;cords !own of Fitchburgh Ivolume II. ••^rl y " ¦¦¦• .s^i? 1^ c^ For John Thurfton yf J Fitchburg Worcefter fs In Obedince to the within warrant I have Notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to Affemble and meete at Time and place within mentioned as the Law Directs Hezekiah Hodikins Conftable Att a Meeting of the inhabtants of the Town of fitchburg Afferabled on raunday the second Day of march 1789 .... Firft} Voted & Choofe Afa Perry Moderator to Gov ern said meeting .... 2iy} Voted & Chofe Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk . . . Town Clerk 3'y} Voted to Choofe Three Selectmen for the prefent year 4iy} Voted & Choofe for Selectraen Paul Wetherbee John Thurfton J""" Reuben Sraith Selectmen Town of Fitchburgh. 3 5'y} Voted the Selectmen to be Afsefsors the prefent year to affefs the public Taxes for the year in suing . . . AfTefTors 6'''} Voted & Choofe Ebenezer Thurfton Town Treaf- urer Town Treafurer 7>y} Voted to Releafe the Conftables that are Choofen the prefent year from paying the ten Dollars as has ben the Cuftom herebefore and hire the Collectors by the Town to Collect the public Taxes .... 8'y} Voted & Choofe mofes Hale Conftable to serve for the Town Conftable 9iy} Voted that the CoUectorship be let out to the Loweft Bidder they providing two Good Bondraen each to the acceptance of the Town Likewife the Choofing the Collectors be adjoumed till half an hour after five a Clock the prefent Day lO'y} Voted & Choofe John Ferwell Benjarain Dan- forth wardens Danforth difmifed Jonathan Darby Chofen in his Room wardens ll'y} Voted & Choofe Liv* Thomas Thurftons & Wil liam Reed Tythingmen Tythingmen 12'y} Voted and Choofe for Highway Surveyours Hezekiah Hodikins Solomon Story Elijah Garfield Phinehas Sawyer Thomas Steams Thomas Cowden J'"^' David M'^intire Amos Putnam Jofeph Phelps Stephen Pingrey J""^' Leiv* Thomas Thurfton Highway surveyours [336] Abijah meeds taken y<= oath 13'y} Voted & Choofe for Hogreaves Amos Sheldon Thomas French Abijah meeds Joftiua Needhara Aaron Darby Hogreaves 14'y} Voted & Choofe for fire wards Abraham Gibson & Joftiua Parce Fire wards 15^y} Voted & Choofe William Small Surveyour of Boards Clabords & Shingles . . . . surveyour bords Clabords shingls 16'y} Voted & Choofe for Fence Vewers Elijah M<^intire Cap* John Goodridge Fence Vewers 17'y} Voted & Choofe Cap* Jonathan Wood Survey ours of Hoops & Staves Hoops & Staves f^ r+ o tJ' H fU P rr' h-. Hf H- p. n> Xti Ul ^¦^ C) "^ J 4 T'/^^ (9/<^ Records of the 18iy} Voted & Choofe Ezra Ritter Sealer of Leather} Taken y<= oath Sealer of Leather 19^y} Voted & Choofe David Parce Sealer of weights & meafurers meafurers sealer 20'y} Voted that the swine Run at Large under the Regulation of the Law the year 21'y} Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to infpect the several bridges that is to be Repaired and built and Re port att the meeting on the adjournment the Coft the Committee Confift of twelve men three for each Bridge} Tho^ Stearns Afa Perry David Parce for Kendels Bridge} Samuel Burbank Robert Burn ¬ham Ephraira Kimball for Burbanks Bridge} Bla ney Phillips Seth PhiUips Tho^ Cowden J"-" for Phil lips bridge} Daniel Putnam William Reed Jereraiah Kinsman for Reeds Bridge. Voted to Raife £30-0-0 or an adition to the former sura which is one hundred & fifty pounds 150-0-0 22'y} Voted to pafs over the article to Raife money to Repaire the high^ways & Bridges untill the adjourn ment of the meeting to Receive the Report of the Com mittee 23'y} Voted to put out the poor to the Loweft Bidder in Town that are become Chargeble 24'?} Voted & Choofe Ephraim Kiraball Saxon to Take Care of the raeeting Houfe y^ year 25'y} Voted to pafs over the article Refpeting Efq"" Foxes paying & Difcharging Beef Execution untill the adjournment of said meeting .... 26iy} Voted that the Highway Tax aflefed on Benj^ Hartwell for y^ year 1788 that is aded to the Town Rate to Collect be Sufpended & said Hartwell is to work it out on the way he ufeally Travels to Git into the Road that Leads to the meeting houfe 27iy} Voted that Williara Riders Highway Tax that wras aded to the Town Rate to Collect be Taken out and abated that was not worked out .... 28'y} Voted to adjoum this meeting Down to Efq"" Cowdins Houfe this meeting is adjourn"! for one half hour then meet & proceeded_as follows .... o o1—1?— * no rt-Oi-t w Town of Fitchburgh. 5 29iy} Mr= Hart Bid of by Zacheus Ferwell at five pounds Eighteen Shillings for one whole year so in pro- potion if she should not Live y'= year out . . . £5-18- 30} Lydea Williams bid of by Stephen Thurfton at Nine pence 0/9 a week to board and Beed & mend untill Difpofed off other ways 311?} Eli Smith Bid of by Andrew Goodel att Ten pence a week — 0/10 untill other ways Difpofed of by the Town .... 32} The Collecting of the Public Taxes on the South Side of the Town for the prefent year is Bid of by Thomas Steams at Forty one Shilling & six pence on the Hundred pound he shall Collect & pay in where ordred so in propotion for a Greater or Leffer sum ¦ His Bondsmen accepted by the Town by a Vote is Daniel Ferwell & Oliver Brown for the faithfall Dif charge of his Duty in said office [337] The Collecting of the Public Taxes on the Q North side of said Town is bid of By Cap* Jonathan £.Wood at Forty seven Shillings & Six pence on the o Hundred pound he shall Collect and pay in where o ordred so in propotion for a Greater or Lefser sum his " Bondsmen accepted by a Vote of the Town viz Daniel Putnam John Thurfton Jur for the faithfall Difcharge of his Duty .... 33'y} Voted to adjoum this meeting to the Sixteenth Day of this inftant march at Two o Clock in the after Noon the meeting is accordingly adjoumed Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk March ye 16*^ 1789 The Town Meet according to adjournment the Meeting being opned proceed as follows Firft} Heard the Report of the Committee in Regard to the Coft of the Bridges that are to be New builded 2'y} Voted to Raife one Hundred & Eighty pounds to Repair the Highways and Bridges y^ prefent year Voted to Lay out the money at the sarae Rate on the Highway & bridges by the Hour as was Laft year & for Teems & Carts ploughs & the Delinquents if any there be 6 The Old Records of the to be Returned in to the alTefsors Seafonable to ad to the Town Rate by the highway surveyours Sum Raifed is £180-0-0 3'y} Voted to Repair the four bridges or build New mentioned & infpected by the Committes Voted that the Committee Chofen to infpect the Coft of Building the Bridges be the Committe to help plan & over see the building of the sarae 4'y} Voted that Afa perry David parce be Difmifed from Kendels bridge Afa perry to serve in the Room of Robert Burnham at Burbanks bridge the other Committes to serve at there Refpective Bridges as Choofen .... 5'y} Voted that the Selectmen Order on such Deftricts to alfift in Repairing the bridges as they Shall Think proper for there affiftance and Likewife order such Deftrict & Surveyour to aflift on the County Road by Jacob Uptons as they shall Think proper 6^y} Voted to accept of Tw^o Rode Road as Defcribed so far as Given as followes Fitchburg March 8*11 1786 Laid out a Two rod Road begining at the Road Leading from M'' Jacob AUen^ houfe to the meeting houfe by M"^ Hodglkins runing Southerdly on M'' Jacob Aliens Land on M' Frenches Line through said AUins land to M"" Fullers Land Then weft of south betwene said Fullers Houfe & Bam then South to M'' Abel Baldwins land then the same point through said Baldwins land one half on the weft side of a fence now- made and making then on the Eaft side of said Baldwins fence Now made to Land of Tho^ Cowdins Efq'' then the same point to the County Road and marked Trees on the weft side of said Road Thomas Steams \ Committee Jacob Allen / on said Road This Road is Given from the firft mentioned Road to Fullers Land by the owners of the Land in Open Town meeting 7'y} Voted to Diffolve This Meeting the meeting is Difsolved accordingly Afa Perry . . . moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 7 Worcefter fs To Mofes Hale Conftable for the Town of , . . fitchburg in said County Greeting Thefe are in , . . the Name of the Commonwealth of Maffachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie and warn all the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qualified by Law to vote in Town meetings to affemble & meet at the meeting Houfe on Monday the six Day of April Next at two Clock in the after Noon then & their being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles (viz) Firft} to Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y} to see what method the Town will Take to Dif charge a fine aganft said Town for the Deficiancy of a Soldier in the year 1782 which fine by a Refolve of Court is made payable in Confoladated Securityes or act any thing thereon as they Shall Think proper . . . [338] 3iy To See if the Town will abate any per fons Taxes in any of the Conftables or Collectors Lifts or act any Thing thereon as they Shall Think proper . . 4iy To See if the Town will Choofe a Committee to Reckon & Settle with the Town Treafurer or act any thing Thereon as they shall Think proper . . . Hereof fail not & make Retum of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to some one on or before said Day Given under our Hands & seals This Twenty Third Day of march in the year of our Lord 1789 Paul Wetherbee 1 Selectmen John Thurfton J^^|p.,fo^^^g Worcefter fs March 24*i' 1789 In Obediance I have Notified and warned the freehold ers and other inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg to meet at Time and place according to the within warrant Mofes Hale Conftable for fitchburg Att A meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Legally affembled on April y^ 6*'' 1789 in Town meeting The meeting being opned & proceeded as follows 8 The Old Records of the Firft} Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Moderator of s^ meeting 2^y} Voted to impow^er the Selectmen to procure the money to purchafe Confoladated Securityes to Difcharge the fine Laid on the Town for the Deficiancy of one Soldier in the year 1782 as appeairs by the Courts Refolve 3^7} Voted to abate David Goodels poll Tax in Cap* Sam" Burbanks several Lifts made for the year 1781 & 1782 & 1783 not including his son .... 4-13 = 7-0 Town 1-18-10-1 4'y} Voted to abate the poll Tax of Benj a Kemp in Cap* Burbanks Several Lifts for the year 1781 & 1782 & 1783 Town & state Taxes meening one poll in Each Rate 5'y} Voted to abate John venen one half of his Taxes in the Lifts Committed to Maj° Tho^ Hartwell to Collect for 1783 & 1786 the other Half the said Vinen is to work out on the Roads in David Maintire Deftrict the prefent year the said M'^intire to over See and Take an account & make Return according to his orders 6'y Voted to Choofe three perfons as a Committee to Recken & Settle with the Town Treafurer viz the three selectmen Likewife voted to ad M'' Mofes Hale to said Committee and are ordred to make Report at the Next meeting 7'y Voted to Diffolve This meeting which is accord ingly Difsolved Daniel Putnam moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs To Mofes Hale Conftable for fitchburg in - , , said County Greeting (seals) These are in the Name of the Commonwealth of Maffachufetts to will & Require you in Due Corfe of Law to Notifie and wam all the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to Vote for a Reprefentetive of this Commonwealth to affemble & meet at the meeting houfe on the sixth Day of April Next at one of the Clock in the after noon to Give in there Votes for a Governor and Lieu* Govemor and five perfons for senators Agreable to the Conftetution Town of Fitchburgh. Hereof fail not to make Return of this warrant to some one of us at or before said Day with your Dowings there on Given under our hand and Seals this Twenty Third Day of March A D 1789 \ Selectmen % r \ For J"- ) Fitchburg Paul wetherbee John Thurfton [339] Worcefter fs March y^ 24*1" 1789 In Obediance I have Notified and warned the freehold ers and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to meet at Time and place according to the within warrant Mofes Hale — Conftable Att a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Legaly afferabled in Town meeting on monday the sixth Day of aprii 1789 Agreable to the Conftetution of this Commonwealth being Convened together Gave in the following Votes Firft for the Choice of a Govemor No Votes For his Excellancy John Hancock Efq'' . . 59 }^°7789°^ Secondly the Votes for the Choice of Lieu* Governour }Liu* Co emours ^789 Thirdly For the Choice of Senators For the Honourable Seth Waflibum . Efq'^ . 39 For the Honourable Abel Wilder . . Efq'' . 20 For the Honourable John Feffendon . Efq'^ . 27 For the Honourable Artamos Ward . Efq'' . 14 Senators For the Honourable SaraH Baker . . Efq"- . 16 For the Honourable Andrew Peters . Efq'' . 3 For the Honourable Jofeph Stone . . . .• . 24 For the Honourable Timothy Paine . Efq'' . 4 1789 For the Honourable Amos Singletary Efq'' . 27 For the Honourable Peter Penneman Efq'' . 27 For the Honourable Mofes Gill . . . Efq*- . 18, The meeting Difsolved By the Selectmen prefent Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk 10 The Old Records of the Worcefter fs To Mofes Hale Constable of Fitchburg , 1 \ ill said County Greeting . , - Thefe are in the Narae of the Comraonwealth ^ ^ of Maffachufetts to will and Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie and wam all the free holders & other inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qualified to Vote as the Law Directs to affemble and meete at the raeeting houfe on Thurfday the fourteenth Day of may Next at three Clock in the after noon to act on the follovring articles viz .... Firft} to Give in their Votes for Some meete perfon to Reprefent them in the Great an General Court the pref ent year or act any thing there on as they shall think proper Hereof fail not to make Retum of this warrant with your Doings thereon to some one of us on or befor s"* Day Given under our hand & Seals this Twenty seventh Day of April A" D" 1789 Paul Wetherbee 1 Selectmen John Thurfton Ji"-. } of Reuben Smith J Fitchburg Worcefter. fs. April 29*'' 1789 In Obedience to this within warrant I have Notified and warned all the freeholders and others Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to raeet at Time and place accord ing to Law Mofes Hale Conftable [330] May 14*'' 1789 The Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Legally Affembled in Town meeting on Thurf day the foreteenth Day of this inftant may 1789 The Vote being Called whether the Town will send a Repre fentetive to Reprefent said Tovm the prefent year it paffed in the firmetive Then Gave in There Votes and Choofe Deacon Daniel Putnam to Reprefent said Town of fitchburg the prefent year in the State Houfe in Bofton y"= laft wednefs Day in may Agreeable to the Conftetution of this Comraonw^ealth of maffachufetts Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 11 Worcefter fs To Mofes Hale Conftable of the Town , . . of fitchburg in said County Greeting , 1 . Thefe Are in the Name of the Comraonwealth of Maffachufetts to will & Require you fourthwith in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie and wam all the free holders and other inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qualified by Law^ to Vote in Town raeeting to affemble & meet at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on Thurfday the Second Day of July Next at Three Oclock after Noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the fol lowing articles Viz Firft} to Choofe a Moderator to Govern s"* meeting 2'y} to See if the Town will Sect of the wefterdly part of said Town as a parrilh upon Suppofition that the North part of Weftminfter and the eaft part of Alhbum- ham and a Small part of Aftiby will Concent to be An nexed to said Town or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 3'y to See if the Town will purchafe a Roade for Jo feph Richardfon and others that has ben Lately ben Laid by the Selectmen or act any thing thereon as they Shall Think proper .... 4'y to See if the Town will Join with the Town of Lunenburg in supporting the widow Abigail Haward or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 5'y to See if the Town will Choofe Some perfon to take Care of the Land Lately purchafed By the Town Hereof fail not and make Retum of this warrant with your Doings thereon to some one of us at or before said Day Given under our hand & seals this Eighteenth Day of June 1789 Paul Wetherbee l^^^^g^^^ fitchburg Reuben Sraith j , In Obediance to this warrant I have Notified and warned all the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to raeet at time and place According to Law June 18*" 1789 Mofes Hale Conftable 12 The Old Records of the [331] Att a Meeting of the inhabitants of the Tovra of fitchburg Legally Affembled in Town meeting on Thurf day the Second Day of this inftant July 1789 Firft} Voted & Choofe Decon Daniel Putnam Mod erator 2'y The Vote put to see if the Town will Comply with the Requeft in the second article in the warrant with the petition annexed thereto in Regard to Setting of the vi^eft part of Said Town as a Parrifh it paffed in the Negetive 3'y} The Vote put to See if the Town will Choofe a Committee to Confider the Circumftances of the Town in Regard to Setting of the weft part of s"* Town into a parrifh it paffed in the Negetive .... 4'y Voted & Choofe a Comraittee to vew the Road Lately Laid out for Jofeph Richardfon & others that Lyes in Difpute with the macintires and said Richardfon the Committee Confifts of three perfons viz Mofes Hale Phine has Hartwell Jacob Upton Chofen for the above purpofe of settling the matter & to Report at the fall meeting Next 5'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Confer or De bate the matters in Regard to Lunenburgs Requireing s"* fitchburg to Do an Equal Share in Supporting the widow Abigail Heyw^ood or any part Lately Sent to s*! Lunenburg to support this Committe Confift of Two perfon viz mr Afa Perry m'" Phin® SawA^er Choofen for the above purpofe to settle the matter .... 6iy Voted & Choofe M'' Phinehas Sawyer in behalf of the Town to take Care of the Land Lately purchafed of Tho^ Boynton by the Towm & See that there is no Damage Done on said Land by Cutting or Carring of wood or Timber hoop poles with out proper Leive and profecute the same 7'y Voted to Diffolve This meeting the meeting is ac cordingly Diffolved Daniel Putnam Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 13 Worcefter fs To Mofes Hale Conftable for the Town of fitchburg in ,, . „ , the County of worcefter Greeting ... . j^.^ VvThefe are in the Narae of the Commonwealth ^.j- . j^_^ of Maffachufetts to will and Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie and wam all the free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to Vote in Town Meetings to affemble and meete at the meeting houfe on monday the seven teenth Day of Auguft Next at four Clock in y^ after Noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles (Viz) Firft to Choofe moderator to Govern s"! meeting .... 2^7 To See if the Town will Choofe an Agent to De fend the Cafe with M"" Nehemiah Fuller with Regard to a Note that is put in Sute or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper .... [333] 3'y To See if the Town will Choofe a Com mittee and impower them To make a final Settlement vs^ith the Town of Lunenburg Refpecting the widow abi- gail Heywood and others that shall Corae in Like Cir- comftance or act any Thing thereon as they shall Think proper Hereof fail Not to make Return of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to some one of us on or before said Day .... Given under our Hand & seals this twenty Ninth Day of July in y-^ year 1789 Paul Wetherbee \ Selectmen John Thurfton Ju^ \ for Reuben Smith j Fitchburg Worcefter fs In Obedince to this warrant I have Notified & warned all the freehoulders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to meet at Time and Place According to Law Mofes Hale Conftable Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Affembled Auguft y= 17*'' 1789 14 The Old Records of the Firft} Voted & Choofe Tho« Cowdin Efq" Moderator of said meeting 2'y Voted to Defend the action or Sute brought againft the inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg by M"" Nehemiah faller of s"! fitchburg 3'y Voted to Choofe Two Agents to Defind the Action or Sute above mentioned Brought by said faller againft the inhabitants of s For John Thurfton Ju'; J Fitchburg Worcefter fs In Obediance to this within warrant I have Notified & warned the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to Afsemble & meet at Time & place within mentioned as the Law^ Directs .... Hezekiah Hodgfkins Conftable The Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Legally Afsembled in Tovrn Meeting on Monday the seventeenth Day of this inftant November 1788 the meeting being opned proceed as follows Firft} Voted & Choofe Tho= Cowdin Efq" moderator of s** meeting .... 2'y Voted to Difcharge the Committee Apointed to provide meterals to build the New meeting Houfe Near Phinehas Sawyers from any father service that ware Choofe by a former raeeting for that purpofe after they Reported there Proceedings in Regard to purchafing the frame which ware not agreed for 3'7 — Voted to Choofe a Committee to find the Center of the Town of fitchburg 16 The Old Records of the 4^7 — Voted & Choofe three perfons for the above pur pofe viz AI"- Afa Perr\' Oliver Stickney Paul Wetherbee Likewafe Tho^ Cowdin J"" to Afsift as a suryeour This Committee to make Report at the meeting on the adjourn ment of there proceeding 5^7 Voted to adjoum this meeting to monday the Eight Daj' of Deceraber Next at one of the Clock in the after noon to here the Report of the Committee for Cen tering the Town December 3-^ 8*'' 1788 The Town Afsembled according to their adjournment .... 6'y Voted to accept of the Report of the Committee appointed to find the center of the Towm as appears by there Plan and there proceeding .... a raonument sect up on the Land of Jonathan Darby Near his Eaft Line North of the County Road [334] Voted to adjoum this meeting to the Eigh teenth Day of this inftant December at Nine Clock in the moming on said Day the meetings adjoumed accordingly Decmbre 18*'' 1788 The Town Afsembled according to there adjournment the meeting opned Firft} Voted to erect a meeting Houfe in the Center of said Town or the Nearft Conveananteft place there to 2'y Voted to Choofe a Comraittee to find a suteable Conveanant place to Seet the Aleeting Houfe Neareft the Center and procure the Land in behalf of the Town 3'y Voted & Choofe five perfons as A Committee for the above purpofe viz Thomas Cow^din Efq" Phinehas Hartwell oliver Stickney Daniel Putnam Paul Wetherbee 4^7 Voted This Comraittee to be irapowered or Either one of them to purchafe the Land of Thomas Boynton that was sold by Cap* Samuell Burbank for Taxes which Contains Twenty Two acres & Half if that be found to be the moft Conveanant place 5'y Voted This Committee have instructions How to proceed and to Draw^ a plan of the raeeting Houfe to Lay before the Town at the raeeting on the adjournment and to Report there proceedings 6'y Voted to adjoum This raeeting to munday the Twenty Ninth Daj- of this inftant December at one of the Clock in the after Noon . . . Phin Hartwell Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 17 December 29*" 1788 The Town Affemble on the ad journment the meeting being opned & proceeded as fol lowers Firft} Voted to accept of the Deed procured by your Committee Given to the Town by Tho^ Boynton for Twenty Two acres & half of Land for the Towns ufe 2'y Voted to impower the selectmen to procure Eight pounds seven shillings & Nine pence to pay Efqr Fox to Redeem the above faid Land sold to him by Cap* Sa.5 burbank Collector owned By Thomas Boynton to secure Taxes which is 22 acres % at or before the Eighteenth Day of January Next "3'y Voted that M" Jofeph Fanno shall have one Acre & one Quarter of an acre of the above mentioned Land Purchafed by the Town of Thomas Boynton as a prefent to the said fanno to be his property 4'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to the firft munday in April Next at Two Clock in the after noon This meet ing is adjoumed accordingly Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk April y= 6*" 1789 The Town Afsembled according to there adjournment the meeting being opned & proceeded as followes .... Firft} Voted to adjoum This meeting to the Next may meeting for the Choice of Reprefentetives at four of the Clock in the after Noon on said Day for father Con- fideration of the matter in hand May the 14*" 1789 The Town meet according to there adjournment the meeting being opned and proceeded as follows .... Firft Voted to adjoum this meeting to the Next Sep tember meeting for Granting money to pay the Necefsary Charges This meeting is accordingly adjoumed to two Clock in the after Noon on said Day Then to meet Phin« Hartwell Town Clerk Sept2 y= 7*" 1789 the Town being raeet the meeting being Opned then proceeded in the following manner 18 The Old Records of the Firft} Efq" Cowdin the former Moderator being Abfent The Town Voted & Choofe Liu* Paul Wetherbee in the Room of Efq" Cowdin then abfent to serve as modera tor of s"! meeting then proceeded and 2'y Voted to Difsolve this raeeting Paul Wetherbee Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [335] Worcefter fs To Mofes Hale Conftable of the Town of fitchburg in , . . said County Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth ^ 1 \ of Maffachufetts to will & Require you forthwith in Due Courfe of Law^ to Notifie and wam all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitch burg Qulified by Law^ to Vote in Town meeting to Affem ble & meet at the meeting Houfe in said fitchburg on Monday the seventh Day of Septeraber Next at one of the Clock in the after Noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles viz Firft To Choofe a Moderator to Govern sd meeting 2'y to Raife money to support the Reven"! John pay- fon the Prefent year 3'7 To See what sum or sums of money the Town will Raife to support the schools and other Town Charges or any thing thereon as they shall think proper 4^7 To see what method the Town vrill Take to pro vide Thirty Cords of wood for the Revm"! mr payfon 5'y To Here the Report of a Committee Choofen April the 6*" 1789 to Recon and settle with the Town Treafurer 6'y To Here the Report of a Committee Choofen July y^ 2 to vew the Road Lately Laid out for M" Jofeph Rich ardfon & others or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 7'y To see if the Town will Regulate the Jurys Boxes as the Law Directs or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... 8'y To see if the Town will Repair the Great Bridge Near the meeting houfe or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... Town of Fitchburgh. 19 9'y To see if the Town will provide a Gate for the Buiring-yard or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper Hereof fail not and make Return of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to some one of us on or before said Day Given under our hands seals this Twenty second Day of Auguft 1789 Paul Wetherbee \ Selectmen John Thurfton JuT \ For Reuben Smith j Fitchburg Worcefter fs Auguft 24*" 1789. In obedince to the vrithin Warrant I have Notified and warned all The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg to Affembled and meet at tirae and place According to Law^ Mofes Hale Constable the Getting of M" payfons wood for the year 1789 was bid of by the following perfons & for what sums Benjamin Danforth 5 Cord att £0-3-10 ^" Cord Peleg Battles 5 Cord at -0-3-10 W Cord David Pratt 5 Cord at -0-3-10 W Cord Solomon Hartwell 5 Cord att 0-3-10 W Cord Nehemiah Fuller 5 Cord att 0-3- 6 W Cord Benjamin Danforth 5 Cord att 0-3-10 W Cord [336] Att A Meeting of The Inhabitants of The Town of Fitchburg Legually Afsembled on Monday y^ 7*" Day of September 1789 Firft} Voted & Choofe MT Afa Perry Moderator to govern s"! Meeting 2'7 Voted to Raife Sixty Six pounds Thirteen Shil lings four pence to support M" Payfon the prefent year .... £66=13^ = 4 Committee Jacob Burnap j 26'y Voted to Accept of a Two Rod Road Laid out for M" Simeon Shattick by the Selectmens order Defcribed as follows * Begining againft said Simeon Shattick New Dwelling Houfe Laid on said Shattick Land Runing wefterdly to Elijah Willards Land then on said willard Land forty Rods to the Town Road that Leads by said willard to afhby the said Road Bounding the wrhole Length on Jonathan Fletcher North Line the Land purchafed & Given by y"" said Simeon Shattick for a Town Road Laid out by us the subfcribers Reuben Smith 1 ^ ¦ , , Phine® Hartwell Committee Simeon Shattick] ^PP°^^^^^ 27'y Voted to Put up the poor for support to the Loweft Bidder the prefent year Voted to adjoum Letting out the poor Down to the houfe of Efqr Cowdins .... 28'y Voted & Choofe for Field Drivers M" Solomon Story & Mofes Hale Field Drivers Voted to adjoum this meeting Down to the Houfe of Efqr Cowdins for one half hour 29'y Then the Town meet and attended the Bufinefs of the meeting .... The Collecting of the Public Taxes on the south side of said Town is bid of by Reuben Smith at Thirty one ShilKng on the Hundred pound he shall Collect & pay in where ordred he to find Two Good Sufl¢ Bondsmen *Now known as Shattuck road. [Annotation on the margin. W. A. D.] Town of Fitchburgh. 33 to the acceptance of the town &c for the faithfall Dif charge of his Duty The Collecting of the Public Taxes the prefent year on the North side of said Town is Bid of by Reuben Smith at Thirty one Shillings & Six pence on the Hundred pound he Shall Collect & pay in where ordred so in propotion for a Greater Lefser Sum he to find Two Sufficent Bondman to the acceptance of the Town for the faithfall Difcharge of his Duty Mr® Hart bid of for support by Deacon John Thurfton at five pounds Eighteen Shillings for one whole year so in propotion if She Should not Live the year out . . . Lydea Williams Bid of for support by Dea John Thurfton to Lodg and Board & mending for the said Lydeas work; till she is other ways Difpofed of: the Town to Cloath her and Doter her in Sicknefs if need 30'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to monday the Eigth Day of this inftant march at one aClock in the after Noon to the meeting houfe in s"! Town the meeting is adjoumed acordingly .... atteft Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk March ye 8*" 1790 The Town meet on said Day the meeting is adjoumed to the meeting Being Opned & pro ceeded as follows Firft Voted & Choofe M" Reuben Smith Collector for the Prefent year to Collect the public Taxes for the south & North side of said Town The said Smiths Taken y* oath 2'y Voted & Choofe Phinehas Sawyer Town Clerk Protempory to take the votes [344] 3'y Voted to Accept of M" Blaney Phillips & Thomas Cowdin Jun" For Bondsmen for M" Reuben Smith for the faithfall Difcharge of his Duty in said Office of Collector 4'y Voted to adjoum this meeting Down to Efqr Cow dins houfe for one Half Hour Then the Town formed to act on the Bufinefs of the Day 5'y Voted to Excufe Cap* John Goodridge from Serv ing Highway Surveyear 3 34 The Old Records of the 6'y Voted & Choofe M" Afa Perry Highway Surveyour in Said Cap* Goodridges Room the said Perry taken the oath for surveyour 7'y Voted Not to accept of the Committees Report Refpecting the settlement made with the Town of Lunen burg on account of M" William Henderfon and all other Paupors that Shall Return in Like Circomftances to sup port 8'y Voted to Difsolve This meeting the meeting is ac cordingly Difsolved Atteft Phinehas Sawyer Town Clerk Protempory Afa Perry Moderator Recorded By Phinehas Hartwell Clerk Worcefter fs To Mofes Hale Conftable of the Town of , - . Fitchburg In said County . . . Greeting . . . . . . Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth ' of Mafsachufetts to will & Require you fourth in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie and wam all the freehoulders and other inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified By Law to Vote in town meetings to Affemble and meet at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on Monday the four teenth Day of December Next at one a Clock in the After noon then and there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following Articles Viz Firft} to Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To See if the Tow^n will Choofe a Committee to Caufe a meeting houfe to be Erected on a plat of Land purchafed By the Town of Tho® Boynton for that pur pofe the said Committee to be under the Directions of the Town or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 3'y Or other ways to See if the Town. will Vote off a part of the Inhabitants of said Town that have or shall petition there for to be a parifli or Choofe a Coraraittee to Confer vrith the weft part of said Town or vew the Citiation of the Land to accomadate the inhabitants with Roads to the Center and said Committee to make Report to said Town or act any Thing thereon as they shall Think proper .... Town of Fitchburgh. 35 4'y To See if the Town will make any preperation to Repair the Great Bridge Near the raeeting houfe or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper Hereof fail not and make Retum of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to some one of us at or before said Day Given under our hand & seal this twen tieth seven Day of November- A- D- 1789 Paul Wetherbeel Selectmen Reuben Smith T Fitchburg [345] Fitchburg December 14*" 1789 Worcefter fs In Obediance to the within warrant I have Notified and warned all the Freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to meet at time and place according to the within warrant Mofes Hale . . . Conftable Att a Leagal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Affembled December y^ 14*" 1789 the meeting being opned & proceeded as follows Firft} Voted & Choofe De^ Daniel Putnam Moderator of s^ meeting .... 2'y — Voted to Take under Confideration the second & Third article in the warrant in Regard to the situation of the Land for Roads to the Center and Confer w^ith the people of the weft part of said Town as to there situation of being a parifli 3'y — Voted to Choofe a Committee of Nine perfons for the above purpofe viz Cap* Jonathan Wood Paul Wether bee Oliver Stickney Robert Burnham Tho® Cowdin Efqr Abel Bauldwen Phinehas Hartwell Doc* Jonas Marfliall Jacob Gibson 4'y — Voted This Committee Report to the Town on the meeting of the adjournment the situation of the Land for a Road to the Center of said Town and the situation of the weft part of said Town in Regard to there being a parifli 5'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to monday y= Twenty Eighth Day of this inftant December at one of the 86 The Old Records of the Clock in the after noon this meeting is adjoumed accord ingly December 28 1789 the Town meet according to the Time adjourned to the meeting being opned & proceeded as followes 6'y — Voted to take up the fourth article in the war rant firft in Regard to y^ Bridge 7'y — Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee of seven perfons to provide meterals to Repair the Great Bridge in the middle of the Town the said Committee to be under the inftruc- tions of the Town the perfons Choofen are as follows — Paul Wetherbee Phinehas Hartwell Afa Perry Seth Phillips Jacob Upton Ephraim Kimball Jofeph Phelps .... Voted that this Committee Give the people of the whole Town an Equal Chance to Labour out there pro- potional part as may be Directed by the Town which Directions are to the Comraittee to work out one Third of the Laft highway Rate Voted the Bridge to be Twenty feet wide the price of Labour to be Seet by the Committee per Day till farther order of the Town the Committee pro pofed 2® a Day for a man 2® a Day for a yoak of oxen the winter work Voted to adjoum this meeting to the firft monday of April Next at one of the Clock in the afternoon the meet ing is accordingly adjoumed to Receive some Necefsary matters in setling the peoples minds propofed for a Parifli in the weft part of the Town to satiffie the people on y= adjomment April y^ 5*" 1790 The Town meet according to there adjournment y= meeting being opned the people of the weft part of s*^ Town not appearing nor Gave any satif- faction of an agreement Firft — Voted to Reconfider the former Vote Refpecting the width of the Bridge whch was Voted Twenty feet wide .... Secondly — Voted to Build the Great Bridge Seventeen feet wide which width the Committee is to Lay the foun dation of said Bridge and be Governed thereby for the Building of the same Town of Fitchburgh. 37 Voted to Difsolve the meeting .... £150 Raifed at march meeting and the price of La bour stated by By the Town for the summer service which the Committee are to be Governed by the same as other highway work by the hour Daniel Putnam Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [346] Worcefter fs To Either of the' Conftables of the Town of Fitchburg Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth of Maffa- . . . chufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of , , I Law to Notifie all the Freholders and other in- ; 1 { habitants of said Town Qualified as the Contitu- tion Directs to Vote for a Reprefentetive to meet at the meeting Houfe in fitchburg on Monday the fifth Day of April next at Twelve a Clock at Noon on said Day there being Duly raeet & formed to Give in there Votes for the Choice of the following Refpective offices Firft To Give in there Votes for the Choice of Govemor Secondly To Give in there Votes for the Choice of Lieu* Govemor Thirdly To Give in there Votes for the Choice of Sena tors Agreable to the Directions of the Contitution . . . Hereof fail not to make Retum of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to some one of us at or before said Day and Time above mentioned Given under our hand and Seals This Twenty Second Day of march in the year of our Lord 1790 Phinehas Hartwell 1 Selectmen Paul Wetherbee > for John Thurfton Ju" J fitchburg Fitchburg April y^ 5*" 1790 In obediance to this war rant I have Notified the within mentioned inhabitants of the Tirae and place according to the within Directions Afa Perry Conftable Att a Legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Affembled on Monday the fifth Day of April ' Senators 38 The Old Records of the 1790 the Town being Conveaned to Geather Gave in the following Votes .... Firft} for the Choice of Governour 1 No Votes.; Governor For his Excellancy John Hancock Efq" 48 J Secondly} For the Choice of Lieu* j Governor >Leu* Govemor For the Honourable Samuell Adams Efq" 39 J Thirdly} for the Choice of Senators for the County of Worcefter For the Honourable Mofes Gill . Efq" . . 30) For the Honourable Abel Wilder . Efq" . . 28 For the Honourable Samuell Baker Efq" . . 16 For the Homourble Seth Waflibum Efq" . . 30 For the Honourable Ifrael Nicholas Efq" . . 30 For the Honourable John Feffendon Efq" . . 20 For the Honourable Artamos ward Efq" . . 3 For the Honourable Timothy pain Efq" . . 1, Meeting Difsolved Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [347] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of Fitchburg in s"* County Greeting Thefe are in the Narae of the Commonwealth of Mafsa- .. chufetts to will and Require you fourthwith in Due , , I Courfe of Law to Notifie and wam all the free- holders and other inhabitants of the Town of fitch burg Qulified as the Conftitution Directs of this Common wealth to Vote for a Reprefentetive to affemble and meet at the raeeting houfe in Said fitchburg on Thurfday the thirteenth Day of may Next at four a Clock in the after noon then & there being Duly meet & form,"! to act on the following Article .... To See if the Town w^ill Elect some sutable perfon to Reprefent them in the Great an General Court of this Commonwealth to be held at Bofton on the Laft wednefs- day of raay Next to attend ye state service. Hereof fail not to raake Return of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to some one of us at or before the Day & time Above mentioned Given under our hands and seals this Twenty firft Day of April in the year of Our Lord 1790 Phinehas Hartwelll Selectmen for Paul Wetherbee J Fitchburg Town of Fitchburgh. 39 Worcefter fs May ye 13*" 1790 in Obediance to this warrant I have w^amed the free holders and other inhabitants of said fitchburg Qulified to Vote for a Reprefentetive to attend at Time & place for the purpofe wathin mentioned Phinehas Brown Conftable Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Legally Affembled May the 13*" 1790 The Vote being put to See if the Town will Elect Sum Sutable per fon to Reprefent them in the General Court the year infu- ing it pafsed in the Affermetive then made Choicee of Deacon Daniel Putnara to Reprefent the people of said fitchburg in the state Houfe in Bofton to attend Govem ment service for the year enfuing — meeting Difsolved Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs To Either of the Constables of the Town of fitchburg Greeting . ' Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth ^ ' of Maffachufetts to will & Require you fourth with by Verbel Notice to Notifie & wam all the freehold ers and other inhabitants of s"! fittcchburg Qulified by Law to vote in Town meeting to Affemble & meet at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on Thurfday the Thir teenth Day of this inftant may at five a Clock in the after noon then and there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles Firft} to Chufe a Moderator to Govern said meeting [348] Secondly} to See if the Town wiU make Sura aditional help for Repairing the County Road Betwene M" Jacob Uptons & weftminfter Line which is Expofed to be prefented for not being in Repair Exclufive the High way Tax for the prefent year Thurdly} To See what method the Town will Take for providing some Necefsary help for the purpofe of Re pairing said County Road as above mentioned or act any thing thereon as they Shall Think proper 40 The Old Records of the Hereof fail not to make Retum of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to some one of us at or before the time above mentioned Given under our hands & Seals this Twelveth Day of may in the year of our Lord 1790 Phinehas Hartwell \ Selectmen Paul Wetherbee /For fitchburg Worcefter fs In Obediance to This warrant I have Notifie the inhabitants of fitchburg to raeet at time and place as within Difcribed Fitchburg may y^ 13*" 1790 . . Afa Perry Conftable Att A Legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Affembled May y= 13*" 1790 Proceeded as follows .... Firft}— Voted & Choofe M" Afa Perry Moderator of said meeting 2'y Voted to make some Aditional help to Repair the County Road Betwene M" Jacob Uptons and the Town Line exclufive the high way Tax 3'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Eftimate the Coft of Repairing the County Road from Jacob Uptons to wefterainfter Line .... 4'y — Voted the Selectmen to be the Committee for the above purpofe 5'y Voted to adjoum this raeeting to the second mon day in June next at four a Clock in the after noon this meeting is Accordingly adjourned June y= 14*" 1790 The Town Affembled at the Time adjoumed to the meeting being Opened then proceeded in the following manner Firft} Voted & Choofe Efq" Cowdin Moderator in the Room of Afa perry Obeliged to be abfent 2'y Voted that the Remaing part of Jacob Uptons Bridge Lift for Reparing a new bridge in the middle of said Town that was not worked out Laft wrinter by Sleading stone & fourteen perfons hereafter Named taken of Phinehas Hartwells Bridge Lifts to be worked out on Town of Fitchburgh. 41 the County Road betwene Jacob Uptons & weftminfter Line as an additional help to Repair said Road 3'y Voted & Choofe Phinehas Brown as an Affiftant to see thofe perfons Rate Taken from said Hartwells Lift be worked out on s'' County Road and Likewife Solomon Carlton as an affiftant with ra" Jacob Upton to See that the Remains of said uptons Lifts is worked out to Good atvantage [349] on the County Road & make Retum of your Dowings to the Affefsor in proper time the perfons from said Hartwells Lifts are thefe Abraham Ferwell Jona than Page William Halkell Nathan Badcock Benjamin Herriek Zachriah Shelden Jonathan Fletcher Jacob Burnap Elijah Willard Daniel Willard John Pratt Simeon Shattick Simeon Shattick Ju" Nethaniel Richardfon Nonrefident Tho® Cowdin for perry Abfent Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs To Afa Perry Conftable for fitchburg in , , , the County of worcefter Greeting . . { Thefe are in the Name of Maffachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to No tifie & wom all the freeholders and other inhabita:nts Qulified by Law to Vote in Town meeting to Affemble & meet at the meeting Houfe on monday the fifth Day of April Next at Nine Clock in the forenoon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following Articles viz I'y To Choofe a moderator to Govern s** meeting 2'y To See if the Town will sell or Difpofe of the old Contenental money Now in the hand of the Treafurer or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 3'y To See if the Town will Choofe fifli wardens Agre able to a Late act of the General Court 4'y To See if the Town will abate any part of Amos Fifks Rates or any other perfons that shall apply there for 5'y To See if the Town will Choofe a Comraittee to Lay the Town out into School Diftricts or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 6'y To See if the Town will accept of any Roads that hath ben Laid out by the Selectmens order or act any 42 The Old Records of the thing thereon as they shall think proper in Regard to paying Damages as they shall think proper Hereof fail not and make Retum of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to some one of us on or before said Day Given under our hand & seal this Twenty Second Day of march A D 1790 Paul Wetherbee \ Selectmen for John Thurfton JuT / Fitchburg Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Affembled April y^ 5*" 1790 the meeting being opned & proceed as follows Firft Voted & Choofe M" Afa Perry moderator of s'' meeting .... 2'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Difpofe of the old Contenantel raoney now in the hand of the Town Treafurer at the beft advantage for the intereft of the Town the said Coraraittee to Report to the Town there proceed ing at or before the the next fall raeeting if Required they being Acountable to the Town for s"! money 3'y Voted & Choofe for said Committee for the above purpofe Reuben Smith Daniel Putnam Paul Wetherbee . . 4'y Voted to Choofe fifh Wardens agreeable to a Re folve of y^ General Court Voted & Choofe for the above purpofe Cap* Jonathan wood Leut William Brown Deacon Kendel Boutell Cap* John Goodridge for s'' Wardens .... 5'y Voted to New Deftrict the Town for the better advantage of schooling the Committee the Committee Confift of the following perfons De^ Daniel Putnara Thomas Steams Afa Perry Phinihas Hartwell Reuben Smith Jofeph Fox Jofeph Richardfon [350] 6'y Voted to Leave to the fore mentioned Committee the Dividing the Town into school Deftricts as they shall Think proper & Report to the Town at the fall raeeting there proceedings 7'y Voted to adjourn the article in Regard to Jofeph Richardfons Road untill the next fall meeting the parties being not prefent 8'y Voted that the Selectmen Take under Confidera tion M" Amos fiflis Taxes in Tho® Stearns & Daniel Fer- Town of Fitchburgh. 43 "wells Lifts to abate any part or whole if they shall think proper 9'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to the Next fall meeting the meeting is accordingly adjoumed to s"^ Day at one of the Clock in the after noon of s^ Day Sep* y^ 9*" 1720 the Town meet being on the Day for the fall meeting this meeting adjoumed to Firft Voted to allow Doc* Jonas Marlhell for the stone wall on one side of the Town Road Through s"! marfliell Land that Leads by Jacob M<=intires to Jofeph Richardfon three shillings p" Rod he shall make for the fencing s"! Road through his Land pro-vided the said marfliell Gives the Land for s"! Road for the Towns ufe he be allowed out of his highway Taxes to finilh said "wall y^ Length propofed is 57 Rods -which is all ready agreed upon By the To-wn & D" marfliall as above — this -with the other Lands is Given to s"! Richardfons houfe spot and accepted Then Runs Through s"! Richardfons Land & Jefe Stevens Land then Through Jofeph Ho-«vs Land to Alhby Line the s^ Road is accepted so far as Given 2'y Voted to allow M" Jacob Burnap two Shillings a Rod out of his high-way Tax for building a "wall on one side of the Road Leads from s^ Burnaps houfe to the To-wn Road the Land is Given and accepted by s"* to-wn By Burnap for y'= Towns ufe Voted this meeting to be Diffolved Afa Perry} moderator Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the To-wn , . . of fitchburg in said County Greeting , . Thefe are in the Name of the Common-wealth J 1 \ of Maffachufetts to will and Require you in Due Courfe of La-w to Notifie and -warn all the free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by La-w to vote in To-wn raeetings to affemble and meet at the meeting houfe in said Town on Thurfday the Ninth Day of September next at one of the Clock in the after noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles Viz 44 The Old Records of the Firft To Choofe a Moderator to Govern s"! meeting 2'y To Raife money to support the Revem'' John pay fon y^ prefent year 3'y To See -what Sum or Sums of money the To-wn will Raife to support schools and pay other Necefsary Charges or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper [351] 4'y To See what raethod the Town will Take to Gitt M" Payfons -wood the prefent year or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper .... 5'y To See if the Town will inftruct there Treafurer or take ahy method for the more Speedy Collecting of Taxes or act any thing there on as they shall think proper 6'y To See if the Town will accept of the Report of the several Committees Viz a Committee to Lay the To-wn into school Deftrict; a Committee to Sell the old paper money a Committee to Defend the Cafe Refpecting Nehe miah Fuller & the Town A Committee to build the Great Bridge near the meeting houfe or act any thereon as they shall think proper .... 7'y To see -what raethod the To-wn -will Take to sup port Mary -wares or any other perfon that may become Chargeble to s'' Town or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... 8'y To see if the Town will pay M" Jonathan Holt for Collecting one State Tax in the year 1778 or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 9'y To See if the To-wn -will make futher provifion for the Building the Great bridge Near the mills or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper .... lO'y To see if the Town will Accept of the Settlement made by the Selectmen with the Town Treafurer the 19*" of Auguft Laft 1790 Hereof fail not to make Retum of this -warrant to some one of us at or before the Day & time above men tioned Given under our hands & seals this Twenty fourth Day of August in the year of our Lord 1790 Phinehas Hartwelll Selectmen Paul Wetherbee — j- for John Thurfton J"." J Fitchburg Town of Fitchburgh. 45 Worcefter fs In Obediance to this warrant I have Noti fied the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to meet at time & place as -within Directed Fitchburg September y'= 9*" 1790 Afa Perry Conftable Att A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Affembled Sep*ra y<= 9*" 1790 Firft Voted & Choofe Afa Perry Moderator of said meeting 2'y Voted to Raife £66 •13-4 for the support of M" Payfon his Sallary the prefent year £ s d ^ -^ 66-13-4 3'y Voted to Raife 50" 0" 0 to support the several schools in each Diftrict the enfuing year .... 50-0-0 4'y Voted that the several schools in said Town shall be free schools for y"" ufe of the To-wn 5'y Voted that each Deftrict Draw there propotion of money according to the Tax they pay in each Deftrict for Town Tax for support of s"! school 6'y Voted that there shall be a Committee man Choofe to each Deftrict yearly they to be under the Direc tions of the Deftrict they belong . . 7'y Voted & Choofe for said school Committee for said year Jeremiah Kinfman 1* Deftrict Mofes Hale 2 Deftrict Abijah Goodridge 3"'^ Deftrict Thomas Stams 4*" Deftrict Thomas Cowdin Ju" 5*" Deftrict David M'^intire 6*" Deftrict Abraham Ferwell 7*" Deftrict .... 8'y Voted to Raife one hundred Eighty pounds to De fray Town Charges & Debts Exclufive the support of minifter & school £180-0-0 9'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Let out the git- ting of M" Payfons wood to the Loweft bidder the prefent year the Comraittee Confifts of three perfons viz Afa Perry Phinihas Sa-wyer Jacob Upton lO'y Voted to accept of the settlement made with Town Treafurer by the selectmen Auguft y« 19*" 1790 [353] ll'y Voted to pafs over the 5 & 6 article & Take up the seventh for the prefent 12'y Voted that Mary wares be Let out to board to the Loweft bidder till march next then Choofe Afa Perry 46 The Old Records of the Jacob Upton Phinehas Sawyer for the above purpofe to Let said perfon out & Return there Dowings to the Clerk to be put on Record 13'y Voted to allow Jonathan Holt what Remains on the Laft settlement with the Treafurer Due of his Collec tion for his pay for Collecting one state Tax in the year 1778 14,iy Voted to Raife seventy five pounds to finifli the Great Bridge which is to be Laid out by the hour as the other Bills before Raifed the Conditions of the Delinquints as the other Rate the Committee to over see the money Laid out By each Deftrict and raake Retum of there Dowing to the affeffors 75-0-0 15'y Voted this meeting Diffolved Afa Perry moderator the Return of the Committee Dowing Refpecting pro viding ra" payfons wood & Lifting out Mary -wars Mary Wares Let out to Cap* Samuel Burbank till the firft of march Next for the sum of Twenty seven shilling £ 5 Cord of wood bid of by Amos Parce each . . . 0-3-10 5 Cord of wood bid of by Amos Parce @ . 5 Cord of -wood bid of by Amos Parce @ . 5 Cord more bid of by Amos Parce @ . . 5 Cord more bid of By Araos Parce @ . . 5 Cord of wood bid of By Daniel Wetherbee 0-3- 9 0-3-10 0-3- 9 0-3- 8 0-3- 6 Phinehas Hart-well Town Clerk Worcefter fs To Phinehas Brown one of the Consta- , . . bles of the Town of the Town of fitchburg in . .. said County Greeting Thefe are in the Narae of the Commonwealth of maffachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie all the freeholders & other inhabitants of said Town Duly Qulified to vote for a Reprefentetive in the General Court of this Comraonwealth to Affemble and raeet at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on mon day the fourth Day of October next at one Clock in the after noon there being Duly meet & formed to Give in Town of Fitchburgh. 47 there Votes to the Selectmen for an inhabitant in the Deftrict of Worcefter County to Represent the people there of in Congrefs of the united States agreable to a Refolve of the General Court June y= 14*" 1790 Hereof fail not of your Service and to make Retum of this warrant to sorae one of us at or before said Day & time Above mentioned Given under our Hands & Seals this Seventteenth Day of Septeraber in the year of our Lord 1790 Att the meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Affembled the fourth Day of October 1790 Then Gave in there Votes for the following perfons For the Honourable Artamos Ward Efq" ... 53 Votes For the Honourable Jofiah Whiteney Efq" ... 1 Vote [353] Worcefter fs To Phinehas Brown one of the Conftables of the Town , .of fitchburg in said County . . Greeting . . . , Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth of maffachufetts to -will & Require you in Due Courfe of La^Y to Notifie and wam all the freeholders & other inhabitants of said town Qulified by Law to Vote in Town meetings to affemble and meet at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on monday the fourth Day of October next at two Clock in the after noon there being Duly meet & formed to act on the folio-wing articles Firft to Choofe moderator to Govern s"! meeting 2'y to see if the Town will appoint & authorife the Selectmen of said Town in behalf of said Town to peti tion to the General feffions or Court of Comraon Pleas of s"' County -when setting or to the General Court of this Coraraonwealth if need to she-w forth the Burdens of two County Roads already Through said Town to support and to oppofe the Third Now Requefted Vewing for Report if obtained will be to the Damage of said Town or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper .... 3'y To see if the Town will Raife any sum or sums of raoney to Repair the County Road that Leads by Ja cob Uptons to Wefterainfter Line or take part of the 48 The Old Records of the money that was Raifed to finfli the Great Bridge at the Laft Town meeting that part in said Uptons Deftrict if the Town shall Think proper to be worked out on s"^ County Road in Leu of the Great bridge by said Deftrict or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 4'y to see if the Town will Grant that some of the Inhabitants of the Norweft part of s"' Town belonging to Phinehas Hartwells Deftrict Namely Benja Herriek Jona than Fletcher Zachariah Shelden Elijah Willard Daniel Willard Simeon Shattick John Pratt Abraham Bennet to have the Liberty to work the Laft Bill Raifed to finifli the Great Bridge of there propotion be -worked out on the town Road Through Benjamin Herricks Land so on to Alhby Line & that some perfon over see that the -work be don & Retum there Do-wings to the affefsors as ordred in s" bill 5'y To see if the To-wn -will Choofe a Committee to state the manner of the Town paft proceedings in to-wn meetings in Regard to the weft part of said town being seet of as a parifli provided a Courts Committee shall be Brought to ve-w the Cituation of said petitioning people and a Plan of said To-wn be prepared to shew the form of said Town to Lay before s"! Committee or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 6'y to see if the Town -will make any provifion for Noah wifwell in Regard to his having a Road or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper Hereof fail not to make Return of this -warrant to sorae one of us at or before said Day & time above men tioned Given under our hand & seal this seventeenth Day of Septeraber in the year of our Lord 1790 Phinehas Hartwell \ Selectmen for Paul Wetherbee / fitchburg Worcefter fs In Obediance to this warrant I have Noti fied the freeholders & other Inhabitants of s"! To-wn to meet at time and place according to La-w & for the pur- pofes above mentioned October y^ 4*" 1790 Phinehas Brown Conftable Town of Fitchburgh. 