fMk v*f '/«•;'¦ 'Jacks fry the founding ef a Ct>Htfr If. litis Calony" i • YAiuE-wra^iaannr • ffiwMWH jftfjuiB Wn.tta. '933 JOSEPH E. BAKER PAST AND PRESENT OF ALAMEDA COUNTY CALIFORNIA JOSEPH E. BAKER EDITOR '' VOLUME I ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO THE S- J. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1914 CONTENTS CHAPTER I UNDER SPAIN AND MEXICO DISCOVERY OF THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO THE PORTOLA EXPEDITION THE EXPEDITION OF CAPTAIN BAUTISTA THE FIRST SETTLEMENT AT MISSION SAN JOSE THE EXPEDITION OF 1775 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MISSIONS — THE LIBERATION OF THE INDIANS THE INDIANS OF CONTRA COSTA — THE PRESIDIO THE NATIVE CALIFORNIANS 7 CHAPTER II SPANISH AND MEXICAN LAND GRANTS THE EARLY LAND GRANTS AND RANCHOS THE PERALTA GRANT THE PERALTA FAMILY EARLY HISPANO-MEXICAN FAMILIES TABLE OF LAND CLAIMS. ... 27 CHAPTER III THE AMERICAN SETTLERS THE ADVENT OF TEDEDIAH S. SMITH THE COMING OF THE AMERICANS THE FIRST AMERICAN SETTLERS — THE TRANSFORMATION FROM RANCHO TO FARM THE SQUATTERS THE LITIGATION "THE PRE-EMPTIONER"'s LEAGUE"' — THE REDWOODS VILLAGES ARE FOUNDED 41 CHAPTER IV THE WATER FRONT CONVEYANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR THE DISPOSAL OF OAKLAND'S WATER FRONT THE CITIZENS' RI,0T FORMATION OF THE OAKLAND WATER FRONT COMPANY YEARS OF WATER FRONT LITIGATION THE STATE BECOMES THE OWNER OF THE WATER FR0NT WATER FRONT IMPROVEMENTS — FINAL SETTLEMENT IS REACHED. . 55 1 2 CONTENTS CHAPTER V TRANSPORTATION THE FIRST RAILROAD — THE FIRST FERRIES — THE FIRST STREET RAILWAY — TRAFFIC BETWEEN THE EAST SIDE OF THE BAY AND SAN FRANCISCO BECOMES HEAVY MANY FRANCHISES ARE GRANTED THE PIEDMONT CABLE ROAD IS COMPLETED — ELECTRIC ROADS ARE RAPIDLY BUILT INTERURBAN ELECTRIC RAILROADS ARE CONSTRUCTED THE VARIOUS STREET RAILWAYS ARE CONSOLI DATED THE ENTRY OF THE WESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD — GREAT IMPROVE MENTS PLANNED AND CARRIED OUT 75 CHAPTER VI THE COUNTY BOARD ALAMEDA COUNTY IS CREATED — THE FIRST COUNTY OFFICIALS ARE CHOSEN ALVARADO, THE FIRST COUNTY SEAT SAN LEANDRO BECOMES THE COUNTY SEAT — THE CREATION OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EARLY TRANS ACTIONS OF THE BOARD PUBLIC HIGHWAYS ARE CONSTRUCTED — FINAN CIAL CONDITION OF THE COUNTY IN 1872 OAKLAND BECOMES THE COUNTY SEAT THE ERECTION OF THE COUNTY BUILDINGS — THE COUNTY DEBT IN 1880 ANTI-CHINESE AGITATION THE SALT INDUSTRY ALAMEDA COUNTY IS REPRESENTED AT THE CHICAGO WORLD'S FAIR, 1893 — IMMIGRATION IS ENCOURAGED MANY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ARE MADE AN ERA OF RAPID GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT ALAMEDA COUNTY IS AWARDED MEDALS AT THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR, I904— THE EARTHQUAKE OF IQ06 — FINANCIAL CON DITION IN I907 — POPULATION IN I91O — THE PRESENT 89 CHAPTER VII THE HARBOR, WEBSTER STREET BRIDGE, ETC. EARLY HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS — THE OAKLAND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT COM PANY PROGRESS IS MADE THE DEEP WATER IMPROVEMENTS THE WEB STER STREET BRIDGE — THE EIGHTH STREET BRIDGE 121 CHAPTER VIII MILITARY AFFAIRS THE FIRST MILITARY COMPANY THE OUTBREAK OF THE CIVIL WAR THE FIRST CALIFORNIA VOLUNTEER REGIMENT COMES INTO LIFE THE OAKLAND GUARD IS FORMED OTHER HOME GUARD COMPANIES ARE ORGANIZED ALAMEDA COUNTY CONTRIBUTES LIBERALLY TO THE UNION CAUSE ALAMEDA COUNTY COMPANIES IN THE NATIONAL GUARD OF CALIFORNIA G. A. R. POSTS IN ALAMEDA COUNTY ANNUAL MEETING OF THE G. A. R. IN 1886 ALAMEDA COUNTY IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR — THE PATRIOTIC SONS OF ALAMEDA I2Q CONTENTS 3 CHAPTER IX HEALTH AND DISEASE, MEDICINE, ETC. THE ALAMEDA COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION THE COUNTY INFIRMARY IS ESTABLISHED THE FIRST BOARD OF HEALTH— SANITARY CONDITIONS ARE IMPROVED THE DEATH RATE THE OAKLAND GENERAL HOSPITAL THE OAKLAND COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS IS FOUNDED — THE NEW MERRITT HOSPITAL IS OPENED RECAPITULATION I43 CHAPTER X THE COURTS, BENCH AND BAR, ETC. THE CREATION OF THE COURTS EARLY CLAIMS AND LAW SUITS EARLY CRIM INAL ACTSJ — EARLY COUNTY OFFICIALS SHERIFF MORSE ATTORNEYS PRAC TICING IN THE EARLY DAY COURTS — ORGANIZATION OF THE BAR ASSOCIA TIONS LATER DAY CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASES LATER DAY JUDGES AND ATTORNEYS THE JUVENILE COURT COMES INTO EXISTENCE — THE LEGAL PROFESSION OF TODAY 157 CHAPTER XI FARMING, FRUIT-GROWING, STOCK-RAISING, ETC. THE FOUR PERIODS OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FORMATION OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY THE IMMENSE GRAIN FIELDS OF THE SIXTIES AND SEVENTIES THE GRAPE COMES INTO ITS OWN THE LIVER- MORE VALLEY VINEYARDS THOUSANDS OF ACRES ARE PLANTED TO ORCHARD — - THE FRUIT-GROWERS UNION IS ORGANIZED ALAMEDA COUNTY BECOMES FAMOUS AS A GROWER OF FRUIT THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY APRICOTS AND CHERRIES — PRECAUTIONS AGAINST PESTS' ALAMEDA, THE COUNTY BEAUTI FUL 177 CHAPTER XII POLITICS EARLY POLITICAL PARTIES, CONVENTIONS AND ELECTIONS THE CAMPAIGN OF 1875 THE ANTI-CHINESE MOVEMENT LATER CONVENTIONS AND ELECTIONS THE INTRODUCTION OF THE AUSTRALIAN SYSTEM OF VOTING WOMAN SUFFRAGE BECOMES AN ISSUE THE MUNICIPAL LEAGUE THE WATER QUES- TION THE PRESENT DAY POLITICAL SITUATION I93 4 CONTENTS CHAPTER XIII WOMEN'S WORK, TEMPERANCE, PHILANTHROPY, SUFFRAGE, ETC. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE OAKLAND LADIES' RELIEF SOCIETY THE FOUNDA TION OF THE EBELL SOCIETY OTHER EARLY WOMEN'S SOCIETIES — KINDER GARTENS ARE ESTABLISHED HOMES AND OTHER CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS ARE FOUNDED BIRTH OF THE SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATED CHARITIES ACTIVI TIES OF THE WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION THE CAMPAIGN FOR WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE THE PROGRESS OF SETTLEMENT WORK 247 CHAPTER XIV ART, LITERATURE, ETC. ALAMEDA COUNTY EARLY BECOMES A MECCA FOR ARTISTS ARTISTS OF THE EARLY DAYS EARLY MUSICAL CLUBS AND SOCIETIES EARLY ART EXHIBITS ALAMEDA SINGERS BECOME WORLD FAMOUS JOAQUIN MILLER — WILLIAM KEITH THE MIDWINTER EXPOSITION THE STARR KING FRATERNITY MUSICAL, ART AND LITERARY SOCIETIES OF THE PRESENT DAY 263 CHAPTER XV AMUSEMENTS, LODGES, SOCIETIES, GAMES, ETC. BULLFIGHTS, HORSE RACES AND FANDANGOS EARLY LODGES AND SECRET SOCIE TIES — THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY PIONEERS ASSOCIATION — BASEBALL TEAMS OF THE SEVENTIES HORSE RACING IS POPULAR OTHER AMUSEMENTS OF THE EARLY DAY THE TUOLUMNE REUNIONS BASEBALL BECOMES THE POPULAR SPORT THE CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB FAMOUS HORSES THAT RACED AT PLEASANTON THE FIRST AUTOMOBILE RACES THE DEVELOPMENT OF ATHLETICS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 275 CHAPTER XVI EDUCATION THE FIRST SCHOOLHOUSE — THE EARLY SCHOOLS THE FIRST SCHOOL COMMIS SIONERS ACADEMIES AND CONVENTS — ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT OF l86l LATER DAY SCHOOLS, ACADEMIES, COLLEGES, CONVENTS AND INSTITUTIONS- — SCHOOL CENSUS OF 1885 THE ALAMEDA COUNTY TEACHERS' INSTITUTE — ¦ PLAYGROUNDS ARE ESTABLISHED SCHOOLS OF THE PRESENT DAY THE UNI VERSITY OF CALIFORNIA THE UNIVERSITY IS ESTABLISHED THE SITE IS SELECTED THE FIRST SESSION THE UNIVERSITY GROWS THE BENARD PLAN OF BUILDING EXTENSION NEW BUILDINGS ERECTED UNDER THE BENARD PLAN — UNIVERSITY EXTENSION WORK IS UNDERTAKEN THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGES THE DEGREES CONFERRED HIGHER INSTRUCTION THE UNIVER SITY IN ATHLETICS — THE UNIVERSITY RECOGNIZED AS ONE OF THE FOREMOST IN THE UNITED STATES 287 CONTENTS 5 CHAPTER XVII RELIGION THE FIRST AMERICAN CHURCH THE EARLY CHURCHES REVIVAL MEETINGS OF THE EARLY DAYS THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION THE PRESENT DAY CFIURCHES AND RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY 3H CHAPTER XVIII ALAMEDA THE DAY OF THE RANCHOS THE FIRST FRAME DWELLING HOUSE THE TOWN GROWS THE EARLY CITIZENS THE TOWN OF ALAMEDA IS INCORPORATED THE FIRST FERRY BEGINS OPERATIONS REAL ESTATE OPERATIONS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS — THE ALAMEDA IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION FINANCIAL — THE NEW CHARTER THE CITY OF TODAY 323 CHAPTER XIX BERKELEY OCEAN VIEW THE UNIVERSITY IS 'ESTABLISHED WEST BERKELEY EARLY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SCHOOLS ARE ESTABLISHED REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS OF THE PERIOD THE ONE MILE LIMIT BERKELEY GROWS RAPIDLY — MANY BEAUTIFUL HOMES ARE ERECTED EXTENSIVE PUBLIC IM PROVEMENTS ARE PLANNED AND EXECUTED THE CITY ENJOYS A WHOLE SOME REAL ESTATE BOOM THE CITY UNDER THE NEW CHARTER BERKELEY, THE CITY BEAUTIFUL 343 CHAPTER XX OAKLAND THE FIRST SETTLER THOSE THAT FOLLOWED THE SQUATTERS AND THE TROU BLE THAT ENSUED THE FIRST HOTEL A DUEL IS FOUGHT THE ORIGIN OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT THE FIRST NEWSPAPER IS PUBLISHED — "aN ACT to incorporate the city of oakland" early public improvements — the population doubles financial statement/ 1871-72 the free library is organized sites are purchased and public buildings erected the city boundaries are extended the early press of1 oak land — the city enjoys a period of rapid growth and development — value of city property in 1878 important industrial concerns of 1883 — the "greater Oakland" movement — the carnegie library is dedicated the oakland clearing house goes into operation clear ing house summary and bank statements building permits of i905-06 many public improvements are made the new charter goes into effect — the new city hall the oakland of today 355 6 CONTENTS CHAPTER XXI THE SMALLER CITIES AND TOWNS LIVERMORE — PLEASANTON SUNOL — DOUGHERTY DUBLIN OTHER TOWNS OF THE EASTERN PART OF THE COUNTY THE TOWNS OF WASHINGTON TOWN SHIP NILES CENTERVILLE NEWARK ALVARADO — IRVINGTON DECOTO — MISSION SAN JOSE WARM SPRINGS HAYWARD SAN LEANDRO SAN LORENZO MOUNT EDEN — PIEDMONT EMERYVILLE — ALBANY RICH MOND 441 History of Alameda County CHAPTER I UNDER SPAIN AND MEXICO The discovery of the Bay of San Francisco was due to the determination of King Carlos III of Spain to occupy and colonize Alta California and was the joint work of both church and state. In this movement Jose de Galvez repre sented the state — a man of great energy and ability, the visitador-general of New Spain. He arrived at La Paz in July, 1768, and at once began an inspection of the peninsular missions and after supplying their wants and putting them in prosperous condition, he turned his attention to his principal duty — the coloniza tion of Alta California, now known merely as California. The first movement was an expedition both by land and sea to San Diego and Monterey, and three ships were dispatched to carry to those points all the heavier articles, such as agricultural implements, church ornaments and the bulky provisions of all sorts for the soldiers and the priests after their arrival. The expedition by land drove cattle and horses to the two objective points. The expedition was divided into two detachments, one going in advance under the command of Captain Rivera y Moncada, who had been in the country many years, and the other under the command of Gov. Gaspar de Portola, who had recently arrived from Spain. Captain Rivera first collected from the peninsular missions all the live stock and supplies that could be spared and conveyed them to Santa Maria, which then was the most northerly of the established missions. Large quantities of provisions were collected at La Paz, and Father Serra visited all the missions and secured much church furniture, sacred ornaments and vestments. The first vessel sent northward on this expedition was the San Carlos, which sailed from La Paz, January 9, 1769, under the command of Vicente Vila. On board in addition to the crew were twenty-five Catalonian soldiers under the command of Lieutenant Fages, a surgeon Pedro Prat, a Franciscan friar, a baker, two blacksmiths, a cook and two tortilla makers. Galvez in a small vessel accompanied the San Carlos as far as Cape San Lucas, where he landed and fitted out the San Antonio for the same expedition. On February 15th, this vessel under the command of Juan Perez sailed from San Jose del Cabo and on it went two Franciscan friars — Juan Viscaino and Francisco Gomez. For this movement Captain Rivera y Moncada collected cattle and supplies at Velicata on the north ern frontier. It was from this point on the frontier that Captain Rivera y Moncada with a squad of soldiers, a number of neophytes, three muleteers and Father Crespi, begari the movement to San Diego on March 24, 1769. The 7 8 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY second land expedition began its march from Loreto on March 9, 1769, and was commanded by Gov. Gaspar de Portola, who was joined at Santa Maria on May 5th by Father Serra, and in due time they reached the camp of the first expedition at Velicata, which had recently- been vacated. Here Father Serra founded a mission and called it San Fernando and left Father Campa Cay in charge. One of the objects of the- establishment of this mission was to provide a frontier post on the route between the peninsular missions and the proposed settlements and missions of Alta California. On May 15th, Portola marched northward along the trail marked out by Rivera. The San Antonio was the first vessel to arrive at San Diego, where it cast anchor April 11, 1769, after an unsuccessful voyage of twenty-four days. After a voyage of one hundred days the San Carlos reached San Diego bay, all her crew sick with the scurvy, with scarcely a person well enough to man a boat. All were taken ashore and kept under care in tents where fully half of the soldiers and nine of the sailors finally died. Previous to all this the Rivera detachment arrived, making the land journey from Velicata in fifty- one days. On July 1st, the second detachment of the land expedition arrived. All the four divisions of the expedition — the two vessels and the two land detach ments — were now at San Diego. Of the 219 persons who had set out only 126 remained, all the others having died or deserted. Upon taking a summary of the conditions it was found that neither of the vessels was equal to the voyage to Monterey, the next objective point; where upon it was concluded to send the San Antonio back to San Bias for more sailors and supplies to man the San Carlos. She sailed on July 9th, reached her destina tion in twenty days, but during the voyage one-half of the crew died of scurvy. With both vessels unable to proceed the entire responsibility of carrying out the mandates of the king rested upon the land expedition. Resolutely Governor Portola began to organize and prepare his forces for the overland march. He moved forward on July 14th with a total force of sixty-two persons, including himself, Fathers Crespi and Gomez, Captain Rivera y Moncada, Lieut. Pedro Fages, Engineer Miguel Constanso and soldiers, muleteers and Indian servants. Two days after his departure Fathers Junipero, Viscaino and Parron founded the mission of San Diego. The two detachments were united and marched northward in one body. They carried one hundred packs of provisions which were deemed necessary to ration the expedition for six months and until the vessels could become refitted and could return with additional supplies. At the head marched the commander and the other officers accompanied by six Catalonian soldiers and a small band of friendly Indians provided with spades, axes, mattocks and crowbars to open the way when necessary. Then came the pack train divided into four detach ments. In the rear were the other troops and friendly Indians and the horse herd and mule herd reserves, all under the command of Rivera. Necessarily the march was slow, because the trail had to be cleared and the country studied in reference to supplies of good water and available pastures. Multitudes of Indians appeared and accompanied them along stages of the march. As they advanced it was noted that the lands became more fertile and the landscape more pleasing and alluring. The Indians were affable and tractable. The Sierra y Santa Lucia was crossed with great difficulty. They reached the Point of Pines on October 1st, and at first thought they had reached the Poft of Monterey. An HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 9 investigation revealed their mistake, whereupon they resumed their march north ward. Many were now sick with the scurvy and to add to the gravity of the situation the rains began and an epidemic of diarrhea broke out and spread to all without exception. When the outlook seemed darkest all suddenly began to get well and in a short time were restored to health, no doubt by an improve ment in the water and other health conditions. Bay of Sap Francisco was thus described by Constanso: "The last day of October the expedition by land came in sight of Port de los Reyes and the Faral- lones of the Port of San Francisco whose landmarks compared with those related by the log of the Pilot Cabrera Bueno were found exact. Thereupon it became of evident knowledge that the Port of Monterey had been left behind; there being few who stuck to the contrary opinion. Nevertheless the commandant resolved to send a detachment to reconnoiter the land as far as Port de los Reyes. The scouts, who were commissioned for this purpose, found themselves obstructed by immense estuaries which run extraordinarily far back into the land and were obliged to make great detours to get around the heads of these. * * * Having arrived at the end of the first estuary and reconnoitered the land that would have to be followed to arrive at the Point de los Reyes, inter rupted with new estuaries, scant pasturage and firewood and having recognized, besides this, the uncertainty of the news and the misapprehension the scouts had labored under, the commandant with the advice of his officers, resolved upon a retreat to the Point of Pines in hopes of finding the Port of Monterey and encountering in it the packet San Jose or the San Antonio whose succor already was necessary, since of the provisions which had been taken in San Diego no rnore remained than some few sacks of flour of which a short ration was issued to each individual daily." It appears, then, that the Portola expedition reached Point Corral de Tierra on October 30, (1769) and formed a camp at Half Moon bay. Father Crespi named the headland to the westward Point Guardian Angel, but the sailors called it Punta de Almeja or Mussel Point. A preliminary exploration of that vicinity revealed to the advance observers of the expedition, from a high ridge, Point Reyes and part of the Bay of San Francisco and the Farralones out seaward. A counter-march having been decided upon, it was concluded that before doing so an exploration of the surrounding country should be made. Accordingly Sergeant Ortega, in command of a squad of soldiers, was sent out to the hills to the northeastward with instructions to return at the expiration of three days. In the meantime, while awaiting his return the hunters of the expedition were per mitted to roam throughout the region in quest of game. On November 2nd, several of them returned with the report that they had discovered a vast and beautiful bay extending far inland, and on the 3rd, upon the return of the Ortega party, this important discovery was fully confirmed and was heralded with the discharge of musketry, the shouts of the expedition, the waving, of flags and other evidences of satisfaction and joy. The whole expedition prepared on the following day to advance and learn more of this discovery. Upon reaching the summit of the hills they saw before them the splendid bay which in their enthusiasm they compared with the Medi terranean sea. They endeavored to pass around the southern arm in order to reach Point Reyes and on the evening of November 6th struck camp on San Fran- 10 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY cisquito creek near Menlo Park. Advance couriers sent out reported that the bay extended far to the southeastward, and it was then decided that, owing to their exhausted condition, the sickness that prevailed and the depleted state of their supplies and ammunition, they should return to Point of Pines, which was accordingly done, the return march commencing November nth. They reached that point on November 27th and remained there until December 9th searching for the harbor of Monterey and waiting for the return of the schooners with stores and reinforcements. Not meeting with success in either of these objects they finally, on December 9th, began their weary march for San Diego. The expedition of Captain Bautista, consisting of Lieutenant Fages, Father Crespi, twelve soldiers and two servants, left Monterey on March 20, 1772, and the same day reached the Salinas river, which at that time was the Santa Delfina. This is the first exploration of the region now comprised in the counties of Santa Clara, Alameda and Contra Costa. Father Crespi's description of it is full and interesting. According to it, the explorers reached the San Benito on the 21st, near the present city of Hollister. On the 22d, after crossing the San Pascual plain into the San Francisco valley, they encamped a little to the north of the site now occupied by Gilroy. The next day they traveled to the northwest entering the so-called "Robles del Puerto de San Francisco" in Santa Clara valley, which Governor Portola's expedition visited in 1769. The plan of the present exploration was to get to San Francisco under Punta de Reyes. Pursuing their march, they were on San Leandro bay on the 26th. On the 27th they climbed the hills of the present East Oakland to round "an estuary which extends about four or five leagues inland" to San Antonio creek and Lake Peralta (Merritt) ; thence they got to the "mouth by which the two great estuaries communicate with the Ensenada de los Farallones." Tarrying on the site of the present Berkeley, and looking out through the entrance to the Bay of San Francisco, they saw three islands. The next day they "saw a round bay like a great lake" — San Pablo — and were prevented by the Strait of Car- quinez from rounding it. On the 30th they got to Arroyo de las Nueces, near Pacheco, and following their march finally camped at a short distance from the bank of a river "the largest that has been discovered in New Spain." They called it San Francisco, but its modern name is the San Joaquin. But on reach ing the San Joaquin, as they were without means, either to cross the great rivers, having no boats, or to go round them for lack of men and supplies, they con cluded to march back to Monterey by a shorter route. Passing through the valleys which now bear the names of San Ramon and Amador, they entered that of Sunol, calling the latter Santa Coleta; thence approached the site where the mission San Jose was established later, and finally pitched their camp on the San Francisco de Paula stream, near the present Milpitas. After this they followed the same route they had come by the last march. Alameda county was thus first explored by the Spaniards in 1772. The first spot settled in it by white men was the mission San Jose, begun on the nth, and completed and dedicated on the 27th of June, 1797. The place was called by the Indians, Oroysom. The founder of the mission was Father Fernin Francisco de Lasuen, president of the Franciscan missionaries, in the presence of Fathers Isidoro Barcenilla and Agustin Merino, and of Sergt. Pedro Amador, and a detachment of soldiers from the San Francisco presidial company. Fathers HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 11 Baxcenilla and Merino were the first ministers, but the old records show that at the first baptism Father Magin Catala, of Santa Clara, officiated. There is no evidence to show that any member of the Portola expedition set foot in what is now Alameda county. They had no boats with them on the trip to the bay and did not pass around the southern arm, but of course could easily see the eastern or Alameda county shore. Previous to 1775 no further attempt to explore the Bay of San Francisco or found a- mission on its shores was made, but in that year Lieutenant Agala was ordered to make explorations there with the view of forming settlements. Rivera had examined the present site of San Francisco in 1769, as before narrated. In 1775 the Mexican authorities sent from Sonora to California, via the Colorado river, an expedition of 200 settlers with the expectation of forming a settlement at San Francisco, but was defeated in this attempt by the envious Rivera, who on September 17, 1776, established the presidio at what is now Fort Point, San Francisco. In all about one hundred and fifty persons assembled there. A church was built and on October 9, 1776, the mission was duly dedicated on the Laguna de los Dolores. While dealing with the march of Capt. Juan Bautista, of the Portola party, from Monterey, when seeking for San Francisco, Father Palou, California's first historian, makes mention of the region in which Alameda county is now located, in these words : "In the valley of San Jose, the party coming up by land, saw some animals which they took for cattle, though they could not imagine where they came from ; and, supposing they were wild and would scatter the tame ones they were driving, the soldiers made after them and suc ceeded in killing three, which were so large that a mule could with difficulty carry one, being of the size of an ox, and with horns like those of a deer, but so long that their tips were eight feet apart. This was their first view of the elk. The soldiers made the observation that they could not run against the wind by reason of their monstrous antlers." It is but reasonable to suppose that the valley called San Jose by Father Palou is that portion of the country situated at its southern end, where was subsequently erected the mission bearing that name. It is not likely that the Santa Clara valley was meant, for that district was then called San Bernardino, and the pueblo of San Jose was not estab lished until November 29, 1777, while the holy father speaks of the year 1773; besides it is known that a portion of Murray township was long called El Valle de San Jose, and the gentle slope in what is now the district of Washington Corners, the Mission and Harrisburg was not infrequently designated the San Jose valley. Palou goes on to remark that "after the presidio and before the mission was established (in San Francisco) an exploration of the interior was organized, as usual, by sea (the bay) and land. Point San Pablo was given as the rendezvous, but the Captain of the presidio (Moraga), who undertook in person to lead the land party, failed to appear there, having, with a desire to shorten the distance, entered a canon somewhere near the head of the bay, which took him over to the San Joaquin River. So he discovered that stream." Thus it is plain that one party proceeded down the San Mateo side of the bay, crossed over to its eastern shore, where, coming to the spot where now stands the hamlet of Niles, and, following the rocky banks of the Alameda creek, ultimately came into the Livermore valley, crossing which they emerged into 12 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY the wide expanse of territory through which flows the San Joaquin, which Moraga named in honor of his brother. During the gubernatorial regime of Don Felipe de Neve, which commenced in December, 1774, and closed September, 1782, reports on the topography, character, and condition of Upper California, and what situations were most suitable for establishments, were frequently made to His Most Catholic Majesty, the King of Spain, through the Viceroy in Mexico. The country from north to south, from San Diego to San Francisco, was carefully examined and per mission sought to locate two pueblos or towns, viz. : That tract of land, now Los Angeles, which lies contiguous to the river La Portincula, 126 miles from. San Diego, and six from the mission of San Gabriel, and also that tract on the margin of the River Guadalupe, seventy-eight miles from the presidio of Monterey, forty-eight from that of San Francisco, and 2j4 miles from the mis sion of Santa Clara. The pueblo of San Jose became a subject to annual inunda tion, and, after protracted delays (during the administration of Don Diego de Borica, between the years 1794 and 1800), the village was moved to higher ground in 1797. To effect this relief as well as to establish another pueblo, to be called Branciforte, Borica dispatched Don Pedro de Allerni, with instructions to examine the country and report to him those sites that he thought most con venient for the purpose. This he duly transmitted, as follows : "Having examined the points set forth in the foregoing superior official com munication, as well as those requiring me to set forth all that I might think neces sary, I might reply as follows: The principal object and view of the whole matter may be reduced to the project formed by Don Jose Maria Beltram, and forwarded by the Royal Tribunal de Mentas te the Most Excellent Viceroy, in relation to the establishing of a villa, or poblacion; and its being necessary to remember that in order to attain the desired end an eye must be had to such favorable circumstances as are required to give the inhabitants of the same the necessary advantages, such as a plentiful supply of water, wood, irrigable and arable lands, forests, pastures, stone, lime or earth for adobes; and having been commissioned to this end for the examination which I made with the Sehor Governor, Don Diego Borica, of the country, from the Mission of Santa Cruz, Arroyo del Pajaro, and the Mission of Santa Clara, to the place of the Alameda, and the country around the Presidio and the Fort of San Francisco, and the mission of the same name — after a careful and scrupulous examination of these places with the engineer extraordinary, Don Alberto de Candoba, I found that the place of the Alameda, although it contains a creek, still that it affords but little water, and that the channel is so deep that it is difficult to obtain water therefrom for irrigating the extensive plains of what appears to be good lands; but as the place is without fuel, timber, and pasturage, which cannot be obtained save at the distance of many leagues, it is clear that it is unsuitable for the project under consideration." It is reasonable to claim "the place of the Alameda" as the Alameda creek of today, for its wooded banks when first seen by these explorers might easily have led them to suppose it an avenue or grove or grace ful willows and silver-barked sycamores. But how it was that he found no water for irrigating purposes, no woods and no site for a village, is incomprehensible. The present sites of Alameda and Oakland were densely covered with fine old oaks and the giant redwoods reared their tall heads to the sky in the hills near HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 13 where now East Oakland stands. While Diego de Borcia was yet governor of Upper California, on June n, 1797, the Mission de San Jose aptly termed "The Cradle of Alameda County" was established. It was founded at the expense of the Catholic King of Spain, Charles IV, and by order of the Marquis of Branciforte, Viceroy and General Governor of New Spain. The San Jose mission commenced on Sunday, nth of June, 1797, the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. Father Lamen thus described the proceedings : "I, the undersigned, President of these Missions of New California, placed by His Majesty under the care of the apostolical college of the propaganda fide of St. Fernando de Mexico, blessed water, the place, and a big cross, and with great veneration we hoisted it. Immediately after we sang the litanies of the Saints and I celebrated the holy sacrifice of the mass and preached to the army and to the native Indians who were there, and we ended the ceremony singing solemnly the Te Deum. At the same time I appointed for the first missionaries Rev. Fr. Ysidoro Barcenilla and Rev. Augustine Merino, A. M." Thus was the Mission San Jose established, ten miles to the north of the pueblo of that name and forty to the east of San Francisco, on a plateau indent ing the Contra Costa hills and facing the southern extremity of the Bay of San Francisco. Behind it were the beautiful Calaveras and Sunol valleys ; Mission Peak rose immediately in its rear like a giant sentinel indexing its location; while, in its vicinity, Nature had abundantly supplied every want. The first building erected was a chapel, a small adobe edifice which was enlarged by seven varas in the second year of its existence. A wall forty-seven varas long, four high and six wide, thatched with tules, was constructed, water flumes laid, and, being in the presidial jurisdiction of San Francisco, soldiers were sent from there to keep guard over it, and bring the natives in for purposes of education. In the establishment of missions the three agencies brought to bear were the military, the civil, and the religious, being each represented by the presidio or garrison ; the pueblo — the town or civic community, and the mission — the church, which played the most prominent part. Says one writer: "The Spaniards had then, what we are lacking today — a complete municipal system. Theirs was derived from the Romans — the Roman civil law, and the Gothic, Span ish and Mexican laws. Municipal communities were never incorporated into arti ficial powers, with a common seal and perpetual succession, as with us under English and American laws; consequently, under the former, communities in towns held their lands in common; when thirty families had located on a spot, the pueblo, or town was a fact. They were not incorporated, because the law did not make it a necessity, a general law or custom having established the system. The right to organize a local government, by the election of an alcalde or mayor, and a town council, which was known as an aguntamiento, was patent. The instant the poblacion was formed, it became thereby entitled to four leagues of land and the pobladors, citizens, held it in pro indivisa. The title was a gov ernmental right." The missions were designed for the civilization and conversion of the Indians. The latter were instructed in the mysteries of religion (so far as they could comprehend them) and the arts of peace. Instruction of the savage in agri culture and manufactures, as well as in prayers and elementary education, was 14 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY the padre's business. The soldiers protected them from the hostility of the intractable natives, hunted down the latter and brought them within the confines of the mission to labor and for their salvation. The missions were usually quadrilateral buildings, two stories high, inclosing a court yard ornamented with fountains and trees, the whole consisting of the church, fathers' apartments, store houses, barracks, etc. The quadrilateral sides were about six hundred feet in length, one of which was partly occupied by the church. Within the quadrangle and corresponding with the second story was a gallery running around the entire structure and opening upon the work shops, store rooms and other apartments. The entire management of each establishment was under the care of two missionaries, the elder attended to the interior and the younger to the exterior administration. One portion of the building, which was called the monastery, was inhabited by the young Indian girls. There, under the care of approved matrons, they were carefully trained and instructed in those branches neces sary for their condition in life. They were not permitted to leave till of an age to be married and this with the view of preserving their morality. In the schools those who exhibited more talent than their companions were taught vocal and instrumental music, the latter consisting of the flute, horn, and violin. In the mechanical departments, too, the "most apt were promoted to the position of foremen. The better to preserve the morals of all, none of the whites, except those absolutely necessary, were employed at the mission. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF INDIANS BAPTIZED, MARRIED, DIED, AND EXISTING AT THE DIFFERENT MISSIONS OF UPPER CALIFORNIA, BETWEEN THE YEARS l802 TO l822. Name of Mission Baptized San Diego 5,452 San Luis Rey 4,024 San Juan Capistrano 3,879 Santa Catarina 6,906 San Fernando 2,519 3,608 Santa Barbara 4>9!7 1,195 Purissima Concepcion 3, 100 San Luis Obispo 2,562 San Miguel 2,205 San Antonio de Padua 4,119 Our Lady of Soledad 1,932 San Carlos 3,267 San Juan Bautista 3,270 Santa Cruz 2,136 Santa Clara 7,324 San J°se 4,573 San Francisco 6,804 San Rafael 829 Married Died Existing 1,460 3,i86 1,696 922 1,507 2,663 1,026 2,53* 1,052 1,638, 4,635 !,593 709 1,505 1,001 973 2,608 973 1,288 3,224 1,010 330 896 582 919 2,173 764 7i5 L954 467 632 1,336 926 i,°37 317 834 5«4 !,333 532 912 2,432 34i 823 i,853 1,222 718 i,54i 499 2,056 6,565 J,394 i,376 2,933 1,620 2,050 5,202 958 244 183 830 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 15 It will be observed by the foregoing, that out of the 74,621 converts received into the missions the large number of 47,925 had succumbed to disease. Of what nature was this plague it is hard to establish ; the missionaries them selves could assign no cause. Syphilis, measles, and small-pox carried off numbers. But these diseases were generated, in all probability, by a sudden change in their lives from a free, wandering existence, to a state of settled quietude. Two years after Mexico was formed into a republic, the Government author ities began to interfere with the rights of the fathers and the existing state of affairs. In 1826 instructions were forwarded by the Federal Government to the authorities of California for the liberation of the Indians. This was followed, a few years later (1833-34), by another act of the Legislature, ordering the whole of the missions to be secularized and the religious to withdraw. The object assigned by the authors of the measure was the execution of the original plan formed by the Government. The missions, it was alleged, were never intended to be permanent establishments; they were to give way, in the course of some years, to the regular ecclesiastical system, when the people would be formed into parishes, attended by a secular clergy. Between these pretexts may probably have been an understanding between the Government at Mexico and the leading men in California, that in the change the Supreme Government might absorb the pious fund, under the belief that it was' no longer necessary for mis sionary purposes, and thus had reverted to the State as an escheat, while the civil authorities in California could use the local wealth of the missions, by the rapid, and sure process of administering the temporalities. These laws (the secularization laws), whose purpose was to convert the missionary establish ments into Indian pueblos, their churches into parish churches, and to elevate the Christianized Indians to the rank of citizens,- were, however, executed in such a manner that the so-called secularization of the missions resulted only in their plunder and complete ruin, and in the demoralization and dispersion of the Christianized Indians. Immediately upon receipt of the decree, the then acting Governor of Cali fornia, Don Jose Figueroa, commenced carrying out its provisions, to which end he prepared certain provisional rules, and in accordance therewith the alteration in the missionary system was begun. Within a very few years the exertions of the fathers were entirely destroyed. The lands which hitherto had teemed with abundance, were handed over to the Indians, to be by them neglected and permitted to return to their primitive wildness, and the thousands of cattle were divided among the people and the administrators for the personal benefit of either. In 1829, when Amador was major domo at the Mission San Jose, about one thousand Indians resided there. Of these about seven hundred died of small pox that year and the cholera four years later took the remainder. They were found dead by the dozen around the springs and rahcherias. The Spanish soldiers at the missions were kept, among other reasons, for the purpose of capturing and bringing to the missions the Indians to be Christianized, baptized and saved, because it was believed that all who died out of Christ were lost. Many of them resisted and were killed in the efforts to Christianize and civilize the remainder. Amador participated in many of these expeditions and others Vol. 1—2 16 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY for the recovery of stolen property. He claimed that he himself killed no less than two hundred of the natives in these various expeditions. He bore fourteen wounds from his conflicts with them. In 1875 there resided at the Mission San Jose an Indian who remembered well the building of the first mission structure there in 1797. In 1797 a party of thirty soldiers crossed the bay from San Francisco in rafts and had a fight with the Cuchillones, who were kindred or allies of the Sacalanes. The latter became exasperated and threatened San Jose. Sergt. Pedro Amador, who went some time after to ascertain the cause of this dis turbance, found the Sacakabes disposed to annihilate the neophytes, and even the soldiers if they interfered. He was accordingly directed to take twenty-five men and fall upon their rancheria. The tribe refused to surrender deserters and dug pits so that the horses could not enter. The soldiers dismounted and attacked them with sword and lance. In this fight, which occurred on the 15th of July, two soldiers were wounded, and seven hostiles killed. The Cuchillones, being also attacked, fled. Amador returned to San Jose with a considerable number of deserters and several gentiles. Some of the captives were sentenced to receive from twenty-five to seventy-five lashes, and to hard labor with shackles on for a couple of months in the presidio. The runaway neophytes at the investigation made it appear that they had been forced by hunger, and harsh treatment at the hands of the missionaries, to desert. This allegation was declared to be positively untrue, by the then president, Father Lasuen, who claimed that the real cause of the natives' flight had been an epidemic which had broken out among them. The Sacalanes continued their hostile attitude for a long time, and the presidio had often to deal condign punishment. In 1880 the sergeant with some armed men attacked them, slaying a chief and destroying all their bows and arrows, besides capturing a number of runaway neophytes. — (Amador's report on the affair