. SANGSTER, Major Thomas Alexander Gardner, M.B.E. SANGUINETTI, Major WilUam Roger, O.B.E, M.C, late R E 6 31 Oct. 1871 ; s. of Edmund Sheddon Sanguinetti, of Jamaica ; to. Helen, d. of W. S. Kirsopp, of Hexham. Educ: Privately. Civil Engineer; PubUc Works Department, Colonial Civil Service, Federated Malay States. War Work : Singapore, during Mutiny of 5 B.L.I, and until 15 April, 1915 ; England, training R.E. New Army, 2nd in command 222nd Field Co and O.C. 230th A. T. Co, R.E. ; proceeded to France, January, 1916 with latter Co.; Field Engineer 17th Corps, and 3rd Army as Officer-in-charge Water Supply ; Staff Officer to C.B , and later C.R.E, Paris ; twice mentioned 455 Sankey THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. in despatches. Address : PubUc Works Department, Kuala Pilah, Federated Malay States. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (05750) SANKEY, Henry John, M.B.E, fi. 1 Dec. 1868 ; s. of the late John Sankey, of Plumstead, m. Mary, d. of the late Joseph Farley, of Plumstead. Educ. : Victoria CoUegiate School, Erith, Kent. Assistant to Director of Inspection of Guns, Inspection Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Address : 10, Vambery Road, Plumstead, S.E. 18. (M2389) SANKEY, Sir John, G.B.E, M.A, K.C, 6. 1866 ; s. of Thomas Sankey. Educ : Lancing and Oxford. Chairman of Coal Industry Commission. Address : 28, Dean's Yard, Westminster Abbey, S.W. 1. Clubs: Athenseum ; Garrick; Oxford and Cambridge. (Gil) SANKEY, Capt. Matthew Henry Phineas RiaU, C.B, O.B.E, fi. 1853 ; s. of the late WiUiam Sankey, C.B, of Bawn- more, co. Cork ; m. EUzabeth, d. of Maj.-Gen. Pym. Formerly R.E. (C2931) SANSOM, WiUiam Campbell, M.B.E. SARCHET. Rev. WiUiam Henry, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 4 Dec. 1862 ; s. of Thomas John Sarchet, of Guernsey ; to. Emily Victoria, d. of Major S. Deacon, of 1st Batt. Royal Berks. Regt. Educ : Richmond Coll, Surrey. Assistant Principal Chaplain (Wes.), Southern Command. War Work : Mobilised with B.E.F. Aug. 1914; attached No. 3 General Hospital; Dec. 1914, posted to 2nd Division, 6th Brigade, No. 6 Field Ambulance ; Feb. 1917, posted to Hdqrs. 13th Corps, as D.A.P.C ; March, 1919, posted to Hdqrs. Southern Command, A.P.C Address : HamUton House, Tidworth, Hants. Club : Officers', Tidworth. (05751) SAREL, Comm. CoUn AUred Molyneux, O.B.E, R.N. SAREL, WiUiam Samuel, C.B, CB.E, fi. 18 Aug. 1861 ; s. of Samuel Sarel, of Edith Terrace, West Brompton ; to. Alice Mary, d. of the late George Henry Chatwin, of St. Leonards- on-Sea. Educ. : Privately. Deputv Accountant General of the Navy. Addresses : 18, HazleweU Road, Putney, S.W. 15 ; Admiralty, S.W. J. (C290) SARGANT, Francis WiUiam, O.B.E, Cavaliere Corona d'ltalia, fi. 10 Jan. 1870 ; s. of Henry, of Lincoln's Inn. Educ. : Rugby, and New CoU, Oxford. Sculptor. War Work : Vol untary driver, ambulance, Belgium and France, 1914-15 ; Italy (with ItaUan Army), 1915-18 ; Commandant 2nd Unit, B.R.C.S. Italy, Feb. 1916. Address : 17, Boundary Road, N.W. 8. Clubs : Albemarle ; Florence, Italy. (011273) SARGEAUNT, Bertram Edward, M.V.O, O.B.E.. 6. 4 Dec. 1877 ; s. of the late Capt. Frederic A. Sargeaunt, R.N. and Alice Caroline, sister of first Baron Fisher of KUverstone (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Kathleen Hamilton, d. of Robert Thornewill, of Craythorne, Burton-on-Trent. Educ. : Bedford School. CivU Servant ; Assist. Sec. R.TJ.S.I. WhitehaU, S.W. 1899-1910 ; Government Sec. and Treas, Isle of Man, since 1910. War Work : Work in connection with the administra tion of the prisoner of war camps in the Isle of Man and duties attaching to general war conditions in the Island. Addresses : Eaglehurst, Isle of Man; Government Office, Isle of Man Club: Isthmian. (0717) SARGENT, Frederick Albert, O.B.E, 6. 10 March, 1858 ; s. of Charles Sargent, of Watford ; to. Annie Maria, d. of John Green, of Watford. Educ. : Privately. RaUway Officer, L. & N.W.Ry. War Work : Served on following Government Sub-Committees ; Inter-Departmental Advisory Committee of Board of Agriculture (Fruit and Vegetables), Army Service Corps (Motor Transport Section), attached to RaUwav Com panies, Chairman of Committee of Transport Workers Labour BattaUon (London district north of Thames), Port and Transit Committee (Home Trade Transport Section). Address : Clovelly, Upton Road, Watford, Herts. Clubs : Watford Conservative; West Herts Club and Ground, West Herts Golf. (011274) SARGENT, Major-Gen. Harry- Neptune, C.B C B B D.S.O, 6. 1886 ; s. of the late Maj. Gen. E. W. Sargent ; m 1st, 1897, Ethel, who d. 1915, d. of the late Daniel Twomey, of Kolor, Penshurst, Victoria, Australia ; 2nd, 1918, Olive Tufnell-Fordine, d. of Col. W. Nevill Tufnell, of Langlevs, Chelmsford. Entered Devonshire Regt. 1886 : Armv Service Corps, 1890 ; Capt. 1892 ; Brevet Major, 1898 ; Lieut.-Col. 1906; Brevet Col. 1909; Col. 1911; Hon. Maj.-Gen. (ret.), 1919 ; served with the Nile Expedition, 1898 ; present at battle of Khartum (despatches, medal with clasp, Khedive's Star, Brevet Major); in S. Africa, 1899-1902, as D.4.-V G ¦ present at relief of Ladysmith and actions of Spion Kop, Vaal Krantz, Tugela Heights, Pieter's Hill, and Laing's Nek (des patches thrice, Queen's medal with six clasps. King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19, on Staff, with rank of Brig.-Gen. (despatches thrice, Legion of Honour) ; was Dep. inn1*'' ¦ ector ot SuPP"es and Transport, Irish Command, 1903-6 ; in command of Army Service Corps, Dublin, 1906-8 ot Service Cos, Army Service Corps, Aldershot, 1908-11 Officer-m-charge of Army Service Records, Woolwich, 1912 Assist.-Director Supplies and Transport, Aldershot, 1913-14. SARGENT, Walter Anthony, M.B.E, A.M.I.T, fi.(7 July. wlf™ %nL An.th™y Sargent, of Derby ; to. Ellen Ann, d. 'ol Sel53 0£ ?ei:by- Educ- ; p"vately. Superintendent of Operations, Assistant, Midland Railway, Derby, War S;c J? ' charge of special arrangements on the Midland AddZtT- ro-'r? trar£P°rt of Naval and Military Forces. Address : Wo. Upper Dale Road, Derbv. (M924) SARGINT, Olga Joyce Forbes, Mrs'., M.B.E, 6. 4 Aug, 456 1887 ; d. of Sir WiUiam SchooUng, K.B.E, of London (q.v.) ; m Herman John Jeffers, s. of Richard Sargint, of Zante, Greece Educ : Kensington High School. War Work : Work in con nection with the Library for wounded men at the Fulham Military Hospital; worked at War Office for a few months in 1915 ; and at the National Savings Committee from its in ception, both at their headquarters and on the Hammersmith Local Committee. Address : 36, Brook Green, London, W. 6 (M2390) SARJEANT, Frederick Arthur, C.B.E, J.P, fi. 13 July 1861 ; s. of Thomas Sarjeant, of Sheffield ; m. Charlotte, d. ol Thomas Brown, of Piddington, Oxon. Educ. : Privately. Solicitor. War Work : Mayor of Reading, 1916-17 and 1917- 18 ; Chairman of Food Control Com, Fuel and Lighting Com, National War Savings Com, Unemployed Com, and Y.M.C.A. Com. for War Work ; Hon. Treas. Navy and Army Pensions Com, and member of several other war committees. (C2932) SARJEANT, Lieut. Leonard James, O.B.E. SARSON, Col. John Edward, O.B.E, V.D, D.L, 6. 7 Dec. 1844 ; s. of John Sarson, of Kibworth ; m. EmUy, d. of James Vipan Vipan, of Constantia, Cape of Good Hope. Educ. : Kettering Grammar School. War Work : Commanded National Reserve (afterwards Royal Defence Corps) at out break of war ; raised 4th (Reserve) BattaUon Leicestershire Regt. and commanded 191 5-16 ; County Commandant Leicestershire Volunteer Regt, Dec. 1916, to demobilisation. Address : Corrie, Woodland Avenue, Leicester. Club : Leicestershire County. (07667) SASSOON, Capt. Arthur Meyer, O.B.E, M.C. SASSOON, Louise, Mrs. CB.E, 6. 5 May, 1854; d. of AchUle Perugia, of Trieste ; to. Arthur, s. of David Sassoon. War Work : Officers' Families Clothing Branch. Address : 2, Albert Gate, S.W. 1. (C2933) SATCHWELL, Lieut.-Col. Ernest, O.B.E, 6. 11 Aug. 1876 ; s. of Thomas SatchweU, of London; to. Marie Pauline. Educ. : Highgate School, and Zehlendorf (Germany). Jute Merchant. War Work : Officer in charge of Coal Supply, B.E.F, in Uaison with French Coal Controller. Address : 23, Rue de Choiseul, Paris. Club : Junior Naval and Military. (05752). SATOW, Major Graham Francis Henry, O.B.E, 6. 26 Dec. 1886 ; s. of Henry W. Satow, of Bangor, N. Wales ; to. Evelyn Mary, d. of Charles S. Moore, 'of Foochow, China, and Bushey, Herts. Educ : Blackheath School, and Liverpool Univ. Engineer. War Work : Lieut. 8th Border Regt, France, 1914 ; Capt. 75th Bgde, ; Machine Gun Officer, France, 1915 ; Major, Instructor M.G.T.C 1916-17 ; M.G. Officer, 2nd Corps, France, 1918 ; G.S.O. (2nd Grade) Machine Guns, G.H.Q. France, 1918; mentioned in despatches, 1918 and 1919; 1st Staff Officer appointed to M.G.C.in France. Addresses : Corfe Cottage, Bushey, Herts ; 1, Albemarle Street, W. 1. Club : Royal Automobile. (05753) SATOW, Harold Eustace, O.B.E. SATOW, Major Hugh Ralph, C.B.E. SATOW, Capt. Lawrence De Wahl, C.B.E, R.N. Div. Naval Transport Officer, Port Said ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2264) SATTERLY, Charles Skinner, O.B.E, 6. 21 July, 1878. Appointed Assistant Inspector of Schools to the Board of Education, 1913. War Work : Acted as County Secretary for War Savings, War Loans, etc, in Lincolnshire, 1916-18, and in 1919 was appointed Commissioner to the National Savings Committee for the North-Eastern Division of England. Address : Eastgate, Sleaford, Lines. (01843) SATTERTHWAITE, Major Clement Richard, O.B.E, R.E SAUL, Lieut. Joseph, M.B.E, R.G.A. (T.), 6. 26 June, 1884 ; s. of Cuthbert Saul, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; m. Florence EveUne, d. of WiUiam Marshall Cox, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Rutherford Coll, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Deputy Bank Manager with Lloyds Bank, Ltd. War Work : Awarded M.B.E. (Mil. Division) for conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in connection with a fire which broke out in a shell magazine at Tynemouth Castle, Oct. 1918. Entered magazine with a sergeant and gunner after two explosions had taken place and brought out burning boxes of H.E. and Shrapnel Shell. Address: 31, Eastbourne Gardens, Monkseaton, Northum berland. (M3311) SAUNDERS, Lieut. Alan Arthur, O.B.E, R.E. (T.) SAUNDERS, Lieut.-Comm. Arthur Patrick, O.B.E, R.N. SAUNDERS, Sqdn.-Leader Edgar Stopford, O.B.E, SAUNDERS, Edward, M.B.E, J.P. SAUNDERS, Elsie, O.B.E. SAUNDERS, Major Ernest Howie, D.S.C. O.B.E. SAUNDERS, Major Ernest Victor, O.B.E, fi. 30 April, 1865. Educ. : National Schools. War Work : Routine, in connection with Royal Army Medical Corps. Address : 9, Church HiU, Aldershot. (O8670) SAUNDERS, Florence Margaret, M.B.E. (M10415) SAUNDERS, Capt. Frank VeaU, O.B.E, Aust. A.S.C. SAUNDERS, Lieut. Frederick, M.B.E, R.E. SAUNDERS, Frederiok James, O.B.E. SAUNDERS, George, O.B.E, B.A, LL.D. ; s. of the late D. H. Saunders, J.P, of Dundee and CraigmiU, Blair gowrie ; m. Gertrude, d. of Heir Oskar Hainauer, of Berlin. Educ. : Universities of Glasgow ; Bonn ; Gottingen ; Balliol Coll, Oxford. 1888-97, Berlin Correspondent of "Morning BIOGRAPHIES. Sayers Post " ; 1897-1908, Berlin Correspondent of " Times " ; 1908-14, Paris Correspondent of " Times " ; 1915-18, Political Intelligence Work ; 1918-20, Political Intelligence Depart ment of the Foreign Office. Address : Pontsam, Woking. Ci«fi ." St. James's. (011275) SAUNDERS, Lieut.-Col. George Muskett, O.B.E, R.E, 2nd s.of H. J. Saunders, of Tongaat, Bath; to. 13 Sept. 1920, Mary Ryan, of Couitsfold, Hasleniere, d. of the late Rev. G. B. Byan, of Stranford, Co. Down. SAUNDERS, George WiUiam, O.B.E, 6. 10 Nov. 1883 ; s. of George WiUiam Saunders, of Eton; to. Dallas Eveline, d. of Thomas WilUam McCulloch, of Kenilworth. Educ. : Tiffin's School, Kingston-on-Thames. Shipbroker. War Work: Ships Requisitioning Branch, Ministry of Shipping, from Dec. 1914. and Member of Ships Licensing Committee till July, 1920. Address: The Manor, Abbess Roding, Fyfleld, near Ongar. (03907) SAUNDERS, Capt. Harry Francis, M.B.E. SAUNDERS, T. Lieut. Henry Hume, M.B.E, R.E. SAUNDERS, Ina, Mrs., M.B.E, V.A.D SAUNDERS, Capt. John Augustus, O.B.B, R.A.S.C. SAUNDERS, Lilian Beatrice Anna, M.B.E. SAUNDERS, Maude Irene, M.B.E. SAUNDERS, Molly, M.B.E.. Q.M.A.A.C. SAUNDERS, Capt. Peroy TunstaU, O.B.E, M.R.C.V.S., R.A.V.C. (S.R.), A. 8 Sept. 1884 ; s. of Major R. Saunders, R.A. ,of Hull. Educ : CarUsle and Edinburgh. Served in the S. African War, 1901-2 (medal and five clasps). WarWork : Went to France 19 Aug. 1914 with 4th Division ; in Retreat, Marne, and Aisne ; 2nd Indian Cavalry Division, Feb. 1915 ; 1st Indian Cavahy Division, Dec. 1915 ; 2nd Indian Cavalry Division (later 5th Cavalry Division, Dec. 1916, till its dissolu tion, March, 1919); in France till March, 1918, and later Egypt, Palestine, Syria, etc, till Sept. 1920. Address : 16, Sunny Bank, Hull. Club : Sports. (08649) SAUNDERS, Samuel Edgar, O.B.E. SAUNDERS, Thomas Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 22 Aug. 1873 ; s. of Charles Thomas Saunders, of London ; to. Ethel Marion, d. of Robert Self, of Eye, Suffolk. Staff Clerk General Register Office, Somerset House, W.C. 2. War Work : At General Register Office : Central Register of War Refugees, National Register (under National Registration Acts, 1915 and 1918) ; at Ministry of National Service : Registration at Recruiting Offices. Address : 16, RedcUffe Gardens. Ilford, Essex. (M928) SAUNDERS, Thomas Edward. M.B.E, 6. 21 Feb. 1874 ; s. of Thomas R. Saunders, of Folkestone ; m. Sarah Jane, d. of Richard A. G. Bailey, of Whitstable. Educ. : Wesleyan Elementary School, Folkestone. CoUector of Fishery Statistics ; Shipwright and Boatbuilder ; Fisherman ; Proprietor of Motor Boats. War Work : Acting under orders of Local S.N.O. and Captain of Trawler Patrols at Dover in directing fishing opera tions ; dealing with mines landed by fishing vessels ; Salving aviator ; rendering assistance to aviators at sea ; salving planes and other Crown property. Address : Froghole Boat Yard, Folkestone. Clubs : Free and Accepted Masons, Castle Lodge 1436. and Amhurst Lodge 266. (M9349) SAUZIER. EmUe, O.B.E, K.C. SAVAGE, Capt. James Edmund, M.B.E.. Aust. A.S.C. SAVAGE, Major John CUfford, M.B.E, R.A.F, 6. 23 Oct. 1891 ; s. of WilUam Brown Savage, of LesUe House, Ryde, I. of W. ; to. PauUne EUsabeth, d. of Richard Stafford, of Liverpool. Educ : Sandown, and Privately. Aeronautical Engineer and Company Manager ; technical contributor to Flight" and "Scientific American" 1911-13; Commercial Manager of British Aerial Transport Co, Ltd, 1919. War Wort: Production, storage, and supply of all kite balloon gear to British Naval and Military units and to some AlUed .Forces; design of special K.B. winch and hydrogen gear. Addresses : 38, Conduit Street, W. 1 ; Leslie House, Ryde, I. of W. Clubs : Royal Aero ; Press ; London Sketch. (M2392) SAVAGE, Joseph, M.B.E. SAVAGE, Lieut.-Col. Morris Boscawen, C.B.E, D.S.O. SAVAGE, Lieut.-Col. CecU Francis HE YWORTH-, O.B.E, o. 3 March, 1864 ; s. of G. F. Heyworth, of 96, Lancaster Gate, London ; m. Mary Clarissa, d. of W. GiUilan, of .6, Palace Gate, London. Educ. : WeUington Coll, and Sandhurst. Late Jtoyal FusiUers. Burmese Campaign, 1886-87 ; S. African War, 1899-1902 ; Great War, 1914-18. Address : Toddtogton toange, Winchcombe, Glos. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Prince's; Royal Automobile. (05373) SAVILE, Major Clare Ruxton Uvedale, D.S.O, O.B.E, b- 5 Dec. 1881 ; s. of Brig.-Gen. Walter Clare Savile, C.B, D.S.O. ; m. Katherine Gladys, d. of the Rev. G. M. St. M. Kitchie, Ch. Forces. Educ. : WeUington Coll, and Sandhurst. iwyal Fusiliers. War Work : Staff Capt. Cameroon Campaign, 1U14-16; Brigade Major, France, 1917; Assist. Adj. and *--Mr. General, Malta Command (T. Lieut.-Col.), 1918-20. WW ; Junior Army and Navv. (07671) SAVILE, Col. George Walter Wray, C.B.E. D.S.O. SAVILE, Major (T. Lieut.-Col.) Robert Vesey, C.B.E, !»• of 0.), fi. 31 Dec. 1873 ; s. of the late Col. H. B. O. Savile, WJ, of Clifton, Bristol ; to. Evelyn Gertrude, d. of Robert L. Hunter of 17, Stratton Street, W. 1. Educ. : Clifton CoU, and R.M.C. Sandhurst. Gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Sherwood loresters, 1893, promoted Lieut. 1896, and Captain 1900; seconded for service with the Egyptian Army, 1899, and entered Sudan Civil Service, 1901 ; retired from the Army, 1909 ; Assist, Civil Secretary, Sudan Government, 1907 ; Governor 457 Bahr el Ghazal Province, 1908 ; Governor Kordofan, 1909 ; Governor Darfur, 1917 ; promoted Maj or in Reserve of Officers, 1015; T. Lieut.-Col. 1st Jan. 1917; 3rd Class Medjidieh, 1905; 3rd Class, Nile, 1916; O.B.E, 1918 ; C.B.E. (Mil.) 1919. Address : El Fashcr, Darfur, Sudan. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Sports. (C1389) SAVILL, Edwin, O.B.E. SAVILLE, Paymaster-Lieut. Cyril Arthur, M.B.E, R.N.R. SAVILLE, Daniel Benjamin Sheriff, M.B.E, fi. 2.3 Sept. 1860 ; s. of Daniel Savllle, of Thaxted, Essex ; m. Georgina, d. of Stephen Kingston, of Lower Heyford, Northants. Educ. : Charlton, Dover ; St. Paul's, Canterbury. Marine Engineer; Chief Engineer, H.M. Submarine Cable Ships. War Work : Work in connection with tho laying and repairing of submarine cables. Address : 98, Catford HiU, Catford, S.E. 6. (M8959) SAVILLE, Francis Ernest, O.B.E, 6. 28 Dec. 1876; 8. of John James Walker Saville, of Leeds ; m Beatrice Olive, d. of Francis Long, of Chichester. Educ. : Barnsley Grammar School ; Leeds High School ; Yorkshire Coll. Managing Director, Leech and Sinkinson, Ltd, Cotton Yarn Merchants and Exporters, Leeds and Oldham. War Work : Chief Administrator, Leeds Special Constabulary. Address : 23, Kelso Road, Leeds. (0720) SAVONA, Major WilUam, M.B.E. SAW, Lieut.-Col. Athelstan John Henton, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. SAWARD, Capt. Frank Robert, M.B.E, R.E. SAWDAY, Albert Edwin, O.B.E, F.R.I.B.A, J.P, fi. 21 Dec. 1851 ; s. of George Sawday, of Sidmouth, Devon ; to. Elizabeth Hannah, d. of Dr. Thomas Brown, of London. Educ: Binfield House School, Stockwell, London. Architect; Alderman and Ex-Mayor of Leicester ; Chairman of Estate Committee. War Work : Chairman of Leicester Tribunal. Addresses: Briarwood, Springfield Road, Leicester; 56, London Road, Leicester. Clubs : Leicester Liberal ; Leicestershire. (0721) SAWDON, Frank Reginald, M.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, 6. 13 Aug. 1879 ; s. of Richard Ainsworth Sawdon, of Turncroft, Lytham ; to. Winifred Gertrude, d. of Tom Cunliffe, of Ardwick, Manchester. Educ. : Rugby School, and Victoria Univ., Manchester. Councillor, Buxton Corporation ; Hon. Physician, Devonshire Hospital, Buxton. War Work : Capt. (Hon.) Canadian Army Medical Corps ; Commandant, Buxton V.A.D. (No. 8 Derby). Address : Grafton House, Buxton. Club : Union (Buxton). (M9550) SAWERS, Major John Boothman, O.B.E, A.I.F SAWYER, CoL Charles Edward, CB.E, 6. 21 Sept. 1848 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. C R. J. Sawyer, Chevalier de la Couronne de Chine ; m. Florence Wroughton, d. of the late Rev. F. L. M. Anderson, of North Berwick. Educ. : Welling ton Coll. and Sandhurst. Late Loyal North Lancashire Regt. War Work : Afghan Campaign, 1878-80 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914 ; Commandant 3rd Line Northumbrian Division (T.). Address: Brentwood, North Berwick, N.B. (C1758) SAWYER, Geo. Alex., C.B.E. Readered services in connection with War Charities during Great War. (C2924) SAWYER, Hedley, M.B.E. SAWYERS, William Henry, M.B.E, R.N.R. SAXON, Amy, Mrs., M.B.E, SAXTON, Amy Harriette, M.B.E, fi. 7 Feb. 1867 ; d. of Major-General G. H. Saxton, late of Madras Staff Corps. War Work : Managing Director of the Woking War Hospitals Supply Depot (Woking Branch of Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, Surgical Branch). (M9553) SAY, Lieut. Geoffrey Baldwin, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. SAY, Lieut.-Comm. Riohard, O.B.E, F.C.I.S, R.N.V.R. Educ. : Berkhamsted. General Secretary of the Grand Fleet. Fund ; held the appointment of Fleet Mail Officer (1915-19) to the Grand Fleet. Addresses : 11, Regent Street, S.W. ; 30, Regent's Park Road, N.W. Club : Royal Thames Yacht. (01846) SAYER, Major George William, O.B.E, R.E. SAYER, Harold Edward, M.B.E. SAYER, Lieut.-Col. MaxweU Barcham, C.B.E. SAYER, Thomas Lewes, M.B.E, 6. 16 Nov. 1865 ; s. of Charles James Sayer, of West Kensington, and Beccles, Suffolk ; m. Lilian May, d. of Frank Christie, of Ipswich. Educ. Philological School, Marylebone. Official of the Corporation of the City of London since 1881. War Work : Chairman of Committee of the Local War Distress Fund ; City of London National Guard, 1915 ; Chairman WaUington Recruiting Com mittee ; Member of Local Advisory Committee and Tribunal and Local Victory Loan Association ; Chahman of Local Agricultural and Allotments Committee ; Member of Local Food Committee , Peace Celebration and War Memorial Com mittees. Addresses : GuUdhaU, E.C. ; The White House, WaUington. Surrey. (M9555) SAYERS, Joseph, O.B.E. SAYERS, Josiah, O.B.E. SAYERS, Major Raymond Cecil, O.B.E, R.A, 6. 27 March, 1884 ; s. of Robert Cecil Sayers ; TO. Lucy Antoinette, d. of the late Rev. Jocelyn Barnes, of S. Breage Vicarage, Cornwall. Educ. : St. Paul's School, and Royal Military Academy. Commissioned in Royal Garrison Artillery, Dec. 1903 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 1906 ; Capt. Oct. 1914 ; Major, Oct. 1918 ; at present Staff Capt. in the War Office. War Work : Active Service in France : 1914, in 115th Heavy Battery, Scaife THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. R G A. ; 1915, Commanding 22nd Anti-Aircraft Section, R.A. ; 1916-17, Commanding 109th Siege Battery, R.G.A. Address: 54, Overstrand Mansions, S.W. 11. ,, _, _, -iuJb7d' SCAIFE, Comm. John Andrew Hanson, CB.E, R.N. SCALE, Major John Dymoke, C.B.E D.S.O, Indian Armv fi 1882. Gen. Staff Officer ; served during Great War, 1914-17 (despatches) ; has Orders of St. Vladimir and St. Anne of Russia, Order of Star of Rumania, and Legion of Honour. _ __ , . _ _ _ (C9533) SCALES, George Herbert, M.B.E. SCANDRETT, Capt. James Herbert, M.B.E, M.C, SCANLEN, EmiUe, Mrs., M.B.E. SCANLON, Leonard Edmund, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L R C P SCANNELL, James Berchmans, M.B.E, 6. 30 Jan. 1879 ; s of the late J. A. Scannell, of Cork. Educ. : Presentation CoU Cork, \dmtralty Civil Service ; Officer-in-charge of Expense Accounts, H.M. Dockyard, Pembroke, 1904-12, and H M. Dockyard, Gibraltar, 1912-19. Addresses : H.M. Dock- vard Chatham ; Dockyard Accounts Dept, Admiralty, S.W. J (M9567) SCARFE, Fred, M.B.E. SCARFF, Capt. Frederick WilUam, M.B.E, R.A.F. SCARLETT, Albert Edward, M.B.E. SCARR, George, O.B.E, M.B, L.R.CS.I, J.P, CC, 6. 1 Jan. 1853 ; s. of Lodge Scarr, of Bainbridge, Yorkshire ; m. Sidney Jane, d. of Matthew Wright, of Dunganstown, Co. Wicklow. Educ. : Tramore Boarding School, and Trinity Coll, Univ. of Dublin. Physician and Surgeon. War Work : Organised St. John Auxiliary Military Home Hospital, Rad- cliffe, Lancashire, in Ambulance Drill HaU, which opened on 28 Nov. 1914, with 20 beds, and closed on 15 March, 1919, with 66 beds ; 1066 patients passed through : Medical Officer in charge and Commandant during that period ; Member of War Savings and Hon. Treas. of War Pensions Committees. Address : Beech House, Radcliffe, Lancashire. Club : Rectory (Manches ter). (011277) SCATTERTY, Agnes, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. ot John Morrison, J.P, of Kennethmont, Aberdeenshire ; m. Lieut.-Col. William Scatterty, R.A.M.C ; s. of John Scatterty, of Kennethmont. Educ. : Huntly, and London. War Work : Commandant Keighley Ambulance Hospital. Address : Highfield House, Keighley, Yorks. (M2396) SCAWIN, Major Harold WilUs, O.B.B, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 25 Aug. 1884 ; s. of W. Scawin, of York ; to. Maud, d. ot T. W. Taylor, of London. Educ. : St. Peter's School, York ; King Edward VII. School, Retford ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, E.C. Medical Officer, Iver Cottage Hospital. War Work : R.A.M.C, temporary commission, France, June, 1915, to March, 1919. Address : York Cottage, Iver, Bucks. (05755) SCHARLIEB, Dr. Mary Ann Dacomb, CB.E, M.D, M.S., fi. 1845 ; d. of William Candler Bird, of The Hollies, Manchester ; to. 1865, WiUiam Mason Scharlieb, who d. 1891. Educ : London School of Med. for Women. Physician and Surg. ; Consulting Surg, New Hospital for Women (sometime Senior Surg.), and to South London Hospital for Women ; Consulting Gynaecologist Roy. Free Hospital ; rendered services in social work during the Great War ; author of " The Seven Ages of Woman," etc. Address : 149, Harley Street, W. (C61) SCHAVERINE, Lieut. Samuel, M.B.E, L.F.I, 6. 6 Jan. 1887 ; s. of Joseph Schaverine, of London ; m. Daisy May, d. of Benjamin Francis Augustus Hodgson, of London. Educ. : Hindle Coll. General Insurance Expert ; Special Repre sentative to Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd. War Work : 2nd York and Lancaster Regt, with regiment until Cambrai, 1918 ; Commandant, Prisoners of War, 1st Army, B.E.F, May, 1919, to Nov. 1919 ; Commandant, Repatriated Prisoners of War, B.E.F, Nov. 1919, to Aug. 1920. Address : 140, Fairview Road, Stamford Hill, N. 15. (M4588) SCHIERWATER, Charles AdoU, M.B.E, fi. March, 1880 ; s. of Amandus Schierwater, of Liverpool ; to. Dora, d. of John Fothergill, of Liverpool. Educ. : Privately. Managing Director of Pastimes, Ltd, exporters of jewellers' sundries ; Senior Partner, SchierwTater & Lloyd, Diamond Merchants ; Senior Partner, Charles Schierwater & Co, Wholesale Merchants. War Work : Commandant in command of fifty motor ambu lances attached to Liverpool ; Member of the Finance Com mittee, Management Committee, and Joint Ambulance Com mittee of the British Red Cross Society, Liverpool. Address : The Octagon, Princes Road, Liverpool. Clubs : Liverpool Racquets ; Liverpool Exchange. (M9558) SCHIFF, Ernst, M.B.E. SCHIFF, Otto, M.B.E. SCHLESINGER, Surg.-Lieut. Edward Gustave, C.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS.. R.N. SCHLESINGER, Richard Alphonse, M.B.E, fi. 12 Sept, 1861 ; s. of Bernhard Schlesinger, of Frankfort-on-Main ; to. Estella, d. of Alexander Ellinger, of Manchester. Educ. : Frankfort-on-Main, and London. Member of London Stock Exchange. War Work : Member of Jewish War Refugees Committee. Address : 15, Fitzjohn's Avenue, London, N.W. (M9560) SCHOFIELD, Lieut.-Comm. James Rimmer, M.B.E, fi. 5 Nov. 1869; s. of Edward Schofield, of Rochdale, Lancs. ; m. Emily d. of Charles Whilwork, of Rochdale. Educ : Public School, Rochdale. Principal and Managing Director, Wireless Training Colls, Cardiff and Bristol, also Founder of Glanhurst Shipping Co, Ltd. War Work : Sent over 750 Trained Wireless Operators to the Services, also founded a Naval Vol. Training Corps. Address: Marconi, Penciselr Rd, Cardiff. Clubs : Junior Army and Navy. (M2397) SCHOFIELD, Joseph, M.B.E, i. 14 Sept. 1879; s. of Samuel Schofield, of Chadderton ; to. Annie, d. of John Henry Mercer of Oldham. Educ. : Waterloo Higher Grade School, Oldham Clerk of the Urban District Council of Chadderton ; and of the Chadderton, Royton and Crompton Joint Hospital Board War Work : Hon. Sec. and Treas. Chadderton Local War Pensions Committee, and of Chadderton War ReUef Committee ; Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Associa tion and Hon. Sec. and Treas. SaUors' and Soldiers' Help Society Address : Hope House, Chadderton, near Oldham. (M9561) SCHOFIELD, Major WiUiam Ernest, O.B.E, R.A.V.C, fi 4 Jan 1878 ; s. of W. G. Schofield, J.P, of Pontefract ; m. Winifred Isabel De Courcy, d. of Surgeon-Gen. Tippetts, of Army Medical Service. Educ. : King's School, Pontefract, Yorks War Work : Military duties in India and at home. Addresses ¦ D.A.D.V.S, G.H.Q, British Forces on the Rhine, Cologne ; c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, S.W. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (07675) SCHOLEFIELD, CotteriU, O.B.E, 'J.P, D.L, fi. July, 1855 Educ : Harrow, and Exeter Coll, Oxford. Wm Work : Assist. County Director, Cumberland and Westmorland Territorial Force Association, and Assist. 0. D. of Cumberland Branch British Red Cross Society ; Administration of Hospitals and Transport during the war. Address : Newbiggin Hall, Carlisle (011278) - SCHOLEFIELD, George Edward, M.B.E, M.D, CM. (Edin.), D.P.H. (Vict.), 6. Sept. 1856 ; s. of WiUiam Scholefiekl, of Sowerby Bridge, Yorks ; to. Sarah RoseUne, d. of WilUam Dyer, of Halifax. Educ. : Privately, and Edinburgh Univ. Medical Officer of Health, West Lancashire Rural District CouncU, and Ormskirk Urban District Council ; Examiner, St. John Ambulance Association. War Work : Organised and acted as Commandant and Medical Officer of the V.A.D. Auxiliary MiUtary Convalescent Hospital, Aughton, Lanca shire (West Lancs. 62) ; served on the Local Committee for tho Prince of Wales' Fund, and West Lancashire Food Control Committee. Address : Ormskirk, Lancashire. (M9562) SCHOLEFIELD, Guy Hardy, O.B.E. SCHOLEFIELD, Lieut. Maurice Theodore, M.B.E. SCHOLES, Lieut. George Ernest, M.B.E, R.E. (T.) SCHOLES, Joseph, O.B.E. SCHOLES, Capt. Walter NeveUe, O.B.E, R.E. SCHOLEY, Harry, C.B.E. London Member of Clyde Anti-Submarine Committee during the Great War. (C2925) SCHOLFIELD, Brig.-Gen. George Peabody, CM.G, CB.E, Deputy Chief Engineer, fi. 1868. Entered R.E. 1887 ; became Brevet Maj . 1902 ; Lieut.-Col. 1914 ; Brevet Col. 1918 ; Col. 1919 ; seived in the S. African War, 1899-1902, on Staff, present at relief of Ladysmith (Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps, Brevet Major) ; Great War, 1914-19; appointed a Chief Engineer, 1918, with rank of Brig.-Gen. (despatches) ; has French Croix de Guerre. (C1759) SCHOLFIELD, Herbert, M.B.E. SCHOLFIELD, William Farrar, O.B.E, 6. 12 May, 1835; s. of John Scholfield, of Eccleston Park, Prescot, Lancs. Edue. : Liverpool Coll., and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Principal Clerk, H.M. Office of Works. Address : 46, Norfolk Square, Hyde - Park, W. 2. Club : New Oxford and Cambridge. (O3909) SCHOLTE. Lieut.-Col. Frederiok LeweUen, O.B.E, A.M.I.A.E, 6. 1890 ; s. of Frederick P. Scholte, of Hampstead ; m. Hilda May, d. of James Gardner, of Skelmorlie, Ayrshire, N.B. Educ. : Highgate School. Engineer. Address : 1, Burgess HiU, Hampstead, N.W. Club : Royal Automobile. SCHOLTZ, Capt. Edmund John, O.B.B. SCHOLTZ, Capt. Ellis Keith, O.B.E, fi. 14 April, 1886; s. of Dr. Wm. C Scholtz, M.D, B.Sc, of Cape Town, South Africa. Educ : St. George's Grammar School, Cape Town ; King's CoU, London Univ. ; Camborne School of Mines, Corn waU. Mining Engineer. War Work : 1/1 West Kent (Q.O.) Imperial Yeomanry ; R.A.S.C; I.A.R.O.; served to Egypt, Gallipoli, France, Flanders ; mentioned in despatches. (0575b) SCHONLAND, Capt. Basil Ferdinand Jamieson, O.B.E, B.A. (Cape and Cantab.), fi. 5 Feb. 1896 ; s. of Dr. S. Schon'and, M.A. Ph.D., etc, of Grahamstown, South Africa. Educ. : St. Andrew's Coll, Grahamstown, and GonviUe and Caius CoU, Cambridge. Scientific Research (Physics). War Wort: Signals Officer, R.E, B.E.F, France, 1916-19 ; Staff Officer (Wireless) to Chief Signal Officer, 1st Army, B.E.F, France, 1918. Addresses : GonviUe and Caius Coll, Cambridge ; Oatlands, Grahamstown, S. Africa. (05757) SCHOOLING, Sir William K.B.E, F.R.A.S, 6. 16 Dec. 1860 ; s. of Henrv Schooling, of Notting Hill Gate ; m. Sarah Jessie, d. of Thomas Forbes. Educ : Elizabeth Coll, Guernsey, and Private Schools. Author and Journalist. War Work: Originallv Hon. Sec. and now a Vice-Chairman of the National Savings Committee. Address : 36, Brook Green, W. 6. Club: Devonshire. (K422) SCHREIBER, Capt. Arthur Thomas, O.B.E. SCHULTZE, Alfred Cecil Dunbar, O.B.E. SCHUSTER, Lieut.-Col. George Ernest, C.B.E., M.C, 6. 25 April, 1881 ; s. of Ernest Schuster, LL.D., of London ; 458 BIOGRAPHIES. Scott m. Hon. Gwendolen, d. of Lord Parker of Waddlngton, of Aldworth, near Haslemere (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Charterhouse and New CoU, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law and director of various companies before the war. War Work : Joined Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars, Sept. 1914 ; served with regiment in France till March, 1916 ; afterwards Staff Capt. H.A. 1st Corps, B.E.F. ; Staff Officer R.A, 1st Army, B.E.F ; and from Jan. 1919, A.A. and Q.M.G, North Russian Expeditionary Force, Murmansk ; 4 times mentioned in despatches. Addresses : Nether Worton House, Steeple Iston, Oxon ; 3, Barton Street, Westminster. Clubs : New Univ.; Cavendish. (C2359f) SCHWABE, Capt. Charles Parker, O.B.E. SCICLUNA, Corinna, Marchess, O.B.B. SCINDHIA OF GWALIOR, H.H. Maharaja Sir Madho Rao Bahadur, G.B.E. (G18) SCLATER, Charlotte Seymour, Mrs. C.B.E, R.R.C. ; ii. of the late WUUam Proctor Mellen, of New York and Colorado, V.S.A. ; m. WUUam Lutley, M.A. (Oxon.), F.R.G.S, F.Z.S, t. of Philip Lutley Sclater, of Odiham Priory, Hants. During the South African War created an organisation, " The Field Force Fund," for providing comforts for the soldiers in the field, for this was decorated by H.M. King Edward with the Royal Red Cross ; at the commencement of the Great War revived the organisation under the direct patronage of H.M. Queen Alexandra, under the name of Queen Alexandra's Field Force Fund for the same purpose, acting as Hon. Sec. of both organisa tions ; was awarded C.B.E. at the first institution of the Order. Address : 10, Sloane Court, S.W. 1. (C62) SCLATER, Edith Harriet, Lady, D.B.E. ; d. of the late Col. Rt. Hon. Sir Walter Barttelot, C.B, of Stopham, Sussex ttee Btjkke's Peerage) ; in. Gen. Sir Henry Crichton Sclater, I.C.B, G.B.E, s. of the late James Henry Sclater, J.P, D.L, of Newick Park, Sussex. War Work : Organiser and President of Lady Sclater's Workrooms for Soldiers' Hospitals, both at home and abroad ; President of the Fund for Smokes for Wounded Soldiers and SaUors ; President of the Salisbury Branch of the Prisoners of War Packing Association, and of Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association at Central Hackney, and of the Salisbury Plain Pensions Committee. Address : Holmwood, Edenbridge, Kent. Club : Ladies' imperial. (D18) SCLATER, BUza^ Mrs, M.B.E. SCLATER, Capt. Frank Arthur, O.B.E, M.C, R.E, (S.R.) SCLATER, Gen. Sir Henry Crichton, G.C.B, G.B.E, Col.-Comm. Royal ArtiUery, fi. 5 Nov. 1855 ; s. of James Henry Sclater, of Newick Park, Sussex ; m. Edith Harriet, d. of Col. the Rt. Hon. Sir Walter Barttelot, Bart, C.B, M.P, of Stopham, Sussex (see Btjkke's Peerage). Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. Entered R.A. as Lieut. 28 June, 1875 ; Captain, Dec. 1883; Brevet Major, June, 1885; Major, Oct. 1891; Lieut.- Col. July, 1900; Brevet Col. Nov. 1900; Col. Nov. 1902; Maj.-Gen. Oct. 1906 : Lieut.-Gen. June, 1911 ; Gen. June, 1919 ; held many staff appointments at home and to Egypt, S. Africa, and India, from Feb. 1885 to Nov. 1908 ; Div. Comdr. India, Nov. 1908 to Nov. 1912; Adj.-Gen. to the Forces (2ad MU. Member, Army CouncU) April, 1914 to Feb. 1916; G.O. Comdg.-in-Chief S. Command, Mar. 1916 to May, 1919. Address : Holmwood, Edenbridge, Kent. Club : Naval and MUitary. (G39) SCOBIE, Grace Locke, O.B.E. SCOBLE, Capt. Walter AUred, M.B.E, R.A.F. SCORER, Frank, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 16 June, 1868 ; s. of Alfred Scorer, of London ; m. Violet Eleanor, d. of Alfred Norris, of London. Educ. : Highgate School, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Hon. Anaesthetist, Royal Victoria and West Hants Hospital ; Medical Officer, Sunday School Union Convalescent Home, Bournemouth. War Work : Received Belgian wounded soldiers to private house, 1914-15 ; M.O. in charge, Crag Head Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital. Club : Bournemouth. (M9563) SCORGIE, Lieut.-Col. Norman Gibb, O.B.E. SCOTLAND, T. Capt. Alexander Patterson, O.B.E. SCOTT, Adam, O.B.E. SCOTT, Capt. Albert Charles, C.B.E, R.N, fi. 1872; «• of the late Maj.-Gen. Charles Scott, R.E. Served in the Meat War, 1914-18 ; present at battle of Jutland ; appointed Upt. Portsmouth Dockyard, 1918 ; has Legion of Honour. Address : H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. (C2322) SCOTT, Alexander Thomas, M.B.E., M.R.C.S, M.R.C.P. SCOTT, AUoe Mary, O.B.E, 6. 20 Sept. 1848 ; d. of John Seott, Barrister, Inner Tempie. Red Cross worker. War Work: Four years' work at Private Canteen in Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. Address: 55, Elm Park Mansions, Chelsea, S.W. (011280) SCOTT, Andrew. CB.E. SCOTT, Archibald, M.B.E, A.R.I.B.A, 6. 17 Oct. 1882 ; J of Archibald Scott, of Glasgow ; to. Dora, d. of George laggart, J.P., of Glasgow. Educ. : Whitehill School, Glasgow ; Wasgow and West of Scotland Technical Coll. Architect, in u.M. Office of Works. War Work : Government Building work.; Hospitals, Housing, Factories. Address : 18, Sandwell Mansions, West Hampstead, N.W. 6. (M9565) SCOTT, Lieut. Arthur Frank, M.B.B, 6. 23 Dec. 1873 ; «¦ of Charles Scott, of Newport, Isle of Wight ; m. Emily Rowena. Enlisted into 5th Royal Irish Lancers, May. 1890 ; discharged to pension, as Acting R.S.M. Lincolnshire Yeomanry, Dec. 1915 ; Commissioned in Lincolnshire Yeomanry, Dec. 1915 ; served with 5th R.I. Lancers in India, 1891-98 ; South African War (Queen's Medal and 5 clasps, King's Medal, and two clasps). War Work : Mobilised with Lincolnshire Yeomanry, Aug. 1914 ; proceeded to Egypt, Oct. 1915 ; appointed Assist. Instructor, Imperial School of Instruction, Zeitoun, Egypt, June to Nov. 1916 ; returned to England, Dec. 1916 ; appointed Assist. Instructor, Cavalry School, Netheravon, March, 1917, to Feb. 1919 ; mentioned in despatches ; attached for duty with Cavalry Record Office, York, from Feb. 1919, to March, 1920. Address : 57, Westgate. Lincoln. (M5603) SCOTT, Charles, C.B.E. SCOTT, Lieut.-Col. Charles McAdam, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C SCOTT, Charles Robert, O.B.E, M.B. SCOTT, Lieut.-Col. David Jobson, O.B.B, M.C, M.D, fi. 7 July, 1881 ; s. of the late Rev. Dr. Robert Scott, D.D, of Craig, Forfarshire ; to. Isabel Mary, d. of — CoUins, of Mel bourne. Educ. : Edinburgh and St. Andrews Univs. Deputy Commissioner of Med. Services, Ministry of Pensions. War Work ; Gazetted Sept. 1914, Lieut. 2/lst London Field Ambu lance ; appointed D.A.D.M.S, 56th (London) Division, B.E.F, D.A.D.M.S. XVIII. Corps, B.E.F, and Acting Lieut.-Col. and O.C. l/2nd Lowland Field Ambulance, B.E.F. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 44, Charing Cross. S.W. (05759) SCOTT, Capt. Donald Charles, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. SCOTT, Elizabeth Mabel, M.B.E, M.A, 6. 18 Aug. 1892; d. of Wm. Scott, M.B.CM, J.P, of Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire. Educ. : Dumfries Academy, and Edinburgh Univ. Junior Administrative Assistant, Board of Trade. Addresses : Ruth- well, Dumfriesshire ; 8, North Villas, Camden Square, N.W. 1. (M9566) SCOTT, Elvise Irene, M.B.E. SCOTT, Ernest Alexander. O.B.E. SCOTT, Major Eustace Lindsay, O.B.E, M.C SCOTT, Lieut. Eustace Edward, M.B.E, R.A.V.C, 6. 9 July, 1889 ; s. of Edward Henry Scott, of Leyton, Essex ; to. Winifred Mabel, d. of John Waltam, of Leytonstone, Essex. Educ. : St. Mark's CoU., Chelsea ; Friends School, Saffron Walden ; Veterinary Coll, London. Veterinary Student. War Work : Continuous service at sea, Sept. 1914, to Feb. 1918, as Officer-to-Charge of horses from America and Canada, and also from England to Eastern theatres of war. Address: 727. High Road, Leyton, Essex. (M5604) SCOTT, Surg.-Lieut. Evelyn Dennis, O.B.E, R.N. SCOTT, Finlay Forbes, C.B.E, 6. 21 Dec. 1858; s. of John Scott, of Hassocks, Sussex. Educ. : Ardingly Coll, Sussex. Superintendent of the Line, L.B. & S.C Railway. War Work: Railway Transport. Address: Clydesdale. 2, Altyre Road, Croydon, Surrey. Club : Croydon. (C291) SCOTT, Flora Murray, M.B.E, M.A, B.Sc, 6. 6 Sept. 1891 ; d. of the Rev. Robert Scott, D.D, of Craig Manse, Montrose. Educ: Montrose Academy; United Coll, St. Andrews Univ. Carnegie Research Scholar in Botany, 1914-15. War Work : Assist. Forewoman, Cap and Detonator Factory, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, 1916-17 ; Worker, Assist. Administrator, and Unit Administrator, Q.M.A.A.C, B.E.F, France, 1917-19. Address : c/o Messrs. Johnstone, Simpson, and Thomson, Solicitors, 87, Commercial Street, Dundee, Forfarshire. Club : International Franchise Club, 9, Grafton Street, W. 1. (M3151) SCOTT, Florence Oswald, Mrs, O.B.E. Opened and organised a Red Cross Depot over which she acted as Com mandant all through the War. (011924) SCOTT, Lieut. Frank, O.B.E, R.E. SCOTT, Frank Stanley, M.B.E. SCOTT, Frederick Emelius, O.B.E. SCOTT, Capt. George Alfred, M.B.E. SCOTT, Capt. George Edward, O.B.E, Indian DefQ^_rce- SCOTT, Major George Herbert, C.B.E, R.A.F. Com manded Airship R34 on first voyage across Atlantic to U.S.A. and back, 1919. (C2305) — SCOTT, Gladys Mary, M.B.E, fi. Nov. 1881 ; d of Lieut Col G. A. Scott, of 2nd Queen's R.W. Surrey Educ : Bath High School, and Bath School of Cookery. 1st Class Diplome Cookery, Laundry, . War Work : Bath War Hospital, and Lady Superintendent of Red Cross Kitchens, Salonica, 1916-17 Address : Polperro, Cornwall. (Mzaya; SCOTT, Ina Lochhead, M.B.E. SCOTT, Isabel Mary Gordon, M.B.E, 6. 5 Oct. 1892 ; d. of H. Gordon Scott, of Melbourne, Australia. Educ : Notre Dame and Presentation Academies, Berkley, California. War Work: Connected with Sir Connop Guthrie s Staff, British Ministrv of Shipptog, New York ; thereafter sent in tne capacity of Private Secretary to Sir Thomas Royden Bart , to Washington, D.C, and served with his successor .Sir Ernest Raeburn, until demobiUsation ; also associated wth Sir Thomas Fisher, British Embassy, Washington D.C Address, J -252, East 40th Street Norfolk, Virginia, U.S.A. (M9568) SCOTT, Isabella, M.B.B. War Work : Commandant of Mayfield, V.A. Hospital, Jarrow-on-Tyne. Address: 36, Bede Burn Road, Jairow-on-Tyne. (M.9&09 459 Scott THE OEDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. SCOTT, Major Ivor Buchanan Wyndham, O.B.E, 6. 10 Nov. 1894 ; s. of Col. Sir Buchanan Scott, K.C.I.E, R.E, of 2, Belvedere Grove, Wimbledon (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Winchester Coll, and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. War Work : Served R.F.A, and as Divisional Observer for R.F.C in Gallipoli ; afterwards Pilot, R.F.C. ; attached G.H.Q, Eastern Command, 1916-17 ; Staff Officer at G.H.Q,. Forces in Great Britain, for Anti-Aircraft and Air Defence Training as G.S.O, 3rd Grade; 1917-18 Sec. Camouflage Committee ; promoted G.S.O, 2nd Grade, 1918 ; mentioned to despatches. Addresses: 2, Belvedere Grove, Wimbledon ; 86, York Street, West minster, S.W. Club : Junior United Service. (07676) SCOTT, James, M.B.E, 6. 1855 ; s. of John Scott, of Hawick ; to. Joanna Ross, d. of John Ross, of Roslin. Educ. : Maxwelltown Burgh School, Dumfries. Formerly, sea-going Engineer, holding 1st B.O.T. Certificate, and latterly an Engineering Business for nearly 30 years at Denny, Stirling shire. War Work : For 3_ years at the works of Messrs. G. and I. Weir & Co, Glasgow, and A. V. Roe & Co, Ltd, Manchester, under the Aeronautical Inspection Directorate, London, and Examiner-in-Charge at the Sheffield Simplex Motor Works, Ltd, Sheffield. Club : Possilpark Bowling. (M2400) SCOTT, Major and Qr.-Mr. James, O.B.E, D.C.M. SCOTT, Lieut. James, C.I.E., M.B.E. SCOTT, Lieut.-Col. James Edward, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. SCOTT, Major James Harry, O.B.E. SCOTT, James Reid, M.B.E. SCOTT, Capt. John, M.B.E, 6. 29 Dec. 1852 ; s. of John Scott, of Shetland ; to. Joan, d. of J. Jamieson, of Shetland. Educ. : Privately. Shipmaster. War Work : Commander R.M.S. "St. Rognvald " during whole period of the war, and safely carried mails, passengers, and cargo. Address : Ade laide, King Harold Street, Lerwick. (M3961) SCOTT, John, M.B.B, 6. 13 Oct. 1867 ; s. of J. Gillespie Scott, of Falkirk ; to. Margaret, d. of John Green, of Glasgow. Educ : John Neilson School, Paisley. Postmaster Surveyor. War Work : Joint Sec. Sheffield War Savings Association. Address : G.P.O. Birmingham. (M2401) SCOTT, John Archibald, O.B.E. SCOTT, Major John Creagh, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 18 Nov. 1879 ; s. of Captain James Creagh Richard Scott, of Crevagh and Kildysert ; m. Sybil, d. of Col. Sir Henry Oldham, K.C.V.O. (see Burke's Peerage), of Cannington, Boscombe. Educ : Radley Coll. Adjutant 1st Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1911-14 ; Inspector of Recruiting, Scotland, 1914, to Jan. 1915; Staff Capt, G.H.Q, France ; D.A.A.G, G.H.Q, France ; D.A.A.G. 15th Corps, France ; D.A.A.G. Aldershot Command. War Work : Inspector of Recruiting, Scotland, Aug. 1914 to Jan. 1915; Commanded a company, 2nd A. and S. H. Jan. 1915, to July, 1910 ; Staff G.H.Q, July, 1915, to April, 1916 ; 2nd in Command 10th A. & S. H, April, 1915, to Mav, 1915 ; Commanded 5/6 R.R. Fus, May, 1915, to June, 1915 Com- ; manded 2nd A. and S.H, June, J916, to Aug. 1916 ; Comm- manded 2nd A. and S.H, Jan. 1916, to April, 1916 ; Staff, May, 1916, to end of war ; French Croix de Guerre avec Etoile d'or ; 1914-15 Star ; Victory Medal ; Allied Medal ; twice wounded during the war ; mentioned in despatches several times. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Royal Automobile. (05762) SCOTT, Major John Philip, O.B.E, fi. 6 June, 1891; s. of Francis Oliver Scott, of Hawkwell, York. Educ. : Sedbugh School. War Work : For 2 years served on the Western Front, and for 2 years served on Palestine, Salonika, and Black Sea Fronts ; twice mentioned in despatches. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (08712) SCOTT, Katherine, Mrs, M.B.E. SCOTT, Capt. Keith Stanley Malcolm, M.B.E, B.Sc, R.E. (T.). SCOTT, Louisa LesUe Florence, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of the late Henry Strickland Bryant, Privy Council Office ; m. Capt. Arthur Frances Scott, late Rifle Brigade, and 5th Lancers. Commandant Roxburgh 4 V.A.D. since 191J. War Work: Joiut Women's V.A.D. Department, Devonshire House, 1915-19. Address : Langlee, Jedburgh, N.B. (01848) SCOTT, Maitland Bodley, O.B.E, F.R.C.S.E, Order of St. Anne, Russia, 1916, Order of St. Stanislaus, Russia, 1916 b. 13 Feb. 1878 ; s. of Dr. T. Bodley Scott, of Bournemouth ; m. Hilda, d. of A. DurancC George, of High Cliff. Educ. : Marlborough Coll, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Assistant Surgeon, Royal Victoria and West Hants Hospital, Bournemouth ; Surgeon-in-charge of Orthopaedic Dept, Hants Hospital, Bournemouth. War Work : Surgeon-in-charge of Red Cross Hospital, St. Malo ; Surgeon, R.N. ; Major, R.A.M.C Address : Shiplake, Bournemouth. (04249) SCOTT, Cant. Hon. Michael, O.B.E. SCOTT, Muriel Elena, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C SCOTT, Nora Carlyle, M.B.E. SCOTT, Capt. Percy Alexander, O.B.E. SCOTT, Robert, M.B.E, fi. 14 May, 1868 ; s. of James Scott, of Dalkeith, Scotland. Educ. : Alloa, Scotland. War Work : At the Admiralty in the Military Branch. (M9571) SCOTT, Robert, M.B.E. SCOTT, Major Robert Hamilton, D.S.O, O.B.E. Roy. InniskiUing Fusiliers ; a D.A.A.G.; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (02929) SCOTT, Sidney, C.B.E, fi. 1S63 ; s. ofthe Rev. Charles Scott ; m. 1897, Margaret, d. of John MeKittrick. Collector ol Customs and Excise, Glasgow. (C2937) 460 SCOTT, Sophie Beatrix Mary, Lady, CB.E, 6. 1874; _ of George, 5th Earl Cadogan, K.G. (see BUEKE'S Peerage); m. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart, M.P, s. of Sir Edward Scott, Bart. (see Bukke'S Peerage). War Work : Head of the GHts Depart ment at the British Red Cross Stores Headquarters, 83, Pall Mall. Addresses : 78, Mount Street, W. 1 ; Westbury Manor, Brackley, Northants. Club : Bath. (C63) SCOTT, Thomas John, M.B.E. SCOTT, Capt. Walter, M.B.E, A.I.F. SCOTT, Lieut. Walter Nedham, M.B.E. SCOTT, WilUam, M.B.E, R.A.M.C SCOTT, WilUam, O.B.E. SCOTT, William Harding, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, fi. 13 May, 1862 ; s. of James Scott, of Wimbledon Founder and a Managing Director of Laurence Scott & Co, Ltd, Electrical Engineers, Norwich ; Managing Director of Norwich Components, Ltd, Norwich. War Work : A Member of the Board of Management of the East Anglian Munitions Com mittee ; the design and manufacture of electrical machinery for H.M. Navy ; and of special plant for the making of high explosive and shrapnel shells, which produced a large number of these shells with great efficiency and accuracy. Address: Oaklands, Thorpe, Norwich. Club : Royal Automobile ; Chemical Industry. (011283) SCOTT, Major Archibald Malcolm HENDERSON-, C.B.E. SCOTT, Capt. David John MONTAGU-DOUGLAS-, O.B.E, 6. 1887 : m. 1918, Dorothy Charlotte, d. of the late Cecil George Assheton Drummond. Capt. 3rd Bn. Royal Scots (Lothian Regt.). Served in Great War, Chevalier Legion of Honour. (088851 SCOTT, Lieut.-Col. Lord George WilUam MONTAGU- DOUGLAS-, O.B.E, 6. 31 Aug. 1866 ; 2nd s. of the 6th Duke of Buccleugh (see; BURKE'S Peerage); to. Lady Elizabeth Manners, y. d. ot the 7th Duke of Rutland (see BUKKE'S Peerage). Educ. : Eton ; Christ Church, Oxford. Lieut.-Col, 2/1 Lothians and Border Horse Yeomanry. Entered 10th Hussars, 1889 ; Capt. 1897 ; served South Africa 1899-1900 ; left the Army 1902. Address: Kirklands, Ancrum, N.B. Clubs : Turf ; Naval and MiUtary ; New (Edinburgh). (07485) SCOVELL, Lieut.-Col. George Julian Selwyn, C.B.E, fi. April, 1881 ; s. of Capt. G.T. Scovell, late 79th Highlanders. Educ. : Bruton and Osborne's ; Haileybury ; Sandhurst. War Work : General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade, Headquarters Northern Command, 1914-16 ; Assist. Adjutant-General at War Office, 1916-17 ; Deputy Director-General of Recruiting, Ministry of National Service, 1917-18 ; Demobilisation Section, War Cabinet Secretariat, 1918-19. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, Whitehall Place, S.W. 1. Clubs : Brooks' ; Army and Navy ; Royal Automobile ; New, Edinburgh. (0831) SCRATCHLEY, Lieut.-Col. Victor Henry Sylvester. D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1870 ; s. of the late Maj.-Gen. Sir Peter Henry Scratchley, K.C.M.G, R.E. ; m. 1901, Anna Clementina, d. of the late John Harvey, of Mayfield, Shooters Hill, S.E. Entered King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1891 ; Capt. 1899; ret. 1907 ; served with Isazai Expedition. 1892 ; Chitral Relief Force, 1895 (medal with clasp) ; S. Africa, 1899-1900 (despatches) ; was a Superintendent of Gymnasia, 1901-4 ; is Lieut.-Col. Territorial Force. Club : Naval and Military. (03176) SCRATTON, Capt. Edward William Howet Blackburn, O.B.E. SCREECH, Alfred Leonard, O.B.E. SCREECH, George Ernest, M.B.E, 6. 9 June, 1868; s. of Samuel Thomas, of West Wittering, nr. Chichester, Sussex ; to. Thyra, d. of Joseph Thomson, of Croydon. Educ. : Privatelv. L.CC Official (Dept. of the Education Officer). War Work : Attached to War Office with rank of Chief Ex aminer ; dealt chieflv with questions of recruiting and labour. Address : 111, Croydon Road, Aneriey, S.F, 20. (M9574) SCRIMGEOUR, Major Frederic John, O.B.E. SCRIMGEOUR, Lieut. James, M.B.E. SCRIMSHAW, Ellen Mary, Mrs, M.B.E. SCRIVEN, Charles, O.B.E, LL.B, 6. 16 April, 1871; s. of Charles Scriven, of Leeds, Mechanical Engineer ; m. Annie, d. of Henry Edwin Bown, of Harrogate, Architect. Educ. : Leeds Grammar School, and Leeds Univ. Solicitor ; Sen. partner, Peckover, Scriven & Co, 5, Greek Street, Leeds ; Commissioner for Oaths ; also Commissioner for Oaths in tbe. Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, Canada ; Hon. Sec, Leeds Law Society, and Yorkshire Board of Legal Studies. War Work : Voluntary Appeal National Service Representative on the Appeal Tribunal, West Riding of Yorkshire (Northern District) ; Leeds and Bradford Tribunals ; Chief Inspector, Leeds Special Constabulary. Addresses : Aros, AUerton Park, Leeds ; 5, Greek Street, Leeds, and at Harrogate. Clubs : Leeds and County Conservative ; Junior Constitutional. (011286) SCRIVENER, Capt. Harry Stanley, M.B.E, M.A. (Oxon.), fi. 1 Oct. 1865 ; s of the late Col. T. P. Scrivener, V.D, J.P, of Kingston-on-Thames ; to. Janet Frances, d. of John Bowbrick, of Southwark, Educ. : St. Paul's School, and Magdalen Coll, Oxford. Journalist and Member of the Bar. War Work: Commissioned R.A.S.C, M.T, 15 May, 1916; Lieut, 15 Nov. 1917 ; A. Capt, 15 Aug. 1918; DemobUised, 5 March, 1919; BIOGRAPHIES. Selby served during the whole of this period at M.T. Depot, Bulford Camp, SaUsbury Plain ; Assistant to D.A.D.T. (Headquarters) from Deo. 1916 to date of demobilisation ; mentioned in Gazette, Mar. 1919, for valuable services in connection with the War. Addresses : 4, Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C ; 14 Stanley Road, Wimbledon, S.W. 19. Clubs : All England Lawn Tennis ; Queen's. (M5608) SCRIVENER, Wm. Charles, O.B.B. SCRUBY, Capt. Frank Sutherland, M.A, O.B.E, 6. 25 July, 1881 ; s. of Theodore Robinet Scruby, of Hatherley , Saffron Walden; to. Lucretia Mary, d. of Arthur Edward Chaplin, of Cambridge. Educ. : King Edward's School, Saffron Walden, and Selwyn CoU, Cambridge. H.M. Inspector of Industrial Schools, Home Office. War Work : Chemical Adviser to the Southern Army, Home Defence ; Gas Officer, H.Q. 17th Division, B.E.F. Addresses: 62, HaUowell Road, Northwood; Home Office, London. (05763) SCRUBY, Major WilUam Sidney James, O.B.E, LA. SCUDAMORE, Sybil Franoes, Mrs. Lucas, M.B.E. SCUDAMORE, Lieut. WiUiam George, M.B.E, R.E. SCULLY, James Donald, M.B.E. SCULLY, Lieut.-Col. Vincent Marcus Barron, D.S.O, O.B.E, Border Regt, 6. 1881 ; s. or Vincent Scully, of Mantle- hill House, Golden, Co. Tipperary. Served to the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches thrice). (01849) SCULOCK, Daniel, M.B.E. SEABROOK, Eng.-Lieut. James Alfred, O.B.E, R.N. SEAFORTH, Mary Margaret, Lady, CB.E, Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; d. of the late Edward Steinkopff ; to. Col. Jas. Alex. Stewart-Mackenzie of Seaforth, D.L, J.P. (see Burke's Peerage, Galloway, E.), who was raised to the Peerage in Jan. 1921 as Baron Seaforth, of Brahan in Urray. War Work : Organised and was First President of Scottish Red Cross to Ross-shire, in 1909 ; Donor and Commandant of the Seaforth Red Cross Hospital, Conon Bridge, and the Seaforth Annexe, Strathpeffer ; Superintendent of Seaforth Surgical War Dressings Party and Hon. Sec. of the Ross-shire Prisoners' of War Fund and Seaforth Weaving Industry for disabled Soldiers and Sailors. Addresses : Lyd- hurst, Sussex ; Brahan Castle, Ross-shire ; 47, Berkeley Square, London, W. (C307) SEAGER, John Renwiek, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 10 May, 1849. For many years member of the Head Quarters Staff of the Liberal Party, prior to retirement in 1916. War Work: Member of Department of Central Parliamentary Recruiting Committee from Sept. 1914, to April, 1916. Address : Espla nade House, Clevedon, Som. Club : National Liberal. (C618) SEALE, Major Edward Wilmot, O.B.E, R.E. SEALY, Capt. PhiUp Temple, O.B.E, B.A.. R.A.S.C, 6. 7 Sept. 1888 ; s. of Rev. W. B. Sealy, M.A, of Harmonds- worth, Middlesex. Educ. : St. Lawrence CoU, Ramsgate ; Peterhouse, Cambridge. Commissioned 3 Feb. 1911. War Wort: Embarked with the Expeditionary Force, Aug. 1914, and after commanding various units in the field, assisted in the clearing up of Mechanical Transport in France ; Gazetted T. Capt, 30 Nov. 1914 ; Capt. 3 Feb. 1917. Address : c/o Sir Charles R. McGrigor, Bart. & Co, Ltd, 39, Panton Street, S.W. 1. Club : United R.A.S.C. (05765) SEARIGHT, Lieut.-Col. James Gerald Lamb, O.B.E. SEARLE, Capt. Arthur Mackenzie, M.B.E, R.E. SEARLE, Emma Jane, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 17 Sept. 1863 ; i. of Frederick York St. Leger, of Cape Town ; to. Malcolm WiUiam (Judge of Supreme Court, Cape Town), s. of Walter Searle, of Cape Town. Educ. : St. Cyprian's, Cape Town ; Miss Werner's School, Tonbridge, Kent, England. Member of Peace Time Committee of the British Red Cross Society. War Work : With the Red Cross at the MiUtary Hospital, Wynberg ; Governor-General's Fund ; and on Advisory Board of Official Visitors to MUitary Hospitals under Defence Force. Address : Highlands, Wynberg, Cape. Clubs : Services ; Alexandra. (Cape Town). (08364) SEARLE, Col. Frank, CB.E, D.S.O, Tank Corps, Chief Mechanical Engineer, with rank of Col. ; served during the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1322) SEARLE, Susan Margaret, O.B.E. SEARLE, Lieut.-Comm. Sydney, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. SEARLES, Sydney William, M.B.E. SEARS, John Edward, C.B.E, M.A, A.M.I.CE, 6. 18 Sept. 1883 ; s. of John Edward Sears, J.P, F.R.I.B.A, of Westover, Cromwell Road, Teddington, Middlesex ; to. Kath leen Lucy, d. of Edward Wadsworth, of 19, Nicoll Road, Harlesden, N.W. 10. Educ. : MiU HiU School, and St. John's wll, Camb. Supt, Metrology Dept, The National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. War Work : Organised and controlled the testing of engineers' gauges of all kinds, for the Ministry of Munitions. Address: Twyford, 22, Gloucester Road, Teddington, Middlesex. (C2938) SEARS, Nell, Mrs., M.B.E. SEATLE, John Bridson, O.B.E, 6. 25 March, 1858 ; s. of Henry Seatle, of Ulverston ; in. Emma, d. of George HoUo way, of Stroud, Glos Educ. : Privately. Solicitor and Com missioner for Oaths. War Work : Assisted the T. V. Dept. of the War Office in the organisation and carrying on of the Volunteer .Force Record Office from May, 1917, to Feb. 1919, ™_. which services was mentioned in Home Despatches. Address: Fairfield, Putney, S.W. Clubs: Junior Carlton; Royal Automobile. (03911) SEATON, Peter, M.B.E. &ECC0MBE, Lieut. Edward Arthur John, 0 .B.E.,R.N. V.R. SECCOMBE, Major John William Smyth, O.B.E, R.A.M.C fi 1876 ; s. of Paymaster-Capt. J. W. Seccombe, of Royal Navy; to. Beatrice Martha, d. of Capt. H. B. Lang, R.N, of Hartrow Manor, Somerset. Educ. : St. George's Hospital Medical School, London. Military Surgeon. War Work : Served as an Officer of the Royal Army Medical Corps, with the Mediterranean Exped. Force, and Egyptian Expedi tionary Force, being mentioned in despatches for services rendered. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, Army Agents, 3, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. 1. (06291) SECRETAN, Hubert Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 8 Aug. 1891 ; s. of Walter Bernard Secretan, of Croydon. Educ. : Welling ton ; Balliol Coll, Oxford. Temporary appointment Ad miralty, 1915-17 ; Ministry ot Shipping, 1917-19, Address : Coignat'earn, Croydon, Surrey. (011288) SEDDON, Harry Sterratt, C.B.E, 6. 30 Dec. 1881 ; s. of William Seddon, of Bolton, Lancashire. Educ : Miles Platting Institute, Manchester. War Work : Chairman of Lancashire County War Comforts Association ; Treas. of Manchester Regiment Prisoners of War Care Committee ; Accountant, Ministry of Munitions (Explosives Department). Address : Laurel Bank, Queen's Park, Manchester. Clubs : Reform, Manchester ; National Liberal, London ; Liberal, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (C1035) SEDDON, James, M.B.B. SEDDON, Thomas, M.B.E, fi. 29 Sept. 1861 ; s. of Edward Seddon, of Ringley, Lanes. ; to. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Barlow, of Stoke Albany, Northants. Educ. : Ringley Grammar School, Manchester. Managing Director of Seddon & Arlidge Co, Ltd, and Chairman of Directors Chairman Food Control, County Road Transport, War Pensions, Prisoners of War, Joint Hospital Board, St. John Ambulance, Motor Ambulance, and Coal Control Committees : a Member of Kettering Urban District Council. Address : The Nook, Rockingham Road, Kettering. (M9582) SEDGWICK, Richard Rommy, M.B.E. (M10253/) SEDGWICK, Susie, M.B.E. SEELEY, Rev. John, M.B.E, 6. April, 1852 ; s. of WilUam Seeley, of Ireland ; m. Emmeline, d. of Archibald Carruthers, of Manchester. Educ. : Pastors Coll, London. War Work : Chaplain in Woolwich Garrison ; work in Recreation Clubs, Y.M.C.A., etc. Address : 51, Wrottesley Road, Woolwich, S.E. 18. (M5611) SEGAR, John, O.B.B. SEGRAVE, Capt. Thomas George, C.B.E, R.I.M, 6. 26 Mav, 1864 ; s. of Capt. T. Segrave, R.M, of Mallow, Co. Cork ;" to. Harriet Rose Gertrude, d. of Baron Dunsandle, of Dunsandle, Co. Galway (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : St. Charles' Coll, and H.M.S. "Conway." Shipping Surveyor, and Adviser and Director India Office Shipping. War Work: Transport work in connection with the India Office, and Ministry of Shipptog, and Technical Adviser, Ministry of Shipping. Address : White Cottage, Shenfleld, Essex. Club : East India United Service. (C2939) SEGRUE, Ship't. Lieut. Comdr. George Edward, M.B.E, R.N. (Ret.) SELBIE, Robert Hope, C.B.E, fi. 31 Jan. 1868; s. of Rev R. W. Selbie, of Manchester ; to. Florence, d. of B. Hey- worth, of Blackburn. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School, and Victoria Univ. General Manager of Metropolitan Railway Coy and Director of various Land and Development Com panies War Work: Controller of Horse Transport, and Member of Army Forage Committee. Addresses : Baker Street Station, N.W. ; The Orchard, Chorley Moor, Herts. Club - Reform (C1036) SELBY, Edmond Wallace, O.B.E, M.D, B.S, F.R.CS, fi 1869. Medical Officer to the Ministry of Health (1920). War Work • M O in charge Arnold AuxiUary Hospital, Doncaster. Address : Crescent House, Hillary Place, Leeds. (011290) SELBY, Major Edward James, O.B.E, M.A. (Camb.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), fi. 21 July, 1890 ; s, ol J. Selby. of Notttogham. Educ. : Cambndge Univ. War Work: Major, R.A.M.C; Service in France. Address: Sidmouth Lodge, S. Ealing Road, Ealing, W. 5. „.,.,_ (05766) SELBY, Elizabeth Mary AUce, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 3 June, 1867 • d of Rev. J. H. Eastty, of Oxford ; to. Pndeaux G, 0 B E s of Prideaux Selby, of The Bank of Australasia, and Croydon. Educ. : WelUngton House Great Malvern War Work: Commandant Kent 72 V.A.D. and Glovers V.A.D. Hospitals, Sittingbourne. Address: Teynham, Kent. Club : y a D (Myoaij "SELBY- Capt. Ernest, O.B.E, R.A.F. SELBY, Francis James, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 8 Aug 1867 s. of the late Edward Selby, of Ravensbourne > Park Catford, S E ¦ to Mary Florence, d. of the late John Child, of Holland Villas Road, Kensington. Educ: Univ. CoU, London; Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Sec, National Physical Laboratory, and Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Address: 30 Hampton Road, Teddington. Club: E, A U (C2940) SELBY, Prideaux George, O.B.E, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P, 6 6 Aug. 1865 ; s. of Prideaux Selby, of Koroit Croydon ; m. EUzabethnMary AUce, d. of Rev. J. H. Eastty, of Worcester Coll Oxon Educ : Bedford Grammar School ; St. Bar tholomews Hos_uS Hon. Major R.A M;C ; Medical. Officer of Health (Faversham Rural District) ; Assistant Commissioner St Tohn Ambulance Brigade. War Work : Surgeon to Glovers V AD . HoTpuTslttinfbourne; CO.. 1st Sect. Field Ambu lance R A M.C (Kent Volunteers) ; Divisional County Director, Kent. V.A.D. ; Associate Order of St. John of Jerusalem in 461 Selby THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. England. Addresses : Beaugill, Lynsted ; Brusons, Teynham, Kent. (03913) SELBY, Thomas James, M.B.E. SELBY, Rev. WiUiam John, C.B.E, T.D, M.A, 6. 26 Jan. 1858 ; s. of Henry Slby ; to. EUzabeth Ann, d. of John Goold, of Wotton Lodge, Gloucester. Educ. : St. Marylebone and All Souls' Grammar School; London Univ. Hon. Mis sioner and Public Preacher, Diocese of Gloucester ; formerly Vicar of Churcham-with-Bulley, Glos. War Work : S.C.F. 48th and 61st Div. ; S.C.F. Res. (Terr.) Bge. Glosters ; M.G.C, Grantham, Colchester Garrison, Northern Army (H.D.), Plymouth Garrison ; D.S.CF. Sussex and Surrey ; Dep. Chaplain-in-Chief, Mid. Area, R.A.F. ; at present Chaplain (Class I.) T.F, and Hon. Chaplain, R.A.F. Address : Welland Lodge, Cheltenham. (C1760) SELL, Edith Lilian, Mrs, M.B.E. SELLERS, Frederick Custance, O.B.E, 6. 11 Jan. 1879 ; s. of Frederick WUliam Sellers, of Oporto, Portugal ; to. Beatrice Emily, d. of Charles R. Adam. Educ. : Philberd's School, Maidenhead, and Deal CoU. Managing Director of Vacuum Oil Company of New York for Portugal, Morocco, and West Coast of Africa ; Managing Director of Vacuum Oil Coy, of Canary Islands, S.A.E. and of the Gibraltar Petroleum Coy, Ltd. War Work : Before America came into the war responsible for the ultimate destination of all petroleum products to above territories and afterwards continued to take the same precautions and give such information as might be of interest to the British Government. Address : Palacio Condeixa, Lisbon. Clubs : Royal British ; Club Tauroma- chico; Sociedade Hippica Portigueza ; Automo vel de Portugal. (011291) SELLERS, Rev. Harold Gordon, O.B.E, H.C.F, fi. 12 Aug. 1889 ; s. of Rev. W. E. Sellers, of Wesley Manse, Walsall ; m. Mary Stuart, d. of the late Alexander Murray, Alford, Aberdeenshire. Educ. : Ed. VI Royal Grammar School, GuUdford, and Handsworth Theological CoU, Birming ham. War Work : Acting Scout Master, Inverurie Troop, Boy Scouts ; enlisted in 2/6 Gordon Highlanders ; Com missioned as Chaplain 18 Sept. 1916 ; posted to General Hos pital (Skin Diseases) Manoel from Nov. 1916, to July, 1917, in Malta and to 85th Infantry Bge, 28th Div. Aug. 1917, Salonica; to 79th Bge (Inf.) 26th Div. 1918; in advance to Strumitza, to Mustafa Pasha, to Roustchouk ; posted 27th Div. Batoum, Army of Black Sea ; Demob. Aug. 1919 ; mentioned in despatches, Nov. 1918. Address : Wesley Manse, Knaresborough, Yorks. (05631) SELLERS, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Harry, M.B.E. SELLICK, Major AUred James, O.B.E. SELLS, Arthur Freakish, M.B.E. SELLS, Charles de Grave, O.B.E, fi. 1856 ; s. of Charles Sells, of Lambeth and East Twickenham. Educ. : King's Coll. School and King's Coll, London. Vice-Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce for Italy at Genoa. War Work : Chief Commissioner of the Church Army for the British Troops in Italy ; Member and Hon. Sec. of the Committee for the Importation of High Speed Steel Instituted by the British and Italian Governments ; British Admiralty Inspector for the submarine engines built in Italy. Addresses : Cornigliano, Ligure ; " Buon Riposo," Garessio. Italy. Clubs : Consti tutional ; Union (Genoa) and British-American (Milan). (011292) SELLS, Julia, Mrs. Perronet, O.B.E. ; d. of Thomas Wall ; m. Edward Perronet, s. of Edward Perronet Sells, of Croydon. War Work : Chairman of the Highgate War Hospital Supply Depot. (03914) SELLS, Lieut. Martin Perronet, O.B.E, R.E. SELWIN, Paymaster-Lieut. Percy, O.B.E., R.N.R. SELLWOOD, Major Frank Greaves, O.B.E, M.C, B A , fi. 3 Feb. 1893 ; s. of Frank Sellwood, of Cullompton. Educ. : Dean Close School, Cheltenham, and Emanuel Coll, Cambridge. Tanner ; Director, Sellwood Bros, Ltd, Cullompton. War Work. : Served in R.A.S.C 14 Nov. 1914, to 17 Dec. 1919, in Dardanelles, Egypt, Salonica, and Mesopotamia. Address : Cullompton, Devon. (06699) SELOUS, Gerald Holgate, M.B.E, H.B.M. Arice-Consul, fi. 14 July, 1887 ; s. of Edmund Selous, of Wyke Castle, nr. Wey mouth, Dorset. Educ : Cheltenham Coll, and Pembroke Coll, Cambridge. Acting Vice-Consul at Tangier, 1910-13 and at Sajfie in 1913 ; Acting Consul, Fez, 1911 ; in 1913 Brit, delegate on the Comite Special and Commission General des Travaux Publics at Tangier ; Acting Interpreter at Tangier, 1913-16 ; attached to Consulate at Casblanca, Oct 1916, to May, 1917 ; Acting Vice Consul at Laioicke, 1917, to Aug. 1917, and at Tetuan from Nov. 1917. War Work : Special work in Spanish zone of Morocco during the war Address: c/o Foreign Office, Whitehall, London, S.W. 1. SELOUS, Capt. William Boyd, O.B.E, R.G.A, fi 23 July, 1889 ; s. of John Selous, of " Berea," Willifield Way Golder's Green. Educ. : City of London School and King's Coll, London. With Messrs. Jardine Skinner & Co, 4, Clive Row, Calcutta. War Work : With Volunteers India 1914-15 • Cadet at St. John's Wood, F.R.A, Cadet School, Jan. 1916 • Commissioned June, 1916; went to France with J52 Siege 5aite,r&„Aug- 1916; Adjutant, 42 Heavy Artillery Brigade ieb. 1917 ; appointed to Sir Charles Fergusson's Staff as Staff Captain 17th Corps Heavy ArtiUery, April, 1918 ; in battles ot Ancre, Messines, Passendaele, retirement in March, 1918 from fat. Quentin and advance from Arras to Mons, July 462 to Nov. 1918 ; made a Freeman of City of London, Dec. 1918. Address : 4A, Russell Street, Calcutta. Clubs : Royal Auto mobile ; Bengal, Calcutta. (05768) SELWAY, Cornelius James, C.B.E, 6. 28 July, 1875; s. of James Selway, of Shepton MaUet. Educ. : United West minster School. Supt. of Line, Great Northern RaUway. War Work : Transport work in connection with G.N.R. Ad dress : " TankervUle," 21, Queenswood Avenue, Highgate, N. 10. (C619) SELWIN, Paymaster-Lieut. Peroy, O.B.E, R.N.R. SEMMENS, James Michael, O.B.E. SEMMONS, Lieut. Foster James, M.B.E. SEMPLE Major Robert, O.B.E, M.D. SENIOR, Albert, C.B.E, b. 1867 ; s. of the late Alderman George Senior. Head of the firm of G. Senior and Sons (Limited), of Sheffield, and a J.P. Address : Forsbacka, Ivy Park Road, Sheffield. (C293) SENIOR, George Gaunt, O.B.E, M.Inst.T, fi. 27 April. 1861 ; s. of W. Henry Senior, of Barnsley, Yorkshire ; m. Hannah, d. of F. J. Butler, of Barnsley. Educ : Robinson's Academy and Grammar School, Barnsley. Assistant to General manager, Lancashire and Yorkshire RaUway. War Work: RaUway Executive Committee Staff and Labour. Address : Kingswood, Victoria Crescent, Eccles, nr. Manchester. (O1850) SENIOR, Hellen Stuart, Mrs. WALLER-, M.B.E., fi. 18 Oct. 1861 ; d. ol Henry Blunt, Magistrate, of North India : to. Robert, s. of Robert Waller-Senior. Educ. : Woodstack Coll, Mussoorie, India. War Work : Member of St. John's Ambulance Committee, Bangalore Branch, from Dec. 1914 ; organised a Fund and forwarded through St. J. A. A. garments to Destitute Belgian Children, also money to the National Committee for Relief in Belgium ; visited MUitary Hospitals during the war, and for 2 years was worker at the " Blighty " Temperance Federation Tea Rooms for soldiers. (M6266) SENN, Charles Herman, O.B.E. SERGEANT, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Archibald Joseph, M.B.E, R.E. (T.) SERGEANT, Lieut. Herbert Lee, M.B.E, R.E. (T.) SERJEANT, Lieut.-Col. Theophilus Hengist, O.B.E. SERGEANT, Wilfred Oswald FaitbiuU, M.B.E, fi. 27 March, 1871 ; s. of the Rev. 0. P. Sergeant ; m. Ethel Maude, d. of R. C HamUton. Educ: Winchester Coll. War Work: Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' FamiUes Association, Win chester (MUitary Division), 1914-16 ; Joint Hon. Treas Hampshire War Pensions Local Committee, 1916-20; Chair man and Hon. Treas. Winchester Sub-Committee of Hampshire War Pensions. Address : The Mount, Wtochester. (M9589) SERJEANTSON, Major Cecil Myles, O.B.E. SEROCOLD, Comm. Claud PEARCE-, O.B.E, R.N.V.R, 6. 6 July, 1875; s. of Charles Pearce-Serocold, of Taplow, Bucks, (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). Educ. : Eton and Oxford. War Work : Personal Assistant to Director of Naval Intelligence, Admiralty War Staff, 1914-19 ; Officer of Legion of Honour ; Order of Leopold, St. Maurice and Lazarus ; 3rd Class, Sacred Treasure of Japan, and 3rd Class, St. Anne of Russia. Address : 25a, North Audley Street, W. Clubs : St. James' ; Garrick ; Beefsteak ; Royal Yacht Squadron. (O640) SEROPIAN, Lieut. Charles Dickron Oliver Deodat, O.B.E, R.N, 6. 15 Oct. 1894 ; s. of Serope Bemen Seropian ; to. HUda Marion, d. ol Sir Robert Glanfield. Edue. : East man's Royal Naval CoU, and H.M.S. " Conway." Wm Work: Joined H.M.S. "London," June, 1914; through Dardanelles campaign; H.M.S. "Bristol," 1916; in action against 3 Austrian Light Cruisers, 15 May, 1917 ; H.M.S. " Caroline," Jan. 1918 ; from March, 1918, till Jan. 1919, Commanded H.M.T. " Charles Hammond," in anti-submarine Flotilla, Northern Patrol Force. Address : 1, DingwaU Gardens, Golder's Green. London, N.W. 4. (04413) SETTLE, Agnes Hannah, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 31 May, 1865 ; d. of the late Joseph Walker, of Revesby, Lines. ; m. Joseph William Grundy, s. of Joseph Settle, of Horncastle, Lines. Educ. : West End House, Wellingboro', Northants. War Work : Commandant of Horncastle AuxiUary Hospital, staffed by V.A.D. Address ; Sunnyside, Horncastle, Lines. (M2406) SEVERN, Margaret Annie, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of the late Professor T. Lowndes BuUock, of Oxford ; m. Claud Severn, CM.G, s. of Walter Severn, of 9, Earls Court Square, London, S.W. Educ. : Oxford High School, and Girton Coll, Cam bridge. War Work: Clerk in Recruiting Office. (M3548) SEWARD, Alfred Charles, M.B.E. SEWELL, Capt. Douglas Arden Dalrymple, O.B.E, Chevalier of the Crown of Italy, 6. 11 Oct. 1895 ; s. of Edward Humphrey Dalrymple Sewell. Educ. : Bedford School. War Work : Served with 2nd Batt. Oxfordshire and Bucking hamshire Light Infantrv, Feb. 1915, to May, 1915, and Oct. 1915, to Dec. 1915 ; Adjutant, 14th Inftv. Base Depot, Feb. 1916, to Nov. 1916 ; Staff Capt. War Office, March, 1917, to Dec. 1918 ; Staff Capt. G.H.Q, France, Dec. 1918, to May, 1919 ; Deputy Assist. Military Sec. (G.H.Q. France), May, 1919, to Feb. 1920 ; Staff Capt. War Office, Feb. 1920, to date. Club : Junior United Service. (O8604) SEWELL, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John, O.B.E, 6. 12 Nov. 1872. War Work : British Expeditionary Force, France, Aug. 1914, to Nov. 1915 ; Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Egypt and Palestine, Dec. 1915, to June, 1919. Address: 12, Penwortham Road, Streatham, S.W. 16. (06292) SEWELL, Sqdn.-Leader, John Percy Claude, O.B.E,R.A.F. BIOGRAPHIES. Shakerley SEWELL, John Thomas Beadsworth, O.B.E, M.A, LL.D, 6. 1858 ; s. of John Sewell, of Uppingham ; m. 1890, Madeleine Mayer, of St. Germain-en-Laye. Educ. : Upping ham, and Downing Coll, Cambridge. Admitted Solicitor, 1884 ; has been SoUcitor to British Embassy, Paris, since that year. Addresses: 54, Faubourg St. Honor6, Paris Ville ; 47 Boulevard Lannes, Paris. Clubs : Travellers' (Paris) ; Automobile (Paris) ; Cercle du Bois de Boulogne. (C620) SEXTON, Major Erie James, O.B.E. SEXTON, James, C.B.E, M.P, 6. 1856. Educ. : Low House School, St. Helen's. Is a J.P. ; Gen. Sec. of National Union of Dock Labourers ; elected a Member of Parliamentary Committee, 1900 ; President Trades Union Congress, 1905 ; hassatasM.P.forSt.Helen's(Lab.)sinceDec.l918. Address : Birks House, Gateacre, Liverpool. (C64) SEXTON, Walter, CB.E., SEYBOLD, Lieut. John CUfford, M.B.E, Can. A.P.C SEYFANG, EveUne Mary, M.B.E. ; d. of W. L. Seyfang, of St. Leonards-on-Sea, late Secretary and General Manager of the Kent Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Worked in Filsham Park Red Cross AuxiUary Hospital (Sussex 16) from its opening (Oct. 1914) until its close (May, 1919), as V.A.D. orderly and nurse from Oct. 1914, until March, 1917, and as Secretary and Quarter master from March, 1917, becoming Commandant of the Detachment on 1 Jan. 1919. Address : Cralglea, St. Leonards- on-Sea. (M9550) SEYMOUR, Arthur George, M.B.E, 6. 7 Nov. 1862; s. of the late J. B. Seymour, of Slough ; to. Mary Grace, d. of the late Samuel Lyle, of Liverpool. Educ. : Westminster Training Coll. Accountant, Household Staff, Windsor Castle ; Hon. Sec. Windsor and Eton Scientific and Archaeological Society, and Windsor Branch, Royal Society of St. George. War Work: Hon. District Sec. Windsor War Savings Com mittee. Address : 23, Park Street, Windsor. (M9551) SEYMOUR, Cynthia, M.B.E. ; d. of Sir Horace Seymour, K.C.B. (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ. : City cf London School for Girls. Private Sec. to Sir George Clerk, British Legation, Prague, Czeoho-Slovakia. War Work : At the Foreign Office on Lord Robert CecU's Secretarial Staff, and at Peace Con ference, Paris, on Mr. BaUour's Secretarial Staff. Address : 19, Chesham Road, Brighton. Club : Sesame. (M9592) SEYMOUR, Major Edward, D.S.O, M.V.O, O.B.E, b. 10 Feb. 1877 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. Leopold Richard Seymour, Grenadier Guards (see Burke's Peerage, Hertford, M.); m. 29 July, 1905, Lady Blanche Frances Conyngham, e. d. of the 4th Marquess Conyngham (see Burke's Peerage). ComptroUer to H.R.H. the Duchess of Albany, 1908 ; G.S.O, 2nd grade, from 1916; served in the Nile Expedition; S. Africa ; Great War (despatches). Address : Broom HiU, Esher. Ctafis : Brooks's : Guards'. (07681) SEYMOUR, Brig.-Gen. Sir Edward HamUton.K.B.E, C.B., CM.G, 6. 19 May, 1860 ; s. of the late Rev. Francis Payne Seymour, Rector of Havant ; to. Rowena, d. of the late George Wall, of Colombo, Ceylon. Educ. : BlundeU's School, Tiverton, and Royal MiUtary Coll, Sandhurst. War Work : Was Deputy Director of Equipment and Stores, War Office, 1914-18 ; Inspector of Army Ordnance Services, 1918-20 ; retired, 1920. Address : Ivy House, Lymington, Hants. (K280) SEYMOUR, Major Evelyn Francis Edward, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1 May, 1882 ; s. of Brig.-Gen. Sir Edward Hamilton Seymour, K.B.E, C.B, C.W.G. (see Burke's Peerage, Somerset, D.) ; m. 3 Jan. 1906, Edith Mary, o. d. of the late WilUam Parker, J.P, of Whittington Hall, Derbyshire. Served in the S. African War, 1901-2 (medal, five clasps) ; Aden, 1903 ; Great War (despatches). Address : Ebberley House, Bedford, S.O., N. Devon. (07682) SEYMOUR, Frank, M.B.E. SEYMOUR, Frederick PoweU, M.B.E, SEYMOUR, Lettice, M.B.E. SEYMOUR, Capt. Lionel, O.B.E, 6. 24 Feb. 1889 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. Leopold Seymour, of Brockham Park, Betchworth, Surrey ; to. Catherine, d. of WUliam Wooding, of Rugby. Educ : Eton, and New Coll, Oxford. Barrister- at-Law ; now at the Foreign Office. War Work : Inns of Court O.T.C, 1914-15; Herts R. (T.F.), 1915: Deputy Assistant Military Sec. to G.O.C, Eastern Command, 1916-19. Address : Long Edge, East Molesey, Surrey. Club : United University. (07683) SEYS, Roger Cecil, O.B.E. (07684 SHACKLADY, Thomas George, M.B.E. SHACKLETON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. AUred George, O.B.B. SHACKLETON, Sir Ernest (Henry), Knt. Bach, C.V.O, 0jBJ5, F.R.G.S, F.R.A.S.; Explorer, 6. 15 Feb. 1874; e. s. oiHenry Shackleton, M.D, of KUkee ; to. EmUy Mary, 2nd d. M the late Charles Dorman. Educ. : Dulwich CoU. Went to sea ia the Merchant Service ; formerly Lieut. R.N.R. ; 3rd ueut. National Antarctic Expedition, 1901 ; Sec. and Treas, &. Scottish Geographical Society, 1903-6 ; contested Dundee (U.) 1906 ; commanded British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-9. which reached within 97 miles of the South Pole, also Antarctic Mpedition, 1914-16 : a Younger Brother of Trinity House ; Special Gold MedaUist and Silver MedaUist, R.G.S. ; King's raar Medal (2 bars) ; Gold Medal, Geographical Societies of !, wland, Denmark, Belgium, France, Antwerp, Italy, America, Uty of Paris, and Russia ; Commander of Orders of Dannebrag . « Denmark, Pole Star of Sweden, St. Olaf of Norway, . unicier Legion d'Honneur, Crown of Italy, St. Anne of Russia, etc. Address : 14, Milnthorpe Road, Eastbourne. Clubs : Savage ; Royal Belgian Yacht ; Marlborough. (0682) SHACKLETON, Capt. Herbert Park, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, SHACKLETON, Kathleen, M.B.E, d. of Henry Shackle- ton, M.D, of Sydenham and KUkea, Co. Carlow. Educ. : Privately. Journalist and Artist ; Editor, Women and Children's Pages, and Artist on " Montreal Daily Star." War Work : Appointed Establishment Officer to the Coal Mines Department, Board of Trade, when that Dept. was first created in 1917 ; promoted chief women's Establish ment Officer at Board of Trade Headquarters, Jan. 1918. Address : c/o Bank of Montreal, Waterloo Place, S.W. (M2409) SHACKLETON, William, M.B.E. (M10253fi) SHACKLOCK, Henry Stephen, O.B.E, 6. 11 Sept. 1875 ; s. of Henry Stephen Shacklock, of Meadow House, Mansfield ; to. Minnie Annie Elizabeth, d. of WiUiam John Wadge, of Taunton. Educ. : Trent Coll. SoUcitor ; Conservative Agent, Mansfield Division ; Hon. Sec. Incorporated Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society, Notts County ; Sec. Sutton-in- Ashfleld War Pensions Sub-Committee. War Work : Chair man, Sutton-in-Ashfleld Prince of Wales' Relief Fund ; Deputy Chairman, Patriotic Fair Committee ; Joint Hon. Sec. Mans field Division Recruiting and Advisory Committees ; Branch Hon. Sec. to Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society, and Statutory Committee ; Member of Nottinghamshire Local Committee, Lord Roberts' Workshops. Addresses : Bathwood Cottage, Sutton-in-Ash fleld ; 49, Forest Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield. Clubs : Notts Golf ; Mansfield and Sutton-in-Ashfield Conservative. (011293) SHADDICK, Rev. Henry George Hastings, O.B.B, fi. 19 April, 1883 ; s. of John Jones Shaddick, of Barnstaple ; to. EUen LUian, d. of John Cawsey, of Barnstaple. Educ. : Durham Univ. Curate of Stanhope since 1910. War Work : Appointed Chaplain, 6th Durham L.I. (T.), 1912 ; mobilised, 1914 ; proceeded abroad with Battalion, April, 1915 ; Chaplain No. 9 CCS, 1916; G.H.Q, Italy, 1917 ; Assistant to Principal Chaplain, and S.C.F, Italy, 1918-19 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : The Curatage, Stanhope, Co. Durham. (06415) SHADFORTH, Capt. Harold Anthony, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 1892 ; s. of Major G. A. Shadforth, of Rye. Educ. : Bedford and Sandhurst. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, attached Egyptian Army. Address : c/o G.P.O, Khartoum. Club : Naval and MUitary. (04286) SHADWELL, Lieut. Lancelot Horace Augustus, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. SHADWELL, Rev. Col. Leonard JuUus, O.B.E, 6. 5 Dec. 1860 ; s. of the late Rev. Julius Shadwell ; to. Gertrude Ellen, d. of Col. George Milman, of Exeter, Devon. Educ. : Win chester CoU, and AcadCmie de Lausaune. Suffolk Regiment and Lancashire Fusiliers ; lent by War Office to S. African Union Government, 1907-15 ; Col. 1919 ; Clerk in Holy Orders since 1919. War Work : Headquarters, Southern Command, Sept. 1915, to Oct. 1919. Address : 5, Mont le Grand, Exeter. Club : Armv and Navy. (07685) SHAFTESBURY, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 9th Earl of, K.P, K.C.V.O, C.B.E, 6. 31 Aug. 1869 ; s. of the 8th Earl and Harriet, o. d. of the 3rd Marquess of Donegal! K.P. ; m. Lady Constance Grosvenor, e. d. of the late Earl Grosvenor, and g. d. of the 1st Duke of Westminster. Educ. : Eton ; Sandhurst. H.M. Lieut. Co. Dorset ; Brig.-Gen. Commanding 1st South West Mounted Brigade, 1913-16 ; and 3rd Cyclist Brigade, till 1919 ; retired with the Hon. rank of Brig.-Gen. ; Lord Chamberlain to the Queen, 1910 ; Commissioner of Congested Districts Board for Deland, 1902-14 ; Chancellor of Queen's University of Belfast ; H.M. Lieutenant for Co. of Antrim, 1911-16 ; Grand Officer Legion of Honour. Entered Army, 10th Hussars, 1890 ; Lieut. 1891 ; Capt. 1898 ; resigned commission, 1899 ; A.D.C. to Governor of Victoria. Lord Brassey, 1895-98 ; commanded North Irish Horse, 1902-12 ; H.M. Lieutenant, Belfast, 1904-11 ; Lord Mayor of Belfast, 1901. Addresses : St. Giles House, Salisbury, Dorset ; Belfast Castle, Belfast. Clubs : Travellers' ; Marlborough. (C1761) SHAFTO, Helena Rosa, Mrs. DUNCOMBE-, O.B.E. SHAIRP, Gertrude Ethel, Mrs., M.B.E. SHAIRP, Major Henry Frank, O.B.E, LA. SHAKERLEY, Hilda Mary, Lady, C.B.E, o. d. of Henry Hodgson, of Currarevagh, Co. Galway; to. 7 Jan. 1885, Sir Walter Geoffrey Shakerley, 3rd Bt. q.v. War Work: Vice-President, Congleton Div. B.R.C.S, Cheshire; Quarter master and Sec. St. John Aux. Mil. Hospital, Somerford Park, 1914-19 ¦ Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; M6daUle de la Reine EUzabeth. Address: Somerford Park, Congleton, Cheshire. „ ^(C29i2) SHAKERLEY, Sir Walter Geoffrey, Bart., CB.E, T.D, fi 26 Nov. 1859 ; s. of Sir Charles Watkin Shakerley, 2nd Bt, K C B JP, D.L. (see Burke's Peerage); m. 7 Jan. 1885, Hilda Mary (q.v.), o.d. of Henry Hodgson, of Currarevagh, Co. Galwav Educ. : Harrow. Cheshire Regt. Hon. Col. (com manded 1891-1909) 7th Batt. ; Vice-Chairman, Cheshire Territorial Force Association. War Work : Acting Chairman, Cheshire Territorial Force Association ; Lieut.-Col. Command ing 2/7th Batt. Cheshire Regt. 1914-16 ; lent to Joint Com mittee, B.R.C.S. and St. John, as Auxiliary MUitary Hospital, Somerford Park, Congleton, 1914-19; Officer-in-charge of Hospital, 1916-19. Address: Somerford Park, Congleton. (C1762) 463 Shakespear THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. SHAKESPEAR, Dame Ethel Mary Reader, D.B.E, D.Sc, F.G.S, fi. 17 July, 1871 ; d. of the Rev. Henry Wood, of Biddenham, Bedfordshire ; to. Gilbert Arden, s. of John Shakespear, of Copston, Warwickshire. Educ. : Bedford High School, and Newnham Coll, Cambridge. War Work : Hon. Sec. Birmingham War Pensions Local Committee and Citizens' Committee, and of the Association of Local War Pensions Committee ; Member of Special Grants Committee, Ministry of Pensions. Address : 21, Woodland Road, Northfield, Birmingham. Club : Three Counties (Birmingham). (D55) SHALLCRASS, Robert WUUam, M.B.E. SHALLIS, Major BoydeU, M.B.B, R.N. SHAND, Major David Brett, M.B.E. SHAND, Lieut. George, M.B.B. SHAND, Eliza Eveline KYNOCH-, M.B.E. SHANN, Lilian Alice, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 1877. : d. of John Ernest Weekes, of Kensington, W. ; to. Charles John Harold, s. of Charles Shann, of York. Sec. Suffolk Branch of British Red Cross Society. Address : 15, Crown Street, Bury St. Edmunds. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (011295) SHANNON, Frank Ernest, M.B.E, R.N. SHANNON, Major and Qr.-Mr. John, O.B.E, SHANNON, Capt. Richard, M.B.E, R.G.A. SHANNON, Col. the Rev. William Floyd, O.B.E. SHANNON, William Fry, O.B.E. SHANNONS, Frederick Alfred, M.B.E. SHAPLEY, George WiUiam Thomas, M.B.E. SHAPLEY, WiUiam Gilbert, O.B.E. SHARE, Paymaster-in-Ch. SirHamnet Holditch, K.B.E, C.B, 6. 1864 ; s. of the late Holditch Share ; m. 1918, Alfreda CaroUne Mary, d. of the late Rear-Adm. Walter B. Bridges, of Trawalla, Victoria, Australia. Entered R.N. 1880 ; became Paymaster, 1898 ; Staff-Paymaster, 1902 ; Fleet-Paymaster, 1906 ; Paymaster-in-Chief, 1917 ; served during Egyptian War, 1882 (medal, bronze star) ; Great War, 1914-18, as Sec. to Com. -in-Chief of Grand Fleet (despatches) ; has Russian Order of St. Anne, Legion of Honour, and Order of Rising Sun of Japan. (K447) SHARLAND, Lieut. Ernest John, M.B.E. SHARLES, Lieut. Frederick Francis, M.B.E. SHARMAN, Col. Charles Henry Ludovic, CM.G, C.B.E., b. 29 Sept. 1881 ; s. of C C Sharman, of Trefula, South Woodford; in. Mabel, d. of J. Bershen, of Regina, Canada. Educ. : St. Lawrence CoU, Ramsgate. Canadian Civil Service, and Sec. Canadian ArtiUery Association. War Work : France, Feb. 1915, with 1st Brigade Canadian Field Artillery; wounded, second Battle of Ypres, and evacuated ; returned to France with 2nd Canadian Division, commanded 4th Brigade, C.F.A. ; 1917, Chief Gunnery Instructor, Canadian School of Gunnery ; 1918, Commandant, Canadian Reserve Artillery ; 1918-19, C.R.A. Dvina Force, North Russian Exped. Force. Address : 18. Woodlawn Avenue, Ottawa. Club : Laurentian. (C621) SHARP, Alphonse, C.B.E. SHARP, Major Aubrey Temple, O.B.E, M.G.C. SHARP, Ernest Hamilton, O.B.E, M.A, B.C.L, K.C. ; s. of Edmund Hamilton Sharp ; m. Sarah, d. of Roger Cunliffe, of Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Educ. : Lincoln Coll, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple. War Work : Chairman of Executive Committee of War Charities, Hong Kong, 1916-18 ; of Military Service Commission, HongKong, 1917 ; ahd of General MUitary Service Tribunal, Hong Kong, 1918. Addresses : Great Bookham, Surrey ; 5, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Club : Junior Carlton. (O1011) SHARP, Major Frederic Joseph, O.B E. SHARP, Lieut.-Col. George Edward, O.B.E, fi. 13 March, 1871 ; s. of Henry Sharp, of Newbrook, Atherton, Lancashire ; to. Hilda Gratrix, d. of Thomas Claye-Shaw, M.D, of Claremont Lodge, Cheltenham. Educ. : Rugby and Sandhurst. Bursar of Rugby School. War Work : Served in South African War as Capt. in East Lancashire Regt. (Queen's Medal with 3 clasps, King's Medal with 2 clasps) ; served during late war in R.A. Pay Department, France, March, 1916, to Nov. 1917 ; Italy, Nov. 1917, to June, 1919 ; latterly as Command Paymaster in Italy (mentioned, O.B.E.). Address : Rugby. Clubs : WelUngton ; Fly Fishers'. (06416) SHARP, Major Gerald Whittaker, M.B.E. SHARP, James, M.B.E, 6. 30 Aug. 1870 ; s. of Henry Sharp, of Bromley, Kent, and Wingfield, Suffolk ; to. Helen, d. of Richard Smith, of Highbury, N, and Badingham, Suffolk Educ. : Privately. Member, Eton Board of Guardians and Rural District Council. War Work : Chairman, Eton Rural District Food Committee, and Assist. Commissioner, Ministry of Food, South Midland Division ; Hon. Sec. and Treas Incorporated Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society for County of Bucks ; Bucks County ReUef Committee, Eton Rural MUitary Tribunal, and Bucks County Profiteering Appeal Tribunal • Vice-Chairman, Burnham (Bucks) War Pensions Committee ¦ Bucks County Special Constabulary (Sergt.) ; Sergt -Instr Musketry, 1st Vol. Batt. Oxford and Bucks L.I. Green Alley, Farnham Common, Bucks. SHARP, Capt. Rowland, O.B.E, R.E. (T.). SHARP, Major WUfred, O.B.E, R.E. (T ) SHARP, Lieut. William, M.B.E. SHARPE, Major AUred Gerald Meredith, D.S.O.. 0 B E Royal Berkshire Regt, 6. 1884. Served in the Great War 1914-18 (despatches, Croix de Guerre). (08935) SHARPE, Daniel Crawford, M.B.E, fi. 11 June, 1862 • s. of Daniel Sharpe, of Greenock ; m. Annie Isabel, d. of Frank Cox, of Liverpool. Educ. : Liverpool Institute. Provision (M9596) 464 Merchant; Director and Vice-President (1919-20), Liverpool Provision Trade Association ; Member of the firm of Clampitt and Sharpe, 46, Harrington Street, Liverpool. War Work • Administrative Head in charge of Clerical Staff, Imports Branch, Bacon Division, Ministry of Food, Dec. 1917. to Nov 1919. Addresses : 13, Waverley Road ; 46, Harrington Street' Liverpool. (M9597) SHARPE, Capt. Frederick William, M.B.E, DCM R.A.M.C, 6. 1872 ¦ s. of Charles Sharpe, of London. Educ '• Privately. War Work : South African Campaign,' 1900-2 • France and Belgium, 1914-15 ; Balkans, 1916-18 ¦ and South Russia, 1919-20. Chevalier of the Order of King George I of Greece. Address: 21st Stationary Hospital Ferevaki, Constantinople. (M70171 SHARPE, Lieut.-Col. Gerald Whittaker, OBE 4 30 Aug. 1878 ; s. of Edmund Sharpe, of Halton Hall, 'tan- caster ; m. Margaret Annie, d. of the late Rev. C. S. Hope of Southport. Educ. : Harrow and Cambridge. Director' of Storey Bros. & Co, Ltd, Oil Cloth Manufacturers, Lancaster War Work : Mobilised with 5th King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt, Aug. 1914; France with 5th K.O.R.L.R. Feb. 1915 • commanded 2/5th K.O.R.L.R. Aug. 1915, to April 1917 ¦' France with 2/5th K.O.R.L.R. Feb 1917; Senior 'Danger Building Officer, under Ministry of Munitions, White Lund Morecambe, from Aug. 1917, to June, 1918 ; France, Sept' 1918, attached 63rd Div. ; disembodied, March, 1919 ¦ now commanding 5th K.O.R.L. Regt. (T.F.) ; mentioned in de spatches. Address : Shefferlands, Halton, Lancaster, Clubs • Royal Automobile ; County ; Conservative (Lancaster). SHARPE, James Edward, M.B.E. SHARPLES, Lieut. Frank Deeks, O.B.E, RASC (T.F.). SHARPLES, George Bertrand, O.B.E. SHARPLES, Lieut. John Butterfleld, M.B.B , R A F SHARPLES, Richard WilUam, O.B.E, fi. 4 Aug. ' 1867 • s. of WilUam Sharpies, of Ledsham, near Chester. Director of 0. Czarnikow, Ltd, 29, Mincing Lane, E.C, Guardian AssrrN ance Co, Ltd, and ReUance Marine Insurance Co, Ltd. War Work : Three years' voluntary work as Assistant Director of the Overseas Transport Department of the Ministry of Muni tions. Address : 12, Hyde Park Place, London, W. 2. Clubs : Royal Thames Yacht ; Palatine (Liverpool). (01852) SHARPLEY, Edward Burgess, O.B.B. SHARROCK, Alice Edith, M.B.E. SHATFORD, Rev. AUan Pearson, O.B.B, M.A, D C L, fi. 9 May, 1873 ; s. of James B. Shatford, of St. Margaret's Bay, N.S. ; m. EUzabeth, d. of James Macfarlane, of Bridgewater, N.S. Educ. : King's Coll, Windsor, N.S. Rector, Church of St. James the Apostle, Montreal, Canada; Canon of Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal, Canada. War Work : Chaplain, 24th Batt. C.E.F, 1914-15, Canada, England, and France; Chaplain, Canadian Hospitals, France, 1916 ; Corps Chaplain, France, 1917-18 ; Senior Chaplain, 4th Canadian Division, 1918-19 ; retired as Hon. Major. Address : 697, St. Catherine Street W, Montreal, Canada. (O6049) SHAUGHNESSY, Edward Herbert, O.B.E. SHAW, Adela Constance Alexandrina, Mrs., O.B.E. SHAW, Major Arthur Godfrey, O.B.B. SHAW, Lieut. Cyril Hay, M.B.B. SHAW, David Nairn, M.B.B. SHAW, Donald Stuart, M.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of Donald Shaw, of Tomintoul ; to. BeUe Louise, d. of F. P. G. Barnard, of Edinburgh. Educ : St. Mungo's Academy, Glasgdw. Provost of Fort WiUiam. War Work : Chairman, War Savings, Fuel and Lighting, and Profiteering Committees ; Member of Burgh Tribunal, and of Burgh and County Food Control Committees. Address : Dalnahaine, Fort WilUam. (M3962) SHAW, Edward Harry, M.B.E, 6. 13 July, 1888. Educ. : Luton Higher Grade School, and King's Coll, London. War Work : Organiser, Church Army War Work in Egypt, 1914-15 ; Assistant Sec. Naval and Military Dept, Church Army, London, 1916-19. Address: 55, Bryanston Street, Marble Arch, W. (M9600) SHAW, Elsie Marie, M.B.E. ; d. of Col. G. J. Shaw, Indian Army (ret.). Educ. : Privately. War Work : Sec. to the ' Commandant, Indian MiUtary Depot, MUford-on-Sea, Hants; V.A.D. Lymington War Hospital Hants ; Countess of Strad- broke's Hospital at Henham HaU, Suffolk; No. 9, Red Cross Hospital, Calais, France ; also 2 years War Office, Jan. 1917-19. Address : 12, Tavistock Road, W. 11. (M3963) SHAW, Surg.-Comm. Ernest Albert, O.B.E, M.D, B.A, R.N. SHAW, Lieut. Francis Blewett, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. SHAW, Major Francis Stewart Kennedy, C.B.E, Re mount Service. Served in S. Africa, 1900 (Queen's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1323) SHAW, Lieut.-Col. Frederiok Arthur, O.B.E. SHAW, George Ernest, O.B.E. SHAW, Gertrude Powell, M.B.E, 6. 3 Jan. 1873 ; d. of James W. Shaw, of Liverpool. Educ. : Edge HiU Training Coll, Liverpool. L.CC Full Time Responsible Mistress; , Health Visitor and School Nurse. War Work : Organised , Woolwich Canteens, Y.M.C.A. ; Supt. Coventry Colony - (Government); Organised and Inspected Canteens and Hostels, , (Gov. and Y.M.C.A.). Address : 94, Abbey Road Mansions, St. John's Wood, N.W. (M2413) SHAW, Gwendoline Mary, O.B.E. ; d. of the late WiUiam i Henry Shaw, of Fernwood, Clapham Common, S.W. Educ. : \ BIOGRAPHIES. Sheiiord St. Leonards-on-Sea. War Work : Hon. Sec. of the Ipswich War Hospital Supply Depot. Address : Redlands, Warring ton Road. Ipswich. Club : New Century. (03917) SHAW, Capt. Harry Turner, O.B.E, R.A.F. SHAW, Helen, Mrs., M,B.E.. 6. 28 Sept. 1896 ; d. of Clarkson Henry Tredgold, of Salisbury, Rhoctcsia ; to. Arnold Bramwell, s. of George Henry Bramwell Shaw, of Grahamstown, S.A. Educ : Girls' High School, Wynberg, Cape Province. War Work : 1915 and 1916, represented the Rhodesian Comforts Committee in Cape Town ; attended to all comforts for Rhodesians in Hospital ; visited the hospitals and arranged outings for the soldiers ; returned to Salisbury, Rhodesia, and did the same work for men in hospital there ; met all troop trains passing to and from East Africa. Address : Governor's Kop, Grahamstown, S.A. (M6486) SHAW, Helen Brown, Mrs., M.B.E. ; to. Major D. P. Shaw, 6th Cameronians, kiUed in action, June, 1915. War Work: President, Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association (local branch) ; Member of Local Committee War Pensions Committee ; Representative of Women on Local Food Control Committee ; Convener, Care Committee, 6th Cameronians Prisoners of War. Address : Merchiston, Uddingston, Lanark^ shire. (M9601) SHAW, Herbert, M.B.E, M.I.C.E. SHAW, Herbert Hunley, M.B.E. SHAW, Isabella Mackintosh, M.B.E. SHAW, Lieut. James Henry Montague, O.B.E. SHAW, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. James WiUiam, M.B.E, fi. 21 June, 1868 ; s. of John Shaw, of Plymouth ; m. Harriet, d. of Maurice Slade, of Portland. Educ : Privately R.Q.M.Sgt, 8th Batt. Rifle Brigade ; Lieut, and Qr.-Mr, 24th Batt. Royal FusiUers, and 23rd Middlesex Regt. War Work : R.QM- Sgt. of 8th Batt. Rifle Brigade, 20 Aug. 1914 ; B.E.F, France, 18 May, 1915 ; Commissioned as Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. 24th Batt. Royal Fus, 20 Aug. 1917, and attached to 23rd Batt. Middlesex Regt, Rhine Army, 28 Feb. 1919, as Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Address : 49. Nuns Road, Winchester. (M5617) SHAW, Katharine, Mrs., M.B.E. SHAW, Mary Charlotte, Mrs., M.B.E. SHAW, Mary Margaret, M.B.E. SHAW, Capt. Peter, O.B.E. SHAW, Lieut. Reginald Frank, M.B.E. SHAW, Richard Holgate, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, fi. 28 Feb. 1868 ; s. of Richard Holgate Shaw, of Leeds, Yorks ; m. Louisa Marion, d. of Francis Boynton-Lee, F.R.C.P, of Yorkshire. Educ. : Leeds School of Medicine. Divisional Police Surgeon, MetropoUtan PoUce, Golder's Green, N.W. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Auxiliary Military Hospital. Address : Crantock, Finchley Road, Golder's Green, N.W. (M9604) SHAW, Capt. Richard James Herbert, C.B.E. SHAW, Lieut. Robert John, M.B.E, R.N, 6. 10 Feb. 1900 ; s. of the Rt. Rev. E. D. Shaw. Bishop of Buckingham, cf Beaconsfield, Bucks. Educ. : Osborne, and Dartmouth. War Wort : Naval service in Grand Fleet, 1915-18 ; Battle of Jutland. Address : The Bishop's House, Beaconsfield. (M6864) SHAW, Lieut. Robert, O.B.E. SHAW, Thomas, CB.E, J.P, M.P, 6. 9 April, 1878 ; s. of Ellis Shaw, of Coine. Educ : Technical Schools, Coine. Sec. International TextUe Workers. War Work : . Recruiting Campaign, Adviser to National Service Ministry ; Director of Eecruiting and National Service for five counties of West Mid lands. Address : 243, Keighley Road, Coine, Lancs. (C1037) SHAW, Major Thomas Alfred, O.B.B, R.E. SHAW, Flying Officer Walter Langston, M.B.E, R.A.F. SHAW, William Barbour, C.B.E, M.I.C.E, 6. 13 Sept. 1868 ; s. of WiUiam B. Shaw, of Glasgow ; to. AdeUne, d. of Alexander Ewing, of Fordyce. Educ. : Gordon's Coll., Aber deen. Partner to firm of Babtie, Shaw and Morton, Civil Engineers, Glasgow. War Work : Joined Staff of Ministry •of Munitions, in 1915, under Sir John Hunter, K.B.E, as Deputy Director, and afterwards Director, of Factory Con struction. Address : Cruach, Bearsden, Dumbartonshire. Club : Scottish Constitutional (Glasgow). (C1038) SHAW, WiUiam Vernon, O.B.E, M.D. _ SHAW, Lisa Rebecca, Mrs. GRESHAM-, O.B.E. ; d. of »• Fisher, H.E.I.CS, and widow of C Pierre Shaw, of New York. Educ: Privately. War Work: H.Q. Westminster Div. Red Cross ; Red Cross worker in Prince of Wales' Hospital, Tottenham, Edmonton, and Rugeley Camp Hos pitals; Commandant of Red Cross Hospital for Facial Injuries, Norfolk Street, W. 1. Address : Alexandra Hotel, Hyde Park Corner, S.W. 1. Club : Forum. (011298) SHAW, Josephine, Mrs. RAWSON-, M.B.E, 6. 14 Jan. i°!»; d. of Joseph Crook, of Oakfield, Bolton, Lanes.; to. ™kam, s. of Thomas Shaw, J.P, D.L, M.P, of Halifax. mr Work: Assist. Commandant, Mil. Auxiliary Hospital WJ at Littlehampton, 1914-16, and Commandant, 1916-19. Address: Slindon, Arundel, Sussex. Club : Albemarle. ... (M9602) fSHAWCROSS, George NuttaU, M.B.E, F.R.Hist.S, M.I.Mech.E. Educ. : Rivington School. Assistant Works Manager, Horwich Locomotive Works, L. & Y. Rly. Co. ; Chairman of Governors, Educational Endowment, Rivington and district. War Work : Acting Works Manager, Horwich, 1914-19. Address : Lakelands, Rivington, Lancs. (M2416) SHAWE, Lieut.-Col. Charles, C.B.E, 6. 15 Nov. 1878 ; I. of late Henry CunUffe Shawe.of Weddington Hall, Nuneaton ; f». Christabel Nattle, d. of John Grigg, of Longbeach, New 465 Zealand. Educ: Eton and R.M.C, Sandhurst, Served in the Rifle Brigade, 1898-1913 ; R. of O, Rifle Brigade, since 1913. War Work: With the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, 1914-15 ; present with this force in Egypt and at the landing at Anzac, Gallipoli, on 25 April, 1915 ; served in War Office, end 1915 to 1919, in Directorate of MUitary Operations. Club : Army and Navy. (C1763) SHEAN, Major and Qr.-Mr. Walter, M.B.E, R.A. SHEARBURN, Major and Qr.-Mr. Alan Darvil, O.B.E, R.E. SHEARME, Paymaster-Capt. Edward Haweis, C.B.E., R.N. (ret.). 6. 21 June, 1876 ; s. of John Shearme, of Bude, N. Cornwall; to. Angela Anne, d. of the Rev. Preb. R. H. Barnes, of Heavitree, Exeter. War Work : Assistant Chief Censor Admiralty. Address : 30, Campden House Chambers, Sheffield Terrace, Kensington, W. 8. Club : Junior United Service. (C2945) SHEARER, David, M.B.E. SHEARER, James, O.B.E. SHEARMAN, Montague, M.B.E. SHEARMAN, Richard, O.B.E. SHEARWOOD, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, M.B.E. SHEATH, Major William Archibald Sidney, O.B.E. SHEAT, William James Oliver, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 13 Feb. 1864 ; s. of the late James Sheat, of San Francisco, U.S.A. ; to. Susannah, d. of the late John Back, of Limehouse. Educ. : Limehouse Grammar School. Member of the Stock Exchange. War Work : Chairman, Ilford Urban District Council, 1914-15, War Emergency Committee for Ilford, Belgian Refugee Com mittee for Ilford, and Ilford Local Employment Committee under Ministry of Labour ; Member of Essex County Appeal Tribunal (MiUtary Service Act) ; Hon. Treas. Ilford War Pensions Statutory Committee. Address : 120, Cranbrook Road, Ilford, Essex. (011301) SHEDDEN, Lewis, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 9 June, 1870 ; s. of the late Lewis Shedden, of Glasgow ; to. Minnie Knox Burnett, d. of the late Robert Allan, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow. Sec. Scottish Unionist Association (Western Divisional Council) and Glasgow Unionist Association. War Work : From the outbreak of war until the coining into operation of the MiUtary Service Act was actively engaged in the work of recruiting for the New Armies, as Joint Hon. Sec. of the Central Recruiting Committee for West of Scotland. From that time until the Armistice the work varied as occasion arose : War Savings, Joint Hon. Sec. Scottish War Savings Committee, West of Scotland ; National Service, Joint Hon. Sec. Committee arrang ing meetings, also Deputy Commissioner, Agricultural Section ; Member of Committee Scottish Y.M.C.A. (Admiralty) Hostel Board; and finished as Joint Hon. Sec. Scottish War Aims Committee, West of Scotland ; in Dec. 1915, was one of a deputation to visit the lines of the British Army in Flanders. Address : Mossgiel, Haggs Road, Maxwell Park, Glasgow. C.tifis : Conservative (Glasgow) ; Scottish Constitutional (Glasgow). (C2946) SHEDDEN, Lieut.William St. John, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.). SHEE, Comm. Riohard John, O.B.E, R.N. SHEEDY, Capt Frederick John, M.B.E. SHEEDY, Capt. Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 1884 ; s. of the late John Sheedy, of Cork ; to. Claire, d. of the late WilUam NicoUe, of Guernsey. Educ. : Clongowes Wood CoU, Co. KUdare, and Queen's CoU, Cork. Medical Profession ; Civil Servant. War Work : R.A.M.C. 1914-20, and Staff Capt, War Office. Address : 12, Arundel Mansions, S.W. 6. (07688) SHEFF, Lieut. John, M.B.E, D.C.M. SHEEN, Col. Alfred WiUiam, C.B.E, T.D, M.S., F.R.CS, 6. 30 April, 1869 ; s. of Alfred Sheen, M.D, of Cardiff ; m. Christine, d. of J. P. Ingledew, J.P, of Cardiff. Educ. : Guy's Hospital. Consulting Surgeon, King Edward VII.'s Hospital, Cardiff, and other hospitals. War Work : Officer Commanding Welsh Hospitals ; Consulting Surgeon, War Hospitals, India ; Surgeon, Imperial Yeomanry Field Hospital. S. Africa, 1900. Address : 69, Wimpole Street, W. 1. (C748) SHEFFIELD, Joseph, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 7 Oct. 1854 ; s. of Amos Sheffield, of Quorn, Leicestershire ; to. Emily, d. of Thomas Lupton, of Knaresboro'. Educ. : High School, Loughborough. Elected Councillor Borough of Harrogate, 1901 ; Elected Aid. and Mayor, Nov. 1913-14 ; Re-elected Mayor, Nov. 1914-15 ; J.P. for Harrogate ; Member National Unionist Association for Ripon Division for 20 years. War Work : Recruiting, estabUshing numerous war funds ; Chair man of Tribunal; organised reception and provision for Bel gian refugees, founded fund for relief of returned sailors and soldiers and their dependants. Address: Quorn House Harrogate. Club : Conservative (Harrogate). (011302) SHEFFIELD, Julia, Lady, O.B.E, L. G. St. J.J.; e. d. .of Baron de Tuyll of the Hague; to. 19 July, 1904, Sir Berkeley Digby George Sheffield, 6th Bt. (see BURKE'S Peerage}-Qn%0g. SHEFFIELD, Mary Edith, M.B.E, d. of Frederick Sheffield, solicitor, of London. Educ. : Privately. Social Worker War Work : Welfare Worker in explosives filling station ¦ reUef worker with Friends' War Victims Relief among refugees in France. Address: 1, Spring Mansions, Gondar Gardens N W 6. (M2417) SHEFFIELD, Mary Katherine, Lady, C.B.E, i. of Sir Lothian Bell, 1st Bt. of Washington, Durham (see BURKES Peerage); m. 6 Feb. 1873, Sir Edward Lyulph Stanley, Baron Sheffield (see BURKE'S Peerage). SHEFFORD. Capt. Alan Douglas Edward, M.B.E. 2 H Sheilds THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. SHEILDS, Francis Ernest WENTWORTH-, O.B.E. M.I.C.E. fi.16Nov.1869; s.of F.Wentworth-Sheilds, M.I.C.E, of Westminster ; m. Mary, d. of the late Right Rev. Bishop Boyd Carpenter, K.C.V.O, D.D, of Riversea, Kingswear. Educ. : St. Paul's School, and Owen's Coll, Manchester. Manchester Ship Canal (Salford Docks, 1888-91) ; Assist. Engineer, Dock Extensions, Southampton, 1892-96 ; Resident Engineer, N. CornwaU Rly. Extension, 1896-99 ; Resident Engineer, Bakerloo Tube, 1899-1901 ; Resident Engineer, Trafalgar Graving Dock and Deep Water Quays, Southampton, 1901-5 ; Resident Engineer, Isna Barrage. Egypt, 1905-7 ; Chief Engineer for Design and Construction of White Star Dock and the widening of Trafalgar Dock, Southampton, 1907-12 ; appointed Docks Engineer to London and South Western Rly, 1909 ; President of Concrete Institute, 1916-18 ; Bronze Medal of Concrete Institute, 1916 ; George Stephenson Gold Medal of Institution CE, 1914; Member of Engineering Standards Association (Portland Cement Committee) ; Member of the Reinforced Concrete Com. of Inst. CE. ; Chairman of Joint Committee (on Research work) of the Concrete Inst. 1916-18 ; visited Calcutta, 1919-20, at request of Port Com missioners to advise and report on lay-out of New Docks at Calcutta. War Work : Designed and erected various struc tures for war purposes at Southampton and elsewhere. Ad dresses : Docks Engineer's Office, Southampton ; 28 London Road, Southampton. Club : St. Stephen's. (011304) SHELDON, Hanah, M.B.E. SHELDON, Thomas Alfred, M.B.E. SHELDRAKE, Col. Edward Nodin, C.B.E, fi. 1858 ; s. of the late James Sheldrake ; m. Imogen Mary Duncan, d. of Brigade Surgeon Lieut.-Col. A. B. R. Myers, Brigade of Guards. Educ. : Univ. CoU, London. Late Surgeon Lieut.-Col, Grenadier Guards. War Work: S. African War, 1899-1902 (mentioned in despatches) ; Queen's Medal and 6 clasps, King's Medal and 2 clasps ; the Great War : War Office Medical Board. Address : 15, St. George's Square, London, S.W. 1. Clubs : Guards' ; Arthur's ; Army and Navy. (C2164) SHELDRAKE, Comm. John WilUam, M.V.O, M.B.E. SHELMERDINE, Lieut.-Col. Francis Claude, O.B.E, R.A.F. SHELMERDINE, Capt. Henry Neal, M.B.E, M.C, fi. 21 July, 1891 ; s. of Anthony Shelmerdtoe, J.P, of Liverpool ; m. Mary Blanche Reeve, d. of Lyle Rathbone, J.P, of Liverpool. Educ : Liverpool Coll. Engineer. War Work : Capt. R.F.A. ; 2 years in France, finaUy appointed to Shoeburyness Gunnery Staff as Capt. Instructor of Gunnery. Address : High Birks, Gateacre, near Liverpool. (M5620) SHELSWELL, Oscar Berridge, O.B.E, 6. 23 Oct. 1857, s. of Thomas Henry ShelsweU, of Sibford, Banbury ; to. Anne EUzabeth Lucy, d. of the Rev. T. H. Wilkinson, of Coatham, Yorks. Educ. : St. Anne's School. War Work : Medical Officer to Holborn MiUtary Hospital, Mitcham. Address : Sibford, Mitcham. (011845) SHELTON, Lieut. Frederick Soltau, O.B.E.. R.N.V R SHELTON, Lieut. Harry Gordon, M.B.E, R.A.S C SHELTON, Robert Melvin, O.B.E. SHEPHERD, Col. Arthur Edmund, C.B.E, D.S.O. Australian Army Med. Corps. Served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1363) SHEPHERD, Charles Edward, M.B.E. SHEPHERD, Lieut. Charles Herbert, M.B E , fi 7 June 1888 ; 8. of W. M. Shepherd, of Cardiff. Educ : Cardiff High School. Coal Salesman to the South Wales ColUeries controUed by the late Lord Rhondda. War Work : Gazetted as 2nd Lieut, in Welsh Regt. in May, 1915 ; served with this regiment until July, 1916, then attached to the Duke of WeUington's Regt. for service in France, returning incapacitated in Oct 1917 ; promoted Lieut. July, 1917 ; seconded for service with the Ministry of Food from Nov. 1917 to April, 1919, and acted as Secretary to the Freight Dept. of the Food Section of the Supreme Economic Council. Address : WUton, Marlborough Road, Roath Park, Cardiff. (M9607) SHEPHERD, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Cornelius, M B E SHEPHERD, Frederick Hawkesworth Sinclair, M B E 6. 26 Feb. 1877 ; s. of the Rev. F. Shepherd of Stoke-under- Ham, Somerset. Educ. : Rugby, and Corpus Christi CoU Oxford. Artist. War Work : Sub-section Director, Ministry of Munitions ; Chevalier de 1'Ordre de la Couronne. _tA.re.ss ¦ 7, Trafalgar Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea. Clubs : Chelsea Arts ; Oxford and Cambridge Musical. (M9608) SHEPHERD, FUght-Lieut. George GranviUe, O B E R.A.F. ' '' SHEPHERD, Harry, M.B.E. SHEPHERD, John Dawson, O.B.B, Egyptian Ministry. SHEPHERD, John Ernest, M.B.E, R N R <011944) SHEPHERD, Joseph Wilfrid, C.B.E, 6. 29 March 1885 • s. of Richard Shepherd, of Preston, Lancs ; to. Gertrude Marv' d. of F. J. Atosworth, of Blackpool. Fellow of the Societv of Incorporated Accoimtants and Auditors. War Work • Sec of the Manchester Belgium Refugees Committee Addresses ¦ 78, King Street, Manchester ; KUronan, WhaUev Ranee' Manchester. C'Zwfi ; Arts, Manchester. frsxusi SHEPHERD, Major Peroy Edward, O.B.B, A MICE R.E fi 8 Aug. 1878 ; s. of Edward Shepherd, of 2,' CornwaU Road, Westbourne Park W. 11 ; to. EUa, d. of Joseph Roome, of Wolverton Bucks. Educ. : Buxton CoU. Chief Engineer War Work: 2nd in command Tram National Shipyards 466 Ferry Terminal, Southampton, 1917 ; Commanding National Shipyard, No. 3, Portbury, 1918. Address : The Old Vicarage, Beachley, near Chepstow. Club : Engineers', Manchester. (011305) SHEPHERD, PhiUp WUUam, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. SHEPHERD, Capt. Walter Isaac, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. SHEPHERD, Walter Rider, O.B.E. SHEPHERD, Col. William Constable, O.B.E, T.D. SHEPPARD, Alfred Edwin, M.B.E. SHEPPARD, Amy, O.B.E, M.B, D.P.H. Educ. : London Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine for Women. Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, Euston Road, N.W, and the Clapham Maternity Hospital, S.W. ; Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Women's Settlement Hospital, Plaistow, E. War Work : Member of Women's Hospital Corps, 1914 ; Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Military Hospital, EndeU Street, W.C. 2, and to the Q.M.A.A.C. Hospital, Isleworth. Address : 17, Harley Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. 1. Clubs : Lyceum ; International Women's Franchise. (011846) SHEPPARD Capt. Erie WiUiam, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 14 July, 1890 ; s. of the Rev. W. K. Sheppard, of Ripon, Yorkshire ; m. Kathleen, d. of Dr. E. J. Ryan MacMahon, of Cheltenham. Educ. : Trent CoU, Derbyshire ; Hertford Coll, Oxford. Capt. Regular Army ; General Staff, War Office. War Work : Service in France and Near East. Address : Hell Fire Corner, Horley Row, Horley, Surrey. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (07689) SHEPPARD, Frank, O.B.E. SHEPPARD, Helen Mildred, O.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. SHEPPARD, Herbert St. John, M.B.E. SHEPPARD, John Tresidder, M.B.E. SHEPPARD, Mary Constance, M.B.E, d. of Dr. W. J. Sheppard, of Putney. Private Secretary. War Work : 3 years at Aircraft Production Dept, Ministry of Munitions ; Woman Staff Officer, and Junior Administrative Assistant. Address : 235, Upper Richmond Road, Putney. (M9610) SHEPPARD, Walter, M.B.E. SHEPPERD, Walter Henry, O.B.E, 6. 30 June, 1872; s. of the late Henry J. Shepperd, of London ; m. Taisie Steuart, d. of the late William F. C. S. Corry, of Belfast. Educ: Methodist Coll, Belfast. Director and Sec. WilUam Corry & Co, Ltd, BeUast. War Work : Paymaster, Army Pay Department. Address : Tyneholme, Bangor, Co. Down. (03918) SHERA, Major Louis Murray, O.B.E. SHERBROOKE, Margaret Macdonald, Mrs., O.B.E, MedaiUe de la Reine Elisabeth, fi. 18 July, 1849 ; d. of Alexander Graham, J.P, of Dunclutha, Argyll ; to. Commander WilUam Sherbrooke, R.N, of Oxton, Notts (who died) ; s. of Henry Sherbrooke, of Oxton HaU, Notts, (see BUKKE'S Landed Gentry). Educ : Privately. President of the Assocn. for the Return of Women Guardians ; Lancashire Poor Law Guardian, Ormskirk Union, Lancs ; and Upton-on-Severn, Worcestershire. War Work : Organised, AprU, 1915, at the request of General, Eastern Command, and through O.C. Shorncliffe Military Hospital, " WeUare Wounded," Folkestone, which was closed Dec. 1920 ; was Hon. Sec. of the same. Address: Oxton Hall, Southwell, Notts. Club : Lyceum, PiccadUly. (011306) SHERER, Lieut.-Col. John Corrie, O.B.E, LA. SHERIDAN, Lieut. Norman Charles, M.B.E. SHERINGTON, Major Guy, O.B.B. SHERLOCK, Capt. David Thomas Joseph, M.B.E, B.A, fi. 6 Sept. 1881 ; s. of Thomas T. Sherlock, of Dublin ; m. Augusta Anna, d. of Sir Francis Cruise, D.L, of Dublin. Educ. : Downside CoU. ; DubUn Univ. Barrister-at-Law ; appointed Judicial Commissioner British North Borneo, 1920. War Work : Served to GaUipoli and Egypt, 1915-19. Address : 20, Upper Mount Street, Dublin. Club : University, Dublin ; Limerick County. (M4704) SHERMAN, Comm. Carlton CoUingwood, O.B.E, R.N, 6. 1 Jan. 1884 ; s. of Charles BeUi Bivar Sherman, of HoUand House, Albury Heath, Surrey ; m. FTancesca IsabeUa, d. of Comm. J. Honner, R.N. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU, and H.M.S. "Britannia." London Manager of Robey & Co, Ltd, Engineers, Lincoln. War Work: 1914, Mine Sweeping; 1915-16, Assistant to Director of Naval Ordnance, Admiralty ; 1917-18, Deputy Director of Production for Mines, Torpedoes, and Anti-Submarine Weapons, Admiralty. Address: Wood ville, Ashtead, Surrey. (01858) SHERRALL, AUce Georgina, Mrs., M.B.E. SHERREN, Col. James, CB.E, F.R.CS, fi. 1872. Surgeon, London Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon Poplar Hospital for Accidents and Stanmore Cottage Hospital; Hunterian Professor and Member of CouncU, Royal College of Surgeons ; Examiner in Surgery Univ. of London. War Work : Consulting Surgeon attached to War Office ; rank of Col. A.M.S, Surgeon King Edward VII. Hospital for Officers ; Consulting Surgeon Yarrow MiUtary Hospital, Broadstairs. Address: 6, Devonshire Place, W. 1. Club : Union. (C1764) SHERWOOD, Montague Earle, M.B.E. SHE WAN, Major Robert Ernest TOMLDX-MONEY-, O.B.E. SHEWELL, Surg.-Comm. Herbert Wells Bayly, O.B.E, M.B, M.A, R.N. SHIELD, Capt. John Gilson, M.B.B SHIELDS, Capt. Oswald CUve Graeme, M.B.E., M.B, R.A.M.C. SHIELDS, Lieut. WiUiam CecU, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. BIOGRAPHIES. Shubrick SHIFFNER, Elsie, Lady, O.B.E, Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; 6. 23 Sept. 1872 ; d. of O. H. Burrows, of Newport, U.S.A.; in. Sir John Shiffner, 5th Bart. (who died 5 Apr. 1914), s. of Sir G. C. Shiffner, 4th Bart, of Coombe, Lewes, Sussex (see Bukke'S Peerage). War Work : Two years at Newick Red Cross Hospital as V.A.D, and two years at PavUion Hospital, Brighton, as V.A.D, making temporary plaster-of-Paris peg-legs for men before being fitted with artificial legs. Address: Coombe Place, Lewes, Sussex. (O11308) 3HILLAKER, James Frederick, M.B.E. SHILLINGTON, Elizabeth MUdred, M.B.E. SHILSON, Major Bernard WiUiam, O.B.E. R.A.S.C. SHILSTON, Capt. Walter Richard, M.B.E. SHILTON, Capt. Frederiok Walton, O.B.E. SHINE, Major Eugene Percy Forrest, O.B.E, LA. SHINGLETON, Major LesUe, O.B.B, 6. 9 July, 1878 ; s. of Frederick Shingleton, M.V.O, of 67, CornwaU Gardens, S.W. ; m. Edith Frances, an(i Spanish ; at present serving on the War Staff of the Commander-in-Chief, North America and West Indies Station. Address: Royal Marine Barracks, Gosport, Hants. (04330) SINCLAIR, Stroma ALEXANDER-, M.B.B, 6. 8 Nov. 1899 ; «. of Rear-Admiral Edwyn S. Alexander-Sinclair, of Freswick (m Bukke's Landed Gentry). War Work : Head Coast Watcher, Royal Navy ; district that work was carried out, w miles of coast between Wick and Berriedale in Caithness ; unncrpal duties, signalling messages and receiving reports nom H.M. ships, and keeping general look-out for submarines, mines, etc. Address : Dunbeath Castle, Caithness, Scotland. (M75) SINFIELD, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. AUred, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. SINFIELD, Major Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. SINGER, AUne Madeleine, Lady, O.B.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1877 '. »• of Etienne PUavoine, of Biarritz, France ; to. Sir Mortimer "jnger, K.B.E, s. of Isaac Merrit Singer, the inventor of the omger Sewing Machine, of Yonkers, U.S.A. Educ. : By Les «eurs de la Croix, Ustaritz, Basses-Pyrene'es. War Work : Matron-in-Chief of Milton Hill Section Hospital, Steventon, JserkB, for 220 N.C.O.'s and men, owned, organised, and administered by Sir Mortimer Singer, K.B.E. q.v. ; opened 27th Aug. 1914, and ran continuously throughout the war, Addresses : Milton Hill, Steventon, Berks ; 3, Harcourt House. Cavendish Square, W. 1. (011326) SINGER, Major Charles Archibald, C.B.E, R.E. SINGER, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. David Charles, M.B.E, R.E. SINGER, Sir Mortimer, K.B.E.. J.P, 6. 25 July, 1863 ; s. of Isaac Merrit Singer, inventor of the Singer Sewing Machine, of Yonkers, U.S.A. ; m. 1st, Mary Maund, d. of John Oxley, of Maldon, Yorks, 2nd, Aline Madeleine, O.B.E, q.v., d. of Etienne PUavoine, of Biarritz, France. Educ: Cambridge. Justice of the Peace for Berks. War Work : Owner, organiser, and administrator of Milton Hill Section Hospital, Steventon, Berks, for 220 N.C.O.'s and men ; opened 27th Aug. 1914, and run continuously throughout the war ; Matron-in-chief, Lady Singer, O.B.E. Addresses : Milton Hill, Steventon, Berks ; 3, Harcourt House, Cavendish Square, W. 1. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Royal Thames Yacht ; Royal Automobile ; Royal Aero ; Royal Western (Plymouth). (K424) SINGLETON, Albert Henry, M.B.E, R.N. SINGLETON, Capt. Henry, C.B.E. SINGLETON, James Edward, O.B.E, 6. 20 May, 1855 ; s. of Joseph Singleton, of Mirfield, Yorks. ; to. Sarah Jane, a. of John Henderson, of Crosby, Maryport. Educ. : Westminster Tr. Coll. Sub-Inspector of Schools, Board of Education. War Work : Hon. Sec. Cumberland County Committee for War Savings. Address : 8, Spencer Street, Carlisle. (03924) SINKINSON, Major Alfred Peveril Le Mesurier, O.B.E, B.A, fi. 1 July, 1889 ; s. of Edward James Sinkinson, LL.D, I.C.S, of Kendal. Educ. : Univ. Coll. School, and Wadham Coll, Oxford. War Work: D.A.A.G, G.H.Q, France. Address: 49, Haverstock Hill, N.W. 3. Clubs: Junior Naval and Military ; Authors'. (O8608) SINNATT, Capt. Frank Sturdy, M.B.E. SINNOTT, John, O.B.E, fi. 24 June, 1867 ; s. of Thomas Sinnott, of Roscrea, Co. Tipperary ; m. Henrietta, d. of Thomas Higgins, of Dublin. Educ. : Erasmus Smith's School, Roscrea. Staff Engineer, G.P.O. Engineering Dept, London ; Member Inst. Electrical Engineers, and of Inst. Railway Signal Engineers. War Work : Designed several types of signal cables used by the Forces abroad and at home ; carried out special investi gations for the Admiralty in the detection of submarines ; designed several special items used abroad in aerial line con struction carried out by the various signal corps, R.E. Ad dress : Struan, East End Road, East Finchley, N. 2. (011327) SIPPE, Major Sidney Vincent. IJ.S O, O.B.E, R.A.F, fi. 24 April, 1889 ; s. of C. H. Sippe\ of Beckenham, Kent ; to. Mabel Frances, d. of — d'Arcy, of DubUn. Educ. : Dulwich Coll. Engineer. Address : Quenta, Birchington, Kent. Clubs: R.A.F.; R.A.C (03414) SIRE, Henry Alphonse, C.B.E, 6. 1864 ; s. of the late Alfred Sire, M.V.O. Goods Manager, London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway. (C2956) SISSONS, Major Henry Arnott, C.B.E, R.E. SITTERS, Percy Henry Smart, O.B.E, 6. 2 April, 1883 ; s. of George Sitters, of Plymouth ; m. Kathleen Margaret, d. of Rev. Edward Bell, M.A. Travelling Sec. National Council Y.M.CA. War Work : Organising Sec. Y.M.CA. with B.E.F, also Organising Sec. Y.M.C.A. with the Belgian Army ; made Chevalier Ordre Leopold II. by King Albert for services to Belgian Army during the war. Address : 13, Russell Square, London, W.C. 1. (03925) SITWELL, WUUam Sacheverell, M.B.E, fi. 18 Dec. 1870 ; s. of Rev. Canon Degge Wilmot Sitwell, of Leamington, Hastings, Warwickshire ; to. Dorothea Mary, d. of Thomas Roxburgh Polwhele, of Polwhele, Cornwall (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). Educ. : Rugby. Solicitor ; Clerk to the Lieutenancy for Cornwall ; Registrar for Archdeaconry of Cornwall; Under Sheriff for Cornwall, 1920-21. War Work: Clerk to Cornwall Appeal Tribunal; Hon. Sec. CornwaU Patriotic Fund, 1914-19, and Cornwall War Memorial Committee. Addresses : Elm Cottage, Truro ; 2, Prince's Street, Truro. (M945) SKAIFE, Major Erie Ommanney, C.B.E. SKEATS, Major Thomas George, O.B.E, Legion of Honour. SKEELS, Lewis Serecold, C.B.E. SKEENS, Frederiok, M.B.B, R.C.N.C, fi. 9 Jan. 1867 ; s. of the late Henry Christopher Skeens, of Southsea ; m. Maria Elizabeth, d. of the late Joseph Thomas Pearce, of Southsea. Assistant Naval Constructor, Admiralty. War Work ¦ 1914, Engaged in converting merchant ships into mock battleships ; 1915, worked on mine defence gear for ships and armament designs for tanks ; Feb. 1916, Assis tant Naval Constructor at Ministry of Munitions ; invented new type of gun-mounting, Dec. 1916 ; Director of Armament Section, Mech. Warfare (Tanks) Dept, Oct. 1918. Address : 34, Kingscliffe Gardens, Wimbledon Park, S.W. 19. (M9634) SKEET, Major Arthur Robert, O.B.E, 6. 2 June, 1876 ; s. of Robert Henry Skeet, of Rushmere, Ipswich ; m. EUen, d of Lewis Wright, of Bristol. Educ. : Palace School, Enfield, and Channel View, Clevedon, Somerset. Director, W. H. Childe & Co, Ltd, Bradford, Yorks. War Work : Joined Optimist Volunteer Corps, Sept. 1914, and assisted with transport of Belgian Refugees ; founded and organised North London Squadron National Motor Volunteers, 1915 ; appointed Squadron-Commander of same by Robert, Marquis of Crewe, Jan 1916 ; gazetted Major and Adjutant Middlesex R.A.S.C, M T (V ) 31 Oct. 1917 ; still hold this appointment ; while 471 Skeggs THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. holding these positions assisted with Squadron in meeting convoy trains of wounded soldiers, and also conveying troops on leave across London at night to conjunction with Y.M.C.A, who presented him with Order of the Red Triangle and Bar. Ad dresses : Melford Lodge, Muswell Hill, London, N. ; 48, Fore Street, London, E.C. (011328) SKEGGS, James Buteux, CB.E. SKELLY, Henry WiUred, M.B.E. SKELSEY, Richard Robert, M.B.E, fi. 3 Feb. 1887. Sec. of Public Companies. War Work : Railway Materials Department, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 38, Castleton Road, Walthamstow. (M9635) SKELTON, Lieut. Allan, M.B.B. SKELTON, Engr.-Comm. Reginald WUliam, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.N. Served at battle of Jutland, 1916 (despatches) ; Archangel, 1919 ; has Russian Order of St. Stanislaus. (C2337) SKELTON, WilUam Simmonds, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 24 Oct. 1858 ; s. of Sir Charles T. Skelton, J.P, of Sheffield ; m. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Edwin Moore, of Sheffield. Educ. : Ackworth. War Work : Local Advisory Committee ; Small Tools Advisory Committee ; Surplus Stock Small Tools Disposal Committee. Address : Meadow Bank, Sheffield. Clubs : National Liberal ; Reform (Sheffield). (M2426) SKENE, Lillias Margaret, Mrs, M.B.E. SKENE, Lieut.-Col. PhiUp George Moncrieff, O.B.E. (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry), b. 18 July, 1880 : s. of the late WiUiam BaUlie Skene, of Hallyards and Pitlour ; to. Dorothea Lucy, d. of the late Charles Maitland Pelham Burn. Educ. : Eton and Christehurch, Oxford. J.P. Fife. War Work : Mentioned in despatches, G.S.O. 1, North Russian Expedition ary Force ; invalided from service, July, 1919 ; awarded Croix de Guerre avec Palmes and St. Stanislaus, 2nd Class. Address : Pitlour, Strathmiglo, Fife. Clubs : Royal and Ancient ; Hon. Companv : M.C.C. : New Club (Edinburgh). (0735) SKENTELBERY, George Arthur, O.B.E. SKERMAN, Oscar, M.B.E. SKETCH, Samuel Bolt, O.B.E, J.P. SKEVINGTON, Frank, M.B.E, fi. 27 May, 1884 ; s. of Charles Samuel Skevington, of Nottingham ; m. Catherine Annie, d. of Edmund Damon, of Yeovil. Educ. : High Pave ment School, Nottingham. Civil Servant ; Principal. Treasury. Address: Arundale, Anglesea Road, Kingston-on-Thames. (M9637) SKIFFINGTON, Donald McLean, M.B.E. SKILBECK, Mary Alethea, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of James Appleby Longden, of Sunderland ; to. Charles Thornton Skilbeck, s. of George Thornton Skilbeck, of St. Petroe, Corn wall. Educ. : Durham High School, and Bedford Physical Culture Coll. War Work : Qr.-Mr. Chipstead V.A.D. Hospital, Oct. 1914, to Oct. 1916 ; Commandant, Oct. 1916, to March, 1919. Address : The Quarry, Brasted, Kent. (M9638) SKINNER, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Baird, D.S.O, O.B.E, Indian Cav, fi. 1879. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (08539) SKINNER, Christian Laing, M.B.B, fi. 1881 ; d. of Henry Skinner, of Auchtermuchty. Educ : St.. George's High School, Edinburgh. War Work : Canteen work in France with the Scottish Churches' Huts from 1917-19, chiefly at the Scottish Soldiers' Club, Boulogne. Address : 9, Hatton Place, Edin burgh. (M9639) SKINNER, Capt. Donald Chipman, O.B.E. SKINNER, Edward John, M.B.E. SKINNER, Lieut.-Col. Ernest William, O.B.E, M.D, J.P, R.A.M.C, fi. 4 Nov. 1861 ; s. of Robert Vaile Skinner, of Winchelsea ; m. Isobel Katherine, d. of George Mallows Freeman, K.C, of Winchelsea. Educ. : Dulwich Coll, and Univ. of Edinburgh. War Work : Temp. Major, R.A.M.C, attached 3/5th Royal Sussex Regt. ; M.O. Cottonera Mil. Hospital, Malta ; O.C. Floriana Military Hospital, Malta (local Lieut.-Col.) ; 65th General Hospital, Salonika (Ac. Lieut.-Col.), and 65th British General Hospital, Mesopotamia. Address : Mountsfield, Rye, Sussex. (O6700) SKINNER, Col. Frederick St. Duthus, C.B.E. ; Canadian Reserve of Officers; served in the Great War, 1915-19 (des patches). (C1837) SKINNER, Lieut. Herbert Fenton, M.B.E. SKINNER, Major Robert Bruce, O.B.E.. R.E. SKINNER, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. William Shelf ord, O.B.E.. R.N. SKIPPER, Henry Hubert, M.B.E. SKIPWITH, Richard Edward, M.B.E. SKIPWITH, Sophia Flora, Mrs. Grey Townsend, O.B.E. SKIPWORTH, George Philip, O.B.E. SKIRROW, Florence, M.B.E, 6. 22 May, 1860 ; d. of the late Walker Skirrow, of London. Educ. : London. Wat- Work : Hon. Sec. of Torquay War Savings Committee, under the National War Savings Committee. Address : Sunshine, 15, Broadmead Road South, Babbacombe, S. Devon. (M9641 ) SKURRAY, Ernest Clement, M.B.E, J.P, fi. 19 Sept. 1865 ; s. of Francis, of Reading ; m. Susan Mary, d. of William Forty, of Weston Lodge, Weston-super-Mare. Educ : Reading. War Work : Tractor Representative for Countv of Wilts. A ddress : West Lodge, Swindon. (M2429) SLADDEN, Lieut. Robert John, M.B.E, D.C.M, R.A.F. SLADE, Edward Charles, M.B.E, fi. 10 March, 1895 ; s. of E. Arthur Slade, of 19, Bride Lane, E.C. 4 ; to. Nellie M, a. of Joseph Millard. Acting Class A Ex-soldier Clerk, War Office. War Work : Enlisted Aug. 1914, 6th London Regt. ; discharged unfit (consequent on service), Aug. 1916 ; employed 472 at War Office, Sept. 1916, subsequently becoming Supervising Clerk of Section of Officers' Casualties Dept. Address • 3 Ivy Lane, Crofton Park, Lewisham. (M96421 SLADE, George Frederiok, M.B.E, J.P. ' SLADE, Mary Elizabeth, M.B.E. SLADEN, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. SLADEN, Lieut.-Comm. Sir Sampson, K.B.E, R.rT., _ 1868 ; s. of Lt.-Col. Joseph Sladen, late of Ripple Court' Kent (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). Educ. : Privately and' H.M.S. " Britannia." Served in Royal Navy, 1882-99 • resigned on receiving appointment in London Fire Brigade; promoted Chief Officer, 1909 ; resigned, 1919 ; Area Commis sioner (London), Ministry of Transport, 1920. War Work: As Chief Officer London Fire Brigade was responsible for special arrangements made for coping with fires caused by enemy action in Greater London ; also during the war in augurated London Ambulance Service, and acted as Chairman of Fire Protection Advisory Committee, Ministry of Munitions, 1916-17. Address: 75, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. Clubs: United Service ; Roehampton. (K425) SLANEY, Major Charles Wynne, O.B.E, R.M.L.I, fi. 20 Nov. 1855 ; Educ. : Privately. Sec. to Surgeon Rear- Admiral. War Work : Acted in above capacity during the war. Address: R.N. Hospital, Chatham. (03565) SLANEY, Lieut.-Col. F. G. KENYON-, C.B.E, Lieut.-Col. Reserve of Officers, late Durham L.I, 6. 1858 ; s. of William Kenyon-Slaney, J.P. ; m. 1892, Edith Mary Sherwin, d. of Major Joseph Holt. Address : Ayton Hall, Shifnal. Clubs : Wellington ; Junior United Service. (C2131) SLATER, Alexander, M.B.E. SLATER, Alexander Frederick, M.B.E. SLATER, Alexander Ransford, C.M.G, C.B.E, B.A, 6. 1874 ; s. of the late Rev. C S. Slater, of Plymouth ; m. 1906, Dora Waterfleld, d. of H. T. S. Ward, sometime Director of Irrigation, Ceylon. Educ. : King Edward Sohool, Birming ham, and Emmanuel Coll., Camb. Entered Ceylon Civil Service, 1898; 2nd Assist. Postmaster-Gen. Ceylon, 1900; Acting 2nd Assist. Colonial Sec. 1901; Clerk to Legislative Council, 1904 ; Dist. Judge, Badulla, 1906 ; Additional Assist. Colonial Sec, and Clerk to Legislative Council, 1907; Acting Principal Assist. Colonial Sec. 1909 ; Dep. Collector of Customs, Colombo, 1910; Principal A 3sist. Colonial Sec. 1912, and Colonial Sec. Gold Coast, 1914 (has acted as Gov.). Addresses : Accra, Gold Coast ; Claremont Avenue, Woking. Club : Royal Societies'. (C403) SLATER, Edward, M.B.E. SLATER, George, C.B.E. SLATER, George Frederick, M.B.E. SLATER, 2nd Lieut. James Henry, M.B.E, R.A.F. SLATER, Lieut. John Alan, M.B.B. R.A.F. (S.R.J, SLATER, John Gladstone, M.B.E, 6. 16 April, 1872; s. of John Slater, of Yeadon, Yorks. ; to. Hannah Mary, d. of Henry Teale, of Yeadon, Yorks. Educ : Privately. School master. War Work : Assisted in National Registration; Sec of Lord Derby Recruiting (Local) Committee ; Sec. of Local Savings Committee, and Local War Memorial Committee ; also acted as Sec. in all local War Bond campaigns ; Hon. Sec. of two War Savings Associations ; Special Constable ; Member of Belgian Relief Committee, Food Control Committee, Local War Pensions Committee ; organised Flag Days, and local Y.M.C.A. Canteen. Addresses : 41, Titchfield Street, Huck naU ; Butler's Hill Boys' School, HucknaU ; Y.M.C.A. Huck naU. (M9646) SLATER, Quintin Fleming, M.B.E. SLATTER, Flight-Lieut. Leonard Horatio, O.B.E, D.S.C, D.F.C. SLAUGHTER, Lieut. Ernest WUUam, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. SLAUGHTER, Leonard LansdeU, M.B.E, fi. 17 Jan. 1892 ; 8. of the late Richard Slaughter, of 12, Courtfleld Road, S.W. ; m. Doris, d. of Ernest E. Wastall, J.P, of Durlock Grange, Minster, Thanet. Educ. : Westminster. War Work : Joined Public School Mounted Corps, Sept. 1914; appointed Troop Commander, " D " (Thanet) Troop, Bast Kent Mounted Con stabulary, June 1916 ; and Squadron-Commander and Super visor of East Kent Mounted Constabulary, Sept. 1918. Ad dress : 87, Queen's Gate, S.W. ; Mundy Bois, Egerton, Kent. (M3974) SLAYTER, Capt. John Howard, M.B.E. SLEE, Capt. John Ambrose, C.B.E, R.N. ; m. 1919, Sybil Mary, d. of the late R. J. Sissons. Served in the Great War. (C1168) SLEEMAN, Lieut.-Col. James Lewis, CB.E. ; New Zealand Forces ; served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1871) SLEIGH, Constance, Mrs, M.B.E. SLEIGHT, Major Ernest, O.B.B, T.D. ; s. of Sir Geo. F. Sleight, Bart, (see Burke's Peerage), of WeelsbyHall, Grimsby; m. Margaret, d. of C F. Carter, J.P, of Grimsby. Educ : Rugby. Address : The Crossways, Stallingborough, Lincoln shire. (01867) SLEITH, Thomas, M.B.E. SLESINGER, Edward G., O.B.E, M.B, B.Sc. (Lond.), F.R.CS. (Eng.), Croix de Guerre 6. 17 March, 1888 ; s. of the late Gustave Schlesinger, of Blakemore Lodge, Shoot-up-Hill, London ; to. Gladys Eleanor, d. of the late Arthur W. Trench, of Brooklyn, N.Y. T. Surg.-Lieut. R.N. 1914-19 ; Hunterian Professor of Royal College of Surgeons, 1918-19 ; Research Scholar, Brit. Med. Assocn. 1919; Assistant Surgeon, Guy's Hospital ; Fellow Royal Society of Medicine ; Member, British BIOGRAPHIES. Smiles Orthopaedic Socioty, has Croix de Guerre of France. Address : 2, Devonshire Place, W.l. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (09494) SLESSOR, Lieut.-Col. Herbert, O.B.E, R.M.A. SLINGSBY, Lieut. Charles Riohard, M.B.E. SLOAN, David, M.B.E. (M104G5) SLOAN, Robert Patriok, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 1874 ; s. of John Morrison Sloan, of Edinburgh ; m. Inda, d. of David EUis, late of Santos, Brazil. Educ. : Glasgow and Edinburgh. Director and Manager of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electrio Supply Co, Ltd, and several other Electric Power Supply Companies ; Member of National JointIndustrialCouncil(Electricity Supply Industry), and of Council of Incorporated Association of Electric Power Companies. War Work : Engaged upon supply of electrical power to Munition Manufacturers, shipbuilders, etc, on North-East Coast. Address : Craiglea, Gosforth, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. C7«6s : Devonshire ; Union (Newcastle) ; Cleve land. (C1040) SLOCOMBE, Frank Edwin, O.B.E. SLOPER, Capt. John Smith, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. SLOWAN, Capt. WUliam John More, O.B.E, M.D, fi. 9 Aug. 1869; s. of Wm. Slowan, of Glasgow; m. Jeannette, d. of George Macdonald, M.D, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Univ. of Glasgow. Assistant Medical Officer, L.CC War Work : O.C. 2nd London Sanitary Co. ; Sanitary Officer, London District. Address : 68, South Croxted Road, Dulwich, S.E. 21. (08937) SLYNE, Denis, C.B.E. Receiver-Gen. and Chairman of Committee for Winding-up Alien Enemies' Estates, Trinidad. Address : Port of Spain, Trinidad. (C2025) SMAIL, James Cameron, O.B.B, fi. 1880 ; s. of the late Adam Small, of Edinburgh ; to. Florence Louisa, d. of Alexander Davidson, of Winnipeg. Educ. : Daniel Stewart's Coll. ; Heriot Watt CoU, Edinburgh ; Royal Coll. of Science, London. Assistant Education Officer, L.CC Education Department ; Inspector of Technical Instruction, Department of Agriculture, and Technical Distraction, Ireland, 1902-11. War Work : District Manager, MetropoUtan Munitions Committee, 1915-18 ; Manager of Gaugemaking and Munitions Training for L.CC, 1915-18. Club: Caledonian. (03927) SMALE, Bertram Haylook, M.B.B. SMALE, Samuel, M.B.E, 6. 24 June, 1881 ; s. of William Smale, of Devon; m. May, d. of Edward Henry Netherclift, of Nottingham. Eauc. : Tollington Park Coll, London, and St. John's Coll, Westcliff. War Work : Voluntary Red Cross and Canteen Work, 1914-16, and head of night staff and member of the Paris Committee of the Women's Emergency Canteens, Sept. 1916, to June. 1919. Address : 8 Rue d'Enghien, Paris, (M9647) SMALL, Elsie Mary, O.B.E. SMALL, Frederiok Trouton, O.B.E. SMALL, George James, M.B.E. SMALL, Hannah, Mrs., M.B.E. SMALL, John, M.B.E, fi. Oct. 1844 ; s. of John Small, of Sunderland ; m. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Robert Lowe, of Sunder land. Educ. : Privately. Master Mariner ; Master's Certificate, 1873 ; took command in steam, 1882 ; intended retiring in 1914, at the age of 70, after being at sea since the age of 11, but on outbreak of war decided to carry on in his own line ; Admiralty took over stop in Jan. 1916, for transport work in cross-Channel service ; was obliged to leave the ship in Feb. 1919, by the doctor's orders. Address : 311, Spring Bank West, Hull. (M9048) SMALL, Capt. Victor, M.B.E. SMALL, Lieut. William, M.B.E. SMALL, WilUam Keane, M.B.E, 6. 21 Nov. 1884 ; s. of WUliam Fraser McPherson Small, of Washington, D.C. Educ. : Univ. of Toronto, Canada ; Georgetown Univ, and St. John's CoU, Washington, D.C. British Vice-Consul, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. ; Barrister, speciaUsing in the law of patents, trade-marks, copyrights, and unfair competition. Address : 605, Granite Building, corner 4th and Market Streets, St. Louis, Missouri. Club : Forest Park Golf, St. Louis. (M9649) SMALLBONES, Robert Townsend, M.B.B, 6. 19 March, 1884 ; s. of Paul Bromfleld Smallbones, of Castle Velm ; to. Inga, d. of — Gjertsen, of Kin. Educ. : Trinity CoU, Oxford. H.M. Consular Service. War Work : H.B.M. Vice-Consul, Itavanger, Norway. Address : c/o Foreign Office. Club : Isthmian. (M2432) SMALLMAN, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Briton, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.D, Ch.B, 6. 1873 ; s. of S. Smallman, Rowley Barton, Torquay; m. 1916, AUce Florence, d. of R. G. Duncan, of Lindens, Farnborough, Hants. Educ. : Grammar School, Manchester, and Owens Coll. Manchester. Entered R.A.M.C 1902; Capt. 1906; Brevet Major, 1913 ; Major, 1914 ; served m tho S. African War 1900-2 (Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Balkan Campaign, 1912-13, Wth Turkish Forces ; Great War. 1914-19 (despatches thrice) ; Assist. Director-Gen. Army Medical Services. (C216S) SMALLWOOD, Arthur WiUiam, C.B.E. Assist. Director of Contracts, Admiraltv. Address : The Admiralty, Whitehall, S.W. (C296) SMALLWOOD, Elinor Katharine, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 15 Dec. 1896 ; d. of the late Lovell Drage. M.D. (Oxon.), of Hatfield, gerts ; m. Matthew Edmund Sma'llwood, M.D, s. of the late Warren Charles Smallwood, of Witley. Cheshire. Educ. : The Manor House, Brondesbury, N.W. War Work : 1914, to Aug. 1916, worked at Herts Red Cross and County Regiment Depot Won. Sec. from May, 1915) ; from Oct. 1916, to Dec. 1918, N.A.D. at Royal Free Hospital, with an interval of three months (awarded red efficiency stripe after thirteen months service); from Jan. 1919, to Sept. 1919, local representative tor Herts War Pensions Committee. Address : Wheathamp- stead, Herts. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (M7036) SMALLWOOD, George Clarence, O.B.E, 6. 18 May, 1882 ; s. of George Thomas, of London ; to. Ruby Hautot a. of Arthur Thomas Winson. Educ. : Christ's Hospital, and King's Coll. London. Civil Servant. War Work: Loaned by Board of Trade to Ministry of Munitions ; Secretarial Officer to Chemical Group of Munitions Council ; Sec. Lord Crewe's Committee on Fuel Oil from Home Sources; Sec. Chemical Trades Committee, Reconstruction Ministry. Address : Kingston-on-Thames. (01868) SMALLWOOD Henry Sankey, M.B.E. SMALLWOOD, Riohard Coningsby, C.B.E, 6. 14 July, 1879 ; s. of the late Rev. Warren C Smallwood, of Whitley, Cheshire ; m. Evelyn Mary Leadam, d. of E. Leadam Hough, C.B.E. (q.v.), of Enfield, Middlesex. Educ. : St. Edmund's School, Canterbury. Member of London Stock Exchange. War Work : Ministry of Munitions Finance Department ; Financial Adviser, Ministry of Reconstruction ; Sec. to Financial Facilities Committee, and Committee on Financial Risks attaching to the Holding of Trading Stocks. Address : West View, Enfield, Middlesex. (C2958) SMART, Annie Wilhelmina, Mrs., M.B.E. SMART, Capt. Arohibald Guelph Holdsworth, M.B.B, M.B, R.A.M.C and R.A.F. SMART, Lieut. Harold Nevil, C.M.G, O.B.E. Address : 29 Mincing Lane, B. C SMART, Herbert Samuel, M.B.E, s. of WilUam Smart, of Yatton, Somerset ; to. Margaret, d. of William Henry Daniel, of Truro, Cornwall. Educ. : Ardingley Coll, Haywards Heath, Sussex. Sec. Y.M.CA, Weston-super-Mare, 1900-4 ; Derby, 1904-7; Swansea, 1907-14; Y.M.C.A. National Council Staff, 1914. War Work : Liverpool and Cheshire ; Leader of Y.M.CA, Crystal Palace, London, 1914-16 ; Italy, Greece, and Mediterranean, 1916-17 ; Director of Financial Campaigns for Y.M.C.A. throughout Midland Counties, Lanca shire, Cheshire, Westmorland, and Cumberland; Leader of Liverpool Campaign for Red Cross in 1918. Addresses : 26, Heathfleld Road, Wavertree, Liverpool; 230, Deansgate, Manchester. (M9550) SMART, John Manson, M.B.E. SMART, Capt. Thomas Fraser Mackenzie, O.B.E. SMARTT, Sybil Annie, Lady, O.B.E. SMEAL, Joseph, CB.E. Goods Manager, London and S. W. Railway. (C2959) SMEDDLE, Major John Henry, O.B.E, T.D. SMEDLEY, Capt. Charles Frederick, M.B.E, fi. 14 April, 1889 ; s. of Frederick Bingham Smedley, of Oriental Parade, WelUngton, N.Z. ; m. Ruth Gladys, d. of Jonathan Fletcher, of Makeney Old Hall, Milford, Derby. Educ. : Belper Grammar School, Belper; Palmer's Coll, Grays, Essex. Five years' active service with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. Address : Makeney, Opuawhanga, North Auckland, New Zealand. (M2434) SMEDLEY, William Henry, M.B.E. SMEDLEY, Olive Truda MARSDEN-, JVI.B.B. SMEETON, Charles William, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 24 July, 1865 ; s. of WilUam Smeeton, of Leeds ; m. Ethel Isabel, d. of WilUam Kendall, of Ness Hall, Nunuington. Educ. : Leeds Grammar School. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Hovingham District, Malton Union. War Work : Commandant and Medical Officer-in-charge. Hovingham Hall Red Cross Hospital ; Capt. commanding " A " Coy, 2nd V.B. Alexandra P.W.O. Yorkshire Regt. Address: Hovingham, Malton. <°H?32) SMELLIE, James, M.B.E , F.R.S.A, J.P, 6. 31 May, 1861 ; s. of WilUam SmelUe. Educ : Hutton Hall Academy. Councillor, County Borough, Dudley; Chairman of Dudley Education Committee ; Governor of Grammar School, Girls High School, and Training Coll. ; Representative Governor ot Birmingham Univ. War Work : National Service Representa tive for Dudley and Member of Pensions Committee, and Chairman of Ward Committee. Address : Comberton House Kidderminster. _. _ „ (^9651) SMELLIE, Lieut.-Col. John Hugh, D.S.O, O.B E Railway Corps, Uganda. (U2338) SMELLIE, Lieut. William Thomas, O.B.E. SMETHURST. Sir Thomas, K.B.E, J.P, 6. 26 May 1860 ; s. of George Smethurst, of Middleton ; m. Amelia, d. of A. Bottoms, of Chadderton. Educ. : Crayford. Chartered Accountant, and Director of Manchester Ship Canal and other Companies ; Member of Manchester City Council since 1896 ; 10 vears Deputy Chairman, Water Committee. War Work : Lord Mayor of Manchester, Feb. 1916, to Nov. 1917 -Chairman, Manchester War Savings Committee, and other War Emergency Committees and Charitable Organisations. Addresses : 26, Pall Mall, Manchester ; Erlesmere, Lytham. Clubs .-Con stitutional (Manchester) ; Lytham and St. Anne s Golf. (K.426) SMETHURST, Lieut.-Col. William Wintringham, O.B.E, E'SMiLES,' Samuel, O.B.B, D.Sc, F.I.C, F.R.S, 6. 1877 ; s of Samuel Smiles. Educ. : Marlborough Coll. ; Univ. Coll, London • Univs. of Paris and Jena. Daniell Professor of Chemistry, King's Coll, London; Vice-President of the Chemical Society. War Work: Advisory Chemist to the Small Arms Ammunition Committee, Ministry of Munitions. Address : King's Coll, London. (01869) 473 Smiles THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. SMILES, Lieut. Stephen Hudson, O.B.E.. R.N.R. SMILEY, George Kennedy, O.B.E, 6. 1870 ; s. of Joseph Smiley, of Lisardahla, Londonderry ; to. Constance Nina Somerset, d. of Capt. L. Dod Sampson, R.N. Educ : Belfast and Dublin. Late Surgeon, Londonderry Eye, Bar, and Throat Hospital. War Work : O.C Military Hospital, Derby ; S.M.O, Derby ; M.O.-in-charge Temple House V.A.D. Hospital, Derby ; Hon. Sec. Local Medical War Committee. Address : Examiner BuUdings, Strutt Street, Manchester. (04847) SMITH, Capt. Alan Rae, O.B.E. SMITH, Albert, M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Albert, O.B.E, M.P. SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Albert Alexander, O.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Albert Augustus, O.B.E. SMITH, Lieut. Albert George. O.B.E, R.E. SMITH, Albert WiUiam, C.B.E, fi. 24 April, 1863 ; s. of John Joseph Smith of Manor House, Eaglescliffe, Co. Durham. Educ. : Yarm Grammar School. Solicitor ; Chairman, Darlington Courts of Referees, Unemployment Insurance ; Sec, Tees Fishery Board ; Clerk to Justices and Commissioners of Taxes, Gilling East Division, N.R, Yorks. War Work : Chairman, Tees and Darlington Local Munitions Tribunal. Addresses : GreenGroft East, Darlington ; 6, Church Row, DarUngton. (C622) SMITH, Alfred, O.B.E. ; s. of Henry Smith, of Skipton-in- Craven ; m. Ann EUzabeth ; d. of Richard Longden Hattersley, J.P, Keighley. Educ. : Allesley Park CoU. War Work : In connection with Ministry of Munitions. Addresses : Wood- worth, Keighley ; Hoff Bank, Appleby. Clubs : British Empire. ; National Liberal. (0738) SMITH, Lieut. AUred Charles, M.B.E, R.N. SMITH, Alexander, M.B.E. SMITH, Alexander Glegg, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.F. SMITH, Alio Halford, C.B.E. Sometime Senior Clerk, Scottish Office. (C2960) SMITH, Sir Allan MacGregor, K.B.E, M.A, LL.B, M.P. Chairman of the Managing Committee Engineering Employers' Federation. Solicitor. Address : 9, Oalriull Avenue, N.W. 3. (K167) SMITH, Major Allison Eugene, O.B.E, M.C, R.G.A. SMITH, Alwyn Dudley, O.B.E. SMITH, Anne Beadsmore, C.B.E, R.R.C, 6. 24 March, 1869 ; d. of WiUiam Smith, of Highbury. Matron-in-Chief, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. War Work : Served in South African War on the Staff of the MiUtary Hospitals, 1899-1902 ; served with the B.E.F, in France, 1914-17 ; Administration -work at War Office since 1917 ; has Legion of Honour. Addresses: 40, Audley House, Margaret Street ; Beaumont Manor, Wormley, Herts. (C1765) SMITH, Anne Huntingdon MelviUe, Mrs., M.B.E. SMITH, Annie Hansley, M.B.E, 6. 1874 ; d. of Alfred Robert Smith, of Clapham. Edue. : Privately. War Work : Clerical and other work at St. John Ambulance Association, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell; forming First Aid and Home Nursing Classes, and assisting at same under St. John Ambu lance Association ; Nursing in hospitals ; on the Staff of J.W. V.A.D. Headquarters from May, 1916, to Nov. 1917, as clerical member ; Head of Filing and Registry Dept, J.W. V.A.D. Headquarters from Nov. 1917. Address : The Hollies, Park HUI, Clapham, S.W. (M2438) SMITH, Annie Margaret Keeble, Mrs., M.B.E. SMITH, Arthur Croxton, O.B.E. ; s. of the late WUliam Croxton Smith, of Huntingdonshire ; to. Ada Frances, d. of the late Frederick Stimpson, of Northampton. Educ. : Privately. Journalist; Director of Publicity, Ministry of Food. Address: Burlington House, Wandle Road, Upper Tooting, S.W. 17. Clubs : Kennel ; National Liberal. SMITH, Major Arthur Henderson, O.B.E. SMITH, Arthur Herbert, O.B.E. SMITH, Arthur Ives, M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Arthur WilUam, O.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Arthur WiUiam, O.B.E, R.G.A. SMITH, Aubrey Golding, M.B.B.. 6. 1 Dec. 1886 ; s. of Christopher Smith, of Wellington, New Zealand. Educ : Wanganui Collegiate School, N.Z. War Work: Ambulance work with the British Red Cross in France and Italy ; received Italian decorations of Al Valore MUitare in Bronze ; Order of the Crown of Italy, and Croce di Guerra. Address : Rocklands Oner tal Bay, WeUington, New Zealand. (M2439) SMITH, Capt. Augustus William, O.B.E. SMITH, T. Lieut.-Col. Bertram GUbert, O.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Bertram Hornsby, CB.E, R.N, 6. 1874 ; s. of Francis B. Smith, of Gen. Post Office ; to. Lucy M. Wvatt Served in the Great War, 1914-18, in Dardanelles and on Naval btarl at Admiralty (Legion of Honour, Order of Crown of Bel- g"™); appointed Director of Mercantile Movements, Naval Staff, 1919. Club : United Service. (C2323) I5JISH' Lieut- Cecil Edward Bartholomew, M.B.E. a^?JITHiC^arles' °-BE-> b. 5 Dec. 1858 ; s. of Emmanuel ?S?7 icP1/?rt!I?0Vt?- Educ: BirkbeckCoU. CivU Servant 1877-1919 (ret.), late Principal Clerk in H.M. Paymaster- General s Department Whitehall. War Work : Payments in nf S,of AlmY 5nd ^ayy Services, including jdhsions, etc, of Military and Naval Officers and their dependants; also E? nm118 allowances awarded by the Ministry of Pensions to Officers and to their widows and dependants ; a Commis- 474 sioner of Income Tax from 1913-19. Address: Hazelwood, Sidcup, Kent. (0739) SMITH, Comm. Charles Appleton, C.B.E, R.D, R.N.R SMITH, Charles BowteU, M.B.E. SMITH, Major Charles Edward, O.B.E. SMITH, Lieut. Charles Frederick Tate, M.B.E. SMITH, Major Charles Gainer, O.B.E, R.A.F. SMITH, Capt. Charles Harold, O.B.E, I.M.S. SMITH, Lieut. Charles Hodgkinson, M.B.E, R.A.F. SMITH, Lieut. Charles Newbald, M.B.E. SMITH, Lieut. Charles Probyn, M.B.B, R.E. SMITH, Capt. Charles Valentine, CB.E, R.N, 5. 14 Feb. 1854 ; s. of C W. Smith, of Penn Road, London, N. ; m. Josefa Francis, d. of the Hon. Robert Butler, of Nassau, Bahamas. Educ: H.M.S. "Britannia." Royal Navy. War Work: Employed at the Admiralty as Superintendent of Sailing Directions, Hydrographic Department. Address : 17, Wood- field Road, Ealing. (C916) SMITH, Very Rev. Monsignor Charles WiUiam, C.B.E D.S.O, 6. 1873 ; s. of Frederick A. Smith, of Oxford. 1st Class Chaplain to the Forces, and Assist. Principal Chaplain to an Army in France during the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches thrice) ; appointed Private Chamberlain to Pope Benedict XV. 1917. (C1326) SMITH, Capt. Charles WiUiam, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. SMITH, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Charles WUUam Gates, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. SMITH, Cicely, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 24 Oct. 1881 ; d. of Charles Frank Forster, of SouthUl, Plawsworth, Co. Durham ; m. Clarence Dalrymple, s. of Thomas Eustace Smith, of Gosforth House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ : Privately. War Work : Organiser and Hon. Sec. of the Hexham War Hospital Supply and Clothing Depot ; Member of the North umberland Belgian ReUef Committee, and Hon. Sec. of Hexham Branch ; awarded the MedaUle de la Reine Elisabeth. Ad dress : Loughbrow. Hexham, Northumberland. (011335) SMITH, Clarence Dalrymple, O.B.B, J.P, fi. 16 May, 1868 ; s. of Thomas Eustace Smith, of Gosforth House, North umberland ; m. Cicely, d. of Charles Frank Forster, of SouthUl, Co. Durham. Educ. : Privately. Managing Director, Thos. and Wm. Smith, Ltd. ; Chairman, British Wire Rope Manu facturers' Association; Director, Smith's Dock Co, Ltd.; Chairman of the Consett Iron Co, Ltd, the Consett Spanish Ore Co, Ltd, the Newcastle Local Board, Royal Insurance Co, and of the Tynemouth Unionist Association. War Work: Chairman of Executive Committee, Northumberland Belgian Relief Fund ; Member of National Committee for ReUef in Belgium ; Chairman of the Care, Training, and Employment Sub-Committee of the Northumberland War Pensions Com mittee ; Chairman of the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce Committee for the employment of ex-officers, and Hon. Assist. District Director of the Appointments Department ; Chairman of the Ropemakers' Advisory Committee to the Air Ministry ; Address : Loughbrow, Hexham, Northumberland. Ctefis : Carlton; Windham. (011336) SMITH, Major Clarence Gorton Ross, O.B.E, A.P.D. SMITH, Comm. Clifford Edward Heathcote, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. SMITH, Constance IsabeUa Stuart, O.B.E. ¦ d. of the late Rev. Hinton Castle Smith,. Vicar of Marston Meysey, WUts. Educ. : King's CoU, London. His Majesty's Senior Lady Inspector of Factories, Factory Department, Home Office. War Work : Special work in connection with FTactory Depart ment ; Sec, Committee on Employment of Women, Ministry of Reconstruction. Address : 26, Victoria Road, Withington, Manchester. (011337) SMITH, Major Daniel Rowland, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.O.C. SMITH, Major David Joseph, O.B.E. SMITH, Dempster, M.B.E. SMITH, Lieut. Dennis WUUam, M.B.E. SMITH, Denton, M.B.E, R.F.A, 6. 4 AprU, 1881 ; s. of William Smith, of Sunderland ; to. Jeanie, d. of William Nichol, of Skinbumess, SUloth. Educ : Privately. War Work : France, 1914, in Lahore Division, La Basse Front; England, 1915 ; joined 23rd Division, France, Aug. 1915, Armentieres ; Arras, Feb. 1916 ; Vimy Ridge, April, 1916 ; Somme, July, 1916 ; Ypres, Dec. 1916, to Nov. 1917 ; Italy, Dec. 1917 ; Montello Front, Asiago Mountains. April, 1918 ; Lower Piava, Oct. 1918 ; crossed lower Piava, Nov. 1918 ; Acting R.S.M. from Nov. 1915, to May, 1919. (M4752) SMITH, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Donald Woodford, M.B.E, R.G.A. SMITH, Eng.-Comm. Edgar Charles, O.B.E, R.N. SMITH, Edith Flora, Mrs., O.B.E, d. of Smith Howlett Rowley, J.P, of Histon, Cambs. ; to. Frank, s. of the late Thomas Hayden Smith, of Standon, Herts. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant V.A.D, Cambs. 16 ; Hospital opened for Belgian wounded, 15 Nov. 1914 ; received British wounded, June, 1915. Address: Chilford HaU, Linton, Cambs. (01138) SMITH, Edith Mabel, Mrs., M.B.E. S5KI& Edith Marion Drummond, Mrs., M.B.E. SMITH, Col. Edmund Robinson, C.B.E, V.D. ; New Zealand forces ; served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1872) SMITH, Capt. Edward Peroival Airman, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.M.C. SMITH, Capt. Edwin Thomas, M.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Smith SMITH, EUzabeth Dorothea, Mrs. Hyde, M.B.E. SMITH, EUzabeth Frances Jane Oke, M.B.E, fi. 4 Jan. 1856 ; d. of Francis Edward Smith, of Crediton, Devon. War Wort: Quartermaster, V.A. Hospitals, Crediton, Devon. Address : Greystone, Crediton, Devon. (M9655) SMITH, 2nd Lieut. Eric Payton, M.B.E. SMITH, Ernest Alfred, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. SMITH, Ernest Arthur, M.B.E. SMITH, Ernest Wentworth, O.B.E, A.M.I.M.E, 6. 1885; s. of Herbert Smith, of Canonbury, London ; m. Ruby Ethel, _. of Edward WiUiam Hatton, of Brixton, London. Educ. : Essex County CoU. General Manager (Steel Dept.), Harris & Sheldon, Ltd, Birmingham. War Work : Deputy Director ot Gauges, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-19, and Member of British Engineering Standards Committee. Addresses : 46, Cannon Street, B.C. 4 ; Highfield, The Chase, Coulsdon, Surrey. (0740) SMITH, Ernest WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 18 Dec. 1880 ; s. of Samuel William Smith, of Birmingham. Educ. : Birmingham. Railway Official. War Work : Board of Trade, Coal Mines Department, Household Fuel and Lighting Branch ; Retail Coal Prices Section. Address : Fernhill, Warwick Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham. Club : Hampden. (M9657) SMITH, Eva Agnes, M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Felix Patrick, O.B.E. Assistant Provost- Marshal at Cologne. Address: The Bowling Green, Castle BeUingham, Co. Louth. (05786) SMITH, Frances Mary, O.B.E. SMITH, Major Frank, M.B.E, 6. 17 Feb. 1881 ; s. of Thomas Smith, of Axford ; nr. Marlborough, Wilts ; to. Fanny, d. of Charles FUppance, of MUdenhaU, nr. Marlborough, WUts. Educ : Kintbury. War Work : Served in 6th Regt. of Mounted Infantry during South African War, as corporal ; commissioned 5th Dorset Regt. Dec. 1914 ; took part to landing at Suvla Bay, Aug. 1915 ; wounded ; promoted Lieut. Aug. 1915 ; invalided home ; promoted Capt. and appointed Adjutant in 19th Hampshire Regt, May, 1916 ; France, May, 1916 ; promoted Major.Dec. 1917 ; invalided home, Oct. 1918, mentioned in despatches 1918. Address: Florence ViUa, Wimborne Road, Poole, Dorset. (M6707) SMITH, Frank, O.B.E. SMITH, Frank Edward, O.B.E, F.R.S, 6. 14 Oct. 1876 ; s. of Joseph Smith, of Birmingham ; m. May, d. of Thomas B. King, of Birmingham. Educ. : Royal CoU. of Science, London. lor 19 years Superintendent of Electrical Department, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington ; since Feb. 1920, Director of Scientific Research, Admiralty, also Sec. of Physical Society of London. War Work : Confidential work for Admiralty and War Office. Address : Redcot, St. James's Avenue, Hampton Hill. Club : Physical Society. (0741) SMITH, Frank Robinson, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. SMITH, Frank WUUam, M.B.E. SMITH, Frederick, C.B.E. Assist. Director of Materials and Priority, ControUer's Depart. Admiralty. Address : Admiralty, Whitehall, S.W. (C279) SMITH, Capt. Frederick Crawford, O.B.E, 6. 20 Aug. 1870 ; s. of Thomas Smith, of Leith ; to. Grace, d. of Albert Edward Beeton. Educ : Silligs, Vevey, Switzerland ; Insti tution, Edinburgh. War Work : SheUmaker, Vickers, Erith ; B.R.C.S. Voluntary Driver ; O.C, Etaples, 1916 ; O.C, Bou logne, 1917-18 ; and Deputy Director Transport. Address : Chimney Corner, Walton-on-the-HUl. Clubs : Royal Auto mobUe; Argentine. (03931) SMITH, Major Frederick H., O.B.E, R.M. SMITH, Major Frederick Hargreaves, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, t. 17 April, 1869. Educ. : Shrewsbury, Univ. of London. War Work : Served in His Majesty's forces from March, 1915 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Silcuri, Lancing, Sussex. (O7703) SMITH, Frederick Herbert, M.B.E. SMITH, Frederick Robertson, M.B.E. SMITH, Major Fred John, M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Geoffrey Lionel, O.B.E. SMITH, Lieut. George, M.B.E. SMITH, Lieut. George Clarke, M.B.E, R.E. SMITH, Capt. George Edward, O.B.B.. R.A.F. SMITH, George Foster, M.B.E, Lecturer. (M10316) SMITH, George Frederick, M.B.E, 6. 1875 ; s. of J. bmith, of Leeds. Educ. : Leeds Univ. Engineer ; Works Manager, Kitson & Co, Ltd, Leeds. War Work : Super- ytenuing construction of tanks, 6-inch howitzers carriages, 4'5sheUs, trench guns, and locomotives for transport in France. Address .- 82, Stratford Terrace, Leeds. (M9660) SMITH, Lieut.-Col. George Frederiok, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.) SMITH, 2nd Lieut. George Geoffrey, M.B.E. SMITH, Major G. Graham, O.B.B. , SMITH, George Henry Cheverton, O.B.E, 6. 19 March, J866 ; s. of the late Francis Smith, of Isle of Wight ; to. Ada Mary Cheverton, d. of John WiUiam Tuckett, of Worthing, Sussex. Educ. : Grammar School, Newport, Isle of Wight. Uerk at the Admiraltv from 1885 to 1900 ; Assistant Cashier >' H.M. Dockyards, Devonport, Sheerness, Gibraltar, Ports- Mouth, and Dover from 1900-14 ; Deputy Cashier at H.M. gockyard, Devonport from 1914-15 ; Sec. and Cashier at flJU. Dockyard, Pembroke Dock, from June, 1915. War Work .- Sec. and Cashier at H.M. Dockyard, Pembroke Dock. Address : Baekmarch Farm, Rosyth, Scotland. (0742) SMITH, Lieut. George Henry Gould, M.B.E, R.E. SMITH, Col. the Hon. George John, C.B.B., New Zealand Forces, 6. 1862 ; s. of John Smith, of Consett, England ; to. 1887, Eleanor S. B, d. of Robert Dawson, of Brucefleld, Christ- church, New Zealand. General Merchant; Comdg. a New Zealand Inf. Brig. ; elected a M.L.A. New Zealand, 1893, 1896 and 1901 ; M.L.C. 1907 ; Member of Port of Lyttelton (N.Z.) Harbour Board, 1903-7 ; Board of Govs, of Canterbury Coll. (Univ. of N.Z.), 1903-7 and 1913-18. Address : Riverland, Opawa, Christehurch, New Zealand. (C298) SMITH, George Milner, M.B.E. SMITH.Major George Rainier DeHerriez, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. SMITH, George Sooby, CB.E, J.P. SMITH, George WilUam, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, 6. 29 April, 1876 ; s. of Rev. John Smith, of Corstorphine, Midlothian ; to. Sylvia Rose Margaret, d. of Frederick Elliot Blackstone, of London. Educ. : George Watson's Coll, Edinburgh : and Edinburgh Univ. T. Major, R.A.M.C. ; D.A.D.M.S, Rouen Base, B.E.F. Address : Chiswick House, Chiswick, London, W. 4. (05787) SMITH, Major George Wilson, O.B.E, K.O.S.B. SMITH, George Wishart, O.B.E. SMITH, Gladys Augusta, M.B.E, 6. 27 Feb. 1893 ; d. of C J. R. Smith, of Sutton. Educ. : Sutton High School, and Neuchatel, Switzerland. War Work : Served as V.A.D. nurse at Sutton Red Cross Hospital, June, 1915. to July, 1917 ; joined British War Mission to United States, July, 1917, to July, 1918 ; Private Sec. to A. Chairman of British War Mission in New York ; Junior Administrative Assistant at Ministry ot Shipping. Address : HoUand House, Sutton, Surrey. (M952) SMITH, Harold, M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Harold Howard, M.B.E. ; s. of Howard AUred Smith, of Birmingham. Educ : Birmingham. Painter and Author ; served for several years before the war in City of London Yeomanry ; subsequently obtained a commission in the Horse Transport Branch of the Royal Army Service Corps. War Work : Served for 3 years overseas with the British Salonica Force ; Commanded the Macedonian Mule Corps ; volunteered for service in Russia and served there as Staff Capt, and personal Staff Officer to the G.O.C. (M7019) SMITH, Lieut. Harold James, M.B.B. SMITH, Harold Robert, M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Sir Harry, K.B.E, R.A.S.C, M.T. (V.), 6. 27 Sept. 1874 ; s. of James Smith, of Netherwood, Keighley ; m. Evangeline, d. of Pearson Atkinson, of Beechroyd, Keighley. Educ. : Pannal Coll, Harrogate. War Work : Chairman, Board of Management, H.M. National Shell Factory, Keighley ; Area organisation Committee, Ministry of Munitions, London. Address: Yew Bank, Keighley. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (K104) SMITH, Lieut. Harry Cyril, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. (T.). SMITH, Helen Nora, Mrs., M.B.B. SMITH, Sir Henry Babington, G.B.E, K.C.B, C.S.I, CH, 6. 29 Jan. 1863 ; s. of Archibald Smith, F.R.S, of JordanhUl, Renfrewshire (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry) ; to. Lady Elisabeth Mary, d. of 10th Earl of Elgin, K.G, of Broom- haU, Dunfermline (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Eton ; Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Deputy Governor, British Trade Corporation ; formerly Sec. to the Post Office. War Work : Member of Financial Mission to the United States, 1915 ; Chairman, Enemy Debts Committee, Foreign Trade Debts Committee, and other Government Committees ; Assistant Commissioner for Great Britain in the United States, 1918-19. Addresses : Vineyards, Saffron Walden ; 121, St. James' Court, S.W. Club : Brooks's. (G61) SMITH, Henry John, O.B.E, 6. 29 Jan. 1865. Educ. : City of London School. Manager, National Provincial and Union Bank of England, Cardiff. War Work : Hon. Treas. and Chairman of Disablement Sub-Committee of War Pensions Committee ; Chairman of War Savings Committee ; Hon. Treas. Palace V.A.D. Hospital ; additional member appointed by Minister of Labour of Local Employment Committee, aU of Gloucester. Address : Meadowside, Llandaff, Glam. Club : Cardiff and County. (011340) SMITH, Capt. Henry Joseph CeoU, M.B.E, R A.F. SMITH, Capt. Henry Surridge, M.B.B, R.E. SMITH, Henry Watson, O.B.B, M.D, 6. 6 Feb. 1879 ; 8. of the late Alexander Henry Smith, of Aberdeen, Scotland ; to. Bertha Ada, d. of John Moseley Greatwich, of Wednesbury, Staffs. Educ. : Aberdeen Univ. Late House Surgeon, West Suffolk General Hospital, Bury St. Edmund's ; Assistant Medical Officer, Peckham House Asylum, and Durham County Asylum. War Service : Civil Prisoner of War in Turkey ; Director Lebanon Hospital for Mental Diseases, Asfuriyeh, Beyrout, Syria ; kept hospital (Anglo-American) open throughout war ; received letter of appreciation and thanks from Gen. AUenby. Address : Lebanon Hospital for Mental Diseases, Asfuriyeh, Beyrout, Syria. . (011341) SMITH, Henry White, C.B.E, Chevalier Legion d'Hon neur 1919, 6. 6 July, 1878 ; s. of the late W. G. Smith, of Bristol ; to. Winifred, d. of the late James Kirkpatrick. Educ. : Privately. Director of the Bristol Aeroplane Co, Ltd. ; Chair man, Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Ltd, the repre sentative body of the British Aircraft Industry, since its foundation ; Member of Government Advisory Committee on Civil Aviation, and of Government Committee on Aeronautical Research and Education ; was Commercial Delegate repre senting the British Aircraft Industry on the International Air Convention of the Peace Conference, occupying position of Vice- Chairman to Legal and Commercial Sub-Commission; was Member of Government CivU Aerial Transport Committees ; 475 Smith THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Member of Executive Committee of the Federation of British Industries ; Chairman of West of England Association of Controlled Establishments. Address : Winterboume House, Winterboume, Glos. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; Royal Automo bile ; Royal Aero.; Bristol Constitutional. (C626) SMITH, Herbert Edwin, M.B.E. SMITH, Herbert Francis, O.B.E, 6. 1 March, 1873 ; s. of Septimus Francis, of Clapham ; to. Evelyn Fanny, d. of Charles Butler, of Surbiton. Educ. : Malvern Coll. Secretary, Crown Agents for the Colonies. War Work : Equipment of troops in East and West Africa. Addresses : Bramerton, West Byfleet; 4, MiUbank, S.W. 1. Club : Royal Automobile. (011342) SMITH, Herbert Melville, C.B.E. General Manager, King's Norton Filling Factory, Abbev Wood, Ministry of Munitions, during Great War. (C2962) SMITH, Herbert Parker Hastings, M.B.E. SMITH, Major Isaac Claude Victor, O.B.E, R.A.S.C SMITH, James, M.B.E. SMITH, James, M.B.E. SMITH, James AUred, M.B.E, 6. 15 Aug. 1871 ; s. of the late William Smith ; to. Kate, d. of Charles Fowler Bacon. Educ. : Haberdashers' Schools, Hoxton ; King's Coll, London. Civil Servant ; Staff Clerk to the Colonial Office. War Work : Administrative work, more particularly in connection with the defence of the Colonies, and carrying out of war measures by the several Colonial Administrations. Address : 26, Broomfield Avenue, Palmer's Green, London (M955) SMITH, 2nd Lieut. James Albert, M.B.E. SMITH, James Cruiekshank, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 1867 ; s of James Smith, of Dun, Forfarshire ; m. 1896, Edith, d. of William Philip, J.P. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. and Trin. Coll. Oxford. Chief Inspector for Training of Teachers in Scotland ; Director of Supplementary Rations, Ministry of Food ; Chair man, Central Ciassfication Committee ; Director, Wages Sec tion, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-17 ; Vice-Chairman, Ministry of Munitions, Special Arbitration Tribunal on Women's Wage3, 1917-18. Address : Murrayfield Avenue, Edinburgh. (C627) SMITH, Capt. James Drummond, O.B.E, R.A.F. SMITH, Major James Haig, O.B.B, R.E, fi. 8 Nov. 1884 ; s. of James Stuart Smith, of Carluke and Glasgow ; to. Daisy Kydd, d. of James William Haig, of Edinburgh. Educ. : George Heriot's School, Edinburgh. Assistant Surveyor, General Post Office. War Work : Deputy Assist.-Director Postal Services, 19th Corps, H.Q, France, 1918, and G.H.Q, N. Russian Exped. Force, Archangel, 1918-19 ; mentioned in despatches ; Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd Class with swords ; Hon. Sec. and Treas, G.H.Q. Winter Sports Committee, to provide exercise and amusement for the troops operating from Archangel during winter of 1918-19. Address : 12, Comely Bank Terrace, Edinburgh. (O9706) SMITH, Lieut. James Hampstead, M.B.E. SMITH, Col. James Irvine, CB.E. ; S. African Forces ; served in the Great War in German S.-W. Africa, 1914-15 (despatches). (C756) SMITH, Capt. andQr.-Mr. James WiUiam, M.B.E. .R.A. S.C. SMITH, John, M.B.B. SMITH, Capt. John, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. SMITH, John Arthur, O.B.E. SMITH, John Llewellin, M.B.E. SMITH, John WiUiam, O.B.E. SMITH, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John WUUam, O.B.E. SMITH, Joseph Alfred Punton, M.B.E. SMITH, Joseph Kent, O.B.E. SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Julian Carter Carrington, O.B.E, M.B, I.M.S. SMITH, Sir Keith Macpherson, K.B.E. Lieut, late R.A.F. ; made the successful flight from England to Australia in 1919, with Capt. Sir Ross Macpherson Smith, K.B.E, M.C, D.F.C, A.F.C (K327) SMITH, Launcelot Eustace, C.B.E, 6. 1868. Chairman and Managing Director of Smith's Dock Co, Ltd, of High Docks, S. Shields ; Director of Smith's Dock Trust Co, Ltd, and of N.E. Railway Co. Address: Piper Close, Corbridge-on- Tyne. Clubs : Northern Counties ; Union (Newcastle-upon- Tyne). (C299) SMITH, Lancelot Grey Hugh, C.B.E, 6. 4 Aug. 1870 ; s. of the late Hugh Colin Smith, of Mount Clare, Roehampton (see Bukke'S Landed Gentry). Educ. : Eton ; Trinity Coll, Cambridge. War Work : Lieut, Westminster Dragoons (2nd County of London Yeomanry) ; principal delegate, British Mission to Sweden, 1915 ; Chairman, Tobacco and Matches Control Board ; Chairman several Board of Trade Restriction Imports Committees ; also served on Inter-departmental Oil Committee at the Admiralty ; Norwegian Fish Purchase Com mittee at Board of Agriculture, and Contraband Committee. SMITH, Capt. Leslie Harcourt, O.B.E. SMITH, Lewis WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 28 July, 1862 ; s. of William Smith, of Newburn-on-Tyne ; to. Caroline, d. of Foster Dobson, of Throckley. Educ. : Newbum Manor School. War Work : Engaged in the manufacturing of Naval and ,?S ?r guns ' also worked on the manufacture of guns for all the big navies of the world. Address : 4, Albany Gardens, bprmsboig, Shettleston, Glasgow. (M3978) SMITH, LilUe Edith, Lady, O.B.E, d. of J. A. Mashew; to. 9 Oct 1890, Sir Frederick WUliam (see Burke's Peerage), ?;, °}. "illiam James Smith. Address: c/o Messrs. Smith, «ebster and Co, Capetown, S.A. ¦ SMITH, Lilly Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. SMITH, Lucie McDuff, Lady, CB.E. ; d. of the late, W. W. CargiU, of Lancaster Lodge, Kensington ; m. Sir George, K.C.M.G, C.M.G, s. of the late Hugh Smith, of Darvel, Ayrshire. Invested with the C.B.E. for services in connection with the Nyasaland ReUef Fund, and other charitable funds, Nyasaland Protectorate. Address : Government House, Zomba, Nyasa land. (C740) SMITH, Sir Malcolm, K.B.E, J.P, fi. 1856 ; s. of Peter Halcrow Smith, of Hoswick and Lerwick, Shetland ; m. Jane Tod, d. of Thomas Dickson, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Anderson Institute, Lerwick. Provost of Leith, 1908-1917 ; Member of Fishery Board for Scotland since 1911 ; J.P. for Midlothian ; Treas. Edinburgh Merchant Co. War Work : Chairman of Local Recruiting Committee, Appeals Tribunal, War Pensions Committee, National Relief Committee, ' Belgian Refugees ReUef Committee, and Home for Disabled Men Committee; Member of Munitions Board, East of Scotland ; Board of Trade Representative on Port Labour Committee. Address : Clifton Lodge, Trinity, Leith. Clubs : Scottish Liberal ; Northern ; Royal Forth Yacht ; Leith Merchants'. (K427) SMITH, Margaret Newbigging, M.B.E, 6. 1873 ; d. of the late Joseph Newbigging Smith, of Glasgow. Educ: Privately. War Work : Sec. Central Committee, Paisley, for Sailors' and Soldiers' Comforts ; Supervisor Renfrewshire Red Cross Depot, Paisley ; parcels for Prisoners of War, 5th, 6th, and 16th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ; comforts for Renfrewshire Territorials. Address : Medwyn, Castlehead, Paisley. (M9668) SMITH, MarshaU King, O.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1867 ; s. of Michael Henry Smith, m. Mary, d. of Capt. Robert Gray. Educ : Privately. Sec. of Trinity House. War Work : In connection with the Lighthouse Service of England and Wales. Address: Trinity House, E.C. Clubs: Constitutional; Alpine. (03932) SMITH, Mary AmeUa, M.B.E. ; d. of Thomas Smith, of Liverpool. Educ. : England and Switzerland. Formerly Lady Superintendent of The Aberdeen School of Domestic Science. War Work : May, 1917, to Oct. 1919, Unit Adminis trator, Q.M.A.A.C. in MiUtary Hostels in the Aldershot Com mand. Address : The Training School of Cookery, Colquitt Street, Liverpool, (M5635) SMITH, Mary Euphemia Roseborough, Mrs., M.B.E. SMITH, Mary Isobel Barr, Mrs., CB.E. War Work: Rendered services in connection with Red Cross movement in S. AustraUa. (C719) SMITH, Mathew, M.B.E. SMITH, Major Maurice Castle, O.B.E. SMITH, Maye AUce Pressley, M.B.E. SMITH, Lieut. Miles Staniforth Cator, M.B.E. SMITH, Noel WilUam KeUand Isbister, M.B.E. SMITH, Peroival, M.B.B. SMITH, Capt. Percy, M.B.E. SMITH, Percy CampbeU, O.B.E. ; s. of Alfred WiUiam Smith, of Stamford HiU, London ; m. Edith Caroline, d. of Charles Heane, of Derby. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Served in France, Commissioned rank, with Northumberland Fusiliers ; wounded at Arras, AprU 1917 ; later appointed Assistant Accountant, General Ministry of Shipping. Addresses : 44, Duke Street, St. James, PiccadUly ; Whitemeads, Hatch End, Middlesex. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (011345) SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Peter CaldweU, C.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1766) SMITH, Major PhiUp Albert, O.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Ralph WiUiam, M.B.E, fi. 7 Sept. 1877 ; s. of Ralph Smith, of Camberwell ; to. Blanche Maud, d. of George Murray, of Balham. Educ. : St. Saviour's School. War Work : France, 1914-15 ; Mesopotamia, 1915-19, with Manchester Regt. Address : 45, Dalkeith Road, West Dul wich. (M4926) SMITH, Surg.-Lieut. Reginald Eccles, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.N. SMITH, Major Richard Stephenson, O.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Robert Adam, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 22 April, 1875 ; s. of Archibald Smith, J.P, late of Kirriemuir, Forfar shire ; m. Katie Adeline, d. of Frederick Stedman, M.D, of Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. Educ : Webster's Seminary, Kirriemuir ; High School, Dundee ; Univ. of Edinburgh. Town Clerk of Kirriemuir ; Sec. to the Territorial Force Association of the County of Forfar ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. . Forfarshire Branch, British Red Cross Society ; Local Agent, Ministry of Labour. War Work : Acted as Sec. of the Territorial Force Association of the County of Forfar ; as Hon. Sec. and Treas. of the County Branch of the British Red Cross Society, and associated with the County Committee under the Presi dency of the Dowager Countess of AirUe, G.B.E, in raising large sums of money for the Red Cross ; and as Clerk to Local Tribunals. Address : WeUbank, Kirriemuir. (011346) SMITH, Major Robert Hunter, O.B.E, R.A.S.C SMITH, Robert James, O.B.E, M.B, B.Ch. SMITH, Robert John, C.B.E, C.A., F.S.S, fi. 1866; s. of Robert Burns Smith, of Glasgow ; to. Kate Dinwoodie, d. of Rev. Alexander Linn, of Glasgow. Educ. : Norland House, and PoUokshields. Chartered Accountant ; Sec. of the Royal Scottish AutomobUe Club. War Work : Member ot Executive and Chairman, Transport Committee, Scottish Branch British Red Cross Society ; Director, Scottish FiUing Factory, Georgetown ; Chevalier Legion of Honour. Ad- 2, Redlands Road, Kelvinside, Glasgow. Clubs: 476 BIOGRAPHIES. Smith Royal Automobile ; Royal Scottish Automobile ; Troon Golf; Royal Clyde Yacht. (C629) SMITH, Capt. Robert MelvUle, M.B.E, R.E. SMITH, Rodnoy, M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Ronald Maskeleyn, O.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Sir Ross Maopherson, K.B.E, M.C, D.F.C, AF.C, AustraUan Flying Corps. Made the successful flight from England to Australia with Sir Keith Macpherson Smith, K B B. ; has the Order of Nahda of Hedjaz, 4th Class. (K326) SMITH, Capt. S., O.B.E. SMITH, St. Osyth Mahala Eustace, O.B.E. SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Samuel Boylan, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.D. BA, R.A.M.C, 6. 1872. Served on the N.-W. Frontier of India, 1908 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-19 (wounded, despatches). (C5789) SMITH, Sarah Helen, O.B.E, 6. 15 May, 1872 ; d. of Major-Gen. William Smith. R.A, of Balcarras House, Charlton Kingt. Educ. : Sydenham High School. War Work : Com mandant of The Priory Hospital, Cheltenham, V.A.D. Glos. 30. Address : Balcarras House, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. (03933) SMITH, Sarah Louisa, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Richard Winter Kempson, of Barnet, Herts. ; to. Frederick WUliam Smith, s. of John Smith, of Bristol. Educ. : Barnet Coll. War Wort: : Red Cross work as Quartermaster Bristol/2, and Sec. County Selection Board ; Sec, St. John Ambulance Brigade, Nursing Division ; Member of Red Cross since 1909. Address : 6, Cambridge Park, Durdham Down, Bristol. (M9670) SMITH, Col. Sidney Ernest, C.B.E, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, O.B.E.). (C1907) SMITH, Capt. Sidney James, O.B.E. SMITH, Major Soloman Charles Karnes, M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Stanley, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.). SMITH, MajorStanleyAlwyn, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.D, M.Ch, F.R.C.S.E, R A.M.C, 6. 1882; s. of Col. T. J. Smith, V.D., of Rushton Spencer, Staffordshire. Educ : Repton School aud Edinburgh Univ. Orthopcedic Surg, to Gen. Hospital and Children's Hospital at Winnipeg ; served during the Great War 1914-15 (despatches). (08939) SMITH, Col. Stanley George Drew, M.B.E, late R.A, 6. 31 May, 1858; s. of Surg.-Gen. George Smith, M.D, of Indian Medical Service ; m. Louisa Marian (who died), d. of James Edmunds, M.D, of London. Educ. : Privately in Edinburgh, and Germany ; Royal MUitary Academy, Woolwich. Military Service in Royal ArtiUery, afterwards in Departmental Services of the Indian Ordnance Department Factory Branch. War Work : Appointed Assistant Inspector, Woolwich Inspec tion Department, Oct. 1915 ; promoted Inspector, Oct. 1917, until Sept. 1919 ; previous to the above was Ordnance Officer in charge of Kurram Ordnance Field Park, Afghan War of 1878-80. Address; 33, Sussex Square, Brighton. Clubs : United Service ; Royal Automobile. (M959) SMITH, Lieut. Stanley Oscar, M.B.E. SMITH, Stanley WUUam, M.B.E, SMITH, Sydney, M.B.E, M.I.M.E. SMITH, Sydney Edwin, O.B.E, 6. 15 June, 1884 ; s. of Frederick Edward Smith, of Westcliffe-on-Sea. Incorporated Accountant ; partner in firm of Hoale, Smith and Field, Cross Keys House, Moorgate Street, E.C. War Work : May, 1916, to Teb. 1919, held foUowing appointments at Ministry of Muni tions; Assistant Director of Finance, Assitsant Controller of Accounts, Member of Accounts Board, Member of Control of Materials Committee, and Deputy Assistant Financial Sec. Address: Cross Keys House, Moorgate Street. (01873) SMITH, Sydney George, M.B.E, D.C.M., R.E. SMITH, Major Sydney WilUam, O.B.E, R.A., and R.A.F. SMITH, Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, M.B.E, R.E. SMITH, Thomas Armstrong, M.B.E. SMITH, Thomas Blampey, O.B.E. SMITH, Lieut. Thomas Harold, M.B.E, R.E. SMITH, Sir Thomas James, K.B.E, J.P. Inspector- General of the Royal Irish Constabulary. (K492) SMITH, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas Joseph, M.B.E, SMITH, Capt. Thomas Sinclair, M.B.E. SMITH, Thomas WiUiam, C.B.E, fi. 1881 ; s. of Walter Reeve Smith. Asst. Sec. Ministry of Munitions. (C2963) SMITH, Victor Vyvian Cuthbertson, O.B.E. SMITH, Major Vincent, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. SMITH, Capt. Walter WUliam, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. SMITH, Col. Walter WiUiam Marriott, C.B.E, R.A. ».), fi. 21 Dec. 1846 ; s. of the Rev. Henry Curtis Smith, gctor of Rushton, Dorset (see Bukke'S Peerage, Smith- Marriott, Bt.) ; m. 8 Aug. 1874, AUce Mary, 2nd d. of John °- Ley, of TrehUl, Devon. Address : Downside, Winchester. IMiZH* William Brownhill, O B.E, J.P. SMITH, WilUam Charles Clifford, O.B.E. SSJIJ1' CaP4- WUUam Edwin, O.B.E, R.A.F. c!iJIH> Co1- William Frank, O.B.E. w SH' Wuliam George, O.B.E. Educ. : Privately. net Work : Assistant Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Migade (No 12 District) ; Assistant County Director, British m Cross Society and Order of St. John, City and County of (. lm- Addresses : The Bungalow, Butterfield Ave, Rath- TfeCo- D»blin. ; 40, Merrion Square, Dublin. (011350) SMITH, Brig.-Gen. William Hugh Usher, C.B, C.B.E, r;?-°-_ »• 1869 ; s. of the late Rev. Francis Smith, rector of Atherstone, Stratford-on-Avon ; m. 1897, Amy, e. d. of Lieut- £0!; ^c'..11?,,11' £OTm"rly Connaught Rangers. Educ : Trinity Coll. Stratford-on-Avon. Entered R.A. 1888; Capt. 1898; Major Army Ordnance Depart. 1904 ; Lieut.-Col. 1907 ; Col 1914; served in S. Africa, 1899-1902, with Army Ordnance Depart, (despatches); Great War, 1915-19, as Director of Ordnance Services, with rank of Brig.-Gen. (despatches, Order ot Redeemer of Greece). (C14181 SMITH, William James, O.B.E. l^uo, SMITH, William Joseph, M.B.E. SMITH, Flight-Lieut. WiUiam Peroy, O.B.E, R.A.F. SMITH, Lieut.-Col. William Stanley, O.B.B, 6 21 Aug. 1868 ; s. of Edward Smith, of Chedleton, Leek, Staffs. ; m. Constance Vining, d. of Philip H. George, of Barrow Gumey, ,,°,m- „t duc- •' King'3 CoU, London ; Munich ; Copenhagen. n ar Work : France, Belgium, Mediterranean, N. African Coast (Salvage, Royal Flying Corps), Lieut, Capt, R.F.C, and G.S. O.I. (Assist. Controller of Salvage, War Office) Aug. 1915, £°„rNo,v„- 1919- Address: 33, Compton Road, Wimbledon. b.W. 19. (07708) SMITH, William Sydney, O.B.E. vwuoj SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Chilton Lind ADDISON-, O.B.E. SMITH, David BAIRD-, CB.E, LL.B, M.A, Hon. LL.D, Chevalier de la LCgion d'Honneur, 6. 1877 ; s. of the late John Baird-Smith, of Glasgow ; to. Jessica Duncan, d. of the late Thomas Duncan Jameson, of Burma Police. Educ. : Glasgow Univ. Solicitor ; General Editor, Scottish Text Society ; Hon. Sec. Franco-Scottish Society. War Work : Member of War Executive, Scottish Branch, British Red Cross Society, and of British Committee, Croix Rouge Francaise. Address : 6, Woodlands Terrace, Glasgow. Club : Western (Glasgow). SMITH, Constance Brightman, Mrs. BARRETT- M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Wm. BOWDEN-, CB.E, Capt. R.N. Great War, 1914-19, with Grand Fleet in Dardanelles, Ocean Escort, and as Senior Naval Officer on the Tyne (despatches). (C1179) SMITH, Major Philip WilUam LiUan BROKE-, D.S.O, O "R "F1 7? "R SMITH. Percy Pyne CALDECOLT-, O.B.E, F.S.I. SMITH, Maude EUefred, Mrs. Hugh CASTLE-, M.B.E. SMITH, Ella Gertrude CASTLEMAN-, M.B.B, 6. 1869 ; d. of Edwin A. Smith, Letton, Blandford. Hon. Sec. and Treas. of Dorset County Nursing Association ; appointed Member of Dorset District Wages Board ; Member of County Insurance Committee and of Local Advisory Committee (Western Counties) for the Blind ; Poor Law Guardian, etc. War Work : Chairman of Executive Committee of Dorset Women's War Agricultural Committee, Hon. Treas. War Savings Association ; Member of War Pensions Committee ; Local Food Control Committee, and Profiteering Committee ; Hon. Sec. of Working Party for Soldiers, etc. Address ) The Close, Blandford. (M9656: SMITH, Wyke CATTERSON-, M.B.E. SMITH, Major Percy George DARVIL-, C.B.E, 6. 1880 ; s. of George Smith ; m. 1913, Ethel Kathleen, e. d. of the late Thomas Henry Biss. Educ. : Wesley Coll. Dublin. Hon. Major, late R.A.M.C. (Vol.) ; Sec. St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Asst. Commr. for Bucks ; Sec. Terr. Branch St. John Ambu lance Assocn. ; Organising Sec. Middlesex Voluntary Aid Organisation, 1911-14, and Co Div. Aux. Hospitals and V.A.D.'s, Middlesex, 1914-18 ; served in the S. African War (Queen's medal and four clasps). Address : Orchard Cottage, Prestwood, near Great Missenden. (C628) SMITH, Major Peroy William DAYER-, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. (T.). SMITH, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Harry Launcelot ETHERING- TON-, O.B.B, R.A.M.C. SMITH, Major Cyril MoLaurin EUAN-, O.B.E, M.C. fi. 1878. Educ: St. Paul's School, and Germany. War Work : Served with R.G.A. in France, May, 1915, to April, 1919 ; on Relief Mission in Turkey and Armenia, April to Aug. 1919, under Supreme Economic Council. Address : White Rigg, Starcross, Devon. C7«6 : Royal Societies'. (O2510) SMITH, Lieut. WilUam GLEGG-, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. SMITH, Olive Frances, Mrs. GUTHRIE-, M.B.E, fi. 1883 ; d. of Col. S. C. F. Peile, Indian Army ; to. the late Major W. M. Guthrie-Smith, 10th Gurkha Rifles, s. of Sheriff Guthrie- Smith, of Edinburgh. War Work : In charge of Electro- therapeutic dept. of London Command Depot, Seaford, Sussex, and at Shoreham, Sussex. Address : 106, Cromwell Road, S.W. 7. (M493) SMITH, Izz Constance, Lady HADDON-, O.B.E, d. of the late Col. B. Hodson, of Bath ; to. Sir George Basil Smith, K.C.M.G, C.M.G, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Wind ward Islands. Address : Government House, Grenada, Windward Islands. (08386) SMITH. Lieut. Norman HAMILTON-, M.B.E, B.A, LL.B, 6. 10 March, 1884 ; s. of the late William Smith, of Melbourne, Australia ; to. Shirley Roughton, d. of Henry Roughton Hogg, of 23, Hornton Street, W. 8. Educ. : Ton- bridge School ; Trinity Hal!, Cambridge ; Inner Temple. Barrister-at-Law; Director, A. L. Elder & Co. (1915), Ltd.; London Director of Sands and McDougall Ppy. Ltd, Melbourne, Australia. War Work : Commissioned R.G.A. (S.R.). June, 1915 ; active service in France and Italy. Addresses : 7, St. Helen's Place, E.C. 3 ; Dormy House, Sunningdale. Club : Melbourne (Australia). (M4713) SMITH, Major Ralph Henry HAMMERSLEY-, O.B.E. SMITH, Sir Thomas Rudolph HAMPDEN-, Bart, 477 Smith THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. C.B.E, M.A, M.B. (Camb.), L.R.C.P. and F.R.CS. (London), 6. 1 .'60 ; s. of Sir Thomas Smith, Bart, of London (see BURKE'S Peerage); m. 14 June, 1897 Ann Ellen, d. of Joseph William Sharp. War Work : Worked in Hospitals. (C3122) SMITH, Theodore Edward HART-, O.B.E. SMITH, WUliam HAYNES-, M.B.E, fi. 4 Nov. 1870. Educ. : Eton, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Address : Turleigh Mill, Bradford-on-Avon. Club : White's. (M9675) SMITH, Christine Louise HERBERT-, Mrs.. M.B.E. SMITH, Frank HOLGATE-, M.B.E. SMITH-, Elizabeth Dorothea, Mrs. HYDE-, M.B.E, fi. 9 Oct. J886; d. of Archibald Dunlop, M.D, of Holywood, Co. Down ; to. Major Herbert Charles, D.S.O, Scottish Rifles, s. of Sergison Hyde-Smith. Educ : Cheltenham Ladies' Coll. War Work : Helped to start, and ran a club for soldiers in Rouen. France, Oct. 1915, to Nov. 1919. Address : St. Helen's, Holywood, Co. Down. (M3619) SMITH, Capt. Valentine Gardner HYDE-, M.B.E. SMITH, Annie Margaret, Mrs. KEEBLE-, M.B.E. 6. 23 July, 1886 ; d. of John Francis Burnett, of Hurst Manor, Slimbridge, Glos. ; in. George Digby Keeble-Smith, s. of George Keeble-Smith. Educ : Down End, Clifton. Trained nurse. War Work : Staff Nurse at Cedar Lawn Military Hospital, and at Caen Wood Towers Hospital ; Welfare Superintendent at the Aston Construction Co. Address : 46 Eagle Wharf Road, N. 1. (M624) SMITH, Frances Louise, Mrs. KYRLE-, O.B.E. SMITH, Harold LEA-, O.B.E, 6. 13 July, 1873 ; s. of John Lea-Smith, of 41, Bryanston Square, London, W. ; to Adele, d. of T. C. Brandon, of Sandgate, Kent. Educ. : Rugby. War Work : Actively engaged to Volunteer work ; Member of London Coal Committee of Board of Trade ; Divisional Officer, MetropoUtan Area, Household Fuel and Lighting Order Branch, Board of Trade. Address : Wood- house, Wimbledon Park, Surrey. Clubs: Royal AutomobUe ; Royal Wimbledon Golf. (011339) SMITH, Capt. Lindsay LINDSAY-, M.B.E, R.A.O.C, s.of the late F. A. Lindsay-Smith, J.P, CCand Lady Poison, of 18. Sussex Place, Regents Park; m. 12 Jan. 1921, Eleri, d. of John BUbie, M.I. Mech. E, CC, of Purley, and 106, Queen Victoria St, E.C. (M6668) SMITH, John LLEWELLIN-, M.B.E, L.R.I.B.A, fi. 14 June, 1873 ; s. of David Smith, M.E, of Aberdare, Glam. ; to. Mabel Millicent, d. of Frederick W. Mander, J.P, of Aber dare, Glam. Educ. : WycUffe CoU, Stonehouse. Architect and Estate Agent. War Work : Member and Hon. Treas, Aberdare War Pensions Committee ; Vice-Chairman, Training Sub-Committee of South Wales Joint Disablement Committee ; Chairman, Local Employment Committee (Ministry of Labour) ; Hon. Sec, Belgian Relief Committee, Aberdare. Address : Fernleigh, Aberdare, Glam. Club : Aberdare Valley Golf. (M9665) SMITH, Capt. John Alfred LUCIE-, O.B.E. SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Bertram METCALFE-, C.B.E. Special List ; served in S. Africa, 1900-2 (Queen's medal with two clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914- 19 (despatches). (C1696) SMITH, Hilda Mary MONCRIEFF-, Mrs., O.B.E. SMITH, Robert Earl MONTEITH-, O.B.E. SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Arthur MURRAY-, C.B.E, fi. 25 April, 1868 ; s. of the late Rev. I. Gregory Smith, LL.D. ; m. Rebe Mabel, d. of Thomas Marlow. of Aldridge, Staffs. Educ : Marlborough CoU. ; R. M. Academy. War Work : Aug. 1913 rejoined the Reserve of Officers as Brigade Major R.A, of the 1st South Midland (48th) Division T.F. ;¦ France, March, 1915 ; invalided home, June, 1915 ; passed as fit for Home Service only ; R.M. Academy, Woolwich, Sept. 1915, as Chief Instructor in Artillery ; served in this appointment until Dept. 1919. Club : Army and Navy. (C1711) SMITH, Montague Bentley Talbot PASKE-, O.B.E. SMITH, Major Douglas Cyril PERCY-, D.S.O, O.B.E. SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Bateman PROTHEROE-, O.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Edward RAWDON-, O.B.B, 6. 2 July, 1890 ; s. of F. Rawdon-Smith, J.P, of Eastfield, Ironbridge, Salop ; m. Agnes Cottam, d. of John Brayton, of Hindley, Lancs. Educ. : St. Edward's School, Oxford ; Queen's CoU, Oxford. Barrister-at-law ; Company Sec. War Work : Served in Rifle Brigade ; War Office Recruiting Department ; Ministry of National Service, Assistant Sec. ; Sec. of Labour Sub-Committee of War Cabinet. Address : 41, Circus Road, St. John's Wood ; 2, Central BuUdings, Westminster. Club : Conservative. (03929) SMITH, Capt. Erie RIVERS-, M.B.E. SMITH, Capt. Stanley RIVERS-, O.B.E. SMITH, Paymaster-Capt. Charles ROACH-, C.B.E , R.N. (Ret.), 6. 10 Aug. 1860 ; s. of John Smith, of Landguard, Isle of Wight ; to. Catherine Frances, d. of the late Paymaster- in-Chief Edward Robinson, R.N. Educ. : St. Helen's Coll Southsea. War Work: H.M.S. President's Office for Shore and Special appointments, R.N.R, R.N.V.R. Address : Landguard, Sawbridgeworth, Herts. (C623) SMITH, Mabel ROUSE-, M B E SMITH, George SCOBY,- CB.E, J.P, 6. 21 Nov. 1848 ; s. of Joseph Smith, of Middlesbrough; to. Harriet Coates, d. of WilUam Burdon. Company Manager, Bolckow, Vaughan & Co. ; Chairman of Directors, Brit. Basic Slag, Ltd, Director of Brit. Magnesite Calcining Co, and Steetley Lime Co. War Work: Member of Lord Balfour's Committee on Trade after the War, Pig-iron Control Committee, and of the Provisional Advisory Council of the Board of Trade • Chair t man of the Committee appointed by the Board of Trade on i the Iron and Steel Trades after the War, and of the Ministrv of Munitions N.B. Coast Pig-iron Control Committee Ad- ' dresses : Lyndhurst, Roman Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough '¦ Clubs : Constitutional and Royal AutomobUe, London ¦ Cleve' ' land, Middlesbrough. ' (rjffijsi ~ SMITH, Lieut. Henry Edward Goves SCOTT-, OBE i R.N.R. "' ; SMITH, Capt. Keith John SETH-, O.B.E RFA SMITH, Edward Shrapnell SHRAPNELL-. ' C B V, F.C.S, - M.Inst.T, fi. 1875; s. of Edward Charles Smith of ' Liverpool (compounded mother's maiden name, Shrapnell ' with surname in 1912) ; m. Sarah Rosalie, d. of the late Major- '-* Gen. R. Temple Godman, of Highden, Sussex. Educ : Liver- 2 pool Royal Institution School, and Liverpool Univ CoU £ Director of Transport Companies and Chemical Engineer' " Director-General London Housing - Bonds Campaign War ''! Work: Chairman, Standing Joint Committee, Mechanical ; Road Transport Associations, 1914-18 ; Hon. Sec and Treas ''" Comforts Fund for R.A.S.C, M.T, 1914-17 ; Chief Economy !) Officer and Deputy Director (Technical Investigations) on !,i H.M. Petroleum Executive, 1917-19. Address: Hound * House, Shere, Surrey. Clubs : Royal Societies' ¦ Royal "' Automobile. (C624) S SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Richard Talbot SNOWDEN- S CBER'VSC » i SMITH* Lieut. Charles TYSOE-, M.B.E, I.A.R ORE : SMITH, Helen, Mrs. WILLOUGHBY-, M.B.E '-' SMITH, Constance Maitland WILSON-, Mrs, MBE 6. 19 Oct. 1862 ; d. of Lieut.-Col. F. Maitland Wilson' of 8 Stowlangtoft Hall, Bury St. Edmunds (see BUKKE'S Landed '" Gentry) ; m. Henry Wilson Smith, s. of W. A. Smith, of Cole- > brooke Park, Tonbridge. War Work : Commandant, V.A D - Kent 14; Hayle Place Hospital, Maidstone, Oct. 1914,' to Jan. 1919. Address : Colebrooke Park, Tonbridge, Kent Club : Empress. (M2440) H SMITH, Constance Evelyn WINWOOD-, M B E 'i SMITHE, Ida EUzabeth, Mrs, CB>E, fi. 24 Dec' 1872- ;J d. of Capt. John Hampden Waller, M.V.O, Royal Body a Guard, of Lee Place, Charlbury, Oxon. ; m. Bevil GranvUle s Smithe. War Work: Vice-President British Red Cross ?•' Society ; Hon. Sec. Rye Div. ; Commandant V.A.D. Sussex E Address: Burnt Wood, Battle, Sussex. Clubs : V.A.D - Ladies'. (C631) SMITHERS, Hubert, O.B.E, fi. 23 Feb. 1885 ; s of Sir Alfred Waldron Smithers, of Knockholt, Kent. Educ. : Charterhouse. Member London Stock Exchange. War Work : MobiUsed with 4th Batt. Royal West Kent Regt (T.F.) • 2nd in command and subsequently commanded 2/4th Batt. R.W. Kent Regt. at landing, Suvla Bay; later employed at Cairo as D.A.D.R.T. till end of war. Address : Knockholt, Kent. Club : Royal Automobile. (02933) SMITHERS, Sub-Lieut. Walter GUbert, M.B.E, R.N.V.R. SMITHERS, Lieut. WilUam Henry Grant, O.B.E, R.N.R, J. ¦X SMITHETT, Major Henry CecU East, O.B.B, fi. 25 Oct. 1860 ; s. of the late Capt. M. E. Smithett, R.N. ; m. Coralie Charlotte, d. of T. F. Harrington, of London. Educ. : Chelten ham Coll. Regular Army (ret.). War Work : Employed at nt home, Aug. 1914, to Aug. 1920, in various capacities, Staff Si and Regimental. Address: 12, HalesweUe Road, Goklers B Green, N.W. (O7709) S SMITHSON, Lieut.-Comm. AUred Edward, O.B.E,, '"V SMITHSON, Lieut. Edward, M.B.E. SMITHSON, John George, O.B.E. SMITHSON, Brig.-Gen. Walter Charles, CB.E.. D.S.C, fi. 26 Jan. 1860 ; s. of Samuel Smithson, J.P, of Lentran, Inverness ; to. Anne Charlotte Le Gendre, d. of John Piers Chamberlain Starkie, of Ashton HaU, Lancaster. Educ. : FaithfuU's, Storrington. Joined the MUitia, 1877: Com missioned 13th Hussars, 7 Jan, 1880 ; served with this regi ment, East Indies, 1880 ; Afghanistan, 1880-81 ; East Indies 1881-84 ; S. Africa, 1884-85 ; appointed A.D.C. to the late F.M. Visct. Wolseley, K.P, 1891-1905 ; promoted Major, 1896; served in Boer War, 1899-1902 ; Commanding the regiment from Aug. 1901 ; present at the reUef of Ladysmith, Colenso, Spion Kop, Vaal Krantz, Tugela Heights, and Pieters Rill (severely wounded, Queen's Medal, 5 clasps ; King's Medal, 2 '-Jul clasps ; mentioned in despatches). War Work : appointed to j*1 the 2/6th Gordon Highlanders, Oct. 1914; promoted Officer -rs in Command Northern Cavalry Depot, Scarborough, Nov. 'ife 1914, to Feb. 1915 ; placed in command of 2/1 Yorkshire %_ Mounted Brigade, Feb. 1915, to Nov. 1916; mentioned in »:(, Sec. of State's List, Feb. 1917. Address : Invery, Banchory. > im Clubs : Army and Navy ; Roehampton. (C1768) fefc, SMITHWICK, Major Standish George, O.B.E, fi. 21 Jan. % j 1878 ; d. of the Rev. Chancellor S. P. Smithwick, of Monastere- >s^, van, Co. KUdare ; m. Dora Louisa, d. of Charles Webb, J.P, 5» j of Park Place Tashinny Co. Longford. Educ: Corrig School <%i Kingstown and Trinity Coll, DubUn. Major, 2nd battalion ligj Royal Dublin FusiUers; South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's ',<„' Medal, 3 clasps ; Kings Medal, 2 clasps). War Wort : 1914-18, ^ 1914 Star, G.S, and Victory medals ; wounded, mentioned in k: j despatches ; still serving with regt. in Constantinople. i> u (O7710) ; 478 % ~li -L-: ¦:: ! St: r," ~( 5.1 '". Si ¦•« BIOGRAPHIES. Soames SMV, Capt. Alfred, M.B.E. SMYLY, Luiet.-Col. Frederiok Philip, O.B.E. SMYLY, Major Richard Josiah, O.B.E. SMYTH, Barbara, Mrs. Ross, O.B.E.; d. of the late Andrew Hepburn, of Dunallan, Crieff ; m. John, s. of the late George Gillie Smyth, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Morrison's Academy, Crieff. Convener, Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, Perth City Branch, and of Dependants' Committee, Perth Local War Pensions Committee. War Work : Aug. 1914. joined Mrs. John Berrington, in reconstituting Perth City Branch of Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, and succeeded her as Convener; July, 1916, when local War Pensions Committees were organised, appointed Convener of Dependants' Committee. Address : Laggan, Clyde Place. Perth. (011352) SMYTH, Major Benjamin, M.V.O, O.B.E. SMYTH, Capt. Bernard Owen, O.B.B. SMYTH, Ethel Downing, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 1870 ; d. of James Leonard Wilson, of Wimbledon ; m. Percy Meliss Smyth. Educ. : St. Helen's, Clifton. War Work : In con nection with National ReUef Fund in Hackney, and Hon. Sec. Hackney Local Central Committee for War Savings. Address : 21, Elm Park Gardens, London, S.W. 3. (M3980) SMYTH, Francis Watson, M.B.E. SMYTH, Major Frederiok Wilkinson, O.B.E. SMYTH, George Edward, O.B.E. SMYTH, Major Humphrey EtwaU, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1884; s. of Col. EtwaU Walker Smyth, C.B. Educ: R.M.A. Entered R.G.A. 1902 ; Major, 1917 ; transferred to R.A.O.C 1918 ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (06418) SMYTH, Jane Robinson, Mrs., M.B.E. Educ. : Edin burgh. War Work : President of Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Assoc, Bambridge Area; Member, Co. Down War Pensions Local Committee. Address : Brookfleld, Banbridge, Co. Down. (M9677) SMYTH, John Cecil, M.B.E, M.D. SMYTH, John George, O.B.E, fi. 4 Aug. 1876; s. of Capt. T. Smyth, late of 1st Gloucestershire Regt. Asst. Accountant-General, Ministry of Shipptog, and Superintending Inspector of Taxes, Inland Revenue. War Work : Worked at Ministry of Shipping (Finance Branch). Address : 3d, Barrowgate Road, Chiswick, W. 4. (011354) SMYTH, Vice-Adm. Morris Harry, CB.E, R.N. Lieutenant employed on the Indian Marine Survey ; served with the Naval Brigade during the Burma Annexation War, 1885-86 (mentioned in despatches) ; India Medal, Burma, 1885-87, clasp ; Cross of the Order of Naval and MiUtary Merit (Spain) ; Rear Admiral (retired) Nov. 1908 ; Vice- Admiral. April. 1914. (C1941) SMYTH, Vioe-Adm. Morris Henry, CB.E, R.N.R. SMYTH, Brig-Gen. Robert Napier, C.B.E, D.S.O. (late 21st Lancers), 6. 26 June, 1868 ; s. of Maj.-Gen. J. H. Smyth, C.B, of Frimhurst, Frimley, Surrey. Educ. : Welling ton CoU. D.A.A.G, InteUigence, 1900-1902 ; Staff Officer, South African Constabulary, 1902-1905 ; G.O.C, Fermoy, Deland, 1919. War Work : Egyptian Campaign, 1898 ; South African War, 1899-1902 ; G.S.O, G.H.Q. France, 1914-15 ; Brigade Commander, 1915-18. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Cavalry. (C1769) SMYTH, Lieut.-Col. Robert MLLNER-, O.B.E, S.A.M.C. SMYTH, Barbara, Mrs. ROSS-, O.B.E. SMYTHE, Altamont, O.B.E. SMYTHE, Lieut. Frank Oldham, M.B.E. SMYTHE, Major Harry Alexander, O.B.E, R.A.S.C, 6. 8 July, 1885 ; s. of Henry G. Smythe, of Heme Hill, London. Educ. : Dulwich CoU. War Work : Served in France from Sept. 1914, to May, 1916 ; in Ireland, Aug. 1916, to Aug. 1918 ; in Macedonia, Sept. 1918, to Nov. 1918 ; and in Turkey, Nov. 1918, to Nov. 1919. (06532) SMYTHE, Capt . Patrick Cecil. Educ. : Charterhouse, and Christ Church, Oxon. Served in Army. Address : Braco, Isla Road. Perth. (05791) SMYTHE, Capt. Theodeor Wm., O.B.E. SMYTHE, Lieut.-Col. WUliam Ross, CB.E. Canadian Forestry Corps ; served in the Great War. (C841) SMYTHE, Albert Charles BUTLER-, M.B.E, F.R.CS. SNAGGE, Sir Harold Edward, K.B.E, 6. 28 Dec. 1872 ; s. of the late Sir Thomas Snagge, K.C.M.G, Judge of County Courts ; to. 1901, Inez Alfreda, d. of the late Alfred Lubbock, of Par, CornwaU. Edue. : Eton Coll, and New Coll, Oxford. East India Merchant, and Banker ; Director of Barclays Bank, Ltd, The British Trade Corporation, and other companies partner in firm of Edward Bonstead & Co, London; an Additional Commissioner of Taxes in the City of London. War Work: Sec. (unpaid) to the Ministry of Information. Address : SandhUls, Bletchingley, Surrey. Clubs : Travellers' ; Wellington; Beefsteak; Garrick. (K428) SNAITH, Adam Currie, M.B.E, 6. 9 May, 1877; s. of George Snaith, of Darlington ; m. Marie, d. of WUliam Morris, of Maryport. Educ : Chester CoU. Headmaster, Eaglescliffe Junction School, and North Brancepeth School, Co. Durham. Inspector of Schools, Durham County Council. War Work : Hon. Sec. Brandon and Byshottles War Savings and Food. Economy Committee ; and Executive Officer, Food Control Committee; Hon. Sec. Langley Moor (East Ward) Relief Committee. Address: WhitweU ViUas, Langley Moor, Co- Durham. (M2451) SNAPE, Major Albert Edward, O.B.E, R.A.F. SNAPE, Henry Lloyd, O.B.E, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.I.C, 6' 20 April, 1861 ; s. of the late Alderman Thomas Snape, J.P, of Liverpool; to. Maud Mary, d. of the late John Bonfleld AUen, of Norwich. Educ. : Liverpool Institute ; Owens CoU, Manchester; Univ. Coll., Liverpool; Univ. Coll, London; Univs. of BerUn and Gottingen. Formerly held the appoint ments of Demonstrator of Chemistry, Univ. Coll, Liverpool ; Head of Department of Chemistry and Physics, Manchester Technical School ; Professor of Chemistry, Univ. CoU, Aberys twyth, Univ. of Wales ; Public Analyst for Cardiganshire, and Director of Education to the Lancashire County Council. War Work : Chairman of Education Committtee which organised, for the Counties of Lancashire and Westmorland, courses of Technical Instruction for disabled sailors and soldiers. Ad dress : Fernlea, Torquay. (011355) SNELGAR, Capt. John Thomas, M.B.E, fi. 8 Aug. 1887 ; s. of Hugh Snelgar, of Redlynch, Wiltshire ; m. Verona Rebecca, d. of WiUiam RusseU, of Wimbledon. Educ. : Bournemouth School, and London Univ. Administrative Officer in the L.CC Education Service. War Work : Gazetted to WUts Regt. Feb. 1915, aud served in France with 1st Wilts. from June, 1915, to July, 1916 ; mentioned in despatches for gallantry at Hooge ; twice wounded on the Somme ; served in Mesopotamia with 5th Wilts, March. 1917, to March, 1919 ; Staff work round Kirkuk whUst Adjutant, July, 1918, to Sept. 1919 ; Commanded a company in No. 2 Special Batt. in India during riots and Afghan rising, 1919. Address : 12, Kitchener Road, Thornton Heath. (M4928) SNELL, John Beddome, O.B.E, fi. 2 March, 1864 ; s. of Frederick William Snell, of Kenley, Surrey ; to. Susan EmUy, d. of Theodore Howard, of Bickley, Kent. Educ. : Merchant Taylors' School. Alderman of Tunbridge Wells ; SoUcitor (1st Class Honours), and Notary PubUc. War Work : Hon. Bxecutive Officer, Food Control Committee, Tunbridge Wells, 1917-20, and Executive Officer, Ticehurst Food Control Com mittee, 1919-20 ; Chairman of Tunbridge WeUs Recruiting Committee, MiUtary Advisory Committee, War Savings Com mittee, Economy Campaign, and National Service Committee. Address : Bramdean, Stonegate, Ticehurst, Sussex. (011356) SNELL, PhiUp William. M.B.E, R.N. SNELLING, Major Leonard Fowler, O.B.E, R.A.O.C, 6. 18 July, 1877 ; s. of James WiUiam SneUtog, of Winchester ; to. Ethel Marion, d. of the Rev. H. A. Burrowes, of Ireland. Educ. : Alleyn's, Dulwich. Served to the Great War. Men tioned in despatches, 13 Mar. 1918. Address : The Garrison, Purfleet, Essex. Club : Sundridge Park Golf. (07712) SNELLING, Lieut.-Comm. Norman George Fowler, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. SNEPP, Major John Wansey, O.B.E. SNIDER, Col. Irvine Robinson, O.B.E, 6. 1 Jan. 1864 ; s. of Edwy Snider, of Toronto, Canada ; to. EUen, d. of Thomas Swales, of Portage la Prairie. Educ. : Toronto. Farmer. War Work: Commanded the 27th City of Winnipeg Batt. from Nov. 1914, until April, 1916 ; served in Belgium and France ; commanded 14th Canadian Reserve Batt, Shorn- cliffe, Jan. 1917, to Feb. 1918, and 10th Canadian Garrison Batt, Winnipeg, until Feb. 1919. Address: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada. (01877) SNODGRASS, Burns, M.B.E. SNODGRASS, WilUam WaUace, M.B.E. SNOW, Daisy, Mrs., M.B.E. SNOW, Hilda Gertrude, M.B.B, SNOW, T. Lieut. William, M.B.B, R.A.S.C. SNOWDEN, Hon. Major Arthur de Winton, C.B.E, M.A, M.D, B.C. (Cantab), M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 12 Sept. 1872 ; s. of John Hampden Snowden, Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral ; to. Elizabeth CecU, d. of Capt. Cecil George Assheton Drummond, of Enderby Hall, Leicester. Educ. : St. Paul's School, Cambridge, and St. George's Hospital. South African War, Civil Surgeon, 1899-1901. War Work : Major, R.A.M.C, Great War, 1914-19. Address : Broomy Hurst. Ringwood. SNOWDEN, Cyril Ralph, C.B.E. Controller, Finance Section, Ministry of Blockade, during the Great War. (C2965) SNOWDEN, Florence Mary, Mrs., O.B.E. SNOWDEN, Frederick Cousins, M.B.E. .,.„„„ SNOWDON, John Henry Reed, M.B.E, 6. 6 AprU, 1890 ; s of John WiUiam Snowdon, of Gateshead-on-Tyne. Educ. : Gateshead-on-Tyne. War Work : Private Sec, Director of Experiments and Research, Admiralty. Address : 12, Oyerdale Road, W. 5. (M9681) SNOWIE, James, M.B.E. SOAMES, Capt. Arthur Granville, O.B.E, fi. 12 Oct. 1886 ; s of the late Harold Soames, of Lilliput, Dorset; to. Hope Marv Woodbyne, d. of Charles Woodbyne Parish, of 58, Ennismore Gardens, London S.W 7 Edue. : Eton and Sandhurst. Coldstream Guards, 1905-19 ; Retired, Dec. 1919. War Work : Staff Capt, 4th Guards Brigade 1914 ; Brigade Major, 119th Infantry Brigade, 1915r16, and 12th Infantry Brigade, 1917; G.S.O, II, 58th Division 1911 '; G.S ,£ II. AustraUan Imperial Force Depots in U.K 1917 ; Brigade Major, 23rd Reserve Brigade ,1917-19. Address : Ashwell Manor Penn, Bucks. Clubs : Guards' ; Arthur's. (07714) SOAMES, Capt. Gerald, O.B.E. SOAMES Mabel Janet, Mrs., M.B.E 6. 4 Nov. 1875 ; d. of the late Capt. J. T. Wetherall, of Loddington House, near Kettering. War Work : Sec. Red Cross Hospital: Joint Managerf War Hospital Supply Depot ; Sec. Trowbridge Div. British Red Cross Society. Address : HUperton, Trowbridge 479 Soames THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. SOAMES, Una, Mrs , M.B.E. SOAMES, Major Walter Field, O.B.E. SOANE, Ely Banister, C.B.E. Political Officer, Mesopo tamia Exped. Force, during Great War. (C746) SOLLY, Henry Wilkinson, M.B.E. SOLLY, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. WilUam, M.B.E, R.E. SOLOMAN, Edward, M.B.E. SOLOMON, Lieut.-Col. Harold Josiah, O.B.E, M.C, SOLOMON, Capt. Joseph, M.B.E, 6. 3 Dec. 1872 ; s. of Joseph Lewis Solomon, of Lewes, Sussex ; m. Alice, d. of WilUam Groves, of Edenbridge, Kent. Educ. : Lewes, and Army Schools. War Work : Army Pensioner ; re-enlisted, Sept. 1914 ; commissioned, July, 1915 ; served continuously in France and Flanders with 8th Royal Sussex and on the Rhine with Army of Occupation, 53rd Royal Sussex, until March, 1920; thrice mentioned in despatches. Address: Olinda, Gibauderie, Guernsey. (M6450) SOLTAU, Col. Alfred Bertram, C.M.G, CB.E, T.D, M.D, M.R.C.P, F.R.CS, fi. 21 March, 1876 ; s. of George Soltan, of Plymouth ; m. Edith Mary, d. of WiUiam Watts, of Plymouth. Educ : London Hospital. Hon. Consulting Physician for Gassed cases, Ministry of Pensions ; Hon. Physician, S. Devon and E. Cornwall Hospital, and Devon and Cornwall Ear and Throat Hospital; Member of Plymouth Borough Council, and Chairman. Public Health Committee. War Work: Commanded 25th Field Ambulance from AprU, 1908, to Aug. 1916; Consulting Physician to 1st and 2nd Armies, Nov. 1916, to Sept. 1918 ; Consulting Physician, War Office, Oct. 1918, to April, 1919 ; despatches 4 times ; 1914 Star and Clasp, Croix de Guerre, Commander Order of Aviz. Address : 1, The Crescent, Plymouth. Club : Royal Western Yacht. (C1121) SOMAN, Mariette, M.B.E, fi. 2 June, 1889 ; d. of A. E. Soman, of Norwich, Norfolk. Educ: Norwich High School; Girton Coll. ; Sorbonne. Docteur de l'Universite de Paris. War Work : Translator in Secret IntelUgence Dept, Admiralty ; Sec. in Naval Section, Paris Peace Conference. Address : The Book House, Norwich. (M9683) SOMERLEYTON, Phyllis, Lady-* C.B.E.; d. of the late Gen. Sir H. P. de Bathe, Bart, K.C.B, of Knightstown, Co. Meath; to. Savile Brinton Crossley, 1st Baron Somerleyton, P.C, K.C.V.O. (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Equipped, maintained, and was Matron of a Primary AuxiUary MiUtary Hospital, from Aug. 1914, to June, 1917, when this hospital was closed owing to the doctors being called up for military service abroad ; went as V.A.D. Nurse to Sir Douglas Shields Hospital, 17, Park Lane, from Aug. 1917, to Feb. 1919. Addresses : Somerleyton HaU, Suffolk ; 7, Deanery Street, Park Lane, W. 1. C'(wfi : Ladies' AutomobUe. (C632) SOMERS, Charles Dudley, O.B.E, M.B, B.Ch, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 25 Sept. 1869 ; s. of J. B. S. Somers, of Belsize Park, Hampstead ; m. LUian Ethel, d. of Tansley Witt, M.V.O. of Teddington. Educ. : Malvern ; Pembroke CoU, Cambridge ; and St. Thomas' Hospital. Medical Officer of Health to Aldeburgh Corporation ; Public Vaccinator ; Naval Surgeon and Agent. War Work : Medical Officer in charge of troops stationed at Aldeburgh (100th Provis. Batt, 2/4th Welsh FusiUers, 2/4tti Shropshire L. Infantry, 56th S. Wales Borderers, 2/7th Devonshires). Address : SheUey, Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Clubs : Leander ; Cavendish. (04394) SOMERS, Capt. Frank, O.B.E. SOMERS, Major John Percy, O.B.E. SOMERSET, Capt. Somers, O.B.E. SOMERTON, Carolina Augusta, M.B.E. SOMERVELL, T. Major Arnold Colin, O.B.E, R.A.S.C SOMERVILLE, Capt. Donald Bradley, O.B.E. SOMERVILLE, Lieut. George Aytoun, M.B.E. SOMERVILLE, Col. John Arthur Goghill, C.M.G, C.B.E., 6. 26 Mar. 1872 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. T. H. SomervUle, J.P, D.L, of Drishane, Skibbereen Co. Cork; to. Vera Cooper, d. of C. W. Aston Key, of 52, Cambridge Terrace, W.2. Educ. : Bedford Grammar School and Royal MUitary CoUege, Sand hurst. Commandant, Royal MUitary School of Music. War Work : Military Attache, British Embassy, Tokyo ; afterwards attached to Staff of Maj.-Gen. Sir A. W. F. Knox, K.C.B, in Siberia. Address : Kneller HaU, Twickenham. Club : Naval and MUitary. (C2170) SOMERVILLE, Capt. Thomas Victor, O.B.E, M.C , R.A.M.C SOMMERVILLE, James, O.B.E. SOMERVILLE, John, M.B.E. SOMOLY, WilUam Henry. O.B.E. SONCHON, Hippolyte Norris Wiehe du Condray, CB.E. ; Representative in London of the Mauritius Chamber of Agri culture. Address : 4, Blenheim Street, W. 1. (C404) SONGHURST, Major Fred Hibbard, M.B.E, R.A.F, 6. 18 Dec. 1894; s. of Alfred Songhurst, of Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex ; to. Kathleen Vera, d. of Augustus Blackiston, of Horsham, Sussex. Educ. : Collier's School, Horsham. Mechanical Engineer. War Work : Enlisted in Sussex Yeomanry, 1914 ; received a commission in the R.F.C, Nov. 1915 ; posted to . Force " D," Mesopotamia, July, 1916. arriving shortly after the first relief of Kut; was posted April, 1917, to the Salonica Expeditionary Force and men tioned in General Milne's despatch, Nov. 1917 ; acted as King's messenger in 1918 between Salonica and London ; subsequently attached to Home Establishment for duty at York Address : 1, Honey Hill, HUltogdon, Uxbridge. (M2452) 480 SOPWITH, Thomas Octave Murdoch, C.B.E, fi. 18 Jan. 1888 ; s. of Thomas Sopwith, M.I.C.E. ; m. Beatrix, d. of Lord Ruthven of Gowrie (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Cottes more, Brighton, and Seafield Engineering Coll. Member of Civil Aerial Transport Committee, 1919. War Work : Chair man, Sopwith Aviation and Engineering Co, Ltd, Kingston-on- Thames. Address : Horsley Towers, East Horsley, Surrey. Clubs : Carlton ; Royal Aero ; Royal Automobile ; Royal Southamoton Yacht. (C300) SORBY, Gertrude Vera, M.B.E. SORENSEN, Capt. Michael, M.B.E. SORLEY, Major Gerald Merson, O.B.E. SORRELL, Lieut. Herbert Alfred George, M.B.E. SOTHAM, Louise Victoria Gisela, Mrs., M.B.E. SOUNDRY, William Henry, O.B.E. SOUNDY, Sir John Thomas, CB.E. Acted as Food Controller at Windsor for two years. Rendered much honorary service during the war. (C'3165) SOUTAR, Charles,, M.B.E, 6. 30 Jan. 1873; to. Helen Mary, d. ol Alexander Agnew. SoUcitor; Session Clerk and Kirk Treas. of the Parish of Dundee ; Sec. Dundee Area, Road Transport Department, Ministry of Food ; Deputy-Procurator Fiscal of Forfarshire (Dundee District). War Work : Capt. C (University) Co, No. 1 Batt, Dundee V.T.C ; Assistant Distribution Officer, Ministry of Food ; Sec. Dundee Area, Road Transport Board. Addresses : 11, Whitehall Street, Dundee ; Seacraig House, East Newport, Fife. (M9685) SOUTH, Major Thomas, O.B.E, T.D, Order of St. Aine, 3rd Class, Russia, 6. 20 Feb. 1877 ; s. of Thomas South, of Southsea ; to. Florence Annie, d. of the late Samuel Collinge, of Leeds. Educ : Privately. Manager of Barclays' Bank, Ltd, Esher, 1905-14, now Manager of Barclays' Bank, Ltd, Ascot. Served in the S. African War. War Work : Served with 8th Bn. Middlesex Regt. in M. and E.E.F.'s until Oct. 1916; D.A.A.G, B.S.F, Oct. 1916, tUl Nov. 1918; DA.A. and G.M.G, Constantinople Base, Nov. 1918, to Dec 1918 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G, Batoum, 27th Division Army of Black Sea, Dec. 1918, to Dec. 1919. Address : Old Bank House, Ascot, Berks. Clubs : Junior Army and Navy ; Royal Ascot Golf. (06523) SOUTHAM, Arthur H. Ridgway, M.B.E, fi. 25 March, 1876 ; s. of J. Downes Southam, CC, of Shrewsbury. Educ. : Shrewsbury School. Vice-President of Battersea Juvenile Organisations Council and Battersea National Reserve O.C. Association ; Chairman of Territorial Cadet Officers' Institution, and the Borough of Fulham Scout Council ; Life Member of Old Salopian Club ; Member of London Scout Council, Execu tive Committee, County of London Branch, British Red Cross Society ; and Executive Committee, Shropshire Society in London. War Work : Officer at Belgian Refugee Depot, 1914 ; raised and appointed Lieut.-Col. Commanding a Cadet Batt. in 1915 : retired in 1919 with permission to wear uniform ; awarded the Silver Service Medal, Order of St. John of Jeru salem, 1916 ; placed on Roll of Honourable Service, 1918, British Red Cross Society, Addresses : The Cottage, Cannon Lane, Pinner, Middlesex ; St. George's House, 193, Regent Street, W. 1. (M9686) SOUTHAM, Frederick Neil, O.B.E. War Work: With Imperial Munitions Board, Canada ; associated with others in charge of shell production. Address : Montreal, Canada. (0749) SOUTHAM, Thomas Frank, M.B.E, M.D, L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.), 6. 20 Jan. 1862 ; s. of Thomas Southam, LL.D, of Bentcliffe, Eccles, Manchester ; to. Marian, d. of James Syddall, of Harden Park, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Educ : Bowdon Coll, Cheshire ; Edinburgh High School; Edinburgh Univ. Consulting Physician (ret.). War Work : Hon. Resident Medical Officer in charge Roby Street Branch of Manchester Royal Infirmary for wounded soldiers ; Hon. Medical Officer to charge Hale AuxiUary Red Cross Hospital. Cheshire. (M9687) SOUTHAMPTON, Charles Henry Fitzroy, Baron, O.B.E, 6.11 May, 1867; s. of Chailes, 3rd Baron Southampton (see Burke's Peerage); to. 9 July, 1892, Lady HUda Mary Dundas, e. d. of Lawrence, 1st Marquis of Zetland (see Bukke'S Peerage). SOUTHEE, Capt. Ethelbert Ambrook, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. SOUTHERN, John Aoton, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. SOUTHEY, Lieut.-Col. John Henry Willes, O.B.E, fi. 5 Oct. 1861 ; s. of the late Rev. H. W. Southey, Vicar of Woburn, Beds. ; m. Laura HamUton, d. of Robert Gillan, of Ayr. Educ. : CUfton CoU. War Work : Infantry Record Office, Warwick. Address : 18, Clarendon Square, Leamington. Club : Army and Navy. (O1880) SOUTHEY, Lieut. Maurice Edward, M.B.E. SOUTHGATE, Charles Joseph, O.B.E. SOUTHON, Major Charles Edward, O.B.E, M.B, M.S. SOUTTAR, Major Henry Sessios, C.B.E, M.Ch, F.R.CS, 6. 1875; s. of Robinson Souttar ; m. 1904, Catharine, d. of Professor Clifton, F.R.S, of Oxford. Educ : Queen's CoU. Oxford. Consulting Surg. ; Hon. Major R.A.M.C. ; Assist. Surg. London and W. London Hospitals ; served in the Great War, 1914-19, as Surgeon Field Hospitals; has Order of Crown of Belgium. Address : 46, Queen Anne Street, W.l. Club : Thatched House. (C832) SOWDEN, Capt. FeUx Musgrave, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C. SOWERBY, Lieut.-Col. Edward Chaytor, O.B.E, fi. 2 Sept. 1872; s. of Thomas C. I. Sowerby, of Snow Hall, Darlington ; to. Muriel Evelyn, d. of I. Gardiner Muir, of Farming Woods HaU, Northants. Educ. : WelUngton Coll. BIOGRAPHIES. Spencer Land Agent. Served in the South African War (men tioned in despatches). War Work : 1915, attached to Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien's Staff; 1916-19, Staff of Western Command Headquarters; Senior Inspector, Quartermaster- General's Services ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Uppington House, WelUngton, Salop. Club : Bath. (07716) SOWMAN, Lieut. Ulrio Doncaster, M.B.E, R.A.S.C SPADACCINI, Henry, M.B.E. SPAFFORD, Lieut. Arthur Owen, O.B.E. R.E. (T.). SPAFFORD, Capt. Peroy Lionel, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. SPAIGHT, James Molony, O.B.E, LL.D, 6. 17 Oct. 1877 ; s. of Robert Spaight, J.P, of Co. Clare, Ireland ; m. Constance Elizabeth, d. of Col. W. F. Spaight, R.E, J.P, of Union Hall, Co. Cork, and Ardnatagle, Co. Clare. Educ : T.C.D. Civil Servant, Air Ministry. War Work : Civil Servant, War Office, 1914-18 ; Air Ministry, 1918. Address : Inglemere, Smitham Downs Road, Purley, Surrey. (01881) SPAIN, Major Gerald DIXON-, O.B.E. SPAIN, Major John Edward DIXON-, O.B.E. SPALDING, Major WiUiam Burrington, O.B.E. SPALL, Lieut. LesUe Alan, O.B.E. SPARKES, Henry, O.B.E. SPARKES, Stanley, M.B.E. SPARKS, Sir Ashley, K.B.E, 6. 23 March, 1877; s. of John Ashley Sparks, of Sutton, Surrey ; m. Mina Jane, d. of James Roberts, of New York. Educ. : Barnet Grammar School ; Denstone CoU. ; Hurstpierpoint. Resident Director and General Agent, Cunard Line in U.S.A. ; President and Director, Funch Edye & Co, Inc., New York ; Director, Common wealth and Dominion Line ; President and Director, The Twenty-five Broadway Corporation, and 2nd Vice-President, St. George's Society, New York. War Work : Representative, Shipping Controller-in-charge ShipbuUding programme in U.S.A., 1917 ; Member British War Mission OU Committee, 1917; attached Mr. Balfour's Mission to Washington as Advisor, 1917 ; Director-General, British Ministry of Shipping in U.S.A., 1918-19 ; Chairman, Patriotic League of Britons Overseas, New York Branch. Address : Northaw, Syosset, Long Island, N.Y, U.S.A. ; 130, East 67th Street, New York. CZufis : Racquet and Tennis, N.Y. ; Riding ; Bankers' ; and India House, Piping Rock, Baltusrol Golf, Blind Brook, Golf. (K233) SPARKS, Charles Pratt, CB.E, 6. 13 May, 1866. Educ. : Repton School. Consulting Engineer. Address: Blackfriars House, New Bridge Street, London, E.C. 4. Clubs : City of London ; Junior Carlton. (C2966) SPARKS, James Noel, O.B.E, B.A. (Cantab.), Assoc. M.Inst.CE, 6. 25 Dec. 1869 ; s. of Col. John Barnes Sparks, of Bengal Staff Corps ; m. Bessie BUen RandaU, d. of Middleton Rayne, M.Inst.CE. Educ : United Services CoU, Westward Ho 1 ; King's CoU, London ; Jesus CoU, Cambridge. Con sulting CivU and MetaUurgical Engineer ; took a prominent part as Member of Council in the organisation of the Imperial Services CoU, Windsor (formerly the United Services Coll, Westward Ho I), designed to afford faciUties for the education, at reasonable rates, of the sons of Officers in the Imperial Services. War Work : Engaged at Foreign Office (Contraband Dept.) in administration of the Blockade ; and advising the Contraband Committee in technical matters and in questions relating to metals, minerals. Address : Church House, liodmersham, Sittingbourne, Kent. (011359) SPARROW, Guy, M.B.E. SPARROW, Major Walter Augustus, O.B.B, F.S.A.A, R.E. (T.), fi. 7 Dec. 1877 ; s.> of Walter Sparrow, of East bourne ; m. Florence, d. of WUliam Banner, of London. Educ : Eastbourne. Borough Accountant of Eastbourne. War Work: On outbreak of war, Capt. and second-in-command, 1st H.C. Field Co, R.E. ; Nov. 1914, Command 2/lst H.C Field Co, R.E. ; April, 1915, promoted Major ; Sept. 1915, Staff Capt, 9th Provisional Brigade ; Dec. 1915, Brigade-Major, 9th Provisional Brigade; Nov. 1916, Brigade Major, 218th Infantry Brigade ; Feb. 1918, second-in-command, 5th Reserve Batt. R.E, and R.E. Training Centre, Christehurch, Hants. ; Sept. 1918, Command 5th Reserve Batt. R.E, and R.S. Training Centre, Christehurch. Address : 12, Hartfield Road, Eastbourne. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (07718) SPARROW, Lieut.-Col. and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam George, O.B.E, R.M.A. (ret.). , SPARSHOTT, Margaret Elwin, C.B.E, R.R.C. T.F. .Nursing Service. (C1770) SPEAR. 2nd Lieut, Riohard WilUam, M.B.E, R.E. SPEAR, Wilfrid Guy, O.B.E, 6. 8 AprU, 1875 ; s. of the late Rev. John WiUiams Spear, of Yorktown, Surrey ; to. Gertrude Leah, d. of Alfred Batchelor, of Clifton, Glos. Educ : Kiugsbridge, S. Devon. Superintending Clerk, Dept. of the Accountant-General of the Navy, Admiralty. Address : 4, Park Way, Ruislip, Middlesex. (03935) .SPEARMAN, Jessie Aubrey, Mrs., M.B.B, 6. 31 Dec. 1863 ; d. of the Rev. CadwaUader Corker, of Oxfordshire ; to. Commander Alexander J. C M. Spearman, R.N, s. of Alex ander Spearman. War Work: Superintendent of Linen league for Devon, V.A.D. Address : Parks, Crediton, Devon. (M3985) SPEARS, Brig.-Gen. Edward Louis, C.B, C.B.E, M.C, 6. 1886; formerly Capt .and Brevet Lieut.-Col. 11th Hussars (ret.). Served in the Great War, 1914-19 ; Comm. Legion of Honour, Orders of Star of Roumania with Swords, and White Eagle of Serbia with Swords. (C1771) SPEDDING, BeUe, M.B.E. SPEDDING, Lieut.-Col. Edward Wilfred, C.M.G, O.B.E, fi. 1867 ; s. of John James Spedding, of Keswick ; m. 1898, Georgiana Victoria, d. of Sir John Wrixon-Becher, 3rd Bt. Entered R.A. 1887; Capt. 1897; Major, 1903; Lieut.-Col. 1914 ; S. Africa, 1902 (Queen's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-18, as a Brig.-Gen. R.A. (despatches'. Address : Wtndebrowe, Keswick. (027221 SPEED, Capt. Douglas Charles Leyland, O.B.B, fi. 8 Oct. 1893 ; s. of Major Elmer Speed, of Knowlton Court, near Canterbury ; m. Myrtle, d. of Sir Henry Dering, Bart, of Surrenden, Dering, Kent. Educ : Eton and Oxford. War Work: 1st commission, King's Royal Rifle Corps, 23 Jan, 1914: Lieut, Deo. 1914; Capt, July, 1916; seconded to R.F.C, April, 1916; FUght-Comm. in R.F.C, Aug. 1916; A. Major, Royal Air Force, May, 1918, to May, 1919 ; restored to establishment, K.R..R.C, Sept. 1919 ; served in France with K.R.R.C, Nov. to Dec. 1914, and with R.F.C, May to Aug, 1916. Addresses: Knowlton Court, near Canterbury; 23, Princes' Gate, S.W. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Bath. (08194) SPEED, Capt. Ralph Henley, O.B.B, R.A.S.C. SPEKE, Capt. Herbert Benjamin, O.B.E, 6. 18 Feb. 1877 ; s. of the Rev. Benjamin Speke, of Wakehill, Ilminster, Somerset ; m. Sybil, d. of Charles Archibald Percival Reed, of Aydon, Corbridge-on-Tyne. Educ. : Marlborough Coll. Stock broker ; Partner of Wise, Speke & Co, 28, CoUtogwood Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Work: Served with l/4th North umberland FusiUers (T.F.), France, April, 1915 ; wounded, April, 1915 ; joined Batt. again in Sept. 1917 ; transferred to 2nd Army Headquarters, March, 1918, to March, 1919, as Assistant Camp Commandant. Address: Pigdon, Morpeth, Northumberland. Club: Oriental. (05794) SPELLAR, WUUam David, M.B.E. SPENCE, Alexander, O.B.E, J.P,. D.L. SPENCE, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Hierom Ogilvy, CLE., C.B.E, LA, 6. 23 May, 1869 ; s. of Alexander Ogilvy Spence, of Edinburgh; m. Hon. Christina PhUippa Agnes, O.B.E, y.d. of 11th Baron North, of Wroxton Abbey, Oxon, and KirtUng Tower, Newmarket (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ : The Leys, Cambridge. CZwfis : Cavalry ; Royal Automobile. (C2043) SPENCE, Alfred, M.B.E, 6. 8 Sept. 1892 ; s. of Charles Spence, of Bedford Park, W. ; m. Violet Rose, d. of the late Arthur Herbert Duncan. Educ. : Christ Church School, Waterloo, Liverpool ; King's Coll, London. War Work : Offlcer-in-Charge of Printing Section, Ministry of Information. Address : Timahoe, Grove Road, North Finchley, N. 12. (M3987) SPENCE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Andrew, M.B.E, M.C. SPENCE, Caroline Mary, Mrs., M.B.B. SPENCE, Christina Philippa Agnes, Hon. Mrs., O.B.E, Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Kaisir-i- Hind (gold medal), fi. 27 Dec. 1869 ; d. of 11th Baron North, of Wroxton Abbey, Banbury, Oxon, and Kirthng Tower, Newmarket, Cambridgeshire (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; m. Lieut.- Col. Alexander Hierom Ogilvy, CLE, C.B.E, LA, s. of Alexander Ogilvy Spence, of Edinburgh. War Work : Red Cross and other War Work from 1914-19, in India. Address: 8, Clarendon Crescent, Edinburgh. (0830b) SPENCE, James Beveridge, O.B.E, M.D, M.Ch. SPENCE, Major John Charles, M.B.E. „__,__ SPENCE, Capt. Lockhart James, M.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. SPENCE, Mary Denham, Mrs., M.B.E. SPENCE, Major Richard Bennett, O.B.E. SPENCER, Blanche Mary, Mrs., M-CE. SPENCER, Col. Charles Louis, C.B.E, D.S.O, T.D, 6 Nov. 1870 ; s. of John Spencer, of Glasgow. Educ. : Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow; Coll. Chaptal, Paris Engineer -War Work : MobUised with Highland Division, Aug. 1914 • B.E.I! , France, May, 1915, to March, 1919. Address : 5, Great Western " Glasgow. Clubs : New, Glasgow Caledonian, (C1327) 481 Terrace, London. -._,.. SPENCER, Christopher John, O.B.E. SPENCER, Edith, M.B.B. SPENCER, Lieut. Fred, O.B.E. . SPENCER, Capt. Gerald Theodosius Leigh, M.B.E., B A LL B , 6. 4 Oct. 1882 ; s. of the Rev. G. Leigh Spencer, of Hereford; to. Mary Beatrice, d ol ! R Edward Couchman, of Birmingham. Educ. : RossaU Schoo , and .Trinity CoU, Cambridge SoUcitor. War Work : Enlisted 10 Sept. 1914, to 14th Service (1st Birmingham) Batt. Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; appointed to commission m same Batt. Dec. 1914 Lieut in April 1915 ; Adjutant, June 1915 ; served with Batt. in France as Adjutant from Nov. 1915 to Aug. 1916; subse- quent service to England with 51st Devon Regt from Nov 1916 to March, 1919 ; in Germany as Brigade Education Officer with 3rd Southern Infantry Brigade Rhine Army, from i April, 1919, to Nov. 1919. Address .; 3, Richmond Hill Bath. (M5642 SPENCER, Gladys Marion, M.B.B, 6. 28 May, 1882 , rf nf Charles Snenrer of Warwickshire. Educ. : Orford CoU, &?_S£&. "aSS" Welfare Worker. War Work: Ministry of Information, Photographic Section. Address. 93 St. George's Road, S.W. 1. (M3988) SPENCER, Lieut.-Col. Harold Ernest O.B.E. R.E. SPENCER. Lieut.-Col. Harrison, O.B.E. SPENCER Capt. Harry, M.B.E , M.C, Royal Fus., fi. IR March 1875- s of W. H. Spencer, of Godalmmg, Surrey - to. Fanny, d. of George WUtshire, of Devizes. Educ. : 2 I Spencer THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Privately. Manager, Letchworth HaU Hotel, Letchworth, Herts ; April, 1916, commissioned to 23rd R.F. from 1st K.R.R.C. War Work: Served throughout the S.A. War (Siege of Ladysmith ; King and Queen's S.A. medals, 8 clasps) ; served throughout the Great War without a break (Victory medal, G.S. medal, 1914 Star, Long Service Medal, 6 times mentioned in despatches). Address : Letchworth HaU Hotel, Letchworth, Herts. (M4601) SPENCER, Henry, M.B.E. SPENCER, Henry Bath, M.B.E. SPENCER, Rev. Henry Thomas, O.B.B. SPENCER, Major Herbert Eames 0 B.E. SPENCER, John Hayward, M.B.E. SPENCER, Martha, Mrs., M.B.E. SPENCER, Mary Gertrude Catherine Hitchcock, O.B.E, Educ. : Coed-bel, Chislehurst. Sec. to Central Bureau for the Employment of Women; Mamaging Director of Women's Employment PubUshtog Co, Ltd. War Work : In connection with the National Relief Fund and its administration to cases of distress among professional women. Address : 5, Princes Street, Cavendish Square, W. Club : Ladies' University. (0751) SPENCER, Thomas, M.B.E, fi. 3 May, 1856 ; s.of Leonard Spencer, of Ipswich ; to. Elizabeth, d. of John Salter, of Aln wick. Educ : Union British School. Engineer. War Work : War Pensions Committee ; Prince of Wales' Fund Committees ; National Maritime Board ; Engineers' Panel. (M9691) SPENCER, Sir Thomas Harris, K.B.E, J.P, 6. 22 May, 1863 ; s. of Thomas Spencer, J.P, of West Bromwich ; m. Ada Burgess, d. of Henry Cross, of Cambridge. Edue. : St. James' Grammar School, Almonbury, near Huddersfield. Managing Director, John Spencer, Ltd, Wednesbury ; Director of Birmingham Rly. Carriage and Wagon Co, Ltd, George Salter & Co, Ltd, and J. E. and S. Spencer, Ltd., London ; Member Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and Don and Steel Institute ; President Birmingham Engineering and National Employers Federations. War Work : Chairman Birmingham Board of Management ; Chairman No. 4 Munitions Area Committee ; Member of Board of Management Executive ; Member of Employers Advisory Committee. Address : Sum- mersfield Court, West Bromwich. Clubs : St. Stephen's, Westminster; Union and Conservative, Birmingham: En gineers', Manchester. (K168) SPENCER, Major Walter George, O.B.E, M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. (T.). SPENCER, Major WiUiam Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 22 Feb. 1860 ; s. of Thomas Spence, of Headingley, Leeds ; to. Emma, d. of Edward Stephen Gurton, of London. Educ. : Privately. Civil Establishment of the War Office. War Work : Late 4th V.B. East Surrey Regt. (now 23rd London Regt.) ; Officer in charge of General Enquiry Department, and enquiries concerning Officers' casualties, War Office. Addresses : Wan stead, Essex ; and Eastbourne. (M3989) SPENDER, Arthur Francis, O.B.E, 6. 28 Nov. 1870 ; Educ. : Cambridge. Director of the British Institute of Florence, founded by H.M. Government during the war as a centre of intellectual and political influence in Italy. Address : 3, Via dei Conti, Florence. Clubs : Royal Societies', London ; Leonardo da Vinci, Florence. (011364) SPENS, Capt. Archibald Borthwick, O.B.E, CA, 6. 11 Nov. 1879 ; s. of William George, of Edinburgh ; to. Diana, d. of D. Mallory. Educ: Trinity CoU, Glenalmond. Scottish Sec. to AutomobUe Association ; Chartered Accountant. War Work : 1915, Essex Regt, transport Officer ; 1916, Divisional Transport Officer, 2nd Cyclist Division ; subsequently trans ferred R.A.S.C. ; Q.M.G. 3 (Women's Motor Car Section, Women's Legion), War Office, Statistical Section. Address : 8, Howe Street, Heriot Row, Edinburgh. Clubs : Caledonian, London ; Caledonian United Service, Edinburgh. (07722) SPENS, Major John Ivan, O.B.E, fi. 22 Feb. 1890 ; s. of John A. Spens, of 25, Park Circus, Glasgow. Educ. : Rugby. Chartered Accountant. Address : 30, St. James's Square, S.W. 1. (07723) SPENS, WiU, C.B.E, 6. 31 May, 1920 ; e. s. of John A. Spens, LL.D. of Glasgow ; to. Dorothy Theresa, d. of the late J. R. Selwyn, D.D, Bishop of Melanesia, and subsequently Master of Selwyn Coll, Cambridge. Educ :¦ Rugby, and King's Coll, Cambridge. Fellow and Tutor of Corpus Christi Coll, Cam bridge. War Work : Temp. Clerk in the Foreign Office, Sept. 1915 ; Priv. Sec. to the ControUer of the Foreign Trade Dept. of that Office, Jan. 1916, and Sec. to the Foreign Trade Dept, Feb. 1917 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour ; Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy. Address : Corpus Christi Coll. Cambridge. Clubs : Carlton ; United Universities ; Cambridge, County. (C301) SPENS, Capt. WiUiam Patrick, O.B.E. SPENSLEY, James Calvert, O.B.E, 6. 13 Dec. 1869 ; s. of Rev. James Spensley, of Reeth, N. Yorks • m. Eleanor, d. of Samuel Foster, of Northgrove, Queen's Co. Educ. : Kings- wood School, Bath. Assistant valuer to the London County Council ; Member of the Council of the Royal Statistical Society, F.S.I. War Work : Principal Assistant Director of Statistics, Ministry of Food. Address: Chalcots, England's Lane, Hampstead, N.W. 3. (011365) SPERANZA, Capt. Victor Ernest, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R . (ret.), 6. 5th Oct. 1867 ; s. of Col. Joseph Speranza, R.M.A., of Malta ; m. Florence, d. of Charles Johnson, of Southport. Educ. : Savona's Grammar School ; Lyceum ; Univ. of Malta Marine Superintendent, Pacific Steam Nav. Co. War Work: During war was British Vice-Consul, Valparaiso ; British Consul, Punta Arenas ; Assistant Naval Attache^ West Coast S. America, and Naval IntelUgence Officer for same ; Naval Member of Sir Maurice De Bunsen's Mission to South America In 1918 ; commanded H.M.T. " Clacton " early in the war engaged in the Fleet sweeping section and parol duties ; or ganised the IntelUgence Service on the West Coast of S America ; took over part of the German vessels laid up in Chilean waters after the Armistice. Address : The Pacific Steam Navigation Co, Valparaiso, ChUe; 34, BuUingham Mansions, Church Street, Kensington, W. 8. (01883) SPICER, Sir Howard Handley, K.B.E. ; s. of the late James Spicer, of Eltham ; to. Muriel, d. of the Rev. S. B, Handley. Educ : Leys School, Cambridge, and privately abroad. Paper Merchant; Manufacturer; Partner in firm of James Spicer & Sons ; Technical Adviser to the War Office ; Co-Founder of Boys' Empire League. Address : Long Cross House, nr. Chertsey, Surrey. Clubs : Reform ; Devonshire ; Eightv : Kennel ; Royal AutomobUe. (K169) SPICES, Alfred, M.B.E. SPIERS, Brig.-Gen. Edward Louis, CB.E. 11th Hussars T. Brig.-Gen. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches)' (C1771) SPIERS, Frederick Solomon, O.B.E, B.Sc. For services in the Ministry of Munitions in connection with synthetic nitrogen. (011925) SPIERS, Gavin, M.B.B. ' SPILLANE, Richard, M.B.B, R.A.O.C. SPILLER, Edward Franois, M.B.E. SPILLER, John Wyatt, M.B.E. SPILLER, Lieut.-Col. Lionel WaUace, CB.E, 3rd Bn. Duke of Edinburgh's WUtshire Regt, fi. 1873 ; s. of the late Charles SpiUer. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Served in South African War ; served to GaUpoli Campaign (despatches), and Palestine Campaign (despatches). Address : Ashcroft, Shalford, Surrey. Club : Junior Constitutional. (C2171) SPINK, Capt. Bertram John WUliam, O.B.E. SPINKS, Lieut.-Col. Charlton Watson, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.A, 6. 1877 ; s. of John Charlton Spinks, of Victoria, British Columbia ; m. 1915, Marguerite Stuart Coleman. Comdt. ArtUlery, and Director of Ordnance, Egjptian Army; served in N. Nigeria, 1903 (despatches, medal with clasp); 1903-4 (despatches, clasp) ; Sudan, 1912 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-19, in GaUipoU and Egypt (despatches). Club : United Service. (06295) SPINKS, Capt. Edwin Gardiner, M.B.E, R.A.O.C SPINNEY, Capt. Thomas George, M.B.E, R.E. SPINS, Armande, Mrs., M.B.E. SPITE, Eva Harvey, M.B.B. SPITTAL, Capt. Charles Edward, M.B.E, Aust. A.P.C. SPITTAL, John Kerr, M.B.E, 6 2 Jan. 1883 ;. g. s. of the late Sir James Spittal, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy. Ranching, Mining, and Smelting, 1900-14. War Work : Joined R. A. Sept. 1914 ; Commissioned, Oct. 1914 ; served six months with 113th Batt, R.F.A, 1st Division, France ; commanded No. 4 Depot, Recruits, Woolwich, May, 1916, to June, 1917 ; joined Staff of Royal Gun and Carriage Factory, Woolwich Arsenal, June, 1917. Addresses: 2049, Granite Street, Oak Bay, Victoria, B.C. ; 5, Shawfleld Park, Bromley, Kent. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Foreign Mexico. (M5645) SPITTELER, Major Alfred, O.B.E, I.M.S. SPITTLE, Edward Alfred, M.B.E, R.N. SPITTLE, Major John Trevor, O.B.E, R.A.F. SPIVEY, Lieut. Charles Henry Hughes, M.B.E. SPOONER, Rev. Harold, M.B.E, M.C. SPOOR, Benjamin Charles, O.B.E. SPOOR, Capt. Sidney George, O.B.B, R.A.S.C. (T.). SPOTTISWOODE, Col. Robert CoUinson D'Esterre, M.B.E, late 10th Royal Hussars, 6. 24 Dec. 1841 ; s. of Major- Gen. Arthur Cole Spottiswoode, Bengal Army ; m. Anne Elizabeth BurreU, d. of Patrick TurnbuU, 34, India Street, Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy ; Merchiston Castle ; Clapham Grammar School. Joined H.E.I.C European Cavalry in 1858 ; transferred to 21st Light Dragoons- (afterwards 21st Hussars) in 1862 ; exchanged to 10th Hussars, 1874 ; promoted H.P. Lieut.-Col. 1887 ; served on Cork District Staff from 1887 to 1890, when he retired ; served in Afghanistan, 1878-79 ; was a Special Service Officer, Souakim Field Force, 1885, and received Brevet of Lieut.-Col. for his services in 1885. Address: Glenburn, Glanmire, Cork. Club : Army and Navy ; County, Cork ; New, Edinburgh. (M9693) SPRAGUE, Major Daniel Ernes, O.B.B. SPRANGER, Major Francis Jeffries Spranger, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. SPRATLEY, Capt. Thomas James, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 14 Oct. 1868 ; s. of James Edward Spratley, of South Lam beth ; m. Edith, d. of Alexander Farquharson, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Belmont CoU, South Lambeth. Assistant Sec. to City of London Branch of British Red Cross Society. Wm Work : Quartermaster of 2nd London General Hospital, St. Mark s College, Chelsea, 1914-19 ; re-posted to Cherryhinton MUitary Hospital, Cambridge. Address : 82, Seaforth Avenue. New Maiden, Surrey. (08943) SPRATT, Laura Gertrude, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 30 March, 1869 ; d. of the late Edward Jarvis, of Union Bank of London ; to. Thomas Oswald, s. of the late Thomas Spratt of Sloane Square, S.W. Educ. : Haberdashers' Girls' School, and Lady 482 BIOGRAPHIES. Stainthorpe HoUes' School, Hackney. Head Mistress, Queen's Head Street Senior Girls' L.CC school, South Islington, N.l. War Work : Representative of primary schools ; the school organi sation, collection, and distribution of funds and materials In response to the various appeals for help in connection with the war ; the aggregate funds distributed through the medium of the primary sohools of London are estimated at £91,400, exolnslve of large consignments of socks, gloves, mittens. Address : 60, Park Avenue, Palmers Green, N. 13. (011366) SPREAD, Major Eustaoe John WilUam, O.B.E, M.C, Loyal North Lancashire Regt, 6. 19 May, 1884 ; s. of the late Henry Fenton Spread, of Grayswood Beeches, Haslemere, Surrey ; m. Norah NeU, d. of — Hotblack. Gazetted 2nd Lieut. In 1st Batt. Loyal North Lancashire Regt, 6th Aug. 1906. War Work : Proceeded to France with 1st Batt. Loyal North Lancashire Regt. Aug. 1914 ; present in retreat from Mons, Battles of the Marne and Aisne ; severely wounded, Sept. 1914 ; mentioned In despatches ; received MUitary Cross ; Adjutant Motor Machine Gun Corps ; Staff Capt. and D.A.A.G. Headquarters, Northern Command ; D.A.A.G. War Office. Address : 10, Mulberry Walk, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Club : United Service. SPRECKLEY, Herbert WiUiam, C.B.E. Chairman, Worcester Branch, SaUors' and Soldiers' Families Assocn. (C2967) SPRIGGS, Paymaster-Comni. Harold James, Duthoit, 0.B.E, R.N. SPRING, Capt. George Conrad, O.B.E. SPRING, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George Robert, M.B.E, R.A.M.C SPRINGATE, Lieut. Albert Edward, M.B.E, R.A. SPRINGATE, Edward Tom, M.B.B. SPRINGER, Samuel, M.B.E, fi. 29 Sept. 1883; s. of Maurice Springer, of London. Educ. : Central Foundation School ; King's CoU, London. Assistant Director, Federation of British Industries. War Work-: Clerk in Foreign Office ; Head of General Department of the Foreign Trade Department of the Foreign Office ; Head of General Section, Overseas Dept. of the Department of Overseas Trade. Address : Glejmore, Alcester Crescent, Clapton, London. C7.M& : Royal Auto mobUe. (M968) SPRINGHALL, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John Winchester, O.B.E. SPROTT, James, O.B.E, 6. 16 Aug. 1846 ; seconds, of late Wm. Sprott, of Dromore, Co. Down, Deland. Educ. : Privately. Retired Linen Manufacturer. War Work : Sept. 1914, to Jan. 1919, conducted a War Hospitals Supply Depot, Old Town Hall BuUdings, Belfast, as one of the joint acting secretaries (Hon.) for the supply of extra comforts to the men of the Navy and Army at the Front ; also gave large grants of hospital requisites to many hospitals at home, and in the different war areas. Address : Melfort, 40, Adelaide Park, BeUast. (011367) SPROTT, Right Rev. Thomas Henry, O.B.E, D.D. SPROULE, Major Harper, O.B.E. SPROULE, Capt. James Chambers, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, fi, 28 Aug. 1887 ; s. of A. H. R. Sproule, J.P, of Fintona, Tyrone ; m. Clare Stewart, d. of George F. Aldous, F.R.CS. (Edin.), of Charlton House, Plymouth. Educ : Royal School, Raphoe ; Royal Coll. of Surgeons, Deland. War Work : France, Aug. 1914, to Jan. 1920. Address : c/o Holt & Co, 3, WhitehaU Place, London, S.W. (O8609) SPRY, Lieut.-Col. Daniel WiUiam Bigelows, O.B.E. SPRY, Henry Ernest, C.B.E. Chief Establishment Officer, Aircraft Production Dept, Ministry of Munitions. (C3107c*) SPURGEON, Charles Herbert, O.B.E. SPURLING, Lieut. Charles George, M.B.E, R.A.F. SPURLING, Major Dennis, O.B.B, R.F.A, 6. 21 Aug. 1872 ; s. of the late Henry John Spurring, of the Stock Ex change, London, and Denmark HiU, S.E. ; m. Edith Nellie, d. of James Reid, of Dorchester. Educ. : Dulwich College. War Work : May, 1915, formed 33rd Divisional Ammunition Column, R.F.A, Lieut. ; Capt. Oct. 1915 ; France, Dec. 1915, commanding No. 3 Sec, 33 D.A.C, R.F.A. ; Feb. 1917, com manding 14th Army Brigade Ammunition Column, R.F.A. ; Major, Nov. 1917 ; to Italy, commanding 48th Divisional Am munition Column until Feb. 1919 ; then to England ; con tinuous service supplying ammunition to 18-pounders in France and Italy from Dec. 1915 to Feb. 1919 ; holds South African War Medal with five clasps. Address : 27, Weihurst Gardens, Sutton Surrey. (03003) SPURLING, SaUsbury Stanley, O.B.E, appointed Member of the Executive CouncU of the Bermudas for a further term of 3 years. (O1013) SPURRIER, Alfred Henry, C.M.G, O.B.E., L.R.C.P. SPURRIER, Lieut.-Col. George Stretton, D.S.O., O.B.E. Royal Army Service Corps ; served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (06421) SPURWAY, Major John Edward, O.B.E, R.A.S.C SPYER, Major George, O.B.B. SQUANCE, Muriel Mary, M.B.E. SQUAREY, Robert Thomas, O.B.B. . SQUIRE, Rose Elizabeth, O.B.E, 6. May 19, 1861 ; d, of the late WiUiam Squire, M.D, F.R.C.P, of London. Educ : Privately. H.M. Deputy Lady Dispector of Factories, Home Office. War Work : Member of Health of Munition Workers Committee, Ministry of Munitions ; Hours of Labour Committee, Ministry of Munitions, and Substitution of Women for Men in Distributing Trades Committee, Home Office ; Director of Women's WeUare, Ministry of Munitions ; Head of Women s Training Branch, Ministry of Labour. Addresses: Home Office, S.W. 1 ; 23, Clifton HIU, N.W. 8. (0752) SQUIRE, Major Walter Ernest, M.B.E, R.A.M.C SQUIRES, Ernest Edward William, C.B.E, General Manager, Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon, and Finance Co, Ltd, of Birmingham. (C302) SQUIRES, Capt. Thomas L., O.B.E. SQUIRRELL, Joseph Cooper, M.B.E. STABB, Ethel, Mrs., M.B.E. STABB, Sir Newton John, Knt. Bach, O.B.E. Chief Manager of the Hong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Corpora tion, Hong Kong. (01014) STACEY, Fanny, M.B.E. ; d. of Charles Stacey, of Wick- ham Hall, Bishop Stortford. Educ : Privately. War Work : Commandant of Herts 12 V.A.D. Hospital. Address : Wickham Hall, Bishop Stortford. (M970) STACK, Paymaster-Comm. Alan Edward Stack, O.B.E, R.N. STACK, Rev. Father James, O.B.E, CS.S.R, 6. 30 July 1880 ; s. of Richard Stack, of Drumcollogher, Co. Limerick, Ireland. Educ : Jesuit CoU, Limerick, and Redemptoris. Seminary, Mautern, Austria. War Work : Commissioned in Sept. 1914 as Temp. 4th Class Chaplain ; stationed at Fort Matilda, Greenock, for 2 months ; proceeded to France, Nov. 1914 ; promoted 2nd Class Chaplain, with rank of Lieut.-Col. Jan. 1917 ; appointed Deputy Assistant Principal Chaplain of 11th Corps ; wounded on Somme in Sept. 1916 ; mentioned in despatches four times. Address : St. Mary's, Kinnoull, Perth, Scotland. (05798) STACK, Major-Gen. Sir Lee OUver Fitzmaurice, K.B.E, C.M.G, 6. 15 May, 1868 ; s. of the late Oliver Stokes Stack ; to. Flora Center, d. of the late Edwin Ramsay Moodie. Educ. : Clifton CoU., and R.M.C. Sandhurst. R. of 0, Sirdar of the Egyptian Army, and Governor-General of the Soudan ; formerly Capt. Border Regt. ; employed with Egyptian Army, 1899 ; D.A.A.G. 1900 ; A.A.G. 1901 ; Assist. MU. See. to Sirdar 1903 ; and subsequently Civil Secretary to the Sudan Government ; served in Sudan in command of Shambe Field Force, 1900-2 (medal with clasp) ; Order of Osmanieh, 4th class ; Order of the Nile, 1st class ; and Order of El Nahda of Hedjaz. Address : The Palace. Khartoum. Club : United Service. (K115) STACK, Norah Blake, M.B.B, Q.M.A.A.C. STACK, Susan, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of John Hanbury Masfen, of Bole Hall, Tamworth, Warwickshire ; m. Edward ChurchiU, s. of Charles Maurice Stack, late Lord Bishop of Clogher. Educ. : Privately. Poor Law Guardian ; Member of War Pensions Committee. War Work : Hon. Sec. Rurton Branch Comforts for Troops Fund, Address : The Soho, Burton-on-Trent. (M3990) STACKE, Capt. Hedley Herbert, O.B.E. STACPOOLE, Lieut.-Col. George WiUiam Robert, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 27 May, 1872 ; s. of Richard John, of Eden Vale, Ennis. Educ. : St. Columbus, and Cheltenham Coll. War Work : A.P.M. successively of No. 1 Base, 2nd Division, and 5th Corps ; D.P.M, L. of C Area. Address : AbbeyvUle, Groom, Co. Limerick. CZufis : Co. Limerick ; KUdare Street ; Army and Navy. (02727) STACY, Lieut.-Col. Valentine Osborne, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. STADDON, Kate Elizabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. STAFFORD, Lieut. Edward, M.B.E, 6. 7 May, 1875; s. of WiUiam Stafford, of Sunderland ; m. Charlotte, d. or Edward Cooper, of Brentford. Educ. : Army Schools. Expert in Physical Exercises ; Instructor in Swimming and Life Saving. War Work : Draft Conducting Officer to 16th Durham L.I. in 1915 ; speciaUy selected by Col. H. B. Deane, Commandant of the Croydon War Hospital, and placed in charge of the gjTnnasium to carry out his system of restoring function to the disabled limbs of wounded men. Address : 11, Bensham Manor Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey. (M5649) STAFFORD, James WUliam, M.B.E. STAFFORD, John, M.B.E. STAFFORD, Major Percy Beaumont, O.B.E. STAFFORD, Lieut. Reginald Vernon, M.B.E. STAFFORD, Capt. Waddington, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. STAFFORD, Salvador GUATTARI-, O.B.B, 6. 30 Dec. 1875 ; s. of Augustus Guattari. His Britannic Majesty's Consul at Savona, Italy. War Work : In charge of the British Vice-Consulate, Spezia, Italy ; work in connection with Trans ports. Address : British Vice-Consulate, Spezia, Italy. (011368) STAGG, Arthur George, M.B.E. STAGG, Major George Ernest, M.B.E, R.A.F. STAGG, Major Montague, O.B.E, R.E. STAINFORTH, Gladys Margaret, M.B.E. STAINFORTH, Capt. Rowland HiU, O.B.B. STAINLAND, AUred Edward, O.B.B, J.P. STAINTHORP, Amy, M.B.B, fi. 4 Nov. 1889; d. of Henry Stainthorp, of Nosterfield. Edue. : Mowbray House School, NorthaUerton. War Work : County Secretary British Red Cross Society, N. R. Yorks. Branch. Address : Northallerton, Yorkshire. (M9697) STAINTHORPE, WiUiam Waters, O.B.E, M.D, J.P, 6. 10 May, 1844 ; s. of Thomas G. Stainthorpe, of Hexham. Educ : Hexham and Newcastle. Medical Officer of Health (retired). War Work : National Service Representative, Guisborough U. CouncU ; Member of Consultative Committee, North Riding War Saving Committee ; Organised War Savings Associations throughout the East Langbaurgh Petty Sessions Division ; assisted in obtaining recruits under Lord Derby's 483 Stalker THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. scheme ; advised and assisted the MUitary Authorities in matters connected with the sanitation of billets and camps, and with the health of the troops stationed in East Langbaurgh. Address : 15, Stirling Road, Bournemouth. (011369) STALKER, Lieut. John, O.B.E, R.E. STALKER, John, M.B.E, fi. 5 Oct. 1848 ; «. of George Stalker, of Blair Drummond ; to. Margaret, d. of WiUiam Stewart, of Strathbraan. Educ. : Kincardine-in-Menteith Parish School, and B. C. Training CoU, Glasgow. School master in Logiealmond for 38 years (retired). War Work : Member of Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association, and of various Committees connected therewith ; Member of local War Pensions Committee for County of Perth, of Disablements Sub-Committee for Central Scotland, and of Pensioners Aid Society. Address : Bella Vista, Scone, Perthshire. (08716) STALLAN, Capt. Herbert AUred, M.B.B, R.A, 6. 21 Feb. 1875 ; s. of Alfred Stallan, of Sawston, Cambridge ; m. Carrie, d. of John Walker, of Norwich. Educ. : Cambridge. War Work : Mainly on the Staff of the War Office. Address : Bay field, Mill HiU, Hadham, Herts. (M3316) STALLARD, Lieut.-Col. Robert Humphry, O.B.E, STALLARD, Lieut.-Col. Sidney, D.S.O, O.B.B. London Regt. ; served in S. Africa, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) ; has Legion of Honour. (05803) STALLEY, Ernest AUred, M.B.E. STALLYBRASS, WilUam Teuton Swan, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 22 Nov. 1883 ; s. of WUliam Swan StaUybrass, of 20, Linden Gardens, London, W. 2. Educ. : Westminster, and Christ Church, Oxford. Barrister-at-Law ; FeUow and Vice-Principal of Brasenose CoU, Oxford ; Hon. Treas. Oxford Univ. Cricket Club ; Lecturer to Jurisprudence at Oriel ana Lincoln CoUeges, Oxford ; Examiner in the Honour School of Jurisprudence, 1915, 1918-20. War Work : 1915, Badges Department, Ministry of Munitions ; 1916-18, Section Director, Priority Department, Ministry of Munitions. Address : Brasenose CoUege, Oxford. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; FrUford Heath Golf. (01885) STAMBERG, Major Arthur Clement, O.B.E, M.D, R A.M.C. STAMER, Arthur Cowie, C.B.E, M.I.M.E, 6. 7 March, 1869 ; s. of the late Rt. Rev. Sir L. T. Stamer, Bt, Bishop of Shrewsbury ; m. Bverilda Mary, d. of the late G. Thompson, of Terrington HaU, York. Educ. : Rugby. Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer, North Eastern RaUway. War Work : Acting Chief Mech. Engineer for N. E. Rly. for 3_ years ; responsible for production of sheUs, gun carriages, and other munitions of war in addition to usual duties of Chief Mech. Engineer of a RaUway Co. Address : Faverdale, Darlington. Club : Yorkshire (C2968) STAMFORD, Emma PauUne, Mrs., O.B.E. STAMFORD, Penelope, Countess of, O.B.E. ; 3rd d. of the Rev. Canon Charles Theobald, Rural Dean of Lasham, Hants ; m. WilUam, 9th Earl of Stamford (d. 1910) (see Bukke'S Peerage). War Work : Vice-President for Altrincham Division of B.R.C. from 1911 ; President of Prisoners of War Packing Centre, and President of Union Jack Club in Altrincham for wounded soldiers ; Commandant of Stamford Hospital for wounded men. at Dunham Massey HaU. Address: Dunham Massey Hall, Altrincham. Club : Ladies' Empire. (011371) STAMMERS, Capt. Frederick Gunning, O.B.E. STAMMERS, Lieut.-Col. George EUiott Frank, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (retired), fi. 13 Feb. 1873 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. R.T.F. Stammers, 10th Foot ; m. Constance Louisa, d. of the late Dr. J. R. Clarke, of Derrycappagh, Mount Mellick, Queen's Co., Deland. Educ. : Bath CoU, and Bristol Univ. Deputy Director, WeUcome Bureau of Scientific Research, 25-27, Endslelgh Gardens, Gordon Square, N.W. 1. War Work : With the British MiUtary Mission to the Serbian Army for preventive work against Typhus Fever ; A.D.M.S. (Sanitation) with P.D.M.S, Eastern Mediterranean ; A.D.M.S. (Sanitation), G.H.Q, Salonika Expeditionary Force ; D.A.D.M.S. (Sanita tion), Alexandria District, Egypt ; A.D.M.S. (Sanitation), G.H.Q, Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, » Whitehall Place, S.W. 1. (02934) STAMP, Major Arthur Frederiok, O.B.E, R.F.A. STAMP, Sir Josiah Charles, K.B.E, D.Sc, 6. 21 June, 1880 ; s. of Charles Stamp, of Sidcup ; to. OUve Jessie, d. of Alfred Marsh, of Grove Park. Educ : London Univ. (Cobden Prizeman, 1912 ; Hutchinson Research MedaUist, 1916 ; Guy MedaUist, Royal Statistical Society, 1919). Assist. Sec. Inland Revenue, resigned March, 1919 ; Sec. to Explosives Trades, Ltd, 1919 ; Joint Hon. Sec. and Editor Royal Statistical Society ; Newmarch Lecturer on Statistics, London Univ. ; Examiner in Public Finance, etc, to London Univ. ; Examiner in Economics and Statistics to Soc. of Incorp. Accts. and Auditors. War Work : Official duties in Parliament upon all the Budgets, especially to relation to the Excess Profits Duty, and also Coal Mines Control ; Member of the Committee upon Financial Risks attaching to Trading Stocks, and member of the Royal Commission upon the Income Tax. Evidence before various commissions, including the Coal Commission and War Wealth Taxation Committee. Address : Passeys House Eltham, S.E. 9. CZufis .- Junior Athenaaum; London Univ! (K462) STAMPS, Bernard Coatsworth, M.B.E. STANBURY, Lieut. Ernest Borland, M.B.E, Aust. E. STANBURY, George Crocker, M.B.E. STANDAGE, Capt. Henry Edmund, O.B.E. STANDEN, Oona, Mrs., O.B.E. STANDING, Comm. Sir Guy, K.B.E, R.N.V.R, fi. 1873 • s. of James Herbert Standing, of London and Los Angeles' U.S.A. ; to. Dorothy Frances, d. of Joshua Plaskitt, F.R C S' Educ. : Eltham Coll. Served with R.N.V.R, 1914-16 ; has been attached to Naval Intelligence Div. since 1916. Address ¦ 21, Greycoat Gardens, S.W. 1. Clubs : Garrick ; Royal Automobile. (K234) STANDISH, Major WilUam Peroy, O.B.E. STANFORD, Major Frederiok Owen, O.B.B, R.E. STANFORD, Col. the Hon. Sir Walter Ernest Mortimer K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, 6. 2 Aug. 1850; s. of the late WilUam Stanford, of Buck Kraal, Fort Peddir, Cape Colony ; m. Alice d. of Joseph Walker. Educ. : Lovedale, Cape Province' Senator of S. Africa since 1910 ; GarUka War, 1877-78 ; Col! Commanding Forces in East Griqualand, S. African War' 1899-1902; Member of Native Laws and Customs Com mission, 1880-82; employed special service in Pondoland 1884 ; Chief Magistrate Griqualand East, 1885 ; Sec. Native Affairs Dept, Capetown, 1897 and 1903-7, when he retired • Chief Magistrate of Transkeian Territories, 1902-3 ; Member for Tembuland in Cape House of Assembly, 1908 ; Delegate from Cape Colony toj S. African National Convention, 1908-9. War Work: Director of War Recruiting and Committee for Returned Soldiers. Feb. 1918, to July, 1919. Address; Lindaric, SteUenbcsh, S. Africa. Club : CivU Service (Cape Town). (K316) STANFORD, Major WiUiam, O.B.E, R.F.A. STANGER, Ernest WilUam, O.B.E. STANHOPE, Cicely, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. STANHOPE, Lieut. CoUn Lundin, O.B.B. STANHOPE, Adele, Hon. Mrs. Charles Hay SCUDA MORE-, O.B.E, 6. 7 Jan. 1863 ; d. of the late Sir Robert Hay, Bart, of Haystoun ; to. Charles Hay, 6th s. of 9th Earl of Chesterfield (see Bukke'S Peerage). War Work : Chairman War Workers Committee, Y.W.C.A. ; Nat. Vice-President, Y.W.C.A. Address : 64, Queen's Gate, S.W. (01887) STANIER, WilUam Henry, O.B.E, J.P. WUts, 6. 28 AprU, 1849 ; s. of Thomas Stanier, of Wolverhampton ; m. Susan Sophia, d. of Thomas Harris, of Calne. Educ : Privately. Retired Stores Superintendent, Great Western Railway ; Alder man WUts Co. CouncU. War Work : Assisted RaUway Executive in distribution to British Rlys. of Timber and other controlled materials. Address : South Place, Calne, WUts. Club : Nat. Liberal. ( 011372) STANION, OUver Bown, O.B.E, fi. 13 May, 1856 ; e. of the late Rev. Thoma3 Stanion, of Gt. Berkhamstead ; to. Mary, d . of WUliam Stanyon, of Leicester. Yarn Merchant, Leicester. Chairman of The Eiderwear Co, Ltd., Leicester ; Director of The Leicester Permanent Building Society. War Work : Chairman Labour Advisory Committee. Leicester ; Member South Midlands and Eastern Divisional Council ; Chairman (Hon. Vice-President) Leicester Chamber of Commerce. Address : Norlands, Victoria Park Road, Leicester ; The Royal Colonial Institute, London. Club : The Leicestershire. (011373) STANISTREET, Col. (T. Major-Gen.) Sir George Brad shaw, K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, B.A, M.B, B.Ch, Trin. Coll, Dublin, 6. 13 May. 1866 ; s. of late Richard Stanistreet, M.D, of Malahide, Ireland. Joined R.A.M.C, 1891 ; Major 1903 ; Lieut.-Col. 1 913 ; Col, 1917 ; T. Major-General, 1918 ; Personal Assistant to P.M.O, Punjab Command, 1896-1901. Staff Officer to P.M.O, Southern Command, 1906-10. War Work : Dep. Assist. Director-Gen, A.M.S, War Office, 1913-17; Assist. Director-Gen. 1917-18 ; Dep. Director-Gen. from 1918 ; Commander of Order of the Crown of Italy ; Esquire of the Order of St. John. Club : Junior United Service. (K285) STANLEY, Hon. Sir Arthur, G.B.E., C.B, M.V.O, J.P, D.L. ; 3rd s. of 16th Earl of Derby (see Burke's Peerage). Educ : Wellington Coll. Treas. St. Thomas's Hospital ; Chairman British Red Cross and St. John Ambulance. War Work : R.ed Cross. Address : Treasurer's House, St. Thomas's Hospital, S.E. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Carlton ; Turf. (G8) STANLEY, Arthur, M.B.E. STANLEY, Beatrix Taylour, Lady, C.B.E. Hon. Sec, Lancashire Branch of the Soldiers' and SaUors' FamUies Association. (C3166) STANLEY, Lieut. Ernest Raymond, O.B.E. STANLEY, Capt. Herbert Vernon, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.M.C. STANLEY, Major James, O.B.E. STANLEY, Sir John, K.C.I.E, C.B.E, Q.C, J.P, fi. 22 Nov. 1846 ; s. of the late John Stanley, of Armagh, Deland ; m. Annie, d. of the late James Norris, of Bletchingley, Surrey. Educ: Armagh Royal School; Trinity Coll, DubUn. Barrister- at-Law ; Queen's Counsel, 1892 ; Bencher, King's Inns, Dublin, 1892 ; Hon. Bencher, 1898 ; Puisne Judge of High Court at Calcutta, 1898-1901 ; Chief Justice of High Court of N. W. Province, 1901-1911; Knight of Grace Order of St. John. War Work : Convener of Comforts Committee and afterwards Vice-Chairman of Indian Soldiers Fund, 1914-19. Address: 19, Gledhow Gardens, London, S.W. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Ranelagh ; Univ. Dublin. (C1092) STANLEY, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Henry, C.B.E, F.R.G.S, J.P, 6. 16 May, 1864 ; s. of John Stanley, J.P, of Calcutta. Educ. : Privately. Deputy Commissioner, British Red Cross, 484 BIOGRAPHIES. Steel Mesopotamia; Vice-President, Church Army. War Work: Served in France, Oct. 1914-16, and in Mesopotamia from Jan, 1917, to March, 1919. Club : Royal Societies'. (C634) STANLEY, Leonard, M.B.E. STANLEY, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Robert, M.B.E. STANLEY, Capt. Robert Vinin Stanley, O.B.B, R.A.S.C. STANLEY, Rowland John, M.B.E. STANLEY, Capt. WilUam Blakeney, M.B.E, STANLEY, OUvia EUzabeth, Mrs. SLOANE-, O.B.E. STANNARD, Lieut. Frank Charles, O.B.E, D.C.M., R.F.A. (TO ST ANN US, Lieut.-Col. Gerald Walter James Fitzgerald, STANSFIELD, Lieut.-Col. Cyril Grey, O.B.E. STANSFIELD, George Sutoliffe, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, T..R.C.P, 6. 29 Oct. 1849 ; s. of James Stansfield, of Bacup ; m. Oceana, d. of Capt. E. Graham, of Birkenhead. Educ. : Privately, and Manchester Royal School of Medicine. Con sulting Surgeon, Birkenhead Boro' Hospital; late Super intendent Birkenhead Union Infirmary. War Work : M.O.-in- charge Tranmere MUitary Hospital, 420 beds, with full equip ment for operative and X-ray work. (011849) STANSFIELD, Capt. Harold, M.B.E, R.A.F. STANSFELD, Col. James Rawdon, C.B , CB.E, 6. 11 Aug. 1866 ; s. of the late Lieut.-General T. W. Stansfeld, of Indian Staff Corps ; to. Eleanor Susan, d. of the late WilUam Martiueau, M.I.C.E. Educ : Cheltenham CoU, R.M. Academy. Royal ArtiUery ; Instructor and Chief Instructor Ordnance College, 1901-4 ; Assistant Inspector, Inspection Department, 1901-5; Inspector, 1905-6, and 1908-12; Chief Inspector, Woolwich, 1913. War Work : Chief Inspector, Woolwich, till AprU,-1916 : Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Munitions, 1916-19. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, Charing Cross. Club : United Service. (C1722) STANSFIELD, John Firth, M.B.E. (M10254) STANSFIELD, Louis Donald, M.B.E. STANSFIELD, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Edward Knowles, C.B.E, M.B, 6. 1862 ; s. of Thomas Stansfield ; to. 1908, Mary Caroline, d. of James Dever. Resident Physician and Superintendent of London County Mental Hospital at Bexley ; . Hon. Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. Address : Baldwyn's Park, Bexley. Club: Royal AutomobUe. (C1773) STANTON, Charles Butt, C.B.E, J.P, M.P. for Aberdare. (C3164) STANTON, Ernest WiUiam, M.B.B., 6. 7 June, 1872 ; s. of George Stanton, of Remenham, Berks. ; to. Ethel, d. of William John Stuart, of Upper Wartingham. Educ : Henley School. Manager, The National Provincial and Union Bank of England, Limited, Hythe, Kent. War Work : Hon. Sec. Hythe War Savings Committee ; Hon. Auditor, local War Pensions Committee. Address: The Hut, Hythe, Kent. Club: Hythe. (M9702) STANTON, Capt. Frederick WiUiam, M.B.E, A.S.C. £ STANTON, Harold Westwood, O.B.B, B.A. Hons. (Lond.), fi. 2 Nov. 1882 ; s. of James Stanton, of Tipton, Staffordshire. Educ. : King Edward's School, Birmingham,- and London Univ. SoUcitor ; Deputy Town Clerk of Woolwich ; Deputy Executive Officer to the Woolwich Food Control Committee. Address : Town HaU, Woolwich, S.E. 18. (011375) STANTON, Helen, M.B.E. ; d. of the late John Under wood Stanton, of Northampton. Educ : Bedford. War work : Member of Committee of Soldiers' and Sailors' FamiUes Association, and Local War Pensions. Address: 4, Billing Road, Northampton. (M9703) STANTON, Capt. Reginald, O.B.E, Gen. List. (011885) STANTON, Major Reginald WiUiam Starkey, O.B.E, late K. 0. Yorks. L.I, S. 28 Aug. 1877 ; s. of the late Gen. Sir Edward Stanton, K.C.B, K.C.M.G. ; to. Margaret Ursula, d. of the late Lieut.-Col. H. F. HU1, Essex Regt. Educ : Marl borough and Sandhurst. War Work : Served with 2nd K. O. Y/prks L.I. in France, Sept. to Oct. 1914, including Battle of Aisne; severe]y WOUnded, Oct. 1914; 7th K.O. Yorks L.I, April to June, 1915 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Plymouth Garrison, June, 1915, to Jan. 1916 ; D.A.A.G. 59th Division, Jan. 1916, to Nov. 1918, including Sein Fein RebeUion, 1916 ; B.E.F. fence, Feb. 1917, to Nov. 1918; D.A.A.G. 17th Corps. B.E.F, Nov. 1918, to Dec. 1918 ; D.A.A.G. Military Governor, cologne, Dec. 1918, to Feb. 1919 ; three times mentioned in despatches. Address: Kittoes, Bishops Teignton, S. Devon. Club : Army and Navy. (02731) STANTON, Thomas Ernest, CB.E, D.Sc, F.R.S, fi. u Dec. 1865; s. of Thomas Stanton, of Atherstone; to. Martha Grace, d. of John Child, of London. Educ. : Owen's will Manchester. Superintendent of Engineering Depart ment, National Physical Laboratory. Address: St. Lucia, ¦Hampton Road, Teddington. Club : Royal AutomobUe. STANWORTH, James, M.B.E, STAPLE, Rev. Richard, M.B.E, M.A, 6. 22 Jan. 1879 ; «• of the late W. W. Staple ; m. Hyacinth Margaret Louisa rinch Hatton, d. of the late Hugh Fraser, of Achnagairn, J.P., rwj'' Inverness-shire. Educ. : Privately, and Magdalen Coll, oxford. Vicar of Lympne with West Hythe. War Work : Jlead Special Constable, Canterbury, 1914-18 ; Hon. Recruit mg Officer, Canterbury, 1915-16; Military Representative, Unterbury Sub-Area, 1916-17 ; Hon. Sec. Canterbury War Wnsions Committee, 1917-18. Address : Lympne Vicarage, Hythe, Kent. (M974) STAPLEDON, Reginald George, M.B.E. STAPLETON, Capt. Edward Parker, O.B.E, R.A.F. STAPLETON, Frederiok, M.B.E. STAPLETON, May COTTON-, M.B.E. In 1917 took entire charge of Ministry of Pensions correspondence upon individual cases of tuberculosis. (M10355) STAPLEY, Frank Robert, O.B.E. STAPYLTON, Capt. Martyn Frederio, O.B.E, R.N. STAPYLTON, Lieut.-Col. Miles John, O.B.B. STAR, Surg.-Comm. Paul Hohling Mills, O.B.E. STARBUCK, Thomas William Charles, M.B.B, 6. 7 Feb. 1890; s. of Walter Starbuck, of Doncaster; to. Lily, d. of David Piggott, of Sheffield. Educ. : Doncaster. Ensign Salvation Army. War Work: Control of S.A. Hostels at Dunkerque, Paris, and with 4th Army in Belgium. Addresses : Rockley, near Retford, Notts ; Spansyke Street, Doncaster. (M3992) STARK, Frank Tapscott, M.B.E. STARK, James, O.B.B. STARK, John, O.B.B. STARK, John, O.B.E. STARKEY, Capt. Dickinson, O.B.B, R.A.V.C. STARKEY, Henry Samuel Criohton, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.). STARKEY, Capt. Herbert James, O.B.B, R.E. STARKEY, Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. STARLING, Lieut.-Col. John, O.B.E, R.A.F. STARLING, John Henry, O.B.E. STARNES, Major Fred, D.S.O, O.B.E. STARR, Lieut. Frank Joseph, O.B.E. STARR, Major Frederick Newton Gisborne, C.B.E, R.A.M.C. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1328) STARR, Col. WiUiam Henderson, C.B, C.M.G, C.B E, fi. 1861, Waziristan Exped. 1894-5 (medal with clasps) ; China, 1900 (medal) ; Mesopotamia, 1915-19 (despatches). (C1433) STARRATT, Lieut. Harry Joseph, M.B.E, Can. O.C.B. STARTIN, Lieut. Robert Arthur, O.B.B, A.M, R.N. STATHAM, Col. John Charles Baron, CM.G, C.B.E, 6. 1872. Entered R.A.M.C. 1896 ; Capt. 1899 ; Major, 1907 ; Lieut.-Col. 1915 ; Col. Army Medical Service, 1917 ; N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-19, as A.D.M.S. (despatches). (C1239) STATHAM, Reginald Samuel Sherard, O.B.E, fi. 11 March, 1884 ; s. of the Rev. S. P. H. Statham, of Pendleton, Lanc3. ; to. Annie Maitland, d. of Rupert Sherwin, of Worcester. Educ : Bradfleld Coll, Berks. ; Westminster and Bristol Medical Schools. Doctor of Medicine ; Hon. Assist, fi-ynaecologist, Bristol Royal Infirmary; Demonstrator of Obstetrics, Bristol Univ. War Work : Mobilised, Aug. 1914, 3rd Field Amb, 1st Division ; M.O. to 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers, Oct. 1914, to May, 1915 ; Surgical Specialist, 5th Gen. Hospital, 1916-18 ; in charge Surgical Div, 6th Gen. Hospital, Aug. 1918, to Dec. 1919. Address : Ormlie, CUfton Down Road, CUfton, Bristol. (O8804) STAUNTON, George Sydney, M.B.E. STAUNTON, Capt. Hugh Geoffrey, CB.E, R.D, R.N.R, 6. 1892 ; s. of Henry Staunton, of Snelston HaU, Derbyshire. War Work : 1914-19, as Commodore of Convoys (despatches). (C1206) STAVERT, Sir WUliam Ewen, K.B.E, fi. 9 April, 1861 ; 8. of Robert McCall Stavert, of P. E. Island, Canada; m. Alma Kate, d. of Samuel Thomson, of Newcastle, N.B, Canada. Educ : Summerside ; P. E. Island Grammar School. Retired Banker. War Work : Canadian Red Cross, and later Director of Finance in Ministry of Information, London, England. Address : 33, Macgregor Street, Montreal, Canada. Clubs : Mount Royal, and St. James's, Montreal. (K251) STAVERS, Lieut.-Col. John, M.V.O, O.B.B. STAWELL, Roldolph de Salis, O.B.B, M.B, F.R.CS. STAYNER, Capt. Richard Winslow, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.C, Canadian Forces, 6. 1877 ; s. of the late Rev. Thomas Laurence Stayner ; m. 1911, Winifred Blga Russell. Educ : Marl borough. Served in S. Africa, 1899-1901 ; Great War. 1915- 18 (despatches) (C2213) STEAD, Capt. Norman, M.B.E. STEAD, William, M.B.E. ,-,.,.„ ,_ „ . STEARNS, Major Cyril Ernest, O.B.E, K.R.R.C. (S.R.) STEBBING, Henry Mark, M.B.B. STEDMAN, Albert Douglas M.B.E. STEDMAN, Major Ernest Walker, O.B.E, R.A.F. STEDMAN, Isabel Margaret, O.B.B. STEEDS, Ethel Mary, M.B.E. STEEGMANN, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Edward John, O.B.E, M.B., D.P.H, R.N.V.R. STEEL, Alexander, O.B.E, J.P. STEEL, AUred Ernest, O.B.E. STEEL, Capt. Charles Walter, M.B.E, fi. 14 Feb. 1878 ; 8 of John Henry Dixon Steel, of Blackheath and Lowestoft ; m Dorothy Margaret, d. of the late James Calban, of Green wich Educ. : Gt. Yarmouth Grammar School. Hon. Sec. Norwich Division, British Red Cross Society; Assist. Eton. Sec Norwich Univ. Extension Society. War Work : QIC Transport, Norwich British Red Cross Society ; Adjutant of Norfolk R.A.M.C. Volunteers. Address: 19, Cecil Road, Norwich. Clubs: Red Cross, and Masonic, Norwich. (M2475) STEEL, Capt. Frank, O.B.E, R.A.F. STEEL, Lieut. Gabriel, O.B.E, R.E. STEEL, Air Commodore John Miles, C.M.G,, C.B.E, 6. 485 Steel THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 11 Sept. 1877 ; s. of Col. J. P. Steel, R.E. (ret.) ; to. Laura Kathleen, d. of the late WiUiam Sinclair Thomson, M.P. Educ. : Stubbington House, Fareham, and H.M.S. " Britannia." Late Capt. R.N. War Work: Royal Navy, Grand Fleet, 1914-17: Royal Naval Air Service, 1917-18 ; transferred to Royal Air Force, April, 1918 ; mentioned in Naval Despatches (Jutland). Address : Brook House, Chislehurst. Club : Junior Naval and MiUtary. (C874) STEEL, Major John Valentine, O.B.E, R.A.F. STEEL, Lieut -Col. Thomas Heron, O.B.E, STEELE, AUred LUburn, M.B.E. STEELE, Arnold Francis, M.B.E. STEELE, Major Charles Edward Beevor, O.B.E. STEELE, Major Henry Squire, O.B.E. STEELE, Major Gerald, O.B.E, fi. 6 April, 1874; s. of Matthew Steele, of Frodsham, Cheshire ; m. Maud, d. of William Mackinlay, of Wynard, S. India. War Work : France, 1914-17 ; North Russia, 1918-19. Address : 22, Emperor's Gate, S.W. 7. Club: Boodle's. (O3077) STEELE, Lieut. Matthew Garvan, M.B.E, R.F.A. STEELE, Reginald Johns, M.B.E, 6. 25 Aug. 1881 ; s. of G. H. Steele, of Stroud, Glos. ; m. Alice Mary, d. of T. A. Roberts, of Bradford. Educ. : Marling School, Stroud, and Leeds Univ. Head Chemist to Yarn Branch of the Bradford Dyers Association. War Work : Acted as Director of Textile Section of the Ministry of Food ; this Department controlled the use of all edible starches and flours needed by the Textile and Adhesive Industry. Address: 2, Whetley Grove, Brad ford. (M3994) STEELE, Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E. STEELE, W. H., CB.E. Assist, and Acting Traffic Manager, Chinese Govt. RaUways, Peking-Mukden Line. Address: Peking. China. (C635) STEEN, Minnie, Mrs., M.B.E. STEEN, Major Royston Dunbar, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. STEER, Charles Robert, M.B.E. STEER, Frank, M.B.E. STEER, George Patrick, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. STEGGALL, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Robert Ernest, M.B.E. STEIN, Charles, O.B.E, M.C. STELLING, Lieut. Carl David, M.B.E. STEMP, Major Charles Hubert, C.B.E. STENHOUSE, James WUson, M.B.B, M.B, M.R.C.S, STENHOUSE, Lieut. Joseph Russell, O.B.E. STENNING, Lieut.-Col. Henry Alexander, O.B.E., T.D. STENNING, Jessie, M.B.E, 6. 30 March, 1869; d. of Edward Stenning, of Beckenham, Kent. Educ. : Worcester Park, Surrey. Commandant Kent 86 V.A.D, B.R.C.S. War Work : British Red Cross Society, 1914-19 ; Acting as Qr.-Mr. at Christ Church V.A.D. Hospital, Beckenham (auxUiary to the Royal Herbert Woolwich), Oct. 1914, to July, 1918; Commandant of same until Jan. 1919. Address : Taversham House, Beckenham, Kent. (M9708) STENNING, Lieut.-Col. John Frederick, C.B, C.B.E. T.D, 6. 1868 ; s. of the late Edward Stenning, of Beckenham, Kent ; m. Ethelwynne, d. pf W. H. Alexander, of Oxton, Cheshire. Univ. Lecturer, FeUow, Tutor, Dean, and Librarian of Wadham CoU. Oxford ; Lieut.-Col. Comdg. an Officers' Training Corps. (C1774) STENNING, WilUam Lees, M.B.B, J.P, 6. 4 July, 1865 ; s. of WiUiam Stenning, of RedhUl ; m. Mary EUzabeth, d. of the Rev. James Schofield, of Westgate, Co. Durham. Educ. : Repton School. War Work : Divisional Officer under Timber Supply Department of Board of Trade. Address : Ranmore, RedhiU, Surrey. (M3995) STENSON, George Routledge, O.B.E. STEPHEN, Major George Andrew, O.B.E, 6. 15 April, 1879 ; s. of James A. Stephen, SoUcitor and Bank Manager, Keith. Educ. : Blairiodge School, StirUngshire ; Aberdeen and Edinburgh Universities. SoUcitor and Bank Manager, Keith, Banffshire. War Work : Mobilised Aug. 1914 ; Active Service, France, Nov. 1914, to Dec. 1915, in 1/6 Gordon High landers (T.F.) ; Instructional Staff, Machine Gun Corps ; Commanding No. 2 (Res.) Batt. M.G.C Address: Union Bank House. Keith. Banffshire. (07737) STEPHEN, Lieut.-Col. Guy NeviUe, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. STEPHEN, Henry, O.B.E. STEPHEN, Capt. Henry Brown Torrie, M.B.E. STEPHEN, Henry Buckingham, M.B.E. STEPHEN, Nancy Consett, M.B.E. STEPHENS, Adelaide Charlotte Edith, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 3 Dec. 1880 ; d. of George Simpson, of Wray Park, Reigate ; to. Peter Stuart, s. of Thomas WaUs Stephens, of Downe Hou3e, Richmond. Educ. : AUenswood, Wimbledon Park. War Work : Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, Merstham ; Member, Reigate Rural District Food Control Committee ; Representative for Merstham for Women's Land Army ; Vice-Chairman and subsequently Chairman of the Reigate Rural District War Pensions Committee. Address : Coppice Lea, Merstham, Surrey. Club : Halcyon. (M9709) STEPHENS, Albert, M.B.E. (M10254/) STEPHENS, Amy Frances Caroline, M.B.E, 6. 2 July, 1879 ; d. of the late Lieut. WiUiam Henry Stephens, R.N. Educ: Leamington High School. Junior Administrative Assistant, Accountant-General's Dept, Admiraltv, WhitehaU. War Work : Assisted at Farnborough Court Red Cross Hospital ; Canteen, and Prisoners of War Parcels Packing Depot, Farn borough. Address : Lincroft, Farnborough, Hants. (M2477) STEPHENS, Charles Hoak, O.B.E. STEPHENS, Edwin, M.B.E., fi. 12 Feb. 1856 ; t. of the late John Stephens, ShipbuUder, of Carnon Yard, Feock, Cornwall; to. Jane Crozier, d. of WiUiam Cornish, Warrant Officer, R.N, of Devonport. 1878, joined the Government Service at Keyham Dockyard, Devonport, and after 17 years' in the drawing-office, Chief Engineer's Dept, selected for special duty at the Admiralty in connection with designs for foreign (extension works) for Gibraltar, Malta, etc. ; after 4 years' service at Admiralty, appointed, March, 1901, Foreman of Engineering Branch H.M. Dockyard, Devonport ; had charge under Chief Engineer, of Yard of new construction work, fitting out battleships and cruisers, such as " Lion " and other ships that fought in the Jutland Battle ; on attaining the age of 60, owing to the war, was reappointed by the Admiralty to serve a further period during the war, and on retirement was awarded the Imperial Service Medal. Address: 10, St. John's Terrace, Devoran, CornwaU. (M9710) STEPHENS, Einna Gwendolen, M.B.E. STEPHENS, Major Franois Trant, O.B.E. STEPHENS, Major Frank Harold, O.B.E, R.A.F. STEPHENS, Surg. -Lieut. -Comm. Horace EUiot Rose, O.B.E, M.B, D.P.H, R.N. STEPHENS, Lieut. Hubert Stanley, O.B.E, H.A.C. (T.F.) STEPHENS, Capt. John Kyle, M.B.E, R.E. STEPHENS, Lackhart, CB.E, M.R.C.S, D.L. STEPHENS, Major LesUe Nalder, O.B.E, R.A. STEPHENS, Engr.-Capt. Lindsay James, C.B.E, R.N. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1942) STEPHENS, Lieut. Sidney Franois Hood M.B.E, R.F.A, (S.R.) STEPHENS, WiUiam Edgar, O.B.E, 6. 31 Dec. 1871; s. of Thomas James Stephens, of Roath, Cardiff; to. Mary Elsie, d. of John Bevington, late of Barlaston, Staffs. Educ. : Monkton House School, Cardiff ; South Wales Univ. CoU. Solicitor ; Town Clerk, Great Yarmouth, Registrar ; Borough Court of Record; Registration Officer; Hon. Clerk Distress Committee, Great Yarmouth. War Work: Clerk to Great Yarmouth Local Tribunal ; Divisional Secretary Soldiers' and SaUors' FamiUes Association, and Soldiers' and SaUors' Help Society ; Hon. Clerk to Local War Pensions Committee ; Member of East Anglian Joint Disablement Committee ; Hon. Sec. and Organiser Great Yarmouth Vol. War Workers Associa tion ; Hon. Clerk Local Emergency Committee ; Member Norfolk Emergency Committee ; Hon. Clerk and Organising Sec. Local Committee for the Prevention and Relief of Distress ; Special Constable ; Member War Savings Committee. Addresses: The Greylands, Gorleston, Suffolk; The Town HaU, Great Yarmouth. Clubs : The Great Yarmouth Con servative ; Great Yarmouth and Caister GoU. (011382) STEPHENS, WiUiam [John, M.B.E, 6. 15 March, 1882 ; s. of John Stephens, of Rhyddings, Neath ; m. Ethel May, d. of Daniel Davies, CE, of Neath. Educ : Neath. Member of the Neath Rural District CouncU and the Board of Guardians. War Work : Acted for the Ministry of Munitions Labour Dept. as Chief Executive Officer for Wales. Clubs: Swansea and Counties. (M9712) STEPHENSON, Major BasU, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 14 AprU, 1880; s. of Reuben Stephenson, of Devenport; to. Joyce Edith, d. of Frederick WiUiam Higgins, of Chittagong, India. Educ. : Plymouth CoU, Plymouth. Banker, Imperial Bank of India and Bank of Bengal. War Work: Royal 1st Devon Yeomanry, GalUpoU, Egypt, Palestine, and L. of C Palestine, E.E.F. Addresses: c/o Courts & Co, London; Bank of Bengal, India. (06298) STEPHENSON, Gertrude, Mrs., M.B.E. STEPHENSON, John, O.B.E. STEPHENSON, Joseph, O.B.E, F.S.A.A, 6. 9 May, 1882 ; s. of the late George Frederick Stephenson, of Harrogate ; to. EmmeUne Louise, d. of A. N. BaUey, of Peterboro'. Educ. : Privately. FeUow of the Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors ; Elective Auditor City of Peterborough. War Work: Hon. Sec. and Treas. Soke of Peterboro' Red Cross and Voluntary Organisation Committees ; Hon. County Sec. Soke of Peterborough National War Savings Committee; Executive Officer, Peterboro' and District Joint Executive Food Control Committee ; Sec. of the Provincial Feeding Stuffs Committee for Peterboro' Area ; Special Constable. Address: The HolUes, Eastfleld, Peterboro'. Clubs: Junior Constitutional ; Royal Automobile ; City and Counties (Peter- boro'V (011383) STEPHENSON, Marjory, M.B.E. STEPHENSON, PhiUppa Anna Frederioa, Mrs., O.B.E, d. of the late Colonel Gordon Watson, of 8, Cadogan Gardens, and Wydford House, Ryde ; m. Major-Gen. Theodore Edward, C.B, s. of the Rev. Canon Stephenson, of St. Johns, Weymouth. Artist. War Work : Sec. of the Essex Regt. Prisoners of War Fund (coUected £28,000) ; on Executive Committee of Soldiers and Sailors' Help Society. Address: 75, CarUsle Mansions, S.W.1. Clubs: Lyceum; Ladies' Army and Navy. (03939) STEPHENSON, Richard Henry, O.B.E. STEPHENSON, Lieut.-Col. Robert, C.B.E, D.S.O. STEPHENSON, Stanley George, O.B.E. STERICKER, Capt. John, M.B.E, R.E. STERICKER, Major Stanley, O.B.E. STERLING, Thomas Smith, M.B.E. STERN, Sir Albert Gerald, K.B.E, CM.G. Lieut.-Col. Machine Gun Corps ; was Commander Mechanical Warfare (Overseas and AUies) Dept. 1917-19. (K170) 486 BIOGRAPHIES. Stevenson STERN, Major Frederio Claude, O.B.E, M.C. STERNDALE, HUda, M.B.E. War Work: Deputy Administrator to Q.M.A.A.C, attached 40 Q.M.A.A.C. Depot Hostel, Handsworth CoU, Birmingham, as Company Com mander ; later, in charge of a Unit attached to Tractor Depot, Avonmouth. Address : The Green, Seaton Carew, County Durham. (M6710) STERRY, Major John, O.B.E., M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, B,.A.M.O. (V.), 6. 9 Jan. 1870 ; s. of John Sterry, of Nutfleld, Surrey ;m. Beatrice, d. of WilUam AUen, of Leek, Staffordshire. Educ : St. Bartholomew's Hospital. FeUow Royal Medical Society ; F.Z.S. ; Medical Officer of Holmesdale Cottage Hospital, and Sevenoaks Hip Hospital. War Work : Served abroad as Lieut. R.A.M.C. : Assistant County Director, Kent V.A.D. ; Medical Officer, St. John's V.A.D. Hospital, Seven oaks ; Major R.A.M.C (V.), Kent Field Ambulance. Address : Suffolk Place, Sevenoaks, Kent. CTttfis : Royal Automobile ; Flyfishers'. (011384) STERRY, Wasey, C.B.E, fi. 1866; e. s. of the Rev. Francis Sterry, of Fort HiU, Barnstaple. Educ. : Eton, and Merton CoU. Oxford. CaUed to the Bar, Lincoln's Dm, 1892 ; appointed a Judge in Sudan, 1901 ; Chief Justice, 1905-17 ; Legal Sec. Sudan Govt. 1917 ; has 3rd class Medjidie ; 2nd class of Order of the NUe. Addresses : Khartum, Sudan ; Fort HU1, Barnstaple. CZufi : SavUe. (C355) STERT, Mabel, M.B.E, fi. 9 AprU, 1866 ; oT. of the late Rev. Arthur Richard Stert, of Cheltenham. Educ : Ladies' CoU, Cheltenham. War Work: In Aug. 1914, helped to arrange homes for and to look after Belgian Refugees ; worked for the Soldiers' and Sailors' FamiUes Association and the Frome War Depot ; in Oct. 1917, was appointed Hon. Sec. and Treas. to the War Pensions Sub-Committees, Frome, and held the post 2. years. Address : Chosen House, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. (M9713) STEUART, James, O.B.E, M.A, J.P, 6. 7 Sept. 1860 ; s. of Archibald Steuart, W.S, Edinburgh ; m. Agatha, d. of Canon Francis Coulman Royds. Educ : Edinburgh Academy, and Edinburgh Univ. Royal Company of Archers (King's Bodyguard for Scoltand) : Writer to the Signet ; Senior Partner of J. 0. and A. Steuart, W.S, 25, Rutland Street, Edinburgh; Director Eagle, Star, and British Dominions Insurance Co, Limited (Edinburgh Board) ; Member of London Committee of Zafra and Huelva Railway Company. War Work: Commander Edinburgh City Special Constables (Toot Section). Addresses : Crossways, Murrayfleld, Mid lothian ; 25, Rutland Street, Edinburgh. Club : Caledonian United Service (Edinburgh). (011385) STEUART, Maud Anne Sophia, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of Leut.-Gen. Chas. S. Steward, LA. ; to. Murray Babtagton, . e. of George Steuart, Brig.-Gen. Royal Coy. of Archers, of Edinburgh. War Work : Hon. Sec. Kirkcudbright Local War Pensions Sub-Committee until a paid secretary was appointed ; Representative in Kirkcudbright of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association previous to and during the war. Address : Oakley, Kirkcudbright. (M9714) STEVENI, Major Leo, O.B.E.. M.C STEVENS, Arthur Michael Bygholm, M.B.B, C.B, 6. 2 March, 1872 ; s. of WiUiam Stevens, late of Bygholm, Den mark and London; to. Helga, d. of Balthazar Worm, of Aalborg, Denmark. . Educ. : Crystal Palace Practical School of Engineering. Administrator Flax SuppUes Committee, Belfast; Assist, and District Engineer Assam-Bengal Rly., India; Resident Engtoeer-in-charge, Barsi' Light Rly., India; Engineer at Donhirst Peat Works, Dumfries, Scotland. War Work: Senior Assist. Inspector of Munitions Areas, Ministry of Munitions ; Engtoeer-to-Charge, Bettisfield Camp-Hut ments, for Messrs. J. Norton Griffiths, Contractors for War Office. Address : c/o Messrs. Grtodlay & Co, 54, ParUament Street, London. Club : Union (Belfast). (M9715) STEVENS, Engr.-Capt. Charles, C.B.E., R.N, 6. 1869 ; «. of the late James Stevens, of Moseley, near Birmingham. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches) (C1943) STEVENS, Clement Henry, CB.E, 6. 1870 ; s. of the late G. J. B. Stevens, M.R.CS, L.R.C.P, of Wadhurst House, Newington Green, S.E. Deputy Director of Shell Manufacture, June to Sept. 1917 ; Controller of Gun Ammunition since that date. (C66) STEVENS, Edith, Mrs., O.B.B, 5. 1873 ; d. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Daniel Dixon, Bart, P.C, M.P, D.L, of BaUy- menoch, Co. Down ; to. Lieut.-Col. F. Stevens, C.B.E, D.L. War Work : Commandant of Aux. Hospital, 1914-19 ; organiser of Our Day (Bedford), 1915-16 ; a Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Address : Clairmono, Shakespeare Road, Bedford. Club : Ladies' V.A.D. (01889) STEVENS, Major Edward James, O.B.E, R.A, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. ( O5807) . STEVENS, Lieut.-Col. Frank Augustus Douglas. C.B.E,, fi. 1877 ; s. of Col. F. B. Stevens, of Marlow ; m. 1890, Edith, O.B.E, d. ofthe Rt. Hon. Sir Daniel Dixon, P.C, M.P, 1st Bt. Chief Constable of Beds; County Director and a D.L. for Bedfordshire ; Chairman of its Territorial Force Association ; Esquire of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Ad dress : Claremont, Shakespeare Road, Bedford. Club : Junior United Service. (C036) STEVENS, Capt. Frank Douglas, O.B.E, M.G.C, R.A.F. STEVENS, Frederick, O.B.E. STEVENS, Frederiok Charles, M.B.E, 6. 9 Oct. 1876; *. of Frederick Stevens, of Hitchin ; m. Florence Louisa, d. of Isaac Ivory, of Stevenage. Educ : Hitchin Grammar School. Printer and Stationer. War Work : Served with Bedfordshire Regt, also on the Staff of the War Cabinet, and the Staff of the Cabinet Offices. Address: 78, High Street, Stevenage, Herts. (M9716) STEVENS, Major Frederiok John, O.B.E, 6. Feb. 6, 1883 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. S. J. Stevens, 16th Lancers, of Chiltley, Liphook, Hants. Educ. : King's CoUege, London ; Messrs. Adams and Millard, Freiburg, Barden, Germany. Farming. War Work : Was in tho Special Reserve before the War ; mobUised 4 Aug. 1914, and joined 4th Batt. P.W.O. West Yorkshire Regiment ; served at home and on the Western Front ; demobilised, 22 AprU, 1919. Address : Chiltley, Sopley, Christehurch, Hants. STEVENS, Capt. George, O.B.E., R.A.F. STEVENS, George Douglas, M.B.B, 6. 6 May, 1858; s. of Henry George Stevens, of IsUngton, London, N. ; to. Mary Ann EUzabeth, d. of Robert Keyte, of Tottenham, N. Educ. : Deal Coll. Formerly Assist. Manager and later Manager for the ChUworth Gunpowder Co, Ltd, atClulworth, Guildford, Surrey, for 35 years. War Work : The manu facture of explosives for the Services. _iri!dress.- HU1 Top, Fort Road, Guildford, Surrey. (M0996) STEVENS, Capt. Gordon. M.B.B, CE, R.E, fi. 19 Sept. 1893 ; s. of J. G. Stevens, of Hawkesbury, Upton ; to. Kate, Alice, d. of Robert Street, of Northfleet. Educ : Colston School, Bristol. Articled to H. T. Chapman, late County Surveyor of Somerset. War Work : Joined Inns of Court O.T.C, Dec. 1915 ; Commissioned R.E, Chatham, Sept. 1916 ; Salonica, Jan. 1917, to Dec. 1919. Address : Oldbury, Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. (M3235) STEVENS, Harold Blythen, O.B.E. STEVENS, Ida Kathleen, O.B.E. STEVENS, James Algernon, CLE, O.B.E. STEVENS, Engr.-Capt. John Greet, C.B.E. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1944) STEVENS, Leonard Cording, O.B.E, 6. 23 Nov. 1890 ; s. of the late Robert Stevens, of Timberscombe, Taunton; m. Nancy Lorna, d. of Col. H. N. V. Harington, I.M.S, of The Arrow Lakes, British Columbia. Educ. : WeUington, and London Univ. Schoolmaster and Tutor, Commanding 229th (Sussex) Battery, R.F.A. (T.). War Work : France (Sept. and Oct. 1914) ; India, Mesopotamia (1916-17) ; organised India's " Own Day," 1918, which brought £825,000 to Red Cross Funds ; organised and carried out India's War Propaganda Campaign, 1918-19. Address : Chelmsford HaU, Eastbourne, Sussex. (O8307) STEVENS, Patriok WiUiam Joseph, O.B.E. STEVENS, Lieut. Reginald, M.B.E, R.E. STEVENS, Lieut. Thomas Harry Gouldsworthy, O.B.E, R.E, I.A.R.O. STEVENS, Walter WiUiam Spencer, M.B.E:, R.N. STEVENSON, Arnold, M.B.E. STEVENSON, Capt. Bertrand James, O.B.E. STEVENSON, Capt. Douglas Stuart, M.B.E, R.A.F. STEVENSON, Eileen, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 28 May, 1870; d. of the late Charles Haugh, of Portlaw, Co. Waterford; m. David, s. of Hugh Stevenson, of Northland House, London derry. Educ : Dublin. War Work : Hon. Co-Sec. London derry War Hospital Supply Depot, under Dir -Gen. Voluntary Organisations ; Executive Committee Soldiers' and SaUors FamUies Association, and MiUtary and Naval War Pensions Committee, representing this committee on Regional Directors Court, Belfast; SaUors' and Soldiers' Free Buffets, etc. Address : The Collon House, Londonderry. (M9717) STEVENSON, Comm. Ernest, O.B.E, R.N. STEVENSON, Florence Johanna, Mrs., M.B.E. STEVENSON, Frances Louise, C.B.E. Secretary to Prime Minister (Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, M.P.). (C305) STEVENSON, Capt. George Henderson, O.B.B, M.C. STEVENSON, Col. Harry Daniel Muhldoroff, O.B.E, M.C, LA. STEVENSON, Herbert Given, M.B.E. STEVENSON, HUda, M.B.E, d. of L. R. Stevenson, late 3rd Hussars. War Work: Second-in-charge of Red Cross Work Depot, Birkenhead; organiser and Head of Red Cross Gift House, Birkenhead. Address: 31, Beresford Road, Birkenhead. Clubs : Halcyon ; Foram. (M 19718) STEVENSON, Rev. Hugh, M.B.E, M.A, 6. 16 Feb. 1864 ¦ s. of Andrew Stevenson, of Beith, Ayrshire ; to. Eleanor, d. of WiUiam Kennedy, M.A, LL.D, of Glasgow. Educ. : Tollcross PubUc School, Glasgow Univ, and Glasgow Free Church Coll. Minister, United Free Church, Dunblane; Member of the Parish CouncU of Dunblane and Leorott; Member of the School Management Committee of the parishes of Ardoch and Dunblane and Lecroft. War Work: Patriotic Services in Scotland, specially in Recruiting, Derby Scheme, MiUtary and National Service Representatives, and War Savings Campaigns. Address : East Manse, Dunblane. STEVENSON, Lieut. Ian Teacher, O.B.E, E-N-V.R. STEVENSON, Major James, O.B.E, B.L, R.E. (T.), fi. 2 March 1883 ; s. of WUliam Stevenson, of Glasgow ; m. Suphronia Reynolds, d. of Richard Gleeson, of Toronto, Canada. Educ. : Kelvtoside Academy, Glasgow Advocate. War Work : Signals, R.E. Address : 20, Heriot Row, Edin burgh. (OZ734) STEVENSON, James Maxton, O.B.E. STEVENSON, James Verdier, CB.E., M.V.O, 6. 1858; 487 Stevenson THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Chief Constable of Glasgow ; District Inspector, Royal Dish Constabulary, 1884-1902. (C637) STEVENSON, John Home, M.B.E, M.A, K.C, 6. 1855 ; s. of the Very Rev. Robert Home Stevenson, of St. George's Parish, Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh, Unicom Pursuivant ; Knight of Justice, Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; Member of the Royal Company of Archers (King's Body Guard for Scotland) ; Member of Educational Authority, Edinburgh. War Work : With the Red Cross, and as a Muni tion worker. Address : 9, Oxford Terrace, Edinburgh. Clubs : Caldeonian ; Conservative (Edinburgh). (M2479) STEVENSON, John Proctor, M.B.E, 6. 29 Dec. 1882; s. of John PoweU Stevenson, of Cardiff ; to. EUen, d. of A. Rowe. Educ. : Priory Upper Grade School, Gt. Yarmouth, and City Municipal Secondary School, Cardiff. Accountant, H.M. Stationery Office. War Work : As Deputy Supt. of Stores, H.M. Stationery Office, Member of Treasury Committee on office machinery, and one of H.M.S. 0. members on Staff of British Delegation at Peace Conference, Paris. Address : 4, HUlbrow, New Maiden, Sin-rev. (M9720) STEVENSON, May Margaret, O.B.E. STEVENSON, Major Robert, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.O.C STEVENSON, Capt. Robert Little, M.B.E, R.A.F. STEVENSON, Samuel, M.B.E, J.P- STEVENSON, Thomas Henry Craig, C.B.E, 6. 1870; s. of James Stevenson, of Strabane, Co. Tyrone ; to. EUa Louise, d. of Samuel SUlifant, of Cardiff. Educ. : Univ. CoU, London. Superintendent of Statistics, General Register Office ; FeUow (Guy gold medaUist) and formerly Hon. Sec. of the Royal Statistical Society ; FeUow of Univ. CoU. War Work : Member of Reserved Occupations and Enemy Personnel Committees ; employed on National Register and recruiting statistics. Address : General Register Office, Somerset House, W.C. 2. (C306) STEVENSON, Major Walter Ormond, O.B.E, Aust, A.S.C. STEVENSON WilUam King, O.B.E, B.A, 6. 10 Nov. 1891 ; s. of the late Samuel Brown Stevenson, of Glencregagh, BeUast. Educ. : Methodist CoU, BeUast, and Trinity CoU, DubUn. War Work : Engaged during the first haU of 1916 in recruiting work in the Northern Area of Ireland ; Sept. 1916, appointed Hon. Treas. of the Ulster Women's Gift Fund for Men on Active Service and Prisoners of War ; this Fund, which, apart from its activities on behalf of Men on Active Service, was responsible for the support of some 4000 Prisoners of War, reached a total of £120,000. Address : Glencregagh, BeUast. (011388) STEVENSON, WilUam March, C.B.E, 6. 31 March, 1864 ; s. of W. H. Stevenson, of MUlside House, Dorking ; to. CeciUa Violet, d. of Arthur S. Hanson, M.D, of Titchfield, Hants. Educ : Queen EUzabeth's Grammar School, Southwark. General Managers' Assistant, Lloyds Bank, Limited. War Work : Financial Adviser, Finance Section, Ministry of Blockade, 1916-17 ; attached lo British Embassy, Washington, in advisory capacity, 1917-18. Address : Rookwood, Dorking! Surrey. (C638) STEVENSON, Stansmore LesUe Dean, Mrs. MACAULAY- M.B.E. ; d. of A. D. Dean, of Glasgow ; to. Robert, s. of John Stevenson, of Glasgow. War Work : Ran the Scottish Hut at G.H.Q, MontreuU-sur-Mer. Addresses : Robinsfield-by- Milngavie, Glasgow ; MontreuU-sur-Mer, France. (M3998) STEWARD, Alexandrina Ryrie, O.B.E. STEWARD, Lieut. Charles Arthur Cholmley, M.B.E, M.C. STEWARD, Major Edward Merivale, O.B.E, S. and T. Co. (011767) STEWARD, Col. Godfrey Robert Viveash, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1881 ; s. of Maj.-Gen. Edward Harding Steward, C.M.G. Educ. : Wellington Coll, and R.M.C Entered Roy. Innis kiUing FusiUers, 1899 ; became Capt. 1905 ; Major, 1915 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col, 1917 ; served in the S. African War, 1899- 1902 ; present at reUef of Ladysmith (severely wounded, Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; in the Great War, 1914-19 (severely wounded, des patches, Brevet Lieut.-Col.) ; appointed to command a Labour Batt, 1918, with rank of Col. Club : United Service. (C1330) STEWARD, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Holden, O.B.E, 6. 12 Feb. 1866 ; s. of the Rev. Charles Holden Steward, of Northway House, near Tewkesbury ; to. Alexanduria Ryrie Steward, d. of James Scott Rome, of West Dingle, near Liver pool. Educ: .Haileybury Coll. War Work: Commanding Troops, Devizes. Address: Rockley House, Devizes. Club: Primrose. (07743) STEWARD, WiUiam Arthur Briault, M.B.E, A.M.I.Mech.E, 6. 7 Nov. 1881 ; s. of WiUiam Steward, of London ; to. Louisa Ada, d. of Joseph Risley, of London. Educ. : East London CoU. Engineer ; before the war attached to Chief Mechanical Engineer's Dept, Midland RaUway, Derby ; now London Manager, Soeiete Genevoise d'Instruments de Physique Geneva. War Work: Section Director, Gun Ammunition Manufacture Dept, Ministry of Munitions of War, London. Addresses : 95, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. 4 ; 14, Chester Rd, Southend-on-Sea, Essex. (M9721) STEWARD, LUy Mrs. GORDON-, M.B.E. STEWART, Agnes Paterson, Mrs, M.B.E. STEWART, Lieut.-Col. Albert Fortesoue, C.M.G, O.B.E, Suffolk Regt, 6. 30 March, 1868 ; s. of Sir John Marcus Stewart 5i ^t, D L (see Bukke'S Peerage); to. 3 July, 1902, Rita, 3rd a. of the late Right Hon. Jonathan Christian, Lord Justice 488 of Appeal in Deland Served in S. Africa, 1901-2 (despatches medal with clasp) ; in the Great War, from 1914 (despatches, brevet) ; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. (07744) STEWART, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Brodie Seton, O.B.E , R.A.M.C (T.). STEWART, AUce Margaret, Lady, O.B.E, 6. 1863; d. of John Christie, of Cowden, Perthshire ; m. Sir Robert King, s. of R. Stewart, of Murdostoun. Vice-President, Franco- Scottish Society. War Work : Deputy Chairman, Lanarkshire Red Cross Committee ; Commandant, HartwoodhUl AuxiUary Hospital (opened Dec. 1914, closed 1919) ; Member Scottish Branch War Executive and V.A.D. Committees. Address: Murdostoun Castle, Newmains, N.B. Clubs: Empress; Queen's (Edinburgh) ; Kelvin (Glasgow). (0766) STEWART, Angus, O.B.B, J.P, O.C, fi. 17 Sept. 1852 ; s. ot John Stewart, of Drumchork, lately Westar Tempar, Rannoch, Perthshire. Educ : Parish School, Gairioch. Farmer, Estate Factor, County and Parish Works, and Piermaster at Aultbea, where the Admiralty established a Naval Base, at the outbreak of the war. War Work : Chair man of the Western District Committee of Ross and Cromarty aud Sub-Committee of the Local War Pensions Committee; Member of Food Control Committee, Western Ross Tribunal and Health Insurance, and Governor of the North of Scotland CoU. of Agriculture. Address: ZetviUe, Aultbea, Ross-shire. (011389) STEWART, Major Angus Matheson, M.B.E, R.E. STEWART, Comm. Archibald Thomas, O.B.E, R.N.. 6. 10 Jan. 1876 ; s. of Col. T. B. Stewart, 30th Regt. and A.S.C, retired ; to. Agnes Herbert, d. of the late James B. Thorpe, of The Hut, Port Erin, Isle of Man, and Sandywood, Pendlebury, Lancs. Educ. : Dover Coll, and H.M.S. " Britannia." War Work : H.M.S. " ComwaUis," 1914-17 ; served throughout DardaneUes Campaign, Egypt, and Eastern Mediterranean ; Staff of S.N.O, Malta ; appointed Port Convoy Officer and British S.N.O. at Bizerta, 1917-19; ChevaUer Legion d'Honneur ; Commander of the Order of the Nichan Iftikar (Tunis) ; 1914-15 Star, General Service Medal, Victory Medal. Address : Heathfield, Winchmore Will, Middlesex. (O1890) STEWART, Capt. Arthur Courtenay, C.B.E, R.N. (ret.), 6. 1 May 1871 ; s. of Charles Patrick Stewart, of SUwood Park, Sunningdale, Berks (see Bukke'S Peerage, Galloway, E) ; m. 18 Jan. 1911, Gwendolyn Marion, d. of Waldo Story, of Rome. Address : Ashby Manor, Box, WUts. (C2274) STEWART, Athole Chalmers, O.B.E, 6. 25 June. 1879 ; s. of the late George Stewart, of Grange Park, Ealing; m. Ellen Frances, d. of the late Gen. W. S. Hatch, R.A. War Work: Entered Foreign Office, AprU, 1915, as temporary clerk ; head of Telegram Section of the ParUamentary Dept. on his retirement, Dec. 1918. Address : 6, Coulson Street, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Clubs : Beefsteak ; Garrick. (0767) STEWART, Major Aubrey George Battersby, O.B.E, R.A.O.C STEWART, Lieut.-Col. Charles, O.B.E. STEWART, Charles, O.B.E. STEWART, Charles, M.B.E, 6. 2 Aug. 1881 ; s. of WiUiam Stewart, of Carnoustie ; m. Jessie Ferguson, d. of WUliam Ducat, of Warslap, Arbroath. Educ : St. Salvador's School, Dundee. Chartered Accountant, holding pubn. appointments under Scottish Office and Board of PubUc Health ; Registrar for the Diocese of Brechin. War Work : Treas. Red Cross Society and Transport Officer in Charge of Personnel. Ad dresses : 234, Ferry Road, Dundee ; 2, Union Street, Dundee. Clubs : New (Dundee) ; EUiott and Caledonia GoU. (M9723) STEWART, Sqdn. -Leader Charles John, O.B.E, R.A.F. STEWART, Sir Charles John, K.B.E, 6. 28 June, 1851 ; 8. of J. Vandeleur Stewart, of Rockinll, Co. Donegal ; m. Lady Mary Catherine, d. of 3rd Earl of Norbury (see BmiKB's Peerage). Educ : Harrow. Barrister-at-Law ; Official Receiver Companies ; Clerk of the London County CouncU ; PubUc Trustee. War Work : Custodian of Enemy Property ; Member of Enemy Debts Committee ; Assisted in War Savings Movement and Economy Campaign and Exhibitions ; assisted formation of and appointed by War Office, member of Central Committee of Volunteers. Addresses : 24, Eccleston Square, S.W. 1 ; RockhUl, Co. Donegal, Deland. Club : Junior Carlton. (K105) STEWART, Capt. Charles Ravenscroft, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. STEWART, Donald Alexander, M.B.E, fi. 30 Sept. 1877 ; s. of Ewen Stewart, J.P, of Kinlochiel ; to. Jeannie, d. of the Rev. Donald MacMaster, of Islay. Educ. : Kinlochiel and Fort WiUiam Schools. War Work : Acted from Jan. 1916, till April, 1920, under the Home-Grown Timber Committee (Board of Agriculture and Fisheries), War Office, and the Board of Trade (Timber Supplv Department) as Superintendent of Works in Scotland. Addresses: St. John's House, Oban; Kinlochiel, Diverness-shire. (M9724) STEWART, Major Donald Maciver, O.B.E, R.E, Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. STEWART, Duncan, M.B.E, V.D, L.R.C.P.. L.R.C.S. STEWART, Sir Edward, K.B.E, M.D, J.P, D.L., fi. 16 Feb. 1857; s. of WUliam Edward Stewart, F.R.CS, late of 16, Harley Street, W. ; to. Lady PhUippa, d. of Henry GranviUe, 14th Duke of Norfolk (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : Surgeon to S. African Field Force in Boer War (Queen's Medal with 3 clasps) ; Medical Assessor to Joint Commission (Red Cross and St. John of Jerusalem) ; France, 1914-18 with BIOGRAPHIES. Stewart rank of Hon. Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. Address : 34, Connaught Square, London, W. 2. Club : Junior Carlton. (K38) STEWART, Edward Pakenham, M.B.B, fi. 18 April, 1870 ; s. of the Rev. John Alexander Stewart, M.A, T.C.D, of Clooney, Co. Derry; m. Amy Eliza, d. of W. Postill, of Palnswick, Glos. Educ : Royal School, Armagh, and privately. Civil Servant in Directorate of Movements and Quartering. War Work : Movements of troops by sea, Including all shipping arrangements (in conjunction with Admiralty) connected with DardaneUes Expedition ; later conveyance of stores and ammunition to and from aU stations abroad other than cross- Channel. Address : 5, St. George's Mansions, London, S.W. 1. (M3999) STEWART, Elizabeth Woodhead, Mrs., M.B.E, V.A.D. STEWART, EUen Frances, Mrs., C.B.E, d. of Gen. W. S. Hatch, R.A. ; m. Athole Chalmers, s. of Geo. Stewart. Educ : Privately. War Work : 14 Aug. 1914, Hon. Sec. to Matron, Charing Cross Hospital ; 1915-17, Temp. Organising Officer, Ministry of Labour ; April, 1917, to AprU, 1920, Superintendent, Women's Forage Corps, R.A.S.C. Address : 6, Coulson Street, London, S.W. 3. Club : Forum. (C2972) STEWART, Ethel, M.B.E. War Work : Took an active part in The Durham Light Infantry Prisoners of War Fund from its estabUshment in 1915. Address: 3, South HiU Crescent, Sunderland. (M9726) STEWART, Rev. Frank White, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 23 Sept. 1867 ; s. of John Stewart ; m. Maggie Josephine, d. of — Murray. Educ. : Perth Academy, and Edinburgh Univ. War Work : Chaplain to the Forces, France, Belgium, and Germany, August, 1914, to Dec. 1919. Address : c/o Sir C R. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, London. (C1331) STEWART, Lieut.-Col. George Herbert, O.B.E, M.B, I.M.S. STEWART, Gertrude, O.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C STEWART, Helen Osmer, Mrs., O.B.B. STEWART, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Arthur, D.S.O, O.B.B, fi. 1878 ; s. of Arthur Stewart, formerly I.C.S. ; to. 1907, Janet Bertha, d. of the late Frederick Macleay Passow. Educ : Portsmouth Grammar School. Entered Suffolk Regt, 1899 ; transferred to Armv Service Corps, 1900 ; became Capt, 1902 ; Major, 1914 ; Ueut.-Col, 1916 ; served in the S. African War, 1899-1902 ; present at operations in Transvaal, Orange River, and Cape Colonies (Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; in the Great War, 1914-19, on Staff. (despatches) ; is a Member of Cruising Assoc. Address : Beke Hutte, Billingshurst, Sussex. (C2735) STEWART, Hugh Henry Boyd, M.B.E. , F.R.CI, 6. 22 May, 1875 ; s. of the late John Stewart, of Breda Park, Belfast ; m. Mary Selene, d. of the late Honoratus Leigh Thomas of Chester. On the outbreak of war was engaged in Central Africa on Engineering development work. War Work : Attached to Directorate of Works and Buildings, Air Ministry. Address : 18, Goldington Avenue, Bedford. STEWART, IsabeUa Forbes, M.B.E, 6. 1877 ; d. of the late Very Rev. Principal Stewart, D.D, of St. Andrews, Scotland. Educ : Aberdeen, and Univ. of St. Andrews. Lady Warden of Residential Club under the Church of Scotland (1919). War Work : In Scottish Churches' Huts, 1916-17, and from July to Oct. 1917, at the Base Camp of Etaples ; Oct. 1917, to May, 191$, Lady Commandant of the Scottish Club m Rouen. Address: Lister House, The Mount, Edinburgh. Club : St. Margaret's (Edinburgh). (M4000) STEWART, Major Jack, O.B.E. STEWART, James, O.B.E. STEWART, James, O.B.E. STEWART, James, M.B.E. STEWART, Major James, O.B.E, M.Inst.CE. (retired Ely), 6. 18 Feb. 1861 ; s. of the late Capt. J. Stewart, 16th ancers, of WUliamwood, Renfrewshire, N.B. ; to. Frederica, a. of the late L. Lablache, of London. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. Engineering Inspector, Ministry of Health. War Work: Re-employed, 1915-18, on Headquarter Staff, Aldershot Uimmand. Address : 90, Coleheme Court, S.W. 5. Club : East India United Service. (07748) STEWART, Lieut.-Col. James AUan, O.B.E. STEWART, James King, C.B.E, 6. 24 AprU, 1863 ; s. of James Stewart, Postmaster of Leith ; to. Margaret, d. ol James law, East Mains, Broxburn, Linlithgowshire. Educ. : Edin- jrargi Institution. ComptroUer of Stamps and Taxes for ocouaQd. War Work : Immediate supervision and administra tion ot H.M. Inland Revenue in Scotland, including the new uuties on Excess Profits, Excess Mineral Rights Coal Levy, and Income Tax on weekly wage earners. Address : Craig Urrard, Northfield. Liberton, Midlothian. (C2973) STEWART, Jean Carruthers M.B.E. STEWART, Col. John, C.B.E, Can. A.M.G. STEWART, John, M.B.E, 6. 