49 [354] Att a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Afferabled on monday the forth Day of October 1790 the meeting being opned then proceeded as followes Firft Voted & Choofe Afa Perry moderator .... 2'y Voted to appoint & authorize the selectraen in the name & behalf of said To-wn to petition to the General feffions of the peace or Court of Common Pleas of said County -when setting or to the General Court of this Common-wealth to shew forth the Burdens of t-wo County Roads already through said Town to support & keep in Repair & oppofe the Third no"w Requested to be Reported sitting forth the vaft expence Laid out on the Two former 3'y Voted to Raife six pounds to be Laid out on the County Road Leading by Jacob Uptons to weftminfter Line 6-0-0- 4'y Voted & Choofe Paul Wetherbee to over see the six pound Laid out in -work on s'' County Road at money Price ^r Day for Tearas & hands by the Inhabitants of s"! Town 5'y Voted to Difmifs Paul Wetherbee & Choofe Thomas Steams in his Room to over see said -work finiflied as above Defcribed 6'y Voted that the Northweft inhabitants of said Town belonging to Phinehas Hartwells Bridge Deftrict Namely Benj^ Herriek Zachariah Shelden Jonathan Fletcher Elijah Willard Daniel Willard John Pratt Simeon Shattick Abra ham Bennet there propotionable part to ward finilhing the bridge be worked out on the Town Road Leading Through Benj^ Herriek Land so on to Afliby Line in Leu of working it out at the Great Bridge the Laft sum that was Raifed for that purpofe .... 7'y Voted & Choofe Zachariah Sheldon to over see & Give notice to said perfons to work said money out & Retum his Dowing to the Affefsors as ordred 8'y Voted to pafs over the fifth article in Regard to Choofing a Committee to state paft proceeding in town meeting Refpecting setting of y^ parifli & Laing a Plan of the town before s"^ Committee 60 The Old Records of the 9'y Voted to Refer Noah Wifwell Road till march meeting next 10 Voted to Diffolve said meeting Afa Perry moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [355] Fitchburg Auguft y^ 19*" 1790 Then Reconed & settled with Ebenezer Thurfton Town Treafurer for s"* Town for y^ year 1790 and we find as followesWe find Due in the Hand of Jonathan Holt Collector for y= year 1778 £1-13-9- We find Due in the hand of Phinehas Hart-well Collector for y<= year 1780 Town Tax £10-7-8-2 State Tax 19-3-4^2 whole sum 29-11-1- We find Due in the hand of Cap* Reuben Gibson Collector for y^ year 1781 Town Tax State Recipt 15-9-0 aded . . . 35-19-5- We find Due in the hand of Jofeph Phelps Col lector for y^ year 1782 Town Tax ... 6- 8-1- We find Due in the hand of Thomas Cowdin Ju" Collector for y= year 1787 .."... 2-17-4-2 We find Due in the hand of Reuben Smith Col lector the year 1788 41-1-8-2 We find Due in the hand of Cap* Jonathan Wood Collector for ye year 1789 minifter & Town Tax 111-14-7-3 We find Due in the hand of Thomas Steams Collector for y= year 1789 Town & Minif ter Tax for s-^ year 52-10-5-3 We find in the hand of the Treafurer sixteen pound seventeen shillings and four pence in Calh the Towns property 16-17-4- Town of Fitchburgh. 51 The accounts -what Notes we find in the hand of the Town Treafurer Towns property one Note againft Francis Fullam Dated may 18*" 1782 of £2- 2-0- one Note Againft Cap* Reuben Gibfon Dated march y^ 9*" 1781 3-12-0- A part of a Note againft Lei* Seth Phillips Dated raarch y« 12*" 1787 of 1-16-0- one Note Aganft Reuben Smith Dated March 25 1788 of ¦ 3-0-0 one Note againft Efq" Co-wdin Dated June y= 1®* 1789 of 1-5-2 ?^'Tw^ S^'^^^^^H Selectmen for s¦ For John Thurfton JuT J Fitchburg Town of Fitchburgh. 55 Worcefter fs March y^ 7*" 1791 By Vertue of this warrant I have Notified the Inhabi tants of fitchburg to meet at time and place as within Directed Afa Perry Conftable [358] At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg affembled March y^ 7*" 1791 Proceeded in the foUo-wing maner .... Firft} Voted & Choofe M" Afa Perry Moderator of s-J meeting 2'y} Voted to Choofe Three Selectmen for the prefent year .... 3'y Voted & Choofe Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk .... Town Clerk 4'y Voted & Choofe Afa Perry Town Treafurer . . . . To-wn Treafurer 5'y} Voted & Choofe for Selectmen Phinehas Hart- "weU Paul Wetherbee John Thurfton JuT 6'y Voted & Choofe the Selectmen Affefsors for the enfuing year Affefsors 7'y Voted & Choofe Reuben Sraith & Afa Perry Con ftables Reuben Sraith agreed with to -warn out the people that hath not obtained a habitancy agreeable to the ne-w act for five Dollars the -whole 8'y} Voted that the CoUectorfliip be Let out to the Loweft Bidder they finding T"wo Good Bondman to the acceptance of the To-wn .... 9'y} Voted & Choofe M" Simeon Shattick & Jonathan Holt wardens Wardens lO'y} Voted & Choofe M" Oliver Stickney Phinehas Bro-wn Tythingmen ll'y} Voted & Choofe for Highway surveyours Eph raim Kimball David Pratt Jofeph Low Ju": John Carter Zacheus Ferwell Thomas Cowdin Ju" David M'^intire W2 Kendell Daniel Putnam Jacob Gibfon Nathan Badcock 12'y} Voted & Choofe for Hogreaves Aaron Wheeler Kendel Boutell Ju" Jofeph Richardfon Jefe Stevens Abel Linclon .... 56 The Old Records of the 13'y} Voted & Choofe for fire wards Joftiua Parce & Jofeph Phelps Fire-wards 14'y Voted & Choofe John upton & WUUam SmaU surveyours of Board Clabords Shingles 15'y} Voted & Choofe Thomas French Thomas Gibfon Fence Vewers Fence ve-wers 16'y} Voted & Choofe Cap* Jonathan Wood surveyour of Hoops & Staves Hoops & staves Voted & Choofe Ezra Ritter sealer of Leather for fitchburg Sealer of Leather 17'y} Voted & Choofe David Parce Sealer of -weights & meafures -weights meafurers 18'y} Voted to Raife one Hundred & sixty pounds to Repair the Highways & Bridges the prefent year to be worked out by the Hour on the spoot /4 ^" hour Oxen 2/0 W Day Cart 1/0 Plough 2/0 whole Day other tools in propotion *160-®0-''0 19'y}— Voted that all the Highway Tax be worked out by the Laft of sepf" Next the Delinquents Retumed By The surveyours to the affefsors to be aded to the Town Rate 20'y Voted to have the swine Run at Large under the Regulation of the Law y'^ prefent year . . . yoaked Ringed 21'y Voted to Give farther Time for thofe perfons that Neglected working out there propotianeble part of the Laft Bill Raifed to finifli the Great Bridge they to have till the firft of July next to -work the same out 22'y} — Voted that samuel Gibson Lemuel Haflcell Amos Putnam WiUiam Kendell Solomon Carlton Phinehas Brown John Vinen George wood they work out there Propotin- able part Raifed to finifli the Grate Bridge on the County Road up by Jacob Uptons in Leu of the Great Bridge the Highway surveyour to take the over site to order the peo ple when & -where to worke said Bill [359] 23 Voted that all the Delinquents Refpecting thofe that are behind Except thofe mentioned belonging to W!I1 Kendells Deftrict on the Great bridge Brought on the Great Bridge to finifli that Then what Remains be worked out on the County Road up by Jacob uptons thofe of Uptons Deftrict when he was a Committee for that purpofe Town of Fitchburgh. 57 24 — Voted the sums behind in the Delinquents Refpect ing the finifliing the Greate bridge be Committeed to the Highway surveyours they to see the whole worked out at the time perfixed — if not worked out at the firft of July next to Retum the Lifts to the affefsors what ant paid Like-wife thofe that are Delinquents in the high-way Tax be Taken of the Town Tax & aded to the Highway Tax to be -worked out at the firft Day of July next by Order of the new surveyours 25 — Voted to pafs over M" Noah Wifwell Road to see if he Can Come out Through Afa Perrys Land & Ephraira Ozbum Land to the County Road 26 — Voted to Let out the poor to the Loweft Bidder that are become Chargeble in Town 27 — Voted & Choofe John Reed Kemp saxton for the prefent year to Take Care y^ meeting houfe agreed with for Ninteen shillings the whole year .... 28 Voted to pafs over the article Refpecting the order of Court on a petition signed By sorae of the Inhabitants of Wefhninfter Afhbumham Afliby fitchburg to be seet of as a seperate To-wn 29 — Voted to adjoum this raeeting Down to the houfe of Efqr Co-wdins then to meet in one half hour Mr® Hart Bid of by David Pratt at five pound fifteen shilUngs for one whole year so in propotion if she should not Live the year out .... Mary wars Bid of by Phinehas Bro-wn at Two pound fifteen shillings for one whole year so in propotion if she should not Live the year out .... 30 — Voted to adjourn this raeeting to -wednefsday the sixteenth Day of this inftant march at one a Clock in the after Noon at the meeting houfe .... March y= 16*" 1791 the Town meet on the Day ad joumed too .... 31 — Voted to Choofe a Committee to Confer with the other Town Connected Refpecting the General Courts order sent to them to she-w Caufe why thC/, petition should not be granted of some of the inhabitants -weftminfter Fitchburg Afliburnham Afliby to be incorporated into a seperate To-wn 58 The Old Records of the Voted & choofe for said Committee Phinehas Hart-well Daniel Putnam Afa Perry Voted that this Committee be & is impo-wered to Remonftrate againft a petition Laid before the General Court Refpecting Dividing the To-wn of fitchburg & others in Connection into a seperate Town & Report there pro ceeding to the Town at the may meeting next .... Voted to adjourn this meeting Down to Efqr Cowdins houfe them to meet & proceed in Half O The CoUectorfliip for the North side of the Town bid ti of by Araos Ord-way at Two pound seven shillings on % the Hundred pound he shall Collect & pay in -where ¦-1 ordred The CoUectorfliip for the south side of said Town Bid of by Liv* Seth Phillips at one pound seventeen c^ shiUings on the Hundred pound he shall Collect & pay o where ordred 3 Voted & Choofe Amos Ordway Collector and ac cepted of Jofeph Phelps & David Pratt Bondsman for his faithfall Difcharge in office Voted & Choofe Seth Phillips Collector and accepted of Blaney Phillips & Phinehas Sa-wyer as Bondsman for his faithfuU Difcharge in Office M" Amos Ordway & M" Seth Phillips Taken the oath to Qualifie them for said office . [360] The Conftables Naraely Reuben Smith Afa Perry Taken the oath to Qulifie them for said office The Highway Surveyours for the year 1791 Taken the oath To Qulifie thera in office Afa Perry Taken the Oath To Qualifie him to serve Town Treafurer for y= year 1791 Eunice Walker bid of by Liv* Seth Phillips to board & Lodge at Two shillings and four pence ^" -weeke the Time he shall keep her .... Voted for a County Regefter for Colo Clap No of Votes . . 15 Voted for Samuell Flagg 10 Votes for a County Treafurer for Samuell Allen ... 31 Voted to Difsolve this meeting Afa Perry moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 59 The school Comraittee Choofen at £50 Raifed and pro- sepember meeting are thefe in potioned in the fol- each Deftrict lowing maner £ s d The Firft Deftrictjeremiah Kinsman his propotion is 9- 4-0- Second Deftrict Mofes Hale ... Do . Third Deftrict Abijah Goodridge . Do . forth Deftrict Thomas Stearns . . Do . fifth Deftrict Thomas Cowdin Ju" Do . Sixth Deftrict David M'^intire . . Do . Seventh Deftrict Abraham Ferwell Do . Recorded march y«^ 17*" 1791 accepted at Sepember meeting 1790 is . . 8-13-3- is . . 4-11-3- is . . 9- 9-6-3 is . . 6- 1-1-2 is . . 7- 2-2-3 is . . 4 18-7- Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town , . , of in said County Greeting . . ^ Thefe are in The Name of the Common-wealth , . ^ of Maffachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town Qulified as the Contitu tion Directs to Vote for a Reprefentetive to Affemble & meete at the raeeting houfe in fitchburg on monday the fourth Day of April next at one a Clock in the after noon there being Duly meet & formed To Give in There Votes for the Chooice of the foUowing Refpective officefes Firft} To Give in there Votes for the Chooice of Goveriior Secondly} To Give in there Votes for the Choice of Lieu* Governor Thirdly} To Give in there Votes for the Chooice of senators agreable as the Contitution Directs Hereof fail not to make Retum of this warrant -with your Dowing thereon to some one of us at or before the Day & tirae above mentioned Given under our hand & scales This Sixteenth Day of raarch in the year of our Lord 1791 Phinehas Hartwelll Selectraen Paul Wetherbee > of John Thurfton Ju^ J Fitchburg 60 The Old Records of the Worcefter fs April y^ 4*" 1791 In obediance to the -within writen -warrant I have Notified all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the To-wn of fitchburg to meet at the Time and place as is -within Directed Reuben Smith Conftable [361] At a Legal meeting held in fitchburg by the Inhabitants thereof Affembled April y^ 4*" 1791 Firft Gave in there Votes for the Chooice of Govern our No Votes For his Excellency John Hancock Efq" 39 For the Honourable F'rancis Dana Efq': 1 2'y Gave in there Votes for the Chooice Liu* Govern our For the Honourable Samuell Adams Efqr .... 33 3'y Gave in there Votes for the Chooice of five Sena tors County of Worcefter For the Honourable Mofes GiU Efq" 29 For the Honourable Abel WUder Efq" 29 For the Honourable Jonathan Grout Efq" .... 22 For the Honourable John Feffenton Efq" .... 29 For Cap* Jofiah Steams 29 For the Honourable Samuell Baker Efq" 7 This meeting Difsolved .... Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the To-wn , . . of fitchburg in s'' County Greeting I . ' Thefe are in the Narae of the Coramonwealth ^ 1 \ °f Mafsachufetts to will and Require you in Due Cour'fe of Law to Notifie all the freehoulders and other Inhabitants Qualified as the Conftetution Directs to Vote for a Reprefentetive to affemble at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on wednefsday the fourth Day of may next at four a Clock in the after noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles Firft} to see if the Town wUl elect some sutable per fon to Reprefent thera in the Great an General Court of this Commonwealth to be held at Bofton on the Laft wed nefsday of may next to attend State Service Town of Fitchburgh. 61 Hereof fail not to make Retum of this warrant with your Do"wings thereon to sorae one of us at or before the Day & tirae above mentioned Given under our Hand and seals this Nineteenth Day of April in the year of our Lord 1791 Phinehas Hartwell | Selectmen Paul Wetherbee > for John Thurfton Ju^ J Fitchburg Worcefter fs By Vertue of this warrant I have Noti fied and -warned the Inhabitants of fitchburg as -within Directed Fitchburg may y= 4*" 1791 Afa Perry Conftable [363] At a Legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Affembled May y^ 4*" 1791 The Vote be put to See if the Town will Elect some sutable perfon to Reprefent them in the Great an General Court the year enfuing it pafed in the affermitive Then Gave in there Votes & Choofe Da'^" Daniel Putnam to Reprefent the people of said Town in the state houfe in Bofton to attend Government service for the year infuing Voted this meeting Difsolved Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs to Afa Perry one of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg in said County Greeting . \ Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth (sea s; ^^ maffachufetts to will and Require you in Due (seals) (-VQ^j.j-g q£ ^^^ to Notifie & warn aU the free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified to Vote in town meetings to affemble & meet at the meeting houfe in said Town on wednefsday the fourth Day of may next at three a Clock in the after noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the follow ing articles Firft — } to Choofe moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To here the Report of the Committee Choofen to Confer with the Committees from the Town of Weftmin- 62 The Old Records of the fter Afliburnham and Afliby Refpecting Reraonftrating againft a Petition signed by a number of the inhabitants of said Towns for seperation or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper Hereof fail not and make Return of this warrant "with your Dowing thereon to some one of us on or before said Day & time above mentioned Given under our Hands & seals This Nineteenth Day of April in the -yeax of our Lord 1791 Phinehas Hartwell ) Selectmen Paul Wetherbee \ of John Thurfton Jun^ J Fitchburg Worcefter fs By Vertue of this warrant I have Noti fied and -warned the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg as within Directed Afa Perry — Conftable Att a Legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg affembled on May y'^ 4*" 1791 Firft Voted & Choofe M" Afa Perrey Moderator to Govern s'' meeting 2'y Voted to accept of the Report of a Coraraittee Choofen to Confer with the other Committees from Weft minfter Afliburnham & Afliby Refpecting advice in Reraon ftrating againft a petition signed by a number of the inhabitants of said Towns for seperation w-hich a Remon- ftrance -was Laid before the Town to Receive the senfe of said Town which they Unanimoufly Voted to accept as an objection againft y'= seperation 3'y Voted to adjourn this meeting for the space of two hours; know matter further to be taken up Then ordred that a Coppy of the Remonftrance frora the Clerk be Given to the Reprefentetive to present before the General Court or there Coraraittee when there shall appear a proper time to she-w Caufe againft the seperation Voted raeeting Diffolved Afa Perry moderator Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 63 [363] Worcefter fs to Either of the Conftables of the , , ,^ Town of fitchburg in said County Greeting , -. i Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth . 1 X of Maffachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie & warn all the free holders and other Inhabitants of the town of fitchburg Qulified By Law to Vote in Town meetings to affemble & meet at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on Thurfday the Thirtith Day of June inftant at five Clock in the after noon then & there being Duly raeet & formed to act on the following articles Firft to Choofe moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y an article Requefted by a number of the Inhabi tants of said Town to See if the Town will accept of an alteration made in the road by Jacob Gibfon betwene the said Jacobs and Cap* Reuben Gibfon to Accomadate the said Jacob Gibfon in Gifting into his field -which alteration the said Jacob engages to make as Good as the old Road free from any expence to the Town} or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 3'y to See if the Town will accept of an Alteration in the Road betwene Jacob Gibfons and the school houfe -which Jacob Gibfon and Berzelel Gibfon and Eliphelet periey Agreed to make betwene there Lands or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to some one of us on or before said Day'& time above mentioned Given under our hands and seals at fitchburg this Thirteenth Day of June in the year of our Lord 1791 Phinehas Hartwell ] Selectmen Paul Wetherbee > of John Thurfton Jun^ J fitchburg Worcefter fs June 23"'' 1791 In Obediance to the within warrant I have Notified the freeholders & other Inliabitants of the Town of fitch burg to meet at time & place as within Directed Reuben Smith Conftable 64 The Old Records of the Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the to-wn of fitchburg affembled June y^ 30*" 1791 Firft Voted & Choofe Phinehas Sawyer moderator 2'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to ve-w the Road in Difpute betwene Cap* Reuben Gibfon and Jacob Gibfon Voted to Choofe three perfons for a Coraraittee to vew and settle said Road and Report at the meeting on the Day adjoumed to there Judgment Refpecting said Road; Choofe for said Committee M" Elijah Willard Jofeph Fox John Ferwell 3'y Voted that m" Elijah WiUard Jofep Fox John Ferwell be a Committee to settle the Road in Difpute Be twene Jacob Gibfon Berzelel Gibfon Eliphelet Perlley and Report there Dowings Likewife on account of the altera tion made by s'' perfons 4'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to the firft monday of Auguft next at four Clock in the after noon August y= Firft Day the Town meet according to said Joumment the meeting being opned proceeded as follo"ws Phinehas Sawyer being Abfent for that Reafon made Choice of m" Afa Perry moderator in Sawyers Roora 5'y Voted to accept of the Committee Report as it No"w stands Refpecting the alteration in the Road raade By Jacob Gibfon betwene said Jacobs & Cap* Reuben which is in the foUo"wing w^ords As we -were a Committee to vew the Road Near Jacob Gibfons w^e alk Leave to Report the Road betwene Cap* Reuben Gibfons and the said Jacobs we Give our [364] Oppinion that the Altera tion the said Jacob has made is for the Better therefore we rauft Repourt in faviour of it Provided the above said Jacob Gibfon at his own Expence shall Obligate hirafelf to make the New way as Good Travelling as the old and paying the Damage that Cap* Gibfon shall suftain if there shall appear to be any ^,.. , „,..,, ^^ Eliiah WiUard 1 r^ ... JoiinFerweU | Committee The Town pafsed over the Third article in the warrant being know Report Brought in by s'' Committee Refpect ing the settling the alteration in the other Road in Debate Town of Fitchburgh. 65 6'y Voted to Diffolve said meeting which meeting Ac cordingly is Diffolved Afa Perry moderator True Coppy from the minits Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Worcefter fs To Reuben Smith Conftable of the Town . , of fitchburg in s*! County Greeting . - - Thefe are in the Name of the Common-wealth . , ^ of Mafsachufetts to will and Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie all the free holders and other Inhabitants of said Town Qulified by La"w to vote in Town meetings to Affemble and meet at the meeting houfe in s'' fitchburg on Wednefday the seventh Day of September next at Nine o Clock in the moming then & there being Duly raeet & forraed to act on the following articles Firft To Choofe Moderator to Govern s"! meeting 2'y to Raife money to support the Reven'' John pay fon prefent year 3'y to see -what sum or sums of money the Town will Raife to support the schooles in the several Deftricts and to Raife money for the Necefsary Charges of said To-wn or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 4'y To see what method the Town will Take to supply M" payfon with -wood the year enfuing or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 5'y To see if the Town will abate any of the Taxes in any of the former Collectors Rate Bills that are not Collected Neither Can be that hath not settled -with the Treafurer or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 6 To see if the Town -will make any provifion for there poor or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 7'y To see if the Town will Take into Confideration the Notice given to each and every Corporation within this Coramonwealth -who are Difpofed to Contract to sup port the whole or any part of the poor of the Common- -wealth for ten years farther inteligence in the order of Court or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper S 66 The Old Records of the 8'y To see if the Town wUl Comply with a Requeft of a Number of the inhabitants of said To"wn to Erect a Ne"w raeeting houfe in the Center of the Town or the Neareft Conveanienteft place thereto on a plat of Land purchafed By the Town for that purpose or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper [365] 9'y To see if the Town will accept of any alterations that has been made in any Roads for the Bet ter or Difcontinue any Roads that may be thought Beeft or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper Hereof fail not and make Retum of this -warrant -with your Do-wings thereon to sorae one of us on or before said Day & Time above mentioned Given under our hands and scales This T-wenty Sec ond Day of Auguft in the year of our Lord 1791 Phinehas Hart-well | Selectmen Paul Wetherbee V for John Thurftton Jun" J Fitchburg Worcefter fs Sep* y^ 6*" 1791 In Obediance to this ¦within written -warrant I have Notified the freeholders and other inhabitants of the To-wn of fitchburg to meet at time and place -within Directed Reuben Smith Conftable Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Towm of fitchburg Affembled September y= seventh 1791 the meeting being opned .... Firft Voted & Choofe Afa Perry moderator of said meeting .... 2'y Voted to Raife *66 : ®13 : ''4 to support the Reve-i John payfon the enfuing year 66 : 13-4 3'y Voted to Raife 50-0-0 to support the several schools in Town 50-0-0 4'y Voted that each Deftrict shall Dra-w there o-wn raoney in propotion to what they pay into the To-wn by a Rate Likewife the Committee Choofen for each Deftrict to be under the Direction of the Deftrict they belong to in setting up said school .... Town of Fitchburgh. 67 the foUo-wing perfons -ware Choofen for a Committee to provide schooling for each Deftrict Thomas Meffenger Leui* John Upton Cap* John Goodridge Jofeph Downe Leui* Seth PhiUips Soloraon Carlton William Haflcell school Committees for the enfuing year .... 5'y Voted to Raife one Hundred & fifty pounds to Difcharge the To-wns Debts exclufive the support of Min ifter & school the prefent year *150-®0-''0 6'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Let out the Git- ting of m" payfons -wood to the Lowreft Bidder the prefent year this Comraittee Confifts of three perfons viz — Afa Perry Phinehas sawyer Phinehas Brown this Committee to see that m" payfon hath his Complyment of -wood in seafon 7'y Voted to adjoum this meeting for one hour then to meet at this place the To-wn meet and proceeded 8'y Voted to abate three pounds Eight shillings & one penney in Jofeph Phelpfes Rate bill for the year 1782 which is the -whole of his Requeft .... 9'y Voted to abate Ten pounds eight shillings & three pence in Cap* Reuben Gibfons Rate Bille for the year 1781 Pro-vided he Give security for the Remander to the satif- faction and safty of the Town which he is to pay in to the Treafurer .... lO'y Voted to abate four pound in Phinehas Hart wells Rate BiU for the year 1780 ll'y Voted to Choofe a Committee of three perfons to Confider the order of Court Refpecting the Common wealths poor Choofen for said Committee Daniel Putnam Phinehas sawyer Phinehas Brown they to Report at the Day the meeting -ware adjoumed to ... . 12'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to monday the Ninteenth Day of this inftant September at one a Clock in the after noon .... Sep* y^ 19*" 1791 the Town meet at the Day & Time adjoumed to & proceed in the following manner accepted the Report of the Committee which -ware in faviour of Taking a propo- tional part of said poor on This Report 68 The Old Records of the [366] Voted to take the Towns propotianable part of the Coraraonwealths poor to support at 5/ a perfon ^" week agreeable to the Laft valuation Retumed into the Commonwealth by the Town of fitchburg Likewife Choofe De? Daniel Putnara for there Agent to act in Behalf of said Town to Carry the matter into Execution .... 14'y Voted that Eunice Walker be Carried up to her parants at Rockingham Voted to allow Jacob Gibfon six Dollars & half to Carrey said Eunice up to her fathers in Rockingham he to Clere the Town of all Expence for her Journey for said sum above mentioned 15'y Voted to erect a New meeting Houfe in the Cen ter of the Town or the Neareft Conveaneft place thereto on the plat of Land purchafed by the Town for that pur pofe yeas 41/ nays 23 houfe poled 16 Voted to Choofe a Committee to see -what Bignefs & form to Build s'' Ne-w Meeting houfe and to see what method to proceed in Building said houfe and Report at the meeting on the adjournment .... Voted to Choofe five perfons for said Committee viz Phinehas Hartwell Oliver Stickney Daniel Putnara Phine has Sa-wyer Afa Perry Voted that this Comraittee Report there Do-wing at the adjourment 17'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to monday the Tenth Day of October Next at Twelve o Clock at noon then to meet .... October y^ 10*" 1791 The Town meet at the time ad joumed to the meeting being opned & proceed as follo"ws 18'y Voted to Accept of the Committees Report Refpecting the raode and manner of proceeding in Build ing said houfe & Likewife the plan & form of the pews & sects with the two porches the Report Refered to . . . 19 Voted to Defsolve this meeting the meeting is accordingly Difsolved ^^^ p^^^^ Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Report of a Committee Chofen to provide & Let out the Gifting of M" payfons wood for the year enfuing have Town of Fitchburgh. 69 Let it out to the foUowing perfons (viz) William small five Cord three shiUings & ten pence ^" Cord . . *0-19-2 Aaron Eaton five Cord three & Eight pence ^" Coard 0-18-4 Afa Perry Ten Coard at three shillings & Nine pence ^" Coard 1-17-6 Ephraim Kimball five Coard at three shilling & Nine pence ^" Coard 0-18-9 Jofeph Lo-w Jun" five Coard at three shilling & Nine pence ^" Cord 0-18-9 5-12-6 September y^ 7*" 1791 the Committee Choofen for the porpofe The Committee Choofen by the Town of fitchburg Septraber 19*" 1791 to Draw a plan and forra of a New meeting houfe and to prefcribe some method for the Town to proceed in Building said Houfe Beg Leave to Report in the following manner Firft -we prefent in a plan the form & Bignefs of s"! meeting Houfe -which is sixty feet By forty six a porch at each end of said houfe Twelve feet by a Eleven with stairs to affend the Galleryes — to have fourty six pews on the Lower Flow^er in Cafe the Town should See Fitt to pro- ced in Building said Houfe that three years be allo-wed to Build said Houfe in [367] 2'y We Recomend that a Coraraittee be Choofen in Behalf of said To-wn to sell the pew Ground to the Higheft bidder who are Inhabitants of said Town the pur- chafer to pay a Certain part in raoney in order to pur chafe money articles the other part in meterials for the erecting said houfe the said Committee to manage the Bufinefs in building said Houfe and of Receiving in Build ing articles of thofe purchafers of pe-ws there propotion and there money and other Building articles of the other Inhabitants of said Town and Take a Juft Account of the same and that there be a Stated price for Boards shingles Claboards that are marchantable Slit work and other sa"wed Stuff that are brought where ordred the said Com- 70 The Old Records of the mittee to take Securityes of the purchafers of the pews in behalf of the Town and Render an account to the Town of there proceedings and Expence 3'y we Recomend that there be Twenty five wall pews in the Gallerys to be sold to the Higheft bidder and pro- priated for the ufe of Building said houfe and the pur chafers have the same privileges as the other pewe pur chafers of paying part in articles Necefsary for Carring the Building on 4'y we Recomend that the Timber for the fraim of said Houfe be Lotted out to the Inhabitants of said Town by Certain Lotts to the Loweft Bidder and a Committee choofe for that purpofe and Likewife to Give the proper size and Length of Timber to the undertakers and to Receive in and take an Account of the same of each perfon or Lott Received Fitchburg October y= 10*" 1791 Phinehas HartweU } g^°^^g;°/ This Recomendation for Building the New meeting houfe was Accepted By a Vote of the Inhabitants of said Town October y= 10*" 1791 with the plan of the form of said houfe annexed jy^^^^ HartweU Town Clerk The Laft Warrant for Carring into Execution the Build ing of the Ne-w meeting houfe & the proceedings of the meeting for the purpofe of Choofing a Committee to Carrey the above Recomendation into Execution is Re corded in the 463 page of this Book & 464 & 5 w-hich stands for a mem oral [368] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of Fitchburg .. in s"! County Greeting ^ .. Thefe are In the Name of Coramonwealth of ^ Maffachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie & wam all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to vote in Town meeting to Affemble and meet at the meet- Town of Fitchburgh. 71 ing houfe on Tuefday the Twenty Seventh Day of Decem ber Inftant at twelve a Clock at Noon then & there being Duly meet & forraed to act on the following articles Firft to Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y to see if the Town will Comply with a Requeft of a Number of the Inhabitants of said Town to Open t-wo Roads that Leads from Cap* Burbanks to Leominfter said Road one of -which shut up the other being shut up -where it ware forraeriy Trood & a way Left open seeraingly for the public which is a bad peace of way & Dangerious for Teams to pafs or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 3'y To see if the Town will annext Zacheus Ferwell to the fourth School Deftrict agreeable to his Requeft . . . 4'y To See if the Town will Sell Jofeph Fanno a few acres of there Land to Accomidate him for a houfe spot 5'y to see if the To"wn -will make M" Phinehas Allen any allowence for stons he found to Build the Great Bridge near the meeting houfe 6'y To see if the Town will Comply with the Requeft of a Number of the Inhabitants to make any Settlement "with the o-wners of pe-ws in the old meeting houfe previ ous to there proceeding to Sell the pew Ground on the plan Drawn for the ne-w Houfe and adapt some sala tary meafures refpecting the old meeting houfe or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 7'y To See if the Town -will Difcharge the Coraraittee Chofen at the Laft to-wn raeeting to Build or over see the BuUding of the new meeting houfe or prevent their selling the pew Ground till settlement be made Refpecting the old meeting houfe 8'y To see if the Town will Contract with m" Afa Perry or some other perfon to build a new raeeting houfe Hereof fail not and make Retum of this warrant to some one of us -with your Dowings theron at or before the Day & time above mentioned Given under our hands and Seals this tenth Day of December A D 1791 Phinehas Hartwell] Selectmen Paul Wetherbee > for John Thurfton Ju" J Fitchburg 72 The Old Records of the Worcefter fs. December 27*" 1791 By Vertue of this -within -written -warrant I have Noti fied the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the To-wn of fitchburg to meet at tirae & place Appointed in the said -warrant Reuben Sraith Conftable [369] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg afferabled December 27*" 1791 the meeting opned proceeded in the foUo-wing raanner .... Firft Voted & Choofe Doc* Jonas Marfhall moderator of s'^ meeting 2'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Infpect the Road Leading from Cap* Sarauel Burbanks to Leominfter Line Lately altred by M" Afa Perry through his Land & to see if it may Go through in" CoUens Land to Leominfter Line Voted & Choofe for s"! Committee the prefent Selectraen they to Report at the next raay raeeting there Do"wings Refpecting said Road 3'y Voted that M" Zaccheus Ferwell be annexed to the fourth school Deftrict according to his Requeft & Re- cive the Benefitt of his raoney their .... 4'y Voted to pafs over the fourth article in the -war rant Refpecting Jofeph fanno having a peace of Land for a Houfe Spoot off the Town .... 5'y Voted to allow M" Phinehas AUen for the stones Taken of his Land for Building the Great Bridge the sarae in propotion the Town allowed Eplfi Kimball for Stons for y* fer-vice 6'y Voted to make Allowance to the pewholder in the old meeting houfe then on a raotion Voted to Reconfider the vote Refpecting allowing the pewholders in s"' old houfe 7'y Voted to Difmifs the Committee Choofen for Building a New meeting houfe — that ware Choofen at a raeeting for that purpofe that stood adjoumed for action 8'y Voted to Difsolve this meeting which is accord ingly Difsolved Jonas Marfliall Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 73 Worcefter fs to either of the Conftables of the Town , , . of fitchburg in s'' County Greeting , 1 , Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth of Mafsachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie and -warn all the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qualified by Law to vote in Towm raeetings to affemble and meet at the meeting houfe in fitchburg on monday the fifth Day of march next at nine of the Clock in the morning then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the foUo-w- ing articles Firft To Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To Choofe Town Clerk & Selectmen & other To-wn offices as the La-w Directs and any thing in Regard to Choofing Collectors as they shall think proper . . . 3'y To See -what sum or sums of money the Town wUl Raife to Repair the Highways and Bridges the prefent year or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 4'y To See if the Town will accept of any Roads Laid out by the selectmen or there order 5'y To See "what provifion the To"wn -will make to support there poor or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper .... 6'y To See if the Town -will Choofe a saxton to take Care the meeting houfe the prefent year 7'y To see if the To-wn -will Corae into any Agreement -with the Conftables Refpecting warning out thofe perfons that hath not Gained an habitancy in said Town or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... [370] 8'y To See if the Town wiU Vote the swine to Run at Large under the Regulation of the Law the prefent year .... 9'y To See if the Town will make Cap* Reuben Gibfon any Confideration Refpecting four Eight Dollars Bills New emmifion Countifitt Taken for Rates or any thing thereon as they shall Think proper lO'y To See if the Town wiU Take into Confideration the matter Refpecting settling with Cap* Eliflia Sraith the Debt Due frora hira to the Town that he might be Dif- 74 The Old Records of the charged from Gaol or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper ll'y To See what method the Town will Take to fin ifh the Great Bridge at the mills or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 12'y To see if the Town will make any farther De fence againft the County Road newdy Laid out or altered by a Committee from the Seffions of the County of Wor cefter Leading from weftrainfter through Fitchburg to Leominfter or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 13'y To see if the Town will Grant money to build school houfes in there several school Deftricts and make any alterations in said Deftricts as shall appear to be Necefsary or act any thing thereon as they think proper 14'y To See if the Town will propofe sura Certain time in the year for the futer to take the invioce of all the Rateble polls & property in Town for afsefsing the Taxes for the filter or act any thing thereon Hereof fail not to make Retum of this warrant -with your Dowings thereon to some one of us at or before the Day & time above mentioned Given under our hands & seals this Twentith Day of February in the year of our Lord 1792 Phinehas Hartwell | Selectmen Paul Wetherbee > for John Thurfton Jun" j Fitchburg Worcefter fs March y= 5*" 1792 In obediance to this warrant I have Notified the free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg that are Qulified by Law to vote in Town meetings to meet at the time & place within Directed Reuben Smith Conftable [371] Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Legually affembled on march y« 5*" 1792 the meeting being opned proceeded as followes .... Firft Voted & Choofe Afa Perry moderator of said meeting Conftables Taken there oaths Town of Fitchburgh. 15 2'y Voted & Choofe Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk . . Taken oath Town Clerk 3'y Voted & Choofe Afa Perry Town Treafurer . . . . Town Treafurer 4'y Voted to have Three Selectmen the enfuing year 5'y Voted & Choofe for Selectmen Phinehas Hartwell Paul Wetherbee John Thurfton Ju^ 6'y Voted & Choofe the Selectmen Affefsors for the enfuing year 7'y Voted to Give Reuben Sraith four shillings for every Hundred perfons he shall -warn out that hath not obtained habitancy in Town agreeable to the new act pro- -vided the act should take place 8'y Voted & Choofe Reuben Smith Con ftable for the prefent year 9'y Voted & Choofe Phinehas Sawyer Conftable for the year enfuing lO'y Voted that the CoUectorship be Let out to the Loweft Bidder they finding t"wo Good Bonds men to the acceptance of the Towm for the faithfall Difcharg of there Duety ll'y Voted & Choofe for Tythingmen Ephraim Kim ball & Oliver Brown Tythingmen 12'y Voted & Choofe for Highway surveyours the pref ent year Jofliua Parce Daniel Ferwell Jofeph Fox Phinehas Sawyer Daniel -wetherbee Liev* Seth Phillips David M'^intire Amos Putnara Amos Ordway Amos Lawrance Zachariah Shelden Highway surveyors 13'y Voted & Choofe for Hogreaves Eben Fullam Abial Holt Jacob Jaquith David Baldwin Oliver parce Ju" David Hodgkins /Jacob Upton taken oath Tho® Gibfon oath taken Hogreaves 14'y Voted & Choofe for fire wards Hezekiah Hodgfkins & David M'^intire Fire wards 15'y Voted & Choofe M" Oliver Stickney surveyour of Boards Clabord & Shingles .... Clabord & Shingle 16'y Voted & Choofe for fence vewers Jacob Upton Afa Perry Taken oath Fence vewers 17'y Voted & Choofe Cap* Jonathan Wood surveyour of Hoops & staves .... 76 The Old Records of the 18'y Voted & Choofe for field Drivers Daniel Wether bee Taken y^ oath John Upton not .... Field Drivers 19'y Voted & Choofe Mofes Hale Sealer of Leather Taken the oath Sealer Leather Voted & Choofe David Parce sealer of weights & meafures meafures 20 — Voted to pafs over Raifing money for Repairing Road & Bridges at prefent till y adjournment on account of the Refolve of Court 21 Voted to adjoum the meeting for two hours & then to meet 22'y Voted that the swine Run at Larg under the Regulation of the Law y prefent year 23'y Voted to Lett out the poor to the Loweft bidder to support y^ prefent year 24'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Vandue the Collectorfhip & the poor & Report at the adjournment 19*" of march inftant the time of meeting .... Voted & Choofe for said Committee Tho® Cowdin Ju" Phin® Sawyer Afa Perry .... 25'y Voted to Choofe three perfons as Agents in behalf of fitchburg to attend to the notification of the inhabi tants of fitchburg by Cap* Eliflia smith of worcefter Re fpecting his s waring out of Gaol on the Debt Due from said sraith to fitchburg [373] 26'y Voted & Choofe for said Agents M" Phin® sawyer Abr™ Willard Afa Perry to appear at tirae & place of notification they or either one of them seperate in there Capacity .... 27'y Voted & Choofe M" Phinehas Sawyer AbrE WU- lard & Afa Perry as Agents they to have fall power in behalf of the Town of fitchburg or either one of them seperate to make a final settlement with the said Cap* Eliflia smith the Debt Due from s'^ Smith to fitchburg which he stands Coraraitted for 28'y Voted to adjoum this raeeting to the Third mon day of this inftant march at one a Clock in the after noon then to meete Town of Fitchburgh. 77 March y^ 19*" 1792 The Town meet on the Day the meeting adjoumed too proceeded as followes Firft Voted to Raife Hundred & fifty pounds for Re pairing y<= highways & Bridges y^ prefent year 2'y Voted to Raife fifty pound for the ufe of finifliing the Great Bridg near the meeting houfe and Repairing the County Roads agreeable to a Refolve of the General Court March y= 2"'' 1792 to supply that sum which was ordred by the General Court to be paid out of the state Tax into the To-wn Treafurer for the above purpofe of Repairing s"! Roads 3'y Voted that this fifty pounds be affefed on the In habitants by it self and be Committed to the Highway surveyours & a Committee Choofen to over see the same worked out as ordred by the Refolve of Court & the time seet By a Vote of the Town .... and Retum there Dowings to the selectmen .... 4'y Voted & Choofe for said Comraittee Daniel Put nara Kendel Boutell Oliver Stickney .... 5'y Voted that this BiU be worked out by the Laft Day of June next 6'y Voted that the Delinquents if any there be of the payraent of this BiU at the Time Seet be Retumed to the affefsors to be aded to the Town Tax to be Collected in money .... 7'y Voted that the Refolve of th.e General Court be the Comraittee inftructions 8'y Voted to Choofe an agent to send to worcefter to oppofe the New County Roads Taking place 9'y Voted & Choofe M" Phinehas Sawyer as an Agent in behalf of the To-wn of fitchburg to attend at march Term at worcefter or at any other Term in said County if Necefsary to appear & oppofe the new County Roads taking place Lately altered and Laid out a ne-w by a Comraittee from the seffions Leading frora -weftrainfter Through fitchburg to Leorainfter that the Report of the Committee for that purpos be sufpended or finialy put by and the former County Road be Continued for the ufe of the County the said Agent to imploy a Counfell if he sees fitt ... . 78 The Old Records of the [373] lO'y voted that the Two Hundred pounds Raifed to Repair the Highways & Bridges be worked in the ufeal form allowing ''4 an hour for each perfon on the spot ®2 a Day for a yoak of oxen ®1 a Day for a Cart ®2 a Day for a plow the work is to be al worked out by the Laft of September and if any Delinquents in said Tax the surveyours are to Return what is Due to the affefsors to be added to the Town Tax & be CoUected by the Col lector in raoney .... ll'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to point out some raode for the Town to proceed in in Regard to Building school Houfes in the several Deftricts or make such Altera tions as appears to be Necefsary in said Deftricts and Re port there Dowings at the next raay raeeting .... 12 Voted to Choofe seven perfons as a Committee for the above purpofes Choofe for said Committee Daniel Put nam Jofeph Fox Afa Perry Paul -wetherbee Seth Phillips David m<^intire Samuel Gibfon .... 13 Voted & Choofe Reuben Sraith Collector for the whole Town the prefent year to CoUect all the State County & Town taxes that shall be affefed & Committed 14 Voted to allo-w for CoUecting the Taxes on the Hundred pound forty shillings for the south side of said Town Rate BiU .... 15 Voted to allow said Smith for CoUecting Taxes on the North side of said Town the Rate coraraitted to hira forty three shiUings on the Hundred pound he shall Collect & pay in whare ordred so in propotion for a Greater or Lefsor sora 16 Voted to accept of Jacob Gibfon & David Pratt as Bonds raen for s'' Reuben Sraith for his faithfall Dif charge of his Duty as a Collector in all Refpects of his office Mary wars Bid of by Abrahara WiUard at three pounds six shillings for one whole year so in propotion if she should not Live the 3'ear out -with hira to Beed & Board .... Agreaed with Amos Ordway to Give him Eighteen shillings & six pence for Taking Care the meeting houfe & sweping of it and suppling warter for Baptifm one whole year .... Town of Fitchburgh. 79 Amos Putnara Choofe Highway surveyour in the Room of soloraon Claton Jacob upton & Thomas Gibfon Choofe Hogreaves putnara & upton & Gibfon Recorded Back in the place with the other offices though Choofe on the ad journment 17 Voted to Difsolve this meeting the meeting ac cordingly Difsolved Afa Perry Moderator Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk Fitchburg Febury 18*" 1794 Notice is Given to the Selectmen of fitchburg By M" Mofes Hale that he Hath Taken into his Houfe one Caty Commings from Lunenburg -which we upon Due notice Do not admitt of said perfon to be an Town inhabitant But Do Requeft her to Depart forth -with to her native To-wn without Delay entered ^" order Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk [374] Worcefter fs To Either of the Constables of the Town of fitchburg in said County Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Coraraonwealth of Maffa chufetts to -will & Require you forth with in Due Courfe of La-w to Notifie all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified By Law to vote for a Reprefentetive to raeete at the meeting Houfe in s"! fitch burg on raunday the second Day of April next at one O Clock in the after noon there being Duly raeet and formed to Give in there Votes for the foUowing Refpective Offices Firft to Give in there Votes for the Choofe of Govemor Secondly to Give in their Votes for the Choofe of Liev* Govemor Thirdly to Give in there Votes for the Choofe of sena tors for the County of worcefter .... Hereof fail not to make a Retum of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to some one of us at or before the Day & tirae above mentioned Given under our 80 The Old Records of the Hands & seals at fitchburg this Nineteenth Day of march in the year of our Lord 1792 Phinehas Hartw^ell \ Selectmen Paul Wetherbee / for Fitchburg Worcefter fs April y= 2'^'' 1792 Agreeable to the within Directions I have Notified the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg that are Qulified to Vote for a Reprefentetive to raeet at y^ Tirae and place appointed in the -within warrant Reuben Sraith Conftable Att a raeeting of the Inhabitants of the To-wn of Fitchburg LegaUy Affembled on monday the second Day of aprU 1792 Firft Gave in there Votes for the Choice of Governor Votes For his Excellancy John Hancock 50 For Azor Ome Efqr 4 Secondly For the Chooice of Liue* Governour For Samuell Adams Efq" 50 Thirdly for the Chooice of Senators for -worcefter Def trict For SamueU Baker Efq" 35 For Abel WUder Efq" 35 For Jon^ Warner Efq" 35 For Timothy Newell Efq" 34 For Jofiah Stearns Efq" 33 For Dc Daniel Putnam 5 Atteft Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk [375] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg in said County — Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth of Maffa chufetts to will and Requre you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie all the male Inhabitants of fitchburg of Twenty one years of age & upwards having a freehold Eftate of the annual income of three pounds or any Eftate of sixty pounds to affemble and meet at the meeting houfe in fitch- Town of Fitchburgh. 81 burg on monday the seventh Day of raay next at one Clock in the after noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles Firft to see if the Town -will elect any perfon to serve for and Reprefente them in the Great an General Court or Affembley to be Conveaned & held at Bofton on the Laft wednefsday of may next Agreable to the Contitution of this Common-wealth .... Hereof fail not to make Return of this -warrant to some one of us at or before said Day & time above men tioned Given under our hands and seals this Twenty Third Day of April in the year of our Lord 1792 Phinehas Hartwelll Selectmen Paul Wetherbee \ of John Thurfton Ju" J fitchburg Worcefter fs May y= 7*" 1792 Purfuant to the -within warrant I have Notified and warned the male Inhabitants of said To-wn Qulified as within Exprefed to meet at the time and place and for the purpofe -within mentioned Reuben Smith Conftable May y= 7*" 1792 the raeeting Being opned & adjoumed to five o Clock on said Day By Reafon of other meeting to be acted on ... . the adjournment Being out the meeting Called to action then Voted to send a Reprefentetive the To-wn made Chooice Deacon Daniel Putnam to Reprefent said Town in the Great an General Court the prefent year Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town . ... of fitchburg in said County Greeting , -. , Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth of Maffachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie all the freeholders & othere In habitants of the To-wn of fitchburg Qulified by La-w to Vote in Town meeting to affembled & meet att the meet ing Houfe on monday the Seventh Day of may next at three Clock in the after noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the foUo-wing articles 6 82 The Old Records of the Firft to Choofe moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To Here the Report of a Comraittee Choofen to point out some meafurers to proceed Refpecting BuUding school Houfes and alter the Deftricts if they see fitt 3'y To see if the Town will Raife any sum or suras of money for the purpofe of Building school Houfes in the several Deftricts or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper Hereof fail not to make Retum of this -warrant -with your Dowing thereon to sorae one of us on or before said Day & time above mentioned Given under our hands & seals at fitchburg this t-wenty Third Day of aprU in the year of our Lord 1792 Jot SS?>,} ->«*— f- «'*'="¦•«; [376] Refpecting the schools Att A Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg LeguaUy affembled on May y<^ 7*" 1792 the meeting being opned proceeded as followes Firft Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Moderator . . 2'y Voted to accept of the Nor eaft Deftrict as it no-w stands Reported By the Committee as Laid before the To'wn in there Report .... 3'y Voted that each Deftrict be served "with a Coppy of the Bounds as the Committee Reported to the Town 4'y Voted this meeting be adjoumed to the firft mon day in June next at two Clock in the after noon June y'^ 4*" 1792 the Town meet according to there adjournment the meeting being opned proceed as followes Firft Voted & Choofe Phinehas Sawyer moderator in the Room of Daniel Putnam Necefsarily abfent 2'y on a motion voted to see if the Town will accept of the Report of the Committee in Deviding the Town in to Deftricts as is Reported by said Committee and it pafsed in the Negetive not accepted 3'y Voted to Difsolve this meeting which is accord ingly Difsolved Phinehas Sawyer Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 83 Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the To"wn of fitchburg in s'' County Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Common-wealth of Mafsa chufetts to will and Require you in Due Courfe of La-w to Notifie and -warn all the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qualified By La-w to vote in Tow^n meetings to affemble and meete at the meeting houfe on monday the Twentieth Day of Auguft at four o Clock in the after noon then & there Being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles (viz) Firft to Choofe a Moderator to Govern s'' meeting 2'y to see if the Town wall Take under Confideration the Requeft of Cap* Ifarel Turner Refpecting Making him some Confideration for Damages Don by the New County Road being Laid Through his pool Farm or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper Refpecting the Report of there Committee Choofen June 4*" 1792 for the above purpofe Hereof fail not to raake Retum of this -warrant to sorae one of us at or before the Day & time above men tioned Given under our hands & seals this second Day of Auguft in the year of our Lord 1792 Phinehas Hart"welll ^ i , Paul Wetherliee } Selectmen Worcefter fs Auguft 20*" 1792 By Vertue of this -warrant I have -warned the free holders & other Inhabitants of said fitchburg to meet at time & place -within mentioned .... Phinehas Sa"wyer Conftable [377] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Affembled Auguft y= 20*" 1792 Firft Voted & Choofe Dea*^ Kendel BouteU Moderator of said meeting 2'y on a Motion made to see if the Town will accept of the Report of there Committee Refpecting some Com- penfation to be made to Cap* Ifrael Turner for Damages by a New County Road Lade through his Lands the Vote Called & paffed in the Negetive 84 The Old Records of the 3'y Voted to Difsolve Said meeting which is Difsolved accordingly Kendel Boutell moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs to either of the Conftables of the Town of Fitchburg in s'' County Greeting ( ) Thefe are in the Name of the Commonwealth , , , of Mafachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie & warn all the freehold ers and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qula fied By Law to Vote in Town meetings to affemble at the meeting houfe in s'' to"wn on monday the Twenty Third Day of this inftant aprii at four a Clock in the after noon there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles (viz) .... Firft to Choofe a Moderator to Govrn s"! meeting 2'y to Take into Confideration the Prefent Circum ftances of there Reven'^ Paftore in his Difcompofed state and point out some Proper meafurs to be Taken for his Recovery or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... 3'y To see if the Town "will hire any Perfon to sup ply the pulput provided the town shall see fitt that there Revend parftor shall omitt Preaching with this Congrega tion for sorae space of time to take some sutable method for the Reftoration of his health or act any thing there on as they shall think proper 4'y to See if the Town "will Choofe a Coraraittee to settle "with Town Treafurer .... 5'y To see if the Town will Take under Confideration y^ Requeft of Cap* Ifrail Turner Refpecting making him some Corapenfation for Daraages Don by the ne-w County Road being Laid through his pool farm or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... Hereof fail not to make Return of this warrant to sum one of us of your Dowings thereon on or before the Day & tirae above mentioned Given under our hands & seals this fifth Day of aprii in the year of our Lord 1792 Phines Hart-well 1 Selectmen Paul Wetherbee > for John Thurfton Ju"J Fitchburg Town of Fitchburgh. 