of 1800 is in Provincial Records, MS., VI, and also in Prov. State Pap., MS., XVI and XVII.) It is generally supposed that the Contra Costa region which included Alameda county was originally inhabited by four tribes of Indians, called Juchiyunes, Acalanes, Bolgones, and Carquinez, who were all in all a degraded race. Doctor Marsh described them as stoutly built and heavy limbed, as hairy as Esau, and with long heavy beards. They had short, broad faces, wide mouths, thick lips, broad noses and extremely low foreheads, the hair of the head in some cases nearly meeting the eyebrows, while a few had that peculiar conformation of the eye so remarkable in the Chinese and Tartar races, and entirely different from the common American Indian or the Polynesian. He states further: The general expression of these Indians has nothing of the proud and lofty bearing or the haughtiness and ferocity so often seen east of the mountains. It is more commonly indicative of timidity. and stupidity. The men and children are abso lutely and entirely naked, and the dress of the women is the least possible or conceivable remove from nudity. Their food varies with the season. In Febru ary and March they live on grass, and herbage, clover and wild pea vine are among the best kind of their pasturage. I have often seen hundreds of them grazing together in a meadow like so many cattle". They are very poor hunters of the larger animals but very skillful in making and managing nets for fish and HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 17 food. They also collect in their season great quantities of the seed of various grasses, which are particularly abundant. Acorns are another principal article of food which are larger, more abundant and of better quality than I have seen elsewhere. The Californian is not more different from the tribes east of the mountains in his physical than in his moral and intellectual qualities. They are easily domesticated, not averse to labor, have a natural aptitude to learn mechan ical trades, and I believe, universally a fondness for music and a facility in acquiring it. They are not nearly so much addicted to intoxication as is common to other Indians. I was for some years of the opinion that they were of an entirely different race from those east of the mountains, and they certainly have but little similarity. The only thing that caused me to think differently is that they have the same moccasin game that is so common on the Mississippi, and what is more remarkable, they accompany it by singing precisely the same tune. The diversity of language among them is very great. It is seldom an Indian can under stand another who lives fifty miles distant; within the limits of California are at least a hundred dialects, apparently entirely dissimilar. Few or no white persons have taken any pains to learn them, as there are individuals in all the tribes which have communication with the settlements who speak Spanish. The children when taught young are most easily domesticated, and manifest a great aptitude to learn whatever is taught them ; when taken into Spanish families and treated with kindness, in a few months they learn the language and habits of their masters. When they come to maturity they show no disposi tion to return to their savage state. The mind of the wild Indian of whatever age appears to be a tabula rasa, on which no impressions, except those of mere animal nature, have been made, and ready to receive any impress whatever. They submit to flagellation with more humility than the negroes. Nothing more is necessary for their complete subjugation but kindness in the beginning, and a little well-timed severity when manifestly deserved. It is common for the white man to ask the Indian, when the latter has committed any fault, how many lashes he thinks he deserves. The Indian, with a simplicity and humility almost inconceivable, replies ten or twenty, according to his opinion of the magnitude of the offense. The white man then orders another Indian to inflict the punish ment, which is received without the least sign of resentment or discontent. This I have myself witnessed or I could hardly have believed it. Throughout all California the Indians are the principal laborers; without them the business of the country could hardly be carried on. For disease their great "cure-all' was the sweat-bath, which was taken in the "sweat-house," an institution that was to be found in every rancheria. A fire being lighted in the center of the temescal (the term applied to the native sweat-houses by the Franciscan Fathers) the patient is taken within and kept in a high state of perspiration for several hours ; he then rushes out and plunges into the convenient stream on the bank of which the structure is always raised — a remedy whether more potent to kill or cure is left to the decision of the reader. The following graphic description of the experiences of a gentleman in a temescal, is given to the reader as a truthful and racily told adventure : "A sweat-house is of the shape of an inverted bowl and is generally about forty feet in. diameter at the bottom and is built of strong poles and branches of trees, covered with earth to prevent the escape of heat. There is a small 18 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY hole near the ground, large enough for Diggers to creep in, one at a time, and another at the top to give out the smoke. When a dance is to be held, a large fire is kindled in the center of the edifice, and the crowd assembles, the white spec tators crawling in and seating themselves anywhere out of the way. The aper tures, both above and below, are then closed and the dancers take their posi tions. Four and twenty squaws, en dishabille, on one side of the fire, and as many hombres, in puris naturalibus, on the other. Simultaneously with the commencement of the dancing, which is a kind of shuffling hobble-de-hoy, the 'music' bursts forth. Such screaming, shrieking, yelling- and roaring, was never before heard since the foundation of the world. A thousand cross cut saws, filed by steam power — a multitude of tom-cats, lashed together and flung over a clothes-line — innumerable pigs under a gate — all combined would produce a. heavenly melody compared with it. Yet this uproar, deafening as it is, might possibly be endured, but another sense soon comes to be saluted. Here are at least forty thousand combined in one grand overwhelm ing stench, and yet every particular odor distinctly definable. Round about the roaring fire the Indians go capering, jumping and screaming with the perspiration streaming from every pore. The spectators look on until the air grows thick and heavy, and a sense of oppressing suffocation overcomes them, when they make a simultaneous rush at the door for self- protection. Judge their astonishment, terror, and dismay to find it fastened securely — bolted and barred on the outside. They rush frantically around the walls in hope to discover some weak point through which they may find egress, but the house seems to have been constructed purposely to frustrate such attempts. More furious than caged lions, they rush boldly against the sides, but the stout poles resist every onset. There is no alternative but to sit down, in hopes that the troop of naked fiends will soon cease from sheer exhaustion. The uproar but increases in fury, the fire waxes hotter, and they seem to be preparing for fresh exhibition of their powers. See that wild Indian, a newly-elected captain, as with gleaming eyes, blazing face and complexion like that of a boiled lobster, he tosses his arms wildly aloft as in pursuit of imaginary devils while rivers of perspiration roll down his naked frame. Was ever the human body\ thrown into such contortions before? Another effort of that kind and his whole vertebral column must certainly come down with a crash ! Another such con vulsion, and his limbs will surely be torn asunder, and the disjoined mernbers fly to the four points of the compass ! Can the human frame endure this much longer? The heat is equal to that of a bake-oven. The reeking atmosphere has become almost palpable, and the victimized audience are absolutely gasping for life. The whole system is sinking into utter insensibility, and all hope of relief has departed, when suddenly with a grand triumphal crash the uproar ceases and the Indians vanish through an aperture opened for that purpose. The half-dead victims of their own curiosity dash through it like an arrow and in a moment more are drawing in whole bucketfuls of the cold, frosty air, every inhalation of which cuts the lungs like a knife, and thrills the system like an electric shock. They are in time to see the Indians plunge headlong into the ice-cold water of a neighboring stream, and crawl out and sink down on the banks, utterly exhausted. This is the last act of the drama, the grand climax, and the fandango is over." HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 19 In its early day the whole military force in Upper California did not number more than from two hundred to three hundred men, divided between the four presi dios of San Diego, Santa Barbara, Monterey, and San Francisco, while there were but twotowns or pueblos, Los Angeles and San Jose, the latter of which was estab lished, November 29, 1777. Another was subsequently started in the neighborhood of Santa Cruz, which was named Branciforte, after a Spanish viceroy. It may be conjectured that the garrisons were not maintained in a very effective condition. Such a supposition would follow the disuse of arms and the long absence of an enemy. The cannon of the presidio at San Francisco were grey with mold, and women and children were to be seen snugly located within the military lines. The soldiers of the San Francisco district were divided into three cantonments —one at the presidio, one at Santa Clara mission and one at Mission San Jose. Following is a list of the soldiers connected with the presidio in the year 1790, which has been copied from the Spanish archives in San Francisco. Here will be found the names, position, nativity, color, race, age, etc., of the soldiers, as well as those of their wives, when married: Don Josef Arguello, Commandante, age 39; Don Ramon Laro de la Neda, Alferez de Campo, age 34; Pedro Amador, Sergeant. Spaniard from Guad alaxara, age 51, wife, Ramona Noriega, Spanish, age 30, seven children; Nicolas Galindo, mestizo, Durango, 42; Majio Chavoya, City of Mexico, 34, wife, a Bernal; Miguel Pacheco, 30, wife, a Sanchez; Luis Maria Peralta, Spaniard, Sonora, 32, wife, Maria Loretta Alviso, 19; Justa Altamarino, mulatto, Sonor, 45i Ygnacio Limaxes, Sonora, 49, wife, Maria Gertruda Rivas, Spaniard, 38; Ygnacio Soto, 41, wife, Barbara Espinoza; Juan Bernal, mestizo, Sonora, 53, wife, Maxima I. de Soto; Jph. Maria Martinez, Sonora, 35, wife, Maria Garcia, mulatto, 18; Salvador Iguera, L. C, 38, wife, Alexa Marinda, Sonora, 38; Nicolas Berryessa, mestizo, 25, wife, Maria Gertrudis Peralta, 24; Pedro Peralta, Sonora, 26, wife, Maria Carmen Grisalva, 19; Ygnacio Pacheco, Sonora, 30, wife, Maria Dolores Cantua, mestizo, age 16; Francisco Bernal, Sinaloa, 27, wife, Maria Petrona, Indian, 29; Bartolo Pacheco, Sonora, 25, wife, Maria Francisco Soto, 18 ; Apolinario Bernal, Sonora, 25 ; Joaquin Bernal, Sonora, 28, wife, Josef a Sanchez, 21; Josef Aceva, Durango, 26; Manuel Boranda, Guad- alaxara, 40, wife, Gertrudis Higuera, 13; Francisco Valencia, Sonora, 22, wife, Maria Victoria Higuera, 15; Josef Antonio Sanchez, Guadalaxara, 39, wife, Maria Dolora Moxales, 34 ; Josef Ortez, Guadalaxara, 23 ; Josef Aguil, Guad alaxara, 22, wife, Concellaria Remixa, 14; Alexandro Avisto, Durango, 23; Juan Josef Higuera, Sonora, 20 ; Francisco Flores, Guadalaxara, 20 ; Josef Maria Castilla, Guadalaxara, 19; Ygnacio Higuera, Sonora, wife, Maria Micaelo Bor- jorques, 28; Ramon Linare, Sonora, 19; Josef Miguel, Saens, Sonora, 18; Carto Serviente, San Diego, Indian, 60; Augustin Xirviento, L. C, 20; Nicolas Presi- dairo, Indian, 40; Gabriel Peralta, invalid, Sonora; Manuel Vutron, invalid, Indian; Ramon Borjorques, invalid; 98; Francisco Romero, invalid, 52. A recapitulation shows that the inmates of the presidio consisted altogether of 144 persons, including men, women and children, soldiers and civilians. There were thirty-eight soldiers and three laborers ; of these one was a European other than .Spanish, seventy-eight Spaniards, five Indians, two mulattoes, and forty-four of other castes. An inventory of the rich men of the presidio, bearing date 1793, was discovered some years since, showing that Pedro Amador was the proprietor 20 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY of thirteen head of stock and fifty-two sheep; Nicolas Galindo, ten head of stock; Luis Peralta, two head of stock; Manuel Boranda, three head of stock; Juan Bernal, twenty-three head of stock and 246 sheep ; Salvador Youere, three head of stock ; Aleso Miranda, fifteen head of stock ; Pedro Peralta, two head of stock; Francisco Bernal, sixteen head of stock; Bartol Pacheco, seven head of stock; Joaquin Bernal, eight head of stock; Francisco Valencia, two head of stock; Berancia Galindo, six head of stock; Hermenes Sal (who appears to have been a secretary, or something besides a soldier), five head of stock and three mares. The total amount of stock owned by these men was 115 cattle, 298 sheep and seventeen mares — the parent stem apparently from which sprang the hundreds of thousands of head of stock which afterwards roamed over the Californian mountains and valleys. The native Californians were for the most part a half-caste race between the white Castilian and the native Indian, very few of the natives retaining the pure blood of the old Castile ; they were consequently of all shades of color and development — the women especially a handsome and comely people. Their wants were few and easily supplied ; they were contented and happy ; the women were virtuous and great devotees to their church and religion, while the men in their normal condition were kind and hospitable, but when excited they became rash, fearless and cruel, with no dread for either knife or pistol. Their gener osity was great, everything they had being at the disposal of a friend or even a stranger, while socially they loved pleasure, spending most of their time in music and dancing; indeed such was their passion for the latter that their horses were trained to cavort in time to the tones of the guitar. When not sleeping, eating or dancing the men passed most of their time in the saddle and naturally were very expert equestrians. Horse-racing was with them a daily occurrence, not for the gain which it might bring, but for the amusement to be derived therefrom; and to throw a dollar upon the ground, ride at full gallop and pick it up, was a feat that almost any of them could perform. Horses and cattle gave them their chief occupation. They could use the riata or lasso with the utmost dex terity ; whenever thrown at a bullock, horseman or bear it rarely missed its mark. The riata in the hand of a Californian was a more dangerous weapon than gun or pistol, while, to catch a wild cow with it, throw her and tie her without dis mounting was most common and to go through the same performance with a bear was not considered extraordinary. Their only articles of export were hides and tallow, the value of the former being about one dollar and a half in cash, or two in goods, and the latter three cents per pound in barter. Young heifers of two years old, for breeding purposes were worth three dollars ; a fat steer, de livered to the purchaser, brought fifty cents more, while it was considered neither trespass nor larceny to kill a beeve, use the flesh and hang the hide and tallow on a tree, secure from the coyotes where it could be found by the owner. Lands outside of the towns were only valuable for grazing purposes. For this use every citizen of good character having cattle could for the asking and by paying a fee to the officials and a tax upon the paper upon which it was written, get a grant for a grazing tract of from one to eleven square leagues of land. These domains were called ranchos, the only improvements on them being usually a house and a corral. They were never inclosed; they were never surveyed, but extended from one well defined land mark to another and whether they contained HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 21 two or three leagues more or less was regarded as a matter of no consequence, for the land itself was of no value to the government. It was not necessary for a man to keep his cattle on his own land. They were ear-marked and branded when young and these established their ownership. The stock roamed whitherso ever they wished, the ranchero sometimes finding his animals fifty or sixty miles away from his ground. About the middle of March commenced the rodeo season, which was fixed in advance by the ranchero who would send notice to his neighbors around when all with their vaqueros would attend and participate. The rodeo was the gathering in one locality of all the cattle on the rancho. When this was accomplished the next operation was for each ranchero present to part out from the general herd all animals bearing his brand and ear-mark and take them off to his own rancho. In doing this they were allowed to take all calves that fol lowed their mothers ; what was left in the rodeo belonging to the owner of the rancho, who had them marked as his property. On some of Ishe ranchos the num ber of calves branded and marked each year appears enormous. Joaquin Bernal, who owned the Santa Teresa Rancho, in the Santa Clara valley, branded not less than five thousand head yearly. In this work a great many horses were employed. Fifty head were a small number for a ranchero to own, while they frequently had from five to six hundred trained animals, principally geldings, for the mares were kept exclusively for breeding purposes. The latter were worth a dollar and half per head ; the price of saddle horses was from two dollars and fifty cents to twelve dollars. By the time the rodeo season was over, about the middle of May, the matanza, or killing season commenced. The number of cattle slaughtered each year was commensurate with the number of calves marked and the amount of herbage for the year, for no more could be kept alive than the pasture on the rancho could support. After the butchering the hides were taken off and dried ; the tallow fit for market was put into bags made from hides ; the fattest portions of the meat were made into soap, while some of the best was cut, pulled into thin shreds, dried in the sun and the remainder thrown to the buzzards and the dogs, a number of which were kept — young dogs were never destroyed — to clean up after a matanza. Three or four hundred of these curs were to be found on a rancho and it was no infrequent occurrence to see a ranchero come into town with a string of them at his horse's heels. The habitations of these people were fashioned of large, sun-dried bricks made of that black loam known to settlers in the golden state as adobe soil, mixed with straw, measuring about eighteen inches square and three in thickness, these being cemented with mud, plastered within with the same substance and whitewashed when finished. The rafters and joists were of rough timber with the bark simply peeled off and placed in the requisite position, the thatch being of rushes or chap arral, fastened down with thongs of bullocks' hide. When completed these dwell ings stood the brunt and wear of many decades of years. The furniture consisted of a few cooking utensils, a crude bench or two, sometimes a table and the never failing red camphor-wood trunk. This chest contained the extra clothes of the women — the men wore theirs on their backs — and when a visit of more than a day's duration was made the box was taken along. They were cleanly in their persons and clothing ; the general dress being for females a common calico gown of plain colors ; blue grounds with small figures being most fancied. The fash- 22 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY ionable ball dress of the young ladies was a scarlet flannel petticoat covered with a white lawn skirt, a combination of tone in color which is not surpassed by the modern gala costume. Bonnets there were none, the head-dress consisting of a long, narrow shawl or scarf. So graceful was their dancing that it was the ad miration of all strangers ; but as much cannot be said for that of the men for the more noise they made the better it suited them. The dress of the men was a cotton shirt, cotton drawers, calzonaros, sash, serape and hat. The calzonaros took the place of pantaloons in the modern costume, and differed from these by being open down the sides or rather the seams on the sides were not sewed as in pantaloons but were laced together from the waistband to the hips by means of a ribbon run through eyelets; thence they were fastened with large silver bell- buttons. In wearing them they were left open from the knee down. The best of these garments were made of broadcloth, the inside and outside seams being faced with cotton velvet. The serape was a blanket with a hole through the center through which the head was inserted, the Remainder hanging to the knees before and behind. These cloaks were invariably of brilliant colors and varied in price from four to one hundred dollars. The calzonaros were held in their place by a pink sash worn around the waist while the serape served as a coat by day and a covering by night. The principal articles of food were beef and beans, in the cooking and pre paring of which they were unsurpassed ; while they cultivated, to a certain extent, maize, melons and pumpkins. The bread used was the tortilla, a wafer in the shape of the Jewish unleavened bread, which was, when not made of wheaten flour, baked from corn. When prepared of the last named meal it was first boiled in a weak lye made of wood ashes and then by hand ground into a paste between two stones; this process completed, a small portion of the dough was taken out and by dexterously throwing it up from the back of one hand to that of the other the shape was formed, when it was placed upon a flat iron and baked over the fire. The mill in which their grain was ground was made of two stones as nearly round as possible of about thirty inches in diameter and each being dressed on one side to a smooth surface. The government of the native Californian was as primitive as himself. There were neither law-books nor lawyers, while laws were mostly to be found in the traditions of the people. The head officer in each village was the alcalde, in whom was vested the judicial function, who received on the enactment of a new law a manuscript copy they called a bando, upon obtaining which a person was sent around beating a snare drum, which was a signal for the assemblage of the people at the alcalde's office where the act was read, promulgated and forthwith had the force of law. When a citizen had cause of action against another requiring the aid of court he went to the alcalde and verbally stated his complaint in his own way and asked that the defendant be sent for, who was at once summoned by an officer simply saying that he was wanted by the alcalde. The defendant made his appearance without loss of time, and, if in the same village, the plaintiff was generally in waiting. The alcalde commenced, by stating the complaint against him, and asked what he had to say about it. This brought about an altercation between the parties and nine times out of ten the justice could get at the facts in this wise and announce judgment immediately, the whole suit not occupying two hours from its beginning. In more important cases three "good men" would be HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 23 called in to act as co- justices, while the testimony of witnesses had seldom to be resorted to. They were all Roman Catholics and their priests of the Franciscan order. They were great church-goers, yet Sunday was not the only day set apart for their devotions. Nearly every day in the calendar was devoted to the memory of some saint, while those dedicated to the principal ones were observed as holidays ; so that Sunday did not constitute more than half the time which they consecrated to religious exercises, many of which were so much in contrast to those of the present day that they deserve a short description. The front door of their churches was always open and every person passing whether on foot or on horseback, did so hat in hand ; any f orgetf ulness on this score caused the unceremonious removal of the sombrero. During the holding of services within, it was customary to station a number of men without, who at appointed intervals interrupted the pro ceedings with the ringing of bells, the firing of pistols and the shooting of muskets, sustaining a noise resembling the irregular fire of a company of infantry. In every church was kept a number of pictures of their saints and a triumphal arch profusely decorated with artificial flowers; while on a holiday devoted to any particular saint, after the performance of mass, a picture of the saint, deposited in the arch, would be carried out of the church orr the shoulders of four men, followed by the whole congregation in double file with the priest at the head, book in hand. The procession would march all round the town (if in one), and at every few rods would, kneel on the ground while the priest read a prayer or performed some religious ceremony. After the circuit of the town had been made the train returned to the church, entering it in the same order as that in which they had departed. With the termination of these exercises, horse-racing, cock- fighting, gambling, dancing and a general merrymaking completed the work of the day. A favorite amusement of these festivals was for thirty or forty men on horseback, generally two, but sometimes three on one horse, with their guitars to parade the towns, their horses capering and keeping time to the music, accom panied with songs by the whole company, in this manner visiting, playing and singing at the places of business and principal residences ; and it was considered no breach of decorum for men on horses to enter stores and dwellings. There was one vice that was common to nearly all of these people and which eventually caused their ruin, namely, a love of gambling. Their favorite game was monte, probably the first of all banking games. So passionately were they addicted to this that on Sunday around the church while the women were inside and the priest at the altar, crowds of men would have their blankets spread upon the ground with their cards and money, playing their favorite game of monte. They entertained no idea that it was a sin, nor that it was anything derogatory to their characters as good Christians. Mention should be made of their bull and bear fights. Sunday, or some prominent holiday, was invariably the day chosen for holding these, to prepare for which a large corral was erected in front of the church, for they were witnessed by priest and laymen alike. In the afternoon, after divine service two or three good bulls (if a bull-fight only) would be caught and put in the inclosure, when the combat commenced. If there is anything that will make a wild bull furious it is the sight of a red blanket. Surrounded by the entire population, the fighters entered the arena, each with one of these in one hand and a knife in the other, .the first of which they would flaunt before the 24 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY furious beast, but guardedly keeping it between the animal and himself. In furiated beyond degree, with flashing eye and head held down the bull would dash at his enemy, who, with a dexterous side spring would evade the onslaught, leaving the animal to strike the blanket and as he passed would inflict a slash with his knife. Whenever by his quickness he could stick his knife into the bull's neck just back of the horns, thereby wounding the spinal cord, the bull fell a corpse and the victor received the plaudits of the admiring throng. The interest taken in these exhibitions was intense ; and what though a man was killed, had his ribs broken, was thrown over the fence or tossed on the roof of a house ; it only added zest to the sport ; it was of no moment ; the play went on. It was a national amusement. When a grizzly bear could be procured, then the fight, instead of being between man and bull, was between bull and bear. Both were taken into- the corral, each being made fast to either end of a rope of sufficient length to permit of free action and left alone until they chose to open the ball. The first motion was usually made by the bull endeavoring to part company with the bear, who thus received the first "knock-down." On finding that he could not get clear of bruin, he then charged him, but was met half-way. If the bear could catch the bull by the nose, he held him at a disadvantage, but he more frequently found that he had literally taken the bull by the horns, when the fight became intensely inter esting and was kept up until one or the other was killed, or both refused to renew the combat. The bull, unless his horns were clipped, was generally victorious. The custom of bull and bear fighting was kept up by the native Californians, as a money-making institution from the Americans, until the year 1854, when the legislature interposed by "An Act to prevent Noisy and Barbarous Amusements on the Sabbath." Father Barcenilla served in San Jose until 1802, and left California in 1804. Father Merino continued there until obliged by ill health to retire in 1800, his successor being Father Luis Gily Tabada, who was succeeded by Pedro de la Cueva in 1804. Father Jose Antonio Uria had served in San Jose since 1799. Both he and Cueva left it in 1806. The latter served until 1825. Duran continued there alone — besides being from 1825 to 1827 president of all the missions — until 1833 ' ne tnen went off to Santa Barbara, where he remained until his death in 1846. Duran's successor was Father Jose Maria de Jesus Gonzalez, from 1833 to 1842. The next minister was Padre Miguel Muro, 1842-5, who probably left the country in 1845. Padre Lorenzo Quijas officiated in 1843-4, and Jose de J. M. Gutierrez in 1845. in 1846-7 Jose M. Suarez del Rael had charge of the ex-mission as well as Santa Clara. In 1850 more than half of Alameda county's population consisted of Digger Indians. Several thousand lived within a radius of a few miles of Mission San Jose. The Livermore, Sunol, Moraga and other valleys were almost entirely peopled by them. Many of their children were Mexican half-breeds, from which mixture came the most villianous desperadoes the county ever knew. The brutish, sottish nature of the Digger, blent with the cruel, cunning, thievish Mexican, formed a race of criminals unredeemed by scarcely a commendable quality. The advent of the Americans soon put an end to their depredations, though a few remained as sly as a grizzly bear and as cowardly as a coyote. The few remaining Diggers in the end relapsed into the same state in which the Spaniards originally found them. A Digger rancheria in Alameda county in early days had few char- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 25 acteristics worth recalling. A few earth and brush tents were their homes. They were built near fresh water and near the oaks, the latter furnishing the acorns which constituted their steady diet. Their religion consisted in their efforts to escape annihilation by grizzly bears and mutilation by horned cattle. Their only ceremony was the sweat dance — a wild, naked orgy of sweating and drinking by both men and women. As late as 1865 rancherias of the Diggers were to' be seen in the San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Dry Creek, Alameda, Sunol and Calaveras canyons. The half-breeds made a pretense of planting beans and corn. The men were occasionally herdsmen, but generally proved inefficient and untrust worthy. The squaws were the lowest type of human femininity. Their only virtues were that they bore few children to perpetuate the miserable race and died young. CHAPTER II SPANISH AND MEXICAN LAND GRANTS All the tract of country bordering on the bay of San Francisco and on San Pablo bay was divided in 1841 into five great ranches : San Antonio, San Pablo, El Pinole, La Boca de la Canada de Pinole and Acalanes bordering on the Straits of Carquinez. North of Rancho El Pinole w^s a strip, of land known as the north ern part of the Canada del Hambre las Polsas Rancho and directly south was the Rancho de los Palos Colorados, embracing all the land between what became known as San Leandro creek on the south and San Pablo bay on the north and the bay of San Francisco on the west and the Cuchilla de los Trampas or Coast Range on the east, being the greater part of what is now Alameda county and the northwestern portion of Contra Costa county. Encircled by the five ranchos named above was an unclaimed or surplus tract (sobrante) which the Castros wished as grazing ground for their vast herds of cattle. Governor Alvarado gave them only a provisional grant to this tract, because the forms of law had not been wholly complied with. In 1852 the Castros employed H. W. Carpentier and John Wilson to perfect their claim to this tract. The board of land commissioners decided that the grant was valid. This decree was issued in 1855 and stood until 1863 when Mr. Carpentier inserted in the decree after the word "between" (the ranchos) the words "or within the exterior boundaries of" (the ranchos above named). This insertion vastly increased the lands of the grants from about 20,000 acres in the sobrante proper to about 75,000 acres and involved the title to the Contra Costa Water Company's water sheds. Many suits and contentions grew out of this case. In August, 1879, the surveyor general decided that the lands applied for by the Castros and provisionally granted by Alvarado and finally confirmed to them by the board of land commissioners was a piece of vacant land between the five ranchos above named. The del Hambre claimants appealed on the ground that the land granted was the surplus which should result from all the five ranchos on the final determination of their boundaries, whether lying between them or some of them, or entirely outside of their respective finally ascertained limits and within the exterior boundaries. In February, 1881, the commissioner o-f the general land office decided in favor of the del Hambre claimants. This decision gave the confirmees land granted by Mexico and patented to other parties, absorbing about 69,000 acres of the public lands, besides lands listed to the state, portions of which were patented to third parties. There was great resistance to this decision of the commissioner. In February, 1882, Secretary Kirkwood decided the case so that the sobrante was confined to about 20,000 acres between the five ranchos. About this time Judge Crane in the case of Leroy, et-al., vs. Hebard, et al., decided that the title of settlers to 2,200 acres in the marsh on the Alameda Encinal was not good, the land having been previously sold by Antoine M. Peralta to Chipman and Ougenbaugh. 27 28 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Most of the grantees were sons of soldiers and had served in the presidial companies themselves. Among the most noted ranchos connected with the history of the county, besides the San Antonio, were Las Pocitas, San Lorenzo, San Pablo, San Leandro, and San Ramon, Valle de San Jose, Las Positas, Canada de los Vaqueros, Santa Rita, Arroyo de la Alameda, El Sobrante. The valleys in the southern portion of Alameda county, including Washington and Murray townships, are now known under the general name of Valley of San Jose, after the mission to which they had belonged as grazing grounds. The first two ranches granted within Alameda county were the San Antonio, upon which Oakland and other towns stand, and Los Tularcitos, situated partly in Alameda county and partly in Santa Clara county, which was given to the Ex- Sergeant Jose Higuera on the 4th of October, 1821, by the first Mexican governor, Captain Luis Antonio Arguello. No more grants were made in the region known as La Contra Costa until 1833, from which year until the end of the Mexican domination, some twenty-seven ranches were founded. On October 18, 1820, Governor Don Pablo Vicente de Sola granted to Don Luis Maria Peralta, a native of Jubec, Sonora, as a reward for distinguished services, a tract of land extending five leagues along the eastern shore of the bay from San Leandro creek to the northwestern line of Alameda county includ ing the present site of Alameda, Oakland, Berkeley and their suburbs and ex tending back to the hills. The whole rancho was called San Antonio, but later the term Temescal was applied to what is now Oakland. Peralta married Maria Lolereto Alviso and by her had five sons (one of whom apparently died in infancy) and five daughters: Ygnacio, Jose Domingo, Antonio, Maria, Vicente, boys, and Teodora, Trinidad, Josefa, Guadalupe and Maria Luisa, girls. Teodora married Mariano Duarte, Trinidad married Mariano Castro and Maria Luisa married Guillermo Castro. The father did not reside in Alameda county, but spent his time on another rancho in Contra Costa county. At a later date a fine family mansion was built near the foothills of the Contra Costa range on San Leandro creek, which was occupied in common by his sons until 1842, when the estate was divided into four as nearly equal parts as practicable with imaginary but more or less defined lines running from the bay eastwardly to the hills. To Jose Domingo was given the northern tract embracing what is now Berkeley ; to Vicente was given the next division to the southward including the present city of Oakland, then called the Encinal de Temescal with its fine grove of oaks. To Antonio Maria was presented the third division further south embracing East Oakland and Alameda ; Ygnacio was given the most southerly division on which stood the old homestead that had been long occupied by all in common and there he con tinued to reside for many years. All this large extent of wild country was occupied alone by the Peralta family for a long period of years. They possessed large herds v of cattle and horses, raised grain and fruit, but had for neighbors only the few inhabitants of Yerba Buena (San Francisco) across the bay. In 185 1 Don Luis Peralta, the father, died at the great age of ninety-three years leaving a will which made the following provisions concerning his children and his estate : "I leave the house, my residence, in the town of San Jose Guada lupe, with the orchard and fruit trees, all the land which appertains to and belongs. to said orchard and all the rest of the land contiguous to the said house, together with the appurtenances of this property, in favor of my two daughters, Maria. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 29 Josefa Peralta and Maria Guadalupo Peralta, in full ownership and dominion and I encharge these daughters to remain always together in peace and union, enjoying this estate mutually as absolute owners thereof, whereof I declare par ticularly that everything that is in this house is my property, and as such I leave it to my above mentioned daughters. The picture of St. Joseph and Our Lady Guadalupe being for my said daughter Guadalupe, and the Crucifix and Our Lady of Dolores for my daughter Maria Josefa. I command these two daughters to remain in peace, enjoying the property that I leave herein; but if by marriage or other motive either one of them should wish to separate from the other, then the two may make such agreement as they shall deem fit for this and for any other arrangement of their domestic affairs, or of their property of which they remain the owners and mistresses and without being disturbed by any person and may they remain always together, the one saving the other as her Guardian Angel, that God our Lord may preserve them from the storms of this world and from all ill- inclined persons. "As regards the cattle belonging to me, that is to say, horned cattle, I declare that on the marriage of my children, Maria Teodora, Ygnacio, Domingo and Trinidad, to each one were given two cows and calves, by reason of having just commenced the rearing of my cattle, but afterwards they received in gift more cattle as they themselves can say, as they know to speak the truth; also in the year 1831 there were delivered to William Castro two hundred and thirty head of horned cattle, which were the marriage portion of his wife Maria Luisa Peralta, my daughter. Also I repeat again that there have been given to my daughters Maria Teodora and Maria Trinidad, two hundred head of horned cattle and to my so.n Ygnacio three hundred head of cattle and over and above those which have already been given to my son Domingo, I command that there be given to him one hundred head of cattle; I likewise command that out of the cattle in San Antonio and Temescal that shall be found to belong to me there shall be given two hundred head to each of my daughters Maria Josefa and Maria Guadalupe and the remainder in Temescal shall belong to my son Vicente and the remainder in San Antonio shall belong to my son Antonio Maria and these two brothers shall take charge of the cattle of these two sisters Maria Josefa and Maria Guadalupe. Inasmuch as I have already portioned out to my sons their respective lands, I declare that these lands comprehend all my property of the Rancho San Antonio the title of these concessions and possession are in the hands of my son Ygnacio and which lands I have already divided amongst my sons as a donation inter vivos to their entire satisfaction and which donations by these presents I hereby ratify. "I declare that I owe no man and that Nazared Berryeza owes me Fifteen Dollars. I name as first executor of this my will my son Ygnacio Peralta and my son Antonio Maria Peralta as second executor, that they, aided by the rest, may fulfill all that I have ordained. I command all my children that they may remain in peace, succoring each other in your necessities, eschewing all avaricious ambition, without entering into foolish differences for one or two calves, for the cows bring them forth every year; and inasmuch as the land is narrow, it is indispensable that the cattle should become mixed up, for which reason I command my sons to be friendly and united. I command all my children, sons and daughters, to educate and bring up their children in the holy fear of God, showing them good 30 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY examples and keeping them from all bad company, in order that our Lord may shower upon them his blessings, the same which I leave to you, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. I declare that this is my last will and testament dictated by me and written in my presence, read and signed by myself, and by these presents I revoke and annul all and every other will or wills, codicil or codicils, that I may have executed. I declare it or them null and of no value in law or otherwise. In testimony whereof I have hereunto placed my hand this 29th day of April, 1851, in the City of San Jose and in the presence of witnesses that I have called to serve as witnesses of this my last will. James Alex Forbes, 1 Podre Juan Nobile, I Witnesses. Demo Damco, J Luis Ma. Peralta, (Seal)" The revolution of 1822 when Mexico threw off Spanish dominion produced not a ripple in California. Everybody yielded obedience to the new power. Manuel Victoria was governor of the territory in 1831-32. He caused a commotion by trying to restrain wrong doing. He Was overcome and superceded by Portilla. Upon his defeat and return to Mexico the Californians denounced the authority of Mexico and appointed Pio Pico as governor, but he was not recognized in the northern part of the state and his control was of short duration. He was suc- ceded by Jose Figueroa. While Manuel Micheltorena was governor in 1842, Commodore Jones ran up the American flag and took possession of Monterey, but was forced to yield when he learned his mistake. Pio Pico' succeeded Micheltorena and was the last Mexican governor. The first white settlement made within the boundaries of Brooklyn township was by the two brothers Ygnacio and Antonio Maria Peralta,. who resided in an adobe house on the banks of the San Leandro creek, but when this residence was constructed is not certainly known, although it may be right to conjecture that it was about the years 1821 to 1825. The lands of this powerful family extended from the above-named stream on the south to San Pablo on the north, and at the foot of the hills the two sons dwelt until the year 1842, when the magnificent estate was parceled out between them, Antonio Maria taking up his residence in Fruit Vale, and Ygnacio continuing in the old homestead. The Peraltas pastured about 5,000 head of cattle on Rancho San Antonio, worth about one dollar a head, but advancing to twenty-five dollars or thirty dol lars per head when the beef-loving Americans arrived. Vicente occupied a large adobe dwelling about three and one-half miles north on Telegraph Road— the main road leading to Contra Costa county. Several small adobe houses were near cov ered with untanned hides and there the vaqueros lived. About the only visitors were mounted caballeros who exchanged horses at the corrals. At the San An tonio rancho in East Oakland was a bull ring where fights took place on Sundays, attended' by the padres and laity after the church services. An enclosure with a high fence and with the circle for the raging bull and his tormentors, seats for spectators, pits for bulls and bears and • numerous picadores, matadores, banderil- leros, etc., on horseback and afoot — marked these early and memorable pro ceedings. These fights were practiced until 1854 when the Legislature made them unlawful. Don Vicente Peralta married Eucaruacion Galindo who survived him and married Manuel M. Ayola. She was born in the old adobe presidio in San HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 31 Francisco in 1841 and at the age of sixteen years married Peralta. She died in Oakland January 3, 1892. There were five original claims to the site of Oakland: (1) Peralta title; (2) Squatter's title; (3) Sobrante title; (4) Encinal or Oak Grove title; (5) the Water Front. The main contest was between the squatters and the Mexican grantees, the former having the advantage because they occupied the property and could put purchasers in immediate possession. Those whose claims included the city had it surveyed into streets, avenues, and blocks. They put their lots into market and reaped a splendid harvest from the sales. This gave them extraordinary advantages and incentive to fight. The Peralta claimants felt the power of the squatters most keenly. The town began to grow rapidly -and every where among the oaks, buildings went up as if by magic. Everybody was buying and building. What did the Peraltas do? They began to sell lots also — made the most of the situation, but could find few buyers. Their enemies had blocked their game by charges that good titles could not be given by the Peraltas, the real owners of the whole. This step for a time stopped building operations, but soon the real estate dealers managed to reconcile the rival claimants and in the end cleared up the situation. The five years after the confirmation of the patent of all the lands in Oak land township to Vicente and Domingo Peralta expired on February 10, 1882. For a few days before that date a flood of suits to quiet titles and to eject tenants were filed in the local courts. The regents of the university brought suit to quiet the title to the university site. In September, 1886, in the land suit of Thomas Rees vs. the Central Pacific Railroad Company, the Department of the Interior decided in favor of the defendant. The suit involved about twenty thousand acres in the El Sobrante claim. The litigation arose over the disputed boundary lines of what was designated as the Mexican private land grants of Laguna de los Palos, Colorados El Sobrante and San Lorenzo. In 1885 the suit of Blum vs. Sunol in San Francisco was decided in favor of the defendant. The case involved seventeen thousand acres, of which two thousand five hundred were in Alameda county in Murray township. Simon Blum in early days was a peddler doing business with the Mexicans in Livermore valley and surrounding country. They became indebted to him and sold him a certain interest in the lands all of which except one small valley was in the hills and mountains. Subsequently Simon Blum purchased the interests of the heirs, equal to two-fifths of the entire grant. After the confirmation in 1862 by the Government a suit was brought to par tition the grant. On this suit Judge Dwindle decided in favor of the plaintiff, but a new trial was granted and an appeal was taken to the supreme court which sustained the lower court. In 1884 the case was begun anew; the chief ground of the defense being that the instruments executed in 1846 were forgeries. Eden township embraces within its boundaries the lands of five Mexican grants : The Sobrante, which was for so many years in dispute, in the northeast of the township; the Estudillo, or San Leandro, granted October 16, 1842, and patented July 15, 1863; the Castro, or San Lorenzo, on the east, granted Feb ruary 23, 1841, and patented February 14, 1865 ; the Soto, or San Lorenzito, on the west, granted October 10, 1842, and patented April 14, 1877; and the Val- lejo, or Alameda, on the south, granted August 30, 1842, and patented January 1, 1858. 32 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY The first settlement in Eden township was made in the year 1836, by Don Jose Joaquin Estudillo, who was a Californian by birth. On January 8, 1836, he petitioned the Constitutional Governor of the Department of California for a grant in the said department known as the Arroyo de San Leandro, but this document having either been lost or mislaid, a second petition was forwarded to that official on June 28, 1842, in which Senor Estudillo states that "in order to procure his subsistence and enable himself to support his large family, con sisting of a wife and ten children, after having served in the army seventeen years, four months, and 'seven days, on January 8, 1837, he petitioned for the tract of land known by the name of Arroyo de San Leandro, containing four square leagues from east to west, and having obtained from Your Excellency, who extends a generous and protecting patronage towards the inhabitants of this land, permission to settle himself and continue his labors; meanwhile the proper legal proceedings thereupon should be concluded, which he has accord ingly done," etc. In view of the petition Don J. J. Estudillo was declared by Governor Alvarado to be the owner in property of the part of the tract of land known by the name of "San Leandro," bounded "on the north by the Arroyo of San Leandro; on the east by the places where the waters from the springs on the lands which the Indians who are now established there occupy, waste them selves ; thence on the south side, in a direct line to the Arroyo of San Lorenzo, without embracing the lands which the said Indians cultivate; and on the west by the bay." The Estudillo family thus had lived on the land which was afterwards granted to them for a considerable number of years. In 1837 Senor Estudillo built a house about two miles from the town of San Leandro, on the creek of that name, towards the lower part of the land. He afterwards moved farther up the creek, where the town of San Leandro now stands, about three-quarters of a mile from the site of his original location. On January 14, 1840, the Governor of California made the following order : "Don Guillermo Castro can establish himself upon the place called San Leandro, on the parts towards the hills, without passing beyond the line from north to south, formed by the springs on said place, not being permitted to make his fields in whatever part of the land of 'San Leandro;' this concession being under stood provisionally until the governor may settle the boundaries which belong to Senor Jose Estudillo, who is actually established on the said site, and with out prejudice to the Indians living thereon." This was the second settlement in Eden township. He built his residence where now is the town of Haywards. The next Hispano- Mexican family to locate was that of the Sotos, who built their adobe residence on a part of the Meek estate, where the house stood for many years, but was eventually razed to the ground, its position being about half a mile southeast from Haywards. Prior to the settlement of these families the district was occupied by the cattle of the Mission of San Jose, and, from the year 1829, had in certain portions been in the possession of. Christianized Indians of that establishment. In 1841 or 1842 there was an Indian named Sylvester, on the San Leandro Rancho, who had residing with him, besides his own family, his brother Annisetti. They occupied an adobe house built by Don J. J. Vallejo, who was administrator of the Indians, and had some three or four acres under cultivation, chiefly water- THE OLD CASTRO ADOBE HOUSE, HAYWARD Taken prior to 1850 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 33 melons and corn, the ground for which they turned up with sticks. Besides these there were others on the different ranchos. A Californian named Bruno Valen cia, dwelt under permission of Estudillo and Castro on the bank of the San Lorenzo, not far from the bay. There was a so-called road through this terri tory to San Jose, which had three crossings over the San Lorenzo: the Paso Viego, the Paso del Ramedero, and the Pasa del Puente. At the first of these during the, summer months the Indians were wont to camp in a grove of willows and sycamores. ' Don Jose Joaquin Estudillo died June 7, 1852. During his life he filled many high offices in the gift of the Mexican government. In his last will and testament, which bears date April 4, 1850, he declared that he was married in the year 1824 to Donna Juana Maria Del Carmon Martinez at the presidio of San Francisco, by whom he had six sons and five daughters. Of these nine were alive at the time of his death. Upon the establishment of the county seat at San Leandro, they made many concessions toward retaining it there; their residence was at one time occupied as the courthouse. Guillermo Castro, having lost his possessions, went to South America, and there died. His son, Luis Castro, after ward gained prominence as county surveyor of Alameda. These were the only residents in Eden township before 1849. The Mexican grants, wholly or partly in Murray township, consist of the San Ramon, four square leagues and 1,800 varas, granted to J. M. Amador in 1835; confirmed by the commission, August 1, 1854; and by the dis trict court, January 14, 1857; extent in acres 16,516.96. The Santa Rita granted April 10, 1839, to J. D. Pacheco; rejected by the commission April 25, 1854; confirmed by the district court August 13, 1855 ; and decree affirmed by United States supreme court; 8,885.67 acres. El Valle de San Jose, granted to Antonio Maria Pico, April 10, 1839; confirmed to Antonio Sunol et al., by commission January 31, 1854; by the district court January 14, 1856; 51,572.26 acres. Las Pocitas, two square leagues, granted April 10, 1839, to Salvio Pacheco; con firmed by commission to Jose Noriego and Robert Livermore, February 14, 1854, and by the district court February 18, 1859. Canada de los Vaqueros (mostly in Contra Costa county) granted February 29, 1842, to Francisco Alviso, et al,, confirmed to Robert Livermore by commission, September 4, 1855, and by the district court December 28, 1857. The Rancho Canada de los Vaqueros, the four league rancho, was partly in each of Alameda and Contra Costa counties. Their herds roamed over this rancho until some time in 1847 when the property was sold to Robert Livermore and Jose Noriego for the consideration of 300 heifers. In December, 1857, this grant was confirmed to Livermore and Noriego by the United States Government. In September, 1852, Livermore and his wife — Josefa Higuera Livermore — deeded to their several children one- half of the rancho, known then as the Rancho de Positas Poza Vaqueros. At the same time they gave to their children, 3,000 head of horned cattle and 300 head of tame cows, fifteen head of yoking cattle and forty tame horses. Later portions of the rancho passed to Etien Garat, Pedro Altuba, Luiz Perez, P. Dupre, William Akenhead, Juan Sunol and Noble Hamilton. Sunol was a physician and known as Senor Don Juan Sunol. The exact boundaries of Las Pocitas grant were not fully defined until a few years after the cession of California to the United States. It was pro- 34 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY vided in the grant that if the land within certain limits should exceed two leagues, the surplus should be and remain public lands of Mexico and in this state the tract passed to the United States. In 1853 the grant was confirmed by the land commissioners and in 1859 by the district court, and in 1861 an appeal was taken to the supreme court. The tract was resurveyed in 1865 and was found to contain 43,011 acres or nearly ten leagues- instead °f tw0- This survey was approved by the surveyor general in 1867. Later a new survey was ordered and the two leagues were exactly measured and patented June 6, 1 87 1. By this survey the contested lands of section 24 were excluded and became United States public lands. In 1870, Messrs. Doyle, Bales, Pratt and Carr preempted the lands and filed their claims June 28, 1871. The state also filed on these lands under the school lien land law. Carl Schurz, of the interior de partment, listed the lands, about twelve thousand acres, to the state, but ma"ae the proviso that if there were adverse claims the land should not go to the state. The rights of the preemptors were recognized in the courts, whereupon the set tlers paid $16,000 for the lands and received patents therefor. In 1877 there came an adverse order from Washington cancelling these claims and evicting the settlers and handing the lands to the state. From this action the settlers appealed in 1886. They claimed that the secretary of the interior had no power to make the cancellation. Rancho Los Ceritos was granted by the Mexican government to Thomas Pacheco and Augustin Alviso. In 1853 these lands were covered with Spanish or wild cattle attended by vaqueros, but soon the squatters took possession under what was called "possessory law" and commenced farming operations and raised large quantities of barley, wheat, potatoes and onions. It was at this time that the herds of cattle began to thin out and their hides and carcasses could be found in the markets of San Francisco without the consent of the owners. Mr. Vallejo estimated that his losses in six months by this agency amounted to $50,000. Niles and Mount Eden were on the Vallejo rancho — Rancho Arroyo de la Alameda which contained upwards of seventeen thousand acres. So were Union City and Alvarado on Ceritos Rancho. John M. Horner's steamer plied regularly twice or thrice a week from Union City to San Francisco. In 1862 the Mexican government sent emissaries among the rich Castilian landowners in California to borrow money. Don Augustine Alviso, the old Castilian landowner of the Rancho Los Ceritos, and founder of the village of Alviso, loaned General Vallejo in this connection the alleged sum of $69,000 at the time Emperor Maximillian was striving to get control of the government there, upon condition that the Mexican government would pay him $200,000 in return for the money and its use. In the eighties a representative of the Alviso estate was sent to Mexico to arrange for a settlement of the account ; but those who sent him made no statement of what had been collected. As a result Guad aloupe Alviso, in 1897, commenced at Oakland, proceedings for an accounting to learn particularly what had become of the Mexican claim. It was shown in court that nothing yet had been received from Mexico on the claim. There was a dispute at this time over the claim between George and Valentine Alviso. The old Don died poor in 1880, but left several heirs. Livermore valley was one of the best grain and hay districts in the state and Livermore town sprang into existence, having been founded in 1868. Amador HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 35 and Livermore became hostile and once had a fight from the effects of which Livermore, who was a small man, came near dying. It was believed that Amador's rapidly gained wealth came from the Mission San Jose spoils. The golden age of the native Californians was from 1833 to tne American conquest about 1846. Gambling was a passion and dancing almost a daily pastime. Every house was a hostelry. Grain was thrashed with the feet of horses. Plows were made of crotched logs, carts were very rude, there being no spoked wheels. The hides and tallow of cattle in vast quantities were taken to the ernbarcaderos with thirty, forty or fifty yokes of oxen and sold to Yankee vessels at Alviso. Mission wine was the principal drink. Amador while majordomo made fifty barrels of wine a year at Mission San Jose. There was much milk and cheese consumed. Pota toes were unknown. Pinole was plentiful, so was wild bee honey. Jose Maria Amador- was born in San Francisco and had seven brothers and seven sisters. In 1827 he became major domo at Mission San Jose, which position he filled for ten years. In 1829 he applied to the government of Mexico for a grant of land in what became Amador valley — named for him. He did not receive this grant until 1832-3, and was then given four square leagues and 1,800 yards at the southeast to include a valuable spring. At one time, about 1837-40, he had 150 employes, 300 to 400 horses, 13,000 to 14,000 cattle 3,000 to 4,000 sheep and some swine. In 1848 he caught the gold fever and went with four others to the mines. When on the American river fourteen days, they collected 114 pounds of gold; Valentine, his son, was one of this party. They then went to Amador Camp, on Consumne river, where for a short time twenty-two ounces per day were taken out by each man. Later they were not so successful and returned to Amador valley. In 1852 he sold out to J. W. Dougherty, who for many years was the owner. All Amador ever received for this princely estate was about $22,000. He married three times and had twenty- eight children. Guillermo Castro obtained a confirmation to the lands of the San Lorenzo Rancho, April 29, 1865, and a United States patent was issued therefor, while not long after, the settlers on the San Ramon Rancho paid the sum of $111,000 to Horace W. Carpentier for his title thereto. This splendid estate had orig inally cost Mr. Carpentier, it was said, one sack of flour ! Simon Zimmerman was a native of Germany and was in California before 1849. After working in the mines he returned to Germany, but came again to California in 1853 and bought the Blue Tent place which later became known as the Mountain House. He was in the line of travel and became acquainted with many prominent men who stopped at his place. His principal characteristic was story telling at which he had no superior in the state. In time he became known as "The Old Man of the Mountain." In 1884 Jose Munos moved from Livermore to East Oakland; he had lived in the valley near there for thirty years. He was a native of Chili. He came from the mission when Robert Livermore had the only house in the valley and there was but one road. He was the manager of the last bull-fight ever held in the old pen near Laddsville and was a leading man among the Spanish speaking citizens. It was the custom of the old Spanish settlers, when riding over the country on horseback, to turn in their horse when they reached a corral and take a fresh 36 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY one, the horses being so numerous and cheap that the owners nowhere objected. Continuing their rides they repeated this operation often many times before concluding their journey. Later under the new and stricter laws of the Ameri cans, they were arrested in many instances for horse stealing when continuing this practice, though in the end the horses were to be returned to their proper corrals. The Santa Rita Ranch of 1,600 acres near Pleasanton was sold to Samuel Hewlett for $120,000 in September, 1883. In 1835 thirty residents of the jurisdiction of San Franciso living in the Contra Costa region petitioned the Governor to be transferred to the jurisdiction of San Jose as follows : SAN ANTONIO, SAN PABLO AND THE ADJACENT RANCHOS NORTH, MAY 30, 1835. "The residents of the adjoining ranchos of the north, now belonging to the jurisdiction of the part of San Francisco with due respect to your Excellency, represent: That finding great detriment and feeling the evils under which they labor from belonging to this jurisdiction, whereby they are obliged to represent to your Excellency that it causes an entire abandoning of their families for a year by those who attend the judiciary functions and are obliged to cross the bay. Truthfully speaking, to be obliged to go to the port by land, we are under the necessity of traveling forty leagues going and coming back; and to' go by sea we are exposed to the danger of being wrecked. By abandoning our families, as above stated, it is evident that they must remain without protection against the influences of malevolent persons; they are also exposed to detention and loss of labor and property and injury by animals. "There is no lodging to be had in that pOrt when for a year an aguntamiento is likely to detain them, and should they take their families incurring heavy expenses for their transportation and necessary provisioning for the term of their engagement there is no accommodation for them. Wherefore, in view of these facts they pray your Excellency to be pleased to allow them to belong to the juris diction of the town of San Jose and recognize a commission of justice that will correspond with the said San Jose as capital for the people in the vicinity. Where fore we humbly pray your Excellency to favor the parties interested by acceding to their wishes. "Antonio Maria Peralta, "Ygnacio Peralta, "Joaquin Ysidro Castro, "Bruno Valencia, "Blas Narbois, "Joaquin Moraga, "Z. Blas Angeliuo, "Ramon Fovero, "Saunago Mesa, "Jose Duarte, "Juan Jose Castro, "Francisco Pacheco, "Candelaro Valencia, "Bartole Pacheco, "Jose Peralta, "Mariano Castro, "Fernando Feles, "Filipe Bruones, "Antonio Amejai, "Julian Veles, "Juan Bernal, "Rafael Veles, "Marcano Castro, "Francisco Soto, "Antonio Ygorce, "Franco Amejo." HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 37 This document was sent to the Governor at Monterey and was passed on favorably by the committee and government who expressed the judgment that the opinion of the aguntamientos of the towns of San Jose and San Francisco should be secured before definite action was taken in the matter and that the document should then be returned for final action by the exalted deputation. This action was ordered and a list of the residents at San Francisco was directed to be taken. The aguntamiento of the town of San Jose said, "With regard to the residents on the northern vicinity, now under the jurisdiction of San Francisco and who in their memorial prayed to be exempted from belonging to that juris diction, having indispensably to cross the bay or to travel upwards of forty leagues ; while on half their way they can come to this town, under the jurisdic tion of which they formerly were, which was more suitable and was inconvenient to them, this aguntamiento thinks that their prayer should be granted if it is so found right." But as might have been expected the petition was treated as frivolous by the aguntamiento of the port of San Francisco. It was denied that any of them had ever been wrecked in attending to their business affairs in the Bay of Yerba Buena nor had they been denied the lack of accommodation at the presidio. This reply was signed by Francisco de Jaro and was dated December 20, 1835. TABLE OF LAND CLAIMS Domingo and Vicente Peralta, claimants for San Antonio granted August 16, 1820, by Don Pablo Vicente de Sola to Luis Peralta claim filed January 21, 1852, confirmed by the commission February 7, 1854, by the district court Janu ary 26, 1855, and by the supreme court in 19 Howard, 343 ; containing 18,848.98 acres. Patented, February 10, 1877. Jose Dolores Pacheco, claimant for Santa Rita, granted April 10, 1839, by Juan B. Alvarado to J. D. Pacheco; claim filed, February 21, 1852, rejected by the commission, April 25, 1854, confirmed by the district court August 13, 1855, and decree affirmed by the United States supreme court in 23 Howard, 495; containing 8,894.01 acres. Patented March 18, 1865. Jose Noriego and Robert Livermore, claimants for Las Pocitas, two square leagues, granted April 10, 1839, by Juan B. Alvarado to Salvio Pacheco; claim filed February 27, 1852, confirmed by the commission, February 14, 1854, and by the district court February 18, 1859; containing 8,880 acres. Patented May 25, 1872. Fulgencio Higera, claimant for Agua Caliente, two square leagues, granted October 13, 1836, by Nicolas Gutierrez, and April 4, 1839, by Juan B. Alvarado, to F. Higuera; claim filed February 27, 1852, confirmed by the commission February 14, 1854, and appeal dismissed November 24, 1856; containing 9,- 563.87 acres. Patented April 17, 1858. Jose de Jesus Vallejo, claimant for Arroyo del Alameda, four square leagues, granted August 30, 1842, by Juan B. Alvarado to J. de Jesus Vallejo; claim filed March 2 1852, confirmed by the commission October 18, 1853, by the dis trict court March 2, 1857, and appeal dismissed July 28, 1857; containing i7)- 705.38 acres. Patented January 1, 1858. 38 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Juan Jose Castro, claimant for El Sobrante, eleven square leagues, granted April 23, 1841, by Juan B. Alvarado to J. J. Castro, claim filed March 9, 1852, confirmed by the commission July 3, 1855, and appeal dismissed April 6, 1857. Andres Pico et al., claimants for Mission San Jose 30,000 acres, granted May 5, 1846," by Pio Pico to Andres Pico and Juan B. Alvarado; claim filed March 22, 1852, confirmed by the commission December 18, 1855, and rejected by the district court, June 30, 1859. Jose Maria Amador, claimant for San Ramon four square leagues and 1,800 varas, granted August 17, 1835, by Jose Figueroa to J. M. Amador, claim filed March 23, 1852, confirmed by the commission August 1,. 1854, by the district court January 14, 1856, and appeal dismissed January 10, 1857. Patented March 18, 1865. Antonio Sunol et al., claimants for El Valle de San Jose, described by boundaries, granted April 10, 1839, by Juan B. Alvarado to Antonio Maria Pico et al., claim filed May 18, 1852, confirmed by the commission January 31, 1854, by the district court January 14, 1856, and decision of the United States supreme court as to the right of appeal in 20 Howard, 261 ; containing 48,435.92 acres. Patented March 15, 1865. Jose Joaquin Estudillo, claimant for San Leandro, one square league, granted October 16, 1842, by Juan B. Alvarado to Joaquin Estudillo; claim filed May 31, 1852, confirmed by the commission January 9, 1855, by the district court May 7, 1857, and by the United States supreme court ; containing 6,829.58 acres. Patented July 15, 1863. Thomas Pacheco and Augustin Alviso, claimants for Potrero de los Ceritos, three square leagues, granted March 23, 1844, by . Manuel Micheltorena to T. Pacheco and A. Alviso; claim filed May 31, 1852, confirmed by the commission February 14, 1854, by the district court October 29, 1855, and by the United States supreme court; containing 10,610.26 acres. Patented February 21, 1866. Antonio Maria Peralta, claimant for part of San Antonio, two square leagues, granted August 16, 1820, by Pablo V. de Sola to Luis Peralta; claim filed June 18, 1852, confirmed by the commission February 7, 1854, by the dis trict court December 4, 1855, and appeal dismissed October 20, 1857. Patented February 3, 1858. Ygnacio Peralta, claimant for part of San Antonio, two square leagues, granted August 16, 1820, by Pablo V. de Sola to Luis Peralta; claim filed June 18, 1852, confirmed by the commission February 7, 1854, by the district court January 13, 1857, and appeal dismissed April 20, 1857. Patented February 10 1877. Guillermo Castro, claimant for part of San Lorenzo, 600 varas square, granted February 23, 1841, by Juan B. Alvarado to G. Castro and for San Lorenzo, six square leagues, granted October 24, 1843, by Manuel Michel torena to G. Castro; claim filed July 8, 1852, confirmed by the commission February 14, 1853, by the district court July 6, 1855; and appeal dismissed January 16, 1858. Patented April 14, 1877. Barbara Soto et al, claimants for San Lorenzo, one and a half square leagues, granted October 10, 1842, by Manuel Micheltorena and January 20, 1844, by Juan-B. Alvarado to Francisco Soto; claim filed January 22, 1853, confirmed by the commission April 24, 1855, by the district court April 23, 1857, and appeal dismissed April 29, 1857. Patented February 14, 1865. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 39 Archbishop Joseph Sadoc Alemany, claimant for Mission San Jose, in Alameda county, founded under Carlos IV, June ii, 1797; claim filed February 19, 1853, confirmed by the commission December 18, 1855, appeal dismissed in Northern District, March 16, 1857, and in Southern District March 15, 1858; containing 28.33 acres. Patented March 3, 1858. Guillermo Castro, claimant for land granted January 14, 1840, by Juan B. Alvarado to G. Castro; claim filed March 2, 1853, rejected by the commission, May 15, 1855, and appeal dismissed for failure of prosecution March 9, 1857. Charles B. Strode, claimant for part of San Antonio, 5,000 acres, granted by P. V. de Sola and Luis Antonio Arguello to Luis Peralta; claim filed March 2, 1853. Discontinued. Charles B. Strode, claimant for part of San Antonio, 10,000 acres, granted by P. V. de Sola and Luis Antonio Arguello to Luis Peralta; claim filed March 2, 1853. Discontinued. NAME OF RANCH San Antonio San Antonio San Antonio San Leandro San Lorenzo San Lorenzo Agua Caliente Arroyo de la Alameda Canada de los Vaqueros Mission of San Jose Mission of San Jose El Pescadero Las Positas Potrero de los Ceritos San Ramon Santa Rita Valle de San Jose NAME OF CONFIRMEE Ygo. Peralta Y. and D. Peralta L. M. Peralta J. J. Estudillo Barbara Soto, et al. Guillermo Castro Fulgencio Higuera J. de Jesus Vallejo R. Livermore, J. Noriego Bishop Alemany Andres Pico and Alvarado A. M. Pico and H. Nagle R. Livermore and Noriego A. Alviso and D. Pacheco J. M. Amador Yountz Administrator Sunol and Bernales Area of private grants iffnttl Area of public land ' ' %^ Total area in acres CHAPTER III THE AMERICAN SETTLERS In the spring of 1826 Jedediah S. Smith, of New York, and a party of Amer ican hunters crossed the Rocky Mountain system to the Green River valley which they followed down to the Colorado river, thence took a westerly course, crossed the Sierra Nevada range and reached the Great Central valley of California near its lower extremity. During the winter of 1826-7 the party spent the time near Tulare lake and in the valleys of the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers, continuing until the summer of 1827. In May, 1827, Smith pitched camp in what is now Alameda county near the Mission San Jose to the sur prise of Father Narcise Duran, who not knowing who they were and wishing to find out, made verbal inquiries with that object in view. He received the following reply in writing from Captain Smith. Reverend Father: I understand, through the medium of one of your Chris tian Indians, that you are anxious to know who we are, as some of the Indians have been at the mission and informed you that there were certain white peo ple in the country. We are Americans on our journey to the River Columbia. We came in at the Mission San Gabriel in January last. I went to San Diego and saw the general, and got a passport from him to pass on to that place. I have made several efforts to cross the mountains, but the snows being so deep I could not succeed in getting over. I returned to this place (it being the only point to kill meat) to wait a few weeks till the snow melts so that I can go on. The Indians here also being friendly, I consider it the most safe point for me to remain until such time as I can cross the mountains with my horses, having lost a great many in attempting to cross ten or fifteen days since. I am a long ways from home, and am anxious to get there as soon as the nature of the case will admit. Our situation is quite unpleasant, being destitute of clothing and most of the necessaries of life, wild meat being our principal subsistence. I am, Reverend Father, your strange but real friend and Christian brother. J. S. Smith. No doubt this courteous letter satisfied the father. In all probability the Smith party while in this portion of the state in the spring of 1827 explored the entire eastern coast line of the bay of San Francisco; and if so passed over the present site of Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda and their suburbs. In 1850 a small flour mill was built at Niles and was the property of J. J. Vallejo; three years later he built a much larger and better one on the same site— both run by water power. In 1852 a small flour mill was built at the Mission San Jose by E. L. Beard and H. G. Ellsworth; it was likewise operated by water power. In 1853 J- M- Homer built a steam flour mill at Alvarado. Mr Homer raised large quantities of wheat, barley and potatoes which at 41 42 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY certain times brought almost fabulous prices and at others nothing at all. Mr. Homer's mill at Alvarado was afterward bought by Calvin J. Stevens and moved to Livermore. John Boyle in 1853, built at San Lorenzo the first blacksmith shop in the county; it was the start of the big agricultural works there. Later in the thirties and early in the forties the Americans further east began to arrive in California. Dr. John Marsh said that in 1846 California had 7,000 persons of Spanish descent, 10,000 civilized or domesticated Indians and about seven hundred Americans, 100 English, Irish and Scotch and about fifty French, Germans, Italians and others. In addition there were immense numbers of wild naked brute Indians, He further said that the far-famed mis sions no longer existed — had nearly all been broken up and apportioned into farms. In 1843 Julius Martin, Winston Bennett and Thomas J. Shodden — Amer icans from the East — crossed the mountains and settled in the Contra Costa region — Contra Costa, Alameda and Santa Clara counties. In 1844 the Mur- phys located in Santa Clara valley. William M. Mendenhall, John M. Horner, Elaim Brown and others came to this region. A number of the Mormons who came with Samuel Brannan in July, 1846, to San Francisco on the bark, Brooklyn, crossed the bay and settled at Wash ington, a few miles from San Jose Mission, where they afterward erected a Mormon church. According to the statement of one of them, parties coming over from San Francisco to explore the Contra Costa region landed at the mouth of the Temescal creek, and first visited the house of Vicente Peralta, two or three miles inland, at whose hands they invariably had hospitable enter tainment; then following the foothills they called on Antonio Peralta near Fruit Vale ; thence on Ygnacio Peralta near San Leandro creek ; from there they went to Estudillo's rancho on the south side of the creek, and thence to Guillermo Castro's on the present site of Haywards. The roads then lead to Amador's and Livermore's ranchos, eastward, and the Mission San Jose southward. San Antonio, now Brooklyn, and every other rancho had their embarcaderos on the bay shore, to which trading vessels used to send their boats for hides and tallow. With the discovery of the gold placers in 1848 Mission San Jose became an important trading center, where fortunes were rapidly made. Henry C. Smith, after a short visit to the mines opened a store at the mission, and made a great deal of money. A small town sprang up which was the nucleus of the first American settlement in Alameda county. There were no settlements beyond the ranchos. Oakland did not exist. Charles McLaughlin ran the stage from Oakland to San Jose in 1853-4. Duncan Cameron ran opposition to him, both lines passing through Alvarado and Centerville. Cameron used California bronchos for his stages and mud- wagons; he tamed and subdued them to a certain extent, but they were always wild and largely unmanageable. When they started, after being held until hitched, it was almost like a Roman chariot race to see them going at full speed through mud and water. Often for hours at a time the bronchos and the stage loaded with passengers would be mired down and incapable of mov-' ing until pried out. There were such mud holes between Centerville and Alva- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 43 rado and between San Leandro and San Antonio. In the end Cameron got the mail contract from McLaughlin. In all about one hundred squatters located on the Vallejo rancho and at one time, 1854-5, Mr. Vallejo had about seventy suits pending against them. He tried one case and was defeated on the ground that he could not maintain eject ment on his Spanish title until he had secured a title from the United States. Vallejo's lawyers were W. H. Patterson of the firm Patterson, Wallace & Stowe, Gen. C. H. S. Williams and Noble Hamilton. The squatters employed Judge S. B. McKee, Judge Archer and Jeremiah Clark. As soon as Vallejo had secured his patent from the United States the squatters on 4,000 of his acres paid him $35 per acre and the others who were unable to pay secured leases. Craven P. Hester was judge when the county seat was removed from Alvarado to San Leandro. At the time of the removal the Estudillo house in which court was being held was burned to the ground. The judge wishing to be technically exact and to comply with the statute held court in the still burning ruins as near the exact spot of the courtroom as the heat and smoke would admit. From this spot came the lawful authority for the construction of a rough redwood board build ing in which the court was afterward held until the brick courthouse was erected. The latter was destroyed by the earthquake of 1868; the walls fell out and the roof tumbled down upon the floor, the plastering raising a cloud of dust. In front of the courthouse were large, round, brick columns surmounted by iron girders carrying the brick front, all of which fell out with a crash, killing J. W. Josselyn, deputy county treasurer, who with Charles Palmer had rushed out from the back offices. Don Jose Vallejo contracted with William Garrison in 1853-4 to sell and deliver to him the following year, 1,000,000 pounds of potatoes at i'j4 or two cents a pound, and was paid $5,000 to bind the bargain. To meet his contract Vallejo planted about three hundred acres in potatoes on the Buena Vista rancho. He duly harvested the crop and piled it up, covered it and waited for the call to deliver. But potatoes fell in price so rapidly and completely that Mr. Garrison evaded the delivery until the time for completing the contract was nearly gone. Vallejo awoke just in time and set 300 men at work to place them on the wharf at San Francisco. But in spite of all this he was defeated by trickery and in the end lost from $20,000 to $30,000. In December, 1863, trouble with squatters commenced on the ranch of H. G. Ellsworth near the mission, but that gentleman got rid of them and ultimately obtained full possession of the property. At the January term, 1865, of the county court this case H. G. Ellsworth versus Elias Simpson and twenty others, for trespass as squatters on a portion of the Mission Ranch was tried, and, after several days in court, the plaintiff was awarded damages to the extent of $1,000. The legal talent on either side were: For plaintiff, Edward Tompkins; for defendants, W. H. Glascock, H. K. W. Clarke and Judge Collins. A large settlement around Alvarado came from Berrien county, Michigan, among whom were Henry C. Smith, A. M. Church, Socrates Huff, L, B. Huff, John S. Chipman, Ebenezer Farley, C. J. Stevens, Mario Listen, Ed Chancey and many others. Other early settlers there were William Patterson, Mr. Vesey, Joseph Coombs, Black Hook Coombs, Thomas Coombs, Judge A. M. Crane, W. C. Pease, lawyer, W. H. Chamberlain, Benjamin Williams, lawyer, Red Horner, 44 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Joseph Ralph, Doctor Frans, P. E. Edmondson, Parker and Searing, J. A. Trefry, William Hayes, Capt. J. S. Sand, Benjamin Marston, R. S. Farrelly, Samuel Athey, George Simpson, Joseph Black, E. Munyan, Jeremiah Beedy, George Moore, Justin Moore, J. McCormick and James Dubois. John M. and William Y. Horner arrived in 1851 or 1852 and their parents came in the fall of 1852 directly to Washington Corners (afterward Irvington). The father, Tracy Horner, built the first house in Centerville. Murray township received its name in the month of June, 1853, when the county of Alameda was created from that of Contra Costa, its sponsor being Michael Murray, one of its pioneer settlers. In 1826 Don Jose Maria Amador settled in the valley which afterwards received his name, and soon after con structed