7 Jan. 1878; s. of John Stewart, of Laggan, Strathyre; m. Margaret BeU, d. of WiUiam £• Watson, of Edinburgh. Educ : McLaren High School. taUander, and Univ. of Edinburgh. SoUcitor and Notary PubUc ; District Clerk ; Depute Clerk of the Peace ; Clerk ^alquhidder Parish CouncU ; Cashier County Savings Bank ; uerk Leeropt Heritors; Sec. Dunblane Agricultural Society. war Work: Sec. for West Perthshire District Agricultural wmmittee; Clerk, West Perthshire County Tribunal; Sec. £ord Derby Recruiting Scheme ; Sec, District Food Control °2SSJttee- Address : Westholm, Dunblane. (M973) STEWART, John, O.B.E, J.P, S.S.C, 6. 1866 ; s. of James Stewart, of Nairn;, m. EUza Jane, d. of James Clark, of Golford, Nairnshire. Educ : Forres Academy, and Edinburgh Univ. Chief Education Officer to the Educa tion Authority of the City of Edinburgh, and a SoUcitor to the Supreme Courts of Scotland; a Justice of the Peace for the County of the City of Edinburgh. War Work: Supervisor for National Registration, National Service, and for Recruiting for the City of Edinburgh ; as Executive Officer organised the Food Control for the City, and assisted in organising the Volunteer Movement, holding a Commission in the Royal Scots Volunteer Regiment for Edinburgh. Address : 14, Murrayfield Road, Club : Northern, Edinburgh. (03941) STEWART, Lieut.-Col. John Douglas Reginald, O.B.E. STEWART, Capt. John Henry George, M.B.E, 6. 17 Nov. 1883 ; s. of A. G. Stewart, of Wimbledon Park : to. Florence Edith Maud, d. of G. White, of Wimbledon Park. Educ. : Archbishop's School, Lambeth. Civil Servant (G.P.O.). War Work : Army Postal Service, 1915-19 (Royal Engineers, Special Reserve). Address : 69, Durham Road, Wimbledon, S.W. 19. (M5655) STEWART, Lieut.-Col. John Mitohell Young, C.B.E, D.S.O, Australian Forces. Served during Great War, 1915-18 (despatches). ' (C219) STEWART, Lieut. Keith Lindsay, M.B.E. STEWART, Louisa Mary, CB.E, R.R.C, 6. 11 Aug. 1861 ; d. of the late Major-Gen. Robert Cross Stewart, C.B, of Palmeira Mansions, Hove, Sussex. War Work : Matron in Queen Alexandra's Imperial MiUtary Nursing service, 1889- 1919. Address : Marsh Cottage, Queens Road, Minehead, Somerset. (C1119) STEWART, Mary Downes, O.B.E. STEWART, Mary Jane Finlay, M.B.E, 6. 1894; d. of William Stewart, of Glasgow. Educ. : Eastbourne and Paris. War Work: Superintendent, Surgical Dressings Department ; Red Cross Central Workrooms, Burlington House. Address : 46, Palace Gardens Terrace, Kensington. Clubs : Halcyon ; Mid-Surrey Golf. (M2481) STEWART, Maude, Mrs., M.B.E. STEWART, Lieut.-Col. P. A. V., CB.E, D.S.O, fi. 1875 ; s. of Lieut.-Gen. John Mackie Stewart ; m. 1911, MUdred Annie Ferrars, d. of the late Tom Ferrars Guy. Served in Great War, 1914-19, on Staff (despatches Brevet Lieut.-Col, Belgian Croix de Guerre). Club : Naval and Military. (C1779) STEWART, Percy Malcolm, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 9 May, 1872 ; s. of Halley Stewart, of The Red House, Harpenden, Herts ; to. Beatrice Maud. d. of the late Joseph B. Pratt, of Brenchley, Kent. Educ : Univ. School, Hastings, and Royal High School, Edinburgh. Cement Manufacturer. War Work: At Ministry of Munitions ; Director of the Government Roll ing Mills, Southampton. Address: 4, Templewood Avenue, Hampstead, N.W. 3. Clubs: Reform; Royal Automobile. (01891) STEWART, Capt. Peroy Peter James, O.B.E, F.R.CS, M.B, R.A.M.C. STEWART, Major Peter Donald, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. STEWART, Robert, M.B.B. _. _, STEWART, Sir Robert King, K.B.E, J.P, D.L, Co. Lanark, 6. 1853 ; s. of Robert Stewart, J.P, D.L, of Murdos toun ; to. Alice Margaret, d. of John Christie, of Cowden. Educ. : Glasgow and Oxford Universities. Vice-Lieut, and Convener of County of Lanark. War Work : County Director, Lanarkshire Branch of Red Cross Society; Vice-Chairman of War Pensions Committee : Member of Prince of Wales War Fund, Scottish Committee; Chairman of Lanarkshire Food Control Committee. Address: Murdostoun Castle, Newmains, Lanarkshire. Clubs : New, Edinburgh ; Oxford and Cambridge. (K171) STEWART, Major Robert Neil, O.B.E, M.C. STEWART, Surg.-Comm. Robert WiUiam Glennan, O.B.E, M.D., R.N. __ _ STEWART, Capt. Valentine Peter Beardmore, C.B.E, 5th Highland Light Infantry, 6. 14 Feb. 1882 ; s. of Duncan Stewart, of Glasgow ; m. Goldie, d. of the Rev. A. M. Maclean, CM.G, D.D.L of Paisley Abbey. Educ. : Kelvinside and Eastbourne. Local Director, WiUiam Beardmore & Co, Ltd, Glasgow. War Work: GaUipoU, 1915 ; Director National Factories, Glasgow, 1916 , Deputy Director of Gun Manufac ture, 1917; ControUer of Gun Manufacture, 1918. Clubs: Junior Carlton ; Junior Constitutional. ,V j V STEWART, Walter Grahame, M.B.B, M.B, B.S. (Lond.) M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P, 6. 5 Oct. 1874; s. of the late Robert Stewart, Standard Bank, South Africa ; to. Rebecca C Stewart, d. of Maj.-Gen. F. F. Daniell, late of Gordon Highlanders. Educ. : Dulwich CoU, and Guy's Hospita . Vice Chairman, Hertfordshire Pensions Board; Medical Superintendent, Hertford and Ware Joint Hospital ; Medical Officer, Herts Reformatory, Ltd., Ware Board of Guardians, and Ware Post Office. War Work: Medical Officer and Commandant, Ware V.A.D. Hospital (Herts 14), March, 1915, to Dec. 1918; Medical Officer, Poles Convalescent Home for Officers, annexe of Ridley House, Carlton House Terrace; Medical Officer to Local Troops and Anti-Aircraft Stations ; Member of Herts Recruiting Board, and Special Constable. Address : Baldock House, Ware, Herts. „,. , •„ _ >. i> tJ ' STEWART, WilUam, M.B.B, F.R.I.B A, 6. 14 Nov. 1867; s. of Charles Henry, of South Woodford, Essex; m. Maud M. A. E. (who died), d. of W. J. Jarrow, of Finsbury Park. Educ. : ChigweU Grammar School. Architect and Surveyor War Work: Joint MUitary Representative, Wanstead, Essex, Tribimal ; National Service Representative, 489 Stewart THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. IsUngton Addresses: Grove Park, Wanstead, Essex ; Newlyn House, Aldgate, London, E. 2. Club : Constitutional (M97oUJ STEWART, WiUiam Alexander, M.B.E, J.P. STEWART, WilUam Allison, O.B.E. . .,, . „ _ _ STEWART, Lieut.-Col. WUUam Archibald, O.B.B, Middlesex Reg, fi. 8 Dec. 1880 ; s. of the late Major Alexander Stewart, of Scone, N.B. ; to. Hilda Hilton, d. of the late Col. Charles Briggs, J.P, D.L, of Hylton Castle, Durham. Educ: Sandhurst. War Work : Served in South African War with Middlesex Regiment and Mounted Infantry, including battle of Spion Kop and other engagements for reUef of Ladysmith ; D A A and Q.M.G. Burma Division ; Commandant, British General Depot, Basra ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G, and A.A. and Q.M.G Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force; Despatches three times. Address : Bagdad, Mesopotamia. Club : Junior United Service. (O6706) STEWART, T. Capt. WiUiam Hendry Burgess, O.B.E, STEWART, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WilUam Henry, O.B.E, (R.E.) STEWART, Brig.-Gen. WiUiam Robert, C.B, C.B.E. (late R.E.), fi. 20 July, 1862 ; s. of the late Stair A. Stewart, M.I.C.E, 2nd son of Stair Hathorn Stewart, of PhysgUl and Glasserton, N.B. ; m. Ethel, d. of the late Rev. F. T. Salmon, late of Gittsham Rectory, Devon. Educ. : Blairlodge School, Polmont, N.B. ; R.M.A, Woolwich. Regular Officer, R.E, from 1 Oct. 1882, to 19 Aug. 1919, when placed on retired list. War Work : Assistant Director Fortifications and Works, War Office, 1913-16 ; Chief Engineer, Scottish Command, 1916-19. Address: c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross. Clubs : Junior United Service. (C1776) STEWART, Brig.-Gen. Charles, GORDON-, C.B.E. (ret.). Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1585) STEWART, Lily, Mrs. GORDON-, M.B.E. STEWART, Lady AUce Emma SHAW-, C.B.E, fi. 27 Jan 1864: e.d. of John, IthMarquessof Bath (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. Sir Michaei Hugh, 8th Bart, s. of the late Sir Michael R. Shaw-Stewart (see BURKE'S Peerage). War Work : Com mandant, Ardgowan AuxUiary Hospital ; Lady President Renfrewshire Committee, British Red Cross Society ; Member of Greenock Local War Pensions Committee; Membei of Renfrewshire Local War Pensions Committee. Address : Ardgowan, Inverkip, Renfrewshire. (C2971) STEWART, Sir Hugh SHAW-, Bart., C.B.E. STEWART, Mary Beatrice, Mrs. SHAW-, O.B.E, 6.19 Aug. 1865 ; d. of Sidney Leveson Lane, of Manor House, Great Addington, Northants, and Mary Isabel, Viscountess Downe (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. Walter Richard, s. of the late Sir Michael Shaw-Stewart, of Ardgowan, Renfrewshire. War Work : Commandant of Tisbury V.A.D. AuxiUary A Hospitals. Addresses : Hays, Shaftesbury, Wilts ; Villa Shaw-Stewart, Ajaccio, Corsica. Club : The Victoria. (011391) STEWART, Walter Riohard SHAW-, M.B.E, J.P, D.L, CC for Wilts, 6. 27 June, 1861 ; s. of the late Sir M. R. Shaw- Stewart 7th Bart, of Ardgowan, Greenock, N.B. (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. Mary Beatrice Sydney, O.B.E. (q.v), d. ofthe late S. L. Lane, J.P, D.L, of Great Addington, Northants. Educ : Harrow. Formerly Capt. 4th Argyle and Sutherland High landers, and Capt. 1st WUts Vol. Rifle Corps. War Work : In charge of T.F. Officers Casualty Dept, 1915-17, at the War Office. Addresses : Hays, SedgehUl, nr. Shaftesbury ; ViUa Shaw-Stewart, Ajaccio, Corsica. Club : Junior Carlton. (M9729) STICKINGS, Capt. Ralph WilUam Ewart, O.B.E , B.Sc, D.I.C, A.I.C, R.A.M.C. (T.), fi. 20 March, 1895; s. of John Stickings, of Mitcham, Surrey ; m. Dora SybU, d. of Charles Sayers, of Mitcham, Surrey. Educ. : Rutlish School, Merton ; King's CoU.. London ; Royal CoU. of Science, South Kensington. Research Chemist ; FeUow of Chemical Society. War Work : 1914-15, Manufacture of Synthetic Drugs at Imperial CoUege of Science ; 1915-16, organisation of First Water Tank Co. for France ; 1916-19, Senior Chemist, No. 1 Water Tank Co, employed in providing drinking water for troops on Western Front, principally during advances. Address : The Rowans, Ravensbury Park, Mitcham, Surrey. (05813) STICKLAND, John Northover, O.B.E, fi. 1 March, 1854 ; s. of Jasper Stickland, of Milborne Port, Somerset ; to. Bessie, d. of Alfred Reynolds, of Milborne Port. Late Supertotending Inspector of Customs and Excise. War Work : Member of Advisory Committee (Customs and Excise) dealing with the restrictions on the deUvery of wine and spirits from bond ; controUed the Committee's staff. Address : 19, Mayford Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. 12. (03942) STICKNEY, Evelyn Mary, M.B.E, 6. 17 April, 1876 ; d. of the late Walter Meynell Stickney, of Beverley. Educ. : The Westlands School, Scarborough. War Work : Hon. Div. See, Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association ; Member of Executive County ReUef Committee, Local ReUef Committee, and Local War Pensions Committee ; appointed Assistant Sec. and later Administrative Officer of Pensions Committee, Address : 44, Westwood Road, Beverley. (M9731) ST1FFE, Lieut.-Col. Archibald Francis Everitt, O.B.E, Royal ArtiUery (ret.), 6. 5 July, 1867 ; s. of Capt. A. W. Stifle. Educ. : Marlborough. Club : East India United Service. (08549) STIFFE, Norman Cecil, O.B.E, I.C.S. 490 STIGGER, Horace Charles, M.B.E, 6. 8 Nov. 1867; s of James Stigger, of Sevenoaks; m. EmUy, d. of WiUiam Stevens, of Exeter, Educ: St. Stephen's, Paddington, W. ; King's CoU, London. Paper Room Clerk. Home Office. War Work : In connection with PoUce Service. Address : 263, Fulham Palace Road, S.W. 6. (M9732) STILEMAN, Rear-Adm. Sir Harry Hampson, K.B.E., 6. 1860 ; s. of the late Major-Gen. WiUiam Croughton Stileman, of Brighton; to. Emma Frances, d. of the late Major-Gen. Richard Oldrleld, R.A. Educ. : Eastman's R.N. Academy, and HMS "Britannia." Entered Royal Navy, 1882 ; ret. 1909; Senior Naval Officer at Liverpool during the whole period of the war; Rear-Admiral, 1914; Director of Dr. Barnardo's Homes. Address : 18, Stepney Causeway, E. 1. Club : National. (K332) STIL.ES, Sir Harold JaUand, K.B.E, M.B, CM, F.R.CS, Ed, 6. 1863; s. of Henry T. Stiles, M.D, J.P, of Spalding, Lines ; to. CeciUa Norton, d. of David Law, of Glasgow. Educ. : Totteridge Park ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Berne. Sur geon ; Regius Prof, of Clinical Surgery, Univ. of Edinburgh, and Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh; Consulting Surgeon to Royal Edinburgh Hospital for Sick ChUdren and to Chalmers' Hospital, Edinburgh ; Hon. FeUow of the American Surgical Association-; Hon. Member of the Amer. Medical Association and of the British Orthopaedic Association; President of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Deland. War Work : T. Col, A.M.S. (Brevet Lieut.-Col.) ; Assistant Inspector of Special MiUtary Surgery, and Chief Surgeon Special MiUtary Surgery, the Edinburgh War Hospital, Bangour ; Consulting Surgeon, Scottish Command ; Member of Army Medical Advisory Board, and of Council of Consultant-, Addresses: 9, Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh; Whatton Lodge, GuUane. Clubs : SavUe, and University ; Caledonian. and United Service, Edinburgh. (K321A) STILL, Ernest Henry, M.B.E. STILL, Capt. James, O.B.E, Can. A.P.C STILL, Marjorie, M.B.E, 6. 7 Jan. 1886 ; d. of E. Robert StiU, of Leatherhead. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, and War Pensions Sub-Committee for Brixton, S.W, Aug. 1914-20. Address : Windfield, Leatherhead. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (M2482) STILL, WiUiam Chester, C.B.E, 6. 1878 ; s. of WUUam Mudd StiU, late of Winchmore Hill ; m. Maud EUen, d. of Edward BuUock, of Dulwich. Educ. : Cowper Street Schools. Engineer ; Managing Director of W. M. StUl and Sons, Ltd. Address: Aberfoyle, Broad Walk, Winchmore HiU, N. 21. (C308) STILL, AUcia Frances Jane LLOYD-, C.B.E, R.R.C. ; d. of the late Henry Lloyd-StiU, Ceylon CivU Service, of Walton- by-Clevedon. Educ. : Privately. Matron, St. Thomas s Hospital, and Superintendent of Nightingale Training School. War Work: Principal Matron T.F .N.S. No. 5 London (City of London) General Hospital, St. Thomas's Hospital. Address : Matron's House, St. Thomas's Hospital. (C67) STILLWELL, Gloria Ethel Ada, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. STILWELL, George Robert Fabris, O.B.E, M.B, M.R.C.S. STIRK, Rufus, O.B.E. STIRLING, Hon. Mrs. A., O.B.E. STIRLING, 2nd Lieut. Charles Frederick, M.B.B. STIRLING, Lieut. Charles McKidd, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. STIRLING, Sir George Murray Home, 9th Bart, C.B.E, D.S.O, J.P, D.L, of Glorat (Nova Scotia Baronetcy, a.d. 1666), fi. 4 Sept. 1869 ; s. of Sir Chas. Elphinstone Fleming, , Bart, of Glorat, Stirlingshire (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. Mabel Elizabeth, d. of Sir Alexander Sprot, Bart, C.M.G, of Stravrthie, M.P. for East FUe ; 2 sons, 3 dau. ; heir, Charles Alexander Sprot Home Stirling. Educ: Eton, Sandhurst. Is a J.P. and D.L. for the County of Stirlingshire, and a Member of the King J Bodyguard for Scotland (Royal Company of Archers) ; served thirty years in the Essex Regt. (now retired) ; served in Chitral, 1895 ; Tirah, 1897 ; South African, 1900-2 ; SomaUland, 1903-4 ; European (1915-18) ; Campaigns, Commanded in turn both regular battalions of the Essex Regt. daring the Great War. Address: Baldoran, MUton of Campsie, Stirlingshire. Clubs : Army and Navy ; New, Edinburgh ; StirUng County. (C1332) STIRLING, Capt. Hugh WiUiam, M.B.E. STIRLUJG, John O.B.E, 6. 28 Aug. 1863 ; s. of the late James Stirling, of WhitehiU, Aberdeenshire ; m. Barbara Anne, d. of Alexander Cruiekshank, of King-Edwards, Aberdeenshire, Educ : Caimbanno, Madras Public School. Chief Constable of the County Borough of Grimsby, and Chief Officer of the Grimsby Corporation Volunteer Fire Brigade. War Work : On the outbreak of war organised a body of Spcial Constables, including a signalling section and observation posts, to cope with any emergency ; took stringent measures to have the town thoroughly darkened. Address : Craigston, Abbey Road, Grimsby. (011393) STIRLING, Capt. John, M.B.E. STIRLING, Major John, M.B.E, STIRLING, John Featherstone, Rev., O.B.E. STIRLING, Sir John Lancelot, K.C.M.G, O.B.E, B.A., LL.B, J.P, M.L.C, 6. 5 Nov. 1849 ; s.of Hon. Edward StirUng M.L.C, of Adelaide, S. AustraUa ; m. Florence Marian, d. of Sir William MUne, of Adelaide, S. Australia (see BURKES Peerage). Educ : St. Peter's CoUege, Adelaide, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law ; Pres. of the Legislative BIOGRAPHIES. Stokes Council, Si Australia ; sheep farmer. War Work : Work in connection with the Red Cross ; Member of Finance Com mittee, S. AustraUan Branch, Red Cross. Address : The Lodge Strathallyn, S. Australia. Ctofis .- New University ; Adelaide (AustraUa). (02172) STIRLING, Margaret Mary, Hon. Mrs., O.B.E, J.P, 6. 25 June, 1881 ; d. of 13th Baron Lovat (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Brig. Gen. Archibald Stirling, s. of Sir WiUiam Stirling Maxwell, of Keir and Pollok. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hospital and War Pensions and Red Cross Work. Address : Keir, Dunblane. Club: Queen's (Edinburgh). (011394) STIRLING, Major Patrick Douglas, O.B.E, M.C STIRLING, Comm. Thomas Willing, O.B.E, R.N. STIRLING, WiUiam, O.B.E, M.D. (Vict.), 6. 6 March, 1889 ; s. of Prof. W. Stirling, M.D, D.Sc, LL.D, of Man chester ; m. Florence Fleming, d. of Peter Watson, J.P, of Drumsuie, of Red House, Ayr. Educ. : Victoria University of Manchester. Ophthalmic Surgeon ; Assist. Hon.-Surgeon, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital ; Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester ; Ophthalmic Surgeon, Ministry of Pensions (N.W. Area). War Work : Joined R.A.M.C, Dec. 1915 ; M.O. I/c 9th York and Lancaster Regt. ; Ophthalmic Surgeon i/o 4th Army ; Ophthalmic Surgeon, Staples ; Ophthalmic Surgeon, Camiers ; Sept. 1916, to March, 1919, Ophthalmic Surgeon i/c Calais and Dunkirk areas. Addresses : 4, St. John Street, Manchester ; 55, Mauldeth Koad, Withington, Manchester. (05815) STIRLING, Comm. George Harry MILLER-, O.B.E, J.P, and D.L. for Stirlingshire, 6. Aug. 1853 ; s. of James Black MiUer, of Muirshiel, Renfrewshire ; to. Caroline Frances, d. of Major Charles CampbeU Graham StirUng, of Craigbarnet, War Work : Hon. Sec. W. of Scotland Branch of the Soldiers' and SaUors' FamiUes Association. Address : Craigbarnet, CampsU Glen, N.B. Clubs: Western, Glasgow; Stirling County. (011392) STIRRETT, Lieut.-Col. Albert Newton, O.B.E, M.C, Can. A.S.C. STITT, Iza, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C STOBART, Bessie, Mrs., O.B.B, 6. 6 Jan. 1874 ; d. of Frederick H. Brydges, of Victoria, B.C., Canada ; m. Henry Oerdas, s. of WiUiam Stobart, of Pepper Arden, Yorkshire. War Work : Chairman, War Agricultural Executive Committee and of the Home for Convalescent SaUors under the Admiralty ; President of Durham Federation of Women's Institutes. Address : Bedale Hall, Bedale. Clubs : Ladies' Empire ; Forum. (011395) STOBART, Frederick WiUiam, O.B.E, 6. 27 Jan. 1859 ; s. of the late WiUiam Stobart, of Pepper Arden, Northallerton ; m. Margaret, d. of the late C J. Brydges, of Winnipeg, Canada. Educ : WeUington CoUege, and Jesus CoU, Cambridge. Wm Work : Purchased suppUes in Canada and United States for the War Office. Address : Wispers, Midhurst, Sussex. Ciufis : WeUington ; Wyndham ; Manitoba, Winnipeg. (0773) STOBART. Lieut.-Col. George Herbert, C.B.E, D.S.O, J.P. (R.A.), 6. 18 Feb. 1873 ; s. of W. C. Stobart, of Spellow HU1, Yorks ; m. Mary Alexandra, d. of Rev. H. J. Kinnear, of Copgrove Rectory, Yorks. Educ. : Aysgarth School Yorks ; Harrow School, and Woolwich. Lieut.-Col. Commanding 6th Durham Light Infantry (Territorials). Entered Army, 1894 ; Major, 1911 ; retired 1911 ; served S. Africa, 1899-1900 (Queen's Medal, with clasp) ; European War, 1914-18 (despatches, D.S.O, Brev. Lieut.-Col, C.B.E.), J.P, Co. Durham. Address : Harperley Park, Co. Durham. Club : Army and Navy. (C1777) STOBART, Harriet Katie, M.B.E, 6. 26 Aug. 1870 ; d. of Alfred Conyers Haycraft, of London ; m. Louis Walter, s. of WUliam Stobart. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant, Somerset/80 (Women's) Red Cross Detachment : Commandant of the Red Cross (Primary) Hospital at Baptist Schools, YeovU, Som. Address : Flat 2, 19, Second Avenue, Hove, Sussex. (M5733 STOBART, Henry John Scott, O.B.E, 6. Aug. 1867, «. of Rev. Henry Stobart, of Warkton Rectory, Kettering ; m. Frances Geraldine, d. of W. CuUey Stobart, of Spellow HU1, Yorks. Educ : Haileybury and Pembroke CoUege, Cambridge. War Work : Managing Director of Messrs. Chance Brothers & Co., manufacturers of Optical glass for war purposes. Ad dress : Church House, Belbroughton, nr. Stourbridge. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge. (01892) STOBART, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Morton, CB.E, D.S.O, 6. 1883 ; s. of the late Frank Stobart, of Selaby, Gainford-on- Tees ; m. 1910, Esmee Violet Helen, d. of Alfred James BetheU. Served during Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). Address : BIddick HaU, Fence Houses, Durham. (C1041) STOBART, Jessica Octavia, Mrs., O.B.E, Lady of Grace ofthe Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 6. 13 July, 1872 ; d. of Francis George Butler, of Cross Hall Lodge, St. Neots, Hunts. ; m. WiUiam Ryder, s. of WilUam Cuuey Stobart, of SpeUow HU1, Knaresboro'. War Work: Commandant of 17th Durham V.A. Hospital, Etherley, Bishop Auckland, from March, 1915, to AprU, 1919. Addresses : Mazonet, Stoke Gabriel, Totnes, S. Devon ; Bragleenbeg, Kllninver, Oban, Argyllshire. (01893) STOBIE, Major Harold Ramsay, O.B.B. STOBIE, Capt. WiUiam, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.) STOCK, Enid Amy, Mrs., M.B.E. STOCK, Capt. Ernest EUiot, M.B.E, E.A.F. STOCK, Col. PhiUp Graham, C.B, C.B.E, M.B, 6. 1878 s. of Granger Stock, of Clifton, Bristol ; to. 1913, Dorothy, d. of Herbert Oxley, of Hans Crescent, S.W. Educ. : Clifton and Bristol Univ. Director of Med. Ser, Union of S. Africa ; a J.P. for S. Africa ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; in German S.-W. Africa, 1914-15 (despatches) ; France, 1915- 18. Address: 45, Wetherby Mansions, S.W. Clubs : Pretoria ; Rand. (C1883) STOCKER, Edward Barlow, O.B.E. 6. 4 Feb. 1877; s. of WiUiam Jeffrey Stocker, of Pendower, Nottingham; to. Florence Harriett, d. of Arthur C. Brown, of Nottingham. Educ. : Nottingham High School. War Work : County Director, Notts V.A.D. ; Transport Officer, responsible for all the Transport of the Nottingham Military and V.A.D. Hospitals. Club : Borough, Nottingham. (011396) STOCKER, Eng.-Comm. Peroy, O.B.E, R.N. STOCKINGS, Major Arthur Perry, C.B.E, F.R.G.S. 6. 3 Jan. 1880 ; s. of George Stockings, of Topcroft, Bourne mouth ; to. Dorothy, d. of Richard England, of Rumney Court, St. MeUons, Cardiff. Educ: Privately; Germany (Marburg). Chief Engineer and general manager of several important British companies in South America, prtocipaUy to Bolivia ; eariier work of a similar nature in South Africa. War Work : Hon. Sec. to the Joint War Committee of the Order of St. John and British Red Cross ; Sub-Commissioner British Red Cross at Malta ; subsequently granted a commission in the 2/2 London Regt. Royal Fusiliers (T.) and fought in the Dardanelles after service in Malta and Egypt ; placed on light duty ; appointed Director of supply section in the Trench Warfare Dept, Ministry of Munitions ; finally appointed Director of Stores and Sub- Commissioner for the British Red Cross for Italy ; after the Armistice appointed B.R.C. Commissioner for Italy to carry- out demobilisation. Address : Aragon, Letchmore Heath, nr. Watford. CZwfi : Constitutional. (C2975) STOCKLEY, Major Henry Hudson Fraser, O.B.E, R.M.L.I, 6. 30 Oct. 1878 ; s. of Col. George W. Stockley, J.P, R.E, of West MalUng, Kent ; m. Ismay Madeleine, d. of Dacre M. A. Hamilton, J.P, D.L, of Cornacassa, Monaghan. Educ. : Haileybury CoU. 2nd Lieut. R.M.L.I, 1897 ; Sword of Honour Royal Naval CoU, Greenwich, 1897 ; Lieut. R.M.L.I. 1898 : H.M.S. " Niobe," during South African War ; H.M.S. " Ophir," during tour of T.R.H. the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, 1901 ; Capt. R.M.L.I. 1903 ; A.D.C. to the Governor of the Straits Settlements, 1904-10. War Work : Served with Portsmouth Batt. R.M.L.I, France and Flanders, 1914 ; GaUipoli, 1915 ; severely wounded, 1915; mentioned in despatches, Major, 1915 ; Lord Chamberlain's Department, 1916. Address: 8, Charles Street, Knightsbridge, S.W. 7. Club: Sports. (011397) STOCKS, Andrew Denys, O.B.E, 6. 2 Dec. 1884; s. of the Ven. John Edward Stocks, Archdeacon of Leicester. Educ. : Loretto School. Lieut. Coldstream Guards, S.R. ; Assistant SoUcitor and Legal Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Address : 8, Old Square, Lincoln's Dm, W.C. 2. Club: Union. (03945) STOCKS, George, M.B.E, A.M.Inst.T., fi. 6 March, 1875 ; s. of George Stocks, of Doncaster ; to. Annie Gertrude, d. of William Chambers, of BulweU, Notts. 28 years in the service of the Great Central Railway Co. in various capacities and eventuaUy transferred to the General Manager's Depart ment. War Work : In August, 1916, transferred to the Rail way Executive Committee, and appointed to deal with matters relating to transport of traffic, enlistment, and demobUisation of railwaymen ; in charge of operations affecting railways during hostile air raids. Addresses: 35, ParUament Street, Westminster, S.W. 1 ; 25, Hughenden Road, High Wycombe, Bucks. (M9734) STOCKWELL, Major Hugh Charles, O.B.E. STODDARD, Major Ernest Algernon, M.B.E. STODDARD, Lieut. John Wilkie, M.B.E. STODDARD, Reginald Thomas, M.B.E. STODDART, Capt. Guy, O.B.B, LA. STODDART, George Frederick, O.B.E. STODDART, Capt. Kenneth Bowring, C.B.E, 6. 1877 ; 8. of Laurence Stoddart, of Liverpool; m. Constance, d. of John W West, of Newfoundland. Educ. : Liverpool CoU. War Work: Capt. 18th King's Liverpool Regt, 1914-16; President, Wheat Export Co, Canada; Vice-President, Wheat Export Co. New York ; Member Royal Commission on Wheat SuppUes', 1916-20. Address: c/o Samuel Sandy & Co Holland House, Bury Street, London, E.C (C2976) STODDART, Swinton, M.B.E. STOKER, George Herbert, p.BB B.A, India Office, 6 12 Feb 1874 ; s. of George Naylor Stoker, F.I.C, E.R.M.S., late of the Government Laboratory ; to. Florence Margaret, d of the Rev. Henry Cotton. Educ. : City of London School, and Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford. War Work: War and demobilisation accounts connected with India and Home Government. Address : 41, Westwell Road, Streatham Common Club: Oxford and Cambridge Musical. (01894) STOKER, Gilbert, O.B.E, A.M.I.C E , 6. 1869 ; s. of Gilbert J. Stoker, of Birmingham ; m. Manor, d. of Charles Flint, of Birmingham. Educ. : King Edward VI. High School, Birmingham. CivU Engineer. War Work: Assistant Con troUer and Bngtoeer-in-charge of Works, and Maintenance of the Central Stores Department, Mimstry of Munitions of War. Address: Cornwall House, Waterloo Bridge Road, London (O1890) STOKES, Capt. Adrian, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.D, B.Ch., 491 Stokes THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. F.R.CS.I, M.R.C.S, R.A.M.C, 6. 1862; s. of H. S. Stokes, formwly I.C.S. Educ. : Trinity Coll, Camb, and DubUn Univ. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, Order of Crown of Belgium). (05818) STOKES, Lieut.-Col. Claude Bayfield, D.S.O, O.B.E., CLE, 6. 1875 ; s. of the Rev. Arthur Stokes, of 10, Canfield Gardens, N.W. ; Educ. : St. John's School, Leatherhead, and R.M.C Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col, Indian Cav. ; served on N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897, as Lieut. The Buffs; was MiUtary Attache, Teheran, 1907-11, and on Gen. Staff. Head quarters, India, 1912-17 ; served in the Great War, 1917-19, in Mesopotamia, Persia, and Caucasus (Brevet Lieut.-Col.), as Lieut.-Col. on Gen. Staff. Clubs : Junior Naval and Military ; United Service. (06536) STOKES, Edith NeUie, Mrs., CB.E. Hon. Organiser, Surgical Requisities Assoc. (C68) STOKES, Major Edward, O.B.E, R.A.F. STOKES, Major Francis Maurice Collins, O.B.E. STOKES, Sir Frederick WUfrid Scott, K.B.E, M.I.C.E, fi. 9 April, 1860; s. of Scott Nasmyth Stokes; to. Dine Theadora, d. of Luke Ionides. Engineer ; Chairman and Managing Director, Messrs. Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd. War Work : Chairman, East Anglian Munitions Committee and Board of Management ; Member of 4 committees, Munitions Inventions Dept. ; Chairman, London and Eastern Counties Controlled Establishment Association ; Chairman, Ipswich and District Employers Association ; Member of Executive Committee, Board of Management Representative Committee. Inventor of the " Stokes " gun and shell. Addresses : 7, Park Lane, W. 1 ; MiUwater, Ripley, Surrey. Clubs : St. Stephen's; Arts. (K39) STOKES, Major George Edward, O.B.E, 6. 4 Dec 1882 ; s. of George Stokes, of Brentford, Middlesex. Civil Servant; Exchequer and Audit Dept, Victoria Embankment, E.C. 4 War Work : Served with the 15th Batt. London Regt. (Prince of Wales's Own CivU Service Rifles), Nov. 1901, to Aug. 1920 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : 4, Hamilton Road, Brentford. (02737) STOKES, Capt. Henry, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. STOKES, Capt. Hubert Francis, O.B.E, 6. 16 Jan. 1887 ; 8. of Col. A. H. Stokes, of Tralee, Ireland ; to. Marjorie, d. of G. A. Duff, of Folkestone. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. War Work : Regimental duty with B.E.F, France, 1914 ; Adjutant R. Newfoundland Regt, 1915 ; Regt. duty with B.E.F, France, 1916 ; G.S.O, 23rd Army Corps, 1917-18 ; Address : 34, Linden Road, Bedford. Club : Junior United Services. (O7750) STOKES, Major Hugh Gabriel, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. STOKES, Irene Mary, O.B.E. STOKES, Capt. LesUe Eric Sheldon, O.B.E, R.F.A. STOKES, Madel Louise, M.B.B. STOKES, Ralph Shelton Griffin, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 31 July, 1882; s. of Francis Griffin Stokes, of Highgate, London. Educ: Pennington HaU, Southborough, Kent. Mtoing engineer; Assistant General Manager (Mines Dept.), De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd, Kimberley, South Africa. War Work : With Royal Engineers in France and North Russia from 1914 to 1919. Address : Hotel Belgrave, Kimberley, S.Africa. Clubs : SavUle; Kimberley (Kimberley). (O3078) STOKES, Richard Albert, M.B.E. STOKES, Robert Day, M.B.E, L.R.C.P, L.R.C.S. STOKES, Sarah Shelton, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 14 Aug. 1853 ; d. of the Rev. Maurice Shelton SuckUng, of Shipmeadow Rectory, Beccles ; m. Francis Griffin, s. of Thomas Stokes, of Hean Castle, Pembrokshire. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Hon. Organising Sec. of the Red Cross Depot, MusweU HiU, N, from Sept. 1914, to Feb. 1919 ; organiser of Flag Days for "Our Day" and other War Charities. Address: 41, Talbot Road, Highgate, N. 6. (M9737) STOKES, 2nd Lieut. WiUiam Henry, M.B.E., D.C.M, M.G.C STOKES, WiUiam Noel, O.B.E, D.S.C, R.A.O C STOMM, Major P. W. J. A., C.B.E. Major (ret.), R.F.A. (Special Reserve). Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2172) STONE, Major Alan Getheng, O.B.E, M.C, I A STONE, Benjamin Game, M.B.E, 6. 31 Aug. 1857- s of Edmund Stone, of Aldsworth, Gloucestershire ; m. EUen, d. of Alfred Bourne, of Louth, Lines. Educ. : PubUc Elemen tary Schools. Estate Agent. War Work : Chairman, Louth and District Emergency Committee ; Sec. to War Agricultural Committee (Louth District) ; Member Local MiUtary Tribunal Address : Elktogton Estate Office, Louth, Lines. (M9738) STONE, Eng.-Comm. Charles Edward, O.B.E, R.N. STONE, Ernest Stacey, M.B.E, R.N. STONE, Henry, M.B.E, F.C.I.S, 6. 26 Feb. 1872. Clerk to Rural District Council of Basford, Local Tribunal, Food Control (Executive Officer), Superintendent Registrar. Ad dress: 8, Alexandra Street, Sherwood Rise, Nottingham. Club : Constitutional, Notttogham. (M9739) r |T(iNFsPev\H!n.ry CeoU Brough, CB.E, M.A, Hon. O. F, 2nd Class, 6. 14 Aug. 1873 ; s. of Very Rev. W. H. Stone Dean of Kilmore ; to. Clamina, d. of the Rev. 0. Faris, M.A. ?, £,- Pa0tn°k s Cathedral, Armagh. Educ. : Trinity CoU oubhm Senior Chaplain Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment War Work : Senior Chaplain to the Forces (C of E.), Mesopo- tamian Expeditionary Force, 1917-19. Address : c/o Bank of (C1113) Madras, Madras. 492 STONE, Isaac, M.B.E, fi. 27 April, 1867 ; s. of Robert Stone, of Kilburn ; to. Annie EUza, d. of Joseph Stone, of Watford, Herts. Educ. : St. Andrews, Watford, Herts. Builder's Manager. War Work : Factory Construction : Chilwell, Notts, SheU -Fining Factory, Northwich, Cheshire; Soda Nitrate, National Aircraft Factory, Waddon, Croydon ; Anglo-American Tank Assembly Factory, Chateauroux, Indre, France. Address : 113, Boundaries Road, Balham, S.W. 12 (M2485) STONE, John WiUiam, C.B.E, 6. 9 Aug. 1852; s. of John William Stone, of London ; to. Catherine Jane (d. 1918), d. of the late John Edwards, of Llangefni, Anglesea. Educ: Privately. Chief Surveyor of Lands, Civil Engtoeer-in-Chief Dept. Admiralty. Address: Plas Isa, 126, Breakspears Road, Brockley, S.E. 4. Clubs : Reform ; National Liberal. (C309) STONE, Lieut. LesUe Norman Waldegrave, M.B.E. STONE, T. Lieut. Phttip Arthur, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. STONEHAM, AUen Henry Philip, O.B.E, 6. 22 Nov. 1855 ; s. of AUen Stoneham (Financial Secretary, Board of Trade) ; to. Florence Marie Louise (M.B.E.), d. of John C. Garrett, of Montreal. Educ. : City of London School, and King's CoU, London. War Work : Aug. to Dec. 1914, Red Cross and Canteen Work ; Dec. 1914, suggested to Lord Kitchener formation of camp at Etaples or Le Touquet (and offered land for the purpose) in place of camp on Salisbury Plain ; result Etaples adopted ; helped to lay out first camp at Etaples, and acted as Interpreter ; in 1915-18 gave land for camps for 3rd Cavalry Division, Lewis Gun School, Hotchkiss School, Trench Mortar School, Motor Transport, Veterinary Lines, G.H.Q, L. of C, and was constantly at disposal of officers requiring local information ; in 1916, suggested that troops at bases should be utilised to grow food for the Army, with result that an Agricultural Department of the Army was created ; awarded British War Medal and AUied Victory Medal. Address : Le Manoir, Le Touquet, Etaples, Pas-de- Calais. Clubs : Carlton ; 1900 ; Royal AutomobUe ; Travel lers', Paris. (011398) STONEHAM, Edgar Cooper, O.B.E. STONEHAM, Florence Marie Louise, M.B.B, fi. 14 Sept. 1875 ; d. of John C Garrett, of Montreal ; m. Allen Henry VhiUp Stoneham, O.B.E, s. of AUen Stoneham. Educ : Villa Marie Convent at Montreal. War Work : Started canteen at Etaples Station, Sept. 1914, being first canteen in north of France ; this canteen fed some 300.000 British and French soldiers passing through to the battlefields ; received thanks of British and French Generals ; early in 1915, finding nothing being done for comfort of officers, started first officers' club and Ubrary, and continued this tUl early in 1918; sug gested and organised first ceremonies at mUitary cemeteries at Le Touquet and Etaples in honour of the fallen ; mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's despatches, 1918. Address : Le Manoir. Le Touquet, Pas-de-Calais. Club : Ladies' Empire. (M9740) STONEHAM, Capt. Hugh Frederic, O.B.E, 6. 30 July, 1889; s. of F. W. Stoneham, of Reigate, Surrey. Educ: King's Coll. School ; Sandhurst. Joined 1st Batt. East Surrey Regt. (31st Foot) from Sandhurst, AprU, 1910 ; Member of British Ornithologists' Union, and Fellow of the Entomological Society of London. War Work : Served in France with regiment from outbreak of war ; East Africa, 1916-17 ; Meso potamia, 1917-19 ; mentioned in despatches. Addresses : Stoneleigh, Reigate, Surrey ; Trans-Nzoia, Kenya Colony. Clubs : Army and Navy ; British Ornithologists'. (O6710) STONEHOUSE, Lieut.-Comm. Andrew Woodhouse, O.B.E, R.N.R. STONEMAN, John OUver Veysey, M.B.B, 6. 15 May, 1866 ; s. of Edward Elliott Stoneman, of Kingsbridge ; m. Clara, d. of James WUlcox, of Bath. Educ. : Kingsbridge Grammar School. Member, Kingsbridge Urban District CouncU ; President, Kingsbridge Town Association ; Hon. Sec. Kingsbridge Choral, and Operatic Societies; Chairman, Kingsbridge Horticultural Society. War Work : Hon. Sec. National War Savings Committee, and of War Memorial Com mittee. Address : Beethoven House, Kingsbridge, South Devon. Club : Constitutional, Kingsbridge. (M9741) STONES, Frederiok, O.B.E. STONES, John, M.B.E. STONESTREET, George WiUiam, CB.E, fi. 1863 ; 8. of Ephraim Stonestreet, formerly of Maidstone ; to. 1899, Alice Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Sanford, formerly of Exeter. Educ. : King's Coll, London. Appointed Dhector of Stamping, Inland Revenue, 1917. Address : 13, HUlcroft Crescent, Ealing, W.5. (C1042) STONEY, Florence Ada, O.B.E, M.D, B.S. (Lond.), 6. 1870 ; d. of George Johnstone Stoney, M.A, Sc.D, F.R.S, of DubUn. Educ. : Privately ; London School of Medicine for Women. Hon. Medical Officer to the Electrical Depart ment, Royal Victoria and West Hants Hospital, Bournemouth. War Work : Head of Imperial Service League Hospital, Antwerp, 1914, and Anglo-French Hospital, No. 2, Cherbourg, 1914-15 ; Head of Electrical Department, Fulham MUitary Hospital, London, 1915-19. Address : Ardvoulan, 29, Poole Road, Bournemouth. Club : Lyceum, London. (04395) STONEY, Col. Ralph Durrant Sadleir, C.B.E, fi. 1873; s. of Lieut.-Col. Francis Sadleir Stoney, formerly of Little Heath, Kent ; m. 1900, Amy, d. of the Rev. W. Moore Morgan, Canon of Armagh. Lieut.-Col, R.A.F. ; served in the Great War, 1914-19, as Col. (despatches). (0875) STONHAM, Edwin Earle, O.B.E, 6. 16 July, 1867; s. of Edwin John Stonham, of New Romney, Kent ; m. Louise BIOGRAPHIES. Stovold Edith, d. of the late E. E . Lucas, R N. Educ : Sheerness, and King's CoU, London. CoUector of H.M. Customs and Excise [or Port and District of Bristol. War Work : Was responsible for seeing that all restrictions as to shipping, imports, and exports were observed in Bristol and district, and in capacity of Substitute for the Marshal of the Admiralty Court, was in charge of aU Prize Goods brought to the Port. Address : 37, Eeaent Street, CUfton, Bristol. Club : Constitutional, Bristol. (011399) STOODLEY, Lieut. Fred, M.B.E. STOPFORD, Annette HUda, M.B.E. ; d. of Capt. Walter James Stopford, C.B. War Work : Clerk in Honours Depart ment, War Office, from July, 1916. Address ; 19, Belgrave Road, London, S.W. 1. (M9743) STOPFORD, James Richard Neville, Viscount, O.B.B, .. 1877 ; s. of James Walter Milles Stopford, 7th Earl of Cour- town(seeBtmKE"s Peerage) ; m. 1905, Cicely Mary, y. d. of the late John Arden Birch, D.L. Co. Wexford. T. Major (Gen. list), Staff Capt. War Office, 1916-18 ; D.A.A.G. War Office from 1916. Served in S. African War, 1900-1 (medal) ; Great War (despatches). Address : Wendover House, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Ciufi : Royal AutomobUe. (07751) STOPFORD, John Sebastian Baoh, M.B.E, M.D. STOPHER, Arthur James, O.B.B, Whitworth Scholar, .. 23 June, 1862 ; s. of Thomas Stopher, of Winchester ; m. Cecilia Bernardine, d. of WiUiam Baker, of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Educ. : Trafalgar House School, Winchester ; Nottingham Univ. CoU. Served apprenticeship as mechanical engineer in Manchester and Nottingham ; gained Whitworth Scholarship in 1885. War Work : Served as cable engineer-in- charge of Messrs. Siemens Bros. & Co.'s cable ship " Faraday," which in 1915 and 1918 carried out important deep-water repairs and renewals to various Atlantic Cables, and in 1917 laid a telegraph cable from Murmansk to Archangel, and a telephone cable across the White Sea ; was also engaged in cable work for the Admiralty in connection with hydrophones for the detection of submarines. Address : 1, BeU Rock, Mycenae Road, Blackheath, London, S.E, 3. (O11400) STORDY, Col. Robert John, C.B.E, D.S.O, Army Vet: Corps. Dep. Director of Vet. Sers. with rank of Col. , served in B. Africa, 1914-17, as Chief Veterinary Officer (despatches) ; France, 1918 (wounded). (C1778) STOREY, Capt. Alan Thomas Trevor, O.B.E. STOREY, Ethel Mary Hutton, CB.E. STOREY, Florence Lizzie, M.B.E. STOREY, George Alexander, M.B.E. STOREY, Henry, M.B.E. R.N. (ret.), 6. 8 Jan. 1857; ». of John Storey, of Sheffield ; m. Jane, d. of Robert Linch, of Southampton. Edue. : Holy Rood School, Southampton. Collector of Fishery Statistics for Ministry of Agriculture and Knheries. War Work : Raising Men for R.N.R. and R.N.V.R. Address: 48, Beresford Road, Lowestoft. (M2486) STOREY, John, M.B.B, F.R.A.S. STOREY, Lieut.-Col. John Colvin, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. STOREY, Lieut. John WilUam, M.B.E. STOREY, Lieut. Joseph Kearon, O.B.E, R.N.R, fi. 23rd Jan. 1891 ; s. of John Storey, of Arklow, Deland ; m. Chrissie, d. of David Bunyan, of Haddington, Scotland. Educ. : Private Tuition and Skerry's. Master Mariner. War Work : Belgian coast; special service (for Restriction of Enemy's Supply Dept.) in Finland. Addresses : Hall Line, Ltd, Tower Building, Liverpool ; 73, Spottiswoode Street, Edinburgh ; Crosby HaU, Durban, S. Africa. (011402) STOREY, Mary Gladys, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Professor G. A. Storey, R.A, of the Royal Academy of Arts, London. and 39, Broadhurst Gardens, London, N.W. Educ : Privately. Stage ; played first at the age of 15 ; acted at principal London Theatres and on tour ; in 1914 played " Georgette " (the ingenue part) in Henry Bernstein's play " The Attack," with the late Sir George Alexander, at St. James's Theatre, London; temporarily gave up stage career in 1914 for war work ; first jomed Recruiting Staff, WhitehaU. War Work: Organised and ran single-handed a fund (Nov. 1914) for providing free BovrU to British troops in every theatre of war (personal letters M appreciation from Field-Marshals French and Haig, and all me Army Commanders, and hundreds of letters from the trenches) ; gifts sent also to the French, Belgian, and American soldiers (letters from Marshal Foch, M. Vandervelde, and General Pershing) ; in 1916 the Army CouncU aUocated 500 guineas to the fund ; H.M. The King gave five times to the gnd ; personal contributions also from H.R.H. Prince of Wales, H.M. Queen Alexandra, H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, the Prime Minister, etc. ; organised matinee at Palladium, lent free by the management, which realised over £1181 ; at the repeat of the G.O.C, suppUed the whole of the British Mission in S. Russia with free BovrU through the winter of 1920. Mdresses: Hougoumont, 39, Broadhurst Gardens. South Hampstead, London ; Pootlngs, Edenbridge, Kent. (O11403) STOREY, Major Robert, O.B.E, R.A.S.C STOREY, Sir Thomas James, K.B.E, fi. 1851 ; s. of the gte Capt. Wm. Storey ; to. 1877, d. of the late Fearnley BanneU. Member of the Committee and Chairman of the Uassification Committee of Lloyds' Register of Shipping. Address : 24, Cambalt Road, Putney HU1, S.W. (K106) STOREY, Lieut. Wilfred Robinson, M.B.B. STORR, Capt. Francis HoUand, O.B.E. STORRAR, George Ronald, M.B.E., b. 2nd Aug. 1876 ; '• of Richard A. Storrar. Assistant Engineer, Sudan Govern ment Railways. War Work : Remained in Sudan Govern ment Service throughout the war ; took part In operations against the Sultan of Darfur ; mentioned in despatches, and decorated with 4th Class Order of the Star of the NUe. Ad dress : Atbara, Sudan. Club : Sports. (M2825) STORRIE, John Hay Atwall, M.B.B, fi. 15 Dec. 1871 ; m. Euphemia Graham McBeth. Educ. : Privately, and Public Schools, Greenock and Glasgow. District Manager, Post Office Telephone Service, Aberdeen ; held similar appointments at York and at Kirkcaldy (Fife). War Work : Chairman of Y.M.C.A, York, during war. Addmss : Telephone House, Bon-Accord Street, Aberdeen. (M9746) STORRS, Col. Ronald, C.M.G, CB.E,[6. 19 Nov. 1881 ; s. of the Very Rev. John Storrs, Dean of Rochester. Educ. : Temple Grove, Charterhouse; ,Pemb. Coll, Cambridge. Mimstry of Finance, Cairo- Oriental Sec. British Agency, later Residency, Cairo. War Work: PoUtical Liaison, Baghdad and Arab Movement; Secretariat, War Cabinet; Military Governor, Jerusalem, Dec. 1917, to June, 1920 ; Acting Chief Administrator, Palestine, Dec. to March, 1919 ; Governor, Jerusalem District, 1 July, 1920. Address: Govemorate, Jerusalem. Club: TraveUers". (C788) STORRY, Sir Thomas James, K.B.E, 6. 1851 ; s. of the late Capt WilUam Storry ; m. a d. of the late Fearnley Bonnett, of Bradford, Yorks. Member of Managing Com mittee, and Chairman of Classification Committee, Lloyds Register of Shipping. Address : 24, Cambalt Road, Putney HiU, S.W. (K106) STORY, Major Robert Douglas, CB.E. Major, Indian Army, and Agent to Shipping Controller, India, during Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2212a) STORY, Adm. Wm. Oswald, C.B.E. STOTHERT, Sir Peroy Kendall, K.B.E, M.Inst.CE, J.P, fi. 21 June, 1863 ; s. of John Lum Stothert, of Bath : m. Violet EUen, d. of Col. H. S. B. Reeves, C.B, of East Sheen. Educ : Clifton Coll. Chairman, Bath Gas Co, Clevedon Gas Co, Clevedon Water Co.; Director, Stothert and Pitt, Ltd, Bristol Gas Co. War Work : Chairman, West of England Munitions Committee. Address : 1, Lansdown Place West, Bath. Clubs : Windham ; Bath and County, Bath. (K107) STOTHEHT, Major WUliam, O.B.E., C.di.G, M.R.CV.S, F.E.V.M.S, 6. 1868 ; s. of Richard Stothert, of Atherton ; to. Nettie, d. of John Chamley, of Blackburn. Educ : Ilkley and Edinburgh. War Work : Commanding Veterinary Hospitals at Swaythling and Winchester, 1914-16 ; D.A.D.V.S. in France and Italy, 1916-19. Address : Bregner, Bourne mouth. (O3005) STOTT, Lieut.-Col. Herbert, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 20 Jan. 1874 ; s. of Thomas F. Stott, of Manchester ; to. LUy Gertrude, d. of Thomas G. RusseU, of Manchester. Educ. : Manchester. Cotton Manufacturer, Empire Mill, Congleton, Cheshire, and 4, Minshull Street, Manchester. War Work : MobiUsed, Aug. 1914 ; recruited and raised 3/6th Cheshire Regt, and Com manded untU Aug. 1916 ; appointed to command 14th Loyal North Lancs. Sept. 1916, to Oct. 1917 ; Deputy Commander, Comrades of the Great War, Cheshire Division. Address : The Grange, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. Club : Reform (Manchester). (07752) STOTT, Capt. Hugh, O.B.E, M.B, I.M.S. STOTT, Capt. James Robert, O.B.E.. R.A.M.C STOTT, WiUiam Harle, O.B.E, late Major R.A.M.C, 6. 17 Jan. 1871 ; s. of the late Rev. Jonas Stott, M.A, of Manchester; to. Evelyn Marguerite, d. of Louis Hervey d'EgviUe, of London. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School ; Owens CoU, Manchester. Medical Officer to the Harborough and Uppingham Unions. War Work : Medical Referee, War Pensions ; M.O. 4th King's Liverpool Regt. (France), and 89th Field Ambulance, 29th Division (GaUipoli) ; O.C. Troops, H.M.A.T, St. David, and H.M.A.T, Panama; Humane Society's Certificate for saving lunatic patient in the sea at Salonica, 1916. Address : Hallaton, Market Harboro'. (07753) STOUGHTON, Maud Eleanor, M.B.E. STOURTON, Major Herbert Marmaduke Joseph, O.B.B, fi. 30 Dec. 1873 ; s. of the late Hon. Albert Stourton ; to. Frances Mary Winifrede, d. of the late Viscount Southwell. Educ. : Beaumont CoU. War Work : France, Oct. 1914, to Nov. 1915 ; Salonica, as A.M.L.O, Nov. 1915, to August, 1917 ; M L 0. Hea, Oct. 1917, to Jan. 1918 ; A.M.L.O. Salonica, Feb. 1918, to Aug. 1918 ; M.L.O. Dedeagatch, Oct. 1918, to Nov. 1918 ; M.L.O. Constantinople, Nov. 1918, to April, 1920 ; O.B.B. (miUtary), 1914 Star, Greek Order of Merit, MedaiUe d'honneur avec glaives vermeils ; mentioned in despatches. Clubs : Boodle's ; Constantinople. (06539) STOUT, Capt. Percy Wyfold, D.S.O, O.B.E, Mounted Machine Gun Corps. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (02937) STOUT, MajorThomas Duncan MacGregor, D.S.O, O.B.E., MS F R CS, L.R.C.P, 6. 1885 ; s. of the Hon. Sir Robert Stout, K.C.M.G, Ch. Justice of New Zealand. Educ. : Welling ton Coll, New Zealand. New Zealand Med. Corps. War Work • 1914-17, as Div. Surgical Officer, New Zealand Gen. Hospital, No. 1, in Port Said, Salonica, and France (despatches). STOVELL, Lieut. Frederiok, M.B.E. STOVOLD, Herbert WilUam, O.B.E, fi. 29 Jan. 1871 ; s of Thomas Stovold, of Croydon ; m. Jessie Edith, d. of W. Sterndale Scarr, of Westcombe Park, S.E. Educ. : Whitgift Grammar School. Croydon. Entered the service of the London County Council 1891 ; appointed Assistant Comptroller, Jan. 493 Stow THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1920, and Deputy ComptroUer, May, 1920.. War Work. Loaned by the London County CouncU to the Ministry of Food for the purpose of undertaking the financial arrangements in connection with Local Food Control Committees ; entered the service of the Ministry in Sept. 1917, and received the title of Assistant Director of Finance ; recalled by the London County CouncU, Dec. 1918. Address : Lanhydrock, Addyscombe Road, Croydon. Club : Royal Societies'. (01897) STOW, Alexander Montagu, O.B.B. STOW, Major David Fenwick, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. ___„__ STOW, Capt. George, O.B.E, R.E, Wh. Ex. A.M.I.CE, A M I.M.E., 6. 11 July, 1876 ; s. of Thomas Stow, of Shoreham, Sussex; to Mary Florence,*!*, of EdwinSnewin, of Littlehampton. Educ : Hayle's Private School. Public Works Contractor. War Work: Adjutant, C.R.E, 2nd Army, B.E.F.; thrice mentioned in despatches. Addresses: Lyndale, Llanthewy Road, Newport, Mon. ; Station Chambers, Cambrian Road, Newport, Mon. (05821) STOW, Major Harry Vane, O.B.E, V.D.. 6. 13 Jan. 1852 ; s. of Edward Stow. Educ. : Privately, and City of London School. Hon. Assist. Sec. and Organiser, Royal MUitary Tournament (1885-96) ; Hon. Sec. National ArtiUery Associa tion. War Work. : Sec. Newspapers for the Fleet Committee, for providing free reading matter for the Grand Fleet ; 20 milUon books and papers, etc, despatched, about £26,000 subscribed and disbursed in expenses. Address : 69, Philbeach Gardens, Earl's Court, S.W. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (0775) STOWE, Richard Walter, M.B.E. STOWELL, Capt. George Christopher, M.B.E. STOWELL, Harold Joseph, M.B.E. STOWELL, Vere Arthur, O.B.E, fi. 12 Sept. 1873; s. of the Rev. H. A. Stowell, of Breadsall, Derbyshire. Educ. : Rossall School, and CCC, Oxford. Indian Civil Service, 1896-1920, Magistrate and Collector, 1st Grade. War Work : Sec. United Provinces War Board, 1917-19 ; Sec. U.P. Joint War Committee, 1917-19 ; Sec. U.P. Soldiers' Board, 1919. Address ; Jaunpur, U.P, India. Club : East India United Service. (O2052) STOYLE, Capt. WUUam, O.B.E, R.F.A. STRACHAN, Lieut. Charles John, M.B.E. STRACHAN, Major Ernest Frederick, O.B.E, M.C. STRACHAN, James, M.B.E, 6. 31 July, 1857 ; s. of Peter Strachan, of Perth ; m. Isabella WaUace, d. of — Morrison, of Dundee. Educ. : Sharpe's Institution, Perth. Acting Works Manager, L. & N.W. RaUway Carriage Works, Wolver- ton, Bucks. War Work : Work in connection with Ambulance Trains, Transport Wagons, Munitions. Address : The Haw thorns, Wolverton. Bucks. (M2489) STRACHAN, John, M.B.E, 6. 7 Dec. 1890; s. of Alex ander Strachan, of Glasgow ; to. Kate, d. of Peter Ewing, F.L.S, of Uddingston, Lanarkshire. Educ. : Privately. Surveyor, City Assessor's Office, City Chambers, Glasgow. War Work : In connection with the Belgian Refugees sent to Scotland. Address : 11 St. James Terrace, KUmacolm, Scotland. Club : Athenaeum, Glasgow. (M9748) STRACHAN, Robert, M.B.E, M.B. STRACHEY, Amy, Mrs. O.B.E, 6. 5 May, 1866 ; d. of Charles Turner Simpson, of London ; to. John St. Loe, s. of Sir Edward Strachey, Bart, of Sutton Court, Somerset (see BURKE'S Peerage). Educ : Privately. Governor, King's CoU, Chelsea Polytechnic. Sec. Welfare Department, B.R.C.S. Headquarters. War Work : Commandant Newlands Corner Hospital, Merrow Downs, GuUdford ; Vice-President, Albury and Shire Division, Surrey Branch, B.R.C.S. ; Commandant, V.A.D. Surrey 10. Address : Newlands Corner, Merrow Downs, Guildford. Clubs : V.A.D. Ladies' ; Ladies' Empire. (0776) STRADBROKE, Col. George Edward John Mowbray Earl of, K.C.M.G, C.B, C.V.O, C.B.E, V.D, A.D.C, J.P, D.L, 6. 19 Nov. 1862 ; s. of John, 2nd Earl of Stradbroke, of Henham, Suffolk (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. Helena Violet Alice, O.B.E, d. of the late Lieut.-Gen. Keith Fraser, C.M.G, of Ledclune and Morar, N.B. Educ. : Harrow and Cambridge. Chairman, East Suffolk County Council ; Chairman, Suffolk County Territorial Association ; President, National Sea Fisheries Protection Association ; President, Central London Ophthalmic Hospital ; President of the Council of the National Art Association ; Pro. Grand Master Mark Masons ; Prov. Grand Master Suffolk Freemasons ; appointed by His Majesty to be Governor of Victoria, Aug. 1920. War Work : Served in England, France, Egypt, and Palestine from July, 1914, to July, 1920, as Col. Comm. 3rd East Anglian R.F.A. Brigade, the 272nd, 172nd, and 191st, R.F.A. Brigades ; C.R.A, 54th Div. Aug. 1916, to Nov. 1916, to Egypt ; Comm. Kantara Area, 1919 and 1920. Address : Henham Hall, Wangford, Suffolk. Clubs : Carlton ; Royal Yacht Squadron ; Royal Thames Yacht ; Bachelor's. (C1779) STRADBROKE, Helena Violet AUce, Countess of, O.B.E, d. of Major-Gen. Keith Fraser, CM.G. ; to. Col. George Edward John Mowbray, 3rd Earl of Stradbroke, C.B, C.V.O, A.D.C, Governor of Victoria (see BURKE'S Peerage). War Work : In 1914 organised and equipped Henham Hall as hospital, 100 beds, for direct convoy first-line cases ; personal work as V.A.D. after training in a General Hospital ; afterwards acted as Super intendent ; also organised and managed for short time large hostel, 500 beds, in London, for soldiers and sailors on leave ; equipped and organised soldiers' club and tea rooms in country. Address : Henham Hall, Wangford, Suffolk. (01898) STRADLING, Capt. AUred Eric Hugh, O.B.E, fi. 9 May, 1892; «. of Mrs. F. M. Stradling, of Crowthorne. Gordon Highlanders, and Royal Air Force, Staff Officer (personnel). War Work : 1914-16, France and Flanders with Gordon Highlanders; 1917-19, France and Germany with Royal Air Force. Addresses : 7, Harley Street, London ; 1, Pilgrims' Lane, Hampstead; Pinegrove, Crowthorne. Club: Royal Air Force. (O8200) STRADLING, Capt. Charles Austice, M.B.E. STRAHAN, Sir Aubrey, K.B.E, Sc.D. (Camb.), Hon. LL D (Toronto), F.R.S, 6. 20 April, 1852 ; s. of WUUam Stra- han of Sidmouth ; m. Fanny Evelyn Margaret, d. of Edward Roscoe, of Chester. Educ. : Eton, and St. , John's CoU.. Cambridge. Late Director of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and Museum of Practical Geology. Address : Fairfield, Goring, Reading. Club: Athenamm. (K235) STRAHAN, Capt. Geoffrey Cartaret, O.B.E, LA. STRAIN, James Bruce, C.B.E, 6. 13 July, 1866. War Work : Deputy Controller in the Gun Ammunition Filling Dept of the Ministry of Munitions (Voluntary). Addresses : 27, LeadenhaU Street, E.C. 2 ; Stone House, Reigate, Surrey. Clubs ¦ Bengal ; Oriental ; Constitutional ; Ranelagh. (C1043) STRAIN, Lieut.-Col. Lawrence Hugh, O.B.E, D.S.C. STRANG, Alexander Ronald, CB.E, J.P, late Capt. 7th V.B, ArgyU and Sutherland Hrs, 6. 23 Nov. 1848 ; s. of Robert Strang, of AUoa, N.B. ; to. Agnes, d. of Alexander Begg, of Paisley. Educ. : The Academy, AUoa. Provost of AUoa, 1913-16. War Work : Chairman of Tribunal ; Chair man of Recruiting Committees ; Chairman of Prince of Wales Fund Committee; Member of War Pensions and various ReUef Committees ; Chief Special Constable. Address: North Park, AUoa, N.B. (C2977) STRANG, Duncan, O.B.E, J.P. Valuable local and public services in Ardrishaig throughout the war. (011926) STRANG, Matthew Smellie, M.B.E. STRANG, WilUam, M.B.B, 6. 2 Jan. 1893; s. of James Strang, of Croydon ; m. Elsie Wynne, d. of J. E. Jones. Educ. : Palmer's Endowed School; Univ. Coll, London; Univ. of Paris. Appd. 3rd. Sec. H.B.M. Legation, Belgrade, Sept. 1919. War Work: With 4th Batt. Worcestershire Regt., 1916-18; with 29th Division, Army of Occupation on the Rhine, 1918-19. Address: c/o Foreign Office, Downing Street, S.W. Club : University of London. (M4608) STRANGE, Lieut.-Col. Edward Fairbrother, C.B.E, T.D, 6. 8 Oct. 1862 ; s. of the late Richard Fairbrother Strange ; m. Margaret EUsabeth, d. of the late Walter Scott Coward, H.M.I. Educ. : Worcester Cathedral School ; Kidderminster Grammar School. Keeper of Woodwork, Victoria and Albert Museum. War Work : Major, 1/15 Bn. The London Regt, Aug. 1914, to Dec. 1915 ; Commanded 2/15 Bn. The London Regt, May, 1915, to May, 1916 ; Commanded 13th Reserve Bn. The London Regt, June, 1916, to Sept. 1917 ; joined Ministry of Food, Sept. 1917 ; Deputy Director, Butter and Cheese SuppUes, 1917; ControUer, Margarine Rationing Scheme, 1918 ¦ Assist. Sec. 1918 ; Food Commissioner with British Army on the Rhine, and British Member of Inter-allied Military Food Commission, 1919 ; Member of Food Council, 1919 ; Deputy Chairman, Wholesale Markets Committee, 1919; Chairman of Fair Trading Councils for Fish, Fruit, Vegetable, and Jam Trades, 1920. Address: 14, Hayes Way, Park- langley, Beckenham. Club : Arts. (C640) STRANGE, Lieut. Jack Ronald Stewart, O.B.E, R.N.R. STRANGE, John, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. STRATFORD, Lenna Mary, M.B.E, B.A, fi.. 1877; d. of the late Capt. Robert Stratford, Royal Warwickshire Regt. Educ. : Notting Hill High School, London. Chief Inspectress of Schools, Punjab. Addresses : Chief Inspectors Schools ; Nedrons' Hotel, Lahore. J*.2!6' STRATFORD, Rosalind Isabel, Mrs. WINGFIELD-, M.B.E, fi. 7 Nov. 1857 ; d. of the late Rev. Hon. Edward Vesey Bligh, of Fartherwell, W. Mailing, Kent (see BURKE'S Peerage, Darnley, E.) ; to. Brig.-Gen. Cecil Vernon, C.B, CM.G, s. of John Wingfleld-Stratford, of Addington Park, Kent (see Burke's Peerage, Powerscourt, V). War Work : Commandant, Kent V.A.D. 150; in charge of West MaUing Auxiliary Hospital, 1914-19. Address: FartherweU, West Mailing. Kent. Clubs: Empress; Lady Golfers'. , to Dec, 1919. Address : 7, Stafford Terrace, Kensing ton London, W. 8. Clubs: Union; Oxford and Cambridge Musical. (C2978) STRODE, Major George Sydney Strode, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, C.C (Devon), 6. 29 Jan. 1861 ; s. of Admiral Arthur Lowe, of Stoke Danuroll, Devonport ; to. Anna Fielding, d. of Thompson Boyd, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Privately. High Sheriff Devon, 1906-07 ; Capt. and Hon. Major, 3rd Batt. Devon Regt. (ret. 1897). War Work : Recruiting Officer in charge Plymouth area, 1915-17 ; Commandant V.A. Hospital, Plymouth, May, 1917, to July, 1919. Address: Newnham Park, Plympton, S. Devon. Clubs : Royal Western Yacht ; Devon and Exeter ; Junior Constitutional. (011405) STROMEYER, Charles Edmond, O.B.E, 6. 28 April, 1856 ; s. of Charles Stromeyer, of London ; m. Alma Karin, d. of Director H. Lindsten, of Sknra, Sweden. Educ. : London and Air-la-Chapolle. Chief Engineer, Manchester Steam Users' Association for the Prevention of BoUer Explosions. War Work : Inspection of War Office boilers. Addresses : 9, Mount Street, Manchester ; Lanoefleld, West Didsbury. Club : Brasenose (Manchester). (011406) STRONACH, 2nd Lieut. John Grant MoKenzie Martin, M.B.E, R.A.F. STRONACH, Brig.-Gen. Robert Summers, C.B.E. STRONG, Capt. Ceoil Alfred, O.B.E, M.C, 3/1 Gurkha Rifles. (011768) STRONG, John, C.B.E, fi. 1868 ; s. of Joseph Strong, of Barrow-in-Furness ; m. 1899, Ethel May, d. of Alfred Knapton Dobson, of Newton Lodge, Roundhay, Leeds. Hon. LL.D, St. Andrews. Professor of Education in Leeds Univ. ; was Pres. Educational Institute of Scotland, 1917-18 ; Rector of Montrose Acad, 1900-1914 ; Rector of Roy. High School, Edinburgh, 1914-19. (C641) STRONG, Major Robert Henry, O.B.E, M.B. STRONG, Rt. Rev. Thomas Banks, C.B.E, D.D. See Ripon, Bishop of. STRONG, William Henry, M.B.E. STRONG, Col. WUUam James, C.B.E, T.D, New Zealand Forces. Served in the Great War, 1915-19 (despatches). STRONGHILL, Mabel Anna, O.B.E, R.R.C STROUD, Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 8 May, 1889; s. of David Stroud, of Canterbury ; m. Louisa Marjorie, d. of Bernard John Howard, of Canterbury. Educ. : St. Dunstans, Canterbury. Church Army Officer. War Work : Erected and managed Munition Canteen at the Docks, Middlesbrough ; opened and managed the Buckingham Palace Hotel Soldiers' and Sailors' Hostel, and the King's Hostel in Buckingham Palace Grounds for Overseas troops on leave from the various fronts ; opened and organised accommodation for 3000 troops per night in the Maida Vale District, IJ million troops being accom modated. (M9756) STROUD, Arthur May, M.B.B, 6. 10 March, 1878 ; s. of James May Stroud, of Highbury ; to. Elsie Violet, d. of Arthur John Davis, of Pagham, Sussex. Educ : Merchant Taylors' School. War Work : Sec. to Non-Ferrous Metals Committee, Dec. 1916, to Dec. 1918. Address : 87, Highbury Hill, London. N. Ctafis : Sports ; Australasian. (M9757) STROUD, George John, M.B.E, R.A.F. STROUD, George Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.F. STROTHER, Lieut. Cyril John, M.B.B, R.A.F. STROVER, Henry WiUiam Martyn, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. 6. 18 March, 1876 ; s. of Major Gen. Henry Strover, of Lans downe, Bath ; to. Margaret Ann, d. of James GiUanders, of Aberdeen. Educ. : Bath CoU, and Aberdeen Univ. Hon. Associate Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. War Work : Medical Officer V.A.D. Garrison Hospital, West Hartle pool (Bombarded by German Navy) ; Medical Officer-in- charge troops West Hartlepool Tees Garrison ; Lieut. R.A.M.C, service in France. Addresses : Dudley House, West Hartle pool ; 24. Gloucester Rd, Bristol. (011851) STRUBEN, Major Arthur, O.B.E, R.A.F. STRUBEN, Lieut. Charles Frederick WUUam, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. STRUBEN, Capt. Robert Henry, O.B.E. STRUTHERS, John, M.B.B. Member of the War Information Committee at Tokio. Secretary of the Tokio Branch of Patriotic League of Britons Overseas. (M10336) STRUTT, Lieut.-Col. Edward Lisle, CB.E, D.S.O, Royal Scots (Lothian Regt.), fi. 8 Nov. 1874 ; s. of the late Hon. Arthur Strutt, of Milford House, Derby (see Burke's Peerage, Belper, B.) ; s. of the late John HoUond, of Wonham, Bampton, Devon. Educ ; Beaumont Coll, and Christ Church, Oxford. War Work : Served in South African War (despatches, Queen's Medal and ,4 clasps. King's Medal and 2 clasps) ; European War, 1914-19, severely wounded ; despatches four times; 1914 Star and clasps ; Legion of .Honour, "Chevalier," 1915 ; Legion of Honour, " Officier," 1917 ; Croix de Guerre with 4 palms ; Order of Leopold, " Chevalier," 1915 ; Star of Rumania, " Officer," 1919. Address : 117, St. James's Court, S.W. 1. Clubs : TraveUers' ; White's ; Alpine ; New (Edinburgh). (C1780) STRUTT, Emily Mary Charlotte, Mrs., O.B.E. STRUTT, Capt. Geoffrey St. John, CB.E, 6. 1888 ; s of the Hon. Richard Strutt, of The Court, St. Catharine, Bath (see Burke's Peerage, Rayleigh, B.) ; to. SybU Eyre, d. of the late Sir Walpole GreenweU, Bart, of Marden Park, Surrey. Educ : Wtochester, and Magdalea CoU, Oxford. Private Sec. to Ministry of Blockade and Pensions. War Work : Enlisted Sept. 1914 ; Commissioned Nov. 1914 ; served in 495 Sturve THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. France ; invalided out, 1918. Address : Glenwood, Wolding- ham, Surrey. Club : Bath. (C2979) STROVE, Kenneth Chetwood Price, O.B.E. STUART, Sir CampbeU, K.B.E, fi. 5th July, 1885 ; s. of Ernest Stuart, of Montreal. Educ. : Privately. Deputy Chairman of The Times Pubhshing Company ; Director of the Associated Newspapers, Ltd. ; Director of the Anglo-New foundland Development Company. War Work : Represented the Headquarters Staff of the Canadian Army on the occasion of the visit to Ireland of the Duchess of Connaught's Own Dish Canadian Rangers, Jan. 1917, which battaUon he recruited to the Province of Quebec for service in the European War ; Assistant Military Attache, British Embassy, Washington, March, 1917 ; Vice-Chairman of the London Headquarters of the British War Mission to the United States of America, Jan. 1918 ; Deputy Director of Propaganda in Enemy Countries, May, 1918. Addresses: Printing House Square, E.C. 4; 20, Eaton Square, S.W. 1 (Victoria 5148). Clubs : Sunning dale Golf ; Marlborough ; St. James' (Montreal) ; York (Toronto). (K109) STUART, Charles Edward, M.B.E. STUART, Lieut.-Comm. Charles Joseph Stuart, O.B.E. STUART, Lieut.-Col. Donald Mackenzie, O.B.E. STUART, Capt. Donald Richard, M.B.E. STUART, Major Edward John, O.B.E, A.M.I, Mech.E, 6. 2 May, 1882 ; s. of Charles Edward WUliam Stuart, of London. Educ. : Cranleigh School. Engineer. War Work : Assisted in raising Public School Brigade, Royal FusiUers ; gazetted to 20th S. Bn, Royal Fusiliers ; 1916, attached to Ministry of Munitions and transferred to General List. Address : 16, Wolverton Gardens, Ealing, W. 5. Clubs : New Oxford and Cambridge. (01899) STUART, Fairless, Mrs., M.B.E. STUART, Florence Louise, Lady, M.B.E, 6. 20 Feb. 1867 ; d. of the late Henry Harmond Gudge, Barrister-at- law ; to. Sir Simeon Henry Lechmere Stuart, 7th Bart, of Hartley, Mandit. War Work : Sec. to Procurator-General's Intelligence Branch. Address : 87, Northgate, N.W. 8. Clubs : Ladies' Army and Navy. (M2492) STUART, Major Frederick Joshua, O.B.E, R.A.M.C STUART, George Barclay, M.B.E. STUART, John, C.B.E. STUART, Major John, O.B.E, Black Watch (ret.), 6. 27 Feb. 1863 ; s. of WiUiam Stuart, of Feddal, Perthshire ; m. Katharine Yseult, d. of E. H. J. Craufurd, of Auchenames. Educ. : Clifton Coll. War Work : Recruiting Officer, 42nd Regimental District ; Recruiting Staff Officer, No 1 Highland District ; Assistant Inspector of Recruiting, Scottish Command. Clubs : Naval and MUitary ; New (Edinburgh). (0780) STUART, Thane Charles, M.B.E. (M3075) STUART, George Eustace BURNETT-, C.B.E, 6. 1876 ; s. of Eustace Robertson Burnett-Stuart, J.P, D.L, of Crichie, Stuartfleld, Aberdeenshire. Educ: Repton, and Oxford Univ. Director of Personnel, Ministry of Interior, Egypt, since 1910. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (C356) STUART, Major Charles KENNEDY-CRAUFURD-, C.B.E, D.S.O, 127th Baluchis, fi. 29 Aug. 1879 ; s. of Robert Stuart, of Ryo, Sussex ; m Amelia Rumsey, d. of Samuel Wheeler, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, U.S.A. Educ: Merchant Taylors' School. MUitary Secretary to the Viceroy of India, Lord Reading. Entered Army from MUitia, AprU, 1900 ; South African War, 1900-1902 (2 Medals) ; Transferred to Indian Army, 1903 ; served in Burma, 1908-14 ; received thanks of Burmese Government, 1919, for capturing a band of murderers in unad- ministered territory. War Work : 1915, served to GaUipoli as Commandant, Head Batt, Royal Naval Division ; served in Sudan, in Special service, 1916-17 (received thanks of Sudan Government) ; served in America, 1918-20, Private Sec. to Earl of Reading and Viscount Grey ; Order of George 1st of Greece. Clubs : Carlton ; Travellers' ; United Service ; Royal Thames Yacht ; New (Edinburgh). (C2980) STUART, Major (Bt. Lieut.-Col.) John Patrick VILLIERS-, D.S.O, O.B.E. (011771) STUART, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam VILLIERS-, C.B B, 6. 11 April, 1872 ; s. of Col. VilUers-Stuart^formerly of Castle town, Carrick-on-Suir, Deland. War Work : Raised and commanded 9th Rifle Brigade ; raised and commanded 3rd Batt. Q.V.O. Corps of Quides Infantry; Commanded l/5th Gurkha Rifles, temporarily ; Superintending Officer, Nepalese Allied Contingent ; Commandant Mountain Warfare School, India ; Inspector of Infantry (North) India. Addresses : Castlane, Carrick-on-Suir, Deland; Abbottabad, N.W.F.P. India. Club : Junior Naval and MiUtary. (C2044) STUBBINGTON, Ruby, M.B.B. STUBBS, Arthur, O.B.E, M.I.Mech.E, M.I.A.E,F.R.S.A. Educ: Privately; Lincoln High School; Polytechnic, and King's Coll. (Univ. of London). Managing Director, Smethwick Stamping Co, Smethwick. War Work : Technical Adviser, Stampings and Castings Dept, Ministry of Munitions ; Assist Director (Forgings), and Assistant Controller (Forgings and Castings), Ministry of Munitions. Address : Sennocke Lodge, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield. (011407) STUBBS, George, C.B.E, 6. 1864. Supt. Analyst Dept of Govt,. Chemist ; Vice-Pres. Institute of Chemistry. (C2981) STUBBS, Capt. Harry, M.B.E, R.A.S.C, Ret, 6. 1st Oct. 1861 ; s. of Charles Stubbs, of Ashton, Bishops Waltham • to. Janet, d. of John Frost, of Stafford. Educ. : Wolvesev Diocesan School, Winchester. War Work : Ashanti Expedi tion, 1895-96 (Bronze Star) ; South African War 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal, 3 clasps ; King's Medal, 2 clasps) ; The Great War, on Staff Head Quarters Western Command ; mentioned in despatches; British War Medal. Address: Prescott Bishops Waltham, Hants. (M5659) STUBBS, 2nd Lieut. Shirley Graham, O.B.E, LA R 0 STUBBS, Lieut.-Comm. Sydenham Ernest, 0BE R.N.R. ' '' STUBBS, Winefrid Marjory, Lady, CB.E, fi. 6 Feb. 1889 • d. of Frederick Womack, M.B, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital • m. Sir Reginald Edward Stubbs K.CM.G. (see Burke's Peerage) ; s. of late Right Rev. William Stubbs, Lord Bishop of Oxford. Educ. : South Hampstead High School. War Work • Vice-President in Ceylon of Queen Mary's Needlework GuUd' Address : Government House, Kong Kong. (C2026) STUCKEY, Capt. Edward Joseph, O.B.E., B.Sc, M B B.S, 6. 29 Sept. 1875 ; s. of Joseph James Stuckey, M.A-' A.I.A, of Adelaide, South Australia ; m. Frances Helen, d. of James Maitland CampbeU, of Melbourne. Educ. : Adelaide Univ, South Australia. Medical Missionary of London Missionary Society, 1905 ; Siaocbang, North China, 1909 ¦ Principal of Union Medical Coll., Peking, 1920; Medical Officer, Peking University, Peking. War Work: Medical Officer to Batts. V. and VI. of Chinese Labour Corps, from Weihaiwei to France ; Eye SpeciaUst to Chinese General Hospital, B.E.F, France ; Medical Officer on Ambulance Transport of A.I.F, from Liverpool to Melbourne. Address: London Mission, West City, Peking, China. (05823) STUCKEY, EUen EUzabeth, M.B.E. ' STUDD, Major John Edward Kynaston, O.B.E, fi. 26 July, 1858 ; s. of Edward Studd, of 2, Hyde Park Gardens, W. 2 ; to. HUda, d. of Sir Thomas Proctor-Brauchamp, Bart., of Langley Park, Norwich. Educ. : Eton, and Trinity Coll., Cambridge. President and Chairman of the Polytechnic 309, Regent Street, London, W. 1. War Work: Recruiting and Training men in the Polytechnic for the Army and R.F.C, Wireless Operators, and Munition work ; Training of Disabled Soldiers ; started and commanded Polytechnic Volunteer Training Corps, Sept. 1914 ; Commander 21st Batt. County of London Volunteer Regiment, 1916-18 ; Commanded West London Volunteer Group, July, 1918, to 1920. Address: 67, Harlev Street, London. W. 1. (03947) STUDDART, Isabel, Mrs. Naniton, M.B.E. STUDDERT, Frederick Naunton, O.B.E, D.L. for Co. Clare, fi. 18 June, 1866 ; s. of Major Geo. S. Studdert, of Moy House, Lahinch, Co. Clare ; m. Isabel MiUar, d. of Hugh BallingaU, D.L, of Dundee. War Work : Chairman, Co. Clare War Pensions Committee. (O11407) STUDHOLME, Lieut.-Col. John, CB.E, D.S.O, M.A, J.P, 6. 1863 ; s. of John Studholme, of Merivale, Christehurch, New Zealand ; m. 1st, 1897, Alexandra d. of the late Most Rev. (WiUiam Thomson) Lord Archbishop of York; 2ndly, 1909, Katherine G, d. ofthe late Hon. Sir Charles Christopher Bowen, K.C.M.G. Educ. : Christ's CoU, Christehurch, New Zealand, and Christ Church, Oxford. J.P. for New Zealand ; Major and T. Lieut.-Col. New Zealand Mounted Rifles, and A.A.G. Head quarters, New Zealand Expeditionary Force ; twice unsuc cessfully contested Ashburton (N.Z.) in interest of Reform Party ; sometime Member of Ashburton (N.Z.) County Council Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Christehurch (N.Z.) (C1874) STUNT, Edith Melba, Mrs., O.B.B, 6. 2 March, 1870; d. of WiUiam Howells Rix, of Tunbridge Wells ; m. George Norwood, s. of George Stunt, of Kenley. Educ : Princess Helena CoU, EaUng, and HoUoway. Joined V.A.D. Sussex 92 in 1910 ; Commandant V.A.D. Sussex 92 from 1912, and Vice-President Rye Division Sussex Branch B.R.C.S. War Work : Commandant and Officer-in-Charge of St. Mark's MUitary AuxUiary Hospital, Tunbridge WeUs, from Oct. 1914, to Dec. 1918. Addresses : Fernet, Frant, Sussex ; Abbot Park, Greenodd, Ulverston, Lancashire. Club : V.A.D. Ladies.' (01901) STURDEE, Arthur Hope, M.B.E. STURDEE, Surg.-Lieut. Edwin Lawrence, O.B.E, R.N. STURDEE, Lieut.-Col. Vernon Ashton Hobart, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1890 ; s. of Col. Alfred Hobart Sturdee, CM.G. ; to. 1913, Edith Georgina, d. of F. J. Robins, of Melbourne. Educ. : Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne. Served during the Great War, 1914-19, in GaUipoli, Egypt, and France (despatches). (02857) STURDY, Lieut. A. E., M.B.E. STURDY, Edward Vyse, O.B.E. STURGEON, Robert WaUace, M.B.E. STURGESS, Capt. Charles, M.B.E. STURMAN, Major Albert Edward, C.B.E. Major, S. Africa Field Post and Telegraph Corps, German W. Africa, 1914-15 (despatches). (C757a) STURMAN, Lieut. Charles, M.B.E, A.I.F. STURMAN, Major Edward, C.B.E, S. African Field Post and Telegraph Corps. Served in German W. Africa, 1914-15 (despatches). (C757«) STURT, Ethel Harriette, Mrs., M.B.E. STYLE, Col. Sydney Richard, M.B.E. STYLES, Paymaster-Comm. Edward Goggin, 0 ,B.E„ R.N. SUART, Capt. Montagu Wemyss, C.B.E. SUDBURY, Evelyn Mary, M.B.E. SUDDS, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Benjamin, C.B.E, R.A.O.C. SUDHAL, Deo Raja, CB.E. Feudatory Chief of Bamra. Address : Bamra, Bihar and Orissa, India. (C1072) SUFFERN, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Canning, O.B.E, R.A.M.C 496 BIOGRAPHIES. Sutton SUFFIELD, Lieut. WiUiam Joseph, M.B.B. STJGDEN, Capt. John Leslie, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C SULIVAN, Col. Ernest Frederic, C.B.E, 6. 12 May, 1860 ; s. of Rev. Firmer Sulivan ; to. Florence Mary, d. of James Houldsworth, of Coltness. Educ. : Harrow and Sandhurst. War Work : Commanded 3rd and 10th Batt. East Surrey Regt, and 30th and 116th Training Reserve Batt. Club: TraveUers'. (C1781) SULIVAN, Capt. Lionel Miohael Patrick, O.B.E, B.E, and R.A.F. SULLIVAN, Daniel, M.B.B. SULLWAN, Dorothy Evelyn, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. July, 1890 ; d. of I. A. Hattersley, of 14, Blomfleld Road, London, W. ; m. Bernard Ponsonby, Commercial Diplomatic Service, s. of the Rev. P. A. M. Sullivan, of Rangeworthy, Gloucestershire. Educ : Maida Vale High School, and Le Chatelard School, Vevcy, Switzerland. War Work : Clerk, Foreign Office . Address: British Embassy, Brussels. (M9761) SULLIVAN, Major George Kingston, O.B.E, M.C, fi: 6 June, 1878 ; s. of Thomas K. SuUivan, of Bandon, Co. Cork ' m. Frances Helen, d. of the late Col. G. T. Skipwith, Loversal Hall, Doncaster. Educ. : Privately. Comdg. Depot, K.O.Y.L.I, Pontefract. War Work : Proceeded to France as Adjutant of 5th (Territorial) Batt, K.O.Y.L.I, AprU, 1915 ; later Commanded l/4th Duke of Wellington's Regt. ; severely wounded near Ypres, Nov. 1915 ; appointed Brigade Major, 175th Infantry Brigade, June, 1916 ; returned to France in Jan. 1917 ; Com manded 2/4th London Regt, AprU, 1917 ; employed as Instructor Senior Officers School, 1918 ; held rank of Lieut.- Col, AprU, 1917,, to March, 1919 (Temp.). Address : The Barracks, Pontefract. Club : United Service. (07757) SULLIVAN, John Andrew, M.B.E. SULLIVAN, Joseph, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 8 Sept. 1866; s. of Bernard Sullivan, of BeUshUl ; m. Winlers, d. of Thomas Winters, of Uddingston. Educ : BeUshiU. County CouncUlor ; Member of Educational Authority for County of Lanark. tfor Work : Pensions Food Committee and Recruiting. Addresses : 5, Westcraigs Road, HarthiU, Lanarkshire ; Miners Office. Cadgow Street, HamUton. (M2496) SULLWAN, Richard, M.B.E, R.N. SULLWAN, Robina Olive, Mrs., M.B.E. SULMAN, Helena Catharine, M.B.E, A.R.R.C, 6. AprU, 1874 ; s. of the late Benjamin Sulman, The Chestnuts, Totten ham. Educ. : North Middlesex High School. War Work : Commandant Kempston Red Cross Hospital, Eastborne, March, 1915, to 1919; joined Red Cross, Autumn, 1909. Address: 40, The Goffs, Eastbourne. (M9765) SUMMERS, Ada Jane, Mrs., M.B.E. SUMMERS, Edward Joseph, M.B.E. SUMMERS, Patrick Joseph, O.B.E, K.C SUMMONS, Col. Walter Ernest, O.B.E, Aust, A.M.C. SUMNER, Harold, O.B.E, J.P, County of Lancaster, 5. 2 Feb. 1869 ; s. of WiUiam Sumner, of Butt HaU, Prestwich, Lancs ; m. Nina Mary Hazel, d. of Ven. Archdeacon Fletcher, of Chorley. Educ. : CUfton CoU. War Work : Assistant County Director, British Red Cross Society, Wigan Division, comprising 6 V.A.D. Detachments, 3 Hospitals, and 4 Work rooms; Officer-in-Charge of the three Woodlands AuxUiary Military Hospitals, 1914-19. Address: Ashfield House, Standish, Lancs. Clubs : Isthmian ; Clarendon (Manchester). (011409) __ SUMNER, Flight-Lieut. James Arthur Chester, M.B.E, R.A.F. SUMNER, Leonard, O.B.E. SUMNER, Capt. Orlando, O.B.E, R.E. SUMNER, Capt. Berkeley HOME-, C.B.E, R.N. SUNDERLAND, Major Brian Gresley Elton, O.B.E, B.A, fi. 15 Dec. 1883 ; s. of the Rev. James Sunderland, of Eggurton Vicarage ; to. Violet, d. of George Wright Mumford, of Oakfield Gateacre. Educ. : Sherborne, and Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. War Work : Sept. 1914, to Oct. 1915, 3rd Siege Battery, France ; Oct. 1915, to April, 1917, Staff Capt, Director of Artillery's Dept, War Office ; April, 1917, to date, Deputy Assistant Director of ArtiUery, Director of Artil lery Department, War Office. Address : Egginton Vicarage, Leighton Buzzard. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (0782) . SURTEES, Capt. Robert Lambton, O.B.E. SUSANS, Lieut. Frank, M.B.B, R.A.F. SUTCLIFFE, Frances Edith, O.B.B, 6. 30 Dec. 1860 ; i. of Edward SutcUffe, of Mirfield. Educ : Culcheth HaU, Bowden. War Work: Belgian Refugee work under W. R. Committee ; Sec. Buxton Refugees Committee, 1914-19 ; responsible for fund for V.A.D. Hospital for wounded Belgian soldiers, to which the pubUc responded generously ; MedaiUe oe la Reine EUzabeth, 1916. Address ; 9, Hartington Road, Buxton. (011410) SUTCLIFFE, John Hamer, O.B.E., F.B.O.A, 6. 1867; >¦ of Robert SutcUffe ; TO.Margaret, d. of James Emery. Educ. : Jiochdale High School ; Owen's CoU, Victoria Univ, Man chester. 1895, Sec, British Optical Association; Editor Uioptric Review," 25 years; President, Optical Society, 1907-1909 ; Superintendent, Armv Spectacle Depot, 1916-20 ; ¦uorarian to Optical Society, 1909-21 ; at present Superinten dent Optical Appliances Depot (Ministry of Pensions). War Wort: Head of dept. for supply of aU spectacles and ophthalmological reauirements to the Army. Address: Clifford's Inn HaU, Fleet Street, E.C 4. (011411) SUTCLIFFE, Surg.-Comm. Percy Temple, O.B.E, 13, M.A, R.N. SUTCLIFFE, WilUam Greenwood, O.B.E, F.R.CS. (Eng.), 6. 14 Aug. 1866 ; s. of WilUam Greenwood SutcUffe, of London ; m. Kathleen EUzabeth Mary, d. of J. T. Sayers, of London. Educ. : St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Surgeon. War Work : Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. (T.) Surgical Specialist, and O.C. 32 CCS, 1914-19. Address : Margate, Kent. (02741) SUTER, George Edward, M.V.O, O.B.E, R.C.N.C, 6. 8 Dec. 1869 ; s. of PliUip James : to. Eva, d. of Hugh Hicks. Educ. : R. N. Coll, Greenwich. Constructive Manager, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, 1919 ; Acting Constructive Manager H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth, 1918. Address: 2, The Parade, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. (0783) SUTHERLAND. Alexander, M.B.B, 6. 22 Jan. 1867; s. of Charles Sutherland, of St. Helens, Lancashire ; m. EUza beth, d. of Andrew Murray, of St. Helens, Lancashire. Educ. : Windle School. Assistant to the District Traffic Superin tendent and Dock Master, L. & N.W. Rly. Co, Garston Docks, Liverpool. War Work : Two years with the Controller of Coal Mines, London, attached to secretariat and dealt with aU questions relating to the pit and export prices of coal. Address : 2 Garston Old Road, Grassendale, Liverpool. (M4009) SUTHERLAND, Capt. Arthur Henry Carr, O.B.B, M.C, The Black Watch, 6. S April, 1891 ; s. of Sir George H. Suther land, of 36, Upper Brook Street ; to. Ruby, d. of the late Capt. W. G. P. MiUer, of Thisleton Lodge, Lancashire. Educ. : Eton, and Sandhurst. War Work : Employed regimentally, and on the Staff. Clubs : Naval and MUitary ; Caledonian ; New (Edinburgh). (02742) SUTHERLAND, Sir Arthur Munro, K.B.E, J.P, 6. 2 Oct. 1867 ; s. of Benjamin John Sutherland, of Newcastle- upon-Tyne ; to. Fanny Linda, d. of Robert Hood Haggle, o£ Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Educ. : Royal Grammar Schoolj Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Sheriff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1916- 17 ; Lord Mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1918-19 ; ship owner and coal exporter ; Chairman of Newcastle Commercial Exchange ; owner of Dunstanburgh Castle, Embleton, Newton, Stamford, Yeavoring and Hethpool Estates in the County of Northumberland ; principal proprietor of " Newcastle Chronicle," " Illustrated Chronicle," " Evening Chronicle," " Weekly ChroncUe," " Sporting Man," " North MaU," and " Sunday Sun." War Work : Took an active part in the raising of the Tyneside Commercial Battalions, Northumber land Fusiliers, and was the means of enabhng eighty-five British steamers to escape from the Baltic, thus adding about 300,000 tons of carrying capacity to the British MercantUe Marine. Addresses : Thurso House, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Hethpool, Northumberland. Ctafis : Union (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) ; Junior Constitutional. _ (K429) SUTHERLAND, Lieut.-Col. Bertram Milne, O.B.E, Aust A.M.C „_,__ SUTHERLAND, George Alexander, C.B.E. ; 8. of the Rev. James Sutherland, D.D, of Aberdeen. Educ. : Univer sities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh. Physician to the Hampstead General Hospital and the Paddington Green Children's Hospital. War Work : Consulting Physician to the Royal Air Force. Address : 29B, Wimpole Street, W. 1. Club : Scottish Con servative (Edinburgh). (C2983) SUTHERLAND, Lieut. Harry Wilson, M.B.E, M.M. SUTHERLAND, Lieut.-Col. James, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.E. Dep Director of Railways. (02340) SUTHERLAND, Lieut. James Henry Richardson, M.B.E, A.F.C, R.A.F. SUTHERLAND, John, M.B.B. SUTHERLAND, Lieut. John, M.B.B. SUTHERLAND, 2nd Lieut. John, M.B.E, R.A.F. SUTHERLAND, John Donald, C.B.E, F.S.L, 6. 10 Nov. 1865 • s. of John Sutherland, of Inverness ; to. -Kate Belcher, d of' the Rev. Andrew Belcher, M.A, of Fasque. Educ. : Royal Academy, Inverness, and Univ. Edinburgh. Assistant Commissioner for Forestry in Scotland. War Work : Execu tive Officer Timber SuppUes, Scotland; Director Home- Grown Timber Committee ; Assistant Director of Forestry in France • Col. in R.B. ; British Representative on Comite Interallie de bois de Guerre, Paris ; Administrative Officer in Les Landes Jura and Vosges, France ; Member of various war committees. Address: 11, Inverleith Row, Edinburgh. Clubs : University (Edinburgh) ; National ; Royal Auto mobUe (C1333) SUTHERLAND, Eng.-Lieut. Joseph, O.B.E, R.N. SUTHERLAND, Robert, M.B.E. SUTHERLAND, Lieut. WiUiam, M.B.E. miTRO AUred O B E SUTTHERY, Colin PeUatt, O.B.B, 6. 13 Aug. 1887 ; s. of Frank PeUatt Sutthery, SoUcitor, of Chelmsford, Essex. Electrical Engineer. War Work : On the Staff of The Director of Experiments and Research ; attached to Staff of The Denutv Controller of Armament Production; Appointed Technical Adviser to the Rear Admiral Controlled Minefields Address : 83, Cannon Street, London, E.C 4. (011412) SUTTIE, Peter Edwin, O.B.E' SUTTON Albert Edward, M.B.E, 6. 26 Oct. 1871 ; s. of James Sutton, of Long Eaton, Derby ; m. Ada d. of Robert Scamnton of Nottingham. Educ. : Long Eaton, Midland Academy ' Commandant, British Red Cross Society. Address : 5 Kandringham Avenue, West Bridgford, Nottingham. Club : c'onstitVttonal (Nottingham) (M9765) SUTTON, Rev. Alfred, C.B.E, 6. 1851 ; s. of James Sutton ; m. Bertha F. B. Walker. Rural Dean, Hon. Canon of 497 2 E Sutton THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Carlisle ; J.P. and Chairman of County CouncU for Cumberland. Address : Bridekirk Vicarage, Cockermouth. (C2984) SUTTON, Capt. Arthur Fraser, M.B.E. SUTTON, Major Bertine Entwistle, D.S.O, O.B.B, M.C, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (03426) SUTTON, CecU Norman Stafford, M.B.B, SUTTON, Constance Marion, M.B.E, L.CA, 6. 3 June, 1888 ; d. ot WiUiam Robert Sutton, of Thame. Educ : The Grove School, Highgate. War Work : Kitchen Sister Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, 1914-16 ; Superintendent, Women's Legion, 1917 ; Assist. Administrator, Q.M.A.A.C, France, 1917; Unit Administrator, Q.M.A.A.C, France, 1918-20. Club : Forum. (M4610) SUTTON, EmUy Evelyn, M.B.E, 6. 13 Aug. 1889 ; d. of Henry J. Sutton, of Salisbury. Educ. : Godolphin School, SaUsbury ; WUts and Bristol Schools of Domestic Economy. Teacher of domestic science ; six years' service under the WUts County CouncU. War Work : Joined Cookery Section of Women's Legion, Jan. 1917 ; transferred to Q.M.A.A.C, Nov. 1917 ; discharged under termination of engagement, Dee. 1919 ; served as assistant Cook Head Cook (under W.L.), and as Deputy Administrator, Unit Administrator, and Deputy ControUer to Q.M.A.A.C. Addresses : 56, Waterloo Gardens, SaUsbury ; University Settlement, Bristol. (M6711) SUTTON, Ernest PhilUps Foquett, M.B.E, late Capt. R.A.S.C, 6. 20 March, 1882 ; s. of the late Martin John Sutton, of Reading; m. Hilda Douglas, d. of Col. D. F. Douglas- Jones, Wimbledon. Educ. : Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Member of Council Bath and West Agricultural Society; Member of Council of the Kerry and Dexter Cattle Society. War Work : 1916-17, Mechanical Transport Officer, attached 163 Siege Battery, B.E.F. ; 1917-18, Officer-in-charge of the Agricultural Scheme, Lines of Communication, B.E.F. Address: Sidmouth Grange, nr Reading Club : Berkshire. (M3154) SUTTON, Major Harvey, O.B.E, A.I.F. SUTTON, John Joseph, M.B.E. SUTTON, Kathleen AUce, Mrs., M.B.E, SUTTON, Leonard Goodhart, C.B.E. Rendered pubUc service during Great War. Of the firm of Sutton & Sons, Seed Merchants. (C2985) SUTTON, Ralph, 6. 11 May, 1881 ; s. of Edmund Sutton, of Manchester.. Educ: Shrewsbury, and Oriel CoU, Oxford. Barrister. War Work : Legal Adviser, Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic). Addresses : 2, Garden Court, Temple, E.C. 4 ; St. Olave's, Chagford, Devon. Clubs : Reform ; London Fencing. (011413) SUTTON, Richard James, O.B.E, fi. 17 Feb. 1862 ; s. of Joseph Walter Sutton (of Tufnell Park, N. (formerly of Boston, Lines.) ; to. Mary Sophia, d. of Francis Hillam, of Shrewsbury. Member of Hornsey Borough Council, Edmonton Board of Guardians, Hornsey Education Committee ; Overseer of the Poor. War Work : Chairman, Local ReUef Committee ; Hon. Treas. Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Assn. ; Chairman Hornsey War Pensions Committee; Chairman Defence Com mittee ; Chairman Voluntary Organisations Committee ; MiUtary Representative Hornsey Local Tribunal, etc. Address : 30, Denton Road, Stroud Green, N. 8. (011414) SUTTON, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Thomas James, M.B.E, R.A.V.C, 6. 21 Sept. 1877. Enlisted in the Royal Horse Artillery, 1896 ; served in India, 1897-98 ; served in South African War, 1899-1902 ; King's and Queen's Medals, 7 clasps ; served in South Africa, 1910-14. War Work : Served in South Africa, 1914; France, 1915-16; mentioned in despatches; Meso potamia, 1918-20 ; mentioned in despatches, 1920 ; in pos session of Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, recom- toended for Meritorious Service Medal ; 1914-15-Star ; B G S Medal ; AlUed Medal. Address : 27, Genesta Road, Plumstead,' Kent. (M4932) SWABEY, Col. Wilfrid Spedding, C.B, CM G C B E 6. 25 Feb. 1871 ; s. of Thomas Swabey, of Woodcote, Woburn Sands, Co. Beds. ; m. Maud, d. of S. A. Walker Waters, Assist Inspector General Royal Dish Constabulary. Educ. : Marl borough Coll. Joined King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 1892 ; afterwards transferred to Army Service Corps ; served with Egyptian Army, 1896-99 (2 medals) ; D.A.A.G. South African War, 1899 to 1902 ; (mentioned in despatches Brevet Majority, 2 medals, 7 clasps). War Work : Served in France from Oct. 1914, holding appointments as A.D. of S and T Cavalry Corps, DD. of S. and T, Northern L. of C, and D D-s' and T. Third Army, tUl proceeding to Italy as D. of S. and T in Nov. 1917 ; was Brig.-Gen. ; six times mentioned in despatches ; 1914 Star, General Service and Victory Medals Italian Croce di Guerra, and Order of the Crown of Italy. SWAFFIELD, Ernest, M.B.E. (C2069) SWAIN, Col. James, O.B, C.B.E, M.D, F.R.CS, fi. 1862 i 8.01 the late George Swain, of Kingswood, Surrey ; to. 1899 Hilda May, d. of A. J. Harrison, M.B, J.P. Professor of Surg and Lecturer in CUnical Surg. Bristol Univ. ; Surg to Rov Infirmary Bristol ; Consulting Surg. Southern Command; sometime Col. Army Medical Service ; during Great War as Con sulting Surg to British Forces in France, 1910 : Delegate to Brktof- !s3Q7 Tan7enCT7 1917_. ^ PAofe3sor ol Sur«- Univ- Co11- i-t , V8?7_l907J.Prea- Medico-Chirurgical Soc. 1909-10; ^tt^Kie v-^ a _ , Abtl°mtoal Surgery" (6th edition) Address : 4, Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. Club : Rova Societies (C1089) SWAIN, Peroival Franois, C.B.E, fi. 14 March, 1887 ; s. of W. A. Swain, of Wynchcroft, Reading; to. Winifred, d of F. W. Balding, of Padworth, Berks. Educ. : Reading 'late University Coll. Principal Clerk, PubUc Trustee Dept H.M. CivU Service. War Work: Principal Clerk-in-charge' Trading with the Enemy Department of the PubUc Trustee Dept. Address: Dingley, Tilehurst-on-Thames. (C10441 SWAIN, WilUam Henry, O.B.E. ' SWAINE, Ethel, O.B.E. SWAINSON, Robert Hunter, O.B.E, 6. 15 Feb. 1882- s. of WiUiam Swainson, of Harrogate; m. EUen, d. of — Holborn, of Darlington. MetropoUtan Sec. of the Young Men's Christian Association. War Work : 1914-15, Organised Y.M.C.A. mUitary work on SaUsbury Plain and with Southern Command, Ireland ; 1915-18, Organising Sec. Y.M.C.A, Muni tion Workers' Dept. Address : Rosslyn Lodge, Hampstead (O1905) SWAISH, Sir John, K.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. 1 Sept. 1852; s. of John Swaish, of Bristol ; m. NelUe, d. of Joshua MitcheU, of Harrogate. Educ. : Privately. Alderman of Bristol City Council. War Work : Lord Mayor of Bristol, 1913-15 ; organised the local scheme of Bristol's' endeavour in Naval, Military, Red Cross, and Munitions; Chairman of Local Tribunal. (K430) SWALLOW, Clara, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of Thomas Hutchin son, of Bamburgh Hall, Northumberland ; to. Wardle Asquith, J.P, s. of John Swallow, of Percy Gardens, Tynemouth. War Work : Commandant of 22nd Durham V.A. Hospital from June, 1915, to Feb. 1919; Member of the Easington War Pensions Committee. Address : Seaton Hall, New Seaham, Co. Durham. (M9766) SWALLOW, Lieut. Thomas Asquith, M.B.E, R.G.A. (T.) SWALLOW, Lieut. WiUiam Hugh, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. SWAN, Capt. John Barry Rankin, M.B.E, R.A.F. SWAN, Capt. John Henry, M.B.E. SWAN, Lieut. Kenneth Raydon, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. SWAN, Mary, Mrs., M.B.B. SWAN, 2nd Lieut. Robert, M.B.E, R.A.F. SWAN, Major Robert Arthur, O.B.E. SWAN, Major RusseU Henry Jocelyn, O.B.E, M.S., M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. 6. 20 July, 1876; s. of R. Jocelyn Swan, of WaUington ; to. Una Gladys, d. of A. J. Waterlow, of HurUngham. Educ. : Wilson's School, and Guy's Hospital, Surgeon, Cancer Hospital, London, S.W. ; Consulting Surgeon, Walton Cottage Hospital ; FeUow of Royal Society of Medicine, and of Royal Medical Society. War Work : Senior Operating Surgeon and Surgical Specialist, Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich ; District Consulting Surgeon, Eastern Command ; Surgeon Royal Air Force Hospital, American Red Cross Hospital, Lancaster Gate, and Queen Mary's Royal Naval Hospital, Southend ; served in France ; mentioned in despatches ; author of many articles on mUitary surgery. Addresses : 75, Wimpole Street, W. 1. ; Ingram's Copse, Farn ham Common, Bucks. (07758) SWAN, Capt. Thomas Angus, M.B.B. SWAN, Charles Robert John ATKIN-, O.B.B, M.B, B.Ch., (Oxon), M.R.C.S. (England), L.R.C.P. (London), F.R.R.P.S., F.R.G.S, 6. 28 Sept. 1863 ; s. of John Thomas Atkin-Swan, Rector, of Fiddington, Somerset ; to. Veronica Head, d. of Antoine Schlesinger, of Paris and New York. Educ : Newton Abbot Coll.; Keble Coll, Oxford; St. George's Hospital. Late Physician and Administrative Officer to R.F.C. Hospitals ; Medical Referee for Anglo-Persian and Burmah OU Companies. War Work : Devised camera for use from an aeroplane, and filters that were fitted in goggles of pilots and observers to prevent dazzle and to assist in seeing through mist ; founded and organised Medical service and Hospitals for the Royal Flying Corps ; selected and appointed staff to Eaton and Bryanston Hospitals ; Lecturer on photography at various aerodromes to England ; devised special hood for pUots and observers, and also apparatus for correcting distortion in the early aerial photographs. Address : 3, Chester Place, Hyde Park Square, W. 2. Club : Junior Carlton. (O1906) SWANN, Major Ernest Edward, O.B.B, 6. 23 Jan. 1879; s. of CouncUlor Frederick Swann, of Cambridge; m. Grace, d. of Alfred Thompson, of Cambridge. Educ. : Perse School, Cambridge. Bank Manager, Barclay's Bank, Ltd, Westcliff- on-Sea ; Hon. Freeman of the Borough of Cambridge.; served with Volunteer Company of the Suffolk Regt. in South African War, 1900-1. War Work : Commissioned in the 5th Batt. Essex Regt. (T.F.), afterwards attached to the General Staff, Southern Command, as Chemical Adviser. Address: 13. Winton Avenue, Westcliff-on-Sea. (07759) SWANN, Grace Elsie, M.B.E. SWANN, Brig.-Gen. Oliver, C.B, C.B.E, R.N. Col. and a Brig.-Gen. R.A.F. (C1908) SW ANSON, David, M.B.E. SWANTON, Margaret Eileen Pasley, M.B.E, fi. 27 March 1890 ; d. of Major-General James Hutchinson Swanton (late Royal Marine L.I.), of Woodrow, Yelverton, South Devon. Educ. : Western Coll, Plymouth. War Work : Emergency work as member of a Voluntary Aid Detachment (Devon 2) from Sept. 1914, to Oct. 1916 ; appointed Divisional Sec, Plymouth Division, British Red Cross Society, Oct. 1916, to present date. Address : Woodrow, Yelverton, South Devon. (M9769) SWANWICK, Laura Beatrix, O.B.E, 6. 14 Sept. 1874; d. of H. J. Marshall, late R.N, of Gayton Hall, Ross-on-Wye; m. Bruce, s. of Russell Swanwick, of Cirencester. Educ : 498 BIOGRAPHIES. Sykes ladies' CoU, Cheltenham; St. HUda's Hall, Oxford. War Wort : Commandant of the Cirencester V. A. Hospital, Dec. 1914, to Deo. 1918, and of V.A.D. Glos. 84, from 1912-20 the Cirencester Hospital had 86 beds, and took cases direct from France. Address : The Road House, near Stroud, Glos. Club : Ladies' University. (01907) SWANZY, Lieut. Franois Hugh, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. SWAYNE, Lieut.-Col. Edward Hopton, O.B.B. SWAYNE, Col. Sir Eric John Eagles, K.C.M.G, C.B, C.B.E, fi. 14 May, 1863 ; s. of the late Rev. G. 0. Swayne ; m. Yda L, d. of Sir T. Holdich, and widow of Major Edmund Peach, LA. Joined Indian Staff Corps; entered Army, 1883 ; served in Burma, 1886 ; Special duty, SomaUland recon naissance, 1890 ; Uganda Mutiny and Jubaland, 1898 ; Com manded SomaUland Field Force, 1901 (Brevet Lieut.-Col.) ; O.C. Troops, SomaUland, with local rank of Brig.-Gen. 1904 ; Intelligence Branch, H.Q. India, 1892-98 ; Commissioner and Consul-General for SomaU Coast Protectorate, 1902-6 ; Governor, British Honduras, 1 906-13 ; Assistant Inspector Recruiting, Northern Command, 1914-17 ; Grand Officer of Order of Crown of Italy. Address : 41, Courtfield Road, S.W. (C2053) SWAYNE, Major Riohard Woodward, O.B.E, M.B, B.S. ; R.A.M.C, s. of H. E. Swayne, of Monkstown, Co. DubUn. Edue. : Durham Univ. Officer-in-Charge Medical Division, 3rd General Hospital, Army of the Rhine. War Work : Joined the Northumbrian Casualty Station, Nov. 1914 ; served in France and Belgium in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th Armies, mostly with the Casualty Clearing Stations ; since July, 1919, Officer- in-Charge Medical Division, 3rd General Hospital, Army of the Rhine. Address : Park Lodge, Cambridge Road, DubUn. (05825) SWEENIE, EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. SWEENY, Capt. Sedley Fleming CampbeU, O.B.E., R.N. SWEET, William McMurdo, O.B.E, fi. 14 Feb. 1860; b. of the Rev. James Bradby Sweet, of Otterton, Devon ; to. May, d. of John Frank Hunnard, of London. Educ. : Honiton, and Cooper's HUT. PubUc Works Department, India ; Chief Engineer, Assam, India. War Work : Inspection Department, Woolwich Arsenal. Address : The Woodlands, Limpley, Stoke, Bath. (011415) SWEETING, Henry Carol, O.B.E, 6. 17 March, 1885; s.of the late Alfred Charles Sweeting, of Paxton Hall, St. Neots, Hunts.; m. Greta Gladys, d. of Alfred Cochrane, of Norton House, Redcar. Educ. : Eton and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. land Agent. War Work : Rejoined 5th Batt. King's Royal Bines on the outbreak of war; drafted to France, to the 1st Bn. Sept. 1914 ; severely wounded at Ypres, on 26 Oct. 1914 ; passed unfit for further service abroad ; transferred for recruit ing duty to BakeweU Sub-Area under H.Q. Staff, Derby, No. 6 District, 1916 ; later transferred to Ministry of National Service ; appointed Assist. Director of National Service, Nov. 1917 ; mentioned in despatches, 1916 ; placed on the Retired List, owing to iU-health caused by wounds, Jan. 1919. Address : Cote Heath, Buxton, Derbyshire. (O7760) SWEETMAN, Capt. Gerald Drysdale, O.B.E, A.MJnst.CE, 6. 24 Jan. 1880 ; s. of Henry Sweetman, J.P, of fiyde, Isle of Wight ; m. Marie, d. of the late John Everard Pouard, of Bristol. Educ: Portsmouth Grammar School. Assistant Surveyor to the Wandsworth Borough CouncU. War Service: Oct. 1914, to April, 1915, engaged by the War Oflice as CivU Engineer for Works Services ; April, 1915, to Nov. 1919, Inspector ot Works, Staff for R.E. Services ; em ployed in England, on the construction and administration of camps, hospitals, and depots on the Salisbury Plain and Weymouth districts respectively ; served with British Ex peditionary Force, North Russia (Murmansk Area) ; mentioned in despatches. Address: lb, Dalebury Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. 17. (09729) SWEETMAN, Lieut-Col. Michael James, O.B.E. _, SWENY, Capt. WiUiam Halpin Paterson, C.B.E. Capt. B.N.R. (C642) SWETTENHAM, Lieut.-Col. George Kilner, CB.E., f.S.O, fi. 1866 ; *. of the late G. F. Swettenbam, of South Lodge, Eastbourne ; m. Catherine Anne Eleanor, d. of the late very Rev. Augustine FitzGerald, D.D, Dean of Armagh. Educ. .: Cheltenham CoU. War Work: Commanded 5th Batt. wyal Irish Rifles. Address: Ravensdale, Mount Pleasant, Co. Louth. (C1782) SWETTENHAM, Lieut.-Col. WilUam Alexander Wybault, ^•B.E, R.G.A, 6. 16 Dec. 1870 ; s. of WUliam Norman, of wiper, Derbyshire. Educ. : Shrewsbury School, and Bedford tammar School. 4 years' MiUtia Service with the Lancashire ¦artillery Militia, and 27 years" service in the Royal Regiment M Artillery. War Work : Sec. Siege ArtiUery Committee ; g.S.0. Siege ArtUlery, War Office ; Brigade Major 2nd Army ueavy ArtUlery Reserve Group, France, tiU invalided ; G.S.O. ™ge Artillery; ArtUlery Bgde. Commander, Commanding *.I1.A. Training School, France ; Ministry of Munitions. Address : Hurlands, Dunsfold, Surrey. CJwfi .• Junior Naval and MUitary. (C2175) SWIFT, Comm. Clement Charles, O.B.E, R.N. SWIFT, Dame Sarah Ann, G.B.E, R.R.C, 6. 22 Nov. }*»; d. of Robert Swift, of Boston. Educ : Privately. "latron of Guy's Hospital until 1909. War Work : Matron- in-cnief of the Joint War Committee of the British Red Cross wd Order of St. John, from 1914. to 1920. Address : 48, Primrose Mansions, S.W. 11. (DG27) SWINBOURNE, Major Charles Augustus, O.B.E, SWINBURNE, John EUot, O.B.E. SWINDELLS, Major Frank MarshaU, O.B.E. SWINERD, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Henry James, M.B.E. R.A. SWINNERTON, Robert William, M.B.B, J.P. for the County of Warwick, 6. 7 April, 1848 ; s. of Robert Swinnerton, of Weddlngton Grove, near Nuneaton. Educ. : Privately. Chairman Board of Guardians ; Alderman Nuneaton Borough CouncU ; Co-opted Member Warwickshire Education Com mittee. Address : Linden Lodge, Nuneaton. (M2503) SWINSON, Ethel, Mrs., M.B.B,; d. of Joseph Sampson Gamgee, Surgeon, of Birmingham ; to. Frederick Swinson. War Work : Organising Voluntary Helpers in Birmingham District for Munition Workers Auxiliary Committee. Address : 12, Augustus Road, Edgbaston. (M9770) SWINSTEAD, Lieut. Norman HiUyard, M.B.E, R.E. SWINTON, Elizabeth, Mrs., O.B.E. SWIRE, WUUam, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 17 July. 1862 ; s. of WUliam Hudson, of Liverpool ; to. Jessie Lindsay Edith, d. of George Jardine Kidston, J.P, D.L, of Finlaystone, Renfrewshire. Educ : Charterhouse. War Work : County Director, Red Cross, Shropshire. Address : Longden Manor, Shrewsbury. Club : Boodle's ; Conservative. (C643) SWIRE, WilUam, M.B.E, fi. 29 Sept. 1872 ; s. of Robinson Swire, of Skipton, Yorkshire ; to. EUen, d. ot Thomas Fish, of Retford, Notts. Educ. : Skipton Grammar School. Head master of Fleetwood, Lord Street 0. School until Feb. 1919, now Headmaster, Leyland, Wes. School. War Work : Hon. Sec. Fleetwood War Savings Committee, Food Economy Com mittee, and of Food Economy and War Bonds Campaigns ; Member of Fleetwood Local Food Committee ; on the panel of Royal Horticultural Society's War-time Garden Advisers. (M4011) SWITHENBANK, John WilUam, M.B.E. SWOFFER, Lieut Frank Arthur, M.B.E, R.A.F. SWORNSBOURNE, Mabel Edith, M.B.E. SYDENHAM, Eng.-Comm. Frederiok WiUiam, O.B.E, R.N. SYDENHAM OF COMBE, George Sydenham Clarke, Lord, G.CS.I, G.C.M.G, G.C.I.E, G.B.E, F.R.S, 6. 4 July, 1848 (see BlTKKE'S Peerage) ; s. of the Rev. W. I. Clarke, late of Knoyle House, Folkestone ; to. Phyllis Angelina Rosamund, d. of George Morant, late of Grenadier Guards. Educ. : Repton Rossall, HaUeybury, R.M.A, Woolwich. War Work : Chair man Central Appeal Tribunal ; Member Air Board ; President Belgian Field Hospital. Addresses : 101, Onslow Square, S.W. ; The Priorv, Lumberhurst, Kent. Club : Athenasum. (G5) SYDENHAM, Capt. Lewis George, M.B.E. SYKES, Lieut.-Col. Arthur, C.B.E, 6. 22 Oct. 1868 : s. of Alfred Sykes, of Witcham, Cambs ; to. Maud Mary, d. of John Talyor, of Woodlands, Sutton, Cambs. Joined as a private, 1887 ; promoted to commissioned rank during S. African War ; served on War Office Staff as Inspector of Army Catering, 1912-18. War Work : Organisation of the feeding of the fighting forces at home and abroad ; inauguration of system whereby shell propeUents were recovered from by-products of troops rations; appointed Inspector of Administrative Services, Royal Air Force, 1918. Address : Henleigh, King ston HiU, S.W. Club : Royal Automobile. (C1909) SYKES, Capt. Arthur Clifton, D.S.O, O.B.B, 6. 1891 ; 8. of the late Adam Sykes, of Wadbury, near Frome ; to. 1919, Loma Evelyn, d. of Ernest Stanier, of Blmhurst, Isleworth. Served in the Great War in Mesopotamia, 1914-18 (despatches). Club : Army and Navy. (06711) SYKES, Sir Charles, K.B.E, M.P, fi. 1867 ; s. of the late BenjaminW. Sykes ; to. daughter of the late Benjamin Newsome. Chairman, Sir Charles Sykes and Sons, Ltd, Netherdale, Galashiels. Address : Kingsknowes, Galashiels. Clubs ; National Liberal ; Liberal (Huddersfield). ( (KJ10) SYKES, Charles David, O.B.B, B.Sc. (Lond.), 6. 21 Jan. 1875 ; s. of David Sykes, of West Bromwich ; m. Lucy AUce, d. of Richard Thorn, of Topsham, S. Devon. Educ. : Hands- worth Grammar School. General Works Manager, Messrs. Albright and WUson, Chemical Works. War Work : General Works Manager of important H.M. Factory. (011417) SYKES, Charles Henry, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. SYKES, Rev. Frank Morris, O.B.E, 6. 1879 ; s. of William Sykes, M.D, of Paignton. Educ. : Malvern Coll.; Selwyn CoU Cambridge. Vice-Principal, Ordination Test School, Knutsford War Work : B.E.F, Chaplain to the Forces, 1915-19. Address: Ordination Test School, Knutsford. ( U-. (-xO) SYKES, Major-Gen. Sir Frederick Hugh, G.B.E, K.C.B, 6 1877 ' s of Hy. Sykes, of Addiscombe ; m. 1920, Isabel Harrington, e. d. of Rt. Hon.. Andrew Bonar Law, M.P. Appointed 2nd Lieut. 1901; Lieut.-Col. 1915 ; Brevet Col. 1918 ; Major-Gen. 1918 ; qualified as Air Pilot 1911 ; Coram. R.F.C Military Wing, 1912-14 ; Comm. R.N.A.S. E. Mediter ranean, 1915-16 ; Dep. Div. War Office, 1917 ; Chief Air Staff, RAF 1918-19; Comm. Gen. Civil Aviation from 1919 , Comm. Legion of Honour, Order Leopold of Belgium, Vladimir of Russia, American D.S.M. Clubs: United Service ; Cavalry. SYKES, Capt. George, M.B .E. I?f_iI:j^XrmGiL°|f,60An^2To|:#^Wimam Sykes, of Huddersfield; m. Mary Annie, d. of Henry Redf earn. of Huddersfield. Educ : Huddersfield Board School Merchant. War Work :' Valuable services rendered to British Prisoners of 499 Sykes THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. War in Turkey. Address : Mithad Pacha Han, Sirkedji, Constantinople. Club : National Liberal. (011418) SYKES, Joseph Percival, M.B.E. SYKES, Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E. SYKES, Mary Louisa, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of George March, of Thorner, near Leeds ; m. John Thorley (who died), s. of John Sykes, of Croes HoweU. War Work : Organiser, Donor, Commandant, and Matron of own Auxiliary Hospital, Croes Howell, Rossett, Denbighshire. Address : Croes HoweU, Rossett, Denbighshire. (M993) SYKES, Percy Duncan, M.B.E, B.A, fi. 7 Dec. 1882; s. of Thomas Edward Sykes, of Huddersfield ; m. Alethea Edith, d. of George Chandler, of Sutton (Surrey). Educ. : Royal Mount School, Colwyn Bay. War Work : Contract Department, Admiralty. (M994) SYKES, Paymaster-Lieut. Percy Stanley, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. SYKES, Capt. Stanley WilUam, O.B.E, M.C SYKES, WilUam Henry, M.B.E, 6. 5 Jan. 1850 ; s. of James Sykes, of Lindley ; to. Rhoda, d. of Joseph Myers, of Berkenshaw. Late assistant master, Barkerend School ; Head Master, Bank Top School, and Wapptog Road School ; Head master, 36 years (Slum School). War Work : Vice-Chairman, Soldiers' and SaUors' Dependents ReUef Committee ; with the assistance of the Education Committee formed classes for instructing wounded soldiers. Address: 84, Dornsthorpe Street, West Bowling, Bradford Yorks. CTwfis : Cinderella Club ; Liberal Club. (M2505) SYKES, Annie, Mrs. KNOWLES-, M.B.E, 6. 1867 ; d. ol John Smith, of Huddersfield, Yorkshire ; to. Frank, s. of Alfred Sykes, of Huddersfield. Educ. : Huddersfield and Paris. War Work : President of the Ladies' AuxUiary of the Huddersfield Y.M.C.A. during the whole period of war, including canteens in connection with the hospitals ; Member of Hudders field War Savings Committee. Address : Fixby, 34, West Heath Drive, Hampstead, N.W. 3. (M6771) SYLVESTER, Albert James, C.B.E, 6. 24 Nov. 1889 ; s. of the late Albert Sylvester of Harlestone, Staffs. Private Sec. to Sec. of Cabinet and Committee of Imperial Defence. Address : 2, WhitehaU Gardens, S.W. 1. (C2986) SYMES, Capt. John, O.B.E. SYMES, Major Kenneth, O.B.E. SYMES, Sandham John, O.B.E, 6. 25 Feb. 1877 ; s. of Sandham John Symes, of HiU View, Co. Wexford, Deland ; m. Grace Annie, d. of John Thomas Peacock, of Derby. Educ : Foy's School, Waterford. Engineer ; Chief Mechanical Engineers, Dept, Midland RaUway. Address : 5, Mill Hill Road, Derby. (O1910) SYMES, Lieut.-Col. and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. SYMES, WiUiam Fitzroy Scudamore Stallard, O.B.E. SYMINTON, Capt. Ralph, M.B.E, R.F.A. (S.R.) SYMMONS, Percy James, M.B.E. SYMON, Lesley Kilmeny, M.B.E.; s. of Sir J. H. Symon, of Adelaide, S. AustraUa. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Belgian Refugee and Munitions Canteens ; Prisoner of War Dept, Camps Library. Address : Adelaide, S. AustraUa. (M6774) SYMONDS, Sir Charters James, K.B.E, C.B, MS, F.R.CS, fi. 1852 ; s. of Charles Symonds, of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada ; to. Fanny Marie, d. of Lieut.-Gen. D. Shaw, Indian Army. Educ : Guy's Hospital, and Univ. of London. Consulting Surgeon to Guy's Hospital; Member of Council and Vice-President Royal Coll. of Surgeons. War Work : Major, 2nd London General Hospital, 1914 ; Col A.M.S. ; Consulting Surgeon H.M. Forces, Malta, Salonica, Southern Command, 1915-19. Address : 58, Portland Place, W. Club : Albemarle. (K293) SYMONDS, WilUam North, M.B.E, 6. 21 Feb 1872- s. of the late Rev. Canon Symonds, of The Rectory, Stockport ; to. Hilda BrowneU, d. of the late C. T. Drabble, of Sharston Hall, Northenden. Educ. : Eton ; GonvUle and Caius CoU Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law. War Work: Transport Officer of the East Lancashire Branch of the British Red Cross Society. Address : Meadow Brow, Alderley Edge. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge. (M4014) SYMONDS, May Josephine, Mrs., LODER-, O B B d. of Sir WiUiam Vavasour, Bart. ; m. Major John Frederick Loder-Symonds, S. Staffordshire Regt. (kiUed in action, 1914) s. of Capt. F. Loder-Symonds, R.A, J.P, of Hinton Waldrist Berks. War Work : Free Canteen at Lichfield Station for South Staffordshire Regt. and troops. Address: The Close Saffron Walden, Essex. (011419) SYMONS, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Herebert Edward, O.B.E, R.N. SYMONS, Major John, O.B.E, R.A 0 C SYMONS, Rudolph Victor, O.B.E I -R1r?p0NS' Lieut-"Co1- Thomas Henry, O.B.E, M.R.C.S. SYMONS, WUUam Frederiok, O.B.E, 6. 1865 War Work: Commandant, 1st City of London Detachment British Red Cross Society; Deputy Director, Ambulance Column, London District, Aug. 1914, to March, 1919. Address : 35 Dryburgh Road, Putney. (0114901 SYMONS Sir Robert FOX-, K.B.E., M.R.C.S, L R.CP , D.P.H fi. 1870 ; to Maude, R.R.C, 1st Class, d. of Joseph Calverley. Educ. : Privately. Physician. War Work : Held of Auxiliary Hospitals Dept. B.R.C.S. Address : 5, Courtfield Gardens, S.W. 7. Clubs : Savile ; Surrey County Cricket ¦ Royal Cornwall Yacht. (K172) SYNNOT, Major Reginald Victor Okes HART-, O.B E D.S.O, B.Sc, 6. 1879 ; s. of the late Major-Gen. Arthur FitzRov Hart-Synnot, C.B, C.M.G, of BaUymoyer, Co. Armagh; m. 1912, Violet Mary Emily Maud, d. of the Rev. Lord James Theobald Bagot John Butler, 6. of the present Marquess of Ormonde (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : King WUliam's CoU. ; R.M.C. ; S.-E. Agricultural CoU. Wye. Entered E. Surrey Regt. 1899 ; retired, 1904 ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1902, on the Staff, present at reUef of Ladysmith (despatches twice) ; Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Univ. CoU. Reading, since 1909 ; Capt. Guernsey L.I. ; on Head Quarter Staffs of Guernsey Dist. and S. Command, 1915-19. Club : Athenaeum. (O7250) SYNNOTT, Major Peroy Joseph Ignatius, O.B.E. SYRETT, Herbert Sutton, C.B.E, 6. 20 AprU, 1877 • s. of Alfred Syrett, of Sydenham, S.E, J.P. ; m Rose, d. of — Jenkens, of Fulham. Educ. : London Univ. Private Sec. to Mr. Lloyd George. 1915-16 ; Private Sec. to Mr. Clynes (Food ControUer, 1918-19). War Work : Sec. to Consumers' CouncU, Ministry of Food. Address : 30, Kensington Mansions, Earls Court, S.W. Clubs : National Liberal ; Royai Auto mobUe. (C2987) SYRETT, Sidney James, M.B.E, 6. 7 Sept. 1889 ; 8. of J. H. Syrett, of 190, West Green Road, London, N. 15 ; m. Elsie Louisa, d. of E. BuUen, of 2, Suffolk Road, St. Anns, West Green, N. 15. Educ. : City Central Foundation School, London, E.C. Armament Stores Officer, Hong-Kong, China. War Work: In connection with the R.N. Cordite Factory, Holton Heath, Dorset. Address : Royal Navy Ordnance Depot, Hong-Kong, China. (M6775) SYSON, Major Alfred Edward, O.B.E. Croix de Guerre (France). SYSON, Paymastor-Comm. John Luxmore, O.B.E.. R.N. SZLUMPER, Major AUred Weeks, C.B.E, M.Inst.CE, R.E. (T.), 6. 24 May, 1858 ; s. of the late Albert Szlumper, of Wavertree, Liverpool; to. Frances Margaret., d. of the late Capt. WilUams, of Aberystwyth. Educ. : Aberystwyth Grammar School, and Univ. of Wales. Articled, and subse quently Chief Assistant to Sir James W. Szlumper, M.Inst.CE. ; Resident Engineer on section of G.I.P. Rly, India ; for 17 years Divisional Engineer, L. & S. W. Rly, Chief Engineer since April, 1914. War Work : As Chief Engineer, L. & S.-W. Rly, carried out important and urgent work including Light Rail ways, many sidings, etc. ; advised as to conveyance of special heavy and out-of-gauge loads, such as Guns, Tanks, etc. Address : Glenbuckliouse, Surbiton, Surrey. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; Roehampton. (C2988) TABOR, James, C.B.E, 6. 25 Jan. 1869; s. ot James A. C Tabor, of Gt. Baddow Lodge, Chelmsford ; m. Margaret Ada Sophia, d. of Charles A. Tabor, of Earls HaU, PrittleweU, Essex. Educ. : Eton, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. J.P, D.L, C.A., Essex. War Work : Chairman, Essex Local War Pensions Committee ; Vice-Chairman, Territorial Force Association, Essex County. Address: The Lawn, Rochford, Essex. Club : Constitutional. (C2984) TABRUM, Ashley, O.B.E, LL.B. (Camb.), 6. 13 March, 1879 ; s. of Burnett Tabrum, of Bromley, Kent ; m. Mary Montague, d. of Dr. B. E. Fordyce, of Cambridge. Educ. : Felsted School. Clerk of the Peace and of the County Council of Cambridgeshire ; County Returning Officer, etc. War Work : Hon. Sec. Cambridgeshire War Pensions Committee and Cambridgeshire ReUef Committee (Prince of Wales' Fund) ; Sec. Cambridgeshire Appeal Tribunal (Military Service Acts). Address : 13, Harvey Road, Cambridge. Club : University Pitt (Cambridge). (011421) TABUTEAU, Lieut.-Comm. Reginald MoUere, O.B.E, R.N. TADEMA, Anna ALMA-, M.B.E. TADEMA, Laurence ALMA-, C.B.E. : d. of the late Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, O.M, R.A. Authoress. War Wort : Founder, with I. J. Paderewski, and Hon. Sec. of the PoUsh Victims ReUef Fund, 1915 ; founder and Hon. Sec. of the Polish ExUes Protection, 1915 ; founder and director of Creche and Schools for the education of PoUsh ChUdren in England, 1918. Address : The Fair Haven, Wittersham, Kent. (C90) TADGELL, Capt. Frederick Harold, M.B.E, A.I.F. TAFFS, Herbert WiUiam, M.B.B. TAGG, Lieut.-Col. George John, O.B.E, R.E. TAGGART, Sir James, K.B.E, J.P, 6. 6 Dec. 1849 ; m. EUza, d. of George Reid, of Rothie-Norman. Educ. : Port Elphiston ; Inverurie Parish School ; Aberdeen Mechanics Institution. Entered the Aberdeen Town Council, 1894 ; Magistrate, 1896 ; Deputy Lieutenant, 1905 ; Granite Mer chant. Lord Provost of Aberdeen and Lord Lieutenant of the County of the City of Aberdeen ; and Vice-Admiral of the North Sea since 1914. Address : Ashley Lodge, Aberdeen. (K173) TAILBY, Lieut. Mark, M.B.E, 6. Nov. 1888 ; s. of A. TaUby, of Woolwich. Educ : Woolwich Polytechnic. Design ing Engineer. War Work : Three years with Royal Garrison ArtUlery, and two years as Inspector of Ordnance Machinery (I.O.M.) ; served in France, Belgium, Russia, and Palestine. (M7006) TAINSH, Peter, O.B.E. TAIT, Major and Qr.-Mr. Andrew Ferdinand, M.B.E, R.A.M.C TAIT, Andrew WUson, CB.E.. 6. 16 Jan. 1876 ; s. of William Tait, of Edinburgh ; m. Isabel May, d. of George 500 BIOGRAPHIES. Taplin " Allinson, of EUesmere. Educ. : Edinburgh. Chartered Accountant. War Work : Chairman of British Aluminium Co., Ltd. ; Member of various Government Committees. Address: The Oaks, Parkside, Wimbledon Common, S.W. Ctafis .' Junior Carlton ; Royal Automobile ; Scottish Con servative. (C644) TAIT, Anne Smith, Mrs., M.B.E. TAIT, Charles Wilson, M.B.B. TAIT, Capt. Henry Caldwell, M.B.E. TAIT, James, M.B.E, fi. 1853 ; s. of Andrew Tait, oi Dumbarton ; m. Mary Jane, d. of Robert Tumbull, of West Hartlepool. Educ. : National Schools and Evening Technical Classes. Manager (Engineer) to Messrs. Thurd, Ridley and Sons, Middlesbrough. War Work : Organising and Manu facturing of 18-pounder Shrapnel Shells. (M2509) TAIT, James, M.B.E, 6. 26 March, 1885 ; s. of WUlaml Tait, of Edinburgh ; m. Jane Anne Menzies. Educ. : Daniel Stewart's CoU, Edinburgh, and Edinburgh Univ. Chartered Accountant; member of firm of George A. Touche & Co, Chartered Accountants, London. TPar Work : Section Director in Accounts Department of Ministry of Munitions. Address : Basildon House, Moorgate Street E.C. 2. (M9778) TAIT, Lieut.-Col. John Spottiswood, CB.E. Lieut.-Col. British Columbia Regt. ; served in Great War, 1915-19 (men tioned in despatches). (C1838) TAIT, Capt. WiUiam Ironsides, O.B.E, R.E. TALBOT, Bridget EUzabeth, O.B.E. TALBOT, Ernest Edward Austin, M.B.B. TALBOT, Comm. Gerald, CM.G, O.B.E. TALBOT, Hugo, O.B.B. TALBOT DE MALAHIDE, Isabel Charlotte Talbot, Lady, D.B.E, Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; d. of Robert-Blake Humfrey, of Wroxham House, Norwich, Norfolk; m. Richard Wogan, 5th Baron, s. of James, Lord Talbot de Malahide, 4th Baron (see Burke's Peerage). War Work : President of County Dublin B.R.C.S. Address : Malahide Castle, DubUn. Clubs : Alexandra ; Empress. (D50) TALBOT, Eng.-Comm. John Charles, O.B.E, R.N. TALBOT, 2nd Lieut. John Hamilton, M.B.E, R.E. TALBOT, JuUa Elizabeth Mary, Mrs., O.B.E, Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; d. of Sir Capel Molyneux, 7th Bart, of Castle DUlon, Co. Armagh (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. WiUiam John Talbot, of Mount Talbot ; Lord Lieutenant of Co. Roscommon, and a J.P. for Cos. Ros common, Armagh, and GaUoway. Educ. : At home. County Director for County Armagh of joint Red Cross and St. John Ambulance Association ; Chairman, Roscommon Boarding- Out Committee. War Work : Acting [Chairman, Co. Ros common Local War Pensions Committee ; 2 years Chairman, Roscommon Town War Pensions Sub-Committee ; President for St. John Ambulance Association, Co. Armagh, Nov. 1194, to Oct. 1919 ; County Director for Co. Armagh, Oct. 1919, to present date ; part organiser, Co. Armagh, Our Day " Fund, etc. Addresses : Mount Talbot, Co. Roscommon ; Castle DiUon, Co. Armagh. (011425) TALBOT, Matilda Theresa, M.B.E, W.R.A.F. TALBOT, Dame Meriel Lucy, D.B.E. ; d. of the late Rt. Hon. John G. Talbot, of Falconhurst, Eden Bridge, Kent. Woman Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. War Work: Member of Home Office Committee for Repatriation of enemy aUens ; Director, Women's Branch, Ministry of Agriculture, and responsible for the organisation of the Women's Land Army. Address : 14, Moore Street, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Club : Ladies' Empire. (D56) TALBOT, Lieut.-Col. Reginald George, CB.E, R.A.F, and Comm. R.N, 6. 25 Jan. 1881 ; s. of Gustavus Arthur Chetwynd-Talbot (see Burke's Peerage, Shrewsbury and Talbot, E.); m. Mary Helen Charlotte, d. of Hon. H. R. Hepbourne-Scott (see Bukke'S Peerage, Polwarth, B.). Ad dress: R.N.A. Station, Straford, Lincolnshire. (C876) TALBOT, Hon. Reginald GUbert Murray, C.B.E, LL.B, fi. 30 Jan. 1849 ; s. of James, 4th Lord Talbot, of Malahide (see BUBKE's Peerage) ; m. 1st Edith Lucy Murray ; d. of the Rev. Jermyn Pratt, of Ryston HaU, Norfolk (who died); 2nd, Bichenda, d. of the late Charles Buxton, M.P. Educ. : Trinity Coll. Cambridge (see Burke's Peerage, Buxton, Bart.). Barrister-at-law. Address: 34, St. George's Road, S.W. Club: Windham. (C313) TALLACK, Charles Miohael, O.B.E., fi. 7 June, 1874; ». of M. D. TaUack, of Bristol ; to. Marianne Boultbee, d. of J. B. Brooks, J.P, of Finstall, Worcester. Educ. : Merchant Venturers' CoU, Bristol. Banker; Chief Accountant and Deputy Sec. Bank of Bengal. War Work : Indian War Loans, and Indian War Funds, etc. Address : c/o Bank of Bengal, Calcutta. CZwfis: Bengal (Calcutta); East India United Services (London). (09856) TALLACK, Franois Harold Cass, M.B.E. TALLACK, Thomas, M.B.E. TALLBOY, George Peroy, O.B.E, fi. 27 June, 1877 ; i ___ the late George Frederick Tallboy; to. Ina Winifred Bertha, d. of the late Capt. W. J. Anderson, R.N, of Chatham. 2*jf..' Midhurst Grammar School, London Univ. (Cobden tlub Prize). Sec. " The Times History of the War," in ». Africa; Private Sec. to Mr. L. S. Amery, M.P, 1909-14. war Work : Private Sec. to Director of Army Contracts, War Office, 1914-17, Surveyor-General of Supply, War Office, 1917, and to Permanent Sec. Ministry of Food, 1917-18; nead of Correspondence Section, Livestock Branch, Ministry of Tood, 1918 ; Private Sec. to Controller of H.M. Stationery Office, 1918 ; Licensing Officer. Inlor-AUied Rhincland Com mission, Coblonz, 1918; in chargo of Import and Export Licence Section, Ministry of Food, since 1919. Address : 31, Earlsthorpe Road, Sydenham, S.E. (0788) TALLENT, Edward Killworth, O.B.E. TALLENTS, Stephen George, C.B, CB.E, 6. 20 Oct. 1884 ; s. of G. W, Tallents of 49, Warwick Square, London, S.W. 1 ; to. Bridget, d. of Hugh Hole, of Caunton Manor, Newark. Educ. : Harrow, and Balliol Coll, Oxford. Civil Servant. War Work: Irish Guards (S.R.), 1914; wounded May, 1915 ; Ministry of Munitions, 1915-16 ; a Principal Assist. Sec. Mimstry of Food, 1916-19 ; Chief British Member, Inter-AUied Commission for the Relief and Supply of Poland, 1919 ; British Commissioner for the Baltic Provinces, 1919- 1920. Address : 34, Ladbroke Square, W. 11. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. (C2360fi) TAMBLYN, Lieut.-Col. David Sobey, D.S.O, O.B.E. ; Lieut.-Col. Canadian Army Vet. Corps ; served in Great War, 1915-18 (mentioned in despatches). (06059) TANDY, Lieut.-Col. Maurice O'Connor, D.S.O., O.B.E, R.E, 6. 1873. Aden, 1903-4; Great War, 1914-19 (men tioned in despatches). (06712) TANCOCK, Charles Crump, M.B.B. TANCRED, Flying Officer Christopher Humphrey, M.B.E. TANGYE, Albert WUUam, O.B.B. TANGYE, Major Riohard Trevithick Gilbertstone, O.B.E, J.P, 6, 26 June. 1875 ; s. of Sir Richard Tangye, of Newquay ; to. S. E. Frieda, d. of J. Kidman, of Liverpool. Educ. : Broms grove, Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : With British Red Cross Society in France as Voluntary Driver, Nov. 1914, to June, 1916; June, 1916, to Feb. 1919, attached General Staff, G.H.Q, B.E.F. ; Feb. 1919, General Staff, G.H.Q, British Army of the Rhine ; twice mentioned in despatches, Croix de Guerre avec Palme. Addresses : 40, Bramham Gardens, S.W. ; Glendorgal ,St. Columb Minor, CornwaU. C7«6 : New University. (08610) TANNER, Alfred Riohard Morley, M.B.E. Staff Ac countant in Coal Mines Dept, Board of Trade. (M102606) TANNER, Edward, M.B.B: TANNER, Lieut. Edward Butler, O.B.E, R.N.R, 6. 10 July, 1865 ; s. of Joseph Thompson Tanner, of Wexford, Ireland ; to. Annie Esther, d. of Henry Johnston, of Toma- gaddy, Co. Wexford. Educ : The Tate School, Wexford, and High School, Wexford. In command of cross-Channel passenger steamers owned by L. & N.-W. Rly. Co. War Work : Commanding Officer, H.M.S. " Tara " (Owners' Master, Lieut. R.N.R.), Aug. 1914, to Nov. 1915 ; prisoner of war in Libyan Desert, Nov. 1915, to March, 1916, when rescued by Duke of Westminster ; Master of H.M.A.T, " Cambria," Dec. 1918, to present date. Address : Ormesby, Walthew Avenue, Holy head, North Wales. (011428) TANNER, Lieut. Guy, M.B.E, R.F.A. TANNER, John, M.B.E. TANNER, Mary EUzabeth, M.B.E, fi. 31 May, 1866, d. of Thomas Hawkes Tanner, M.D, of London. Educ. : Privately ; Bedford ; Univ. Coll, London ; Federal School of Science, Zurich, Switzerland. War Work : One year in Postal Censorship ; from 1916-19, directing canteens and recreation huts for Women's Emergency Canteens and British Committee of French Red Cross, with French Army ; received from Government of French Republic, SUver MedaiUe de la Recon naissance, Francaise. Club : Forum. (M4016) TANNER, WilUam AUan, O.B.E, fi. 23 Dec. 1866 ; s. of WilUam Tanner, of EastviHe, Bristol ; m. Eva, d. of William Smith, J.P, of Athlone, Ireland. Educ. : Merchant Venturers' Schools, Bristol. 1882-89, training and serving as CivU Engineer ; 1889-98, attached to CivU Engineering Staff, Royal Engineers on Engineering Works, DubUn District ; 1898-1901, Assist. Civil Engineer, Works Department, H.M. Dockyards at Devonport, and later at Portsmouth ; 1901-4, Resident Engineer, Rangoon Port Trust, Burmah. War Work: Aug. 1914, to Feb. 1915, PoUce River Patrol, com missioned and ran his own petrol launch on Thames ; Feb. 1915 to Nov. 1915, helped in Medical Research Dept. ; Nov. 1915 to Nov. 1919, in Ministry of Munitions, Trench Warfare Dept, and Gun Ammunition Dept. ; was responsible for supply of (at first) trench guns and ammunition ; in 1916 was apponted Director, Aerial Bomb Section, and responsible for whole supply of the Air Board's requirements ; in 1918 was appointed controller of Gun Ammunition (C.G.A.), and in 1919 was appointed Deputy Director of Ordnance Supply Department. Address: Doonvara, Highbury Road, Wimbledon, S.W1 Clubs: Royal Institution; Royal Wimbledon Golf; Roya. Automobile. (011429) TANSLEY, Comm. EmUy AmeUa, M.B.E, 6. 17 Feb. 1872 • d of — Tansley, of London. Educ. : Gravesend High School War Work: Qr.-Mr, V.A.D. Kent 16, at Yacht Club Gravesend, Oct. 1914, to Oct. 1915; Qr.-Mr, All Hallows', Middlestoke, near Rochester, Sept. 1914, to Nov. 1915 ; also at Great Hermitage, Higham, near Rochester, Nov. 1915, to April 1918 ; Commandant, April, 1918, to June, 1919, at The Great Hermitage. Address: St. HUda, Old Road West, Gravesend (M9802) TAPERELL, Major Bernard Treleaven, O.B.E, late R A S C; to. 14 Dec. 1920, Henriette Palmyre-Joseph Godin, of Paris.' (01911) TAPHOUSE, Alfred John, M.B.E. TAPLIN, Capt. Colin Quintrell, O.B.E, R.A.F. 501 Tapp THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. TAPP, Capt. Arthur Gerard Rhodes Sentance, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 2 Jan. 1897 ; s. of Arthur Tapp, of The Old Hatch- gate, Horley, Surrey. Educ. : Winchester Coll. Stock Ex change. War Work : Proceeded to France attached as R.A. Officer, Ammunition Park, 37th Div, June, 1915 ; transferred in same capacity to Indian Corps, Sept. 1915 ; transferred to XlVth Corps, Nov. 1915 ; remained with XlVth Corps in France till Nov. 1917, then proceeded with XlVth Corps to Italy ; appointed Staff Capt. Heavy Artillery, British Forces in Italv, Dec. 1917, untU demobUised, Feb. 1919 ; Belgian Croix de Guerre, ItaUan Croce di Gnerra, mentioned in Birthday Honours List. Addresses : The Old Hatchgate, Horley, Surrey ; 3, Tokenhouse BuUdings, King's Arms Yard, London, E.C 2. Club : R.A.C. (06422) TAPP, Egerton Riohard, M.B.E, 6. 11 Dec. 1368 ; s. of the late William Pearce Tapp, of Bristol ; to. Bessie Maude Carter, d. of WUliam Henry House, of Bristol. Educ. : Colston School, Stapleton, Bristol. War Work : Special Constable ; Hon. Sec. Church Brampton V.A.D. AuxiUary Hospital ; also of Weston Favel Primary Hospital. Address : Fairlawn, Abington, Northampton. (M9804) TAPP, Capt. Harold Astley, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C. TAPP, John Reuban, M.B.E. TAPPER, Major Kenneth Edwin, O.B.E, M.B. TARBET, Arthur, M.B.E. TARGETT, 2nd Lieut. Harry, O.B.E. TARLTON, Jessie, Mrs, M.B.E. TARRAN, Major WiUiam, O.B.E, T.D, 5th East Surrey Regt. With Unit in India and Mesopotamia. Address : 33, Calais Gate, Myatts Park, S.E. 5. (04255) TARRANT, Harley, M.B.E. (M10418) TARRANT, Lieut.-Comm. WiUiam Charles, O.B.E, R.N.R. TARRDTC, Bateman Brown, O.B.E, 6. 4 June, 1873 ; s. of F. W. Tarring, of Crouch End ; to. Elizabeth Blake, d. of Alexander Watson, of Dover. Educ. : Taunton CoU. CivU Engineer. War Work : Construction of the National SheU Filling Factory at ClulweU, Notts, for the Ministry of Munitions, also The Tank Assembling Factory at Chateauroux, France, for the Allies. Address : 28*, Claremont Road, Surbiton. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; City GuUd of the Worshipful Company of Cooks. (01912) TASKER, Arthur, M.B.E. TASKER, George Edward, M.B.E, 6. 1868 ; «. of John Tasker, of Oxford. Author of " Dford Past and Present," " Country Rambles around Ilford," " Country Rambles around Romford," miscellaneous articles in magazines, etc. War Work : Confidential Shorthand Writer and Clerk to successive Secretaries of State for War, including F. M. Earl Kitchener, Mr. D. Lloyd George, Earl of Derby, etc. Address : 84, Mayfair Avenue, Ilford, Essex. (M9806) TASKER, Grace Rosina, M.B.E, 6. 22 Dec. 1884 ; d. ofthe late John Tasker, late Royal ArtiUery. Educ: Private Schools. Member of StirUngshire Education Authority ; Member of Stirling Town Council ; Hon. Assistant Sec. Stirling Nursing Association ; Treas. Ladies' Golf Club ; Treas. Stirling Ladies' County Golf Club. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Treas. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders' Prisoners of War Fund ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. Stirlingshire Work Depot. Address : 22, Clarendon Place, StirUng. (M998) TASKER, Theodore James, O.B.E, I.C.S. TATA, Mehrbai, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of H. J. Bhabha (late Inspector-General of Education, Mysore) ; to. Sir Dorabji Jamseti, J.P, s. of the late Jamsetji Nusservanji Tata. Ad dress : Esplanade House, Waudby Road, Fort, Bombay. (C2396) TATAM, CoL Walter John, C.M.G, CB.E, 6. 186 P Entered Army Vet. Corps, 1891 ; Lieut.-Col. 1915 ; A. Col. 1917 ; Mohmand and Tirah Expeditionary Forces, 1897-98 (medal with two clasps) ; S. Africa, 1899-1902, present at defence of Ladysmith (Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-17 (despatches). (C1334) TATE, Lieut. Frederiok Lionel, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. TATE, Lieut. Henry Percy, M.B.E, R.A.F TATE, Col. Robert Ward, CB.E.. Col. and Adj.-Gen. New Zealand Forces. (C373) TATE, Major Robert WiUiam, K.B.E, F.T.C.D, M.A, 6. 27 Aug. 1872 ; s. of the late Rev. Richard Tate, of Rossinver, Co. Leitrim, Ireland ; m. Raby Georgina, d. of the late William Clarke, of Dublin. Educ. : Shrewsbury School (Head boy, 1889-91) ; St. John's CoU. Cambridge (scholar) ; Trinity Coll, Dublin. FeUow of Trinity CoU, Dublin, 1908 ; Tutor, Trinity CoU, Dublin, 1910 ; PubUc Orator, Univ. of Dublin since 1914 ; Major, Commanding Dublin Univ. Contingent, O.T.C, since 1910. War Work : Commanded Dublin Univ. Contingent, O.T.C, throughout the war, and was Commandant of Officers' School of Instruction attached thereto from Sept. 1914, to Feb. 1916. Addresses: 34, Trinity CoU, DubUn ; 9, Brendan Road, Donnvbrook, Dublin. Club : The Univ. (DubUn). '(K431) TATE, Capt. Simon Marshall, O.B.E. TATHAM, Col. Charles John WiUmer, O.B.B. TATHAM, LiUan Elizabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. TATHAM, Capt. Meaburn, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 14 Aug. 1886 ; s. of Meaburn Talbot Tatham, M.A, J.P, of Northcourt House, Abingdon, Berks ; m. Bessie Eileen, d. of Sir Robert Roden, of BeUze, British Honduras (see Burke's Peerage) Educ: Eton, and BaUiol Col], Oxford. Sec. Messrs. Cadbury 502 Bros, Ltd. War Work : Served with Friends' Ambulance Unit, British Red Cross Society, 1915-19 (France and Flanders) ; Officer Commanding above unit, 1918-19 ; Chevalier, Ordre de la Couronne, Belgium. Address: 111, Middleton Hall Road, King's Norton, Birmingham. (011430) TATLOW, Frank, C.B.E. Gen. Manager, Midland RaUway since 1918. (C314) TATTERSALL, FUght-Lieut. James WiUiam, M.B E R.A.F. TATTERSALL, Capt. Tom Whitaker, M.B.E, R.A.F. TATTON.Winif red Eva, Mrs., O .B.E, d. ot Salisbury Payne, of Blunham, Beds. ; to. Reginald Arthur, s. of Thos. Wm. Tatton, of Wythenshame. Educ. : Harrow. War Work : Hospital work. (011431) TAUNTON, John WilUam Lionel, O.B.E, 6. 13 July 1882 ; s. of the late Wm. Whitchurch Taunton. Educ. ': Victoria Coll, Jersey. Address : c/o Sir 0. R. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, 39, Panton Street, Haymarket, S.W. 1. (04256) TAVENER, Veronica Mary Agnes, M.B.E. TAYLER, Frank Alfred, M.B.E. TAYLER, Major Henry Pascoe Blair, D.S.O, O.B.E. Major Gen. List ; S. Africa, 1900 (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; served in Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in des patches). (02746) TAYLER, Mary Beatrice CHURCHILL-, M.B.E. ; d. of the late WiUiam Moseley Tayler, soUcitor, of Gt. James Street, Bedford Row, W.C. Educ. : Various schools, and Convent of the Assumption, Kensington, W. 8. War Work : Secretarial work to H.M. Procurator-General's InteUigence Department ; St. James' Park, and Storey's Gate, S.W. 1 (Prize Court) ; continuing same work. Address : 58, Scarsdale ViUas, Kensington, W. 8. (M999) TAYLEUR, Lieut.-Col. WilUam, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Alexander Thomson, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Alfred Ernest, M.B.E, 6. 7 Oct. 1878 ; s. of WiUiam Taylor, of Birmingham. Representative of Messrs. Edgar AUen & Co, Ltd, Imperial Steel Works, Sheffield. War Work : Devoted an enormous amount of time in connection with the Sheffield Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, in which held rank of Divisional Superintendent ; was also Founder and. Commandant of Voluntary Aid Detachment No. 47, West Riding, Yorks (the detachment carried out a considerable part of the wounded convoy detraining at Sheffield, and also rendered other valuable voluntary assistance at the 3rd W.G.H, Sheffield) ; also undertook other important work on behaU of the Joint Societies of the British Red Cross and the Order of St. John. Address : 53, Fossdale Road, Sheffield. Club : Reform (Sheffield). (M9810) TAYLOR, Comm. Alfred Hugh, O.B.E, R.N. TAYLOR, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Alfred WiUiam, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Alice Maud Rowson, M.B.E, J.P, fi. Aug. 1869 ; d . of Joseph Taylor, Cotton-broker, Liverpool. Educ. : Private Schools. Justice of the Peace, Co. Lancs. ; Commandant, St. John Ambulance Brigade ; Chairman, Crosby Division, B.R.C.S. ; Governor, Merchant Taylors' School for Girls, Crosby ; Member of Executive Committee, Department House hold and Social Science, Univ. of London ; District Com missioner, Girl Guides. War Work : Commandant, Windy Knowe V.A.D. Hospital, BlundeUsands, 4 years ; Acting- Matron, Seaforth MUitary Hospital, Liverpool, 3_ years ; Hon. Sec. Civic Service League, BlundeUsands, 5 years. Ad dress : Newstead, BlundeUlands, Lancs. Clubs : Albemarle ; West Lancs Ladies' Golf. (M1000) TAYLOR, Andrew WiUiam, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Paymaster-Comm. Archibald, O.B.E, R.N. TAYLOR, Arnold, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Lieut. Arnold, O.B.E, R.N.R, 6. 1883 ; s. of Joseph Taylor, of Dukinfield, Cheshire ; m. AUce. d. of Samuel MaUinson, of Ashton-under-Lyne. Educ. : Moravian School, Dukinfield. Master Mariner, holding Extra Master's certificate ; Capt. of Transport " Rotenfels," under control of India Office ; also a Younger Brother of Trinity House, London. V7or Work : Served in Singapore in the R.N.R, and later in Bombay ; in Nov. 1914 appointed to command this vessel, and was one of the convoy which brought over the Indian Expeditionary Force to France ; subsequently in command continuously running with troops, ammunition, and war stores through the danger zone throughout the submarine menace. Address: Oakdene, Smallshaw, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs. (011432) TAYLOR, Arthur Edwin, O.B.E, fi. 13 AprU, 1864; s. of the late WiUiam CampbeU Taylor, of Woolwich ; m. Annie, d. of the late W. A. PecMtt, of Woolwich. Educ : Merchant Taylors' School, London. Assistant Registrar of Joint Stock Companies. Address : Rossmoyne, Beckenham Grove, Short- lands, Kent. Club : Shortlands GoU. (011433) TAYLOR, Arthur Enfleld, O.B.E, 6. 4 Aug. 1875; s. of Henry Enfield Taylor of Chester ; to. OUve Marjorie, d. of Philip Edward Tillard, of Godmanchester. Educ. : Rugby. Partner to John Taylor and Sons, Mining Engineers. War Work : Ministry of Munitions. Addresses : Rothamsted Lodge, Harpenden ; 6, Queen Street Place, E.C. (0789) TAYLOR, 2nd Lieut. Arthur Henry, M.B.E, R.A.F. TAYLOR, Capt. Arthur Herbert, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Arthur Thomas, O.B.B. TAYLOR, Capt. Arthur Trevelyan, C.B.B., R.N. Served in Great War, 1914^1 9 (mentioned in despatches). (C1945) TAYLOR, Capt. Basil WUford, O.B.B, R.A, fi. 26 Nov. 1883 ; s. of John WUford Taylor, of Malwa, Seaford. Educ : BIOGRAPHIES. Taylor Dulwich Coll. Capt. R.A. War Work : Officer in the Royal ArtUlery ; U.K., Dec. 1914, to Sept. 1915 ; France, Sept. 1915, to Dec. 1915 ; Macedonia, Dec. 1915, to May, 1919. Address : Malwa, Seaford, Sussex. C7wfi .- WeUington. (O6540) TAYLOR, Capt. Bernard Archie, M.B.E, R.A.F. TAYLOR, Lieut.-Col. Bertie Harry Waters, C.B.E, fi. 1874 ; Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. S. Staffordshire Regt. ; S. Africa, 1889-1902 (Queen's medal with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; S.Nigeria, 1909-10 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches); is Officer of the Legion of Honour. (C789) TAYLOR, BramweU, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Major Ceoil George, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Capt. Cedric Rowland, O.B.E, M.B. TAYLOR, Charles, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Capt. Charles Gerald, O.B.E, R.A.S.C TAYLOR, Lieut.-Col. Charles Hillsborough Rimington, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Major Charles Lancelot Deslandes, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. TAYLOR, Charles Lewis, M.B.E, V.D. TAYLOR, Lieut.-Col. .Charles Newton, C.B.E. Major, and Hon. Lieut. Col.London Regt. (Reserve). Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1783) TAYLOR, Clara Jane, M.B.E, TAYLOR, Major Claude Waterhouse Hearne, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1880 ; s. of the late John Henry Taylor ; to. Edyth Syra, d. of Col. Henry W. Jameson, of Titness Cottage, Sunning- hill, Berks. Educ : Eton, and Camb. Univ. Capt. and Brevet Major, Roy. W. Kent Regt. ; served in Great War, 1914-19, as Major (mentioned in despatches). Address : 6, Montagu Mansions, Portman Square, W. Club : Union. (C1783) TAYLOR, Corrie, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Capt. David, O.B.E. TAYLOR, David Paton, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Deborah Phipps, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Capt. Douglas Compton, O.B.E, R.A.M.C TAYLOR, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Douglas Peroy, O.B.E, R.A.M.C (T.). TAYLOR, Major Edgar Charles, O.B.E, F.S.I, R.B. TAYLOR, Capt. Edward Dansy, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. TAYLOR, Lieut. Edward MoKenzie, M.B.E, RA.S.C TAYLOR, Eleanor Bessie Percy, M.B.E. ; d. of Percy WUliam Taylor, of Bishop's Stortford. Educ : Privately. Formerly Sec. Victoria League ; subsequently Sec. Colonial InteUigence League. War Work : Joint Sec. Professional Classes War ReUef Council, for the reUef of distress,occasioned by the war, among the professional classes of Great Britain and Deland. Address : 30, Cathcart Road, London, S.W. 10. (M9813) TAYLOR, Capt. Sir Erie Stuart, Bart, O.B.E, 5. 1889; s. of the late Sir Frederick Taylor, Bart, of Kennington, Co. London. Educ : ClUton CoU. and King's Coll. Camb. M.D, B.A, Camb. ; Capt. R.A.M.C. ; served in the Great War. (05836) TAYLOR, Esther Hilda, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Lieut. Frank, M.B.B, D.C.M, R.A.S.C, fi. 14 Nov. 1882 ; s. of WilUam and Ellen Taylor, of Manchester. Educ : Technical School, Manchester. Engineer. War Work: Enlisted Feb. 1915, in the ranks, joined 3rd Siege Battery, March, 1915, in France ; granted commission for service m the field, May, 1917 ; demobilised Oct. 1919, with rank of Lieut, O.C. 4th Army Siege Park. Address : 10, Howe Street Higher Broughton, Manchester. (M4612) TAYLOR, Capt. Frank Gillis, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Fred, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Frederick, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Capt. Geoffrey FeU, M.B.B. TAYLOR, Lieut.-Col. George Bryan OgUvie, CB.E. Capt. and Brevet-Major, R.E. Served in the Balkans, Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1419) TAYLOR, Lieut. George Reay, O.B.E, R.N.R. TAYLOR, George Stevenson, O.B.E. TAYLOR, George Wilson, M.B.E. . TAYLOR, Brig.-Gen. Gerald Kyffln, CB.E, V.D, 6. 1863; s. of the late Ven. W. F. Taylor, D.D, late Archdeacon of Liverpool ; m. Bessie, d. of the late Thomas Cope, J.P, of Hayton, near Liverpool. Educ. : Liverpool Coll. Housing Commissioner for Lancashire and Cheshire (Region C). War Work : Commanding Royal Artillery West Lancashire (Reserve) Division, afterwards the 57th Division, until Jan. 1916 ; subsequently a MiUtary Representative at Liverpool until Oct. 1917 ; then Director of National Service for Lancashire and Cheshire until Jan. 1919. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C646) TAYLOR, Lieut.-Col. Gerard Charles, O.B.B, M.A, M.D., R.A.M.C (T.), 6. 29 Dec. 1868 ; s. of the late Lieut.- Col. Thomas Taylor, of Bengal Staff Corps. Educ. : Dulwich WU. ; Cambridge Univ ; St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Oounty Medical Officer of Health, Beikshire. Addresses: Shire HaU, Reading ; Sunnyside, Grosvenor Road, Caversham. (02941) TAYLOR, Gwynedd Lefer, M.B.E, J.P, 6. 23 May, 1895 ; a. of the late Capt. H. W. Taylor, of Royal Horse Artillery. Educ. ; The Beehive, Bexhffl-on-Sea. County Sec. Girl Guides for Pembrokeshire. War Work : Hon. Assist. Sec. County of Pembroke War Fund ; Member Pembrokeshire War Memorial 503 Committees ; Member County Distress Committee. Address : Dial House, Lamphey, S.O, Pembrokeshire. (M9816) TAYLOR, Harold, O.B.E, 6. 25 Nov. 1866 ; s. of the late yen. W. F. Taylor, D.D, Archdeacon of Liverpool ; m. Frances Jane, d. of O. H. Williams, J.P, of Liverpool. Educ : Liver pool Coll. War Work: National Service Representative, Liverpool ; Deputy Chairman, North Western Regional Shipping Committee ; Member, National Service (Part Time) Committee, Liverpool. Clubs: Royal Automobile: Royal Liverpool Golf (Hoylake). (011436) , TAYLOR, Major Harold Blake, C.B.E, R.E. Served In Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1784) TAYLOR, Rev. Harold Milman Strickland, O.B.E, M.A., 6. 4 Aug. 1890 ; s. of the late Rev. John Charles Taylor, of Harmondsworth ; m. Violet Ursula, d. of Gerald Hunnybun, of Godmanchester. Educ. : Marlborough ; Trinity Coll, Cam bridge. Schoolmaster. War Work : Chaplain to the Forces in France for S years, Jan. 1916, to March, 1919, of which 19 months were spent with R.F.A, 21st Division, and the rest of the time with various units. Headmaster, Cheam School, Surrey. (05836) TAYLOR, Harold Victor, M.B.E, B.Sc, A.R.C.S, 6. 6 May. 1887 ; s. of Albion Taylor, of Thurlbere, Taunton ; to. Dorothy Mary, d. of Frederick Speedy, of 76, Tulse Hill, Educ. : Huish School, Tarmton, and The Royal Coll. of Science, South Kensington. Deputy Controller of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 4, Whitehall Place, London. War Work : For the Food Production Department, concerning the increased production of potatoes. Address: 4, Whitehall Place, London. Club : The Farmers'. (M2516) TAYLOR, Lieut. Harry, M.B.E, R.E. TAYLOR, Lieut.-Comm. Hastings Elwin, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. TAYLOR, Hon. Col. Herbert Brooke, C.B.E, V.D, D.L., 6. 6 Oct. 1855 ; s. of John Taylor, of BakeweU ; to. Mary Taitt, d. of the Rev. WilUam Mallalieu, of Ockbrook, Derbyshire. Educ. : Privately, and in Switzerland (Lausanne). Solicitor ; Col. commanding 2nd V. Batt. Sherwood Foresters (retired 1904). War Work : For some years prior to the war was Hon. Organising Sec. of the Derbyshire Branch of the Red Cross Society, and member of Derbyshire Territorial Force Association ; in Aug. 1914, appointed to Staff of 45th Recruit ing Area, Hon. Sec. Derbyshire Recruiting Committee ; 1915, MiUtary Representative ColUery Recruiting Tribunal; In structor No. 6 District School of Instruction for Recruiting Officers ; organised Vol. Training Corps in Derbyshire, 8 Batts. Volunteers ; in Nov. 1917, appointed A.D.R. for Derbyshire, and A.D.N.S. ; retired June, 1918. Address : The Close, BakeweU. Club : County (Derby). (C833) TAYLOR, Lieut. Hugh Lamport, O.B.E, R.F.A, 6. 6 May, 1891 ; s. of T. H. Taylor, of Tynemouth ; to. Bnid Essex, d. of R. H. Horrocks, of Manchester. Educ. : Tyne mouth School. Engineer until 1914. War Work : B.E.F , 1915-19. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross. (05839) TAYLOR, Lieut. Hugh Oddin, M.B.B, R.A.S.C. TAYLOR, Irene, M.B.E. TAYLOR, IsabeUa, Mrs., M.B.E. TAYLOR, Capt. James, O.B.E, R.A.M.C TAYLOR, James, C.B.E, M.A, M.D, F.R.C.P, 6., 1860 ; s. of Peter Taylor of Forres, Scotland ; to. Elizabeth Marian, d. of Charles Earsham Cooke, of Grimston, Norfolk. Educ. : Edinburgh and Germany. Physician National Hospital for Paralysis, etc. Queen Square ; Consulting Physician Moor- fleld's Eye Hospital, and Queen's Hospital for Children ; Con sultant on Staff of Osborne Convalescent Home. War Work : Physician to Endsleigh Palace Hospital for Officers; Com mittee of Management of Endsleigh Palace Hospital ; Member ¦ of War Office Committee on Massage, etc. Address : 49, Welbeck Street, W. Club : Arts. (03123) TAYLOR, John, O.B.E, M.P, 6. 25 Dec. 1857 ; s. of Robert Taylor, of Cambusbarron, StirUng ; to. Agnes Gordon, d of WUliam Wood, of Yoker. Educ. : Cambusbarron, PubUc School and StirUng Art School. Decorator ; Member of ParUament' for Dumbarton Burghs ; previously Provost of Clydebank 15 years. War Work : Chairman of Prince of Wales' Fund, MiUtary Tribunal, Food Control, Coal Control, Belgian ReUef Fund, Pension Committee, and Labour Exchange Committees ; Member of Glasgow District Advisory Committee on Women's Work, and Dumbartonshire Fund for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors, and all other Local Committees for War Funds Address : Craigforth, Baskerville Road, London, S W 18 Clubs : National Liberal ; Glasgow Liberal. (01914) TAYLOR, John, C.B.E, 6. 28 Feb. 1861; s. of Alex. ander Taylor, of Bolton-le-Moors ; to. Mary Ann, d. of John Roberts, of Bolton. Educ. : Privately. Engineer, Director of Mathor and Piatt's, Ltd, Manchester. War Work : Member of Board of Management of Manchester and District Arma ments Output Committee ; Member of Engineering (New Industries) Committee ; Chairman of Electrical Sub-Committee ; Chairman of Lancashire Anti-submarine Committee. Addresses : Brvwood Birkdale, Southport; Helmside, Grasmere, West morland. Club : Union (Southport). (C2990) TAYLOR, John, O.B.E, J.P. TAYLOR, John, M.B.E. TAYLOR, John Norman, CLE, O.B.E. TAYLOR, John William, O.B.E, M.D, Ch.B. TAYLOR, Capt. JuUan, O.B.E, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. (T.). TAYLOR, Major Kenyon Davenport, M.B.E. Taylor THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. TAYLOR, Capt. Leicester Edward, M.B.E, R.A.F. TAYLOR, Lionel Percy Duncuft, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Capt. Louis Henry, M.B.E, fi. 20 Dec. 1857 ; s. of Henry Taylor, of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; to. Emily Miriam, d. of William Banks, of Hastings. Educ. : Edward VI.'s Grammar School, Morpeth ; Univ. School, Hastings. Master Mariner. War Work : Carrying on all through the war, with out loss of Ufe or ship. Address : Woodlands, 92, Elmbourne Road, Toottog Bee Common, London, S.W. 17. Club : The National Maritime. (M2517) TAYLOR, Mabel Frances, M.B.E, fi. 30 March, 1889. Educ : Belgium and Derby. Appointed Sec. Compass Dept. of the Admiralty, April, 1917. War Work: Service in con nection with the organisation of the above Dept. Address : Admiralty Compass Observatory, Slough, Bucks. (M9820) TAYLOR, Minnie Elena Scott, Mrs, M.B.E, TAYLOR, Major Newman, O.B.E, I.D.F. TAYLOR, Lieut. Ogden, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. TAYLOR, Oscar Herbert, M.B.E, 6. 14 March, 1860 ; _. of the late C Taylor, of Norwich Educ. : King Edward VI. Middle School, Norwich. Clerk, War Office. War Work : Appointed to the War Office in March, 1878, and served there until retirement in March, 1920. Address : 53, Buckleigh Road, Streatham Common. S.W. (M9822) TAYLOR, Percy, O.B.E, 6. 15 May, 1862 ; s. of Charles Taylor, of Cotobrook, Bucks ; to. Helen Theresa, d. of Frederick Richardson, of Southend. Educ: Privately, and King's CoU, London. Chief Examiner, War Office. War Work : Con nected with official position. Address: Sunnyholme, Amer sham Common, Bucks. (011439) TAYLOR, Percy Henry, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Col. Philip Beauchamp, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. R.A. ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1901 (des patches, Queen's medal with eight clasps). (C834) TAYLOR, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Richard AUen, M.B.E. M.C. TAYLOR, Richard Franois, M.B.B. TAYLOR, Richard Henry, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Capt. Robert Allan Grant, O.B.E, M.C. TAYLOR, Capt. Robert Clark, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Lieut.-Col. Robert James Frederick, C.B.E, 6. 1873. Lieut.-Col. Notts & Derbyshire Regt. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2177) TAYLOR, Robert Walter, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Selina Emma, Mrs., M.B.E, d. of WiUiam Orme, of Hartshome, widow of Henry Taylor, J.P. War Work : War Pensions Committee. Address : 250. Bdlestow Road, Crewe. (M9823) TAYLOR, Capt. Sidney Herbert, O.B.B, M.Sc.Tech, fi. 21 July, 1893 ; s. of George Herbert, of Manchester. Educ : CoU. of Technology, Univ, Manchester. War Work : France, 1914; Russia, 1919-20. Address: Higher Blackley, Man chester. (011887) TAYLOR, Sidney Ormerod, O.B.B. TAYLOR, Thomas, M.B.E. TAYLOR, Major Thomas Alexander Hatch, O.B.E, M.C. TAYLOR, Capt. Thomas McComb, O.B.B, R.N.R. TAYLOR, Thomas Marris, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 1871 ; s. of the late George Marris Taylor ; to. Mary Dorothea, d. of the late Walter Wren, of 7, Powis Square, W. Educ. : GonviUe and Caius Coll. Camb. War Work : Appointed Chief of Training Section, Ministry of Munitions, 1915 ; Assist. Director, Dilution Section, 1916 ; Dep. Director-Gen. Labour Supply Depart. 1916; Director, 1918; Fellow of GonviUe and Caius Coll. Cambridge. Address : Whitedale, Hambledon, Hants. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. . (C69) TAYLOR, Walter Ross, CB.E, M.A, LL.B, fi. 1877 ; s. of the late Rev. Walter Ross Taylor, D.D, of Glasgow ; to. 1910, Frances, d. of the late Robert Orr, of Kinnaird, StirUng shire. Educ. : Glasgow Acad. ; Leys School, Camb. ; Glasgow and Edinburgh Univs. Advocate, Scotland, 1902 ; Lecturer on Roman and Criminal Law, School of Law, Cairo, 1905-12 • Judge of Court of First Instance, Cairo, 1912-15 ; Assist. Legal Adviser, Ministries of PubUc Works, War, and Agricul ture, 1915-18 ; since when he has been Chairman of SuppUes Control Board ; appointed Counsel to H.H. the Sultan, April, 1919 ; has 3rd class Order of the Nile. Address : Gezira, Cairo. Egypt. (C1096) TAYLOR, WiUiam, O.B.B, J.P, fi. 1859 ; s. of John R. Taylor, of Leith ; to. Margaret Henderson, d. of W. D. K. Currie, of Leith. Educ: Sheddens Academy, and Free Church Normal School. Member of Leith Education Authority ; ex- Chairman Leith Parish Council. War Work : Vice-Chairman Leith War Pensions Committee, and Chairman of Executive Committees thereof; Chairman of Executive of Local National Relief (Prince of Wales' Fund) Committee. Address : Rich mond Lodge, 20, York Road, Leith. (011431) TAYLOR, William, O.B.E, 6. June, 1865 ; s. of Richard Taylor, of Leicester ; m. Esther Margaret, d. of John Coy of Leicester. Educ : London and City Guilds Coll. Engineer • Governing Director of Taylor, Taylor, and Hobson, Ltd, of Leicester and London. War Work: Manufacture of lenses for photography from aircraft, of lenses for rangefinders, telescopes, binoculars, of clinometers, gun sights inspection- screw gauges, and other instruments of precision ; Chairman of Committee on Scientific Apparatus (Ministry of Reconstruc tion) ; Chairman of Committees on Optical Instruments and on Standardisation (Department of Scientific and Industrial 504 Research) ; Member of Committees on Standardisation of Screw Threads and Limit Gauges, British Engineering Stan dards Association ; Member of Council, Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Addresses : Stonghton Street Works, Leicester • Narborough Hall, nr. Leicester. Club : Leicestershire. TAYLOR, Col. Sir William, K.B.E, C.B, D.L, fi 21 Sept. 1871 ; s. of John Taylor^of Castlefin, Co. Donegal ;' m. Katherine Maria, d. of Dr. WiUiam Hamilton Walker. Educ. : Strabane Academy, Dublin Univ, and R.C.S.I. Surgeon to the Meath Hospital, and Co. DubUn Infirmary Consulting Surgeon to the Forces in Ireland; Consulting Surgeon to the Combe Lying-in Hospital, and to the Incorporated Dental Hospital; Past President Royal Coll. of Surgeons in Ireland. War Work : Consulting Surgeon to the Forces from 1916 ; organised and maintained the Dublin (83) General Hospital in France; 1917-18 ; served in France with that Hos pital ; mentioned in Bari Haig's despatches ; created C.B. (MU.) for work in France and Flanders, June, 1919. Addresses : 47, FitzWilliam Square, Dublin ; St. Anne's, KiUarney, Co. Dublin. Clubs : Dublin University ; Royal Dish Yacht (Kingston). (K463) TAYLOR, WUliam Arthur Trevor, M.B.B. TAYLOR, Sir William Francis Kyffln, K.B.E, J.P., fi. 3 July, 1854; s. of Ven. William Francis Taylor, D.D, Archdeacon of Liverpool ; to. Mary Fleming, d. of Robert Crooks, of Rosemount, Liverpool. Educ. : Liverpool Coll. ; Exeter CoU, Oxford. Practised as Barrister on Northern Circuit at Liverpool, 1879-94 ; Q.C. 1895 ; Recorder of Bolton, 1901-3 ; Bencher of Inner Temple, 1905 ; Member of the General Council of the Bar, 1900-11 ; Judge of Appeal for the Isle of Man, 1918 ; Presiding Judge, Liverpool Court of Passage since 1903. Addresses : 4, Harcourt Buildings, Temple ; The Gadlas, EUesmere, Shropshire. Club : Garrick. (K174) TAYLOR, WiUiam Henry, M.B.E, s. of WilUam Taylor, of Revesby, Lincolnshire ; m. Mary Ann Johnstone, i. of Thomas Chambers, of Abbey Holme, Cumberland, and Liver-' pool. Educ. : Revesby and Lincoln. Master of the Belmont Institution, Liverpool. War Work : During Oct. 1914 over 300 Belgian refugees (ages ranging from a few months to over- 70 years) were received in the Belmont Institution ; supervised and directed all arrangements for their accommodation and welfare during the following four months ; Superintendent conversion of the Institution into Auxiliary Military Hospital (2,000 beds); 20,000 patients passed through the hospital; was Chief Transport Officer under British Red Cross, Liverpool, and had charge of fleet of ambulances and motor cars by means of which nearly 2,000 wounded soldiers were transferred from train to hospital. Provincial Officer to West Lancashire (Freemason). (M9826) TAYLOR, Major William Henry Forbes, M.B.E, R.A, 6. 7 May, 1856 ; s. of William Baker Taylor, late Surgeon-General Hon. East India Company's Service, Bombay ; m. 1st Renira Louisa, 3rd d. of late Vice-Admiral Ormsby Johnson, R.N. died 1881, 2nd, Florence Annie, 2nd d. of late Rev. E. B. P, Wynne, Rector of Shoeburyness, Essex. Educ. : Victoria Coll, Jersey ; St. James's Collegiate School, Jersey ; R.M. Academy, Woolwich. Commissioned as Lieut, in R.A, Feb. 1876 ; and served therein in all three branches until retirement in Feb. 1902 • then Assist. Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. G. Wynd ham, at the Dish Office, and for 17 years in the War Office ; Zulu War, 1879, medal and clasp ; Kaffir War, 1898, medal ; Boer War, medal and 2 clasps. War Work : Throughout the Great War at the War Office until Sept. 1919, to the Adjutant- General's Dept. ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Wood- holme, Farnham Royal, Bucks. (M9826) TAYLOR, William James, O.B.E. TAYLOR, Major WUliam John, O.B.E. Can. A.P.D. TAYLOR, Winifred Mary, Mrs.. M.B.E. War Work: Went from Associated Newspapers, Ltd, London, to join British War Mission, 14 July, 1917, on Lord Northcliffe's Staff. Addresses : Carmelite House, London, E.C 4 ; 4, Bennett Park, Blackheath, S.E. 3. (M1708) TAYLOR, Major Gordon, GORDON-, O.B.B., F.R.CS, 6. 1878 ; s. of John Taylor ; to. Florence Mary, d. of John Pegnume, of Waltham Abbey. Educ : Aberdeen Univ, and Middlesex Hospital, London. Consulting Surgeon ; Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital, etc. War Work : Served in the R.A.M.C. from March, 1915, untU Jan. 1919, at Aldershot and in France ; sometime Acting Consulting Surgeon to the Fourth Army, B.E.F, etc. Addresses : 15, Harley Street ; 36, Audley House, Margaret Street, W. Club : Caledonian. (05837) TAYLOR, Margaret HECTOR, M.B.B, L.L.A. ; d. of Alexander Hector Taylor, J.P, of Aberdeen. Educ. : Aber deen High School for Girls; Aberdeen Univ. War Work: Supervisor of the Women's Records Section, War Office, Whitehall. Addresses : Wvldesmead, Morland Close, Hamp stead ; The Briars, Bieldside, Aberdeenshire. (M9821) TAYLOR, Major George PhiUp Du PLAT-, O.B.E, fi. 28 Feb. 1866 ; s. of the late Colonel J. L. Du Plat-Taylor, C.B, of Combe Revile, Combe ; m. Sydney HUda, d. of Arthur Hutton Croft, of Aldborough Hall, Yorkshire. Educ. : Eton. Major (retired pay) Grenadier Guards. War Work: Permanent President District Courts Martial London District. Address: 17, Hobart Place, Grosvenor Gardens, London. Clubs: Guards' ; Bachelor's. (O7107) TAYLOR, Major AUred Jesse SUENSON-, O.B.E, M.A., BIOGRAPHIES. Templeton Barrister-at-Law, fi. 14 Aug. 1893; s. of A. G. Taylor, of Sutton, Surrey ; m. Mamie, d. of Albert Suenson, of Copen hagen. Educ : Epsom Coll, and King's Coll, Cambridge ; Middle Temple, London. War Work : Joined the forces in Oct. 1914 ; commissioned Dec. 1914 ; served with Supply and Transport Services attached to the Australian and New Zealand Corps, Anzac, Gallipoli, 1915 ; invalided to England ; posted to France, and appointed to Administrative Staff as Deputy Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport, G.H.Q, 1916-19 ; assisted Ministry of Food, 1919. Addresses : 20, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, W; 1, Essex Court Temple. (05832) TEAGLE, AUoe Annie, M.B.E. TEAGUE, Lieut. George Erie, M.B.E. TEAR, Riohard Frederiok Charles, M.B.E, fi. 28 Nov. 1858; s, of the late Richard Henry Tear, of Wimbledon, Surrey ; m. Louisa, d. of the late Owen Tomhnson, of Wimble don. Educ : St. Xaviers, Calcutta, India ; South Lambeth CoU., London. Superintendent, Boundary Dept,, Ordnance Survey. War Work: Maps. (M4017) TEARE, Robert Arminius Beaumont, M.B.E, fi. 25 April, 1872 ; s. of the late Robert Teare, of Liverpool and King's Lynn ; to. Alice Margaret, e. d. of Joseph WiUiam Johnson, of London. Educ. : King's Lynn (King Edward VII. Grammar School). Entered Civil Service, 1889 ; Member Hendon Urban District Council since 1913 ; Overseer since 1916 : Chairman Hendon Public Health Committee ; Member of Middlesex Districts Joint Smallpox Hospital Board ; Member Hendon Education Committee ; Governor of Hendon County School ; Member West Hendon Nursing Association Committee ; Vice-President West Hendon and CoUndale Brotherhood. War Wort: Member of Hendon Committee of the Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association from the commencement of the war ; Member of Hendon Local War Pensions Committee since its formation in 1916 ; Hon. Sec. West Hendon War Pensions Committee ; Chairman, Pensions Appeals Committee ; Chair man, Pensions Grants Committee ; Member of the Essex and Middlesex Joint Disablement Committee ; Chairman, West Hendon War ReUef Committee ; Member of the Local Distress Committee (National ReUef Fund) ; Member of the Local Food Control Committee ; Member of Fuel Control Committee ; Member of Hendon Kitchens Committee ; Member of the Housing Executive committee. Address : Wingfield, Station Road, Hendon, N.W. 4. (M9828) TEASDALE, Capt. George Arthur James, O.B.E, TEASDALE, John, M.B.E. TEBAY, Capt. Frederick Henry, O.B.E, 6. 1878. Educ. : City of London School. Engraver. War Work : Siege Artillery. Address : 120, Bedford HU1, London, S.W. (O2750) TEBBITT, Mabel, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 7 July, 1875 ; d. of Edward Carpenter, of Beckenham, Kent ; m. Ernest Reginald, s. of Walter Tebbitt of Tunbridge WeUs. Educ. : Bromley High School, and Miss AUen Olney, The Hall, Swiss Cottage. War Work : Head Cook from Oct. 1914-16 ; Quartermaster from Oct. 1916, to March, 1918 ; Assist. Commandant, March, 1918, to Dec. 1919, of St. Mark's Hospital, Tunbridge WeUs, Sussex 92 V.A.D. Addresses: 5A, Grove HiU, Tunbridge WeUs, Kent ; Barnfield, Hoadley Lane, Crowborough, Sussex. (M4019) TEBBS, Capt. Louis George, O.B.E. TEBBUTT, Arnold, O.B.E, J.P. City of Winchester, 6. July, 1858 ; s. of 0. P. Tebbutt, J.P, of Bluntisham, Hunting donshire ; to. E. A. d. of James Marsh, of Stanstead, Essex. Educ : Bishop Stortford CoU. Chairman of Winchester Liberal Association, etc. ; Alderman of County CouncU of Hampshire. War Work : Acted in advisory capacity to ControUer of Mines Department from 1917-20. Address : Claramond, 10, Clifton Road, Winchester. (011443) TEBBUTT, Katherine Rose, M.B.E, 6. 10 Feb. 1889 ; d. of Sidney Tebbutt, of Southampton. Educ. : Pembroke House School, Southampton. Address : Bagenholt, North lands Road, Southampton. (M2520) TEBBUTT, Mary Jessie, M.B.E, 5. 23 Aug. 1887; d. of SiCney Tebbutt, of Southampton. Educ : Pembroke House School, Southampton. Address: Bagenholt, Northlands Road, Southampton. (M2519) TEDDER, AUred Edward, O.B.E. TEDMAN, FUght-Lieut. Frank, M.B.E, R.A.F. TEE, Major Charles Clifford, O.B.E. M.C,, 6. 17 Oct. 1882 ; s, of William Henry Tee, of Manchester • m. Nina Edith Hoblyn, d. of the late Arthur Malet Hoblyn OUver. Educ. : Elstree and Harrow. War Work : 1914-15, Royal Dish Rifles in France ; Nov. 1915, to April, 1916, Instructor to newly- formed Machine Gun Corps ; May, 1916, to Sept. 1918, M.G. Corps in Macedonia ; Jan. 1919. to Dec. 1919, Machine Gun Adviser to General Dennikin's Forces in South Russia, also to Generals Wrangel and Schkuro. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, Army Agents. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Queen's ; Royal Automobile. (09753) TEE, Major James Henry Stanley, C.B.E. Served in S. Africa, 1900-1 (Queen's medal with seven clasps), and in Great War, 1914-19, as Major R.A.S.C. (T.) (mentioned in despatches). (C2178) „ TEELING, Major Bartholomew Louis Charles, O.B.B, B.A.S.C TEESDALE, Kenneth John Marmaduke, M.B.B, Com mander of the Order of George I. of Greece, 6. 25 Jan. 1871 ; s. of the Rev. Prebendary Teesdalo, of Chichester ; m. Louise Elizabeth Agnes, d. of George G. Thomson, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Winchester Coll. ; Magdalen Coll, Oxford. War Work : Service in France with Croix Rouge Francaise, 1915-16 ; Ministry of Munitions (Allies and Foreign Supplies Branch), 1916-20. Address : Ulverstone, Poaslake, Guildford, Surrey. (M2521) TEGG, Capt. Charles, O.B.E. TEICHMAN, Major Max, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. TELFER, Capt. John Edward, O.B.B. TELFORD, John Charles, O.B.E, A.M.I.CE, 6. 12 April, 1883 ; s. of John Telford, of Middlesbrough ; m. Edith Mary, d. of John Appleton, of Middlesbrough. Educ. : Middles brough Grammar School ; Hugh BeU School ; Middlesbrough High School. Civil Engineer ; late Manager of Dorman, Long & Co, Ltd. Constructional Dept, Middlesbrough, now General Manager, Braithwaite & Co, West Bromwich, and Newport, Mon. War Work : Assistant Director of Supplies in the Dept. of the C.G.M.S, Ministry of Shipping. Address : Bloomfield House, Sedgley, nr. Dudley. Club : National Liberal. (011445) TEMPERLEY, Charles, O.B.E. TEMPERLEY, Capt. Clive Errington, O.B.B, M.C TEMPERLEY, Dorothy Mary Gladys, O.B.E. TEMPERLEY, Major Harold WiUiam VazeiUe, M.A, O.B.E, 6. 20 AprU, 1879 ; s. of the late Ernest Temperley, Fellow of Queen's CoU, Cambridge ; to. Gladys d. of the late Job Bradford, Barrister-at-law. Educ: Sherborne School, King's CoU, Cambridge. Tutor in History and FeUow of Peterhouse, Cambridge ; Reader in Modern History, Univ. of Cambridge. War Work : Commissioned as Lieut. 2/lst Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, Nov. 1914 ; Capt. 1915 ; Major, 1918 ; General Staff Officer, 1916 ; Assistant MUitary Attache (Serbian G.H.Q. 1918, Belgrade, 1920) ; has received Roumanian and Serbian decorations. Addresses : Peterhouse, Cambridge ; 107, King Henry's Road, Primrose Hill, N.W. 3. Club : Reform. (O3190) TEMPERLEY, Major Robert, O.B.E, T.D. TEMPEST, Henrietta Frances May, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Sir Robert T. Tempest. Bart, of Tong Hall, Yorks ; to. John Hicks Graves, who assumed the name of Tempest by Royal Licence on his wife's accession to the Tong Estates, of Bradenham, Bucks. War Work : Commandant of Bucks V.A.D. 40, acting Commandant of Perthshire V.A.D. 24 ; Pres. Red Cross, Perthshire ; organised an AuxUiary Hospital of 20 beds at Dalguise, Perthshire, and acted as Commandant of same, from June, 1915, to May, 1919. Addresses : Braden ham House, Buck?!. ; Tong Hall, Yorks ; Dalguise House, Perthshire. Club : Empress. (011447) TEMPEST, Lieut.-Col. Percy Crosland, C.B.E, M.Inst.CE, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, Belgian Croix d'officier de I'ordre de Leopold, 1918, 6. 24 Feb. 1861 ; s. of Charles Tempest (Solicitor), of Leeas ; to. Evelyn Kate, d. of Alfred Willis, J.P, D.L, of Kemsing, Kent. Educ. : Leeds Grammar School, and Leeds Univ. General Manager and Chief Engineer to the S.E. & 0. Rlys. Managing Committee ; Engineer to the EngUsh Channel Tunnel Co. ; Engineer to East London RaUway Joint Committee. War Work: Engaged on enlarging the Military Base at Boulogne, 1914-15 ; assisting the Chemin de Fer du Nord in reconstruction of bridges and other works, throughout the war, as also the Belgian State Railways, and obtaining and shipping supplies to these raUways. Address : Crismill, Chislehurst Road, Bromley, Kent. (C315) TEMPLE, Comm. John Howard, O.B.B, R.N.V.R. TEMPLE, Lieut.-Col. Reginald CecU, O.B.E, R.M.A.. 6. 13 Aug. 1877 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. WUliam Temple, V.C, of Co. Monaghan, Ireland ; m. Zillah Edith, d. of Vere D. V. Hunt, of Co. Limerick, Deland. Educ. : Dulwich College. Officer of Royal Marine ArtiUery ; served in InteUigence Department, Admiralty, 1905-10 ; Intelligence Officer on Staff of 0. to O. Mediterranean, 1910-13. War Work : H.M.S. " Ocean " Aug. 1914, to March, 1915 ; operations in Mesopotamia, Suez Canal, and DardaneUes Military; Governor, Tenedos, March to May; appointed InteUigence Officer (G.S.O.2) on Staff of Vice-Admiral JSgean Squadron, July, 1915, and served to this capacity tUl July, 1919 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. and G.S.O. 1 Feb. 1917. Address : Eastney Barracks, Portsmouth. Club : United Service. (04329) TEMPLE, Robert, M.B.E. TEMPLE, Major Thomas, O.B.E, R.A, fi. 31 Aug. 1883 ; s. of Col. John Temple, R.F.A. ; to. Delia Louisa Kate, d. of A E Ryves, Barrister-at-Law. Educ. : Malvern College. R.A. attached to Indian Ordnance Dept. War Work : Mesopo tamia, 1917-19 ; Afghanistan, 1919-20. Address : Heathfield Lodge, Bitteme. _ ,._,__ . _ _„J067U> TEMPLE, Walter Middlewood, O.B.E, fi. 1872; s. of Michael Temple, of Driffield ; m. Alice Temple, d. of Robert Hall Carlton, of Bridlington. Member of the Staff of City of York Education Committee. War Work : Hon. Sec. of the North Ridtog of Yorkshire Coimty Committee for War Savings Organisation ; Hon. Sec. of the City of York War Savings Committee. Addresses: Law Court Buildings, York; Wetherby Road. Acomb, York. (011448) TEMPLER, Col. Henry, O.B.B. TEMPLER, Lieut.-Col. Walter Francis. C.B.E, 6. 28 Aug 1865 ; s. of R. B. Templer, of Armagh, Deland. Educ. : Charterhouse, Pembroke College, Cambridge, and R.M.C Sandhurst, 87th Royal Dish FusUiers and Royal Army Pay Department. Address: The Castle, Cape Town. (C2179) TEMPLETON, Archibald Angus, M.B.E, 6. 22 Aug. 505 Templeton THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1893; s. of WiUiam Templeton, J.P, CO, of Torland. Educ. : Hamilton Academy, and Glasgow University. Solicitor. War Work : Gazetted 15th August 1915 ; France with 1st Black Watch ; attached Staff of 67th Division ; Capt. and Adjutant, 51st Batt. Gordon Highrs. ; returned CivU Employ ment, Jan. 1919. Address : Torland, Dalserf, Lanarkshire. (M5666) TEMPLETON, Col. Charles Perry, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.D, CM, CA.M.C, 6. 10 July, 1884 ; s. of WUliam Templeton, of Napanee, Ont. ; m. Alice (who died 1914), d. of Judge T. D. Cumberland, Brandon. Educ : Queen's CoU. Surgeon. War Work : 3rd Canadian Field Ambulance, Aug. 1914, to Feb. 1917 ; D.A.D.M.S, 1st Canadian Div. Feb. 1917, to Aug. 1918 ; A.D.M.S, 3rd Canadian Div. Aug. 1918, to May, 1919 ; in France from Feb. 1915, to Feb. 1919 ; C.B.E, D.S.O, despatches three times ; rank of fuU Colonel. Address : Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. Clubs : Brandon ; Brandon Golf and County. (C1356) TENCH, LiUian Eugenia, O.B.E. ; d. of Dr. Edward Beavan Tench, of Ludlow. Educ. : London. War Work : Second in Command of English Soldiers' and SaUors' Club, Rome. Address : c/o Dr. Montague Tench, Duumow, Essex. (03952) TENNANT, Lieut. Ernest WilUam Dalrymple, O.B.E. TENNANT, Lieut.-Col. Henry Lancelot, O.B.E. TENNENT, Lieut. Anderson Kirkwood, O.B.E. TENNENT, Capt. Henry Moncrieff , O.B.B. R.A.S.C. TENNENT, John James Colvin, O.B.E, 6. 26 AprU, 1861 ; s. of James Boursiquot, of Norwood, Surrey ; m. Dorothy Elizabeth, d. of John Shettle, of Mapperton, Dorset. Educ. : Privately. Late Pembroke ArtiUery Militia. War Work : Acting Paymaster, Army Pay Department. Address : Red- lands, Surbiton HiU, Surrey. (011449) TENNENT, Major Thomas Hastings, O.B.B. (Military Division), retired Pay, late Royal Engineers, 6. 21 Jan. 1860 ; s. of Thomas Tennent, of Glasgow ; m. Eliza Jane (who died), d. of Thomas Cowley, of London. Educ. : Royal Hibernian MiUtary School, Dublin. War Work: Equipment of the troops at Aldershot for active service. Address : c/o Cox and Co, 16, Charing Cross. S.W. 1. (03191) TENNEY, John, CB.E, I.S.O, 6. 1856; s. of John Tenney, of Trentonow, Cornwall ; to. Mary Charlotte Water- low, d. of Philip S. King, of Westminster, formerly wife of R. D. Roberts, D.Sc, of London University. Educ : Privately. Late Principal Clerk, Exchequer and Audit Department (1875-1919). Address : The Long House, Hindhead, Surrey. Club : National Liberal. (C2991) TENNYSON, Ivy Gladys, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 29 Jan. 1880 ; d. of W. J. Pretious, of Loughton, Essex ; to. Charles Bruce, Locker s. of the Hon. Lionel Tennyson (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Canterbury. Sec. of Free Trade Union 1903-09. War Work : Head of Women's Establishment Ministry of Munitions, Oct. 1916, to April, 1919. Address : 26, Cheyne Row, Chelsea, S.W. (0797) TERNAN, Major Henry Augustus Brefiney, O.B.E, 6. 1876 ; s. of Col. H. B. Ternan, of Ashley Cottage, Walton-on- Thames. Educ. : Lancing and Sandhurst. (Retired) Army. Club : Naval and Military. (05843) TERRILL, Lieut. Frank, O.B.E, R.N. TERRINGTON, Baron, O.B.E. : see Woodhouse, H. J. S. TERRIS, James, O.B.E, fi. 23 July, 1877 ; s. of James Terris, of Kelty ; to. Georgina Kennedy, d. of George A. Braddon, of Musselburgh. Educ : Kelty Public School. Address : 42, West Holmes Gardens, Musselburgh. (011450) TERRY, Lieut.-Col. Claude Herbert, O.B.E, A.I.F, TERRY, Lieut.-Col. Cyril Edward, O.B.E, 6. 25 April, 1870 ; s. of the late Rev. Michael Terry, M.A. : m. Annie Victoria, d. of John Latham, F.S.A, of London. Educ : Derby School. Regular Army. War Work: France and Flanders. Address : Rothesay House, Netley Abbey, Hants. (05844) TERRY, Walter Eyre, M,B.E, M.A, 6. 1862 ; s. of Charles Terry, of Tostock, Suffolk ; m. Elsie Augusta (who died), d. of Wallace Crothers, of Chew Magna. Educ. : Uppingham nnd Pembroke Coll, Cambridge. War Work: Hon. Sec. Red Cross Hospital, Finborough HaU, Suffolk. Address : Gt. Fmborough, Suffolk. (M9829) TETLEY, Herbert Hustler, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 10 Jan 1854 ; s. of WUUam and Ann Tetley, of Bradford ; m. Hannah, d. of James Robertshaw, of Great Horton, Bradford. Educ ¦ Commenced working at 7 years of age ; self-educated bv home- study and evening classes at Bradford Mechanics' Institute. Printer and Publisher ; City Alderman and Justice of the Peace for City of Bradford ; Chairman of Local Naval and Military War Pensions Committee. War Work: Chairman (1915-19), Bradford Lord Mayor's Fund (a voluntary fund for augmenting separation allowances to Soldiers' and SaUors' Dependants) about £200,000 disbursed ; Chahman, Old Age Pensions Committee (1912-19), upon which devolved, during the war, the work of dealing with Soldiers' and Sailors' Dependants, other than wives and children.; Chairman, Naval and Military War Pensions Committee, from its formation in 1915 up to present time ; Lord Mayor of Bradford, 1918 Addresses : 16, St. Andrew's Place, Bradford. Club : Bradford and County Conservative. (C29921 TEVERSHAM, Col. Richard Kinloch, D.S.O, O.B E , 6 1856 ; s. of the late Major Mark Teversham ; to. 1888, Ethel Mary e d. of W. A. Symonds, sometime Sup. of Central Jail. Coimbatore Entered Army, 1875 ; Capt. M.S.C (now Indian Army), 1886; Major, 1895; Lieut.-Col. 1901; Brevet Col 506 1904; served with Burma Expedition, 1886-87 (medal) ; some time Officiating A.A.G. Madras Command ; appointed a Gen Staff Officer. 1914. (O8950) TEW, Capt. Charles Napier Alexander, O.B.E, R.E. TEWKSBURY, Searson WilUam, O.B.E. THACKERAY, Major Joseph Makepeace, O.B.E. THACKWELL, Major Noel Edmund Osbert, O.B.E, Royal Garrison Artillery, fi. 16 Dec. 1878 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. J. E. L. Thackwell, late 5th Lancers and Cork ArtUlery, of Aghada Hall, Co. Cork. Educ. : Bath College. ' Instr. Gun nery, Malta, 1908-11, Adjt. Cork ArtiUery, 1914-15. War. Work : Adjt. various Siege Training Brigade, 1914 ; B.E.F. (France), 1916 ; operations, July, Aug, 1916 ; Commanded 180 Siege Batty, France, 1916-17 ; Adjt. of Havre Base, 1918-19. Address : c/o Mrs. M. R. Bennett, 10, Royal Parade, Chelten ham, Glos. (05845) THADDEUS, Mary, Mrs., M.B.E. ' THADDEUS, Mesrop Gabriel, M.B.E. THADDEUS, Mesrup, M.B.B. THAIN, Alexander, M.B.E. THAKE, Frank Edward Seymour, M.B.E. THANE, Capt. Charles Stuart, M.B.B. THATCHER, Noel, O.B.B, M.A, LL.B. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law, 6. 17 June, 1871 ; s. of R. H. Thatcher, of Wickham, nr. Newbury, Berks. Educ : Newbury Grammar School ; Privately, and St. John's Coll, Cambridge. Mathematical Exhibitioner and Prizeman and Choral Scholar of St. John's Coll, Cambridge, 1891-5 ; Double Honours, Mathematics and Law, 1894-5. Educational work ; Mathe matical and Physics Lecturer for 9 years at York Training College, 1904-13 ; Principal of Univ. of London's Goldsmiths' Coll. Hostel for Men, 2 913-16 ; work under Ministry of Labour since Aoril, 1919 ; now Assistant to the Sec. of the Industrial Court (formerly Court of Arbitration). War Work : Statis tician in MobUisation Directorate of War Office ; Member and Sec. of Committees, and Head of Statistical Section 1917-19 ; Volunteer (East Surrey Regt.), 1916-19 ; Special Constable (Metrop. Police), 1914-19. Address : Saverne, Cressingham Grove, Sutton, Surrey. (011451) THATCHER, Capt. Reginald Sparshatt, O.B.E,M.C, B.A., F.R.C.O, (3rd Somerset L.I.), 6. 11 March, 1888 ; s. of the late W. J. Thatcher, of Midsomer Norton, Somerset ; m. Ruth, d. of the late W. J. Trethowan, of Salisbury. Educ : Royal CoU. of Music, and Worcester Coll, Oxford. Organist and Master bf music at Charterhouse. War Work : Enlisted 3rd Somerset L.I, Aug. 1914 ; Commission, Oct. 1914 ; served in France, Belgium, Italy, and Germany (Army of Occupation) from May, 1915, to AprU, 1919 ; served with 2nd Duke of Wellington's, 1st Somerset L.I, H.Q. 4th Division, H.Q. 2nd Army (as D.A.Q.M.G.), and G.H.Q. Italy (as D.A.Q.M.G.) ; mentioned in despatches, Croix de Guerre (French), Corona d'ltalia (Chevalier). Address : Charterhouse, Godalming. (02753) THEAKSTON, Capt. Francis, O.B.E, R.E. THEAKSTON, WiUiam Pease, M.B.E, J.P. THELLUSSON, Florence Adeline, M.B.E. Lately head V.A.D. worker at St. Dunstan's, No. 11 House. Now Matron of Ilkley Annexe. (M10337) THEOBALD, Charles Henry Gordon Eyre, M.B.E, fi. 17 March, 1860 ; s. of Canon Theobald, of Lasham, Hants. ; m. Lucy Anne, d. of 0. C Skarratt. Educ. : Tonbridge School. War Work : Missing Soldieis Department of the B,ed Cross. Address : 11, Egerton Place, London, S.W. 3. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Ranelagh. (M2524) THEOBALD, Major Courtney Eleves, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. THEODOSIUS, Alfred Fletcher, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 9 Dec. 1866 ; s. of the Rev. James Henry Theodosius, M.A, of Stafford. Educ. : Bath Coll, aud Univ. CoU, Oxford. Tutor in University of Oxford. War Work : 1915, worked in France with the French Red Cross ; 1916-17, at Admiralty ; 1917-19, at Ministry of Pensions; Officer of the Order of Christ (Portugal). Address: 13, Merton Street. Clubs: Leander; Gridiron (Oxford) ; Royal Societies' ; Oxford and Cambridge. THESIGER, Florita Maria-Engracia, Mrs. Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 31 Jan. 1873 ; d. of Edward J. Knight, of Tregroes, Pencoed, Glamorgan ; m. Arthur Lionel Bruce (Barrister-at- Law), s. of Hon. Sir E. P. Thesiger, K.C.B. (see Bukke'S Peer age), of 142, Sloane Street. Educ: Privately and Royal HoUoway CoUege. War Work : Organiser and Hon. Sec. of Princess Louis of Battenberg's (afterwards Lady MUford Haven) Minesweepers' Fund ; Chairman of Finance Committee, Chelsea V.A.D. Hospital. Address : Heath Corner, Burgh Heath, Surrey. Club : International Women's Franchise. (011453) THESIGER, Hon. Kathleen Mary, Mrs. WUfred, CB.E., 6. 4 Feb. 1880 ; d. of Thomas Mercer Cliffe Vigors, of Burgage, Co. Carlow ; to. WUfred Gilbert, s. of 2nd Lord Chelmsford (see Burke's Peerage). During the revolution in Abyssinia, Mrs. Thesiger kept the infant and only son of the Heir Apparent at the Legation, and for some months afterwards. War Work : Services rendered during the influenza epidemic, Nov. 1918. Address : 34, Onslow Square, S.W. (011453) THESIGER, Hon. Percy Mansfield, M.B.E, fi. 7 Nov. 1869 ; s. of Frederick Augustus, 2nd Baron Chelmsford, G.C.B, G.CV.O. (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Katharine Frances, a. of A. F. Wallace, of Candacraig, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire. Served as Lieut. Royal Kent Yeomanry during the Great War. Address : 25, Cranley Gdns, S.W. Club : Boodle's. (M2525) BIOGRAPHIES. Thomas THEW, Charlton, M.B.E. THICKE, Lieut. Claude Stanley, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. THIRKELL, Lieut. Constantine, M.B.E. THIRKELL, Capt. Robert Mowbray Winston, M.B.E. THIRKELL, WiUiam, M.B.E. THIRLWELL, Rev. Thomas WiUiam, O.B.E, 6. 28 Jan. 1876 ; s. of John Thirlwell, of Catton, Northumberland ; to. IsabeUa, d. of Robert Adams, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : Newcastle-on-Tyne, and King's College, London. Mission Van Sec, Church Army, 1909-14 ; Chan-man of Executive Council, Church Benefit Society. 1913-14 ; Member of Execu tive CouncU, Church Benefit Society since 1902 ; Trustee of Church Benefit Society from 1918 ; Parochial Dept. Sec. Church Army since 1918. War Work : Sec. of the Church Army War Hospital, 1914-17 ; Personnel Sec, Church Army Hut Dept. 1915-19. ^.oWress : 12, St. John's Road, Wembley. (03953) THIRSK, Richard, O.B.E, fi. 3 Oct. 1876. Educ. : Edinburgh and the Continent. British Consul at Aarhus, Denmark ; Assistant Sec. to the Commission Internationale Slesvig during the period of the Plebiscite according to the terms of Article 109 of the Treaty of VersaiUes. War Work : Was on various occasions commended by the Lords of the Admiralty and by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs for important work in connection with the Blockade. Clubs : British Consulate, Aarhus, Denmark. (03954) THOM, Frederick WorraU, M.B.E, Can. A.M.C. THOM, Col. George St. Clair, C.B, C.M.G, C.B.E, M.B, 6. 1870. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. Entered R.A.M.C. 1894; Lieut.- Col. 1915 ; Col. Army Med. Ser. 1917 ; S. African War, 1900-2 (despatches, Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19, on Staff and as Dep. Director of Med. Ser. Russian Expeditionary Force (despatches). (C2359d> THOM, Lieut.-Comm. James Henry, O.B.E, R.N. THOM, James Maxtone, O.B.E, M.B, CM, D.P.H, J.P, fi. 1863 ; s. of the late Alexander Thorn, L.R.CS.E, and M.R.C.S. (Eng.), of Crieff, Perthshire ; to. Jessie Ludlam, d. ot the late George Nesbit Minto, J.P. of Hong Kong and London. Educ : Morrison's Academy, Crieff, and Univ. of Edinburgh. Superintendent, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. War Work : Member of War Executive, Scottish Branch, British Red Cross Society . Address : Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Clubs: Scottish Constitutional; Royal Scottish AutomobUe. (011454) THOM, Robert Absalom, O.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of George Thorn, of Aberdeen ; to. Robina, d. of James Wills, of Aber deen. Educ. : Robert Gordon's CoU, Aberdeen. Mechanical Engineer ; Assistant to the Chief Mechanical Engineer, Great Central Railway, Gorton, Manchester. War Work : The manufacture, to tie Dukinfield and Gorton works of the Great Central RaUway Co, of ambulance trains, gun carriages, howitzer carriages, sighting gear, high-explosive sheUs, car tridge cases, forgings, drop-stampings, etc. Address : 11, Leven Terrace, Fairfield, Manchester. (011455) THOM, Sir WilUam, K.B.E, Chairman, Blackburn Board of Management, Ministry of Supplies ; Member of the Engineering Trades (New Industries Committee of the Ministry of Reconstruction) ; Director of Messrs. Tates and Thorn, Ltd. Address: Blackburn (K236) THOMAS, FUght-Lieut. Alan Miller, M.B.E, R.A.F. . THOMAS, Major Alfred Dominy, O.B.E, T.D, fi. 26 Sept. 1855 ; s. of WUliam Thomas, of Southook, Pembroke shire; m. Matilda Jane, d. of Edwin Pearson, of Bristol. Educ. : CUfton Church School, and Trade and Mining School, Bristol. Superintendent of Workshops and Surveyor, CUfton CoU., Bristol. War Work : Officer-in-Charge Clothing Store, Range, BuUdings, Headquarters, etc, Gloucester County Association (T.F.). Bristol. Addresses : CUfton CoU, Bristol : 9, St. John's Road, CUfton, Bristol. (011456) THOMAS, Arnold, M.B.E, 6. 1882 ; s. of James Thomas, of Lewisham ; to. May Maud, d. of H. M. Stanley, of Dawley, Salop. Educ. : City of Westminster School. Draper, etc. War Work : Ministry of Food ; War Savings Association ; Herts Special Police. Address : Samia, Ware Road, Hertford. Club: National Liberal. (M4021) THOMAS, Arthur Augustus, M.B.E, B.A, fi. 12 Aug. 1862; s. of David Thomas, of Landore, Swansea : m. Kath leen LUy, d. of Marshall Jackman, of Longfield, Kent. Educ. : St. Paul's Coll. Cheltenham, Royal Univ. of Deland, Dublin. Governor of Northern Polytechnic ; Governor of Highbury Hill High School; Bometime Member of L.CC. for East Islington ; President, Athenian FootbaU League. War Work : Hon. MiUtary Representative, Borough of Islington ; Vice- Chairman, S.Northamptonshire Recruiting Committee ; National Service Representative, Islington. Addresses : 5, Crown Office Sow, Temple ; 5, Elm Grove Road, W. 5. Club : National Liberal. (M1009) THOMAS Capt. Arthur Henry, M.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C THOMAS, Arthur Lloyd, M.B.E., 6. 5 Nov. 1869; s. of WUliam Thomas, of Coedpenmaen, Pontypridd ; to. Agnes, d. of David Jones, of Treforest. Educ. : Cardiff Technical Schools; Cardiff Univ. Schools (National Bronze Medallist, Special Queen's Prizeman, National Science Exhibitioner). Housing Commissioner, Wales and Mon. (Mimstry of Health). Consulting Engineer and Architect; FeUow Surveyors' Insti tute ; Member Institute Mechanical Engineers ; Member of Council, South Wales' Institute of Architects. War Work : Sec, two Red Cross Hospitals ; Sec. Pontypridd and Rhondda Div. Red Cross ; Asst. County Director Red Cross, Glam Addresses: The Grove, Pontypridd; 23, GeUiwastad Road, Pontypridd. Club : National Liberal. (M9831) THOMAS, Surg.-Comm. Arthur Riohard, O.B.E, F.R.CS, R.N. THOMAS, Capt. Bernard Henry, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. THOMAS, Bert, M.B.E. THOMAS, Capt. Cecil Compton, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C. THOMAS, Capt. Charles William, C.B.E, R.N. Has Legion of Honour and Mil. Order of Aviz of Portugal. (C919) THOMAS, Daniel, CB.E. Private Secretary to H.M.'s First Commissioner of Works. (C3167) THOMAS, David, O.B.E, B.A. (London), elected F.L.S. in 1903, 6. 15 Feb. 1866; s. of the late David Thomas, of Llanwnen, Cardiganshire ; m. Annie, d. of the late John Carrington, of Wrexham. Educ. : Llanwnen ; Lampeter ; Carmarthen (Graduated in Arts at the Univ. of London in Oct. 1892). Assistant Master at the PenygelU Schools, Wrex ham, 1887-90 ; Headmaster of the Borth School, Portmadoc, Carnarvonshire, 1890-93 ; commenced duties as an Inspector of Schools, under the Board of Education, May, 1893. War Work : Joint Hon. Sec. to the Cardiganshire County Committee for War Savings. Addresses : Eirianfa, Caradoc Road, Aberyst wyth ; Board of Education, Whitehall, London, S.W. 1. (01916) THOMAS, Lieut.-Col. David Brodie, O.B.E, 6. 19 Feb. 1863 ; s. of the late Benjamin Thomas, F.R.CS, LlaneUy ; to. Gertrude Annie, d. of the Rev. Canon Treasurer C. I. Ather ton M.A, of Exeter. Educ. : Epsom CoU. ; Oxford MUitary CoU. ; Naval Military Academy, Gosport. Chin-Lushai Expedition, 1889-90. War Work: 1914-18: mentioned in despatches (London Gazette) three times. Address : Silver- mead, Blackmore Road, Malvern. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (02754) THOMAS, David John, O.B.E. THOMAS, Dulcibel Catherine Iltuta, M.B.E, fi. 20 Jan. 1872 ; d. of Iltid Thomas, of Glanmor, Swansea. War Work : Member of Swansea Local War Pensions Committee, and Vice- Chairman of a Sub-Committee ; Member of Swansea Rural Dis trict War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and Sailors' FamiUes Association (Swansea and Pontardawe Branch) ; District Representative Women's Branch under Ministry of Agriculture. Address : Bryn Neulog, Sketty, Glamorganshire. (M9832) THOMAS, Edgar William, C.B.E, 6. 1879. Member of London Stock Exchange ; Partner in firm of Greenwood and Co. sometime Financial Adviser to PubUc Trustee. (C1045) THOMAS, Edward, M.B.E, 6. 10 March, 1854; s. of Edward Thomas, of Penralt Farm, near Harlech ; to. Cecilia Grant, d. ol David Lister, of Newcastle, N.B. Canada. Educ. - Harlech. Ship Master ; twenty-eight years in the service of Messrs. Frederick Leyland & Co, Liverpool. War Work : South African Trooping Service in Command of the S.S. " Cestrian " ; also commanded the same ship during the Great War, from Aug. 1914 until torpedoed, June, 1917 ; then com manded S.S. "Parisian" and "Bohemian," until Armistice, 1918, in various British and AUied trooping service ; during this time he lost no men except unfortunately three engine-room hands, killed by explosion of enemy torpedo when H.M.S. " Cestrian " was sunk in jEgean Sea, June, 1917, on a voyage from Salonica to Alexandria with part of the 10th Division. Address : Overdale, 23, Kelvtoside, Gt. Crosby, near Liverpool. (M2529) THOMAS, Edward George, O.B.B. (January 1920), M.D., CM, 6. 2 Oct. 1853 ; eldest s. of the Rev G. T. W. Thomas, M.A, formerly Vicar of St. Mark's, Gloucester ; to. Alice Louisa, d. of Alfred Moseley, has issue one daughter. Educ. : Felsted; Edinburgh Univ. W ar Work : Civil Surgeon, Guards' Depot, Caterham. 1915 ; raised and First Commandant of Red Cross V.A.D. Surrey 88, 1914; mentioned to despatches and brought to the notice of the Secretary of State for War for valuable medical services. Address: HaveringweU, Caterham, Surrey. (011852) THOMAS, Ethel, O.B.E. Q.M.A.A.C. THOMAS, Farrar WoUuston, O.B.E. THOMAS, Capt. Francis Henry Hale, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 23 June, 1874 ; s. of Francis H. Thomas, of Leytonstone. Educ. : Wellington Commercial Coll., and Drapers' Co. Secre tary's Office, Great Eastern Railway Co. War Work : Qr.-Mr. 6th Bn City of London Rifles, 1914-15 ; Qr.-Mr. and Assist. Adjt and Qr.-Mr. No. 1 (N.C) School of Instruction, 1916 ; Adjt and Qr.-Mr. Senior Officers' School, Aldershot, from Oct 1916 to Sept. 1919. Address : 30, Vernon Road, Leyton stone, Essex, E. 11. (08951) THOMAS, Frank Charles, O.B.E, 6. 26 March, 1865 ; s of the late PhiUp Edwin Thomas, of Southampton; m. Lucy Mary, d. of the late Robert Eveleigh, of Devonshire, Educ ¦ Southampton. Sec. of the Union-Castle MaU Steam ships' Co. Ltd. Member of Shipping Federation Ltd, London Shipowners' Dock Labour Committee, and London Chamber of Commerce War Work : Local Sec. of the Union-Castle Line at Southampton, 1914-19, deaUng there with Company's Stiamers engaged in Naval and MiUtary requirements a» Hospital Ships, Transports, Armed Cruisers, etc. ; Hon. Sec. Southampton District Munitions (shells, etc.), Committee, 1915-18- assisted the Chairman of General Munitions Tribunal (South Western Division), 1915-18 as Employers' Assessor at 507 Thomas THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Exeter, Basingstoke, Portsmouth, and Southampton. Ad dresses : The Union-Castle Line, 3 and 4, Fenchurch Street, E.C. 3 ; 44, Crescent Road, Norwood Park, S.E. 25. (011457) THOMAS, Capt. George Pollard, O.B.E, R.G.A, 6. 6 June 1893 ; s. of H. A. Thomas, of London ; m. Florence Ruby Beatrice, d. of Lieut.-Col. H. K. Gordon (ret.), of Folke stone. Educ : CUfton CoU, and R.M.A, Woolwich. Officer in His Majesty's Land Forces. War Work : Gibraltar, 1914 ; B.E.F, France, 1915-18 ; attached to American Exped. Force in France as Artillery Instructor, 1918. Address : c/o Cox & Co, 16. Charing Cross, S.W. 1. (02755) THOMAS, Lieut. Godfrey Herbert, M.B.E, LA. THOMAS, Capt. Harold Miles, M.B.E. THOMAS, Harry Jones, M.B.E. THOMAS, Henry FrankUn, O.B.E. THOMAS, Lieut. Hugh Hamshaw, M.B.E. THOMAS, Major Hugh James Protheroe, O.B.E, "R C A CV ) THOMAS, Ivor Cradock, M.V.O, O.B.B, 6. 4 April^lSei ; s. of the late Benjamin Thomas, F.R.G.S, of LlaneUy, S. Wales ; to. Laura Mulgrave, d. of the late Major-Gen. C Hardy, R.A, of Dover. Educ. : Cowbridge Coll. ; Epsom Coll. ; R.I.E.C CoU, Coopers HiU. Chief Engineer, Telegraphs, India, 35 years' service, retired AprU, 1916. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, Priority Department, Nov. 1916, to June, 1919 ; Section Director. Address : Mt. ShaU, Sidley, Sussex. Club : East India United Service. (03955) THOMAS, James Bertram, M.B.B. A.M.Inst.CE, 6. 1875 ; to. Elizabeth Annie Wainscott. Educ. : Admiralty Schools ; Goldsmith's Coll. Seven years on the Naval Design ing Staff of Sir W. G.Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. ; since 1912, as an Assistant to the Director of Naval Construction, Vickers, Ltd. War Work : Superintended the instaUation of apparatus for protection against mines in over 3000 merchant ships at the chief ports of the British Isles and in the Mediterranean ; also all designs of arrangements for submarine attack and pro tection against mines for the Allied Navies. Addresses : 1, Honor Oak Road, Forest HiU, S.E. ; Vickers House, West minster, S.W. (M9833) THOMAS, Jessie, Mrs, O.B.E, 6. 1862 ; eldest d. of the late EU Heyworth, J.P, of Blackburn ; widow of Franklin Talbot, eldest s. of the late Franklin Thomas, of Blackburn. Educ. : Birklands. Hornsey Lane, N. War Work : Vice- President Blackburn Branch East Lancs Division ; Head of Comforts Section, 1914-19 ; Chairman of Blackburn Prisoners of War Help Committee. Address : Blackburn, Lancs. (01919) THOMAS John Frederick Ivor, O.B.E. . THOMAS, Col. Sir John Lynn, K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G, F.R.CS, fi. 10 Sept. 1861 ; s. of the late Evan Thomas, of Llandyssol, Cardigan ; m. daughter of the late Edward Jenkins, of Cardiff. Educ. : Privately, London Hospital, and Vienna. Surgeon, King Edward VII.'s Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon to many hospitals in the Western Command ; Member of the CouncU of Surgeons, England ; served in S. African War with Welsh Hospitals ; formerly Senior House Surgeon to the Cardiff Infirmary, and House Surgeon to the London Hospital. etc. Addresses : Greenlawn, Pen-y-lan, Cardiff ; Stradmore, Cenarth, Carmarthen. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Garrick ; Cardiff and County (Cardiff). (K197) THOMAS, Kathleen KyiBn, O.B.E. THOMAS, Major Lewis, O.B.E. THOMAS, Lillie, Mrs, O.B.E. THOMAS, Maude Tuson, O.B.E. THOMAS, Morgan, O.B.E. THOMAS, Olive Morton, M.B.E. THOMAS, Capt. Otho Vincent, O.B.E, R.A.F. THOMAS, Capt. Percy Edward, O.B.E, A.R.I.B.A, fi. 1883 ; s. of the late Capt. Christmas Thomas, of Penarth, S. Wales : to. Margaret Ethel, d. of H. E. Turner. Educ. : Hasland House, Penarth, S. Wales. Partner in firm of Ivor Jones and Percy Thomas, Architects, Cardiff ; Designer of many weU-known buildings to the Principality, including Cardiff Technical College, Merthyr Y.M.C.A, etc. ; was one of the ten firms selected in competition for the new Board of Trade Offices, Whitehall ; Member of CouncU, and Hon. Librarian, South Wales Institute of Architects. War Work : Joined Artists' Rifles, in 1915 ; rose through various non commissioned ranks, and eventually obtained commission in Royal Engineers ; was with a Field Company, R.E, on the Somme, 1916-17 Vimy Ridge, etc. ; was promoted Capt. and Adjutant, R.E, in Dec. 1917 ; in June, 1918, was further pro moted to Staff Officer to Chief Engineer 13th Corps, and acted in this capacity during the successful advance of the corps over the old 1914 battlefield of Le Cateau, Landrecies, etc. ; was demobilised in Feb. 1919 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Addresses : 6 and 7, St. John's Square ; 6, Syr David's Avenue, Cardiff. (05847) THOMAS, Major Peter David, CB.E, M.V.O, 6. 29 Nov. 1873 ; s. of Nicholas Howell Thomas, of Bridge House, Neath, South Wales ; m. Ada., d. of David Isaac, late Under Sheriff of Glamorganshire, of Heathfleld, Swansea, Glam. Educ. : Neath Proprietary School, and privately. SoUcitor ; Senior Partner of the firm of Peter Thomas and Clark, 1, Bush Lane, E.C. ; Chairman of Hudson, Sykes and Bousfleld, of Leeds, Worsted Spinners ; Director of Fenton Textile Associations, etc. War Work: Lieut, Machine Gun Section, 6th Welsh Regt, from A„u8- 1914, to June, 1915 ; served in France, Oct. 1914 to May, 1915 ; appointed Organising Sec. to the Ministry of Munitions, Yorkshire Area, July, 1915 ; resigned, Jan. 1919 ; gazetted 508 Capt, July, 1915 ; gazetted, Feb. 1917, and Feb. 1918, for valuable services rendered in the war ; acted on various com mittees for War Savings, for the Ministry of Reconstruction, the Ministry of Labour, and the Ministry of Munitions ; rendered certain services to the Italian Government, and was awarded the Cavaliere of the Crown of Italy to Oct. 1917 ; was awarded the M.V.O. (4th class) by His Majesty the King, to June, 1918 ; generally devoted the whole of his time to war work from Aug. 1914, to March, 1919. Address : 144, Adelaide Road, N.W. 3. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Constitutional ; Bath. (C2994) THOMAS, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Aneurin, C.B.E, R.A. ; fi. 19 July, 1879 ; s. of the late A. H. Thomas, late of Gampola, Ceylon ; to. Kathleen Mary O'Connel, d. of G. C. Bliss, of Glenlyon, Ceylon. Edue. : Cheltenham CoU. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co. (C1785) THOMAS, Rev. Richard Albert, O.B.E. THOMAS, Rev. Richard Everard, M.B.E. Vicar of Bolam, Northumberland. War Work : Sec. of the Castle Ward Union War Savings Committee, and Lecturer on Food Economy. Address : Bolam Vicarage, Morpeth. (M9835) THOMAS, Capt. Robert John, O.B.E, R.E. THOMAS, Capt. RodaU WoodcUffe, O.B.E, R.A.F. THOMAS, Major Sydney Arnold, O.B.E, R.E. THOMAS, Capt. Sidney Arthur, M.B.E, R.G.A, fi. 8 May, 1871 ; s. of WiUiam Godfrey Thomas, of Plumstead ; m. Winifred Kate Mary Whitaker, d. of Charles John Williams, of Netley. Educ. : Mercer's School. Army. War Work : Ordnance Committee. Address : 12, Sherard Gardens, Eltham, S.E. 9. . (M2552) THOMAS, Capt. Thomas Charles, O.B.E. THOMAS, Thomas John, O.B.E. (012024) THOMAS, Thomas Shenton Whitelegge, O.B.E, fi. 10 Oct. 1879 ; s. of the Rev. T. W. Thomas, of Newton Rectory, Wisbech, Cambs. ; to. Lucy Marguerite, d. of Col. J. A. L. Montgomery, C.S.I, C.B.E, D.L, of MovUle, Co. Donegal. Educ. : Leatherhead and Queens' Coll, Cambridge. In Colonial Civil Service ; appointed Assist. Dist. Commr. East Africa Prot, Aug. 1909 ; 3rd Assist. Sec, 1 April, 1911 ; Senior Assist. Sec, 1 AprU, 1912 ; Assist. Chief Sec, Uganda, Jan. 1919. War Work : Employed throughout the war in the East Africa Prot. Secretariat. Address : The Secretariat, Entebbe, Uganda. Club : Isthmian. (08414) THOMAS, Trevor Meredyth Chitty, O.B.E, M.C, fi. 28 Nov. 1889 ; s. of Major Harley Thomas. F.S.A, of Escote, Shortlands, Kent. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. ; Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : Served in Belgium and France, May, 1915, to Feb. 1916 ; mentioned in despatches and awarded Military Cross for services at Battle of HuUoch, 13 Oct. 1915 ; Courts-Martial Officer and Legal Adviser, Dec. 1916, to Dec. 1917, Harwich Garrison ; Deo. 1917, to March, 1919, to Inspector General, Lines of Communica tion, Italy : twice mentioned in despatches and awarded O.B.E. (MU. Div.) for services in Italy. Address : 3, Elm Court, Temple, E.C. (06423) THOMAS, Vyvyan Hood, O.B.E. Hon. Sec, County of Glamorgan Branch of the Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association. (011928) THOMAS, Walter John, O.B.E. THOMAS, Capt. Walwyn, O.B.E. THOMAS, WiUiam, J.P, O.B.B, 6. 30 June, 1855; s. of WUUam Thomas, of Ucheldrefgoed, Anglesea ; to. Elizabeth Mary, d. of WilUam Scott, J.P, of Gosport. Educ. : Privately. Admiralty Surgeon, and Agent; Medical Officer Royal Alexandra Hospital, Rhyl. War Work : Medical Officer Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital, Rhyl. Address : Clarence House, Rhyl. (011460) THOMAS, Sir WiUiam Beach, K.B.E. Educ. : Shrews bury and Christ Church, Oxford. War Correspondent on the Staff of the " DaUy Mail" ; was President of Oxford Univ. Athletic Club. Address : Wheathamstead Place, Herts.. (K432) THOMAS, Lieut. WilUam Bryson, M.B.E, Can A.P.C. THOMAS, WilUam Edmund, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 8March, 1859 ; s. of David Thomas, of Llanfabon, Glamorgan ; m. Katharine, d. of David Thomas, of Nelson, Glamorgan. Educ. : Edinburgh and London. Physician and Surgeon ; Sub-Commissioner, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Welsh Priory ; M.O. Bridgend and Cowbridge Board of Guardians ; Surgeon Home Office and Board of Education, Bridgend District; Examiner and Lecturer Order of St. John and British Red Cross Society. War Work : Surgeon to Bridgend Section of 3rd Western Military Hospital, and to AuxiUary Voluntary Hospitals. Address: Ashfleld, Bridgend, Glam. (011461) T HOMAS, WiUiam Gearing, M.B.E. THOMAS, William Henry, M.B.E, 6. 23 Aug. 1858 ; s. of Joshua Heneage Thomas, of PickhiU, Yorks. Educ. : Cleve land Academy, Middlesbrough. War Work : Military Repre sentative ; Chairman Advisory Committee ; Hon. Area Substitution Officer ; Revising Officer and Member of various committees in connection with Recruiting, Tribunals, etc. Address : The Ness Linthorpe, Middlesbrough. (M2534) THOMAS, WilUam Henry, M.B.E.; s. of Richard Thomas; to. Mary Davidson, d. of John Grant Shepherd, J.P. formerly of The Knole, Bournemouth. Educ: Commercial School, Bournemouth. Solicitor; Commissioner for Oaths ; Deputy Alderman of City of London ; one of H.M. Lieutenants of the City of London ; Governor of St. Thomas' BIOGRAPHIES. Thompson Hospital : Governor of City and Guilds Institute ; Hon.- Treas. of the City of London Conservative and Unionist Associa tion ; Churchwarden of Wimbledon. War Work : Chairman of tbe Executive Committee, and Founder of the Montenegrin Red Cross and ReUef Fund ; coUected upwards of £80,000, besides tons of clothing and surgical appUances for the smaUest and poorest of our AUies ; Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur. Address: Talbot House, Wimbledon. (M4022) THOMAS, WilUam Howard, M.B.E, 6. 5 Jan. 1890 ; s. of the late Frederick George Thomas, of Reading; m. Ethel Louise, d. of John Mears, of Westcliff-on-Sea. Educ : High School, Harlesden, Middlesex. Member of London and North Western Co.'s Headquarters Staff, since 1905. War Work : Private Sec. to late Sir Guy Calthrop, Bart., ControUer of Coal Mines. Address : 40, Finchley Rd, Westchff-on-Sea, Essex. (M9836) THOMAS, WiUiam ThelwaU, M.B.E, Ch.M. (Liverpool), F.R.CS. (Eng.), 6. 1865 ; s. of John and EUzabeth Thomas, of Liverpool; m. Anabel Roxburgh, d. of Alexander Spence, of Huntly, N.B. Educ. : Liverpool Institute ; Glasgow Royal Infirmary School of Medicine ; Univ. CoU, Liverpool. Surgeon ; Professor of Regional Surgery, Univ. of Liverpool; Surgeon Royal* Infirmary, and Lecturer on CUnical Surgery. War Wort : Surgeon Royal Infirmary MiUtary Beds ; Consulting Surgeon to the following : — Wallasey Town Hall MiUtary Hospital, Tropical School MUitary Hospital, and Crofton Auxiliary MiUtary Hospital, Liverpool. Addresses : 84, Rodney Street, Liverpool; Verdala Towers, AUerton, Liver pool. Club : Royal AutomobUe ; Reform ; University ; Athenamm (Liverpool). (M10286) THOMAS, Beatrice Mary, Mrs. DAWSON-, M.B.E, fi. 13 Oct. 1870; d. of the late Capt. Charles B. Pritchard, of R.F.A, Lndian Army ; m. Edward Morgan, s. of the late John B. Dawson-Thomas. Educ. : Chateau Roux, Lausanne ; Chateau de Montiers, Chateau Thierez, pre Paris, France. War Wort : Organiser, Commandant, and Hon. Matron of the MUitary Hospital for W. Somerset Yeomanry, from Nov. 1914, to June, 1915 ; Organiser of the Red Cross Auxiliary MUitaTy Hospital (150 beds) Minehead, Somerset, from Dec. 1915, to May, 1919 ; both Hospitals at Minehead. Address : Harefield, Minehead, Somerset. (M318) THOMAS, JuUa Winifred, Mrs. GRIFFITH-, O.B.E. ; d. of Walter Lewis, of Llangadoek ; m. Rees Griffith-Thomas, General Manager British Linen Bank. Scotland. Educ : HiU- house Coll, Haverfordwest;- St. Mawr CoU, Chepstow. War Work: Five years aU round Social Service at Woolwich during war time. Address : 42, Moray Place, Edinburgh. (01145) THOMAS, S. Lavinia, Mrs. RIDLEY-, M.B.E. War Work : Commandant, ArdmUlan Auxiliary MiUtary Hospital, Oswestry (M9834) THOMAS, Joseph SUvers WILLIAMS-, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 27 AprU, 1848 ; s. of Samuel Cox WiUiams, of Stourbridge ; m. Lucy Annette, d. of Thomas Davies Thomas, of Stourbridge and Denbigh. Educ : Stourbridge and Bromsgrove Grammar Schools. High Sheriff for County of Worcester, 1917-18 ; assumed by deed poll additional name of Thomas, 1903 ; Glass Manufacturer by Royal Warrant to H.M. King Bdward VI. ; Director of several companies ; Chairman of Stourbridge Grammar School ; also Corbett Hospital ; and connected with various other educational institutions. Address : Parkfield, Stourbridge, Worcestershire. Club : County Worcester. THOMPSON, Major (T. Lieut.-Col.) Archibald Henry James, O.B.E. THOMPSON, A. M., O.B.E. THOMPSON, Comm. Arthur, O.B.E, P. & O. S. N. Co, fi. 1862. Edue. : Privately. War Work : Transporting troops throughout the war, also mails and passengers. Clubs : R. T. Yacht ; R.A.C ; LA. & N. ; GoUers' ; Richmond Golf. (011462) THOMPSON, Major Cecil Henry Farrer, D.S.O, O.B.E. THOMPSON, Charles John S., M.B.E, Ph.D. ; s. of the late John Thompson, formerly of Esholt, Yorkshire ; to. Ethel May, d. of the late Rev. W. H. TindaU, of Weybridge. Educ : Univ. of Liverpool. Curator of the Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square, W. 1. War Work : Com mandant British Red Cross ; founded and established the Holmleigh AuxUiary Military Hospital at Harrow-on-the-HUl, in Nov. 1914 ; was Commandant and Officer-in-charge of this institution until it closed, Dec. 1918 ; the hospital will be perpetuated in the Holmleigh Room, equipped with Zander appliances for the treatment of paralysed soldiers, at the Star and Garter Red Cross Hospital, Richmond. Address : Penn Corner, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Club : Services. (M9837) THOMPSON, 2nd Lieut. Charles Stuart, M.B.E, R.F.A. THOMPSON, Lieut.-Col. Cyril Powney, CB.E, fi. Aug. 1864 ; s. of the late Fendall Thompson, B.C.S. ; m. Mary, d. of Lieut.-Gen. R. C R. Clifford, C.B. Educ. : Charterhouse ; R.M.C, Sandhurst. Joined Wiltshire Regt. 1885 ; 3rd Sikhs P.F.F. 1888; Panjab Commission, 1889. War Work: Com missioner Multan Division, 1915-19. Address: Chamba, Panjab, India. Club: Bast India United Service. (C1981) THOMPSON, Edgar, O.B.E. m THOMPSON, Edith Marie, C.B.E, 6. 1879 ; d. of W. F. Thompson, J.P, Barrister-at-Law, of Aldeburgh. Educ. : Cheltenham Ladies' Coll. ; King's CoU. Univ. of London. Editor of " The Hockey Field," 1901-15 ; Sec. of Building fund, Bedford Coll. (Univ. of London) ; Member of Council AU-Bngland Women's Hockey Association, and Ladies' Lacrosse Association. War Work : V.A.D, 1914-17 ; Area Controller, London District, Q.M.A.A.C, 1917-18 ; Controller of Inspec tion, Q.M.A.A.C, 1918 ; Assistant Chief Controller, Q.M.A.A.C, 1919-20. Address: Gables, Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Club: Forum. (C2214C) THOMPSON, Edward, M.B.E. THOMPSON, Major Edward, O.B.E, R.E. THOMPSON, Emily, Mrs., O.B.E. (012025) THOMPSON, 2nd Lieut. Eric Bertram, M.B.E, R.B. THOMPSON, Capt. Frank, M.B.E, 6. 9 Nov. 1848 ; s. of George Thompson, of Blalceney, Norfolk ; to. Eleanor Marie, d. of Joseph Pyman Farmer, of Deopham, Norfolk. Educ. : Blake- ney School. Master Mariner. War Work : Commander of s.s. " Whoriton," as transport for H.M. Grand Fleet during the war, from 1914-18. Address : 33, Charlotte Street, South Shields. (O4023) THOMPSON, Lieut.-Col. Frank Stuart Corbitt, O.B.E. THOMPSON, Comm. Frederic John, O.B.E, R.D. R.N.R, THOMPSON, Surg.-Lieut. Comm. Frederick, O.B.E, L.D.S, R.N.V.R. THOMPSON, Lieut.-Col. George, O.B.E, T.D. THOMPSON, George, M.B.B. THOMPSON, 2nd Lieut. George Albert, M.B.E, R.A.F. THOMPSON, George Batching, M.B.E. THOMPSON, Rev. George Herbert, C.B.E, 6. 1859 ; s. of the late John Thompson, of Bickley, Kent; m. Alice Agar, d. of Major Francis James Bampfylde, of Bath. Educ. : Bickley, and Univ. CoU, Durham. Royal Army Chaplains Department (T.) 3rd class; Major, Commanding Beccles Cadet Corps, R.F.A. War Work : County Director of Norfolk B.R.C.S. ; raised Norfolk R.A.M.C. (Vol.), and was gazetted Lieut.-Col. Commanding, in 1918. Address : GiUingham Rectory, Beccles, Norfolk. (C647) THOMPSON, George Roger, CB.E. Chief Engineer in Merchant Service. 6, H.M. Legation, Copenhagen. Address : Amaliegade 21, Copenhagen. (01949) TURNER, Robert Reginald Johnston, O.B.E. TURNER, Lieut. Samuel Arthur, M.B.E, R.A.F. TURNER, Samuel Thomas, O.B.E. TURNER, Sydney George, O.B.E. TURNER, WiUiam, M.V.O, O.B.E, M.D, M.A, fi. 1856; s. of Robert Turner, of Keith, Banffshire. Educ : Univs. of Aberdeen and Edinburgh. Held appointments as House Physician, Royal Infirmary, and Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh ; House Surgeon, Glasgow Maternity Hospital ; Colonial Surgeon, Gibraltar, 1882-1914 ; FeUow Royal Society of Medicine. War Work : Principal Medical Officer, MUton Hill MiUtary Hospital, Steventon, Berkshire, 1914-19 ; attached to the Staff of Dunblane War Hospital, Scottish Command, 1919. Addresses : Strathpeffer, Ross- shire ; Hotel Reina Cristina, Algeciras, Spain. Club : Royal Societies'. (011854) TURNER, Professor William Ernest Stephen, O.B.E, fi. 22 Sept. 1881 ; s. of WUliam G. Tumor, of Smethwick, Staffs. ; to. Mary Isobel, d. of John Marshall, of Birmingham. Educ. : King Edward VI. School, Bhmingham, Nason Univ. Coll, and Univ. of Birmingham. Professor of Glass Tech nology, Univ. of Sheffield ; Hon. Sec. Society of Glass Tech nology ; Editor (Quarterly) Journal of Society of Glass Technology. War Work : General assistance to Optical Munitions, Ministry of Munitions ; to glass manufacturers throughout the country ; in founding new Univ. Department of Glass Technology for research, and to the Society of Glass Technology. Addresses : The University, Sheffield ; 30, Whitworth Road, Ranmoor, Sheffield. (03967) TURNER, William Glasier, 0.B.E. TURNER, WilUam Leslie, M.B.E. TURNER, Capt. William Thomas, O.B.E. TURNER, William Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 10 Dec. 1888. Civil Servant. War Work : In connection with Peace Con ference. Address : Waimea, Lord Roberts' Avenue, Leigh- on-Sea. (011518) TURNER, William Walker, M.B.E, fi. 25 March, 1871 ; s. of Robert Turner, of Oundle, Northants ; to. Edith JuUa, d. of Robert George Noakes, of Peterboro'. Educ. : Oundle School. War Work : Chief Accountant, Stores Department, British Red Cross Society, Headquarters. Address: 95, BUerton Road, Surbiton, Surrey. (M2508) TURNER, T. Major Douglas BORDEN-, O.B.B. TURNER, James LOCKLEY-, O.B.E, MedaiUe d' Hon- neur avec Glaives, late Capt. and Adjutant R.A.S.C, 6. 25 July. 1889 ; s. of George Thomas Turner, of Clifton, Glos. Educ. : CUfton CoU. War Work : Sub-Inspector, Special Con stabulary, Scotland Yard (Transport Section) ; Chief Petty Officer, R.N.V.R. Anti-Aircraft H.Q. Staff, Admiralty; 4th and 6th Siege Batteries, R.G.A, France ; Adjutant to Senior Mechanical Transport Officer, 18th and 8th Corps, H.Q, France. Address : 74, Wigmore Street, W. 1. Ctefi : Royal Colonial Institute. (02767) TURNER, Blanche SHEARMAN-, Mrs, M.B.B. TURNER Lieut.-Col. Cuthbert Gambier Ryves 522 BIOGRAPHIES. Tyndale SYDNEY-, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1883. Major and Brevet lieut.-Col. R.A.S.C. ; Great War, 1914-19, as Lieut.-Col. on Staff (despatches. Legion of Honour, Belgian Order of the Crown, Croix de Guerre). (O3006) TURNEY, Capt. Fred, O.B.E. TURNEY, Horace George, O.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P, 6. 28 Oct. 1860 ; s. of George Leonard Turney, of Denmark Hill, S.B. ; m. Margaret, d. of WUliam Ferguson, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Dulwich and Trinity, Coll, Oxon. Physician to St. Thomas's Hospital. War Work : A la suite, 2nd London Gen. Hospital, 1914-19. Address : 7, Park Square West, London, N.W.I. (08958) TURNOCK, Walter Bertram, O.B.E, 6. 1876; s. of James Turnock, of Ross, Herefordshire ; m. Margaret Jane, d. of John Hughes, of Gowerton, Glam. Works Manager at Port Talbot Steelworks, Port Talbot. War Work : Controlling output of SheU Steel, Ship Plates, and other steel manufactures for H.M. Govt. Address: Danygraig, Baglan, Briton Ferry, Glam. (01951) TURNOR, Lady Mary Katherine C.B.E. ; d. of Charles, 10th Marquess of Huntly (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; m. 1866, Edmund Tumor, of Stoke Rochford, Co. Lincoln. (C1049) TURPIN, ArmigUl Thomas, O.B.E, fi. 30 Sept. 1855 ; s. of Thomas Turpin, of Adelaide, South Australia ; m. Florence Clarissa, d. of E. A. R. WiUiamson, of London. Educ. : Privately. Served in H.M. CivU Service, 1875 ; Assistant Comptroller of Accounts and Stores, Prison Commission, Home Office, 1912 ; ComptroUer, 1920 ; Hon. Treas. CivU Service Benevolent Fund, 1919. War Work : Organised and supervised the manufacture of War Stores in H.M. Prisons, England and Wales, also in various barracks, camps, and schools. Address : 76, UnderhiU Road, Lordship Lane, London, S.E. 22. (0820) TURPIN, Helena Augusta Mary, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Hon. A. Y. Bingham (see Bukke'S Peerage, Clanmorris, B.) ; m. Capt. WiUiam Augustus Turpin. War Work : Lady Smith- Dorrien's Hospital Bag Depot, from May, 1915, to Feb. 1919. Address : 35, Dover Street, W. Club : Empress. (03938) TURPIN, WilUam, M.B.E. TURPIN, WilUam Alfred, O.B.E. TURTILL, AUred Robert, O.B.E. TURTON, WilUam Henry, M.B.B. TURTON, WUUe Jack Trevor, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 21 Nov. 1874 ; s. ofthe late Lieut.-Gen. Thomas Trevor Turton (Madras Staff Corps), of lingfield, Surrey ; m. Mary Christina, d. of the late Arthur Goalee, of The Lea, Harbome, Birmingham. Educ. : Eton ; Trinity HaU, Cambridge. Barrister-at-law ; Middle Temple (Western Circuit). General Inspector, Ministry of Health. Address : c/o Ministry of Health, Whitehall, S.W. 1. (01954) TUTCHER, WilUam Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 8 AprU, 1882. Wm Work : Employed in work at War Office, Assist. Dec. War Office Appeals Committee, tiU Nov. 1915 ; later Ministry of Pensions. Address : The Ferns, KnaphiU, Surrey. (M4043) TWEED, Lieut. John Reginald Howard, M.B.E, LA. TWEEDDALE, Candida Louise, Marchioness C.B.E, fi. 3 May, 1858 ; d. of Count Bartolucci, of Cantiano, Italy ; m. William George Montague, 10th Marquis of Tweeddale, K.T. (who died). War Work : Chairman of Ladies' Emergency Committee, Navy League ; hold Special Service Order, Navy League ; Y.M.C.A. Order of The Red Triangle. Address : 6 HiU Street, Berkeley Square, London. (C3013) TWEEDALE, James, M.B.E. TWEEDALE, S., M.B.E. TWEEDIE, FUght Lieut. Harley Alec, O.B.E, A.F.C TWEEDIE, Lieut.-Col. Frank Forbes, O.B.E, R.E. TWEEDIE, Major Henry Carmichael, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 25 Jan. 1876 ; s. of the late Major-Gen. Michael Tweedie, R.A. ; n>. Catherine Lucy Minnie, d. of Col. A. W. Prior, of Lyncroft, Lichfield, Staffs. Educ : R.M.C, Sandhurst. Major, 2nd N. Staffordshire Regt. War Work : Kurram Valley Expedi tion, 1914, and Mohmand Disturbance, 1915, N.W. Frontier, India; 8th South Staffordshire Regt, France; severely wounded, Nov. 1916, on Somme ; Commandant, R.A.F. Officers' School, Henley-on-Thames. Address: Cairo, Egypt. ¦ (O8206) TWEEDY, Dorothea, M.B.B, 6. 30 Dec. 1874 ; s. of Henry RJolin Tweedy, of Pendower, Bromley, Kent. Educ. : Chelten- «nam Ladies' CoU. War Work: Commandant of V.A.D. Hospital, SpringhUl, Bromley, Kent. Address: Pendower, Bromley, Kent. Club : V.A.D. (M4044) TWEEDY, Edwin, M.B.E. TWEEDY, George Frederiok, O.B.E. TWEEDY, Hugh James, M.B.B, 6. 7 Nov. 1858. War Work : Hon. Remitting Officer, Norwood and District, 1914-16 ; Military Representative and National Service Representative, 1917-18. Club: Junior Constitutional. (M9908) TWEEDY.Capt. WilUam Glenholme, M.B.B. TWIGG, Albert Peroy, O.B.B. TWIGG, Comm. Francis Walter Despard, O.B.E, R.N. TWINE, Capt. Frank Peroival, M.B.E, M.C, 6. 11 Dec. 1=77 ; s. of Percival Twine, of Worthing ; to. Mary Jordan, d. of George Green, of Fulham. Educ. : Worthing. Builder ; Member of the firm of Twine & Son, Builders, Worthing. War Wort : Enlisted, Aug. 1914 ; served to the 5th Batt. Royal Sussex Regt. (T.F.), France, Feb. 1915 ; Commissioned, April. J916 ; mentioned to despatches ; wounded, 1917 ; rejoined Batt. Dec. 1917, in Italy ; A. Capt. Feb. 1917, to Dec. 1918 ; A- Major, Second-in-Command, Dec. 1918, to March, 1919. Address : 12, Crescent Road, Worthing, Sussex. (M3216) TWINING, Capt. Stephen Herbert, M.B.E, 6. 28 July, 1895 ; s. of the Rev. W. H. G. Twining, of St. Stephen's Vicarage, Vincent Square, S.W. 1 Educ. : Hazelwood, and Lancing Coll. With tho firm of Messrs. R. Twining & Co, Ltd, Tea and Coffee Merchants, 216, Strand, W.C 2 War Service : Served in England, France, Belgium, Canada, and Texas ; Commissioned, 13th S. B. Batt. Middlesex Regt, Sept. 1914 ; transferred to General List for duty with Light Trench Mortar Batteries, June, 1916, 73rd L.T.M.B. ; attached to R.F.C. as A. Adjutant, AprU, 1917 ; No. 80 Canadian Reserve Squadron, June, 1917, Adjutant, School of Aerial Gunnery, R.F.C, Canada. July, 1918 ; Capt, Wing Adjutant, 60th and 21st Wings R.A.F. March. 1918, H.Q. No. 2 Training Group, attached S.E. Area, R.A.F. Address : St. Stephen's Vicarage, Vincent Square, S.W. 1. Club : United Sports. (M6074) TWISS, Col. John Henry, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 1867; s. of Col. Godfrey Twiss, formerly R.A, of Southsea ; to. Evelyn, d. of Maj.-Gen. A Searle, and widow of John CampbeU. Educ. : R.M.A. Entered R.E. 1885; Capt. 1895; Brevet Major, 1900 ; Lieut.-Col. 1911 ; Col. 1914 ; S. African War, 1899- 1902, on Staff (despatches, Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19, on Staff, and subsequently as Director of Railways (despatches, Croix de Guerre). (C1799) TWISS, Mildred CaroUne, O.B.E. TWISS, Lieut.-Col. William Louis Oberkirch, CB.E, M.C, F.R.G.S, 6. 1879 ; s. of the Rev. WiUiam Christopher Twiss, formerly rector of Worstlingworth and Eyeworth, Beds. Major and Brevet Lieut-Col. Indian Army ; served in China, 1900-1 (despatches, medal with clasp) ; Tibet, 1903-4 (medal) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches five times, Brevet Lieut.-Col. Legion of Honour, Order of Sacred Treasure of Japan) ; Knight of Order of St. Olaf (Norway) ; has bronze medal of Royal Humane Soc. (C2183) TWIST, Lieut. Thomas, O.B.E. TWITCHIN, Lieut. Nathaniel Edwards, O.B.B.. R.F.A. TWYFORD, Dora, O.B.E, 6. 12 May, 1880 ; d. of Thomas WiUiam Twyford, D.L, of Whitmore Hall, Newcastle, Stafford shire. War Work : Hon. Sec. Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, Hanley Division, from Aug. 1914 ; Hon. Sec. Hanley Disablement War Pensions Committee ; Jotot Hon. Sec. Hanley War Pensions Committee ; Township Leader of the Whitmore Township, British Red Cross Society, Stafford shire Branch, Newcastle Division. Address : Whitmore Hall, Newcastle, Staffordshire. (011519) TWYNAM, Nora Cecilia, M.B.E. TYDEMAN, Ethel, Mrs., M.B.E. TYLEE, Major Arthur Kellan, O.B.E, R.A.F. TYLER, Capt. Arthur George, M.B.E. TYLER, Major Francis Cameron, O.B.B, R.F.A. (ret.), fi. 29 June, 1874 ; s. of the late Major-Gen. Charles James Tyler, Royal Artillery ; to. Constance Anne, d. of the late John Fair, of Wilderton, Bournemouth. Educ. : Charterhouse, and Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. War Work : Served as Officer of Reserve ; Instructor in Gunnery, School of Instruc tion, R.H. and R.F.A, Shoeburyness ; and on Experimental Staff, at Chapperton Down Artillery School, Salisbury ; men tioned in despatches for Home Service. Address : Wurlie, West Hill, Ottery St. Mary, Devon. Club : Army and Navy. (01958) TYLER, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Frederiok Montague, M.B.E, R.E. TYLER, Capt. James Herbert, M.B.E, R.A.F. TYLER, Lieut.-Col Ralph Edward, O.B.B, R.G.A, 6. 27 July, 1868 ; s. of the late Major-Gen. C. J. Tyler, Royal ArtiUery, of Eastbourne. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. Com manding Royal Garrison ArtiUery, Singapore, S.S. War Work : Served N.W. Frontier, India, 1897 (medal with clasps) ; N.W. Frontier Disturbances, 1897 ; Terah Expedition, 1897-98 ; South African War, 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal with clasps, King's Medal with clasps, mentioned in despatches, wounded) ; Major, " B " 94th Bgde, R.F.A, 21st Division, Battle of Loos, 1915 ; Lieut.-Col, O.C. 57th Heavy ArtUlery Group, R.G.A, Somme, 1916 ; Commandant, No. 1 R.G.A, Officer Cadet School, Trowbridge, Jan. to August, 1917 ; and of Coast ArtUlery School, Golden Hill, Isle of Wight, Aug. 1917, to June, 1918 ; C.R.A. Harwich Garrison, March, 1918, to April, 1919 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (07797) TYLER, George Dacre HARDINGE-, C.B.E, 6. 17 Feb. 1881 ; s. of William Hardinge-Tyler, Bengal Civil Service ; TO Alys Merial, d. of John Arthur Talbot, of Newtown, Mont gomery. Educ. : Harrow, and New Coll, Oxford. Barrister- at-law War Work : Assistant to Trade Division, Naval Staff Admiralty. Addresses : Great Missenden, Bucks ; 61, Egerton Gardens, S.W. -,-.,., Jc£9,14> TYLER, Eng.-Comm. Thomas Richard, O.B.E, R.N.R. TYLER, Walter Edward, M.B.B. TYLOR, Capt. George Cunningham, O.B.E, R.F.A. TYMONS, Major Francis Parnell, O.B.E. TYNDALE, Lieut. Henry Edmund Guise, M.B.E. TYNDALE, Walter CUfford, O.B.E, M.I.C.E, F.R.S.I, F G S 6. 26 July, 1853 ; s. of the Rev. Henry Annesley Tyn dale' of Holton, Oxon. ; to. Mary, d. of George Tyndale, of Ealtog. Educ. : Haileybury, and King's Coll, London. Civil Engineer ; Sanitary Adviser to the W.D. War Work : Advising the W.D. on drainage and water supply in connection 523 Tyrer THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. with barracks and hut camps to the United Kingdom. Addresses : Swallowfield, Ealing ; Foresthill, Oxon (0822) TYRER, William Henry, O.B.E, 6. 4 Feb. 1876 ; s. of Stephen Tyrer, of Wigan ; m. EUen, d. of George James Bridge, of Wigan. Educ. : Wigan Grammar School. Town Clerk of Wigan ; Clerk to Local Education Authority ; Borough Pro secuting Solicitor for Wigan ; Registration Officer (Repre sentation of the People Act) for Wigan ; Hon. Sec. and Solicitor to Maypole Colliery Disaster Fund. War Work : Hon. Sec. to Local War Pensions, Local Representative, Belgian Refugees, Munitions, and National Service Committees ; Hon. Clerk to Wigan Local Tribunal ; Hon. Food Executive Officer. Address: Lyndale, Wigan. (011520) TYRRELL, Lieut.-Col. Augustus Charles Lionel, O.B.E. TYRRELL, Col. Charles Robert, C.B, C.B.E, A.M.S. (ret.), 6. 2 Dec. 1859 ; to. Agnes Laura Livesey. War Work : Employed at War Office, 1914-17 ; Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of National Service, 1917-18 ; A.D.M.S, London District, 1918-19 ; Deputy Chief Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade, 1914-19. Address : 5, The Green, Wimbledon Common, S.W. 19. Club : Junior United Service. (C1800) TYRRELL, PUot Officer John Ernest, M.B.E, R.A.F. TYRRELL, Lieut.-Col. John Frederick, C.B.E, 6. 1872. Lieut.-Col. Indian Army ; served to the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches thrice) ; Afghan War, 1919. (C3105) TYRRELL, Major Reginald Bramley, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. TYRWHITT, Rev. Canon, the Hon. Leonard Francis, M.V.O, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 29 Oct. 1863 ; s. of Sir H. Tyrwhitt, 3rd Bart, (see Burke's Peerage), and Baroness Berners (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Marlborough, Magdalene CoU, Cambridge ; Wells Theological CoU. Curate at Henley-on- Thames, Hendon, Middlesex ; Chaplain to H.M.S. " Renown," for tour of T.R.H.'s the Prince and Princess of Wales to India, 1905-6 ; Vicar of Fenton, 1895-1907 ; Vice-Provost of Denstone since 1906 ; Acting Chaplain to the Forces, 1914 ; mentioned in despatches, Deputy Assist. Chaplain-General, 1918 ; Rector of RoUeston, since 1907 ; Canon of St. George's Chapel, Windsor, since 1910 ; Chaplain in Ordinary to the King. Addresses: RoUeston Rectory, Burton-on-Trent ; The Cloisters, Windsor. Club : WeUington. (05871) TYSON, Lieut. William, M.B.E. TYTHERLEIGH, 2nd Lieut. Arthur Henry, M.B.E. TYZACK, Walter, O.B.E. UDEN, Lieut. Walter Jeffery, M.B.E, R.N, fi. 9 June, 1886 ; s. of John Uden, of Guston, Kent ; m. Flora Mary, d. of John Moffatt, of Portsmouth. Educ. : Privately. Torpedo Depot, Portsmouth, for Inspection of Warheads. War Work: In H.M.S. "Canopus" at Falkland, and at Dardanelles ; later Ordnance Supply Officer at the Nore. Address : H.M.S. " Vernon." (M2572) UFF, Capt. Sidney ALBAN-, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. UGANDA, Rt. Rev. John Jamieson WUlis, Bishop of, O.B.E, D.D, 6. 8 Nov. 1872 ; s. of Sir WiUiam Willis, of Lee, Kent. Educ. : HaUeybury ; Pembroke Coll, Camb. ; Ridley HaU, Camb. Bishop of Uganda, 1912. War Work : Assist ance rendered in German East African Campaign, particularly in connection with raising the African Native Medical Corps, and East African Native Transport Corps, from among boys educated in Mission School, Uganda. Address : Dunan, Aldeburgh, Suffolk. (08419) UMFREVILLE, Brig.-Gen. Percy, CM.G, C.B.E, 6. 1868. Entered Royal W. Kent Regt. 1887 ; Capt. 1896 ; Major, 1905 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1917 ; Lieut.-Col. 1919 ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches) ; appointed Director of MiUtary Prisons in the Field, 1916 ; Comdt. of a Detention Barracks, 1917 ; Director of MiUtary Prisons, 1919, with rank of Brig.-Gen. (C1336) UMNEY, Peroy, M.B.E. UNDERHILL, Francis OUve, M.B.E. UNDERHILL, Hugh Harman, O.B.E, fi. 12 June, 1864; s. of Paymaster-to-Chief G. W. UnderhiU, R.N, Lugley House, Newport, I. of W. ; to. Annie Teresa Mary, d. of James Francis Caulfield, late of Manchester. Educ. : King's Coll. School, London. Assistant Supt. of Charts, Hydrographic Dept, Admiralty. War Work : Employed at Admiralty. Address : 50, Nevern Square, S.W. 5. Clubs : Royal Thames Yacht ; Ranelagh. (0823) UNDERHILL, Major Owen, O.B.E, 6. 4 Jan. 1887; s. of Thomas UnderhiU, of Tachbrook, near Leamington Spa ; ra. Annie, d. of Thomas Corbett, of Wellington. War Work • Served in France, 1915-19 ; wounded ; retired. Addresses : Prospect HiU Place, Greenock ; c/o Cox & Co. (05872) UNDERHILL, Thomas John, O.B.E, F.I.C, F.C.S, fi. 16 Sept. 1862. Senior Technical Examining Officer, Food and Clothing for the Royal Navy ; for 38 years in H.M. Service • has visited all parts of the world on behalf of Admiralty in connection with Naval Food Supply. War Work: Dealing with Naval Stores ; holds several silver and bronze medals for Technology from the City of London Guilds Institute and the Society of Arts. Address: Stanley, 53, Lanercost Road, Tulse HiU Park, Brixton, S.W. 2. (01152'') UNDERWOOD, 2nd Lieut. Reginald Edward, M B E UNGER, Lieut. John, M.B.E, E.A.F. UNIACKE, Lieut.-Col. Cecil Dudley Woodgate, O.B E R.A. UNSWORTH, Isaac, O.B.E, fi. 23 Dec. 1861. Officer, 524 Salvation Army. War Work : Chaplain's duty, mainly among Australian troops, in Egypt, France, and on SaUsbury Plain ; supervised transport of Red Cross stores from Egypt to Gallipoli and Mudros. Addresses : 101, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C 4; Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue, W.C 2. (011523) UNSWORTH, Capt. Richard Lewis, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. UNTHANK, Agnes EUzabeth, M.B.B. UNWIN, Lieut. Arthur John, M.B.E, 6. 1 July, 1890 ; s. of James Unwin, of Muswell HiU, N. 10. Educ. : Newcastle- under-Lyme. Director of Dried Fruits Branch, Ministry of Food. War Work : Joined Army, Aug. 1914 ; active service in GaUipoli and Mesopotamia ; wounded. Address : 32, Wel lington Square, Chelsea, S.W. 3. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (M9912) UNWIN, Major Frederick Henry, O.B.E, R.A.F. UNWIN, Major Thomas Barton, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C, fi. 5 March, 1875 ; s. of John Brooke Unwin, of Dunsmore House, Dunchurch, Rugby ; to. Amy, d. of Thomas Henry Robinson, of Clapham Park, S.W. Educ. : Rugby ; Univ. of Edinburgh. Clubs : Junior United Service ; Royal Auto mobile. (02769) UPHAM, 2nd Lieut. John Albert Austin, M.B.E. UPHAM, Paymaster Lieut. John WilUam, O.B.E, R.N.R. UPJOHN, Capt. Dudley Francis, M.B.E, R.A.F. UPJOHN, Lieut.-Col. WilUam George Dismore, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. UPTON, Capt. Norman Royce, M.B.E. UPTON, Lieut. Thomas Haynes, O.B.E, R.E. UPTON, WUUam James, M.B.E. URE, Georgina Jean EUzabeth, Mrs., O.B.E. URE, Capt. John Holmes, O.B.E, R.E. URELL, Lieut. Valentine, M.B.E, R.N. URIE, John, O.B.E. URMSON, Capt. Gilbert Alexander, M.B.E, 6. 4 March, 1884 ; s. of Francis Birley Urmson, of Bampton, Devon ; to. Dorothea, d. of W. N. Hutchtogs, of Frodsham, Cheshire. Educ : Wellington Coll. Tanner. War Work : Served with R.A.S.C (SuppUes) in Mesopotamia from Dec. 1916, to Jan. 1920 ; two years attached to Director of Supplies and Transport Office, Bagdad. Address : Simonsdelf, Frodsham, Cheshire. (M4935) URQUHART, Alexander Lewis, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B, D.P.H, fi. April, 1887 ; s. of Alexander Reid Urquhart, M.D, LL.D. ; to. Annie, d. of D. F. Addis, I.C.S. (ret.). Educ : Edinburgh Academy ; Edinburgh Univ. Physician ; (late) Royal Army Medical Corps ; Senior Assistant, Bacteriologist ; St. Thomas's Hospital, London. War Work : Served in the R.A.M.C in France, 1914-15; Salonica, 1916-18; O.C. I. MobUe Bacteriological Laboratory, Salonica Army ; O.C. Central Laboratory, Salonica Army. Address: 31, Sussex Place. Regent's Park, N.W. 1. (01959) URQUHART, Lieut. Charles Ernest, M.B.B, R.A.O.C. URQUHART, Herbert, M.B.E. URWICK, Major LyndaU Fownes, O.B.E, M.C. URWICK, Thirza Beatrice, Mrs, O.B.E, 6. 17 Feb. 1884; d. of E. L. Thornton, of Oporto, and Weybridge ; to. Reginald Henry, s. of W. H. Urwick, of London. War Work : Hon. Sec. Shropshire Voluntary Aid Organisation, Red Cross Workrooms ; Member of Committee, K.S.L.I. Prisoners of War Fund, Hon. Sec. of Clothing Department. Address : CouncU House Court, Shrewsbury. (O1960) URWIN, Major John Johnson, O.B.E, M.B, I.M.S. USHER, Archibald Rhys, M.B.E. USHER, Capt. Charles Milne, O.B.E, 6. 6 Sept. 1891; s. of Robert Usher, of Edinburgh. Educ : Merchiston Castle School. Capt. Gordon Highlanders. Address: c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, (04489B) USHER, George Edwin, M.B.E. USHER, Rachel LUian May, M.B.E. USHER, Tom Caizley, M.B.B, C.C, fi. 11 Nov. 1867; e.s. of Ralph H. Usher ; m. Sarah Ann, d. of Thomas Jennings, of DarUngton. Master TextUe Machinery Engineer. War Work : MUitary, National Service Representation ; War Pensions Committee ; Hospital Committee ; and other work. Address : Foxhill Bank, Oswaldtwistle. (M9914) USMAR, Lieut.-Col. George Henry, O.B.E. UTHWATT, Elsie Mary, Mrs. Andrewes, O.B.E. ; d. of the late John C Small, of Nottingham ; to. WilUam Andrewes, s. of T. Andrewes Uthwatt, of Maids Moreton, Buckingham. Educ. : Taunton, Somerset. War Work : Commandant from AprU, 1915, to Feb. 1919, at Burgage Manor AuxUiary Hospital, Southwell, Notts. Address : St. Luke's Vicarage, Derby. (03928) UTTERTON, Capt. A., M.B.B, R.A.S.C. UTTON, Capt. Frederick WilUam, O.B.E. VALADIER, Major Sir Auguste Charles, K.B.E, C.M.G. , 6. 26 Nov. 1873 ; s. of Charles Jean Baptiste Valadier ; m. Alice, d. of John Maxwell Wright. Dental Surgeon. War Work : Joined (volunteered) Red Cross, Aug. 1914 ; Dental work ; organised MaxUlo-Facial Hospital, B.E.F. ; served as Major until 1919 ; twice mentioned in despatches ; has order of St. John of Jerusalem ; Legion of Honour ; Mons Medal. Address : 47, Ave. Hoche, Paris. Clubs : Cercle Voluay, Paris ; Cercle Hoche ; Racing Club de France. (K446) VALENTINE, Catherine, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 20 Feb. 1859 ; BIOGRAPHIES. Vaughan _. of Walter Watkins, of Delbury ; m. Samuel Herbert, s. of John Valentine, of Ludlow. Mayoress of Ludlow from 1913-17. War Work : President of Ludlow Branch of Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, from Aug. 1914, to Jan. 1919 ; MedaiUe de la Reine EUsabeth, for work with Belgian Refugees. Ad dress: Hawthornden, Ludlow, Shropshire. (M4046) VALENTINE, George Herbert, M.B.E. VALENTINE, Herbert Hughes, M.B.B, 6. 21 Aug. 1865 ; s. of John Valentine, of Ludlow. Educ. : Ludlow Grammar School. War Work: Chief Clerk, Commanding Royal Engineer's Office, Weymouth. Address : 105, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. (M9916) VALENTINE, Col. Thomas Harcourt Ambrose, C.B.E. Col. New Zealand Forces ; served in Great War, 191 5-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1876) VALERIE, Capt. John, O.B.B, R.A.F, 6. 6 March, 1866 ; m. Marion Frances, d. of the Rev. R. Leslie Morris, late Rector of Brook, Isle of Wight. Educ. : Shrewsbury, and Cambridge Univ. Surgeon. War Work : Medical Officer to Middlesex Red Cross Hospital, Hanworth Park ; Officer Commanding the Hampton Court AuxUiary MiUtary Hospital ; Capt. in R.A.F. Medical Service. Address : The Green, Hampton Court, Middlesex. Club: R.A.F. (011524) VALLANGE, Capt. Clement, O.B.B, 6. 1870 ; s. of the late WUliam VaUange CondeU, of Melbourne, Australia ; m. Sylvia Beatrice, d. of the late Sir John Madden, G.C.M.G, Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria. Educ. : Harrow, and Merton CoU, Oxford. Served in 3rd Batt. The Buffs, South African War ; private Sec. to Governor of Victoria, 1901-3. War Work : IntelUgence Officer, Sheerness, 1915 ; Ministry of Munitions, 1916-18. Address : 5, BasU Mansions, S.W. 3. Clubs: Orleans; R.A.C. (0824) VALLAT, Lieut-Col. Frederick WiUiam, O.B.E, 6. 23 Jan. 1875 ; s. of G. F. Vallat, of London.; to. Marie Irma, d. of Jules Maulard, of St. Quentto, France. Educ. : St. Paul's. Engineer. War Work : Served overseas. Address : 26, Stonor Road, West Kensington. Club : R.C.Y.C (O2301) VALLENTIN, Lieut.-Col. Henry Edward, D.S.O, O.B.E, late R.A, 6. 5 Jan. 1870 ; s. of Sir James VaUentin, of Essex. m. Claudine, d. of the Rev. R. Orr, Vicar of Thurleigh, Beds. Educ. : Haileybury, and Royal MiUtary Academy, Woolwich. War Work : Served in France, 1914-16 ; at War Office, 1916-18. .aiMress : Eastfield, Weyhill, Andover. Club : Army and Navy. (03197) VALON, Major Albert Robert, O.B.B, M.C, fi. 9 June, 1885 : s. of Ernest JuUan Daniel Valon, of Charlton, Kent ; m. Nellie Hildred, d. of Thomas Watson Worke, of Dublin. Educ : Univ. CoU, London. War Work : Instructor, Ordnance CoU, Woolwich, 1914-15 ; Aug. 1915, to Jan. 1919, served with B.E.F, France. Address : Rathmore, Grosvenor load, Rathgar, DubUn. (05876) VALPY, Bertha, Mrs., O.B.E. VAN BAERLE, Capt. Edward, O.B.B, fi. 6 Aug. 1861 ; s. of Hislop van Baerle ; m. EUzabeth, d. of — Kettlewell. Educ : Christ's Hospital. Editorial Staff, Cassels & Co. ; Sub-Editor, " Magazine of Art," 1878-81 ; Editor, " Queens- town Free Press," South Africa, 1882 ; Art Director, Yorkshire Royal JubUee Exbibition.1887 ; Commission, Scottish Rifles, (7th Batt.), 1894-1901. War Work : Rejoined Scottish Rifles, 1914 ; Staff Capt. 26th Division ; Military Representative, Prance. Clubs: Royal AutomobUe ; Primrose. (09915) VAN BERGEN, Ethel, Mrs., O.B.E. ; to. Capt. Harry A. Van Bergen. Address : Ferney HaU, Oniburg, Salop. (03618) VAN COLLER, Christian Audries Brenk, M.B.E. VAN COLLER, Major Paul Johannes, O.B.E. VANDELEUR, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Henry Martley, C.B.E, R.A, 6. 12 Dec. 1875 ; younger s. of the Rev. G. 0. Vandeleur, of Ballinamona ; m. Theodosia Agnes, d. of the late W. H. Sinclair, of Morton Manor, Brading. Educ. : Bedford School, and R.M. Academy, Woolwich. Club : Army and Navy. (C1801) VANDELEUR, Mary Evelyn, Mrs., M.B.E. VAN DEN BERGH, Major Henry Edward, O.B.E, t. 1882 ; s. of Jacob Van Den Bergh, of London ; to. Enid, d. of Dr. Macdonald Brown, F.R.CS, of London. Educ. : City of London School, and Abroad. War Work : Officer in charge of Supplies, Navy and Army Canteen Board. Address : Brook Lodge, Hendon. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (0825) Van DE POL, Florence Clara, Mrs., M.B.E. VAN DER BIJL, Kate Amy, Mrs., M.B.E. VAN DER BYL, Lieut.-Col. Voltelin Albert WilUam, O.B.E. VANDERFELT, Capt. Sydney Gorton, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. VAN DER HEUVEL, Frederick WilUam Arthur, Count, O.B.E. VAN DER MEULEN, Sir Frederiok Alan, O.B.E, Knt. Bach, 6. 1875 ; s. of the Rev. G. A. Van der Meulen, of West Knoyle, WUts ; m. Aline, d. of Buddie Atkinson, of WooUey Orange, WUts. Educ : BlundeUs, Tiverton, and Keble CoU, Oxford. SoUcitor-General, Sierra Leone, 1908-1914 ; Judge of Supreme Court, Gambia, 1914-19 ; Puisne Judge, Nigeria, horn 1919. War Work: Acting Assistant-Principal, War Office, 1917-18. Address : Calverley, St. Albans. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Royal Automobile. (03835) VANE, Harry Tempest, CB.E, fi. 10 Nov. 1874 ; s. of James Vane, of Cuxton ; m. Florence Emmara Maud, d. of Stephen Burley, of Woolwich. Managing Director, D. Napier and Son, Ltd, Acton ; Chairman, Cunard Motor and Carriage Co, Putney. War Work: In connection with supplies of Aero Engine and Mechanical Transport. Address : Highfield, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Club : Royal Automobile. (C71) VANE, Sybil, M.B.B. VANES, Edith Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 19 Sept. 1863 ; d. of Butterworth Broadbent, of Snowlea, Huddersfield; to. the Rev. James Alfred Vanes, Wesleyan Chaplain, Bangalore, s. of the Rev. John Vanes, of EaUng. War Work : In con nection with Wesleyan Soldiers' Home and Club ; Station Hospital, and Red Cross. Addresses: 1, Trinity Road, Bangalore ; Longwood Edge, Huddersfield. (M6264) VAN GRUTTEN, Capt. Winchcombe Norman Carpenter, O.B.E, M.C, late Capt. R.A, 6. 9 June, 1895; s. of Lucien S. L. van Grutten, of Rosteague, Portscatho, S.O, Cornwall ; m. Enid Winifred, d. of the late Lieut.-Col. Robert Barrington- Baker, Naval Ordnance. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. ; King's CoU, Cambridge. War Work: Lieut, to C Battery, 103rd Bgde, R.F.A, England, Nov. 1914 ; France, Aug. 1915 ; Adjutant, 103rd Brigade R.F.A, in France, Jan. 1916 to April, 1917 ; Reconnaissance Officer, R.A, H.Q. 18th Corps (Capt.), April, 1917, to July, 1918 ; 8th Corps, July, 1918, to Feb. 1919 ; Croix de Guerre with Gold Star, March 1918. Addresses : King's CoU, Cambridge ; Rosteague, Portscatho, S.O, Cornwall. (02770) VAN HECKE, Hilda Gertrude, Mrs, M.B.E. VANKATARAMAYYA, Saguria, Mrs., M.B.E. VANN, Walter Gerald, M.B.E, A.C.A, 6. 26 Nov. 1886 ; s. of A. M. Vann, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P, of Durham ; m. Ethel Mary, d. of W. Rushworth, F.R.I.B.A, of Durham. Educ. : Durham School. Chartered Accountant. War Work : Organising Sec. to British Farmers' Red Cross Fund, founded by Sir Herbert Brown, K.B.E, which raised over £1,000,000 for British Red Cross Society. Address : Dunelm, Chapel Road, WarUngham, Surrey. (M1041) VANNECK, Arthur Peroy, M.B.B, 6. 4 Oct. 1870 ; to- Annie, d. of Richard Armstrong. Educ : BaUiol CoU, Oxford- Barrister-at-Law. War Work : R.N.V.R. (Anti-Aircraft Corps), 1914-16 ; Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.), 1916-18 ; Staff-Lieut. I. (b), Western Command, 1918-19. Address : 43, West bourne Gardens, London, W. 2. (M2577) VAN RYNEVELD, Lieut.-Col. Sir Hetperus Andrias, K.B.E, D.S.O, M.C, late R.A.F. Made the pioneer flight with Sir Joseph Quinton Brand, D.S.O, M.C, D.F.C, from London to Cape Town in 1920. Served in Great War ; men tioned in despatches ; has Croix de Guerre, Legion of Honour, and Order of Leopold of Belgium. (K448) VANSAGNEW, Lieut.-Col., O.B.E. VANSITTART, Capt. Robert Arnold, M.B.E. VAN STRAUBENZEE, Brig.-Gen. Casimir Henry Claude, C.B, C.B.E, fi. 30 Jan. 1864 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. Frederick van Straubenzee, late 13th P. A. Somersetshire L.I. ; m. Evelyn Thornton, d. of Robert Bell, late of Norris Castle, I. of W. Educ. : Sherborne. War Work : Commanded Brigade, 1914-16 (twice mentioned in despatches), and subsequently No. 5i District, to June, 1919, when he retired. Address : 3, Sussex Mansions, S.W. 7. Club : Army and Navy. (C1802) VAN TYEN, Capt. Martinus SibiUus Jan Casper, M.B.B. VAN ZIJL, Carel Johannes, O.B.E. VARDON, Capt. Eric John, M.B.B, 6. 1 Oct. 1892 ; s. of P. J. Vardon, of The Clock House, Bramley, Surrey. Educ. : Malvern Coll. Assistant Master, Blstree School. War Work : Served witli 5th East Surrey Regiment, Sept. 1914, to Dec. 1917; with 16th Queens, Dec. 1917, to Nov. 1918; and in North Russia, as D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Addresses : Elstree School, Elstree, Herts ; The Clock House, Bramley, Surrey. (M5009) VARDY, George, M.B.E. VARLEY, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. James, O.B.B, R.A.M.C. VARLEY, John, M.B.E. VARNEY, Arthur, M.B.B, fi. 10 Oct. 1870 ; s. of Elizabeth and Alfred Varney, of Belper, Derbyshire ; m. Charlotte Ann, d. of the late Rev. L. E. Ellis, of Alfreton, Derbyshire. Educ : PubUc School, Belper, and Saltley Training College, Birming ham. National General Secretary, Y.M.C.A. of New Zealand. War Work : In charge of New Zealand Y.M.C.A. War Work during the whole period of the work ; visited England and France in 1916-17. Address: Y.M.C.A. Headquarters, Wellington, New Zealand. (M1203) VARPILLEUX, Capt. Antoine Emilie, M.B.E. (M3445) VARWELL, Margaret, Mrs, O.B.B.; d. of William Logan J P , of Langley Park, Durham ; to. Peter, s. of Peter Varwell, of Brixham, S. Devon. War Work : Assisted in various w"ork at Dartmouth. Address : Bank House, Bideford. (011525) VARWELL, Millie Gertrude, Mrs, M.B.E, B.A, fi. 4 Dec. 1891 ; d. of the Rev. G. W. Clutterbuck, of Bombay ; m. John Browning, s. of W. W. Varwell, of Paignton, Devon. Educ. : North London Collegiate School, and Birkbeck. War Work : Employed in Air Ministry, 1916-19 ; Registry work, and later Private Sec. to Head of Medical Dept. Address : 35, Portland Road, N. 4. „ _, _. (M1548) VASEY, Major Charles James, O.B.E. VASSE, Kate, M.B.E. VASSIE, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Frederick Charles, M.B.E, VAUGHAN, Arthur Ronald, M.B.E. VAUGHAN, Major Charles Jerome, O.B.E, R.E. 525 Vaughan THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. VAUGHAN, Ethel Dene, M.B.E. VAUGHAN, Evelyn Goode, Mrs, O.B.E. VAUGHAN, Major Gomer Miles, O.B.E, R.E. VAUGHAN, Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella, GWYNNE-, D.B.E, D.Sc, LL.D, fi. 21 Jan. 1879 ; d. of Capt. the Hon. A. H. D. Fraser, and granddaughter of 17th Lord Saltoun (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; to. David Thomas, s. of Henry Gwynne- Vaughan, of Cynghordy. Educ. : Cheltenham, and King's Coll, Univ. of London. Head of Dept. of Botany, Birkbeck Coll, London. War Work : Chief ControUer, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, British Armies in France, from forma tion, in Feb. 1917, to Sept. 1918 ; Commandant, Women's Royal Air Force, Sept. 1918, to Dec. 1919. Address: 93, Bedford Court Mansions, W. C 1. Club : Univ. of London. (D37) VAUGHAN, Col. Herbert Radclyffe, C.B.E. Formerly Col. Warwickshire Regt. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C835) VAUGHAN, Janet Feliza, O.B.E, 6. 3 Aug. 1857 ; d. of Hugh Vaughan, of Redland House, Gloucestershire. Educ : Privately. Hon. Sec. Tone Valley Primrose League. War Work : Raised eight Detachments V.A.D's. and organised Red Cross Hospital for Taunton. Address : Staple Grove, Taunton. (O3930) VAUGHAN, Lieut. William, M.B.E. R.N. VAUX, Emily Eve Lellam, Mrs, M.B.E. ; d. of Moon Ord, of Sunderland. Educ. : Highfield, and Dresden. War Work: Qr.-Mr. 12th Durham V.A.D, 1911, and 3rd Durham Officers' Hospital, 1914-17 ; Co-President Sunderland Prisoners - of-War Fund ; Hon. Sec. 7th Durham Light Infantry Comforts Fund. Addresses : Grtodon, near Sunderland ; Brettanby Manor, Barton, R.S.O, Yorks. (M4047) VAWDREY, Paymaster-Capt. Charles, C.B.E, fi. 1848 ; s. of WiUiam Cock ; m. 1st, Mary Louisa Vawdrey, who d., 2nd, Elizabeth, d. of the late Robert Tamblin. Entered R.N. 1864 ; Paymaster Capt. ; Abyssinian Expedition, 1867-68 (medal) ; Ashanti War, 1873-74 (medal) ; Egyptian War, 1882 (Egyptian medal, Khedive's Star) ; Great War, 1914-19, at Naval Base, Kingstown ; assumed the surname of Vawdrey in lieu of his patronymic, 1881. Address : Walton Pines, Clevedon, Somerset. (C2302) VAWDREY, Col. George, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 6 July, 1872 ; s. of Dr. Vawdrey, late of Famboro', Hants. Educ : Privately, and at R.M.C, Sandhurst. A.D. of S. & T, Malta. War Work : S.A. Campaign, 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal, 5 clasps ; King's Medal, 2 clasps, and mentioned in despatches ; Brevet of Major)}; Great War, 1914-18, O.C Train 7 Div. ; 4 times mentioned in despatches ; 1914 Star and clasp, General Service and Victory Medals. Club : United Service. (C795) VEAL, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Frank, O.B.E. VEALE, WiUiam John, M.B.E. VEITCH, Robert McLeod, O.B.E, M.D, Ch.B, fi. 1881 ; s. of John Veitch, of Edinburgh ; m. Gladys Maud, d. of George Smith, of London. Educ. : Royal High School, Edinburgh ; Edinburgh Univ. Doctor of Medicine ; Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions, London Region. War Work: T. Capt. R.A.M.C, 1914-17; France, May, 1915, to Aug. 1916 ; Bacteriologist Isolation Hospital, Etaples ; in vaUded home, Aug. 1916 ; home service, Aug. 1916, tiU Dec. 1917 ; transferred Ministry of National Service, Dec. 1917 ; D.C.M.S. Bradford, Nottingham, and London. Address : 31A, High Street, St. John's Wood, N.W. 8. (011526) VELLA, Lieut.-Col. Alfred, O.B.E, 6. 28 Feb. 1863 ; s. of the late the Hon. Francis VeUa, C.M.G, Member of the Execu tive Council and Collector of Customs, Malta ; m. Mary, d of the late Chev. Francis Pace, K.S.S, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Malta. Educ. : Privately, and Malta Univ. War Work : Lieut.-Col. Commanding Royal Malta Regt. of Artillery ; Officer-in-charge of Records, Permanent Staff ; 1st and 2nd Batts. King's Own Malta Regiment of MUitia ¦ Fire Commander of the Western and North- Western Forts of the island, including Mobile Defence against Submarines ; raised and trained personnel for New Artillery Defences, and to replace Royal Garrison Artillery urgently required elsewhere ; formed a Detachment, Royal Malta Artillery for Coast Defence Work in Alexandria (Egyptian Expeditionary Force). Address • 171, Str. Mercanti, Valetta, Malta. Club : Casino Malte-.e, Valletta. (O7803) VELLACOTT, Capt. PhiUp Northcote, O.B.B, R A M C VENABLES, Caroline Emily, O.B.E. VENABLES, Harry Archbutt, O.B.E. VENABLES, Margaret, M.B.E. VENN, Ella Margaret, M.B.E. VENN, Capt. Hugh Whatley Stevens, O.B.E. VENN, Capt. Tom Walters, M.B.E, I.A. R. of O, fi 24 Jan. 1882 ; s. of J. Venn, of Crediton, Devon ; m. Margaret Frances, d. of Rev. Robert Greig, of Bedford. Educ ¦ Crediton Grammar School. The Bombay Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd, Bombay; granted Commission Bombay Volunteer Artillery, Oct. 1914 ; transferred to Indian Army Reserve of Officers, Mar. 1915 ; attached 42nd Deoli Regt. ; officer in charge of War Gifts for the Mesopotamian Forces from Oct 1916 to Feb. 1919. Address: c/o Bombay Steam Navigation Co, Ltd, Bombay. (M30181 VENNER, George Edward Sidebottom, M.B E VENNING, Margaret Beatrice, Mrs., 0 B E VENOUR, Capt. Claude Malcolm Hamilton, O.B.E s of the late James M. H. Venour, of Wellesbourne, Warwickshire' Officer in Hampshire Regiment ; Chevalier of the Legion of 526 Honour. Address : Tyne-y-coed, Bettws-y-Coed, N. Wales. Club : United Service. (O7804) VERBI, Capt. Vladimir VassU, O.B.E. VERCOE, Lieut. Edmund, O.B.E. VERDIER, James William, O.B.E. VEREKER, Frances Gore, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 1861 ; d. of Robert Manders, of Landscape, Co. Dublin ; to. George Medli- cott Vereker, s. of the Hon. John Prendergast Vereker, of 72, Merrion Square, DubUn. Educ. : Privately. War Work : 4_ years Officer-in-charge of Hospital in own house for the Red Cross; Assist. Commandant of Detachment. Address: Sharpitor, Salcombe, S. Devon. (M4049) VERGE, Capt. Lionel Arthur Frederick, M.B.E. VERNEY, Malvina, Mrs., M.B.E. VERNEY, Lieut.-Col. Reynell Henry, O.B.E. VERNON, Sir Harry Foley, Bart, CB.E, V.D, J.P, D.L, M.A, 6. 11 April, 1834 ; s. of T. T. Vernon, of Hanbury Hall, Worcestershire ; to. Lady Georgina Sophia BaUlie-Hamilton, d. of 10th Earl of Haddington (see BUKKE'S Peerage). Educ. : Harrow ; Magdalen CoU, Oxford. M.P. East Worcestershire, 1861-66 ; Master of Worcestershire Foxhounds, 1862-68 ; Col. of 2nd Vol. Br. Worcestershire Regt. 1873-87; Hon. Col. (ret.) of Worcestershire Hussars. Address : Hanbury Hall, Droitwich, Worcestershire. (C3015) VERNON, Percy Venables, O.B.E, M.I.M.E. VERNON, Lieut. Richard Henry, M.B.E. VERNON, Lieut. Ronald Clifton, M.B.E, R.E. VERNON, Capt. Stuart Arthur, O.B.E, M.C. VERNON, William Hamilton, M.B.E. (M5803) VERRALL, Marian EUzabeth, M.B.E. ; d. of Henry Verrall, of Brighton. Educ. : Cheltenham Ladies' CoU. War Work : Joint Women's V.A.D. Headquarters. Address : The Lydd, West Hoathly, Sussex. Clubs : Ladies' Univ. ; V.A.D. (M9920) VERSCHOYLE, Beresford, C.B.E. Chief Engineer, Egvptian State Railways. (C654) VERSCHOYLE, Capt. Henry Cosby, O.B.E, fi. 28 Oct. 1887 ; s. of the late Capt. R. H. Verschoyle, 11th Hussars, Springfield, Ross, Herefordshire ; m. Doris Sophia Lukis, 2nd d. of — Collings, Seigneur of Sark, of La Seigneurie, Sark. Educ : Rossall. Regular Officer, R.A.S.C. War Work : Pro moted Capt. Oct. 1914 ; T. Major, Nov. 1914 ; T. Lieut.-Col. Oct. 1916 ; served in B.E.F. and E.E.F. ; O.C 54th and 60th Divisional Trains ; O.C Transport Training School, Grantham. Address : 32, Watergate, Grantham. (06313) VERYARD, Ernest Thomas, M.B.E, R.N. VESEY, David, O.B.B, fi. 1872 ; s. of the late Ven. Archdeacon F. G. Vesey, of Huntingdon ; m. CaroUne Atholl, d. of the late Sir H. Evelyn Oakeley. Educ : Harrow, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Principal, Board of Education. War Work : Legal Draftsman, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-19. Address : 3, Camp View, Wimbledon Common, S.W. 19. Club : United University. (0829) VESEY, Isabel Constance, O.B.E. War Work: Com mandant of the Empress Eugenie's Hospital for Officers, Famboro' HiU, from 1915-19. Address : TUe Barn, Famboro', Hants. (011528) VESEY, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Osbert Eustace, C.B.E, R.E, K.M.R, 6. 20 Feb. 1884 ; to. Dorothy, d. of WiUiam Morisont Stradran, of Strood Park, Horsham. Educ. : Eton ; Sandhurst. Late Lieut. 9th Lancers ; served in Great War. Address : 7, Westbourne Terrace, W. 2. Club : Boodle's. (C1337) VESEY, Sidney PhUip Charles, C.B.E, M.A, J.P, b. 9 March, 1873; s. of WUliam Muschamp Vesey, of Upton House, Bagenalstown ; m. Blanche Edith, d. of Edmund N. Power, of Tramore House, Tramore. Educ. : Rugby, and Christehurch, Oxford. War Work: Meetings and Finance Sub-Committee of ParUamentary Recruiting Committee ; Joint Hon. Sec. Meetings Dept. of ParUamentary National Service Committee ; then Member of Meetings Branch of National War Aims Committee ; later served as Capt. to King's Royal Rifle Corps. Address : 14, Heathside, Finchley Road, N.W. 2. Clubs: Junior Carlton ; Constitutional; Kildare Street. (C655) VESSEY, Lieut.-Col. Gordon Harry Bowker, O.B.E, VIBART, Com. John Fleming, C.B.E. Com. Royal Indian Marine, and Div. Naval Transport Officer, Salonika; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). , (C2266) | VICARS, Edward Robert EokersaU, C.B.E, 6. 6 March, : 1869 ; s. of the late Edward Armstrong Vicars, of Rugby ; m. \ Evelyn Louisa, d. of the late Edward Ashley Scott, of The , Lawn, Rugby. Educ : Rugby. H.B.M. Consul-General, , MarseUles ; previously Clerk in Foreign Office ; Sec. in Diplo matic Service (Athens and Constantinople) ; Sec. to British , Delegation to various International Conferences ; Consul at ; Madeira ; Consul-General at Lyons. War Work : Various, ; in capacity as Consul-General at Lyons. Addresses : British Consulate General, 8 Rue des Princes, Marseilles ; ViUa Belle Vue, Boulevard Bompard, Marseilles. (C656) VICARS, William, C.B.E. VICCARS, Major John Ellis, D.S.O, O.B.E, Major Leicester Regt. ; served in Great War, 1915-19 (mentioned in despatches). (05882) VICK, Lieut.-CoI. Reginald Martin, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (TO, 6. 20 Aug. 1884 ; s. of Richard WiUiam Vick, of West Hartle pool ; m. Mary Kate, d. of Reginald J. N. NeviUe, of 25, BIOGRAPHIES. Voysey Eccleston Square, W. 1. Educ. : The Leys ; Jesus Coll,- Cambridge; St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Warden of St. Bartholomew's Hospital; Assistant Surgeon St. Bartholomew's Hospital. War Work : Section Commander 85th Field Ambulance, 28th Div. (2_ years) ; Officer-in-charge Surgical Division, Stationary, and General Hospitals, B.S.F, for remainder of war. Address : Warden's House, St. Bartholo mew's Hospital. Club : United University. (06551) VICKERMAN, Major Hugh, D.S.O, O.B.B, A.M.I.C.B., M.Sc, fi. 1880 ; s. of Charles Rankin Vickerman, of Kelburne, Wellington, New Zealand ; to. 1913, Arabella Colquhoun, _. of Henry AUingham Morrow, of Belfast. Educ : Auckland Grammar School and New Zealand University. Civil Engineer ; Member of New Zealand Society of Engineers ; Major, New Zealand Engineers ; during Great War commanded a Tunnel- lins Co. (despatches). Address : WelUngton, New Zealand. (O6108) VICKERMAN, Lieut.-Col. Philip Sefton, O.B.E, M.B, F.R CS, 6. 19 Dec. 1920 ; s. of Charles R. Vickerman, of WeUington, N.Z. ; m. Betty Stuart, d. of John Wallace, of Braidwood, N.S.W. Educ. : Auckland Grammar School ; " Edinburgh University. Medical Practitioner. War Work : Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, Aug. 1014 to A_ ril, 1915 ; No. 19 General Hospital, Alexandria, May 1918 to Aug. 1916; No. 2 Prisoners of War Hospital, Cairo, Aug. 1916. Address : 729, Tucuman, Buenos Aires, Argentine. (02947) VICKERS, Capt. Charles, M.B.E. VICKERS, Major WUmot Gordon HUton, O.B.E. VICKERY, Frederiok WiUiam, O.B.E. War Work: Inventor of Munitions of War. Address : Flat 44, Whitehall Court, London, S.W. 1. (011529) VICKERY, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. George Gordon, O.B.E, M.B, M.A, R.N. VICKRESS, Major William Henry, D.S.O, O.B.B, 6. 18 Feb. 1880 ; s. of the late Thomas Albert Vickress, of Hill, Slinfold, Sussex ; to. Margaret Jane, d. of Robert Thompson, of Sunderland. Educ : Horsham. SoUcitor. War Work : Special Constable E Division first few months ; Commissioned R.A.S.C, Dec. 1914 ; served in France as Supply Officer, Divisional Troops, 14th Division, May, 1915 ; Senior Supply Officer, 14th Division, Oct. 1915, to AprU, 1919 ; from April to July, 1919, commanded 14th Divisional Train. Addresses : The FoUies, St. Margaret's Bay, Kent ; 24, Royal Crescent, HoUand Park Avenue, W. Club : Badminton. (05883) VIDAL, Major Francis Peter, O.B.E. VIENER, Rev. Harry Dan Leigh, C.B.E, M.A, R.A.F, t. 26 Dec. 1868 ; s. of Mrs. K. V. Viener, of Poulton-le- Fylde, Lancashire. Educ. : Malvern CoU. ; St. John's Coll, Oxford (Exhibitioner). Late Chaplain Royal Navy, 1901-18 ; Chaplain-in-Chief, Royal Air Force, from Oct. 1918. War Wort: Chaplain, H.M.S. "Prince of Wales," Channel and Mediterranean, 1914-15 ; Chaplain Royal Naval Barracks, Chatham, 1916-18. Address : Air Ministry. Kingsway, W.C. 2. Clufi : Royal Air Force. (C2331) VIGERS, Ruth Sarah, M.B.E. ; d. of Frederick Vigers of Reigate. Educ : Eastbourne ; Ladies Coll, Cheltenham ; Paris ; Germany. Secretary. War Work : From Feb. 1915, has held the post of Assist. Sec. in Lady Dudley'3 AuxUiary Hospitals Department of the Red Cross. Address : The Beeches, Wray Lane, Reigate. (M1045) : VIGERS, Lieut. Thomas Whitehaire, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. (T.). VIGNE, Lieut.-Comm. Bertram, O.B.E, R.N. VIGNE, Lieut.-Col. Robert Austen, C.M.G, C.B.E. VIGO, Capt. Benjamin WiUiam, M.B.E, fi. 17 Feb. 1882 ; s. of David Vigo, of Reading. Educ. : King's School, Canter bury, and privately. War Work : Served with Red Cross in Mesopotamia, 1916-19. Addresses : Kensington High Street, W. 8; Ely Place, B.C. 1. Club : Eccentric. (M4051) VIGOR, Harold Decimus, M.B.E. VIGORS, Major CUffe Henry, O.B.E. ¦ VIGRASS, Herbert, O.B.E, 6. 1869. H.M. Inspector of Schools. War Work : Joint Hon. Sec. Hull War Savings Committee ; Hon. Organiser East Riding of Yorks. War Savings Committee ; Hon. Sec. Beverley War Savings Committee. Address : Rudyard, Cottingham, Hull. (011530) VILLIERS, Major Arthur, O.B.E, R.A.O.C VILLIERS, Lieut.-Col. Charles Walker, C.B.E,, D.S.O. VILLIERS, Comm. Gerald Berkeley, O.B.E. VILMET, Henry Frederic Vilmet OLDHAM-, M.B.E. VINCE, John BUlinton, M.B.B, fi. 22 July, 1866; »¦ of Thomas BUlinton, of Wakefield, Yorks. ; to. Jane, d. of William Thomas Danahy, of Dublin. Educ. : Northampton. Served with the Gloucestershire Regt. for 22 years in Malta, Egypt, India, and St. Helena ; holds Queen's South Africa and Long Service Medals. War Work : Employed as Super vising Clerk in the MiUtary Secretary's Department, War Office, London, during the whole period of the Great War. Address : 41, Richmond Road, Twickenham. (M9921) VINCENT, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Gustave, C.B.E. Major »nd T. Lieut.-Col. R.M.L.I. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1949) VINCENT, Arthur Rose, C.B.E., J.P, D.L, 6. 9 June, J*76 ; s' of Col. Arthur Vincent, of SummerhUl House, Co. gafe ; m. Maud, d. of WilUam B. Brown, of California. Educ. : Wellington ; Trinity Coll. ; CoUege de France. War Work : oerved with Anglo-American Ambulance, France, 1915-16 ; waistry of Information, 1917-18 ; Representative of Ministry at Chicago, 1918. Address: Muckross Abbey, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Ctafis : Carleton ; White's ; Boodle's ; Garrick: KUdare Street. (C1050) VINCENT, Lieut.-Comm. Charles Rogers, O.B.E, R.N. VINCENT, Cyril Mosson, O.B.E, J.P, 6. Nov. 1846; s. of William AUder Vincent, of Oxford ; to. Mary Ann, d. of Edward Owen, of Moseley, Birmingham. Educ. : Wolver hampton. CouncUlor, Mayor of Oxford, 1915-16. War Work : Chairman Oxford Military Tribunal, Food Control, and War Pensions Committees. Address: 3, Polstead Road, Oxford. Club .- Clarendon, Oxford. . (011531) VINCENT, Lieut.-Col. Frank Lloyd, O.B.E, LA. VINCENT, Capt. Frederiok Calvert, O.B.B. VINCENT, Major Sydney, O.B.B, 6. 27 July, 1875 ; «. of William George Vincent, of Petworth ; m. Ethel Beatrice, d. of Henry Thomas Upton, of Petworth. Educ. : Guildford. Builder and Contractor. War Work : Commissioned Nov. 1914 ; detaUed for recruiting duties untU AprU, 1916 ; served in France from AprU, 1916, to Nov. 1918 with the 8th Royal Sussex, 12th Batt. D.C.L.I, and finally transferred to the Labour Corps ; 3 times mentioned in despatches. Address : Wllmcote, Angel Street, Petworth, Sussex. (05885) VINCENT, Lieut. WiUiam, O.B.B, M.C, R.A.S.C. (T.). VINCENT, Lieut.Col. William James Nathaniel, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. ; served iu the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C2186) VINE, AUred Bertram, M.B.E., M.B. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 1875 ; s. of the Rev. J. N. Vine, of Bedford ; m. Ethel, d. of the Rev. J. R. Graham. Educ. : Bedford. Medical Practitioner ; Hon. Medical Officer, Bury Infirmary. War Work : Medical Officer-in-charge, Timber- hurst AuxUiary Hospital, Bury; Capt. R.A.M.C. Address 179, Manchester Road, Bury. (M9922) VINES, Capt. Duncan Frederick, R.I.M, O.B.B. VINEY, Albert WilUam, M.B.B. VINEY, Lieut.-Col. Horace George, C.M.G, CB.E, D.S.O. Major AustraUan Light Horse ; A.A. and Q.M.G. with rank of Lieut.-Col. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (men tioned in despatches). (C1365) VINTCENT, Rose LiUan, Mrs., M.B.E. VIRGO, John James, C.B.E, J.P. for South Australia, 6. 22 April, 1865 ; s. of Caleb and Mary Virgo, of South Australia ; to. EmmeUne Dorothy, d. of the Rev. F. Aston, of Birmingham. Educ : Glenelg Grammar School, South Australia. Honorary World's representative, Y.M.C.A. War Work : Visiting representative of Y.M.C.A. to aU war fronts. Address : Y.M.CA, British Empire Union, Tottenham Court Road, W. 1. Club : Royal Colonial Institute. (C320) VISART, Lieut.-Col. Henry Robert (Count de Bury), VISCHER, Major Hanns, C.B.E. Served in Great War, 1914-19, as Major, Gen. List (mentioned in despatches). (C1149 *• of 6eor8e Lionel Wakeling, of Essex ; to. Elizabeth Artken, d. of Hugh Hunter, of Barassie, Troon. Educ : London Univ. and St. Bartholomew's Hospital. War Work : Senior Medical Officer, East London, 1915-17 ; President of Officers' Standing Medical Board ; Prince of Wales' Hospital, London. Address: 46, Palace Gardens Terrace, Kensington, W. 8. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Alexandra Yacht. (01964) WALCOTT, Capt. Colpoys Cleland, C.B.E, R.N. For services in connection with the Imperial War Museum. (C3172) WALDEGRAVE, Alfred John, M.B.E, 6. 18 Nov. 1872. Cml Servant. War Work: Post Office Investments. Ad dress: Oxhey, Watford. (M2594) „ WALDEGRAVE, AUce, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1863 ; d. of ,' a ' M1"™, of Marazion, CornwaU ; m. Samuel Edmund, s. ot bamuel Waldegrave. Bishop Carlisle. War Work : Quarter master of the Castle Hospital, Sherborne, and pre-war Sec. of the Sherborne Division of the British Red Cross Society. Address: Poyntington, Sherborne, Dorset. (M2595) WALDEGRAVE, Mary Dorothea, Countess of, D.B.E, o. 25 March, 1850 ; d. of 1st Earl of Selborne, of Blackmoor hiss, Hampshire (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. WiUiam Frederick, nail Waldegrave, s. of WilUam Frederick, Viscount Chewton (see btoke's Peerage). Educ. : Privately. Deputy President, somerset Branch of the British Red Cross Society: Member of Somerset County Education Committee. War Work : Red tross work in Somerset. Address : Chewton Priory, Bath. w™/' Forum; Ladies' Bath and Countv. (D31) WALDEN, Robert WooIIey, C.B.E, J.P. Late Mayor of Westminster; Knight Officer, Vasa Sweden and Crown of Belgium. War Work : Chairman of the MetropoUtan Asylums ward; Chairman, Earl's Court, Alexandra Palace and Ed- « °nton Belgium Refugees Committees ; Deputy Chairman for ,J Section, Tribunal of Appeal for County of London Wulitary) ; Chairman of Food Control Committee, Westminster iJty CouncU, Member Standing Joint Committee, National reserve. Address : BeUa Vista, Warltogham, Surrey. Club : bt. Stephen's. ' (C3017) WALDEN, Thomas, M.B.E. WALDEN, WiUiam Herbert, O.B.E. WALDOCK, Lieut. Charles WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 20 Aug. mm ; s. of A. Waldock, of St. Ives, Hunts ; to. Ruby Dorothy. d. of S. W. Scott, of London and niece of Sir Leicester Harms- worth, Bart, (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ : St. Ives. Hunts, Grammar School. War Work : Corporal, 19th Royal Fusiliers, Public Schools Brigade, Oct. 1914, to June 1916 ; served in France during winter 1915-16 ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Bedford and Herts Regt, July, 1916 ; seconded to King's African Rifles, Oct. 1916 ; served with 3rd Regt. in East Africa ; in valided to S. Africa, Jan. 1918, attached to Simonstown Depot 1918, during 1919 on the Staff of South African Military Command as Garrison Adjutant ; while at Simonstown wrote and produced a revue which was the means of raising nearly £1000 for charities. (M6718) WALDRON, Major and Qr.-Mr. Charles, M.B.E. WALDRON, Capt. Edward Joseph, O.B.E. WALDRON, 2nd Lieut. Frank, M.B.E. WALDRON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WUUam, O.B.E. WALE, Henry William, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 1874. Member of City Council for Coventry, and Chairman of its Appeal Tribimal (Coventry and Dist.). Address: 15, Terry Road, Coventry. (C658) WALE, Capt. William AUred, M.B.E. WALEY, Capt. Erio George Simon, O.B.E. WALEY, Capt. Frederiok George, C.B.E. Rendered service in connection with Coal Supplies, Commonwealth of Australia, during the Great War. (C3207) WALFORD, 2nd Lieut. Harry Norman, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. WALKER, Sir Alexander, K.B.E, ; fi. 1869 s. of Alex ander Walker, of Kilmarnock ; to. 1895. Director of John Walker & Sons (Lim.) Distillers. Rendered service to Ministry of Munitions and other Depts, during the Great War ; was connected with Disposal Board, Ministry of Munitions. (K464) WALKER, Alexander, C.B.E, F.S.I, J.P, fi. 28 March, 1866 ; s. of Andrew Walker, of Glasgow ; to. Jessie, d. of John Winchester, J.P, of Loanhead, Buckie. Educ. : Wilson School, Glasgow, and Glasgow Univ. Solicitor ; for many years Deputy Town Clerk, Glasgow, now holding the offices of City Assessor under the Lands Valuation Acts ; Registration Officer under the Representation of the People Act, and Surveyor of Municipal Rates, Glasgow. War Work : Hon. Sec. of the Glasgow Corporation Belgian Refugee Committee, who gave hospitality to about 20,000 Belgian Refugees, and raised the necessary funds to maintain them ; also did work for the Admiralty in connection with the housing of Shipyard workers, etc. Addresses : 18, Queen's Gate, Dowanhill, Glasgow ; City Chambers, Glasgow. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Liberal ; Royal Scottish Automobile (Glasgow). (C659) WALKER, Alexander Mann, M.B.B. WALKER, Major and Qr.-Mr. Archibald, O.B.E, R.E. WALKER, Comm. Arthur Horace, O.B.E, R.E. WALKER, Lieut. Austine Harington, M.B.E, R.A.F. WALKER, Charles, M.B.E, 6. 3 Oct. 1874 ; s. of James Walker, of Forfar ; m. EUzabeth Robbie, d. of Alexander Gair, of Tannadice. Educ. : Forfar. Superintendent of Police, Wishaw Division of Lanarkshire. War Work : Assistant Chief of PoUce at Gretna. Address : Ivy Cottage, Wishaw. (M9930) WALKER, Charles Alfred Le Maistre, C.B.E. WALKER, Major Charles Bishop, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WALKER, Charles Craven HoweU, M.B.E. WALKER, Charles Edmund, M.B.B. WALKER, Eadith Campbell, C.B.E, 6. 1874 ; d. ot the late Thomas Walker. Rendered services in connection with Red Cross movement, N.S. Wales, during Great War. Ad dress : YaraUa, Concord, Sydney, N.S. Wales. Clubs : Ladies' Empire ; Queen's (Sydney). (C721) WALKER, Edward, M.B.E., M.D, M.R.C.S, fi. 25 Feb. 1863 ; s. of Samuel Walker, of Golcar, nr. Huddersfield ; to. Ethel, d. of Samuel Learoyd, of Huddersfield. Educ. : Edinburgh Univ. Hon. Physician, Royal Infirmary, Hudders field ; ex-President, Huddersfield Medical Society, and Chair man, Huddersfield Division British Medical Association; Governor, Technical Coll, Huddersfield ; Member Free Library Committee ; formerly Member of Education Com mittee, and of the Huddersfield School Board. War Work : Hon. Sec. Local Medical War Committee ; Member National Service Medical Board ; Recruiting Medical Officer, Hudders field District. Address : Spring Bank, Huddersfield. (M9931) WALKER, Capt. Edward McAUen, O.B.E, R.A.F. WALKER, Major Eric BoUngbroke, M.B.E, M.C. WALKER, Col. Franois John, C.B.E, V.D, J.P, 6. 29 Oct. 1859 ; s. of John West Walker, of Hundleby House, Spilsby ; m. Maria Edith, M.B.E, d. of Pereira Brown, of Glentworth Hall, Lincoln. Educ. : St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and Univ. of Durham. H.M. Coroner for parts of Lindsey. War Work: County Director, B.R.C.S, North Lincolnshire Branch; Medical Officer in charge Spilsby AuxiUary Hospital. Address : St. Damian, Spilsby, Lincoln shire (C3018) WALKER, Lieut.-Col. Francis Spring, C.B.E, R.A.M.C, fi. 6 Jan. 1876 ; s. of Anster Fitzgeral Walker, M.D, Glenbergh, Co Kerry ; to. Rosamond Margaret, d. of Capt. Richard Chute, of Leabrook, Tralee. Educ. : Royal Coll. of Surgeons, Dublin, and Trinity CoU, DubUn. Regular Officer, jomed Army, m 1900 War Work : Served in France with 16th Field Ambu lance, 6th Division ; in command Hospital-carrier " Vladivian " at Suvla Bay ; O.C. No. 3 Convalescent Camp, Gham Tuffeyh, Malta ; O.C Military Hospital, Taunton, and Military Hospital, Cork • retired May, 1920. Address : Woodquest, Crosshaven, Co. Cork. (C1804) 529 2 m Walker THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. WALKER, Lieut. Frederick Rutley, M.B.E. LA, WALKER, Capt. Frederio WUUam, O.B.E, fi. 21 Feb. 1870 ; s. of Edward Walker, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; to. Rose, d. of Major H. J. King, of the Royal Scots Greys. Staff Capt, War Office, Under Sec. of States' Dept. ; Lieut.-Col. 2/4th Hampshire Regt. Cadet Batt. ; Assistant Hon. Sec. the Royal Tournament. War Work : With Headquarters Staff, 1st Army, Central Force, under Gen. Sir Horace Smith- Dorrien ; Army H.Q. Staff, War Office, under Major-Gen. the Earl of Scarborough ; identified with the reorganisation of the Cadet Force. Addresses : 73, St. James' Street, S.W. ; The White Cottage, Horsell. Woking. Clubs : Junior Carlton ; Junior Constitutional ; Royal Automobile. (011538) WALKER, Capt. George, M.B.E. WALKER, George, M.B.E. WALKER, Lieut. George, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. WALKER, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. George Beresford, M.B.E, M.C, R.A.M.C, fi. 18 Oct. 1871 ; s. of James Beresford Walker. Educ. : Battersea. War Work : Served from 1914-19 in France and Mesopotamia. Address : R.A.M.C. Officers' Mess. London, S.W. 1. (M4936) WALKER, Major George Croxton, O.B.E., M.C, R.E. (T.). WALKER, Lieut. George David, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. (M6780.-) WALKER, Lieut.-Col. George Kemp, CLE, O.B.E, 6. 20 March, 1872 ; s. of WilUam Alfred Walker, of Warwick, England ; m. Ethel Maria, d. of William Herbert Wall, of Stoke Prior, Worcs. Educ. : Warwick School ; Royal Veterinary Coll, London. Principal, Punjab Veterinary Coll, Lahore, India. War Work : Officer Commanding, 35th Poona Batt, I.V.F. ; Conducting Officer, Mesopotamia Exp- ditionary Force. Address : Lahore, India. Clubs : United Service (Simla) ; Western India (Poona). (02369) WALKER, Lieut. Harold Frederick, M.B.E, R.A.F. WALKER, Harry, O.B.E. WALKER, Henry, C.B.E. Deputy Chief Inspector for Mines. (C3019) WALKER, Herbert Arthur, M.B.E. WALKER, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Sutherland, C.B.E, 6. 29 Sept. 1864 ; s. of Gen. W. Walker, Indian Medical Service ; to. Josephine Helen, d. of W. R. Freeman, of Murtle, N.B. Educ. : Rugby ; Sandhurst ; Staff Coll. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), Brevet Major, 1897 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col, 1899 ; Chief Constable of Worcestershire from 1903. War Work : Chief Permit Officer, Intelligence Division, War Office, 1914-19. Address : The Cross House, Powyke, Worcester. Club: County (Worcester). (C660) WALKER, T. Capt. James Blake, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. WALKER, Jessie Winchester, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 1871 ; d. of John Winchester, J.P, of Loanhead, Portessie ; to. Alex ander, C.B.E, J.P, F.S.I, s. of Andrew Walker, of Glasgow. Educ. : Buckie, Banffshire. War Work : Member of the Glasgow Corporation Belgian Refugee Ladies Committee, who gave hospitality to over 18,000 refugees in Scotland, and by voluntary subscriptions defrayed the expenses thereof ; also worked in connection with war hospitals ; holder of Belgian Queen EUzabeth Medal. Address : 8, Queen's Gate, Dowan- hill, Glasgow. (M9933) WALKER, Major John, O.B.E, D.C.M. WALKER, John, M.B.E. WALKER, John, O.B.E. WALKER, Flight-Lieut. John Briton, O.B.E, R.A.F. WALKER, Lieut.-Col. John Douglas Glen, D.S.O, O.B.E. WALKER, John Drummond, M.B.E. WALKER, John Frederiok, M.B.E. WALKER, John Hamilton, M.B.B. WALKER, John Jeffrey, M.B.E. Senior Assistant Inspector of Munitions Areas, Ministry of Munitions. (M10260c) WALKER, Capt. John Philip, M.B.E, R.A.F. WALKER, Capt. John William, O.B.E, F.S.A.. J.P, R.A.M.C. (T.), 6. 15 Oct. 1859 ; s. of Thomas Walker, J.P, of Chapelthorpe Hall, Wakefield ; m. Constance Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Holdsworth, J.P, of Bumeytops House, Wakefield. Educ. : Rossall ; Univ. Coll, Hospital, London. Vice- President, Trustee, and Consulting Surgeon, Clayton Hospital, Wakefield ; Visiting Justice, H.M. Prison, Wakefield ; Hon. Life Member, St. John Ambulance Association ; Governor of the Wakefield Charities ; represents Diocese of Wakefield in House of Laymen ; late President, Wakefield Institute of Literature and Science. War Work : Gazetted Capt, R.A.M.C. (T.), and appointed on the Staff of 2nd Northern General Hospital, Beckett Park, Leeds ; started an auxiliary hospital ; representative of the County Branch of the St. John Ambulance Association. Address : The Grange, East Hagbourne, Berks. (011540) WALKER, John William Thomson, O.B.E, M.B, CM, F.R.CS. ; s. of John H. Walker, of Westwood, Newport, Fife; to. Isabella, d. of Sir Michael Nairn, Bart, Dysart House, and Rankeilour, Fife (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Edin burgh Univ. ; Vienna. Surgeon ; Senior Urologist and Lecturer on Urology, King's Coll. Hospital ; Surgeon to St. Peter's Hospital for Stone. War Work : Surgeon to the King George Military Hospital, King Edward VII.'s Hospital for Officers, Lady Carnarvon's Hospital, Lady Ridley's Hospital, Star and Garter ; Member of Advisory Committee to Director-General. Addresses : 30, Queen Anne Street, London, W. 1 ; Burnt- woocL, Goring-on-Thames, Oxon. Club : Caledonian. (04398) WALKER, Capt. Joseph, M.B.E., 6. 1877 ; s. of the late Charles Hy. Walker, of Lindley. Solicitor ; Commissioner for Oaths. War Work : Commissioned in 2/5th Duke of WelUng- ton's (West Riding Regt.) in 1914 ; served until 1919 ; wounded with B.E.F, France, 62nd (West Riding) Division, in 1917 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Marsh House, Lindley, Huddersfield. Club : Huddersfield. (M4310) WALKER, Rev. Joseph Robert, M.B.E. WALKER, Lieut. Keith Jerome, M.B.E. WALKER, Lucy, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 14 Dec. 1862; m. James Clough Walker. War Work: 1914-15, assisted Woman's Club for Wives and Mothers of men serving ; also at Y.M.CA. Hut and Soldiers' Recreation Room; 1915-19, worked at York War Hospital Supply Depot from start to finish ; also assisted at Artificial Limb Depot. (M9935) WALKER, Mabel CaroUne, O.B.E. ; d. of Col. Sir George Gustavus Walker, K.C.B, Crawfordton, Dumfriesshire. Educ : Crawfordton, Dumfriesshire, and London. From 1897 to 1908 Hon. Supt. of Institutes for Soldiers to South Africa; from 1908 to the present time founder and Hon. Supt. of the Soldiers' Institute, York, of which Field Marshal Bari RoDerts was President. War Work : From Dec. 1914, to June, 1917, was a hospital visitor and writer for the wounded In Wiinereux near Boulogne; upon returning to York, enlarged the Insti tute for Soldiers, and opened a hostel-annexe for the relatives of wounded and sick soldiers in the MUitary Hospital. Address : The Soldiers' Institute, Wenlock Terrace, York. Club : New AUiance. (011541) WALKER, Margaret, O.B.B. WALKER, Margaret Dewar, Mrs., M.B.E. WALKER, Maria Edith, Mrs., M.B.B, fi. Nov. 1864; d. of Pereira Brown, Glenworth Hall ; m. Francis John, C.B.E, s. of John West Walker, of Spilsby. Educ. : Brighton. War Work : Commandant of V.A.D. 24 Lines ; Officer-in-Charge of Spilsby Auxiliary Hospital. Address : St. Damian, SpUsby, Lincolnshire. Club : Ladies' V.A.D. (M1057) WALKER, Major(A. Lieut.-Col.) Norman Dunbar, O.B.E, M.B, Ch.B. (Edin.), D.P.H, R.A.M.C, 6. 21 Aug. 1876; s. of A. Dunbar Walker, of Hampstead, London ; m. Norah Dorothy, d. of F. K. CunUffe, of P.W.D. (India) (see Btjkke's Peerage). Educ. : HaUeybury and Merchiston. Assistant Director of Hygiene, Western Command ; Regular Officer ; CivU Surgeon, South Africa, 1900-1 War Work: Baluchis tan, 1914-15; Siestan, 1916; Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force, 1916-18 ; Afghan War, 1919. Address : c/o Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place, S.W. (06718) WALKER, Captain Percy, M.B.B. WALKER, Rev. Raymond EUiston, O.B.E. WALKER, Reginald Field, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 2 June, 1864 ; s. of E. W. Walker, of Esher. Educ : Charter house. Hon. Surgeon, Esher and Thames Ditton Cottage Hospital. War Work : Hon. Surgeon, H.R.H. the Duchess of Albany's Hospital for Officers ; Hon. Surgeon, Mrs. Moreing's Hospital at Moore Place, Esher ; Hon. Surgeon, Esher Red Cross Hospital. Address : The New House, Esher, Surrey. (M9936) WALKER, Lieut. Reginald Henry, M.B.E, R.E. WALKER, Robert, M.B.E. WALKER, Robert John, CB.E, 6. 23 Dec. 1870. Honours MedalUst, Naval Architecture ; Joint Managing Director of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Ltd, Wallsend-on-Tyne. War Work : Associated with the Hon. Sir Charles A. Parsons, K.C.B, F.R.S, to his development of the Steam Turbine for the propulsion of War and Merchant ships. Address : King- mead, Riding-Mill, Northumberland. Clubs : British Empire ; Royal Automobile. (C3020) WALKER, Capt. Samuel, M.B.E. WALKER, Captain Thomas Herbert, M.bB.E. WALKER, Major Thomas Molineaux, O.B.E. WALKER, Capt. and Hon. Major WilUam, C.B.E, T.D, M.I.M.E, M.I.M.M, 6. 26 Dec. 1863 ; s. of WiUiam Walker, of Hinderwell, Yorkshire ; m. Margaret, d. of the late Thomas Dickinson, of Saltburn-by-the-Sea. Educ. : Coatham Grammar School, Redcar, Yorkshire. Mtoing Engineer; H.M. Chief Inspector of Mines. War Work : Member of Coal Export Committee ; Chairman, Mines Rescue Apparatus Research Committee ; Central ColUery Recruiting Court ; Distribution of Coal and Coke Committee. Address : Mapledene, Ashtead, Surrey. (C662) WALKER, Lieut. WiUiam, M.B.E . WALKER, WiUiam, C.B.E, 6. 1863 ; formerly H.M. Inspector of Mines. Director of Health and Safety, Mine9 Department Board of Trade. (C662) WALKER, Wimfred Jane, O.B.E. ; d. of Frederick J. Walker, of Myton Lodge, Warwick. War Work : Worked at HiU House Hospital, Warwick as Quartermaster, 1915-16, and as Commandant, 1916-19. Address : Myton Lodge, Warwick. Club : Albemarle. (011544) WALKER, EUza BAGSHAWE-, M.B.E. WALKER, Sophie, Mrs., GAMBLE-, M.B.E, 6. 21 Nov. 1872 ; d. of Joseph Henry Nixon, of Chester ; to. Sam, s. of Benjamin Walker, of Bradford. Educ. : WUton House School, Chester. Incorporated Society Trained Masseuses. War Work : At the request of the B.R.C.S. opened and fiUed the position of Commandant-in-charge of Lancaster House Red Cross Hospital, later for Limbless SaUors and Soldiers, WhaUey Range, Manchester. Address: Ladies' Club, Deansgate, Manchester. (M9937) WALKER. Lieut.-Col. Joseph Walker HIGGS-, O.B.E. WALKER, Thomas Charles Bruce MACKINTOSH, O.B.E. 530 BIOGRAPHIES. Waller WALKER, Major Archibald STODART-, M.B.B, M.A, MB, CM, F.R.C.P, R.A.M.C, 6. 16 April 1869; s. oi David S. Walker, of Luthrie, Fife. Educ. : Edinburgh ; Paris ; Balogna. Assistant Director, Ministry of Pensions; late Assistant Professor of Institutes of Medicine, and of Clinical Medicine, Univ. of Edin. ; President, Student's Representative CouncU ; President of Union, Univ. of Edin. ; Chairman, Scottish Modern Arts Association ; author of many works on Literary Criticism, Biography, Philosophy, Sport, Fiction, Verse, and contributor to reviews and magazines. War Work : Sec Queen Alexandra Hospital for Officers, 1914 ; joined R A.M.C. 1915 ; Capt. 1916 ; Major, 1918 ; Chief Registrar and Acting Commandant, the JJing's Lancashire Military Con valescent Hospital ; mentioned in Sec. of State for War's List. Club: Caledonian. (M5657) WALKER, Lieut.-Comm. WilUam Frederic WAKE-, WALKEY, Lieut.-Col. Rev. Frank John, O.B.E , M.C, fi. 10 Nov. 1874 ; s. of Thomas Durston Walkey, of Sidmouth, Devonshire ; to. PhiUis, d. of the Rev. C Trim Johnson, of Southbourne, Hants. Educ : Osborne House School, Rom- say, and MetropoUtan CoU, Newington Butts, S.E. Baptist Minister; now Assistant Principal Chaplain, United Army Board, Egyptian Expeditionary Force. War Work : Member of Gateshead Volunteer Training Corps, Jan. to July, 1915 ; Officiating Clergyman, 63rd Div, Aug. to Oct. 1915 ; Com missioned CF, Oct. 1915 ; served with 63rd Northumbrian Division in England Oct. 1915 to AprU, 1916 ; appointed United Board Chaplain, 162nd Brigade, 54th Division, B.E.F, May, 1916: in action with l/4th Northampton Regiment at Gaza, March, AprU, and Nov. 1917 ; Palestine, Nov. to Dec. 1917 ; Senior U.B. Chaplain, Mesopotamia, May, 1918 ; Assistant Principal Chaplain United Board, Egypt, Nov. 1918 ; twice mentioned in despatches. Addresses : Baptist Church House, Southampton Row, W.C; c/o Sir C R. McGrigor, Bart, & Co, Army Agents, London. (O6720) WALKLEY, Major Daniel, O.B.E. WALL, Lieut.-Col. AUan Copinger, O.B.E. WALL, Capt. Anthony Herbert WiUiam, O.B.E. M.C. R.A.F. WALL, Arthur, O.B.E. Director of Dairy Produce in America for the Ministry of Food. (011791ft) WALL, Arthur Joseph, O.B.E, fi. 27 Aug. 1861 ; s. of Capt. Michael Wall, of London ; to. Jessie EUzabeth (who died, Feb. 1907), d. of WiUiam Pratt, of London. Educ. : Battersea Grammar School. Joined the Prison Commission, Sept. 1880 ; appointed Assistant Sec. 1910, and Sec. 1919. War Work : Much work in connection with interned aUens. Addresses: Prison Commission, Home Office, S.W. ; Grange Cottage, 34, Amerland Road, Wandsworth, S.W. 18. (01967) WALL, Arthur Thomas, O.B.E. WALL, Lieut.-Col. Charles Percivale BJigh, O.B.E, M.D. WALL, Lieut.-Col. George, C.M.G, C.B.E.. Gen. List, AustraUan Inf. : served to Great War, 1915-19. (C1846) WALL, Maud Amy Margaret, M.B.B, W.R.N.S. WALL, WiUiam Joseph, M.B.E. WALLACE, Agnes KendaU, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of John Fair, of WUderton^Bournemouth ; m. John Agnew Wallace, D.L, J.P. War Work: County Sec. Red Cross Society. Address: Lochryan, Stranraer, Wigtownshire. (M4056) WALLACE, Augusta Maud, Lady, M.B.B.; d. of Sir Thomas Clouston, of Holodyke, Orkney ; to. Sir David, K.B.E. (_.».), s. of David WaUace, of Balgrummo, Fife. Educ. : St. Leonards School, St. Andrews, and Paris. War Work : Organised and acted as Hon Sec. from 1915-19 of the Edinburgh Victoria League Clubs for Overseas Soldiers ; appointed by military authorities one of the organisers of the reception and feeding of 40,000 repatriated prisoners of war arriving at Leith. Addresses : 29, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh ; Holodyke, Orkney. Clubs : Forum ; Caledonian (Edinburgh). (M1060) WALLACE, Eng.-Comm. Charles James Mitchell, O.B.E, R.N. WALLACE, Major Charles John, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 1890 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. Hugh Robert WaUace, D.S.C. Capt. and Brevet Major, Highland L.I. ; served in Great War (men tioned in despatches). (02777) WALLACE, Brevet-Lieut.-Col. Sir David, K.B.E, C.M.G, E.R.C.S, R.A.M.C (T.), 6. July, 1862 ; s. of David Wallace, of Balgrummo, Fife ; to. Augusta Maud, M.B.E. (q.v.) d. of the late Sir Thomas Clouston, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Dollar Academy, and Edinburgh Univ. Surgeon, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary ; Senior Lecturer and Examiner in CUnical Surgery, Univ. of Edinburgh. War Work: Brevet Lieut.-Col. No. 2 Scottish General Hospital ; Red Cross Commissioner, Eastern District of Scotland; MiUtary Inspector of AuxiUary Hospitals, Eastern District of Scotland. Address : 29, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh.. Club : University (Edinburgh). (K437) . WALLACE, Falconer Lewis, O.B.E, 6. 1870; s. of Alexander F. WaUace, of Candacraig, Strathdon, and 20, Hyde Park Gardens, W. ; to. Kathleen Anne, d. of Admiral Arthur Paget. Educ. : Privately, and Cambridge Univ. Director of Wallace Brothers & Co, Ltd, 4, Crosby Square, London, E.C 3. War Work : Employed at War Office ; Commission Inter nationale de Ravitaiilement ; Investigations into Wages and Conditions of Agricultural Labour, also Farming Costs and Profit and Loss Accounts. Addresses : Tillypronie, Tarland, Aberdeenshire ; Balcaira, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire ; Canda craig, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire ; 40, Brook Street, London, W. 1. Clubs : Brooks's ; Windham ; Boodle's. (0832) WALLACE, Major Forbes Thomson, O.B.E., J.P, b 13 Dec. 1874 ; s. of Michael Thomson Wallace, of Leven, Fife ; m. Mary Rollo, d. of James Clark, of Largo. Educ. : Leven ; Waid Academy, Anstruther; Edinburgh Univ. S.S.C and Notary PubUc ; Agent of British Linen Bank. War Work : Served with l/7th Black Watch, 1914-15, in Scotland and France ; thereafter employed on staff duties in France tiU 1919. Addresses : Ernsyde, Links Road, Leven ; British Linen Bank, Leven. Clubs : Innerleven ; Conservative (Edin.). (05892) WALLACE, James AUred, M.B.E. WALLACE, Major James Hill, O.B.E. WALLACE, John, O.B.E, M.B, CM. WALLACE, Capt. John, O.B.E, M.A, M.B, R.A.M.C. (T. ;fi. 18 March, 1878; s. of Thomas Wallace, M.D, J.P., of Cardiff ; (to. Lilian Beatrice, d. of John Lenton, J.P, of New port, Mon. Educ. : Rugby ; Oxford Univ. ; St. Thomas's Hospital. Director of Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Served with 2nd Welsh Field Ambulance. R.A.M.C (T.) at Suvla Bay, ; attached H.Q. Western Command ; attached War Office ; Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of National Service. Address : 45, Pembroke Square, Earl's Court, W. 8. (01969) WALLACE, Col. Sir Johnstone, K.B.E, J.P, 6. 20 Oct. 1861 • s. of Thomas Wallace, of Castledawson ; to. Norah, d. of John B. Bowes, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Educ : Westgate Academy, and Rutherford Technical Coll. Iron and Steel Exporter and Merchant; Director of the BngUsh In surance Co, Ltd. ; Alderman; Sheriff (1906-7) ; Lord Mayor (1913-14) of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Chairman of Finance Committee ; Chairman of Laing Art Gallery ; Vice-Chairman of Education Committee. War Work : 1914, was responsible for raising Tyneside Brigades of Northumberland Fusiliers (two brigades and reserves); instituted Lord Mayor's War Relief Fund ; Hon. Col. of Northumberland FusiUers ; was Deputy Director of Trades Section in National Service Ministry. Address : Parkholme, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Clubs : Junior Constitutional ; Northern Conservative (Newcastle-upon- Tyne). (K41) WALLACE, John Thompson, M.B.E. WALLACE, Sir Lawrence Aubrey, K.B.E, C.M.G, fi. 1857 ; s. of John Henry Wallace ; to. Marguerite Marie, C.B.E, d. of Henry Duboc, of Le Havre. Administrator of Northern Rhodesia (ret.). War Work : As Administrator of Northern Rhodesia, where von Lettow surrendered. Address : Lynton, Bromley Grove, Shortlands, Kent. Club : Royal Societies'. (K125) WALLACE, Margaret Janet, M.B.E. WALLACE, Marguerite Marie, Lady, CB.E. ; d. of Prof. Henry Duboc, of Le Havre, France ; to. Sir Lawrence Aubrey, K.B.E. (see Bukke'S Peerage), s. of the late John Henry Wallace. Address : Nynton, Bromley Grove, Shortlands, Kent. (C2027) WALLACE, Ottiline, Mrs., O.B.E., W.R.N.S. WALLACE, Col. Robert Hugh, C.B, C.B.E, M.A., D.L, 6. 14 Dec. 1860 ; s. of the late WiUiam Nevin WaUace, D.L, of Downpatrick, Co. Down ; m. CaroUne Wilhelmina, d. of John Benjamin Twigg, of Cootstown, Co. Tyrone. Educ : Harrow, and B.N.C, Oxford. SoUcitor, and Land Agent. War Work : Organised and commanded successively 17th (Reserve) Batt. Royal Irish Rifles, and 19th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles. Address : Myra Castle, Downpatrick ; Waterfoot, Newcastle, Co. Down. Clubs : Carlton ; Ulster (Belfast). (C2188) WALLACE, Lieut. Robert Stuart, M.B.E. WALLACE, WUUam, C.B.E, J.P. ; s. of WilUam WaUace, of Glasgow ; to. Barbara, d. of Alexander Munro. Educ : Glasgow Academy and Univ. Sheriff-Substitute of ArgyU- shire ; Advocate of Scottish Bar ; author of numerous legal works. War Work : President of West Highland Sailors' and Soldiers' Home ; Sub-commandant of Argyllshire National luards ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. of Lome Division of Red Cross Society from 1912-16 ; Chairman of West Highland Recon struction and of Oban and District Local Employment Com mittees. Address : Glenlee, Oban, ArgyUshire. Clubs : Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh) ; Royal Highland Yacht (Oban). (C3021) WALLACE, WilUam Reeve, O.B.B, fi. 1 July, 1873 ; s. of WUliam WaUace, of the Bank of England. Educ. : St. Paul's. Admitted a Solicitor, 1896 ; Official Solicitor's Dept, Royal Courts of Justice, 1896-1902 ; entered Privy Council Office, 1902 ¦ Chief Clerk, J-ucidial Dept, Privy CouncU Office, since 1909 ' War Work : Acting Superintending Aliens Officer, 1916-19. Addresses: Judicial Dept, Privy CouncU Office, S.W. 1 ; 4, Waverton Street, Mayfair, W. 1. Clubs : Athe naeum - Savile (O8oo) WALLACE,' Charles Nugent HOPE-, M.B.E. WALLER, Rev. Alfred George, O.B.E. WALLER, Major Edgar Hardress, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WALLER, Lieut.-Col. Edmund, O.B.E, LA. WALLERS, Sir Evelyn A., M.B.E WALLER, Capt. James Hardress de Warrenne, D.S.O, OBE M.Sc, M.E, 6. 31 July, 1884 ; s. of George Arthur Walier'of Prior Park and Luska, Nenagh ; to. Beatrice Francis, d of Richard John Kinkead, M.D, of Forster House, Galway. Edw • Queen's Coll, Cork. Chief Engineer, Waller Housing Corporation, 16, Albemarle Street, W. 1. War Work : Served in Royal Engineers (Field Company) at Gallipoli and Salonica ; 531 Waller THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. late Acting Major ; Chief Technical Adviser in Reinforced Con crete Construction to Controller-General, Merchant Shipbuilding. Address : Luska, Nenagh. (011547) WALLER, John, M.B.E, fi. 13 June, 1862. Deputy Chief Constable, Durham. (M9940) WALLER, Col. Stanier, C.V.O, O.B.E. WALLERS, Sir Evelyn Ashley, K.B.E, fi. 28 May 1876 ; m. Mary Elsie Dumbelton, of Elstree. Educ. : Enfield. Went to Transvaal, 1897. President of the Transvaal Chamber of Mines. Address : Elstree, West Parktown, Johannesburg. Clubs : Rand . Country ; Johannesburg. (K187) WALLINGER, Capt. WiUiam Arnold, 0 B.E. WALLINGTON, Augusta Frances, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Sir John W. WaUington, K.C.B, of Keevil Manor, Trowbridge, WUtshire. War Work : Commandant of Trowbridge Red Cross Hospital from Jan. 1915, to AprU, 1919. Address : Hilperton, Trowbridge, WUtshire. (011548) WALLINGTON, Major Christopher Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. WALLIS, Claude Dudley, M.B.E, 6 31 Dec. 1885 ; s. of Henry Clobery WalUs, of Dieppe, France. Educ. : Bedford, and Europe. Colonial CivU Service ; Sec. to the Government of the Zanzibar Protectorate. War Work : Military Com mandant and Officer-in-Charge of the occupied Enemy Territory in Central East Africa, comprised by the Island of Mafia and its adjacent islands. Address : Zanzibar, East Africa. (M6489) WALLIS, Lieut.-Col. Henry CUflord, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WALLIS, Henry Richard, C.M.G, C.B.E. WALLIS, Robert, M.B.E. WALLIS, Lieut. Tacy MiUett Winstanley, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. WALMSLEY, Ben, C.B.E, 6. 24 March, 1871 ; s. of Thomas M. Walmsley, of Bolton-le-Moors ; to. Laura Waldyve Champernowne, d. of the Rev. J. Willtagton, of Fen End. Educ. : Giggleswick. War Work : Ministry of Munitions, May, 1916, to June, 1919 ; Director of Pig Iron Section, Don and Steel Department ; later Director of Iron and Steel Con tracts, finally Controller, Ferrous Metals Department. Address : Baddesley Grange, Northam, N. Devon. Clubs : Bath ; Royal North Devon Golf (Westward Ho 1) (C3022) WALMSLEY, Capt. George, O.B.E, K.R.R.C. WALMSLEY, Capt. Harry Hendon, O.B.E, R.A.F. WALPOLE, Charles Archibald, O.B.E, 6. 25 March, 1881 ; s. of Sir Charles Walpolle, of Broadford, Chobham (see Bdkke's Peerage). Educ. : Eton, and Trinity Coll. Cambridge. General Manager, Anglo-Persian Oil Co, Ltd, Mohammerah, Persian Gulf. War Work : Held the above position throughout the war, during which the Anglo-Persian OU Co. supplied the entire requirements of the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force of oU, petrol, etc. Address : Mohammerah, Persian Gulf. Clubs : New University ; East India United Services. (04144) WALPOLE, Hugh Seymour, C.B.E, fi. 13 March, 1884; s. of the Rt. Rev. George Henry Somerset Walpole 'see Burke's Peerage, Orford, E.). (C322) WALSH, Ann PoUexfen, Mrs, M.B.E, WALSH, Capt. Arthur, M.B.E. WALSH, Arthur Edward, M.B.E. WALSH, Capt. George Gould, O.B.B, I.A.R.O. WALSH, Flying Officer George Victor, M.B.B, R.A.F. WALSH, Ivy, Mrs,O.B.E. WALSH, Lieut.-Col. John Gustavus RusseU, O.B.E, 6. 1865 ; s. of Col. 0. G. Walsh, of 15th Sikhs ; m. Frances May, d. of Arthur Norcott, of Park, Doneraile, Co. Cork. Educ. : Privately ; Royal MiUtary Coll, Sandhurst. Gazetted Royal Berks. Regt. in 1887 ; served in Burma, 1888, medal and clasp, and throughout S. African War, Queen aud King's Medals, 2 clasps each. War Work : Served in India with 2nd Batt. Royal Berks. Regt. Oct. 1914 ; France, Nov. 1914 ; dangerously wounded ; Commandant of Command Depot since June, 1916 ; transferred to Command Regimental Depot, Nov. 1917 ; retired, Nov. 1919 ; Mons Star (1914 and clasp). G.S. Medal, and Victory Medal. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (078081 WALSH, Marguerite Mary, M.B E. WALSH, William Thomas, M.B.E WALSH, WUUam Trevor Hayne, M.B.E, M.A. (Oxon.), 6. 26 June, 1866 ; s. of the late William Walsh, Bishop, Arch deacon, and Canon of Canterbury. Educ. : Berkhamsted ; Merchant Taylors' ; St. John's Coll, Oxford. Assistant Master, Mercers' School ; Assistant Sec. Kent Education Committee ; Sub-Section Director, Training Section, Ministry of Munitions ; Section Duector, Training Department, Ministry of Labour. War Work : Ministry of Munitions (Training Section) from Jan. 1916. Address : ChUlenden, 38, Temple Fortune Lane, Hendon, N.W. 4. Club : Athenaeum. (M9944) „^ALSHE' Mai°r Francis Martin Rose, O.B.B, M.D, R.A.M.C WALSHE, Paymaster-Comm. Francis Weldon, O.B.E, R.N. ' WALTER, Major Albert Elijah, O.B.E, I.M.S. WALTER, Capt. Archibald Stephen, O.B B WALTER, Edna, M.B.E. SPIES' Margaret Jean, Mrs. Albert Elijah, M.B.E. WALTER, Capt. Weever Kenneth, M.B E. WALTERS, .Lieut.-Col. Alfred, O.B.B, T.D, 6. 1867; s. of Richard Walters, of Falmouth ; m. Florence Elizabeth, d. of James Thomas, of Portscatho. Educ. : The Coll, Truro. solicitor. War Work: Commanding T.F. Depot, Duke of 532 ComwaU's Light Infantry ; served in Command, Labour Corps Record Office, Nottingham. Address : Camborne, Cornwall. (O4280) WALTERS, Evelyn Mayura, Mrs, C.B.E, 6.1881; d. of Conrad William Engleheart, of 6, Shaftesbury ViUas, W 8 • m. Comm. Richard Huth Walters, D.S.O, R.N. Educ. '¦ Privately, and Hyde Park Ne>v Coll. London. Hon. Sec. and Director, Kensington Div. B.R.C.S. during Great War. (C323) WALTERS, Henry Beauchamp, O.B.E, M.A, F S A fi. 6 April, 1867 ; s. of the Rev. WiUiam Walters, Vicar of Oldham, Lanes, afterwards Archdeacon of Worcester; m. Margaret, d. of Francis Edward Thompson, of Marlborough," and 16, Primrose Hill Road, N.W. Educ. : Eton, and King's Coll, Cambridge. Dept. of Greek and Roman Antiquities British Museum, Assistant Keeper from 1911. War Work': Head of Naval Supplies Section, Commission Internationale de RavitaiUement, 1916-19. Addresses : 36, Oppidans Road N.W. 3 ; British Museum, W.C. 1. (011549) WALTERS, Henry Blanchard, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R C P (Lond.), 6. 20 Nov. 1879 ; s. of John Walters, M.B, of Reigate ¦ m. Grace, d. of Robert Heppenstall, of Ealing. Educ : Clifton Coll. War Work : M.O. V.A. Hospital, Chudleigh, Sir Ernest Cable's Hospital for Officers, Teignmouth, Canadian Forestry Corps, Mamhead and Kenton Camps, and P.O.W. Camp Starcross. Address : Fairlea, Chudleigh, S. Devon. (O11550) WALTERS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John Douglas, MBE R.E. ' '* WALTERS, Lieut.-Col. Robert Franois, O.B.E. WALTERS, Samuel, M.B.E. WALTERS, Winifred Edith, M.B.E.; d. of R. B. Walters, of Wales. Trained Nurse ; Lady Superintendent, Civil Hospital, Karachi. War Work : Worked in Officers' Overseas Sick and Wounded War Section of the Civil Hospital, Karachi, Sind, India. Address : Civil Hospital, Karachi, Sind, India. (M6268) WALTHALL, Capt. Henry Douglas Delves, O.B.E. WALTHAM, Amy, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Thomas Perrett Waltham, of Spaxton Court, Somerset. War Work : Assist. County Director of the Berkshire Branch of the British Red Cross Society. Address : 53, RusseU Street, Reading. (011551) WALTON, CecU, O.B.E, J.P. ' WALTON, Lieut. Cyril Glanmore, M.B.E, R.E. (T.). WALTON, Frank NeviUe, O.B.E, s. of Thomas Walton, of Cold Brayfield, Bucks. Banker. War Work : Bankers to Armies of Occupation, E.E.F, M.E.F. and I.E.F, and Austra lian and N. Zealand Forces. Address : Koubbeh Bridge, Cairo. Clubs : Constitutional ; Automobile ; Turf (Cairo). (01152) WALTON, Major George Laird, O.B.B, R.E. WALTON, Lieut.-Col. GranviUe, O.B.E, R.E. WALTON, Harold Conrad, M.B.E. WALTON, Major Harry, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. WALTON, Comm. Henry Lavington, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. ; s. of John Walton, of York ; m. Georgina Helen Burns, d. of Capt. W. B. Lawrence, of HuU. Educ. : St. Olave's School, York. Marine Superintendent, EUerman's Wilson Line, Wilson and N.B. Rly. Shipping Co. ; Hon. Com mander, HuU Boys' Naval Brigade ; Member of Navy League Sea Training, and of National War Savings Committees. War Work : Marine Supt. EUerman Wilson Line. Address : Westmont, Newland Park, HuU. (011553) WALTON, John Thomas, M.B.E. WALTON, NelUe, Mrs., M.B.E, fi. 6 Jan. 1876; d. ot John de Home, of London ; to. Alexander Frederic Walton ( killed in action). War Work : Head of Registry, and Women's Welfare Supervisor in War Priorities Committee (Branch of War Cabinet), and in co-ordination of Demobilisation Section, War Cabinet Offices. (M9947) WALTON, Lieut.-Col. Robert Henry, O.B.E, M.D, WALTON, Stanley, M.B.E. WALTON, Sydney, C.B.E, 6. 25 Oct. 1882 ; s. of Robert Thomas Walton, of Weardale ; to. Emma, d. of Ralph White, of Gosforth. Educ. : Univ. CoU, Durham. Journalist, War Work : Ministry of Munitions ; Ministry of Food, personal staff of Lord Rhondda and later the Principal; Private Sec. to the Food Controller. Address : 5, St. James's Place, London, S.W. 1. Clubs : Devonshire ; Aldwych. (C663) WALTON, Thomas Frederiok, O.B B WALTON, Sir William, K.B.E, J.P, for Berkshire, 6. 1844 ; s. of Charles Walton, of Croydon. Vice-President, Admiralty Transport Arbitration Board; formerly Head of Walton's & Co, Solicitors. Address: Donington Holt, Newbury Bucks. Club : Reform. (K42) WALWYN, Major Charles Lawrence Tyndale, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.C, R.H.A, 6. 20 April, 1920; s. of Col. James' Walwyn, of Croft-y-Bwla, Monmouth. Educ. : Stubbington House, Fareham, and Wellington CoU. War Work: Lieut. E Battery, R.H.A, 3rd Cav. Bgde. ; served in France from Aug. 1914, and throughout the war. Address: R.A. Mess, Weedon, Northants. Club : Junior United Service. (08963) WALWYN, Flying Officer Roderick Aylward SHEP- HEARD-, M.B.E, R.A.F. WANLISS, Lieut.-Col. Cecil, O.B.B, (ret. pay), 6. 19 Oct. 1866 ; 3rd s. of T. D. Wanliss, late Member of Legislative Council of Victoria, Australia; m. Honora Louise, d. of Major J. Vaughan- Arbuckle, Royal Marine Light Infantry. Educ : Royal Mihtary CoU., Sandhurst. War Work : Servedin France with the B.B.F. in command of the 2nd Bn. South Lancashire BIOGRAPHIES. Ward Regt, and subsequently in command of the 10th Batt. South Lancashire Regt, and 52nd Bn. Manchester Regt. ; pro ceeded with the latter battaUon to Germany in Feb. 1919, where it formed part of the Rhine Army ; appointed to the Inter- Allied Rhineland High Commission in Jan. 1920. Address : Rhineland High Commission, Cologne. (07813) WANSBROUGH, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Peroival, CB.E, A.I.A, F.CI.I, 6. 4 June, 1875 ; s. of the late Rev. Chas. E. Wansbrough; m. Fuchsia Gertrude, d. of the late J. Lyddon Roberts. Educ : Kingswood School, Bath. Assistant Sec, Eagle, Star, and British Dominions Insurance Co, Ltd, Royal Exchange Avenue, London, E.C. IT'or Work : Assistant to Deputy Director of SuppUes Investigation Department Supply Directorate, British Expeditionary Force, France, Nov. 1914, to March, 1919. Addresses: 22, Regents Court, Hanover Gate, London, N.W.; 3. London Wall Buildings, E.C. Club: Gresham. (C1342) WARBURG, Capt. Osear Emanuel, O.B.E, fi. 6 Feb 1876 ; s. of Fredric EUas Warburg, of London ; m. Catherine Widdrington, d. of Mr. Justice Byrne. Educ. : Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Member of the London County CouncU from 1910. War Work : Served in R.G.A. (S.R.) and IntelUgence Corps. Addresses : 2, Craven Hill, London. W. 2 ; Boidier, Headley, Epsom. Clubs : Reform ; Gresham. (07814) WARBURTON, AUred, M.B.E, 6. 19 May, 1873 ; s. of Alfred Warburton, of Altrincham ; to. Maria, d. of John Windle, of Moss Side, Manchester. Departmental Director at Chas. Macintosh Co, Ltd, India Rubber Manufacturers, Man chester ; served through the South African campaign with the R.A.M.C War Work : Did duty for B.R.C.S. at Moorlands Hospital, Kersal; later was appointed Officer-in-charge of Station Party for the unloading of ambulance trains at Mayfield Station, Manchester, and was given the rank of Commandant. Address : Cathcart, Richmond Avenue, Prestwich. (M9950) WARBURTON, Surg.-Lieut.-Comdr. LleweUyn Rhys, 0.B.E, R.N. WARBURTON, Mabel Clarisse, M.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1879 ; d. of Thomas Frederick Warburton, of King's Langley, Herts. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. Late Principal of British Syrian Training CoU, Beyrout, Syria ; now Principal of British High School for Girls, Jerusalem. War Work : Canteen work in Cairo ; Service in Minien Hospital, Upper Egypt, during the Senussi campaign, May, 1916, to Sept. 1916 ; ReUef work in Palestine under the Syria and Palestine Relief Fund. Addresses : British High School, Jerusalem, Palestine ; Bradwell House, near Wolverton. Buck*. (M9951) WARBURTON, Lieut. Peter, M.B.E, R.G.A, and R.F.A. WARBURTON, Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 6 June, 1852 ; s. of Thomas Warburton, of Heaton Mersey ; to. Clara, d. of Enos Barrowclough, of Heaton Mersey. Educ : Heaton Mersey. Managing Director, Bleachers Association, Ltd, 4, Norfolk Street, Manchester. War Work : Assisting Government in labour matters, the supply of munitions, and surgical requisites. Address: The HolUes, Woodbrook Road, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. (0835) WARBURTON, Walter GranviUe, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 11 April, 1877 ; s. of Thomas Warburton, of Manchester ; to. Edith, d. of Frank Reddaway, J.P, of Winmarleigh HaU, Garstang. Educ. : Manchester. CivU Engineer. War Work : Deputy Coal ControUer, India. Address : Bombay. Clubs : R.A.C, London; Yacht (Bombay) ; Sind (Karachi). (08314) WARD, Ada Grace, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 18 March, 1868 ; d. of William HaU, of Treelands, Leckhampton ; to. Charles Albert John, s. of George Ward, of Fairfield House, Leckhampton. Educ. : Chellinham. War Work : Commandant of Leckhamp ton Court V.A. Hospital, and Glos. 42 detachment. Address : Treelands, Leckhampton. (M2601) WARD, Capt. Alexander Ivan, M.B.E, D.A.I. WARD, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Blackwood, C.B.E, D.S.O, B.A, M.B, B.C. (Cantab), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), fi. 2 July, 1870 ; s. of the late John Hext Ward, of New Wands worth, and H.M. Inland Revenue ; to. Angela Susan Dorothea, d. of the late Henry Finch, J.P, of Redheath, Herts. Educ. : Christ's Hospital, Selwyn CoU. Cambridge, and St. Bartholo mew's Hospital, London. Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Officer Commanding No. 1 GeneralHospital.CapeTown (German S.-W. African Campaign); Officer Commanding 1st South African General Hospital, ¦B.E.F. France ; D.D.M.S. South African Contingent (T. Col.). Addresses : Headquarters, Ministry of Pensions, Stoney Street, Nottingham ; Western House, East Leake, Notts. (C2203) WARD, Col. Arthur John HansUp, M.B.E, V.D, 6. 20 July, 1859 • s. of Robert Arthur Ward, of Ray Park, Maidenhead ; m. Eleanor Katherine Mignot Ward, d. of John Brown, of Alt- wood, Maidenhead. Educ. : Cranford Coll, Maidenhead. Solicitor; Town Clerk of Harwich ; Registrar of County Court ; Deputy Lieut, of Essex. War Work : late Chairman of Harwich Garrison Emergency Committee and Chief Special Constable ; Member of Advisory Committee for County. Address : The Gables, Dovercourt. (M4059) WARD, Lieut.-Col. BasU Seth, O.B.E. WARD, Beatrice Gascoigne, O.B.B. WARD, Comm. Bernard John Hamilton, O.B.E. WARD, Caroline Theodora, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 7 June, 1868 ; a. of Frank Pooley, of Liverpool ; to. Frank, s. of Thomas Ward, of Oxford. Educ. : Privately. Sister, Guy's Hospital. War Work: Commandant of V.A.D. Surrey 88; also of fiurntwood Red Cross Hospital of Caterham, Surrey. Club : '"""¦' Army and Navy. (M1064) 53 WARD, Paymaster-Capt. Charles Allen, C.B.E, R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (01950) WARD, Charlotte Sarah, Mrs., M.B.E. WARD, Lieut.-Col. Edward, M.B.E, 6. 10 Oct. 1852 ; s. of WilUam Robert Ward, of Co. Down, Ireland ; m. Harriette CaroUne, d. of J. S. Maconchy, of Kilvare, Templeogue, Co. Dublin. Educ. : Winchester CoU. Royal Artillery. War Work : Assistant Inspector, Army Inspection Staff, at Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (M2602) WARD, Sir Edward Willis Duncan, Bart., G.B.E, K.C.B, K.C.V.O, 6. 17 Oct. 1853 ; s. of Capt. John Ward, R.N. ; to. Florence Caroline, d. of H. M. Simons. Educ. : Privately. Chairman and Director of several companies ; Officer of Legion of Honour, and Knight of Grace Order of St. John of Jerusalem. War Work : Commanding and Chief Staff Officer MetropoUtan Special Constabulary ; Director-General of Voluntary Organisa tions ; Chairman of Camps Library ; in administrative charge of Colonial Contingents, 1914 ; Member of Overseas Forces Committee ; Chairman of Council Union Jack Club for Sailors and Soldiers ; Chairman of Union Jack Hostel for married Sailors and Soldiers and their famUies ; Chairman of Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Address : 5, Welbraham Place, Sloane Street, London, S.W. Clubs : Carlton ; Travellers' ; United Service ; Ranelagh ; Junior Naval and Military. (G44) WARD, Lieut.-Col. Ellaeott Leamon, C.B.E, I.M.S, 6. 