85 [378] Worcefter fs April 23"^ 1792 By Vertue of this warrant I have Notified the free holders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg to meet at time & place within mentioned Phinehas Sawyer Conftable Att a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Fitch burg Legally Afferabled April 23"'' 1792 to Take into Con fideration the prefent Circoraftances of there Revend Paftor Refpecting his Diforder that Deprives hira of self Govem ment at times that some meafures might be taken for the Removel thereof On a raotion Voted as the senfe of the To-wn that it be Recoramended to there Reven'' Parftor that after t-wo sabbaths from the Date of this meeting that he omitt preaching till the people of his Charge have farther satis faction Refpecting the Removel of his Diforder On a motion Voted that a Committee be Choofen to Prefent the above Votes to M" Payfon Voted that the Committee Confift of three perfons .... Voted & Choofe M" Robert Burnham Deacon Putnam M" Mofes Hale for the above purpofe the Committee is to Defire ra" payfon to attend at the meeting -when meet on the adjournment .... Voted to Choofe a Committee to settle with the Town Treafurer — ^ Choofe for s'' Committee Jofeph Fox Mofes Hale Phinehas Hartwell The Third article and the fifth pafed over to be acted on when meet on the adjournment Voted this meeting be adjoumed to the firft monday in may next at four oClock in the after noon the meeting is accordingly adjoumed May y'= 7*" 1792 the Town meet at the adjourned to the raeeting being opned Firft Voted to adjoum this meeting to the firft Mon day in June next at three Clock in the after noon then to raeet for further Confideration June y= 4*" 1792 the Town meet & proceeded in the follo"wing manner 86 The Old Records of the Firft Voted to send a meafage to there Revemd Parf tor that the town is Conveaned to Gether to wait on him in Town meeting if he shall See fitt to offer any thing before the Town Refpecting hirafelf Choofe Deacon Thurfton & Deacon Boutell to wait on M" Payfon with y^ meaffage 2'y Voted to hire Preaching Ten Sabbaths Voted to Choofe a Committee to engage M" Jofeph Davifs to sup ply the pulput for ten sabbaths four to be preached at the "weft part of said Town the other six to be preached at the meeting houfe in said Town .... Choofe for said Committee Jacob upton & Deacon Boutell to wait on M" Davife for the above purpofe [379] 3'y Voted to Choofe a Comraittee to meet M" Ifrail Turner on the pool farm the firft monday of July next Refpecting the Damages he has sufstaned by the ne"w County Road being Laid Through his farm to Con fider upon some Corapensation for said Damages . . . Choofe for said Committee Jonathan Lo-w Ju" Paul -wetherbee & Daniel Wetherbee this Coraraittee Report to the Town there Do-wings on the next raeeting adjoum for -which is the firft monday of Septra next 4'y Voted to adjourn this meeting to the firft monday in Sep* next at one o Clock in the afternoon Sep*m 3"'' 1792 The To-wn raeet at the tirae adjoumed to the meeting opned the raeeting being opned Proceeded as followes Voted to Choofe a Committee to wait on M" Payfon Refpeting his Giving Satiffaction to the Town in Regard to the Removel of his Diforder Voted to Choofe five Perfons for a Committee to wait on M" Payfon (viz) Thomas Steams Robert Burnhara Deacon Putnam Deacon Boutell oliver Stickney this Com mittee to Report at the meeting of the adjournment Voted to adjourn this meeting to the second monday of this inftant sepf" at one o Clock in the after noon Septem y" 10*" 1792 the Report of the settieraent raade by the Towns Coraraittee with the Town Treafure Sep* y'= 4*" 1792 ware accepted by a vote of of the Town as it ware settled & Laid before the Town Town of Fitchburgh. 87 2'y On a motion after hereing the Report of the Com mittee Choofen to wait on m" payfon Voted as the senfe of the Town that there Revend Parftor supply the pulpet for the fature except such times as he shall see fitt to Joumey for his health Voted to Choofe a Committee to wait on M" Payfon with the votes of the Town Choofe for said Committee M" Afa Perry Mofes Hale Jofeph Phelps they to Retum & Report of m" payfons anfwer which ware to supply the pulput the next sabbath so on for the fature 3'y Voted this raeeting to be Diffolved -which is ac cordingly Difsolved Phinehas Sawyer Moderator Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk vote Baptifs put in the tax [380] Worcefter fs To either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg in s'' County Greeting Thefe are In the Name of the Commonwealth of Maf sachufetts to -will & Require you in Due Corfe of La-w to Notifie & wam all the fireeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified to vote in To-wn meet ings to Afsemble & meete at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on monday the Third Day of sep*m" next at two o Clock in the after noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles to it . . Firft to Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y to Raife money to support M" Payfon the year enfuing .... or act any thing thereon as the Cafe raay Require 3'y to Raife money to support the several Schooles & Choofe Committee to see the schools Carried into Execu tion and Likewife to Raife money to pay the Necefsary Charges of said Town or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 4'y To see what method the Town will Take to sup ply M" Payfon with -wood the enfuing year or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 5'y To see what raeafures the Town will take to pro vide for there poor or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... 88 The Old Records of the 6'y To see if the To"wn -will Vote that thofe perfons that CaU themfelves Baptifs in the Town be affefed in a To-wn Tax to pay there propotinable part with the other inhabitants of said To-wn to support the Gofpel for the future as the La-w Directs or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 7'y To see if the Town will accept of the Report of the Committee Choofen to vew the alterations in the Road Betwene Elifli Chamblens and Abijah meeds made By M" Afa Perry .... Hereof fail not to make Retum of this -warrant -with your Dowing thereon to some one of us on or before the Day & time above mentioned Given under our Hands & seals this at fitchburg this twentieth Day Augut in the year of our Lord 1792 Phinehas Hartwell ] selectmen Paul Wetherbee \ for John Thurfton Jur j fitchburg Fitchburg Septeraber y^ 3"'' 1792 Perfuant to the within warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of said Town Qulified as therein Exprefed to meet at the Time & place and for the purpofe within raen tioned Reuben Smith — Conftable 381 At-f a Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Legually Afferabled Sep*ra" y« 3"'' 1792 Firft} Voted & Choofe M" Phinehas Sawyer Modera tor of said meeting 2'y Voted to adjourn this meeting for two hours which is accordingly adjourned .... 3'y Voted to Pafs ove Raifing money to support M" Payson for the prefent 4'y Voted to Raife fifty pounds to support the schools in the several Deftricts 5'y Voted to pafs over Raifing money to Defray Town Charges Exclufive schools untiU the settlement with the Town Treafurer and the adjourment of the meeting 6'y Voted to Choofe a Comraittee man for each Def- Town of Fitchburgh. 89 trict to provide schools & see there propotion of money schooled out therein .... 7'y Voted & Choofe for said Comraittee Cap* WE Brown Abijah meeds Jonathan Low Ju" Phinehas Brown Jofeph Gray Abraham Ferwell Amos Ordway .... 8'y Voted to pafs over 5*" article Refpecting Lifting out M" Payfons -wood at y^ prefent 9'y Voted to Let out the keeping of Ephraim Sraith to the Loweft bidder by the -week Ephraira Sraith bid of by M" Afeph Goodridge at five shillings ^" week so Long as he shall Board him the time he Continues with hira & not abfent .... lO'y Voted to accept of the Report of the Committe which Reported in faviour of the alteration Refpecting the Road Betwene Elifha Chamblens & Abijah meeds altered by Afa Perry .... ll'y Voted to adjourn this meeting to the second mon day of this inftant Septra -which is the tenth Day at one Clock in the afternoon Septra y^ 10*" 1792 the Town meet according to the Time adjoumed the meeting being opned proceeded in the foUong maner 1 Voted to Raife 66-13-4 to support m" Payfon the prefent year £66-13-4 & School moneys 50- 0-0 2'y Voted to Raife Eighty pounds to Defray the Nec efsary Charges exclufive y^ others 80- 0-0 3'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Let the Gifting of m" payfons -wood out to the Loweft bidder by the Cords or Certain parts' the Committee Confifts of six per fons -which is Choofen for the above purpofe (viz) Ephraira Kiraball Afa Perry Phin® sawyer Jacob upton Hezekiah Hodgfkins Daniel Fer-well .... 4'y Voted & Choofe Ephraim Kimball to over see that M" Payfon hath his Compliment of wood in seafon by the under Takers which is 30 Coard .... The Retum of the Committee & there Dowings Re fpecting Letting out M" Payfons wood which is in the fol io-wing manner 90 The Old Records of the Firft five Cord Bid of By Aaron Eaton at 4/6 £ s d ^"Cord 1-2-6 Second five Cord Bid of By Nehemiah Fuller at 4/3 ^ Cord 1- 1-3 Third five Cord ... bid by Fuller at 4/1 . 1- 0-5 Fourth five Cord . . Bid by Fuller at 3/11 . 0-19-7 fifth five Cord ... Bid by Fuller at 3/11 . 0-19-7 six five Cord ... Bid by FuUer at 3/9 . 0-18-9 Nehera FuUers BiU 4-19-7 Aaron Eaton Bill 1- 2-6 6- 2-1 [383] Fitchburg Sepf" 4*" 1792 Then Reckned & Settled with Afa Perry Town Treaf urer for s'' Town for the year 1791 & we find the follow ing suras Due in the Collectors Hands (viz) We find in the hand of Reuben Sraith CoUe- tor for y<= year 1790 Town Tax .... 43-11-10-3 We find in the hand of Amos Ordway Col lector for y^ year 1791 Town tax . . . 101-19- 8-1 We find in the hand of Liv* Seth Phillips Collector for 1791 Town Tax 92-12- 7-1 -we find in the Treafurer hand note signed by W" brown Dated Febmary 16*" 1792 on intereft 0-9-9- We find in the Treafurers hand a note signed by David Pratt Dated Febry 16*" 1792 on intereft 3- 1-11- we find in the Treafurer hand a note signed by Oliver Brown Dated February 16*" 1792 on intereft 0-8-1- we find one note in the Treafurers hand signed by Phin® Hartwell Dated January 9*" 1792 3- 3- 6- We find in the Treafurers hand a note signed By Reuben Gibfon & Arrington Gibfon Dated January 12*" 1792 19-9-0- -we find in the Treafurers hand a note signed by the Revernd John Payfon Dated Sep* 4*" 1792 on intereft 5- 3-10- Town of Fitchburgh. 91 We find one note in the Treafurers hand signed by David Gibfon Dated April 5*" 1790 on Interift 0-12- 1-3 We find in the Treafurers hand one note signed by Robert upton Dated July 22°'' 1780 on intereft for sixteen Bufhell of Indian Com We find in the hand of the Treafurer signed By Benj'' Keep Dated March 22"'! 1790 on interest 0-14-11- -we find in the Treafurers hand one note signed SamueU Danforth Dated March 23'''i 1784 Due on s'' note befides intereft 3-10- 0- We find one note in the Treafurers hand signed by Fracis FuUam Dated May 18*" 1782 on intereft 3-12- 0- We find alfo in the Treafurers hands in Cafli 8-19- 2-2 Jofeph Fox 1 Committee to settle Mofes Hale > with the Treafurer Phine® HartweU J Afa Perry [383] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the To-wn of fitchburg in s'' County — Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Common-wealth of Maffa chfetts to -will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law forth- -with to Notifie all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to Vote for a Reprefentative to the General Court of this Coramonwealth to affemble at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on friday the second Day of Novm Next at one a Clock in the after noon then & their being Duly meet and formed Firft to Give in their Votes for there Refpective Repre- fentatives in the Scond Deftrict -which confifts of the Counties Hamplhire Worcefter & Berklhire Agreeable to a Refolve of the General Court Dated June 30*" 1792 2'y To Give in their Votes for a Number of Perfons as Electors afsigned to said Deftrict Refpectively as Directed by order of the General Court Dated June y^ 30*" 1792 Hereof fail not to Execute this "warrant & Retum your Do-wings -with this warrant to some one of us at or before the Day & time above mentioned Given under our 92 The Old Records of the hand & seals this fifteenth Day of October in the year of our Lord 1792 Phinehas Hart-well ] Selectmen Paul Wetherbee \ for John Thurfton Ju" ) fitchburg Worcefter fs Nov™ 1®* 1792 By Vertue of this warrant I have -warned all the free holders & other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to raeet at time & place within mentioned — Phinehas Sawyer Conftable Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of y= Town of fitch burg affembled Nov'" 2'' 179 then Gave in the following Votes for Reprefentatives in the second Deftrict For the Hounourable Artamos Ward Efq" . . 22 Votes For the Honourable William Lyraon Efq" . . 22 For the Honourable Sarauel Lymon Efq" ... 22 For the Honourable Theodore Shadgwick Efq" . 22 For the Honour'^1'^ Samuel Holton— Efq" at Large 22 Choofen the following Gentleraen for Electors to Choofe y^ Prefedent & vice Prefedent For the Honourable Mofes Gill Efq" ... 11 — votes For the Honourable SamueU Baker Efq" For the Honourable Simeon Strong Efq" For the Honourable Samuell Fowler Efq" For the Honourable Elijah Dwight Efq" . II IIII-11 — raeeting Diiblved — Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [384] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of Fitchburg in s'' County} Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Coraraonwealth of Maffa chufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Duly Qulified By Law to Vote in Town meetings for a Reprefentetive to the General Court of this Comraonwealth to afferable on monday the fourteenth Day of January Next at one Clock in the after noon at the Towti of Fitchburgh. 93 meeting Houfe in said fitchburg to Give in their Votes for a Reprefentetive that is an Inhabitant in the County of Harapfhire and alfo for another Reprefentetive for the second Diftrict at Large to Reprefent the people thereof in Congrefs of the united states of America Hereof fail not to execute this w^arrant and make Re tum thereof with your Dowings thereon to some one of us at or before the Day & time above raentioned Given under our hands & seals this 31?i Day of December & in the year of Our Lord 1792 Phinehas Hartwell I r Paul Weatherbee {fitchburg Worcefter fs January 14*" 1793 By Vertue of this warrant I have Notified & -warned the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the To-wn of fitch burg to appear at time & place for the purpofe within mentioned Phinehas Sa-wyer Conftable att a meeting of the Inhabitants Legally afferabled January y= 14*" 1793 Gave in there Votes for a Reprefentetive in the County of hampfliire for said County & one for the second Diftrict at Large Firft For WiUiara Lyraan Efq" for y« County . . 23 Votes Secondly for the second Diftrict at Large For the Honourable Samuell Lyman 23 Votes attest — Phinehas Hart-well — To-wn Clerk [385] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg in said County Greeting Thefe are In the Name of the Coramonwealth of Maffa chufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie & wame all the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg Qulified By Law to vote in Town meetings to Affemble & meet at the Meeting houfe on Fryday the second Day of November next three Clock in 94 The Old Records of the the after Noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the foUo-wing articles (viz) Firft to Choofe Moderator to Govern s"^ Meeting 2'y To See what method the Town wiU Take to Re pair the County Road Betwen Jonathan Flints & the To-wn Line 3'y To See if the Town will Comply with a Requeft of a Certain Number of the Inhabitants Refpecting being discharged frora paying Minifteral Taxes Agreable to there Requeft — or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper Requeft is to see if the Town will Excufe frora minifte ral Taxes us the subscribers our polls & Eftates in -whole or in part for a Limited or unlimited tirae provided we Lay out the sarae to hire a Gofpel Minifter to Preach in the houfe we have erected for that porpofe Signed By Jacob upton Phinehas Brown John Carter Jacob Burnap Edward Burnap Benj'' Herriek Tho® Thurf ton Nathan Badcock Williara Kendell George -wood solom? Carlton John venen Benjamin Flint Jonathan Flint — thefe -ware the petitioners that the meeting -ware called for & there Requeft anfwered raarch 15*" 1793 in the firft article voted after the adjournment Hereof fail not to make Return of this -warrant to some one of us at or before the Day & time above men tioned Given under our hand & seals this 17 Day of Oc tober in the year of our Lord 1792 Phinehas Hartwell \ Selectmen of Paul Wetherbee / Fitchburg Worcefter fs November y^ 1®* 1792 By Vertue of this warrant I have warned all the Free holders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg to meet at tirae & place & for the purpofes within men tioned Phinehas Sawyer Conftable Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg affembled Nove™ 2"'' 1792 Firft Voted & Choofe Jofeph Fox raoderator . . . Town of Fitchburgh. 95 2'y Voted not to Repair the County Road Betwene Jonathan Flints Houfe & the Town Line at Prefent 3'y Voted to pafs over the Third article in the -war rant at the Prefent by Reason of the petitioners not being prefent to support there petition .... 4'y Voted to adjourn this meeting the firft raonday in march next at three Clock in the after noon this meeting is accordingly adjoumed .... March 4*" 1793 the Inhabitants of the Town being affembled then Voted to adjoum this raeeting to the 15 Day of this inftant march at one clock in the after noon March 15*" 1793 the Town being afferabled Voted to adjoum this ineeting to four Clock this after noon the meeting being opned the second time then Proceeded in the foUo-wing manner Voted thofe petitioners that exhibited there names in there petition have there propotionable part of minifter Tax preached out to them By M" Payfon at the ne-w meeting houfe in the -weft part of s"! town the prefent year the selectmen are to propotion the sum and sabbaths M" Payfon is to attend his service in the weft part of s"* Town Jofeph Fox moderator Phin® HartweU Town Clerk [386] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg , . , in s'' County = Greeting . , - Thefe are in the Narae of the Coraraonwealth of Maffachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie all the freeholders & other In habitants of the Town of Fitchburg Qulified By Law to vote in Town raeetings to affemble at the Meeting houfe in fitchburg on Monday the fourth Day of march next at nine O Clock in the forenoon then & their being Duly meet and formed to act on the following articles (viz) Firft to Choofe moderator to Govern s"! meeting 2'y To Choofe a Town Clerk & Selectraen & other To"wn ofiices as the La-w Directs and act any thing in Regard to Choofing Collectors as they shall Think proper 96 The Old Records of the 3'y To see "what sum or sums of money the Town will Raife to Repair the Bridges & highways the prefent year or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 4'y To see if the Town will accept of any Roads Laid out by the selectmen or there order 5'y To see what provifion the Town "will make to sup port there poor or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 6'y To see if the Town will Choofe a saxton to Take Care the meeting houfe the prefent year 7'y To see if the Town will Come into any Agreement ¦with any of the Conftables Refpecting warning out thole perfons that hath not Gained anhabitancy agreeable to the ne-w La-w .... 8'y To see if the Town will Vote the Swine to Run at Large under the Regulation of the La-w the prefent year 9'y To see if the Town will petition to the Court of General Seffions of the peace to be holden at Worcefter in & for said County to see if they "will Difcontinue the Ne"w County Road that is Laid through the Lands of M" James Pool & Cap* Ifrael Turner Zacheus Ferwell & Afa Perry to the forraer County Road that Lead to Leomin fter & to Eftablifli the old former County Road in the Room thereof and Choofe an Agent or Agents to Carry the matter into Execution or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper lO'y To see what meafurers the Town -will Take to pay some Certain perfons for Treading sno-w on the County Road Laft winter -when Blocked up or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper Hereof fail not to. raake Return of this -warrant to sorae one of us with your Dowings thereon on or before said Day & time above mentioned Given under our hands & scales this foreteenth Day of February in the year of our Lord 1793 — Phin® Hartwell \ selectmen Paul wetherbee / of fitchburg Worcefter fs By vertue of this warrant I have warned aU the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Selectmen & Affefsors Town of Fitchburgh. 97 fitchburg to meet at time & place for the purpofes -within mentioned Phinehas Sawyer Conftable March 4*" 1793 [387] Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg afferabled on march y'= 4*" 1793 Pro ceeded in the foUo-wing raanner .... First Voted & Choofe Jofeph Fox Moderator .... 2'y Voted & Choofe Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk .... Town Clerk 3'y Voted to have three selectmen the enfuing year . . 4'y Voted & Choofe for selectmen Phinehas Hartwell Peter snow John Thurfton Jun" Peter snow & John Thurfton Ju" Taken the oath Rquired for affefsors 5'y Voted & Choofe the selectmen affefsors for y= enfuing year 6'y Voted to adjoum this meeting for one hour for the acting on another meeting 7'y Voted to Give Afeph Goodridge six pence for every Hundred perfons he shall -warn out that hath not obtained Habitancy in To-wn agreeable to the ne-w act provided the act should Take place then proceeded to Choofe said Good- rige Conftable .... 8'y Voted & Choofe Afeph Goodridge Conftable for the year enfuing 9'y Voted & Choofe Phinehas saw yer Conftable .... lO'y Voted that the Collecting of the Taxes be Let out to the Loweft Bidder on the *100 they finding two Good Bonds men to the acceptance of the Town ll'y Voted that the Collectorfhip be adjoumed to six OClock Do-wn to mi® Cowdins Houfe 12'y Voted to Choofe four Tything men .... Voted & Choofe for Tything men Tho® Eaton Afa Perry Afeph Goodridge David Parce David Parce excufed at the meeting on the adjournment} y^ others Taken y^ Oaths 13'y — Voted to Choofe Twelve Highway surveyours 14'y — Voted & Choofe for Highway surveyours Abijah 7 Taken the Oaths Conftables 98 The Old Records of the Goodridge Mofes Hale John Ozburn Jofeph Fox Phinehas sawyer Jonathan Low JuT samuell Burbank Jofeph PoUey Samuel Gibfon Jacob M'^intire Amos La"wrance Zachariah shelden Jofeph Farns-worth added by a vote afterwards 15'y — Voted to adjoum this meeting for Three Quar ters Hour then to act &c — 16 Voted & Choofe for Hogreeves Jonathan Boynton David Whitemore James Parkeft Simeon Fer-well . . . 17'y Voted & Choofe for Fire wards Jofliua Parce Tho® Cowdin Fire-wards 18'y Voted & Choofe for seveyour of Boards Shingles & Clabbords WiUiam SmaU .... 19'y Voted & Choofe for Fence Vewers Reuben Gibson Ju'; & D" Jonas Marfliall Fence ve-wers 20'y Voted & Choofe for surveyour of Hoops & Staves Cap* Jonathan Wood Hoops & Staves 21'y Voted & Choofe for Field Drivers Mofes Hale Charles Willard Field Drivers 22'y Voted & Choofe for sealler of weights & meaf urers David Parce sealer of weights meafures 23'y Voted to pafs over the 3-4-5 6 & 8 articles in the warrant till the Jumraent .... 34'y Voted & Choofe five perfons for a Coraraittee to Let out the CoUectorfliip to the Loweft Bidder (viz) Afa Perry Jofeph Fox Phin® HartweU Efq" Putnara Jacob upton they to Report at the raeeting on the adjournment there Dowings .... the Comraittee Proceeded to Vandue the Collecting the public Taxes for the south side Bid off By Tho® Cowdin at 40/ on the Hundred pound he CoUects & pays in where ordred the CoUecting the Taxes on the North side of said Town Bid of By M" Araos Lawrance at 43/ on the Hun dred pound he Collect & pays where ordred [388] The Committee proceeded to Let out there poor which is in the following manner &c Mary Wares Bid of by Cap* Ifrail Turner at Eleven pence W week to bed & board for the enfuing year while she Tarryes with him Ephram Smith Bid of by M" Jacob Upton at Three shilling & one penney ^" week for the enfuing year while Town of Fitchburgh. 99 the Time the said sraith Tarryes with him to bed & board Voted this meeting to be adjoumed to the Fifteenth Day of this inftant raarch at Two OClock in the after noon before this meeting -ware adjoumed the Town pro ceeded to Choofe a Comraittee for the foUowing purpofe Voted to Choofe five perfons as Agents in behalf of the To"wn of fitchburg to petition to the Juftices of the Court of General seffions of the peace in & for the County of "worcefter to be held at -worcefter in said County at there march Term inftant or any other Term as the Cafe may Require to see if they will Difcontinue the ne-w County Road of Late Laid out by there Comraittee through the Lands of M" James Pool & Cap* Ifrail Turner Zacheus Ferwell Afa Perry to the former County Road that Leads to Leominfter and to have the former County Road Eftabililhed in the Room thereof for the ufe of the Public and farther they to ufe such meafurers as shall be moft Beneficial for the Redrefs of that Burden Voted & Choofe for s'' Agents Daniel Putnam Efq" Jofeph Fox Efq" Cap* Ifrael Turner Phinehas Hartwell Paul Wetherbee for the purpofe above raentioned they or either one of them to act in the behalf of the To-wn of fitchburg in that Cafe March y^ 15*" 1793 the Town raeet according to adjournment & proceeded in the following manner Firft Voted to Ratifie the Committees proceedings Refpeting Letting out the CoUeterfliip & the poor 2'y Voted to excufe Tho® Cowdin for serving Collector for the south side of said Town provided any perfon shall Take the Collecting for 43/ on the Hundred pounds he Collects Co"wding paying the perfon or the Treafurer three shiUings on every hundred pounds the Collectors Collects for his being excufed from serving Collector for said year Voted that Cowdin pay the three shiUing to the Treafurer 3'y Voted & Choofe Amos Lawrance Collector for the North side of said Town and accepted of M" Jofeph Phelps & Jofeph Holt for bondsman for said Lawrance 100 The Old Records of the for the faithfall Difcharge of his office and to Give him 43/ on the Hundred pound he Collects & pays where ordred 4'y Voted & Choofe Reuben sraith Collector for the south side of s'' To-wn for the enfuing year and accepted of Cap* Williara Brown & M" Phin® sawyer for Bonds- raan for s"* smith for the faithfuU Difcharge of his Office in the Room of Tho® Cowdin excufed 6'y Voted to Give said sraith 43/ on the Hundred pound he Collects & pays where ordred 7'y Voted to excufe David parce from serving Tyth- ingman .... 8'y Voted to pafs over the Third article in Regard to Raifing raoney to Repair High-ways at prefent Voted to Let out taking Care of the meeting houfe to the Lo"weft Bidder the care of the meeting houfe Bid of by M" Afeph Goodridge at 18/ the year 9'y Voted that the swine Run at Large the Prefent year under the Regulation of the La-w lO'y Voted to pafs over the Tenth article in the -war rant Refpecting paying Certain perfons for Treading snow Laft winter untill the adjournment of the meeting for Receiving there accounts before the Town ll'y Voted to adjourn this raeeting to the Firft mon day in April next at four O Clock in the after noon this meeting is accordingly adjoumed .... April 1®* 1793 The Town meet according to the Tirae adjoumed to raeeting opned Proceeded as follows I'y Voted to adjourn this raeeting for % hour to finifli the other meeting then on hand 2'y Voted to Raife Two Hundred Pounds for the Repair of Highways & Bridges the Prefent year Laid out at four pence for each hours Labour on y"^ spott ox -work & Tools the same as other years £200-0-0 [389] Likewife voted addition to the Tow hundred pound 3'y Voted to Raife fifty pounds as an Addition to the Two Hundred 50-0-0 4'y Voted that the fifty pounds Laft voted be Laid Town of Fitchburgh. 101 out in Repairing the old Road Betwene M" stones Black smiths shop and the foot of pools hill so Called toward Leominfter 5'y Voted to Choofe a Committee of three to over see the work propofed to be Don on the Road Betwene M" Stones shoop and the foot of pools hill of the fifty pounds for the Repair of said Road when Coramitted to the High ways surveyours the suryeor to be notified when to Go on said Road by s"! Committee .... 6'y Voted & Choofe Jofeph Fox Afa Perry Cap* Ifrael Turner for the above purpofe motioned to see if the Town will allo-w David M'^intire account for Treading snow 7'y Voted not to allow David M"^intires account being about Eight DoUars .... 8'y Voted that the money Raifed to Repair the Bridges & Highways all be worked out by the Laft of Septeraber Next & Retumed to the affefsors the Lifts that the Delin quents be added to the To-wn Rate Bill The propotitioning of the Deftricts or parts of Deftricts is Left Difcreafinaryly to the selectraen who shall attend the service at Pools hill &c Voted to Difsolve this raeeting the meeting is accord ingly Difsolved Jofeph Fox — moderator Phinehas Hart-well To"wn Clerk Worcefter fs To either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg in said County — Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Common-wealth of Maffa chufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie and "warn all the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified By Law to vote in Town meetings to affemble & raeete at the meeting houfe on monday the Twenty Second Day of April inftant at four O Clock in the after noon then & there Being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles (viz) Firft} to Choofe Moderator to Govern said meeting 102 The Old Records of the 2'y to see if the Town will Choofe a Comraittee to "wait on the Courts Committee appointed at March Term 1793 to vew the County Road frora stones Shop to the foot of pools Hill or act any thing thereon as they should think proper 3'y To see if the Town "will Choofe a Committee to Lay out a Road from Hawefes shoop to Leominfter Line and agree "with the owners thereof for the Damages or act any thing thereon as they shaU think proper .... Hereof fail not to make Return of this "warrant "with your Do"wings thereon to some one of us on or before said Day & time above mentioned Given under our hands & seals at fitchburg this Eight Day of aprii in the year of our Lord 1793 Phin® Hartwell 1 selectmen Peter Sno"w \ for John Thurfton Ju"J Fitchburg Worcefter fs In obediance to this "warrant I have Notified and "warned the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to meete at time & place as "within Directed Fitchburg AprU 22'' 1793 Afeph Goodridge Conftable [390] Ne-wels Road Att a meeting Reguarly Affembled of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg AprU 22"'' 1793 Firft— Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq" moderator 2'y Voted to pafs over the second article in the war rant for the prefent and Take up the Third article . 3'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to vew the Road Through M" Newels Land in P^itchburg so Called to Leominfter Line & see what Conditions the Road may be Laid out and Eftablilhed and Report at the May meeting next there Dowings Choofe for said Committee Jofeph Fox Ephr™ KimbaU Mofes Hale 4'y the second article in the warrant now Comes under Confideration Town of Fitchburgh. 103 5'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to wait on the Courts Committee from the seffions of the peace to vew the County Road from Stones Black Smith shoop to the foot of pools hill to ward Leominfter .... 6'y Voted to Choofe seven perfons for the above pur pofe (viz) Jofeph Fox Efq" Daniel Putnam Efq" Afa Perry Peter snow Paul Wetherbee Cap* Ifrael Turner Phinehas Hart-well .... 7'y Voted this Committee provide for the Gentlemen Committee sent from y'^ County seffions while they are in To-wn on the Towns Bufinefs Refpecting the County Road the provifion made upon the Towns Expence 8'y Voted to have this meeting Difsolved -which is accordingly Difsolved .... Daniel Putnam moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs a Warrant Granted By the Selectraen sec ond Day of raay 1793 & Notified Inhabitants By the Conftable to attend to the following articles the seven teenth Day of this inftant may Firft to Choofe moderator to Govern said raeeting 2'y to see if the Town will Coraply with a Requeft of a Number of the Inhabitants of said To-wn to Repair the meeting houfe -windo-ws 3'y to see if the Town -will paint said meeting houfe or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper . . Worcefter fs May 17 1793 By Vertue of the above mentioned -warrant the Conftable Notified the freeholders & other Inhabitants to raeet at tirae & place abovemen tloned and the purpofes Phine® Sawyer Conftable at a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Fitchburg affembled May 17 1793 Firft Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq" raoderator 2'y on a motion a Vote Put to see if the Town -will Repair the Meeting houfe windows it paffed in the Negetive 3'y motioned to see if the Town will Vote to paint 104 The Old Records of the the out side of the meeting houfe the vote pafsed in the Negetive 4 Voted to Difsolve this meeting Daniel Putnam Moderator Phin® HartweU Town Clerk [391] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg in said County — Greeting These are in the Name of the Coraraonwealth of Maffa chufetts to will & Require you in due Courfe of La-w to Notifie and -warn all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the To"wn of fitchburg Quallifid by La-w to Vote for a Reprefentetive to affemble & meet at the meeting houfe on fryday the seventeenth Day of this inftant may at Three o clock in the After noon to see if the To"wn will Choofe a Suiteble perfon to Reprefent them in the Great an General Court to be held at Bofton the Laft -wednefsday of this inftant may to attend state service Hereof fail not to make Retum of this -warrant -with your Dowings thereon to some one of us on or before the Day & time above raentioned Given under our hands & Seals the second Day of may in the year of our Lord 1793 Phinehas Hartwell \ selectmen Peter Snow j- of John Thurfton Ju^ J fitchburg Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the To-wn of fitchburg Affemble may 17*" 1793 the Vote put to see if the Town "will send a Repre- fentitive to the Great an General Court the year enfuing if paffed in the Affermitive Then Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq" to Repre fent said Town in the s*! General Court there to attend state service During the seffions Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs a warrant Granted By the Selectraen y« 16 Day of raarch 1793 for y following purpofe Firft to Choofe moderator to Govern said meeting .... Town of Fitchburgh. 105 2'y to See if the Town wUl Choof a Comraittee to Settle with the old Treafurer or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... the warrant Executed & Returned By the Conftable April 1®* 1793 Afeph Goodridge Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg affembled April 1®* 1793 Firft Voted & Choofe M" Ifrael Turner Moderator 2'y Voted that the Three Selectmen be the Committee to Settle wdth y= old Town Treafurer and Comraitt the Bills into the New Treafurers hands after Settlement and Report to the Town at may meeting there Dowings This raeeting to be Diffolved By order of the raoderator . . Ifrael Turner Moderator Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk — [393] Newels Road Worcefter fs A warrant Granted By the Selectmen Dated June y^ 1®* 1793 The inhabitants Notified By the Conftable to attend , , . the following articles June 14*" 1793 at Three , 1 \ O Clock on said Day .... Firft To Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To See if the To"wn will Choofe overfeers to see the Labour subfcribed to be Done on the New County Road from "weftminfter Line Through moredocks Land Do"wn to the foot of pools Hill immeadiately Laid out or act any thing thereon as they ShaU think Proper 3'y To See if the Town will Choofe Agents to petition to the General Seffions of the peace or other where as the Cafe raay Require for the Relief of the Burden of raaking the Ne"w County Road & paying Daraages Done by said Road or act any thing thereon as they Shall Think Proper 4'y To see if the Town "will Ratifie the propofals for an agreement made Betwene Cap* Reuben Gibfon & the Selectmen Refpecting the Difpute arifen on account of his Collectorfhip for the year 1781 & Choofe Agents in behalf 106 The Old Records of the of the Town to Carry the matter into Execution or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 5'y To see what ufe the Town will Appropriate the Reraainder of the fifty pound Raifed to be Laid out on pools hill -which is not wanted for that ufe 6'y To see if the Town will have a Road Laid out Thro' the Land of M" Newels to Leominfter Line upon the Conditions propofed to the Comraittee sent to hira for that purpofe & Likewife to here the the Report of said Committee or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper .... Hereof fail not to make Retum of this -warrant with your Dowings theron to one of us on or before said Day above mentioned Given under our hand & seals This firft Day of June A" D" 1793 Phinehas Hart-well) Selectmen Peter Sno-w / of fitchburg Worcefter fs By Vertue of this -warrant I have -warned all the freeholders & others Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to meet at the Time & place -within raentioned Phinehas Sawyer Conftable Att a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg afferabled June 14 1793 Firft Voted & Choofe Paul Wetherbee Moderator of said meeting 2'y Voted to pafs over the second article in the -war rant for the prefent 3'y Voted to pafs over the Third article in the war rant Refpecting Choofing agents to petition the seffions 4'y Voted to Difmifs the fourth article in the warrant Refpecting the proposals for agreeraent -with Cap* Gibfon 5'y Voted to pafs over the fifth article in the warrant in Regard to the fifty pounds that ware to be Laid out on pools hill 6'y On a motion Voted put to see if the Town will have a Road Laid Thro' the Land of M" Newels to Leorainfter Line on any of the Conditions offered to the Coraraittee By said Newell it paffed in the Negetive Then Voted to see if the Town will have the selectraen Town of Fitchburgh. 107 to Lay a Road through the Land of said Newells to Leominfter Line it pafsed in the Negetive .... Voted to adjoum this meeting to monday the 17*" Day of this inftant June at . 3 . clock in the after noon [393] June 17*" 1793 The Town Meet on the Day adjoumed to the meeting opned Proceeded to Bifunefs 2 article acted Voted to Choofe overfeers to over see the Labour subfcribed to be Laid out on the New County Road to the foot of pools hill Voted to Choofe five perfons then Voted & Choofe for said overfeers Cap* Ifrael Tur ner Daniel Wetherbee Zacheus Ferwell Jofeph Fox Paul wetherbee .... Voted that the selectmen Give inftructions to the over feers Refpecting the mode of proceeding /the weidth of the Road & -where the Labour to Begin &c the Coraraittee to Retum there Do-wings to the selectmen before Septraber Court the Road to be Twenty four feet vride whare Laid out .... 3 article acted Voted to Choofe Agents to Petition to the General seffions of the peace to be holden at worcefter or elswhere as the Cafe raay Require for Relief of the Bur den of making the New County Road from Weftminfter Line to the foot of pools hill Leading to Leominfter Voted & Choofe for said agents Jofeph Fox Efq" Daniel Putnam Efq" Phinehas Hartwell they or either one of them to act in behalf of the Town to Carry the matter into Execution 5 article acted Voted that the propotion of the fifty pound belonging to M" Hales Highway Lift be Laid out on the stone Bridge Betwene Bumhams & Eliflia Charablens houfe .... that was to be Laid out on pools hill . . . Likewife the propotion of the £50 belonging to Cap* Burbank Highway Lift that ware to be Laid out on pools hill be Laid out on the Road frora Tho® Cowdins Houfe to -weftminfter Line toward moredocks 5 article acted on Voted that the Remainder of the fifty pounds that is not Difpofed off be Appropriated for the uie of the new County Road when Called for .... Voted this meeting Difsolved .... Paul Wetherbee Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk 108 The Old Records of the Worcefter fs To either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg in s'' County Greeting Thefe are in the name of the Common -wealth of Maffa chufetts to "will & Require you fourthwith in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie & wam all the free houlders & other Inhabi tants of the Town of fitchburg qualified By La"w to vote in To-wn raeetings to afferable on fryday the sixteenth day of this inftant Auguft at three o clock in the afternoon at the meeting houfe in said Town and when meet to act on the following articles (viz) I'y To Choofe moderator to Govern said meeting . . . 2'y To See if the Town -will Take into Confideration the prefent State of our Revernd Paftor refpecting his Late violent Paroxifms of delirium or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... 3'y To see if the Town vvill Relive Daniel Willard from the Tax -which is in the hand of Maj*^ Thomas Hart-well to Collect or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper 4'y to see if the Town will Chufe Agent or Agents to attend at the General Seffions of the peace to oppofe the eftabililhing the ne-w Laid out Road through Deacon Boutells Land or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper Hereof fail not & make Return of this -warrant -with your Dowing at or before said Day Given under our hands & seals this firft Day of Auguft 1793 Phinehas Hartwell \ selectmen Peter Snow / of fitchburg Worcefter fs By Vertue of the "within Warrant I have Notified & warned the Inhabitants of the Town of fitch burg to meete at Tirae & place .within Directed Auguft 16*" 1793 Afeph Goodridge Conftable [394] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg affembled Auguft 16 1793 Firft Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq" Moderator 2'y on a motion voted as the fenfe of the Town that inquirey be made Refpecting there Revernd Paftor Late Town of Fitchburgh. 109 Conduct in his Late Diforder By thofe Perfons that at tended on him at the Time .... 3'y On a raotion Voted as the Senfe of the Town to Choofe five perfons as a Committee to point out the greavences subfeifting betwene there Revemd Paftor and Town to be Communicated to m" payfon .... Voted & Choofe for said Committee Jofeph Fox Robert Burnham Phinehas Hartwell Oliver Stickney Deacon BouteU .... 4'y Voted to pafs over the article Refpecting Releiving Daniel -willard till the adjournment 5'y Voted to pafs over the fourth article Refpecting Choofing agents to oppofe the new alteration on the County Road above Dacon Boutels By a Late Committee 6 Voted this meeting to be adjourned to Tufeday the Twentith Day of this Auguft at five Clock in the after noon Auguft 20*" 1793 the Town raeet accordingly I'y Voted that the Treafurer pay Daniel Willard *2-'^19-''0 in order to enable hira to take up his note "which Maj"' Hartwell holds againft him for Taxes 2'y Voted to accept of the Committee Report Refpect ing the aggreavences subfeifting betwene the To-wn & M" Payfon .... 3'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Communicate the aggreavences subfifting betwene minifter & people Voted & Choofe for said Comraittee Cap* Jon'' Wood Cap* W™ Brown M" Afa Perry and this Coraraittee Defire an anfwer from M" Payfon to Lay before y^ Town 4'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to monday the 26*" Day of this inftant auguft 3 Clock in the after noon auguft 26*" the Town meet according to adjoumraent Voted to adjourn this raeeting to the fourth of Septra next on account not Receving an anfwer frora M" payfon Sep* 4*" 1793 the Town raeet together the meeting opned Firft on a motion Voted as the Senfe of the Town to Reconfider their Dowing Respecting the allegations Brought againft M" Payfon which ware before accepted By the Town /the Church haveing Taken the matter up 110 The Old Records of the 2'y Voted to Difsolve this meeting -which is accordingly Difsolved Daniel Putnam Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [395] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg , , in said County Greeting . ^ You are herey in the Narae of the Comraon-wealth . - of Mafachufetts to Notifie and -warn all the free holders and other Inhabitants of the To-wn of fitch burg Qulified by Law to vote in To-wn raeetings to raeet & Afferable at the raeeting House in fitchburg on monday the T-wenty Third Day of this inftant Sep* at one O Clock in the after noon to act on the follo"wing articles (viz) Firft to Choofe Moderator to Govern said raeeting 2'y to see what sura or suras of raoney to Raife to support M" payfon 3'y to see what sura of raoney the Town will Raife to support the schooles the prefent year & see what method the Town will Lay the same out or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper .... 4'y to See -what sura or suras of raoney the To-wn "will Raife to defray the Town Charges the Prefent year . . . 5'y To see if the "will accept of the Report of a Com raittee Choofen in behalf of the Town to Tranfact bufinefs betwene the Town & Eliflia Sraith or act any thing their on as they shall think proper .... 6'y To see what method the To"wn "will take to Repair the Bridge By Cap* Goodridges or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper 7'y To see what method the Town "will Take to Lay out the reraainder of fifty pounds forraeriy Granted to be Laid out on pools hill or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper 8'y To See if the town will Give any affiftance in Re pairing the Stone Bridge on M" Edward Scotts Road near M" Wheelers Land or act any thing their on as they shall think proper .... 9'y to see if the Town wUl abate Jabez Stevenfes Rates Town of Fitchburgh. Ill "which are in Maj° Tho® Hartwell Lifts or act any thing theiron as they shall Think proper lO'y To see if the Town will Do any thing futher refpecting the road through M" Newels Land or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper .... ll'y To see what raethod the Town will Take to provide Thirty Cord of wood for the Revemd John Pay fon or act any thing theiron as they think proper Hereof fail not to raake Return of this warrant with your Dowings theiron at or before said Day to sorae one of us Given under our Hands & seals this ninth Day of Septeraber Anno Domini 1793 Phinehas Hartwell ) o i j. r Peter Snow ^^^l^^^^ ^""^ John Thurfton JuT J F'^chburg [396] Worcefter fs Sep* 23'' 1793 By Vertue of this warrant I have Notified the free holders and other inhabitants of the To"wn of fitchburg to attend at tirae & place and for the purpofes -within raen tioned Phin® Sawyer Conftable Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Afferabled Sepf" 23"'' 1793 Firft Voted & Choofe M" Phinehas Sawyer Moderator 2'y Voted to Raife 66-13-4 to support the Revend John Payfon the year infuing 66-13-4 3'y Voted to Raife Eighty pound to supply' the several schools 80-0-0 4'y Voted to Choofe a Comraittee man for each Deftrict to provide schooles and to see their propotion of money schooled out theirin Choofe for said Coraraittee Jofeph Fox Afa Perrey SamueU Harrife Phinehas Sawyer Tho® Cowdin Cap* Tho® Thurfton Jacob Gibfon 5'y Voted to Raife £100-0-0 to Defray Town Debts Exclusive the minifter & schoole 100-0-0 6'y Voted to to accept of the Committee Report Choofen to settle with Cap* Eliflia Smith so fer as it appears 112 The Old Records of the to be Settled in their Report betwene the Town and Cap* Elifh Smith Likewife the Report to be kept for a meraoral of the setleraent 7'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to Repair the Great bridge by Cap* Goodridges voted to Choofe three perfons as a Committee (viz) Cap* Joh Goodridge M" Afa Perry M" Abijah Goodridge Voted to have the plank three inches thick either heralock Cheftnut yealow pine Voted that the Coraraittee Let out the Gifting the plank to the Loweft Bidder By Lot or any other way 8'y Voted that the propotion of the fifty pound that ware Raifed to Repair pools hill sett to Phin® Hartwell Benj" Smith Phin® AUen Eben Thurfton Edward Scott Jofeph & Aaron Wheeler Ephr™ Hartwell Abijah Hartwell John Scott Eben Huchardfon John Reed Kerap put in after the vote was pafed be worked out on the stone Bridge on M" Scotts Road againft Wheelers Land to finilh said stone bridge 9'y Voted that the Reraainder of the fifty pounds be vrorked out on the ne-w County road Voted that the former Committee for seeing the fifty pounds -worked out on the old road are Choofen to see the Reraainder worked out on the new^ County road and the work to be Cora- pleated By the Laft of October next & Return their Dow ings to y^ Affefsors [397] lO'y Voted to abate Jabez Stevenfes Rate in Maj° Tho® Hartwells Rate BiUs the sum of two pounds six shiUings & ten pence three fathings after Confoladated in silver 2-6-10-3 ll'y Voted to pafs over the article Refpecting the road Through M" Newels Land Voted to Let out the Gifting of M" Payfons wood to the loweft Bidder Voted to Choofe a Comraittee for that purpofe Voted to Choofe seven perfons as a Committee (viz) M" Afa Perry Araos ordway Tho® Cowdin Dan" Wetherbee Abel Baldwin Afeph Goodridge Cap* Ifreal Turner they to Return their Dowings to the Clerk Voted to Difsolve this raeeting which is accordingly Difsolved Phin® Sawyer Moderator Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk . . @ 4/5 . £ s d . 1- 2-1 . . @ 4/4 . . 1- 1-8 . . @ 4/5 . . 1- 2-1 . . @ 4/5 . . 1- 2-1 . . @ 4/5 . . 1- 2-1 . . @ 4/0 . . 1- 0-0 Town of Fitchburgh. 113 The Return of the Committee appointed to Lett out the Gifting M" Payfons wood for the year 1793 the Per fons Lett out to and the prife are as follows (viz) . . . To M" Aaron Eaton five Cords . To M" Afa Perry five Cords . . To M" John Reed Kemp five Cord To M" Neheraiah Fuller five Cord M" Araos Parce five Cord M" Oliver Browm five Cord . 6-10-0 Phin® HartweU Town Clerk Worcefter fs By Vertue of a Warrant Dated March 16*" 1793 Given out for the purpofes for Collecting the votes from the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg for the Choice of Govemor Leut Govemor & senators agreeable to the Conftetution of the maffachufetts at a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg affembled April 1®* 1793 Gave in there votes for the perfons here mentioned &c Firft for the Choofe of Govemor No. Votes for his Exelency John Handcock 39 For Leut Govemor for the Honori"'^ Elbridge Garry 2 For his Honour Sam" Adams 37 For Senators Honora''''^ Sara" Baker 33 Honourable Mofes GiU 10 Jofiah Steams Efq" 33 Hon5l5_ Jonathan Warner 8 Benjarain Reed Efq" 22 Martin Kinfley Efq" 21 Salam Towns Efq" 22 Jofeph Fox Efq" 10 Abner Holden Efq" 3 114 The Old Records of the Daniel Putnam Efq" 2 Dwight Fofter Efq" 1 Phinehas Hartwelll Selectmen Peter Snow \ for John Thurfton Ju" J Fitchburg Atteft Phins Hartwell Town Clerk [398] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg , . , in s'' County Greeting . y you are hereby Required in the name of the Comraonwealth of Maffachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of La-w to Notifie and wam all the freeholders & other Inhabitants of said Town Qulified by La-w to vote in Town meetings to affemble at the raeeting houfe in s"! fitchburg on Tuefday the fifteenth Day of October Next at Two O Clock in the after noon to act on the following articles (viz) Firft to Choofe a Moderator to Govern said raeeting 2'y to See if the To-wn -will Concur -with the Church in Choofing a Council to settle the Contreverfie with the Revernd M" Payfon & Likewife see -what Method the Town -will take to Provide for the same or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 3'y To See if the Town -will Do any thing to-wards laying out a Road through M" Newhalls Land to Leomin fter or act any thing theiron as they shall Think proper 4'y To See if the Town will make Cap* Sam" Burbank any Confideration Refpecting the Rates againft Araos Darby Eftate & W2 Danforth Coraraitted to hira to Collect or act any thing theiron as they shall Think proper Hereof fail not to make retum of this warrant with your Dowings theiron at or before said Day Given under our hands & seals this Thirteenth Day of September 1793 Phinehas Hartwell\ Selectmen Peter Snow / of Fitchburg Worcefter fs October 15*" 1793 By Vertue of this war rant I have Notified & warned the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to meet at time and within Directed Afeph Goodridge Conftable Town of Fitchburgh. 115 [399] att a Legal meeting of the inhabitants of fitchburg affembled octobr 15*" 1793 Firft Voted & Choofe M" Phinehas Sawyer moderator 2'y — Voted to Concur with the Dowings of the Church Refpecting the Choice of Council to settle the Contro verfie Betwene the Church & their Revemd Paftor . . . 3'y Voted to provide for the Council while Detained in the Settling the Controverfie betwene the Church & minifter Voted to Choofe a Comraittee of three perfons to raake pro-vifion for the Council & others then Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee (viz Jofeph Fox Efq" M" Afa Perry M" Phinehas Sawyer for the above purpofe 4'y Voted & Choofe Dot Peter Snow with the Town Clerk to Draw of the Records Refpecting the Contract Betwene the Town & M" Payfon Refpecting M" Payfon settlement & support frora his firft settieraent to this pref ent year to Lay before the Council when raeet if needed 5'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to treat with M" Newhall Refpecting a Road Through said Newhalls Land said Coraraittee to act free of Coft to the Town Voted to Choofe three perfons for said Coraraittee (viz) M" Rob ert Bumham M" Mofes Hale M" Ephri" KirabaU for the purpofe Voted that this Coraraittee be irapowered in Cafe of Difagreement with said Newhall Refpecting the Damages of said Road they to offer hira to Refer the sarae to Dif- intrefted perfons for a final settieraent & to Report to the town their Do-wings sorae fature tirae Voted this raeeting to be Diffolved which is accordingly Difsolved Phinehas Sawyer Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs to either of the Conftables of the To-wn , ^ . of fitchburg in said County — Greeting .. . you are hereby Required in the Narae of the Comraonwealth of Maffachufetts to Notifie and -warn the freeholders & other Inhabitants of said town qulified By Law to vote in Town raeetings to meet & 116 The Old Records of the afferable at the meeting houfe in said Town on monday the Eighteenth Day of November next at two O clock in the after noon and when meet to act on the following articles (viz) Firft to Choofe a moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To see if the Town wiU abate the Minifter Tax in M" Reuben Sraith hand againft thofe of the Baptift perfwa- fion for the year 1792 or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... 3'y To see if the Town wUl abate the poll Tax of Jofeph Perry & Robert Haws in M" Seth PhUUpfes Rate Bill for the yeare 1791 or act any thing theron as they shall think proper .... [400] Hereof fail not to make Return of this war rant with your Do-wing to some one of us on or before said Day Given under our hands & seals this twenty ninth Day of of October A- D- 1793 Phinehas Hart-well ( r Peter Snow j Fitchburg Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg afferabled Noveraber y= 18*" 1793 Firft Voted & Choofe M" Phinehas Sa-wyer Moderator 2'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to monday the second Day of December next at t-welve o Clock at midday Being Bad -weather but fe-w at meeting December 2"'' 1793 the Town raeet according to ad journment the meeting opned then the Motion put to See if the To-wn will abate the minifter Tax in M" Reuben Smiths hands againft thofe of the Baptifs perfuafion for the year 1792 it paffed in the Negative not to abate them 2'y Voted to abate Jofeph Perry poll Tax in M" Seth PhiUips Rate BiU for the year 1791 3'y Voted to Difsolve this meeting .... Phin® Sa-wyer moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 117 AVorcefter fs To Either of the of the Town of fitchburg , , , in s"! County Greeting , , . you are hereby Required in the Name of the Commonwealth of Maffachufetts to Notifie & -warn all the freeholders & other Inhabitants Qulified By Law to vote in Town meetings to meete & affemble att the meeting houfe in said To-wn on monday the second Day of next December at one Clock in the after noon and when raeet to act on the foUo-wing articles (viz) I'y To Choofe a IModerator to Govern said meeting 2'y to see if the To-wn will Concur with the Church in the agreement made bet-wene the Reve* John Payfon and the Churches Coraraittee or *by advice of Council act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 3'y To see if the To-wn choofe a Committee to execute the agreement made bet-wene Revr"! John Payfon and the Churches Committee or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper Hereof fail not to raake Retum of this -warrant -with your Do-wings thereon to some one of us at or before said Day & tirae above mention'^ Given under our hands & seals this 13*" day of Nov5 A D 1793 Peter Snow \ Selectmen of John Thurfton Jur/ Fitchburg Worcefter fs Decern 2^^ 1793 By vertue of this warrant I have notified the Legal voters of the To-wn of fitchburg to attend at time & place & for the purpofes -within mentioned Phin® Sawyer Conftable [401] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of fitchburg affembled Dece" 2"'' 1793 Firft Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq" Moderator 2'y Voted to adjoum this raeeting for one hour the hour being out *The -words "by advice of Council" -were inserted -with a caret, which evidently should have preceded the w^ord "or." — W. A. D. 118 The Old Records of the 3'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to -wait on M" Payfon to Defire him to Come to attend on the meeting -which is no-w opned .... 