an adobe house on the site of the old residence of C. P. Dougherty. The earthquake of July 3, 1868, damaged it so that it was found necessary to abandon it. He lived to the great age of one hundred and six years. When he arrived he found the country wild in the extreme ; neither habitation nor culti vation met the eye. The wild cattle of the Mission San Jose roamed at will over the mountains and valleys ; the Indian held undisputed sway over the soil of which he was the primeval monarch; the mountains and gorges teemed with game, both feathered and four-footed. The next settlement within the borders of Murray township was by Robert Livermore. He was born in England, in 1799. In his youth he shipped as a cabin-boy on board a vessel and ultimately found himself in a Peruvian port. Here he joined the English fleet, but finding the discipline of the navy too taut, he deserted and made his way to Monterey in a hide-drogher. It was about the year 1820 that he came to California. In the course of time he arrived in the Pueblo de San Jose where he soon made friends, tarried for a space, worked on the ranch of Juan Alvarez and acquired the Span ish tongue. He finally went to the Rancho Agua Caliente or Warm Springs, and became acquainted with the family of Fulgencio Higuera whose daughter he sub sequently married. While resident in San Jose he formed acquaintanceship with Jose Noriego, a Spaniard, and with him went to the valley which has since taken its name from the Sunol family, where he located, built a small house, entered upon the cultivation of the soil, and embarked in stock-raising. It is presumable that in his wanderings after his cattle or game he became familiar with the locality, and from the summit of one of the adjacent "lomas" first cast his eyes upon the vale which bears his name today, and whither he moved in the year 1839. From that period can be dated the first step toward the permanent settlement and development of the valley. Livermore at once devoted his attention, almost exclusively, to the raising of horned cattle, horses and sheep. For the first few years he was greatly harassed by Indians, who stole and slaughtered his cattle and even rendered it unsafe at times for himself and family to remain in their wilderness home. On such occasions they sought protection under the hospitable roof of Don Jose Maria Amador, which was rarely molested. In the year 1839 the Rancho Las Pocitas was granted to Don Salvio Pacheco who also owned the Rancho Monte del Diablo. During the early part of 1839 he transferred his interest to Livermore and Noriego who took possession thereof April 10, 1839. That same year they erected an abode house near the Pocitas creek, which stood until about the year 1875, when it was torn down. Here it was on this grant of two leagues of land that Livermore fixed his permanent HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 45 abode and commenced a life that was truly patriarchial. In a few years his flocks and herds were counted by thousands, while they roamed about at will over a territory that vied in magnitude with many a principality. True, he was sur rounded on every hand by frequent dangers, but these would appear to have added zest to his life. His eminent courage and infectious good-nature, however, soon made him friends among the families of the ranchos. In 1844 he planted a vine yard as well as a pear, apple and olive orchard on the flat near his house. He also raised wheat — the first produced in the' valley — and by means of a ditch brought water from the Pocitas Springs for the purpose of irrigation. In addi tion to the occupation given to these enterprises, he killed his cattle for their hides and tallow ; the meat not being saleable was left on the ground. When not engaged in this wise he turned his attention to the manufacture of bear's grease from grizzlies that fell victims to his unerring rifle. Thus he dwelt for nearly fifteen years in the splendid valley which bears his name, while his cattle roamed untamed from the Amador valley to the San Joaquin river. Here he brought up a family of sons and daughters and lived in peace with all men, unmolested and honored. On September 14, 1846, Livermore purchased the Canada de los Vaqueros grant, the greater portion of which lay within the boundaries of Contra Costa county. This rancho was originally granted in the year 1836 to Miranda Higuera and Francisco Alviso, and comprised three square leagues of land. Of the original grantees of land, J. D. Pacheco received in 1839 the Santa Rita Rancho, located between that of San Ramon and Las Pocitas, but he did not place any building of a permanent nature thereupon, although it was occupied in 1844 by Francisco Alviso as majordomo. About the same time, towards the east end of Livermore valley, grants of land were made to Antonio Maria Pico, Antonio Sunol, and Augustin Bernal. During the gold excitement he extended an unstinting hospitality to all. The immigrants found him ever ready to hold out the right hand of fellowship, to fill their exhausted larders, and otherwise aid them with practical knowledge of an unknown country. This discovery of gold was also the means of bringing to him communication with people speaking his native tongue, and brought him forcibly back to his youthful days. The first structure of these days was erected in the year 1849, on the site of the Mountain House, not far from the spot where the three counties of Contra Costa, San Joaquin, and Alameda come to a point. It took the form of a "Blue Tent," and being on the direct road to the mines was opened and kept as a house of entertainment by Thomas Goodale (or Goodall). Here McLeod's stage from Stockton changed horses. For ten years it was a kind of special camp for. stockmen, rancheros, and immigrants. Goodale subsequently constructed an adobe house, in the building of which he employed Indians, and this edifice Simon Zimmerman occupied for twenty-seven years. He added to it in 1868 by putting a frame building in front, finally, however, pulling it down and erecting a large residence on its site. In April, 1850, Augustin Bernal brought up his family from Santa Clara county, built an adobe house on the west side of Laguna creek, and there took up his residence. About the same time Michael Murray, after whom the township is named, located near where Dublin stands, built a house and planted an orchard. With him came one Jeremiah Fallon, who settled on a place in the Amador valley. Also in this year came four brothers named Patterson who located in 46 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY what was known as Patterson Pass. One of them, Nathaniel Greene Patterson rented the Livermore adobe and started the first permanent house of entertain ment in the district. In this year, too, Jose Sunol came up to reside on his father's possessions. There also dwelt here as majordomo an old Mexican named Diego Celaya. In this year also Joshua A. Neal was as a resident majordomo for Robert Livermore. In 1850 A. Bardellini, the subsequent proprietor of the Washington Hotel in Livermore, probably first cast his lot in the district. In 185 1 the first frame building was erected within the boundary of the township by Robert Livermore, the lumber having been brought from one of the Atlantic states around the horn to San Francisco and thence transported with much difficulty to its future resting place. Seven hundred dollars was paid for its construction, the carpenter work being done by John Strickland and John Tierney. In time it became known as the "Old Livermore House." John W. Kottinger came to the township in August, 1851, and found located here an Englishman named Strickland who lived five miles from Pleasanton on the El Valle creek. Near him dwelt a trapper and hunter named Cook, and Francisco Alviso resided on the eastern bank of the Laguna creek. In this year also, Juan P. Bernal built a residence on the east side of Laguna creek and completed it in 1852. On the bank of the stream known as the Old San Joaquin, Thomas McLaughlin located in 185 1. About that time Edward Carroll and a man named Wright took up a claim in the section known as Corral Hollow, where also in the same season Captain Jack O'Brien, commenced sheep-raising. Alphonso Ladd and his family also settled in Sunol valley in 1851. He built a two-story frame building, which he occupied until removing to and founding Laddsville, the eastern portion of the town of Livermore. Mr. Kottinger built a frame building on the east side of Main street, in the village of Pleasanton. In 1852 J. W. Dougherty came to the township and bought the lands of Don Jose Maria Amador. Mr. Dougherty was a native of Tennessee, and occupied the original Amador adobe until it was rendered uninhabitable by an earthquake. In this year also the Senors Lorenzo and Juan Sunol moved up into the Sunol valley. These men were nephews of the grantee and resided there for only about four years. During 1853 Greene Patterson erected a frame house about two miles south east from where the town of Livermore now stands, and about the same time R. W. Defrees built and opened a caravansary on the main road about one mile west from the residence of Mr. Livermore. In the same year Thomas Hart came to the district, was employed by Livermore for some time, and in 1854 bought the hostelry mentioned above and called it the Half-way House, it being popularly supposed to have been equidistant from Oakland, Stockton and San Jose. Here Hart resided until i860, when he removed to the town of Liver more and there died in 1871. Among the settlers who came to the township in 1853 was John Whitman, who with his family took up his residence on the west side of Laguna creek on land near Pleasanton. In 1854 Richard T. Pope came to the township, settled on part of the ranch now owned by J. P. Smith, and there engaged in stock-raising for eleven years. Messrs. Grover and Glascock occupied a portion of the same ranch. Ben Wil liams was also living there ; John G. Griffith was a settler this year. In this year J. West Martin and others came to the section of country near Pleasanton and later were the first to embark in farming upon a considerable scale. In the , HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 47 spring of the year Simon Zimmerman located at the Mountain House on the Stockton road fourteen miles from Livermore. In 1855 Hiram Bailey a car penter, came to Livermore valley. Early in 1856, Frank Heare came to the place now known as Midway and settled in what was called the "Zinc House " F. W. Lucas it is said settled near Mr. Pope. At this period there were fully fifty thousand head of cattle and horses in the township, besides immense droves of sheep in the hills and mountains. Few attempts at agriculture were made, as it was generally believed that the soil would produce nothing but grass. At Livermore's place, Alisal (Pleasanton) and Amador's both grain and vegetables were raised, but in a very small way Everybody in the valley was interested in stock-raising, and no other industry was in operation, nor hardly thought of. In the year 1856, however, the first blow toward the complete revolution of the industrial interests of the district was struck. Joseph Livermore had some time previously fenced a 160 acre field on the Pocitas grant, including a portion of another ranch, and that year sowed the field to wheat. This was the first field of small grain ever raised in the Livermore valley. In this year among the new-comers were Thomas Raf- ferty, J. L. Bangs and Michael McCollier. In 1857 Joseph Black and two brothers named Carrick began raising wheat in the west end of Livermore valley, the first-named putting in 400 acres on the ranch of Jeremiah Fallon and the brothers a like amount on the Dougherty estate adjoining. In the summer of 1857 Robert Livermore sank an artesian well near his residence. A depth of about seven hundred feet was reached at the time of Mr. Livermore's death when work was abandoned. At that sounding the water came within ten feet of the surface. A cross-pipe was put in and a flowing stream of water brought out on the hillside below the house. The cost of this well was not less than $5,000. In the fall of 1858 John Green came to the township. Near where Dublin now stands, Edward Horan lived and four miles to the eastward was William Murray. About the same time John Martin and his family came up from San Mateo county and located among the hills about a mile and a half from Dublin. Not long after James F. Kapp and Robert Graham settled in the township. Among those who arrived in 1859 was Adam Fath, who located on land about six miles from Livermore. In this year Lysander Stone and William Meek came to the township. In i860 the first town in Murray township was started. This was Dublin. In i860 Hiram Bailey sowed eighty acres of wheat on the Pocitas grant, three miles north of Livermore; the same year Joseph Black rented 400 acres from Dougherty in addition to what he was already farming on the Fallon Ranch. In that year, also, S. B. Martin, who had in 1854 purchased the Santa Rita rancho, increased his sowing area by several hundred acres. During 1 86 1 the acreage of sowed land was increased 1,000 acres by Alexander Esdon. Hiram Bailey added to his farming operations. In 1862 Charles Hadsell came to the Sunol valley. The Argenti Hotel was then kept bv a Frenchman named Bertrand. George Buttner was here. Samuel Bonner resided near where Sunol now is. Farther down the Laguna creek was Isaac Trough, and not far from him was a man named Higgins. In. this year wheat- raising was in full progress in the west end of Livermore valley; fences sprung Vol. 1—4 48 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY up everywhere, stock was crowded up towards the Livermore ranch (which was then thought unfit for agricultural purposes) and flour-producing grain became an established fact, the yield, in many instances, being enormous, while the general average was about a ton to the acre. The number of cattle was still on the increase, there being in that year no fewer than eight thousand head of calves branded on the rancho of the Bernals. In 1863 John Booken, Amos S. Bangs and M-aas Lueders arrived. In 1863-64, that commonly known as the "dry year," two brothers named Bean farmed about four hundred acres of the Bernal grant, two miles south east of the Livermore House, where the yield of grain was immense. Among those who arrived at this time and made their permanent homes within the lim its of the township, were Dr. I. N. Mark, Frederick and Charles Rose, Martin Mendenhall, Hugh Dougherty and Peter McKeany. In 1864 W. M. Mendenhall settled near Livermore. Settlers- now came in great numbers, and either by purchase or pre-emption located in the district in every direction. There was one drawback — the uncertainty of land titles. The chief cause of this was doubt regarding the boundaries of the Pocitas or Livermore grant. The United States patent, which was issued February 18, 1859, granted "two leagues, more or less," within certain boundaries. The limits described, however, contained upwards of eleven leagues, which amount was claimed by the heirs of Robert Livermore. On March 1, 1871, this matter was definitely settled by the approval of the second Dyer survey (two leagues) by the com missioner of the general land office at Washington, in accordance with a deci sion by the secretary of the interior, a decision which threw open for peaceable pre-emption a large extent of country, and, coming as it did immediately after the completion of the railroad through the valley, resulted in bringing in a large population. Towns sprung up as if by magic ; every year widened the extent of the grain fields, and witnessed the building of new homes. The 'stock interests had given way to the plow, and the hut of the Mexican vaquero was supplanted by the cozy cottage of the tiller of the soil. S. Zimmerman was one of the first settlers of the county. His Mountain House was on the early highway between the Mission San Jose, Oakland and Stockton. To the westward the nearest habitation was that of the Livermores in the pass and valley. To the eastward, ten miles away, lived the Chamberlains. Zimmerman was not far from some of the strongholds of the Mexican bandit, Joaquin Murietta, Brusha Peak and Corral Hollow. Murietta and his band were road agents and the terror of this new country then. More than once they visited the Mountain House and carried their measures with a high and reck less hand. Zimmerman's family consisted of himself, wife and five children. This was in 1863. On one occasion the sheriff of Alameda county arrested at Zimmerman's two road agents — one named Gibbons who had stolen two horses from Mr. Sweet of San Leandro. Two stage robbers were captured on the same visit and the stage driver found that one of them was his own brother. The four men were convicted and served out their sentences. On January 25, 1846, John C. Fremont and party passed across Alameda county; they crossed the hillside near the laguna between Sunol and Pleasanton. During the war of 1846-7 other armed bands crossed Alamedo county to and from the active theatre of events. Fremont's party took nearly all of Ama- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 49 dor's best tame horses and paid nothing for them. Amador was allowed to keep one mustang. Amador to the day of his death denounced Fremont as a "great scoundrel." The sandy peninsula of Oakland was covered with a dense growth of oak trees, which subsequently gave to the place its name, and beneath the trees were numerous thickets of chaparral and tangled underbrush. Some four miles to the north was the residence of Vicente Peralta, and around it were settled a few other native Californians. The only use made of the peninsula of Oak land was to obtain from it the necessary supplies of fuel. The first actual settler in what is the city of Oakland was Moses Chase, who pitched his tent at what became East Oakland in the winter of 1849-50, and commenced hunting. Here he was found by the Patten brothers on their arrival in February, 1850. Next came Col. Henry S. Fitch, and Colonel Whit ney, who made an unsuccessful attempt to purchase the tract of land. In the summer of 1850 appeared Moon, Carpentier and Adams, who squatted upon the land, holding that it belonged to the Government and not to Peralta, and erected a shanty near the foot of Broadway. The Spanish owner now made an attempt to oust these men and secured a writ of ejectment from the county court at Martinez, and a posse of men, under Deputy Sheriff Kelly, was sent to eject them, but Moon, Carpentier and Adams obtained a lease of a number of acres of land on certain conditions and laid out a town. The Patten brothers (Rob ert F., William and Edward) shortly after leased a tract of land from Peralta, and afterward went into partnership with Chase. They cleared 100 acres and planted it in barley and wheat. At the close of the litigation about the title to those lands, between the Peraltas and other, which the Peraltas won, 800 acres which had been leased by Mr. Chase, were deeded to C. B. Strode, as a part of the 6,000 acres given by them for his legal services. Strode deeded to Chase and the Pattens, 400 acres on their agreeing to survey the tract, and place it on the market in town lots. This they did, and founded the town of Clinton. In 1851, Edson Adams, A. J. Moon and Horace W. Carpentier, with out paying the slightest regard to the rights of Peralta, the owner of the land, squatted on the Rancho San Antonio near the foot of the present Broadway street. They made no attempt to buy or lease any of the land, but seemed to have adopted the resolution of possessing themselves of it by other means than those of right and justice. They boldly assumed that it was Government land, and proceeded to parcel it out among themselves. They were soon followed by other squatters, and the lawful owners found themselves hemmed in on everyside by the trespassers. The thousands of cattle belonging to Peralta, roaming among the oaks and feeding upon the plains, were stolen and killed. His timber was cut and carried away without being paid for. The courts at that time were unorganized and justice was tardy. Vicente Peralta got a writ of ejectment from the county court at Mar tinez against Adams, Moon and Carpentier, and a party of well armed and mounted men under Deputy Sheriff Kelly was sent out to enforce it. Kelly s ten or twelve men were joined by about forty native Californians and on_ arriving at the shanty in the Encinal grove they found Moon alone in possession. He wa calm and pretended to be much astonished at the proceeding. He pro- Sed tnat himself and his associates held Peralta in the highest regard, and 50 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY that nothing could be farther from their intentions than to do him injury. Any thing that Peralta desired they would do. The smoothness of his tongue and the wiliness of his way were such that Peralta was" disarmed, and he con cluded to accept Moon's promises. A compromise was effected, and the land that the three squatters occupied was leased to them. While Moon was talking so smoothly there was a party of ruffians, headed by the notorious Billy Mulligan, ambushed close by, ready to dispute the possession if necessary. In 1850 men were sawing lumber in the redwoods of San Antonio, and between there and the Mission San Jose — a distance of over twenty miles — there were only two or three native Californian rancheros and their retainers. Jose Joaquin Estudillo's was the only residence at San Leandro. San Leandro was an Indian rancheria. Guillermo Castro had the whole site of the present Hay wards. Jose Maria Amador had many broad acres in his rancho of San Ramon. Mount Eden was a wilderness. New Haven was the landing place of Mission San Jose, without a house in it. Centerville had in its vicinity a few settlers who had come there in 1850. John M. Horner almost alone occupied Washington Corners. The mission town had some white settlers, and a considerable number of natives. Henry C. Smith, the storekeeper, was alcalde under appointment of Governor Riley. The virtues of the Agua Caliente, or Warm Springs, were known to only a few native Californians and Indians. The son of Antonio Sunol occupied the whole valley of his name. Augustin Bernal had settled at Alisal, now Pleasanton, in 1850, and together with Joseph Livermore, Jose Noriego, Fran cisco Alviso, and Jose Maria Amador possessed half of the county. Wild cattle roamed in thousands. The hills were covered with wild oats. Wild mustard was abundant and grew luxuriantly. Deer and all kinds of wild game were plenti ful. Such was the condition of Alameda county in 1850-51. Mission San Jose and the settlers of the vicinity constantly were sufferers from Indian raiders. Expeditions were often organized to aid the troops in punishing the plunderers. In 1838 the ranchos as far as San Juan Bautista were assailed, and in 1839 thefts of horses arid other stock became so frequent and alarming that several expeditions had to march against the depredators, many of whom were killed and others taken prisoners. In 1840 the Indians became still bolder, until Yoscolo, their leader, was slain, and his head stuck up on a pole in Santa Clara. His followers then made peace, promising good behavior. A regular patrol was finally established between .San Jose and San Juan to guard the ranchos. In 1853 the squatters of the county formed an association for their mutual protection and interests under the name "The Pre-emptioner's League." One of the articles was as follows : "Every person, to become a member of this league, must be a settler within the county of Alameda, must pay five dollars into the treasury and subscribe to the following obligations, to-wit: We the undersigned do solemnly agree and by these presents bind ourselves each to the other and all to each one, that individually we will make us overtures to the land claimants for a settlement of our difficulties with them and will reject all such as may be made to us by them until such overtures shall have been submitted to and approved by this league; that we will contribute equally of money in support of this League and at all time hold ourselves in readiness to aid and assist each other to defend our homes and farms from the grasping service of land speculators." HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 51 In what may be termed the pre-American days there was one belt of redwoods which was known by the name of San Antonio, where the production of lumber was carried on to a great extent. The redwoods were the only forest trees in the county, save the usual clusters of oaks that give a park-like appearance to the scenery. Brooklyn township was comprised entirely in the territory known as the Rancho San Antonio, granted to Don Luis Maria Peralta for meritorious services, the lands lying within its boundaries being those given to his two sons, Antonio Maria and Ygnacio Peralta. On the San Leandro creek, in what is Brooklyn township, the two brothers erected their adobe house, the first residence built within its borders. The San Antonio redwoods were early discovered, and in the summer of 1847 they were well known, and a trade with Yerba Buena (San Francisco) had sprung up. Here many of the earlier citizens gained their first Californian experience. Then came the discovery of gold in 1848, and with it the rush of people to the Pacific coast. For the first year or two all went to the mines, but as they wearied, sickened, or lost heart, they tried fortune in the lower country, and many came to the redwood region of San Antonio to find employment in the manufacture of lumber and shingles. Steam was soon introduced. About the year 1849 a Frenchman commenced the erection of a mill in the redwoods, which was never completed, but, passing into the hands of Harry Meiggs in 1851, was by him sold to Volney D. Moody, president of the First National Bank of Oakland. In 1852, D. A. Plummer entered the employ of Mr. Moody, and the following year purchased the concern. In 1852 two more mills were erected by William and Thomas Prince, and a man named Brown. Sub sequently Tupper and Hamilton put up another, as did also a man named Spicer, which last stood at the head of the canyon, its neighbor being Prince's mill, and lower down the Tupper and Hamilton place ; Mr. Moody's stood about a mile on the Brooklyn side of the summit. In course of time, from its convenience to the rapidly increasing city of San Francisco, the timber was in a very few years com pletely sawed out, and the hundreds of laborers who there found work were com pelled to depart. In August, 1849, three brothers, Robert F., William and Edward C. Patten crossed the bay to visit the giant redwoods of San Antonio, of which they had heard much. Procuring a whaleboat they made for Contra Costa, and landing near Seventh street, Oakland, found the country a vast undulating field of lux uriant grass, some ten inches in height. The native Californians at this time were bound by a solemn pledge not to sell, nor even give information in regard to lands. They said: "If we can't fight these heathens out, we can starve them; for we can keep them from a permanent settlement here." Undeterred by this fact the Pattens sought the advice of a Frenchman, who had pitched his tent not far from the San Antonio creek, and, through him, entered into negotiations with Antonio Maria Peralta, at his house in Fruit Vale, which culminated in their leasing 160 acres, and, taking possession, became the first permanent American settlers in Brooklyn township. When they arrived, there was a shanty standing but by whom it was built is not known. Early in 1850 it was in charge of a man named Hoober, a Penn sylvania printer, but when the Pattens came it had been abandoned. The brothers also found, when they crossed the bay, Moses Chase, in ill health, attended by a 52 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY friend, living in a tent about the foot of Broadway. Chase had determined to return to the eastern states, and had come to the Contra Costa to pass his time in hunting and recuperating during the mild Californian winter, ere going back to his home, in the spring. The brothers taking a liking to him induced him to join them, which he did, and was afterwards invested with the like proprietary rights as themselves. In 1851 the Pattens leased an additional 300 acres for a term of eight years. In 1850 they commenced farming, but on the extension of their territory they laid nearly the whole of their possessions under a crop consisting chiefly of barley and wheat. During the first year of their residence fifty tons of hay were cut on the site of Clinton, which netted $70 per ton, the market price being $80, but $10 of which were deducted for freight to San Francisco. Early in the year 1851 the superior advantages of this location became known to James B. Larue, who acquired some property from Antonio Maria Peralta, and determined to found the nucleus of a town. In 185 1 he took up his resi dence in Brooklyn township, and there resided until the day of his death in 1872. His first establishment was a tent covered with hides and stood near what is now the junction of Twelfth street and Fifteenth avenue, and here he opened a store to supply the lumbermen in the redwoods with goods. He immediately coxn- menced the construction of the Louis Winegard house, whither he transferred his goods from the tent, and took up his residence with his wife and his son Luke. He was joined, early in 1852, by Antonio Fonte. At that time besides the tent of Mr. Larue, a Mexican named Manuel Paracio had a corral standing at Twelfth and Fourteenth streets and Fourteenth and Sixteenth avenues, and a man named Parker had a "rum-mill" at East Twelfth street, between Fifteenth and Six teenth avenues. This place was built some time previously by a man named Dean. A slaughter-house was here and at Twentieth street stood a large farmhouse occu pied by Manuel Baragan, a Chileno, who farmed a large tract as far as the boundary line of Alameda township. The land to the west of Fourteenth avenue was farmed by the Patten brothers and their associate, Moses Chase. In 185 1 William C. Blackwood settled among the redwoods. But one foreigner anterior to 1849 attempted to locate permanently here. In the year 1845 James Alexander Forbes was authorized by Bezar Simons, at the time captain of the American ship Magnolia, to purchase a tract of land for him on the bay of San Francisco, and just before his departure from the port both men crossed the bay in a ship's boat to San Leandro to see if the purchase of the rancho could be effected from Estudillo, who, however, refused to sell. He declined the offer of $10,000 made by Simons, stating that he would not take double the sum, as he wanted it for his family. Subsequent to this, John B. Ward, who had married Melina Concepcion, eldest daughter of Don J. J. Estu dillo, took up his abode in the township. Immense numbers of wild fowl then made the sloughs and marshes their home. They brought almost fabulous prices in the first and palmiest days of San Francisco markets. Many men who occupied their time during the sum mer months in the mines, turned their attention in winter to killing game for the city commission merchants, and many made more money in this way than they did at gold digging. It was in the search for game that the first settlers came to Eden township.. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 53 _ In the month of December, 1849, there crossed the bay in a whale-boat, with baggage and guns, Thomas W. Mulford and Moses Wicks, A. R. Biggs of San Francisco, E. Minor Smith and W. C. Smith. They landed on the shore in the vicinity of the Estudillo mansion, there pitched their tent and com menced a war upon the feathered denizens of the marshes. At this date there were probably no permanent foreign settlers and no houses save those of the Spaniards mentioned above, an Indian hut where the graveyard at San Lorenzo stood and an Indian rancheria on the site later occupied by the county hospital. This party dwelt in a tent pitched on the shore, and in the spring of 1850 erected a "ten by twelve" cabin which was used as a cook-house, subsequently adding a chimney thereto of brick taken from a pile which had been thrown into the bay— the refuse of those used in the construction of the new Estudillo house. The cabin stood on the margin of the bay, but its site was later washed away by the rolling surf. In the spring of 1851 the dwelling tent gave place to a cabin, and there it remained on the original location until 1876. That win ter another party located temporarily at the mouth of the San Leandro creek; they were Robert Smith, Stephen Smith, a Mr. Solomon, and several others. They did nothing more than hunt in the locality. In the spring of 1850 a field of wheat, about ten acres in extent, was put in by the Senor Estudillo and some Sonorians, which gladdened the eyes of the few Americans then roaming about the district. This green oasis amid the appar ently sterile region was at the lower end of Leweling's place near the Hayward road, where the Sonorians also had a dwelling. This was by no means the first cultivation of the cereals in Eden township, for the Spaniards sowed wheat, planted corn, and raised quantities to provide for their own house holds. In his will Don J. J. Estudillo says : "I declare that I leave at dif ferent places on the rancho three fields sown in barley, in company with Don Guillermo Davis — one with Mexicans, and another with Sonorians — of which contracts exist, written agreements, signed," etc. The industry of stock-rais ing was still prosecuted with energy, there being on the Estudillo rancho alone in 1850, 3,000 head of cattle, more than that number of sheep, and fifty horses of all classes. In the month of October, 1850, Capt. William Roberts came to the township and established himself at Roberts' Landing, then known as Thompson's, whence he commenced freighting with small craft to different points along the bay. His settlement was soon after followed by that of Captain Chisholm. In the fall of 1851 William Hayward came to the township and first located on what he thought was land belonging to the Government in Polomares canon, but which he was quickly informed was the property of Guillermo Castro, who, however, suggested his removal farther down the valley. This he did, and early in the following year, 1852, located on A street, Hayward, and there erected the first building in the flourishing town that bears his name. During 1852 the squatters took possession of the entire plain. What is now San Lorenzo was known as Squatterville. They found their chief attrac tions apparently on the Estudillo rancho, for it was to that portion of the township that their attentions were principally turned. The rancho was believed to be Government land, and it was not until after years of litigation that the squatters were disabused of this belief. Among those who took possession of 54 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY part under such an idea was Franklin Ray. He erected a dwelling house in the vicinity of San Leandro and on being warned off, refused, when, on March 21, 1852, the owners of the rancho tore down the building, to recover the value of which, namely, $300, he brought suit. This was only one of many cases of the same nature. With this great influx of people came many of those whose names are now among the most honored in the county. There were Robert S. Farrelly, William C. Blackwood, Messrs. Crane, Kennedy, McMurtry, Camp bell, Harlan and Johnson. They were followed by Fritz Boehmer, Charles Duerr, William Field, George Meyer, Alexander Patterson, Juel Russell, and John Johnson, who all settled in the vicinity of Mount Eden, which up to that time had been entirely unoccupied. In 1852 also there are the names of Peter Olsen, John W. Jamison, Alexander Allen, and Liberty Perham. This year Eden township had its commencement. In 1856 Castro was compelled to mortgage his estate and then piece by piece the lands were brought to the hammer, and finally, in 1864, they passed entirely into the hands of Faxon D. Atherton who gave Castro $30,000 for them, with which amount he went into a self-inflicted exile in South America. Among the men who made their homes in Eden in 1853 are Henry Smyth, George S. Meyer, Tim. Hauschildt, David S. Smalley, Joseph De Mont, J. F. Elliott, John Huff, William Mahoney, E D. Mann, Thomas W. Mulford, Moses Wicks, William Smith, E. Minor Smith and Emerson T. Crane. From this year onward the growth and prosperity of Eden township was wonderful. In the next decade the population increased many fold. The names of those arriving in 1855 were Richard Barron, Joseph Graham, Josiah G. Bickell; in 1856 William Knox, Otis Hill, Frederick Wrede, John Wille, Con rad Liese, Ferdinand Schultz; in 1857 W. T. Lemon; in 1858 Maas Lueders, W. H. Miller; in 1859 Watkin W. Wynn; in i860 N. D. Dutcher, John W. Clark; in 1861 Frederick Brustgrun, A. P. Rose; in 1862 Duncan Sinclair, O. W. Owen, A. W. Schafer; in 1865 E. B. Renshaw and hundreds of others. A rusty old six-pound cannon lay for years within twenty or thirty feet of the sidewalk on Washington Square, Oakland. The gun was known by the older inhabitants as the "Squatter Gun." The country for miles around was in possession of squatters at the commencement and warm times were experi enced by them in their fight to hold their ground. The gun was purchased by the squatters from the captain of a vessel which came around the Horn, and was brought over to Oakland in 1852, to be used for giving an alarm to the occu pants of the entire valley in the event of an attempt to forcibly eject any of the possessors of the land. It was at first proposed to procure a bell for that purpose, but the bell advocates agreed to the argument that the sound of a bell could not be heard as far as the report of a cannon, and so the squatter gun was procured. WILLIAM HAYWARD VIEW OF HAYWARD IN 1870 CHAPTER IV THE WATER FRONT CONVEYANCE There was introduced in the city council on May 17, 1852, an ordinance for the disposal of the water front belonging to the town of Oakland and for the construction of wharves, the essential part reading as follows: The exclusive right and privilege of constructing wharves, piers and docks at any points within the corporate limits of the town of Oakland, with the right of collecting wharfage and dockage at such rates as he may deem reasonable, is hereby granted and confirmed unto Horace W. Carpentier and his legal representatives for the period of thirty-seven years; provided that the said grantee or his representatives shall within six months provide a wharf at the foot of Main street, at least twenty feet wide, and extending towards deep water fifteen feet beyond the present wharf at the foot of said street; that he or they shall within one year construct a wharf at the foot of F street or G street, extend ing out to boat channel, and also within twenty months another wharf at the foot of D street or E street; provided that two per cent of the receipts for wharfage shall be payable to the town of Oakland. With a view the more speedily to carry out the intentions and purposes of the Act of the Legislature, passed May 4, 1852, entitled An Act to incorporate the Town of Oakland, and to provide for the construction of wharves thereat, in which certain property is granted and released to the town of Oakland, to facilitate the making of certain improvements; now, therefore, in consideration of the premises herein contained, and of a certain obligation made by said Horace W. Carpentier with the town of Oakland, in which he undertakes to build for said town a public schoolhouse, the water front of said town, that is to say, the land lying within the limits of the town of Oakland between high tide and ship channel, as described in said act, together with all the right, title and interest of the town of Oakland therein is hereby sold, granted and released unto the said Horace W. Carpentier and to his assigns or legal representatives, with all the improve ments, rights and interests thereunto belonging. Mr. Carpentier at once entered upon his newly acquired possessions, and, in accordance with the ordinance and its provisions made a report respecting wharfage, on the 30th of December, accompanied by an affidavit that the due percentage of wharfage and dockage had been paid to the town of Oakland, up to date. On July 12, 1853, he reported in further proof of what was required from him, that "I have built a substantial, elegant and commodious schoolhouse for said town, which is now completed and ready for delivery. In the plan and construction of the building I have intended to go beyond rather than to fall short of the obligation of my contract. I would also state for the official information of the board that a free school is at present main- 55 56 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY tained at my expense in the building above referred to, which, I am happy to inform you, is well attended and promises to be the beginning of an important system of free schools. I herewith transmit to you a conveyance of the school- house together with a deed for the lots upon which it is erected; I trust that the building will meet your approval, and that the additional present of the lots will prove acceptable to your honorable body." This building stood near the corner of Fourth and Clay streets. On the 26th of August, Mr. Carpentier addressed the following communication to the board of trustees : "In pursu ance of my contract with the town of Oakland in accepting the conveyance of its water front, I have already expended about $20,000 in wharves, besides those referred to in said contract, at a very heavy expense. Believing that the wharfage might be pleasing to some who seem to regard the wharves as at present conducted as a monopoly to be complained of, I propose to abandon the collection of wharfage, provided, the board of trustees will undertake per petually to keep all the wharves in good order and repair. As some of my plans may be altered by your decision and as those plans would suffer from delay unless this proposal be accepted at the next meeting of the board, I shall consider it as withdrawn and void." These propositions were declined, but an ordinance was passed concerning wharves and water front, whereby, on the completion of the wharf at the foot of Main street (Broadway), and satis factory arrangements being made in respect to the schoolhouse, etc., — the water front of the town of Oakland would be granted to Carpentier "in fee simple forever." About this time or a little later it began to be felt by the citizens of Oak land that the board of trustees had exceeded their legitimate authority, that it was not in their power to sell, grant or release public property unto any individual for any consideration. They demanded from the board of trustees that legal proceedings should be instituted forthwith to recover the water front which belonged to them. This petition is not among the city records, but was presented September 10, 1853, an752-H From common school fund 1 5469-67 From road and bridge fund 23,176.70 From indigent sick fund 4,379-°2 From Oakland bar fund 3,882.52 From Contra Costa fund 2,453.01 Total $125,824.29 Cash on hand June 4, 1866 T-3,137-22 Grand total of receipts $138,961.51 The total value of assessed property in Alameda county for the year was $5,620,976.50. On February 4, 1867, the board of supervisors resolved to expend $300 in laying out a courthouse square and planting trees therein, but that sum being considered insufficient for the purpose $250 more were appropriated, and on April 13th a flag-staff, to cost $50, was ordered for the square. 