28 April, 1873 ; s. of WilUam PhiUp Ward, of Plymouth ; to. Charlotte Lyne, d. of William Edward Lyne Veale, of Plymouth. Educ. : King's School, Chester. Inspector-General of Prisons, Punjab, India. War Work : Raised two Labour BattaUons from prisoners in Punjab jails ; re-organised Punjab JaU Department for war work. Clubs : East India United Service (London) ; United Service (Simla) ; Punjab (Lahore, India). (C1093) WARD, Elsmie, M.B.E. WARD, Ernest, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. WARD, Frederick Josiah, C.B.E, fi. 1861 ; to. Rose, d. of George Greaves Brooks. Entered Admiralty Service, 1887 ; appointed Supermtendent of Torpedo Stores, May, 1917, and Deputy Director of Armament Supply, Jan. 1919. Address : Fairlight, Elm Bank Gardens, Barnes, Surrey. Club : Royal Automobile. (C3023) WARD, Col. Gerard Arnold, C.B.E. Col. New Zealand Forces ; served in Great War, 1915-19 (mentioned to despatches). (C1877) WARD, Henry, M.B.E, J.P. for Somerset, 6. 29 Feb. 1848; s. of Henry Ward, of Hayle, CornwaU; to. Isabella Margaret, d. of WUliam May, of Lanceston, CornwaU. Edue. : Crowern, Cornwall. Chairman of Council Weston-super-Mare ; Magistrate. War Work : Chairman of Tribunal, War Savings Committee, Food Control, Coal Control, and Belgian Refugee Committees. Address : BeeuUeu, Clarence Park, Weston-super- Mare. Club : Weston County. (M9953) WARD, Lieut.-Col. Henry Charles Swinburne, O.B.E. WARD, Capt. Horace Edward, O.B.B. WARD, Howard Percy, M.B.E, M.B, M.R.C.S. WARD, Jean Templeton, Hon. Lady, C.B.E, Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, d. ol the late Hon. Whitelaw Reid, U.S.A. Ambassador in London ; to. Major the Hon. Sir John Hubert, K.C.V.O, C.V.O, M.V.O. ; Equerry in Ordinary to King Edward VII, 2nd s. of 1st Earl of Dudley (see Bukke'S Peerage). Addresses : Dudley House, Park Lane ; Chilton, Hungerford, Berks. (C664) WARD, Jeannie Wright, M.B.E, d. John Lipson Ward, J.P, of Belgrave House, Leicester. Educ. : Wyggestm High School, Leicester. War Work : Welfare Supervision at National Projectile Factory, Nottingham ; Organised Recreation Huts for the Q.M.A.A.C. and W.R.A.F. in the Southern Command for the Y.W.C.A. Address : Belgrave House, Leicester. (M4060) WARD, Major John, O.B.E, fi. June, 1858 ; s. of the late George Ward, of Co. Galway ; m. Esther, d. of the late Joseph Jordan, of Co. Down. Educ. : Privately. Chief Recrmtmg Officer, Dublin. War Work : Served in the South African War, 1899-1902 ; mentioned in despatches ; Queen's Medal, six clasps ; King's Medal, two clasps ; promoted Major for Distinguished Service 1910; 1914-20, Chief Recruiting Officer DubUn Area. Address: 4, Elm Grove, Ranelagh, Dublin. WARD, Lieut.-Comm. John ChappeU, M.B.E. WARD, Major John Dudley, O.B.E. A.P.D. WARD, John Henry, M.B.E. WARD, Comm. John Richard Le Hunte, CB.E, R.N, 6 18 March, 1870 ; s. of Thomas Le Hunte Ward, C.B. (see BUKKE'S Peerage, Bangor, V.) ; to. Violet Ella Mary, d. of the late Col. B. E. Ward (see BURKE'S Peerage, Bangor, V.). Ad dress : Heath Cottage, Yelverton, S. Devon. Club : Army and Navy (LZZ28) WARD, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John Stanley, O.B.E, Can. WARD, Engineer-Capt. John Tom Hickman, C.B.E, M V 0 , R.N, 6. 1862. Engineer, 1889 ; Chief Engineer, 1898 ; Engineer-Comm. 1902; Engineer-Capt. (ret.) 1912 ; served to Roy. Yacht "Victoria and Albert,' 1908-12 ; on Staff of Senior Naval Officer, Liverpool, 1914-19. (C2326) WARD, Major Joseph Corbett, O.B.E, WARD, Leonard, O.B.E. Ward THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. WARD, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Lionel Antony Parry, O.B.E, A I F. WARD, Mary Alexandria, M.B.E, R.R.C, 6. 13 July, 1866 ; s. of John Mosebury Ward, of Brentwood, Essex. Nursing Sister in Nigeria from 1899-1917 under the Colonial Government ; now Matron Princess Christian Mission Hospital, Sierra Leone : nursing at Cape Coast Castle during Ashanti rising, 1900 (Ashanti Medal) ; at Tower Hill MiUtary Hospital Sierra Leone during influenza epidemic 1918. Address : Princess Christian Mission Hospital, Sierra Leone, W. African.(M9956) WARD, Lieut.-Col. Montague Charles Pearson, C.B.E, R.A, 6. 1869 . Served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1805) WARD, Capt. the Hon. Robert Arthur, O.B.E, fi. 23 Feb. 1871 ; s. of William, 1st Earl of Dudley, of Witley Court, Worcester (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; to. Lady Mary, d. of 4th Earl of Gosford, of Gosford Castle, Co. Armagh, Ireland (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Eton, and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. War Work : Served on General Staff in France, Flanders, GalUpoli, Egypt, Russia, and Italy, 1914-19. Address : Turf Club, London. (08964) WARD, Theresa Dorothea, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of — - de Smith ; to. Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Ward, P.C, K.C.M.G, 1st Bart, s. of WiUiam Thomas Ward. Address : 122, Twakori Road. WeUington, New Zealand. (C374) WARD, Major and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, O.B.E. WARD, Lieut. Tom, M.B.E. WARD, Thomas Henry, M.B.E, 6. 28 April, 1886. Civil Service Clerk. War Work : Sec. and Assistant Director, Central Register of Belgian Refugees ; appointed Chevalier de I'Ordre de la Couronne by H.M. the King of Belgium. (M9957) WARD, Col. Walter Reginald, C.B.E. Col. Canadian Gen. List. (C84) WARD, Lieut.-Col. WilUam, O.B.E, L.R.I.B.A, fi. 31 May, 1879 ; s. of William Henry Ward, of Bangor, Co. Down, Ireland, and Handsworth, Staffordshire ; m. Eunice Hirst, only d. of W. Rylands MeUor, of Lapworth, Warwickshire. Educ. : Rugby. War Work : Served with B.E.F. France and Belgium, 242nd Brigade, R.F.A, seconded in Dec. 1917, to Ministry of Munitions ; transferred in March, 1918, to Ministry of Labour ; District Director appointments Dept. for counties of Stafford, Warwick, Salop, Worcester, Hereford, Gloucester, Oxford, Bucks, and Berks. Member of Executive Committee of the Officers Association, Birmingham Branch. Address : Dariey Mill, Knowle, Warwickshire. Club : Union, Birmingham. (011555) WARD, WiUiam Pettit, O.B.E. WARD, Capt. William Robert, O.B.E. WARD, Isabel Mary, Mrs. DESBOROUGH-, M.B.B., 6. 7 July, 1877; d. of WilUam Bumyeat, J.P, D.L, of MiU- grove, Whitehaven ; m. George, s. of WiUiam C Ward, of Victoria, B.C. Educ. : Cheltenham. War Work : Comman dant of V.A.D, 12 Cumberland, and Whitehaven Auxiliary MiUtary Hospital. Address : RosehUl, Whitehaven. (M9955) WARDE, Ambrose Huntington, O.B.B, M.R.C.S, WARDE, Lieut.-Col. Charles Edward, O.B.E. WARDE, Sir Charles Edward, Bart, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. 25 Dec. 1845 ; s. of General Sir Edward Warde ; m. Helen Caroline, d. of the late Viscount de Stern. Late 4th Hussars ; Commanded West Kent Yeomanry, 1898-1905 ; M.P. for Mid Kent, 1892-1918. War Work: Commanded the 4th Roy al West Kent Volunteer Battalions through the War ; converted House into a Private Hospital. Address : Barham Court, Maidstone. Clubs : Carlton ; Naval and Military ; Automobile. (07818) WARDE, Capt. Frank, O.B.E. WARDE, Lieut.-Col. Henry Murray Ashley, CB.E, 6. 3 Sept. 1850 ; s. of Sir Edward Warde, K.B.C, R.H.A. ; to. Louisa Annie (who died 24 Dec. 1916), d. of WUmot Lane, Indian CivU Service. Educ. : Privately. Served in the XIX Hussars, from 1872-95 • Chief Constable of the County of Kent from 1895. War Work : Supervision of the Police, most strenuous work owing to the frequent raids over and enormous War Traffic through Kent. Address : GaUants, East Farleigh, Maidstone. Clubs : Junior United Service ; Cavalry. (C3024) WARDELL, Lieut. John Stewart Miohael, M.B.E. WARDEN, Henry George, M.B.E. WARDEN, Lieut.-Col. John Weightman, D.S.O, O.B.B, 6. 1871; s. of George Albert Warden; m. Jessie Evelyn Whittaker, of Pittsfield, Mass, U.S.A. Lieut.-Col. Canadian Inf., serving at War Office ; Coronation medal (1911) ; S. African Constabulary, 1901-6; S. African War, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with five clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (wounded ; despatches twice). Clubs : Junior Naval and MUitary ; United Service (Vancouver). (04267) WARDEN, Capt. Robert Campbell, C.B.E, WARDEN, Comm. Robert Cunningham, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. WARDER, Gerald Edwin, M.B.E, WARDLE, Charles, MB.B. WARDLE, Flora, Mrs, M.B.E. WARDLE, Percy Thomas, M.B.E. WARDLE, Capt. WiUiam George James, M.B.E, R.A.F. WARDROP, Major David Rish, O.B.B, A.P.D. WARDROPER, Capt. Arthur Kingsley, M.B.E. WARDROPER, Lieut. Percy Redesdale, M.B.E. WARE, Major-Gen. Sir Fabian Arthur Goulstone, K.B.E. C.B, C.M.G, 6. 17 June, 1869 ; s. of Charles Carew Ware, of Clifton ; to. Anna Margaret, d. of W. E. Phibbs, of Clifton. Educ : Privately ; Universities of London and Paris (B. es Science). Permanent Vice-Chairman, Imperial War Graves Commission. War Work : 1914, Commanded Red Cross Unit at Front ; 1915, Director of Graves Registration and Enquiries, B.E.F, France ; 1917, Director-General of G.R. and E, War Office ; mentioned in despatches (twice) ; Commander Order of Leopold (Belgium) ; Chevalier LCgion d'honnenr ; Croix de Guerre with palms (France). Address: 41, Gloucester Terrace, London, W. 2. (K445) WARE, Louisa, M.B.B, 6. Jan. 1873 ; d. of James Ware, of Wanstead. Head Mistress of the Wanstead Church of England Infants' School. War Work : Red Cross Nurse, attached to Essex 56 Detachment ; Hon. Sec. of the Wanstead War Savings Committee at its formation in Oct. 1916, and held this Office until the end of the year, 1919. Address: 13, Gordon Road, Wanstead, E. 11. (M9959) WARE, Ralph Ernest, M.B.B, F.C.A, 6. 14 May, 1883 ; s. of Charles Stancomb Ware, of Bristol ; to. Hilda Marguerite, ¦1. of O. Croom Johnson, of Clifton. Educ. : Clevedon. Char tered Accountant Partner in Ware, Ward & Co, Bristol. Exeter, and Torquay. War Work : 2nd Lieut. Army Cyclist Corps ; attached from 1918-19 to Ministry of Munitions, as Assistant Director of Finance to Central Stores Department, owing to ill health contracted on service. Addresses : Rodney House, Union Road, Exeter ; 50, High Street, Exeter ; 7, Unity Street, CoUege Green, Bristol ; 4, Fleet Street, Torquay. Clubs : Devon and County (Exeter). (M9960) WARE, Capt. Sampson Weston Percy, O.B.E., R.E. (T.) WAREHAM, Paymaster-Lieut. Stuart Waldron, O.B.E, R.N. WARING, Lieut.-Col. Edmund Henry, O.B.E. WARING. Eleanor Gladys, O.B.E, 6. 1894; d. of Sir Samuel Waring, Bart, of Foots-Cray Place, Kent. Educ: Folkestone. Divisional Commissioner, Girl Guides. War Work : Worked in connection with Hosp. Entertainments for wounded, and raising funds for War Charities, Local Girl Guide organization for Princes of Wales' Fund and Y.M.C.A. Hut Fund, also flowers and vegetables grown for R.C. Hospital. Address : Foots-Cray Place, Kent ; 13, Portland Place, W. 1 ; GopsaU, Atherstone. Club : Phyllis Court (Henley). (011557) WARING, Harold, CB.E, 6. 2 Feb. 1881 ; s. of the late S. J. Waring, of Liverpool ; to. Iris Amie Kelso, d. of George Eccles Kelso King, of Sydney, Australia. Educ. : Privately. Director and Manager of the AUiance Aeroplane Co. Ltd. War Work : Aeroplane Manufacture. Address : 37, Hyde Park Gate, S.W. 7. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (C3026) WARING, Col. Holburt Jacob, C.B.E, M.D. F R.C.S, R.A.M.C. (T.). WARING, Margaret EUzabeth, M.B.E. WARING, Lady Susan Elizabeth Clementine, C.B.E, fi. 9 Aug. 1879 ; d. of 10th Marquess, of Tweeddale (see BUKKE'S Peerage) ; m. Walter, s. of Charles Waring, M.P, and has issue two daughters. Educ : Privately. War Work : Ad ministrator of Lennel AuxUiary Hospital for Officers, specialising in neurasthenic cases, Oct. 1914, to Dec. 1918 ; has Belgian medal of Queen EUzabeth. Addresses : Lennel, Coldstream, Scotland ; The Moult, Salcombe, S. Devon ; 1. Prince's Row, S.W. 1. Club : Bath. (C324) WARK, Hector, M.B.E, R.F.A. WARK, Lieut. John Lean, M.B.E. WARLEIGH, Capt. Peroival Henry, C.B.E, R.N, fi. 1873 ; s. of Henry Smith Warleigh, of Southampton ; m. Marion Ina, d. of WUliam Alder, of Lymington, Hants. Great War, 1914-16 ; Flag Capt, Port Depot Ship, Rosyth, 1916-19. Address : 2, Bruce Road, Southsea. (C2240) WARLOW, CamiUa AUan, Mrs. PICTON-, M.B.E.; d. of the late J. R. Aitchison, of India Office ; to. Alick John, s. of Colonel J. Picton TurbervUl, of Ewenny Priory, Bridgend, Glamorgan. Educ. : Privately. Admiralty, Woman In spector. War Work : Originator and Hon. Sec. Bread, Blanket and Invalid Comforts Funds for Prisoners of War ; 1916, went to Copenhagen at request of British Red Cross ; 1917, in charge of a Y.M.C.A. Canteen in Holland for interned British Prisoners from Germany. Address : 1, St. Minver Road, Bedford. WARMSLEY, Jennie, Mrs., M.B.E. WARNEFORD, Major, Walter Wyndham Hanbury, O.B.E, 6. July, 1866 ; s. of Canon J. H. Warneford, late of Warneford Place, Wilts. ; to. Mary Elizabeth, d. of A. Goodall, of Halifax. Educ. : Newark and Windsor. Superintendent of the Wagon Dept. of the L. and N.W. Rly. Co. ; late 2nd C.R.E. (R.V.) War Work : 1914, as Manager of Crewe Works arranged the special plant for the production of fuses, shells, drop forge and other munition work ; as Superintendent of Wagon Dept. in 1916 suppUed stock for Transport work. Address : Lansdowne House, Huyton, Liverpool. Club : Services, Stratford Place. (011558) WARNER, Lieut.-Col. Charles Edward, O.B.E, V.D, 6. 2 Jan. 1865 ; s. of George Daniel Warner, of Tonbridge, Kent; to. Ethel Constantia Catharine, d. of the late David Cornfoot, of Lancaster Gate, London. Educ. : Tonbridge. Solicitor ; Registrar County Court ; Clerk to County Justices ; Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes ; Clerk to Visiting Justices, under Lunacy Acts and Mental Deficiency Acts. War Work : Com manded 2/1 Kent Cyclist Batt, Nov. 1914, to disbandment, 534 BIOGRAPHIES. Warwick May, 1919 ; demobilised, Oct. 1919. Address : Coldharbour Park, HUdenborough, Kent. Club : Tonbridge. (O7820) WARNER, Major and Qr.-Mr. Cuthbert Philip, O.B.E. WARNER, Major Rev. David Victor, O.B.E. WARNER, Sir Frank, K.B.E, C.C, 6. 13 Sept. 1862; s. of Benjamin Warner, of Wanstead, Essex ; m. Kate Dennis, i. of Edmund Strange Parsons, of King s Lynn. Educ. : Privately and at Lyons. Adviser to the Board of Trade on Textiles, 1917-20 ; Chairman of the Advisory Committees on silk JProduction, Imperial Institute, British Silk Research Association, and of Board of Trade Committee on British Industries Fairs ; Vice-Chairman of the British Empire Flax-growing Commitee, Board of Trade ; Member of various Councils connected with Board of Trade , Textiles and Industries ; Delegate at various Board of Trade and Foreign Office con gresses, 1910-19 ; read papers before many learned societies. Addresses : Woodcraft, Nottingham, Kent ; Newgate Street, London, E.C. 1. Club : Royal Automobile. (K113) WARNER, Henry Brooks, O.B.E, 6. 28 Sept. 1880 ; s. of Joseph Henry Warner, Kt, of 62, Baton Square, S.W. Educ. : Eton, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : Temp. Clerk in Foreign Office from June, 1915, to Aug. 1919. Address : 1, Sumner Place, S.W. 7. CZufi .- Union. (0837) WARNER, Lionel Ashton Piers, C.B.E, 6. 30 April, 1875 ; s. of the late Major Ashton C Warner, of 20th Hussars, and Chief Constable of Bedfordshire ; m. Nina Mary, d. of the late Capt. Matthew Liddon, of Don Acton, Glos. Educ : Marl borough. General Manager Mersey, Docks and Harbour Board, Liverpool. War Work : Director of Ports Branch, Ministry of Shipping ; Member of Port and Transit Executive Committee, East and West Coast Diversion Committee, etc. Address: 46, WelUngton Road, New Brighton, Cheshire. Club : Roval Societies'. (C1053) WARNER, Capt. Pelham Francis, M.B.E. WARNER, Surrey, O.B.B, 6. 27 Aug. 1861. Educ. : Cranleigh. Carriage and Waggon Superintendent, London and South Western RaUway. War Work : RaUway work ; a member of the Ambulance Train Committee. Address : 85, Westridge Road, Southampton. Club : Royal Southampton Yacht. (011559) WARNER, Sydney Jeannetta, O.B.B, W.R.N.S. WARNOCK, David, O.B.B. WARNOCK, Capt. James, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. WARNOCK, WilUam Findlay, M.B.B, 6. 31 March, 1871 ; s. of George Warnock, late of Lesmahagow, Upper Ward of Lanarkshire ; m. IsabeUa Smith, d. of M. Smith, of Worcester. Educ : Glasgow. Chief Ship Draughtsman of Messrs. John Brown & Co, Clydebank ; Member of the Institute of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. War Work : Drawing Office work in connection with Battleships and Battle Cruisers, and other war vessels, buUt by J. Brown & Co, 1914-18. Address : Belhaven, Dalmuir. Dumbartonshire. (M2606) WARR, Howard Grove, M.B.E. WARRACK, Frances Jane, M.B.B, i. 29 Sept. 1864; d. of James Warrack, of Montrose, Forfarshire. Town CouncUlor, St. Andrews, FUe. War Work : Convener, Soldiers' Club. St. Andrews (Nat. Union Women Workers), 1914-16 ; Comman- . dant, Scottish Soldiers' Club, Boulogne, Jan. 1917, to Nov. 1919 ; St. Andrews Caravan, Devastated Areas, 1919. Address : 3, Playfair Terrace, St. Andrews, Fife. Club : Forum. (M4061) WARRACK, Sir James Howard, K.B.E, fi. 11 Dec. 1855 ; ». ofthe late James Warrack, of Montrose ; to. Dorothy Cooper, d. of the late George Todd, C.A., of Edinburgh. Educ. : Montrose Academy. Late President of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom ; Member of CouncU of Shipptog Federation, of the British Imperial Council of Commerce, and of Committee of Lloyd's Register of Shipping ; Deputy Chairman Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce ; Director of the Bank of Scotland, Caledonian Insurance Co, and North British Rubber Co, Ltd. War Work : Member of the Admiralty Transport Arbitration Board, and of the Board of Trade War Risks Advisory Committee. Address : 38, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. Club : Junior Constitutional. (K237) k WARRAND, Major Duncan Grant, O.B.E, M.A, F.S.A, 6. 16 March, 1877 ; s. of the late Col. A. J. C. Warrand, of Bught, Inverness-shire, and Ryefield, Ross-shire ; m. Daisy Helen, d. of the late Col. H. Burnley-Campbell, of Ormidale, ArgyU. Educ. : Wellington Coll, Berks.; Univ. Coll, Ox ford. War Work: Capt. 3rd Batt. Seaforth Highlanders, Aug. to Nov. 1914 ; served in France with 2nd Batt Seaforth Hiahlanders, Nov. 1914, to March, 1915 ; Staff Capt. G.H.Q. 3rd Echelon, B.E.F, June, 1915, to Jan. 1917 ; D.A.A.G, Jan. 1917, to Nov. 1918 ; despatches 3 times ; Major, Aug. 1918. Address : Ormidale, Glendaruel, Argyll. Club : United University. (01978) WARRE, Major Felix Walter, O.B.E, M.C WARRE, George Franois, C.B.E, Formerly Head of Motor Boat Depart. British Red Cross Society ; Donor of Rest House for Nurses, Rocquebrune, Riviera, during Great War. (C1054) WARRE, Comm. PhiUp Asheson, O.B.E, R.N. WARREN, Sir Alfred Haman, O.B.B, J.P, M.P, 6. 1856 ; s. of Richard Sambull, of CaUington, Cornwall ; to. Jane Macey, d. of George Castle, of Deal. Educ : City of London Coll. M.P. for Edmonton. War Work : Five years Mayor of Poplar, 1913-18 ; raised Poplar Volunteers (Lieut.- Col.) ; Chairman of Tribunal : recruited large numbers for Army ; raised large sums for War Charities. Address : Mountain Ash, Wanstead. (01979) WARREN, Capt. Claude Alfred Reuben, M.B.E. WARREN, Rev. Claude Bertram, O.B.E. WARREN, Capt. David Bruce, O.B.E. WARREN, Lieut. Desmond Cecil Robert, M.B.E., R.A.S.C. WARREN, Edith EUa, Mrs, O.B.B. ; d. of the late John Grant Jackson ; to. Lieut.-Col. Dawson, late The Queen's Regt, R.W.S. (killed in action, Sept. 1914), s. of the late Maj.-Gen, Dawson Stockley Warren, C.B. War Work : Hon. Sec. The Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regt. Prisoners of War Fund, the work being carried on at Stoughton Barracks, Guildford Address: Stoughton, Guildford. (O11560) WARREN, Edith Mary, M.B.B. WARREN, Ellen Winifred Anne, Mrs., M.B.B, 6. 13 Oct. 1875. War Work : Secretary, then President of Bristol South Branch of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, and of the War Pensions Committee, Aug. 1914, to May, 1919. Address : Llanfoist, Clifton Down. Bristol. (M9963) WARREN, Frederick John, M.B.E, F.S.A.A, J.P, 6. 14 April, 1865 ; s. of Charles Warren, of Haverfordwest ; to. Annie Elizabeth, d. of P. Griffiths, of Haverfordwest. Educ. : Haver fordwest. Borough Accountant of Haverfordwest; Public Auditor of Co-operative Societies appointed by H.M. Treasury ; Professional Auditor to County Compensation Authorities oi Carmarthen and Pembroke, and to Joint Standing Committee for Pembrokeshire. War Work : Hon. Sec. Local War Savings and War Loans Committees ; Author of the War Savings Song, " Sing a Song of Sixpence " ; Member of Governing Body of Church in Wales, of St. David's Diocesan Conference and Finance Board, and of the CouncU of the Historical Society of West Wales ; An ovate of the Welsh Gorsedd. (M9964) WARREN, Lieut. Henry WiUiam, M.B.E. WARREN, Surg.-Comm. Leonard, C.B.E, M.B, R.N. WARREN, Margaret MaxweU, O.B.B. WARREN, Marmont, M.B.E. WARREN, Matthew, M.B.E, 6. 9 Feb. 1868 ; s. of Peter Warren, of Macclesfield ; to. Beatrice, d. of Edward Clark, of TettenhaU, nr. Wolverhampton. Educ. : Macclesfield PubUc School. Clerk to Llandaff and Dinas-Powis Rural District Council, Glamorgan. War Work : Sec. and Executive Officer to Food Control Committee ; Clerk to Local Military Tribunal ; Sec. and Treas. to District War Pensions Committee ; Clerk to Local Registration Authority. Addresses : St. Elmo, Radyr, Glamorgan ; Park House, Park Place, Cardiff. (M9965) WARREN, Col. Peter, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 1866; s. of the late WilUam Ellis Warren, of Paignton, Devon ; to. Helen, Marian, d. of James Squire Steele. Col. R.E. ; S. African War, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with five clasps) ; served in Great War, 1914-19, as Dep. Dhector Army Postal Services, British Ex peditionary Force, and subsequently as Director, Army Postal Service, Mediterranean, Egyptian, and Salonica Expeditionary Forces (despatches six times, Order of the Nile, 1914 star with clasp). Address : 9, Plympton Road, Brondesbury, N.W.(C1392) WARREN, Lieut.-Col. Philip Ridsdale, O.B.E, R.E, 6. 7 Sept. 1874 ; s. of Rev. WiUiam Warren, of Kinsale, Co. Cork, Ireland ; to. Evelyn Agneta ; d. of F. A. Bevan, J.P, of 1, Tilney Street, Park Lane, London. Educ. : Malvern. Civil Engineer. War Work : Port Construction Engineer, under Director- General of Transport, France, and afterwards Assistant Director-General of Transport, G.H.Q, France. Address : Sports Club, St* James' Square, London. (05897) WARREN, Major Thomas Richard Pennefather, CB.E, R.A.S.C, 6.12 Sept. 1883 ; s.of Thomas Robert Warren J.P. R.N, (see Bukke'S Peerage, Warren, Bart.) ; to. Ada Bene Costello (Stella), d. of the late Col. Charles Hely, of Woodstock, Co. Waterford. Res. Mag. for N.R. Tipperary, 1919-20 ; served in Great War. (C1806) WARREN, WilUam, O.B.E. WARREN, Major WilUam Robert Vaughton, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C WARREN, Col. William Robinson, C.B.E, D.S.O, 1882. Entered R.A. 1900 ; Major, Brevet Lieut.-Col. and T. Col. ; Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches). (C2360c) WARRENER, Major and Qr.-Mr. John, O.B.E. WARRINER, Fred, M.B.E. WARRIOR, Edith Mary, M.B.B, 6. 17 May, 1887 ; d. of Henry Warrior, of Northallerton, Yorks. Educ. : Ripon and Harrogate. War Work : Enrolled in Q.M.A.A.C, Dec. 1917, as Asst. Administrator; attached Area Controller, London District ; promoted to rank of Unit Administrator, Aug. 1918 ; promoted and transferred to H.Q, Northern Command as Deputy Controller-in-charge Areas 1 and 2, Feb. 1919 ; de- mobiUsed March, 1920. Address : 6, North Avenue, Ealing, W 13 (M5709) WARRY, Lieut.-Col. Bertram Arthur, O.B.E, fi. 22 Sept. 1865 ; s. of George Deedes Warry, of Shapwick, Somerset ; m Mary Shafto, d. of David Shafto Hawks. Educ. : Win chester. Address: Shapwick House, Bridgwater, Somerset. Club: United Service. (07822) WARSELL, Edith, M.B.E. WARTON, Major Charles Peroival Fenwick, O.B.E. WARTON, Florence Ethel, O.B.E, W.R.N.S. WARTON, Capt. John Fenwick, C.M.G, CB.E, 6. 1879. Capt R.N. and Senior Naval Officer, Danube ; served in Great War 1914-19 ; present at battle of Jutland ; with Mission to N Russia, and in White Sea. (C2368) WARWICK, Capt. Norman Richard Coombe, O.B.E. 535 Wasey THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. WASEY, Evelyn Mary, M.B.E, 6. 6 April, 1895 ; d. of Edward J. S. Wasey, J.P, of Bradley Court, Newbury, Berks. Educ : Highgate. War Work : Employed at Ministry of Pensions and at War Office, first as Clerk and later as Lady supervisor. Address : Bradley Court, Chieveley, Newbury , Berks. (M9967) WASHBOURN, WilUam, C.B.E, 6. 1862 ; s. of WiUiam Washboum, of Blackfriars, Gloucester ; m. Mabel Woods. Senior Surgeon, Gloucestershire Royal Infirmary and Eye Institution. War Work : Medical Officer-in-charge, Gloucester Red Cross Hospital ; Civil Surgeon-in-charge Recruiting, Gloucester. _l<__Vess : Blackfriars, Gloucester. (C3027) WATCHLIN, Lieut. Alexander, O.B.E, R.N.R. WATERFIELD, May Constance Flora, M.B.E, fi. 1872 ; (?. of OttiweU, of Nackington House, Canterbury. War Work : Commandant of Dame John A.P, Canterbury ; served in France at Etaples from June, 1915, till April, 1916 ; invalided home; General Service Supt, June, 1917; Unit Commandant, July, 1919. Address : The Awmby, Eastry. (M4063) WATERHOUSE, Agnes May, C.B.E, R.R.C Chief Sup. Queen Alexandra's Mil. Nursing Service, India. (C2045) WATERHOUSE, Sir Nicholas Edwin, K.B.E, 6. 24 Aug. 1877 ; s. of Edwin Waterhouse, of Holmbury St. Mary, Surrey ; to. Audrey Hale, d. of Lieut.-Col. T. H. Lewin, of Abinger, Surrey. Educ : Winchester, and New CoU, Oxford. Char tered Accountant. War Work : Employed at War Office. Address : 71, Victoria Road, Kensington, London, W. (K438) WATERHOUSE, Paymaster-Comm. Thomas Ryder, O.B.E, R.N. WATERLOW, Sydney PhiUp Perigal, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 22 Oct. 1878 ; s. of George Sydney Waterlow (see Burke's Peerage.) ; m. 1st, 10 Nov. 1902, Alice Isabella, o.d. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick PoUock, 3rd Bart. ; 2ndly, Helen Margery, d. of Gustav Eckhard. Educ. : Eton, and Trinity Coll, Cam bridge. Senior Clerk in the Foreign Office. War Work : Engaged to the Contraband Department of the Foreign Office, April, 1916, to Jan. 1919 ; British Representative on the Inter-Allied Commission at Paris for the occupied territory of Germany during 1919. Address : Parsonage House, Oare, Marl borough, Wilts. (C3028) WATERLOW, Sir WilUam Alfred, K.B.E, fi. 1871 ; s. of late James Jameson Waterlow, of 25, Park Crescent, W. ; m. Adelaide Hay, d. ol Thomas Gordon, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Marlborough. Admitted a soUcitor, 1896 ; Joint Managing Director of Waterlow & Sons, Ltd. Address : Harrow Weald, Middlesex. (K238) WATERMAN, EUzabeth Margaret, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 11 Aug. 1875 ; d. of George Moore, of Maidenhead ; to. Alfred Edward Stanton Waterman, s. of Alfred Waterman, of London. Educ. : Baker Street C of B. High School. Commandant Kent V.A.D. 42 ; late Commandant RosherviUe and Ingress Abbey V.A.D. Hospitals. War Work : Aug. 1914, Recruited and trained fresh members for the Gravesend Voluntary Aid Detachments ; Sept. 1914, took over duties of School Nurse to release Territorial Nurse ; Oct. 1914, halped prepare and open Yacht Club V.A.D. Hospital, Gravesend ; Nov. 1914, helped prepare and open RosherviUe V.A.D. Hospital, Kent, and there worked as Matron, being appointed Commandant of Rosherville and Ingress Abbey V.A.D. Hospitals in June, 1917. Address : The Parade, St. Mawes, Cornwall. (M9968) WATERS, Alfred John, M.B.E. WATERS, Charles Joseph, M.B.E. Assistant Town Clerk, Wandsworth. War Work : District Supervisor National Registration Act, 1915 ; Clerk to Borough of Wandsworth Cultivation Society and the Committee of the Borough Council, which secured over 5000 aUotments in the Borough, 1917 ; Deputy Executive Officer, Borough of Wandsworth Food Control Committee, 1917-19. Address : 26, KiUarney Road, Wandsworth, S.W. 18. (M9969) WATERS, Donald, M.B.E, fi. 26 April, 1851 ; s. of John Waters, of Watten, Caithness ; to. Ellen, d. of Alfred Widley, of Blackheath, London. Educ : Watten. Late Superinten dent, MetropoUtan PoUce; Associate of Roval Colonial Institute. War Work ; Strictly confidential. Address : 28, Wilbury Avenue, Hove, Sussex. (M2608) WATERS, Major George Frederick, M.B.E, R.E. WATERS, Lieut.-Col. John Dallas, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1889 ; to. 1919, the Hon. Lettice, d. of 2nd Baron Newton (see Bukke'S Peerage), and widow of Capt. John Egerton-Warburton (see Bukke'S Peerage, Grey-Egerton, Bart.). T. Major and Acting Lieut.-Col. Roy. FusiUers ; served in Great War, 1914-18 (despatches four times). Addresses : Arley Hall, Northwich, Cheshire ; 9, Berkeley Square. (C134) WATERS, Owen, O.B.E. WATERS, Robert Abraham Samuel, O.B.E. WATERS, Major Robert Sydney, O.B.E.. LA. WATERS, Roger Donald, O.B.E. WATERS, Major Walter James, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 19 May, 1876 ; s. of Alfred Waters, R.N. ; to. Annette Violet, d. of Surgeon-General James Fairweather, Indian Army. Educ. : St. Thomas's Hospital, London. War Work : O C 16th General Hospital and 21st CCS, France. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place, S.W. 1. (05899) WATERSON, Frances, Mrs, M.B E WATHEN, Lieut.-Col. Edward Owen, O.B.E WATHEN, iFrederiek Blunt, M.B.E, 6. 12 June, 1877 • s. of the late William Hulbert Watheu, of Westerham, Kent ; to. Louisa, d. of the late Charles Walker, J.P, D.L, of Brettargh Holt, Westmorland. Educ : St. Paul's. General Traffic Manager, Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway. Address : Plaxtole, Nungumbaukum, Madras. C7«6s : Madras ; Mary lebone Cricket. (M4226) WATKINS, Arthur Glyn, M.B.E, A.M.I.M.B, fi. 18 Nov. 1882 ; s. of the late Archdeacon of Perth, Western Australia; to. Marion EUeen, d. of C. G. Bannister-HaU, of London. Educ. : Perth High School, Western Australia. Western Australian Government RaUways ; Crown Agents for the Colonies, London ; Messrs. John Lysaght, Ltd, Newport, Mon. War Work : General Manager and afterwards Director, Gloucester National FilUng Factory for Ministry of Munitions. Address: York Lodge, Cheltenham. (M1067) WATKINS, Arthur Muriel, M.B.B, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.Pv.CP. (Lond.), 6. 11 March, 1862 ; s. of John Webb Watkins, M.D, of Stonelegh, Newton-le-WUlows, Lancashire ; m. Laura Anne Burdett; d. of John Frederick Young, of Bulmershe Lodge, Reading. Educ. : Privately ; Univ. CoU. Liverpool, and London. Hon. Surgeon, Whitchurch Cottage Hospital; Medical Officer, Whitchurch Union Workhouse. War Work : Surgeon, Bronghall and Cloverley V.A.D. Hospitals, Whit church, Salop ; Assistant Medical Officer, Prees Heath Military Hospital. Address : Dodington, Whitchurch, Salop. (M9970) WATKINS, Dorothy Emily, M.B.E. WATKINS, Lieut. Frank, M.B.F, E.A.F. WATKINS, Col. Frederic Mostyn, C.B.E.; 6. 1873. Lieut. Col. and T. Col, Army Pay Depart. ; N.-W. Frontier of India,1897-98 (medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1807) WATKINS, Major Henry George, C.B.E. WATKINS, Jane Gertrude, O.B.E, 6. 30 Sept. 1864 ; d. of James Gwyllam Watkins, of Hereford. Educ. : Privately, Trained at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, 1895 ; Sister, Kasr-el-Aini Hospital, Cairo, 1895-98 ; Matron, Victoria Nursing Home, Cairo, 1898-1916 ; Matron Anglo-American Hospital from 1916. War Work : Training V.A.D.s, Cairo, 1914-15 ; Red Cross work, Officers' Hospital, 1916-17 ; Matron, only English CivUian Hospital in Cairo, 1916, to end of War. Address : Anglo-American Hospital, Gezireh, Cairo. (011564) WATKINS, John Stewart, O.B.E, 6. 2 Dec. 1862 ; s. of WiUiam Watkins, of 75, Mark Lane, London ; to. Florence Maud, d. of Walter Thomas Kirton. of Bournemouth. Educ. : Eastbourne. Tug owner. War Work : Commercial Advisor on Tugs to Ministry of Shipping. Address : Loddenden Manor, Staplehurst. Club : Royal Automobile. (011565) WATKINS, Major Joseph Harold, M.B.E. WATKINS, Maria Heloise, Mrs., O.B.E. WATKINS, Lieut.-Col. Oscar Ferris, C.B.E, D.S.O, M.A, 6. 23 Dec. 1877 ; s. of Ven. O. D. Watkins, of Holywell Vicarage, Oxford ; m. Olga Florence, d. of BailUe Grohman, of Matzen, Tyrol. Educ. : Marlborough and Oxford. Native Affairs Department, Kenya Colony. FeUow of Royal Colonial Institute and Royal Anthropological Institute. War Work : Director of Military Labour ; mentioned in despatches. Ad dress : Nairobi, Kenya Colony. Club : Royal Societies'. (C744) WATKDNS, Rev. Owen Spencer, C.M.G, C.B.E, fi. 28 Feb. 1873; s. of Rev. Owen Watkins, Wesleyan Minister; to. 1st, Sadie Soul, only d. of W. Mathias, of H.M. Dockyard, Malta (who died 1910), 2nd, Ethel Elizabeth, e. d. of G. George, of Llandilo. Educ. : Bath and Richmond. CF, 1st Class, (Wesleyan), Assistant Chaplain-General.' Eastern Command ; Assistant Sec. Wesleyan Navy, Army, and Air Force Board ; Hon. Sec. Duke of Connaught's Soldiers' and SaUors' Home.; International Force in Crete, 1897-99 ; Nile Expedition, 1898, Battle of Khartoum (despatches, Queen's Medal, Egyptian Medal and clasp) ; one of four chaplains who condu cted Memorial Service for Gordon at Khartoum ; S. African War, 1899-1900 (three times mentioned in despatches ; Queen's Medal, with five clasps). War Work : 1914-19, France, 5th Division, 1914-17 ; H.Q. Third Army as Assistant Principal Chaplain, 1917-18 ; Italy, 1918-19 ; Principal Chaplain (Brig.-Gen.) ; (mentioned in despatches four times, 1914 Star with clasp, Victory and War Medals) ; author of several books. Address : 20, Mortimer Road, West Ealing, W. 13. (C1407) WATKINS, Lieut. PurceU John, M.B.E, R.E. WATKINS, 2nd Lieut. Thomas Peroival Holmes, M.B.E, 6. 30 July, 1877 ; s. of Thomas Watkins, of The Wern, Ponty pool ; m. Margaret, d. of James Jenkins, of Pontypool. Educ. : King's School, Canterbury. Solicitor ; Commissioner for Oaths ; Supt. Registrar and Clerk to the Guardians of the Pontypool Union ; Clerk to the Pontypool Rural and Panteg Urban District Councils and Old Age Pensions Committees. War Work : 2nd Lieut. 1st Vol. Batt, Monmouthshire Regt. ; Sec. Griffithstown Aux. MU. Hospital (Poor Law Institution, 370 beds) ; Clerk to Panteg Local Tribunal, Hon. Sec. local War Pensions, Recruiting, War Loan, Committees. Address : Shirley, Griffithstown. (M1068) WATKINS, WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 23 May, 1860; s. of John Watkins, of Aberystwyth ; to. Augusta Braham, d. of tho late Rev. George Horrocks, of Preston. Educ. : Llando very. Solicitor ; Registrar of Newtown County Court and District Registrar of the High Court. War Work : Chairman of Newtown War Pensions Committee ; Vice-Chairman of Local Committee and Disablement Committee of County of Montgomery ; Sec. for County, of Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association. Address : Delguan, Newtown, N. Wales. .(M9971) WATKINS, WilUam Edward, O.B.E, 6. 19 Jan. 1864 ; s. of WUliam Watkins, of Monmouth. Educ : Culham Coll., 536 BIOGRAPHIES. Watson and Leipzig Univ. Director of Education to East Suffolk Education Authority. War Work: Lectured on Food Economy and War Savings; organised Economy exhibitions ; at Ministry of Food organised Cookery demonstrations throughout Great Britain; developed a scheme for feeding children in School Canteens. Address : St. Malo, South HiU, Felixstowe. (03975) WATKINS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. William John, M.B.E. WATLING, Lieut.-Col. Francis Wyatt, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1869 ; Lieut.-Col. R.E. ; N.-W. Frontier of India, 1897 (despatches, medal with two clasps) ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches) (C1344) WATLING, Lieut. John Basil, M.B.E, R.E. (T.) WATLING, Capt. John WilUam, O.B.E, R.N.R, 6. 30 Oct. 1862 ; s. of William Watltog, of Littlehampton ; m. Maude Ellen, d. of Frederick A. Power, of Birmingham. War Work : Commanded s.s. " Intaba " as commissioned ship from Aug. 1914 as a flotilla supply ship, squadron supply ship, mystery ship, and lastly transport carrying troops and repatriating German prisoners to July, 1919. Address : c/o London County and Westminster Bank, Blackheath, S.E. 3. Club: Durban (Natal). (011566) WATLINGTON, Victor, M.B.E. WATNEY, Constance, M.B.E. WATNEY, Capt. Ernest AUred William, O.B.E. WATNEY, Col. Frank Dormay, CB.E, 6. 1870 ; s. of Sir John Watney, of Shermanbury House, Reigate ; m. Margaret Graham (has Order of Mercy), d. of the Rev. George Richardson, of Winchester CoU. Hants. Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. Roy. W. Surrey Regt. (T.F.) ; D.L. for Surrey ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches, 3rd class Order of the NUe) (C1393) WATNEY, Major GUbert John, O.B.E. WATNEY, Major Ronald Denby, O.B.E, R.W.Kent Rgt. WATSON, Agnes Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 4 Aug. 1889 ; d. of WiUiam Bird, of Sheffield (Eng.), and Vancouver (B.C.) ; m. Arthur Ernest, s. of John Thomas Watson, of York. Educ : Privately, and at Leeds. War Work : Junior Administrative Assistant 4_ years in the Naval Store Department, Admiralty. Address : 77 Castellain Mansions, W. 9. (M9973) WATSON, Albert Harold Joseph, M.B.E. WATSON, Lieut. Alexander Milne, M.B.E, R.A.F. WATSON, Capt. Alexander Pirie, O.B.E.. M.B, F.R.CS, R.A.M.C. (T.). WATSON, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Thomas. O.B.E. WATSON, Capt Andrew MoCrae, O.B.E, E.A.F. WATSON, Arthur, C.B.E. WATSON, Lieut.-Col. Arthur, CB.E, 6. 1873; s. of Daniel Watson, of Manchester. Gen. Manager, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway; Member of Railway Executive Com mittee, Board of Trade; Lieut.-Col. R.E. (T.F.), RaUway Engineer and Staff Corps ; M.I.C.E. ; was Chairman of Sups. Conference, RaUway Clearing House, 1915-18. (C72) WATSON, Arthur Egerton, C.B.E, ControUer of Finance Ministry of Monitions. (C3029) WATSON, Arthur WiUiam, M.B.E. WATSON, Arthur William, CB.E, I.C.S, 6. 16 Nov. 1874 ; s. of James Watson, M.D, of Dormans House, Dormans Park Surrey ; m. Marion, d. of W. H. Ashwin, J.P, D.L, of Bretforton Manor, Evesham. Educ. : Cheltenham, Uppingham, and Magdalene CoU, Cambridge. Appointed to Indian Civil Service, 1898 ; served in Bihar, Chota Nagpur, and Bengal, in various capacities ; Sec. to the Bengal Government Legis lative Department, 1913. War Work : Various Committees in Calcutta ; Ministry of Munitions (Deputy Assist.-Sec), 1915 ; Ministry of Labour (Assist.-Sec), 1918 ; Principal Asst. Sec. 1919. Addresses : Dormans House, Dormans Park, Surrey ; 22,DouglasMansions,CromweURoad,S.W. Club: Travellers'. (C3030) WATSON Lieut. Basil Barnar M.B.E. WATSON, Lieut.-Col. Charles Seott Moncrieff Chalmers, D.S.O, O.B.E., 6. 1881. Major and Acting Lieut.-Col. R.E. (O6770) WATSON, Dorothy Bannerman, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 5 Feb. 1878 ; d. of the late James Ramsay, of York ; m. Henry Angus, s. of Rev. Wm. Watson, M.A, of Forres. War Work : Com mandant Clifford Street V.A.D. Hospital, York, 2 years ; Asst. County Director, W. Riding, Yorks. Address : 6, St. George's Place, York. Club: Ladies' Automobile. (03976) WATSON, Major Douglas Home, O.B.E, 6. 23 March, 1878 ; s. of A. 0. Watson, of Edinburgh ; to. Jean Armour, d. of S. D. Black, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh. Princi pal Clerk, Ministry of Pensions. War Work : Adjutant 2/5th Royal Scots; D.A.A.G. War Office; Regional Recorder, Ministry of National Service, London and South-Eastern Region. Address : 3. Gloucester Place, Edinburgh. Club : Scottish Arts (Edinburgh). " (03977) WATSON, Capt. Earl BasU Kenmure, M.B.E, 6. 22 Aug 1882; s. of James Watson, of 35, Duke Street, Hamilton Canada; m. Marie Laure, d. of EmUe Hauzer, of Verviers, Belgium. Educ. : Trinitv Coll, Port Hope, Ontario. P.P.C L.I. Regiment. War Work : Served with P.P.C. L.I. Aug. 1914, to Sept. 1915 ; transferred to 8th London Regt. ; ap pointed A.P.M. Jan. 1917, and served at areas to above appoint ment, Etaples, 9th Scottish Division, St. Germain, Mont d'Or, Paris, Avancourt, TrouviUe, Ostend ; wounded May, 1915. Address : P.P.C. L.I, Wolseley Barracks, London. Club : London Hunt, Country. (M4620) WATSON, Edith Deverell, Mrs., O.B.E. WATSON, Edith Hay, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 9 July, 1865; d. of Henry Burrows, of Doe Park, Woolton, Liverpool; m. John Henry Douglas, s. of John Watson, of Edinburgh. War Work : Commandant of V.A.D. Kent 18 ; Pembury V.A.D. Hospital. Add) ess : Broad Oak, Brenchley, Kent. (M9975) WATSON, Edith Margaret, C.B.E. Private Sec. to ChanceUor of Exchequer. (C1055) WATSON, Ernest Ansley, O.B.E, M.Sc, 6. 4 April, 1887 ; s. of Charles J. Watson, of Birmingham ; m. EUzabeth, d. of James Cotterill, of Coventry. Educ. : Birmingham and Liverpool Univ. Electrical Engineer. War Work : Technical Director of M.L. Magneto Synd, Ltd., Coventry, manufacturers of magnetos, particularly for aeroplane engines ; developed magnetos for rotary and other aeroplane engines. Address ; 2, St. Andrew's Road, Coventry ; Victoria Works, Coventry. (011567) WATSON, Eva Gordon, Mrs., M.B.E. ; d. of H. M. Chase, of Bengal CivU Service. War Work : Organiser of Queen Mary's Needlework GuUd at St. Andrews, Fife. Address : The End House, S. Andrews, Fife. Clubs : New Victorian ; St. Rules. (M4064) WATSON, Major Evelyn Cyril, O.B.E, 6. 28 April, 1883 ; s. of Farnel Watson, of Isleworth ; to. Dulce LUian Watson, d. of W. J. Bush-Salmon, of StanweU. Educ : Uppingham. Gazetted in the 4th Essex Regt. as a 2nd Lieut. 1899, and in 7th Dragoon Guards, 1902, and served in South African War, 1900-1. War Work: 1914-18, with the 5th Cav. Division in France. Address : 7th Dragoon Guards (attached Machine Gun Corps Cav.), Somerset Barracks, Shorncliffe. Club : Cavalry. (07825) WATSON, Evelyn Elenor, Mrs., O.B.E. WATSON, Frank, O.B.B. WATSON, Frank Pears, O.B.E. WATSON, Major Forrester Colvin, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 26 July, 1878 ; s. of WUliam Farnell Watson, late of Henfold, Dorking, Surrey ; m. CecUia, d. of — Grimston, of Earls Coine, Essex. Educ: Rugby. Major 3rd (K.O.) Hussars, retired and on the Reserve of Officers (3rd R.O.) Hussars. War Work : Served in South African War, Feb. 1900-01, Queen's and King's medals ; Adjutant, 3rd (K.O.) Hussars, went abroad with Regt. Aug. 1914; Staff Capt, 1st Divisional ArtiUery, Jan. 1916; D.A.Q.M.G, 3rd Corps, Oct. 1916. Address : The Chantry, Harlow, Essex. Club : Cavalry. (O5901) WATSON, Capt. Frederiok Whittaker, M.B.E. WATSON, Capt. George Leybourne, O.B.E. WATSON, George Trustram, O.B.B. ^ WATSON, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. George WiUiam, O.B.E, R.N. WATSON, GUbert, M.B.E. WATSON, GwendoUne Isabel, Mrs., M.B.E. WATSON, Harris, M.B.S. WATSON, Major-Gen. Sir Harris Davis, K.B.E, C.M.G, CLE, M.V.O, 9th Ghurka Rifles ; 6. 18 July, 1866 ; s. of late Gen. Sir John Watson, G.C.B, V.C. Entered Dorset Regt, 1885 ; Captain Indian Army, 1896 ; Major, 1903, Lieut.-Col. 1904 ; Col. 1914 ; served Sikkur Expedition, 1888 ; Chin Nushai Expedition, 1899-1902 ; China, 1900-1 ; Great War, 1914-18 ; has Order of the Nile, 3rd Class ; extra Equerry to H.M. the King. Address : Dehra Dun. India. (K272) WATSON, Henry, O.B.E. WATSON, Henry, O.B.E. __ „,_„_, WATSON, Major Henry Angus, C.B.E, R.E. (T.), fi. 18 Aug. 1863 ; s. of Rev. Wm. Watson, M.A, of Forres, Scotland ; to. Dorothy Bannerman ; d. of James Ramsay, M.D, of York. Educ : Privately, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh Univ. General Superintendent, N.E.R. War Work: Rail way Transport work for Northern Command. Address : 6, St. George's Place, York. Clubs: Constitutional; Royal and Ancient Golf. _ , __„„ (0325) WATSON, Henry Talbot, O.B.E, 6. 1 July, 1866 ; s. of Charles Watson, of Valparaiso, ChUe. Educ. : Columbia Coll New York, U.S.A. War Work : Second in command of British Military Control Bureau, Paris. Address : 25, Avenue des Champs, Elysees, Paris. Clubs : White's; St James . (011570) WATSON, Capt. Horace Cyril, C.B.E, R.N, 6. 1876 ; s of the Rev. Arthur Watson, of The Grange, West Cowes, Isle of Wight. Great War, 1914-19, as Navigating Officer and with Patrol and Ocean Escort (despatches) ; appointed Capt.-Attendant and King's Harbour Master at. Malta, 1919. Address : H.M.'s Dockyard, Malta. Clubs : Jumor Army and Navy ; Royal London Yacht. __.,.., (L _r_?' WATSON. Rear-Admiral Hugh Dudley Richards, C.B. OBE M.v!o, 6. 20 April, 1872 ; s. of the Rev. William Watson, of Saltfleetby, Lincolnshire ; to. Janie Amma sister of 1st Viscount Cowdray (see Bukke'S Peerage), d .of George Pearson, of Brickendonbury, Herts. Educ; Llandaff Cathe dral School, and Naval Educational Establishments. Served in the Roval Navy between 1885 and 1914 ; amongst other appointments commanded the first expedition of men-of-war over the Yangtse river rapids in 1898-1901 ; Naval attach^ to British Embassy, Berlin, 1910-13. War Work .-• As Captain Roval Navv, commanded the following stops during the war : H M ships' " Essex," " Bellerophon," and Canada. Ad dress : 40, Cadogan Square, London. Clubs : Marlborough ; Naval and MUitary. _ , _ _^ „ , . - _ ^ . tHlLV WATSON, Isaac Adolphus Herbert, O.B.E, 6. 1 Sept. 1869- s. of Isaac Watson, of Portsmouth; to. _ Clara, d. of J Johnson, of Linthorpe, Yorks. Educ : Privately, and 537 Watson THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Bensberg, Germany. Superintendent of Stores and Transport, H.M. Stationery Office. Address : Dinsdale, South Norwood, Surrey. (0841) WATSON, Isabella Clark, M.B.E, V.A.D. WATSON, Isobel, Mrs., O.B.E. WATSON, James, M.B.E. WATSON, James, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 1848 ; s. of Thomas Watson, of Dairy, MUlmark, Kirkcudbrightshire ; to. d. of Thomas Deacon, of Southsea. Educ : Sanguhar Academy. Retired ; Member of Edinburgh Town Council ; Chairman, Commission of Public Health Committee. War Work : Recruiting ; MUitary Tribunal ; Controller and Sec. of Municipal War Comforts Committee ; Chairman of War Pensions Local Tribunal (aU voluntary). Address : Abington, McLaren Road, Edinburgh. Club : Scottish Liberal (Edin burgh). (011572) WATSON, Lieut.-Col. James Kiero, CM.G, C.V.O, C.B.E, D.S.O, s. of the late Major-Gen. .1. K. Watson, late 60th Rifles ; m. Katharine Emelia ; d. of H. C Nisbet, of The Old House, Wimbledon. Educ. : Clifton CoU, and R.A.M.C, Sandhurst. Joined King's Royal Rifles, 1885 ; served in Chin HUls, Burma (medal and clasp) ; attached Egyptian Army, 1894-99 ; Dongola and Khartoum Expeditions, 1896-99 (despatches, D.S.O, Brevet-Majority, 4th Class Medjidieh and 3rd Class Osmanieh) ; S. African War, 1899-1901 (despatches, C.M.G.) ; A.D.C. to Lord Kitchener, 1895-1901 ; returned to Egyptian Army as A.A.G, 1901 ; retired, 1905 ; 1st A.D.C. to H.H. The Khedive, 1905-14. War Work : D.A.A.G. to France, 1914-15 ; Commandant, Advanced Base, Cape HeUes, 1915 tUl evacuation, Gallipoli ; mUitary attaclto, Egypt, 1915-19 ; Order of the Sword of Sweden and Legion of Honour. Address: Gorse Cottage, Fleet, Hants. Club : Naval and MUitary. (C1394) WATSON, Major James Robert, O.B.B, A.P.D. WATSON, Major James Taylor, C.B.E, WATSON, Comm. John, M.B.B, J.P. WATSON, Major John, O.B.B., R.A.O.C. WATSON, John, M.B.B, fi. 2 May, 1864; s. of John Watson, of Shirbura, Oxfordshire. Educ. : Univ. CoU. School. District Valuer, Inland Revenue Department. War Work : Aug. 1914, to March, 1917, organised for the southern part of the Northern Command a Corps of Army Guides as part of the Territorial Forces, primarily intended to guide the Army to case of invasion, but employed in anti-aircraft defence and general intelligence work; March, 1917, to June, 1919, with permission of Inland Revenue Department acted in an honorary capacity as Chief Executive Officer to the Yorks, West Riding Agricultural Executive Committee. (M2614) WATSON, John Alfred, O.B.E, J.P. ; s. of WUliam Watson, late of Balsall, Warwickshire ; to. Mary Ann, d. of John Lea, of Birmingham. Educ. : Privately. County CouncUlor for Warwickshire, and Chairman for Warwickshire War Pension Local Committee. War Work : Chairman of Warwickshire Local War Pension Committee. Address : Chadwick Manor, Knowle, Warwickshire. (011573) WATSON, Capt. John Charles, M.B.E, R.A.F. WATSON, John Henderson, O.B.E. WATSON, Joseph Thomas, M.B.E, 6. 30 May, 1863 ; s. of Joseph Watson, of London ; m. Louise Mary, d. of — Liuscott. Educ. : Ealing. CouncUlor, St. Marylebone Borough Council ; Hon. Sec. London Playing Fields Society. War Work : National Service Representative for St. Marylebone ; organised the feeding of 150 pigs at Zoological Gardens from house refuse ; organised the collection and salvage of waste products from house refuse. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; M.CC ; Edgware Golf ; HuckweU Heath Golf. (M9978) WATSON, Lieut.-Col. JuUen, O.B.E, M.C, R.B. WATSON, Major Lewis James Fort, M.B.E. WATSON, Eng.-Comm. Lewis Jones, O.B.B, R.N. WATSON, Margaret Jane, Mrs., M.B.E. WATSON, Marguerite Audrey, Mrs., M.B.E. WATSON, Maud Edith Eleanor, M.B.E. WATSON, Mildred Jane Musgrave, M.B.E. WATSON, Capt. Noel SutcUffe Ogilvy, M.B.E, R E WATSON, Pamela Ethel, Mrs, M.BE. WATSON, Lieut. Robert CampbeU, O.B.E, R.N.R. WATSON, Thomas, M.B.B. WATSON, 2nd Lieut. Victor Fsevlod, M.B.E, R.G.A. WATSON, Victor James Carter, M.B.E. WATSON, WaUace, M.B.E, R.N.R WATSON, Lieut. WiUiam, M.B.B. WATSON, Capt. William, M.B.E. WATSON, Capt. WiUiam Charles, M.B.E. WATSON, Capt. WUUam Douglas, O.B.E, M.C, R.A. WATSON, WilUam Elder, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 2 Feb 1866 • s. of A. R. Watson, of Springlands, Elgin ; m. Mary Evaline, d. of Lachlan Mackintosh of Old Lodge, Elgin. Educ. : Elgin Academy. War Work : Appeal Tribunal for Inverness, Moray, and Nairn Shires. Address : Moray Bank, Elgin. .WATSON Capt. William F„ O.B.E, 6. 6 Sept. 188°f s] of F.Hazell Watson, of Hurst House, Woodford Green, Essex ; S? «'? _Pelanot, d- ot Robert Halfhead, of Beech HaU Woodford Greer^ Essex. War Work : Active Service at the Dardanelles, in Egypt, Palestine, and France. (O5902) WATSON, WilUam George, M.B.B. WATSON, William Joseph Gabriel, M.B.E WATSON, WilUam Law, M.B.E. WATSON, Capt. WiUiam Linton, O.B.E, I.M.S. 538 WATSON, WiUiam MUne, O.B.E. WATSON, Lieut. William Robert, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. WATSON, WiUiam WaUace, M.B.B. WATSON, Alexandra Mary, Mrs. CHALMERS-, C.B.E, M.D, 6. 1872 ; d. of Auckland Campbell Geddes ; m. Douglas Chalmers, d. of Walter Watson, M.D. of Midcalder. Educ. : South Hampstead High School, and Edinburgh Univ. Chair man, Time and Tide Publishing Co. ; Vice-President, Medical Women's Federation ; Chairman, Edinburgh Women Citizens Association ; Member of Committee and Hon. Sec. Edin burgh Hospital for Women and' Children, Queen Victoria's JubUee Nurses, Central Committee Scotland, Queen Mary's Nursing Home, Edinburgh. War Work : Hon. See. Women's Emergency Corps, Edinburgh ; Organiser and first Chief Controller, W.A.A.C. Address : 11, Walker Street, Edinburgh Club : Caledonian Ladies' (Edinburgh). (C73) WATSON, Sir Charles Gordon GORDON-, K.B.E, C.M.G., F.R.CS, 6. 1874 ; s. of the Rev. H. G. Watson, M.A, of The Wilderness, Woburn Sands, Beds ; to. 1917. Alice Geraldine Mary, d. of the late C. J. Teevan, of Woodside Court, Croydon. Educ : St. Mark's, Windsor, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Surgeon, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, St. Mark's Hospital, and St. Andrew's Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon, Metropolitan Hospital. CivU Surgeon in South African War, 1899-1901; Hon. previously Temp. Col. A.M.S. War Work : Consulting Surgeon, B.E.F, France and Italy, 1914-19. Addresses: 82, Harley Street, W. 1 ; Highwood Cottage, Harpsden, Henley-on-Thames. Clubs : Royal AutomobUe ; Bath. (K275) WATSON, Charles HERON-, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 1871; s. of the late Sir Patrick Heron- Watson, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy, and Univ, and Paris. Commissioner to the Sutherlandshire Boy Scouts. War Work : Scout Com missioner on Admiralty Coastwatchtog Services, 1914-18. Address : Achtoduic Lodge, Invershi Sutherlandshire. Clubs : Caledonian ; University (Edinburgh). (0419) WATSON, Mildred Jane MUSGRAVE-, M.B.E.; d. ot the late Capt. Musgrave-Watson, Royal FusUiers. Educ : Notting Hill High School. Sec. of the PubUcity Committee of the ChUdren's Country Holidays Fund ; Hon. Sec. of Women's Advisory Committee of National Savings Committee. War Work : 1915-16, Sec. Serbian ReUef Fund, received the Serbian Croix de Misere ; 1916, Sec. to British Women's Star and Garter Hospital Building Fund ; 1916-20, Head of Women's Section of National War Savings Committee. Address : 4. Upper Gloucester Place, N.W. Club : Ladies' Army and Navy. (M2616) WATT, Alexander Strahan, C.B.E. Address: 82, Boundary Road, St. John's Wood, N.W. (C326) WATT, Charles Frederick, O.B.B, 6. 9 Aug. 1882 ; s. of Charles Watt, late of 6, Grosvenor Terrace, Glasgow ; m. Marion GiUies, d. of James C. GiUies, of New York. Educ : Edinburgh Academy. War Work : Director and Vice- Piesident of the Wheat Export Co, Inc., New York, U.S.A., 1916-20, which was the Official Representative and Agent of the Royal Commission on Wheat SuppUes, London, for the purchase of Cereals and Cereal products in the United States and Canada ; Buyer of all Rye and Barley in U.S.A. and Canada. Addresses : 361, Produce Exchange, New York, U.S.A. ; c/o Samuel Sanday & Co, Holland House, London. Clubs : Flushing Country (Long Island, U.S.A.) ; Canadian (New York) ; and British Schools and Universities (New York). (011575) WATT, Capt. George, M.B.E, 6. 4 Feb. 1851 ; s. of the late George Watt, ot Aberdeenshire ; to. Jane, d. of Alexander McLeod, of Stornoway. Educ : Stornoway. Late MercantUe Marine, and Member of Stornoway School Board; now Harbour Master at Stornoway. War Work : Employed as Senior Pilot to the Admiralty on the Stornoway Base. (M9985) WATT, Lieut. James, M.B.E. WATT, Capt. John WiUiam, M.B.E. WATT, Madge Robertson, Mrs., M.B.E. WATT, Margaret Rose, Mrs, M.B.E, 6. 4 June, 1870 ; d. of Henry Robertson, K.C, of Collingwood, Canada; m. Alfred Tennyson, s. of Hugh Watt, M.P, of British Columbia. Educ. : Privately, and at Univ. of Toronto, Victoria, Canada. President, Univ. Women's Club, 1912 ; Member Senate Univ. of British Columbia, 1913-18. War Work : Founded and 1st Chairman, British Columbia War Service Committee, 1914, for visiting hospitals in England ; Founded Women's Institute Movement in the British Isles, 1915-17 ; Chief Organiser, Women's Institutes Board of Agriculture, 1917-19 ; Chairman, Advisory Board Women's Institutes, Department of Agri culture, British Columbia, 1910 ; delivered over 1000 addresses ou increasing food supply. Addresses : Selsey, Melchkin, Victoria, British Columbia ; c/o Bank of Montreal, London ; 9, Waterloo Place. Clubs : Lyceum ; University Women's (Victoria, Canada). (M2617) WATT, Lieut.-Col. Walter Oswald, O.B.B. WATT, Capt. William Mclver, M.B.E. WATTERS, John, M.B.E. WATTERSON, Percy GiU, M.B.E, A.CA, 6. 23 Aug. 1887 ; s. of Robert Watterson, of Leeds. Educ : Leeds. Chief Accountant, League of Nations. War Work : Finance and Accounts Manager, Berne (Switzerland), Office of the Ministry of Munitions. (M9986) WATTLE WORTH, Capt. James Percy, O.B.E, R.F.A.(T.). WATTON, Capt. George, M.B.E, R.G.A. WATTS, Arthur Franois, M.B.E, B.A, 6, 31 Oct. 1872 ; s. of the Rev. Arthur Watts, L.Th, F.G.S, F.R.G.S, Rector BIOGRAPHIES. Weatherili of Witton GUbert, Durham. Educ. : Durham Grammar School, and Durham Univ. Assistant Master at Crypt Grammar School, Gloucester. War Work: Qr.-Mr. of Glos. 60 V.A.D. 1910-15 ; Commandant, Glos. 25 from 1915 ; Transport Officer, Gloucester City Area, 1914-19 ; Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Sec. Great Western Hospital, 1914-17 ; County Commissariat Officer, 1917-19. Addresses : Crypt Grammar School, Gloucester ; Yew Tree Villa, Tuffley, Gloucester. (M9987) WATTS, Charles Haynes, M.B.E. WATTS, Charles Manly, O.B.E. WATTS, Charlotte Helen, Mrs., M.B.E. WATTS, Edgar Charles, O.B.E, 6. 3 Oct. 1871 ; s. of Charles Watts, of Smarden, Kent ; m. Edith Mary, d. of John Palmer, of Sergeants' Inn. Educ. : Clapham Collegiate School, and King's CoU. Naval Store Officer under the Admiralty. War Work : Naval Store Officer, H.M. Dockyard, Sheerness, 1914-15; Chatham, 1915-17; Coal ControUer, Gibraltar, 1917-19. Address: H.M. Dockyard, Devonport. (0844) WATTS, EmUy, Mrs., M.B.E. WATTS, Capt. Franois Mapleton Iremonger, M.B.E. fi. 1 July. 1895 ; s. of Francis Watts, of Laureston Lodge, JJewton Abbot, S. Devon. Educ. : Newton CoU, Newton Abbot, and R.M.C, Sandhurst. Solicitor. War Work : Served abroad with Worcestershire Regt, 1915 ; wounded ; seconded to R.F.C, and served overseas with 24th Squadron, 1916 ; Mesopotamia, 1918-19. Address : Laureston Lodge, Newton Abbot, S. Devon. (M6084) WATTS, Henry Charles, M.B.E, D.Sc, fi. 5 Feb. 1892 ; s. of C. F. Watts, of Bristol. Educ. : Bristol Univ. Director, OgUvie and Partners, Consulting Aeronautical Engineers. War Work : Head of Propeller Designs Branch, Air Ministry. Address : Gwdyr Chambers, 104, High Holborn, W.C. 1. (M1071) WATTS, Hugh Edmund, M.B.E, Ph.D., B.Sc, F.I.C, F.C.S, fi. 5 Dec. 1888 ; s. of Thomas William Watts, of Gordon House, Hutton, Essex. Educ. : Mercers' School ; King's CoU, London ; Univ. of Zurich. Sec. to the Factories Branch of the Department of Explosives SuppUes, and to the Gretna- Waltham Abbey Committee ; Technical Adviser to Major-Gen. Sir F. R. Bingham, K.C.M.G, C.B, of the MUitary Inter-AUied Commission of Control, BerUn, with rank of Lieut.-Col. War Work : Sec. to the Factories Branch of the Department of Explosives SuppUes. Address : Gordon House, Hutton, Essex. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Chemical Industry ; Univ. of London. (M9990) WATTS, Lieut.-Col. Humphrey, O.B.E, T.D, B.A, b. 15 Sept. 1880; s. of James Watts, of Abney HaU, Cheadle, Cheshire ; m. Gladys Mary, d. of Sir Edward Parkes, M.P, of Edgbaston, Birmingham. Educ. : Brasenose Coll, Oxford. Merchant. War Work : Went to France Feb. 1915, with 5th (Earl of Chester's) Batt, the Cheshire Regt. ; in valided home and held various appointments connected with Musketry and Lewis Gun instruction. Address : Haslington HaU, N. Crewe. Club : Isthmian. (07828) WATTS, Major John Hunter, O.B.E., R.A.S.C WATTS, Lieut.-Col. Luther, O.B.E, V.D, fi. 6 Oct. 1861 ; s.of Alderman W. H. Watts, J.P, C.C, late Lord Mayor of Liverpool; m. Bertha, d. of T. E. Priest, of Liverpool. Educ. : Liverpool Institute. War Work : O.C l/9th Batt. King's Liverpool Regt. ; served with 1st and 2nd Army in Jftance; Town Major and District Commandant, St. Pol, from June, 1917, to June, 1919 ; has British and AlUed War Medals, Edward VII. and George V. Coronation Medals, Volunteer Officers' Decoration and Long Service Medal, lemtorial Force Medal. Address : Sinhala, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (05904) WATTS, Mary Manning, M.B.E. ; d. of the late William Manning Watts, of Belsize Park, Hampstead, London. Educ. : ¦ravately. War Work: Jotot organiser of Belgian Hostel and Club, from Sept. 1914, to July, 1915, and of Hampstead War Hospital Supply Depot, July, 1915, to March, 1919. Address : 1, Compayne Gardens, Hampstead, N.W. (M9991) WATTS, Patterson, O.B.E. WATTS, PhiUp James, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 4 AprU, W« ; s. of James Watts, of Orlingbury Rectory, Northants ; m. Isabella Fox, d. of Archibald Kitchin, of Whitehaven. educ. : King's School, Canterbury, and Faraday House, «?naon. Electrical Engineer under the Admiralty. War a iln cnarge of the Electrical Department of H.M. Dock yard, Sheerness. Address : 4, Naval Terrace, Sheerness. ,„.„. (01576) WATTS, Major Roger John, O.B.E. WAUCHOPE, Lieut. David, M.B.E. WAUCHOPE, Jean Mary, Mrs., CB.E.; to. Gen. Wauchope, of Niddrie, C.B, C.M.G. (who died). War Work : president for Midlothian Soldiers' and Sailors' FamiUes Association; Lady President, Midlothian Y.M.C.A.; Edin burgh Executive Red Cross; Chairman, Siberton Local pensions ; Council Y.W.C.A. Addresses : Niddrie, Marischal, braigmUlar Midlothian ; The HaU, Yetham, Kelso. (C3031) WAUCHOPE, Robert Stuart, O.B.E. WATJGH, AUred Charles, M.B.E, R.N. WAUGH, Walter Charles, M.B.E, 6. 6 March, 1884 ; *¦ of Walter Waugh, of ChigweU Hall, ChigweU, Essex. Educ. : forest School and abroad. Partner of Walter Waugh & Co, uiemical Merchants and Manufacturers. War Work : Section wrector, Mineral Oil Production Dept. of the Ministry of munitions ; Chiefly responsible for aUocating supplies of home produced oils for the Admiralty. Addresses : ChigweU Hall, Essex; 4, Lloyds Avenue, London, E.C 3. Club : Royal Automobile. (M 99921 WAV, Effie, Mrs., M.B.E. ' ' WAVERTREE, Sophie Florence Nothrop, Lady, C.B.E., a. of Algernon Thomas Brinsley Sheridan, D.L, of Frampton Court, Dorset ; to. William Hall Walker, 1st Baron Wavertree (see Burke's Peerage) ; s. of Sir Andrew Barclay Walker, 1st Bart, of Gateacre. Addresses : Horlsey Hall, Gresford, Denbigh shire ; Sandy Brow, Tarporley, Cheshire ; Sussex Lodge, Regent's Park, N.W. (C661) WAVISH, Samuel John, O.B.E. W\WN, Dominique, O.B.E, 6. 29 July, 1871; s. of Middlemost Wawn, of Sunderland ; m. Eileen, d. of Capt. F. Crohan, of Indian Army. Educ. : Ncuwied, Germany. War Work : On Staff of Controller-General of Merchant Shipping as Chief Inspector for all North East Coast shipbuilding yards and engine and boiler works. Address : Cleadon Tower, near Sunderland. Club : Sunderland. (011577) WAY, Albert Edward, M.B.B, R.N. WAY, Capt. Arthur, M.B.B, fi. 1848 ; s. of W. B. Jennings Way ; m. Ellen, d. of — Bee, of Lancaster. Educ. : Beam- shaw Academy, New Forest. Extra Master to the Mercantile Marine. War Work : Master of Transport " Gregynog 673 " ; served throughout the war. Address .- 8, Sandbourne Road, Poole, Dorset. Club : Liberal, Sunderland. (M4066) WAY, Lieut.-Col. Bromley G. V., C.B.E, M.V.O, 6. 30 Nov. 1873 ; cs. of the late Rev. Bromley Way. Educ. : WelUngton Coll, and New Coll, Oxford. Gazetted, 2nd Batt. the Sherwood Foresters, 1896 ; promoted Capt. 1900 ; Major, 1915; Brevet Lieut.-Col, 1918 ; Adjutant, 2nd Batt, 1904-7 ; A.D.C to G.O.C. in Command Aldershot Command, 1907-10 ; A.M.S, Aldershot Command, 1910-12 ; Assistant Director of Movements, War Office, 1918-20 ; served with 2nd Batt. Tirah Expedition, 1897 (Indian Frontier Medal) ; S. Africa, with Mounted Infantry, 1900-1 (Queen's S. African Medal) ; France, 1914 (1914 Star, British and Victory Medals), Legion of Honour (Croix d'Officier), 1918, Crown of Belgium (Croix d'Officier), 1919. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co. Clubs : Naval and MiUtary ; Boodle's. (C1808) WAY, Edith, Caroline, Mrs., M.B.B, 6. 8 Oct. 1^71 ; d. of Surgeon-Major John Mennie, of Bombay Medical Service ; m. Theodore Alban Henry, I.C.S, s. of Dr. F. W. Way, of Southsea. Educ. : Southsea. War Work : Sec. St. John Ambulance Association, Red Cross work, Naini Tal. United Provinces, India; twice mentioned in gazette of India. Address : c/o T. A. H. Way, Indian Civil Service, United Provinces, India. Agents : Messrs. H. S. King & Co, 9, Pall MaU, London, S.W. (M6269) WAY, Lieut. Francis Robert, O.B.B, R.A.S.C, (T.). WAY, Lieut. John Dover, M.B.B. WAY, Philip Greville Hugh, M.B.B, fi. 15 April, 1865 ; s. of the Rev. John Hugh Way, of Henbury ; to. Dorothy Constance, d. of C C Cave, of 13, Cranley Gardens. War Work : Organising Sec. War Savings Association for Lines, and Vice-Chairman for Horticultural Sub-Committee, Kesteven, Lines. Address : Merriott House, Merriott, Crewkerne, Som. (M4067) WAY, Coram. Robert Lewis, O.B.B., R.N. WAYLEN, Capt. Donald Campbell, M.B.E. R.A.F. WAYMAN, Lieut.-Col. Henry Holdsworth, O.B.B, D.L, 6. 1876 ; 2nd s. of WilUam Henry Wayman, of Halifax. Educ. : Edinburgh and Bonn. War Work : Served in S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Mounted Infantry ; despatches), and in Great War in France, 1915-17 (despatches) ; Commanded 3rd Batt. West Riding Regt, 1910-17. Address : South Field, Halifax, Yorks. Clubs : Bucks ; Junior United Service. (08967) WAYMAN, Lieut.-Col. Myers, O.B.E, F.S.S,, F.I.S.A. ; s. of Myers Wayman, of Valebrooke, Sunderland, and Egglestone, Yorks ; to. Margaret Winifred, d. of WilUam Bland, of Shildon, Durham. Educ. : Sunderland, and Christ's Coll, Cambridge. Director of Appointments Department, Ministry of Labour ; Member of a large number of CouncUs, Boards, and Committees in connection with education and resettlement. War Work : Lieut.-Col. H.M. Forces ; War Service, 1914-19, Durham Light Infantry ; seriously wounded, Armentieres, 1916. Address : Wetherby, Yorks. Clubs .- Rotary (Leeds) ; Services (Sheffield). (03979) WAYNE, Francis Herman Milford, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 14 July, 1803 ; s. of the late Col. Herman Wayne, J.P, of Tickwood Hall, Much Wenlock ; to. Charlotte Isabella Blanche, d. of the late Sir George Kinloch, Bart, of Kinloch, Meigle, N B Educ. : Rugby and Cambridge. Assistant County Director British Red Cross Society, East Sussex. War Work : Hon. Agent for Food SuppUes, British Red Cross Society, Sussex. Address : Campfield, Battle, Sussex. Club : Wind ham. (011578) WAYNE, Capt. Frederiok WilUam, O.B.B. WEAKFORD, Charles Frederick, M.B.E. WEAKNER, John Johnson, M.B.E. WEALE, Eng.-Lieut. Henry Searle, O.B.E, R.N. WEATHERALL, Capt. Nigel Edward, O.B.E. WEATHERHEAD, Adam, M.B.E. Shipbuilder; Managing Director, W. Harkess and Son, Ltd. War Work : Superintendent of Special Constabulary ; carried out important work for the Admiralty. Address : The Moorings, Cornfield Road, Middlesbrough. Club : Cleveland. (M1072) WEATHERHEAD, Robert, O.B.B, B.A, R.N. WEATHERILL, Henry, O.B.E. 539 Weaver THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. WEAVER, Alexander Charles, M.B.B. WEAVER, Arthur John, M.B.B, J.P, 6. 13 Feb. 1863 ; s. of Arthur Weaver, of WalsaU ; m. Mary Jane, d. of Samuel White, of WalsaU. Educ. : Queen Mary's Grammar School, WalsaU. Magistrate ; Member of Advisory Committee to Wolverhampton Borough Justices ; Vice-Chairman, Labour Employment Committee, Vice-Chairman, Food Committee ; President, Wolverhampton Trades and Labour CouncU ; active worker in Sunday Morning Adult School Movement. War Work : Served on Advisory Committee to Military Tribunal ; Member of Soldiers' and Sailors' Disablement Committee. Address : 12, Baby Street, Wolverhampton. (M9994) WEAVER, Capt. Charles Henry, M.B.B, 6. 1 Jan. 1888. War Work : Served with Red Cross, Alexandria, 1915 and Mesopotamia, 1916-19, as Assistant Commissioner. Address : Boxmoor, Herts. (M2620) WEAVER, Frederick WiUiam Herron, O.B.E. WEAVER, Gertrude Cleave, Mrs, M.B.E, fi. 20 Oct. 1881 ; d. of Harry Westbrook, of Binfield, Berkshire ; m. William Henry Weaver, of the International Labour Office, Geneva. Educ : North Dulwich. Civil Servant, Adminis trative Officer of the International Labour Office, League of Nations, Geneva, formerly Assistant Inspector in National Health Insurance Commission. War Work : Woman Chief of Staff in (Enemy) Prisoners of War Information Bureau ; Staff of 400 women speaking practically every European and many Oriental languages. Address : International Labour Office (Bureau International du Travail), Geneva. Club : 1917. (M2627) WEAVER, Henry, M.B.E. WEAVER, Capt. John, M.B.E, 6. 18 Sept. 1867 ; s. of William Weaver, of Lewes, Sussex ; m. Margaret, d. of Cornelius Conning, of Isle of Whithorn. Edue. : Privately. Master, both Sailing and Steam ; Master of Cruising Yacht. War Work : Deputy Head Coast Watcher, Headquarters, Whitefield Road, Govan ; Official District, Wigtownshire Coast from Glasserton to Dinnans Head. Address : Harbour House, Isle of Whithorn, Wigtownshire, N.B. (M9996) WEAVER, John Henry, CB.E. ; s. of John Weaver, of Doncaster. Ch. Censor for Union of S. Africa and Imperial Dep. Ch. Censor for S. Africa during Great War. Address : Pretoria, Transvaal. (C762) WEAVER, Sir Lawrence, K.B.E, F.S.A, Hon. A.R.I.B.A, fi. 2 July, 1876 ; s. of W. F. Weaver ; m. Kathleen, d. of the late Major-Gen. E. T. W. Purcell, R.A. Educ. : Clifton CoU. Director-General, Land and SuppUes Dept, and Second Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries ; Chair man, National Institute of Agricultural Botany ; Hon. Treas. Housing Association for Officers' Families. War Work : Anti-Aircraft Corps, R.N.V.R, 1915-17 ; Controller of Sup plies, Food Production Dept, 1917-18. Address: 38,Hamilton Terrace, N.W. 8. Clubs : Reform ; Farmers'. (K439) WEAVER, Percy WUlian, M.B.E, 6. 6 Nov. 1882 ; s. oi Henry Weaver, M.B.E, of Stourport, Worcs. (late Station Supt, G. W. Rly, Paddington). Euuc : Newbury and Reading. RaUway Traffic Officer ; Assistant Goods Manager, Egyptian State RaUways, Cairo. War Work : Supervision of MUitary Railway Traffic on the Egyptian State Railways at various points, particularly at Kantara West station. Ad dress : Helmieh, near Cairo, Egypt. Clubs : Constitutional ; Turf (Cairo) ; Union (Alexandria). (M1148) WEBB, Arthur George, M.B.E. WEBB, Col. Sir Arthur Lisle Ambrose, K.B.E, C.B. CM.G, fi. 19 July, 1871 Lieut. R.A.M.C, 1899; Capt, 1902 ; Major, 1911 ; Lieut.-Col. 1914 ; served S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal, 5 clasps ; King's Medal, 2 clasps) ; Great War, 1914-18 ; mentioned in despatches ; Director- General A.M.S. (K470) WEBB, Benjamin, M.B.E, R.E. WEBB, Cecil Dunstan, O.B.E. WEBB, Lieut. CyrU Charles WiUiam, M.B.B, R.A.S.C. WEBB, Major Edward Clive, O.B.E, F.R.CV.S, 6 8 March, 1881 ; s. of Edward Samuel Webb, of Brighton • m. Edith, d. of — Lewis. Educ : Privately, and Royal Veterinary Coll. R.A.V.C War Work: 1914, Sudan (Egyptian Army) ; 1915, M.E.F, Cairo ; 1915-16, D.A.D.V S , 36th (Ulster) Div, France ; 1916-18, No. 1 Convalescent Horse Depot; No. 24 Veterinary Hospital, France. Club : Junior Naval and Military. (01987) WEBB, Ella Gertrude Amy, Mrs, M.B.E, M.D , fi 16 Oct. 1877 ; d. of Charles T. Ovenden, Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral, DubUn ; m. George, F.T.CD, s. of Randolph Webb Surgeon-General, R.A.M.C. Educ. : Queen's Coll, Harley Street ; Royal Univ, Dublin ; Berlin : Vienna. Anesthetist and Physician to charge of out-patient department for children, Adelaide Hospital, DubUn; Physician to St. Ultan's Infant Hospital. War Work : Organisation of St. John Ambulance Brigade m Ireland, as Lady District Supt, No. 12 (Irish) District; Member of Joint War Committee Hospitals. Ad dress : 20, Hatch Street, DubUn. (M1073) WEBB, Frank Hart, M.B.E. uvuu^i ¦d . ,??B;JLieut-"Co1- Frederick Edward Apthorpe, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). WEBB, Frederick James, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 20 Aug. 1871 ; s. of Joseph Webb, of Wells, Somerset; m. Gertrude Marie Louise, d. of Edward Garrett, of Sherborne, Dorset. Educ. : Blue Schools, Wells, Somerset. Accountant and Valuer- Director ol several companies; Councillor for Borough of 540 Bournemouth ; Past High Chief Ranger, Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society. War Work : Chairman of Bourne mouth War Savings Control Committee, First Victory War Loan Committee, Food Control Propaganda and Statutory Committees (resigned), War Pensions Statutory Committee. and Member of various committees doing voluntary war work Addresses : 1, Yelverton Road, Bournemouth ; Glencoe' Branksome Park, Bournemouth. (011579)' WEBB, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Frederick John, M.B.E WEBB, Lieut.-Col. George Richard, M.B.E, V.D. WEBB, Major. G. R. H., O.B.E, R.E. WEBB, George William Cutler, O.B.B. WEBB, Gladys Vivien, M.B.E, Q.M.A.A.C. WEBB, Harry James, CB.E. A Member of Roy. Corps cf Naval Constructors ; Ch. Constructor and Sup, Dockyard Branch, Controllers' Depart, Adrniralty. Address : Admiraltv Whitehall, S.W. (0328) WEBB, Major Henry Smith, M.B.E, fi. 25 Nov. 1845 ; s. of James Webb, of Deptford, Kent ; to. Jane, d. of w! Sharman, of Maidstone, Kent. Educ. : Morden House' Greenwich, Kent. Quartermaster (ret.), R.A.M.C. War Work : Did duty at Base Depot Medical Stores, Bristol Sept. 1914 ; transferred to MiUtary Hospital, Bethnal Green) London, AprU, 1915. Address : 15, Lansdowne Road, Seven Kings, Ilford. (M5716) WEBB, Herbert Stephen, M.B.E. WEBB, Capt. Hugh Edwin, M.B.B, R.E. WEBB, Comm. John Henry, O.B.E, R.N.R, fi. 26 May, 1871 ; s. of Richard Webb, of Dunderrow, Ktogsale, Co. Cork; m. Kathleen Henrietta, d. of John McClean Thompson, of Dublin. Educ. : Banden, Co. Cork. Harbour Master and Pilot Super intendent, Dublin ; Commissioner of Irish Lights. War Work : Assisted in embarkation of troops to and from Dublin ; salvage of torpedoed vessels, also services rendered during Irish RebeUion ; mentioned in despatches. Address : St. Dominico, Castle Avenue, Contarf, Dublin. (011571) WEBB, Capt. John Montague, O.B.B. WEBB, Major John Robert Douglas, O.B.E, I.M.S. WEBB, Paymaster-Lieut. Lancelot Vere, O.B.E, R.N. WEBB, Sir Montagu de Pomeroy, Knt. Bach, CLE, C.B.E, fi. 1869; s. of W. W. Webb, soUcitor of Bristol and London ; to. 1 908, Catharine Frances, d. of Col. Frederick Charles Wood Rideout, Indian Army. 'Sometime Chairman of Karachi Chamber of Commerce ; Additional Member of Bombay Legislative Council ; is Founder of the War League of India. Address : Karachi, India. (C352) WEBB, Percy Henry, M.B.E, F.R.N.S, fi. 22 Dec. 1856; s. of WilUam Webb, of The Welches, Bentley, Hants ; m. Sarah Jane, d. of Frederic Andrews, of Cox Bridge, Farnham, Surrey. Educ. : Marlborough. Clerk of the Walton-upon-Thames Urban District Council ; Vestry Clerk of Walton-upon-Thames ; Clerk of Walton and Weybridge Old Age Pension Committee ; Hon. Treas. of the Royal Numismatic Society. War Work : Member (acting as clerk) of Walton-upon-Thames Military Tribunal ; Hon. Sec. and Hon. Treas. Walton War Pensions Committee ; Joint Hon. Sec. Walton, Hersham, and Oatlands National Emergency Committee ; Member of numerous other committees. Addresses : The Garden, Walton-on- Thames ; 4 & 5, West Smithfield, London, E.C 1. (M9999) WEBB, Major PhiUp, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. WEBB, PhUip George Lancelot, C.B, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 4 Aug. 1856 ; s. of the Rev. Benjamin Webb, of St. Andrew's, Well Street, Prebendary of St. Paul's. Educ. : Westminster, and Christ Church, Oxford. Assistant Comptroller of Patents ; Hon. Sec. of the Handel Society. War Work : Establishment Officer in Ministry of Munitions, 1915-16 ; Deputy ControUer of Petrol, Board of Trade, 1916-19. Address : 12, Lancaster Gate Terrace, London, W. 2. Clubs : New University ; Oxford and Cambridge Musical. (C329) WEBB, Major Robert Edward, O.B.E, 6. 29 Jan. 1875 ; s. of Major W. Webb, late Black Watch, of Hove ; m. Dulcie, d. of — Mabert, of Allahabad, India. Educ. : Mercer's CoU, Limerick. War Work : Served in S. African War, 1900, as Sergt. in Burma Mounted Infantry ; Great War, 1914-18 (mentioned in despatches). Address : 2nd Battn. York and Lancs. Regt, Persia. (O2780) WEBB, Lieut. Sidney George, M.B.E. WEBB, Stephen Rev. LleweUyn, O.B.B, L.Th. Durh, 6. 7 Aug. 1885 ; s. of the late George Fortescue Webb, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Chaplain to the Forces. Address : c/o. The Chaplain- General, War Office. (02312) WEBB, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. WEBB, Major William Franois, Richmond, D.S.O, WEBBE, WilUam Harold, C.B.E, B.A. (Cantab.), fi. 30 Sept. 1885; s. of John. H. Webbe, of Birmingham; m. Constance Laura Jane, d. of W. A. Harrison, of Birmingham. Educ. : King Edward's School, Birmingham, and Queen's Coll, Cambridge. 28th Wrangler, 1907 ; H.M. Inspector of Schools, 1910-20 ; Ministry of Munitions, 1915-20 ; Merchant from 1920. War Work : Ministry of Munitions ; Private Sec. to General Sec, and later to ParUamentary and Financial Sec. (Rt. Hon. Sir L. Worthington Evans, Bart, M.P.), Controller, Ferrous Metals and WarUke Stores Section, Disposal Board. Address : Queen's Park, Caterham, Surrey. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C3032) WEBBER, Amherst, O.B.E. WEBBER, Major Horace Armine WUUam, C.B.E, fi. 28 March, 1880 ; s. of the late Felix Hussey Webber, of BIOGRAPHIES. Weighell Swansea; m. Grace Vernon, d. of WilUam Pinder, of British Columbia. Educ : Eton. Regular Officer, Royal Artillery. War Work : Served in France. Address : Nether House, Gaddesbyjieicestershire. Club : Cavalry. (C1137) WEBBER, Capt. Hubert Arthur Cornwall, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. WEBBER, Katharine Stanton, M.B.E. W£8_>nR, Mowbray Frederick Vivian James Arthur, M.B.E, J.P. Cambs, 6. 25 Nov. 1866 ; s. of Vivian Arthur Webber, of Ryde, Isle of Wight : to. Amy Affleck, d. of Joseph Grimond, of Carbet Castle, Droughty Ferry, Kinnettles, Forfarshire. Educ : Appledencombe, Isle of Wight. Alder man, Cambs County Council; Chairman of Finance Com mittee, and of Visiting Committee, Fulbourn Mental Hospital ; Income and Land Tax Commissioner ; Treas. Cambs and Isle of Ely Nursing Association. War Work : Commandant, Sliepreth AuxUiary Hospital, Cambs, 21 beds ; Member of Advisory Committee, Melbourn Local Tribunal ; 1st Treas. Cambs War Refugee Committee ; Chairman and Sec. Thepreth Belgian Refugee Committee. Cfafis ; Royal Automobile ; Cambridge County. (M10001) WEBBER, Lieut.-Col. Ralph Gowland, O.B.E. WEBER, Barbara, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1871 ; d. of John Eyfe, of Aberdeen ; m. Edward, s. of Frederic Weber, of London. District Chairman, War Pensions Committee. War Work : Hon. Organiser, Barnet War Hospital Supply Depot ; Member of Red Cross, Food Control, and Food Economy Committees ; Hon. Sec. War Savings Association. Address : Hadley Bourne, Barnet. (M10002) WEBLElf, Flora Mary, Mrs., O.B.E. WEBLEY, Capt. WiUiam Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.F. WEBSTER, Capt Alexander, M.B.E. WEBSTER, Arthur Douglas, O.B.E, V.D, M.D, D.Sc, F.R.C.P. WEBSTER, Sir Augustus Frederick Walpole Edward, Bart., O.B.E, J.P, 6. 6 Feb. 1864 ; s. of Sir Augustus Frederick Webster, Bart, of Battle Abbey (see BURKE'S Peerage) ; to. Mabel (who died), d. of Henry Corsley. Educ. : Eton. War Wort : Served Reserve Batt. Grenadier Guards, 1914-19. Address: Battle Abbey, Sussex. Clubs: Guards'; Bachelors'; Authors'. (07833) WEBSTER, A vice, M.B.E, 6. 30 Oct. 1863 ; d. of the late Thomas Webster, Q.C, of 2, Pump Court Temple. Educ. : Notting HUI High School. War Work : Hon. Organising Sec. of voluntary workers in scheme for quick meals at Coffee Stalls in Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, under Welfare Supervision Dept. of the Arsenal, June, 1915, to Jan. 1919. Address : 46, Brunswick Gardens, Kensington. (M4069) WEBSTER, Major Charles Robert, O.B.E. WEBSTER, Lieut. Frank Courts, O.B.E, R.A.O.C WEBSTER, George, O.B.E, 6. 22 June, 1870 ; s. of George Webster, of Rochdale ; m. Mary, d. of Joseph Butter- worth, of Rochdale. Educ. : Privately. General Manager of Tramways. War Work : Hon. Sec. 1915-16, afterwards Member of Board of Management, Rochdale Area, Munitions Board, and Rochdale National Shell Factory ; organised War Savings in Munition Factories in Rochdale Area, representing the Ministry of Munitions. Address : 342, Edenfield Road, Rochdale. (O3980) WEBSTER, Capt. George Frederick Anderson, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. WEBSTER, Georgina, M.B.E. WEBSTER, Capt. Godfrey George, O.B.E, R.N. WEBSTER, Gustavus WiUiam, M.B.E. WEBSTER, Major Harold Weatherald, O.B.E, Can. A.S.C. (M T.) WEBSTER, James Alexander, M.B.E. WEBSTER, Capt. John Alexander, C.B.E, M.V.O, o. 1874; s. of John Webster, Bar.-at-Law, of Southbank, Newton Aimot ; m. LaUa, d. of the Hon. Mr. Justice Wallace Graham, of HaUfax, Nova Scotia. Entered R.N. 1887 ; Lieut. 1895 ; Com. 1907 ; Capt. 1914 ; was Navigating Com. of Indomitable " during Prince of Wales's visit to Canada, 1908 ; subsequently Naval Assist. Navigation Depart, Admiralty. (C1957) WEBSTER, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Joseph Henry, M.B.E, M.C. WEBSTER, Dame May, D.B.E. ; d. of Alfred Whitty, Journalist and Writer ; to. Ben Webster, s. of WUliam Shakes peare Webster. Educ. : Privately. Actress. War Work : Chairman, British Women's Hospitals Committee, Three Arts Women's Employment Fund, Era War Distress Fund, United suffragists Women's War Club, Theatrical Ladies' Guild, and Actresses' Franchise League ; worked on Women's Emergency Corps, and helped to organise many charity entertainments. Address: 31, Bedford Street, Strand. Clubs : Three Arts; International Women's Franchise. (D21) WEBSTER, Lieut. Noel Edwin, O.B.E, M.C. WEBSTER, Violet Helen, M.B.E. WEBSTER, WiUiam, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 21 Sept. 1866; s. of Wm. Webster, of Springbum, Glasgow, and Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire ; m. Mary RusseU, d. of Wm. Hughes, of Sprtog- Onrn, Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow. General Sec. Scottish Liberal Federation ; Hon. Sec. Scottish Home Rule Council. war Work : Joint Chief Organiser of Jotot Political Voluntary Kecruiting Committee; Deputy Commissioner for Scotland °j National Service Department (Agricultural Section) ; Member of first Scottish War Savings Committee ; Scottish War Aims Committee ; and other National work. Clubs : Scottish Liberal (Edinburgh) ; Glasgow Liberal (Glasgow) ; National Liberal. (C665) WEDD, Major Aubrey Pattisson WaUman, O.B.E, R.E. WEDDERBURN, Alexander Dundas Ogilvy, C.B.E, K.C, J.P, fi. 7 Aug. 1854 ; s. of James Alexander Wedderburn, of Auchterhouse, Forfarshire ; to. Mathilde (who died, 1898), d. of Henry William Segelcke. Educ: Haileybury; Balliol Coll, Oxford. Recorder of Gravesend, 1897 ; a Bencher of the Inner Temple, 1908 ; one of the leaders of the Parlia mentary Bar ; Joint Editor (with the late Sir Edward T. Cook, K.B.B.) of the Library Edition of Ruskin, 1903-12. War Work : Worked in the Enquiry for the Wounded and Missing Depart ment of the Red Cross Society, and was Director of the London Area of that Department from Jan. 1916, till April, 1919. Address : 8, Ormonde Gate, Chelsea, S.W. 3 ; The Hoo, Willtogdon. Sussex. Clubs : Travellers' ; St. Stephen's ; Society of Dilettanti. (C3033) WEDDERBURN, Charles David St. Clair, O.B.E. WEDDERBURN, Henry Kellerman Hamilton, O.B.E. WEDDERBURN, Robert RoweU. O.B.E. WEDDERBURN, Ernest MACLAGAN-, O.B.E, W.S, D.Sc, 6. 3 Feb. 1884; s. of A. S. Maclagan- Wedderburn, of Pearsie ; m. Mary, d. of the Rev. T. S. Goldie, of Granton. Educ : Edinburgh Univ. Member of firm of Carment, Wedderburn, and Watson, W.S, Edinburgh ; Hon. Sec. Scottish Meteorological Society. War Work : Meteorologist attached to Headquarters at GaUipoli and Salonica ; thereafter Assistant Supt. of Experiments, Shoeburyness. Address : 6, Succoth Gardens, Edinburgh. Clubs: Caledonian; Cale donian U.S. (Edinburgh). (03981) WEDDERSPOON, Lieut. Arthur Alexander, M.B.E, WEDGWOOD, Mary Euphrazia, M.B.E.; d. of Godfrey Wedgwood, of Idlerocks, Stone, Staffs. Educ. : St. Leonards School, St. Andrews. War Work : V.A.D, Mrs. Watkin's Canteens for the Italian wounded on the Isonzo Front ; British soldiers' clubs in the forward area of the Italian Expe ditionary Force ; awarded Italian Military Cross. Addresses : 120, St. James' Court, London, S.W. 1 ; Idlerocks, Stone, Staffs. Club: Albemarle. (M10004) WEDLAKE, John, M.B.E. WEEDALL, John, M.B.E. WEEKES, Capt. Henry Holman, O.B.E, M.D, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 1868 ; s. of Henry Weekes, J.P, CA, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Edin.), of Mansion House, Old Brompton. Kent ; to. Constance, d. of Sir Francis Hicks, J P, D.L, of Oakfield, Streatham HiU, London. Educ. : Eastbourne Coll. ; Epsom Coll. ; Univ. Coll. Hospital, London. Late Physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Rochester. War Work : Commanding Officer to MiUtary Ambulance Trains in England and France, for 4 years ; Examining Recruits during the first 5 months of war. Address : West Hill, Ottery St. Mary, Devon. (°78J,5> WEEKES, Lieut.-Col. Henry Wilson, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6 1870 ¦ s of the late Rev. W. J. Weekes. Entered R.E. 1888 ¦ Major, 1907 ; Lieut.-Col. 1915 ; served in Chitral ReUef Force, 1895 (medal with clasp) ; Great War, 1915-19 (despatches twice). (O3202) WEEKS, Major Harold Ernest, O.B.E. WEEKS, Percy Frank, M.B.E, fi. 9 Oct. 1871 ; s. of Frank Weeks, of Newport, Isle of Wight ; to. 1st, Eveline Ada Chapman, 2nd, Ethel Adelaide Farmer. Educ : Newport Grammar School. War Work : Inspector, Ramsgate Special Constabulary. Address : 1, Queen Street, Ramsgate. (M10007) WEGENER, Capt. John Frederiok WiUiam, M.B.E, Al F WEGUELIN, Ethel Mary Josephine, Mrs., C.B.E, 6 1862 ¦ d of Thomas Fuller, of 13, Chesterfield Street, May- fair • to. Arthur Gerald, s. of Thomas M. WegueUn, of 44, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. Educ. : Privately. Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. War Work: Organiser and Hon. Sec. of War Hospital Supply Depots, Isle of Wight 1915-17 ; Hon. Organising Sec. Officers' Record Department Central Prisoners of War Committee, April, 1917. to March 1919. Address ; 23, Pelham Crescent, S.W. 7. Club : Ladies' Automobile. . 1°5,°|,4) WEHNER, Major Arthur Francis Peroival, O.B.E, R G A 6 15 March, 1883 ; s. of Percival A. H. Wehner, of Eastbourne ; to. Phyllis, d. of the late Lieut -Col. R. Holyoake, R A M C Educ. : WelUngton Coll, and Royal MUitary Arademv War Work: Served with B.E.F, France; In structor in Gunnery, Central Siege School, Lydd ; 1914 Star ; G S Medal ¦ Victory Medal. Address : c/o Messrs. Cox & Co, 16, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. Club : Junior Army and Navy (07836) WEIGALL, Lieut. Graham Selwyn, O.B.E, R.N.R. WEIGALL, Rachel PrisciUa, M.B.E, fi. 21 Aug. 1879 ; d of Henry WeigaU, of Southwood House, Ramsgate. War Work ¦ 4 years' service as Sec. (Aug. 1914, to AprU, 1916), Quartermaster (April, 1916, to Aug. 1917), and Commandant (Ana 1917) to Kent 2 V.A.D. Hospital, Ramsgate ; in charge of Canteen and Medical Huts for Women Workers at Richboro' Camp Sch, 1918, to Nov. 1918. (M4070) WEIGALL, Reginald Edward, O.B.B, M.B. WEIGHELL, Walter, M.B.E, 6. 25 Sept. 1880; s. of James J WeigheU, of Stocksfield, Northumberland. Educ. : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Second Division Clerk in Foreign Office, 541 Weighill THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. from April, 1899; Assistant Registrar, noreign uaice, ueo. 1920. War Work : In Registry of Foreign Office. Address : Glenleigh. 285, Abbey Road, Belvedere, Kent. (M1076) WEIGHILL, Alhce, Mrs., M.B.E. WEIGHTNMA, Fleet-Surg. AUred Ernest, O.B.E, R NWEIGHTMAN, Lieut. Reginald, M.B.E, Can. A.S.C WEINTHAL, Leo, O.B.E.; Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Belgium. WEIR, Lieut. David Alexander, M.B.E. WEIR, Edith Margaret Mary, M.B.E. War Work: Ministry of Munitions ; Foreign Office ; Ministry of Pensions. \ jxl x u u u y ) WEIR, George Jackson, M.B.E, 6. 6 July, 1882 ; s. of Walter Weir Merchant, of Glasgow ; to. Marguerite Isabella (who died), d. of Henry Moncrieffe Guthrie, of Perth, Scotland. Educ ¦ Glasgow. Chief Accountant, British Cellulose and Chemical Manufacturing Co, Ltd, London and Spondon, Derbyshire War Work : Joined special costing staff of Mimstry of Munitions of War in Sept. 1915, from Nobel's Explosives Co, Ltd Glasgow ; Director of National Factories' Cost Statistics till Jan. 1920. Address : Hermiston, Stepps, Lanarkshire. WEIR, Brig.-Gen. James George, CM.G, C.B.E, fi. 1862 Is Lieut.-Col. R.F.A. ; T. Brig.-Gen. ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (Order ot Crown of Italy, Legion of Honour). (C1910) WEIR, Lieut. John, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. WEIR, Lieut. Col. Peter, O.B.E, fi. 4 Oct. 1892 ; s. of the late J. W. A. Weir, I.C.S, of Sulby, Isle of Man ; to. Margaret Isobel, d. of the late Francis Robinson Watson, of the Bank of Madras. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. ; Wadham Coll Oxford. Settler, Kenya Colony. War Work : R.A.S.C, France, 1914-16, with Indian and British Cavalry; 1917-19, Mesopotamia and Persia ; subsequently commanding No. 5 MT Column (mentioned in despatches). Addresses: Invers- burg' Nakuru, Kenya Colony ; Sulby, Isle of Man. (04262) WEIR, Lieut. Robert J, O.B.E, R.N.R. WEIR, Capt. Robert Yaxley, O.B.E. WEIR, Major Thomas Duncan, M.B.B, R.E. WEIR, WilUam Goold, O.B.E, M.I.N.A, fi. March, 1862 • s of James Weir, of Glasgow ; m. Mary Goold, d. of John' Kerr, of Glasgow. Educ: Glasgow Univ. Engineer and Boilermaker ; partner in the firm of David Rowan & Co, who were engaged in work for the Admiralty almost exclusively during the whole period of the war. Addresses : 190, Niths- dale Road, Glasgow ; 231, ElUot Street, Glasgow. Club : Liberal (Glasgow). (0849) WELBORN, George Coulson, O.B.B. WELBY, Lieut.-Col. Sir AUred Cholmeley Earle, K.B.E, J.P. 6. 22 Aug. 1849 ; s. of Sir Glynne Earle Welby, Bart, of Denton Hall, Grantham (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Alice Desiree, d. of A. E. Copland Griffiths, of Meadow Bank, Melksham. Educ : Eton Coll. Lieut.-Col. Commanding Royal Scots Greys, 1892-96 ; has Order of St. Anne of Russia, 2nd Class and jewelled ; M.P. for Taunton, 1895-1906. War Work : Sec. Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation ; Acting Sec. War Pensions Statutory Committee, 1915-16. Addresses : 18, Chester Street, Belgrave Square, S.W. 1 ; The Mill House, Stowford, Bradford-on-Avon. Clubs : Carlton ; 1900. (K114) WELCH, George, M.B.B. WELCH, Joseph Hubbard, M.B.E, fi. 18 Nov. 1873 ; s. of Joseph Welch, of Laglands. Reigate ; to. Violet Lee, d. of James Dickson, D.L, of MUtown House, Dungannon. Educ. : Winchester. War Work : Hon. See. British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John of Jerusalem for City of Derry and County of Donegal. Address : Dunruadh, Londonderry. Clubs - Northern Counties (Londonderry) ; Junior Constitu tional. (M10011) WELCH, LiUan Emily, M.B.E. WELCH, Leiut, Maurice Cleary, M.B.E, Aust. A.O.C WELCH, Jessie Muriel KEMP-, M.B.E. ; d. of Charles Durant Kemp-Welch, J.P, D.L, of 2, Porchester Gate, W. 2. War Work : Commandant of Paddington V.A.D. Orthopedic Hospital, April, 1916, to July, 1919. Address : 30, St. Mary's Mansions, W. 2. Club : Ladies' V.A.D. (M4071) WELCH, John Howard KEMP-, M.B.E, fi. 1881 ; s. of 0. D. Kemp-Welch, J.P, D.L, of Sunningdale. Educ. : Eton, and Univ. CoU, London. Engineer. War Work : Superintending production of Mines and Depth Charges. Address : 20, The Avenue, Beckenham, Kent. (M629) WELCHMAN, Capt. Godfrey de Vere, O.B.E, R.F.A, 6. 20 Aug. 1894 ; s. of Rev. H. de Vere Welchman, M.A, of Exeter. Educ. : Cathedral School, Exeter ; Royal Military Academy. War Work : 1914-19, served in France, Egypt, Gallipoli, and Mesopotamia ; 3 times mentioned in despatches. Addresses : R.A. Mess, Bordon, Hants. ; Alphington, Exeter. (06724) WELCHMAN, Major Sidney Chaytor, O.B.E, Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. WELDON, WinUred, Lady, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Col. Varty Rogers, of Broxmore Park, Hants. ; to. Col. Sir Anthony Arthur Weldon, 6th Bart, (who died) (see eurke's Peerage). Organised war work and war collections in Co. KUdare, in the absence on service of her husband, who was Lord Lieutenant of the County ; collected considerable sums of money for Queen Mary's Fund for Women, Red Cross, and for KUdare soloieis to France and Germany ; organised classes for instruction to Red Cross duties, and weekly egg collections in Town Hall, 542 Athy ; organised a committee to assist women regarding their pensions, separation aUowances, and started in Co. KUdare the system of adopting Prisoners of War in Germany. Address : KUmorony, Athy, Co. KUdare, Ireland. (011583) WELFORD, Robert Anthony Ettriok, O.B.E, 6. 15 Sept 1883 ; s. of Robert Welford, of North Hylton, Co. Durham ¦ m. Dorothy Elaine, d. of Joseph Firmingcr, of Aldwick' Bognor. Educ. : Denstone Coll. Chief Investigation Officer, Ministry of Munitions, N.W. Area ; Chief ConciUation Officer, N.W. Area, Wages and Arbitration Dept, Ministry of Labour. War Work : Settling strikes and labour disputes of aU kinds Addresses: Littlewood, Warlsey, Lanes.; 77, Shudehill' Manchester. (01989) WELLBORNE, Major Cyril de Montfort, O.B.E, LA. WELLER, Pilot Officer Herbert Humphries, M.B.E. WELLESLEY, Major Cecil George, O.B.E. WELLET, Florence Maud, Mrs., M.B.E. WELLINGS, Major Evelyn Valentine, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WELLINGTON, Lieut. Robert, M.B.E, M.C. WELLMAN, Francis AUred, O.B.E. WELLS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Arthur George, O.B.E., D.C.M.. R.A.S.C. WELLS, Major Charles Alexander, O.B.B. WELLS, Capt. Charles Edward, M.B.E. WELLS, FUght-Lieut. Frederiok Kynaston, M.B.E., R.A.F. WELLS, Lieut.-Col. Hardy Vesey, CB.E. Lieut.Col. R.A.F.; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentionedin despatches). (C1911) WELLS, Harold Arthur Thompson, M.B.E. WELLS, Lieut. Henry Bensley, M.B.E, 6. 12 Jan. 1891 ; s. of Thomas Edward WeUs, of 9, Petersham Terrace, S.W. 7. Educ. : Winchester, and Magdalen Coll, Oxford. Barrister- at-Law. War Work : Served to France with 6th London Bgde, R.F.A, from March, 1915, to July, 1915 ; Gunnery Instructor in England from Nov. 1915, to July, 1916 ; Eastern Command Headquarters, from July, 1916, to Oct. 1917 ; War Office from Oct. 1917, to Jan. 1919. Address : 9, Peters ham Terrace, London, S.W. 7. Clubs: Junior Carlton; Vincents (Oxford) ; Leander ; M.C.C. (M5720) WELLS, James Laurence, O.B.E, fi. 11 Sept. 1877 ; s. of Jonathan Wells, of Glasgow ; to. Isabella Graham, d. of Gordon Young, of Glasgow. Educ. : Glasgow. War Work : Deputy Food Commissioner for Glasgow and West of Scotland Division of Ministry of Food ; Hon. Sec. Glasgow War Savings Com mittee ; Hon. Organiser of all Glasgow's War Loan Campaigns. Address : 90, Marlborough Avenue, BroomhiU, Glasgow. Club : Constitutional (Glasgow). (03983) WELLS, Major John Stuart Kerr, C.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of the late Capt. John Wells, of Monaghan, Deland ; m. Mary Florence, 3rd d. of the late Major C Brenan, of Lifford, co. Donegal. Hon. Major and Dist. Resident, Nyasaland Protectorate ; German E. Africa during Great War as Political Officer. Address : Zomba, Nyasaland. (C742) WELLS, John Wardle, M.B.E, 6. 18 Aug. 1881 ; s. of Richard Wells, of Ringshall, Berkhamsted ; m. Fanny, d. of Francis Rogers, of Lt. Gaddesden, Berkhamsted. Educ. : St. John's Coll, York. Head Master, Boys' School, Abbots Langley. War Work : Hon. Sec. Abbots Langley War Savings Association, and Food Control Sub-Committee ; Special Constable, Herts Constabulary. Address : School House, Abbotts Langley, Herts. (M10013) WELLS, Capt. Joseph Douglas, O.B.E, M.B,R.A. S.C. (T.). WELLS, Joseph Francis, M.B.E. WELLS, Capt. Sir Lionel De Lautour, Knt. Bach, C.B, C.M.G, C.B.E, b. 1859; s. of the late W. S. Wells, of Bitterne Court, Hants ; m. Ida CaroUne, d. of the late Joseph Busk, of Codicote Lodge, Welwyn, Herts. Educ. : Chelten ham. Entered R.N. 1871 ; Lieut. 1881 ; Com. 1892 ; Capt. (ret.), 1901 ; was Ch. Officer Metropolitan Fire Brig. 1896-1903 ; Ch. Agent of Conservative Party, 1903-5 ; served during Egyptian War, 1882 ; DardaneUes, 1915 (despatches, D.S.M. of U.S.A.). Address: Houghton Lodge, Stockbridge, Hants. Clubs : United Service ; Royal Naval (Portsmouth). (C920) WELLS, MUdmay Francis, M.B.E, 6. 31 Dec. 1888 ; s. of the Rev. H. M. Wells, of 17, Queen's Gate Gardens, London, S.W. Educ. : Eton. Banker. War Work : Several appointments in Ministry of Munitions, including that of Sec. Mineral Resources Development Branch ; Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. Sir Lancing Worthington Evans, when Parliamentary Sec, Ministry of Munitions, and subsequently when Minister of Blockade, and Minister of Pensions. Address : Travellers' Club, Pall Mall. Clubs : TraveUers' ; Bachelors' ; Savile. (M2624) WELLS, Muriel Grace, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 25 Aug. 1892; d. of Josiah Beddow, of Thorverton, Devonshire ; to. Alfred Waters, s. of Alfred George WeUs, of Osterley Park. Educ : Chateau de Blanc Pignon, Boulogne. Junior Assistant Ad ministrator, MobiUsation Directorate, War Office. War Wort : V.A.D, 1914-15; War Office, 1916-20. Address: 39, Pem broke Square. Kensington, W. 8. (M3524) WELLS, Selkirk, M.B.E, 6. 1878 ; s. of Frede ick WeUs, of Chelmsford ; m. Isabel Frances Barbara, d. of Christopher WUson, of Rigmaden Park, Westmorland. Late Captain. Clubs : Bachelors' ; Travellers'. (M2625) WELLS, Capt. Stanley Walter, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. WELLS, Sydney Herbert, C.B.E, fi. 1865. Director- General of Department of Technical Education, Egyptian Government. War Work : Director of Civilian Employment BIOGRAPHIES. West for E.E.F, 1918-20 (Egypt and Palestine) ; mentioned In despatches. Address : Cairo, Egypt. Clubs : Royal Societies' ; Turf (Cairo). (C1056) WELLS, Thomas George Raymond, O.B.E, A.C.A, fi. 11 Sept. 1880 ; s. of WaUace Wells, of Norwioh ; m. Ethel Blanohe, d. of James Robinson, of London. Educ. : Privately . Chartered Accountant. War Work : Organised Inspection, Storage, and Distribution of Meat Supplies to H.M. Forces at home and abroad. Addresses : Lamb BuUding, Temple ; Brampton, Huntingdon. CZwfis : National Sporting ; Hunt ingdon County. (0850) WELLS, Victor Ernest, M.B.E. WELLS, WiUiam George, M.B.E. WELLS, Major Russell Primrose COLLINGS-, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 1882 ; s. of Arthur ColUngs Wells, J.P, of Caddington HaU, near Dunstable. Educ : Elstree, and Harrow. Major (ret.), 15th Hussars ; served in Great War, 1914-1 9 (mentioned in despatches); assumed by deed-poll, 1919, the additional surname of Collings. Address : Caddington Hall, near Dunstable. Club : Cavahy. (02949) WELLS, Capt. Robert Charles OWEN-, M.B.E, M.A, fi. 20 Dec. 1865 ; s. of Chas. Wells, M.D, of Maidenhead ; m. Lucy Violet, d. of A. Dulahe, of Maidenhead. Educ. : Epsom Coll, and Oxford. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : Three years in Mesopotamia, and Adjutant of Basra and Bagdad Depot. Address : Castle HU1 Lodge, Maidenhead. (M4939) WELLS, Capt. Thomas Henry SANDERSON-, M.B.E, M.D, J.P, 6. 12 March, 1871 ; s. of John Septimus Wells, of Banbury ; m. Agnes Macpherson, d. of J. Macpherson Laurie, D.L, J.P, of Weymouth. Educ : All Saints' School, Bloxham. Surgeon, Princess Christian Hospital, Weymouth. War Work: Capt, R.A.M.C, Egypt, British Red Cross Hospital, Bizeh ; Capt. Dorset Volunteer Medical Corps ; Surgeon, Princess Christian Hospital, and V.A.D. Dorset 38. Address : 14, Victoria Terrace, Weymouth. Clubs : County (Weymouth); Royal Automobile. (M10287) WELMAN, Lieut.-Col. Harvey, O.B.E. WELMAN, Helen Owen, Mrs., M.B.B. WELSFORD, Evelyn J, M.B.B, F.L.S, F.R.M.S. ; _. of Richard Sherring Welsford, of Ceylon. Educ. : Black heath High School. Research Assistant to Plant Pathology, Imperial CoU. of Science. War Work : Queen Mary's Army AuxUiary Corps, as Senior Unit Administrator, Abbeville Area ; served overseas from AprU, 1917, to Oct. 1919. Club : Forum. , (M4624) WELSFORD, Lieut. Herbert Gray, M.B.E, R.A.F. WELSH, CeoUe CampbeU, Mrs, M.B.E. WELSH, Major David Thomson, O.B.E. WELSH, James Frederick, M.B.E,. R.N. WELSH, John George, M.B.E, R.M. WEMYSS, Lieut.-Col. John Maurice COLCHESTER-, WEMYSS, Sir (Maynard) Franois COLCHESTER-, K.B.E, D.L, J.P, fi. 12 March, 1872 ; s. of Maynard Wil loughby Colchester- Wemyss, of Westbury Court, Glos ; to. Maria AUce, d. of the late General Disney Leith, C.B, of Glen- kindie, ¦Aberdeenshire. Educ. : Eton, and Sandhurst. Served to Scottish Rifles, 1 890-1903, Lndia, South Africa, and at home ; Director Gloucester RaUway Carriage and Wagon Works. War Work: Sec. Glos. Territorial Association. Hon. County Director, British Red Cross Society, Gloucestershire ; Hon. Dhector of Food Economy in AuxUiary Military Hospitals, England and Wales. Address : Ravensworth, Cheltenham. Cfofis: Caledonian ; Fly Fishers' ; New (Cheltenham). (K441) WEMYSS, Maynard WUloughby COLCHESTER-, CB.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 14 Aug. 1846 ; s. of Capt. Francis Wemyss, Bombay Engineers ; m. Mary Clere, d. of the Rev. B. Newton Dickenson, Chaplain, India. Educ. : Eton, and Woolwich Academy. Served in Royal Artillery ; Chairman, Gloucester shire County Council. War Work : Work connected with the Gloucestershire County Council ; for three years Honorary Chief Constable for the County. Address : Westbury Court, Westbury on-Sevem, N. Newnham, Glos. (C132) WEMYSS, Major Robert Dunbar SINCLAIR-, O.B.E. WENCH, Una Margaret Kerry, M.B.E, B.Sc.; d. of Henry SeUick Wench, of Leamington Spa. Educ. : Leaming ton High School ; Birmingham Univ. ; Bedford Coll, London Univ. ; Cambridge Training CoU. Technical Assistant to the Engineer of the Underground Railways, 1919-20 ; Science Mistress, Gosport and Alverstoke Secondary School from 1920. War Work : Administrative Assistant in the Priority Department, Ministry of Munitions, Dec. 1916-18 ; Director of Food Machinery Sub-section, 1918-19. Addresses : Bedford House, York Place, Portman Square, W. 1 ; 60, Warwick St. West, Leamington Spa. (M10014) WENHAM, Basil EUot, O.B.E. WENLEY, George Seton Veitoh, M.B.E. WENN, Lieut. Frederick WUUam, O.B.E, R.N. WENSLEY, Frederick Porter, M.B.E, 6. 28 March, 1865; s. of George Wensley, Stogumber, Somerset ; m. Laura Elizabeth, d. of William Martin, of Hadlow, Kent. Detective Supt. Metropolitan Police, New Scotland Yard, S.W. ; awaided the King's Police Medal. War Work : Assisted in the investi gation of the causes of many of the explosions on land and sea ; effecting the arrest of numerous persons for conspiring to defeat the MiUtary Service Act ; assisted in the enforcing of tho Allen Enemies Act, and other similar services. Address : iAichoIm, 22, Powys Lane, Palmers Green, London, N. (M18015) WENTWORTH, Joseph, M.B.E, A.M.I.CE, 5. 23 Nov. 1862 ; s. of Edward Wentworth, of East Leaze, Aldbourne, WUtshire. Civil Engineer and connected for many years with the British Gas Light Co. at Hull, Portsea Island Gas Works, Portsmouth, and Aldershot Gas and Water Co, Aldershot. War Wor k : Assistant Inspecto r of Gun Ammunition in the Inspection Department of Woolwich Arsenal and in charge of the Birmingham Area of that Department in the Empty Fuse Section. Address : East Leaze, Baydon, R.S.O, Wilts. (M10016) WENYON, Col. Charles Morley, C.M.G, C.B.E, M.B, B.Sc. ; s. of the Rev. C Weynon, M.D. Educ. : Univ. Coll, London. Lieut.-Col. and T. Col. R.A.M.C Address: 7, Vallance Road, Alexandra Park, Wood Green, N 22. (C1421) WERNER, Edmund Arthur Robert, O.B.B, B.A, 6. 19 AprU, 1872 ; s. of Robert Werner, of Lee, Kent ; m. Annie Christian MacRitchie, d. of Robert Kilgour, of Glasgow. Educ. : Blackheath, and St. John's Coll, Cambridge. H.M. Inspector of Factories. War Work : Chairman of Standing Joint Com mittee of Employers and Operatives (for Recruiting), Pottery Industry, and of Leek Textile Trades ; Hon. Member, Pottery National Council, and Chairman of Demobilisation Committee. Addresses : Basford, Stoke-on-Trent ; Town Hall Chambers, Stoke-on-Trent. (0852) WESLEY, Major Frank WilUam, O.B.E, M.D, B.S. (Lond.), 6. 6 Nov. 1869 ; s. of Wm. Hy. Wesley, of R.A.S., Burlington House, Piccadilly .London, W. Educ. : University Coll, London ; Univ. Coll. Hospital. War Work : T. Capt. in the R.A.M.C. 4_ years ; 4 years' overseas service in Malta, on Western Front, and with the Rhine Army. Address : 4 , Oxford Street, Nottingham. Clubs : Nottingham and Nott United Services. (05911) WEST, Major Arthur John, O.B.E, T.D, 6. 12 April, 1873 ; s. of George West, of Beechwood, Dunstable ; m. Daisy Margaret, d. of Arthur William Larkman, of Kensington. Educ. : Emanuel School. Managing Director, Cubitt Estates, Ltd. ; MUitary Member of Surrey Territorial Force Associa tion from 1919 ; Member of Wandsworth Borough Council from 1912 ; Hon. Clerk to Lord Lieutenant of Surrey's Magis terial Advisory Committee from 1911 ; Member 2nd Vol. Batt. Royal Fusiliers from 1896 to 1901, Surrey (Q.M.R.) Yeomanry, 1901-20. War Work : Surrey (Q.M.R.) Yeomanry in England Aug. 1914, to May, 1915 ; Staff Appointment, May. 1915, to July, 1916 (England and France) ; Special Investigation Officer, Ministry of Munitions, Jiuy, 1916, to Jan. 1917 ; Director in Ministry of Food, Jan. 1917, to Dec. 1919. Address : 175, King's Avenue, Clapham Park, S.W. 12. Club : Junior Con stitutional. (011585, WEST, Hon. Mrs. Augustus WiUiam, O.B.E. WEST, Charles, M.B.E. WEST, Lieut.-Col. Charles James, O.B.E, M.D, R.A.M.C, 6 10 Aug. 1863 ; s. of James West, of Shepton Mallet, Somerset ; to. Mary Morrison, d. of J. Milling, of Harrogate. Educ. : King's Coll, London. Doctor of Medicine. War Work : Four years in Southern Command. Address : Hermitage, Newbury, Berkshire. (O7840) WEST, David Coekburn, M.B.E, 6. 5 Oct. 1879 ; s. of Charles West, of Wallsend ; m. Sarah Ann, d. of WUliam Robinson, of Barrow-in-Furness. Assistant District Sec, Rechabites Friendly Society and Approved Society; Hon. worker in Church and Sunday School and Social Centre work. War Work : Hon. Sec. from inception of, Wallsend Savings Committee, responsible for organising the various War Loan Campaigns, also Food Economy Campaign ; Member of Food Control and Fuel Committees ; actively connected with local appeals for War Relief Fund, Queen Mary's Guild, etc. Ad dress : 16, Rochdale Street, Wallsend-on-Tyne. (M10017) WEST, Dora, O.B.E. ; d. of Alderman W. H. West, J.P, of Holbeach. Lines. From 1919, Sec. to the Food Controller, the Right Hon. C. A. McCurdy, K.C, M.P. War Work : 1916-18, Sec to Military Representative, County Appeal Tribunal, Monmouthshire ; Hon. Sec, Monmouthshire Women's Re cruiting Committee. Address : 21, Lexham Gardens, W. 8. Club ' Forum (011586) WEST, Edward, M.B.E, 6. 5 Oct. 1859 ; s. of Edward West late of New Brompton, Kent ; to. Emma Charlotte, d of' John Nunn, of Stowmarket, Suffolk. Educ. : Royal Engineers School, Brompton. Superintendent of " W " Division Metropolitan Police, Brixton. War Work : In connection with Aliens, and Air Raids, during the whole period nf war Address : 90, Helix Road, Brixton, London, S.W. 2. oi war. auure, (M10018) WEST, EUen, M.B.E, WEST Frederick Joseph, C.B.E. Director and General Manager, West's Gas Improvement Co, Ltd. : a member of Munitions Board of Management during the Great War. (C3035) WEST Frederiok William, O.B.B, fi. 21 April, 1860; s of Thomas West, of Calverton, Bucks. Educ : Privately. Lecturer on Railway Economics, London and Manchester ; Chairman of Inter-departmental Government and RaUway Advisory Committee, Fruit and Vegetables. War Work: Re-oraanisation of MiUtary and Naval Transport at Boulogne, 1915 • expert adviser to Port and Transit Committee on manipulation of Shipping Traffic at Ports, 1916 ; directing hnnrtltoa of war material in the London area during the course Sf the war Addresses : Hayes Lea, Bromley, Kent ; S.E. & O. Railway Superintendent's Office, Victoria Station. (011587) WEST Major George Frederick Parrett, C.B.E, R.E. WEST George PhiUp, O.B.E, 6. 14 April, 1867 ; s. of 543 West THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. the late George West, of GiUingham, Kent ; to. Rose, d. of the late Frederick Boorman, of New Brompton. Educ: Com mercial School, New Brompton, and Royal Dockyard School, Chatham. Director of Archibald RusseU, Ltd, Coalmasters, Director of other Limited Companies. General Manager, Messrs. David ColviUe & Sons, Ltd, Glengarnock Works, Scotland, War Work : Chief Steel Superintendent, for all Steel pro ducing districts in Great Britain, and served under directions of Admiralty and Ministry of Munitions. Address: Barrington House, Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland. (01991) WEST, James Grey, M.B.E. WEST, James Hales, M.B.B. 6. 10 Aug. 1862. Super intendent, MetropoUtan PoUce (retired). War Work : Many additional phases of poUce work brought about by the War. Address : 24. Albion Road, Clapham, S.W. 8. (M1079) WEST, John Edward, O.B.E, 6. 17 June, 1855 ; s. of Hugh Brookshaw West, of Congleton, Cheshire, and Stoke-on- Trent ; m. Corinda Dight, d. of Richard Pengelly Almond, of Newark-on-Trent. Educ. : Stoke-on-Trent. Land Agent. War Work : Commandant Scopwick House Auxiliary Hospital, Lincolnshire, 1914-19. Address : Blankney, Lincoln. (011588) WEST, Leonard Henry, O.B.E, LL.D, C.A., IP, b. 1864 ; s. of Edward Henry West, of Glenrock, Brough, Bast Yorks. Educ : Privately, and London Univ. Vice-Chairman, Bucks County Council ; Chairman, Bucks County Insurance Committee ; President, Mid-Bucks Unionist Association ; Member of the Central Midwives Board. War Work : Chair man Bucks War Pensions Committee, and of Agricultural Executive Committee ; Deputy Chairman Bucks Agricultural Wages Committee. Address : Quatoton Cottage, Bucks. Club : Junior Constitutional. (011589) WEST, Lieut.-Col. Richard Melbourne, O.B.E, D.S.O, M.D, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. Served in Great War (mentioned in despatches). (07841) WEST, Stanley George Norman, M.B.E, 6. 12 June, 1878 ; s. of the late George Norman West, of Rochester, Kent. Supervising Clerk, War Office. Served with Imperial Yeomanry (Rough Riders) in South African War, 1900-1902 ; employed at War Office during the Great War. Address : Normanhurst, 50, Homefleld Road, Chiswick, W. 4. (M10020) WEST, Capt. Stewart EUis Lawrence, C.M.G, O.B.E. WEST, Capt. Thomas Samuel, M.B.E. WEST, Capt. WiUiam George, M.B.E. WEST, Lieut. WiUiam Tom, O.B.E, R.N.R. WEST, Major-Gen. the Hon. Sir Charles John, SACK- VILLE-, K.B.E, CM.G. ; 6. 10 Aug. 1870 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Edward Sackville-West ; m. Maude CeciUa, d. of late Capt. Matthew John Bell, of Bourne Park, Kent (see Burke's Landed Gentry). Educ: Winchester, andR.M.C Formerly Col. K.R.R.C. ; British Military Representative on late AUied War Council, and a Member of the Army Council ; served in Manipur Expedition 1891 (mentioned in despatches); S. Africa, 1899 as A.D.C. to Gen. the Right Hon. Sir R. H. BuUer, G.C.B, K.CM.G. (mentioned in despatches). European War 1914-17 (mentioned in despatches). ' (K283) WESTACOTT, WilUam John Henry, M.B.E, R.N WESTAWAY, Richard Ernest, O.B.E, J.P. WESTBROOK, G. L. : see Weaver G. L, Mrs. WESTBURY, Lieut. Frederiok Newell, O.B.B, R.E. WESTCAR, Major Charles Henry Beeston PRESCOTT-, O.B.B, 6. 16 May, 1881 ; s. of Charles WilUam Preseott- Westcar, of Strode Park, Heme, Kent ; m. Sara Judith, d. of Major-General W. E. Warrand, R.E, of Westhorpe HaU Notts. Educ. : WeUington CoU. ; Sandhurst CoU. J.P. for Kent, 1903 ; late Lieut. 14th Hussars ; Farming and Engineer ing. War Work : MobUised with Royal East Kent Yeomanry, 1914 ; Staff, 1915-17 ; Tank Corps, 1917 ; Inspector of Guns 1918. Address : Strode Park, Heme, Kent. Club : Orleans' (07594) WESTCOTT, Lieut.-Col. George, O.B.E WESTCOTT, Lieut. George Henry, M.B.E, 6. 21 Dec 1888 ; s. of G. C Westcott, of Bristol ; m. Marion, d. of M L Fry, of Oldlands, near Bristol. Educ. : Bristol. Railway Carriage Engineer. War Work : Workshops of R.A.S.C (M T ) Address : Montacute ViUa, 25, Ashley Hill, Bristol. (M5722) WESTCOTT, John RicWd, M.BfE. WESTELL, Benjamin, M.B.E. WESTELL, Edgar Lawton, M.B.E. WESTERN, Lieut. James George, M.B.E, R.A.F. WESTERN, Col. John Sutton Edward, C.B.E. Col Indian Army (ret.) ; Waziri Expedition, 1881 ; Hazara Expedition 1888 (despatches, medal with clasp) ; Waziristan Expedition 1894-95 (clasp) ; N.-W. Frontier of India, 1902 ; Great War 1914-19 (despatches). (C1809) WESTHEAD, Marian Lucy, M.B.E. WESTLAKE, Frederick Arthur, O.B.E, 6. 10 Feb 1883 ¦ s. of the late Alfred Westlake, of Gloucester ; m. Annie, d of the late Adam Handyside, of Edinburgh. Civil Servant War Work: Employment Department, Ministry of Labour' Address: 36, Blenheim Gardens, WaUington, Surrey (0199-'i WESTLAKE, John Harold, M.B.E, R jj ey' WW WESTLAND, John Lowe, M.B E WESTMACOTT, Charles Babington, 0 B.E WESTMACOTT, Brig.-Gen. Claude Ber'ners, C.B.E. T. Brig.-Gen, and an A.D.C ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). rnsim WESTMACOTT, Col. Frederick Hibbart, CB.E. Lieut - ?q ,k_!?a .™n7-n Ci° ' ?'A'¥-!?- 1T'> ' served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1346) WESTMACOTT, Major Herbert Horatio Spencer, O.B.E. WESTMACOTT, James Richard, M.B.E, fi. 11 Aug. 1856 ; s. of Richard Penton Westmacott, of Newbury ; m. Marie Teresa, d. of Thomas Spurway. Educ : Privately. War Work : Special work in a department of the War Office. Address : 19, DeauviUe Road, Clapham Park, S.W. 4. (M10024) WESTMACOTT, Major Reginald GranviUe, O.B.E. WESTMACOTT, Major Thomas Horatio, O.B.E. WESTMINSTER, the Right Reverend Adam Urias de Pencier, Bishop of, O.B.E, M.A, D.D, fi. 9 Feb. 1866 ; s. of Peter Theodore de Pencier, of Marlboro', Ontario, Canada ; m. Nina Fredericka, d. of Fred WeUs, Col. 1st Royals, Educ. : Trinity CoU, Toronto. War Work : Chaplain, 1915-19. Address: 1346, PendreU Street, Vancouver, B.C. Club: Vancouver. (01744) WESTMINSTER, Constance Edwina (Mrs. Lewis), Duchess of, C.B.E, d. of late Col. WiUiam CornwaUis-West, of Ruthin Castle, Co. Denbigh (see Burke's Peerage, de la West, B.) ; m. 1st, Sir Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor, G.CV.O, D.S.O, Duke of Westminster (see BUKKE'S Peer age), from whom she obtained a divorce ; 2nd, Capt. James Fitzpatrick Lewis, late R.A.F. Address : Annesley Bank, Lyndhurst, Hants. (C667) WESTMORE, Lieut.-Com. Henry George Gardiner, D.S.O, O.B.B, R.N.R. (ret.). Served to Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). C9412) WESTMORLAND, Anthony Mildmay JuUan Jane, Earl of, C.B.E, 6. 16 Aug. 1859 ; s. of Francis WiUiam Henry, 12th Earl of Westmorland (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. 1st, Lady Sybil Mary St. Clair-Erskine (who died 1910), d. of 4th Earl of Rosslyn (see Burke's Peerage) ; 2nd, Catharine Louise, d. of late Rev. John Samuel Seale. Also holds title of Baron Burg- hash ; J.P. Northants ; Col. and A.D.C to the King ; Temp. Lieut.-Col. Special Reserve Lancashire FusiUers ; late com-. manding 3rd Batt. Northamptonshire Regt. ; and hon. Major in the Army. Address : Woodstock Park, Sittingbourne, Kent. Club. : Marlborough. (C836) WESTMORLAND, Josephine, Mrs., M.B.E. WESTON, Edith Ivy, M.B.E.; d. of Sidney Cooper Weston, of Folkestone. Educ : Mount School, York. Town CouncUlor, Folkestone. War Work: Superintending supply of food to Belgian refugees and soldiers on Folkestone Harbour. Address : 32, Sandgate Road, Folkestone. Club : St. Andrew's House. (M1082) WESTON, Right Reverend Frank, Bishop of Zanzibar, O.B.E. : see Zanzibar, Bishop of. WESTON, Henry Gould, M.B.E. WESTON, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Salter, C.M.G, O.B.E, *. 10 Aug. 1867 ; s. of WiUiam Weston, late of Abbey Wood, Kent. Educ. : Marlborough CoU. Joined 2nd Batt. Man chester Regt. in 1888 ; served in India, on the Punjab Frontier with the Malakand Field Force (medal and clasp, and thanks of Government of India) ; Aden, in Central Africa, with K.A.R, 1899-1900; Adjutant 3rd Batt. Manchester Regt, with which he served in South Africa tiU disbanded ; rejoined 2nd Batt. at home ; to Ireland 1909 tiU Aug. 1914, when he proceeded as 2nd in command with B.E.F. to France. War Work : Present at Mons and retreat, and many other battles ; in command of regiment at Wulverghem and Ypres, and on Somme ; mentioned to despatches ; wounded twice ; raised and commanded 12th Batt. Bast Lancs Regt, commanded 70th Training Reserve BattaUon, 3rd Batt. Welsh , Regt, attached Northern Command H.Q. York ; Commandant No. 1 Area P. of War, Eastern Command, tiU Nov. 1919 ; retired. Address : Elmsgate, Steeple Ashton, Trowbridge, WUts. Club : Naval and MiUtary. (07844) WESTON, Robert OgUvy, M.B.B. WESTROPP, Lieut. John Francis Ralph MASSY-, M.B.B, 6. 6 April, 1891 ; s. of Col. John Massy-Westropp, C.M.G, of Doonass, Clonlara, Limerick, Deland ; to. GabrieUe Evelyn, d. of Col. C A. S. Montgomery, of Fort Royal, Rath- mullen, Co. Donegal, Ireland. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU. Princess Victoria's Royal Irish Fusiliers. War Work : France, Aug. 1914, with 1st R. Irish FusiUers ; retreat from Mons ; 1st and 2nd Battle of Ypres ; wounded Ypres, 1915 ; left for Salonica, May, 1916 ; remained there with 2nd Batt. R. Dish Fusiliers, and as A.P.M. Salonica until Armistice; proceeded Batum, Black Sea, Nov. 1918, as A.P.M. ; left Constantinople, June, 1919, for home, and posted 2nd Batt. R. Irish FusUiers at Dover. Addresses : Doonass Clonlara, Limerick, Deland ; Grand Shaft Barracks, Dover. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (M4810) WESTROPP, Capt. Riohard Gibbings, O.B.E. WESTWOOD, WilUam, O.B.E. WESTWOOD, Andrew, O.B.E.. M.B. WETHERALL, Major John Andrew Chilton, O.B.E., i. 22 March, 1862 ; s. of Capt. John WiUiam Wetherall, of Geddington Priory, Northamptonshire ; to. Annie Frances, d. of Major Bannister, of The Warrens, Kelvedon. Educ. : Privately. Northampton and Rutland MUitia, 1879 ; North amptonshire Regt. (Regular Army), 1884 ; retired 1903 ; Sec. to Northamptonshire Territorial Force Association, 1908 ; South Africa (Queen's Medal, 2 clasps). War Work : Prepara tion in readiness for war, all works connected with the duties of a Sec. of Territorial Force, such as mobUisation, recruiting, clothing, equipping, etc. ; recruiting volunteer units to take places of Territorial units serving abroad. Address: BUling Arborns, Moulton, Northampton. (0853) WETHERALL, Col. William Alexander, C.B.E, J.P, 544 BIOGRAPHIES. Wheeler D L„ U.S.L. Indian Army, 6. 8 April, 1847 ; s. of the Rev. j'l, Wetherall, ol Brereton, Staffs; m. Alice Jane, d. of the Rev. T. Bonney, of Rugeley. Educ. : The Royal Academy, Gosport ; Royal Mil. Coll, Sandhurst. Member of Territorial Force Association, Staffs ; Urban District Council, Rugeley. War Work : County Director, AuxUiary Hospitals, and V.A.D., Staffordshire. Address ; 30, Church Street, Rugeley. Club : Junior United Service. (C3037) WETHERED, Ernest Handel Cossham. O.B.E, M.A, LL.B., fi. 18 July, 1878 ; s. of Edward Bestbridge Wethered, J.P, of Cheltenham, and Totland Bay, I. of W. ; m. Jessie Marian, d. of the late Rev. Richard Ward, Rural Dean, Vicar of St. George's, Newcastle, Staffs. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. ; Pembroke CoU, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law ; Member of Western Circuit, and of Somerset, Bristol, and Bath Sessions ; an appointed Member of Trade Boards ; Chairman of Court of Referees for Bristol Kingswood, Bath, and Trowbridge District. War Work : Chairman of Bristol Local Munitions Tribunal ; Chairman of Swindon Local Munitions Tribunal ; Chairman of Court of Referees for Bristol and Swindon District: Assistant Commissioner (Enforcement of Orders) S.W. Div. Ministry of Food ; assisted in forming the National CouncU of the Pottery Industry, the first National Joint Industrial Council under the Whitley Scheme to be recog nised by the Government; Chairman of Advisory Wages Board for Disabled SaUors and Soldiers, for the County Borough of Bristol; Treas. of the Bristol Association for Voluntary Organisations ; Associated with the National Adult School Union, the Workers' Educational Association, and other Social and Educational work. Addresses : Albion Chambers, Bristol ; 2, Pump Court, Temple, E.C. ; The Avenue, CUfton, Bristol. Clubs : Bristol Constitutional ; Bristol Cavendish. (011592) WETHERED, Mina Ricketts Sarah EUzabeth, O.B.E, fi. 1881 ; d. of Edward Bestbridge Wethered, J.P, of Heather- croft, Totland Bay, I. of W. Educ. : Cheltenham Ladies' CoU. War Work : Hon. Organising Sec. Voluntary Organisa tions, Gloucestershire and Bristol. Address : Heathercroft, Totland Bay, I. of W. Club: NewCenturv. (01994) WETHERELL, Major WiUiam Edward May, O.B.E, 6. 1 July, 1872 ; s. of Col. R. M. Wetherell, of St. Leonards-on- Sea; m. Norah Emma Mary, d. of Robert Fitzgerald, of Lisheen, Co. Tipperary. Educ. : Cheltenham CoUege. Regu lar Army, Bedfordshire Regt. (retired). War Work : Served with 7th Division, B.E.F. ; Instructor R.M. CoUege ; Army Gymnastic Staff. Address : St. Leonard's-on-Sea. (07845) WETHEY, Paymaster-Lieut. Edwin Howard, O.B.B. WEYMAN, Major Edward Colpitts, O.B.E. WHALEY, Francis Henry, M.B.E. WHALLEY, Frank Douglas, CB.E. Ministry of Munitions. (C3173) WHARHIRST, Alfred John, M.B.E, B.A, 6. 1881 ; s. of John Wharhirst, of Highgate, London ; m. Hannah, d. of Peter Deuchar, of Thirsk, Yorks. Educ. : Stationers', Hornsey, N, and Univ. CoU. of Wales, Aberystwyth. Senior History and Geography Master, Municipal Secondary School, Lincoln. War Work: Hon. Sec. to Lincoln War Savings Committee. Address : GranviUe House, Carltoe Road, Lincoln. (M101027) WHARTON, Charles Joseph, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, 6. 1857 ; s. of Rev. C. C Wharton, of Alleslev, nr. Coventry t m. Mary SybU, d. of James Sandys, M.D, of The Slade, Stroud, Glos, Educ. : Coventry, Worthing, and privately. Consulting Engineer. War Work : Deputy Director of Inspection under War Office and Ministry of Munitions ; Technical Inspection of shell and gun ammunition generaUy. Addresses : Bursle- don, Hants ; 44. Bedford Row. London, W.C. 1. Clubs : St. Stephen's ; Royal Corinthian Yacht. (0854) WHARTON, Edith HUda, M.B.E, 6. June, 1890; d. of Admiral Sir W. J. L. Wharton. Educ. : Levana School. War Work: Commandant of V.A.D. Hospital, Withyham, Sussex, 1914-19. Address: Fisher's Gate, Withyham, Sussex. Club : New Century (M4075) WHARTON, Frederiok Malcolm, M.B.E, F.I.C, fi. 22 April, 1875 ; s. of Frederick Wharton, late of Kings Heath, Birmingham ; to. Juliana Hampton, d. of WilUam B. Stokes, of Newent, Glos. Educ : King Edward VI. School, Camp Hill, Birmingham ; Univ, Birmingham. Metal lurgical and Technical Chemist ; Director and Works Manager to the Hall Street Metal Rolling Co, Western Road, Birming ham. War Work : Works Manager to the New Explosives Co, Ltd, Stowmarket, Suffolk; Manufacturing Cordite, Guncotton, Aeroplane Dope, etc. Address : 74, Stanmore Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Club: Camp Hill Old Edwardians. " (M2631) WHARTON, Frederiok Peroival, O.B.E. WHARTON, Major Richard George, O.B.E, R.M.L.I. WHARTON, Capt. Stanley, O.B.E. _ WHARTON, Col. WiUiam Henry Anthoney, O.B.E, V-P, T.D, J.P..D.L., A.D.C to the King. 6. Nov. 1859, s. of J. T. Wharton, of Skelton Castle ; m. EUzabeth oophia Mytton, d. of the late Rev. Robert John Harrison, of laerhowel, Montgomeryshire. Educ. : Eton and Cambridge. Wm Work : Commanded 4th (Reserve) Yorkshire Regt, and ^4th Provisional Bn. ; Group Commandant, N.R.Y. Volun teers. Address : Skelton Castle, Skelton - in - Cleveland. Clubs: Bachelors'; Boodle's; Carlton. (0855) WHATLEY, Capt. Norman, M.B.E. WHATMAN, Florence Emma Jemima, O.B.E. ; d. of 545 James Whatman, of Vinters, Maidstone. War Work : Hon. Treasurer and Sec Soldiers' and Sailors' FamUies Association, Bearsted and Maidstone Division ; Hon. Treas. War Pensions, Maidstone Sub-Committee. (011594) WHAYMAN, Engineer-Capt. William Matthias, CB.E, R.N. Engineer Manager, Rosyth Dockyard ; sometime Chief Engineer, Pembroke Dockyard. Address: H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth. (C2327) WHEAT, Thomas Milnes, M.B.E, B.A, Lond, fi. 22 Sept. 1876 ; s. of Rev. J. M. Wheat, of 84, Lee Road, Blackheath ; m. Constance Mary, d. of the late Rev. C. G. Wheat. Educ. : Montpellier School, Paignton. War Work : Hon. Treas. and Chief Clerk, City of Lincoln War Pensions Committee ; Hon. Sec. Incorporated Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society, Lincoln. Address : Tarleton House, Woodhall Spa. (M10028) WHEATLEY, Capt. Christopher WiUiam, M.B.E. WHEATLEY, Major Henry Harold, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. WHEATLEY, Major Mervyn James, O.B.B.; Sudan Civil Service, late Dorset Regt. Address: Windholme, Parkstone, Dorset. (04122) WHEATLEY, Thomas Angas, M.B.E, 6. 5 AprU, 1855 ; s. of Thomas Hodgson Wheatley, of Rotherham, Yorks. ; m. Edith, d. of Charles B. James, of Redditch. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Engineering in special reference to appliances for destroying U boats. Address : Neswick, Wimbledon Common. Club: St. Stephen's. (M1083) WHEBLE, Ursula Mary, M.B.E, 6. 1862 ; d. of James Wheble, of Bulmershe Court, Reading, and Lady Catherine Wheble (see Burke's Peerage, Howth E.). Educ : Privately. War Work : Superintendent, War Hospital Supplies Depot, Reading. Address : Hungerford Lodge, Reading. (M2632) WHEELER, Annie Margaret, Mrs., O.B.E. WHEELER, Arthur George, M.B.E. WHEELER, Major Charles, O.B.E.. M.I.A.E, F.R.S.A.: 6. 2 Aug. 1875 ; s. ol WiUiam Wheeler, of Westminster ; to. Jane, d. of Joseph Hadley, of Northampton. Educ : City of Westminster School. Chief Automobile Engineer, General Post Office. War Work : Officer-in-Charge, Inspection Branch R.A.S.C. (M.T.), Aldershot. 1914 ; laid out and appointed Officer in charge of American Spare Parts Depot, London, 1916 ; and Sub-Depots, Home M.T.D. London ; devised store Account ing System for Mechanical Transport Stores ; subsequently adopted in all Depots. Address : Casula, Bushey Grove Road, Bushey, Herts. (07846) WHEELER, Lieut.-Col. Charles Alexander, O.B.E, R.E. WHEELER, Capt. Douglas Bingham, M.B.B, A.I.F. WHEELER, Edith Mary, CB.E, fi. 3 Oct. 1867 ; d. of Seaton Forrest MiUigan, M.R.I.A, of Bangor, Co. Down ; to. George Herbert, s. of the late Thos. Kennedy Wheeler, M.D, of Belfast. Educ. : Belfast and Hanover. War Work : Aug. 4 1914, to Jan. 1919, Hon. Sec. to War Hospital Supply Committee, Belfast, which distributed help to local and foreign hospitals, ambulances, hospital ships, and to Belgian, French, and Servian Reliefs ; also gave honorary services in the trans lation of foreign documents and papers. Address : ThornhiU Gardens, Marlborough Park, Belfast. (C3038) WHEELER, Edward Thomas, M.B.E. WHEELER, Col. Edward Vincent Vashon, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. 3 June, 1858; s. of Edward Vincent Wheeler, of Kyrewood, Tenbury ; to. Elizabeth EUen Winwood, d. of Sir Wm. Smith, Bart, late of Eardiston, Worcestershire. Educ. : Eton and Trinity CoU, Tenbury. Farmer and Landowner ; Vice-Chairman, Worcestershire County Council. War Work : Commanding 2/7th BattaUon Worcestershire Regt. ; Chair man, Worcestershire War Agricultural Committee. Address : Newnham Court, Tenbury. (01995) WHEELER, George Herbert, M.B.E, A.M.Inst.T.. 6. 4 June, 1881 ; s. of George Wheeler, of Old Charlton, Kent ; to. Alice, d. of Philip Keates, of Wimbledon, Surrey. Educ. : Roan Grammar School, Greenwich, and London School of Economics. Assist.-Sec. Railway Executive Committee (Board of Trade), from July, 1917; Sec. to that Committee from June, 1919 ; Sec. to Committee of Railway General Managers from Jan. 1920. Addresses : 35, Parliament Street. Westminster, S.W. 1 ; 10, Stanley Road, Wimbledon, S.W. (M10030) WHEELER, Rev. Harold WilUam, O.B.E. WHEELER, Henry Charles, M.B.E, 6. 7 March, 1877 ; s. of Francis Wheeler, of Hounslow ; to. Adelaide, d. of John David Darling, of Twickenham. Educ. : Board School, Hounslow, Middlesex. Chief of the Rolling Stock Department, L. & S.W. Rly. War Work : Organising the formation of Military, Naval and Ambulance trains ; controUtog the move ments of rolling stock throughout the system of the L. & S.W. Rly Address : 96, Clifton Road, Kingston Hill, Kingston-on- Thames, Surrey. (M10031) WHEELER, Herbert Edward Ogle, O.B.B, fi. 13 May, 1878 • s of His Honour T. W. Wheeler, of Kensington ; m. Edith Catherine, d. of William Gandy, M.R.C.S, of Upper Norwood. Educ : Windlesham House, Brighton, and Upping ham Assistant Superintendent of the Line, South Eastern and Chatham Railway. War Work: S.E. & 0. Rly, as London District Traffic Superintendent and Assistant Super intendent of the Line. Address : The Lee, Plaistow Lane, Bromley, Kent. (01996) WHEELER, Capt. Roland Chamberlain, M.B.E. WHEELER, Capt. Roy Lambert, O.B.E, fi. 28 Aug. 1886 • s. of Franklin Wheeler, of North Vancouver, Canada. Educ'.: Belgrave and Wingham, Ontario, Canada. Railway 2 N Wheeler THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Employee, C.P.R. War Work : BnUsted Nov. 1914 ; overseas to England, Jan. 1915 ; to France, Feb. 1915 (reinforcement to P.P.CL.I.) ; wounded, May, 1915 (2nd Battle of Ypres) ; com missioned to B.C. Regt.. Nov. 1916 ; seconded under War Office for RaUway Operating Div, R.E, May, 1917 ; continuous service as Traffic Officer, 58th B.G.O.C, R.O.D, T, March, 1919 ; transferred to Royal Engineers, and embarked for South Russian Mission, April, 1919 ; employed on travelling supervision; Major, D.A.D.R.T, Crimea, Feb. 1920, until withdrawal of Mission end of June, 1920. Addresses : 157, Second St. E, North Vancouver, Canada ; c/o Bank of Mon treal. Waterloo Place, London, S.W. 1. (09757) WHEELER, Samuel Gerald De Courcey, O.B.E. WHEELER, William, C.M.G, O.B.E. WHEELER, Florence, Mrs. BOURNE-, M.B.E, 6. 27 Sept. 1870 ; d. of Francis N. Smith, of Wingfield Park, Amber- gate, Derbyshire ; m. Joseph Bourne-Wheeler, 2nd s. of Rev. Wm. C Wheeler, of Southborough, Kent. War Work : War Hospital Supply Depot, 1915 ; Hon. Sec. of the Sherwood Foresters Prisoners of War Regimental Care Committee, June, 1915, to March, 1919. Address : Netherlea, Holbrook, Derby. Club: The Forum. (M4077) WHEELWRIGHT, Capt. Edward Lycett, O.B.E. WHEELWRIGHT, Major Talbot Hodwen, O.B.E. WHELAN, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Francis, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.B, B.Sc, R.A.M.C, 6. 1873. Educ. : Dublin Univ. S. Africa, 1900-2 (Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (06727) WHELER, Florence Ffaith Hastings, Mrs., O.B.E. WHELER, Major GranvUle Charles Hastings, C.B.E, M.P. WHELON, Emily Mildred, O.B.E, 6. 27 Dec. 1887; d. ot WUUam Whelon, of Lancaster. Hon. Sec. of the Prisoners of War Care Committee of the King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment from 1916^18. Address : Croftlands, Lancaster. (011595) WHERRY, Albert Edward Kerkham, O.B.E, 6. 24 Aug. 1874 ; s. of the late Alderman W. R. Wherry, J.P, of The Cedars, Bourne ; to. Evelyn, d. of Alderman E. J. Grummitt, of Stainfield, Bourne. Educ. : Privately. Treas. and Hon. Sec. National Association of Corn and Agricultural Merchants ; Member of the Council of the Agricultural Seed Trade Associa tion. War Work : Member of the Control of Crops Committee (Ministry of Food), Home Cereals Committee (Royal Commis sion on Wheat Supplies), Cereal Seeds Advisory Committee, and FertUisers Distribution Committee (Board of Agriculture and Fisheries). Address : Qu' Appelle, Bourne, Lines. Clubs : Junior Constitutional, W. ; Hunstanton Golf ; Luffenham Heath Golf. (011596) WHIDBORNE, Lieut. Charles Stanley Lucas, M.B.E. WHIDBORNE, Winifred Biehl, Mrs, M.B.E. WHIFFEN, Major Stanley White, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WHIFFIN, Major George Greenhough, O.B.E. WHIGHAM, Walter Kennedy, O.B.E, fi. 6 June, 1878 ; s. of the late D. D. Whigham, of Dunearn, Prestwick, N.B. ; m. Jacqueline, d. of Baron Henri de Salignac Fenelon, of HermaviUe, Pas de Calais, France. Merchant. Director, Bank of England. North Eastern Railway, British Investment Trust, Ltd, and the MercantUe Investment and General Trust Company, Ltd. War Work : Re-joined Territorial Force, 6th North Staffordshire Regt, 7 Aug. 1914 ; proceeded to France, March, 1915, with Battalion ; joined headquarters 51st (Highland) Division, Sept. 1915, and 4th Corps, March, 1918 ; returned from France, Jan. 1919. Addresses : 2, Chesham Street, London, S.W. 1 ; Dunearn, Sandwich, Kent. Clubs : Union ; Prestwick Golf ; Royal St. George's Golf. (05916) WHILES, George Frederick, M.B.E. WHILLER, Annie, Mrs., O.B.E. WHINNEY, Sir Arthur Francis, K.B.E, 6. 16 Dec. 1865 ; s. of Frederick Wlunney, of Avenue Road, Regent's Park, N.W. ; m. Amy Elizabeth, d. of William Golden, of Chalcot Crescent, Regent's Park, N.W. Edue. : Privately and France. Chartered Accountant. War Work : Adviser upon Costs of Production to the Admiralty ; Assistant Accountant-General of the Navy ; Member of Sub-Committee upon Admiralty Contracts ; Hon. Consulting Accountant to the Admiralty. Clubs : Reform ; Bath ; British Empire ; Gresham. (K239) WHINNEY, Gladys, M.B.E. WHINNEY, Major Harold Fife, D S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1878, Major Roy. FusiUers (City of London Regt.) ; Gen. Staff Officer ; served during Great War, 1914-18 (despatches, Legion of Honour). (08969) WHISH, Comm. Eric Vipam, O.B.E, R.I.M. WHISTLER, Lieut. Godfrey FuUer, M.B.E, R.F.A. WHITAKER, Col. Albert Edward, CB.E, T.D, J P D.L, fi. 9 May, 1860 ; s. of J. Whitaker, of Hesley Hall, Yorks. ; m. Eileen, M.B.E, d. of Col. J. Croker, of BaUinagarde, Co. Limerick. Educ. : Harrow. High Sheriff for Notts, 1921. War Work: Served in Afghani-tan 1879-80. and Egypt 1914-16. Address : Babworth HaU, Retford, Notts. Clubs ': Naval and MUitary ; Arthur's. (C2191) WHITAKER, Bt.-Major Arthur Marmaduke, O.B E WHITAKER, Major Benjamin, M.B.E. WHITAKER, Eileen, Mrs., M.B.E, ; d. of Col. J. Croker, of BaUinagarde, Co. Limerick ; to. Col. A. E. Whitaker. War Work : Managed and maintained an Auxiliary Hospital for 4 years, at Babworth HaU, Notts. Address : Babworth HaU Retford, Notts. (M2635) 546 WHITAKER, Frances Henrietta, M.B.E. WHITAKER, Capt. George Backhouse, O.B.E, R.E. WHITAKER, Capt. Harold Braithwait, M.B.E, R.E. WHITAKER, Capt. Raymond, M.B.E, R.A.F. WHITAKER, Thorp, O.B.E. WHITAMORE, Major Vernon Northwood, O.B.E. I.M.S. WHITBOURN, Ernest, M.B.E., R.A.S.C. WHITBREAD, Beatrice, O.B.E. WHITBREAD, Edward, M.B.E, 6. 19 Jan. 1852 ; s. of Henry Whitbread, of Cheltenham ; to. Louisa Amelia, d. of Henry Beard, of Cheltenham. Educ : Privately. Hon. Treas. to the Chamber of Commerce and Traders' Assoc, and for Town Development Fund. War Work : Hon. Treas. to the Local Prisoners of War Fund, and for Soldiers' Welcome Home Funds. (M10033) WHITBY, AUred James, M.B.E. WHITBY, Beatrice Mary Elizabeth, M.B.E. WHITBY, Stafford Beeston, M.B.E, 6. 27 Dec. 1860; s. of Rev. W. Whitby, of Manningtree, Essex ; m. Hettie, d. of G. Smith, of Audlem, Cheshire. Educ : Retford Grammar School. War Work : Lecturer to the troops ; Voluntary Recruiting ; Hon. Sec. Soldiers' Club, HuU ; Representative of the National War Aims Committee ; V.A.D. Hospital Hon. Staff. Addresses : 23, Prince's Avenue, HuU ; 8, Victoria Avenue, Hull. (M10035) WHITCOMBE, AdeUne Elizabeth, M.B.E. ; d. of J. C. Whitcombe. Hon. Assist.-Sec. P.W.M.F. War Work : 1914-19, Women's Branch War and Relief Fund, Poona. Address: 10, Phayre Road, Poona, India. (M2796) WHITCOMBE, Julia May, M.B.B. ; d. of J. C. Whitcombe. Supt. Clothing Department. War Work : 1914-19, Women's Branch Bombay Presidency War Relief Fund, Poona. Ad dress : 10, Phayre Road, Poona, Dadia. (M4229) WHITE, Arthur, C.B.E. WHITE, Arthur, O.B.E, fi. 19 AprU, 1875. Assistant to Supt. of the Line, L.B. & S.C.R. War Work : PrincipaUy in connection with transport of troops and war material. Ad dress : Hobart ViUa, Heathview Road, Thornton Heath. (011660) WHITE, Arthur, 'M.B.E, 6. 16 Sept. 1865. Educ: Chaloner's School, Braunton, North Devon. Superintendent Metropolitan Police, (ret.) War Work : In charge of the Executive Department at New Scotland Yard; special onerous duties in connection with air raids and war work generaUy. Address : 2, Grenville Terrace, Northam, N. Devon. (M1085) WHITE, Eng.-Comm. Arthur Frederick, O.B.E, R.N. WHITE, Arthur Rabbitts, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 19 June, 1859 ; s. of John White, of Zeals, Wilts ; m. Minnie Beau champ ; d. of WilUam B. Beauchamp, of Norton HaU, Somerset. Educ: Queenwood CoU, Hants. Member of the Wilts County Council ; Chairman of the Mere Rural District CouncU ; Chair man of the Mere Board of Guardians ; Governor of the Dauntry Agricultural School ; Member of the CouncU of the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society. War Work : Chair man of the Wilts War Agricultural Committee ; Chahman of the WUts County War Executive Committee ; Chairman of the Mere Local Tribunal. Address : damage, Mere, WUtshire. (0856) WHITE, Lieut.-Col. BasU Cherrington, O.B.E. WHITE, Major Bruce Gordon, M.B.E, R.E. WHITE, Charles, M.B.E. WHITE, Charles Arthur, M.B.E, B.Sc. (Lond.), M.Sc. (Birm.), fi. 21 Oct. 1862 ; Educ. : Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, and Univ. of Birmingham. Principal, Aston Technical School. War Work : Director, Munitions Training Centre, Aston Technical School, Aug. 1915, to Nov. 1918; this centre trained over 2000 men and women successfuUy for various forms of Munitions work. Address : 14, Grosvenor Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. (M2636) WHITE, Lieut. Charles Clement Stuart, M.B.E., R.E. WHITE, Major Charles Francis, O.B.E, M.B, B.Ch, B.A.O, R.A.M.C, 6. 27 Jan. 1879 ; s. of the late Dr. WiUiam Dudley White, of Dublin ; m. Ellen, d. of David Hamilton, of Ballina, Co. Mayo. Educ. : Belvedere Coll. ; University Coll, Dublin. Officer Commanding, MUitary Hospital, Rochester Row, London. War Work : Medical Officer to 8th Howitzer Brigade, R.F.A.; attached 13th Field Ambulance (5th Division) ; afterwards in charge of Surgical Division of 39th General Hospital. Address : 33, Emperor's Gate, South Kensington. (05917) WHITE, Capt. Charles Henry, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WHITE, Clare, O.B.E, fi. 22 May, 1853 ; s. of WUUam White, of Cirencester ; to. Maude Janvrin, d. of Frederick Augustus Vincent, B.D, late Rector of Elsted, Sussex. Educ. : Grammar School and St. Thomas', Cirencester. Diocesan Sec. C.E.T.S. Wtochester Diocese ; General Sec. Royal Army Temperance Association ; Honorary Financial Representative, Royal Army Tempei-mce Association. War Work: Visiting Prisoners of war camps ; organising erection of hutments ; delivering lectures to troops at the Front and organising branches of R.A.T.A. to the New Army. Address: 11, Ramillies Road, Chiswick, W. 4. (01997) WHITE, Major Edwin E., O.B.B, R.A.S.C. WHITE, Lieut.-Col. Ernest WilUam, C.B.E, M.B. (Lond.), M.R.C.P. (Lond.), A.K.C, R.A.M.C, 6. 22 Jan. 1851 ; s. of Richard White, of Heathfield House, Norwich ; to. Harriett, d. of Samson Bowyer, of Maesbury, Salop. Educ : King Edward VI. School, Bury St. Edmund's; King's CoU, London; BIOGRAPHIES. White Norfolk and Norwich Hospital; and King's Coll. Hospital, London. Emeritus Professor, King's Coll, London ; Professor of Psychological Medicine, King's Coll, London (1890-1910) ; Physician Superintendent City of London Asylum (1887-1905) ; Mental Consultant to Western Command, 1916 to date ; Presi dent Medico-Psychological Association of Gt. Britain and Ireland, 1903-4. War Work : Appointed Mental Consultant to Western Command, Dec. 1916, as Hon. Major R.A.M.C. ; promoted Hon. Lieut.-Col, R.A.M.C, Oct. 1917 ; Lieut.-Col. R A.M.C, July, 1918 ; since July, 1919, has had the super vision and disposal of all the Army Mental Hospital patients in England, Wales, Scotland, Deland, and from overseas via Netley Hospital. Addresses : Fenstanton, Christehurch Road, London, S.W. 2 ; Betley House, near Shrewsbury. Ctafis : Constitutional and Shropshire. (C3082) WHITE, Brevet-Major FitzGibbon Grove, D.S.O, O.B.E. WHITE, the Hon. Francis William, O.B.E, 6. 23 May, 1873 ; s. of 2nd Lord Annaly, of Luttrelstown, Co. Dublin (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Anna EUzabeth, d. of — Jaeger, of New Zealand. Educ : Harrow. War Work : Army Remount Service. Address : 77, New Cavendish Street, London, W. (O7850) WHITE, Frank George, M.B.E. WHITE, Frederick, O.B.B. WHITE, Frederiok WaUis, M.B.E, A.M.I.M.E, fi. 16 _ug. 1886 ; s. of Charles White, of Charlton, Kent. Assistant Manager, Inspection Dept, Ministry of Munitions. War Work : In charge Small Arms Ammunition Shop, Royal Arsenal, 1914- 15 ; in charge of staff of nearly 6000 hands employed at the SmaU Arms Ammunition Inspection BuUdings, Park Royal, N W, 1915-19. Addresses : 2, BrookhiU Road, Woolwich, S E 18 ; 7, Apsley Terraee, Acton, W. 3. Clubs : Mill Hill Park Cricket ; Woolwich Polytechnic Athletic. (M10037) WHITE, Lieut.-Comm. George Colvin, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. WHITE, Capt. George Gilmour, O.B.E. WHITE, George Thomas, O.B.E, J.P, for Exeter, 6. 8 June, 1857 ; s. of the late Richard Dunning White, Vice- Admiral, C.B, of Exeter ; to. Mary Katharine Sidney, d. of Lieut.-Col. Charles Sidney Hawkins, D.L, J.P, of Malvern HiU House, Cheltenham. Educ. : Royal Naval School, New Cross Assist.-Supt. H.M. Penal Settlement, British Guiana, 1879-89 ; J.P. for British Guiana, 1881 ; Governor Glendairy Prison, Barbados, 1889-94 ; Superintendent of Prisons, Trinidad, 1894-1901 ; Chairman Heavitree Urban District CouncU, 1913. War Work: Hon. Treas. Exeter Local War Pensions Committee ; Chairman, Heavitree District, Exeter War Relief Fund for Dependants of SaUors and Soldiers, 1914-18; Hon. Sec. Exeter Belgian Refugees' Committee and Member of Devon and CornwaU War Refugees' Committee on Amalgama tion with Exeter (Medal du Roi Albert) ; Chairman, Exeter and District Local Advisory Committee, 1917-20. Address : 11, Baring Crescent, Exeter. Clubs : Devon and Exeter. (011601) WHITE, Col. Gerald Verner, C.B.E, 6. 1897 , s. of the late Hon. Peter White, P.C ; m. Mary EUzabeth Tret.es. Educ : Pembroke PubUc and High School, Ontario ; McGill Univ. Col. Canadian Forces ; Director of Timber Operations, Canadian Forestry Corps ; elected to Canadian ParUament, 1906. Address : Pembroke, Ontario. Club : Rideau (Ottawa) . (C330) WHITE, Major Henry Herbert Ronald, D.S.O, O.B.E, J.P, D.L, 6. 1870 ; s. of the late Maj .-Gen. Henry George White, J.P, D.L, of Lough Bske Castle, co. Donegal ; m. Florence Geraldine, d. of Sir John Arnott, 1st Bt. (see Burke's Peerage). Educ: Rugby, and R.M.C. Formerly Capt. King's Roy. Rifle Corps ; Major. Roy. FusiUers ; High Sheriff, co. Donegal, 1912 ; S. Africa, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; SomaUland, 1903-4 (medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-17 (despatches) ; Nyasaland Field Force, 1918, as Lieut.- Col. Address : Lough Bske Castle, co. Donegal. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Royal AutomobUe (08970) WHITE, HUda Ann, M.B.E. WHITE, Major and Qr.-Mr. James, M.B.E, R.E. WHITE, Jesse Obediah, M.B.E. WHITE, Jessie McHardie, M.B.E. WHITE, Major John, O.B.E, R.E, „,..,.-., WHITE, John Arthur Temple, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, fi. 17 June, 1866 ; s. of John Branford White, of Norfolk, and Colonial CivU Service ; to. Alice Edith, d. of Col. Henry John Brownrigg, C.B. Educ. : Abroad and St. Bartholomew s Hospital. War Work : Medical Officer, HUlsborough MiUtary Hospital, Harlow ; CivUian M.O. various London Regiments and Anti-Aircraft Gun Stations. Address : Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex. (011602) WHITE, John BeU, C.B.E. J.P, 6. 1857 ; s. of the late W. Bell White, of Dublin ; m. Jane, d. of the late David Davis, of Maes-y-ffynon, Aberdare, and Tan-y-coed, Arthog, and widow of Thomas Babington Jones, of Glynpedr, CrickhoweU. Barrister, Inner Temple, 1893 ; Hon. Capt. R.N.R. : an Assoc. of Institute of Naval Architects ; a Member of Conjoint Board of Scientific Soc, and a Younger Brother of the Trinity House ; was Assist. Director of Naval Recruiting, 1917-19 ; editor of the " Law Magazine and Review." Addresses : 3, Paper Build ings, Temple, E.C ; Alderboume Manor, Gerrard s Cross, Bucks. Clubs : Athenamm ; Savage ; Farmers' ; Caledonian. (C1169) WHITE, 2nd Lieut. John Charles, M.B.E, R.A.F. WHITE, Capt. John Christian, O.B.E, M.C. WHITE, Capt. John Sinclair, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. WHITE, Kathleen Cameron, M.B.E. WHITE, Mabel, Mrs., M.B.E.; d. of Matthew Ben Shaw, R.M, Cape Civil Service, Transkeian Territories ; to. Arthur Edward, s. of Thomas White, of County Wexford, Ireland. Trained Nurse ; served through Boer War at Ladysmith and Howick, with No. 3 General Hospital (South African Medal) ; joined British South African Co.'s Nursing Service, 1902. War Work : Founder and Organising Sec. of the Gwelo Red Cross Working Party, for sending comforts to 1st R.R. in S.W. Africa. Hospital ship " Ebani," S. Rhodesian Column on N. Border; 2nd R.R. in East Africa, Nairobe Hospital, 2nd R.R. overseas, and donations to St. Dunstan's Home, Richmond Hospital, Maitland Institute. Address : Erin-go-bragh Estate, P.O. Box 100, Gwelo, S. Rhodesia. (M6194) WHITE, Madge Macarthur, O.B.E, 6. 28 March, 1891 , d. of John White, of Glasgow. Educ. : Privately. Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. Christopher' Addison, M.D, M.P, Board of Education, 1914-15 ; Ministry of Munitions, 1915-17 ; Ministry of Reconstruction, 1917-19 ; Local Government Board, 1919 ; Ministry of Health. (01998) WHITE, Major Maurice Forbes, O.B.B, M.B, I.M.S. WHITE, Minnie Beauchamp, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of Wm. Beauchamp, of Norton Hall, near Bath ; m. Arthur R. White, O.B.E.. D.L, J.P. War Work : Commandant of Mere V.A.D. Hospital, 1914-19. Address : Charnage, Mere, Wilts. Club : V.A.D. Ladies'. (011603) WHITE, Peroival, M.B.E, F.S.A.A., b. 2 July, 1881; s. of William John White, of Plymouth. Educ. : Corporation Grammar School, Plymouth. Incorporated Accountant. War Work : Hon. Sec. Plymouth War Savings Committee, 1916-20; Organised Food Economy Campaign ; Hon. Auditor, V.A.D. Hospital, Plymouth. Address : The Knowle, Mannamead, Plymouth. Club : Yelverton Golf. (M2638) WHITE, Percy Ernest, M.B.B. WHITE, Comm. Richard Forster, O.B.B, R.N. WHITE, Robert, C.B.E. Assist. Director, Wool Textile Production, War Office. _ (C3039) WHITE, Lieut.-Col. Robert Fortescue Moresby, O.B.E, V.D, 6. 8 May, 1862 ; s. of Robert Azlack White, of Grantham ; to. Editha Lamorna, d. of the Rev. George Cardew, of St. Minver, East Lyss, Hants. Educ. : Magnus School, Newark. Solicitor ; Clerk to Lieutenancy, County of Lincoln ; Clerk to Magistrates, Spittlegate Petty Sessional Division of County ; Clerk of the Peace, Borough of Grantham; Clerk to Com missioners of Taxes. War Work : Served on Army Head quarters, H.D, as Headquarters Commandant, July, 1915, to June, 1918 ; and D.A.A.G. Headquarters Northern Command, York, June, 1918, to Jan. 1919. Address : Grantham. (07852) WHITE, Professor Robert George, M.B.E. M.S.C WHITE, Robert George, M.B.E. WHITE, Robert WUliam, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. WHITE, Samuel James, O.B.B, M.C. WHITE, Major WUUam Blomfleld, O.B.E. (O9058) WHITE, Amber, Mrs. BLANCO-, O.B.E, 6. 1 July, 1887 ¦ d of the Hon. W. Pember Reeves, of New Zealand ; to George Rivers, s. of Thomas Blanco White, of Putney. Educ : Kensington High School, and Newnham CoU, Cam bridge. Novelist ; now in Ministry of Labour ; Member of the National Whitley CouncU for the Civil Service. War Work Director of Women's Wages, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 44 Downshire Hill, Hampstead. (011598) WHITE, Lieut. Arthur BLAIR-, M.B.B, R.F.A. WHITE, Major Charles James BROOMAN-, C.B.E, 6. 1883 ¦ s of Richard Charles Brooman- White of Arddarroch, Dumbarton : to. 1907, Idalea Hastings, d. of the late WiUiam Hearne of Hearne, Texas, U.S.A. Major Gen. List ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (01123) WHITE, Col. Percy CARR-, C.B.E, M.B. WHITE, Capt. Ernest COSTLEY-, O.B.E. WHITE, Capt. Cyril Francis DOUGLAS-, M.B.E. , R A S C WHITE, Brevet Major Maurice Fitzgibbon GROVE-, D S O OBE, R.E, 6. 7 Dec. 1887 ; s. of Col. James Grove- White'' C M G , J.P, D.L, of Kilbyrne, Doneraile, Co. Cork, and Rockfield, Cappagh, Co. Waterford ; to. Bernice Agnes, d, of D F W Parlane Educ. : St. Andrew s CoU, Grahamstown, Cane' Colony ; Wellington Coll. ; R.M.A, Woolwich. War Work ¦ 54th Field Co. R.E, France; General Staff of 13th Corps.' and G.H.Q, France. Address : c/o Cox & Co. 16 Charing Cross. Club : Army and Navy. (05921) WHITE, Sir WUliam HALE-, K.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P, fi 7 Nov 1857 ; s. of William Hale- White, of Groombridge, Kent (known as Mark Rutherford, Author); to. Edith Jane Spencer, d. of Alfred Downing Fripp, R.W.S of Hampstead, N W Educ ¦ Framlingham, and Guy's Hospital. Consulting Phvsician to Guy's Hospital. War Work: Brevet Col. RAM C (T ) 2nd London General Hospital ; Chairman, HM o'ueen'Mary's Royal Naval Hospital, Southend ; Physician toKine Edward VII. Hospital for Officers, and to the American Women's Hospital for Officers; served on numerous War Comniittees and Boards ; Address : 38, Wimpole Street T nnrlnn W 1 Club : Athenamm. (K240) WHITE,' Arethusa Flora Gartside, Mrs. LEIGH-, O.B.E., h 3 Tune 1885 ¦ d. of Peter Hawker, of Longparish, Hants. ; to Edward Egerton (who died), s. of Egerton Leigh, of Jodrell Hail Cheshire War Work : Chairman, Bantry War Pensions Sib-faommitte'e ; Vice- and Acting Chairman, County Cork Local War Pensions Committee, 1917-18;. Hon. Sec Cork County Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, and Bantry 547 White THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Voluntary Recruiting Committee ; President, Bantry District Association, and Bantry Voluntary Aid Committee (controlling Station Buffet, Prisoners' Parcels, Comforts, National Egg CoUection) ; Superintendent, Y.M.C.A. Club, Bantry ; also worked for British and Foreign Sailors' Society and B.R.C.S, Cork. Address : Bantry House, Bantry, Co. Cork. Clubs : Ladies' AthenEeum ; Empress. (011599) WHITE, Major Robert STANDISH-, O.B.B, R.A.M.C. WHITEHEAD, AUred Kershaw, M.B.B, fi. 14 April, 1873 ; s. of Samuel Whitehead, of Oldham ; m. NeUie Murray, d. of Charles Edwin Dyer, of London. Educ. : Wesleyan School, Glodwick, Oldham, and Wesleyan Training Coll, Westminster, S.W. Headmaster, Whickham Council School, Durham Education Committee. War Work : Member of Executive Durham County War Savings Committee, and Sec. of the Whickham Urban District War Savings Committee. Address : Ash Villa, Whickham. (M4079) WHITEHEAD, Arthur John, M.B.E. WHITEHEAD, Lieut.-Col. Herbert Mansfield, O.B.E. WHITEHEAD, Irene, Mrs, M.B.E. WHITEHEAD, Isobel, Mrs, C.B.E, 6. 1872 ; d. of the lateRev.John Duncan, Vicarof Calne, Rural Dean of Avebury, and Canon of Salisbury ; to. 1903, the Rt. Rev. Henry White head, Lord Bishop of Madras. Head of Women's Services in connection with Furlough and Convalescent, camps in India during the Great War. Has Kaisir-i-Hind medal. (C1982) WHITEHEAD, Major John, O.B.E.' WHITEHEAD, Mary Catherine, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 1 June, 1862 ; d. of the late Henry Haes, of Caterham Valley, Surrey ; m. the late Charles Whitehead, s. of the late Charles Whitehead, of London, N. Educ : North London Collegiate School, and Wiesbaden. War Work : Belgian Refugee work ; Canteen work, Woolwich Arsenal, and King's Cross Y.M.C.A. Hut, for 4 years, originally as a worker and afterwards as Lady Super intendent. Address: Westways, Burke's Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks. (M2639) WHITEHEAD, Maude Lillian, M.B.E, d. of the late George Whitehead, of Deighton Grove, York. War Work : Comman dant of Bscrick Red Cross Hospital, Escrick, York, from 1914-19. Address : Deighton Grove, York. (M4080) WHITEHEAD, Lieut.-Comm. Norman, O.B.E, R.N. WHITEHEAD, Lieut. William, M.B.E. WHITEHORN, Lieut. Roy Drummond, M.B.E, M.A, 6. 4 Aug. 1891 ; s. of Joseph H. Whitehorn, of 74, Canfield Gardens, London, N.W. 6. Educ. : St. Paul's School, London ; Trinity and Westminster Colls, Cambridge. War Work : Lieut, 37th Calcutta Presidency Batt, Indian Defence Force ; National Sec. for Army Work, Y.M.C.A. of India, Burma, and Ceylon, 1915-19 ; mentioned in despatches, July, 1919. Addresses : 74, Canfield Gardens, London, N.W. 6 : Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Club : Hawks. Cambridge. ' (M2640) WHITEHORNE, Major Arthur Cecil, O.B.E. WHITEHOUSE, Edwin St. John, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, 6. 1867 ; s. of H. B. Whitehouse, of Sedgley, Staffs. Educ. : Wolverhampton School, Cambridge, and Birmingham. Medical Practitioner, Medical Officer, Solihull and Meriden Joint Isolation Hospital. War Work: Medical Officer-to- charge Hermitage, V.A.D. Hospital, Solihull (Auxiliary to 1st Southern General Hospital). Address: SoUhull, Warwick shire (M19042) WHITEHOUSE, John, M.B.B, 6. 29 May, 1875. Clerk to the Barrow Insurance Committee ; FeUow of the Faculty of Insurance. War Work : Vice-Chairman of the Local War Pensions Committee; Member of the Finance Committee; Member of the Local Training Committee for Discharged Sailors and Soldiers ; Member of Lord Roberts' Workshop Memorial Committee ; Member of the Executive Committee Barrow War Memorial ; Member of the Prince of Wales' Com mittee, War Savings Committee, Old Age Pensions Committee, and Council for Combating Venereal Disease. Addresses : 92, Duke Street ; 20 Windsor Street, Barrow-in-Furness. (M10043) WHITEHOUSE, Capt. John Hubert, O.B.E. WHITELAW, Robert Pender, C.B.E, fi. 22 April, 1865 ; s. of Robert Whitelaw, of Stirling, Scotland ; to. Helen, d. of Robert Watson, of Coatbridge. Educ. : West of Scotland Technical Coll, Coatbridge. Superintendent, H.M. Factory, Avonmouth. War Work : A contractor in S. Africa, came to England in 1915 to assist the Ministry of Munitions ; super vised tho construction of H.M. Factory, Queensferry, of which he became works manager ; transferred to Gretna, and after wards to Avonmouth, where he filled the dual posts of con struction manager and superintendent. Address : H M Factory, Avonmouth. Club : The Rand, Johannesburg, South Africa. (C3040) WHITELEY, Capt. Cyprian Charles Oswald, OBE T.D. WHITELEY, Feather Ogden, O.B.E, F.S.S, F.S.A.A, fi. 4 Oct. 1877 ; s. of the late Simeon Whiteley, Professor of Music, of Bradford ; m. Annie, d. of the late Abel Kershaw Worsted Spinner, of Oxenhope. Educ. : Horton CoU and privately. City Treas. of Bradford ; admitted Incorporated Accountant in 1912 ; elected a Fellow of the Society in 1914 • elected a Member of the Council of the Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors, 1920 ; Fellow, Member of the Executive Council, and Past President of the Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants. War Work • Com manded 4th (Vol.) Batt. Prince of Wales' Own West Yorkshire Regt. ; Hon. Treas. of European War, Bradford Lord Mayor's 548 Fund, Belgian National Relief (Bradford) Fund, Belgian Refugees' Fund, Serbian Relief Fund, Polish Relief Fund, " Lusitania " Relief Fund, Y.M.C.A. War Memorial and National Fund, Bradford Flag Days Organisation ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. of Bradford War Pensions Committee. Address: Highfield View, Idle, Bradford. Clubs: Union (Bradford); Northern Counties'. (O11604) WHITELEY, Martha Annie, O.B.E, D.Sc, F.I.C , fi. 11 Nov. 1866 ; d. of WiUiam Sedgwick Whiteley, of London. Educ. : Kensington High School ; Royal Holloway Coll. ; Royal Coll. of Science, South Kensington. War Work : Super intendent of Organic Chemistry Laboratories, Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, South Kensington, under Ministry of Munitions ; Research work for Chemical Warfare Depart ment, Ministry of Munitions ; Superintendent of research work carried out in Organic Chemistry Laboratories, South Kensington, for Royal Society's War Committee. Address: Ill, Castlenau, Barnes, London, S.W. 13. Club : Lyceum. (O2001) WHITELEY, Major Peroival, O.B.E. WHITELEY, Lieut, the Hon Ronald George, O.B.E., B.A, 6. 1890 ; s. of George Whiteley, Baron Marchamley. Educ. : Magdalen Coll, Oxford. LateMajorR.G.A. Address: Charnley Manor, nr. Wantage, Bucks. (07853) WHITEMAN, Major Francis Edward, O.B.E. WHITEMAN, George Hewitt, O.B.E. WHITFIELD, Avery AUred, M.B.E. WHITFIELD, Capt. Frederick Ernest Banister, M.B.E, R.A.F WHITFIELD, Lieut. George Arthur, O.B.E, R.N.R. WHITFIELD, Muriel Frances, Mrs., M.B.E. WHITFIELD, Com. Paul, D.S,.C, O.B.E, R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned to dexpatches). (09662) WHITFIELD, Major Robert Langton Digby, O.B.E, R.A.O.C WHITING, Ernest James, M.B.E, R.N. WHITING, Capt. Maurice Henry, O.B.B, F.R.CS, 6. 12 Oct. 1885 ; s. of William Henry Whiting, of Long Acre, West Ealing ; m. Blanche Beatrice, d. of Edward Aggas, of Torquay. Educ : Mill Hill School ; Downing Coll, Cambridge ; Middlesex Hospital. Pathologist to the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital ; Ophthalmic Surgeon to Paddington Green Children's Hospital, and St. Saviour's Hospital. War Work : Lieut, and Capt. R.A.M.C. ; Ophthalmic Specialist, Shorncliffe Military Hospital ; 13th Stationary Hospital, Boulogne (afterwards the 83rd (Dublin) General Hospital), Dec. 1914, to March, 1919. Address : 9, Welbeck Street, W. 1. (05922) WHITING, WUliam Robert Gerald, M.B.E, M.A, M.I.N.A, 6. 15 May, 1884 ; s. of W. H. Whiting, C.B, of West Ealing ; to. Irene Helena, d. of Professor Henry Stroud, of Armstrong Coll. Educ. : Mill Hill School, and Cambridge Univ. Personal Assistant to General Manager, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co.'s Shipyard Department. War Work : Had charge of the construction of submarines built by the above firm. Address : Armstrong Naval Yard, New castle-on-Tyne. (M1089) WHITLA, Major Valentine George, O.B.B. WHITLEY, Leonard Vincent, M.B.E. WHITLOCK, Col. George Frederic Ashford, C.B.E, R.E, 6. 16 April, 1868 ; s. of Capt. George F. T. Whitlock, of H.M. 84th (York and Lancaster) Regt. ; to. 1st, Rebecca Margaret, d. of Horatio J. Sprague, U.S. Consul, Gibraltar , d. 3 903; 2nd, Annie Florence, d. of W.-L. T. Foy, D.L, J.P, of Henley-on-Thames, and 22, Down Street, W. Educ. : Royal Naval School, New Cross. Ordnance Survey, 1897-1903 ; Assistant British Commissioner, Yola-Chad Boundary Commission, 1903-4 ; British Commissioner, Yola- Cross River Boundary Commission, 1907-9 ; Chief Instructor in Surveying, School of MUitary Engineering, Chatham, 1909-13 ; Ordnance Survey, 1913-19 ; British Commissioner, Inter- AUied Boundary Commission, Germany — Belgium Boundary, 1919-20. War Work : Assisting in the preparation of the maps for the armies at the Front, and work of a similar nature for the Admiralty and Air Force. Address : 30, Winn Road, Southampton. Clubs ; Army and Navy ; Junior Naval and Military ; Geographical. (C1133) WHITLOCK, Roland Whitelocke, O.B.E. WHITMEE, Andrew Conder, M.B.E. WHITMORE, Violet Franois EUzabeth, Mrs., O.B.E, fi. 1 Nov. 1877 ; d. of the late Sir Wm. H. Houldsworth, Bart. . to. Lieut.-Col. Francis Henry Douglas Charlton, C.M.G, D.S.O, T.D, s. of the late Capt. Douglas Whitmore. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant, Essex 12, and worked from 1917-19 at MUitary Auxiliary Hospital, Orsett ; served on Local War Pensions Committee ; Member of the Essex Executive Committee, B.R.C.S. ; Commandant of the Essex Reserve V.A.D. Address: Orsett Hall, Grays, Essex. (011605) WHITT, Edith, M.B.E, 6. 8 July, 1871 ; d. of Thomas Pickels, of Manchester. Teacher of Domestic Science, Leeds Education Committee. War Work : Demonstrator under Ministry of Food ; Supervisor, National Kitchen, Leeds. (M4081) WHITTAKER, George, O.B.E, C.C, 6. 18 April, 1856 ; s. of Edmund Whittaker, of HaU Green, near Birmingham ; to. Marion Ellen, d. of Henry Whittaker, of ChurchiU. Educ : Hall Green School. War Work : Recruiting ; Registering ; Organising Labour for Land Work ; organising Farmer's BIOGRAPHIES. Wigley Sales in Aid of Red Cross Funds, several of the sales realising from £1000 to over £3000 each. Address: Veldifer House, near Hereford. (03987) WHITTAKER, Joseph Henry, M.B.E. WHITTAKER, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Laurence, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. WHITTAKER, Mary Fanny, M.B.E. WHITTAKER, Capt. WUUam Edward de Bagnlegh, M.B.E. WHITTALL, Frederick Edwin, CB.E, 6. 20 April, 1864 ; s. of Sir WilUam Wliittall, Kt, of Constantinople. War Work : At the request of the Admiralty, organised a regular intelligence service with Constantinople during the Dardanelles Campaign ; collaborated with A. J. Waugh, CM.G, at H.B.M.'s Legation, Athens, in the control of Greek Export and Import Trade. Address: Constantinople. (C3041) WHITTALL, Herbert Ootavius, O.B.E, 6. 1 Sept. 1858 ; s. of James Wliittall, of Smyrna ; m. Louisa Jane, d. of Edward Maltass, of Smyrna. Educ. : Christ's Coll, Finchley. Mer chant and Director of various British Limited Liability Com panies connected with Asia Minor ; Member of the Committee of Management of the British Seamen's Hospital, Smyrna. War Work : Chairman of the British Relief Committee ; Chairman of the Committee appointed by the Dutch Minister at Constantinople for the care of British prisoners of war in Turkey, repatriated through Smyrna ; Confidential Adviser to the first British Military and Naval authorities in Smyrna after the Armistice. Address: Smyrna. (011606) WHITTALL, Lieut.-Comm. Hugh C, O.B.B, .R.N.V.R. WHITTEN, George Jackson, M.B.E. WHITTERIDGE, Lieut. Percy Claydon, M.B.E. WHITTINGDALE, John Flasby Laurance, O.B.B, B.A, M.B. (Cantab), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 6. 6 Oct. 1858 ; s. of William Lucas Whittingdale, of EUerbeck, Thornton-in- Linedale ; m. Maria Dene, d. of WilUam Jennings, of FMtweU. Educ. : Cambridge and Edinburgh Univs. Surgeon to the Yeatman Hospital; Medical Officer, Sherborne School and Ladies' CoU. War Work : M.O. Yeatman Hospital, and Castle Red Cross Hospital. Address : Grosvenor Lodge, Sherborne, Dorset. (011607) WHITTINGHAM, Hilda Kate, O.B.E, M.B, B.S. WHITTINGHAM, Comm. WaUace .Edgar, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. WHITTINGTON, Brig.-Gen. Cecil Henry, CM.G, C.B.E, fi. 1 Feb. 1878 ; s. of the late Rev. R. E. Whittington, of Bath ; m. Mary Cecil, d. of MulvUle Thomson, of Bath. Educ. : Bath Coll. Director of Mather & Piatt, Ltd, Engineers. War Work : Commission in the Royal Flying Corps ; rose to Brig.-Gen. in the Royal Air Force. Address : Queen Anne's Mansions, Westminster, S.W. 1. Clubs : Royal Air Force ; Roehampton. (C877) WHITTINGTON, Major Richard Auguste Wiliiam, M.B.E. Officer commanding Western Group Middlesex, RA-S.C Motor Transport (Volunteers.) (M10340) WHITTINGTON, Capt. WilUam, M.B.E. WHITTLE, Fortescue Glynn, M.B.B, 6. 29 Jan. 1886 ; s. of E. M. Glynn Whittle, M.D. (Cantab), M.R.C.P, of Liver pool. Educ. : The Liverpool Coll. Audit Office, Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. War Work : Commissioned in A.S.C. (T.F.) Sept. 1914, and served with 57th (West Lancs.) Div. 1914-16 ; served in Mesopotamia, 1917-19 (promoted Acting Capt. 1918) ; mentioned in despatches, Nov. 1918. Address : Garth Drive, AUerton. Club : Junior Conservative (Liverpool). (M4290) WHITTLE, Lieut.-Col. Herbert John, M.B.E. WHITTLE, WiUiam Henry, O.B.E, R.N.R. WHITTON, Lieut.-Col. David Alexander, O.B.E. WHITTY, Capt. Gerald Joseph, O.B.E., M.C, 6. 4 Aug. 1895; s. of John J. Whitty, of St. Johns, Newfoundland. Educ. : Holy Cross Schools, St. Johns, Newfoundland. Sec. Great War Veteran's Association. Newfoundland. War Work : 3_ years overseas active service. Address : 346, Water Street West, St. Johns, Newfoundland. Club : B.I.S. (O8031) WHITTY, WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 22 Aug. 1866; s. of Edward and Rose Whitty, Barton-on-Humber ; to. Mary, d. of Cutsforth Knapton, of Brigg, Lines. Educ. : St. Augus tine's School, Barton-on-Humber. Superintendent and Deputy Chief Constable ; Grimsby Borough PoUce. War Work : Service during the war in organising and supervising a large body of Special Constables, biUettlng, and various work in connection with the military, alien regulations, and air raids. Address : 17, Town Hall Street, Grimsby. (M10049) WHITWORTH, Capt. Charles Warwick, M.B.E, T.D, 6. 18 Jan. 1878 ; s. of Joseph Whitworth, of Harrogate ; to. Alice Marion, d. of WiUiam C. Lupton, of Bradford. Educ. : Uppingham. Barrister-at-Law. War Work : General service. Address : Park Place Harrogate. Clubs : Carlton ; Junior Carlton; Bath. (M5727) WHITWORTH, Edith, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 18 Oct. 1866 ; d. of Frank Dawson, of Bury ; to. Albert Gladstone, s. of John Whitworth. of Rochdale. PoUce Court Missionary and Probation Officer; appointed by Swindon Borough Bench. War Work : Member of Swindon Local Tribunal ; Chairman of Ladies' Committee which undertook the care of all Motherless or Orphan children of soldiers and sailors ; organiser and Member of Committee of Weekly Meetings, including tea and concert, for Widows and Dependants of soldiers and sailors ; Member of Local Branch of Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association ; Member of Prisoners of War and Belgian Rehef Committee ; Member of War Savings Committee ; Y.M.CA. worker ; Member of Local War Pensions Committee. Address : The Ferns, Dixon Street, Swindon. (M10056) WHITWORTH, Lieut. Geoffrey Budibent, M.B.E. WHITWORTH, Walter Stanley, M.B.B. WHYATT, Charles Sidney, M.B.E., 6. 30 Jan. 1855. Educ. : Privately. Late Assistant Marine Superintendent, Great Eastern Ely. Co, Parkeston Quay. War Work : Under Railway Control, supervising and arrangtog transit, and working of Naval Stores at a Naval Base during the war. Address : 16, Fairlawn Park, Chiswick, London, W. 4. (M10051) WHYTE, Lieut. Colin Campbell, M.B.E. WHYTE, Capt. James Cunningham, M.B.B. WHYTE, John, O.B.E. WHYTE, Robert, M.B.E, 6. 29 Jan. 1874 ; s. of John Whyte, of Lanark, N.B. ; m. Isabella, d. of Wm. Stout, of Kirkwall, Orkney. Educ. : Lanark Grammar School, and Edinburgh Univ. SoUcitor, Supreme Courts of Scotland, and Notary Public S.S.C, N.P. War Work : Hon. Sec. of War Savings Committee, and organiser of Leith War Loan Campaigns and the local organisations. Address : Belverley Trinity, Edinburgh. (M10052) WHYTE, WUliam de Burgh, O.B.E. WHYTE, WilUam Edward, O.B.E. WICKEHSHAM, Capt. John, O.B.E, R.A.M.C, 6. 13 Oct. 1871 ; s. of Thomas Wickersham, of Horsham ; to. Emily, d. of James Morris, of Eastbourne. Educ. : Horsham Grammar School. War Work : Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium, Oct. 1914, to Oct. 1919. Address : No. 3, British General Hospital, Basrah, Mesopotamia. (05924) WICKES, Charles HAMILTON-, C.B.B., 6. 8 Aug. 1806 ; s. of Thomas H. Wickes, late of Indian Service D.P.W, Chief Engineer, North- West Provinces ; to. Florence Edith Bisset, d. of Richard Crossley, J.P, of Accrington. Educ. : All Hallows Grammar School, Honiton, Devon. SoUcitor, 1885-92 ; Commerce, 1892-1908 ; first to hold appointment H.M. Trade Commissioner to Commonwealth of AustraUa, 1908-12 ; first to hold double appointment of H.M, Trade Commissioner to Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland, 1912-18 ; H.M. Senior Trade Commissioner in the Service, 1917-20. War Work : H.M. Trade Commissioner to Dominion of Canada in charge of Commission to investigate timber resources of New foundland and maritime provinces of Canada ; Director at Whitehall of Post-War market enquiry to ascertain the oversea demand for British Manufactures after the conclusion of hostilities. Address : Broad Oak, Northwood, Middlesex. Clubs : Constitutional ; City Carlton. (C3042) WICKHAM, Lieut.-Comm. Evelyn Twysden, O.B.E, R.N. WICKHAM, Frederiok, O.B.E. WICKHAM, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Frederick St. Barbe, O.B.E, R.N, WICKHAM, Brig.-Gen. John Avenal, C.B.E. Served in the Great War 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C2054) WICKS, Ernest Arthur, M.B.E. WICKS, Major Gerald Hamilton, O.B.E, R.E. WICKS, Lieut.-Col. Henry William Cairns, O.B.E, D S O , fi. 1881 ; s. of Henry Wicks. Entered Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, the Duke of Albany's), 1900 ; Capt 1906; Major, 1915; Zakka Khel and Mohmand Ex pedition, 1908 ; Great War, 1914-19, as a Gen. Staff Officer (despatches) ; appointed Lieut.-Col. comdg. a Physical Train ing School, 1918. __ (05925) WIDDERSON, Capt. Andrew James, O.B.B. WIDDOWSON, Dorothy, M.B.E. WIDDOWSON, Howell Young, O.B.E. WIGAN, Aubrey John GRAHAM-, M.B.E, 6. 3 Sept. 1897; s. of John Alfred Graham- Wigan, of Oakwood Park, Maidstone Educ. : Eton Coll. Address : Oakwood Park, Maidstone. _r _, __ (M2645) WIGGETT, John Howitson, M.B.E. WIGGINS, Major Carl, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. WIGHT, Mabel, M.B.E, fi. 1876 ; d. of Wm. Dundas Wight Educ. : Caldicot Towers, Bushey Heath, Herts. War Work ¦ Hon. Sec. of St. John AuxiUary Hospital, Penarth, March 1915, to June, 1919. Address : Falconhyrst, Bradford Place 'Penarth Glam. (M10055) WiGHTMAN, Florence OldQeld, M.B.B. ; d. of the Rev. W A Wightman, of Stillingfleet, York. War Work : Head of 'Bandage Room Department, York War Hospital Supply Depot 1915-19 (M10056) WIGHTMAN, Lieut. Henry Christopher, O.B.E, R.E.(T.). WIGHTMAN, Owen WiUiam, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 29 Dec. 1869 • s of the Rev. WilUam Arnett Wightman, of StiUingfleet, York'- m. Ethel Maria, d. of Henry HaU, of Alton, Hants. Educ': Radley, and Exeter CoU, Oxford. Maltster; Director Brewing Branch, Mimstry of Food. War Work : Hon. Lieut. Herts. Volunteer Regiment. Address : BeDgeo, Herts Club: Royal Automobile. '",„ WIGLEY, Lieut.-Col. George AUred, O.B.E, 5. 1872; it (O78C0) WIGLEY, Kathleen Sinclair, Mrs., M.B.E. WIGLEY, Thomas, M.B.E. 549 Wignall THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. WIGNALL, Edith Marguerite, M.B.E, d. of Edwin Sate, of 14, Park Street; m. Frederick WiUiam, s. of Walter Barton Wignall, of Spital, Cheshire. War Work: Commandant of TattenhaU and The Rookery Hospitals, Oct. 1914, to April, 1919. Addresses : The Rookery, TattenhaU, Cheshire ; Cambusmore, The Mound, Sutherland. (M2646) WIGRAM, Agnes Vernon, Mrs. Henry Francis, O.B.E. WIGRAM, Col. Kenneth, C.B, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. Dec. 5 1875 ; s.oflate Herbert Wigram, late I.C.S. Educ. : Wtochester Chester and Sandhurst. General Staff (Director of Staff Duties), Army Headquarters, India. War Work : General Staff, Army Headquarters, India, Aug. 1914, to May, 1915 ; General Staff. G.H.Q. France, June, 1915, to Sept. 1918 ; R.A.F. H.Q, France, Oct. 1918, till Armistice. Club : United Service. (C1912) WILBERFORCE, Major Arthur Roland George, O.B.B. 6. 21 Dec. 1877 ; s. of the Rt. Rev. Ernest Wilberforce, late Bishop of Chichester. Educ. : Winchester and Christ Church, Oxford. Deputy Assistant Director, Q.M.G. Canteens, War Office. War Work : Served with 2nd Batt. Royal Sussex Regt. in France, 1914 ; severely wounded ; attached Gen. Staff, War Office, 1915, to Sept. 1916 ; Staff Capt, 5A District, Sept. 1916, to Sept. 1918 ; Private Sec. to Q.M.G, War Office, Sept. 1918, to March, 1919. Address : 17, Eccleston Square, S.W. 1. Clubs : Naval and MiUtary ; Royal Automobile. (07857) WILBERFORCE, Brig.-Gen. Sir Herbert William K.B.E, C.B, CM.G, 6. 4 July, 1866 ; s. of the late Venerable Wilberforce, of Westminster Abbey ; m. Eleanor Catherine, d. of Major-Gen. E. Micklem, of Rosehill, Henley-on-Thames. Educ. : Eton and Sandhurst. War Work : Served in France continuously from Aug. 1914, until Jan. 1920, first as Lieut.- Col. Commanding Queen's Bays, latterly as Base Commandant, Boulogne ; Knight of Grace, St. John of Jerusalem, Croix de Commandeur Legion of Honour (France) ; Grand Officer Military Order of Avis (Portugal). Address : Kingswood, Medmenham, Marlow. Clubs : Cavalry ; Royal Automobile. (K321fi) WILBRAHAM, Capt. Henry Dudley, O.B.E. WILBRAHAM, Major Hugh Edward, M.B.E. WILBRAHAM, Lady AUce Maud BOOTLE-, O.B.E, 6. 22 June. 1861 ; d. of 1st Earl of Lathom, of Lathom House, Ormskirk (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Privately. Lady District Superintendent London District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. War Work : Started and organised Queen Mary's Royal Naval Hospital, Southend-on-Sea ; President, SUver Thimble Fund, which collected over £70,000 ; worked in Can teens. King Edward's Coronation Medal ; King George's Coronation Medal ; Long Service Medal ; Sister St. John of Jerusalem ; Order of Queen Elizabeth of Belgium. Address : 26, Lower Sloane Street, S.W. 1. (011609) WILBRAHAM, Evelyn Caryl Bootle, O.B.E, PhD, F.I.C, F.C.S, 6. 8 June, 1877 ; s. of Col. Arthur B. Wilbraham. Educ. : Clifton CoU, and Leipzig Univ. War Work : Superintendent of H.M. High Explosives Factory, Rainham, Essex ; afterwards technical adviser to Explosives Dept. of the Ministry of Munitions ; Liaison Officer to Gun and Ammunition FiUing Dept. of Ministry of Munitions. Address : 28, Ovington Square, S.W. 3. Clubs : Royal Institution ; Royal Aero ; Chemical Industry. (O2007) WILBY, Col. Arthur WiUiam Roger, C.B.E, CE, fi. 27 March, 1875 ; s. of the late Lieut. A. B. WUby, 61st Regt. ; to. Eva Mary, d. of Arthur P. Blathwayt, of Northwood Grange, Middlesex. Educ. : Upper Canada Coll, Toronto, Canada ; R.M.C, Kingston, Canada. Agent for British Columbia, of the Marine Dept, Federal Government of Canada. War Work : Gazetted as Captain to the 62nd Batt. C.E.F, June, 1915 ; promoted Major, Dec. 1915 ; transferred to the 48th Batt. C.E.F. on proceeding to France, Aug. 1916 ; appointed D.A.D. of Labour for Canadian Corps, April, 1917 ; appointed Labour Commandant Canadian Corps with rank of Colonel, April, 1918 ; returned to Canada and demobolised, Aug. 1919 ; Address : Victoria, British Columbia. Club : Union ; Victoria. (C1358) WILCOCK, Lieut. Albert Edward, O.B.E, R.N.V R WILCOCK, Joseph, M.B.B, fi. 23 March, 1858; s. of Joseph Wilcock, of Preston Lancashire ; m. Annie, d. of Jacob Hindle, of Nelson, Lane. Educ. : Marton School, Blackpool. Superintendent, Lancashire County Constabu lary. War Work : General War work in Connection with local munition works. Address : 87, Seaforth Road, Seaforth, Liverpool. (M10060) WILD, Lieut. John Robert Franois, C.B.E, R.N.V.R Accompanied the Shac-ldeton Antartic Expeditions. (C3044) WILD, Norman Ward, M.B.E. WILD, Robert Vaughan, O.B.E. WILD, Brig.-Gen. Ralph Kirby BAGNALL-, C.M.G, C B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of Ralph Bagnall Bagnall-Wild, J.P, of The Manor House, Costock, Loughborough ; m. Maida, d. of the late John Devereux, of Hereford. Brevet Major R E Reserve, and Lieut.-Col. and T. Brig.-Gen, R.A F (C18851 WILDBORE, Albert Milton, M.B.E, R.N. WILDER, Edward Hunter, M.B.E, Commissioned Boatswain R.N, fi. 1 May, 1870 ; s. of David Hunter Wilder, ol Dalkeith, Scotland ; to. Evelyn Blanche, d. of William Fryer, of Portsmouth. Educ. : Greenwich R.H. School Assistant to King's Harbour Master, Gibraltar Dockyard ; in charge of Boom Defence and Moorings, Berthing and Sailing of Ships m convoys, Salvage work, etc. Addresses: Richmond, 550 London Road, nr. Horndean, Hants. ; H.M. Dockyard, Gibraltar. (M2648) WILDING, Edward, C.B.E, 6. 25 Nov. 1875 ; s. of Henry Wilding, of Liverpool ; to. Marion EmUy, d. of WiUiam Shilton, of Burton-on-Trent. Educ. : Liverpool Institute ; R.N.E. Coll, Devonport ; R.N. Coll, Greenwich. Managing Director of Harland & Wolff, Ltd. ; Deputy Director of Designs under Controller General of Merchant ShipbuUding, 1918-19. Ad dress : 6, Royal Terrace, Lisburn Road, Belfast. Club : Ulster Reform. (C3045 WILDING, 2nd Lieut. Henry, M.B.E. WILDING, Capt. Miohael Henley, C.B.E, R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C2284) WILDMAN, Major Sam Beck, O.B.B, R.A.S.C, fi. 21 Aug. 1868. Superintendent No 1 Remount Depot, Dublin. War Work : In addition to superintending Remount Depot was assistant to the Inspector of Remounts, Dish Command, from 1914-17 ; Supervised the Embarkation and disembarka tion of horses at the Port of Dublin. (O3205) WILDY, Comm. Edmund, O B.E, V.D, R.N.V.R. WILDY, Capt. Harold Adams, O.B.E, M.G.C WILES, Capt. Harold Herbert, M.B.B, WILEY, Capt. Thomas Paul, O.B.E, 6. 2 Dec. 1883 ; s. of late Arthur John, of Oulton Broad, Suffolk ; m. EUeen Mary, d. ot Doctor Joseph Alexander Tooner, late of Broad Street, Pendleton. Educ : Rossall School, Fleetwood, Lancs. Engineer and Local Manager of Waygood-Otis Ltd, Lift Makers, London. War Work : In charge of 610th Fortress Company, R.E. ; responsible for Defence Electric Lighting, Milford Haven Garrison. Address : 90, Princess Street, Man chester. (07858) WILFORD, Major Edmund Ernest, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1876 ; s. of the late Col. EdmundPercival WUford, Gloucester shire Regt. ; m. Rachel Lancaster Sharpe. Educ : Clifton Coll. Major Indian Army ; Great War, 1914-19 as Lieut.-Col. York and Lancaster Regt, and subsequently Major Roy. Detence Corps (despatches). Club : Royal Automobile. (O7860) WILFORD, Edward Charles, M.B.B. WIKLE, Bessie DayreU, M.B.E, 6. 18 Oct. 1890 ; d. of the late Augustus Wilke, of Epsom, Surrey. Educ : Lee High School for Girls. War Work : Club Leader and organiser of The Daughters of the Empire Club, Upper Norwood, since Jan. 1915, under the auspices of the Y.W.C.A. Address: Thimbleby, South Vale, Upper Norwood, S.E. 19. (M10061) WILKIE, Surg.-Lieut. -Comm. David Peroival Dalbrick, O.B.E, M.B, R.N.V.R. WILKIE, Helen Gertrude, Mrs., C.B.E. ; d. of late Reginald Reynolds, of 28, Clarendon Square, Leamington ; to. E. O. Hales Wilkie (Major, Worcestershire Regt. ret.), s. of the late General Hales WUkie, of Ellington, Kent. War Work : Founder, Organiser, and Hon. Sec. The Womens Emergency Canteens for soldiers, founded Jan. 1915, closed June, 1919 ; Canteens on the French Front and at the Gare du Nord and Gare de Lyon, Paris, for AlUed troops ; transport of Wounded and much relief work. Address : 9, Grove Court, Drayton Gdns, S.W. 10. (C3046) WILKIE, Capt. James Bowman, M.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C. WILKIE, Major Robert, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WILKIN, Rear-Adm. Henry Douglas, C.B.E, D.S.O, J.P. (West Ridtog of Yorkshire (1920) R.N, fi. 27 March, 1862 ; s. of Major H. J. WUkto, of 11th and 7th Hussars ; m. Elfrida Bertha, d. ot Egbert Iveson, of Charters, Ascot. Educ. : Eastman's Preparatory School and H.M.S. " Britannia." War Work : Senior Naval Officer at Belfast. Address : Wetherby Grange, Yorkshire. Clubs: United Service; Royal Naval (Portsmouth) ; Yorkshire. (C2328) WILKINS, ', Capt. Dennison Alfred, M.B.E, 6. 28 July, 1892 ; s. of late A. D. WUktas, of 21, Pemberley Avenue, Bedford. Educ. : Bedford School, and Sandhurst. War Work : Severely wounded at Second battle of Ypres, April, 1915 ; Adju tant, Anti-Aircraft Command, 1916 ; on Staff from 1917-20 ; mentioned " London Gazette," March, 1920. Address : 21, Pem berley Avenue, Bedford. Club : United Service. (M5729) WILKINS, Elizabeth Bastable, O.B.E, 6. 24 Feb. 1883 ; d. of Stephen Wilkins, of Shaftesbury. Nursing Sister. War Work : Assistant to Miss Edith CaveU, Brussels, Belgium, 1914-15 ; Sister in Charge B. Red Cross Hospital St. Fagan's Castle, Glam, S. Wales, March, 1916, to March, 1919. Addresses : Yeatman Hospital, Sherborne, Dorset ; Stour, Shaftesbury, Dorset. " (011610) WILKINS, Frederick Charles Sydney, O.B.E. WILKINS, Harold, M.B.E. WILKINS, Capt. John, O.B.E. WILKINS, Louisa, Mrs. Roland Field, O.B.B. WILKINS, Margaret Mabel, M.B.E. WILKINS, Lieut. Raymond, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. WILKINS.Col. Thomas James Hackett,O.B.E,M.R.CP.E, L.R.CS.E, I.M.S, 6. 6 Oct. 1850 ; s. of Thomas WUkins, Deputy Registrar, High Court, Madras ; m. Alicia Caroline Evelyn, d. of Lieut.-Col. Felix Richard Vincent Jervis, of the Bengal Army. Educ. : Ootacamund Grammar School ; Madras ; Edinburgh ; and special Hospitals in London. Took part in the Burma expedition in 1884-85 ; S.M.O. of the Tongoo-Nyngan Column under Col. Dicken, received medal and clasp ; retired from I.M.S. as Divisional P.M.O, the 9th Secunderabad Division, late Madras Command ; President of the Recruitmg Medical Board at Great Scotland Yard, under MUitary authorities ; BIOGRAPHIES. Williams Senior Chairman and Deputy Commissioner of the Medical Boards at WhitehaU under the Ministry of National Services, and Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services in the Ministry of Pensions ; in charge of the Discharge Board of the Royal Air Force, at Blandford, Halton Camp, and Uxbridge. Ad dress : c/o Messrs. Courts &, Co, 440, Strand, London, W.C 2. (011612) WILKINSON, ClenneU Anstruther, M.B.E. WILKINSON, Christopher Henry George, M.B.E. WILKINSON, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Edward Aubrey Guy, O.B.E, B.A, R.N. WILKINSON, Capt. Edward John, O.B.E. WILKINSON, T. Warrant Officer Ernest, M.B.E, Royal Indian Marine. (M6780A) WILKINSON, Frederiok, CB.E. WILKINSON, Col. George Alexander Eason, C.B.E, D.S.O, fi. 1860 ; s. of the late Matthew Wilkinson of Middle- thorpe Hall, Yorkshire ; to. 1886. the Hon. Caroline Catherine Horsley-Beresf ord, d. of 3rd Baron Decies (see Burke's Peerage) JJP. for W. and E. Ridings of Yorkshire ; Hon.-Major in the Army ; Lieut.-Col. Royal Defence Corps, 1914-19 ; formerly Lieut.-Col. Comdg. and Hon. Col. 4th Bn. Sherwood Foresters (Notts. and Derbyshire Regt.). Served in S. Africa, 1900-1 (severely wounded, despatches). Address : Dring- houses Manor, York. (C837) WILKINSON, Capt. Gerrard Napier, O.B.E, LA. WILKINSON, Harry Cuthbert WilUam, M.B.E. WILKINSON, Harry WUUam John, M.B.E. WILKINSON, Major, Brevet Lieut.-Col., Henry Benfield Des Voeux, C.B.E, D.S.O, Durham Light Infantry, 6. 18 Oct. 1870 ; s. of Major H. O. WUkinson, of Oswald House, nr. Durham ; m. Bridget, d. of Col. T. B. Cookson, C.B, of Meldon Park, Morpeth. Educ. : Cheam School ; Wellington Coll. ; Sandhurst ; Staff CoU. War Work : D.A.A. and Q.M.G, South African War ; G.S. 0.2, 1st Peshawar Div. Expedition against Birnurwals, 1914 ; Provost Marshal, Indian Corps, D.A.A, and Q.M.G. Lahore Division ; A.A. and Q.M.G. 33rd Division ; A.A. and Q.M.G, 23rd Division; A.A. and Q.M.G. 68th Division. Address : 20, CUveden Place, S.W. Club : Army and Navy. (C1814) WILKINSON, Rev. Horace Ricardo, O.B.E, R.N. WILKINSON, Howitt Key, M.B.E. WILKINSON, John, O.B.E. WILKINSON, Kenneth Douglas, O.B.E, 6. 17 AprU, 1886 ; s. of Rev. H. C. WUkinson, of High Leigh, Cheshire ; m. Phebe Helena, d. of Capt. 0. H. Homewood, of WaUasey, Cheshire. Educ. : Berkhamsted, and Birmingham Univ. Assistant Physician General Hospital Birmingham ; Physician to Out-patients, ChUdren's Hospital, Birmingham. War Work: Served successively as Lieut, Capt, and Major in R.A.M.C. (T.) (Medical Specialist). Address : 91, Cornwall Street, Birmingham. (05928) WILKINSON, Martin, M.B.E. WILKINSON, Capt. Noel Read EUershaw, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WILKINSON, Lieut.-Comm. Norman, O.B.E, R.I, R.N.V.R, 6. 24 Nov. 1878 ; s. of T. C WUkinson ; to. Evelyn Harriet, d. of Rev. Murdo Mackenzie, Swatow, China. Educ. : Berkhamsted. Artist. War Work : Lieut.-Comm. R.N.V.R, served in various theatres of war ; 1917, originated and carried out the system of " Dazzle " Painting as applied to Merchant Vessels for protection against Torpedo attack ; this system was officially adopted by aU the AlUed maritime nations. Address: 40, Marlborough HiU, St. John's Wood, N.W. 8. CZufis .- Royal Thames Yacht ; St. John's Wood Arts. (0861) WILKINSON, Lieut. Ralph Thomas, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. WILKINSON, Rev. Riohard Brindle, O.B.B, 6. 5 May, 1886 ; s. of R. WUkinson, of Hoghton, nr. Preston ; to. Mary, d. of Thos. Bretherton, of Hoghton nr. Preston. Educ. : Didsbury CoU, Manchester. Wesleyan Minister. War Work : Fourth Class Chaplain from April, 1915, to June, 1919 ; at tached to 6th and 29th Divisions ; served with these Divisions m France, Flanders, and Germany, during that period. Ad dress: Daisy Bank, Rhodes, Manchester. (02783) WILKDJSON, Lieut. Robert Joseph, M.B.E. WILKS, Capt. Frank Stanley, O.B.E, 6. 1 July, 1882 ; «. of E. T. Wilks, F.R.G.S, C.C, of Watford ; m. Winifred, d. of F. H. Freeth, of Putney. Educ. : Mill Hill School. Chartered Accountant. War Work : Gazetted Lieut, in the B.A.S.C., Aug. 1915 ; appointed Supply Officer 156th Inf. Bde, 52nd Division, Dec. 1915 ; served with the division on GaUipoli, Egypt, Sinai, Palestine, and France ; promoted Capt. Sept. 1916 ; thrice mentioned in despatches. Addresses : 26, Kingsfleld Road, Watford, Herts, ; 31, Lombard Street, E.C. (O5930) WILKS, T. MajorJohn Eason, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. , WILLAN, Surg.-Comm. Robert Joseph, M.V.O. O.B.E., V.D, M.B, R.N.V.R, 6. 1878; s. of John WUlan, J.P, of Durham ; to. Dorothy Eleanor, d. of J. B. Shawyer, of Carlisle. Educ. : Durham. T. Hon. Surgeon, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Work: Served in R.N. Hospital Ships, "Drina," "Plassy,', and "Ka-rapara," Aug. 1914, to Sept. 1918, at R.N. Hospital, Haslar, Sept. 1918, to July, 1919. Address : 6, Kensington Terrace, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Club : Union. (09509) WILLANS, Gordon Jenne, M.B.B. , WILLCOCK, Rev. John, O.B.E, D.D, D.Litt, b. 18 AprU, 1853 ; s. of John WiUcock, of Northwich, Cheshire ; »». Annie Bannatyne, d. of WilUam Malcolmson, of Lerwick fP tt' -. , Ljvei'P°ol High School, and Edinburgh Univ. Minister of United Free Church of Scotland. War Work : Sec. of War Savings Associations for Coimty of Zetland, Sec. of Soldiers and Sailors' Families Association. Address: St Ringan s Manse, Lerwick, Shetland. (011613) a WII^9?,CKS' MaJ°r Georee Charles, O.B.E, M.C WILLCOX, Capt. Howard James Lionel Walter Kox, C.B, E, R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19, with Ocean Escort (mentioned in despatches). (C1209) -, oWILLC0*Xi Capt- William Garratt, M.B.E, 6. 23 April, ,,, i„s-,oJ„Jame3 Willcox^ of Putney. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Sec. to British Farmers' Red Cross Fund ; assist ing Sir Herbert Brown to the raising of a Fund of £1,053,000 in this connection ; executive organiser to the Frances Day branch of the French Red Cross ; now Sec. to the Appeal Department of Earl Haig's Officers' Association. (M10064) WILLCOX, William Henry, O.B.E, 6. 5 Dec. 1871 ; s. of Henry Willcox, of Spalding ; to. Lucy Mabel, d. of Andrew £¦1Xe?;•. o£„ Spading. Educ. : Spalding Grammar School. H.M. Civil Service ; Administrative Officer of the First Division ; Assistant Sec. to the Commissioners of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea. War Work : Chief Civil Officer in charge of work connected with the award of disability pensions to Warrant Officers, N.CO.s and men invalided from the Army from the beginning of the war until the creation of the Ministry of Pensions ; continued in charge of work connected with the award of Long Service Pensions, awards for Distinguished Conduct Medals in addition to pension, as well as other duties relating to the permanent appointment of Assistant Sec. to the Commissioners of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea ; for the first year of its existence assisted the Ministry of Pensions in an advisory capacity. Address : The Royal Hospital, Chelsea, S.W. 3. (011614 WILLER, Herbert Humphries, M.B.E. WILLERT, Sir Arthur, K.B.E, 6. 19 May, 1882 ; s. of late P. F. WiUert, of Headington Hill, Oxford ; to. Florence, d. of late Sir Walter Simpson, Bart, of Balabraes, Ayton, Scotland (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : Eton, Balliol Coll, Oxford. Correspondent of the " Times " at Washington, U.S.A.; joined staff of " Times," 1905 ; correspondent of the " Times " at Washington, 1910-17 ; Sec. British War Mission in Washington, and representative there of Ministry of Informa tion, 1917-18. Address: Headington Hill, Oxford. Club: MetropoUtan (Washington). (K241) WILLES, Lieut. Harry, M.B.E, R.G.A. (S.R.). WILLETT, Henry Goodrich, C.B.E. Secretary to the Trinity House for 48 years. (C1055) WILLETT, Lieut. Hugh, M.B.B, R.E. WILLETT, John Eddowes, C.B.E, J.P, Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 23 April, 1853 ; s. of John Spencer WUlett, of Liverpool. Educ. : Privately. Alder man of County Borough of Southport ; Chairman of Finance Committee ; Mayor of Southport, 1907-8, 1914-5 ; Vice- Chairman Southport Unionist Association ; Member of West Lancashire Territorial Association ; Member of York House of Laymen and of National Church Assembly ; Churchwarden, AU Saints, Southport, 1897-1919 ; Merchant and Shipowner, Liverpool, and Director International Navigation Co, Ltd.; Hon. Freeman of the Borough of Southport. War Work : As Mayor of Southport during the first year of the War carried out numerous duties as Chairman of Committees for raising funds and providing for comforts of troops, and continued in all such committees till end of war ; President of the Southport St. John V.A.D. Hospital, 1915-19 ; Military Representative and National Service Representative at Local Tribunal, 1915-19 ; Hon. Battalion Commandant to the Lancashire Volunteer Brigade, 1915; has MedaiUe du Roi Albert, 1920. Address: 3, Park Road, Southport. Clubs: Conservative (Liverpool); Conservative (Southport) ; Hesketh Golf (Southport). (C3048) WILLETT, Major Lewis Howard, O.B.E. WILLETT, Thomas Charles, M.B.E.. 6. 1884 ; s. of Thomas WUlett, of Wandsworth ; to. Marie Lavinia, d. of WiUiam Henry Windmill, L.D.S, R.C.S.I, of Wandsworth. Educ. : Honey- weU Higher Grade School. Sec. to the Mayor of Wandsworth. War Work : Hon. Sec. Borough of Wandsworth War Savings Committee (organised Tank, Gun, War Weapons, and Victory Loan Campaigns) ; Hon. Sec. Borough of Wandsworth Assn. of Vol. Workers (mentioned in despatches by War Office) ; Sec. Prince of Wales' National Relief Fund ; Hon. Sec Surrey Prisoners of War Fund, Wandsworth ; Hon. Sec. 13th East Surrey Regt. Comforts Fund, and also Hon. Sec. to various other organisations connected with the war. (M10065) WILLEY, Lieut.-Col. Francis Vernon, C.M.G, C.B.E, M.V.O, M.A, M.P, fi. 1884 ; s. of Francis Willey, J.P, of Blyth HaU, Notts. ; Edue. : Eton and Magdalen Coll, Oxford. A partner to the firm of Francis Willey & Co, wool merchant s, of Bradford, Yorkshire, and Boston, U.S.A. ; Major, Notts (Sherwood Rangers) Yeo. (T.D.), attached T. Lieut.-Col, R.A.O.C ; Controller of Wool Supplies, Mto. of Munitions Supply ; has sat as M.P. tor S. Div. of Bradford since Dec. 1918. Address : Blyth HaU, via Rotherham, Notts. Clubs : Carlton : St Stephen's ; Bath ; Cavalry ; HurUngham. (C1812) WILLIAMS, Major Albert, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Albert George, M.B.E, 6. 9 Sept. 1881; s. of Albert Kurtch Williams, of Kew ; to. Elsie, d. of John Hammett, of Richmond. Educ. : Tiffin's School, Kingston- on-Thames. Principal Observer at the National Physical 551 Williams THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Laboratory. War Work : Inspection of Optical Munitions for H.M. Navy, etc. Address : 242, Sandycombe Road, Kew Gardens. (M4084) WILLIAMS, Lieut. Albert Henry, O.B.E., R.A.O.C. (T.). WILLIAMS, Capt. Albert Howard, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Capt. AUred Dalby Ross, O.B.E, R.G.A. (T.). WILLIAMS, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Alfred Edwin, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Surg.-Lieut. AUred Gregson, O.B.E, R.N. WILLIAMS, Lieut. Alfred Harry, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WILLIAMS, Amy Katharine, O.B.B. Educ. : Privately. Headmistress L.CC. School; Executive National Union of Teachers ; Past President London Teachers' Association ; Treasurer L.CC Women Teachers' Union. War Work : Com mittee L.CC. Women Teachers' effort for supplying comforts for wounded soldiers ; National War Savings Committee (Women's Advisory Committee) ; Committee (National Union of Teachers) War Aid Fund ; Committee National Union of Teachers' Belgian Relief Fund ; and Prince of Wales' War Aid Fund ; assisted in organising coUections for Ambulances, Red Cross Funds, Blue Cross Funds, Blinded Soldiers' Fund, Blinded Soldiers' Children Fund, Army Huts Fund, Jack CornweU Fund. Address : L.CC School, Broadwater Road, Toottog. (011615) WKLLIAMS, Annie Margery, Mrs., O.B.B. WILLIAMS, Major Archard Trevor, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.), 6. 10 May, 1885 ; s. of the late W. Maurice Williams, of Leicester ; m. Violet Ysobel, d. of J. Bruce-Payne, M.A, of Bishop Stortford, Herts. Educ. : Stoneygate School, Leicester, and King's School, Canterbury. QuaUfied as a Solicitor in 1908 ; joined A.S.C. (T.) as 2/Lieut. on 7 July, 1908 : promoted Capt. 18 May, 1910 ; Member of the Leicestershire Territorial Association ; Member of the National Service League. War Work : Mobilised, Lincoln and Leicester Bde. Co. A.S.C. (T.), on outbreak of War in Aug. 1914, and served during the War in the 46th, 59th, 58th, and 34th (Eastern) Divisions ; twice mentioned in despatches ; pro moted T. Major, Oct. 1915 ; Major, June, 1916 ; at present O.C. R.A.S.C, Ripon. Addresses : c/o Sir Chas. R. McGrigor, Bart, and Co, 39, Panton Street, Haymarket ; c/o J. Bruce- Payne, M.A, Bishop Stortford, Herts. (05933) WILLIAMS, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Cecil, C.B.E, Royal ArtiUery, 6. 24 Feb. 1871 ; s. of J. B. WUliams. Educ. : Ports mouth Grammar School, and Royal Military Academy ; Fellow of the Optical Society ; Director of Inspection of Optical SuppUes during the war ; Chief Instructor in Range Finding, Great Britain, 1919-20. Club : Junior United Service. (C1813) WILLIAMS, Major Arthur Donald John Bedwood, WILLIAMS, Major Arthur Frederick BasU, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Lieut. Arthur James, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Arthur Moray, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 6 March, 1878 ; s. of Rev. J. A. Williams, late Vicar of Aldermtoster, Stratford-on-Avon ; to. Mabel Lizzie, d. of Edward Unwin, of Shortlands, Kent. Educ. : Felsted and Cambridge. Chief Assistant County Director Hampshire Territorial Force Associa tion ; Sec. to the Trustees of the Home of Recovery for Surgical Convalescents in Hampshire. Address : Cherrycroft, Petersfield, Hants. Club : Public Schools. (O2010) WILLIAMS, Arthur Owen, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Charles, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Lieut. Charles, M.B.E, R.E. WILLIAMS, Major Charles Edward, O.B.E, M.I.Mech.E., 6. 11 Jan. 1873 ; s. of D. E. WilUams, of Brecon. Educ. : Llandovery Coll, Carmarthenshire. Mechanical Engineer; Deputy Chief Inspecting Engineer to the Crown Agents for the Colonies. War Work : War Office, as Staff Captain, 1915- 17 ; Ministry of Munitions as Director; 1918 until termination of war, as Major and D.A.D. at War Office. Address : 4, MUlbank, Westminster. Club : St. Stephen's. (0863) WILLIAMS, Charles George, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Charles Robert Thomas, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Lieut. Charles Sydney, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. WILLIAMS, Capt. Cyril Theodore, O.B.E, E. Surrey Regt. (011788) WILLIAMS, Daisy, Mrs., M.B.E. Area Inspector of Women's Forage Corps, R.A.S.C. (M10340) WILLIAMS, David, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, 2nd Lieut. David Eric, M.B.E, R.A.F. WILLIAMS, Sir Dawson, Knt. Bach, CB.E, M.D, F.R.C.P., 6. 1854 ; s. of the Rev. John Mack Williams, formerly Rector of Burnby, Yorkshire ; to. 1882, Catherine (who died 1917), d. of Robert Kirkpatrick-Howart, of Mabie, Kircud- brightshire. Editor, British Medical Journal; Consulting Physician, E. London Hospital for Children. Rendered service to R.A.M.C during Great War. Addresses : Wall End, Bourne End ; 2P, Portman Mansions, Marylebone Road, W.l. Clubs: Garrick; Bath. (C304a) WILLIAMS, Edith, Mrs., M.B.E, B.A. (Lond.). Com mandant, V.A.D. Carnarvon 22, British Red Cross Society, since 1912. War Work : Organiser and acted as Hon. Sec. Pwllheli Women's War Relief Association, 1914-19 ; as Commandant, supplied nurses for temporary hospital for troops to training in PwUheU, and occasional nurses for Wern Hospital, Portmadoc. Address : Haulfryn, Pwllheli, N. Wales. (M10067) WILLIAMS, Capt. Edward Richard, M.B.E, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), R.A.M.C. (T.) (ret.). Hon. Medical 552 Officer, Carmarthenshire Infirmary ; Medical Officer, H.M. Prison, Carmarthen. War Work : Medical Officer in Charge of Troops, Carmarthen ; Medical Officer, Carmarthen Auxiliary Hospital. Address : 36, Spilman Street, Carmarthen. (M10068) WILLIAMS, Emma Christine, Mrs., M.B.B, M.B, B.S WILLIAMS, Ernest Graham, M.B.E, 6. 29 AprU, 1875 ; s. of Henry Williams, of Clapham Common ; m. Dorothy Grace, d. of — Nerney, of Wandsworth. Educ. : Privately. CivU Servant in Board of Trade. War Work : Admiralty and Ministry of Shipping. (M1095) WILLIAMS, Ernest Thomas, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, fi. 9 Oct. 1877; s. of W. H. Williams, of Manchester and Blackpool; m. Maggie Clarke, d. of Richard Catleugh, of Hunstanton. Educ : Manchester Technical Coll. Electrical Engineer ; Assistant Director of Electrical Engineering, Admiralty, War Work : Electrical Engineer, Hong Kong Naval Base ; Electrical Engineer, Admiralty, later Assistant Director of Electrical Engineering, responsible amongst other items for the electrical equipment of Shore and Air Stations, Aircraft and Auxiliary Naval Vessels. Address: 11, The Drive, Golder's Green. (011617) WILLIAMS, Capt. Ernest Ulysses, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, late R.A.M.C, 6. 1880; s. of Alfred Dawson, of London ; m. Emma Christine, d. of Charles Pillman. Educ. : Kings CoU. School and Hospital. Radiographer, Royal Free Hospital and Queen's Hospital, London. War Work : Served under French, Servian, and Russian Red Cross, 1914-16; attached numerous Hospitals as Consultant 1916-17 ; at tached War Office, 1917-19 ; received Mons Medal, Order of St. Sava, Balkan Red Cross Medal, O.B.B. Address : 128, Harley Street, W. 1. Clubs : National Sporting ; Royal Automobile ; Royal Botanical Society ; Royal Society of Medicine. (07864) WILLIAMS, Major Franois Cartwright, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Frank Eliot, O.B.E, 6. 2 Sept. 1881; s. of WilUam Williams, of London ; to. Marian Jane, d. ol Harry Frost, of Wimbledon. Educ. : University Coll. School. General Manager of the European Gas Co, Ltd. War Work: Chairman of an Export Licensing Committee of the War Trade Department. Address : Ocklynge Manor House, Mill Road, Eastbourne ; Finsbury House, Blomfield Street, London, E.C. Club : Reform. (0864) WILLIAMS, Major Frank Harry, O.B.B, M.C, R.E. WILLIAMS, Capt. Frederiok Thomas, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Friend Isaacs, M.B.E, I.A.D. WILLIAMS, Rev. Garfield, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, George Owen, M.B.E, 6. 2 AprU, 1873; s. of William Williams, of Ruthin ; to. EUzabeth Ann, d. of Jonathan Rawling, of Llandudno. Educ. : Ruthin Board School. Railway Official; Councillor and Ex-Chairman, Prestatyn Urban District Council. War Work : Chairman, Prestatyn Food Control Committee and Allotment Holders' Association ; Hon. Sec. Prestatyn and District, Tontine Approved Society, War Savings Association ; Chairman of | Prestatyn Urban District Council ; Hon. Sec. Prestatyn Prisoners of War Fund. Address : Gwynlys, Prestatyn. (M19069) WILLIAMS, Lieut. Gerald Atherton, M.B.E, R.A.F. WILLIAMS, Capt. Harold, M.B.E, 6. 17 July, 1883; s. of the Rev. Henry Hugh Williams, late of Brilley Vicarage, Herefordshire ; to. Evelyn Diana Stonhouse, d. of Major Vansittart Pochto of Market Harborough. Educ. : Chelten ham Coll. WarWork : EnlistedinMotorMachineGunService ; Commissioned in France 1916 ; transferred to Royal Army Service Corps ; invalided to England, 1917 ; Adjutant, R.A.S.C, Bulford, 1917-19 ; Adjutant, Embarkation Depot, R.A.S.C, Portsmouth, 1919-20. Address : Minehead and West Somerset Club, Minehead. (M5732) WILLIAMS, Lieut. Harold, O.B.E, R.E. WILLIAMS, Capt. Harold BaskerviUe, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. (S.R.) WILLIAMS, Harris Gregory, O.B.E, 6. 4 April, 1870 ; s. of Samuel Gregory WilUams, of Plymouth ; m. Blanche Ford, d. of W. J. Harris, of Dulwich. Educ. : Reading School ; R.N. Engineering Coll, Keyham ; and Royal Naval CoU, Greenwich. Naval Architect ; General Manager and Chief Naval Architect of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co.. Ltd, Shipyard Department. War Work : Construction of submarines, airships, and other war vessels. Address : 6, Windsor Crescent, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Club : Royal Auto mobile. (03992) WILLIAMS, Helen Lucy, M.B.E., WILLIAMS, Capt. Henry Claude, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.F. Res.), 6. 15 Jan. 1891 ; s. of Henry WilUams, Surgeon, of Nottingham. Educ. : Gresham's School, Norfolk. War Work : Served in France and Belgium for 4_ years in 46th, 21st, and 3rd Cavahy Divisions ; twice mentioned in despatches. Clubs : Services ; Eccentric. (05935) WILLIAMS, Rev. Henry Morrison, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Henry Owen, O.B.E, I.S.O. WILLIAMS, HUda, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Isabel Rose, M.B.E. ; d. of the Rev. A. H. Williams, M.A, late Rural Dean and Rector of Alcester, Chaplain to Queen Victoria and King Edward V. War Work : Lady President of the Waterloo Y.M.C.A. Hut, 1916-20. Address : Heatherlea, Worcester Park, Surrey. (M1096) WILLIAMS, Lieut. James LesUe, CM.G, M.B.B. WILLIAMS, Jessie Wilhelmine, Mrs., M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Major John, M.B.E, M.C. BIOGRAPHIES. Williams WILLIAMS, Lieut.-Col. John, C.B.E. Lieut.-Col. comdg. Anzac Provost Corps. (C331) WILLIAMS, Capt. John Clive, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, John Edgar, M.B.E, M.I.E.E, A.M.I.M.E, b. 4 April, 1880. Electrical and Mechanical Engineer. War Wort: Sudan Government and Egyptian Army for the Darfour Expedition, in CivUian capacity as Consulting Engineer for Mechanical Transport. Address: Sudan Public Works, Khartoum. Club : Sudan. (M2827) WILLIAMS, John Fisohir, C.B.E, 6. 26 Feb. 1870 ; s. of John WUliams, of 5, Elvaston Place, London ; to. Eleanor Marjorie Hay, d. of Robert Evelyn Murray, of Hascombe, Codalming. Educ. : Harrow, and New Coll, Oxford. Barrister- at-Law, Lincoln's Inn ; Assistant Legal Adviser, Home Office ; British Legal Adviser on the Reparation Commission, Paris. Address : Lamledra, Gorran Haven, Cornwall. Club : Athenaeum. (C75) WILLIAMS, Major John Montague, M.B.E, R.E. WILLIAMS, John Seth, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Lawrence Frederio Rushbrook, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Leonard Henry, M.B.E. WILLIAMS. Capt, Leonard Lowther, M.B.E, M.B, R.E. WILLIAMS, Capt. Leslie, M.B.B. WILLIAMS, Mabel Catherine St. John, Mrs., O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Mary Christian, Mrs., C.B.E. ; d. of Sir Frederick Martyn WilUams, Bart, of Goonvrea, Perranar- worthal, CornwaU (see BuaKE's Peerage); to. John Charles, s. of John Michael WUliams, of Caerhays Castle, Gorran, CornwaU. War Work : Organising Sec. and for 44 years O.C. of AuxiUary Home Hospital, Launceston. Addresses : Caerhays Castle, Gorran, R.S.O, Cornwall ; Werrington Park, Laun ceston, CornwaU. (C3050) WILLIAMS, Morgan, M.B.B, M.A, 5. 1860 ; s. of Morgan B. Williams, of KiUay House, Glamorgan. Educ. : London Univ. CoU. School, and Caius Coll, Cambridge. Consulting Engineer (retired). War Work : Commander of Headquarters Detachment MetropoUtan Special Constabulary ; served on Priority Committee, Ministry of Munitions (High Explosives Dept.) Address: 13, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. 4. Club : Reform ; New University ; Eighty. (M10071) WILLIAMS, Lieut.-Col. Norman Rees, M.B.E, A.I.F. WILLIAMS. OUver Morrice, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Capt. Owen, M.B.E, R.A.F. WILLIAMS, Lieut. Percy Alec, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, PhiUp, O.B.E, 6. 7 Dec. 1862 ; s. of Philip Williams, of Llanflhangel, Nant Bran, Breconshire. Silk Mercers. War Work: Acted as expert adviser to 15th and 18th Batts. R.W.F, Kit and Clothing Committees ; also expert adviser to National Fund for Welsh Troops. Addresses : 312, Earls Court Road, S.W. 5; Rockdean, Camden HiU, Cranbrook, Kent. Clubs : National Liberal ; Eccentric. (011620) WILLIAMS, Lieut. Ralph, M.B.E, *. 13 April, 1892 ; 8. of Charles Frederick Williams. Educ. : Cambridge House School. War Work: Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles, Aug. 1914, to Dec. 1915 ; active service, March, 1915 ; Gazetted, 2nd Lieut, 8th The King's Own (R.L.) Regt, Dec. 1915 ; wounded, Ypres, March, 1916 ; Lieut, July, 1917 ; speciaUy employed Board of Trade and Foreign Office, Jan. 1917, to AprU, 1919 ; discharged through wounds. Club : Badminton. (M4326) WILLIAMS, Richard, M.B.E,. M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. WILLIAMS, Lieut.-Col. Richard, D.S.O, O.B.E, Major and T. Lieut.-Col. AustraUan Flying Corps. Served in Great war (mentioned in despatches). (03435) WILLIAMS, Lieut. Richard Barclay, M.B.E, R.E. (T.). . WILLIAMS, Major Richard Charles Whittaker, O.B.E. JtJ .A. WILLIAMS, Capt. Riohard John, O.B.E. ; s. of Lieut.-Col. M. Scott WilUams, of Woolland House, Blandford, Dorset ; m. Edeen, d. of Edward Smith, of London. Educ. : Harrow and Exeter CoU, Oxford. Engineer. War Work : Instructor on Caterpillar Tractors ; in command of Tractors laying the j^-'nch pipe Une from Kantara to Gaza and Beersheba ; O.C. M.l, 103rd Bgde. R.G.A, during last advance from Jerusalem tnrough Nablus. Addresses : Base, Heavy Repair Workshops, M.T, Alexandria ; Woolland House, Blandford, Dorset. «„... (08656) WILLIAMS, Richard John, O.B.E, J.P. for the County of Wrnarvon ; s. of John Williams, of Blaenan Festiniog : m. Mary Emily, d. of Hugh Pritchard, of Liverpool. Educ : Blaenan Festiniog ; Towyn Academy ; Liverpool Institute. torector in Messrs. Morris and Jones (1919), Ltd, Liverpool ; Mayor of Bangor 1913-20. War Work : Chairman, Tribunal ; Uiairman, Sub-Committee, Pensions and War Savings Com mittee; Vice-Chairman, Carnarvonshire Pensions ; Member and Vice-Chairman, Appeals Committee ; Alderman, City council ; Member, County CouncU ; Chairman, Industrial totmcd, North Wales; Chairman, War Distress Committee, and of Belgian Refugees Committee ; Chairman, Food Com mittee; Member, Profiteering and Coal Committees. Ad dress: Cynfal, Bangor. Club : Bangor Liberal. (011621) WILLIAMS, Riohard Trefor, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Major Robert Drake, M.B.E, R.E. WILLIAMS, Roderick, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Capt. Roger Francis, M.B.E, R.E. WILLIAMS, Major Ronald Frederick, O.B.E, WILLDVMS, Major Stanley Walter, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. WILLIAMS, Thomas, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 31 Jan. 1861; s. of James Joseph Williams, of Yeovil, Somerset ; to. Rebecca J. Williams, c. of Benjamin Wright, of Cork, Ireland. Educ. : 1 rivately. Superintendent, Metropolitan Police. War Work : General Police work including duties connected with air raids, and alien enemies. Address : 59, Sherriff Road, West Hamp stead, N.W. (011622) WILLIAMS, Capt. Thomas Acland, C.B.E, Com. and A. Capt, R N. Served in Great War, 1914-19 with Ocean Escort (mentioned in despatches). (C1210) WILLIAMS, Thomas Richard, O.B.E, 6. 3 Dec. 1864; s. of Richard Williams, of Cwmtwrch, Breconshire ; m. Rachel, d. of Evan Evans, of Ystalyfera, Glam. Educ. : Bangor Coll. Inspector of Schools, Board of Education, Whitehall. War Work : Hon. Sec. of the Northumberland War Savings Com mittee ; Member of the National Savings Assembly. Address : 17, Granville Gardens, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (011623) WILLIAMS, Major Vivian Dunbar Stanley, O.B.E, 6th E',£ds' (Bet-)' b- 20 SeDt- 1885 ; *• of the late Capt. G. S. WiUiams, of Brooksby Hall ; to. Violet Mary Thellusson, d. of the Rev. Canon H. T. Wood, of Aldbury. Educ. : Harrow. Hertfordshire Militia, 5th Dragoon Guards. War Work: Went out with Expeditionary Force to France in Aug. 1914 ; retreat from Mons ; severely wounded 1st Battle of Ypres ; rejoined Regt. in France, 1917; invaUded home with appendicitis, 1918 ; Headquarters Staff, Aldershot, 1918-19. Address : Greens Norton Court, Towcester. Club : Cavahy. (07867) WILLIAMS, Brevet-Major Walton d'Eichtal, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Wilfred Howard, C.B.E, 6. 1878 ; s. of Sir (Isaac) Thomas Williams, of Oakdene, St. Margaret's, Middle sex. War Work : Director of Inland Transport, Ministry of Munitions. (C332) WILLIAMS, Capt. William Edward Rees, O.B.E, M.B, I.MS. WILLIAMS, William Frederick, M.B.E, M.A. (Cantab.), 6. 24th Nov. 1885 ; s. of the late William Lymington Williams, of Coolhurst, Bournemouth ; to. Enid, d. of Howard Frederick Norton, of Glenroy, Croydon. Educ. : Haileybury Coll, and Clare CoU, Cambridge. Underwriting Member of Lloyd's. War Work : Gazetted to a Commission in the Royal Engineers, in Jan. 1916 ; served in France from Sept. 1916, to the Armis tice ; mentioned in Bari Haig's despatch of Nov. 8, 1918. Address : Brook House, Bast Grinstead, Sussex. (M4627) WILLIAMS, W. George, M.B.E. War Work: Joined Carmarthen 5 Red Cross Detachment, Sept. 1913 ; appointed Commandant of the detachment at the outbreak of war ; responsible for the transport of the sick and wounded soldiers to the four Red Cross Hospitals in the county, namely, Car marthen, Llandovery, Dolgarreg, and LlaneUy; May, 1918, elected a Member of the British Red Cross Society ; Oct. 1918, name inscribed upon the Roll of Honourable Service of the British Red Cross Society for services rendered in connection with the war, and received certificate of congratulations and thanks signed by Queen Alexandra. (M10075) WILLIAMS, William Henry, M.B.E, 18 Sept. 1871 ; s. of WiUiam WUliams, of West Bromwich ; to. Louisa, d. of Henry Bond, of Norfolk. Educ. : West Bromwich. Managing Director of Aston Chain and Hook Co, Ltd, Bromford, Erding- ton, Birmingham. War Work : Assisted in recruiting ; coUected funds for food for the Belgians ; persuaded employees to invest in War Loan ; invented special machinery for maldng shell bands at the rate of 1200 per hour. Address : Bromford House, Bromford Lane, Brdington. Clubs : Cosmopolitan ; Royal Automobile ; Calumet. (M4085) WILLIAMS, 2nd Lieut. WiUiam Herbert, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Capt. William Lewis, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Hon. William Micah, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, William Nance, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, William Thomas, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, WinUred Mary, Hon. Mrs. M.B.E. ; d. of 2nd Baron Addington, of Addington, Winslow, Bucks. ; m. Berkeley Cole Wilmot; s. of Edward Wilmot Williams, of Herringston, Dorchester. War Work: Hon. Sec. Yorkshire Regiment Prisoners of War Committee. Address: Herring ston, Dorchester ; 36, Ennismore Gardens, London, S.W.(M10077) WILLIAMS, Sir Arthur John ALLEN-, K.B.E, CM.G, M.I.C.E, 6. 30 Nov. 1869 ; s. of the late William WilUams, of Tower Hill, Fishguard ; to. Ursula Mary, d. of Francis Allen, J.P, of Cockley Cley Hall, Swaffham, Norfolk. Educ. : Haver fordwest Grammar School, and Royal Indian Engineering CoU , Cooper's HiU. Member of firm of Westley, WilUams, and Henderson, Ltd, Public Works Contractors, 3, CopthaU Buildings, E.C. 2. War Work: T. Lieut. R.E, June, 1915, to Dec. 1916; promoted Major, Dec. 1916; Lieut.-Col, Col. and finally Brig.-Gen. (temp.), 27 Dec. 1917 ; from Dec. 1916, to Dec 1919 . in command at Richborough as Commandant, is Officer of ihe Legion of Honour. Address : Beach Lodge, Littlehampton. Club : Reform. . (£485) WILLIAMS, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Maurice Marcel Frederic CONDE-, O.B.E, R.N. WILLIAMS, Sub-Lieut. NeviU Glennie GARNONS-, WILLIAMS, Lieut. Reuben Henry GWYN-, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Lieut.-Col. Reginald Guy, HUE-, O.B.E, fi. 22 April 1873 ; s. of F. Hue-Williams, of Uplands, Leather head ¦ to Amy Gladys, d. of Charles W. Elsden, of Beckenham. Educ'.: Charterhouse. Stock Exchange, London. War Work: 553 Williams THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Joined 2/5th East Surrey Regt, Oct. 1914 ; raised and com manded 3/5th East Surrey Regt, Aug. 1915 ; commanded 5th Res. Batt. East Surrey Regt, Sept. 1916, to April, 1919. Address : 15, Malbrook Road, Putney, S.W. 15. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (O7301) WILLIAMS, Sir WUUam EIUs HUME-, K.B.E, K.C, M.P, B.A, LL.D. ; s. of J. W. Hume-WilUams, Barrister-at- law. Educ : Trinity Hall, Cambridge. CaUed to the Bar, 1881 ; contested North Monmouthshire, 1895 ; Frome Division of Somerset, 1900 ; North Kensington, 1906 ; Recorder of Bury St. Edmunds, 1901-8, and of Norwich, 1905 ; Member of Central Prisoners of War Committee ; Liaison Officer between War Trade Dept. and Commission Internationale de RavitaiUement ; Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jeruslaem. Address : 59, PaU MaU, S.W. Clubs : Carlton ; Junior Carlton ; New Oxford and Cambridge ; Constitutional. (K179) WILLIAMS, Alice Gwynllyan, Mrs., LEE-, O.B.E, 6. 1859 ; d. of William PhilUp Price, of Tibberton Court, Gloucester ; to. Charles Lee, s. of the Rev. David WilUams, Rector of Pewsey, Wilts. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Commandant of Red Cross Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester. Address : Tuffley KnoU, Gloucester. (0499) WLLLIAMS, Major Gordon W. MONIER-, O.B.E, M.C, 6. 17 April, 1881 ; s. of M.F. Monier-WiUiams, of Old Parks, Stoke D'Abernon ; to. Dorothy Winifred, d. of Charles Sumner Hoare. Capt. 12th London Regt, Sept. 1914 ; seconded to R.E, May 1915, A. Major, Feb. 1916 ; served to France, May, 1915, to Nov. 1918 ; attached Staff 5th Army, April 1917, to March, 1918 ; and Fourth Army , March, 1918, to Nov. 1918, as Chemical Adviser ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address : Lower Farm, Stoke D'Abernon, Surrev. (05590) WILLIAMS, Major Roy Thornton MONIER-, O.B.E. WILLIAMS, Janet, Mrs. PRICE-, M.B.E. WILLIAMS, Lieut. Douglas PRICE-, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. WILLIAMSON, Hon. Agnes Freda, Lady, O.B.E, sister of 2nd Baron Herschell ; to. as his 2nd wife, Right Hon. Sir Architect, 1st Bart, P.C, M.P, s. of late Stephen WiUiamson, M.P, of Edinburgh. Addresses : 36, Belgrave Square ; Gleno- gil, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. (011625) WILLIAMSON, Capt. Alexander, O.B.E. WILLIAMSON, Andrew, O.B.E. WILLIAMSON, Colin Martin, C.B.E, 6. 29 Oct. 1887 ; s. of James Williamson, of Boreham Wood, Herts. ; to. Gertrude AUce, d. of Frederick Parsons, of Hove. Educ. : Brighton Grammar School. Managing Director of the WiUiamson Kinematograph Co, Ltd. War Work : Invented the automatic camera for use in the air, and other photographic appliances for the Royal Air Force. Addresses : 36, Ambrose Avenue, N.W. 11 ; Litchfield Gardens, N.W. 10. (C3051) WILLIAMSON, Florence, Mrs, M.B.E. WILLIAMSON, Francis, M.B.E, 6. 22 July, 1882 ; s. of Frank, of London ; m. Anice Louisa, d. of Charles Goodspeed, of Observatory Road, S.A. Educ. : Uckfleld and Brighton CoUeges. Secretary to various pubUc committees. ; served through Boer War, Queen's Medal, 5 clasps ; dangerously wounded Noodgedacht, 13 Dec. 1900 ; Life Pensioner. Address : Francistown, Bechuanaland Protectorate. (M6495) WILLIAMSON, Brig.-Gen. Frederic Herbert, C.B.E, fi. 1876 ; s. of George WilUamson, of Ringley, Manchester ; to. 1901, Florence May, d. of the late William Dawson, of Huddersfield. Educ. : Grammar School, Manchester ; BalUol Coll, Oxford. Brig.-Gen. R.E. (Reserve) ; Dhector of Army Postal Service, and Assist. Sec, G.P.O. Address : Wolverton Egmont Road, Sutton. (C333) WILLIAMSON, Major George WilUam, O.B.E. WILLIAMSON, Harry Captain, O.B.E. WILLIAMSON, Henry, M.B.E. WILLIAMSON, Horace, M.B.E. WILLIAMSON, James, O.B.E. WILLIAMSON, James, M.B.E, 6. 1854. Member Local War Pensions Committee, Old Age Pensions Committee, Jomt Committee Discharged Soldiers' and SaUors' Employment and King's Lynn and District National Health Committee. War Work : Assist. Hon. Sec. SaUors' and Soldiers' FamUies Association, from Oct. 1914; Hon. Sec. Statutory Pension Committee until taken over by the War Pension Committee ; Hon. Sec. to War Pensions Committee untU 1918-19 ; Hon Sec King's Lynn and District War Savings Committee. Address • Checker Street, King's Lynn, Norfolk. (M100781 WILLIAMSON, James, M.B.E. imiuu/B), WILLIAMSON, Lieut.-Col. Michael, O.B.E, J.P, I A (ret.), 6. 4 April, 1865 ; s. of John WilUamson, of Bruff Co Limenek ; m. Rhoda Mary, d. of John Christopher White, of Cork. _ Educ : Trinity CoU, DubUn. Resident Magistrate for Limerick ; served 26 years in Indian Army; retired, 1913 War Work : Raised, and commanded in the field, the 8th Batt. Royal Munster FusiUers, until the battalion was wiped out ; afterwards commanded 5th Royal Munster FusiUers, and two other BattaUons. Clubs : Junior Naval and MUitary ; Hiber- nia«,?,m.t?d Servi<=e ; County Limerick ; Calcutta Turf. (03994) 1o^ILyAMS0N' Rhoda Mary Westropp, M.B.E, 6. 1 Aug. 1890 ; d. of Lieut.-Col. Michael WilUamson, O.B.E, late Indian Army, Resident Magistrate, Limerick. Educ. : Duncan House, Clevedon, Somerset. War Work : Worked in R S A A Inspection Factory, Park Royal, Acton. W, in 1915, and after wards in the Finance Dept, War Office, until bee. 1919 Address : Roorkee, North Circular Road, Limerick, Deland (M2654) WILLIAMSON, Riohard, CB.E, 6. 1 July, 1863 ; s. of James WUliamson, of Montrose. Educ. : Privately. Managing Director Scottish Cinematograph Company. War Work: Worked in connection with Government aUowances and pensions for a period of 4J years, deaUng with over 400,000 cases ; maintained a staff at own expense at a cost of over £2,000. Addresses : 94, West Regent Street, Glasgow ¦ Westerton, CaUander, Perthshire. (C669) WILLIAMSON, Major Richard Charles, M.B.E. WILLIAMSON, Robert, C.B.E, J.P, Managing Director ot Mount Stuart Dry Docks Co. (Limited), John Shearman and Cc. (Limited), and Mordey, Carney and Co. (Limited), of Cardiff, Barry and Newport. (C670) WILLIAMSON, Capt. WiUiam James, M.B.E. Master Fleet Mail Steamer, " St. Ninian." WILLICOT, Capt. George Frederiok WiUiam, M.B.E M.C, R.E, WILLINGDON, Sir Freeman Freeman-Thomas, Lord, G.C.I.E, G.B.E, 6. 12 Sept. 1866 ; s. of late Frederick Freeman- Thomas, of Ratton and Yapton, Sussex ; to. Lady Marie Adelaide, D.B.E, CI, d. of 1st Earl Brassey (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Eton, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. Is a Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; J.P. for Sussex and a member of the East India Assoc. ; was an A.D.C to Governor of Victoria, 1895-98 ; and a Junior Lord of the Treasury, Dec. 1905- to Jan. 1906 ; appointed a Lord-in- Waiting to H.M. 1911 ; Governor of Bombay, 1913, and of Fort St. George, Madras, from 1919 ; Major, Sussex Yeomanry ; assumed the additional name of Freeman, 1892 ; M.P. for Hastings, 1900-6 ; and for S.E. Division of CornwaU, 1906-10. Addresses : Government House, Madras ; 5, Lygon Place, Grosvenor Gardens. Clubs: Brooks's; Bachelor's (see Bukke'S Peerage). (G15) WILLINGDON, Marie Adelaide, Lady, D.B.E, C.I.; d. of 1st Earl Brassey (see Bukke'S Peerage) ; m. Freeman Freeman-Thomas, Lord WiUingdon, G.CS.I, G.C.I.E, G.B.E, s. of late Frederick Freeman-Thomas, of Ratton and Yapton, Sussex. Is a Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jeru salem. Addresses : Government House, Madras ; 5, Lygon Place, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. (D7) WILLINGTON, WilUam Thomas, O.B.E, J.P. WILLIS, Arthur, M.B.E, J.P. for Middlesex, 6. 19 June, 1858 ; s. of WUUam WUlis, of Sheffield ; m. Catharine, d. ol Henry WormaU, of Dfracombe. Educ. : EcclesaU CoU, Sheffield. Hon. Lieut.-Col. (Vols.) ; Chahman, Southgate Urban District CouncU, 1914-15, and 1915-16 ; Member of Council since 1907 ; Chairman of the Fhe Brigade Committee for 14 years. War Work : Chairman, Southgate Citizens' Committee (Prince of Wales' Fund), Enfield Division Parlia mentary Recruiting Committee, Southgate Local Recruiting Committee, Southgate Voluntary Aid Organisation, and House Committee Grovelands AuxUiary War Hospital, 170 beds ; Hon. Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Commandant 1st Vol. Batt. Middle sex Regt. ; raised Southgate Special Constabulary ; Chairman, Southgate Local Tribunal, and of Southgate Oneman Business Committee ; Director of Sub-Section, Priority Dept. Ministry of Munitions, and served in H.M.O.W. Division Special Con stabulary ; served on Middlesex and on Southgate War Pen sions Committees, and on Southgate Prisoners of War Fund Committee. Address : 20, Elm Park Road, Winchmore Hill, London, N. 21. (M10080) WILLIS, Lieut. CecU Herbert Stanley, M.B.E. WILLIS, Charles, O.B.E. WILLIS, Capt. Charles Armine, O.B.E. WILLIS, Ernest Horatio, O.B.E. WILLIS, Frederick Bainbridge, M.B.E. WILLIS, Sir Frederick James, K.B.E, C.B, J.P, Com mander of the Order of Leopold, 6. 16 March, 1865 ; s. of Joseph WUlis, of Bristol ; to. Agnes Maude, d. of H. J. bjfield, J.P, of Brighton. Barrister-at-Law; Principal Assistant Sec. in Ministry of Health. War Work : Had charge of Govern ment work on behalf of Belgian Refugees. Address : Ministry of Health, WhitehaU, S.W. Club : Reform. (K442) WILLIS, Major Harry Richard James, M.B.E. WILLIS, Rt. Rev. John Jameseon, O.B.E, D.D. : see Uganda. Bishop of. WILLIS, Maud Mary, Mrs., M.B.E, MedaiUe de la Reine EUzabeth, Belgium, 6. 7 Jan. 1878 ; d. of John HaU, J.P, C.C, of Scarborough ; to. WiUiam Brooke, SoUcitor, s. of Gervase Butterill WilUs, of Rotherham. Educ. : Privately. War Work: Sec. Belgian Refugees, Rotherham, 1914, to their return ; Member of Prisoner of War Committee, and Pensions Committee from commencement to date. Address : AbbevUle, Rotherham. (M2656) WILLIS, Rev. Michael HamUton Gibson, M.B.E, M.A, T.CD, 6. 29 Sept. 1864 ; s. of HamUton WUlis, of DubUn ; m. Elizabeth Shortt, d. of WiUiam Stewart MoUan, of Belfast. Educ. : High School, Dublin ; Trinity Coll, Dublin. Rector of Donaghadee. War Work : Hon. Sec. and County Dhector for Down for British Red Cross Society. Address : Rectory, Donaghadee. Club: Donaghadee Golf. (M2657) WILLIS, Capt. Richard Dunn, O.B.E. WILLIS, 2nd Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E, R.A.F. WILLIS, ZwingUus Frank, O.B.E. WILLMER, Lieut. Edward Albert Brittain, O.B.E, A.M.I.CE, 6. 4 Jan. 1881 ; s. of Edward WUlmer, of Hove ; to. Anne Fleming, d. of CorneUus B. Fish, of New York, U.S.A. Educ. : Mercer's School, Holborn, London. Civil and Mechani cal Engineer. War Work : Commissioned 2nd Lieut, in R.E, 551 BIOGRAPHIES. Wilson 1915' trained 4 months in Chatham MiUtary Engineering Coll ; on Western Front, Belgium, winter, 1915-16 ; invalided, April 1916, and seconded to British Ministry of Munitions in TJS A, on Staff of Sir E. Muir; promoted Lieut, Oct. 1916 ; promoted Assistant Director of Production, under Sir H. Japp, Sept. 1917 ; had charge of production of fuses, explosives, machinery, metals, and miscellaneous products and drawing up reports on new labour-saving devices for production of munitions, later drawing up reports for Glassware Dept. of British Ministry of Munitions on labour-saving devices ; recommended for Captaincy. Addresses: 7, Seafield Road, Hove; Parliament Mansions, Victoria St, Westminister, S.W. 1. (011629) WILLMORE, Ida, Mrs., M.B.E. WILLMOT, Capt. Arthur Charles, O.B.E. WILLMOT, Nellie Pratohett, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 17 July, 1869 ; d. of John Heatley, of Baton-upon-Tem, Shropshire ; m. George Dyott WiUraot, J.P, s. of Francis Willmot, of Moseley, Bhmingham. War Work : Commandant of the Vicarage AuxUiary Hospital, ColeshiU, Warwickshire, June, 1915, to Feb. 1919, during which time over one thousand patients passed through the hospital. Address : ColeshiU, Warwickslure. Club : Three Counties'. (M4087) WILLMOTT, Capt. Frederiok WUliam, M.B.E. WILLOCK, Air-Commodore Frederiok George, C.B.E, D.S.O, R.A.F. Served in the Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (C2330) WILLOUGHBY, Bertha Jane, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. WILLOUGHBY, Esther Ann, Hon. Mrs., O.B.E, fi- 7 Jan. 1872; d. of Sir Charles WiUiam Strickland, Bart, of Boynton, Bridlington ; m. Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Tatton Lane-Fox Willoughby, 6th s. of 8th Baron Middleton, of Birdsall Malton (see Bukke'S Peerage). War Work : Sec. Buckrose Division Soldiers' and SaUors* Families Association, Sec. and Treas. Buckrose War Pensions for FamUies ; Vice- Chairman East Ridtog of Yorkshire Local War Pensions Com mittee. Aifiiress : Howsham Hall, York. (011630) WILLOUGHBY, James Frederick Digby, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, J.P. WILLOUGHBY, John WiUiam, M.B.E. WILLOUGHBY, Paymaster-Lieut. Reginald Stephen, O.B.E, R.N.R. WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE, Marie Frances Lisette Lady, O.B.E, 6. 20 Oct. 1868; d. of the late Charles A. Hanbury, of Belmont and Strathgarve ; to. Lord Richard GrevUle Verney, s. of Henry, 18th Baron WUloughby de Broke (d. 1902), of Compton Verney, Warwick (see BUKKE'S Peerage). War Work : Co. Commandant of Kineton Auxiliary Hospital of 110 beds ; care of Belgian refugees ; County CoUector for Pearl Necklace ; collected £7500 for Richmond Star and Garter Home for disabled soldiers and saUors. Address : Compton Verney, Warwick. Clubs : Ladies' Empire ; Ladies' Imperial; V.A.D. (01145) WILLOX, 2nd Lieut. George Martin ,M.B.E. WILLS, Charles, O.B.B. WILLS, Major Edgar Vernon, O.B.E. WILLS, Sir GUbert Alan Hamilton, O.B.E, M.A, J.P, M.P, fi. 28 March, 1880 ; s. of Sir Frederick WUls (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Victoria May, d. of Rear-Admiral Sir Edward Chichester, C.B, CM.G, of Youlston, Devon. Educ : Pri vately, and Magdalen CoU, Oxford. M.P. (Unionist), Taunton, 1912-18 ; M.P. Weston-super-Mare, 1918. War Work : Major Royal North Devon Yeomanry (GaUipoli, 1915) ; T. Lieut.-Col., Machine Gun Corps (France, 1917-18) ; despatches. Address : Batsford Park, Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos. Clubs : Carlton ; Junior Carlton; Cavahy; Arthur's. (02787) WILLS, Marian Margaret, M.B.E. ; d. of the late Rev. Edmund Wills, of Barkston, Lines. War Work : Organising Secv American Women's War ReUef Fund, 1914-18, com prising American Women's War Hospital, Paignton ; American Women's Hospital for Officers, Lancaster Gate, London ; worked with American Red Cross. Addresses : 184, Bucking ham Palace Road, S.W. 1 ; Pearcey's Cottage, Bosham, Sussex. (M2658) . WILLS, Surg.-Lieut.-Comm. Walter Kenneth, O.B.E, M.B, R.NV.R. WILLS, Dame Janet Stanoomb Graham, STANCOMB-, D.B.E, F.S.A.; d. of the late George Perkins Stan- comb, of Trowbridge, and niece and adopted daughter of let Baron Winterstoke (extinct), whose surname of Wills she has assumed in addition to that of Stancomb. President Royal West of England Academy, Bristol; Town Councillor for Samsgate ; Member Education Committee, Higher Education Committee, Ramsgate ; Chairman, Library Committee. War Wort: Served on various Ramsgate Committees connected with the war (Local Tribunal, Prince of Wales' Fund, Canadian Fund, Food Control, etc.). Addresses : 25, Hyde Park Gar dens, W. 2 ; East Court, Ramsgate. (D20) WILLSHER, John Edward, M.B.E, R.E. _ WILLSHER, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. John Wingfield, M.B.E, K.A.M.C. WILLSON, Major Christopher, O.B.E, J.P. ; s. of George Willson, late of Ramsgate. Educ. : Privately. Assistant Superintendent Victoria Gaol, Hong Kong. War Work : Served in China with R.G.A, in France with R.F.A, and in Archangel (mentioned in despatches). Club : Hong Kong. (O9710) WILLSON, Emily Mary, M.B.E.; d. of John Willson Bexhill-on-Sea. War Work: Commandant of Red Cross Hospital Cantelupe Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, Dec. 1914, to April, 1919. Address : Ryecotes, Wilton Road, Bexhill-on-Sea. WILLSON, Harold Leonard James, M.B.E, Assoc.M.lnst. N.A 6. 30 July, 1891 ; s. of H. A. Willson, of Portsmouth ; "»• Ellen, d. of Frederick Richard Groves, of Portsmouth. Educ : Secondary Day School, H.M. Dockyard, and Technical Institute. Inspector of Shipping, Transport Dept, Admiralty, S.W. War Work : Engaged in supervision of work in fitting and refitting Transports (Naval and Military) for carrying troops, horses, etc, also in planning and fitting of Naval and Military Hospital Ships and Ambulance Transports, etc. ; later in the reconditioning of such vessels for their return to the various owners. Address: 36A, Louisville Road, Upper Tooting, S.W. 17. (M10083) WILLSON, Major Herbert Stuart, O.B.E, R.A.O.C WILLSON, Major John Hughes, M.B.E, 6. 28 Feb. 1857; s. of WilUam L. Willson, Master Mariner, of Folkestone, who was drowned from a lifeboat off Calais, 17 Jan. 1867 ; to. Jane Eugenie, d. of Capt. M. E. Matthews, Master Mariner, of Akyab, who was drowned. Educ. : Greenwich Coll. Joined Messrs. A. Woodward & Co, Ship Chandlers, Akyab, 1877 ; joined Preventive Customs Dept. as Inspector, 1880 : appointed Head Assistant, Deputy Commissioner's Office, Kyaukpyu, 1889 ; Superintendent, Arakan Commissioner's Office, 1893 ; Extra Assistant Commissioner, 1907 ; retired, 1916, after 36 years' service. Joined as Private, Akyab Det. of Rangoon Vol. Rifle Corps, 1893 ; appointed 2nd Lieut. Reserve Coy. Vol. Rifle Corps, Kyaukpyu, 1894 ; promoted Lieut. 1896 ; Capt. 1909 ; took command of Akyab Det. 1909 ; retired as Major, 1916 ; awarded Long Service Medal, 1902 ; Volunteer Decoration, 1904 ; appointed Municipal Commissioner, 1904 ; Vice.-President, 1919 ; Hon. Secretary, King Edward VII. Memorial Industrial School, 1914-20 ; St. Mark's Church Committee, 1891-1920 ; and Red Cross Fund Committee, 1919. Address : Akyab, Burmah, India. (M6271) WILLSON, Laura, Mrs, M.B.E. WILLSON, Nellie Marie, M.B.B. WILLSON, Peroy Arden, M.B.B, 6. 27 May, 1862 ; s. of the late Thomas WiUson, of Knaptoft Hall, Leicestershire ; to. Annie Wilson, d. of the late James Robertson, of Glasgow. Educ. : Oundle School. War Work : Chairman, Lambeth War Savings Committee ; Hon. Treas, Lambeth C War Pensions Sub-Committee. Address : 19, St. John's Road, S.W. 9. (M10084) WILLSON, Rose, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 30 Aug. 1862 ; d. of Rev. H. C de St. Croix, late of Figheldean, Wilts. ; to. Rev. Vere Francis Willson (d. 1917). War Work : Hospital at own house, Rauceby Hall, Grantham, until 1917. Address : The Grey House, Little Hampden, Great Missenden, Bucks. (M1101) WILLSON, Thomas Olaf, CB.E., M.A. (Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne), fi. 29 July, 1880 ; s. of Rev. T. B. WiU son, M.A, D.Litt, of West Woodhay, Rectory, Newbury ; m. Constance Horsburgh, d. of Walter Basil Cowan, of St. Kilda, Sidmouth. Educ. : Westminster and Keble CoU, Oxford. Assistant Sec. for Higher Education, Berkshire Education Committee, 1905-19 ; Assistant Sec. for Education, Oxfordshire Education Committee, 1919 ; Sec. for Educa tion, Oxfordshire Education Committee from Sept. 1920. War Work : H.A.C 1914-15 ; T.F. Reserve, General List. May, 1915, to Jan. 1919 ; Special duty with Foreign Office, Department of Information, and Ministry of Information, at home and abroad. Address : 13, Bevtogton Road, Oxford. (C671) WILMAN, 2nd Lieut. Edgar Arthur, M.B.E, R.E. WILMER, Lieut. Edward Albert Brittain, O.B.E. WILMOT, Edith, Mrs., O.B.B, fi. 18 June, 1877 ; d. of the late Joseph Cadman ; to. PhiUp McKinnell Corbould, s. of George Wilmot, of Rio. War Work : Assistant County Director of the Plymouth Branch of the British Red Cross Society ; equipped and organised V.A. Hospital. Address : 2, Crescent ViUas, Plymouth. Clubs : Ladies' Victoria. (03995) WILMOT, Major Hugh EARDLEY-, O.B.E. WILMOT, Jane Millicent, Mrs. EARDLEY-, O.B.B.; d. of the late Sir James Scott, Bart, of Yews Windermere; to. Edward Gwynne, s. of Robert Eardley-Wilmot, J.P, ot Petworth. War Work : Commandant Training Coll. V.A.D. Hospital, York. Address : Corner House, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. (011632) WILMOT, Capt. Percy EARDLEY-, O.B.E. WILMSHURST, Thomas Peroival, M.B.E, 6. 1869 ; s. of Edwin Wilmshurst, Retford, Notts ; m. Henrietta Louise, d. of Thos. Reynolds, of Wells. Educ. : King Edward VI. School, Retford. Borough Electrical Engineer, Derby. War Work : Supply of electric power to munition factories ; Com mander, Derby Borough Special Constabulary. Address : Lime Leigh, Burton Road, Derby. (M10085) WILSOM, Major Charles Peroival, O.B.E, Aust. AJP.C WILSON, Alexander, O.B.E, 6. 1864; s. of James WUson, of Edinburgh ; m. Barbara, d. of J. Buchanan, of Edinburgh. Educ : Privately, and Heriot-Watt Coll, Edinburgh. Assist ant General Manager, North Eastern RaUway; Sec. Hull Jotot Dock Co. War Work: RaUway administration. Ad dresses : c/o Beckett & Co, Bankers, Harrogate ; N.E. Rly, York. (02018) WILSON, Alexander, O.B.E, 6. 20 AprU, 1855 ; s of 555 Wilson THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. John Wilson, of Kirkmay, Leven ; to. Margaret, d. of John PhUip Denhead, Kennoway. Educ. : Leven School ; Birbeck Coll. ; Royal Technical Coll, Glasgow. Civil Engineer ; late Chief Engineer and General Manager of Glasgow Corporation Gas Department. War Work : Assisted the Explosives Dept. of the Government in organising the Gas Works in Scotland for the production of Benzol and Toluol to be used in the manu facture of explosives. Address : Baronald, Promenade, Leven, FUeshire. Clubs : Royal Scottish Automobile ; Innerleven Golf. (011033) WILSON, Capt. Alexander Morice, M.B.E. WILSON, Alexander Poole, M.B.E. WILSON, Capt. Andrew, O.B.E, I.O.D. WILSON, T. Major Andrew, M.B.E, R.E. WILSON, Lieut. Andrew MoCrae, M.B.E, H.L.I, and R.A.F. WILSON, Annie Wilhelmina Elizabeth, Lady. M.B.E. ; d. of the late Rev. Henry Smythe ; m. Surg.-Gen. Sir WiUiam Deane. K.C.M.G, M.B, L.R.C.S.I, s. of J. Deane Wilson, of Rathdownay, Queen's County. Address : Moorside, Westfield, Sussex. (M10088) WILSON, ADhra Phyllis, M.B.E, 6. 18 Jan. 1895 ; d. of George Morton Wilson, CM, M.B. (Edin.), of Pendyffryn Hall, Penmaenmawr. Educ. : Queen Anne's School, Caversham. War Work : Women's Volunteer Reserve Canteen Work, and Motor Transport, 1915-Sept. 1917 ; Q.M.A.A.C, Sept. 1917, to Dec. 1919. Address : 116, Fellows Road, N.W. 3. Club : International Women's Franchise. (M5738) WILSON, Capt. Archibald, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.M.C. (S.R.). WILSON, Archie John Landles, M.B.E. WILSON, Capt. Arnot Milne, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WILSON, Capt. Arthur Cecil James, O.B.E. WILSON, Major Arthur Ernest, O.B.E. WILSON, Arthur Maitland, O.B.E, J.P, D.L. WILSON, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Maclean, O.B.E. WILSON, Benedict John, O.B.E. WILSON, Beryl Charlotte Mary, Mrs, CB.E. Manager Free Buffet, Waterloo Station during Great War. (C3052) WILSON, Cecil Mary, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of the late George CecU Gore Wray, J.P, of Ardnawana, Donegal ; to. Field Marshal Sir Henry Hughes Wilson, Bt, K.C.B, C.B, D.S.O, Rifle Brigade, s. of James Wilson, D.L, J.P, Currygrane Edgeworthstown, Ireland. Addresses : Currygrane, Edge- worthstown, Ireland ; Grove End, Bagshot, Surrey ; 36, Eaton Place, S.W. 1. (C1059) WILSON, Lieut. Charles Ernest, M.B.E. WILSON, Col. Charles Henry Luttrell Fahie, C.B.E, late R.A, fi. 24 Aug. 1858 ; s. of the late Gen. C. W. Wilson, of Royal Artillery ; in. Mabel Margaret, d. of Claude James Erskine, I.C.S. Educ. : Privately, and R.M. Academy, Woolwich. War Work : A.D.O.S, Aldershot Command, from Dec. 1914, to Aug. 1919. Address : Harlington, Fleet, Hamp shire. (C838) WILSON, Charles James, O.B.E. Voluntary research worker, Ministry of Munitions. (0117916) WILSON, Capt. Charles Spencer, O.B.E. WILSON, Charlotte Mary, Mrs, O.B.E, 6. 1854; d. of R. Spencer Martin, M.D, of Whitley Grance, Reading; to. Arthur, s. of Rev. Daniel Wilson, Vicar and Rural Dean of Islington, Prebendary of St. Paul's. Educ. : Newnham Coll, Cambridge. War Work : Organiser and General Hon. Sec. of War Prisoners Fund for Oxfordshire and Buckingham Regi ments, Spring, 1915, to end of war. Addresses : Queen Anne's Mansions, London, S.W. 1 ; The Nook, Pepgraed Common, Oxon. (03996) WILSON, Capt. Cyril, M.B.E. Censor, Alexandria. (M10260e) WILSON, Col. Cyril Edward, C.M.G, C.B.E, D.S O , R. of O, fi. 9 March, 1873; s. of the late Major-Gcneral Sir Charles Wilson, K.C.B, K.C.M.G, D.C.L, etc, of Royal Engineers ; m. Beryl Marie, d. of Col. W. Hunter Little, of Harestock Lodge, Winchester. Educ. : Clifton Coll, and R.M.C Sandhurst. Entered Army October, 1893 ; served in Nile Expeditions, 1898 and 1899 (attached to Egyptian Army) ; South African War, 1900-2 ; Egyptian Army and Sudan Government, 1902 to date. War Work : Commanded Red Sea District, Aug. 1914, to July, 1916 ; appointed British Military and Political Representative in the Hejaz ,July, 1916 to Dec. 1919. Order of the Blue Nile (2nd class) ; El Nakda (Grand Cordon) Medjidieh (3rd class) ; officer of the Legion of Honour. Address : Port Sudan, Sudan. Club : Army and Navy. (C2065) WILSON, Daniel Ellis, O.B.E, A.M.I.C E. ; A.M.I.M.E. fi. 15 Sept. 1866 ; s. of the late James Wilson, Pasha, of Cairo' Egypt. Educ. : Liverpool Coll. Engineer. War Work ¦ Inspector of Munitions Areas, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-19 Address : 54, Mortlake Road, Kew Gardens, Surrey. (011636) WILSON, David, O.B.E, A. M.I.E.E, 6. 1874; s of David Wilson, of Dundee, N.B. ; m. Florence Audrey, d of Frederic Jones, L.D.S, R.C.S, of Carlisle. Educ. : Harris Academy, Dundee. War Work : Technical Adviser to Coal Controller. Address . Dunholme, Park Road, Radlett, Herts. Club : Royal Automobile. (03997) WILSON, Dorothy Holmes, M.B.E. WILSON, Edith Annie, Mrs, M.B.E , 6. 24 Oct. 1881 • d. of John Thomas Parrish, of Newcastle-on-Tvne ; to. Capt Frederick Gordon, M.C, s. of WUliam Arthur Wilson, of New- Castle-on-Tyne. War Work : Member of the Tyneside Scottish > 556 (N.F.) Dependants Committee ; worked in Armstrong's Muni- tions Factory ; Hon. Superintendent Y.W.C.A. Munitions Canteen, Scotswood. Address : The Lodge, The Drive Gosforth, Northumberland. (M2659) WILSON, Edith Frances, Mrs., M.B.E. WILSON, Edith Marguerite, M.B.E. WILSON, Edith Matilda Clementine, Mrs., M.B.E. WILSON, Lieut.-Col. Edward Arthur, O.B.E, M.C. WILLSON, EmUy Mary, M.B.E. WILSON, Ernest George, C.B.E," 6. 3 Sept. 1875 ; s. of George Wilson, of Northumberland. Educ : Privately. Traffic Manager, Uganda Railway. War Work : In charge of the transport by rail of troops and suppUes landing in B.E Africa for G.E. African campaign. Address: Nairobi. B.e! Africa. Club : Sports. (C3053) WILSON, Florence Aline, Mrs., M.B.E . WILSON, Lieut.-Col. Francis Bertram, O.B.E. WILSON, Lieut.-Col. Francis Walter Ernest, C.B.E Can. A.M.C. WILSON, Frank, O.B.E. WILSON, Capt. Frank Gordon, O.B.E, R.A.F. WILSON, Frederick Wallace, M.B.E, M.R.C.S. (Eng) L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 6. 7 Sept. 1866. Educ. : Guy's Hospital. War Work : Hon. Anaesthetist and Ophthalmic Surgeon Princess Club Hospital for Wounded Soldiers, Bermondsey; Acting Surgeon-in-charge Outpatients, and acting Anaesthetist to Outpatients, Guy's Hospital ; Medical Officer-in-charge Messrs. Peek, Frean & Co, Ltd, Air Raid Shelters ; Divisional Inspector of Bermondsey Branch, British Red Cross Society. Address : c/o Peek, Frean & Co, Ltd, S.E. 16. (M10289) WILSON, George, O.B.E, fi. 30 Oct. 1850; s. of John Wilson, of York ; to. Florence, d. of Frederick Hall, M.R.C.S, of Southampton. War Work : For five years, Hon. Assistant to the Col. in charge of No. 2 Infantry Records Office, York ; in charge of the Department for the Distribution of Medals for the Yorkshire Regiments affiUated with that Office. Address : Linton Lodge, York. Club : St. Leonards (York). (011637) WILSON, George Alexander, M.B.E. WILSON, George Alexander, O.B.E, fi. 7 Dec. 1869; 8. of James Wilson, of Arnhall, Huntly ; m. Jane Ann, d. of Thomas Clapperton, of Potterton House, Aberdeenshire. Educ. : Huntly (Gordon Schools), and Aberdeen Univ. Advo cate ; Sec. and Treas. of Central Aberdeenshire Liberal Associa tion, and Sec. and Treas. of the Aberdeenshire and Kincardine shire Licence Holders' Association. War Work : Commandant of the City of Aberdeen Special Constabulary ; MiUtary Repre sentative and National Service Representative for the City of Aberdeen ; Clerk to the Advisory Committee of the Aberdeen District of Parishes (Northern) Division ; Joint Sec. of West Aberdeenshire Derby Recruiting Scheme. Addresses : 77, Crown Street, Aberdeen ; St. Leonards, King's Gate, Aberdeen. Clubs : University ; Royal Golf (Aberdeen). (011638) WILSON, Capt. George Gatherer, O.B.E. WILSON, George Gordon, O.B.E, 6 1 March, 1854 ; s. of Capt. Bracey Robson Wilson, of Sunderland, Durham ; to. Corina, d. of Emanuel Laurence Grillo, of Lima, Peru Educ. : Privately. His Britannic Majesty's Consul for Peru with the exception of the Department of Loreto ; President of the British Benevolent Society at Callao, and of the Mission to Seamen, Callao ; Captain of the International Fire Brigade, " Salvadora Callao"; 1st Lieut, of No. 1 Ambulance Corps during the war between Peru and Chile, 1879-81. War Work : During the European War devoted whole time to Consular and War duties at Callao and Lima. Address : c/o British Con sulate, CaUao, Peru. Clubs : The Club (CaUao) ; The Phoenix (Lima). (0868) WILSON, George Heron, C.B.E, J.P, fi. Jan. 1868; s. of Charles John WUson, of Deanfield, Hawick ; m. Julia, d. of Andrew Tod, of Edinburgh. Educ. : George Watson's Coll. Provost of Hawick ; Vice-Chairman Roxburghshire Education, and Chairman Roxburghshire National Insurance Committees. War Work : Deputy ControUer Priority Dept, Ministry of Munitions ; Member of Interim Court of Arbitra tion, Ministry of Labour. Club : Caledonian. (C3054) WILSON, Geraldine, O.B.E, 6. Sept. 1888 ; d. of the late Col. J. G. WUson, C.B, of Cliffe HaU, Darlington. Educ. : Privately. Vice-President British Red Cross Society for North Ridtog of Yorkshire ; Commandant V.A.D. Yorks 36 ; Representative of National Assoc, of Landworkers on North Riding Executive Agricultural Committee under Board of Agriculture. War Work : Commandant of Yorks 36 Red Cross AuxUiary Hospital ; Organising Sec, 1917-18, for Women Landworkers in the N. Riding of Yorkshire under the Board of Agriculture. Address: Mansfield House, Darlington. Club : Forum. (0867) WILSON, Brevet-Lieut.-Col. Godfrey Harold Alfred, O.B.E. WILSON, Miss Grace Margaret, CB.E, R.R.C War Work: Principal Matron, Australian Army Nursing Service. (C778) WILSON, Major Gregg, O.B.E. WILSON, Haigh Robson, O.B.E, 6. 12 Oct. 1880 ; s. of John Bowron Wilson, of Darlington, England ; m. Elsie, d. of Benjamin Jacques Swales, of Fleetwood, Lancs. Educ. : Higher Grade School, Crouch End, London ; City of London Technical Coll. Engineer. War Work: Served in Royal Naval Air Service ; transferred 1915 to Technical Staff, Ministry of Munitions ; later transferred to Resettlement Department, BIOGRAPHIES. Wilson Ministry of Labour. Addresses : 9, Brian Avenue, Monkseaton, Northumberland ; 41, Chandos Road, Finchley, London, N. (011639) WILSON, Harold Inchbald, CB.E. WILSON, Harry Gouldie, M.B.E, F.C.A. WILSON, Harry James, O.B.E, 6. 9 July, 1870 ; s. of James Wilson, of Baldavie, Banffshire ; to. Margaret Wil- helmina, d. of the Rev. James Leith Ironside, M.A, of Aberdour, Aberdeenshire. Educ : Banff, and Aberdeen. H.M. Super intending Inspector of Factories for Scotland, and North of Ireland. War Work : Member of West of Scotland Armaments Committee ; Commissioner for National Service for Scotland. Address: Strathview Gardens, Bearsden, Dumbartonshire. (O870) WILSON, Helen, M.B.E, 6. 1862 ; d. of John Wilson, of Bantaskine. War Work : Y.M.C.A. Canteen Work in France for four and a half years. Address : Bantaskine, Falkirk, StirUngshire. (M4091) WILSON, Helena Jane, Mrs., O.B.E, 6. 2 June, 1858 ; d. ot the late Rev. Samuel Charlton, Rector of Tydd St. Giles, near Wisbech, Cambs ; m. Mervyn Seppings WUson, B.A. (Cantab.), M.R.C.S. ; s. of the late Francis Read. Com mandant Wilts 6 ; Representative on WUts County Com mittee for care of the Blind in Chippenham Union ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. of Finance Sub-Committee, Wilts. War Work : Commandant of Red Cross Hospital Chippenham (100 beds). Address : 19, St. Mary Street, Chippenham, WUts. Club : VA.D. (03998) WILSON, Henry, M.B.E. Educ. : Grammar School, Market Rasen. Acting Accountant, Army Audit Staff, War Office. War Work : In Finance Dept. of the War Office. (M10091) WILSON, Lieut.-Col. Henry, O.B.E, 6. 27 March, 1880; s. of Henry WUson, of Carnach Polmont, Stirlingshire : m. Janet, d. of Thomas Ritchie, of Grangemouth. Educ. : Falkirk High School. Architect. War Work : Served with 51st Divisional Train, B.E.F, and 22nd Divisional Train, R.A.S.C, Salonica, E.F. Addresses : Boness Road, Grangemouth ; Carnach, Polmont. (06557) WILSON, Capt. Henry Adrian Fitzroy, O.B.B. WILSON, Capt. Henry Alexander James,. O.B.B, R.A.F. WILSON, Lieut.-Col. Henry Christopher Bruee, O.B.E, B.A, J.P, fi. 12 Jan. 1875 ; s. of Henry S. L. Wilson, of Crofton Hall, near Wakefield, J.P, late 13th Light Dragoons and East Yorkshire Regt. (see Burke's Landed Gentry) ; m. Alma Marie, d. of Rev. Louis Le Bouvier, Chev. Order Orange and Nassau. Educ. : Winchester, New Coll, Oxon. War Work : Rejoined 3rd K.O.Y.L.I, 8 Aug. 1914 ; France, Nov. 1914, 21et Brigade, 7th Division ; severely wounded, Neuve Chapelle, Mar, 1915 ; commanding drafting battaUon from Aug. 1915, to Aug. 1919. Address: Crofton Hall, Crofton, Wakefield. CZui : Junior United Service. (07871) WILSON, Capt. Henry Joseph FuUock, M.B.E. WILSON, Sir Henry Francis (Harry), K.C.M.G, K.B.E, 6. 8 Aug. 1859 ; s.of Rev. William Grieve WUson, J.P, Rector of Forncett St. Peter, Norfolk-; m. Isabella Dora, d. of Admiral Sir Robert Smart, K.CB, K.H, of Rothbury House, Chiswick MaU. Educ. : Rugby, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. Bar rister-at-law ; Sec. of the Royal Colonial Institute ; Chairman of the North Charterland Exploration Company, 1910, Ltd, and Dhector of the Eagle, Star and British Dominions Insurance Company, Ltd. (English and Scottish Board) ; formerly Colonial Sec. and Acting Lieut.-Governor of the Orange River Colony; Legal Assistant at the Colonial Office, and Private Sec. to the late Right Hon. J. Chamberlain, Sec.of State for the Colonies; Foundation Scholar and Fellow of Trinity Coll, Camb. War Work : Member of the Empire Land Settlement Committee and Sec. of the War Services Committee of the Royal Colonial Institute ; Commander of the Order of Leopold II. for services rendered to the Belgian Colonial Office. Ad dresses : Lennox House, 43, Ovington Square, Londor, S.W. ; Pencraig Court, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire. Clubs: Albe marle; Authors'. (K320) WILSON, Capt. Herbert Ward, O.B.E.. M.C. WILSON, Capt. Horace Bagster, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. WILSON, Horace John, C.B, C.B.E, 6. 23 Aug. 1882 ; s. of Harry Wilson, of Bournemouth ; to. Emily, d. of John Sheather, of Beckley. Educ. : Kurnella School, Bourne mouth; London School of Economics. Principal Assistant See, Ministry of Labour. War Work : Sec, Committee on Production and Special Arbitration Tribunal, Munitions of War Acts, 1915-18. Addresses : Montagu House, Whitehall, S.W. 1 ; 14, WhitehaU Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill. (C335) WILSON, Col. Hubert Malcolm, O.B.E. WILSON, Hubert Wilberforce, O.B.E, 6. 10 Jan. 1867 ; ». of Wilberforce Wilson, of Hong Kong. Educ. : Univ. School, Hastings, and Privately. Consul-General for the Rep. of Ecuador and Charg. d'Affaires in the absence of the Minister. War Work : Consular and Diplomatic Services in connection with the war. Address : British Legation, Quito. Club : Junior Constitutional ; Royal Automobile. (0871) WILSON, Pay-Sub-Lieut. Hugh Brown, M.B.B, WILSON, Humphrey Bowstead, O.B.E, M.B, 6. 1 Nov. 1883 ; s. of Joseph Bowstead Wilson, of Oakfield, Worcester. Educ : Charterhouse and Pembroke CoU, Cambridge. Anes thetist to St. Thomas' Hospital, Hospital for Sick Children, Gt. Ormond Street. War Work : Aug. 1914, to April, 1919, Surgical Specialist to 5th Casualty Clearing Station. Address : 27, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, London. Club : Bath. (02789) WILSON, Ivy Madge, Mrs., M.B.E, b. 19 Jan. 1893 ; d. of H. A. Cunis, of Keramos, Woldingham, Surrey; to. Major A. WUson, M.C Educ : Blackheath High School. War Work : Personal Assistant to Chief Establishment Officer Dept. of Aircraft Production ; Assistant Sec, Ministry of Munitions. Addresses: 26, Cantonments, Cawnpore, India; Keramos, Woldingham. Surrey. (M10093) WILSON, James, M.B.E, WILSON, James, O.B.E, 6. 29 Nov. 1858 ; s. of James WUson, of I'aversham, Kent ; to. Clara, d. of Henry Butt, of, Tewkesbury. Educ. : Privately. Town Clerk of St. Mary- lebone ; Registration Officer and Returning Officer ; Hon. Food Officer and Fuel Overseer ; formerly Clerk to Croydon Rural District Council, and previously assistant clork to Guardians at Croydon and Paddington. War Work : Recruit ing ; National and Local Relief Funds ; Hon. Clerk, Military Service Tribunal, National Registration, National Service, National Kitchen, Food Control. Addresses : 99, Marylebone Road, N.W. ; 48, Holland Ro-id, Westcliffe-on-Sea. (011640) WILSON, James Alexander, M.B.E, M.D. WILSON, James Alexander, O.B.E, M.D. ; m. Sara, d. of WUliam Corner. Educ. : Glasgow Univ. Surgeon. War Work : Resident Surgeon at the Lord Derby War Hospital, Warrington, for four years. Address : 4, Central Avenue, Cambuslang, nr. Glasgow. (011857) WD-SON, James Arthur, M.B.E. WILSON, James Naismith, M.B.E. WILSON, Capt. James Robert Menzies, O.B.E, R.E. WILSON, Jeanie Stewart Ramsay, O.B.E, R.R.C. WILSON, Jessie Millar, M.B.B, 6. 27 April, 1871 ; d. of James Stephen WUson. July 1915, to Nov. 1918, worked for the Y.M.C.A. at Hut 15, Harfleur, provided every comfort for men proceeding to the front from base at Le Havre. War Work : Nov. 1918, to Aug. 1919, Australian, British and New Zealand Y.M.C.A. Hotel Windsor, Paris, for men on leave ; British representative-in-charge with Captain Wright (Aus tralia). Addrets : Belmont, Otley, Yorkshire. (M10096) WILSON, Rev. John, M.B.E. WILSON, Major John, O.B.E. WILSON, Comm. John, O.B.E, R.N.R. WILSON, John, M.B.E. WILSON, Capt. John, O.B.E. WILSON, Capt. John, M.B.E. WILSON, Capt. John Alexander, O.B.E, R.A.M.C WILSON, John Bowie, M.B.E. WILSON, Lieut.-Col. John George^Yule, C.B.E, R.A.S.C. (ret.), fi. 1853. Served in the Zulu Campaign, 1879 (medal with clasp) ; Egyptian Expedition, 1884 (medal, bronze star) : Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1815) WILSON, John Henry, C.B.E, ft. 6 Aug. 1862 ; s. of John WUson. Educ. : Lancing Coll. ; France ; Switzerland. Seven vears member of the Legislative CouncU of the British East Africa Protectorate. War Work : Special Constable and on a Government commission to the Persian Gulf and Mesopo tamia. Address : Claridge's Hotel, London. Clubs : Bache lors' ; Oriental ; City of London. (C672) WILSON, John Hughes, M.B.E, V.D. WILSON, Rev. John Plumpton, O.B.E, fi. 1 Jan. 1868 ; s. of Rev. Plumpton Wilson, of HorbUng, Lines. ; to. Mary Elinor ; d. of Canon John Mason Mason, of Whitfield, Northum berland. Educ. : RossaU and Queen's CoU, Oxford. Clerk to Holy Orders. Rector of Hedenham, Norfolk ; Clerical Sec. to the Bishop of Gibraltar. War Work : Chaplain, C. of E, 21st Corps, H.Q, E.E.F. ; mentioned to despatches. Addresses: Hedenham Rectory, Bungay ; Gibraltar Diocesan Office, Church House, Westminster. (02951) WILSON, Lieut.-Col. John Stewart, O.B.E, R.E, 6. 8 June, 1872 ; s. of Robert Wilson, of Glasgow. War Work : Served with British Army to France from June, 1915, to Nov. 1919 ; thrice mentioned in despatches. (05941) WILSON, Joseph Havelook, C.B.E, M.P, fi. s. of John, of Sunderland ; m. Jane Ann, d. of WUliam Watham, of South Shields. Educ. : Boys' British School, Sunderland. President National Sailors' and Firemen's Union of Great Britain and Ireland; Chahman Seafarers' Joint Council; President International Seafarers' Federation. War Work : Recruiting for the Army, Navy, Merchant Service; assisted with War Savings. Addresses : 76, Victoria Street, London ; 56, The Ridgeway, Golders Green, N.W. Club : National Liberal. (C77) WILSON, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Maitland, C.B.E, J.P, fi 1868 ; s. of the late Lieut.-Col. Fuller Maitland Wilson, of Stowlangtoft Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. Educ. : Eton and Christ Church, Oxford. Capt. and Hon. Major, Reserve of Officers (Special Reserve), Co. ; Director V.A.D. tor Suffolk; Hon. Lieut.-Col. Suffolk Med. Vol. Corps ; a J.P. for Suffolk ; served in S. Africa with Imperial Yeo. Club: Arthurs WILSON, Maggie Scot, Mrs., M.B.B. W ILSON, Marguerite Rowley, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 7 July, 1864; d. of Myles Kennedy, J.P, of Stone Cross, Ulverston; to. Harry Constantine WUson, s. of Henry Charles Wilson, of Prestwich, Manchester. Educ. : Privately. War Work: V A D work at Ash, Canterbury, 1914-15, as Quartermaster to Kent 128 • 1916-19, as Quartermaster and Commandant. Club : V.A.D, London. (M2662) 557 Wilson THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. WILSON, Capt. NeviUe Frederick Jarvis, CM.G, C.B.E, fi. 1865 ; s. of the late Maj.-Gen. Charles Watson WUson, R.A. ; to. Helena Dorothy, who died, 1917, d. of the late Brig.-Gen. Hunter Alexander Goghlan, Army Med. Depart. Educ. : St. John's CoU, and Royal Academy, Gosport. Royal Indian Marine ; served in Burma War, in Suakto, and to E. Africa ; Assist. Port Officer, Bombay, 1904-7 ; Port Officer, Karachi, 1909-14. War Work : Marine Transport Officer (despatches) 1914-17 ; appointed Dep. Director of Royal Indian Marine, 1916. Principal Naval Transport Officer for the East Indies from 1920. (C695) WILSON, Oreana Fanny, Mrs, C.B.E. WILSON, Rev. Piers Holt, O.B.E, 6. 3 Jan. 1883 ; s. of George Holt Wilson, of Redgrave Hall, Suffolk. Educ. : Sherborne ; Oriel Coll, Oxford ; Wells Theological CoU. War Work : Chaplain to Scottish Horse Brigade to Gallipoli and Egypt, 1915-16; Royal Air Force in France, and Belgium, 1916-19. Address : 120, North Street, St. Andrews, N.B. (05942) WILSON, Lieut. Ralph Justly Chatterton, M.B.E, fi. 1880 ; s. of T. B. WUson, late County Inspector R.I.C. Educ. : Portora Royal School, Enniskillen and Trinity CoU, Dublin, War Work : 1915, German S.W. Africa ; France, R.A.S.C (M.T.), 39th Division. Club : Tipperary County (Clonmel). (M4630) WILSON, Capt. Reginald Maitland, O.B.E. WILSON, Reginald Page CampbeU, C.B.E, M.I.C.E, M.I.E.E, M.Cons.E, fi. 1866 ; s. of Charles Herbert Ball Wilson, of Calcutta, and Hay (Brecon) ; m. Ada Sarah, d. of S. H. Behrend, of Liverpool. Educ. : Privately. Consulting Engi neer. War Work : Enlisted as A.B. in R.N.V.R, May 1915 ; Woolwich Inspection Dept, Jan. 1916 ; Ministry of Munitions, Oct. 1917; Assistant Controller Seaplanes, Jan. 1918 ; Dhector Aeronautical Supplies, Jan. 1919. Address : 58, Wynnstay Gardens, Kensington, W. 8. Clubs : Junior Carlton : Rane lagh : Royal Ah Force. (C3055) WILSON, Richard WiUiam, O.B.E. WILSON, Lieut. Ritchie, M.B.E, R.F.A. (T.) WU.SON, Robert, M.B.E, fi. 7 June, 1865 : s. of Robert WUson, of Helmsley, Yorks ; m. Annie Margaret, d. ot Joseph T. Robinson, of Thormanby Hill, Easingwold, Yorks. Educ. : C of E. School, Helmsley, Yorks. Clerk to the Chipping Sodbury Board of Guardians ; Rural District Council, etc. Chipping Sodbury, Glos. War Work : Hon. Sec. National Registration, National Service, War Charities, War Relief Com mittee, War Savings Organisation and Campaign, Recruiting, Belgian Refugees, Food Economy Campaign, War Agricultural Organisation, and Prisoners of War Fund ; Clerk to Local Tribunal War Pensions Committee, Food Control Committee, and Coal Control Committee. Address : The Cliff, Old Sod bury, Glos. (M10098) WILSON, Robert Alexander, M.B.E, 6. 3 June, 1850 ; s. of Thomas Wilson, of Sligo, Ireland ; m. Mary, d. of John Lawson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : BaUysodare Collooney and Sligo. Wholesale Clothier. War Work : Special Constable. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Group Leader. Address : 2, Lambton Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Clubs : Liberal (Newcastle) Portland Park Bowling. (M10099) WILSON, Robert James, M.B.E, 6. 21 Feb. 1876; s. of Thomas WUson, of Shtarone, King's County, Ireland ; m. Susannah Anne, d. of WiUiam Henry Baker, of Culmstock, Devon. Educ. : Duke of York's Royal MUitary School. Managing Clerk in Treasury Solicitor's Department. War Work : Legal work for Admhalty in connection with H.M. ships. Address : 334, Merton Road, Wandsworth, S.W. 18. (M2663) WILSON, Lieut. Roy Vincent, M.B.E, A.I.F. WILSON, Stewart, M.B.E. WILSON, 2nd Lieut. Sholto Douglas Major, M.B E. WILSON, Major and Qr.-Mr. Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WILSON, Thomas, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 2 Feb. 1846; s. of James Wilson, of Glasgow ; m. Elizabeth (who died), d. of John Johnston, of Glasgow. Educ. : Parish School, and Glasgow Univ. Drapery Warehouseman. War Work : Military Tribunal, Lanarkshire. Address : 17, Fotheringay Road, Glasgow. Clubs : Liberal (Glasgow). (0872) WILSON, Thomas, O.B.E. WILSON, Rev. Thomas Augustine, O.B.E. WILSON, Sir Thomas Fleming, K.B.E, J.P, fi. 1862 ; s. of John Wilson, of Glasgow ; m. Helen, d. of the late WilUam Barr, J.P, of Noantead, Uddingston. Educ. : Glasgow High School ; Glasgow Univ. A member of Lanarkshire Countv Council for fifteen years ; Chairman Committee on Public Health ; M.P. for North-East Lancashire, 1910-11 ; Partner in the firm of Wilson, Chalmers and Hendry, Solicitors, Glasgow. Addresses : Flemington House, Uddingston ; 40, Vincent Place, Glasgow. Clubs: National Liberal; Glasgow Liberal. (K180) WILSON, Walter Caradine, O.B.E. WILSON, Lieut. WUfred WeUington, M.B.E, WILSON, William, O.B.E, WILSON, William, M.B.E. WILSON, William, M.B.E. WILSON, WUliam, O.B.E, J.P, fi. 24 April, 1871; s. of WilUam Wilson, of Stratford House, Atherstone ; m. Evelyn Muriel, d. of Frederick H. Farquharson, Jamaica, B.W.I. Merchant; Member of Executive Committee of Jamaica Imperial Association ; Member of British Empire Producers Association; Member of Royal Colonial Institute. War Work: Originator of Jamaica War Contingent ; Chahman of Jamaica War Contingent Committee; Member of Central Recruiting Committee ; Trustee of Jamaica War Trust Fund ; Member of Pensions and AUowances Committee ; nominated Member of Committee of Baden PoweU Boy Scouts, Jamaica. Address ¦ The White House, Kingston, Jamaica. Clubs : West India, and Overseas, (London) ; The Jamaica, St. Andrews, The Liguanea, Jamaica). (O1016)' WILSON, WUUam John Denman, M.B.E. WILSON, WUUam Major, M.B.E, fi. 1867 ; s. of John WUson, of KUmarnock, N.B. Staff Clerk, Local Government Board (now Ministry of Health). War Work : Care, etc., of the Belgian Refugees. Address : 30, Morton Gardens, WaUing ton, Surrey. (M2664) WILSON, Major WiUiam Perceval, O.B.E, WILSON, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. WiUiam Robert, M.B.E. WILSON, Caroline Adini, Mrs. CARUS-, M.B.E,4. 25 June 1897 ; d. of the Rev. Henry Gardner Hills, Vicar of St. Thomas', Portman Square ; to. Frederick Maynard, s. of Rev. Frederick NevUIe Carus-Wilson, of St. Petersburg Place, London. Educ. : Clapham High School. War Work : Orderly at Kent 50 V.A.D. Hospital, Oakley, Bromley Common, Kent, May, 1915 to Dec. 1915 ; Clerk in the Secretary's Department of the War Office, Dec. 1915 to March, 1919 ; Junior Administrative Assistant in charge of sub-section dealing with the encoding of telegrams, Aug. 1918 to March, 1919. Address : MUlfield, Keston, Kent. (M10089) WLLSON, Sir WiUiam GREY-, K.C.M.G, K.B.E, fi. 1852 ; s. of late Andrew WUson, Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals, H.E.I.CS. ; to. Margaret, d. of Robert Glasgow Brown, of Broadstairs, Ayrshhe. Educ. : Cheltenham CoU, and France. Clerk of the Executive and Legislative CouncUs of British Hon duras, 1878 ; A. Magistrate, Orange Walk, 1879-80, ano 1880-1 ; Assistant Colonial Sec. and Treas, Sierra Leone, 1883-4; Assistant Colonial Sec, Gold Coast, 1884-86 : Colonial Sec, St. Helena, 1886-87, Administrator there, 1887-90 ; Governor, Commander-in-Chief, and A. Chief Justice, 1890-97 ; Governor, and Chief Justice of the Falkland Islands 1897-1904, and Gover nor and Commander-in-Chief of the Bahama Islands, 1904-12. War Work : Sec. and Chairman of the Central Committee for National Patriotic Organisations, which was founded in Nov. 1914, as the result of an appeal in the papers signed by aU the notable men of the day. Clubs : Isthmian ; Junior Carlton. (K75) WILSON, Capt. Albert Edgar SIDDONS-, M.B.E, R.A.F. WILSON, Minnie EUsabeth, Lady, MARYON-.O.B.B, fi.22 May, 1863: d. ot Gen. ThornhiU, of Lavender Farm, Ascot; to. Sh Spencer J. s. of Sir Spencer Maryon-Wilson, of Charlton House, Kent (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Abroad. War Work : Vice-President of County of London ; Chairman of Greenwich and Woolwich District Committee ; Hon. Com mandant Charlton House Hospital ; worked at Canteens, War Supply Depot. Address : Bury Hill, Dorking ; 9, Victoria Square. (011642) WILSONE, Lieut. Comm. Thomas Clarence, O.B.E, R.N. WILTON, Jemima, Mrs, M.B.E. WILTS, Captain and Brevet Major, Frederick Vavasour Broome, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.C, R.E. WILTSHIRE, Major Harold Waterlow, D.S.O, O.B.E, M.D. Servedtothe Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (06558) WILYMAN, Capt. Charles, M.B.B. WIMBLE, Sir John Bowring, K.B.E, 6. 1868 ; s. of John Wimble ; m. Anne Mason, d. of William FothergiU Batho. Educ : CUfton CoU. Shipowner ; Director of C. T. Bowring & Co, Ltd, of Liverpool, London, Cardiff, New York, and St. John's, Newfoundland ; Chahman Metropolitan Life Assurance Society ; Member of the Port of London Authority. War Work : Chahman London Shipowners and Transport Workers ; Military Service Committee ; Member of the Port and Transit Executive Committee. Addresses : 23, Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, W. 2 ; Huntercombe, near Henley-on-Thames. Clubs : Union ; Bath ; City of London ; Ranelagh. (K242) WIMBORNE, Lady CorneUa Henrietta Maria, O.B.E. WIMPERIS, Major Harry Egerton, O.B.E, M.A, late R.A.F, 6. 27 Aug. 1876; s. of Joseph Price Wimperis, of London -to. Grace d'Avray, d. of Sir George Parkin, K.C.M.G, LL.D, D.C.L, of London (see Burke's Peerage). Edue. : Imperial CoU. of Science, and Caius Coll, Cambridge. Head of Air Ministry Laboratory ; Head of Navigation Research at Air Ministry. War Work : Lieut, and Lieut.-Comdr. R.N.V.R.; Major R.A.F. in charge of Bomb Sighting Research at Admhalty, Air Board, and Ah Ministry ; Inventor of various Service instruments for this purpose, and for Air Navigation. Address : Grahamsfield, Goring-on-Thames. Club : Athenaeum. (0893) WINBY, Thomas, M.B.E, fi. 16 Nov. 1871; s. of Henry Freeman Winby, of Crewe ; to. Kate, d. of John Pearce, of Market Drayton, Salop. Educ. : Crewe. Fuel Superintendent L. & N. W. Rly. War Work : Assistant to Chief Coal ControUer (late Sh Guy Calthrop). Address : Euston Station, London. (M10102) WINCH, Capt. Arthur Bluett, M.B.E. WINCH, Major Aubrey Brooke, O.B.B. WINCH, Capt. Stanley Brooke, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. WINCHESTER, Charlotte Josephine, Marchioness of, G.B.E. ; d. of late Col. J. S. Howard, of Ballina Park, Co. Wicklow, and widow of Samuel Garnett, of Arch Hall, County Neath ; to. Henry WilUam Montagu Paulet, 16th Marquess of Winchester (see Bukke'S Peerage). War Work : President 558 BIOGRAPHIES. Winterbotham Hampshire Branch British Red Cross Society, 1909-20; Member Voluntary Aid Advisory Sub-Committee ; Joint Women's V.A.D. Committee ; Netley Red Cross AuxiUary Hospital Committee; V.A.D. Uniform Committee; South African and Rhodesian Officers' Residential Club Committee ; Rhodesian Soldiers' Comfort Fund Committee. Club : Ladies' Empire. WINDEATT, Major George Edward, O.B E. WINDER, Ada Mary, M.B.E, fi. 24 July, 1877 ; d. of the late Col. Edward Noblett, of The WaUands, Lewes ; m. Arthur WeUesley, s. of Thomas Winder, of Cork. Educ : Cheltenham Ladies CoU. War Work : Work in connection with the B.R.C.S. Address : Mount Verdon, Cork. Club : New Century. (M2665) WINDER, Arthur WeUesley, O.B.E, B.A, LL.D, 6. 7 Dec. 1868 ; s. of Thomas Winder, of Mount Verdon, Cork ; m. Ada Mary, d. of Col. Edward Noblett, late Royal Irish Regt. Solicitor. WarWork : Work in connection with the B.R.C.S, St John's Ambulance and other Societies. Address : Mount Verdon, Cork. Club : Cork. (011643) WINDER, Charles Bertram, MB.E, 6. 1 Oct. 1876; j, of Charles James Winder, of The Holt, Barnacre, Garstang. Educ. : Privately ; The Royal Agricultural CoU, Cirencester. War Work: Voluntary Ambulance driver in France and Italy ; later acting O.C. for the B.R.C.S. AbbeviUe Store; flnaUy Adjutant of the Boulogne Base Convoys. Addresses : c/o 0. J. Winder, The Holt, Barnacre, Garstang ; WeUesley Farm, Salisbury, Rhodesia. (Ml 0103) WINDER, Capt. Francis Arthur, O.B.B, B.A, M.B, B.Ch, B.A.O, R.A.M.C, 6. 16 March, 1872 ; s. of Edward William Winder, of StiUorgan, Co. DubUn. Educ. : Rath mines School, and Trinity CoU, DubUn. General Practitioner of Medicine. War Work : Founder of Glasnevin Company of " G.R." Volunteer Training Corps j served 1915-19 in R.A.M.C. with service in Mediterranean, India, Mesopotamia, German Bast Africa, France, and Egypt. Address : 170, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, DubUn. (05945) WINDER, Penelope, Mrs., M.B.E. WINDEYER, WUliam Archibald, M.B.E. WINDHAM, WiUiam, C.B.E, 6. 1864 ; s. of Ashe Windham, of Wawne HaU, co. York (see Burke's Peerage), Bowyer-Smith) ; m. 1894, Blanche Marie, d. of the late AchiUe Erneste Titren, of Durban. Gov. Sec, Zululand, 1882-7; Reg.-Gen. Natal, 1901 ; Sec. for Native Affairs, Trans vaal, 1901-10 ; Board of Trade, England, 1912-17 ; Ministry of Labour from 1917. (C76) WINDIATE, Albert, M.B.E. WINDLE, AUred Rawlinson, O.B.E, 6. 5 July, 1862 ; s. of late Rev. WiUiam Windle, M.A, Rector of St. Stephen's, Walbrook, E.C. Educ. : Blackheath, and King's CoU, London. Chairman, Birmingham RaUway Carriage and Wagon Co, Ltd, Smethwick, Staffs. War Work : Chahman, War Pensions Committee, Wolverhampton ; Sec. and Treas. Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, Wolverhampton. Address : RedhiU, Farnham, Surrey. Club : British Empire ; Royal S. Devon GoU, Westward Ho 1 (011644) WINDLE, Lieut. Charles Howard, O.B.E., R.N.V.R. WINDRUM, Capt. and Qr.-Mr. James Moflet, M.B.E. WINDSOR, Arthur Whalesby, M.B.E. WINDSOR, Capt. Maurice, M.B.B. WINDUS, Capt. George Ryley, M.B.E. WINEARLS, Henry Martin, O.B.E, b. 1859 ; s. of late Henry Winearls, of Westacre, Norfolk. Educ. : Shrewsbury School. Assist. Official Receiver in Companies Winding-up, 1893-1913: Chief Clerk, Companies Dept, Board of Trade, 1913; Comptroller Companies Dept, Board of Trade, 1919. Address : 65, George Street, Portman Square, W. 1. Club : Union. (02024) WINFEELD, Capt. Frederick ButweU, O.B.E, R.A.M.C WINFIELD, Richard, M.B.E, fi. 29 March, 1867 ; s. of Richard Winfleld, of Manchester ; m. EUzabeth, d. of WiUiam Bennett, of Salford, Manchester. Educ. : Derby. Chief Outdoor Representative, Great Northern Rly. Co, Manchester. War Work : Board of Trade, Coal Mines Dept. ; Divisional Officer Manchester, Lancashire, and Lancaster North-Western Bivision, 1917-20. (M10107) WING, Fred Augustus, M.B.E, 6. 16 Feb. 1881 ; s. of Fred Wing, of Cambridge ; m. Florence May, d. of George Stevens, of Loughborough. Educ. : PeUy Memorial School, and King's Coll. Staff Clerk in His Majesty's CivU Service, Secretary's Department Admhalty. Address : 93, HoUand Road, S.W. 9. (M4095) WINGATE, Catherine LesUe, Lady, O.B.E. WINGATE, Gen. Sir Francis Reginald, Bart., G.C.B., G.CV.O, G.B.E, K.C.M.G, D.S.O, D.C.L. (Oxon.), LL.D. (Edin.), 6. 25 June, 1861 ; s. of late Andrew Wingate, of Broadfleld, Renfrewshire N.B. ; to. Catherine Leslie, D.B.E, d of late Capt. Joseph SparkhaU Rundle, R.N. Educ. : St. Hellers, Jersey, and R.M.A, Woolwich. Col. Commandant, Royal ArtiUery ; Hon. Col. 7th Manchesters (T.) ; formerly Sirdar of the Egyptian Army, Governor-General of the Sudan, and High Commissioner for Egypt. War Work : Organised numerous expeditions in the Sudan, including the reconquest of the Darfur Province in 1916 ; General Officer commanding the Hedjaz Operations, 1916-19 ; several times mentioned in despatches for services in connection with MiUtary Operations in the Near East, whUst High Commissioner for Egypt ; Presi dent Red Cross Society (Egyptian Branch), 1916-19 ; Knight of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem. Address : Knockenhair Dunbar, Scotland. Clubs: Army and Navy; Beefsteak; British Empire. (G30) WINGATE, Major George Frederiok Richard, O.B.E., R.A. WINGATE, Gerald Henry, M.B.E. WINGFIELD, Lieut.-Col. John Maurice, D.S.O, O.B.E., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S, J.P, fi. 1 Feb. 1863 ; s. of J. H. t. Wing field, of Tickencote HaU, Stamford. Educ. : Harrow, and Trinity CoU, Cambridge. High Sheriff of Rutland, 1911. WarWork: Served in S. Africa, 1899-1900 ; Great War, 1914- 18. Addresses : Tickencote HaU, Stamford ; Market Overton, Oakham; D. 6, The Albany, PiccadiUy. Clubs: Guards'; Turf • Carlton ; Arthur's ; Wellington. (03206 WINN, Rowland, M.B.E. WINNETT, Major Albert WiUiam, O.B.E. WINNIFRITH, Rev. Douglas Peroy, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 17 Aug. 1875 ; s. of Rev.A. Winnifrith, M.A, of Hythe, Kent ; to. Margaret Louise, d. of Dr. T. L. Macartney, of Sefton Park, Liverpool. Educ. : Pembroke CoU, Oxford. Curate from 1899-1904 ; Chaplain to the Forces from 1904 ; Hon. Chaplain to Lord Lieut, of Deland, 1919. War Work: Chaplain in charge of 14th Infantry Brigade, Aug. 1914 ; twice mentioned to despatches. Address : c/o Sh C R. McGrigor, Bart. * Co, 39, Panton Street, Haymarket. (07876) WINNY, WiUiam Humphris, O.B.E, A.M.I.E E, fi Aug. 1867 ; s. of WUliam Winny, of London. Educ. : Brewer's Grammar School; Finsbury Technical Coll. Assistant Staff Engineer, G.P.O. War Work : In command of the London District of the St. John Ambulance Brigade during and since the war ; organised in conjunction with the PoUce Authorities schemes for reUef of air raid victims and help for those in air raid shelters. Address : 61, Chancery Lane, W.C. 2. (0874) WINRAM, Agnes Rankine, Mrs, O.B.E. ; d. of John WiUiamson, of PowfouUs, Airth, Stirlingshire ; to. James, s. of George Winram, of Coldtogham, Berwickshire. Hon. Convener of Cradle Committee, Child Welfare Scheme, City Chambers, Edinburgh ; also Voluntary Health Visitor, Child Welfare Scheme. War Work : Originator and Hon. Organising Sec. of the Fund for British Soldiers interned in Germany ; this Fund, instituted in 1914, was tbe first to be formed in the British Isles for the purpose of sending parcels of foodstuffs, clothing, etc, to the British Prisoners of War in Germany ; al] the work was voluntary, Addresses : 2, Warrender Park Crescent, Edinburgh ; Rosebank Cottage, Belhaven, Dunbar. (O4001) WINSER, Charles, O.B.E. WINSTANLEY, Denys Arthur, M.B.E, 6. 5 Dec. 1877; FeUow of Trinity Coll, Cambridge. (M10109) WINSTANLEY, Capt. Henry Parr M.B.B, R.A.S.C. WINSTANLEY, Herbert, M.B.B, 6. 7 Aug. 1885; s. of John Winstanley, of Liverpool ; to. Esther Marian d. of WUliam Henry McCarter, of Birkenhead. Educ. : Liverpool Institute. Chief Inspector, Liverpool City Police. War Work : In charge of AUens Registration Department, Liver pool. Address : Easby, Mersey Road, Liverpool. (M10110) WINSTANLEY, John, M.B.E, R.N. WINTER, Squadron-Leader Alexander Charles, O.B.E, R.A.F, 6. 26 AprU, 1887 ; s. of the Rev. Canon E. G. A. Winter, D.D, of Bast Bradenham, Norfolk ; m. Rachel Charlotte, d. of Col. G. F A. CressweU, C.V.O, V.D, of King's Lynn. Educ : Trinity Coll, Glenalmond. Entered Royal Navy, 1904 ; served in Accountant Branch of R.N, 1904-18, mostly on Staff ; Sec. to British Naval Mission to Greece, 1913-16. War Work : Sec. to Admiral Commanding British Adriatic Squadron, H.M.S. " Queen " ; Staff Officer, 1st Class (Lieut.-Col.) in R.A.F, April, 1918, to end of war ; has Order of Redeemer of Greece (1913), and Order of Crown of Italy (1916). Clubs : R.A.F. ; United Sports ; Princes Tennis and Racquets. (02025) WINTER, George MitcheU, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, J.P. WINTER, Henry Elsbury, M.B.B, 6. 1867 ; s. of James Winter, of Carlisle ; to. Katharine Evelyn, d. of WilUam Jameson, of Salisbury. Educ. : Waterloo CoU, Northampton, and Grammar School, Salisbury. Auctioneer and Estate Agent. War Work : Organiser of CarUsle Special Constabulary, and took prominent work therewith throughout war ; organiser and Manager of the Carlisle Soldiers' and Sailors' Rest Rooms ; Treas. Local Central War Savings Committee ; Treas. of Cumberland and Westmorland Care Committee for Prisoners of War ; Treas. CarUsle Citizens League. Address : Shaftes bury House, Howard Place, Carlisle. (M1106) WINTER, Lieut. Herbert Marmaduke, M.B.E, fi. 10 Oct. 1889 ; s. of the Hon. M. G. Winter, C.B.E, M.L.C, of St. John's, Newfoundland ; to. Edythe, d. of Geo. J. Hayward, of St. John's, Newfoundland. Educ : Bishop Field Coll, St. John's, and Rossall School, Lancashire. Accountant with firm of T. and M. Winter, St. John's ; Member, Board of Trade. War Work : Attached Musketry Staff, Royal Newfoundland Regt. Depot, at Ayr, Scotland, and Musketry Staff Head quarters, St. John's, Newfoundland. Address : Omrac, King's Bridge Road, St. John's, Newfoundland. Clubs : Bally Haly ; Golf and Country. - (M5903) WINTER, Hon. Marmaduke George, C.B.E, M.L.C. WINTER, Mildred Marion, Mrs., M.B.E. WINTER, Col. WUliam Robert, O.B.E. WINTERBOTHAM, Clara Frances, M.B.B., fi. 2 Aug. 1880 • d. of the late James Batten Winterbotham, of Cranley Lodge, Cheltenham. Educ. : Cheltenham Ladies' Coll. 559 Winterbottom THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. CouncUlor on the Cheltenham Town Council ; Member of the Cheltenham Education Committee. War Work : The London Hospital, Whitechapel, Oct. 1914, to May, 1915 ; V.A.D. Staff Nurse at St. John Hospital, Cheltenham, June, 1915, to June, 1918 ; Quartermaster at same, June, 1918, to March, 1919 ; Member of Local Food Control, and Fuel and Lighting Com mittees. Address : Cranley Lodge, Cheltenham. (M10111) WINTERBOTTOM, Albert, O.B.B. Chief Constable, Hartlepool. Address : Marine Parade, Hartlepool. (04646) WINTERBOTTOM, George WUliam, O.B.E. WINTERBOTTOM, Paymaster-Capt. Thomas, CB.E, R.N. War Work : 1914-19, at Naval . Base, Portland. (C2303 ) WINTON, Rev. Walter Sim, M.B.E. WINTOUR, Major-Gen. FitzGerald, C.B, C.B.E, 6. • 860 ; s. of the late Rev. FitzGerald Wintour, of High Hayland, Barnsley ; to. 1st 1899, Cicily Winifred who died 1904, d. of the late Col. Sh Walter Thomas William Spencer Stanhope, K.C.B, of Cannon Hall, Barnsley (see Bukke'S Peerage), 2nd in 1912, Alice Jane Blanche, d. of the late Major John Frederick Foster (see BURKE'S Peerage, Foster of Glyde Court). Entered Armv, 1880 ; Capt. and Brevet Major, 1887 ; Brevet Lieut.-Col, 1900; Lieut.-Col. 1904; Col, 1908, Hon. Major-Gen, 1918 (ret.), served with the Egyptian Expedition, 1882 (medal, bronze star) ; Soudan Expedition, 1884-5 (despatches, clasp) ; Soudan 1885-6 ; N. W. Frontier of India, 1897 on Staff (despatches, medal with clasp) ; S. Africa, 1899-1901 (de spatches, medal with two bars) ; served in the Great War, 1914-15. (C839o) WINTOUR, Francis, O.B.E. WINTZ, Sophia Gertrude Wintz, D.B.E. ; d. of Augustus Wintz, of Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Educ. : Girls' Coll, Fareham, Hants. War Work : Associated with Miss Weston in her work for the Sailors of the Royal Navy, since 1876. Address : Royal Sailors Rest, Devonport and Portsmouth. (D57) WINWOOD, Lieut.-Col. WilUam Quintyne, C.M.G, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 1873 ; s. of the Rev. Henry Hoyte Winwood, M.A, of 11, Cavendish Crescent, Bath ; m. 1909, Gertrude Dolben, d. of the late Rev. Dolben Paul, Rector of Bearwood, and widow of T. Bryon Hope, of Harwood, Newbury. Entered 5th Dragoon Guards, 1893 ; became Capt. 1901 ; Major, 1904 ; Lieut.-Col. 1914 ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1902, taking part to the defence of Ladysmith (despatches) ; in the Great War, 1914-18; Commanded 5th Dragoon Guards in the field from Sept. 1914, to May, 1918 ; Commandant, Cavahy Corps School in France until the conclusion of hostiUties (wounded, de spatches, Order of Leopold of Belgium, Croix de Guerre) ; was Assist. Mil. Sec. to Com.-in-Chief, S. Africa, 1907-8. CZwfis : Cavahy ; Army and Navy. (O2790) WINZAR, Sidney Herbert, M.B.E, R.N. WISE, Alexander, O.B.E. WISE, Capt. Cuthbert Walter, O.B.E, M.C, R.A.S.C. WISE, Lieut.-Col. Henry Edward Disbrowe, C.B.E, Col. 3rd Notts, and Derbyshire Regt. Served to the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1826) WISE, Percy Furlong, M.B.E. WISE, Thomas, O.B.E, 6. 1850 ; s. of Thomas Wise, of Boston, Banker. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. War Work : Chairman, Chartered Accountants Advisory Committee, Ministry of National Service. Address : 27, Eldon Road, Kensington, W. 8. Clubs : TraveUers ; City Carlton. (011649) WISEMAN, Francis Augustus John Bartholomew, O.B.E, R.A.F. WISHART, Frederick, O.B.E, M.A, LL.B, fi. 25 July, 1888; s. of F. W. F. Wishart, of Westerfolds, Morayshire. Educ. : Aberdeen Grammar School ; Aberdeen Univ. ; BaUiol Coll, Oxford. Barrister. War Work : Ministry of Munitions of War, 1916-19 ; Personal Assistant to ControUer, 1917, and Assistant Controller, 1918, Munitions Timber Supplies Depart ment. Addresses: Westerfolds, Elgin, Morayshire ; 1, Temple Gardens, Temple, E.C. 4. (011650) WITHALL, Major Latham August, O.B.E, WITHER, Major Harold Stephen BIGG-, O.B.E. WITHERBY, Lieut. Harry Forbes, M.B.E, R.N.VR WITHERDEN, Charlotte Mary, Mrs, O.B.E. WITHERS, Gerald Mould, M.B.E. WITHERS, John James, C.B.E, fi. 21 Dec. 1863 ; s. of James Tuck Withers, of Arundel Street, Strand ; m. Caroline Gifford, d. of — Ransford, of 22, Sussex Square, Hyde Park. Educ. : Eton, and King's Coll, Cambridge. Solicitor ; Senior Partner in firm of Withers, Bensons, Currie, WUliams & Co ; Fellow of St. Catharine's Coll, Cambridge. War Work : Assisted Propaganda Dept. and Ministry of Information during the war, both as legal adviser and otherwise. Addresses : 4, Arundel Street, Strand, London ; 54, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Garrick ; Alpine ; Leander. (C336) WITHYCOMBE, Robert, M.B.E. WITNEY, Lieut. John Humphrey, M.B.E, R.A O C WITT, Lieut. Albert Thomas Edgar, M.B.E. R.A F WITT, Robert Clermont, C.B.E, M.A, 6. 16 Jan. 1872 ; s. of G. A. Witt ; to. Mary Helene, d. of Charles Henry Marten Blackheath. Educ : Clifton Coll. ; New Coll Oxford Trustee of the National Gallery; Trustee of the Nationai Gallery of British Art (Tate) ; Vice-Chairman, National Art Collections Fund ; Chahman, National Loan Collection Trust War Work : Assisted in Treasury SoUcitor's Department' Address : 32, Portman Square, W. 1. Clubs : Royal Auto mobile ; Burlington Fine Arts ; Leander Rowing. (C674) WITTHAUS, Gabriel Thorold, M.B.E, A.C.I.S, fi 6 Sept. 1888 ; s. of the late F. E. Witthaus, of High Barnet ¦ m. Florence, d. ot the late James Kerry, of Highbury, London Educ, : Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Barnet, and Caterham. War Work: Enlisted in The Queen's (R.W. Surrey) Regt, and later commissioned in The Norfolk Regt. ; Overseas service, India, 1917-18 ; Mesopotamia, 1918-19. (M7030) WITTS, GuUelma Ewart, Mrs., M.B.E. WITTS, Capt. John Travell, M.B.E. WITTY, Lieut. Charles Harry, M.B.E, R.A.F. WOAKES, Capt. WiUiam James Primer. O.B.E, R.A.S.C WODEHOUSE, Amy Violet, Mrs. O.B.E, fi. 16 Oct. 1876; d. of John Swinton Isaac, of Boughton Park, Worcester; m. Lieut.-Col. Ernest Charles Forbes, D.S.O. (killed in action), s. of Lieut-Col. Charles Wodehouse, CLE. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Organiser of Worcestershire Regimental Comforts Fund, which despatched Comforts to the various Batts. of the Worcester shire Regt. at the front, and looked after aU the Prisoners of War of the Worcestershire Regiment, Worcestershire Yeo manry. Address : 11, Prince of Wales Terrace, W. 8. (O2027) WODEHOUSE, Lieut.-Col. Robert Elmer, O.B.E. WOLFE, Ernest Montague,M.B.E. WOLFE, George Charles, C.B.E. Assist. Audit Officer, MUitary Supply Accounts, India. Address : Simla, India. (C1983) WOLFE, Eng.-Comm. Henry Eccles, O.B.E, R.N. WOLFE, Humbert, C.B.E. War Work: Controller, Labour Regulation Depart. Ministry of Munitions ; appointed an Assist. Sec. Ministry of Labour, 1919. (C337) WOLFENDEN, Ralph, M.B.E, M.Sc, A.M.I.Mech.E, 6. 18 Feb. 1884 ; s. of J. W. Wolfenden, J.P, of Heyside, Lancs. Educ. : Victoria Univ. of Manchester, and Middle Temple. Barrister-at-Law ; Lecturer in Engineering in King's Coll, London, W.C. ; Examiner for the B.Sc. (Eng.) of the Univ. of London. War Work : Assistant-in-Charge, Gauge Testing Department, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. Address : King's College, London, W.C. (M1109) WOLFERSTAN, Evelyn, M.B.E. WOLFF, Major Henry PhiUp, O.B.E. WOLFF, Lieut. James Daniel, M.B.E, R.A. WOLFF, Joseph, O.B.E. WOLFF, Lieut. Mark Arthur, O.B.E. WOLLEN, EmUy HUda, M.B.E. WOLMARANS, Capt. Martinus Johannes, O.B.E. WOLSTENHOLME, Capt. Thomas Blakeway, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. (T.). WOLVERTON, Edith Amelia, Lady, C.B.E. ; d. of 1st Earl of Dudley ; to. Frederic Glyn, D.L 4th Baron Wol- verton, s. of Vice-Admiral Hon. Harry Carr, C.B, CS. Address: 26, St. James' Place, S.W. 1. (C338) WOMBWELL, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Fred, M.B.E. WONHAM, Paymaster-Capt. Charles Scrivener, C.B.E, R.N. Served to the Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1952) WOOD, Alexander, M.B.E. M.M.R. WOOD, Capt. Alexander, M.B.E. WOOD, Rev. Alexander, O.B.B. WOOD, Major Alexander Lewis Sandison, O.B.E. WOOD, Eng.-Comm. Alfred Oswald, O.B.E, R.N. WOOD, Col. AtteweU Henry, C.B.E, 6. 1854. Formerly Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. Connaught Rangers (ret. 1906) ; served on the N.-W. Frontier of India, 1 897-98 (medal with two clasps) ; NUe Expedition, 1898 (medal) ; S. Africa, 1899-1900 (despatches twice, Queen's medal with three clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19. (C751a) WOOD, Augustus Ottewell, C.B.E. Chief Manager, Imperial Bank of Persia, Teheran. Address : Teheran, Persia. (C675) WOOD, Benjamin, M.B.E, late Staff Quartermaster- Sergeant Army, Pay Corps, 6. 28 Aug. 1855 ; s. of John Wood, of Bushby, Leicestershire ; m. Mary, d. of Robert Barron Braik, of Aberdeen. Army Scripture Reader. War Work : Went to France in Nov. 1914, and as Senior Army Scripture Reader superintended the whole of the work of the Army Scripture Readers' Society with the B.B.F. in France from that date to the end of June, 1919. Address : 36, Claremont Road, Alexandra Park, Manchester. (M10116) WOOD, Benjamin George, O.B.E, J.P. WOOD, Brooks Crompton, CB.E. Acted as Chairman of Egyptian Cotton Official Values Committee. (C3174) WOOD, Charles, O.B.E, F.C.S, 6. 6 Jan. 1864; s. of William Wood, of Bradford ; to. Gertrude, d. of John Dawson, of Skipton. Educ. : Cambridge Grammar School and Birken head School. Gas Engineer and General Manager, Bradford Corporation. War Work : Coal Control, Ministry of Munitions, Explosives Dept. and Fuel Oil Production Dept. Address: Rosse Mount, Heaton, Bradford. (011652) WOOD, Col. Charles Knight, O.B.E, R.E. (ret.), 6. 1 July, 1851 ; s. of Miles Astman Wood, of Orchardleigh, Ledbury, Herefordshire -to. Lilian Arden, d. of Rev. George Arden, M.A, of Dunsford, Devonshire. Educ. : Cheltenham. NUe Expe dition, 1886 ; Boer War : Chief Engineer to General Sir Redvers BuUer ; twice mentioned in despatches ; Brevet Colonel ; Secretary to Herefordshire Territorial Force Associa tion since 1908. Address: The Lower Venn, Marden, Hereford. Club: Primrose. (O3208) 560 BIOGRAPHIES. Wood WOOD, Cyril George Russ, O.B.E, F.R.CS. (Eng.), 6. 3 Aug. 1869 ; s. of CyrU Wood, of Bath, m. Fanny Mein, d. of Chas. Steele, of Clifton, Bristol. Educ : Bristol. Surgeon to the Shropshire Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital ; Ophthalmic Surgeon to Salop Royal Infirmary, Montgomeryshire Infirmary. War Work : Special work in Western Command in Eye, Ear, and Throat departments, throughout the whole period of the war. Address : 12, St. John's HU1, Shrewsbury. (04400) WOOD, David WiUiam, M.B.B. WOOD, Dennis, M.B.E. WOOD, Dorothy Wood, Lady, M.B.E. ; d. of James Har wood, of Manchester ; to. as his second wife, Sir Edward Graham, s. of the Rev. Thomas Smith Wood. Address : AVest Heath House, West Heath Road, Hampstead. (M10118) WOOD, Major Douglas, O.B.E. WOOD, Lieut.-Col. Ernest, D.S.O, O.B.E, fi. 28 Sept. 1871 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. J . Wood, of MUitary Train ; to. EUen Caroline, d. of Peter Wessels, of Kroonstad, O.F.S. Educ : Trinity CoU, DubUn. Joined the King's Own Scottish Borderers as 2nd Lieut. June, 1894 ; transferred to the R.A.S.C. AprU, 1896 ; Capt. Jan. 1901 ; Major, June, 1911 ; Lieut.-Col. Jan. 1916. War Work : Served with the 7th Division and 5th Division in France, Belgium, and Italy ; twice mentioned in despatches. Address: c/o Sh Charles McGrigor, Bart, & Co, London. (02793) WOOD, Ethel Mary, Mrs., C.B.E. ; d. of Quintin Hogg, Founder of Regent Street Polytechnic : m. Herbert Frederic Wood, Major, 9th Lancers and R.A.F. (who died 1918), s. of Lieut.-Col. Wood, C.B, of Kibworth, Leicester. Sec. London War Pensions Committee. War Work : Hon. Sec. County of London Soldiers' and SaUors' Families Association, Aug. 1914- 17 ; Member and Hon. Organiser of London War Pensions Committee. June, 1916, to Aug. 1917. when appointed paid Secretary ; week-end munition worker and evening Woman Patrol. Address : 4, Park VUlage East, N.W. 1. Club : New County. (C3081) WOOD, Col. Evelyn FitzGerald MitcheU, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.G.A, R. of O., fi. 16 Nov. 1869: e. s. of the late Field- Marshall Sir (Henry) Evelyn Wood, V.C, G.C.B, G.C.M.G, D.C.L. (see BUKKE'S Peerage) ; m. 1st, 20 March, 1893, LUian, d. of the late Charles Edward Hutton, of 63, Porchester Terrace, W. ; 2nd, Kathleen (Alia), d. of R. R. Morton, and widow of Hatherley Page Wood (see Burke's Peerage, Wood of Hatherley House). Lieut.-Col. London Brigade, R.G.A. ; Major, Reserve ol Officers, Royal Dragoons ; Hon. Col. in the Army ; Sec. City of London Territorial Force Association ; one of the Lieuts. for the City of London ; served in Ashanti and in S. Africa. Address : Warden HaU, Wttltogdale Doe, Ongar, Essex. Club : Army and Navy. (O3209) WOOD, Frances Mary, M.B.E. ; d. of Herbert Wood, of Wolverhampton. War Work : Personal assistant to Chief of Engineering Section and Controller of MUd Steel Wire, Manufacture Contracts Branch, War Oflice. Address : 13, Owen Mansions, London, W. 14. (M1110) WOOD, Capt. Frank Thomas Herbert, O.B.E, M.D, B.Sc, R.A.M.C (T.), 6. 17 Nov. 1882. Educ. : Guy's Hospital. Medical Officer of Health, County Borough of Bootle. War Work : O.C. 1/lst Home Counties Divisional Sanitary Section ; engaged in sanitary work with 67th Division in England until Sept. 1916 ; then proceeded with unit to join Mesop. Exped. Force ; appointed Health Officer (CivU) for Basra, Dec. 1916, to Jan. 1919. Address: Health Dept, Town Hall, Bootle. (04264) WOOD, Frederick, O.B.E. WOOD, Frederick Benjamin, O.B.B.; lately British Consul at Patras, has Order of the Redeemer of Greece. (011654) WOOD, Gamble Ekin Vickers, M.B.E, fi. 24 June, 1876 ; s. of Lewis Wood ; m. Kate. d. of — • Weston, of Folkestone. War Work : Folkestone War Refugees Committee ; Sub-Section Dhector, Ministry of Munitions, for dhect purchase of shell components and gauges. Addresses : 39, Brompton Square ; Vale Vottage, Downley, nr. High Wycombe. Club : Constitu tional. (M2668) WOOD, Capt. Geoffrey, O.B.E, M.C, WOOD, George Albert Thomas, O.B.E, R.N.R. WOOD, Surg.-Lieut. -Comdr. George E., R.E. WOOD, George Ellis, M.B.B. WOOD, Capt. George Jervis, O.B.E. WOOD, Lieut. George Neville, O.B.B, Cross of St. Anne's " of Russia, 6. 4 May, 1898 ; s. of Frederick Wood, of Cheltenham Road, Bristol. Educ. : Colston's School and Sandhurst Military Coll. War Work : Commissioned, 1916 ; France, Sept. 1916 ; wounded, March, 1917 ; Instructor No 17 O.O.B., Kinmell Park, Sept. 1917 ; Russia, B.M.M,, AprU, 1919 ; now with the Greek Army in Turkey as one of the Allied Representatives. (011889) WOOD, Gertrude, M.B.E. WOOD, Gladys, M.B.B. WOOD, Grace Anna Mary, Mrs., O.B.E. WOOD, Grace EUza, Mrs., M.B.B. WOOD, 2nd Lieut. Harold John, M.B.E. WOOD, Harold John, O.B.E, 6. 21 Nov. 1885 ; s. of John Wood, of Cheam, Surrey ; to. Marianne Suzanne Sophie, d. of Leopold Henri Lavaivre, of Paris. Educ. : Privately. War Work: 10th Batt. (Res.) Border Regiment, attached General Staff, Special Missions, New York and South America. Address : Rua da Quitanda, 143, Rio de Janeiro. (011655) WOOD, Harry Brounton, M.B.E. WOOD, Col. Hastings St. Leger, C.B.E, D.S.O, 6. 1856 ; «. of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sh (Henry) Hastings Afleck Wood) 561 K.C.B. ; m. 1891, Mary Judith Vaughton, d. of the Rev. J. Parker, formerly Rector of WUloughby and Wysall, Notts. Entered 15th Regt. 1877 ; Capt. E. Yorkshire Regt. 1886 ; Major, Dorsetshire Regt. 1895 ; Lieut.-Col. 1900 ; Brevet Col. 1906 ; Col. 1908 (h.-p. 1908) ; retired, 1910 ; served during Afghan War, 1879-80, as A.D.C (severely wounded, horse killed, medal) ; Nile Expedition, 1884-85 (despatches specially, medal with clasp, bronze star) ; Burmah Campaign, 1887-88 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. (despatches, medal with two clasps) ; Tirah Expedition, 1897-98, as D.A.A.G. (despatches, medal with two clasps) ; D.A.A.G. Madras, 1897-99 ; A.A.G. 1899-1902 ; D.A.A.G. Jersey, 1904-8 ; appointed A.A.G. Roy. Guernsey Mil. 1911 ; A.A. and Q.M.G. 1914. Club : Naval and MUitary. ( C1817) WOOD, Henrietta, Mrs., M.B.E. WOOD, James, O.B.E. WOOD, Lieut. James Henry, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. WOOD, Capt. John Edward, O.B.B, T.F.R. WOOD, Major John Hardy, O.B.E, 6. 12 April, 1877 ; s. of Arthur Hardy Wood, of Duddleswell, Sussex ; to. Catherine Hazebruck, d. of Henry Staker, of Newbrough, Northumber land. Educ. : Stubbington House, Fareham. Durham Light infantry ; served with Vf. African Frontier Forces. Address : 14, Warrington Place, Dublin. Clubs : Naval and Military ; Union (Brighton). (08976) WOOD, Capt. John Lawrence, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. WOOD, Lieut.-Col. John Livingstone, O.B.E, V.D. WOOD, Capt. John WUliam, O.B.E. WOOD, Capt. Leonard Stanley, M.B.E. WOOD, Louisa Jane, M.B.E. WOOD, Maud, Mrs., M.B.B. WOOD, May, M.B.E.; d.ot the late Robert Brindley Wood, of Uttoxeter. Was Deputy Clerk and Treas. of the Town of KentvUle, Nova Scotia, Canada ; from 1906 Private Sec. to the Managing Dhector of the Underground Electric Railways Company of London, Ltd. ; from 1910 Clerk in Charge of Accounts, Road Board. War Work : Accounting in connection with the road works carried out by the Road Board for the * War Department, Admiralty, Air Ministry, and other Govern ment Departments during the war. (M10125) WOOD, Sister Minnie, O.B.B, 6. Oct. 1882 ; d. of Charles W. Wood, of Sandal, Yorkshire. Educ. .-Miss Sandbach's Private School, Hull, Yorks. Nursing Sister in Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. War Work : Ward Sister in General Hospitals in Versailles and Boulogne, from Aug. 1914, to Nov. 1916 ; afterwards Sister-in-Charge, 44th Casualty Clearing Station from Nov. 1916, to Aug. 1919, in France, Belgium, and Germany. Address : Military Hospital Devon- port. Club : Imperial Nurses'. (05953) WOOD, Capt. Murdiok MoKenzie, O.B.E, R.A.F. WOOD, Robert Henry, C.B.E, 6. 1860 ; s. of John George Wood, W.S, of Edinburgh ; to. 1904, Elaine, d. of Col. F. Bell, of Stand House, Fermoy, co. Cork. Hon. Sec, Cork. County War Pensions Local Committee. Address : Castle Hyde, Fermoy. Clubs : Thatched House ; Royal Automobile ; Countv (Cork). (C3056) WOOD, Capt. Roy WUds Fry, M.B.E. WOOD, Russell Howard, C.B.E, Acting Food Commr, S. Midland Div. Ministry of Food. (C3057) WOOD, Lieut. Thomas, M.B.E. WOOD, Thomas Alfred, M.B.E. WOOD, Prof. Thomas Barlow, C.B.E, M.A, F.R.S, 6. 1869 ; s. of the late Brittain Dawes Wood, of Field Dalling, Norfolk ; to. 1914, Margaret Isabel, d. of Edwin Sloper Beaven, of Warminster. Educ. : High School, Newcastle-under-Lyme and GonvUle and Caius Coll. Camb. Draper's Professor of Agriculture, Camb. Univ. ; sometime Member of Development Comm. Address : Springfield,! Cambridge. Clubs : Saville ; Farmers'. (C339) WOOD, WilUam, M.B.E, 6. 12 July, 1884 ; s. of George Henry Wood, of Woodlands, Oakenshaw, nr. Bradford ; to. Jane Ellen, d. of Gaythorne Hodgson, of Oakenshaw, nr. Bradford, Educ. : Elementary, and at Cleckheaton Technical School. Assistant Overseer and Collector of Rates for Cleckheaton and Gomersal Parishes, Spenborough, Yorks. War Work : Vice- Chairman Spenborough War Pensions Committee, Cleckheaton European War Fund, Prisoners of War Fund, Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society; Sec. to Trustees Spenborough War Memorial Fund. (M10126) WOOD, William, O.B.E. WOOD, Lieut.-Col. WiUiam Albert, C.B.E, Major, Brevet Lieut.-Col. and temporary Col. R.A.V.C. during Great War. (C1436) WOOD, Capt. William Cranna, O.B.E, J.P. WOOD, WiUiam Francis John, C.B.E, B.Sc, fi. 1876 ; s. of the late Alphonse Wood, of Osborne House, Barnsley ; to. 1902, Eliza Beatrice, d. of Dr. John Haslam, of New College, Harrogate. Educ. : Sheffield and Leeds Univs. Chairman and Managing Director of Derby Crown Glass Co, Ltd. Ryland's, Glass and Engineering Co, Ltd, and Wood Bros. Glass Co. Ltd • Fellow of Institute of Chemistry ; Pres. of Society of Glass Technology ; Chairman, British Chemical Ware Manu facturers' Assocn. ; J.P. for Barnsley. Address : Ardsley House, nr. Barnsley. _ „ „ (C1060) WOOD, Eng.-Comm. WUUam Henry, C.B.E, R.N. WOOD, William Henry, M.B.E. WOOD, WilUam John, O.B.E, 6. 15 March, 1871. Educ. : Christ Church, New North Road, London, N. Member of the WUlesden Board of Guardians ; Master Printer ; Founder, 2 o Wood THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Chairman, and Managing Dhector of Wood and Rozelaar, Ltd, London, E.C. War Work : Special and honorary of an Advisory nature to the Board of Trade, Coal Mines Dept, during the great coal shortage and crisis of 1918. Address : Brondesbury House, WUlesden Lane, N.W. 6. Club : Eccentric. (011659) WOOD, Capt. WiUiam Lyon, O.B.E, R.E. WOOD, WilUam, KING-, CLE, C.B.E, 6. 1867 ; s. of the late Capt. W. Wood, Public Works Depart. Bombay ; m. Daisy Grace, d. of Sh Hugh Adcock, C M.G. (see Bukke'S Peerage). Educ. : DoUar Acad. N.B. Served In S. Africa, 1900-1, with Middlesex Imperial Yeo. (despatches, medal with three clasps) ; Dhector, Persian Section, Indo-European Tele graph Depart. ; assumed by deed poU, 1909, the additional surname of King. Address : Teheran, Persia. Club : Junior Naval and MiUtary. (C1973) WOOD, Lieut.-Col. Sir James LEIGH-, K.B.E, C.B, C.M.G.; fi. 1870; s. of the late James WUUam Wood; m. 1900, Joanna Elizabeth, d. of the late Walter TurnbuU. A Gov. and Almoner of Christ's Hospital ; Com. of Order of Leopold of Belgium ; Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem to England. Served to the S. African war 1899-1900 (despatches twice, Queen's medal) ; Q.M.G. Staff and A.A.G. at War Office during Great War. Address : 24, Great Cumberland Place, W. Clubs : Brooks's ; Oriental. (K290) WOODALL, Capt. John Dane, M.B.E, M.C, R.A. WOODALL, Norah, Mrs., M.B.E. WOODBURN, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Stanley, C.B.E, Australian Forces, Ch. Commr. Australian Comforts Fund during Great War. (C677) WOODCOCK, Major George Cyril, O.B.E, R.M.A, 6. 26 May, 1879 ; s. of the late Col. H. F. Woodcock, of Bengal Army. Educ: Dulwich CoU. War Work : GrandFleet ; R.M.A, Howitzer Brigade, B.E.F., France; R.M. Garrison, Mgean Army of Black Sea. Club : United Service. (09676) WOODCOCK, Harold Brookfield, M.B.E, M.B, 6. 2 March, 1874 ; s. of Samuel Woodcock, of Manchester ; m. Florence Walteling, d. of W. W. Lecomber, of Manchester and Llandudno . Educ. : Manchester Grammar School, and Owens CoU. War Work : Medical Officer to charge of Seymour Park MUitary Hospital (2nd Western General Hospital). Address : The Sycamores, Old Trafford, Manchester. (M10288) WOODCOCK, Wing-Com. Harold Larpent, C.B.E, R.A.F. Served to Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned to des patches). (C2343) WOODCOCK, Henry Chadwick, M.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P. WOODCOCK, Walter Shellake, M.B.E. WOODCOCK, William Stanley, M.B.E, 5. 14 June, 1873; s. of WiUiam Plant Woodcock, of Bury, Lancs ; to. Ethel, d. of Col. T. R. JoUy, M.B.B, of Preston. Educ. : Rossall. SoUcitor ; Clerk to Walton-le-Dale Urban District Council. War Work : Acting Deputy Commissioner, St. John Ambu- 'ance Brigade Address : 178, Station Road, Bamber Bridge. (M2669) WOODELL, Florence Ernestine, M.B.E. WOODESON, Edward Seymour, M.B.E, 6. 27 July, 1884 ; s. of Edwin Thomas Woodeson, of TUehurst, Reading, Berks ; to. Alice Rose, d. of Nelson Geal, of St. Leonards-on- Sea. Educ. : Elementary and Secondary Schools, Reading. Dep. Ch. Constable and Chief Clerk, Norfolk Constabulary. Address : County PoUce Headquarters, Norwich. (M10130) WOODFIELD, Col. Anthony Hudson, C.M.G, O.B.E, R.A.O.C, fi. 26 June, 1867 ; s. ofthe late Matthew Woodifield ; m. NeUie, d. of the late Rev. Albert WUlan. Educ. : Chelten ham; R.M.A, Woolwich. Royal ArtUlery from Feb. 1886, to March, 1900 ; Army Ordnance Department from April, 1900, to present date. War Work : Served in Egypt from begin ning of Great War to April, 1916. Club : United Service. (0878) WOODFORD, Charles MerUynn, M.B.E. WOODFORD, Isabel Charlotte, M.B.E. WOODGATE, Alfred, C.B.E, 6. 1860 ; s. of the late Thomas Woodgate, of Hampton Wick. Educ : Privately. Entered Education Dept. 1879 ; Assist. Sec. Ministry of Ship ping,; Senior Clerk, National Health Insurance Comm. 1912-16. (C340) WOODGATE, 2nd Lieut. F. C. I., M.B.E. WOODGER, Lieut. John Surry, O.B.E, fi. 10 April, 1896 ; s. of John Woodger, of Lowestoft. Educ. : Charter house; R.M.C, Sandhurst. War Work: A.S.C, first com missioned, 1915. Address : Woodside, Lowestoft. (05955) WOODHAMS, Walter Lee, M.B.E. WOODHEAD, Esther, M.B.E. WOODHEAD, Col. Sh German Sims, K.B.E, M.D, F.R.C.P, F.R.S. E, 6. 29 AprU, 1855 ; s. of the late Joseph Woodhead, of Holmfirth ; m. Harriett EUzabeth St. Clair Eskine, d. of James Yates, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Hudders field Coll, Edinburgh Univ, and abroad. President Royal Med. Soc. 1878 ; Assist. Com. to the Royal Commission on Tuberculosis, 1892-95 ; Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C ; Brevet Col. A.M.S, 1917 ; Inspector of Laboratories in MiUtarv Hospitals in U.K. ; formerly Adviser in Pathology to the War Office ; Member Imperial Cancer Research Fund; Member Scottish Tj niversities Committee, etc, etc. Address : Dysart House, Luard Road, Cambridge. Clubs : Athenaiun ; Savage ; National Liberal ; Carnarvonshire ; Royston; Gog-Magog. (K287) 562 WOODHEAD, Henry George Wandesford, CB.E. Ren dered service in connection with British interests in China during Great War. (C3058) WOODHEAD, Herbert MiaU, M.B.E, M.B, CM. WOODHOUSE, Arthur WilUam Webster, CB.E, H.M.B. Consul-General for Moscow, 6. 31 May, 1867 ; s. of the late Arthur Woodhouse, H.B.M. Consul for Riga; to. Marie Petrovna, d. of Peter KUmov, of Petrograd. Educ. : Oxenford House, Jersey ; Paris ; Odessa. Entered British Consulate-General at Odessa as Clerk, Oct. 1886 ; employed on the Afghan Boundary Commission Sept, 1887, to Feb. 1888 ; appointed Vice-Consul at Batoum, June, 1891, Odessa, April, 1893, Nicolaiev, April, 1895, Boston, Feb. 1905 ; Consul, St. Pierre- Miquelon, March, 1906, Thorshavn, Feb. 1907, Petrograd, Oct. 1907; Consul-General, New Orleans, April, 1919, Moscow, Feb. 1920. War Work : Petrograd during whole war and the Revolution ; voluntarily remained behind at Petrograd when the British Embassy left, Feb. 1918 ; carried on, with whole Consular Staff, tiU Aug. 1918 ; imprisoned in dungeons of Peter and Paul Fortress with other British officials and civUians arrested during Bolshevic armed raid on Embassy. Address : c/o Foreign Office, London, S.W. 1. Club : British Russia. (C3059) WOODHOUSE, Major Brierly, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WOODHOUSE, Lieut. Harold James Selborne, Baron Terrington, O.B.E, fi. 8 May, 1877 ; e. s. of the Right Hon. James Thomas, 1st Baron Terrington of Hudders field, Yorks (see Burke's Peerage); to. Vera Florence Annie, widow of "Guy Ivo Sebright. Educ. : Marl borough. War Work : Recruiting Officer, Westminster and St. Pancras, 1916 ; Substitution Officer, West London Area, 1917 ; MUitary Representative and National Service Repre sentative, Hammersmith and Paddington, 1917-18. Addresses : 11, Clarges Street, W. ; Spinfield, Marlow Bucks. Clubs: Bath ; Royal Thames Yacht ; Royal AutomobUe. (O4003) WOODHOUSE, Paymaster-Lieut.-Comm. Hector Roy MacKenzie, O.B.E, R.N. WOODHOUSE, Herbert, C.B.E, M.A, LL.D, J.P, fi. 1 Dec. 1859 ; s. of James Woodhouse, of Manchester ; m. Frances Harriette, d. of WiUiam J. HaUiday, of Manchester- Educ. : Manchester Grammar School, and Trinity HaU Cambridge. Clerk of the Peace for City and County of King ston-upon-HuU ; Commissioner for Oaths. President, North- West Hull Unionist Association ; Member of Law Committee, Leeds Univ. War Work : Chahman, Hull and East Riding Appeal Tribunal and of National Service (Hull) Tribunals Committee. Addresses : Eastfield House, Roos, E. Yorks ; Carlton House, The Park, HuU. Club : HuU and East Riding.(C3060) WOODHOUSE, Hon. Horace Marton, C.B.E, B.A, fi. 27 Oct. 1887 ; 2nd s. of the late Rt. Hon. Lord Terrington, of Huddersfield (see Burke's Peerage) ; m. Vale'rie, d. of George AUen PhiUips, of Eden Bridge, Kent. Educ. : Winchester; New CoU, Oxford. Barrister-at-law (1911) ; Assistant Sec. Ministry of Food (1919) ; Member of Central Com mittee ; Chairman of Wool Sub-Committee (Profiteering Act, 1919). Address : 14, Abingdon Court, Kensington, W. 8 ; Clubs : Reform ; Bath. (C1061) WOODHOUSE, Lieut.-Col. Percy St. John Ranee, OB.E, WOODIWISS, Major and Qr.-Mr. Edwin Sydney, M.B.E, Can. A.M.C. WOODLEY, Lieut.-Col. Ernest James, O.B.B, 6. 26 April, 1867 ; s. of Matthew FuUer Woodley, of Folkestone ; m. Selma IsabeUa, d. of Anders Ohlsson, of Cape Town, South Africa. Educ. : Tonbridge School. Lieut-Col. (ret.). Re serve of Officers. War Work : Rejoined from the Reserve of Officers, Aug. 1914, served tUl June, 1919 •Officer-in-Charge of a Section of Infantry Records, General Headquarters, 3rd Echelon, B.E.F. Address: Seckford HaU, Woodbridge, Suffolk. Club : Junior United Service. (02784) WOODLOCK, 2nd Lieut. David WilUam Fair, M.B.E. WOODMAN, Norah Blanche, M.B.E, fi. 12 April, 1885. Educ. : St. Helen's, Northwood, Middlesex. Trained Nurse ; Now Matron, Lambeth Infirmary. War Work : Matron of War Refugees Camp, Earl's Court, S.W. Address: Lambeth Infirmary, Brook Street, Kennington, S.E. 11. (M2671) WOODMORE, WiUiam James, M.B.E. WOODROFFE, Alban James, M.B.E. WOODROFFE, Brig.-Gen. Charles Richard, C.M.G, C.B.E, 6. 4 July, 1878 ; s. of the late G. W. P. Woodroffe, Royal Horse Guards ; m. Eleanor Mary, d. of the late Henry Barlow- Webb, of Holmdale, Holmbury St. Mary. Educ. : Radley. Joined R. Sussex ArtiUery MUitia, 1896-98; Royal ArtiUery, 1898 ; Capt. 1906 ; Major, 1914 ; attached Japanese Army, 1907-8 ; Japanese Interpreter, 1908 ; Adjutant, R.H.A, 1909-13 ; Staff Capt. 1913-14 ; D.A.Q.M.G. 1914-15 ; A.Q.M.G. 1915-16; D.A. and Q.M.G. 1917-18; served S. Africa, 1899-1902 (despatches, 2 medals, 5 clasps) ; European War, 1914-18 (C.M.G, C.B.E, Brevet Lieut.-Col, despatches 6 times) ; Officer Legion of Honour ; Order of Crown of Bel gium ; Croix de Guerre (Belgian) ; Croix de Guerre (French) ; Order of Sacred Treasure, 2nd class. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Ranelagh ; Royal Automobile. (C1134) WOODROFFE, Henry, O.B.E. WOODROFFE, Capt. Norman Frederic, O.B.E. WOODROFFE, WilUam Henry Plukenett, C.B.E. Dhector of Road Transport, Labour and Material, Ministry of Food, during Great War. (C1062) WOODROOFE, Henry, M.B.E. BIOGRAPHIES. Woollcombe WOODRUFF, Capt. Charles Reynolds, M.B.E, R.A.M.C. IT.). WOODRUFFE, Major John Sheldon, D.S.O, O.B.E.. 6. 1879. Roy. Sussex Regt. ; S. Africa, 1898-1902 (Queen's medal with two clasps, King's medal with two clasps) : Great War, 1914-18 (despatches). (09711) WOODS, AUred, O.B.E. WOODS, (CharUe) Roland, M.B.E, F.C.S, 6. 11 April, 1885; s.of Charlie Woods, A.CP.^ofSandownl.O.W. ; to. Sarah Hedley, d. of Thomas Anthony Widdrington, of Catford, S.E. Educ: Strand School ; King's Coll. ; Birkbeck Coll, London, and Gray's Inn. Assistant Sec. of the National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers ; Hon. Lector of the United Girls' School Mission, North Camberwell. War Work : Aug. 1914, joined Emergency Staff of the Commercial InteUigence Branch of the Board of Trade ; 1915, Assistant to H.M. Trade Commissioners in Canada ; 1916, Sec. of Departmental Com mittee on the Iron and Steel Trades ; 1917, Sec. of Committee on the Utilisation and Feeding of Horses ; 1918, Sec. of the Committee for the Administration of the Non-Ferrous Metals Act (Board of Trade). Addresses : Temple Bar House, Fleet Street ; Canvey, Marine Parade, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. Club : Essex Yacht. (M1114) WOODS, Constance Ada, Mrs, O.B.E. WOODS, Edith Louisa Sophia, Mrs., M.B.E, 6. 