4'y — Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee (viz) Deacon BouteU M" Oliver Stickney they to Defire M" Payfon to Bring the Refult of the veneral Council to be Read before the Town & see if the churches Comraittee Can be served with a Coppy of the sarae .... 5'y Voted to Concur with the propofals raade betwene M" Payfon & the Churches Committee so fer as to Choofe a Committee to Treat with M" Payfon Refpecting the Conditions of his seperation as to his paftoral Relation 6'y Voted & Choofe for said Committee (viz) Efq" Putnara Phin® Hartwell Paul wetherbee Jofeph Fox Phin® Sawyer 7'y Voted to adjourn this meeting to the Ninth Day of this inftant Deem at one Clock in the after noon this Committee to Report there Dowings -when meet Deceraber 9*" 1793 The Town raeet according to ad journment the meeting being opned then proceeded Firft. a motion -was raade to see if it was the Senfe of the Town that M" Payfon be Contunied farther in the work of the Gofpel miniftry in Cafe he should raanifift to the Town his Deterraination to Conform to the exortation of Council by the help of Divine Providence provided how ever that in Cafe M" Payfon should fall into Delirium hereafter the mutual agreement made betwene him & the Churches Comraittee to stand Good 2'y The above Queftion put before the Town for Con- curance it pafsed in the Negetive vote 3'y Voted to Concur with the Agreement raade be twene ra" Payfon & the Churches Coraraittee Refpecting his Seperation as minifter & people in his paftoral Relation 4'y Voted to Choofe a Committee agreeable to the Third article in the warrant to execute the agreement raade betwene M" Payfon & the Churches Coraraittee 5'y Voted to Choofe five perfons for the purpofe (viz) Jofeph Fox Efq" Putnara Phin® Sawyer Doc* Jonas Mar fliall Phin® Hartwell Town of Fitchburgh. 119 6'y Voted that this Committee be enjoined to ufe there endeavors for aCommadation for a settlement with M" Payfon agreeable to advice of Council 7'y Voted to adjourn this meeting to monday the twenty Third Day of this inftant Dcember at one oclock in the after noon .... Dcember 23 the Town meet according to adjournment & the meeting opned proceeded as followes Firft the Queftion put to see if the Town -will Comply -with the firft propofal made By M" Payfon on account of his seperation which -was two Hundred pound & his poll & Land excufed from taxes pew in the meeting houfe it pafsed in the Negetive Likewife the other propofal put up before the Town which -was if the Town -will Give him a Hundred Dollars yearly During his Natural Life and other pri-vileges & ex cufed from taxes it pafed in the negetive vote .... [403] 2'y Voted to Reconfider a forraer vote Refpect ing the towns Concuring with the Agreeraent made betwene M" Payfon and the Churches Committee Refpect ing his feperation .... 3'y then on a motion made voted as the Senfe of the To-wn to Concur with the Agreeraent made betwene ra" Payfon & the Churches Coraraittee pro-vided the To-wn have a Right to bring such evidences as they shall Judge necefsary before the Refferance .... 4'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Carry on the propofals of the Town Voted & Choofe for s'' Committee (viz) M" Mofes Hale Paul Wetherbee Jonathan Low Ju" Robert Burnhara Doc* Jonas marfliall .... 5'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to raonday the 30*" Day of Decraber inftant at one oclock in the after noon this Comraittee to Report there Do"wings .... Deceraber 30*" 1793 the Town meet according to adjournment the meeting opned after hereing the Report of the Committee then proceeded as follows .... Firft Voted to Choofe a Comraittee to make a final settlement with M" Payfon 120 The Old Records of the Firft in Refpect to the Towns fulfilling the Contract made betwene him & the Town of fitchburg when he firft engaged with them in the Gofpel Miniftry to See if there is any Reareges that are not made up ... . then Secondly in Refpect to the Conditions of his Sep- erations as to his paftoral Relation 2'y Voted to Choofe a Committee of five perfons for the above purpofe then voted & Choofe for s'' Comraittee (viz) Phine® Hartwell Jofeph Fox Paul Wetherbee Eben Thurfton Cap* Ifrael Turner this Committee to Lay there dowings before the To"wn at the adjournment for there Ratification if they see Caufe 3'y Voted to adjoum this raeeting to monday the twentieth Day of January next at one Oclock in the after noon .... January 20*" 1794 the Town meet according to adjournment the meeting opned Firft Voted & Choofe Deacon Kendel Boutell Modera tor in the Roora of Efq" Putnara being Necefsarily Abfent 2'y the Town voted to hear the Report of the Com mittee that "was sent to ra" Payfon "which was they Could not prevale "with M" Payfon upon any other Terms of settlement from his firft offers which the To-wn -will not Coraply -with 3'y Voted to adjourn this raeeting for one hour then after the hour was out 4 Voted to Difsolved this raeeting -which is accord ingly Difsolved De5: Kendel Boutell Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [403] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg Greeting You are Required in the Name of the Coramonwealth of Maffachufetts to notifie and wam all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to vote in Town meetings to meete & affemble at the meeting houfe on monday the twentyth day of this Town of Fitchburgh. 121 inftant January at two Clock in the after noon and when meet to act on the foUo-wing articles (viz) Firft to Choofe a Moderator to govern said meeting 2'y To see if the town will make any Provifion for hireing Preaching for a certain time or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 3'y To see if the Town will Choofe an Agent or Agents to confer with the Several Towns Refpecting petitioning to the General Court for a divifion of the County Agreable to a Requeft of a Committee of the Town of Leominfter on Thurfday the 23"'' Day of January 1794 or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 4'y To See if the Town -will accept of Road Laid out from M" Elifha Chamblens to Leominfter Line by the Selectmen agreeable to a Requeft of a Number of the In habitants of said Town and provided said Road is accepted to see if the old Roads Shall be Difcontinued or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 5'y To See if the To-wn -will Difcontinue the old Road Through M" Perryes Land from ra" Charablens to m" Afephs Goodridges Road Leading frora his houfe to said Perryes or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper Hereof fail not to make Retum of this warrant to some one of us at or before said Day & time above men tioned Given under our hands & scales this second Day of January one thoufand seven Hundred & Ninty four Phine® HartweU | sgWtmen Peter Snow ' selectmen John Thurfton Ju"J °^ fitchburg In Obediance to the within warrant I have notified & warned the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to meet at time & place as within Directed Fitchburg January 20*" 1794 Afeph Goodridge Conftable At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg afferabled January y^ 20*" 1794 the raeet ing being opned then proceeded as foUo-ws .... Firft Voted & Choofe M" Phine® Sawyer Moderator 122 The Old Records of the 2'y Voted to pafs over the second article in the war rant in Refpect of hireing preaching for the prefent on account the -winter seafon .... 3'y Voted to Choofe two agents to raeet at the Town of Leominfter the 23"'' of this inftant January to confer with the other Towns there affembled in Regard to peti tioning to the General Court in Refpect of setting up a ne-w County Voted & Choofe for said Comraittee viz Jofeph Fox Efq" Cap* W'" Brown & M" Phinehas Sawyer aded after the firft vote [404] *A Three Rode Road Laid out By the Select raen of fitchburg the Second Day of January 1794 frora Eliflia Chamblens through to Leominfter Line which ware Requefted by a number of the inhabitants of said town the Difscription is as followes Begining at the stone wall at M" Eliflia Charablens eaft of his houfe a heep of stones there erected then Runing Southardly to a heep of stones on a Ledge then to a hemlock bufli on the Eaft side of said Road then to a heep of stones near the woods south eaftwardly by side of the woods to a Dry Cheftnut tree marked the eaftt side of said Road then the sarae Courfe to a nother Dry Cheftnut from thence to M" Afa Perryes Land the -whole Length aboute 90 rods on Chamblins then on Perrys Land about 17 rods bounded by a w^hite raaple and a Chesnut on the northerdly side of said Road then on the Line betwene Perry & Cap* Jonas Kendall one Rod & half each then betwene Araos Parce & Cap* Kendall one Rod & half each to Perryes Land again then Amos Parce & Perry one Rod & half each till it Comes to the Road then Croft the Road on the Line betwene Abijah Goodridge and Araos parce one Rode and half each till it Corae to M" Newhalls Land then takes one Rod & half of Newhals Land Runing to a Sharp point at Parces & Goodrdges Corner then all on Abijah Good ridges Land bounding w^eft on M" Newhalls Line to Cap* * Elijah Chamberlain owned the farm now known as Goodhue place on Leominster West Road, Amos Pierce, now by John Start, Asa Perry the Poor Farm. [Annotation on the margin. W. A. D.] Town of Fitchburgh. 123 Kendells Land then all on said Kendells Land to Leorain fter Line the Conditions of said Road being Given & the Damages agreed on by each perticular perfon are as fol lowes firft Runing 90 rods Through Eliflia Chamblen Land the Daraages Agreed upon by said Charablen & makes his own fences is £6-0-0 the Damages Efteraated & allowed to Araos Parce by the Roads Runing through his Land & he makes his fence 4-0-0 the Damages Efteraated & agreed on to be aUowed to Abijah Goodridges for the Roads Gowing Through his Land is 4-0-0 M" Perry hath the old Road Difcontinued to hira that Leads frora Eliflia Chamblens Down to the Road that Leads from Afeph Goodridges to Perrys Houfe & Mr Perry Gives M" Chamblen one half of a stone wall betwene them for M" Chamblens incoragement no-w standing on the North side the old Road Given up to M" Chamblen for the ne-w one the other Gentlemen Gives there Land for the public ufe The To-wn at a Legal meeting affembled January 20*" 1794 Voted to accept of the above mentioned Road & pay the Daraages as they stand efteraated to each perfon -with the help of the money subfcribed by a number of Gentle raen in Leominfter for that purpofe Voted to Difcontinue a two Rod Road Leading firom M" Elifha Chamblens to the Road that Leads from Afeph Goodridges Down to Afa Perryes begining at the end of y stone -wall near Charablens Barn which has ben shet up for many years fuppofed to have Ben difcontinued before Voted to Difsolve this meeting this Road Laid out by Phin® Hartwell & Peter Snow Phinehas Sa-wyer raoderator Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk [405] Fitchburg January 22°'' 1794 The schoole Committee appointed By said Town Meet to apportion the money raifed at Sep* meeting 1793 (viz) 124 The Old Records of the Eighty pounds Have attended the service and we find Each Deftrict Draws the following sum (viz) Jacob Gibfon £14- 5-11-0 Cap* Tho® Thurfton 7-12- 0-3 Tho® Cowdin 10-4-3-3 Phinehas Sawyer 11-2-6-0 Samuel Harrife 15-4-7-2 Afa Perry 6-18- 7-0 Jofeph Fox 14-12- 0-0 £80- 0- 0-0 By order of the Coraraittee Jofeph Fox SchooUe Committee Worcefter fs To either of the Conftables of fitchburg in said County — Greeting You are hereby in the Name of the Coraraonwealth of Maffachufetts required to warn all the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to vote in Town raeetings to meet at the raeeting Houfe on raonday the Third Day of raarch next at Nine Clock in the raorning -when raeet to act on the foUowing articles I'y to Choofe a raoderator to Govern said meeting 2'y to Choofe Town Clerk & selectmen & other Town offices as the La-w directs and act any thing in regard to Choofing Collectors as they shall think proper .... 3'y to See -what Sura or Sums of money the Town will raife to repair the Highways & Bridges the prefent year or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 4'y To See what method the Town will Take to repair the Great Bridge lately damaged By the ice & flood near the raills or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 5'y to See if the Town will accept of any road Laid out by the Select men or there order 6'y to See what method the Town will take to sup port there poor the prefent year 7'y To fee if the Town will Choofe a faxton to take Care the raeeting houfe y^ prefent year 8'y To fee if the Town will vote the Swine to run at large under the regulation of y^ La-w the prefent year Town of Fitchburgh. 125 9'y To fee what method the Town will Take to pro vide preaching or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper lO'y To fee what raethod the Town will Take to set tle the Difficulty betwen thera & M" Payfon under there Prefent Circuraftances or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper ll'y To fee if the Town will Difcontinue the old road from M" NewhaUs Land betwen M" Perryes & M" Good ridges Land to the road by hawfef shop .... Hereof fail not to raake retum of this -warrant to some one of us at or before the Time above raentioned Given under our hands & seals this Tenth day of February 1794 Phine® Hartwell \ Selectmen of Peter Snow / Fitchburg Worcefter fs March 3"'' 1794 By vertue of this war rant I have notified the Inhabitants & freeholders of the Towai of fitchburg to meet at tirae & place and for the purpofes -within raentioned Phin® Sa-wyer Conftable [406] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg Affembld March y= 3"'' 1794 Firft Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnara Efq" Moderator 2'y Voted & Choofe Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk .... Town Clerk 3'y Voted & Choofe for Selectraen Phinehas Hartwell Doc* Peter Snow Paul Wetherbee .... 4'y Voted & Choofe the above raentioned felectmen to be affefsors affefsors Taken oath 5'y Voted & Choofe Ebenezer Thurfton Town Treaf urer Town Treafurer 6'y Voted & Choofe Reuben Smith &l Amos Ordway Conftables Smith Taken y= oath 7'y Voted to excufe Amos Ordway frora ferving Con ftable & to have but one 8'y Voted that the CoUecterfliip be let out to the Loweft Bidder on the £100 they finding Two Good Bonds men to y'= acceptence of the Town 126 The Old Records of the 9'y Voted that the CoUecterfliip be vandued of Down at the houfe of widow Cowdins 4 Clock P. M : 10 Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to Let out the Col lecting of the Taxes for y'= enfuing year 11 Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee (viz) Afa Perry Daniel Ferwell Jacob upton Doc* Jonas Marlhall David M'^intire 12 Voted & Choofe two Tythingmen viz Daniel Far- well & Cap* Tho® Thurfton 13 Voted to excufe Daniel Ferwell & Choofe Daniel Wetherbee in his roora Likewife Voted & Choofe Ebenezer Thurfton in the roora of Cap* Thomas excufed 14 Voted to Choofe 13 Highway surveyours the pref ent year then after added two raore 15 Voted & Choofe for Highway Surveyours (viz) Cap* John Goodridge X Ephraim Kimball X Jacob Ozbum X Jofeph Holt X Solomon Carlton Jacob Jaquith Jofeph Fox X John Carter Cap* Ifrael Tumer X Tho® Eaton X Jofeph Policy X Stephen Thurfton X Edweard Durant X Daniel Harrife X Ebenezer Thurfton X all that is marked with a X taken y"" oath 16 Voted & Choofe for Hogreaves Eben Huchardfon Jofeph Phelps Oliver FuUam Afeph Boutell 17 — Voted & Choofe for Fire -wards Afeph Goodridge & David Hodglkins Firewards 18 — Voted & Choofe for Surveyour of Luraber William Sraall Luraber 19 — Voted & Choofe for Fence vewers Afa Perry Elijah M'^intire Tho® Gibfon Taken y= oath . . . Fence Vewers 20'y — Voted & Choofe Jofeph Downe Surveyour of Hoops & Staves & Taken y"^ oath . . . hoops & staves 21— Voted & Choofe for Field Drivers Mofes Hale Jo feph PoUey Field Drivers 22 — Voted & Choofe for Sealer of weights & raeafurers David Parce Sealler Meafurers 23 — Voted & Choofe for sealer of Leather Jofeph Ho-w Taken the oath Sealer of Leather raoney 24 Voted to Raife one Hundred and fifty pounds to repair the Highways & Bridges . . £150-0-0 Town of Fitchburgh. 127 25 Voted & Choofe a Committee to over See the repairing the Great Bridge Damaged near y= mills By the ice & Flood (viz) Doc* Jonas Marfliall Afa Perry Ephraira KimbaU this Committee is to lett out the repairing the Bridge to the Lowreft Bidders the perfons under Taking is to be under the infpection of the Committee this Com mitte is to Report to the Town there Dowings 26 — Voted to Choofe a Committee to Vew the new County road Through wards Land up to weftminfter Line Choofe for said Committee Sarauel Harrife Tho® Cowdin they to Report what sum of raoney is Necefsary to open the road this Coraraittee Report at may raeeting next . . 27 Voted to accept of a Two road rode Laid out for M" Neheraiah Fuller begining at the Line betwen Land of Jacob Allen and said fuller at the end of a former road that abel Bald-win purchafed of Aallen begining at a Lit tle hemlock buih raarked on the eaft side of s'' road thence to a little raoos bufli from thence a Black Burch from thence to a Cheftnut about three feet eaft of a strait Rang of said road thence to String of Logfence the eaft side of the purpofed road. runing by said Logfence about 30 rods up to the Norweft Comer of said fullers houfe -within about six feet the whole road runing south weft- ardly from the firft mentioned Bounds to the houfe Laft mentioned the marks on the eaft side of said road the whole Length of said road being betwen seventy & eighty rods Phinehas Hartwell \ p • , , Nehemiah Fuller / Fitchburg February 19*" 1794 Laid out ^r order of selectmen the Land Given By said fuller in Prefence of the Town at the acceptance [407] 28 Voted to Choofe a Committee to Lett out the poor to the Loweft bidder Choofe for said Comrait tee Paul Wetherbee Afeph Goodridge Deacon Boutell Cap* Jonathan Wood Phinehas Brown this Coraraittee is to Lift out the Taking Care of the raeeting houfe the prefent year to the loweft Bidder Likewife 128 The Old Records of the Voted to pafs over the ninth article in the -warrant at the prefent in refpect of preaching untill the adjournment of the raeeting and take up the Tenth article refpecting M" Payfon & the Town .... 29 on a raotion raade Voted as the senfe of the To-wn that a Committee of seven Perfons be Choofen to Treat with Rev'' John Payfon to Leave to the Decifion of a ref- ference mutually Choofen the Terms on which a Sepera tion Shall Take place Betwen the said M" Payfon -with refpect to his paftoral relation to the Church & people of his Charge30 Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee Phinehas Hartwell Deacon Putnara Mofes Hale Deacon Boutell Ephr"" Kiraball Afa Perry Doc* Jonas Marfliall .... 31 Voted this Coraraittee be & is irapowered by a vote to proceed to appoint reffereas in Cafe M" Payfon shall agree thereto and proceed to final Decifion 32 — Voted that the several Committees Choofen to Let out the CoUectorfliip & poor & the Taking Care the meeting houfe make a retum of there Dowings to the Town at the meeting on the adjoumraent -when meet 33 — Voted to adjourn this meeting to monday the seventteenth day of this inftant march at one Clock in the after noon .... March 17*" 1794 the Town meet according to adjourn ment the raeeting being opned then proceeded in the fol lowing raanner I'y — Mary wares Bid of by Daniel Ferwell at 0/5 p^ week while She Stays -with him the Town accepted the BiU & voted to pay the sarae .... 2'y — EphrH Sraith Bid of by Paul Wetherbee at 5/7 pe^ week while he stays -with hira the Town accepted the Bill & voted to pay the sarae the said smith to be under the infpection of the selectmen 3'y — Taking Care the raeeting houfe Bid of by John Fei~well at 11/10 for one -whole year the town voted & accepted of the bill & pay the same 4'y— Voted to accept of M" Ezra Ritter as a Collector for the south part of s'' Town with M" Ephr™ KimbaU & Town of Fitchburgh. 129 M" Robert Bumham as bondman and to Give said Ezra Ritter Thirty five shillings on the hundred pound he shall Collect & pay -where ordred of State County & town Taxes O 5'y Voted to accept of Cap* Jonathan Wood for a ti Collector for the North part of said Town with Doc* J^ Jonas Marlhall & John Thurfton Ju" as bondmen and % to Give Cap* Wood Thirty Eight ShUlings & eleven p pence on each hundred pound he shall Collect & pay o where ordred both state County & town Taxes ^ 6'y — Voted to accept of a Report of a Committee g^ Choofen to appoint refferease in Cafe M" Payfon agree I thereto some propofifion -ware propofed to M" Payfon for a final settlement betwene him & the Town which he declared he would not leve to any referrance -whatfoever -without the advice of Council the Town in order for a Settlement 7'y Voted to Concur with the Church in Calling the former Council .... 8'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee of five perfons to Join the Churches Committee in prepairing and supporting the allegations to be laid before the Council 9 Voted & Choofe for said Committee Doc* Jonas Marlhall Paul Wetherbee Abel Baldwin Afa Perry Afeph Goodridge then Voted to add two more perfons (viz) 10 Voted & Choofe Peter Snow & John Thurfton Ju" for an Adition [408] 11 Voted to hire Gofpel Preaching 12 Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to hire or pro-vide preaching 13 Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee Jonathan Low Ju" & M" Mofes Hale after ward aded M" Edward Durant by a vote to Join said Comraittee 14 Voted that the Comraittee ingage a preacher for six -weeks 15 Voted that all thofe perfons -who Shall bring in there names at April meeting requefting preaching in the weft part of the Town Shall have there propotional part of the money or preaching at the option of the Town 180 The Old Records of the 16 Voted to adjoum this meeting to monday y^ 24*" of this inftant raarch at four Clock in the after noon March 24*" 1794 the Town meet according to ad journment the meeting being opned then proceeded in the foUowing raanner 1 Voted to adjoum this meeting to one ^4 of an hour to Give place for the Church to act The meeting being opned / after hereing the allegations prepared againft M" Payfon The Town Voted to accept of the firft article then Voted to accept of the second article then Voted to accept of the Third article as is propofed by the Town & Church Voted to Choofe one perfon as a Coraraittee to Join the Churches Coraraittee to prefent the allegations Voted and accepted by the Church & Town to M" payfon and to bring an Anfwer frora M" Payfon whether he -will Join Church in Calling in the Council Voted to adjoum this raeeting to raonday the seventh Day of April next at at five Clock in the after noon April 7*" 1794 The town raeet according to adjourn ment then proceeded in the foUo-wing manner Firft M" Payfons anfwer to the To-wn in refpect to Joining the Church in Calling in the Council which report -ware in faviour of Joining the Church .... 2'y Voted to Affemble the former venerable Council that affembled in fitchburg Laft November 12*" again on Tuefday y= 29*" of this inftant aprii at fitchburg 3'y Voted & Choofe Deacon John Thurfton & Deacon Kendell Boutell as Agents in Behalf of the Town to in forra M" Payfon the Vote of the Town & of the time -when the venerable Council is to be affembled & to affift M" Payfon in Notifiing the venerable Council 4'y. Voted to Choofe three perfons to provide for the Council .... Voted & Choofe for said Committee (viz) Jonathan Lo-w Ju^ Afa Perry Jofeph Fox Efq" 5'y Voted that the petitioners for preaching from the weft part of the To-wn shall have there propotionable part Town of Fitchburgh. 181 of preaching Throug out the Courfe of the summer accord ing to -what they pay to wards support of preaching 6'y Voted to Difsolve this meeting which is accord ingly Difsolved Daniel Putnam Efq" moderator Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk [409] Worcefter fs To M" Reuben Smith Conftable of the To-wn of Fitchburg you are hereby required in the Name of the Commonwealth of Maffachufetts to Notifie all the free holders & other Inhabitants & the males of the Town of fitchburg of twenty one years of age and upwards haveing a freehold eftate -within this Comraon wealth of the annual incorae of three pounds or an eftate of sixty pounds to raeet at the ineeting houfe in said Town on raonday the seventh Day of aprii next at t-wo of the Clock P. M. to Give in there Votes for an Govemor & Levit Govemor & senators agreable to the Conftetution of said Common-wealth Hereof fail not to make retum of this warrant to sorae one of us on or before said Day & tirae Above raen tioned Given under our hands & seals at fitchburg this 20*" Day of march 1794 Peter Snow \ Selectmen For Paul Wetherbee/ Fitchburg Perfuant to the within warrant I have Notified & warned the Inhabitants of said Town Qulified as therein expreffed to raeet at the time & pace and for the purpofes therein mentioned Reuben Smith Conftable Att a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg afferabled April y^ 7*" 1794 the meeting being opned the following votes ware Given in For the Chooice of Govemor no votes For his Honour SamueU Adams 60 For the Honourable Elbridge Garry 2 182 The Old Records of the For the Chooice of Levit Govemor For the Honourable Mofes GiU 51 For the Honor*'''^ James Bodwin 1 For the Chooice of Senators Hono"'^ SamueU Baker 50 Horn*'' Jofiah Steams 50 Honor*"'^ Jonathan Warner 50 Salam Town Efq" 50 Benj" Reed Efq" 50 Phin® HartweU Town Clerk Weftminfter & Fitchburg AprU 9*" 1794 Certified By the subfcribers that they Have on said Day Prearabilated the Town Line Betwen Weftminfter & Fitchburg and Re newed the old Bounds according to Law from Comer to Corner Ebenezer Jones Abel Woods Weftrainfter Selectmen Fitchburg Committee ^" order of Selectmen Abraham Willard Ephraim Hartwell Recorded April 11*" 1794 Phin® HartweU Town Clerk [410] Worcefter fs To M^ Reuben Smith Conftable for the Town of fitch burg Greeting you are required in the name of the Common-wealth of maffachufetts to notifie and -warn all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said fitchburg Qulified by La-w to vote in Town meeting to affemble at the meeting houfe in said Town on wednefday the thirteenth Day of this inftant April at one O clock in the afternoon then & there being meet to act on the foUo-wing articles Firft to Choofe Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y to See if the Town will Concur with the Church refpecting a Seperation bet-wen them & the Revr"! John Payfon in regard to his Difmifion frora his paftoral relation or act any thing thereon as they raay think proper Town of Fitchburgh. 133 3'y To see if the Town will Concur with the ad-vice of Council in regard to the Tirms on which the Seperation may take place or act any thing thereon as they may think proper 4'y To fee if the To-wn -will make farther provifion refpecting Hireing preaching through the summer or act any thing thereon a they ShaU think proper 5'y To See if the wUl Choofe a Committee to settle -with the To-wn Treafurer Here of fail not and make retum of this -warrant -with your Do-wings to some one of us on or before said Day Given under our hands and seals this fifteenth day of April 1794 Phinehas Hart-well \ Selectraen Peter Snow (of Fitchburg April y= 30*" 1794 Perfuant to the -within naraed -warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of the To-wn of fitchburg Qulified as -within Exprefed to meet at time & place & for the pur pofes -within mentioned Reuben Smith Conftable [411] Att a Legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg affembled in Town meeting April y^ 30*" 1794 the meeting opned &c I'y Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq" Moderator 2'y Voted to pafs over the second & third articles in the warrant for the prefent 3'y Voted that the Committee Choofen to hire preach ing they to engage M" John Kimball a young Candedate to supply the pulpet for six sabbaths if he Can be engaged if not you are to engage some other perfon to suply y^ pulpet 4'y Voted to Choofe the prefent Selectmen to settle ¦with the To-wn Treafurer and they to report to the Town at some meeting there Dowing .... 5'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to five Clock this after noon 184 The Old Records of the the Town meet according to adjoumraent Firft On a raotion after hereing the propofifion of Council prefented to the Town then meet for Confideration then pafsed a vote not to accept of the said propofifion -which ware unamioufly objected too .... 2'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee of five perfons for a Conferance (viz) Deacon Putnam Deacon Boutell Afa Perry- Robert Bumham Paul Wetherbee .... 3'y then voted to Choofe a Comraittee to Prefent thefe votes to the venerable Council (viz) M" Mofes Hale Cap* Ifrael Turner Jonathan Low Ju" 4'y Voted unanimoufly as the Senfe of the Town that the Committee Choofen for Conferance be Directed to infift on the Determanation of Council whether M" John Payfon shall be Continued our rainifter or not 5'y after the Conferance held with the Council on a motion voted as the Senfe of the Town to Concur with the advice of Council in regard to Leaving the Dificulties Subfeifting bet-wen the Rever'' John Payfon & the To-wn refpecting his Seperation to refferance mutually Choofen 6'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to manage the mat ters under Confidiration before the reffereas in behalf of the To-wn Choofe (viz) De" Daniel Putnara Dea Kendel Boutell Afa Perry Robert Burnhara Paul -wetherbee Phin® Hartwell Jofeph Fox 7'y — Voted to inftruct the Committee that the refferares are perfons which Confift of some of the Council Voted to adjoum this meeting to Thurfday the firft day of may at four Clock in the after noon then to raeet May 1®* 1794 the Town meet according to adjourn ment I'y Voted to adjourn this meeting to seven oClock on said Day at evining at seven o Clock the Town raeet & Voted to adjoum this meeting to fryday the second Day of this inftant may at one Clock in the after noon May 2°'' 1794 the Town meet according to adjourn ment Town of Fitchburgh. 135 Firft on a raotion voted as the Senfe of the Town to Accept of the -ward a Gread on by the reffereas rautually Choofen the Tirms on which the seperation shall Take place betwen M" John Payfon and the Church & town as to his paftoral Relation &c [413] 2'y Voted that the Town Treafurer be ordred to Lodge a note in the Hands of the Revemd Zebdial Adams of Lunenburg payable to M"John Payfon the sum amounting to one Hundred & fifty Eight pounds thirteen ShiUings & four pence being in full Corapenfation of all Demands whatfoever againft said Town in Confequence of his Difcharge from his paftoral relation from the Town of fitchburg up to this Day raay 2'' 1794 3'y on a motion after hereing the refult of Council and the ward of the refferease & waited the act of the Church in Difmifing M" Payfon frora his Paftoral relation then a vote put to see if the Town -will pafs a Concuring Votee -with the Church refpecting Difcharging the Revemd John Payfon frora his Paftoral Relation ¦which paffed in the Affermitive unanimoufly Voted &c 4'y Voted to Difsolve this meeting which is accordingly Difsolved Daniel Putnam Efq" moderator Phinehas Hart-well Town Clerk The second Day of may 1794 the Revr"! John Payfon was Difmifed from his Paftoral offices to the Church & people of fitchburg Given to m" Payfon *117-®0-''0 in Confequence of of his Difmifion Worcefter fs to M" Reuben Smith Conftable of the To-wn of fitchburg Greeting you are hereby Required in the name of the Common wealth of maffachufetts to Notifie & wam all the free holders or raale Inhabitants of said Town being Twenty one years age & refedence in said Town for the space of one year next preceeding having an freehold eftate -within said Town of the annual income of three pounds or any eftate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the meeting 186 The Old Records of the houfe on monday the Ninteenth Day of this inftant may at two Oclock in the after noon for the purpofe of Choof ing a Reprefentetive to Reprefent them at the great an General Court appointed to be Convened & held at Bofton on the laft -wednefsday of may or act any thing thereon they may think proper Hereof fail not to make retum of this warrant on or before said Day Given under our hands & seals at fitchburg the second Day of raay A" D" 1794 Peter Snow \ selectraen Paul wetherbee /for fitchburg the -warrant Retumed by the Conftable Reuben Smith May 19 1794 May 19*" 1794 the To-wn raeet according to -warrant after affembled the vote put to see if the To-wn -will send a perfon to reprefent said Town in the Great an General Court it paffed in the Negetive Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk [413] Worcefter fs To Reuben Smith Conftable for the To-wn of fitchburg Greeting you are hereby requred in the the Name of the Com raonwealth of raaffachufetts to Notifie and wam the free holder & other Inhabitants of said Town qulified By Law to vote in Town raeetings to afferable at the meeting houfe in said Town on Monday the Nineteenth Day of this inftant may at four o Clock in the after noon to act on the foUo-wing articles .... (viz) I'y to Choofe a moderator to govern said meeting 2'y To See if the Town will here the report of a Cora raittee appointed to eftemate the Coft in raaking the ne-w Road frora wefterainfter line to Cap* -wards mill 3'y to see what sura or Suras of raoney the Town will Grant to raake new roads & repairing Bridges 4'y to see if the Town wUl Seet of Araos fifk to the Town of weftrainfter agreable to his requeft 5'y to see if the Town wUl Grant to a number of Town of Fitchburgh. 187 Inhabitants in the weft part of the Town there propotion of preaching agreable to there requeft or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 6'y to see if the Town will Difpofe of the Guns which ware Dilivered into the hands of Cap* John Goodridge or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper Hereof fail not to make retum of this warrant to some one of us with your Dowing thereon to some one of us at or before said Day & tirae above mentioned Given under our hands & Seals this second Day of may A" D" 1794 Peter Snow \ Selectmen Paul Wetherbee / for fitchburg Fitchburg May y= 19*" 1794 Purfuant to this -warrant I have Notified the Inhabi tants of said Town Qulified as therein exprefed to meet at the tirae & place & for the purpofes within raentioned Reuben Smith Conftable At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg affembled may 19*" 1794 the meeting opned &c. I'y Voted & Choofe M" Paul Wetherbee raoderator 2'y Voted to pafs over the second article in the war rant for the prefent 3'y Voted to pafs over the third article in the -war rant for the prefent 4'y Voted to pafs over the fourth article in the war rant for the prefent 5'y Voted that the petitioners have there propotion able part of preaching according to what money they pay for hireing preahing with the town to be preached at the weft part of the town for the space of one year .... 6'y Voted that the selectmen be a Committee to pro potion the preaching for the weft part of the Town ac cording to the money the petitioners pay in for that ufe 7'y Voted that the Guns that was Delivered into the hands of Cap* Goodridge that ware the Towns property & thofe that ware not Delivered in s'' Goodridges hand y* belonged to the Town be Delivered into the selectmens hands for the ufe of the Town 138 The Old Records of the 8'y Vote put to see if the Town will seet of M" Amos fifk to the Town of weftrainfter with his Lands & affects it paffed in the Negetive .... 9'y Voted to raife fifty pounds for the purpofe of opning the new County road frora weftrainfter Line Do-wn to Cap* wards raiU £50 = 0 = 0 [414] lO'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to see the money raifed Laid out on said road by Letting out the work to the loweft bidder by lot or other ways beft for the Intereft of the To-wn ll'y Voted & Choofe for said Committee (viz) Thomas Cowdin Afa Perry Sam" Harrifs 12'y Voted the work on the Road be Compleated at the firft of Nov" next and the money paid to thofe that under takes the service & Compleats the same to the ac ceptance of the Committee By the firft of December next this Coraraittee report to the To-wn there Dowings Voted that this meeting be Difsolved which is accord ingly Diffolved Paul -wetherbee Modrator Phin® HartweU Town Clerk Worcefter fs To Reuben Smith Conftable for y^ To-wn ... of fitchburg Greeting ^ you are hereby Required in the name of the ^ Comraonwealth of Mafsachufetts to notifie & wam all the freholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified By Law to vote in To-wn meetings to affemble and'^meet at the raeeting houfe on monday the Thirtieth Day of this inftant June at three Clock in the after noon and when raeet to act on the foUo-wing articles Firft to Choofe moderator to Govern said meeting . . 2'y to see if the To-wn will make any farther provi fion to hire Preaching or act any thing there on as they shall think proper .... 3'y to See if the Town will raife & affefs a Sura of raoney to pay M^ John Payfon and other Town Charges or act any thereon as they think proper 4'y to See if the Town let out the pew which M" Pay- Town of Fitchburgh. 139 fon formerly occupied or act any thing thereon as they think proper .... 5'y To See if the Town will accept of a Certain altera tion made in the road Laid from M" Chamblens to Leorain fter Line said alteration is in MV Afa Perrys land againft the ledge of rocks .... Hereof fail not and raake a return of this warrant to some one of us on or before the Day & time above men tioned -with your Dowings theron Given under our hands & seals this fourteenth day of this inftant June A D 1794 Peter Snow /Selectmen for Paul Wetherbee/ fitchburg Fitchburg y= 30*" 1794 Purfuent to the within warrant have Notified the In habitants of said Town Qulified as within Exprefed to meet at the time & place and for the purpofes within mentioned Reuben Smith Conftable [415] Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the To-wn of fitchburg afferabled June 30*" 1794 the meeting opned then proceeded &c I'y Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq" raoderator 2'y Voted to raake farther Provifion to supply the Pulpet 3'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to supply the Pul pet -with Preaching till the firft day of December next (viz) voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee M" Afa Perry Cap* Jonathan Wood & Deacon John Thurfton 4'y Voted this Coraraittee be directed to engage M" John Kimball to supply the pulpet in perfon till the firft of December next 5'y Voted to Choofe two perfons to Join this Com mittee for the purpofs of waiting on M" Kimball to invite him to supply the pulpet the perfons Choofen is Cap* Ifrael Turner Deacon Boutell .... 6'y Voted to raife one hundred & Sixty pounds to pay the Settlement with My. John Payfon Late paftor Voted 140 The Old Records of the the affefing this Bill raifed be left Difcreafionarly to the affefsors when to be affefed &c 160"0"0 7'y Voted to pafs over the fourth article in the -war rant refpecting the Towns pe-w 8'y Voted to accept the alteration in the new road by the ledge of rocks frora where the road firft Laid out to where it is now fenced through in M" Afa Perrys land being about twenty feete from the Ledge by meafure the alteration & the firft Laying out to Gether .... Voted this meeting to be Difsolved -which is accordingly Difsolved .... Daniel Putnam moderator Phin® HartweU Town Clerk We the Subfcribers being appointed by the To-wn of Fitchburg and Afliby for the Purpofe of Runing the Line betwen fitchburg & Alhby have attended the bufinefs and Begining at the Northweft Comer of fitchburg -which is the South-weft Corner of Afliby and run Eaft Seven De grees South four mils & t-wenty Eight rods and found the Northeaft Comer of fitchburg and the South eaft Comer of Afliby which is a white pine Tree marked A" F for each To-wn November 25*" 1794 Phinehas HartweU/ Committee Tho® Cowdin / for fitchburg Thomas Evans / Comraittee Jonas Barratt / for Afliby -we the Subfcribers having this Day preamblated the Line betwen the Town of fitchburg & Alhbumham begin ing at the Comer near Deacon Sam" Gibfons and Run Southweftardly two hundred rods to weftrainfter Comer renewing the bounds &c ....Phin® HartweU ]/^l|f!i^" / lor fitchburg Samuell Wilder! Committee John Gatts /for afliburnham Town of Fitchburgh. 141 [416] Worcefter fs To Reuben Smith Conftable for the Town of Fitchburg (seals) G^^e^ing , , . you are required in the Name of the Common- -wealth of Maffachufetts to Notifie & wam all the fireeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by La-w to vote in Town meeting to meete & affemble at the meeting houfe in said Town on monday the fourth Day of Auguft next at at four OClock in the after noon and when meet to act on the following articles (viz) .... Firft to Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y to to See if the Town wiU Vote to Give any ad ditional incourageraent to Such Soldiers as raay be de- teached or Shall Volantarly engage Agreeable to orders pro-vided they shall be Called upon to raarch or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 3 To See if the To-wn will Choofe a Committee to see Subfcription Compleated which -was Subfcribed for the purpofs of making a road over pools hill or act any thing thereon as may be proper Hereof fail not to make return of this warrant with your Dowings to one of us on or before said Day Given under our Hands & Seals this Eighteenth Day of July A D 1794 Phinehas HartweU/ Selectmen Peter Snow / for fitchburg Fitchburg Auguft 4*" 1794 Perfuant to this within warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of said To-wn Qulified as -within raentioned to raeet at tirae & place & for the purpofes -within mentioned Reuben Smith — Conftable Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Affembled Auguft 4*" 1794 1®* Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq" moderator 2'y — Voted on a motion as the Senfe of the Town to Give an additional incourageraent to thofe perfons as may be Detached or ShaU Volantarly engage Agreeable to orders 142 The Old Records of the 3'y on a Second raotion Voted as the Senfe of the town to give thofe perfons as may be Detached or ShaU Volantarly engage agreable to orders and are Called on to raarch into [417] actual service fifty shillings a raonth including Contenantel pay for there incourageraent . . . 4'y Voted & Choofe Cap* Ifrael Tumer & Zacheus Ferwell to be a Comraittee to se the reraainder of the subfcription to raake the road over pools hill -worked out that is not yet worked out 5'y Voted to Difsolve this raeeting -which is accord ingly Difsolved Daniel Putnara Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs To Reuben Sraith Conftable your are Re quired in the Narae of Maffachufetts immeadiatly to No tifie and -warn the freeholders & other inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by La-w to vote in To-wn meetings to meet & affemble at the meeting houfe on w^ednefsday the twenty fourth Day of this inftant Septem ber at one O clock in the after noon and -when meet to act on the foUowing articles .... -viz Firft to Choofe a moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To See what method the Town will Take to pro cure an Accurate Plan of y= To-wn agreeable to a refolve of the General Court or act any thing thereon as they Shall think proper 3'y To See if the Town will raake an Addition to the Coraraittee Chofen to wait on the Coraraittee appointed to Center the Town or act any thing thereon as they Shall Think proper 4'y To See if the Town will accept of the Plan made by M" Tho® Cowdin & the Towns Coraraittee for Center ing the Town or act any thing thereon as they raay think proper .... 5'y To See if the Town will accept any roads laid out by the Selectmen and Likewife Difcontinue any road in Confequence of accepting the new one or act any thing thereon as they ShaU think proper Town of Fitchburgh. 143 Hereof fail not & make a retum of this warrant some one of us on or before said Day Given under hands & Seals this Eight Day of September A D 1794 Phin® HartweU ] Peter Sno-w > selectmen Paul wetherbee/ Fitchburg Sep*? y^ 24*" 1794 Purfuent to the within warrant I have Notified the inhabitants of said Town Qulified as herein Exprefed to meet at the time & place & for the purpofes within men tioned Reuben Smith Conftable Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitant of the Town of fitchburg afferabled 24*" of SepteS 1794 .... Firft Voted & Choofe Cap* Ifreal Tumer raoderator 2'y Voted to accept of the Plan made by Tho® Cow din & the To-wns Committee for the out Lines for an Accurate plan to send into the Secretary office agreable to the refolve of the General Court 3'y Voted to Choofe a Comraittee of three perfons to Compleat the plan to send into the Secretary office one of them to be a surveyour .... 4'y Voted & Choofe for said Comraittee Phin® Hart well Paul Wetherbee & Tho® Cowdin for the surveyour [418] 5'y Voted to add three perfons to the forraer Committee to wait on the Committee for Centering the Town Voted & Choofe for said Committee Cap* Ifrael Turner M" OHver Stickney Cap* Tho® Thurfton .... 6'y Voted to accept of the Plan made by Tho® Co-w din 8£ the Towns Committee for the Centreing the Town for placing the meeting houfe by the Comraittee Choofen for that purpofe at a forraer meeting 7'y Voted the Towns Committee report there Dow ings at the adjournment of a meeting adjoumed to the third Tuefday of October next 8'y Voted & accepted of a Two road rode Laid out by the order of the Selectmen -which is Difcribed in the following raanner Viz 144 The Old Records of the * Begining at the Schoole houfe Near to Daniel Wether- bees on the Line betwen Ifrael Turners & Zacheus Ferwell Lands two rod wide one rod on each on a S. E. Direction Diftance about 130 rods to the new County road the Land Given by the owners the tiraber referved to the Givers of said Land/thats on the road on Conditions the old road being Difcontinued through there Lands 9'y Voted to Difcontinue the old road frora Cap* Tur ners to the new road then frora the ne-w road by Zach Farwells to the new County road at the foot of the hill lO'y Voted to Difsolve this raeeting which is accord ing Difsolved Cap* Ifrael Tumer moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter fs To Reuben Smith Conftable for the Town of Fitchburg — Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Maffachufetts you are hereby Required to notifie and -warn all the free holders & other Inhabitants Qulified by La-w to vote in Town meeting to meete & affemble at the meeting houfe in fitchburg on wednefsdad the third Day of Septra next at two 0 Clock in the after noon and -when raeet to act on the following articles viz Firft To Choofe a moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To See what Sura or Suras of money the To-wn will raife to Defray there Necefsary Demands on the Town or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper . . . 3'y To See what Sura or Suraes of raoney the Town will raife to support the severael Schooles the enfuing year and Likewife Choofe Coramittees to see the raoney Laid out 4 To See if the Town will accept of the road as it is now raade from the wid° Mary Sa-wyers to M" Elijah Carters road on the top of the hill or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper [419] 5'y To See if the will erect a New raeeting houfe in sorae Convenant place in the Town so as to aCoraraadate the whole of its Inhabitants to attend Di- * Now known as Damon Road. [Annotation on the margin. W. A. D.] Town of Fitchburgh. 145 vine worfliip or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... Hereof fail not to make return of this warrant at or before the Day & time above mentioned Given under our hands & seals this Ninteenth Daj' of Auguft 1794 Phin® HartweU f selectraen Peter Snow > for Paul Wetherbee J fitchburg Sep*ra y= 3"'' 1794 Purfuant to the -within -warrant I have notified the freeholders & other Inhabitants of s'' To-wn Qulified as therein Exprefed to meet at time & place and for the pufpofeses -within named .... Reuben Sraith Conftable Att a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg afferabled on Wednefsday y 3"'' Day of Sep tember 1794 .... Firft Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq" moderator 2'y Voted to raife Eighty pounds to support the severel schools the enfuing year £80-0-0 3 Voted to raife forty pound to pay Cap* Ifrael Tumer for Damages for the ne-w County roads Gowing through his Land 40-0-0 4 Likewife twelve pound to pay M" Jaraes pool for Daraages by the County roads gowing through his Land 12-0-0 5 Likewife four pound to pay M" Zaccheus Fer- -well for Daraages by the County roads Go-w ing through his Land 4^0-0 6 Like-wife two pounds to pay Sara" Harrifs his Daraages by the new County roads Go-w ing through his Land 2-0-0 7'y Voted to raife one hundred pound to pay the Necefsary Charges arifsen the prefent year . . 100-0-0 8 Voted to Choofe a Comraittee man for each School Diftrect to provide schools & to see there propotion of money schooled out Choofe for said school Committee lO 146 The Old Records of the Peter Snow Abijah Goodridge Cap* Ifrael Turner Phinehas Brown Jonathan Boynton Abraham Ferwell John Thurfton Junf Voted the above named Conimittee be under the Direc tion of the school Deftrict they belong in Laying out the money & the tirae when 9 Voted that forty pound of the Hundred pounds be propriated for the ufe of hireing preaching & to be raade up in a rate by it Self for that ufe 10 Voted to accept of the road betwen the wid° mary Sawyers Jun"s to the top of the hill or road that Lead to Elijah Carters & at the meeting on the adjournment voted to Difcontinue the old road Laid out from the wid'^ Saw yers to Elijah Carters road that is not taken up in the ne-w one accepted -where no-w troad for the ufe of traveling [430] ll'y Voted to erect a New raeeting meeting houfe in the Center of the Town or the neareft Conva- nentteft place thereto to a Coraadate the Inhabitants thereof for Divine -worfhip .... 12'y Voted to Choofe three Difintrefted perfons out of town to afsertain the place where the raeeting houfe shall be placed agreable to the above vote they alfo to Center the Town 13'y Voted that the above raentioned perfons be Choofen by Ballet one at atirae then Proceeded to Choofe the following perfons then Voted & Choofe Jofiah Stams Efq" of Lunenburg and then Voted & Choofe Benj" KirabaU Efq" of Harvard & then Voted & Choofe David Kilbtim of Lunenburg Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to notifie the perfons and inforra thera of there service wait on & provide for thera .... Choofe for said Coraraittee Daniel Putnam Efq" & M" Mofes Hale they to report at the adjournment there Do-wing Voted to adjourn this meeting to Tuefday the twenty firft day of October next at one Clock in the after noon Town of Fitchburgh. 147 October 21®* 1794 the Town raeet according to ad joumraent the raeeting being opned then proceed in the following manner Firft Voted to Difcontinue the old road Laid out from the wid° Sawyers Jun" to Elijah Carters road that is not Taken up in the new now accepted & trod to the top of y^ hiU 2'y A vote put to see if the Town will accept of the Committees report for afsartaning the place Where the meeting houfe ought to stand it pafsed in the Negetive yeas 29 Nays 36 ... . 3'y on a motion Voted as the Senfe of the Town to Erect a New raeeting houfe on a Plat of Land that the Town purchafed of Tho® Boynton for that purpofe . . . 4'y then on a motion Voted to Diffolve the meeting -which is Accordingly Diffolved Daniel Putnam raoderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk We the Subfcribers Selectraen of the Towns of Leomin fter & Fitchburg have this Day attended the Bufinefs of preamblating the Lines betwen said Towns on Fryday the 28*" Day of November 1794 Paul Wetherbee / Selectmen John Simonds / of Said Towns [431] Worcefter fs To M" Reuben Sraith Conftable for the Town of Fitch burg — Greeting you are required in the Narae of the Common-wealth of Maffachufetts to Notifie and wam the Freeholders & other Inhabitants Qualified by Law to vote in Town meetings to meet & afferable at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on raonday the Third Day of November next at one of the Clock in the after noon for the purpofe of Giving in there votes for a Fedral Reprefentetive Agreeable to a refolve of the General Court Hereof fail not to make retum of this -warrant to some one of us on or before said Day Given under our 148 The Old Records of the hands & Scales at Fitchburg this seventeenth Day of October AD 1794 Phinehas Hartwell / Selectraen Peter Snow \ for Fitchburg Fitchburg Noveraber 3"'^ 1794 Purfuant to the within warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of said Town Qulified as therein Exprefed to meet at the time and place and for the purpofes within mentioned Reuben Sraith Conftable At a raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitch burg Legally afferabled In Town raeeting on raonday y^ 3"'' Day of Noveraber A D 1794 the raeeting being opned the people Gave in there Votes for the following Gentleraen viz No Votes For the Honourable Jofeph Bradley Vamura Efq" — 20 — for a fedreal Reprefentetive Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Worcefter S? To Reuben Sraith Conftable for the Towm of Fitchburg , i\ in said County Greeting . . , you are required in the Narae of the Common- -wealth of Mafsachufetts to notifie & -wame all the freeholders & other Inhabitants of fitchburg Qulified by La-w to vote in town raeetings to raeet at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on fryday the T-wenty firft day of this Inftant November at one Clock in the after noon -when meet & affembled to act on the following articles requefted by a N° of Legal voters Firft to Choofe a raoderator to Govern said raeeting 2'y to See if the Town will so fer araend the vote that was pafsed the twenty firft Y)a.y of October 1794 for Setting the meeting houfe on the Towns Land near the County road as to Carry said houfe to the top of the hill as near the Center bound as may be or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper in refpect to placing the raeeting houfe Town of Fitchburgh. 149 3'y To See if the Town will hire preaching through the winter seafon or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 4'y To See if the Town wUl Concur with the Church in Gi-ving M" John Kimball a CaU into the paftoral Rela tion in the Town of fitchburg Hereof fail not to make return of this warrant to some one of us on or before said Day Given under our hands & seals this Third Day of Nov™ 1794 Phinehas Hart-well/ selectraen Paul Wetherbee / for Fitchburg November 21®* 1794 Purfuant to the within warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified By Law to vote in Town raeetings to meet at time & place & for the purpofes within raentioned Reuben Sraith Conftable [433] Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg afferabled Noveraber Twenty firft 1794 the ineeting Being opned then Firft Voted & Choofe M" Paul wetherbee Modera tor — 2'y A Vote Put to See if the Town upon amendment of a forraer vote will place the raeeting houfe in the Spot -where the Committee out of Town had propofed aplace it paffed in the Negetive 45 yeas & 48 nays 3'y Voted to See if the Town -will Build a meeting houfe on the Center Spot made by the Committee Choofen for that purpofe it pafsed in the affirmative By a Great mejority Diftinguiftied by Dividing the houfe 4'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to agree -with M" John Payfon for a peace of Land at the Center to seet the meeting houfe on 5'y — Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee (viz) Afa Perry Mofes Hale & Jofeph Fox Voted that this Com mittee be & is inftructed to see if they Can purchafs the -whole or any part of said Land for the purpofe above mentioned & report there Dowings at y^ adjournment 150 The Old Records of the 6'y Voted to pafs over the Third article refpecting hireing preaching for the prefent 7'y Voted to See if the Town will Concur -with the Church of Chrift in fitchburg in Giveing M" John Kimball a Call into the Paftoral relation in fitchburg it pafsed in the affirmitive without one Conterary Vote prefent — 8'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee of Seven perfons they to afseartain a Sura or Sums of money what the To-wn Shall Give M" John Kimball for his encouragement to Settle with them in the Gofpel miniftry & report there Dowing at the meeting on the adjoumraent Voted & Choofe for said Committee (viz) Deacon Putnam Phinehas Hart- -well Deacon Boutell Jonathan Wood Afa Perry Mofes Hale Paul Wetherbee they to report there Dowings at the ad journment 9'y Voted to adjourn this raeeting to the firft monday in December next at one Clock in the after noon which is the firft Day Deceraber 1®* 1794 the Town raeet accordingly the meeting ware opned Firft the Comraitte report ware Laid before the Town refpecting M" Kiraballs encorageraent to settle in Town -which article -ware pafsed over for the prefent 2'y Voted as the Senfe of the Town that a Large Comraittee be Choofen of twenty one perfons one in the Center the others equelly Divided in each Quarter of the Town Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee viz Jofeph Fox Jonathan Wood Afa Perry Abijah Goodridge Joshua Parce Maj° John Goodridge Cap* Tumer Daniel Ferwell Tho® Cowdin Jonathan Low Jun" Seth PhiUips oliver Stickney Phinehas Brown Cap* Tho® Thurfton Jacob Burnap Nathan Badick Deacon Putnara Edward Durant Doc* Jonas Mar fliall Jacob Gibfon John Thurfton JunT they to Look out a spot where the meeting houfe may Stand this Comraittee to report to the town there Dowings at the adjournment Voted to accept of the report of the Committee Choofen to afscertain the sum or suras of raoney to Give M" John Kimball to encorage him to settle with them in the Gofpel miniftry Town of Fitchburgh. 