94 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY The board of supervisors elected on October 4th was composed of F. K. Shattuck, Oakland township; Duncan Cameron, Brooklyn township; E. M. Smith, Alameda township; J. B. Martin, Eden township; John M. Horner, Washington township; Dan. Inman, Murray township; who elected Mr. Shat tuck chairman, and Messrs. Shattuck, Cameron, Smith and Marlin, the hospital committee. December 12, 1867, it was ordered that no more armory claims would be allowed unless accompanied with evidence of approval by the state board of military auditors. Early in 1868 J. Ross Browne, was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Pekin, but not being impressed either with the "Flowery Kingdom" or the officials thereof, . he resigned the post. Enterprise and activity reigned supreme throughout the year 1867. During 1867 there were established a County Teachers' Association; the Oakland Bank of Savings; the location of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute; the reorganiza tion of the County Agricultural Society; and the founding of the Agricultural College. In this year the removal of the state capital obtained prominence, and Alameda county made an offer for the prize. At a meeting of the board held February 3, 1868, on motion of Supervisor Horner, the following preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted : "Whereas, The question of the removal of the state capital is now pending in the Legislature; therefore, Resolved, That a committee of three members of this board be appointed to prepare a bill to be submitted to said Legislature, authorizing the board of supervisors of Alameda county to issue bonds to the amount of $150,000, to be appropriated to the erection of suitable buildings for use of the state, in the event of the Legislature locating the state capital in this county." Messrs. Shattuck, Cameron and Smith were appointed such committee. On the 21st of February, the state Legislature visited Oakland, but declined to locate the capital there. The principal occurrence in 1868 was the earthquake of October 21st, which was first felt a few minutes before 8 o'clock in the morning. In Alameda county, which appears to have been its center, it was particularly destructive, and great damage was sustained in nearly all of the interior and valley towns. It was the most prodigious shaking that the county thus far ever had. The shocks occurred as follows: 7:54 a. m. very heavy; direction northeast, east and southwest, a rolling motion. Almost like a continuation of this came a whirling motion. At 8:26 came a slight shock. At 8:44 came a heavy shock with rolling motion and up and down movement. At 3:12 came a slight shock; at 3:17 a slight shock; at 4:08 double shock up and down. There were thirty- two shocks in all during that day, but these mentioned were especially noted. In comparison Oakland did not suffer much damage, crockery and glassware were broken and many chimneys were thrown down. Portions of wharves were swept away and walls were cracked in almost every house. On October 26, 1868, the county jail of San Francisco was designated as that for Alameda county. On November 16th the board of supervisors agreed upon plans for a new courthouse, jail and recorder's office, the latter to be a fire-proof brick building and the prison to be provided with iron cells. The board also appointed at this time a special committee to purchase a piece of ground on HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 95 which to establish the county infirmary ; they were instructed to obtain fifty acres of land belonging to Mr. Puff, and located between San Leandro and Haywards above the county road. Under the provisions of the Gopher and Squirrel act, passed March 2, 1870, a special tax of iy2 cents on each $100 worth of property, to be called the Bounty Fund, was ordered to be levied ; while another special levy of one cent, with the same conditions, was ordered in accordance with the act approved March 8, 1870, to be known as Interest Bridge Fund. On June 7th the county recorder was authorized to re-record in the proper book the following maps : Kellersberger's map of the city of Oakland; map of town of San Leandro by H. A. Higley; and a map of Oakland showing the position of the property of Joseph Irving, deceased. At the same time the map of the ranchos of Vicente and Domingo Peralta was ordered framed. The following acts of the Legislature were passed in 1870: To provide for building bridge across the Estuary of San Antonio; tax for payment of bridge bonds ; to issue bonds for bridge purposes ; to prevent the destruction of fish and game in and around Lake Merritt; for a bridge across San Antonio creek; to appoint bridge committee; to levy special bridge tax; to lay out and improve streets of Oakland; for lighting Oakland with gas; for redemption of school bonds ; to improve streets in Oakland ; to authorize a tax for interest on bonds ; to appoint commissioners for a bridge across San Antonio creek; authorizing a special tax for bridge across San Antonio creek ; concerning wharves, not to apply to Oakland; establishing boundary between Brooklyn and Oakland. The population of Alameda county, according to the census of 1870 was 25,737. On March 6, 1871, the boundary line between Eden and Washington town ships was changed as follows: "Commencing at the junction of North and Alameda creeks ; thence running up said North creek to the mouth of Mathewson ditch; thence up said ditch to its intersection with the Mountain Road; thence following the line of said ditch extended to its intersection with the old town ship line at a point on the lands of Andrew Patterson ; thence following the old township line between Eden and Washington townships easterly to the corner of Washington, Murray and Eden townships." In the early '70s the stage route from Haywards to Mt. Diablo was well patronized. The route through the Alamo valley and in the pass through the Contra Costa ridge was not so popular, because muddier and rougher. The road from Martinez southward to Walnut creek was good except in winter. At this time Alameda county prepared to gravel the Telegraph road to the Summit ; buy the Moraga Valley Toll Road, gravel it in the worst places, make it free; and also gravel the roads from Haywards to Dublin and Danville. By doing this a means could be afforded the farmers of the valley between Contra Costa and Diablo ridges to bring their products to Oakland. In early times large sums of money were spent on the following roads : Bay, Brooklyn, Alvarado, Centerville, Dublin, Eden Vale, Inman, Laurel, Lincoln, Mt. Eden, Mission, Murray, Newark, Niles, Ocean View, Peralta, Pleasanton, Palomares, Piedmont, Redwood, Rosedale, Summit, San Lorenzo, Stony Brook, Sunol, Temescal, Townsend, Vallecitos, Washington, Warm Springs and others. On February 12, 1872, the district attorney was ordered to prepare and for ward to the Legislature a bill authorizing the county to issue $15,000 of ten-year 96 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY bonds to be applied to the building of a bridge across Alameda creek near Niles. On the 19th of March, specifications and plans for the structure, to consist of three spans of 133V3 feet each, resting on stone or iron piers, all timber except the floor, to be preserved by the "Robins" process, were called for. On the nth of May the contract was awarded for a Smith truss to the Pacific Bridge Com pany at $12,496 and the work at once proceeded. To meet this amount county bonds for $14,000 were ordered to be issued; and on September 30, 1872, the bridge was reported completed and satisfactory and the contractors were paid. Owing to the great destruction of roads and bridges, consequent upon the floods of the winter of 1871-72, the road commissioner of Washington township issued certificates for labor and material expended in repairing to $1,006 in excess of the amount apportioned to that township, but the board of supervisors doubt ing its authority to allow such an outlay, resolved on March 5th to prepare an empowering bill for presentation to the Legislature for the purpose of absolving him from any responsibility in the matter. The financial state of the county as made by the treasurer up to October 7, 1872, was as follows: FUNDED DEBT Oakland bar bonds $34,000.00 Oakland bridge bonds 20,000.00 Niles bridge bonds 1 5,000.00 Total $69,000.00 FLOATING DEBT Registered warrants $74,221.94 VALUE OF PROPERTY OWNED BY COUNTY Courthouse buildings and land $40,000.00 Infirmary buildings 6,000.00 Infirmary lands 6,000.00 Total $52,000.00 Cash in county treasury $20,329.12 VALUE OF PROPERTY IN COUNTY Real estate $24,738,246.00 Improvements 5,498,020.00 Personal property 6,748,655.00 Amount of money 341,675.00 Total $37,326,596.00 TAXES Levied for 1872-73 $327,618.62 Special tax in Alameda township 2,015.10 Total $329,633.72 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 97 In the early seventies the removal of the county seat interested every resi dent of the county. Early in 1872, while the Legislature was still in session, a bill was introduced having that object in view. Outside of Oakland the county was almost a unit in favor of San Leandro. The preliminary contest in 1870 over the same object only fitted the contestants for a greater degree of efficiency for the coming battle. Mr. Crane who represented this county in the House espoused the cause of the country districts. The Oakland council promptly gave assurance that the necessary building sites and structures would be furnished. The people of San Leandro organized to resist the removal to the bitter end and were joined by prominent citizens of Murray, Washington and Eden townships. Washington and Franklin squares were offered as a site for the public buildings and tem porary quarters were secured in the city hall and elsewhere. Finally, upon the request of many citizens, the Legislature postponed definite action at the request of a remonstrance signed by many taxpayers who opposed the removal. In the meantime a petition numerously signed asked for the passage of a law authorizing the removal. Finally a bill calling an election to determine the matter passed the Legislature, but was fought tenaciously by the opponents of removal. Senator Farley of Amador, fought the cause of the "Edenites" at every step of progress through the assembly. A majority of the county board opposed the change, but Mr. Tomkins answered every argument and objection, showing the strength of the claims of Oakland for the removal. When the bill came up for final passage there was a majority of one against it. This defeat of a proposed election was cele brated with great glee by all the country district which hoped that any further attempts would never appear. However, Doctor Pardee introduced a new bill having the same object, but it was learned about this time that the county board had the power to order such an election upon petition. Such petition was pre pared and contained 1,453 names. The question whether the county seat had been once removed by a popular vote was brought up. Back in 1854 or 1855 an election was held for the change of the county seat from Alvarado to San Leandro. There was no board of super visors at that time, and the court of sessions called the election ; which resulted in the removal. Alameda became a county in 1853. The county seat remained at Alvarado until 1854. A popular vote was taken in that year, and was in favor of San Leandro. Subsequently it was removed back to Alvarado. In accordance with an act of the Legislature after that, the county seat was again removed to San Leandro. The case was taken into the courts and a new complication arose over the annexation of the town of Brooklyn to the city of Oakland. Finally an election was ordered for March 29, 1872, was held and resulted as follows: Oakland, 2,254 votes; San Leandro, 1,180; eight other towns in the county, 88; scattering and rejected, 5. This assured the victory for Oakland, though the fight was still kept up, more perhaps to compel that city to fulfill its promises as to sites and buildings than for any other reasons. The city hall was used temporarily for county offices and the conveyance of Washington and Franklin plazas to the county was made. At this stage of proceedings Brooklyn offered a block of land on Adams avenue and $10,000 cash and the county seat was established in that town by the vote of six to one by the county board. Oakland was thus com- 98 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY pletely ignored by the county board on the ground that it had no power to convey the two plazas to the county. This act roused the citizens here who prepared definite pledges that the sites and buildings proposed would be provided and that not less than $120,000 would be expended upon a hall of records. On the other hand a strong petition came from Washington township praying the board to establish the county seat in Brooklyn. At this time the Estudillo family of San Leandro claimed the old site at San Leandro, which had been donated by them when the seat of justice was located there in 1854. The fight between Brooklyn and Oakland went merrily on, the lawyers enjoying a profitable epoch in the diversion. The board prepared finally to erect the necessary buildings in Brook lyn, but were opposed with all sorts of legal bombshells from the courts. The archives were at last transferred to Brooklyn and there the board first assembled on June 7, 1873. L was at this time that Brooklyn became generally known as East Oakland. Gradually, as time passed and the future importance of Oakland became apparent, the people throughout the county came to favor the Oakland plazas as the site of the county buildings. Again the subject was taken before the Legislature and" a bill calling for the issuance of $200,000 for the county buildings to be erected on the Oakland plazas was passed. There were many side issues and complications in this long and harassing contention. The assessor's reports at the end of the year showed Alameda to have gained the distinction of being the chief rural county of California. Her assessment roll showed a value of $35,154,065; total county and state tax, $413,344 and indebtedness, $186,625. Chief among the events that transpired in 1874 were the steps taken by the board of supervisors towards the improvement of Oakland harbor, and the third fight over the county seat. On July 13, 1874, the boundaries of Alameda township were changed as fol lows : "Beginning in the center of San Leandro bay, thence northwesterly to the mouth of Brick Yard slough ; thence westerly along the center line of Washington avenue to the westerly line of Park avenue, at the bridge; thence northwesterly along the middle of Main slough, emptying into the Estuary of San Antonio, to said estuary; thence westerly along the main channel of said estuary to its mouth in San Francisco bay; thence westerly in said bay, following the deepest water, to the western boundary line of Alameda county; thence southeasterly along said boundary line 6% miles, more or less, to an angle in the same, and due east 1%' miles, more or less, to an angle in the same ; thence northerly to the most easterly extremity of Bay Farm; and thence northerly in a straight line to the place of beginning." On the 3d of August the board of supervisors was classified as follows : First — Two members to be elected at the next general election, in September, 1874. Second — Two members to be elected at the general election in 1875. Third — ¦ Three members to be elected at the general election in 1876. The supervisors for the First and Sixth districts were to be elected in 1874; those for the Second and Fifth, in 1875 ; and those for the Third, Fourth and Seventh districts in 1876. The election was held on the 7th of September. The new board was James Beazell, district No. 1 ; H. Overacker, district No. 2 ; J. B. Marlin, district No. 3 ; Isham Case (chairman), district No. 4; W. B. Hardy, district No. 5; O. H. Burnham, district No. 6; F. K. Shattuck, district No. 7. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 99 On November 2, 1874, the boundary line between Murray and Washington townships was changed as follows : "Commencing at a point where the line between Murray and Washington townships crosses the Alameda creek, running thence up the Alameda creek to the junction of the Alameda creek and the Arroyo Laguna; thence up the Calaveras creek to the Arroyo Honda; thence up the Arroyo Honda to a point where it intersects the boundary line between Alameda and Santa Clara counties ; thence following the said boundary line west to Monu ment Peak ; thence in a southwesterly direction following the line between the two counties to the Bay of San Francisco." During the year 1874 the courthouse, situated on Washington Square, on the west side of Broadway, between Fourth and Fifth streets, was constructed of wood, brick, stone and iron at a cost of upwards of $200,000. Connected with it was a jail complete in all its details and a credit to the county. In 1874 there were cultivated in Alameda county 116,911 acres; 1,450,383 bushels of wheat were raised ; 875,612 bushels of barley ; 16,000 bushels of onions ; 32,741 tons of hay; 624,756 pounds of wool. In the county were 627,611 grape vines; 62,720 apple trees; large numbers of almond, peach, cherry, pear and plum trees; 100,000 gallons of wine were made; sheep, 60,338; horses, 8,747; cows, 6,600; assessed valuation of all property, $25,070,867. On the 15th of March, permission was granted to the Livermore Spring Water Company to lay down water pipes in the public highways in and about that town. On the 29th of March the sheriff was granted permission to have the prisoners photographed. The county was divided into assessment districts corresponding to the townships; this act abolished the former county assessor. The assessors of each township were thereafter chosen at the general election. This remained the law until 1881 when they were elected every four years. In 1874 the county board agreed to pay over half the expenses of buying and installing a town clock in the new courthouse at Oakland provided the council would appropriate the other half ; but the latter, owing to its great indebtedness and close money matters, procrastinated and failed to take definite action. There also arose local jealousy. Many said the clock should be in the city hall instead of in the courthouse. By December the county had already paid on the new courthouse $93,000. The roof was put on at this time. It was attempted about this time to take a strip of land of about two miles from off the southern portion of Alameda county and annex it to that of Santa Clara, but the scheme failed. The Tide Land Commissioners had in prospect the sale of a part of the tide land at the head of Lake Merritt, but this also failed on the passage of an act ceding the territory in question to the city of Oakland. The board of supervisors met in the new courthouse for the first time for the transaction of public business on Monday, June 14, 1875 ; the first session of the Third District court commenced there on the 21st of the same month, while the county court met here for the first time on the 10th of July. In July, the Contra Costa Water Company offered to supply water for interior use in the county buildings for $18 per month in gold coin, or it agreed to set a meter and furnish water through the same at the following rates : 10,000 gallons at 75 cents per M and by a graduated scale falling to 50 cents for 35,000 gallons. The latter proposition was accepted by the county board. 100 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY According to the assessor's returns in 1875 the following were among the rich men of Oakland township: Edson Adams, $355,680; Samuel Merritt, $293,- 675; Fred Delger, $210,390; S. E. Alden, $190,750; Michael Reese, $141,350; P. S. Wilcox, $127,350; Peder Sather, $112,072; G. C. Potter, $108,314; H. W. Carpentier, $103,250. In Brooklyn township were the following: Hiram Tubbs, $133,725; Mrs. Sarah Larue, $154,200. In Eden township: William Meek, $261,- 730; Theodore Leroy, $139,650; F. D. Afherton, $111,170; C. W. Hathaway, $106,390. In Washington township: J. G. Clark, $165,000; J. R. Reene, $439,- 000; George W. Patterson, $125,075. In Murray township: Charles McLaughlin, $245,066 ; Joseph F. Black, $103,250. In 1875 the assessed valuation of property in the county was $37,310,557, and the rate of taxation $1.28. The funded debt of the county was $179,944 and the floating debt, $89,325 ; property owned by the county was worth $90,804, and the cash in the county treasury was $120,945. Early in 1875 the House of Congress passed the Page bill which prohibited the importation of Chinese coolies under contract and of Chinese women for immoral purposes. The latter provision was as stringent as the California statutes on the same subject. The county board in February removed the old cells to the new county jail. Upon petition Alameda school district was declared a squirrel inspection district with H. S. Barlow inspector. The contract to erect two bridges over San Lorenzo creek in Eden township was let to the California Bridge Company which submitted the lowest bids ($668) and ($768) out of seven competitors ; the bridges were called Lovin and Willow. A burying ground for county poor was ordered bought at Livermore. The grand jury preferred serious charges against the management of the county hospital, whereupon the county board ordered an investigation upon the special invitation of the steward, Fred erick Gerstenberg. The investigation comittee were Case, Hardy and Overacker of the board. They reported that there were forty-six inmates in the county infirmary and that all were well cared for with one or two exceptions; that the attending physician had had only three skeletons prepared since he was connected with the institution; that he should be censured for neglect of duty; but that as a whole the infirmary was well conducted. In March, 1875, the contract to build a bridge across the Arroyo del Leon in Brooklyn township was awarded to J. H. McCracken for $475. W. J. Tucker was allowed to repair the windmill on Telegraph avenue in Oakland township at an expense of $85. The board of supervisors met for the last time at East Oakland in June. June 8th was proclaimed by the board as the date when the new courthouse, etc., should be occupied by the county officers. On September 6, 1875, Juana M. Estudillo presented a claim to the board of supervisors as follows : , Iron vault taken from old courthouse $5,ooo Nine iron cells 8,000 Rent from June 25 to January 25, 1875 2,850 Rent from January 25 to August 25 700 Damages to premises (courthouse) 1,500 Total $18,050 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 101 The vault here referred to was placed in the courthouse to be used for stor ing the public funds, and figured also in the suit entered by F. Rhoda, the pro prietor of the temporary county buildings in East Oakland. After being referred to the district attorney, the supervisors rejected the claim of Senora Estudillo. On December 6th, Judge Nye appointed Valentine Alviso to the board of super visors in place of James Beazell, who was elected to the Legislature. In this year the taxable property of the county had grown to about ten million dollars, thus putting it at the head of all the counties of the state, with the single exception of San Francisco. The year 1876 was one full of interest to Alameda county. This year the city of Oakland was first partitioned into wards, while it saw the incorporation of the two towns of Haywards and Livermore. The con struction of the sea-walls for the protection of Oakland harbor entered upon its second year. On January 24th, the road fund tax paid in by townships amounting to $38,218.28 was ordered distributed among the several township districts. On the 2 1st of February, the city council of Oakland requested a conference with the board of supervisors in the matter of repairing the Twelfth Street bridge. The result was that the Alameda delegation in the Legislature requested to obtain the passage of a bill authorizing the building of a solid causeway in the place of the bridge, the cost not to exceed $20,000. On March 13th, the board of supervisors received a petition from the citizens of Ocean View Road dis trict, asking for an issue of $44,000 in township bonds for the purpose of macadamizing their streets, which was denied on the 29th of May, on the ground that it would inflict too great a burden of taxation on the people. On the 22d of January, 1876, a franchise was granted to F. Chappellet for a horse railroad along Shattuck avenue from the terminus of the Central Pacific railroad at East Berkeley, to Cordoneces creek. In February, a bill in the Legislature provided for the consolidation of the offices of county treasurer, tax collector, clerk and auditor. Mr. Bogge introduced the bill. On the 27th of November, permission was granted to the Berkeley Water Works Company to lay their pipes in certain streets. In 1876-7 the county assessment roll was as follows : Alameda township $ 2,139,525 Brooklyn township 5,003,210 Eden township 3,136,670 Murray township 2,860,019 Oakland township 19,727,232 On the 4th of December, the new board took their seats ; they were Valentine Alviso, district No. 1; Howard Overacker, district No. 2; Joseph B. Marlin, district No. 3; William C. Mason, district No. 4; Peter Pumyea, district No. 5- O H Burnham (chairman), district No. 6; Jerry A. Chase, district No. 7. On the nth of December, certain additions to the county infirmary were com pleted and the bills of the contractor, J. W. Watson, and architect, J. J. New- som, amounting in the aggregate to $3,365 were accepted and allowed. On January 2, 1877, Supervisor Alviso presented a deed for certain lots in Oak Knoll cemetery near Livermore, to Alameda county, which were con tracted for when Mr. Beazell was a member of the board of supervisors. On 102 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY February 2d, the Secretary of State impressed upon -the board of supervisors the necessity under the statutes of having a set of standard weights and meas ures, at a cost of $300. On February 5th the Central Pacific Railroad Company offered to pay $3,- 806.24 in full of all taxes unpaid by them to the County of Alameda for the year 1872-73, it being understood that all suits against them should be discon tinued. This matter was referred to the district attorney, who, under date July 16th, consented to the plan provided it should receive the approval of the Attorney-General of the State, which it did, June 2, 1870, when all suits against the Central Pacific Railroad Company were ordered to be abandoned. On the 24th of April, the clerk was directed to communicate with the board of supervisors of Contra Costa county with a view to more definitely establish ing the boundary line between the two counties to which a reply signifying their willingness was received May 25, 1876. About this period Alameda township petitioned that the 'Webster Street bridge being over a navigable stream, should properly become a charge upon the county and that the township of Alameda should be relieved from the payment of the balance due thereon, amounting to $13,000, incurred under the act approved April 4, 1872, but when referred to the judiciary committee they reported adversely to the proposition and there the matter rested for the time. On the 1st of October the reorganized board of supervisors, composed as follows: John Green, district No. 1; H. Overacker, district No. 2; J. B. Mar lin, district No. 3; William C Mason, district No. 4; Peter Pumyea, district No. 5; John F. Smith, district No. 6; J. B. Woolsey, district No. 7, had their first session. Mr. Overacker was chosen chairman. On the 22d of the same month a standing reward of $1,000 was offered for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons unlawfully setting fire to any property in Alameda county. A resolution that had been for some time before the board was adopted, Novem ber 26th, authorizing the Oakland Railroad Company to operate their road on Telegraph avenue on the extension outside the city limits of Oakland with dummy engines in lieu- of horses. On the 3d of December, the custom hereto fore prevailing of drawing monthly warrants in favor of outside indigents was declared to be wrong; it was therefore directed to be discontinued, while it was commanded that thereafter all such matters should come before the board at the regular monthly meetings in the form of bills and take the usual course. On the 17th of December, the supervisors, by resolution, earnestly protested against the passage of a bill then pending in the Legislature, whereby the control of the Webster Street bridge, Oakland, would be transferred to the county. In spite of this opposition, however, the act was approved December 21, 1877. On December 12th the Oakland Homeopathic Hospital and Dispensary Asso ciation set forth in a petition to the board that it was a corporation formed by the ladies of Alameda county for the purpose of affording free medical and surgical advice and treatment to the poor; that they proposed to establish a hospital and dispensary in the city of Oakland that would largely benefit the county, and they asked. the board to furnish them two rooms free. A motion to allow the society $40 per month was lost, and the petition referred to the hospital committee, who later reported favorably on the matter. On February HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 103 ii, 1878, that amount was granted for rent, the supervisors retaining the priv ilege to send patients thither. In September, 1878, the board decided that the supervisors-elect from the third, fourth and seventh districts should not take their seats until the first Monday of March, 1880. The code declared the term of office of a supervisor to be three years, but was silent in regard to the commencement of the term. On December 8th the new board organized and consisted of: John Green, district No. 1 ; Henry Dusterberry, district No. 2 ; J. B. Marlin, district No. 3 ; W. B. Clement, district No. 4; Fred. F. Myers, district No. 5; John F. Smith, district No. 6 ; W. S. McClane, district No. 7. The city of Oakland conveyed to Alameda county, Washington and Franklin plazas with the proviso that buildings should be erected thereon on or before March, 1878. In the spring of 1877 the county board prepared to build a hall of records on Franklin plaza. In regard to the establishment of another hospital and poor-farm, the com mittee appointed to report on the scheme, on January 28, 1878, set forth rea sons adverse to it stating that they were furnishing aid to many parties outside of the infirmary at much less rates than could be done inside. On the same date the maps prepared by Thompson & West were declared to be the official maps of the county. In the month of March the board decided to adopt a new plan in the matter of the county infirmary, and advertised for proposals for the care of the inmates at a stated per diem rate per head, the contractor to fur nish medical attendance, medicines, nurses, food, etc. On August 8th, a res olution for building the new hall of records on Franklin plaza was taken under advisement for two months. On the 4th H. Dusterberry and F. F. Myers were elected supervisors for districts Nos. 2 and 5, respectively, thus making the new board, when they took their seats on October 7, 1878, to consist of John Green, district No. 1 ; Henry Dusterberry, district No. 2 ; J. B. Marlin, district No. 3 ; William C. Mason, district No. 4; Fred F. Myers, district No. 5; John F. Smith, district No. 6; James B. Woolsey, district No. 7. On the 2d of December the board of supervisors passed the following resolu tion: "That commencing January 1, 1879, this board will grant no further relief to those indigents now dependent upon the county and receiving aid, nor to any others who may apply at any time thereafter for the payment of rent, or for groceries, or fuel, as all the dependent poor of the county will then and thereafter be required to go to the county infirmary, and no outside relief will be granted, except in extraordinary cases, and then only by a vote of the entire On February 28, 1880, water rates were established for the following which were named as the, water companies of the county: The Contra Costa Water Company the Mission San Jose Water Works Company, the Livermore Spring Water Compay at Livermore, and the Washington and Murray Townships Water Company in Washington township. The board decided that the same rates be established as were charged by these companies during the past year the scale to commence on July 1st, Under the provisions of the act approved Aoril 7 1880, authorizing the appointment of a board of education, O. S Ingham Tosenh McKown, A. L. Fuller and W. H. Galbraith were chosen on April 19th o fin the offices, their salaries being fixed at $5 per day for the time necessarily 104 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY employed, and 20 cents allowed for mileage in going to their place of business. On June 14, 1880, the county treasurer made the following statement of the outstanding indebtedness of the county: Outstanding warrants on general fund $52,457.13 Outstanding warrants on infirmary fund 9,457.03 Outstanding warrants on district road fund 8,875.89 Interest on above warrants 882.50 Total $71,672-55 Claims allowed and not yet drawn by auditor about 3,000.00 NILES BRIDGE BONDS Thirty in number; $500 each, issued August 5, 1872; 10 per cent interest; semi-annually; ten years to run; redeemable after five years at option of board of supervisors. Statutes 1871-72, p. 206 $15,000.00 WEBSTER STREET BRIDGE BONDS Four outstanding; annual interest, 10 per cent; statutes 1871-72, p. 83 ; also minutes of board of supervisors, Vol. 3, p. 589 ; also Stat utes 1877-78, p. 942 $8,444.66 COUNTY BUILDING BONDS Two hundred in number, $1,000 each; issued July 6, 1874; interest 10 per cent ; semi-annually ; one-tenth of said bonds due in 1885 ; and one-tenth each year thereafter until all paid. Statutes 1873-74, p. 594 . $200,000.00 $223,444.66 On June 1, 1880, the board issued order to have prisoners confined in the county jail made to perform eight hours work daily in and about public build ings, roads and highways. On June 14th, a resolution consolidating the offices of county clerk and recorder, tax collector and treasurer, on and after July 1st, was referred to the committee of the whole. The building committee having had under advisement the establishment of a receiving hospital in Oakland, reported favorably on the scheme on June 21st. The report was adopted and was handed over to the hospital committee, who, at the following meeting of the board recommended the fitting up of rooms in the basement of the new hall of records. On July 19th, a resolution to fund the debt and issue bonds there for was referred to the committee of the whole, but the matter fell through on account of the county government bill being declared unconstitutional by the supreme court. On the same date the county was re-partitioned into supervisor districts, the same districts being reestablished with the boundaries heretofore designated. On July 31st the board adopted a seal. A communication was received from Sidney Sanders, attorney, setting forth that James M. Goggins HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 105 owned six-thirty-sixths undivided interest in Washington and Franklin squares in the city of Oakland, and wished to know what action the supervisors would take in the premises. The document was laid on the table. In October Mr. Smith introduced J. J. Hanifin as his successor and the board then reorganized as follows: John Green, district No. 1; Henry Dusterberry, district No. 2; J. B. Marlin, district No. 3; W. B. Clement, district No. 4; F. F. Myers, dis trict No. 5; J. J. Hanifin, district No. 6; W. S. McClane, district No. 7. ' Mr. Dusterberry was unanimously chosen chairman. On the 26th of September, 1881, the proper condolatory resolutions were passed on the death of President Garfield. In 1883 the total assessment of the five townships Brooklyn, Washington, Eden, Alameda and Murray was $20,006,357. Brooklyn had 26,256.99 acres; Washington, 105,728.16 acres; Alameda, 6,608.38 acres; Murray, 215,993 acres. The total assessment of the county in 1883 was $4,382,821 more than in 1882. In Oakland township the increase was about $2,000,000. At this time there was organized in all three cities a league to resist the payment of the county license tax. Lawyers were employed and funds raised to make the fight. The county board offered for sale bonds to the amount of $120,000. Marko P. Kay, auditing clerk of the county clerk's office, was defaulter to a large amount in January, 1883. He raised warrants over $10,000. Alameda county brought suit against the Oakland Bank of Savings and the First National Bank to recover the money paid them from the county treasury on the forged warrants of Mr. Kay. The county agreed to relinquish its claims of a penalty if the banks would return the money. The total amount was about $5,572. In September, the county funded debt was $200,000 and the floating debt $101,180.95. The property of the county and the funds on hand were estimated to be worth about $340,000. A new bridge was ordered built at the Mountain House. Late in October, 1883, the committee of the whole of the board of super visors voted on the question whether the charges against Doctor Burdick were sustained with this result: five voted not sustained; two voted sustained. The charge was that the food supplied to the inmates of the infirmary was bad and ill-cooked and that the sick and well were treated alike, no difference being made in their diet; he was also charged with neglect of duty and incompetency. Thirty-two witnesses appeared against him and fifty for him. The examina tion consumed twelve days before the full board on full pay and the county paid the cost of investigation. In 1883-84 the county board performed their duties under the newly enacted and more or less revolutionary county government bill under which they were compelled to pass ordinances and cover matters formerly governed by statutes, such as the license and pound ordinances. The most perplexing problem was to manage the finances of the county under new conditions and on a gigantic scale. Formerly all warrants, to pay which no money was on hand in the sev eral funds, were registered and thus a floating indebtedness was carried over from year' to year. This was prevented by the supreme court, which caused a financial climax, but was met in a masterly manner by the board. The whole indebtedness was funded and bonds were issued, saving the county thousands of dollars The bonds though drawing less interestthan the warrants were sold a 106 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY at a premium. In a few months $10,000 of the bonds were redeemed, and as much more a little later. It was apparent that if the wise measures of the board of 1883-84 were continued, the time would soon arrive when the county would not owe a single dollar. The new board of January, 1885, were Messrs. Duster berry, Hanifin, Morgan, Mollay and Pelonse; Mr. Hanifin was chosen chair man. The board decided to hold regular meetings on the first Mondays of Janu ary, April, July and October. On January 1, 1884, the county infirmary had 133 inmates, there were admitted during the year of 1884, 463, births 2, total 598; discharged 398, died 58, present January 1, 1885, 142- The total expenses of the institution were $24,007.74. The board allowed 25 cents a day per prisoner for feeding them during 1885. County finances were in excellent condition. There was a large surplus on hand and a great reduction in the tax levy was promised. There was paid off in 1883 $13,000 in county bonds. The county board in February ordered purchased a safe for the treasurer's office to cost $1,500 and a vault built to cost $750. In 1884 the roads of the San Lorenzo district were the best in the county. All the county roads were good enough in summer, but when the rains com menced the upper crust was soon cut in pieces and the whole surface was con verted into deep mud. In the San Lorenzo district the roads were treated to a top coat of creek gravel which withstood the rain and served to keep firm the clay beneath. In June, 1885, county bonds bearing 45^ and 5 per cent interest were selling at a premium. There were yet outstanding $180,000 of the county buildings bonds issued in 1874 and bearing 8 per cent interest, but they were being reduced at the rate of $20,000 per year, The law of March 14, 1883, which established a uniform system of county and township governments, pro vided that debts similar to the above could be refunded. It was therefore pro posed in, 1885 to refund the above bonds with those bearing a much smaller rate of interest. In June the supreme court decided that the township assessors were the proper officers to assess the county. Formerly the county owned the jail in Livermore and then the town was charged $5 per month for its use. In the '80s when the town owned it the trustees asked the county board to pay the same rate for its use. It was used by the county constables for the detention of county prisoners. W. F. Mitchell, town clerk of Livermore, asked this appropriation of the county board. Intel ligence was received by the board that the Contra Costa board refused to take any action toward a resurvey of the county line on the ground that the line had already been located in 1877. The district attorney rendered the opinion in August, that the board could issue new bonds at a lower rate of interest and use the proceeds to pay off the old 8 per cent bonds of 1874. On August 14, 1885, the salt makers of Alameda county met at Mt. Eden to consider the proposition of the Union Pacific Salt Company of San Fran cisco to lease the various salt work properties along the bay; the lease was agreed to by a vote of eighteen to four. John Barton presided at this meeting. The whole county was obstructed by large landowners who would not sell nor would not die and make room for progress. In December the grand jury lashed the management of the county infirmary which was located near the foothills 2^2 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 107 miles east of San Leandro. There were then 148 inmates and the cost it was claimed was far too great — about $48,000 per year. The total amount of salt manufactured yearly along the bay below Mt. Eden and Alvarado in 1885 was as follows: Union Pacific Company, 20,000 tons; John Quingley, Alvarado, 2,000 tons; B. F. Barton, Alvarado, 1,500; L. Whisley, Mt. Eden, 1,500; Mr. Oliver, 1,500; F. Lund, 200; S. Liquari, 400; Olson & Co., 800; R. Barron, 600; Peter Mickelson, 5,000; John Mickelson, 300; P. Macannia, Mt. Eden, 5,000; C. & D. Pestdorf, Mt. Eden, 4,000; Mr. Tuckson, Mt. Eden, 800; Peter Christensen, Mt. Eden, 800; Plummer Bros., Newark, 4,000. The Anti-Chinese League of Alameda county met in Germania hall on Decem ber 27, 1885, and the room was filled to the doors. F. W. Hunt presided. Addresses were made by F. W. Hunt, T. D. Hanniford, Mrs. Anderson, D. S. Hirshberg, ex-Mayor Andrus, Judge Church and B. G. Haskill of San Fran cisco. The following preambles and resolutions were adopted : Whereas, The policy of the National Government which induces Chinese immigration to this country has filled the State of California with Chinese greatly to the detriment of her citizens ; and Whereas, If the policy of evading and nullifying the law passed by Congress for excluding the Chinese from this coun try by the executive and judicial branches of the Government is continued, it will rapidly fill the Pacific Coast states and territories and eventully the whole United States with the class of laborers belonging to a race who are directly opposed and antagonistic to our race and nation, politically, morally and socially, and whose presence is a constant menace to its welfare and prosperity; and, Whereas, From our experience with the Chinese we know that unless they are excluded from our country they will ultimately bring upon it a greater calamity than was entailed upon us by the introduction and -establishment of African slavery ; and, Whereas, The question of coolie servile labor and the evil resulting from the presence of that alien race among us has been so long and well dis cussed; and, Whereas, The further discussion of the subject without action will not only be useless but a waste of time; therefore Resolved, That we have within our power the constitution and laws which are the means to rid our country of this curse ; Resolved, In mass meeting assembled, that we will not patronize any Chinese. Resolved, That we will not patronize anyone who does. Resolved, That the Chinese must go. The Anti-Chinese state convention met at San Jose early in February, 1886, and passed drastic resolutions to terminate the evil. The convention adopted the name — California Non-Partisan Anti-Chinese Association. Two of the reso lutions were as follows: That we regard the Chinese among us as a mental, physical, moral and financial evil ; That the Chinese must go. In the '80s San Francisco experienced a season of growth, unparalleled in its history since the gold rush and the improvement extended to Oakland, Ala meda and Berkeley first and then to Haywards and San Leandro and finally to Niles, Sunol, Pleasanton and Livermore. It was a summer-resort fever, thou sands in the city seeking rural homes and retreats among the sunny valleys of Alameda county. Before this time, Livermore was the only interior town for ten years to recive a considerable increase in population. Pleasanton, Sunol and Niles were made charming by the foothills and Livermore by the vineyards and orchards, and all by the marvelous climate. 