15 April, 1893 ; d. of Thomas John Humphreys, of Greenwich ; m. William Henry, s. of Capt. Henry William Woods, of Folkestone. Educ. : Royal Merchant Seamen's Orphanage at Snaresbrook, Joined the staff of Messrs. Andrew Weir & Co. at the age of 15, as telephone operator, gradually working upwards as Short hand Typist to the Private Department. War Work : Accom panied Mr. Andrew Weir (now the Rt. Hon. Lord Inverforth, J.P.), to the War Office, when he became the Surveyor General of Supply, serving in the capacity of lady Secretary. Address : 46, Lucerne Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey. (M573) WOODS, Surg.-Lieut. George Edmund, OB.E, L.D.S, R.N.V.R. WOODS, Major Harold, O.B.E, M.D. WOODS, Major James Cowan, O.B.E. WOODS, Sir James Williams, K.B.E. (1919). Director of Purchases, British War Mission in U.S.A. (K243) WOODS, John Alexander IngUs, M.B.E. WOODS, Dr. Lionel Dudley, O.B.E, 6. 24 Nov. 1885 ; s. of Thomas Arthur, of Rose Lodge, Douglas, Isle of Man. Educ. : King WilUams CoU, Isle of Man. Hon. Surgeon, Nobles Hospital, Isle of Man ; has Order of St. Sava, 4th class, and Legion of Honour. WarWork: Gazetted Lieut. R.A.M.C. Aug. 1914 ; Capt. Aug. 1915 ; Major, Sept. 1917 ; Surgical Specialist, Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, Aug. 1914, to June, 1916; from then tiU May, 1919, 37th General Hospital, Salonica Army, attached Royal Serbian Army ; Surgical Specialist and Officer-in-Charge of Surgical Division of that hospital. Address : 6, Albert Terrace, Douglas, Isle of Man. (06559) WOODS, Margery Adah, M.B.E. ; d. of late Captain Arthur C. Woods, R.N. War Work : Finance Dept, Ministry of Munitions, Aug. 1916, to Sept. 1920. (M10135) WOODS, Raymond Wybrow, CB.E, 6. 28 Aug. 1882; s. of James Chapman Woods, of HiUside, Swansea ; to. Maud EmUy Fenn, d. of Walter Reginald CoIUns, of Langland Bay, Glam. Educ : Cathedral School, Hereford. Secretary, Hon. Procurator-General, Prize Department ; Chief Clerk, Treasury SoUcitor's Department. War Work : In charge of Naval Prize work in the Department of H.M. Procurator- General. Address : 13, Upper PhUUmore Gardens, W. 8. Ctefis: Garrick: Roehampton. (C341) WOODS, Sqdn.-Leader Reginald Herbert, O.B.E., M.C, R.A.F. WOODS, Major Rickard John, O.B.E. WOODS, Fleet-Surg. Samuel Henry, O.B.E, B.Ch, B.A., R.N. WOODS, Walter WUUam, M.B.E., M.C, R.A.S.C. WOODS, Rev. WiUiam Maitland, O.B.E, V.D. WOODWARD, Charles WiUiam, M.B.E, 6. 21 June, 1886 , s. of Henry Woodward, of Plumstead. Educ. : City of London School. CivU Servant ; Assistant Principal, Board of Educa tion. War Work : Principal of Division, and Sec. to the War Office Commodities Committee in the War Trade Department, Westminster. Address : Park View, Parkview Road, Welling, Kent. (M2678) WOODWARD, Lieut. Frederiok Hugh, M.B.B, 6. 24 March, 1878 ; s. of Thomas Hopkins Woodward, of Blackheath. Educ: Cheltenham Grammar School, and Abroad. Produce Broker, Rootham Woodward & Co, Colonial House, 17, Tooley Street, S.E. 1. War Work : Arranged Prize Sales for Marshal of Admhalty, 1915 ; joined R.A.S.C, 1915 ; Officer-in-charge Accounts Forage Committee, Midland Area, 1916 ; Assistant Buyer in U.S.A. for British Ministry of Food, and AUied Pro vision Export Commission, Oct. 1916, to June, 1917 ; Deputy Director (in charge) British Ministry of Food (Canada) ; Mem ber Dahy Produce Commission ; Liasson Officer between French, Belgian, and Italian Govts, and Canadian Govts, for Food supplies, June, 1917, to June, 1918. Address : 43, Lee Road, Blackheath, London, S.E. 3. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; United R.A.S.C (M10136) WOODWARD, Capt. Frederick WilUam, O.B.E. WOODWARD, George Ernest, C.B.E, fi. 26 AprU, 1865 ; s. of John Woodward of Dorking; m. MUdred, d. of WUliam Aste, of Streatham. Educ : Privately. Admhalty Service since 1883 ; now Senior Armament Supply Officer, Chatham District. War Work : 1912-17, in charge of Ammunition Supply Section, Naval Ordnance Dept, Admiralty ; 1917-19, Dhector of Ammunition Production, Admhalty. Address : Upnor Castle, nr. Rochester. (C678) WOODWARD, Sydney John, M.B.E, 6. 19 March, 1882 ; s. of Henry Woodward, of Paddington ; to. Emily, d. of Michael McKigney, of Ballicallin, Co. Londonderry. Steward, Queen Mary's Hospital for children, Carshalton, Surrey. War Work : First Superintendent of Poland Street Refugee Home under Jewish Authorities ; Works Managor, Belgian War Refugees Camp, Earl's Court Exhibition,1914-19. Address : Queen Mary's Hospital for Children, Carshalton, Surrey. (M4099) WOODWARD, Capt. Vivian John, O.B.E. WOODWARD, Capt. WilUam Henry, M.B.B. WOODWARK, Col. Arthur Stanley, C.M.G, C.B.E, M.D. fi. 1875 ; s. of G. S. Woodwark, J.P, m. 1912, Hilda Mary, d. of Sir Richard Atkinson Robinson. Col. Army Med. Ser. Address: 4, Harley Street, W.l. (C1818) WOODWARK, Major George Graham, C.B.E, 6. 1 July, 1876 ; s. of George Smith Woodwark, of King's Lynn. Educ. : King Edward VII. Grammar School. Vice-Consul for France ; Member of King's Lynn Borough Council, and of Norfolk Territorial Force Association. War Work : Com manded Battalions in England and France ; mentioned in despatches ; awarded the Legion of Honour, 1918 ; served in the British War Mission to the U.S.A. Addresses : 4. Harley Street, W. 1; Croylands, King's Lynn. Club : National Sporting. (C3061) WOODWRIGHT, Surg.-Rear Adm, Charles Sharman, C.B.E, R.N. Served in Great War, 1914-19, as Principal Med. Officer, Sudan (mentioned in despatches). (C2304) WOODYEAR, Dene M, M.B.B. ; d. of John A. S. Wood- year. War Work : IntelUgence Branch, War Office. (M1115) WOOLCOCK, WilUam James Uglow, CB.E, M.P, ft. 6 Sept 1878 ; s. of the Rev. James Woolcock, of Penzance ; to. Katherine Maud, d. of J. T. Homer, J P, of Witchampton. Educ. : Privately. Barrister-at-Law ; ParUamentary Private Sec. to Ministry of Munitions ; General Manager bf the Associa tion of British Chemical Manufacturers. War Work : Chah man, Committee 5 (Medical Supplies), Surveyor-General's Department, War Office. Address : 166, Piccadilly, W. 1. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; National Liberal ; Chemical Industry. (C30621 WOOLCOMBE, Lilian Mary, M.B.E. WOOLCOTT, Francis Mary, Mrs., C.B.E. Hon. Organiser of Button Fund during the Great War. (C368) WOOLDRIDGE, Capt. GUbert de Lacy, O.B.E, R.A.F. WOOLDRIDGE, Jane Anne, M.B.E. ; d. of Thomas Wooldridge, of Hungerford. Educ. : Privately in England, Paris, and Germany. Joined the British Red Cross Society, 1910 ; Commandant of Berks. 42, 1911 ; War Work : Opened Hospital, Feb. 1915, in Hungerford Technical Institute with twelve beds ; at request of War Office, increased to forty beds ; auxiliary to Tedworth Military Hospital. Address ; The Bridge House, Hungerford. (M10138) WOOLDRIDGE, Walter, M.B.E, R.N.R. WOOLER, Lieut. Lionel Sykes, M.B.E, R.A. WOOLF, Albert Morris, O.B.E, 6. 3 Nov. 1856 ; s of Edward Woolf, of 1, Marlborough Place, N.W. ; to. Martha, d. of Henry Isaacs, of Aucldand, N.Z. Educ. : Neumageus School, Kew. Vice-President of the United Synagogue. War Work : Jewish War Service Committee ; Vice-President of the Jewish Belgian Refugee Committee, under the Local Govern ment Board. Address: 52, Priory. Road, London, N.W. Club : British Empire. ^ _^ _^ (O llbo. I) WOOLF, Capt. Edward Savile, O.B.E., fi. 12 Oct. 1896 ; s. of Major H. G. Woolf, of Semley, Woking ; m. Mildred Lucy, d. of F. E. Scully. Educ. : Malvern Coll. ; R.M.C, Sandhurst. War Work : With R.A.S.C. in France, July, 1915, to May, 1920 ; D.A.D.T. (G.H.Q.), May, 1918. Address : BuUer Bar racks, Aldershot. Club : R.A.S.C „. (0i™ WOOLF, Mortimer, O.B.E.. 6. 23 April, 1857 ; s. of Edward Woolf, of London; m. Miriam, d. of John Jonas, ot London. Educ. : Privately. Manufacturer. War Work : Interested in, and assisted Belgian Refugees Address: Mayfield, Mortimer Crescent, London, N.W. Clubs ¦'British Empire; Royal Automobile. l n t S> WOOLF, Paymaster-Comm. Thomas Alfred, u.a.ih., R NWOOLFE, Capt. Francis Alexander, M.B.E, R.A.F. WOOLL, Capt. Edward, O.B.E. WOOLLAM, Henry, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 7 Aug. 1862 ; S. of John WooUand, of Wem. Shropshire ; m. Clementine d. of Christopher G. Polwin, of Falmouth. Educ : British School Wem Shropshire. War Work : Assistant Commissioner and Chief Distribution Officer for Midland Division, Mimstry of Food. Address: Greenfield ViUa, Wem, Shropshire 'P1"6.4 WOOLLARD, Frank George, M.B.E 6. 22 Sept. 1883 , s. of George Woollard, of London ; to Katherine Elizabeth d. of Henry Richards, of London. Educ : City of London School. Assistant Managing Director, E. G Wngley & Co Ltd. ; Member of Council of Institution of Automobile Engi neers War Work : Design and Construction of Motor Trans port and Tank Components. Address : 8, HaU Road Hands- worth, Bhmingham. . . .., (Mino; WOOLLCOMBE, Rev. Edward Peroival, O.B.B WOOLLCOMBE, LUian Mary, M.B.E.; d of Richard Woollcombe, of 31, Cleveland Square. War Work : Red Cross 563 Woollcombe THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. V A D Oct. 1914, to May, 1919, in various parts of France ; mentioned in despatches. Address: 31, Cleveland Square, London, W. 2. Club : Portsmouth. (M10137) WOOLLCOMBE, Capt. Malcolm Louis, O.B.E. WOOLLETT, Major Sydney Winslow, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. WOOLLEY, Alfred, O.B.E. WOOLLEY, Constance Maria, M.B.E. WOOLLEY, Frederick George, M.B.E. WOOLLEY, Lieut. Ivor WilUam, O.B.E, R.A.S.C WOOLLEY, Capt. Reginald George, M.B.E. WOOLLEY, Walter James, C.B.E. WOOLLEY, Comm. WUUam, O.B.E, R.N. WOOLLISCROFT, George WiUiams, O.B.E, J.P. WOOLMER, Andrew Charles, O.B.E. WOOLMER, Charles Edward, O.B.E, fi. 23 April, 1875; s. of E. S. Woolmer, of London ; m. Ada Louise, d. of William Avens, of Portsmouth. Educ. : Privately. Sec. to Com modore, Hong-Kong Naval Yard, 1902-5; Sec. to Admiral Superintendent, Malta Naval Yard, 1911-19 ; Cashier, Rosyth Naval Yard, 1919. War Work: Sec. to the Admiral Supt. and Senior Naval Officer of Malta Yard ; also Cashier of Malta Yard, and responsible for distributing money to the Mediter ranean and Adriatic Fleets throughout the War. (01167) WOOLRYCH, Capt. Stanley Herbert CunUffe, O.B.E. WOOLSTON, Thomas Henry, C.B.E, J.P, D.L, fi. 10 March, 1855 ; s. of Samuel Hames Woolston, of WelUng- borough ; to. Florence Katherine, d. of William Moxon, M.R.C.S, J.P, of Northampton. Educ : WeUingborough Grammar School, and St. Paul's, Stony Stratford. County Dhector, Northamptonshire AuxiUary MiUtaty Hospitals and V.A.D.s, Northamptonshire T.F.A. ; Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; Member of Board of Management of Northampton General Hospital, and Vice- Chairman of Finance Committee ; Chahman of Northampton Crippled Children's Fund ; Hon. Commissioner St. John Ambulance Brigade. War Work : County Director AuxiUary Military Hospitals, 1600 beds, V.A.D.s, and transport of Sick and Wounded Soldiers during whole period of war. Addresses : 53, East Park Parade, Northampton ; The White Cottage, Caister-on-Sea, Norfolk. (C679) WOOLWAY, Capt. Charles Gordon, M.B.E, R.E. WOOMBELL, Capt. Thomas, M.B.E, K.R.R.C. WOOSLEY, Capt. Ernest Harry, M.B.E, R.A.O.C WOOSNAM, Capt. Charles Earnshaw, O.B.E, fi. 2 Dec. 1886 ; s. of George Woosnam, of Newtown, Mont. Solicitor ; Member of Bhmingham Citizens' Committee. War Work : Staff Capt, Q.M.G, War Office. Address: 19, Waterloo Street, Bhmingham. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (07883) WOOTTON, Capt. Herbert, M.B.E. WOOTTON, Capt. Herbert Arthur, M.B.E. WORDIE, Major William, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. (T.). WORDINGHAM, Charles Henry, C.B.E, M.I.C.E. M.I.E.E, M.I.M.E, A.I.N.A, F.S.A, 6. 14 April, 1866 ; s. of William Hales Wordingham, of Twickenham ; m. Emily Anne, d. of Charles John West, of Maryboro', Queensland. Educ. : King's Coll. School, London, and King's CoU, London. Past President, Institution of Electrical Engineers ; Past President, Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association ; City Electrical Engineer, Manchester, 1893-1901 ; Dhector of Electrical Engineering, Admiralty, 1903-18 ; Consulting Engineer, advising numerous Local Authorities and others, including large electric supply schemes, e.g. Greater London, promoted by the Conference of London Boroughs, East Midland, etc. War Work: Responsible both during and before the war for the design aud superintendence, during construction and erection, of the electrical equipment of the whole of H.M. ships of aU classes ; also for the electrical equipment of Rosyth Dockyard, and of all the Naval Air Stations, and for advising on all important questions of electric Ught and power in connection with the Royal Dockyards and other shore establishments. Addresses : 7, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W. 1 ; 11, Mosley Street, Manchester; Beechgrove, Ridgeway Road, RedhiU, Surrey. Clubs .- St. Stephen's ; Engineers'. (C680) WORDSWORTH, Annie EUzabeth, M.B.E. ; d. of John Wordsworth. Educ. : Dolgelley, and Univ, Bangor. Head Mis tress, Victoria Girls' School, Wrexham. War Work : Organised voluntary labour to deal with fifing, etc, of registration cards ; Organising Sec. under Women's Branch, Board of Agriculture, Denbighshire ; Divisional Organiser, Board of Agriculture, for S. Wales. Address : Victoria School, Wrexham. (M2674) WORGAN, Lieut.-Col. Sydney Drummond, CB.E. Lieut.- Col. and Staff-Paymaster, Army Pay Depart. ; served to Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1135) WORK, Thomas Budge, O.B.E. WORKMAN, AUce HiU, O.B.E. WORKMAN, Margaret ElUot, O.B.E. WORKMAN.Leiut.-Col.WolstonThomas, C.B.E. Lieut.- Col. Canadian Chap. Sers. (C1141) WORLEY, Sir Arthur, Knt. Bach, C.B.E, F.C.I.I, 6. 10 May, 1871 ; s. of PhUip Worley, of Manchester ; m. Edith, d. of Thomas Kay, of Pendleton. Educ : Manchester. General Manager, North British and Mercantile Insur. Co. ; Manager, Railway Passengers Assurance Companv ; Manager, Ocean Marine Insurance Co, Ltd. ; Chairman, Fine Art and General Insurance Co, Ltd. War Work : Member of the Advisory Committee to the Mimstry of Munitions under the Explosives Liability Act. Address : 61, Threadneedle Street, E C 2 • The Gables, Oxshott, Surrey. Clubs : Constitutional ; British Empire. (C681) 561 WORLIDGE, Capt. Edward, CB.E. WORLLEDGE, Edward William, O.B.E, M.A, J.P., b. 27 Jan. 1850; s. of His Honour the late Judge Woriledge, of Ipswich ; to. Edith Georgiana, d. of the late Rev. WilUam Wigston, of Rushmere Vicarage, Ipswich. Educ. : Ipswich School, and Jesus College, Cambridge. District Registrar of the High Court of Justice ; Registrar and High BaUiff of County Court ; 4 times Mayor of the County Borough of Great Yarmouth, and for 30 years Chahman of the Local Education Authority. War Work : Mayor during two years of the War (1915-17) ; also Chahman of the Local Tribunal, and of the Local War Pensions, Food Control, War Savings, and Employ ment Committees. Address : 10, Albert Square, Great Yar mouth. (011668) WORLLEDGE, Capt. John Penry Garnons, O.B.E, R.E. WORMALD, Arthur, O.B.E. WORMALD, Sir John, K.B.E, M.I.C.E, J.P, fi. 1 July, 1 859 ; m. Eleanor Mabel, d. of the late Henry Simms, of Oriel Lodge, Bath. Educ. : Royal High School, and Univ. Edin burgh. Dhector of Mather & Piatt, Ltd, Engineers, of Manchester and Westminster ; J.P. (Oxford) ; High Sheriff, 1916-17 ; Lord of the Manor of North Stoke ; was a Member of the Munitions Finance Board, and Chahman of the Industrial and General Services Committee of the War Cabinet Committee, 1916-19. Addresses : 37, Sloane Street, S.W. 1 ; Springs, North Stoke, Oxfordshire. Clubs : Brooks's ; Cavendish. (K244) WORMALD, Rev. Robert Leonard, M.B.E. WORMALD, Walter, M.B.E. WORMALD, William, O.B.E, fi. 23 Sept. 1871 ; s. of WiUiam Wormald, of Wakefield ; to. Bessie, d. of John Cranke, of Cumberland. Educ. : Leeds Higher Grade School. Rail way District Agent. War Work : Chairman of War Pensions Committee ; War Savings Committee ; Food Control Com mittee ; Recruiting Officers' Advisory Committee. Club : Rotherham Unionist. (011669) WORRALL, Gladstone Walter, M.B.E., M.Sc, D.Eng, 6. 1 March, 1881 ; s. of Robert John Worrall, of Liverpool ; m. Winifred EmUy, g.d. of Alderman Thomas Cook, J.P, of Birkenhead. Educ. : Liverpool Univ. ; Technische Hoch- schule, Karlsruhe. Consulting Electrical Engineer, Vulcan BoUer and General Insurance Co, Ltd. War Work : Chief Engineer, H.M. Factory, Penrhyndeudraeth ; Electrical Engineer, H.M. Factory, Henbury ; Superintendent Engineer, Ammonium Nitrate Section, Explosives Dept, Mimstry of Munitions ; Chief Inspector of Factory Construction, Chemical Gas Section, Factories Branch, Ministry of Munitions ; Works Manager, Electro Bleach and By-Products, Ltd, Middlewich (manufacturers of Poison Gas and other war chemicals). Address : The Priory, Middlewich. (M10143) WORSDELL, Brevet-Major Geoffrey Bradford, O.B.E, Alexandra, Princess of Wales' Own Yorkshire Regt (Signal Service), 6. 16 Feb. 1883 ; s. of Wilson Worsdell, J.P, of Ascot ; m. Winifred Marv, d. of John Livesey Lee, J.P, of Wakefield. Educ. : Charterhouse, and Trinity Coll, Cambridge. First gazetted. Sept. 1906 ; Capt, Jan. 1915. Addresses : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, 3, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. ; The Glebe, South Ascot, Berks. (06734) WORSLEY, Comm. Frank Arthur, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R, 6. 1872 ; s. of Henry Theophilus Worsley, of Akaroa, N.Z. Educ. : Christehurch, New Zealand. Master Mariner and Explorer (commanded Sir E. Shackleton's ship, S.Y. " Endur- ance,"and navigated boat 800 m. from Elephant Is. to S.Georgia). War Work : Commanded H.M.S. " P.61," H.M. mystery ship "Paugloss," H.M.S. "Cricket," and H.M.S. "M.24"; rammed and sank German submarine ; captured the captain and towed oiler "San Ziferino" whUe pursued by German submarines ; served 1 year with army under Gen. Ironsides, as Director of Arctic Equipment for Archangel Front ; won bar to D.S.O, and 2nd Class St. Stanislaus, in actions against Bolsheviks. Address : Ringloes, Fendalton, Christehurch, New Zealand. Club : Road. (O11670) WORSLEY, Geoffrey, O.B.E. WORSSAM, Lieut. Charles Archie, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. WORSWICK, Major Thomas, O.B.E, R.A.F. WORSWICK, Gertrude, Mrs. Worsley, O.B.E, 6. 28 Jan. 1884 ; d. of F. E. Harding, of Old Springs, Market Drayton ; m. Richard, s. of Major William Worsley Worswick, of Normanton Hall, Hinckley. Educ : Privately. War Work : Joint Management of CathoUc Clubs in France ; worked at those at Harve, Etaples, and Dunkirk, and at Cologne. Address : Normanton Hall, Hinckley. (02035) WORT, Capt. Walter Edward, O.B.E, M.I.M.E, M.I.N.A. I.O.M, R.A.O.C; s. of Walter Wort, of Teddington; m. Frances Edith, d. of John Dennis, of Newport. Educ. : Waverley Coll, Eastbourne ; Anerly Coll, Anerly. Con sulting Bngineer and Naval Architect. War Work : Had charge of Army Ordnance Workshops on the Doiran front, also took workshops through Turkey and Bulgaria on the advancing of our forces ; was inspector of Ordnance Machinery with the B.E.F, March, 1916, to April, 1919. (O6560) WORTH, Major Reginald, O.B.E, M.B, R.A.M.C WORTH, Capt. WiUiam Percy, M.B.E. WORTHAM, Lieut.-Col. Harold Charles Webster Hale, f- "R "R T\ ^ O ' WORTHINGTON, Frank Vigers, C.B E, F.R.G.S, F.Z.S, 6. 21 April, 1874 ; s. of late James Worthington, of Belcombe Brook, Bradford-on-Avon ; to. Gladys Elma, d. of Major K. F. Maclachlan, late R.H.A. Educ. : Repton. Sec. for Native BIOGRAPHIES. Wright Affairs and Judge of the Administrator's Court, Northern Rhodesia ; retired, Jan. 1914. War Work : 1915-19, Deputy Chief Postal Censor ; O.B.E, 1917 ; Deputy Director-General of Awards, Ministry of Pensions, 1919 ; C.B.E, 1920. Ad dress : 20, Montpelier Square, Knightsbridge. Club : St. James' (C3003) WORTHINGTON, Major Frank, D.S.O, O.B.E, E.A.M.C. WORTHINGTON, Gwenyth, M.B.E, fi. 2 June, 1888; d. of late Ernest Andrew, of HUlesdon, Leek, Staffs. Educ. : St. Mande\ Paris. At present training at St. Thomas's Hospital, S.E. 1. War Work : Commandant of Red Cross Hospital, Foxlowe, Leek, Dec. 1914, to March, 1919. Address ; HUles don, Leek, Staffs. Club : Lady Golfers' (M2677) WORTHINGTON, Lieut. John Ramsay, M.B.E. WORTHINGTON, Nora Mary Bayley, M.B.E, 6. 24 Aug. 1883 ; d. of Arthur Bayley Worthington, of Charlton, Singleton, Chichester. Educ. : Worcester Park School, Surrey, and Brussels. War Work : 1916-17 Commandant in charge of the Post Office at the B.R.C.S. Hdqrs, Boulogne ; 1917-20, Com mandant in charge of G.S. V.A.D. Units at St. Omer, Trouville, Havre, and Wimereux. Address : Charlton, Singleton, Chi chester. Clubs : Portsmouth ; V.A.D. Ladies'. (M2676) WORTHINGTON, Robert AUred, O.B.E, M.B, B.C., JIB no WORTHINGTON, Thomas, C.B.E. Sometime Head of Commercial Intelligence Depart. Board of Trade. (C342) WORTHINGTON, Capt. WiUiam Wilfred, O.B.E. WORTLEY, Edward Jocelyn, M.B.E. - WORTLEY, Capt. Ernest Dixon, O.B.E, R.A.M.C WORTLEY, Violet, Hon. Mrs. E. STUART-, C.B.E, fi. 1866; d. of James Alexander Guthrie, of Craigie; to. Edward, s. of Hon. Francis Stuart- Wortley (see Burke's Peerage, Wharn- cliffe,E.) WarWork: Worked in connection with the Y.M.C.A. Address: Hlghcliffe Castle, Christehurch. (C312) WOTHERSPOON, Ellen, O.B.E. Hon. Organiser, Tun bridge Wells Association of Voluntary Workers. (011791c) WOTHERSPOON, Capt. John Armour, M.B.E, R.E. WOTTON, Walter John, M.B.E, WOTZEL, Anthony Andrew Augustine, O.B.E, F.S.S, 6. 22 Aug. 1864 ; s. of late C. A. Wotzel, of Mountain View, Laurel Hill, Limerick, Ireland ; m. Mary Elizabeth ; d. of Patrick DiUon Dwin, of Fern Hall, Co. Roscommon. Educ. : Privately, and King's Coll, London. Appointed to Board of Trade, Nov. 1883, after open competitive examination ; ap pointed Registrar of Conciliation Boards in 1897 ; translator to the Board of Trade in 1905 ; Chief Staff Officer, Board of Trade in 1913 ; Principal Clerk, Ministry of Labour, 1918. War Work : Editor of " Economic Notes " (from Enemy Press), showing changes in enemy's fighting capacity from the economic point of view. Address : Bohemia, Belmont, Surrey. (0882) WRAITH, Col. Ernest Arnold, CB.E, D.S.O, 6. 1876 ; s. of A. Wraith, of Wakefield ; to. Gwendolen, d. of O'Connell Jones, of Saltburn-by-Sea. Educ. : Wakefield School and Victoria University. Late Hon. Surgeon, Derbyshhe Chil dren's Hospital ; CivU Surgeon, S. African War, 1900-1. Wm Work: O.C 1st N. Midland Field Ambulance, 1914-18 ; A.D.M.S, 58th Division, 1918-19 ; ' thrice mentioned in despatches. Address : little Stretton, Salop. Clubs : Derby ; Shrewsbury. (C1348) WRANGHAM, Lieut.-Col. WilUam, O.B.E., M.D, R.A.M.C. WRATE, Paymaster-Lieut. James Frederick. M.B.B, R.N. WRATISLAW, Albert Charles, C.B, C.M.G, CB.E., 6. 17 Oct. 1862 ; s. of Rev. A. H. Wratislaw, of Bury St. Edmund's. Educ. : Rossall. Consul-General at Tabriz, Canea, Salonica, and Beyrout. Address : 13, York House, Kensington, W. 8. (C682) WRAY, Cecil James, M.B.E. WRAY, EUen, M.B.E. WRAY, Rev. Frederiok WilUam, C.M.G, C.B.E, ft. 1864 ; ». of Robert Mackie Wray. Curate of Dookie, Victoria, 1894- 96 ; Minister of Euroa, Victoria, 1896-1902 ; Rector of St. Cuthbert, Yarrawonga, 1902-13 ; since when he has been Sector of Rushworth, Victoria ; S. African War, 1900-2, as Chap. Australian troops (medal with six clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19, as Chap. Australian Imperial Forces (despatches twice). Address : Rushworth, Victoria, Australia. (C1847) WRAY, John James, M:B.E„ R.G.A. WRAY, Lieut.-Col. John Willoughby, CB.E. Indian Army (ret.); served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1136) WRAY, Comm. Thomas Henry ROBERTS-, O.B.E, K.D, R.N.V.R. WREN Albert Charles, M.B.E. WREN, Evelyn Emma Amelia, Mrs., O.B.B, 6. 12 July, "54 ; d. of Beale Blackwell Colvin, of Pishobury, Herts, and Monkhams, Waltham Abbey, Essex ; m. Joseph, s. of George Wren, of King Street, Edinburgh. War Work : Vice-President of the Lexden and Winstree Division of Essex V.A.D. ; Commandant of Gostwycke Hospital Colchester, Oct. 1914, to March, 1917 ; Member of the Red Cross Executive Committee tor Essex. Address : Colneford House, White Coine, Essex. (O4004) WRENCH, Capt. Charles Croydon, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. WREY, Lieut.-Comm. Edward Charles, O.B.E. „ WREY, Capt. WiUiam Sherard, BOURCHIER-, C.M.G, CB.E, R.N, 6. 1865 ; s. of Sir Henry Bourchier-Wrey, 10th Baronet of Tawstock Court, Barnstaple, Devon (see Burke's Peerage) ; to. Flora Bathurst, d. of Vice-Admiral Greive, of Ord House, Berwick-on-Tweed. Midshipman H.M.S. " Superb " at Bombardment of Alexandria, 1882, and at Suakim, 1884 (medal, 2 clasps, bronze star) ; promoted Commander for services as 2nd in command Naval Brigade, Relief of Pekin, 1 900 ; mentioned in despatches (medal and clasp). War V/ork : Served as Principal Naval Transport Officer. South ampton, with rank of Commodore ; Officer of Order Crown of Belgium, 1917 ; Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure, 1918 ; Distinguished Service Medal of U.S. America, 1919 ; British War and Victory Medals. Elected Hon. Member of Royal Yacht Squadron, 1901. Address : Taw Green, Westbourne, Sussex. Club : Naval and MUitary. (C1593) WRIGHT, Comm. Alexander GaUoway, O.B.E, R.N. WRIGHT, Brevet Lieut.-Col. Alfred, C.B.E, R.A.M.C, ft. 1863 ; s. of John Wright, M.D, J.P, of Wynberg, S. Africa ; to. Mabel K, d. of William Fleming, of M.L.A, S. Africa. Sduc. : St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Entered R.A.M.C, 1887, served in S. African War. War Work : Imperial Medical Administrative Officer, S. Africa Military Command at Cape, Base of Operations for German S.W. and E. African Campaigns, 1914-19. Address : c/o Messrs. Holt & Co, Bankers, London. (C2192) WRIGHT, Sir Almroth Edward, K.B.E, C.B, M.D., F.R.S, 6. 1861 : s. of the late Rev. Charles H. H. Wright, D.D. ; to. Jane Georgina, d. of R. M. Wilson, J.P, of Carlcarrigan, Co. KUdare. Educ : Dublin Univ. and abroad. Demon strator of Pathology, Cambridge, 1887 ; Army Medical School,' Netley, 1892-1902; of Physiology, Sydney, 1889; Member of the Indian Plague Commission, 1898-1900 ; Originator of the System of Anti-Typhoid Inoculation and Therapeutic Inoculation for Bacterial Infections ; served as Consultant Physician in France during Great War, 1914-19 ; Hon, F.R.CS.I. ; Hon. Sc.D. (Dublin and Leeds), Fothergillian Gold Medal, Med. Soc. of London, 1908 ; Hungarian Prize, International Med. Congress, Lond. 1910; Le Conte Prize, Academy des Sciences, 1915 ; Hon. Burgess of the City of Belfast ; Director of the Dept. for Therapeutic Inoculation St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, W. j attached to the Med. Research Service under the Nat. Ins. Act; Professor of Experimental Pathology, Univ. of London. Gold Medallist Roy. Soc. Med. and Institute of France: Foreign Member of the Academie de Medicine, Paris. Address : 6, Pembroke Square, W. 8. (K192) WRIGHT, Arthur, O.B.E. WRIGHT, Arthur James, M.B.B, J.P. WRIGHT, Capt. Arthur John, O.B.E, R.A.O.C. WRIGHT, Rev. Arthur Yeomans, M.B.B, 6. 6 Feb. 1889 ; s. of Rev. John Wright, of Shrewsbury. Educ : Wood- house Grove School, Yorks, and Headingley Coll, Leeds. Wesleyan Chaplain to the Forces. War Work : First Non conformist Chaplain appointed to I.E.F. " D " (Mesopotamia) ; Basra, Sept. 1915, with the 6th (Indian) Division at Battle of Ctesiphon, the retirement, and through the siege of Kut-el- Amara ; prisoner of war in Turkey, April, 1916, to Nov. 1918. Addresses : Ipsley, Underdale Road, Shrewsbury, England ; Wesleyan Manse, Kirkee, Poona, India. (M6520) WRIGHT, Calvin, M.B.E. WRIGHT, Cecily Gertrude, Mrs., C.B.E. ; d. of Henry Cartwright, of London ; m. William Frederick, s. of William Thomas Wright, of Middlesex. Educ. : Privately. War Work ¦ Hon. Organiser and Dhector of the Sutton War Hospital Supply Depot and Surgical Requisities Association in connec tion with Queen Mary's Needlework Guild. Address : Lismore Langley Park, Sutton, Surrey. (C3064) WRIGHT, Capt. Charles, M.B.E, R.A.O.C. WRIGHT, Charles Franois, O.B.E, 6. 1865 ; s. of Charles Francis Wright, of Bhmingham; to. Bertha, d. of Samuel Pettit, of Stanwick, Northants. Educ. : King Edward s School, Birmingham. Appointed H.M. Inspector of Factories, 1892, and H.M. Supt. Inspector, 1913. War Work : Commissioner, Ministry of National Service, 1917 ; Technical Adviser to Re served Occupations Committee, 1915-18 ; Chairman of Com mittee for the replacement of men by women in the Woollen and Worsted Industry, and in the Cutlery Industry. Address: West Park, Leeds. I ?t > WRIGHT, Capt. Charles Seymour, O.B.E, M.C, R.E.U.). WRIGHT, Clare Elise Ellington, M.B.E, 6. 20 Sept. 1888 • d of Arthur Wright, of London. Educ : Privately. and Oxford and London Universities. Sec. to Professor W G S Adams, All Souls Coll., Oxford, 1912. War Work: Editor of " Daily Notes from the Foreign Press on Economic Subjects " in War Trade Intelligence Department, 1915-19. Address: The Hanburies, Eastbourne. Club: Forum WRIGHT, Lieut. Douglas WUUam, M.B.E, WRIGHT, Edmund, M.B.E. WRIGHT, Lieut.-Col. Edward Constable, O.B.E. WRIGHT, Col. Ernest Granville, C.B.E, 6. 1865 ; served with the Burma Expedition 1886-9 (medal with two clasps) ; China Lushai Expedition 1889-90 (clasp); Tibet, 1903-4 (medal); Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches^ WRIGHT, Ernest John, O.B.E. WRIGHT, Major Ernest Trevor Langebear, D.S.O, OBE R.A.S.C. Formerly Capt. Hussars ; S. Africa, 1901-2 (Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches twice). (05966) 565 Wright THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. WRIGHT, Florence Helena, M.B.B, "b. 1868 ; d. of George Thomas Wright, J.P, of Longstone Hall, Derbyshire. Educ. : Lausanne, Switzerland. Commandant, Llandudno Branch of B.R.C.S. since 1912. War Work: Organised hospital in 1914 with 25 beds, nursing first the sick of the Welsh Brigade training in the town, later taking overseas cases, and increasing the beds to 120. Address : Preswylfa, Abbey Road, Llandudno. (M2682) WRIGHT, Col. Francis Granville, C.B.E, fi. 1865. Burma Expedition, 1886-89 (medal with two clasps) ; Chin Lushai Expedition, 1889-90 (clasp) ; Tibet, 1903-4 (medal) ; Great War, 1914-19 (despatches). (C1819) WRIGHT, Lieut. Frank Thomas, M.B.E. WRIGHT, Frank WUson, O.B.E. WRIGHT, Col. George, CB.E, D.S.O, fi. 1860 ; s. of the late Robert John Wright, of Norwich. Entered R.A. 1879 ; Capt, 1887 ; Major, 1897 ; Lieut.-Col, 1904 ; Col. 1909 (ret.) ; served in S. Africa, 1900-1 (despatches, D.S.O.) ; Command of troops in Rhodesia, 1902 ; Commanding R.A. in Straits Settlements, 1904-7 ; Shoeburyness, 1907-9 ; Ap pointed Gen. Staff Officer, 1914. (C1820) WRIGHT, George Hudson, O.B.E. WRIGHT, Lieut, and Qr.-Mr. Harry, M.B.E. WRIGHT, Henry, O.B.E, WRIGHT, Major Horace Leaf, O.B.E. WRIGHT, Hugh, M.B.B. WRIGHT, Lieut.-Col. James, O.B.B, R.E. WRIGHT, James Brown, C.B.E., LL.D, B.A, fi. 1861 ; s. of Samuel Wright, J.P, of NewbUss, Co. Monaghan ; to. Zara, d. of late Trevor Corry, of Belmont, Newry. Educ. : Trinity Coll, DubUn. Joined R.I. Constabulary as Cadet, 1887 ; appointed District Inspector, 1888, and served in the counties of Cork and Limerick and City of Belfast ; appointed Chief Constable of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1899, and stUl serving as such. War Work : Assisted Naval and Military authorities and was responsible for the carrying out of all poUce arrangements in an important centre, and as mobilising officer of Fhe Brigade, for fire protection in the N.E. of England ; Member of Com mission on Irish PoUce Pay, 1919 ; Member of Police CouncU, 1920. Address : 84, Osborne Road. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (C683) WRIGHT, James Brown, M.B.B, 6. 25 April, 1851 ; s. of Elias Wright, of Salisbury ; m. Marian, d. of WiUiam Charles Newman, of PimUco. Educ : St. Martin's National School, SaUsbury. Liberal Political Agent for Evesham Division. War Work : Hon. Sec. Evesham Division Parlia mentary Recruiting Committee, and for National Service ; Sub-Advisory National War Aims ; National War Savings Local Committee ; Sec. to the Worcestershire War Agricultural Sub-Committee dealing with 4 camps of German prisoners employed to Agriculture. Address : 20, Northwick Road, Evesham. (M10146) WRIGHT, John, M.B.E, 6. 18 Feb. 1857 ; s. of Thomas Wright, of Bishopbriggs, Lanarkshire ; m.. Bessie, d. of Robert Haddow, of Dumbarton. Educ. : Cadder Public School, Bishopbriggs. Superintendent in the Dumbartonshire Con stabulary at Helensburgh. War Work : Rendered valuable service to the officer to charge of the Intelligence Department of the War Office, in connection with the mUitary policy in dealing with aliens and persons suspected of- acting against the interests of the country. Address : Didholm, Helensburgh. (M10148) WRIGHT, John Brown, O.B.E, 6. 23 Dec. 1872 ; s. of WUliam Wright, of Glasgow ; m. Cecilia Thom, d. of Alexander Mason, of Glasgow. Educ. : Hutcheson's Grammar School, Glasgow. Late Deputy Dhector of Cheese for Ministry of Food ; now one of the Managing Directors of the Harris (Calne) and the General Produce Co, Ltd, Bristol and London, S.W. War Work : Organised and managed the department for controUed Imported Cheese for the Board of Trade from June, 1917 ; formulated and launched tl.3 first complete Food Control Scheme in Great Britain, which was for Imported Cheese ; managed this department for the Board of Trade until end of year 1917, when the whole department was taken over by the Ministry of Food ; took charge of the commercial section of the Cheese Division of the Ministry of Food from 1918 until 1920 ; formulated and launched complete schemes for control of Home Cheese right through from producer to consumer ; co-ordinated the control of both Imported and Home Cheese so as to allow of consumers all over the country obtaining cheese at one flat rate irrespective of source of supply or original cost ; supplied all cheese requhements of the Army and Navy. Address : Meldreth, Bridle Road, Purley, Surrey. Club : Royal AutomobUe. (O4005) WRIGHT, John Graham, C.B.E, 6. 1873 ; s. of late William G. Wright, of Dvtoe, Ayrshire ; to. Elizabeth Mac- farlan, d. of the late John Young, of Cross Lynne, New KU patrick. Edue. : Blah Lodge, Stirlingshire. Partner in the firm of Wright, Graham & Co, Glasgow and London. War Work : Deputy Dhector of Overseas Ship Purchase, Ministry of Shipping. Address : Invereil, Dirleton, Haddingtonshire. Clubs: Caledonian; Royal Societies' ; New (Glasgow). (C3065) WRIGHT, Capt John Henry, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. (T.), 6. 1 May, 1873 ; s. of late John Wright, of Whitchurch, Salop ; to. Florence Gertrude, d. of late Andrew George Hunter, Rockcliffe HaU, nr. Flint, N. Wales. Educ. : Chester and Whitchurch Grammar School, and New Vety. Coll, Edinburgh. Veterinary Surgeon, private practice ; firm, Lawson & Wright, Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester. War Work : Veterinary 560 Officer, Duke of Lancs. Own Yeomanry, Aug. 1915, to May 1916 ; Veterinary Officer, Beds Yeomanry, 1st Cav. Div,' June to Sept. 1915 ; Veterinary Officer, 50th Northumbrian Div, Sept. to July, 1917 ; D.A.D.V.S., 9th Scottish Div, July 1917, to April 1919. Address : Clayton House, FaUowfield, Manchester. Club : Arts (Manchester). (05964) WRIGHT, J. M., M.B.E, WRIGHT, Paymaster-Comm. John TurnbuU, M.B.E. R.N. WRIGHT, Prof. Mark Robinson, M.B.E. M.A, 6. 3 July, 1854 ; s. of late John Wright, of WUlington, Northumberland ; m. EUen Phoebe, d. of late James Franklyn Cooper, of Bhming ham. Educ : Borough Road CoUege. Professor of Educa tion Armstrong Coll, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the University of Durham. Member of Senate of Durham Univ. ; Chahman of Higher Education Sub-Committee, Gateshead ; Chahman of Governors of Whitley and Monkseaton High School ; Governor of Samuel King's School, Alston ; Chahman of Managers of Whitley Bay Schools ; Chahman of Gateshead and District Local Employment Committee. War Work : Chahman of Local Tribunal for Whitley and District. Address : Lonsdale, St. George's Crescent, Monkseaton, Northumberland. Club: Liberal (Newcastle-on-Tyne). (M1120) WRIGHT, Mary Veronica, M.B.E. WRIGHT, Maurice Beresford, O.B.E, M.D, 6. 30 Jan. 1872 ; s. of PhUip Wright, of MelUngton Hall, Churchstoke, Montgomeryshire ; in. Elisabeth Eleanor, d. of Bridges Plumptre, of Goodnestone Park, near Canterbury, Kent. Educ : Cam bridge, and Edinburgh Univs. War Work : Hon. Medical Sec. to Lord Knutsford's Special Hospitals for Officers ; Major, R.A.M.C; Mental Specialist to Eastern Command. Addresses: 4, Devonshire Place, W. 1 ; Wood End, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Club: Arts. (07887) WRIGHT, Paymaster-Lieut. Noel, O.B.E, R.N. WRIGHT, Stephen, M.B.E. WRIGHT, Capt. Sydney Arthur, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. WRIGHT, Thomas, M.B.E. WRIGHT, Thomas Henry, M.B.E. WRIGHT, Major Thomas KendaU, M.B.E. WRIGHT, WilUam, M.B.E. WRIGHT, WiUiam, M.B.B, 6. 14 Dec. 1853 ; s. of William Wright, of Norwood ; to. Elizabeth, d. of — Crussel, of Bishop Stortford. Educ. : Norwood and Royal School of Science, South Kensington. Resident Engineer at the Crystal Palace. War Work : Temporary Admhalty Works Officer, during the War period when the Crystal Palace was used as a Training Depot for the Navy. Address : 20, Becondale Road, Upper Norwood, London, S.E. (M1122) WRIGHT, Col. WiUiam Burgess, CLE, C.B.E, V.D, Indian AuxUiary Forces (ret.). Late General Traffic Manager, Madras and Southern Mahratta RaUway. War Work : Was appointed RaUway Staff Officer in the Regular Army, Nov. 1914, and served for five years ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Belassi Lee, Sonthwick, Sussex. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (C1821) WRIGHT, Col. Sir WilUam Charles, K.B.E, C.B, J.P. Glamorganshire, Knight Commander of the Crown of Italy, and Officier Legion d'Honneur, 6. 1876; s. of Sir John Roper Wright, Bart, of Wydcombe Manor, Bath (see BUKKE'S Peerage) ; to. Maud, d. of late Isaac Butler, J.P. of Panteg, Monmouthshire. Educ. : Privately. War Work : Served from 1st day of the War as Officer of Supply Transport, Milford Haven Defences, and afterwards at the Ministry of Munitions, as ControUer of Iron and Steel Production ; many times in France and Italy on this work. Address : 31, Prince's Gate, London. (K443) WRIGHT, Lieut. WilUam James TurnbuU, M.B.E., R.A.F. WRIGHT, Major WiUiam Owen, O.B.B. WRIGHT, Helen, Muriel BARTON-, Mrs., M.B.B. WRIGHT, May, Mrs. HALL-. M.B.B. WRIGHTON Amelia, Mrs, M.B.B. WRIGHTSON, Capt. Charles Archibald Wise, C.B.E.. R.N, 6. 11 July, 1874 : s. of Sh Thomas Wrightson, 1st Bart, of Neastan Hall, Co. Durban (see BtTEKE'S Peerage). (C2329) WRIGLEY, Constance, M.B.B. WRIGLEY, LUian, Mrs., O.B.E. ; d. of John Dodd, J.P, of Oldham : to. Alan, s. of Roscoe Wrigley, of Oldham. Educ : Privately. War Work: Commandant, 62 EL, Oldham B.R.C.S, 1911 ; equipped and worked an Orthopaedic Dept. at Rock Bank Auxiliary Hospital, 1915 ; equipped and ran an Ortho paedic Clinic under the auspices of the Cheshire Red Cross at Macclesfield. Address : Upton Priory, nr. Macclesfield, Cheshire. (011673) WRIGLEY, Vincent Shiers, M.B.E. WUIDART, Jules Reuleaux, M.B.B, 6. 29 Dec. 1879; s. of Jules Wuidart, Officier de i'ordre de la Couronne, of St. Hubert, Belgium ; to. Madeleine MiUicent, d. of Edward Strange. Educ : Eastbourne, Liege, and Stockholm. War Work : Assisted in organising SheU Fuze Factory ; later with Ministry of Munitions, Gun Ammunition Dept. Address: PiUars, Northwood. Club : Cavendish. (M16152) WURTZBURG, Margaret Caroline, M.B.E. WYATT, Lieut.-Col. Archibald, O.B.E, T.D., D.L, fi. 29 April, 1872 ; s. of Francis WilUam Wyatt, of Nutbourne, Sussex ; to. Constance Kate, d. of Henry Thomas Upton, of Petworth, Sussex. Educ. : Portsmouth Grammar School. Surveyor. War Work : Served in Territorial Force, Aug. 1914 BIOGRAPHIES. Yapp to June, 1919, India and Mesopotamia. Address : East Lodge, Fareham, Hants. (06735) WYATT, Ethel, M.B.B. WYATT, Major Francis Joseph CaldweU, O.B.E, M.C, R.B. WYATT, Comm. John Oliver, O.B.E, R.N. WYATT, Lieut.-Col. John Railton, O.B.E. WYATT, Katharine Montagu, M.B.E. ; s. of Thomas Henry Wyatt, M.V.O I.S.O, T.D, of Weston Patrick, Basing stoke, Hants. War Work : Divisional Sec. Chelsea Red Cross, and Commandant V.A.D. London 52 ; Commandant of Chelsea Rid Cross Officers' Hospital, 40, Upper Grosvenor Street ; Commandant of all the V.A.D.s of London 52 at the Ridley Hospital, 1914-19 ; and of Russian and Swedish Hospitals for English Officers. Addresses : St. Andrew's Rectorv, Hol born, E.C; Weston Patrick, Basingstoke, Hants. (M2687) WYATT, Major PhiUp Humphrey, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. WYATT, Major Travers Carey, O.B.E, M.A, 6. 24 Feb. 1887 ; s. of A. J. Wyatt, of Christ's Coll, Cambridge. Educ. : Leys School, and Christ's CoU, Cambridge. Staff of Engineer ing Department, Cambridge Univ. War Work ; France and Belgium, 1915-18; British. Army of the Rhine, 1919. Ad dresses : 6, Queen Anne Terrace, Cambridge ; Christ's CoUege, Cambridge. (05967) WYBROW, Albert WUUam, M.B.B. War Work: On outbreak of war was Commandant of No. 5 Detachment, City of London Red Cross ; later organised and commanded Air Raid ReUef Unit, a mobile body of men who were on duty (in aU ah raids) in various parts of London ; also organised Hospital Service which supplied men for various hospitals to assist in ward duties, operations, and X-ray cases, etc. Address : 2, Londsdale Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex. (M10154) WYCHE, Katharine, O.B.E. ; d. of late WilUam Dalla Husband, F.R.CS, D.L. West Riding, Yorkshire, of York and CUfton ; m. WiUiam (who died Nov. 1 919), s. of the late WilUam Wyche, of Postlance. Educ : CUfton and Dover. War Work: Served and worked on Mayoress of Bournemouth's War Work Committee from Aug. 1914 ; organiser of the War Hospital Supply Depot, Q.M.N.G. Surgical Branch, from 1915. Address: Holcombe, Cavendish Place, Bournemouth. (011674) WYKE, Clement James,M.B.E,A.M.I.Mech.B,A.M.I.A.E, F.RM.S, 6. 19 Oct. 1884; s. of John Wyke, of Overley, WeUington, Salop ; m. EUzabeth, d. of James PhilUps, of Whitefields, WeUington, Salop. Educ. : School of Technology, Salford. Partner to Greaves and Wyke, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Manchester. War Work : Engineering Organiser to Ministry of Munitions ; Deputy Chief Dilution Officer, North-Westem Area, Ministry of Munitions, Head Office, Manchester. Address : Harefleld, Gt. Clowes Street, Manchester. (M10256e) WYKES, Leonard Graveney, M.B.E. WYKES, WilUam Henry, M.B.E, 6. 11 Sept. 1848 ; s. of WiUiam Henry Wykes, of Derby. War Work : Superintending Clerk, Registration Head Quarters, Central Force and Eastern Command. (M10155) WYLD, Florence Maria, M.B.E. WYLD, Frances Mary, M.B.E. WYLDE, Major Lennard Francis George Stoven, 0.B.E, LA. WYLES, John Edward, O.B.E. WYLEY, Capt. Donald Henry FitzThomas, O.B.E. M.C, R.F.A. (T.). WYLEY, Major John Deane Newbank, O.B.E, R.M.A. WYLIE, Lieut.-Col. David Storer, C.M.G, C.B.E, M.B, F.R.C.S. Served with New Zealand Forces during Great War. (C1578) WYLIE, Sqdn.-Leader HamUton Neil, M.B.E, R.A.F. WYLIE, James. C.B.E, 6. 15 June, 1875 ; s. of late James Hamilton WyUe, of 4, Lawn Road, Hampstead, N.W. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School and Wadham Coll, Oxford. Barrister-at-law ; was Assist. Sec. to Royal Commis sion on Shipping Rings in 1909 ; was tUl April, 1920, Dramatic Critic of "Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News," and Assistant Dramatic Critic of " Westminster Gazette." War Work : Temp. Legal Assistant in Department of H.M. SoUcitor to the Treasury, Oct. 1914, to March, 1919. Addresses : 1, South Square, Gray's Inn, W.C. 1 ; 1, Temple Gardens, Temple, E.C. 4. (C1063) WYLIE, Maria EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.B. _, WYLIE, LiUan O'Meira, Mrs. DOUGHTIE-, O.B.E., R.R.C WYLLIE, Lieut.-Col. Harold, O.B.E, 1st Wilts Regt. and R.A.F, 6. 29 June, 1880 ; s. of W. L. Wyllie, R.A, R.E, of Point ; to. Margaret, d. of Edmund Boyle, of Castle Comer. Educ. : Littlejohns, Greenwich ; Smyths, Southsea. Marine Artist ; soldier ; aeroplane pilot. War Work : South Africa. 1902 ; R.F.C. and R.A.F, France and Home Defence, 1914-19. Address: Tower House, Point, Portsmouth. Clubs: Royal Corinthian Yacht ; Royal Portsmouth Corinthian Yacht. (03440) WYLSON, Oswald Cane, M.B.E, F.R.I.B.A, b. 6 April, 1858 ; s. of James Wylson, of London ; to. Katharine, d. of B. Murgatroyd, of Yorkshire. Educ. : King's CoU. School, London. Architect. War Work: Services as Hon. Deputy Chief Surveyor of the British Fire Prevention Committee in relation to the protection from fire of hospitals, camps, etc, forthe B.R.C.S. Addresses : 1 and 2 Henrietta Street, Strand, London ; Beacondene, Tankerton, Kent. Clubs : Royal Corin thian Yacht; Royal AutomobUe. (M10156 WYNCH, Lionel Mahng, CLE., CB.E, 6. 21 July, 1864 ; s. of William Maling Wynch, of Rose Hill, Lyme Regis ; m. Violet Harriet, d. of Sir A. T. Arundel, of Glebefields, Guildford (see Buuki's Peerage). Educ : Bedford Grammar School ; BaUiol Coll Oxon. Indian Civil Service ; Private Sec. to Governor of Madras, 1901-1906 ; Sec. to Government of Madras Revenue Dept. ; Member of the Viceroy's Legislative Council, 1914. War Work : Administrator, Brtiish Farmers' Typhus Hospital, Belgrade, 1915 ; Deputy Commissioner British Red Cross, France. 1910-19 ; mentioned in despatches. Address : Pine Hill, Camberley. Clubs: Junior Carlton; East India United Service. (C343) WYNCOLL, Capt. Hugh Edmund Fowler, O.B.B, M.C, R.A.F. WYNDHAM, Lieut.-Col. Charles John, C.B.E, J.P, 6. 17 June, 1844 ; s. of Col. Charles Wyndham, M.P, of Rogate Lodge, Sussex ; m Laura Sophia (who died), d. of the late Rev. the Hon. Alfred Wodehouse (see Burke's Peerage). Educ. : Eton, and R.M.C, Sandhurst. Alderman of Sussex. War Work : Boer War, 1881 ; with Nile Expedition, 1889: County Director British Red Cross and Order of St. John of Jerusalem for Sussex, 1909-16. Address : Heathfleld Lodge, Midhurst, Sussex. Club : Junior United Service. (C344) WYNDHAM, Percy, CLE, C.B.E, 6. 13 Dec. 1867; s. of Horace Robert Wyndham, of Cockermouth. Educ. : Giggleswick School, Yorkshire ; Queen's Coll, Oxford. Indian Civil Service ; Commissioner Kumaon Division, United Pro vinces, India. War Work : Trooper in the Indian Defence Force ; Supervised the recruiting for combatants and labour corps in the hill districts of the Kumaon Division. Address : Hatton HaU, Naini Tal. Club : East India United Service. (C389) WYNESS, Ada, Mrs., O.B.E. WYNN, Wing-Comm Alfred Hearst Wynn EUas, O.B.E, R.A.F. WYNN, Elizabeth Ida, Mrs. WILLIAMS-, M.B.B.; d. of George WilUam Lowther, of SwilUngton, Yorks ; to. Robert William Herbert Watkin, s. of Col. Herbert Watkin WilUams- Wynn, of Cefn, St. Asaph. War Work : County Sec. of the B.R.C.S, Denbighshire. (M1098) WYNNE, Frederiok Grant, M.B.B. WYNNE, Jessie, Mrs., O.B.E. WYNNE, Mary Carleton, Mrs., C.B.E. ; d. of Edward A. Parke, of Mount Temple, SUgo ; to. Albert Edward, M.D, F.R.CS.I, s. of WiUiam Wynne. War Work : Head of North Wall Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffet ; head of Packing Room, War Hospitals Supply Depot, Merrion Square ; Assistant at Royal Dublin Fusiliers Parcels Depot. Address : 27, West- land Row, DubUn. (C3066) WYNNE, Nora, M.B.E. WYNNE, Major Owen Evelyn, O.B.E, R.E. 6. 14 June, 1887; cs. of General Sh Arthur S. Wynne, G.C.B., of Haybergill, Warcop, Westmorland. Educ : WeUington CoU. ; R.M.A. Woolwich. Commissioner Anglo-Belgian (Rhodesian- Congo) Boundary Commission, 1911-13 ; G.S.O. 3 Geographical Section G. S. War Office, March, 1914 ; Geographical Repre sentative, British Delegation, Peace Conference, Paris, 1919. War Work: Officer-in-charge Maps, L. of C, B.E.F, France, Aug. 1914 ; Comm. D Airline Section, R.E, Nov. 1914 ; Comm. 4th Divisional Signal Co. R.E. March, 1915 ; G.S.O. 3, 49th Division, July, 1915; Brigade-Major 147th Infantry Brigade, June, 1916 ; G.S.O. 2 in charge German Sub-Section War Office, Feb. 1917 ; G.S.O. 2 InteUigence, G.H.Q, France, Feb. 1918 ; despatches 3 times ; Brevet Major, June, 1916 ; O.B.E, Jan. 1919 ; Chevalier of the Order of the Crown (Belgium). Club : Army and Navy. (02798) WYNNE, Thomas Joseph, O.B.E. WYNNES, James Cumming, M.B.E. WYNTER, Comm. Gerald Charles, D.S.O, O.B.E, R.N. WYNYARD, Major Edward George D.S.O,, O.B.E, 6. 1861 ; s. of the late William Wynyard, J.P, of Hursley, Winchester ; to. Sarah Louise, d. of James G. Worts, of Toronto. Educ. : Charterhouse. Entered King's (Liverpool Regt.), 1883 ; specially selected for promotion to Capt. Welsh Regt. 1890 ; retired, 1903 ; Burma Campaign, 1885-7 (des patches twice) ; Instructor to Fortification at Roy. MU. CoU. Sandhurst, 1890-97 ; rejoined, 1914 ; appointed Major, Liver pool Regt. 1914 ; Army Ordnance Depart. 1915 ; again retired, 1919 ; received Roy. Humane Society's bronze medal, 1894 Clubs : Wellington ; Sports. (07891) WYNYARD, Lieut.-Col. Richard Damer, O.B.E. WYON, Sir Albert William, K.B.E, fi. 1869 ; s. of Leonard Charles Wyon, Head of firm of Price, Waterhouse & Co, and Govt. Auditor of Railways, and Govt. Accountant, Controlled Canals, etc. (K245) WYSE, Richard, M.B.E, M.D, M.A. WYTHES, Aline, Mrs. Ernest James, O.B.E, d. of Sh John Henry Thorold, Bt. (see BrTRKE's Peerage); to. Ernest Jones, C B E, s. of the late George Edward Wythes, F.R.G.S. (0885) ' WYTHES, Ernest James, C.B.E, fi. 1858; s. of the late George Edward Wythes, F.R.G.S. ; to. Aline, O.B.E, (q.v.) d. of Sir John Henry Thorold 12th Bt. (see BUBKE'S Peerage). J.P. for Essex ; Co. Director, Auxiliary Hospitals and V.A.D.'s Essex during the Great War. (C3067) YAPP, Sh Arthur Keysall, K.B.E, 6. 12 March, 1869 : s of the late Richard Keysall Yapp, of Orleton, Herefordshire ; m Alice Maude, d. of the late T. Hesketh Higson, of Southport. 567 Yarborough THE ORDER OE THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Educ : Hereford County Coll. National Sec. Y.M.C.A. Addresses : Highfield House, Enfield ; 13, Russell Square, W.C. 1. Club : National. (K43) YARBOROUGH, Marcia Amelia Mary, BaronessFauoon- berg and Conyers, Countess of, O.B.E, Lady of Justice of St. John of Jerusalem, b. 18 Oct. 1863 ; d. of 12th Baron Conyers (see Burke's Peerage), and 15th Baron D'Arcy de Knayth ; m. Charles Alfred Pelham, 4th Earl of Yarborough, s. of 3rd Earl of Yarborough (see Bukke'S Peerage). War Work : Matron of Brocklesby Park Hospital, 1914-19. Address : Brocklesby Park, Lincolnshire. (011676) YARROW, Lieut. George Ernest, M.B.E. YARROW, Harold Edgar, C.B.E, fi. 11 Aug. 1884; s. of Sir Alfred Yarrow, Bart, Hindhead, Surrey ; to. Eleanor Etheldreda, d. of the Rev. Canon W. H. M. H. Aitken, of Norwich. Educ. : Bedford Grammar School. War Work : Managing Director of Messrs. Yarrow & Co, Ltd, who were engaged in buUding Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Submarines and Gunboats for the British Navy ; Chairman of Limbs and Appliances Committee of the Princess Scottish Hospital for Limbless Sailors and Soldiers. Address : Fairlawn, Bearsden, Dumbartonshire. Clubs : Royal Automobile ; Western (Glasgow). (C345) YATES, Albert James, M.B.E, R.A.S.C. YATES, Lieut.-Col. Arthur St. John, O.B.E, M.C, R.E, fi. 23 July, 1882 ; s. of Col. H. T. S. Yates, late R.A. ; to. Ethel, d. of Col. J. Barry, late R.A.M.C. Address : c/o Messrs Cox & Co. Club : Junior Army and Navy. (05968) YATES, Col. Clarence Montague, C.B.E, M.V.O, M.C, fi. 1881. Entered Royal Warwickshhe Regt. 1901 ; became Capt. The King's (Liverpool Regt.) 1910 ; Major and Col. (ret.) 1920 ; S. African War, 1900-1 (Queen's medal with three clasps) ; served in the Great War, 1914-16 (despatches) ; Legion of Honour. (C2055) YATES, Lieut. Donald RusseU Martin, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. YATES, Florence, M.B.E. YATES, Major Henry Irving Frederick, O.B.E. M.C, R.A.F. YATES, James, M.B.E,' 6. 11 Sept. 1871 ; s. of Peter Yates, of Rhodes, Manchester ; to. Mary, d. of Richard Pendle ton, of Harefield, Middlesex. Superintendent of Police in charge of the North Lonsdale Division of Lancashire. Wq.r Work : Specially appointed Chief Superintendent and Deputy Chief Officer of the Gretna Police Force (Ministry of Munitions) ; lent by the Lancashire County Police Authority on 1 June, 1917, to assist in the organisation of the Gretna Force ; served there until 31 Oct. 1918. Address : Neville House, Ulverston. Clubs : Lonsdale North Police Athletic ; County Bowling (Ulverston) ; Ulverston Cricket. (M10159) YATES, Capt. John Henry, O.B.E, R.A.V.C. YEARSLEY, Clare EUzabeth, Mrs, M.B.E. YEATES, Capt. Peroy Thomas Arthur, M.B.E. YEATES, Capt. Robert Montford Michaelson, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. YEATMAN, Lieut.-Col. Charleton, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. YEAXLEE, Basil Alfred, Rev., O.B.E, B.A, 6. 2 Dec. 1883 ; s. of Alfred George Yeaxlee, of Southsea, Hants ; m. Annie Julie Mary, d. of the late Thomas Leadbeater, M.R.C.S, F.R.C.P, of Southsea. Educ: Privately; King's Coll.. London ; New Coll, London ; Mansfield Coll, Oxford. Minister Emmanuel Congregational Church, Bootle, 1909-11 ; Educational Sec. London Missionary Society, 1911-13, and Editor, United Council for Missionary Education, 1911-15 ; Editor, National Council of Y.M.CA.'s, 1915-16 ; Sec. Y.M.C.A. Universities Committee, 1916 to present time ; Joint Hon. Sec. Educational Settlements Association; Member of Ministry of Reconstruction Committee on Adult Education (Master of Balliol's Committee), 1917-19; Author of "An Educated Nation" and "Working Out the Fisher Act." War Work: Responsible for all the educational work of the Y.M.C.A. carried on through the Universities Committee in co-operation with the War Office and respective G.H.Q. in France, Italy, Salonica, Egypt, Palestine, and Home Command, as also among munition workers, this including work of Red Triangle library and Music Section. Addresses : 24, Hayne Road, Beckenham, Kent; Y.M.C.A. Headquarters, 13, Russell Square, W.C. 1. Club : University of London. (04006) YELD, Ellen, M.B.E. YELD, Major Richard Kingsley, O.B.E, I.A.R.O. YELLOLY, Robert, M.B.E, 6. 17 Sept. 1882 ; s. of the late Robert Yelloly, of Berwick-upon-Tweed ; m. Sarah, d. of the late Patrick Davis, of Berwick-upon-Tweed. Educ : Corporation School and Academy, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Chief Constable of Wakefield ; formerly Superintendent and Chief Clerk, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Police. War Work : As a Police Officer holding a very responsible position in a large and important Police Force (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), was speciaUy commended by Home Office for work in connection with aUens and suspected persons. Address : Wakefield. (M10162) YELLOWLEES, Capt. Henry, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. YELLOWLEES, Henry, O.B.E, M.D, F.R.CP.S. (Glas.), R.A.M.C, 6. 11 June, 1888 ; s. of David Yellowlees, M.D, of Glasgow ; m. Dorothy, d. of Major A. J. Davis, of London. Educ. : Kelvinside Academy, and Glasgow Univ. Senior Assistant Physician, Edinburgh Royal Asylum. War Work : Mental Specialist, Etaples Area, 1915-18 ; designed and arranged accommodation for nervous and mental cases in the district, and personally treated 2200 cases of mental disorder in soldiers, and many more cases of nerve shock in addition. Address : Craig House, Edinburgh. (O5970) YELVERTON, Rev. Erik Esskildsen, O.B.E. YEO, Capt. Moritz RodweU, O.B.E, R.M.L.I, fi. 1 Sept. 1884 ; s. of John Yeo, of 106, Penylan Road, Cardiff ; m. Flora Irma, d. of the late Andrew Macfarlane, of Bournemouth. Educ. : Wellingborough Grammar School, and Dulwich Coll. Joined Royal Marine Light Infantry as 2nd Lieut. Sept. 1903 ; continuous service since ; promoted Lieut. July, 1904 ; Capt. Sept. 1914. War Work : Ordinary duties as Capt. R.M.L.I. afloat and ashore ; seconded for duty on Naval Staff, Gibraltar, April, 1917, and employed as such till end of war. Address: Royal Marine Barracks, Plymouth. Club : Union, Malta. (09378) YEO, Richard Forster, M.B.E. YEOMAN, John Pattison, M.B.E. YEOMAN, Sophia Bruce, O.B.E. ; d. of the late Rev, Constantine Bernard Yeoman. War Work: Commandant, Sleights Red Cross Hospital. Address : Woodlands, Sleights, Yorkshire. Club : Sesame. (0886) YEOMANS, Capt. Charles Fredsall, O.B.E, R.A.F. YERBURGH, Capt. Riohard Guy Cecil, O.B.E. YETTS, Major Walter Perceval, O.B.E, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, Staff Surgeon, R.N. (ret.), 6. 25 AprU, 1878 ; s. of the late A. M. Yetts ; m. GwendoUne Mary, d. of the late Dr. D. Hughes. Educ. : Bradfleld Coll, Berks ; St. Bartholo mew's Hospital; Edinburgh and Lausanne Univs. R.N. Medical Service, 1903-12 ; Acting Physician, H.B.M. Legation, Peking, 1913. War Work : Temporary Commission in R.A.M.C. from Aug. 1914, to Aug. 1919, holding appointment as Deputy Assistant Dhector of Medical Services, and latterly specially employed at War Office ; Deputy Commissioner of Medical Services, Ministry of Pensions, 1919-20 ; Medical Officer, Ministry of Health, May, 1920. Address : 29, RedcUffe Gardens, S.W. 10. Club : Junior United Service. (07893) YOCKNEY, Alfred, M.B.E, 6. 13 Feb. 1878 ; s. of John S. Yockney ; to. Mabel Blanche, d. of Capt. J. T. Partridge, R.N. Educ : The Woodlands, Hitchin, and AUeyn's School, Dulwich. Assistant Librarian, Royal Institute of British Architects ; Editor, " The Art Journal." War Work : Government Publications ; Sec. Pictorial Propaganda Com mittee, Ministry of Information. Address : 32, South Side, Clapham Common, S.W. Club : London Rowing. (M4103) YOLLAND, Hon. Lieut.-Col. John Horatio, C.B.B., M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.S.A. (Lond), R.A.M.C. (V.), Esquire, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 6. 18 Dec. 1863 ; s. of the late John Yolland, of Hoylake, Birkenhead ; to. Emily Constance, d. of the late Henry Railton, of Snittlegarter, Carlisle. Educ : King WiUiam's Coll, Isle of Man, and Univ. Coll. Hospital, London. Hon. Surgeon, Bromley Cottage Hospital. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Treas. Kent County War Fund ; Chief Staff Officer, Kent V.A.D. ; Officer-in-Charge, Kent R.A.M.C. (V.) Address : 53, Bromley Common, Bromley, Kent. (C346) YORK, Capt. WiUiam Douglas COLIN-, O.B.E. YORKE, Col. Frederiok Augustus, O.B.B, late R.A. (Staff); s. of Major-Gen. F. A. Yorke, R.E, of Tunbridge WeUs; to. Lucy EUzabeth, d. of the late Dr. C E. Hayes Newington, of Ticehurst, Sussex. Educ. : R.M.A, Woolwich. Assist. Commandant, R.M.A, Woolwich, 1895-1900; com manded Royal Horse and Field Artillery in Ireland, 1900-2 ; appointed Assist. MiUtary Sec. War Office, which post was held until retirement, May, 1903. War Work : Called up, April, 1915 ; raised a R.F.A. Brigade (168th) at Huddersfield, Yorks ; commanded 189th R.F.A. Brigade, Aldershot ; 1916, appointed Commandant, Royal Horse Artillery Training School (T.F.), Larkhill and Bulford ; now Commanding Hants R.A.S.C, M.T. (V.). Address : Southfleld, Twyford, Winchester. Club : Army and Navy. (O3210) YORKE, Gladys Dunlop, Hon. Mrs. Alfred, O.B.E. ; d. of the late A. V. Dunlop Best ; to. Alfred Ernest Frederick Yorke, s. of the late Earl of Hardwicke (see Bueke's Peerage). War Work : Co.-Supt. with the Hon. Mrs. Charles Tufton, O.B.E, of the Alexandra PaviUon for Officers, Victoria Station, 1915-19. Address : 1, Manchester Square, London, W. 1. Club: Bath. (011677) YORKE, Lieut. John, O.B.B, R.F.A. YORKE, Lieut. Maurice Franois, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. YORKE, T. Capt. Noel Leigh, O.B.E, R.A.S.C. YORSTOUN, Lieut. Morden Archibald CARTHEW-, M.B.E. YORWERTH, Capt. Thomas Jenkin, M.B.E, 6. 26 Nov. 1870 ; s. of WUUam Yorwerth, of Cowbridge ; to. Gwendoline, d. of Thomas John, of Aburthin. Educ. : Cowbridge Grammar School. Auctioneer ; Sec. Glamorgan Agricultural Society. War Work : District Purchasing Officer SuppUes (D.P.O.S.) for South Wales and Monmouthshire. Address : 65, High Street, Cowbridge, Glam. Club : Farmers'. (M5759) YOUDEN, Lieut.-Col. WilUam AUred, O.B.E, T.D. YOULE, Paymaster-Lieut. George Arthur, O.B.E, R.N. YOUNG, AUan Carruth, O.B.E, J.P, 6. 1859 ; s. of John Young, of Fulwood, Renfrewshire ; to. Annie, d. of Henry FrankUn, of Broadwater, Herts. Owning occupier of land in Wilts. War Work : Chairman of WUts County Committee ; served on many Committees ; Hon. Purchasing Officer for Wilts, 1914-15, reorganising this work with marked success and showing a large saving on the turnover. Address : Drumreagh, Bournemouth. Club : Bournemouth. (011678) YOUNG, Capt. Andrew, O.B.E, R.A.F. 568 BIOGRAPHIES. Young YOUNG, Col. Archibald, C.B.E.. V.D. Served in Great War. 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1822) YOUNG, Sh Arthur Henderson, G.C.M.G, K.B.E, 6. 31 Oct. 1854; s. of the late Col. Keith Young, C.B, Judge Advocate-General for India ; to. Evelyn Anne, d. of 2nd Marquess of Ailsa (see Burke's Peerage). Educ : Edinburgh Academy ; Rugby ; R.M.C, Sandhurst. Late Capt. 27th InniskilUngs ; Local Commandant, Military Police, Kyrenia, Cyprus, 1878 ; appointed Commissioner, Pagho, 1878 ; Chief Sec. to Government, Cyprus, 1894 ; Colonial Sec. Straits Settlements, 1906-11 ; Chief Sec. Federated Malay States, Feb. 1911 ; Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Straits Settlements, and High Commissioner Malay States, Sept. 1911, to Dec. 1919. War Work : Governor and Commander-in- Chief, Straits Settlements ; and High Commissioner, Malay States, throughout the war. Address : Spring Grove, Sun ningdale, Berks. Clubs : Army and Navy ; Royal Auto mobile ; New (Edinburgh). (K126) YOUNG, Arthur Primrose, O.B.E, M.I.E.E, M.I.A.E, 6. 2 July, 1885 ; s. of WiUiam Young, of Prestwick, Ayrshire, Scotland ; to. Liilie Louisa, d. of Abel Porter, of Rugby. Educ. : Finsbury Technical Coll, London. Chief Engineer, Coventry Magneto Works, B.T.H. Co., Ltfi. ; Hon. Sec. Coventry Lecture Society ; author of numerous papers delivered to learned societies. War Work : Took a leading part in the creation of the British Magneto Industry ; designed the B.T.H. Co's type A.V. Polar Inductor Magneto, which was used almost exclusively on 8-cylinder Aero Engines during the war ; lectured to the R.A.F. in France, on Magnetos, in Jan. 1919. Addresses : B.T.H. Co., Coventry ; Dovedale, Kenilworth. (011679) YOUNG, Capt. Bertram John, M.B.E. YOUNG, Charles Robert, O.B.E. YOUNG, Lieut. CharUe, M.B.E, R.A.V.C. YOUNG, Lieut. Christopher Harding, M.B.E, R.A.F. YOUNG, Clarence Ross, M.B.E, 6. 25 Aug. 1877 ; s. of Jesse Young; m. Marian Laird, d. of John Gilbert Rendall. Civil Servant, Local Government Board (now merged in Ministry of Health). War Work : Special service in a variety of war work. Address : St. Margarets, Langley Drive, Wanstead. (M2690) YOUNG, Colin, M.B.E, J.P. YOUNG, Constance E., M.B.E, 6. 20 May, 1886- d. of Frederick Wright, of Wembley ; to. Sydney Mountford Young (28th Co. of London (Artist's), killed in action ; s. of Alfred W. Young, of Ealing. Educ. : Haberdashers' Aske's Girls' School, Acton, W. War Work : Women's Legion, Aug. 1916 (Cookery Section) ; Q.M.A.A.C, 1917 ; Assist. Administrator, Dec. 1917 ; Unit Administrator, 1918-19. Address : 94, Swinderby Road, Wembley. Club : Women's United Services. (M6728) YOUNG, Daniel Henderson Luek, C.B.E, J.P, D.L. Director cf Recruiting and of National Service, Northern Region. " (C684) YOUNG, Lieut.-Col. David Douglas, C.B.E. T. Lieut.- Col. Special List ; served in Great War, 1914-19 (mentioned in despatches). (C1823) YOUNG, David WUberforce, M.B.E. YOUNG, Edward Willie, O.B.E, 6. 11 June, 1867 ; s. of Edward Young, of Islington ; m. Beatrice Mary, d. of Daniel Sharman, of Huddersfield. Educ. : City of London Coll., and Durham Univ. Chartered Sec. (A.CI.S.) ; Sec, Comp- troUer to His Grace, the Duke of Northumberland. War Wort : Hon. Sec. to the British Red Cross Society (County of Middlesex) ; the Middlesex Joint V.A.D. Committee ; De mobilisation and Reconstruction Committee. Address : Syon Park Cottage, Brentford, Middlesex. Club : Cavendish. (011680) YOUNG, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. Edwin Walton, O.B.E, E.N. YOUNG, EUzabeth Diana, M.B.E. YOUNG, Capt. Ernest WiUiam Gilmour, O.B.E, M.C, M.B, R.A.M.C YOUNG, F. R., Mrs., M.B.E. YOUNG Lieut.-Col. Sir Frank Popham, K.B.E, CLE, fil 24 Dec. 1863 ; to. 1st, Winifred Ethel (d. 1902), d. of Col. ™. A. L. Montgomery, C.S.I. ; 2nd, Elizabeth Anne Marens, nee Beckett, of San Francisco, U.S.A. Entered Indian Army, 1884 ; Capt. 1885 ; Major, 1902 ; Lieut.-Col. 1910 ; Dep. Commissioner, Punjab ; Colonisation Officer, Chenab Canar Settlement ; Commissioner Pakada State ; Commissione; Rawal Pindi Dis, Punjab. Commissioner of the Rawal Pindi Division of the Punjab during the war. The Rawal Pindi Division led the Indian Emphe in providing soldiers for the Army. Addresses : Punjab, India ; c/o Grindlay & Co.. 54, Parliament Street, S.W. 1. Clubs : East India; United Service; Royal Automobile. (K182) , YOUNG, Lieut.-Col. Fred Armstrong, O.B.E, Can. A.M.C. YOUNG, Capt. Frederick Hugh, O.B.E, R.A.M.C. _ YOUNG, Paymaster-Lieut. Frederick Riohard, M.B.E, lt.N.R. YOUNG, Frederick WiUiam, C.B.E, O.B.E, R.N. _, YOUNG, Commodore Sir Frederiok William, K.B.E, f.N.R, fi. 23 Dec. 1858. Naval Salvage Adviser ; late Chief surveyor, Liverpool Salvage Association ; Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers ; Officer of the Crown of Belgium, United States Navy Cross. War Work : Director of salvage operations to H.M. Fleet and merchant ships a damaged in action ; clearance of Belgian ports after Armistice ; raising of "Vindictive, "Intrepid," and " Inhigeni.i," etc.; served from 1914 and still employed on Belgian coast. Ad dress : 14, Cheyne Row, Chelsea. (K467) YOUNG, George, M.B.E. YOUNG, George, M.B.E. YOUNG, George Maodonald, M.B.E. YOUNG, Comm. Harold Franois John, O.B.E, R.N. YOUNG, Harry Maurice, M.B.E. YOUNG, Capt. Harry Robert, M.B.E. YOUNG, Brig.-Gen. Henry AUred CLE, C.B.E, R.A, fi. 1867. Director of Ordnance Factories, India, with rank of Col. (C2046) YOUNG, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Corbett TAYLOR-, O.B.E, Aust. A.M.C. YOUNG, 2nd Lieut. Hugh Joseph, M.B.E, R.A.F. YOUNG, Major James, M.B.E, I.A.R.O. YOUNG, Eng.-Lieut.-Comm. James, O.B.E, R.D, R.N.R. YOUNG, James, O.B.E, A.R.CSc, fi. 14 Dec. 1861 ; s. of James Young, of Co. Down, Irleand. Educ : Privately, and Royal Coll. of Science. Professor in Science, R.M.A, Woolwich. War Work : Training of cadets and officers of the New Armies and scientific research. Addresses : R.M.A, Woolwich ; 12, Edge Hill, Plumstead, S.E. 18. (0888) YOUNG, James Robert Spencer, M.B.E, fi. 5 Jan. 1882 ; s. of Edward Robert Young, of LlaneUy ; m. Constance Frances Morton, d. of Theodore Morton-Jones, Admiral R.N, of Brixton. Educ. : County School, LlaneUy. Solicitor. War Work : Engaged in Legal Department, Air Ministry. Addresses: Thomas Ditton, Surrey ; 31, Wardour Street, W. 1. (M10169) YOUNG, Flying-Officer James WilUam, M.B.E, R.A.F. YOUNG, James Wolstan, O.B.E. YOUNG, John, O.B.E, fi. 1858; s. of John Young, of Falkirk, Scotland ; to. Jennie, d. of C F. Finch, of London. Educ. : Privately. Engineer and Manager of the British Gas Light Company's Hull Station ; now retired. War Work : A Member of Lord Moulton's Committee ; Supervisor of the counties of Northumberland, Durham, and Yorkshire for that committee ; Commander of Special Constables. (011681) YOUNG, Capt. John Ross, O.B.E. YOUNG, Joseph Samuel, O.B.E. YOUNG, Nathaniel James, M.B.E, 6. Oct. 1877 ; s. of Nathaniel Young, of Clutton, Somerset. Educ. : Cameley Schools, Somerset ; Private Academy, Bristol. General Manager, Electricity and Tramways Department, Newport Corporation, Newport, Mon. ; Joint Sec. of the District Joint Industrial Council for the Tramways Industry, South Wales Area. War Work : Considerable assistance given in transport problems in South Wales ; Hon. Sec. of the Board of Trade Advisory Committee in the South Wales Area. Addresses : Town Hall, Newport, Mon. ; Bellevue, Belmont Hill, Caerleon, Mon. Club : Monmouthshhe (Newport). (M10170) YOUNG, Patricia Annie, M.B.B, fi. Jan. 1866 ; d. ot Major Thomas Young, of Lincluden House, Stewartry of Kirk cudbright. War Work : Hon. Sec. and Treas. Dumfries and Maxwelltown Women's War ReUef Executive, 1914-19 ; Hon. Sec. and Treas. and Joint Superintendent of Hospital Supplies Depot, 1915-19 ; Hon. Sec. Sailors' and Soldiers' Buffet, Dumfries Station, 1916-19 ; worked for three years in Max welltown Red Cross Hospital. Address : Lincluden House, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Clubs : Ladies' Army and Navy ; Border Counties Ladies' (Dumfries). (M1128) YOUNG, Patrick, O.B.E. YOUNG, T. Col. Patrick Charles, CB.E, late T. Col. R.E, fi . 22 Jan. 1880 ; s. of Peter Alexander Young, M.D, J.P, of Edinburgh; m. Elizabeth Harvey, d. of Patrick TurnbuU, CA, of Edinburgh. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy, and Christ's Coll. Cambridge. 1903-16, P.W.D. India ; Assistant General Manager, N.W.R. ; Assist. Sec. and official Sec. to the Railway Board ; now Acting General Manager, the Pailan Mining Administration. War Work: Engmeer-m- Chief, Nushki Extension RaUway, Baluchistan ; Deputy Chief RaUway Construction Engineer, France ; Assist. Inspector- General of Transportation, France, has Legion of Honour. Addresses : Tientsin, N. China ; 1, Royal Circus, Edinburgh. (C1824) YOUNG, Sister Pauline, C.B.E. YOUNG, Major Riohard Ashmur Blah, O.B.E, A.P.D. YOUNG, Capt. Richard Horton, M.B.E, 6. 21 Dec. 1879 ; s. of the late Capt. R. N. Young, R.H.A, of Oritogbury, Northants. Educ. : Oxford Military CoU. War Work: 3rd Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served with 1st and 2nd Batts. in France, Mons Medal, 1914 ; Adjutant to No. 6 and No. 13 Officer Cadet Batt. Address: Bloxham, Banbury. Club : Badminton. (M5763) YOUNG, Lieut. Riohard Linsley, M.B.E. YOUNG, Robert, O.B.E, M.P, 6. 26 Jan. 1872 ; s. of Robert Young, of Glasgow; to. Bessie Laurina, d. of C J. Choldcroft, of Oxford. Educ. : Elementary Schools and Ruskin Coll, Oxford. Late Gen. Sec. Amalgamated Society of Engineers, now Member of Parliament, Newton Division of Lancashire. War Work : Appointed by Minister of Munitions to visit the Front to select soldier engineers for war work at home • Member of Army Demobilisation Committee, De mobilisation of Civil War Workers' Committee, and of National Maritime Board. Address: 213, Barry Road, Dulwich, S E 22 C°7°) 569 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Young YOUNG, Robert Arthur, C.B.E, M.D, B.Sc, F.R.C.P., 6 6 Nov 1871 ; s. of the late WilUam Young, of London ; m Fanny Caroline Phcebe, d. of the late Robert Muirhead Kennedy I C S Educ. : United Westminster Schools ; King's CoU ; ' Middlesex Hospital. Physician to the Middlesex and Brompton Hospitals. War Work : Physician in charge of Medical MUitary Wards, Middlesex Hospital ; Senior Physician, City of London Red Cross Hospital, Finsbury Square. Ad dress : 57, Harley Street, London, W. ] . ; Heath View, Tiptree, Essex. Club: Savage. (C4124 YOUNG, Robert Hellyer, O.B.E. YOUNG, Sidney, O.B.B, fi. 1869 ; s. of John Young ; ro Ellen Mary d. of J. B. Penistan. Chairman of British and Argentine Meat Co, Ltd, Las Palmas Produce Co, Ltd "K" Steamship Co, Ltd, and Director of Planet Assurance Co, Ltd. War Work : The first Director of Meat Supplies under Lord Rhondda, and after on the Meat and Livestock Advisory Committee at the Ministry of Food ; also an ex officio Member of the River Plate Refrigerated Tonnage Committee at the Board of Trade, the Meat and Allied Trades Red Cross Fund Committee, and of the Officers' Association Committee. Address : RedmUe, Sevenoaks, Kent. Clubs : Argentine ; Alpine. (O890) YOUNG, Rev. Stanislaus Dominic, D.S.O, O.B.E, 6. 7 May, 1884; s. of O. W. Young, F.S.I, of Liverpool. Educ. : Downside School ; Liverpool Univ. (Law School) ; Christ's Coll, Cambridge (M.A.). Priest in Roman Catholic Church ; Member of Benedictine Community, Downside Abbey ; Headmaster, Ealing Priory School. War Work : Chaplain to Forces, Feb. 1915, to Aug. 1919 ; France, AprU, 1915, to Aug. 1919 ; thrice mentioned in despatches. Address : Ealing Priory School, Ealing, W. 5. (05973) YOUNG, Pilot-Officer Stanley Gordon, M.B.E, R.A.F. YOUNG, Lieut. Stanley Harris, O.B.E, R.N.V.R, fi. 5 March, 1888 ; s. of the late Harry Woodward Young, of Hampstead ; m. Jessie, d. of William Francis Drewe, of Upper Norwood. Educ. : Schorne Coll, Bucks, and H.M.S. " Worcester." Partner in firm of Trafford and Young, Surveyors, 100, Jermyn Street, S.W. 1. War Work : Joined Anti-Aircraft Corps, R.N.V.R. in Oct. 1914 ; Commissioned as Sub-Lieut. R.N.V.R, and went to sea in various craft, bases, Lerwick and Dover, Oct. 1915 ; promoted to Lieut, command of M.L. 306, base, Swansea, Oct. 1916 ; qualified as Gunnery Lieut, bases, Lame and Granton. Addresses : 15, Dunmore Road, Wimbledon ; 100, Jermyn Street, S.W. 1. (03596) YOUNG, Sydney Roles, O.B.E, 6. 25 March, 1866 ; s. of Thomas Young, of Clapham ; to. Florence Priscilla, d. of Henry Lawry, of St. Minver, Cornwall. Educ. : St. Walter St. John's School, Battersea. Superintending Clerk, Depart ment of the Accountant-General of the Navy, Admiralty. War Work : Head of the Salary Branch, Admhalty. Address : 76, Bromfelde Road, Clapham, S.W. 4. (011683) YOUNG, Thomas, M.B.E, N.D.A, F.S.I, 6. 25 Oct. 1879 ; s. of Thomas Young, J.P, of Newbigging, Methven, Perthshire. Educ. : Sharps, Perth ; West of Scotland Coll. of Agriculture, Glasgow. Lecturer in Estate Management in Agricultural CoU, Aspatria, Cumberland, Oct. 1901, to July, 1908 ; on staff of Edinburgh and Bast of Scotland Coll. of Agriculture as Organiser and Lecturer in Agriculture in County of Fife, Oct. 1908, to date. War Work : Sec. and Executive Officer to Fife Agricultural Executive Committees for Increased Food Production ; Sec. to Fife Women's County Agricultural Committee for Organisation of Women Labour ; Agricultural Superintendent under the Mimstry of Agriculture and Fisheries for the reintroduction of Flax Production to Scotland as a war measure for the manufacture of Aeroplane Wings ; Sec. to the Fife Flax Advisory Committee ; author of a first prize scheme for the settlement of discharged and disabled soldiers and sailors on the land. (Ml 129) YOUNG, Major Thomas Dunlop, O.B.E. YOUNG, Thomas Pettigrew, M.B.E. YOUNG, Lieut.-Comm. Thomas Wallace, O.B.E, R.N.R. YOUNG, Lieut. WaUace Melville, M.B.B. YOUNG, Capt. Walter Gerald Paul, O.B.E. YOUNG, Major William, O.B.E, V.D, M.B, C M. YOUNG, Capt. WUUam Alexander, O.B.E., fi. July, 1884 ; s. of John Young, of The Manor, Fisherton de ia Mere, Wilts ; to. Marion Edith, d. of David G. Mitchell, of Wynyards, Wimbledon. Educ. : Glasgow Academy, and Fettes Coll, Edinburgh. Shipowner and Shipbroker ; Partner in firms of W. A. Young & Co, and Hansen Bros, Young and Gillett, 7, Union Court, E.C. 2. War Work : MobUised Aug. 1914, with the London Scottish, in which he was 2nd Lieut. ; immediately after outbreak of war was promoted Capt. and detaUed to the raising and training of new battalions ; eventually went to France, and after serving in the trenches was severely wounded at the first Battle of Arras ; sent home and found unfit for further active service ; on discharge from hospital was posted to the Ministry of Shipping, where he was chiefly associated with the Requisition of the Dutch steamers in British Ports in 1918 ; superintended the management of the fleet thus acquired by the British Government along with a large number of time- chartered neutral vessels ; after the Armistice redelivered all the neutral steamers acquired by the British Government to theh nationals. Addresses : 9, Woodhayes Road, Wimble don Common ; c/o W. A. Young & Co, 7, Union Court, Old Broad Street, E.C 2. Club : Caledonian. (011685) YOUNG, Sir WUliam Douglas, K.B.E, C.M.G. ; s. of tha late W Alexander George Young, C.M.G., Governor of Gold Coast Colonv. Educ. : Charterhouse, Entered Colonial Service, 1877; Chief Clerk, Government Secretary Offics, British Guiana, 1889 ; Assistant Colonial Secretary, Mauritius 1895 ; Acting Colonial Secretary, 2_ years ; Commissioner, Turks and Caicos Islands, 1901 ; Administrator Dominica, 1906-13 ; Acting Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Leeward Islands, 1909 ; Administrator-Colonial Secretary, Santa Lucia 1913-14 ; Acting Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Windward Islands, 1914 ; Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Falkland Islands, since 1914. Address : Government House, Stanley, Falkland Islands. Club : Isthmian. (K321_) YOUNG, Capt. WilUam Edward, M.B.E, M.S.C.R. ; s. of the late Rev. WiUiam Frederick Young, M.A, B.D, of Co. Tipperary, Deland ; m. LiUan Mary, d. of the late Reuben Ross, of Ross, Gloucestershire. Educ : St. Peter's School, York ; Canada. Commandant, MetropoUtan Police Reserve, and Hon. General Sec. of the Free Church of England (Episcopal) ; late Royal Dragoons, Royal Irish Constabulary, Legion of Frontiersmen, National Reserve, etc. War Work: Commander, Metropolitan Special Constabulary, Metropolitan Observation Service ; served on numerous committees, including the Veterans' Association, Land Settlement, War Orphans, Seamen's, etc. Addresses : Nenagh, Thames Ditton, Surrey ; Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue, London. Club : Tamesis SaiUng. (M4104) YOUNG, WiUiam James, C.B.E. Rendered services to Shipping during Great War. (C369) YOUNG, WilUam Ronald, O.B.E. YOUNG, Winifred, Mrs., M.B.B, M.A, B.Sc. (St. Andrews), 6. 10 June, 1890 ; d. of James Ross, J.P, of Canisbay Lodge, Newport, Fife ; in. Charles Robert, s. of Robert Young, of Nottingham. Educ. : Univ. of St. Andrews. Formerly Carnegie Research Scholar and FeUow, Univ. of St. Andrews. War Work : Preparation of rare drugs for National Health insurance Commission at Univ. of St. Andrews ; investigation of problems connected with chemical warfare; Technical Assistant, H.Q. Offices, Chemical Warfare Department, Ministry of Munitions. Address : 14b, Belsize Lane, Hamp stead, N.W. (M10172) YOUNGE, Joseph Samuel, O.B.E, J.P. : s. of WUUam Younge, of BalUnamana, Galway ; to. Edith Mary, d. of John O'Connor, of Dublin. Educ. : Model School, Galway. War Work : Worked for 4J- years in the cause of recruiting in Ireland, and received letters of thanks from prominent members of the Army and Navy. (011682) YOUNGER, Jessie Alice, O.B.E, 6. 23 Sept. 1871 ; d. of George Younger, of 10, Lynedoch Crescent, Glasgow. Educ. : The Park School, Glasgow; Cambridge Univ. (Girton CoU, Cambridge). Civil Servant; Chief Woman Officer, Ministry of Labour, Employment Department. War Work : Recruiting women labour for Munition Factories ; for substitution ; and for Women's Auxiliary War Services. Addresses : Divisional Office, Ministry of Labour, 44, Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh; 6, Osborne Terrace, Edinburgh. Clubs : Lyceum ; Ladies Caledonian (Edinburgh) ; Kelvin (Glasgow) ; Literary (Glasgow). (O2042) YOUNGER, Lieut.-Col. John Henderson, O.B.E. YOUNGER, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert, G.B.E, fi. 12 Sept. 1861 ; s. of James Younger, of AUoa. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy, and Balliol Coll, Oxford. Lord Justice of Appeal. War Work: Joint Chahman of AUens' Internment and Repatriation Committee, 1915-17 ; Chahman of Government Committee on Treatment by the Enemy of British Prisoners of War; a British Delegate at the Hague Conference with German Delegates on the Treatment of Prisoners of War in 1917 ; Chahman of Home Office Committee on Interned Enemy Aliens, 1919. Address : 73, South Audley Street, W.C. Clubs : Athenaeum ; Oxford and Cambridge ; New University ; Garrick ; Bachelors' ; New (Edinburgh). (G12) YOUNGHUSBAND, Arthur Delavel, CS.I, C.B.E, 6. 1854 ; s. of the late Gen. Robert Romer Younghusband, C.B, of 106, Pembroke Road, CUfton, Bristol; m. Maud Helen, d. of Lewis Gordon. Educ. : Rugby ; Clifton Coll. ; BaUiol Coll. Oxford. Entered I.C.S. 1875 ; Assist. Commr. Central Provinces, 1891 ; Dep. Commr. 1892 ; Commr. 1897 ; M.L.C. Bombay, 1903 ; Member of Council of Viceroy of India, 1904 ; Commr. in Sind, 1905 ; retired, 1912 ; has Kaisir-i-Hind medal. Address : Priory House, Long Bennington, near Grantham. (C3069) YOUNGHUSBAND, Herbert WiUiam, M.B.E. YOUNGHUSBAND, Jonathan, M.B.E. Censor, Durban. (M10260) YOUNGMAN, Annie, M.B.E, 6. 21 AprU, 1894. Educ. : Watford. Junior Administrative Assist, Ministry of Shipping. War Work: Canteen work at the Eagle Hut. Address : 84, Shaftesbury Road, Crouch HiU, London, N. (M2691) YOUNGMAN, Walter, M.B.B. YOUNGSON, Alexander, M.B.E, R.N.R. YOURDI, Lieut.-Col. John Robert, O.B.E, B.A, M.B, B.Ch., R.A.M.C, 6. 6 Feb. 1855 ; s. of Nicholas George Yourdi, of Queenstown, Co. Cork ; m. Hilda Margaret, d. of J. H. Rive, of South-view, St. Saviour's, Jersey, CI. Educ: Trinity CoU, Dublin. Served in the Egyptian Campaign, 1882, Medal and Khedive Star ; officiating Principal Medical Officer, 9th (Secunderabad) Division, India, 1906; Senior Medical 570 BIOGRAPHIES. Zobel Officer, Jersey District, 1907-10. War Work : Re-employed at outbreak of the war ; served as S.M.O. Jersey District, Nov 1914, to AprU, 1919; President of Recruiting Medical Board under the Jersey MUitary Service Act ; mentioned for valuable service rendered in connection with the war, 1917. Address : Spring Bank, St. Heliers, Jersey. Club : Victoria (Jersey). ,._.__ (07897) YOXALL, George, O B.E. YUILL, Lieut. Alexander Claude Roy, O.B.E, R.N.V.R. YULE, Capt. Charles Bernard Besly, O.B.E, R.A. YULE, George Udny, C.B.E, fi. 1871 ; s. of the late Sir George Udny Yule, K.C.S.I, C.B. Educ. : Winchester, and Univ. Coll. London. Hon. M.A. Camb. 1913 ; appointed Univ. Lecturer in Statistics, Cambridge, 1912 ; Head of Statistics and Information Branch (later Dhector of Requirements), Ministry of Food, 1917 ; employed in Army Contracts Depart. 1915-16. Address : St. John's College, Cambridge. Club : SavUe. (C349) YULE, Capt. Jaok Seymour. O.B.E, 6. 29 Sept. 1889 ; s. of George Udny Yule, of Calcutta. Educ : Repton, R.M.A., Woolwich. Royal Engineers, employed as Staff Officer ; Chief Signal Officer (British Forces on the Rhine). Club: Junior United Service. (08611) YULE, Capt. John StirUng, M.B.E, RF.A. (T.). ZAHAROFF, Sir Basil, G.C.B, G.B.E, 6. 1850. Educ : London and Paris. Doctor of Laws, Paris; Banker. War Work : Founded Professorships of Aviation at Universities of Paris, Petrograd, and London ; also Marshal Foch Professor ship of French Literature at Oxford University ; Field Marshal Haig Professorship of BngUsh Literature at Paris University ; has Grand Cross of Legion of Honour. Addresses : 53, Avenue Hoche, Paris ; Chateau de BaUncourt. Seine-et-Oise, France. Club : Marlborough. ZANZIBAR, Rt. Rev. Frank Weston, Bishop of, O.B.B, M.A, D.D, fi. 1871 ; 4th s. of R. W. G. Weston. Chaplain of St. Andrew's Coll. Zanzibar, 1898-99 ; Warden, St. Mark's Theological Coll. Zanzibar, 1899—1901 ; Principal, St. Andrew's Training Coll. Kiungani, Zanzibar, 1901-8 ; Chancel lor of Zanzibar Cathedral, 1904-8; Hon. Maj. Zanz. Carrier Corps, 1916 (mentioned in despatches, 1917). (02235) ZOBEL, EUzabeth, Mrs., M.B.E. 571 THE MOST EXCELLENT ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Sovereign of the Order, H.M. THE KING. Grand Master and FirSt or Principal Knight Grand Cross, H.R.H. THE PRIN€E OP WALES, E.G., 4 June 1917. KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS. (G.B.E.) (m.) signifies Military Division. 1 Connaught, Field-Marshal H.R.H. The Duke of, 4 June, 1917. 2 Gladstone, Viscount, 4 June, 1917. 3 Emmott, Lord, 4 June, 1917. 4 Monlton, Lord, 4 June, 1917. 5 Sydenham, Lord, 4 June, 1917. 6 Strathclyde, Lord, 4 June, 1917. 8 Stanley, Hon. Sh Arthur, 4 June, 1917. 9 Geddes, Rt. Hon. Sh Eric CampbeU, 4 June, 1917. 10 Pearson, Sh (Cyril) Arthur, Bart, 4 June, 1917. 11 Sankey, Sh John, 4 June, 1917. 12 Younger, Sh Robert, 4 June, 1917. 14 Chelmsford, Lord, 4 Dec. 1917. 15 Willineton, Lord, 4 Dec. 1917. 16 Hyderabad, H.H. Mzam-ul-Daula Nawab Mir Sir Usman AU Khan Bahadur, Fatch Yang of, 4 Dec. 1917. 17 Mysore, H.H. Maharaja Sri Sh Krishnaraja Wadiyar Bahadur of, 4 Dec. 1917. 18 Scindhia of Gwalior, H.H. Maharaja Sir MadhoRao Bahadur, 4 Dec. 1917. 19 Jammu and Kashmir, H.H. Maharaja Sh Pratap Singh Bahadur of, G.CS.I., G.C.I.E, 1 Jan. 1918.* 20 Jaipur, H.H. Maharajadhhaja Sir Sawai Madho Singh Bahadur of, G.CS.I, G.C.I.E, G.CV.O, 1 Jan. 1918. 21 Kotah, H.H. Maharao Sir Umed Singh Bahadur of, G.CS.I., G.C.I.E, 1 Jan. 1918. 22 Patiala, H.H. Maharajadhhaja Sri Sir Bhupindar Singh Mahindar Bahadur, of, G.C.I.E, 1 Jan. 1918. 23 Dunlop, Sir Thomas, Bart, 1 Jan. 1918. 24 EUis, Sh WilUam Henry, 1 Jan, 1918. 25 Garten, Sh Richard Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 26 Harrel, Rt. Hon. Sir David, 1 Jan. 1918. 27 Hudson, Sir Robert Arundell, 1 Jan. 1918. 28 Lee of Fareham, Lord, 1 Jan. 1918. 29 Plender, Sir WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 30 Wingate, Sh Francis Reginald, 1 Jan. 1918. 31 Brooks, Sh Arthur David, 3 June, 1918. 32 Garstin, Sir William Edmund, 3 June, 1918. 33 Gordon, Sh Charles Blah, 3 June, 1918. 34 Plymouth, Earl of, 3 June, 1918. 35 Strong, Rt. Reverend Sir Thomas Banks, 3 June, 1918. 37 Liverpool, Earl of, 3 June, 1918. 38 Miles, Sir Herbert Scott Gould, 3 June, 1918. 39 Sclater, Sh Henry Crichton, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 40 Durnford. Sir Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. 41 Ellis, Sir Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 42 Peel, Viscount, 1 Jan. 1919. 43 Raglan, Lord, 1 Jan. 1919. 44 Ward, Sh Edward Willis Duncan, Bart. 1 Jan. 1919. 45 Nawanagar, H.H. Jam of, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 46 Sykes. Sir Frederick Hugh, 26 Aug. 1919. 48 ChUston, Viscount, 1 Jan. 1920. 49 Gibb, Sh Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 51 Harris, Sh Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 52 Highmore, Sir Nathaniel Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 53 Home, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Stevenson, 1 Jan, 1920. 54 Kindersley, Sir Robert Molesworth, 1 Jan. 1920. 55 Livesey, Sir Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 56 Meath, Earl of. 1 Jan. 1920. 57 Munro, Sir Thomas, 1 Jan. 1020. 58 Denisou-Pender, Sir John, 1 Jan. 1920. 59 Ridsdale Sir Edward Aurelian, 1 Jan. 1920. 60 Shipley, Sir Arthur Everett, 1 Jan. 1920. 61 Smith, Sir Henry Babington, 1 Jan. 1920. 62 Bates, Sh Percy Elly, Bart, 5 June, 1920. 63 MacLeod, Sir John Lame, 5 June, 1920. 64 Robinson, Sir Thomas Bilbe, 5 June, 1920. 65 Samuel, Rt. Hon. Sh Herbert Louis, 11 June 1920. 66 Cox, Sh Edward Owen, 15 Oct. 1920. 67 Haking, Sir Richard Cyril Byrne, 1 Jan. 1921 (M.) 68 Bikaner, H.H. The Maharaja of, 1 Jan. 1921. (M.) 69 Scarborough, Earl of, 12 Feb. 1921. (M.) DAMES GRAND CROSS. (G.B.E.) 1 Lawley, Annie Allen, Hon. Lady, 4 June, 1917. 2 Paget, Louisa Margaret LeUa Weymss, Lady, 4 June, 1917 3 Reid, Flora, Lady, 4 June, 1917. 4 Furse, Dame Katharine, 4 June, 1917. 5 Chelmsford. Francis Charlotte, Lady, 4 Dec. 1917. 6 Bhopal. H.H. Nawab Sultan Jahan Begum of, 1 Jan. 1918. 7 Ampthill, Margaret, Lady, CI, 1 Jan. 1918. 9 Dawson, Aimee Evelyn, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 10 Montrose, Violet Hermione, Duchess of, 1 Jan. 1918. 11 Northclirfe, Mary Elizabeth, Viscountess, 1 Jan. 1918. 12 Liverpool, Annette Louise, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1918. 13 Christian, H.R.H. Princess, 3 June, 1918. 14 Argyll, H.R.H. Princess Louise, Duchess of, 3 June, 1918. 15 Helena Victoria. H.H. Princess. C.I, 3 June, 1918. 16 Becher, Dame Ethel Hope, 3 June, 1918. (if.) 17 Harcourt, Mary Ethel, Viscountess, 3 June, 1918. H.M. THE QUEEN, 24 Aug. 1917. H.M. QUEEN ALEXANDRA, 1 Jan. 1918. 19 Winchester, Charlotte Josephine, Marchioness of, 3 June, 20 McCarthy, Dame Emma Maud, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 21 Novar, Helen Hermione, Viscountess, 3 June, 1918. 22 Browne, Dame Sidney Jane, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 23 Beatrice, H.R.H. Princess, 1 Jan. 1919. 24 Marie Louise, H.H. Princess, 1 Jan. 1919. 26 Buxton, MUdred, Viscountess, 1 Jan. 1919. 27 Swift, Dame Sarah Ann, 1 Jan. 1919. 28 Waterford.Beatrix Frances, Marchioness of, 1 Jan. 1919. 29 Airlie, Mabell Frances Elizabeth, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 30 Lansdowne, Maud Evelyn, Marchioness of, 1 Jan. 1920. 31 Reading, Alice Edith, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 32 de Saumarez, Annie, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 33 George, Dame Margaret Lloyd, 16 Aug. 1920. 573 KNIGHTS COMMANDERS. (K.B.E.) 1 FeUowes, Rt. Hon. Sh AUwyn Edward, 4 June, 1917. 2 Maclean, Rt. Hon. Sir Donald, 4 June, 1917. 3 Goschen, Hon. Sh William Henry, 4 June, 1917. 9 Raven, Sir Vincent Litchfield, 4 June, 1917. 10 Anderson, Sir Alan Garrett, 4 June, 1917. 11 Austin, Sh Herbert, 4 June, 1917. 12 Bledisloe, Lord, 4 June, 191?. 13 Bell, Sh Thomas, 4 June, 1917. 14 Carter, Sir George John, 4 June. 1917, 15 Clerk, Sh Dugald. 4 June, 1917. 16 Cleland, Sir Charles John, 4 June, 1917. 17 Cullen of Ashbourne, Brien Ibrican, Lord, 4 June, 1917. 18 Collingwood, Sh William, 4 June, 1917. 19 Fielding, Sir Charles WUUam, 4 June, 1917. 20 Findlay, Sir John Ritchie, 4 June, 1917. 22 Harris, Sir Henry Percy, 4 June, 1917. 23 Herbert, Sir Alfred Edward, 4 June, 1917. 24 Hunter, Sir John, 4 June, 1917. 25 Irvin, Sir John Hannell, 4 June 1917. 26 Jackson, Sir Cyril, 4 June, 1917. 27 Jackson, Sir Herbert Samuel, 4 June, 1917. 29 Llewelyn, Sh Leonard Wilkinson, 4 June, 1917. 30 Macassey, Sir Lynden, 4 June, 1917. 31 Morgan, Sir Herbert Edward, 4 June, 1917. 32 Partridge, Sir Cecil, 4 June, 1917. 33 Pollock Sir Ernest Murray, 4 June 1917 34 Robinson, Sir Thomas, 4 June, 1919. 35 Roberts, Sir Arthur Cornelius, 4 June, 1917. 36 Robbins, Sh Edmund, 4 June, 1917. 37 Samuel, Sir John Smith, 4 June, 1917. 38 Stewart, Sir Edward, 4 June, 1917. 39 Stokes, Sh Frederick WUfred Scott. 4 June, 1917. 40 Threlfall, Sh Richard, 4 June, 1917. 41 Wallace, Sh Johnstone, 4 June, 1917. 42 Walton, Sir WUliam, 4 June, 1917. (M.) 43 Yapp, Sir Arthur KeysaU, 4 June, 1917. 44 Dhar, H.H. Raja Sh Udaji Rao Puar of, 4 Dec. 1917. 45 Hewett, Sir John Prescott, 4 Dec. 1917. 46 Cleveland, Sh Charles Raitt, 4 Dec. 1917. 48 Aglen, Sir Francis Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 49 BaUlie, Sir Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 50 Barlow, Sh Clement Anderson Montague, 1 Jan. 1918. 51 Beale, Sh John Field, 1 Jan, 1918. 52 Beatson, Sh George Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 53 Becker, Sh Walter, 1 Jan, 1918. 54 Caird, Sir Andrew, 1 Jan. 1918. 55 Cantlie, Sir James, 1 Jan. 1918. 56 Close, Sir Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 57 Davies, Sir Alfred Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 58 Davies, Sir Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 59 Davison, Sh WUliam Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 60 Dennis, Sir Alfred Hull, 1 Jan. 1918. 61 Dickinson, Rt. Hon. Sir Willoughby Hyett, 1 Jan. 1918. 62 Don, Sir WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. 63 Dorman, Sh Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1918. 64 Elliott, Sir Bignell George, 1 Jan. 1918. 65 Eve, Sh Herbert Trustram, 1 Jan. 1918. 66 Fletcher, Sir Walter Morley, 1 Jan. 1918. 67 Forwood, Sh WUUam Bower, 1 Jan. 1918. 68 Fowler, Sir Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 69 Galloway, Sh James, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 71 Goadby, Sir Kenneth Weldon, 1 Jan. 1918. 72 Goldfinch, Sir Arthur Home, 1 Jan. 1918. 73 Goode, Sir WiUiam Athelstane Meredith, 1 Jan. 1918. 74 Gracie. Sir Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 75 Grey-WUson, Sir William, 1 Jan. 1918. 76 Guthrie, Sh Connop, 1 Jan. 1918. 77 Hall, Sh Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 78 Harris, Sh Arthur Ambrose Hall, 1 Jan. 1918. 79 Henderson, Sh Frederick Ness, 1 Jan. 1918. 80 Henriques, Sir Philip Gutterez, 1 Jan. 1918. 81 HUey, Sh Ernest Varvill, 1 Jan. 1918. 82 Holbrook, Sir Arthur Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. 84 Hunter, Sir George Burton, 1 Jan. 1918. 85 Jackson, Sir Louis Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 86 Jarmay, Sir John Gustave, 1 Jan. 1918. 87 Jones, Sir Edgar Rees, 1 Jan. 1918. 88 Jones, Sir Roderick, 1 Jan. 1918. 89 Kenderdine, Sh Charles Halestaff, 1 Jan. 1918. 91 Lloyd, Sir John HaU Seymour, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 92 Mann, Sh John, 1 Jan. 1918. 93 94 9596 979899 100102103104105 106107109 110 112113 114115 116117119 121 122 123 124125 126 127 128129130 131 132 133134135136 137138139140 141 142143144145146147148149150151153154155156157158159160161162163164166167168109170171172173174175176177178179 180 MarshaU, Sh Arthur Harold, 1 Jan. 1918. Mav, Sh George Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. McClelland, Sh Peter Hannay, 1 Jan. 1918. McKechnie, Sir James, 1 Jan. 1918. Ogilvie, Sh Andrew Muter John, 1 Jan. 1918. Penson, Sh Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. Penton, Sh Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. Preston, Sh Frederick George Panizzi, 1 Jan. 1918. Robertson, Sh Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. Rowell, Sh Herbert Babington, 1 Jan. 1918. Smith, Sh Harry, 1 Jan. 1918. Stewart, Sh Charles John, 1 Jan. 1918. Storey, Sir Thomas James, 1 Jan. 1918. Stothert, Sh Percy Kendall, 1 Jan. 1918. Stuart, Sir Campbell, 1 Jan. 1918. Sykes, Sir Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. Thomson, Sir William Rowan, 1 Jan. 1918. Warner, Sh Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. Welby, Sh Alfred Cholmeley Earle, 1 Jan. 1918. Stack, Sir Lee Oliver FitzMaurice, 1 Jan. 1918. Barrett, Sir James WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. Clarkson, Sh WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. Steward, Sir George, 1 Jan. 1918. McGrath, Sh Patrick Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. Caruana, Most Rev. Maurice, Bishop of Malta, 1 Jan. 1918. im Thurn, Sir Everard Ferdinand, 1 Jan. 1918. Manning, Sh WilUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. Wallace. Sh Laurence Aubrey, 1 Jan. 1918. Young, Sir Arthur Henderson, 1 Jan. 1918. Bourne, Sh Henry Roland Murray, 24 May, 1918. Goold-Adams, Sir Henry Edward Fane, 3 June, 1918. (ii.i Archer, Sir John, 3 June, 1918. Readett-Bayley, Sh Henry Dennis, 3 June, 1918. Benn, Sir Arthur Shirley, 3 June, 1918. Brittain, Sh Harry, 3 June, 1918. Byrne, Sir Joseph Aloysius, 3 June, 1918. Caine, Sir HaU, 3 June. 1918. Chambers, Sir Theodore Gervase, 3 June, 1918. Cobb, Sh Cyril Stephen, 3 June, 1918. Connell, Sh Robert Lowden, 3 June, 1918. Cooke, Sir Edward Marriott, 3 June, 1918. Darwin, Sh Horace, June 3, 1918. Duthie, Sir John, 3 June, 1918. Esplen, Sir John, 3 June, 1918. Ferguson, Sh John, 3 June, 1918. Garnsey, Sir Gilbert Francis, 3 June, 1918. Hadcock, Sir Albert George, 3 June, 1918. Harrison, Sh Cecil Reeves, 3 June, 1918. Henn, Sh Sydney Herbert Holcroft, 3 June, 1918. Holmden, Sh Osborn George, 3 June, 1918. Houston, Sh Alexander Cruikshank, 3 June, 1918. Japp, Sh Henry, 3 June, 1918. Kinnear, Sh Walter Samuel, 3 June, 1918. Levick, Sh Hugh Gwynne, 3 June, 1918. Lowrey, Sir Joseph, 3 June, 1918. Lumsden, Sh John, 3 June, 1918. McGowan, Sir Harry Duncan, 3 June, 1918. Mackenzie, Sh WilUam Warrender, 3 June, 1918. Mendl, Sh Sigismund Ferdinand, 3 June, 1918. Middleton, Sir Thomas Hudson, 3 June, 1918. Nathan, Sh Frederic Lewis, 3 June, 1918. Nimmo, Sh Adam, 3 June, 1918. Orpen, Sir WilUam Newenham Montague, 3 June, 1918. Pehse, Sh Richard Henry, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Perry, Sir Percival Lea Dewhurst, 3 June, i918. Peters, Sh Lindley Byron, 3 June, 1918. Sinclah, Sh Wahond Arthur Frank, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Smith, Sir Allan MacGregor, 3 June, 1918. Spencer, Sh Thomas Harris, 3 June, 1918. Spicer, Sh Howard Handsly, 3 June, 1918. Stern, Sh Albert, 3 June, 1918. Stewart, Sh Robert King, 3 June, 1918. Fox-Symons, Sh Robert, 3 June, 1918. Taggart, Sh James, 3 June, 1918. Taylor, Sh William Francis Kyffln, 3 June, 1918. Thomson, Sir Courtauld, 3 June, 1918. Mitchell-Thomson, Sh William, Bart, 3 June, 1918. Thornycroft, Sh John Edward, 3 June, 1918. Tritton, Sh Seymour Biscoe, 3 June, 1918. Hume-WUliams, Sir WilUam Ellis, 3 June, 1918. Wilson, Sir Thomas Fleming, 3 June, 1918. 574 DAMES COMMANDERS (D.B.E.) KNIGHTS COMMANDERS (K B.E i KNIGHTS COMMANDERS. 181 Bhagwati Prasad Singh, Maharaja Bahadur Sir, 3 June, 1918. 182 Young, Sh Frank Popham, 3 June, 1918. 183 Darbhanga, Maharaja Sh Bameshwar Singh Bahadur of, 3 June, 1918. 184 Pirajhao, Sir Bapu Sahib Ghatge, 3 June, 1918. 185 Harvey, Sh George Samuel Abercromble, 3 June, 1918. 186 French, Sir John RusseU, 3 June, 1918. 187 Wallers, Sh Evelyn Ashley, 3 June, 1918. 188 Cashin, Hon. Sir Michael Patrick, S June, 1918. 189 Adams, Sir Arthur Robert, 3 June, 1918. 190 Duff, Sh Hector Livingstone, 3 June, 1919. 191 Price, Sh Rhys Howell, 19 Dec, 1918. (M.) 192 Wright, Sir Almroth Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 193 Friend, Rt. Hon. Sh Lovick Barnsby, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 194 Hickson, Sir Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 195 Thornton, Sir Henry Worth, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 196 Brown, Sir George McLaren, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 197 Thomas, Sh John Lynn, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 198 Bruce-Porter, Sir Harry Edwin Bruce, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 199 Ommanney, Sh Robert Nelson, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 200 Inglefleld, Sir Edward Fitzmaurice, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 201 Pears, Sh Edmund RadcUffe, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 202 Boys, Sh Francis Theodore, 1 Jan. 1919. 203 Budd, Sir CecU Lindsay, 1 Jan. 1919. 204 Burnett, Sh Edward Napier, 1 Jan. 1919. 205 Butler, Sh Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1919. 206 Carmichael, Sh James, 1 Jan. 1919. 207 Clement, Sh Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 208 Kinloch-Cooke, Sh Clement, 1 Jan. 1919. 209 Tudor-Craig, Sh Algernon, 1 Jan. 1919. 210 Curtis, Sh Richard James, 1 Jan. 1919. 211 Daniels, Sh Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. 212 Eyles, Sir Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. 213 Gibson, Sir Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. 214 Green, Sh Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. 215 Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, 1 Jan. 1919. 216 Halsey, Sh Laurence Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 217 Jones, Sh WiUiam John, 1 Jan. 1919. 218 Lees, Sh John McKie, 1 Jan. 1919. 219 Leslie, Sh Norman Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. 220 Mackenzie, Sh Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. 222 McLaughlin, Sir Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 223 ManseU, Sir John Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. 224 MaxweU, Sh WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 225 Newton, Sh George Douglas Cochrane, 1 Jan. 1919. 226 Pares, Sh Bernard, 1 Jan. 1919. 227 Pedder, Sh John, 1 Jan. 1919. 228 Piggott, Sir George Bettesworth, 1 Jan. 1919. 229 Poison, Sh Thomas Andrew, 1 Jan. 1919. 230 Pope, Sir WiUiam Jackson, 1 Jan. 1919. 231 Reid, Sh George ArchdaU O'Brien, 1 Jan. 1919. 232 Rhiud, Sh Thomas Duncan, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 233 Sparks, Sh Ashley, 1 Jan. 1919. 234 Standing, Sh Guy, 1 Jan. 1919. 235 Strahan, Sh Aubrey, 1 Jan. 1919. 236 Thorn, Sh WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 237 Warrack, Sir James Howard, 1 Jan. 1919. 238 Waterlow, Sh William Alfred, 1 Jan 1919. 239 Whinney, Sh Arthur Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. 240 White. Sh WiUiam Hale, 1 Jan. 1919. 241 WiUert, Sh Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 242 Wimble, Sh John Bowring, 1 Jan. 1919. 243 Woods, Sir James WilUams, 1 Jan. 1919. 244 Wormald, Sh John, 1 Jan. 1919. 245 Wyon, Sh Albert WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. 246 Dennys, Sir Hector Travers, 1 Jan. 1919. 247 Reed, Sh Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. 248 Richards, Sir Henry George, 1 Jan. 1919. 249 Thomson, Sh James Wishart, 1 Jan. 1919. 250 Bernard, Sir Edgar Edwin, 1 Jan. 1919. 251 Stavert, Sh WUliam Ewen, 1 Jan. 1919. 252 Hambro, Sir Eric, 1 Jan. 1919.. 253 CoUins, Sh Godfrey Pattison, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 254 Headlam, Sir John Emerson Wharton, 1 Jan. 1919. (if.) 255 CresweU, Sh WUUam Rooke, 1 AprU, 1919. (M.) 256 Turner, Sir George Robertson, 1 April, 1919. (M.) 257 Vaughan-Lee, Sh Charles Lionel, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 258 Pryn, Sh William Wenmoth, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 259 Handyside. Sir Patrick Brodie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 260 Cust, Sir Herbert Edward Purey-, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 261 McNabb, Sir Daniel Joseph Patrick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 262 Nance, Sir Arthur Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 263 Alton, Sir Francis Cooke, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 264 Khan, Nawab Sir Bahram, 3 June, 1919. 265 Singh, Raja Sh Daljit, 3 June, 1919. 266 Sitole, Sardar Sh Appaji Rao, 3 June, 1919. 267 Murray, Sir Valentine, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 268 BaUance, Sh HamUton Ashley. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 269 Fhth, Sir Robert Hammill, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 270 Money, Sir Arthur Wigram, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 271 Jackson, Sir Robert Whyte MelvUle, 3 June, 1919. (ii.) 272 Watson, Sh Harrv Davis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 273 Bowman-Manifold, Sh Michael Graham Egerton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 274 Clayton, Sir GUbert I'alkingham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 275 Gordon-Watson, Sir Charles Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 276 Long, Sir Arthur, 3 June. 1919. (M.) , 277 White-Thomson, Sh Hugh Davie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 278 Forbes, Sh Arthur WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (Jt.) 280 Seymour, Sir Edward Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 281 Dick, Sir Arthur Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 282 Ridout, Sir Dudley Howard, 3 Juno, 1919. (M.) 283 SackvUle-West, Hon. Sir Charles John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 284 Poole, Sh Frederick Cuthbert. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 285 Stanistreet, Sh George Bradshaw, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 286 Davy, Sir Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 287 Woodhead, Sir German Sims, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 288 Murphy, Sir Shirley Forster, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 289 Power, Sir D'Arcy, 3 June. 1919. (M.) 290 Wood, Sir James Leigh, S June, 1919. (m.) 291 Gray, Sir Henry Mcllree WilUamson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 292 Mayo-Robson, Sir Arthur William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 293 Symonds, Sir Charters James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 294 Mott, Sir Frederick Walker, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 295 Jones, Sir Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 296 Reid, Sir Archibald Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 297 Belfleld, Sh Herbert Eversley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 298 Bond, Sir Francis George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 299 Bewicke-Copley, Sh Robert Calverley AUngton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 301 Pain, Sir George WiUiam Hacket, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 302 Raban, Sir Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 303 Balfour, Sir Alfred Granville. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 304 Morgan, Sir HU1 Godfrey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 305 Browne, Lord Arthur Howe, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 306 Kell, Sir Vernon George Waldegrave, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 307 Bdis, Sh Robert William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 308 MacKenzie, Sir Robert Campbell, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 309 Bedford, Herbrand Arthur, Duke of, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 310 Ryan, Sir Charles Snodgrass, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 311 McCay, Hon. Sh James Whiteside, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 312 Crosbie, Sir John Chalker, 3 June, 1919. 313 Cotts, Sir WilUam Dingwall MitcheU, 3 June, 1919. 314 Fowle, Sir Henry Walter Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. 315 Hands, Sir Harry, 3 June, 1919. 316 Stanford, Hon. Sir Walter Ernest Mortimer, 3 June, 1919. 317 Bowring, Sir Charles Calvert, 3 June, 1919. 318 Fuller, Sh Francis Charle3 Bernard Dudley, 3 June, 1919. 319 Grey, Sir Raleigh, 3 June, 1919. 320 Wilson, Sh Henry Francis, 3 June, 1919. 321a Young, Sir William Douglas, 3 June, 1919. 3216 Wilberforce, Sh Herbert WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 321c Macauley, Sir George Bohun, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 321d Mackenzie-Kennedy, Sir Edward Charles WiUiam. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 321e Ross, Sir Walter Charteris, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 321/ Hedley, Sh Walter Coote, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 3213 Heron, Sir Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 3216 Stiles, Sir Harold Jalland, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 322a Thorburn, Sh William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 3226 Yarde-Buller, Hon. Sh Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 322e Thornton, Sir Edward Newbury, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 323 Brown, Sir Arthur Whitten, 27 June, 1919. 324 Rowlatt, Sh Frederick Terry, 5 Dec. 1919. 325 Jackson, Sir Herbert WiUiam, 5 Dec. 1919. 326 Smith, Sh Ross Macpherson, 26 Dec. 1919. 327 Smith, Sir Keith Macpherson, 26 Dec. 1919. 328 Couchman, Sh Francis Dundas, 30 Dec. 1919. 329 Hart, Sir George Sanky, 30 Dec. 1919. 330 Kaul, Sir Diwan Bahadur Dayer Kishan, 30 Dec. 1919. 331 McRobert, Sir Alexander, 30 Dec. 1919. 332 Stileman, Sir Harry Hampson, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 333 ElUs, Sir Edward Henry Fitzhardinge Heaton-, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 334 Hatch, Sir Ernest Frederick George, Bart., 1 Jan. 1920. 335 Rhodes, Sir Robert Heaton, 1 Jan. 1920. 336 Brooke, Sir Harry Vesey, 1 Jan. 1920. 337 Abell, Sh Westcott StUe, 1 Jan. 1920. 338 Abrahamson, Sir Martin Arnold, 1 Jan. 1920. 339 Agnew, Sh Patrick Daheagle, 1 Jan. 1920. 340 Alexander, Sir WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 341 Ashdown, Sir George Henry, 1 Jan. 1020. 342 Badock, Sir Henry Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 343 Baker, Sir Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 344 Balfour, Sh Isaac Bayley, 1 Jan. 1920. 345 Baynham, Sh Walter de Mouchet, 1 Jan. 1920. 346 Barraclough, Sir Samuel Henry Egerton, 1 Jan. 1920. 347 Beattie, Sh James, 1 Jan. 1920. 348 Beeton, Sh Mayson Moss, 1 Jan. 1920. 349 Berridge, Sir Thomas Henry Devereux, 1 Jan. 1920. 350 Berry, Sir Walter Wheeler, 1 Jan. 1920. 351 Blake, Sir Arthur Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 352 Bragg, Sir WilUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 354 Brown, Sh Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 355 Burn, Sir Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 356 Butler, Sh Cyril Kendall, 1 Jan. 1920. 357 Campbell, Sir Gordon Huntly, 1 Jan. 1920. 358 Chance, Sir Frederick WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 359 Charles, Sir James Thomas Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 360 Chave, Sir Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 361 Cohen, Sir Robert Waley, 1 Jan. 1920. 362 Colefax, Sh Henry Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 363 Currie, Sir James, 1 Jan. 1920. 364 Demetriadi, Sh Stephen, 1 Jan. 1920. 365 Dennis, Sir Raymond Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 366 Devonshire, Sir James Lyne, 1 Jan. 1920. 367 Dewrance, Sir John, 1 Jan. 1920. 575 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 368 Diamond, Sir William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 369 Down, Sir Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 370 Elphinstone, Sir George Keith BuUer, 1 Jan. 1920. 371 Fisher, Sir Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 372 Fitch, Sir Cecil Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 373 Freeman, Sh Philip Horace, 1 Jan. 1920. 374 German, Sir James, 1 Jan. 1920. 375 Gibbons, Sir Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 376 Gibbs, Sir Philip Hamilton, 1 Jan. 1920. 377 Goschen, Sir William Henry Neville, 1 Jan. 1920. 378 Lloyd-Greame, Sir Philip, 1 Jan. 1920. '379 Gridley, Sir Arnold Babb, 1 Jan. 1920. 380 Harmer, Sir Sidney Frederic, 1 Jan. 1920. 381 Harris, Sir Austin Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 382 Harvey, Sir Ernest Maes, 1 Jan. 1920. 383 Hearn, Sir Walter Risley, 1 Jan. 1920. 384 Hertslet, Sir Cecil, 1 Jan. 1920. 385 Hodsdon, Sir James WUliam Beeman, 1 Jan. 1920. 386 Hutchings, Sh Alan, 1 Jan. 1920. 387 Johnston, Sir George Lawson, 1 Jan. 1920 388 Jones, Sir Bertram Hyde, 1 Jan. 1920. 389 Knudsen, Sir Karl Fredrik, 1 Jan. 1920. 390 Legg, Sir George Edward Wiekham, 1 Jan. 1920. 391 Lobnitz, Sir Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 392 Lucan, Earl of, 1 Jan. 1920. 393 Macardie, Sir Thomas Callan, 1 Jan. 1920. 394 Macleod, Sh Frederick Larkins, 1 Jan. 1920. 395 Macnaghten, Hon. Sir Malcolm Martin, 1 Jan. 1920. 396 Macneal, Sh Hector Murray, 1 Jan. 1920. 397 Mansfield, Sir Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 398 Mayhew, Sh Basil Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. 399 Metcalfe, Sir George, 1 Jan. 1920. 400 Mooney, Sir John Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 401 Murray, Sir George, 1 Jan. 1920. 402 Nicol, Sir Thomas Drysdale, 1 Jan. 1920. 403 Notley, Sh Franke Bartlett Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920. 404 Oman, Sir Charles William Chadwick, 1 Jan. 1920. 405 O'Neill, Sir Arthur Eugene, 1 Jan. 1920. 406 Packe, Sir Edward Hussey, 1 Jan. 1920. 407 Paton, Sir Alfred Vaughan, 1 Jan. 1920. 408 Petavel, Sir Joseph Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 409 Petersen, Sh William, 1 Jan. 1920. 410 PhUlips, Sir Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. 411 Prothero, Sir George Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 412 Rae, Sir James Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 413 Raeburn, Sir Ernest Manifold, 1 Jan. 1920. 414 Renwick, Sir Harry Benedetto, 1 Jan. 1920. 415 Robinson, Sir Harry Perry, 1 Jan. 1920. 416 Robson, Sir Herbert Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 417 Ruck, Sir Richard Matthews, 1 Jan. 1920. 418 RusseU, Sir Herbert WUliam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 419 Salvidge, Sir Archibald Tutton James, 1 Jan. 1920. 420 Samson, Sir Edward Marlay, 1 Jan. 1920. 421 Sanders, Sir Charles John Ough, 1 Jan. 1920. 422 Schooling, Sir WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 423 Simmons, Sir William Anker, 1 Jan. 1920. 424 Singer, Sir Mortimer, 1 Jan. 1920. 425 Sladen, Sir Sampson, 1 Jan. 1920. 426 Smethurst, Sir Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920 427 Smith, Sir Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1920. 428 Snagge, Sir Harold Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 429 Sutherland, Sir Arthur Munro, 1 Jan. 1920. 430 Swaish, Sir John, 1 Jan. 1920. 431 Tato, Sir Robert William, 1 Jan. 1920. 432 Thomas, Sh William Beach, 1 Jan. 1920. 433 Thompson, Sir Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 434 Thurston, Sir Thomas George Owens, 1 Jan. 1920. 435 Tomasson, Sir WUUam Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 436 Turner, Sir Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 437 Wallace, Sir David, 1 Jan. 1920. 438 Waterhouse, Sir Nicholas Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 439 Weaver, Sir Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1920. 440 Webb, Sir Arthur Lisle Ambrose, 1 Jan. 1920. 441 Colchester- Wemyss, Sir Maynard Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 442 Willis, Sir Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1920. 443 Wright, Sir William Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 443a Densham, Sir Harry Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. 4436 Fraser, Sir Drummond, 1 Jan. 1920. 443c OConor, Sir John, 1 Jan. 1920. 443d Dukes, Sir Paul, 1 Jan. 1920. 444 Colyer, Sir James Frank, 30 Jan. 1920. 445 Ware, Sh Fabian Arthur Goulstone, 23 Feb. 1920. (SI.) 446 Valadier, Sir Auguste Charles, 3 March, 1920. 446a Percy, Sir John Samuel Jocelyn, 15 March, 1920. 447 Share, Sir Hamnet Holditch, 16 AprU, 1920. 448 Van Ryneveld, Sir Helperus Andrias, 14 May, 1920. 449 Brand, Sir Christopher Joseph Quintin. 14 May, 1920. 450 Apsey, Sir John, 5 June, 1920. 451 Bowater, Sir Frederick William, 5 June, 1920. 452 D'Egville, Sir Howard, 5 June, 1920. 453 Elliot, Sir J.imes Duncan, 5 June, 1920. _54 Finlay, Sir William, 5 June. 1920. 455 Grant, Sh James Dundas-, 5 June, 1920. 456 Grayson, Sir Henry Mulleneux, 5 June, 1920. 457 Harvey, Sir Ernest Musgrave, 5 June, 1920. 458 Holt, Sir Vesey George Mackenzie, 5 June, 1920. 459 Lawson, Sir Arnold, 5 June, 1920. 460 Peat, Sir William Henry, 5 June, 1920. 461 Proctor, Sh PhiUp Bridger, 5 June, 1920. 462 Stamp, Sir Josiah Charles, 5 June, 1920. 463 Taylor, Sir William, 5 June, 1920. 464 Walker, Sir Alexander, 5 June, 1920. 465 Williams, Sir Archer John Alien-, 5 June, 1920. 466 Hayter, Sh WiUiam Goodenough, 24 Aug. 1920. 467 Young, Sir Frederick William, 5 Oct. 1920. 468 Braddon, Hon. Sir Henry Yule, 15 Oct. 1920. 469 Brookman, Sir George, 15 Oct. 1920. 470 David, Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth, 15 Oct. 1920. 471 Gibson, Sir Robert, 15 Oct. 1920. 472 Henley, Sir Thomas, 15 Oct. 1920. 473 McBeath, Sir William George, 15 Oct. 1920. 474 Meeks, Hon. Sh Alfred William, 15 Oct. 1920. 475 Rickard, Sh Arthur, 15 Oct. 1920. 476 Smith, Sir James Joynton, 15 Oct. 1920. 477 Blankenberg, Sh Reginald Andrew, 15 Oct. 1920. 478 Browne, Hon. Sir Albert, 15 Oct. 1920. 479 Dalrymple, Sir WiUiam, 15 Oct. 1920. 480 Edwards, Sir Alfred Hamilton Mackenzie, 15 Oct. 1920. 481 Clarke, Sir Arthur WeUesley, 22 Oct. 1920. 482 Smith, Sir Thomas James, 1 Nov. 1920. 483 Cunningham, Sh George, Jan. 1921. 484 Leveson-Gower, Sir George GranvUle, 1 Jan. 1921. DAMES COMMANDERS. (D.B.E.) 1 Londonderry, Edith, Marchioness of, 4 June, 1917. (M.) 2 Dufferin and Ava, Harlot Georgina, Marchioness of, 4 June, 1917. 3 Byron, Fanny Lucy, Lady, 4 June, 1917. 4 Lyttelton, Hon. Dame Edith Sophy, 4 June, 1917. 5 Lees, Dame Sarah Anne, 4 June, 1917. 6 Pentland, Marjorie Adeline, Lady, 4 Dec. 1917. 7 Willingdon, Marie Adelaide, Lady, 4 Dec. 1917. 8 Anstruther, Hon. Dame Eva Isabella Henriette, 1 Jan. 1918. 9 Arnott, Caroline Sydney, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 10 Burnett, Dame Maud, 1 Jan. 1918. 11 Godman, Dame Alice Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. 12 .Tekyll, Agnes Lowndes, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 13 Livingstone, Dame Adelaide, 1 Jan. 1918. 14 Locke-King, Dame Ethel, 1 Jan. 1918. 15 Lugard, Flora, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 16 Vaughan-Pryse-Rice, Dame Margaret Ker, 1 Jan. 1918. 17 Ridley, Rosamond Cornelia Gwladys, Viscountess. 1 Jan. 1918. 18 Sclater, Edith Harriet, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 19 Smith-Dorrien, Olive Crofton, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 20 WUls, Dame Janet Stancomb, 1 Jan. 1918. 21 Webster, Dame May, 1 Jan. 1918. 22 Armstrong, Dame Helen Proctor (Madame Melba), 1 Jan.1918. 23 Davidson, Margaret Agnes, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 24 Atholl, Katharine Marjory, Duchess of, 3 June, 1918. 25 Bell, Florence Eveleen Eleanore. Ladv, 3 June, 1918. 26 Bevan, Hon. Dame Maud Elizabeth, 3 June, 1918. 27 Bute, Augusta Mary Monica, Marchioness of, 3 June, 1918. 28 Donner, Anna Maria, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 29 Reid, Dame Clarissa, 3 June, 1918. 30 Roberts, Aileen Mary, Countess, 3 June, 1918. 31 3233343530 37383940 4142 4344 4540 47 4849 5051 52 53.54 5556 575859 60 61 Waldegrave, Mary Dorothea, Countess, 3 June, 1918. Leach, Dame Florence Edith Victoria, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) Crowdy, Dame Rachel Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1919. Henderson, Henrietta CaroUne, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. Lennox, Lady Blanche Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. Mount Stephen, Gian, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. Gwynne- Vaughan, Dame Helen Charlotte Isabella, 3 June , 1919. (M.) Monro, Mary Caroline, Hon. Lady, 3 June, 1919. O'Dwyer, Una, Lady, 3 June, 1919. Oram, Dame Sarah Elizabeth, 3 June, 1919. (M.) Northcote, Alice, Lady, 3 June, 1919. Darnley, Florence Rose, Countess of, 3 June, 1919. Harrowby, Mabel Danvers, Countess of 3 June, 1919. Chisholm, Dame Alice, 1 Jan. 1920. Eglinton and Winton, Janet Lucretia. Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. Gosford, Louisa Augusta Beatrice, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. Pope-Hennessy, Dame Una Constance, 1 Jan. 1920. Hunt, Dame Catherine Reeve, 1 Jan. 1920. Leicester, Alice Emily, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. Talbot de Malahide, Isabel Charlotte, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Oliver, Beryl Carnegy, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Rhondda, Sybil Margaret, Viscountess. 1 Jan. 1920. . Butt-Rumford. Dame Clara, 1 Jan. 1920. Samuel, Dame Louise Victoria, 1 Jan. 1920. Shakespear, Dame Ethel Mary Reader, 1 Jan. 1920. Talbot, Dame Meriel Lucy, 1 Jan. 1920. Wintz, Dame Sophia Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. Wingate, Catherine Leslie, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Mond, Violet Florence Mabel, Lady, 5 June, 1920. Pearson, Ethel Maud, Lady, 5 June, 1920. BuUer, Dame Audrey Charlotte Georgina, 5 June, 1920. 576 CO 2 W o> COMMANDERS. (C.B.E.) 1 Appleton, -William Archibald, 4 June, 1917. 2 Amory, Sh Ian Murray, Bart, 4 June, 1917. 3 Garrett- Anderson, Louisa, 4 June, 1917. 4 Baker, Professor Herbert Brereton, 4 June, 1917. 5 Baker, Gwendoline, Mrs. CecU, 4 June, 1917. 6 Barker, LUian Charlotte, 4 June, 1917. 7 Barclay, ColviUe Adrian de Rune, 4 June, 1917 . 8 Barrett, Florence Elizabeth, Lady, 4 June, 1917. 9 Bairstow, Leonard, 4 June, 1917. 10 Barnett, Henrietta Octavia, Mrs. Samuel Augustus, 4 June, 1917. 11 Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian, 4 June, 1917. 12 BryantiCharles WilUam, 4 June, 1917. 13 Blane, WiUiam, 4 June, 1917. 14 BrownUe, James Thomas, 4 June, 1917. 15 Moss-BlundeU, Henry Seymour, 4 June, 1917. 16 Bellamy, Albert, 4 June, 1917. 18 Carter, Albert Thomas, 4 June .1917. 19 Chapman, Sh Sydney John, 4 June, 1917. 20 Chorlton, Alan Ernest Leofric, 4 June, 1917. 21 Collinson, Alfred Howe, 4 June, 1917. 25 GaskeU, Helen Mary. Mrs. Henry Brooks, 4 June 1917. 26 Geldart WUliam Martin, 4 June, 1917. 27 Gordon, Archibald Alexander, 4 June, 1917 29 Harbord, Frank WiUiam, 4 June, 1917. 30 Hart, Thomas Wheeler, 4 June, 1917. 31 Harvey, Ernest Musgrave, 4 June, 1917. 32 Hogg, Margaret, 4 June, 1917. 33 Hope, George Dving, 4 June, 1917. 34 Irving, Herbert Cavan, 4 June, 1917. 35 Jacobson, Ernest Nathaniel Joseph, 4 June, 1917. 36 Keeble, Professor Frederick WiUiam, 4 June, 1917. 37 Lambert, Arthur Bradley, 4 June, 1917. 38 Laing, Andrew, 4 June, 1917. 39 Layton, Walter Thomas, 4 June, 1917. 40 Lindley, Hon. Francis Oswald, 4 June, 1917. 43 MacmiUan, Margaret, 4 June, 1917. U Mcintosh, Annie, 4 June, 1917. 45 Marks, Sh George Croydon, 4 June, 1917. 46 Mathew, Charles Jame=, 4 June, 1917. 47 Maudslay, Algernon, 4 June, 1917. 49 Monteflore, Edmund Sebag-, 4 June, 1917. 50 Murray, Flora, 4 June, 1917. 51 Norman, Florence PrisclUa, Hon. Lady, 4 June, 1917. 52 Norman, Herman Cameron 4 June, 1917. 53 Parker, Charles Sandbach, 4 June, 1917. 54 Padwick, Francis Herbert, 4 June, 1917. 55 Young, Sister Pauline, 4 June, 1917. 56 Perry, Robert Grosvenor, 4 June, 1917. 58 Pavy, Dorothea, Mrs. Gordon Augustus, 4 June, 1917. 69 Pybus, Percy John, 4 June, 1917. 61) Roxburgh, Eleanor Mary Ann, Lady, 4 June, 1917. 61 Schariieb, Mary Ann Dacomb, Mrs. WUliam Mason, 4 June, 1917. 62 Sclater, Charlotte Seymour, Mrs. WiUiam Lutley, 4 June, 1917. 63 Scott, Sophie Beatrix Mary, Lady, 4 June, 1917. 64 Sexton, James, 4 June, 1917. 65 Smith, Lancelot Grey Hugh, 4 June, 1917. 66 Stevens, Clement Henry, 4 June, 1917. 67 StUl, Alicia Lloyd, 4 June, 1917. 68 Stokes, Edith NelUe, Mrs. Leonard Aloysuis Scott, 4 June, 1917. 69 Taylor, Thomas Marris, 4 June, 1917. TO Thorpe, Professor Jocelyn Field, 4 June, 1917. 71 Vane, Harry Tempest, 4 June, 1917. 72 Watson, Arthur. 4 June, 1917. "3 Watson, Alexandra Mary, Mrs. Douglas Chalmers, 4 June, « J-m- 11 WUliams, John Fischer, 4 June, 1917. 76 Windham, William, 4 June, 1917. 77 WUson, Joseph Havelock, 4 June, 1917. '9 Manipur, H.H. Raja Chura Chand Singh, Raja of, 4 Dec. 1917. 80 Crooke-Lawless, Sh Warren Rolana, 4 Dec. 1917. 81 Bobbili, Maharaja Sri Rao Sir Venkatasveta Chalapati Ranga Rao Bahadur of, 4 Dec. 1917. « Anderson, Sir Arthur Robert, 4 Dec. 1917. 8. Abdulla Ibu Yusnf Ali, 4 Dec. 1917. 8» Aiton, John Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 86 Aldington, Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 87 Allen, Ernest Joshua, 1 Jan. 1918. 88 Allen, Ernest King, 1 Jan. 1918. 89 Allen. Richard WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 90 Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1918. 91 Anderson, Adelaide Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. 92 Anderson, John Hubback, 1 Jan. 1918. (m.) 93 Anderson, WUliam James, 1 Jan. 1918. 94 Angell, Frederick John, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 95 Anstruther, Mildred Harriet, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 97 Armitage, Cecil Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 99 Ashley, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 100 Askwith. Ellen, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. . 101 Bacon, Frederick Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 102 Bagshawe, Bernal, 1 Jan. 1918. 103 Bain, David, 1 Jan. 1918. 104 Baines, Sir Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 105 Barlow, James Alan Noel, 1 Jan. 1918. 106 Barrios, Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1918. 107 Barrow, Oscar Theodore, 1 Jan. 1918. 108 Bate, Thomas Elwood Lindesay, 1 Jan. 1918. 109 Bean, John Harper, 1 Jan. 1918. 110 Bellhouse, Gerald, 1 Jan. 1918. 112 Blyth, Alfred Carleton, 1 Jan. 1918. 113 Brackenbury, Hereward Jjenius, 1 Jan. 191S. 114 Bradley, Thomas John, 1 Jan. 1918. 115 Broadbent, Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1918. 116 Bromhead, Alfred Claude, 1 Jan. 1918. 118 Brown, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 119 Bryant, Sh Francis Morgan, 1 Jan. 1918. 120 Brydon, James Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 122 Peabody, Kathleen, 1 Jan. 1918. 123 Burney, Sydney Bernard, 1 Jan. 1918. 125 Carmichael, James Forrest Halkett, 1 Jan. 1918. 126 Catto. Thomas Sivewright, 1 Jan. 1918. 127 Chamberlain, Fernley John, 1 Jan. 1918. 128 Chandos-Pole-Gell, Harry Anthony, 1 Jan. 1918. 129 Cheshhe, Professor Frederic John, 1 Jan. 1918. 130 Churchill, Clementine Ogilvy, Mrs. Winston Leonard, 1 Jan. 1918. 131 Clerke, Augustus Basil Holt, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 132 Colchester-Wemyss, Maynard Willoughby, 1 Jan. 1918. 133 Cooke, Charles John Bowen, 1 Jan. 1918. 134 Cox, Edwto Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 135 Cripps, Hon. Leonard Harrison, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 136 Daniel, Edward Yorke, 1 Jan. 1918. 137 Davidson, Albert, 1 Jan. 1918. 138 Davidson, Stuart, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 139 Davies, Charles Llewelyn, 1 Jan. 1918. 140 Davies, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 141 Davis, Henry William Carless, 1 Jan. 1918. 142 Davis, John Samuel Champion, 1 Jan. 1918. 144 Dendy, Edward Bvershed, 1 Jan. 1918. 145 Dennistoun, Robert MaxweU, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 146 Dixon, Arthur Lewis, 1 Jan. 1918. 147 Dormer, Lord, 1 Jau. 1918. (M.) 148 Duncombe, Charles William Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 149 Durham, Frances Hermia, 1 Jan. 1918. 150 Dyke, Arthur James, 1 Jan. 1918. 151 Ebden, Agnes Murray, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 152 Edgar, Ethel, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 153 Edwards, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 154 Evans, WiUiam James, 1 Jan. 1918. 155 Ewing, Peter Dewar, 1 Jan. 1918. 156 Ferard, John Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 157 Fflnch, Matthew Benjamin Dipnall, 1 Jan. 1918. 158 Fieldhouse, WUUam John, 1 Jan. 1918. 159 FitzGerald, Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 160 Fitzherbert-Brockholes, WUliam Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 161 Fltzpatrlck, Herbert Lindsay, 1 Jan. 1918. 162 Folker, Horace Shepherd, 1 Jan. 1918. 163 Follows John Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 164 Forber, Edward Rodolph, 1 Jan. 1 918. 165 Foster, Sir William Yorke, Bart, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 166 Fowler, George Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 167 Frederick, George Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 168 Fry, George Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. 169 Fyfe, Thomas Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 170 Garnett, Frank WaUs, 1 Jan. 1918. 171 Garrett, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. I 172 Garrod, Heathcote William, 1 Jan. 1918. 577 2 P THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 173 Gascoigne, Laura Gwendolen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 174 Gaselee, Stephen, 1 Jan. 1918. 175 GaskeU, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 176 Gauntlett, Mager Frederic, 1 Jan. 1918. 177 Gibbon, loan Gwilym, 1 Jan. 1918. 178 Gibbs, Victoria Florence de Burgh, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 179 GUmour, David, 1 Jan. 1918. 180 Glendinntog, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 181 Gordon, Lewis, 1 Jan. 1918. 182 Gore, St. John Corbet, 1 Jan. 1918. 183 Goschen, George Joachim, Viscount, 1 Jan. 1918. 184 Graves, Robert Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 185 Grierson, WiUiam Wylie, 1 Jan. 1918. 186 Grosvenor, Rosamund, Lady Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 187 Guise, Anselm Verner Lee, 1 Jan. 1918. 188 Hadfleld, Frances Bett, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 189 Hadley, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 190 Haigh, Ernest Varley, 1 Jan. 1918. 191 Hall, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 192 Harrison, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 193 Harwood, Ralph Endersby, 1 Jan. 1918. 194 Hawk, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 195 Hazel, Alfred Ernest William, 1 Jan. 1918. 196 Helbert, Geoffrey Gladstone, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 197 Hetherington, Thomas Gerard, 1 Jan. 1918. 198 Higgins, Alexander Pearce, 1 Jan. 1918. 199 Hodgkinson, Professor William Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. 200 Holmes, Arthur WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 201 Hope, Collingwood, 1 Jan. 1918. 202 Hope, John WUson, 1 Jan. 1918. 203 Home, Leonard Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 204 Home, Lancelot Worthy, 1 Jan. 1918. 205 Hunt, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 206 Hunter, Summers, 1 Jan. 1918. 207 Hurcomb, CyrU WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 209 Jackson, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1918. 211 Jenkins, Walter St. David, 1 Jan. 1918. 212 Jonas, Harry MarshaU, 1 Jan. 1918. 213 Jones, Charles Henrv, 1 Jan. 1918. 214 Jowitt, Frederick McCulloch, 1 Jan. 1918. 215 Judd, Harold Godfrey, 1 Jan. 1918. 216 Kent, Walter George, 1 Jan. 1918. 217 KlUin, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 218 Lawrence, Alfred Clive. 1 Jan. 1918. 220 Lempfert, Rudolph Gustav Karl, 1 Jan. 1918. 222 Lewtas, John Tweedy, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 223 London, Edgar Stanford, 1 Jan. 1918. 224 Lucas, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 225 Luke, WUliam Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 226 Lysaght, William Royse, 1 Jan. 1918. 227 Mackie, Horacio George Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 228 MacLean, James Borrowman, 1 Jan. 1918. 229 MacLeUan, WiUiam Turner, 1 Jan. 1918. 231 Macnaghten, Terence Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 232 Maconochie, Charles Cornelius, 1 Jan. 1918. 233 Maginness, Edmund John, 1 Jan. 1918. 234 Maguhe, James Rochfort, 1 Jan. 1918. 235 Malcolm, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 237 Marr, Sir James, Bart, 1 Jan. 1918 238 Marsden, Sir Thomas Rodgerson, 1 Jan. 1918. 239 Masterman, Edward Alexander Dimsdale, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 240 Mather, Arthur Stanley, 1 Jan. 1918. 241 Matthews, Valentine, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 242 MaunseU, Richard Edward Lloyd, 1 Jan. 1918. 243 McCowen, Oliver HU1, 1 Jan. 1918. 244 McLaren, Hon. Henry Duncan, 1 Jan. 1918. 245 McLean, James Reynolds, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 246 McMUlan, William Bentley, 1 Jan. 1918. 247 Measures, Harry Bell, 1 Jan. 1918. 248 MeUor, Francis Hamilton, 1 Jan. 1918. 249 Mitchell, Frank Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 250 Mitchell, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 252 Montgomery, James Alexander Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1918. 253 Morgan, Charles Langbridge, 1 Jan. 1918. 254 Morgan, Hopkin, 1 Jan. 1918. 255 Mottram, Thomas Harrv, 1 Jan. 1918. 256 Mount, WilUam Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 257 Naef, Conrad James, 1 Jan. 1918. 258 Neylan, Daniel. 1 Jan. 1918. 259 Norton, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 261 Palmer, Claud Bowes, 1 Jan. 1918. 262 Parsons, Edward Howard Thornbrough, 1 Jan. 1918. 263 Peech, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 265 Piggott, Henry Howard, 1 Jan. 1918. 266 Pinder, Charles Ralph, 1 Jan. 1918. 267 Pledge, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 269 Procter, Helen Matilda, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 270 Railton, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 271 Rawson, Harry, 1 Jan. 1918. 272 Rea, George Grey, 1 Jan. 1918. 273 Reid, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1918. 274 Relton, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1918. 276 Richmond, John Richie, 1 Jan. 1918. 277 Roberts, Gervase Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 278 Robertson, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 279 Robinson William, 1 Jan. 1918. 280 Robinson, Sir WilUam Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918 281 Rodnoy, Corlsande, Ladv, 1 Jan. 1918. 282 Ross, Archibald John Campbell, 1 Jan. 1918. 57S 283 Rowland, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 284 Rudolf, Robert Dawson, 1 Jan. 1918. (m.) 285 RundeU, Matthew Adkins, 1 Jan. 1918. 287 Sandberg, Nils Percy Patrick, 1 Jan. 1918. 289 Sanders, WiUiam Stephen, 1 Jan. 1918. 290 Sarel, William Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. 291 Scott, Finlay Forbes, 1 Jan. 1918. 292 Scott-Riddell, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 293 Senior, Albert, 1 Jan. 1918. 294 Siddeley, John Davenport, 1 Jan. 1918. 296 SmaUwood, Arthur WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 297 Smith, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 298 Smith, Hon. George John, 1 Jan. 1918. (it.) 299 Smith, Launcelot Eustace, 1 Jan. 1918. 300 Sopwith, Thomas Octave Murdoch, 1 Jan. 1918. 301 Spens, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 302 Squires, Ernest Edward WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. 303 Stamp, Josiah Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 304 Stephens, Lockhart, 1 Jan. 1918: 305 Stevenson, Frances Louise, 1 Jan. 1918. 306 Stevenson, Thomas Henry Craig, 1 Jan. 1918. 307 Stewart-Mackenzie, Mary Margaret, Mrs. 1 Jan. 1918. 308 StiU, William Chester, 1 Jan. 1918. 309 Stone, John WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 310 Streatfleld, Lucy Granville, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 311 Stuart, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 312 Stuart Wortley Violet, Hon. Mrs. Edward James, 1 Jan. 1918. 313 Talbot, Hon. Reginald GUbert Murray, 1 Jan. 1918. 314 Tatlow, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 315 Tempest, Percy Crosland, 1 Jan. 1918. 317 Towle, Sir Francis WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 318 Tregoning, Wynn Harold, 1 Jan. 1918. 319 Turner, Joseph Harling, 1 Jan. 1918. 320 Virgo, John James, 1 Jan. 1918. 322 Walpole, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1918. 323 Walters, Evelyn Mayura, Mrs. Richard Huth, 1 Jan. 191ft 324 Waring, Lady Susan Elizabeth Clementine. 1 Jan. 1918. 325 Watson, Henry Angus, 1 Jan. 1918. 326 Watt, Alexander Strahan, 1 Jan. 1918. 328 Webb, Harry James, 1 Jan. 1918. 329 Webb, Philip George Lancelot, 1 Jan. 1918. 330 White, Gerald Verner, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 331 WUliams, John, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 332 WUliams, Wilfred Howard, 1 Jan. 1918. 333 WilUamson, Frederic Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 334 Bund, John WiUiam Willis, 1 Jan. 1918. 335 Wilson, Horace John, 1 Jan. 1918. 336 Withers, John James, 1 Jan. 1918. 337 Wolfe, Humbert, 1 JaD. 1918. 338 Wolverton, Edith Amelia, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 339 Wood, Professor Thomas Barlow, 1 Jan. 1918. 340 Woodgate, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. 341 Woods, Raymond Wybrow, 1 Jan. 1918. 342 Worthington, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 343 Wynch, Lionel Maltog, 1 Jan. 1918 344 Wyndham, Charles John, 1 Jan. 1918. 345 Yarrow, Harold Edgar. 1 Jan. 1918. 346 Yolland, John Horatio, 1 Jan. 1918. 347 Yule, George Udny. 1 Jan. 1918. 348 Meston, Jeanie, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 350 Highet, Sh Robert Swan, 1 Jan. 1918. 351 Faridoon Daula Bahadur, Nawab Sir, 1 Jan. 191S. 352 Webb, Sir Montague de Pomeroy, 1 Jan. 1918 353 Dowson, Ernest Macleod. 1 Jan. 1918.. 354 Crawley, Cecil Gordon, 1 Jan. 1918. 355 Sterry, Wasey, 1 Jan. 1918. 356 Burnett-Stuart, George Eustace, 1 Jan. 1918. 357 Antill, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 358 Budden, Henry Ebenezer, 1 Jan. 1918. 359 Delprat, Guillaume Daniel, 1 Jan. 1918. 360 Hennessy, Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 361 Henty, Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1918. 362 Lamb, Frank de ViUiers, 1 Jan. 1918. 363 Lyle, Clare Frances Isabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 364 McKay, Hugh Victor, 1 Jan. 1918. 365 Masson, Mary, Mrs. Orme, 1 Jan. 1918. 366 Mitchell, Eliza Fraser, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 367 Oldershaw, William James Norman, 1 Jan. 1918. 368 Woolcott, Frances Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 369 Yoimg, WUliam James, 1 Jan. 1918. 370 Luke, Jacobina, Mrs. John Pearce, 1 Jan. 1918. 371 Massey, Christina Alien, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 372 Nolan, Robert Howard, 1 Jan. 1918. 373 Tate, Robert Ward, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 374 Ward, Theresa Dorothea, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 375 Wilson, Oriana Fanny, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 376 Carter, Hester Marion, Mrs. 1 Jan. 1918. 377 Chappell, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 378 Christopherson, Douglas, 1 Jan. 1918. 379 WUson-Fox, Hon. Eleanor Birch, 1 Jan. 1918. 380 Rose-Innes, Jessie Dodd, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 383 CUft, Hon. James Augustus, 1 Jan. 1918. 384 Agnew, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1918. 385 Best, Thomas Alexander Vans. 1 Jan. 1918. 386 Bowring, Ethel Dorothy, Lady Charles Calvert, 1 Jan. 1918. 387 Bury, Francis George, 1 Jan. 1918. 388 Burrowes, Thomas Fraser, 1 Jan. 1918. ¦I. '•!. '-I. -I COMMANDERS. 339 Carter, Hon. Sir William Morris, 1 Jan. 1918. 390 Clifford, EUzabeth Lydia Rosabelle, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 391 De Mel, Henry Lawson, 1 Jan. 1918. 392 Evans, Sir Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 393 Gollan, Sir Henry Cowper, 1 Jan. 1918. 394 Goode, Richard AUmond Jeffrey, 1 Jan. 1918. 395 Jenkin, Francis Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 396 Johnston, Reginald Fleming, 1 Jan. 1918. 397 Kemp, Joseph Horsford, 1 Jan. 1918. 398 Kitson, Albert Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 399 Marks, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 400 Methuen, Mary Ethel, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 401 MUes, Alice, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 402 Nana Ofori Atta, Paramount Chief of Akin Abuakwa, 1 Jan. 1918. 403 Slater, Alexander Ransford, 1 Jan. 1918. 404 Soiichon, Hippolyte Louis Wiehe de Coudray, 1 Jan. 1918. 405 Beavis, Arthur Beagley, 1 Jan. 1918. 407 Egerton, Lady Mabelle Annie, 1 Jan. 1918. 408 Gokgher, Hugh Garvin, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 410 Home, Edward WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 411 Partridge, Sydney George, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 412 Peckitt, Robert Godfrey, 1 Jan. 1918. 413 Barrett, Edith Helen, 24 May, 1918. 414 Edglnton, Clyde, 24 May, 1918. 415 Fairfax, James Oswald, 24 May, 1918. 416 Hayward, Edwyn Walton, 24 May, 1918. 417 Hordern, Anthony, 24 May, 1918. 418 Abdy, Anthony John, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 419 Aberconway, Laura EUzabeth, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 420 Adam, James, 3 June, 1918. 421 Adams, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 422 Allin, Samuel John Henry WalUs, 3 June, 1918. 423 Andrews, Francis Arthur Lavington, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 424 Asher, Augustus Gordon Grant, 3 June, 1918. 425 BaUey, Gertrude Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 426 Baimsfather, George Edward Beckwith, 3 June, 1918. (M). 427 Baly, Edward Charles Cyril, 3 June, 1918. 428 Barcroft, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 429 Barrie, Charles Coupar, 3 June, 1918. 430 Beatty, Rose Mabel, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 431 Beck, Conrad, 3 June, 1918. 432 Beckett, Muriel Helen Florence, Hon. Mrs. Rupert Evelyn, 3 June, 1918. 433 Beith, John Hay, 3 June, 1918. 434 Belcher, Ernest Albert, 3 June, 1918. 435 BeU. Robert, 3 June, 1918. 436 Benet, Henry Vere Fane, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 437 Benn, Ernest John Pickstone, 3 June, 1918. 438 Benson, Frank, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 439 Bidwell, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Manuel John, Bishop, 3 June, 1918. 440 Blaylock, Harry Woodburn, 3 June, 1918. 442 Boulton, Sh Harold Edwin, Bart, 3 June, 1918. 443 Bradfleld, WiUiam Walter, 3 June, 1918. 444 Brooks, Florence, Hon. Mrs. Marshall Jones, 3 June, 1918. 445 Brown, W, 3 June, 1918. 446 Browning, Jeffrey, 3 June, 1918. 447 Buckler, Georgina Grenfell, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 448 Buckley, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 450 Burt, Sh Henry Parsall, 3 June, 1918. 451 Cameron, Sh Hector Clare, 3 June, 1918. 452 Carter, George WaUace, 3 June, 1918. 453 Caunter, James Eales, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 454 Cave, Sir Thomas Sturmy, 3 June, 1918. 455 Chandler, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 456 Cheetham, Anastasie, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 457 Chisholm, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 458 ChurchiU, Arthur Gillespie, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 459 Churchward, George Jackson, 3 June, 1918. 460 Clapham, John Harold, 3 June, 1918. 461 Clark, Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 462 Clarke, Joseph Percival, 3 June, 1918. 463 Clegg, Sir WiUiam Edwin, 3 June, 1918. 464 Coates, David WUson, 3 June, 1918. 465 Cobb, Herbert Mansfield, 3 June, 1918. 466 Cocks, WilUam, 3 June, 1918. 467 Codling, WUliam Richard, 3 June, 1918. 468 Cole, Herbert Covington, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 469 CoUard, Alfred Stephen, 3 June, 1918. 470 Compton, Lord Douglas James CecU, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 471 Cooper, James Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 472 CornwaUis, Fiennes Stanley Wykeham, 3 June, 1918. 473 Courtney, Edmund Arthur Waldegrave, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 474 Cox, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 476 Craig, John, 3 June, 1918. 477 Cranston, Sir Robert, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 478 Crowdy, Mary, 3 June, 1918. 479 Cummtogs, David Charles, 3 June, 1918. 480 Curzon. Edith Bassett, Mrs. Ernest Charles Penn, 3 June, 1918! 481 Dally, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 482 Davenport, Muriel, Mrs. Bromley, 3 June, 1918. 483 Denny, Henry Samuel, 3 June, 1918. 484 Denny, Maurice Edward, 3 June. 1918. 485 Dickson, Henrv Newton, 3 June, 1918. 486 Dixon, Harold'Baily, 3 June, 1918. 487 Dobree, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 488 Dodds, Helen, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 489 Dodgson, Campbell, 3 June, 1918. 490 Donohue, WUliam Edward, 3 June. 1918. (M ) 491 Drake, Henry Dowrlsh, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 492 Grant-Duff, Edith Florence, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 493 Dulanty, John Whelan, 3 June, 1918. 494 Eddison, Albert, 3 June, 1918. 495 Evans, John Owain, 3 June, 1918. 496 Eve, Arthur Stewart, 3 June, 1918. 497 Fltzroy, Muriel, Hon. Mrs. Edward Algernon, 3 June 1918. 498 Fleet, Henry Louis, 3 June, 1918. 499 Fletcher, Albert, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 500 Fraser, William, 3 June, 1918. 502 Gibson, Myra Macindoe, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 503 Goddard, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 504 Golightly, Robert Edmund, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 505 Gonner, Edward Carter Kersey, 3 June, 1918. 506 Goode, Henry Abel, 3 June, 1918. 507 Hamilton-Grace, Gladys, Mrs. Raymond Sheffield, 3 June 1918. 508 Grant, Samuel Charles Norton, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 509 Greaves, John Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 510 Green, John Alfred Henderson, 3 June, 1918. 511 GreenweU, Francis John, 3 June, 1918. 512 Greenwood. Robert Morrell, 3 June, 1918. 513 Greg, John Ronald, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 514 Guggisberg, Lilian Decima Moore, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 515 Halle, Elinor Marie Jessie, 3 June, 1918. 516 Hankey, Basil Howard Alers, 3 June, 1918. 517 Hercy, Francis Hugh George, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 518 Higgins, Sir Sydney George, 3 June, 1918. 519 Hill, Alfred John, 3 June, 1918. 520 Hoare, Geoffrey Lennard, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 521 Hocking. William John, 3 June, 1918. 522 Holford, Mary Eleanor Gwynne, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 523 Hollingsworth, Howard, 3 June, 1918. 525 Howard, Stephen Goodwin, 3 June, 1918. 526 Hudson, Harry Kynoch, 3 June, 1918. 527 Huggett, James, 3 June, 1918. 528 Hughes, Evan, 3 June, 1918. 529 Hughes, John Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 530 Hughes, Sydney Herbert George, 3 June, 1918. 531 Hunt, Albert, 3 June, 1918. 532 Iliffe, Edward Mauger, 3 June, 1918. 533 Jackson, Sir Henry Mather, Bart, 3 June, 1918. 534 James, Alfred Henry, 3 June, 1918. 535 James, William Henry, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 536 Jenkins, Francis Conway, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 537 Jenkinson, Mark Webster, 3 June, 1918. 538 Jervoise, Edmund Purefoy EUis, 3 June, 1918. 539 Johnson, Henry Langhorne, 3 June, 1918. 541 Joseph, Francis L'Estrange, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 543 Knowles, Frank, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 544 Lane, Harry Philip ParneU, 3 June, 1918. 545 Lang, Charles RusseU, 3 June, 1918. 547 Legge, Thomas Morison, 3 June, 1918. 548 Lenn, Frank, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 549 Letnbridge, Marion Bva, 3 June, 1918. 550 Letts, WilUam Malmesbury, 3 June, 1918. 551 Lister, Charles Ashton, 3 June, 1918. 553 Lucas, Edward William, 3 June, 1918. 555 MacDonald, Rev. John Howard, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 556 MacGuckin, Charles John Graham, 3 June, 1918. 557 MacKay, Robert John, 3 June, 1918. 558 Mackworth, John Dolben, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 559 McLean, William Richard James, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 560 McLellan, WilUam, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 561 McNah, Arnold Duncan, 3 June, 1918. 562 Mager, Sydney, 3 June, 1918. 563 Margerison, Lawrence, 3 June, 1918. 564 Marriott, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 565 Marsh, William, 3 June, 1918. 566 Martin, George Walter Howard, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 567 Melland, Norman, 3 June, 1918. 568 Mensforth, Holberry, 3 June, 1918. 569 Milne, John Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 570 Moens, Seaburne Godfrey Arthur May, 3 June, 1918. 571 Moncrieff, John Mitchell, 3 June, 1918. 572 Monfries, Charles Babington Smith, 3 June, 1918. 573 Monsell, Caroline Mary Sybil, Mrs. Bolton Meredith Eyres, 3 June, 1918. 574 Morris, Thomas Henry, 3 June, 1918. 575 Moylan, John Fitzgerald, 3 June, 1918. 576 Murray, Hugh, 3 June, 1918. 577 Nash, George Howard, 3 June, 1918. 578 Newlands, John, 3 June, 1918. 579 Nicholson, John Sanctuary, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 580 Norris, Henry, 3 June, 1918. 581 Norton, Robert Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 582 Noyes, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 583 NuttaU, Thomas Downham, 3 June, 1918. 584 Orr, Charles Roger, 3 June, 1918. 585 Oxley, John Stewart, 3 June, 1918. 586 Page, Frederick Handley, 3 June, 1918. 587 Page, William Morton, 3 June, 1918. 588 Paget, Eden Wilberforce, 3 June, 1918. 589 Parkes, WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 590 Parsons, WUliam Roskilly, 3 June, 1918. (m.) 591 Paul, Denis, 3 June, 1918. (m.) 579 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 592 Payne, Sylvia May, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 593 Penoyre, John, 3 June, 1918. 594 Peters, Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 595 PhilUps, Thomas WUliam, 3 June, 1918. 596 Picot, Henry PhUip, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 597 Potter, Edmund, 3 June, 1918. 598 Powell, James Leslie Grove, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 599 Price, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 600 Procter, Sir Henry Edward Edleston, 3 June, 1918. 601 Radstock, Lord, 3 June, 1918. 602 Rait, Robert Sangster, 3 June, 1918. 603 Richardson, Sir Albion Henry Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 604 Ridley, CecU Guy, 3 June, 1918. 605 Robertson, Struan Gordon, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 606 Robinson, Andrew, 3 June, 1918. 607 Rogers, Edith Louise Julie, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 608 Ruddock, Thomas Emerson, 3 June 1918. 609 Ryall, Sir Charles, 3 June, 1918. 610 Ryan, Charles Montgomerie, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 611 Ryan, Mervyn Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 612 SaUsbury, Francis, 3 June, 1918. 613 Sampson, John, 3 June, 1918. 615 Sayer, MaxweU Barcham, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 617 Scott, Charles, 3 June, 1918. 618 Seager, John Renwick, 3 June, 1918. 619 Selway, Cornelius James, 3 June, 1918. 620 SeweU, John Thomas Beadsworth, 3 June, 1918. 621 Sharman, Charles Henry Ludovic, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 622 Smith, Albert WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (ffl.) 623 Roach-Smith, Charles, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 624 ShrapneU-Smlth, Edward Shrapnell, 3 June, 1918. 625 Smith, George Scoby, 3 June, 1918. 626 Smith, Henry White, 3 June, 1918. 627 Smith, James Cruiekshank, 3 June, 1918. 628 Darvil-Smith, Percy George. 3 June, 1918. 629 Smith, Robert John, 3 June, 1918. 631 Smithe, Ida Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 632 Somerleyton, Phyllis, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 634 Stanley, Joseph Henry, 3 June, 1918. 635 Steele, W. H, 3 June, 1918. 636 Stevens, Frank Augustus Douglas, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 637 Stevenson, James Verdier, 3 June, 1918. 638 Stevenson. WUliam March, 3 June, 1918. 640 Strange, Edward Fairbrother, 3 June, 1918. 641 Strong, John, 3 June, 1918. 642 Sweny, William Halpin Paterson, 3 June, 1918. (M.l 643 Swire, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 644 Tait, Andrew WUson, 3 June, 1918. 646 Kyffta-Taylor, Gerald, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 647 Thompson, Rev. George Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 648 Thompson, William Bruce, 3 June, 1918. 649 Tootill, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 650 Topple, Walter Livingstone, 3 June, 1918. 651 Trye, John Henry, 3 June, 1918. (a.) 652 TurnbuU, Jane Holland, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 653 Turner, Ernest James, 3 June, 1918. 654 Verschoyle, Beresford St. George, 3 June, 1918. 655 Vesey, Sidney Philip Charles, 3 June, 1918. 656 Vicars, Edward Robert EckersaU. 3 June, 1918. 657 Des Vceux, Hylda Henrietta, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 658 Wale, Henry William, 3 June, 1918. 659 Walker, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 660 Walker, Herbert Sutherland, 3 June, 1918. 661 Wavertree, Sophie Florence Lothrop, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 662 Walker, William, 3 June, 1918. 663 Walton, Sydney, 3 June, 1918. 664 Ward, Jean Templeton, Hon. Lady, 3 June, 1918. 665 Webster, WiUiam, 3 June. 1918. 666 West, George Frederick Parrett, 3 June, 1918. 667 Westminster, Constance Edwina, Duchess of, 3 June, 1918. 669 WUliamson, Richard, 3 June, 1918. 670 Williamson, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 671 WUlson, Thomas Olaf, 3 June, 1918. 672 Wilson, John Henry. 3 June, 1918. 673 Wilson, Joseph Maitland, 3 June, 1918. 674 Witt, Robert Clermont, 3 June, 1918. 675 Wood, Augustus Ottiwell, 3 June, 1918. 676 Wood, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1918. 677 Woodburn, Thomas Stanley, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 678 Woodward, George Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 679 Woolston, Thomas Henry, 3 June, 1918. 680 Wordingham, Charles Henry, 3 June, 1918. 681 Worley, Sir Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 682 Wratislaw, Albert Charles. 3 June, 1918. 683 Wright, James Brown, 3 June, 1918. 684 Young, Daniel Henderson Lusk, 3 June, 1918. 685 Robertson, Charlotte, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 686 Ebrahim, Sir Fazalbhoy Currimbhoy, 3 June, 1918. 687 Carter, Sir Frank Willington, 3 June, 1918. 688 Hallifax, Charles Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 689 Wyndham, Percy, 3 June, 1918. 690 Mountford, Lewis James, 3 June, 1918. 691 EUiott, Alfred Charles, 3 June, 1918. 692 Ali, Shaikh Ashgar, 3 June, 1918. 693 WUson-Johnston, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 694 Brander, WUliam Browne, 3 June, 1918. 695 WUson, NevUle Frederick Jarvis, 3 June, 1918. 696 Fawcett, Edward Pinder, 3 June, 1918. 580 697 Pithapuranes, Sri Raja, Rao Venkata Kumara Mahipati Surya Rao Bahadur of. 3 June, 1918. 698 Birkmyre, Sh Archibald, Bart, 3 June, 1918. 699 Buck, Edward John, 3 June, 1918. 700 Mullick, Sarat Kumar, 3 June, 1918. 701 Hayter, WiUiam Goodenough, 3 June, 1918. 702 Dudgeon, Gerald Cecil, 3 June, 1918. 703 Goodman, Cyril, 3 June, 1918. 704 FeUden, Randle Montagu, 3 June, 1918. 705 Bolton, Senator William Kinsey, 3 June, 1918. 706 Bright, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 707 Draper, Thomas Percy, 3 June, 1918. 708 Gibson, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 709 Hunter, David.3 June, 1918. 710 Kerr, William Warren, 3 June, 1918. 711 Leitch, Walter, 3 June. 1918. 712 Lockyer, Nicholas Colston, 3 June, 1918. 713 McBeath, WUUam George, 3 June, 1918. 714 McColl, George Guthrie, 3 June, 1918. 715 McKay, Benjamin Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 716 Masson, Professor David Orme, 3 June, 1918. 717 Owen, Danger, 3 June, 1918. 718 Raws, WUUam Lennen, 3 June, 1918. 719 Smith, Mary Isobel Barr, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 720 Trumble, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 721 Walker, Eadith, 3 June, 1918. 722 Chaffey, Ralph Anderson, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 723 Fowlds, Hon. George, 3 June, 1918. 724 Hardwicke, Countess of, 3 June, 1918. 725 Hunter, Thomas Anderson, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 726 Mackenzie, Helen. 3 June, 1918. 727 Nichols, Joseph Cowie, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 728 Fort, George Seymour, 3 June, 1918. 729 Pargiter, David Scott, 3 June, 1918. 730 Browning, Adeline EUzabeth, Mrs, 3 June. 1918. 731 Grieve, Walter Baine, 3 June, 1918. 732 Chaplin, Margaret Seton, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 733 Chesnaye, Christian Purefoy, 3 June, 1918. 734 Crompton, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 735 Derrick, George Alexander, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 736 Masterman, Thomas Spry, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 737 Marshall, Elizabeth Middleton Ord, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 738 Refalo, Sir Michel Angelo, 3 June, 1918. 739 Silburn, Percy Arthur Baxter, 3 June, 1918. 740 Smith, Lucie MacDuff, Ladv, 3 June, 1918. 741 Wallis, Henry Richard, 3 June, 1918. 742 Wells, John Stuart Kerr, 3 June, 1918. 743 Morison, Sir Theodore, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 744 Watkins, Oscar Ferris, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 745 Barnes, Harold C. E, 3 June, 1918. (m.) 746 Soaue, Ely Banister, 3 June, 1918. 747 Molesworth, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 748 Sheen, Alfred WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 750 Smith, Walter WUliam Marriott, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 751a Wood, AttiweU Henry, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 7516 Belfleld, Florence, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 752 Greenwood, Jonathan WiUiam, 22 Aug. 1918. (M.) 753 Gutsche, Clemens, 22 Aug. 1918. (M.) 754 Harvey, Francis George, 22 Aug. 1918. (M.) 756 Smith, James Irvine, 22 Aug. 1918. (M.) 757a Sturman, Albert Edward, 22 Aug. 1918. (M.) 757c Moncrieff, George Hay, 14 Oct. 1918. 758 Giles, Godfrey HU1, 19 Dec. 1918. (M.) 760 Hodgson, Greenwood, 19 Dec. 1918. (M.) 761 Hughes, Alfred Mahony, 19 Dec. 1918. (M.) 762 Weaver, John Henry, 19 Dec. 1918. 763 WooUey, Walter James, 19 Dec. 1918. 764 Brooke, Hugh Fenwick, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 765 Caulfield, Francis William John, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 766 Crosse, Rev. Arthur John WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 767 DunsterviUe, Arthur Bruce, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 768 Laughton, Joseph Vinters, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 769 Magniac, Charles Lane, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 770 Philips, Lewis Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 771 Poett, Joseph Howard, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 772 de Bury and de Bocarme, Henry Robert Visart, Count, 1 Jan. 1919. 773 Fetherstonhaugh, William Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 774 Jarvis, Arthur Murray, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 775 Johnson. George HamUton, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 776 Miller, John Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 777 Ridley, Ethel Blanche, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 778 Wilson, Grace Margaret, 1 Jan. 1919. (u.) 779 Ainsworth, WUliam John, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 780 Choyce, Charles Coley, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 781 Cooper, Lyall Newcombe, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 782 Cunningham, Aylmer Basil, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 783 Garner, Cathcart, 1 Jan. 1919. (M ) 784 Hay, George Lennox, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 785 Mainwaring, Watkin Randle Kynaston, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 786 PoUock, Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 787 Rawlins, Arthur Kennedy, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 788 Storrs, Ronald Henry Amherst, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 789 Taylor, Bertie Harry Waters, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 790 Todd, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 791 Dixon, Graham Patrick, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 792 Fulton, David, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 793 McLeish, Duncan, 1 Jan. 1919 (M ) 794 Newton, Frank Graham, 1 Jan. 1919. (M ) COMMANDERS. 795 Vawdrey, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 796 Abbott, Herbert Edward Stacy, 1 Jan. 1919 (u ) 797 Alexander, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (it ) 798 Arnold, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 799 Baird, Edward William David, 1 Jan. 1919 (m ) 800 Bicket, William NeUson, 1 Jan. 1919. (it ) 801 Bond, Chetwynd Rokeby Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919 (m ) 802 Browning, Frederick Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 803 Rattray, Paul Robert Burn Clerk, 1 Jan 1919 (ir ) 804 Cathcart, Charles Walker, 1 Jan. 1919 (m ) ' 805 Clarke, Thomas Henry Matthews, 1 Jan 1919 (v ) 806 Clay, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) ' 807 Cloete, Evelyn Rivers Henry Josias, 1 Jan 1919 (a 1 808 Combe, Lionel, 1 Jan, 1919. (m.) ' 809 Dansey-Browning, George, 1 Jan. 1919 (m ) 810 Daubeney, Edward Kaye, 1 Jan. 1919. (m j 811 Dawson, Algernon Cecil, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 812 Exham, Simeon Hardy, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 813 Fayrer, Sh Joseph, Bart, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 814 Finnis, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 815 Fowle, Thomas Ernie, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 816 Gibson, Robert John Harvey, 1 Jan. 1919 (m ) 817 Grogan, Edward George, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 818 Home, Robert Elton, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 819 Humphrys, Charles Vesey, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 820 Jack, Herbert Rowett Henry, 1 Jan. 1919 '(m ) 821 Jennings, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 822 Kemp, Sh Kenneth Hagar, Bart, 1 Jan. 1919 (m ) 823 Learoyd, Charles Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 824 Loscombe, Arthur RusseU, 1 Jan. 1919 (__') 825 Lumley, Francis Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919 (m j' 826 Macgeagh, Henry Davies Foster, 1 Jan. 19_9 (m ) 827 Madoc, Henry WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919 (m ) 828 Markwick, Ernest EUiott, 1 Jan. 1919 (m ) 829 MiUer, Alfred Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (it ) 830 NeUson, Henry John, 1 Jan. 1919. (M ) 831 ScoveU, George Julian Selwyn, 1 Jan. 1919 (m ) 832 Souttar, Henry Session, 1 Jan. 1919. (M ) 833 Taylor, Herbert Brooke, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 834 Taylor, PhiUp Beauchamp, 1 Jan. 1919 835 Vaughan, Herbert Radclyffe, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 836 Westmorland, Anthony MUdmay Julian, Earl of 1 Jan 1919. (M.) 837 Wilkinson, George Alexander Eason, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 555 *vi!?on> Charles Henry LuttreU Fahie, 1 Jan. 1919. hi.) 839a Wintour, Fitzgerald, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 8396 Helyar, Arthur Beaumont, 1 Jan 1919 840 Farmer, George Devey, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 841 Smythe, WiUiam Ross, 1 Jan. 1919 (m ) 842 Stewart, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (m ) 843 Ward, Walter Reginald, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 844 Griffiths, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 845 McGlinn, John Patrick, 1 Jan. 1919 (M ) 846 McWhae, Douglas Murray, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 847 Maudsley, Sh Henry Carr, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) f;5 JJacdonald, WiUiam Marshall, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 849 McLean, Henry John, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) _?2 Richardson, George Spafford, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 852 Barry, Thomas David Collis, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 853 Cave-Browne-Cave, Thomas Reginald, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) «l £leaTer> Frederick Holden, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) °55 Courtney, Christopher Lloyd, 1 Jan. 1919. 856 Drake, Francis Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 857 Drury, Richard Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 858 Ellis, Herbert Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 859 Flack, Martin WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M). 860 GUI, Napier John, 1 Jan. 1919. °°l Halahan, John Crosby, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) • 862 Heald, Charles Brehmer, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) *__ goare, Francis Richard Gurney, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) ™* golt, Harold Edward Sherwin, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) off Home, James Murray, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 866 Houison-Craufurd, John Archibald, 1 Jan. 1919. (H.) 807 Leslie, Sir Norman Roderick Alexander David, Bart., 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) H68 Maclean, Archibald CampbeU Holms, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 869 Moore, Harold Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 870 Muecke, Francis Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 871 OgUvie, Alec, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 872 PoweU, Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) Ha S^1?"11' Charles Russel JekyI, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 874 Steel, John MUes, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) _J5 Stoney. Ralph Durrant Sadleir, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) =?? ££lbot> Reginald George, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) °77 Whittington, CecU Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 878 Bather, Rowland Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 879 Boyer, George Christopher Aubin, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) If? Broatch, George Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 881 Bruce, Wilfred Montague, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 8™ BeU, Adolphus Edmund, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 883 Crease, Thomas Evans, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 884 Coke, John GUbert de OdingseUs, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) =85 Chetwode, George Knightley, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 88b Cummins, Henry Ashley Travers, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 888 Clarke, Arthur WeUesley, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 889 Dunbar, Charles Augustus Royer Flood, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 890 Dreyer, Frederic Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 891 Duncan, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 892 Daintree, John Dodson, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) mh ^aj,f°rfch.I'i'ancis Edmund Musgrave, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 894 Goldlng, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (_t.) 895 Hall, Hugh Seymour, 1 Jan. 1919. (it ) 896 Halsey, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (it ) 897 Hibbert, Hugh Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 898 Jones, Owen, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 899 Lafone, Albert Sumner, 1 Jan. 1919 (it ) 900 Langdon, Charles Henry Clarke, 1 Jan. 1919. (m 901 Lees, Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 902 Learmonth, Frederick Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (it ) 903 Lewis, Frank Oswald, 1 Jan. 19W. (it ) 904 Lucas, Armytage Anthonv, 1 Jan. 1919. (M ) 905 Le Brun, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (it ) 906 ManseU, George Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 907 Marshall, Oswald Percival, 1 Jan. 1919. (M ) 908 Metcalfe, Henry Wray, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 909 Murray, George WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M ) 910 Osborne, John Warde, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 911 Pollen, Francis Hungerford, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 912 Rostron, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 913 Roome, George WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 914 Robinson, Harry, 1 Jan. 1919. 916 Smith, Charles Valentine, 1 Jan. 1919. 917 Thorpe, Vidal Gunson, 1 Jan. 1919. 918 Thomson, Anthony Standidge, 1 Jan. 1919. (M ) 919 Thomas, Charles WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 920 WeUs, Sir Lionel de Lautour, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 921 Crowdy, Edith Frances, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 922 Abrahall, Bennet Hoskyns-, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 923 Acheson, Annie Crawford. 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 924 Aspden, Newton Hartley, 1 Jan. 1919. 925 Bacon, Constance Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 926 Baker, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 927 Banister, George Henrv, 1 Jan. 1919. 928 Barry, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1919. 929 Bayne, Charles Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. 930 Benson, William John, 1 Jan. 1919. 931 Benthall, John Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1919. 932 Black, William George, 1 Jan. 1919. 933 Booth, Mary Booth, 1 Jan. 1919. 934 Bourne, Thomas Johnstone, 1 Jan. 1919. 935 Boyd, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. 936 BrunskiU, Catherine Lavinia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 937 Burbidge, Sir Richard Woodman, Bart, 1 Jan. 1919. 938 CampbeU, John Macmaster, 1 Jan. 1919. 940 Charles, Ernest Bruce, 1 Jan. 1919. 941 Clayton, George Christopher, 1 Jan. 1919. 942 Cobb, John WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 943 Coles, Richard James, 1 Jan. 1919. 944 Colvin, Lady Gwendoline Audrey Adeline Brudenell, 1 Jan. 1919. 945 ConnoUy, William Patrick Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 946 Crawford, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1919. 947 Crisford, George Northcote, 1 Jan. 1919. 948 Crookston, John Gray, 1 Jan. 1919. 949 Dale, Henry HaUett, 1 Jan. 1919. 950 Darling, John Ford, 1 Jan. 1919. 951 Dawkins, Charles WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. 953 Drogheda, Kathleen, Countess of. 1 Jan. 1919. 954 Drower, John Edmund, 1 Jan. 1919. 955 WiUiams-Drummond, Francis Dudley, 1 Jan. 1919. 956 Eichholz, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. 957 Robertson-Eustace, Marjory Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 958 Fedden, Katharine Waldo Douglas, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919 959 Fish, Walter George, 1 Jan. 1919. 960 Fisher, Charles Browning, 1 Jan. 1919. 961 FitzGerald, Francis John, 1 Jan. 1919. 962 Forman, Rev. Adam, 1 Jan. 1919. 963 Foster, Wilfrid Lionel, 1 Jan. 1919. 964 Fountain, Annie Christine, 1 Jan. 1919. 965 Fryer, Walter John, 1 Jan. 1919. 966 Garnett, James Clerk Maxwell, 1 Jan. 1919. 967 Gibson, Hope, 1 Jan. 1919. 968 Davies-Gilberi, Grace Catherine Rose, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 969 Gladstone, Maud Ernestine, Hon. Mrs. Henry NevUle, 1 Jan. 1919. 970 Goddard, Ernest Hope, 1 Jan. 1919. 971 Grant, Neil Forbes, 1 Jan. 1919. 972 Greene, John Arch, 1 Jan. 1919. 973 Grey, Mabel Laura, Countess, 1 Jan. 1919. 974 Groves, Herbert Austen, 1 Jan. 1919. 975 Haines, William Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 977 Hammond, Dayrell Talbot, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 978 Hannen, Lancelot, 1 Jan. 1919. 979 Hartshorn, Stuart, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 980 Hastings, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. 981 Chadwyck-Healey, Sir Gerald Edward, Bart, 1 Jan. 1919. 982 Herbert, Lady Victoria Alexandrina Mary Cecil, 1 Jan. 1918. 983 Hood, David Wilson, 1 Jan. 1919. 984 Jamieson, Stanley Wyndham, 1 Jan. 1919. 985 Jones, David Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 986 Heath-Jones, Edgar, 1 Jan. 1918. 987 Keay, James Donald, 1 Jan. 1919. 988 Kent, Chris Shorter, 1 Jan. 1919. 989 Lackie, William Walker, 1 Jan. 1919 990 Leng, Hilary Howard, 1 Jan. 1916. 991 Lewis, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 992 Lister, Sir Robert Ashton, 1 Jan. 1919. 581 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 993 Lloyd, Albert Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 994 Lloyd, Samuel Cook, 1 Jan. 1919. 995 Lowe, Arthur Labron, 1 Jan. 1919. 996 Lvle, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. 997 McCall, Charles WiUiam Home, 1 Jan. 1919. 998 McCullagh, Margaret Craig, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 999 McDougall, Alexander Patrick, 1 Jan. 1919. 1000 Maclagan, Eric Robert Dalrymple, 1 Jan. 1919. 1002 McMordie, Julia, Mrs, 1 Jan, 1919. 1003 March, Hilda Madeleine, Countess nf, 1 Jan. 1919. 1004 Marjoribanks, Dudley Sinclah, 1 Jan. 1919. 1005 Mellersh, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 1006 Menzies, Thomas Graham, 1 Jan. 1919. 1007 MitcheU, Peter Chalmers. 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1008 Moffat, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 1009 Morgan, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 1010 Murray, Helen Mary, Hon. Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 1011 Nichols, Charles Lee, 1 Jan. 1919. 1012 Obte, Henry, 3 Jan. 1919. 1013 O'Keeffe, James George, 1 Jan. 1919. 1015 Oliver, Charles Augustus, 1 Jan. 1919. 1016 Hughes-Onslow, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 1017 Orchard, Jonathan, 1 Jan. 1919. 1018 Paget, Henry Edward Clarence, 1 Jan. 1919. 1019 Pakeman, John Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. 1020 Pearce, Standen Leonard, 1 Jan. 1919. 1021 Pearson, Louis Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. 1022 Pelham, Frederick Sidney, 1 Jan. 1919. 1023 Pembroke and Montgomery, Beatrice Eleanor, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1919. 1024 Peto, Geoffrey Kelsall, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1025 Piercy, William, 1 Jan. 1919. 1026 Pigott, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. 1028 Reiss, Charles Julius, 1 Jan. 1919. 1029 Roberts, George Quinlan, 1 Jan. 1919. 1030 Robey, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 1031 RoUeston, Lady Charlotte Emma Maud, 1 Jan. 1919. 1032 Ross, James Stirling, 1 Jan. 1919. 1033 Haynes-Rudge, Florence, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 1034 Sampson, Alexander Whitehead, 1 Jan. 1919. 1035 Seddon, Harry Sterratt, 1 Jan. 1919. 1036 Selbie, Robert Hope, 1 Jan. 1919. 1037 Shaw, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 1038 Shaw, WUliam Barbour, 1 Jan. 1919. 1039 Simmonds, Herbert John. 1 Jan. 1919. 1040 Sloan, Robert Patrick, 1 Jan. 1919. 1041 Stobart, Hugh Morton, 1 Jan. 1919. 1042 Stonestreet, George William, 1 Jan. 1919. 1043 Strain, James Bruce, 1 Jan. 1919. 1044 Swain, Percival Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. 1045 Thomas, Edgar William, 1 Jan. 1919. 1046 Thomson, WilUam Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. 1047 Towle, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 1048 Trouton, Edmund Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 1049 Turnor, Lady Mary Katherine, 1 Jan. 1919. 1050 Vincent, Arthur Rose, 1 Jan. 1919. 1051 VulUamy, Grace, 1 Jan. 1919. 1053 Warner, Lionel Ashton Piers, 1 Jan. 1919. 1054 Warre, George Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. 1055 Watson, Edith Margaret, 1 Jan. 1919. 1056 Wells, Sidney Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 1058 WUlett, Henry Goodrich, 1 Jan. 1919. 1059 WUson, Cecil Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 1060 Wood, William Francis John, 1 Jan. 1919. 1061 Woodhouse, Hon. Horace Marton, 1 Jan. 1919. 1062 Woodroffe, WiUiam Henry Plukenett, 1 Jan. 1919. 1063 Wylie, James, 1 Jan. 1919. 1064 AUum, Frederick Warner, 1 Jan. 1919. 1065 Beyts, WiUiam George, 1 Jan. 1919. 1066 Boalth, Victor Hope, 1 Jan. 1919. 1067 Campbell, Charles Stewart, 1 Jan. 1919. 1068 Cardew, Evelyn Roberta. Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 1069 Carmichael, Gertrude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 1070 Close, Harold Arden, 1 Jan. 1919. 1071 Coubrough, Anthony Cathcart, 1 Jan. 1919. 1072 Sudhal Deo, Raja, 1 Jan. 1919. 1073 Denham, Godfrey Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 1074 Ferrier, Thomas Archibald, 1 Jan. 1919. 1075 Fitzpatrick, James Alexander Ossory, 1 Jan. 1919. 1076 Harcourt, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 1077 Hardiman, John Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. 1078 Harnett, William Falkiner, 1 Jan. 1919. 1079 Holberton, Edgar Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 1080 Holmes, Henry Burvill, 1 Jan. 191B. 1081 Faiyaz Ali Khan, Nawab Mumtaz-ud-Daula Sir Mu hammad, 1 Jan. 1919. 1082 Mubariz Khan Tiwana, Nawab Malik Muhammad, 1 Jan. 1083 Lindsay, Darcy, 1 Jan. 1919. 1084 LyonB, Miriam Isabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 1085 Mitra, Bhupendra Nath, 1 Jan. 1919. 1086 Molony, Edmund Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. 7°JZ Murray, Sir Alexander Robertson, 1 Jan. 1919. 10|8 O'Brien, Aubrey John, 1 Jan. 1919. 1089 Orr, James Peter, 1 Jan. 1919. 1090 Pearce, Charles Marshall, 1 Jan. 1919. 1091 Petrie, David, 1 Jan. 1919. 1092 Stanley, Sir John, 1 Jan. 1919. 1093 Ward, BUacott Loamon, 1 Jan. 1919. 582 1094 Langley, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 1095 Boys, Henry Ward, 1 Jan. 1919. 1096 Ross-Taylor, Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. 1097 Midwinter, Edward Colpoys, 1 Jan. 1919. 1098 King, Henry Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1099 PhUlips, Geoffrey Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. 1100 Boase, WUliam Norman, 1 Jan. 1919. 1101 Campbell, Robert Garrett, 1 Jan. 1919. 1103 Bond. James Henry Robinson, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1104 Day, Ven. Archdeacon Charles Victor Parkerson, I Jan 1919. (M.) 1105 Dickson, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1106 Green, Sebert Francis St. Davids, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 1107 Hawker, Claude Julian, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1108 Jones, Beatrice Isabel, 1 Jan. 1 919. (M). 1109 Knott, Rev. Alfred Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1110 Lane, WUliam Byam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1111 Oakes, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1112 Pitkeathly, James Scott, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1113 Stone, Rev. Henry Cecil Brough, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1114 Flick, Charles Leonard, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1115 McCarthy, James Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1116 Anderson, Edmund BuUer, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 1117 Daniel, Charles James, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 1118 McNish, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1119 Stewart, Louisa Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1120 Messer, Arthur Albert, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1121 Soltau, Alfred Bertram, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 1122 Osborne, Rosabelle, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) Ii23 Brooman- White, Charles James, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 1124 BuUer, Walter Thomas More, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 1125 Cormack, John Dewar, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1126 Daubeny, Reginald Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1127 Hutchinson, Robert Schlesinger, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 1128 Johnston, William James, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1129 Mitchell-Innes, Edward Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 1130 Peel, Herbert Haworth, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1131 Thwaites, Norman Graham. 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 1132 Trotter, Gerald Frederic, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 1133 Whitlock, George Frederic Ashford, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 1134 Woodroffe, Charles Richard. 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 1135 Worgan, Sydney Drummond, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 1136 Wray, John WUloughby, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1137 Webber, Horace Armine William, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 1138 Dowie, Lawrence Adam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1139 Hyde, James Reid, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1140 Macpherson, Duncan Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 1141 Workman, Wolston Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 1142 Conyers, Evelyn Augusta, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 1143 Durrant, Rt. Rev. Henry Bickersteth, 1 Jan. 1919. 1144 Barth, Hon. Jacob William, 1 Jan. 1919. 1145 Macdonald, Archibald Campbell, 1 Jan. 1919. 1146 Brandon, Vivian Ronald, 12 Feb. 1919. (II.) 1147 Rayment, Guy Varlev, 12 Feb. 1919. (M.) 1148 Ttosley, Richard Bolton, 12 Feb. 1919. (M.) 1149a Vischer, Hanns, 12 Feb. 1919. (M.) 11496 Paterson, Andrew Melville, 12 Feb. 1919. (M.) 1150 Alcock, Reginald, 18 Feb. 1919. 1151 Anderson, Alexander Richard, 18 Feb. 1919. 1152 FrankUng, Herbert George, 18 Feb. 1919. 1153 Greene, William Henry Clayton, IS Feb. 1919. 1154 Hogarth, Robert George, 18 Feb. 1919. 1155 Howard, Russell John, 18 Feb. 1919. 1156 Howarth, WUliam James, 18 Feb. 1919. 1157 May, Bennett, 18 Feb. 1919. 1158 Morton, WiUiam Cuthbert, 18 Feb. 1919. 1159 Nicholson, Frank, 18 Feb. 1919. 1160 Rice-Oxley, Alfred James, 18 Feb. 1919. 1161a Simpson, Thomas Young, 18 Feb. 1919. 11616 Cornock-Taylor, Gerald Oldroyd, 25 Feb. 1919. (M.) 1161c Hazel, Albert WUliam, 31 March, 1919. 1162 Carey, Walter, 1 April, 1919. (M.) 1163 Fraser, Gordon Colquhoun, 1 April, 1919. 1164 Harrel, WUliam Vesey, 1 April, 1919. (it.) 1165 Innes, James WiUiam Guy, 1 April, 1919. (M.) 1166 MUler, Grenvffle Acton, 1 April, 1919. (M.) 1167 Rowley, Howard Fiennes Julius, 1 April, 1919. (M.) 1168 Slee, John Ambrose, 1 April, 1919. (M.) 1169 White, John BeU, 1 April, 1919. (11.) 1170 Payne, Christopher Russell, 22 April, 1919. (m.) 1171 Pitts, Percy, 11 AprU, 1919. (m.) ' 1172 Cane, Mary Lucy, Mrs, 9 May, 1919. (it.) 1173 Dakyns, Winifred, Mrs, 9 May, 1919. (ii.) 1174a Hare, Dorothy Christian, 9 May, 1919. (M.) 11746 Brown, WUliam George Charteris, 24 May, 1919. (M.) 1175 Adam, Herbert Algernon, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1176 Anderson, Maxwell Hendry, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1177 Beck, Oliver Lawrence, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1178 Blackett, Henry, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1179 Bowden-Smith, WUliam, 27 May, 1919. (M ) 1180 Bush, James Tobin, 27 May, 1919. (M ) 1181 Church, WUUam Drummond, 27 May, 1919. (it ) 1182 Clark, Henry WUliam Alfred, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1183 Clarke, Henry James Langford, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1184 Coppinger. Robert Henry, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1185 Corbett, Godfrey Edwin, 27 May, 1919. (M.) J1?6. E-00t' Cunningham Robert de Clare, 27 May, 1919. (II.) 1188 Hewett, Paul, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1189 Howard, William GUbert, 27 May, 1919. (it.) COMMANDERS. 1190 Howson, John, 27 May, 1919. (ll.) 1191 Hughes, Edward Llewellyn, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1192 Hyde, Richard, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1193 Irvin, WUliam Dion, 27 May, 1919. (m.) 1194 Leith, George Piercy, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1195 McKinstry, Edward Robert, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 1197 Moore, Nithsdale Carleton Atkinson, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 1198 Mulleneux, Hugh Bowring, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 1199 Parish, Arthur John, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1200 Parker, Walter Henry 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1201 Plenderleath, Claude WUliam Manners, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1202 Purefoy, Richard Purefoy Fitz-Gerald, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1203 Rashleigh, Vernon Stanhope, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 1204 Roberts, John, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 1205 Simpson, Cortland Herbert, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 1206 Staunton, Hugh Geoffrey, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 1207 TurnbuU^James, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1208 Watson, Horace Cyril, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 1209 Willcox, Howard James Lionel Walter Kox, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 1210 WUliams, Thomas Acland, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 1211 Wright, Alexander GaUoway, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 1212 Abercrombie, Charles Murray, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1213 Addie, John Heathcote, 3 June, 1919,. (M.) 1214 Alexander, John Donald, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1215 Anderson, James Dalgleish. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1216 Ardee, Reginald Le Normand. Lord, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1217 Arnold, Herbert Tollemache, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1218 Baker, Jasper, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1219 Barnett, Alfred George, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1220 Begbie, Frank Warburton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1221 Beveridge, WUfred WiUiam OgUvy, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1222 Blount, Edward Augustine, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1224 Bowen, Arthur Winniett Nunn, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1225 Bradford, Sh John Rose, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1226 Braithwaite, Francis PoweU, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1227 Branson, WilUam PhUip SutcUffe, 3 June, 1919. 1228 Bromley-Davenport, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1229 Browne, Sherwood Dighton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1230 Burke, Bernard Bruce, 3 June, 1919. (it ) 1231 Burrows, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (M.I 1232 Bush, James Paul, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1233 CaUender, Eustace Maude, 3 June, 1919. 1234 CampbeU, John Hpy, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1235 Carden, Rev. John, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1236 Church, George Ross Marryat, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1237 Clay, John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1238 Cooper, Robert Higham, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1239 Cordeaux, Edward Kyme, 3 June, 1919. 1240 Couper, John Duncan CampbeU, 3 June, 1919. 1241 Cowie, Henry Edward Colvin, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1242 Cranford, Robert Langely, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1243 Davy, Lila, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1244 Eames, William L'Estrange, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1245 EUiott, Thomas Renton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1246 Eisner, Otto WUliam Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1247 Erskine, Henry Adeane, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1248 Fegen, Magrath Fogarty, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1249 Fleming, John Gibson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1250 Frankau, Claude Howard Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1251 Fraser, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 12a2 Fraser, Forbes, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1253 Gibb, Evan, 3 June. 1919. (M.) 1254 Gibbard, Thomas Wykes, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1255 Goldsmith, George MUls, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1256 Graham, Charles Percy, 3 June, 1919. (M.) J257 Grattan, Henry William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1258 Gray, Archibald Montague Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1259 Guest, Rt. Hon. Frederick Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1260 Gwynne, Rt. Rev. LleweUyn Henry, Bishop, 3 June, 1919. (M.) JsH Harper, John Robinson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1262 Harrison, Cholmely Edward Carl BranfiU, 3 June, 1919. ¦ (M.) 1263 Hartley, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1264 Hayes, Edwin Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) im Henniker, Alan Major, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1266 Hicks, Sir MaxweU, 3 June, 1919. (M.) W Higgs, Frederick William, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 12b8 Holmes,. Gordon Morgan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) ?„!? Howkins, Cyril Henry, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1270 Hudleston, WUfrid Edward, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 1271 Hunt, Frederick Welsley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) iSS yde' Derraot Owen, 3 June, 1919. (M.) iii. ia<*ion, George Scott, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1274 Jenney, Archibald Offley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) J«5 Keddie, Herbert WUUam Graham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1276 Kelly, Francis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1277 Ker, Charles Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1278 Larken, Edmund, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1279 Lecky, John Gage, 3 June, 1919. io_? l'e«se, Reginald Francis, 3 June, 1919. (it.) iooJ Llnd8ay, Alexander Dunlop, 3 June, 1919. (it.) fo_2 Lindsay, Ernest Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) Tno, Loiigmoro, John Constantine Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1284 Lyell, David, 3 June, 1919. (M.) ;;__ MacCormac, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 14S6 MacLaughlin, Arthur MaunseU, 3 June, 1919. 1988 M^?/1' ^°^rt £00khart Koss, 3 June, 1919. (tt.) 1289 m™ wy'KAlitlJ5,,?eorge Piston, 3 June, 1919. (it ) ilon m *' Hu5?rt William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1*0? !™ftEeT' ?hToma3 Heywood, 3 June, 1919. (it.) ,oni ™d, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 19M m- er' Charles Hewitt, 1 June, 1919. (it.) ilo? ^lUer' EJ? ward Dariey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) i§o« ™ouey' Robert Cotton, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 190? Morgan, Frederick James, 3 June, 1919. M.) iooo ™°,unt' 4.lan Hem'y Lawrence, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1298 Nelson, Percy Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (m.) iqoo £e,YSom,V^gnstus Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1300 Pallm, William Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (M.) iqoJ Sears0Ili Walter Bagot, 3 June, 1919. (it.) i o9S ?ePT,' .Ernest Middleton, 3 June, 1919. (it.) i »?« £?,teurkmi Charles Duncan, 3 June, 1919. (it.) , o£c S"SheF> Bdgar Montagu, 3 June, 1919. (it.) To™ £° °fk' Charies Edward, 3 June, 1919. (It.) IfOg Pollok, Robert Valentine, 3 June, 1919. (M.) ,,So ?,l'yJ'n.el Harold Vernon, 3 June, 1919. (m.) To™ Hadchtfe Frederick Walter, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1309 Radnor, Jacob, Pleydell-Bouverie, Earl of, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1310 Ramsbottom-Isherwood, Charles Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) T .IJ Hamsden, Herbert Frechville Smythe, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1312 Rawnsley, Claude, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1313 Reid, Frederick James, 3 June, 1919 (it ) 1314 Reynolds, Reginald Philip Neri, 3 June, 1919 (it ) 1315 Ricardo, Ambrose St. Quintta, 3 June, 1919. (M ) 1316 Robertson, John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1318 Rudd, Thomas William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1319 Saint, Charies Frederick Morris, 3 June, 1919 (it ) 1320 Sargent. Harry Neptune, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1321 Savile, George Waltei Wrey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1322 Searle, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1323 Shaw, Francis Stewart Kennedy, 3 June, 1919 (m.) 1324 SUver, John Payzant, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1325 Simpson, Lightly Stapleton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1326 Smith, Rev. Charles WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1327 Spencer, Charles Louis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1328 Starr, Frederick Newton Gisboine, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1329 Statham, John Charles Baron, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1330 Steward, Godfrey Robert Viveash, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1331 Stewart, Rev. Frank White, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1332 Stirling, Sir George Murray Home, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1333 Sutherland, John Donald, 3 June, 1919. (m ) 1334 Tatam, Walter John, 3 June, 1919. (M ) 1335 Thurston, Hugh Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1336 TJmfreville, Percy, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1337 Vesey, Hon. Osbert Eustace, 3 June, 1919. (M ) 1339 Wadley, Edward John, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1342 Wansbrough, Thomas Percival, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1343 Watkins, Henry George, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1344 Watling, Francis Wyatt, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1345 Webb-Johnson, Alfred Edward, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1346 Westmacott, Frederick Hibbart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1348 Wraith, Ernest Arnold, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1349 Drum, Lome, 3 June, 1919. (H.) 1350 Fallis, Rev. George Oliver, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1351 Griffin, Atholl Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1352 Hogan, Edward Vincent, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1354 Riplev, Blah, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1355 Simpson, Robert Mills, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1356 Templeton, Charles Perry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1357 Todd, Guy Mansfield, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1358 Wilby, Arthur William Roger, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1359 Wilson, Francis Walter Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1360 Davis, Charles Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1361 Leane, Edwin Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1362 Marks, Alexander Hammett, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1363 Shepherd, Arthur Edmund, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1364 Tunbridge, Walter Howard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1365 Viney, Horace George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1366 Duff, Charles de Vertus, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1367 Abraham, James Johnstone, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1368 Badcock, Gerald Eliot, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1369 Bagshawe, Herbert Vale, 3 June, 1919. (_t.) 1370 Beach, Thomas Boswell, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1371 Blunt, Conrad Edward Grant, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1372 Bury, Lindsay Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1373 Coruwallis, Kinahan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1374 Cowan, John Marshall, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1375 Davies, George Freshfield, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1376 Dawnay, Alan Geoffrey Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1377 Day, Rev. Edward Rouverie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1378 Dobbin, William James Knowles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1379 Elliott, William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1380 Gabriel, Edmund Vivian, 3 JuDe, 1919. (M.) 1381 Hopkinson, Henry Charles Barwick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1382 Huskisson, WUliam Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1383 JeUicoe, Richard Carey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1385 McCandlish, Patrick Dalmahoy, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1386 Nicoll, Peter Strachan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1387 Paul, Ernest Moncrieff, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1388 Rice, Cecil Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1389 Savile, Robert Vesey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1390 Shute, Cyril AveUng, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 583 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1391 Travers, Henry Cecil, 3 June, 1919. (U.) 1392 Warren, Peter, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1393 Watney, Frank Dormay, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1394 Watson, James Keiro, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1395 Croll, David Gifford, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1396 Chaytor, D'Arcy, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1397 Mackesy, Charles Ernest Randolph, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1398 Campbell, Robert Morris, 3 June. 1919. (M.) 1399 Hale, Thomas Wyatt, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1400 Hobbins, Thomas Phillips, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1401 Robertson, James Currie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1402 Rose, Ernest Albert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1403 Rowe, Williams Hugh Cecil, 3 June, 1919. (11.) 1404 Stephenson, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1405 Stewart-Dick-Cunyngham, Sir William, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1406 Wait, Hugh Godfrey Killigrew, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1407 Watkins, Rev. Owen Spencer, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1408 Dowell, George WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1409 Dudgeon, Leonard iitanley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1410 Falconer, Arthur WeUesley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1411 Gauntlett, Brie Gerald, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1412 Hooper, Harry TJpington, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1413 Jaffray, Rev. WUliam Stevenson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1414 Morcom, Reginald Keble, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1415 Payne, Herbert Chidgey Brine, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1416 Rhodes, Godfrev Dean, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1417 Shuttleworth, Digby Inglis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1418 Smith, William Hugh Usher, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1419 Taylor, George Brian OgUvie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1420 VUliers, Charles Walter, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1421 Wenyon, Charles Morley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1422 Browne, Philip Henry, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1423 Canny, James Clare Macnamara, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1424 Frost, Frank Dutton, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1425 Garrow, Robert George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1426 Lang, Elliot Brownlow, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1427 Leland, Francis WUliam George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1428 Macrae, Robert Scarth Farquhar, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1429 McVittie, Robert Henry, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1430 Morris, Arthur Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1431 Morton. Hugh Murray, 3 Juno, 1919. (H.) 1432 Ratsey, Harold Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1433 Starr, WUliam Henderson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1434 Tremlett, Colin Percy, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1435 Truman, Egerton Danford, 3 June, 1919. (ii.) 1436 Wood, WiUiam Albert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1437 Dwyer, Ernest 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1438 Graham, Robert Blackall, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1439 Nussey, Albert Henry Mortimer, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1440 Elliot, Gilbert Sutherland McDowell, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1441 Adah, Hugh Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1442 Adams, Gofton Gee, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1443 Adams, Lewis Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1444 Adamson, Robert Hay, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1445 Alford, Rev. Josiah George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1446 Armstrong, Thomas Graves Lowry Herbert, 3 J une, 1919. (it.) 1447 Armstrong-Jones, Sir Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1448 Aytoun, Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1449 BaUey, Alfred John, 3 June; 1919. (M.) 1450 Barclay, Robert Leatham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1451 Baring, Hon. Everard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1452 Barker, Frederick George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1453 Barrett-Leunard, John, 3 June. 1919. (It.) 1454 Barry, Stanley Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1455 Barton, Alfred Yarker, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1456 Batt, Reginald Cosslev, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 1457 Baylay, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1458 Bayley, Arthur George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1459 Beadon, Roger Hammet, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1460 Beauchamp, Sir Frank, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (M.; 1461 Becher, Andrew Cracroft, 3 June, 1919. (If.) 1462 Glasier, Frank Bedford-, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1463 Belfleld, Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1464 Bernard, WiUiam KingsmUl, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1465 Bickerstaffe-Drew, Rt. Rev. Monsignor, Count Francis Browning Drew, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1466 Bigham, Hon. Charles Clive, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1467 Billington, Lawson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1468 Bhdwood, George ChristopherMcDowall, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1469 Blackett, WiUiam Cuthbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1470 Blandford, Laurence James, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1471 Bliss, Thomas Gordon Cumming, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1472 Blunt, Charles Jasper, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1473 Blyth, James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1474 Boase, George Orlebar, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1475 Boles, Dennis Fortescue, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1476 Booker, George Edward Nussey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1477 Bonomi, Joseph Ignatius, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1478 Bowly, William Arthur Travell, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1479 Boyd, Mossom Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (H.) 1480 Brereton, Frederick Sadlier, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1481 Bromilow, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1482 Brooke, Ronald George, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1483 Browne, Abraham Walker, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1484 Brownlow, Charles William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1485 Bruce. Clarence Dalrymple, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1486 Bryant. Frederick Carkeet, 3 June, 1919. (it .) 1487 Buchan. Charles Forbes, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1488 Buckle, Cuthbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1489 Buckley. George Alexander MacLean, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1490 Burdon, Rowland. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1491 Burn-Murdoch, John Francis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1492 Burne, Rainald Owen, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1493 Bumey, Herbert Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1494 BurreU, Sir Merrik Raymond, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1495 Burrows, Edmund Augustine, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1496 Butler, Henry Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1497 Bythell, William John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1498 CadeU, Harry Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1499 Caithness, Norman Macleod Buchan, Earl of, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1500 Calley, Thomas Charles Pleydell, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1501 Calvert, James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1502 Campbell, Hon Ralph Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1503 CampbeU. WUliam MacLaren, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1504 Cardew, George Hereward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1505 Carless, Albert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1506 Carleton, Montgomery Launcelot, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1507 Carr, Edward Elliott, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1508 Carter, Charles Herbert Philip, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1509 Carter, Ernest Augustus Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1510 Champion-De-Crespigny, George Harrison, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1511 Chance, Sir Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1512 Chatterton, Frank Beauchamp Macaulay, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1513 Cholmondeley, Hugh CecU. 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1514 Clarke, Herman, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1515 Clay, Ernest Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1516 Clifford, Ernest Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1517 CUfford, Walter Rees, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1518 Cleeve, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1519 Cockburn, George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1520 Coleridge, Hugh Fortescue, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1521 Collard, Alexander Arthur, Lysons 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1522 Collard, Arthur WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1523 Colvin, Forrester Farnell, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1524 Conway- Gordon, Gwynnedd, 3 June, 1919. (11.) 1525 Cooper, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1526 Cottell, Reginald James Cope, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1527 Cousins, Arthur George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1528 Cox, Edward Geoffrey Hippisley, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1529 Craig, Sh Maurice, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1530 Craig, Robert Annesley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1531 Crampton, PhUip John Ribton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1532 Craster, Edmund Henry Bertram, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1533 Crofton-Atkins, Cyril Randell, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1534 Crookham, Rev. WiUiam Thomas Rupert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1535 Curry, Montagu Creighton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1536 Cunningham, George Glencairn, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1537 Daniell, Frederick Francis WiUiamson, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1538 Dashwood, Edmund William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1539 Deane, Richard Woodforde, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1540 Etheridge, De Courcy CecU, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1541 De Hoghton, Sir James, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1542 De Jersey, WiUiam Grant, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1543 De Watteville, Herman Gaston, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1544 Denison. Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1545 Doran, John Crampton Morton, 3 June, 1919. 1546 Dunfee, Vickers, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1547 Dunne, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1548 Easton, Philip George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1549 Edmondson, James Heslam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1550 Edwards, Henry John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1551 Edwards, WiUiam Bickerton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1552 Egan, Michael Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1553 Ellis, Charles Conyngham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1554 Ellis, Henrietta Christobel, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1555 Elmslie, Christiana Deanes, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1556 Eteson, Harold Carleton Wetherall, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1557 Farquharson, Arthur Spenser Loat, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1558 Fell, Robert Black, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1559 Fenwick, Edward Hurry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1560 Ferrar, Henry Minchin, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1561 Finch, HamUton Walter Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1562 Findlay, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1563 Fisher-Rowe, Herbert Mayow .3 June, 1919. (It.) 1564 Fitzpatrick, Ernest Richard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1565 FitzwilUam, Sir WUliam Charles De Meuron, Earl, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1566 Foley, Frank Wigram, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1567 Foilett, Henry Spencer 3 June 1919. ' (M.) 1568 Foster, Alfred James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1569 Foster, Arthur Bruce, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1570 Foster Henry Needham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1571 Francis, Charles John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1573 French, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1574 Frith, Cyril Halsted. 3 June, 1919. (H.) 1575 Gardner, Charles James Hookham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1576 Garrett, Arthur Newson Bruff, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1578 Geddes, George Hessing, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1579 Gemmel, Archibald Burns, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 1580 GUbert, Arthur Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1581 Gilpin, Frederick Charles Almon, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1582 Glanusk, Joseph Henry Russell, Lord, 3 June, 1919. (M-) 584 COMMANDERS. 584 Gordon, Mervyn Henry, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 685 Gordon-Steward, Charles Steward, 3 Juno, 1919. (m.) 586 Gorell, Ronald Gorell Barnes, Lord, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 587 Gorges, Edmund Howard, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 588 Gough, Alan Percy George, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 589 Gould, Sir Alfred Pearce, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 590 Graham, Gilbert Maxwell Adah, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 591 Greenly, John Henry Maitland, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 592 Greg, Robert Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 598 Gretton, John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 594 Gribbon, Walter Harold, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 595 Grove, Edward Aickin WUliam Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 596 Hacket-Thompson, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 597 Hackett, Robert Isaac Dalby, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 598 Hall, Ven. Archdeacon Henry Armstrong, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 599 HaU, Sir John Richard, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 600 Hambro, Harold Everard, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 601 HamUton-Cox, Arthur Francis, 3 June, 1919. (ii.) 602 Hammond, Frederick Dawson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 603 Hankey, John CyrU Gtffard Alers, 3 June, 1919. (II.) ,604 Hare, Charles Tristram MelvUle. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 605 Harrison, Louis Kenneth, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 606 Hart, Charles Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 607 Harvey, David, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 608 Hawkins, Herbert Pennell, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 609 Haynes, Kenneth Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 610 Heaton-EUis. Charles Henry Brabazon, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 611 HelliweU, John Percival, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 612 Hepburne-Scott, Hon. Walter George, Master of Polwarth, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 614 Hesketh, Rawdon John Isherwood, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 615 Hezlet, Robert Knox. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 616 Hill, Charles Henry, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 617 HOI, Francis Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 618 HUI, Robert Montague, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 619 Hill, Walter de Marchet, 3 June, 1919. (It . 620 Grove-HUls, Edmond Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (M). 621 Hoadley, Jane, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 622 Holford, Sh George Lindsay, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 623 Holmes, Hardress Gilbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 624 Hordern.Rev.ArthurVenablesCalvely, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 625 Horniblow, EmiUe HUda, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 626 Hoskyn, John Cunningham Moore, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 627 Howard, Francis James Leigh, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 628 Howe, RandaU Charles Annesley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 629 Hume, John James Francis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 630 Hunt, Godfrey Massy Vere, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 631 Iremonger, Edgar Assheton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 632 Jack, Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 633 James, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 634 James, Rev. Canon Sidney Rhodes, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 635 Jenkins, Noble Fleming, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 636 Jennings, Edward Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 637 Jerrard, Augustus George Aimes, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 638 Johnston, Henry Halcro, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 639 Johnston, Osmond Moncrieff, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 640 Johnstone, Hope, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 641 Jones, CyrU Vivian, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 642 Julian, Oliver Richard Archer, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 643 Keane, Richard Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 644 Kempton, Charles Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 645 Kennard, Henry Gerard Hegan, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 646 Kimber, Edmund Gibbs, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 647 King, Charles Dickson, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 648 Kirk, John Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 649 Khkpatriok, Ivone, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 650 Koe, Lancelot Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 651 Land, WilUam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 652 Lane, Samuel WelUngton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 653 Langley, John Penrice, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 654 Larking, Reginald Nesbitt Wingfield, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 655 Leach, Harold Pemberton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 656 Leather, Kenneth John Walters, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 657 Lee, Francis, 3 June. 1919. (M.) 658 Lees, Charles Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 659 Legard, Alfred Digby, 3 June, 1919. (H.) 660 Leith, Henry Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 661 Le Marchant, Edward Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 662 Lemonius, Gerald MacLean, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 663 Le-Poer-Trench, Frederick Amelius, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 664 Leslie, Sir John, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) ""' Levita, Cecil Bingham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) i Liddell, Clive Gerard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 667 Little, Malcolm Orme, 3 June, 1919. (M.) """¦ Lloyd, Samuel Eyre Massy, 3 June, 1919. (M.) Lloyd-Carson, Charles John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 670 Lord, John Robert, 3 June, 1919. 671 Lowry, James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 672 Ludlow, Edmund Ranald Owen, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 673 Luff, Arthur Pearson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 674 Lyle, Hugh Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 675 Lynch, David, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 676 McCalmont, Barklie Cairns, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 677 McClymont, Robert Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 678 McFerran, Edwin Millar GUliland, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 680 McKie, John, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 681 Mackintosh of Mackintosh, Alfred Donald, The, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1682 Mackintosh, George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1683 Macpherson, Rev. Ewen George Fitzroy, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1684 Markham, Charles John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1685 Marriott, John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1686 Marsh, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1087 Martin, Ernest Edmund, 3 June, 1919. (ii.) 1688 Martin, James Fitzgerald, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1689 Marwood, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1690 Mason-MacFarlane, David James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1691 Massy, Percy Hugh Hamon, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1692 MaunseU, Francis Richard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1693 Meeres, Charles Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1694 Meldon, James Austen, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1695 MeUor, Robert Ramsden, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1696 Metcalfe-Smith, Bertram, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1698 Middleton, William Crawfurd, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1699 Miles, George Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1700 Miller, Hugh de Burgh, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1701 Montagu, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1702 Moore, Arthur Trevelyan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1703 Moore, Robert Reginald Heber, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1704 Moore-Lane, William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1705 Morgan, Alexander Braithwaite, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1706 Morton, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1707 Moullin, Charles William ManseU, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1708 Muller, George Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1709 Murphy, Rev. William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1710 Murray, Eric Madden, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1711 Murray-Smith, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1712a Nelson, Edgar Forbes, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 17126 Neve, Edward John, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1713 Newland, Edmund Walcott, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1714 Niblett, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1715 Noblett, Louis Hemington, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1716 Northumberland, Alan Ian, Duke of, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1717 Nugent, Walter Vyvian, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1718 O'Brien, Edmund Donough John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1719 O'Carroll, Joseph Francis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1720 O'Donoghue, Montague Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1721 O'Leary, Tom Evelyn, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1722 Oliver, Rev. Richard John Deane, 3 June, 1919 (11.) 1723 O'Meagher, John Kevin, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1724 Onslow, Cranley Charlton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1725 Ostrehan, Francis George Rodney, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1726 O'SulUvan, Daniel, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1727 Owen, WUUam Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1728 Owens, Robert Leonce, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1729 Parr, Clements, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1730 Parry, Henry Jules, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1731 Parry, Llewelyn England Sidney, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1732 Parsons, John Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1733 Paterson, Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1734 Peacock, Rev. Charles Alfred, 3 June. 1919. (M.) 1735 Pearce, Cyril Harvey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1736 Pearson, George Thomson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1737 Perceval, Charles CecU, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1738 Perkins, Edwin King, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1739 Perkins, Hugh Wharton, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1740 PhiUips, George Ingleton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1741 Pike, Cuthbert Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1742 Pinhorn, Henry Quinten, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1743 Plunkett, Edward Abadie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1744 Poulton, Arthur Faulconer, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1745 Powell.Philip Lionel WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1746 Prendergast, Theodore John Warrender, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1747 Pulling, Rev. Edward Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1748 Purvis, John Spottiswoode, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1749 Raper, Henry Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (If.) 1750 Remnant, Sir James Farquharson, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (ST.) 1751 Richards, Gertrude Mary, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1752 Roberts, Arthur Noel, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1753 Roberts, Henry Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1754 RoUeston, Lancelot William, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1755 Roper, Alexander WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1756 Rows, Richard Gundry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1757 Savage, Morris Boscawen, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1758 Sawyer, Charles Edward, 3 June. 1919. (It.) 1759 Scholfield, George Peabody, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1760 Selby, Rev. William John, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1761 Shaftesbury, Sh Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Earl of, 3 June, 1762 Shakeriey, Sir Walter Geoffrey, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1763 Shawe, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1764 Sherren, James, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1765 Smith, Anne Beadsmore, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1766 Smith, Peter Caldwell, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1767 Smith-Neill, James William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1768 Smithson, Walter Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1769 Smyth, Robert Napier, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1770 Sparshott, Margaret Elwin, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1771 Spears, Edward Louis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1772 Stansfeld, James Rawdon, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1773 Stansfield, Thomas Edward Knowles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1774 Stenning, John Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1775 Stewart, Patrick Alexander Vansitart 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1776 Stewart, WUUam Robert, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 585 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1777 Stobart, George Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1778 Stordy, Robert John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1779 Stradbroke, George Edward John Mowbray, Earl of, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1780 Strutt, Edward Lisle, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1781 Sulivan, Ernest Frederic, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1782 Swettenham, George Kilner, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1783 Taylor, Charles Newton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1784 Taylor, Harold Blake, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1785 Thomas, Reginald Aneurin, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1786 Thomson, Christopher Bhdwood, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1787 Thomson, David George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1788 Thornycroft, Charles Mytton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1789 Thorold, Hayford Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1790 ThuiUier, Willoughby, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1791 TUney, Norman Eccles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1792 Todd, Octavius, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1793 Towsey, Francis William, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1794 Toynbee, Guy ElUston, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1795 Trevor, Philip Christian WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1796 Tucker, William Kington, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1797 Tuckey, Rev. James Grove White, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1798 Turner, Archer Lloyd Marischal, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1799 Twiss, John Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1800 Tyrrell, Charles Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1801 Vandeleur, Henry Martley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1802 Van Straubenzee, Casimir Henry Claude, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1803 Wakefield, Sir Charles Cheers, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1804 Walker, Francis Spring, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1805 Ward, Montague Charles Pearson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1806 Warren, Thomas Richard Pennefather, 3 June, 1919. (It). 1807 Watkins, Fredric Mostyn, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1808 Way, Bromley George Vere, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1809 Western, John Sutton Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1810 Westmacott, Claude Berners, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1812 Willey, Francis Vernon, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1813 Williams, Arthur Cecil, 3 June 1919. (M.) 1814 Wilkinson, Henry Benfield Des Voeux, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1815 WUson, John George Yule, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1816 Wise, Henry Edward Disbrowe, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1817 Wood, Hastings St. Leger, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1818 Woodwark, Arthur Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1819 Wright, Ernest Granville, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1820 Wright, George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1821 Wright, WiUiam Burgess, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1822 Young, Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1823 Young, David Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1824 Young, Patrick Charles, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1825 Adami, John George, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1826 Almond, Rev. Canon John McPherson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1827 Armstrong, John Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1828 Bosworth, Samuel Medbury, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1829 Bridges, James Whiteside, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1830 Brown, Ernest Rudolf, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1831 Buell, WUliam Senkler, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1832 Goldsmith, Perry Gladstone, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1833 Hutchison, James Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1834 McKeown, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1835 Robertson, Herman Melchior, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1836 Ruttan, Charles Millidge, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1837 Skinner. Frederick St. Duthus, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1838 Tait, John Spottiswood, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1840 Davidson, Ethel Sarah, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1841 Gray, Ethel, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1842 Holden, Rev. Albert Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1843 Kellett, Adelaide Maud, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1844 Long, George Merrick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1845 MUlard, Reginald Jefferev, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1846 Wall, George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1847 Wray, Rev. Frederick WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1848 Acland, Hugh Thomas Dyke, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1849 Carberry, Anderson Robert DUlon, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1850 Christie, Joseph McNaughton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1851 Cooke, Percival Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1852 Cooper, Charles James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1853 Dawson, Thomas Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1854 Falconer, Alexander Robertson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1855 Gabites, George Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1856 Hall, George Thompson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1857 HUey, Ernest Haviland, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1858 Hume, John Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1859 Hutchen, James William, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 1860 Leahy, John Patrick Daunt, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1861 Major, Charles Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1862 Makgill, Robert Haldane, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1863 Mill, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1864 PUkington. Herbert Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1865 Pringle, David, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1866 Purdy, James Robert, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1867 Reakes, Charles John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1868 Reed, John Ranken, 3 June, 1919. (11.) 1869 Roberts, Alexander Fowler, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 1870 Robertson, James Herbert Graham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1871 Sleeman, James Lewis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1872 Smith, Edmund Robinson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1873 Strong, William James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1874 Studholme, John, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1875 Thurston, Mabel, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1876 Valentine, Thomas Harcourt Ambrose, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1877 Ward, Gerard Arnold, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1878 WyUe, David Storer, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1879 Baker, James Mitchell, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1880 Burgess, Charles Roscoe, 3 June, 1919- (M.) 1881 Edwards, Robert Richard, 3 June, 1919 (M.) 1882 Hodson, Frederick Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1883 Stock, PhUip Graham, 3 June, 1919 (M.) 1884 Montgomerie, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1885 Bagnall-Wild, Ralph Kirkby, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1886 Bartley, Bryan Cole, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1887 Bent, Arthur Milton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1888 Boyle, Hon. John David, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1889 Burnett, Charles Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1890 Cooke, Bertram Hewett Hunter, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1891 Davidson, Edward Humphrey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1892 Drew, Bertie Clephane Hawley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1893 DunvUle, John, 3 June 1919. (M.) 1894 Ellington, Sir, Edward Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1895 Herbert, Philip Lee William, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 1896 Hoare, Cuthbert Gumey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1897 Jenkta, Charles Frewen, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1898 Marindin, Cecil ColvUe, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1899 MelvUle, Edward Patrick Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (H.) 1900 More, Robert Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1901 Mulock, Redford Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1902 Newall.CyrU Louis Norton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1903 Osmond, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1904 Pitcher, Duncan Le Geyt, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1905 Russell, Reginald Edmund Maghlta, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1906 Ryan, William John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1907 Smith, Sidney Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1908 Swann, Oliver, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1909 Sykes, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1910 Weir, James George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1911 WeUs, Hardy Vesey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1912 Wigram, Kenneth, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1913 Andrews, Octavius WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1914 Barnes, George Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1915 Barrett, Dacre Lennard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1916 Chilcott, Ronald Evered, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1917 Clarke, Arthur Calvert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1918 Clinton-Baker, Lewis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1919 Colclough, Beauchamp Urquhart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1920 Crisp, Arthur Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1921 Drury, William Price, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1922 Eldred, Edward Henry. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1923 Ferguson, Samuel Pringle, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1924 Fleet, Ernest James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1925 Harris, Gerald Noel Anstice, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1927 Heming, Thomas Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1928 Hinchcliffe. WUliam Fryer, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1929 Holmes, John Dickenson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1930 James, Hon. Cuthbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1931 Jones, Rev. Percy Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1932 McKew, Rev. Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1933 Meredyth, Charles Edward Hughes, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1934 Moorshead, Herbert Brooks, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1935 Penfold, WUliam George Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1936 Rees, John David, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1937 Rodet, Ernest William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1938 Ryan, Frank Edward Cavendish, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1939 Silk, Ernest Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1940 Simmons, George Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1941 Smyth, Morris Henrv, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1942 Stephens, Lindsay James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1943 Stevens, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1944 Stevens, John Greet, 3 June, 1919. (11.) 1945 Taylor, Arthur Trevelyan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1946 Tippinge, Leicester Francis Gartside, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1947 Tompkins, Albert Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1948 Tottenham, Francis Loftus, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1949 Vincent, Arthur Gustave, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1950 Ward, Charles Henry Allen, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1951 Webster, John Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1952 Wonham, Charles Scrivener, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1953 Wrey, WiUiam Bourchier Sherard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1956 Anderson, Eric Oswald, 3 June, 1919. 1957 Bray, Denys de Saumarez, 3 June, 1919. 1958 Calnan, Denis, 3 June, 1919. 1959 Cobb, Henry Venn, 3 June, 1919. 1960 Cochran, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. 1961 Cottle, Adela, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 1962 Craddock, Frances Henrietta, Lady, 3 June, 1919. 1963 Davies, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. 1964 Deo, Maharaja Ramanuj Saran Singh, 3 June, 1919. 1965 Fraser, Constance, Lady, 3 June, 1919. 1966 French, Lewis, 3 June, 1919. 1967 Gracey, Hugh Khkwood, 3 June, 1919. 1968 Hammond, Egbert Laurie Lucas, 3 June, 1919. 1969 Henderson, John Wright, 3 June, 1919. 1970 John, Edwin, 3 June, 1919. 1971 Khan, Jalal-ud-Daula Nawab Muhammad Khurshed Ah, 3 June, 1919. 1972 Khan Tiwana, Malik Sh TJmar Hayat, 3 June, 1919. 1973 King-Wood, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. 586 COMMANDERS. 1974 Knapp, Arthur Rowland, 3 June, 1919. 1975 Leftwlch, Charles Gerrans, 3 June, 1919. 1976 Legge. Francis CecU, 3 June, 1919. 1977 Lindsay, Harry Alexander Fanshawe, S June, 1919. 1978 Miller, Sh Leslie Creery, 3 June, 1919. 1979 Singh, Maharaja Bahadur Keshav Prashad, 3 June, 1919. 1980 Preston, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. 1981 Thompson, Cyril Powney, 3 June, 1919. 1982 Whitehead, Isabel, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 1983 Wolfe, George Charles, 3 June, 1919. 1984 Chapman, Archibald John, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1985 Sinclah, Hugh Montgomerie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1986 Barling, Sir Harry Gilbert, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (11.) 1987 Forster, David, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1988 Parish, Woodbine, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 1989 Swain, James, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 1990 Adamson, John, 3 June, 1919. 1991 Burnett, Ethel Mary, 3 June, 1919. 1992 Clark, James John, 3 June, 1919. 1993 Day, Albert CecU, 3 June, 1919. 1994 Gunson, James Henry, 3 June, 1919. 1995 Holland, Henry, 3 June, 1919. 1996 MacDonald Ronald Macintosh, 3 June 1919. 1997 Montgomery, WiUiam Hugh, 3 June, 1919. 1998 RoUeston, Iris Brenda, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 1999 Browne, Albert, 3 June, 1919. 2000 Chappe, Penelope Louise, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 2001 Dunn, James Stormont. 3 June, 1919. 2002 Godley, Godfrey Archibald, 3 June, 1919. 2003 Herbst, John Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 2004 Long, Arthur TUnev, 3 June, 1919. 2005 Manning, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. 2006 Pim, James Howard, 3 Jure, 1919. 2007 Richardson, Lewis, 3 June, 1919. 2008 Hall, Thomas Andrew, 3 June, 1919. 2009 Morris, Edward Robert, 3 June, 1919. 2010 Pitts, Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 2011 RendeU, Robert George, 3 June, 1919. 2012 Winter, Hon. Marmaduke George, 3 June, 1919. 2013 Ainsworth, John, 3 June, 1019. 2014 Baker, Alma, 3 June, 1919. 2015 Bertram, Edith Marion, Lady, 3 June, 1919. 2016 Boyes, Charles Edward, 3 June, 1919. 2017 Boyle, Sh Alexander George, 3 June, 1919. 2018 Church, Arthur Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 2019 Fletcher, Arthur George Murchison, 3 June, 1919. 2020 HolUs, Alfred Claud, 3 June 1919. 2021 Noel, Martial Louis Auguste, 3 June, 1919. 2022 Pountney, Arthur Meek, 3 June, 1919. 2023 Ryder, Laay Frances, 3 June, 1919. 2024 Sinclah, John Houston, 3 June, 1919. 2025 Slyne, Denis, 3 Juno, 1919. 2026 Stubbs, Winifred Marjory, Lady, 3 June, 1919. 2027 WaUace, Marguerite Marie, Lady, 3 June, 1919. 2028 Barnardo, Frederick Adolphus Fleming, 3 June, 1919. (n.) 2029 Barstow, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 2030 Blakeney. WiUiam Edward Albemarle, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2031 Campbell, George Folding, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2032 Dunwoodie, LaUah Bessie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2033 Eustace, Alexander Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2034 Evans, George Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2035 Jones, Benjamin Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2036 Kaye, CecU, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 2037 Lindsay, Henry Arthur Peyton. 3 June, 1919. (II. 2038 Luke, Thomas Mawe, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2039 Lush, John, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2040 OgUvie, Edward CoIUngwood, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2041 Picton, Reginald Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2042 Rait, Helen Anna Macdonald, 3 June, 1919. (M.) £43 Spence, Alexander Hierom Ogilvy, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2044 Stuart, WiUiam Desmond VUliers-, 3 June, 1919. (M.) £45 Waterhouse, Agnes May, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2046 Young, Henry Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2047 Brockbank, John Grahame, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 2048 Clark, D'Arcy MelvUle, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2049 MeDouaU, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2050 MiUer, John Harry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) £51 Myers, Charles Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (n.) 2052 Purdon, Richard Ireland, 3 June. 1919. (M.) £53 Swayne, Sh Eric John Eagles, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 2054 Wickham, John Avenel, 3 June, 1919. (II.) £55 Yates, Clarence Montague, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2056 McAvity, Thomas Malcolm, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2057 Bolton, Charles Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M ) 2058 Hall, George Clifford MiUer, 3 June, 1919. (II.) £59 Cooper, WUliam Weldon Herring-, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2060 HoweU, Wilfrid RusseU, 3 June, 1919. (ii.) £61 Kinahan, George Frederick Hudson-, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2062 Joyce, Pierce Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2063 McCheane, Montagu William HUey, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2064 Sudds, WUUam Benjamin, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2065 Wilson, Cyril Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) £66 Walton, Robert Henry, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2067 Bartholomew, Arthur WoUaston, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2068 Riddell, Edward Vansittart Dick, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2069 Swabey, WUfred Spedding, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2070 Brough, Alan, 3 June, 1919. (si.) '071 Learmouth, Agnes Moore, Mrs.Livingstone-, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2072 Rawlinson, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2073 Striedinger, Oscar, 3 June, 1919. (m ) 2074 Harris, Herbert Sextus, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2075 Acworth, Louis Raymond, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2070 Allen, Edward Watts, 3 June, 1919. (m ) 2077 Bailey, John Henry, 3 June, 1919. (m.) SSK8. Bat?s(m> Rev. Joseph Harter, 3 June, 1919. (M ) 2079 Bentinck, Walter Guy, Baron, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2080 Blachford, James Vincent, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2081 Blagrove, Henry John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2082 Blewitt, WUliam Edward, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2083 Blore, Herbert Richard, 3 June, 1919. (si ) 2085 Cadogan, Earl, 3 June, 1919. (si ) 2086 Carey, Carteret Walter, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2087 Churchward, Rev. Marcus WeUesley, 3 June, 1919. (it ) 2088 Clarke, William Gay, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2089 Cobb, Henry Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2090 Cochrane, Robert Cecil, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2091 Cook, Herbert George, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2092 Cooke, Claude Edward Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (si ) 2093 Corbett, Robert Lorimer, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2094 Cornwall, James Handyside Marshall, 3 June, 1919. (M). 2095 Coulson, Basil John Blenkinsopp, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2096 Coulson, Frank Morris, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2097 Crossley, Arthur William, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2098 Dauntesey, William Bathurst, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 2099 Douglas, Robert Vaughan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2100 Drummond, Laurence George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2101 Dumble, WUfrid Chatterton, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 2102 Earl, Austin, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2103 Eliot, Nevill, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2104 Engleheart, Evelyn Linzee, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2105 Falls, Horace Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2106 Fitzmaurice, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2107 Gattie, Vernon Rodney Montagu, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2108 Gibb, Ronald Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2109 Gill, James Herbert Wainwright, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2110 GiUies, Harold Delf, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 2111 Goodall, Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2112 Gordon, William Eagleson, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2113 Grant, Sir Arthur, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2114 Grattan, O'Donnell Colley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2115 Harding, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2117 Hart, Henry Travers, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2118 Healey, Coryndon WiUiam Rutherford, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2119 Scott, Archibald Malcolm Henderson-, 3 June. 1919. (St.) 2121 Hooley, Vernon Vavasour, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2122 Ingram, John O'Donnell, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2123 Isham, Ralph Heyward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2124 Jebb, Gladwyn Dundas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2125 Johnson, Frederick Francis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2126 Johnson, Philip Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M ) 2127 Johnson, Richard Francis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2128 JoUy, Joan Vera Douglas, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2129 Mitton, George Jones, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 2130 Keay, John, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2131 Slaney, Francis Gerald Kenyon-, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2132 Kidd, Harold Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2133 Kisch, Frederick Hermann, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2134 Clarke, John de Winton Lardnei-, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2135 Lithgow, James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2136 Lloyd, Frederick Lindsay, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2137 Filgate, Arthur Robert Patten Macartney-, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2138 McCullah, Albert, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2139 MacGwhe, John Edward, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2140 MacKay, Rev. Patrick Robson, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2141 Maud, Philip, 3 June 1919. (M.) 2142 Maurice, David Blake, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2143 Midwood, Harrison 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2144 Moody, Arthur Hatfield, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2145 Moore, Francis Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2146 Mornement, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2147 Northen, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2148 Oldfield, Christopher George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2149 Oliver, WUliam James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2150 Oram, Harry Kendall, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2151 Ormond, Arthur William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2152 Orr. Frank George. 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2153 Paul, Walter Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2154 Pearce, Rt. Rev. Ernest Harold, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2155 Percival, Harold Franz Passawer, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2156 Percy, Lord William Richard, 3 June, 1919. (M.; 2157 Potter, James Archer, 3 June. 1919. (M.) 2158 Prichard, Hubert CecU, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2159 Rainey, John Wakefield, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2160 Rolland, Charles Edward Tulloch, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2161 Samson, Louis Lort Rhys, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2162 Satow, Hugh Ralph, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 2163 Crawford, Robert Gordon Sharman-, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2164 Sheldrake, Edward Nodin, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2165 Short Ernest WUUam George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2166 Simon, MaximUian St. Leger, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2167 Simpson, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2168 SmaUman, Arthur Briton, 3 June, 1919. (11.) 2169 Smith, Richard Talbot Snowden-, 3 June, 1919. (M. 2170 SomervUle, John Arthur Coghill, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2171 SpUIer, Lionel Wallace, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2172 Stomm, Paul William John Augustus, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 587 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. (M.) (M.) (SI.) 2173 CUtherow, John Bouchier Stracey-, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2174 Stuart, Donald Mackenzie, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 2175 Swettenham, WiUiam Alexander Whybault, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2177 Taylor, Robert James Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2178 Tee, James Henry Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2179 Templer, Walter Francis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2180 Thomson, Samuel John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2181 Tremaine, Richard, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2182 Trotter, Edith Mary, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2183 Twiss, WUliam Louis Oberkhch, 3 June, 1919. (a.) 2184 Vigne, Robert Austen, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2185 Vizard, Robert Davenport., 3 June, 1919. (it.) 2186 Vincent, WUliam James Nathaniel, 3 June, 1919. 2187 Wakefield, Rt. Rev. Henry Russell, 3 June, 1919. 2188 Wallace, Robert Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2189 Waring, Holburt Jacob, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2190 Wheler, Granville Charles Hastings, 3 June, 1919. 2191 Whitaker, Albert Edward, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2192 Wright, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2193 Burston, Samuel Roy, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2194 Newland, Henry Simpson, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 2195 Newmarch, Bernard James, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2196 Stewart, John MitcheU Young, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2197 Fitz-Herbert, Norman, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2198 Home, George, 3 June, 1919. (li.) 2199 McKibbin, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2201 Inglis, Russell Tracy-, 3 June, 1919 (St.) 2202 Watson, James Taylor, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2203 Ward, Arthur Blackwood, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2204 Franklin, WUliam Hodson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2205 Rendell, Walter Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2206 Bayley, Stuart Farquharson, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2207 Chainier, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2208 Dorai, Bhahava Ramachandra, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2209 Jang, Ganpat Rao Raghunath Rajwade Shaukat, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 2210 Singh, Kanwar Jeoray, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 2211 Singh, Thahur Pratab, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 2212a Storey, Robert Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 22126 Beckett, WUliam Thomas Clifford, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2212c Cameron, Cecil Aylmer, 3 June, 1919. (sr.) 2212a: Hulton, John Meredith, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2212e Johnson, Robert Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2212/ Johnston, Eric Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2212a Morley, Lyddon Charteris, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2212A Neilson, John Fraser, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 2213a Brook, Reginald James, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 22136 Cartwright, Francis Lennox, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2213c Clarke, John Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2213(2 Stayner, Richard Winslow, 3 June, 1919 (II.) 2213e Lewis, Henry Augustus, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2213/ Evans, Charles Harford Bowie-, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2213? Blackden, Leonard ShadweU, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2213A McClymont, Rev. James Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2214a Morris, Richard John, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 22146 Reed, John Arthur Wemyss, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2214c Thompson, Edith Marie, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2214<2 Banning, Stephen Thomas, 3 May, 1919. (si.) 2214e EUissen, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2214/ Mowat, Magnus, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2214a Newton, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2214A Stronach, Robert Summers, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 2215a Abbey, Walter Buhner Tait, 3 June, 1919. (li ) 22156 Burne, Lindsay Elliott Lumley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2215c Keatinge, Rt.Rev. William, Bishop, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 2215(2 Hanson, Rev. David HamUton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 2215e Acklom, Cecil Ryther, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 2215/ Blake, Albert Valentine, 11 June, 1919. (li.) 2215a Brown, Percy George, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 2216 Candy, Algernon Henry Chester, 11 June, 1919. (si.) 2217 Carruthers, David John, 11 June, 1919. (SI.) 2218 Cuming, Robert Stevenson Dalton, 11 June, 1919. (II.) 2219 Dixon, Kennett, 11 June, 1919. (SI.) 2220 Finlay, George, 11 June, 1919. (si.) 2221 Garde, Robert Boles, 11 June, 1919. (si.) 2222 Kent, Walter James, 11 June, 1919. (si.) 2223 Keyes, Adrian St. Vincent, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 2224 Kiddle, Kerrison, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 2225 Meadus, Harry Howard, 11 June, 1919. (SI.) 2226 Parker, WUlam Ramsey, 11 June, 1919. (M ) 2227 Rashbrook, Henry Samuel, 11 June, 1919. (St.) 22,2.8 Ward. John Richard Le Hunte, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 2230 Hardy, Charles Talbot, 21 June, 1919. (It.) ' 2231 Moir, William Mitchell, 21 June, 1919. (M ) 2232 Bamber, Wyndham Lerrier, 27 June, 1919. (it ) 2234 Colvin, Ragnar Musgrave, 27 June, 1919. (SI.) 2235 Dicks, Henry Leage, 27 June, 1919. (M.) 2236 May, Arthur de Kewer Livius, 27 June, 1919. (li ) 2222 Eenf0W. Marchant Hubert, 27 June, 1919. (St.) 2238 Powlett, Frederick Armand, 27 June, 1919. (si.) 2239 Silver, Mortimer L'Bstrange, 27 June, 1919. (M.) 22i? Warieigh, Percival Henry, 27 June, 1919. (St.) „„?i BaUaro, George Norman, 30 June, 1919. (M.) 22?2 -f,c,he?°n' Albert Edward, 4 July, 1919. (M.) 22f? 4.le,nbyV Frede™k Claud Hynman, 4 July, 1919. (si.) 22!; Blake> James Thompson, 4 July, 1919. (m.) 22f | Cave, George Ellis, 4 July, 1919. (it.) 2246 Crawford, Charles Wlspington Glover, 4 July, 1919 (m ) 588 2247 de Wet, Thomas Olaff, 4 July, 1919. (St., 2248 Douglas, Sholto Grant, 4 July, 1919. (M.) 2249 Evans. Frederick James, 4 July, 1919. (si.) 2250 Garrett, Peter Bruff, 4 July, 1919. (M.l 2251 Gregory, George, 4 July, 1919. (M.) 2252 Gush, Alfred WUliam, 4 July, 1919. (SI.) 2253 Hewett, George Stuart, 4 July, 1919. (SI.) 2254 Sumner, Berkeley Holme-, 4 July, 1919. (M.) , 2255 Huddleston, Ernest Whiteside, 4 July, 1919. (SI.) 2256 Jefferson, Henry, 4 July, 1919. (M.) 2257 Leggatt, Charles WUUam Stares, 4 July, 1919. (M.) 2258 Leighton, John Albert, 4 July, 1919. (St.) 2259 Macdonald, David James, 4 July, 1919. (11.) 2260 Newman, Edward John Kendall, 4 July, 1919. (si.) 2261 Perfect, Herbert Mosley, 4 July, 1919. (M.) 2262 Pritchard, Francis Burnett, 4 July, 1919. (SI.) 2263 Rowsell, Clarence Ralph, 4 July, 1919. (at.) 2264 Satow, Lawrence de Wahl, 4 July, 1919. (si.) ¦ 2265 Thrtog, Frank John, 4 July, 1919. (St.) 2266 Vibart, John Fleming, 4 July, 1919. (St.) 2267 Caulfield, James Montgomery, 10 July, 1919. (M.) 2268 Egerton, Philip, 10 July, 1919. (si.) 2269 Eliot, Ralph, 10 July, 1919. (11.) 2270 Hill, Marcus Rowley, 10 July, 1919. (II.) 2271 Hopwood, Geoffrey, 10 July, 1919. (11.) 2272 Paul, Oliver Richard, 10 July, 1919. (St.) 2273 Richards, John Arthur, 10 July, 1919. (St.) 2274 Stewart, Arthur Courtenay, 10 July, 1919. (st.) 2275 Watson, Hugh Dudley Richards, 10 July, 1919. (M.) 2276 Bethune, Henry Leonard, 12 July, 1919. (St.) 2277 Brocklebank, Henry Cyril Royds, 12 July, 1919. (St.) 2278 Fanshawe, BasU Hew, 12 July, 1919. (St.) 2279 Hargraves, Herbert James, 12 July, 1919. (M.) 2280 Martin, Harry Outfield, 12 July, 1919. (St.) 2281 Osmaston, CecU Alvend Fitzherbert, 12 July, 1919. (St.) 2282 Cotton, Richard GrevUle Arthur Wellington Stapleton-, 12 July, 1919. (SI.) 2283 Tibbits, Charles, 12 July, 1919. (M.) 2284 WUding, Michael Henley, 12 July, 1919. (St.) 2285 Adams, Henry George Homer, 17 July, 1919. (St.) 2286 Crampton, Denis Burke, 17 July, 1919. (M.) 2287 Gregory, Ernest Foster, 17 July, 1919. (St.) 2288 Hickson, Gerald Robert Stedall, 17 July, 1919. (St.) 2289 Homfray, John Robert Henry, 17 July, 1919. (M.) 2290 Betts, Ernest Edward Alexander, 31 July, 1919. (M.) 2291 Dunn, Arthur Edward, 31 July, 1919. (M.) 2292 Grant, Arthur Robert, 31 July, 1919. (St.) 2293 im Thurn, John Knowles, 31 July, 1919. (M.) 2294 O'SulUvan, Hugh Dermod Evan, 31 July, 1919. (M.) 2295 Cameron, Cyril St. Clair, 11 Aug. 1919. (SI.) 2296 Dawson, Henry, 11 Aug. 1919. (St.) 2298 Meredyth, Arthur Gwyn Moreton. 11 Aug. 1919. (St.) 2299 Robertson, John Hercules, 11 Aug. 1919. (Si.) 2300 Thorp, Charles Frederick, 11 Aug. 1919. (St.) 2301 Tuke, Godfrey, 11 Aug. 1919. (si.) 2302 Vawdrey, Charles, 11 Aug. 1919. (SI.) 2303 Winterbottom, Thomas, 11 Aug. 1919. (si.) 2304 Woodwright, Charles Sharman, 22 Aug. 1919. (St.) 2305 Scott, George Herbert, 23 Aug. 1919. 2306 Blunt, WiUiam Frederick, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2307 Boyle, Harry Lumsden, 16 Sept. 1919. (SI.) 2308 Crichton, Peter Thomson, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2309 Ford, Richard Vernon Tredinnick, 16 Sept. 1919. (It.) 2310 Brown, Frederick Dundas Gilpin-, 16 Sept. 1919. (M.) 2311 Hallett, Theodore John, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2312 Genn, Otto Herman Hawke-, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2313 Hughes, Arthur Beckett, 16 Sept. 1919. (SI.) 2314 Hunttogford, Walter Legh, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2315 Kelly, William Henry, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2316 Layton, Percival Norman, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2317 Meadus, WUliam Henry, 16 Sept. 1919. (M.) 2318 Mountifield, James, 16 Sept. 1919. (si.) 2319 Murray, John Adam, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2320 Nelson, Maurice Henry Horatio, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2321 Risk, Richard Henry Little, 16 Sept. 1919. (M.) 2322 Scott, Albert Charles, 16 Sept. 1919. (M.) 2323 Smith, Bertram Hornsby, 16 Sept. 1919. (st.) 2324 Smith, Charles Appleton, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2325 Wace, Stephen Charles, 16 Sept. 1919. (M.) 2326 Ward, John Tom Hickman, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 2327 Whayman, William Matthias, 16 Sept. 1919. (Bt.) 2328 Wilkin, Henry Douglas, 16 Sept. 1919. (M.) 2329 Wrightson, Charles Archibald Wise, 16 Sept. 1919. (II.) 2330 Willock, Frederick George, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 2331 Viener, Rev. Harry Dan Leigh, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 2332 Cunningham, Alexander Duncan, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 2333 Munro, Lewis, 10 Oct. 1919. (SI.) 2334 Beatty, WUliam Dawson, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 2335 Bhley, James Leatham, 10 Oct. 1919. (st.) 2336 Boothby, Frederick Lewis Maitland, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 2337 Courtney, Ivon Terence, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 2338 Griffith, Edward Hugh, 10 Oct. 1919. (H.) 2339 Mead, John, 10 Oct. 1919. (st.) 2340 Outram, Harold WUliam Sydney, 10 Oct. 1919. (st.) 2341 Pink, Richard Charles Montague, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 2342 Playfah, Frederick Hope Grant 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 2343 Woodcock, Harold Larpent, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 2344 Burch, WUliam Edward Scarth, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 2345 Cheatle, Arthur Henry, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) COMMANDERS. 2346 Dreyer, Georges, 10 Oct. 1919. (m.) 2347 Peal, Edward Raymond, 10 Oct. 1919. (it.) 2348 Reiss, Alexander Emil Jacques, 10 Oct. 1919. (si.) 2349 Fairfield, Josephine Letitia Denny, 10 Oct. 1919. (st.) 2350 Hogarth, Archibald Henry, 10 Oct. 1919. (st.) 2351 Ahey, Harold Morris, 17 Oct. 1919. (m.) 2352 Dewar, Kenneth GUbert Balmain, 17 Oct. 1919. (st.) 2353 Finnis, George Home, 17 Oct. 1919. (m.) 2351 James, Ralph Ernest Haweis, 17 Oct. 1919. (st.) 2355 Knox, Henry Owen, 17 Oct. 1919. (it.) 2356 Lane, Henry Gerald Elliot, 17 Oct. 1919. (m.) 2357 Skelton, Reginald William, 17 Oct. 1919. (si.) 2358 Edwards, Graham Richard Leicester, 11 Nov. 1919. (sr.) 2359a Pearse, Claude Alwin Rombulow-, 11 Nov. 1919. (st.) 23596 Johnson, Walter Russell, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 2359c MarshaU, Eric Stewart, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 2359d Thorn, George St. Clair, 11 Nov. 1919. (si.) 2359e Moore, Thomas CecU Russell, 11 Nov. 1919. 2359/ Schuster, George Ernest, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 2359? Turner, Martin Newman, 11 Nov. 1919. (m.) 2359ft Leckie, John Edwards, 11 Nov. 1919. (st.) 2360a Herapath, Lionel, 11 Nov. 1919. (st.) 23606 Tallents, Stephen George, 11 Nov. 1919. (st.) 2360c Warren, WUliam Robinson, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 2360(2 De Wolff, Charles Esmond, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 23606 Sidney, Edward, 28 Nov. 1919. (it.) 2361 Tottenham, Percy Marmaduke, 5 Dec. 1919. 2362 Hornsby, Bertram, 5 Dec. 1919. 2363 Carver, Sydney Ralph Pitts, 5 Dec. 1919. 2364 Garsia, Herbert George Anderson, 5 Dec. 1919. 2365 Christopherson, John Brian, 5 Dec. 1919. 2366 Crowfoot, John Winter, 5 Dec. 1919. 2367 Kerr, WiUiam Munro, 12 Dec. 1919. (si.) 2368 Warton, John Fenwick, 12 Dec. 1919. (si.) 2S69 Bone, Reginald John, 22 Dec. 1919. (St.) 2369a Jackson, Henry Leigh, 22 Dec. 1919. 2370 Agabeg, Frank Joseph, 30 Dec. 1919. 2371 Bhore, Joseph WUliam, 30 Dec. 1919. 2372 Bowman, Humphrey Ernest, 30 Dec. 1919. 2373 Butler, Montagu Sherard Dawes. 30 Dec. 1919. 2374 Clarke, Charles Agacy, 30 Dec. 1919. 2375 Clutterbuck, Peter Henry, 30 Dec. 1919. 2376 Cox, John Hugh, 30 Dec. 1919. 2377 Crosthwaite, Henry Robert, 30 Dec. 1919. 2378 de Montmorency, Geoffrey Fitz Hervey, 30 Dec. 1919. 2379 Elmes, CecU Henry, 30 Dec. 1919. 2380 Forbes, Alexander, 30 Dec. 1919. 2381 Gait, Christian Maud, Lady, 30 Dec. 1919. 2382 GaU, Robert Laing Bruce, 30 Dec. 191 9. 2383 HaUey, Hammett Reginald Clode, 30 Dec. 1919. 2384 Heaton, Mary Meredyth, Lady, 30 Dec. 1919. 2385 Khan, Sardar Bahadur Nawab Mehrab. 30 Dec. 1919. 2386 Jones, Frederick Archibald LesUe, 30 Dec. 1919. 2387 MacphaU, Rev. Earle Monteith, 30 Dec. 1919. 2388 McCarthy, Frank, 30 Dec. 1919. 2389 McWUUam, Andrew, 30 Dec. 1919. 2390 Mistri, Kaikhushroo Manekshah, 30 Dec. 1919. 2391 Noyce, Frank, 30 Dec. 1919. 2392 Rhodes, CampbeU Ward, 30 Dec. 1919. 2393 Rogers, Arthur Burden CampbeU, 30 Dec. 1919. 2394 Simpson, George Clarke, 30 Dec. 1919. 2395 Singh, Raja Sadeshri Pashad Narayan, 30 Dec. 1919. 2396 Tata Mehrbai, Lady, 30 Dec. 1919. 2397 Beattie, Alexander Elder, 1 Jan. 1920. 2398, CecU, Alicia Margaret, Hon. Mrs. Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 2399 Grosvenor, CaroUne Susan Theodora, Hon. Mrs. Norman, 1 Jan. 1920. 2400 Joyce, EUen, Hon. Mrs. James Gerald, 1 Jan. 1920. 2401 Lefroy, Grace, 1 Jan. 1920. 2402 McCleUan, Frank Campbell, 1 Jan. 1920. 2403 Markham, Lucy Bertram, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2404 Abbott, Francis Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 2405 Abrahams, Arthur CecU, 1 Jan. 1920. 2406 Ackland, Robert Craig, 1 Jan. 1920. 2407 Acland, Alfred Dyke, 1 Jan. 1920. 2408 Acton, Ellen Marion, 1 Jan. 1920. 2409 Acton, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 2410 Albright, George Stacey, 1 Jan. 1920. 2411 AUen, Herbert Warner, 1 Jan. 1920. 2412 AUen, Oswald Coleman, 1 Jan. 1920. 2413 Allen, Walter Macarthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 2414 Allison, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2415 _,Uison, Richard John, 1 Jan. 1920 2416 Alston, Hilda, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 2417 Amery, WUliam Bankes, 1 Jan. 1920. 2418 Anderson, David Martin, 1 Jan. 1920. 2419 Anderson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 4120 Anderson, James Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 2421 Anderson, Lyttia EUzabeth, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2422 Anderson, WilUam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2423 Ansell, George Frederic, 1 Jan. 1920. 2424 Armstrong, John Warneford Scobell, 1 Jan. 1920. 2425 Ashhurst, WilUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2426 Atkinson, Edward Hale Tindal, 1 Jan. 1920. 2427 AveUng, Arthur Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 2428 Badeley, Henry John Fanshawe, 1 Jan. 1920. 2429 Baines, Hubert, 1 Jan. 1920. 2430 Bahd, Douglas Heriot, 1 Jan. 1920. 2431 BaUinger, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2132243324342435243624372438 243924402441 24422443 24442445 2446 24472448 2119 24502451 2452 24532454245624572458245924602461246224632464 2465246624672468 2469 24702471 24"; 2 247 3 2474 2475?47624772478 2479 2480 2481248224832484 24852486248724882489249024912492 249324942495 24962497 2498 24992500 250125022503250425052506250725082509 2510 2511 2512 251325142515 2516251725182519 2520 2521 2522252325242525252625272528 25292530 Bandon, Georgina Dorothea Harriet, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. Barber, James WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Barnes, Edwin Clay, 1 Jan. 1920. Barr, Sir James, 1 Jan. 1920. Barr, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Ban-, Venie Ainsworth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Barratt, Frances, Lady Layland-, 1 Jan. 1920. Barrows, EUiot Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Bartlett, Charles Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Batohelor, Emily, 1 Jan. 1920. Beard, Joseph Jamos, 1 Jan. 1920. Beausire, Clara Constance, 1 Jan. 1920. Bell, Charles Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. Bell, Henry McGrady, 1 Jan. 1920. Benson, Philip de Gylpyn, 1 Jan. 1920. Bertram, Francis George Lawder, 1 Jan. 1920. Betterton, Henry Bucknall, 1 Jan. 1920. Bewick, Ralph Martin, 1 Jan. 1920. Beynon, John Wyndham, 1 Jan. 1920. Bibby, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920 Binns, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. Blackburn, William Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Blackwell, Francis Victor, 1 Jan. 1920. Blain, HorDert Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. Blake, Edwin Holmes, 1 Jan. 1920. Bohane, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Botterell, Percy Dun ville, 1 Jan. 1920. Bower, Robert Lister, 1 Jan. 1920. Boyd, Alexander WiUiam Keown-, 1 Jan. 1920. Boyd, Harry Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Boyne, Margaret Selina, Viscountess, 1 Jan. 1920. Bradly, Henry George, 1 Jan. 1920. Bradshaw WiUiam Graham, 1 Jan. 1920. Bramah, David, 1 Jan. 1920. Brickwell, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1920. Bridge, Joseph James Rabnett, 1 Jan. 1920. Briggs, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Brims, Charles William, 1 Jan. 1920, Briscoe, William Richard Brunskill, 1 Jan. 1920. Brooke, Edward Geoffrey de Capell, 1 Jan. 1920. Brooks, Florence Ethel, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Browett, Leonard, 1 Jan. 1920. Brown, Charles John, 1 Jan. 1920. Brown, Frank James, 1 Jan. 1920. Brown, John Edwin Ambrose, 1 Jan. 1920. Brown, Joseph Pearce, 1 Jan. 1920. Brown, Nicol Paton, 1 Jan. 1920. Brown, Robert Cunyngham, 1 Jan. 1920. Bryce, James McKie, 1 Jan. 1920. Buchanan, James Courtney, 1 Jan. 1920. Buchanan, Joseph Andrew William, 1 Jan. 1920. Buckingham, Sir Henry Cecil, 1 Jan. 1920. Buckley, Wilfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Bull, Edward Bagnall-, 1 Jan. 1920. BuUer, Ralph BuUer Hughes-, 1 Jan. 1920. Bullock, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1920. Burditt, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Burnham, John Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Button, Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. Byrom, Thomas Emmett, 1 Jan. 1920. Cairns, William Murray, 1 Jan. 1920. Calder, James Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Caldwell, Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. CaUendar, Hugh Longbourne, 1 Jan. 1920. Carr-Calthrop, Christopher WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Camden, Joan Marion, Marchioness, 1 Jan. 1920. Campbell, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Campbell, Gerald FitzGerald, 1 Jan. 1920. Campbell, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. Candler, Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. Cane, Arthur Beresford, 1 Jan. 1920. Carbutt, Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. Carlile, Sir (Edward) Hildred, Bart. 1 Jan. 1920. Carlton, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. Carnegie, David, 1 Jan. 1920. Carpenter, Charles Claude, 1 Jan. 1920. Carr, Edward Hallett, 1 Jan. 1920. Carr, Francis Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. Carr, William Theodore, 1 Jan. 1920. Cathery, Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. Caton, Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. Chambers, George Lawson, 1 Jan. 1920. Chambers, James Thoma«. 1 Jan. 1920. Charley, Harold Richard, 1 Jan 19z0. Clarke, John Courtenay, 1 Jan. 1920. Clarke, William John, 1 Jan. 1920 Clauson, Albert Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Clough, Frederic Horton, 1 Jan. 192U. Clow, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Coates, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Cobbold, Herbert St. George, 1 Jan. 1920. Cockeram, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Codrtogton, Adela Harriet, Laay, 1 Jan. 1920. Cole, Harold William, 1 Jan. 1920. Comben, Robert Stone, 1 Jan. 1920. Constable, Andrew Henderson Briggs 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Mary Emma, Lady, 1 Jan 1920. Corkhill, Percy Fullerton, 1 Jan. 1920. 589 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 2531 Corkran, Florence Caroline, Mrs. Seymour, 1 Jan 1920. 2532 Cotter, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 2533 Coulcher, Mary Caroline, 1 Jan. 1920. 2534 Craig, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 2535 Craig, Emily Mary. Lady Tudor-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2536 CressweU, John Edwards, 1 Jan. 1920. 2537 Crewdson, Bernard Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 2538 Crichton. Lady Jane Emma, 1 Jan. 1920. 2539 Crovsdill, Clifford William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2540 Cubitt, Hon. Helen Laura, 1 Jan. 1920. 2541 CuUing, James William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2542 Cunliffe, Hon. Cecilie Victoria, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2543 Cunningham, Lallie, 1 Jan. 1920. 2544 Cunningham, Mary Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 2545 Curre, WUliam Edward Came, 1 Jan. 1920. 2546 Dale, Charles Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 2547 Dalrymple, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2548 Dalwood, John HaU-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2549 Dalzell, Reginald, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 2550 Dartmouth, Mary, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 2551 Davidson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2552 Davies, Alfred Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2553 Davies, John CecU, 1 Jan. 1920. 2554 Davies, John Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 2555 Davies, Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 2556 Deacon, Henry Wade, 1 Jan. 1920. 2557 Denman, Gertrude Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2558 Denniss, George Hamson, 1 Jan. 1920. 2559 Denny, Barbara Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 2560 Desborough, Arthur Peregrine Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2561 Despard, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2562 Diack, Sir Alexander Henderson, 1 Jan. 1920. 2563 Dillon, Richards Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2564 Dixon, Gertrude Caroline, 1 Jan. 1920. 2565 Dobson, Bernard Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2566 Dominy, Reginald Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 2567 Donaldson, Norman Patrick, 1 Jan. 1920. 2568 Donnan, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2569 Dottridge, Edwin Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2570 Dougan, James Lockhart, 1 Jan. 1920. 2571 Downie, Fairbahn, 1 Jan. 1920. 2572 Drake, Bernard Harpur, 1 Jan. 1920. 2573 Drury, Amy Gertrude, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2574 Duff, Thomas Duff Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. 2575 Dunn, Patrick Smith, 1 Jan. 1920. 2576 Durell, Arthur James Vavasor, 1 Jan. 1920. 2577 Durell, Rev. John Carlyon Vavasor, 1 Jan. 1920. 2578 Durrant, Sir Arthur Isaac, 1 Jan. 1920. 2579 Earle, Gerald Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 2580 Easton, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2581 Edgcumbe, John Aubrey Pearce-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2582 Edmeades, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 2583 Edwards, Charles Lewis, 1 Jan. 1920. 2584 Edwards, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2585 Eggar, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2586 Elderton, William Palin, 1 Jan. 1920. 2587 Elliot, Frederick Barnard, 1 Jan. 1920. 2588 Elveden, Gwendolen Florence Mary, Viscountess, 1 Jan. 1920. 2589 Evans, Evan Laming, 1 Jan. 1920. 2590 Evans, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2591 Evans, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2592 Evans, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 2593 Evans, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2594 Ewart, WUUam Herbert Lee, 1 Jan. 1920. 2595 Fagan, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 2596 Faire, Arthur WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 2597 Falk, Oswald Toynbee, 1 Jan. 1920. 2598 Farr, WiUiam Edward. 1 Jan. 1920. 2599 Fathers, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2600 Faulkner, Alfred Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 2601 Fehr, Frank Emil, 1 Jan. 1920. 2602 Fell, Aubrey LleweUyn Coventry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2603 FeUs, John Manger, 1 Jan. 1920. 2604 Ferard, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2605 Ferguson, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2606 Ferguson, Fergus James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2607 Fiennes, Gerard Yorke Twisleton-Wykeham-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2608 Findlay, Jean Elmslie Henderson, 1 Jan. 1920. 2609 FitzGerald, Marion, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 2610 Fleming, Arthur Percy Morris, 1 Jan. 1920. 2611 Fletcher, Clarence George Eugene, 1 Jan. 1920. 2612 Fletcher, Nora Kathleen, 1 Jan. 1920. 2613 Floersheim, Cecil, 1 Jan. 1920. 2614 Fortescue, Emily, Countess, 1 Jan. 1920. 2615 Foster, Sir Norris Tildesley, 1 Jan. 1920. 2616 Frankland, Percy Faraday, 1 Jan. 1920. 2617 Freeman, John Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 2618 Freeman, Sterry Baines, 1 Jan. 1920. 2619 Freir, Walter Leo, 1 Jan. 1920. 2620 Fremantle, Barberina Rogers, Hon. Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2621 Fullerton, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2622 Gairns, James Mather, 1 Jan. 1920. 2623 Gallier, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2624 Gambell, Thomas Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 2625 Gandy, Henry Garnett, 1 Jan. 1920. 2626 Gates, Thomas Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 2627 Gaunt, Percy Reginald) 1 Jan. 1920. 2628 Gavin, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2629 Gibb, Maurice Sylvester, 1 Jan. 1920. 2630 Gick, WiUiam John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2631 Gillies, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2632 Glanusk, Editha Elma, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2633 Glover, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2634 Gollin, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 2635 GoodfeUow, Thomas Ashton, 1 Jan. 1920. 2636 Goodwin, Frederick Rice, 1 Jan. 1920. 2637 Gordon, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2638 Gorvin, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2639 Gossage, Alfred MUne, 1 Jan. 1920. 2640 Graham, Allan James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2641 Graham, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2642 Graham, John Irvine, 1 Jan. 1920. 2643 Graham, Sydney, 1 Jan. 1920. 2644 Granville, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 2645 Grayson, Henry Mulleneux, 1 Jan. 1920. 2646 Green, Frederick WiUiam Edridge-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2647 Greenwood, Margery, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2648 Greig, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2649 Gresley, Herbert Nigel, 1 Jan. 1920. 2650 Griffith, Walter Spencer Anderson, 1 Jan. 1920. 2651 Griffith, Sir WiUiam Brandford, 1 Jan. 1920. 2652 Grinling, William James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2653 Gronow, Albert George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2654 Groves, Charles Nixon, 1 Jan. 1920. 2655 Grylls, Charles John Tench Bedford, 1 Jan. 1920. 2656 Gwynne, Nevile Gwyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 2657 Hadow, Sir WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2658 Haig, Thomas Wolseley, 1 Jan. 1920. 2659 Hambolton, Alexander Elvin Sherwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 2660 Hamilton, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 2661 HamUton, John BaUlie, 1 Jan. 1920. 2662 Hanbury, Noel, 1 Jan. 1920. 2663 Hands, William Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 2664 Hanman, WUliam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2665 Hargreaves, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2666 Harris, Ernest Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 2667 Harry, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2668 Hatton, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2669 Heming, George Booth, 1 Jan. 1920. 2670 Hemingway, Charles Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 2671 Henderson, Duncan, 1 Jan. 1920. 2672 Henley, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2673 Henson, John James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2674 Herdman, WUliam Abbott, 1 Jan. 1920. 2675 Heriot, William Maitland-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2676 Higgins, Edward John, 1 Jan. 1919. 2677 Higginson, Charies James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2678 Hignett, Dorothy Eleanor Augusta, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 2679 HUliar, Harry William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2680 Hinks, Arthur Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 2681 Hitchcock, Eldred Frederick, 1 J an.- 1920. 2682 Hoare, WUliam Douro, 1 Jan. 1920. 2683 Hockaday, William Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2684 Holbrook, Claude Vivian, 1 Jan. 1920. 2685 Holland. Leonard Duncan, 1 Jan. 1920. 2686 HolUngworth, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 2687 Holt, Sh Eaward, Bart, 1 Jan. 1920. 2688 Homer, John Twigg, 1 Jan. 1920. 2689 Hooper, Barrington, 1 Jan. 1920. 2690 Hopkins, Rev. Charles Plomer, 1 Jan. 1920. 2691 Hornsby, Frederick Middleton, 1 Jan. 1920. 2692 Horsley, Albert Beresford, 1 Jan. 1920. 2693 Hough, Edwin Leadam, 1 Jan. 1920. 2694 Howard, Mabel, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2695 Howell, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2696 Howlett, Charles Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. 2697 Howlett, Edmund Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2698 Howley, Richard Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 2699 Hudleston, Francis Josiah, 1 Jan. 1920, 2700 Hughes, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2701 Human, Arnold Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2702 Humphreys, George William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2703 Hunt, Stanley Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 2704 Hunter, PhiUip Vassar, 1 Jan. 1920. 2705 Hutchins, George D'Oyly, 1 Jan. 1920. 2706 Impey, Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1920. 2707 Innes, Cecil MitcheU-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2708 Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1 Jan. 1920. 2709 Irvine, James Colquhoun, 1 Jan. 1920. 2710 Isaac, Joseph Chailes, 1 Jan. 1920. 2711 Jack, Alexander Mackenzie, 1 Jan. 1920. 2712 Jackson, Arnold Nugent Strode Strode-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2713 James, Arthur Godfrey, 1 Jan. 1920. 2714 James, Thomas David, 1 Jan. 1920. 2715 Jeeves, William John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2716 Jersey, Margaret Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 2717 Johns, Arthur WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 2718 Johnson, Dennis Ross-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2719 Johnson, Hugh Spencer, 1 Jan. 1920. 2721 Johnston, Sir Duncan Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 2722 Johnstone, Robert WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 2723 Jones, Cadwaladr Bryner, 1 Jan. 1920. 2724 Jones, David Rocyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 2725 Jones, Llewelyn Hugh-, 1 Jan. 1920. 590 COMMANDERS. 2726 Jones, Morey Quayle, 1 Jan. 1920. 2727 Jones. Thomas Rees, 1 Jan. 1920. 2728 Jordan, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2729 Judd, Thomas Langley, 1 Jan. 1920. 2730 KeUy, Elizabeth Hariott, Miss 1 Jan. 1920. 2731 Kerr, James Rutherford, 1 Jan. 1920. 2732 Kettlewell, Arthur Bradley, 1 Jan. 1920. 2733 KiUick, John Spencer, 1 Jan. 1920. 2735 King, James Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 2736 King, James Foster, 1 Jan. 1920. 2737 Kinnahd, Hon. Emily Cecilia, 1 Jan. 1920. 2738 Kitching, Theodore Hopkins, 1 Jan. 1920. 2739 Konstam, Edwin Max, 1 Jan. 1920. 2740 Koppel, Percy Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 2741 Krohn, Herman Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 2742 Lahd, Roy Macgregor, 1 Jan. 1920. 2743 Lahd, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2744 Lampson, Curtis Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 2745 Lang, Patrick Keith, 1 Jan. 1920. 2746 Larke, William James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2747 Larkin, Herbert Benjamin George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2748 Lawn, James Gunson, 1 Jan. 1920. 2749 Lawrence, Dorothy Helen, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2750 Lawrence, Lester James Harvey, 1 Jan. 1920. 2751 Lazenby, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2752 Leavis, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2753 Lee, Mary Ess, Mrs. Welsh-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2754 Lee, WiUiam Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. \ 2755 Leeper, Alexander Wigram AUen, 1 Jan. 1920. 2756 Leeper, Reginald WUdig Allen, 1 Jan. 1920. 2757 Leggett, Henry Aufrere, 1 Jan. 1920. 2758 Leigh, Norah Marjorie, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2759 Lewis, Lucas Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. 2760 LUUco, William Lionel James, 1 Jan. 1920 2761 Lindsay, Eugenie Josephine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 2763 Locke, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 2764 Longbotham, Hugh Ashley, 1 Jan. 1920. 2765 Longridge, Michael, J. Jan. 1920. 2766 Lonsdale, Grace Cicelie, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 2767 Love, Richard Archibald, 1 Jan. 1920. 2768 LoveU, WUUam George, 1 Jan. 1920. i2769 Lovett, Rev. Canon Ernest NevUle, 1 Jan. 1920. 2770 Lowry, Thomas Martin, 1 Jan. 1920. 2771 Lucas, WUliam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2772 McArthur, WilUam Lyon, 1 Jan. 1920. 2773 McCormack, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2774 McDonneU, Aeneas Ronald, 1 Jan. 1920. 2775 Macgregor. John Julius, 1 Jan. 1920. 2776 Mackay, James Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 2777 Mackenzie, Lady Marjory Louisa, 1 Jan. 1920. 2778 MacKinnon, Madeleine Frances, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2779 Mackintosh of Mackintosh, Harriet Diana Arabella Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 2780 MacMurray, James Hamish, 1 Jan. 1920. 2781 Macnab, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 27S2 McPherson, Henry Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 2783 Maddick, Edmund Distto, 1 Jan. 1920. 2784 Maistre, Charles le, 1 Jan. 1920. 2785 Mallet, MatUde. Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2786 Malmesbury, Dorothy, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 2787 Manners, Mildred Mary, Lady Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 2788 Manuel, Stephen. 1 Jan. 1920. 2789 Marchant, Rev. James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2790 Marillier. Frank William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2791 Markbreiter, Charles Gustavus, 1 Jan. 1920. 2792 Markham, Theodora ChevaUier, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2793 Marks, Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1920. 2794 Marling, Lucia, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2795 Marshall, Kenneth McLean, 1 Jan. 1920. 2796 Marsham, George,] Jan. 1920. 2797 Martin, Hubert Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. 2798 Martyr, Richard Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 2799 Massey, WUliam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2800 le Masurier, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2801 Mathias, Lewis James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2802 May, Barry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2803 Meade, Francis Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2804 Melrose, John. 1 Jan. 1920. 2805 Melville, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2806 Merricks, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 2807 Michie, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 2808 Michie, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2809 Michie, Mary Agnes, Mrs. Coutts, 1 Jan. 1920. 2810 MUls, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2811 MUne, Kenneth John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2812 Minter, Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 2813 Mole, Lancelot Eldin de, 1 Jan. 1920. 2814 Moneypenny, Sir Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2815 Montgomery, William Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 2816 Moore, Rev. David Keys, 1 Jan. 1920. 2817 Moore, Thomas Warren, 1 Jan. 1920. 2818 Moresby, Walter Halliday, 1 Jan. 1920. 2819 Morgan, David Watts, 1 Jan. 1920. 2820 Morley, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2821 Morley, James WycUffe Headlem-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2822 MorreU, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 2823 Morris, Ernest William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2824 Morrison, Agnes Brysson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 2825 Morrison, Julia Minnie, Mrs. 1 Jan. 1920. 28202827282828292830 28312832 283328342835283628372838283928402841 2S42 2843284428452846 284728482849285028512852 28532854285528562857285828592860286128622863 28642865 2866 2867 286828692870 28712873 2874 2875287628772878287928802881288228832884288528862887288828892890289128922893 28942895 28962897 28982899 29002901 2902 2903290429052906 2907290829092910291129122913 291429152916 29172918 29192920 29212922 Mullins, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. Mummery, John Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. Myers, Arthur Wallis, 1 Jan. 1920. Napier, Cecilia Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Narbeth, John Harper, 1 Jan. 1920. Needham, James Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Nevlll, Florence Mary, Lady George, 1 Jan. 1920. Newbolt, George Palmerston, 1 Jan. 1920. Newlands, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Newton, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Newton, Robert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. NichoU, Allan Hume, 1 Jan. 1920. NichoUs, Richard Howell. 1 Jan. 1920. Nicholson, Ivor Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. Norrie, Beatrice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Norris, Francis Edward Boshear, 1 Jan. 1920. North, Rev. Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. Northbrook, Florence Anita Eyre, Countessof, 1 Jan. 1020. Northumberland, Helen Magdalen, Duchess of, 1 Jan. 1920. Oakes, James, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Brien, Richard Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Olive, James William, 1 Jan. 1920. Oliver, John William Lambton, 1 Jan. 1920. Oliver, Philip Milner, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Mahonv, Pierce de Lacy (The O'Mahony), 1 Jan. 1920. Onslow, Marion, Mrs. Denzil Hughes-, 1 Jan. 1920. Onslow, Violet Marcia Catherine Warwick, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. Orange, George James, I Jan. 1920. Orchard, Alfred John, 1 Jan. 1920. Orr, William James, 1 Jan. 1920. Overman, Henry Jacob, 1 Jan. 1920. Owen, Frederick Cunliffe-, 1 Jan. 1920. Page, Robert Palgrave, 1 Jan. 1920. Parker, Charles Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Parker, Owen, 1 Jan. 1920. Parlett. Harry Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. Parry, Charles de Courcy, 1 Jan. 1920. Parry, William John, 1 Jan. 1920. Paterson, Mary Muirhead, 1 Jan. 1920. Paus, Christopher Lintrup, 1 Jan. 1920. Payne, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Pearson, Charles Child, 1 Jan. 1920. Pease, Joseph Gerald, 1 Jan. 1920. Peile, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Pender, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Perkins, Frederick WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Peyton, Guy Wynne Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Philipps, Mai Alice Magdalene, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Pickersgill, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Pinckney, John Robert Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. Portal, Florence Elizabeth Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Porter, John Fletcher, 1 Jan. 1920. Potter, John Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Potts, William Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Powell, George Allan, 1 Jan. 1920. Powell, Harry James, 1 Jan. 1920. Prescott, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Preston, Alistair Houstoun-Boswell-, 1 Jan. 1920. Preston, George Frederic, 1 Jan. 1920. Preston, Sidney, 1 Jan. 1920. Prosser, Ernest Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. PuUinger, Thomas Charles Willis, 1 Jan. 1920. Quick, Eliza Ellen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Raeburn, William Norman, 1 Jan. 1920. Rafter, Charles Haughton, 1 Jan. 1920. Raikes, Henry St. John Digby, 1 Jan. 1920. Ramsay, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Ramsden, Dorothy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Reay, WUliam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Redpath, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Rees, Howell, 1 Jan. 1920. Reid, May, 1 Jan. 1920. Reid. Robert Whyte, 1 Jan. 1920. Reid, William Paton, 1 Jan. 1920. Rennie, Horace Watt, 1 Jan. 1920. Ricardo, Francis CecU, 1 Jan. 1920. Richards, Albert Edwin George, 1 Jan. 1920. Richards, Rupert Peel, 1 Jan. 1920. Richards, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Robbins, Rowland Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. Roberts, Charles Abraham, 1 Jan. 1920. Roberts, George Augustus, 1 Jan. 1920. Roberts, Sir Walworth Howland, 1 Jan. 1 920. Robinson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Robinson, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Robinson, John George, 1 Jan. 1920. Robinson, Leonard Nicholas, 1 Jan. 1920. Robinson, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Rogers, Muriel Augusta GiUian, Mrs. Coltman-, 1 Jan. 1920. Rogerson, Albert Chorley, 1 Jan. 1920. Ross, Roderick, 1 Jan. 1920. Rostern, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. RothchUd, Marie. IDs. de, 1 Jan. 1920. Rothwell, James Herbert. 1 Jan. 1920 Roundell, Christopher FouUs, 1 Jan. 1920. Rowland, Frank Mortimer, 1 Jan. 1920. 591 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 2923 Rucker, Reginald Wynn, 1 Jan. 1920. 2924 Rumbold, Etheldred Constantia, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2925 Runtz, Sidney Westwood, 1 Jan. 1920. 2926 Russell, Frederick Vemon, 1 Jan, 1920. 2927 St. Helier, Susan Mary Elizabeth, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2928 Salmon, Isidore, 1 Jan. 1920. 2929 Sandberg, Christer Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. 2930 Sandes, Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 2931 Sankey, Matthew Henry Phineas Riall, 1 Jan. 1920. 2932 Sarjeant, Frederick Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 2933 Sassoon, Eugenie Louise Judith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 2934 Sawyer, George Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 2935 Scholey, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2936 Scott, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 2937 Scott, Sidney, 1 Jan. 1920. 2938 Sears, John Edward, 1 Jan, 1920. 2939 Segrave, Thomas George, 1 Jan. 1C20. 2940 Selby, Francis James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2941 Sexton, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 2942 Shakerley, Hilda Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2943 Sharp, Alphonse, 1 Jan. 1920. 2944 Shaw, Richard James Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 2945 Shearme, Edward Haweis, 1 Jan. 1920. 2946 Shedden, Lewis, 1 Jan. 1920. 2947 Sheffield, Mary Katharine, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 2948 Shepherd, Joseph WUfrid, 1 Jan. 1920. 2949 Shorto, William Alfred Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2950 Simond, Charies Francois, 1 Jan. 1920. 2951 Simonis, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2952 Simpkln, Oswald Richard Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 2953 Simpson, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 2954 Simpson, WUliam Hirst, 1 Jan. 1920. 2955 Simson, Richard Arbuthnot, 1 Jan. 1920. 2956 She, Henry Alphonse, 1 Jan. 1920. 2957 Slater, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2958 Smallwood, Richard Coningsby, 1 Jan. 1920 2959 Smeal, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 2960 Smith, AUc Halford, 1 Jan. 1920. 2961 Smith, David Baird-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2962 Smith, Herbert Melville, 1 Jan. 1920. 2963 Smith, Thomas William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2964 Snowden, Arthur de Winton, 1 Jan. 1920. 2965 Snowden, CyrU Ralph, 1 Jan. 1920. 2966 Sparks, Charles Prart, 1 Jan. 1920. 2967 Spreckley, Herbert William, 1 Jan. 1920. 2968 Stamer, Arthur Cowie, 1 Jan. 1920. 2969 Stanton, Thomas Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 2970 Stemp, Charles Hubert, 1 Jan. 1920. 2971 Stewart, Lady Alice Emma Shaw-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2972 Stewart, Ellen Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 2973 Stewart, James King, 1 Jan. 1920. 2974 Stewart, Valentine Peter Beardmore, 1 Jan,. 1920. 2975 Stockings, Arthur Perry, 1 Jan. 1920. 2976 Stoddart, Kenneth Bowring, 1 Jan. 1920. 2977 Strang, Alexander Ronald, 1 Jan. 1920. 2978 Strode, Edward David Chetham, 1 Jan. 1920. 2979 Strutt, Geoffrey St. John, 1 Jan. 1 920. 2980 Stuart, Charles Kennedy-Craufurd-, 1 Jan. 1920. 2981 Stubbs, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 2982 Suart, Montagu Wemyss, 1 Jan. 1920. 2983 Sutherland, George Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 2984 Sutton, Rev. Canon Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 2985 Sutton, Leonard Goodhart, 1 Jan. 1920. 2986 Sylvester, Albert James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2987 Syrett, Herbert Sutton, 1 Jan. 1920. 2988 Szlumper, Alfred Weeks, 1 Jan. 1920. 2989 Tabor, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2990 Taylor, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2991 Tenney, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2992 Tetley, Herbert Hustler, 1 Jan. 1920. 2993 Thesiger, Kathleen Mary, Hon. Mrs. Wilfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 2994 Thomas, Peter David, 1 Jan. 1920. 2995 Thompson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 2996 Thomley, Reginald Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 2997 Thornton, Robert Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1920. 2998 Tobin, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 2999 Tod, James Niebuhr, 1 Jan. 1920. 3000 Tomlto, Julian Latham, 1 Jan. 1920. 3001 TopUs, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 3002 Townley, Rev. Charles Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 3003 Towse, Ernest Beachcroft Beckwith, 1 Jan. 1920. 3004 Tracy, Louis, 1 Jan. 1920. 3005 Travis, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 3006 Trench, Ernest Frederic Crosbie, 1 Jan. 1920. 3007 Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 1 Jan. 1920. 3008 Trevithick, Arthur Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. 3009 Trollope, Fabian George, 1 Jan. 1920. 3010 Trotter, Harry Woodward, 1 Jan. 1920. 3011 Trubshaw, Gwendoline Joyce, 1 Jan. 1920. 3012 Tudsbery, Francis Cannon, 1 Jan. 1920. 3013 Tweeddale, Candida Louise, Marchioness of, 1 Jan 1920. 3014 Tyler, George Dacre Hardinge-, 1 Jan. 1920. 3015 Vernon, Sir Harry Foley, Bart, 1 Jan. 1920. 3016 Voysey, Violet Mary Annesley, 1 Jan. 1920. 3017 Walden, Robert Wooley, 1 Jan. 1920. 3018 Walker, Francis John. 1 Jan. 1920. 3019 Walker, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 3020 Walker, Robert John, 1 Jan. 1920 3021 Wallace, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 3022 Walmsley, Ben, 1 Jan. 1920. 3023 Ward, Frederick Josiah, 1 Jan. 1920. 