151 [433] Voted to Choofe a Committee to Comrauni cate the Call of the Church & Town with Encorageraent to M" John Kimball for his Settlement in fitchburg in the Gofpel Miniftry Choofe for said Comraittee (viz) Deacon Putnam Deacon Boutell Jofeph Fox Afa Perry Joleph Downe The encorageraent with the Call of the Church & Town are as foUo-wes CaU of the Church Sep* 8*" 1794 the Towns Concur- ance with the Church Nov™ 21 1794 Firft the Committee Beggs Leave to report in the fol io-wing manner 2'y We purpofs to Give M" John Kimball Provided he Shall Settle -with us in the Gofpel miniftry as an Encour ageraent two hundred pounds to Be paid in the following raanner that is to Say T-wenty five pounds to be paid hira at his ordination and Seventy five pounds at the Expiration of one year after his ordination .... and the Sum of one Hundred pounds in Seven years frora the Tirae he Shall be ordained provided he Shall Sup ply the pulpet and reraain our rainifter During the said tirra of Seven years .... 3'y We purpofs to Give the said M" Kiraball Ninty pounds as A yearly Sallary to be paid annually as a Cora penfation for his Services So Long as he Shall Supply the pulpet and reraain our rainifter all -which -we Hurabley sub- mitt to the Town for there Confideration Nov™ 27 1794 Daniel Putnam Phin® HartweU Kendel BouteU Jonathan -wood Afa Perry Paul wetherbee , Coraraittee Voted to adjoum this raeeting to monday the Eighth Day of this inftant December at one Clock in the after noon Deceraber y= 8*" 1794 the Town affembled according to adjournment the raeeting being opned then proceeded as foUo-wes — 152 The Old Records of the Firft Voted to reconfider the vote pafsed the 21 Day of Noveraber Laft refpecting placing the raeeting houfe on the Center Spot made by Efq" Stearns Efq" Kiraball David Kilburn a Coraraittee Choofen for that Purpofs .... The Towns Coraraittee reported in faviour of Seetting the raeeting houfe near the high Bridge under the hill . . . A Vote pafsed by Dividing the houfe at each end Door the eaft Door for the Committees report 55 yeas) at the -weft Door for setting the raeeting houfe on the Towns Land 43 six out of the 43 added to the 55 after nurabr'' Voted to Choofe a Comraittee to prepare a Plan of the form of the meeting houfe & pews to Lay before the Town for there acceptance .... Voted & Choofe for said Comraittee (viz) Cap* John Upton Cap* Ifrael Turner Phinehas Hartwell they to re port there Dowings at the next meeting Voted to Difsolve this meeting which is accordingly Difsolved Paul Wetherbee raoderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [434] Worcefter fs To M" Reuben Sraith Conftable for the Town of fitch- (seals) ^"^""^ Greeting . .. ' You are hereby required in the Narae of the . , . Coraraonwealth of Maffachufetts to Notifie & wam all the freeholders & other Inhabitants Qulified by Law to Vote in Town raeetings to raeet & affemble at the Meeting houfe in Said Fitchburg on Thurf day the Eighth Day of January Next at one of the Clock P. M. & when raeet to act on the following articles viz Firft To Choofe a Moderator to Govern Said raeeting 2'y To See if the Town wiU accept of a Plan for a raeeting houfe which is to be Laid before them by there Comraittee agreeable to there vote the Laft raeeting or act any thing thereon as the}'- shall think proper 3'y To See if the Town will Procure a Deed of the Land they voted to Seet a meeting- houfe on at there Laft Town meeting or act any thing thereon as they Shall think proper Town of Fitchburgh. 158 4'y To See if the Town will Choofe a Coraraittee to Contract with any Perfon or Perfons to Build Said Meet ing Houfe or Sell the pe-w Ground in Said raeeting houfe or act any thing thereon as they Shall think beft and moft proper in relpect to building a meeting houfe . . . Hereof fail not & make return of this warrant to some one of us on or before said Day Given under our hands and seals this twentieth Day of December AD 1794 Phin® HartweU \ Peter Snow ^Selectmen Paul Wetherbee J Fitchburg January 8*" 1795 Purfuant to the within warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of said Town Qulified as is within Exprefed to meet at the tirae & place & for the purpofes within raentioned Reuben Smith Conftable Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg affembled on Thurfday the 8*" of January 1795 the meeting Firft Voted & Choofe M" Paul Wetherbee moderator & likewife Cap* Ifrael Turner Clerk for said Day 2'y — Voted to pafs over the second article in the war rant 3'y — Voted to pafs over the Third article in said war rant 4'y — Voted to pafs over the fourth article in said war rant 5'y — Voted to Difsolve this meeting Paul Wetherbee Moderator Ifrael Turner Clerk for said raeeting entred Phin® Hartwell Clerk [435] Worcefter fs To M" Reuben Sraith Conftable for the Town of fitch- (seals) ^"""^ Greeting you are hereby required to Notifie & warn all - the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town (sea s; ^^ fitchburg Qulified by Law to vote in Town raeeting to affemble at y^ raeeting houfe in said town on 154 The Old Records of the Thurfday the Eighth Day of January next at three o Clock in the after noon when meet to act on the following articles (viz) I'y to Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y to See if the Town will seet of as a Parifli all thofe Perfons who has or may sign a Petition for that Purpofs or act any thing thereon as they Shall think proper 3'y to See if the Town will Grant any Sura or Sums of money for the purpofs of finifliing the meeting houfe in the weftardly part of this Town or act any thing thereon as they Shall think proper Hereof fail not to make return of this -warrant to some one of us on or before Said Day Given under our hands & seals this twenty Second Day of Deceraber A D ^'^^^ Phin® HartweU ] Peter Sno-w > Selectmen Paul Wetherbee J Fitchburg January 8*" 1795 Purfuant to the within -warrant I have Notifie the Inhabitants of said To^wn Qulified a ¦within Exprefed to raeet at the tirae & place & for the purpofes within raen tioned Reuben Sraith Conftable Att a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the To-wn of fitchburg afferabled January y<= 8*" 1795 the raeeting opened proceeded as followes Firft Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq" Moderator 2'y Voted to pafs over the second article in the -warrant 3'y Voted to pafs over the third article in the -warrant 4'y Voted to Difsolve this meeting Daniel Putnam Moderator Cap* Ifreal Turner Clerk for Said Day Put on record Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk Worcester fs To Reuben Smith Conftable for the Towm (seals) °^ fitchburg Greeting . . - you are required in the Name of the Com- ^ ' raonwealth of raaffachufetts to Notifie & -warn all the freeholders & other Inhabitants of Said Town Town of Fitchburgh. 155 Qulified to vote to send a reprefentetive to the General Court to raeet at the raeeting houfe in said Town on monday the twelth Day of January next at two oclock in the afternoon to bring in there votes for a reprefente tive in the scond Deftrict to attend the fedreal Court of the united Stats Hereof fail not to raake retum of this warrant to sorae one of us on or before said Day Given under our hands & seals this y^ warrant being returned by the Conftable in the ufual raanner Peter Snow \ „pi„„tmen Paul Wetherbee / selectraen Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of fitchburg affembled raonday y'= 12*" Day of January 1795 then Gave in there Votes for the following perfons (viz) For Jofeph B. Veraam Efq" 32 votes For the Hon""'= SamueU Dextor Jun" 2 Votes Phin® HartweU Town Clerk [436] Worcefter fs To Reuben Smith Conftable for the Town of fitchburg — Greeting In the Name of the Coraraonwealth of Maffachufetts you are required to Notifie & warn all the freeholders & other Inhabitants Qulified by Law to vote in Town raeet ings to meet & affemble at the meeting houfe in said Town on monday the second Day of raarch next at nine Clock in the moming to act on the following articles (viz) Firft to Choofe a raoderator to Govern said raeeting 2'y To Choofe a Town Clerk Selectraen & other Town officers as the Law Directs and Likewife act any thing in regard to choofing Collectors as they raay think proper 3'y To See what Sum or Suras of money the Town will raife to repair the Highways & Bridges the prefent year or act any thing thereon they may think proper . . 4'y To See if the Town ¦will accept of any new roads Laid out by the Selectmen or there order 5'y To See what raethod the Town will Take to sup port the poor the Prefent year 156 The Old Records of the 6'y To See if the Town wiU Choofe a Saxton to Take Care the meeting houfe the prefent year 7'y To See if the Town will vote the Swine to run at Large the prefent year under the regulation of the Law 8'y To See what method the Town will Take to re pair the new County road over pools hill or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 9'y To See if the Town will Choofe a Committee to Confer with M" John Kimball in refpect to his settling with us in this Town in the Gofpel miniftry . . . and act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper . . . lO'y To See if the Town will raake any alterations in the settieraent to ra" John Kimball in refpect to the mode of payment ll'y To See if the Town ¦will make any alteration in the yearly sallary Voted To M" Kimball or act any thing on the above articles as the Town Shall Think Proper 12'y To See if the Town wiU accept of the Lift of Jurymen as made out by the Selectmen agreeable to the Late act of General Court or act any thing there on Hereof fail not & make return of this ¦warrant to some one of us on or before said Day Given under our hands & seals this Tenth Day of February 1795 Phinehas Hart¬well/ Selectraen Peter Sno^w / For Fitchburg Fitchburg March 2^ 1795 Perfuant to the within warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of said Town to raeet at the Time & place & for the purpofses ¦with in mentioned Reuben Sraith Conftable [437] Town Officers Choofen 1795 Att a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants affembled March 2"'^ 1795 the raeeting opned Proceeded in the fol lowing manner Firft Voted & Choofe M" Afa Perry moderator of said raeeting 2'y Voted & Choofe for Town Clerk Phinehas Hart- welFTown Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 157 3'y Voted to Choofe three Selectraen for the prefent year 4'y Voted & Choofe for Selectmen Phin® Hartwell John Thurfton Ju" Cap* Ifrael Tumer .... Selectmen 5'y Voted to Choofe three Affefsors separate from the Selectmen the prefent year .... 6'y Voted & Choofe for Affefsors Reuben Sraith Jofeph Richardfon Peter Snow Affefsors 7'y Voted & Choofe for a Town Treafurer Ebenezer Thurfton Town Treafurer 8'y Voted that the CoUectorfliip be Let out to the Loweft bidder on the Hundred pounds they finding Two Good Bondsraen to the acceptance of the Town Likewife the Vandue to be this evining at the houfe of the wid° Co^wdins 9'y Voted to Choofe a Comraittee to Lett out the CoUecterfliip of the Taxes the prefent year this Corarait tee to Confift of seven Perfons Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee Afa Perry Mofes Hale Daniel Wetherbee Cap* Ifrael Tumer Jonathan Low Jun^ Jacob Upton D" Jonas MarfliaU lO'y Voted & Choofe for Tything raen for the prefent year Phin® Brown John Ferwell Tything men ll'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to Confer with M" John KirabaU in refpect to his settling with us in the Gofpel miniftry this Committee to Confift of five perfons Voted & Choofe for said Committee viz Efq" Putnam Mofes Hale Cap* Ifrael Turner Paul Wetherbee Deacon Boutell Voted to Leave Difcreafionarily to the Comraittee in regard to Converfing with M" Kiraball on the mode of settling ¦with us in the Gofpel miniftry & to his Settlement & SaUary 12'y Voted to adjoum this raeeting for half an hour 13'y Voted to Choofe 13 highway Surveyours then Voted & Choofe Afa Perry EUflia Charablen David Hodg kins Liv* John Putnam Peter Hafkell Samuell Phelps Jofeph Sawyer John Carter in the room of Amos Shelden Dif mifed Paul Wetherbee Aaron Eaton Charles Willard Jacob Burnap Edward Durant Jofeph Down Phin® Allen 14'y Voted & Choofe for Hogreaves Ebenezer Flagg 158 The Old Records of the Sara" Phelps Jofeph Siraonds Williara Giddens Araos Wheeler Benj" Fuller Jacob Burnap 15'y Voted & Choofe for fire wards Thomas Eaton Jacob Gibfon Fire wards 16'y Voted & Choofe for Surveyour of Lumber Wil liam Sraall Luraber 17'y Voted & Choofe for Fence vewers Tho® Gibfon Araos Lawrance Jonathan Low Ju" Benjarain Flint . . . . Fence Ve-wers 18'y Voted & Choofe for Surveyours of hoops & Staves Jonathan Wood Hoops & Staves 19'y Voted & Choofe for field Drivers Jofeph under- -wood Solomon Story in the room of hale 20'y Voted & Choofe for sealer of weights & meafurers David Parce .... 21 Voted to accept of the Lifts of Jurior men agre able to the new act of Court for the ne-w mode of Choof ing Grand Jouriours .... 22'y Voted to adjourn this raeeting to monday the ninth Day of this inftant march at one Clock in the after noon [438] March y« 9*" 1795 the Town meet according to adjournment the raeeting opned Firft Voted to Raife one Hundred & fifty pounds to repair the High-ways & Bridges the Prefent year *150-®0-''0 2'y Voted the raoney Raifed for the High-way be Laid out on the roads mens Labour /4 an hour — oxen 2/ a Day Plough & Carts the ufal Price 3'y Voted that the poor be Let out by the Selectraen to the Loweft bidder 4 Voted that the saxton for Taking Care the raeeting houfe the year enfuing be Let out by the Selectraen to the Loweft bidder 5 Voted to raife Thirty pounds to repair the Ne-w County road frora Leorainfter Line to Weftrainfter Line to be under the Direction of a Coraraittee the work to be Let out to the Loweft bidder the undertaker to receive his pay out of the next fall Tax of the above sura then affefed for that purpofs Town of Fitchburgh. 159 6 Voted to Choofe three perfons for said Committee then Choofe for said Committee (viz) Cap* Ifrael Tumer Jofeph' Downs Jonathan Low Jur. they to Lay there Dow ing before the Town of there Letting out of said repair ing of said road .... 7 Voted that the repairing of Phillipfes Bridge be Let out to the Loweft bidders Voted to Choofe a Committee to Let out the repairing said Bridge 8 Voted to Choofe one man for the above mentioned purpofs then 9 Voted & Choofe Tho® Cowdin : the pay to be made out of the fall rate the said Cowdin to return his Dowing to the To-wn at the fall meeting next lO'y Voted that the swine run at Large under the regulation of the La-w the prefent year ll'y Voted to accept of M" Blaney Phillips as a Col lector for the south side of said Town with Daniel Wether bee & Seth Phillips as Bondsraan and to Give said PhUlips 37/6 on the Hundred pound he shall Collect and pay -where ordred 12'y Voted & accepted of M" Paul Wetherbee as a Collector for the North side of said Town -with Tho® Co-w din & Reuben Sraith as Bondsraen and to Give said -wetherbee 39/ on the hundred pounds he shall Collect & pay -where ordred .... 13 Voted & Choofe Paul Wetherbee Conftable for the prefent year 14 Voted to adjoum this meeting to the -wid° Co-w dins houfe for one half hour then proceeded & Choofe Reuben Smith Conftable for the prefent year 15 Voted to adjourn this meeting to the twenty Third Day of this inftant raarch at four Clock in the after noon The Saxton bufinefs Bid of by Lev* Afeph Goodridge at 14/ for the whole year Ephr2 Sraith Bid of by John Ozbum for six months at 6/2 W week he to reflc his Con duct if he should be at freedom and Doth any mifchief Said John Ozbum to pay all Damages if any there be by his Giving Said Smith his Liberty Mary Wares Bid of by Nehemiah FuUer at /4 W week for the tirae She Shall Live & Board with said Fuller for which She is bid of for a whole year provided She Should Live with faller so long 160 The Old Records of the [439] March 23'' 1795 the Town meet according to adjoumraent 1 Voted to accept of the Letting out the saxton Buifinefs & pay said Goodridge 2 Likewife Ephram Sraith at the price a week & the Care that Ozburn is to take of said Ephraira with the Conditions of vandue 3 Mary wares bid of by said fuller the Conditions accepted by the Towns vote Voted to excufe Araos Shelden from Serving Highway Surveyour & Choofe John Carter in his room for the pref ent year .... 4 Voted to Choofe a Comraittee to Defire M" John Kiraball to Supply the Pulput a few Sabbaths Voted to Choofe three perfons then Choofe Deacon Putnara Jofeph Fox Afa Perry for the above purpofs 5 Voted to Diffolve this raeeting -which is accordingly Diffolved Afa Perry Moderator Phin® HartweU Town Clerk Worcefter fs To M" Paul Wetherbee Conftable for the Town of fitchburg — Greeting Thefe are in the Narae of the Coraraonwealth of Maf fachufetts to will & require you in Due Courfe of La-w to Notifie & warn all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to vote for a reprefentetive to afferable & raeet at the meeting houfe in said Town on monday the twenty third Day of this in ftant raarch at three Clock in the after noon then & there being afferabled to Give in there votes for a reprefente tive to reprefent the second raiddle Deftrict in Congrefs of the united states Hereof fail not to make retum of this warrant to some one of us on or before said Day & tirae above men tioned Given under our hands & seals at fitchburg this Ninth Day of march in the year of our Lord 1795 Phin® HartweU 1 o i x r John Thurfton Ju" I ^t^^^JT" ^°^ Ifrael Turner J Fitchburg Town of Fitchburgh. 161 Fitchburg March 23^ 1795 Purfuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said To-wn Qulified as therein Exprefed to meet at the time & Place & for the purpofes within men tioned Paul Wetherbee Conftable att a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg afferabled March 23"'' 1795 agreeable to a Precept for the Choice of a Reprefentetive to reprefent the second raiddle Deftrict in Congrefs of the united States For the Honu*'' Jofeph B. Vemum 61 Votes For the Honoui"' Samuel Dexter Jun^ 9 Votes Phinehas HartweU Clerk [430] Fitchburg April 10*" 1795 we the Subfcribers being a Committee appointed to settle with the Town Treafurer Ebenezer Thurfton agreeable to the Vote of the Town Proceeded and we find in the Hands of the Col lectors & others the following sums Firft — we find in the hand of Cap* Jona than Wood CoUector for 1794 . . . £185-®14-'Jll-3 2'y — -we find in the hand of Ezra Ritter Collector for 1794 185- 4- 5-1 3'y we find in the Treafurers hand a note Signed by Edward Scott Dated Febru ary 7*" 1794 on intereft the sum of . . 1- 7- 10- 4'y We find in the Treafurers hand a note Signed by David Gibfon Dated April y= 5*" 1790 the sura of 0-12- 1-3 5'y we find in the Treafurers Hand a note Signed by Benj" Kerap Dated March 22"'' 1790 the Sura of 0-14- 11- We have Ballanced all orders & accounts previous to the Above Date that stands on the Treafurers Books Phinehas Hartwell ") r^„™„:++„„ Atteft John Thurston Ju. "^^^^^l Phin® Hartwell Clerk Ifrael Tumer J appomtea Ebenezer Thurfton Town Treafurer 162 The Old Records of the At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg Affembled April 6*" 1795 for the Purpofs for Giving in there Votes for the Chooice of Govemor Live* Governor & five Senators agreeable to the Conftetution of the State of mafsachufetts No Votes For his Exceelancy Samuell Adaras 52 For his Honour Liev* Governor Mofes GiU Efqr . . 47 For the Honourable Senate Sara" Baker Efq" ... 45 For the Honourable Jofiah Stearns 46 For the Honourable Jonathan Warner 45 For Salara Town Efq" 46 For Benjamin Reed Efq" 45 Atteft Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk [431] Worcefter fs to either of the Conftables of the Town of Fitchburg in said County Greeting Thefe are in the name of the Common-wealth of mafsa chufetts to require you in Due Courfe of La-w to Notifie all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said fitchburg Qulified by Law to vote in Town meetings to affemble at the meeting houfe in said To-wn on monday the sixth Day of April next at three oClock in the after noon there being meet to act on the following articles Viz 1 to Choofe a moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To fee if the Town will Provide Preaching Through the Sumer feafon or act any thing thereon as they Shall Think Proper .... 3'y To See if the Town -will raake any farther pur- pofales or Amendment to M" John Kimball in Refpect to his Settling with us in the Gofpel rainiftry or act any thing thereon as they Shall Think proper .... 4'y To See if the Town will Choofe a Comraittee to settle -with the Town Treafurer 5'y To See if the Town will Take any order upon the Appropriation of the school money in the fifth Deftrict or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper .... Hereof fail not to make retum of this warrant to some one of us at or before the Day & tirae above mentioned Town of Fitchburgh. 168 Given under our hands & seals at fitchburg this Twenty Third Day of march in the year of our Lord 1795 Phin® Hartwell 1 Selectmen John Thurfton Ju" \ for Ifrael Tumer j Fitchburg Fitchburg April 6*" 1795 Perfuant to the -within warrant I have Notified the In habitants of Said Town Qulified as therein Exprefed to meet at the time & Place & for the purpofes within mentioned Paul Wetherbee Conftable Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg affembled April 6*" 1795 Firft Voted & Choofe M" Paul Wetherbee Moderator of said meeting .... 2'y Voted to hire Preaching Through the Suraraer Seafon the Prefent year 3'y Voted to Divide the Houfe to see who is for & againft Settling M" John Kimball in the Gofpel rainiftry in fitchburg and take there names of those that are in faviour & thofe that are againft Separate 4'y Voted to Choofe a Committee man in each Quar ter of the To-wn for y*^ purpofs of Collecting the perfons names -who are againft & -who are for Settling M" John Kimball in the Gofpel miniftry [433] 5'y Voted & Choofe for said Committee Afa Perry Deacon Boutell Jofeph underwood & Jacob Gibfon they to report to the To-wn at the adjournment there Do-wing 6'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to settle with the Town Treafurer 7'y Voted that the prefent Selectmen be the Coraraittee for y^ above purpofs 8'y Voted to Difmifs Jofeph Underwood & Choofe Cap* Tho® Thurfton in his room for the purpofs of Collecting the peoples names 9'y Voted to adjoum this meeting to Tuefday the fourteenth Day of this inftant April at one OClock in the after noon 164 The Old Records of the April 14*" 1795 the Town meet according to adjoum raent the meeting opned 1 Voted to Choofe a Comraittee to Draw up the Con dition for the incoragement of M" John KimbaU to settling -with us in the Gofpel miniftry 2'y — Voted to Choofe three perfons as a Coraraittee for the above purpofs then Voted & Choofe Jofeph Fox Efq" Deacon Putnara Cap* William Brown 3'y — Voted to advance a sum of raoney to M" Kira ball provided he should settle with us in the Gofple rainiftry 4's Voted that the schoole Committee man in the fifth school Deftrict Go on & school out the remainder of the money that is not schooled out in his Deftrict according to the order of the Deftrict received 5'y — Voted to accept of the settlement with the Town Treafurer that is Laid before the Town by there Coraraittee for that purpofs 6 — Voted to accept of the Conditiones Drawd up for the incourageraent of M" John Kimball settling with us in the Gofpel rainiftry by y'= Committee 7 Voted to Choofe a Committee of three perfons to Communicate to M" Kimball the new^ propofals accepted by the Town and alfo the naraes of the perfons that are for & that are againft M" Kiraballs settling with us in the Gofpel miniftry Voted & Choofe for said Comraittee Deacon Putnara Jofeph Fox & Deacon Boutell for the above pur pofs they or either one of thera to serve M" Kimball with a Coppy of the Towns Proceedings -with the incoragement 8'y — Voted that this Committee Hire to supply the pulpet Through the Suraraer Seafon in Cafe M" Kiraball Can not be obtained for that purpofe 9'y — Voted to adjoum this raeeting to the Sixth Day of may at four Clock in the after noon May 6 1795 The Town meet according to adjoumraent Firft M" Kiraballs Anfwer ware read before the Town which was in the Negetive to the Laft proposals 2 — Voted to add one perfon to the Committee for pro viding preaching Town of Fitchburgh. 165 3— Voted & Choofe M" Jacob upton as an addition 4 — Voted to Diffolve this meeting which is accordingly Difsolved Paul Wetherbee raoderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [433] The Conditions offered M" John KirabaU for his incorageraent to settle in the Town of fitchburg in the Gofpel miniftry are in the foUowing raanner .... Firft that M" KirabaU be Settled in the Miniftry upon an Annual Sallary intirely ; and Voted that the Conditions be Such that M" Kiraball shall have a right to Leave the people of his Charge at any Tirae when he Shall Defire to be Difmifed alfo that the people of his Charge shall have a right to Difmifs M" Kiraball frora the -work of the rain iftry in fitchburg -whenever the raajority of the people of his Charge Shall Judge it to be expedient and for the intereft of Religion without the advife of an Eccleiaftical Council or any Corapenfation either then his annual Sal lary -while he Serves the people But at -which time of Dif mifion the Civel Contract is to be Difsolved 2'y — the Corapenfation & incorageraent for his yearly servefes are as foUo-ws The Town to pay M" John Kimball one hundred & t-welve pounds as a Corapenfation for his Services to be paid hira annually -whUe he shall Continue in the miniftry in this Town and alfo to advance to M" KimbaU Ninty pounds he Giving Security for the sarae to be paid him at his ordination -which shall be deducted from his annual Sallary in four years after his ordination which is to say T-wenty four pound Ten Shillings to be Deducted annually from his yearly Sallary Provided Never- thelefs if M" Kimball Shall not Continue in the rainiftry in this Town for four years he shall refund such part of the advanced raoney as shall be in his hands at the time of his Difmifion and futherraore the ufe of the Towns Land that was purchafed of ra" Boynton for to Gitt his Firewood on while he shall Continue to be our rainifter The above Conditions Voted & accepted Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk 166 The Old Records of the Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg in said County Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Coraraonwealth of Maffa chufetts to will & require you in Due Corfe of La-w to Notifie the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to vote in Town raeetings to afferable at the meeting houfe in s*! fitchburg on wednefs day the sixth Day of may next at two Clock in the after noon for the purpofe of Collecting there Sentements on the Neceffity or Expediancy of revifing the Conftitution in order to amendment — Likewife to see if the To-wn will Choofe sorae Suteable perfon to reprefent the Town in the Great and General Court of the Coraraonwealth of maffachufetts for the year enfuing Hereof fail not to raake retum of this warrant to sorae one of us at or before the Day and time above raentioned Given under our hands & Seals this Tenth Day of April A D. 1795 Phin® Hartwell ] Selectmen John Thurfton JuT \ of Ifrael Tumer j Fitchburg Purfuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town Qulified as therein exprefed to meet at the time and place and for the purpofes within mentioned Paul Wetherbee Conftable may 6*" 1795 the Town affembled agreeable to the precept Directed to the Selectmen of the Town of fitchburg for Collecting the Sentements on the necefsity or expediency of revifing the Conftetution in order to araendraent Votes for revifing / 37 Votes for not revifing / 12 At a Leagal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg affembled raay 6*" 1795 for the Choofing of a reprefentetive to reprefent the Town of fitchburg the Vote put to see if the Town will Choofe a reprefentetive for the enfueing year it paffed in the affermitive then Voted & Town of Fitchburgh. 167 Choofe Cap* Williara Brown for the State Service to attend the General Court in the several fefsions Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk John Thurfton Ju"/ Selectraen Ifrael Tumer / prefide [434] Worcefter fs To M" Reuben Sraith Constable For the Town of Fitch- (seals) ^"""^ Greeting ^ , ^ In the Narae of the Comraonwealth of Maffa chufetts you are hereby required to notifie & wam all the freeholders & other Inhabitants Qulified by La-w to vote in To-wn meetings to meet & affemble at the meeting houfe in said Fitchburg on monday the Twenty Six Day of this inftant January at nine oclock in the morning & when meet to act on the foUo-wing articles (-viz) I'y To Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To See if the Town -will agree to erect a meeting houfe on the Towns Land which -was purchafed of My Boynton on the moft Convenanteft Spott on s"* Land or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 3'y To See if the To-wn -will proceed in building said Houfe or act any thing thereon as they Shall Think proper Hereof fail not & make retum of this -warrant with your Dowing thereon to some one of us on or before said Day Given under our hands & seals this eigth day of January 1795 Peter Sno-w / Selectmen Paul Wetherbee / for Fitchburg Fitchburg January y« 12*" 1795 Perfuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said To-wn to raeet at tirae & place within mentioned Reuben Smith Conftable Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg Legally Affembled on January 26*" 1795 the raeeting opned then Firft Voted & Choofe M" Paul Wetherbee Moderator of s'' meeting 168 The Old Records of the 2'y Voted to adjourn this raeeting to One O clock in the after noon on s'' Day the Town being affembled accord ing to Adjournment then proceeded 3'y Voted to Erect a new meeting houfe on the To-wns Land they Purchafed of Thoraas Boynton near a Large white Oack Tree raarked / the spott for Building said Houfe is about five rods southweftardly frora said oak Tree so Called 4'y Voted to patern after Leominfter meeting houfe which after wards -was Reconfidered 5'y Voted to Choofe a Comraittee of five perfons to Receive the propofals frora the Inhabitants of said Town for building said houfe either in part or whole Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee Afa Perry Deacon Putnam Oliver Stickney Tho® Cowdin Cap* W™ Brown the Cora raittee to report there Doings at the Adjourraent 6'y Voted that the Houfe is to be Corapleated by the Laft Day of Deceraber 1796 7'y Voted to Adjourn this raeeting to raonday the ninth Day of February next at one 0 clock in the after noon .... February 9*" 1795 the Town meet According to Ad journment Firft Voted & Choofe My. Jonathan Low Jun. raoder ator in the roora of M" Paul Wetherbee Necefsarly abfent [435] 2'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee of three per fons then proceeded & Choofe for s'' Coraraittee Jofeph Fox Abel Bauldwin Oliver Stickney they to vew Afliburnham meeting houfe and Take a Plan of the infide and Confult M" Afa Kendell of Afliby for the mode of finifliing the infide & Laying a Plan for BuUding said houfe & Lay the same before the Town at the raeeting on the Adjoumraent 3'y Voted to Let out all in one Jobb the Building of the raeeting houfe at Vandue to the Loweft Bidder 4'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee of three perfons for the above purpofs then added two more Voted & Choofe for s'l Committee Deacon Putnam Cap*' Ifrael Turner Afa Perry Jofeph Richardfon Thoraas Cowdin 5'y Voted & Choofe Levi* John Putnam in the roora Town of Fitchburgh. 169 of Oliver Stickney Difmifed then Choofe W™ Small in the room of Abel Bauldwin Difraifed which ware Choofe to vew Aflibumhara raeeting houfe 6'y Voted to Adjoum this meeting to monday the Sixteenth day of this inftant febmary at one Clock in the after noon February 16*" 1795 the Town meet According to Ad journment I'y Voted to reconfider the vote of Taking Leominfter meeting houfe for a pattern for fitchburg meeting houfe 2'y Voted to accept of the Plan offered by there Com raittee Appointed to vew Afhbumhara meeting houfe & Like-wife Voted to have the Length of said houfe 62 by 48 feet the poofts of said houfe to be 27 feet in Length . . 3'y Voted that one Quarter the sum the pews ware sold for be paid at the raifing of the raeeting houfe & so on is no-w reconfidred hereafter in the second vote after the adjoumraent 2"'' of raarch .... 4'y Voted that the undertakers to build said houfe Give Bonds -with Good Bondsmen to the Treafurer of said Town or some other perfon for there faithfall Building and finifliing of said houfe to the acceptance of the Town 5'y Voted that the Coraraittee for Letting out the Building the ne-w raeeting houfe at a public Vandue attend on that Bufinefs the Third Day of raarch next at the Houfe of the -wid° Co-wdins in the after noon 6'y Voted this Committee to point out & ufe the beft raethod of proceeding in Carring said Building into execu tion 7'y Voted to adjoum this raeeting to raonday the second Day of march next at four Oclock in the after noon March 2 1795 the Town being affembled according to adjournment .... Firft Voted to accept of the report of the Comraittee prefented to the Town the raode refpecting Carring the Building said houfe into execution and a small peace refpecting the pews that one Quarter of the price they 170 The Old Records of the are sold for be paid in building articles which is fally rep- refented in the third vote .... 2'y Voted to reconfider the forraer Vote refpecting paying one Quarter what the pews are sold for at the raifing of s'' houfe & the other Quarter in three months the other at the Compleating of s"* houfe 3'y Voted to pay one Quarter part of what the pews sells for in Meterals in Building the meeting Houfe Agrea ble to the report of the Committee & one Quarter of the Coft of the houfe the firft of Deceraber next in Cafh and the reraander of the Coft of the houfe at the Compleating of said houfe 4'y Voted not to accept of the firft plan offered by there Coraraittee made by M" Kendell for the Lo-wer floor pews [436] 5'y Voted to accept of a Plan offered by M" Durant the weft part from the Broad alley Leading up to the Pulpet and Likewife the Plan for the Gallary pews prefented / that was raade by M" Kendell & the Commit tee for that purpofs 6'y Voted to Choofe a Comraittee to Seet a Price on Boards shingles Slitwork Plank & Timber Clabords and other meterals for building to the amount of one Quarter of what the pews fetch .... 7 Voted & Choofe for said Comraittee Cap* W5 Brown Edward Durant John Ferwell they to Seet a Price to the above Articles and when to be Delivered on the Spott for Building / they to report to the Town there Dowing at Ten Clock y= moming 8'y Voted to adjourn this meeting to the Third Day of this inftant march to Ten O Clock in the moming March 3 The Town meet the meeting opned then pro ceeded in the following manner I'y Voted to make an alteration refpecting the Joyce over head they to be 3 inche By 4 — 2'y Voted to accept of the report of the Committee for sefting a Price on the articles & Timber for Building said meeting houfe 3'y Voted to fix on a time when to sell the pews then Town of Fitchburgh. 171 Voted the time to be on Tuefday the tenth Day of this inftant march at the raeeting houfe at twelve Clock at noon 5'y Voted to Choofe a Coramittee to Vandue the pews Voted this Comraittee Confift of three perfons then Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee -viz Ebenezer Thurfton Edward Durant Afa Perry 6'y Voted to pay two per fent Down at the tirae the pews is Strutt of then in raarch the Tenth the Town affembled & reconfidred this vote of two perfent and voted it to be one Dollar in the room of two perfent 7'y Voted that the pe-w purchafer pay one Quarter part of the value of the pe-w including the Dollar by the firft of December next 8'y Voted that one Quarter part be paid in meterals of the value of the pew agreable to the vote of the Town and the Remainder at the Compleating of the meeting houfe 9'y Voted that a Coramittee be Choofen to Lot out the Building articles to the Purchafers of pews Voted to Choofe three perfons then voted & Choofe John Thurfton Ju" John Ferwell Deacon Putnara . . . . lO'y Voted that the undertakers Give of a Lift of meterals -wanted for the Building of the meeting houfe to the Committee Laft Choofe ll'y Voted that the Town Treafurer be directed to Give Securityes & take Security of the pew purchafers 12 Voted to Adjoum this raeeting to Tuefday the Tenth Day of this inftant march at at a Eleven O clock in the moming March 10*" the Town being affembled the raeeting opned then I'y Voted a menraent to the Sixth Vote refpecting Given a Dollar ameft in Leu of two perfent there mentioned 2'y Voted that the Treafurer Give receipts for pay ments he receives of the pe-w Purchafers and at the Laft payment Give a title for said pe-w to the owner thereof [437] 3'y Voted to accept of the Conditions of sail for vanduing of the pews offered by the Committee Choofen for the purpofs of Vanduing the pe-ws .... 172 The Old Records of the 4'y Voted to accept of the Plan Laid before the Town for the pews on the Lower Floor as they are numbered for sail and Likewife the plan for the Gallary pe-ws & seets 5'y Voted to Adjourn this raeeting to monday the Twenty third Day of march inftant at five OClock in the after noon March 23"'' the Town Afferable according to Adjourn ment 1 Voted to accept of the report ofthe Conimittee for propotioning the meterals for the pew purchafers and have altered the price of the thick Boards and plank that ware Seet by the firft Committee 2'y Voted that the Book that Contains the report of the Coramittee that -was Choofen to propotion the meterals to the pew purchafers be Coramitted to the Treafurer 3'y Voted to adjourn this meeting to the sixth Day of may next at two 0 clock in the after noon May 6 the Town being Afferabled Voted to Adjourn this raeeting to Sept"" raeeting at three Clock in the after noon of said Day Septeraber Firft -which is the Day the Town Afferabled for fall raeeting this raeeting opned then Voted to Diffolve this raeeting which is accordingly Diffolved Paul Wetherbee Moderator Atteft Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Worcefter fs To either of the Conftables of the To-wn of fitchburg Greeting In the Narae of the Commonwealth of Maffachufetts you are hereby required to Notifie & -warn all the free holders & other Inhabitants Qulified by La-w to vote in Town meetings to afferable & meete in the meeting houfe in fitchburg on Tuefday the firft Day of Septeraber next at one Clock in the after noon there being meet & formed to act on the following articles (viz) Firft To Choofe moderator to govern said meeting 2'y To see what Sura or Suras of money the Town will raife to Defray there Necefsary Demands or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 3'y To See what Sum of money the Town will raife Town of Fitchburgh. 178 to Support the Schools the enfuing year and Likewife Choofe Coraraittee to see the raonej^ Schoold out or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... 4'y To See -what Sum of money the Town will raife to pay for preaching or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... 5'y To See -what meafures the Town will Take to sup port Ephraira Sraith one of the Town poor 6'y To See if the Town wUl pay M" David M'^intire his account againft the Inhabitants of the Town for Tread ing Snow for the purpofe of Public Traviling in the year 1792 on the County road [438] 7'y To See if the town wiU further inftmct their Coraraittee for hireing Preaching or act any thing theiron as they shall think porper 8'y To here the report of Coramittees Choofen to Let out the repair of roads & Bridges the prefent year . . . 9'y To See if the Town will allo-w to the -weft part of the To-wn their Propotional part of preaching or anct any thing thereon as they think proper lO'y To See if the Town wUl Authorize M" Tho! Cow din to see that the Bridge near the Phillipfes is faithfully repaired Hereof fail not to raake return of this -warrant to sorae one of us of your Doing thereon at or before the Day & tirae Abvementioned Given under our hands & Seals this Seventeenth Day of Auguft A D 1795 Phin® Hart-well / selectmen of John Thurfton Ju. / Fitchburg Auguft 31 1795 Purfuent to the above warrant I have Notified the In habitants of said Qulified as within exprefed to meet at the tirae & place and the purpofes within mentioned Reuben Smith Conftable Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Legally afferabled in Town meeting on Tuefday Firft Day of September 1795 Firft Voted & Choofe Cap* Ifreel Turner raoderator 174 The Old Records of the 2'y — Voted to raife one Hundred & t^wenty one pound seventeen shillings & three pence 121 = 17 = 3 3'y Voted to raife one Hundred pounds to supply the several schools the enfuing year in each Deftrict . . 100-0-0 4'y Voted to Choofe a school Committee man for each Deftrict Voted to Choofe for said Committees 2"''' Deftrict Ephraim Kiraball 3 Deftrict Amos Parce 4*" Deftrict John Ferwell & Daniel Ferwell 6*" Deftrict Amos Putnam 5*" Deftrict Elijah Carter Tho® Eaton 7*" Deftrict Stephen Thurfton Firft Deftrict Jeremiah Kinfman & Araos Lawrance 5'y Voted that the Committee man in each Deftrict be under the Direction of the Deftrict they belong to in Laying out there money 6'y Voted to raife Eigty pounds to pay for preaching the enfuing year 80-0-0 7'y Voted to Let out Ephraim Smith to the Lo^weft Bidder at Vandue By the ¦week till the next march meeting Voted to Choofe three as a Committee to Let out Ephraim Smith Voted & Choofe Mofes Hale & Levi* Afeph Good ridge & Afa Perry for the above purpofs .... [439] 8'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to supply the pulpet Voted to Choofe three Perfons ¦viz Voted & Choofe Deacon Boutell Williara Brown Jofeph Fox for the above purpofs Voted to inftruct there Comraittee in the following raanner they to supply the pulpet till the Last sabbath in Noveraber next and know further with out the voice of the Town .... 9'y Voted that they shall hire one perfon but four Sundays at a tirae lO'y Voted that the Treafurer Shall Borro-w money to pay M" Whitney for Preaching for us on the Credit of the Laft Bill now raifed to be affefed for that ufe ll'y Voted to pafs over the Sixth article in the -war rant refpecting David macintires account againft the Town 12'y Voted that the weft part of the Town have there Propotionable part of preaching at the -weft part 13'y Voted & Choofe Tho® Cowdin & Reuben Smith Paul Wetherbee to over See the repairing of Phillipfes Bridge & report to the Town Doings Town of Fitchburgh. 175 14 Voted to Raife Thirteen pound for the repair of said Bridge 13-0-0 15 Voted to Raife Sixty pound to Defray the Necef sary Charges of the Town the enfuing year . . 60-0-0 Voted to Diffolve this meeting Ifrael Tumer moderator Phineas Hart-well To-wn Clerk Ephraira Smith Bid of by David Hodgfkins at five shilling and nine pence P" week Till raarch raeeting next Sep* 1. 1795 Let out By the Coraraittee appointed Worcefter fs To either of the Conftables of the Town of Fitchburg Greeting In the Narae of the Coraraonwealth of Maffachufetts you are hereby Directed to Notifie & warn all the Fre holders & other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to vote in Town meetings to raeet & afferable at the raeeting Houfe in said Town on Tuefday the the firft Day of Sep* next at four Clock in the after noon and -when raeet to act on the following articles (viz) Firft To Choofe Moderator to Govern said raeeting 2'y To See what method the Town wUl Take to Clear & Levell the meeting houfe Spoot fitt for the underpinning or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper 3'y To See if the To-wn -will Lay out or provide roads to the meeting houfe Spot or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... 4'y To See if the Town -will repair the hill near Jacob Gibfons agreeable to a requeft or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper Hereof fail not to make retum of this warrant with your Do-wing thereon at or before the Day & Tirae above mentioned Given under our Hands & seals this Thirty firft Day of Auguft in the year of our Lord 1795 Phin® Hartwell \ Selectmen John Thurfton Ju" \ of Ifrael Turner J Fitchburg 176 The Old Records of the Purfuant to the within warrant I have Notified the freeholders & other Inhabitants Qulified as herein Ex prefed to meet at time & place within mentioned Paul Wetherbee Conftable Sep* 1 1795 [440] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg Affembled September Firft 1795 I'y Voted & Choofe M" Deacon BouteU Moderator 2'y Voted to adjourn this meeting for one hour The Town being affembled on a motion 3'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee' to Stake out and over See the Clearing & Levelling the meeting houfe Spot fitt for the under pining on the Towns Land 4'y Voted to Choofe five perfons for the above pur pofs then Voted & Choofe Ephraira Kiraball Afa Perry Deacon Putnara after wards Difmifsed Deacon Putnam & Choofe Edward Durant in his roora Phinehas Bro-wn Tho® Cowdin for said Coraraittee they alfo to See to Clearing a Suteble Common for said houfe .... 5'y Voted that the Selectraen Lay out a four rod road in the Beft place to accoraidate the Travel to the new raeeting houfe Spott and report to the Town there Dowing for acceptance 6'y Voted to pafs over the fourth article in the war rant till the adjournment of said raeeting Refpecting the road By Jacob Gibfons 7'y Voted to adjourn this raeeting to the fifteenth Day of this inftant Sept™ at three Clock in the after noon Sept™ 15*" 1795 the Town raeet according to adjourn ment meeting opned after the Difcription of the ne-w road to the new raeeting houfe Spott ware Laid before the Town the Town then on a motion Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to Agree with Jonas Marlhall Ju" refpecting the road Laid Through his Land to accomadate the Travel to the new meeting houfe Spott as is Difcribed & Laid before the Town either by Swapping Lands or Turning said road Voted to Choofe three per fons for said Comraittee viz voted & Choofe Paul Wether- Town of Fitchburgh. 177 bee Afa Perry Capt Ifrael Tumer they to report there Do-wings Voted to accept- of the new road Laid out by the Selectraen to accomidate the Travel to the new raeeting houfe Spott .... Voted to adjoum this meeting for one hour Down to the houfe of the Wid° Cowdins then on a raotion Voted to adjoum this raeeting to the T-wenty Second Day of this inftant Septeraber at one Clock in the after noon Sept 22 the Town meet then on a raotion after afferabled .... Voted to excufe Deacon Putnara frora Serving as a Comraittee in Levelling the meeting houfe spot & Choofe Ed-ward Durant in his roora to affift the other Coramittee Carried up to the place of the other Coramittee [441] 2'y Voted to accept of the alteration in the new road raade By the Coraraittee Choofen for that pur pofs Agreeable to there report Laid before the Town Sep* 22 1795 Voted to Choofe a Coramittee to Let out the making the new road to the meeting houfe Spoot to the Loweft bidder & see that the -work is faithfully Don Voted to Choofe three perfons for the above purpofs (viz) Voted & Choofe for said Comraittee Paul Wetherbee Afa Perry Ifrael Tumer Voted this Committee report to the Town at Some fater meeting there Dowings and acceptance . . 3'y Voted to Difsolve this raeeting -which is accord ingly Difsolved Kendell Boutell Moderator Phin® HartweU Clerk Fitchburg Sep* 22 1795 Laid out a four rod Road By the Selectraen appointed By the Town for that Purpofs to the new raeeting houfe Spoot Begining at the County road on the Towns Land near the heigth of Land on the Town Land then Runing eaft 2'\.y-p south firft to a heep of stons thence to to a pich- pine Tree frora thence to a maple Tree in or near the Brook seventy six rods from where it began then making 178 The Old Records of the a Tum Eaft 39'' South frora said raaple 32 rods to the County road Betwen the high Bridge & Kiraballs raill to a sraall oak raarked in the fence Trees raarked on the South weftardly Side of said road Fitchburg Sep* 9*" 1795 Phin® Hartwell ) Selectraen John Thurfton Ju" J- of Israel Tumer J Fitchburg Damages Efteraated are as follows Through Jonas marfhalls Land 40/ Throug M" payfons Land 40/ The alterations raade By the Coraraittee Choofen for that purpofs are as foUo-ws That M" Jonas Marlhall Ju" Gives the Land for a road Through his Land by the alteration raade By the Committee -which is to keep five or six rods Further up the County road to a small white oak raarked -which is the North side of the road / the sraall Brook is the -weft Boundry of said road thence keeping up by said Brook untill they Come to a raaple Tree -which is the sarae Tree Marked By the Selectmen that Leads to the meeting Houfe Spoott Paul Wetherbeel Fitchburg September Ifrael Tumer >Coramittee 22"'! 1795 Afa Perry J Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [443] Worcefter fs A Warrant Granted By the Se lectmen fbr the purpofe of Calling a Town raeeting for the rebuilding of Phillipfes Bridge Lately falling Down Verberly warned to be held at the Houfe of Wid° Co-w dins in said Town on Tuesday y^ 15*" of Sep* 1795 at Nine O Clock p. m. then being meet Did act on the fol io-wing articles .... Firft To Choofe Moderator to Govern s? meeting 2'y To See what method the Town wiU Take to repair the Bridge near Phillipfes which has Lately Falling Down or act any thing thereon a they shall Think proper Hereof fail not to raake return of this warrant to sorae one of us on or before the hour above mentioned Town of Fitchburgh. 179 Given under our hands & seals at Fitchburg this 15*" of Sep* 1795 .... Phin® Hartwell ") selectmen John Thurfton Ju"V of Ifrael Tumer J fitchburg Sep* 15*" 1795 in obediance to this warrant I have Notified the freeholders & other Inhabitants to meet at time & place -within mentioned Paul Wetherbee Conftable Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg affembled By Verball warning to meet at the Houfe of the wid? Cowdins Sept 15*" 1795 the meeting being opned there Firft Voted & Choofe Cap* W™ Brown Moderator . . 2'y Voted to erect a Bridge on the old spoot near M" PhiUipfes 3'y Voted to Choofe a Coramittee to over See the BuUding of said Bridge and Let it out to the Loweft Bidder then Voted to Choofe three perfons for the above purpofs (viz) Voted & Choofe Tho® Cowdin Reuben Smith Seth PhiUips .... Voted this Committee Report there Do-wings to the To-wn at some Futer meeting .... Voted to Diffolve this meeting -which is accordingly Difsolved Ws Brown Moderator Phin® HartweU To^wn Clerk December 19*" 1794 this Day we the Subfcribers have preamblated the Line Betwen Lunenburg & Fitchburg & have renewed the Bounds according to Law Paul Wetherbeel Committee Tho® Cowdin [ of Samuel Billings j Lunenburg David Kilbom J & Fitchburg [443] Worcefter fs To either of the Conftables of the Town of Fitchburg in f'l County Greeting 180 The Old Records of the Thefe are in the Narae of the Coramonwealth of Maffa chufetts to will to will & require you in Due Corfe of La^w to notifie and warn all the freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the Town of Fitchburg Qulified by La^w to vote in Town raeetings to afferabled and raeet at the raeeting houfe in said Town on Monday the Ninetteenth Day of this inftant October at one O Clock in the after noon and when meet to act on the following articles 1®* To Choofe a moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To See if the Town will alter there former vote in refpect to placing there raeeting houfe as to Seet Said houfe at the Croth of the road by Cap* W™ Browns pro vided the agreeraent ¦with M" John Putnum Ju. ¦who hath agreed to build Said houfe Shall in no wife be effected in Confequence of a new place to erect the houfe or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper in refpect of said houfe agreeable to a requeft of a nuraber of the inhabi tants 3'y To See if the Town will alter there forraer vote for placing there meeting houfe from the southweft to the norweft of a Large white oack Tree raarked agreeable to the requeft of there Comraittee 4'y To See if the To^wn accept of an alteration in the road at the top of the hill above Mi® Co^wdins Shed & alfo accept of the road as it is fenced at the eaft of M" Durants or act any thing thereon as they Shall think proper 5'y To See if the Town wiU permitt M. Afa Perry to erect Gates & Bars aCroft a Certain old road Leading from his houfe to Levi* Afeph Goodridges Hereof fail not and raake return of this warrant with your Dowings thereon to sorae one of us on or before the Day & time above mentioned Given under our hands & Seals at Fitchburg this Fifth Day of October in the year of our Lord A D. 1795 John Thurfton Ju"/ Selectraen Ifrael Tumer /of Fitchburg Fitchburg October 19*" 1795 Perfuant to the within warrant I have Notified the Town of Fitchburgh. 181 Inhabitants of said Town Qulified as therein exprefed to meet at time & place & for the purpfes within mentioned Paul Wetherbee Conftable Att a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg Legually afferabled in Town raeeting on raonday October 19*" 1795 Firft Voted & Choofe M" Paul Wetherbee Moderator 2'y on a motion Voted to know the fenfe of the Town ¦whether the former Vote in placing said raeeting houfe Should be altred — the houfe ¦ware Di^vided on the Queftion ¦which Termanated the vote 44 for the alteration by plac ing the raeeting houfe at the Crotch of the road at Cap* W™ Browns and 30 againft the alteration [444] 3'y Voted to pafs over the Third article in the ¦warrant in refpect to altering the spott on the Towns Land to sett the raeeting houfe on ... . 4'y Voted to have the Obligations altred that -ware Given to Build the raeeting houfe on the Towns Land refpecting the place for the purpofs to have said houfe Built at the Crotch of the road at Cap* Browns 5'y Voted that the pew purchafers have the Same pri-vilge in holding there pe-ws now as they had before the alteration 6'y Voted that the same Committee that ware Choofen for Levelling the meeting houfe spott on the To-wns Land be the Committee to Level the meeting houfe spott at the Croatch of the road where the houfe is to Stand 7'y Voted to Choofe a Comraittee to alter the Bonds Given to John Putnara Ju. under Taker for BuUding a meeting houfe for the Town on the Towns Land to have it Built at the Crotch of the road near Cap* Browns the Committee Choofen are the following perfons viz Doc* Peter Snow Jofeph Fox Daniel Putnam 8'y Voted to Choofe a Coramittee to stake out the meeting houfe spott and a Convenant Comraon for the ufe of the town & take a Deed of the Land for the above purpofes in behalf of the Town Voted & Choofe for said Committee viz Jofeph Fox Afa Perry Ifrael Tumer Daniel Putnam Phin® Brown .... 182 The Old Records of the 9'y Voted to accept of the alteration made on the road eaft of Edward Durants houfe lO'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to vew the road Betwen Levi* Afeph Goodridges houfe & Afa Perrys houfe voted & Choofe the selectmen for said Comraittee they to report there Dowings at some fater raeeting Voted to Difsolve this meeting which is accordingly Difsolved Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk — Paul Wetherbee Moderator Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of Fitchburg in said County — Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Coraraonwealth of Maffa chufetts to will & require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie & warn all the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to vote in Town meeting to affimble & raeet at the raeeting houfe in s'' fitchburg on Tuefday the Tenth Day of this inftant Nov™ at one Clock in the after noon and When raeet to act on the following articles requefted by a Nuraber of the Inhabi tants of said Town Firft to Choofe a moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y to see if the To-wn -will in amendraent to former votes and to avoid Greator inconveanancy vote to erect there raeeting houfe near the County road on the Tow^ns Land so to avoid making the new road begining at M" marfhalls Land or other wife not to Build any meeting houfe at all at prefent or act any thing thereon in refpect to Carring the matter into Execution as they shall think proper .... [445] 3'y To See what raethod the Town wUl Take to erect Guid pofts at the Crotch of road agreable to a Late act of fJie General Court or act any thing thereon as they shall think proper .... Hereof fail not to raake return of this warrant to sorae one of us on or before said Day & time above raentioned Given under our hands & seals this Twenty Sixth Day of this inftant October in the year of our Lord 1795 Phinehas HartweU / Selectraen for John Thurfton Ju" / Fitchburg Town of Fitchburgh. 