108 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY In March, 1886, a society of California pioneers resident of Alameda and Contra Costa counties was formed in Oakland under the charge of a provisional committee with power to secure; other members until a permanent organization should be effected. The Oakland members of the committee were John M. Buf- fington (chairman), Newton Sewell, William Winnie, William Atherton and Edwin A. Sherman (secretary). The members were limited to persons who arrived in California on or before September 9, 1850; also their children and grandchildren. Central avenue, Brooklyn township, was declared a county road in March, 1886. In order to settle the irrigation riparian question, Governor Stoneman in response to public demand and the request for such a session signed by two- thirds of the members, called a special session of the Legislature. The riparian decision of the supreme court denied the popular right to appropriate water for agricultural or general purposes. In September the county board appropriated $3,000 for the repair of roads in the Temescal district. On October 1st, the county funded debt was $160,000 at 8 per cent and $86,000 at 6 per cent, floating debt $650 at 5 per cent. There was in the treasury at this time cash, $211,157. The whole county grew very rapidly in property and population in the '80s. In 1886 the total assessment was $55,926,632. In 1889 it was $69,866,381, an advance of $13,939,749 in three years without increase in rates or inflation of values. A dead whale seventy-two feet long was stranded in San Leandro bay in October, 1886. Lying on its side it was twelve feet high. From backbone to stomach it measured thirty-five feet. The carcass was scarred and torn by sharks and sea lions. Five or six young men tried out the oil and secured about six barrels for which they received $12 per barrel. The stench in that part of the county was almost overpowering and was said to have rivaled the famous thou sand stinks of the city of Cologne. Previous to 1883 it was the practice of the county board to levy a tax sufficient to pay the claims against the county up to about the month of October of the fol lowing year. The warrants were registered and drew 7 per cent interest until the next year's taxes came in. Under this plan the county went farther and farther in debt until in some years the taxes collected paid the claims no farther than March of the following year and the county paid interest on warrants which had been registered almost a year. By 1883 more than $100,000 in warrants on the county were registered, all drawing 7 per cent interest. At the same time no provision was made for the payment of either principal or interest. The war rants usually passed among brokers at from 3 to 10 per cent discount and the loss mainly fell on the laborers. The plan was faulty, because it compelled this rich county to pay unnecessarily large sums for interest. This practice affected all branches of county finance. Contractors raised their bids to cover this dis count. In 1883 the board issued in county bonds $119,000 and paid off all the floating indebtedness and at the same time levied enough tax to put the county on a cash basis. These acts solved the difficulty and the county from that time presented the most meritorious, creditable and enviable financial condition of any in the state. By 1889 there had been paid of the bonds $104,000 and the county had still been kept on a cash basis, as the current floating debt was inconsiderable. In 1880 the county building bonds outstanding amounted to $200,000 of which HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 109 $80,000 was paid off by installments by 1889 without increasing the tax or run ning in debt. During this period the tax was as follows : Year Outside Cities Inside Cities 1880 $1.15 $1.40 1881 1. 15 1.40 1882 1.05 1.30 1883 1.00 1.25 1884 90 1. 10 1885 1.15 1.45 1886 1.00 1.25 1887 1 .00 1.30 1888 95 1.25 On October 1, 1888, the bonds outstanding were $155,000 and enough floating obligations to raise the total indebtedness to $159,507. The cash in the treasury was $63,875 and the county buildings were the courthouse, jail, hall of records, receiving hospital and county hospital. Among the old members of the county board who served with great credit were Henry Dusterberry, J. J. Hanifin, Thomas Malloy, McClane, Clement, Myers, Fallon and Bailey. In 1888 the salt industry of Alameda county was largely controlled by the Union Pacific and American Salt Company which shipped nearly 25,000 tons and had on hand half as much more. They controlled the products of Mickelson & Brother, Whisley, Oliver, Ligouri, Plummer & Bros., Marsicano, Jessen and Pest- dorff. In addition salt was manufactured by Olsen, Lured, Quigley, Barton, Johnson, Pestdorff, Tucson, Christensen, Baron, Mathiesen and others. The fol lowing vessels were engaged in marketing this product : Jesse Fremont, Rock Island, Lizzie T. Adams, Anna Hawley, Marsicano, Josephine, By Squeeze and Narrow Gauge. At the close of 1888 Alameda county was in better financial condition than any county in the state. The debt ($155,000) was a trifle compared with the assess ment — much less than 1 per cent and the county property was valued at $740,000. One of the largest items of expense and one of the most harrowing subjects to consider by the county board at all seasons of the year was that of care for the indigents. They came at all times and were of both sexes and all ages. It was stated early in February, 1889, that fully one-half of the indigents were Portuguese. In January, 1889. Mr. Hanifin retired with honor from the county board after eight years of continuous service. In 1889 W. A. M. Van Bokelen, an expert accountant, was employed to exam ine the county finances ; he said, "I have not found any errors excepting such as were strictly clerical and by none of which has the county lost any money. There had passed through the hands of the auditor and treasurer in about two years ending January 7, 1889, 29,000 separate and distinct items covering a disburse ment of $1,182,802 without the loss of a cent." Late in the eighties and early in the nineties the county infirmary at San Leandro was reported to be in deplorable condition, with ramshackle buildings, squalid surroundings and unsanitary equipment generally. Its conditions were 110 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY greatly improved late in the '90s under the management of W. H. Church, chairman of the hospital committee of the county board, and Dr. W. A. Clark, superintendent. But the good management did not improve the rude buildings nor remove the stigma from the county name. Late in February, 1889, Joaquin Miller, the "Poet of the Sierras," appeared before the county board and offered to give five acres of his olive land above Fruit Vale for the site of a pesthouse. He said that if here in the shadow of forty church spires respectable people can burn down a pest tent, drive out a stricken man and his nurse, what may be expected of ignorant, simple Portuguese kelp and driftwood thrown up on the Azores; "therefore I have thought over this matter without consulting anybody and I make this offer just to help you out for I know you are banged and battered on every side." The board passed a resolution thanking him for his very liberal offer. The Tribune reporter spoke of Mr. Miller as an "eccentric recluse," and later said : "We hope the super visors will not locate the pesthouse near the property of Joaquin Miller. Mr. Miller is too good a neighbor, too valuable a friend, to have this injury put upon him by the people of Oakland and Alameda county. His little garden spot in the hills should be treated with something of that reverence which is due to the poet. It will be a lasting disgrace on Oakland if we put this indignity on Joaquin Miller." "When I settled down here I let one man have my water for his garden ; then he wanted my grass for his cows and I gave him the use of my pasture also, but now he wants the land as well and will probably think himself greatly wronged if he doesn't get it. I bought land or rather water — precious-flowing mountain springs, with the land thrown in, at an average of $200 an acre. The land is within one mile of the nearest street car line in Oakland. This land (100 acres) has more than doubled in value in the two years that I have owned it." — (Joaquin Miller, April, 1889.) The French and Portuguese residents near Joaquin Miller's home declared that if pesthouses were built in that vicinity 365 times in a year they would tear them down 365 times in the year. The '90s were busy years for the county board. All county roads were vastly improved, extended and multiplied. Many new bridges took the place of old structures that seemed likely to fall ; concrete began to be used extensively for culverts, bulkheads, etc. Springs of water were bought to be used in connection with windmills for sprinkling the roads. About 1890 a carriage road was planned to extend from Berkeley along the base of the foothills to Haywards, but was abandoned for the time after a few weeks of agitation. In June the county board called a convention of 100 citizens from all parts of the county, the object of which was to take steps to secure proper representa tives at the Chicago World's Fair. Thirty-three citizens met and formed a permanent organization and the management was entrusted to a board of eleven directors which appointed scores of committees and set the movement in action. The board granted the association $1,000 with which to commence preliminary work. The new county liquor license was similar to the old one in use in Oakland; it required a bond of $1,000, an affidavit of good moral character and the recom mendation of ten prominent citizens. On August 24th, County Treasurer Huff reported that the last of the bonds of 1883 had just been paid and that there was a surplus in the treasury; the bonds amounted to $119,000 originally. On Decern- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 111 ber 29th the office of county physician was abolished by the county board and the office of physician and surgeon of the county receiving hospital was created; also a similar office for the county jail. The salary of each was fixed at $75 per month. M. L. Johnson, M. D., and R. T. Stratton, M. D., were appointed to these positions respectively. Mr. Anderson was the supervisor of census in 1890; he divided the county into thirty-one districts, nineteen being in Oakland. Much fault was found during the winter of 1891-92 that, notwithstanding the promises of both leading political parties in 1888 to improve the county roads and notwithstanding the county had a wealth of $100,000,000, the highways through out the whole county were never in worse condition since pioneer times. The board of trade asked the county board to remedy road conditions at the earliest possible moment. The road from Oakland to San Leandro was bottomless. The board pleaded lack of funds and lack of law. A big bridge was built in 1891 over the Calaveras creek on the road leading from Mission San Jose to Stockton. The total increase in taxable property in the county in 1891-92 was a little over $6,000,000, of which Berkeley's increase was $2,116,550 and Alameda $609,925. The attractions at Berkeley were the- university, the electric street railway, the public schools, the exclusion of liquor near the university, the free reading rooms, the numerous religious societies, and the excellent water system. Early in Decem ber, 1892, the county board appropriated $2,000 more for the Alameda County World's Fair Association. For the quarter ending December 31, 1891, the county paid $305 for sixty-one coyote scalps. COUNTY ASSESSMENTS 1888 $65,918,510 189I $83,390,297 1889 71,896,182 1892 89,373,466 1890^ '. .. 76,377,178 In January, 1893, the county board increased the appropriation for the Ala meda World's Fair Association to $5,ooo. The committee of 100 resolved itself into a permanent body to be known as Alameda County World's Fair Association. Delegates were elected to the State World's Fair Association. E. M. Gibson was president of the association. An assessment of $5 was levied on each member of the committee. Several special committees were appointed. In 1893 the county board appropriated all told about $20,000 for the purpose of giving the county suitable display and prominence at the World's Fair, Chi cago. The sum was paid in installments as needed by the committee. At the World's Fair in Chicago Alameda county was represented by two pagodas with a relief map between them in the California building. Its fruit and wine products on exhibition were excellent and attracted wide attention. June 19th was Cali fornia day; the state building was formally opened with great ceremony and enthusiasm. In the fall Alameda county had a large building and a fine dis play of products of all sorts at the Mid-Winter Fair in San Francisco. In May, 1893, thirty representative women and several ministers appeared before the county board and protested against the poolrooms which had been conceded to the sporting element. They showed several petitions with hundreds of names asking that the poolrooms might be suppressed. The bookmakers Vol. 1—8 112 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY resisted this movement. In May, the county board bought of the Ladies Town Hall Association of Centerville the city hall or jail lots of that village with the design of continuing the jail or calaboose. In May, 1893, the county infirmary underwent a severe investigation, owing to charges of mismanagement and incompetency. Doctor Shirk, superintendent, sustained the management. The charges were not substantiated. In July the grand jury charged several members of the county board with illegally and wrongfully passing certain bills but after a thorough investigation in court the charges remained unproved. In November, 1893, the county board awarded the contract for building an annex to the hall of records to the Fortin Brick Company at $29,149. The Golden Gate Agricultural Fair was a splendid success. It lasted four days and had a large attendance. The racing was especially fast and attractive. In February, 1894, the county board appropriated $2,500 for the purpose of aiding and carrying on the work of inducing immigration to this county, the same to be paid in installments named. The county had a splendid exhibit at the Mid- Winter exposition in January, 1894. The wine exhibit was one of the best, the vineyards represented being those of Mclvers, Stanford, Beard, Ferndale, Crellin, Wetmore, Chauche & Bon, J. P. Smith, Concannon, Lilenthal, Waggoner and Beck. The public schools and the parochial schools made elaborate and excel lent exhibits. Fruits, beet sugar, blind asylum products, flowers, hops of Liver more valley, Niles nursery products — were all a credit to the county. Early in July the county board paid for the transportation of fifty men to the Suisan landing on their way to work in the Vacaville orchards. In 1894 many tough road-houses were refused licenses by the county board. In September the county board went en masse to Claremont to inspect the Kennedy grade with the view of opening up a public road to the summit of the range on the way to the heart of Contra Costa county. In 1894 Alameda county had $109,714,598 worth of taxable property — the third in the state. It was generally admitted that the county board had earned the gratitude of the people by their progressive policy of public betterments — better roads, improved public buildings, economy, wise management of public institutions, and close attention to county affairs generally. At 6 o'clock a. m. on March 2, 1896, snow fell heavily for a short time and the hills east of town were white. From Berkeley to Livermore the grass on the hills was completely covered. This was the first considerable snowfall in Oak land since January, 1888. Hail as large as peas fell here on March 2, 1896. All disappeared in a few hours. On March 3d, it snowed again and was piled in lit tle banks on the sidewalks, lawns and roof tops. Everybody snowballed. Many people took the street cars to the hills to enjoy fully the novelty. The hills were white. The storm ended with hail and sleet and all soon disappeared. It was nearly two inches deep on the level. On December 31, 1882, snow fell here to the depth of about three inches and the mercury fell to 180 above zero. A few sleds were seen on the streets, more for novelty and frolic than utility. During the legislative session of 1896-97 the county government committee planned to reduce the salaries of nearly all the officers in Alameda county by an aggregate of $15,000. The reductions proposed were as follows: Schedule Schedule $15,400 $17,000 13,900 (est. -) i5»Ioo 14,000 9,100 5,45o 4,950 4,200 4,200 8,400 8,400 16,600 17,100 9,300 9,3oo 3,600 3,900 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 113 REDUCTION OF SALARIES Present New Another New Office System County clerk ,$16,000 Sheriff 15,000 Recorder 16,000 Auditor 6,000 Treasurer 6,000 Tax collector 9,500 Assessor 18,100 District attorney 10,100 Superintendent of schools 4,500 Total reduction, $10,350. Early in 1895 the county board ordered a jail built at Centerville, the cost not to exceed $350. In August the county board granted $25 per month each to the Free Clinic of West Oakland and the Oakland Free Clinic. In 1897 the income of Alameda county was $1,989,538 and its outlay $14,000 more than that sum. There remained in the treasury about half a million dol lars. People of Alameda county were greatly interested in the prominence attained in the East by Henry George, the single tax champion. In February, the county board appropriated $1,500 with which to buy a work called "Facts and Figures of Alameda County" for distribution in the eastern states. In the spring of 1898 one of the county supervisors was tried for malfeasance in office, but after a trial that was drawn out three months, he was acquitted. The assessment roll of the county was cut down from $91,299,125 in 1897-8 to $81,403,400 in 1898-9. The following was the assessment in 1898-9, the figures showing the comparative size and importance of the places : Oakland $42,067,675 Alameda !0,599,075 Berkeley 7,042,850 Brooklyn township 5,218,350 Washington township 4,640,950 Eden township 3,646,450 Murray township 3>354>425 Oakland township 1,613,275 San Leandro 929,025 Haywards 75I>375 Emeryville 667,400 Livermore 55°>525 Pleasanton 322>025 Total $81,403,400 In October, 1898, the grand jury reprimanded the county board for its slip shod methods of handling its accounts. A considerable sum of money had been 114 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY lost through raised warrants. In the spring of 1899 Alameda county had no debt and its buildings were valued at $2,469,441. The movement to light the public highway between Haywards and Oakland like a city street received strong impulse at San Leandro in July, 1899. The Board of Trade and Merchants' Exchange of Oakland, the Board of Trade of San Leandro, the Fruit Vale and Elmhurst Improvement clubs and the board of trustees of Hay wards favored the improvement. All sent representatives to a big meeting in San Leandro which was presided over by J. M. Frank of that town. While there the delegates visited the large new cannery where 420 persons were then employed. Who should build the lamps and maintain them, was the all important question. All agreed that it would be a splendid and desirable improvement. It was a sug gestion for improvement that encountered no opposition. In the fall of 1900 the salt plants near Alvarado numbered nearly thirty and produced all the salt used on the coast except about thirty thousand tons of refined product imported from Liverpool. New York business men tried to buy all the plants at this time, in the interests of a combine or monopoly. They tried to con trol the output by securing an option on all the product for $2 per ton ; the output at this time was about one hundred thousand tons of the crude article annually. They succeeded in securing a five-year option on this product, and at once raised the price from 95 cents to $2 per bag. The new concern took the name Fed eral Salt Company. The Union Pacific Salt Works controlled 1,100 acres of salt marsh near Alvarado and was organized in 1872 and produced about fourteen thousand tons annually. The oldest works were those of Plummer & Sons, at Newark, who began operations in 1864, and Turk Island Works founded in 1869. Salt works extended along the bay from Mount Eden to Newark. In 1900-01 Alameda county produced more coal than all the other coal pro ducing counties of the state combined; the total output of the state in 1899 was 160,941 tons. Previous to 1897 the coal output of this county did not amount to much, but in that year the Tesla mine operated by the San Francisco and San Joaquin Coal Company put on the market 21,900 tons; in 1898, 70,500 tons, and in 1899, 80,703 tons. Tesla was twelve miles by wagon road southwest of Liver more and there the company owned 4,600 acres under which there were ten coal veins, limestones, gravel, and glass sand. In 1896 the company constructed a rail road thirty-six miles long from Tesla to Stockton where its distributing bunkers were situated. It at once began briquetting its products and soon received large orders; all the screenings, slack, waste and oily products were thus utilized for domestic consumption. In 1900 Oakland was the distributing point for about six hundred thousand tons of coal, of which the Southern Pacific imported 378,000 tons. About two hundred thousand tons were received and distributed by James P. Taylor, Charles R. Allen, Pacific Coal Company, the Howard Coal Company and others. Already large quantities of California fuel oil were substituted for coal proper by manufacturers, railroads and steamships. On February 25, 1901, the county board voted an appropriation of $300 for an Alameda county exhibit at the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. At the same time they voted against a proposition to appropriate $10,000 for the Contra Costa Tunnel road. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 115 TOTAL ASSESSMENT OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Jj?94 $92,814,821 I897 94,057,417 l89;> 93,434,774 1898 83,549,470 1896 94,267,840 1899 84,136,668 The assessments were reduced by omitting railroad property. In September 1899, the county board fixed the inside tax rate for state and county at $1.34 and added 35 cents for roads. The amounts to be raised by taxation were as follows for the years named, omitting cents: l89°-: $ 829,721 1895-6 1,174,850 1891-2 777,425 1896-7 1,023,633 l892"3 737,252 1897-8 1,020,774 l893"4 994,i25 1898-9 1,064,015 i8q4~5 996,390 1899-1900 1,201,895 In September the county board passed a resolution calling for bids for light ing the public highway from the eastern boundary of Oakland to the western boundary of San Leandro and from the eastern boundary of San Leandro to the western boundary of Haywards. On August 4, 1902, the whole county was redivided into townships, and at this time the new township of Pleasanton made its appearance on the map. The county was now composed of the following townships : Alameda, Brook lyn, Eden, Murray, Oakland, Pleasanton and Washington. Alameda county is well supplied with building rock — macadam, dimension stone, rock for concrete, cement and ballast rubble and a red quartz suitable for fluxing iron. Perhaps the most famous quarries are situated in Shephard's canyon and in Niles canyon. Immense ledges of red quartz are situated three or four miles south of Oakland. In 1902 the Oakland Board of Trade asked the county board for a suitable appropriation for an exhibit of Alameda county products at the St. Louis Exposition of 1904. The following medals were awarded Alameda county at the World's Fair: Hunt Brothers, Haywards, canned fruit, gold medal; Pacific Vinegar and Pickle Works, pickles, gold medal; Alameda Sugar Company, beet sugar, gold medal; E. A. Wright, vinegar, gold medal; Pleasanton Hop Com pany, hops, gold medal; California Fruit Cannery Association, preserves, gold medal; J. M. Doty, olive oil, gold medal; August Hagerman, barley, gold medal; F. J. Lea & Company, olive oil, gold medal;. University of California, seeds, gold medal ; Cresta Blanca Vineyard, wine, gold medal ; Mountain Range Vineyard, wine, gold medal. The county received the gold medal for the best general dis play out of twenty-two counties that made exhibits at the World's Fair in 1904. In July, 1903 the county board bought fifty ballot machines of the Dean Machine Company, one-half to be delivered May, 1, 1906, and one-half in August of the same year. The price of each was $650. In 1905 the total products of the county were $21,881,330. The agricultural products were valued at $8,596,133, and the manufactured articles at $13,285,197. These figures were furnished to the county board by Mr. Wyckoff. Late in 116 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY August, 1906, Alameda county was awarded first prize for the general excellence of its exhibit at the state fair at Sacramento. In September the county board fixed the rate of taxation at $1.45 for inside property and $1.85 for outside property. It was necessary to raise $190,000 more for building purposes than was raised the previous year. Of this sum $100,000 was needed on the new jail and about $20,000 for repairs to county buildings made necessary by damage done by the earthquake of April 1 8th and the same amount for repairs to school buildings. In November the tunnel through the hills to Contra Costa county was finished at a total cost of about $46,000. Its completion was celebrated with a fine banquet tendered the Contra Costa county representatives by the Oakland Merchants Exchange. The total length of the tunnel was 1,100 feet. 'b1- ASSESSMENTS, I906 Emeryville $1,532,420 Livermore 658,830 Fruitvale, etc 4,513,610 San Leandro 1,060,735 Pleasanton 387,422 Haywards 995,275 The earthquake of April 18,- 1906, between 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning, was a real shake — not a wave. In all about twenty different quakes were expe rienced after the first great shock, nearly all being slight and several scarcely noticeable. Four persons were killed in Oakland and several injured. The hall of records and the courthouse were considerably injured. Many churches, schoolhouses, business blocks and residences 1 were more or less damaged. The damage to San Francisco was so much greater than in Alameda county that the people here forgot their own troubles and losses in view of the awful calamity which swept that city. It was estimated that from 18,000 to 50,000 refuges from San Francisco passed the night of April 19th, in this city. A relief com mittee of 300 was busy providing care for all who came. Every church and relief society went actively to work; so did the Chamber of Commerce and the various lodges, clubs and societies. Practically every city and town in the county threw open its doors for the unfortunates. A large relief corps was formed in Berkeley and in Alameda and thousands were cared for. The people of San Leandro, San Lorenzo and Haywards and the surrounding country organized and tendered food, shelter and clothing. The schools throughout the county were generally closed. Thousands volunteered for service across the bay if needed, but were' refused, as their presence would only add to the confusion. Many who had relatives in San Francisco were refused passes to visit them. By the 20th immense quantities of flour, meat and vegetables were rushed to Oakland for transportation across the bay. The Salvation Army provided tents for a large number of persons. All the cities on this side of the bay marvelously escaped the dreadful aftermath of fire which devastated San Fran cisco. At the time of the shock the electric current was largely turned off. One of the water mains burst, but there being few fires it cut no figure. The loss here to business plants was large, but was scarcely noticed in the shadow of the greater calamity across the bay. Governor Pardee arrived in Oakland on the 20th and at once instituted measures of relief. Every town in the county suf fered more or less in damage to buildings. On the 21st the Oakland Relief HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY i17 Committee announced that there was plenty of food, beds and rooms here for all who needed help. Hundreds were provided for in Berkeley and Alameda. Every park was filled with the refugees who were supplied with blankets and food. In two days the relief committee at Berkeley raised over $3,000 cash for relief purposes. Churches and lodge rooms were opened every night to the refugees and relief funds were accumulated. From all over the country— the world— came encouraging and cheering messages and as fast as trains could bring it, help of the most substantial character. The various labor organizations were active in the good work. By April 21st the relief committee in Oakland had col lected $10,000 cash. On the 20th five persons became so demented by their awful experiences that they were taken in charge by the police. The relief com mittees secured from the railroads free transportation of the refugees to out side points. Scores of cities to the eastward wired that money and supplies were on the way. The hospitals were full to overflowing. Many babies were born during the night of the 20th and every woman's society was busy furnishing care and encouragement. Everywhere throughout the county the Native Sons were active day and night to aid the sufferers. Eighteen physicians and an equal number of nurses arrived in Oakland from Oregon to aid the local medical men. The Governor declared April 23d and 24th legal holidays to enable business to get its bearings once more. Among those who escaped with their lives from San Francisco and came to Oakland was Goddaret E. D. Dimond, aged 109 years. He slept on the ground one night in San Francisco and had nothing to eat from Wednesday morning until Friday noon. Though rendered penniless by the fire he announced his intention to start anew by lecturing on his life and the earthquake catastrophe. The Oakland high school building was seriously damaged by the shock. The plaster in every room was partly thrown down. Much furniture was dam aged, pictures particularly. The massive chimneys were thrown down and forced through the slate roof wrecking it completely and creating great havoc below. Several rooms were almost completely wrecked. An artesian well near San Lorenzo on the day after the earthquake, first spouted salt water, then water containing oil, ink-colored water, milk-white water and then settled down to good clear drinking water. Late on the 23d another earthquake shook the bay cities. It was severe enough to drive people into the street. Professor Bushhalter said it was the first shake for about thirty hours. It was severer in San Francisco and among the frightened people there caused a considerable panic. On Sunday, April 22d, the churches devoted themselves almost wholly to relief work. Thousands were fed in the auditoriums. "Talk about booms!" said the Enquirer, "The population of Oakland has increased more rapidly within the last week than anything Los Angeles ever experienced." It was estimated on the 23d that the cities and towns of the county were caring for from 100,000 to 150,000 persons made temporarily helpless by the fire. The population of Oakland about doubled. One splendid act of the authorities was that which compelled all selling and dispensing agencies not to increase prices. The Catholic Central Relief Com mittee organized and did excellent work. Oakland and the surrounding towns, in view of the presence of thousands of refugees, made strenuous efforts to 118 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY keep down lawlessness and succeeded. Large numbers of persons were taken into custody on suspicion as an act of prevention. An unknown rancher at Fruitvale, with a wagon full of freshly cooked victuals — macaroni, boiled ham, buttered bread, baked beans, etc., seeing the hungry throng there, called all to come forward and eat heartily without a cent to pay. He did not have to ask a second time. With undisguised satisfaction he saw the wagon-load of eatables disappear, then mounted his wagon and drove home, enjoying the superb sensa tion which always accompanies a noble act. This feeling, in short, embraced this whole community which offered food and shelter free to all the refugees. As a matter of precaution over ioo special building inspectors were appointed to examine all buildings to see that their chimneys were free from damage from the shock. Rapidly, under the direction of the board of health, the names of the refugees were taken and system was created out of confusion. Twenty- five stenographers were employed to handle the enormous emergency corres pondence. Soon every park and open place became a relief camp. Thousands were cared for at Idora park. In 1907 the banks of the county were as follows : Savings banks : Oakland — Central, Farmers and Merchants, Oakland Savings, State Savings, Union Savings, First National, Italian, Bankers' Trust; California, Security, West Oakland and Union National ; Alameda — Citizens Savings, Alameda ; Berkeley — Berkeley Bank and Trust, University, South Berkeley, West Berkeley ; Fruitvale — Citizens Sav ings, Citizens Commercial, Bank of Fruitvale ; Claremont — Citizens State ; Emeryville — Syndicate ; San Leandro — San Leandro ; Haywards — Haywards Sav ings, Haywards Commercial, Farmers and Merchants ; Livermore — Bank of Liver more, Livermore Savings, Livermore Valley ; Pleasanton — Bank of Pleasanton ; Niles — Niles State; Centerville — Centerville. The combined deposits amounted to over $54,000,000. National banks, Oakland — First National, Central National — total capital, $1,500,000; deposits $9,018,898.35. In Berkeley — First National, Berkeley National — total capital, $550,000; deposits $3,087,635.86. Other national banks — Alameda National, Citizens National, San Leandro, Pleasanton, Liver more, Emeryville — total capital, $350,000; deposits $1,845,821.84. Total capital of all county banks, $6,939,490; total deposits and circulation $72,006,005.63. There were thus forty-three banks in the county. In 1908 the grand value of all property in the county was $186,892,225. The total county indebtedness was $119,104.28. Total state and county taxation $1.36 on inside property and $1.76 on outside property. The real estate was valued at $106,901,475. In 1908, the county board appropriated $1,500 to enable the Oakland free public library upon petition to extend its benefits tp the people of the county re siding outside of incorporated cities and towns. The construction of the Foothills boulevard connecting Oakland, Fruitvale, Elmhurst, Fitchburg, Ashland, San Leandro, Castro Valley and Haywards and covering a distance of twelve miles or more was brought to completion in 1908 and at once became the pride of the people and a crowning act of improvement by the county board. The anti-alien or anti-Japanese sentiment claimed prominent attention in this community in 1908-09. The bills in the Legislature on the subject, the attitude of Governor Gillett and President Roosevelt, the formation of anti- Japanese HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 119 organizations and the' attack on a Japanese student at the university, were suffi cient to rouse the people to the impending perils. population in 1910 Townships People Cities Oakland 147,199 Alameda 23,183 Brooklyn 49,140 Eden 11,515 Murray 4,:37 Pleasanton 2,883 Washington 7,874 Oakland BerkeleySan Leandro People Towns People 150,174 Haywards 2,746 40,434 Livermore 2,030 3,471 Emeryville 2,613 Piedmont 1,719 Albany 808 Pleasanton 1,254 In February, 191 1 the county board passed stringent resolutions against the Wolfe bill which planned to dismember Alameda and other counties in order that portions might be annexed to San Francisco. Petitions remonstrating against the passage of the bill were signed by over three thousand residents of Alameda county in February, 191 1. The senate bill was finally killed by the vote of twenty-one to nineteen. At this time the county board also set aside the Scenic or Foothills boulevard for the purposed automobile road race. In 1912 the Metropolitan Municipal Water district was established, to com prise seven cities and unincorporated territory in Oakland. This year the irri gation bond amendment was adopted by the voters of the state. A movement for a children's hospital for the whole county was commenced. A consolida tion of various county public offices in order to save expenses was considered by the tax association. The poultry show at Oakland this year was a success, Haywards leading in the poultry industry. The Alameda County Water dis trict was established in 1913-14. The county board gave the Rotary Club $500 with which to advertise the county for 191 5, and appropriated $9,000 for a county exhibit at the San Diego fair of 1915. In October, 1913, the banks of the county were as follows: State banks in Oakland — Oakland Bank of Savings, Central Savings, Union Savings, First Trust and Savings, Farmers and Merchants Savings, State Savings, Security Bank and Trust, Bank of Fruitvale, Citizens Bank of Fruitvale, Harbor Bank, Bank of Commerce, West Oakland Bank and Trust, Banco Popolace Italian, Twenty-third avenue, Elmhurst — total capital of all $3,124,440; deposits $43,- 445,556.55. State banks in Berkeley — Berkeley Bank of Savings, University Savings, Homestead Savings, West Berkeley, South Berkeley — total capital of all $693,400; deposits $5,691,484.07. Elsewhere in the county — Alameda Sav ings, Bank of San Leandro, Bank of Centerville, Bank of Alameda County, Alvarado, Farmers and Merchants of Haywards, Bank of Haywards, Haywards Bank of Savings, Niles State Bank, Livermore Valley Savings, Livermore Sav ings, Bank of ¦ Pleasanton— total capital $721,650; deposits $6,801,823.96. At the election held December 30, 1913, to determine whether the Alameda County Water district should be organized, the result was : for the district 120 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY against the district 19. The county is not without its commercial minerals. There are coal, pyrites, clay, petroleum, magnesite, building rock, gravel, sand, trap-rock, limestone, concrete rock, sandstone, etc. The annual product is worth about $5,000,000. The assessment rolls of the county for 1913-14 contained 6,000 more names than