3024 Warde, Henry Murray Ashley, 1 Jan 1920. 3025 Warden, Robert Campbell, 1 Jan. 1920. 3026 Waring, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 3027 Washbourn, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920 3028 Waterlow, Sydney Philip Perigal, 1 Jan. 1920. 3029 Watson, Arthur Egerton, 1 Jan. 1920. 3030 Watson, Arthur WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 3031 Wauchope, Jean Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 3032 Webbe, WUliam Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 3033 Wedderburn, Alexander Dundas Ogilvy, 1 Jan. 1920. 3034 Weguelin, Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 3035 West, Frederick Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 3036 Westminster, Katharine Caroline, Dowager Duchess of, 1 Jan. 1920 3037 Wetherall, WUliam Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 3038 Wheeler, Edith Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 3039 White, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 3040 Whitelaw, Robert Pender, 1 Jan. 1920. 3041 WhittaU, Frederick Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 3042 Wickes, Charles HamUton-, 1 Jan. 1920. 3043 Wightman, Owen William, 1 Jan. 1920. 3044 Wild, John Robert Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 3045 Wilding, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 3046 Wilkie, Helen Gertrude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 3047 WUkinson, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 3048 WUlett, John Eddowes, 1 Jan. 1920. 3049 Williams, Sh Dawson, 1 Jan. 1920. 3050 Williams, Mary Christian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 3051 Williamson, Colin Martin, 1 Jan. 1920. 3052 WUson, Beryl Charlotte Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 3053 WUson, Ernest George, 1 Jan 1920. 3054 Wilson, George Heron, 1 Jan. 1920. 3055 Wilson, Reginald Page CampbeU, 1 Jan. 1920. 3056 Wood, Robert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 3057 Wood, RusseU Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. 3058 Woodhead, Henry George Wafidesford, 1 Jan. 1920. 3059 Woodhouse, Arthur WUliam Webster, 1 Jan. 1920. 3060 Woodhouse, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 3061 Woodwark. George Graham, 1 Jan. 1920. 3062 Woolcock, WUliam James Uglow, 1 Jan. 1920. 3063 Worthington, Frank Vigers, 1 Jan. 1920. 3064 Wright, CecUy Gertrude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 3065 Wright, John Graham, 1 Jan. 1920. 3066 Wynne, Mary Carleton, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 3067 Wythes, Ernest James, 1 Jan. 1920. 3068 Young, Patrick, 1 Jan. 1920. 3069 Younghusband, Arthur Delaval, 1 Jan. 1920. 3070 Voules, Francis Minchin, 1 Jan. 1920. 3071 Barker, Tom Battersby, 1 Jan. 1920. 3072 Bennett, John Wheeler Wheeler-, 1 Jan. 1920. 3073 Bull, George Lucien, 1 Jan. 1920. 3074 Butler, LUy IsabeUa, 1 Jan. 1920. 3075 Buttersworth, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. 3076 Chrimes, Frank. 1 Jan. 1920. 3077 Faunthorpe, John Champioa, 1 Jan. 1920. 3078 Gittens, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 3079 Morkhill, William Lucius, 1 Jan. 1920. 3080 Thompson, George Roger, 1 Jan. 1920. 3081 Wood, Ethel Mary, Mrs. Herbert Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 3082 White, Ernest WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. (si.) 3083 Bainbridge, WiUiam Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. (51.) 3084 Boileau, Etienne Partridge, 1 Jan. 1920. (31.) 3085 Boulton, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 3086 Bright, Reginald Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) 3087 Brooke, Harry Morris Mitchelson, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) 3088 White, Percy, Carr-, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 3089 Dobbs, Charles Fatrlie. 1 Jan. 1920. (It.) 3090 Hepenstal, Maxwell Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. (It.) 3091 Douglas, Archibald PhUip, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) 3092 Edwardes, Alexander Coburn, 1 Jan. 1920. (si.) 3093 Fetherstonhaugh, WUUam Albany, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 3094 GUI, James Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 3095 Hyslop, Francis, 1 Jan. 1920 (St.) 3096 Keen, WUliam John, 1 Jan. 1920. (st.) 3097 Larnder, Eugene William, 1 Jan. 1920. (SI.) 3098 Maurice, George Thelwall Kindersley, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 3099 Ommanney, Charles Vernon, 1 Jan. 1920. (SI.) 3100 Evans, Granville Pennefathei-, 1 Jan. 1920. (SI.) 3101 Rice, Sidney Mervyn, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) 3102 Palmer, Frederick Carey Stukeley Samborne-, 1 Jan. 1920. 3103 St. John, Henry Beauchamp, 1 Jan. 1920. (SI.) 3104 TUlard, Arthur Basil, ] Jan. 1920. (St.) 3105 Tyrrell, John Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. (SI.) 3106a Bartlett, Ellis Ashmead-, 1 Jan. 1920. 31066 Davies, Madalen Augusta Lavinia, 1 Jan. 1920. 3106c Duke, Reginald Franklyn Hare, 1 Jan 1920. 3106(2 Given, Ernest Cranston, 1 Jan. 1920. 3106e Lawson, Lady Wilma, 1 Jan. 1920. 3106/ Lebus, Herman Andrew Harris, 1 Jan. 1920. 3106o McDonald, AUan Macdonald, 1 Jan. 1920. 3106ft Pitts, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 3107a Campbell, Archibald Young Gibbs, 1 Jan. 1920. 31076 Clarke, Orme Bigland, 1 Jan. 1920. 3107c Fordyce, John Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. I 3107(2 Spry, Henry Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 592 COMMANDERS. 3107e Allen, Atwell Hayes, 9 Jan. 1920. (si.) 3108 Blacker, George, 30 Jan. 1920. 3109 Bolton, Charles, 30 Jan. 1920. 3110 Bond, Charles Hubert, 30 Jan. 1920. 3111 Carr, John Walter, 30 Jan. 1920. 3112 Chambers, Helen, 30 Jan. 1920. 3113 Drummond, David, 30 Jan. 1920. 3114 Furber, Edward Price, 30 Jan. 1920. 3115 Lambert, Florence Barrle, 30 Jan. 1920. 3116 Lett, Hugh, 30 Jan. 1920. 3117 Lewis, Thomas, 30 Jan. 1920. 3118 Lister, Thomas David, 30 Jan. 1920. 3119 McGavin, Lawrie Hugh, 30 Jan. 1920. 3220 Paterson, Herbert John, 30 Jan. 1920. 3221 Sinclah, John, 30 Jan. 1920. 3122 Smith, Sh Thomas Rudolph Hampden, Bart, 30 Jan. 1920. 3123 Taylor, James, SO Jan. 1920. 3124 Young, Robert Arthur. SO Jan. 1920. 3125 Archdale, Nicholas Edward, 8 March, 1920. (m.) 3126 Cotton, Arthur Stedman. 15 March, 1920. (sr.) 3127 Harrison, Walter Lewis, 15 March, 1920. (m.) 3128 Radclyffe, Charles Raymond, 15 March, 1920. (it.) 3129 Rowlandson, Herbert Wynward, 15 March, 1920. (n.) 3130 Ling, Robert Walton, 15 March, 1920. (m.) 3130a Eldridge, George Bernard, 23 Apr. 1920. (li.) 31306 Frowd, WUliam Smeeton, 23 Apr. 1920. (It.) 3130c Harvey, John, 23 Apr. 1920. (St.) 3130(2 Hose, Walter, 23 Apr. 1920. (M.) 3130e Story, WilUam Oswald, 23 Apr. 1920. (M.) 3131 Barker, Charles WiUiam Panton, 5 June, 1920. 3132 Beeman, C, Mav, 5 June, 1920. 3133 BuU, George, 5 June, 1920. 3134 Caine, Gordon Ralph HaU, 5 June, 1920. 3135 Carlisle, Rev. John Charles, 5 June, 1920. 3136 Coplestone, Frederick, 5 June, 1920. 3137 Danger, Frank Charles, 5 June, 1920. 3138 Howard de Walden and Seaford, Margherita, Baroness, 3 June, 1920. 3139 Donald, Colin George, 5 June, 1920. 3140 Dyer, Edward Jerome, 5 June, 1920. 3141 Fraser, Mrs. Dene Gladys, 5 June, 1920. 3142 Gibson, John Constant, 5 June, 1920. 3143 Gibson, WiUiam, 5 June, 1920. 3144 Glaneley, Ada Mary, Baroness, 5 June, 1920. 3145 Goudge, J. A, 5 June, 1920. 3146 Graeme, Patrick Neal Sutherland, 5 June, 1920. 3147 Graham, Maurice, 5 June, 1920. 3H8 Hancock, George Charles, 5 June, 1920. 3149 Hynard, WUUam George, 5 June, 1920. 3150 Jordan, Alfred Charles, 5 June, 1920. 3151 LasceUes, Edward ffrancis Ward, 5 June, 1920. 3152 Limerick, May Josephine, Countess of, 5 June, 1920. 3153 Low, John Spencer, 5 June 1920. 3154 LyaU, Beatrix Margaret, Mrs, 5 June, 1920. 3155 Madge, Henry Ashley, 5 June, 1920. 3156 Maude, Edith CaroUne, Mrs, 5 June, 1920. 3157 MoUison, WUUam Mayhew, 5 June, 1920. 3158 Moody, Charles Henry, 5 June, 1920. 3159 Noal, Richard John, 5 June, 1920. 3160 North, Margaret Caird, Mrs, 5 June, 1920. 3161 Ovans, Hugh Lambert, 5 June, 1920. 3162 Pearse, James, 5 June, 1920. 3163 Perkin, Frederick Mollwo, 5 June, 1920. 3164 Stanton, Charles Butt, 5 June, 1920. 3165 Soundy, Sh John Thomas, 5 June, 1920. 3166 Stanley, Lady Beatrix Taylour, 5 June, 1920. 3167 Thomas, Daniel 5 June, 1920. 3168 Tomley, John Edward, 5 June, 1920. 3169 Turner, Percy F, 5 June, 1920. 3170 Venables, Harry Archbutt, 5 June, 1920. 3171 Wade, Sir William, 5 June, 1920. 3172 Walcott, Colpoys Cleland, 5 June, 1920. 3173 Whalley, Frank Douglas, 5 June, 1920. 3174 Wood, Brooks Crompton, 5 June, 1920. 3175 Barne, WUliam Bradley Gosset, 9 July, 1920. (si.) 3176 Reid, Hector Gowans, 9 July, 1920. (St.) 3177 Roch, Horace Samson, 9 July, 1920. (si.) 3178 Archer, John Oliver, 12 July, 1920. (M.) 3179 Martin, Norman Macdonald, 12 July, 1920. (SI.) 3180 Maund, Arthur Clinton, 12 July, 1920. (II.) 3181 Minchin, Frederick Frank, 12 July, 1920. (M.) 3182 Crispin, Edward Smyth, 24 Aug. 1920. 3183 Macallan, Arthur Ferguson, 24 Aug. 1920. 3184 Morice, George Farquhar, 24 Aug. 1920. 3185 PhiUimore, Valentine Egerton Bagot, 7 Sept. 1920. (SI.) 3185a. Nalder, Leonard Fielding, 20 Sept. 1920. (If.) 3186 Brewis, Charles Richard Wynn, 15 Oct. 1920. 3187 Cridland, Frank, 15 Oct. 1920. 3188 Dunn, Alfred Cuthbert, 15 Oct. 1920. 3189 Earp, Charles Anthony, 15 Oct. 1920. 3190 Earp, Hon. George Frederick, 15 Oct. 1920. 3191 Garner, Walter Wesley, 15 Oct. 1920. 3192 Grant, Duncan Walter, 15 Oct. 1920. 3193 Green, Thomas Ernest, 15 Oct. 1920. 3194 Greenwood, WiUiam Frederick, 15 Oct. 1920. 3195 Gunn, Frank Lindsay, 15 Oct. 1920. 3196 Jess, Carl Herman, 15 Oct. 1920. 3197 Johnston, George Jamieson, 15 Oct. 1920. 3198 Johnstone, William Downs, 15 Oct. 1920. 3199 Macandie, George Lionel, 15 Oct. 1920. 3200 Newland, John, 15 Oct. 1920. 3201 Nicholson, George Gibb, 15 Oct. 1920. 3202 Orchard, Hon. Richard Beaumont, 15 Oct. 1920. 3203 Robertson, William Nathaniel, 15 Oct. 1920. 3204 Thomson, James Park, 15 Oct. 1920. 3205 Thring, Walter Hugh Charles Samuel, 15 Oct. 1920. 3206 Vicars, WUliam, 15 Oct. 1920. 3207 Waley, Frederick George, 15 Oct. 1920. 3208 Walker, Charles Alfred Le Messurier, 15 Oct. 1920. 3209 Frostick, James Arthur, 15 Oct. 1920. 3210 Giovanetti, Constantine William, 15 Oct. 1920. 3211 Jeppe, Julius, 15 Oct 1920. 3212 Lewis, Ernest Harry, 15 Oct. 1920. 3213 Rees, David, 15 Oct. 1920. 3214 Thorne, Anna Elizabeth, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 3215 Myles, Thomas WUliam, 24 Dec. 1920. 593 2 Q OFFICERS. (O.B.E.). 1 Balgarnie, Wilfred, 4 June, 1917. 2 Beresford, Denis Robert Pack, 4 June, 1917. 3 Birkin, Ethel Lilian, 4 June, 1917. 4 Blackwell, Thomas Geoffrey, 4 June, 1917. 5 Brockington, WUliam Allport, 4 June, 1917. 6 Brodrick, William John Henry, 4 June, 1917. 7 Brown, James, 4 June, 1917. 8 Broughton, Gladys Mary, 4 June, 1917. 9 Chandler, Francis, 4 June, 1917. 10 Coller, Frederick Ernest Watts, 4 June, 1917. 11 Courtney, Janet Elizabeth, Mrs. William Leonard, 4 June, 1917. 12 Cumming, George, 4 June, 1917. 13 Davies, Edward Futcher, 4 June, 1917. 14 Dease, Mabel Mary Frances, Mrs. Edmund James, 4 June, 1917. 15 de Rothschild, Lionel Nathan, 4 June, 1917. (si.) 17 Fox, Tom, 4 June, 1917. 18 Burgoyne, Sydney Thomas, 4 June, 1920. (si.) 19 Field Michael Birt, 4 June, 1917. 20 Galbraith, Samuel, 4 June, 1917. 21 Gordon, WUliam, 4 June, 1917. 22 Gee, Alan, 4 June, 1917. 23 Gilmour David, 4 June, 1917. 24 Harben, Guy Philip, 4 June, 1917. 25 Hart, WUliam Edward, 4 June, 1917. 26 Hodgson, Henry Michael, 4 June, 1917. 27 Hudson, Walter, 4 June, 1917. 28 Jayne. Ethel Basil, 4 June 1917. 30 Langridge, Francis Barton, 4 June, 1917. 31 Larke, William James, 4 June, 1917. 32 McLennan, John Cunningham, 4 June, 1917 33 McNeill, Charles F itzRoy Ponsonby, 4 June, 1917. 35 Matthews, Florence, Mrs. Arthur Kennard, 4 June, 1917. 36 Millar, Duncan McFayden, 4 June, 1917. 38 Mosses, William, 4 June, 1917. 39 Mounsey, George Augustus, 4 June, 1917, 40 Musgrave, Henry, 4 June, 1917. 41 Nelson, William Ernest, 4 June, 1917. 42 NichoU, David Arthur, 4 June, 1917. 43 Paget, Lady Muriel Evelyn Vernon, 4 June, 1917. 44 Parkinson, Albert Ernest, 4 June, 1917. 45 Parr, Robert John, 4 June, 1917. 46 Poulton, Edward Lawrence, 4 June, 1917. 47 Postlethwaite. WiUiam Taylor, 4 June, 1917. 48 Pratt, Edith Helen, 4 June, 1917. 49 Raffetey, Harold Vesey, 4 June, 1917. 61 Rolfe, SybU Katherine, Mrs. Clive NevUle-, 4 June, 1917. 52 Robinson, WUliam Comforth, 4 June, 1917. 53 Rose, FeUx^ 4 June, 1917. 54 Saunders, Elsie, 4 June, 1917. 55 Silley, John Henry, 4 June, 1917. 57 Simson, Lena, Mrs. Henry John Forbes, 4 June, 1917. 68 Smith, Frank, 4 June, 1917. 59 Smith, William Brownhill, 1 June, 1917. 60 Bunning, George Harold Stuart, 4 June, 1917. 61 Stewart, James, 4 June, 1917. 63 Turner, Ben. 4 June. 1917. 64 Wilkins, Louisa, Mrs. Roland Field, 4 June, 1917. 65 Watts, Patterson, 4 June, 1917. 66 WUson, Harold Inchbald 4 June, 1917. 69 Farrer, Hon. Cecil Claude, 4 June, 1917. 70 Young, Robert, 4 June, 1917. 71 Ramsay, Margaret, Lady, 4 Dec. 1917. 72 Singh, Rai Bahadur Buta of Rawalpindi, 4 Dec. 1917. 74 Symons, Thomas Henry, 4 Dec. 1917. 75 Mitra Rai, Sahib Rajeshwar, 4 Dec. 1917. 76 Heale, Robert John Wingfield, 4 Dec. 1917. 77 Sethna, Phiroye Kharsedji, 4 Dec. 1917. 78 Carter, Edward Clark, 4 Dec. 1917. 79 Adam, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 80 Atoscough, Thomas Martland, 1 Jan. 1918. 81 Alcorn, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 82 Allan, Evelyn Julia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 83 Allan, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 84 AUden, Harry 1 Jan. 1918. 85 Allen, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 86 Allen, Mary Sophia, 1 Jan. 1918. 88 Allen, William George, 1 Jan. 1918. 89 Allen, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 90 Alsop, James WUlcox, 1 Jan. 1918. 91 Anderson, Amy Douglas Knyveton, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 92 Anderson, Lois Dessurne, 1 Jan. 1918. 94 Anderson, Thomas George, 1 Jan. 1918. 95 Anwyl-Passingham, Augustus Mervyn Owen Anwyl, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 96 Archer, Henry William, 1 Jan. 1918. 97 Armstrong, Francis Logie, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 98 Armstrong, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 99 Glenarthur, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 100 Foakes, Edward Lindsay Ashley, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 101 Atkin, Peter WUson, 1 Jan. 1918. 102 Ayre, Amos Lowrey, 1 Jan. 1918. 103 Bagenal, Philip Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 104 Bagnall, Francis Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 105 BaUey, Arthur Stowey, 1 Jan. 1918. 106 Baines, Edward George Graham Talbot, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 108 Baker, Alfred Gabriel, 1 Jan. 1918. 109 Baker, George Stephen, 1 Jan. 1918. 110 Baker, John William, 1 Jan. 1918. Ill Balfour, Robert John, 1 Jan. 1918. 112 Banbury, Charlotte Marie-Louise, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 113 Barber, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1913. 115 Barnard, Ernest Augustus William, 1 Jar. 1918, 116 Barnes, Annie Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 117 Barnes, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 118 Barnes, James Sidney, 1 Jan. 1918. 119 Barnett, James Rennie, 1 Jan. 1918. 120 Barrow, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. 121 Bartlett, Edmund Burton, 1 Jan. 1918. 122 Bartlett, Frederick WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 123 Barwick, Frederick Mortimer, 1 Jan. 1918. 124 Basset, William Fortescue, 1 Jan. 1918. 125 Bastard, Ernest WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 126 Bather. Muriel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 127 Battersby, James Allan, 1 Jan. 1918 128 Baxter, Edith, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. , 129 Baxter, Peter McLeod, 1 Jan. 1918. 130 Baylay, Willoughby Lake, 1 Jan. 1918. 131 Beamer, Ernest Edward Boyce, 1 Jan. 1918. 133 Beaton, George Howard, 1 Jan. 1918. 135 Bednell, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. 136 Beevor, Susan Heard, Mrs. John Hare, 1 Jan. 1918. 137 Bell, Hubert Dowson, 1 Jan. 1918. 138 Bell, WUliam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 139 Bell-Irving, Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 140 Bennett, Geoffrey Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 141 Berriman. Algernon Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 142 Berrow, WUliam Lewis, 1 Jan. 1918. 143 Bertie-Perkins, Alys Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 145 Corbet, Rosamond, Mrs. Bertram D'Avenant, 1 Jan. 1918. 147 Betts, Lionel Oxborrow, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 148 Bing, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 149 Binns, Oswell Barritt, 1 Jan. 1918. 150 Birks, Gerald Walker, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 151 Bissett, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 152 Black, Archibald CampbeU, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 153 Blair David, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 154 Blake, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 155 Blakemore, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. (it.) 156 Bloomfield, Constance Caldwell, 1 Jan. 1918. 157 Blount, Clara, Mrs. Edward Aston Charles Marie, 1 Jan. 1918. 158 Bogle, James Cairns, 1 Jan. 1918. 159 Boland, Henry Patrick, 1 Jan 1918. 160 Bonny, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 161 Booth, Harry, 1 Jan. 1918. 162 Booth, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 163 Boothby, Francis Stewart Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 164 Borley, John Oliver, 1 Jan. 1918. 166 Bottomley, William Cecil, 1 Jan. 1918. 167 Bourdeaux, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 168 Bowater, Sarah Fanny, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 169 Bowden, John, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 170 Bowers, Frederiok Gatus, 1 Jan. 1918. 171 Bowman, Thomas Anderson, 1 Jan. 1918. 172 Bowman, William TurnbuU, 1 Jan. 1918. 173 Boyd, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 175 Boyland, Sydney Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 176 Bramwell, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1918. 177 Bremner, David Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 178 Brierlcy, Edgar. 1 Jan. 1918. 591 MILITARY RIBAND WOMEN. OFFICERS (O.B.E.) MEN. OFFICERS. 1918. (si.) 181 Brown, Archibald, 1 Jan. 1918. 182 Brown, Jonathan Boswell, 1 Jan. 1918. 183 Brown, Wilfred Gordon, 1 Jan. 1918. 185 Bruce, Charles Matthewes, 1 Jan. 1918. 186 Bruce, Ellen Maud, Lady, 1 Jan, 1918. 187 Bryant, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 188 Buchanan, Jane, 1 Jan. 1918. 190 Buckland, Alfred Vhgoe, 1 Jan. 1918. 191 Bulpitt, Walter Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 192 Burch, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 193 Burgess Kenneth Paul, 1 Jan. 1919. 194 Burke, Hubert Francis Daubeny, 1 Jan. 195 Burke, May, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 196 Burn, Ethel Louise, Hon. Mrs. Charles Rosdew, 1 Jan. 1918. 197 Burnett, Ethel, 1 Jan. 1918. 198 Burnside, Ethel Margaret, 1 Jan. 1918. 199 Burton, William, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 200 Burton, William Parker, 1 Jan. 1918. 201 Bush, Margery, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 202 Busteed, Henry Richard, 1 Jan. 1918 203 Butler, Arthur Francis. 1 Jan. 1918. 204 Cable, WiUiam John, 1 Jan. 1918. 205 Cadbury, Elizabeth Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 206 CaUlard, LUy Eliza Frances, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918 207 Caldecott-Smith, Percy Pyne, 1 Jan. 1918. 208 Caldwell, Marj Louisa, 1 Jan. 1918. 209 Cambray, Philip, 1 Jan. 1918. 211 Campbell, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 212 Campbell, Florence Ishbell, 1 Jan. 1918. 213 Campbell, Gordon Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 214 Capron, Athol John, 1 Jan. 1918. 215 Carden, Mary Gertrude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 216 Carl, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 217 CarUle, Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 218 Carrick, Earl of, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 219 Carter, WilUam AUan, 1 Jan. 1918. 220 Carter, Edward Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 221 Cator, Maud, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 222 Cauvin, WiUiam Stephen, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 223 Chalmers, Robert Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. (It.) 224 Champion, John Alfred Cuthbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 225 Champion, Samuel Stewart, 1 Jan. 1918. 228 Chichester, Dehra, Mrs. Robert Peel Dawson Spencer, 1 Jan. 1918. 229 Chichester, Earl of, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 230 ChurchiU, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 231 Clark, George, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 232 Clark, WiUiam Henry Dennis, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 233 Clarke, Geoffrey Rothe, 1 Jan. 1918. 234 Clarke, James Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 237 Clay, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 238 Cleaver, Harris Peugeot, 1 Jan. 1918 239 Cochrane, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1918. 240 Cockburn, George Bertram, 1 Jan. 1918. 241 Cocke, Thomas Dudley, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 242 Coggan, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 243 Cole, WiUiam George, 1 Jan. 1918. 245 CoUett, John Alsager, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 246 Cohnore, Reginald Blayney Bulteel, 1 Jan. 1918. 247 Conacher, Charles Leonard, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 248 Constable, Arthur Douglas, 1 Jan. 1918. 249 Cooper, Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1918. 250 Cooper, Ernest Napier, 1 Jan. 1918. 251 Coppock, Harry Stowe, 1 Jan. 1918. 253 Coventry, Fulwar Cecil Ashton, 1 Jan. 1918. 254 Cowen, Jane, 1 Jan. 1918. 255 Cox, Bernard Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 256 Cox, Oswald, 1 Jan. 1918. 257 Craig, WiUiam Brownfield, 1 Jan. 1918. 258 Cramond, John McGregor, 1 Jan. 1918. 259 Crane, Charles Paston, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 261 Cree, Laura Alexander Bell, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 262 CresweU, Francis Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 263 Croft, Ernest Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. 264 Crompton, Claud, 1 Jan. 1918. 265 Cropper, Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 266 Crosbie-HUl, Marjorie, 1 Jan. 1918. 267 Crosby, Josiah, 1 Jan. 1918. 268 Cross, Richard BasU, 1 Jan. 1918. 270 Cuff, Herbert Edmond, 1 Jan. 1918. 272 Cummins, Herbert Ashley Cunard, 1 Jan. 1918. 274 CunUffe, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 275 Cunnington, Frederick Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 276 Cuthbert. Kathleen Alice, Mrs. James Harold, 1 Jan. 1918. 277 Cuthbertson, CUve, 1 Jan. 1918. 279 Dagnall, WiUiam John, 1 Jan. 1918. 280 Dallinger, Percy Gough, 1 Jan. 1918. 281 Dana, Robert Washington, 1 Jan. 1918. 282 Davidson, James Stewart, 1 Jan. 1918. 283 Davies, Andrew William, 1 Jan. 1918. (M. 284 Davis, WUliam Northcote, 1 Jan. 1918. 285 Dawson, Albert Edward. 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 287 de Montmorencv, Hervey Angus, 1 Jan. 1918. 288 Dendy Frederick Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 289 Denne, Mark Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 290 DeDniston, Alexander Guthrie, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 291 de Rougemont, Muriel Evelyn, Mrs. Cecil Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 292 Dickens, Henry Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 293 Dillon, Thomas Cantrel, 1 Jan. 1918. 296 Dixon, WUliam Vibart, 1 Jan. 1918. 297 Downs, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 299 Dudgeon, Margaret, Mrs. Robert Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. 300 Duff, Mildred Mabel Gordon, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 301 Duffln, Earle Calder, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 302 Duggan, George Chester, 1 Jan. 1918. 303 Duncan, Leland Lewis, 1 Jan. 1918. 304 Dunstan, Malcolm James Rowley, 1 Jan. 1918. 305 Durant, Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. 30) Dyball, WiUiam Moore, 1 Jan. 1918. 309 Easten, Stephen, 1 Jan. 1918. 310 Ebben, Henry Stuart, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 311 Edmond, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 312 Edmunds, Leslie Wynn, 1 Jan. 1918. (it.) 313 Edwardes, David John William, 1 Jan. 1918. 314 Edwards, Charles James, 1 Jan. 1918. 315 Edwards, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 318 Eldred, Edwin Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 321 EUis, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 322 Elvy, Thomas Elvy, 1 Jan. 1918. 323 Emberton, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 324 Evans, Corris William, 1 Jan. 1918. 326 Evans, Thomas Henry Royston, 1 Jan. 1918. 327 Everett, Basil Preston, 1 Jan. 1918. 329 Fahholme, Edward George Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 330 Farmer, Robert Crosbie, 1 Jan. 1918. ' 331 Pass, Herbert Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 332 Fedarb, Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1918. 333 Fielden, Dora, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 334 Fisher, Charles Stanley, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 335 Fletcher, Walter Blunt, 1 Jan. 1918. (st) 336 Foreman, Sir Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 337 Hamilton, Dowager Duchess of, 1 Jan. 1918. 338 Fortescue, Cecil Lewis, 1 Jan. 1918. 339 Fortington, Harold Augustus, 1 Jan. 1918 340 Foster, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 341 Francis, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 342 Franklin, Leonard Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1918. 313 Franklin, Robert Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. 344 Frazer, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 345 Freeman, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 346 Freiligrath, Otto Tennent Eastman, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 347 French, Hon. Essex Eleonora, 1 Jan. 1918. 348 French, Henry Leon, 1 Jan. 1918. 349 French, Reginald Thomas George, 1 Jan. 1918. 350 Frost, Edward John Allan, 1 Jan. 1918. 351 Frost, Mark Edwin Pescott, 1 Jan. 1918. 352 Fulcher, George Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 353 Fulton, David Bowie, 1 Jan. 1918. 354 Game, Henrv, 1 Jan. 1918. (It.) 355 Gandell, William Raleigh Kerr, 1 Jan. 1918. 356 Gandy, Eric Worsley, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 357 Gardner, Annie EUzabeth, 1 Jan. 1918. 358 Gardom. Edward Theodore, 1 Jan. 1918. 359 Garvey, John William Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 360 Gentry, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 362 Gibb, William Doig, 1 Jan. 1918. 363 Gibson, Joseph HamUton, 1 Jan. 1918. 364 Gibson, John Watson, 1 Jan. 1918. 366 Giffard, Jack, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 367 Gilchrist, Archibald, 1 Jan. 1918. 368 Gill, Walter Brudenell, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 369 Gledhill, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 370 Glenny, WUliam James, 1 Jan. 1918. 371 Goalen, James Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 372 Godman, Edward Shirley, 1 Jan. 1918. 373 Goldsmid, Lionel Frederic, 1 Jan. 1918. 374 Gomersall, Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 375 Goodsh, Gertrude Esperance, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 378 Goodwin, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. (It.) 377 Goolden, Walter Herbert Lewis, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 378 Gordon, Henry Erskine, 1 Jan. 1918. 379 Gordon, William James, 1 Jan. 1918. 380 Gowans, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 381 Gowing, Warden, 1 Jan. 1918. 382 Graham, Mary Louise, Marchioness of, 1 Jan. 1918 384 Graham, Arthur John Wood, 1 Jan. 1918. 387 Grant, Selwyn Seafield, 1 Jan. 1918. 388 Grant, William, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 390 Grapes, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 391 Gray, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 392 Green, Edward WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 393 Green, James Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 394 Green, Mary Anne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 395 Grehan, Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 396 Greig, Donald McNeill, 1 Jan. 1918. (II.) 397 Greville, Hon. Mrs. Alwyn Henry Fulke, 1 Jan. 1918. 398 Griffiths, Sarah Gilbert, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 399 Grimbly, Richard Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 400 Grimshaw, Wilfrid, 1 Jan. 1918. 401 Grinsted, Harold, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 402 Gundill, William Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 403 Haggard, Godfrey Digby Napier, 1 Jan. 1918. 405 Hannay, Jane Ewing, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 406 Harding, Alfred John, 1 Jan. 1918. 407 Hare, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. 408 Harker, John Allen, 1 Jan. 1918. 595 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 410 Harrison, Emily Margaret, IDs. Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1918. 411 Hartley, Richard Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 412 Hartshorn, Vernon, 1 Jan. 1918. 413 Hart-Smith, Theodore Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 414 Hatfield, Ada Sophia Lucy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 415 Hatherley, Cyril George, 1 Jan. 1918. 417 Hebert, Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 418 Herbert, Philip, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 419 Heron- Watson, Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 421 Hiley, WUfrid Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 422 Hill, Archibald Vivian, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 423 Hilleary, George Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 424 Hinks, Percy John, 1 Jan. 1918. 425 Hoare, Albert Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 426 Hodgens, John, 1 Jan. 1918. (It.) 427 Hodgson, Charles Courtenay, 1 Jan. 1918. 428 Hodgson, John Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 429 Hodgson, Elizabeth Odeyne, Hon. Mrs. Francis Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 430 Holden, Norman Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 431 Holland, Julia, 1 Jan. 1918. 432 Holley, Alfred Ewart, 1 Jan. 1918. 433 Holmes, Constance, 1 Jan. 1918. 434 Holmes, Lt. Col. Gerard Robert Addison, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 435 Holmes, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 436 Honey, William John, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 437 Home, Frederic, 1 Jan. 1918. 439 Howard, Cecil Harry St. Leger, 1 Jan. 1918. SI.) 440 Howard, Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1918. 441 Howell, Godfrey Valentine, 1 Jan. 1918. 442 Hughes, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 443 Hughes-Gibb, Aubrey Patrick, 1 Jan. 1918. 444 Humphreys, Gilbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 445 Hunt, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 446 Hunt, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 447 Hunter, Thomas Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 449 Hutchinson, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 452 Infeld, Louis, 1 Jan. 1918. 453 Ingram, Edward Maurice Berkeley, 1 Jan. 1918. 454 Ireland, WiUiam Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 455 Irwin, Thomas Cuthbert, 1 Jan. 1918. (II.) 456 Jacks, Harold Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1918. 457 Jackson, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 458 Jackson, Laura, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 460 James, George Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 461 Jarrott, Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 462 Jefferies, Henry Charies, 1 Jan. 1918. 463 Johnston, WiUiam Douglas, 1 Jan. 1918. 464 Jonas, Harold Driver, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 465 Jones, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 466 Jones, Arthur Dansey, 1 Jan. 1918. 467 Jones, Patrick Nicholas Hill, 1 Jan. 191S. 469 Jones, Theodore Warren, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 470 Jones, John Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. 471 Joyce, Thomas Athol, 1 Jan. 1918. (II.) 472 Kay, Andrew Cassels, 1 Jan. 1918. 473 Kaye, Sydney Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 474 Keenlyside, Rupert Hales Headlam, 1 Jan. 1918. 475 Kelly, Alfred Evans, 1 Jan. 1918. 477 Kelman, Rev. John, 1 Jan. 1918. 478 Kenrick, Hubert Wynn, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 479 Kerr, Lady Anne, 1 Jan. 1918. 480 Kidner, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. 481 Kimpton, Arthur Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 482 King, Mary Liddoh, 1 Jan. 1918. 483 Kingston, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 485 Kirkus, Arthur Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 486 Kirkwood, WUliam Dennett, 1 Jan. 1920. 487 Kissane, Matthew, 1 Jan. 1918. 488 Knight, Christopher Newman, 1 Jan. 1918. 489 Knowles, Constance Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 491 Landau, Herman, 1 Jan. 1918. 492 LasceUes, Evelyn Louisa, 1 Jan. 1918. 493 Langton, George PhiUp, 1 Jan. 1918. 494 Learmont, John, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 495 le Breton. Clement Martin, 1 Jan. 1918. 496 Ledlie, James Crawford, 1 Jan. 1918. 497 Lee, John WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 499 Lee-Williams, Alice Gwynllyan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 501 Lewers, Hugh Bunnett, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 502 Lewin, Lady Ada Edwina Stewart, 1 Jan. 1918, 503 Lewis, Herbert David William, 1 Jan. 1918. 504 Lewis, Ruth, Mrs. John Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 505 Lidderdale, Alan Wadsworth, 1 Jan. 1918. 606 Lindley, Tinsley, 1 Jan. 1918. 507 Lindsay, James Brown, 1 Jan. 1918. 608 Lister, Francis Vivian, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 510 Lloyd, Arthur Athelwold, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 511 Loch, George Richard Boycott, 1 Jan. 1918. 612 Lomax, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 514 Low, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 616 Lowther, MUdred, 1 Jan. 1918. 517 Lugard, Edward James, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 518 Lupton, Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 519 MacAlpine, Cyril Douglas Hughes, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 520 MacAlpine, Reginald John, 1 Jan. 1918. (It.) 621 Macaulay, Thomas Symington, 1 Jan. 1918. 522 MacDonald, Rev. Angus, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 523 MacDonald, George William, 1 Jan. 1918. 524 Macdonald, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 525 Macdonald, Sheena, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 526 Macfarlane, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1918. 527 Macfarlane, Peter, 1 Jan. 1918. 528 Mackenzie, Finlay Matheson, 1 Jan. 1918 529 Mackintosh, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 530 MacLennan, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 531 MacLintock, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 532 MacmiUan, Alexander. 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 533 Macrosty, Henry William, 1 Jan. 1918. 535 Mainwaring, Mary Sybil, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 536 Mair, Jessy, Mrs. 1 Jan. 1918. 537 Major, Albany Featherstonehaugh, 1 Jan. 1918. 538 Man, Frederick Henry Dumas, 1 Jan. 1918. 539 Mansbridge, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 540 Manton, Arthur Woodroffe, 1 Jan. 1918. 541 Maplesden, Charles William, 1 Jan. 1918. 542 Marsden, Winifred, 1 Jan. 1918. 543 Marsh, Ernest William, 1 Jan. 1918. 544 Marsham, Joan, Hon. Mrs. Sydney Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 545 Martin, Charles Selwyn, 1 Jan. 1918. 547 Mason, Alexander Neil, 1 Jan. 1918. 548 Matson, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 549 Matthews. Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 550 Matthews, Thomas Leigh, 1 Jan. 1918. 551 Matthey, Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. 552 Maxwell, Alexander Gordon, 1 Jan. 1918. (M ) 553 Maxwell, Leslie Blythe, 1 Jan. 1918. 554 Maxwell, Richard Cowdy, 1 Jan. 1918. 555 May, Katharine Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 556 McAdam, Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 557 McAughey, John, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 558 McAuliffe, Rev. Edmond, 1 Jan. 1918. (II.) 559 McCaffery, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 561 McCann, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 562 McCann, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 563 McClelland, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1918. 564 McConnel, William Holdsworth, 1 Jan. 1918. (II.) 565 McEwen, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 566 McFarlane, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1918. 567 McFarlane, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 568 McFerran, Howard Addison, 1 Jan. 1918. 569 McGowan, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 570 McKeown. John James, 1 Jan. 1918. 572 McLaren, Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. 573 McLean, Peter, 1 Jan. 1918. 574 McNeil, Neil, 1 Jan. 1918. 575 McPherson, Gilbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 576 McPherson. John, 1 Jan. 1918. (II.) 577 Medd, Wilfrid, 1 Jan. 1918. 579 Menzies, Alexander James Pople, 1 Jan. 1918. 580 Metson, George, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 581 Michell, George Babbington, 1 Jan. 1918. 582 MUlar, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 583 Miller, Arnold Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 584 Miller, Frank Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1918. 585 Mobbs, Arthur Noel, 1 Jan. 1918. 586 Moffat, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 587 Moir, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 588 Molyneux, Thomas FeU, 1 Jan. 1918. 591 Monteith, David Taylor, 1 Jan. 1918. 592 Moore, Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1918. 593 Moore, Harold, 1 Jan. 1918. 594 More, Jasper Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 595 Moreland, Harold, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 597 Morris, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 598 Morrison, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 599 Morrow, George Andrew, 1 Jan. 1918. 600 Mott, Owen Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 601 Mulherion, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 602 Murison, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 603 Murray, Howard, 1 Jan. 1918. 604 Murray, James, 1 Jan. 1918. • 605 Murray, Thomas Roberts, 1 Jan. 1918. 606 Napier, Arthur Lenox, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 607 Nash, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 608 Nevill, Walter Elphinstone, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 609 Newall, Ethel Nest, Mrs. Geoffrey Stirling, 1 Jan. 1918. 610 Newitt, Leonard, 1 Jan. 1918. 611 Newlands, Archibald, 1 Jan. 1918. 612 Nunburnholme, Dowager Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 613 Nutt, Francis George, 1 Jan. 1918. 616 Oldham, Reta, 1 Jan. 1918. 619 Onslow, Earl of, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 621 Osgood, Frederic Stanley, 1 Jan. 1918. 622 Ovans, Charles Phipps John, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 625 Palmer, Marian, Mrs. Claude Bowes, 1 Jan. 1918. 626 Palmer, Philip, 1 Jan. 1918. 627 Pardoe, Elizabeth Wentworth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 628 Park Thomas 1 Jan. 1918. 629 Parker, Sir George Phillips, 1 Jan. 1918. 631 Parker-Jervis, Ethel Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. 633 Paterson, Clifford Copland, 1 Jan. 1918. 634 Paterson, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 636 Patterson, Robert George, 1 Jan. 1918. 638 Payne, Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 639 Pearce, Ernest Alfred John, 1 Jan. 1918. 640 Pearoe-Serocold, Claud, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 590 OFFICERS. 641 Pease, Evelyn. 1 Jan. 1918. 642 Pease, Lucy Victoria, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 643 Peel, Constance Dorothy Evelyn, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 644 Pendarves, Alice Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 645 Penhorwood, Sydney Lewis, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 646 Penrose, Emily, 1 Jan. 1918. 648 Perrin, WUliam Gordon, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 649 Pettlfor, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. 650 Philip, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 651 PhUlips, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 652 PhUlpotts, Owen Surtees, 1 Jan. 1918. 653 Picton-Turbervill, Edith, 1 Jan. 1918. 654 Piercy, Mary Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 655 Pitcher, Albert John, 1 Jan. 1918. 656 Piatt, WiUiam Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 657 Plumer, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 659 Pool, Augustus Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 660 Porter, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 661 Porter, Mansel Loudon, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 662 PrismaU, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1918. (It.) 663 Procter, Charles James, 1 Jan. 1918. 664 Prosser, Walter Byron, 1 Jan. 1918. 665 Pulford, WiUiam John, 1 Jan. 1918. 666 Rabbit, Edward Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 667 Smith, Alan Rae, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 668 Raikes, Francis Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 670 Ralston, Andrew Agnew, 1 Jan. 1918. 671 Randall, James, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 672 Rankin, Hugh Fraser, 1 Jan. 1918. 673 Ranson, Joseph Barlow, 1 Jan. 1918. 674 Ratcliff, Constance LUian, 1 Jan. 1918. 675 Ratcliffe, Henry Stephenson, 1 Jan. 1918. 676 Reckltt, PhUip Bealby, 1 Jan. 1918. 677 Reed, Frank William, 1 Jan. 1918. 678 Reed, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 679 Reekie, WiUiam Maxwell, 1 Jan. 1918. 680 Reeks, James Albert, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 681 Rees, James Daniel, 1 Jan. 1918. 682 Regan, Maurice Ambrose, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 683 Reid, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 684 RiddeU, WiUiam George, 1 Jan. 1918. 685 Ridley, Mary Stephanie, Mrs. Henry Matthew, 1 Jan. 1918. 686 RUey, Edmond John, 1 Jan. 1918. 687 Rind, Walter Lockhart, 1 Jan. 1918. 688 Ritchie, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1918. 689 Roberts, Richard GUbert, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 690 Roberts-Wray, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 691 Robertson, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 692 Robertson, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 693 Robinson, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1918. 694 Robinson, Roy Lister, 1 Jan. 1918. 696 Roddam, Roddam John, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 697 Roe, AUiott Verdon, 1 Jan. 1918. 698 Rogers, Tanner Montague, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 700 Kosher, Noel Bum, 1 Jan. 1918. 701 Ross, Hugh Henderson, 1 Jan. 1918. 702 Rotter, Godfrey, 1 Jan. 1918. 704 Rowley, Amy Isabel, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 705 Royce, Frederick Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 706 Ruck-Keene, Robert Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 707 Ruddle, Frank WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 708 Runge, Norah CecU, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 709 RusseU, Edward John, 1 Jan. 1918. 711 RusseU, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 712 Rutherford, Annie, 1 Jan. 1918. 713 Thomson, George Rutherford, 1 Jan. 1918. 714 Ryan, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 716 Sandison, David, 1 Jan. 1918. 717 Sargeauut, Bertram Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 718 Saunders, Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1918. 719 Savill, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1918. 720 SavUle, Francis Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 721 Sawday, Albert Edwin, 1 Jan. 1918. 724 Serjeantson, CecU Myles, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 725 Sexton, Eric James, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 726 Sharp, Frederic Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. (st). 727 Sharpies, George Bertrand, 1 Jan. 1918. 728 Sharpley, Edwara Burgess, 1 Jan. 1918. 730 Shepherd, WUliam Constable, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 731 Sheppard, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 734 Simonds, Robert HenvUIe, 1 Jan. 1918. (it.) 735 Skene, Philip George Moncrieff, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 736 Skipwith, Sophia Flora, Mrs. Grey Townsend, 1 Jan. 1918. 737 SKpworth, George Philip, 1 Jan. 1918. 738 Smith, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. 739 Smith, Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 740 Smith, Ernest Wentworth, 1 Jan. 1918. 741 Smith, Frank Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 742 Smith, George Henry Cheverton, 1 Jan. 1918. 744 Smith, John Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 746 Smith, Thomas Blampey, 1 Jan. 1918. 747 Smith, William Sydney, 1 Jan. 1918. 748 Snowden, Florence Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 749 Southam, Frederick Neil, 1 Jan. 1918. 750 Southgate, Charles Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 751 Spencer, Mary Gertrude Catherine Hitchcock, 1 Jan. 1918. 752 Squire, Rose Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1918. 753 Stainforth, Rowland HU1, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 7547557567577597607617C2703764700767 768770771772 773 775 776777778779 780 7827X3785787788789790 791 79379479579079779S 800 .SOL 802803 80481.15 800 807 808 810 811812 813 814815 818 81982082182282382482.") 827828 8211 830831832833834835830837X3X840 841843844845846847848 84985085185285385485585 1 -I 857858 859 SCO 861863864865 867 597 Staniland, Alfred Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. Stapley, Frank Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. Steel, Thomas Heron, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) Stein, Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. Stenson, George Routledge, 1 Jan. 1918. Stephenson, Richard Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. Stevens, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. Stevens, Ida Kathleen, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) Stevens, Patrick William Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. Stevenson, May Margaret, 1 Jan. 1918. Stewart, Alice Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Stewart, Athole, 1 Jan. 1918. Stewart, James, 1 Jan. 1918. Stewart, William Allison, 1 Jan. 1918. Sthk, Rufus, 1 Jan. 1918. Stirling, Thomas Willing, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) Stobart, Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1918. Stow, Harry Vane, 1 Jan. 1918. Strachey, Henrietta Mary Amy, Mrs. John St. Loe, 1 Jan 1918. Streatfeild, Evelyn Olive, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Clark, Mary Corisande, Mrs. John Bayfield, 1 Jan. 1918 Strutt, Emily Mary Charlotte, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Stuart, John, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) Sunderland, Brian Gresley Elton, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) Suter, George Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. Swain, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. Symes, Kenneth, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) Tallboy, George Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. Taylor, Arthur Enfield, 1 Jan. 1918. Taylor, David, 1 Jan. 1918. Taylor, George Stevenson, 1 Jan. 1918. Taylor, Richard Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. Taylor, Thomas McComb, 1 Jan. 1918. Tebbs, Louis George, 1 Jan. 1918. Tedder, Alfred Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. Tennyson, Ivy Gladys, Mrs. Charles Bruce, 1 Jan. 1918. Thomas, David John, 1 Jan. 1918. Thomas, John, 1 Jan. 1918. Thomas, Lillie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Thomas, Walter John, 1 Jan. 1918. Thompson, John Barwick, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) Thompson, Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. Thompson, Robert John, 1 Jan. 1918. Thomson, Margaret Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Thomson, William Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. Thornely, Daisy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Thornton, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. Todd, Duncan, 1 Jan. 1918. Todd, Edwin Ernest Bnever, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) Towsey, Joseph Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. Trendell, Herbert Arthur Previte, 1 Jan. 1918. Trew, George Harry Male, 1 Jan. 1918. Tufton, Stella, Hon. Mrs. Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. Turner, WUliam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. Turpin, Armigill Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. Tweedy, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. Tyndale, Walter Clifford, 1 Jan. 1918. UnderhiU, Hugh Harman, 1 Jan. 1918. Vallange, Clement, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) Van den Bergh, Henry Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) Verdier, James William, 1 Jan. 1918. Vernon, Percy Venables, 1 Jan. 1918. Vesey, David Arthur Fitzgerald, 1 Jan. 1918. Vidal, Francis Peter, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) Walker, Harry, 1 Jan. 1918. Wallace, Falconer Lewis, 1 Jan. 1918. Wallace, William Reeve, 1 Jan. 1918. Walton, Cecil, 1 Jan. 1918. Warburton, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. Ward, Leonard, 1 Jan. 1918. Warner, Henry Brooks, 1 Jan. 1918. Waters, Robert Abraham Samuel, 1 Jan. 191S. Watson, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. Watson, Isaac Adolphus Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. Watson, WUliam Elder, 1 Jan. 1918. Watts, Edgar Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. Weatherill, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. Weaver, Frederick William Herron, 1 Jan. 1918. Webb, Cecil Dunstan, 1 Jan. 1918. Webber, Amherst, 1 Jan. 1918. Weir, WUliam Goold, 1 Jan. 1918. Wells, Thomas George Raymond, 1 Jan. 1918. Wenham, Basil Eliot, 1 Jan. 1918 Werner, Edmund Arthur Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. Wetherall, John Andrew Chilton, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) Wharton, Charles Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918 Wharton, William Henry Anthony, 1 Jan. 1918. White, Arthur Rabbitts, 1 Jan. 1918. White, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. Wickham, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. Wicks, Gerald HamUton, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) WUdy, Edmund, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) Wilkinson, Norman, 1 Jan. 1918. (H ) Williams, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) WUliams, Frank Eliot, 1 Jan.1918 Williams, Ronald Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) Wilson, Arthur Maitland, 1 Jan. 1918. WUson, Geraldine, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 868 WUson, George Gordon, 1 Jan. 1918. 870 WUson, Harry James, 1 Jan. 1918. 871 WUson, Hubert Wilberforce, 1 Jan. 1918. 872 Wilson, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 873 Wimperis, Harry Egerton, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 874 Winny, WUUam Humphris, 1 Jan. 1918. 875 Wood, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 878 Woodifield, Anthony Hudson, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 882 Wotzel, Anthony Andrew Augustine, 1 Jan. 1918. 883 Wright, Charles Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. 884 Wynne-Edwards, Hugh Copner, 1 Jan. 1918. 885 Wythes, Aline, Mrs. Ernest James, 1 Jan. 1918. 886 Yeoman, Sophia Bruce, 1 Jan. 1918. 888 Young, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 889 Young, Robert Hellyer, 1 Jan. 1918. 890 Young, Sidney, 1 Jan. 1918. 891 Yule, Charles Bernard Besly, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 893 Jacob, Arthur Leslie, 1 Jan. 1918. 894 Ramsay, Arthur Dennys Gilbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 895 Huddleston, Henry Batten, 1 Jan. 1918. 898 Jehangir, Cowasji, 1 Jan. 1918. 900 Downie, Thomas Steel, 1 Jan. 1918. 901 Carnegie, Arthur Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 903 Lloyd, Arthur Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 904 Hopkins, James Francis Gordon, 1 Jan. 1918. 905 MacCallan, Arthur Ferguson, 1 Jan. 1918. 907 Grogan, Edward Harry, 1 Jan. 1918. 909 Watson, Frank Pears, 1 Jan. 1918. 910 Hewins, Harold Preece, 1 Jan. 1918. 911 Des, George Ehret, 1 Jan. 1918. 912 Hodgson, Clement Gaukroger, 1 Jan. 1918. 913 Hornblower, William Crothers, 1 Jan. 1918. 914 Macnaghten, Norman Donnelly, 1 Jan. 1918. 915 Anderson, Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 916 Arnold, Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. 918 Campion, Charles Austin Bunworth, 1 Jan. 1918. 919 Chomley, Mary Elizabeth Maud, 1 Jan. 1918. 920 Creswell, Adelaide, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 921 Deakin, Vera, 1 Jan. 1918. 923 Gihuth, Jeannie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 924 James, Gwyneforde, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 925 Miller, Annie Emily, 1 Jan. 1918. 926 Miller, Mary Elizabeth, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 927 Owen, Gladys, 1 Jan. 1918. 928 Parker, Florence Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 929 Robertson, PhUadelphia Una, 1 Jan. 1918. 930 Thomas, Kathleen Kyffin, 1 Jan. 1918. 931 Tucker, Herbert Carey, 1 Jan. 1918. 932 WeigaU, Reginald Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 933 Boyle, Fanny, Mrs. Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918 934 CarroU, Heni Materoa, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 936 Coates, Lavinia, 1 Jan. 1918. 937 Duthie, David Whamond, 1 Jan. 1918. 939 Gunson, Jessie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 941 Holland, Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 942 Lowry, Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 943 Pomare, Miria Woodbine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 944 Rhodes, Arthur Edgar Gravenor, 1 Jan. 1918. 946 Rutherford, Eva Lydia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 947 Stewart, Mary Downie, 1 Jan. 1918. 948 Wigram, Agnes Vernon, Mrs. Henry Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. 949 WUliams, Hilda, 1 Jan. 1918. 950 Amphlett, Theodora Mildred, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 951 Anstey, Norman, 1 Jan. 1918. 952 Blankenberg, Reginald Andrew, 1 Jan. 1918. 954 Ponsonby, Hon. Mrs. Maurice George Jesser, 1 Jan. 1918. 956 Clark, Gowan CressweU Strange, 1 Jan. 1918. 957 Davis, Mary Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 958 Greenacre, Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 959 Juta, Helen Lena, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 960 Lewis, Elizabeth Tryphena, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 961 Mackeurtan, Ellen Maria Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 962 Marx, Susannah Brandt, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. . 963 Nicolson, Joseph Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 964 O'Hara, John Wesley, 1 Jan. 1918. 965 Parker, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 966 Sampson, Henry William, 1 Jan. 1918. 967 Smartt, Sybil Annie, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 968 Solomon, Maud Elizabeth, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 970 Sturman, Edward Albert, 1 Jan. 1918 971 Taylor, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 972 van Zijl, Carel Johannes, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 974 Conroy, Charles O'Neill, 1 Jan. 1918. 975 Emerson, Katherine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 977 MacPherson, Eleonora Thompson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918 979 Paterson, Florence Lavinia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918 981 Alabaster, Chaloner GrenvUle, 1 Jan. 1918. 982 AUwood, John Humber, 1 Jan. 1918. 983 Berne, James Leo, 1 Jan. 1918. 984 BuUock, Amy Isabel, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 985 Cook, Albert Ruskin, 1 Jan. 1918. 986 Cran, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 987 de Freitas, Anthony, 1 Jan. 1918. 988 Drayton, Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1918. 989 Egerton, Ada Maud, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918 990 Felton, Muriel Harriet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918 991 Fisher, John Campbell, 1 Jan. 1918 992 Fletcher, Stanley Hewitt, 1 Jau. 1918. 993 Furley, John Talfourd, 1 Jau. 1918 598 994 Murray, Hon. Mrs. Ronald Thomas Graham, 1 Jan. 1918. 995 Huggins, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 996 Jackson, Edward St. John, 1 Jan. 1918. 997 James, Williard Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 998 Jebb, Robert RusseU Horsley, 1 Jan. 1918. 999 Johnston, Margaret Emmeline, Mrs. James Thomason, 1 Jan. 1918. 1000 Keng, Lim Boon, 1 Jan. 1918: 1001 Malcolm, Harcourt Gladstone, 1 Jan. 1918. 1002 McDonald, James Gordon, 1 Jan. 1918. 1003 Nicholson, Sybil Helen, Lady, 1 Jau. 1918. 1004 Nicolls, Edward Hugh Dyneley, 1 Jan. 1918. 1005 Patron, Joseph Armand, 1 Jan. 1918. 1006 Probyn, EmUy, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 1007 Radcliffe, Cecily, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1008 Radford, Beatrice Letitia May, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1009 Rippon, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 1010 Scicluna, Corinna, Marchesa, 1 Jan. 1918. 1011 Sharp, Ernest HamUton, 1 Jan. 1918. 1012 Simpson, Hubert Ashton Laselve, 1 Jan. 1918. 1013 Spurting, Stanley SaUsbury, 1 Jan. 1918. 1014 Stabb, Sir Newton John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1015 Swinbourne, Charles Augustus, 1 Jan. 1918. (m.) 1016 Wilson, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 1017 Austin, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 1018 Boraston, John Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. (st.) 1019 Bragg, WUliam Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 1021 Clifford, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 1022 Currie, Isabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1023 Duke, Richard Hare, 1 Jan. 1918. 1024 Fitch, Rev. Edward Arnold, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 1025 Fowler, Charles Edward Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 1026 Green, Francis Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 1027 Griffith, George Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 1028 Higgin-Bhket, Myles, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 1029 Jessop, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 1030 Magrath, Charles John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1032 Tod, Marcus Niebuhr, 1 Jan. 1918. (II.) 1034 Wright, Edward Constable, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 1037 Absale, John Hilling, 3 June, 1918. 1040 Adcock, Frank Ezra, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1041 Adey, John Kellerman, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 1042 Agnew, Charles Morland, 3 June, 1918. 1043 Agnew, Samuel Montagu, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1044 Aitken, James Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 1045 Akerman, John Camille, 3 June, 1918. 1046 Alexander, Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 1047 Allan, James, 3 June, 1918. 1048 AUardice, WilUam McDiarmid, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1049 Allen, Clementina Dorothy, 3 June, 1918. 1052 Alvarez, Justin Charles WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1053 Anderson, Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 1054 Anderson, Charles Harrison Murray, 3 June, 1918. (li.) 1055 Anderson, Dora, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1056 Anderson, Eric Harper. 3 June, 1918. 1057 Anderson, WUliam 3 June, 1918. 1058 Apthorp, Beatrice Mary, 3 June, 1918. 1059 Armstrong, Francis PhUip, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1060 Arscott, WilUam Herbert, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1061 Aston, Reginald Godfrey, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1062 Atha, Charles Gurney, 3 June, 1918. 1063 Atkinson, Georgina Jane, 3 June, 1918. 1064 Attwood, Edward Lewis, 3 June, 1918. 1065 Audus, Henry Joseph Francis, 3 June, 1918. (It.) 1066 Avern, James Waters Earnscllffe, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1067 Badger, James Carol, 3 June, 1918. 1068 Badshah, Kavas Jamas, 3 June, 1918. 1069 Bailey, Duncan, 3 June, 1918. 1071 BaUlie, GranvUle Hugh, 3 June, 1918. 1072 Baillieu, Clive Latham, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1073 Baker, George, 3 June, 1918. 1074 Baker, Richard Lawrence, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1075 Balaam, Charles John, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1076 Burton-Baldry, Walter Burton, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1077 Baldwin, Edmund Chaplin, 3 June, 1918. 1078 Baldwin, Lucy, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1079 BaU, William Valentine, 3 June, 1918. 1080 Balme, Archibald Hamilton, 3 June, 1918. 1081 Bamford, Harry WilUam Morrev, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1082 Banfleld, Richard, 3 June, 1918". 1083 Barbour, Anna Edwards, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1085 Baring, Hon. Maurice, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1086 Barkas, Thomas Cooke, 3 June, 1918. 1087 Barnard, Arthur John Chichester, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1088 Barnardiston, Katherine Weston, Mrs. Emald, 3 June 1918. 1089 Barnes, Frank Purcell, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1090 Barnes, James Burden, 3 June, 1918. 1091 Barnsley, George, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1092 Barnwell, Frank Sowter, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1093 Barrett, Geottrey Foster, 3 June, 1918. 1094 Barry, Bernard John Wolfe Wolfe-, 3 June, 191S. 1095 Barry, David, 3 June, 1918. 1096 Bartholomew, John, 3 June, 1918. 1097 Barton, Emma Alice, Mrs, 3 June, 1018. 1099 Bates, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 1100 Bates, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1101 Bayley, Roland, 3 June, 1918. OFFICERS. 1102 Beaumont, Violet Marie Louise, Earoness, 3 June, 1918. 1103 Beckett, Ivy Nina, Mrs.,3 June, 1918. 1104 Bellamy, Charles Glynn Hughes, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1106 Bennett, Reginald Allbon, 3 June, 1918. 1108 Berners, John Anstruther, 3 June, 1918. 1109 Bettington, Egerton Mitford, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1110 Bilsland, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1111 Binyon, Basil, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1112 Bird, James, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1113 Bispham, James Webb, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1114 Blackburne-Farrer, Edward Richard, 3 June, 1018. (st.) 1115 Blackler, Leonard, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1116 Blacklock, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1117 Blackshaw, John Frank, 3 June, 1918. 1118 Blake. Harry, 3 June, 1918. 1119 Blaker, Sir John George, Bart, 3 June, 1918. 1120 Blandford, Herbert John George,8 June, 1918. 1121 de Blaquiere, Marie Lucienne Henriette Adtae, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 1122 Bloomfield, James, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1124 BlundeU, Bryan Seymour Moss-, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1125 Boar, William Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1126 Board, WiUiam John, 3 June, 1918. 1127 Bond, John, 3 June, 1918. 1128 Bond, John Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1129 Booth, Erskine, 3 June, 1918. 1131 Borrie, Walter, 3 June, 1918. 1132 Boswell, Percy George Hamnal, 3 June, 1918. 1133 Bower, Thomas Stanley, 3 June, 1918. 1134 Boyce, Godfrey Hale, 3 June, 1918. 1135 Boyton, Robert Alexander Stewart, 3 June, 1918. 1136 Bradbury, WilUam Percy, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1137 Bradford, William, 3 June, 1918. 1138 Bradshaw, Frank, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1139 Bradshaw, Granville Eastwood, 3 .tune, 1918. 1140 BramaU, Ernest Edward Peel, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1141 Brand, Robert Harvey, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1142 Brett, Hon. Maurice Vymer BaUol, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1143 Broad, Gordon Leslie, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1144 Broadwood, Francis, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1145 WUloughby de Broke, Marie Frances Lisette, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 1147 Brothers, Orlando Frank, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 1148 Brown, Alice, 3 June, 1918. 1149 Brown, Archibald HaU, 3 June, 1918. 1150 Browne, Lady Mary Isabel Peyronnet, 3 June, 1918. 1152 Bruce, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. (st). 1153 Bruce, Edward Wahond de Wells, 3 June, 1918. 1154 Bruce, WiUiam Joseph WUlett, 3 June, 1918. 1155 Brunton, John Norman, 3 June, 1918. 1156 Bryant, George Herbert, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1157 Buckley, Edward John, 3 June 1918. (it.) 1158 Budgett, Georgiana Essie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1159 Buist, WUUam Huntley, 3 June, 1918. 1160 Bulleid, Charles Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1161 BuUen, WiUiam Henry Chambers, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1162 BuUoch, Marion Maria, 3 June, 1918. 1163 Burgess, WiUiam Edward, 3 June, 1918. (sr.) 1164 Burne, Newdigate Addington Knightley, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1165 Burnet, Sarah Elizabeth, 3 June, 1918. 1166 Burnie, WiUiam Beckit, 3 June, 1918. 1167 Burton, Rev. Canon Harry Darwin, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1168 Bushrod, Frank, 3 June, 1918. 1169 Butcher, Samuel Foster, 3 June, 1918. 1170 Butler, Albert, 3 June, 1918. 1171 Butler, Harold George, 3 June, 1918. 1172 Butterworth, Jabez, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1173 Buxton, Lucy Ethel, Mrs. Gerald, 3 June, 1918. 1174 Buxton, Mary Emma, Hon. Mrs. Francis William, 3 June, 1918. 1175 Byne, Roland Martin, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1176 Byrom, Charles Reginald, 3 June, 1918. 1177 Cabuche, Henry Leon, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1178 Cairns, Rev. David Smith, 3 June, 1918. 1180 CaldweU, Michael Alexander, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1181 Callan, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 1182 Calverley, Louisa Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1183 CampbeU, Donald, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1184 Campbell, Mary Vereker HamUton-, 3 June, 1918. 1185 Campos, Victor Ribeiro d'AImeida, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1186 Du Cane, Charles George, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1187 Cannons, Edwin Galton, 3 June, 1918. 1188 Cargill, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 1189 Carpenter, Charles Howard, 3 June, 1918. 1190 Carr, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 1191 Carr, Reginald ChUders CuUing, 3 June, 1918. 1192 Carter, Flora Mactavish, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1193 Carter, Herbert Parkinson, 3 June, 1918. 1194 Cary, Reginald Ormsby, 3 June, 1918. 1195 Cathles, Albert, 3 June, 1918. 1196 Cave, Beatrice Julia, Mrs. Charles Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1197 Cavendish, Elizabeth Janet, Hon. Mrs. William Edwm, 3 June, 1918. 1198 Chaldecott, Harold Richards, 3 June, 1918. 1199 Chamberlain, Helen, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1200 Chambers, Frank WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1201 Chamier, John Adrian, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 120212031204 12051206 1207 120812091210121112121213 1214 121712181219 1220 12221223 12241225 12261227 12281229 123012311232 1234 12351236 1237 12381239 1240124112421243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1251 1252 12531254 12551256 1257 125812591260126112621263126612671269127012711273127412751276 1278 1279 128012811282 128312841285 1286 1287 1288 128912901291 129212931294 1295 1296 12971298 129913001301 1302130313041305130613071308 Chaplin, Reginald Spencer, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Chapman, Edward Henry, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Charlton, Rowland Hugh, 3 June, 1918. Charrington, Elinor Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Chassar, WilUam Charles, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Cheetham, Eva Christine, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Chettle, Henry Francis. 3 June, 1918. (si.) Chill, Edwin Albert, 3 June, 1918. Cholmeley, Robert Francis, 3 June, 1918. Chute, Mervyn Lyde, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Clapham, Douglas, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Claret, Frank Henry, 3 June, 1918. Clark, Frederick Ourry, 3 June, 1918. Clay, William Henry Christy, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) Clippertoii, Ella Elizabeth, Mrs. Charles Bell Child, 3 Juno, 1918. Clowes, Mary Knight, 3 June, 1918. Coates, Thomas Seymour, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Cockburn, David, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Cockburn, Ernest Radcliffe, 3 June, 1918. (st.) Cockburn, George Ernest, 3 June, 1918. Cockell, Anthony Stuart Bucldand-, 3 June, 1918. Coke, Basil Elmsley, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Coleman, George Henry, 3 June, 1918. Coleman, Patrick Eugene, 3 June, 1918. (St.) CoUett, Charles Benjamin, 3 June, 1918. Concannon, Henry, 3 June, 1918. Coope, Raymond Henry, 3 June, 1918. Cooper, Vivian Bolton Douglas, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Corbett, Sybel, 3 June, 1918. Comish, William Delhi, 3 June, 1918. Cosgrove, James, 3 June, 1918. Cotterell, Mabel, 3 June, 1918. Coulon, Frederick, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) Couper, John Charles, 3 June, 1918. Cox, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. Cox, Irene Winifred, 3 June, 1918. Crafter, Richard Andrew, 3 June, 1918. Craig, Eustace Neville, 3 June, 1918. Craig, William, 3 June, 1918. Crisp, John, 3 June, 1918. Croal, George Crammond, 3 June, 1918. Croker, Crofton, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) Crook, William Montgomery, 3 June, 1918. Crow, Alwyn Douglas, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) Crowdy, Isabel, 3 June, 1918. Cruddas, William John, 3 June, 1918. Cruiekshank, Alexander Thomas, 3 June, 1918. Culver, Edith Bruce, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Cumming, Alexander Charles, 3 June, 1918. Cunningham, Barbara Martin, 3 June, 1918. Curry, James William, 3 June, 1918. Dainton, Sydney Herbert George, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Dale, Alywn Percy, 3 June, 1918. (it.) Dalgleish, James William Ogilvy-, 3 June, 1918. (m.) Dalrymple, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Dalziel, Norman Pearson, 3 June, 1918. Daniell, Thomas Edward St. Clare, 3 June, 1918. (st.) Davies, Charles Robert, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Davies, Ethel, Mrs. Price-, 3 June, 1918. Davies, Thomas Evan, 3 June, 1918. Davies, WiUiam Henry Saxon, 3 June, 1918. Davis, Sidney George, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Dawnay, Sybil Mary, 3 June, 1918. Dawson, Arthur James, 3 June, 1918. Dawson, Minnie Ethel, Lady, 3 June, 1918. Day, Edmund, 3 June, 1918. (11.) Deane, Augusta, 3 June, 1918. Delany, WUUam, 3 June, 1 918. (M.) Denham, Arthur Christopher, 3 June, 1918. Dennis, Bertram Ramsey, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Despard, Beatrice Lome, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Dexter, Edward, 3 June, 1918. Dexter, Thomas Edward, 3 June, 1918. Dickson, Isabel Anne, 3 June, 1918. Dickson, Norman, 3 June, 1918. Diggins, Arthur, 3 June, 1918. Dignam, Edmund Grattan, 3 June, 1918. Dimmer, John Francis, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Dimsdale, Beatrice, Dowager Lady, 3 June, 1918. Dixon, Edward. 3 June, 1918. Dixon, Leonard Alexander, 3 June, 1918. Dodds, Thomas Liddell, 3 June, 1918. Dodsworth, Sir Matthew Blayncy Smith-, Bart, 3 June 1918. Dodsworth, Robinson Irving, 3 June, 1918. Dolton, Herbert Edward, 3 June, 1918. Dorman, Bedford Lockwood, 3 June, 1918. Douglas, AUred, 3 June, 1918. Doyle, James Bernard Harvey, 3 June, 1918 . (II.) Drinkwater Katharine Rosebery, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Druitt, Reginald Ernest, 3 June, 1918. Drummond, Robert, 3 June, 1918. Drury, Geoffrey Herbert, 3 June, 1918. Drysdale, John Douglas, 3 June, 1918. (it.) Dugdale, Maud Violet, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Duncan, James, 3 June, 1918. Dunlop, Charles, 3 June, 1918. (st.) Dunnett, Rev. George Victor, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 599 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1309 Dunsheath, Percy, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1310 Durnford, Philip Barton, 3 June, 1918. 1311 Edmed, Frank George, 3 June, 1918. 1314 Edwards, William Rea, 3 June, 1918. 1315 Egan, George, 3 June, 1918. 1316 Elgood, Frank Minshull, 3 June, 1918. 1317 EUes, Arthur Warre, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1318 Ellicock, Samuel, 3 June, 1918. 1319 Ellis, James Valentine, 3 June, 1918. 1320 Elwood, Elisha, 3 June, 1918. 1321 Emett, Frederick WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1322 Ennis, Lawrence, 3 June, 1918. 1323 Evans, Henry Morton Glyn, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1324 Evans, Herbert Walter Lloyd, 3 June, 1918. 1325 Evans, Richard, 3 June, 1918, 1326 Evelyn, Gwendolen Evelyn Maud, 3 June, 1918. 1327 Ewart, Ernest Andrew, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1328 Eyre, John, 3 June, 1918. 1329 Faber, Oscar, 3 June, 1918. 1330 Fairbank, William, 3 June, 1918. 1331 Farmer, Samuel William, 3 June, 1918. 1332 Farnsworth, Alfred WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1333 Fender, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1334 Ffiske, WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1335 Field, Herbert Stanley, 3 June, 1918. 1336 Field, Joseph Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1337 Fiennes, Florence Agnes, Hon. Lady Twistleton- Wykeham-, 3 June, 1918. 1338 Finch, William, 3 June, 1918. 1339 Finlay, Frank Dalzell, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1340 Finlavson, Duncan, 3 June, 1918. 1342 Fleming, John Grant, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1343 Fletcher, Frank Purser, 3 June, 1918. 1344 Flett, John Smith, 3 June, 1918. 1345 Flower, Leila Beatrice, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1346 Ford, Allen Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1347 Forsdick, Edward Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1348 Forsdlke, George Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 1349 Forster, John Vemon, 3 June, 1918. 1350 Foster, John Vere, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1351 Fowler, Ralph Howard, 3 June, 1918, 1352 Fowler, Robert Copp, 3 June, 1918. 1353 Francis, Herbert WiUiam Sidney, 3 June, 1918. 1354 Franey, George Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 1355 Freeth, Francis Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 1356 Fricker, Guy Carey, 3 June, 1918. 1357 Fry, Beatrice, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1358 Fry, Theodore Wilfrid, 3 June, 1918. 1359 Fuller, Mabel, Mrs. Robert Fleetwood, 3 June, 1918. 1360 Gandy, Gerard Knipe, 3 June, 1918. 1361 Gandy, Henry George, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1362 Ganson, Robert Dowell, 3 June, 1918. 1364 GaskeU, Holbrook, 3 June, 1918. 1367 Gatty, Lina Mary, Mrs. Alexander John Scott-, 3 June, 1918. 1368 Gaunt, Walter Henry, S June, 1918. 1369 George, John, 3 June, 1918. 1370 Gibson, Herbert Mends, 3 June, 1918. 1371 Gibson, Richard Edward, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1372 Gilchrist, John MacAusIan, 3 June, 1918. 1374 Glaser, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 1375 Glynn, Thomas Georae Powell, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1376 Gobey, Francis Edward, 3 June. 1918. 1377 Goddard, Charles Ernest, 3 June. 1918. 1378 Godfray, John Charles Lerrier, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1379 Gold, Harcourt Gilbey, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1380 Gordon, James Scott, 3 June, 1918. 1381 Gordon, James Tennant, 3 June, 1918. 1384 Gott, Violet Alice. Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1385 Graham, Thoma. Harkness, 3 June, 1918. 1386 GranviUe, Dennis. 3 June, 1918. 1887 Grasett, Edward Douglas, 3 June, 1918. 1388 Grasslok, Frederick, 3 June. 191 8. (si.) 1389 Graves, Cecil Alexander Hope, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1390 Gray, James Carter, 3 June. 1918. 1391 Green, Ethel Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1392 Green, John, 3 June. 1918. (St.) 1393 Green, Sir John Little, 3 June, 1918. 1394 GreenweU, Charles Okey, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1395 Greer, Alured Ussher, 1 June, 1918,. (St.) 1396 Gregory, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1397 de Grey, Nigel, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1398 Grey, Lady Sybil. 3 June, 1918. 1399 Grieve, Richard Albany, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1400 Grigor, WUliam Ernest, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1401 Gripper, Basil Jasper, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1402 Grove, Frank, 3 June, 1918. 1403 Grundy, Samuel Percy, 3 June, 1918. 1405 Gull, Sir William Cameron, Bart, 3 June, 1918. 1406 Gunn, John Alexander. 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1407 Gush, Arthur Sydnev, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1408 Gwyn, Edith. Mrs. Moore-, 3 June, 1918. 1409 Haines, John Thomas Augustus 3 June, 1918. 1411 Hall, Annie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1412 Hall, Charles John Ernest. 3 June, 1918. 1413 Hall, Frederick Walter, 3 June, 1918. 1414 HaU, Herbert Gordon Lewis, 3 June, 1918. (li.) 1416 Hall, Martin Julian, 3 June, 1918. 1416 Hallett, Frederic Greville, 3 June, 1918. 1417 Hamil-, John Molyneux, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1418 Hamilton, Charles Gipps, 3 June, 1918. 1419 Hanbury, Effield Dorothy Cecil, Mrs. Cecil, 3 June, 1918. 1420 Hancock, Charles Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 1421 Handover, Harry George, 3 June, 1918. 1423 Hannah, John Miller, 3 June, 1918. 1424 Hanson, John Richard, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1425 Hanson, Paul Rennard, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1426 Hanson, Reginald John Edward, 3 June, 1918. (m.) 1427 Harding, Egerton Stephen Somers, 3 June, 1918. 1428 Hardisty, William Frederick James, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1429 Hardman, Frances May Holford, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1430 Harker, Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1431 Harley, David, 3 June, 1918. 1432 Harper, Arthur David, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1433 Harper, John Bradford, 3 June, 1918. 1434 Harries, Herbert Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 1435 Harris, George Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1436 Harris, George Montagu, 3 June, 1918. 1438 Harrison, William, 3 June, 1918. 1439 Harrison, William Edward, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1440 Harston, John Edwin, 3 June, 1918. 1441 Harstone, John Brunton, 3 June, 1918. (II.) 1443 Hartley, Harry, 3 June, 1918. 1444 Hartree, William, 3 June, 1918. 1446 de HaviUand, Geoffrey, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1447 Hay, Algernon Richard Francis, 3 June, 1918. 1448 Hay, James Lawrence, 3 June, 1918. 1449 Haycraft, George Tolman, 3 June, 1918. 1450 Hayes, George Patrick, 3 June, 1918. 1451 Hayward, Ernest Addison Stanley, 3 June, 1918. 1452 Head, Geoffrey, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1453 Heakes, Samuel Rigbye, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1454 Heasman, Albert Edward, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1455 Heath, Meyrick William, 3 June, 1918. 1456 Heatley, WU.iam Robertson, 3 June, 1918. 1457 Heaton, Margaret Elizabeth, Mis, 3 June, 1918. 1458 Hedderwick, Ethel Marian, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1459 Helmore, George Reginald, 3 June, 1918. 1460 Henderson, Kenneth George, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1461 Herbert, Rosalie Margaret, 3 June, 1918. 1462 Hetherington, Roger GaskeU, 3 June 1918. 1463 Hewlett, Francis Esme Theodore, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1464 Hickes, Edward Weston, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1465 Hicks, William Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1468 Hill, George Bernard, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1469 Hill, Henry Leonard Gauntlett, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1470 Hill, Thomas Eustace, 3 June, 1918. 1471 Hilleary, Edward Langdale, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1472 Hind, Arthur Mayger, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1473 Hinks, Frederick George, 3 June, 1918. 1474 Hippisley, Richard John Bayntun, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1475 Hhd, Frank, 3 June, 1918. 1476 Hodgson, Arthur John, 3 June, 1918. 1477 Hodgson, Joseph Willoughby, 3 June, 1918 1478 Hodgson, Patrick Khkman, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1479 Hogarth William, 3 June, 1918. 1480 Hogg, Robert Henry, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1481 Holden, John Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1482 HoUiday, Lionel Brook, 3 June, 1918. 1483 Hollins, Dora EmUy Susan, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 1484 Holmes, Henry NichoUs, 3 June, 1918. 1485 Holmes, Horace Gordon, 3 June, 1918. 1486 Holmes, Robert Blake Worsley, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1487 Holt, Thomas Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 1489 Honey, Annie Violet, 3 June, 1918. 1490 Hooper, Alexander Francis Anderson, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1491 Hooper, WaUis Dawson, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1492 Hope, Edward WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1494 Home, John William, 3 June, 1918. 1495 Hoskyns, Mabella Harriette Georgina, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1496 Howard, Henry Ralph Mowbray, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1497 Hudlass, Felix William, 3 June, 1918. 1499 Hudson, Faimy Marian, 3 June, 1918. 1500 Hudson, Hilda Phoebe, 3 June, 1918. 1501 Hughes, Phyllis May, Lady, 23 June, 1918. 1502 Hulton, WUliam Arthur Hyde, 3 June, 1918. 1503 Humphrys, John GoundriU, 3 June, 1918. 1504 Hunloke, Sylvia, Mrs. Philip, 3 June, 1918. 1505 Hunt, Jesse Brookes, 3 June, 1918. 1506 Hunter, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 1507 Hutchinson, Henry Norton, 3 June, 1918. 1508 Hutchinson, Walter Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 1509 Ilbert, Joyce Violet, 3 June, 1918. 1510 Inglis, Hugh, 3 June, 1918. 1511 Iron, John, 3 June, 1918. 1512 Irving, Lewis Allen, 3 June, 1918. 1513 James, Fullarton, 3 June, 1918. 1514 James, Robert Percival, 3 June, T918. 1515 James, Wilhelmiua Martha, 3 June, 1918. 1516 James, William John, 3 June, 1918. 1517 Jeffes, George Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 1518 Jenkin, Henry Archibald, 3 June, 1918. 1519 Jessiman, George Gaston, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1520 Johnson, Arthur Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1521 Johnson, Robert Stewart, 3 June, 1918. 1522 Johnston, Arthur Hammersley, 3 June, 1918. 1523 Johnstone, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 1524 Johnstone, Josephine. Mrs. John Heywood, S June, 1918. 600 OFFICERS. 152515261527152815291530153115321533 15341535 '.637 1539154015411542 1543 15441545 154715481549155015511552 15531554 1555155615581559 15601561 15621563156415651566 1567 156815701571 1572 157315741575157615771579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 158515861537 1588 1589 159015911592159315941595159615971598 159916001601160216031604160516061607 1611161216131614 1615 1616161716181620 16261627 1631 Jones, Aneurin, 3 June, 1918. Jones, Charies Hugh le Palleur, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Jones, David GwUym, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Jones, Ethel Mary, 3 June, 1918. Jones, Glyn Howard Howard-, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Jones, Richard Evan, 3 June, 1918. Jones, Tom Bruce, 3 June, 1918. Jones. WUliam, 3 June, 1918. (st.) Joseph, Ernest Martin, 3 June, 1918. (II.) Josselyn, John, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Jov, Sydney Cooper, 3 June, 1918. Kan, Frederick, 3 June, 1918. Keary, George, 3 June, 1918. Keene, John Limrick, 3 June, 1918. Keene, Thomas Mann, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Keith, Angus, 3 June, 1918. Kelly, HUda Margaret Catherine, 3 June, 1918. KendaU, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1918. Kennedy, James Montagu Bowie, 3 June 1918. (m.) Kerr. AUen Coulter, 3 June, 1918. Kershaw, Abraham, 3 June, 1918. Kershaw, Edward Bertram HUton, 3 June, 1918. Kershaw, Frederick WUliam. 3 June, 1918. Kinahan, John, 3 June, 1918. Kiucaid, James Scott, 3 June, 1918. Kindersley, Guy, 3 June, 1918. (si.) King, Rev. Thomas Joseph, 3 June, 1918. (st.) Kingston, George Henry, S June, 1918. Kinloch, Sir George, Bart, 3 June, 1918. Kirk, Norah, Mrs. 3 June, 1918. Kirwin, Joseph John, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Knox, Robert Graeme, 3 June, 1918. (st.-* Knyfton, Edith Mary, Mrs. Graves-, 3 June, 1918. Lacey, Solomon James, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Laing, Hugh, S June, 1918. Lamb, Andrew, 3 June, 1918. Lamb, Malcolm Henry Mortimer, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Lane, Francis Lawrence, 3 June, 1918. Langridge, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. Lapsley, Claude Charles, 3 JuDe, 1918. Lawless, EmUy Anne, Lady Crooke-, 3 June, 1918. Lawrence, John Henry, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Lawson, Francis Bernard, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Lawton, Frank Warburton, 8 June, 1918. Layland, Henry, 3 June, 1918. (st.) Lea, George Edward, 3 June, 1918. Leach, Richard, 3 June, 1918. Leake, Frederick Osborne Simeon,, 3 June, 1918. Ledgard, Reginald Armitage, 3 June. 1918. Lee, WUliam Lauriston MelviUe, 3 June 1918. Lees, Ebenezer Antony, 3 June, 1918. Leese, Vernon Francis, 3 June, 1918. Leete, WUUam Chambers, 3 June, 1918. Lefevre, Frederick Charles, 3 June, 1918. Lemon, Ernest John Hutchings, 3 June, 1918. Lench, Harry, 3 June, 1918. Lenthall, Charles Bertram, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) Leon, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. (M.) LesUe, Robert, 3 June, 1918. Lester, John Bingley Garland, 3 June, 1918. Lethaby, Tom, 3 June, 1918. (if.) Levick, Thomas Henry Carlton, 3 June, 1918. Lewer, Arthur John, 3 June, 1918 (II.) Lewis, Arthur Francis Owen, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Lincoln, John Bebrouth, 3 June, 1918. Lindley, WiUiam Burns, 3 June, 1918. Lindsay, Henry Edith Arthur, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Lindsay, Lady Kathleen, 3 June, 1918. Littlewood, AUred WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (31.) LleweUyn, Joseph MUlro, 3 June, 1918. Lloyd, Charles, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Lloyd, Ernest Herbert, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Lloyd, George William, 3 June, 1918. Lloyd, Nathaniel, 3 June, 1918. Lobban, Alexander Harper, 3 June, 1918. Loch, Ruth, 3 June, 1918. Long, Michael John, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Lothian, James, 3 June, 1918. Loveday, WiUiam Dunmore, 3 June, 1918. Luce. Emily Gertrude, 3 June. 1918. Lumley, Constance ElUnor, Hon. Mrs. Osbert Victor George Atheling, 3 June, 1918. Lyne, Harry, 3 June, 1918. Lytton, Hon. Neville Stephen, 3 June, 1918. 'it.) Mabee, Oliver Hugel, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Macartney, James, 3 June, 1918. McBain, Alexander Richardson, 3 June, 1918. McCHntock, Antonia, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. McCracken, David Edenfleld, 3 June, 1918. MacDonald, Hector Munro, 3 June, 1918. MacDonald, Rev. Robert Gordon, 3 June, 1918. Mackay, Nora, 3 June, 1918. Mackenzie, John Hugh Munro, 3 June, 1918. Mackie, Tom Darke, 3 June, 1918. (st.) McLaren, Alexander Ernest. 3 June, 1918. McMath, John, 3 June, 1918. McMullen, William Halliburton, 3 June, 1918. Macrae, Donald MacNaughton, 3 June, 1918. (31.) Madden, WUliam Thomas, 3 June 1918. 1633 Main, William Smith, 3 June. 1918. 1634 Maitland, Edward Bellasis Wightman, 3 June, 1918. 1635 Maitland, William Whitaker, 3 June. 1918. 1636 Maloney, Edward, 8 June, 1918. 1637 Man, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1638 Mann, Francis Oscar, 3 June, 1918. 1639 Mansfield, Henry Lattin, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1640 Mansfield, Ralph Sheldon, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1641 Mansfield, Thomas Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1042 Mansford, Henry, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1643 Maples, Edward William, 3 June, 1918. 1645 Marr, John Lynn, 3 June, 1918. 1646 Marsden, John, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1647 Marshall, Arthur James, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1648 Marsham, Hon. Reginald Hastings, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1649 Martin, Alfred James, 3 June, 1918. 1650 Martin, David, 3 June, 1918. 1651 Martin, William Lewis, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1652 Martindale, Hilda, 3 June, 1918. 1653 Maskall, George Stephen, 3 June, 1918. 1654 Maslin, Charles James, 3 June, 1918. 1655 Mathias, James Herbert, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1656 Maton, Reginald Foster Pitt, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1657 Maxwell, Charles Henderson, 3 June, 1918. (11.) 1658 May, Henry John, 3 June, 1918. 1659 Mayne, Otway, 3 June, 1918. 1660 Melville, Arthur Henry Leslie-, 3 June, 1918. 1661 Menzies, Major Robert, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1662 Merrells, Thomas Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 1663 Merriman, Frank Boyd, 3 June, 1918. (11.) 1664 Mewburn, Frank Hamilton, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1665 Michell, Marie Louise, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1666 Milford, Sydney William, 3 June, 1918. 1667 MUler, Thomas Lodwick, 3 June, 1918. 1668 Milliken, Gertrude Andrews, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1669 MUUngton, Herbert Ashlin, 3 June, 1918. 1670 MUne, John Archibald Douglas, 3 June, 1918. 1671 MUner, Sarah Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1672 Mitchell, Frank Carlyle, 3 June, 1918. 1674 Moffatt, James, 3 June, 1918. 1676 Monckton, Thomas Anthony, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1677 Moreton, Loftus Balfour, 3 June, 1918. 1678 Morisons, Jules Louis, 3 June, 1918. .-.„,, 1680 Morris, Alfred Drummond Warrington-, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1681 Morris, Thomas Robertson, 3 June, 1918. 1682 Morris, William Richard, 3 June, 1918. 1683 Morrison, Sidney WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1685 Moscrop Andrew, 3 June, 1918. 1686 Moth, Rev. John Charles, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1688 Mountjoy, John Percy, 3 June, 1918. 1689 Moxon, John, 3 June, 1918. 1690 Moyses, Harry John Swenson, 3 June, 1918. 1691 Muir, James Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 1692 Muirhead, John, 3 June, 1918. 1693 Mulligan. William Percival, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1694 Munro, Donald, 3 June, 1918. 1695 Muntzer, George Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 1696 Murray, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 1697 Murray, WUUam, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1698 Muspratt, Horace. 3 June, 1918. 1699 Myers, Dudley Borron, 3 June, 1918. 1700 Myles, Charles Duncan, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1701 Nash, William John Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1702 Neish, Colin Graham, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1703 Nelson, Henry. 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1704 Nelson, William, 3 June, 1918. 1705 Nelthorpe, Robert Nassau Sutton-, 3 June, 1918. 1706 Newell, Frederick WUliam Monk, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1707 Newnham, John Montague, 3 June, 1918. 1708 Nicholson, Robert Beattie, 3 June, 1918. 1710 Norman, Frank Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 1712 Oakley, Harry Ekermans, 3 June, 1918. 1713 O'Conor, Maude, Mrs. Edmond, 3 June, 1918. 1714 Okeden, Violet Parry-. 3 June, 1918. 1715 Oliver, Percy Lane, 3 June, 1918. 1716 Orme, Frederick George, 3 June. 1918. (si.) 1717 Osman, Alfred Henry, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1718 Owen, Alfred Lloyd, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1719 Owen, Edward Tudor, 3 June, 1918. 1720 Owen, John, 3 June, 1918. 1721 Owen, Reginald Charles Lloyd, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 1722 Paffard, Reginald Douglas, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1723 Palmer, Eric Barton, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1724 Palmer, Vivian Trestrail Dampier, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1725 Palmer, William Harold, 3 June, 1918. 1726 Pam, Maude Le Clerc, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1727 Parker, Charles Percival ,3 June 1918. (M.) 1728 Parkes, Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1730 Parry, Ernest Gambier, 3 June, 1918 1731 Passingham, Robert Townshend Anwyl-, 3 June, 1918 (it.) 1732 Paterson, Louise, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1733 Payne, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 1734 Payne, Richard Alfred Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 1735 Peace, Edwin, 3 June, 1918. 1736 Peak, WUliam Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 1738 Pearson, Robert John Addison, 3 June, 1918. 1740 Peel, Robert, 3 June. 1918. (St.) 1741 Pehse, Henrietta, Lady Beresford-, 3 June, 1918. 1742 Pelham, Maude Katherine, 3 June, 1918. 601 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1744 de Pencier, Rt. Rev. Adam Urias, Bishop, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1745 Penney, Peter John 3 June, 1918. 1746 Perrett, Thomas Edwin, 3 June 1918. (St.) 1747 Perrier, John William, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1748 Peskett, Leonard, 3 June, 1918. 1749 Petrie, James, 3 June, 1918. 1750 Petter, Edith Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1751 Pharazyn, Godfrey Norris, 3 June, 1918. 1752 Phayre, Richard, 3 June, 1918. 1753 Philip, James Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1754 Phillips, Ernest Harold, 3 June, 1918. 1755 Phillips, Ernest WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1756 PhiUips, Frederick Solomon, 3 June, 1918. 1757 Phillips, George Percy Achilles, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1758 Phillips, Henry Percy, 3 June, 1918. 1759 Phillips, Lilian Marion Estelle, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1760 Phillipson, John, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1761 Phillpotts, Bertha, 3 June, 1918. 1762 Pigott, Henry Lionel, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1763 Pigott, John Glyn, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1764 Pim, John, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1765 Pim, Violet May, Mrs., 3 June, 1918. 1766 Pirie, Duncan Vernon, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1767 Pitt, Fanny Sarah Marion, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1768 Piatt, Isaiah, 3 June, 1918. 1769 Playfair, Charles Murray, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1770 Pollock, Arthur Jocelyn Coleman, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1771 Pollok, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1772 Pott, Walter, 3 June, 1918. 1773 Potts, Reginald, 3 June, 1918. 1774 Potts, Thomas Worthington, 3 June, 1918. 1775 Powell, Kate Haidfe, Mrs., 3 June, 1918. 1776 PoweU, Herbert James Bingham, 3 June, 1918. 1777 Prescott, Charles William Beeston, 3 June, 1918. 1778 Preston, WUliam Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1779 Price, Henry GUbert, 3 June, 1918. 1780 Prust, Robert Bateman, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1783 Purdy, WiUiam Frank, 3 June, 1918. 1784 Quelch, Arthur Temple, 3 June, 1918. 1785 Quest, Arthur Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1787 Ramsay, James, 3 June, 1918. 1788 Randolph, Thomas Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1789 Ravenshaw, Rose Constance, Mrs. Hurdis Secundus Lalande, 3 June, 1918. 1790 RawUnson, Rev. Bernard Stephen, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1791 Rayner, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 1792 Ready, Basil Tobin, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 1793 Reed, Thomas Morley, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1794 Reeves, WUliam Harvey, 3 June, 1918. 1795 Reid, Percy Lester, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1796 Reid, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1798 Restall, Walter Tapley, 3 June, 1918. 1799 RetaUack, John Ley, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1800 Reynolds, Edgar Hercules, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1801 Reynolds, Harold Bulkeley, 3 June, 1918. 1803 Richards, George Cobley Smyth-, 3 June, 1918. 1804 Richards, Harold, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1805 Richardson, Charles WUliam, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1806 Richardson, Sidney Sherlock, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1807 Riches, Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1808 Rigg, Richard, 3 June, 1918. 1809 Rintoul, William, 3 June, 1918. 1810 Roberts, Alfred Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1811 Roberts, Richard Cowan, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1812 Roberts, William, 3 June, 1918. 1813 Robertson, Duncan John, 3 June, 1918. 1814 Robertson, James Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 1815 Robinson, Dorothy Eyre, 3 June, 1918. 1816 Robinson, Maurice Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 1817 Robinson, Samuel, 3 June, 1918. 1818 Rogers, Charles Herman, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1819 Rogers, Herbert Edwin Wright, 3 June, 1918. 1820 Rogers, John, 3 June, 1918. 1821 Rogers, John, 3 June, 1918. 1822 Rooke, Alfred Shipton, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1823 Ross, WUUam David, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1824 Ross, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1825 De Rougemont, Frank, 3 June, 1918. 1826 Rowe, George John, 3 June, 1918. 1827 Rowland, Margaret Lilian, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1828 Roxby, Francis Maude, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1829 Rudkin, Hugh Ernest, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1830 Rundle, Henry John Montague, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1831 RusseU, George Dearie, 3 June, 1918. 1832 Ruthen, Sh Charles Tamlin, 3 June, 1918. 1833 Ryder, George Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1834 Salcombe, Ernest Walter, 3 June 1918. 1835 Salmoud, Mary Augusta Compton, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 1836 Sample, Charles Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 1837 Sandbach, Ina Douglas Pennant, Hon. Mrs. Arthur Edmund, 3 June, 1918. 1838 Sandeman, Isabella Emma, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1839 Sandeman, Ronald Leighton, 3 June, 1918. 1840 Sanders, Percy Alau, 3 June, 1918. 1841 Sandes, Thomas Lewis Lindsay, 3 June, 1918. (st ) 1842 Satow, Harold Eustace, 3 June, 1918. 1843 Satterly, Charles Skinner, 3 June, 1918. 1844 de Saumarez, Jane Anne, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 1845 Saunders, Samuel Edgar, 3 June, 1918. 18461847 1848 1849 1850 185118521853 1854 185518571858 1859 18601861186218631864 1865 18661867 18681869 1870187118721873187418751876 1877 1879188018811883188418851886 18871888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 18961897189818991900190119021903190419051906 19071908190919101911191219131914 19151916 1917 19181919 1920 1921 1922192319241925 19261927192919301931193319341936193719381940194219441945 1946 1947 19481949 1950 19511952 602 Say, Richard, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Scholes, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. Scott, Louisa LesUe Florence, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Scully, Vincent Marcus Barron, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Senior, George Gaunt, 3 June, 1918. Shannon, Rev. William Floyd, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Sharpies, Richard William, 3 June, 1918. Shaughnessy, Edward Herbert, 3 June, 1918. Shaw, Robert, 3 June, 1918. (it.) Shearman, Montague, 3 June, 1918. Shephard, Walter Rider, 3 June, 1918. Sherman, Carlton CoUingwood, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) Short, Hugh, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Shove, Cyril Ambrose, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Shute, Charles WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. Shuter, James Percy, 3 June, 1918. Sieber, John Frederick, 3 June, 1918. SUverthome, James WUliam Bradford, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Skentelbery, George Arthur, 3 June, 1918. Skinner, Donald Chipman, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Sleight, Ernest, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Rmallwood, George Clarence, 3 June, 1918. Smiles, Samuel, 3 June, 1918. Smith, David Joseph, 3 June, 1918. (II.) Smith, Frances Louise Mrs. Kyrle-, 3 June, 1918. Smith, Robert James, 3 June, 1918. Smith, Sydney Edwin, 3 June, 1918. Smith, WUliam James, 3 June, 1918. Smythe, Altamont, 3 June, 1918. Smyth, Frederick WUkinson, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Snider, Irvine Robinson, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Somers, Frank, 3 June, 1918. Southey, John Henry WUIes, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Spaight, James Moloney, 3 June, 1918. Speranza, Victor Ernest, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Spoor, Benjamin Charles, 3 June, 1918. StaUybrass, WiUiam Teuton Swan, 3 June, 1918. Stanger, Ernest WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. Stanhope, Adele, Hon. Mrs. Charles Hay Scudamore, 3 June, 1918. Steel, Alfred Ernest, 3 June, 1918. Stevens, Edith, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Stewart, Archibald Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Stewart, Percy Malcolm, 3 June, 1918. Stobart, Henry John Scott, 3 June, 1918. Stobart, Jessica Octavia, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Stoker, George Herbert, 3 June, 1918. Stoker, Gilbert, 3 June, 1918. Stoneham, Edgar-Cooper, 3 June, 1918. Stovold, Herbert WilUam, 3 June, 1918. Stradbroke, Helena Violet AUce, Countess of, 3 June, 1918. Stuart, Edward John, 3 June, 1918. (st.) Stuart, Laura Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Stunt, Edith Melba, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Sturdy, Edward Vyse, 3 June, 1918. Sumner, Leonard, 3 June, 1918. Sutro, AUred, 3 June, 1918. Swainson, Robert Hunter, 3 June, 1918. Swan, Charles Robert John Atkin, 3 June, 1918. Swanwick, Laura Beatrix, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Swayne, Edward Hopton, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Sykes, George Arthur, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) Symes, Sandham John, 3 June, 1918. TapereU, Bernard Treleaven, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Tarring, Bateman Brown, 3 June, 1918. Taylor, John, 3 June, 1918. Taylor, John, 3 June, 1918. Taylor, Thomas Alexander Hatch, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Thomas, David, 3 June, 1918. Thomas, Ethel, 3 June, 1918. (it.) Thomas, Farrar Wolferston, 3 June, 1918. Thomas, Jessie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Thomas, John Frederick Ivor, 3 June, 1918. Thomas, Joseph Silvers WUliams-, 3 June, 1918. Thompson, Archibald Henry James, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Thompson, William Peter, 3 June, 1918. Thomson, John, 3 June, 1918. Thorne, May, 3 June, 1918. Thorpe, Arthur Winton, 3 June, 1918. Thurgood, Harry Voce, 3 June, 1918. Tindley, Francis Oswald, 3 June, 1918. Todhunter, Benjamin Edward, 3 June, 1918. Townshend, Francis Horatio Evory, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Travers, Frederick Thomas, 3 June, 1918. Tremayne, John Claude Lewis, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Trew, Richard James Fynmore, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) Trickett, Wilfrid Richard, 3 June, 1918. Tritton, Claude Henry, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) Trotter, John Frederick Arthur, 3 June, 1918. (St.; Tubb, Frederick WUUam, 3 June, 1918. Tulioch, Angus Alexander Gregorie, 3 June, 1918. Tiuloch, William Forbes, 3 June, 1918. Tunnard, Isabel Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Turbett, Byre Anthony Weldon 3 June, 1918. (St.) Turner, Helen Burgess, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Turner, Richard MUes Arundel Eaton, 3 June, 191 8. Turney, Fred, 3 June, 1918. (St.) TurnockjWalter Bertram, 3 June, 1918. Turpin, William Alfred,_3 June, 1918, '¦I !il OFFICERS (St.) (ii.)(M.) 1918. 1953 Turtill, Alfred Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1954 Tiirton, Willie Jack Trevor, 3 June, 1918. 1955 Twigg, Albert Percy, 3 June, 1918. 1956 Twiss, Mildred Caroline, 3 June, 1918. 1957 Twist, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1958 Tyler, Francis Cameron, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1959 Urquhart, Alexander Lewis, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 1960 Urwick, Thirza Beatrice, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1962 Waite, WUliam Vincent, 3 June, 1918. 1963 Wakelin, Arthur Brittan, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1964 Wakeling, Thomas George, 3 June, 1918. 1966 Walker, Nigel Ouchterlony, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1967 Wall, Arthur Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 1968 Wallace, James Hill, 3 June, 1918. 1969 Wallace, John, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1970 WaUer, Stanler, 3 June, 1918. 1972 Walmsley, Harry Henden, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1974 Warde, Frank, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 1975 de Wardt, John Isaac, 3 June, 1918. 1977 Warnock, David, 3 June, 1918. 1978 Warrand, Duncan Grant, 3 June, 1918. 1979 Warren, Sir Alfred Haman, 3 June, 1918. 1981 Watson, Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1982 Watson, John Henderson, 3 June, 1918. 1983 Watts, Charles Manley, 3 June, 1918. 1984 Watts, John Hunter, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1985 Wavish, Samuel John, 3 June, 1918. 1986 Wayne, Frederick WilUam, 3 June, 1918. 1987 Webb, Edward Clive, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1988 Weightman, Alfred Ernest, S June, 1918. 1989 Welford, Robert Anthony Ettrick, 3 June, 1990 West, Edith Maria, Hon. Mrs. Augustus WUliam, 3 June 1918. 1991 West, George PhiUp, 3 June, 1918. 1992 Westlake, Frederick Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 1994 Wethered, Mina Ricketts Sarah EUzabeth, 3 June, 1918. 1995 Wheeler, Edward Vincent Vashon, 3 June, 1918. 1996 Wheeler, Herbert Edward Ogle, 3 June, 1918. 1997 White, Clare, 3 June, 1918. 1998 White, Madge Macarthur, 3 June, 1918. 1999 Whitehouse, John Hubert, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2000 Whiteley, Cyprian Charles Oswald, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2001 Whiteley, Martha Annie, 3 June, 1918. 2002 Whiteman, George Hewitt, 3 June, 1918. 2003 Whitlock, Roland Whitelocke, 3 June, 1918. 2001 Whyte, John, 3 June, 1918. 2007 WUbraham, Evelyn Caryl Bootle-, 3 June, 1918. 2008 Wilcock, Albert Edward, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2009 WUkinson, John, 3 June, 1918. 2010 WiUiams, Arthur Moray, 3 June, 1918. 2011 WilUams, David, 3 June, 1918. 2012 Williams, Henry Owen, 3 June, 1918. 2013 WilUams, Annie Margery, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2014 Williams, Mabel Catherine St. John, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2015 WUliams, Walton d'Eichtal, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2016 WUUamson, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 2017 Willis, ZwingUus Frank, 3 June, 1918. 2018 Wilson, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 2019 WUson, Edward Arthur, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2020 WUson, Francis Bertram, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2021 Wilson, Frank, 3 June, 1918. 2022 Wilson, John, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2023 Wimborne, CorneUa Henrietta Maria, Dowager Baroness, 3 June, 1918. 2024 Whiearls, Henry Martin, 3 June, 1918. 2025 Winter, Alexander Charles, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2026 Wither, Harold Stephen Bigg-, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 2027 Wodehouse, Amy Violet, Mrs. Ernest Charles Forbes, 3 June, 1918. 2028 Wood, Benjamin George, 3 June, 1918. 2030 Woods, Samuel Henry, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 2031 Work, Thomas Budge, 3 June, 1918. 2032 Workman, Alice HU1, Mrs. Charles McNeU, 3 June, 1918. 2033 Workman, Margaret Elliot, 3 June, 1918. 2034 Wormald, Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 2035 Worswick, Frances Gertrude Somers Worsley, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2036 Wright, Frank Wilson, 3 June, 1918. 2037 Wright, George Hudson, 3 June, 1918. 2038 Wyatt, Francis Joseph Caldwell, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2039 Young, Charles Robert, 3 June, 1918. 2041 Young, Thomas Dunlop, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2042 Younger, Jessie Alice, 3 June, 1918. 2043 Kanika, Raja Rajendra Narayan Bhanja Deo, of, 3 June, 1918. 2044 Singh Amawan, Raja Harihar Prasad Narayan, 3 June, 1918. 2045 Mackenzie, James, 3 June, 1918. 2046 Lovett, Clara Crofton, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 2048 Walsh, Ivy, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2049 Gurdon, Ada, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2050 Standen, Oona, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2051 Reid, Beatrice, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2052 Stowell. Vere Arthur, 3 June, 1918. _ .... 2053 Conyngham, Elsie Margaret, Lady Lenox-, 3 June, 1918. 2054 Pugh, Archibald John, 3 June, 1918. 2056 Blakeway, Evelyn, Mrs. Denys Brooke, 3 June, 1918. 2057 Howard, William Henry Ker, 3 June, 1918. 2058 Murtrie, David James, 3 June, 1918, 2059 2060 2061206220632064206520662067206820692070207120722073207420752076 2077 20782079 208020812082 208320842085 20862087 2090 20912092209320942095 2096 2097209820992100210121022103 210421052107 2109 211021112112211321142115211621172118211921202122212321242125 2126 21272128212921302131 2132 2133213421352136 2137 21392140214121422144214521462147214821492150 2151 2152 215321542155215621572158215921602161 dimming, Marjorie Stevenson, Mrs, S June, 1918. Roy, Jotlndra Nath, 3 June, 1918. Goudge, Joseph Ernest, 3 June, 1918. Campbell, John, 3 June, 1918. Khan, Ghazanfar AU, 3 June, 1918. Clay, Joseph Miles, 3 June, 1918. Crawford, James Muir, 3 June, 1918. McDonald, Archibald Anthony, 3 June, 1918. Vines, Duncan Frederick, 3 June, 1918. Hutchinson, William Gordon, 3 June, 1918. Gunter, Eustace Edward, 3 June, 1918. Vivian, Valentine Patrick Terrel, 3 June, 1918. Prideaux, Frank Winckworth Austice, 3 June, 1918. Lai, Isa Charan Chandu, 3 June, 1918. Ross, Henry, 3 June, 1918. Hotson, John Ernest Buttery, 3 June, 1918. Bradfleld, Ernest William Charles, 3 June, 1918. Tuke, Anna, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Crum, Sir Walter Erskine, 3 June, 1918. Stott, Hugh, 3 June, 1918. Copeland, David Patrick, 8 June, 1918. Peuch, Albert Gottlieb, 3 June, 1918. Travers, Walter Lancelot, 3 June, 1918. Burkitt, Francis Holy, 3 June, 1918. Adam, John Hunter, 3 June, 1918. Ashford, John, 3 June, 1918. Dunbar-Brander, Archibald Alexander, 3 June, 1918. Deo, Raja Brij Mohan, 3 June, 1918. Tiwana, Nawab Malik Khuda Bakhsh Khan, 3 June, 1918. Adams, Richard Percival, 3 June, 1918. Rumboll, Arthur Charles, 3 June, 1918. Gray, William David, 3 June, 1918. Browne, John Coggin, 3 June, 1918. Purssell, Richard Stanley, 3 June, 1918. Bonner, Thomas William, 3 June, 1918. Fraser, William Stuart, 3 June, 1918. Nicholson, Catherine, Lady, 3 June, 1918. Miller, Margaret Julia, Lady, 3 June, 1918. Wakefield, George Edward Campbell, 3 June, 1918. Sattasar, Rao Bahadur Thakur Hari Singh, of, 3 June, 1918. Rani Surat Kunwar, 3 June, 1918. Khan Bahadur Sardar Abdul Hamid, 3 June, 1918. Raja Sansi, Sardar Raghbtr Singh, of, 3 June, 1918, Wedderburn, Charles David St. Clah, 3 June, 1918. de GlanvUle, Oscar, 3 June, 1918. Rai Bahadur Lala Sheo Parshad, 3 June, 1918. Bennett, Frank Douglas, 3 June, 1918. Hormusji Cowasjee Dinshaw, 3 June, 1918. Jenhangh Hormasji Kothari, 3 June, 1918. Jamsetji Framjee Madan, 3 June, 1918. Kanakarayan Tirufelvam Paul, 3 June, 1918. Rai Bahadur Sir Kailash Chandra Bose, 3 June, 1918. Risaldar Chaudhri Amar Singh, 3 -June, 1918. Rai Chhote Lai Bahadur, 3 June, 1918. BeUairs, Robert George, 3 June, 1918. Armstrong. John WUliam, 3 June, 1918. Kumar Sheonandan Prasad Singh, 3 June, 1918. Diwan Tek Chand, 3 June, 1918. Carstahs, William Ramage, 3 June, 1918. ManseU, Richard Vivian, 3 June, 1918. Dadabhoy, Jarbanoo, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Dewan Shujat Ali Khan, 3 June, 1918. Rani Abhayeswari Debi, 3 June, 1918. Coggan, Robert Denby, 3 June, 1918. Ezra, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. Nirmul Chuuder Sen, 3 June, 1918. Briggs, William Albert, 3 June, 1918. Alban, Arthur David, 3 June, 1918. Ball, John, 3 June, 1918. Pearson, Burton, 3 June, 1918. Todd, Charies, 3 June, 1918. Preston, Arthur Sansome, 3 June, 1918. Hastings, William, 3 June, 1918. Monteith-Smith, Robert Earle, 3 June, 1918. Branch, Albert Ernest, 3 June, 1918. Page, Charles Herbert, 3 June, 1918. McKey, Charles, 3 June, 1918. Dent, Lancelot Wilkinson, 3 June, 1918. Ashton, Helen, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Brownlow, Frederick Hugh Cust, 3 June, 1918. Campbell, Joseph Alexander, 3 June, 1918. Doery, George Henry, 3 June, 1918. Downes, Doris Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Fairbairn, Frederick WilUam, 3 June, 1918. Farr, Muriel, 3 June, 1918. GUlespie, James Macgregor, 3 June. 1918. Greenwood, William Frederick, 3 June, 1918. Hall, Jane, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Hill, Edith, 3 June, 1918. Hood, Georgina, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Hughes, Agnes Eva, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Johnson, Winifred Farnell, 3 June, 1918. Kiddle, John Beacham, 3 June, 1918. Lazarus, Emanuel Samuel, 3 June, 1918. Mclnerney, Marguerratta, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Mclntyre, Ronald George, 3 June, 1918. Macklnnon Eleanor Vokes Irby, Mrs., 3 June, 1918, 603 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 2162 Mailer, Ramsay, 3 June, 1918. 2163 MitcheU, James, 3 June, 1918. 2164 Moore, Henry Byron, 3 June, 1918. 2165 Nettlef old, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 2166 NichoUs, Helen, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 2167 Pitt, Harry Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 2168 Rankin, Alexander Donald, 3 June, 1918. 2169 Riley, Joseph Albert, 3 June, 1918. 2170 Roberts, Alfred Jabez, 3 June, 1918. 2171 Scobie, Grace Locke, 3 June, 1918. 2172 Stirling, Hon. Sir John Lancelot, 3 June, 1918. 2173 Tolmie, Agnes, 3 June, 1918. 2174 Treacy, Alfred Martin, 3 June, 1918. 2175 Westmacott, Charles Babtogton, 3 June, 1918. 2176 WilUngton, William Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 2177 Bean, Jane Ann, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2178 BidwUl, WUliam Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2179 Buckleton, Alice Australia Gertrude, Mrs, 3 June 1918. 2180 Close, Etta, 3 June, 1918. 2181 Elliot, George, 3 June, 1918. 2182 Empson, Agnes Dyke, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2183 Flesher, James Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 2184 Harper, George, 3 June, 1918. 2185 Herbert, Arthur Stanley, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2186 Hill, Elizabeth Ann, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2187 Hodder, Henry Charles, 3 June, 1918. 2188 King, Rev. Vincent George Bryan, 3 June, 1918. 2189 Love, Ripeka Wharawhara, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2190 Macfarlane, Edith Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2191 Miles, Alfred Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2192 Moorhouse, Jessie Matilda, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2193 Mutu, Rahera Muriwai, Mrs., 3 June, 1918. 2194 Rhodes, EUen Laura Amy, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 2195 Rattray, Francis Cochrane, 3 June, 1918. 2196 Tripp, Leonard Owen Howard, 3 June, 1918. 2197 Wood, Grace Anna Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2198 Allen, Thomas Frederick, 3 June, 1918. • 2199 ComeU, Frederick Carruthers, 3 June, 1918. 2200 Crewe, Helen Agnes Josephine, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 2201 Dichmont, Katherine, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2202 Hands, Aletta Catherine, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2203 Maggs, Agnes Mary, Mrs.. 3 June, 1918. 2204 Mardall, George Stratford, 3 June, 1918. 2205 Mackenzie, Thomas William, 3 June, 1918. 2206 O'Brien, William John, 3 June, 1918. 2207 Panchaud, Harry George Louis, 3 June, 1918. 2208 Rees, David, 3 June, 1918. 2209 Smith, Lillie Edith, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 2210 Smith, Arthur Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 2211 Steel, Barbara Joanna, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 2212 Breton, Mary Chisholm, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2213 Oke, Sophy, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2214 Power, Margaret Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2215 Barnes, John Albert, 3 June, 1918. 2216 Berkeley, John Henry Astley, 3 June, 1918. 2217 Bolton, Wilfrid Nash, 3 June, 1918. 2218 Costley-White, Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 2219 Croad, Hector, 3 June, 1918. 2220 Edwards, Kate, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 2221 EUiot, Frederick Mitchell, 3 June, 1918. 2222 Francis, Percy James, 3 June, 1918. 2223 Greenwood, Alfred Craven, 3 June, 1918. 2224 Hallifax, Edwin Richard, 3 June, 1918. 2225 Hearsey, Herbert Hyde Young, 3 June, 1918. 2226 Jardine, Douglas James, 3 June, 1918. 2227 Johnson, Edward Odium, 3 June, 1918. 2228 Keyte, Vincent John, 3 June, 1918. 2229 May, John Ivo Cecil, 3 June, 1918. 2230 Messer, Charles Mcllvaine, 3 June, 1918. 2231 Nutt, Walter Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 2232 Park, James Harvey WiUiamson, 3 June, 1918. 2233 PhUlips, William Lambert Collyer, 3 June, 1918. 2234 Sauzier, Emile, 3 June, 1918. 2235 Weston, Rt. Rev. Frank, 3 June, 1918. 2236 Wheeler, William, 3 June, 1918. 2237 de Wolf, Francis George, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2238 Fraser, David Hammand, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2239 Gagnon, Joseph Thomas Emile, 3 June, 1918. (Si.) 2240 Hopkins, GUbert Rivers, 3 June, 1918. (II.) 2241 Lash, John Francis, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2242 McMahon, Sh Horace Westropp, Bart, 3 June, 1918. (si 2243 Mills, Walter Henry, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2244 Atherton, Stanley, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 2245 Betts, Hyla Hume, £ June, 1918. (11.) 2246 Clarence, Arthur Ardeme, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2247 Greenstreet, Reginald Hawkins, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2248 GreenweU, Percy 3 June 1918. (M.) 2249 Hughes, Edmond Locock, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2250 Knowles, James, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2251 McTurk, Alexander Gladstone, 3 June, 1918. (It.) 2252 Parks, John Hegan, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2253 Rees, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 2255 Scott-Harden, Henry Spencer, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2256 Spranger, Francis Jeffries, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2257 Angus, Robert, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2258 Baker, Alfred Henrv, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 2259 Bamford, Reginald Mayall, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2260 Blackshaw, George Neville, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2261 Borrie, David Forbes, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 2262 Boyd, John Henry, 3 June, 1918. (M ) 2263 Campbell. Arthur Colin Clyde, 3 June 1918. (II.) 2264 Carter, Frederick George, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2265 Carter, Gerald Vernon, 3 June, 1918. (M ) 2266 Christophers, Samuel Richard, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2267 Clerici, Charles John Emile, 3 June, 1918. 2268 Duffy, Thomas Augustine, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2269 Dunlop, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2270 Fleming, William Ernest, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2272 Garstih, Richard Hart, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2273 Glover, Edward Norman, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 2274 Goldie, Kenneth Oswald, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2275 Gordon, John de la Hay, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2276 Gunter, Clarence Preston, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 2277 Harvey, Ralph Oswald, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 2278 Hope, Percy Morehouse, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2279 Innes, Robert McGregor, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2280 Jones, Rev. Albert, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2281 Jones, Herbert Cavendish, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2282 Kent, Leslie Martin, 3 June, 1918. (II.) 2283 Kidby, Edward William Brand, 3 June, 1918. (II.) 2284 Kirkwood, Andrew Samuel, 3 June, 1918. 2286 Lewis, Rev. Percy, 3 June, 1918. (II.) 2287 Livesay, Waterworth Bhgh, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2288 Low, Peter Dunstan. 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2289 Macdonald, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2290 Mackie, Frederick Percival, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2292 Mann, Algernon Edward, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2293 MulUns, Rev. WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2294 Pennefather, John Broderick, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 2295 Reynolds, Herbert James Blakemore, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2296 Rowlltogs, Alfred Lefevre, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2297 Smith, Bertram GUbert, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2298 SwindeUs, Frank Marshall, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2299 Thompson, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2301 VaUat, Frederick WilUam, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2312 Webb, Rev. Stephen LleweUyn, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2303 Akers, Wilfred Stuart, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2304 Barbour, Archibald Robertson, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2305 Browne, Edward Denis, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2306 Cadiz, Charles James Roche Galway, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2307 Christie. WilUam Edward Tolfrey, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 2308 Cole, Aubrey de Plat Thorold, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2309 Coote, John Methuen, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2310 Craven, Albert, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2311 Dickens, Willie Hyde, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2312 Elkington, James Llewellyn Meredith, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2313 Fisher, Charles Taylor, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2314 Gamier, Charles Newdigate, 3 June, 1918. 2315 Gordon, Robert, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2316 Grant, Robert Charles, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 2317 Gray, Hubert Wilfred, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2318 Hopkins, Raymond Beechey, 3 June, 1918. 2319 Home, Henry Hastings, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2320 Laverton, Henry Sanderson, 3 June, 1918. (II.) 2321 Logan, Robert Hector, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2322 Macaulay, Donald, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2323 McMaster, Patrick Garnet Walsh, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2324 McNeice, Arthur Charles Davenport, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2325 Malan, Leslie Noel, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2326 Manning, Arthur Pitcher, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2327 Maynard, George Darell, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2328 MUler, WUUam Duncan, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 2329 Murray, Lennox Biggar, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 2330 Newland, Victor Marra, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2331 Pike, Montague Headland, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2332 Pitt, Bernard, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 2333 Read, Hector, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2334 Richardson, Henry WiUiam Arbuckle, 3 June, 1918. 2335 Rost, Ernest Retohold, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2336 Scholtz, Edmund John, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2337 Scott, Eustace Lindsay, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2338 Smellie, John Hugh, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2339 Southon, Charles Edward, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2340 Sutherland, James, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2341 Ward, Joseph Corbett, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 2342 Warwick, Norman Richard Coombe, 3 June, 1918. 2343 Webster, Charles Robert, 3 June, 1918. 2344 Whiteley, Percival, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2345 Wilkinson, Edward John, 3 June, 1918. (St.) ) 2346 GibboD, Edward, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2349 ReUly, Bernard Rawdon, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2350 Ogg, Arthur Charles, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2351 Angell, Charles Henry Cooper, 3 June, 1918. 2353 Cox, Belle, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 2354 Dewar-Durie, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 2355 Faulkner, Sydney Neal, 3 June, 1918. 2356 Jackson, Aline Louise, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 2357 Kittermaster, Harold Baxter, 3 June, 1918. 2358 Knox, Ethel Laura, Mrs. Stuart George, 3 June, 1918. 2359 Lee, Herbert Newton, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2360 Lorimer, Hilda, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2361 Medland, James WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 2362 Spurrier, Alfred Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2363 Thorpe, Alfred Charles, 3 June, 1918. 2364 Watkins, Maria Heloise, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2365 Watson, Evelyn Blenor, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2366 Clifton, Arthur John, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2367 Drayson, Alfred Percy, 3 June, 1918. (It.) 604 (BI.) (SI.) (SI.) (SI.) OFFICERS. (M.) (SI.) 2368 HaUand, Gordon Herbert Ramsay, 3 June, 1918. (li.) 2369 Walker, George Kemp, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2370 Walter, Albert Elijah, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2370a Batten, Edward Fetherstonhaugh, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2371 Brown, Harry Egerton, 22 Aug. 1918. (M.) 2372 Cope, Thomas Francis, 22 Aug. 1918. (it.) 2373 Meiners, Leo Udo Hugo, 22 Aug. 1918. (at.) 2374 Morton, Robert. 22 Aug. 1918. (at.) 2375 Creagh, Elizabeth Rymer, Mrs, 22 Aug. 1918. 2376 Van CoUer, Paul Johannes, 19 Dec. 1918. (bi.) 2377 Cumming, Adam Bennett, 19 Dec. 1918. (M.) 2378 Curran, Theophilus John, 19 Dec. 1918. (si.) 2379 Grant, Ronald Charles, 19 Dec. 1918. (at.) 2380 Hartling, Edward Hadley, 19 Dec. 1918. (M.) 2381 Harvey, Arthur Kenneth Le Rai, 19 Deo. 1918 2382 Hurst, Godfrey Thomas, 19 Dec. 1918. (m.) 2383 Judd, Bertram Christopher, 19 Dec. 1918. (at.) 2384 De Kock, Gervase Meyer, 19 Dec. 1918. (it.) 2385 McGregor, John Robertson, 19 Dec. 1918. (si.) 2386 McLoughlin, Mark WUson, 19 Dec. 191S. (si.) 2387 MurseU, Henry Temple, 19 Dec. 1918. (it.) 2388 Nutt, Mary Ann Margaret, 19 Dec. 1918. (si.) 2389 Salmon, Hedley, 19 Dec. 1918. 2390 Adams, Josiah Logan, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2391 Adams, Harold CottereU 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2392 Adams, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2393 Addison-Smith, Chilton Lind, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2394 Adye-Curran, WilUam John Patrick, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2395 Allan, Norman, 1 Jan. 1919. (51.) 2396 AUard, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2397 Alicard, Rupert, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2898 Allen, Abraham, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2399 AUlu, Henry Chester, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) 2400 Ambrose, John GoldweU, 1 Jan. 3 919. (it.) 2401 Anderson, NeviU, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2402 Anderson-Pelham, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2403 Arkle, John Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2404 Ascott, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2405 Atkin, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2406 Atkinson, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2407 Atkinson, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2408 Atter, Harold Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2409 Baker, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2410 BaUour, Nigel Harington, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2411 Balston, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2412 Bangor, MaxweU Richard Crosbie Ward, Viscount, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2413 Barber, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2414 Barker, Norman LesUe, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2415 Barnes, Rev. Sydney Reeves, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2416 Barron, Sydney Norman, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2418 Barrow, Harold Percy WaUer, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2419 Bartlett, Edward George, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2420 Baxter, Charles BotterUl, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2421 Beacham, Robert WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2422 Beale, BasU Perry, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2423 Beasley, Horace Owen Compton, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2425 BeU, Richard Carmichael, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2426 Beney, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2427 Bennett, Thomas Edwin, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2428 Berkeley, Christopher Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (li.) 2429 Besant, Reginald Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 2430 Bhks, Falconer Moffat, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2432 Blades, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2433 Blake, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2434 Blumberg, Henry d'Arnim, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2435 Bonner, Stanley Abbott, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2436 Borden-Turner, Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2437 Bowden, Jonathan Scott, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2438 Bowyer, Arthur WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 2439 Boyd, Rev. Arthur HamUton, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2440 Brander, James Maudsley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2441 Braybrooke, Henry George, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2442 Brenan, Frederick Rudolf Esmonde Dowes, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2443 Bressey, Charles Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (li.) 2444 Briggs, Arthur Edwin, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2445 Brinson, Harold NeUson, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2446 Brown, George S, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2447 Brown, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 2448 BuU, Frederick Julius, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2449 Bulman, John James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2450 Burlton, Launcelot Henry Beaumont, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2451 Burn, Eric Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2453 Burt, Reginald Stevens, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2454 Burtenshaw, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2455 Burton, Percy CoUingwood, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2456 Butler, Arnold Charles Paul, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2457 Butler, Frank Norman, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2458 Butler, Henry BasU Bacon, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2459 Cadge, Christopher Rawlinson, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2460 Calverley, Edmond Leveson, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2461 Camp, Ernest Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2462 Campbell, Archibald Sydney, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2463 Cansdale, CyrU, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) _. __._ 2464 CantreU-Hubbersty, WUUam PhUip CantreU, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2465 Carr, Francis Tullius Fay, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2166 Carr, Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 605 2467 Cartwilght, Edward Rogers, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2468 Chaplin, Henry Slater, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2469 Chapman, Guy Patterson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2470 Chapman, John Damian, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 2471 Charles, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2472 Chignell, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2473 Child, Armando Dumas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2474 Clegg, Sydney James, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2475 Cockburn, Clarence Beaufort, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2476 CoUins, Arthur Francis St. Clair, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2477 Cooper, Robert William, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2478 Cooper, William Linford Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2479 Coroner, Edward James O'Cinidi, 1 Jan. 1919. (si-) 2480 Cotton, William Ernest Leslie, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2481 Courts, Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2482 Cowan, Eric Tennant, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2483 Coward, Noel Anthony, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2484 Craster, John EvelyD Edmund, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2485 Crowe, Henry Aubrey, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2486 Davidson, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2487 Davis, Alexander Horace, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 2488 Davison, William Henderson, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2489 Day, Christian Richard John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2490 Dayer-Smith, Percy WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2491 De Carrara-Rivers, Arthur Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2492 De SaUs, Herbert Joseph Norman, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2493 De Trafford, Rudolf Edgar Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2494 Devlin, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2495 Dickerson, Frederick Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) 2496 Dickie, WiUiam Stewart, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2497 Dimmock, Harry Lionel Ffortington, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2498 Douglass, Rev. Frederick Wingfield, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2499 Dowling, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2500 Drake, John Hughes, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2501 Duncan, Rev. George Simpson, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2502 DunstervUle, Arthur Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2503 Durham, Frank Rogers, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2504 Duthie, Arthur Murray, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2505 Edden, Reginald Percival Sidney, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2506 Edmonds, Courtenay Harold Wish, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2507 Eggtoton, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2508 EUis, George WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2509 Etherington-Smith, Harry Launcelot, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2510 Euan-Smith, Cyril McLaurto, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2511 Evans, Arthur KeUy, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2512 Fane, Frederick Navahe, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2513 Field, Edward Blgar, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2514 Fitzgerald, Maurice Edward William, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2515 Foster, Dennis, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2516 Fox, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2517 Fox, Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2518 Frood, Thomas Martin, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2519 Gabb, Samuel Alwyne, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2520 Gammon, John Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2521 Gamon, Humphrey Percival, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2522 Gardner, John CyrU, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2523 Gaye, Rev. Herbert Charies, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2524 Geddes, Alexander Ebenezer McLean, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2525 George, Charies Dennis Victor, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2526 Giffin, WiUiam Herbert Dore, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2527 Goddard, Francis Ambrose D'Oyley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2528 Goffin, Sydney Frederick Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2529 Gold, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2530 Gonsalves, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2531 Gooderidge, Robert Aubrey, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2532 Gould. WUUs, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2533 Goulding, Edward Sainsbury, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2534 Graham, Charles Ronald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2535 Graham, Harold John, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2536 Grant, Stuart Colquhoun, 1 Jau. 1919. (m.) 2537 Grasett, Geoffrey WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2538 Gray, Alexander Mungo, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2539 Gray, George Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2540 Greaves, Francis Ley Augustus, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2541 Green, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2542 GreenaU, James Macintosh, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2543 Greg, Arthur Hyde, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2544 Griffith, Llewelyn Wyn, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2545 Groom, Edmond Arthur Hudson, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2546 Hacking, Douglas Hewitt, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2547 Hall, Norman McLeod, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2548 HalUgan, Joseph Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2549 HamUton, Albert, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2550 Hammersley-Smith, Ralph Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2551 Hancock, Thomas Watson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2552 Harbinson, WUUam Dawson, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2553 Hardy, Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2554 Hare, R. George Powel, 1 Jan. 1919. 2555 Harrison, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2556 Hart, Gilbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2557 Harvey, Percy Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. 2558 Hay, James George, 1 Jan. 1919. ( 2559 Hebb, John Harry, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2560 Henderson, Alan Keith, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2561 Henderson, Alexander MitcheU, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2562 Henaerson, Herbert Purse, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2563 Henderson, John Stem, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2564 Henderson, Matthew Bolan, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2565 Heppel, Hugh Middleton, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) (M.) (at.) a.) THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 2560 Herbertson, James John William, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2567 Higgins, Cecil Matthew, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2568 Higgins, William George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2569 Hill, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2570 Hill, John Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2571 Hill, Reginald Day Finch, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2572 Hitchings, Oswald Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2573 Hobbs, Reginald Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2574 Hogarth, Lionel Brewer, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2575 HoUand, Henry WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2576 Holman, Bernard Whelpton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2577 Holmes, Samuel Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (11.) 2578 Hornidge, Edward Stewart, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 2579 Horsfield, George WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2580 Houston, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2581 Hughes, WUUam Rawson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2582 Hull, Charles Robert Ingham, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 2583 Huskinson, Charies John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2584 Impson, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2585 Ingpen, Arthur Lockyer, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2586 Isaacs, Isaac Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2587 Jagger, Hugh Cleivion, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2588 Johnson, Arthur Ainslie, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2589 Jones, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2590 Judd, Henry Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2591 Jury, Arthur Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2593 Kennington, Arthur James, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2594 Kerr, WUliam Lord Coke, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2595 Keymer, Rev. Bernard WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2596 King, William Bernard Robinson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2597 King, WilUam Henry Daniel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2598 Kinnersley, WUliam Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2599 Kitson, Hubert Vernon, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2600 Lane, Harold Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2601 Langman, Thomas Witheridge, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2602 Larter, Percy John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2604 Laurie, Robert Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2605 Lawson, Eric St. John, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 2606 Lawson, John Hanson, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2607 Lawson, Wentworth DiUon, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2608 Leake, Claude Lancelot, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 2609 Lee, Arthur Neale, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2610 Lempriere, Lancelot Raoul, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2611 Leresche, Percy Vero, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2612 Leslie, Bradford, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2613 Lewis, WUfred Hubert Poyer, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2614 LindseU, Wilfred Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2615 Lodge, Thomas Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2616 Long, Sydney Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2617 Lough, Reginald Dawson Hopcraft, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2618 Lovatt, Harry LesUe Bache, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2619 Lowry, Frederick James Sharpies, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2620 Loyd, Robert Lindsay. 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2621 Lynde, GUbert SomervUle, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2622 McArthur, James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2623 McCammon, Frank Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2624 McCullough, Robert Stuart, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2625 McDonald, Duncan, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2626 McGuhe, Bernard Aloysius, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2627 McGuhe, George Patrick, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2628 McLachlan, James William Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2629 McLeUan, Charles Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2630 McLeod, James Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2631 Mahoney, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2632 Marchant, William Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2633 Marten, Leslie Howard, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2634 Mason, Albert Wilberforce, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2635 Mason, Henry George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2636 Mason, Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2637 Massey, Charles Montague HamUton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2638 Maurice, Lawrence Colley, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2639 Mawby, Arthur WUlders Montague, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2640 MelvUle, George David, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2641 Miles-Cadman, Rev. Cecil Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2642 Mills, Ernest James, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2643 Mills, Geoffrey Horner, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2644 Mills, James Jesse, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2645 Moggridge, Harry Weston 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2646 Molony, Brian Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2647 Monier-WiUiams, Roy Thornton, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2648 Morgan, Bernard Donald Crawford, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2649 Morgan, George Urquhart, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2650 Morgan-GrenvUle, Hon. Harry Nugent, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2651 Morrison, John Fraser, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 2652 Mullings, James Finbarr, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2663 Mumford, WUfred George, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2654 Naylor,Rev. Alfred Thomas Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2655 Neale, WiUiam Walter Raymond, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2656 Nelson, James Owen, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2657 NeviUe, Maurice Michael, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2658 Newbold, William, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2659 Newman, John Campto, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2660 Nicholas, Samuel WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2661 Nicholas, Tressilian Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2662 Oakley, John Gretton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2663 Odium, Benjamin Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2664 Oldfield, John William, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2665 Oswald, Christopher Percy, 1 Jan. 1917. (M.) 2666 Packard, Joseph Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 606 2667 Parker, Edward Augustus, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2668 Parks, Ernest WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2669 Patchett, Arthur Nesbit, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2670 Patridge, Edward Henry William 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2671 Peach, Leonard Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2672 Pearson, Richard WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2673 Pellew, Edward Irving Pownel, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2674 Pepper, Thomas Oswald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2675 Pitt, George John, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2676 Potter, CyrU Charlie HamUton, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2677 Potter, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2678 Power, Richard Pascal, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2679 Prance, BasU C, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2680 Price, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2681 Price, WilUam Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2682 Prunell, Rev. William Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2683 Pugh, WilUam John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2684 Quilter, Eustace Cuthbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2685 Radcliff, Arthur Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2686 Raikes, Kenneth Cochrane, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2687 Ramsay, Jeffrey, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2688 Ramsbotham, Herwald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2689 Rathbone, Charles Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2690 Renouf, Cyril Percival, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2691 Reynolds, Walter PhiUp Kearns, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2692 Riach, Alexander Robertson, 1 Jan. 1919. (fit.) 2693 Rice, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2694 Richardson, Thomas WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2695 Rickman, Arthur Patrick WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2696 Ritchie, Thomas Clark, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2697 Roberts, Geoffray Dorling, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2698 Robertson, Andrew Clark, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2699 Rolling, Bernard Ismay, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2700 Roth, Albert Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2701 Rothwell, WiUiam Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2702 Rountree, Arthur Noel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2703 Rouse, Alfred Corrie, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2704 Rowden, Ernest George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2705 Royds, Albert Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 2706 Saunders, Alan Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 2707 Scotland, Alexander Patterson, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2708 Scott, Hon. Michael, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2709 Selby-Lowndes, William, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2710 Serjeant, Theophilus Hengist, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2711 Sharp, Aubrey Temple, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2712 Shaw, Frederick Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2713 Shaw, Peter, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2714 Sigrist, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2715 Simpson, Alexander Petrie, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2716 Smellie, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2717 Smith, Albert George, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2718 Smith, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2719 Smith, LesUe Harcourt, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2721 Somervell, Arnold Colin, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2722 Spedding, Edward Wilfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2723 Speed, Ralph Henley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2724 Spencer, Harold Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2726 Springhall, John Winchester, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2727 Stackpoole, George William Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2728 Stafford, Waddtogton, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2729 Stanford, William, i Jan. 1919. (at.) 2730 Stanley, James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2731 Stanton, Reginald William Starkey, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt. 2732 Starr, Frank Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2733 Stephens, Hubert Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2734 Stevenson, James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2735 Stewart, Herbert Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2736 Stewart, WilUam Hendry Burgess, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2737 Stokes, George Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2738 Stone, PhiUp Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2739 Storey, Alan Thomas Trevor, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2740 Sumner, Orlando, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2741 SutcUffe, WUliam Greenwood, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2742 Sutherland, Arthur Henry Carr, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2743 SwaUow, WiUiam Hugh, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 2744 Swanzy, Francis Hugh, 1 Jan. 1919. (11.) 2745 Sykes, Rev. Frank Morris, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2746 Tayler, Henry Pascoe Blah, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2747 Taylor, Alfred WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2748 Taylor, Charles Gerald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2749 Taylor, Charles HUlsborough Rimington, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2750 Tebay, Frederick Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 2751 Tennant. Henry Lancelot, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2752 Thackeray, Joseph Makepeace, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2753 Thatcher, Reginald Sparshatt, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2754 Thomas, David Brodie, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2755 Thomas, George Pollard, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2756 Thomas, Sydney Arnold, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2757 Thomas, Thomas Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2758 Thompson, Cecil Henry Farrer, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2759 Thompson, Reginald Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2760 Tod, Alan Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 'Bt.) 2761 Tomkinson, Geoffrey Stewart, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2762 ToohUl, Thomas. 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2763 Towne, Edward Charies Lyndhurst, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2764 Trask, Charles Stancomb Lisle, 1 Jau. 1919. (SI.) 2765 Tribe, Frank Newton, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2766 Tudor, Lechmere Howell, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) OFFICERS. 2767 Turner, James Lockley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2768 Turner, Montagu Trevor, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2769 Unwin, Thomas Barton, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 2770 Van Grutten, Winchcombe Norman Carpenter, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2771 Van der Byl, Voltelin Albert WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2772 Varley, James, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2773 Vivian, Guy Noel, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2774 Wagstaffe, William Warwick, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2775 Walker, James Blake, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2776 Walker, Kenneth Macfarlane, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2777 Wallace, Charles John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2778 Walthall, Henry Douglas Delves, 1 Jan, 1919. (at.) 2779 Warre, Felix Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 2780 Webb, Robert Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2781 Webster, George Frederick Anderson, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2782 Whitehead, Herbert Mansfield, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 27S3 Wilkinson, Rev. Richard B, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2784 Wllks, John Eason, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2785 WUliams, Alfred Dalby Ross, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2786 WUUams, Roger Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2787 Wills, Sh GUbert Alan HamUton, Bart, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2788 Wilson, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2789 WUson, Humphrey Bowstead, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2790 Winwood, WUliam Quintyne, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2791 Wolstenholme, Thomas Blakeway, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2792 Wood, Alexander Lewis Sandison, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2793 Wood, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 2794 Woodley, Ernest James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2795 Worsam, Charles Archie, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2796 Worthington, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (Jt.) 2797 Wyley, Donald Henry FitzThomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2798 Wynne, Owen Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2799 Yorke, Noel Leigh, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2800 Alderson, WilUam Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2801 Archibald, George Grassie, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2802 Armstrong, NevUl Alexander Drummond, 1 Jan. 1919. 00 2803 Birch, George RusseU, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2804 Brown, Percy Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2805 Burgess, John Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2806 Carew, Frank John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2807 Cowan, Harry James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2808 Dulmage, Anson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2809 Fisher, George Wilfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2810 Grimsdick, John Dennto, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2811 Herchmer, WiUiam Sinclah, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2812 HU1, Hedley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2813 Hurd, William Burton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2814 Lettice, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2815 Lindsay, Norman James, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 2816 McEwen, Robert James, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2817 McLeod, James WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2818 Mackintosh, WUUam Cameron, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2819 Maxwell, Charles Barker, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2820 Montgomery-Campbell, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2821 Munroe, Hugh Edwin, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2822 Murray, Kenneth A, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2823 Orr, Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2824 Palmer, Creighton Ross, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2825 Richards, Samuel Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2826 Richardson, Albert Angus, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 2827 Robertson, WUUam Adam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2828 Robinson, Charles Wilson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2829 Robinson, WilUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2830 Scott, Charles McAdam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2831 Thomas, Cecil Compton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2832 Thomson, WUliam Raymond, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2833 Utton, Frederick WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2834 Webster, Harold Weatherald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2835 WUloughby, Bertha Jane, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2836 Anderson, Robert Cairns Amis, 1 Jan. 1919. 2837 Chirnside, Robert Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2838 DonneUy, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2839 Embelton, David Moore, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2840 Finn, Charles Napier, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2841 HamUton, William Lockhart, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2842 Hargreaves, Gordon John Cooper, 1 Jan. 1919. 2843 Helsham, Charles Howard, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2844 Henley, Frank Le Leu, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2845 Hore, Reginald MitcheU, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2846 Hunn, Sydney Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2847 Hyman, Arthur WeUesley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2848 Lacey, Samuel Barningham, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2849 Lane, Harry James, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2850 McColl, John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2851 Maclure, Alfred Fay, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 2852 Officer, Keith„l Jan. 1919. (M.) 2853 Parker, Leslie Clive, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2854 Robinson, Charles Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2855 Sanderson, William Lauchlan, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2856 Saunders, Frank Veall, 1 Jan. 1919. (*¦) 2857 Sturdee, Vernon Asleton Hobart, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2858 Upjohn, WiUiam George Dismore, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 2859 Ward, Lionel Antony Parry, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2860 Hindley, Frank Lawton, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2861 Parker, Frank Woolmer, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2863 Shera, Louis Murray, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2864 Alderson, Jame3 Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) (at.) (si.) 2865TBartrum, Vere Ayscott, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2866 Beverldge, Thomas Blackwood, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2867 Binney, Arthur Thomson, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2868 Boyle, Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2869 Briercliffe, Rupert, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2870 Bustard, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2871 Butter, Francis Sam. 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2872 Campbell, Roy Neil Boyd, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2873 Carson, David Simpson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2874 Clark, Lionel Melville, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 2875 Clark, Robert Leaver, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2876 Clauson, Gerald Leslie Maldns, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2877 Corder, Arthur Annerley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2878 Couturier, Rev. Felix, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2879 Crichton, George Keeble, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2880 Crosthwalte, WilUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2881 Cunningham, Percy Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2882 Dale, Wilfred John, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2883 de Paravicini, Percy Chandos Farquhar, 1 Jan .1919. (si.) 2884 Des Clayes, Camille, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2885 Diggle, Frank Holt, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2886 Draper, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2887 Duberly, Montagu Richard William, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2888 Dunstan, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2889 Dyson, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2890 ElUs, William Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 2891 Fitzgerald. Rev. James Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2892 Fletcher, Alexander Kempson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2893 Forbes, William Wood, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2894 Fox. Harold Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2895 Gilchrist, Norman Stephen. 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2896 Godding, James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2897 Gracie, Farquhar, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2898 Graham, David Livingstone, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2899 GranviUe, Court, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2900 Graves, Robert Windham, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2901 Gray-Donald, George, 1 Jau. 1919. (M.) 2902 Gregory, Hugh Manley, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2903 Haddad, Gabriel, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2904 Haddon, Reginald Cutler, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2905 Halsey, Walter Johnston, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2906 HU1, John Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2907 Houghton, Richardson Johnson, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2908 How, Eustace Arnold, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2909 Hubbard, John Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2910 Inglis, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2911 Jolliffe, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2912 Justice, Philip Welman, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2913 Kennedy, Thomas Fuller, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2914 Lake, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2915 McDonald, George Frederick Handel, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2916 MacDonnell, Mervyn Sorly, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2917 Mackenzie, Jotm William, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2918 Macowan, Norman James, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2919 Mitchell, Lachlan Martin Victor, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2920 Moore, Harry Francis Beauchamp Seymour, 1 Jan .1919. (M.) 2921 OdeU, Oswald Facer, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2922 Pearson, Hugh Frederick Archie, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2923 Pigott, St. John Renwick, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2924 Protheroe-Smith, Hugh Bateman, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2925 Ratcliff, Charles John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2926 Ritchie, William, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2927 Rodliffe, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 292S Ryder, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2929 Scott, Robert HamUton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2930 Simpson, Arthur WUliam Woodman, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2931 Smith, Charies WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2932 Smith, Vincent, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2933 Smithers, Hubert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2934 Stammers, George Elliot Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2935 Stern, Frederic Claude, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2936 Stirling, Rev. John Featherstone, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2937 Stout, Percy Wyfold, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2939 Synnott, Percy Joseph Ignatius, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 2940 Tait, WilUam Ironsides, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2941 Taylor, Gerard Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2942 Templer, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2943 Tillard, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2944 TiUyard, Godfrey Ebenezer, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2945 Treves, Frederick Beaumont, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2946 Ure, John Holmes, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2947 Vickerman, Phillip Sefton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at:) 2948 Watson, Alexander Pine, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2949 WeUs, Russell Primrose ColUngs-, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2950 Williams, Albert, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2951 WUson, Rev. John Plumpton, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2952 Woods, Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2953 Wright Horace Leaf, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2954 Madan, Kaikobad Rustonyf, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2955 Blackburn, Charles Bickerton, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2956 Fahley, Niel HamUton, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2957 Fowler, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2958 Hammond, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2959 Kendall, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2960 Storey, John Colvin, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2961 Trickett, John James, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2962 Woods, Rev. WilUam Maitland, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2963 Shauki, El Mhalai AU Bay, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 607 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 2964 Shalabi, El Bimbashi Mohammed Effendi Kamel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2965 Beckett, Rev. Maurice Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2966 Bone, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2967 Brown, Frank Leader, I Jan. 1919. (at.) 2968 Brown, Vernon, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2969 Browne. George Willis, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2970 Butler, Sir Richard Pierce, Bart, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2971 Clements, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2972 Coates, Christopher George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2973 Coltman, Edward Sinnott, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 2974 Cotton, Vere Egerton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2975 Cunynghame, Sir Percy Francis, Bart, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2976 Dewhurst, Norman, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2977 Eales, William John, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 2978 Eatherley, William, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2979 Evans, David Howard, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2980 Hay, Arthur Kennet, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2981 Hill, John Sturgess Bmrow, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 2982 Hippisley, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2983 Hoare, Henry Noel, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2984 Hodgkinson, Harry Drake, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2985 Holmes, Reginald Valentine, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2986 Inch, Thomas Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 2987 Inskipp, Percy Sidney, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2988 Jones, Bernard Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2989 Jones, Gerald Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2990 Limb, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 2991 Longdin, Herbert WUUam- 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 2992 Mitchell, Frank Brigham, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 2993 Murray, Patrick Moncreiff, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2994 Myddleton, Cornelius WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2995 Norbury, Frank Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 2996 Owen, Herbert Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2997 Picken, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 2998 Pryce, Wilfred Harry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 2999 Ratcliffe, Herbert James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3000 Ridley, Richard Cooke, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3001 Roberts, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3003 Spurting, Dennis, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3004 Starkey, Dickinson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3005 Stothert, William, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3006 Sydney-Turner, Cuthbert Gambier Ryves, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3007 Tipping, WUliam John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3008 Tribe, John Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3009 Vaughan, Charles Jerome, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3010 Vyvyan, Philip Henry Norris Nugent, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3011 Wells, Josepn Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3012 Wood, Douglas. 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3013 AUan, William Murray, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3014 Anderson, David Irving, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3016 BakeweU, George Victor, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3017 Barker, Francis Brock, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3018 Barkley, Thomas Yuille, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3020 Bhch, AUred GranvUle, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3021 Boulter, Edgar Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (st ) 3022 Boyle, Michael, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3023 Briggs, Warwick Wellington, 1 Jan. 1919. (st ) 3024 Bryant, Robert Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3025 Chambers, Harold Tullis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3026 Coleman, Amos Hubert, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3027 Cremetti, Paul Eugene, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3028 Davies, Joseph Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3029 Delmege, James Anthony, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3031 Douglas-Campbell, Archibald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3032 Downie, Frederick Habler, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3033 Elwes, WUliam Burton, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3034 Elworthy, Robert Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3035 Ffooks, WUUam ArchdaU, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3036 Fitzjohn, Geoffrey Nigel, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3037 Foley, Walter Barham, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3038 Fox, Charles Horace, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3039 Galwey, WiUiam Rickards, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) S040 Gamier, Rev. Thomas Vernon, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3041 Goad, Harold Elsdale, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3042 Gray, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3043 Harrison, Walter Lewis, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3045 Hornabrook, Rev. John Oliver, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3046 Jackson, Oswald Egerton Orme, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) S047 Judson, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3048 Kidson, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3049 Knight-Bruce, James Comyn Lewis, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3050 Lefroy, Langlois Massey, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3051 McColI, Hugh Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3052 Mitchell, Peter, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3053 Moir, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 8054 Orange-Bromehead, Francis Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at ) 3055 Paddey, John Elliott. 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3056 Parkhouse, John Bardsley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at ) 3057 Parkhouse, Stanley Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 8058 Perkins, WiUiam Jackson, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3059 Purdie, Rev. Albert Bertrand, 1 Jan. 1919. (at ) 3060 Scholes, Walter Nevelle, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3061 Shingleton, Leslie, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3062 Smith, Arthur William, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3064 Taylor, Julian, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3065 Verschoyle-Campbell, WUliam Henry McNeUe, 1 Jan. 1919. (it,) 608 3067 Walker, Charles Bishop, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3068 Webb, Frederick Edward Apthorpe, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3069 Webb-Peploe, Rev. Howard MelvUle, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3070 Wettings, Evelyn Valentine, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3071 Wheelwright, Edward Lycett, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3072 WUson, Reginald Maitland, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3073a Wyatt, Philip Humphrey, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 30736 Neobard, Harold John Cooke, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3074 Chambers, F, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3075 Chenevix-Trench, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3076 Kearn, A .W, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3077 Steele, G, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3078 Stokes, Ralph Shenton Griffin, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3079 Burton, R. B. S, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3080 Adair, Alexander CecU, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3081 AUan, WUUam David, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3082 Anderson, Roy Dunlop, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3083 Arnold, Francis Havard, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3084 Atkinson, Alice Lilian, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3085 Atkinson, Thomas John Day, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3086 Bagnall, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3087 Ball, George Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3088 Barnes, Harold Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3089 Beale, Walter WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3090 Beatson, Leonard Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3091 Bell, Morris James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3092 Bennett, Alexander John Munro, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3093 Bevis, Cecil Bevis, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3094 Block, Maurice WUliam Palmer, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3095 Braid, Arthur Reade, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3096 Breakey, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3097 Broadley, Phillip John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3098 Bryant, Arthur Rolfe, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3099 Eucknill, Thomas Alfred Townsend, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3100 Bull, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3101 Burton, Sydney Collard, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3102 Caldwell, Arthur Lewis, 1 Jan. 1919. f (Bt.) 3103 Clapshaw, Aquila, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3104 Cooke, Robert Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3105 Corbet, Francis WelUngton, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3106 Cowan, Peter Hood. 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3107 Cowley, James William, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3108 Cox, Joshua John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3109 Dewing, Robert Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3110 Dibben, Cecil Reginald, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3111 Dittman, WiUiam Ewart, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3112 Dixon, Charles Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3114 Eaton, WilUam Arnold. 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3115 Ellis, James Logan, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3116 Ellis, Philip, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3117 Emley, Maurice Woodman, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3118 English, Charles Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3119 Etches, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3120 Feilden, Edward Leyland Cooke, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3121 Forrest, David, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3122 Gair, Sinclair, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3123 Gavin, Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3124 Griffin, Edward Christian, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3125 Haddon, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3127 Hartcup, William Richard Monyns, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3128 Haythorne, Winifred S, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3130 Higgins, Joseph Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3131 Htocks, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3132 Horniblow, Edith Marjory, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3134 Irvine, Matthew, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3135 Jackson, Maximilian, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3136 Jickling, Charles Maurice, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3137 Johnson, Raymond, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3138 Kelley, Frederick Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3139 Kendall, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3140 Lambert, Francis John, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3141 Lang-Hyde, John Irvine, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3142 LasceUes, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3143 Leathes, Carteret de Mussenden, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3144 Lee-Evans, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3145 Ludlow, Fred Ball, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3146 McGuhe, Michael, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3147 Mailtos, John Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3148 Manners-Howe, Thomas Harris. 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 3149 Marsack, Edward Lethbridge, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3150 Mathews, Henry Edmunds, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 3151 Mathias, Oswald LleweUyn, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3152 Maxted, Charles Stenteford, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3153 Mayer, Gaston, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3154 Michod, Percy Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3156 Munro, James McVicar, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3157 Napier, John Steward, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3158 New, Claud E, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3159 Newbold, Ambrose WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3160 Newton, Harry Kottingham, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3161 North, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3162 Payne, Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3163 Pedley, Oswald Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3164 Pickin, WUUam David, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 3165 PoUock, Evelyn Hay 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3166 Pomeroy, Hon. Ralph Legge, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3167 Reynolds, Frank RomUlv, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3168 Richardson. Philip Wigh'am, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3169 Rickman Graham Egerton, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) OFFICERS. 3170 Roberts, Adeline, 1 Jan. 1919. (flt.1 3171 Rodick, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3172 RodweU, Francis John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3173 Rogerson, John Edwin, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3174 Rowe, Henry Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3176 Scratchley, Victor Henry Sylvester, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3177 Shannon, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3178 Short, Oswald Murton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3179 Simson, Rupert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3180 Skeats, Thomas George, 1 Jan, 1919. (at.) 3181 Smyly. Richard Josiah, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 3182 Smyth, Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3183 Soames, Walter Field, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3184 Somers, John Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3185 Spread, Eustace John William, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 3186 Stacke, Hedley Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3187 Stewart-Bam, Sir Pieter Canzius van Blommestein, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3189 Tatham, Charles John WUlmer, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3190 Temperley, Harold William Vazeille, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 8191 Tennent, Thomas Hastings, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3193 Thompson, Harry Adair, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3194 Thompson, Jean Glass, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3195 Treffry, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3196 Tristem, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3197 Vallentin, Henry Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3198 Vigors, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3199 Wakelin, James Glencorse, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3200 Ward, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 3201 Warner, Cuthbert PhUip, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3202 Weekes, Henry WUson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3203 Wheeler, Charles Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3205 WUdman, Sam Beck, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3206 Wingfield, John Maurice, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3207 Wiseman-Clarke, Charles Camden, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3208 Wood, Charles Knight, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3209 Wood, Evelyn Fitzgerald Michell, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3210 Yorke, Frederick Augustus, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3211 Anderson, Frederick Walter Gale, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3212 CaldweU, Thomas Richey, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3213 CampbeU, Charles Vincent, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3214 Cassels, George Hamilton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3215 Cornett, Alexander Don, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3217 Fordham, John Guerney, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3218 GHUes, Austin Bain, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3219 Goodall, James Roberts, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3220 Jeffery, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3221 Lindsay, James Hawkins, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3222 MeGUUvray, Percy CranneU, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3223 Morrison, WiUiam Geekie, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 3224 Mowbray, John Arthur Clark, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3225 Raikes, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3226 Routh, Jason Rudolph, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3227 Smith, Albert Alexander. 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3228 Swinburne, John Eliot, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3229 Winnett, Albert WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3231 Beamish, Francis Teuton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3232 Bruggey, Stephen, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3233 Down, John Egbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3234 Sherington, Guy, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3235 Sutherland, Bertram Milne, 1 Jan. 1919. 3236 Watt, Walter Oswald, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3237 WUlcocks, George Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3238 Vfeatman, Charleton, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3239 Brandon, Percy de Bathe, 1 Jan. 1 919. 3240 Brewis, Andrew Seymour, 1 Jan. 1919. 3241 Bruce, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3242 Lawry, Raymond Alexander Reid, 1 Jan. 1919. 3243 Mills, Henry Percival, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3244 Pearson, Maurice Grey, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3245 AbeU, Charles Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3246 Abell, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3247 Addenbrooke-Prout, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3248 Anne, George Chartlon, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3249 Atkinson, Felton Clayson, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3250 Atkinson, Harold Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3251 Atkinson-Clark, Henry Fox, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3252 Aubrey, Herbert Arthur Reginald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3253 Auker, Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3254 Axford, Sidney Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3255 Aylwin, WiUiam Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3256 Ball, Lionel Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3257 Barmby, Aiden James Wharton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at ) 3258 Barnfteld, Allen Stewart, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3259 Barton, Robert John Ferguson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3260 Baxenden, Thomas George, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3261 Bayes, John George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3262 Bell, Victor Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3263 Beor, Bertram Richard White, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3264 Bsuttler, Edward Gerald Oakley, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3265 Blowey, Henry Francis Tozer, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3266 Bonham-Carter, Ian Malcolm, 1 Jan, 1919. (at.) 3267 Bonnett, Claude Herbert Dick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3268 Bowen, James Bevan, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3269 Bromet, Geoffrey Rhodes, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3270 Brown, Francis GUes, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3271 Bullen, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3272 Budgen, WUliam Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3273 BuUock, Christopher LleweUyn, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) (si.) (at.) (at.) (si.) (¦) (si.) 3274 Burge, Cyril Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3275 Burt, John Wotherspoon, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3276 Buss, Horace Austin, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3277 Butter, Charles Adrian James, 1 Jan. 1919. (li.) 3278 Cameron, Donald Hay, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3279 Carbery, Edward Oliver Bamford, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3280 Carey, Rowland Dobree, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3281 Carter, Silas Bernard Foley, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3282 Chambers, Frederick Foster, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3283 Cockburn, Ronald, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3285 Conner, Daniel Goodwin, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3286 Cook, Robert Ewing, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3287 Cooke, Ion Alexander Scott, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3288 Cooper, James Percy Carre, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3289 Corin, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3290 Cruiekshank, Jasper WaUace, 1 Jan. 1919 3291 Camming, Howard, 1 Jau. 1919. (at.) 3292 Davies, Walford, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3293 Curtis, Walter John Brice, 1 Jan. 1919. (: 3294 Davis, Francis Robert Edward, 1 Jan. 1919 3295 Denton, Harold Bentley, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3296 de Sarigny, Rene, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3298 Duff us, Chester Stairs, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3300 Edge, Percy Granville, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3301 Edmonds, Charles Humphrey Kingsman, 1 Jan. 191' (at.) 3302 Eggar, Thomas Macdonald, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3303 EUiott, James Boyne, 1 Jau. 1919. (M.) 3304 Everitt, Stuart Oswald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3305 Farthing, William Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3306 FeU, Louis Frederick Rudston, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3307 Fernie, WilUam James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3308 Fraser, Cecil, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3309 Fraser, Francis WUliam Ian Victor, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3310 Fraser, George William Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3311 Freeman, Max, 1 Jau. 1919. (M.) 3312 Gamble, Charles William, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3313 Garrett, Thomas Richard Henty, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3314 Gibson, WiUiam Walker, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3315 Gilmore, Thomas Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3316 Goble, Stanley James, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3317 Goldsmith, Norman, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3318 Gordon, Cedric Foskett, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3319 Gray, Frank James, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3320 Guest, Hon. Lionel George WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3321 HaU, Alfred Kingsley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3322 Halford, Ernest Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3323 Hammond, WilUam Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3324 Hannay, George Daniel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3325 Hawkins, John Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 3326 Hayes, Robert Cholertou, 1 Jan. 1919. ' 3327 Hazelton, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3328 HeUawell, Alfred Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. 3329 Heyn, Richard Gustavus, 1 Jan. 1919. 3330 Hills, John Harris, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 3331 HUton-Jones, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 3332 Hodgson, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3333 HoUoway, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3334 Howard, Ernest James, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3335 Johnston, Ernest Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3336 Jolly, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3337 Kennedy, Stuart Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3338 Krabbe, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3339 Krabbe, Clarence Brehmer, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3340 Laing, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3341 Lang, James Arthur Maule, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3342 Lang, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 334.3 Langdon, Henry Charles Theodore, 1 JaD. 1919. (St.) 3344 Laws, Frederick Charles Victor, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3345 Lecomber, Harold Roger, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3346 L'Estrange-Malone, Cecil John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3347 Lilley, Leonard Moore, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3348 LindseU, Reginald Stuart, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3349 Ltotott, John WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3350 Logan, Philip Norman, 1 Jan. 1919. (af.) 3351 Long, William Dickson, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 3352 Longridge, Theodore Ernie, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3353 Lucas, Frederick WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3354 Lyons, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3355 McClure, George Buchanan, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3356 McClure, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3357 McCrtodle, James Ronald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3358 McLaren, Colin Temple, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3359 Marsh, WilUam Lockwood, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3360 Maitland, Reginald Ferdinando, 1 Jan. 1919. 3361 Martin, Alfred Ridley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3302 Martin, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3363 Maycock, Richard Beauchamp, 1 Jan. 1919. 3364 Measures, Arthur Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3365 Medhurst, Charles Edward Hastings, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3367 Methven, Malcolm David, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3368 Michie, WUliam Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3369 Miley, Arnold John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3370 Momement, Robert Harry, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3371 Morris, Alfred Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3372 Mounsey, Roland James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3373 MurStt, Charles Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3374 MurreU, Percy Murray John, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3375 Nahn, Douglas Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 609 2 r (si.)(SI.) (SI.) (>i.) (at.) THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. (M.) (II.) (at.) S376_NevM, Stanley Sharp, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3377,Newall, Norman Dakeyne, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3378 Newman, Leslie, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3379iNewton-Clare, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3380_Noel, Francis Arthur Gerard, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3381 North, John Tom, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3382 Northover, Harry Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3383 Ogden, Charles Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3384 O'Reilly, Brefney Rolph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3385 Paul, Henry WUliam Moncrieff, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3386 Peacock, Gerald Selwyn, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3387 Pearce, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3388 Perrin, Eugene Courtney, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3389 Phillips, Thomas Brocklehurst, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3390 Pidgeon, Geoffrey Denzie, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3391 Pilfers, Robert Kingsley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3392 Polyblank, WUliam Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3393 PoweU, Enoch, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3394 Pretyman, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3395 Prince, Charies Edmond, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3396 Pulford, Conway Walker Heath, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3397 Pulham, Frederick Bygrave, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3393 Raffles, Stamford Cecil, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3399 Raikes, William OsweU, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3400 Rainsford-Hannay, Donald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3401 Rees, George Martin Treherne, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3402 Reid, Robert Alburne, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3403 Richmond, Vincent Crane, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3404 Robertson, Thomas Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3405 Robinson, Alexander Augustus Edmund, 1 Jan. 1919. l-- (BI.) 3406 Robinson, Alick Christopher, 1 Jan. 1919. 3407 Rubie, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3409 Sadler, Leslie, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3410 Scholte, Frederick Lewellen, 1 Jan. 1919. 3411 Shelmerdine, Francis Claude, 1 Jan. 1919. 3412 Simon, Rt. Hon. Sir John AUsebrook, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3413 Sinclair-Hill, Gerald Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3414 Sippe, Sidney Vincent, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3415 Smith, Charles Gainer, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3417 Spittle, John Trevor, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3418 Stammers, Frederick Gunning, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3419 Stapleton, Edward Parker, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3420 Starling, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3421 Stedman, Ernest Walker, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3422 Steele-Perkins, Alfred Horace Steele, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3423 Stephens, Frank Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3424 Stokes, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3425 Struben, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3426 Sutton, Berttoe Entwistle, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3427 Thomas, Otho Vincent, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3428 Thomas, Rudall Woodliffe, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3429 Thornely, John Edmund Burnet, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3430 Trott, Francis WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3431 Tylee, Arthur KeUan, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 8432 WaU, Anthony Herbert WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3433 Ward-Brown, Vere, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3434 WilUams, Francis Cartwright, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3435 WUUams, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 8436 WUson, Frank Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3437 Wiseman, Francis Augustus John Bartholomew, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3438 Wood, Murdick McKenzie, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3439 Wooldridge, Gilbert de Lacy, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3440 WyUie, Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3441 Wynn, Alfred Hearst Wynn Elias, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3442 Young, Walter Gerald Paul, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3443 Powell, Winifred, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3444 Edwards, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3445 Moss, Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3446 Anstey, Henry Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3448 Atkinson, William, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3449 Barff, Arthur Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3450 Bartlett, John Holderness, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3451 Bate, Richard Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3452 Baynham, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3453 Beall, Norman Hugh, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3454 Bean, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3455 Bennett, Edward Morden, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3456 Bennett, Martin Gilbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3457 Bemacchi, Louis Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3458 Birch, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 3459 Bond, Arthur George Hayes, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3460 Borrissow, Charles Kirby, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3461 Bowen, Gerald Percival, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3462 Brown, Duncan Tatton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at ) 3464 Browne, Harold Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3465 Buchan, John Robertson, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3466 Bull, Wilfrid James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3467 Bunbury, Charles Thomas Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3468 Burt, Arthur Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3469 Cable, James Fiederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3470 Carr, Christopher George, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3472 Constable, James Sandford, 1 Jan. 1919. (M ) 3473 Cook, Alexander James, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3474 Cooper, Archibald Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at ) %.l\ £0F?5'n,' Frederick Jam s Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 3476 CottreU, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3477 Cox, Herbert Spencer, 1 Jan. 1919, (BI.) 3478 Davey, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3479 Day, Roderick WUson, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3480 Dibben, Arthur Douglas Harry, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3481 DowUng, Horace Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3482 Drury, Edward Dumerque, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 3483 Dunn, Robert Ewart, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 3484 Dunning, Thomas WUliam John, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3485 Eachus, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3486 Edmond, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3487 Emery, Herbert Denham, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3488 Enright, WUUam George Bwart, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3489 Farish, James Risk, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3490 Farquharson, John Philips, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 3491 Fforde, Thomas Roderick, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3492 Ford, Reginald Bertram, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3493 Freeman, Benson Fletcher, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3495 Gilhespy, John WUliam Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3496 Gillespie, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3497 Gillies, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3498 Glegg-Smith, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3499 Goddard, Norris. 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3500 Graham, Rev. Christopher, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3501 Graham, WiUiam Air 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3505 Hanson, Herbert James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3506 Hardie, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3507 Hastings, Edward George Godolphin, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3508 Haszard, Gerald Fenwick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3509 Hayes, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3510 Haynes, Frederick Gambier, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3511 Heaton, Charles Howard, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3512 Heddles, Thomas Mann, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3513 Hefford, Edward Owen, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3514 Hill, Gerald Dudley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3515 Hoare, Stephen Leonard, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3517 Home, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3518 Howard, Henry Mowbray, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3519 Hutchings, Samuel Louis, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3520 lies, Arthur Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3521 Isherwood, Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3522 Jackson, Harold Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3523 Jenkinson, Thomas Norman, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3525' Jones, Hubert Louis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3526 Kelly, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3527 King, C. W, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3528 Lee, Herbert Victor, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3529 Lester, Arthur EUis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3530 Liston, Andrew Graham, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3531 Lyttleton, Stephen CUve, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3532 McCormick-Goodhart, Leander, 1 Jan-. 1919. (BI.) 3533 McGrath, Redmond Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3534 McRitchie, William MacPherson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3535 MacKay, Robert Henry Ramsay, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3536 MacmiUan, James Charles Newsome, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3537 Mace, Frederick WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3538 Martyn, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3539 May, James Rees, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3541 Minter, Joseph Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3542 Moore, Albert John Campbell, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3543 Moore, Hartley RusseU Gwennap, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3544 Morris, LesUe MUes, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3545 Mountstephens, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3546 Palmei , Edwin Mansergh, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3547 Parry, Gladwyn, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3548 Penny, Herbert Lloyd, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3550 Pilditch, Cyril Harold Lee, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3551 Pougnet, John Maurice Barbes, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3552 Pover, Thomas Pierce, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3553 Price, WiUiam Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3554 Prior, Cunningham, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3555 Richards, John Osment. 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3556 RUey, Gerard Brook, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3557 Roskruge, Francis John. 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3558 Ruxton, WUUam Mill, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3559 Ryan, Walter Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3560 Sandieson, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3561 Seabrook, James Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3562 Shaw, Ernest Albert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3563 Siddals, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3564 Simpson, James, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3565 Slaney, Charles Wynne, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3567 Smart, Harold NevU, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3568 Smith, Frederick H, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3569 SneUtag, Norman George Fowler, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3570 Sparrow, WUliam George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3571 Stapylton, Martyn Frederic, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3572 S-wann-Mason, Rev. Richard Swann, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3573 Symes, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3574 Tabuteau, Reginald MoUere, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3575 Talbot, John Charles, 1 Jau. 1919. (at.) 3576 Tarrant, WilUam Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3577 Temple, John Howard, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3578 Thom, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3580 Tinker, Henry WUliam Cossart, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3581 Townshend. Reginald Brooks, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3582 Upham, John WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3583 Vigne, Bertram, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3584 Vincent, Charles Rogers, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3585 WaUace, Charles James Mitchell, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 3586 Wallis, Tacy MiUett Whistanley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 610 OFFICERS 3588 Watchlin, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3589 Watson, WUliam Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3590 Way, Robert Lewis, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) S591 Webster, Godfrey George. 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) S592 White, Hans Thomas Feu, 1 Jan. 1919. (li.) 3593 WMttingham, WaUace Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. (u.) 3594 Windle, Charles Howard, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3595 Wrey, Edward Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3596 Young, Stanley Harris, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3597 Young, Thomas Wallace, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3598 GiUon, Nina, Mrs. Stair Andrew, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3599 WaUace, Ottilie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3601 Anderson, Alexander Colin, 1 Jan. 1919. 3602 Anderson, Maurice Fitzgerald, 1 Jan. 1919. 8603 Angel, Sydney James Hounsell, 1 Jan. 1919. 3604 Armstrong, Francis Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 3605 AtMn, Percy Harland, 1 Jan. 1919. 3606 Austen, Harold Cholmley Mansfield, 1 Jan. 1919. 3607 Avellne, WUliam Rebotier, 1 Jan. 1919. S608 BailUe, James Black, 1 Jan. 1919. 3609 Barber, WUUam David, 1 Jan. 1919. 3610 Barber, Mabel Emily, 1 Jan. 1919. 3611 Barnes, Thomas James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3612 Baron, Barclay, 1 Jan. 1919. 3613 Bates, Sh Richard Dawson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3614 Batty, Rev. Basil Staunton, 1 Jan. 1919. 3615 Beauchamp, Agneta Frances, 1 Jan. 1919. 3616 BeU, Charles ThornhiU, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3617 Bennett, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3618 Van Bergen, Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3619 Bevan, Jean. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3620 Bigge, Edith Lindsay, Lady Selby-, 1 Jan. 1919. 3621 Binney, Harold William Meares, 1 Jan.1919. 3622 Bhkett, Matthew Stevenson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3623 Bishop, Pearl HaU, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3624 Blake, Owen Vincent, 1 Jan. 1919. 3625 Blythen, Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. 3626 Booth, Alfred Watson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3627 Borthwick, Albert WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3628 Boughey, George Menteth, 1 Jan. 1919. 3629 Bourdeaux, Henry Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. 3630 Bowen, WiUiam Korff, 1 Jan. 1919. 3631 Bradford, Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 3632 Brand, Edward Murray, 1 Jan. 1919. 3633 Brassey, Maude Helena, Hon. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3634 Brechin, Rev. Edwin James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3635 Brighten, Edgcumbe Rendle, 1 Jan. 1919. 3636 Broadmead, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3637 Brougham, Diana Isabel, Hon. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919 3638 Bruce, Marion, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3639 Du Buisson, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3641 Bulman, George Purvis, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3642 Burchardt, Christiana Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. 3643 Burns, Hon. Emily Dunbar, 1 Jan. 1919. 3644 Bussell, Albert CecU, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3645 Bussen, Percy Dale, 1 Jan. 1919. 3646 Buxton, Frances Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. 3647 Byron, Margaret Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1919. 3648 Cadbury, Laurence John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3649 Calder, Reginald Colin, 1 Jan. 1919. 3650 CampbeU, Archibald Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3651 Campion, Mary Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1919. 3652 Cannon, Percival Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3653 Cantiie, Mabel Barclay, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 3654 Case, Thomas Henry Towler, 1 Jan. 1919. 3655 Chalmers, Kenneth Bdlmann, 1 Jan. 1919. 3656 Chivers, George Tanner, 1 Jan. 1919. 3657 Clarke. Harold Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3658 Cliff. Edith Maud, 1 Jan. 1919. 3659 Clutterbuck, Lewis St. John Rawlinson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3660 Cochrane, Blah Onslow, 1 Jan. 1919. 3662 Cocks, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3663 Codd, Arthur WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3665 Colson, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3666 Combridge, Cornelius, 1 Jan. 1919. 3667 Cookson, Kenneth, 1' Jan. 1919. 3668 Cooper, Charlotte Leonora, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 3670 Corless, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. 3671 Costello, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. 3672 Courtney, Reginald Sydney, 1 Jan. 1919. 3673 Cox, Aedan, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3674 Cribbes, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3675 Crosbie, Maxwell Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 3676 Crowley, Cuthbert, 1 Jan. 1919. 3677 Crowther, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3678 Culley, ZeUa Evelyn, Mrs. Leather, 1 Jan. 1919. 3679 Cumming, John Fleetwood, 1 Jan. 1919. (H.) 3680 Curr, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3681 Curry, Phillip Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 3682-Cutbush, Mabel Jane, 1 Jan. 1919. 3683 David, Maud Anno, 1 Jan. 1919. S684 Davidson, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3685 Davies, Edwin Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. 3686 Davies, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3687 Davis, Florence Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3688 Davis, Kenneth Randall, 1 Jan. 1919. 3689 Davy, Francis Herbert Mountjoy Nelson Humphrey-, 1 Jan. 1919. 3690 Disraeli, Marion Grace, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3691 Dobbs, George CadeU, 1 Jan. 1919. 3692 Doncaster, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. 3694 Drake, WiUiam Henry MUverton, 1 Jan. 1919. 3695 Dunn, James Dunn, 1 Jan. 1919. 3696 Durler, Nora Kathleen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3697 Eastham, William Pelham, 1 Jan. 1919. 3698 Edmonds, WiUiam Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. 8699 Edwards, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 8700 Elford, Archibald Sefton, 1 Jan. 1919. 3701 Elliott, Alexander Macbeth, 1 Jan. 1919. 3703 Enness, Minnie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3704 Esplen, James Jonhstone, 1 Jan. 1919. 3705 Etherton, George Hammond, 1 Jan. 1919. . 3706 Ewen, John Taylor, 1 Jan. 1919. 3707 Fardell, Flora Emily, 1 Jan. 1919. 3708 Farren, Hugh Riohard, 1 Jan. 1919. 3709 Ferguson, Alfred Cornwall, 1 Jan. 1919. 3710 Ferguson, Anthony, 1 Jan. 1919. 3711 Ferguson, Louis, 1 Jan. 1919. 8712 Fife, William, 1 Jan. 1919. 3713 Finlayson, David John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3714 Foot, George Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. 3715 Forbes, Arthur Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3716 Ford, Everard Allen, 1 Jan. 1919. 3717 Forster, John James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3718 Foster, Robert John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3719 Fowler, Margaret Mary Maitland, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3720 Eraser, Florence, '.Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3721 Fulton, Hamilton, 1 Jan. 1919. 3722 Garcia, Henry John Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3723 Gardner^John Campbell, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3724 George, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1019. 3725 Gibbs, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3726 Gibson, Charles Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. 3727 Gillett, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1919. 3728 Gleghorn, Thomas Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. 3729 Goldsmith, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3731 Good, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3732 Goodall, Clarence Noel, 1 Jan. 1919. 3733 Goodenough. Henrietta Margaret, Hon. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3784 Gower, Robert Vaughan, 1 Jan. 1919. 3735 Graham, Mary Bremner, 1 Jan. 1919. 3736 Greer, Olivia Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3737 Grey, John Temperley, 1 Jan. 1919. 3738 Grimwood, James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3739 Gumey, Catherine, 1 Jan. 1919. 3740 Hambly, George Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. 3741 Handford, John James WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3742 Harding, John Rudge, 1 Jan. 1919. 3743 Hardisty, Arthur Hobson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3744 Harrison, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3745 Hay, David Allan, 1 Jan. 1919. 3746 Hayne, Frederick WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3747 Hedley, Mary Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3748 Henderson, Eveleen Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3749 Hendriks, Henry Leslie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3750 Henry, Alice Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3751 Hewan, Elliot Dunville, 1 Jan. 1919. 3753 HUey, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3754 Htodley, Edith Cahns, 1 Jan. 1919. 3755 Hoad, Lewis, 1 Jan. 1919. 3756 Hobbs, Walter Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3757 Hobden, Gideon, 1 Jan. 1919. 3758 Hodgson, Edward Highton, 1 Jan. 1919. 3759 Hogg, John Ewer Jefferson, 1 Jan. 1919, 3760 Holland, Robert Wolstenholme, 1 Jan. 1919. 3761 Holt, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. 3762 Horner, Frances Jane, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 3763 Horton, Ernest Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3764 Hourston, Charies MarshaU, 1 Jan. 1919. 3765 Hulme, Agnes Maud, 1 Jan. 1919. 3766 Hunt, John Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. 3767 Huth, Bertha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3768 Hyde, Katharine Anne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3769 Isaacs, Mariette, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3770 Jacob, John Hier, 1 Jan. 1919. 3771 James, Frederick Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. 3772 Johnson, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3774 Jones, Ernest Stephens, 1 Jan. 1919. 3775 Jones, Reginald John Wallis-, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3776 Jones, Samuel Glynne, 1 Jan. 1919. 3777 Joy, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3778 Kay, Mary Lees, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3779 Keattoge, Reginald Heber, 1 Jan. 1919. 3780 Kelcey, WUliam Foord-, 1 Jan. 1919. 3781 KendaU, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 37S2 Kennedy, John Macfarlane, 1 Jan. 1919. 3783 Kerr, Martha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3784 Kerr, Muriel Constance, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3785 Kimber, Augustus Charles Edmund, 1 Jan. 1919. 3786 King, Alice Cicell, 1 Jan. 1919. 3787 King, Henry Smails, 1 Jan. 1919. 3788 King, William Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. 3789 Kittoe, Montague Francis Markham Sloane-, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3790 Knight, Ethel Corbet, 1 Jan. 1919. 3791 Knowles, Christine, 1 Jan. 1919. D792 Kouyoumdjian, Manouk, 1 Jan. 1919. 3793 Laurie, Annie Macpherson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 611 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 3794 Leech, Samuel Chetwynd, 1 Jau. 1919. 3795 Legros, Lucien Alphonse, 1 Jan. 1919. 3796 Lewis, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3797 Lewis, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3798 Lewis, Margaret Blanche, 1 Jan. 1919. 3799 Linton, Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3800 Lloyd, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3801 Locke, William, 1 Jan. 1919. 3802 Londen, Frederick Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3803 Long, Edward Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. 3804 Loudon, Mary Sophia, Mrs... 1 Jan. 1919. 3805 Lunn, John Reuben 1 Jan. 1919. 3806 Luttrell, Mary Fownes, 1 Jan. 1919. 3807 Macewen, Hugh Allan, 1 Jan. 1919. 3808 Macfarlane. James Colquhoun, 1 Jan. 1919. 3809 McFarlane, Lauchlan Grant, 1 Jau. 1919. 3810 Macfarlane, Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1919. 3811 McGrigor, Margaret Annie Kay, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3812 McKenzie, Hon. Robert Donald, 1 Jan. 1919. 3813 McLean, John Reid. 1 Jan. 1919. 3814 MacLeod Murray, 1 tfan. 1919. (M.) 3816 McNab, WaUace John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3817 Maconochie, Robert Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3818 Macoun, James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3819 Macphail, Douglas Ross, 1 Jan. 1919. 3820 MacPberson, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3821 Macqueen, Frances Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3822 MacSwtoney, Elsie Trant, 1 Jan. 1919. 3823 Manley, Kate, 1 Jan. 1919. 3824 Manning, Edith Lindsay, 1 Jan. 1919. 3825 Marlow, Bdmund George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3826 Marquand, Alan Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. 3827 Marrack, Philip Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3828 Marshall, Arthur Timothy, 1 Jan. 1919. 3829 Marshall, WiUiam Lee, 1 Jan. 1919. 3830 Maynard, Dudley Christopher, 1 Jan. 1919. 3831 Mayne, Olga Moseley, 1 Jan. 1919. 3832 Mayo, Robert Hobart, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3833 Measor, Henry Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 3834 Measures, Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1919. 3835 Meulen, Frederick Alan Van der, 1 Jan. 1919. 3836 Middleton, William Aberdein, 1 Jan. 1919. 3837 Miles, William, 1 Jan. 1919. 3838 Miller EUen Cameron, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3839 MiUer, Irene Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3840 Milne, George Torrance, 1 Jan. 1919. 3841 Mitchell, Albert Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. 3842 Morgan, WUliam Henry. 1 Jan. 1919. 3843 Morison, WiUiam Roger, 1 Jan. 1919. 3844 Morris, Cynthia Gertrude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3845 Moseley, Miriam Louise, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3846 Mostyn, Mary Florence Edith, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 3847 Mudie, Annie Bertha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3848 Mundy, Catherine, Mrs. MUler, 1 Jan. 1919. 3849 Murcliie, Archibald, 1 Jan. 1919. 3851 Nisbet, Henry Kingscote, 1 Jan. 1919. 3852 Norbury, Lionel Edward Close, 1 Jan. 1919. 3853 Norman, Percy George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3854 Northam, Walter Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 3855 NuttaU, May, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3856 O'Brien, Beatrice Jane, 1 Jan. 1919. 3857 O'DonneU, James Rodney, 1 Jan. 1919. 3858 Oliver, Arthur Maule, 1 Jan. 1919. 3859 O'NeUl, Herbert Charies, 1 Jan. 1919. 3860 Onslow, Harriet Katharine, 1 Jan. 1919. 3862 Palmer, Walter Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1919. 3863 Pate, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3864 Patterson, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3865 Paul, WiUiam Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. 3867 Peck, Margaret Catharine, 1 Jan. 1919. 3868 Perrin, Rev. Howard Nasmith, 1 Jan. 1919. 3869 Phillip, William Littlejohn, 1 Jan. 1919. 3870 PhiUips, John Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. 3871 Pinkney, Samuel Renny, 1 Jan. 1919. 3872 De La Poer, Mary OUvia, Hon. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3873 Powell, Margaret Joyce, 1 Jan. 1919. 3874 Pretyman, Lady Beatrice Adine, 1 Jan. 1919. 3875 Quayle, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3876 Raikes, Ernest Barkley, 1 Jan. 1919. 3877 Ramsay, Jotoi Maclean, 1 Jan. 1919. 3878 Rankine, Alexander OUver, 1 Jan. 1919. 3879 Rawlinson, Ralph George Joynson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3880 Reading, Harry Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3881 Rees, Da\id Valentine, 1 Jau. 1919. 3882 Rees, Joseph Cook, 1 Jan. 1919. 3883 Reid, Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3884 Ricardo, Katherine AUce, 1 Jan. 1919. 3885 Rice. Fabian Arthur Besant, 1 Jan. 1919. 3886 Richardson, Harry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3887 Riseley, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3888 Roads, Edith Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. 3889 Robb, John McLonnan, 1 Jan. 1919. 3890 Roberts, Edward Coleridge, 1 Jan. 1919. 3891 Robinson, Katharine Haigh, 1 Jan. 1919. 3892 Robinson, Sh Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3893 Rogers, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3894 Rollin, Ambrose, 1 Jan. 1919. 3895 Ross, Frederick Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. 3896 Row, Bessie Rose, 1 Jan. 1919. 38973898 389939003901 3902 3903 3904390539063907 39083909391039113912 3913 3914 39163917 39183919392039213923 39213925392639273928 3929393039313932 3933 3935393739383939394039413942394339453946 394739503951395239533954395539563957395839593960 39613962 3963 396439653966 3967 3968396939703971 397239733974 3975397639773978397939803981 3982 3983398439853986 398739883989 399039913992399339943995399639973998 4000 612 Rowcliffe, Clementina Elizabeth Hope, Mis., 1 Jan. 1919. RoweU, Henry Snowden, 1 Jan. 1919. Roxburghe, Anne EmUy, Dowager Duchess of, 1 Jan. 1919. Russell, Hon. Eustace Scott Hamilton-, 1 Jan. ' 919. Russell, Henry Hartley Aloysius, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) Ryle, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. Safford, Stella Fanny, 1 Jan. 1919. St. Clah, Hon. Lockhart Matthew, 1 Jan. 1919. Sandeman, David Alexander Stewart, 1 Jan. 1919 Sandhurst, Eleanor Mary Caroline, Viscountess, 1 Jan. 1919. Saunders, George WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. Sayers, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. Scholfield, William Farrar, 1 Jan. 1919. Scott, Adam, 1 Jan. 1919. Seatle, John Bridson, 1 Jan. 1919. de Segundo, Charles Sempttl, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) Selby, Prideaux George, 1 Jan. 1919. Setts, JuUa Perronet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Shaw, George Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. Shaw, GwendoUne Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. Shepperd, Walter Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. Siltzer, Violet Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Sim, James, 1 Jan. 1919. Simmons, Stanley Hall, 1 Jan. 1919. Sinclah, Donald Boase, 1 Jan. 1919. (at) Singleton, James Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. Sitters, Percy Henry Smart, 1 Jan. 1919. Skeggs, James Buteux, 1 Jan. 1919. Smail, James Cameron, 1 Jan. 1919. SmaU, Elsie Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. Smith, Edward Rawdon, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.; Smith, Frances Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. Smith, Frederick Crawford, 1 Jan. 1919. Smith, Marshall King, 1 Jan. 1919. Smith, Sarah Helen, 1 Jan. 1919. Spear, Wilfrid Guy, 1 Jan. 1919. Stark, James, 1 Jan. 1919. Stedman, Isabel Margaret, 1 Jan. 1919. Stephenson, Philippa Anna Frederica, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1919. Steward, Alexandrina Ryrie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Stewart, John, 1 Jan. 1919. Stickland, John Northover, 1 Jan. 1919 StUwell, George Robert Fabris, 1 Jan. 1919. Stocks, Andrew Denys, 1 Jan. 1919. Stokes, Dene Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. Studd, John Edward Kynaston, 1 Jan. 1919. Taylor, Alexander Thomson, 1 Jan. 1919. Taylor, William, 1 Jan. 1919. Tench, LUlian Eugenia, 1 Jan. 1919. ThhlweU, Thomas WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. Thhsk, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. Thomas, Ivor Cradock, 1 Jan. 1919. Thomas, Maude Tuson, 1 Jan. 1919. Thompson, George Roger, 1 Jan. 1919. TUl, Thomas Marson, 1 Jan. 1919. Timtos, Douglas Theodore, 1 Jan. 1919. Tinniswood, Robert, 1 Jau. 1919. Tracy, Cyprienne Emma Madeleine Hanbury-, 1 Jan. 1919. Trant, Alfred WUUam Vincent, 1 Jan. 1919. Trotter, EUinor, Hon. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Tubbs, Lucinda EUzabeth Alexandra, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Turner, George, 1 Jan. 1919. Turner, Samuel Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. Turner, WUliam Ernest Stephen, 1 Jau. 1919. Turpta, Helena Augusta Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Urie, John, 1 Jan. 1919. Vaughan, Janet Fellza, 1 Jan. 1919. Venables, Caroline EmUy, 1 Jan. 1919. Waggett, Constance, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919 Wake, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. Waters, Roger Donald, 1 Jan. 1919. Watkins, WUUam Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. Watson, Dorothy Bannerman, IDs, 1 Jan. 1919. Watson, Douglas Home, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) Watson, Edith Deverell, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919 Wayman, Myers, 1 Jan. 1919. Webster, George, 1 Jan. 1919. Wedderburn, Ernest Maclagan-, 1 Jan. 1919. (at ) Welborn, George Coulson, 1 Jan. 1919. Wells, James Laurence, 1 Jan. 1919. Wheler, Florence Ffaith, Mrs. Hastings, 1 Jan. 1919. WhUler, Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Whitbread, Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1919. Whittaker, George, 1 Jan. 1919. Whyte, WUUam de Burgh, 1 Jan. 1919 Whyte, WUUam Edward. 1 Jan. 1919 Wilkins, John, 1 Jan. 1919. Williams, Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. Williams, Harris Gregory, 1 Jan. 1919, WUliams, WiUiam Nance, 1 Jan. 1919 WiUiamson, Michael, 1 Jan. 1919. (st ) WUmot, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. WUson, Charlotte Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan 1919 Wilson, David, 1 Jan. 1919. WUson, Helena Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919 Wilson, Henry Adrian Fltzroy, 1 Jan. 1919 WUson, Richard WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919 OFFICERS. 4001 Wlnram, Agnes Rankine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4002 Winter, George Mitchell, 1 Jan. 1919. 4003 Terrington, Lord, 1 Jan. 1910. (at.) 4004 Wren, Evelyn Emma Amelia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4005 Wright, John Brown, 1 Jan. 1919. 4006 Yeaxlee, Rev. Basil Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. 4007 Abbott, John Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. 4008 Addis, Frederick Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 4009 Balfour, Alfred Stevenson, 1 Jan. 1919. 4010 Bali, Rai Rajeshwar, 1 Jan. 1919. 4011 Barne, Rev. George Dunsford, 1 Jan. 1919. 4012 BeU, Arthur Morton, 1 Jan. 1919. 4013 Best Hon. James William, 1 Jan. 1919. 4014 Beyts, Clement Ayerst, 1 Jan. 1919. 4015 Bingley, Mabel Katherine, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 4016 Black, Rev. James, 1 Jan. 1919. 4017 Blackstock, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 4018 Branford, Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. 4019 Broke-Smith, PhiUp William Lilian, 1 Jan. 1919. 4020 Brown, Arthur Cecil, 1 Jan. 1919. 4021 Bruce, Charies Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 4022 Burrup, John Arthur Evans, 1 Jan. 1919. 4023 Chand, Rao Bahadur Choudhri Lai, 1 Jan. 1919. 4024 Chand, Rai Bahadur Lala Karam, 1 Jan. 1919. 402a Chase, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1919. 4026 Chenevix-Trench, Richard Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 4027 Coburn, Marmaduke Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. 4028 Collins, Godfrey Ferdinando Stratford, 1 Jan. 1919. 4029 Cooke, Thomas Fothergill, 1 Jan. 1919. 4030 Cowley, Robert Mansfield, 1 Jan. 1919. 4031 Davys, Maud Lilian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4032 Deo, Rani Chandelin Ju, 1 Jan. 1919. 4033 Digby-Beste, Henry Aloysius Bruno, 1 Jan. 1919. 4034 Drake, John Collard Bernard, 1 Jan. 1919. 4035 EUis, Kate Hannah, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4036 Elwes, Aline, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4037 FeUing, Keith Grahame, 1 Jan. 1919. 4038 Ferguson, John Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. 4039 Ferrar, Michael Lloyd, 1 Jan. 1919. 4040 Gamlen, Robert Loraine, 1 Jan. 1919. 4041 GUbert, James Ainsworth, 1 Jan. 1919. 4042 Girard, Marie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4043 Godden, James WiUiam Mineard, 1 Jan. 1919. 4044 Hannyngton, Mary, Mrs. John Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 4045 Harris, Thomas Guy Marriott, 1 Jan. 1919. 4046 Hopkins, Robert Hemiss Handasyd, 1 Jan. 1919. 4047 Hopkyns, WUUam Stenning, 1 Jan. 1919. 4048 Hunt, Francis DUlon, 1 Jan. 1919. 4049 Husain, Khan Bahadur Muhammad Aziz-ud-Din, 1 Jan. 1919. 4050 Husain, Shaikh Shahid, 1 Jan. 1919. 4051 Kendrick, Sidney John, 1 Jan. 1919. 4052 Khan, Khan Bahadar Nawao Muhammad Muzammi- luUah, 1 Jan. 1919. 4053 Khan, Khan Bahadur Arbab Dost Muhammad, 1 Jan. 1919. 4054 Khan, Kahn Bahadur Malik Muhammad Amin, 1 Jan. 1919. 4055 Latouche, George Henry Stransham, 1 Jan. 1919. 4056 Leigh, MaxweU Studdy, 1 Jan. 1919. 4057 LeMesurier, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 4058 Litster, WUUam James, 1 Jan. 1919. 4059 Loch, Edward Campbell, 1 Jan. 1919. 4060 Lomas, Hugh Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 4061 Luxmore, Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4062 MacCaw, Vivian Hardy, 1 Jan. 1919. 4063 Maffey, Dorothy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4064 Majid, Abdul, 1 Jan. 1919. 4065 Marker, Kahn Bahadur Ardeshh Dossabhoy. 1 Jan. 1919. 4066 Martin, Frederick Barclay, 1 Jan. 1919. 4067 Mason, Adeline, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4068 Mathers, Rev. James, 1 Jan. 1919. 4069 McMichael, John Fisher, 1 Jan. 1919. 4070 McNah, Arthur Wyndham, 1 Jan. 1919. 4071 Meikle, John James, 1 Jan. 1919. 4072 Mitchell, Hugh Henry Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. 4073 Money, Wigram Seymour Elliot, 1 Jan. 1919. 4074 Montefiore, Claude Emanuel, 1 Jan. 1919. 4075 Mort, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 4076 Mules, Sir Horace Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 4077 Mumford, Charles AUan, 1 Jan. 1919. 4078 Nelson, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 4079 Oakden, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1919. 4080 Page, Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1919. 4081 Paterson, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1919. 4082 Powell, Hon. John, 1 Jan. 1919. 4084 Robinson, Horace Astell Lynn, 1 Jan. 1919. 408d Rodger, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. 4087 Rudkin, George Drury, 1 Jan. 1919. 4088 Sah, Raja Lokendra, 1 Jan. 1919. 4089 Sands, Charles Edward Walker, 1 Jan. 1919. 4090 Scott, Ernest Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. 4091 Shah, Khan Bahadur Sayyid Mahdi, 1 Jan. 1919. 4092 Shelton, Robert Melvln, 1 Jan. 1919. 4093 SUvester, Colin Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 4094 Slmkins, Helen, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1919. 4095 Singh, Rai Bahadur Bhaiya Ganga Baksh, 1 Jan. 1919. 4096 Singh, Sardar Bahadur Gajjan, 1 Jan. 1919. 613 4097 Singh, Raja Parbal Partab, 1 Jan. 1919. 4098 Stevens, James Algernon, 1 Jan. 1919. 4099 Stewart, Helen Osmer, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4100 Stow, Alexander Montagu, 1 Jan. 1919. 4101 Street, Clare, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4102 Swalne, Ethel, 1 Jan. 1919. 4103 Symons. Rudolph Victor, 1 Jan. 1919. 4104 Tha, Maung Po, 1 Jan. 1919. 4105 Thompson Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. 4106 Thompson, Frank Stuart Corbitt 1 Jan. 1919. 4107 Todd, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1919. 4108 Todhunter, Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4109 Tomb, John Walker, 1 Jan. 1919. 4110 Trevor, Digby Bruce, 1 Jan. 1919. 4111 Tsong, Llm Chin, 1 Jan. 1919. 4112 Turner, James Wilson, 1 Jan. 1919. 4113 Ure, Georgina Jean Elizabeth Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4114 Walpole, Charles Archibald, 1 Jan. 1919. 4115 Williams, Rev. Garfield, 1 Jan. 1919. 4116 Worsley, Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1919. 4117 Hornblower. George Davis, 1 Jan. 1919. 4118 Garvice, Chudleigh, 1 Jan. 1919. 4119 Madden, Frank Cole, 1 Jan. 1919. 4120 Scott, John Archibald, 1 Jan. 1919. 4121 Rolo, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. 4122 Wheatley, Mervyn James, 1 Jan. 1919. 4123 Hewison, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. 4124 Huddleston, Arthur James Croft, 1 Jan. 1919. 4125 WUlis, Charles Armtae, 1 Jan. 1919. 4126 Ker, Hugh T..1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4127 Adams, John Basil Franklin, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 4128 Appleby, Kinloch Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 4129 Avery, John Erlgar, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4130 Wall, Charles Percivale Bligh, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4131 Block, Isidore Jack, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4132 Britten, Wallace Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4133 Brown, Arthur Edmund, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4134 Carolin, George levers, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4135 Carpenter, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 4136 Connan, John Cranmer, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 4137 Cossey, Harry John Moore, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4138 Cotton, Maurice John, Uan. 1919. (M.) 4139 Dudgeon, Arthur Freder ick, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4140 Du Frayer, Alfred Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4141 Bldred, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4142 Gardner, Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4143 Geipel, Kenneth Shute, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4144 Graham, Charles Townley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4145 Haney, Robert Bald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4146 Henderson, Christopher Woodall, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4147 Hoare, Charles E, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4148 Home, George Archibald Swinton, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 4151 Howie, Adrian Morrison, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4152 Hudson, Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4153 Jackson, Thomas Eldridge, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 4154 Jeffery, George Russell, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4155 Jones, Basil Dennis, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4156 Kettle, Harry Philip, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4157 Lynn, William Davies Eliott, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4158 Madge, Quintus, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4159 Margach, Lewis Grant, 1 Jan. 1919. (af.) 4160 Marshall, LeghRichmond Herbert Peter, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4161 Mason, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 4162 MUlar, George McGregor, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4163 Mooie, George James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4164 Morns, James Hulbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4165 Murton, Ivo Murray, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4166 Orde-Browne, Granville St. John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4167 Overell, Percy WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4168 Page, Francis James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) _169 PhUlips, Percival, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4170 Puntis, Walter Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4171 Roberts, Cecil Henry Woolcott, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 4172 Saville-Farr, Arthur James Melancthon, 1 Jan. 1919. (It. ) 4173 Semple, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4174 Simpson, WiUiam Slessor. 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4175 Smith, Albert Augustus, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 4176 Smith, Allison Eugene, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 4177 Smith, Ronald Maskeleyn, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4178 Standish-White, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4179 Stokes, Francis Maurice Collins, 1 Jan. 1919. (u ) 4180 Thomson, John Patrick, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4181 Tosswill, Frank Speare, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4182 Trelawny, James Edward Salusbury, 1 Jan. 1919 (at.) 4183 Turner, George Eli, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4184 Verbi, Vladimh Vassil, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4185 West, Stewart Ellis Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 4186 Aitken, Allan Beacon, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 4187 Aldham, Michael Seymour, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4188 Alexander, Robert Donald Thain, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 4189 Blaker, William Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 4190 Boyce, Clement James, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4191 Brock, Charies Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 4192 Brunskill, John Handfleld, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4193 Burn, Robert Nathaniel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4194 Cardwell, WUliam Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4195 Carty, Samuel Wilfrid, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4196 Cathcart, George Elliot, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4197 Chambers. Robert Alexander 1 Jan. 1919. (li.) THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 4198 Clifton, Rev. Edward James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4199 Cockerell, Frederick Peyps, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4200 Cooper, Raymond WUloughby, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4201 Crawford, Stanley Charles Russell, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4202 Davidson, Colin Keppel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4203 Davies, LleweUyn Wynne, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4204 Davy, Gerald Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4205 Eve. George Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4206 Farfell, Rev. Bernard, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) ) 4210 Guays' Frank'Lewis', 1 Jan. 1919. (M.j 4211 Gumbley, Douglas WUliam Mew, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4212 Harris, John Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4213 Harvey, Bertram Lionel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4214 Hawkes, Frank Roxburgh, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4215 Hendry, Frank Courts, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4216 Hewer, John Radbom, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4217 HU1, Alfred Lyon, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4218 Howe, WilUam Tuxford, 1 Jan. 1919. (af.) 4219 Howell, Hector Lionel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4220 Hunter, Reginald Gordon Pulteney, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4221 Hyatt, Percival Taylor, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4222 John, Nichol Shaw, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4223 Johnson, Harold Cecil John, 1 Jan. 1919. 4224 Jones, Percival Walter Edwin, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt) 4225 Kauntze, Bertram Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4226 Kemble, Paul Berthon, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4227 Lakto, Colin Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4228 Lamb, David OgUvy Wright, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4229 Lander, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 4230 Leslie, Seymour Granger, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4231 Little, Cuthbert Joseph Harwood, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4232 Loverock, Robert Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4233 MarshaU, Gerald Struan, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4234 Mellsop, John Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 4235 Metcalfe, Joseph Noel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4236 Mitchell, John Phimister, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4237 MoUlet, Hubert Mainwaring Keh, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4238 NeUson, Ronald Braco Stenhouse, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4239 Nelson, John Joseph Harper, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4240 Newell, Stanley Monk, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4241 O'Connor, James Lynch, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4242 Penny, Cyril John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4243 Pope, Seymour Fell, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4244 Preedy, Clement, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4245 Rawson, Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4246 RevneU, Rev. Arthur Jesse, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4247 Riccard, John Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 4248 Robertson, Hugh Given, 1 Jan. 1919. 4249 Scott, Maitland Bodley, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4250 Sheath, WiUiam Archibald Sidney, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4251 Spence, Richard Bennett, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4252 Starkey, Herbert James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4253 Stevens, Thomas Harry Gouldsworthy, 1 Jan. 1919. (at 4254 Storey, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4255 Tarran, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4256 Taunton, John WUliam Lionel, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4257 Turner, Percy WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 4258 Wagstaff, Lewis Cecil, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4259 Waring, Edmund Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4260 Watson, WUliam Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4261 Weatherall, Nigel Edward 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4262 Weir, Peter, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4263 WUlis, Richard Dunn, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4264 Wood, Frank Thomas Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. 4265 Woodhouse, Percy St. John Ranee, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4266 Yeld, Richard Kingsley, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4267 Warden, John Weightman, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4268 Starnes, Fred, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4269 Aylward, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 4270 ChurchUl, Herbert Forbes, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4271 Cottier, Edwin Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4272 Cox, Humphrey John Hamilton, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4273 Fleming, Baldwyn Henry Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4274 Goodwyn, Juntos Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4275 Homer, John FitzLloyd, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4276 Ingilby, John Ughtred McDowaU, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 4277 MaunseU, Charles Henry Wray, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4278 Read, Phttip Austin Ottley, 1 Jau. 1919. (M.) 4279 Richardson, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4280 Walters, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4281 WUliams, Richard Charles Whittaker, 1 Jan. 1919. (at 4282 Duke, BasU Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4283 CasteUan, Victor Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4284 Davies, Charles Frederick Fellows, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4285 Packford, Charles WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4286 Shadforth, Harold Anthony. 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4287 Cameron, Annie Buchanan, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4288 Humphreys, Elizabeth Clement, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4289 Boulton, James Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 4290 Browne, Francis John, 1 Jan. 1919. (m.) 4291 Eastman, Edward George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4292 Lesstag, Edward Albert, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4293 Plnder, Francis WilUam Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4294 Robertson, Thomas Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4295 Schwabe, Charles Parker, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 42;96 Steveni, Leo, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) (at.) 4297 BeU, James MacKintosh, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 4298 Bruce, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4299 Ruck, Richard Conyers, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4300 Stubbs, Shhley Graham, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4301 Ahey, Rowland Montagu, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4302 Anscombe, Richard Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4303 Ball, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (M ) 4304 BeU Matthew Gerald Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4305 Bruce, Arthur Carlyon, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4306 Currie, PhUip John Reginald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4307 Field, Raymond Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 4308 Greene, WUfred Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4309 Griffith-Jones, Morgan PhUlips, 1 Jan. 1919. 4310 Jayne, Arthur Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4311 Jephson, P. H. R, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4312 Parry, Arthur Haydon, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4313 Ravenscroft, John Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4314 Richardson, James, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4315 Robertson-Durham, James Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4316 Rose, Ivor Sainte Croix, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4317 Walkley, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4318 WUson, Walter Carandhn, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4319 Alley, Herbert Rutton, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 4320 Kingman, Abner, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4321 MiUer, Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4322 Angelo, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. 4323 Fahhurst, Archibald, 1 Jan. 1919. 4325 Moh, Ian, 1 Jan. 1919. 4326 Hemsted, Rupert William, 1 Jan. 1919. 4327 Beatty, Francis Montague Algernon, 1 Jan. 1919. 43280 Pierce, Helen, 1 Jan. 1919. 43286 Smith, Arthur Henderson, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4328c Stokes, WiUiam Noel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4328i BaU, George Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4329 Temple, Reginald CecU, 12 Feb. 1919. (If.) 4330 Sinclah, Walter, 12 Feb. 1919. (ai.) 4331 Eady, George Griffin, 12 Feb. 1919. (M.) 4332 Binns, Cuthbert Evelyn, 12 Feb. 1919. (at.) 4333 Myres, John Linton, 12 Feb. 1919. (M.) 4334 Hudson, Charles Edward, 12 Feb. 1919. (M.) 4335 Sykes, Percy Stanley, 12 Feb. 1919. (at.) 4336 Tiarkes, Frank Cecil, 12 Feb. 1919. (If.) 4337 Clarke, William Francis, 12 Feb. 1919. (at.) 4338 Johnson, Thomas Frank, 12 Feb. 1919. (at.) 4339 HaU, Archibald Hoite, 12 Feb. 1919. (M.) 4340 Reid, Lionel, 12 Feb. 1919. (Bt.) 4341 Boyce, Ernest Thomas, 12 Feb. 1919. (M.) 4342 Hooker, Charles WiUiam Ross, 12 Feb. 1919. (at.) 4343 Van der Heuvel, Frederick William Arthur, Count, 12 Feb. 1919. (at.) 4344 Dickinson, James, 12 Feb. 1919. (at.) 4345 Landau, Henry, 12 Feb. 1919. (SI.) 4346 Aitken, Robert Young, 18 Feb. 1919. 4347 Andrews, George Edward Genge-, 18 Feb. 1919. 4348 Atkinson, George James Mouncey, 18 Feb. 1919. ) 4349 Banks, Isaac, 18 Feb. 1919. 4350 Barter, Richard Henry, 18 Feb. 1919. 4351 Bentall, WilUam Charles. 18 Feb. 1919. 4352 Blackett, Edward Joseph, 18 Feb. 1919. 4353 Blomfield, Joseph, 18 Feb. 1919. 4354 Brown, Frederick Lenox Harman, 18 Feb. 1919. 4355 Cadge, WiUiam Hotson, 18 Feb. 1919. 4356 Cashen, John, 18 Feb. 1919. 4357 Day, James John, 18 Feb. 1919. 4358 Elliott, John, 18 Feb. 1919. 4359 Elton, Henry Brown, 18 Feb. 1919. 4360 Ewart, David, 18 Feb. 1919. 4361 Fahweather, Francis Harold, 18 Feb. 1919. 4362 Farnell, Henry Dawson, 18 Feb. 1919. 4363 Fison, Edmund Towers, 18 Feb. 1919. 4364 Fleming, James Finlayson, 18 Feb. 1919. 4365 Fox, Joseph Vincent, 18 Feb. 1919. 4366 Giles, John Dudgeon, 18 Feb. 1919. 4367 Godwin, Herbert James, 18 Feb. 1919. 4368 Gordon, James Edward, 18 Feb. 1919. 4369 Gulllemard, Bernard James, 18 Feb. 1919. 4370 Harrison, John Atkinson, 18 Feb. 1919. 4371 Harvey, Joshua Harold, 18 Feb. 1919. 4372 Hawke, Edward Drummond Hay, 18 Feb. 1919. 4373 Hunton, Alfred WiUiam, 18 Feb. 1919. 4374 Jeremy, Mary Ethel, 18 Feb. 1919. 4376 Kempe, Charies Gilbert Burrington, 18 Feb. 1919. 4377 Key, Martin Aston, 18 Feb. 1919. ) 4378 Listen, Mary Forbes, 18 Feb. 1919. 4379 MaeFadden, Cecil John Read, 18 Feb. 1919. 4380 Mackintosh, John, 18 Feb. 1919. 4381 Mitchell, Arthur Martin, 18 Feb. 1919. 4382 Orrin, Herbert Charles, 18 Feb. 1919. 4383 Peacocke, Reginald Christopher, 18 Feb. 1919. 4384 Percival, George Henry, 18 Feb. 1919. 4385 Pinching, Charles James, 18 Feb. 1919. 4386 Pringle, Arthur Young, 18 Feb. 1919. 4387 Radcliffe, Frank, 18 Feb. 1919. 4388 Rice, Bernard, 18 Feb. 1919. 4389 Rogers, Kenneth, 18 Feb. 1919. 4390 Ross, Winifred Margaret, 18 Feb. 1919. 4392 Shore, Lewis Erie, 18 Feb. 1919. 4393 Simmons, Edward Walpole, 18 Feb. 1919. 4394 Somers, Charles Dudley, 18 Feb. 1919. 614 OFFICERS. 4395 Stoney, Florence Ada, 18 Feb. 1919. 4396 Taylor, John William, 18 Feb. 1919. 4397 Thorne, Berthold Bezly Thorne, 18 Feb. 1919. 4398 Walker, John William Thomson, 18 Feb. 1919. 4399 Webster, Arthur Douglas, 18 Feb. 1919. 4400 Wood, Cyril George Russ, 18 Feb. 1919. 4401 Worthington, Robert Alfred, 18 Feb. 1919. 4402 Humphrey, John Cave, 17 March, 1919. (at.) 4403 Walker, Arthur Horace, 17 March, 1919. (BI.) 4404 Davis, John Cecil, 17 March, 1919. (M.) 4405 Clegg, John Harry Kay, 17 March, 1919. (St.) 4406 Woodhouse, Hector Roy MaoKenzie, 17 March, 1919. (at,) 4407 Daniels, Ernost Stuart, 17 March, 1919. \H.) 4408 Richards, Edward, 17 March, 1919. (If.) 4409 Youle, George Arthur, 17 March, 1919. (at.) 4410 Fox, William Henry, 24 March, 1919. (at.) 4411 Harvey, James Robertson, 24 March, 1919. (at.) 4412 Hulme-Goodier, Robert Simes, 24 March, 1919. (si.) 4413 Seropian, Charles Dickran Oliver Deodat, 24 March, 1919. (at.) 4414 Bolton, Richard Edmund Cornforth, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4415 Breton, Colin Guy, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4416 Broderick, Richard, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4417 Burgess, Herbert Smith, 1 AprU, 1919. (it.) 4418 "Bushe, Charles Kendal, 1 April, 1919. (SI.) 4419 Capper, Henry Douglas, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4420 Chamberlin, Trevor Ronald, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4421 Coates, Joseph Edward, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4422 Crawford, James Robert, 1 AprU, 1919. (M.) 4423 Donaldson, Ernest, 1 AprU, 1919. (M.) 4424 Duffett, Edward, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4425 Dunraven, Earl of, 1 April, 1910. (at.) 4426 Bady, Frederick WiUiam Edward.1 April 1919. (it.) 4427 Feuding, Hon. Francis Everard Henry Joseph, 1 April, 1919. (Bt.) 4429 Freeman, Sidney Charles, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4430 Frith, WUliam Willoughby Cole, 1 April, 1919. (m.) 4431 GUI, Henry Dale, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4432 Hailes, David Augustus, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4433 Haslam, WUUam Heywood, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4434 Hemsley, Arthur CyrU, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4435 Houghton, Sydney Charles, 1 April, 1919. (ai.) 4436 Hunn, John Alfred, 1 April, 1919. (Bt.) 4437 Kilroy, WUlie Dickson, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4438 MacDermott, Anthony Francis Joseph, 1 April, 1919. (af.) 4439 Murray, Charles Geoffrey, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4440 Pinchin, John Fitzmaurice, 1 AprU 1919. (af.) 4441 PoUock, J. Donald, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4442 Price, Thomas Slater, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4443 Reeve, Arthur WiUiam Simms, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4444 Robinson, Leonard, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4445 Scott, Evelyn Dennis, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4446 Sims, WiUiam, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4447 Simpson, WUUam, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4448 Syson, Alfred Edward, 1 AprU, 1919. (jr.) 4449 Tredegar, Lord, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4450 Wharton, Richard George, 1 AprU, 1919. (Bf.) 4451 WUkinson, Ralph Thomas, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4452 Wolfe, Henry Eccles, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4453 Searle, Sydney, 5 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4454 Sampson, Leslie Norman, 5 April, 1919. (at.) 4455 Davies, WiUiam John Abbott, 5 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4456 Carter, Thomas Gilbert, 11 April, 1919. (at.) 4457 Toms, Frederick Bowering, 11 April, 1919. (at.) 4458 Groome, Frederick Thompson, 11 April, 1919. (st.) 4459 Osburn, Harold, 11 AprU, 1919. (SI.) 4460 Clark, Gordon Lihco, 11 AprU, 1919. (M.) 4461 Pipon, James Murray, 22 April, 1919. (Bt.) 4462 Porter, Robert Milne, 22 April, 1919. (at.) 4463 Bremner, Archibald Gordon, 22 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4464 Tyler, Thomas Richard, 22 AprU, 1919. (M.) 4465 Bowden, Harry James, 22 April, 1919. (at.) 4466 Lee, Vaughan Alexander Edward Hannlng-, 22 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4467 Cooper, Charles PurceU, 22 AprU, 1919. (M.) 4468 Hudson, Henry Victor, 22 AprU, 1919. (M.) 4469 Besant, Henry Francis, 22 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4470 Forrester, WilUam Thomson, 22 April, 1919. (at.) 4471 Malpas, James Herbert, 22 AprU, 1919. (St.) 4472 NichoUs, Arthur Sydney Moir, 22 April, 1919. (at.) 4473 Wethey, Edwin Howard, 22 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4474 Woolf, Thomas Alfred, 22 April, 1919. (BI.) 4475 Bourchier, John Arthur Fitz-warine, 22 April, 1919. (M.) 4476 Collins, Arthur Rutherford Dundas, 22 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4477 Trinick, Fred, 22 AprU, 1919. (af.) 4478 Ridyard, Arnold, 22 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4479 Learmonth, Archibald Thomas, 22 April, 1919. (at.) 4480 Lawlor, LesUe, 22 April, 1919. (st.) 4481 Colbourne, Walter Sydney, 22 AprU, 1919. (St.) 4482 Lloyd, Rowland Owen, 22 AprU, 1919. (St.) 4483 Capon, Selwyn Norman, 22 April, 1919. (at.) 4484 Ranson, Percy, 22 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4485 McKichan, John James, 22 April, 1919. (ai.) 4486 Hoar, Henry Samuel, 22 April, 1919. (at.) 4487 Ewart, Francis, 22 April, 1919. (af.) 4488a Selwin, Percy, 22 April, 1919. (at.) 4488. Rivers, Walter Samuel, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4488c Armstrong, Francis Harold Courtenay, 5 May, 1919. (ai.) 4488a' Cowau, David John, 5 May, 1919. (si.) 4488e Finch, Lionel Hugh Knightley, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4488/ Juriss. Maximilian, 5 May, 1919. (st.) 4488«r Leighton, Thomas William, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4488A Mitchell, Wright, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4489a Roberts, Arthur Edward Stokes-, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 44896 Usher, Charles MUne, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4489c Park, Frank Stewart, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4489(2 Mills, Charles, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4489e Anderson, William, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4889 Beale, Helen Mary, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4890 Bennet, Mary Barbara, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4891 Bennett, Catherine Elizabeth, 9 May, 1919. (St.) 4892 Currey, Muriel Innes, 9 May, 1919. (Bf.) 4893 Jermyn, Ida Mary, 9 May, 1919. (m.) 4894 de L'Hupltal, Wmitride Mary, Mrs, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4895 Maclennan, Anna Buchanan, 9 May, 1919. (M.) 4896 Matheson, Bthel Ivy Flora, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4897 Merston, Ethel Gladys, 9 May, 1919. (st.) 4898 Monkhouse, Marjorie Mary, 9 May, 1919. (ai.) 4899 Northcote, Evelyn Maud, Hon. Mrs, 9 May. 1919. (at.) 4900 Penrose, Katherine St. Aubyn, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4901 Royden, Ethel Martha, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4902 Valpy, Mrs. Bertha, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4903 Warner, Sydney Jeannetta, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4904 Warton, Florence Ethel, 9 May, 1919. (st.) 4905 Campbell, Victor Lindsey Arbuthnot, 24 May, 1919. (at.) 4906 Rennie, Alexander, 24 May, 1919. (at.) 4907 Graham, Thomas Alexander, 24 May, 1919. (at.) 4908 Todd, George Webster, 24 May, 1919. (at.) 4909 Young, James, 24 May, 1919. (at.) 4910 Warden, Robert Cunningham, 24 May, 1919. (St.) 4911 Paterson, Robert Ormistoii, 24 May, 1919. (at.) 4912 Clare, Harold Ernest, 24 May, 1919. (at.) 4913 Masters, Albert Frederick, 24 May, 1919. (st.) 4914 Ryan, Thomas Philip, 24 May, 1919. (Bt.) 4915 DriscoU, Robert, 24 May, 1919. (M.) 4916 Polehampton, John, 24 May, 1919. (at.) 4917 Eglen, Arthur Harold, 24 May, 1919. (at.) 4918 Anning, William James, 27 May, 1919. (BI.) 4919 Beautement, Harold, 27 May, 1919. (St.) 4920 Beare, Stanley Samuel, 27 May, 1919. (Bf.) 4921 Bevan, George Hope, 27 May, 1919. (St.) 4922 Blomlield, Myles Aldington, 27 May, 1919. (BI.) 4923 CallweU, Eberhard WUUam Ernest, 27 May 1919. (BI.) 4924 Clark, Roland Arbuthnot, 27 May, 1919. (it.) 4925 Close, Rev. Richard Bevill Middleton, 27 May, 1919. 4926 Congdon, William Sydney Philip, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 4927 Davies, Bertram Harold. 27 May, 1919. (M.) 4928 Edwards, Maoleod Gamiil Arthur, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4929 Harrison, William Rhodes, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4930 Hodge, John Macky, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4931 Lawder, Keith Macleod, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4932 Lyon, Alexander, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4933 McConkey, Henry, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4934 Macleod, WilUam Simon Fraser, 27 May, 1919. (M.) 4935 Purdon, Henry Maurice Chidley, 27 May, 1919. (si.) 4936 Spriggs, Harold James Duthoit, 27 May. 1919. (at.) 4937 Symons, Herebert Edward, 27 May, 1919. (II.) 4938 Talbot, Gerald, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4939 Wyatt, John Oliver, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4940 Adams, Edwin Plimpton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4941 Adams, Thomas Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4942 Alban-Uff, Sidney, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4943 Aldridge, Evelyn, 3 June, 1919. (11.) 4944 Alexandre. Philip George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4945 Alford, Sidney Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4946 Alkin, Richard Ley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4947 Allard, Philip, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4948 Allan, Bryce, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4949 AUen, Francis John, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4950 Allen, Frederick John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4951 Anderson, Francis Henry Middleton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4952 Anderson, James Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4953 Anderson, Weil Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4954 Anderson, Robert Gray, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4955 Anderson, Thomas Andrew Irving, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4956 Anderson, William, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4957 Anderson, Wilfred Arthur Duncombe, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4958 Andrew, George Lionel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4959 Angus, WUliam Brodie Gumey, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4960 Aris, Alexander Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4961 Armstrong, Samuel Richard, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4962 Armstrong, Godfrey George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4963 Armstrong, Sereld John, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4964 Ash, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4965 Ashford, Frederick Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4966 Attwood, Reginald Guy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4967 Bacon, Cyril William, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4968 Bahd, William Merrilees, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4969 Baker, Arthur Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4970 Baker, Herbert. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4971 Baker, Joseph Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 4972 Balders, Dudley Vere Morley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4973 Ball, Harry Standish, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4974 BaUard, Gilbert Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4975 Balleine, Rev. Austin Humphrey, S June, 1919. (at.) 4976 Barrett, Hugh Scott, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4977 Barron, CyrU Alexander, 3 June. 1919. (at.) 615 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 4978 Barrv, John Hewitt, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4979 Barton, Charles Percival, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4980 Bashford, Ernest Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4981 Batchelor, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4982 Bates, Hubert TunstaU, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4983 Batson, Herbert Mackenzie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4984 Batty, Edgar Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4985 Bawden, Frederick Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4986 Baxter, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4987 Baxter, David Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4988 Bazett, Henry Cuthbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4989 Beard, Samuel Trevor, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4990 Beatty, WUliam John, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4991 Beaumont, Henry George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4992 Beavis, PhUip Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4993 Bebb. Roland Harry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4994 Beckett, Charles Stephenson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4995 Bell, Thomas Carmichael, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4996 Bemrose, WUliam Lloyd, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4997 Bennette, Bernard John Taylor, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4998 Bennett, Norman Carmichael, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4999 Bennett, Thomas WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5000 Bennett, William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5001 Benson, Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5002 Benson, George Augustus, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5003 Beresford. Gerald Waddington, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5004 Bernard, Oliver Percy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5005 Berry, Winslow Seymour Sterling, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5006 Best, Sigismund Payne, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5007 Bewicke, Calverly, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5008 Biddulph, Alfred James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5009 Bigg, William Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5010 Birch, Montague, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5011 Birch, William Kenning, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5012 Bird, Ronald Trevor Wilberforce, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5013 Blackburn, Lionel Oddy GaskeU, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5014 Blake, Harold Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5015 Blake, WUliam LasceUes Fitzgerald, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5016 Bliss, William Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5017 Blunt, Gerald Charles Gordon,,3 June, 1919. (St.) 5018 Boag, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5019 Boggs, Arthur Beaumont, 3 June, 1919 (BI.) 5020 Bond, Mildred Mary, 3 June, 1919. (Bt-.) 5021 Bond, William Cotesworth, 3 June, 191 9. (St.) 5022 Bostock, John Edward, 3 June, 1919 (BI.) 5023 Bostock, Thomas Herbert Geoffrey, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5024 Bosworth, Laurence Owen, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5025 Bourne, Thomas Richard Arter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5026 Bowater, Norman James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5027 Bower, Lancelot Tregonwell Syndercombe, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5028 Bowhay, Alfred Benjamin, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5029 Bowman, George Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6030 Bownass, William Everett, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5031 Bowra, Edward Valentine, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5032 Bowron, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5033 Boys, Herbert Augustus, 3 June, 1919. (at. ) 5035 Bray, Eustace Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5036 Brennan.William, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5037 Brewin, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (M.( 5038 Brice. Albert Victor, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5039 Brierley, Eustace CarlUe, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5040 Briggs, Henry Stackpoole, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5041 Briggs, Waldo Raven, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5042 Brightman, Eustace Webster, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5043 Bristed, Richard Bower, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5044 Brister, Joseph Fane, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5045 Bromley-Davenport, Hugh Richard, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5046 Broster, Lennox Ross, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5047 Brown, Alwin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5048 Brown, Geoffrey Mainwaring, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5049 Brown, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5050 Brown, Rev. WilUam Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6051 Brown, Rev. Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5052 Browne, CvrU Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5053 Bruce, John, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5054 Brunton, Guy, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5055 Bryce, Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5056 Bryans, Maurice, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5057 Buchanan, Arthur Louis Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5058 Burlace, LesUe Binmore, 3 June, 1919. (st ) 5059 Burchell, James MelviU, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5060 Burland, Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5061 Burn-Callender, Cuthbert, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5062 Burstall, Edgar Bryan, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5063 Burton, Henry Walter, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5064 Butler, Frederick WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5065 Butler, James Ramsay Montagu, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5066 Byrne, Gerald Bertram, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5067 Cameron, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5068 Campbell, Duncan, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5069 Campbell, Francis Ernest Archer, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5070 Campbell, Lewis Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (H.) 5071 Campbell, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5072 CampbeU, WUliam Little, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6073 Canham, Ernest Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5074 Cannon, WiUiam Butler, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5075 Carkeet-James, Edward Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5076 Carmichael, James Charles Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5077 Carmichael, James Duncan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5078 Carrington, Noel Lewis, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5079 Carrington, William, 3 June, 1919. (M) 6080 Carruthers, Francis B, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5081 Carstahs, Albert Joseph Henry, 3 June, 1919 (at.). 5082 Carter, Ernest Walker Augustus, 3 June, 1919. (at) 5083 Carter, Gerald Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5084 Carter, Thomas Moravian, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6085 Case, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5086 Cassera, Anthony Aloysius, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5087 Cavanagh, Henry James, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6088 Cazenove, Percy, 3 June, 1919. OO. _ 6089 Chadwick, Alan Wentworth, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5090 Chambers, Sydney Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5091 Chapman, Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5092 Charley, Leslie William. 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5093 Charnock, Richard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5094 Charteris, Rev. WUliam Cramb, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5095 Cheales, Ralph Dariey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5096 Cheriton, WilUam George Lloyd, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5098 Christie. Lionel Ronald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5099 Clark, Herbert James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5100 Clark, Hugh Bryan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5101 Clarke, Charles Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5102 Clarke, Gerald, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5103 Clarke, Joseph Edward, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5104 Clarke, Richard Cristopher, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5105 Clay, Frank Septimus, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5106 Clayton-Bast, George Frederick Lancelot, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5107 Cleeve, Charles Edward, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5108 Cliff, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5109 Clogstoun, Herbert Cunningham, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5110 Close, Francis Morton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5111 Clouston, Noel Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5112 Clowes, Ethel Robin, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5113 Coales, Herbert Wallis, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5114 Coates, Edward Clive, 3 June, 1919. (St.) ' 5115 Coates, Joseph Michael Smith, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5116 Codrtagton, Geoffrey Ronald, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5117 Coghlan, Daniel, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5118 Colchester- Wemyss, John Maurice, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5119 Cole, Harold Linter, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5120 Cole, Henry Walter George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5121 Colin- York, WiUiam Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5122 Colley, William Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5123 Colquhoun, Victor Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5124 Colvile, Charles Rowe, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5125 Cnlyer, Claude Gray, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5126 Constable, Clifford Edward, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5127 Cook, Victor Chandler, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5128 Cook, William Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5129 Cook, James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5130 Cooke, Philip Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5131 Coombs, Frederick Middleton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5132 Cooper, Harold Octavius, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5133 Corbett, Daniel Maurice, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5134 Corbishley, Mary CecUia, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5135 Corfield, Frederick AUeyne, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5136 Cork, Reginald Philip, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5137 Cornish-Bowden, Robert Kenrick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5138 Corrall, George Edward, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5139 Cottle, Peter James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5140 Cousins, Robert William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5141 Coulson, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5142 Cox, Percy Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5143 Cox, Reginald Woodruff, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5144 Coy, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5145 Crabtree, Ernest GranvUle, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5146 Craig, John Gibson, 3 June, 1919. fat.) 5147 Craig, Newman Lombard, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5148 Craig, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5149 Crawford, John Martin Maynard, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5150 Crewe, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6151 Crockett, Leonard Marshall, 3 June. 1919. (St.) 5152 Crosby, Reginald Douglas, 3 June, 3919. (at.) 5153 Crosthwaite, Arthur Tonley. 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5154 Crowe, Joseph John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5155 Cruiekshank, Robert Scott, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5156 Cruiekshank, Rev. WUUam Walker, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5157 Crump, Edward Harold, 3 June 1919. (at.) 5158 Cuckow, Philip Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5159 Cumberlege, Barry Stephenson 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5160 Cunningham, Rev. Canon Bertram Keh, 3 June, 1919. (M). 5161 Cunningham, John Francis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5162 Cursiter, Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5163 Curtis, Cecil Montagu Drurv 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5164 Cutting, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5165 Dadson, Reginald Thornton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5166 Dale, John, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5167 Dalgleish, WUliam Brown, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5168 Daniels, Lindsay Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5168 Davenport, Charles Malcolm, 3 June, 191 9. (11.) 5170 Davidson, Hugh Stevenson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5171 Davidson, James MacFarlane, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5172 Davies, Ernest James, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5173 Davies, Harry Cornwall, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5174 Davies, John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5175 Davis, Frank Gordon, 3 June 1919. (at.) 616 OFFICERS. 5176 Davis, Leslie Stahnan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5177 Dawson, John Kenneth Bonsfleld, S June, 1919. (at.) 5178 Deakin, Ralph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5179 De Bathe, Maximilian John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5180 De Bavay, Auguste John Charles, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5181 Dechah, George Herbert Blackett, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5182 De La Cour, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5183 De Montmorency, Hervey Guy Francis Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5184 Dent, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5185 De Paula, Frederic Rudolf Mackley, S June, 1919. (at.) 5186 De Putron, Adele, S June, 1919. (ai.) 5187 De Soissons, Pierre Amedee de Savoie Carignan, 8 June, 1919. (at.) 5188 Devas, Rev. Francis Charles, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5189 Devas, Rev. PhUip Dominic, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5190 Dickinson, George Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5191 Dickinson, Richard Frederick O'Toole, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5192 Dickinson, WUliam Michael Kington, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5193 Dimock, John Francis Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5194 Dinwiddie, Melville, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5195 Dix, Henry Philip, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5196 Dixon, Arthur Tollemache, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5197 Dixon, George Seymour, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5198 Dixon, Robert Garside, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5199 Dixon, William Chester, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5200 Dobbins, Roy Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5201 Dobbs, Conway Richard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5202 Dodds, Archibald Forbes, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5203 Dodds, Jackson, 3 June, 1919. (af.) 5204 Dodsworth, Benjamin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5205 Donald, William Hamish, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5206 Donaldson, Arthur WUliam Hunter, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5207 Douglass, James Henry, 3 June, 1919. (If.) 5208 Douthwaite, WilUam Bernard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5209 Dowson, Oscar Foilett, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5211 Driberg, James Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5212 Drury, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5213 Dukes, Cuthbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5214 Du Breul, Frederick Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6215 Duncan, Rev. James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5216 Duncan, David Blaikie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5217 Duncan, James Matthews, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5218 Duncan, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5219 Dundas, Allan Chariesworth, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5220 Dymock, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5221 Dyson, Harry Hugo Bernard, 3 June. 1919. (at.) 5222 Earle, Augustus ThornhiU,3 June, 1919. (si.) 5223 Earwaker, Ralph Parsons, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5224 Eaton, Henry Rayner, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5225 Edgington, Herbert, 3 June,1919. (at.) 5226 Edgington, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5227 Edser, Edmund, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5228 Edwards, John Augustus, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5229 Edwards, Rev. Nathaniel Walter AUan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5230 Edwards, Walter Bernard, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5231 Bdwards-Ker, Douglas Rous, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5232 Elgood, Leonard Alsager. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5233 Elkan, Clarence John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5234 EUwood, Arthur Addison, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5235 Erskine-Murray, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5236 Erwin, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5237 Espley, Arthur James, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5238 Evans, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5239 Evans, William Richard, 3 June, 1919. 5240 Evans, WilUam Stanley, 3 June, 1919. 5241 Everidge, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5242 Ewart, Gerald Valentine, 3 June, 1919. . 5243 Fargus, Nigel Harry Skinner, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5244 Fasson, Thomas WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5245 Fawcus, James Scott, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5246 FeUing, Gladys Maud, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5247 Fenn, Ernest Edward, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5218 Fenner, Ralph Lennox, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5249 Fenton, Samuel Greame, 3 June, 1919. (M.) »250 Ferguson, James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5251 Ferguson, Montgomery du Bois, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5252 Fernie, Ralph, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5253 Ferrier, Charles Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5254 Field, Rev. WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5255 Figg, Charles Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5256 Finch, WiUiam Robert Edward Heneage, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5257 Fisher, Otto Sarony, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5258 Flook, Walter Bryan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5259 Flowers, Stephen, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5260 Foley, Gerald Robert Edward, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5261 Foley, Mary Gladys Corinne, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5262 Foley, Peter Trant, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5263 Foot, Robert William, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5264 Forbes, Ronald Foster, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5265 Forbes, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5266 Ford, Stanley WUliam, 3 June, 1919. 5267 Foster, Arthur Norman, 3 June, 1919. 5268 Foster, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5269 Foster, Frank Broome, 3 June, 1919. 5270 Foster, Kennedy, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6271 Foster. Michael George, 3 June, 1919. 5272 Fox, William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) (M.) (II.) (St.) (at.) (M.) (M.) (at.) 5273 Frampton, Henry Frank, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5274 Franldin, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5275 Fraser, James Wilson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5276 Fraser, Thomas Lockhead, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5277_Frederick, Sir Charles Edward St. John, Bart, 3 June 1919. (at.) 5278 Fulton, John Sidney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5279 Furber, Montague, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5280 Furlong, Dennis Walter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5281 Gabe, Howell Woodwell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6282 Gadban, Victor John, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5283 Gamble, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5284 Garraway, Frank Harold, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5285 Gaunt, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5286 Gaye, Arthur Stretton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5287 Geddes, William John, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5288 George, Wilfred Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5289 Gibb, WUliam Morrison, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5290 Gibbons, Gerald Francis Petvin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5291 Gibbons, Oliver Thomas Brlce, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5292 Giblet, Robert Harold, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5293 Gibson, Arthur Clare Vernon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5294 Gilchrist, Archibald John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5295 Giles, Hylton Lloyd, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5296 GUlett, Bernard George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5297 GUligan, Geoffrey Goyer, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5298 Gimbert, WiUiam Bertie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5299 Godley, Francis WUUam Crewe, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 5300 Goff, Hugh Stuart Trevor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5301 Goldingham, Robert Elphinstone Dalrymple, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5302 Goldney, Henry Wetherall, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5303 Gordon-Forbes, Bertram Francis Alex, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5304 Gore-Langton, Francis Wilfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5305 Gorrie, Henry James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5306 Goulden, Charles Bernard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5307 Graham, David James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5308 Graham, John St. John, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5309 Graham, James WeUs, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5310 Grant-Peterkin, Montagu James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5311 Gray, Arthur Claypon Horner, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5312 Gray, Joseph Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5313 Gray, Reginald Wentworth, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5314 Green, Douglas Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5315 Green, WUliam Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5316 GreenMU, Frederick William, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5317 Greig, Albert David, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5318 Greig, Kenneth Clunie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5319 GrevUle, Charles Beresford Fulke Greville, Lord, 3 June, 1919. (St.) . , 5320 Grierson, Ernest Moore, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5321 Guinness,' Owen Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5322 Gumey, John Cedric, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5323 Guy, Edward Martin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5324 Hagan, Rev. Edward James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5325 Haig, John Alicius, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5326 Hake, Henry Engelbert, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5327 Hall, Bertiam Arthur Montagu, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5328 Hall, Rev. James Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5329 Hall, Vincent Claud, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5330 HaU, WUUam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6331 HamUton, Alexander George, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5332 Hamilton, Norman Chivas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5333 Hamlyn, Ralph Ashton, 3 June, 1919. .