183 Fitchburg Noves 10*" 1795 Perfuant to the within -warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of said Town Qulified as therein Exprefed to meet at tirae & place & for the purpofes within raentioned Reuben Smith Conftable Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg affembled November y« 10*" 1795 Firftly Voted & Choofe M" Paul -wetherbee Moderator 2'y Voted to pafs over the second article in the -war rant refpecting Building the ineeting houfe on the To-wns Land 3'y Voted that the Selectraen be the Coraraittee to put up Guid poofts on Crofs roads and at the Crotches of public roads agreable to a Late act Voted to Difsolve this meeting -which is accordingly Difsolved Paul Wetherbee Moderator Phinehas Hart-well To-wn Clerk mary -wars Bid off By M" Nehemiah FuUer till march meeting at six pence p. week for Board & Lodging . . Let out By the Selectmen at Vandue to the Loweft Bidder .... [446] Worcefter fs. To either of the Conftables of the Town of Fitch- (seals) ^"""^ Greeting . . . Thefe are in the Name of the Common-wealth of Maffachufetts to -will and require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie & wam all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg Qulified by Law to Vote in Town meetings to Affemble & meete at the meeting houfe on Thurfday the Twenty sixth Day of this inftant November at one Clock in the after noon and -when meet to act on the following articles (viz) . . . Firft To Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting Secondly To see if the Town will Concur with the Church in Giving M" John Miles a Call to the work of the Gofpel Miniftry 184 The Old Records of the Thirdly To see if the Town wiU Give there Commit tee any father inftructions in regard to hireing preaching or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper Forthly To See if the Town will Difcharg M" Noah Wifwell from the Town agreable to his requeft) which ware to be with his Eftate to be Clere from Fitchburg that he raay be annexed to the Town of Weftrainfter Hereof fail not to raake return of this warrant with your Dowing thereon to sorae one of us on or before said Day & tirae above raentioned Given under our hands & seals at Fitchburg this elev enth Day of November in the year of our Lord 1795 John Thurfton Ju"\ Selectmen Ifrael Turner / for Fitchburg Fitchburg November 26*" 1795 Purfuent to the -within warrand I have Notified the Inhabitants of said Town Qulified as therein Exprefed to raeet at the Tirae & place within raentioned Paul Wetherbee Conftable Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Fitchburg afferabled Noveraber 26*" 1795 the raeeting being opned then proceeded in the following raanner Firftly Voted & Choofe M" KendeU Boutell Moderator Secondly Voted to pafs over the 2 & 3 article in the warrant for the prefent and Take up the Fourth Refpect ing M" Noah Wifwell requeft which is he Prays to be Seet of frora Fitchburg to be annexed to the Town of Weft rainfter on M" Noah Wifwells requeft the Town paffed the Following votes .... Voted as the Senfe of the Town that the said Noah wifwell be with his Eftate Seet of From the Town of Fitchburg to be annexed to the Town of Weftminfter Pro vided he ShaU pay into the Collectors of Fitchburg his propotianable part of all the monies Granted by the State County & Town the prefent year that raay be affefed on hira or his eftate and Likewife the Town of Fitchburg be Difcharged frora his Eftate in the States Valuation in pro potion to the Value thereof in all the Futer Tax Bills Town of Fitchburgh. 185 [447] Forthly Voted to Take up the Third article in the warrant refpecting hireing Preaching Fifthly Voted to irapower the Committee for hireing preaching they to engage M" John MUes four Sabbaths more from this meeting .... Sixly Voted that the Town Clerk Give notice to the Town to attend on the meeting at the Time adjoumed to T-wo Sabbaths before the Day of the raeeting .... Seventhly Voted to adjourn this raeeting to the Twenty Firft Day of nex December at one Clock in the after noon Phinehas Hartwell T. Clerk December 21®* 1795 The Town meet according to ad journment the raeeting opned then On a Motion the Queftion being Put to See if the Town will Concur with the Church then the Town Voted to Concur yeas 33 prefent nays 14 prefent .... 2'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee to Afsartain what sura or suras of raoney the Town to Grant for the sup port & encourageraent of M" John Miles to settle -with them in the Gofpel Miniftry Then Voted to Choofe three perfons for the purpofs (viz) Voted & Choofe M" Paul Wetherbe Cap* Ifrael Tumer & Phinehas Hartwell they to report there Dowing the next raeeting .... 3'y Voted to hire four Sabbaths Frora the Twenty Firft Day this inftant Deceraber 4'y on a motion a vote Tried to see if the Town will reconfider the Vote refpecting the Towns Concuring with the Church it pafsed in the Negetive .... 5'y Voted to Difsolve this meeting -which is accord ingly Difsolved .... KendeU Boutell moderator Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk Fitchburg December 21®* 1795 Worcefter fs To either of the Conftabels of the Town of Fitchburg in said County — Greeting ^ ^ In the Narae of the Coramonwealth of Maffa- chufetts you are hereby required to Notifie & -warn all the Freeholders & other Inhabitants Qulified by Law 186 The Old Records of the to Vote in Town raeeting to affemble at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on Thurfday the seventh Day of January next at one oClock in the after noon being Duly raeet & forra? to act on the following articles (viz) 1 To Choofe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'y To see what sum or sums of money the To-wn will Grand for the support & encourageraent of M" John Miles to settle with thera in the Gofpel miniftry or act any thing thereon in Refpecting the raode of Settling as they shall think Proper .... 3'y To here the report of any Coramittees that -was Choofen to Let out the Building of Bridges or repairing of roads: Likewife the Committee report refpecting the suras of raoney to be afcertained for the encouragement of M. John Miles settling in fitchburg in the Gofpel rain iftry and the raode of Settling .... 4'y To See if the Town wiU abate Benj" Danforth Ju. Rate in any of the Collectors^ rate Bills or any part or act any thing theron as they shall Think proper . . Hereof fail not and raake retum of this -warrant -with your Dowings to sorae one of us on or before the Day & time above mentioned Given under our hands & seals this Twenty Fourth Day of this inftant Deceraber and in the year of our Lord 1795 Phinehas HartweU/ Selectmen Ifrael Tumer /for Fitchburg Fitchburg January 7*" 1796 Purfuant to the within -warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of said To-wn Qulified as there in Exprefed to raeet at the tirae & place and for the purpfes -within raentioned Paul Wetherbee Conftable [448] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg affembled January 7*" 1796 Firft Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efq. Moderator 2'y Voted to add Twenty DoUars to the Three Hun dred & Eighty that is seet in the report of the Commit tee for the encouragement & support of M" John miles that was Laid before the Town for there Confideration Town of Fitchburgh. 187 the whole Grant is 400 DoUars for his yearly Sallary Tried By yeas 31 nays 13 prefent 3'y Voted to Accept of the report of the Committee Choofen for the purpofs of pointing out the mode of refet- tling of the Gofpel Miniftry in fitchburg and for the sup port & Encouragement of M" John Miles to settle in the Gofpel Miniftry in Fitchburg the several articles therein mentioned 4'y Voted to Choofe three perfons as a Coraraittee to Coraraunicate the Propofals to M. John Miles for his en corageraent to settle in Town in the Gofpel Miniftry Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee Deacon Thurfton Deacon Boutell Deacon Putnara For the above purpofs the purposals are penned Down in the 449 page 5'y Voted to abate Benjarain Danforth Ju" Rate in the Collectors hand that is Due & not paid frora the Date of this raeeting 6'y Voted to Difsolve this meeting -which is accordingly Difsolved .... Daniel Putnam Moderator Phin® HartweU Town Clerk Worcefter fs To either of the Conftable of the To-wn of . . Fitchburg Greeting ^ ^ In the Name of the Coramonwealth of Mafsa chufetts your are Directed to Notifie & warn all the freehoulders & other Inhabitants of the To-wn of Fitchburg Qulified by Law to Vote in Town meetings to afferable at the meeting houfe in said fitchburg on Thurfday the seventh Day of January next at one Clock in the after noon there being meet to act on the following articles (-viz) Firft — To Choofe a raoderator to Govern said meeting 2'y — To See if the Town will Choofe a Committee to infpect and accept of the stuff that is to be Tumed in by the pew purchafes for the meeting houfe or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 3'y— To See if the Town will accept and aUow of M" Ephraira Kiraballs account for repairing the Bridge By M. Seth PhiUipfes .... Hereof fail not to raake retum of this warrant to 188 The Old Records of the some one of us at or before the Day & time above men tioned Given under our hands & seals at Fitchburg this seventh Day of this January in the year of our Lord 1796 John Thurfton Ju. / Selectmen Ifrael Turner / for Fitchburg Fitchburg January 7 1796 Perfuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town Qulified as therein Exprefed to raeet at the tirae and place and for the purpofes within mentioned Paul Wetherbee Conftable [449] Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg Affembled January 7*" 1796 .... Firft Voted & Choofe Daniel Putnam Efqr Moderator 2'y Voted to Choofe a Coraraittee of three perfons to infpect and Accept of the Stuff that is to be provided and Turned in by the pew purchafes for the ne-w raeeting houfe Voted & Choofe for said Coraraittee WiUiara Sraall John Ferwell John Putnara Ju. they or either one of them to enfpect & Receive in said articles at the spott according to the former vote of the Town refpecting the place Delivered Vote Called to See if the Town will allow M. Ephraim Kimball his Account againft the Town for Building the Bridge Near M" Seth PhiUipfes it Pafsed in the Negetive the account not allowed nor the Bridge accepted Voted to Difsolve this raeeting Daniel Putnara Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk The Propofels Offered to M. John MUes for his Encor ageraent to Settle in Fitchburg in the Gofpel rainiftry From a Call of the Church & Town Concuring therewith Firft — That M. John MUes be settled upon a SaUary only for his support while he Continues with us in the work of the Gofpel rainiftry in a paftoral relation . . . 2'y That in the Courfe of his minifteral office in Fitch burg that if it shall so happen that any Dificulty should arife on the rainifters part that is a grievence to his Town of Fitchburgh. 189 Church & people -which raay Give in their oppinion Juft occation of Coraplaint that appears againft hira prejudi cial to the peace & happinefs of the Church & people of his Charge then they to have the right to Difmifs there paftor From his paftoral relation to thera if they see fitt -without the advice of any Ecclefiaftical Councel with the Majour vote of the Church and the Towns vote Concur ing theirwith So on the other hand when any Juft accation of Cora plaint shall appear againft the Church & people of his Charge prejudicial to the peace and ufefulnefs in his pafto ral office he shall have the righte to Take his Difraifion frora his people if he sees fitt he Giving previous notice of his Defign .... 3'y For his support and encorageraent to Settle with the people in Fitchburg in a paftoral relation they to pay him Four Hundred Dollars as a Corapenfation for his Ser vices to be paid him annually while he Shall Continue in the miniftry in Fitchburg 4'y That in Cafe M. John MUes Should Take his Dif raifion or be Difraifed frora his minifteral relation to the To-wn then the Civil Contract is to be Difsolved Betwen him & the Town without any Corapenfation to hira any Further then ¦while he Serves the Town in that Minifteral Capacity .... p^^j Wetherbee ] Ifrael Tumer {-Committee Phin® HartweU J January 7*" 1796 this report ¦was accepted by a vote of the Town for that purpofs in each article [450] Worcester fs To either of the Conftables of ., the Town of Fitchburg in said County Greeting . .^ These are in the narae of the Coraraonwealth , J of Maffachufetts to direct you in due corfe of Law to notify and warn all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg quallified by Law to vote in Town raeetings to affemble & meet at the meeting houfe in said Fitchburg on Friday the nineteenth day of this Inftet Februery at one oClock in the after noon when meet to act on the following articles (viz) 190 The Old Records of the 1®* To chuse a moderator to govern said Meeting 2'y To see what method the Town will take to pro vide the meterials for building the new meeting houfe which are likely to be deficient in Confequince of a number of Pews being flung up by thofe that bid them off, or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper .... 3'y To see what sum or sums of money the Town will raife for the building of the new meeting houfe or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper 4'y To see if the Town will make any provifion for hanging A Bell to the New meeting houfe, or act any thing theiron as they shall shall think propper .... 5'y To see if the Town will make any alteration from the plan in the front door to the Ne^w meeting houfe — 6'y To see if the Town will take any method to defend themfelves against any Lawsuits that may be com- minced against them or act any thing theiron. as they shall think propper .... Hereof fail not and make retum of this warrant with your doings theiron to sura one of us at or before said day and time above mentioned. Given under our hands and Seals at Fitchburg this forth Day of February in the year of our Lord A. D. 1796 Phinehas Hart¬well \ Selectraen John Thurston Jun. > of Israel Tumer J Fitchburg Fitchburg Febry 19." 1796 Persuant to the within vrarrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town quallified as theirin exprefsed to meet at the time & place and for the purpofes within mentioned. Paul Wetherbee Conftable [451] At a legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg Afferabled Febr? 19?" 1796 1®* Voted and chofe Daniel Putnura Efq. Moderater 2'.y Voted to chufe two persons to be added to the Treafurer to affertain the meterials wanting to the Pews flung up and report to the Town as soon as may me, Town of Fitchburgh. 191 chose for said Committee Cap* Tumer & Jonathan Low Jun. .... 3'.y Voted to pafs over the third articles for the pres ent, and take up the forth refpecting the Belfry 4'.y Voted to pafs over the article refpecting building a Belfry for hanging the Bell .... 5'.y Voted that the undertaker for building the New Meeting houfe make such alterations in the front door as be convenient for said Houfe .... 6'.y Voted that the To^wn chufe two agents, they, or either of them to defend all Law Sutes that is or raay be coraniinced againft the Town for the Space of one year, they to be impowered, with the advice of the Selectmen to Refer or Settle any Sute that raay be corarainced 7'.y Voted & chofe for said Coraraittee, Daniel Putnum Esq. and Cap. Israel Turner for the above purpofe 8'.y Voted to chufe a Coraraittee to affertain the arti cles for the pe^ws that ware flung up. Voted and chofe for said Committee, Ebn. Thurston, Cap* Israel Tumer & Jonathan Lo^w Ju. they to provide the Several articles that belonged to the said Pews Flung up in the prudent- est manner for the benefit of the Town to be conveyed to the spot .... 9'.y Voted that the Treafurer Borrow raoney in behalf of the Town to purchafs the articles wanting for the pews Flung up, Like^wise to raake the Deficiency of raoney that is ¦wanting for the Quarter payraent that the pews should have paid .... lO'y Voted that the Clabbords be three inches and half infted of four Inches to be laid to the weather & that the Coraraittee be directed to receive thera at that weadth for the houfe 11 '.y Voted to adjom this meeting to munday the Seventh Day of March next at four OClock in the afternoon M. Phinehas Hartwell was Town Clerk for the above meeting — March 7*? 1796 The Town meet according to adjorn- ment 12'.y Voted to excufe Esq. Putnum as moderator . . 192 The Old Records of the 13'.y Voted & chofe Cap* Will™ Brown Moderator 14'.y Voted to pafs over the forth article to the ad jomment of the March meeting 15'y Voted to chufe a coraraittee to affertain what the expence will be to build a Belfry & report at the adjom- raent & likewise report ¦what sum of raoney is Subfcribed for a Bell 16'y Voted to chufe Three as a committee .... 17'y Voted & Chofe Jonathan Low Afa Perry & Jofeph Fox, 18'y Voted to adjorn this raeeting a fortnight from this Day at two oClock in y^ afternoon ¦which ¦will be March 21®* .... March 21®* 1796 The Town raeet according to ad- jornment .... 19'.y It was raoved and seconded to see if the Town will build a Belfry, the vote being put it pafs? in the afferraative 44 for it & 22 gainst it ... . 20'y It ¦was raoved and Seconded to see if the Town will build a Steeple, the Vote being put it pafs*! in the afferraative .... 21'y Voted that the raeeting be adjomed one hour The Town meet according to adjomment 22'y Voted that this meeting be adjorned to the first munday of April next at 5 oClock in y^ afternoon Munday April 4." 1796 The Town raeet according to adjomment .... 23'.y Voted to excufe Esq" Putnum & Cap* Tumer from Serving as a Coraraittee to defend La^w Sutes that has or raay be coraraenced against the Town .... 24'y It was raoved and Seconded to see if the Town will reconfider all votes refpecting building a Belfry & Steple, and it pafs? in the affirmetive to be reconfidered 25 It was moved and Seconded to see if the Town will agree to give M" John Putnum Ju. one hundred pound to build a Belfry and finish it workmenlike up as high as the Bell Deck the vote being put it pafs? in the Negative Town of Fitchburgh. 198 26 Voted to difsolve this meeting — William Brown Moderator Jofeph Fox Town Clerk [453] Worcester fs To either of the Conftables of the ¦ ^ ,. To^wn of Fitchburg in said County . . Greeting — ,0 1-, In the Narae of the Comraonwealth of Maffa- .^ .. chufetts you are required to notify & ¦warn all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Fitchburg Quallified by Law to vote in Town meeting to meet and affemble at the meeting houfe in said Town on Munday the Seventh Day of March next at nine of the Clock in the moming when raeet to act on the following articles (viz) I'.y To chufe a Moderator to govern said Meeting . . 2'.y To Chufe a Town Clerk, Selectmen & other Town officers as the Law directs and likewife act any thing in regard to chufing Collectors as they shall think proper 3'.y To See what sum or Sums of money the Town will raife to repair the bridges and high^ways the prefent year, or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper 4'.y To See if the Town ¦will accept of any new road, Laid out by the Selectmen or their order .... 5'.y To see what method the Town will take to Sup port the poor the prefent year or act any thing refpecting therunto as they shall think propper .... 6'.y To see if the Town will Chufe a Saxton to take care the meeting houfe the prefent year .... 7'.y To See if the Town will vote the Swine to run at large under the regulation of the Law the prefent year 8'y To See if the Town will abate or pay to M. Abra-. ham Willard his mony paid to the Town for Support of Publick -worfliip year past .... 9'.y To see -what method the Town will take to dis pose of the Wood that is cut down on the Town Land Hereof make return of this warrant and not fail to sum one of us on or before said Day & time above men tioned. Given under our hands and Seal this Nineteenth Day of Febr? 1796 at Fitchburg Phinehas HartweU/ Selectmen John Thurfton Ju. /for Fitchburg 13 194 The Old Records of the Fitchburg March 7*." 1796 Perfuant to the within warrant I have notified and warnd the Inhabitants of said Town Quallified as within Exprefs? to meet at time and place and for the purpofes within mentioned . . . Reuben Smith Conftable At A Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the To-wn of Fitchburg afsembld March 7*" 1796 .... I'.y Voted and chofe M. Afa Perry Moderator . . . 2'.y Voted and Chofe Joseph Fox Town Clerk . . . 3'.y Voted to Chufe Three Selectraen for the prefent year .... 4'.y Voted and choofe for Selectraen the prefent year, John Thurston Ju. Paul Wetherbee, & Sarauel Gibson . . 5'.y Voted to Chufe Three Affefsor .... 6'.y Voted & chofe Doc* Peter Snow, Reuben Smith & Tho® Cowdin Affefsors .... 7'.y Voted & chofe Ebn. Thurston Town Treafurer . . 8'.y Voted to let out the CoUectorfliip to the lowest bidder upon the hun? pound they to find two good Bonds raen to the acceptance of the Town, and that the vendue be at M.® Cowdins this Evening and a Coraraittee to be chofen to let it out and raake out the Bonds .... [453] 9'.y Voted to Chufe Seven to be of the Com mittee to let out the CoUectorfliip .... lO'.y Voted & chofe Afa Perry, Jofeph Fox, Daniel Fer well, Jacob Upton, Tho? Cowdin, John Ferwell & Doc* Sno-w a coraraittee to let out the Collectorfhip .... ll'y — Voted to chufe 15 highway Surveyors this pres ent year .... 12'.y Voted & Chofe Maj" John Goodridge, Solomon Storer, Siraeon Ferwell, Amos Lawrence, Sarauel Gibson, Jeremiah Kinfman, Cap* W"?* Brown, John Carter, John Ferwell, Elijah Macintire, Jonathan Page, Joseph Low, Samuel Harrifs, Ebn. Thurfton and Blany Phillips . . . 13'.y Voted to leive the two Quarters affignd to Simeon Farwell and Samuel Harrifs difcrefsionary with the Affef sors whether to order them on the County road or not 14'.y Voted & chofe Jonas Marfliall Ju. Daniel Putnum Town of Fitchburgh. 195 Jun. Eph" Gibson Bemard BuUdin Afa Farwell Verien Daniels Hogreaves 15'y Voted & Chofe Jacob Gibson & Eph. Osbom . . . . Firewards 16'y Voted & chofe William Small . Suryer of Lumber 17'.y Voted & chofe Eliflia Charaberlin & John Thurs ton Ju. Fence viewers 18'y Voted & chofe Jacob Burnap & Daniel Wetherbee . . . . Field Drivers 19'y Voted & Chofe Cap* Jonathan Wood . . . . Surveyor of hoops and Staves 20'.y Voted & chofe David Parce . . . . Sealer of weights & meafures 21'.y Voted & chofe Cap* Joseph How & Joseph Simonds Sealer of Leather 22'.y Voted and Chofe Daniel Steward Pound Keeper . . . . Pound Keeper 23'.y Voted to chufe two Tythingmen .... 24'y Voted & chofe Lieu* Afaph Goodridge Tythingraen 25'y Voted & chofe Araos Lawrence . . Tythingmen 26'y Voted to let out the Saxton bifinefs to the loweft bidder .... 27'.y Voted that the Coraraittee that was chofen to let out the CoUectorfliip be the Comraittee to let out the Sax ton bifinefs at the same time & place 28'y Voted to Raise One hundred & fifty pounds to repair high-ways & Bridges this present year, and to be laid out as last year excepting the price of a Plow & that to be left discrefsionary with the Surveyor with regard to the price of the Plow 29'.y Voted to raife Fifty dollars to repair the new County road on Pools Hill so call? (viz) from Gidions Blackfmiths Shop to the foot of the HUl .... 30'.y Voted to let out the repairs of the road to the lowest bidder .... 31'.y Voted to chufe a coraraittee of two to let out the -work and infpect it or see that the work is done agreeable to contract .... 32'.y Voted & chofe Cap* Israel Turner & John Far- well to be the Coraraittee .... 196 The Old Records of the 33'.y Voted that the work be done between the raiddle of May & the middle of June next 34'.y Voted that the undertakers to mend the road upon Pools Hill so call? receive their pay out of the next town tax .... 35'.y Voted that the Poor be let out to the lowest bidder .... 36'.y Voted that the Comraittee to let out the Col- lectorlhip, be the coramittee to let out the poor at the same time & place .... 37'.y Voted that the Swine run at Large under the regulation of the La-w this prefent year 38'.y Voted to pafs over the 8*" article in the warrant untill the adjomraent of this meeting 39'y Voted to dispose of the Wood that is cut down on the Towns Land to the highest bidder at vendue . . 40'.y Voted that the Coraraittee that was to let o'ut the CoUectorfliip be a Coramittee to sell the Wood at the same time & place and take Security .... 41'.y Voted to adjom this meeting a fortnight at one oClock in the afternoon on said Day March 21?* 1796 The Town mett according to adjom ment and proceeded to bifinefs [454] The comraittee appointed to let out the Col- lectorfliip and other matters meet at M.® Cowdins agreable to the tirae appointed and proceeded to bifinefs Reported verbally as follows viz .... Set up the CoUectorfliip for the South side of the Town to the lowest bidder agreeable to the towns vote upon the hundred pound for all moneys he shall collect & pay out agreable to directions in his tax bill committed him to collect, And bid of to Abijah Goodridge at 37/6 upon the hundred pound 42'.y Voted to accept of Abijah Goodridge as Collector with Cap* Jonathan Wood & EUflia Chamberlin as his Bondfmen. The comraittee Sat up the CoUectorfliip for the North side of the Town to the lowest bidder agreable to town vote upon the hundred pound for all moneys he shall col- Town of Fitchburgh. 197 lect and pay out agreable to directions in his tax bill, committed him to collect. And was bid of to Da-vid Macintire at 35/ upon the hundred pound. 43'y Voted to accept of Da-vid Macintire as Collector -with Jacob Upton & George Wood as Bondfmen — The conimittee Set up the Saxton bifinefs for one year to the lowest bidder And vras bid of to Lieu* Afaph Goodridge at 10/ the year 44'y Voted to accept of the leting out the Saxton Bifinefs and pay to Afaph Goodridge 10/ The committee Set up at Vendue Eph. Smith one of the Towns Poor to be supported one year by the -weak or in propotion, in cafe he should not live out the year on the Same conditions he -was let out the last year . . And was bid of to Da-vid Hodgskins at 3/ p. -weak 45 Voted to accept of the leting out Eph. Smith to Da-vid Hodgskins and that the Town pay him 3/ p. weak The committee Set up at Vendue Mary Wares one of the To-wns Poor to be supported one year by the -weak or in propotion in cafe she should not live out the year on the same conditions she -was let out the last year . . And -was bid of to Siraeon Farwell at 5'' p. -weak — 46'y Voted to accept of leting out Mary Wares to Simeon Farwell and that the Town pay him 5'' p. -weak 47'y Voted to adjom this meeting for one hour at this place .... The Town meet according to adjomment 48'y Voted to adjom this meeting for half an hour at M"? Cowdins East Rome The Town meet according to adjomment 49'.y Voted and Chofe Joseph Polly Conftable for the north side of the Town 50'.y Voted and chofe Abijah Goodridge Conftable for the South side of the Town 51'y Voted to difsolve this meeting .... Afa Perry Moderator Joseph Fox Town Clerk 198 The Old Records of the The committee appointed to sell the Wood that is now Down on the Towns Land attend the bifinefs and Set it up at vendue the person that bids it of is not to cut down any small or large wood on s? lot Bid of to Benj£ Danforth at 55/ he being the highest bidder [455] Worcefter: fs. To either of the Conftables of . .- the Town of Fitchburg in f'' County Greeting . ,^ These are in the narae of the Comraonwealth of Maffachufetts to will and require you in due corfe of Law to notify and -warn all the free holders and other Inhabitents of said Town Quallified by La-w to vote in Town raeetings to afferable and meet at the raeet ing houfe in said To-wn on Monday the 21®* day of this Inftant March at four oClock in the afternoon and when raeet to act on the following articles (viz) I'.y To chufe a Moderator to govern said raeeting 2!y To see if the Town will so far araend the propofals that ware lately Exibited to M" John Miles Jur by the To-wn as to coraply -with the propofals made by the said M. Miles refpecting his Setling with us in the Gospel Miniftry or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper 3'.y To See if the Town will make a Swell in the front Gallery or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper 4'y To See if the Town will raake M. John Putnura Jun. any Confideration refpecting raifing the ineeting houfe or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper . . . 5'y To See what raethod the Town will take to make the Clabboards Good to M" John Putnura the Undertaker or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper . . . 6'.y To See if the Town will chufe a coramittee to settle with the Town Treafurer 7'.y To see if the Town will make any abateraent upon the Minifter taxes that are affesed against those per sons that Deem themfelves by profiffion Baptists or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to sum one of us on or before said Day and time above mentioned Town of Fitchburgh. 199 Given under our hands and Seal this Eight day of March A. D. 1796 John Thurston Ju. / Selectmen Paul Wetherbee / of Fitchburg Fitchburg March 21?* 1796 Purfuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitents of said Town quallified as theirin exprefsed to meet at the time and place within mentioned Paul Wetherbee Conftable At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the To-wn of Fitchburg Afsembled on munday y« 21®* March 1796 . . I'.y Voted & chofe M. Afa Perry Moderator .... 2'.y It being moved and Seconded to see if the Town -wUl in Addition to the four hundred doUars per year pro posed for M. MUes? Encorageraent to settle in the Gofpell rainiftry give him a Sufficient Supply of Wood yearly when he shall be settled in a family State the vote being put it pafs'i in the Negative .... 3'.y It being moved and Seconded to see if the Town -wiU give M^ Miles the Liberty to Supply hirafelf with a supply of wood yearly on the Towns Land bought of M. Boynton in lue of a yearly Supply of Wood as he has requisted in his propofals to the Town March 7*? 1796 so long as he shall remain our Minifter .... The vote being put it pafs? in the Negative .... 4'.y It being moved & Seconded to see if the To-wn will give M. Miles the Ufe of the Towns Land purchased of M" Boynton to improve as he pleafes so long as he shall continue to be our minifter in lue of his request of March 7*? 1796 refpecting a supply of Wood .... The vote being put it pafs'i ^^ the Negative .... 5'.y It being moved and Seconded to see if the Town will add Twenty dollars p. year to M" Miles? Salery already propofed in lue of the wood by M. Miles re quested — The vote being put it pafsed in the Negative. [456] 6'.y It being moved and Seconded to see if the Town will request the Committee that prefented M. Miles 200 The Old Records of the his CaU with the Encorageraent to settle with us in the Gospel rainiftry, to furnish hira with the proceeding of the Town refpecting his requeft for a supply of Wood &c . . . The vote being put, it pafs? in the affirmative . . . 7'y It being moved & seconded to see if the Town will give John Putnam Ju" Fifty dollars to make a s-well in the front Gallery in the ne-w proposed meeting houfe Eaquel to Swell in Chelmfford meeting houfe. The vote being put it pafsed in the affirmative 8'.y It being moved & seconded that the meeting be adjorned to the first munday in April at four OClock in the afternoon. The vote being put it pafs? in the affirmative and was accordingly adjorn? April 4*? 1796 The Town meet according to adjom raent & meeting opened 9'.y Voted to pafs over the 4*." Article in the warrant 10. Voted to make M" John Putnura Ju" an allo-wance refpecting the Clabbords for the meeting Houfe (viz) for his being obliged to take them at 31/2 Inches to lay to the -weather inftead of four Inches .... ll'y Voted that the Selectraen be a committee to Settle with the Treafurer and raake report to the Town at sura futer raeeting 12. Voted to difsolve the raeeting, and the meeting was accordingly Difsolved Afa Perry Moderator Joseph Fox Town Clerk Worcester, fs To either of the Conftables of the Town 5^ ... of Fitchburg in said County .... Greeting \^ .,{ Thefe are in the name of the Comraonwealth ^ ' of Maffachufetts to Will and require you in Due ^ ' corfe of Law to notify and wam all the freehold ers and other Inhabitants of s'' Town Quallified as the Conftitution directs to Vote for a Reprefentative to meet and affemble at the raeeting Houfe on Munday the forth day of April next at three oClock P. M. for the purpose of giving in their votes for the foUowing refpective offi cers (viz) Town of Fitchburgh. 201 I'.y To Give in their votes for the Choice of Govenor 2'.y To Give in their votes for the choice of Lieu* Govemor .... 3'.y To give in their votes for the choice of Senators for said County Hereof fail not and make retum of this warrant with your doings thiron to Sum one of us on or before said Day and time above mentioned — Given under our hands & seal at Fitchburg this twenty first day of March in John Thurston Ju"1 Selectmen Paul Wetherbee > of i Samuel Gibson /Fitchburg Worcester, fs Fitchburg March 29*? 1796 In obedience to the -within -warrant I have -warned the freeholders and other Inhabitents of the Town of Fitchburg quallified to vote in Town meetings to meet at time and place as within mentioned _ , _^ ^ /, 1 1 Joseph Fox Conftable [457] At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the To-wn of Fitchburg affembled on munday the 4*." of April 1796 to make choice of Govenor, Liu* Governor & Senators. The votes being called for, and is as foUo-ws — (viz) For Govenor votes His Exelency Samuel Adams 67 For Liu* Govenor votes His Honour Mofes Gill 64 For Senators votes Josiah Steams Esq. 37 Jon? Warner Esq. 36 Salem Town Esq. 37 Benj? Reed Esq. 35 Daniel Bigelow Esq. 37 Cap* Tho? Legate 1 Benj? KirabaU Esq. 2 John Thurston Ju. 1 Selectmen Paul Wetherbee > of Samuel Gibson /Fitchburg Joseph Fox Town Clerk 202 The Old Records of the Worcester, fs. To either of the Conftables of the Town of Fitchburg in said County . . Greeting (Seal) (Seal) These are in the name of the Common-wealth .(^ ,. of Maffachufetts to will and require you in Due corfe of Law to Notify and warn all the free hold ers and other Inhabitants of said Town Quallified by La-w to vote in Town raeetings to meet and affemble at the meeting houfe on Munday the forth Day of April In ftant at six oClock P. M. and -when meet to act on the following articles (viz) I'.y To chufe a moderator to Govern said meeting 2'.y To see what raethod the Town will take to pro vide preeching through the summer seafon or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper .... Hereof fail not and make retum of this -warrant -with your doings theiron to sum one of us at or before the time above mentioned given under our hands and Seal at Fitchburg this forth Day of April A. D. 1796 John Thurston Ju. 1 Selectmen Paul Wfetherbee > of Samuel Gibson J Fitchburg Fitchburg April y: 4*? 1796 — purfuant to the within written warrant I have noti fied the Inhabitants of said Town to meet at the tirae & place as within exprefs? and for the purpofes -within inen- ^^""^"^ Joseph Polly Conftable At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg affembled AprU 4*? 1796 I'.y Voted & chose Cap. Israel Turner Moderator 2'.y Voted to chufe a coramittee to provide preeching through the Summer Season 3'.y Voted that the Committee Confist of three — 4'.y Voted & chofe Lieu* Afaph Goodridge, M" Amos Lawrence & Doc* Peter Snow 5'.y It was moved & Seconded that the raeeting be difsolved, the raeet was accordingly difsolved .... Israel Turner, Moderator Jofeph Fox Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 203 [458] To M. Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk or Suc- fefsor Sir the School coraraittee for Fitchburg hath Divided the School money which is as follows 1?* To Amos Lawrence & Jeremiah Kinfman £17 17 5 2 To Eph" KimbaU 18 5 0 3 To Amos Parce 8 13 2 4 To Daniel FarweU & John FarweU ... 19 0 9 2 5 To Elijah Carter & Thomas Eaton . . . 12 15 5 6 To Araos Putnura 13 18 1 2 7 To Stephen Thurston 9 10 1 100 0 0- by order of the Committee Ephraira Kiraball Fitchburg Deceraber 29*" 1795 This Bill of the Devifion of the School raoney -was pre fented to rae by Eph. KimbaU in April 1796 Joseph Fox Town Clark [459] This Day Better Huews of Fitchburgh raade application to rae to be published to Hanah Nutten of Afliby Fitchburgh raay the 27 1780 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk This Day James Williaras made application to rae to be publiflied to Subrait Page both of Fitchburgh — Fitch burgh raay the 27 1780 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk This Day Joseph PoUey of Fitchburgh made aplication to me to be publifhed to Eunes melven of Concord Fitch burgh June the 24 1780 ^ Tho® Cowdm Town Clerk This Day Adom Coldwell of Afhby raade application to rae to be publiflied marey upton of Fitchburgh Fitch burgh June the 1 1780 _, ^ ,. ^ ^, , * -^ Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk This Day Daniel Harris made application to rae to be publifhed to Judah Goodall both of Fitchburgh June the 1 1780 Tho® Cowdin To-wn Clerk 204 The Old Records of the [460] Worcefter fs: To either of the Conftables of .„ . . the Town of Fitchburg in said County,— Greeting L , I Thefe are in the name of the Commonwealth ' of Maffachufetts to direct you to notify and wam all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town Quallified by Law to vote in Town meetings by verbal notice to affemble and meet at the meeting houfe in said Town on Munday the Eighteenth day of this inftant April at three OClock P. M. and when meet to act on the foUo-wing articles (viz) first To chufe a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2'.y To see if the Town will make any alteration in placeing the New meeting houfe on Land given by Cap* Brown or act any thing their on as they shall think propper 3'.y To see if the Town will make any addition to the meeting houfe Spot or act any thing theiron as they shall think proper — Hereof fail not and make retum of this warrant with your doings theiron to sum one of us on or before said Day and time above raentioned — Given under our hands & Seals at Fitchburg this Eleventh day of April in the year of Our Lord A. D. 1796 — John Thurfton Jul / Selectraen Paul Wetherbee / of Fitchburg Fitchburg April 18*." 1796 Perfuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town quallified as theirin exprefs? to raeet at the time and place and for the purpofses within mentioned — Abijah Goodridge Conftable At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Fitchburg affembled on Munday the 18." day of April 1796 I'.y Voted & chofe M. Paul Wetherbee Moderator 2'.y Voted to Chufe a Comraittee to treat with Cap* Williara Brown & M. Benj" Danforth refpecting purchefing Town of Fitchburgh. 205 sura more Land in addition to the meeting houfe Spot and report to the Town this day — 3'.y Voted that the Coraraittee Confist of Three 4'y Voted & Chofe M. Mofes Hale 5'y Voted & Chofe M. Paul Wetherbee 6'y Voted & chofe M" Jonathan Low — 7'y Voted to excufe Joseph Fox as Town Clerk for this raeeting, & chofe M" Phinehas Hartwell in his rorae, for this Meeting 8'y Voted to adjorn this raeeting for one hour then to meet at this place The Town meet after viewing Then proceeded as fol lows, I'y Call? for report of the Committee refpecting the Land for y= addition 2'y On a motion The Town voted to see if the Town will purchafe Land of M. Danforth for a common it pafs? in the Negative 3'.y On a motion a vote put to see if the Town will reconfider the vote for not purchafing the Land. It pafs? in the affirmative on M. Danforth offer 4'.y On a motion Voted to see if the Town will face the Meeting houfe to the South to certain Stakes for that purpose put up by Edward Durant and John Putnum Ju" it pafs? in the afferraative. Voted to chufe a Coraraittee to infpect M. Edward Durant in his faithfall leveling the raeeting houfe spot last voted Voted to chufe three persons for said Coraraittee Then chofe for said Committee the three Selectmen [461] Voted that the raeeting houfe SeUs Stand 18 inches from the Natural Ground on the highest comer of the Ground. Likewife said Durant is to Level all round said houfe so that it wont fall more than One foot in six till it Strikes the Natural ground and the work shall be done to the Satiffaction of the Coramittee. Likewise said Durant to pay all damages that raay be to John Putnum Ju. All for Fifteen pounds the said Durant to have the priviledge of the Stones that are hawled there for Leveling. this Vote accepted. 206 The Old Records of the Voted to give M. Benj? Danforth Twelve pounds for a certain peace of Land as an addition to the comraon, and the Selectraen to take a Deed for said Land in behalf of said Town. Voted to difsolve this meeting. Paul Wetherbee Moderator Phinehas Hartwell Clerk protempory Recorded by Joseph Fox Town Clerk [463] [Blank.] [463] Worcefter fs To Afa Perry Conftable of the Town of Fitchburg in said County .... Greeting Thefe are in the Name of the Coraraonwealth of Maf fachufetts to will & Require you in Due Courfe of Law to Notifie all the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg Qulified by Law to Vote in Town raeetings to afferable at the raeeting Houfe in said To-wn on Monday the Tenth Day of October Next at Two OClock in the after Noon then & there being Duly meet & formed to act on the following articles (viz) Firft to Choofe a Moderator to Govern said raeeting 2'y to see if the Town will Choofe a Coraraittee to Confer with the towns of Weftrainfter Aflibumhara & Alhby in Regard to accoraidating Certain Greavied perfons of the above said Towns so that they raay attend & injoy Gofpel Priviledges provided the said Towns shall Choofe Comraittes for the above purpofe or act any thing there on as they shall Think proper 3'y To See if the Town will Convert the prefent raeeting houfe or any part thereof to wards erecting a New one or Difpofe of it some other way or act anything thereon as they shall Think proper 4'y To see if the Town will Raife any sum or sums of money to Build a New meeting houfe or act any thing as they shall Think proper 5'y To see if the Town will Choofe a Coraraittee to Conduct and overfee the Building of a New raeeting houfe in the Center of the Town raade by a Coramittee Choofen for that purpofe or the Neareft Convent place thereto and Likewife to sell the pew Ground for the purpofe of Col- Town of Fitchburgh. 207 lecting meteariles for the above purpofe or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper 6'y To see if the Town will Choofe a Committee to Look out and Clear a plat of Ground for the purpofe of Building a meeting Houfe on ; purchafed for that purpofe by the Town or act any thing thereon as they shall Think proper Hereof fail not to make Retum of this warrant to sura one of us -with your Dowings thereon at or before the Day & tirae above mentioned Given under our hands & seals at fitchburg this twenty third Day of September 1791 Phinehas HartweU I Selectmen Paul Wetherbee > for John Thurfton Ju. J fitchburg Worcefter fs In Obedince to this warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg to meet at Time & place as within Directed Fitchburg October 10*" 1791 Afa Perry Conftable [464] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of fitchburg afferabled October y^ 10*" 1791 Firft Voted & Choofe Phinehas Sawyer Moderator Secondly Voted to adjoum this raeeting for one hour on account of the other meeting 3'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Confer -with the Committees of -weftminster Aflibumhara & Afliby Provided the said Towns should Choofe & Convean on Account of making up a Parilh out of a Part of said Towns Chofe for said Coraraittee Daniel Putnam Phinehas Hartwell Paul Wetherbee they to Report to the Town at the meet ing on the adjoumraent there Dowings 4'y Voted to pafs over the Third article in the war rant Refpecting Converting any part of the old meeting houfe to the ufe of Building a New houfe at the Prefent 5'y Voted to pafs Over the fourth article in the war rant Refpecting Raifing money to build the New raeeting houfe at the Prefent 208 The Old Records of the 6'y Voted to Choofe a Coramittee to Overfee the Building said meeting and Take the mannagement of said Bufinefs to Carry the sarae into Execution 7'y on a raotion the Town Voted to Reconfider the Laft vote Refpecting Choofing a Coraraittee to Overfee & Build said raeeting at the prefent .... 8'y on a raotion the Town voted to adjourn this raeeting to raonday 14*" Day of Noveraber next at one O clock in the after Noon then to raeete Nove™ 14*" 1791 The Town raeet at the Day adjourned to the meeting opned motioned to take up the Third arti cle in the -warrant -which -ware acted on I'y Voted to pafs over the third article once more Refpecting Converting any part of the old raeeting houfe to the ufe of Building the said new houfe at the Prefent 2'y Voted to Choofe a Committee to Overfee the Building of said new meeting houfe and Take the -whole mannagement of said Bufinefs to Carrey the same into Execution & Corapleat the sarae 3'y Voted to Choofe seven men for the above Cora raittee for Building s'' Houfe viz Phinehas Sa-wyer Seth Phillips Afa Perry Oliver Stickney Reuben Sraith Tho® Steams John Thurfton Ju. 4'y Voted to Clear a raeeting houfe spott on the Land the Town purchased of Tho® Boynton for the pur pofe of Erecting a new raeeting houfe neareft to the Cen ter of said Town 5'y Voted the Coraraittee Choofen for Building the new raeeting houfe Overfee to have the raeeting houfe spott Cleared up on the Towns Land for y* purpofe 6'y Voted to adjourn this meeting to the firft raonday in March next at one Oclock in the after noon the Com raittee for Building said meeting Houfe is to Report to the Town there Dowing on said Day .... [465] March 5*" 1792 the Town being meet accord ing to there adjournment the raeeting being opned then proceeded as followes .... Town of Fitchburgh. 209 Firft the Coramittee offered there Report which ware Laid before the Tow-n for there Confideration On a raotion made to see if the Town will Reconfider the Vote Refpecting building the New raeeting houfe it Paffed in the Negetive not to Reconfider said Vote . . . 2'y Voted to adjourn this raeeting to the firft mon day in April next at one Clock in the after noon then to meete .... April 2"'' 1792 the Town meet according to adjourn ment the meeting being opned Proceeded Firft to adjourn this meeting to four Oclock on said Day in the afternoon at four Clock the meeting being opned proceeded in the following manner 2'y Voted to pafs over the third article in the -war rant once more for the Prefent Refpecting Difpofing of the old meeting houfe for the ufe of Building the new 3'y Voted to adjoum this raeeting to the firft raonday in raay next at one Clock in after noon then to meet for further Confideration .... May y= 7*" 1792 the Town meet the meeting Being opned according to the tirae adjoumed to then Proceded in the foUo-wing raanner Firft On a raotion before the To-wn to Diffolve the meeting then Voted to Difsolve this meeting -which is Accord ingly Difsolved Phinehas Sawyer Moderator Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk. [466] [Blank.] [467] Marriages Recorded Soloranized By the Revemd John Payfon & others M" James Parkeft ware Married to Mr® Matha White- more By the Revemd John Payfon May y= 8*" 1792. M" Jonathan Boynton & Mr® PoUey Hodgskins Both of fitchburg ware Married By the Revernd John Payfon Auguft 30*" 1792. 14 210 The Old Records of the M" Alpheus Whitney of wefterainfter & Efther HartweU of fitchburg ware Married By the Revernd John Payfon October 11*" 1792. M" David Whiteraore & Lucy Harrife Both of Fitch burg ware Married By the Revemd John Payfon Novem ber 1 1792. M" George Connant of Chefsher state New hampfliire & Eunice Crofman of Fitchburg ware Married By the Revernd John Payfon March 25*" 1793. Phine® Hartwell Town Clerk M" BerzUlea Martin of Thomlenfon state of vermount and Mr® Anna Fletcher of Fitchburg ware Married By Daniel Putnam Efq" Nov™ 1®* 1792 in fitchburg . . . M" Samuel Steams & Mr® PoUey Bennet Both of Leominfter ware Joined in Marraige By Daniel Putnam Efq" in fitchburg January 24*" 1793. M" Amos Sawyer of Weftrainfter & Mr® Anna Willard of Fitchburg ware Joined in Marrage on the 11*" Day of April 1793 By Daniel Putnara Efq" in fitchburg. M. John HartweU of Lunenburg & Mr® PoUey Ferwell of Fitchburg -ware Joined in Marriage in Fitchburg By WiUiara Nicholes Efq" May 7*" 1792. Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk the Return of Marriages April 1793. [468] Worcefter fs march y= 9*" 1790 This Certifie That m" Phinehas Brown of said fitch burg being Choofen Conftable at a Legal meeting in march y^ Firft Day 1790 Perfonally Appeared and Took and subfcribed the Oath of Allegiance to This Coraraonweath to Qualifie him according to Law to act in his Refpective office aforefaid} Before me Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk .... Taken up by the Subfcriber Three Mules in Damage Fefant Suppofed to be Two years old one of them a Black CouUerd & one a Stone Gray with a Black Stripe Down each Shoulder & on his back — The other a Red Town of Fitchburgh. 211 roan with a Black Stripe Down his Shoulders and on his Back Two off them horfe mules & one a mare Fitchburg July 18*" 1795 . . . Benjarain MarfliaU Fitchburg July 27*" 1795 entred this advertiferaent Phin® HartweU Town Clerk Taken up in the highway by the Subscriber A Mous coloured raare with a black raain and tail, with one white hind foot and a Star in the forehead July 15*? AD. 1797 Fitchburg Jonas MarfliaU JunL this advertiseraent presented August 14*^ 1797 and entered by Jofeph Fox Town Clerk. Taken up by David Hodgfkin of Fitchburg in Damage fesant one cow supposed to be ten years old and have no artificial mark, but the Natural marks are as follows (viz) pail red and sum white on her belly & outside of her flanks October 26*" 1797 David Hodgskin this advertisraent presented Nov. 4*." 1797 and entered by Joseph Fox town Clerk Worcester, fs: To Daniel Wetherbee and Benj? Fuller (Seal) both of Fitchburg two disinterested Judicious per son Greeting By virtue of the power and Authority to rae given in and by a la-w of the Commonwealth Intitled an act refpecting lost goods and Stray beasts I do hereby appoint 3'ou to apprife upon oath at the true value thereof in money according to your best skill and Judgment a Cow taken up in damage by Da-vid Hodglkins having performed this Service you are to make retum of this -warrat into the Town Clerks office of s'' Fitchburg within Seven days from the date hereof, Given under my hand and Seal this 8*." day of Nov. 1797 Israel Turner Justice of the Peace Worcester, fs. the within named Daniel Wetherbee & Benj? Fuller perfonally appeared and made oath that 212 The Old Records -of the they would faithfully and Irapartially preform the Service which they are appointed by the within warrant Before me Israel Turner Juftice of the Peace Perfuant to the within warrant we have meet and apprised the within mentioned Cow at Seventeen dollars Daniel Wetherbee Benj? Fuller Entered the 13*)' Nov 1797 Joseph Fox Town Clerk [469] Taken up by Cap* John Goodridge in his in- clofure on the 25*" Day of Noveraber Laft a Dark Brown raare Clolt suppofed to be two years old Laft spring her raain hangs on the Near side any Perfon Claraing said raare colt and proving property raay have her again pay ing Charges Fitchburg Deceraber y= 2"'' 1791 Deceraber y^ 2"'' 1791 Recived This Advertiferaent of the above naraed perfon & put on Rcord as Directed Phinehas Hart-well To-wn Clerk A -warrant Granted for appraifing said Beaft to Noti fie M" Afa Perry & Abijah Goodridge to appear and Take the oath Required by Law for the appraiferaent of said stray which -ware accordingly Don -which Beaft -ware apprifed at five pounds silver Currancy the -warrant Re turned into the Clerks office Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Taken up in Damage Fefant By Jeremiah Stone of fitchburg on June 21 1793 a Certain raare Judged to be about four years old of a Light Sorrel Culler a white Blaze Down her face -white raain & tail one White hind foot a Naturel Trotter a middlen size for Heigth Entred on Record June 21 1793 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Taken up By Jacob upton of Fitchburg in June 1794 & Gave inferraation of the same to rae the subfcriber the Twenty firft Day of said June a Certain Light Cheftnut Bay CuUard mare Judged to be comming in three years Town of Fitchburgh. 213 old with a white stripe Down her face the Beaft of a middling fize sraallifti Tail &c Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Taken up By Abraham Willard of Fitchburg Damage Fefant three Heifers & two Stears all one year old paft & have no artifical mark but the Natural marks are as fol lows (viz) t-wo red Heifers with bug horns the Other reed with some -white on the rurap and sorae white on the Shoulder t-wo Stears one red with a Line back the other Brown -with a raouf CuUard nofe Notice of the above mentioned Cretures ware made to rae the subfcriber Auguft 21?* 1794 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Taken up in Damage Fefant by me the Subfcriber on the Tenth of July inftant a Jack Afs suppofed to be about four years old with a Black Stripe from his raain to his Tail his Body a Stone Gray Artifical raarks are as follows t-wo knotches in the oft ear & one in the nigh ear Fitch burg July 17*" 1795 made appUcation July 17*" 1795 By M. Payfon William Payfon 18 Day Recived the marks & Difcription Phin® HartweU Town Clerk— [470] Worcefter fs To Either of the Conftables of the Town of fitchburg in said County Greeting. You are in the Narae of the Comraonwealth of Mafsa chufetts Directed to wam and & give Notice unto (sea ; Qgorge Conant Labourer or tranfient perfon & ^ Eunice Crofeman Singlewoman Laft frora HoUifton who Lately Carae into the Town of fitchburg for the pur pofe of abiding therein not having obtaned the Towns Confent therefor that they Depart the Liraits thereof within fifteen Days and of this precept with your Dowings thereon you are to make Return into the office of the Clerk of the Town within Twenty Days Next Coming that such futher proceedings raay be had in the premifes 214 The Old Records of the as the Law Directs Given under our hand & Seals at Fitchburg aforefaid this sixteenth Day of June A D 1790 Phinehas Hartwell \ Selectmen John Thurfton Jun. / of fitchburg Worcefter fs In Obediance to this -warrant I have warned Eunice Crofeman to Departt this Town forth with and made Search for the -within Named George Conant he is not to be found in my precenct Fitchburg July y^ 5*" 1790 Afa Perry Conftable for fitchburg Taken up by the Subfcriber damage feafant and Noti fied as the La-w directs, two very sraall two year old heffers, one a Red with white on the back, belly & tail, the other a brindle, white on the back, billy and infide of the hind Leggs -with sura -white spots on the brest, but no artificial raark to be seen, Fitchburg Dcerabr 7*" 1798 Abraham WiUard This notification prefented by M. Abraham Willard on the 8*" day of Decerab. 1798 and recorded by Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk To Joseph Fox Esq. Town Clerk, I hereby give you notice that on the 9*" Day of July Inftant I took up a young Bay Horse Judged to be three years old, you will enter in the To-wn book as the La-w directs and I -will be accuntable for the fee Fitchburg July 13*" 1799 Israel Tumer this notification presented 13*" July 1799 & recorded by, Joseph Fox Town Clerk [471] [Blank.] [473] [Blank.] [473] 1764 raarch y'^ 26 Sarah y^ Daughter of Charles & Sarah Willard Was Born y'= Day a bove menchned 1766} John y« Sun of Charies & Sarah Willerd was born march y 24 ^ Thos Cowdin town Clark Town of Fitchburgh. 215 We the subfcribers Being Duly Notified as fence Vewers By Ephraim Kimball to raake a Divifion of fence Betwene s^ Kimballs & Benjamin Danforth Land after Notifieing Both parties attended said Bufinefs and made a Divifion as followes} the Divifion bounds is a heep of stones by a Number of small Cheftnuts storaps on the Bank of the River about fifteen Rods Below s'' Danforths Blacksmith shoop / said Danforth is to make the upper end of said fence on his side of the River} said Kimball is to make the Lower End of said fence frora the above mentioned Bounds on the same side of the River Being the North- eafterdly side till it Comes to a tum in the River and Crofing the River By a Large Stone and then Down the River to a Hemlock stump Being a bound Bet-wene the parties Both Parties being Prefent and Confented to the Divifion Difcribed as above Fitchburg Auguft y^ 14 1792 Recorded P" order Phinehas Hart-well Town Clerk [474] Marriages Returned to the Town Clerk in the year 1794 in April By the Revernd John Payfon the fol lowing Perfons (viz) Simeon Ferwell Joined in Marriage to Hepzibah Fer- weU May 28*" 1793 Ebenezer Huchardfon Joined in Marriage to Sufannah Gibbs June 27 1793 W™ Shelden of Alhby Joined in Marriage to Hannah Page of fitchburg Oct° 4 1793 Tho® Linclon of Leorainfter Joined in Marriage to Abi gaU Fletcher Gibbs of fitchburg Oc* 24 1793 Samuel Smith of Peterborough Joined in Marriage to Sally Garfield of fitchburg November y^ 10*" 1793 Marriages Returned by Daniel Putnam Efq" in the year 1794 in April John Putnam Ju. Joined in Marriage to Elifabeth Carl ton Nov. 7*" 1793 216 The Old Records of the Siraon Davifs of Rutland Joined in Marriage to Mary fuller of fitchburg December 26*" 1793 .... Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk April 1795 Marriages retumed By Daniel Putnam Efq" to the Subfcriber Town Clerk Ephram Hale of Stow Joined in marriage to Nabby Lawrance of fitchburg may y^ 8*" 1794 — on the 10 Day of June 1794 Araos Wheeler & Mary Low Both of fitchburg Joined in raarriage on the 26 Day of Auguft Ebenezer Flagg & Dolly Dan forth Both of fitchburg Joined in Marriage on the 18*" Day of Nov. Sara" Phelps & Elifabeth Hartwell both of fitchburg Joined in Marriage on the Firft Day of January 1795 Williara Giddins & Betfey Harrife both of fitchburg Joined in marriage on the 24*" of February Jonathan Fox of Fitz-wUliam in Newharapftiire & Sibble Jackfon of fitchburg Joined in raarriage on the 24 of february Jofeph Wench of Fitzwilliara in Newhampfliire State & Sufannah Bennet of fitchburg Joined in marriage Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk April 29*." 1796 Mariages returned by Daniel Putnum Eq. To the Subfcriber Town Clerk Reuben Gofs of Wendol, and Prudence Pool of Fitch burg was Joined in Marriage July 28*" 1795 . . . Jonah Whitcombe of Ashby and Mehitabel Daby of Fitchburg was Joined in Marriage August 20*" 1796 Joseph Philps and Molly Gibson both of Fitchburg was Joined in Marriage Nov. 8." 1795 Ephraira Gibson and Lydia Gibson both of Fitchburg was Joined in Marriage Nov. 18*." 1795 Daniel Putnura Jun. and Mary Sawyer both of Fitch burg was Joinded in Marriage February 11*?' 1796. Verian Daniels and Polly Eaton both of Fitchburg was Joined in Marriage AprU 21®.* 1796. Joseph Fox Town Clerk [475] [Blank.] Town of Fitchburgh. 217 [476] Taken off Tho? Cowdin first fon of Tho® Cowdin & Experiance his Wife Bom raarch the 7 1754 Was Born at Worcefter Thos Cowdin town Clark Experiance Cowdin firft Daufter of Thos Cowdin and Experance his Wife Was Bom at Worcefter Janeuery the 10 1757 Thos Cowdin town Clark Hannah Cowdin fcond Dafter of Thos Cowdin & first Dafter of hanah his Wife Bom at Worcefter June the 23 1763 Thos Cowdin Town Clark Jofeph Cowdin fecond fun of Tho® Cowdin and first fon of hanah his Wife Bom at fitchburg July the 5 1765 Thos Cowdin town Clark angier Cowdin Bom at fitchburgh July the 13 1767 Thos Cowdin town Clark Lucy Hodgkin Dafter of Hezekiah Hodgkins and Ruth his Wife Bom at fitchburgh July the 26 1767 Thos Cowdin town Clark Taken off Benjiraa Parce fecond fon of faniuel Parce and raary his Wife Bom at fitchburgh aprii the 5 1767 Thos Cowdin town Clark raoUey Gray first Dafter of Jaraes Gray & moUey his Wife Was Bor at fitchburgh febuery the 22 1767 Thos Cowdin town Clark Jefse french first fon of Jefse french and Abigal his Wife Was Bom October the 11 1762 . . Sarauel french fcond fon of Jefse french & abigal his Wife Was bom raarch the 14 1763 Tho® french third fon of Jefse french & abigal his Wife Was bom raay the 8 1765 Luther french forth fon of Jefse french & abigal his Wife Was Bom Septeraber the 25 1767 Thos Cowdin town Clark fradrick Steward firft fon of Jacob Steward & Eliza- bath his Wife Bom Novembr y^ 30 1767 Thos Co-wdin town Clark 218 The Old Records of the Johannah Jewett first Daufter of maxirailian Je-wett & Rebeckai his Wife was born at fitchburgh august the 3 1767 Thos Cowdin town Clark Benjman fuller fon of Nehemiah faler & marey fuler his Wife Was born born at fitchburgh June y^ 27 1768 Thos Cowdin town Clark Submit page firft Dafter of Edward Scott Wife bom at Sherty [Shiriey ?] June y^ 1 1763 Thos Cowdin town Clark Elizabath Scott firft Dafter Edward Scott and Eliza- bath his Wife Born at Fitchburgh aprii y« 28 1765 Thos Cowdin to-wn Clark Carred on to the Ne"w Book of Records Sarah Scott fecond Daughter of Edward Scott & Elizabath his Wife Born at fitchburgh Janeuery y^ 12 1767 Thos Cowdin town Clark Carred of to the New Book [477] John Scott firft fon of Edward Scott & Eliza bath his Wife born at fitchburgh octobr y^ 12 1768 Thos Cowdin town Clark Carried on the New Book Zephaniah Bufs firft fon of John Bufs & marey his wife born at fitchburgh octobr y<^ 26 1767 Thos Cowdin town Clark Phebe the firft Dafter of Benjman Jaqueth & phebe his Wife born at fitchburgh febuery y^ 1 1769 Thos Cowdin town Clark Sarah Bridge the first Dafter of Ebenezer Bridge & raihetabel his Wife born at fitchburgh august y'= 22 1764 Thos Cowdin town Clark Ebenezer Bridge the firft fon of Ebenezer Bridge & mehetabel his Wife bom at fitchburgh June y^ 5 1766 Thos Cowdin town Clark Town of Fitchburgh. 219 mehitabel Bridge fecond Dafter of Ebenezer Bridge & mehitibal his Wife bom at fitchburgh auguft y^ 3 1768 Thos Cowdin town Clark James Holt forth fone of Jonathan Holt & Sufanah Holt his Wife bon may y^ 2 1764 born at Lunenburg Thos Cowdin town Clark Abagil Holt fecond Dafter of Jonathan Holt & Su- fanna His Wif born at fitchburgh may the fecond 1766 Thos Co-wdin town Clark Rhodea Holt third Dafter of Jonathan Holt & Sufana His Wife bom at fitchburgh febuery the twenty third 1768 Thos Cowdin town Clark Eiphlet KirabaU the third fon of Ephrham Kiraball and marey his Wife borne July the 22 1765 at fitchburgh Thos Cowdin town Clark Elifebeth Kimball the feventh Dafter of Ephrham Kira ball & marey his Wife bom July the 17 1767 fitchburgh Thos Cowdin town Clark Sarah Do-wne the firft Dafter of Jofeph Do-wne & mar- tha Downe his Wife born at fitchburgh august the 30 1769 Thos Cowdin town Clark Taken off Jonathan Steward fecond fun of WiUiara Steward & abigail his Wife born at fitchburgh July y= 13 1769 Thos Cowdin town Clark Ebenezer Harrington first fon of Ebenezer Harring ton & raartha his Wife bom at fitchburgh august ye 2 1769 Thos Cowdin town Clark Daniel Cowdin forth fon of Thos Cowdin and hanah his Wife Born at fitchburgh octobr ye 30 1769 Thos Cowdin town Clark Abrahara Gibfon fecond fon of Abrahara Gibfon & Efter his Wife born at fitchburgh Septerabr y 2 1769 Thos Cowdin town Clark Carred on the New Book by order of s|^rN^ .^.^ ..^.u.) ¦ ¦ W .y-^V-- ^ - - -I ''~H(H>^' * -~*^ Town of Fitchburgh. 279 Beulah Sawyer second daugter of Phinehas Sawyer Ju. & Mary his wife born at Fitchburg June 27*? 1776 Joseph Fox Towm Clerk Dorathy Sawyer y'^ third Dafter of Phinehas Sawyer Ju" & mary his wife bom at Fitchburgh raarch the 11 1779 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk John Sawyer first Son of Phinehas Sawyer Ju" & raary his wife bom at Fitchburgh raarch the 11 1779 Twins Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk Eunice Sawyer fourth Daughter to Phinehas Sawyer Ju" & AIar3' his wife Bom a fitchburg May y'= 15*" 1781 Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk Sarah Sawyer fifth Daughter to Phinehas Sawyer Ju" & Mary his wife Bom at fitchburg June 16*" 1783 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Sukey Kinsman first daughter of Jeremiah Kinsman Jr & Polly his wife bom at Fitchburg Jan? 3, 1800 Alaria Kinsman second Daughter of Jeremiah Kins man Ju & PoUy his wife bom at Fitchburg Oct. 23 : 1801 OUve Kinsman 3'' Daughter of Jeremiah Kinsman Jur & Polly his w^ife bom at Fitchburg April 2"_^ 1804 Jereraiah Kinsraan first Son of Jereraiah Kinsraan Jur & PoUy his Wife born at Fitchburg March 8 : 1806 Timothy Wares Kinsraan 2"'' Son of Jeremiah Kins man J & Polly his wife born at Fitchburg June 21, 1808 . Reed Jany 11, 1810 & Recorded by Oliver Fox Town Clerk Harris Preston 3^ Son of Jeremiah Jr & Polly Kins man bom August 12, 1810 Reed Dec" — 17 — 1810 & recorded by O. Fox Town Clerk. Card to page 30 [33] Blank. [33] Thomas Cowdin the 3 first Son of Thomas Cowdin Jul and marey his wife born at Fitchburgh Janeu ary the 4 1775 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk 280 The Old Records of the Experanc Cowdin first Dafter of Thos Cowdin Ju" & marey his wife born at Fitchburgh Febuery the 18 1777 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Sophia Co-wdin Second Dafter of Thos Co-wdin Jur & marey his wife born at Fitchburgh Septerabr the 24 1778 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Phillip Farrington Second Son of Tho® Cowdin Jul & raarey his wife born at Fitchburgh April the 6 1780 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Hannah the third Dafter of Thos Cowdin Ju" & raarey his -wife Born at Fitchburgh Decembr the 13 1781 Thos Co-wdin To-wn Clerk Craige Co-wdin third Son of Thos Cowdin Jur and marey his wife borne at Fitchburgh October the 16 1783 Thos Cowdin Town. Clerk John Soley Cowdin forth Son of Tho? Cowdin Ju"." & Mary his wife bom at Fitchburg April y^ 26 1785 PoUey Cowdin forth Daughfter of Tho? Cowdin Ju" and Mary his Wife born at Fitchburg Febuary y^ 4 1787 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Putnara Cowdin fifth Son of Tho? Cow¬din Ju" & Mary his wife bom at Fitchburg Deceraber 4 1788 Nat Cowdin Sixth Son of Tho? Cowdin Ju" & Mary his -wife bom at Fitchburg Decembar y^ 13 1790 Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Sally Cowdin fifth Daughter of Tho® Cowdin Ju" & Mary his wife Born at fitchburg July the 20*" 1794 Phin® Hartwell T. Clerk [34] John Fuller fifth Son to Nehemiah FuUer & Mary his wife Departed This Life March y<= Firft 1787 att Fitchburg Who was Born att Fitchburg June y 3"'' 1766 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk M"? Hannah Fuller second wife of M. Nehemiah Fuller departed this Life 26*? Nov. 1802 .... Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 31®* March 1803 and recorded Town of Fitchburgh. 281 M"? Mary FuUer first wife of M. Nehemiah Fuller departed this life 23".'' of April 1799. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? 23rd Augt 1803 and recorded Anna Fuller firft Daughter to Stephen Fuller & Anna his wife Bom att fitchburg March 28 — 1781 Bettey Fuller firft Daughter to Jofeph FuUer & Eunice his wife Bom att Fitchburg April y^ 15*" 1782 Granchilden to M" Nehemiah Fuller & mary his wife Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Hannah Eaton 4*? daughter of Thomas Eaton and Lucy his wife departed this life at the age of eighteen months. Hannah Eaton 5*? daughter of Thomas Eaton and Lucy his wife departed this life 5*" August 1792 two years and t-wo raonths old Easther Eaton 6*? daughter of Thoraas Eaton and Lucy his wife departed this life 28*? day of Oct. 1792 — Eleven days old. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Reed 21 Novt 1805 and recorded [35] Hannah Fuller second Daughter to Nehemiah FuUer and Mary his wife born at Fitchburg July 15*? 1774 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Mary Fuller firft Daughter to Nehemiah fuller and raary his wife Bom att fitchburg July y= 20*" 1770 Taken from the Grate book Benj? Fuller Sixth Son of Neheraiah FuUer & Mary his wife bom at Fitchburg 27*" June 1768 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 5 April 1803 and recorded Williara Evens third Son of Sherebiah Evens & Second Son of Betfy his wife bom at Fitchburg Oct. 20*? 1800 Catharine Evens second daughter of Sherebiah Evens & first daughter of Betfy his wife born at Fitchburg Oct. 20*? 1800 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? and recorded 10th January 1801 282 The Old Records of the Joel Eaton 2"'^ Son of Thomas Eaton and Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg 5*? April 1780. Patty Eaton 3"'' daughter of Thomas Eaton and Lucy his wife bora at Fitchburg 11*? Oct. 1782. Reuben Eaton 3"*^ Son of Thoraas Eaton and Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg 6*? August 1784. Hannah Eaton 4 daughter of Thoraas Eaton and Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg 18*" March 1787. Hannah Eaton 5*? daughter of Thoraas Eaton and Lucy his wife bom at Fitchburg 5*? June 1790. Easther Easton 6*? daughter of Thoraas Eaton and Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg 17*? Oct" 1792. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Reed 24th Novr 1805 and recorded. [36] Mary Fox the araiable wife of Jofeph Fox Efq" Departed This Life February 14*" 1794 In Fitchburg on Fryday evining Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk Joseph Fox Jun. first son of Joseph Fox & Mary his wife departed this life Deceraber 20*" 1796 in the West In dia? the IsUand of S. Croix Joseph Fox Town Clerk Mary Co-wdin first daughter of Joseph Fox & Mary his wife departed this life Nov. 6*? AD 1808 Oliver Fox To-wn Clerk 1814 Lucy T. Dorr 2? Daughter of Joseph Fox & Mary his wife departed this life Jany 4*? 1814 at Boston Oliver Fox Town Clerk 1814 Maria Mayo wife of Daniel Mayo first daugh ter of Joseph & Mary Cowdin departed this life Jan? 13, 1814 Reed Jan? 13, 1814 & recorded by Oliver Fox town Clerk [37] Joseph Fox born at Littleton first Son of Joseph Fox & mary his wife born Nov. 8*? 1771 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 283 Mary Fox bom at Fitchburg first Daughter of Joseph Fox & mary his wife born Febr? 24 1773 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Lucy Tuttle Fox second Daughter of Joseph Fox and Mary his wife bora at Fitchburg Sep. 6*? 1776 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Oliver Fox second Son of Joseph Fox and Mary his wife bom at Fitchburgh Oct. 23 : 1778 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk Martha Fox third Daughter of Jofeph Fox and Mary his wife bom at Fitchburg Oct. 4*? 1781 Jofeph Fox Town Clerk Abel Fox third Son of Joseph Fox and Mary his wife bom at Fitchburg December 25*? 1782 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk Caroline Carter first daughter of John Carter Jr & Mary his wife bom at Fitchburg July 22 : 1809 Reed Jany 11, 1810 & recorded by Oliver Fox town Clerk Mary Fox Mayo first daughter of Daniel Mayo & Maria his wife bom May 30*" 1813 Reed Jany 20, 1814 & recorded by Oliver Fox T. Clerk [38] M. Jaraes Pool Departed this life May 1, 1812 in the year of his age Doctor Jonas Marshall departed this life at Fitchburg November 13*" 1825 P S. Snow T.own Clerk Recorded Nov. 14, 1825 Mrs Abigail Marshall Wido-w of Doct Jonas Marshall departed this life at Fitchburg January 17, 1836 aged 89. Recorded January 18, 1836, By Jonas A. Marshall Town Clerk. 284 The Old Records of the John F Brown Departed this Hfe June 29, 1812 0 Fox Town Clerk [39] 1774 Betty Adams first Daughter of Joseph Adams & Abigarl his wife born at Fitchburg March 5*? 1774 Abigarl Adaras second Daughter of Joseph Adams & Abigarl his wife born at Fitchburg March 5*" 1774 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Siraon Marlhall son to Jonas Marlhall and Abigail His wife Born att Fitchburg June 14*" 1784 Phinehas Hartwell Towm Clerk PoUey Brown first Daughter of John F Brown & Pol- ley his wife born at Fitchburg Janu? 9*? 1797 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? and Entered Jany 16th 1798 Will™ Andrew Brown first son of John F Brown & Polly his wife born at Fitchburg June 18*? 1798 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? and Entered Octr 2id 1798 Joseph Brown second son of John F Brown & Polly his Wife bora at FitzwUHara 16*? Nov. 1802 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 31-d Aug. 1802 and recorded recorded by defire [40] Cap* Jonathan Wood departed this life on Sat- erday Evening the 15*? Deceraber 1804. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 16th December 1804 and recorded Mrs Rachel Wood wife to Jon? Wood departed this Ufe March 27, AD 1808 Oliver Fox Town Clerk Reed & recorded Mrch 28, 1808 Ahiraa Woods fourth Son of Jon? Wood & Rachel his wife Departed this Life 29. Jan? 1810 Reed 26 Febr? 1810 & recorded by Oliver Fox Town of Fitchburgh. 285 [41] Jaraes Wood first son of Jonathan Wood & Ra chel his wife born Wednefday March 24*? 1756 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Efther Wood first Daughter of Jon? Wood & Rachel his wife bom Sunday March 19*? 1758 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Jonathan Wood second son of Jon? Wood & Rachel his wife bom Tusday March 25 1760 Joseph Fox Town Clerk George Wood third son of Jon? Wood & Rachel his wife born Thursday June 3"? 1762 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rachel Wood second Daughter of Jon? Wood & Ra chel his wife born Saterday Sep. 1®* 1764 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Chloe Wood third Daughter of Jon? Wood & Rachel his wife bom Wednefday Oct. 8 1766 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Tamar Wood forth Daughter of Jon? Wood & Rachel his wafe bom Tusday raay 30*? 1769 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Ahimaaz Wood forth son of Jon? Wood & Rachel his wife bom Thursday May 9*? 1771 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Sunday January 30 1774 then was still bora the fifth son of Jon^ Wood & Rachel his wife Joseph Fox Town Clerk Afa Wood the sixth Son of Jon? Wood & Rachel his wife bom Tusday April 11*" 1775 Joseph Fox Town Clerk [43] M".® Sarah Gray the wife of M" Joseph Gray departed this life August 25*? 1799 : Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed llth Octr 1799 & recorded 286 The Old Records of the [43] brough from town book page 480 Sarah Gray first Daughter of Joseph Gray & Sarah his wife born at Worcefter March 26*? 1772 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Timothy Gray first son of Joseph Gray & Sarah his wife Bom at Fitchburg July 10*? 1774 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Thaddues Gray Second Son of Jofeph Gray & Sarah his wife Born at Fitchburg February y^ 6*" 1778 . . . Jofeph Gray Third Son of Jofeph Gray & Sarah his wife Bora at Fitchburg Deceraber y'^ 7*" 1780 . . . PoUey Gray Second Daughter of Jofeph Gray & Sarah his wife Bom at Fitchburg Sep* 16*" 1783 . . . Lydea Gray Third Daughter of Jofeph Gray & Sarah his wife Born at Fitchburg Auguft y^ 18*" 1785 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Betsfy Reed Gray fourth Daughter to Jofeph Gray & Sarah- his wife Bora at fitchburg July y^ 12*" 1788 Phin® HartweU Town Clerk Abel Gray fourth son to Jofeph Gray & Sarah his wife Born att fitchburg July 29*" 1792 .... Phinehas Hart-well Town Clerk Dolly Gray fifth daughter of Joseph Gray & Sarah his wife Born at Fitchburg August 22"."^ 1795. Joseph Fox Town Clerk [44] Blank. [45] Jonathan Page first son of Jonathan Page and Efther his wife born at Fitchburg Februei-y 26, 1772 Joseph Fox town Clark Efther Page second Daughter of Jonathan Page and Efther His wife born at Fitchburg March 30*? 1774 Joseph Fox Town Clark Lucy Page third Daughter of Jonathan page & Efher his wife Born at fitchburg October y-" 30*" 1776 Catey page fourth Daughter to Jonathan page & Efther his wife Born at fitchburg January y^ 30*" 1778 Town of Fitchburgh. 287 Joel page second son to Jonathan page & Efther his wife Bora at fitchburg June 29*" 1782 Sewell page third son to Jonathan Page & Efther his wife Bom at fitchburg auguft y" 15 1784 Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Polly Stone 5*? daughter of Luther Stone and Molly his -wife bom at Fitchburg February 1787. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 13 Decemb^ 1805. and recorded. [46] SaUy Hale second daughter of Mofes Hale & Abigarl his wife departed this life August 21®* 1792 Joseph Fox Town Clerk [47] Jaraes Steward third son of WUIiara Steward & Abigarl his wife born at Fitchburg Deceraber 25*? 1773 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Abigail Hale Daughter of Mofes Hale & Abigail his wife Bora at Fitchburg October y^ 20*" 1786 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Mofes Hale Ju. son to Moses Hale & Abigail his wife Bora att Fitchburg March y" 17*" 1788 Phin® Hartwell Clerk Salley Hale second Daughter to Mofes & Abigail Hale Born att Fitchburg March 31®* 1791 Phine® Hartwell Towm Clerk Sarauel Hale second son to Moles Hale & abigail his wdfe Bora at Fitchburg October 20*" 1792 . . . Phinehas Hartwell T. Clerk Sarah Hale third daughter of Mofes Hale & Abigarl his wife Bora at Fitchburg Nov. 28*? 1794 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Sally Ballard Wilder first Daughter of Josiah Wilder & SaUy his wife Born at Fitchburg Sep. 19, 1806 Harriot Wilder second Daughter of Josiah Wilder & SaUy his wife Bora at Fitchburg Febraary 8*? 1808 Reed & recorded April 4, 1808 — by Oliver Fox Town Clerk 288 The Old Records of the Araanda Manirva Wilder 3? Daughter of of Josiah & Sally Wilder born at Leoraister Febry 7 1810 Caleb Wilder first son of Josiah & Sally Wilder born at Fitchburg Febr? 27 1812. Reed March 17, 1812, & recorded by Oliver Fox town Clerk [48] M"? Prudence Smith the wife of M" Reuben Sraith departed this life 11*? May 1781 Betfy Smith eighth daughter of M" Reuben Sraith & first daughter of Elifabeth his wife, departed this Life 28*? March 1795. Anna Smith ninth daughter of M" Reuben Smith & second daughter of Elifabeth his wife, departed this life 23"'' March 1795. David Smith fifth Son of M" Reuben Sraith & first Son of Elifabeth his wife, departed this life April 1®. 1795 attest Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Rec? 10th June 1799 & recorded by Joseph Fox Town Clerk [49] Betty Gilson first Daughter of Joseph Gilson & Easther his wife born at aprii 29*? 1771 Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Jonas Gilson second son of Joseph Gilson & Eafther his wife born at Fitchburg July 23"? 1774 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Sufannah Smith third daughter of Reuben Smith & Prudence his wife born at Lunenburg May 15*? 1769 Ephraim Sraith third Son of Reuben Smith & Pru dence his wife born at Lunenburg March 19*? 1771 . . Benj? Sraith forth Son of Reuben Sraith & Prudence his wife born at Fitchburg Febraary 21®.* 1773 . . . Mary Smith forth daughter of Reuben Sraith & Pru dence his wife born at Fitchburg Deceraber 15*? 1774 Efther Sraith fifth daughter of Reuben Sraith & Pru dence his wife born at Fitchburg July 29*? 1776 . . . Phebe Smith sixth daughter of Reuben Smith & Pru dence his wife born at Fitchburg March 30*? 1778 . . Tozvn of Fitchburgh. 289 Lucy Smith Seventh daughter of Reuben Sraith & Prudence his wife born at Fitchburg April 15*? 1780 . . Betfy Sraith eighth daughter of Reuben Sraith, & first daughter of Elifabeth his wafe bora at Fitchburg 29*" March 1790 Anna Sraith ninth daughter of Reuben Sraith & Sec ond daughter of Elifabeth his wife bora at Fitchburg 27*? April 1791 David Smith fifth Son of Reuben Smith & first Son of EUfabeth his wife born at Fitchburg 6*? March 1793 Edward Smith Sixth Son of Reuben Sraith & Second Son of Elifabeth his wife born at Fitchburg 2"? January 1796 ... . Siraon Sraith Seventh Son of Reuben Sraith & third Son of Elifabeth his wife born at Fitchburg 11*? Sep. 1797 attest Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 10th June 1799 and recorded by Joseph Fox Town Clerk Afa Smith eighth Son of Reuben Smith & forth son of Elifabeth his wife bom at Fitchburg July 8*? 1799 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 21st Alay 1801 & recorded carried to page 354. [50] Patte Bailey ordway Second Dafter of Amos ordway and Lydia his wife Departed this Life Septe" 1®* 1782 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Araos ordway second Son of Araos Ordway & Lydia his wife departed this life August 6*? 1794 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Joseph Ordway third Son of Araos Ordway & Lydia his wife departed this life August 10*? 1794 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Jedediah Ordway forth Son of Amos Ordway & Lydia his wife departed this life Aug. 28*? 1794 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Nabby Ordway fifth daughter of Amos Ordway & Lydia his wife departed this life Sep. 1®* 1794 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? and recorded 8*? may 1797. 19 290 The Old Records of the Araos Ordway departed this Ufe at Fitchburg January 10, 1832. J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk Recorded January 10, 1832. [51] Sarah ordeway first Daughter of Amos Ordaway & Lydia his wife bora at Fitchburg Decemb. 3"? 1775 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Nathan Ordway first Son of Amos Ordway & Lydia his wife bora at Fitchburg Decemb. 19*? 1778 Jofeph Fox Town Clerk Patty Bailey ordway second Daughter of Amos Ord way & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg July 2".'' 1780 Jofeph Fox Town Clerk Amos ordway Second Son of Araos ordway & Lydia his wife Born at Fitchburgh April the 10 1782 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Patty Bailey ordway third Daughter of Amos ord- -way & Lydea his wife Bora at Fitchburg may y= 9*" 1784 Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Lydea ordway fourth Daughter to Amos ordway & Lydea his wdfe Bora att fitchburg raarch y= 16*" 1786 P HartweU Clerk Jofeph ordway Third Son to Araos ordway & Lydea his wife Born att fitchburg May y^ 31®* 1788 Phinehas Hartwell Clerk Jedediah Ordway forth Son of Amos Ordway & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg Sep* 9*? 1791 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Nabby Ordway fifth daughter of Amos Ordway & Lydia his wife bom at Fitchburg Febr? 18*? 1794 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed and recorded May 8th 1797 Thomas Ordway fifth Son of Amos Ordway & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg July 30*? 1797 Joseph Fox Town Clerk reed & recorded Oct. 28 : 1797 Town of Fitchburgh. 291 Mrs Lydia Ordway wife of Amos Ordway departed this life at Fitchburg April 4*" 1830 J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk. Recorded April 10, 1830 [53] David Wares third Son of Jonathan Wares & Hannah his wife departed this life on y'' 5*? day of Feb raary 1802. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? 17th Novr 1805 and recorded. Jonathan Wares departed this life Oct. 24 1819. Peter Snow Town Clerk SUas Battles departed this life Sept. 24, 1799. Reed & recorded April 27, 1813 by O Fox town Clrk Maria Battles first Daughter of Nathan Battles & Sally his wife departed this life at Fitchburg Augut 28*" 1825 Recorded Sept 1®* 1825 by P S. Snow Town Clerk Mr Nathan Battles died at Fitchburg February 24, 1826. P S Snow Town Clerk Recorded Feb 24, 1826 [53] Hannah Wares first Daughter of Jonathan Wares and Hannah his wife born at Fitchburg Oct. 18*? 1769 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Lydia Wares Second Daughter of Jonathan Wares and Hannah his wife born at Fitchburg August 8*? 1771 Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Jonathan Wares first Son of Jonathan Wares & Han nah his wife born at Fitchburg March 21®* 1773 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Sarauel Wares second son of Jonathan Wares & Han nah his wife born at Fitchburg July 18*? 1775 Joseph Fox Town Clerk David Wares third Son of Jonathan Wares & Hannah his wife bora at Fitchburg 26*? August 1781. 292 The Old Records of the James Wares fouth Son of Jonathan Wares and Han nah his wife born at Fitchburg 25 August, 1783. Rec? 17th Novr 1805 and recorded. Maria Battles first daughter of Nathan Battles and Sally his wife bora at Fitchburg 23"? January 1798. Silas Battles first Son of Nathan Battles and Sally his wife born at Fitchburg 14*? Sep. 1799. Seve Battles Second daughter of Nathan Battles and Sally his wife born at Fitchburg 19*? Oct. 1800. Sirus Battles Second Son of Nathan Battles and Sally his wife born at Fitchburg 29*" May 1803. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? 17*h Novr 1805 and recorded. Susannah Battles 3'' Daughter Nathan & Sally Battles bora March 1?* 1806 Cynthia Batties 4*" daughter of Nathan & Sally Bat tles bora at Fitchburg bora 12 October 1812. Sophia Battles 5 Daughter of N. & Sally Battles born at Fitchburg 14 March 1811. Reed & recorded April 27, 1813 by OUver Fox T. Clerk Lincoln Battles third son of Nathan Battles & Sally his wife born at Fitchburg May 18 1813. Thos WiUard Battles fourth Son of Nathan Battles & SaUy his wife Born at Fitchburg AprU 16, 1816. Peter Snow Town Clerk see Page 54 [54] Peggy Brown forth Daughter of Oliver Brown & his wife departed this Life August. 1®* 1795 . . Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? March llth 1799 & recorded Leander, Thomas, Borley 1®* Son of Leander Thomas, Borley, & Alice Carlton, not his wife Bom at Medway March 15 1812 Jonathan Haskell Town Clerk Reed & recorded May 2, 1814 Brot from Page 53 Benjamin Franklin Battles son of Nathan Battles & SaUy his wife born at Fitchburg Feb. 27. 1819 Town of Fitchburgh. 293 Alfred Battles son of Nathan Battles and Sally his wife bom at Fitchburg January 16 1825 P. S. Snow Town Clerk Reed Feb. 3 1827 & recorded [55] Abel Bancroft first son of Kendol Bancroft and Sufannah his wife born at Fitchburg March 24*? 1776 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Sufannah Brown first daughter of Oliver Brown & his wife bora at May 16, 1781 . . . Oliver Brown first Son of Oliver Brown & his wife Bora at November 21®* 1782 . . . Silas Law Brown second Son of Oliver Brown & his -wife Bora at Fitchburg Noveraber 8*? 1784 PoUy Howard Brown second daughter of Oliver Brown & his wife Bom at Fitchburg January 15*? 1787 .... Artemas How Brown third Son of Oliver Brown & his wife Bora at Fitchburg Febraary 28*? 1789 Betfey Brown third daughter of Oliver Brown & his wife Bom at Fitchburg April 2"."^ 1791 . . Afaph Bro-wn forth Son of Oliver Brown & his wife Born at Fitchburg Oct. 4*? 1793 .... Peggy Brown forth Daughter of oliver Brown & his wife Bora at Fitchburg July 31®* 1795 . . Stephen Brown fifth Son of Oliver Brown & his wife Bora at Fitchburg Nov. 9*? 1796 .... Francis Brown Sixth Son of Oliver Brown & his wife Bora at Fitchburg February 25*? 1799 . . . Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? March llth 1799 & recorded [56] Blank. [57] Thomas Downe first son of Sara'.' Downe & Eunice his wife born at Fitchburg May 16*? 1772 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Sara'.' Downe second son of Sara'.' Downe & Eunice his wife bora at Fitchburg July 10*? 1774 Joseph Fox Town Clerk 294 The Old Records of the Eunice Downe first Daughter of Sara'.' Downe & Eunice his wife born at Fitchburg August 19*? 1776 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Charlotte Gray first daughter of Timothy Gray and Abigarl his wife born at Fitchburg May 14*? 1798 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 11 Octr 1799 — and recorded Marian Gray second daughter of Timothy Gray and Abigarl his wife born at Fitchburg Nov. 25*? 1800 Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Rec? 19th December 1800 and recorded Sarah Flagg Gray third daughter of Timothy Gray & Abigarl his wife born at Fitchburg May 13*? 1805. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Williara Putnara first Son of Timothy Gray & Abigail his Wife born at New Salem April 13, 1817. Silvester Second Son of Tiraothy Gray & Abigail his wife Born at New Salera June 19, 1812. Jonathan Stone third Son of Timothy Gray & Abigail his Wife born at Fitchburg July 3? 1817. Recorded by Peter Sno-w Town Clerk [58] Sarah Hodgfkins first Daughter of Aaron Hodg lkins & Phebee his wife Departed this Life August 26*? 1776 Joseph Fox Town Clerk M. Peter Haskiel departed this life at Harvard on the 21®* day of March 1802 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? the 22d March 1802 and recorded [59] Sarah Hodgflcins first Daughter of Aaron Hodg skins & Phebee his wife born at Fitchburg April 25*? 1774 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Afa Hodgskins first son of Aaron Hodgskins & Phe bee his wife born at Fitchburg May 26*" 1777 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 295 Sufannah Haflciel first daughter of Peter Haflciel & Su fannah his wife born at Fitchburg 19*" February 1799 Lucy Haskiel second daughter of Peter Haflciel & Sufannah his wife bom at Fitchburg 28*" February 1800 Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Rec? on ye 22°d Sep. 1800 and recorded Polly Haskiel third daughter of Peter Haskiel & Sufannah his wife bom Fitchburg 11*" Sep* 1801 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? on ye 24 Octr 1801 & recorded [60] Blank. [61] James Gray second son of Jaraes Gray & Molly his -wife born at Fitchburg Sep. 29*? 1774 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Benj? Shelden first Son of Benj? Shelden & Esther his wife bom at Reading 14*? August 1792 Araos Shelden Second Son of Benj? Shelden & Esther his wife bora at Fitchburg 6*" Sep* 1794 .... Flint Shelden third Son of Benj? Shelden & Esther his wife bom at Fitchburg 18*" Sep. 1798 .... Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 23rd March 1799 & recorded [63] Blank. [63] Fenney Haflciel third Daughter of EUas Haflciel & Sarah his wife bom at Fitchburg Sep. 21®* 1776 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Abigarl Badcock first daughter of Nathan Badcock Ju. and Abigarl his -wife bom at Fitchburg 28*? March 1799 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 15th Octr 1800 & recorded Jerulha Badcock second daughter of Nathan Badcock Ju. and Abigarl his wife born at Fitchburg 23"? June 1802 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed Aug. 18th 1802 and recorded 296 The Old Records of the SaUy Badcock third daughter of Nathan Badcock Ju. and Abigarl his wife born at Fitchburg 4*" October 1806 Rec? July 28th 1807 & recorded Joseph Fox Town Clerk [64] Mrs Sarah WiUard wife of Charies WiUard departed this Life February 12, 1803 Oliver Fox Town Clerk Reed & recorded March 8. 1808 Mrs Anna ScoUey second Daughter of Charles Willard & sarah his wife departed this life February 19. 1805 Oliver Fox To-wn Clerk Reed & recorded March 8, 1808. Lucy WiUard fifth daughter of Charles Willard & Sa rah his wife departed this Life July 17, 1806 Oliver Fox town Clerk Reed & recorded March 8, 1808. [65] Sarah Willard first daughter of Charles Willard and Sarah his wife bom at Harvard March 26*? 1764 John WiUard the first Son of Charles WiUard and Sa rah his wife bom March 24*? 1766 Brought from the old book Joseph Willard second son of Charles Willard and Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg July 15*? 1768 Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Anne Willard second Daughter of Charles Willard & Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg Nov. 21®* 1770 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Jofiah Willard third son of Charles Willard & Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg Sep. 4 1773 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Abigail Bryart Willard third Daughter of Charles Wil lard and Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg August 30*? 1776 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Elifabeth WiUard Fourth Daughter of Charles WiUard and Sarah His wife born at fitchburg October y^ 7*" 1779 Lucy WiUard Fifth Daughter of Charies Willard & Sarah His wife Born att Fitchburg July ye 24*" 1783 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Town of Pitchburgh. 297 [66] WUUara Daniels deceaf'd Februay 22" 1803. Recv'' and Recorded by Peter Snow Town Clerk [67] Sarah Farwell first Daughter of John Farwell and Sarah his wife bom at Lunenburg July 21®* 1769 Joseph Fox Town Clerk John Farwell first Son of John FarweU and Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg March 23"" 1775 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Joseph Farwell Second Son of John FarweU and Sarah his wife bora at Fitchburg January 17*? 1777 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Abraham Moors Farwell Third Son of John Farwell Sarah his wife Born at Fitchburgh Novembr the 28 1780 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk James Ferwell forth son of John Ferwell & Sarah His Wife Bom att Fitchburg April y^ 19*" 1785 Phinehas Hart-well Town Clerk Polly Daniels first Daughter of Verin Daniels & Polly his wife bom at Fitchburg 12*? March 1797 Verin Daniels J. First Son of Verin Daniels & Polly his wife born at Fitchburg 7*? Nov. 1798 Tho? Daniels Second Son of Verin Daniels & Polly his -wife born at Fitchburg 19*? December 1800 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 21st March 1801 and recorded William Daniels third son of Verin Daniels and Polly his wife born at Fitchburg February 10, 1803. Reuben Daniels fourth son of Verin Daniels and Polly his Wife bora at Fitchburg January 23, 1804. David Daniels fifth son of Verin Daniels and Polly his Wife bora at Fitchburg May 31, 1806 Saraul Daniels Sixth Son of Verin daniels & Polly his Wife born at Fitchburg Noveraber 15, 1808. Ann Eliza Second daughter of Verin Daniels & Polly his Wife bora at Fitchburg May 30, 1811. 298 The Old Records of the John Daniels Seventh Son of Verin Daniels & PoUy his Wife Bom at Fitchburg March 4*? 1814 Recv'' May 14, 1818 and recorded by Peter Snow Town Clerk [68] Catharine Farwell wife of Peter Farwell and third daughter of Nath' Boutell & Polly his wife died at Fitchburg Septeraber 17, 1835 recorded September llth 1871 Henry Jackson Town Clerk [69] Molly Farwell first Daughter of Edmond Far weU & Mary his wife born at Fitchburg July 2".'i 1775 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Poly Boutell first daughter of Nath'.' Boutell & Polly his wife born at Fitchburg Nov. 22".'' 1794 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Caroline Boutell Second Daughter of Nath'.' Boutell & Polly his wife born at Fitchburg Oct. 12*? 1796 Joseph Fox Town Clerk rec? 28th Novr 1797 and recorded Same date Catharine third daughter of Nath'.' Boutell & Polly his wife bora at Fitchburg Oct. 2".'^ 1798 Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Rec? April 2nd 1799 and recorded Nath'.' Seaver Boutell first Son of Nath'.' Boutell & Polly his wife bora at Fitchburg Nov. 6*? 1800 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Reed Jay 26 1801 & recorded John Hill Boutell Second Son of Nathaniel Boutell & PoUy his wife born at Fitchburg 28*" Deceraber 1802 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 17*? March 1804 and recorded Lucretia Boutell fourth daughter of Nath'.' Boutell & Polly his wife born at Fitchburg 14*" January 1804. Rec? ll*h Novr 1805 and recorded. Susan Boutell, fifth daughter of Nath'.' BouteU & Polly his wife born at Fitchburg 16 December 1806. Rec? 16 Sept 1807 and recorded. JoSCph Fox Town Clerk. Toivn of Fitchburgh. 299 Jaraes Boughtell 3'' Son of Nath' BouteU & PoUy his wife bora at Fitchburg Oct. 16, 1808 Reed Jany 31, 1810 & recorded by 0. Fox Town Clerk Josiah WiUis Boutell 4*" son of Nath'. Boughtell & Polly his wife at Fitchburg Oct. 23, 1810 Sarah Ann 6*? Daughter of Nat' BouteU & Polly his wife bora at Fitchburg June 29, 1812 Reed October 12, 1812 & recorded by Oliver Fox town Clerk [70] Mr Ruben Gibson Died at Fitchburg April 20, 1836. Recorded April 20, 1836 — by J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk [71] Jonathan Gibfon first Son of Reuben Gibson Jun. & Betty his -wife Bora at Fitchburg Sep* 15*? 1775 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Molly Gibson first Daughter of Reuben Gibson Jun. & Betty his wife bom at Fitchburg March 26*? 1777 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Lois Gibson second Daughter of Reuben Gibson Jun. & Betty his wife bom at Fitchburgh 22".'' May 1778 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Betty Gibson third Daughter of Reuben Gibson Ju. & Betty his wife bom at Fitchburg May 2".'' 1780 Jofeph Fox Town Clerk Reuben Gibfon Second Son to Reuben Gibfon Ju. and Betty his wife born at Fitchburg December the 8*? 1781 Jofeph Fox Town Clerk Sally Gibson forth Daughter to Reuben Gibson Ju" and Betty his wife bora at Fitchburg Decerab" 8*? 1782 Jerulha Gibson fifth Daughtr of Reuben Gibson Ju" & Betty his wife born at Fitchburg August 25*? 1784 Sufanna Gibson sixth Daughter of Reuben Gibson Ju" & Betty his wife born at Fitchburg Febry 20*? 1787 Nabby Gibson seventh Daughter of Reuben Gibson Ju & Betty his wife born at Fitchburg August 12*? 1791 300 The Old Records of the Olive Gibson eighth Daughter of Reuben Gibson Ju & Betty his wife born at Fitchburg March 11*? 1793 Lovica Gibson ninth Daughter of Reuben Gibson Ju. & Betty his wife born at Fitchburg Oct. 6*? 1795 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? ye 27th March 1800 and recorded by Jos Fox Town Clerk [73] Blank. [73] Molly Upton first Daughter of OUver Upton & Sufannah his wife born at Fitchburg April 14*? 1778 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Afa Perry Cowdin first Son of Jaraes Co-wdin and Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg 9*? March 1798 Adaline Cowdin first daughter of Jaraes Co-wdin and Lydia his wife bora at Fitchburg 4*? May 1799 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 8th May 1800 & recorded Charles Pinckney Cowdin Second fon of Jaraes Co-w din & Lydia his Wife born at Fitchburg Nov. 20, 1800 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed Aug 19th 1801 & recorded James Dexter Cowdin third Son of Cap. James Cow din & Lydia his wife bom at Fitchburg 20*? Februery 1803. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? 21st Decembr 1807 and recorded Mary Cowdin second Daughter of Jaraes Cowdin & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg 16 Februay AD 1809 Joseph Cowdin fourth son of Jaraes Cowdin & Lydia his -wife born at Fitchburg 16 February AD 1809 Reed 20 February 1809, & recorded by Oliver Fox Town Clerk [74] Elizabeth Maccarty fecond Daughter to Thad? Maccarty & Experience his Wife departed this Life Sept. 9*? 1778 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Oliver Stickney first son of Johua Stickney and Elice his Wife departed this life Sept. 20 1818. Peter Snow Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 301 Mr Joshua Stickney departed this life at Fitchburg October 18*? 1825 P S. Snow Town Clerk Recorded Oct 18th 1825. [75] Mary Maccarty firft Daughter to Thaddeus Mac carty ik. Experience his Wife Born at Fitchburg Aug®* 8*? 1775 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Elizabeth Maccarty fecond Daughter to Thad? Mac carty & Experience his Wife born at Fitchburg Febraary 21, 1778 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk Oliver Stickney first Son of Joshua Stickney & Elice his w-ife bora at Fitchburg Nov. 20*? 1800 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Reed 8th jany 1801 & recorded John Stickney Second Son of Joshua Stickney & Elice his wife born at Fitchburg Oct. 20*? 1802 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? & recorded 4th Feby 1803 1811 Joseph Filander Stickney 3? Son of Joshua Stickney & Elice his wife born at Fitchburg 26 March 1811 Reed June 18, 1811 by Oliver Fox town Clerk [76] Prudince Carter second Daughter of John Car ter & Lydea his wife Departed this Life Auguft y^ 7*" 1784 Phinehas HartweU — Clerk Jane Carter fifth daughter of John Carter & Lydia his wife departed this Life April 7*? 1795 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? and recorded 16 Novr 1798 Sarauel Carter third Son of John Carter & Lydia his wife departed this life 28*" Sep. 1800 at Roxbury Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? and recorded 29th Novr I8OO Mrs Lydia Carter the wife of Mr John Carter departed this life on raonday the 21®* Sep. 1807. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? on ye 22nd Sep. 1807 and recorded 302 The Old Records of the Mr John Carter departed this life on Tuesday the 2^ day of March, 1824 March 3? 1824. Recorded by P. S. Snow, Town Clerk Mrs. Sarah Carter 2'' wife of John Carter deceas'd departed this Ufe March 6, 1824. Recorded by P. S. Snow Town Clerk March 7*? 1824 [77] Thos Carter first Son of John Carter & Lydea his wife born at fitchburgh febuery the 15 1774 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk John Carter Ju. Second Son of John Carter & Lydea his wife born at fitchburgh raarch the 6 1776 Thos Cowdin Clerk Abi Carter first Dafter of John Carter & Lydia his wife born at fitchburgh raay the 16 1778 Thos Cowdin To-wn Clerk Sarauel Carter Third Son of John Carter & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburgh Febuery the 14 1781 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Prudence Carter second Daughter of John Carter & Lydea his wife Bora at Fitchburg April y^ 24*" 1783 Phinehas Hartwell Clerk Prudence Carter Third Daughter and PoUey Carter fourth Daughter to John Carter & Lydea his wife Born at Fitchburg March y= 21®* 1786 Twins .... Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Williara Carter forth son of John Carter & Lydea his wife Bora att Fitchburg October y^ 11*" 1788 . . . Phinehas Hartwell T. Clerk Jane Carter fifth daughter of John Carter & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg July 12*? 1792 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Jane Carter sixth daughter of John Carter & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg February 9*? 1796 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Reed and recorded Novf 16, 1798 Town of Fitchburgh. 803 [78] Blank. [79] Titus Wilder Second Son of Titus WUder & marey his wife bom at Fitchburgh Novembr the 7 1778 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Polly Thurlo first daughter of George Thurlo & Rhodo his wife bom at Nubery 27*? May 1792 Betfy Thurlo second daughter of George Thurlo & Rhoda his wife born at Fitchburg 6*? day of March 1794 Sarah Thurlo third daughter of George Thurlo & Rhodo his wife bom at Fitchburg 19*? Febry 1796 George Thurlo first Son of George Thurlo & Rhoda his wife bom at Fitchburg 27*? Jany 1798 Melinda Thurlo forth daughter of George Thurlo & Rhoda his wife bom at Fitchburg 21®* March 1800 Rec? of the wife of George Thurlo on y« 27*? Nov. 1800 & recorded by Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 27th Novr 1800 and recorded [80] Elijah Carter first Son of Elij Carter & Jane his -wife Departed this Life Janeuery the 8 1777 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk PhUlip Carter Departed this Life June the 12 1774 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Sarah Carter Third Daughter Departed this Life Sep teraber 17*" 1782 .... Prudence Carter Second Daughter to Elijah & Jane Carter Departed this Life Deceraber 31®* 1782 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Elijah Carter departed this life December 19, 1813. Peter Snow Town Cler. James Carter eighth Son of Elijah & Jane Carter died at Walpole (N H) April 9*? 1820 Walter Johnson Town Clerk Reed Apl. 22, 1820 [81] Elijah Carter first Son of Elijah Carter & Jane his Wife borne at fitchburgh Decembr the 1 1770 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk 304 The Old Records of the Vaftitie Carter first Dafter of Elijah Carter and Jane his wife born at fitchburgh raarch 8 1772 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Phillip Carter Second Son of Elijah Carter & Jane his Wife Born at fitchburgh Janeuery the 15 1774 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Elias Carter Third Son of Elijah Carter & Jane his Wife Born at fitchburgh raay the 5 1775 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk EUflia Carter forth Son of Elijah Carter & Jane his Wife Borne at fitchburgh raarch the 1 1777 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Prudence Carter second Daughter to Elijah Carter & Jane his wife Born at Fitchburg March 23? 1779 the 25*" of sd raonth a fifth Son StiU Born Sarah Carter Third Daughter to Elijah Carter & Jane his wife Born att fitchburg March 23"" 1781 Betty Carter fourth Daughter to Elijah Carter & Jane his wife Born at fitchburg Auguft 26*" 1782 Jofeph Carter sixth son to Elijah Carter & Jane his wife Born at fitchburg July 20*" 1784 Elijah Carter Ju" seventh son to Elijah Carter & Jane his wife Born at fitchburg Septeraber 1®* 1785 Batrix Carter fifth Daughter to Elijah Carter & Jane his Wife Bora att fitchburg September 6*" 1788 James Carter Eighth son to Elijah Carter & Jane his Born att fitchburg Septeraber 31®* 1791 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [83] Hannah Stickney Wife of Oliver Stickney de parted this Life March 21, 1779 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk 1811 Oliver Stickney Departed this Life aged 72 April 24, 1811 Reed April 25 1811 and Recorded by Oliver Fox town Clk Lucy Eaton Carter first Daughter of Eliflia Carter & Lucy his wafe departed this life at Fitchburg July 16, 1825 Recorded July 22, 1825 by P S. Snow T Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 305 [83] Abigarl Brown Day first daughter of Soloraon Day and Lucy his wife bom at Fitchburg March 12*? 1799 Joseph Fox Town Clerk recorded 1st August 1799 Lucy Eaton Carter first daughter of Eliflia Carter & Lucy his wife bom at Fitchburg Oct. 19*" 1798 Peter Snow Carter first Son of Elifha Carter & Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg Oct. 21®* 1800 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 26th Jany 1801 & recorded Lovina Augusta Carter second daughter of Elifha Car ter & Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg 18*? December 1802. Lorenza Caroline Carter, & Lorinda Catherine Carter twins, third & fourth daughters of Eliflia Carter & Lucy his wafe bom at Fitchburg 14*" Nov. 1804. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? 12 Novr 1805 and recorded— 3 Elijah Sawyer Carter 2" Son of Elisha Carter & Lucy his wife bora at Fitchburg May 21, 1807 Lucinda Bayley Carter 5*" daughter of Elisha Carter & Luc3' his -wife born at Fitchburg May 19, 1810. Reed May 22, 1811 & recorded by Oliver Fox Town Clerk Laura Olivia Sixth daughter of Elisha Carter & Lucy his Wife bora at Fitchburg Oct. 20, 1812. Louisa Irene Carter Seventh daughter of Elisha Car ter & Lucy his Wife born at Fitchburg Deceraber, 30, 1814 Lorana Dianthy Carter the eighth daughter of Eliflia Carter & Lucy his Wife, born at Fitchburg Oct" 15, 1817. Recv? Apr'. 13, 1818. & Recorded by by Peter Snow Town Clerk [84] Williara Eaton third Son of Aaron Eaton & Mary his wife departed this Life on Satterday the 27*? day February 1802 at Boston Recorded the 2"." day of March 1802 by Recorded the 2nd March 1802 J°^^P^ ^°^ '^°^" ^Icrk 20 306 The Old Records of the M. Aaron Eaton departed this life on Wednesday night Eleven OClock on y^ 12*? day of May 1802 Recorded on the 13*? day of May 1802 by Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? the 13th May 1802 & recorded [85] Thoraas Eaton born at Fitchburgh Septerabr the 6 1777 bing the Second Son of Aaron Eaton & raary his wife Thos Cowdin Town Clerk William Eaton Third son of Aaron Eaton & Mary his wife Born att Fitchburg April y^ 3"" 1780 Martha Eaton Daughter of Aaron Eaton & mary his wife Born att Fitchburg April y^ 24*" 1783 . . . Parker Eaton fourth son of Aaron Eaton & mary his wife Born att Fitchburg AprU y'^ 6*" 1786 . . . Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk SaUy Eaton second daughter of Aaron Eaton & Mary his wife born at Fitchburg Nov. 23"? 1788 John Eaton fifth Son of Aaron Eaton & Mary his wife born at Fitchburg April 19*? 1794 Rec? 24 Febry 1803 and recorded J°^^P^ ^°^ '^°^^ •^^^^^ [86] M"? Anna Payson the Araiable wife of the Rev? John Payson departed this life on thursday the 8*? day of April 1802 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 15th April 1802 & recorded [87] John Payson first Son to Rev? John Payson & Anna his Wife born at Fitchburg May f* 1778 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk Williara Payson Second Son of the Revrent John Pay- son & anna his Wife born at Fitchburgh raarch the 25 1780 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Anna Payson first Dafter of the Revrant John Payson and anna his Wife born at Fitchburgh July the 16 1783 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Sarah Payson second daughter of the Rev? John Pay- son and Anna his wife born at Fitchburg Oct. 29*? 1785 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 18th April 1803 and recorded Town of Fitchburgh. 807 [88] Blank. [89] PoUey Sawyer first Dafter of Jofeph Sawyer and raarey his wife bora at Fitchburgh Februery the 28 1775 .... Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Betey Sawyer Second Dafter of Jofeph Sawyer and marey his wife born at Fitchburgh aprii the 6 1777 Thos Co-wdin Town Clerk Beulah Sawyer third Dafter of Jofeph Sawyer & marey his wife bora at fitchburgh July the 4 1779 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Rebecah Sawyer fourth Dafter of Jofeph Sawyer & marey his wife Bora at Fitchburgh Septerabr the 5 1781 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Abigail Sawj'cr fifth Daughter of Jofeph Sawyer & raarey his wife Bora at Fitchburgh febuery the 25 1784 Thoraas Cowdin To-wn Clerk Jofeph Sawyer Ju" firfts son to Jofeph sawyer & Mary his wife Born at fitchburg May y= 28*" 1786 Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Phinehas Sawyer Ju" Second Son to Jofeph Sawyer and Mary His wife Born at Fitchburg February ye 1®* 1789 Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Nathaniel Sawyer Third son to Jofeph Sawyer & Mary his wife Bora Thurfday June 21®* 1792 Phinehas Hart-well Town Clerk Phafilena Sawyer Sixth daughter of Joseph Sawyer & Mary his wife bom at Fitchburg July 13*? 1801 Rec? 8th Aug. 1801 and recorded Joseph Fox Town Clerk [90] M. Abrahara Jaquith departed this life 16 Oct. 1802 in the Seventy Sixth or Seventy Seventh year of his age Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 16th March 1803 and recorded Sarah Scott first Daughter of Benj. & Huldah Departed this life Nov. 1809 Reed Jan? 18, 1813 & recorded by 0 Fox T. Clerk 308 The Old Records of the Benjarain Phillips Scott first son of Benja? Scote and Huldah his wife departed this life at Ashburnhara Dec. 14*" 1817 P S. Snow T.own Clerk Recvd Nov 22, 1825 & recorded Benjamin Scott departed this life at Fitchburg Feb ruary 25, 1832 J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk Recorded Feb 27, 1832 [91] Enoch Thurstin first Son of Daniel Thurstin & Hannah his wife born at Fitchburg August 24*" 1780 Jofeph Fox Town Clerk WiUiam Glefon first Son of WilUam Glefon & Ruthe his wife born at Fitchburg 22"" Januery 1800 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 24 Jany 1801 and recorded Sally Scott first Daughter of Benj? Scott & Huldah his wife bom at Fitchburg 19*" July 1803 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 24 Octr 1803 & recorded Benj? PhiUips Scott first Son of Benj? Scott & Huldah his wife born at Fitchburg Julj^ 31®* 1805. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Joseph Froant Scott second Son of Benj? Scott & Huldah his wife born at Fitchburg 19*? August 1807. Joseph Fox town Clerk. Rec? 28th Deer 1807 and Recorded 1810 Mary Whiteraore Scott Second Daughter of Benj? & Huldah Scott bom Jan? 20, 1810 Reed Aug. 30 1810 & recorded by OUver Fox Town Clark 1813 Martha Scott, 3" Daughter of Benj^ Scott & Huldah his wife born June 10, 1812 Reed Jan? 18, 1813 & recorded by Oliver Fox, T. Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 309 [93] Abel Wheeler first Son of Amos Wheeler & Mary his wife departed this life 29*? Sep. 1800. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 18.h February 1801 and recorded Mrs Mary Wheeler wife of Amos Wheeler died at Fitchburg July 25*? 1827 Recorded July 30 1827 by P. S. Snow Town Clerk [93] Abigarl Wood first Daughter to Jaraes Wood & Sarah his wife born at Lunenburg Dcerab. 7*? 1780 Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Abel Wheeler first Son of Araos Wheeler & Mary his ¦wife born at Fitchburg 27 July 1794. Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Rec? 18 Febry 1801 and recorded Mary Wheeler first daughter of Araos Wheeler & Mary his -wife bom at Fitchburg 7*? day of January 1804 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? 10 Decembr 1804 and recorded. Abigal Lowe Wheeler 2? Daughter of Araos Wheeler & Mary his wife bom at Fitchburg August 24, 1807 Rec? & Recorded March 6, 1815, by Jonathan Haskell Town Cle Mary Wheeler first daughter of Araos Wheeler and Mary his wife departed this life at Fitchburg May 24, 1828 P. S. Snow Town Clerk Recorded May 24th 1828. [94] 1813 Daniel Putnam Esq. Departed this life April 26, AD 1813 Reed April 26 1813 & — Recorded by Oliver Fox town Clerk Mrs Olive Hartwell wife of Abijah HartweU departed this life July 7*? 1806 Aged 34 years 6 raonths & 27 Days Oliver Fox Town Clerk. Reed &c Recorded April 22 : 1808 310 The Old Records of the Mr Abijah HartweU departed this life AprU 30, 1820 at Fitchburg Walter Johnson Town Clerk Reed & Recorded May 8, 1820 M. Francis FuUum Departed this life in Fitchburg February 8*? 1807 Reed & Recorded March 8, 1810 by Oliver Fox Town Clerk Mrs Susannah FuUum wife of Francis FuUura De parted this life Nov. 1807. Reed & Recorded March 8 1810 by 0. Fox Town Clerk [95] Phebe Putnam firft Dafter of Daniel Putnam & Rachel his wife Born at Fitchburgh Septer the 20 1770 Thos Cowdin To-wn Clerk Daniel Putnam firft Son of Daniel Putnam & Rachel his wife Bom at Fitchburgh Septer the 5 1772 . . . Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Rachel Putnara Second Dafter of Daniel Putnara & Rachel his wife Born at Fitchburgh November the 1 1775 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Ede Putnam Third Dafter of Daniel Putnam & Rachel his wife Bora at Fitchburgh Novr the 20 1777 .... Thos Cowdin Town Clerk George Sraall Putnara Second Son of Daniel Putnam & Rachel his wife Born at Fitchburgh July the 21 1780 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Ifaiah Putnam Third son to Daniel Putnara & Rachel his wife Born att fitchburg May 22"" 1782 Sarauel Putnara fourth son to Daniel Putnam & Ra chel his wife Born att fitchburg Sept™ 4*" 1785 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Abijah first Son of Olive Sraith born at Fitchburg 24*" June 1800 .... Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 3rd Aug. 1802 & recorded Town of Fitchburgh. 