those of the previous year. The total assessed valuation was $256,363,895. CHAPTER VII THE HARBOR, WEBSTER STREET BRIDGE, ETC. When the harbor improvements were planned in 1873 San Antonio estuary did not receive much drainage and was apparently filling up with surface waste. The upper part became a mud flat at low tide. Other portions were over twenty feet deep at low tide and to a considerable distance from the mouth the current kept a channel open to a depth of twelve feet. About a mile from the shore the current spread out and there a bar was formed within two feet of the surface at low tide. The engineers, G. H. Mendall, C. S. Stewart and B. S. Alexander, concluded that if the tidal flow were confined to jetties or training walls the current would scour out the bottom, the amount of scour being determined by the volume of water flowing out of the estuary. To secure the necessary amount of water it was further concluded that the waters of San Leandro bay should be turned through Oakland harbor. To accomplish this they proposed to dig a canal across a mile and a half of low land separating the head of San Antonio estuary from San Leandro bay and by putting gates at the mouth of the bay within Bay Farm Island and Alameda force the bay to discharge its water through Oakland harbor. It was estimated that the cubical contents of the tidal prism of the estuary were 157,000,000 feet and of the bay 165,000,000 feet. The following order of work was recommended: (1) Build two training walls of stone to control the flow of water out of and into the estuary; (2) dig the San Leandro canal; (3) build the dam on San Leandro bay; (4) excavate the basin at the head of the estuary to give a greater tidal prism. The total cost was first estimated at $1,335,- 435, which included 10 per cent additional for contingencies. Appropriations were made and expended from 1874 to 1877 when the dispute over the titles to the submerged lands checked appropriations and work until 1881 when labor was again resumed under an adjustment of titles. On several years there were no appropriations, owing to the quibbles or crochets of Congress. By 1899 there was expended about one million eight hundred thousand dollars, with about seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars more to be used to complete the work. The current did not scour as expected, which made it necessary to dredge extensivel} between the training walls. It was only in 1899 that the originally proposec twenty feet depth of water between the training walls was secured — twenty-six years after the work commenced. Work upon the tidal canal was begun about 1890. In 1896 Congress designated $666,000 as the amount to be allowed to com plete the work as originally intended. At this time Colonel Suter succeeded Mr. Mendall as engineer in charge. He reported that the tidal canal was not a. neces sary feature of the improvement and that more money would be needed than designated by Congress to complete the work. This report opened a big contro versy between Alameda and Oakland. The former demanded the speedy com- 121 122 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY pletion of the tidal canal as a vital necessity to its sewerage system. For fifteen years a makeshift was used by discharging the sewage of Alameda into a small cove in the bay where thorough scourings could not be secured. Oakland had always contemplated a series of intercepting sewers to carry the discharges to the extreme end of West Oakland to be there deposited in deep water. The natural order required that the sewerage of Alameda should be poured westward from Alameda Point to deep waters, but instead the discharge was turned east ward to the upper end of the harbor. This was done in 1885 to protect the baths along the Alameda shore and at the point. The return which the Alameda people asked for the concession of dredging between the training walls was Oakland's consent that after the twenty feet of water had been obtained from Webster street bridge westerly the improvement of the channels to the east of Webster street bridge should be the next portion of the improvement commenced and finished. But the aid of Congress was uncertain and accordingly, after much hard and patient effort, Senator Perkins and Congressman Plilborn succeeded in 1896 in securing a place on the continuing contract list to the amount of $666,000 to be paid in $20,000 installments. The next year an additional appropriation of $200,000 was made. All the improvements, it was provided, should be carried on along the original plans regardless of what subsequent engineers might think was best. The above is a general outline of this important improvement, but now will be given a more detailed account of the progress of the work, showing the steps that were taken. On the 24th of February, 1873, articles of incorporation of the Oakland Harbor Improvement Company were filed, its object being to dredge and open a ship channel across the bar at San Antonio creek and protect the same by suitable means ; to improve and make navigable the waters of the creek and estuary ; to connect by a canal the bay of San Leandro with the creek or estuary ; to construct along their line and adjacent to them suitable wharves and warehouses for the accommodation of trade and commerce, and to construct across the mouth of San Leandro bay a suitable dam with flood-gates sufficient to turn the waters of the bay through San Antonio creek. The object also was to purchase and acquire all necessary property, franchises, rights and privileges for the carrying out of these objects. The principal place of business was declared to be at Oakland; the capital stock was $2,000,000, and the directors were G. W. Bowie, William Graham, F. Chappellet, G. M. Fisher, W. H. Gorill, Elijah Case, Z. Montgomery, E. W. Woodward, John Doherty, R. C. Gaskell and C. H. Twombly, all of Oakland. The first appropriation for the Oakland harbor was made by Congress in 1874. In that year the freight business amounted to 154,300 tons. By 1882 the freight amounted to 1,225,266 tons and the passengers carried to 858,352. In August, 1882, $263,389 was available for continuing the harbor improvement. At this time, with a harbor channel only two feet deep, Oakland's commerce was as follows: Traffic by ferry, 60,000 tons; traffic by vessels, 94,300 tons; total, 154,300 tons. In 1888, with a channel twelve feet deep, the traffic by steam ferries was 1,876,633 tons; traffic by vessels at railroad temporary wharf, 492,417 tons; traffic by vessels at city wharves, 221,370 tons; total, 2,590,422 tons. Recent dredging was a great disappointment, because it widened instead of deepened the channel HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 123 to the city wharves. What Oakland wanted — had begged for from the start — was a channel of sufficient depth to permit large ocean-going steamers to reach its docks. In 1875 prominent citizens undertook to arrange -that the land required for the tidal canal, 86% acres, should be obtained without cost to the United States other than the cost of survey and of legal condemnation proceedings. In the autumn of 1875 these proceedings were instituted in the state court with the view to obtain thereafter a special legislative act authorizing the city to levy a tax sufficient to pay for the land condemned. In April, 1876, the Legislature author ized the city to raise $25,000 by taxation for this purpose. It was not until Sep tember, 1882, that the condemnation proceedings were completed, at which time the court made a decree assessing the land at $39,696, of which the city was to pay $25,000, and the United States $14,696. It was found that nearly twenty thousand tons of stone were required to complete the jetties. A contract was made for 1 1,650 tons, leaving 8,950 tons to be supplied under a second contract. The chan nel-way, which was completed June 21, 1882, resulted in a 300-foot cut, ten feet deep at low water and a central 100-foot cut deepened from 10 to 14 feet at low water, which depths were afterward maintained in spite of some shoaling by sandy washings from the banks. This lack of tidal prism was remedied by suitable operations in the inner harbor. The next operation was to increase the tidal prism and was accomplished by dredging a tidal basin and by cutting a tidal canal con necting Oakland harbor with the San Leandro estuary. This was the situation in February, 1884. Work on the harbor improvement progressed rapidly during 1875. A large gang of Chinamen were constantly employed in unloading the scows which brought rock from the quarries; they remained on the works night and day and their home was in a rough board house built on a scow. They were at work on the creek route to San Francisco. In 1876-77 Congress refused to include in the appropriation bill ?ny amount for continuing the improvement of Oakland harbor. Mr. Page asked for $100,000, but this allowance was opposed on the ground that a private concern — the Oak land Water Front Company — claimed all the submerged land along the point out to a depth of twenty-four feet and also claimed the whole of the San Antonio estuary. The company had dedicated for purposes of navigation a channel 300 feet wide, but claimed the submerged land up to the banks of this channel, the right to build wharves thereon, and the ownership of the tidal basin of Oakland harbor. As long as these claims existed, or were unsettled, it was out of the question to secure from Congress an appropriation for improving what might prove to be, when settled in the courts or otherwise, private property. The perma nent channel contemplated required a tidal basin to receive the inflowing tide and to disburse it again in the bay. It had been proposed to connect the San Leandro and San Antonio estuary by a canal to cost in all $500,000, but this step was also opposed, because it was not yet settled who- was the lawful owner of the San Antonio estuary. The Water Front Company began operations of proprietorship which were stopped by the Government on the ground that it was exceeding its rights. Soon the company agreed to yield all claim to any portion that would interfere with the contemplated improvements. Time passed and the House com- riiittee reported the bill without the harbor appropriation. Mr. Page then under- 124 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY took to defeat the whole bill and succeeded. He then began again to remove all objections. He returned home, consulted all persons and companies concerned and finally in April, 1877, obtained the consent of the Water Front Company to deed to the United States all their right, title and interest in and to all the submerged lands of the estuary, or bordering thereon, which might be necessary for carrying out the plans of improvement of Oakland harbor. It was during the terms of office of Mayors Durant, Spaulding and Webber that the Oakland harbor improve ment was inaugurated and pushed forward with vigor. These officials did every thing in their power to keep the project everlastingly before Congress. The Oakland harbor plans in February, 1884, provided that all available money should be applied to the completion of the jetties and to the excavation of the tidal basin. The contract provided for dredging to the amount of 600,000 cubic yards, of which 92,055 yards had been accomplished in 1883. The dredging was novel in being removed through a conduit of iron pipe at a distance. The capabilities of delivery were extended to a distance of 1,200 feet, with possi bilities of much further delivery. This system was found to be much cheaper than any other. The next requirements of the situation asked for dredging at the basin, the extension of fourteen foot water from the head of the jetties to the bridge allowing ships to reach the Oakland wharves, excavation of the tidal canal connecting San Leandro estuary with Oakland harbor and the payment of a portion of the award made by the state court to the owners of land con demned for the purposes of this canal. The failure of the government in 1884-5 to provide for a continuance of the work on the Oakland harbor was a grievous local disappointment and was followed by the almost certain and serious damage to the work already done. The original estimate of the improvement was $1,814,529.20, of which amount there had already been appropriated in June, 1885, $874,600. It was urged that the appropriation should be sufficient to meet the annual estimates and that meager appropriations prevented economical operations. At the (then) pres ent rate of appropriations it would require ten years to complete the work, but only three or four years with liberal appropriations. The original depth before the improvements were begun was about three feet; now it was fourteen feet at the entrance. The money was applied to increase the tidal prism by continu ing the dredging of the tidal basin and by the excavation of the San Leandro canal. In May, 1885, the Oakland council passed an ordinance allowing the Alameda County Terminal Wharf and Warehouse Company to erect and maintain a wharf and warehouses from the western end of Powell street in Oakland town ship to deep water in San Francisco bay; they were required to expend $15,000 the first year. APPROPRIATIONS FOR OAKLAND HARBOR x874 $100,000 1881 60,000 1875 100,000 1882 200,000 1876 75,000 1884 139,000 2878 ; 80,000 1886 60,000 2879 60,000 1888 350,000 j88o 60,000 1890 250,000 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 125 The old city wharf extended out 150 yards from Franklin and Webster streets in 1888 and was joined at the end by another wharf forming a hollow square. The new wharf being constructed early in 1889 consisted of three piers extending out almost as far as the old pier and far enough apart to allow dock age along the sides and at the end. The old wharf was removed section by sec tion as the new one was built. In May, 1891, E. C. Sessions carried out his large project of dredging and docking in the harbor near Clinton station. A canal 1,200 feet long was dredged in the marsh where he owned a tract of about sixty acres. The canal alone cost about forty thousand dollars, and Mr. Sessions in all paid out about one hun dred thousand dollars for the canal and wharf improvements. Late in December, 1892, the government awarded two important dredging contracts in Oakland harbor — one for a semi-circular channel between four thousand and five thousand feet long, beginning at the Larue reservation and thence extending eastward past the cotton mills to the new San Leandro canal, and one for a canal twenty feet deep and about four thousand feet long, extend ing from Webster street bridge westward toward the bay. There was involved in the two contracts about one hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars. The important question of how Alameda and Oakland could unite on a plan for the improvement of the harbor and the construction of the tidal canal was duly considered by mass meetings, committee discussions and private confer ences in November, 1896. The plans for harbor improvement in 1897 were those presented by Colonel Suter and included a channel twenty feet deep to be carried well up toward the head of the estuary and the completion of the training walls. One new bridge was planned to take the place of the two old ones across the estuary. The desideratum in 1900, it was realized, was the elaboration and comple tion of the harbor so that ocean vessels of high draft and in large numbers could lie in safety at the wharves, or could ride at anchor in a land-locked and secure harbor. Until this improvement was an accomplished fact the city could not expect to take its share of the immense transport business which still went to San Francisco, nor be the real terminus of the trans-continental railways. In other words the great object of Oakland at this time was to bring together ship and car at the wharves and docks of the city. In the fall of 1900 work on the harbor progressed satisfactorily in the harbor proper, at the Alameda end, and at Sausul creek. The establishment at this time by Balfour, Guthrie & Co., of docks, coal bunkers, warehouses, etc., and by Boole & Co., of a shipyard at the foot of Union street, showed that the improvements to the harbor were appre ciated and that the work was bound to bear abundant fruit. In January, 1901, the county board adopted resolutions, in accord with the report of Colonel Heuer, asking the government for a harbor channel twenty- five feet deep at low tide. This was the unanimous action of the supervisors. Congressman Metcalf at once prepared a bill to that effect. The harbor improvement needed was a channel 500 feet wide and not less than twenty feet deep at low tide extending from deep water in San Francisco bay to Fallon street; thence a channel 300 feet wide and seventeen feet deep to the tidal basin, and thence a channel entirely around the basin 300 feet wide and twelve feet deep, the estimated cost of which was $646,293. At this time 126 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY it became the consensus of opinion that a twenty-foot depth of. channel would be insufficient for the requirements of commerce. When the harbor was planned in 1874 a twenty-foot depth was probably sufficient, but with the pas sage of time came much larger vessels and accordingly a deeper channel was needed. Of the tonnage passing through Oakland harbor, eighty-nine per cent was trans-continental railway freight. No vessel drawing more than twenty feet could enter the harbor at low tide and had to be lightened outside in order to reach the wharves. This was an unnecessary and costly item. Or they could unload at Long wharf upon paying wharfage and tolls for hauling. The excavation of a channel twenty-five feet deep and 500 feet wide from the bay to Fallon street, and thence 300 feet wide and the same depth to and around the basin was estimated to cost $1,687,818. The excavation of the tidal canal by the Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Company was rapid and satisfactory. Their con tract with the government called for the removal of 1,000,000 cubic yards of earth per month. Late in 1901 the Southern Pacific handled over one hundred car loads of earth daily from the excavations. In January, 1902, the board of public works adopted the following at the request of the board of trade: Whereas, the business of Oakland harbor has very materially increased during the last few years ; and Whereas, the draught of vessels has also been increased necessitating deeper water in the waterways ; and Whereas, the Oakland harbor, owing to its shallow depth, is unable to accom modate the shipping interests at this port, therefore be it Resolved, That this board request the mayor of the city of Oakland to wire Congressman Metcalf to use his best efforts for the furtherance of the Rivers and Harbors bill now before the congressional committees to obtain an appropriation for the deepen ing of the Oakland harbor to a depth of twenty-five feet at low tide. The Leavitt bill in the Legislature early in 1907 provided for the creation of a board of harbor commissioners for the Oakland water front. During 1907 the Southern Pacific Company reclaimed a large area of land south of the broad-gauge mole with a new ferry slip and expansive dock. The Western Pacific Company reclaimed an immense area and prepared generally for the terminal ferry which was to be ready as soon as the western end of its trans-continental road was put in operation. It also reclaimed from the marshes of the inner harbor about one hundred and thirty acres. At the close of 1907 the enormous progress in harbor, improvement was manifest. Lumber yards and mills lined the water front for miles; several new wharves and docks had been built; the lumber fleet had nearly doubled in one year; one wharf was long enough to accommodate nine vessels lying end to end, with nineteen feet depth of water at low tide. The government was well advanced on the work of dredging the channel to a depth of twenty-five feet at low tide. Thus in line was a harbor with a channel 500 feet wide and deep enough for any merchant vessel entering San Francisco bay. It was apparent in 1908-9 that, owing to increased cost in various improve ment lines, the old continuing contract for harbor funds from the government was inadequate to complete the project as had been contemplated. It was esti mated that from $400,000 to $500,000 more than had been expected would be needed. The sum available on December 31, 1908, of funds appropriated was $141,545, and the amount remaining to be appropriated which had been auth- THE LAND-LOCKED SOUTH HAEBOR OF OAKLAND ALASKA FISHING FLEET VVINTEEING IN SOUTH HAEBOK, OAKLAND HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 127 orized under the acts of 1905 and 1907 was $255,000. Outstanding obliga tions amounted to $244,108, leaving available for future operations $153,436. Early in 1909 Congressman Knowland secured an appropriation of $256,000 for the continued improvement of the Oakland harbor; he managed to have this measure attached to the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill. In February, 1909, the county board authorized the city of Oakland to proceed with the annexation of about six square miles of the water front and tide lands in the western part of the city between the long wharf and Berkeley as a part of the general scheme for the improvement of Oakland harbor. By November, 1910, the Government had spent in round numbers $3,500,000 on the Oakland channel and harbor and was virtually under pledge to dredge the channel to a depth of thirty feet at low tide and a width of 500 feet from ship channel in the bay to the line of Fallon street. In 191 1 the new project under which Oakland harbor improvements were carried on provided for a channel thirty feet deep and 500 feet wide from the bay to the tidal basin, for a channel twenty-five feet deep and 300 feet wide around the tidal basin, and for a channel eighteen feet deep along the tidal basin. The plan was to build the thirty-foot channel at once, and to add the other improve ments when needed. In 1910 $250,000 was appropriated to commence operations. What determined the board of engineers, at Washington to approve the thirty- foot channel project was the fact that such a channel had been granted to Los Angeles and San Diego, neither of which had as large an annual harbor tonnage as Oakland. This fact, when presented to the board, caused it to reverse its former action and to approve the recommendations of Colonel Biddle. The amount of commerce was the paramount item of importance when seen by Congress. In addition Congress looked with greatest favor on those localities which were willing to'assist in any water or harbor improvement project, and thus regarded Oakland which had authorized a bond issue of $2,500,000 for harbor improvements. Previous to 191 1 Alameda had done nothing for its harbor, but late in the year the mayor of that- city appointed a board of harbor commissioners which began action. Succeeding the authorization of the bond indebtedness late in 1909, the Liv ingstone street concrete pier wharf was soon completed, but other projected improvements with that fund were held up. But work on the western water front was commenced — the Key Route basin. Still by January, 1914, the city was but little nearer deep water navigation and commerce than if the voters back in 1909 had not authorized prompt work to secure that result. In 1870 the project of a bridge across San Antonio creek between Oakland and Alameda was considered by the Legislature, but was bitterly opposed by residents of Brooklyn who thought it would obstruct navigation and thus interfere with the prospects of their town. However, the bill became law and the Webster street bridge was constructed. In this matter, at the meeting of the council, Mr. Spaulding offered the following resolution: "Whereas, It has come to the knowledge of this council that there is dissatis faction among the residents and property owners of Brooklyn and San Antonio respecting the action taken by this council in the matter of giving their sanction for the passage of a law for the construction of a bridge at the foot of Webster street to connect with Alameda; and 128 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY "Whereas, It is not the wish nor desire of Oakland or its representatives to obstruct or in any way to impede the progress of our neighboring towns; therefore be it "Resolved, That the citizens of Brooklyn, San Antonio and Alameda, by their representatives, be requested to meet this council at their rooms to show wherein or how they will be injured or benefited by the construction of a bridge at the point above named." This special meeting was called, but in the meantime a protest was received from Brooklyn township. A meeting of the citizens and property owners of Brooklyn township, held at Swett's hall, unanimously adopted the following resolution : "That it is the opinion of this meeting that the construction of a bridge over the San Antonio creek will be detrimental to the inhabitants of Brooklyn township in an eminent degree; also injurious to the interests of the county in general, by the creation of a very costly structure to be foisted upon the county at great expense for the care and keeping the same in repair." A printed protest was also received from thirty-three citizens of Oakland to the following effect : "The under signed hereby protest against the erection of a bridge across San Antonio creek, as is now proposed by parties in Alameda. In our estimation a bridge would seriously obstruct navigation and impose unnecessary expense upon Oakland. We would suggest that the proposed connection, if necessary, be made solely at the expense of residents of Alameda, and by road and ferry only in accordance with the original proposition." On February 28th citizens of Alameda and Brooklyn being present were invited to express their views on the bridge question. The following resolution was then passed, "That the city clerk be authorized to communicate with Calvin Brown, George E. Gray and A. F. Rogers and ask them to give this council, on or before Monday, March 7, 1870, their opinion of the effect of the erection of a bridge across San Antonio creek, especially as effecting the depth of water therein ; and that the opinion of any other scientific gentlemen on the subject who may favor us with the same will be cheerfully received." The bridge as then planned was 1,000 feet in length with a draw of 200 feet, and the cost was $25,000. Early in March, 1871, it was completed. • On April 10th, an ordinance levying a special tax was passed, and a special levy of twenty-five cents on each $100 of property was ordered to be levied for the purpose of defraying the expense of the bridge. On April 24, 1876, an ordinance was passed authorizing the construction of a bridge across the estuary of San Antonio between Eighth street and East Ninth street, and fixing the dimensions thereof. On the same date the name of Middle street was changed to Ninth street; and on November 27th the contract for building the Eighth street bridge was awarded to the Pacific Bridge Company, at $30,000. The big new bridge across the tidal canal was dedicated January 23, 1892. There were long processions and various noisy demonstrations by both Alameda and Oakland. The speakers were Edward K. Taylor, city attorney of Alameda, and Hon. W. R. Davis of Oakland. It was in August, 1910, that the grant by the harbor commission of 2,000 feet of the quay wall to be erected on the south side for the docking of deep water ships was made. CHAPTER VIII MILITARY AFFAIRS A military company was organized at San Francisco in 1849, which in July had forty-one men, and in September numbered 100. It was named the First California Guard, and though intended for the artillery arm the men were drilled with muskets. The officers of this company were Captain H. W. Naglee; First Lieutenants William O. O. Harvard and M. Norton; Second Lieutenants Hall McAllister and David F. Bagley; Surgeon Samuel Gerry and Sergeant R. H. Sinton. The company retained its organization later under the laws of California, and is at present known as Company A, Light Battery, N. G. C. In 1850 it went to Sacramento to assist in quelling the squatters' riots and in its absence two other companies were organized which still belong to the N. G. C. About twenty more companies existed at the time that the war of the rebellion broke out in 1861. There were in 1854 six companies at San Francisco formed into a battalion. The militia of the metropolis has been called into active service on only three occasions, to wit: In 1856, during the existence of the vigilance committee, when they received orders to report to the Governor; in 1871, when several companies were despatched to Amador county to prevent a collision between miners and mill owners ; and in 1877, during the three days' riots of the Kearney mob, when they were ordered to guard the armories and other property. The alacrity with which the officers, rank and file responded to the call of the legally constituted author ities proved the usefulness of their organization. The state was in 1850, pursuant to an act of the Legislature, partitioned into four military divisions with a major-general at the head of each, two, brigades commanded by the respective brigadier-generals constitute one division. The com mand-in-chief of the national guard was vested in the Governor, and the chief officers of the staff were the adjutant-general and quartermaster-general. San Francisco had a regularly organized brigade, and the first commander of the Second division was Major-General Dimond, afterward superintendent of the mint, now dead. There existed also a number of independent companies. The territory on the Pacific was constituted by order of the President of the United States in 1849-50, the Third division of department No. 11; but in 1851 the commands of departments No. 10 and 11 were merged in that of the Pacific division, and Brevet Brigadier-General Ethan A. Hitchcock became its chief, with headquarters at Sonoma; he was afterward Secretary of the Interior under Presi dent McKinley. In February, 1854, Major-General John E. Wool took the command. At the time the Civil war began the only fortifications on the coast of Cali fornia and Oregon were Alcatraz and Fort Point. At Alcatraz were 130 men under Captain Stewart. Fort Point was not occupied till February, 1861, when 160 artillerymen were stationed there, whose officers were Lieutenants Kellogg, 129 130 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Kip and Shinn and Quartermaster Gibson. Ten thousand stands of arms and 150,000 cartridges were transferred from Benicia to Alcatraz. In the vicinity of San Francisco were about five hundred men. The whole force stationed in the department consisted of 3,650, of whom 1,725 were in California, and 1,925 in Oregon and Washington. On the 19th of April, 1861, Brigadier-General Edwin V. Sumner relieved Albert Sidney Johnston. His first general order had the true ring of loyalty to the national government, awakening confidence in the hearts of loyal citizens. Upon the arrival of the news that Fort Sumter had fallen into the possession of the Secessionists, the first regiment of California infantry spontaneously sprang into life. The men were thoroughly drilled, and the officers were selected from the regular army. Captain Henry W. Halleck, being appointed major-general of the Second division, called upon all citizens residing within the counties of his division to organize themselves into companies, battalions and regiments, prom ising to arm them should their services be required in the field. General Halleck was later commander-in-chief of the Union army. The volunteers of the division wanted to go to the front, but their services were not accepted. The First Infantry lost its place in the roster because of the professional jealousy of its officers, who would not submit to be placed under an officer of the regular army. Major Carleton had been ordered to take command of the regiment and march with it into Arizona and New Mexico ; but finding the men disposed to obey orders, he organized another force with volunteers who flocked to his standard, rallying round the original First regiment. Carleton was promoted to be brigadier-general of volunteers, and with an army consisting of the First, Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. Rigg ; Fifth, Colonel George W. Bowie ; First Battalion of Cavalry, Lieutenant- Colonel E. E. Eyre; one company of the Second California Cavalry, Captain John C. Cremony, and one battery of the Third United States Artillery, Lieutenant John B. Shinn — 2,500 men all told — he marched from San Pedro to the Rio Grande, where they not only fought against the hostile Indians but drove the rebels from the frontiers of Arizona and New Mexico. The First and Fifth served three years in the field, and then with the remaining men was organized the First Veteran Infantry regiment, which under Colonel Rigg continued doing very efficient service. Other regiments formed in different parts of the state also made themselves useful during the war. On May 11, 1861, San Francisco gave a splendid exhibition of its loyalty to the Government, at a time when David S. Terry and Governor Foote were doing all they could to take the state out of the Union. It was a critical time, because California hung in the balance, almost evenly divided between Northern and Southern sentiments. Henry F. Teschmaker was president of the day and among the vice-presidents were W. C. Ralston, General Halleck, James Donahue and P. B. Cornwall. Speeches were made by Senator Lapham, General McDougall, General Shields, General Sumner and others. The sentiment of that occasion was "The Union must and shall be preserved." The entire city was wrapped in the stars and stripes. Riders and horses were blanketed with flags. All the consular flags were flying except that of the English. Oakland took part in this significant assemblage. Upon the outbreak of the rebellion the loyal citizens of the county gathered together and formed military companies to preserve the Union. It was early HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 131 shown to be a fact that a secret scheme existed whereby California was to be given over to the control of the Confederacy. To prevent such a calamity and to aid the Union cause the citizens of Oakland met and on June 10, 1861, formed the Oakland Guard. The city then numbered only about 2,000 population. Among those who signed the original muster roll were William Hoskins, Jeremiah Tyrell, J. Barnett, A. W. Burrell, Harry N. Morse, J. A. Whitcher, John H. Hobart, A.. D. Eames, J. A. Webster, George M. Blake, H. Hillebrand, W. W. Crane, C. S. Haile, William C. Little and John McCann. The first officers were James Brown, captain; John Potter, first lieutenant; W. H. Puffer, second lieutenant; J. H. Newcomb, second sergeant; W. Woolsey, third sergeant; Charles McKay, fourth sergeant; H. A. Morse, first corporal; Henry Sommers, second corporal; C. Stewart, third corporal ; James Travis, fourth corporal. Brown was succeeded as captain by H. N. Morse, W. C. Little, A. W. Burrall and H. D. Raulett who thus officiated in 1877, assisted by Henry Maloon, first lieutenant; J. B. O. Sarpy, second lieutenant. The company was independent or unattached and owned $3,000 worth of property, including a full arm and uniform equipment, a fine armory and mustered seventy men, called the Oakland Guard. A drilling camp was on San Pablo road and was called Camp Downey; here a thousand men assembled and drilled and otherwise prepared for service in the Union army. On the Kennedy farm in Brooklyn, Camp Merchant was formed and there also many men were drilled, including a cavalry company. As a whole Oakland was loyal, but like all other cities of the country contained men who espoused the cause of the South, or at least were lukewarm in the cause of the struggle to maintain the Union. In 1861 the Home Guard was organized and for a long time was a great power in elections. A little later the Union League took its place.' Several members of the famous California Hundred were recruited in Oakland. Though the scene of actual warfare in 1861 lay thousands of miles away from California the cause did not lack sympathizers. Military companies sprang up on every side determined to maintain the integrity of the central government, and Alameda county was not behind in asserting her loyalty. On August 31, 1861, the Oakland Home Guard was organized and properly officered. On November 4th they were allowed a monthly apportionment of $20 which January 1, 1862, was raised to $50 wherewith to provide an armory. On February 18, 1862, the board of supervisors passed the following preamble and resolutions : "Whereas, The news of the success of our arms at Fort Donelson (captured February 16, 1862) and elsewhere inspires us with feelings of joy and gratitude and lively hopes of a speedy restoration of the Federal Union and the supremacy of the Constitution; therefore, Resolved, That this board do now adjourn for ten minutes for the purpose of raising the glorious old flag of the Union and saluting it with three cheers and a tiger." The record then follows with these words : "All of which being done with a will ; and with the proud emblem of our country's liberty floating at the mast-head the board resumes the tame business of consideration of accounts." In 1862 a great mass meeting was held at San Leandro to raise funds and stores for sick and wounded soldiers. Starr King addressed the crowd and secured cash and pledges to the amount of $5,000. The total amount raised in the county for the Christian Commission was $12,000. 132 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Shortly after its organization the Oakland Guard was attached to the Second Regiment of Artillery but later became unattached. It finally was Company C, of the First Infantry Battalion, Second brigade, of the National Guard. Its name at this time was the Oakland Home Guard. On November 3, 1863, the Alvarado Guards asked for an apportionment for rent of armory artd were allowed $50 per month from that date. Early in 1864 Sheriff Morse announced that there were in the county 3,008 men fit for military duty. On September 2, 1864, there was killed in action in the Shenandoah valley, Captain C. S. Eigenbrodt, who had formerly held the office of supervisor for Washington township, in this county, and had gone east with a company of California cavalry, which was attached to a Massachusetts regiment. On February 11, 1865, $50 a month was awarded to the Haywards Guard for the purpose of providing an armory, and on August 21st a like sum for the same object was granted to the Brooklyn Guard, another military organization. In the beginning of 1865 the San Lorenzo Guards were organized largely through the exertions of J. L. Shiman and others of that village. A. L. Fuller, then teacher of the San Lorenzo schools, was chosen captain ; Henry Smith, first lieutenant ; J. L. Shiman, second lieutenant ; and Leonard Stone, third lieutenant. The Guards purchased a cannon and were ready for any emergency. At that time the whole county was boiling with war fever. The commissions of the officers were signed by Governor Low and Adjutant-General Evans. The Guards belonged to the Second brigade, California militia. H. W. Meek assisted much in the organization of the Guards. During the Civil war California furnished for the Union army about fifteen thousand volunteers -and raised about three hundred and sixty thousand dollars for the Sanitary Commission. A profound sensation was caused by the intelligence of President Lincoln's assassination. On April 17, 1865, the board of supervisors held a meeting, there being present Messrs. Fassking, Farrolly, Meek, Overacker and Green. Mr. Far- roily offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : "Whereas, The sad intelligence has recently come to us of the death of our beloved President, Abraham Lincoln, who has been inhumanly murdered in cold blood by a brutal assassin, the like of which cowardly assault does not find its parallel in the history of the world, therefore be it "Resolved, That as we have always loved and respected Honest Old Abe, Our Good President, while he lived, and in common unison with our fellow-citizens throughout the Union, we are sad and sorrowing today at the great loss our nation has sustained, trusting in the God of our fathers, who has always sustained our nation, and who ever keeps her destiny in his hands to still uphold our country during this terrible affliction. It is hereby further Resolved, That we do now, as a board of supervisors, adjourn without transacting any business until the first Monday of May, and that all matters coming before us at this time be continued until the said first Monday of May, and that the sheriff of the county be directed to drape the court house with appropriate badges of mourning, the same to remain thirty days." The Oakland council on April 18, 1865, unanimously adopted the following resolution: "That the untimely death of the Chief Magistrate of the Nation at this particular crisis, is a calamity that must be deplored by every good citizen, coming as it does at the very commencement of the fruition of the great and ;¦ . .' ¦ THE HAYWARD TROOP DRILLING IN THE EARLY '60s ?