(at.) 5334 Hanbury, Geoffrey Hyde Barday, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5335 Hanbury, Rev. Guy Somerset, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5336 Hancock, WUliam Venning Glanville, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5337 Hanna, William GemmiU Chalmers, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5338 Hannen, Nicholas James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5339 Harding, Arthur George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5340 Harding, Philip Edward, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5341 Harding, Richard Spalding, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5342 Hardwick, Noel de Courcy, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5343 Hardy, Frank Buckland, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5344 Harewood, Rev. Ernest James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5345 Hargreaves, Laurence Appleyard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5346 Harker, Rev. Thomas Alphonsus, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 5347 Harper, Reginald Tristram, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5348 Harpham, Harold D, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5349 Harpur, William Lewis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5350 Harris, Guy Summerell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5351 Harris, Leopold Jonas, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5352 Harrison, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5353 Harrison, Francis Edward, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5354 Hartley, James Norman Jackson, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5355 Hartshorn, Arthur Hastings, 3 June, 1919. (If.) 5356 Hastie, Stuart Henderson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5357 Hastings, John Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5358 Hawkins, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5359 Hawkins, Harold John Charlton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5360 Headlam, Cuthbert Morley, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5361 Hearne, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5362 Heathcote, Gilbert Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5363 Henderson, Hon. Arnold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5364 Hennessy, George Richard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5365 Herbert Edward Dave Asher, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5366 Herbert, Henry Carden, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5367 Herdman, Arthur Cochran, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5368 Herrick, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 617 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 5369 Herron, Robert Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5370 Heslop, Alfred Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5371 Heyde Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5372 Heymann, Francis Albert, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5373 Heyworth- Savage, CecU Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5374 Hibbard, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5375 Hibbert, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5376 Hickes, Lancelot Daryl, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5377 Higgins, Thomas Twisttagton, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5378 Hill, Herbert John, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5379 HU1, Lionel Edward, 3 June, 1919. (H.) 5380 HiUs, Charles Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5381 Hills, Reginald Playfair, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5382 Hinde, Harold Montague, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5383 Hindmarsh, Harold Hammond, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5384 Hobart, Claud Vere Cavendish, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5385 Holden, Rev. PhiUp Giffard, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5386 Holdich, WUliam Jeffkins, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5387 Holdsworth, John Evelyn, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5388 Holland, Ronald Morris, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5389 HoUand, Theodore Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5390 Holland, Vyvyan Beresford, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5391 Holley, George, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5392 Hollond, Henry Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5393 HoUoway, Arthur Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5394 Holmes, Dan CampbeU, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5395 Holmes-Brown, Alfred Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5396 Hone, Thomas Nathaniel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5397 Hope, Charles WiUiam Menelaus, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5398 Hope-Johnstone, Charles Spread, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5399 Hopkins, Thomas Hollis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5400 Hossack, James Davidson, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5401 Howard, Hugh Roberts, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5402 Howell, Norman, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5403 Hubbard, Reginald Khshaw, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5404 Huck, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5405 Hudson, Ernest John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5406 Hudson, Robert Challis, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5407 Hughes, Frederick St. John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5408 Hughes-Jones, John Trevor, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5410 Humphreys, Henry Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5411 Hunkin, Rev. Joseph Wellington, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5412 Hunter, CecU Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5413 Huntington, Herbert Francis Searanoks, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5414 Hurst, Arthur Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5415 Hussey, Arthur Vivian, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 5416 Hutchinson, Thomas Massie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5417 Ince, Eric Henry PhiUp Blundell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5418 IngUs, Alexander Reid, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5419 Ingram, Bruce Stirling, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5420 InsMp, Arthur CecU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) ' 5421 Jackson, Swinscho James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5422 Jacob, Rev. John Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6423 Jacobs, Jonathan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5424 Jameson, David Napier, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5425 Jarvis, Charles Francis Craeroft, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5426 Jefferson, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5427 Jenner, Lawrence Wynyard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5428 Jennings, Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5429 Jessop, Bernard, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 6430 Johnson, Frederick WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5431 Johnson, Harry Bertram, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5432 Johnston, John, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5433 Johnston, Robert George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5434 Jones, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5435 Jones, Gladys Alicia, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5436 Jones, John, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5437 Jones, John Lloyd Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5438 Jones, John Howard, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5439 Jordan, Harold George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5440 Joscelyne, Frederic Percy, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 5441 Keep, Thomas Bettsworth, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5442 Keith, George Theodore Elphtostone, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5443 Keller, Rudolph Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5444 KeUner, PhUip Travice Rubie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5445 KeUy, Arthur Lindsay, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5446 Kendall, Rev. George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5447 Kemp, Edgar Stephen, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5448 Kennedy, Archibald Arrol, 3 June. 1919. (M.) 5449 Kensington, Guy Belfleld, 3 June, '1919. (St.) 5450 Keppel, John Joseph Guiney, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5451 King, Colin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5452 King, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5453 King, Lancelot Noel Friedrick Irvtog, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5454 King, Leonard Algernon Bertram, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5455 Khby, WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5456 Kitson Alan Kennedy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5457 Kitson, Walter Frederick Clifford, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5458 Knight, CecU Davenport, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5459 Knight, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5460 Knight, WUliam Collins, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5461 Knott, George Patrick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5462 Kno.vling, Arthur Ernest George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5463 Knuthsen, Louis Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5464 Knyvett, Rev. Carey Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5465 Kohan, Charles Mendel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5466 Kuhne, Carl Hans, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5467 Lang, James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 618 5468 Lawrence, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5469 Lawson, Ernest Evelyn Lister, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5470 Leche, John Hurleston, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5471 Lee, Herbert Benjamin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5472 Lee, Lennie Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5473 Lees, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5474 Legg, Cecil Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.)- 5475 Legh, Frank Bertram, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5476 Leslie, Robert Walter Dickson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5477 Levey, Joseph Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5478 Lewis, James Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5479 Lewis, Thomas Percy, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5480 Liddle, Dudley Mark Percy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5481 Lindsay, Walker Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5482 Lindsey, Rev. Charles Edward Chaloner, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5483 Little, D'Arcy Hunter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5484 Livesey, Everard Frederick Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5485 Livingstone, John Stewart, 3 June, '1919. ^'M.) 5486 Livingstone, Robert Heaton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5487 LleweUin, Charles Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5489 Lloyd, John Daniel Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5490 Lloyd, Llewellyn Hubert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5491 Lock, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5492 Lockhart, Norman Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5493 LocMe, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5494 Logan, Frederick Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5495 Long, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5496 Lord, Henry Hardman, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5497 Lorimer, James Vass, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5498 Loveridge, Cecil Hubert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5499 Lowe, AUce Mary, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5500 Low, James Lawson, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5501 Lowther-Clarke, Mervyn Hanbury, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5502 Ludlow-Hewltt, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5503 Lumb, Norman Peace Lacy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5505 Lyle, John CUfford Vacy, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5506 Lyon, Kenneth, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5507 McArthur, WUUam James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5508 Macauley, Elizabeth Lusk, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5509 MacColl, Henry Hector, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5510 Maconachie, Charles Ogle, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5511 McCracken, Frederic de Cree, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5512 MacDona, Cuthbert Laud, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5513 McDonald, Charles James Lewis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5514 MacDonald, Francis Caven, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5515 McDonald, James Ratcliff, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5516 MacDonald, Duncan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5517 MacDougaU, Frederick George, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5518 McDougall, WUliam Allen, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5519 McDoweU, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5520 MacEwen, WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5521 MacFie, Ronald Bute, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5522 McGrigor, Alexander Muir, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5523 McHugh, Rev. Daniel John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5524 MacKay, Robert Whyte, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5525 MacKenzie, CoUn, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5526 MacKenzie, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5527 McLachlan, James, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5528 MacLeod, Adam Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5529 MacMahon, Gerald Patrick Ruadh, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5530 MacMillan, Rev. John Victor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5531 MacPherson, Ernest Ronald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5532 MacPherson, Malcolm Munro, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5533 MacSwiney, John Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5534 MacVey, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5535 Major, WUUam Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5536 Malyon, Frank Haistone, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5537 Mann, Percival Ramsey, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5538 Marr, David Murdock, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5539 Marriott, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5540 Marriott, Samuel Warburton, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5541 Marriott-Dodtogton, Roger, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5542 Marsden, John Henry Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5543 Marsh, Octavius-de-Burgh, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5544 MarshaU, Geoffrey, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5545 MarshaU, Hugh John Cole, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5546 MarshaU, Isa Carswell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5547 Martin, Charles James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5548 Martin, Gerald Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5549 Martyn, Anthony Wood, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5550 Martyn, Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5551 MascaU, Maurice Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5553 Mason, Robert Wyttie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5554 Massie, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6555 Masterson, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5556 Matcham, WUliam Eyre, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5557 Matchett, Harry Gerald Keith, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5558 Mathers, David, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5559 Matheson, Edmond George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5560 Mathew, Felton Arthur Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5561 Matthews, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5562 Mattocks, Richard Mawson, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5563 Maude, Charles Raymond, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5564 Maude, Christian George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5565 Maude, Ronald Edmund, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5566 Maund, Ernest Ricardo, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5567 MaunseU, Octavius Studdert, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5568 Mawson, WUUam Willmott, 3 June, 1919. (st.) OFFICERS. 6569 May, Noel Bankart 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5570 Maycock, Arthur Hubert, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5671 Meagher, Denis John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5572 Meagher, Henry Louis, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5573 Measham, Richard John Rupert, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5574 Medcalfe, John Clarence, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6575 MeUor, John Seymour, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6576 Meredith, Henry Chase, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5577 Metford, Francis KUligrew Seymour, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5578 Metivier, Harry Vincent Mercer, 8 June, 1919. (st.) 5579 Meynell, Everard Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5580 MeyneU, Robert Alexander Lindley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5581 MUdred, Spencer, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5582 MUler, James Cousins, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5583 MiUigan, Edward Thomas Campbell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5584 MUlward, Harry Dacres, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5585 MitoheU, John Malcolm, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5586 Mold, Leonard Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5587 Moncrieff, Roger Murray, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5588 Monckton-Arundell, Hon. George Vere. 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5589 Money, Kenneth Robertson, 3 June, 1919. (At.) 5590 Monier-Williams, Gordon Wickham, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5591 Montagu, Frederick James Osbaldeston, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6592 Montagu, St. John Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6593 Montagu, Vivian Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5594 Montague, Charles Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5595 Monteith, Hugh Glencairn, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5596 Mood, John Muspratt, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5597 Moon, Jasper, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5598 Moore, James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5599 Moore, James York, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6600 Moore, Robert Foster, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5601 Moran, John WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5602 Morgan, Stanley Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5603 Morgan, Thomas Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5604 Morison, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5605 Morrell, Arthur Claude, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5606 Morris, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5607 Morrison, John Tertius, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5608 Morton, Edwin Ralph Maddison, 3 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 5609 Morwood, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5610 Moss, Kenneth NevUle, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5611 Moxon, Francis Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5612 Mudge, Albert Edward Phayre, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5613 Muir, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5614 Mundy, Robert Godfrey, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5615 Munn, Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5616 Murdoch, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5617 Murphy, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5618 Murray, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5619 Myles, Walter Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5620 Napier, Charles James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5621 Neate, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5622 Neate, Frederick Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5623 Needham, Alfred Owen, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5624 Needham, James Easthope, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5625 NeU, George London, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5626 NeweU, Leopold Monk, S June, 1919. (at.) 5627 Newman, Frederick Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5628 Newman, Richard Ernest Upton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5629 Newman, Vincent Chester, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5630 Newsome, Charles Todd, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5631 Nicholas, Edward HaU, 3 June, 1919. (af.) 5632 NichoUs, James Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5633 Nicholson, Henry Sooble, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5634 Nicol, Rev. George Erskine, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5635 Nicol, Randall James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5636 Nicoll, Frederick Alan Benson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5637 NobleLBertram Wilfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5638 Noel, Hon. Charles Hubert Francis, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5639 Norman, Edward Hubert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5640 Northcott, Harold James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5641 Norwood, Charles John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6642 Oates, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5643 O'Donnell, John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5644 O'Grady, Robert Louis, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5646 O'Hara, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5646 O'KeUy, John WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6647 Oldham, Rev. Gordon MUes Staveley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5648 Oliver, Edward Victor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6649 Oliver, Matthew WilUam BaiUie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5650 OUey, Arthur Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5651 OUivant, Rupert Charies, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5652 O'Riordan, Henry Michael, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5653 Ormiston, Thomas Maclay, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5654 Osborne, John WiUiams, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5655 Osier, James Bell, 4 June, 1919. (at.) 6656 Owen, Bertram Maurice, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5657 Palin, Randle Harry, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5658 Palmer, Alexander Croyden, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5659 Palmer, Herbert James Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5660 Pam, Albert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5661 Pam, Edgar, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5662 Parker, Beltran William. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5663 Parker, Frances Mary, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5664 Parker, Rev. Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5665 Parker, Sidney James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5666 Parkin, Herbert Denis, 8 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5667 Paterson, Matthew Wallace, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5668 Pawle, Hanbury, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5669 Peaohey, WUliam EUis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5670 Peake, Edward Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5671 Pearce, Edward Oscar, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5672 Pearson, Basil Lancelot, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6673 Peattie, Donald Munroe, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5674 Pearsall, Sidney James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5675 Pellereau, John Cyril Etienne, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5676 Penrose, Edward Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5677 Perkins, WilUam Hughes, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5678 Perry, Henry Marrian Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5679 Peterson, Guy Lansbury, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5680 Peyton, WUliam de Malet, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5681 Philpot^Albert John, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5682 Pierce, WUliam Robertus, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5683 Pillow, Frederick WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5684 Pinniger, Albert Edward, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5685 Platts, Matthew George, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5686 Plucknett, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5687 Plunkett, James Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5688 Poole, Francis Garden, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5689 Pooles, Mark, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5690 Pope, Andrew Noble, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5691 Poyser, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5692 Prescott-Roberts, Prescott Anson, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5693 Price, Charles Weaver, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5694 Pridden, Edith Mary, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5695 Procter, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5696 Pryce-Jones, Albert Westlake, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5697 Pullar, George Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5698 PuUar, John Lindsay, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5699 Pym, Charles Evelyn, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5700 Rainsford, George, 8 June, 1919. (at.) 5701 Ramage, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5702 Ramsay, Ronald Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5703 Raper, Ernest Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5704 Raymond, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5705 Raymond, Hugh Phillips, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5706 Reckitt, Charles Edward Hay, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5707 Redfern, Arthur Edward, 3 June, 1819. (at.) 5708 Rees, Blethyn Treherne, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5709 Rees, WUliam Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5710 Rees-Mogg, Graham Beauchamp Coxeter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5711 Renton, WUliam Clifford, S June, 1919. (at.) 5712 Rich, Theodore, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5713 Richards, Malcolm John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5714 Richardson, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6715 Richmond, John Duncan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5716 Ridley, Hon. Jasper Nicholas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5717 Rigden, WUliam Percy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5718 Ritchie, Michael Balfour Hutchison, 3 June, 1919. (¥.) 5719 Ritchie, Robert Linton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5720 Roberts, James Ernest Helme, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5721 Robertson, AUred Leopold, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5723 Robertson, Frederick WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (st) 5724 Robertson, Robert Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5725 Robinson, Augustus Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5726 Robson, John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5727 Rockett, Herbert Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5728 Roderick, Henry Buckley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5729 Rogers, Henry Waters Lyttleton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5730 Rotttoson, Harry Duggan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5731 Romer, Charles Robert Ritchie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5732 Romer, Robert Wolfgang. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5733 Ronan, Walter Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5734 Rook, WUliam Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5735 Roseveare, Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5736 Ross, Angus, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5737 Ross, Charies Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5738 Rowell, WUUam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5739 Ruck-Keene, Harry Lancelot, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5740 RusseU, Ernest Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5741 RusseU, William Sydney Kemp, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5742 Rutherford, Percival Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5743 Ruttledge, Thomas Geoffrey, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5744 Ruxton, Robert Minturn Clarges, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5745 Ryan, Pierce Neimeyer, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5746 Ryan, Rev. WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5747 Sampson, Herbert Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5748 Sandars, Edmund Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5749 Sandon, James Francis, 8 June, 1919. (at.) 5750 Sanguinetti, WUliam Roger, 3 June, 1919.. (st.) 5751 Sarchet, Rev. William Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5752 Satchwell, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5753 Satow, Graham Francis Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5755 Scawin, Harold WilUs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5756 Scholtz, EUis Keith, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5757 Schonland, BasU Ferdinand Jamieson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5758 Scorgie, Norman Gibb, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5759 Scott, David Jobson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5760 Scott, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5761 Scott, James Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5762 Scott, John Creagh, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5763 Scruby, Frank Sutherland, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5764 Seale, Edward WUmot, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5765 Sealy, Philip Temple, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 619 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 5766 Selby, Edward James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5767 Sells, Martin Perronet, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5768 Selous, WiUiam Boyd, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5769 Shackleton, Alfred George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5770 Shackleton, Herbert Park, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5771 Sharpe, Gerald Whittaker, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5772 Sharpies, Frank Deeks, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5773 Shaw, Arthur Godfrey, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5774 Shaw, Thomas Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5775 Sheppard, Helen Mildred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5776 Shilton, Frederick Walton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5777 Shipp, Frederick Edgar, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5778 Sidebottom, John Kercheval, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5779 Simpson, Edward Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5780 Simpson, George Charles Edward, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5781 Simpson, Selwyn George, 3 June, 1919, (Bt.) 5782 Simson, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5783 Sissons, Henry Arnott, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5784 Smith, Augustus William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5785 Smith, Daniel Rowland, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5786 Smith, Felix Patrick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5787 Smith, George William, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5788 Smith, Isaac Claude Victor, 3 June, 1919. (BI. 5789 Smith, Samuel Boylan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5790 Smith, Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5791 Smvthe, Patrick Cecil, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5792 Sorley, Gerald Merson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5793 Spafford, Percy Lionel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5794 Speke, Herbert Benjamin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5795 Spoor, Sidney George, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5796 Spyer, George, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5798 Stack, Rev. James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5799 Stallard, Robert Humphry, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5800 Stallard, Sydney, 3 June. 1919. (St.) 5801 Stanhope, Colin Lundto, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5802 Stanley. Ernest Raymond, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5803 Stannard, Frank Charles, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5804 Statham, Reginald Samuel Sherrard, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5805 Steel, Gabriel, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5806 Stephen, Guy Neville, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5807 Stevens, Edward James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5808 Stevenson, Bertrand James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5809 Stevenson, George Henderson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5810 Stewart. Aubrey George Battersby, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5811 Stewart, Donald Maclver, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5812 Stewart, WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5813 Stickings, Ralph WiUiam Ewart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5814 Stirling, Patrick Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5815 Stirling, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5816 Stobie, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5817 Stockwell, Hugh Charles, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5818 Stokes, Adrian, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5819 Stokes, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5820 Storr, Francis Holland, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5821 Stow, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5822 Streatfield, GranviUe Edward Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5823 Stuckey, Edward Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5824 Surtees, Robert Lambton, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5825 Swayne, Richard Woodward, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5826 Sweetman, Michael James, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5827 Sykes, Stanley WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5828 Symes, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5829 Tagg, George John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5830 Targett, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5831 Tayleur, William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5832 Taylor, Alfred Jessie, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5833 Taylor, Douglas Compton, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5834 Taylor, Douglas Percy, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5835 Taylor, Edgar Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5836 Taylor, Eric Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5837 Taylor, Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5838 Taylor, Rev. Harold Milman Strickland, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5839 Taylor, Hugh Lamport, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5840 Teasdale, George Arthur James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5841 Teeling, Bartholomew Louis Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5842 Tennant, Ernest William Dahymple, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5843 Teman, Henry Augustus Breffney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5844 Terry, Cyril Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5845 Thackwell, Noel Edmund Osbert, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5846 Thomas, Bernard Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5847 Thomas, Percy Edward, 3 June, 1919. (af.) 6848 Thomas, Rev. Richard Albert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5849 Thomas, Robert John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5850 Thomson Arthur Landsborough, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5851 Thompson, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5852 Thompson, James Osboume, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5853 Thompson, Walter Wright, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5854 Thorns, Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5855 Thornton, Basil Albert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5856 Thorp, John Claud, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5857 Thorpe, John Henry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5858 Tizard, Claude, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5859 Todd, Arthur Theodore, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5860 Todd, Sam, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5861 Tosswill, Leonard Robert, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5862 Townsend, Philip Henry, 3 June, 1919 6863 Tredennick, James Paumier, 3 June. 1! (si.) James Paumier, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 620 5864 Tripp, Horace Edgar Howard, 3 June, 1919. (bt.) 5865 Truscott, Roy Francis, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5866 Tucker, Frederick Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5867 Tudor, Gerald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5868 Tully, Claude Lewis Devenish, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5869 Turner, Francis Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5870 Tylor, George Cunningham, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5871 Tyrwhitt, Rev. Canon Hon. Leonard Francis, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) , t 6872 Underbill, Owen, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5873 Unsworth, Richard Lewis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5874 Upton, Thomas Haynes, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5875 Urwick, Lyndall Fownes, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5876 Valon, Albert Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6877 Vaughan, Arthur Owen, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5878 Veal, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5879 Vellacott, Philip Northcote, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5880 Venn, Hugh Whatley Stevens, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5881 Vercoe, Edmund, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5882 Viccars, John Ellis, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5883 Vickress, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5884 Vigers, Thomas Whitehaire, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5885 Vincent, Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5886 Waddy, Arthur Cyril, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5887 Wain, Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5888 Wainwright, Edwin Moha, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5889 Walker, Edward McAUen, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5890 Walker, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5891 Walker, John Douglas Glen, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5892 WaUace, Forbes Thompson, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5893 Waller, Edgar Hardress, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5894 WaUinger, WilUam Arnold, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5895 Wanklyn-James, Charles Wilmot, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5896 Warren, David Bruce, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5897 Warren, Philip Ridsdale, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5898 Warren, William Robert Vaughton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5899 Waters, Walter James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5900 Watney, Ernest Alfred WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5901 Watson, Forrester Colvin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5902 Watson, WiUiam Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5903 Wattleworth, James Percy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5904 Watts, Lowther, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5905 Webster, Frank Courts, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5906 Webster, Noel Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5907 Wedd, Aubrey Pattisson Wallman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5908 Weh, Robert Yaxley, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5909 Wells, Arthur George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5910 Wells, Charles Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5911 Wesley, Frank WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5912 Westmacott, Reginald Granville, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5913 Westmacott, Thomas Horatio, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5914 Wheatley, Henry Harold, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5915 Whiffen, Stanley White, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5916 Whigham, Walter Kennedy, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5917 White, Charles Francis, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5918 White, Edwin E, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5919 White, George GUmour, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5920 White, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5921 White, Maurice FitzGibbon Grove, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5922 Whiting, Maurice Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5923 Whitla, Valentine George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5924 Wickersham, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5925 Wicks, Henry WilUam Cairns, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5926 Widderson, Andrew James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5927 Wilkins, Raymond, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5928 WUkinson, Kenneth Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6929 Wilkinson, Noel Read EUershaw, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5930 Wilks, Frank Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5931 Williams, Albert Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6932 Williams, Alfred Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5933 Williams, Archard Trevor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5934 WUliams, Frank Harrv, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5935 Williams, Henry Claude, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5936 Williams-Freeman, Arthur Peere, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5937 Wilson, Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5938 Wilson, Arthur Ernes'-, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5939 WUson, George Gatherer, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5940 Wilson, John Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5941 WUson, John Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5942 Wilson, Rev. Piers Holt, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5943 Winch, Stanley Brooke, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5944 Windeatt, George Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5945 Winder, Francis Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5946 Winfleld, Frederick Butwell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5947 Wolff, Henry Philip, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5948 Wolridge-Gordon, Walter Gordon. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5949 Wood, George Jervis, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5950 Wood, James Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5951 Wood, John Edward, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5952 Wood, John Lawrence, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5953 Wood, Minnie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5954 Wood, WUliam Lvon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5955 Woodger, John Surry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5956 Woodward, Vivian John, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5957 Woolf, Edward Saville, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5958 Wooll, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5g5g WooUcombe, Rev. Edward Percival, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6960 WooUey Ivor WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5961 Woohych, Stanley Herbert Cunliffe, 3 June, 1919. ( at.) OFFICERS. 5962 Worlledge, John Penry Garnons, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5963 Wright, Arthur John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5964 Wright, John Henry, S June, 1919. (at.) 5965 Wright, Charles Seymour, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5966 Wright, Ernest Trevor Langebear, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5967 Wyatt, Travers Carey, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5968 Yates, Arthur St. John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6969 Yates, John Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6970 Yellowlees, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6971 Yelverton, Rev. Erik Esskildsen, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5972 Yorke, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6973 Young, Rev. Stanislaus Dominic, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5974 Acheson, Thomas Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6975 Alexander, Kay, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5976 Allen, Jesse, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6977 Armour, John Douglas, 3 June. 1919. (at.) 5978 BaU, John Clements, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6979 Bennett, Allan Edward Kingston, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6980 Bissett, James, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 5981 Bovey, Wilfred, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6982 Burke, Edmund Albert, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5983 Carey, Leslie Clement, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5984 Carroll, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5985 Church, Eric James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5986 Cline, John George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5987 ColvUle, CyrU Prichard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6988 Cooper, Henry Sloane, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5989 Delaute, Frederic Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6990 Duhault, Joseph Rene Jacques, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5991 Earchman, Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6992 Ellis, Arthur WUUam Mickle. 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5993 Eriebach, CyrU Woodland, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6994 Findlay, WiUiam Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5995 Findley, Harold Bruce, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5996 Finney, Wilfred Josiah, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6997 Foster, Albert Percy. 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5998 Gault, Andrew Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6999 Geary, George Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6000 George, FitzRoy, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6001 Gibsone, WilUam Waring Primrose, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6002 Gordon, Edward Montgomery, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6003 Graham, Vivien Horace, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6004 Hale. Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6005 Hardy, Hermann Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6006 Harty, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6007 Herbert, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6008 Herd, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6009 Irwin, Basil Herbert John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6010 Jack, John Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6011 Jennings, George Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6012 Johnston, Benjamin James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6013 Jones, Arthur Llewelyn, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6014 Jones, Lome Fauntleroy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6015 Kemmis Betty, Hubert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6016 Lacroix, Lucien, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6017 Landon, Arthur Henry Whittington, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6018 Larkin, Gerald Ross, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6019 Macaulay, Archibald Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6020 MoGreer, Rev. Arthur Huffman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6021 McGugan, Donald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6022 MacKay, Donald Morrison, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6023 McKinery, John WiUiam Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6024 MacMnnon, Cecil Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6025 McMurray, WUliam HamUton, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6026 McNeil, James Howard, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6027 Main, WiUiam Wright, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 6028 Marshall, Harry A, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6029 MarshaU, James Frederick Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6030 Martin, Herbert Walter, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6031 Mason, Douglas Herbert CampbeU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6032 Mathews, Robert Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6033 Mermagen, Ernest WaUace, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6034 Morton, Arthur WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6035 O'Gorman, Rev. John Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6036 O'SulUvan, Richard Benjamin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6037 Parmelee, James Grannis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6038 PattuUo, James Burleigh, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6039 Pearson, Gilbert Livermore, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6040 Philpot, David, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6041 Preston, Marvin James, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6042 Ramsay, Kenneth AUan, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6043 Reason, CUfford Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6044 Reed-Lewis, WilUam John Duane, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6045 Richardson, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6046 Richardson, WilUam Augustus, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6047 Roaf, James Richardson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6048 Robertson, Russell Butler, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6049 Shatford, Rev. Allan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6050 Smith, Richard Stephenson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6051 Sowden, Felix Musgrave, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6052 Spink, Bertram John WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6053 Spry, Daniel WilUam Bigelows, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6054 Stewart, John Douglas Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6055 Stewart, Peter Donald, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6056 StiU, James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) , , 6057 Streight, Samuel James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6058 Sugden, John Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 6059 Tamblyn, David Soley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6060 Taylor, WUUam John, 3 June, 1019. (at.) 6061 Towttl, WUliam Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (sf.) 6062 Wade, Thomas KingsmUl, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6063 Waldron, William, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6064 Ward, John Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6065 Worthington, William Wilfred, 3 June, 1919. (at. 6006 Young, Fred Armstrong, 3 June. 1919. (Bt.) 6067 Bath, Charles Hubert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6068 Bell, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6069 Blanshard, Brnest Gladstone, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6070 BusheU, Edward Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6071 Chapman, James Austin, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6072 Dike, Edward Henry, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6073 Farrar, John William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6074 Fiaschi, Pier3, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6075 Fry, Walter Arnold Le Roy, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6076 Greenlees, Alexander McPhee, 3 June. 1919. (BI.) 6077 Hardie, John Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (li.) 6078 Harrison, Charles Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6079 Harrison, Henry Coromandel Watsford, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6080 Jack, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6081 James, Edward Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 6082 Kerr, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6083 Lawton, Frederick Donald Herbert Blois, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6084 Macindoe, Robert Hall Forman, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6085 Manning, Charles Henry Ernest, a June, 1919. (BI.) 6086 MeUor, Thomas Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6087 Morrell, Roy, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 6088 Moulden, Arnold Meredith, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6089 Nugent. Hector Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6090 Peters, Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6091 Playfah, Thomas Alfred Jack, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6092 Plant, Eric Clive Pegus, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6093 Simonson, Paul WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6094 Stacy, Valentine Osborne, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6095 Stevenson, Walter Ormond, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6096 Taplta, Colin Quintrell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6097 Tinkler, Frederick Usher John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6098 Townsend, Harry Orton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6099 Trousselot, Henry Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6100 WUson, Herbert Ward, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6101 Wynyard-Joss, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6102 Edgar, Peter Maxwell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6103 Gossage, Charles Ingram, 3 June, 1919. fat.) 6104 Hutchinson, George Rowland, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6105 McCurdy, David, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6106 Muir, AUan Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6107 Reid, Harold Avery, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6108 Vickerman, Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6109 Bowles, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6110 Cameron, CecU Stevenson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6111 Collins, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6112 Emmett, Joseph James Cheere, 3 June, 1919. (al.) 6113 Fawcus, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6114 Geddes, WUliam Louis, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6116 Jacobsz, Jan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6117 Lennox, Rev. John C. F, 3 Juno, 1919. (Bt.) 6118 Marshall, Henry Edmund, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6119 Ross, Findlay McKay, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6120 Sproule, Harper, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6121 Usmar, George Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6122 McNeill, Hector, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6123 Thomson, WUliam Grant, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6124 Adams, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6125 Aitkin, James Alexander Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6126 Alexander, James Ulick Francis Canntog, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6127 Allen, Charles Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6128 Andrew, Richard Hynman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6129 Armbruster, Charles Hubert, 3 June 1919. (St.) 6130 Armitage, PhUip MeUand, 3 June, 1919. (Sf.) 6131 Ash, Harold Garton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6132 Bacon, Charles Raymond Kenrick, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6133 Bally, Edward Downes, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6134 Barker, Frederic AUan, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6135 Barker, Charles Atostte, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6136 Bartlett, Horace John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6137 Bashford, Radcliffe James Lindsay, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6138 Bates, Mark, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6139 Beaumont, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 6140 Bentwich, Norman de Mattos, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6141 Biggs, John James Egerton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6142 Blenkame, Harold Morgan, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6143 Bradley, James Lennox, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6144 BramaU, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6145 Bremner, James Morrison Gardiner, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6146 Bridgwater, Havard Noel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6147 Brougham, James Henry Chamberlain, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6148 Brown, Adam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6149 Brown, William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6150 Buckland, Lionel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6151 Campbell, John Cameron, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6152 Carter, George James, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6153 Cash, Rev. WiUiam WUson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6154 Chesterman, Clement Clapton, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6155 Chetwynd, Arthur Henry Talbot, 3 June, 1919. (li.) 6156 Cholmondeley, Lord George Hugo, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6157 Clarke, James Bryce, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 621 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 6158 Cobden, George Gough, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6159 Coles, Lawrence Walter, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6160 Craig, Colin McKean, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6161 Crerar, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6162 Cumberbatch, Hugh Carlton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6163 Davidson, Norman GranvUle Walshe, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6164 Day, Rev. Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6165 Deas, Percy Boscombe, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6166 Delme-Radcliffe, Seymour Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6167 Dickinson, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6168 Dix, Robert Malam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6169 Dodgson, Arthur Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6170 DufBeld, Edgar WUloughby, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6171 Dun, George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6172 Dunbar, Henry John, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6173 Dunlop, WUUam George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6174 Eastwood, Frederick Norman, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6175 Echlto, Joseph Edward O'Brien, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6177 EUery, CecU Langdon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6178 Evans, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6179 FaU, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6180 Ferguson, Alexander Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6181 Fisher, Walter Harington, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6182 Flood, Charles Bertram, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6183 Forbes, Hon. Bertram Aloysius, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6184 Foster, Charles La Trobe, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6185 Fox, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6186 GUI, Ernest WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. -(BI.) 6187 Goodeve, Thomas Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6188 Gordon, Annesley De Rtazy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6189 Gotto, Robert Porter Corry, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 6190 Graham, WiUiam Thomson, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6191 Grant, Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6192 Gubbtos, Stamer, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6193 Gunnell, Dudley, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6194 HaUiweU, William Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6195 Handley, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6196 Hassall, Owen, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6197 Haultain, WUliam Francis Theodore, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6198 Hayley, Sidney Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6199 Heron, George Wykeham, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6201 Higgs, Henry Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6202 Hinde, Alfred Buckley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6203 Hobart, Percy Cleghom Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6204 Hodgson, WiUiam Ewart, 3 June. 1919. (St.) 6205 Holgate, Maurice James, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6206 Holmes, Maurice Gerald, 3 June 1919. (at.) 6207 Horn, D'Arcy, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6208 Home, Rev. Ed*in de Jersey, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6209 Horn, Percy Sutherland, 3 June, 1919. (at., 6210 HoweU, Herbert Gwynne, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6211 Hutchinson, James Lawrie McKie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6212 Iuglis, Alexander Franois, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 6213 Isaac, Thomas Austin, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6214 Jackson, George Erskine, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6215 Jaggard, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6216 Jardine, WiUiam Christopher, 3 June, 1919. (ai. 6217 Jones, Seymour Whitworth, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6218 Kerr, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6219 Kerr, Norman Munroe, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6220 Lash, Ivor Richard de Warraine, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6221 Leach, Richard Ernest Howell, 3 June, 1919 (at ) 6222 Leask, James Bruce, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 6223 Leggat, George Leggat, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6224 Leman, Harry Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6225 L'Estrange, Henry Roland, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6226 Linklater, George James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6227 Long, WiUiam Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6228 Lord, Percy Calvert, 3 June, 1919. (Bt ) 6229 Lornie, Peter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6230 Lowe, Stanley Philip, 3 June, 1919. (ar ) 6231 McCosh, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6232 MacDonald, Ronald, 3 June, 1919. (Sf.) 6233 McGowan, James Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6234 MacGregor, Alexander Stewart Murray, 3 June, 1919 (ar ) 6235 Mclntyre, Peter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6236 MacQueen, Robert Haldane, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6237 McRitchie, Charles Bell, 3 June, 1919. (st ) 6238 Malhotra, Rom Charndr, 3 June, 1919. (st ) 6239 Mann, Harry Ainsley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6240 MarshaU, Colin Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6241 Mason, Frederic Eugene, 3 June, 1919. (ai ) 6243 Mathieson, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6244 Medley, Edward Arnold, 3 June, 1919 (at ) 6245 Middleton, Edward Meredyth, 3 June, 1919 (at ) 6246 Middleton, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (ai ) 6247 Millar, Rev. Peter Carmichael, 3 June, 1919 at i 6248 MUls, Eric, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6249 Milne, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6250 MUward, Robert Spencer, 3 June, 1919 (ai ) 6251 Mhlees, Arthur John, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6252 Moore, Alfred WilUam, 3 June, 1919 (at ) 6253 Morland, Algernon, 3 June, 1919. (st ) 6254 Morrell, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6255 Morten, Raymond Laroche Alexander Burdett, 3 June, ' ¦' • ,' . (M.) 6256 Musker, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6257 Nathan. Arthur Frederic. 3 .Tnn» ion 257 Nathan, Arthur Frederic, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 622 6258 Needham. Joseph George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6259 NeUson, George Clement, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6260 NichoUs, Gregory Basil TregUsson, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6262 Oppenheim, Robert WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6263 Owen, Roger Carmichael Robert, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6264 Packer, Rev. George Francis, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6265 Parisotti, Rev. Albert, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6266 Parker, Arthur Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6267 Pemberton, Edward Gerald, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6268 Percy-Smith, Douglas CyrU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6269 PhUlips, Rees, 3 June, 1919. (at.) ' 6270 Pole, WeUesley Tudor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6271 Pooler, John Read, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6272 Porter, James Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6273 Postlethwaite, Francis John Marshall, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6274 Rabaghati, Dancan Silvestro. 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6275 Rae, James Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6276 Rankin, Frederick Powlett, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6277 Raven-Hart, James MUlevUle, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6278 Raymond, Eben Lindsay, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6279 Rayner, Arthur Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6280 Rickett, Gerald RusseU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6281 Ridley, Geoffrey WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6282 Ritchie, WUliam Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6283 Robertson, Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6284 Robertson, John WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6285 Ross, WUUam John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6286 Rothschild, Sydney Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6287 Sanderson, Francis Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6288 Sandes, Charles WUliam Wallace, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6289 Scott, Percy Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6290 Scrimgeour, Frederic John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6291 Seccombe, John WUUam Smyth, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6292 Sewell, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6293 Sharp, Wilfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6294 Simson, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6295 Spinks, Charlton Watson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6296 Stafford, Percy Beaumont, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6297 Starkey, Henry Samuel Crichton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6298 Stephenson, Basil, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 6299 Stewart, George Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6301 Smith, Walter WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6302 Stiatheam, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6303 Strong, Robert Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6301 Tegg, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6305 Thomson, James Robert Karrow, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6306 Thorp, Eustace, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6307 TUleray. WiUiam Arthur James, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6308 Tomkinson, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6310 Urwin, John Johnson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6311 Vacy-Ash, WilUam MaxweU, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6313 Verschovle, Henry Prittie Cosby, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6314 Vessey, Gordon Harry Bowker, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6315 Vincent, William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6316 Wakeham, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6317 Walshe, Francis Martin Rouse, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 631-! Ware, Sampson Weston Percy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6319 Way, Francis Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6321 Westropp, Richard Gibbtogs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6322 White, Maurice Forbes, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6323 Wightman, Henry Christopher, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6324 WilUams, Harold BaskervUle, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6325 WUIson, Herbert Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6326 Wood, Rev. Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6327 Wood, John WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6328 Woodward, Frederick WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6329 Young, Ernest WiUiam Gttmore, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6330 Linton, Adam Pearce, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6331 White, BasU Cherrtogton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6332 Bisdee, John Hutton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6333 Davidson, Arthur Madgwick, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6334 Dickinson, Francis Sidney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6335 Henry, James Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6336 Kirkwood, WUUam Love, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6337 Saw, Athelstan John Henton, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6338 Summons, Walter Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6339 Hercus, Charles Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6340 Abdel KhaUk Eff Talaat (Bimbashi), 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6341 Adam, Ronald Forbes, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6342 Argles, Guy Arthur Eustace, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6343 Baily, CUfford AUan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6344 Belchem, Owen King, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6345 Berlandina, Herbert HUlel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6346 Bowen, John Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6347 Boyd, Clive Kingsley, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6348 Bramhall, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6349 Brown, Montagu Wilhelm, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6350 Browning, Langley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6351 Buckley, Peter Burton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6352 Butler, Rev. Richard Urban, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6353 CarroU, Patrick Alphonsus, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 63ol Chichester, Hon. Arthur Claud Spencer, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6355 Chute, Rev. Anthony William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6356 Coplans, Myer, 3 June, 1919. Alexander WUliam. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9024 Finms, Herbert Cobb, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 636 9025 Gwynne, Clement Wansbrough. 3 June, 1919 (at.) 9026 Jadav, Pandurung Rao, 3 June, 193 9. (at.) 9027 Khan, Iqbal Mahomed, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 9028 MacEwan, Andrew Kenneth, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 9029 Nottidge, George. 3 June 1910. (BI.) 9030 Row, Raghabendra, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 9031 Rush John Shipman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9032 Samund, Abdul, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 9033 Shahp, Henry Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9034 Shine, Eugene Percy Forrest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9035 Singh, Rao Bahadur Rao Balbir, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9036 Singh, Sardar Bahardur Chanda, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9037 Singh, Dais Raj Ranjit, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 9038 Singh, Rajhumar Ranjit, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 9039 WUson, John Arthur Maclean, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9040 Baring, Thomas Esme, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 9041 Brooke, John Chadwick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9042 Campbell, Ian Percy Fitzgerald, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 9043 Edwards, T. H, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 9044 Graham, Hamilton Maurice Howgrave-, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9045 Khkwood, Thomas WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9046 Montefiore. Leonard Nathaniel, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 9047 Newbery, James Wilfred Trevor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9048 Parker, Sh William Lorenzo, Bart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9049 Price, Walter Dennis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9050 Robson, Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9051 Doidge, R. C, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9052 McHaffie, George Addison, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9053a Renaud, Ernest James. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 90536 Anderson, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9053c Huffam, William Tyers Christopher, 3 June, 1919 (m.) 9053d Black, George Cumine Strahan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 9053e Bonar, Hew Hunter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9053/ Bown, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9053(7 Cooper, Geoffrey Beauchamp Astley, 3 June, 1919. (at. ) 9053A Duddtog, Thomas Scarborough, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9054os Dutton, Ralph Matthew Legge, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9054& Jones, Richard Reginald Glynne-, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9054c Jacomb, Frederick BasU Wood, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 9054d Lapsley, WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9054e LyaU, WUUam James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9054/ Palmer, John Harald Gore, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9054a Porter, Herbert Charles Vivian, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9054ft Singer, Charles Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9055a Taylor, John Norman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 90556 Tennent, Anderson Khkwood, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9055c Bostock, James, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9055(i Brighten, Claude WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9055« Ellison, Craufurd Tait, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9055/ Lewis, Ernest WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 90559 Meares.HughPoynder, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 9055ft Rendle, WiUiam Edgcumbe, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9056a Ritson, Cuthbert Ward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 90566 Tracy, Charles Dunlop, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9056c WUson, Gregg, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9056(2 Gowans, James Dakers, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9056e Khan, Ajab, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9056/ Vickers, Wilmot Gordon Hilton, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 90560 Collings, F. J, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9056ft Wedderburn, Henry KeUerman HamUton-, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9057a McCaUum, Robert Towson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 90576 Trueman, Thomas Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9057c Watson, Basil Barnard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9057d Farran, George Lambert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9057c Greer, WiUiam Niven. 3 June, 1919. (at.* 9057/ Mouat, Charles George Kay-, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 9057j Marshall, Hannath Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 9057ft O'Malley, David Vincent, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 9058a Scott, George Edward, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 90586 White, White Bolmfield, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 9058c Anderson, Arthur Robert, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 905S(Z Ayre, LesUe Charles Edward, 11 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9058e Bates, Reginald Barrington, 11 June, 1919. (BI.) 9058/ Bath, Alan George, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 9058(7 BiUs, Walter WiUiam, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9059 Borrett, Jack TuthiU, 11 June, 1919. (BI.) 9060 Bott, Leslie Charles, 11 June, 1919. (it.) 9061 Bowing, John, 11 June, 1919. (St.) 9062 Boyle, James Charles, 11 June, 1919. (Bt ) 9063 Bray, John Evelyn, 11 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9064 Brewer, Charles Samuel, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9065 Brown, WiUiam, John Archer, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9066 Buchanan, Frederic Gray, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9067 Candy, Geoffrey Charles 11 June, 1919. (BI.) 9068 Candy, John, 11 June, 1919. (at ) 9069 Catto, Andrew Yule, 11 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9070 Cavill, Herbert John, 11 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9071 Cole, Archiblad Charles, 11 June, 1919. (St.) 9072 Coleman, Patrick Peter, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 9073 Colles, Ernest Dudley Gordon, 11 June, 1919. (at. 9074 CoUins, Charles Edward, 11 June, 1919. (af ) 9075 Colwill, George Henry, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9076 Connors, Ernest John, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9077 Coote, Bernard Trotter, 11 June, 1919. (at ) 9078 Craven, Charles Worthington, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 9079 Crowther, WUliam Regtaald Denys, 11 June. 1919. (at.) 9080 Cudlip, Edwin WUUam, 11 June, 1919. (at ) OFFICERS. (BI.) . (Bf.) (St.) 9081 Cumberiege. Marcus Victor, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9082 Damant, Guybon Chesney Castell, 11 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9083 Davis, WUliam Thomas. 11 June, 1919. (St.) 9084 Eason, Victor Cecil Gould, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9085 ElUs, Thomas, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9086 FUdes, Paul G, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9087 Garwood, Hugh Sydney, 11 June, 1019. (it.) 9088 GUbert, Archibald, 11 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9089 Good. Henry John Graham, 11 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9090 Goold, Hubert, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9091 Hanulton-Gordon, Hugh, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9092 Harris, Percy George, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9093 Harrison, Geoffrey Brancker, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9094 Hart, WiUiam, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 9095 Hastings, James Frederick Arthur, 11 June, 1919. 9096 Heather, Paul, 11 June, 1919. (si.) 9097 Horsey, Frank Lankester, 11 June, 1919. (st.) 9098 Jackson, Stanley, 11 June, 1919. (st.) 9099 Janion, Arthur Cyril Austin, 11 June, 1919. (BI.) 9100 Jeans, George, 11 June, 1919. (it.) 9101 Kay, Ivo James, 11 June, 1919. (af.) 9102 Kerr, Fairfax Moresby, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9103 Lane-Poole, Richard Hayden, Owen, 11 June, 1919 9104 LleweUyn, LleweUyn Evan Hugh, 11 June, 1919. 9105 McKinlay, Alfred White, 11 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9106 MacLean, Harper, 11 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9107 Mann, William Selwyn, 11 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9108 Martin, Edward George, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9109 Moore, Gerald, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9110 Morley, Cornelius CecU, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9111 Moseley, Edward James, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9112 Murray, Arthur John Layard, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9113 O'Connor, Thomas Reginald Gill, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9114 Orchard, Bdwin Harold, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9115 Orton, John Henry, 11 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9116 Palfreman, Edwin, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9117 Parsons, Stanley Seymour Conway, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9118 Pratt, Edwin, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9119 Prendergast, John Arnoux, 11 June, 1919. (bi.) 9120 Robins, LesUe, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9121 Romer, Frederick, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 9122 Rudland, Henry Alfred, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9123 Shee, Richard John, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9124 Simon, Arnold, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9125 Stacker, Percy, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9126 Swan, Kenneth Raydon, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9127 Thomson, George Phie, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9128 Thornton, CyrU Joseph, 11 June, 1919. (m.) 9129 Tower, Francis Fitzpatrick, 11 June, 1919. (st.) 9130 Turner, Frederick Richard Gordon, 11 June, 1919. (si.) 9131 Twigg, Francis Walter Despard, 11 June, 1919. (M.) 9132 Wood, Alfred Oswald, 11 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9133 Wynter, Gerald Charles, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9134 Yorke, Maurice Francis, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 9135 Barnes, George Edwin Olaf, 21 June, 1919. (at.) 9136 Blackburn, Albert Edward, 21 June. 1919. (Bf.) 9137 Blumberg, Frederick Thomas, 21 June, 1919. 9138 Brady, John Joseph Hugh, 21 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9139 Rrowne, Robley Henry John, 21 June, 1919. (at.) 9140 Compton, Edward Bathurnt, 21 June, 1919. (at.) 9141 Elstob, Eric Bramley, 21 June, 1919. (if.) 9142 Hamnett, Bernard, 21 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9143 Hooper, Geoffroy WiUiam Winsmore, 21 June, 1919. (bi.) 9144 Large, Edwin Ryder, 21 June, 1919. 9145 Mann, WUliam Burridge, 21 June, 1919. (M.) 9146 MUes, Francis Nigel, 21 June, 1919. (bi.) 9147 Moorsom, Winstanley Robert Coverdale, 21 June, 1919. (bi.) 9148 Morgan, John Hamilton, 21 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9149 Pelham-Kent, Arthur Clifton, 21 June, 1919. (bi.) 9150 Sarel, Colin Alfred Molyneux, 21 June, 1919. (BI.) 9151 Waterhouse, Thomas Ryder, 21 June, 1919. (at.) 9152 Watson, George WilUam, 21 June, 1919. (BI.) 9153 Whitehead, Norman, 21 June, 1919. (at.) 9154 Ahem, Michael John, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9155 AUenby, John Norfolk, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9156 Bate, Francis WiUiam, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9157 Bennetts, Sydney, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9158 Chichester, Ivor Francis, 27 June, 1919. (M.) 9159 Colbeek, Charles Edward Beeby, 27 June, 1919. (bi.) 9160 WilUams, Maurice Marcel Frederic Conde-, 27 Jure, 1919. (BI.) 9161 CorrwalUs, Oswald Wykeham, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9162 Dingli, Adrian, 27 June, 1919. (Bt.) 9163 Dunkley, George WilUam, 27 June. 1919. (bi.) 9164 EdgeU, John Augustine, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9165 Salmond, Kenneth Gofton-, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9166 Goolden, Archibald Campbell, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9168 Henslowe, Ernest, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9169 Hodgson, Oswald Tylston, 27 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9170 Humphrey, Percy Edward May, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9171 Johnston, WUUam, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9172 Kennedy, James, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9173 Markham, Ernest Lacey, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9174 Martin, Thomas, 27 June, 1919. (st.) 9175 Medd. Walter Hall, 27 June, 1919. (Bf.) 9177 Merry Colin Campbell, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9178 MUls. Gerald EdgeU, 27 June, 1919. (31.) 9179 Muir; Allan Thompson, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 9180918191829183918491859186 9187 9188 91899190919191929193919491959196 9197 919891999200920192029203 920492059206 9207920892099210921192129213 9214921592169217 92199220 922192229223922492259226 9227 92289229 9230 92319232 9233 923492359236 9237923892399240 9241 92429243 9244924592469247 92489249 9250 9251 9252 92539254 92559256 92579258 9259 9260 9261 9262926392649265926692679268 9269 92709271 9272927392749275 92769277 9278 Nathan, George Emanuel, 27 June, 1919. (si.) Nicholas, Ernest, 27 June, 1919. (at.) Parker, Frederick William, 27 June, 1919. (at.) Parsons, Oswy Lonsdale, 27 June, 1919. (si.) Phillips, Richard Hood Grant, 27 June. 1919. (Bt.) Pocock, Herbert Cheynev, 27 June, 1919. (sr.) Rising, Francis Simon, 27 June, 1919. (si.) Roberts, Arthur Cecil, 27 June, 1919. (St.) Robertson, James Anderson Brown, 27 June, 1919. (31.) Rosevere, Edward James, 27 June, 1919. (at.) Sandford, Cecil Stanley, 27 June, 1919. Shaw, Francis Blewitt, 27 June, 1919. (Bt.) Smithson, Alfred Edward, 27 June, 1919. (Bf.) Stevenson, Ian Teacher, 27 June, 1919. (Sf.) Taylor, George Reay, 27 June, 1919. (Bf.) Thornycroft, Oliver, 27 June, 1919. (Bf.) Townend, Alfred Bernard Stairs, 27 June, 1919. (at.) Wagg, Henry John, 27 June, 1919. (at.) Ward, Bernard John HamUton, 27 June, 1919. (at.) Webber, Hubert Arthur Cornwall, 27 June, 1919. (at.) Woolley, WiUiam, 27 June, 1919. (Bt.) Young, Harold Francis John, 27 June, 1919. (Bf.) Blanchflower, Edward Charles, 30 June, 1919. (fit.) Delius, Daniel Edwin St. Martin, 30 June, 1919. (_i.l Dixon, Alan, 30 June, 1919. (St.) Glennie, Hugh Gardiner, 30 June, 1919. (si.) Hamilton, James Jack, 30 June, 1919. (ai.) Innes, Arthur, 30 June, 1919. (Bt.) Leportier, Theodore, 30 June, 1919. (at.) McMickam, Walter Campbell, 30 June, 1919. (Bf.) Money, Norman Angel Kyrle, 30 June, 1919. (at.i Newman, James Benjamin, 30 June, 1919. (at.) Norcock, Charles Vernon Lowcay, 30 June, 1919. (st.) Pickering, William Alfred, 30 June, 1919. (bi.) Potts, Thomas Moffett, 30 June, 1919. (at.) Reid. Joseph Alfred, 30 June, 1919. (at.) Smith, Philip Albert, 30 June, 1919. (at.) Strickland, Henry, 30 June, 1919. (at.) Thompson, John, 30 June, 1919. (Bt.) Baxendale, Basil Francis, 4 July, 1919. (Bt.) Bickley, Reginald Courteney, 4 July, 1919. (St.) Broome, Thomas Charles, 4 July, 1919. (Bt.) Cartwright, Charles Chesters, 4 July, 1919. (Sf.) Clarke, Maurice Harvey, 4 July, 1919. (Bt.) Crouch, Charles Henry Anson, 4 July, 1919. (si.) Dawes, Hugh Campbell Frederick, 4 July. 1919. (si.1 Fenwick, Henry Clennett, 4 July, 1919. (at.) Fenwick, Maurice George Fenwick Bissett, 4 July, 1919. (at.) Froggatt, Chailes Edward, 4 July, 1919. (st.) Gibbs, Stanley, 4 July, 1919. (St.) Gilroy, Henry Errington, 4 July, 1919. (at.) Grant, Arthur Syme, 4 July, 1919. (at.) Greig, Donald, 4 July, 1919. (at.) Griffith, Charles Harry, 4 July, 1919. (Bt.) Harrison, Thomas, 4 July, 1919. (St.) Hemsley, Alexander Guy, 4 July, 1919. (st.) HoUoway, Graham Charles, 4 July, 1919. (St.) Horsburgh, Gordon Staveley, 4 July, 1919. (si.) Jackson, Thomas Bdwin, 4 July, 1919. (St.) Jones, John Herbert, 4 July, 1919. (at.) King, Joseph, 4 July, 1919. (at.) Kitcat, Henry Jeffreys de Winton, 4 July, 1919. (at.) Landon, Edward Cyril Turtou, 4 July, 1919. (at.) Lay, John Richard, 4 July, 1919. (at.) Lee, Emsley MarK, 4 July, 1919. (St.) Lockhart, Murray MacGregor, 4 July, 1919. (SI.) Lockyer, Sydney de Bohun, 4 July, 1919. (BI.) McBroom, Samuel, 4 July, 1919 (St.) McKay, Williarr. Kirby, 4 July, 1919. (St.) Partridge, Reginald Montague, 4 July, 1919. (St.) Phillips, Frederick Brown, 4 July 1919. (at.) Rice, James, 4 July, 1919: (at.) Richardson, Francis Joseph, 4 July, 1919. (st.) Ridgway, Bertram Henry Akroyd, 4 July, 1919. (St.) Smith, Henry Edward Goves Scott-, 4 July, 1919. (Bt.) Shipton, Francis Henry Eldred, 4 July, 1919. (St.) Stonehouse, Andrew Woodhouse, 4 July, 1919. (BI.) Stubbs, Sydenham Ernest, 4 July, 1919. (BI.) Tavlor, Ogden, 4 July, 1919. (Bf.) Tibbits, Edward, 4 July, 1919. (Bf.) Toby, William Henry, 4 July, 1919. (Bt.) Walshe, Francis Weldon, 4 July, 1919. Bt.) Whittle, WUliam Henry, 4 July, 1919. (Bf.) Appleyard, Rollo, 10 July, 1919. (M.) Bannatyne, Archibald Brown, 10 July, 1919. (ai.) Barker, Albert, 10 July, 1919. (at.) Barrett, Richard WiUiam, 10 July, 1919. (BI.) Brett, George Henry, 10 July, 1919. (BI.) Brewer, Frederick Henry, 10 July, 1919. (ai.) Brock, Donald Carey, 10 July, 1919. (at.) Carey, Basil Ernest, 10 July, 1919. (bi.) Courage, Archibald Vesey, 10 July, 1919. (st.) Cross, CecU Woodrow, 10 July, 1919. (at.) Eliot, Montague Charles, 10 July, 1919. (at.) Forbes, WUUam Stonach Foster, 10 July, 1919. (at.) Froude, Anthony Ashley. 10 July, 1919. (at.) Graves, Cornelius BlackweU, 10 July, 1919. (ai.) Gray, WiUiam, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 637 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 9279 Hall, HamUton John Burnett, 10 July, 1919. (BI.) 9280 HamUton, James, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9281 Hammond, Bert Ernest, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9282 Hargrave, John Eustace, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9283 Hervey, Richard George, 10 July, 1919. (af.) 9284 Hordern, Lionel Herbert, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9285 Hughes, William Henry, 10 July, 1919. (Bt.) 9286 King, James Henry, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9287 Knox, John Frederick, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9288 Lapage, Walter NevUle, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9289 MacBrayne, Laurence, 10 July, 1919. (M.) 9290 Mackie, George WUliam, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9291 Matthews, Thomas Samuel, 10 July, 1919. (St.) 9292 Morgon, James Kendle, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9293 Murray, NeU Smith, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9294 Peattie, Alexander Bonnie, 10 July, 1919. (BI.) 9295 Robinson, Leonard Mould, 10 July, 1919. (St.) 9296 Rodham. Cuthbert Hattiburton, 10 July, 1919. (SI. 9297 RusseU, Edward Holden, 10 July, 1919. (M.) 9298 Smiles, Stephen Hudson, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9299 Tate, Frederick Lionel, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9300 Thicke, Claude Stanley, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9301 ViUiers, Gerald Berkeley, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9302 Watney, Gilbert John, 10 July, 1919. (at.) 9303 Russell, Harold David Watts-, 10 July|»1919. (Bf.) 9304 Baker, Gordon St. George WUdman, 12 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9305 Bell, John Fawcett, 12 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9306 Davis, Reginald Unwto, 12 July, 1919. (at.) 9307 Figgins, John WUliam, 12 July, 1919. (at.) 9308 Gibson, Frederick John Butler, 12 July, 1919. (at.) 9309 Herivel, Sidney Peck, 12 July, 1919. (st.) 9310 Maconochie, Charles Ernest, 12 July, 1919. (at.) 9311 Martin, Alfred, 12 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9313 Painter, Arthur Collett, 12 July, 1919. (St.) 9314 Saunders, Arthur Patrick, 12 July, 1919. (sr.) 9315 Simson, Arthur Fraser, 12 July, 1919. (St.) 9316 Sutherland, Joseph, 12 July, 1919. (Bt.) 9317 White, Richard Forster, 12 July, 1919. (M.) 9318 WiUoughby, Reginald Stephen, 12 July, 1919. (at.) 9319 Wright, Noel, 12 July, 1919. (at.) 9320 Young, Bdwin Walton, 12 July, 1919. (at.) 9321 Abbott. Bernard Bdwin, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9322 Allan, John Hunter, 17 July, 1919. (BI.) 9323 Allen, James, 17 July, 1919. (BI.) 9324 Ashton, Reginald William Alexander, 17 July, 1919. (bi.) 9325 Barter, Frederick, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9326 Cannan, George WUliam, 17 July, 1919. (St.) 9327 Cassy, Alexander WUliam, 17 July, 1919. (St.) 9328 Clausen, Hugh, 17 July, 1919. (st.) 9329 Crabb, William Charles Pascoe, 17 July, 1919. (Sf.) 9330 Cross, Charles Henry Dennis, 17 July, 1919. (Bt.) 9331 Dove, John Scott, 17 July, 1919. (St.) 9332 Drew, Thomas Bernard, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9333 Elliott, Frank, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9334 Falle, H. de C, 17 July, 1919. (St.) 9335 Fisher, Douglas Blake, 17 July, 1919. (ar.) 9336 Fisher, WiUiam Newton, 17 July, 1919. (SI.) 9337 Fraser, Bruee Austin, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9338 Gillespie, Harold Evelyn, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9339 Gregory, Leslie, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9340 Haines, Henry Ronald, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9341 Hall, Samuel Howard, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9342 Harwood, Henry Harwood, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9343 Haves, Thomas, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9344 Hewitt, Brian Lifford, 17 July, 1919. (St.) 9345 Hughes, Evan Jukes, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9346 Hawkesworth, Richard Arthur, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9347 Jermain, Harry Bingham, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9348 Keily, Charles Joseph, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9349 Lawson, John Cuthbert, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9350 Leahy, James Palmer, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9351 Kaye, Russell Lister-, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9352 Lucas, Charles Anthony Cecil, 17 July, 1919. (at ) 9353 McGrath, Harry Nisbet, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9354 MacKeown, Robert John, 17 July, 1919. (St.) 9355 Marriott, Horace Bruce, 17 July, 1919. (st.) 9356 Metcalfe, Bruce, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9357 More, George Irwin Sanctuary, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9358 Nash, Walter Macdonald, 17 July, 1919. (it.) 9359 Neligan, Eric Claude, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9360 Nelson, Robert Douglas, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9361 Pape, Percy John, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9362 Rattey, WiUiam, 17 July, 1919. cat.) 9364 Rogers, Henry, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9365 Skinner, William Shelford, 17 July, 1919. (at ) 9366 Startta, Robert Arthur, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9367 Stevenson, Ernest, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 9368 Sydenham, Frederick William, 17 July, 1919. (at ) 9369 TerriU, Frank, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9370 Tinson, Charles WiUs, 17 July, 1919. (ar ) 9371 Tower, Francis Thomas Butler, 17 July, 1919. (at ) 9372 Walker, WUliam Frederic Wake-, 17 July. 1919 (at ) 9373 Watson, Lewis Jones, 17 July 1919. (bi.) 9374 Webb, Lancelot Vere, 17 July, 1919. (at ) 9375 White, Arthur Frederick, 17 July, 1919. (st ) 9376 Wilkinson, Edward Aubrey Guy, 17 July, 1919. (st.) 9377 Wright, John TurnbuU, 17 July, 1919. (at ) 9378 Yeo, Moritz RodweU, 17 July, 1919. (Bf ) 9379 Bisset, William David, 31 July, 1919. (at ) (ar.) 1919. (Bf.) (Bt.) 638 9380 Briggs, Charles, 31 July, 1919. (sr.) 9381 Butcher, Victor George, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9382 Chater, Francis Arthur, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9383 Comabe, William Eckford, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9384 Draper, Philip Nelson, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9385 Edmonds, Archibald Charles Mackay, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9386 Evans, AUred Englefleld, 31 July, 1919. (BI.) 9387 Fairbairn, Bernard William Murray, 31 July, 1919. (it.) 9388 Findlay, George William Marshall, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9389 Flood, Otto Barnes Patrick, 31 July, 1919. (Bt.) 9390 Freyberg, Geoffrey Herbert, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9391 Grant, Malcolm Kenneth, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9392 Hunter, Harry, 31 July, 1919. (Bt.) 9393 Irving, Robert Beaufin, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9394 JoUye, Godfrey Herbert, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9395 Jones, Isaac, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9396 Jones, Rupert Oswald, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9397 May, Archibald Seaburne, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9398 Meeson, Charles Mortimore, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9399 Mills, Tom Lakin, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9400 Mittell, Richard William, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9401 Patterson, Julian Francis Chichester, 31 July, 1919. 9402 Peterkto, WilUam, 31 July, 1919. (it.) 9403 Powell, Malcolm CecU, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9404 Putt, William Pearce, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9405 Rankine, Roger Aiken, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9406 Smith, CUfford Edward Heathcote, 31 July, 9407 Smithers, WilUam Henry Grant, 31 July, 1919. 9408 Swift, Clement Charles, 31 July, 1919. (31.) 9409 Warre, PhiUp Acheson, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) • 9110 Weatherhead, Robert, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 9411 WeigaU, Graham Selwyn, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9412 Westmore, Henry George Gardiner, 31 July, 1919. (31.) 9413 Whitfield, George Arthur, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 9414 BeU, Aidan Isaac, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9415 Blake-Reed, John Seymour, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9416 Boyd, John Mossom, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9417 Brown, Richard Charles, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9418 Clarke, George Edgar, 11 Aug. 1919. (BI.) 9419 Clarke, James Richard Plomer, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9420 Cunningham, CharUe Allen Chichester, 11 Aug. 1919. (31.) 9421 Dewar, Alfred Charles, 11 Aug. 1919. (Bt.) 9422 Duggan.Eyre Sturdy, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9423 EUott, Gerald Otho Rooskie, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9424 Evans, Harold Ernest, 11 Aug. 1919. (M.1 9425 Fielder, Stanley, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9426 Firth, Bernard, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9427 Fraser, James Gordon, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9428 GrenvUle-Grey, Grenville, 11 Aug. 1919. (Bf.) 9429 Heayberd, WUliam Valentine, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9430 Holborn, Arthur Savory, 11 Aug. 1919. (Bf.) 9431 Howden, Ian D. C, 11 Aug. 1919. (Bf.) 9432 HugiU, Rene Charles, 11 Aug. 1919. (Bf.) 9433 Jones, Frank Murcheson, 11 Aug. 1919. (It.) 9434 Lewis, Guy Pefdell, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9435 Martto^Andrew, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9436 Mayo, Herbert Coates, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9437 Parkes, Alfred John, 11 Aug. 1919. (St.) 9438 Parry, Herbert Lyell, 11 Aug. 1919. (Bf.) 9439 Shipman, Frederick L, 11 Aug. 1919. (Bf.) 9440 Syson, John Luxmore, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9441 Taylor, Hastings Elwin, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9442 White, George Colvin, 11 Aug. 1919. (Bf.) 9443 Wickham, Evelyn Twysden, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9444 Alton, Francis Cooke, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9446 Barton, Samuel Saxton, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9447 Beaton, Thomas, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9448 Bellwood, Kenneth Bouson, 22 Aug. 1919. (M.) 9449 Blackman, WUliam Stephen, 11 Aug. 1919. (Bt.) 9450 Bringan, James Campbell, 22 Aug. 1919. (ar.) 9451 Brownfield, Owen Deane, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9452 Buddie, Roger, 22 Aug. 1919. (ai.) 9453 Burns, Henry, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9454 Button, Philip Norman, 22 Aug. 1919. (M.) 9455 CampbeU, John Alexander Langford, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9456 Carey, Richard Stocker, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9457 Clift, Hugh, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9458 Dixon, Walter Ernest, 22 Aug. 1919. (ai.) 9459 Duck, WilUam Agar Scholefield, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9460 Dudley, Sheldon Francis, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9461 ElUs .Gordon Ernest Dormer, 22 Aug. 1919. (BI.) 9462 Eykyh, Frederick Bentley, 22 Aug. 1919. (M.) 9463 Fahbank, John Gerald Atkinson, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9464 Fawkes, Marmaduke, 22 Aug. 1919. (Bf.) 9465 Fletcher, Edward Ernest, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9466 Francis, Thomas Evan, 22 Aug. 1919. (It.) 9467 Goldie, Walton Leigh Mackinnon, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9468 Goss, Leslie Stewart, 22 Aug. 1919. (Bf.) 9469 Grimwade, Sidney Wilfred, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9470 Halahan, Thomas Dufour, 22 Aug. 1919. (Bf.) 9471 Harker, WiUiam Edmund, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9472 Herman, Ashley Ernest, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9473 Holton, Ernest Charles, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9474 Hughes, CecU Hugh Myddleton, 22 Aug. 1919. (M.) 9475 Jeffery, Thomas Walter, 22 Aug. 1919. (m.) 9476 Lambert, John, 22 Aug. 1919. (Bt.) 9477 Lorimer, Duncan, 22 Aug. 1919. (31.) 9478 Lynch, Gerald Roche, 22 Aug. 1919. (31.) OFFICERS. 9479 Lyster, Ronald Guy, 22 Aug. 1919. (Bi.) 9480 McCowen, Gerald Roche, 22 Aug. 1919. (m.) 9481 Mann, Harold Cory, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9482 Margetts, Horace Palmer, 22 Aug. 1919. (ai.) 9483 Martin, WUliam Ludgate, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9484 Mayne, CyrU Frederick, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9485 Morris, Claude Woodham, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9486 Morson, Albert CUfford, 22 Aug. 1919. (St.) 9487 Nunn, Gerald, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9488 Ormsby, WUliam Edwin, 22 Aug. 1919. (bi.) 9489 Palmer, John Ramsey, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9490 Parkes, Oscar, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9491 Percival, Harold Fey, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9492 Richardson, Alan Harvey, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9493 Rodd, Montague Louis Bouchier, 22 Aug. 1919. (bi.) 9494 Sohlestager, Edward Gustave, 22 Aug. 1919. (it.) 9495 Shewell, Herbert Wells Bayly, 22 Aug. 1919. (it.) 9496 Smith, Regtaald Eccles, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9497 Star, Paul Hohltag Mills, 22 Aug. 1919. (it.) 9498 Steegmann, Edward John, 22 Aug. 1919. (it.) 9499 Stephens, Horace Elliot Rose, 22 Aug. 1919. (St.) 9500 Stewart, Robert WUliam Glennan, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9501 Sturdee, Edwin Lawrence, 22 Aug. 1919. (bi.) 9502 SutcUffe, Percy Temple, 22 Aug. 1919. (m.) 9503 Thomas, Arthur Richard, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9504 Thompson, Frederick, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9505 Vickery, George Gordon, 22 Aug. 1919. (m.) 9506 Warburton, Llewellyn Rhys, 22 Aug. 1919. (St.) 9507 Warren, Leonard, 22 Aug. 1919. (M.) 9508 Wilkie, David Percival Dalbrick, 22 Aug. 1919. (si.) 9509 Willan, Robert Joseph, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9510 WilUams, Alfred Gregson, 22 Aug. 1919. (BI.) 9511 Wills, Walter Kenneth, 22 Aug. 1919. (at.) 9512 Woods, George Edmund, 22 Aug. 1919. (bi.) 9513 Allen, George Roland Gordon, 16 Sept. 1919. 9514 Andrews, Henry Osmond, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9515 Baker, Frederick John, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9516 Beaumont, Godfrey Lancaster, 16 Sept. 1919. 9517 Boswell, Albert Edouard, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9518 Boucher, Henry Charles Russei, 16 Sept. 1919. 9519 BuUock, Charles Arthur, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9520 CampbeU, James Douglas, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9521 Carlton, George Frederick, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9522 Cator, Robert, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9523 Clarke, Charles Childs, 16 Sept. 1919. (Bt.) 9524 Colegrave, William Henry, 16 Sept. 1919. (at) 9525 Comber, Thomas Geoffrey, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 9526 Copleston, Reginald Gay, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9527 Cripps, Arthur Edward WilUam, 16 Sept. 1919. 9528 CuU, Malcolm Giffard Stebbtog, 16 Sept. 1919. 9529 Demuth, Richard Harold, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9530 Donohue, WUliam James, 16 Sept. 1919. (it.) 9531 Douglas, Hon. Ronald John Walton Sholto, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9532 Drake, James Woodard 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9533 Duncan, George Ernest, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9534 Eagleton, Henry Arthur, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9535 EUiott, Stephen Percy, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9536 Embltog, Rev. Hugh John, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9537 Evans, Richard Samuel, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9538 FavieU, Douglas, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9540 Garrett, John Raymond, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9541 GaskeU, Arthur, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9542 Gibbons, Robert Regtaald, 16 Sept. 1919. (it.) 9543 Gibson, Charles Mends, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9544 Gibson, Isham Worsley, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9545 Gordon, Walter Hamilton, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9546 Green, Henry WUliam Gordon-, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9547 Graham, Charles Frederick OUver, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9548 Hail, Frederick WiUiam, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9549 Harrington, Arthur George, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 9550 Harris, Herbert WUliam. 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9551 Haszard, Henry Vivian Moore, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9552 Highfield, WiUiam, 16 Sept. 1919. (Bf.) 9553 Homer, John Leonard, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9554 Hunton, Thomas Lionel, 16 Sept. 1919. (af.) 9555 Jeffery, George Hoare, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9556 Kiddle, John, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9557 Lake, Atwell Henry, 16 Sept. 1919. (si.) 9558 Lambert, John HamUton, 16 Sept. 1919. (it.) 9559 Learoyd, Leonard, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9560 Logan, James Henry, 16 Sept. 1919. (ai.) 9561 Mackenzie, Edward Montagu Compton, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9562 New, Arthur Henry, 16 Sept. 1919. (BI.) 9563 Oldham, Ronald Wolseley, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9564 Owens, John Daniel, 16 Sept. 1919. (st.) 9565 Palmer, Bennet, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 9566 Palmer, Reginald Howard, 16 Sept. 1919. (st.) 9567 Parker, Ernest Edward, 10 Sept. 1919. (sf.) 9568 Pemberton. WUliam, jl6 Sept. 1919. (Sf.) 9569 PhUpott, Henry Goschen, 16 Sept. 1919. (Bt.) 9570 Pickering, Frederick, 16 Sept. 1919. (bi.) 9571 WUliams, Douglas Price-, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9572 PuUibank, John Blackler, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9573 Reade, Arthur George Lawrence, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9574 Richards, Augustus Glucksteta, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9575 Richardson, Charles Dene, 16 Sept. 1919. (sf .) 9576 Richardson, Hugh Maclean, 16 Sept. 1919. (M.) (st.) (SI.) (at.) (at.) (si.) (at.) (ai.) (at.) (ai.) (51.) (M.) 9577 Rogers, Hugh Hext, 16 Sept. 1919. (ai.) 9578 Seccombe, Edward Arthur John, 16 Sept. 1919. 9579 Slessor, Herbert, 16 Sept. 1919. (SI.) 9580 Smith, Edgar Charles, 16 Sept. 1919. (it.) 9581 Snepp, John Wansey, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9582 Strange, Jack Ronald Stewart, 16 Sept. 1919. 9583 Stringer, Reginald Heber, 16 Sept. 1919. (tt.) 9584 Thompson, Erederio John, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9585 Weir, John, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9586 Weir, Robert J, 16 Sept. 1919. (Bf.) 9587 Wenn, Frederick William, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9588 West, William Tom, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9589 WhittaU, Hugh C, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9590 Wood, George Albert Thomas, 16 Sept. 1919. (ai.) 9591 Wyley, John Deane Newbank, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9592 Yuill, Alexander Claude Roy, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 9593 Baker, Allan Hugh Sancroft, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9594 Boyd, Owen Tudor, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9595 Forbes, James Louis, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 9596 Kearsey. Alexander Horace Cyril, 10 Oct. 1919. (Bt.) 9597 Kirby, Claude, 10 Oct. 1919. (Bf.) 9598 Nye, Alfred Thomas Larcom, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9599 Ranken, Francis, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9600 Richardson, Albert Victor John, 10 Oct. 1919. ' 9601 Restler, James Douglas Kendall, 10 Oct. 1919. 9602 Travers, James Lindsey, 10 Oct. 1919. (bi.) 9603 Davson, Ivan Buchanan, 10 Oct. 1919. (st.) 9604 Bourke, John Patrick, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 9605 Bowdler, Archibald Penhryn, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 9606 Boyle, Archibald Robert, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 9607 Carr, Alfred George Horsley, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 9608 Cherry, Ernest WUliam Fraser, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 9609 Cox, Henry Ashley, 10 Oct. 1919. (si.) 9610 Guilfoyle, WiUiam James Yule, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9611 Kennedy, David Henry, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9612 Leith, Thomas Geoffrey, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9613 Lewis, Charles Henry, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9614 Lidderdale, John Henry, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 9615 Saunders, Edgar Stopford, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9616 Stewart, Charles John, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 9617 Wakefield, Hugh Claude, 10 Oct. 1919. (SI.) 9618 Woods, Reginald Herbert, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 9619 Bridgeman, Percival Cunningham AUen, 10 Oct. 1919. (Bf.) 9620 Clements, Edward Cecil, 10 Oct. 1919. 9621 de Francia, Jean, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 9622 Hartley, Arthur CUfford, 10 Oct. 1919. 9623 Hull, Tom Grove, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 9624 Lees, Thomas Orde Hans, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 9625 Macpherson, Osborne Cluny. 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 9626 MitcheU, John MitcheU, 10 Oct. 1919. (si.) 9627 Park, WilUam, 10 Oct. 1919. (Bt.) 9628 Sanders, Douglas Brooking, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9629 Snape, Albert Edward, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9630 Baker, Cyril Bennett, 10 Oct. 1919. (it.) 9631 Crosie, Dudley Stuart Kay, 10 Oct. 1919. 9632 Evans, Geoffrey Fanington, 10 Oct. 1919. 9633 Gordon, David, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9634 Humfress, Harold Tunmer, 10 Oct. 1919. — 9635 Kaye, George WiUiam Clarkson, 10 Oct. 1919. 9636 Munro, David, 10 Oct. 1919. (31.) 9637 Shepherd, George GranvUle, 10 Oct. 1919. (si.) 9638 Smith, WiUiam Percy, 10 Oct. 1919. (bi.) 9639 Walker, John Briton, 10 Oct. 1919. (Bt.) 9640 Curlett, Kathleen Lottie, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 9641 Doughty-Wylie, Mrs. LUian Oimara, 10 Oct. 1919. (BI.) 9642 Bingham, Hon. Edward Barry Stewart, 17 Oct. 1919. (M.) 9643 Bishop, Walter George, 17 Oct. 1919. (St.) 9644 Causton, Joseph, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9645 ClaveU, Richard Charles, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9646 Cope, Lidbrooke Frank, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9647 Craig, Archibald Maxwell, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9648 Cross, James, 17 Oct. 1919. (Bt ) 9649 Fitch, Henry Maldon, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9650 Gedye, Nicholas George, 17 Oct 1919. (at.) 9651 Hewitt, Heathcote George, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9652 Hind Norman Sinclair, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9653 Key/George, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9654 Macdonald, Malcolm Henry Somerled, 17 Oct. 1919. 9655 Palmer, William, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9656 PhiUips, Algernon Wynn Pendennis, 17 Oct. 1919. 9657 Prendergast, Edmund James, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.; 9658 Rankin. Francis James, 17 Oct 1919 (Bf.) 9659 Scaife, John Andrew Hanson^l7 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9660 Struben, Charles Frederick William, 17 Oct. 1919. 9661 Taylor, Alfred Hugh, 17 Oct. 1919. (BI.) 9662 Whitfield. Paul, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 9663 Banks, Francis RodweU, 11 Nov. 1919 (at.) 9664 Coombs, Thomas Edward, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9665 Douglas, James, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9666 Franks, Maurice Cardinal! 11 Nov 1919. (it.) 9667 Greig, Alexander Collie, 11 Nov. 1919. (at ) 9668 Hay, Hon. Sereld Mordaunt, Alan Joscelyn 9369 Lawranee, Kenneth Edward, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9670 Malcolm, Pulteney William, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9671 MlUar. Frank Ernest, 11 Nov. .1919. (at.) 9672 Parnell, Gerald Langston, 11 Nov. . 1919. (M.) I 9673 Privett, George John, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) (si.) (at.) (at.) (st.) (si.) (SI.) (St.) 11 Nov. 639 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 9674 Robinson, Eric Gascoigne, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9675 Shadwell, Lancelot Horace Augustus, 11 Nov. 1919. (it.) 9676 Woodcock, George CyrU, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 9677 Acton, William Cawley, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9678 Arnold, AUan Cholmondeley, 11 Nov. 1919. (31.) 9679 Baxter, George, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9680 Borland, James Henry George, 11 Nov. 1919. (sf.) 9681 Brown, James Parry, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9682 Bunce, WilUam Leslie, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9683 Candy, Cairns, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 9684 Clarke, WiUiam James, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9685 Brown, George Conway-, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9686 Crossman, Robert Francis, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9687 Curwen, John Spedding, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 9688 Dawes. Henry Halford, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9689 Garratt, Clarence Herbert, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9690 Gordon, Grahame Masey, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9691 Graham, Joseph William, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 9692 HuU, Gordon Burnett Gifford, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 9693 Irwin, Alfred WiUiam Adamson, 11 Nov. 1919. (m.) 9694 Lake, Bruce Launcelot, 11 Nov. 1919. (31.) 9695 Lund, George Percy, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9696 Macadam, Ivison Stevonson, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 9697 McBride, Stuart George, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9698 Mackenzie, Kenneth Davidson, 11 Nov. 1919. (If.) 9699 McLeod, Leonard Frederick, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9700 Murray, WUliam Alexander Kininmouth, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 9701 Musgrave, Bernard, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9702 Neighbour, Sidney WUUam, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9703 Poignant, Axel Jonas Alfred, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9704 RahUly, John Maurice Bisdee, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9705 Richmond, Thomas Heyliger, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9706 Smith, James, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9707 Straohan, Ernest Frederick, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 9708 Swan, Robert Arthur, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 9709 Uuiacke, CecU Dudley Woodgate, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 9710 WUlson, Christopher, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9711 Woodruffe, John Sheldon, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9712 Addington, Lord, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9713 Andrews, Albion Ernest, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 9714 BeUamy, Hugh Maurice, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9715 Dale, William Henry, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9716 Dobb, Harry Raymond, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9717 FranKlin, Frederick Joseph, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9718 Hewson, Frank Lloyd. 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 9719 Keane, Charles George Gordon, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 9720 Lewis, Edward Trevor. 11 Nov. 1919. (Sf.) 9721 Macklin, Alexander Hepburn, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 9722 Palmer, Charles Ernest, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 9723 Pringle, Charles Herford, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9724 Robertson, Colin John Trevelyan, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9725 Samuelson, Cecil Llewellyn, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9726 Sandison, John Forbes WiUiam, 11 Nov. 1919. (it.) 9727 Smyth, Bernard Owen, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 9728 SomervUle, Thomas Victor, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9729 Sweetman, Gerald Drysdale, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 9730 Thompson, Jacob Jewett, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9731 Watoer, George Croxton, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9732 Ward, Horace Edward, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 9733 Allen, Edmund Drury, 11 Nov. 1919. (it.) 9734 Bavin Arthur Julian Walter, 11 Nov. 1919. (St.) 9735 Greenslade, Cyras, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 9736 Beal, Richard Edward Bruce, 11 Nov. 1919. (St.) 9737 Butcher, Trevor Aveling, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9738 Carter, John Reginald, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9739 Craig, Hugh Morton, 11 Nov. 1919. (St.) 9740 Donovan, Thomas, 11 Nov. 1919. (St.) 9741 Douglas, George Robert Poynter, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 9742 Edwards, Reginald Owen, 11 Nov. 1919. (it.) 9743 Forwood, Harry, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9744 Fox, Thomas Laurence, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9745 Kent, WUfred Francis, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9746 Lumsden, Reginald Lewis, 11 Nov. 1919. (af.) 9747 Owen, Richard, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9748 Prickett, Frederick Cecil, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 9749 Smith, Harry Cvril, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 9750 Stamp, Arthur Frederick, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 9751 Tapp, Harold Astley, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 9752 Taylor, Robert Allan Grant, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 9753 Tee, Charles CUfford, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 9754 Thompson. John Foster, 11 Nov. 1919. (11.) 9755 Tinkler, Lionel Maughan, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bi). 9756 Twitchto, Nathaniel Edwards, 11 Nov. 1919. (II.) 9757 Wheeler, Roy Lambert, 11 Nov. 1919. (si.) " 9758 Aldworth, Thomas Preston, 15 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 9759 Collins, Hugh Michael, 15 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 9760 Duncan, Henry Clare. 15 Nov. 1919. (M.) 9761 Faris, John George, 15 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9762 Grant, James Forgan, 15 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 9763 HoUiday, John Cecil Hamilton, 15 Nov. 1919. (St.) 9764 Maturin, Hugh Geoffrey, 15 Nov. 1919. (at.) 9765 Spitteler, Alfred, 15 Nov. 1919. (M.) 9767 Ring, James Sinclah, Henry 28 Nov. 1919. (st.) 9768 Rutherford, Zerube BaUlie, 28 Nov. 1919. (SI.) 9769 Mohammed Bey Wifki, El Kaimakam, 26 Nov. 1919. (31.) 9770 Mohammed Effendi Shahin, Bimbashi, 26 Nov. 1919. (M.) 9771 Wild, Robert Vaughan, 5 Dec. 1919. 9772 Russell, Thomas Wentworth, 5 Dec. 1919. 9773 97749775977697779778 977997809781 9782978397849785 97869787 97889789979097919792979397949795 97969797979897999800980198029803980498059806980798089809981098119812981398149815 98169817 9818 98199820 9821 982298239824 9825982698279828 9829 9830 983198329833983498359836983798389839 9840 984198429843984498459846 9847 98489849 98509851 9852 98539854985598569857 9858 98599860986198629863 9864 9865 986698679868 9869 MarshaU, John MacMUIan, 5 Dec. 1919. Ingram, Alexander Gordon, 5 Dec. 1919. Wise, Alexander, 5 Dec. 1919. Dowson, Kenneth, 5 Dec. 1919. Job, Herbert Shipley, 5 Dec. 1919. Strove, Kenneth Chetwood Price, 5 Dec. 1919. Lyall, Charles Elliott, 5 Dec. 1919. More, Richard Edwardes, 5 Dec. 1919. Browne, Cecil Pownall, 5 Dec. 1919. Craig, James Douglas, 5 Dec. 1919. Burges, Frank, 5 Dec. 1919. Flint, Samuel Kirk, 5 Dec. 1919. Brown, CecU Thomas, 12 Dec. 1919. (BI.) Carson, John Findlay, 12 Dec. 1919. (at.) Dunkley, Stanley Fitzroy, 12 Dec. 1919. (M.) Hammond, WiUiam Charles Thomas, 12 Dec. 1919. (Bt. Hudson, John Augustine, 12 Dec. 1919. (at.) Langley, Gerald MaxweU Bradshaw, 12 Dec. 1919. (Bt.) Lockett, Herbert Anthony, 12 Dec. 1919. (BI.) McGiffin, Robert Hunter, 12 Dec. 1919. (Bt.) Roch, Sydney George, 12 Dec. 1919. (St.) Sanders, Arthur Addison, 12 Dec. 1919. (BI.) Wickham, Frederick St. Barbe, 12 Dee. 1919. (BI.) Pritchard, Isabel Lace, Mrs, 12 Dec. 1919. (St.) Merritt, George, 12 Dec. 1919. (BI.) Banner, Ruth, 22 Dec. 1919. (Bt.) Carey, Alfred David, 22 Dec. 1919. (at.) Christmas, Jessie, Mrs, 22 Dec. 1919. (BI.) de ViUe, Edward Alexander de Lossy, 22 Dec. 1919. (at.) MacLaren, Archibald Stuart Charies Stuart-, 22 Dec. 1919. (Bt.) Roe, Robert Lloyd, 22 Dec. 1919. (at.) Armitage, Louisa Mary, 30 Dec. 1919. Baker, Conyers, 30 Dec. 1919. Blanford, Harry Richard, 30 Dec. 1919. Cassels, Walter Seton, 30 Dec. 1919. Chand, Lata Ratan, 30 Dec. 1919. Chettle, Lisbeth, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. Clayton, Rev. Albert Charles, 30 Dec. 1919. Colvin, Clement Preston, 30 Dec. 1919. Crawford, Frederick Leslie, 30 Dec. 1919. Curtis, Agnes Eleanor, Lady, 30 Dec. 1919. Deo, Raja Chandrashekar Prasad Singh, 30 Dec. 1919. Dobholkar, Visantrao Annandrao, 30 Dec. 1919. Douglas, Helen Mary Isabel, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. Du Bern, Jules Emile, 30 Dec. 1919. Gayer, Mary HazeU, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. Gleeson, Edward John, 30 Dec. 1919. Gray, John, 30 Dec. 1919. Ullah, Muhammed Habib-, 30 Dec. 1919. Hale, WilUam Stather, 30 Dec. 1919. Hall, John Frederick, 30 Dec. 1919. Hezlett, Mary Kathleen, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. Hibberd, Julia Florence, 30 Dec. 1919. Holder, Charles Howard, 30 Dec. 1919. KembaU, Hattie, Lady, 30 Dec. 1919. Khan, Nawab Shaikh Ahmad Husain, 30 Dec. 1919. Khan, Khan Sahib Shah Nawaz, 30 Dec. 1919. Lapraik, John, 30 Dec. 1919. Latifii, Alma, 30 Dec. 1919. Lea, Measham, 30 Dec. 1919. Lincoln, Cecil Henntag, 30 Dec. 1919. Lupton, Walter James Edwin, 30 Dec. 1919. Malan. Charles Huntingford, 30 Dec. 1919. Messa, Banin Menahem, 30 Dec. 1919. NeUson, William Hardcastle, 30 Dec. 1919. Newby, Styan, 30 Dec. 1919. Grace, Mrs. Norie, 30 Dec. 1919. Parlby, Joshua, 30 Dec. 1919. Prasad, Rai Ashtbhuja, 30 Dec. 1919. Prasad, Raja Lalta, 30 Dec. 1919. Smith, Montague Bentley Talbot Paske-, 30 Dec. 1919. Patel, Khan Bahadur Burjorji Dorabji, 30 Dec. 1919. PhiUpe, George WiUiam Vitalli de Rhe, 30 Dec. 1919. Powell, Samuel Arthur, 30 Dec. 1919. Price, Edwin Lessware, 30 Dec. 1919. Prideaux, Constance Mary, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. Sahib, Khan Bahadur Muhammad Bazlullah, 30 Dec. 1919. Singh, Raja Partab Bahadur, 30 Dec. 1919. Singh, Rai Bahadur Kunwar Bharat, 30 Dec. 1919. Singh, Raja Suraj Baksh, 30 Dec. 1919. Singh, Sardar Bahadur Sardar Dal, 30 Dec. 1919. Stones, Frederick, 30 Dec. 1919. Suttie, Peter Edwin, 30 Dec. 1919. Tallack, Charles Michael, 30 Dec. 1919. Tasker, Theodore James, 30 Dec. 1919. Thaper, Rai Bahadur Kunj Behari, 30 Dec. 1919. WUliams, Lawrence Frederic Rushbrook, 30 Dec. 1919. Wright, Arthur, 30 Dec. 1919. Wyness, Ada, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. Young, James Wolstan, 30 Dec. 1919. Barber, Richard Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Kelham, Bimbashi Robert Arthur Langdale, 1 Jan. 1920. Abbott, George Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Abbott, Joseph Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. AbeU, Thomas Bertrand, 1 Jan. 1920. Abraham, John William, 1 Jan. 1920. Acfleld, Wilfred Cosens, 1 Jan. 1920. 640 OFFICERS. 9870 Adams, Arthur Botwell, 1 Jan. 1920. 9871 Adams, Edward William, 1 Jan. 1920. 9872 Adams, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. ' 9873 Adams, WUliam John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9874 Addington, Maud Florence, 1 Jan. 1920. 9875 Adeane, Jean Henrietta, 1 Jan. 1920. 9876 Aitken, David Jeffrey, 1 Jan. 1920. 9877 Aldrldge, AUen Garnies, 1 Jan. 1920. 9878 Aldrldge, Samuel Kendrick, 1 Jan. 1920. 9879 Alexander, George Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9880 Alexander, James Young, 1 Jan. 1920. 9881 Rose, Mrs. Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 9882 AUan, Edith Mary, Lady Havelock-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9883 Allan, Herbert WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9884 Allan, Jessie Whyte, 1 Jan. 1920. 9885 AUcock, WUUam Barnes, 1 Jan. 1920. 9886 AUen, Arthur Denby, 1 Jan. 1920. 9887 Allen, Percy Ruskin, 1 Jan. 1920. 9888 Allen, Stella Ada May, 1 Jan. 1920. 9889 Allibone, Abraham Cory, 1 Jan. 1920. 9890 AUison John Neve, 1 Jan. 1920. 9891 Amory, Alexandra, Lady Heathcoat-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9892 Amos, Mary Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1920. 9893 Ancaster, Eloise Lawrence, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 9894 Anderson, Charles John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9895 Andrew, Rev G. Findlay, 1 Jan. 1920. 9896 Angier, Frederick Leigh, 1 Jan. 1920. 9897 Annand. John Fowler, 1 Jan. 1920. 9898 Antrobus, George Pollock, 1 Jan. 1920. 9899 Arbuthnot, Evelyn Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9900 Archer, WilUam David, 1 Jan. 1920. 9901 Argles, Agnes, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9902 Arkle, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9903 Annan, Edward WUliam James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9904 Armitage. Stanley Holt, 1 Jan. 1920. 9905 Armstrong, John Henry Nicholas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9906 Arnold, Alfred Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9907 Arthur, Rev. John William, 1 Jan. 1920. 9908 Ash, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9909 Ashford, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9910 Ashton, Antonio, 1 Jan. 1920. 9911 Astle, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9912 Atcheson, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9913 Aylmer, Arthur Lintott, 1 Jan. 1920 9914 Bacon, Rupert Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 9915 Van Baerle, Edward Thomas WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920, 9916 Bagshaw, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9917 Bailey, Bdwin Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 9918 BaUey, Harold James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9919 BaUlie, Ronald Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 9920 BaUy, Joseph Macdonald, 1 Jan. 1920. 9921 Bain, Mary Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9922 Baird, Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1920. 9923 Baiss, Llewelyn Arnold, 1 Jan. 1920. 9924 Baker, Edward Charles Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920. 9925 Baker, John Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. 9926 Balfour, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 9927 BaU, WUUam Theodore. 1 Jan. 1920. 9928 BaUantyne, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9929 Bamber, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9930 Banister, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9931 Banner, Allan WilUam. 1 Jan. 1920. 9932 Bantoft, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9933 Barclay, Alfred Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 9934 Barclay, Jeanie, Mrs. Coats, 1 Jan. 1920. 9935 Barclay, WUliam Robb, 1 Jan. 1920. 9936 Barnacle, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9937 Barnard, Edmund Broughton, 1 Jan. 1920. 9938 Barnes, Edgar George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9939 Barnes, Leonard Stewart, 1 Jan. 1920. 9940 Barnes, Mary EUzabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9941 Barrie, David Watson, 1 Jan. 1920. 9942 Barron, Rev. Douglas Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. 9943 Bartholomew, Clarence Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9944 Barton, Ernest Mortlock, 1 Jan. 1920. 9945 Bartram, Euphemia Walker, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9946 Bass, Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. 9947 Bassett, Arthur Tilney, 1 Jan. 1920. 9948 Bassom, Arthur Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 9949 Batchelor, John William, 1 Jan. 1920. 9950 Batchelor, Mary Anne Northway, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9951 Bate, Henry Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 9952 Bates, LUian Douglas, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9953 Bates, Thomas Edward Bowen, 1 Jan. 1920. 9954 Bates, WiUiam Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9955 Bathurst, Frederick Marlay, 1 Jan. 1920. 9956 Bathurst, Kathartae Mary DeUcia, Lady Hervey-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9957 Batty, Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 9958 Baxter, Fane Fleming, 1 Jan. 1920. 9959 Bayford, Robert Frederic, 1 Jan. 1920. 9960 Baynes, Edward WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9961 Beard, Marian Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. 9962 Beardmore, Joseph George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9963 Beath, David Leslie, 1 Jan. 1920. 9964 Beatty, Andrew Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9965 Beavan, Francis John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9966'Audsley-Beaver, Ida Scott, 1 Jan. 1920. 9967'Bebb, Herbert Llewellyn Mountfort, 1 Jan. 1920. 9968 Beokwith, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9969 Beddlngton, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. 9970 Beer, Llna, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9971 Begg, Alexander Clarke, 1 Jan. 1920. 9972 Belben, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 9973 Belchamber, Frederick Augustus, 1 Jan. 1920. 9974 Bell, Andrew RiddeU, 1 Jan. 1920. 9975 Bell, Harold Idris, 1 Jan. 1920. 9976 Bell, Robert Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9977 BeU, Thomas Norman Jarvis, 1 Jan. 1920. 9978 Bendall, James Lucas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9979 Bennett, James WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9980 Bennett, Peter Frederick Blaker, 1 Jan. 1920. 9981 Berisford, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 9982 Berry, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9983 Berry, Harry Poole, 1 Jan. 1920. 9984 Berry, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9985 Bersey, Stanley Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9986 Bethell, Phyllis Mary Hermotae, 1 Jan. 1920. 9987 Bevan, Edwyn Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9988 Bevan, Ernest Atttree, 1 Jan. 1920. 9989 Bickersteth, John Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 9990 Biddulph, Eleanor, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 9991 Bingham, Constance Gwendoline, 1 Jan. 1920. 9992 Bingley, Robert Noel Glanville, 1 Jan. 1920. 9993 Bhd, WUliam John Butterworth, 1 Jan. 1920. 9994 Birkett, Annie, 1 Jan. 1920. 9995 Blsacre, Frederick Francis Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. 9996 Bishop, Charles Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9997 Bishop, Rosa Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9998 Blackburn, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9999 Blackley, Lucy Ida, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,000 Blakey, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,001 Blaxland, George Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,002 Blennerhasset, Nesta Georgie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,003 Bliss, Gertrude Alice, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,004 Blount, Edward Charles Aston Marie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,005 Bloye, George Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,006 Blunt, Rev. Arthur Stanley Vaughan, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,007 Boden, Oliver, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,008 Boggon, Richard Octavius, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,009 Bolt, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,010 Bolter, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,011 Bond, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,012 Bond, Nigel de MandeviUe, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,013 Bond, Reginald Francis George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,014 Bonsey, Harold Robert Yerburgh-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,015 Bonus, Florence, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,016 Boobyer, John Edwards, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,017 Booth, Frederic Lancelot, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,018 Booth, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,019 Borthwick, Jemina, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,020 Bott, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,021 Bottomley, Francis Carr, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,022 Boulding, Richard Sidney Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,023 Bourke, Hon. Terence Theobald, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,024 Bousfleld, Edith Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,025 Bower, Beatrice LUian Chivars, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,026 Bowes, Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,027 Bowis, WUUam John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,028 Bownas, Francis Osborne, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,029 Bowyer, John Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,030 Boys, Walter Guy Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,031 BradweU, WiUiam Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. 1 0,032 Brady, Rev. Canon Henry Westby, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,033 Branch, Charles ChurchiU, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,034 Brass, Thomas Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,035 Brayden, WiUiam John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,036 Breach, WiUiam HaU, 1 Jan. 1020. 10,037 Brett, Rev. WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,038 Brewer, Frederic WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,039 Brewer, Griffith, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,040 Briggs, Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,041 Briggs, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,042 Briggs, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,043 Brightman, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,044 Brocklebank, Thomas Harlehurst, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,045 Brodie, Caroltae Violet Mary, Mrs. Brodie of, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,046 Brooke, John Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,047 Brookes, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10.048 Brooks, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,049 Brooy, AmeUa Fanny, Mrs. La, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,050 Brousson, Robert Parey, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,051 Brown, Alice Elizabeth, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. 10,052 Brown, Edward Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,053 Brown, Frederick Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,054 Brown, Herbert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,055 Brown, Janet GUmour, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,056 Brown, Robert CampbeU, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,057 Brown, Simon Stubbs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,058 Brown, Tom, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,059 Browne, Gerald Macleay, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,060 Browne, Henry WUUam Langley, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,061 Brownfield, Harry Munyard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,062 Browning, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,063 Bruce, John Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,064 Bruce, Mary Elizabeth, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,065 Bruce, Robert Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 641 2 T THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 10,066 Brace, WiUiam Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,067 Brunton, John Dixon, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,068 Brydone, James Marr, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,069 Bryett, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,070 Buchanan, Robert John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,071 Buckingham, James Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,072 Buckley, Arthur Burton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,073 Buckley, James William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,074 Buckmaster, Harry Cuthbert. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,075 Buckmaster, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,076 Bull, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,077 Bull, Thomas ToUemache Jackson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,078 Butter, Hon. Lttah Constance, Lady Manntagham-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,079 Bullwtokle, Leonard Albert. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,080 Bundock, Charles Slade, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,081 Burden, Albert Edmund Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,082 Burke, Fred, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,083 Burleigh, Cecil Charles,!. Jan. 1920. 10,084 Burrage, Cyril Charles Webb, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,085 BurreU, Frederic WUUam White, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,086 Burridge, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,087 Burton, WiUiam John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,088 Bury, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,089 Butler, Mildred Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,090 Butler, Samuel Flowers, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 091 Buxton Alfred MeUor, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,092 Buxton, Violet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,093 Bygrave, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,094 Byrne, Violet Julia, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,095 Bythell, WUUam James Storey, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,096 Cabrol, Dom Fernand, Lord Abbot oi the Order ol Benedictines, 1 Jau. 1920. 10,097 Call, HamUton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,098 Calladine, Ernest Thompson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,099 Callard, Cuthbert Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,100 Callender, Edward Henry WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,101 Calwell, WilUam, 1 Jan 1920. 10,102 CampbeU, Archibald, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,103 Campbell, Charles Ivor Rae, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,104 Campbell, Colin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,105 Campbell, Duncan, of InverneiU, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,106 Campbell, Emily, Mrs. Muhhead, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,107 Campbell, James Alexander West, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,108 Campbell, John Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,109 Campbell, John St. Clair, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,110 Campion, Edwin WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,111 CanneU, Harry Hardman, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,112 Canning, Joseph Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,113 Capstick, John Walton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,114 Cardew George Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,115 Carlton, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,116 Carmichael, Evelyn George Massey, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,117 Carmichael, Montgomery, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,118 Carnegie, Edward Hugo Wakefield Fullerton-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,119 Carnegie, Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,120 Carpenter, Alexander Scott Jarvis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,121 Carr, Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,122 Carter, Eustace George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,123 Carter, Rei Alfred Deakin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,124 Carter. Stanley Bronislaw, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,125 Cary, Arthur Deertog Lucius, 1 Jan. 1920. 10.126 Cass, Gertrude Margaret Carew, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,127 Catmur, Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,128 Cave, Wilhelmina Mary Henrietta, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 129 Caw, WUUam Strathie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,130 Chalmers, Jessie Elder, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,131 Chalmers, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,132 Chapman, Edward Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,133 Chapman, Harry Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,134 Chapman, John Barnett, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,135 Chapman, Oswald Cotton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 136 Chapman, Richard Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,137 Chapman, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,138 Charleson, Bruno Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,139 Charrington, John Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,140 Chave, Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,141 Chaytor, Herbert Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,142 Cheetham, Rev. Robert Darbyshhe, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,143 Chichester, Shane Randolph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,144 Chilver, James Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,145 Chipman. Leontine, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,146 Cholmoudeley, Winifred Ida, Marchioness of, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,147 Christian, Edward Hompesch, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,148 Christian, Loms de Bylandt, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,149 Christie, James Robertson, 1 Jan, 1920. 10,150 Christie, John Cubie. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,151 Churchill, Augusta, Lady Edward Spencer-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,152 Churton, Ethel Blanche, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,153 Clapcott, Charles Blackstone, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,154 Clark, Edward MelUsh, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,155 Clayton, WilUam ElUs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,156 Clonbrock, Augusta Caroline, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,157 Clouston, Thomas Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,158 Clower, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,159 Clowes, Mina Maud Dacre, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 642 10,160 10,16110,162 10,16310,16410,165 10,166 10,16710,16810,16910,17010,17110.172 10,17310,17410,17510,17610,17710,17810,17910.180 10,181 10,182 10,183 10,18410,18510,18610,18710,188 10,18910,19010,191 10,192 10,19310,19410,195 10,196 10,197 10,19810,19910,200 10,20110,20210,203 10,20410,20510,20610,207 10 208 10,209 10,21010,21110,21210,21310,21410,21510,21610 217 10,21810,21910,22010,22110,22210,223 10,22410,22510,22610,22710,22810,229 10,23010,231 10,23210,23310,23410,23510,23610,23710,23810,23910,24010,24110,24210,243 10,24410,24610,24710,24810,24910,250 10,251 10,25210,25310,254 10,255 10,256 10,257 10,258 Clubb, Leonard, 1 Jan. 1920. Coats, Marie Jeanne, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Cobbold, Alfred Townshend, 1 Jan. 1920. Cults, Gertrude Julia Georgina, Baroness Cochrane of, 1 Jan. 1920. Cockburn, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Cockburn, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. CockeU, Norman Alexander Lindsey, 1 Jan. 1920. Cockerell, John Pepys, 1 Jan. 1920. Cockerell, Leslie Maurice, 1 Jan. 1920. CocMngton, Arthur Jolin, 1 Jan. 1920. Cockshott, John James, 1 Jan. 1920. Cohen, Hannah Floretta, 1 Jan. 1920. Cohen, Philip, 1 Jan. 1920. Cole, Laura Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. Cole, LiUan Seymour, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cole, Stanton Wilding, 1 Jan. 1920. Coletog, Charles Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Coleridge, Ellen Gertrude, Mis, 1 Jan. 1920. Coles, Walter George, 1 Jan. 1920. Coley, Phillip, 1 Jan. 1920. CoUingwood, Alfred Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Collins, Lady Evelyn Anne, 1 Jan. 1920. Collins, Frank Moore, 1 Jan. 1920. CoUins, Harold Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. Collins, Percy John, 1 Jan. 1919. ColUnson, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. Colman. Edith Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Colt, Thomas Archer, 1 Jan. 1920. Comyns, Algernon Charles. 1 Jan. 1920. Connal, Kenneth Hugh Munro, 1 Jan. 1920. Conyngham, Eva. Mrs. Lennox-, 1 Jan. 1920. Coode, Montgomery Penrose, 1 Jan. 1920. Cook, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Cook, William WaUace, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooke, John Galwey, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooke, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooke, Margery Randal, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooke, Philip Tatton Davies-, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Alice, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Ethel Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Harold Merriman, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Hon. Rose Ellen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Thomas Mackay, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Wilbraham ViUiers, 1 Jan. 1920. Corfield, Hon. Mary Hay, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Corlett, Arthur Ready, 1 Jan. 1920. Corlette, Hubert Christian, 1 Jan. 1920. Corrie, WiUiam Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1920. Cotton, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Cotton, Olive Harriet, Mrs. Stapleton, 1 Jan. 1920. Court, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Coward, Randulph Lewis, 1 Jan. 1920. Cowcher, WUliam Bratosford, 1 Jan. 1920. Cowell, Edward Hudson, 1 Jan. 1920. Cowtan, Arthur Barnard, 1 Jan. 1920. Cox, Frederick Nutter, 1 Jan. 1920. Cox, Gerald, 1 Jan. 1920. Cox. Sybil Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. CoxweU, Charies Blake, 1 Jan. 1920. Crabb, Maud Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cranfield, Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Craufurd, Emily Maud, Mrs. Houison-, 1 Jan. 1920. Craven, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Crawshay, de Barri, 1 Jan. 1920. Cree, Thomas Deacon, 1 Jan. 1920. Creswick, James Paul, 1 Jan. 1920. Crighton, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Crisp, Charles Doland, 1 Jan. 1920. Critchley, Herbert Lawson, 1 Jan. 1920. Croker, Alice Georgiana, 1 Jan. 1920. Crompton, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. CrosskUl, Regtaald Charles Osborne, 1 Jan. 1920. Crossman, Francis Ward, 1 Jan. 1920. Crowther, Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1920. Croxford, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Du Croz, Grace Jessie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Crozier, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Cruiekshank, Alexander Jaffray, 1 Jan. 1920. Crump, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Crump, Percy Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Crutchfield, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Cuff, Anne Holland, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cuffey, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Cullis, Winifred Clara, 1 Jan. 1920. Culpin, George Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. Cumming, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Cummtog, Beatrice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cunttffe, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. Cunningham, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Curry, WiUiam Fortescue, 1 Jan. 1920. Curtis, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Dadson, Sophie Portlock, 1 Jan. 1920. Daffern, Thomas Wells, 1 Jan. 1920. Data, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Dale, Rev. Percy John, 1 Jan. 1920. Dalrymple, Lady Marjorie Louise, 1 Jan. 1920. Dalton, Michael, 1 Jan. 1920. Daltry, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1920. OFFICERS. 10259 Dance, Charles WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10260 Dannatt, Frank Cedric, 1 Jau. 1920. lo',261 Darnell, Edward, 1 Jau. 1920. 10 262 DarneU, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,263 Darroch, Rev. John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 264 Dashper, Alice Hester, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,265 Dashwood, Cyril RusseU, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,266 Davey. Annie, Mrs. 1 Jan. 1920. 10 267 Davey, Grace EmUie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,268 Davey, Harold William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,269 Davey, WUliam Hamilton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,270 Davidson, Frances Joan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,271 Davidson, George Frederiok, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,272 Davidson, WUliamina Saida, 1 Jan. 1920. 10.273 Davies, Arthur Veinon, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,274 Davies, David Thomas.1 Jan. 1920. 10.275 Davies, Edward Owen Watkin-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,276 Davies, Ernest Herbert, 1 Jan . 1920. 10,277 Davies, Evan Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,278 Davies, Frederick Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,279 Davies, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,280 Davies, James David, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,281 Davies, Rev. WUUam Wynn, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,282 Davis, Edward Henry Meggs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,283 Davis, Evelyn Mary, Mrs. Bramwell, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,284 Davis, Harry Lewer. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,285 Davis, Thomas Ruddock, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,286 Davison, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,287 Davison, Minnie Gibson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,288 Dawes, Jesse Cooper, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,289 Dawson, Errington, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,290 Dawson, Sidney Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,291 Dawson, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,292 Deacon, Edgar Regtaald, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,293 Deane, Charles Chatterton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,294 Dearden, Clarence Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,295 Debenham, Amy, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,296 Delany, Thomas WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,297 D'Elboux, Louis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,298 Denby, Clara Sophia, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,299 Dendy, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,300 Denning, Arthur du Pre, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,301 Dent, Edith Vere, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,302 Devenish, Bertha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,303 Devine, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,304 Dewhurst, CounseU, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,305 Dick, Helen Maybel Kathleen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 10,306 Dick, Margaret Mary Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,307 Dickie, Robert Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,308 Dickson, Robinson Simpson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,309 DU1, John Frederick Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,310 Dix, Arthur Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,311 Dixon, Charles Egerton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,312 Dodd, John William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,313 Dodds, Lionel Graham, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,314 Dodds, Mary Janet, 1 Jan. 1919. 10,315 Dolphin, John Byron, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,316 DomvUle, Edward James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,317 Doubleday, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,318 Douglas, Robert James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,319 Douglas, Samuel Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,320 Dowding, Dorothy Carwithen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,321 Dower, Mary, Mrs. Gough-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,322 Downes, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,323 Downey, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,324 Drake, James Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,325 Dreaper, WUliam Porter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,326 Drysdale, Charles Vickery, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,327 Duberly, Ida Mary ViUiers, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,328 Dudley, George James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,329 Dudley, WUUam Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,330 Duffield, Walter Dowsett, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,331 Dugdale, Ethel Innes, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,332 DumbeU, James Burns, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,333. Duncalfe, Lucy Harding, Mrs.. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,334 Dunleath, Norah Louisa Fanny, Baroness, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,335 Dunlop, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,336 Dunlop, William Louis Martial, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,337 Dunn, Frederick WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,338 Dunn, George Owen WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,339 Dunwoody, Robert Browne, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,340 Duthie, David Hutcheon, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,341 Duval, Rev. Stephen Peachey, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,342 Dyke, David Nicholas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,343 Dykes, EUen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,344 Dymond, Charles Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,345 Dymond, Edmund Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,346 Dymond, Mary Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,347 Eason, John Charles Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,348 Eastwood, WiUiam Hastings, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,349 Eberle, James Fuller, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,350 Eckersley, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,351 Eden, Charles HamUton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,352 Eden, Sybil Frances, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,353 Edge, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,354 Edmunds, Wilfred Hawksley, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,355 Edwards, Jean, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 10,356 Edwards, James Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,357 Edwards, John Vaughan, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,358 Edwards, Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,359 Edwards, WiUiam Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,360 Egerton, Dorothy Charlotte, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,861 Elder, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,362 Elgood, Cornelia Bonte Sheldon, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,863 Elles, Edmund Hardie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,364 Elliott, Claude Aurelius, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,365 Ellis, Edward George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,366 ElUs, Gertrude, Lady Heaton-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,367 Ellis, Inez Blanche, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,368 Ellson, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,369 Elsmere, Maude Alice, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,370 Emra, Frederic Harcourt, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,871 Bngelbaoh, Charles Richard Fox, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,372 England, Alfred Colborne, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,373 EstUl, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,374 Evans, Annie Lloyd, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,375 Evans, Christopher Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,376 Evans, Edward Victor, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,377 Evans, Ethel Frances, Mis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,378 Evans, Fisher Henry Freke, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,379 Evans, WilUam Augustus Bulkeley-, 1 Jan. 1920 10,380 Everett, Lionel Decimus Longcroft, 1 Jan. 1020. 10,381 Everitt, Robert Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,382 Eyre, Gervas Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,383 Fagge, Mabel Muriel Hilton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,384 Fair, Blanche Alicia, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,385 Falconer, Lieut.-Col. John, Bey, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,386 Famdale, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,387 Faulkner, Roger, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,388 Fawcett, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,389 Fawcett, Percy William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,390 Fawous, Arthur Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,391 Fell, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,392 Fellows, Evelyn Emma, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,393 Fellows, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,394 Felton, John Robinson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,395 Fenner, Sidney, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,396 Fenton, William Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,397 Fernley, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,398 Fetherstonhaugh, Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,399 Filer, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,400 Finch, Sidney, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,401 Firrnta, Norman Haynes, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,402 Fhmstone, Emily Florence, 1 Jan. 1920. . 10,403 Fisher, Frederick Furryan, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,404 Fittall, Robert John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,405 FitzGerald, Edward Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,406 FitzwUliam, Maud Frederica Elizabeth, Countess 1 Jan, 1920. 10,407 Fleming, John Arnold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,408 Fleming, John Lancelot, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,409 Fleming, Rev. James WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,410 Fleming, Sarah Kate, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,411 Fletcher, Henry Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,412 Fletcher, WilUam Frederick Ashby, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,413 Flint, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,414 Foa, Ferdinand Eugene, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,415 Folker, Herbert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,416 Ford, Norman Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,417 Fordham, Edward WUfrid, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,418 Forrest, John William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,419 Forrester, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,420 Forster, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,421 Foster, Evelyn Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,422 Foster, Phipps Bentley, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,423 Foster, Regtaald, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,424 Foucar, Alexander Ferdinand EmUe, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,425 Fowler, Lionel John Porter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,426 Fox, David Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,427 Fox, John Jacob, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,428 Fox, Walter St. John, 1 Jau. 1920. 10,429 Francis, Alfred George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,430 Francis, Harvey, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,431 Francis, John Horace, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,432 Frank, Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,433 Franklin, Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,434 Frazer, Wilson Ray, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,435 Freeman," Alice, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1920. 10,436 Freeth, Dorothy Ierne, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,437 Frere, Frank Horace, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,438 Fry, EUen Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,439 Fryer, George Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,440 Fullerton, Alexander Moffitt, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,442 Furse, Jean Adelaide, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,443 Gale, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 444 Gale, Rev. James Randolph Courtenay, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,445 Gallagher, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,446 Galland, Alfred Jules Louis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10.447 Galloway, Alexander Rudolf, 1 Jan 1920. 10^449 Gange, Ambrose Day, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,450 Gann, Edmond Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,451 Gardner, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,452 Gardner, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,453 Gardner, Joseph WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,454 Gardner, Thomas Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,455 Garland. Charles Tuller, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,456 Garland, John William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,457 Gamer, Joseph Richardson, 1 Jan. 1920. 643 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 10,458 Garry, Francis Nicholas Arbuthnot, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,459 GaskiU. Jackson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,460 Gatacre, Hon. Beatrix Wickens, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,461 Gay, Charlotte Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 10.462 Gibb, WilUam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10J463 Gibbons, WUUam Michael, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,464 Gibbs, Brandreth, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,465 Gibbs, Hon. Mildred Dorothea, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,466 Gibson, Alfred Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,467 Gibson, Finlay Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,468 Gibson, George McLean, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,469 Gibson, WiUiam Howieson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,470 Gibson, William John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,471 Giffard, Mary Constance, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 10,472 GUfUlan Samuel James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,473 GUI, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,474 Gill, Joseph Withers-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,475 GUI, WiUiam Briggs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,476 GUlman, Arthur WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,477 GUmour, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,478 Gihoy, John 1 Jan. 1920. 10,479 Gjers, Annie Gatenby, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,480 GlanviUe, WUUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,481 Glass, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,482 Glass, Henry Matier, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,483 Glaze, Charles WUliam Livock, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,484 Gleichen, Lady Helena EmUy, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,485 Glen, Elizabeth Hope, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,486 Glover, Kathleen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,487 Gluckstein, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,488 Glyn, Augusta Carr, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,489 Gold, Gerald GUbey, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,490 Goldie, Valentine Francis Taubman, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,491 Goldney, AUce Frances Holbrow, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,492 GoUin, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,493 Good, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,494 Goodman, Coleman, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,495 Goodyear, Charles Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,496 Goodyer, Thomas Boyce, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,497 Gordon, Alexander Stewart, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,498 Gordon, Dora Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,499 Gordon, Douglas George HamUton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,500 Gordon, George Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,501 Gordon, Henry Sharpe, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,502 Gordon, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,503 Gott, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,504 Gotts, John Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,505 Goudie, Peter Augustus, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,506 Gough, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,507 Gough, Joseph Salmon, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,508 Goulding, Harry WUson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,509 Gowan, Francis Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,510 Grace, George WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,511 Graddou, Ernest Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,512 Graff, Francis Stephen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,513 Grafton, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,514 Graham, Duncan, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,515 Graham, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,516 Granard, Beatrice, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,517 Grant, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,518 Graves, Rev. Robert Vemon Ottley, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,519 Gray, Edith Mary Spencer, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,620 Gray, Robert Whytlaw Whytlaw-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,521 Gray, Ronald Birdseye, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,522 Green, Edwin Collier, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,523 Green, Frederick Michael, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,524 Green, Helen Mowbray, Mrs. Vincent-, 1 Jan. 1920 10,525 Green, Margaret Bennett, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,526 GreenaU, CyrU Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,527 Greene, Kathleen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,528 Greenwood, George David, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,529 Gregory, Alfred John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,530 Gregory, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,531 Grenside, Thomas Reed, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,532 Grey, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,533 Grierson, George Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,534 Grieve, George Butler, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,535 Griffin, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,536 Griffin, WiUiam Lashford, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,537 Griffiths, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,538 Griffiths Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,539 Griffiths, Charles Bedlington, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,540 Griffiths, David Llewellyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,541 Griffiths, Herbert Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,542 Griffiths, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,543 Gmchy, Frederick de Quetteville De, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,544 Gruchy, William Geary De, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,545 Grundy, Robert Taylor, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,546 Haddo, George Gordon, Bari of, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,547 Hadfleld, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,548 Haggart, James Dewar, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,549 Hall, Charles Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,550 Hall, Rev. John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,551 HaU, John Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,552 Hall, Oscar Standring, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,553 HaU, Percival Stanhope, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,554 HaU, Robert Mills, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,555 HaU, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,556 HaU, WUliam Carby, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,557 10,55810,55910,56010,56110,56210,56310,564 10,56510,566 10,567 10,56810,56910,57010,57110,57210,57310,574 10,575 10,57610,57710,57810,579 10,580 10,581 10,582 10,58310,58410,58510,58610,58710,58810,58910,590 10,59110,59210,59310,59410,59510,59610,59710,59810,599 10,60010,60110,60210,603 10,604 10,60510,606 10,60710,60810,60910,610 10,61110,612 10,61310,614 10,61510,61610,61710,618 10,619 10,620 10,621 10,622 10,62310,62410,62510,62610,62710,62810,62910,630 10,631 10,633 10,634 10,63510,636 10,637 10,63810,63910,640 10,64110,642 10,64310,64410,64510,64610,647 10,64810,649 10,650 10,651 10,652 10,653 10,65410,655 644 HaUett, Norton Joseph Hughes-, 1 Jan. 1920. Hamersley, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Hamilton, Kate Gibson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Hammond, William CecU, 1 Jan. 1920. Hanbury, Arthur Marcus, 1 Jan. 1920. Hanbury, John James, 1 Jan. 1920. Handasyde, George Harris, 1 Jan. 1920. Harbord, Richard Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. Harding, William Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. Hardy, Gladys Rivers, 1 Jan. 1920. Hargood, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. Hargrave, Mary Montague, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Harrington. Ernest John, 1 Jan. 1920. Harrison, Florence Ada, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Harrison, George Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Harrison,Rosamond Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Harrop, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Hart, James MacGregor, 1 Jan. 1920. Hart, Philip Theodore, 1 Jan. 1920. Harvey, Rev. Edward Douglas Lennox, 1 Jan. 1920. Harvey, Emma Jessie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Harvey, Joseph Massey, 1 Jan. 1920. Harvie, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Harwood, John Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Haseler, WiUiam Rabone, 1 Jan. 1920. Hassell, Charles Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. Hatch, Frederick Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Hattersley, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Haughton, Marjorie Wilhelmina, 1 Jan. 1920. Hauxwell, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. Hawes, George WiUiam Spencer, 1 Jan. 1920. Hawtrey, Wilfred Robert John, 1 Jan. 1920. Hay, Mary EUzabeth Dahymple, 1 Jan. 1920. Haycock, Herbert Clement, 1 Jan. 1920. Haylock, Ernest Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. Hazlehurst, George, 1 Jan. 1920. Hazlerigg, Grey, 1 Jan. 1920. Headland, Robert Vincent, 1 Jan. 1920 Heald, Charles Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Healey, BasU, 1 Jan. 1920. Heasman, Arthur WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. Heath, Cuthbert Eden, 1 Jan. 1920. Heathcote, Charles Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. Heaton, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Hedge, George TuUldge, 1 Jan. 1920. Hedley, Oswald WiUiam Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Heeps, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Hellier, Maurice, 1 Jan. 1920. Henderson, George, 1 Jan. 1920. Henderson, John Hossell, 1 Jan. 1920. Henderson, Kate, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Henderson, Robert Cron, 1 Jan. 1920. Henderson, WUUam Alexander Cruiekshank, 1 Jan. 1920. Hendriks, Cecil Morgan, 1 Jan. 1920. Hendry, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Henry, Florence Vaughan MitcheU-, 1 Jan. 1920. Henson, George Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Herbert, Adelaide Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Heron, Harold Hastings, 1 Jan. 1920. Hett, Janie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Hett, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. Hewelcke, Theodore WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Hewer, BasU, 1 Jan. 1920. Hewer, CecU Mackenzie, 1 Jan. 1920. Hewer, Edward Septimus Eamshaw, 1 Jan. 1920. Hewett, Charles Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Hewson, James Archibald, 1 Jan. 1920. Heylin, Henry Brougham, 1 Jan. 1920. Hick, Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. Hickman, John Blah Smith, 1 Jan. 1920. Hickson, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Higgins, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. HU1, Alex, 1 Jan. 1920. Hill, Christopher John, 1 Jan. 1920. Hill, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920 Hitttagdon, AUce Marian, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Hincks, WUUam Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. Hind, WUhelmina Maria, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. HinneU, Joseph Squier, 1 Jan. 1920. Hitchcock Thomas Gilbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Hobbs, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Hobday, Kingsford George, 1 Jan. 1920. Hobson, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1920. Hocking, R. C, 1 Jan. 1920. Hodgson, Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. Hodgson, Edgar Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. Hodgson, Malcolm Elliott, 1 Jan. 1920. Hodkinson, John Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Holdforth, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. Hollings, Nina Augusta Stracey, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Holltas, Edith Blanche, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Hollway, Geoffrey Fynes, 1 Jan. 1920. HoUoway, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Holman, Phyllis, 1 Jan. 1920. Holmes, Herbert Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Holmes, Joseph Edward Leo, 1 Jan. 1920. Holt, Florence Annie, Mrs. Lyster-, 1 Jan. 1920. Holt, Frederick Appleby, 1 Jan. 1920. OFFICERS. 10,656 Holt, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,657 Homfray, Ernest Randolph Popkin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,658 Hooper, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,659 Hooper, George Henry James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,660 Hope, Mabel Ellen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,661 Hope, Hon. Mary, Lady, 1 Jau. 1920. 10,662 Hopkins, Thomas Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,663 Hopping, Sydney, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,664 Hopwood, Eleanor Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,665 Home, Alexander Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,666 Home, Henry Spence, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,667 Horobin, Oliver Wil.iam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,668 Horton, Percy Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,669 Houldsworth, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,670 Hourston, Margaret Anne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,671 Housden, James Anderson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,672 Houston, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,673 Howard, Carter WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,674 Howard, WUUam James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,675 Howarth, Osbert John Radcliffe, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,676 Howe, John Allen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,677 Hughes, Ethel Blanche, Mrs. Price-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,678 Hughes, Rev. Hugh Michael, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,679 Hughes, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,680 Huie, Riohard William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,682 Hume, Blanche, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,683 Humfrey, John Charles WUlis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,684 Hunt, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,685 Hunter, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,686 Hunter, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,688 Hunter, Margaret Bruce, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,689 Hunter, Thomas Briggs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,690 Hunton, Edgar Barton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,691 Hurst, Christopher Salkeld, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,692 Hurst, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,693 Hussey, John Walton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,694 Hutchinson, Lucy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,695 Hutchinson, Wilfred Leavold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,696 Hutsel, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,697 Hutton, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,698 Hyde, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,699 Ibbetson, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,700 Ingham, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,701 Inglefield, JuUa Kathartae Margaret, Lady, 1 Jan 1920. 10,702 Ingram, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,703 Inman, Arnold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,704 Innes, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,705 Inskip, Grace Hampden, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,706 Irwin, George Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,707 Irwin, Thomas James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,708 Isaacs, Harry Michael, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,709 Ives, WiUiam Henry Martin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,710 Jack, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,711 JackUng, Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,712 Jackson, Ada Frances, Lady Mather, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,713 Jackson, Andrew Eric, 1 Jan, 1920. 10,714 Jackson, Gwendoline Doris, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,715 Jackson, John WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,716 Jacob, Edmund Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,717 Jacobs, Julius, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,718 James, Eric Ibbetson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,719 James, Gwilym Cristor, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,720 James, GwUym Prosser, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,721 James, Jenkin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,722 James, Rebecca Green, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,723 James, Sidney Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,724 James, WUliam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,725 James, WiUiam Isaac, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,726 Jarmay, Charlotte B, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,727 Jay, Edward Aubrey Hastings, 1 Jan. 1920 10,728 Jayne, Ronald Garland, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,729 Jeffery, Florence Augusta, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,730 Jeffery, Margaret Ann, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,731 Jeffries, Martha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,732 Jenkins, Ann Nora, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,733 Jenkins, Herbert George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,734 Jenkins, Thomas Lewis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,735 Jenkinson, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,736 Jewell, Bertie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 737 Jewell, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,738 Jodrell, Mary RenneU, Lady Cotton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,739 Johnson, Alfred Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,740 Johnson, Ernest James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,741 Johnson, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,742 Johnson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,743 Johnson, Sydney Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,744 Johnson, Walter. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,745 Johnston, Hon. Winifred Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,746 Jones, Abel John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,747 Jones, Alice Gray, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,748 Jones, Alice Pownall, Mrs. Caton-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,749 Jones, Frederick WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,750 Jones, Glynne, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,751 Jones Herbert Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,752 Jones, John PhiUips, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,753 Jones, Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,754 Jones, Richard Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,755 Jones, Ronald Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,756 Jones, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,757 Jones, Walter Lindley-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,758 Joy, Henry Holmes, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,759 Joyner, Cerdric Batson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,760 Joynt, Richard Lane. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,761 Kalker, Emanuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,762 Kaufman, Louis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,763 Kaye, Evan, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,764 Keel, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,765 Keen, Katherine Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 10,766 Keene, Henry Furse, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,767 Kemm, Stephanie Lilian Septima, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,768 Kennedy, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,769 Keogh, Joseph Wiseman, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,770 Kerr, Errol. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,771 Kerr, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,772 Kerr, Kenelm, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,773 Kershaw, John Felix, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,774 Kerslake, Arthur Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,775 Kett, George Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,776 Kettles, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,777 Keymer, Daniel Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,778 Keyser, Maurice Max, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,779 Kimberley, Paul, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,780 King, John Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,781 King, John Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,782 Kingham, Robert Dixon, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,783 Ktanear, Thomas John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,784 Khby, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,785 Kitcat, Rev. Henry James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,786 Kitchen, Preston, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,787 Kitchin, John William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,788 Knill, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,789 Knott, Harry Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,790 Knowles, Sir Lees, Bart, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,791 Knowles, Thornton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,792 Krohn, Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,793 Kyle, Phillip Kyle, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,794 Lafontaine, Henry Philip Leopold Cart de, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,795 Lake, Ada Louise, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,796 Lambert, Stanley Harrison, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,797 Lambie, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,798 Laming, Richard Valentine, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,800 Lane, Daniel de Moura, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,801 Lane, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,802 Langmaid, Ernest Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,803 Lanham, Laurence, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,804 Lansdown, Charies Ewbank, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,805 Larnder, Harold Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,806 LasceUes, Edward Charles Ponsonby, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,807 Lascot, Frank Leslie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,808 Latham, Percy James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,809 Lauder, William Beith , 1 Jan. 1920. 10,810 Law, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,811 Lawrenson, Thomas Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,812 Lawson, Catherine Adah, Mrs. Kerr-, 1 Jan. 1920 10,813 Lea, Frederick Charles. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,814 Leach, Marian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,815 Leak, Daniel Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,816 Leake, Sidney Henry, 1 Jan. 1920 10,817 Lee, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,818 Lee, Hugh Warren, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,819 Lee, Sarah Josephine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,820 Leeman, Walter Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,821 Lees, WiUiam Clare, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,822 Leigh, Reginald Gerard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,823 Leighton, Gerald Rowley, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,824 Lendrum, John Black, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,825 Lescher, Thomas Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,826 Leslie, Lewis Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,827 Lewis, Annie Caton, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,828 Lewis, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,829 Lewis, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,830 Lewis, Kate, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,831 Lewis, Llewelyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,832 Lewis, William John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,833 Liddell, Hilda Kathleen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,834 Liddingtou, Ezra WiUiam Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,835 Lindon, John Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,836 Lindsay, Lionel Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. -10,837 Lineham, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,838 Linthorne, Richard Roope, 1 Jan. 1920 10,839 Livesley, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 840 LleweUyn, Frederick AUen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 841 LleweUyn, WiUiam Ewart, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,842 Lloyd, Cyril Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,843 Lloyd, Francis Seymour, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,844 Lobjoit, William George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,845 Lockett, Emma, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 846 Lockyer, Frank Joshua, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 847 Lodge, Samuel Durham, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,848 Lomax, Edith Annie, 1 Jan. 1920 10 849 Lombard, Rev. Bousfleld Swan, 1 Jan. 1920, 10,850 London, Francis Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,851 London, WilUam Shakespeare, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,852 Loney, Henry Frith, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,853 Long, Archibald Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 854 Long, Sibell, Hon. Mrs. Walter, 1 Jan 1920. 10,855 Longcrolt, Gwendoline Mary, 1 Jan. 1920 645 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 10,856 Longdon, Arthur Frederick, 1 Jan, 1920. 10,857 Longmore, PhiUp Raynsford, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,858 Loraine, WiUiam George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,859 Lord, Charles Lupton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,860 Lowe, Percy Roycroft, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,861 Lowis, Horace Lake, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,862 Lowson, Kenneth John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,863 Lowthian, Harold Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,864 Lucan, Violet, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,865 Luke. Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,866 Lumsden, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,867 Luttrell, Eva Fownes, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,868 Lyddon, AUred Jonathan, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,869 Lyndon, Arnold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,870 MacAlister, Sir John Young Walker, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,871 McAlptae, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,872 McBarnet, Alexander Cockburn, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,873 MacCaUum, James Dalgleish KeUie-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,874 McConnell, WUliam Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,875 McCorquodale, Norman, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,876 McDermaid, NeU John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,877 McDonald, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,878 Macdonald, Duncan Ftolayson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,879 Macdonald, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,880 Macdonald, Kenneth, 1 Jan. 1920. 1Q.881 MacDougall, Alice Mary, Lady Patten-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,882 McDougall, Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,883 McDowall, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,884 McBwan, John Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,885 McEwen, Frederick Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,886 Macfarlane, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,887 Macfarlane, John Miller, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,888 McGeogh, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,889 McGowan, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,890 MacGregor, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,891 Mclhoy, Anne Louise, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,892 Mclntyre, James Lewis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,893 Macintyre, John Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,894 Mackay, NeU, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,895 Mackenzie, Beatrice Anna, Mrs. Fraser-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,896 Mackenzie, Henrietta Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,897 Mackenzie, MiUicent, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,898 McKenzie, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,899 MacKiUop, Edward Laurence, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,900 McKinna, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,901 Mackintosh, James, 1 Jau. 1920. 10,902 Mackintosh. Noma Susan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,903 Macklta, Edward Lionel, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,904 McLachlan, Arthur CecU, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,905 McLachlan, Isabella Brodie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,906 McLaughlin, WUliam Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,907 McLean, Alexander Colin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,908 Maclean, Agnes, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,909 MacMUlan, Archibald Macpherson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,910 MacmiUan, Agnes Olive, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,911 McNab, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,912 MacneUl, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,913 McQuibban, Lewis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,914 MacRae, Lady Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,915 Madin, Charles GUbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,916 Maggs, Percy Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,917 Mahon, LUian Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,918 Mah, John Bagrie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,919 Malby, Henry Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,920 Malcolmson, Norman, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,921 MaUns, Mary Settna Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,922 MaUinson, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,923 Mander, John Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,924 Manning, Lionel John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,925 Manning, Nathaniel Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,926 Marcy, Janie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,927 Marks, Richard Harris, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,928 Marsden, James Whittaker, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,929 MarBden, WiUiam AUen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,930 MarshaU, Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,931 Marter, Alice Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,932 Martin, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,933 Martin, Gerald, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,934 Martin, James Cecil, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,935 Mason, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,936 Mason, Cecil Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,937 Mason, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 10.938 Mason, Evelyn Margaret, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,939 Mason, Mary Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,940 Mather, Joseph Louis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,941 Matheson, WUhelmina Jean, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,942 Mathewson, Alfred Eugene, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,943 Maxwell, William Jardine Hemes, 1 Jan. 1920. 10.944 May, Eric Maurice, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,945 May, LUy Julia, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,946 Maycock, Thomas Langley, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,947 Maynard, Harry Payne, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,948 Mayne, Jasper Graham, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,949 Mayne, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,950 Mayo, Henry Herbert Worsfold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,951 Meade, Richard John Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,952 Meighan, John McNair, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,953 Melly, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,954 MelvUle, Beresford Valentine, 1 Jan. 1920. 646 10,955 Menary, Thomas George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,956 Mercer, John Swan, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,957 Meredith, Hugh Owen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,958 Merivale, Bernard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 959 Merry, WilUam John Colltogs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,960 Metcalfe, Thomas Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 961 Middlemas, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,962 Middleton, Mary Katharine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 963 Midmer, Thomas WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 964 MUdmay, Cecil Francis, Mrs. W. H. St. John, 1 Jan . 1920. 10,965 Miles, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,966 MUes, Harry PoweU, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 967 Miles, Sybil Marguerite Gonne, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1920. 10,968 Millar, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,969 MUler, Anne, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,970 MUligan, Robert Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,971 MUUngton, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,972 MUlson, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,973 Minton, Richard Caldwell, 1 Jan. 1920. 10.974 Mitchell, John Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10;975 Mitchell, Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,976 Mitchison, Mary EmeUne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,976a Moat, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,977 Mock, WUliam John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,978 Modlin, Isaac Gibson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,979 Moger, Walter Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 980 Moh, Charles Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,981 Moh, Margaret Bruce, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,982 Monckton, WiUiam Leopold, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,983 Moncrieff, Jane Mary Scott-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,984 Moncrieff, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,985 Money, Mildred Catherine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,986 Monkhouse, John Parry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,987 Monro, Alexander James Falconer, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,988 Montgomery, Walter Basil Graham, 1 Jan. 1920 10,989 Moon, Rosa, 1 Jan. 1920. 10.990 Moore, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,991 Morant, WiUiam George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,992 More, Thomas Jasper Mytton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,993 Morgan, Edward Lleurwg, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,994 Morgan, Effie Blanche, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,995 Morgan, GUbert Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,996 Morley, Arthur, 1 Jan, 1920. 10,997 Morley, Ida Rose, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,998 Morphy, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,999 Morris, Florence Muriel, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,000 Morris, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,001 Morrison, Archibald Cameron, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,002 Morrison, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,003 Morrison, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,004 Morrison, John Dow, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,005 Mortimer. Joseph, 1 Jau. 1920. 11,006 Mortimer, Ralph George Elphinstone, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,007 Mortimer, WiUiam Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,008 Morton, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,009 Mosey, James Yeoman, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,010 Mount, Hilda Lucy Adelaide, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,011 Mountgarret, Robina Marion, The Viscountess, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,012 Mozley, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,013 Mugliston, Francis Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,014 Muir, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,015 Muirhead, Frank Stirling, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,016 Munby, Mary Forth, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,017 Munday, John Augustus, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,018 Munkhouse, Alfred Frederick O'Gorman-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,019 Munro, Hugh George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,020 Munro, Rev. James Lorimer, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,021 MuDro, John Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,022 Murison, Annie Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,023 Murray, Clarisse Maria Guthrie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,024 Murray, Emma Cecilia, Lady Wvndham, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,025 Murray, Gertrude Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,026 Murray, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,027 Murray, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,028 Murray, Mary Stewart, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,029 Murray, Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,030 Murray, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,031 Murry, John Middleton, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,032 Muttiebury, Stanley Duff, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,033 Myers, James Eckersley, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,034 Myers, Leopold, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,035 Mylne, Kathartae Isabel, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,036 Nadin, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 11.037 Nash, Agnes Kathleen Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 11.038 Naylor, Henry WiUiam Letts. 1 Jan. 1920. 11,039 Needham, John Hewson, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,040 Nesbitt, Edward John Beaumont-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,041 Newberry, Percy Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,042 Newcastle, Kathleen Florence May, Duchess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,043 Newell, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,044 Newman, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,045 Newton, Elizabeth Louisa, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,046 NichoUs, Frederick Lucius, 1 Jan. 1920 11,047 NichoUs, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,048 Nicholson, I. avid Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,049 Nicholson, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920 11,050 Nicol, Robert Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. OFFICERS. 11,051 Normanby, Gertrude Stansfeld, Marchioness of, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,052 Norton, Ethel Ada, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,053 Norton, Grace Madeleine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,054 Norton, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,065 Norton, Robert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,056 Nunneley, Frederick Pitcahn, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,057 Nutter, Alfred Barrett, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,058 Oakshott, Ronald Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,059 Oates, WUliam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,060 O'Donovan, WUliam James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,061 Ogston, Walter Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,062 O'Hara, Charles Kean, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,063 Oldham, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,064 Oliphant, WilUam Elwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,065 Olive, Eustace John Parke, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,066 Openshaw, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,067 Ord, Evelyne Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,068 Ord, WilUam Wallis, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,069 Orme, Thomas Charles Rushmer, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,070 Ormerod, Marion Grace, IDs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,071 Orpen, Hon. Sybil Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,072 Orr. John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,073 Osborne, Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,074 Oswald, Maude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,075 Oswald, Percy Cunningham, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,076 Owen. Robert David, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,078 Oyler, Alexander Wilfrid, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,079 Paget, Rosalind Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,080 Paish, Leonard Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,081 Palmer, Louise Madeleine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,082 Palmer, Robert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,083 Panckridge, WUliam Panckridge, 1 Jan. 1 920. 11,084 Pape, WUliam George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,085 Papworth, Frederic WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,086 Parker, Edwin Thorley, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,087 Parker, Haydon, 1 Jan. 1920. 11.088 Parker, Regtaald Barcroft, 1 Jan. 1920. 11.089 Parry, Hugh Lloyd, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,090 Parry, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,091 Partington, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,092 Passingham, Edith Laura, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1920. 11,093 Paterson, James Graham, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,094 Patman, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,095 Paton, Benjamin Lewis, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,096 Paton, Mary Emma, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,097 Patttason, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,098 Paul, Walter Wyatt, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,099 Paul, Eveline Alice Wanda, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,100 Pauli, James George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,101 Payn, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,102 Payne, CUfford, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,103 Payne, Rev. Francis Reginald Chassereau, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,104 Peachey, George Wyatt, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,105 Peaker, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,106 Pearce, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,107 Pearson, Geoffrey Hope, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,108 Pease, EUa, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,109 Peel, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,110 Pelham, Hon. Geoigina, Mrs. Anderson-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,111 Pelham, Louisa Keith, Hon. Mrs. Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,112 Pemberton, Eleanora Blanshard, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,113 Penrose, NeviU CoghUl, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,114 Peploe, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,115 Perkin, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,116 Perry, Edward Verdon, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,117 Perry, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,118 Perry, Muriel, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,119 Peto, Dorothy Olivia Georgiana, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,120 Petre, Francis Loraine, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,121 Petrie, Thomas Alexander. 1 Jan. 1920. 11,122 Phelps, Joseph Bryan William, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,123 Phelps, Joseph Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,124 PhUips, Edward Mark, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,125 PhUipps, Marian Isobel, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,126 PhiUips, Acton, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,127 PhUUps, Edith Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,128 PhiUips, Henry Archibald Allen, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,129 Phizackerley, George Thompson. 1 Jan. 1920. 11,130 Picton, Lionel James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,131 Pike John 1 Jan. 1920. 11,132 Pike, Robert 1 Jan. 1920. 11,133 PUcher, Richard Bertram, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,134 Pttgrim, Ida Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,135 PUter, Sh John George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,136 Pinckney, Leonard Durnford, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,137 Pinkham, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,138 Pinnington, Francis Stanislaus, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,139 Piper, George, 1 Jan. 1920. _„__ 11,140 Piper, Oliver James Southwell, 1 Jan. 192Q. 11,141 Pitman, Arthur Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,142 Pitts, Robert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,143 Plackett, James WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,144 Plage, John Philip. 1 Jan. 1920. 11,145 Pledge, Cecil Fenwick de, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,146 Plummer, Wilfrid Henry Coates, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,147 Pollock, Samuel Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,148 Polwhele, Arthur Carne, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,149 11,15011,151 11,15211,15311,15411,155 11,15611,15711,15811,15911,16011,16111,16211,16311,16411,16511,166 11,167 11,168 11,16911,17011,171 11,172 11,173 11,174 11,17511,17611,17711,178 •11,179 11,180 11,181 11,18211,18311,18411,18511,18611,18711,18811,18911,19011,19111,19211,193 11,194 11,19511,19611,19711,198 11,199 11,200 11,201 11,202 11,20311,20411,20511,20611,20711,20811,20911,210 11,21111,21211,21311,21411,21511,21611,21711,21811,219 11,220 11,22111,22211,22311,22411,22511,22611,22711,22811,22911,230 11,231 11,232 11,23311,23411,235 11,23611,237 11,238 11,23911,24011,241 11,24211,24311,24411,245 Ponsonby, Hon. Cyril Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. Pooley, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Pooley, Warner Lake, 1 Jan. 1920. Porter, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. Porter, Ludovic Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Potter, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Powell, James Ablitt Pasiful, 1 Jan. 1920. Powell, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. Prance, Geoffrey Hammett, 1 Jan. 1920. Preece, George, 1 Jan. 1020. Price, Percy Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. Priestley, Robert Chambers, 1 Jan. 1920. Pringle, James Scott, 1 Jan. 1920. Pritchard, Henry Ambrose, 1 Jan. 1920. Pritchard, Henry Gibbon, 1 Jan. 1920. Prltchett, Theodore, 1 Jan. 1920. Probst, John Charles, 1 Jau. 1920. Procter, George Henderson, 1 Jan. 1920. Pryse, Nina Katherine Angharad, Lady Webley-Parry-, 1 Jan. 1920. Punchard, John Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Purcell, Matthew Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Purdom, John Ritchie, 1 Jan. 1920. Purnell, WUliam Ralph, 1 Jan. 1920. Pyke, CyrU Cameron, 1 Jan. 1920. Pyke, Harold Reason, 1 Jau. 1920. Quarmby, Herbert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Quass, Phineas, 1 Jan. 1920. QuenneU, Robert William, 1 Jan. 1920. Rabino, Hyacinth Louis, 1 Jan. 1920. Rainbow, WUliam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Ramsay, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Ramsay, Ermyntrude SidweU, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. RandaU, Alec Walter George, 1 Jan. 1920. Randolph, George Boscawen, 1 Jan. 1920. Ransome, Edward Coleby, 1 Jan. 1920. Rawes, Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. Rawlins, Louisa Geraldine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Rawnsley, Helen Maud, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Rayner, Eva Alexina Snoad, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Read, Francis Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Reddle, Constance Katharine Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Reddoch, John Simpson, 1 Jau. 1920. Redman, George Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Reed, Thomas Danby, 1 Jan. 1920. Reep, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Reeves, John James, 1 Jan. 1920. ReiUy, Charles Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Remington, Alfred Arnold, 1 Jan. 1920, Renshaw, Samuel Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Reynolds, Reginald Carey, 1 Jan. 1920. Rhodes, Edward Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. Rice, Hon. Helen Sarah, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. Richards, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Richards, John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Richardson, Bernhard Hermann, 1 Jan. 1920. Richardson, Dunsford, 1 Jan. 1920. Richardson, Florence Ellen, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Richardson, Herbert Lindsley, 1 Jan. 1920. Richardson, Jerusha Davidson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 Richardson, Kathleen Rayner, 1 Jan. 1920. Richardson, Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. Richmond, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1920. Richordson, James Btrrell, 1 Jan. 1920. Rickard, Charles Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Rickett, Hubert Cecil, 1 Jan. 1920. Rider, Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. Rider, Lewis Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Ridley, Clarence Oliver, 1 Jan. 1920. Ridley, John Henry Llewellyn, 1 Jan. 1920. Rigg, Rowland William, 1 Jan. 1920. Riordan, John McMahon, 1 Jan. 1920. Rishworth, Albert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Rivers, Arthur Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Riviere, Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1920. Rob, Joseph William, 1 Jan. 1920. Robb, James Jenkins, 1 Jan. 1920. Roberts, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Roberts, Hon. Marie Theresa, Mrs. PhUlips-, 1 Jan. 1920. Roberts, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. Robertson, Charies, 1 Jan. 1920. Robertson, Charies Bruce, 1 Jan. 1920. Robertson, James Stewart, 1 Jan. 1920. Robertson, Kate Ann, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Robertson, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Robertson, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Robertson, Charles George, 1 Jan. 1920. Robin, Alexander Gibson, 1 Jan. 1920. Robto, Matthew, 1 Jan. 1920. Robinson, Frederick Field, 1 Jan. 1920. Robinson, Leonard Bambridge, 1 Jan. 1920. Robinson, Rev. Samuel Fairbrother, 1 Jan. 1920. Robson, Philip Warwick, 1 Jan. 1920. Rodgers, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Rogers, Rev. Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. Rogers, Hugh Innes, 1 Jan. 1920. Rollason, Walter Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Romer, Robert Leslie, 1 Jan. 1920. 647 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 11,246 Roper, John Gregson, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,247 Rose, Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,248 Rose, Edward Armstrong, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,249 Ross, Alice Constance, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,250 Rossmore, Mittie, Baroness, 1 Jan. 1920. 11.251 Round, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,252 Royle, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,253 Rudder, Charles Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,254 Rudgard, Henry John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,255 RuffeU, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,256 Russell, WiUiam David, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,257 Rutherford, Ernest Victor Buckley, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,258 Ruthven, Hon. Charles Edward Stuart Hore-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,259 Ryder, Lady Mary Maud, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,260 Sadler, Annie, 1 Jan. 1920. 11.261 Sadler, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,262 Sainsbury, Edgar John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,263 St. Aubyn, Ingeborg AlfhUd, Lady Molesworth-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,264 St. Clair, Frank Verity, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,265 St. Qutotta, Arthur Newton, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,266 Salmond, Elaine Marguerite, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,267 Samble, Read, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,268 Sampson, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,269 Samuelson, SybU Charlotte Eleanor, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,270 Sandars, Gertrude Marian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,271 Sandberg, Oscar Fridolf Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,272 Sandlands, Paul Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,273 Sargant, Francis WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,274 Sargent, Frederick Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,275 Saunders, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,276 Sayers, Josiah, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,277 Scarr, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,278 Scholefield, Cotterill, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,279 Schreiber, Arthur Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,280 Scott, Alice Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,281 Scott, Charles Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,282 Scott, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,283 Scott, WUUam Harding, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,285 Screech, AUred Leonard, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,286 Scriven, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,287 Scrivener, WiUiam Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,288 Secretan, Hubert Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,289 Segar, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,290 Selby, Edmond Wallace, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,291 Sellers, Frederick Custance, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,292 SeUs, Charles de Grave, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,293 Shacklock, Henry Stephen, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,294 Shafto, Helena Rosa. Mrs. Duncombe-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,295 Shanu, Lilian Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,296 Shapley, WUliam GUbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,297 Shaw, Adela Constance Alexandrtaa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,298 Shaw, Lisa Rebecca, Mrs. Gresham, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,299 Shaw, WilUam Vernon, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,300 Shearer, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,301 Sheat, WiUiam James OUver, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,302 Sheffield, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,303 Sheffield, Julia Mary, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,304 SheUds, Francis Wentworth-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,305 Shepherd, Percy Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,306 Sherbrooke, Margaret Macdonald, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,308 Shiffner, Elsie, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,309 Shore, Thomas WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,310 Shorto, Henry Ralph Trenchard, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,311 Showers, Edward Maclean, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,312 Shuckburgh, Honor Zoe, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,313 Sibley, Edith Waters, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,314 Sim, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,315 Simmonds, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,316 Simmons, John Barnett, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,317 Simon, EmUy Anne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,318 Simonds, CecUia Elizabeth Beatrice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,319 Simpson, Annie Louise, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,320 Simpson, Clement Pearson, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,321 Simpson, James Bertie, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,322 Sims, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,323 Sinclah, Andrew Macgregor, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,324 Sinclah, Barbara Margaret Anne, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,325 Sinclah, James Donald, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,326 Singer, Aline Madeleine Charlotte, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,327 Sinnott, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,328 Skeet, Arthur Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,329 Sketch, Samuel Bolt, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,330 Slocombe, Frank Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,331 Smeddle, John Henrv, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,332 Smeeton, Charles WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,333 Smith, Alwyn Dudley. 1 Jan. 1920. 11,334 Smith, Arthur Croxton, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,335 Smith, Cicely, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,336 Smith, Clarence Dahymple, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,337 Smith, Constance IsabeUa Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,338 Smith, Edith Flora, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,339 Smith, Harold Lea-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,340 Smith, Henry John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,341 Smith, Henry Watson, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,342 Smith, Herbert Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,343 Smith, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11 344 Smith, Joseph Kent, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,345 Smith, Percy CampbeU, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,346 Smith, Robert Adam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,347 Smith, St. Osyth Mahala Eustace, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,348 Smith, Victor Vyvian Cuthbertson, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,349 Smith, WUliam Charles Clifford, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,350 Smith, William George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,351 Smithson, John George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,352 Smyth, Barbara, Mrs. Ross, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,353 Smyth, George Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,354 Smyth, John George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,355 Snape, Henry Lloyd, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,356 SneU, John Beddome, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,357 Soundy, WUUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,358 Sparkes, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,359 Sparkes, James Noel, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,360 Spence, Alexander, 1 Jau. 1920. 11,361 Spence, James Beveridge, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,362 Spencer, Christopher John, 1 Jau. 1920. 11,363 Spencer, Rev. Henry Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,364 Spender, Arthur Francis, 1 Jan. 1920 11,365 Spensley, James Calvert, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,366 Spratt, Laura Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,367 Sprott, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,368 Stafford, Salvatore Guattari-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,369 Stainthorpe, WiUiam Waters, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,370 Stamford, Emma Pauttne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,371 Stamford, Elizabeth Louisa Penelope, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 11.372 Stanier, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,373 Stanion, Oliver Bown, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,374 Stanley, OUvia Elizabeth, Mrs. Sloane- (Dowager Countess Cahns), 1 Jan. 1920. 11,375 Stanton, Harold Westwood, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,376 Stark, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,377 Stark, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,378 Steel, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,379 Stenhouse, Joseph Russell, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,380 Stephen, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,381 Stephens, Charles Hoak, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,382 Stephens, WilUam Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,383 Stephenson, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,384 Sterry, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,385 Steuart, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,386 Stevens, Harold Blythen, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,387 Stevenson, James Maxton, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,388 Stevenson, WiUiam King, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,389 Stewart, Angus, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,390 Stewart, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,391 Stewart, Mary Beatrice Sydney, Mrs. Shaw, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,392 Sthling, George Harry MUler-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,393 Sthling, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,394 Sthling, Hon. Margaret Mary, Mrs. A, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,395 Stobart, Bessie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,396 Stacker, Edward Barlow, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,397 Stockley, Henry Hudson Fraser, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,398 Stoneham, AUen Henry Philip, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,399 Stonham, Bdwin Earle, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,400 Stopher, Arthur James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,401 Storey, Ethel Mary Hutton, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,402 Storey, Joseph Kearon, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,403 Storey, Mary Gladys, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,404 Strickland, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,405 Strode, George Sydney Strode, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,406 Stromeyer, Charles Edmond, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,407 Stubbs, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,408 Studdert. Frederick Naunton, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,409 Sumner, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,410 SutcUffe, Frances Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,411 SutcUffe, John Hamer, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,412 Sutthery, CoUn PeUatt, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,413 Sutton, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,414 Sutton, Richard James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,415 Sweet, William McMurdo, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,416 Swinton, Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,417 Sykes, Charles David 1 Jan. 1920. 11,418 Sykes, Joe Armitage, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,419 Symonds, Mary Josephine, Mrs. Loder-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,420 Symons, WUUam Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,421 Tabrum, Ashley, 1 Jau. 1920. 11,422 Tainsh, Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,423 Talbot, Bridget Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,424 Talbot, Hugo, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,425 Talbot, Julia Elizabeth Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,426 Tallent, Edward Kittworth, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,427 Tangye, Albert William, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,428 Tanner, Edward Butler, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,429 Tanner, William AUan, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,430 Tatham, Meaburn, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,431 Tatton, Winifred Eva, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,432 Taylor, Arnold, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,433 Taylor, Arthur Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,434 Taylor, Arthur Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,435 Taylor, David Paton, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,436 Taylor, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,437 Taylor, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,438 Taylor, Lionel Percy Duncuft, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,439 Taylor, Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,440 Taylor, Sidney Ormerod, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,441 Taylor, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 648 OFFICERS. 11,442 Taylor, WiUiam James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,443 Tebbutt, Arnold, 1 Jan. 1020. 11,444 Telfer, John Edward. 1 Jan. 1920. 11,446 Telford, John Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,446 Temperley, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,447 Tempest, Henrietta Frances May, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,448 Temple, Walter Middlewood, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,449 Tennent, John James Colvin, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,450 Terris, James, 1 Jau. 1920 11,451 Thatcher, Noel, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,452 Theodosius, Alfred Fletcher, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,453 Thesiger, Florita Maria-Engracia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,454 Thorn, James Maxtone, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,456 Thorn, Robert Absalom, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,456 Thomas, Alfred Domtay, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,457 Thomas, Frank Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,458 Thomas, Julia Winifred, Mrs. Griffith-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,459 Thomas, Morgan, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,460 Thomas, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,461 Thomas, WiUiam Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,462 Thompson, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,463 Thompson, John Hannay, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,464 Thompson, John Ockelford, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,465 Thompson, Regtaald, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,466 Thomson, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,467 Thomson, Constance EmUy Temple, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,468 Thomson, Gwyneth Marjory, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,469 Thomson, Peter AUan, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,470 Thomson, Thomas Craston, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,471 ThornhUl, Florence Augusta, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,472 Thornley, Hubert Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,473 Thornley, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,474 Thornton, WiUiam Mundell, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,475 Thurburn, Bertha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,476 Ticehurst, Norman Frederic, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,477 Tidmarsh, Charles BaUlie, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,478 Tidmarsh, Edwin Russell, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,479 TUby, Henry Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,480 TUley. John WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,481 TimeweU, Herbert William, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,482 TindaU, Louis Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,483 Titley, Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,484 Tomkinson, Dora Sloane, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,485 Tooth, Helen Katherine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,486 Topham, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,487 Tough, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,488 Toulmin, Francis Justus, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,489 Towle, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,490 Townend, Kathleen Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,491 Townsend, Harry Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,492 Toye, Dudley Buhner, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,493 Tozer, Alfred Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,494 Tozer, James Clark, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,495 Tree, Maud Helen Louise, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920 11,496 Treharne, Frederick Gwilym, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,497 Trevanion, Stella, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,498 Trimble, Samuel Delmege, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,499 Trimen, Stephen Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,500 Trotter, Archibald McGregor, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,501 Trotter. Marjorie Elltaor, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,502 Trubshaw, Wilfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,503 Trueman, Lady Susan Catherine Harriet, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,504 Tramper, John Henry Walwyn , 1 Jan. 1920. 11,505 Tubmann, Francis de Moag, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,506 TuckettiWalter Regtaald, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,507 Tunks, Harold WiUiam Gregory, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,508 Turckheim, Alfred De, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,509 Turner, Albert Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,510 Turner, Emma Maud, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,511 Turner, Ernest Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,512 Turner, Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,513 Turner, Phttip Dymoch, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,514 Turner, Renard Orlando Sydney, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,515 Turner, Robert Reginald Johnston, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,516 Turner, Sydney George, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,517 Turner, WiUiam Glasier. 1 Jan. 1920. 11,518 Turner, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,519 Twyford, Dora, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,520 Tyrer, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,521 Tyzack, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,522 UnderhiU, Thomas John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,523 Unsworth, Isaac, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,524 Valerie, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,525 Varwell, Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,526 Veitch, Robert McLeod, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,527 Venning, Margaret Beatrice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,528 Vesey, Isabel Constance, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,529 Vickery, Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,530 Vigrass, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,531 Vincent, Cyril Mosson, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,532 Visger, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,533 Wagstaff, George Leonard, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,534 Wainwright, George Bartram, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,535 WakeUng, EUzabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,536 Wakeling, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,537 Walden, WUliam Herbert, 1 Jan. 1020. 11,538 Walker, Frederic WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,539 Walker, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,540 Walker, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,54111,542 11,54311,54411,54511,54611,54711,54811,54911,55011,551 11,55211,55311,554 11,55511,55611,55711,55811,55911,560 11,56111,56211,56311,56411,56511,566 11,56711,56811,66911,57011,571 11,572 11,57311,57411,57511,576 11,57711,578 11,579 11,58011,58111,58211,583 11,58411,58511,58611,58711,588 11,589 11,590 11,591 11,592 11,59311,594 11,595 11,59611,597 11,598 11,599 11,60011,601 11,60211,60311,60411,60511,60611,607 11,608 11,609 11,61011,61111,61211,61311,61411,61511,61611,61711,61811,61911,620 11,621 11,622 11,623 11,62411,62511,626 11,62711,62811,629 11,63011,63111,632 11,633 11,634 11,63511,63611,637 Walker, Mabel Caroline, 1 Jan. 1920. Walker, Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. Walker, Thomas Charles Bruce Mackintosh-, 1 Jan. 1920. Walker, Winifred Jane, 1 Jan. 1920. Wall, Arthur Thomas, 1 Jau. 1920. Wallace, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Waller, James Hardress de Warrenne, 1 Jan. 1920. WaUington, Augusta Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. Walters, Henry Beauchamp, 1 Jan. 1920. Walters, Henry Blanchard, 1 Jan. 1920. Waltham, Amy, 1 Jan. 1920. Walton, Frank NeviUe, 1 Jan. 1920. Walton, Henry Lavington, 1 Jan. 1920. Walton, Thomas Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Ward, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Ward, WiUiam Pettit, 1 Jan. 1920. Waring, Eleanor Gladys 1 Jan. 1920. Warneford, Walter Wyndham Hanbury, 1 Jan. 1920. Warner, Surrey, 1 Jan. 1920. Warren, Edith EUa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Warren, Margaret Maxwell, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Warren, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Waters, Owen, 1 Jan. 1920. Watkins, Jane Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. Watkins, John Stewart, 1 Jan. 1920. Watltag, John William, 1 Jan. 1920. Watson, Ernest Ansley, 1 Jan. 1920. Watson, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. Watson, George Trustram, 1 Jan. 1920. Watson, Henry Talbot, 1 Jan. 1920. Watson, Isobel, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. Watson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Watson, John Alfred, 1 Jan . 1920. Watson, WUliam MUne, 1 Jan. 1920. Watt, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Watts, Philip James, 1 Jan. 1920. Wawn, Dominique, 1 Jan. 1920. Wayne, Francis Herman Milford, 1 Jan. 1920. Webb, Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1920. Webb, George WUliam Cutler, 1 Jan. 1920. Webb, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Wedderburn, Robert RoweU, 1 Jan. 1920. Weldon, Winifred, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Wellman, Francis Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. West, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1920. West, Dora, 1 Jan. 1920. West, Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1920. West, John Edward, 1 Jan. 1920 West, Leonard Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Westaway, Richard Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Westwood, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. Wethered, Ernest Handel Cossham, 1 Jan. 1920. Wharton, Frederick Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. Whatman, Florence Emma Jemima, 1 Jan. 1920. Whelon, EmUy Mildred, 1 Jan. 1920. Wherry, Albert Edward Kerkham, 1 Jan. 1920 Whitaker, Thorp, 1 Jan. 1920. White, Amber, Mrs. Blanco, 1 Jan. 1920. White, Arethusa Flora Gartside, Mrs. Leigh-, 1 Jan. 1920. White, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. White, George Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. White, John Arthur Temple, 1 Jan. 1920. White, Minnie Beauchamp, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Whiteley, Feather Ogden, 1 Jan. 1920. Whitmore, Violet Frances Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 Whittall, Frederick Octavius, 1 Jan. 1920. Whittingdale, John Flasby Lawrance, 1 Jan. 1920. Whittingham, HUda Kate, 1 Jan. 1920. Wilbraham, Lady Alice Maud Bootle-, 1 Jan. 1920. WUkins, Elizabeth Bastable, 1 Jan. 1920. Wttkins, Frederick Charles Sydney, 1 Jan. 1920. Wilkins, Thomas James Hackett, 1 Jan. 1920. WUlcock, Rev. John, 1 Jan. 1920. WUlcox, WUUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. WUUams, Amy Katharine, 1 Jan. 1920. WUliams, Charles Robert Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. WUliams, Ernest Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. WiUiams, Rev. Henry Morrison, 1 Jan. 1920. Williams, John Seth, 1 Jan. 1920. WUUams, Philip, 1 Jan. 1920. WUliams, Richard John, 1 Jan. 1920. Williams, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. WUliams, Thomas Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. Williams, William Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. WiUiamson, Hon. Agnes Freda, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. WUliamson, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. WiUiamson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. WilUs. Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. . WiUmer, Edward Albert Brittam, 1 Jan. 1920. WUloughby, Esther Ann, Mrs. T, 1 Jan. 1920. Willoughby. James Frederick Digby, 1 Jan. 1920. WUmot, Jane Millicent, Mrs. Eardley-, 1 Jan. 1920 Wilson, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. WUson, Arthur CecU James, 1 Jan. 1920. WUson, Benedict John, 1 Jan. 1920. WUson, Daniel ElUs, 1 Jan. 1920. WUson, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 649 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 11,638 11,639 11,64011,64111,64211,643 11,644 11,64511,646 11,647 11,64811,64911,650 11,65111,652 11,65311,65411,65511,65611,65711,65811,65911,66011,66111,662 11,663 11,664 11,665 11,66611,66711,668 11,669 11,67011,67111,67211,67311,674 11,675 11,67611,67711,67811,67911,68011,68111,682 11,683 11,68411,68511,68611,68711,68811,68911,690 11,691 11,692 11,693 11,694 11,69511,69611,69711,69811,69911,70011,701 11,70211,70811,704 11,70511,70611,70711,70811.70911,710 11,71111,71211,71311,71411,71511,71611,71711,71811,71911,72011,721 11,72211,72311,72411,72511,72611,727 11,728 11,729 11,730 11,73111,73211,733 11,734 11,735 Wilson, George Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. WUson, Haigh Robson, 1 Jan. 1920. Wilson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Wilson, John, 1 Jan. 1920. WUson, Minnie Elizabeth, Lady Maryon-, 1 Jan. 1920. Winder, Arthur WeUesley, 1 Jan. 1920. Windle, AUred Rawlinson, 1 Jan. 1920. Windus, George Ryley, 1 Jan. 1920. Winterbottom, Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. Wtoterbottom, George WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Wintour, Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. Wise, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Wishart, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Wolff, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. Wood, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Wood, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Wood, Frederick Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. Wood, Harold John, 1 Jan. 1920. Wood, John Livingstone, 1 Jan. 1920. Wood, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Wood, William Cranna, 1 Jan. 1920. Wood, William John, 1 Jan. 1920. Woodroffe, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Woods, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Woolf, Albert Morris, 1 Jan. 1920. Woolf, Mortimer,- 1 Jan. 1920. WooUam, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Woolliscroft, George William, 1 Jau. 1920. Woolmer, Andrew Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Woolmer, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Wortledge, Edward WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Wormald, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Worsley, Frank Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. Wright, Ernest John, 1 Jan. 1920. Wright, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Wrigley, Lilian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Wyche, Katharine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Wyles, John Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Yarborough, Marcia Amelia Mary, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. Yorke, Gladys. Hon. Mrs. Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Young, AUen Carruth, 1 Jan. 1920. Young, Arthur Primrose, 1 Jan. 1920. Young, Edward Willie, 1 Jan. 1920. Young, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Young, Joseph Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. Young, Sydney Roles, 1 Jan. 1920. Young, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Young, WUliam Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Yoxall, George, 1 Jan. 1920. Andel, Harry Rudolph, 1 Jan. 1920. Arthur, George Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. Blah, Frank Younger, 1 Jan. 1920. Bonhote, Mary Baxter, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Booth, Henry Bennion-, 1 Jan. 1920. Canning, Lionel Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. Capito, Charles Erik, 1 Jan. 1920. Cattell, Arthur Shelton Goodricke, 1 Jan. 1920. Collier, Hon. John, 1 Jan. 1920. Cowper, Muriel, 1 Jan. 1920. England, Walter WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. Evans, Griffith Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Eyre, Edmond, 1 Jan. 1920. Foster, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. Gardner, Harry Geary, 1 Jan. 1920. Huntei, Campbell, Murray, 1 Jan. 1920. LesUe, Theodore, 1 Jan. 1920. Loveday, Arthur Frederic, 1 Jan. 1920. McHardy, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. MacPhUiamy, Verania, 1 Jan. 1920. Maer, Constance Muriel, Mrs. Astley, 1 Jan. 1920. Mason, Joseph Warren Teets, 1 Jan. 1920. Melsom, George Washington, 1 Jan. 1920. Pratt, Henry Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. Small, Frederick Trouton, 1 Jan. 1920. Smythe, Theodore William, 1 Jan. 1920. Temperley, Dorothy Mary Gladys, 1 Jan. 1920. Thompson, Arthur Beeby, 1 Jan. 1920. Timewell, Herbert William, 1 Jan. 1920. Tod, Arthur White MUlar, 1 Jan. 1920. Wills, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Wilson, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Wooley, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Abdul Samad Shah, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) Abdul Majid Khan, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) Anson, George Frank Wemyss, 1 Jan. 192U. (Bf.) Arthur, Lionel Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) Bethell, Leonard Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) Bharucha, Phhozshah Byramji, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) Bird, William Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.) Blackmore, Herbert Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.) Boutfiower, Edward CvtU, 1 Jan. 1920. (31.) Bulteel, Cecil Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) Burmester, Zante Gower, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) Butler, Charles Walter, ] Jan. 1920. (at.) Cameron, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.) ColltaB, Lionel Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) Craster, George, 1 Jau. 1920. (BI.) Davenport, Colin, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) 650 11,736 De Sousa, Pascal John, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,737 Dunlop, WiUiam Bruce, 1 Jan. 1920. (31.) 11,738 Roberts, Kenneth Farquharson Farquharson-, 1 Jau. 1920. (Sf.) 11,739 Farrell, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. (si.) 11,740 Forbes, Gordon Harold Norman, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) 11,741 GUmore, Alice Maud, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bt.) 11,742 Gupta, Bhola Nath, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.) 11,743 Hall, Charles Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) 11,744 Haws, Albert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) 11,745 Huban, John Patrick, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,746 LUlingston, Frederick Francis Innes-, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,747 Jones, Vincent Strickland, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.) 11,748 Kendall, Sydney Robert Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,749 King, Charles John Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) 11,750 Landon, Cyril, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) 11,751 Macdonald, Reginald Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bt.) 11,752 McRae, Henry St. George Murray, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) 11,753 Martin, Hugh Gray, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bt.) 11,754 Matson, John, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,755 Murphy, Robert Walpole, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,756 Myles, Robert Boulton, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,757 Nawab TaUb Mehdi Khan, 1 Jan. 1920/ (Bf.) 11,758 Nicol, WilUam Hutton, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,759 Norrie, Forster Heddle Brown, 1 Jan. 1920. (it.) 11,760 Parsons, Arthur Edward Broadbent, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bt.) 11,761 Pengelly, George Hastings, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) 11,762 PiUav, Aiyappin Padmanabbha, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bt.) 11,763 Pritchard, Hugh Robert Norman, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,764 Quinan, Edward Pellew, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,765 Ryles, Charlie. 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,766 Skinner, Robert Brace, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,767 Steward, Edward Merivale, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 11,768 Strong, CecU Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. ' (Bt.) 11,769 ToUer, George Gordon Taylor, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bt.) 11,770 Pattenson, Bdwin Cooke Tylden-, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) 11,771 Stuart, John Patrick ViUiers, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) 11,772 Watney, Ronald Denby, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.) 11,773 Wauchope, Robert Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.) 11,774 Webb, William Francis Richmond, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) 11,775 Browne, WUUam Walker, 1 Jan. 1920. (Bf.) 11,776 Deedes, Ralph Bouverie, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) 11,777 Gardiner, Herbert WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.) 11,778 GiUespie, Rollo St. John, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.) 11,779 Harrison, Christopher Heathfield, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) 11,780 Kearns, WiUiam Irving, 1 Jan. 1920. (BO 31,781 Kelly. Patrick Anselm, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.)' 11,782 Murphy, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. (BI.) 11,783 Petrie, John Campbell Eggar, 1 Jan. 1920. (St.) 11,784 Stagg, Montague, 1 Jan. 1920. (Sf.) 11,784a Allaway, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,7846 Baynes, Charlotte Augusta, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,784c de Beaufort, Araoud Jan, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,784a- Benn, Charles Anthony, 1 Jan. 1920. ll,784e Blane, Amy Henrietta, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,784/ Blennerhassett, WUliam Lewis, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,784a Brooke, John Warwick, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,784ft Bullen, Frederick John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,785a Claugbton, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,7856 Cooper, Willie, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,785c Davidson, EUen Beatrice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,785a' Davis, Alfred Maurice, 1 Jan. 1920. ll,785e Deeks, Stephen John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,785/ Fitzgerald, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,785a Footman, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,785A Glenton, Arthur Hastings Septimus, 1 Jan. 1923. 11,786a Gracie, Robert Spencer, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,7866 Harrison, Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,786c Harvey, Edward Murray, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,786a- Henderson, Mrs. Beatrice Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. ll,786e Hopkins, Harry Sinclah, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,786/ Hoplrinson, Gwendolen Blanche, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,786a Hughes, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,786ft Inman, Cecil Daubeny, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,787a Buchanan-Jardine, Lady Ethel Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,7876 Keane, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 11.787c Ley, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,7870- Mackinnon, Lucy Vere, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. ll,787e Medcalf, WilUam Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,787/ Milne, James WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,787a Morgan, Eleanor EUzabeth Bamlet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 11,787ft Neville, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1920. 11.7?8a O'Gorman, Mrs. Flora, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,7886 Palaeologus, Harriott Oatman, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,788c Parker, WiUiam Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,788a- Pritchard, Hugh John Mostyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,788c ReveU, Alfred Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,788/ Roche, A. W, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,788(7 Schultze, Alfred Cecil Dunbar-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,788ft Thomas, Henry Franklin, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,789a Wade, Francis Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,7896 Webley, Flora Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,789c Westwood, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. ll,789d Young, WiUiam Ronald, 1 Jan. 1920. ll,789e Binns, Douglas Thomson, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,789/ Byrde, Edwin Augustus, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,789a Dives, Evelyn Seott, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,789ft Hayman, Albert Melville, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,790a Henderson, Henry Ludwig, 1 Jan. 1920. OFFICERS. 11,7906 Lacey, WiUiam Henry Westwood, 1 Jau. 1920. 11,790c Lewis, Helen, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,790(2 McConaghy, Minnie Bevernand, 1 Jan. 1920. ll,790e Mawson, Sir Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,790/ Osborne, Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. ll,790sr Ross, Stewart Buckle Came, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,790ft Trafford, Marcus Antonius Johnston de Lavis-, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,791a Wall, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,7916 WUson, Charles James, 1 Jan. 1920. ll,791o Wotherspoon, Ellen, 1 Jan. 1920. 11,791a' Lewis, Leonard Carey, 9 Jan. 1920. (at.) ll,791e WUsone, Thomas Clarence, 22 Jan. 1920. (it.) 11,791/ Alpln, WiUiam George Patrick, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,791a Anderson, WiUiam Dunlop, 30 Jan. 1920 11,791ft Baker, Thomas, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,792a Barlow, Thomas William Naylor. 30 Jan. 1920. 11,7926 Barnard, John Henry, SO Jan. 1920. 11,792c Boden, John Smedley, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,793 Boon, John Goodisson, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,794 Bubb, Charles Henry, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,795 Buckley, Winifred Finnimore, 30 Jau. 1920. 11,796 Burgess, WiUiam Frederick Richardson, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,797 Burrows, Adam Clarke, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,798 Comber, Charles Thomas Thornton, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,799 Dagger, Richard, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,800 Davidson, Robert Gibson, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,801 Dickinson, William Henry, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,802 DUlon, Luke Gerald, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,803 Garratt, George Campbell, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,804 Gell, Henry WUlingham, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,805 Gostling, Thomas Preston, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,806 Greenwood, Edwin Climson, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,807 Hanafy. John Zaky, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,808 Hawley, Arthur, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,809 Hay, Kenneth Robert, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,810 Hern, WiUiam, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,811 Herring, Herbert Thomas, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,813 Humphreys, Richard, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,814 James, William Warwick, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,815 Jewell, WUUam Henry, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,816 Johnson, Harold Josse, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,817 Jones, Richard Nelson, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,818 Kilvert, John Ellis, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,819 Laws, Percy Charles WUloughby, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,820 Lees, Kenneth Arthur, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,821 Low, Richard Marsden Hutchinson-, 30 Jan. 1920, H,821aMcCrea, Hugh Moreland, 30 Jau. 1920. 11,822 McDonald, Niel, 30 Jan. 1920. 11.823 McEwen, William Fullerton, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,824 MagUl, Ethel Mary, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,825 Mansel, Charles John LinskUl, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,826 Morison, Albert Edward, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,827 Moss, Enoch, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,828 Murray, Robert Alexander, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,829 Newby, Gervase Edward, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,830 Northcroft, George, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,831 Nourse, WiUiam John Chichele, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,832 Palmer, John Dwin, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,833 Parrott, Arthur Hughes, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,834 Payne, Joseph Lewin, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,835 Peacocke, George John, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,836 Philip, James Porter, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,837 Pinhey, Eustace Townley, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,838 Porter, Joseph Francis, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,839 Prosser, Thomas GUbert, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,840 Reed, John Arthur, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,841 RendaU, Percy John, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,842 Rodway, Barron John, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,843 Rowlands, Richard Alun, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,844 Salnsbury, Harrington, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,845 ShelsweU, Oscar Berridge, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,846 Sheppard, Amy, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,847 Smttey, George Kennedy, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,848 Southern, John Acton, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,849 Stansfield, George SutcUffe, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,850 Stawell, Roldolph de Salis, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,851 Strover, Henry William Martyn, 30 Jan. 1920. 11.852 Thomas, Edward George, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,853 Turner, Richard, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,854 Turner, WiUiam, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,855 Wade, James Owen David, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,856 Warde, Ambrose Huntington, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,857 WUson, James Alexander, 30 Jan. 1920. 11,858 Briggs, Henry Smalley, 8 March, 1920. (St.) 11,859 Fendick, Walter Robert, 8 March, 1920. (at.) 11,860 Goldsworthy, John Arthur, 8 March, 1920. (at.) 11,861 Greene, John Wilmer, 8 March, 1920. (St.) 11,862 Hall, Arthur Colin, 8 March, 1920. (at-) 11,863 Harvey, Cecil Russell Hatos, 8 March, 1920. (Bf.) 11,864 Hely, Hamilton MoMath, 8 March, 1920. (M.) 11,865 Langford, Horace Trevor St. Ledger, 8 March 1920. (Bt). 11,866 Lockington, Arthur Bsme, 8 March, 1920. (at.) 11,867 Mills, Charles James, 8 March 1920. (St.) 11,868 Murdoch, Hugh Campbell, 8 March, 1920. (af.) 11,869 Rapkto, Geoffrey Jennings, 8 March, 1920. (bi.) 11,870 Shelton, Frederick Soltau, 8 March, 1920. (if.) 11,871 Stone, Charles Edward, 8 March, 1920. (Bt.) 11,872 Styles, Edward Goggin, 8 March, 1920. (bi.) (BI.) (si.) 11,873 Taylor, Archibald, 8 March, 1920. (bi.) , ,'£Z£ Wareham, Stuart, Waldron, 8 March, 1920. (Bt.) 11.875 Watson, Robert CampbeU, 8 March, 1920. (at.) i-.°76 Weale, Henry Searle, 8 March, 1920. (m.) 11,877 Browne, Claude MelvUle, 15 March, 1920. (it.) 11.878 Cragg, Robert Herbert, 15 March, 1920. (BI.) 11,879 Darby, George, 15 March, 1920. (at.) 11,880 Hickie, George William, 15 March, 1920. (at.) 11,881 Mitchell, John Marsters, 15 March, 1920. (at.) 11,882 O'Brien, Lennox Brett, 15 March, 1920. (at.) 11,883 Pascoe, Cluad Alfred Leonard, 15 March, 1920. 11,884 Simpson, Gilbert, 15 March. 1920. (at.) 11,885 Stanton, Reginald, 15 March, 1920. (at.) 11,886 Symons, John, 15 March, 1920. (at.) 11,887 Taylor, Sidney Herbert. 15 March, 1920. (at.) 11,888 Williams, Cyril Theodore, 15 March, 1920. (BI.) 11,889 Wood, George Neville, 15 March, 1920. (at.) 11,889a Atwood, Arthur Francis Lysons. 23 Apr. 1920. 11,8896 Edwards, Charles Peter, 23 Apr. 1920. (Sf.) 11,889c Purdon, Alick, 23 Apr. 1920. (M.) 11,889(2 Ross, John Kenneth Leveson, 23 Apr. 1920. (si ) 11,889c Stuart, Charles Joseph, 23 Apr. 1920. (BI.) 11,890 BakeweU, Robert Turle, 5 June, 1 920 11,891 Bates, EUen Marie, Mrs, 5 June, 1920. 11,892 Black, Archibald, 5 June, 1920. 11,893 Bott, Carl Lotherington, Glen-, 5 June, 1920. 11,894 Bradley, Rose Marian, 5 June, 1920. 11,895 Brocklebank, Agnes Sylvia, 5 June, 1920. 11,896 Buck, Philip, 5 June, 1920. 11,897 Carey, Florence Margaret, Mrs. Carteret-, 5 June 1920. 11,898 Clarke, Hope Elizabeth, Hope-, 5 June, 1920. 11,899 Clerk, Robert MUdmay, 5 June, 1920. 11,900 Cowell, Marie, 5 June, 1920. 11,901 Dove, Edward James, 5 June, 1920. 11,902 Fava, Albert Bernard, 5 June, 1920. 11,903 Fitton, John Herbert, 5 June, 1920. 11,904 Gilmour, John, 5 June, 1920. 11,905 Glyn, Margot EUnor, 5 June, 1920. 11,906 Harvey, Tom Horace, 5 June, 1920. 11,907 Jackson, Robert, 5 June, 1920. 11,908 Jury, Horatius Arthur, 5 June, 1920. 11,909 King, Nelly Maria, 5 June, 1920. 11,910 Lees, William, 5 June, 1920. 11,911 Lewis, John Thomas, 5 June, 1920. 11,912 Light, Edgar William, 5 June, 1920. 11,913 Keeble, Lillah, Mrs, 5 June, 1920. 11,914 McClean, Rev. Canon Richard Arthur, 5 June, 1920. 11,915 McMillan, James, 5 June, 1920. 11,916 Mactaggart, John Norman, 5 June, 1920. 11,917 Maude, Jenny Maria Catherine, Mrs, 5 June 1920, 11 918 Morant Lydia Louisa, 5 June, 1920. 11,919 Munro, William John, 5 June, 1920. 11,920 Pain, Dorothy Alice, 5 June, 1920. 11,921 Peake, WUfred Stevenson, 5 June, 1920. 11,922 Anderson, Mrs. PoweU-, 5 June, 1920. 11,923 Power, Margaret, 5 June, 1920. 11,924 Scott, Florence Oswald, Mrs, 5 June, 1920. 11,925 Speers, Frederick Solomon, 5 June, 1920. 11,926 Strang, Duncan, 5 June, 1920. 11,927 Street, Charles Edmund, 5 June, 1920. 11,928 Thomas, Vyvyan Hood, 5 June, 1920. 11,929 Tod, Robert Paterson, 5 June, 1920. 11,930 Geard, Reginald Cheniston, 30 June, 1920. (BI.) 11,931 Bruce, WUUam Robert, 12 July, 1920. (at.) 11,892 Clemson, Alfred William, 12 July, 1920. (at.) 11,933 Colltashaw, Raymond, 12 July, 1920. (at.) 11,88J Slatter, Leonard Horatio, 12 July, 1920. (at.) 11,935 Tweedie, Harley Alec, 12 July, 1920. (at.) 11,936 Archer, Henry George Fuller, 24 Aug. 1920. 11,937 Flower, Stanley Smyth, 24 Aug. 1920. 11,938 Fraser, Hugh, 24 Aug. 1920. 11,939 Garland, Herbert, 24 Aug. 1920. 11,940 Grundy, Robert Taylor, 24 Aug. 1920. 11,941 Lucas, Alfred, 24 Aug. 1920. 11,942 Matthew, John Godfrey, 24 Aug. 1920. 11,943 Pender, WUUam Edmonstone, 24 Aug. 1920. 11,944 Shepherd, John Dawson, 24 Aug. 1920. 11,945 Mockett, Hugh Brooke, 25 Aug. 1920. (at.) 11,945a Murdoch, Ian Burn, 20 Sept. 1920. (at.) 11,9456 Johnson, William Frederick, 20 Sept. 1920. (bi.) 11,945c Mactatyre, Francis Peter, 20 Sept. 1920. (at.) 11 945d Witts, Frederick Vavasour Broome, 20 Sept. 1920. (at.) 11,946 Hobson, Hugh George, 24 Sept. 1920. (at.) 11946a Rawlings, Henry Barnard, 15 Oct. 1920. (at.) 11,947 BaiUieu, Arthur Sydney, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,948 Barter, John Reginald, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,949 Bell, Marcus, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,950 Bennett, Edward George, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,951 Bennett, Violet, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,952 Blythe, Archibald Lewis, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,953 Bolton, Arthur Leon, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,954 Brereton, Victor le Gay, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,955 Brodribb, Noel Kenrice Stevens, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,956 Bromwich, George Herbert, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,957 Buck, Henry, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,958 Bucknell, Norman Charles, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,959 Busby, William Dahymple, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,960 Castle, Gordon Harwood, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,961 Cochrane, William John, 15 Oct. 1920. 651 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 11,962 Collins, Elizabeth Ann, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920 11,963 Cowan, Edith Dhcksey, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11.964 CowdeU-Barrett, Mary Beatrice, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,965 Cowley, Lady Marie, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,966 Crowther, Ethel Annie, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,967 Currie, Lorna May, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,968 Daglish, Edith, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,969 Davies, James, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,970 de Bavay, August Joseph Francois, 15 Oct. 192C. 11,971 Downes, Sarah EUzabeth, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,972 Fraser, Jessie, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,973 Freeman, Arthur David, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,974 Garvan, Claire Frances, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,975 Gibson, WUliam Alfred, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,976 Good, Minnie Agnes, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,977 Grant, LUian, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,978 Grayndler, Edward, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,979 Hancock, Annie Maria, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,980 Hay, James, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,981 Henderson, John Brownlie, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,982 Hitchcock, Howard, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,983 Hixson, Francis William, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,984 Hoare, Robert Richard, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,985 Holden, Edge Anthony, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,986 Holme, Ernest Rudolph, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,987 Horden, Eva, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,988 Jones, Harold Edward, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,989 Knowles, George Shaw, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,990 Leitch, John, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,991 Lendon, Lucy Isabel, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,992 Lewis, Regtaald Jamieson, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,993 Little, Robert, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,994 Lysaght, Herbert Royse, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,995 Mackay, Hon. James Alexander Kenneth, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,996 McRobert, William Graham, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,997 Maguire, Matthew Michael, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,998 Marsh, Malcolm Ready, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,999 Martin, Albert, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,000 Merry, George Pitlow, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,001 Moorehead, Harold Percival, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,002 Mort, Mary Laidley Marjorie, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,003 Nangle, James, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,004 Owen, Percy Thomas, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,005 Parnell, John WUliam, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,006 Paterson, Daniel Gavin, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,007 Poynton, Hon. Alexander, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,008 Preston, Herbert James, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,009 Reid, Pauline, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,010 Rentoul. Rt. Rev. John Laurence. 15 Oct. 1920. 12,011 Richardson, Helen Morewood, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 11,012 Ridley, Rev. Charles Lawrence, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,013 Riley, Most Rev. Charles Owen Leaver, Archbishop 15 Oct. 1920. 12,014 Robertson, WUUam St. Leonards, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,015 Rothwell Thomas James, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,016 RusseU, Detta Constance Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,017 Russell. Herbert Ernest Henry, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,018 Ryan, Victor Herbert, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,019 Sanders, Lewis Samuel, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,020 Semmens, James Michael, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,021 Serle, Edwin Hamilton, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,022 Sinclah, Russell, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,023 Smith, George Wishart, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,024 Spurgeon, Charles Herbert, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,025 Starling, John Henry 15 Oct. 1920. 12,026 Tewksbury, Pearson WUUam, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,027 Thomas, Thomas John, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,028 Thompson, Emily, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,029 Tomltason. Ernest WUliam, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,030 Trim, Sarah Ann, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,031 Turner, George Argo, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,032 Vaughan, Evelyn Goode, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,033 Weller, Rev. Alfred George, 15 Oct 1920. 12,034 Wheeler, Annie Margaret, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,035 WilUams, Oliver Morrice, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,036 WUUams, Hon. WUUam Micah, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,037 Willis, Ernest Horatio 15 Oct. 1920. 12,038 Witherden, Charlotte Mary, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,039 Wynne, Jessie, IDs, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,040 Ewen, Greta, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,041 Widdowson, Howell Young, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,042 Anderson, Charles Thompson, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,043 Anderson, Charles LleweUyn, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,044 Bateman, Walter Slade, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,045 Brown, Daniel MacLaren 15 Oct. 1920. 12,046 Carter, John Gordon, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,047 Collie, James, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,048 Duncan Peter Milne, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,049 Faure, Pieter Jacobus van Breda, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,050 Fitzpatrick, Gerald Coleman, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,051 Finch, Josiah Robert, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,052 Holmes, WilUam, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,053 Kirkness, John Johnston, 15 Oct 1920. 12,054 Langley, Cecil Ernest Herrick, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,055 Lewes, John Guy Robert, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,056 Murray, Phcebe Henrietta, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 12.057 Manning, Charles Nicolson, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,058 Pienaar, FUippus Fourie, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,059 Price, Bernard, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,060 Rawbone, Annie Christine, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 12,061 Faber, George Valdemar, 16 Oct. 1920. (M.) 12,062 Gerhardi, WUUam Alexander, 16 Oct. 1920. (st.) 12,063 Hughes Bernard, 16 Oct. 1920. (BI.) 12,064 Lycett, CyrU Vernon Lechmere, 31 Oct. 1920. (it.) 12,065 Jones, Everard John Hardman, 12 Nov. 1920. (M.) 12,066 Jordan, WUliam Thomas Arthur, 12 Nov. 1920. (at.) 12,067 Smyth, Geoffrey Thomas, 12 Nov. 1920. (ai.) 12,068 Bangay, James Barrington, 24 Dec. 1920. 652 .' MILITARY RIBAND. - WOMEN. MEMBERS (M.B.E.) MEN. MEMBERS. (M.B.E.) 1 Ard, Rachel Maud, 4 June, 1917 4 Bassett, Rosa, 4 June, 1917. 7 Beard, Ernest SomervUle, 4 June, 1917. (at ) 8 Cape, Thomas, 4 June, 1917 9 Chesterton, Sidney James, 4 June, 1917. 10 Carr, WiUiam, 4 June, 1917. 12 Coates, R. H, 4 June, 1917. 13 Cooking, Albert, 4 June, 1917. 14 CoUingwood, Edith Florence, 4 June, 1917. 15 Dawtry, W. F, 4 June, 1917. 16 Dickens, Sidney John Oldacres, 4 June, 1917. 18 Edwards, Joseph, 4 June, 1917. 19 Fisher, Josephine Hilda, Mrs. Herbert, 4 June 1917 21 Grant. WUliam Charles, 4 June, 1917. 22 Hudson, J. H, 4 June, 1917. 23 Hughes, Elizabeth PhUlips, 4 June, 1917. 24 Hunt. William, 4 June, 1917. 25 Hunter, Catherine Augusta, Mrs. Harry Osborn 4 June 1917. ' 26 Jackson, Mary, 4 June, 1917. 27 Jones, W. H, 4 June, 1917. 28 Jemminson, H, 4 June, 1917. 30 Kean, Charles, 4 June, 1917. 31 Landon, Katherine Ann Brenda, 4 June, 1917. 33 MacNalty, Mary, Mrs, 4 June, 1917. 34 MiUigan, George, 4 June, 1917. 35 Mills, Robert Clarkson, 4 June, 1917. 36 Moore, Ernest Reginald, 4 June, 1917 38 Moss, Henry, 4 June, 1917. 39 Oldershaw, Albert WUliam, 4 June, 1917. 42 Price, George, 4 June, 1917. 43 Pringle, George Cossar, 4 June, 1917. 44 Pritchard, Herbert Alfred, 3 June, 1917. 45 Sainsbury, Charles, 4 June, 1917. 46 Schofleld, Herbert, 4 June, 1917. 47 Simcox, WiUiam. 4 June, 1917. 49 Taylor, Corrie, 4 June, 1917. 50 Tricker, Leonard Charles, 4 June, 1917. , 51 WUkins, Harold, 4 June, 1917. 52 Willson, Laura, Mrs, 4 June, 1917. 53 Waterson, Frances, Mrs, 4 June, 1917. 54 Dennys, Lucy Maud Massy, Lady, 4 Dec. 1917. 56 MacFadyen, Jessie, Mrs, 4 Dec. 1917. 57 Purshotamdas Thakurdas, 4 Dec. 1917. 58 Sardar Bahadur Hanwant Singh, 4 Dec. 1917. 59 Tharle-Hughes, Regtaald, 4 Dec. 1917. 60 Rowland, Frederick, 4 Dec. 1917. 61 Lahore, Rai Bahadur Lala Kunj Behari Thapur of 4 Dec. 1917. 63 Khan Bahadur Arab Dost Mahomed Khan of Tahkal Bala, Peshawar, 4 Dec. 1917. 64 Kothavala, Hector Ratanji, 4 Dec. 1917. 65 Wilson, John, 4 Dec. 1917. 66 Abram, Ethel May, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 67 Hood, Margaret Acland. 1 Jan. 1918. 69 Addiscott, William James, 1 Jan. 1918. 70 Affleck, Florence Bessie, 1 Jan. 1918. 71 Aikman, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1918. 72 Aitkenhead, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 73 Aldridge, Ernest Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 75 Sinclah, Stroma Alexander-, 1 Jan. 1918. 76 AUson, Charles Hugh, 1 Jan. 1918. 77 AUan, George Macdonald, 1 Jan. 1918. 78 Allan, Ida, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 79 Allan, Thomas Easton, 1 Jan. 1918. 80 AUchin, Thomas Cuthbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 82 Allen, Alan Bruce, 1 Jan. 1918. 83 Allen, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 84 Amos, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. 85 Andrews, Henry Leonard Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 86 Applebey, Malcolm Percival, 1 Jan. 1918. 88 Arnott, Florence Evelyn, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 89 Arthur, OUve Juana, Mrs, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 90 Ascroft, Robert WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 91 Ashbridge, Harry Hales, 1 Jan. 1918. 92 Ashley, Ernest GUman, 1 Jan. 1918. 93 Ashton, John Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 94 Ashworth, WUfred Adam, 1 Jan. 1918. 95 Atkinson, Carleton Richard Bucky, 1 Jan. 1918. 96 Atkinson, Margaret Winifred, 1 Jan. 19: J. (at.) 97 AttweU, Sydney Watson, 1 Jan. 1918. 98 Auger, Albert Raymond, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 99 Auret, Frances Victoria, 1 Jan. 1918. 101 Back, Stanley, 1 Jan. 1918. 102 Bacon, Eustace Vivian, 1 Jan. 1918. 103 Baker, Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. 104 Baker, John, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 105 Baker, Percy Montagu, 1 Jan. 1918. 106 Baker, Thomas Edgar, 1 Jan. 1918. 107 Baker, WiUiam Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 109 Ballard, Joseph Alfred WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 110 Bannatyne, Victoria Vera, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Ill Bannerman, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. ' 12 Barber, Frances Amy, 1 Jan. 1918. 113 Barber, Samuel Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 114 Barber, WUliam Clarence, 1 Jan. 1918. 115 Barker, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 116 Barnes, Douglas, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 118 Baron, Herbert Harry, 1 Jan. 1918. 119 Barras, Harold WUmot, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bt.) 120 Barrett, Kenneth Delmar, 1 Jan 1918. 121 Barrett, William James, 1 Jan. 1918. 122 Barrington, Thomas Barwell, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 123 Barron, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 124 Barron, Jonathan, 1 Jan. 1918. 126 Barton, Harriet, Mrs. Maurice Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 127 Bate, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 128 Ironside, Helen Maud Bax-, 1 Jan. 1918. 130 Bayne, Bertha Marguerite, Mrs. John, 1 Jan. 1918. 131 Bearder, John WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 132 Beaver, Edith Maude, 1 Jan. 1918. 133 Beddall, Herbert Bowman, 1 Jan. 1918. 135 Beddoe, James Stuart, 1 Jan. 1918. 136 Bedford, Richard WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 137 Belcher, Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1918. 138 BeU, Violet Caroline, 1 Jan. 1918. 139 Bellaney, David Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 140 BeUasis, Gwendolen Edith, 1 Jan. 1918. 141 Bennett, Ernest Lampeer, 1 Jan. 1918. 143 Beresford, John Baldwin, 1 Jan. 1918. 144 Bernard, Alice Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1918. 146 Bevan, F. H, 1 Jan. 1918. 147 Biddle, Lois, 1 Jan. 1918. 148 Bignold, WilUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 149 Birbeck, Thomas Edson, 1 Jan. 1918. 150 Birch, Bertha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 151 Birkett, Tom, 1 Jan. 1918. 153 Black, Dora Winifred, 1 Jan. 1918. 154 Blackett, Frances Charlotte Isabella, 1 Jan. 1918. 155 Blah, Malcolm, 1 Jau. 1918. 156 Blake, Jack Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. 157 Blarney, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 158 Blay, John Augustus, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 159 Blennerhassett, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 160 Blennerhassett, Nesta, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 161 Bonner, John WiUiam Arundel, 1 Jan. 1918. 164 Box, Harold Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 165 Boycott, Lota, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 166 Boyd, Elizabeth Frances, 1 Jan. 1918. . 167 Boyer, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 168 Boys, Henry CecU, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 169 Bradbury, William Embrey, 1 Jan. 1918. 170 Bradley, Henry Edward Manning, 1 Jan. 1918. 172 Brett, Hon. Oliver Sylvian, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 173 Brightman, Edith Marian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 175 Brown, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 176 Brown, Bdwin, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bf.) 177 Brown, Fannie Florence, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 178 Brown, George Drake, 1 Jan. 1918. 179 Brown, Helen Grace Rae, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 180 Browne, Tomyns Reginald, 1 Jan. 1918. 181 Bruce, Bertha Marguerita, 1 Jan. 1918. 182 Bruce, Maye, 1 Jan. 1918. 183 Bryan, John Lockton, 1 Jan. 1918. 184 Bryant, Herbert WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 185 Bryson, Frederick Francis Smith, 1 Jan. 1918. 186 Buckman, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 187 Bullock, Herbert Charles Stuart, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 188 Bumpus, Alfred Adolphus, 1 Jan. 1918. 189 Bumstead, Richard Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 190 Bunton, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. 192 Burgess, Arthur William, 1 Jan. 1918. 193 Burgess, Elspeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 194 Burleigh, John Laurence, 1 Jan. 1918. •653 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 195 Burling, George Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. 306 196 Murdoch, Regiaulde de Maule, Mrs. Burn-, 1 Jan. 1918. 309 197 Burns, Helen Jaqueline, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 312 198 Burrough, Hedley Gravett, 1 Jan. 1918. 313 199 Burrow, Leopold Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 314 200 Burrows, Kate EUen, 1 Jan. 1918. 315 201 Burt, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 316 202 Ballantine, Ethel Codogan Burton, 1 Jan. 1918. 317 203 Burton-Mackenzie, Isabel, 1 Jan. 1918. 318 204 Bury, John Edwin, 1 Jan. 1918. 319 205 Caines, Clement Guy, 1 Jan. 1918. 321 206 Cahns, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 322 207 Cameron, Norman Restell, 1 Jan. 1918. 323 209 CampbeU, Clementina Henrietta, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 324 210 Campbell, Colin Clyde, 1 Jan. 1918. (it.) 325 211 Campbell, David Bishop, 1 Jan. 1918. (31.) 326 212 CampbeU, Gilbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 327 215 Campey, Thomas Epton, 1 Jan. 1918. (bi.) 328 216 Candler, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 329 217 Carnegie, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. 330 218 CarroU, Thomas WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. 331 219 Carter, Francis Tavor, 1 Jan. 1918. 332 220 Carter, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 333 221 Carver, Albert Wing, 1 Jan. 1918. 334 222 Cassidi, Francis Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. 335 224 Chadwick, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 336 225 Chalkley, Alfred Philip, 1 Jan. 1918. 337 226 Chalkley, Francis Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. (BI.) 338 228 ChaUinor, WiUiam Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 339 229 Chalmers, Margaret, 1 Jan. 1918. 340 230 Chambers, Harry, 1 Jan. 1918. 341 231 Chantrey, Guy Mortimer, 1 Jan. 1918. 342 232 Charlton, Charles Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 345 233 Chiesman, Harry, 1 Jan. 1918. . 346 234 ChUders, Mary Alden, Mrs. Erskine, 1 Jan. 1918. 347 235 Chinery, Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 348 236 Clark, Sir John Maurice, Bart, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 349 237 Clark, Owen Aly, 1 Jan. 1918. 350 238 Clarke, Walter Leonard, 1 Jan. 1918. 351 239 Clarke, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 352 240 Clarke, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 353 242 Clayton, Charies Henry James, 1 Jan. 1918. 354 243 Clegg, Margaret Penelope, 1 Jan. 1918. 355 244 Clowes, Edith EmUy, Mrs. Peter Legh, 1 Jan. 1918. 356 245 Cluett, Alfred WUliam Ayers, 1 Jan. 1918. 357 246 Coast, Ernest Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 359 248 Cobb, Robert Bennett, 1 Jan. 1918. 360 250 Cock, Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 361 251 Cockerell, Douglas Bennett, 1 Jan. 1918. 362 252 Coffey, Frank William, 1 Jan. 1918. 363 253 Cole, Edward George, 1 Jan. 1918. 364 255 Coley, William, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bt.) 365 256 Colledge, Francis William, 1 Jan. 1918. 366 257 CoUins, Lionel Dennis, 1 Jan. 1918. 367 258 Collinson, Beatrice Annie, 1 Jan. 1918. 369 259 Coltman, Walter WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 370 260 Compton, Charles Leonard, 1 Jan. 1918. 371 261 Contogham, Geraldine EmUy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 372 262 Connell, Jessie Murdoch, Mis, 1 Jau. 1918. 373 263 Conner, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 374 264 Cook, Fred Compigne. 1 Jan. 1918. 375 265 Cook, Richard Frederic, 1 Jan. 1918. 376 266 Cooke, Cuthbert CressweU, 1 Jan. 1918. 377 267 Cooksey, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1918. 378 268 Coombe, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 379 269 Coombs, William Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 381 270 Cooper, Bertram George, 1 Jan. 1918. 382 271 Cooper, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bt.) 383 272 Cooper, H. M, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 384 273 Cooper, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 385 274 Cooper, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 387 275 Copus, Clarence George, 1 Jan. 1918. 388 276 Corbett, Edward Richard Trevor, 1 Jan. 1918. 389 277 Cordeaux, Hilda Eliza Agar, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 391 278 Comer, Sylvia, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 392 279 Corrigan, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 393 280 Cowan, Howard Denys RusseU, 1 Jan. 1918. 394 281 Cowan, WUUam, 1 JaD. 1918. 395 283 Craig, Juliet Sisley, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 396 284 Crawley, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 397 285 Creegan, Edward Patrick, 1 Jan. 1918. 398 286 Cripps.Gerald Faulkner, 1 Jan. 1918. 399 287 Crisp, Helena Jane, 1 Jan. 1918. 400 289 Crocker, Gordon George, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bt.) 401 290 Crockett, William Gordon, 1 Jan. 1918. 402 291 Cromar, George Scott, 1 Jan. 1918. 404 292 Crompton-Roberts, Winifred Eyre, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 405 293 Cropper, Ann Ellen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 406 294 Cross, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 407 295 Cross, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 408 296 Cruiekshank, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 409 297 dimming, Janet Baron, 1 Jan. 1918. 411 298 Cuninghame, Margaret Georgiana, 1 Jan. 1918. 412 299 Currie, Marghuerita Copelaud, 1 Jan. 1918. 413 300 Cusens, George Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 414 301 Cuthbertson, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 415 302 Cutler, Ernest Edward. 1 Jan. 1918. 