311 Sukey HartweU first daughter of Abijah Hartwell & Olive his wife born June 10, 1805 1811 Sarah Winch Hartwell 2" Daughter of Abijah HartweU & Sarah his wife born April 23, 1811 Reed June 4, 1811 & recorded by 0. Fox town Clerk 1813 Porter HartweU 1®* Son of Abijah Hartwell & Sarah his wife bora July 29, 1812. Reed April 31, 1813 & recorded by Oliver Fox Town Clerk [96] JoeU Gibfon firft Son of Ifaac Gibfon J"r & Low efs his wife Departed this Life June the 22 1782 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Hannah Gibfon firft Dafter of Ifaac Gibfon Jur & Lowes his -wife Departed this Life Janeuery the 25 1780 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Loice Gibfon the wife of Ifaac Gibfon Jur Departed this Life June the 17 1782 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk [97] Sarah Gibfon Second Dafter of Ifaac Gibfon Ju. & Lowefs his wife Born at Fitchburgh Febuery the 25 1776 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk Lowes Gibfon Third Dafter of Ifaac Gibfon J"r & Lowes his -wife born at Fitchburgh raarch the 5 1781 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk Abel Scott first Son of John Scott & PoUy his wife bora at Fitchburg 16*? Sep. 1799 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 2nd April 1801 and recorded Polly Scott first daughter of John Scott & Polly his wife bom at Fitchburg 4*? March 1801 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 26 April 1802 and recorded John Scott departed this life at Fitchburg September 15, 1838 Recorded Same day by J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk 312 The Old Records of the [98] Blank. [99] Polly Thaxter Tidraarsh first Daughter WiUiara Tidraarsh & Polly his Wife born at Fitchburgh June 22? 1782 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk Hannah Tidraarsh second Daughter to Williara Tid marsh & PoUey his wife Born aprii 18*" 1784 in fitchburg Phin-^ Hartwell Town Clark Daniel Whitemore first Son Daniel Whiteraore and SaUy his wife born at Fitchburg July 11*? 1798 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 8th December 1798 & recorded SaUy Whiteraore first daughter of Daniel Whiteraore & SaUy his wife born at Fitchburg 15*? March 1800 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 26th April 1802 and recorded Julia Sawyer M. intire first Daughter of David Macin tire & Rachel his Wife Born at Fitchburg June 13*? AD 1807 Oliver Fox Town Clerk Reed & recorded April 9th 1808 [100] Blank. [101] Eliab Grraes third Son of Williara Griraes and Abigal his wife Born at Fitchburgh raarch the 20 1780 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk Thaddues Grimes forth Son of William Grimes & Abi gal his wife Born at Fitchburgh Janeuery the 25 1782 Tho® Cowdin Town Clerk Abijah Hartwell, first Son of OUve Sraith bora at Fitchburg June 21®* 1800 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 2nd April 1801 and recorded [103] Mr Joshua Pearce departed this life at Fitch burg October 22 1828 P. S. Snow Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 313 [103] Lucy Holt firft Dafter of Elijah Holt & Lucy his wife Born at Fitchburgh march the 16 1782 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Lucy Parce first daughter of Joshua Parce & Mary his wife bora at Fitchburg 30*" July 1784 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 25 February 1802 & recorded Cecelia Stearnes first Daughter of Tiraothy Stearns & Polly his -wife bora at Fitchburg February 4, 1809 Christiana Steams 2" Daughter of Tiraothy Stearns & Polly his wife bora at Fitchburg February 4, 1809 the above two are twins Reed Jan? 15, 1810 & recorded by Oliver Fox Town Clerk [104] Polly Farwell, Daughter of Asa Farw^eU and Vashti his wife, departed this life July 8*? 1812. Asa Farwell, fon of Asa Farwell and Vashti, his wife, departed this life, Noveraber 11*? 1814. John Shepley, Town Clerk. Rec? Novr 27, 1816, and recorded. [105] Baldwine Jofeph firft Son of Jofeph Baldwine and Elizebeth his wife Bom at Fitchburgh febuery the 22 1783 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Sophia Farwell first daughter of Afa Farwell & Vash tie his wife bom at Fitchburg 11*? Nov. 1797 Afa Farwell first Son of Afa Farwell & Vashtie his wife born at Fitchburg 8*? April 1800. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 18 Febry 1801 and recorded Jane Farwell Second daughter of Afa Farwell & Vash tie his wife born at Fitchburg 21®* Januery 1802 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 25 Febry 1802 & recorded 314 The Old Records of the Charles Farwell Second Son of Asa Farwell & Vash tie his wife born at Fitchburg 21®* Nov. 1803 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 2nd Day December 1803 & recorded Abigail Farwell 3" Daughter of Asa Farwell & Vashti his wife born at Fitchburg Jan? 21, 1809 Policy Farwell 4*" Daughter of Asa Farwell & Vashti his wife born at Fitchburg May 27, 1810 Reed May 27, 1811 & recorded by Oliver Fox town Clk [106] Elisabeth Dararaon departed this life July 11, 1811 Reed April 27, 1813 & recorded by O Fox Town Clerk [107] Betfey Sawyer first Dafter of Abner Sa-wyer and Betfey his -wife Bora at Fitchburgh October the 9 1777 .... Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Sufanna Sawyer Second daughter of Abner Sawyer & Betfy his wife Born at Fitchburg May 28*? 1780 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Joseph Sawyer first son of Abner Sawyer and Betfy his wife Born at Fitchburg the 23? of April 1782. Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Sufannah Sawyer Third Daughtor to Abner Sawyer & Betfy his wife Born at fitchburg April 3 1785 Afeneth Sawyer fourth Daughter to Abner Sawyer & Betfey his wife Born at fitchburg Sep* 4*" 1790 Sophia Sawyer fifth Daughter to Abner Sa-wyer & Betfey his wife Born at fitchburg May 4 1792 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [108] Thomas Stearns first Son of Thomas Stearns and MoUey his wife Departed this life raarch the 14 1782 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Nathaniel Stearns forth Son of Thos Stearns & raoUey his wife Departed this Life June the 23 1783 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 315 Lydia Steams Second Daughter of Thomas Steams & MoUey his wife Departed this Life auguft y-^ 26*" 1785 Phin® HartweU Town Clerk M. Thoraas Stearns departed this life 17*" February 1793 Polly Steams first daughter of Thoraas Steams & Molly his wife departed this life, 6*? Oct. 1793. Williara Steams second Son of Thoraas Steams & MoUey his wife departed this life 19*? May 1794. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed IOth Sept 1803 & recorded [109] Thoraas Steams Ju" firft Son of Thomas Steams & moUey his wife Born at Fitchburg Decerabr the 6 1771 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk WiUiara Steams Second Son of Thos Stearns & raoUey his -wife born at Fitchburgh October the 24 1773 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Daniel Mansfield Stearns third Son of Thos Stearns & nioley his -wife born at Fitchburgh auguft the 24 1775 Thos Co-wdin Town Clerk PoUey Stearas firft Dafter of Thos Stearns & MoUey his wife bom at Fitchburgh august the 25 1777 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Lydia Steams Second Dafter of Thos Starns & MoUey his wife born at Fitchburgh October the 24 1779 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Nathaniel Steams forth Son of Thos Steams & raoUey his wife bom at Fitchburgh Janeuery the 4 1782 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Betey Starnes third Daughter of Thomas Stearns & moUey his wife Born at Fitchburg January y^ 13*" 1784 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [110] April the 21 1753 Rachel Holt the Wife of Jonathan Holt Departed this AprU the 21 1753 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk 316 The Old Records of the [111] Rachel Holt first Dafter of Jonathan Holt and Rachel his Wife born at Lunenburgh April the 20 1753 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Jonathan Holt firft Son of Jonathan Holt & Sufanah his -wife Born at Lunenburgh raay the 16 1756 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Sufanah Holt Second Dafter of Jonathan Holt & Su fanah his Wife born at Lunenburg raay the 29 1758 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Elijah Holt Second Son of Jonathan Holt & Sufanah his Wife bora at Lunenburgh October the 23 1759 Thos Cowdin Town Clark WiUiara Holt third Son of Jonathan Holt and Sufanah his -wife born at Lunenburg aprii the 11 1761 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Jaraes Holt forth Son of Jonathan Holt & Sufanah his Wife bora at Lunenburg raay the 2 1764 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Abigail Holt third Dafter of Jonathan Holt and Su fanah his Wife born at Fitchburgh raay the 2 1766 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Rhodea Holt forth Dafter of Jonathan Holt and Su fanah his Wife born at Fitchburgh Febuery the 23 1768 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Araafa Holt fifth Son of Jonathan Holt and Sufanah his Wife born at Fitchburgh October the 7 1769 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk [113] Hannah Locke firft Dafter of Sarauel Locke and Hannah his Wife bom at Fitchburgh Novembr the 5 1783 Thos Cowdin Town Clerk Widow Eunic WiUard, departed this life, Oct. 22, 1816 at the house of John WiUard, in Fitchburg — & recorded by Walter Johnson Town Clerk Recvd the 7*h day of Augt. 1820 Town of Fitchburgh. 817 [113] Jonathan Flint MarfliaU First Son of Cap* Benj? MarfliaU & Phebe his wife born at Fitchburg July 11*? 1797 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed and Entered 16th July 1798 Josiah Bowles Willard first Son of John Willard and Eunice his wife born at Fitchburg 9*? June 1803. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 16th Sep. 1807, and recorded. [114] forth Daughter to Phinehas Hartwell & mary his wife Bora at Fitchburg march y= 10 1768 Deceafed at her Birth Burid on the 12 Day at Fitchburg .... M. Phinhas Hartwell departed this life on friday the 18." day of March 1803 in the Seventy Second year of his age Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? on ye 21 March 1803 & recorded [115] Ephraim Hartwell first Son to Phinehas Hart well & raary his wife who was Bora at Lunenburg Octo ber y^ 7*" 1755 .... raoUy Hartwell first Daughter of Phinehas HartweU & raary His wife who was Bora at Lunenburg February ye 7th £757 .... Efther Hartwell Second Daughter of Phinehas Hart- -well & raary his -wife who was Born at Lunenburg Janu ary ye 15 1759 .... Abijah HartweU Second Son to Phinehas Hartwell & raary His wife who was Bom at Lunenburg July y"" 28*" 1761 .... Relief Hartwell third Daughter of Phinehas Hartwell & mary his wife who -was Bom at Lunenburg July y'^ 12*" 1765 .... Prudence Hartwell the fift Daughter of Phinehas Hart well & mary His wife who was Born at Fitchburg June ye 27*" — 1769 .... Elizabeth Hartwell six Daughter to Phinehas Hart well & mary His wife who was Born at Fitchburg July y^ 28*" 1772 .... Phinehas Hartwell third son to Phinehas Hartwell & mary His wife who was Born at Fitchburg July 25*" 1781 .... Phinehas HartweU Town Clark 318 The Old Records of the [116] Blank. [117] Policy Hartwell first Daughter of Ephraim Hartwell & Betty his wife who was Born at Fitchburg Auguft y= 2"" 1779 .... Betsey Hartwell Second Daughter of Ephraim Hart well & Bettey His wife who was Born at Fitchburg No vember y'^ 2"" 1781 .... Phinehas Hartwell Town Clark Ephraira Hartwell first son to Ephraira Hartwell and Bettey his wife Born at fitchburg Septeraber y^ 4*" 1784 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Eunice Hart-well Third Daughter to Ephraira Hartwell & Betty his wife born at Fitchburg March 25*" 1787 . . Millee Hartwell fourth Daughter to Ephraim Hartwell & Betty his wife Born at Fitchburg July y'= 5*" 1790 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [118] M. Joseph PoUy departed this Ufe on friday the 28*? day of February 1806. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 1st March 1806 and recorded [119] Joseph Policy first son to Joseph PoUey & Eu nice his wife Born at fitchburg August y' 14*" 1781 . . John PoUey second son of Joseph PoUey and Eunice his wife Born at fitchburg December y*^ 23"" 1783 . . . Phinehas Hartwell town Clark Elnathan Policy Third son to Jofeph PoUey and Eu nice his wife Born at fitchburg April 25*" 1786 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Ebenezer PoUey fourth son to Jofeph PoUey & Eunice his wife Born at Fitchburg Deceraber y" 3"" 1788 Phinehas HartweU Clerk William PoUey fifth son to Jofeph Policy & Eunice his wife Bora at Fitchburg January ye 19th 1791 Phin® HartweU Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 319 Eunice PoUey Firft Daughter to Jofeph PoUey & Eunice his wife Born at Fitchburg April 8*" 1793 Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk Betfy Polly Second daughter to Joseph Polly and Eunice his wafe born at Fitchburg July 2°." 1795. Amos PoUey Sixth Son of Joseph Policy & Eunice his wife bom at Fitchburg August 10*? 1797. Bradley Vamura PoUey Seventh Son of Joseph PoUey & Eunice his wife bom at Fitchburg August 2"." 1800. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 7th March 1803 and recorded [130] Peter Policy first son to Peter Policy Departed this Life Aug. 23, 1806 Reed March 12, 1811 & recorded by O Fox town Clerk [131] Lidea williaras first Daughter of Jaraes wil liaras & Submit his wife Born Febraary ye 23"d 1781 in fitchburg Phinehas Hartwell Town Clark Peter Policy firft son to Peter PoUey & Defire his wife born at fitchburg march y'= 14*" 1786 .... Phinehas Hart-well Town Clerk Salley PoUey second Daughter to John PoUey & Abi gail his wife Bora at fitchburg April y^ 25 1785 . . . Polly Pratt first daughter of John Pratt & Rebecah his wife born at Fitchburg 21®* Sep. 1789 .... John Darby Pratt first Son of John Pratt & Rebecah his wife born at Fitchburg 6*? Febraary 1792 .... Tamar Pratt Second daughter of John Pratt & Re becah his wife bora at Fitchburg 12*? Nov. 1793 . . . Sally Pratt third daughter of John Pratt & Rebecah his wife born at Fitchburg 1®* August 1796 .... Rebekah Pratt forth daughter of John Pratt & Re becah his wife born at Fitchburg 2"." July 1798 . . . Luther Pratt Second Son of John Pratt & Rebecah his wife born at Fitchburg 6*? august 1800 .... Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? the 21st April 1801 & recorded 320 The Old Records of the Lucy Brewer Pratt fifth Daughter of John & Rebeckah Pratt born at Fitchburg October 27, 1805 Thoraas Darby Pratt third Son of John & Rebecah Pratt born at Fitchburg October 31, 1807 Phebe Pratt Sixth daughter of John & Rebeckah Pratt born at Fitchburg Deceraber 1®. 1809 Reed May 18, 1810 & recorded by Oliver Fox Town Clerk [133] Blank. [133] Abrahara Gibson second son of Abraham Gib son & Efther his wife Born at Fitchburg September y^ 2"" 1769 Phine® Hartwell Clerk Lucy Gibson Daughter to Abraham Gibson & Efther his wife Born at Fitchburg may y^ 19 1771 .... John Gibson son to Abraham Gibson and Efther his wife Born at Fitchburg march y"^ 20*" 1776 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Luke Sawyer first Son of Luke Sawyer and Mary his wife Born at Fitchburg 23"" September 1793 .... Mary Sawyer first daughter of Luke Sawyer & Mary his wife born at Fitchburg 16*? Nov. 1795 .... Ruth Sawyer Second daughter of Luke Sawyer & Mary his wife born at Fitchburg 29*? December 1797 . . Joseph Fox Town Clerk Ree? 8th of May 1800 & recorded Abe Sawyer Second Son of Luke Sawyer & Mary his wafe Bora at Fitchburg 29*? May 1800 .... Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 8th jany 1801 and recorded [134] Blank. [135] Oliver Atherton WiUard third son to Elijah Willard & raary his wife Born at Fitchburg raay 12*" 1784 Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk annis WUlard Daughter to Elijah WiUard & Mary his wife Born at Fitchburg May y= 19*" 1786 .... Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 321 Zophar WiUar Fourth Son to Elijah WiUard & Mary his Wife Born att Fitchburg Sep. y^ 12, 1788. Phinehas Hartwell T Clerk Sally MUes first daughter of Richard Miles & Sally his wife born at Fitchburg Oct. 9*? 1800 Rec? 22 Decembr 1800 & recorded Joseph Fox Town Clerk [136] Nance Badcock first Daughter to Nathan Bad cock & Jerulha his wife Departed this Life at milton . . Prudence Badcock second Daughter to Nathan Bad cock & Jeruflia his wife Departed this Life January -y^ 26*" 1777 Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk WiUiara Badcock forth son to Nathan Badcock & Je rulha his wafe Departed This Life October 1®* 1789 Phin® HartweU Town Clerk [137] Nancy Badcock firft Daughter to Nathan Bad cock & Jeruftia his wife Born at Milton June 24*" 1771 Jofiah Badcock first son to Nathan Badcock & Jeruflia his wife Bora at fitchburg August y^ 30*" 1773 Nathan Badcock second son to Nathan Badcock & Jerufli his wife Bom at fitchburg April y-^ 14*" 1775 Prudence Badcock second Daughter to Nathan Bad cock & Jerufli his wife Born at fitchburg January ye 6*" 1777 John Badcock third son to Nathan Badcock & Jeruftia his wife Bom at fitchburg February y*: 14*" 1778 . . . Elisabeth Badcock third Daughter to Nathan Badcock & Jeraflia his wife Bora at Fitchburg June 24*" 1780 . . Sarah Badcock fourth Daughter to Nathan Badcock & Jeruftia his wife Bora at fitchburg may y'= 7*" 1782 . . Ruth Badcock fifth Daughter to Nathan Badcock & Jeraflia his wife Born at fitchburg February y"= 23"" 1784 Sufannah Badcock sixth Daughter to Nathan Badcock & Jerulha his wife Bom at fitchburg January y^ 23"" 1785 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk William Badcock fourth son To Nathan Badcock & Jeruftia his wife Born at Fitchburg February ye 19*" 1788 P. HartweU Clerk 322 The Old Records of the [138] Mr Phinehas Brown departed this life June 20 1821, at. Fitchburg Recorded by Walter Johnson T. Clerk [139] Edward sheaf Brown first son to Phinehas Brown & Lydia his wife Born at Fitchburg march y*^ 1»* 1776 .... Lydia Brown first Daughter to Phinehas Brown & Lydia his wife Bom at fitchburg Noveraber y'= 1®* 1779 Phinehas Brown second son to Phinehas Brown & Lydia his wife Born at fitchburg Noveraber y^ 19*" 1781 Jofiah Brown third son to Phinehas Brown & Lydia his wife Bom at fitchburg raarch y^ 22"" 1784 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Williara Brown fourth son to Phinehas Brown and Lydia his wife Born at fitchburg February 3"" 1786 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Sufannah Brown second Daughter to Phinehas Brown & Lydea his wife Bora at Fitchburg March y^ 20*" 1788 Phin® Hartwell T Clerk Luther Laphani son of Silanus Lapham & Kezia his bom at Fitchburg March 15 : 1803 Sarah Lapham daughter of Silvanus Lapham & Kezia his wife bom at Fitchburg April 8 : 1805 Delany Lapham daughter of Sylvanus Lapham and Kezia his wife born at Fitchburg March 23, 1807 Charles Lapham son of Silvanus Laphara & Kezia his wife born at Fitchburg May 16 : 1809 Reed Jany 5 : 1810 & Recorded by Oliver Fox Town Clerk 1811 Dan'. Kuhn. Laphara fifth son of Sy'. Laphara & Kezia his wife born 29 — August — 1811 Reed & recorded Sept. 28, 1811 by Oliver Fox town Clerk Kezia Bartow Laphara 4*? Daughter of Silvanus Lap hara & Kezia his wife born at Fitchburg Jany 16, 1815. Record by Jon" Haskell Town Cler Town of Fitchburgh. 323 [130] 1813 M. Benjarain HartweU departed this life AprU 3? 1813 OUver Fox Town Clerk [131] Sarah Hartwell first Daughter of Benjarain Hartwell & Sarah his wife Born at Littleton raay y^ 6*" 1780 .... Lois Hartwell second Daughter of Benjarain Hartwell & Sarah his wife Born at fitchburg raay 14*" 1782 . . Hannah Hartwell third Daughter to Benjarain Hart well & Sarah his wife Born at fitchburg July y^ 8*" 1784 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Jofiah Hartwell firft son of Benjarain Hartwell & Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg May y*^ 1®* 1786 Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Bethiah Hartwell fourth Daughter of Benjamin Hart well & Sarah his wife Bom at Fitchburg Auguft 6*" 1789 Phinehas Hartwell T. Clerk Benj" Hartwell Ju" second son to Benjamin Hartwell & Sarah his wife Born at fitchburg April y*^ 10*" 1792 P. Hartwell Town Clerk Nathan Hartwell Third Son of Benj? HartweU & Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg 29*? Deceraber 1794 Joseph Fox Town Clerk reed & recorded 8th May 1797 [133] Blank. [133] Dorcas Hartwell first Daughter to Soloraon Hartwell & Dorcas his wife Born at fitchburg August y'= 4*" 1775 Soloraon Hartwell first son to soloraon HartweU & Dorcas his wife Bom at Fitchburg June y^ 9*" 1777 John Hartwell second son to soloraon Hartwell & Dorcas his wife Bom at fitchburg aprii y^ 1®* 1779 PoUey Hartwell second Daughter to soloraon Hart well & Dorcas his wife Born at fitchburg aprii y= 29*" 1781 Salley Hartwell third Daughter of soloraon Hartwell & Dorcas his wife Born at fitchburg May y= 2"" 1783 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk 324 The Old Records of the Eunice HartweU fourth Daughter of Solomon Hart weU & Dorcas his wife Born at fitchburg Nov™ 19*" 1785 Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk Jofeph Hartwell Third son to Solomon Hartwell & Dorcas his wife Born at fitchburg March 16*" 1788 P. HartweU Town Clerk [134] Elezabeth scott the wife of Edward scott Departed this Life Auguft ye 15*" 1780 .... Lydea scott third Daughter to Edward scott & Elefa beth his wife Departed this Life January ye 4*" 1778 Jane scott fifth Daughter to Edward scott & Elefa beth his wife Departed this Life December 28*" 1777 Phinehas Hartw^ell Town Clerk The Widow Lydea Scott Departed This Life Auguft y^ 26*" 1792 in the Eighty seventh year of her age from the 20*" Day of July Preceeding above Date Phinehas Hartwell Clerk Sarah Scott second Daughtor of Edweard Scott De parted this Life June 12*" 1794 Thurfday morning Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk [135] Elezabeth scott first Daughter of Edward scott and Elezabeth his wife Bora at fitchburg aprii 23"" 1765 sarah scott second Daughter of Edward scott & Eleza beth His wife Born at fitchburg January y'= 12*" 1767 John scott firft son to Edward scott & Elefabeth his wife Born at fitchburg October y'^ 12*" 1768 Edward scott second son to Edward scott & Elefa beth his wife Born at Fitchburg June y^ 8*" 1770 . . . Lydea scott third Daughter to Edward scott & Elefa beth His wife Bora at fitchburg Joanna scott fourth Daughter to Edward scott & Elefabeth his wife Bora at fitchburg Deceraber ye 8*" 1774 Jane scott fifth Daughter to Edward scott & Elefa beth his wife Born at fitchburg January ye 15th 1777 Jofeph scott third son to Edward scott & Elefabeth his wife Born at fitchburg September y'= 21®* 1779 Phinehas HartweU Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 325 Benjamin scott fourth son to Edward scott & Mary his wife Bora at fitchburg November y^ 22"" 1782 . . . and third to his wife Mary scott sixth Daughter to Edward scott & Mary his wife Born at fitchburg Auguft y« 17*" 1785 .... Phinehas Hart-well Town Clerk Lydea Scott seventh Daughter to Edward Scott & Mary his wife Born att fitchburg April y= 21®* 1788 . . Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk [136] Sarah Turner Daughter of Israel & Elizabeth Turner Died at Fitchburg January 10, 1832. J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk Recorded January 10, 1832. Mrs Elizabeth Tumer widow of Capt Israel Turner Esq Died at Fitchburg May 2, 1842. Age 95 Disease Mortification Recorded by J. A. Marshall Town Clerk [137] Anna Gibson Daughter to David Gibson & Anna his -wife was Bom at fitchburg November y^ 19*" 1778 John Reed Gibson third son to David Gibson & anna his wife born at fitchburg January y'= 8*" 1785 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Luke Barton Gibfon fourth son to David Gibson & Anna his wife Bom att fitchburg febraary 18*" 1787 Jane Gibson second Daughter to David Gibson & Anna his wife Born att fitchburg may 16*" 1790 Phinehas HartweU T Clerk David Gibfon Ju" firft son to David Gibfon & Anna his wife Born att Lunenburg June ye 22"" 1780 Solomon Dwinel Gibfon second son to David Gibfon & Anna his wife Born att Lunenburg May 12*" 1782 Eliza Turner 5*? daughter of Israel Tumer Esq. & Elifabeth his wife born at Fitchburg 9*? January 1797. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Reed 14th Novr 1805 and recorded 826 The Old Records of the [138] Samuel Carter 1®* Son of Thomas Carter & Anna his wife Bora at Fitchburg Nov 21, 1804 .... Sibel Carter 1?* Daughter of Thomas Carter & Anna his wife Born at Fitchburg Jan? 3? 1807 and died May 18 1807 Farwell Carter 2" Son of Thoraas Carter & Anna his wife born at Fitchburg August 25, 1808 — and Died octo 2? 1810 .... Sibel Carter 2" Daughter of Thoraas Carter & Anna his wife bom at Fitchburg July 21, 1811 .... Anna Carter 3" Daughter of Thoraas Carter & Anna his wife born at Fitchburg Sept 13, 1813 .... Jon" Haskell, Town Clerk Recev? & recorded May 2? 1814 . . Thomas Carter third son of Thomas Carter & Anna his wife born at Fitchburg June 13*" 1815 Recorded by Peter Snow Town Clerk [139] Debroah WiUard Firft Daughter to Daniel Wil lard & Relief his wife Bora at fitchburg Auguft y^ 9*" 1785 Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Jofliua WUlard First son to Daniel Willard & Relief his wife Born att fitchburg January 26*" 1787 Lephe Willard second daughter of Daniel Willard & Relief his wife Born att fitchburg Sept™ 21®* 1789 Efther WUlard Third Daughter of Daniel & ReUef WiUard His wife Born at fitchburg sept™ 9*" 1791 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Rebecah Willard fourth daughter of Dan' & Releaf WiUard bora at Fitchburg March 1®* 1795 Louis WUlard fifth Daughter of Dan' & Releaf WUlard bora Jany. 10." 1798 Daniel Willard second son of Dan' & Releaf willard Born at Fitchburg May 8, 1802 Reed May 18 1810 & recorded by OUver Fox Town Clerk Samuel Harrifs 1?* Son of Sarauel Harrifs and Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg 19*? March 1779. Towti of Fitchburgh. 327 Lucy Harrifs 1?* daughter of Sarauel Harrifs and Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg 25." February 1781. Thoraas Harrifs 2?" Son of Sarauel Harrifs and Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg 18." April 1785. Sophia Harrifs 2?" daughter of Sarauel Harrifs and Lucy his wife bom at Fitchburg 15." March 1787. Ward Harrifs 3"" Son of Sarauel Harrifs and Lucy his wife bom at Fitchburg 31®* Deceraber 1791. Sally Harrifs 3"" daughter of Sarauel Harrifs and Lucy his wife bom at Fitchburg 7*" June 1798. Milton Harrifs 4*" Son of Sarauel Harrifs and Lucy his wife bom at Fitchburg 30*" April 1805. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. [140] Sarauel FuUum 4*" son of Jacob FuUum & Lois his -wife departed this life at Fitchburg July 1®* 1824 P. S. Snow Town Clerk Recvd & recorded Sept 5th 1827 [141] Eunice Fullam firft Daughter of Jacob Fullam & Lois his wife Born at Fitchburg on wednefs Day y= 23"" Day of march 1785 .... Phin® HartweU Town Clerk Louis FuUum second daughter of Jacob FuUum & Lous his wife bom at Fitchburg 11." of May 1787. Jacob FuUum Ju. first son of Jacob FuUum & Lous his wife bom at Fitchburg 21?* of June 1789. Boylfton FuUum second son of Jacob FuUum & Lous his wife born at Fitchburg 15*." March 1792. Daniel FuUum third Son of Jacob FuUum & Lous his wife bora at Fitchburg 31?* of May 1794. Sarauel FuUura forth son of Jacob FuUum and Lous his wife bora at Fitchburg 29*? of April 1796. Abel FuUura fifth Son of Jacob FuUura & Lous his wife bora at Fitchburg 3." of December 1799. Lucy FuUum third daughter of Jacob FuUura & Lous his wife born at Fitchburg 12*? of June 1801. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Ree? on ye 2nd day of December 1801 and recorded 828 The Old Records of the Sophia FuUura 4." daughter of Jacob FuUura & Lous his wife born at Fitchburg 10*" January 1804 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? ye 29 Sep. 1804 and recorded Alraira FuUum 5*" Daughter of Jacob FuUum & Louies his wife bom at Fitchburg 27. May 1807 Reed & Recorded March 10, 1810 by Oliver Fox Town Clerk [143] Benjarain Smith Ju. Departed this Life at Fitchburg May 25*" 1794 Phin® HartweU Town Clerk Sun Day raorning .... 1812 Benj. Sraith Departed this Life March 1812 Reed 21 March 1812 & Reeded by Oliver Fox Nathan Smith Son of Benjamin Smith & Ruth his wife died at Fitchburg AprU Seventh 1818 Recorded by Peter Snow Town Clerk 1811 Williara Storey 2" Son of Solomon & Rosey Storey Departed this life at Winchendon April 6, 1811 Reed & recorded AprU 9." 1811 by Oliver Fox Town Clerk [143] Sarauel Sraith fifth son to Benjarain Sraith & Ruth his wife Born at fitchburg March y^ 29*" 1786 . . Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk WiUiara Sraith sixth son to Benjamin Smith & Ruth his wife Born at Fitchburg Febraary 22"" 1788 Phinehas HartweU T. Clerk Williara Story first Son of Soloraon Story & Rofe his wife born at Ipfwnch 15." day of May 1781. Rofey Story first daughter of Solomon Story & Rose his wife born at Ipfwich 16*" day of January 1784. Martha Story second daughter of Solomon Story & Rose his wife born at Fitchburg 27*" day of March 1786. Lucy Storey third daughter of Solomon Story & Rose his wife born at Fitchburg 29*" day of June 1788. Town of Fitchburgh. 329 WUliam Story second Son of Solomon Story & Rose his wife bom at Fitchburg 22?" July 1790. Robert Bumham Story third Son of of Solomon Story & Rose his wife born at Fitchburg 9." March 1793. Aaron Story forth Son of Soloraon Story & Rose his wife born at Fitchburg 20." day of June 1795. Mofes Story fifth son of Solomon Story & Rose his wife bom at Fitchburg 30*" January 1800. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 23rd May 1800 And recorded [144] Mrs Dorcas Wetherbee wife of Mr Paul Weth erbee departed this Life at Fitchburg 182 — J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk Recorded July 25, 1829 Mistaken for Mrs Israel Wetherbee [145] Dorcas Wetherbee firft Daughter of Paul weath erbee & Dorcas his wife Born at fitchburg Nove™ 29*" 1775 .... Paul Wetherbee J"" firft son of Paul weatherbee & Dorcas His wife Bora at fitchburg March ye 8*" 1777 . . Abel Wetherbee second son to Paul wetherbe & Dor cas His wife Bora at Fitchburg May 22"" 1779 .... Abijah Wetherbee Third son of Paul Wetherbee & Dorcas His wife Bora at Fitchburg July ye 20*" 1781 . . Afa Wetherbee fourth son to Paul Wetherbee & Dor- caf His wife Born at Fitchburg Sept?' ye 10." 1783 . . . Luke -wetherbee fifth son of Paul Wetherbee & Dorcas His wife Bom at Fitchburg Nove'?' ye 14*" 1786 .... Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Soloraa Wetherbee second Daughter to Paul Wetherbee & Dorcas his wife Born at Fitchburg Deceraber y'^ 7*" 1788 SaUy Wetherbee Third Daughter to Paul wetherbee & Dorcafs his wife Born att Fitchburg raay 24*" 1791 Phinehas Hart-well Town Clerk Lucy Wetherbee forth daughter of Paul Wetherbee & Dorcafs his wife Born at Fitchburg March 12." 1797 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 22nd Feby 1798 and recorded 330 The Old Records of the Samuel Stearnes 5*" Son of Samuel & Polly Stearnes born at Fitchburg May May 10." 1810 Reed & recorded April 27, 1813 by Oliver Fox town Clerk [146] Blank. [147] Benjamin AUen Firft Son to Phinehas AUen & Sarah his Wife Born att Linclon November y'= 4*" 1777 . SaUey Allen firft Daughter to Phinehas Allen & Sarah his wife Born att Linclon January 16*" 1779 .... DoUey AUen second Daughter to Phinehas Allen and Sarah His wife Born att Wefttown January y^ 15*" 1781 Phinehas HartweU T Clerk Lydia Thurfton AUen Daughter to Phinehas Allen & first to Dolly his wife Born at fitchburg Auguft 28*" 1785 Abigiel Allen Daughter of Phinehas Allen & second to DoUey his wife Born at Fitchburg Deceraber y^ 8*" 1786 . Phinehas Hartwell To-wn Clerk Phinehas Alien Jun" second son to Phinehas Allen & firft to Dolly his Now Wife born att Fitchburg Deceraber y? 6*" 1788 Eunice Allen fifth Daughter to Phinehas Allen & Third to Dolly his Now wife Born att Fitchburg March y^ 18*" 1790 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk John Allen second son to Phinehas & Dolly Allen Born att Fitchburg Noveraber y<^ 5*" 1771 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Sarauel AUen Third son to Phinehas Allen & DoUey his Now wife bora at Fitchburg Noveraber 28*" 1793 Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk Betfey Allen Sixth Daughter to Phinehas Allen & Dolly his wife Born at fitchburg AprU 27*" 1795 Phin® Hartwell Clerk Abijah Allen Fifth Son of Phinehas Alen & forth Son to Dolly his wife born at Fitchburg June 29*? 1797 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 27 March 1798 and recorded Town of Fitchburgh. 331 [148] Jonah Wood Departed This Life February 25*" 1784 the firft son to George Wood & sarah wood his wife Phinehas Hartwell town Clerk Sibbel Wood first daughter of George Wood & Sarah his wife departed this life Nov. 21®* 1799 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Ree? 12 December 1799 and recorded Daniel Wood third Son of George Wood & Sarah his wife departed this life Nov. 2"." 1802 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Ree? 12 Novr 1802 and recorded Jonah Wood fifth Son of George Wood & Sarah his wife departed this life 25*? July 1804 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Ree? 25 Aug. 1804 and recorded < John Wood fourth son of George Wood & Sarah his Wife departed this life 6*? February AD 1808 Oliver Fox Town Clerk reed & recorded March 28, 1808 Mr George Wood departed this Ufe Sept 1820 at Fitchburg. [149] Jonah Wood firft Son to George wood & sarah His wife bom at Acton June 22"" 1782 . . . Sibble wood Firft Daughter to George wood & sarah his wife Bom at Rockenham February y*^ 7*" 1784 . . Rachel wood second Daughter to George wood & Sarah his wife Bom at Rockinghara July 26*" 1785 George wood second son to George wood & sarah his wife Bom at Fitchburg January y' 25*" 1787 .... Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Daniel Wood Third son to George wood & sarah His wife Bom att Fitchburg March 23"" 1788 .... John Wood fourth son to George wood & sarah his wife Born at Fitchburg February 14*" 1791 .... Sally Wood Third Daughter to George wood & sarah his wife Bora April 4*" 1792 att Fitchburg .... Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Betfy Wood forth daughter of George Wood & Sarah his wife bom at Fitchburg 22?" April 1793 .... 332 The Old Records of the Jonah Wood fifth Son of George Wood & Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg 18*? March 1795 .... Luther Wood Sixth Son of George Wood & Sarah & his wife born at Fitchburg 11*? August 1796 .... Joseph Fox Town Clerk Ree? 7 March 1798 and recorded Calvin Wood Seventh Son of George Wood & Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg June 28*? 1798 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed 1 April 1799 & recorded Levinia Wood fifth daughter of George Wood & Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg Oct. 28*? 1799 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? Decmbr 12th 1799 and recorded Timothy Wood eight Son of George Wood & Sarah his wife born at Fitchburg 4*" Sep. 1801 Joseph Fox Town Clerk ll.h Jany 1802 & recorded [150] M. Lemuel Haflciel departed this life on ye 18*? day of June 1793 .... Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? on ye 22ad Sep. 1800 and recorded Henry Battles 2" Son of Joseph Battles & Saly wnfe departed this Life Sep. 8, 1808 Clarissa Battles departed this Ufe March 19, 1809 Reed April 27, 1813 & recorded by O Fox Town Clerk Mifs Rebecca Battles Sister of Mr. Joseph Battles de parted this life at Fitchburg Deceraber 6*" 1826 Recorded Dec 7*" 1826 by P. S. Snow Town Clerk [151] Lucy HaflceU second Daughter to Lerauell Haf kell & Lucy his wife Bom at Fitchburg Auguft y^ 12*" 1778 Ame HaflceU Third Daughter to Lerauell HaflceU & Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg January y"^ 6*" 1781 Lerauel HaflceU second son to Lerauel HaflceU & Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg Septeraber 22"." 1783 Town of Fitchburgh. 333 Sarah HaflceU fourth Daughter to Lerauel HaflceU & Lucy his wife Born at fitchburg Auguft y*^ 9*" 1786 . . Phinehas Hartwell Tow-n Clerk Jofeph HaflceU Third Son to Lemuel HaflceU & Lucy his wife Bom at Fitchburg Auguft 29*" 1792. Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk Sally Battles first daughter of Joseph Battles and Sally his wife born at Fitchburg 6*? Oct. 1792. Polly Battles Second daughter of Joseph Battles and Sally his wife born at Fitchburg 13*? August 1795 Joseph Battles first Son of Joseph Battles and Sally his wife born at Fitchburg 5*? March 1800. Thirza Battles third daughter of Joseph Battles and Sally his wife born at Fitchburg 30*" Oct. 1802 Jofeph Fox To-wn Clerk Reed 17 Novr 1805 and recorded. Henry Battles 2" Son of Joseph Battles & Sally his wife born at Fitchburg Dec. 5, 1805. Clarissa Battles 4*" daughter of Jos & SaUy Battles bom Jan? 20, 1809. Henry Battles 3" Son of Joseph Battles & Sally his wife bom Sep. 1, 1811 Reed April 27, 1813 & recorded by O Fox Town Clerk Clarisa Battles 5*? Daughter of Joseph Battles & Sally his wife Bom at Fitchburg June 19, 1813 Jon" Haskell Town Clerk Reed & Recorded March 3d 1815 [153] Blank. [153] Rebeckah Berry firft Daughter to SaraueU Berry and Rebeckah his wife Born at fitchburg April 26*" 1786 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Thadeus Jackson Farwell 1®* Son of Abrahara Moses Farw^ell and Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg 17*" March 1803. 884 The Old Records of the John Hubbard Farwell 2?" Son of Abrahara Moses Farwell and Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg 9." Febru ary 1805. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Reed 17th Novr 1805 and recorded. [154] Jacob Gibson Ju. Second Son of Jacob Gibson & MoUy his wife departed this Ufe March 10*? 1799. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? and recorded 1st December 1801 Mr Jacob Gibson departed this life at Fitchburg Aug. 19, 1824. Recorded Aug 26, 1824 by P S. Snow Town Clerk [155] MoUey Gibson firft Daughter of Jacob Gibson & moUey his wife Born at Fitchburg raarch ye 18*" 1773 Keziah Gibson second Daughter of Jacob Gibson & moUey his wife at fitchburg March y'= 16*" 1775 .... Jofeph Gibson firft son of Jacob Gibson & raoUey his wife Born at fitchburg February y^ 4*" 1777 .... Relief Gibson third Daughter of Jacob Gibson & raol- ley his wife Born at fitchburg October y« 20*" 1779 . . . Jacob Gibson Ju. second Son of Jacob Gibson & raol- ley his wife Born at fitchburg february 25 1782 .... Hepzibeth Gibfon fourth Daughter of Jacob Gibson & raoUey his wife born at Fitchburg March y^ 1®* 1784 . . John Gibson Third son of Jacob Gibson & raoUey his wife Born at Fitchburg Auguft y= 25*" 1786 .... Phinehas Harwell Town Clerk Betfey Gibson fifth Daughter to Jacob Gibfon & raoUey his wife Born January y'^ 10*" 1789 Phin® HartweU Clerk Elnathan Gibfon fourth son to Jacob Gibfon & moUey his wife bora at fitchburg Auguft y"= 20*" 1791 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk [156] 1812 Jacob Brown Departed this Life April 26, 1812 in the year of his age Reed May 5, 1812 and recorded by O. Fox Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 335 Mr Person Brown Departed this life at Fitchburg May 29, 1841. Aged 81. Betsey Brown wife of Person Brown departed this life at Fitchburg Febraary 4*" 1842 Age 80. Eunice Brown wife of Jacob Brown Departed this life at Fitchburg May 5, 1812 Age 77. Reed & Recorded Oct 8, 1844 by J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk [157] Anna Pingrey firft Daughter of Stephen Pingrey and Mary his wife Born at Littletown March y^ 7*? 1784 Stephen Pingrey 3" firft Son to Stephen pingrey Ju" and Mary his wife Born at Fitchburg October 18*" 1787 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Mary Pingrey second Daughter to Stephen Pingrey & Mary his wife Born at fitchburg Auguft y-^ 16*" 1789 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Benj? Brown third Son of Person Brown & Betfy his wife bom at Fitchburg June 4*? 1792 Levi Brown forth Son of Person Brown & Betfy his wife born at Fitchburg Febr? 26 1794 Afa Brown fifth Son of Person Brown & Betfy his wife born at Fitchburg April 10*? 1797 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Ree? 18th March 1799 & recorded Polly Brown first Daughter of Person Brown & Bitfy his wife born at Fitchburg Oct. 15, 1799 Joseph Fox town Clerk Reed Deer 12 1799 & Recorded [158] Mr Solomon Carlton departed this life at Fitchburg Sept. 12*" 1823 Recv" & recorded July 5 1825 by p. S. Snow T. Clerk. Mrs Elizabeth Carlton departed this life at Fitchburg Sept 5*? 1825 Recorded Sept 8, 1825 by P S. Snow T. Clerk 836 The Old Records of the Mrs Jemiraa Crague wife of WUliam Crague Died at Fitchburg Septeraber 26, 1842, Age 66 Recorded April 11, 1843 by J. A. Marshall Town Clerk [159] William Carlton son to Solomon Carlton & EUfabeth his wife Born att Fitchburg July y-^ 15*" 1787 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Williara Crague first Son of Will™ Crague & Jemima his wife born at Fitchburg February 18." 1797 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? and Entered 16 July 1798 Mary Crague first daughter of William Crague & Jemima his wife born at Fitchburg January 8*? 1799 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? IOth May 1800 & recorded Jonathan Crague second son of Williara Crague & Jemima his wife born at Fitchburg May 14*? 1801 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? 12th Sep. 1801 & recorded SaUy, Fox, Crague, second daughter of William Crague & Jemiraa his wife bora at Fitchburg 19*? July 1803. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Reed 6th Sept 1803 and recorded Hannah, Lock, Crague, third daughter of Will"? Crague & Jemiraa his wife born at Fitchburg 6*? July 1805. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? 19th February 1806 and recorded Lucy Crague fourth daughter of Williara Crague & Jemiraa his wife born at Fitchburg April l4, 1808 Lerauel Stone third son of William Crague & Jem his wife born at Fitchburg Sept 14, 1811. Reed & recorded Sep. 28, 1811 by Oliver Fox Town Clerk Peter Stearns Snow Crauge, Son of W?' Crague and Jemiraa, his Wife, born at Fitchburg Sept. 22? 1814. Rec? and recorded, Sept. 15, 1815, by John Shepley, Town Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 337 [160] Mr Joseph FarweU Died at Fitchburg April 20, 1836. Recorded April 20, 1836, by J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk. Mrs Prifsilla FarweU Died at Fitchburg December 30 1837. Recorded December 31, 1837, By J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk [161] SamueU Ferwell Firft son To Abrahara Ferwell & Prifsilla his wife Bom at Fitchburg Noveraber y'= 10*" 1772 .... Hepsibah Ferwell Firft Daughter To Abrahara Ferwell & PrifsUla his wife Born at Fitchburg October 15*" 1770 Abrahara Ferwell Ju. second son To Abraham Ferwell & Prifsilla His wife Bom at Fitchburg Auguft 16*" 1774 Jofiah Ferw^ell Third Son To Abrahara Ferwell & Prif- siUa His wife Born at Fitchburg Febraary ye 9*" 1777 Abel Ferwell Fourth son To Abrahara Ferwell & Prif silla His wife Born att Fitchburg February y'= 11*? 1780 Miriam Ferwell second Daughter To Abraham Ferwell and Prifsilla His wife Born att Fitchburg May y-^ 9*" 1782 Levi Ferwell Fifth son To Abrahara Ferwell & Prif- siUa His wife Born att Fitchburg October 19 1784 . . Jofeph Fer-well Sixth son To Abrahara Ferwell and PrifsUla His wife Born att Fitchburg January 22 1787 Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk [163] Mrs Katherine Mclntire wife of Elijah Mcln tire departed this life at Fitchburg February 3, 1836. Recorded Feb. 3, 1836 By J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk David Battles Departed this life June 23, 1812 Oliver Fox Town Clerk Patty Battles 3" Daughter of David Battles & Lucy his wife departed this life August 6, 1800 Reed & record April 27, 1813 By Oliver Fox Town Clerk 338 The Old Records of the Mrs Lucy Battles departed this life at Fitchburg No veraber 12, 1840. Reed & Recorded AprU 26, 1841, by J. A. MarshaU Town Clerk [163] Mary M'^intire firft Daughter to Elijah M'^intire & Katharine His wife Born att Fitchburg Auguft 24*" 1781 Elijah M'^intire firft son To Elijah M'^intire & Katha rine his wife Born att Fitchburg February 10*" 1784 . . Phinehas Hartwell Clerk Katharine Macintire Second daughter of Elijah Mac intire & Katharine his wife born at Fitchburg February 25*? 1789 Rhoda Macintire third daughter of Elijah Macintire & Katharine his wife born at Fitchburg February 23"? 1791 Joseph Fox Town Clerk ree? 6th March 1799 & recorded Betsy Battles first daughter of David Battles and Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg 15*? October 1797. Rebecah Battles fourth daughter of David Battles and Lucy his wife bora at Fitchburg 27*? Septeraber 1803. Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk. Rec? 17*? Novr 1805 and recorded. Lucy Battles 2" Daughter of David Battles & Lucy his Wife born August 16, 1799. Patty Battles 3" Daughter of David Battles & Lucy bora at Leorainster 6 May 1800 Elraira Battles 5*" daughter of D Battles & Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg February 28, 1806. David Battles 1®* Son of David Battles & Lucy his wife born at Fitchburg April 1®* 1808. Sara Adaline 6 Daughter of David Battles & Lucy his wife Born at Fitchburg Febr? 8, 1811. Recvd April 27, 1813 & recorded by Oliver Fox town Clerk [164] Patty HUton Fifth Daughter to Thoraas HU ton & Sarah his wife Departed this Life March 26*" 1795 Phinehas HartweU T Clerk Town of Fitchburgh. 339 Mrs Sarah Hilton -wife of Mr Thomas Hilton departed this life at Fitchburg April 15*? 1824. Recorded Apr 16, 1824 P S. Snow Town Clerk [165] Thoraas HiUton Firft son To Thoraas Hilton & Comfort his wife Born att Fitchburg March ye 9*" 1780 .... Betfey HiUton Firft Daughter To Thomas HUton & Comfort his wife Bora att Fitchburg April y^ 4*" 1782 Salley HiUton Second Daughter To Thomas Hilton & firft Daughter to Sarah his wife Born att F'itchburg May ye iQth 1787. Phinehas HartweU Town Clerk Daniel Hilton second son to Thomas Hilton & Sarah his wife Born at Fitchburg October 27 1788 Mary Hilton Third Daughter to Thoraas Hilton & Sarah his wife born at fitchburg July 30*" 1790 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Salley Hilton Fourth Daughter to Tho® Hilton & Sarah his wife Born at Fitchburg March 1®* 1792 . . . Patty Hilton Fifth Daughter to Tho® HUton & Sarah his wife Born at Fitchburg October 16 1794 Deceafed Patty HUton CaUed after the Last raentioned sixth Daughter to Tho® Hilton & Sarah* his wife Bora Dcember 10 1795 Phin® HartweU Town Clerk Clark Hilton 3? Son to Thos Hilton & Sarah his -wife Bom at Fitchburg March 23, 1798 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? April 1799 & recorded Asa Hilton 4 Son to Thomas Hilton & Sarah his wife Bom at Fitchburg June 17, 1800 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed Sept 9th 1802 [166] Mrs Betsy Carter wife of Joseph Carter de parted this life at Fitchburg August 23, 1826. Recorded Aug 23, 1826 by P. S. Snow Town Clerk. [167] Policy Gibson firft Daughter to Abrahara Gib son & MoUey his wife Born att Fitchburg Sep* y^ 6*" 1779 .... 340 The Old Records of the Anna Gibfon Second Daughter to Abrahara Gibson & MoUey his wife born att fitchburg March y= 11*" 1782 Abraham Gibson Firft son To Abrahara Gibson & Pol- ley his wife Born att fitchburg March y*^ 2"" 1784 Lucretia Gibfon Third Daughter to Abraham Gibson & MoUey his wife born att fitchburg June 21®* 1786 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Joseph Carter first son of Joseph Carter & Betsy his wife Born at Fitchburg May 24 : AD 1807 Reed May 15, 1809 & recorded by Oliver Fox town Clerk Jacob Carter second son of Joseph Carter & Betsy his wife Born at Fitchburg October 10, 1810 Rec'd April 1, 1811 & recorded by O. Fox town Clerk Betsy Carter first daughter of Joseph & Betsy Carter born 8*? Dec. 1811. Reed Febr? 12, 1813 & recorded by Oliver Fox town Clerk Ephraim Hartwell Carter, Son of Joseph Carter and Betsey, his wife, born April 15, 1815. Rec? and recorded March 1, 1816, by John Shepley, Town Clerk. [168] Mr Seth PhiUips departed this Ufe at Fitch burg August 10*" 1828 P. S. Snow Town Clerk 1812 Aaron Souther departed this life 26. July 1812 Reed Dec. 30 1812 & recorded by O. Fox town Clerk [169] Bettey Phillips Firft Daughter of Seth PhiUips & Bettey his wife Born December ye 13*" 1778 .... Samuell PhiUips Firft son to Seth Phillips & Bettey his wife Born att Fitchburg Sept"^™ ye ll*h 1781 .... Lydia PhiUips Second Daughter to Seth PhiUips & Bettey his wife Born att Fitchburg April 19*" 1785 . . Seth PhiUips second Son to Seth PhiUips & Bettey his wife Bom att Fitchburg Sept™ 4*" 1787 Phinehas HartweU T. Clerk Towti of Fitchburgh. 341 Mary Blanchard Souther first Daughter of Joseph J Souther & Mary his wife born at Marlboro February 16*? 1806 Maria Subrait Souther 2"" Daughter of Jos J Souther & Mary his wife bora at Fitchburg Jan? 10, 1808 Joseph Jackson Souther firt son of Jos J. Souther & Mary his wife born at Fitchbrg 9*? June 1810 Reed Aug. 31, 1810 & recorded by Oliver Fox To-wn Clerk 1812 Aaron Souther second Son of J. J Souther & Mary his wife born at Fitchburg February 26, 1812. Reed Dec 30, 1812 & recorded by Oliver Fox [170] Polly Thurston second Daughtr of Stephen Thurston & Polly his wife departed this life Septeraber 7*? 1796 Joseph Fox Town Clerk M. Stephen Thurstin departed this life on friday the 15*? day of March 1805. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. He was found dead hanging with a flaxen string by his neck, upon a sraall withhazel tree, about half after twelve OClock, in the day. Their was a Jury on the body, and their verdit was that he hung hirafelf, in a fit of insanity. Rec? 16th March 1805 and recorded Mary Thurston, Wife of Stephen Thurston deceased departed this life June 17, 1811. Sarauel Thurston, Son of Stephen Thurston deceased departed this Ufe Jan 11, 1815. Rec" April 6, 1821 & Recorded by Walter Johnson T. Clerk [171] John Thurfton Firft Son to Stephen Thurfton & Policy his wife Born att Fitchburg Septeraber 24*" 1788 Phin® HartweU Clerk Sufannah Aufgood Thurfton Firft Daughter to Stephen Thurfton & Policy his wife Born December y^ 2"" 1789 at Fitchburg Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk 342 The Old Records of the Samuell Thurfton second son to Stephen Thurfton & Policy his Wife Born at Fitchburg December 4*" 1791 Phin® HartweU Town Clerk PoUey Thurfton second Daughter to Stephen Thurfton & PoUey his wife Born att Fitchburg Sept™ 27*" 1794 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Nath? Thurston third Son of Stephen Thurston and Polly his wife born at Fitchburg June 23"? 1797 recorded Aug* 21®* 1797 by — Joseph Fox Town Clerk 1811 Oliver Carleton Warren first son of Oliver W. Warren & Frances his wife bora at Fitchburg March 15*? 1811 Reed Aug. 17, 1811 & recorded by O. Fox town Clerk 1813 Frances Catherine Warren first Daughter of 0. W. Warren & Frances his wife born at Fitchburg March 11, 1813. Reed AprU 8, 1813 & recorded by Oliver Fox T. C. [173] Polly Durant first daughter of Edward Durant and Nabby his wife departed this life August 27*" 1794 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? April 9th 1793 & recorded [173] Marcy HaflceU Firft Living Daughter To WU liam Hafkell & Marcy his wife Born att Fitchburg Sep tember y-^ 3"" 1788 Phinehas HartweU T Clerk Sarah Marble Hafkell second Daughter to Willara Haf- keU & Marcy his wife Born at fitchburg June y^ 18*" 1793 Polly Durant first daughter of Edward Durant & Nabby his wife born at Newtown May 6*? 1791 Thoraas Durant first Son of Edward Durant & Nabby his wife born at Fitchburg Nov. 17*? 1792. Elifabeth Durant Second daughter of Edward Durant & Nabby his wife born at Fitchburg Deceraber 15*? 1794. Town of Fitchburgh. 343 Samuel Durant Second Son of Edward Durant & Nabby his wife bom at Fitchburg July 26*? 1797 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? April 9th 1798 & recorded Mary Durant third daughter of Edward Durant & Nabby his wife born at Fitchburg July 31®* 1799. Sally Durant fouth daughter of Ed-ward Durant & Nabby his -wife bora at Fitchburg December 7*? 1801. Edward Durant third Son of Edward Durant & Nabby his wife born at Fitchburg August 23"? 1803. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 16 March 1804 and recorded. Joseph Durant fourth son of Edward Durant & Nabby his wife bom at Fitchburg 19 April AD 1806 Henrietta, Harriot Durant fifth Daughter of Edward Durant & Nabby his wife born at Fitchbg 12 March 1808 Reed Nov 15, 1808 & recorded by Oliver Fox Town Clerk [174] M"? Lydia Thurston, the wife of Cap. Thoraas Thurston, departed this life, on the 19*? January 1806. Thoraas Thurston Ju. first Son of Cap. Tho? Thurs ton and Lydia his wife departed this life, on the 15*? Feb ruary 1806 Elisabeth, Lydia, Thurston, Second daughter of Cap* Tho? Thurston and Lydia his wife, departed this life on the 28*? Febraary 1806 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? 17th March 1806, and recorded. Mrs Mehitable Thurston 2" wife of Capt Thoraas Thurston departed this life at Fitchburg Dec. 5, 1824 Recorded Dec 9, 1824 by P S. Snow Town Clerk Capt Thomas Thurston departed this life at Fitchburg Oct 31®* 1825 P. S. Snow Town Clerk Recorded Nov. 1 1825. Polly Thurston daughter of Thomas and Lydia Thurs ton died Noveraber 1®.* 1818 Age 26 years Recorded Septeraber 18*" 1877 Henry Jackson City Clerk 844 The Old Records of the [175] Thomas Thurfton Jun" Firft Son to Thomas Thurfton & Lydea his wife Born att Fitchburg Auguft y^ 23"d 1781 . ". . . Hannah Thurfton Firft Daughter to Thoraas Thurfton & Lydea his wife Born at Concord Septeraber 27*" 1782 Elizabeth Lydea Thurfton Second Daughter to Thoraas Thurfton and Lydea his wife Born att Concord Septeraber 16*" 1785 Afa Thurfton Second Son to Thoraas Thurfton & Lydea his wife Born att Fitchburg October 12*" 1787 Ebenezer Thurfton Third Son to Thoraas Thurfton & Lydea his wife Born att Fitchburg Noveraber 25*" 1789 Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk PoUy Thurfton third Daughter to Tho® Thurfton & Lydea his wife born at fitchburg May y'= 16*" 1792 Phin® Hartwell Town Clerk Cyrus Thurston forth Son of Thoraas Thurston & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg May 20"." 1796 Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Sylvania Thurston forth daughter of Thoraas Thurs ton & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg 13*? Nov. 1798 Joseph Fox Town Clerk Ree? 14 May 1799 and Recorded Mahalah Thurston fifth daughter of Tho® Thurston & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg 5*? June 1801. Joseph Fox To-wn Clerk Rec? 17 Novr 1802 — and recorded Maria C Thurston Sixth Daughter of Thoraas Thurs ton & Lydia his wife born at Fitchburg 9*? September 1803. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Reed ye 15th December 1804 and recorded [176] Cap. Jacob Burnap departed this life on Sun day the 14*? day of June 1807. Joseph Fox to-wn Clerk. Reed 16 June 1807 and recorded. [177] Hannah Burnap first Daughter to Jacob Bur nap and Hannah his wife Born at Fitchburg June y'= 11*" 1788 Phinehas HartweU Town Cle Town of Fitcliburgh. 845 Jacob Burnap first Son of Jacob Burnap and Hannah his wife bora at Fitchburg 5*" January 1791 .... Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Annes Parker Burnap Second Daughter of Jacob Bur nap and Hannah his wife born at Fitchburg 31®* January 1793 Joseph Fox town Clerk. Joseph Burnap Second Son of Jacob Burnap & Han nah his wife bora at Fitchburg 7*" December 1795 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. George Washington Burnap third Son of Jacob Bur nap & Hannah his wife born at Fitchburg 5*? June 1798 Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Ree? 22nd December 1798 & recorded Sufannah Burnap third daughter of Jacob Burnap & & Hannah his wife bora at Fitchburg August 23"? 1800 T, ., o + o ioor, o J J Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Rec? Sep. 8 1800 & recorded ¦' ^ Martha Dandridge Burnap, fourth daughter of Jacob Burnap and Hannah his wife, born at Fitchburg 18*? Febr? 1803. Joseph Fox Town Clerk Rec? 15th Aug. 1803 and recorded [178] M" Joseph Holt departed this life on Saturday the 3"? day of Sep. 1803. Joseph Fox Town Clerk. he was found dead hanging with a pair of bridle rains by his neck upon the lirab of a small chesnut tree half after ten in the Evening, they had a Jury on the body, & their verdit -was that he was infane. Reed 4th Sep. 803 and recorded Mr Thomas Litch departed this life on monday the 23" October 1820. Nov. 8, 1820 Recorded by Walter Johnson Town Clerk. [179] Betty Holt Firft Daughter to Jofeph Holt & Betty His wife Born att Fitchburg vSept™ 23"" 1777 . . Jofeph Holt J"" Firft son to Jofeph Holt & Betty His wife Bora att fitchburg July y= 22"" 1779 .... 346 The Old Records of the Abiel Holt second son to Jofeph Holt and Betty his wife Born att Fitchburg Auguft y= 29*" 1781 SaUey Holt second Daughter to Jofeph Holt & Betty his wife Born att fitchburg Septeraber y^ 10*" 1785 . . DoUey Holt Third Daughter to Jofeph Holt & Betty his wife Bora att fitchburg July y^ 1®* 1787 .... Phinehas Hartwell Town Clerk Darcas Holt forth Daughter of Joseph Holt & Betfy his wnfe born at Fitchburg March 4*? 1791 .... Joseph Fox Town Clerk. Martha Litch first daughter of Thoraas Litch & Han nah his wife born at Fitchburg 13*? August 1804. Joseph Fox, Town Clerk. Ree? llth Novr 1805 and recorded. Joel Litch first son of Thoraas Litch & Hannah his wife born at Fitchburg 14 AprU AD 1807 Thomas Litch 2"" Son of Tho? Litch & Hannah his wife born at Fitchburg 22 Dec. AD 1808 Reed May 1 1809 & recorded by Oliver Fox Town Clerk Aaron Litch 3? Son of Thomas Litch & Hannah his wife Bora at Fitchburg April 13, 1813. Receve" & Recorded by Jonathan Haskell Town Cler June 30, 1815. Hannah Litch daugter of Thoraas Litch & Hannh his wife born at Fitchburg May 13, 1815. George Kindall Litch son of Tho? Litch & Hannah his wife born at Fitchburg March 28, 1817. Recorded by Peter Snow Town Clerk Charles Sherwin Litch Son of Thomas & Hannah Litch born at Fitchburg Oct 20, 1819. Recorded by Walter Johnson Town Clerk Hannah Litch daughter of Thomas & Hannah Litch born at Fitchburg Jan? 22 1811, and died July 1®* 1814 Aug. 30 1827 Recv" & recorded by P. S. Snow Town Clerk ^—T.'Z-. ¦., ./-r': - c-r- -•¦' '¦ ' i': '"/I, /i.'rrL ir/^ •/. O'-.-n r--/'' -^fk'<-,v; /A ./^' ^ja.'^ ~y«-^yZ^' c/ - l^tj o/i^Z:,^r^ ,;,,i.-.,j^.it^r^i^^^ "jfe^ o^^^-4-