416 303 Cutler, Roy Victor, 1 Jan. 1918. (SI.) 417 304 DagUsh, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 418 305 Darlow, EUen Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 419 654 Darrach, William Elliott, 1 Jan. 1918. Davies, Sophia Katherine, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1918. Davies, Gwttym Mehion, 1 Jan. 1918. Davies, Hugh Christopher, 1 Jan. 1918. Davies, Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. Daw, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. (31.) Dawkins, Horace Christian, 1 Jan. 1918. Dawson, George WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. Dawson-Thomas, Beatrice Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. Day, George, 1 Jan. 1918. Dean, Frederic WiUiam Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. Dean, Seth Ellis, 1 Jan. 1918. Deane, PhylUs Lucy, Mrs. James, 1 Jan. 1918. Deighton, Albert, 1 Jan. 1918. Denniston, Adam Fairrie, 1 Jan. 1918. Dent, Hubert Augustus, 1 Jan. 1918. Digby, Lady LUian Mary Harriet Diana, 1 Jan. 1918. Dixon, Charles WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. Doig, Annie Emilia Scott EUiott, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Donald, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. Dorrell, WUliam John, 1 Jan. 1918. Dougherty, Aileen Margaret, 1 Jan. 1918. Douglas, Attie Vibert, 1 Jan. 1918. Down, Percy Bissett, 1 Jan. 1918, Drake, John, 1 Jan. 1918. Drinkwater, Sidney WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. Smith, Edith Marion Drummond, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Drysdale, Duncan, 1 Jan. 1918. Duddtag, Bernard Phineas, 1 Jan. 1918. Duke, Reginald Franklin Hare, 1 Jan. 1918. Dunbar, Frank Hay, 1 Jan. 1918. Dunley, James, 1 Jan. 1918. Dupe, Mabel Alethea, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Dupte, Frederick Harold, 1 Jan. 1918. Durley, R. J, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) Durran, William, 1 Jan. 1918. Dutton, Beatrice Aim6e, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Eadie, Harold George, 1 Jan. 1918. Eagar, Edward Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. Eborall, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. Ede, Stuart Strickland Moore, 1 Jan. 1918. Edmonds, John Francis, 1 Jan. 1918 Edwards, Edith Constance, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918 Edwards, Hester Mary, Mrs. (at.) Elbourne, Edward Tregaskiss, 1 Jan. 1918. Elliott, Mabel Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1918. Elliott, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. Ellis, Amy Amelia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. EUison, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. Emery, Horace Milton, 1 Jan. 1918. Emmett, George Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. Eshelby, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1918. Esslemont, George Gall, 1 Jan. 1918. Estill, Harriet, 1 Jan. 1918. Everest, Edward Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. Fage, James Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. Faikney, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. Fahholme, Marie- Antoinette, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Falconer, James, 1 Jan. 1918. Fane, Samuel Maddams, 1 Jan. 1918. Farley, Edwin Wood Thorp, 1 Jan. 1918. Farquharson, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. Farraday, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) Farren, WUliam Scott, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) Feast, Edith M, Mrs.. 1 Jan. 1918. Fellowes, Alfred Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. Fenton, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. (it.) Fenton, Charles Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. Fenwick, Harriet Frances 1 Jan. 1918. Ferguson, Alpin, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) Findlay, Elizabeth Susan, 1 Jau. 1918. Findlay-HamUton, Georgina Julia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Finlay, May, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) Finnhnore, Benjamin Kingston, 1 Jan. 1918. Firth, Clare Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. Fisher, Honoria Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. FitzMaurice, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. Flannery; Harold Fortescue, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) Fletcher, BasU, 1 Jan. 1918. Foggo, Watson, 1 Jan. 1918. Foilett, Robert Charles, 1 Jau. 1918. Forbes, Mary Constance, 1 Jan. 1918. Ford, John, 1 Jan. 1918. Forrest, WiUiam Robinson Lidderdale, 1 Jan. 1918. Forster, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1918. Fossey, Frederick Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. Foster, Henry Knollys, 1 Jan. 1918. Foster, WiUiam MelvUle, 1 Jan. 1918. FoweU, Edward Turner, 1 Jan. 1918. Fowle, Helene, Mrs. John, 1 Jan. 1918. Fowler, Eveline Georgina, 1 Jan. 1918. Fraser, Evelyn Margaret, 1 Jan. 191S. Fraser, Thomas Houston, 1 Jan. 1918. Frewen, Edward James, 1 Jan. 1918 Frisby, Elizabeth Rowley, 1 Jan. 1918. Froud, WUliam Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. Fry, Dorothy Margaret, 1 Jan. 1918 Fry, John James, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) FuUer, Walter Everard, 1 Jan. 1918 GalUee, Mary Edith, 1 Jan. 1918 MEMBERS. 420 Gall, Christian McDowall, 1 Jan. 1918. 421 Gamble, John Dunn, 1 Jan. 1918. 423 Gard, Albert, 1 Jan. 1918. 424 Gardner, Nora Hilton, 1 Jan. 1918. 425 Gamett, Caroltae Sugden, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 426 Gamett, Helen Maude Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1918. 427 Garside,Constance EUzabeth, 1 Jan. 1918. 428 Geake, WiUiam Henry Gregory, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 429 Genower, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1918. 430 Geoghegan, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 431 Gibb, Allan, 1 Jan. 1918. 433 Gibson, Jane Margaret Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 435 Gibson, WUliam Charles Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 436 Giffard, Thomas Arthur Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 487 Gilbert, George JuUan, 1 Jan. 1918. 438 GUbert, Violet Adeline, 1 Jan. 1918. 439 GUes, Robert 1 Jan. 1918. 440 GilUngham, James Searle. 1 Jan. 1918. 441 Glennie, Maud, 1 Jan. 1918. 442 Glennie, Patrick Gordon, 1 Jan. 1918. 443 Godding, James WUUam Sleigh, 1 Jan. 1918. 444 Godfrey, Albert HamUton, 1 Jan. 1918. 445 Going, Fanny Augusta, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 448 Gooch, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 449 Goodail, Stanley Vernon, 1 Jan. 1918. 450 Goodcbild, Alwyn Valerie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 451 Goodland, Joshua, 1 Jan. 1918. 452 Goodwin, Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 453 Goodyear, Clarie Helen, 1 Jan. 1918. 454 Goodyear, Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. 455 Gordon, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 457 Gordon-Steward, LUy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 458 Gorman, Gorman, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bf.) 459 Gorton, Sandford George, 1 Jan. 1918. 462 Gould, Claude WiUiam Shepard, 1 Jan. 1918. 464 Graham, Christopher Colborne, 1 Jan. 1918. 465 Graham, Cuthbert, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 466 Graham, David Morgan, 1 Jan. 1918. 468 Graves, Regtaald Coupland, 1 Jan. 1918. 469 Gray, Charles Harold, 1 Jan. 1918. 470 Gray, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 471 Greaves, Constance Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 472 Green, Alexander John, 1 Jan. 1918. 473 Green, Hettie Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 474 Greenfield, Edith Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. 476 Gregson, Alvero Church, 1 Jan. 1918. 478 Grey, Charles WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. 479 Grieve, James Dyce, 1 Jan. 1918. 480 Griffith, Rev. EUis Hughes, 1 Jan. 1918. 481 Griffiths, Helen Maud, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 482 Grimbly, James Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 483 GrimsdaU, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 484 Grimsley, Ellen Maud, 1 Jan. 1918. 485 Gritton, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 486 Groom, Susannah, 1 Jan. 1918. 487 Groom, Professor Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. 489 Grundy, Allan WUson, 1 Jan. 1918. 491 Gubbins, MatUda Ida, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 492 Gummer, Philip Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 493 Guthrie-Smith, OUve Francis, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 494 Hadden, Frederick Weston, 1 Jan. 1918. 495 Hadnutt, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 496 Haigh, Bernard Parker, 1 Jan. 1918. 497 HaU, Harry Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. 498 HaU, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 499 HaUoran, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 600 HamUton, EmUy Moore, 1 Jan. 1918. 502 Hankinson, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 503 Hanna, Arthur Leonard, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 504 Hanson, Clarence Oldham, 1 Jan. 1918. 505 Hanton, Peter Kydd.l Jan. 1918. 506 Hardman James, 1 Jan. 1918. 507 Hardy, Frank Philip, 1 Jan. 1918. 508 Harries, George Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bf.) 509 Harris, Ethel, 1 Jan. 1918. 510 Harris, Samuel' WaUace, 1 Jan. 1918. (af.) 511 Harris, WiUiam Thomas Hooper, 1 Jan. 1918. 512 Hart-Cox, George. 1 Jan. 1918. 513 Harvey, Edward John Morewood, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 514 Harvey, Edwin WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 515 Harvey, Nicholas Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. (bi.) 516 Harvey, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. 518 Harwood, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 519 Haskins, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 521 Hastie, Peter, 1 Jan. 1918. 522 HasweU, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 523 Hawkins, Albert Victor, 1 Jan. 1918. 524 Hawkins, Thomas Shirley, 1 Jan. 1918. 525 Hay, Henrietta Louisa, 1 Jan. 1918. 526 Hayes. Arthur W, 1 Jan. 1918. 527 Hayes, Fredric James, 1 Jan. 1918. 528 Headley, Robert Hollowell, 1 Jan. 1918. 530 Heath, Herbert Charles Selwyn, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 531 Hebb, Florence Agnes, 1 Jan. 1918. 532 Henderson, AUce Craig, 1 Jan. 1918. 533 Henderson. George Blake, 1 Jan. 1918. 534 Henry, Jane Seltaa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 535 Henry, John, 1 Jan. 1918, 536 Herbert, Agnes Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. 537 Hewetson, John Tordiffe, 1 Jan. 1918. 538 Heynes, James Baylis, 1 Jan. 1918. 539 Hibberd, Henry George. 1 Jan. 1918. 540 Higman, Frank Sidney, 1 Jan. 1918. 541 Hlgson, Elizabeth Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 542 Hill, Arthur James, 1 Jan. 1918. 545 Hines, Arthur Sidney, 1 Jan. 1918. 646 Hobart, Violet Verve, Mrs. Claud Vere Cavendish, 1 Jan. 1918. 547 Hocking, William Stanley, 1 Jan. 1918. 548 Hogan, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 550 Hoile, George Vincent, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 551 Holgate-Smith, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 652 HoUand, Edith Clara, 1 Jan. 1918. 553 HoUoway, Frank Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 554 Holmes, Annie Gertrude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 665 Hooper, Charles Stuart, 1 Jan. 1918. 656 Hope-WaUace, Charles Nugent, 1 Jan. 1918. 557 Hopkins, Harry Sinclah, 1 Jan. 1918. 559 Hopps, Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 560 Horden, Florence Julia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 561 Home, Andrew Courts, 1 Jau. 1918. 563 Hornibrook, John Laurence, 1 Jan. 1918. 564 Houghton, E. F, 1 Jan. 1918. 565 Houston, Alexander McLean, 1 Jan. 1918. 566 Howard, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 568 Howard, Holly, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 569 Huddarf, Alfred Harry, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 571 Hughes, Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 572 Huleatt, Helen Cornelia, 1 Jan. 1918. 573 Humphreys, Edith Louisa Sophia, 1 Jan. 1918. 574 Humphreys, Harold Goundrill, 1 Jan. 1918. 575 Hunt, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 576 Hunt, Joseph Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 577 Hunt, William Wright, 1 Jan. 1918. 578 Hunter, John Leslie, 1 Jan. 1918. 579 Hunter, Marion Janet, 1 Jan. 1918. 582 Hutt, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 583 Hutt, John, 1 Jan. 1918. (BI.) 584 Hutton, WilUam Ross, 1 Jan. 1918. 585 Hsley, Arthur Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 586 ImpevJFrank, 1 Jan. 1918. 587 Inglis/Kate, 1 Jan. 1918. 588 Ireland, Blanche, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 590 Jack, James Robertson, 1 Jan. 1918. 591 Jackson, AUce Mabel Erskine.il Jan. 1918. 592 Jackson, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 593 Jackson, Hugh WiUan, 1 Jan. 1918. 594 Jackson, Joseph Clough, 1 Jan. 1918. 595 James, James Picton, 1 Jan. 1918. 596 James, Thomas Gwynfab, 1 Jan. 1918. 597 James, William Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 598 Jamieson, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 699 Jamieson, Charles Fleming, 1 Jan. 1918. 601 Jeffreys, Charles Nicholas Theodore, 1 Jan. 1918. 603 Jenkins, Albert David, 1 Jan. 1918. • 604 Jerrard, Gamett Longsdon, 1 Jan. 1918. 605 Jewell, Frank Ashton, 1 Jan. 1918. 607 Johnson, Frederick WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918, 608 Johnson, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. 609 Johnson, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1918. 610 Jolly, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 611 Jones, Edmund Vaughan, 1 Jan. 1918. 612 Jones, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 613 Jones, Harold Spencer, 1 Jan. 1918. 614 Jones, James Stuart, 1 Jan. 1918. 615 Jones, Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 616 Jones, Walter Owen, 1 Jan. 1918. 619 Judge, Wybrants, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 620 Justice, Charies Ernest WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 621 Kay, Sydney Entwisle, 1 Jan. 1918. 622 Kearney, Arthur Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. 623 Keary, Margaret Alice, 1 Jan. 1918. 624 Smith, Annie Margaret Keeble, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 626 Kelly, Frank Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 627 Kelly, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 628 Kelly, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 629 Welch, John Howard Kemp-, 1 Jan. 1918. 630 Kenny, WiUiam James, 1 Jan. 1918. 631 Keough, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bt.) 632 Ker, Helen Bethea, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 633 Kidd, Gladys Louise, 1 Jan. 1918. 634 Kidson, Arthur Frederic, 1 Jan. 1918. 635 KiUmayer, Leon Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. (BI.) 636 King, Norah, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 638 Kirk, Mabel CecU, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 639 Khkwood, Richard Cameron, 1 Jan. 1918. 640 Klitz, Wilfrid Robert, 1 Jau. 1918. 641 Knight, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 642 Knight, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 643 Knocker, George Stodart, 1 Jan. 1918. 644 Lack, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1918. 646 Lamb, Brydon, 1 Jan. 1918. 647 Lamb, Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1918. 648 LandeUs, Helena Jane, 1 Jan. 1918. 649 Lane, Harry Joseph, 1 Jan. 1918. 650 Langlands, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 651 Lapham, Robert John, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 652 Larter, Alfred Tabois, 1 Jan. 1918. 653 Laurie, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 654 Lawes, Ernest Lingwood, 1 Jan. 1918. 655 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 655 Lawrence, Aubrey Trevor, 1 Jan. 1918. 656 Lawrence, James, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 657 Laws, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 658 Layton, Maud Matilda, 1 Jan. 1918. 659 Leek, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 660 Leese, Clive, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 661 Leggett, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 662 Legh-Jones, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 663 Lemesurier, Edwin Philip, 1 Jan. 1918. (M.) 664 Levi, Louis, 1 Jan. 1918. 665 Lewis, Janet Marion Terry, 1 Jan. 1918. 666 Liddiard. Jessie, 1 Jan. 1918. 668 Lightbody, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 669 LiUicrap, Charles Swirt, 1 Jan. 1918. 670 Linfleld, Frederic Ca>sar, 1 Jan. 1918. 671 Linnell, Agnes Evelyn, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 672 Litchfield. John Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 673 Little, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 674 Livesey, Geraldine, 1 Jan. 1918. 677 Lloyd, Daniel Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 678 Jones, Alice Lloyd, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 680 Bunce, Thomas Lockwood, 1 Jan. 1918. 682 Longbotham, Arthur Thompson, 1 Jan. 1918. 686 Lovett, Frederic Reynolds, 1 Jan. 1918. 687 Lowe, Arthur Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 689 Lowe, Dorothy Ann Shelmerdine, 1 Jan. 1918. 690 Luck, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 692 Lyne, Horace Sampson, 1 Jan. 1918. 694 Macdonald, Eva Flora Caroline, 1 Jan. 1918. 695 Macdonald, Florence, 1 Jan. 1918. 696 Macdonald, John Angus, 1 Jan. 1918. 698 Macfarlane, Walter Mace, 1 Jan. 1918. 699 Macgregor, Archibald Bow, 1 Jan. 1918. 701 Machtig, Eric, 1 Jan. 1918. 703 MaoKay, Colin, 1 Jan. 1918. 704 Mackay, John George, 1 Jan. 1918. 705 Mackrow, George Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 706 MacLellan, WiUiam Archibald, 1 Jan. 1918. 707 MacQueen, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 708 Macqueeu, Margaret Marsden, 1 Jan. 1918. 709 Maeers, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 710 Main, Melville Pownall, 1 Jan. 1918. 711 Maitland, Adam, 1 Jan. 1918. 712 Maktos, Agatha Caroline, 1 Jan. 1918. 713 Malcolm, Jeanne Marie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 714 Malcolm, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 715 Mallett, John Moore, 1 Jan. 1918. 717 Mann, Gerard Noel Cornwallis, 1 Jan. 1918. 718 Mann, WUUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 719 Manning, Albert John, 1 Jau. 1918. 720 Marchbank, Helen Millicent, 1 Jan. 1918. 721 Marriott, Ethel Gertrude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 722 Martin, Beatrix Maria. 1 Jan. 1918. 723 Martin, Ernest Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 724 Martin, John-Bentick, 1 Jan. 1918. 725 Mason, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 727 Maton, WUliam Henry George, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 728 Matthews. Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 729 Matthews, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 730 Mavrogordato, Paul John, 1 Jan. 1918. 731 Mayberry, Lucy Powys, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 732 Mayes, Henry George, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 734 McCall, David, 1 Jan. 1918. 735 McCammon, George WiUiam Richardson, 1 Jan. 1918 736 McCormick Gerald Bernard, 1 Jan. 1918. 737 McCutchan, William Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 738 McDonald, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. (fit.) 739 McGavin, Maude, 1 Jan. 1918. 741 McLachlan, Donald McBrayne, 1 Jan. 1918. 742 McLaren, Maurice Paterson, 1 Jan. 1918. 743 McLean, Esther Fanny, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 745 McLean, Matthew Adam, 1 Jan. 1918. 749 Medrow, Walter Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. 752 Menzies, Charles Duncan, 1 Jan. 1918. 753 Merriman, Henry John, 1 Jan. 1918. 754 Metcalfe, Edith Minna, 1 Jan. 1918. 755 Methven, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 756 Michell, John Deeble, 1 Jan. 1 918. 758 Middleton, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1918. (st.) 759 Millar, Ella Morison, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 760 Miller, Annie, 1 Jan. 1918. 761 Mills, John Edwin, 1 Jan. 1918. 762 MUlward, Richard Tudor, 1 Jan. 1918. 76a Milne, George, 1 JaD. 1918. 764 MUne, John Ferguson, 1 Jan. 1918. 765 Milne, John Robertson, 1 Jan. 1918. 766 Mingard, Herbert Samuel, 1 Jan. 191S. 767 Mitchell, George Bennett, 1 Jan. 1918. 768 MitcheU, John Adamson, 1 Jan. 1918. 769 Mitchell, Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 770 Moberly, James Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 771 Moffatt, Alexander George, 1 Jan. 1918. 772 Moh, Annie Maitland, 1 Jan. 1918. 773 Moll, Frederick WiUiam, 1 Jan. h>j.o. 774 Monk, Owen, 1 Jan. 1918. 775 Monk, William Dusar, 1 Jan. 1918. 776 Monkhouse, OUve Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1918. 777 Montford, Eleanora, 1 Jan. 1918. 778 Montgomerie, Isabella Macallster, 1 Jan. 1918. 779 Morgan, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 656 I 780 Morgan, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bt.) 781 Morris, Frederick Montague Augustus, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 782 Morson, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 783 Mort, John WilUam, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 784 Morten-Turner, Lucy Aylwin, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 786 Moseley, Arthur Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 787 Moss, George Sinclah, 1 Jan. 1918. 788 Munford, Frank Jago, 1 Jan. 1918. 789 Murphy, Henry Palmer, 1 Jan. 1918. 790 Murphy, Jerome Bernard, 1 Jan. 1918. 791 Murray, James Robertson, 1 Jan. 1918. 792 Myhea, Mrs. Maynard, 1 Jan. 1918. 793 Nairn, George Alexander Stokes, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 794 Naish, Harold Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 796 Neame, Ada Grace, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 797 Neame, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 798 Needham, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 799 Nelson, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 800 Nicholas, Alice Jane Winifred, 1 Jan. 1918. 801 Nicholson, Evelyn Joanna, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 802 Nicholson, John Steel, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 803 Nicol, John Strathdel, 1 Jan. 1918. 805 Northam, JameB, 1 Jan. 1918. 806 Northcott, George H. A, 1 Jan. 1918. 807 Notley, LesUe Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. 808 Nott, Harry Augustus, 1 Jan. 1918. 809 Oakeshott, Reuben, 1 Jan. 1918. 810 OgUvie, Helen Leslie, 1 Jan. 1918. 812 O'Reilly, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 813 Ormston, John Maurice, 1 Jan. 1918. 815 Orton, C. J, 1 Jan. 1918. 816 Oswald, Ethel Margaret Oswald, 1 Jan. 1918. 817 OttewiU, James Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 819 Owen, John Albert, 1 Jan. 1918. 820 Owen, Richard Trevor Tudor, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 821 Page, Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 822 PaUin, Sydney David, 1 Jan. 1918. 823 Palmer, Horace Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 824 Palmer, May Blanche, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 826 Parker, Percy Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 827 Parker, Sidney Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 828 Parr, George Herbert Edmeston, 1 Jan. 1918. 829 Paul, Janie Ramsbottom, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 830 Pauli, Catherine Swan, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1918. 831 Payne, Janet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 832 Pead, Winifred, 1 Jan. 1918. 833 Pearce, Agnes Isobel, 1 Jan. 1918. 835 Peet, Howard, 1 Jau. 1918. 836 Peirce, Richard Gall, 1 Jan. 1918. 837 Pell, Henry William, 1 Jan. 1918. 838 Petting, Charlie, 1 Jan. 1918. 840 Peters, Bernard Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. 841 Peters, CecU James Razzell, 1 Jan. 1918. 842 Pettet, Walter Bell, 1 Jan. 1918. 843 PhUlips, David, 1 Jan. 1918. 844 Phillips, Henry Dixon, 1 Jan. 1918. 845 PhUlips, Henry Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 846 PhiUips, James Falkner, 1 Jan. 1918 847 PhiUips, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 848 PhilUps, Walter John, 1 Jan. 1918. 849 Pickering, AUce Mabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 850 Pitting, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 851 Ptochard, Rev. Arnold Theophilus Biddulph, 1 Jau. 1918 853 Piper, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 854 Pippard, Alfred John Sutton, 1 Jan. 1918. 855 Pledger, Charles Russell, 1 Jan. 1918. 856 Pomeroy, Amy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 857 Porter, Amy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 858 Porters, Robert Halstead, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 859 Potter, Francis Martin, 1 Jan. 1918. 860 Poultney, Edward Cecil, 1 Jan. 1918. 861 Power, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 862 Poynter, Vernon Hamilton, 1 Jan. 1918. 863 Smith,- Maye Alice Pressley, 1 Jan. 1918. 864 Price, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 865 Price- Williams, Janet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 866 Prime, Frederick Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 867 Prower, Ernest Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 868 Prytherch, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1918. 869 Purchas, Frederick Hayden, 1 Jan. 1918. 870 Quick, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1918. 871 QuUter, Joseph Rogers, 1 Jan. 1918. 872 Radcliffe, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 873 Rankin, George WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 874 Rankin, John Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 875 Read, George Daniel, 1 Jan. 1918. 876 Reading, Joseph WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 877 Readman, Annie Bradley, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 878 Reid, Charies Clements, 1 Jan. 1918. 879 Reid, IsabeUa Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1918. 880 Remington, Percy Thorndou, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 881 Reynolds, Clement Unsworth, 1 Jan. 1918. 882 Reynolds, WiUiam Howe, 1 Jan. 1918. 883 Riach, David Mackinlay Potter, 1 Jan. 1918. (BI 884 Rice, Percy Christopher, 1 Jan. 1918. 885 Richardson, George Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 886 Richardson, Peter, 1 Jan. 1918. 887 Rickett, Alfred Charles James, 1 Jan. 1918. 888 Rider, Graham Stanley, 1 Jan. 1918. 890 Riordan, Patrick, 1 Jan. 1918, MEMBERS. 892 Ritchie, Sir James WiUiam, Bart, 1 Jan. 1918. 894 Roberts, Herbert Wallace, 1 Jan. 1918. 895 Robertshaw, Robert Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 896 Robertson, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 897 Robertson, James Constable, 1 Jau. 1918. 898 Robertson, Winifred Agnes Florence, 1 Jan. 1918. 899 Robinson, George Lovely, 1 Jan. 1918. 900 Robinson, Wiliam Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 901 Robson, James, 1 Jan. 191S. 902 Rogers, George James Nicholas, 1 Jan. 1918. 903 Rogers, Richard Hawke, 1 Jan. 1918. 904 Rogers, Thomas Edward, 1 Jau. 1918. 905 Romney, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 906 Ronca, James Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. 908 RossaU, Jane, 1 Jan. 1918. 909 Rowbotham, James MacKean, 1 Jan. 1918. 910 Rowland, Arthur Maynard, 1 Jan. 1918. 911 Rowley, MUdred, 1 Jan. 1918 912 Rowlinson, Henry George, 1 Jan. 1918. 913 Roworth, Harry James. 1 Jan. 1918. 914 Rowse, Arthur Albert, 1 Jau. 1918. 915 Royle, Thomas Wright, 1 Jan. 1918. 916 Rush, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. (BI.) 917 Rust, Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 918 Rutter, Herbert LleweUyn, 1 Jan. 191S. 920 Sadler, Henry. 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 922 Sandeman, Ella Victoire, 1 Jan. 1918. 924 Sargent, Walter Anthony, 1 Jan. 1918. 926 Saunders, Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 928 Saunders, Thomas Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 929 Setoff, Ernst, 1 Jan. 1918. 931 Seddon, James, 1 Jan. 1918. 933 Seymour, Lettuce, 1 Jan. 1918. 934 Shacklady, Thomas George, 1 Jan. 1918. 937 Slhlstone, Walter Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. (BI.) 938 Shorey, Percy Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 939 Siddle, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 940 Sidebottom, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 941 Sillar, Arthur Molyneux, 1 Jan. 1918. 942 Simmonds, Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. 943 Simpson, John Leonard, 1 Jan. 1918. 944 Sinclah, George Greig, 1 Jan. 1918. 945 SitweU, WUUam Sacheverel, 1 Jan. 1918. 946 Skinner, Edward John, 1 Jan. 1918. 948 Smith, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 949 Smith, Albert, 1 Jan. 1918. 951 Smith, Frank WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 952 Smith, Gladys Augusta, 1 Jan. 1918. 953 Smith, Harold, 1 Jan. 1918. 954 Smith, Harold Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 955 Smith, James Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. 956 Smith, Rodney, 1 Jan. 1918. 957 Smith, Sydney, 1 Jan. 1918. 959 Smith, Stanley George Drew, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 960 Smyth, Francis Watson, 1 Jan. 1918. 962 Snowden, Frederick Cousins, 1 Jan. 1918. 963 SommervUle, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 965 Spttler, Edward Francis, 1 Jan. 1918. 966 Spivey, Charles Henry Hughes, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 967 Sprtagate, Edward Tom, 1 Jan. 1918. 968 Springer, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. 969 Squirrell, Joseph Cooper, 1 Jan. 1918. 970 Stacey, Fanny, 1 Jau. 1918. 971 Stafford, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 972 Stafford, James WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 973 Stansfield, Louis Donald, 1 Jan. 1918. 974 Staple, Rev. Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. 976 Stevenson, Herbert Given, 1 Jan. 1 918. 977 Stewart, Elizabeth Woodhead, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1918. 978 Stewart, Jean Carruthers. 1 Jan. 1918. 979 Stewart, John, 1 Jan. 19l8. 980 Stewart, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 981 StiU, Ernest Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 982 Stokes, Richard Albert, 1 Jan. 1918. 983 Stone, Leslie Norman Waldegrave, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 985 Storey, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 986 Strevens, Irene, 1 Jan. 1918. 987 Stringer, Ernest Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 989 Stuckey, EUen Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1918. 991 Sutton, Arthur Eraser, 1 Jan. 1918. (si.) 992 Sydenham, Lewis George, 1 Jan. 1918. 993 Sykes, Mary Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 994 Sykes, Percy Duncan, 1 Jan. 1918. 996 Tancock, Charles Crump, 1 Jan. 1918. 997 Tapp, John Reuben, 1 Jan. 1918. 998 Tasker. Grace Rosina, 1 Jan. 1918. 999 Tayler, Mary Beatrice Churcnill, 1 Jan. 1918. 1000 Taylor, AUce Maud Rowson, 1 Jan. 1918. 1002 Taylor, Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 1003 Taylor, Esther Hilda, 1 Jan. 1918 1004 Taylor, George Wilson, 1 Jan. 1918. 1008 Thew, Charlton, 1 Jan. 1918. 1009 Thomas, Arthur Augustus, 1 Jan. 1918. 1010 Thomas, Olive Morton, 1 Jan. 1918. 1011 Thompson, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1012 Thomson, Adam Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 1013 Thomson, Archibald, 1 Jan. 1918. 1014 Thomson, Margaret Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1918. 1015 ThornhiU, John Samuel Alphonso McCoan, 1 Jan. 1918. I 1017 Thorpe, Hannah Maud Taylor, 1 Jan. 1018. 1018 Thorpe, Walter Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1918. (at.) 1019 Thurston, Hugh KingsmUl Neville, 1 Jan. 1918. 1020 Ticehurst, Hugh Gorham, 1 Jan. 1918. 1021 TiU, Violet Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1918. 1022 Tims, Edwin George Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bf.) 1023 Toflt, Walter Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. (BI.) 1024 Tom, Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 1025 Tomkinson, Marion, 1 Jan. 1918. 1026 Tourtel, John Mesny, 1 Jan. 1018. 1028 Townsond, Lucy Mabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1029 Townshend, Anna, 1 Jan. 1918. 1030 Tozer, Edward John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1031 Trench, Gwendoline Heron, Mrs. Richard Bayley Chenevix, 1 Jan. 1918. 1032 Trevor, Rosamond, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 1033 Trick, William Burrows, 1 Jan. 1918. 1034 Trigger, Oliver, 1 Jan. 1918. 1036 Turner, Ada Mary, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1918 1037 Turner, George Bankart, 1 Jan. 19i8. (bi.) 1039 Turton, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 1040 Tweedale, James. 1 Jan. 1918. 1041 Vann, Walter Gerald, 1 Jan. 1918. 1042 Vardy, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1043 Varley, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1044 Vaughan, Arthur Ronald, 1 Jan. 1918. 1045 Vigers, Ruth Sarah, 1 Jan. 1918. 1046 Vigor, Harold Decimus, 1 Jan. 1918. 1047 Viney, Albert William, 1 Jan. 1918. 1048 Vivian, Nancy Lycett, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 1049 Wade, Francis Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. 1050 Waggott, Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 1051 Wainwright, Charles Richard, 1 Jan. 1918. 1052 Waite, Alice May, 1 Jan. 1918. 1053 Walker, Alexander Mann, 1 Jan. 1918. 1054 Walker, Charles Edmund, 1 Jan. 1918. 1055 Walker, John Drummond, 1 Jan. 1918. 1056 Walker, John Frederick, 1 Jan. 1918. 1057 Walker, Maria Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1058 Walker, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 1059 Walker, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bt.) 1060 Wallace, Augusta Maud, Lady, 1 Jau. 1918. 1061 WalUs, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 1062 Walton, John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 1064 Ward, Caroline Theodora, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1065 Wardle, Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 1066 Wardle, Percy Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 1067 Watkins, Arthur Glyn, 1 Jan. 1918. 1068 Watkins, Thomas Percival Holmes, 1 Jan. 191S. 1069 Watson, Isabella Clark, 1 Jan. 1918 1070 Watson, William George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1071 Watts, Henry Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. 1072 Weatherhead, Adam, 1 Jan. 1918. 1073 Webb, Ella Gertrude Amy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1075 Webb, Herbert Stephen, 1 Jan. 1918. 1076 Weighell, Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 1077 Weir, George Jackson, 1 Jan. 1918. 1078 Welsh. Cecile CampbeU, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1079 West, James Hales, 1 Jan. 1918. 1080 West, WiUiam George, 1 Jan. 1918. (it.) 1081 Westland, John Lowe, 1 Jan. 1918. 1082 Weston, Edith Ivy, 1 Jan. 1918. 1083 Wheatley, Thomas Angas, 1 Jan. 1918. 1084 Whitby, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1918. 1085 White, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 1086 White, Jesse Obadiah, 1 Jan. 1918. 1087 White, Percy Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 1088 White, Professor Robert George, 1 Jan. 1 918. 1089 Whiting, Gerald, 1 Jan. 1918. 1090 Whitten, George Jackson, 1 Jan. 1918. 1091 Whitteridge, Percy Claydon, 1 Jan. 1918. (sf.) 1092 Whittle, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1093 Wilkinson, Christopher Henry George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1095 WiUiams, Ernest Graham, 1 Jan. 1918. 1096 Williams, Isabel Rose, 1 Jan. 1913. 1097 Williamson, Richard Charles, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bt.) 1098 WilUams-Wynn, Elizabeth Ida, Mrs. Robert William Herbert Watkin. 1 Jan. 1918. 1099 Willicot, George Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1918. (31.) 1100 Willis, Cecil Herbert Stanley, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 1101 Willscu, Rose. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1103 Wilson, Harry Gouldie, 1 Jan. 1918. 1104 Wilson, William, 1 Jar. 1918. 1105 Winn, Rowland, 1 Jan. 1918. 1106 Winter, Henry Elsbury, 1 Jan. 1918. 1107 Smith. Constance Evelyn Winwood-, 1 Jan. 1918. 1108 Wise, Percy Furlong, 1 Jan. 1918. 1109 Wolfenden, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1918. 1110 Wood, Frances Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. 1111 Wood, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 1112 Woodford, Charles Merllynn, 1 Jan. 1918. 1113 Wood-HUl, Amy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1114 Woods, Charlie Roland, 1 Jan. 1918. 1115 Woodyear, Irene, 1 Jan. 1918. 1116 Woollard. Frank George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1118 Wotton, Walter John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1120 Wright, Professor Mark Robinson, 1 Jan. 1918. 1121 Wright, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1918. 1122 Wright, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 1123 Wykes, Leonard Graveney, 1 Jan. 1918. 657 2u THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1124 Wynne, Nora, 1 Jan. 1918. 1125 Young, David WUberforce, 1 Jan. 1918. 1127 Young, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1128 Young, Patricia, 1 Jan. 1918. 1129 Young, Thomas, 1 Jau. 1918. 1130 Youngman, Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 1131 Barton, LiUan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1132 DureU, Deaconess Margaret, 1 Jan. 1918. 1133 Thubron, Kate, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1134 McCarthy, May, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1135 Spencer, Edith, 1 Jan. 1918. 1136 Wyld, Florence Maria, 1 Jan. 1918. 1137 Bhd, Herbert Ruben, 1 Jan. 1918. 1138 Naik, Rao Bahadur Rango Govtod, 1 Jan. 1918. 1139 Judge, Charles Edward Miller, 1 Jan. 1918. 1140 Jones, Frank Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 1141 Fulford, Edward Oliver Heywood, 1 Jan. 191S 1143 Mcintosh, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1144 Douglas, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1146 Middleton, George Burnett, 1 Jan. 1918. 1147 SkeUy, Henry Wilfrid, 1 Jan. 1918. 1148 Weaver, Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. 1149 Mason, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 1150 Moore, Pye, 1 Jan. 1918. 1151 Boxall, George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1152 Potts, Allen Calder, 1 Jan. 1918. 1153 Dennett, Sydney, 1 Jan. 1918. 1154 Austin, Albert Sydney, 1 Jan. 1918. 1155 Calthrop, Hugh V. E, 1 Jan. 1918. 1156 Cave, H. C, 1 Jan. 1918. 1157 Dean, Ida Florence, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1158 de Boise, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 1159 Draper, Thomas Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. 1160 Egan, Kate, 1 Jan. 1918. 1161 Elworthy, E. G, 1 Jan. 1918. 1162 Isbister, W. J, 1 Jan. 1918 1163 Laidley, Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1164 Robertson, W. T, 1 Jan. 1918. 1165 Sinclah, Robert Albert Dunbar, 1 Jan. 1918. 1166 Skene, LiUias Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1167 Stephen, Nancy Consett, 1 Jan. 1918. 1169 Bissland Emma, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1170 Burgess. Ann, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1171 Burt, Jean, 1 Jan. 1918. 1172 Coradine, Sarah Ann, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1173 Crawford, Harriette Sophia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1174 Donaldson, George Lester, 1 Jan. 1918. 1176 Fenton, Edith, 1 Jan. 1918. 1177 Forrester, Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1178 Gibbons, Hope, 1 Jan. 1918. 1179 Guinness, Florence, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1180 Harding, Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1181 Hawke, Leah Lucy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1182 Jack, Douglas WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 1183 Khkpatrick, Mary Hawkins, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918 1184 Lamer, Victor John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1185 Leaver, Kate Rose, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1186 Levinge, Edward George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1187 McLean, Isabel, 1 Jan. 1918. 1188 Manning, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 1189 Moorhouse, WUliam Henry Sefton, 1 Jau. 1918. 1190 Nash, Elizabeth LUy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1191 Ngata, Arihia Kane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1192 Perry, George Albert, 1 Jan. 1918. 1193 Robertson, Herbert James Duncan, 1 Jan. 1918. 1195 Sherratt, Alice Georgina, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1196 Simpson, Jean, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1197 Snodgrass, WilUam Wallace, 1 Jan. 1918. 1198 Spedding, Belle, 1 Jan. 1918. 1199 Stead, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 1200 Thompson, Maurice, 1 Jan. 1918. 1201 Thomson, Patricia Clay, 1 Jan. 1918. 1202 Treleaven, Charles John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1203 Varney, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 1204 Webster, Georgina, 1 Jan. 1918. 1205 Barnett, Ezra John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1206 Bourne, Lucy Dorothea, Lady, 1 Jan. 1918. 1207 Calder, WiUiam Beale, 1 Jan. 1918. 1208 Clark, Herbert Ernest, 1 Jan. 1918. 1209 Clarkson, Francis George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1211 DougaU, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1212 Dunlop, Robert, 1 Jan. 1918. 1215 Faure, Pieter Jacobus van Breda, 1 Jan. 1918. 1216 Fraser, Laura Vivienne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1217 Friedlander, Grace Christian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1218 Giovanetti, Constantine WilUam, 1 Jan. 1918. 1219 Girdwood, Alexander Forsyth, 1 Jan. 1918. 1220 How, Willoughby, 1 Jan. 1918. 1221 Izod, Edwin Gilbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 1222 Kerns ey, John Chambers, 1 Jan. 1918. 1223 Martin, Elizabeth Evelyn, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1224 Moller, Justina WiUielmina Nancy, Mrs, 1 Jan 1918 1225 Murray, Susan Ann, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1226 NuttaU, Maria, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1227 Orr, John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1228 Parker, Mary Jeannette, 1 Jan. 1918. 1229 Parkyns, Thomas Samuel, 1 Jan. 1918. 1230 Rees, Catherine M.irv, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1233 Sleitli, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1918. 1234 Stowe, Richard Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 658 1236 Townshend, Arthur Walter, 1 Jan. 1918. 1237 Van der Bijl, Kate Amy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1238 Vintcent, Rose LiUan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1241 Blackall, WUUam Walker, 1 Jan. 1918. 1242 Burke, Vincent Patrick, 1 Jan. 1918. 1243 Curtis, Rev. Levi, 1 Jan. 1918. 1244 Green, EUzabeth Settna, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1245 Hayward, Annie, 1 Jan. 1918. 1246 McKay, Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. 1247 Morris, Eliza Mary Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1248 Rennie, WiUiam Hoyles, 1 Jan. 1918. 1249 Steer, Frank, 1 Jan. 1918. 1250 BeU, Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. (BI.) 1251 Bonavia, Marie, Mrs. Edgar, 1 Jan. 1918. 1252 Bowen, EUen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1253 Briscoe, Ada Ellen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1254 Bruce, Robert Randal, 1 Jan. 1918. 1255 Cassels, John Borlase, 1 Jan. 1918. 1257 Clumeck, Marie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1258 CoUymore, Frederick Appleton, 1 Jan. 1918. 1259 Cook, Katharine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1260 Cummings, Emanuel Henry, 1 Jan. 1918. 1261 de Cordova, Judith, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1918. 1262 Douglas, Annie Jane, 1 Jan. 1918. 1263 Draper, Christopher Robert Burroughs, 1 Jan. 191S. 1264 Fitzpatrick, Matthew McKean, 1 Jan. 1918. 1266 Fraser, Percy Louis Alexander, 1 Jan. 1918. 1267 Fremantle, John Morton, 1 Jan. 1918. 1268 Goodall, Edward Basil Herbert, 1 Jan. 1918. 1269 Griffin, Eugene Patrick, 1 Jan. 1918. 1270 Hand, John Pierce, 1 Jan. 1918. 1271 Hutchinson, Robert Oliphant, 1 Jan. 1918. 1272 Johnson, Agnes Norah, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1273 Jones, Edgar Anderson Averaye, 1 Jan. 1918. 1274 Kearney, Tereza Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. 1275 Lanitis, Vrasidas Demitriou, 1 Jan. 1918. 1276 Guan, Lee Choon, 1 Jan. 1918. 1277 Lofthouse, Elizabeth Ann, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1278 Lyons, George Graham Percy, 1 Jan. 1918. 1279 Mifsud, Anne GUI, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1280 Moseley, Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. 1282 Popham, Henry Bradshaw, 1 Jau. 1918. 1283 Rattray, Robert Sutherland, 1 Jan. 1918. 1284 Reid, Maria Jean, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1286 Sheppard, Herbert St. John, 1 Jan. 1918. 1287 Stanley, WiUiam Blakeney, 1 Jan. 1918. 1288 Toogood, John James, 1 Jan. 1918. 1289 Tremlett, Frederic Thomas George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1290 Tucker, Ada Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1291 Usher, Archibald Rhys, 1 Jan. 1918. 1292 Webster, Gustavus WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1918. 1293 WeUs, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1918. 1294 Wood, Thomas Alfred, 1 Jan. 1918. 1296 Beasley, Madeleine, 1 Jan. 1918. 1297 Beeby-Thompson, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1918. 1298 Buchan, Andrew, 1 Jau. 1918. (st.) 1299 Coke, Hon. Mrs. Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1918. 1300 ColUns, Gladys Mary, 1 Jan. 1918. (St.) 1301 Duckworth, Francis Robinson 1918. (St.) 1302 Finch, George Ingle, 1 Jan. 1918. 1303 Frood, Mary Sophia, 1 Jan. 1918. 1304 GUI, LUias Ida, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. , 1307 Kenyon, Margaret Kttroy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1918. 1308 Lench, WUliam F, 1 Jan. 1918. (Bt.) 1311 Owens, William, 1 Jan. 1918. 1314 Switheubank, John William, 1 Jan. 1918. 1314a Johnston, Francis, 15 Feb. 1918. (at). 1315 Fisken. Alice Maude. 24 May, 1918. 1316 Fisken, LUy Edith, 24 May, 1918. 1317 Kiddle, John Lindsay, 24 May, 1918. 1318 Smith, Percy, 24 May, 1918. 1319 Pomfret, Edith Mary, Mrs, 24 May, 1918. 1320 Abbott, Charles Reginald, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1321 Abbott, John Dixon, 3 June, 1918. 1322 Acraman, Ivor Yorath, 3 June, 1918. 1323 Adamson, John Stockton, 3 June, 1918. 1324 Adcock, Fred, 3 June, 1918. 1325 Addy. Ernest, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 1326 Ainslie, Eustace Montagu Lafone, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1327 Aitchison, Agnes Mary, 3 June, 1918. 1328 Aitken, Andrew, 3 June, 1918. 1329 Alcock, Violet May, 3 June, 1918. 1330 Aldam, Sarah Julia, Mrs. WiUiam Wright Warde-, 3 June, 1918 1331 Alder, George, 3 June, 1918. 1333 Aldrldge, William Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 1334 Alexander, Samuel Grant, 3 June, 1918. 1335 Allan, James Craig, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1330 Allen, Michael Henry Percival, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1337 AUinson, Ephraim, 3 June, 1918. 1338 Allison, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1339 AUum, Horace Benjamin, 3 June, 1918. 1340 Ambrose, Philip Fermor, 3 June, 1918. 1341 Amey, Fulcher, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 1342 Amy, Lillian Eva, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1343 Anderson, Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1344 Anderson, Charles James, 3 June, 1918. 1345 Anderson, Daisy Kate, 3 June, 1918. 1346 Anderson, George, 3 June, 1918. Gladstone, 1 Jan (si.) (31.) (at.) (si.) MEMBERS. 1347 Anderson, Percy, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1348 Andrews, CyrU Rogers, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1350 Andrews, Horace George, 3 June, 1918. 1351 Appleby, Geoffrey Edmund, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1352 Archer, Thomas WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1353 Armitstead, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1354 Armstrong, Robert Bayles, 3 June, 1918. 1355 Armstrong. Thomas Edward Steele, 3 June, 1918. (at ) 1356 Arnold, Henry George, 3 June, 1918. 1357 Ashford, Mary Adelaide, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1358 Ashton, George Kerfoot, 3 June, 1918. 1359 Atherton, WUUam Thomas Finley, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1360 Atkinson, Dorothea, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1361 Atkinson, Lucy Mary Montagu, 3 June, 1918. 1362 Audland, William Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1364 Ayres, Henry John, 3 June, 1918. 1365 Backhouse, Edith Frances, 3 June, 1918. 1366 BaUey, CyrU. 3 June, 1918. 1367 BaUey, Sidney AUred, 3 June, 1918. 1368 BaUey, WiUiam Edward, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1369 BaUlie, Elizabeth Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 191S. 1370 Baines, John WilUam Owen, 3 June, 1918. 1371 Bahd, Constance Kennedy, 3 June, 1918. 1372 Baker, Atheltag Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 1373 BaU, Frank Clement, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 1374 Bamford, Louisa Orme, IDs, 3 June, 1918. 1375 Bancroft, James, 3 June, 1918. 1376 Bannerman, David Armitage, 3 June, 1918. 1377 Barber, Louis Walter, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1378 Barker, Evelyn, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1379 Barker, Harold Hastings, 3 June, 1918. 1381 Barnett, Geoffrey Arthur, 3 June, 1918. (m.) 1882 Barnett, Samuel Henry GUmore, 3 June, 1918. 1383 Barns, Stephen AUen, 3 June, 1918. 1384 Baron, HUda Madeleine, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1385 Barton, Ernest Wilfred Edwards, 3 June, 1918. 1386 Bassett, John William Abell, 3 June, 1918. 1387 Batch, Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1388 Bate, Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1389 Bates, Charles William, 3 June, 1918. 1390 Batger, Janet Mary, Mrs,, 3 June, 1918. 1391 Batten, Beatrix Marguerite, 3 June, 1918. 1392 Batten, John Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1393 Batten, Winifred Eleanor Sarah, 3 June, 1918. 1394 Batty, George Henry, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1395 BayUss, Edward Swayn, 3 June, 1918. 1396 Bayliss, GUbert Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1397 Baynes, Charlotte Augusta, 3 June, 1918. 1398 Beanes, Warwick Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1399 Beard, Richard Frith, 3 June, 1918. 1400 Beattie, John MhTar, 3 June, 1918. 1401 Bfecroft, Arthur Edward, 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1402 Begg, Donald Glassford, 3 June, 1918. 1403 BeU, Charles David Jarrett, 3 June, 1918. 1404 Batabridge-BeU, Kathleen Audrey Danvers, 3 June, 1918. 1405 Bell, Lee, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1406 Benjamin, Florence Sarah, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1407 Bennett, WUliam Roger, 3 June, 1918. 1408 Benson, Bessie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1409 Beresford, Charles Frederick Delaval, 3 June, 1918. 1410 Berry, Mary Ann, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1411 BetheU, WUliam Edmund, 3 June, 1918. 1412 Bickley, Nora Magdalen, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1414 BUton, Christina TurnbuU, 3 June, 1918. 1415 Binnie, Annie Janet, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1416 Binns, Aubrey Brian, 3 June, 1918. 1417 Birch, Wyndham Lindsav, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1418 Bhd, Douglas Joseph, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1419 Birrell, Hugh, 3 June, 1918. 1420 Birtwistle, Philip, 3 June, 1918. 1421 Bishop, Richard Winsor, 3 June, 1918. 1422 Black, Gordon Boyes, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1423 Blackett, Mortimer Charles, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 1424 Blackman, Ida Louisa, 3 June, 1918. 1425 Blackwell, Harry Cooper, 3 June, 1918. 1426 Blackwell, HUda, 3 June, 1918. 1427 Blair, Atholl, 3 June, 1918. 1428 Blah, Robert, 3 June. 1918. 1429 Blamires, Mary, Mis, 3 June, 1918. 1430 Blaylock, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1432 Bloor, Frank Robert, 3 June, 1918. (st ) 1433 Blount, Mary, 3 June, 1918. 1434 Blyth, Hon. Mrs. James Audley, 3 June, 1918. 1435 Bolt, Daniel Roberts, 3 June, 1918. 1436 Bolton, Edwin, 3 June, 1918. 1437 Bond, James Ryding, 3 June, 1918. 1439 Bonser, WUliam Frederic, 3 June, 1918. 1441 Boosey, Madge, 3 June, 1918. 1442 Booth, Maud, 3 June, 1918. 1443 Borland, Robert Gordon, 3 June, 1918. 1444 Bosanquet, Thomas Albert Edward James, 3 June 1445 Boulnois, Emma Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1446 Bourn, Thomas WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1447 Bowles, Elizabeth, 3 June, 1918. 1448 Bowman, Alfred Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1450 Boyd, Anne Jamieson, 3 June, 1918. 1451 Brackenbury, Florence Adelia, Mrs.. 3 June, 1918. 1452 Bradshaw, Stanley Goodwin, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1453 Brain, Edwin Lewton-, 3 June, 1918. 1455 Brake, Ethel Primrose, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1456 Bramwell, Percy, 3 June, 1918. 1457 Shahp, Gertrude Ethel, Mrs. Algernon, 3 June, 1918. 1458 Bremner, David, 3 June, 1918. 1459 Brennan, Vincent Talbot, 3 June, 1918. 1460 Brewls, Thomas Stamp, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1461 Brice, Mary Helen Thorpe, 3 June, 1918. 1462 Brickenden, Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1463 Bridger, Stanley Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 1464 Brien, Owen, 3 June, 1918. 1465 Briggs, Elsie Baron, 3 June, 1918. 1466 BriU, Gwendoline Mary, 3 June, 1918. 1467 Brodie, Arthur William, 3 June, 1918. 1468 Brodie, Rhoda, 3 June, 1918. 1469 Brooks, Alice, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1470 Broome, Louis Egerton, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1471 Broomfleld, Frederick Harry, 3 June, 1918. 1472 Brown, Albert Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1473 Brown, Cecil Norman, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1474 Brown, Cicely Leadley-, 3 June, 1918. 1475 Brown, Cuthbert, 3 June, 1918. 1476 Brown, David, 3 June, 1918. 1477 Brown, Everard Kenneth, 3 June, 1918. (SI 1478 Brown, Geoffrey WUliam, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 1479 Brown, George Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 1480 Brown, Harry Percy, 3 June, 1918. 1481 Brown, Margaret Bennett, 3 June, 1918. 1482 Brown, Mary Louisa Hester, Mrs. Clerke-, 3 June, 1918. 1483 Brown, Reginald, 3 June, 1918. 1484 Bruce, Charles Brudenell, 3 June, 1918 1485 Bruce, Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1486 Bryning, Emma Jane, 3 June, 1918. 1487 Buchanan, Rhoda Agnes, Mrs, 3 June, 191S. 1488 Buck, Frank Steele, 3 June, 1918. 1489 Buck, Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1490 Buckle, Ethel Agnes, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1491 Bulkley, MUdred Emily, 3 June, 1918. 1492 BuUen, Gertrude, 3 June. 1918. 1494 Bunch, WiUiam Henry, 3*June, 1918. 1495 Bunney, Michael, 3 June, 1918. 1496 Burden, Walter Patrick, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 1497 Burder, Walter Chapman, 3 June, 1918. 1499 Burne, Louisa Joan, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1500 Burnet, WUliam Hodgson, 3 June, 1918. 1501 Burrage, David Alexander, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1502 Burridge, John Harold, 3 June, 1918. 1503 Burt, Frank Playfah, 3 June, 1918. 1504 Butcher, George Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1505 Butcher, Sidney Herbert, 3 June, 1918 1506 Butler, Harold, 3 June, 1918. 1507 Cahd, Francis Pratt, 3 June, 1918. 1508 Caldwell, Bruce McGregor, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1509 CaldweU, David, 3 June, 1918. 1510 Calvert, Rupert Harry, 3 June, 1918. 1511 Cameron, WilUam Scott, 3 June, 1918. 1512 CampbeU, Annie Campbell, 3 June, 1918. 1513 Campbell, Frederick Harold, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1514 Campbell, Henry Kenyon, 3 June, 1918. 1515 Campbell, WiUiam Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1516 Carbonell, Edith Frances, 3 June, 1918. 1517 Carr, John, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 1518 Carter, Charles Maurice, 3 June, 1918. 1519 Carter, George, 3 June, 1918. 1520 CartmaU, Daisy OUve, 3 Juae. 1918. 1521 Carver, Mary Glendinning, 3 June, 1918. 1522 Catley, Clare, 3 June, 1918. 1523 Causton, Ida Jessie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1524 Cavan, Samuel Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1525 Cawood, Charles John, 3 June, 1918. 1526 Cayley, Dora, 3 June, 1918. 1527 Chaplin, Frank, 3 June, 1918. 1528 Chapman, Florence, 3 June, 1918. 1529 Chapman, George Russell, 3 June, 1918. 1530 Cherry, Edward Hazlehurst, 3 June, 1918. 1531 ChUds, James, 3 June, 1918. 1532 Chippendale, Martha, 3 June, 1918. 1533 Chune, Helen Gertrude, 3 June, 1918. 1534 Churchward, George Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1535 Chuter, Arthur George, 3 June, 1918. 1536 Claremont, Adel Dorothy, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1538 Clark, John Martin, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1539 Clark, WiUiam Morrison, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1540 Clarke, Francis WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1541 Claughton, Harold, 3 June, 1918. 1542 Clegg, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 1543 Clegg, Bella, Mrs, 3 June, 1913. 1544 Clegg, Ethel Theodora, 3 June, 1918. 1545 Clements, Fred, 3 June, 1918. 1546 Clough, William, 3 June, 1918. 1547 Clucas, Alfred Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1548 Clutterbuck, MUlie Gertrude, 3 June, 1918. 1549 Cochran, Dora Alexandrina, 3 June, 1918. 1550 Cockburn, John Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 1551 Coe, Charles George, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 1552 Cole, Charles Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1553 Coleman, Arthur Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1555 Colley, Thomas Bellasyse, 3 June, 1918. (fit.) 1556 Collier, WUloughby, 3 June, 1918. 1557 CoUins, Abraham Bennett, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1558 Collins, George Alfred, 3 June, 1918. (AI.) (SI.) 659 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1559 CoUins. Johu Howarth, 3 June, 191S. 1560 Collis, Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 1561 Cohnan, Joseph Leonard, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1562 ColviUe, Hon. George Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1563 Combe, Harvey Alexander Brabazon, 3 June, 1918. (Bi.) 1564 Connett, WUUam, 3 June, 1918. 1565 Consterdtoe, Rudolph, 3 June, 1918. 1566 Conway, Agnes Ethel, 3 June, 1918. 1567 Cooke, WUUam John, 3 June, 1918. 1568 Coombs, Edward Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 1569 Cooper, AUan Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 1570 Cooper, Eleanor Valentine, 3 June, 1918. 1571 Cooper, Harry Gordon, 3 June, 1918. 1572 Cope, Geoffrey SUverwood, 3 June, 1918. 1573 Corah, John Reginald, 3 June, 1918. 1574 Corbet, Hon. Mrs. Reginald, 3 June, 1918. 1575 Corner, Kate Agnes, 3 June, 1918. 1576 Corrie, Donald WeUdon, 3 June, 1918. 1577 Cory, Mabel EmUy Hartridge, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1578 CotteU, Amy Joan, 3 June, 1918. 1579 Cotterell, Thomas Sturge, 3 June, 1918. 1580 Cotton, George Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 1581 Cotton, James Temple, 3 June, 1918. 1582 Couper, John, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1583 Couratto, Paul Evelyn, 3 June, 1918. 1584 Course, Sarah Denton, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1585 Court, Eleanor Rosina, 3 June, 1918. 1587 Cowley, Norah Louisa, 3 June, 1918. 1588 Cowling, Eleanor, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1589 Cox, Charles Edwin, 3 June, 1918. 1590 Cox, Stephen, 3 June, 1918. 1591 Coyne, Russell, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1592 Crackuell, Nora Frances Elizabeth, 3 June, 1918. 1593 Cranfield, Guy WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1594 Crang, James, 3 June, 1918. 1595 Crawford, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 1596 Crawford, Barbara Grace Rutherford, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1597 Crawford, James, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1598 Crawley, CecU, IDs, 3 Jime, 1918. 1599 Cree, IsabeUa Warden, 3 June, 1918. 1601 Cripps, Lucy Davis, 3 June, 1918. 1602 Critchtoson, WiUiam Thomas, 3 June, 1918.' 1603 Crook, George Henry HoUand, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1604 Crosby, Ada, 3 June, 1918. 1605 Cross, Charles Garsed, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1606 Cross, Minnie Eleanor EUzabeth, 3 June, 1918. 1607 Crowe, George Gorden, 3 June, 1918. 1608 Croxton, Edith Miriam, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1609 CudUp, Ethel Annie Lina Pender-, 3 June, 1918. 1610 Culbard, Amelia Jane Chisholm, 3 June, 1918. 1612 Cunningham, Edith Usher, 3 June, 1918. 1613 Cuthbertson, WiUiam Darling, 3 June, 1918. 1616 Dabnahoy, EmUy Marion, 3 June, 1918. 1617 Dalston, Norman Howard MaxweU, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1618 Daly, Amy, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1619 Daly, Hon. Florence Maria, 3 June, 1918. 1620 Darby, Margaret, 3 June, 1918. 1621 Darker, Charlotte Tarry, 3 June, 1918. 1622 Darnell, Thomas Noah, 3 June, 1918. 1623 Dashwood, Sidney Lewes, 3 June, 1918. (31.) 1624 Datta, Surendra Kumar, 3 June, 1918. 1625 Daubeny, Mabel Agnes, 3 June, 1918. 1626 David, Morgan Edwin, 3 June, 1918. 1627 Davidson, Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1628 Davidson, John Hay, 3 June, 1918. 1629 Davies, Ashton, 3 June, 1918. 1630 Davies, David Gordon, 3 June, 1918. 1631 Davies, Dorothy KevUl-, Mrs, 13 June, 1918. 1632 Davies, Ivor, 3 June, 1918. 1633 Davies, Owen, 3 June, 1918. 1634 Davies, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1635 Davies, WUliam, 3 June, 1918. 1636 Davis, Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1638 Davis, Owen, 3 June, 1918. 1639 Dawson, Arthur Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1640 Dawson, Frederick WUUam, 3 June, 1918. 1641 Day, Gertrude Margaret, 3 June, 1918. 1642 Deacon, Mary Ariel Stewart, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1643 Dean, Basil, 3 June, 1918. 1645 Dempsey, CorneUus Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1646 Dennis, H. A, 3 June, 1918. 1647 Denny, Norah, 3 June, 1918. 1648 Devereux, Ethel Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1649 Dick, Octavius PeUy, 3 June, 1918. 1650 Dickey, Archibald Alexander George, 3 June, 1918. 1651 Dickie, James. 3 June, 1918. 1652 Dickinson, EmUy Frances, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1653 Dickinson, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1654 Disney, Rev. Anthony Edward Denny, 3 June, 1918. 1655 Dive, Horace, 3 June, 1918. 1656 Dix, Seliua, 3 June, 1918. 1657 Dixey, Evelyn HUda, 3 June, 1918. 1658 Dodd, Peter, 3 June, 1918. 1659 Dodwell, Charles Money, 3 June, 1918. 1660 Doig, David, 3 June, 1918. 1661 Donald, Cecile, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1662 Donald, Ethel Maud, 3 June, 1918. 1663 Dooley, John, 3 June, 1918. (31.) 1664 Dooley, Raymond, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1665 Doughty, Frederick George, 3 June, 1918. (at.) I 1666 Dow, James WUliam, 3 June, 1918. 1667 Dower, Edward MaxweU, 3 June, 1918. 1668 Downs, John Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1669 Drake, Frank, 3 June, 1918. 1670 Drake, Tom, 3 June, 1918 (BI.) 1672 Drawer, Gertrude Louise, 3 June, 1918. 1673 Drummond, Charles James, 3 June, 1918. 1674 Duckworth, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1675 Dudley, Edward Joseph Scott, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1676 Duff, Victoria Adelaide Alexandrina Grant-, 3 June, 1918. 1677 Dufton, Dorothy, 3 June, 1918. 1678 Duncan, George Leopold, 3 June, 1918. 1679 Duncan, George Wilson, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1680 Dunk, Harry WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1681 Durrant, Walter Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1682 Eastcott, Henry John, 3 June, 1918. 1683 Eastick, Charles Esau, 3 June, 1918. 1685 Eddy, Edward George, 3 June, 1918. 1687 Edgecombe, Ethel, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1688 Edkins, Beresford Harry Huey, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1690 Edwards, Annie Doulton-, 3 June, 1918. 1691 Edwards, Ivor, 3 June, 1918. 1692 Egerton, Christian Mary, 3 June, 1918. 1693 Elborne, Sydney Lipscomb, 3 June, 1918. 1694 EUiott, Blanche Beatrice, 3 June, 1918. 1695 EUis, Minnie, 3 June, 1918. 1696 Ellison, WiUiam Reynolds, 3 June, 1918. (if.) 1697 Elsdon, Francis WUUam, 3 June, 1918. 1698 Espliu, Annie, 3 June, 1918. 1699 Ethelston, Ruth Frances, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1700 Evans, Arthur Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 1701 Evans, Edwin, 3 June, 1918. 1703 Evans, Gweneth Kate Moy-, 3 June, 1918. 1704 Evans, S, 3 June, 1918. 1705 Evens, Elizabeth Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1706 Fanner, Henry Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1707 Fathers, AUce Mary, 3 June, 1918. 1708 Taylor, Winifred Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1709 Fenwick, Ernest Guy, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 1710 Ferguson, Amy, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1711 Fergusson, Robert Loftus, 3 June, 1918. 1712 Ferns, Walter, 3 June, 1918. 1713 Ferris, Pierce, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 1714 Fielden, Mysie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1715 Figgis, Howard Bradley, 3 June, 1918. 1716 Finch, Marie Isabel, 3 June, 1918. 1717 Firth, John WUUam, 3 June, 1918. 1718 FlaveU, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1719 Fleming, Frederic John, 3 June, 1918. 1720 Fletcher, John WUliam, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 1721 Flower, John Walter, 3 June, 1918. 1722 Fludyer, Augusta Frances, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 1724 Fooks, Philip Edward Broadley, 3 June, 1918. (BI ) 1725 Foot, Phyllis Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1726 Forbes, Duncan, 3 June, 1918. 1727 Forges, Charles Lee des, 3 Juuo, 1918. 1728 Foster, James Evelyn, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1729 Foster, Thomas BurdaU, 3 June, 1918. 1730 Foster, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (Si.) 1732 Fowler, Charies Henry, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1733 Fox, WiUiam Harris. 3 June, 19l8. (M.) 1734 Foxall, Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 1735 Foyster, Arthur Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1736 Francis, Elizabeth Lydia, Mrs. Bult-, 3 June, 1918. 1737 Francis, Guy, 3 June, 1918. 1739 Franldin, Lilian Annie Margueretta, 3 June, 1918. 1740 Fraser, K. R, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1741 Fraser, Catherine, 3 June, 1918. 1742 Freegard, Charles Gordon, 3 June, 1918. (31.) 1743 Frew, Harry, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1744 Frost, Robert Henry, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1745 Frost, Sydney George, 3 June, 191S. (SI.) 1746 Fullager, Leo Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 1747 Fullerton, James Glen, 3 June, 1918. 1748 Fyson, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 1749 Gadd, Helen, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1750 Gales, John RusseU, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1751 Galton, Mary Louisa, Mrs. Wheler-, 3 June, 1918. 1753 Game, Winifred, 3 June, 1918. 1756 Garland, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 1757 Garlick, Edith, 3 June, 1918. 1758 Garlick, Richard, 3 June, 1918. 1759 Garner, Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 1760 Garrett, Charles Scott, 3 June, 1918. 1761 Garvagh, AUce Florence, Baroness, 3 June, 191S. 1762 Geddes, George, 3 June, 1918. 1763 Gemmill, Jane, Mis, 3 June, 1918. 1764 Geoghegan, Ethel Constance, 3 June, 1918. 1766 Gibson. Grace, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1769 Gilby, Frank, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1770 GUes, Robert Edgar, 3 June, 1918. 1772 GiUespie, James, 3 June, 1918. 1773 GiUett, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1774 GiUon, Dorothy Gladys, 3 June, 1918. 1775 Gilmour, James, 3 June, 1918. 1776 Gilpin, WiUiam John, 3 June, 1918. 1777 Gimson, Margaret, 3 June, 1918. 1778 Gladwell, Athelstan Louis, 3 June, 191S. (31.) 1779 Glazebrook, Monica, 3 June, 1918. 1780 Glen, James Morrison, 3 June 1918. 660 MEMBERS. 1781 Glendenning, William Purvis, 3 June, 1918. 1782 Glew, Frederick Harrison, 3 June, 1918. 1788 Goddard, Ernest, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1784 Godsell, Cornelius, 3 June, 1918. 1785 Gold. Maud Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1786 Goldingham, Isobel Frances, 3 June, 1918. 1787 Goodall, Amy Sophia, 3 June, 1918. 1788 Goodwin, John Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1789 Goodwin, Minnie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1790 Goodyear, Mabel, 3 June, 1918. 1791 Gordon, Isidore Heyam, 3 June, 1918. 1792 Gordon, Lisa Mary, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1793 Gorman, James Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1794 Gorringe, Emmeline Mary Vallance, Mrs, S June, 1918. 1795 Gouk, William, 3 June, 1918. 1796 Gould, Harold Miller, 3 June, 1918. 1798 Grandto, Ernest, 3 June, 1918. 1799 Grantham, Jane Marian, Mrs. 3 June, 1918. 1800 Graves, Frances Marjorie, 3 June, 1918. 1802 Gray, Percy, 3 June, 1918. 1803 Gray, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1804 Gray, Valentine Edgar, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1806 Greaves, Richard Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1807 Green, Alice, 3 June, 1918. 1808 Green. Arihur Stanley, 3 June, 1918. 1810 Green, William Isaac. 3 June, 1918. 1811 GreenaU, Fred, 3 June 1918. 1812 Greener, Charles Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1813 Greenwood, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1814 Gregory, Basil Franois, 3 June, 1918. 1815 Gregory, Frances Violet, 3 June, 1918. 1816 Gregory, John. 3 June, 1918. 1817 Grey, Mary Lizette, 3 June, 1918. 1818 Grice, Geoffrey, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1819 Griffin, James Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1820 Griffith, George Devonald, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 1821 Griffith, Louisa, 3 June. 1918. 1822 Griffiths, George Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1823 Grimsey, J. R, 3 June, 1918. 1824 Grose, Frederick. 3 June, 1918. 1825 Grounds, Thomas Collier, 3 June, 1918. 1826 Grumbar, Juttan Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1827 GuUd, James Bennett, 3 June, 1918. 1828 GuUford, Hannah, 3 June, 1918. 1829 Gunn, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 1830 Gunton, George, 3 June, 1918. 1831 Gurling, James, 3 June, 1918. 1832 Gurney, Mabel Annie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1833 Hackett, WiUiam Jennens, 3 June, 1918. 1834 Hale, Thomas Edward Sherwood, 3 June, 1918. 1835 Hales, Willes, 3 June, 1918. (ai.) 1836 HaU, Anthony, 3 June, 1918. 1837 Hall, AUce Mary, 3 June, 1918. 1839 Hall, George Frederick 3 June, 1918. (it.) 1840 Hall, Henry, 3 June. 1918. 1841 HaU, John Job, 3 June, 1918. 1843 HaU, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1844 Halse, Edyth Mary, Mrs., 3 June, 1918. 1845 HamUton, Jane Ethel, 3 June, 1918. 1847 Hancock, Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 1848 Hankms, Albert Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1849 Hannaford, Sarah Ann Pike, 3 June, 1918. 1850 Harburn, EUen Frances, 3 June, 1918. 1851 Hardie, John, 3 June, 1918. 1852 Harding. John Stafford Goldie, 3 June, 1918. (ai.) 1853 Hardy, Henry Harrison, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1854 Harman, Rowland George, 3 June, 1918. 1855 Harris, WiUiam Blandford 3 June, 1918. 1856 Harrison, William John, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1857 Harrold, John Blake, 3 June, 1918. 1858 Harry, Herbert Edward, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1859 Hart, Ernest Sidney Walter, 3 June, 1918. 1860 Hart, Jane Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1861 Hartland, Lilian Mary, Mrs, 3 June. 1918. 1862 Harwood, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1363 Harwood, Gertrude, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1865 Hasthorpe, Alice, 3 June, 1918. 1366 Hawker, Frank, 3 June, 1918. 1867 Hawker. Frank Feodor Wynne, 3 June, 1918. 1868 Hawker, Harry George, 3 June, 1918. 1869 Hawkins, John Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 1870 Hawson, MUlar Wright, 3 JuDe, 1918. 1871 Hay, Althea Maud, 3 June, 1918. 1872 Hayes, Agnes, 3 June, 1918. 1874 Haynes, George WUliam, 3 June, 1918. (sf.) 1875 Hayse, Thomas William James, 3 June, 1918. 1876 Hazlehurst, George, 3 June, 1918. 1877 Heap, Dis Evelina Margaret Campbell, 3 June, 1918. 1878 Heap, Stephen, 3 June, 1918. 1879 Heath, Thomas Arthur, 3 June. 1918. (st.) 1880 Hebron, Arthur Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1881 Helcke, Wilfred FuUeylove, 3 June, 1918. 1882 Henderson, Freda Marguerite Dorothy, Mrs, 3 June 1918. 1883 Henderson, John, 3 June, 1918. 1884 Henderson, Mabel, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1885 Hendin, Alexander James, 3 June, 1918. 1886 Hetherington, William Carruthers, 3 June, 1918. 1887 Hewitt, EUeen Mabel, 3 June, 1918. 1888 Hewitt, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1889 Hicks, Nicholas John, 3 June, 1918. (bi.) 890 Hicks, Thomas William, 3 June, 1918. 1891 Higgins, John, 3 June. 1918. (BI.) 1892 Higgon, Oatherine Octavia, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1893 HiU. Ledger Story, 3 June, 1918. (ai.) 1894 Hllliar, Robert James, 3 June, 1918. 1895 Hilliard, Gladys Elizabeth Clark, 3 June, 1918. 1897 Hills, Henry, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1898 Hills. Isabel Sinton, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1900 Hinchliffe, Arthur 3 June, 1918. (st.) 1901 Hinchliffe, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 1902 Hines, Ernest Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1903 Hhd, Thomas Cutten, 3 June, 1918. 1904 Hitchcock, Lawrence Hiron, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 1905 Hobday, John William, 3 June, 1918. 1907 Hodge, Richard Henry, 3 June, 1918. (31.) 1908 Hogarth, William Anthony, 3 June, 1918. 1909 Hollins, Mary Clare, 3 June, 1918. 1910 HoUoway, Reginald, 3 June, 1918. (bi.) 1912 Hope, Herbert George, 3 June, 1918. 1913 Hope, John, 3 June, 1918. 1914 Hopgood, Francis George, 3 June, 1918. 1915 Hopkins, Muriel Margaret, 3 June, 1918. 1917 Hopktoson, Allen Haigh, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1918 Hopper, Percy Clarence, 3 June, 1918. 1920 Horstmann, Gustav Otto Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1921 Houston, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1922 Howard, Annie, 3 June, 1918. 1923 Howard, Catherine Meriel, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 1924 Howes, William Trotman, 3 June, 1918. 1925 Howie, Christina Lamond, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1926 Howlett, Frank, 3 June, 1918. 1927 Hughes, George WaU Wall Bagot, 3 June, 1918. 1929 Hugill, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 1930 Hume, William, 3 June, 1918. 1931 Humphrey, Thomas Clements, 3 June, 1918. 1932 Humphries, Albert. 3 June. 1918. 1933 Hunt, George, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1934 Hunter, Edith Lena, 3 June, 1918. 1935 Hunter, George Albert, 3 June, 1918. 1937 Hutchins, Arthur Edmund, 3 June, 1918. 1938 Hutton, Stamorfd, 3 June, 1918. 1939 Huxford, Ernest Henrv, 3 June, 1918. 1940 Huxter, Muriel Kathleen, 3 June, 1918. 1941 Inglis, Henry Maxwell Burton, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1944 Innes, James Oliver, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 1945 Irby, Gerald Howard Boteler, 3 June 1918. (si.) 1946 Irvine, Lionel Herbert. 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1947 Irving, Isabella, Mrs. Bell-, 3 June, 1918. 1948 Jackson, Margaret Lilian Cowper, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1949 Jackson, Roland, 3 June, 1918. 1950 Jackson, Violette Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1018. 1951 James, Diana Lily, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1952 James, Henry MaunseU, 3 J une, 1918. 1953 James, Iris Silburn, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 1954 James, Ivor Lough, 3 June, 1918. 1955 James, Josephine Selina, Mrs.. 3 June, 1918. 1956 Jazdouska, Mary Margaret, 3 June, 1918. 1957 Jefferys, Edward Compton, 3 June, 1918. 1958 Jenkins, Rees, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 1959 Jenkinson, Stanley Noel, 3 June, 1918. 1960 Joanes, Walter, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1961 Jobling, Thomas, 3 Juno, 1918. 1962 Johnson, Cuthbert, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1963 Johnson, Walter, 3 June, 1918. 1965 Johnston, Winifred Blanche, Mrs, 3 June, 1918, 1966 Jolly, Thomas Riley, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 1968 Jones, Brainard Arthur Robinson, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1969 Jones, David Marteine, 3 June, 1918. 1970 Jones, Dorothea Adelaide Lowry Pughe, 3 June, 1918. 1972 Jones, Frederick Tobias 3 June. 1918. 1974 Jones, LUUe, Mrs. Highfield-, 3 June, 1918. 1975 Joughin, John Clague, 3 June, 1918. 1976 Joynson, Margaret Beatrice Ethel, 3 June, 1918. 1977 KeevU, Ambrose, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 1978 Keightley, Mary, 3 June, 1918. 1979 Keir, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 1980 Kelly, Eleanor Sarah. 3 June, 1918. (at.) 1981 Kelly, Henry Titus, 3 June, 1918. 1982 Kemble, Henry, 3 June, 1918. 1983 Kemper, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. (31.) 1984 Kendall, Charlotte Emma Mabel, 3 June, 1918. 1985 Kenrick, Sylvia. 3 June, 1918. 1986 Kent, Arthur Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1987 Kenyon, Thomas. 3 June, 1918. 1988 Kenyon, Thomas AUan, 3 June, 1918. 1990 Kew, John Charies, 3 June, 1918. 1991 Kimber, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1992 Kimmins, James Charles Clegg, 3 June, 1918. 1993 Kindersley, Katherine Emma, 3 June, 1918. 1994 King, Rev. Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 1995 King, WUliam Samuel, 3 June, 1918. 1997 Kingsland, John Edward, 3 June, 1918. 1998 Kinloch, Charles, 3 June, 1918. 1999 Kinsman, Harry Jeoffrey, 3 June, 1918. 2000 Kirby, George Clarvis, 3 June, 1918. 2001 Kirby, Marion Ellen, 3 June, 1918. 2002 Kirkpatrick, Robert, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2003 Khwan, Florence Sydney Brudenell, 3 June. 1918, 2004 Kitchtag, Fanny Rushall. 3 June, 1918. 661 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 20052006 2007 2008 2009201120122013 20142015 2016 201720182019202020232024 20252026 2027 20282031203220332034 20352036203720382040 20422043 20442045 2046 2047204820492051205220532054205520562057 2059206020622063206420652066206720682069207020712072 20732074207520762077 207820792080 2082 20832085 2086 20872088 20892090 20912092 209320942096 2097 20982099210021022103?)042105210621072108 21092110 21112112 2113 2114211521162117 Knight, Christina Graham, 3 June, 1918. Knights Henry Newton, 3 June, 1918. Knocker, Reginald Edward 3 June, 1918. Knox, Alice, Lady, 3 June, 1918. Korn, George Ernest, 3 June, 1918. Kynoch, Minnie, 3 June, 1918. Lambert, Blanche Sarah, 3 June, 1918. Lance, O, 3 June, 1918. Lane, Charlotte Jane, Lady Arbuthnot, 3 June, 1918. Lang, Stuart Jackson, 3 June, 1918. Langley, Percy James, 3 June, 1918. Langridge, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. Latey, William, 3 June, 1918. Lawrence, Angel Lawrence, 3 June, 1918. Lawrence, Elizabeth Mary Hilda, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Lawson, Mildred Zacyntha, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Lawther, James Alfred, 3 June, 1918. Leach, William, 3 June, 1918. Lee, Loraine, 3 June, 1918. Leeson, Gladys Mary, 3 June, 1918. Leinster, Elsie Maude, 3 June, 1918. Lerry, George Geoffrey, 3 June, 1918. Lethbridge, Harold Octavius, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Letty, WUliam, 3 June, 1918. Lewis, John, 3 June, 1918. Lewis, WiUiam Reed-, 3 June, 1918. Lewis, Wyndham, 3 June, 1918. LiddeU, Dorothy Mary, 3 June 1918. Liddle, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. Lindley, Walter, 3 June, 1918. Lindsay, Harold Robert, 3 June, 1918. (at.) Ling, Herbert Westwood, 3 June, 1918. (ai.) Lipman, Samuel Niman, 3 June, 1918. Lister, WUliam, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Lloyd, Harry Duncaff, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Lloyd, Herbert Alan, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) Lobb, WilUam Stephen, 3 June, 1918. Loch, EmUy Elizabeth, 3 June, 1918. Loftin, Florence, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Logan, WUliam Malcolm, 3 June, 1918. Lomax, Mabel Sarah, 3 June, 1918. Long, Katherine Ellis, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Long, WUliam, 3 June, 1918. Longmuir, Percy, 3 June, 1918. Lord, Charles Ernest, 3 June, 1918. Lowe, William Herbert, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) Lucas, Terence, 3 June, 1918. Luker, Herbert William, 3 June, 1918. Lumsden. Thomas William, 3 June, 1918. Lund, Edmund, 3 June, 1918. Lund, Janet, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Lush, Hubert, 3 June, 1918. (st.) Luxon, George WUliam, 3 June, 1918. (at.) Lyall, Mellicent, 3 June, 1918. Lyell, Hon. Mrs. Charles Henry, 3 June, 1918 Lyle, Alexander Mcintosh, 3 June, 1918. Lynch, Patrick, 3 June, 1918. Lynne, Audrey, 3 June, 1918. Lyon, Richard Charles, 3 June, 191S. McAlister, John, 3 June, 1918. McAnally, Sibyl La Fontaine, 3 June, 1918. McCarthy, Ignatius James John, 3 June, 1918. McClelland, Andrew, 3 June, 1918. McClure, Mary, Lady, 3 June, 1918. McCorkeU, Dudley Evelyn Bruce, 3 June, 1918. McCrae, James, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Macdonald of the Isles, Godfrey Middleton Bosville 3 June, 1918. McDonnell, Walter Jam es, 3 June, 1918. Macfarlane, James Arthur Henderson, 3 June, 1918 McFerran, EmUy, 3 June, 1918. McGevor, John, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) McGUchrist, Thomas Brown, 3 June, 1918. MacGregor, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. MacGregor, Robert WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. McGuinness, Ethel Theresa, 3 June, 1918. McGutoess, Mary Jane, 3 June, 1918. Mcllvenna, James Graham, 3 June, 1918. Macintyre, Duncan Mackinnon, 3 June, 1918 Mclntyre. William, 3 June, 1918. Mackenzie, Donald, 3 June, 1918. McKenzie, John, 3 June, 1918. McKersie, Marion, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Mackie, Thomas Callender Campbell, 3 June, 19_3 Mackinnon, Alister, 3 June, 1918. MacLachlau, James. 3 June, 1918. Maclagan, Douglas Philip, 3 June, 1918 McLaren, John, 3 June, 1918. MacLean, Charles Allan, 3 June 1918. (sf ) McLean, John Hair Kirk, 3 June, 1918 Machu-e, Margaret Eleanor, 3 June. 1918 McMahon, Albert James, 3 June, 1918. (Bf ) McMaster, Hugh, 3 June, 1918, MacNab. Margaret Grahame Bryce 3 June, 1918. McPherson, Dougal Campbell, 3 June, 1918. (at ) McPherson, Thomas, 3 June, 1918 McQuUlen, WUliam, 3 June, 1918. McRae, Alexander, 3 June, 1918 Macrae, Herbert Alexander, 3 June, 1918. McReddie, Margaret, Mrs. 3 June 191§ 2118 2119212021212122212321242126212721292139 213121322133 2134 2135 213621372138 2139 2140 2141214221432144214521462147 2148214921502151 2153 215421552156 2157 215821592160 216121622163216421652166 2168 2169 21702171217221732174 2175 2176 2177 21782179 21802181 2182 218321842185 21882189 219021912192219321942195219621982199 2200 2201 2202220422052206 2207 2208 2209221022112212 2213 22142215 2216 22192220222122222223 22242225 2226 662 McRobbie, David, 3 June, 1918. Mactavish, Herbert James, 3 June, 1918. (at.) McVicar, Neil, 3 June, 1918. McWUIiam, Dorothy, 3 June, 1918. Magnus, WUliam Robert 3 June 1918. Maguire, Richard Kenneth Calton, 3 June, 1918. (at.) Malim, John Charles, 3 June 1918. Mann, James Henderson, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) Manners, James Benjamin, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) ManseU, Arthur, 3 June, 1918. Manwell, Gertrude Thompson, 3 June, 1918. Maples, Buretta Mary, 3 June, 1918. Markham, Anna Elizabeth Daisy, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Marshall, David Gregory, 3 June, 1918. Marshall, Ethel Margaret, 3 June, 1918. Martin, James Wright, 3 June, 1918. (at.) Martineau, Edith, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. MartineUi, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. Masson, James Irvine Orme, 3 June, 1918. Masters, Wilfrid John, 3 June, 1918. Masterton, John, 3 June, 1918. Matcham, Sydney Harold, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Mathers, John Jephson, 3 June 1918. Matheson Percy Kwing, 3 June, 1918. Matthews, BasU Garland-, 3 June 1918. (M.) Martinson, Thomas Herbert, 3 June, 1918. Mauger, Jean Adolphe, 3 June, 1918. Mawle, Sidney Joseph, 3 June, 1918. Maxse, Marjorie, 3 June, 1918. Maxwell, Frances Jane, Mrs. Patrick Heron-, 3 June 1918. Maxwell, Stephen John, 3 June, 1918. May, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1918. (at.) Meaby, Walter Alfred, 3 June, 1918. Medd, Jesse Simpson, 3 June, 1918. Meglaughlin, Barry, 3 June, 1918. MeUonie, Thomas CyrU, 3 June, 1918. (at.) MeUor, John, 3 June, 1918. Melvttle, John Mitchell, 3 June, 1918. Merchant, John Lewis, 3 June, 1918. Merry, Henry Edward, 3 June, 1918. (St.) Metcalfe, Harold WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (M.) Micklethwait, Frances Mary Gore, 3 June, 1918. Middlemas, Percy, 3 June, 1918. (si.) Middleton, George Francis, 3 June, 1918. MUburn, WUliam. 3 June, 1918. Mttdren, WilUam, 3 June, 1918. (at.) MUlar, Exley Livingston. 3 June, 1918. (at.) MUledge, Minnie, 3 June, 1918. Miller, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. MiUer, Edith Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. MUls, Charles Augustus, 3 June, 1918. Mills, Florence Leyland, 3 June, 1918. MUne, Margaret Smith, 3 June, 1918. (at.) Minett, Francis Colin, 3 June, 1918. (BI ) Mirehouse, Henry WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (at.) MitcheU, James Knight, 3 June, 1918. Mitchell, WUliam Boyd, 3 June, 1918. (at.) Moh, Alexander Penrose David, 3 June, 1918. Moir, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. Molyneaux, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. Monteflore, Geoffrey Edmund Sebag-, 3 June, 1918. (ai. Moore, Annie, Mrs, 3 June, 191S Moore, Cecil Arbuthnot St. George, 3 June, 1918. (31.) Moore, Harry Formby, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) Mordey, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. Morgan, Bessie, 3 June, 1918. Morgan, Edward Barcham, 3 June, 1918. Morgan, Margaret Alice Agnes, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Morle, Helena Frances, 3 June, 1918 Morrey, Percy, 3 June, 1918. (31.) Morris, Arthur, 3 June, 1918. Morris, Charles Edward, 3 June, 1918. Morris. Etheldreda, 3 June 1918. Morris, Hardwick Grant, 3 June, 1918. Morris, Jean Anderson, 3 Jure, 1918 Morris, WiUiam Anthony, 3 June, 1918. Morrison, James Augustus, 3 June, 1918. Morrison, John, 3 June, 1918. Morse, Leopold George Esmond, 3 June, 1918. Mortimore, CUfford Charles, 3 June, 1918 Morton, Elsie Eleanor, 3 June, 1918. Morton, John Darnley Mitford, 3 June, 1918. (at.) Mousley, Arthur, 3 June, 1918. Mowat, Annie Angus, 3 June, 1918 Mudd, Edith Emily, 3 June, 1918 Mutter, Percy Maxwell-, 3 June, 1918 Mulligan, Clifford Victor, 3 June, 1918 (at ) Mutttas, George WilUam, 3 June, 1918 Murrant, Ernest Henry, 3 June, 1918 Musgrave, Arthur Stanley Gordon, 3 June, 1918. (if.) Myatt, Agnes Rose, 3 June, 1918. Napier. James Ross, 3 June, 1918. (at.) Nash, Blanche Thompson, 3 June, 1918 Nash, Frank Horace Elliott, 3 June, 1918 (at ) Nash, Henry, 3 June, 1918. Naylor, WiUiam James, 3 June, 1918 NeUl, Eric Vansittart Ernest, 3 June, 1918 (M ) Nevile, Maria Elizabeth, 3 June, 1918 Newall, John Walker, 3 June. 1918 MEMBERS. (at.) (ai.) 2227 Newton, Charles Wemyss, 3 June, 1918. 2228 Newton, John Charles, 3 June, 1918. 2229 NichoUs, George Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 2230 Nichols, Dorothea Marian, 3 June, 1918. 2231 Nicholson, Florence Isabel, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2232 Nicholson, Malcolm, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2233 Nicholson, Regtaald, 3 June, 1918. 2234 Nicholson, Samuel Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 2235 Nicol, Qutatin Anderson, 3 June, 1918. 2236 Niven, Charles Bain, 3 June, 1918. 2237 Noal, Frederick Worth, 3 June, 1918. 2238 Novis, William Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 2239 Offord, Alfred James, 3 June, 1918. 2241 Ogilvy, Diana Elizabeth Maria, 3 June, 1918. 2242 Oldfleld, Norman, 3 June, 1918. 2243 Oldmeadow, George Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2244 Olive, Annie Gordon, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2245 Oliver, John David, 3 June, 1918. 2246 O'Meara, Daniel John, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2247 Ormerod, Annie, 3 June, 1918. 2248 Osborne, Albert Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 2250 Ost, WUUam Lewis, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2251 O'SulUvan, Gerald Hendon, 3 June, 1918. 2252 Outram, Haidee Maria, Mrs. William, 3 Juno, 1918. 2253 Oxburgh, George Stanley, 3 June. 1918. 2254 Oxland, Thomas Benjamin, 3 June, 1918. 2255 Packer, Henry Walter Percy, 3 June, 1918. 2256 Page, Agnes Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2257 Painting, Helen, 3 June, 1918. 2258 Pattn, Helen Grace, 3 June, 1918. (SI.) 2259 Paling, VinceDt, 3 June, 1918. 2260 Palmer, Clara, 3 June, 1918. 2261 Palmer, Hubert Leslie, 3 June, 1918. 2262 Palmer, WUliam, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2263 Parker, Charles, 3 June, 1918. 2264 Parkin, James Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2265 Parkinson, James, 3 June, 1918. 2266 Parry, Mary Evelyn, 3 June, 1918. 2267 Partington, James Riddick, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2268 PatenaU, Clara Poynton, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2269 Patrick, NeU James Kennedy-Cochran-, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2270 Payne, George, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2271 Payne, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 2272 Payne, Lilv, 3 June, 1918. 2273 Peacock, Alice Evelyn, 3 June, 1918. 2274 Peacock, May Beauchamp, 3 June. 1918. 2275 Pearce, John, 3 June, 1918. 2276 Pearson, John Howard, 3 June, 1918. 2277 Pennell, Charles Waldegrave, 3 June, 1918. 2278 PenneU, Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 2279 Peppercorn, Geoffrey Arthur, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2280 Perry, Ada Stah, 3 June, 1918. 2281 Pescod, Joseph Hind, 3 June, 1918. 2282 Phelps, Fanny Elizabeth, 3 June, 1918. 2283 PhilUps, CecUia Lucas, 3 June 1918. 2284 PhiUips, George Lort, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2285 Picken, Richard Nelson, 3 June, 1918 (at.) 2286 Petering Edward Fitzgerald Samuel, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2287 Thorbum, Henrietta Sybil Douglas, Mrs. Stephen Keith 3 June, 1918. 2288 PUkington, Leonard Gamier, 3 June, 1918. 2289 Pine, John Henry, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2291 Pitt, NeUie Flora, 3 June, 1918. 2292 Plaister, WiUiam Edward, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2293 Piatt, Oswald Gordon, 3 June, 1918. (31.) 2294 Poate, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 2295 Pocock, Dorothy Martha, 3 June, 1918. 2296 Poole, Arthur Reginald, 3 June, 1918. 2297 Pooley, Arthur Mttnes, 3 June, 1918. 2299 Powne, Leslie, 3 June, 1918. 2300 Prentice, WUliam Francis, 3 June, 1918. 2301 Preston, Mark Rushworth, 3 June, 1918. 2302 Preston, WUUam Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2303 Price, James Beer, 3 June, 1918. 2304 Price, Violet Amelia, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2305 Prichard, Alice Maud, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2307 Prince, Edwin James, 3 June, 1918. 2308 Proger, Harriet Gertrude, Mrs, 3 June. 1918. 2309 Prowse, Albert Edward, 3 June, 1918- 2310 Pryor. Ethne Philippa, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2311 Purvis, WiUiam Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 2312 Pyke, WilUam Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2313 Quann, John James, 3 June, 1918. • 2316 Quick, Sidney Curtis, 3 June, 1918 2317 Radford, Dorothy, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2318 Radford, Joseph Charles, 3 June, 1918. 2320 Rataford, Thomas, 3 June, 1918 2321 Ramsbottom, Edmund Cecil, 3 June 1918. 2322 Ramsay, Francis Graham, 3 June, 1918. 2323 Rankine, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. 2325 Ratcliff, Sydney, 3 June, 1918. (af.) 2326 Raven, Norman Vincent, 3 June, 1918. 2327 Rawlinson, Leonard, 3 June, 1918. 2329 Raynor, Robert Osmond, 3 June, 1918. 2330 Reader, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 2331 Reavill, Ernest Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 2332 Reed, Edwin, 3 June, 1918. 2333 Rees, Ernest WUmot, 3 June, 1918. (st.) (at.)(ii.) (ai.) 2334 Rees, Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2335 Rees, T. E, 3 June, 1918. 2336 Reeve, William Booth, 3 June, 1918. 2337 Reeves, George, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2338 Reynolds, Ethel Maude, 3 June, 1918. 2339 Richards, Percival Stanley, 3 June, 1918. (bi.) 2340 Richardson, Rev. Albert Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 2341 Richardson, Annie Bertha, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2342 Richardson, Harry, 3 June, 1918. 2343 Richardson, Mary Anita, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2344 Rideal, Eric Keightley, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2345 Riordan, Thomas Mortimer, 3 June, 1918. 2346 Ritchie, John, 3 June, 1918. (Bi.) 2347 Ritchlngs, Mary Thompson, 3 June, 1918. 2348 Roberts, David Richard, 3 June, 1918. 2349 Roberts, Gomer, 3 June, 1918. 2350 Roberts, Henry David, 3 June, 1918. 2351 Roberts, Herbert Charles, 3 June, 1918. 2352 Roberts, John, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2353 Robertson, Archibald Campbell, 3 June, 1918. 2354 Robertson, Richard Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 2355 Robinson, Thomas Ingle, 3 June, 1918. 2356 Rodger, James Allison, 3 June, 1918. 2357 Rodham, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 2358 Roebuck, Samuel, 3 June, 1918. 2360 Rogers, Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2362 Rogers, James George, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2363 Rogers, Joan, 3 June, 1918.. 2364 Romer, LeUa Harriette, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2365 Rose, James, 3 June, 1918. 2366 Ross, Jamef. Maxwell, 3 June, 1918. 2367 Ross, John David McBeath, 3 June, 1918. 2368 Ross, Stella Maude Dahymple, 3 June, 1918. 2369 Rowe, John William, 3 June, 1918. 2370 Rowe, Mabel Ruth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2371 Rowe, William George, 3 June, 1918. 2372 Rowland, Joseph Samuel, 3 June, 1918. 2373 Rowley, Charles Donovan, 3 June, 1918. 2374 Royce, Elizabeth Lilian, 3 June, 1918. 2375 Rudge, Louise Alice, 3 June, 1918. 2376 Runciman, Henry Weir, 3 June, 1918. 2377 Rush, Thomas Arthur Edwin, 3 June, 1918 2378 RusseU, Diana, 3 June. 1918. 2379 Russell, Rachel Augusta, 3 June, 1918. 2380 RusseU, WUUam Sidney. 3 June, 1918. 2381 Ruston, Henry Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 2382 Rutland, Georgo Henry, 3 June 1918. 2383 Sage, AUen Molyneux Baxter, 3 June, 1918. 2384 Salter, WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2385 Sambridge, WUUam, 3 June, 1918. 2386 Sample, Leslie, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 2387 Sampson, Howard, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2388 Sandford, Elizabeth, 3 June, 1918. 2389 Sankey, Henry John, 3 June, 1918. 2390 Sargtot, Olga Joyce Forbes, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 2391 Saunders, Ina, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2392 Savage, John Clifford, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 2393 Sayer, Harold Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2394 Scarfe, Fred, 3 June, 1918. 2395 Scarlett, Albert Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2396 Scatterty, Agnes, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 2397 Schofield, James Rimmer, 3 June, 1918. 2398 Scott, Eloise Irene, 3 June, 1918. 2399 Scott, Gladys Mary, 3 June, 1918. 2400 Scott, James, 3 June, 1918. 2401 Scott, John, 3 June, 1918. 2402 Scott, Muriel Elena, 3 June, 1918. (31.) 2404 Segrue, George Edward, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2405 Semmons, Foster James, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2406 Settle, Agnes Hannah, Mrs, 3 June 1918. 2407 Seward, Alfred Charles, 3 June, 1918. 2408 Seymour, Frank, 3 June, 1918. 2409 Shackleton, Kathleen, 3 June, 1918. 2410 Sharp, Gerald Whittaker. 3 June, 1918. 2411 Sharp, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (BI > 2412 Sharpe, James Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2413 Shaw, Gertrude, 3 June, 1918. 2414 Shaw, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 2415 Shaw, Katherine, Mrs, 3 June IMS- 2416 Shawcross, George NuttaU, 3 June, 1918. 2417 Sheffield, Mary Edith, 3 June, 1918. 2418 Short, John, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2419 Siddon, EmUy Frances, 3 June, 1918. 2421 Simpson, Geoffrey Hugh, 3 June, 1918 2422 Simpson, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 2424 Sinclair, Edward, 3 June, 1918. (at ) 2425 Sinclah. Samuel Christian, 3 June, 1918. 2426 Skelton, WUliam Simmonds, 3 June, 1918. 2427 SHffington, Donald McLean 3 June, 1918 2428 Skinner, Herbert Fenton, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2429 Skurray, Ernest Clement, 3 June, 1918. 2430 Slade, George Frederick 3 June, 1918 2431 Smale, Bertram Haylock, 3 June, 1918 2432 Smallbones, Robert Townsend 3 June, 1918. 2433 Smallwood, Henry Sankey, 3 June, 1918. 2434 Smedley, Charles Frederick 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2435 Smedley, Olive Truda Marsden-, 3 June, 1918. 2436 Smedley, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2438 Smith, Annie Hansley, 3 June, 1918. 2439 Smith, Aubrey Goldmg, 3 June, 1918. (M.) (31.) (SI.) 663 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 2440 Smith, Constance Maitland WUson, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2441 Smith, Dempster, 3 June, 1918. 2442 Smith, Fred John, 3 June, 1918. 2443 Smith George Geoffrey, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2444 Smith, Herbert Edwin, 3 June, 1918. 2445 Smith, Anne Huntingdon Melville, Mrs, 3 June, 191S. 2446 Smith, James Albert, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 2448 Smithers, Walter, 3 June, 1918. (It.) 2449 Smy, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 2450 Smythe, Albert Charles Butler-, 3 June, 1918. 2451 Snaith, Adam Currie, 3 June, 1918. 2452 Songhurst, Fred Hibbard, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2453 Sorby, Gertrude Vera, 3 June, 1918. 2455 Sparkes, Stanley, 3 June, 1918. 2456 Spence, Caroline Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2457 Spencer, Henry Bath, 3 June, 1918. 2458 Spencer, John Haywood. 3 June, 1918. 2459 Spicer, Alfred, 3 June, 1918. 2460 Spiers, Gavin, 3 June, 1918. 2461 Spikins, Armande, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2462 Spite, Eva Harvey, 3 June, 1918. 2463 Stafford, Reginald Vemon, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2464 Stagg, George Ernest, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2465 Stainforth, Gladys Margaret, 3 June, 1918. 2467 Stampe, Bernard Coatsworth, 3 June, 1918. 2468 Stanley, Leonard, 3 June, 1918. 2469 Stanton, Frederick William, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2470 Stapledon, Reginald George, 3 June, 1918. 2471 Stark, Frank Tapscott, 3 June, 1918. 2473 Staunton, George Sydney, 3 June, 1918. 2474 Steeds, Ethel Mary, 3 June, 1918. 2475 Steel, Charles Walter, 3 June, 1918. 2476 Stephen, Henry Brown Torrie, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2477 Stephens, Amy Frances Caroline, 3 June, 1918, 2478 Stephenson, Marjory, 3 June, 1918. 2479 Stevenson, John Home, 3 June, 1918. 2480 Stevenson, Samuel, 3 June, 191». 2481 Stewart, Mary Jane, 3 June, 1918. 2482 Still, Marjorie Ellen, 3 June, 1918. 2483 Sthling, Charles Frederick, 3 June, 1918. (Bi.) 2484 Stoddard, John Wilkie, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2485 Stone, Isaac, 3 June, 1918. 2486 Storey, Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2487 Stoughton, Maud Eleanor, 3 June, 1918. 2488 Stovell, Frederick, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2489 Strachan, James, 3 June, 1918. 2490 Strang, Matthew Smellie, 3 June, 1918. 2491 Strother, Cyril John, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 2492 Stuart, Florence Louise, Lady, 3 June, 1918. 2493 Stuart, George Barclay, 3 June, 1918. 2494 Sturdee, Arthur Hope, 3 June, 1918. 2495 Sturt, Ethel Hariette, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2496 Sullivan, Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 2497 Summers, Ada Jane, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2499 Sutherland, John, 3 June, 1918. 2500 Sutton, CecU Norman Stafford, 3 June, 1918. 2501 Sutton, John Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 2502 Swanson, David, 3 June, 1918. 2503 Swinnerton, Robert William. 3 June, 1918. 2504 Sykes, Joseph Percival, 3 June, 1918. 2505 Sykes, WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2508 Tadema, Anna Alma, 3 June, 1918. 2509 Tait, James, 3 June, 1918. 2511 Tanner, Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2512 Taylor, BramweU, 3 June, 1918. 2514 Taylor, Frank GeUie, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2515 Taylor, Geoffrey Fell, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2516 Taylor, Harold Victor, 3 June, 1918. 2517 Tayloi, Louis Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2518 Taylor, Richard Francis, 3 June, 1918. 2519 Tebbutt, Mary Jessie, 3 June, 1918. 2520 Tebbutt, Katherine Rose, 3 June, 1918. 2521 Teesdale, Kenneth John Marmaduke, 3 June, 1918. 2522 Temple, Robert. 3 June, 1918. 2523 Thane, Frank Edward Seymour, 3 June, 1918. 2524 Theobald. Charles Henry Gordon Evre, 3 June, 1918. 2525 Thesiger, Hon. Percy Mansfield, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2526 Thhkell, Constantine, 3 June, 1918. 2527 ThhkeU, William. 3 June, 1918. 2528 Thomas, Bert, 3 June, 1918. 2529 Thomas, Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2531 Thomas, Harry Jones, 3 June, 1918. 2532 Thomas, Sidney Arthm, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2533 Thomas, William Gearing, 3 June, 1918. 2534 Thomas, William Henrv, 3 June, 1918. 2535 Thompson, Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2536 Thompson, Jessie Catherine, 3 June, 1918 2538 Thompson, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2539 Thompson, William Nelson, 3 June, 1918. 2540 Thomson, James, 3 June, 1918. 2541 Thomson, James Miln, 3 June, 1918. 2542 ThornhUl Beatrice Mary Compton, 3 June, 1918. 2543 Thyne, John Sinclair, 3 June, 1918. 2545 Tiffen, Doris Ada, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2546 Tinn, John, 3 June, 1918. 2547 Tizard, Ethel Annie, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 2548 Todd, Edith Mary EUzabeth, 3 June, 1918. (st ) 2549 Toller, Emma Anne, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 2551 Tonner, James, 3 June, 1918. 2552 Tooth, Louis Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 2553 Topham, Harry, 3 June, 1918. 2554 Town, Christopher Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2555 Townshend, Margery, 3 June, 1918. 2556 Trathan, Walter, 3 June, 1918. 2557 Treanor, Francis James, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2559 Trigg, WUUam Ewart Gladstone, 3 June, 1918. 2560 Trounce, AUce, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2561 Tucker, George John, 3 June, 1918. 2562 Tucker, Ina Aveltog, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2563 TurnbuU, George Drummond, 3 June, 1918. 2564 Turner, Adolphus Frederick Franklyn, 3 June, 1918. 2565 Turner, Cameron, 3 June, 1918. 2566 Turner, Catherine Mary, 3 June 1918. 2568 Turner, WiUiam Walker 3 June, 1918. 2569 Tweedale, S, 3 June, 1918. 2570 Tweedy, WUliam Glenhohne, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2571 Tytherleigh, Arthur Henry, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2572 Uden, Walter Jeffery, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 2573 Umney, Percy, 3 June, 1918. 2574 Usher, Rachel LUian May, 3 June 1918. 2575 Le Vack, WUUam, 3 June, 1918. 2576 Vane, Sybil, 3 June, 1918. 2577 Vanneck, Arthur Percy, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2578 Vansittart, Robert Arnold, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2579 Vaughan, WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2580 Veale, William John, 3 June, WIS. 2582 Venables, Margaret, 3 June, 1918. 2583 Venn, Ella Margaret, 3 June, 1918. 2584 Vickers, Charles, 3 June, 1918. 2585 VUmet, Henry Frederic VUmet Oldham-, 3 June 1918. 2586 Waddingham, George, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2587 Wade, Thomas Callander, 3 June, 1918. 2588 Wade, WiUiam John, 3 June, 1918. 2589 Waghome, John, 3 June, 1918. 2590 Wagstaffe, Ellen Charlotte, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2591 Wainwright, Mabel Frances Hewitt, 3 June, 1918 2592 Waite, James, 3 June, 1918. 2593 Wakefield, WiUiam Birkbeck, 3 June, 1918. 2594 Waldegrave, Alfred John, 3 June, 1918. 2595 Waldegrave, Alice, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2597 Walker, Keith Jerome, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2598 Wall, WUliam Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 2600 Walter, Edna, 3 June, 1918. 2601 Ward, Ada Grace, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2602 Ward, Edward, 3 June, 1918. (3f.) 2603 Ward, John Henry, 3 June, 3 918. 2604 Ward, Tom, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2605 Wardroper, Arthur Kingsley, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2606 Warnock, William Findlay, 3 June, 1918. 2607 Warren, Marmont, 3 June, 1918. 2608 Waters, Donald, 3 June, 1918. 2609 Watkins, Dorothy EmUy, 3 June, 1918. 2612 Watson, Albert Harold Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 2613 Watson, James, 3 June, 1918 2614 Watson, John, 3 June, 1918. 2615 Watson, Marguerite Audrey, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2616 Watson, Mildred Jane Musgrave, 3 June, 1 918. 2617 Watt, Madge Robertson, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2618 Watt, John WUliam, 3 June, 1918. 2619 Watters. John, 3 June, 1918. 2620 Weaver, Charles Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2621 Webster, Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 2622 Welch, LiUan Emily, 3 June, 1918 2623 Wellington, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 2624 Wells, MUdmay Francis, 3 June, T918 2625 WeUs, Selkirk, 3 June, 1918. 2626 West, Charles. 3 June, 1918. (at ) 2627 Westbrook, Gertrude Cleave. 3 June, 1918 2628 Westcott, John Richard, 3 June, 1918. 2630 Weston, Henry Gould, 3 June. 1918. 2631 Wharton, Frederick Malcolm, 3 June, 1918. 2632 Wheble. Ursula Mary, 3 June, 1918. 2633 Wheeler, Edward Thomas, 3 June, 1918 2634 Whiles, George Frederick, 3 June, 1918. 2635 Whitaker, EUeen, Mrs. 3 June, 1918 2636 White, Charles Arthur, 3 June, 1918. 2637 White, Jessie McHardie, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2638 White, Percival, 3 June, 1918. 2639 Whitehead, Mary Catharine, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 2640 Whitehorn, Roy Drummond, 3 June, 1918 SSfi Whitfield, Frederick Ernest Banister, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 2642 Whiting, Ernest James, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2643 Whittaker, Mary Fanny, 3 June, 1918. 2644 Whitworth, Geoffrey Budibent, 3 June, 1918. 2645 Wigan, Aubrey John Graham-, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2646 Wiguall, Edith Marguerite, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2647 Wild, Norman Ward, 3 June, 1918 2648 Wilder, Edward H, 3 June, 1918. (BI ) 2649 Wilkins, Margaret Mabel, 3 June, 1918. 2650 WUkinson, Martin, 3 June, 1918 2651 WUliams, Emma Christine, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2652 Williams, Leonard Henry, 3 June 1918 2653 Williams, Percy Alec, 3 June, 1918. (at ) o»r i WUliamson, Rhoda Mapy "Westropp, 3 June, 1918. 2656 Willis, Maud Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 SftI 2iHis',Eey- Michael HamUton Gibson, 3 June, 1918. 2658 WUls, Marian Margaret, 3 June, 1918 2659 WUson, Edith Annie, Mrs, 3 June 1918 2660 WUson, George Alexander, 3 June, 1918 664 MEMBERS. 2661 WUson, James, 3 June, 1918. 2662 Wilson, Margaret Rowley, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2663 WUson, Robert James, 3 June, 1918. 2664 WUson, William Major, 3 June, 1918. 2665 Winder, Ada Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2666 Witts, John Travell, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2667 Wolferstan, Evelyn, 3 June, 1918. 2668 Wood, Gamble Ekin Vickers, 3 June, 1918. 2669 Woodcock, WUUam Stanley, 3 June, 1918. 2670 Woodhams, Walter Lee, 3 June, 1918. 2671 Woodman, Norah Blanche, 3 June, 1918. 2672 Woods, Constance Ada. Mrs, 3 June. 1918. 2673 Woodward, Charles WUliam, 3 June, 1918. 2674 Wordsworth, Annie EUzabeth. 3 June, 1918. 2675 Worth, WUliam Percy, 3 June, 1918. 2676 Worthington, Nora Mary Bayley, 3 June, 1918 . 2677 Worthington, Gwenyth, 3 June, 1918. 2678 Wren, Albert Charles, 3 June, 1918. 2679 Wright, Calvin, 3 June, 1918. 2680 Wright, Clare Elise Ellington, 3 June, 1918. 2681 Wright, Douglas WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2682 Wright, Florence Helena, 3 June. 1918. 2683 Wright, Mary Veronica, 3 June. 1918. 2685 Wright, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 2686 Wrigley, Constance. 3 June, 1918. 2687 Wyatt, Katharina Montagu. 3 June, 1918. 2689 Yeld, Ellen, 3 June, 1918. 2690 Young, Clarence Ross, 3 June, 1918. 2691 Youngman, Annie, 3 June, 1918. 2693 Hardy, Ismay Gertrude, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2694 Gracey, Mabel Alice, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2695 Kealy, Tempe, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2696 Jackson, Dorothy Starr, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2697 Browning, Mary Louisa, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2698 Fremantle, Vera Evelyn Seltoa, Mrs. Selwyn Howe, 3 June, 1918. 2699 Gupta, Jnanendra Nath, 3 June, 1918. 2700 Clarke, Antoinette, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2701 Mumford, Hilda, Mrs, 3 June. 1918. 2702 Hemingway, Stennet, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2703 Dutt, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2704 NevUl, Euphan, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2705 Pehse, Florence Ida, Mrs, 3 June 1918. 2706 Playlah, Caro, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2707 Laslett, Charles Frederick, 2 June, 1918. 2708 Milne, AUce Stuart, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2709 SuUivan, Robina OUve, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2710 Broomfield, Dorothy, Mrs, 3 June. 1918. 2711 Ayyar, Visalakshi Narayana, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2712 Arbery. James, 3 June, 1918. 2713 Ward, John Chappell, 3 June, 1918. 2715 Ray, Prasanna Kumar, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2710 Chazal, Dora Stewert, Mrs. de, 3 June, 1918. 2717 Shaw, Herbert Hunlev, 3 June, 1918. 2718 Badu Budh Sen, 3 June, 1918 2719 Gurtu, Pandit Mannohan Nath, 3 June, 1918. 2720 Singh, Babu Sardar, 3 June, 1918. 2721 Tahsildar, Pandit Ganga Dutt Joshi, 3 June, 1918. 2722 Havock, Donald St. John, 3 June, 1918. 2723 Robertson, Richard, 3 June, 1918. 2724 Gittings, Gwendoline. Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2725 Green, Thomas George, 3 June, 1918. 2726 Nawab of Dera. Nawab Ahmed Nawaz Khan, Saddozai, 3 June, 1918. 2727 Powell, Ernest Robert, 3 June. 1918. 2728 Naidu, Rao Bahadur Shrinivasulu, 3 June, 1918. 2729 Rao, M. Narsing, 3 June, 1918. 2730 Hayward, William, 3 June, 1918. 2731 Gregson, Thomas, 3 June. 1918. 2732 Knowles, Charles James, 3 June, 1918. 2733 Devasahayam, Sardar Bahadur, 3 June, 1918. 2734 Kathait, Bishan Singh, Sardar Bahadur, 3 June, 1918. 2735 Gupta, Babu Srimanta Kumar Das, 3 June, 1918. 2736 Sen, Nirmal Sankar, 3 June, 1918. 2737 Anderson, Percival James, 3 June, 1918. 2738 Khan, Munshi Muhammad Zaman, 3 June, 1918. 2739 Khan, Sardar Bahadur, 3 June, 1918. 2740 Nath, Lala Amar, 3 June, 1918. 2741 Khan, Abdul Majid, 3 June, 1918. 2742 Singh, Babu Shyam Naryan, 3 June, 1918. 2743 Bose, Babu Aran Kumar, 3 June, 1918. 2744 Patnaik, Babu Lakshmtaarayan, 3 June, 1918. 2745 Pardhi, Ramchandra Moreshwar, 3 June, 1918. 2746 Ali, Khan Sahib Ishtiak, 3 June, 1918. 2747 Nath, Rai Bahadur Bhola, 3 June, 1918. 2748 Manik, U. Kmuin, Siem of MyUiem, Assam, 3 June, 1 918. 2749 Harison, U, Siem of Rambray, Assam, 3 June, 1918. 2750 Alston, Frances Carr Ross, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2751 Ghatak, Narendra Nath, 3 June, 1918. 2752 Ram, Pandit Daulat, 3 June, 1918. 2753 Cowasji, Serene, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2754 Bhandari, Rai Bahadur Gopal Das, 3 June, 1918. 2755 Chand, Rai Bahadur Pandit Davi, 3 June, 1918. 2756 Dass, Babu Pyari Lai, 3 June, 1918. 2757 Das, Babu Kamini Kumar, 3 June, 1918. 2758 Jaywant, Ram Krishna Raoji, 3 June ,191b. 2759 Hayes, LUIian May McCaully, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2760 Bhajekar, Vinayak Narayan, 3 June, 1918. 2761 Chaudhuri, Surat Kunwar, 3 June, 1918. 2762 Hindmarsh, Bdwin Andrew Cuthbert, 3 June, 1918. 2703 2764 27652766276727682769 27702771 2772 2773 27742775 2776277727782779278127822783278427852786 278727882789 27902791 279227932794279527962797 279827992800 2801 280228032804 2805 2806 28072808280928112812281328142815 2816 2817 281828192820 2821 2822 2823 2824 282528262827 282828292830283128322833 283428352836 28372838 2839284028412842 28432844 2845 284628472848 28492850285128522853 2854 28552856 28572858 2859 665 Wright, May, Mrs. Hall-, 3 June, 1918. Brierly, Clement HaU, 3 June, 1918. Khan, Subedar Wall Muhammad, 3 June, 1918. Robson, Helene, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Tydeman, Ethel, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Reaks, Sidney Hugh, 3 June, 1918. Ilahi, Khan Bahadur Chaudliuri Karam, 3 June, 1918. Gopal, Rai Sahib Lala Ram, 3 June, 1918. AU, Khan Sahib Chaudhri Fazal, 3 June, 1918. Khan of Kotla, Khan Bahadur Arbab Muhammad Azam, 3 June, 1918. Sethi, of Peshawar, Khan Bahadur Haji Karim Bakhsh, 3 June, 1918. Khiomal, Lekhraj, 3 June, 1918. Vakil, Pestan Shah Nussedwanji, 3 June, 1918. Wiggett, John Howitson, 3 June, 1918. Gillespie, Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Chaudhuri, Raja Mahendra Ranjan Ray, 3 June, 191S. Singh, Babu Manindra Chandra, 3 June, 1918. Grant, Norman, 3 June, 1918. Singh, Babu Shiba Prasad, of Jharia, 3 June, 1918. Gupta, Rai Sahib Chandra Narayan, 3 June, 1918. Hart, Maurice Roberts WUson, 3 June, 1918. Avargal, M. R. Ry. Tiruvadi Chidambara Ramaswami Sarma, 3 June, 1918. Hussain, Khan Sahib Sayad Nazir, 3 June, 1918. Sen, Babu Upendra Nath. 3 June, 1918. Ghose, Babu Atal Chandra, 3 June, 1918. Antia, Jamsetji Dinshaw, 3 June, 1918. Davis, Georgina Jessie Chisholm, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Spence, Mary Denham, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. M. R. Ry. Diwan Bahadur Mandayam Ananda PiUay Parthasarathi Ayyangar Avargal, B.L, 3 June, 1918. Jessop, Gertrude, 3 June, 1918. Carrick, Margaret, 3 June, 1918. Deaken, Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Whitcombe, Adeline Elizabeth, 3 June, 1918. Palit, Lokendra Nath. Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Ewing, Annie, 3 June, 1918. Husain, Khan Bahadur Mir TawaqquI, 3 June, 1918. Khan, Nawab Ahmad Saiyed, 3 June, 1918. Ram, Chaudhri Data, 3 June, 1918. Joshi, Rai Bahadur Dharma Nand, 3 June, 1918. Kishan, Pandit Maharaj, 3 June, 1918. Ali, Subedar-Major Ashaq, 3 June, 1918. Khan, Mian Yar Muhammad, 3 June, 1918. Ram, Resaldar Bahadur Sahaj, 3 June, 1918. Singh, Sardar Fateh, 3 June, 1918. Singh, Raja Fateh, 3 June, 1918. Wardle, Flora, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Sangma, Babu Jagin, 3 June, 1918. Latif, Khan Sahib Maulvi Mohammad Abdul, 3 June, 1918. Shah, Rai Sahib Lala Tirath Ram, 3 June, 1918. Muhammad, Khan Bahadur Wadera Nur, 3 June, 1918. Hart, Henry, 3 June, 1918. Vores, PhUippa, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. East, Percy Harry, 3 June, 1918. Hall, Charles Leavers, 3 June, 1918. Johnstone, Arthur Henry, 3 June, 1918. Craig, Alexander Robertson, 3 June, 1918. WUliams, Arthur Owen, 3 June, 1918. Bury, George Wyman, 3 June, 1918. Kennedy, Rev. Samuel Hanna, 3 June, 1918. Merton, Arthur Sidney, 3 June, 1918. Storrar, George Ronald, 3 June, 1918. Walker, Charles Craven Howell, 3 June, 1918. Williams, John Edgar, 3 June, 1918. Bolland, Arthur Phttip, 3 June, 1918. Abraham, Constance Palgrave, Mrs.. 3 June, 1918. Bankart, Alfred Seymour, 3 June, 1918. Bethell, Thyra Talvase, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Boden, Annie Sanetta, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Bollard, Louisa, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Chilton, Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Conn, Robert, 3 June, 1918. Corry, Alice Maude, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Crooke, Jane Duthie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Donaldson, Ada Maud, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Findlay, EUen Kent, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Galbraith, Marion, Mrs., 3 June, 1918. George, WiUiam Henry Harrison, 3 June, 1918. Graham, Helen, 3 June. 1918. Grimmond, Margaret Isabella, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Hill, Jessie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Lee, Jane Winfleld, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Lock, Esther Georgina, Mrs, 3 June. 1918. MacGibbon, Mabel Jane, 3 June, 1918. MacKay, Isobelle Mary Agnes, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Mackenzie, Jessie, 3 June, 1918. Maguire, Emily Herbert, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Mete, Brina, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Morris, Cecilia Margaret. 3 June, 1918. Murphv, Hannah, Mrs, 3 June 1918. Nathan, Svbil Caroline. 3 June, 1918. Petrie, Helen Young, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Raymond, Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Reeve, Joan Leslie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. Robin, Maggie, 3 June, 1918. Shallcrass, Robert William 3 June, 1918. THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 2860 Smith, Charles Bowtell, 3 June, 1918. 2861 Smith, Mary Euphemia Roseborough, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 2863 Thompson, Rhia, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2864 Tripe, William Archibald, 3 June, 1918. 2865 Ward, Charlotte Sarah, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2866 Webster, Violet Helen, 3 June, 1918. 2867 Wilkinson. Howitt Key, 3 June, 1918. 2868 WUliams, Helen Lucy, 3 June, 1918. 2869 Akerman, Conrad, 3 June, 1918. 2870 Andrews, Annie Burt, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2871 Burman, Thomas, 3 June, 1918. 2872 Burnside, Robert Henery, 3 June, 1918. 2873 Campbell, Ethel Margaret, 3 June, 1918. 2874 Clapp, Rev. Charles Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 2875 Colborue, Christina Johanna Petronella, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2876 Currie, Richard, 3 June, 1918. 2877 Davis, Anna Gronow, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2878 Dudley, Sophie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2879 Freer, Maude .Alice, 3 June, 1918. 2880 French, John William. 3 June, 1918. 2881 Gaisford, Harriet Helen, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2882 Ganteaume, Patrick Padron Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 2883 Gibaud, Agnes Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2884 Gill, Daisy Lee Heywood, Mrs.. 3 June, 1918. 2885 GUlespie, Sara, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2886 Goble, Annie Harriet, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2887 Green, Arthur James. 3 June, 1918. 2888 Griffith, Alison Lockhart, 3 June, 1918. 2889 Hollander, Ethel Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2890 Hosking, WUliam Samuel Victor, 3 June, 1918. 2891 Hutchinson, Bertha Charlotte, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2892 Jacques, Rev. George Henry Paul, 3 June, 1918. 2893 Kleinenberg, Maude Ellen, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2894 Lamont, James, 3 June, 1918. 2895 Lennox, Jessie Orr, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2896 Long, John Percy, 3 June, 1918. 2897 MUes, Blanch Kate, Mrs. Beere-, 3 June, 1918. 2898 Neave, John Sims, 3 June, 1918. 2899 Parkes, LUy Beatrice, Mrs., 3 June, 1918 2900 Poynter, WilUam Dyke, 3 June, 1918. 2901 Reynolds, Harriet Sarah, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2902 Robinson, Beatrice Evelyn Eugenie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 2903 Shearer, David, 3 June, 1918. 2904 Strachan, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 2905 Style, Sydney Richard, 3 June, 1918. 2906 Urquhart, Herbert, 3 June, 1918. 2907 WiUson, Nellie Marie, 3 June, 1918. 2908 Wylie, Maria Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2909 Angel, Frederick WilUam, 3 June, 1918. 2910 Facey, Edith Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2911 Goodison, Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2912 Harvey, Christina, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2913 Knox, Sara, 8 June, 1918. 2914 Macpherson, Violette, 3 June, 1918. 2915 Morris, John William, 3 June, 1918. 2916 O'ReUly, Isabella, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2917 Ryan, Isabel, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2918 Sclater, Eliza, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2919 Scott, Katherine, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2920 WUton, Jemima, Mrs>, 3 June, 1918. 2921 Abraham, John Conrad, 3 June, 1918. 2922 Addison, Joseph Bartlett, 3 June, 1918. 2923 Armitage, Ethel, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2924 Atterbury, WiUiam Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 2925 Baldock, Henry Augustus, 3 June, 1918. 2926 Bartolo, Antonio, 3 June, 1918. 2927 Basch, Bertha, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2928 Blackden, Mary Helen Bennett, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2929 Blanshard Isabella Miller, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2930 Borg, George, 3 June, 1918. 2931 Branch, Irene, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2932 CargiU, John Henry, 3 June, 1918. 2933 Clinckett, Robert James, 3 June, 1918. 2934 Cocks, Edward Charles, 3 June, 1918. 2935 Connal, Sophia Lucy Mackworth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 2936 Corsi, Anthony Joseph, 3 June, 1918. 2938 Da Costa, Altanvmt, 3 June, 1918. 2939 Drury, Edward Herbert Merivale, 3 June, 1918. 2940 Ebden, Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2941 Blcombe, Minnie Eliza, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2942 Fowlie, Mary. Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2943 Gardner, Arthur Edward, 3 June, 1918. 2944 Goddard, Thomas NeUson, 3 June, 1918. 2945 Harnett, Leslie Bennett, 3 June, 1918. 2946 Harris, Heury Lewis, 3 June, 1918. 2947 Howard. Robert, 3 June, 1918. 2948 Hutson, John, 3 June, 1918. 2949 Kerr, Walter Coke, 3 June, 1918. 2950 Kerr. Maud Coke, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2953 Matthews, Philip Edwin, 3 June, 1918. 2954 Moggridge, Norah, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2955 Philip, Fullerton Bell, 3 June, 1918. 2956 Saunders, Maude Irene, 3 June, 1918. 2957 Sinclah, Muriel Eveleen Kathleen, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2958 Smith, George Milner, 3 June, 1918. 2959 Tarlton, Jessie, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2961 Turner, Henry Morton Stanley, 3 June, 1918. 2962 Verney, Malvina, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 2963 Baxendale, Gertrude Mary, Mrs. Vincent-, 3 June, 1918. 666 I 2964 Watney, Constance, 3 June, 1918. 2965 Withycombe, Robert, 3 June, 1918. 2966 Coombs, Percy, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2967 Craft, Samuel Louis, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2968 Gray, Herbert Chester, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2969 Lock, James Steele, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2970 McMullen, William Albert, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 2971 Murray, Reginald Myrie, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2972 Rudden, Bernard, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2973 Circuitt, George Francis Langdald, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 2974 Hemper, John Richard, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 2975 Steen, Royston Dunbar, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2976 Barnett, AUred Henry, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2978 Blackburn, Rev. Burdus Redford, 3 June, 1918. (ar.) 2979 Bowen, Charles Henry CroasdaUe, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2980 Bratby, Samuel Henry, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2982 Buckner, Johnstone Stanley, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2983 ChUds, Edmund, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2984 Cowan, Percy John, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 2985 Duncan, Godfrey Alexander, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2986 ElUott, George Frederick, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2987 Ferguson, John, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2988 Fleming, Rev. Michael Joseph, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2989 Flint, Alfred WUliam, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 2990 GlanvUle, Ernest Alfred, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 2991 Hedges, Harold Edward, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 2992 Hony, Henry Charles, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2993 Hurst, Ian, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2994 Hyde-Smith, Valentine Gardner, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2995 Johnson, Alfred WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2996 Kunal, Chandra Sen, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 2997 Lakeland, WiUiam John, 3 June, 1918. (11.) 2998 Littlejohns, Alfred Edwin, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 2999 Mackay, Frank Forbes, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3000 MacNeiU, Rev. John Henry Horton, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 3001 Martin, Robert, 3 June, 1918. (St.) 3002 Molyneux, Rev. Frederick Merivale, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3003 Morgan, Percival Robert, 3 June, 1918. (ai.) 3004 Nichols, Frederick WiUiam, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3005 O'Leary, Michael George, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3006 O'Rooke, George Mackenzie, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3007 Orr, George, 3 June, 1918. (M.) 3008 Pollard, Armell Richard, 3 June, 1918. (31.) 3009 Reed, George Washington, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3011 Scholefield, Maurice Theodore, 3 June, 1918. (si.) 3012 Scott, James, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3013 Shand, George, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3014 Smith, Charles Probyn, 3 June, 1918. (31.) 3015 Smithson, Edward, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 3016 Stowell, George Christopher, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3017 Thompson, Eric Bertram, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3018 Venn, Tom Walters, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3019 Way, John Dover, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3020 WUkinson, Robert Joseph, 3 June, 1918 (at.) 3021 Wood, Leonard Stanley, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3022 Wormald, Rev. Robert Leonard, 3 June, 1918. (ai.) 3023 Wright, Frank Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 3027 Boazman, Henry, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3028 Botha, Gerhardus Maritz, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 3029 Bottomley, Clarence Fereday, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3030 Broome, Lewis John, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3031 Bunting, Sheldon Arthur Stewart, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3032 Bury, Raymond, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3033 Caldwell, William James, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3034 Carpenter, Geoffrey Douglas Hale, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3035 Carswell, James Ernest Ingham, 3 June, 1918. (ai.) 3036 Christison, Fred Hamilton, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3037 CressweU, Herbert Ptokney, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3038 Davies, George Frederick, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 3039 Davis, Valfred Emanuel, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3040 de Barcaye, Hugo Seeman, 3 June. 1918. (at.) 3041 de Maine, Lionel Thomas, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3043 Fleming, Geoffrey Balmano, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 3044 Fludder, George, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3046 Fuge, William Valentine Greatraks, 3 June, 1918. (Bt.) 3047 Grant, Charles Cameron, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 3048 Greenwood, T, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 3049 Harris, Edgar David, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 3050 Healey, Harry, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3051 Hollis, Wilfrid Norman, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3052 Hughes, Robert Edwarde Armour, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 3053 Humphreys, Robert Arthur, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 3054 Innes, Cameron Starr, 3 June, 1918. (Bf.) 3055 Jones, William, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3056 Kauntz, William Henry, 3 June, 1918. (BI.) 3057 Leapingwell, Louis Albert, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3058 Mclntyre, Donald, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3059 McLaren, Douglas, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3060 Murrell, Henry Francis, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3061 Pearse, Robert Bernard, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3062 Potter, Frederick Effingham, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3063 Reid, Eric, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3064 Rennie, Andy Gerald. 3 June, 1918. (at.) „255 Rossiter, Frederick Norman Chambers, 3 June, 1918. (Bt. ) 3066 Ruffle, WiUiam Harry, 3 June, 1918. (bi.) 3067 Saunders, Henry Hume, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3068 Sheedy, Frederick John, 3 June, 1918. (at ) 3069 Slingsby, Charles Richard, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3070 Southey, Maurice Edward, 3 June, 1918. (Bf ) 3071 Stead, Norman, 3 June, 1918. (Bf ) MEMBERS. 3072 Stradling, Charles Anstice, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 3073 Stuart, Donald Richard, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3075 Stuart, Thane Charles, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3076 Van Tyen, Martinus Sibillus Jan Casper, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3077 Walker, Rev. Joseph Robert, 3 Juno, 1918 (at ) 3078 Watkins, Purcell John, 3 June, 1918. (at ) 3079 Watt, James, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 308O Wheeler, Roland Chamberlain, 3 June, 1918 (bi ) 3084 de Felice, Rodolfo, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3085 Crotty, Trevor, 3 June, 1918. (at.) 3086 Blaney, George, 3 June, 1918. 3087 Buhagiar, Peter, 3 June, 1918. 3088 Cameron, Clarence St. Clair, 3 June, 1918 3089 Caterall, John, 3 June, 1918. 3090 Cunningham, Gordon, 3 June, 1918. 3091 Ferguson, May Glendening, Mrs, 3 June, 1918 3092 Gabain, Adele, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 3093 Harris, Leonard David John, 3 June, 1918. 8094 Hartley, Albert, 3 June, 1918. 3095 Harwood, George, 3 June, 191S. 3096 Hilliard, Robert 3 June, 1918. 3097 McCraken, John, 3 June, 1918. 3098 Moir, William Robertson, 3 June, 1918. 3099 Strong, WUliam Henrv, 3 June, 1918. 3100a Thoy, Herbert Dominick, 3 June, 1918. 31006 Guthrie, WUliam Alexander, 3 June, 1918. 3100c Sullivan, John Andrew, 3 June, 1918. 3100a' Facey, LUian Maud, Mrs, 3 June, 1918. 3101 Fenton, Henry Walter, 22 Aug. 1918. (M.) 3102 Lovelace, Peter Leo, 22 Aug. 1918. (M.) 3103 McPhail, Lachlan Rose, 22 Aug. 1918. (at.) 3104 Wauchope, David, 22 Aug. 1918. (at.) 3105 Jones, Arthur Melville, 22 Aug. 1918. (BI.) 3106 Ings, George Benjamin, 19 Dec. 1918. (at.) 3107 Basden, Albert Edward, 19 Dec. 1918. 3108 Brocklebank, Stanley Hartree, 19 Dec. 1918. 3109 Jordan, Herbert James, 19 Dec. 1918. 5110 Lewis, Ernest Harry, 19 Dec. 1918. 8111 Macandrew, Evan, 19 Dec. 191'8. 3112 Sheldon, Thomas Alfred, 19 Dec. 1918. 3112a Garraway, Leonard, 28 Dec. 1918. 3113 Barbier, Isabella Eugenie Marie, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3114 Beresford, Henry Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3115 Binnie, James Ballentyne, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3116 Brand, Erie Bergo, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3117 Butters, James Waugh, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3118 Chase, Louisa Maud, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3120 DUworth, Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3121 Dobson, WUliam Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3122 DuneU, Alan Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3123 FavieU, Mrs. Mary Sanderson, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3124 Gale, Frederick Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3125 Goodyear, Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3126 Gough, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3127 Green, Lionel Havercroft, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3128 Halliday, Charles WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3129 Hampton, Charles Sweet, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3130 Harrison, Joseph Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3131 Heath, Roland John, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3132 Hill, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3133 Hingston, Cicely Lamorna, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3134 Hogg, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3135 Hopkinson, Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3136 Houghton, EUzabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3137 Hughes, John Archibald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3138 Hyde, Ethel Vivian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3139 Johnston, Annie Emily Blanche, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3140 Joyce, Francis Matthew, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3141 Keery, WiUiam James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3142 Lambert, Miriam Constance, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3143 Lutwyche, Margaret Ruby, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3144 Mackenzie, Murdo, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3145 MaUet, Frank Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3146 Neale, Clara, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3147 Plowman, WUUam Albert, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3148 Proud, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3149 Rowlatt, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3150 Saunders, Molly, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3151 Scott, Flora Murray, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3152 Shepherd, CorneUus, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3153 Spring, George Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3154 Sutton, Ernest Phillips Foquet, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3155 Thomson, Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. (al.) 3156 WUkinson, Harry Cuthbert William, 1 Jan, 1919. (BI.) 3157 WiUett, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3158 WUman, Edgar Arthur. 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3159 Narain, Subadar Lachmi, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3160 Hutchinson, Thomas Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3161 McLachlan, Allan, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3162 McCallum, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3163 Smith, George, 1 Jan. ~ 919. (at.) 3164 Aitchison, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3165 Baldwin, Walter James, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3166 Barber, James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) . . 3167 Barnes, James Cecil Lawson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3168 Blake, William Betts, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3169 BuUock, Frank Henry William, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3170 Cudmore, Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3171 Douglas-White, Cyril Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3172 Evans, Richard Endell, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3173 Eyres, Charlos Lionel, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3174 l'rnmpton, Napier Paul, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 31,5 Gardner, Reginald Lowood, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) •il/ii Green, Gerald Gilbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3177 Green, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3178 Green, William, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3179 Halin, Adolph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3180 HamUton-Grierson, Philip Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3181 Hay, WUliam Ross, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3182 Holden, Fred, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3183 Hope, Arthur Clement, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3184 Irons, Thomas WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3185 Kerry, Arthur Henry Gould, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3186 Lewis, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3188 Malyn, Donald Paton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3189 Merry, Edgar James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3190 Powell, Thomas Percy Prosser, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3191 Sergeant, Herbert Lee, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3192 Shreeve, Arthur William, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3193 Slaughter, Ernest William, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) 3194 Smith, James Hampstead, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 8195 Sowman, Uhic Doncaster, 1 Jan. 1919. (At.) 3196 Stoddard, Ernest Algernon, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 3197 Stratton, James Phillips, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3198 Wilson, Sholto Douglas Major, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3199 Buckland, Philip Percival, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3200 Frost, Wilfreu John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3201 Kadi, El Saghkolaghasi Abdel Azim Effendi Abd El, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3202 Amer, El Mulazim-Awal Anwar Effendi, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3203 Shoucair, El Yuzbashi Halim Effendi Sulman, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3204 Akle, El Yuzbashi (T. Saghkolaghasi) Mohammed Effendi, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 3205 Lufti, El Bimbashi Saleh Effendi, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3206 Bampfield, Lewis Adolphus, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3207 Benson, Trevor Gaulter, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3208 Brown, Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1919. (At.) 3209 Carlisle, William, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3210 Daly, Oscar Bedford, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3211 Gibson, Francis Edmund, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3212 McClintock-Bunbury, Hon. Thomas Leopold, 1 Jan 1919. (at.) 3213 Moss, Frederic WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3214 Rose, Thomas Whately, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3215 Smith, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3216 Twine, Frank Percival, 1 Jan. 1919. (3f.) 3217 WUliams, WilUam Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3218 Young, Richard Linsley, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3219 Bernays, Geoffrey Charles Arrowsmith, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI. ) 3220 Blaikie, Thomas Hugh Conolly, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3221 Bliss, Theodore Stephen, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3222 Breton, Norton, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3223 Clarke, Hugh Franklin, 1 Jan. 1919. (af.) 3224 Court, Henry DarUngton Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3225 Duckett, WiUiam Knight, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3226 Fontaine, Frederick Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3227 Leslie-Melville, Hon. David William, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 3228 ManseU, Reginald Anson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3231 PaUis, Andreas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3233 Reynolds, Walter Deveson, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3234 Robson, Thomas Buston, 1 Jan. 1919. (ar.) 3235 Stevens, Gordon, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3236 Johnstone, John HamUton Lane, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3237 Sturdy, A. B, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3238 Utterton, A, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3239 Adams, Robert Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (Sf.) 3240 Allen, Doreen, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3241 Alston, Rowland Allison, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3242 BaUs WUliam Daniel Chamberlain, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3243 Banger, John Henry Adolphus, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3244 Bayley, Benjamin Croft, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3245 Bishop, John Evitt, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3246 Britton, Walter Peaston, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) 3247 Brooks, Henry Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3248 Brooks, John Rowe. 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3249 Brown, Arthur Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3250 Budd, Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3251 Budge, James WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3252 Cemlyn-Jones, Elias Wynne, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3253 Chapman, Marie Langslow, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3254 Clay, Beatrice L, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3255 Cooper, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3256 Cope, Noel Harwood, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3257 Cowan, Alexander Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3258 Craigie, Muriel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3259 Curry, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3260 Cursley, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3261 Desmond, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3262 Edwards, William, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3263 EIUs, Arthur Evelyn Paul, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) 3264 Emerson, Thomas William, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3265 Forrest, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3266 Freeman, Percy Tom, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3267 Gamage, CecU Murdoch, 1 Jan. 1919. 3268 Gamier, Alan Parry, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3269 Gethin, Randolph G, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3270 Gough, Robert Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3271 Heath, Sidney John, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 667 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 3272 Hetherington, Graham, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3273 HoUand, Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3274 Holme, Charles Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3275 Holmes, Hubert Jack, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3276 Horton, Vernon Grove, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) 3277 Hutehtags, W. F, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3278 Johnson, Horace Swales, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3279 Jones, Harrv Beresford, 1 Jan. 1919 (bi.) 3280 Khkby, Edward WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3281 Klein, Adrian Bernard L, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3282 Knapp, E. C, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3283 Landon, Joseph Whittington, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3284 Lawrence, Francis Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (Sf.) 3285 Lawson, John Boyd, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3286 Leneghan, Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3287 Lister, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3288 Lloyd, Ethel Vernon, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 3289 Macleod, James Keith, 1 Jan. 1919. (sr.) 3290 Martin, John Newton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3291 Meredith, H. A, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3292 Mitchell, James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3293 Morris, Rhys Hopkto, 1 Jan. 1919. (if.) 3294 Read, Hugh A. Moutray-, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3295 Mutrtead, James Calder, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3297 Naish, Francis Clement Prideaux, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3298 Nightingale, Thomas George Hull, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3299 O'Ketty, Edward Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3300 Oliver, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3302 Patrick, John McDonald, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3303 Pegrum, Abraham William, 1 Jan. 1919 (at.) 3304 Popplestone, WUliam Gilbert, 1 Jau. 1919. (at.) 3305 Post, DonneU Shepard, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3306 Rayner, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3307 Rayner, Walter John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3308 Reeder, Robert John, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3309 Rennie, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3310 Rix, Dudley Gerald, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3311 Saul, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3312 Scrimgeour, James, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3313 Shield, John GUson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3314 Solly, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3315 Springate, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3316 Stallan, Herbert Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3317 Sthling, Hugh WiUiam, 1 Jau. 1919. (at.) 3318 Sthling, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3319 Storey, John William, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3320 Streeter, Gertrude M. H, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3321 Stringer, Herbert Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3322 Taylor, Arthur Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3324 Whittaker, Laurence, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3325 Richardson, WiUiam Wigham-, 1 Jan. 1919. (si. 3326 Willsher, John Wingfield, 1 Jan. 1919. 3327 WoombeU, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3328 Watkins, Joseph Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3329 Webb, Sidney George, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3330 Barry, Arthur Cressy, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3331 King, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3332 Lee, Eric Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3334 Murphy, Clarence Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3335 Perrin, WiUiam Andrew, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3336 Price, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3337 Prior, WUliam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3338 Savage, James Edmund, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3339 Eastgate, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3340 Forsythe, Gordon Harris, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3343 McGowan, Henry Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3344 Magnay, Christopher Robert Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI 3345 Staples-Brown, Richard Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (>I.) 3346 Jamieson. Edmund Charles Kean, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3347 Walker, Eric Bolingbroke, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3348 Whyte, James Cunningham, 1 Jan. 1919. (if.) 3349 Achurch, George PhiUp, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3350 Adams, John Leonard, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3351 AUen, Arthur Dunscombe, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3352 Anderson, Henry Graeme, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) 3353 Attrttl, Charles, 1 Jau. 1919. (at.) 3354 Bagge, Harry James, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3355 Bellew, Edward Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3356 Bentley, Walter Owen, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3357 Brittain, Arthur WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3358 Bruce-Clarke, WUliam Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3359 Butler, Fernand Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 3360 Carr, Leslie WUden, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 3361 CatheraU, John Eric, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3362 Catleugh, John Harwood, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3363 Cheshire, Archibald Sidney, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3364 Christie, Fred, 1 Jau. 1919. (at.) 3365 Clift, John George Neilson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3366 Clogstoun, Herbert Prinsep Somers, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3367 Cole, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3368 Colquhoun, Edgar Edmund, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3369 Cooke, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3370 Corby, Hugh George, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3371 Cort, WiUiam Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3372 Courtney, Reginald Aloysius, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3373 CresweU, Keppel Archibald Cameron, 1 Jan. 1919. (si, 3374 Denison, Amos Allan, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3375 Dew, William James, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3376 Drudge, Ernest O, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) H377 Ellis, Samuel Howard, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) (St.) (si.) 3378 Felkin, Samuel Denys, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3379 Ferguson, John Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3380 Fielding, Walter Harrison, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3381 Fortescue, Albert Edward Muspratt, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3382 Fraser, George Gerald Rae, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3383 Freemantle, Robert McGorman, 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 3384 Furniss, John Hunt, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3385 HiU, Harold Gardiner-, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3386 Greenhough, Arthur BasU Wickham, 1 Jan. 1919. (si ) 3387 Gregory, Arthur Leslie, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 3388 Handman, Adolph Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3389 Hansford, Albert Urbane, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3390 Hart, William Whiddon, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3391 Heanly, Wilfred Edward Graham, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3392 Hemsley, Noel, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3393 Hetherington, Charles Goldby, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3394 Hingston, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3395 Hosttags, James Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (af.) 3396 Hoyland, Philip Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3397 Humphries, Eric Beresford, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3398 Humphreys, Robert Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3399 Hunter, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3400 Dedale, Frederick MitcheU, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3401 James, Maurice Jewison, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3402 Jones, Thomas Pargeter, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3403 Knight, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3404 Lander, Leonard Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3405 Lee, AUstair, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3406 Levey, Bernard Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3407 Lienard, Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (af.) 3408 Lingard, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3409 LyaU, George Henry Hudson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3410 LyaU, WUUam Hooker, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3411 Lyne, Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3412 MacKittigan, Alister Pelham, 1 Jan. 1919. 3413 McLean, Robert Knox, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3414 McMullen, John Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3416 Molyneux, Edward Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3417 MuUard, Stanley Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3418 Newman, Herbert John Greatrex, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3419 Osborn, Tom Douglas HamUton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3420 Ovens, Alexander Rutherford, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3421 PeddeU, Thomas Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3422 Ramage, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3423 Read, John Victor, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3424 Richardson, CoUn Spencer, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3425 Ruttle, Jacob SutcUffe, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3426 Scarff, Frederick WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3427 Scoble, Walter Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3428 Sharpies, John Butterfield, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3429 Slater, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3430 Smith, Alexander Glegg, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3431 Smith, Charles Hodgkinson, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3432 Smith, Henry Joseph CecU, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3433 Peach, Robert Stephenson-, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3434 Stevenson, Robert Little, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3435 Stroud, George John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3436 Sutherland, James Henry Richardson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at) 3437 Tate, Henry Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3438 TattersaU, Tom Whitaker, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3439 Thompson, Charles Stuart, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3440 Thompson, George Albert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3441 Tttley, Harry, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3442 Turner, Samuel Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 3443 Tyler, James Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3444 Upjohn, Dudley Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) ) 3445 Verpilleux, Antoine EmUe, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3446 Waite, Robert Bruce, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) 3447 Walker, John PlvUip, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3448 Watson, John Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3449 Webley, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 3450 Welsford, Herbert Gray, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3451 Whitaker, Raymond, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 3452 White, John Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3453 WilUs, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3454 Witt, Albert Thomas Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. 3455 Witty, Charles Harry, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3456 Young, Christopher Harding, 1 Jan. 1919. 3457 Talbot, MatUda Theresa, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3458 Thompson, Marion Annie, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3459 Tibbits, Olive Bleanore, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3460 Gething, Charlotte Bathasar, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3461 Ablett, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3462 Alexander, George Hamilton, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 3464 Black, Alfred Stephen, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3465 Budge, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3466 Cary, Henry John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3467 Diver, James Michael, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 3468 Gracie, Duncan McAuley, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 3469 Harrington, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 3470 HoveUs, Ernest WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3471 Long, William Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3472 Macbeth, Allan, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 3473 MiUer, Ernest Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3474 Morgan, James Walwyn Gynlais, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) > 3475 Shepherd, John Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3476 Waugh, Alfred Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3477 Wilson, Hugh Brown, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3478 Wooldridge, Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3479 Dannatt, Elsie Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 668 (si.) (31.) MEMBERS. 3480 Acland, Katharine, 1 Jan. 1919. 3481 Adams, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. 3482 Adams, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3483 Adams, Robert Ernest Kennedy, 1 Jan. 1919. 3484 Aitken, Jean Reid, 1 Jan. 1919. 3485 Alcock, Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. 3486 Alexander, Stanley Walter. 1 Jan. 1919. 3487 Allnutt, Arthur Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 3488 Amor, Emma, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919 3489 Anderson, Annie Maria, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3490 Andrews, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3491 Andrews, Leonard, 1 Jan. 1919. 3492 Armitage, Elsie Barbara, 1 Jan. 1919. 3493 Arnold, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3494 Ascough, Matthew Mather, 1 Jan. 1919. 3495 Ashton, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 3496 Aslett, WiUiam Stacey, 1 Jan. 1919. 3497 Astin, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 3498 Atkins, May Clara, Lady Crofton, 1 Jan. 1919. 3499 Atkinson, Harold Waring, 1 Jan. 1919. 3500 Ayrton, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3501 Backhouse, Indiana Richenda, 1 Jan. 1919. 3502 Baigent, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3503 Baker, Ada Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. 3504 BaU, Francis Livingstone, 1 Jan. 1919. 3505 BaUantine, Alice Liardet, 1 Jan. 1919. 3506 Baring, Eva Hermoine, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 3507 Barling, Edith Madge, 1 Jan. 1919. 3508 Barlow, Henry Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 3509 Barlow, WiUiam Tait, 1 Jan. 1919. 3510 Barnes, Edith Helen, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 3511 Barnett, Ada, 1 Jan. 1919. 3512 Barrington, Sh Charles Burton, 1 Jan. 1919. 3513 Barry, Lady Grace, 1 Jan. 1919. 3514 Barry, John Armstrong, 1 Jan. 1919. 3515 Barton, Gilbert WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3516 Bates, Henry Baker, 1 Jan. 1919. 3517 Batten, Frederick WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3518 Battle, George Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. 3519 Baxter, Harry Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. 3520 Bazeley, Marjorie Letitia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3521 Beard, John James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3522 Beazley, Arthur Tetley, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 3523 Beazley, Herbert George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3524 Beddow, Muriel Grace, 1 Jan. 1919. 3525 Bennett, George Edward, 1 Jan 1919. 3526 Bennett, Isaac Vaughan, 1 Jan. 1919. 3527 Best, Charles William, 1 Jan. 1919. 3528 Binns, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 3529 Birch, Janet Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3530 Bhd, Jessie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3531 Bobart. Henry Hodgkinson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3532 Bosanquet, Theodora, 1 Jan. 1919. 3533 Bourn, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3534 Bowen, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3535 Bowman, James Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. 3536 Boyce, Adam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3537 Bradden, EUiot, 1 Jan. 1919. 3539 Broad, Frederick Laurence, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3540 Brock, George Sandison, 1 Jan. 1919. 3541 Brocklehurst, Herbert Cecil, 1 Jan. 1919. 3542 Brodie, Marial, 1 Jan. 1919. 3543 Brown, Annie Kathleen, 1 Jan. 1919. 3544 Brown, James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3545 Brown, Minnie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3546 BrumeU, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3547 Buttock, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3548 Bullock, Margaret Annie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3549 Bunker, Nellie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3550 Burley, Alison, 1 Jan. 1919. 3551 Burns, Norah Dalrymple, 1 Jan. 1919. 3552 Burstall, Henry Robert John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3553 Burton, Frances Westbrook, 1 Jan. 1919. 3554 Bush, Helen Ethel, Mrs. Harry Stebbing, 1 Jan. 1919. 3555 Bushby, Maud Alice, 1 Jan. 1919. 3556 Butcher, Marjorie Alma, 1 Jan. 1919. 3557 Butler, John Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1919. 3558 Butler, Nina, 1 Jan. 1919. 3559 Buttenshaw, George Eskholme, 1 Jan. 1919. 3560 Buxton, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3561 Buxton, Laura, Mrs. Edward Gurney, 1 Jau. 1919 3562 Byatt, Bmest Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3563 Byies, Emma Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. 3564 CampbeU, Lady Angela Mary Alice, 1 Jan. 1919. 3565 Campbell, Vera Harriett Antill, 1 Jan. 1919. 3566 Carey, Robert Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3567 CasteU, Rose Catharine Clanmorris, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919, 3568 Chaplin, Constance Helena, 1 Jan. 1919. 3569 Chatterton, Julia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3570 Cheshire, Frederic Brandon, 1 Jan. 1919. 3571 Chidgey, Hugh Thomas Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 3572 Church, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3573 Churchill, Laura, Mrs, 1 Jan. 191?- 3574 Clay, Frederick Septimus, 1 Jan. 1919. 3575 Clayton, Harry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3576 Clegg, Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919 3577 Elgin, Katherine Elizabeth, Countess, 1 Jan. 1919. 3578 Cock, James Wearne, 1 Jan. 1919. 3579 Colegrave, Elizabeth Violet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3580 Coleridge, Frances May, 1 Jan. 1919. 35813582 3583 3584 3585 3586358735883589 35903591359235933595359635973598 359936003601360236033604360536063607 3608 3609 36103611361230143616361736183619362036213622362336243625362636273628362936303631 36323633363436353636 36373638 36393640 36413642 3643S6443645364636483649365036513652 3654 3655 36563657 365836593660 3661 3662366336643665 36663667366836693670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676367736783679368036813683 3685 3686 3687 May, EUen Evelyn, Mrs, J.J.I.C. 1 Jan. 1919. CoUins, Lesbia, 1 Jan. 1919. Colona, Gilbert Edmond Chalmers, 1 Jan. 1919. Compton, John, 1 Jan. 1919. Connolly, Matthew, 1 Jan. 1919. Connolly, WUUam Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. Connor, William James, 1 Jan. 1919. Cooper, Robert Llewellyn WUson, 1 Jan. 1919. Corkran, Sybil Florence, 1 Jan. 1919. Cottle, CUfford John, 1 Jan. 1919. Cotton, Alonzo, 1 Jan. 1919. Cox, Constance Louise, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Cox, Sydney, 1 Jan. 1919. Crombie, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. Crooke, Victor, 1 Jan. 1919. Cross, Bertram Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. Crossley, Audrey, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Cuhoss, James, 1 Jan. 1919. Cunninghame, James Fraser, 1 Jan. 1919. Curnow, Benjamin Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. Currie, Gertrude Barclay, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Dale, WiUiam John, 1 Jan. 1919. Davies, Alphonso William James, 1 Jan. 1919. Davies, John Howell, 1 Jan. 1919. Davies, Milfred Lucy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Dawes, Helen Frances, 1 Jan. 1919. Dean, Edward George, 1 Jan. 1919. Deedes, Rose Elinor, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Denny, Rosalind Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. Devonshire, Marie, 1 Jan. 1919. Dick, Gladys Helen, 1 Jan. 1919. Dixon, Elizabeth Amy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Dowbiggta, Annie, 1 Jan. 1919. Duggan, Eva, 1 Jan. 1919. Duncan, Elsie Eppielow, 1 Jan. 1919. Dunlop, Elizabeth Dorothea, 1 Jan. 1919. Dunne, James, 1 Jan. 1919. Stewart-Dyer, Terence Armiston, 1 Jan. 1919. East, Alfred Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. Eden, Morton Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. Edgar, AUce, 1 Jan. 1919. Edmunds, Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Edmunds, John Parry, 1 Jan. 1919. Edwards, Gladys Maude, 1 Jan. 1919. Edwards, Richards, 1 Jan. 1919. Bldridge, William John, 1 Jan. 1919. EUery, Kathleen Frances Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Ellis, George Stanley, 1 Jan. 1919. Evans, Agues Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Ewen, Elias, 1 Jau. 1919. Fahbank, Amy Helena Margaret, 1 Jan. 1919. Farmer, Henry Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. Farren, Rev. George Erie, 1 Jan. 1919. FeUing, Ethel Bessie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Fell, Marion Isobel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Fetherstonhaugh, Victoria Shaw, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Fidler, George Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. Field, Mabel Clara Hawkes, 1 Jan. 1919. Figgis, Ruby Norah, 1 Jan. 1919. Filder, Charles Lavington, 1 Jan. 1919. Findlay, James Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. Forbes, Eliza Mary, 1 Jin. 1919. Foreshew, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. Fozard, Harry Bdwin, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) France, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1919. Francis, Percy Alexander 1 Jan. 1919. Fraser, James, 1 Jan. 1919. Friend, Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1919. GaUaway, Agnes Lottie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Gander, Bernard Vincent, 1 Jan, 1919. Gardiner, Alice Marie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Gardner, Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1919. Garforth, Hylda Maria Madeline, Hon. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Garner, Lizzie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Garrett, James Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. Gask, Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1919. GaskeU, Catharine Julia, 1 Jan. 1919. Gaussen, Marguerite, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Gentle, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. George, Arthur Hereford Wykeham-, 1 Jau. 1919. GUchrist, George Prowse, 1 Jan. 1919. Gillespie, William James, 1 Jan. 1919. Girdlestone, Emily, T Jan. 1919. Girling, Marjorie, 1 Jan. 1919. Gladwell, Ethel Dorothy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Glanfield, Olive, 1 Jan. 1919. Glegg, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. Glen, James Hutchison, 1 Jan. 1919. Gtockstein, Francesca, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Gordon, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. Graham, Sophia Augusta, 1 Jan. 1919. Grant, Alexander PhUip Foulerton, 1 Jan. 1919. Grant, Donald Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) Gray, Alice, 1 Jan. 1919. Gray, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1919. Greaves, Stanley Haldane Linford, 1 Jan. 1919. Greenham George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. Grimes, John, 1 Jan. 1919. Gros, Edith Katharine, Mrs. Le, 1 Jan. 1919. Grose, Woodman Cole, 1 Jan. 1919. 669 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 3688 Grosvenor, Lady Mabel Florence Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. 3689 Gubbtas, Helen Frances Hartopp, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3690 Gulston, Agneta Annie Justina Stepney, 1 Jan. 1919. 3691 Gurney, Sarah Gamzee, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3692 Hains. Charles Brazier, 1 Jan. 1919. 3693 Hall, Evelyn Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3694 Hall, Ernest Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919 3695 HamUton, Margaret Gordon Hans. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3696 Hankins, Ivy Winifred, 1 Jan. 1919. 3697 Hare, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3698 Harris, Charles Hubert, 1 Jan. 1919. 3699 Harris, Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3700 Harris, Marjorie Maxwell, 1 Jan. 1919. 3701 Hawes, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3702 Hayes, James Waldegrave, 1 Jan. 1919. 3703 Hayward, Percv Christopher Gallimore, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 3704 Head, Herbert Harry Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3705 Heath, John Henry. 1 Jan. 1919. 3706 Heelis, Marion, 1 Jan. 1919. 3707 Henderson, Charles AUen, 1 Jan. 1919. 3708 Henderson, Hubert Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3709 Henderson, Laura Catharine, 1 Jan. 1919. 3710 Henderson, Violet, 1 Jan. 1919. 3711 Henley, Hon. Mrs. Sylvia Laura, 1 Jau. 1919. 3712 Henshilwood, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3713 Hepburn, Thomas. 1 Jan. 1919. 3714 Herford, CaroUne, 1 Jan. 1919. 3715 Hewett, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1919. 3716 Hewkto, Bdwin Percy, 1 Jau. 1919. 3717 Heywood. Ivy Lenore, 1 Jan. 1919. 3718 Hicks, Corona, 1 Jan. 1919. 3719 Highton, William Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3720 Hildyard, Gertrude Mary, Mrs. d'Arcy-, 1 Jan. 1919. 3721 HUton, George Grimmer, 1 Jan, 1919 3722 Hobson, Charles Kenneth, 1 Jan. 1919. 3723 Hobson, WiUiam Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3724 Hodgson, LUlie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3725 Hoffmann, Anne Avery, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3727 Holden, Ethel Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3728 HoUoway, Arthur William. 1 Jan. 1919. 3729 Holt, Constance, 1 Jan. 1919. 3730 Holt, Frederick WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3731 Hooper, Francis William, 1 Jan. 1919. 3732 Hore, Alexie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3733 Horstmann, Sidney Adolph, 1 Jan. 1919. 3735 How, Ethel Mary Beatrice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3736 Howard, John Palmer, 1 Jan. 1919. 3737 Hoyle, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3738 Hughes, FraDces, 1 Jan. 1919. 3739 Hughes, Gibbard Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. 3740 Huish, Lizzie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3741 Hullett, Gertrude Cecilia 1 Jan. 1919. 3742 Hulse, Hilda Gertrude Overs, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3743 Humphreys, George Oscar, 1 Jan. 1919. 3744 Hunter, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3745 Hutchinson, Frances Catherine Maude Haynes, 1 Jan. 1919. 3746 Hutchison, Helen Duguid, 1 Jan. 1919. 3747 Huxley, Henry Scott, 1 Jan. 1919. 3748 lies, Annie Christease, 1 Jan. 1919. 3749 Impey, IsabeUa Edith, 1 Jan. 1919. 3750 Inglis, Walter George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3751 Ireland, Herbert James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3752 Irvine, Margaret Elizabeth, Mrs. Charles Irvine Douglas- 1 Jan. 1919. 3753 Jackman, Douglas Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3754 Jackson, William Henry Congreve, 1 Jan. 1919. 3755 James, Dudley WUliam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3756 James, Herbert WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3758 Jebb, Georgina Martha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3759 Jeeves, Isabel Blanche, 1 Jan. 1919. 3760 Jefferies, Marguerite, 1 Jan. 1919. 3761 Jeffrey, Edward James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3762 Jenkins, Frances Edith, 1 Jan. 1919. 3763 Jenkins, Jenkin, 1 Jan. 1919. 3764 Jennings. Ida, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3765 Jerram, Frederick Horace Oldershaw, 1 Jan. 1919. 3766 Johnson, Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1919. 3767 Johnson, Edith Clara, 1 Jan. 1919. 3768 Johnson, John Ben, 1 Jan. 1919. 3769 Johnson, Violet Charlotte, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3770 Johnson, Violet Seymour. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3771 Johnston, John Ewing, 1 Jan. 1919. 3772 Johnston, Mary Ingham, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3773 Johnstone, Ethel Rose, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3774 Johnstone, Frances Lucy, 1 Jan. 1919. 3775 Jones, Margaret Ellen, 1 Jan. 1919. 3776 Jones, Ann Laugharne PhiUips Griffith, 1 Jan. 1919. 3778 Jones, Thomas Lionel, 1 Jan. 1919. 3779 Jones, William Tudor, 1 Jan. 1919. 3780 Jordan, WiUiam Ezra, 1 Jan. 1919. 3781 Joy, George WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3782 Kay, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3783 Keeling, Dorothy Clarissa, 1 Jau. 1919. 3784 Kemble, Virginia Margaret, 1 Jan. 1919. 3785 Kennedy, James Hutchinson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3786 Kentish, Hilda Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3787 Kentish, Ida Clementina, 1 Jan. 1919. 3788 Kuibb, Frederick Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3789 Lacey, Ada, 1 Jan. 1919. 3790 Lambourn, Frank Harper, 1 Jan. 1919. 3791 Laming, Evelyn Hamar, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919 3792 Lander, Richard GUbert, 1 Jan. 1919. 3793 Lander, Sidney Montem, 1 Jan. 1919 3794 Langston, Jessie Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1919. 3795 Large, Robert James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3796 Latham, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3797 Lattey, Maud, 1 Jan. 1919. 3798 Law,. Laura Jessie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3799 Lawrence, Thomas David, 1 Jan. 1919. 3800 Leaver, Frederick John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3801 Leighton, Jane Creagh, 1 Jan. 1919. 3802 Leslie, Arthur Trevor O'Bryen, 1 Jan. 1919. 3803 Lester, Leontine IsabeUe Emmeline, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1919. 3804 Lewin, Isabella Marion, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3805 Ligat, John Mackinlay, 1 Jan. 1919. 3806 Lightfoot, C. H, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3807 Lile, Henry John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3808 Limming, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3809 Lindsell, Dis le Strange, 1 Jan. 1919. 3810 Lister, Rev. Irvine, 1 Jan. 1919. 3811 Little, James Mason, 1 Jan. 1919. 3812 Lloyd, Fred, 1 Jan. 1919. 3813 Long, Arthur WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3814 Lowman, Rose Frances, 1 Jan. 1919. 3815 Lumsden, WUliam Watt, 1 Jan. 1919. 3816 Lyon, IsabeUa Romanes, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3817 McBride, John Corbet, 1 Jan. 1919. 3818 McCarthy, John WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 3819 McCleUan, Sarah Georgina Corbetta, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1919. 3820 Mace, WiUiam Ethrtogton, 1 Jan. 1919. 3821 Maoklta, Barbara, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3822 Maclean, Thomas Finlay, 1 Jan. 19] 9. 3823 McLean, 1 Jan. 1919. 3824 McNaughton, John Love, 1 Jan. 1919. 3825 McNeile, Mary Bridget, 1 Jan. 1919. 3826 McPherson, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3827 McRae, Bessie, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1919. 3828 Magruder, Maryel Alpina, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3829 Maleham, George Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. 3830 Mann, Walter George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3831 Massie, Anne, 1 Jan. 1919. 3832 Mauvan, Agnes Jessie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3833 Mawby, LiUan Edith, 1 Jan. 1919. 3834 Maxwell, Marion Winefrid, 1 Jan. 1919. 3835 May, Irene Harriet Bourne Seaburne Bourne-, 1 Jan. 1919. 3836 May, Walter BaUlie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3837 Meakin, George Healey, 1 Jan. 1919. 3838 Meakin, Mary Ridgway, 1 Jan. 1919. 3839 Medcalf, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3840 Meek, EUzabeth Muriel Grant-, 1 Jan. 1919. 3841 Merriles, Alexander Horsburgh, 1 Jan. 1919. 3842 Merry, Henry Edward Dilke, 1 Jan. 1919. 3843 Mervyu, Muriel Hermione Marion, 1 Jan. 1919. 3844 Michaelis, Marie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3845 Middlemiss, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3846 Middleton, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3847 Midgley, John WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3849 MiUar, Henry Horatio, 1 Jan. 1919. 3850 MiUigan, Helena Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3851 Mills, Janet Melanie AUsa, 1 Jan. 1919. 3852 Monck, Louise EmUia, 1 Jan. 1919. 3853 Moore, Herbert Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 3854 Morgan, Harold Roland, 1 Jan. 1919. 3855 Morgan, Robert Upton, 1 Jan. 1919. 3856 Morrison, Florence MUdred, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3857 Mortimer, Robert Richardson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3858 Muirhead, Hon. Mrs. Katharine Charlotte Elizabeth Stewart, 1 Jan. 1919. 3859 Mundy, WiUiam Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3860 Murch, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3861 Murphy, Ellen Theodora, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. 3862 Neame, Maud Kathleen Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3863 NeUson, Katherine Helen, 1 Jan. 1919. 3864 New, Evelyn Helen Johnston, 1 Jan. 1919 3865 Newton, Susan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3866 Nicholson, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3867 Nicoll, Thomas Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. 3868 Nightingale, Thomas Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. 3869 Norton, Eleanor MUlicent, 1 Jan. 1919. 3870 Norton, Jessie Jane Jardine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3871 Oakshett, Owen James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3872 O'Byrne, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3873 O'CaUaghan, Richard Grainger Dennis, 1 Jan. 1919. 3874 Ogden, Alice, 1 Jan. 1919. 3875 Oliver, Charlotte, 1 Jan. 1919. 3876 Orman, Frederick Brook, 1 Jan. 1919. 3877 Orpen, Ida Grace Victoria, 1 Jan. 1919. 3878 Osborne, David, 1 Jan. 1919. 3879 Ouzman, WiUiam Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3880 Owen, Frederick WiUiam, 1 Jau. 1919. 3881 Owen, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3882 Page, James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3883 Page, WUliam Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3884 Painter, Thomas Abbott, 1 Jan. 1919. 3885 Palmer, NeUie Hurcomb, 1 Jan. 1919. 3886 Pascoe, Frederick Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. 3887 Paterson, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3888 Pawson, Herbert Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1919. 670 MEMBERS. S890 Pearce, William Sidney, 1 Jan. 1919. 3891 Peek, William Heath, 1 Jan. 1919. 3892 Penny, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. 3898 Perkins, Sydney, 1 Jan. 1919. 3894 Perot, Louise Pauline, 1 Jan. 1919. 3895 Phillimore, Ethel Maud. 1 Jan. 1919. 3896 PhUip, Alexander John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3897 PhiUips, Eric Taylor, 1 Jan. 1919. 3898 PhUlips, Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3899 PhUpot, Harold Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. 3900 PhUpot, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 3901 PhUps, Evelyn Chapman, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3902 -Pickles, Edward LleweUyn, 1 Jan. 1919. 3903 Player, William John Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. 8904 Pochin, Edmund Arthur Norman, 1 Jan. 1919. 3905 Pochin, Harold Nichols, 1 Jan. 1019. 3906 PoUard, Frederick Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 3907 Portal, Louise Rosemary Kathleen Virgina, Lady, 1 Jan 1919. 3908 Pott, Katharine Frances WUson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3909 PoweU, Hugh Falkenberg, 1 Jan. 1919. 3910 Powney, Cecil Du Pre Penton, 1 Jan. 1919. 3911 Prendergast, Maud Dora Josephine, 1 Jan. 1919. 3912 Price, Gertrude Rangeley Stanley, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3913 Price, Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. 8914 Prichard, Richard John, 1 Jan. 1919. 3915 Pride, Herbert Charles, 1 Jau. 1919. 3916 Proctor, Vernon, 1 Jan. 1919. 3917 Putnam, WiUiam Clarke, 1 Jan. 1919. 3918 Ramsay, James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3920 Redstone, LUian Jane, 1 Jan. 1919. 8921 Reed, Alice Clay, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3922 Reed, Harbottle, 1 Jan. 1919. 3923 Rees, Frederick WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3924 Reeve, Georgina Ruth, 1 Jan. 1919. 3925 Reid, David Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. 3926 Reiss, PhyUis EmUy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3927 Rendle, Evangeline Annette Harriett, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3929 Reynolds, Arthur Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. 3930 Reynolds, Henry George, 1 Jan. 1919. 3931 Rhodes, Caroline Maud, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3932 Richards, Francis Bartlett, 1 Jan. 1919. 3933 Richmond, Annie Catherine Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. 3934 Ridsdale. Herbert Wheatley, 1 Jan. 1019. 3935 Ritchie, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3936 Roberts, Ronald Cleave, 1 Jan. 1919. 3937 Robertson, Annie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3938 Robertson, Mary Elizabette, 1 Jan. 1919. 3940 Robinson, Elizabeth Street, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3941 Robinson, Robert Hervey St. Clair, 1 Jan. 1919. 3942 Robson, Constance Evelyn, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3943 Roche, Elizabeth Jane, 1 Jan. 1919. 3944 Rogers, Henry Montague, 1 Jan. 1919. 3945 Rogers, Rose Sophia, 1 Jan. 1919. 3946 Rolfe, Ethel Blanche, 1 Jan. 1919. 3947 Ross, Gladys Ethel, 1 Jan. 1919. 3948 Rotton, Letitia, 1 Jan. 193 9. 3949 Rule, Alexanaer, 1 Jan. 1919. 3950 Russell, Alexandra Alberta, 1 Jan. 1919. 3951 Russell, Rev. Cecil Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3952 RusseU, Mildred, 1 Jan. 1919. 3953 Rusten, John Albert Edgar, 1 Jan. 1919. 3954 Ryland. Edith Smith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3955 Sahnond, Elaine Marguerite, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3956 Samson, Howard Lewis, 1 Jan. 1919. 3957 SandweU, Percy WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 3958 Savage, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 3959 SaviUe, Daniel Benjamin Sheriff, 1 Jan. 1919. 3960 Scott, Ina Lochhead, 1 Jan. 1919. 3961 Scott, John, 1 Jan. 1919. ,3962 Shaw, Donald Stuart, 1 Jan. 1919. 3963 Shaw, Elsie Marie, 1 Jan. 1919. 3964 Sheppard, John Tresidder, 1 Jan. 1919. 3965 Shipley, Walter Henry Foster, 1 Jan. 1919. 3966 Shorter, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3967 Sidebottom, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. 3968 Simcock, James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3969 Simmons, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. 3970 Simpson, David, 1 Jan. 1919. 3971 Skipwith, Richard Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 3972 Slater, Quintin Fleming, 1 Jan. 1919. 3973 Slater, Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 3974 Slaughter, Leonard Lansdell, 1 Jan. 1919. 3975 Smart, John Manson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3976 Smith, Arthur Ives, 1 Jan. 1919. 3977 Smith, Ernest Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 3978 Smith, Lewis William, 1 Jan. 1919. 3979 Smith, Noel William KeUand Isbister, 1 Jan. 1919. 3980 Smyth, Ethel Downing, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3981 Smyth, John CecU, 1 Jan. 1919. 3982 Soames, Mabel Janet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3983 SoUy, Henry Wilkinson, 1 Jan. 1919. 3984 Sparrow, Guy, 1 Jan. 1919. 3985 Spearman, Jessie Aubrey, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3986 Spellar, William David, 1 Jan. 1919. 3987 Spence, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919.- 3988 Spencer, Gladys Marion, 1 Jan. 1919. 3989 Spencer, WiUiam Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 3990 Stack, Susan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 3991 Stanworth, James, 1 Jan. 1919. 3993399439953996 8997 3998 3999 40004001400240044005 400640074008 4009 40104011 401240134014 4015 4016 4017 401840194021 4022 4023 4024 402540264027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033403440354036 4037 40384039404040414042404340444045 404640474048 4049 40504051405240534054 4055 4056 4059 40604061 40624063 4064 40654066 406740684069 40704071407240734074 40754076 4077 40784079408040814082 408340844085 40864087 4088 4089 4090 40914092 Starbuck, Thomas WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. Steele, AUred Lilburn, 1 Jan. 1919. Steele, Reginald Johns, 1 Jan. 1919. Stenning, William Lees, 1 Jan. 1919. Stevens, George Douglas, 1 Jan. 1919. Stevenson, Arnold, 1 Jan. 1919. Stevenson, Stansmore Leslie Dean Macaulay, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Stewart, Edward Pakenham, 1 Jan. 1919. Stewart. IsabeUa Forbes, 1 Jan. 1919. Stewart, James, 1 Jan. 1919. Stewart, William Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. Stoddart, Swinton, 1 Jan. 1919. Stokes, Madel Louise, 1 Jan. 1919. Storey, Wilfred Robinson, 1 Jan. 1919. Stubbington, Ruby, 1 Jan. 1919. Sturgeon, Robert Wallace, 1 Jan. 1919. Sutherland, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1919. Sutton, Kathleen Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Swire, William, 1 Jan. 1919. Swornsboume, Mabel Edith, 1 Jan. 1910. Sykes, George, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) Symonds, WUliam North, 1 Jan. 1919. TaUack, Francis Harold Cass, 1 Jan. 1919. Tanner, Mary Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1919. Tear, Richard Frederick Charles, 1 Jan. 1919 Teasdale, John, 1 Jan. 1919. Tebbitt, Mabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Thomas, Arnold, 1 Jan. 1919. Thomas, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. Thompson, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. Thompson, George Tyrrell, 1 Jan. 1919. Thomson, David, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) Thomson, John, 1 Jan. 1919. Thomson, Margaret Ellen, Lady, 1 Jan. 1919. Thorne, Annie Marion, 1 Jan. 1919. Timbury, Henry Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. TindaU, Edith Pelham, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Tipping. Arthur Bramble, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Tod, David Inman, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) Todd, John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. Toghill, Edward Sergent, 1 Jan. 1919. Tonkin, John, 1 Jan. 1919. Toomer, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Townley, RosaUnde Cecil, 1 Jan. 1919. , Trehearne, Sarah Emuss, 1 Jan. 1919. TrestraU, Alfred Bond, 1 Jan. 1919. Tufnatt, Harry PhiUp, 1 Jan. 1919. Tufnell, Wyndham Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) TurnbuU, John, 1 Jan. 1919. Tutcher, WiUiam Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. Tweedy-Dorothea, 1 Jan. 1919. Upton, WUliam James, 1 Jan. 1919. Valentine, Catherine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Vaux, EmUy Eve Lellam, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Venner. George Edward Sidebottom, 1 Jan. 1919. Vereker, Frances Gore. Mrs. George Medlicott, 1 Jan. 1919. Verge, Lionel Arthur Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) Vigo, Benjamin WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. Waddingham, William Hart, 1 Jan. 1919. Wain, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. Walker, Eliza Bagshawe-, 1 Jan. 1919. Walker, Percy, 1 Jan. 1919. Wallace, Agnes Kendall, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Ward, Arthur John Hanslip, 1 Jan. 1919. Ward, Jeannie Wright, 1 Jan. 1919. Warrack, Frances Jane, 1 Jan. 1919. Warren, Edith Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. Waterfield, May Constance Flora, 1 Jan. 1919. Watson, Eva Gordon, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. Watts, Charles Haynes, 1 Jan. 1919. Way, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. Way, Philip GrevUle Hugh, 1 Jan. 1919. Weakner, John Johnson, 1 Jan. 1919. Webster, Avice, 1 Jan. 1919. WeigaU, Caroline Rachel SeUna Priscilla, 1 Jan. 1919. Welch, Jessie Muriel Kemp-, 1 Jan. 1919. WeUs, Victor Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. Wenley, George Seton Veitch, 1 Jan. 1919. West, James Grey, 1 Jan. 1919. Wharton, Edith Hilda, 1 Jan. 1919. Wheatley, Christopher WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. Wheeler, Florence Louisa Felicia, Mis. Bourne-, 1 Jan. 1919. Whitaker, Frances Henrietta, 1 Jan. 1919 Whitehead, Alfred Kershaw, 1 Jan. 1919. Whitehead, Maude LUian, 1 Jan. 1919. Whitt, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. WUford, Edward Charles, 1 Jau. 1919. WUkinson, Harry WiUiam John, 1 Jau. 1919. WiUiams, Atoert George, 1 Jan. 1919. Williams, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. WUliams, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. WiUmot, Nettie Pratchett, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. WiUoughby, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. Wilson, Dorothy Holmes, 1 Jan. 1919. Wilson, Edith Marguerite, 1 Jan. 1919. Wilson, Helen, 1 Jan. 1919. WUyman, Charies, 1 Jan. 1919. 671 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 4094 Windsor, Arthur Whalesby, 1 Jan. 1919. 4095 Wing, Fred Augustus, 1 Jan. 1919. ' 4096 Winter, MUdred Marion, ilrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4097 Wood, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 4098 Woodhead, Esther. 1 Jan. 1919. 4099 Woodward, Sidnev John, 1 Jan. 1919. 4100 Wright, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1919. 4101 Wyld, Frances Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. 4102 Wynne, Frederick Grant, 1 Jan. 1919. 4103 Yockney, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1919. 4104 Young, WiUiam Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 4105 Younghusband, Herbert WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. 4106 Mva, Ebrahim Ahmed, alias Be Shwe, 1 Jan. 1919. 4107 Alexander, Juliet, Mrs.. 1 Jan. 1919. 4108 Armitstead, Henry, 1 Jan. 1919. 4109 Bakhsh, Shaikh Mahbub, 1 Jan. 1919. 4110 Barker, Raymond Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 4111 Beachcroft, Betty, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4112 Beard, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. 4113 Bennett, Arthur RusseU. 1 Jan. 1919. 4114 Bhore, Margaret Wilke. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4115 BUUmoria, Shapurji Bomanji, 1 Jan. 1919. 4116 Birch, George, 1 Jan. 1919. 4117 Black, Muriel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4118 Brent, Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4119 Brereton, Charles CecU Trelawny, 1 Jan. 1919. 4120 Buckner, Frederick Percival, 1 Jan. 1919. 4121 Burt, Bryce Chudleigh, 1 Jan. 1919. 4122 Bya, Maung Maung, 1 Jan. 1919. 4123 Chand, Lala Fateh, 1 Jan. 1919. 4124 Chand, Pandit Narayan, 1 Jan. 1919. 4125 Chandar, Lala Ram, 1 Jan. 1919. 4126 Cole, Claude Willoughby, 1 Jan. 1919. 4127 Collier, Joseph Veasy, 1 Jan. 1919. 4128 Cowan, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 4130 Cuttriss, Charles Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. 4131 Dastur, Sunbai Kaikobad, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4132 Davidson, Marion, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4133 De, Sarojtoi, Mrs.. 1 Jan. 1919. 4134 Dennis, Rendal! HamUton, 1 Jan. 1919. 4135 Dunne, Walter Clement Goddard, 1 Jan. 1919. 4136 Edye, Ernest Henry Huish, 1 Jan. 1919. 4137 Eggar, MUdred Fanny, 1 Jan. 1919. 4138 Franklin, Mabel, 1 Jan. 1919. 4139 Glackan, Sydney Hugh, 1 Jan. 1919. 4140 Gomes, Bernard Francis, 1 Jan. 1919. 4141 Greaves. Isabel, 1 Jan. 1919. 4142 Guan, Quah Cheng, 1 Jan. 1919. 4143 Habib, Maulvi Muhammad Savan, 1 Jau. 1919. 4144 Hai, Mian Abdul, 1 Jan. 1919. 4145 HaU, Frederick Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 4146 Hammond, Ernest Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. 4147 Harvev, Anita, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4148 Hind, Robert WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. 4149 Hitchcock, Richard Howard, 1 Jan. 1919. 4150 Jan, Chaudhri Nabi, 1 Jan. 1919. 4151 Jarrv, Rev. Frederick WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. 4152 Johnstone, Thomas White, 1 Jan. 1919. 4153 Khan, Sardar Bahadur Sardar Abdul Rashid, 1 Jau. 1919. 4154 Khan, Khan Sahib Ahmed Mir, 1 Jan. 1919. 4155 Khan, Khan Bahadur Ain-ud-Din, 1 Jan. 1919. 4156 Khan, Chaudhri Ali Akbar, 1 Jan. 1919. 4157 Khan, MaUk AUah Bakhsh, 1 Jan. 1919. 4158 Khan, Malik Ghulam Muhammad, 1 Jau. 1919. 4159 Khan, Subedar-Major Khan Bahadur Kurban AU, 1 Jan. 1919. 4160 Khan, Khan Bahadur Mohammed Ashraff, 1 Jan. 1913. 4161 Khan, Khan Bahadur Munshi Muhammad AU, 1 Jan. 1919. 4162 Khan, Khan Bahadur Musa, 1 Jan. 1919. 4163 Khan, Khan Bahadur Sohbat, 1 Jan. 1919 4164 Khan, Khan Bahadur Sardar Wahab, 1 Jan. 1919. 4165 Khkpatrick, CecU WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. 4166 Khwan, Lionel Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. 4167 Kothawala, Malcolm Rataji, 1 Jan. 1919. 4168 Lajoie, Louis Patrick, 1 Jan. 1919. 4169 Lai, Chaudhri Kishori, 1 Jan. 1919. 4170 Lalkalka, IUnabai, 1 Jan. 1919. 4171 Lane, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1919. 4172 Langer, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1919. 4173 Langley, Frank, 1 Jan. 1919. 4175 Lawrence, Alexander Samuel, 1 Jan. 1919. 4,176 Leach, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1919. 4177 Leach, MUton, 1 Jan. 1919 4178 Lee, Frederick Reginald, 1 Jan. 1919. 4179 Letton, Charles Thomas, 1 Jan 1919. 4181 Manibbai, Bai Champabahen, 1 Jan. 1919. 4182 Mann, David Barry, 1 Jan. 1919. 4183 May, Charlotte Dorothea, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4184 McPherson, Duncan Louis, 1 Jan. 1919. 4185 Mehta, Homia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4186 Muhammad, Shaikh Yakub Vazh, 1 Jan. 1919. 4187 Mule, Bhalchandra Vaman, 1 Jan. 1919. 4188 Nag, Khagendra Chandra, 1 Jan. 1919. 4189 Narayan, Pandit Anand, 1 Jau. 1919. 4190 Nath, Rai Bahadur Amar. 1 Jan. 1919. 4191 Nath, Lala Baij, 1 Jan. 1919. 4192 Newton, Zoe EUesmere Davidson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4193 Nun, Malik Sahib Khan, 1 Jan. 1919. 4194 Nyun, Maung, 1 Jan. 1919. 672 4195 Ostrehan, Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1919. 4196 Padam, Rajaram Tukaram, 1 Jan. 1919. 4197 Pant, Pandit Bhola Dat, 1 Jan. 1919. 4198 Pattadar, Babu Rajani Kanta, 1 Jan. 1919. 4199 Pennell, Dorothy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4200 Perkins, Winifred Ward, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4201 PhUlips, John Ruskin, 1 Jan. 1919. 4202 PUlay, Hari Krishna, 1 Jan. 1919. 4203 Price, Julian Hugh, 1 Jau. 1919. 4204 Pudumji, Hirabai, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4205 Rai, Rai Bahadur Biswambhar, 1 Jan. 1919. 4206 Ramanbhai, Vidhyagouri, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4207 Roberts, Charles Herbert, 1 Jan. 1919. 4208 Rozario, Michael Anthony, 1 Jan. 1919. 4209 Ruegg, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1919. 4210 Saheb, Kunvari Rupalbai, 1 Jan. 1919. 4211 SaUgram, Rai Bahadur, 1 Jan. 1919. 4212 Sarkar, Babu Panchanan, 1 Jan. 1919. 4213 Singh, Bawa Bhag, 1 Jan. 1919. 4214 Singh, Lieutenant Ishar, 1 Jan. 1919. 4215 Singh, Munshi Sundar, 1 Jan. 1919. 4216 Stewart, Maude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4217 Swan, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4218 Taylor, Charles Lewis, 1 Jan. 1919. 4219 Taylor, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 4220 Thaddeus, Mesrup, 1 Jan. 1919. 4221 Thome, Theophttis, 1 Jan. 1919. 4222 Turner, Muriel Clara, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919 4223 Tomes, WiUiam Jameson, 1 Jan. 1919. 4224 Wagstaff, Harry Finnis, 1 Jan. 1919. 4225 Walker, Margaret Dewar, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919 4226 Wathen, Frederick Blunt, 1 Jan. 1919. 4227 Webb, George Richard, 1 Jan. 1919. 4228 Welman, Helen Owen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4229 Whitcombe, May Julia, 1 Jan. 1919. 4230 WiUiamson, Florence, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4231 WiUiamson. Horace, 1 Jan. 1919. 4232 Shapley, George William Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 4233 Patterson, WiUiam Baker, 1 Jan. 1919. 4234 Bennett, George Wilfred, 1 Jan. 1919. 4235 Bardsley, Robert Vickers, 1 Jan. 1919. 4236 Warder, Gerald Edwin, 1 Jan. 1919. 4237 Forster, Arnold John, 1 Jan. 1919. 4238 Butcher, Alfred WilUam, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4239 Cottier, FTank Norton Proctor, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 4240 Corrie, WiUiam Edward, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4241 Davies, Fred, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4242 Davis, Spencer, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4243 De Wet, Nicholas Johannes, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4244 EUis, Reuben, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4245 Hopkins, Francis Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 4246 Humberseth, John Johansen, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 4247 Huxtable, Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1919. (st.) 4248 MUls, Charles Egerton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4249 Pomeroy, Arthur WiUiam Jobttos, 1 Jan. 1919. (SI.) 4250 PoweU, WUUam CUve. 1 Jan. 1919. (It.) 4251 Ross, Alexander Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 4252 Saies, Lorenso, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 4253 Small, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 4254 Sutherland, John, 1 Jan. 1919. (if.) 4255 Tryon, Henry Covey, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4256 Wardroper, Percy Redesdale, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 4257 Willox, George Martin, 1 Jan. 1919. (II.) 4258 Woodlock, David WUliam Fair, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4259 Ash, Frederick CecU, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4260 Bampton, John Augustus HamUton, 1 Jau. 1919. (St.) 4261 Banks, Thomas Rivers, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4262 Belchamber, Douglas Foster, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4263 Blackwood, Noel Ptokstan O'Reilly, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4264 Broadbent, John Stuart, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 4265 Butler, Richard Jefferson, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4266 Campbell, Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4267 Courts, Colin, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 4268 Davies, Sellick, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4269 Dennv, William Bernard Valentine, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4270 Everett, Roland Tvlor, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4271 Ezra, EUice, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 4272 Gerard, Charles Edward, 1 Jan 1919. (at.) 4273 Gibbs, Gerard Yardley, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4274 Gladstone, Albeit Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (si.) 4275 Grey, Percv, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4276 Gwatkin, Reginald Dngleby Stapleton, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4277 Harding, Robert Arthur Cotton, 1 Jan. 1919. (St.) 4278 Lee, John Dalby, 1 Jan. 1919. (Sf.) 4279 Monks, Thomas Vernon, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 4280 Montgomerie, William Dunn, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 4281 Morgan, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 4282 Ord, Benjamin. 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4283 Pattinson, Edward Harold, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4284 Salmon Ronald Martin, 1 Jan. 1919. (31.) 4285 Sheddcn, WUliam St. John, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4286 Tysoe-Smith, Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 42S7 Vernon, Ronald Clifton, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 428S Waris-ud-Dhi, Rev, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4289 Whidborne, Charles Stanley Lucas, 1 Jan. 1919. (ar.) 4290 Whittle. Fortescue Glynne, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bf.) 4291 Baker, Francis Barrington, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4292 Barrow, Claude, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4293 Barry, Louis Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4294 Bogie, Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) MEMBERS. (at.) (M.) (at.) (si.) (si.) (M.) (si.) 4295 Chandler, John Marsden, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4296 Dingle, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4297 Dinsdale, Thomas Errington Coutts, 1 Jan. 1919. 4298 Fawcett, Walter, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4299 George, Willy Oswald, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4300 Gibson, John George, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4301 Holman, Joseph Guest, 1 Jau. 1919. (at.) 4302 Hudson, William, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4303 Hunt, Henry Charles, 1 Jan. 1919. (Bt.) 4305 Smith, Charles William Gates, 1 Jan. 1919. (it.) 4306 Spurling, Charles George, 1 Jan. 1919. (bi.) 4307 StiUweU, Gloria Ethel Ada, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4308 Townley, Herbert Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. ' 4810 Walker, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4311 Walsh, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4312 Whitehead, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4313 Wrench, Charles Croyden, 1 Jan. 1919. 4314 Tod, Frederick Lewis Maitland, 1 Jan. 1919.' 4315 Cripps, George Wilfitt, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4316 Walton, Cyril Glanmore, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4317 Effendi, Mulazim Tani Zaki Selim, 1 Jan. 1919. 4318 Beattie, Edward AUsop, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4319 Allan, James Lambertini, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4320 Barraclough, Jackson Gurth, 1 Jan. 1919. (BI.) 4321 Browne, Charles James, 1 Jan. 1919. (M.) 4322 HiU, Garrington Lewis Watson, 1 Jan. 1919. 4323 Mallett, Thomas Robert, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4324 Ward, Alexander Ivan, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4325 Wardell, John Stewart Michael, 1 Jan. 1919 4326 WilUams, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1919. (at.) 4327 Arklie, Edgar Vincent, 1 Jan. 1919. 4328 Barker, Nellie, 1 Jan. 1919. 4329 Booth, Albert Joseph, 1 Jan. 1919. 4330 Cosgriff, Eugene, 1 Jan. 1919. 4331 Lorraine, EUen Mary, 1 Jan. 1919. 4332 Shujath, Ali, 1 Jan. 1919. (ai.) 4333 Thaddeus, Mesrop Gabriel, 1 Jan. 1919. 4334 Barton-Wright, Helen Muriel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4335 Legat, Kathleen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4336 LleweUyn, Clara Maud, 1 Jan. 1919. 4337 PhUips, Enid, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4338 BaiUie, AmeUa Martha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1919. 4339 Blewitt, Ethel Louisa Herries, 1 Jan. 1919. 4340 Fletcher, Fanny, 1 Jan. 1919. 4341 Hall, Rosina Marion, 1 Jan. 1919. 4342 Leary, Dennis Donald, 1 Jan. 1919. 4343 MUlward, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1919. 4344 Nettleship, WiUiam Sharp, 1 Jan. 1919. 4345 Richardson, Mabel, 1 Jan. 1919. 4346 Roark, John, 1 Jan. 1919. 4347 Roberts, Florence Alice, 1 Jan. 1919. 4348 Gordon, Grace, 1 Jan. 1919. 4349 Joyce, Francis Raoul, 1 Jan. 1919. 4350 GUlespie, Gerald James, 12 Feb. 1919. (at.) 4351 Cunningham, Andrew, 12 Feb. 1919. (at.) 4352 Dalton, Ernest Albert LleweUyn, 12 Feb. 1919. (at.) 4353 Northey, Henry John, 15 Feb. 1919. (St.) 4354 Veryard, Ernest Thomas, 20 Feb. 1919. (St.) 4355 Johnson, James 24 March, 1919. (at.) 4356 O'Brien, Eugene Herbert, 24 March, 1919. (Bt.) 4357 Meachem, Frank, 24 March, 1919. (si.) 4358 Austin, Walter, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4359 Gearing, Ernest Handley, 1 April, 1919. (at.) 4360 Samways, WUUam Henry, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4361 Stone, Ernest Stracey, 1 AprU, 1919. (at.) 4362 Ling, Robert, 11 AprU, 1919. (M.) 4363 Lloyd, Leonard Wynne, 22 AprU, 1919. (St.) 4364 SavUle, Cyril Arthur, 22 April, 1919. (bi.) 4365 Gale, Ernest John Albert, 22 April, 1919. (Bf.) 4366a Gasparro, Francis Christopher, 22 April, 1919. 43666 Cowan, Herbert Gladstone, 5 May, 1919. (Bt.) 4366c Praeger, Isonard Paul, 5 May, 1919. (St.) 4366(2 Davies, Alewyn Thomas, 5 May, 1919. (it.) 4366e Chidson, Montagu Reaney, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4366/ Cole, Robert Frank, 5 May, 1919. (af.) -4366(7 Goble, WiUiam Richard, 5 May, 1919. (ai.) 4366/j Holt, Edwin Brook, 5 May, 1919. , (31.) 4367a WeUs, Harold Arthur Thompson, 5 May, 1919. 43676 Austin, Bertram Herbert, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4367c Short, John, 5 May, 1919. , % 4367<_ Corridon, Richard, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4367e Kerr, Charles William Ernest, 5 May, 1919. (at.) 4367/ Best, Eleanor, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4368 Bradshaw, Frances Evelyn, 9 May, 1919. (Bf.) 4369 Craster, Barbara Marion, 9 May, 1919. (Bt.) 4370 Crisp, Annette Ina, 9 May, 1919. (fit.) 4371 Eastwood, Mrs. Dorothy SybU Montague, 9 May, 1919 (M ) 4372 Farrell, Margaret Georgina Mary, 9 May, 1919 4373 Franklin, Olga Heather, 9 May. 1919. (at.) 4374 Eagar, Margery, Mrs, 9 May, 1919. (M.) 4375 Gye, Dene Alice, 9 May, 19.19. (at.) 4376 Hardie, Muriel, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4377 Horsey, Mrs. Ada Noel, 9 May, 1919. 4378 James, Eleanor Marian, 9 May, 1919 4379 James, Kathartae Margaret, 9 May, 1919- <*;) 4380 Johnston, Elizabeth Gairdner, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4381 Johnston, Mrs. Florence 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4382 Kersey, Winifred Esdaile, 9 May, 1919. (si.) 4383 Laughtbn, Elvira Sibyl Mane, 9 May, 1919. (at.) (si.) (SI.) (SI.) (at.) (at.) 4384 MacDonald. Marian Louie, 9 May, 1919. (BI.) 4385 Macleod, Olive Moultrie, 9 May, 1919. (31.) 4386 MacEwan, Jean Margaret, 9 May, 1919. (BI.) 4387 Mouat, Basiliua Ninian, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4388 MaunseU, Mary Helen Maxwell, 9 May, 1919. (st.) 4389 Pettit, Mrs. Isobel Helena Courtney, 9 May, 1919. (BI.) 4390 Robinson, Norah Gertrude, 9 May, 1919. (BI.) 4391 Rope, Irene Mary, 9 May, 1919. (bi.) 4392 Rubenstein, Vera Rachel, Mrs, 9 May, 1919. (3f.) 4393 Stricldand, Mary Constance EUzabeth Christine, 9 May, 1919. (at.) 4394 Thorbum, Margaret Alison, 9 May, 1919. (31.) 4395 TurnbuU, Helen Oliver, 9 May, 1919. (Bf.) 4396 Wall, Maud Amy Margaret, 9 May, 1919. (Bf.) 4397 Rainier, Gladys Mary, Mrs, 9 May, 1919. (Bf.) 4398 Robbins, WiUiam Henry, 24 May, 1919. (Bf.) 4399 Youngson, Alexander, 24 May, 1919. (BI.) 4400 Lewis, William, 24 May, 1919. (BI.) 4401 Brown, Donald Eadie, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4402 Charlier, Leonard Clayton, 27 May, 1919. (Bt.) 4403 Farnley, Arthur Hambleton, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4404 McCusker, Ralph Henry John, 27 May, 1919. (31.) 4405 Mitchelmore, Augustus John, 27 May, 1919. (BI.) 4406 Rea, BasU Soame, 27 May, 1919. (at.) 4407 Witherby, Harry Forbes, 27 May, 1919. (Bf.) 4408 Adcock, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4409 Allan, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4410 AUingham, Gerald Carlyle, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4411 Arundell, John Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4412 Armitage, Walter Cleveland, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4413 Atkins, Charles Henry, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4414 Attenborough, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4415 Bannon, John Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4416 Barnett, Edwin Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4417 Battle, William Scoley, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4418 Beer, Arthur James, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4419 Bennett, Alice Mary, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4420 Bevan, Marmaduke, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4421 Bishop, Arthur Grimwade, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4422 Blackwood, Edgar Derwent, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4423 Blah- White, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4424 Bleck, George Sebastian, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4425 Bond, CyrU Henry Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4426 Brand, Stanley Hunt, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4427 Brewster, WiUiam Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4428 Brice, Ernest Gottlieb Isdeal, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4429 Brown, George Wauchop Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (H.) 4430 Brown, PhUlis Warden, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4431 Bryan, Godfrey Middleton Brie, 3 June, 1919. (31 4432 Bryan, Thomas Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4433 BuUivant, Hugh Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Af.) 4434 Bulteel, Walter Beresford, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4435 Busby, Thomas Frederick, 3 June. 1919. (at.) 4436 Cable, Norah Evelyn, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4437 Campbell, Donald George, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4438 Campbell, John, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4439 Carey, Albert John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4440 Carey, Hattie Maud, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4441 Cary, Rupert Tristram Oliver, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4442 Carr, John William, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4443 Carthew-Yorstoun, Morden Archibald, 3 June, 1919, (BI.) 4444 ChaUice, Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4445 Clark, Martin Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4446 Clarke, Ernest Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 4447 Claye, Fred Wainwright, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4448 Clegg, Herbert Edmund, 3 June, 1919. 4449 Clements, WilUam Joseph, 3 June, 1919. 4450 Clemishaw, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4451 Coates, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4452 Combes, Percy Matthew, 3 June, 1919. 4453 ConneU, John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4454 Cooper, Francis John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4455 Corney, Albert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4556 CosteUo, George Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4457 Cotton, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4458 Craig, WiUiam James Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4459 Cranston, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4460 Crombie, Colin Ross, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4461 Cumming, Percy, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4462 DagUsh, Gladys, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4463 Davis, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4464 Anderson, Gladys, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (at. 4465 Doolan, Edmond, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4466 Dugon, Arnold Louis, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4467 Dundas, Betty, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4468 Dunham, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4469 Egan, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4470 Eldred, Elizabeth Francis, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 4471 Elkin, Charlotte EmUy, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4472 EUiott, James Henry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4473 Elmore, Percy, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4474 Eustace, Albert Victor, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4475 Everett, Charles Falconer Guy, 3 June, 1919. 4476 Farmer, Frank Morley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4477 Field, Eric Athelstane, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4478 Field, Edward Hubert, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4479 Field, WiUiam Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4480 Fitzgerald, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4481 Fitzsimon, Samuel Ernest Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4482 Ford, Harry Spry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 673 2 x (31.) (St.) (SI.) (M.) (SI.) THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 4483 Foster, CecUy Penrose, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4484 Fox, James Bartholomew, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4485 Francis, Ada Emily, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4486 Francis, Arnold Eardley, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4487 Fry, Walter 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4488 Gardiner, Edward Cecil, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4489 Gee, George Augustine, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4490 Glason, John AppoUonius, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4491 Glencross, Julian 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4492 Godfrey, Alfred Philip, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4493 Gower, John Forbes, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4494 Green, WiUiam Holmes, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4495 Griffiths, WiUiam Crynant 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4496 Gunn, James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4497 Hampton, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4498 Hanbury Nigel, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4499 Hancock, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4600 Handy, WiUiam 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4501 Hanscombe, Stanley WUliam, 3 June, 1919. CM.) 4502 Harcher, Ernest Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4503 Harcourt-Brown, Monica, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4504 Harding, Wyndham John Dorney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4505 Harford, Winifred Maud B, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4506 Harman, Edmund, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4507 Harold, Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4508 Harrison, George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4509 Hartley, Richard Warburton, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4510 Harvey, Austin Mozart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4511 Hatch, Ethel Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4512 Hatch, WiUiam Ashton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4513 HartneU, Walter George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4514 Hawkes, Comley, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4515 Hawkins, Albert Gordon Jones, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4516 Hayes, Ernest George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4517 Haywood, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4518 Henderson, Charles Hender, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4519 Heyworth, Beatrice Hestietha Gundreda, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4520 Hicks, Arthur Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4521 Hill, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4522 HiU, Thomas Edgar, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4523 Hobbs, Dene Decima, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4524 Hollidge, Alec, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4525 Holywood, Matthew, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4526 Hunt, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4527 Ingle, Harry CyrU, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4528 Isaac, WUUam Rudolph Vernon, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4529 Jackman, CorneUus John Gershom, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4530 Jaokson, Leonard Edward Selmas, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4531 Jones, Francis Henry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4532 Johnson, Diana Mabel, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4533 King, George WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4534 Kingston, Alfred Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4535 Kinross, Ann Mary, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4536 Kippen, James WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4637 Leatherbarrow, Edward John, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4538 Leverett, Frederick William, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4539 Lewarn, Herbert Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4540 Lightfoot, Harriet, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4541 Lisle, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4542 Lorimer, Christian Gray, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4543 Lyon, Francis Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4544 Lyon, Violet Dorothy Agnes, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4545 McLaren, John WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4546 Mander, Albert, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 4547 Manton, John, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4548 Maile, Alfred Charles WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4549 Marsden, Ethel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4550 Martin, Alfred Walter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4551 Mashiter, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4552 Mathews, Charles Bernard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4553 Merrick, Frederick Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4554 Middlemass, Agnes Lizzie, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4555 MUls, Esther Mary, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4556 Morgan, CecU May, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4557 Milne, IsabeUa Steele, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4558 Morris, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4559 Narracot, Isabella Frances, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4560 Nathan, Stanley John. 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4561 Newman, James Colin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4562 Nicolls, Heloise Scott, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4563 Oakley, Harry Lawrence, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4564 O'Gorman, Count Robert Jean Marie Gaspard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4565 Ost, Henry John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4566 Ottman, Amelia Gertrude, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4567 Page, George Albert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4568 Parker, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4569 Parker, John Joslin, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4570 Parr, WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4571 Patten, Alan Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4572 Pearce. Herbert CecU, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4673 Pearsall, Richard Montague Stack, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4574 Perch, WiUiam John, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4575 Perryer, Harold WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4676 PhiUips, Ernest Thomas Adams, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 4577 PhilUps, Harold Lionel, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4578 PhUlpotts, LUlian LesteUa Elizabeth Georgina, 3 June 1919. (at.) 4579 PUkington, Dennis Fielden, 3 June, 1919. (at.) (ai.) (Bt.) at.) (st.) (bi.) 671 4580 Potier, George, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4581 PoweU, WUfred Monsell, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4582 Rayner, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4583 Regan, Percy Raphael. 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4584 Reynolds, Margaret Maude, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 4585 Roberts, George James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4586 Robinson, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4587 Rushworth, Mary, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4588 Schavertoe, Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4589 Scott, William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4590 Sellers, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4591 Shomey, Frederick WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4592 Simpson, Malcolm Macrae, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4593 Small, George James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4594 Smith, Dennis WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4595 Smith, Sydney George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4596 Smith, Frank Robinson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4597 Smith, CecU Edward Bartholomew, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 4598 Smith, Ernest Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4599 SorreU, Herbert Alfred George, 3 June, 1919. 4600 Spall, Leslie Alan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4601 Spencer, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4602 Stanhope, Cicely, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4603 Stapleton, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4604 Starkey, Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4605 Steer, George Patrick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4606 Stephens, Sidney Francis Hood, 3 June, 1919. 4607 Stevens, Regtaald, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4608 Strang, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4609 Strange, John, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4610 Sutton, Constance Marion. 3 June, 1919. (11.) 4611 Tarbet, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4612 Taylor, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4613 Thornton, WiUiam Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4614 Tibbs, Ernest Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at) 4615 Tindall, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4616 Trippas, Maurice, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4617 Tmbshaw, Arthur Ralph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4618 Turner, Isobel Agnes, 3 June, 1919. (ar.) 4619 Wager, Euclid Brookes, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 4620 Watson, Earl BasU Kenmure, 3 June, 1919. 4621 Webb, CyrU Charles WUUam, 3 June, 1919. 4622 Webb, Gladys Vivien, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4623 Webster, Joseph Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4624 Welsford, Evelyn Janie, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4625 Whitbourn, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4626 White, Robert WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4627 WUliams, WiUiam Frederick, S June, 1919. 4628 WUliams, Roderick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4629 WUson, Ritchie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4630 WUson, Ralph Justly Chatterton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4631 Woodford, Isabel Charlotte, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4632 Woods, John Alexander Inglis, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4633 Woods, Walter WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4634 Wooler, Lionel Sykes, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4635 Wray, John James, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4636 Wright, Harry, 3 June, 1S19. (BI.) 4637 Yates, Albert James, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4638 Young, Frederick WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4639 Carless, WiUiam Edward, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 4640 Coles, Harry Victor, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4641 Craig, Alexander Meldrum, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4642 Driver, George Osborne Hitchin, 3 June, 1919. 4643 Harding, Alfred Burcham, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 4644 Hewett, CecU Allan, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4645 Humphries, Henry Hurl, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4646 MacDoneU, Ian McLean, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4647 Palmer, Edward George, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4648 Rider, WUUam Rider, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4649 Stanley, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4650 Thorn, Frederick WorraU, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4651 Weightman, Regtaald, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4652 Andrews, Leslie Frank, 3 June, 1919. (BT.) 4653 Brissenden, Bdwin Mayhew, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4654 Cruise, Albert John, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4655 Dentag, Maberley Ester, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4656 Harrington, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4657 HUls, Loftus, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4658 Irwin, Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4659 Murray, James Edward, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4660 Stanbury, Ernest Borland, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4661 Teague, George Eric, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4662 Welch, Maurice Cleary, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4663 Carter, Henry Lower, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4664 Lucas, Gordon Tate, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4665 Kimberley, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 4666 Alden, Arthur Rhodes, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4667 Anastasie, Joseph Anastasi, 3 June, 1919 4668 Angel, Walter Douglas, 3 June. 1919. (bi.) ' 4669 Bawden, Cornelius Roberts, 3 June, 1919. (Bt ) 4670 Blomfleld, Sydney Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4671 Brown, Alfred Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4672 Cassels, James Houston, 3 June, 1919 (at ) 4673 Christie, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4674 Davies, WiUiam Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 4675 Ewen, David, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4676 Ford, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4677 Gann, Ernest Henry, 3 June, 1919 (at ) 4679 Greaves, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (st ) 4680 Griffiths, David John, 3 June, 1919.' (Bf ) (at.) (at.) MEMBERS. 4681 Headwards, Horace, S June, 1919. (M.) 4682 Henley, Francis Antony Haste, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 4683 Higgins, Arthur HaU, 8 June, 1919. (at.) 4684 Ingram, Alexander Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 4685 Jamison, Robert Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Bt ) 4686 Jenkins, Stanley Evan, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4687 Jones, Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4688 Jones, Thomas CecU, 3 June. 1919. (at.) 4689 Kennedy, Duncan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4690 Kenny-Levick, Vivian Mortimer, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 4691 Kinghorn, Douglas Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI ) 4692 Lucas, Reginald WiUiam Owen, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4693 Lucas, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4694 MUes, Cecil James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4695 Millard, Claud John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4696 Morgan, David, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4697 Newport, George Charles, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4698 Oliphant, Andrew John, S June, 1919. (Bt ) 4699 Pegg, Thomas Edgar, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4700 Robinson, Bemal, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4701 Roddls, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 4702 Rowe, George Richard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4703 Shepherd, Philip WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4704 Sherlock, David Thomas Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4705 Smith, George Clarke, 3 June 1919. (m.) 4706 Smith, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4707 Smith, Thomas Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4708 Spinney, Thomas George, 3 June, 1918. (it.) 4709 Stoodley, Fred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4710 Taylor, Edward McKenzie, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4711 Thomas, Godfrey Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4712 Thuillier. Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4718 Turk, Arthur Edward, 8 June, 1919. (it.) 4714 Voss, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4715 Wedderspoon, Arthur Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4716 Brown, Robert WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4717 Stewart, Keith Lindsay, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4718 Abdel Azim Effenni (Saghkolaghasi), 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4719 Mohammed Abdel Aziz Sharaf (Yuzbashi), S June, 1919. (M.) 4720 Mohammed Effendi Miazi (Saghkolaghasi), 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4721 Sadek Eff Ibrahim El Mula (Yuzbashi), 3 June, 1919, (at.) 4722 Anderson, WiUiam John Skeat, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4723 Armstrong, George WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4724 Bundock, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4725 Burrows, Amos, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4726 Cottle, Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 4727 Dodds, Theodore Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4728 Edwards, WUliam Manning, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4729 Everson, Thurston Hicks, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4730 Eyre, John Benedict, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4731 Fenn, Sydney Albert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4732 Fieldhouse, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4733 Fry, Douglas Gaskoin. 3 June 1919. (at.) 4734 Furier, Herbert John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4735 GUchrist, Henry Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4736 Hacker, Douglas Walter Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4737 Hamilton Smith, Norman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4738 Hopcraft, Harry Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4739 Hudson, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4740 Jones, Harry Carden, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4741 Kttvert, Charles Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4742 Langston, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4743 Levy, Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4744 Lovett, WUliam Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4745 Mackay, James Eugene, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4746 Madden, Guy Ross, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4747 Matthews, Noel Lane, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4748 Nelson, Joe, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4749 Ratcliffe, Charles Plummer, 3 June, 1919. 4750 Satasbury, Eric John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4751 Slater, John Alan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4752 Smith, Denton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4753 Strina, Gerald Lionel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4754 Syminton, Ralph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4755 Taylor, Richard AUen, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 4756 Travers, Sydney Stanley Joe, 3 June, 1919. 4757 Turner, Arthur Castle, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4758 Walford, Harry Norman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4759 Walker, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4760 WatUng, John BasU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4761 Williams, Charles Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4762 WUlsher, John Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4763 Andrewes, CyrU John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4764 Barker, Eric Clement, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4765 Barker, John Percival, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 4766 Black, Graeme Morrison, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4767 Blake, George Shearsley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4768 Brooke, Joshua Rupert Ingham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4769 Brough, Frederick Arthur, 3 June, 1919. 4770 Browning, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4771 Bruce, Ian Robert Cranford George Mary, 3 June, 1919 4772 Bruno, Hugh Alan Bruno, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4773 Cadoux, Bernard Temple, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4774 Charnand, Frederick Christian, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4775 Chidson, Lowthian Hume, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4776 Cree, Harold Frederick, 3 June, 1919. fit.) 4777 Dew, Reginald Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) (at.) (li.) 4778 East, Arthur WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4779 Erby, Henry WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4780 Eyre, Richard Philip Hastings, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4781 Faulkner, Henry Robert, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4782 Fetherston, Henry Barry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4783 Forster,. Edward Seymour, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4785 Freeman, George Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4786 Gattle, Brian Berkeley, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4787 Goate, Ernest Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4788 Godsell, James Stanley Peel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4789 Gout, Evelyn Rudolf Albert John, 3 June, 1919. (af. 4790 Gower, John Richard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4791 Greenlees, Robert Wallace, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4792 Hext, Arthur Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4793 Horan, Preston, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4794 Hoyland, Harold Allan Dilke, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4795 Hudson, Roland CecU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4796 Humphries, Hubert John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4797 Ibbotson, Archie WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4798 Jardine, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4799 Kenny, Vincent Raymond, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4800 King, Malcolm, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4801 Knight, Alfred James, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4802 Kitchtag, Harold Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4803 La Fontaine, Edward Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 4804 Lambert, Roger Uredale, 3 June, 1919. (st .) 4805 Luxton, WiUiam John, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4806 McCormick, Henry Charles Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4807 McEacharn, Niel Boyd Watson, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4808 MacGuhe, Edward Roberti Mileson, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4809 Martin, Harrison, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4810 Massy-Westropp, John Francis Ralph, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4811 Matthews, Ernest Francis K, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4813 MiUer, Joseph Charles, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4814 Minter, George Ash, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4815 Morris, Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4816 Nares, Ramsay Llewellyn Ives, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4817 Noble, Crawford, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4818 Parry, WUliam Francis Vaughan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4819 Partington, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4820 Perkins, James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4821 Rose, Harold Oldham, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4822 Saunders, Harry Francis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4823 Smith, George Henry Gould, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4824 Steele, Matthew Garvan, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4825 Sthling, John, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4826 Strachan, Charles John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4827 Swan, Thomas Angus, 3 June, 1919. (at.), 4828 Taylor, Hugh Oddin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4829 Thomson, Kenneth John, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4830 Tomson, Henry Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4831 Weh, David Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4832 White, Charles Clement Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4833 Woodall, John Dane, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4834 Aitchison, Robert Smith, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4835 Anderson, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4836 Andrews, Ernest Courtney Harold Norman, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4837 Ashcroft, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4838 Azevedo, Alec. Eustace, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4839 Banister, Fred, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4840 Barber, Charles Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 4841 Batterbury, George Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4842 BeU, John Aiton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4843 Bender, WUliam Edward Gustave, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4844 Bevan, GUbert John Beckford, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4845 Beynon, John. 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4846 Blair. John MiUigan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4847 Booth, Arthur Newton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4848 Brewto, George Grahame, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4849 Brown, Douglas Archibald GuiUan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4850 Burgess, Robert Ashfleld, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4851 Butcher, Charlie Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4852 Master, Archie George Chester-, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4853 Coghlan, Edward Maurice Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4854 Cooper, Charles Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4855 Cox, Edward Orme, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4856 Crowther, Harold Oakes, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4857 Daly, Agnes, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4858 Danson, Thomas, 3 June. 1919. (Bf.) 4859 Davison, James Bdwin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4860 Dearing, Sidney Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4861 de Robeck, John Henry Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4862 Dickens, WUliam Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4863 Donkin, Herbert Julyan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4864 Dredge, Austin Edward Makinson, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4865 Duthie, Barbara Elder, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4866 Eccleston, Henry Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4867 EUiott, Myles Layman Farr, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4868 Falgar, Richard Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4869 Firmer, Walter George Harry, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4870 Finlay, John, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4871 Forster, George Henry, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4872 Fulcher, Ernest William PoppleweU, 3 June, 1919. (bt.) 4873 Galvin, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4874 Grant, Leslie lam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4875 Gravett, George William, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4876 Gutteridge, Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4877 Harbottle, Denis Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 675 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 4878 Hardy, Victor, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4879 Harris, Claude Pickering, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4880 HiU, Robert Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4881 Hinks, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4882 Holmes, Alfred Henry Robert, 3 June, 1919. 4883 Holt, Alec Horace Edward Litton, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4884 Hopkins, John Bovd, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4885 Hulbert, Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4886 Jackson, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4887 Kingsberry, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4889 Kitchtag, Douglas Woottey, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4890 Lines, Regtaald Edward, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4891 Long, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4892 McGrath, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4893 McNah, George Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 4894 Malcolm, Frederick Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4895 Martin, GUbert Charles, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4896 Massey, Everard Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4897 Matthews, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4898 May, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4899 Mercer, George Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4900 Minns, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4901 Morgan, WiUiam Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4902 Mockett, Vere, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4903 Moore, John Sarel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4904 Musgrave, Francis Peete, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4905 Myers, Nathan Coleman, 3 June. 1919. (at.) 4906 NichoU, Edwin McKillop, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4907 Openshaw, George Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4908 Owens, Joseph Hubert, 3 June, 1919. 4909 Parsley, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4910 PragneU, Donovan WUliam Alan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4911 Penman, Victor Robert, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4912 Power, Gerald Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4913 Pring, John Nathaniel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4914 Ramsbotham, Richard Bury, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4915 Rana-Jodha Jung, Bahadur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4916 ReUly, Charles OUver Calcott, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4917 Renfrew, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4918 Rennick, Denis Kingston, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4919 Ridley, Ernest Rupert, 3 June. 1919. (BI.) 4920 Rose, CUfford, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4921 Ross, Alexander Lewis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4922 Rowlands, Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4923 Salberg, Frank James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4924 Shurmur, Stanley Emberick, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 4925 Sievwright, Andrew George Hume, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4926" Smith, Ralph WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4927 Smith, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4928 Snelgar, John Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4929 Spear, Richard WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4930 Stribltog, WUUam James Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 4931 Steward. Charles Arthur Cholmley. 3 June, 1919. (Bi.) 4932 Sutton, Thomas James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4933 Tobin, Frederick Matthias, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4934 Tweed. John Reginald Howard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4935 Urmsoh, GUbert Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4936 Walker, George Benisford, 3 June, 1919. (sr.) 4937 Walker, Regtaald Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4938 Walton, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4939 WeUs, Robert Charles Owen, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4940 WUson, Charles Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4941 WUUams, Robert Drake, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4942 WUUams, LesUe, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4943 Worthington, John Ramsay, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4944 Whyte, Colin Campbell, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4945 Martin, Robert Fiennes Wykeham-, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4946 Yeates, Robert Montford Michaelson, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 4947 Moore, Frederick Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4948 Anderson, Alfred Thomas Duncan, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4949 Armstrong, Howard Wolfenden, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4950 Baker, Charles Matthew, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4951 Black, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 4952 Butler, George Guy, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4953 Collins, Edward Redvers Kerington, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 4954 Crawford, Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 4955 Doble, WUUam Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4956 Evans, George Windham Wright, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4957 FUlion, Rev. Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4958 Graham, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 4959 Greig, John Isdale, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4960 Hack, Rev. Robert, 3 June, 1919. 4961 Innes, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 4962 King-Magee, Arthur Fitzherbert, 3 June, 1919. 4963 Loveridge, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4964 McCormack, Rev. John Bernard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4965 Maddams, WiUiam Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4966 Martin, George WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4967 Michie, Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 4968 MuUan, Henry Felix. 3 June. 1919. (at.1 4969 Mussanji Walugembe, Joseph (Prince), 3 June, 1919 (at ) 4970 Nightingale, WUliam MaxweU, 3 June, 1919. (m ) 4971 Pheysey, Frederick CecU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4972 Quirk, Edward John Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 4973 Rapley, WUliam Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) ' 4974 Robertson, James Sin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4975 Robins, Veral Glen, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4976 Saunders, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4977 Stanley, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 4978 Stock, Ernest ElUot, 3 June, 1919. (31.) (31.) (Bf.) (If.) (M.) (31.) 676 4979 Suffield, WiUiam Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4980 Unger, John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 4981 Urquhart, Charles Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 4982 Watkins, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4983 Wtotaker, Harold Braithwait, 3 June, 1919. 4984 WUkie, James Bowman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4985 Beatty, Herbert James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4986 Bowen, Frank Hart. 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4987 Brown, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4988 Clegg, Robert Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4989 De Lisle, Rev. Hugh Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 4990 Douglas, Robert Douglas Argyll, 3 June, 1919. 4991 Fraser, David, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4992 HamUton, WUliam Vickery, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4993 Henrey, James Osier, 3 June, 1919. (af.) 4994 Houghton, Walter John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 4995 Lane, Wilhelm Heinreich Christian Ahrens, 3 June, 1919 (BI.) 4996 McPherson, Stuart Mackintosh, 3 June, 1919. 4997 Manseth, WilUam Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 4998 Pattie, Rupert James HartweU, 3 June, 1919. 4999 Turner, FuUiam, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5000 Watson, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5001 CoUet, Arthur WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5002 Smith, Charles Newbald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5003 Clarke. Leslie Ebenezer, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5004 Cooper, CecU Aubrey, 3 June. 1919. (Bf.) 5005 Evans, Frederic, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5006 Hodson, Leopold Percival, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5007 McNah, Matthew Barr. 3 June. 1919. (St.) 5008 Rendel, William Vincent, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5009 Vardon, Eric John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5010 Watson, Victor Fsevlod. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5011 Whistler, Godfrey Fuller, 3 June, 1919. 5012 Burke, Allan Frederick, 3 June 1919. (at.) 5013 Fenntog, Robert WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5014 Johnson, Ernest Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5015 Littlehales, Joseph Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5016 McKerchar, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5017 Clayton, Norman WUlis, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5018 Eden, Geoffrey Morten, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5019 Abbot-Anderson, Louis Goodrich, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5020 Acheson, James, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5021 Adah, Francis Robert, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5022 Adams, Herbert Windham, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5023 Adcock, Frederick Harold, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5024 Adkins, George, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5025 Adler, Herbert Marcus, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5026 Aitkin, John Christie, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5027 Akhurst, WiUiam Harry, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5028 Albany, Sidney Charles, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5029 Alcock, Charles WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5030 AUen, Charles Edward, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5031 AUnatt, AUred Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6032 Andersor, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6033 Anderson, Robert WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5034 Anderson, Thomas Percival, 3 June, 1919. (si ) 5036 Anson, George Wilfred, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5037 Arbuthnot, Lionel Gough, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5038 Armstrong, CyrU, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5039 Aston, Thomas, 3 June. 1919. (St.) 6040 Atkins, Henry Albert, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5041 Atkinson, Arthur George, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5042 Atkinson, Arthur Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5043 Axten, Ernest Henry, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5044 Ayden, Arthur John, 3 June, 1919. 5045 Backhaus, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 5046 Bacon, James, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5047 BaUey, Herbert John, 3 June, 1919. , 5048 Batttte, George Bertram, 3 June. 1919. 5049 BaUlie, Roderick, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5050 Baines, George Norman, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5051 Munton. Horace Munton Baker-, 3 June, 1919 (st ) 5052 BaU, Sydney Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5053 Bannatyne, Arthur Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5054 Barbary, John Ewart Trounce, 3 June, 1919. (st ) 5055 Barber, George Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5056 Barclay, Henry Gladstone, 3 June, 1919. (Bt ) 5057 Barnett, Albert Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6059 Barnfield, William George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6060 Barr, Charles Nicholson, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5061 Barratt, Arthur Walker, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5062 Barrington, Herbert CecU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5063 Bartie, Edward WUliam, 3 June, 1919 (at ) 5064 Barton, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5065 Batchelor, Ronald George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5066 Baxter, Henry George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5067 Bean, Robert Charles, June, 1919. (at.) 5068 Beattie, Arthur Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5069 Beesley, Lewis Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 5070 Beeton, Thomas Guy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5071 Benn, Edward Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 5072 Benn, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5073 Bennett, Archie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5074 Bentliff, Philip Barnett, 3 Juue, 1919. (at.) 5075 Beresford-Pehse, Arthur CecU Procter de la Poer, 3 June 1919. (at.) 5076 Bertram, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5077 Beszant, WiUiam George, 3 June, 1919 (si ) 5078 Binns, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (st.) (si.)(at.) (BI.) (H.) MEMBERS. 5080 Bhd, Mary CecUia, 3 June, 1919. (ai ) 5081 Bishop, Robert Odell, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 5082 Bishop, Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5083 Bisset, Rev. Mordaunt EIrington, 3 June, 1919. (ai ) 6084 Blackburn, Walter James, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 5085 Blackmore, Charles Nelson Lindsley, 3 June 1919 (ai ) 5086 BlackweU, CecU Patrick, 3 June, 1919. (at j 6087 Blah, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 5088 Blunt, Hubert Porter, 3 June, 1919. (m ) 5089 Boland, Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 5090 Bolton, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5091 Bosustow, John Coulson, 3 June, 1919. (at 5092 Bott, Olive, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5093 Bowers, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5094 Bowes-Robtason, Cecil, 3 June, 1919. (m ) 5095 BowhUl, Thomas, 8 June, 1919. (at ) 5096 Boyle, Cecil Hefferon, S June, 1919. (bi ) 5097 Bradbury, George Richardson, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5098 Bradford, James 3 June. 1919. (at.) 5099 Brady, Sydney Edward Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5100 Brash, Ernest Livett, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6101 Bratby, George Henry, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5102 Brett, John Vaughan, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 5103 Bridges, Frederick Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5104 Bright, Harold Norman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5105 Broadway, Eric Evans, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5106 Brock, WilUam Stewart Ranulf, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5107 Brodie, Henry Campbell, 3 June, 1919. (bi ) 5108 Brodie, Richard, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5109 Brook, Leonard Thornicraft, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5110 Brooks, George Thomas Adams, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5111 Broughton, CecU Howard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5112 Brown, Arthur Richard Dupuis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5113 Brown, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5115 Brown, Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5116 Brown-Constable, Alice Amelia, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5117 Braty, WilUam Glynes, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5118 Bryant, Thomas Hedley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5119 Buchanan, James Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5120 Bugler, WiUiam Thomas Hansford, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5121 Bull, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5122 Bullock, Harold Malcolm, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5123 BuUock, John Walter. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5124 Burgoyne, Clarence, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5125 Burke, Hugh St. George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5126 Burns, Edward James, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5127 Burrows, James Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5128 Burt, Reginald Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5129 Burton, Rev. Harold John Chandos. 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5130 Butler, Eustace Norman, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5131 Butler, James Bayley, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5132 Butler, James Dickson, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5133 Buxton, Claude Henry, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5134 CahUl, Albert, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5135 Caldicott, Charles Holt, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5136 Calvey, Charles 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5137 Cameron, Alexander Duncan, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5138 Cameron, Thomas Duncan, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5139 Campbell, Harold James, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5140 Campion-Coles, John Monck, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5141 Carden, John Valentine, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5142 Carrington, Sidney John Ness, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5143 Carse, John R, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5144 Carter, Charles Frederick BeaU, 3 June. 1919. (31.) 5145 Carter, Thomas Benjamin, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5146 Cavaye, Ronald James, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5147 Chambers, George Kirby, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5148 Chandler, Frederick Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5149 Chandler, Hugh Elphinstone, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5150 Cheeswright, Frederick Grahame, 3 June, 1919. (3f.) 5151 Chenery, George, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5152 Chesterton, Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5153 ChUd, Cyril Holland, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6154 Christian, Charles, 3 June, 1919. 5155 Christison, McCulloch, 3 June, 1919. (sf.) 5156 Christopherson, Kenneth, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5157 Clapham, Athol England, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5158 Clark, Hubert Charles, 3 June, 1919. (fit.) 5159 Clarke, Derrick Ansell, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5160 Clarke, Frederick, 3 June. 1919. (st.) 5161 Clay, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bt) 5162 Clegg, Thomas Harry, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5163 Clements, Frederick James, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5164 Clout, Charles WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5165 Clover, Frederick William, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5166 Cobb, Henry Percy, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5167 Cokayne, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5168 Cole, David Henry, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5169 Cole, Fritz WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5170 Cole, Lowry Arthur Casamajor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5171 Collins, WUliam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5172 ConnoUy, Hugh Francis, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5173 Cooksey, Frank Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6174 Coombes, WiUiam James, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5175 Cooper, Ansell Edgar, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6176 Cooper, Bryan Ricco, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5177 Cooper, Richard Tennant, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5178 Cooper, Samuel Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5179 Cordeaux, MelviUe Charles Dymock, 3 June, 1919. (II.) 5180 Cosgrave, Frederick John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) (M.) (at.) 5181 Cosgrove, Thomas Patrick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5182 Coulson, Horace Wilkinson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5183 Coulter, Percival Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5184 Cousens, Arthur Bertie, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5185 Cowley, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6186 Cox, George, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5187 Cox, Keith Trenchard, 3 June, 1919, 5188 Coyle, James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5189 Coyne, Denis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5190 Craig, Graham, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5191 Crane, James Henry, 3 June, 1919. 5192 Crankshaw, Eric Norman Spencer, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5193 Crapper, Harold Sugden, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5194 Cripps, Henry Rivers, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5195 Crosbie, WiUiam Maxwell, 3 June, 1919. (flt.) 5196 Cross, Arthur Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5197 Crosse, James Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5198 Crossley, Geoige Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5199 Cullen, William John, 3 June, 1919 (St.) 5200 Cunliffe, Norman, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5201 Curtis, Annie, Mrs., 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5202 Curtis, William Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5204 Dann, WiUiam Squire, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5205 Darby, John Edward, 3 June, 1919. (flt.) 5206 D'Arcy, George Graham, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5207 Davidson, Alec Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5208 Davies, David Owen, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5209 Davies, Charles Beverley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5210 Davies, Richard Llewellyn, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5211 Davis, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5212 Davoren, Carmen, 3 June, 1919 (at.) 5213 Dawson, Herbert Milner, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5214 Dawson, WiUiam Bell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5215 Day, George Albert John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5216 Day, WUliam, 3 Jure, 1919. (M.) 5217 Dean, Walter Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5218 Deedes, John Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5219 Jones, Edward Denby-, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5220 De St. Croix, Leslie Lawson, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5221 De Tuyll, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5222 Dicker, Arthur Seymour Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (flt.) 5223 Dicker, Gilbert Charles Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5224 DiUon, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5225 Doggrell, Enos, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5226 Doherty, Francis CecU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5227 Dolmage, Francis AUred Emilio, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5228 Donald, George Reid, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5229 Douglas, John Turner, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5230 Dowdell, George James, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5231 Duarte, Edgar Thurston, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5232 Dudley, CyrU Raymond, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6233 Duncan, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5234 Duncan, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5235 Durbridge, William, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5236 Eastwood, Samuel Cosby, 3 June, 1919. (flt.) 5237 Bcroyd, Frederick Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5238 Edge, Arthur Broughton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5239 Edwards, Charles Joseph. 3 June. 1919. (at.) 5240 Edwards, John Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5241 Eley, Henry Gerard, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5242 Eliot, John Alfred Roy, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5243 EUis, Harry Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5244 Ellison, WUliam Richard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5245 Blsworthy, Alexander Lockhart, 3 June, 1919. 5246 Englefield, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5247 Evans, Bernard Scott, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5248 Evans, Evan Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5249 Evans, Henry John Archibald, 3 June, 1919 5250 Evans, Samuel Earnest, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5251 Bvatt, James Wrigley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5252 Fahbahns, Mary Elizabeth, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5253 Farquhar, Rev. Henry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5254 Farmer, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5255 Farrance, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5256 Fenton, Cecil, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5257 Fenton, John, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5258 Fenton-Jones, William Fenton, 3 June, 1919. 5259 Fergusson, John CaldweU, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5260 Field, David, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5261 Finlay, Harry WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5262 Fish, George Drummond, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5263 Fisher, Claude Frederick Urquhart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5264 Fitchett, William Graham Lawson, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5265 Fitzwater, Wilfred George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5266 Footner, Bertram Maughan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6267 Forsdyke, Albert Victor WeUs, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5268 Forster, Frederick Norman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5269 Foster-Melliar, John Kenelm, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5270 Franks, Rudolph Keane, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5271 Fraser, Angus George, 3 June, 1919. (at.j 5272 Fraser, George Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5273 Fraser, John James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5274 Froude, Charles WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5275 Fryer, Sydney Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5276 Fuller, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5277 Gale, Henry Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5278 Gallie, Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5279 Garton, Willoughby Lewis, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5280 Gatliff, Geoffrey Gatliff, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5281 Gedge, Denny Victor, 3 June, 1919. (si.) (si.) (si.) (si.) 077 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. (SI.) (M.) a.) (si.) 5282 George, Richard Westropp, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6283 Gibb, Andrew Dewar, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6284 Gibson, James BaUy, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6285 Gibson, John Montgomery, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6286 Gielgud, Lewis Evelyn, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6287 GUchrist, EUzabeth MacFarlane, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6288 Gttlam, Vernon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5289 GUlespie, William Ernest, 3 June, 1919. 6290 Godfray, Mowatt, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6291 Goggin, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6292 Goldman, Charles Sidney, 3 June, 1919. 5293 Goldman, Julius Israel, 3 June, 1919. ( 6294 Goldsmith, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5295 GoodaU, Francis Harrison, 3 June, 1919. 6296 Goodwin, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5297 Gow, Peter Graham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6298 Graham-Barrow, Jess, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5299 Grant, Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5300 Gray, EUiott CecU George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6301 Gray, George, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6302 Green, Robert, 3 June. 1919. (Bt.) 6303 Greenlees, Janet Campbell, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6304 GreenweU, Bernard Eyre, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6306 Greenwood, Charies Stainforth, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5306 Gretton, Richard Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5307 Griffin, Arthur James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6308 Grist, WiUiam Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5309 Groome, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5310 Gull, Alfred Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6311 Gunn, John, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5312 Gunton, Herbert Charles, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6313 Guy, Percy Claude, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5314 Hacker, WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6315 Hall, Edgar, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5316 HaU, Harry Reginald Holland, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6318 HaUoran, WiUiam James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5319 Handley-Read, Edward Harry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5320 Hanney, Michael John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) . 5321 Hardy, Henry Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6322 Hargroves, William Robert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5323 Harley, Ernest WiUiam James, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5324 Harmer, Ronald Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5325 Harper, John Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5326 Harpur, John Latimer, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5327 Harris, Francis George, 3 June, 1919. (af.) 6329 Harrison, Leonard Charles, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6330 Hartington, Edward WiUiam Spencer Cavendish, Marquis of, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6331 Harvey, WiUiam. 3 Juno, 191 J, (sf.) 6332 HavUand, Reginald Henry 3 Tune, 1919. (Bf.) 6333 HavUand, WUfred Pullan, 3 June, 1919. (af.) 5334 Hearn, George Henry Seymour, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6335 Hedley, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6336 Hedley, Theodore Fenwick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5337 Helden, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5338 HeUyer, Ernest Palmer, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5339 Henderson, Ian Macdonald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5340 Henshaw, John Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5341 Henshaw, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5342 Herbert, George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5343 Heselttoe, Conrad Pelham, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5344 Hesketh, WUUam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5345 Hicks, Joseph Marmaduke, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5346 Hide, Lewis, 3 June, 1919. (BI) 5347 Higson, Percy John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6348 Higson, WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6349 Hill, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5350 Hinton, WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6351 Hitchcock, Roland George, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5352 Hogan, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5353 Holden, Ernest Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5354 HoUand, Edgar Stopford, 3 June, 1919. (af.) 5355 Holmes, Arthur Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5356 Hopperton, Henry Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5357 Hoskins, Wallace Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6358 Howard, Septimus Carolus, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5359 Howell, Owen A, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5360 Hudson, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5361 Huggard, Rev. Richard, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5362 Hume, Hugh Bliss Torriano, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5363 Humphreys, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6364 Hunt, Reginald Noel, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5365 Hunter, John Francis Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5366 Hunter-Blah, Reginald Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5367 Hurle, Alfred Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6368 Hussey, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5369 Huyshe, Rowland RadcUffe, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5370 Ibbitson, George, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5371 Imrie, George Blah, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6372 Ince, Bernard Sidney, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6373 Innes, George Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6374 Ionides, Helen Euphrosyne, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5375 Deland, James Augustus, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5377 Jackson, Francis Munton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5378 James, Bdward Lionel Luscombe, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5379 Janson, Frederick Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6380 Jay, Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5381 Jenks, Herbert WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5382 Jessap, Charles Townsley, 3 June. 1919. (Bf.) 5383 Johns, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) I 53845385 5386 5387538853895391639253936394 5395 6396 53975398 5399 64005401540354045405 5407 5408 54095410 6411 5412 5413 5414 541554165417 5418 54195420542154225423 54245425 54265427 5429 543054325433 54345435 5436 54375438 543954405441 5442 54435444 544554465447544854495450 5451 5452545354545455 5456545754585459 546054616462 5463 54645465546654675468 64695470 5471 6472 54735474 5475 5476 547754785479 64805481548254835484 64855486 5487 5488 678 (31.) (Bf.) (at.) Johns, William Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Johnson, Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Jones, OsweU, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Jones, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) Jones, WilUam Everard Tyldesley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Joslta, Evelyn Whyaid, 3 June. 1919. (at.) Keefe, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Keeping, Harold Balfour, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Keer, Raymond WUfred Cordy, 3 June, 1919. Keitley, CyrU Humby, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Kekewich, Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) KeUy, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Kennedy, Charles Matheson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Kennedy, Douglas NeU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Kennedy, Walter Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Kenny, Louis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Kerr, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Kimberley, Harold WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Kingdon, Albert Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) Kingston, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) Lambie, George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) Lanigan-O'Keefe, Francis Stephen, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Laurie, Rawdon Hastings St. Barbe, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) Laurie, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Lavery, Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Lawler, Robert Edward, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) Leaver, Gray, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Lee, Albert Victor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Lee, George, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Leonard, Thomas Goulton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) LesUe, Charles WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Leveson-Gower, CecU OUver Gresham, 3 June, 1919. (Bt. ) Levy, Jeanne Athol, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Lewis, Orpheus WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1919 Ltodop, Patrick, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Lippold, Albert Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Lithiby, Beatrice Ethel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Loudon, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Longbotham, Charles Rawson, 3 June, 1919. Longworth, Ernest Victor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Lucy, John Charles Hampden, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Lumley, Charles Hope, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Lumsden, Charles Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) McAUster, Daniel Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) McAvoy, John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) MoColl, Henrietta Sunderland, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) McCuUoch, John Smith, 3 June, 1919. (at.) MacDonald, Allen Eraser, 3 June. 1919. (at.) MacDonald, Ewen WiUiam Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) McDonald, James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) McDonald, James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) MacDonald, Robert Parker, 3 June, 1919. (af.) McDougaU, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (M.) Mclver, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) McKay, Robert James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) McKechnie, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) McLaren, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) McLean, Alan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) McLeish, James, 3 June. 1919. (at.) McCleUan, Creighton WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (lt.) McMullen, Kenrick James, 3 June, 1919. (fit.) MacPhaU, Agnew Main, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Manico, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Maun, Grace, 3 June, 1919. (fit.) Mann, Thomas Clifford, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Mansfield, James Walter, 3 June, 1919. (M.) Marchant, Frederick James, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) Mason, Horace George, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) Masters, Denis MacPherson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Matheson, Frederick WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Mathews, George Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Matthews, Clement Norman, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Meadows, Henry George, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Merrett, Francis George, 3 June, 1919. (31.) Metcalfe, Harry Francis, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Metcalfe, Percy Kynaston, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Middleton, George, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) Midgeley, Sam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) MUes, Alfred George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) MU1, John Smith Tindal, 3 June, 1919. (at.) MUUken, Ernest Norman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Mills, Harry Sturgess, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Mttton, James Clymo, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Mitchell, Margaret Florence, 3 June, 1919. (at.) MitcheU, WUUam Alfred James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Moh, Archibald Patrick, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Molineux, George, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Moncrieff, Malcolm Matthew, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Monk, John Bird, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Moor, Marjorie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Moore, Harold Mead, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Moore, Richard WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (m.) Moore, WiUiam Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Moreton, Arthur Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (m.) Morgan, Arthur Richard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Morgan, John ScammeU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Morgan, Phttlip Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Morgan, Sydney Cope, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Morris, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Morris, Frederick Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) MEMBERS. (BI.) (BI.) (M.) (SI.) 6489 Morris, Rev. Patrick Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 6490 Morris, WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6491 Morton, George Bowen, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6492 Morton, Robert ConneU. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6493 Mumford, Harry George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6494 Munday, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5495 Murgatroyd, Dorothy Sarah, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6496 Murphy, Francis PhUip Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6497 Nash, Francis Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5498 Nelson, David, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5499 Newton, GUes FendaU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5600 Nias, Herbert John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6501 Nicholson, Christabel, 3 June, 19)9. (bi.) 5502 Nicholson, Norwood, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5608 Noyes, Edwin Brownrigg, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6504 Oates, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6505 Oborn, Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6506 O'Brien, James Matthew, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6507 Orchard, Edward Henslow, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6508 Ottley, Robert Bruce Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5509 Ovens, Jean Broomfield Wier, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6510 Page, Harold James, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5511 Palmer, BasU Owen, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5512 Palmer, Ellen Amelia, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5513 Paramor, Frank Richard, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 6514 Parker, Hugh Love, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6515 Parker, Thomas Mayor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5516 Parker, WUfred Watson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5517 Parkes, Dorothy Phcebe, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5518 Passmore, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5519 Payne, Tom, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6520 Pearson, Henry John, 3 June, 1919. 5521 Peart, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5522 Peck, Victor Newton, 3 June, 1919. 5523 Peddle, John Ronald, 3 June, 1919. 5524 Peel, Albert WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. . 5525 Pellatt, Hamilton Francis Moore, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5526 PeUy, Evelyn, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5527 Percival, Alexander Phttip, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5528 Perkins, Lewis Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5529 Perry, Violet, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5530 Peters, CecU Wybum, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6531 PhUips, Harry Vaughan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5532 PhUlips, Horace Stock, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5533 PhUlips, James Charles Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5534 PhUlips, WiUiam Austin, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5535 Phipps, Henry Croly. 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5536 Pickering, John Russell, 3 June, 1919. 5537 Pige-Leschallas, Henry, 3 June, 1919. 5538 Ptader, Arthur WUUam, 3 June, 1919. 5539 Pinsent, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5540 Piatt, Claude Bernard Meister, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5541 Piatt, Sydney Frank, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5542 Pleydell-Bouverie, Humphrey, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5543 Pocock, EUsha John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5545 Porter, Samuel Lowry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5546 Post, George Henry Draper, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5547 Power, George Teevan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5548 Power, Frank Trevor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5549 Prioleau, Lynch HamUton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5550 .Procter, Roger Cecil, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5551 Quayle, Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5552 Quick, Abraham, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5553 Quhm, John James, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5554 Rackham, George John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5555 Rait, Alexander Macpherson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5556 Ramsdale, James EUwood, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5557 RandaU, Richard Walter Kimbal, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5558 Rawlinson, Arthur Richard, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5559 Rayner, Oswald Theodore, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5560 Read, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5561 Redlich, Stefan, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5562 Reed, Baron Noel, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5563 Rees, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5564 Reeves, Edward Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5565 Reid, Isaac WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6566 Reid, James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5567 Reilly, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5568 Rennet, David, 3 June, 1919. (sf.) 5569 Reynish, James Bruce, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5570 Reynolds, PhiUp George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5571 Richards, Province WeUesley, 3 June, 1919. 5572 Ricketts, Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5573 RiddeU, Douglas Errington, 3 June, 1919. (at-) 5574 Rigby, Robert Stacey Marks, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5576 Robertson, Adam McCall, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5577 Roberts, George WiUiam Pearson, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5578 Roberts, Talbot Vivian Waymen, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5579 Robertson, Frederick WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5580 Robertson, Margaret Agnes Josepha, 3 June, 1919. (at . 5581 Robinson, William Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5582 Roche, Alfred Lyttleton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5583 Rogers, GUbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5584 Rogers, LUian May, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5585 Rogers, WilUam Aldrich, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5586 Rolfe, Charles Bertram, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5587 Rose, Norman Frank, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5588 Rosltog, CecU, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5589 Rouse, WUliam Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5590 Rowe, James Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (af.) (fit.) (ai.) (si.) (st.) 55915592559355945595 5596 559755985600 5601 56026603 5604 56055606 5607 56085609 5610 561156125613 56145615561656175618561956205621 56225623 5624 5625 5626 5627 56285629 563056315632 5633 56345635 5637563856395640564156425643 56445645564656475648 5649 56505651 5652565356545655 5656 565756585659 566056615662 5663 5664 566556665667566856695670 56715672 5673 5674 56755676 5677 56785679 56805681 5682 56835684568556865687568856895690 Rowe, Wilfred Aubrey, 3 June, 1919. (si.) Rowlatt, Charles James, 3 June, 1919. (st.) Rowlatt, Frederick George, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Rycroft, Albert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Rycroft, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) Sandberg, Judith Mary, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Sandeman, William WelUngton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Sandercock, Archie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Sangster, Thomas Alexander Gardner, 3 June, 1919. (at. ) Saward, Frank Robert, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Scholes, George Ernest, 8 June, 1919. (at.) Scott, Arthur Frank, 3 June, 1919. (St.) Scott, Eustace Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Scott, George Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (St.) Scott, Keith Stanley Malcolm, 3 June, 1919. (St.) Scott, Walter Nedham, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) Scrivener, Harry Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (M.) Scudamore, William George, 3 June, 1919. (it.) Searle, Arthur Mackenzie, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) Seeley, Rev. John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Sergeant, Archibald Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (it.) Shallis, Boydell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Shannon, Richard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Sharland, Ernest John, 3 June, 1919. (si.) Sharles, Frederick Francis, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Shaw, James William, 3 June, 1919. (St.) Shean, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) Shefford, Alan Douglas Edward, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) Shelmerdine, Harry Neal, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Shelton, Harry Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Shields, Oswald Clive Graeme. 3 June, 1919. (at.) ShUltogton, Elizabeth Mildred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Shore, Alfred George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Showell, Charles Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Silverwood-Cope, Alan Lachlan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Simmett, WUliam Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Sinclair, Robert John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Sinfield, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Stanatt, Frank Sturdy, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Skelton, AUan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Smith, Donald Woodford, 3 June, 1919. (af.) Smith, Harold James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Smith, James William, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Smith, Mary AmeUa, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Smith, Soloman Charles Kaines, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Smith, Thomas Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Spence, Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (st.) Spence, John Charles, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Spence, Lockhart James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Spencer, Gerald Theodosius Leigh, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Spillane, Richard, 3 June, 1919. (M.) Spinks, Edwin Gardiner, 3 June, 1919. (M.) Spittal, John Kerr, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Squire, Walter Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) St. Clair-Ford, Leicester, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Stack, Norah Blake, 3 June, 1919. (st.) Stafford, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (sf.) Stanley, Herbert Vernon, 3 June, 1919. (st.) SteggaU, Robert Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (St.) SteUtog, Carl David, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Stericker, John, 3 June, 1919. (St.) Stewart, Angus Matheson, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Stewart, John Henry George, 3 June, 1919. (it.) Stitt, Iza, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Stodart-Walker, Archibald, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Stringer, Hubert Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Stubbs, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Sturgess, Charies, 3 June, 1919. (at.) SwaUow, Thomas Asquith, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Swinerd, Henry James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Swinstead, Norman HUlyard, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) Taylor, Edward Dansy, 3 June, 1919. (St.) Taylor, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) Templeton, Archibald Angus, 3 June, 1919. (st.) Thomas, Arthur Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Thomas, Harold Miles, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Thomson, Alexander Brackstone, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Thomson, Alfred Louis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Thomson, Frederick Charles, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) Thombery, Stanley Russell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Thorne, Frederick John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Thorp, Harold John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Thurstan, Alan Dorrington, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Tipping, Frank Walter, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) Tisley, Frederick WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Titchener, Harry Stacker, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Todd, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (it.) Tomkins, Stanley Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Toms, William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Tonkinson John, 3 June, 1919. (31.) Tookey, Francis Edwin Friday, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) TopUsB, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) TraviU, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Trenam, Richard, 3 June, 1919. (Sf.) Troubridge, Thomas St. Vincent WaUace, 3 June, 1919. (st.) Tucker, Frederick James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Tulloch, Hubert Thorold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) Tunks, George Patrick D'Arcy Gregory, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 679 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 5691 TurnbuU, Thomas Montgomerie, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5692 Turner, Alfred Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5693 Turner, Bernard WUfred, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5694 Tyndale, Henry Edmund Guise, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5695 Tyson, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5696 Underwood, Reginald Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5697 Upham, John Albert Austin, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5698 Vassie, Frederick Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5699 Vernon, Richard Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5700 Wade, George Bridges, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5701 Wale, WilUam Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5702 Walker. Austtae Harington, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5703 Walker, Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5704 Walter. Weever Kenneth, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5705 Wark, Hector, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5706 Wark, John Lean. 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5707 Warren, Claude Alfred Reuben, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 5708 Warren, Henry WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5709 Warrior, Edith Mary, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5710 Waters, George Frederick Mary, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 5711 Watkins, WiUiam John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5712 Watson, Frederick Whittaker, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6713 Watson, Noel SutcUffe Ogilvy, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5714 Watson, WiUiam Charies, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5715 Webb, Frederick John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5716 Webb, Henry Smith, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5717 Webb, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5718 Weir, Thomas Duncan, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5720 WeUs, Henry Bensley, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6721 WeUs, Stanley Walter, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5722 Westcott, George Henry, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5723 Whatley, Norman, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5724 White, Bruce Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5725 Whittaker, WUliam Edward de Bagnlegh, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5726 Whittington, WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5727 Whitworth, Charies Warwick, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5728 WUes, Harold Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5729 Wilkins, Dennison AUred, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5730 WUles, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5731 WUUams, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6732 WUliams, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5733 WUUams, John Montague, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5734 WUliams, Leonard Lowther, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5735 Williams. Richard Barclay, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5736 WUlis, Harry Richard James, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5737 WiUmott, Frederick WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5738 Wilson, Aphra PhylUs, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5739 WUson, John, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5740 WUson, WUliam Robert, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5741 Winch, Arthur Bluett, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5742 Winch-urn, James Moffet, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5743 Winstanley, Henry Parr, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5744 Wolff, James Daniel, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5745 WombweU, Fred, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5746 Wood, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5747 Wood, Edith Francis, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5748 Woodruff, Charles Reynolds, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5749 Woolley, Reginald George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5750 Woolway, Charles Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5751 Woosley, Ernest Harry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5752 Wootton, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5753 Wootton, Herbert Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5754 Wotherspoon, John Armour, 3 June, 1919. (Bf,) 5755 Wright, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5756 Wright, Sydney Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5757 Wright, Thomas Kendall, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5758 Yarrow, George Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5759 Yorwerth, Thomas Jenkin, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5760 Young, Bertram John, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5761 Young, Chariie, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5762 Young, Harry Robert, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5763 Young, Richard Horton, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5764 Yule, John Stirling, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5765 Bagot, Christopher George Seymom, 3 June, 1919. (Bt 5766 Caiue, Martin Surney, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5767 Castle, Ivor, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5768 Clarke, Thomas Walter, 3 June, 1919. (ffl.) 5769 Cox, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5770 Currie, Thomas Dickson, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5771 Curry, Charles Townley, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5772 Duggan, Harry Van Norman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5773 Evans, John Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5774 Gallon, Thomas Heaton, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 5775 Gault, WUUam James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5776 Gibson, George E, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5777 Gordon, Arthur Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (af.), 5778 Gordon, Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5779 Hardman, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5780 Harrison, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5781 Holden, Frederick Morgan. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5782 Hora, Hansord, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5783 Hutcheson, John, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5784 Jaminson, Samuel Jones, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5785 Johnson, Edwin WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5786 Jones, William Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5787 McDerment, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5788 McLean, James, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5789 Perry, Joseph Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5790 Rice, WilUam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5791 Robinson, George WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (m.) 5792 Seybold, John Clifford, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5793 Sheff, John, 3 June, 1919. (af.) 5794 Simpson, George WUmot Rae, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5795 Sinclah, Andrew Gibson, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5796 Slayter, John Howard, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5797 Smith, Stanley Oscar, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5798 Smythe, Frank Aldham, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5799 Starratt, Harry Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5800 Sutherland, Harry WUson, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5801 Thomas, WiUiam Bryson, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5802 Tomlinson, DavU HoUand, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5803 Vernon, William Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5804 WUson, Wilfred Wellington, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5805 Woodiwiss, Edwin Sydney, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5806 Andrewes, Robert Lancelot, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5807 Berryman, Mark, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5808 Bingle, WiUiam Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5809 Broad, Archibald du Bourg. 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5810 Brown, Joseph Hector, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5811 Caro, PhiUip, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5812 Carr, Gerald Mossman, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5813 Charlesworth, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5814 Crome, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5815 Crooks, David Robert, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5816 Davy, CyrU, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5817 Docker, CyrU Talbot, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5818 Drummond, John Raymond, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5819 Grace, Theodore Phillip, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5820 HaU, Ernest Vhtue, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5821 Hall, Harold Stanley George, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5822 Healy, Reginald Stafford, 3 June. 1919. (BI.) 5823 Henry, John Herbert WaUace, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5824 Herriott, WiUiam Malcolm, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5825 Ikin, Harry Claude, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5826 Jessep, Alfred James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5827 Lahd, Frederick Nicholas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5828 Lampe, Frederick Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5829 Langslow, Melville CecU, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5830 Lawrence, Eric Nathan Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5831 Levy, Theodore Harold, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5832 Long, Edmund James, 3 June. 1919. (at.) 5833 McLennan, Kenneth, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5834 Mohr, Reginald Harry, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5835 Murphy, Reginald William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5836 Murray, John Francis Stuart 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5837 Newlands, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5838 Norris, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5839 Price, Cecil Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5840 Robley, Vernon Edward, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 5841 Rossiter, Thomas Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5842 Smith, MUes Staniforth Cator, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5843 Sorensen, Michael, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5844 Spittal, Charles Edward, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5845 ThirkeU, Robert Mowbray Winston, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5846 Tyler, Arthur George, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5847 Wheeler, Douglas Bingham, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5848 Wilson, Roy Vincent, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5849 Atwell, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5850 BeU, Norman, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 5851 Booth, Charles Henry, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5852 Bosworth, John Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5853 Brocks, Arthur William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5854 Brown, Henry Harwood, 3 June, 1919. (It.) 5855 Colclough, WiUiam Caisar Sarsfield, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5856 Corrigan, Albert Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5857 Cossgrove, David CecU WaUace, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5858 Crowther, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5859 Dobson, WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5860 Ewen, David Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5861 Gentry, Frederick Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5862 Hursthouse, WUliam Richmond, 3 June, 1919. (St. 5863 Isaacs, David Nathan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5864 Jack, William. 3 June, 1919. (st.) ) 5865 Jolly, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5866 Kirk, James Robert, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5867 Lowe, Edward Cronin, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5868 Maiden, Rev. Edward Elliott, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5869 Martin, James Seaton, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5870 Matthews, Robert Saxon, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5871 MeUows, Samuel, 3 June. 1919. (at.) 5872 Moller, Oden, 3 June, 1919. (af.) 5873 Northcote, James Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5874 Nutsford, Henry Charles, 3 June, 1919. (ar.) 5875 Oram, Matthew Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5876 Osborne, Henry WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5877 Pettit, William Haddon, 3 June, 1919. (flt.) 5878 Porteous, Lawrence Victor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5879 Pryor, William, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5880 Quartley, Arthur GUbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5881 Redmond, Henry Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5882 Ridler, Arthur James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5883 Ringland, Thomas Hazlett, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5884 Rishworth, Norman John, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5885 Shand, David Brett, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5886 Walker, George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5887 Winton, Rev. Walter Sim, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5888 Wood, Roy Wilds Fry, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5889 Coghlan, Gerald Spencer, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5890 Ellis, Norman NuttaU, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 680 MEMBERS. 5891 Knibbs, Arthur Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5892 Legge, Edward Alder, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5894 Tucker, WUliam Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5895 Walker, John HamUton, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5896 Anderson, Hugh A, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5897 Duley, Cryll C, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5898 Howley, James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5899 Marshall, Frederick W, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5900 O'Grady, J. J, 3 June, 1919. (at. 6901 Outerbridge, Herbert A, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5902 Reeves, William, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5903 Winter, Herbert M, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5904 Adkins, WUliam John, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5905 Amor, Staiuey Long, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5906 Andrews, Joseph Claude, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5907 AngeU, Bruce Othniel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5908 Arnot, WiUiam MUls, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5909 Axten, Henry James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5911 Barber, Percy Charles, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 5912 Barnaby, Hazen Ottis, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5913 Barr, Philip Henry, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5914 Bayley, Constance Theodora, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5915 Beeton, Bernard James, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 5916 Belli-Bivar, Roderick, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5917 Belt, Charles Burnley, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5918 Betteridge, Harold Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5919 Biggs, Jack Pelham Percival Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5920 Bhd, Edmund Ivan Montford, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5921 Booker, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (Sf.) 5922 Bonnyman, John Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5923 Bowring, WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5924 Brackenboro, Henry Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5925 Brockbank, Charles Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5926 Brown, John, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5927 Bryant, Walter Edward George, 3 June, 1919. (ST.) 5928 Burnett, Thomas Leslie Forbes, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5929 Biirns-Patrick John, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5930 Burt, Walter LesUe, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5931 Bygrave, Leonard Charles, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 5932 Cairns, David, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5933 Cambridge, Arthur Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5934 CampbeU, Malcolm, 3 June, 1919. (ar.) 5935 Carmody, Ernest Partick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5936 Camley, Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 5937 Carter, Alfred WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5938 Cassels, Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5939 Castings, Walter Rumley, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 5940 Chambre, John, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5941 Chandler, Charles Kingsley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5942 Cheeseman, Bernard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5943 Clare, Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5944 Colbeek, Paul, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5945 Collet, Richard Awdrey White, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5946 Cooper, Walter Jackson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5947 Crane, Bertie Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5948 Cranmer, Alexander Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5949 Cranmer, WilUam Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5950 Crichton, Henry Lumsden, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5951 Crofton, Richard LleweUyn, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5952 Crothers, Wallace Guy Murdock, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) " 5953 Currtagton, Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5954 Curtis, John Dorrien Constable, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5955 Dance, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5956 Dand, James Huddart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5957 Dawes, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5958 Dawson, William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5959 Day, Florence, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5960 Dean, George Edward Morgan, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5961 Donald, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5962 Eckford, Francis George, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 59.63 Everett, Raymond Walter, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5964 Fairbrother, Hugh Kingsley, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5965 Fawdry, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5966 Firmin, Cyril Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 5967 Fitzgerald, Maurice Bolton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5968 Frankish, John Raven, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5969 Freeborn, Leonard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5970 Freeman, Sidney Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5971 Frost, Oliver Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5972 Fry, Alfred Andrew, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5973 FuUer, Norman Berwick, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 5974 Fulton, Angus Robertson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5975 Fyfe, Robert George, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5976 Geer, Ernest Walter, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5977 Gerrard, Thomas Maitland, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5978 Giles, Harry Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6979 Godfrey, Stanley Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5980 Golding, George Francis, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 5981 Graham, Robert Clark, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5982 Grave, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5983 Griggs, Alfred George, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5984 Groome, Auckland WUliam Wollaston, 3 June, 1919. (31, 5985 Gwyer, Percy Edward, 3 June, 1919. (sf.) 5986 Gordon, Thomas Grove, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5987 Halcrow, Marjorie, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 5988 Hayward, WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5989 Henshall, Leonard, 3 June, 1919. («•) 5990 HU1, George Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 5991 Hodgson, Charles Edward, 3 June. 1919. (at.) 5992 Hulbert, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (M.) (si.) (si.)(Bf.) (Bf.) 5994 Jones, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 5995 Kavanagh, Henry Richard, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5996 Kewley, William Graham, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 5998 Knight, John Morgan, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 5999 Knollys, Edward George William Tyrwhitt, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6000 Knox, Errol Galbraith, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6001 Langmuh, John William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6002 Langridge, Edwin Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6003 Leigh-Bennett, Ernest Pendarves, 3 June, 1919. 6004 Livingstone, Alexander Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 6005 Lott, Robert Elgin Lloyd, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6006 McBain, Percival Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6007 Macrostie, Reginald David Gorrie, 3 June, 1919. 6008 Macdonald, Ronald, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6009 Maley, WilUam John, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6010 MaUett, Henry Clifford, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6011 Manwell, David Thomas WUliam, 3 June, 1919. 6012 Marchant, Alfred Palmer, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 6013 Mars, Lionel Jackson, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6014 Marson, Thomas Bertrand, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 6015 Mawdsley, James Buckland, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6016 Meek, Kenneth Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6017 MitcheU, Donald Robert, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6018 Morris, Harold Spencer, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6019 Morrissey, Patrick Henry, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6020 Muir, Dorothy Coward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6021 Murphy, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6022 Nesbitt, Thomas Hunter, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 6023 Newton, Florence Mai Shedlock, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6024 Newton-Clare, Walter Shackfield, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6025 Nicholson, Bernard John, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6026 Noel, Charlotte, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6027 Northcote, Harry Peter, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6028 Nuttall, WiUiam Ewart, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6029 Palmer, Gilbert, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6030 Panter, George William, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6031 Pearce, Kathleen, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6033 Pertwee, Gwenlliam, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6034 Petch, Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6035 Phipps, William, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6036 Pinokney, David Ward, 3 June, 1919. (at. 6037 Pinkerton, James Morton, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6038 Porter, Edward Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6039 Postiethwaite, Frederick Hartley, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6040 Powell, Frank James Bickley, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6041 Pugh, WiUiam Peter Boulton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6042 Raine, John Charles, 3 Jurte, 1919. (at.) 6043 Rathburn, Aileen, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6044 Rees, David Morris, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6045 Ricketts, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6046 Ridley, Albert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6047 Rivers-Smith, Eric, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6048 Robinson, James, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 6049 Rogers, George Wase, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6050 Roper, George Orchard, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6051 Ross, Alexander Jacob Meyer, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6052 Rowe, Arthur Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6053 Rowe, Charies William, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6054 Scandrett, James Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6055 Siddons- Wilson, Albert Edgar, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6056 Sladden, Robert John, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6057 Smart, Archibald Guelph Holdsworth, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6058 Stansfield, Harold, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6059 Stevenson, Douglas Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6060 Stronach, John Grant McKenzie Martin, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6061 Susans, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 6062 Sutherland, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6063 Sutherland, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6064 Swan, John Barry Rankin, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6065 Swan, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6066 Swoffer, Frank Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6067 Taylor, Arthur Henry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6068 Taylor, Bernard Archie, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6069 Taylor, Leicester Edward, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6070 Thomas, Hugh Hamshaw, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6071 Thomson, Elizabeth, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6072 Thurston, Albert Peter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6073 Trist, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6074 Twining, Stephen Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6075 Waddington, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6076 Waghom, Hugh Colin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6077 Waldron, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6078 Walker, Harold Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6079 Warburton, Peter, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6080 Wardle, WUliam George James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6081 Watson, Alexander MUne, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6082 Watson, WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6083 Watt, WUliam Mclver, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6084 Watts, Francis Mapleton Iremonger, 3 June, 1919. (sf.) 6085 Waylen, Donald Campbell, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6086 Western, James George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6087 Williams, Frederick Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6088 Williams, Gerald Atherton, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6089 WUliams, Owen, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6090 Wilson, Andrew McCrae, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6091 Wilson, Alexander Morice, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6092 Woolfe, Francis Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6093 Wright, WUliam James TurnbuU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 681 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 6094 Young, Hugh Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6095 Abel, Walter Charles, 3 June, 1919. 6096 Aiyar, Chidambara Rajagopala, 3 June, 1919. 6097 Alexander, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. 6098 Alexander, Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6099 Anderson, Eleanor Florence, 3 June, 1919. 6100 Anson, Maud. Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6101 Armour. WUliam Staveley, 3 June, 1919. 6102 Avargal, M. R. Ry. Rao Bahadar Thuvalyangudi Vija- yaraghava Achariyar, 3 June, 1919. 6103 Bahadur, Rai Sahib Raj, 3 June, 1919. 6104 Baker, Augustus, 3 June, 1919. 6105 Baldwin, Christine, Mrs. Guy Melfort, 3 June, 1919. 6106 Balthazar, Helen, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6107 Bamford, Walter CecU, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6108 Bewley, Constance, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6109 Booker, Cissie, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6110 Borlase, Rev. John Jennings Dingle, 3 June, 1919. 6111 Bose, Sharnalata, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6112 Bowles, Charles WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. 6113 Bruce, Hon. Ftaetta Madeline JuUa, Mrs. Charles Gran- vUle, 3 June, 1919. 6114 Buist, Florence, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6115 Byrne, Kathleen, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6116 Cain, Sarah, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6117 Captain, Manijeh Sorabjee, 3 June, 1919. 6118 Cartwright, Mary, 3 June, 1919. 6119 Casson, Gertrude, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6120 Chand, Babu Bishan, 3 June, 1919. 6121 Chandra, Lala Ram, 3 June, 1919. 6122 Chapman, George Alfred, 3 June, 1919. 6123 Chatterjee, Babu Sukumar, 3 June, 1919. 6124 Chatterton, Alice, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6125 de Chaudhuri, Babu Guru Charan, 3 June, 1919. 6126 Clark, Hugh Cook, 3 June, 1919. 6127 Clarke, Reuben Arthur, 3 June, 1919. 6128 Compton, Edna Katharine, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6129 Cox, Ethel Sophie, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6130 Cox, Evelin Florence Conran, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6131 Das, Babu Bhendra Kishor, 3 June, 1919. 6132 Dean, George Edward, 3 June, 1919. 6133 Dhatrak, Rao Satob Rukhmaji Mankoji, 3 June 1919. 6134 Dutt, Babu Jogesh Chandra, 3 June, 1919. 6135 Dwane, Ernest Henry, 3 June, 1919. 6136 Ebrahimji, Sind, Kahn Sahib Shaik, 3 June, 1919. 6137 Engineer, Bhicaijee Ardeshh, 3 June, 1919. 6138 Ewart, Evelyn, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6139 Eyres, Edmund, 3 June, 1919. 6140 Bagan, Rhoda, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6141 Fink, Kenneth De Qutacey, 3 June, 1919. 6142 Fhmtager, Eveline, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6143 Fisk, Elsie Beatrice, 3 June, 1919. 6144 Freitas, Hubert St. Clah, 3 June, 1919. 6145 Frizelle, Frances EmUy, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6146 Fry, Alfred Joseph, 3 June, 1919. 6147 Gaiger, Grace Elizabeth, 3 June, 1919. 6148 Gopal, Lala Ram, 3 June, 1919. 6149 Govtodarajulu, Rose, 3 June, 1919. 6150 Gracias, Hygtous Dominie, 3 June, 1919. 6151 Gupta, Sarat Kumar Datta, 3 June, 1919. 6152 Guthrie, Alan, 3 June, 1919. 6153 Gwyther, Louise Banks, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6154 Gyaw, Maung Myat Tha, 3 June, 1919. 6155 Gyi, Ma Le, 3 June, 1919. 6156 HaU, George Thomas, 3 June, 1919. 6157 Hanrahan, WUUam George Augustin, 3 June, 1919 6158 Haslehurst, Harold Maitland, 3 June, 1919. 6159 Hearn, PhylUs, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6160 Herbert, Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6161 Hickley, Alice, Mrs. Victor North, 3 June, 1919. 6162 Highton, Arthur Denys Salusbury, 3 June, 1919. 6163 Hmyin, Ma E, 3 June, 1919. 6164 Hogan, Eva, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6165 Hunt, Gladys Muriel, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6166 Imrie, May, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6167 Ingram, George Skinner, 3 June, 1919. 6168 Isaac, John Rajaratnam, 3 June, 1919. 6169 Jackson, Violet, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6170 Johnston, Edith Alma, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6171 Johnston, Rosalie, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6172 Joshi, Pandit Satyanand, 3 June, 1919. 6173 Kanoo, Khan Sahib Yusuf, 3 June, 1919. 6174 Kempster, Ruby, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6175 KendaU, Joseph Abner, 3 June, 1919. 6176 Kenyon, Rose Alice, 3 June, 1919. 6177 Khan, Khan Bahadur Muhammad Abdul Karim, 3 June, 1919. 6178 Khan, All Sher, 3 June, 1919. 6179 Khan, Nawab AUahdad, 3 June, 1919. 6180 Khan Arbab, Khan Bahadur Mir Ahmad, 3 June, 1919. 6181 Khan, Khan Bahadur Ghulam Qadir, 3 June, 1919. 6182 Khan, Khan Sahib Jangul, 3 June, 1919. 6183 Khan, Khan Bahadur Sardar Mian, 3 June, 1919. 6184 Khan, Khwaja Muhammad Abdul Majid, 3 June, 1919. 6185 Khan, Khan Bahadur Shakar, 3 June, 1919. 6186 Khan, Kunwar Muhammad UbaiduUah, 3 June, 1919. 6187 Khan, Zaka-ud-dta, 3 June, 1919. 6188 KnoUys, Ethehed Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6189 Laver, Samuel, 3 June, 1919. 6190 LavUle, EUen, 3 June, 1919. I 6191 Lee, Harriet Louise, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6192 Lister, Charles, 3 June, 1919. 6193 Lobo, Diogo Xavier, 3 June, 1919. 6194 Loughlin, Francis James, 3 June, 1919. 6195 Lowsley, Ethel, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6196 Lucas, Rev. Bernard, 3 June, 1919. 6197 Maclver, Agnes Edith Stewart, 3 June, 1919. 6198 Mackay, WUliam George, 3 June, 1919. 6199 Mackenzie, Malcolm Ayers, 3 June, 1919. 6200 Madeley, Edith Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6201 Mahawa, Dtashaw Eduljee, 3 June, 1919. 6202 Maheshri, Babu Kishen Lai, 3 June, 1919. 6203 Mai, Rai Bahadur Lala Harji, 3 June, 1919. 6204 Marak, Babu Gangsto, 3 June, 1919. 6205 Marker, Doraha Nusserwanji, 3 June, 1919. 6206 McHugh, Harry Ralph, 3 June, 1919. 6207 Michael, Rao Sahib Antony Simon Gabriel, 3 June, 1919. 6208 Michael, Lewis WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. 6209 Mignon, Edith Agnes Ida, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6210 Minson, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. 6211 Morrison, Henry St. Joiui ¦> June, 1919. 6212 Muhammad, Abul Lais Saad-ud-Din, 3 June, 1919. 6213 Narata, Lala Raj, 3 June, 1919. 6214 Narayan, Lala Suraj, 3 June, 1919. 6215 Nath, Pandit Kashi, 3 June, 1919. 6216 Newton, Alice Elizabeth Maud, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6218 Oliphant, John Ninian, 3 June, 1919. 6219 Palekar, Rao Sahib Balkrishna Anant, 3 June, 1919. 6220 Parsons, Ronald, 3 June, 1919. 6221 Patel, Babu Anirudha, 3 June, 1919. 6222 Phelps, Maude Marion, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6223 Philipe, Mary Catherine, Mrs. De Rhe, 3 June, 1919. 6224 PockUngton, Amy, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6225 PoweU, Edith, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6226 Prasad, Lala Sheo, 3 June, 1919. 6227 Pratt, May, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6228 Ram, Rai Bahadur Lala Barkat, 3 June, 1919. 6229 Rankin, Mary Ellen, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6230 Riley, Richard, 3 June, 1919. 6231 Rivett-Carnac, Lilian Muriel. Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6232 Robertson, Janet, 3 June, 1919 6233 Rodericks, John Joseph Fisher, 3 June, 1919. 6234 Rodgers, Rivers Thomas, 3 June, 1919. 6235 Roy, Babu Nhanjan, 3 June, 1919. 6236 SaUor, Rao Bahadur Keshavji Nathu, 3 June, 1919. 6238 SeUs, Arthur Freakish, 3 June, 1919. 6239 Shah, Khan Bahadur Mian Musharraf, 3 June, 1919. 6240 Shah, Khan Bahadur Syed Mehr, 3 June, 1919. 6241 Shaw, CyrU Hay, 3 June, 1919. 6242 Shin, Maung Ba, 3 June, 1919. 6243 Simpson, Winifred, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6244 Singh, Rai Amarpal, 3 June, 1919. 6245 Singh, Chaudhri Brij Raj Saran, 3 June, 1919. 6246 Singh, Chaudhri Dhiri, 3 June, 1919. 6247 Singh, Chaudhri Nihal, 3 June, 1919. 6248 Singh, Bhai Gurbakhsh, 3 June, 1919. 6249 Singh, Hha, 3 June, 1919. 6250 Singh, Rai Bahadur Bhai Lehna, 3 June, 1919. 6251 Sladen, Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6252 Slater, Alexander Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 6253 Soames, Una, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6254 Stephenson, Gertrude, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6255 SterUng, Thomas Smith, 3 June, 1919. 6256 Stratford, Lenna Mary, 3 June, 1919. 6257 Tait, Anne Smith, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6258 Thaddeus, Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6259 Thompson, Mary Powney, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6260 Tonkinson, Edith, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6261 TurnbuU, Lucia, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6262 Turner, Constance, Mrs. Henry, 3 June, 1919. 6263 Vaidya, Rao Sahib Govind Maliadeo, 3 June, 1919. 6264 Vanes, Edith Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6265 Wadia, Ardeshir Dosabhai, 3 June, 1919. 6266 Waller-Senior, HeUen Stuart, Mrs, 3 June,-1919. 6267 Walter, Margaret Jean, Mrs, Albert EUza, 3 June, 1919. 6268 Walter. Winifred Edith, 3 June, 1919. 6269 Way, Edith, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6270 Wttlmore, Ida, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6271 WUson, John Hughes, 3 June, 1919. 6272 Woodall, Norah, Mrs, 3 Juno, 1919. 6273 Adams, Alfred Montague, 3 June, 1919. 6274 Barton, Rachel Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6275 Blackwell, Margaret Brown, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6276 Bloomfield, HUda, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6277 BlundeU, Annie EUzabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6278 Bowie, Janet, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6279 Brown, Violet McConochle, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6280 Burgess, Charles Hayward, 3 June, 1919. 6281 Burt, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. 6282 Castro, Edith, Mrs. de, 3 June, 1919. 6283 Charles, Esther, 3 June, 1919. 6284 Clark, Lydia, 3 June, 1919. 6285 Cooper, Ethel Mary, 3 June, 1919. 6286 Courage, Frances Zoe, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6287 Crawford, Gertrude Alice, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6288 Cuff, Ethel, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6289 Dawson, Hannah, 3 June, 1919. 6290 Dixon, George Finley, 3 June, 1919. 6291 Ellison, Mabel, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6292 Gerard, Harold, 3 June, 1919. 682 MEMBERS. 6293 Greenslade, Louisa Grace Charlotte, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6294 Gunnion, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. 6295 Guthrie, Brenda, 3 June, 1919. 6296 Harcourt, Eveline AUce Marian, 3 June, 1919. 6297 Harrison, Kate, 3 June, 1919. 6298 H rrlngton, Henry WUUam, 3 June, 1919. 6299 Helmore, Heathcote George, 8 June, 1919. 6300 HiU, Emma Carey, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6301 Hislop, Margaret Mary Annie, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6032 Hitchen, Ann Margaret, Mrs, 3 Juno, 1919. 6303 Holdsworth, Elizabeth Annie, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6304 Holdsworth, WUliam Godfrey, 3 June, 1919. 6305 Kelsey, Lavinia Jano, S June, 1919. 6306 King, Emma Ethel Maud Ford, 3 June, 1919. 6307 King, Sarah Hannah, Mrs, 8 June, 1919. 6308 LoveU, James, 3 June, 1919. 6309 Macassey, Ethel Constance Chapman, 3 June, 1919. 6310 MacDonald, Mtaa, 3 June, 1919. 6311 McDonnell, Mysie, 3 June, 1919. 6312 McDougall, Agnes, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6313 McGregor, Pura, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6314 Maltag, Nesta Gertrude, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6315 Marris, BasU Arthur, 3 June, 1919. 6316 Martin, Alfred Andrew, 3 June, 1919. 6317 Matthews, Frederick GwUlian, 3 June, 1919. 6318 MUlton, James Dothie, 3 June, 1919. 6319 Moeller, Wtantfred, Mrs., 3 June, 1919. 6320 Murray, Janet, 3 June, 1919. 6321 O'NeUl, Leo Francis, 3 June, 1919. 6322 Page, Jessie Ellen, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6323 Philson, Lucy, Mrs., 3 June, 1919. 6324 Potter, Mary Ann, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6325 Rodda, George Charles, 3 June, 1919. 6326 Russell, WilUam Archibald, 3 June, 1916. 6327 Scales, George Herbert, 3 June, 1919. 6328 Smart, Annie Wilhelrnina, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6329 Smith, LUly Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6330 Spencer, Martha, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6381 Stevenson, Florence Johanna, Mrs, 3 June 1919. 6332 Tripp, Bernard, 3 June, 1919. 6333 Tunks, Charles James, 3 June, 1919. 6334 Wallace, James Alfred, 3 June, 1919. 6335 Ward, Elsmie, 3 June, 1919. 6336 White, Charles, 3 June, 1919. 6337 Wray, CecU James, 3 June, 1919. 6338 Wray, EUen, 3 June, 1919. 6339 Young, Mrs. F. R, 3 June, 1919. 6340 Anderson, JuUa Ada, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6341 Appleyard, Agnes McWhirter, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6342 Addie, Julia Constance, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6343 Black, Charles William, 3 June, 1919. 6344 Champion, Mary Ann, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6345 Cowin, Norris Tynwald, 3 June, 1919. 6346 Conchie, Jean, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6347 Catchpole, Alfred Edward, 3 June, 1919. 6348 Downing, Robert Edward, 3 June, 1919. 6349 Grattan, Caroline Elizabeth, Mrs. Edgar, 3 June, 1919. 6350 Eales, Sydney York, 3 June, 1919. 6351 Fisher, Amy Anderson, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6352 Fair, Robert WUson, 3 June, 1919. 6353 Field, MathUde, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6354 Garlake, Dorothy Eleanor, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6355 Giddy, LUian Napier, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6356 Grieve, Cathertoe Ramsay Labum, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6357 Herman, Lena, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6358 Howard, Helen Edith, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6359 Hale, Lancelot Hugh Dowman, 3 June, 1919. 6360 Herbert-Smith, Christine Louise, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6361 Lydall, Edward Wykeman, 3 June, 1919. 6362 Laing, John George, 3 June, 1919. 6363 Mclntyre, Donald Arderne, 3 June, 1919. 6364 Naggs, Leonard Bertram, 3 June, 1919. 6365 MacDonogh, George Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 6366 Miller, Thomas Maskew, 3 June, 1919. 6367 Nethersole, Harrison Ralph, 3 June, 1919. 6368 Nivison, William, 3 June, 1919. 6369 Nel, Charles Paul Leonard, 3 June, 1919. 6370 Prince, Constance Perrott, 3 June, 1919. 6371 Poritt, Hannah Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6372 RedhiU, Samuel, 3 June, 1919. 6373 Rogers, Dorothy Heyward, 3 June, 1919. 6374 Rogers, Fergus Carstahs, 3 June, 1919. 6375 Trigger, Alfred Ernest, 3 June, 1919. 6376 Tatham, LUian Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6377 Taylor, Minnie Elena Scott, Mrs, 3 June, 1919, 6378 Thompson, George Batching, 3 June, 1919. 6379 Thompson, Rev. Harry Ernest, 3 June, 1919. 6380 Watson, GUbert, 3 June, 1919. 6381 Wallace, Margaret Janet, 3 June, 1919. 6382 Wav, Effie, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6383 Ayre, Charles Pascoe, 3 June, 1919. 6384 Blackburn, Alfred Charles, 3 June, 1919. 6385 Clift, Agnes, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6386 Clift, Mildred, 3 June, 1919. _ 6388 Fisher, Janet Aitken, Mrs, 3 June, 191 9. 6389 Fitzgerald, Henry Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 6390 Harvey, Ethel, Mrs, 3 June, 1919- 1Q1„ 6391 HoUands, Emily Hannah, Mrs , 3 June, m191JA1a 6392 Holloway, Henrietta Pahrey, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6393 Horwood, Reuben, 3 June, 1919. 6394 Kennedy, Helen, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6395 Lauder, Elizabeth Shaw, 3 June, 1919. 6396 MacDonald, Flora Emma, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 0397 MacDonnell, Richard, 3 June, 1919. 6398 MacPherson, Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6399 Moore, George Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 6400 Petten, Eliza, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6401 Robinson, John Alexander, 3 June, 1919. 6402 Somerton, Caroline Augusta, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6403 Steer. Charles Robert, 3 June, 1919. 6404 Swaffleld, Ernest, S June, 1919. 6405 Thompson, Sarah Ann, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6406 Tulk, Effie Morris, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6407 Ainsworth, Ina Cameron, Mrs. John, 3 J une, 1919 6408 Aldworth, Dorothea Anne Harvey, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6409 Armbruster, Hubert, 3 June, 1919. 6410 Arrigo, Edgar, 3 June, 1919. 6411 Bagshawe, Francis John, 3 June, 1919. 6412 Bancroft, Blanche, Mrs. 3 June, 1919. 6413 Bartley, WUliam, 3 June. 1919. 6414 Belcher, Charles Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 6415 Bennett, Agnes, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6416 Bernard, Albert Victor, 3 June, 1919. 6417 Bettington, Maud, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6418 Bryant, Robert William, 3 June, 1919. 6420 Bullock, James Arthur Edward, 3 June, 1919. 6421 BusheU, John James, 3 June, 1919. 6422 Cardona, Lewis Borg, 3 June, 1919. 6423 Casolani, Henry, 3 June, 1919. 6424 Chataway, Louise, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6425 Cipriani, Albert Henry, 3 June, 1919. 6426 Clarke, Percival Herbert, 3 June, 1919. 6427 Clementi, Marie Penelope Rose, Mrs. Cecil, 3 June, 1919. 6428 Conyers, Ada Blanche Pierce, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6429 Cookson, Percy Charles, 3 June, 1919. 6430 Copeman, Edward Arden, 3 June, 1919. 6431 Corsi, Manuel Gregory, 3 June, 1919. 6432 Cowley, Alexander Percy, 3 June, 1919. 6433 Critien, AttUio, 3 June, 1919. 6434 de Fonseka, Edmund Clarke, 3 June, 1919. 6435 de Freitas, Dora Florence, Mrs. 3 June, 1919. 6436 de Soyce, Mary Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6437 Drew, Florence Grace, Mrs.. 3 June, 1919. 6438 Evans, Maude BUefred, 3 June, 1919. 6439 Dilke, Beaumont Albany Fetherstone-, 3 June, 1919. 6440 Ffrench, Alfred E, 3 June, 1919. 6441 Flint, Violet Amy, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6442 Fuller, Elfrida Mary, Lady, 3 June, 1919. 6443 Rutter, Joseph Gatt, 3 June, 1919. 6444 Gordon, Gladys, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6445 Gregory, Charles William, 3 June, 1919. 6446 Greig, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. 6447 Hayford, Joseph Ephraim Casely, 3 June, 1919. 6448 Henocksburg, Josephine Norie, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6449 Hewett, James Henry, 3 June, 1919. 6450 Heyman, Frances Patton, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6451 Hickltag, Alice, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6452 Hinkson, Ernest Augustus, 3 June, 1919. 6453 Hobley, AUce Mary, Mrs. Charles WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. 6454 Hobson, Dorothy, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6455 Hodsgon, Anthony, 3 June, 1919. 6456 Huyshe-EUot, Ann, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6457 Ingham, Sybil, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6458 Johnson, Hubert Lawrence, 3 June, 1919. 6459 Lezard. Herbert Lewis, 3 June, 1919. 6460 Long, HUda Charlotte, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6461 LyaU, George, 3 June, 1919. 6462 McCutchin, Sydney Cameron, 3 June, 1919. 6463 Macintyre, James Colin, 3 June, 1919. 6464 McKeartan, Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6465 Mackie, Annie, 3 June, 1919. 6466 McLaughlan, Henry Peter Marius, 3 June, 1919. 6467 Merriefleld. Albert, 3 June, 1919. 6468 Myers, Horace, 3 June, 1919. 6469 Paul, Ruth Ethel, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6470 Percival, Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6471 Perez, Mary, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6472 Perryman, Percy WUbraham, 3 June, 1919. 6473 PhiUips, EmUy, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6474 Pitt, Charles Peniston, 3 June, 1919. 6475 Poole, George Arthur Evered, 3 June, 1919. 6476 Pordage, Anna, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6477 Postlethwaite, John Rutherford Parkin, 3 June, 1919. 6478 Sandford, Thomas Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 6479 Scanlen, Emilie, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6480 Shearman-Turner, Blanche, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6481 Sherwood, Montague Bade, 3 June, 1919. 6482 Stabb, Ethel, Mrs. 3 June, 1919. 6483 Sutherland, Robert, 3 June, 1919. 6484 Sweenie, Elizabeth, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6485 Thorbum, Dieudonnee Grace, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6486 Tredgold, Helen, 3 June, 1919. 6487 Twynam, Nora CecUia, 3 June, 1919. 6488 Visram, Abdulrasul Allidina, 3 June, 1919. 6489 WaUis, Claud Dudley, 3 June, 1919. 6490 Warr, Howard Grove, 3 June, 1919. 6491 Watson, Gwendoline Isabel, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6492 Watson, Margaret Jane, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6493 Westmorland, Josephine, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 6494 White, Mabel, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. 683 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 6495 WiUiamson, Francis, 3 June, 1919. 6496 Wortley, Edward Jocelyn, 3 June, 1919. 6497 Young, George Macdonald, 3 June, 1919. 6498 Hales, Walter Percy, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6499 Nash, WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6500 Jones, Regtaald Teague-, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6501 Shah, Abdul Samad, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6502 Baddeley, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6503 Berry, WiUiam James, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6504 Betteridge, George WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6505 Cheers, Joseph McGregor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6506 Claridge, John Watson Lawson, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 6507 Cubbon, Richard, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6508 Godtoho, Paul Xavier, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6509 Goode, Thomas Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6510 Hodgen, Gordon West, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6511 Norris, WiUiam Albert, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6512 Rogers, Alfred George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6513 Shoulder, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6514 SomervUle, George Aytoun, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6515 Tanner, Guy, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6516 Nun, MaUk Sardar Khan, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6517 Elian, Muhammad Feroz, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6518 Muttan, Rev. Father John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6519 Spooner, Rev. Harold, 3 June, 1919. (if.) 6520 Wright, Rev. Arthur Yeomans, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6521 Barker, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6522 Bayes. Sidney Henry, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6523 Cash, Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6524 Crabbe, Sidney Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6525 Dabell, WUUam Bates, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6526 Freestone, Sidney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6527 Gooderham, George Frederick Robert, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6528 Heard, Charles CampbeU, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6529 Hickie, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6530 Hind, LesUe Glossop, 3 Jur 3, 1919. (af.) 6531 Hofman, Augustus, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6532 Jones, Reginald Vickers, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6533 Jones, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6534 Kennedy, Horas Graham, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6535 Mason, Algernon Montague WUson, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6536 Moses, Joseph Henry Gronow, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6537 Munday, WiUiam Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6538 Murrford, Alfred James, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6539 Rea, Donald, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6540 Solomon, Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6541 Tait, Andrew Ferdinand, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6542 Watton, George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6543 Webb, Benjamin, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6544 White, James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6545 BaUey, Thomas Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6546 Bennett, Thomas Parks, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6547 Gingold, Frederick Maurice, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6548 Haywood, Norman Alphonso, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6549 Henderson, Walter Salkeld, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6550 Leach, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6551 Lindsay, Alfred Stewart, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6552 O'Meara, Michael Aloysius, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 6553 Paddle, Albert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6554 Pennefather, Edward CyrU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6555 Smith, Henry Surridge, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6556 Steele, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6557 Mulazim, Awal Salama Yusef Effendi, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6558 Boyle, John Valentine, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6559 Hosktog, CyrU WUUam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6560 Robertson, Walter AUan, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6561 Sturman, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6562 Locktagton, Harry Aloysius, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6563 AUardyce, Kenneth James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6564 Homer, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6565 Ashton, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6566 Baker, Francis Pearson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6567 Bingham, Charles Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6568 Brewitt, Charles Patrick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6569 Cameron. WiUiam Macpherson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6570 Clarke, Henry, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6571 Cooper, Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6572 Hall, Bertram James LesUe, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6573 Hardwick, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6574 Higham, Frank David, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6575 Hunter, Alfred PhiUp, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6576 Hurry, Sydney Charles, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6577 McGUUvray, Clifford, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6578 MarshaU, George Sims, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6579 Mottram, Francis Henry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6580 Photiades, Nicolas John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6581 PoUock, Douglas Warren, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6582 Roberts, Norman Stanley, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6583 Robinson, Percy GUbert, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6584 Thornton, Doris CyrU, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6585 Young, Wallace MelvUle, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6586 Woodward, WiUiam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6587 Mbaruk Bukheit, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6588 Patterson, D. H, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6589 Ackers, Dene Mary, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6590 Adamson, George Robert, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6591 Aldom, Herbert Raymond Salisburv, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6592 Allen, Charles WUliam Edward, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6593 Anderson, Mary Addison, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6594 Anderson, Mary Gardiner, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 681 6595 Arland, John Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6596 AspinaU, Gladys Hester, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6597 Baker, Ernest Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6598 Balbi, Henry Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6599 Bannerman, Glenny Franklin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6600 Bateman, Frank Graham, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6601 Bennett, GUbert Hedley, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6602 Benson, John James Charles, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6603 BirreU, Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6604 BroomhaU, Harold George. 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6605 Brown, SheUa Macpherson, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6606 Brown, WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6607 Buhner, Newlove, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6608 Cale, WiUiam Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6609 Camfield, Charles Nathaniel, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6610 Cannan, Astley Cuthbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6611 Capon, Herbert WiUiam Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6612 Charlesworth, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6613 Clark, Horace Gordon, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 6614 Clark, Louis Spencer, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6615 Clarke, Ethel May, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6616 Clarke, Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6617 Colby, Henry James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6618 Colquhoun, James Clifton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6619 Collins, Timotlvy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6620 Connerv, WiUiam Laurence, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6621 Cook, Percy Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6622 Crowden, Henrv Clarence, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6623 Curtis, Amy, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6624 Davis, Eugene Charles Henry, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6625 Dawkins, Ernest Walton, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6626 Dorrington, Frederick James, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6627 Drayson, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6628 Druitt, HUda, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6629 Eastick, AUred, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6630 Edwards, Ina Leonora, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6631 Evans, WiUiam John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6632 Everett, Ralph Marven, 3 June. 1919. (BI.) 6633 Fairbairn, EUzabeth Brown, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6634 Fairbrother, WilUam George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6635 Farnham, Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6636 FarreU, James Robert, 3 June, 1919. (3f.) 6637 Fawsitt, Hubert Harcourt Morland, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6638 GUliard, WUliam Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6639 Graham, James, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6640 Grayson, Rev. Joseph Watson, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6641 Gunther, Frederick Albert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6642 Hamilton, FTank Tracey, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6643 Hasktos, Edith Mabel, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6645 Hay, Charlotte Maud, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6646 Hayes, Denis, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6647 Hayes, George Frederick Lacey, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6648 Hayter, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6649 Heath, Walter Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6650 Hendry, James, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6651 Heyer, George, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6652 Hickey, Jeremiah. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6653 Higgins, Charles Henry PrangneU, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6654 HiU, Ernest Edward, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6655 Howlett, John Flemvng, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 6656 Hughes, Rev. Levi Gethto, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6657 Hutchinson, Annie Irene. 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6658 Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6659 Johnson, Sidney, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6660 Jones, Hugh Calvert Francis, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6661 Jones, Mary, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6662 Joyce, Stemdale, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6663 King, James Edward, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6664 Kinnersly, George Edward, 3 June. 1919. (BI.) 6665 Laman, Ernest Kirkland. 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6666 Lane, Margaret, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6667 Laracy, Patrick Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6668 Lindsay-Smith, Lindsay, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6669 Lloyd, Amy Margaret Helen, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6670 Long, Robert Claude, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6671 McCarthy, Hemr, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6672 MacKay, Christian Frances Nora, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6673 MacRory, Adam John Charles, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6674 Marks, Herbert Elton. 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6675 Marshall, Reginald Ross, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6676 Matthews, WUUam Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6677 Meltruish, John Barradale, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6678 MeUes, Robert Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6679 MitcheU, Alfred Henry, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 6680 Mooney, CecU Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6681 More, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6682 Morton, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 6685 Nye, Violet Mars-, 3 June, 1919 (si.) 6686 Jones, Herbert Oakes-, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6687 Parker, Charles Anson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6688 Parker, Henry Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6689 Parsons, WilUam Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6691 Percival, PhUip Mason, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6692 PoUard, Pedr, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6693 Pontin, WUliam James Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6694 Reeves, John Horace, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6695 Reynaud, Edward Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6696 Ridding, Reginald, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6697 Ripley, Horace Stephens, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6698 Robertson, Alexander Smith, 3 June, 1919. (it.) MEMBERS. 6699 Robinson, William Edward, S June, 1919. (ai ) 6700 Rogers, Harry George, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6701 Rushton, Leveson, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 6702 Sainsbury, Flora Gregory, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6703 Savona, WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6704 Shearwood, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6705 Sinfield, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6706 Singer, David Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6707 Smith, Frank, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 6708 Smith, Robert Melville, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6709 Stephens, John Kyle, 3 June, 1019. (it.) 6710 Sterndale, Hilda Alice, 3 June, 1919. (bi ) 6711 Sutton, Emily Evelyn, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6712 Taylor, Kenyon Davenport, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6713 Thorpe, Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6714 Tidridge, John Harry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6715 Trees, Reginald Pearson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6716 Turner, Laurence Beddome, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6717 Tyler, Frederick Montague, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6718 Waldock, Charles WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (ai.) 6719 Waldron, Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6720 WaUace, Robert Stuart, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6721 Walters, John Douglas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6722 Warner, Pelham Francis, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 6723 Watson, Lewis James Fort, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6724 Webb, Hugh Edwin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6725 Whitaker, Benjamin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6726 Wood, Harold John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6727 Woodgate, F. C. I, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6728 Young, Constance Emily, Mrs, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6729 Addison, Lancelot Mark, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6730 Balfour, John, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 6731 Bland, Frederick Edward, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6732 Cocks, Robert, S June, 1919. (Bt.) 6733 Day George, 3 June, 1919. (bi.) 6734 FenneUy, PhUip, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6735 Hughes, CyrU Emerson, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6736 Murphy, Rev. Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6737 Murphy, Peter Kevin, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6738 PhiUips, Herbert Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6739 Scott, Walter, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6740 TadgeU, Frederick Harold, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6741 Wegener, John Frederick WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. 6742 WUliams, James Leslie, 3 June, 1919. (31.) 6743 Burdekta, CyrU Blake, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6744 Cahitt, John Walter Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6745 Chishohn, Percy, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6746 Fordham, Percy John Richmond, 3 June, 1919. 6747 Hale, Sylvester Gresham, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6748 Hay, Sydney Hartley, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 6749 Hosking, Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6750 Mothes, Frederick WUliam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6751 Noseda, Paul Rodolfe, 3 June, 1919. (it.) 6752 Sheridan, Norman Charles, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6753 Tait, Henry Caldwell, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6754 Tipping, Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6755 West, Thomas Samuel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6756 Brebner, Innes Wares, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6757 Coney, CecU Frederick, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6758 Croft, George Henry Belton, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6759 Harris, Harry Bertram, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6760 Heeley, Henry Norman, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6761 Johnson, WUliam Josiah, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6762 LagerwaU, Frank Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6763 NeweU, WiU, 3 June, 1919. (at) 6764 Oakeley, Henry Echley Herbert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6165 Thomson, Alexander Melen, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6766 Brown, Arthur George, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6767 Love, George WiUiam, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6768 Seng, Sardar, Kamal, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6769 Kendall, Ramsay George, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6770 McCuttagh, Francis, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6771 Middleton, Herbert "Edgar, 3 June, 1919. 6772 Orloff, Eugene, 3 June, 1919. (Sf.) 6773 Padfield, James Carpenter, 3 June, 1919. 6774 Peacock, Henry Kartchkal, 3 June, 1919. 6775 Sandelson, David Isambard, 3 June, 1919. 6776 Talbot, John Hamilton, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6777 Williams, Arthur James, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6778 McGUl, Thomas Carlisle, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6779a El Yusbashi Mohamed Effendi Murad el Shahel, 3 June, 1919. (at.) , v 67796 Brears, Tom, 3 June, 1919. (M.) 6779c Colam, Rosslyn Leigh, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6779(2 Dunbar, WiUiam Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6779e Jarrett, Herbert Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (at ) 6779/ Abdel Aziz Bff Mansour, Mulazim Awal, 3 June, 1919. 6779_/ Maliammed Eff Sheflk Amin, Yousbashi, 3 June, 1919. (31.) (SI.) (St.) (SI.)(Bf.) (at.) 6779A Mohammed Bff Yusri, Yousbashi, 3 June, 1919. 6780a Gruner, Harold Eric, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 67806 Riviere, Eugene Gonzague, 3 June 1919. (at.) 6780c Ross, Charles Arthur, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6780<2 Beaman, Val Arden Hulme, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6780? Copeland, John Hugh, 3 June, 1919. (M-) 6780/ Hallett, Henry Philip Hughes- , 3 June, 1919 6780a Walker, George David, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6780ft WUkinson, Eric John, 3 June, 1919. (af.) 6781a Douglass, James Douglas Thesiger, 3 June, 1919 (si.) (si. (31.) (at.) (Bf.) (si.) (SI)(at.) I 67816 Eltham, James Frederick, 3 June, 1919. 6781c AUwright, Samuel Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6781(2 Bailey, George William Bryant, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6781e Blackwood, Albert, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6781/ Boor Singh, Jemdr, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6781(7 Bridge, John Henry, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6781A Collinson, John Carson, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6782a Coxe, Charles Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 67826 Davis, Enoch, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6782c Durham, William Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6782(2 Ewaz Khan, Risaldar, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6782. Farmer, Christopher Alfred, 3 June, 1919. (flt.) 6782/ Garnett, William, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6782a Hayhurst, John Henry Joseph, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6782A Hem Raj, Jemdr., 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6783a Hobbs-WiUiam Christian, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 67836 Kent, WilUam, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6783c Macdonald, Hector Ian, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6783(2 Mir Jafar Khan, Sardar Bahadur, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6783e Mohammed Fazil, Jemdr, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6783/ Morris, Wilfred, 3 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6783a Parke, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6783A Phillips, George Henry, 3 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6784a Prem Singh, Jemdr, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 67846 Rice, Thomas, 3 June, 1919. (st.) 6784c Shahbaz Khan, Subdr, 3 June, 1919. 6784(2 Smyth, Richard, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6784e Snowdon, John Henry, 3 June, 1919. 6784/ Walsh, James Edward, 3 June, 1919. ,. - . 6784(7 Wazir Muhammad, Jemdr, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6784ft Barnsley, John G, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6785a Bryson, John, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 67856 Burrows, Alexander, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6785c Chandler, S, 3 June, 1919. (SI.) 6785(2 EUiott, George P, 3 June, 1919. (BI.) 6785e Green, Albert Victor, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6785/ Lovett, Arthur Harrison, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6785o McNeil, A, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6785A Metcalfe, Robert, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6786a Pereira, Vincent Manoel Francis, 3 June, 1919. (si.) 67866 Pointing, Albert E, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6786c Thompson, J, 3 June, 1919. (at.) 6786(2 Wilkinson, Ernest, 3 June, 1919. (St.) 6786e Abbey, Douglas WUson, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 6786/ Adkto, Guy Tempest, 11 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6786a Bennett, Ernest Reginald, 11 June, 1919. (bi.) 6786A Harness, Robert John, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 8787a Hopkins, Thomas, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 67876 May, Andrew, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 6787c Noble, Alexander, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 6787(2 Shields, WUliam CecU, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 6788 Stevens, Walter William Spencer, 11 June, 1919. (at.) 6789 Way, Albert Edward, 11 June, 1919. (BI.) 6790 Wrate, James Frederick, 11 June, 1919. (m.) 6791 Elder, Andrew, 21 June, 1919. (BI.) 6792 Finch, Charles Edwin, 21 June, 1919. (BI.) 6793 Gordon, Frank Sinclair, 21 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6794 Rice, Arthur John, 21 June, 1919. (st.) 6795 Rodway, George Frederick, 21 June, 1919. (Bf.) 6796 Austin, Walter Alexander, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 6797 BendeU, Albert, 27 June, 1919. (M.) 6798 Blake, Alfred, 27 June, 1919. 6799 Blow, Henry Charles, 27 June, 1919. (at.) 6800 Harris, William, 27 June, 1919. (BI.) 6801 Herbert, Guy Frederick, 27 June, 1919. 6802 Hopkins, Harry, 27 June, 1919. (flt.) 6803 Jones, Sydney Herbert, 27 June, 1919. 6804 Kelleway, Percy Dixon, 27 June, 1919. 6805 Marchant, Frank, 27 June, 1919. (bi.) 6806 MUne, Edward Arthur, 27 June, 1919. 6807 Overhead, WUliam Henry, 27 June, 1919. (sr.) 6808 Rawlings, Herbert Henry, 27 June, 1919. (bi.) 6809 Shannon, Frank Ernest, 27 June, 1919. (si.) 6810 Singleton, Albert Henry, 27 June, 1919. (St.) 6811 Smith, Alfred Charles, 27 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6812 Bates, Walter, 30 June, 1919. (M.) 6813 Gammon, John Thomas, 30 June, 1919. (st.) 6814 Holmes, Robert, 30 June, 1919. (Bt.) 6815 Carpenter, George, 4 July, 1919. (St.) 6816 Duncan, Alec James, 4 July, 1919. (St.) 6817 Evans, Joseph Owen, 4 July, 1919. (BI.) 6818 Gobbitt, Reginald Harry Sutton, 4 July, 1919. (BI.) 6819 Harris, George WUliam, 4 July, 1919. (M.) 6820 Joy, Charles Edward, 4 July, 1919. (BI.) 6821 Neasham, John Robert, 4 July, 1919. (31.) 6822 Pike, Evan Cuthbert. 4 July, 1919. (St.) 6823 Sheldrake, John William, 4 July, 1919. (St.) 6824 Young, Frederick Richard, 4 July, 1919. (at.) 6825 Cant, John, 10 July, 1919. (Bt.) 6826 Fletcher, Evelyn Norman Robert, 10 July, 1919. (Bt.) 6827 Paris, WUliam Richard 10 July, 1919. (St.) 6828 Pearse, Hender Trevenen, 10 July, 1919. (31.) 6829 Barnes, John, 12 July, 1919. (M.) 6830 Burrage, Henry James, 12 July, 1919. 6831 Felton, Charles, 12 July, 1919. (at.) 6832 Howell, CecU Ingledew, 12 July, 1919. 6833 McGiU, Edmund AUan, 12 July, 1919. 6834 Thato, Alexander, 12 July, 1919. (M.) 6835 Wood, Alexander, 12 July, 1919. (Bt.) 6836 Austin, Arthur, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) (at.) (si.) (31.) (at.) (at.) (st.) (31.) 685 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 6837 Ayling, WUliam, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6838 Bailey, Arthur Hubert, 17 July, 1919. 6839 Bloodworth, WUliam Snow, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6840 Bown, Joseph, 17 July, 1919. (M.) 6841 Bradby, Matthew Samuel, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6842 Brown, John Steven, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6843 Bunt, Richard Charles, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6844 Cameron, John, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6845 Carter, Frederick James, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6846 Clark, Ewbank, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6847 Dunn, Harold Stuart, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6848 EUiott, Maurice Herbert, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6849 Everett, Douglas Henry, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6850 Gray, Donald Nixon, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6851 Harming. Charles Horatio, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6852 Heraud, Stanley Francis, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6853 Jackson, Norman, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6854 Kimber, Ernest, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6855 Lendy, Thomas, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6856 Lynch, Herbert Arthur, 17 July, 1919. (ai.) 6857 Maitland, Arthur Albert, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6858 Montgomery, Walter Ernest, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6859 Morrissey, WiUiam, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6860 Newman, Henry Charles, 17 July, 1919. (Bt.) 6861 Pantling, Frederick, 17 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6862 Prideaux, George Edward, 17 July, 1919. (at. 6863 Prince, George, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6864 Shaw, Robert, John 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6865 Spittle, Edward Alfred, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6866 Toppin, Maxwell Howard, 17 July, 1919. (at.) 6867 Westacott, WiUiam John Henry, 17 July, 1919. (Bt.) 6868 Westlake, John Harold, 17 July, 1919. (m.) 6869 Bagnall, Reginald Douglas, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 6870 BotteriU, Frank Owen, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 6871 Bower, David, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 6872 Burrows, John Thomas Ladbrooke, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 6873 Evans, Evan, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 6874 Fulton, Robert Arthur, 31 July, 1919. (Bt.) 6875 Green, George James, 31 July, 1919. (BI.) 6876 Hammond, Stephen Thomas, 31 July, 1919. (at.) 6877 John, Henry Brynmor, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6878 Knight, Samuel Henry, 3 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6879 LiUicrap, Herbert Richard, 31 July, 1919. (Bf.) 6880 Martin, Frank Lewis, 31 July, 1919. (Bt.) 6881 Nightingale, WiUiam Joseph Edward, 31 July, 1919. (BI.) 6882 Ogle, John, 31 July, 1919. (M.) 6883 Regan, Robert Henry, 31 July, 1919. (bi.) 6884 Welsh, John George, 31 July, 1919. (M.) 6885 Welsh, James Frederick, 31 July, 1919. (BI.) 6886 Draisey, John WilUam James, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 6887 Eddy, Charles, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 6888 Lamb, Edwin Daniel, 11 Aug. 1919. (BI.) 6889 Newmarch, Henry Clarence, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 6890 Rhind, WUliam Alexander, 11 Aug. 1919. (BI.) 6891 Roberts, Charles John, 11 Aug. 1919. (at.) 6892 Snell, Philip WUUam, 11 Aug. 1919 (flt.) 6893 Beever, Claude Henry, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 6894 Buchan, Robert, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 6895 Butler, Francis John, 16 Sept. 1919. (BI.) 6896 CahiU, John, 16 Sept. 1919. (Bf.) 6897 Coleman, WUliam Francis, 16 Sept. 1919. (Bf.) 6898 Croucher, Edward WiUiam, 16 Sept. 1919. (bi.) 6899 Davies, John WUfred, 16 Sept. 1919. (M.) 6900 Forbes, Robert, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 6901 Fuller, James, 16 Sept. 1919. (Bt.) 6902 WUUams, NevUl Glennie Garnons-, 16 Sept. 1919. (St.) 6903 Hole, Edwin, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 6904 Hughes, WiUiam, 16 Sept. 1919. (Bf.) 6905 Invermee, Robert, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 6906 Larter, Charles Seymour, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 6907 Quincey, George, 16 Sept. 1919 (at.) 6908 Ralph, Alexander, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 6909 Renshaw, John WiUiam, 16 Sept. 1919. (at.) 6910 SulUvan, Richard, 16 Sept. 1919. (Bf.) 6911 Urell, Valentine, 16 Sept. 1919. (BI.) 6912 Winstanley, John, 16 Sept. 1919. (M.) 6913 Barker, Ernest Bernard, 10 Oct. 1919. (ai.) 6914 WyUe, Hamilton Neil, 10 Oct. 1919. (31.) 6915 Armstrong, Tom, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 6916 Berwick, WiUiam Edwin, 10 Oct. 1919. (Bt.) 6917 Dakin, Humphrey Bums, 10 Oct. 1919. (flt.) 6918 Gunn, Donald Benjamin, 10 Oct. 1919. (Bt.) 6919 Hutchinson, Hubery Gerald, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6920 Ledeboer, John Henry, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 6921 Sumner, James Arthur Chester, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6922 Tedman, Frank, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 6923 Wells, Frederick Kynaston, 10 Oct. 1919. (31.) 6924 Crooks, Lindsay, 10 Oct. 1919. (Bt.) 6925 Dawson, Alexander John, 10 Oct. 1919. (bi.) 6926 DracopoU, Ignatius Nicholas, 10 Oct. 1919. (bi.) 6927 Furnival, John Megarry, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 6928 Greening, Thomas, 10 Oct. 1919. (St.) 6929 Ralston, Gavin, 10 Oct. 1919. (BI.) 6930 Burdett, Henry Stanton, 10 Oct. 1919. (st.) 6931 Cameron, Donald Phillips, 10 Oct. 1919. (Sf.) 6932 Hughes, Alfred Thomas, 10 Oct. 1919. (Bf.) 6933 Lebmann, Henry David, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6934 Shaw, Walter Langston, 10 Oct. 1919. (bi.) 6935 Shepheard- Walwyn, Roderick Aylward, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6936 Stroud, George Thomas, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6937 Tancred, Christopher Humphrey, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6938 Walsh, George Victor, 10 Oct. 1919. (M.) 6939 Blackmore, Alfred Charles, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6940 Critchley, William Edwin, 10 Oct. 1919. (af.) 6941 Humphreys, Walter Ebenezer, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6942 Ross, Tascar Alan, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6943 Shortridge, Guy Chester, 10 Oct. 1919. (Bf.) 6944 TyrreU, John Ernest, 10 Oct. 1919. 6945 Young, Stanley Gordon, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6946 Chauncey, Alice Louise, 10 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6947 Appleton, William Arnold, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6948 Grant, G. B. Macpherson, 17 Oct. 1919. (Bt.) 6949 Lovatt, John Vincent Stratford, 17 Oct. 1919. (M.) 6950 Osbom, WiUiam Albert, 17 Oct. 1919. (11.) 6951 Oswald, David James Tosh, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6952 Pitt, George PhiUp, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6953 Plant, David Thomas, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6954 Sawyers, William Henry, 17 Oct. 1919. (at.) 6955 Benoy, William John, 11 Nov. 1919. (it.) 6956 Harries, Ernest Bertram, 11 Nov. 1919. (it.) 6957 McCarthy, Sidney James, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6958 Winzar, Sidney Herbert, 11 Nov. 1919. (31.) 6959 Bland, Albert, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 6960 Broad, Arthur Nowell, 11 Nov. 1919. (it.) 6961 Bryson, Charles. 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 6962 Drysdale, John Syme, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6963 Garside, Cecil, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6964 Higgins, Robert Henry Constable, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6965 HindeU, Harold GoodaU, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6966 Holder, Alfred Edward, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6967 Howard, Alfred Thomas Stewart, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6968 Jeal, Joseph, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6969 Joyce, Ernest Percy, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6970 ILintamonth, Alec Marshall, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 6971 Langmead, Harold Francis, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 6972 Leonard, Guiseppe Stanley, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6973 Lord, Godfrey James, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6974 Marttoe, William Robert, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6975 Paddon, John Locke, 11 Nov. 1919. (a.) 6976 Perkins, Harry Dunbar, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6977 Phelphs, Seth Arthur Rose, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6978 Phipps, Paul CampbeU, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6979 Rankin, WUliam Robert Theodore, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 6980 Smith, Charles Frederick Tate, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6981 Smith, Eric Payton, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bf.) 6982 Stokes, WUUam Henry, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 6983 Tollemache, Cecil Herbert, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6984 Upton, Norman Royce, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6985 Warren, Desmond CecU Robert, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 6986 WUding, Henry, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 6987 WilUams, John. 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 6988 Nowitsky, Vladimir, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 6989 Pepler, Seth Bernard, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 6990 Dainton, WUUam Charles Annable-, 11 Nov. 1919. (St.) 6991 Beale, Allan Oswald Rufus, 11 Nov. 1919. (Sf.) 6992 Beale, Geoffrey Scott, 11 Nov. 1919. (si.) 6993 Bhse, Arthur Herbert, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 6994 Coghlan, George Edmond, 11 Nov. 1919. (51.) 6995 Fagan, Charles Walter, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 6996 Forbes, James George Annand, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 6997 Grainger, Charles, 11 Nov. 1919. (M.) 6998 Jagger, WUUam, 11 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 6999 Le Roy, Donovan, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7000 Lynott, Michael Joseph, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7001 Mende, Nickolas Edwin, 11 Nov. 1919. (it.) 7002 Neame, George Austin, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) . 7003 Read, Sidney, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7004 Reed, Thomas, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7005 SmaU, Victor, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7006 TaUby, Mark, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7007 Witney, John Humphrey, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 7008 Bentley, R, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7009 Cole, Harold Ralph C, 11 Nov. 1919. (bi.) 7010 FitzGerald, John Sidney North, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7011 Trotter, Philip Courts, 11 Nov. 1919. (ai.) 7012 Capstick, Hugh Patrick, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7013 Hobson, Bruce, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7014 Leycester, PhUip Wrey, 11 Nov, 1919. (at.) 7015 O'Dell, Edward Seymour, 11 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 7016 Rowbottom, WUmos WUliam BoxaU, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7017 Sharpe, Frederick WUUam, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7018 Shaw, Reginald Frank, 11 Nov. 1919. (it.) 7019 Smith, Harold Howard, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7020 Thompson, James Douglas, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7021 Sandels, Cecil Arthur Anglesea,- 11 Nov. 1919. (af.) 7022 Hewett, Arthur, 11 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7023 Brown, Alfred Claude, 15 Nov. 1919. (St.) 7024 Longstaffe, John Walter, 15 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 7025 Pender, WiUiam Stanhope, 15 Nov. 1919. (Bt.) 7026 Romttly, Herbrand Alan, 15 Nov. 1919. (BI.) 7027 Thompson, Hugh WUloughby, 15 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7028 Turner, Noel Theodor BerweU, 15 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7029 Walker, Frederick Rutley, 15 Nov. 1919. (at.) 7030 Witthaus, Gabriel Thorald, 15 Nov. 1919. (ai.) 7030a Beveridge, Edmund Walter St. Clah, 23 Nov. 1919. (ai.) 7031 Barry, Jack LesUe, 28 Nov. 1919. (ai ) 7032 Davies, John Trevor, 28 Nov. 1919. (at ) 7033 Ellis, Frederick Rowland, 28 Nov. 1919. (at ) MEMBERS. 7034 Brunton, Robert Godfree, 5 Deo. 1919. 7035 Rowntree, John Harvey Woodville, 5 Dec. 1919. 7036 PhUip, John, 5 Dec. 1919. 7037 Blyth, Charles Edward, 5 Dec. 1919. 7038 Newton, George Burns, 5 Deo. 1919. 7039 Hennings, William, 5 Deo. 1919. 7040 Louch, Arthur Charles Innes, 5 Dec. 1919. 7041 Beard, Norah, Mrs, 5 Dec. 1919. 7042 Dunn, EUen S, Mrs, 5 Dec. 1919. 7043 White, Robert George, 5 Dec. 1919. 7044 Hayward Curling, 5 Dec, 1919. 7045 BaUy, Robert Edward Hartwell, 5 Dec. 1919. 7046 HoweU, Alban Berkley Butts, 5 Dec. 1919. 7047 Parker, Arthur Claude, 5 Dec. 1919. 7048 Beddison, Francis WUUam, 5 Dec. 1919. 7049 Egford, George Henry, 12 Deo. 1919. (h.) 7050 Wildbore, Albert MUton, 12 Dec. 1919. (at.) 7051 Batcheldor, WiUiam, 22 Dec. 1919. (at.) 7052 Borland, WiUiam, 22 Dec. 1919. (at.) , 7053 Fraser, Norman Graham, 22 Dec. 1919. (at.) 7054 Gardiner, Stanley James, 22 Dec. 1919. (M.) 7055 HoUe, WUliam Henry, 22 Dec. 1919. (af.) 7056 Jukes, Alfred, 22 Dec. 1919. (M.) 7057 Lang, Albert Frank, 22 Dec. 1919. (Bf.) 7058 Moore, Gordon, 22 Dec. 1919. (Bt.) 7059 Tattersall, James William, 22 Dec. 1919. (at.) 7060 Thomas, Alan MUler, 22 Deo. 1919. (at.) 7061 Tomling, George Gibson, 22 Dec. 1919. (at.) 7062 WUliams, David Eric, 22 Dec. 1919. (at.) 7063 Young, James WUliam ,22 Dec. 1919. (at.) 7064 Aiyar, Rao Bahadur Pinnavasal Ramaswama Vengu, 30 Dec. 1919. 7065 AU, Khan Bahadur Mir Diwan, 30 Dec. 1919. 7066 AU, Maulvi Saiyid Ijaz, 30 Dec. 1919. 7067 Amir-ud-Din, Shaikh, 30 Dec. 1919. 7068 Avargal, Rao Sahib Pettachi Karuppan, 30 Dec. 1919. 7069 Barne, Dorothy Kate, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7071 Britto, Valentine, 30 Dec. 1919. 7072 Brookes, Arthur Stuart, 30 Dec. 1919. 7073 Buchanan, Margaret, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7074 Cameron, CyrU Claude, 30 Dec. 1919. 7075 Campagnac, Charles Haswell, 30 Dec. 1919. 7076 Chandra, Lala Ram, 30 Dec. 1919. 7077 Clarke, Douglas AUen, 30 "Dec. 1919. 7078 Cole, SybU, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7079 Coombes, George Noble, 30 Dec. 1919. 7080 Cooverji, Khan Sahib Sorabji, 30 Dec. 1919. 7081 Cuthbert, Alexander, 30 Dec. 1919. 7082 Davies, Agnes, 30 Dec. 1919. 7083 Day, Andrew Sinclah, 30 Dec. 1919. 7084 Dayal, Seth Prabh, 30 Dec. 1919. 7085 Debenham, Walter Charles, 30 Dec. 1919. 7086 Dickson, Lorna, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7087 Din, Khan Bahadur Maulvi Ahmed, 30 Dec. 1919. 7088 Din, Khan Bahadur Munshi Ahmad, 30 Dec. 1919. 7089 Evans, Rev. Edward, 30 Dec. 1919. 7090 Fowle, Edward, 30 Dec. 1919. 7091 Gahan, Patrick John, 30 Deo. 1919. 7092 Gajendragadkar, Gopal Laksbman, 30 Dec. 1919 7093 Ganguly, Rai Akhoy Bhusan, 30 Dec. 1919. 7094 Gonet, Adolphe Joseph Louis, 30 Dec. 1919. 7095 Gopal, Lala Ram, 30 Dec. 1919. 7096 Green, Leslie Benton, 30 Dec. 1919. 7097 Hakim, Wadero Abdul, 30 Dec. 1919. 7098 Hamlyn, Henrietta, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7099 Harold, May, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7100 Heycock, Florence, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7101 Higgs, Ernest Bertram, 30 Dec. 1919. 7102 Hodges, George Ernest, 30 Dec. 1919. 7103 Holme, Nellie, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7104 Hunt, Geraldine, 30 Dec. 1919. 7105 Husain, Chaudri Mujtaba, 30 Dec. 1919. 7106 Husain, Khan Sahib Tasaddug, 30 Dec. 1919. 7107 Hyland, Charles John, 30 Dec. 1919. 7108 Jehangh, Hitta Cowasji, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7109 Jones, Antoinette Manget, Mrs, 30 Dee. 1919. 7110 Joseph, Charles Henry, 30 Dec. 1919. 7111 Kempster, James Charles, 30 Dec. 1919. 7112 Khah-ud-din, 30 Deo. 1919. 7113 Khan, Saiyid Ahmad Ali, 30 Dec. 1919. 7114 Khan, Begum Mustapha, 30 Dec. 1919. 7115 King-Church, Mabel, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7116 Kirkpatrick, John, 30 Dec. 1919. 7117 Kunntag, Arthur Blandford, 30 Dec. 1919. 7118 Lahd, Nellie, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7119 Lai, Munshi Chiman, 30 Dec. 1919. 7120 Lai, Lala Faranga, 30 Dec. 1919. 7121 Lambourn, Norah, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7122 Lennox, Agnes Margaret, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7123 Liddiard, Edgar Stratton, 30 Dec. 1919. 7124 Lidierth, James Eugene, 30 Dec. 1919. 7125 Lilley, Arthur Winfleld, 30 Dec. 1919. 7126 Low, Frederick Edward, 30 Dec. 1919. 7127 McCausland, Gertrude, Mrs, 30 Dec.^ 1919 7128 Mackenzie, Dorothy Helen, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7129 MacLeod, Herwald Byrne, 30 Dec. 1919. 7130 Mahamad, Shaikh, 30 Dec. 1919. 7131 Maynard, Mildred, Mrs, SO Dec. 1919. 7132 Mulcahy, James Hamilton, 30 Dec. 1919. 7133 Nanavati, CoUie Erach, Mrs., 30 Dec. 1919. I 7134 Narayan, Pandit Blshan, 30 Dec. 1919. 7135 Oakley, Winifred, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7136 O'Donnel, Edith, Mrs, 30 Deo. 1919. 7137 O'Donnell, John David, 30 Dec. 1919. 7138 Oldfleld, Geraldine, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7139 Osborn, Howard Harry, 30 Dec. 1919. 7140 Osgerby, Isabel, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7141 Oung, May Hla, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 714?, Panthaki, Dosabhai Framji, 30 Dec. 1919. 7143 Parsons, Bertha, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7144 Patwardhan, Rao Bahadur Damodar Bapu Rao 30 Dec. 1919. 7145 Peachey, Rev. Robert William, 30 Dec. 1919. 7146 Peppe, Marion, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7147 Peters, Alice, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7148 Petit, Jaijee Jehangh, Mrs, 30 Deo. 1919. 7149 Phadke, Vasudev Vishnu, 30 Dec. 1919. 7150 PUlai, Hannah Sargon Ponnuswami, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7151 Pinches, Nora, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7152 Potter, Edith Madelene, 30 Dec. 1919. 7153 Prasad, Munshi Ambe, 30 Dec. 1919. 7154 Quinn, George Edwin Walter, 30 Deo. 1919. 7155 Ramsay, Ermyntrude Sidwell, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7156 Redl, Mary Beatrice, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7157 Reeks, Reginald Rupert, 30 Dec. 1919. 7158 Scott, James Reid, 30 Dec. 1919. 7159 Shaikh, Muhammad Kadir, 30 Dec. 1919. 7160 Singh, Randhh, 30 Dec. 1919. 7161 Sinha, Madan Mohan, 30 Dec. 1919. 7162 Sleigh, Constance, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7163 Steen, Minnie, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7164 Stephen, Henry Buckingham, 30 Dec. 1919. 7165 Sullivan, Michael AUen Patrick, 30 Dec. 1919. 7166 Tremeame, SybU, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7167 Tudor Owen, Muriel, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7168 Venkataramayya, Saguna, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7169 Weakford, Charles Frederick, 30 Dec. 1919. 7170 WeUs, WiUiam George, 30 Dec. 1919. 7171 WUson, Maggie Seott, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7172 Wilson, Stewart, 30 Dec. 1919. 7173 Wood, Henrietta, Mrs, 30 Dee. 1919. 7174 Zobel, Elizabeth, Mrs, 30 Dec. 1919. 7175 Abbiss, William Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 7176 Abbott, Mary Joyce, 1 Jan. 1920. 7177 Abbott, Tom Bland, 1 Jan. 1920. 7178 Aberdein, Florence Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 7179 Abrahams, Joseph Godchaux, 1 Jan. 1920. 7180 Ackland, Vera, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7181 Adam, Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 7182 Adams, Edgar, 1 Jan. 1920. 7183 Adams, Thomas Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7184 Adams, Matthew Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7185 Addison, Guy Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 7186 AgUonby, Rosa Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. 7187 Agnew, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 7188 Aitken, Adeline, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7189 Aitken, Constance Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 7190 Aitken, John Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1920. 7191 Akers, Charles Wrightson, 1 Jan. 1920. 7192 Alcide, Edward Augustus, 1 Jan. 1920. 7193 Aldis, Arthur CyrU Webb, 1 Jan. 1920. 7194 Alexander, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 7195 Alexander, Donald Clark, 1 Jan. 1920. 7196 Alexander, Edith Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7197 Alexander, Eleanor Jane, 1 Jan. 1920. 7198 Alexander, John William, 1 Jan. 1920. 7199 Allen, Elsie Clara, 1 Jan. 1920. 7200 Allen, Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 7201 Allen' George James, 1 Jan. 1920 7202 Allen, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7203 Allen, Margaret Louise, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7204 AUeyne, Stella Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 7205 Allison, George Henry, 1 Jau. 1920. 7206 AUum, Herbert George, 1 Jau. 1920. 7207 Alston, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7208 Ambler, Joseph Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7209 Anderson, Agnes HUda, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7210 Anderson, Frances Lightbourne Trimingham, 1 Jan. 1920. 7211 Anderson, Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 7212 Anderson, George Reinhardt, 1 Jan. 1920. 7213 Anderson, Joan Anderson, Mrs. Scott-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7214 Anderton, James Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 7215 Andrew, Bennett Harvey, 1 Jan. 1920. 7216 Andrews, Arthur WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7217 Andrews, Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 7218 Andrews, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7219 Andrews, Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7220 Andrews, Walter Gower, 1 Jan. 1920. 7221 Angus, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7222 Annan, Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 7223 Annett, Henry Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7224 Anstruther, Hon. Eleonora, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7225 Anthony, Isaac John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7226 Apperly, David Cooper, 1 Jan. 1920. 7227 Appleton, Janet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7228 Appleton, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7229 Arbuthnot, Constance, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 7230 Arbuthnot, Elizabeth Fountaine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7231 Archibald, David. 1 Jan. 1920. 7232 Ardern, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 687 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 7233 Argo. Archibald, 1 Jan. 1920. 7234 Armitstead, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7235 Armytage, Frederic 1'ahburn, 1 Jan. 1920. 7236 Amison, Christine Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7237 Arnott, Francis William, 1 Jan. 1920. 7238 Arundel, Grace, 1 Jan. 1920. 7239 Ashley, Anne, 1 Jan. 1920. 7240 Ashley, Martha Nixon Greenwood, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7241 Ashmole, WUUam Hadley, 1 Jan. 1920. 7242 Ashton, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 7243 Ashworth, Tom, 1 Jan. 1920. 7244 Askew, Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 7245 Astbury, Sarah, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7246 Atcherley, Ethel Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 7247 Atkins, Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. 7248 Atkinson, George Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 7249 Atkinson, John Parkinson, 1 Jan. 1920. 7250 Austin, Gertrude Hannah, 1 Jan. 1920. 7251 Austin, Henry Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 7252 Austin, Thomas George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7253 Austin, WUliam Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 7254 Awburn, Harriet, Mrs. (Madame Halle), 1 Jan. 1920. 7255 Awdry, Olive Muriel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7256 Aylmer, George Mason, 1 Jan. 1920. 7257 Ayres, Robert Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 7258 Backhouse, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 7259 Baggallay, Patience Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. 7260 BagweU, WUUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7261 Baikie, WiUiam Baikie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7262 BaUey, Clement WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7263 BaUey, Florence Emily, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7264 BaUey, George WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7265 Bailey, James Rliodes, 1 Jan. 1920. 7266 BaUey, Margaret Fanny, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7267 BaUey, Robert WiUiam Harvey, 1 Jan. 1920. 7268 BaUy, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 7269 BaUy, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 7270 Bain, Herbert Barr, 1 Jan. 1920. 7271 Bainton, Edward Cecil, 1 Jan. 1920. 7272 Baird, Alexander McDonald, 1 Jan. 1920. 7273 Baird, Blanche Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7274 Baker, Edwin Emmanuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7275 Baker, Gerald Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. 7276 Baker, Horace WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7277 Baker, Isabel Noeline. 1 Jan. 1920. 7278 Baker, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7279 Baker, John Frederick WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7280 Baker, Maggie Ethel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7281 Baker, IsabeUa Winifred, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7282 Baker, Muriel Carew, 1 Jan. 1920. 7283 Baldwin, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7284 Baldwin, Rev. Charles Henry Robert, 1 Jan. 1920, 7285 Baldwin, Sam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7286 Balfour, Jessie Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. 7287 BaU, Frederick Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 7288 BaU, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7289 Ball, Walter MUls, 1 Jan. 1920. 7290 Ballantyne, Allan Opie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7291 BaUantyne, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 7292 Bahnford, Joseph WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7293 Bamford, Herbert Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 7294 Banner, WUfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 7295 Barber, Arthur Powell, 1 Jan. 1920. 7296 Barber, Maude Helen, 1 Jan. 1920. 7297 Barclay, Hannah Maud, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7298 Baring, Harold Herman John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7299 Barker, Christabel Buchanan, 1 Jan. 1920. 7300 Barker, Frederick Rowland, 1 Jan. 1920. 7301 Barker, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920 7302 Barker, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7303 Barkworth, Minnie Mabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7304 Barlow, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7305 Barlow, Sydney, 1 Jan. 1920. 7306 Barnaby, Stanley Skoulding, 1 Jan. 1920. 7307 Barnard, CyrU Wyndham, 1 Jan. 1920. 7308 Barnard,Jotoi Henry Owen, 1 Jan. 1920. 7309 Barnes, Helen Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 7310 Barnes, Minne Craig, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7311 Barnett, Margaret Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 7312 Barns, George Delbridge, 1 Jan. 1920. 7313 Barrett, Hannah Madge, 1 Jan. 1920. 7314 Barrett, Kate Eveline, 1 Jan. 1920. 7315 Barratt, Milan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7316 Barrow, Ellen Janet Innes, 1 Jan. 1920. 7317 Barrowcliff, Marmaduke, 1 Jan. 1920. 7318 Barrows, Lucy Adeline, 1 Jan. 1920. 7319 Barry, Thomas Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 7320 Barsdorf, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1920. 7321 Bartholomew, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. '7322 Bartlett, Thorn, 1 Jan. 1920. 7323 Barton, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7324 Barton, Isabel Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1920. 7325 Bartrum, Marian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7326 Barwell, Henry Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7327 Bassett, Ernest Thomas Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 7328 Basset, Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7329 Bateman, Edward Colston, 1 Jan. 1920. 7330 Bateman, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7331 Bates, Mary Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1920. 7332 Bates, William Edsvard, 1 Jan. 1920. 688 I 7333 Bathgate, Adam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7334 Battle, Richard, 1 Jan. 1920 7335 Batty, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7336 Baynes, Lucy Draffen, 1 Jan. 1920. 7337 Baxter, Stewart, 1 Jan. 1920. 7338 Bazley, Walter Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. 7339 Beale, Frances Helen, Mrs. FitzGerald, 1 Jan. 1920. 7340 Beale, Richard Henry, 1 Jan . 1920. 7341 Beard, Charles Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7342 Beardsley, Eleanor Jemtoa, 1 Jan. 1920. 7343 Beattie, Rachel, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. .7344 Beavan, Ernest Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7345 Beavon, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7346 Becher, CecU Leycester, 1 Jan. 1920. 7347 Beck, Albert George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7348 Beck, Frank Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 7349 Beckenham, Harry Anstead, 1 Jan. 1920. 7350 Beckett, WUliam Marrow, 1 Jan. 1920. 7351 Beecroft, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 7352 Beeden, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. "7353 Beedie, Robert Mitchell, 1 Jan. 1920. 7354 Belcher, Edmund Charles, 1 Jan . 1920. 7355 Bell, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 7356 BeU, Enoch, 1 Jan. 1920. 7357 BeU, Francis James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7358 Bellman, Charles Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 7359 Bennett, Ada Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 7360 Bennett, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7361 Bennett, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 7362 Bennett, Josephine Katherine, 1 Jan. 1920. 7363 Bennett, Leonora, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7364 Bennett, Nina Bessie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7365 Bennett, WUliam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7366 Benson, Edward Frederic, 1 Jan. 1920. 7367 Benson, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7368 Benyon, Edith Marion, 1 Jan. 1920. 7369 Berisford, Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7370 Berkeley, Eva Mary FitzHardtage, Baroness, 1 Jan. 1920. 7371 Berkley, Ernest James Gibson, 1 Jan. 1920. 7372 Berry, John Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 7373 Bertenshaw, Benjamin James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7374 Besant, Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1920. 7375 Bestwick, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7376 Bevan, Edward Morris. 1 Jan. 1920. 7377 Beveridge, Rev. John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7378 Beverly, Elizabeth Amelia, 1 Jan. 1920. 7379 Beynon, Ruth, 1 Jan. 1920. 7380 Beynon, Vernon Bryan Crowther-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7381 Biddiscombe, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7382 BidweU, Eivh Linda, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7383 Bigby, Dorothy Anne, 1 Jan. 1920. 7384 Biggs, Ambrose Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 7385 Biggs, Arthur Holland, 1 Jan. 1920. 7386 Bhch, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 7387 Birch, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7388 Birchby, Henry WUliam Briton, 1 Jan. 1920. 7389 Bhd, Henry Linsell, 1 Jan. 1920. 7390 Birtles, John Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7391 Bishop, Alice Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 7392 Bishop, Louisa Emma, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7393 Bishop, WiUiam George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7394 Bishop, WilUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7395 Bisset, Ormond Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7396 Black, Rena Denholm Menzies, 1 Jan. 1920. 7397 Blackadder, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 7398 Blackbume, Editha Marjorie, Mrs. Ireland-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7399 Blackhurst, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 7400 Blackmore, Constance Marie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7401 Blackshaw, James WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7402 Blake, Charies Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7403 Blake, EUen Una, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7404 Blake, Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. 7405 Blake, Percy Francis Ward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7406 Blarney, Helen Dale. 1 Jan. 1920. 7407 Blanchard, Edward Cooper, 1 Jan. 1920. 7408 Blanck, Sydney Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 7409 Blandford, Edward Cornelius, 1 Jan. 1920. 7410 Blatch, WUliam Bernard, 1 Jan. 1920. 7411 Blewett, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 7412 Blewett, Martin, 1 Jan. 1920. 7413 Bliss, John William, 1 Jan. 1920. 7414 Blossom, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7415 Blount, Angela Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 7416 Blount, Edith Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 7417 Bloxam, Frank Abel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7418 Bloxam, Henrietta, 1 Jan. 1920. 7419 Blundell, Agnes Mary Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. 7420 BlundeU, Harry James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7421 Blyth, AUce Maua, 1 Jan. 1920. 7422 Blyth, Dora Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 7423 Boadella, Alfred Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7424 Bodto, Samuel; 1 Jan. 1920. 7425 Bolas, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 7426 Bolckow, Henry William Ferdinand, 1 Jan. 1920. 7427 Boldero, Margery Florence, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7428 Bolton, Henry Hargreaves, 1 Jan. 1920. 7429 Bonallo, Nina Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7430 Bond, George Leslie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7431 Bonner, Eveleen Caroline, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. MEMBERS. 7432 Bonsall, Gertrude Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7433 Booker, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 7434 Boom, George Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. 7435 Booth, Ernest Witton, 1 Jan. 1920. 7436 Booth, Frederick Knight, 1 Jan. 1920. 7437 Borrajo, Edward Joseph William, 1 Jan. 1920. 7438 Bostock, Adelaide Hannah Eliza Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7439 Bottomley, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7440 Boucher, EUzabeth Staniforth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7441 Bouffier, Marjorie Minnie. 1 Jan. 1920. 7442 Boundy, Elsie Maria, 1 Jan. 1920. 7443 Bourn, George Frederick, 1 Jau. 1920. 7444 Bourne, LUy Anne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7445 Bowden, Edgar Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 7446 Bowden, Joseph. 1 Jan. 1920. 7447 Bower, Elias, 1 Jan. 1920. 7448 Bower, Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. 7449 Bowley, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 7450 Bowman, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7451 Bowman, Richard Oxley, 1 Jan. 1920. 7452 Boyanton Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 7453 Boyce, James Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920. 7454 Boycott, Ethel Aline, 1 Jan. 1920. 7455 Boyd, Gladys Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 7456 Boyd, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 7457 Boyd, Katharine Faraday, 1 Jan. 1920. 7458 BoydeU, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7459 Boyle, Irene Flortoda Maud, 1 Jan. 1920. 7460 Boyle, Louise Judith, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 7461 Boyle, Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 7462 Braby, WaUace, 1 Jan. 1920. 7463 Bradburn, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7464 Bradford, Beryl Angelica Selby, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7465 Bradshaw, Laura Katherine, 1 Jan. 1920. 7466 Brady, Ralph Hottinshed, 1 Jan. 1920. 7467 Braggins, Edith Annie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7468 Braithwaite, Stanley Nesham, 1 Jan. 1920. 7469 Brakes, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7470 Brand, Ethert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7471 Brand, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7472 Braybrooke, Henry MeUor, 1 Jan. 1920. 7473 Braybrooks, Gladys Marian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920, 7474 Brereton, Katherine Blanche, 1 Jan. 1920. 7475 Brewis, Arthur WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7476 Bridge, Josiah, 1 Jan. 1920. 7477 Bridger, Donald Keith, 1 Jan. 1920. 7478 Bridgland, Richard John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7479 Briggs, Helen, Mrs. Currer-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7480 Briggs, Margaret EUen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7481 Briggs, Mary Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7482 Brightman, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7483 Brindley, Louis Kirwan, 1 Jan. 1920. 7484 Brindley, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7485 Brinnand, John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7486 Brisley, Maud Isabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7487 Brittain, Ernest George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7488 Britten, Charles Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7489 Britten, Regina.d WeUesley, 1 Jan. 1920. 7490 Britten, Ellen Alice, 1 Jan. 1920. 7491 Broadbent, Margaret EmUy, 1 Jan. 1920. 7492 Broadwood, Anna Maria Hennen, 1 Jan. 1920. .7493 Brock, Edith Balfour, 1 Jan. 1920. 7494 Brocklesby, Isabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7495 Brodihgan, Mary Christina, 1 Jan. 1920 7496 Bromhead, Ethel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7497 Bromwich, Frederick Dudman, 1 Jan. 1920. 7498 Brook, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 7499 Brook, Mabel Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7500 Brooke, Grace MUicent, 1 Jan. 1920. 7501 Brooke, Margery Jean, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7502 Brooks, Charles John Wood, 1 Jan. 1920. 7503 Brooks, Gladys Muriel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7504 Brooks, Charlotte Elizabeth, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 7505 Brooks, George Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. 7506 Brown, Agnes Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1919. 7507 Brown, Bertram John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7508 Brown, Dorothy Ann, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7509 Brown, Edward John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7510 Brown, EmUy May, 1 Jan. 1920. 7511 Brown, Ernest Addison, 1 Jan. 1920. 7512 Brown, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7513 Brown, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7514 Brown, Marian, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 7515 Brown, Robert Burns, 1 Jan. 1920. 7516 Brown, Robert CyrU, 1 Jan. 1920. 7517 Brown, Theophilus Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7518 Brown, Walter Ritchie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7519 Brown, WiUiam Henry George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7520 Brown, WUUam Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7521 Browne, Dorothy Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 7522 Browne, Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7523 Browne, George Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7524 Browne, MUdred Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. 7525 Browning, Albert Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 7526 Brownsword, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 7527 Bruce, Alexander 1 Jan. 1920. 7528 Brace, Lady Constance Veronica, 1 Jan. 192U. 7529 Bruce, Evelyn Susan, 1 Jan. 1920. >^Ste'S5^B1X1,H^.MxB.(j«Ir8e,lJanlB20, 7532 Brune, Cecely AUce, Mrs. Prideaux-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7533 Brunyate, Bertha Maud Vipond, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 7534 Bryant, Mary Louisa, 1 Jan. 1920. 7535 Buchan, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7536 Buchanan, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 7537 Buchanan, Archibald Samuel, 1 Jau. 1920. 7538 Buck, Edward Horace, 1 Jan. 1920. 7539 Buckland, Isabel Maud, Mrs, 1 Jan, 1920. 7540 Buckland, Rawlta George Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7541 Buckley, Joan Brunner, 1 Jan. 1920. 7542 Buckmaster, Dorothy Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7543 BucknaU, Nathalie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7544 Buckner, Albert Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 7545 Budd, Henry George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7546 Budge, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7547 Bugden, Sarah Amy, 1 Jan. 1920. 7548 BuU, Maude EUen, 1 Jan. 1920. 7549 Bullen, Daisy May, 1 Jan. 1920. 7550 BuUough, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 7551 Bulman, Mary Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7552 Bulmer, Francis Bertram, 1 Jan. 1920. 7553 Burall, Henry Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 7554 Burchatt, Ernest Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7555 Burcher, Frederick Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7556 Burdekta, Lizzie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7557 Burges, Frederick Augustus L'Estrange, 1 Jan. 1920. 7558 Burgess, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7559 Burls, Herbert Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7560 Burn, Muriel Lyell, 1 Jan. 1920. 7561 Burnett, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 7562 Burnett, Ernest Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 7563 Burnett, James Taylor, 1 Jan. 1920. 7564 Burnett, Mary, 1 Jau. 1920. 7565 Bums, Donald George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7566 Bumyeat, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7567 Burrowes, Henry Ambrose, 1 Jan. 1920. 7568 Burrows, Anna Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7569 Burrows, Thomas Enos, 1 Jan. 1920. 7570 Burt, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7571 Burton, David Fowler, 1 Jan. 1920. 7572 Burton, Donald, 1 Jan. 1920. 7573 Burton, Kenneth, 1 Jan. 1920. 7574 Burton, Walter WiUiam John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7575 Bush, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7576 BusheU, SybU Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1920. 7577 Butcher, Doris Ruth, 1 Jan. 1920. 7578 Butcher, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7579 Butler, Daphne Kendall, 1 Jan. 1920. 7580 Butler, Harold Branson, 1 Jan. 1920. 7581 Butler, Henry John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7582 Butler, Herbert George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7583 Butler, John Ingham, 1 Jan. 1920. 7584 Butler, Leonard Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7585 Button, Thomas Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 7586 Buxton, Mary Aline, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7587 Byrne, Louisa Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7588 CadeU, Fairley Charlotte, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7589 Oaffyn, Margaret Louise, 1 Jan. 1920. 7590 Catoe, Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7591 Callaghan, John Martin, 1 Jan. 1920. 7592 Calvert, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7593 Calvert, Harry Thornton, 1 Jan. 1920. 7494 Calvert, Tom, 1 Jan. 1920. 7595 Cambridge, Hilda Margaret, Mrs. Pickard-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7596 Camburn, Caleb, 1 Jau. 1920. 7597 Cameron, AUan, 1 Jan. 1920. 7598 Cameron, Charlotte, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7599 Cameron, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7600 Camp, Edwin James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7601 Camp, Henry John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7602 Campbell, Donald, 1 Jan. 1920. 7603 CampbeU, Douglas Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7604 Campbell, Georgina Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7605 Campbell, Geraldine Georgina, 1 Jan. 1920. 7606 Campbell, Henry Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7607 Campbell, Ina, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7608 Campbell, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7609 Campbell, John Archibald, 1 Jan. 1920. 7610 Campbell, Nicol, 1 Jan. 1920. 7611 Cannell, Daniel George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7612 Cant, WiUiam Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 7613 Cantley, John CargiU, 1 Jan. 1920. 7614 Capleton, Ernest CarlUe, 1 Jan. 1920. 7615 Card, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 7616 Cardy, WiUiam Edward Jesse, 1 Jan. 1920. 7617 Careless, Beatrice Anne, 1 Jan. 1920. 7618 Carey, Arthur WilUam Joseph Greenwood Macleod, 1 Jan. 1920. 7619 Carey, Geoffrey Newman, 1 Jan 1920. 7620 Carey, Joseph James Seymour, 1 Jan. 1920. 7621 Carle, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7622 CarlUe, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 7623 Carmichael, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 7624 Carmichael, Winifred Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7625 Carnegie, Agnes, Mrs. Lindsay, 1 Jan. 1920. 7626 Carpenter, Ethel, Mrs. Boyd-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7627 Carr, David Leslie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7628 Carr, David Whiston, 1 Jan. 1920. 7629 Carr, George Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 7630 Carrington, John WiUiam Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 689 2 y THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 7631 Carter, Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7632 Carter, Maud Eleanor, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7633 Carter, WUfrid George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7634 CartmeU, Annie, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 7635 Carvell, John Maclean, 1 Jan. 1920. 7636 Carver, Helena Philae Olive Virginia Maxwell, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7637 Carver, OUve McLaren, 1 Jan. 1920. 7638 Cash, Ernest WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7639 Casson, EmUy Marjorie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7640 Castle, Hubert WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7641 Castle, Montague Wilson, 1 Jan. 1920. 7642 Cattanach, Jean Lorimer, 1 Jan. 1920. 7643 Cave-Browne-Cave, Beatrice Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7644 Cay, Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7645 Chadwick, Harry Bernard Clarke, 1 Jan. 1920. 7646 Chadwick, Edith Caroline, 1 Jan. 1920. 7647 Chalker, Alfred Caulke, 1 Jan. 1920. 7648 Chamberlain, Alfred John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7649 Chambers, Evelyn Marion, 1 Jan. 1920. 7650 Chambers, Francis George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7651 Chambers, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7652 Champness, Edward LesUe, 1 Jan. 1920. 7653 Champneys, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7654 Chandler, WiUiam Goerge, 1 Jan. 1920. 7655 Chanter, Francis WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7656 Chanter. Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 7657 Chantler, John Dale, 1 Jan. 1920. 7658 Chapman, Edmund Alumsby, 1 Jan. 1920. 7659 Chapman, Edward Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7660 Chapman, James Gardiner, 1 Jan. 1920. 7661 Chapman, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7662 Chapman, Maud JeweU, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7663 Charles, Gertrude Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7664 Charlesworth, WiUiam Herbert Rudolph, 1 Jan. 1920. 7665 Chase, AUce Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1920. 7666 Chatfield, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 7667 Chatterton, EUzabeth Eva, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7668 Chavasse, Frances Hannah, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 7669 Cheshire, Herbert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7670 Chester, Jack Granado, 1 Jan. 1920. 7671 Cheyne, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 7672 Chilcott, Gregory HaU, 1 Jan. 1920. 7673 Childs, Emma Catherine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7674 Ching, Horace Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 7675 Chittenden, Doris Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 7676 Christie, Annie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7677 Christopherson, AUce Catherine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7678 Church, Charlotte Mary Viola, 1 Jan. 1920. 7679 ClanwiUiam, Muriel Mary Temple, Countess of, 1 Jan. 1920. 7680 Clapperton, Gladys Laura, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7681 Clark, Alice Fanny, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7682 Clark, Arthur Percy Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. 7683 Clark, Elizabeth Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7684 Clark, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7685 Clark, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7686 Clark, Joseph Sains, 1 Jan. 1920. 7687 Clarke, Arthur Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 7688 Clarke, Dora Gunning Elwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 7689 Clarke, George Whitlock, 1 Jan. 1920. 7690 Clarke, Helen Blanche, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7691 Clarke, LesUe Chatfield-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7692 Clarke, Percy Daniel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7693 Clarkson, Elkanah, 1 Jan. 1920. 7694 Clay, Mignon Elvha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7695 Clayton, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7696 Clayton, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7697 Clegg, Fanny, 1 Jan. 1920. 7698 Clinch, Sidney Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920 7699 Clinkard, Charles Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 7700 Clothier, Frederick Nelson, 1 Jan. 1920. 7701 Cloux, Frank Louis Whitmarsh, 1 Jan. 1920. 7702 Clover, Dorothy Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7703 Clutterbuck, Sydney Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 7704 Cobb, Monica Mary Geikie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7705 Cobden, Alfred Sydney, 1 Jan. 1920. 7706 Cochrane, Edith Rose, 1 Jan. 1920. 7707 Cochrane, Ethel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7708 Cochrane, Ethel Isabel Virginia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7709 Cockburn, Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1920. 7710 Cockerell, Florence Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7711 Cohen, Marjorie Emmeline, 1 Jan. 1920. 7712 Cohen, PbiUp, 1 Jan. 1920. 7713 Coke, Lady Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7714 Colbourne, Robert Bertram, 1 Jan. 1920. 7715 Colchester, Annie Frances Julia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7716 Cole, Annie Violet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7717 Cole, Francis Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 7718 Cole, James Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7719 Cole, Robert Clifford, 1 Jan. 1920. 7720 Cole, Seymour, 1 Jau. 1920. 7721 Collard, CecU Wharton, 1 Jan. 1920. 7722 CoUins, Alice Godiva Thorold, 1 Jan. 1920. 7723 Collins, Christabel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7724 Collins, George William, 1 Jan. 1920. 7725 Collins, Kathartae Wilson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7726 Collins, Sibyl Ida, Mrs. Abdy, 1 Jan. 1020. 7727 CoUins, WUliam Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 7728 Colls, Herbert Ailby, 1 Jan. 1920. 77297730 7731 77327733 7734 7735 7736 77377738 7739 77407741 77427743 77447745774677477748 774977507751 7752775377547755775677577758 7759 77607761 77627763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768776977707771777277737774 7775 7776777777787779 778077817782778377847785 7786 7787778877897790 7791 779277937794779577967797 7798779978007801 7802 78037804780578067807 780878097810 7811 7812 781378147815 781678177818 78197820 782178227823 78247825 78267827 7828 Colquhoun, Emily Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. Coltman, Grace, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Combe, Nigel Victor, 1 Jan. 1920. Comer, George Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. Comerfordjilatthew, 1 Jan. 1920. Compton, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Conibear, James Handford, 1 Jan. 1920. Connochie, Henry Joseph Bexfield, 1 Jan. 1920. ConnoUy, Thomas Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. Connor, Anthony John, 1 Jau. 1920. Constantine, Arthur Heaton, 1 Jan. 1920. Constantine, WiUiam Windley, 1 Jan. 1920. Cook, Albert Sydney, 1 Jan. 1920. Cook, Charies Lever, 1 Jan. 1920. Cook, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Cook, WiUiam Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooke, Clara Mabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooke, Edward Henry WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooke, Frank Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooke, Frank James, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooke, Howard Francis Vernon, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooke, William Herrick, 1 Jan. 1920. Cookson, Thomas Hatton, 1 Jan. 1920. Coombes, Sydney Cooper, 1 Jan. 1920. Coope, Amy Monica, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Edward Stroud, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Henry Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Howard Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Juanita Carlota, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper Marion Helen, 1 Jan. 1920. Cooper, Rev. WilUam Henry Hewlett, 1 Jan. 1920. Cordeaux, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Corkran, Helena Muriel Seymour, 1 Jan. 1920. Cormack, George, 1 Jan. 1920. Corns, Frederick Samson, 1 Jan. 1920. Corscaden, Fannie Evelyn, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cosens, Peter Hunter, 1 Jan. 1920. Coster, Gaius WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Costigan, Charles Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. Cotton, Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cotton, Archibald James. 1 Jan. 1920 Coulson, Edith Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. Coulson, WiUiam Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Counahan, Michael Tyrell, 1 Jan. 1920. Court, LUian, 1 Jan. 1920. Court, LUian Ethel, 1 Jan. 1920. Court, WUliam Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. Courts, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Couzens, Arthur Wilson, 1 Jan. 1920. Coventry, Mary Jane, 1 Jan. 1920. Cowdroy, Charlotte Jane Howarth, 1 Jan. 1920. Cowley, James Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. Cowper, Mary Bourne, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1920. Cox, Arthur William Franklin, 1 Jan. 1920. Cox, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1920 Cox, Percy Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. Cox, Ralph Bouverie, 1 Jan. 1920. Cox, Joseph Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. Cox, Veronica Mary MacheU, 1 Jan. 1920. Craig, Walter Elder, 1 Jan. 1920. Cramp, Annie Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cran, George, 1 Jan. 1920. CrapneU, Stanley Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. Craske, Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Craven, Edward Joseph Eclipsis, 1 Jan. 1920. Crawford, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1920. Crawford, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Crawley, Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. CressweU, Cathertoe Gwladys, 1 Jan. 1920. Croft, Charles Rowland, 1 Jan. 1920. Crofton Augusta Maude, Mrs, 1 Jan .1920. CromweU, Oliver Underwood, 1 Jan. 1920. Cropper, Marjorie Constance, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Crosher, WiUiam Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. Crosland, Clarence Field, 1 Jau. 1920. Cross, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. Cross, Edward Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Cross, Grenville Burgess, 1 Jan. 1920. Cross, Robert WUliam Ryder, 1 Jan. 1920. Crossingham, Agatha GwendoUne Rees, 1 Jan. 1920. Croucher, WUfrid Gladstone, 1 Jan. 1920. Crow, Ada Maud, 1 Jan. 1920. Crow, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Cruiekshank, George, 1 Jan. 1920. Cruiekshank, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Cuddeford, Arthur Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Cuff, Stanley Geikie, 1 Jan. 1920. Culley, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Cullis, Mary Aeldrin, 1 Jan. 1920. Cullum, Henry John, 1 Jan. 1920. Culshaw, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. Culver, Albert Leopold, 1 Jan. 1920. Cummiug, Andrew Lawrance, 1 Jan. 1920. Cumming, Ethel Maud, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cummings, John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Cuninghame, Helen Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cunnington, LUy Maria, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1920. Currall, Henrietta Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Cursons, George Robert Alfred 1 Jan. 1920. Curtis, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 690 MEMBERS. 7829 Curwen, Elizabeth Caroline Colebrook Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. 7830 Dadson, Mary AUce Portlock. 1 Jan. 1920. 7831 Dakin, Francis George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7832 Dakin, Margaret Evelyn Harrison, 1 Jan. 1920. 7833 Dale, Mary Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. 7834 Dale, Albert Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 7835 Dale, Cicely Susan, 1 Jan. 1920. 7836 Dale, Henry Angley Lewis-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7837 Dalmahoy, Lilias Edith Jean, 1 Jan. 1920 7838 Dahymple, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7839 Dahymple, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7840 Dalton, James Henry Chesshyre, 1 Jan. 1920, 7841 Dalton, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7842 Dance, Samuel Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 7843 Dane, Frederick Hopper, 1 Jan. 1920. 7844 Dane, James Whiteside, 1 Jan. 1920. 7845 Dane, John Stephenson, 1 Jan. 1920. 7846 Daniels, Margaret Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. 7847 Dann, John Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 7848 D'Arcy, WilUam James Buchanan, 1 Jan. 1920. 7849 Dargie, Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7850 Dashwood, Geva Vereker, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7851 Davenport, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7852 Davenport, Flora Gladys, 1 Jan. 1920. 7853 Davey, Benjamin Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 7854 Davey, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7855 Davie, James Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. 7857 Davies, Clara Maud, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7858 Davies, Emily Geraldine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7859 Davies, Ernest James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7860 Davies, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7861 Davies, Henry Ivor, 1 Jan. 1920. 7862 Davies, Isabel Warwick, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7863 Davies, Julia, 1 Jan. 1920. 7864 Davies, Morgan, 1 Jan. 1920. 7865 Davies, Robert Yarnell, 1 Jan. 1920. 7866 Davies, Louisa, Mrs. Russell, 1 Jan. 1920. 7867 Davies, Thomas Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7868 Davies, William Lloyd, 1 Jan. 1920. 7869 Davis, Albert Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 7870 Davis, Gershom Willoughby Cecil, 1 Jan. 1920 7871 Davis, LUian Bertha, 1 Jan. 1920. 7872 Davis, Sydney CarlUe, 1 Jan. 1920. 7873 Davison, Edward Anderson, 1 Jan. 1920. 7874 Davison, John William, 1 Jan. 1920. 7875 Dawes, EUzabeth LUian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7876 Dawkins, WiUiam Paxton, 1 Jan. 1920. 7877 Dawson, Agnes, 1 Jan. 1920. 7878 Dawson, Agnes Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7879 Dawson, Anne, 1 Jan. 1920. 7880 Dawson, CecUy, 1 Jan. 1920. 7881 Day, Edward PhiUp, 1 Jan. 1920. 7882 Day, Ernest Cockburn, 1 Jan. 1920. 7883 Day, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7884 Day, Maud FitzGerald, 1 Jan. 1920. 7885 Day, Thomas Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 7886 Day, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1290. 7887 Deacon, Clara, 1 Jan. 1920. 7888 Dempster, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7889 Denholm, John MaxweU, 1 Jan. 1920. 7890 Denholm, Walter Windebank, 1 Jan. 1920. 7891 Dennis, Anna EmUy, 1 Jan. 1920. 7892 Denniston, Mary Grace, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7893 Dent, Herbert Crowley, 1 Jan. 1920. 7894 Desborough, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 7895 Devereux, Augustine, 1 Jan. 1920. 7896 Dewhurst, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7897 Dey, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 7898 Dezest, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 7899 D'Harty, WiUiam Cornelius, 1 Jan. 1920. 7900 Dick, Henry Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 7901 Dick, James Scott, 1 Jan. 1920. 7902 Dick, Marion Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7903 Dicks, Eustace James Carey, 1 Jan. 1920. 7904 Digby, Emily, 1 Jan. 1920. 7905 Diggtas, WUliam Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7906 Dilby, Arthur George. 1 Jan. 1920. 7907 Dilks, AUce Dene, 1 Jan. 1920. 7908 DUlon, Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1920. 7909 DiUon, Stella Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 7910 Ditchfield, Richard Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7911 Dix, Edith Amy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7912 Dixon, Jennie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7913 Dixon, Kate AUce, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7914 Dixon, Walter Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. 7915 Dobbin, WiUiam Wood, 1 Jan. 1920. 7916 Dobbtags, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 7917 Dobie,. Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7918 Dockery, Owen, 1 Jan. 1920. 7919 Doherty, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 7920 Dollona, Alfred Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 7921 Donald, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7922 Door, Regtaald Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 7923 Doran, David John, 1 Jan. 1920. 7924 Dormer, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7925 Dott, George. 1 Jan. 1920. 7926 Doughty, Beatrice Mary Constance, 1 Jan. 1920. 7927 Douglass, James Robertson, 1 Jan. 1920. 7928 Doulton, Alice Duneau, 1 Jan. 1920. Mrs, 7929 Dove, Margaret Anno, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 7930 Dover, AUce Eliza, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7931 Dow, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7932 Dowler, Edwin Harold, 1 Jan, 1920. 7933 Down, Thomas Beadle, 1 Jan. 1920. 7934 Downing, Pansy, 1 Jan. 1920. 7935 Dowsing, Herbert Leopold, 1 Jan. 192 7936 Drage, EUnor Katharine, 1 Jan. 1920 7937 Drake, Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7938 Drake, Ellen Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7939 Drake, Kathleen Tyrwhitt, 1 Jan. 1920. 7940 Drakeford, WUliam Dusautov, 1 Jan. 1920. 7941 Drapes, Thomas Lambert, 1 Jan. 1920 7942 Dray, Evelyn Muriel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7943 Drew, James WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7944 Drew, Lorna Auchterlonie, 1 Jan. 1920. 7945 Drummond, Mary Jane, 1 Jan. 1920. 7946 Dubois. Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 7947 Duddy, Philip Menross, 1 Jan. 1920. 7948 Dudgeon, Florence Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 7949 Duffes, HUda Ethel Paterson, 1 Jan. 1920. 7950 Dugdale, HUda, 1 Jan. 1920. 7951 Duggan Rev. Mother Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 7952 Duggan, MotherweU, 1 Jan. 1920. 7953 Duggleby, Constance Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7954 Dunalley, Frances Mary, Baroness, 1 Jan. 1920. 7955 Duncan, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7956 Duncan, George Douglass, 1 Jan. 1920. 7957 Duncan, George Forest, 1 Jan. 1920. 7958 Duncan, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7959 Duncan, William Lindsay, 1 Jan. 1920. 7960 Dunderdale, Robert Harold Webster, 1 Jan. 1920 7961 Dunell, Marion, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7962 Dunkin, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7963 Dunlop, Mary Janet Murray-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7964 Dunn, Marion Prudence- 1 Jan. 1920. 7965 Dupre, Percy Vivian, 1 Jan. 1920. 7966 Durant, WUliam James, 1 Jan. 1920. 7967 Durham, John Hope, 1 Jan. 1920. 7968 Dutton, MUdred, 1 Jan. 1920. 7969 Dutton, Peter Irving, 1 Jan. 1920. 7970 Dyas, WiUiam George, 1 Jan. 1920. 7971 Dyer, Alfred Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 7972 Dyer, John Luther, 1 Jan. 1920. 7973 Dyer, Robert Broomfield, 1 J_5i. 1920. 7974 Dykes, Kathleen EUison, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. 7975 Dyson, John Richard Haigh, 1 Jan. 1920. 7976 Eager, Joseph Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 7977 Eagles, Joseph William, 1 Jan. 1920. 7978 Eames, Florence Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7979 Earle, Betty, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7980 Eastwood, Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. 7981 BboraU, Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. 7982 Bde, Henry WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 7983 Eden, Mary Frances Dove, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7984 Edgar, James Winterbottom, 1 Jan. 1920. 7985 Edmiston, Iris Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1920. 7986 Edmunds, FlaveU, 1 Jan. 1920. 7987 Edwardes, Charles Whitfield, 1 Jan. 1920. 7988 Edwards, Arthur Joseph, 1 Jau. 1920. 7989 Edwards, Bogdan Edward Jastrzabski, 1 Jan. 1920. 7990 Edwards, EUzabeth Alice, 1 Jan. 1920. 7991 Edwards, Emma Dorothy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7992 Edwards, Ernest Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 7993 Edwards, Mabel Constance, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 7994 Edwards, Roger Bellis, 1 Jan. 1920. 7995 Edwards, Thomas Ramsay King-, 1 Jan. 1920. 7996 Edwards, WiUiam Buckland, 1 Jan. 1920. 7997 Edwards, WiUiam Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 7998 Eggleshaw, Frank Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 7999 Ehrenfest, Muriel Alice Adela, 1 Jan. 1920. 8000 Eland, Ruth Adelaide, 1 Jan. 1920. 8001 Eliot, Kate Marianne, 1 Jan. 1920. 8002 EUes, Gertrude LUian, 1 Jan. 1920. 8003 EUiot, Bessie Clarke, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8004 EUiott, Arthur CampbeU, 1 Jan. 1920. 8005 Elliott, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8006 Elliott, Charles John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8007 Ellis, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8008 EUis, Charles Leonard, 1 Jan. 1920. 8009 ElUson, Anne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8010 Blmsall, WiUiam de Cardonnel, 1 Jan. 1920. 8011 Ehnslie, Edward Cooch Stewart, 1 Jan. 1920. 8012 Elton, Mable Therese, 1 Jan. 1920. 8013 Elwes, Henry Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1920. 8014 Emler, Frederick WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8015 England, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8016 Engleheart MatUda Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8017 Enthoven, Augusta Gabriele Eden, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8018 Entwistle, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8019 Erskine, Walter Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 8020 Etheridge, Arthur Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8021 Etheridge, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8022 Eunson, MUicent, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8023 Evans, Abel Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8024 Evans, Claude Victor, 1 Jan. 1920. 8025 Evans, Edith Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8026 Evans, Frank Hedley, 1 Jan. 1920. 8027 Evans, Gladys Richardson, 1 Jan. 1920. 8028 Evans, Harry Loft, 1 Jan. 1920. 691 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 8029 Evans, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8030 Evans, John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8031 Evans, Walter David, 1 Jan. 1920. 8032 Evans, WiUiam James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8033 Evans, WUUam Owen, 1 Jan. 1920. 8034 Eve, WUUam Charles Pittuck, 1 Jan. 1920. 8035 Eyles, Herbert Charles, 1 Jau. 1920. 8036 Eyre, Julia PhUadelphia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8037 Facer, Hedley Humphrey, 1 Jan. 1920. 8038 Fahbahn, Ethel Fulton, 1 Jan. 1920. 8039 Fairbrother, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8040 Fairey, Charles Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 8041 Fairley, Lucy Rosalind, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8042 Fahley, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8043 FairUe, Jessie Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8044 BuU, Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8045 Falkus, Richard Uriah, 1 Jan. 1920. 8046 FaUon, Thomas Joseph Aloysius Fallon, 1 Jan. 1920. 8047 Farmer, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jau. 1920. 8048 Farmery, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8049 FameU, Beatrice Isabel, 1 Jan. 1920. 8050 Farnsworth, Frank Smedley, 1 Jan. 1920. 8051 Farran, Helen Isabel. 1 Jan. 1920. 80o2 Farrant, Mary Josephine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8053 FarreU, Henry WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8054 Farrer, Julia Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. 8055 Farrow, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8056 Farrow, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8057 FarweU, George Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8058 Favell, MUUcent Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 8059 Fawsett, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 8060 Fear, Thomas Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 8061 Fearfield, Marjorie Pollard, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8062 Featherstone, John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8063 Fedden, Alfred Hubert Roy, 1 Jan. 1920. 8064 FeUows, Gertrude Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 8065 Felton, Edgar Hall, 1 Jan. 1920. 8066 Fenelon, Martin Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8067 Ferguson, Anna Wise, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8068 Ferguson, Frances Madeleine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8069 Ferguson, GUbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8071 Ferguson, James Strathearn, 1 Jan. 1920. 8072 Fergusson, Margaret Heriot, 1 Jan. 1920. 8073 Feuerheerd, Marietta Roberttoe, 1 Jan. 1920. 8074 Ffoulkes, Kathartae Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8075 Fidoe, Alfred Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8076 Field, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8077 Fielder, Charles James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8078 Fielding, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 8079 Fielding, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8080 Finch, Daisy AmeUa, 1 Jan. 1920. 8081 Finlay WUliam George. 1 Jan. 1920. 8082 Finlinson, Ethel Marv, Mis, 1 Jan. 1920. 8083 Finnis, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8084 Fisher, Edward Lamley, 1 Jan. 1920. 8085 Fisher, Elttnor Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8086 Fisher, Ethel Sophia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8087 Fisher, Frederick Ludolph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8088 Fisher, Hubert WiUiam Warwick, 1 Jan. 1920. 8089 Fisher, Kathartae, 1 Jan. 1920. 8090 Fisher, Samuel Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8091 Fitt, Adelaide, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8092 FitzGerald, Rev. Henry Purefov, 1 Jan. 1920. 8093 Fitzpatrick, Alice Harriet, 1 Jan. 1920. 8094 Fleming, Edith May, 1 Jan. 1920. 8095 Fleming, Frederick Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 8096 Fletcher, Frederick John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8097 Fletcher, Violet Eastwood 1 Jan. 1920. 8098 FUnt, Frederick Theodore, 1 Jan. 1920. 8099 FoUand, Henry PhilHp, 1 Jan. 1920. 8100 Fooks, Amy Harriet, 1 Jan. 1920. 8101 Foord, Walter James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8102 Forbes, Barbara Donald, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8103 Forbes, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8104 Forbes, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8105 Ford, Arthur Clow, 1 Jan. 1920 8106 Ford, Thomas Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 8107 Ford, WiUiam George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8108 Forman, Bernard GUpin, 1 Jan. 1920. 8109 Forrest, Alfred Wightman, 1 Jan. 1920. 8110 Forrest, Thomas Walker Amsworth, 1 Jan. 1920. 8111 Forrester, Miriam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8112 Forster, Aqutta, 1 Jan. 1920. 8113 Forster, Douglas Wakefield, 1 Jan. 1920. 8114 Forster, Matthew, 1 . an. 1920. 8115 Forster, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8116 Forttagton, Edna Winifred, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 8117 Fortye, Grace, 1 Jan. 1920. 8118 Fossati, Mary Mussely, 1 Jan. 1920. 8119 Foster, Marion Ferguson, 1 Jan. 1920. 8120 Fowle, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8121 Fowler, Charles Roy, 1 Jan. 1920. 8122 Fowler, Ethel Ada, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8123 Fowler, Gertrude Dene, 1 Jan. 1920. 8124 Fox, Marshall Nathaniel, 1 Jan. 1020. 8125 Fox. Violet Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1920. 8126 Foj-ster, Constance Helena, 1 Jan. 1920. 8127 France, WUliam Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 8128 Franceys, Amy Constance, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8129 Francis, George Chaplin, 1 Jan. 1920. 8130 81318132 81338134 8135813681378138 81398140 814181428143814481458146814781488149 81508151815281538154 815581568157 8158 8159 8160 81618162 8163 81648165816681678168 81698170817181728173 8174 8175817681778178 8179818081818182 8183 8184 81858186 8187 8188 8189 819081918192 81938194819581968197 819881998200820182028203 820482058206 8207 82088209 8210 8211 8212821382148215 8216 8217 8218821982208221 82238224 822582268227 8228 692 Francis, Katherine LUian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Franklin, Arthur Sumpter, 1 Jan. 1920. FTankltag, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Fraser, Gordon Lushtagton, 1 Jan. 1920. Fraser, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. Fraser, Sarah Louise, 1 Jan. 1920. Fraser, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Freeman, Phittip Anthony Mallows, 1 Jan. 1920. Freke, Ambrose Eyre Hussey-, 1 Jan. 1920. French, Herbert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. French, James Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. French, Louis Emanuel, 1 Jan. 1920. French, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Frere, Laetitia Helen, 1 Jan. 1920. Frewen, Violet Helen, 1 Jan. 1920. Frost, Ann Lucy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 Frost, Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. Fry, Frederick WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. Fryer, Frances Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Fulford, Catherine, 1 Jan. 1920. Fuller, Mabel Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. FuUer, Mary Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Fulljames, Edith Marianne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Firmer, Duncan CampbeU, 1 Jan. 1920. Gaddum, Arthur Graham, 1 Jan. 1920. Gahan, Rev. Horace Sthling Townsend, 1 Jan. 1920. Gah, Christina Ellen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Gaisford, Gertrude Emma Frances, 1 Jan. 1920 GaUaway, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Galloway, Kathleen Frances Elaine, 1 Jan. 1920. GaUoway, Mary Hellene, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Gamble, WUliam Michael Hudson Julius, 1 Jan. 1920. Gane, Percy James, 1 Jan. 1920. Gant, Wilfred Robert Pinfold, 1 Jan. 1920. Gard, WilUam Garrard Snowdon, 1 Jan. 1920. Gardiner, Frederick Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Gardiner, Henry WUloughby, 1 Jan. 1920. Gardiner, Robert Fulton, 1 Jan. 1920. Gardiner, WilUam Rattray, 1 Jan. 1920. Gardner, Jessie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Gardner, WiUiam Reid, 1 Jan. 1920. Garford, Marian, 1 Jan. 1920. Garland, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Garland, Hilda Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. Garner, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. Garratt, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Garrett, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Garrow, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Garry, Thomas Gerald, 1 Jan. 1920. Garton, Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. Garvey, Harrie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Garwood, Edmund John, 1 Jan. 1920. Gaskin, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Gates, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Gayton, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. Gear, Elizabeth Anne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Geary, Henry Valentine, 1 Jan. 1920. Gedge, John Henry Barnes, 1 Jan. 1920. Gee, Frederick Whitfield, 1 Jan. 1920. GemmeU Alice Caroline Anne, 1 Jan. 1920. Genders, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. Gent, WUliam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. George, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. George, WUliam Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. Georges, Edith Alexa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Gibb, Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. Gibson, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Gibson, James Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. Gibson, Lawrence, 1 Jan. 1920. Gibson, Thomas George, 1 Jan. 1920. Gifford, Emma, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. GUbertson, Mary CampbeU Bisset, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. GUburd, WiUiam Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Giles, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. GiUanders, Frances Geraldine, Mrs. Mackenzie-, 1 Jan. 1920. Giller, George Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. GiUett, Henry WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. GiUett, John CorneUus, 1 Jau. 1920. GiUott, Mary Alovsia, 1 Jan. 1920. GUmore, Fred Peden, 1 Jan. 1920. GUmour, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. GUmour, Robert Scott, 1 Jan. 1920. Gihoy, James Boyd, 1 Jan. 1920. Given, John Cecil Mackmnrdo, 1 Jan. 1920. Gladwyn, Sidney Charies, 1 Jan. 1920. Glaysher, Henry Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Glayzer, Edward John, 1 Jan. 1920. Glossop, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Goad, Edwin Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Goad, Frederick Lockhart, 1 Jan. 1920. Godfrey, Norah, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Godwin, George Batley, 1 Jan. 1920. Goff, EmUy Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. Goldsworthy Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1920. Gollance, Ernest Marcus, 1 Jan. 1920. Gollin, Walter Josephson, 1 Jan 1920. Gooch, Eva Conway Everard, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Gooch Ivy, 1 Jan. 1920. Goodbody, Lydia Maria, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. MEMBERS. 8229 Gooch, Henry Martyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 8230 Goodden, Caroline, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8231 Goodrich, Walter Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 8232 Goodwin, Charles Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920 8233 Goodwin, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8234 Gordon, Edward Pirie-, 1 Jan. 1920. 8235 Gordon, Ellinor Maud, Mrs. More-, 1 Jan 1920 8236 Gorman, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8237 Gosling, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 8238 Goss, LUian May, 1 Jan. 1920. 8239 Gosse, Hope Wilkes, 1 Jan. 1920. 8240 Gough, Kathleen Mona, 1 Jan. 1920. 8241 Gould, William Edward Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920 8242 Gracey, Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 8243 Gracie, William McAuley, 1 Jau. 1920. 8244 Graham, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8245 Graham, Jannet, 1 Jan. 1920. 8246 Graham, Robert Balfour, 1 Jan. 1920. 8248 Graham, Thomas H, 1 Jan. 1920. 8249 Graham, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 8250 Grant, Agnes Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8251 Grant, Emma Egerton, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8252 Grant, Ethel OgUvie, 1 Jan. 1920. 8253 GranvUle, Agatha, 1 Jan. 1920. 8254 Graves, Margrett Massy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8255 Gray, Ada LeUa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8256 Gray, Julie Hunter, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8257 Gray, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8258 Greathead, Alice Charlotte, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8259 Grech, Elizabeth Constance Vittoria, 1 Jan. 1920. 8260 Green, Alfred John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8261 Green, Henry Martyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 8262 Green, Henry WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8263 Greenaway, Thomas Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8264 Greenhalgh, Frederick William, 1 Jan. 1920. 8265 Greenland, Dora, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8266 Greenland, WUliam John Steward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8267 Greenup, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8268 Greenway, Bessie, 1 Jan. 1920. 8269 Greenwood, Fred, 1 Jan. 1920. 8270 Greenwood, Josemee Marguerite, 1 Jan. 1920. 8271 Gregory, Alfred Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8272 Gregory, Arthur Lamden, 1 Jan. 1920. 8273 Gregory, Ethel Amy, 1 Jan. 1920. 8274 Gregory, Harry WiUiam George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8275 Gregson, George Woolley, 1 Jan. 1920. 8276 Greig, Margaret Eunice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8277 Greig, PhylUs Evelyn, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8278 Grier, Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 8279 Griffiths, Griffith Nathan, 1 Jan. 1920. 8280 Griffiths, Ida MUdred Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8281 Griffiths, Marion, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8282 Griffiths, Sarah Ann, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8283 Griffiths, Walter James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8284 Grime, Joseph Crookes, 1 Jan. 1920. 8285 Grimsdale, Blanche Emma, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8286 Grimsdale, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 8287 Grimwade, Isabella Emily, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8288 Groves, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8289 Grubb, Charles John Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8290 Gruchy, Amy Douglas de, 1 Jan. 1920. 8291 Grundy, EmUy Susan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8292 Grundy, LUy, 1 Jan. 1920. 8293 Guinness, Kenehn Edward Lee Guinness, 1 Jan. 1920. 8294 Gunn, Edith Milner, 1 Jan. 1920. 8295 Gunn, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8296 Gunson, AUce Maud, 1 Jan. 1920. 8297 Gunton, Ernest. 1 Jan. 1920. 8298 Gurney, Cecily Jane, 1 Jan. 1920. 8299 Gurteen, Horace. 1 Jan. 1920. 8300 Gyles, John WiUiam, 1 Jan 1920. 8301 Hackett, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8302 Hadfleld, John White, 1 Jan. 1920. 8303 Hadley, Joanna Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8304 Hatfield, Walter Milford Paget, 1 Jan. 1920. 8305 Haggard, Lilias Margitson Rider, 1 Jan. 1920. 8306 Haig, Mary LUian, 1 Jan. 1920. 8307 Haigh, George William, 1 Jan. 1920. 8308 Hains, John James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8309 Hainworth, Edward Marrack, 1 Jan. 1920. 8310 Hah, John Hugh. 1 Jan. 1920. 8311 Hale, Felix, 1 Jan. 1920. 8312 Hale, Muriel AUce Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8313 Hale, Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. 8314 Haler, Percy James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8315 HaU, Elizabeth EUen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8316 Hall, Frederick HoUand, 1 Jan. 1920. 8317 HaU, Henry Leonard, 1 Jan. 1920. 8318 Hall, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8319 Hall, Mary Eleanor, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8320 Hall, Matthew, 1 Jan. 1920. 8321 HaUam, Ernest Robert Francis, 1 Jan 1920. 8322 HalUday, WUliam Jamieson, 1 Jan. 1920. 8323 Hallifax, Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 8324 HaUiweU, David, 1 Jan. 19a). 8325 HaUiweU, John, 1 Jan. K20. 8326 Halsey, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8327 Haly, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8328 Hamer, Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1920 8329 Hamilton, Ethel Mary, 1 Jan. 1920, 8330 Hamlyn, Mary Sylvia Calmady, 1 Jan. 1920. oooi gammick, j^y Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. o,™ Hammond, Emmeline Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8333 Hampshhe, Frederick, 1 Jan, 1920. °334 Hampton. Clement Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8335 Hancock, Alice Maud Nancy, Lady Burford , 1 Jan. 8336 Hancock, Aline Marie, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920 8337 Hancock, William Hern, 1 Jan. 1920. 8338 Hancox, Cecil John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8339 Handford, Margaret Emma, IDs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8340 Handley, Kirk, 1 Jan. 1920. 8341 Hankinson, Charles James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8342 Hanna, Ellen Victoria, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8343 Hannaford, Claude, 1 Jan. 1920 8344 Hannan, George James Bryce, 1 Jan. 1920. 8345 Hanscomb. Henry Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 8346 Hansen, Alma, 1 Jan. 1920. 8347 Hansen, Sven Wohlford, 1 Jan. 1920. 8348 Hansford, Ernest William Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8249 Happell, David. 1 Jan. 1920. 8350 Hardie, Annie, 1 Jan. 1920. 8351 Harding, Ethel Emma, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8352 Hardy, Dorothy Clara, 1 Jan. 1920. 8353 Hardy, Margaret Jane, 1 Jan. 1920. 8354 Hardy, Margaret Joy Cozens-, 1 Jan. 1920, 8356 Hardy, William Eversley, 1 Jan. 1920. 8357 Hare, Francis Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8358 Hare, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 8359 Harington, Wanda Grace, 1 Jan. 1920. 8360 Harlock, Emily, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8361 Harlock, Wilfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 8362 Harlow, Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8363 Hamden, Alfred Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 8364 Harnett, WiUiam Augustus, 1 Jan. 1920- 8365 Harper, Edward Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8366 Harper, Francis Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8367 Harper, Sydney, 1 Jan. 1920. 8368 Harries, Owen, 1 Jan. 1920. 8369 Harris, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1920; 8370 Harrington, Henry Augustus, 1 Jan. 1920. 8371 Harris, Andrew, 1 Jan. 192Q. 8372 Harris, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 8373 Harris, Faith Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8374 Harris, Francis William Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8375 Harris, George Hardy, 1 Jan. 1920. 8376 Harris, Henry Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 8377 Harris, Rev. John Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 8378 Harris, Lillie Crawford, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8379 Harris, Mary Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. 8380 Harris, William Rowland, 1 Jan. 1920. 8381 Harrison, Elsie Lydia, 1 Jan. 1920. 8382 Harrison, Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 8383 Harrison, Freda, 1 Jan. 1920. 8384 Harrison, Gwynedd Helen Lightfoot, 1 Jan. 1920. 8385 Hamson, Hilda Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8386 Harrison, Muriel Evelyn. 1 Jan. 1920. 8387 Harrison, Sydney Thomas Walker, 1 Jan. 1920. 8388 Harrison, William Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 8389 Harrisson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8390 Harry, Richard John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8391 Harsley, Martha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920i 8392 Hart, Charles James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8393 Hart, Cyril Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8394 Hart, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8395 Hart, Surrey Rutherfora, 1 Jan. 1920. 8396 Harvey, Winifred Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1920. 8397 Harward, Mabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8398 Harward, Rev. Reginald Cuthbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8399 Harwood, Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 8400 Haslam, Francis Meadosvs, 1 Jan. 1920 8401 Hastings, Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8402 HassveU, John Watson, 1 Jan. 1920. 8403 Harton, James Thomas 1 Jan. 1920. 8404 Haughton, Francis George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8405 Hawke, Dora Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8406 Hawkes, Violet, 1 Jan. 1920. 8407 Hawkins, Beatrice Helen, 1 Jan. 1920. 8408 Hawkins, Florence Beatrice, Mrs, 1 Jan: 1920. 8409 Hawkins, Sarah Annie Moss, 1 Jan. 1920. 8410 Hawksworth, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 8411 Hay, Eveline Anstey, Mrs. Drummond, 1 Jan. 1920. 8412 Hayes, Annie Rosina, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8413 Hayes, John Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8414 Hayne, Louis BrightweU, 1 Jan. 1920. 8415 Haynes. George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8416 Hayward, John Robert Baxter, 1 Jan. 1920, 8417 Hayward, Margaret Frances Curtis-, 1 Jan. 1920, 8418 Heads, John George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8419 Healey, John Edridge, 1 Jan. 1920. 8420 Hean, Walter John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8421 Heap, Edward Barlow. 1 Jan. 1920. 8422 Heaps, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8423 Hearnden, Horace Richard 1 Jan. 1920. 8424 Hearsey, Dorothy Maud. Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8425 Heath, George Augustine, 1 Jan. 1920. 8426 Heath, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 8427 Heathcote, Lucy Lyttelton, Mrs, 1 Jan. .1920. 8428 Heatley, Thomas Common, 1 Jan. 1920. 8429 Heatiy, Richard Fade Goff, 1 Jan. 1920. 693 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 8430 Heaton, Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8431 Hebblethwaite, Reginald Sidney, 1 Jan. 1920. 8432 Hedderwick, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8433 Hedge, Henry Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 8434 Hedges, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8435 Heggie, Amelia Young, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 8436 Helm, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8437 Hemphrey, Bernard, 1 Jan. 1920. 8438 Henderson, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8439 Henderson, Harry Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920 8440 Henderson, John Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 8441 Henderson, Marjorie Grace Seton, 1 Jan. 1920, 8442 Henderson, Rosa Agnes, 1 Jan. 1920. 8443 Henrotin Jessie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8444 Henry, Margaret Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8445 Henry, Reginald George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8446 Henshaw, Thomas Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 8447 Herapath, Margaret Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8448 Heraud, Victor Carpenter, 1 Jan. 1920. 8449 Herdman, Maud Harriet, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8450 Heron, Cyril Renton, 1 Jan, 1920. 8451 Herr, Helena, 1 Jan. 1920. 8452 Hewitt, Sarah, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8453 Hewlett, Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1920. 8454 Hibbs, Frank Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8455 Hickley, SybU Louise, Mrs. North-, 1 Jan. 1920. 8456 Hicklin, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 8457 Hickman, Kenneth Claude Devereux, 1 Jan. 1920. 8458 Hicks, Amy Maud, 1 Jan. 1920. 8459 Hicks, John WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8460 Hickson, Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8461 Hide, Annie May Constance, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8462 Higgin, EUzabeth PhUadelptoa Lockhart, Mrs., 1 1920. 8463 Higgins, Arthur Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. 8464 Higgon, Victor James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8465 Higgs, Charles James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8466 Higman, Joseph CressweU, 1 Jan. 1920. 8467 Hignett, Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8468 Hildyard, Cicely Frances 1 Jan. 1920. 8469 Hill, Alfred Roland, 1 Jan. 1920. 847U HU1, George Grayson, 1 Jan. 1920. 8471 HiU, Ueorge James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8472 HiU, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8473 Hill, Helen Agatha, 1 Jan. 1920. 8474 HUlkirk, Evelyn Margaret. 1 Jan. 1920. 8475 Hillman. George Brown, 1 Jan. 1920. 8476 HUls. Lucy 1 Jan. 1920. 8477 Hills, Reginald Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8478 HUton, Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 8479 HUton, Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8480 Hinton, Margaret Searle, 1 Jan. 1920. 8481 Hitch. LiUan, 1 Jan. 1920. 8482 Hitchcock, Katherine Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8483 Hitchon, Witham, 1 Jan. 1920. 8484 Hives, Ernest Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 8485 Hoare, Daisy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8486 Hoare, Juliana Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 8487 Hoare, Frances Louisa Gurney, 1 Jan. 1920. 8488 Hobbs, May Elliot, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8489 Hocking, Francis Almond, 1 Jan. 1920. 8490 Hockridge, Alfred George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8491 Hodes, Francis Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 8492 Hodge, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 8493 Hodge, Rebecca Prince, 1 Jan. 1920. 8494 Hodges, James Robert, 1 «in. 1920. 8495 Hodgkinson Thomas Thorpe, 1 Jan. 1920. 8496 Hodgson, Jonathan Wright. 1 Jan. 1920. 8497 Hodsman, Henry James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8498 Hodson, Violet, 1 Jan. 1920. 8499 Hoffman, EmUie, 1 Jan. 1920. 8500 Holderness, Barry Layton, 1 Jan. 1920. 8501 Holland, Mary Blanche 1 Jan. 1920. 8502 Holland, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8503 Hollander. John William, 1 Jan. 1920 8504 HoUick, Frank 1 Jan. 1920. 8505 Hollingdale, Harold John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8506 Hollins, Rotha Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8507 Hollis, John Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 8508 HoUoway, Arthur Brissenden, 1 Jan. 1920. 8509 HoUoway, Herbert Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 8510 Holmes, Margaret Ann Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8511 Holt, Gertrude Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8512 Holt, James Marston, 1 Jan. 1920. 8513 Hood, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8514 Hookers, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. S51S Hooper, Florence Mary Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1020. 8516 Hooper, Helen Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 8517 Hooper, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8518 Hopkins, Charles James WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 5512 Hopkins, Frederick Friend, 1 Jan. 1920. 8520 Hopper, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8521 Hopps, William George, 1 Jan. 1020. S5S? Horn, Edith Mabel Freeman-, 1 Jan. 1920. 8523 Horn Gerald, 1 Jan. 1920 8524 Hornbuckle, lhomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8525 Hornby, Anna, Mrs. Phipps, 1 Jan. 1920 ffgg Home, Marjorie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8527 Horndge, Herbert WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920 8528 Horsburgh. Florence Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920 Jan. 8529 85308531853285338534 8535 853685378538 8539 85408541 854285438544 85458546 85478548 8549 8550 855185528553855485558556855785588559 856085618562 8563 8564856585668567 856885698570 8571 8572 85738574 85758576 8577 8578 85798580858185828583 85848585858685878588 8589 8590 85918592 8593 8594859585968597 8593 8599 8600 8601 86028603 86048605 8606 86078608 860986108611 86128613 86148615 8616 86178618 861986208621 8622 8623 86248625 86268627 8628 694 Horsburgh, Lambert Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. Horsfield, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Horsfield, Robert Lund, 1 Jan. 1920. Horsman, Ernest George, 1 Jan. 1920. HothersaU, WUliam Christian. 1 Jan. 1920. House, Charles Edward George, 1 Jan. 1920. Howard, Hon. Bernard Edward Fitzalan. 1 Jan. 1920. Howard, Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. Howard, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Howe, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Howe, Clarence Samuel, 1 Jan, 1920. Howe, Francis CecU, 1 Jan. 1920. Howell, Charles Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. HoweU, Ivor Morris, 1 Jan. 1920. HoweU. Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. HoweUs, William WaUace, 1 Jan. 1920. Howes, Arthur James, 1 Jan. 1920. Howse, GUbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Hoyle, George Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Hoyle, Philip John, 1 Jan. 1920. Hubbert, Oliver John, 1 Jan. 1920. Huddlestone, Frieda, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Hudson, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Hudson, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Hudson, George, 1 Jan. 1920. Hudson, Joe, 1 Jan. 1920. Hudson, RusseU, 1 Jan. 1920. Hudson, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. Huggins, Amy Christine Adela, 1 Jan. 1920. Huggins, Elizabeth Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Hughes, Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. Hughes, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Hughes, Dulcie, 1 Jan. 1920. Hughes, Frederick Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. Hughes, John Gwilym, 1 Jan. 1920. Hughes, Richard Lloyd, 1 Jan. 1920. Hughes, Thomas John, 1 Jan. 1920. Hughes, WUUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Hull, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Hulme, Gilbert Ratclitfe, 1 Jan. 1920. Hume, Alexander Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. Hunt, Arthur Henry WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. Hunt, Francis CecU, 1 Jan. 1920. Hunt, LUian Hart, 1 Jan. 1920. Hunt, Stanley Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. Hunter, WiUiam Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Huntley Alfred Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Hurley, Charles Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. Hurlston, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Hurson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Hussey, Annie, 1 Jan. 1920. Hutcheon, Ada Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Hutcbeon, Alexander Byres, 1 Jan. 1920. Hutcheson, Grace, 1 Jan. 1920. Hutchison, Agnes Hood, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. Hutchison, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Hutchison, Sarah Hannah, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Hutton, Arnold WilUam. 1 Jan. 1920. Hyslop, Dene Murray, 1 Jan. 1920. Hyslop, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Hyson, Herbert Augustine Henry, 1 Jan. 1920 Idle, Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. Ifould, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. Imison, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920, IngUby, Marjorie Cecily, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Ingram, Alfred Sydenham, 1 Jan. 1920. Inman, Ernest Stobart, 1 Jan. 1920. Iredale, Joe, 1 Jan. 1920. Deland, Henry Ralph, 1 Jan. 1920. Deland, Myrtle, Mrs. De Courcy, 1 Jan. 1920. Dish, Elsie CeUa, 1 Jan. 1920. Dvtoe, John Maitland, 1 Jan. 1920. Dving, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Dwin, Jean Percival, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Irwin. Sarah, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. Isaac, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Isaac, John Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Isaacs, Ellis, 1 Jan. 1920. IveU, Grace Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. jacka, Hilda Tyacke, 1 Jan. 1920. Jackson, Daniel Noel, 1 Jan. 1920. Jackson, Edward Siddall, 1 Jan. 1920. Jackson, Freda Christelle, 1 Jan. 1920. Jackson, Maud Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920, Jacobs, Dorothy Isabel, 1 Jan. 1920, Jacobs, Louis, 1 Jan. 1920. Jakeway, George. 1 Jan. 1920. James, Frank Treharne, 1 Jan. 1920. James, Frederick John, 1 Jan. 1920. James, Helen Mary(Penel). Mrs. FuUarton-, 1 Jan. 1920. Jameson Erskine Dawson, 1 Jan. 1920. Jameson WUliam Storm, 1 Jan. 1920, Jamieson, Adam James, 1 Jan. 1920 Japp, George Allison, 1 Jan. 1920. Jardim, Antonietta Marcial, 1 Jan. 1920 Jarratt, Elizabeth Lankester, Mrs, 1 Jan 1920 Jarrold, Alice Isobella, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 ' Jarvis, AUred William, 1 Jan. 1920 Jarvis, Enid SybU, 1 Jan. 1920 Jeal George, 1 Jan. 1920. MEMBERS. 8629 Jeffery, Benjamin James Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8630 Jeffery, Herbert Athelstan 1 Jan. 1920. 8631 Jekyll, Annie, 1 Jan. 1920. 8632 Jenkins, Mary Ann, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8633 Jenkins, Percy Fitzgerald, 1 Jan. 1920. 8634 Jenkinson, Mary Adeline, 1 Jan. 1920. 8635 Jennens, Lenore Sybil, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8636 Jennings, Arthur Oldham, 1 Jan. 1920. 8637 Jennings, Harry John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8638 Jennings, Leonard William, 1 Jan. 1920. 8639 Jensen, Winifred, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8640 Jephcott, Susan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8641 Jervoise, Edwyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 8642 Jesson, George Arthur Touchet 1 Jan. 1920. 8643 Jesty, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 8644 Jeune, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8645 Jimenez, Vivian Eustace, 1 Jan. 1920. 8646 Johns, Richard John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8647 Johnson, Adela, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8648 Johnson, Edwin Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8649 Johnson, Rev. Gifford Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8650 Johnson, James William, 1 Jan. 1920. 8651 Johnson, Margaret Lilian, 1 Jan. 1920. 8652 Johnson, Percy Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 8653 Johnson, Richard Spencer, 1 Jan. 1920. 8654 Johnson, Rosa Webb-, 1 Jan. 1920. 8655 Johnson. William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8656 Johnston, Charles Saint 1 Jan. 1920. 8657 Johnstone, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 8658 Johnstone, James Drummond, 1 Jan. 1920. 8659 Jones, Arthur Palm, 1 Jan. 1920. 8660 Jones, Bessie Lyon, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8661 Jones, Cecil Barclay. 1 Jan. 1920. 8662 Jones, Charles Leupolt, 1 Jan. 1920. 8663 Jones, Edith Muriel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8664 Jones, George Henry Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 8665 Jones, Hannah, 1 Jan. 1920. 8666 Jones, Henry John Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 8667 Jones, Herbert Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 8668 Jones, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8669 Jones, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8670 Jones, John Colenso, 1 Jan. 1920. 8671 Jones, John Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 8672 Jones, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8673 Jones, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8674 Jones, Llewellvn Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8675 Jones, Owen Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8676 Jones, Robert Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 8677 Jones, William. 1 Jan. 1920. 8678 Jones, WUliam James WaUis-, 1 Jan. 1920. 8679 Jordan, Charles WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8680 Jordan, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8681 Joseph, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 8682 Joseph, Janie, 1 Jan. 1920. 8683 Joslin, WiUiam Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8684 Joy, Jane Madeleine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8685 Judd, Leonard WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8686 Kastor, Ella Marguerite, 1 Jan. 1920. 8687 Kay. David, 1 Jan. 1920. 8688 Kay, WiUiam Norrie, 1 Jan. 1920. 8689 Kearns, Haidee Ida, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8690 Keeson, Peridot Cuthbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8691 Kelham, Margaret Ethel Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8692 Kelly, Edmund Walsh, 1 Jan. 1920. 8693 Kemble, Katherine Charlotte, 1 Jan. 1920. 8694 Kemp, Amelia Susanna, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8695 Kemp, Charles Richard WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8696 Kemp, Herbert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8697 Kemp, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 8698 Kemp, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8699 KendaU, Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1920. 8700 Kendall, Kathleen Addison, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8701 Kennedy, Walter, 1 Jan. 1.920. 8702 Kennett, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 8703 Kenyon, MiUy Esther Innes, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8704 Kerr, Sybil Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8705 Kesteven, Clement Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 8706 KetteU, James Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8707 Kidson, Edith Marian, 1 Jan. 1920. 8708 Kidson, Jessie CecUia Brownhe, Mrs, , 1 Jan. 192U. 8709 Kttgour, Martin Hamilton, 1 Jan. 1920. 8710 KUner, Charles Scott, 1 Jan. 1920 8711 Kimber, Florence Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. 8712 Kindersley, Ada Molesworth, 1 Jan. 1920. 8713 King, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8714 Kingsbury, Kathleen, 1 Jan. 1920. 8715 Kingzett, Norman Froggatt, 1 Jan. 1920. 8716 Kinnear, James Francis, 1 Jan. 1920 8717 Kiralfy, Gerald Archibald, 1 Jan. 1920. 8718 Kirke, Sarah EUzabeth, Mrs , 1 Jan. 19ZU. 8719 Khkwood, Ethel Kate, Mrs, 1 Jan 1920. 8720 Kissock, WilUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8721 Knight, Enid Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8722 Knight, Florence Mary, Mrs., 1 Jan. la^u. 8723 Knight, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8724 Knight, Violet Hannah. Mrs., 1 Jan 1920. 8725 Knighton, Thomas Spencer 1 Jan. 1920 8726 Knoop. Evelyn Elizabeth, Mrs. De, 1 Jan. 1920. 8727 Knox, David Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 8728 Lacey, Ellen, 1 Jan. 1920. 8729873087318732 8783873487358736873787388739 8740874187428743874487458746874787488749875087518752875387558756875787588759876087618762876387648765876687678768876987708771 8772877387748775 8776 8777 8778 87798780878187828783 8784 87858786 8787 8788 87898790 8791 87928793879487958796 8797 8798 87998800 8801 8802880388048805 880688078808 88098810 88118812 8814 88158816 8817 8818 881988208821 8822 8823882488258826882788288829 Lacey, Henry Cubitt, 1 JaD. 1920. Laldlay, Jane Eileen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Laing George Smith, 1 Jan. 1920. Lake, Alfred Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. Laker, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Lamb, Emily Frances Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. Lambert, Henrietta Isabella, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Lambert, Octavius Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Lambert, Olive Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Lambton, Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1920. Lamont, John Macnab, 1 Jan. 1920. Lane, Helena, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Lang, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Langlord, Frederic Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Langley, George Johnson, 1 Jan. 1920. Langridge, Harry Dickinson, 1 Jan. 1920. Langstaff, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Langton, Albert Smith, 1 Jan. 1920. Large, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. Larkman, Raymond, 1 Jan. 1920. Larsson, Carl Alfred. 1 Jan. 1920. Latter, Eva, 1 Jan. 1920. Latter, Flora, 1 Jan. 1920. Lattimore, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1920. Laurenson, George, 1 Jan. 1920. Law, Bertha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Lawford, Emma Ada, 1 Jan. 1920. Lawrance, Dora Muriel, 1 Jan. 1920. Lawrence, Isaac, 1 Jan. 1920. Lawrence, Margaret Alice, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Lawry, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Lawson, Emma" Louisa, 1 Jan. 1920. Lawson, Noel John Cecil, 1 Jan. 1920. Lawson, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. Leach, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Leach, Claude Pemberton, 1 Jan. 1920. Leach, Mary Sumner, 1 Jan. 1920. Lean, Jannette Winifred, 1 Jan. 1920, Leaning, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. Lecourt, Rev. Gustave Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Ledbury, Rowland Egbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Ledger, Sidney Seaward, 1 Jan. 1920. Ledingham, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Lee, George, 1 Jan. 1920. Lee, Henry Blott 1 Jan. 1920. Lee, John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Lee, Mabel Meryck, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Lee, Rev. Canon William, 1 Jan. 1920. Lee, William John, 1 Jan. 1920. Leech, Beatrice Ellen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Leedom, Beatrice Lucy, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. Leeper, Elizabeth Anne, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. Leetham, Ethel Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Leigh, Alan de Verd, 1 Jan. 1920. Leigh, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Lemon, Margaretta Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Leslie, Emily Florence, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Leslie, George, 1 Jan. 1920. Lesser, Catherine Maud, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Lester, Horace Lenton, 1 Jan. 1920. Levitt, Robert Thorp, 1 Jan. 1920. Lewellen, Florence Beatrice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Lewes, Mary Louisa 1 Jan. 1920. Lewin, Percy Evans, 1 Jan. 1920. Lewis, Alice Pansy Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Lewis, Benjamin Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. Lewis, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. Lewis, Sarah Agnes Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Lewis, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Lewis, William John, 1 Jan. 1920. Lewty, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Liddell, Rhoda Caroltae Anna, 1 Jan. 1920. Liddell, Violet Constance, 1 Jan. 1920. Lightfoot, Theresa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Llghtwood, Francis Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. Liburn, Bethea, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Lilley, Kate, 1 Jan. 1920. Lindsay, Alexander Harvey, 1 Jan. 1920. Lindsay, Eliza Hunter, 1 Jan. 1920. Lmfoot, William Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Link, Emily Ethel, 1 Jan. 1920. Linton, Charles AsteU George, 1 Jan. 1920. Lintott, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. Livingstone, Marion Isabella Rose, Mrs. Fenton- 1 Jan. 1920. Lloyd, Arthur Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. Lloyd, Christopher, 1 Jan. 1920. Lloyd, Frances, Mrs. Merrick, 1 Jan. 1920. Lloyd, Frederick Propert Jones-, 1 Jan. 1920. Lloyd, George Maybrey, 1 Jan. 1920. Lloyd, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Lloyd, John Daniel. 1 Jan. 1920. Lloyd, John WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. Lloyd, Thomas Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. Lloyd, Reginald WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Llywarch, Gerard, 1 Jan. 1920. Locock, Katharine Beatrice, 1 Jan. 1920 Loder, Henrietta Mabel, Mrs. 1 Jan. 1920. Lomax, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Longcroft, CecU James, 1 Jan. 1920. 695 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 8830 Lord, Arthur Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 8831 Lord, William John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8832 Lovelock, Charles Prior, 1 Jan. 1920. 8833 Lowe, Henry 1 Jan. 1920. 8834 Lowndes, William Frederick Lowdnes Frith-, 1 Jan. 1920. 8835 Luard Louise Henrietta, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8836 Lucas, Mia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8837 Luck, Ernest Bertram, 1 Jan. 1920. 8838 Luckhurst, AUen Edward James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8839 Luddtagton, Leila Arthur, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8840 Ludford, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 8841 Luffman, Brooke Laud 1 Jan. 1920. 8842 Luffman, John George Innes, 1 Jan. 1920. 8843 Lumley, Eva, 1 Jan. 1920 8844 Lumsden, John Brown, 1 Jan. 1920. 8845 Lumsden, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8846 Lungley, George William, 1 Jan. 1920. 8847 Lunn, WUUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8848 Lupton, Anne Muriel, 1 Jan. 1920. 8849 Lyddon, Katherine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8850 Lyel, Percival Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 8851 Lyell, Maud Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8852 Lymburn, Mary Jane Dickie, 1 Jan. 1920. 8853 Lynn, Tryner 1 Jan. 1920. 8854 Lyons, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8855 Macafee, Annie Harner, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8856 Macan, Dorothy Vernon, 1 Jan. 1920. 8857 McArthur, Gladys Forbes, 1 Jan. 1920. 8858 McBiight, David Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 8859 McBryde, Tom Murray, 1 Jan. 1920. 8860 McCall, Amy Kerr, 1 Jan. 1920. 8861 Macall, William NeU, 1 Jan. 1920. 8862 McCallum, Dugald, 1 Jan. 1920. 8863 MacCartie, Flora Theodosia, 1 Jan. 1920. 8864 McClure, Janet Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 8865 McCIymont, Lillie Atkinson, 1 Jan. 1920. 8866 McCreery, Emilia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8867 Macdonald, Amy Beatrice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8868 Macdonald, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 8869 Macdonald, Elsie Hay, 1 Jan. 1920. 8870 Macdonald, Johanna Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8871 Macdonald, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8872 McDonald, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8873 Macdonald, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8874 Macdonald, Margaret Clare, 1 Jan. 1920. 8875 McDonald, Reginald Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8876 Macdonald, Wilfrid Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 8877 McDougall, Donald, 1 Jan. 1920. 8878 McDougall, Harold James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8879 Macey, Josiah, 1 Jan. 1920. 8880 McFadyen, Duncan, 1 Jan. 1920. 8881 McFerran, Sarah Helen, 1 Jan. 1920. 8882 Macfie, Mary Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8883 McGeorge, Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8884 McGHvray, James Anderson, 1 Jan. 1920. 8885 McGiU, Alice Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8886 McGonigal, Margaret Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1920 8887 McGowan, Margaret Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8888 M'Grath, WeUington Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8889 Macgregor, John Alister, 1 Jan. 1920. 8890 McGutoness, Norah Mary Ursula, 1 Jan. 1920 8891 Mcintosh, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 8892 Mcintosh, Alexander Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 8893 Mack, Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. 8894 Mackarness, Mildred Blankley, Mrs, 1 Jan 1920 8895 Mackay, Murdoch, 1 Jan. 1920. 8896 Mackenzie, Dorothy Rose. 1 Jan. 1920. 8897 Mackenzie, Frances Louisa, 1 Jan 1920 8898 Mackenzie, Kenneth Child, 1 Jan. 1920. 8899 Mackenzie, May, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 8900 Mackenzie, Mina, 1 Jan. 1920. 8901 MacKenzie, Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. 8902 McKerrow, Alexandrina, 1 Jan. 1920 8903 Mackidd, Barbara Winifred Logan, 1 Jan. 1920 8904 Mackie, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8905 McKUlop Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 8906 Mackinder, Charles Henry 1 Jan. 1920 8907 Mackintosh, Alexander, 1 Jan 1920 8908 Mackintosh, Donald Grant, 1 Jau. 1920 8909 Mackintosh, Herbert Bannerman, 1 Jan 1920 8910 McLachlan, Guendolen Mab, Mrs, 1 Jan 1920- 8911 MacLachan, Morrison, 1 Jan. 1920 8912 McLagan, Douglas Craig, 1 Jan. 1920 8913 McLaren, Nellie Hessel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 8914 McLaughlin, Hubert WUUam Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 8915 McLaughiin, Patrick Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920 8916 Maclean, Marion Louise, Mrs, 1 Jan 1920 8917 MacLeod, Harold Hay Brodie, 1 Jan 1920 8918 Maclure, Harry JuUus, 1 Jan. 1920 8919 McMahon, Michael, 1 Jan. 1920 8920 McMenamin, Peter Paul, 1 Jan 1920 8921 McMenemy, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920 8922 MacMUJan, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920 8923 McMUlan, Sara Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan 1920 8924 McMurdo, Archibald Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920 8925 McNeill, Eileen Maud Mary, 1 Jan 1920- 8926 MacNelll, Malcolm, 1 Jan. 1920 8927 McNicoll, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 8928 Macphail, Dugald, 1 Jan. 1920. 8929 Macrae. Elizabeth Nina, 1 Jan. 1920 696 8930 McRaith, John Warden, 1 Jan. 1920. 8931 MacSwinney, Nora Kathleen. 1 Jan. 1920. 8932 Mactier, Henry Can er, 1 Jan. 1920. 8933 McTurk, Isabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8934 Maddison, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8935 Madge, Gwendolen Mary Gladys, 1 Jan. 1920. 8936 Magee, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8937 Magor, Edward Manuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 8938 Main, Ernest WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8939 Mah, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 8940 Mainz, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 8941 Maitland, Jean Hamilton, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8942 Malcolm, George WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8943 Malerbi, James Michael, 1 Jan. 1920. 8944 Malim, JuUa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8945 MaUen, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8946 Malloch, Ethel Josephine Victoria, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8947 Malonev, WiUiam DonneUan, 1 Jan. 1920. 8948 Maltby, WUliam Graham, 1 Jan. 1920. 8949 Mamos, Monsignore Giovanni, 1 Jan. 1920. 8950 Maniece, WUUam Christopher Henry. 1 Jan. 1920. 8951 Mann, Frederick WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8952 Mann, Sydney Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 8953 ManseU, Rosalie, 1 Jan. 1920. 8954 Mansfield, Norman Polety, 1 Jan. 1920. 8955 Manson, Albert James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8956 March, Joseph Ogdin, 1 Jan. 1920. 8957 Marchand, Isidore Henri Alphonse, 1 Jan. 1920. 8958 Marchant, Herbert George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8959 Margetson, Florence Nys, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8960 Marindto, Gertrude Florence Evelyn, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8961 Marlow, George WUUam Augustus, 1 Jan. 1920. 8962 Marsden, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 8963 Marsden, Herbert Harrison, 1 Jan. 1920. 8964 Marsh, Constance Mabel Worsey, 1 Jan. 1920. 8965 Marsh, Edith Eleanor Mary, Mrs. Chisenhale, 1 Jan. 1920. 8966 Marshall, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8967 Marshall, James Currie, 1 Jan. 1920. 8968 MarshaU, Janet Sophia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1 920. 8969 Marshall. WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8971 Martin, Francis Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 8972 Martin, Sh James, 1 Jan. 1920. 8973 Martin, Mav Angela, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8974 Martin, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 8975 Maskens, Harry Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 8976 Mason, Florence Dene, 1 Jan. 1920. 8977 Mason, Frank John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8978 Mason, John Wright, 1 Jan. 1920. 8979 Mason, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 8980 Masterton, Rev. John, 1 Jan. 1920. 8981 Mather, Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8982 Mather, Alice LUian, 1 Jan. 1920. 8983 Maton, WUliam CUfford, 1 Jan. 1920. 8984 Matthew, Ruth Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8985 Matthews, Alice May, 1 Jan. 1920. 8986 Matthews, Edward Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 8987 Matthews, Olive Harrington, 1 Jan. 1920. 8988 Matthews, Robert Lee, 1 Jan. 1920. 8989 Matthews, Sarah EmUv, 1 Jan 1920. 8990 Matthewson, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 8991 Maurice, Thomas Cooper, 1 Jan. 1920. 8992 Maurice, Walter Bvron, 1 Jan. 1920. 8993 Maxtone, Robert Young, 1 Jan. 1920. 8994 Maxwell, Adeline Helen, Mrs. Heron-, 1 Jan. 1920. 8995 MaxweU, Mary Alexandra. 1 Jan. 1920. 8996 Maxwell, William Blackley, 1 Jan. 1920. 8997 May, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 8998 May, WUliam George, 1 Jan. 1920. 8999 Mayer, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9000 Mayes, Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9001 Maynard, Annie Evelyn, IDs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9002 Mears, Grace Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. 9003 Medwin, Glads's Leslie, 1 Jan. 1920. 9004 Mee, OUver, 1 Jan. 1920. 9005 Meehan, Francis Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9006 Meiggs, Mary Effie, 1 Jan. 1920. 9007 Meigh, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9008 Melandre, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 9009 Melling, Thomas WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9010 MeUor, Juliet Vivien, 1 Jan. 1920. 9011 MeUor, WUliam Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9012 Mellows, William Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9013 Mellstrom, Charles Gustav, 1 Jan. 1920. 9014 Melville, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9015 Mercer, William Ayerst, 1 Jan. 1920. 9016 Merchant, John Victor Jabez, 1 Jan. 1920. 9017 Meredith, Ann Maude, 1 Jan. 1920. 9018 Merrick, Frederick WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9019 Messel, Maud Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9020 Metcalfe, Claude, 1 Jan. 1920. 9021 Metcalfe, George Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9022 Mial], Frank Berger, 1 Jan. 1920. 9023 Micklem, Eva, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9024 Middleton, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9025 Miles, Leopold, 1 Jan. 1920. 9026 Millar, Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. 9027 MUlard, Ernest Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920, 9028 MUler, Amy Bessie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9029 Miller, Charles Edward Augustus, 1 Jan. 1920. 9030 MUler, Charles Thomas Narramore, 1 Jan. 1920. MEMBERS. 9031 MUler, David Simpson, 1 Jan. 1920. 9032 Miller, Edmund Josiah, 1 Jau. 1920. 903S Miller, Harold Tibbatts, 1 Jan. 1920. 9034 Miller, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9035 Miller, Joseph Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9036 Miller, Sidney James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9037 MiUigan, John Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9038 Millinger, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9039 MiUington, John Price, 1 Jan. 1920. 9040 Mills, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9041 Mills, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 9042 Mills, Hon. Violet Louisa, 1 Jan. 1920. 9043 Mills, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9044 Mills, Zae, 1 Jan. 1920. 9045 Milne, Clahe Marjoribanks, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 9046 Milne, Florence, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9047 Milward, Eliza Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 9048 Mtachin, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9049 Mitchell, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 9050 MitcheU, Elisabeth Duff, 1 Jan. 1920. 9051 MitcheU, Helene Penelope Doris, 1 Jan. 1920. 9052 MitcheU, John Methven, 1 Jan. 1920. 9053 Mitchell, Lawrence Yuill, 1 Jan. 1920. 9054 Mitchell, Mary Birch, 1 Jan. 1920. 9055 Mitchell, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9056 MitcheU, Thomas John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9057 Mitford, Dorothy Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. 9058 Mizen, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9059 Moffat, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9060 Moffat, Rennie John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9061 Moh, John Watson, 1 Jan. 1920. 9062 Mole, Charles Johns, 1 Jan. 1920. 9063 Mole, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 9064 Molloy, Gwendolen Beatrice Sanchia May, Mrs, 1 Jan 1920. 9065 Molyneux, Caroltae Elizabeth, Hon. Mrs. Caryl, 1 Jan, 1920. 9066 Monk, Geoffrey, 1 Jan. 1920. 9067 Monk, William Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 9068 Montgomerie, Mary, Molineux-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9069 Montgomery, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9070 Montgomery, Mary Maud, Mrs. Purvis-Russell- 1 Jan. 1920. 9071 Montgomery, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 9072 Moon, Maltada Ann, 1 Jan. 1920. 9073 Mooney, Alexander Patrick, 1 Jan. 1920. 9074 Mooney, Rev. George Elderkin, 1 Jan. 1920. 9075 Moore, Arthur Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 9076 Moore, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9077 Moore, John George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9078 Moore, John Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9079 Moore, Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 9080 Moore, Margaret Stuart, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9081 Moore, Muriel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9082 Moore, Thomas Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 9083 Moore, William Gunn, 1 Jan. 1920. 9084 Moran, Selina, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9085 Morgan, Edith LUian, 1 Jan. 1920. 9086 Morgan, EUeen Cynthia Marjorie, 1 Jan. 1920 9087 Morgan, Ethel Marion, 1 Jan. 1920. 9088 Morgan, Robert Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9089 Morgan, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9090 Morgan, WiUiam Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9091 Morris, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 9092 Morris, Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9093 Morris, Iorwerth, 1 Jan. 1920. 9094 Morris, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9095 Morris, Max Cyril, 1 Jan. 1920. 9096 Morrison, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9097 Mortimer, Muriel Ida Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9098 Mortimer, Reginald Mortimer Higgs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9099 Mortished, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9100 Moscrip, Holbourn Jackson, 1 Jan. 1920. 9101 Moseley, Louise, 1 Jan 1920. 9102 Mostyn, Hon. Pamela Georgine, Mrs. Lloyd-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9103 Mowbray, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9104 Mudge, Jenny, 1 Jan. 1920. 9105 Muhhead, Essa GemmeU, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9106 MulhaUen, Vivian Brew-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9107 Mutter, LiUan, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9108 Muttineux, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9109 Mumford, Agnes, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9110 MungaU, Walter Heggie, 1 Jan. 1920. 9111 Mungavin, George Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 9112 Mure, Emily May, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9113 Murgatroyd, William John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9114 Murphy, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9115 Murray, Amelia Henrietta, Mrs, 1 Jan, 1920. 9116 Murray, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9117 Murray, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 9118 Murray, Josephine, 1 Jan. 1920. 9119 Murray, Robert Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 9120 Murray, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9121 Murton, AUce Hope, Mrs, 1 Jan- 1920. 9122 Musgrave, Cathertoe Wares Rittie, 1 Jan. 1920, 9123 Musgrave, WilUam Noel Sagar-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9124 Musguin, WiUiam Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9125 Musson, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9126 Mustarde, John Clark, 1 Jan. 1920. 9127 Myers, Harry Cecil, 1 Jan. 1920. 9128 91299130 913191329133 9134 9135913691379138 9139 9140 9141914291439144 91459146 91479148914991509151 9152 91539154915591569157 91589159 9160 91619162 91639164916591669167 9168 916991709171917291739174 917591769177 9178 917991809181 9182 91839184 9185918691879188 918991909191919291939194 9195 919691979198 919992009201920292039204 920592069207 92089209921092119212921392149215921692179218921992209221922292239224922592269227 Myers, Lancelot Brainard, 1 Jan. 1920. Mylchreest, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Mylius, Wilhelmtaa Leonie, 1 Jan. 1920. Nancarrow, Charlotte Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1020, Napier, Norman Wilson, 1 Jan. 1920. Nash, Alice Emma, 1 Jan. 1920. Nash, Dorothea, 1 Jan. 1920. Nash, Elsie Kathleen, 1 Jan. 1920. Nash, LUian Mary Hamel, 1 Jan. 1920. Nawton, Daisy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Nayler, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. Neave, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. NeiU, William Reid, 1 Jan. 1920. Neish, Elizabeth Oliver, 1 Jan. 1920. Nelson, Charlotte Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. Ness, Helen Dorothy Parker, 1 Jan. 1920. Newall, Helen Frances, Mrs. Stirling-, 1 Jan. 1020. Newby, Albert Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Newel, Rose Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Newman, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Newmarch, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Newnham, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Newton, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. NichoUs, Ada Casterton, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. NichoUs, Arthur Burleigh, 1 Jan. 1920. Nicholls, Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1920. NichoUs, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Nicholls, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Nichols, John Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Nichols, Thomas George, 1 Jan. 1920. Nicol, Charlotte, 1 Jan. 1920. Nicoll, William Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. Nield, FaiSrle Edith Lilian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Nisbet, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Nixon, Margaret Eva, 1 Jan. 1920. Noble, George Anderson, 1 Jan. 1920. Nolan, Elizabeth Florence Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Norie, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Norman, Jennie Gilkinson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Normington, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Norrish, Edith Gladys Barrett, 1 Jan. 1920. North, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. Northcote, Jabez Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Nott, Marjorie, 1 Jan. 1920. NuttaU, Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. NuttaU, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Oakley, Alice Annette, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Oakeshott, Claude Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. Oakeshott, Frances Maude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Oakshott, Julia Maud, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Brien, Charles Henry William, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Brien, Herbert Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Brien, Florence Mary, Mrs. Vere, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Connell, Cormac John, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Connor, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Donel, John, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Donoghue, Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Offord, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Hara, Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Oldham, Hugh Falconer, 1 Jan. 1920. Olive, May Winifred, 1 Jan. 1920. Oliver, Charles Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920i Oliver, John Pervey, 1 Jan. 1920. Olivier, Edith Maud, 1 Jan. 1920. Olver, Bertie CecU, 1 Jan. 1920. Openshaw, Edith Newbold, 1 Jan. 1920. Openshaw, Florence, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Orange, Lionel, 1 Jan. 1920. Ord, Mark Curry, 1 Jan. 1920. Orford, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Orme, Marie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. O'Rorke, Gertrude Isabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Orton, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Ostle, Helen Muriel, 1 Jan. 1920. Ottaway, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Ouseley, William, 1 Jan. 1920. Ouvry, Ernest Carrington, 1 Jan. 1920. Owen, Griffith Ellis, 1 Jan. 1920. Owen, Harry Collinson, 1 Jan. 1920. Oyston, William Fletcher, 1 Jan. 1920. Paddison, William Perceval, 1 Jan. 1920. Page, Ethel Augusta, 1 Jan. 1920. Page, Howard John, 1 Jan. 1920. Page, John Foulger, 1 Jan. 1920. Page, Regtaald, 1 Jan. 1920. Pakington, Hon. Mary Augusta, 1 Jan. 1920. Palmer Florence Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Palmer, Rosa Jane, 1 Jan. 1920. Palmer, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Pannell, Charles Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Panther, Helen Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Parish, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Park, Ernest William, 1 Jan. 1920. Parker, Ethel Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. Parker, James George, 1 Jan. 1920. Parker, Ronald Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. Parker, Bertha Theodora England, 1 Jan. 1920. Parkes, Colin Egbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Parkes, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. Parkin, Fanny Ida, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. C97 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 9228 Parkin, Joseph Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9229 Parkinson, Frederick Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9230 Parkinson, Janet, 1 Jan. 1920. 9231 Parkinson, John Frederick Main, 1 Jan. 1920. 9232 Parkinson, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 9233 Parnaby, John Murray, 1 Jan. 1920. 9234 Parsons, Arthur Ambrose, 1 Jan. 1920. 9235 Parsons, Charles O'Connor, 1 Jan. 1920. 9236 Parsons, Joan Dorothea Langton, 1 Jan. 1920. 9237 Parsons, John Edward Hocking, 1 Jan. 1920. 9238 Partington, Mary Alice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9239 Partington, Willie Percival Hindley, 1 Jan. 1920. 9240 Partridge, Sydney John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9241 Pass, Ralph, 1 Jan. 1920. 9242 Paterson, Doris Hirst, 1 Jan. 1920. 9243 Paterson, John WUson, 1 Jau. 1920. 9244 Paterson, Mary Agnes, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9245 Paton, Daniel Shaw, 1 Jan. 1920. 9246 Patterson, Robert Hogarth, 1 Jan. 1920. 9247 Patterson, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 9248 Pattie, CeeU Frederic, 1 Jan. 1920. 9249 Pattrick, Emma, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9250 Paul, Minnie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9251 Pauli, EmUy Anne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9252 Pawley, Katherine Alice, 1 Jan. 1920. 9253 Payne, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9254 Payne, EUen, 1 Jan. 1920. 9255 Payne, Hazel Vivienne, 1 Jan. 1920. 9256 Payne, Percy John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9257 Payne, Stephen, 1 Jan. 1920. 9258 Peace, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9259 Peacoeke, Aungier, 1 Jan. 1920. 9260 Peacoeke, Ethel Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9261 Peake, EmUy Marion, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9262 Pearce, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9263 Pearce, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9264 Pearman, Ernest Albert, 1 Jau. 1920. 9265 Pearse, Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1920. 9266 Pearson, Arthur Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 9267 Pearson, Robert James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9268 Pearson, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9269 Peck, Blfrida Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9270 Peck, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9271 Peddie, Francis Grove, 1 Jan. 1920. 9272 Peddle, Cyril James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9273 Peel, Cicely, 1 Jan. 1920. 9274 Peel, Dorothy Mary Grace, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9275 Penney, Mary Bentley, 1 Jan. 1920. 9276 Penning, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 9277 Pepper, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9278 Pepper, WUliam James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9279 Percy, Gladys May, Mrs. Heber-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9280 Perdue, Florence Louise Sophia, 1 Jan. 1920. 9281 Perkins, Charles Clifforde, 1 Jan. 1920. 9282 Perrin, Alfred WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9283 Perrin, John Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9284 Perry, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 9285 Peters, Herbert John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9286 Peters, Henry Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9287 Petherick, WaUace, 1 Jan. 1920. 9288 Pettyfer, Percy WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9289 Ptalip, Elsie Green, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9290 PhiUp, Katherine Laura, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9291 PhUips, Helena Adelaide Sara, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9292 PhUlibrown, George Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 9293 PhUlips, Helena Creed, 1 Jan. 1920. 9294 PhUUps, Harry Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 9295 PhiUips, Wallace Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9296 PhiUips, WUliam James, 1 Jan. 1920, 9297 PhUpot, Joseph Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9298 Phoenix, Herbert Ray, 1 Jan. 1920. 9299 Phythian, Thomas Ewart, 1 Jan. 1920. 9300 Pickard, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9301 Picken, Anna Craig, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9302 Pickering, Fred, 1 Jan. 1920. 9303 Pickering, Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 9304 Pickford, Hurd, 1 Jan. 1920. 9305 Pierce, Elsie Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9306 Pierce, Thomas John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9307 Pierpotat, Marie Eugenie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9308 Pierson, Reginald Kershaw, 1 Jan. 1920. 9309 Pightling, Garnet, 1 Jan. 1920. 9310 Pike, Emma, 1 Jan. 1920. 9311 PUcher, Cecil Westland, 1 Jan. 1920. 9312 Pin, Violet Constance Letitia Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9313 Pincombe Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9314 Pipe, Nellie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9315 Pitman, Arthur James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9316 Pitt, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9317 Pitt, Inez Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9319 Piatt, WilUam Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 9320 Platten, Samuel Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9321 Plevin, Mary Jean, 1 Jan. 1920. 9322 Plummer, Arthur Bertram, 1 Jan. 1920. 9323 Poe, Muriel Gladys, 1 Jan. 1920. 9324 PoUard, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9325 Pollock, Catherine Heutig, 1 Jan. 1920. 9326 Pollock, John Wilson, 1 Jan. 1920. 9327 Pond, Ethel Augusta, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9328 Ponsonby, Diamond Louise Constance, 1 Jan. 1920. I 9329 Poole, George Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 9330 Poole, Herbert Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9331 Pope, Frances Madge, 1 Jan. 1920. 9332 PoppleweU, Violet May, 1 Jan. 1920. 9333 Porter, Elizabeth Allison, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9334 Pott, Evelyn Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. 9335 Pott, Gladys Sydney, 1 Jan. 1920. 9336 Potts, Dorothy FeUden, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9337 Potts, George Louis, 1 Jan. 1920. 9338 Poultney, Samuel Levi, 1 Jan. 1920. 9339 Poupart, WUUam John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9340 Powell, Benjamin Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9341 Powell, Clare Carew, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9342 Powell, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 9343 Powell, Bimbashi Felix Edmund, Bey, 1 Jan. 1920. 9344 PoweU, Frank Grove, 1 Jan. 1920. 9345 PoweU, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9346 Power, James Augustine, 1 Jan. 1920. 9347 Power, LeUa, 1 Jan. 1920. 9348 Pratt, Charlotte Amyand Powys, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9349 Pratt, EUzabeth Worth, 1 Jan. 1920. 9350 Pratt, Frances Margaret Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9351 Pratt, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 9352 Pratt, Frank Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9353 Pratt, Hilda Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. 9354 Prentice, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 9355 Prescott, Charles Clark, 1 Jan. 1920. 9356 Prescott, Constance AUce, 1 Jan. 1920. 9357 Presland, Claud William, 1 Jan. 1920. 9358 Preston, Mary Augusta Margaret Nicol, Mrs. CampbeU 1 Jan. 1920. 9359 Pretty, Marguerite EmUy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9360 Price, Annie Vincent, 1 Jan. 1920. 9361 Price, Cyril OUver Rose, 1 Jan. 1920. 9362 Price, Edward French, 1 Jan. 1920. 9363 Price, John Glanville, 1 Jan. 1920. 9364 Price, Joseph Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9365 Prichard, Mabel Henrietta Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9366 Prichard, Samuel David, 1 Jan. 1920. 9367 Priest, James Darner-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9368 Priest, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 9369 Pringle, Ethel Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9370 Pritchard, Charles WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9371 Pritchard Mary Ellen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9372 Proctor, Doris Brownsword, 1 Jan. 1920. 9373 Prowse, John Skardon, 1 Jan. 1920. 9374 Puckle, EmUv Alice, 1 Jan. 1920. 9375 Puddey, Henrv, 1 Jan. 1920. 9376 Puddicombe, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9377 PuUinger, Dorothea Aurelie, 1 Jan. 1920. 9378 Purcell, Thomas Edwin, 1 Jan 1920. 9379 Purdue, Harry Roy, 1 Jan. 1920. 9380 PurneU, Edward KeUy, 1 Jan. 1920. 9381 Purslow, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 9382 PursseU, Francis WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9383 Purvis, Bertha Maud IsabeUa, 1 Jan. 1920. 9384 Purvis, IsabeUe Marie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9385 Puttock, Muriel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9386 Pygall, Frank Thomas , 1 Jan. 1920 9387 Pyman, Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 9388 RactUffe, Dorothy Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9389 Radcliffe, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9390 Radford, Lily Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9391 Rae, Alexander Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920, 9392 Raikes, HUda, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9393 Raikes, HUda Taunton, 1 Jan. 1920. 9394 Raine, WUUam Stephenson, 1 Jan. 1920. 9395 Raitt, Charles Palmer, 1 Jan. 1920. 9396 Ralston, Helen Ripley, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9397 Ramsay, Eleanor, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9398 Ramsay, Helen Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 9399 Ramsay, Margaret Evelyn. 1 Jan. 1920. 9400 Ramsay, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9401 RandeU, Reginald Maurice Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9402 Ranken, Charles Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 9403 Ransom, Herbert Charies, 1 Jan. 1920. 9404 Raphael, Erne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9405 RatcUffe Herbert Coakley, 1 Jan. 1920. 9406 Rawles, Kate Eleanor, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9407 Rawlins, Frank WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9408 Rawstome, Maria Harriet, 1 Jan. 1920. 9409 Ray, Helen MaeLaine, 1 Jan. 1920. 9410 Read, George WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9411 Read, LUian, Mrs. Rudston-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9112 Read Mary Ada Alice, Mrs. 1 Jan. 1920. 9413 Reddish, George Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 9414 Reed, Leah Lewis, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9415 Reed, Margaret Haythorne, 1 Jan. 1920. 9416 Rees, David John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9417 Rees, Henry Bernard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9418 Rees, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9419 Reeves, Mary Sybil, 1 Jan. 1920. 9420 Rehm, Eveline Lucy, 1 Jan. 1920. 9421 Reid, Andrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 9422 Reid, Frederick WUUam. 1 Jan. 1920. 9423 Reid, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9424 Reid, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9425 Reid, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9426 Reid, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 9427 Reid, Sh William, 1 Jan. 1920. MEMBERS. 9428 Reid, WUliam Macdonald, 1 Jan. 1920. 9429 Reith, Jean Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920. 9430 Relph, John WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9431 Repton, Guy George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9432 Reside, David Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 9433 Reynolds, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9434 Reynolds, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9435 Riach, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9436 Richards, Eleanora Kathleen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9437 Richards, Jane Wilson Dixon, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9438 Richards, John Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 9439 Richardson, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 9441 Richardson, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9442 Richardson, Maria Isabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9443 Richardson, Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. 9444 Richardson, WUUam. 1 Jan. 1920. 9445 Rickard, Barbara, 1 Jan. 1920. 9446 Rickenbach, Frieda, 1 Jan. 1920. 9447 Ridehalgh, Gertrude Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9448 Ridland, Charles Forbes, 1 Jan. 1920. 9449 Ridley, Eustace, 1 Jan. 1920. 9450 Ridley, Mary Constance, 1 Jan. 1920. 9451 Rigg, Hubert MacMullen, 1 Jan. 1920. 9452 RUey, George Willis, 1 Jan. 1920 9453 Rimer, Alfred Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9454 Rimtagton, Frederick James, 1 Jan. 1920 9455 Ritchie, Alice Maude, 1 Jan. 1920. 9456 Ritchie, Charles John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9457 Rivet, Albert Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9458 Rix, Lucy Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9459 Road, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 9460 Robbins, Gertrude Florence Evelme, Mrs, 1 Jan 1920. 9461 Robertson, Margaret HiU, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9462 Roberts Arthur Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9463 Roberts, Evan, 1 Jan. 1920. 9464 Roberts, Dene Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9465 Roberts, WUUam Ivor, 1 Jan. 1920. 9466 Robertson, Ann Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 9467 Robertson, Arthur Hurles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9468 Robertson, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9469 Robertson, Jean Dewar, 1 Jan 1929. 9470 Robertson, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9471 Robertson, WiUiam Eugene, 1 Jan. 1920. 9472 Robinow, WUUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9473 Robins, Harry George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9474 Robinson, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9475 Robinson, Doris Firth, 1 Jan. 1920. 9476 Robinson, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9477 Robinson, Frederick Anthony, 1 Jan. 1920. 9478 Robinson, George Fox, 1 Jan. 1920. 9479 Robinson, Henry WiUiam Bradley, 1 Jan. 1920. 9480 Robinson, James Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9481 Robinson, Percy HoUand, 1 Jan. 1920. 9482 Robinson, WUliam Walker, 1 Jan. 1920. 9483 Robson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9484 Robson, WiUiam Tuke, 1 Jan. 1920. 9485 Rochdale, Beatrice Mary, Baroness. 1 Jan. 1920. 9486 Roche, Francis Patrick, 1 Jan. 1920. 9487 Rodhouse, Alfred Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9488 Roffe, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9489 Roger, Herbert Campbell, 1 Jan. 1920. 9490 Rogers, Florence Crichton, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9491 Rogers, Frederick Henry, 1 Jan. 1929. 9492 Rogers, Gilbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9493 Rogers, Mary Georgina Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9494 Rogers, Timothy, 1 Jan. 1920. 9495 Rogerson, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9496 Rolfe, Richard Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 9497 RoUings, WUliam George Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 9498 Rollo, William John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9499 Rolt, Frederick Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9500 Ronald, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9501 Ronaldson, Thomas Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 9502 Rorison, George Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9503 Rose, Hannah Catherine 1 Jan. 1920. 9504 Rose, Harold GreenweU, 1 Jan. 1920. 9505 Roskrow, Albert Cyril, 1 Jan. 1920. 9506 Ross, Millicent Ellen, 1 Jan. 1920. 9507 Rosser, Thomas Newland, 1 Jan. 1920. 9508 Rouquette, Gladys Howard, Mrs, 1 Jan 1920 9509 Rouse. Alfred Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9510 Routledge, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9511 Rowe, Alfred Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9512 Rowe. Arthur William, 1 Jan. 1920. 9513 Rowledge, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9514 Royds, Annie Bourne, 1 Jan. 1920. 9515 Royds, Margaret Ada, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9516 Roylance, Ethel Manford, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9517 Royle, Leonard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9518 Roythorne, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9519 Ruby, Anna Colburn, 1 Jan. 1920, 9520 Ruddick, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9521 Ruddin, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9522 Ruddle, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9523 Ruffer, Ferdinand Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9524 Rushall, Richard BosweU, 1 Jan 1920. 9525 Russell, Arthur Edward Ian Montague, 1 Jan. 1920. 9526 Russell, Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9527 Russell, George Shipton, 1 Jan. 1920. 9528 Russell, Henry Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 9529 9530 953195329533 95349535953695379538 9539 954095419542 9543 9544 95459546 95479548 9549 95509551 9552 9553955495559556955795589559 9560 9561956295639564 9565 9566 95679568956995709571 9572 9573957495759576 95779578 95799580 9581 958295839584 9585 95869587 9588 958995909591959295939594 9595 9596 95979598959996009601 960296039604 960596069607 960896099610961196129613 9614 96159616961796189619 96209621 9622 962396249625962696279628 Russell, Janie, 1 Jan. 1920. Russell, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Russell, Mary Ruth, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. Rutter, Richard Golden, 1 Jan. 1920. Rvcroft, Percy Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Sabine, Dorothy Gladys, 1 Jan. 1920. Saer, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Sage, Arthur Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. Saint, Rosa Charlotte, 1 Jan. 1920. St. Barbe, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. St. Lawrence, Bertha Mary, Mrs. Gaisford-, 1 Jan. 1920. Salmon, Joseph Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. Salmon, William John Cecil Bedford, 1 Jan. 1920. Salsbury, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Samuel, Argia Alicia Casmha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Samuel, Thomas John, 1 Jan. 1920. Sammut, Florence, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. Sanders, Hilda, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Sansom, William Campbell, 1 Jan. 1920. Saunders, Lilian Beatrice Anna, 1 Jan. 1920. Saunders, Thomas Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Sawdon, Frank Reginald, 1 Jan. 1920. Sawyer, Hedley, 1 Jan. 1920. Saxon, Amy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Saxton, Amy Harriette, 1 Jan. 1920. Say, Geoffrey Baldwin, 1 Jan. 1920 faayer, Thomas Lewes, 1 Jan. 1920. Scanlon, Leonard Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. Scannell, James Berchmans, 1 Jan. 1920. Schierwater, Charles Adolf, 1 Jan. 1920. Setoff, Otto, 1 Jan. 1920. Schlesinger, Richard Alphonse, 1 Jan. 1920. Schofteld, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. Scholefield, George Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Scorer, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. Scott, Alexander Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Scott, Archibald, 1 Jan. 1920. Scott, Elizabeth Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. Scott, Frank Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. Scott, Isabel Mary Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920 Scott, Isabella, 1 Jan. 1920. Scott, Nora Carlyle, 1 Jan. 1920. Scott, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Scott, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Scott, Thomas John, 1 Jan. 1920. Screech, George Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. Scrimshaw, Ellen Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Scudamore, Sybil Frances, Mrs. Lucas-, 1 Jan. 1920. Scully, James Donald, 1 Jan. 1920. Scurlock, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1920. Searle, Susan Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. Searles, Sydney William, 1 Jan. 1920. Seaton; Peter, 1 Jan. 1920. Seddon, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Sedgwick, Susie, 1 Jan. 1920. Selby, Elizabeth Mary Alice, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. Selby, Thomas James, 1 Jan. 1920. Sell, Edith Lilian, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Selous, Gerald Holgate, 1 Jan. 1920. Senn, Charles Herman, 1 Jan. 1920. Sergeant, Wilfred Oswald Faithfull, 1 Jan. 1920. Seyfang, BveUne Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Seymour, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920. Seymour, Cynthia Charlotte, 1 Jan. 1920. Seymour, Frederick Powell, 1 Jan. 1920. Shand, EUza EveUne Kynoch-, 1 Jan. 1920. Shannons, Frederick Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Sharp, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Sharpe, Daniel Crawford, 1 Jan. 1920. Sharrock, Alice Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. Shaw, David Nairn, 1 Jan. 1920 Shaw, Edward Harry, 1 Jan. 1920. Shaw, Helen Brown, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Shaw, Josephine, Mrs. Rawson-, 1 Jan. 1920. Shaw, Mary Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. Shaw, Richard Holgate. 1 Jan. 1920. Sheldon, Harold, 1 Jan. 1920. Shepherd, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. Shepherd, Charles Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. Shepherd, Frederick Hawkesworth Sinclair, 1 Jan. 1920. Sheppard, Alfred Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. Sheppard, Mary Constance, 1 Jan. 1920. Sheppard Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. ShiUaker, James Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Shines, Christian, 1 Jan. 1920. Shorland, Elizabeth Freeman, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Short, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Shotton, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Shubrick, Eleanor Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Sibbald Arthur Trevitt, 1 Jan. 1920. Sidney, Leicester Philip, 1 Jan. 1920. Sigrist, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Sim, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Simey, Alma Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Simmonds, Frederick Victor, 1 Jan. 1920. Simmons, Frederic Vital, 1 Jan. 1920. Simnkins, Ernest Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Simpson, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. Simpson, Jeanie Nelson Taylor, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Simpson, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 699 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 9629 963096319632 9633 96349635963696379638 963996409641964296439644964596469647 9648 96499650965196529653 9654 9655965696579658 9659 966096619662 9663 9664 9665 96669667 9670 9671 96729673967496759676967796789679 9680 968196829683968496859686 9687 9690 9691 969296939694969596969697 97009701970297039704 9705 970897099710 971197129713971497159716971797189719 9720 97219722 9723 9724 972597269727972897299730 Simpson, Mary Helen, 1 Jan. 1920. Simpson, WUliam Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1920. Sims, John WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Sinclah, George Fraser, 1 Jau. 1920. Sinclah, Ellen Lowry, 1 Jan. 1920. Skeens, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Skelsey, Richard Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. Skerman, Oscar, 1 Jan. 1920. Skevington, Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. SkUbeck, Mary Alethea, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Skinner, Christian Laing, 1 Jan. 1920. Skipper, Henry Hubert, 1 Jan. 1920. Skhrow, Florence, 1 Jan. 1920. Slade, Edward Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Slade, Mary EUzabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. Slater, Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. Slater, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Slater, John Gladstone, 1 Jan. 1920. Smale, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. Small, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Small, WUliam Keane, 1 Jan. 1920. Smart, Herbert Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. Smellie, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Constance Brightman, Mrs. Bassett-, 1 Jau. 1920, Smith, Edith Mabel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Edwin Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Elizabeth Frances Jane Oke, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, EUa Gertrude Castleman-, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Ernest WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Eva Agnes, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Frederick Robertson, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, George Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Helen, Mrs. WUloughby-, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, James, 1 Jan, 1920. Smith, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, John, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, John LleweUin, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Joseph Alfred Punton, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Mabel Rouse-, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Margaret Newbigging, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Sarah Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Stanley WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Thomas Armstrong, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Thomas Sinclah, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, Wvke Catterson-, 1 Jan. 1920 Smith, WiUiam Haynes, 1 Jan. 1920. Smith, WiUiam Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. Smyth, Jane Robinson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Snodgrass, Burns, 1 Jan. 1920. Snow, Daisy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Snow, HUda Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. Snowdon, John Henry Reed, 1 Jan. 1920. Snowie, James, 1 Jan. 1920. Soman, Mariette Eileen, 1 Jan. 1920. Sotham, Louise Victoria Gisela, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Soutar, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Southam, Arthur Henry Ridgway, 1 Jan. 1920. Southam, Thomas Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. Spadaccini, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Spencer, Blanche Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Spencer, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. Spencer, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. SpUler, John Wyatt, 1 Jan. 1920. Spottiswoode, Robert Cottinson D'Esterre, 1 Jan. 1920. Squance, Miuiel Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. Staddon, Kate Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Stagg, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920. Staiuthorp, Amy, 1 Jan. 1920. Stalker, John, 1 Jan. 1920. StaUey, Ernest AUred, 1 Jan. 1920. Stanbury, George Crocker, 1 Jan. 1920. Stanley, Rowland John, 1 Jan. 1920. Stanton, Ernest WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. Stanton, Helen Emma, 1 Jan. 1902. Stebbtag, Henry Mark, 1 Jan. 1920. Stedman, Albert Douglas, 1 Jan. 1920. Stenning, Jessie, 1 Jan. 1920. Stephens, Adelaide Charlotte Edith, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1920. Stephens, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. Stephens, Einna Gwendolen, 1 Jan. 1920. Stephens, WiUiam John, 1 Jan. 1920. Stert, Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. Steuart, Maud Anne Sophia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Stevens, Arthur Michael Bygholm, 1 Jan. 1920. Stevens, Frederick Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. Stevenson, EUeen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Stevenson, Hilda, 1 Jan. 1920. Stevenson, Rev. Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. Stevenson, John Proctor, 1 Jan. 1920. Steward, WiUiam Arthur Briault, 1 Jan. 1920. Stewart, Agnes Paterson, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. Stewart, Charles, 1 Jan '920. Stewart, Donald Alexander i Jan. 1920. Stewart, Duncan, 1 Jau. 1920. Stewart, Ethel, 1 Jan. 1«20. Stewart, Hugh Henry Boyd, 1 Jan. 1920. Stewart, Walter Grahame, 1 Jan. 1920. Stewart, Walter Richard Shaw, 1 Jan. 1920. Stewart, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9731 Stickney, Evelyn Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9732 Stigger, Horace Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9733 Stobart. Harriet Katie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9734 Stocks, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9735 Stoddard, Reginald Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9736 Stokes, Robert Day, 1 Jan. 1920. 9737 Stokes, Sarah Shelton, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9738 Stone, Benjamin Game, 1 Jan. 1920. 9739 Stone, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9740 Stoneham, Florence Marie Louisa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 9741 Stoneman, John OUver Veysey, 1 Jan. 1920. 9742 Stones, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9743 Stopford, Annette HUda, 1 Jan. 1920. 9744 Storey, Florence Lizzie, 1 Jan. 1920. 9745 Storey, George Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 9746 Storrie, John Hay AtwaU, 1 Jan. 1920. 9747 StoweU, Harold Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 9748 Strachan, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9749 Stratford, Rosalin Mabel, Mrs. Wingfield-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9750 Stratton, Percy Montague, 1 Jan. 1920. 9751 Stratton, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9752 Straus, Blanche, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9753 Straw, Arthur Roger, 1 Jan. 1920. 9754 Street, Joseph Mansfield, 1 Jan. 1920. 9755 Stringer, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 9756 Stroud, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9757 Stroud, Arthur May, 1 Jan. 1920. 9758 Stuart, Wiuefriede Fairiess, Mrs. Fairless, 1 Jan. 1920. 9759 Studdart, Isabel, Mrs. Naunton-, 1 Jan. 1290. 9760 Sudbury, Evelyn Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9761 Sullivan, Dorothy Evelyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 9762 Sullivan, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1920. 9763 Sulman, Helena Catharine, 1 Jan. 1920. 9764 Summers, Edward Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 9765 Sutton, Albert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9766 Swallow, Clara, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9767 Swan, John Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9768 Swann, Grace Elsie, 1 Jan. 1920. 9769 Swanton, Margaret EUeen Pasley, 1 Jan. 1920. 9770 Swinson, Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9771 Sykes, Annie, Mrs. Knowles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9772 Sykes, Charles Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9773 Sykes, Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9774 Symon, Lesley Kilmeny, 1 Jan. 1920. 9775 Syrett, Sidney James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9776 Taffs, Herbert WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9777 Tait, Charles WUson, 1 Jan. 1920. 9778 Tait, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9779 Talbot, Ernest Edward Austin, 1 Jan. 1920. 9800 TaUack, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9801 Tanner, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9802 Tansley, Emily Amelia, 1 Jan. 1920. 9803 Taphouse, Alfred John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9804 Tapp, Egerton Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9805 Tasker, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 9806 Tasker, George Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9807 Tavener, Veronica Mary Agnes, 1 Jan. 1920. 9808 Tayler, Frank Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 9809 Taylor, Arnold, 1 Jan. 1920. 9810 Taylor, Alfred Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 9811 Taylor, Andrew WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9812 Taylor, Clara Jane, 1 Jan. 1920. 9813 Taylor, Eleanor Bessie Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 9814 Taylor, Fred, 1 Jan. 1920. 9815 Taylor, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 9816 Taylor, Gwynnedd Lefer, 1 Jan. 1920. 9817 Taylor, Irene, 1 Jan. 1920. 9818 Taylor, IsabeUa, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9819 Taylor, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9820 Taylor, Mabel Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. 9821 Taylor, Margaret Hector, 1 Jan. 1920. 9822 Taylor, Oscar Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9823 Taylor, Selina Emma, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9824 Taylor, WUliam Arthur Trevor, 1 Jan. 1920. 9825 Taylor, WUUam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9826 Taylor, WiUiam Henry Forbes, 1 Jan. 1920. 9827 Teagle, AUce Annie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9828 Teare, Robert Arminius Beaumont, 1 Jan. 1920. 9829 Terry, Walter Eyre, 1 Jan. 1920. 9830 Theakston, WiUiam Pease, 1 Jan. 1920. 9831 Thomas, Arthur Lloyd, 1 Jan. 1920. 9832 Thomas, Dulcibel Cathertoe Ktuta, 1 Jan. 1920. 9833 Thomas, James Bertram, 1 Jan. 1920. 9834 Thomas, Lavinia, Mrs. Ridley-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9835 Thomas, Rev. Richard Everard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9836 Thomas, WUliam Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9837 Thompson, Charles John Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 9838 Thompson, Helena Agnes Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9839 Thompson, Ina Sophia, 1 Jan. 1920. 9840 Thompson, James Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 9841 Thompson, Lorna, 1 Jan. 1920. 9842 Thompson, Nathan, 1 Jan. 1920. 9843 Thompson, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9844 Thompson, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9845 Thomson, Alfred Ebenzer Spence, 1 Jan. 1920. 9846 Thomson, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1920. 9847 Thomson, David, 1 Jan. 1920. 9848 Thomson, Frances Beresford, 1 Jan. 1920. 9849 Thomson, Frances Ingleton, 1 Jan. 1920. 9850 Thomson, Robert Currie, 1 Jan. 1920. 700 MEMBERS. 9851 Thorley, William Frederick, 1 Jau. 1920 9852 Thorman, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 9854 Thorpe, Helen Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9855 Thorpe, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 9856 Thorpe, Stanley WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9857 Threlford, WUliam Lacon, 1 Jan. 1920 9858 Thunder, Dene Mary, 1 Jan. 1920 9859 Thurlow, Edith Marian, 1 Jan. 1920. 9860 Thwaites, Joseph Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920 9861 Thynne, Katharine Angela, 1 Jan. 1920. 9862 Tiarks, Sophie Louise, 1 Jan. 1920. 9863 Tierney, Francis Michael, 1 Jan. 1920 9864 Tilbury, Edith Jane, 1 Jan. 1920 9865 TiUard, Ethel HUda, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 9866 TUlett, Amy Henrietta, 1 Jan. 1920 9867 Tivy, Evelyn Laura, 1 Jan. 1920. 9868 Tod, James Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920 9869 Todd, Georgina, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9870 Todd, Gerald Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 9871 Todd, Albert Rudolf Lochlein-, 1 Jan. 1920 9872 Toke, Nicolas Eyare, 1 Jan. 1920. 9873 Tomlto, Henry Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9874 Tomlinson, AUce May, 1 Jan. 1920. 9875 Tomlinson, Tom Ashton, 1 Jan. 1920. 9876 Toms, Stanley Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 9877 Tonge, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9878 Tonge, Frederick WUliam John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9879 Tonkin, Harold John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9880 Toovey, Thomas Regtaald, 1 Jan. 1920. 9881 Topham, Jane Grace Cowan, 1 Jan. 1920. 9882 Tough, James Macgillivray, 1 Jan. 1920. 9883 Towers, Thomas Peacock, 1 Jan. 1920. 9884 Tracy, Kate Adelaide, 1 Jau. 1920. 9885 Trattl, Margaret Isabelle, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9886 Trant, Hope, 1 Jan. 1920. 9887 Trench, Catherine Ann e Swetenham, Mrs, 1 Jan. 9888 Tribe, EUeen Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9889 Tripp, WiUiam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9890 Trott, Nelson HU1, 1 Jan. 1920. 9891 Truscott, Frederick George Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 9892 Tucker, Catherine Peterkta, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1920. 9893 Tucker, Douglas WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 9894 Tudor, Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 9895 Tunnicliff, Edward Jones, 1 Jan. 1920. 9896 Turk, Erich, 1 Jan. 1920. 9897 TurnbuU, Alice Helen, 1 Jan. 1920. 9898 TurnbuU, Amy Ruth, 1 Jan. 1920. 9899 TurnbuU, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9900 Turner, Caroltae, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9901 Turner, Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9902 Turner, EmUy EUza, 1 Jan. 1920. 9903 Turner, Helen Gertrude, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9904 Turner, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9905 Turner, WUliam Leslie, 1 Jan. 1920. 9906 Turpin, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 9907 Tweedy, Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 9908 Tweedy, Hugh James, 1 Jan. 1920. 9909 Tyler, Walter Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9910 Underwood, Eric Gordon, 1 Jan. 1920. 9911 Unthank, Agnes Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 9912 Unwin, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9913 Usher, George Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 9914 Usher, Tom Caizley, 1 Jan. 1920. 9915 Valentine, George Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9916 Valentine, Herbert Hughes, 1 Jan. 1920. 9917 Vandeleur, Mary Evelyn, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9918 Vasse, Kate, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9919 Vaughan, Ethel Dene, 1 Jan. 1920. 9920 VerraU, Marian Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 9921 Vince, John BUlinton, 1 Jan. 1920. 9922 Vine, Alfred Bertram, 1 Jan. 1920. 9923 des Voeux, Violet Samana, 1 Jan. 1920. 9924 Vyse, Ethel May, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9925 Wade, Elmira Margaret Louisa, 1 Jan. 1920. 9926 Waight, Daisy OUve, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9927 Wainwright, Amy Grace, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9928 Wakefield, Frank Howard, 1 Jan. 1920. 9929 Walden, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9930 Walker, Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9931 Walker, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9932 Walker, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9933 Walker, Jessie Winchester, Mrs.. 1 Jan. 1920. 9934 Walker, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9935 Walker. Lucy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9936 Walker, Reginald Field, 1 Jan. 1920. 9937 Walker, Sophie, Mrs. Gamble-, 1 Jan. 1920. 9938 Walker, Thomas Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 9939 Wallace, John Thompson, 1 Jan. 1920. 9940 Waller, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9941 Walsh, Ann Pollexfen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9942 Walsh, Arthur Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 9943 Walsh, Marguerite Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 9944 Walsh, William Trevor Hayne 1 Jan. 1920. 9945 Walsh, WUliam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 9946 Walters, Samuel, 1 Jan. 1920. 9947 Walton, Nellie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9948 Walton, Harold Conrad, 1 Jan. 1920. 9949 Walton, Stanley, 1 Jan. 1920. 9950 Warburton, Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 9951 Warburton, Mabel Clarisse, 1 Jan. 1920. 1920. 22_2 Ward, Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 9953 Ward, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. llrt Sar(?' Howara Percy, 1 Jan. 1920 qoIr ward' Sabeli Mary Desborough, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9956 Ward, Mary Alexandria, 1 Jan. 1920. 22_Z Sard- Th°msis Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. ™» Warden, Henry George, 1 Jan. 1920. 0959 Ware, Louisa, 1 Jan. 1920 22?? Sare' llalPh Ernest, 1 Jan. 1920. 2221 m"10^' c™llla AUan, Mrs. Picton-, 1 Jan. 1920. 222? Warmsley, Jennie, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. «„_? Warren, EUen Winifred Anne, Mrs., 1 Jan. 1920. 222J Sarren> Frederick John, 1 Jan. 1920. 9965 Warren, Matthew, 1 Jan. 1920 9966 Warriner, Fred, 1 Jan. 1920. 22S W,a?ey> Bvelyn Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. n2S Waterman, Elizabeth Margaret, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 22S2 Sai,ers- Charles Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 22,9 Watkins, Arthur Muriel, 1 Jan. 1920. 9971 Watkins, William, 1 Jan. 1920 9972 Watlington, Victor, 1 Jan. 1920 22i? Watson, Agnes Mary, Mrs, 1 Jau. 1920. 9974 Watson, Arthur William, 1 Jan. 1920 221? Sat30n' Edith Hay, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9976 Watson, Harris, 1 Jan. 1920 9977 Watson, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 2221 Watson, Joseph Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 2212 Watson, Maud Edith Eleanor, 1 Jan. 1920. 9980 Watson, Pamela Ethel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9981 Watson, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920 9982 Watson, Victor James Carter, 1 Jan 1920 9983 Watson, WUliam Law, 1 Jan. 1920 9984 Watson, WUliam Wallace, 1 Jan. 1920 9985 Watt, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9986 Watterson, Percy Gill, 1 Jan. 1920 9987 Watts, Arthur Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 9988 Watts, Charlotte Helen, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 9989 Watts, Emily, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 9990 Watts, Hugh Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 9991 Watts, Mary Manning, 1 Jan. 1920. 9992 Waugh, Walter Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9993 Weaver, Alexander Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 9994 Weaver, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1920 9995 Weaver. Henry, 1 Jan. 1920 9996 Weaver, John, 1 Jan. 192_. 9997 Webb. Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920. 9998 Webb, Frank Hart, 1 Jan. 1920. 9999 Webb, Percy Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,000 Webber, Katharine Stanton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,001 Webber, Mowbray Frederick Vivian James Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,002 Weber, Barbara, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,003 Webster, James Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,004 Wedgwood, Mary Euphrazia, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,005 Wedlake, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,006 Weedall, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,007 Weeks, Percy Frank, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,008 Weighill, AUice, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,009 Weh, Edith Margaret Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,010 Welch, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,011 Welch, Joseph Hubbard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,012 Wells, Joseph Francs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,013 WeUs, John Wardle, 1 Jan. 1920. 1 0,014 Wench, Una Margaret Kerry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,015 Wensley, Frederick Porter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,016 Wentworth, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,017 West, David Cockburn, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,018 West, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,019 West, Ellen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,020 West, Stanley George Norn an, 1 Jan. 1920, 10,021 Westell, Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,022 Westell, Edgar Lawton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,023 Westhead, Marian Lucy, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,024 Westmacott, James Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,025 Weston, Robert Ogilvy, 1 Jau. 1920. 10,026 Whaley, Francis Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,027 Whartarst, Alfred John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,028 Wheat, Thomas Milnes, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,029 Wheeler, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,030 Wheeler, George Herbert. 1 Jan. 1920- 10,031 Wheeler, Henry Charles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,032 Whinney, Gladys, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,033 Whitbread, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,034 Whitby, Beatrice Mary Elizabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,035 Whitby, Stafford Beeston, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,036 White, Frank George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,037 White, Frederick WaUis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,038 White, Hilda Annie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,039 White, Kathleen Cameron, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,040 Whitehead, Arthur John, 1 Jan. 1920 10,041 Whitehead, Irene Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,042 Whitehouse, Edwin St. John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 043 Whitehouse, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,044 Whitfield, Muriel Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,045 Whitfield, Avery Alfred, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,046 Whitley, Leonard Vincent, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,047 Whitmee, Andrew Conder, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,048 Whittaker, Joseph Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,049 Whitty, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,050 Whitworth, Edith, Mrs.. 1 Jan. 1920. 701 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 10,051 Whyatt, Charles Sidney, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,052 Whyte, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,053 Wicks, Ernest Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,054 Widdowson, Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 055 Wight, Mabel, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,056 Wightman, Florence Oldfield, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,057 Wigley, Kathleen Sincliar, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,058 Wigley, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,059 WUbraham, Hugh Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,060 WUcock, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,061 Wilke, Bessie Dayrell, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,062 WUkinson, ClenneU Anstruther, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,063 WUlans, Gordon Jeune, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,064 Wittcox, WUliam Garratt, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,065 WiUett, Thomas Charies, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,066 Williams, Charles George, 1 Jan. 1920, 10,067 WUliams, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,068 Williams, Edward Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,069 WilUams, George Owen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,070 WUUams, Jessie Wilhelmina, Mrs. Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,071 Williams, Morgan, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,072 WUliams, Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,073 WUliams, Richard Trefor, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,074 Williams, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,075 WUliams, William George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,076 WUliams, WUliam Lewis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,077 WUliams, Winifred Mary, Mrs. Berkeley, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,078 WiUiamson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,079 WiUiamson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,080 WUlis, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,081 WUlis, Frederick Bainbridge, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,082 WUlson, Emily Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,083 WUlson, Harold Leonard James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,084 WiUson, Percy Arden, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,085 WUmshurst, Thomas Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,087 WUson, Alexander Poole, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,088 WUson, Annie WUhelmina, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,089 Wilson, Caroline Adtoi, Mrs. Cams-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,090 Wilson, Edith Matilda Clementine, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,091 WUson, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,092 WUson, Henry Joseph Fullock, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,093 WUson, Ivy Madge, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,094 WUson, James Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,095 WUson, James Naismith, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,096 WUson, Jessie Millar. 1 Jau. 1920. 10,097 WUson, Rev. John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,098 WUson, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,099 WUson, Robert Alexander, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,100 WUson, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,101 WUson, WUliam John Denman, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,102 Winby, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,103 Winder, Charles Bertram, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,104 Winder, Penelope, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,105 Windiate, Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,106 Windsor, Maurice, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,107 Winfleld, Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,108 Wingate, Gerald Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,109 Winstanley. Denys Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,110 Winstanley, Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,111 Winterbotham, Clara Frances, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,112 Withers. George Mould, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,113 Witts, Gulielma Ewart, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,114 Wolfe, Ernest Montague, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,115 Wollen, EmUy Hilda, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,116 Wood, Benjamin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,117 Wood, David William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,118 Wood, Dorothy, Lady, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,119 Wood, George Ellis, 1 Jau. 1920. 10,120 Wood, Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,121 Wood, Gladys, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,122 Wood, Grace Eliza, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,123 Wood, Harry Brounton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,124 Wood, Louisa Jane, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,125 Wood, May, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,126 Wood, WUliam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,127 Woodcock, Henry Chadwick, 1 Jan. 1920 10,128 Woodcock, Walter SheUaker, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,129 Woodell, Florence Ernestine, 1 Jan. 1920. 10.130 Woodeson, Edward Seymour, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,131 Woodhead, Herbert Miall, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,132 Woodmore, WiUiam James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,133 Woodroffe, Alban James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,134 Woodroofe, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,135 Woods, Margery Adah, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,136 Woodward, Frederick Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,137 Woolcombe, LUian Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,138 Wooldridge, Jane Anne, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,139 Woolley, Constance Maria, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,140 Woolley, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,141 Worlidge, Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,142 Wormald, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,143 Worrall, Gladstone Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,144 Wright, Arthur James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,145 Wright, Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,146 Wright, James Brown, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,147 Wright, J. M, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,148 Wright, John, 1 Jan. 1020. 10,149 Wright, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,150 Wrighton, Amelia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,151 Wrigley, Vincent Shiers, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,152 Wuidart, Jules Reuleaux ,1 Jan. 1920. 10 153 Wurtzburg, Margaret Caroline, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 154 Wybrow, Albert William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,155 Wykes, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,156 Wylson, Oswald Cane, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,157 Wynnes, James Cumming, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,158 Yates, Florence, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,159 Yates, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,160 Yearsley, Clare Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,161 Yeates, Percy Thomas Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,162 YeUoly, Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,163 Yeo, Richard Forster, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,164 Yeoman, John Pattison, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,165 Young, CoUn, 1 Jan. 1920. , 10,166 Young, Elizabeth Diana, 1 Jau. 1920. 10,167 Young, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,168 Young, Harry Maurice, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,169 Young, James Robert Spencer, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,170 Young, Nathaniel James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,171 Young, Thomas Pettigrew, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,172 Young, Winifred, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,173 Bennett, George Richard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,174 Bustard, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,175 Byas, Hugh Fulton, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,176 Carter, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,177 Cockburn, James Lowrie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,178 Craig, Robert James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,179 Cumming, Ida Georgina, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,180 Cuthbert, Helena Eliza, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,181 Dexter, Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,182 Dickson, Beatrice Beaupte, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,183 Eckford, Reginald Henderson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,184 Evans, Edward Pritchard, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,185 Fahweather, Amelia, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,186 Farra, Robert Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,187 Gibson, Agnes, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,188 Gibson, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,189 Gowan, George D'Olier, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,190 Goward, Raymond Spencer, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,191 Griffith, Griffith, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,192 Hadkinson, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,193 Harrison, Frederick, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,194 Hide, Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,195 Hogarth, Frederick WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,196 Hogg, John Drummond, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,197 Howie, LeUa AdeUne, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,198 Inglis, Dorothy Winifred, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,199 Dwin, Eric Barnby, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,200 Johnson, Percy Faraday, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,201 Jones, Herbert Thomas Averay-, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,202 Lawson, Nellie Elizabeth, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,203 Macdonald, Herman Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,204 Maclean, Henrietta Laura, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,205 McMurray, Elizabeth Eleanor, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,206 Marsh, Jane, Mrs, Earle, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,207 Pardon, Eva, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,208 St. Maur, Nina Mabel Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,209 Simpson, Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,210 UnderhiU, Frances Olive, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,211 Wilson, Florence Aline, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,212 Abdullah Khan, Jemadar, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,213 Alexander, Arnold, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,214 Attar Sing, Jemadar, 1 Jan. 1920. (it.) 10,215 Chester, Stephen Charles Robert, 1 Jan. 1920. (Tt.) 10,216 Dawson, Keith CyrU Darlington, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,217 Dickson, Eric James, 1 Jan. 1920. (it ) 10,218 Dobson, George Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,219 Dyer. Albert John, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,220 Glazebrook, Edward John, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,221 Hakim Khan, Risaldar, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,222 HamUton, Patrick Swinglehurst, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,223 Harridence, Robert Treslove, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,224 Howes, William Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,225 Khan Sahib Boi Khan, Bahudur, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,226 Khan Sikandar Hayat Khan, Khadar, 1 Jan. 1920. (It.) 10,227 Looney, Daniel, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10 228 LoveU. WUliam Day, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,229 Lowther, Thomas Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,230 McKim, Frederick George, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,231 Muhammad Skarif Khan, Jemadar, 1 Jan. 1920. (a.) 10,232 Naughton, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. (at.) 10,233 Piatt, WUliam Percival, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,234 Johnson, Joseph Pratt, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,235 Ranade, Yashwan Bhicajee, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,236 Rayner, Ralph Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10.237 Ryder, Edward Northern, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,238 Shah Bumber, Subadar, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,239 Stirling, Charles McKidd, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,240 Williams, Friend Isaac, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,241 Yasin Khan, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,242 Young, James, 1 Jan. 1920. (it.) 10,243 Graham, Ronald, 1 Jan. 1020. (M.) 10,214 Morrow, Charles Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,244a Addiscott, Elizabeth Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2446 Alexander, Margaret Katharine, Hon. Mrs. Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,244c Anderson, James Alexander. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,244d Banner, Myra, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,24to Beresford, Dorothy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 10,244/ Blake, William Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 702 MEMBERS. 10,244(7 Blenkinsop, John Matthewson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,244ft Blood, Hon. Geraldine Mary Mrs, 1 Jan 1920 10,245(t Bowman, Hugh, 1 Jan. 1920'. 10,2455 Bridge, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920 10,245c Bryant, WiUiam Henry, 1 Jan. 1920 10,245(2 Burtt, WilUam Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,245e Du Cane, Arthur George, 1 Jan. 1920 10,245/ Chilton, Ruth Helen Jane, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,245(7 Cole, Albert Percy, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,245ft Congreve, Ehene, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,246a Cornwell, Lily Elizabeth Frances, 1 Jan 1920. 10,2466 Craske, Mabel Annetta, 1 Jan. 1920 10,246c Crone, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,246a' Crowe, WiUiam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,246e Cumming, Phoebe Eleanor, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920 10,246/ Cutforth, John AshUn, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,246s> Dease, Mary O'Kelly, 1 Jan. 1920 10,246A Defries, Wolf, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,247a Donald, David Angus, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2476 Douglas, Gwendoline Ethel, Mrs, Sholto-, 1 Jan. 1920 10,247c Duncan, Margaret ElmsUe, 1 Jan. 1920 10,247(2 Elkington, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,247. Evans, Harold Butler Wyn, 1 Jan. 1920 10,247/ Fasey, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,247(7 Fielding, Thomas Henry, 1 Jan. 1920 10,248a Flanagan, Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2486 Fox, Arthur Wtogate. 1 Jan. 1920 10,248c French, Hilda Dillwyn, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,248i_ Gammon, Edith OUve, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,248. Gartside, Vincent, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,248f Gordon, Frank Lindsay, 1 Jan. 1920 10,2480 Gratwick, Doris HUda, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,218ft Guriing, Albert Edwin, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,249a HaU, Audrey EUzabeth Kathleen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2496 Hammond, Edith, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,249c Hannon, Marion Coulson, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,249(2 HauxweU, Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,249. Henning, Gladys, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,249/ Hook, Reginald Myles, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,249(7 Howard, Violet Angel, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,249ft Howell, George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,250a Hubble, WilUam ColUster, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2506 Hutchinson, Beryl Butterworth, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,250c Jenkinson, William Russell, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,250i Jones, John, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,250. King, BasU, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,250/ Knowles, George Potter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,250sr Kydd, Oswald Jensen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,250ft Lambourne, Christopher, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,251a Lavy, Rev. Ernest Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2516 Leal, Winifred Marie Louise, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,251. Lilly, Walter Elsworthy, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,251(2 Little, James Raymond, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,251. Lund, Wilfred George. 1 Jan. 1920. 10,251/ McQuade, William, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,251.- Macredie, Hastings George Cunningham, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,251ft Mahony, Mary Ellen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,252a MaUinson, Clarice Elsie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2526 MiUer, Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,252c Moffat, Elijah James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,252(2 Ogttvy, Walter, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,252. Perrey, Albert Victor George, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,252/ Van de Pol, Florence Clara, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,252(7 Prest, EUen Gertrude, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,252ft Reid, Thomas Ebenezer, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,253a Rickman, Mary Charlotte Murray, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2536 Riley, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,253c Robertson, James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,253d! Robertson, Margaret Ida, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,253e Robinson, Dorothy Faith, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,253/ Sedgwick, Richard Romney, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,253.- Shackleton, WilUam, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,253ft Shaw, Isabella Mackintosh, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,254a Smith, Frederick Herbert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2546 Smith, Mathew, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,254(2 Stansfield, John Fhth, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,254. Steele, Arnold Francis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,254/ Stephens, Albert, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,254.- Stock, Enid Amy, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,254ft Strawn, Frances May, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,255a Stuart, Charles Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2556 Taylor, Deborah Phipps, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,255c Thorneloe, Arthur Joseph, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,255(2 Titterington, Edward John Goodall, 1 Jan. 1920. ' 10,255c Tracey, Isabel Audrey, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,255/ Tuck, AUce Mary, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,255a Wager, May Frances, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,255ft Walker, Herbert Arthur, 1 Jan. 1920 10,256a Waring, Margaret Ehzabeth, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2566 WiUiamson, Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,256e Wood, Dennis, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,256(2 Wood, Maud, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10 256e Wyke, Clement James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,256/ Aling, Gerrit, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,256(7 AUen, David Hugonm Satow 1 Jan. 1920. 10 256A Anderson, George WUham Strachan, 1 Jan 10,257a Balfe, Kathleen, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2576 Barry, Arthur J, 1 Jan 1920. 10 257c Brown, Patrick Campbell Cowley- 10'257(2 Bruffa, John, 1 Jan. 1920. , 1920. 1 Jan. 1920. I 10,257e CampbeU, Arthur Lang, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,257/ Campbell, Olga Margaret, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,257(7 Chubb, William Lindsay, 1 Jan. 1920. 10'257A Davies, Horace Victor, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,258a Frances, Edith, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2586 Fraser, Clive Stewart, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,258c Gordon, John Cornewall Duff, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,258(2 Greatorex, Ronald Henry, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2586 Hodson, Thomas Stuart, 1 Jan. 1920: 10,258/ Holmes, Gertrude Ehene, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,258(7 Irving, Henry Edward, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,258ft Johnson, WUliam Thomas, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,259a Lloyd, Edmund, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2596 MattaUeu, Vernon, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,259c MarshaU, Gertrude Mary, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,259(2 Martin, Gaston Pacroe de, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,259e Mathews, Leslie, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,259/ Mullins, Alfred James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2590 Ness, Bertha, Mrs, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,259ft Price, Sydney Regtaald, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,260a Rome, Francis John de, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,2606 Tanner, Alfred Richard, Morley, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,260c Walker, John Jeffrey, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,260(2 Williamson, William James, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,260e WUson, Cyril, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,260/ Younghusband, Jonathan, 1 Jan. 1920. 10,260(7 MUler, Frederick William, 9 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,260ft Watson, Wallace, 22 Jan. 1920. (M.) 10,261a Askin, Thomas Cuming, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,2616 Bailey, Reginald Threlfall, 30 Jan. 1920. 10 261c Bigley, Francis William Hudson. 30 Jan. 1920. 10,261(2 Blackledge, WUliam Thomas, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,261e Blood, Joseph FitzGerald, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,261/ Brockbank, Edward Mansfield, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,261(7 Chaff, Thomas Waycott, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,261ft Chapman, Paul Morgan, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,262a Clarke, Andrew Campbell, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,2626 Craig, John, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,262c Cruiekshank, James Bell, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,262(2 Darwin, George Henry, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,262. Fardon, John Henry, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,262/ Ferguson, Charies Henry, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,262.' Gamble, Mercier, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,262ft Hadfleld, Charles Frederick, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,263 HamUton, John Sthling-, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,264 Hedley, Edward WilUams, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,265 Helme, George Edgar, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,266 Hughes, John Brierley, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,267 Hutchinson, George Arnold, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,268 Ironside, Catherine Mary, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,269 Jamieson, Thomas HiU, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,270 Lindsay, William Joseph, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,271 McClelland, William, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,272 MacGUl, George, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,273 Mackie, Mary Campbell, Mrs, 30 Jan. 1920 10,274 McWatters, John Courtenay, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,275 Melvin, Frank Widowfield, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,276 Moore, Williams Struthers, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,277 Moyles, John George, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,278 Murphy, Maurice Michael, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,279 Nixon, Herbert Thomlinson, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,280 Noble, John, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,281 Palmer, Sydney Joseph, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,282 Prentice, William Hogg, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,283 Rust, John, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,284 Stenhouse, James WUson. 30 Jan. 1920. 10,285 Stopford, John Sebastian Bach, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,286 Thomas, William Thelwall, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,287 Wells, Thomas Henry Sanderson-, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,288 Woodcock, Harold Brookfleld, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,289 Wilson, Frederick Wallace, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,290 Wyse. Richard, 30 Jan. 1920. 10,291 Chbbon, Percy Gordon, 8 March, 1902. (M.) 10,292 Cox, George Henry, 8 March, 1920. (M.) 10,293 Haines, Samuel James, 8 March, 1920. (M.) 10,294 Myott, John, 8 March, 1920. (M.) 10 295 Plummer, John Robert, 8 March, 1920. (at.) 10,296 Power, Charles Louis, 8 March, 1920. (M.) 10 297 Royall, WUliam, 8 March, 1920. (M.) 10,298 Alsop, Anthony, 15 March, 1920. (M.) 10 299 Andrews, Sidney Byron, 15 March, 1920. (M.) 10 300 Duguid, David Robertson, 15 March, 1920. (M.) 10,301 PUkington, Percy, 15 March, 1920. (M.) 10 302 Turner, John George, 3 5 March, 1920. (M.) 10,302a Davey, John Henry, 23 AprU, 1920. (M.) 10.3025 Haines, Ernest, 23 Apr. 1920. (M.) 10;302c McGuhk, Hen.-y Francis, 23 Apr. 1920. (M.) 10 302(2 Ridges, Robert Vigors, 23 Apr. 1020. (M.) 10,303 Allen, Ernest Thomas WilUam, 5 June, 1920. 10 304 Arnot, John WUkie, 5 June, 1920. 10 305 Bell, Constance Mildred, 5 June, 1920. 10 306 Black, Herbert Duncan, 5 June, 1920. 10,307 Bradley, Lesley Ripley, 5 June, 1920. 10 308 Brewer, Ella Nora Dorothy, 5 June, 1920. 10,309 Clarke, Harry Charles, 5 June, 1920. 10,310 De la Cour, Miss, 5 June, 1920. 10 311 Dinwiddle, Agnes Letitia, Blount-, 5 June, 1920. 10'312 Dooner, William Toke, 5 June. 1920. 10 313 Duncombe, Emily Katharine Louisa, 5 June, 1920. 10'314 Earl, Edward Franklyn, 5 June, 1920. 703 THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 10.315 10,31610,31710,318 10,31910,320 10,321 10,322 10,323 10,32410,32510,326 10,32710,329 10,33010,33110,33210,33310,33410,335 10,33610,33710,33810,33910,34010,341 10,342 10,34310,34410,34510,34610,34710,34810,34910,35010,351 10,352 10,353 10,35410,355 10,356 10,357 10,35810,35910,36010,36110,362 10,363 10,364 10,36510,366 10,367 10,36810,36910,37010.371 10,372 10,37310,37410,37510,37610,37710,378 10,37910,38010,38110,38210,38310,38410,385 10,386 10,38710,38810,38910,39010,391 10,39210,39310,39410,39510,39010,397 Edgar, Jonathan Cyril, 5 June, 1920. Etheredge, Charles Douglas, 5 June, 1920. Finch, Madeline Constance, 5 June, 1920. Garratt, Dorothy Agnes, 5 June, 1920. Glover, Inez Marguerite, 5 June, 1920. Groser, Phyliss, 5 June, 1920. HaU, AUne Margaret, 5 June, 1920. Harkness, Edith Geraldine, 5 June, 1920. Hughes, J. H, 5 June, 1920. Kendall, John Murray, 5 June, 1920. Knutford, LUian May, Mrs, 5 June, 1920. Kopetzky, Adolf, 5 June, 1920. Kuhner, Charles Henry, 5 June, 1920. Lovell, Laura Mary, Mrs, 5 June, 1920. Moflatt, Elijah James, 5 June, 1920. Morgan, Anne Lalande, Lady, 5 June, 1920. Moss, WUfred, 5 June, 1920. Price, Emily Annie, 5 June, 1920. Read, Mary Amy, 5 June, 1920. Stapleton, May Cotton, 5 June, 1920. Struthers, John, 5 June, 1920. Thellusson, Florence Adeline, 5 June, 1920. Wade, Sidney, 5 June, 1920. Walker, H. A, 5 June, 1920. Whittington, Richard Auguste William, 5 June, 1920, WUUams, Daisy, Mrs, 5 June, 1920. Cottle, Jack, 12 July, 1920. (M.) Cox, Albert John, 12 July, 1920. (M.) Jezzard, Frank, 12 Julv, 1920. (M.) Carnac, WUdred John Rivett-, 12 July, 1920. (it.) WUler, Herbert Humphries, 12 July, 1920. (M.) Allen, Henry Charles, 24 Aug. 1920. Clark, J. A, 24 Aug. 1920. Cookson, Christopher, 24 Aug. 1920. Curtis, WUliam, 24 Aug. 1920. Hague, S, 24 Aug. 1920. Hamilton, Claud Aubrey Douglas, 24 Aug. 1920. Harie, Charles, 24 Aug. 20. Henderson, Alexander, 24 Aug. 1920. Henderson, Helen, 24 Aug. 1920. HewgiU, Edward Burnip, 24 Aug. 1920, Logan, WiUiam, 24 Aug. 1920. Morrison, Kate, 24 Aug. 1920. Philippedes, Nessib Cleanthes, 24 Aug. 1920. Smith, George Foster, 24 Aug. 1920. Treasure, John WilUam Oran, 24 Aug. 1920. Watson, William Joseph Gabriel, 24 Aug. 1920. Maule, WiUiam Harry Fowke, 25 Aug. 1920. (M.) Dundersale, Wilfred Albert, 7 Sept. 1920. Addison, Stanley, 15 Oct. 1920. AUan, Rev. Tom, 15 Oct. 1920. Anderson, Helen Agnes, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. Angelo, Mary Colquhoun, Mrs. Fox-, 15 Oct. 1920. Ogilvy, Harry Lort Stephen Balfour-, 15 Oct. 1920. Barnes, Katherine Florence, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. Barton, Albert Edward, 15 Oct. 1920. Beebe, WUUam, 15 Oct. 1920. Borrow, John Richard Travers Eales, 15 Oct. 1920. Botten, Joseph, 15 Oct. 1920. Browning, EUzabeth Anne, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. Butters, John Henry, 15 Oct. 1920. Clydesdale, Alexander McAlister, 15 Oct. 1920. Campbell, John Honeyford, 15 Oct. 1920. CoUins. Emily Ha, 15 Oct. 1920. Conder, Walter Tasman, 15 Oct. 1920. Evans, Annie Elethea, 15 Oct. 1920. Evans, Victor HaUen, 15 Oct. 1920. Farmer, George Albert, 15 Oct. 1920. Ferguson, WiUiam Francis, 15 Oct. 1920. Fitzgerald, John Thomas, 15 Oct. 1920. Hadley, Frederick Augustus, 15 Oct. 1920. Ham. Edwin George, 15 Oct. 1920. Hamilton, Albert Edwin, 15 Oct. 1920. Hardie. James March, 15 Oct. 1920. Harrap, George Edward, 15 Oct. 1920. Harrison, Tom Curtis, 15 Oct. 1920. Hicks, Thomas, 15 Oct. 1920. Hill, Charles, 15 Oct. 1920. Hiscox, George, 15 Oct. 1920. Holmes, Elsie May, 15 Oct. 1920. Holyman, Honora, Mrs , 15 Oct. 1920. Hordern, Herbert Vivian, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,398 Lean, James Malcolm, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,399 Lunn, Samuel, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,400 MacCaUum, Archibald Donald. 15 Oct. 1920. 10,401 McDonald, Rebecca Anne, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,402 McElhone, WUUam Percy, 15 Oct. 1920. 10 403 MacFarlane. Stuart Gordon, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,404 Mathison, Mary Martin, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,405 Montgomery, WiUiam, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,406 Moors. Florence Donald, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,407 Nance, Thomas Pierce Hatos, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,408 Newman, WilUam Augustin, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,409 Osborne, Wiliam Henry, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,410 Parker, Arthur Charles, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,411 Parker, Ethel Wyborn, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,412 Pearson, Wesley Marshall. 15 Oct. 1920. 10,413 Sands, Robert Sydney, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,414 Saunders, Florence Margaret, 15 Oct. 1920. 10.415 Solomon Edward, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,416 Smith, Helen Nora, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10.417 Tarrant, Harley, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,418 Thompson, Samuel Douglas, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,419 Wache, Ethel Evelyna, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,420 Waite, Eva, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,421 WasseU, Edith, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,422 WeUer, Florence Maud, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,423 Wilson, Archie John Landles, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,424 WUson, John Bowie, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,425 Windeyer, William Archibald, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,426 Wyatt, Ethel, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,427 Bickford, Charles Frederick, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,428 Bull, Esther, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,429 LoveU, EUzabeth Isabel, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,430 Baines, Florence, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,431 Balfour, Bertha Elsie, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,432 Bate, John Osborn Shepperton, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,433 Batho, Charles Phuip Arthur, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,434 Campbell, Isabel Edwards, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920 10,435 CampbeU, WUUam, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,436 Cleland, John Stockwto, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,437 Corke, Edward Stanton, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,438 Dyason, Ernest Clement, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,439 Eadie, Robert. 15 Oct. 1920. 10,440 Egan. Hulda, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,441 Fernie, James, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,442 Fourie, Louis, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,443 Fynn, Ethel Mary, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,444 Fraser, Henry Paterson, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,445 Garrard. Alice Mary, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,446 Hahn, Carl Hugo Linstogen, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,447 Head, Arthur, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,448 HiU, Henry GrenviUe, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,449 Kemsley, Kate Annie, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,450 Kennedy, John Morgan, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,451 Lamont, HeUen, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,452 Lea, Doris, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,453 McAlister, WUUam Douglas, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,454 Morgan, Walter LleweUyn, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,455 Morgan, Tom Henry, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,456 Murray, Edward. 15 Oct. 1920. 10,457 Morkel Paul Andrew, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,458 Notttogham, WilUam, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,459 Penfold, WiUiam Cowan, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,460 Ramsey, Florence Edith, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920; 10,461 Riseley, John WUUam, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,462 Salmon, Mary Eburn, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,463 Shaw, Mary Charlotte, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,464 Sloan, David, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,465 Smith, Herbert Parker Hastings, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,466 Tilney, Mary EUzabeth, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,467 TregasMs. Nellie Blanch, Mrs.. 15 Oct. 1920. 10,468 van Cotter Christian Andries Brenk, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,469 Waters, Alfred John, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,470 Whidborne, Winifred Biehl, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,471 Whitworth, Walter Stanley, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,472 Wilson, Edith Frances, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,473 Furlong, Margaret Helen, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,474 Salter, Albert Hugh, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,475 Small, Hannah, Mrs, 15 Oct. 1920. 10,476 Snow, WilUam, 31 Oct. 1920. (M.) 10,477 Elfick, James Elliott, 12 Nov. 1920. (M.) 10,478 Reynolds, Andrew Bishop, 23 Nov. 1920. 10 479 Norman, Gunner Richard, R.N., 4 Feb. 1921. +¦ OFFICIALS OK THE ORDER. Prelate.— Rt. Hon. and Right Rev. The Bishop of London, K.C.V.O. King of Arms. — Gen. the Rt. Hon. Sh Arthur Henry Fitzroy Paget, G.C.B, K.C.V.O. Registrar. — Registrar and Secretary of the Central Chancery of the Order of Knighthood. Secretary. — Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department. Gentleman Usher ofthePurpleRod. — Sh Frederic George Kenyon, K.C.B. ,-V" YAi PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LOKDON AND BEOOLES. « ';!i