« il m g 9 I HAYWARD'S COMPANY OF VOLUNTEERS IN FRONT OF HAYWARD'S HOTEL IN THE EARLY '60s HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 133 patriotic measures which he virtuously maintained and vigorously upheld during the long and trying period of his public career. We confess that our grief is mingled with the fear that no living man can accomplish all that his patriotic devotion could have achieved. In view of the great loss which the people of the American Continent, and of the whole civilized world, have sustained in the catas trophe, we recommend that all places of business be closed on the 19th day of April, .1865, and that our citizens generally participate with the people of the United States on that day in rendering homage to the history and memory of the Great Departed." In Oakland the signs of mourning were general, the newspapers turning their column rules, and the public and many private buildings being draped in black. On March 26, 1866, the Jackson Guards, another military organization, was allowed by the board the sum of $50 per month for rent of an armory.' On April 4th further payments to military companies were ordered suspended to await legislative action on the militia law,, which subsequently allowed them warrants up till April 1, 1866, and no farther. In 1872, when the number of companies in the National Guard was reduced, each regiment in the Second brigade losing two, the Oakland Guard was mus tered out, but the same evening was again mustered in as an unattached organi zation. The early captains were James Brown, Harry N. Morse, W. C. Little, A. W. Burrell, H. D. Ranlett, Henry Levy, A. L. Smith, and Thomas H. Thomp son. The company's first captain was elected marshal of the city in 1863. The third captain of this company was Colonel Little, who later took so prominent a part in bringing the Oakland Light Cavalry into existence. In all its military duties the Oakland Guard ever held the foremost position. The armory of the company was located at the corner of Central avenue and Washington street. Oakland Light Cavalry, Second brigade, N. G. C, was organized in 1877, thirty-three members signing the roll at a meeting held on the 31st of July. On the 7th of August the following officers were elected: W. C. Little, captain; E. S. Woodward, first sergeant; J. E. McElrath, senior second sergeant; T. H. Allen, junior second sergeant; C. M. Burleson, secretary; Thomas Prather, financial secretary; W. H. H. Graves, treasurer. The corps originally had their meetings in the old armory hall on Thirteenth street. The Oakland Light Cav alry were mustered into the service of the state, September 23, 1878, with forty- nine rank and file. Hancock Rifles, Company C, was organized principally from the Hancock fire brigade, a political body of about 200 members, which had done service dur ing election times in the interest of the democracy. After the election the fire brigade found its occupation gone, and a committee from its ranks was appointed to select suitable young men for a proposed independent military organization. The outgrowth was the Hancock Rifles. Temporary organization was effected with Henry Levy as captain and Martin Ryan as lieutenant. In a remarkably short time the Hancock Rifles had the reputation of being the best independent military organization in the state. The company was mustered into the state militia as a part of the Third Infantry regiment, and given the official title of Company C. The permanent officers were as follows: Captain, Henry Levy; first lieutenant, Martin Ryan; second lieutenant, Will S. O'Brien. 134 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Lyon Post, No. 8, G. A. R., was organized December 10, 1878, and was the first in the county. It had twenty-two charter members, as follows : G. W. Hagnet, George W. Barter, C. P. H. Buck, Thomas E. Park, H. C. Wells, D. C. Lawrence, Dr. W. C. F. Hemstead, George W. Boxley, Samuel Watson, F. L. Parker, James Hill, Moses H. Beal, P. G. Potter, A. W. Cutter, P. Fitzpatrick, L. G. Culver, William McKay, Henry Buck, P. E. Cooney, James Mete, A. W. Collins and J. C. Darneal. G. W. Hagnet was the first post commander. Joe Hooker Post, No. 11, G. A. R., was organized in Alameda on December 29, 1879, largely through the influence of James Cook. The charter members were James Cook, William Seymour, A. J. Bancroft, Charles Boehse, H. F. Poindexter, D. B. Taylor, Harvey McCoun, Dr. R. H. Cummings, H. Gritt, H. F. Prindle and A. F. Wolff. James Cook was the first commander. Lou Morris Post, No. 47, G. A. R., was organized at Livermore, September 23, 1882, with the following charter members : F. F. Caruduff, G. W. Langan, B. F. Land, D. M. Connor, L. H. Cutter, J. N. Brown, W. S. Low, B. F. Bram- ian, E. B. French, J. T. Jacker, G. B. Shearer, C. J. Pullen, James O'Brien, W. W. Colestock, Alpha Clark and I. N. Cone. F. F. Caruduff was the first com mander. Appomattox Post, No. 50, G. A. R., was organized on March 22, 1883, at Oakland. The founders were J. Fredericks, Thomas Todd, T. H. Allen and W. R. Thomas, who withdrew from Lyons Post. At the date of organization the membership numbered nineteen. W. R. Thomas was the first commander. Lookout Mountain Post, No. 88, G. A. R., was chartered November 14, 1885, and held its first meeting on the 20th. The charter members were O. B. Cul ver, H. B. Cole, W. F. Bickford, M. J. Acton, Henry Hyer, Dr. W. M. Hilton, T. M. Crud, W. R. Botton, B. D. Boswell, C. Fricks, John Boyd, Gilbert Smith, W. D. Norwood, A. L. Palmer, William McCleave, C. R. Lord, T. Grubestein, F. Gast, James Heuggins and A. Kschieschang. O. B. Culver was the first com mander. On June 21, 1884, Appomattox Post, held an open meeting at which the ladies were present upon invitation. The question of a relief corps was dis cussed and the same evening the ladies met and organized the Appomattox Woman's Relief Corps, No. 5, with thirty names signed to the original roll. Mrs. May E. Parritt was the first president. In July, 1884, Lyon Woman's Relief Corps, No. 6, was organized with forty ladies as charter members. Kate McGrew was the first president. The Loyal Ladies league here was organized in 1886 under the name Mother Bickerdyke Post, No. 5; Mrs. D. F. Winchester being the first president. Its objects were about the same as those of the woman's relief corps. The Oakland Guards arid the young students of the California Military Acad emy, all under the command of Maj. S. N. McClure, participated in the celebra tion of Washington's birthday in San Francisco in 1875. The splendid marching of the cadets was greatly admired and warmly commented upon by the news papers then. Oakland Guard, Second brigade, N. G. C, Capt. H. D. Ranlett, was reviewediat Music hall by Colonel Amedburg in April, 1875 ; he was assisted by Major Savage and General Thompson. E. B. Jerome was president of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Club in 1877. As its name indicated the club was composed of soldiers and sailors who served in HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 135 the Union army of the Civil war. All the old soldiers of the county were by special circular invited to join the club. It was a social and political movement independent of the Grand Army. At this time Mr. Hubbard gave an inter esting account of the march of the last detachment of the California volun teers en route from New Mexico in 1866 to San Francisco to be mustered out and President Jerome gave an account of the battle of Ball's Bluff where Colonel Baker met his tragic death. In May, 1877, a committee of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Club of Oakland, consisting of Judge Daniels and Messrs. Dunning, Gibson, Cushing and Winkler visited Mountain View cemetery and decorated the graves of the deceased heroes. The Oakland Light Cavalry elected the fol lowing officers in ,1877: W. C. Little, captain; E. W. Woodward, first lieu tenant; J. W. McAlvath, second lieutenant; H. T. Allen, brevet second lieuten ant; E. H. Woolsey, surgeon. The Mexican War Veterans Association was organized about 1878 and at one time had thirty-five members. Maj. John L. Bromley was president. General Hancock and wife and a party of friends passed through Oakland in December, 1883. For a short time they were the guests of General Kirkham. He was visited by a large number of old soldiers. while here. Detachments from Appomattox and Lyon Posts called upon him. The camp fire of the G. A. R., on January 20, 1884, was a notable occasion. Thomas, Garfield, Lincoln and Meade posts of San Francisco- and Joe Hooker post of Alameda were entertained by Lyon and Appomattox posts of Oakland. The entertainment consisted in music, tableaux, toasts, speeches and stories and took' place before a packed house in Germania hall. On the main floor were the old soldiers who ate from tin plates, tin cups and other articles used in camp life. Portraits of Washington, Lincoln and famous Union generals adorned the walls. Promptly at 8 o'clock the veterans of the Mexican war, grizzled and old but noble looking, filed into the hall escorted by the band and greeted by a tempest of cheers. During the performance the stirring notes of fife and drum re-echoed through the hall. W. R. Thomas was master of ceremonies. Among the special pieces were the following: "The Soldier's Farewell," a. tableau; "The Soldier's Dream," a recitation by Maud Stover; a tableau repre senting the same subject; "Life in Andersonville Prison," a tableau; Music— "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp the Boys are Marching," "Star Spangled Banner," "Yankee Doodle," "Marching through Georgia;" "The Soldier's Return," a tableau; "Peace," a tableau with Mrs. Inwall as Goddess of Liberty and thirty- eight little girls, the daughters of veterans representing the states. John L. Bromley, a Mexican war veteran, responded to the toast "The Veterans of the Mexican War;" C. M. Renne responded to "The Grand Army of the Repub lic;" Doctor Wythe to "The Widows and Orphans of the Late War;" J. E. Benton to "Army Ration and Army Beans." All sang "The Old Fashioned White Army Bean" ending with the words, "Beans for breakfast, beans for dinner, beans for supper, beans, beans, beans." R. Staples spoke on the "Depart ment of California, G. A. R. ;" George C. Perkins on the "Stars and Stripes." He made the striking point which electrified the vast audience, that there would be no California, no Oakland and no one present that night if it were not for the Mexican war soldiers. Mr. Dibble of Arizona responded to "Our Flag;'" Col J C Tucker of the Joe Hooker post read an original poem entitled "Appomattox— Put by the Knapsack;" Nellie Holbrook, a veteran's daughter, 136 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY read "Sheridan's Ride" and "Barbara Fritchie." Mr. Thomas then gave a humorus parody on Barbara Fritchie, which greatly amused the audience. John Ellsworth responded to "Our Departed Comrades." Great applause marked all stages of this splendid performance. The Pacific Military Academy was founded by Rev. David McClure, Ph. D., in January, 1865, as a private school. The superiority of his course of instruction, which combined military discipline with a full literary course, soon became known and so numerous were the applications for admission that Doc tor McClure was forced to enlarge his establishment and employ assistants. The school at this time was located on Ninth street, near Franklin. A roomy addition was built the first year after the founding of the school. The number of cadets constantly increased, and in 1867 a new site was purchased by Doctor Mc Clure, and the following year the main building, was erected, but in 1870, it was found to be insufficient for the accommodation of its increasing patrons, and another large building, three stories high, was built and connected with the armory by a covered passage. The first floor was used for recitation rooms, and the two upper floors as dormitories for the cadets. A destructive fire occurred on the 20th of September, 1873, which completely destroyed this qew building, the armory, barns, and other outhouses. The main building, upon which there was a heavy insurance, was saved intact. Doctor McClure imme diately set to work to have the destroyed buildings rebuilt, the school in the meantime occupying the building then recently vacated by the state univer sity. Very soon the new buildings, much larger and finer than the first, took the place of those destroyed, and in the space of two months' time were finished, furnished and ready for occupancy. In January, 1884, Doctor McClure re signed from the management of the California Military Academy at North Oak land and was succeeded by Col. W. H. O'Brien who for ten years had been the principal teacher there. Monday, August 9, 1886, was a day long to be remembered in Oakland. The entire city was decorated in honor of the annual meeting of the G. A. R., the stores were all closed and the parade was gay and brilliant in the extreme. There were six divisions in the parade and scores of appropriate mottos were carried. The parade of the thousands of school children bearing mottos and banners was perhaps the most notable feature. Among the mottos were the following: "Heroes, the children of Oakland greet you;" "We give you prom ise for the future, as you gave us safety in the past;" "We are training in the school room for the Grand Army of the future;" "Cheers for the visible — tears for the invisible Grand Army;" "Your deeds shall ever be our inspiration — we will learn well and never forget the lessons of this day;" "We like you mighty well — come and see us again." Mrs. General Logan reviewed the children's parade. John A. Logan, R. A. Alger, General Fairchild, Governor Stoneman, Gen eral Turnbull and many other noted military men were present. All leaders were given separate and special receptions and shown every honor and consideration pos sible. The reception to the veterans was called "Oakland's Day," of the Twentieth National Encampment. The executive committee of arrangements invited the county board to participate in the services. The invitation was accepted and the county buildings were ordered duly decorated. On July 31, a formal re ception was given Gen. W. T. Sherman at Masonic hall for the benefit of the HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 137 Appomattox drum corps. There was a very interesting program. He was intro duced by Captain Thomas and was received with a storm of applause. He spoke briefly amid much enthusiasm and hand clapping. On the same even ing he was received by Lyon post at Grand Army hall. The posts of Alameda and Berkeley were present; also the Mexican war veterans. He was welcomed by Commander Admy in these words: "General Sherman, by the memories of olden days, on behalf of the old soldiers present, I welcome you here." The general answered in a short and characteristic address in which he alluded to the time when he lived on the bay before Oakland had an existence. The death of General Grant was appropriately observed in this county in 1885. The county board passed resolutions of grief and condolence and draped the county buildings for thirty days. In the churches memorial services were held and the unselfish loyalty of the dead hero was painted in linguistic flowers. The courts adjourned, the schools closed and the towns were draped in the trap pings of death. Orators at mass meetings depicted in eloquent periods the splendid and historic scenes through which the deceased general had passed with so much credit and glory. Through the streets of Oakland solemnly passed the long civil and military parade. In packed halls, J. W. Martin, Rev erend Doctor Horton, Mayor Playter, Col. E. A. Sherman, Col. J. P. Irish, R. G. McClellan and others told what a debt the nation owed to General Grant. The G. A. R. posts were present and conspicuous in all the said memorial serv ices. The large stand seating 3,500 people at Harrison square did not accom modate half of the people who wanted to hear the orators and fine, sad dirges and beautiful national airs. All the school children of the city attended the services. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, that we, citizens of California, offer to civilized mankind this formal evidence of our appreciation of the life, labors and example of General Grant, and that without distinction of creed or party we declare him worthy the place he holds among the great est men contributed by our country to the embellishment of the world's history. At first, when the news was received that the Maine had been blown up, there was little excitement here, because it was thought that perhaps it was the result of an unfortunate accident; but as time passed and it began to be believed that the disaster had been caused by the Spaniards, indignation was violently expressed and a desire for revenge took possession of the community. On April 23, 1898, the President called for 125,000 volunteers to be appor tioned among the various states and to serve two years unless sooner discharged. At this time the members of Companies A and F of Oakland and G of Alameda were drilling every night. Promptly came the notification that California would be called upon for two regiments of infantry, two battalions of infantry and four heavy batteries. The newspapers of Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda posted hourly bulletins while the early excitement lasted, and later at critical periods of the struggle. D. M. Connor of Pleasanton announced that he was prepared to enlist a company of 100 men for the war. He stated that he wanted all his recruits to come from the three "cow townships" of the county — Eden, Murray and Washington. A. W. Feidler, president of the board of trustees, Livermore, called a meeting of the citizens of Murray township to consider what action should be taken if any. It was announced humorously at San Leandro that the first men to be drafted for the war would be the bachelors, but this 138 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY was declared by others to be a maneuver to force them into matrimony. A number of students at the state university were members of the National Guard. This and the stirring news were sufficient to roufse che patriotism of the school, because many there announced their readiness to leave when needed. Prof. A. P. Hayne offered his services to Governor Budd. Lieut. S. A. Cloman in charge of the cadet battalion was ready to go at a moment's call. A branch organization of the Red Cross Society was promptly organized at a big meeting in Berkeley. Col. Charles H. Greenleaf, who had been ordered to the front, made the principal address, after which 141 persons signed the roll. The fol lowing officers were elected: President, Mrs. Charles R. Greenleaf; vice-presi dents, Martin Kellogg, George E. Swan, Harry Hillard; secretary, Mrs. George M. Stratton; treasurer, Whitney Palache. The objects of the organization were to assist the soldiers in the field. At the Grand Parlor in Nevada City, patriotic resolutions regarding the war with Spain were passed. From the membership of the Ebell Society at Oakland a branch of the Red Cross was organized on May 1st. There was a large attendance at the First Congregational church, Mrs. G. D. Abbott presiding. ' T. O. Crawford of the Lincoln school announced that a junior society of the Red Cross had been formed by his pupils, two of whom addressed the audience. About a dozen persons spoke briefly on this occa sion. Reverend Doctor McLean said he had no heart nor enthusiasm in the war. Col. John P. Irish thought the war might go on for years and other coun tries become involved. At this time the Berkeley branch of the society was fully organized. There were six Alameda county boys in the fight at Manilla bay. A Red Cross league was formed at Alameda on May 3d at the house of Mrs. George Mastick. On May. nth, the Red Cross league of Oakland moved into the Central Bank building and held daily meetings. They became affiliated with the national society. Steps to raise $2,000 for Red Cross work were taken. In March, 1898, Company A contained about sixty men, with Charles T. Poulter captain ; Company F had seventy-five men with L. C. Wenk captain ; and Company G had sixty men with M. W. Simpson captain. All had antici pated war with Spain and were ready to march at the time the thrilling news was received that the Maine had been blown up in Havana harbor. In April, 1898, the people of this county generally admitted that unless Spain should con cede the demands of the United States war should follow. Ministers who dwelt upon the horrors of war admitted that sometimes it was necessary in order to secure permanent and satisfactory peace. Reverend Hobart said, "Shall we fight Spain? There are certain conditions under which we must fight. As a nation we fought for our independence and before God were justified. As a nation we fought to preserve the Union and by Deity and history we have been justified. There are two conditions under which we will be justified: (1) Unless Spain makes just amends for the destruction of the Maine; (2) Unless she ceases her barbarities in Cuba." Other ministers, the newspapers and public speakers took about the same position. At the first rumor of war a paper was circulated among the students of the university binding those who signed it to enlist in case of war. Many appli cations to enlist in Company A of Oakland were made. The first organized body of Oaklanders outside of the National Guard to forrrially offer its services to the Government was Gage's Artillery Drill Corps. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 139 The officers were Francis J. Gage, captain, Louis Bermont, lieutenant and twelve privates. They passed the examination at Angel Island on May 10. Gates' artillery in May was refused admission into the service as such. They declined to join the regular army, and at once began to recruit a full company for the volunteer service, not knowing then that the National Guard organiza tions would be given the preference. Immediately after the message of President McKinley had been read to Congress on April nth, Capt. C. K. King called a meeting of Company A, Old Guard of Oakland, First Regiment California Veteran Reserves, for Wednes day, April 13th at 474 Eighth street. This step was taken in response to a let ter received from the National Volunteer Reserve of New York, with which were associated W. H. D. Washington, president and Generals Schofield and McCook. The letter said in part: "Your very patriotic letter just received and in reply we take pleasure in forwarding you a few enlistment blanks. We will appreciate whatever aid you may render the movement. The national reserve is to be called out by the constituted authorities only in time of foreign war against the United States, or in case of invasion of our territory." Previous to this date (April 11, 1898) Robert W. Patton had written to the President offering his services in case of conflict with Spain, and was answered that the matter had been referred to the Secretary of War. On April 13th, Wil liam J. Dingee donated the use of a large storeroom at 474 Eighth street to the veterans of Oakland for a drill room in their preparations for the war with Spain. To be in readiness Company A elected the following -officers : C. K. King, captain; H. H. Woodruff, first lieutenant; S. P. Knight, second lieutenant. The company at this time voted to turn out at funerals of veteran soldiers in Alameda county, carrying the flag, having the drum corps and taking rifles to fire salutes over the dead. On the first evening the company drilled for half an hour on the new ritual. "Oakland leads the way. Our organization of Com pany A, First Regiment, California Reserves, sets the pace for the rest of the state."— (Tribune April 15, 1898.) At the Young Men's Republican league meeting of April 15, resolutions endorsing the course of President McKinley toward Spain were passed. They were introduced by James Oliver of Berkeley. At this time the league num bered 360 members. With the opening of war on April 21st, the board of pub lic works passed resolutions directing city officials to raise the national flag above the municipal buildings. At the same time the police and fire commissioners passed resolutions that in case any policeman or fireman should enter the army he should be entitled to his position again at the conclusion of his term of service. On April 19th, a force of soldiers passed through this county bound for Chickamauga; they comprised Batteries C and F from the light artillery at the Presidio, San Francisco — 147 men w.ith eight guns under Captain Pettit. A large crowd gathered at the Broad Gauge Mole to see them. On April 20th, the First regiment of the regular army passed through this county bound for the East. They were bombarded with flowers by the enthusiastic crowd that assembled at the mole. Among the troops was SergeantJVIajor McCleave of Berkeley. On April 28th, Col. F. B. Fairbanks notified Company A to sign the 140 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY roll and otherwise be in readiness for service. Company F and Company G received similar notice. The completed rolls of Companies A and F were sent to Adjutant-General Bar rett on May I, 1898. Each company had considerable of an emergency roll. In all parts of the state the Sons of Veterans organized for the war. Captain King organized the company in Oakland. A volunteer list was opened at Niles, W. B. Kirk, Fred Hamptman, F. B. McKay and V. L. Philipot being the first to sign the enlistment roll. The young men of Oakland organized a cavalry troop on May 16th, with E. C. Leffingwell as captain. On May 17th the colored citizens of Oakland met at Bethel Church and secured 300 signatures for service in the war against Spain. The First Regiment of California Volunteers left San Fran cisco for Manilla on May 25th under the command of Col. James F. Smith and numbered 1,086 men. The farewell demonstration was grand and inspiring. Late at night on May 23d the Tenth regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers, 640 strong, arrived on two special trains and spent the remainder of the night at Peralta. Oakland had prepared to give them a fitting reception, but they arrived too late. On the 24th, as they passed through the city on their way to San Francisco, several thousand people gathered and cheered them and treated them to fruit and flowers. Decoration Day in 1898 was celebrated at Oakland with more than ordinary sentiment and grandeur owing to the existence of the war with Spain. There was a splendid parade and the graves in the cemetery were decorated with due honor and publicity. Rev. A. T. Needham was the orator. The parade contained the depleted ranks of the old veterans. On July 1st there were three battalions of four companies each at Camp Barrett: Company G of Alameda was in the Second Battalion and Company F of Oakland was in the Third Battalion. All were given the new name of the Eighth regiment, California volunteers, and were commanded by Col. Park Henshaw. Camp Barrett was located on the Bruguiere place beyond Fruitvale. On June 27th Lieut. C. C. Covalt with about twenty men of Company F went there, took possession and hoisted the flag. The next day many tents were erected and four companies from San Rafael, San Jose, Santa Rosa and Colusa arrived and encamped. The remainder of Company F reached Camp Barrett by the 28th. Soon after the war commenced the Red Cross Society of Alameda County was organized at Oakland. At the first meeting $2,000 was raised or pledged. On May 26th, $1,000 was sent to the Kansas soldiers. On July 2d the Oakland council appropriated $100 for the Red Cross service. By the middle of August the Red Cross Society had raised a total of $15,000 for the soldiers, of which $6,991 was cash and the balance mostly supplies. In July the Red Cross tent at the camp was in charge of Mrs. C. J. Martin. At all times the volunteers were well treated by the society and generally by the ladies of this whole community who brought or sent them flowers, fruit and delicacies and otherwise tried to soften the rigors of camp life. No sooner had Camp Barrett been occupied than the Christian Commission erected there a large tent where religious services could be attended by the volunteers. Later the Red Cross Society secured the old Howe house in Piedmont and converted it into a convalescent hospital for the soldiers. Several score of sick men were cared for at this necessary institution. In a short time Camp Barrett became unsanitary as it did not have suitable drainage, HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 141 and the soldiers were obliged to leave that vicinity and pitch their tents elsewhere ; all moved to a position across the track of the Laundry Farm road. In September three eastern and three California regiments were encamped in this state. As the weather grew colder they asked for barracks. In August the Eighth regiment drilled in San Francisco at a celebration ; Colonel Henshaw was commander. About August ioth it became known that the Eighth regiment would be sent to Manilla within a short time. The third fleet for Manilla left San Francisco on June 26th. Almost at the outset of the war boys at the university began to leave and enlist in companies at San Francisco and elsewhere with the hope of thus getting into the service more easily and quickly. At the battle of Manilla with the fleet of Admiral Dewey were several boys from Alameda county, among them being F. M. Cushing on the Olympia and L. A. Eberlin on the Petrel. In the spring of 1898 General Warfield commanded the Second brigade, N. G. C. No sooner had the war commenced than he organized the First Cali fornia regiment of which James F. Smith was appointed colonel. Through their promptness the regiment was accepted for service in the Philippines and Colonel Smith became ranking officer of the volunteer troops sent to the islands. In this regiment were twenty to thirty men from Alameda county. The entire regiment of twelve full companies sailed from San Francisco on May 25th on the City of Peking and was accompanied by all the craft in the bay as far as the Golden Gate. The last farewell parade in San Francisco was an elaborate and impressive affair. Members of the Red Cross societies were conspicuous both in the parade and in the farewell at the harbor mouth. The regiment took away many carrier pigeons which brought back messages from the boys when they were far out at sea. The regiment went first to Honolulu and then to the Philippines where it participated in the battle of Manilla, the fighting around Luneta, and the engage ments at Paco, Santa Mesa and other points. It lost a total of thirty-eight killed and one missing. All of the Alameda county boys returned. As soon as it was announced that the First regiment would return in August, 1899, elaborate preparations to give it a grand reception at San Francisco were made. As soon as it was announced that the returning boys were off the Golden Gate an imposing naval parade met them and escorted them amid waving flags and booming cannon to the wharf. Market street, San Francisco, was a scene of color and beauty rarely witnessed even on that famous avenue. In the glittering parade were Companies A, F and G of Alameda county. The soldier boys of Oakland, first to return from the war, were not given a public reception by the citizens generally, which fact aroused much unfavorable and uncomplimentary comment. The matter was finally taken up by Company A, of the Veteran Reserves, and a reception was arranged in honor of all who retired to private life when the Eighth regiment was mustered out. They were given a magnificent reception and banquet at Loring Hall, Eleventh and Clay streets, on August 29, 1899. The reception was really given by the veterans of the Civil war, the Grand Army posts, the Daughters of Liberty and the Women's Corps assisting. The welcome in Oakland took the form of a parade, banquet and dance to all Alameda county boys who had served in the Spanish- American war. They were received at the railway station and escorted with due pomp through the streets to Loring hall, where they were addressed by Captain King, Mayor Snow, Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Abbott, G. W. Arbuckle and A. C. Henry. The boys thus so 142 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY fittingly received and entertained were as follows : W. A., Varney, George C. Eldridge, W. H. Hosmer, John Milledge, P. H. Raine, C. P. Hirst, John Bickford, Henry Luhrs, A. M. Jones, M. Loftus, S. A. Newman, Albert Bethin, W. E. Spofford, L. M. Thomas, G. W. Dell, A. M. Smith, J. E. Luttrell, Albert Berlin, C R. Griffith, O. A. Poubson, Albert Egger, J. M. Hubbard, E. Harvey, M. K. York, Walter Carman, E. J. Leary, J. H. Robinson, W. A. Thompson, J. H. Kleupper, S. W. Piatt, Q. C. Haly, Alexander Less, S. Kelleher, J. J. Silcox, E. J. McKeon, G. H. Sheppard, Robert Mudge, Fred Field and F. W. Field. Alameda also gave the boys a formal reception. In the summer of 1899 the people of the state prepared to give every volunteer in the war with Spain a suitable medal as a permanent badge and memento of his services. There was organized in this county several volunteer medal fund committees authorized to collect money with this object in view. The Native Sons of the Golden West were active in this movement. In August Alameda county contributed $600 to the volunteer medal fund and sent that amount to the central committee in San Francisco. Decoration day in 1899 was duly and beautifully observed under the auspices of the Grand Army posts. The streets were paraded and at the cemetery the graves of the old soldiers were decorated. Rev. Alexander Blackburn, of Oregon, was orator of the day. In 1899 the Fifth regiment was reorganized with A. K. Whitton as colonel. He had formerly been lieutenant colonel of the old Fifth, but when the Eighth was organized he became major therein and served in the volunteer service until the Eighth was mustered out. In September, 1899, the alumni of Berkeley high school gave an informal reception to its members who had gone as volunteers to the Philippines and returned with honor — Russ, Berger, Hughes, Wilson, Riggs, Mix, Webster and others. The model for the memorial statue for the California volunteers who lost their lives in the Philippines was prepared in 1903-04 by Douglas Tilden, the distinguished sculptor of Oakland, and was accepted by the committee of prominent citizens in charge of the matter. Mr. Tilden also designed a statue of Father Junipero Serra, a monument to the dead soldiers of Oregon, and Senator White's memorial for Los Angeles. The first annual state encampment of the Service Men of the Spanish-American War was held at Foresters hall, Thirteenth and Clay streets, Oakland, in Decem ber, 1913, under the auspices of the Oakland camp. CHAPTER IX HEALTH AND DISEASE, MEDICINE, ETC. In 1856 there were only four medical practitioners in Oakland — Doctors New- comb, Edward Gibbs, J. C. Van Wyck and a Frenchman, De la Tavel. Doctor >Newcomb was an enthusiastic conchologist as well as a doctor. He presented his shells to Johns Hopkins University about 1876 and about the same time accepted a professional chair in that institution. In i860 the Alameda County Medical Association was organized. The orig inal records are missing, but a reference to the association in a San Francisco newspaper states that six or eight physicians were present, among them being two from that city. Previous to this date health measures were taken by the city authorities and it is presumed that a health officer or a board of health was appointed. The county board, almost from the commencement, were required to appoint a county physician whose duty was principally to care for the sick indigents. The statutes of 1850 established a Marine hospital at San Francisco, to which the sick of that city could be admitted upon proper application. Further legislation in 1851 located state hospitals at Sacramento and Stockton, and in April following, $2,000 per annum was allowed to the city of San Diego for the care of indigent sick arriving at that port. In May, 1853, a general law was passed establishing a state "Indigent Sick Fund," providing means for its maintenance and prescribing the manner of its distribution to the organized counties of the state. This law was amended and its scope enlarged by the act approved April II, 1855, which among other matters delegated the care of indigent sick to the boards of supervisors of the respective counties, giving them power to appoint physicians, to erect hospital buildings, to levy a tax and to draw from the state hospital fund the amount apportioned to their county quarterly. Under this act on May 1, 1855, the board of supervisors appointed Doctors D. C. Porter of Oakland, A. W. Powers of Eden, H. C. Sill of Washington, and William Wilworth of Clinton, county physicians, who were allowed $2 per visit and $1 per mile trav eling expenses, and in July following the first requisition was made for the amount of hospital fund due. The first bill allowed on this fund was to W. J. Wentworth for medical attendance, etc., on Frederick Campbell, $183. The board of physicians was continued, with various changes and one removal, until January 1, 1856, at which time they were all discharged, the supervisors probably feeling- that the bills resulting from their former order might prove a serious matter. The care of indigent sick was delegated to citizens. The matter continued in this .condition until the following August, when it was decided to procure a suitable place and care for the indigent sick; accordingly a contract was made with Orrin Hamlin to that end, at the per capita allowance of $12 a week. This arrangement continued but a short time, and on April 4, 1857, an voi. 1-10 14JJ 144 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY order abolished the county hospital from date and again committed to the care of the supervisors the sick of .their respective districts. In February, i860, a proposition was received from St. Mary's hospital, San Francisco, offering to take charge of the indigent sick of the county at a per diem charge of $1.25 per capita. Without hesitation the offer was accepted, and presumably all who could be safely moved were at once transferred thither, and yet among the allowances shortly afterward made was one of $146.25 to the hospital, and an aggregate to others for the same purpose of $488.30, from which it may be inferred that either the hospital was unable to attend to all the indigent sick in Alameda county or that the private citizens found county nursing far too profitable a source of revenue to be tamely surrendered. From the establishment of the hospital in Oakland, August 16, 1864, to December 31, 1882, there were 3,778 admissions, of whom 466 died and 3,197 were discharged, cured, improved or left voluntarily. The new county infirmary was occupied about August 15, 1870, this being the date from which Dr. Coleman, the first attending physician, was paid. In 1874 the number admitted was 191 and the total 227. Number discharged, 162; total amount of warrants drawn, $16,117.01. On April 12, 1875, the board of supervisors ordered the erection of four new wards at a cost not to exceed $1,000. On December 2J, 1877, a corpo ration named the Oakland Homeopathic Hospital and Dispensary Association, founded by the ladies of the county, petitioned the board of supervisors for the use of two rooms in the city of Oakland wherein to establish their institution and afford free medical aid to the poor. The petition was denied at the time, but afterwards, on February 11, 1878, an allowance of $40 per month was voted with the understanding that the supervisors should have the privilege of sending patients to their establishment. The following report of the infirmary for the year ending December 31, 1882, was presented to the board of supervisors : "The Alameda County Hospital was located in Oakland August 16, 1864. From that date to 1869, a period of five years, there were 356 patients admitted for treatment; 200 were discharged cured, 91 improved or left voluntarily, and 54 died. In 1868 the board of super visors purchased 123J/2 acres of land near the foothills, 2^ miles from San Leandro and 10^ miles (not 14 or 16 miles as often stated) from Oakland, for an infirmary, paying therefor $5,535. In 1869 a building was erected and the hospital closed in Oakland and the Infirmary established at its present location. Other buildings were erected in the years 1875, 1877, I&79 and 1882. At present there is room for nearly two hundred patients." In July, 1868, smallpox became epidemic in Oakland. The council at once passed an ordinance creating a board of health and vested the same with full powers to do everything possible to prevent its spread. Under an arrangement with the county the cost of procuring a pesthouse was equally divided between the city and the county, and the expense of maintaining the same was paid in proportion to the number of patients, the pesthouse being purchased and main tained for city and county purposes. In 1869 the Alameda County Medical Association was reorganized and a year later the State Medical Society was founded. In 1871 the American Medical Association assembled in Oakland, which fact drew wide attention to this locality. Dr. J. S. Adams began the practice here about this time. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 145 In 1870 the first board of health was established in Oakland and Dr. T. H. Pinkerton was appointed first health officer, occupied the position for four years and was succeeded by Dr. Sherman. Dr. J. B. Tremley died here early in Decem ber, 1890. He came here about 1870, was a member of the Alameda County Medical Society and at one time was its president and secretary. Orran P. Warren and Charles J. Draper, doctors of Oakland, were elected trustees of the Eclectic Medical Society of California in November, 1874. In January, 1875, the Alameda County Medical Society elected the following officers : E. Trevor, president ; E. L. Jones, vice president; C. S. Kittridge, secretary; H. P. Babcock, treasurer and librarian; W. Allen, H. P. Babcock and T. H. Pinkerton, board of censors. At this date the society numbered twenty-six members and held monthly meetings at the health office. In February and March there were scores of cases of typhoid fever or typhoid pneumonia in Oakland and it seemed almost epidemic. There were three cases in one house. The physicians were puzzled and reticent. Many persons contended that the city water was the cause — was impure. This view was no doubt correct, though the cause of that disease at this time was so little known that even yet many presumed it was due to the miasma arising from the flats in the southern part of the city. The disease was probably due to the excessive dry spell in the winter of 1874-75 when little or no rain fell for many weeks. There were six weeks of dry weather which included the whole month of December and during that period there was far more sickness than ordinary in that month. Then came a big rain and complaints ceased, but again dry weather came and with it a deadly return of various diseases. The board of health warned people to avoid the water of wells throughout the city. Doctor Sherman was health officer, he laid the source of the epidemic to the wells. The California Eclectic Medical College was organized in 1878, under the auspices of the board of trustees and faculty of the California Medical College, with the following officers : J. P. Webb, president ; Doctor McRae, secretary ; C. C. Mason, first vice president; M. F. Clayton, second vice president; J. H. Bundy, treasurer. The College building was located on Clay street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. Of the 76 zymotic cases in 1880, 20 were from typhoid and typho-malarial fevers; 13 from diphtheria and croup and 14 from cholera infantum. The total number of deaths from zymotic diseases was only 2.16 per cent of the whole. The mortality per cent from all causes was as follows: 1875, I3l 1&76, -14.19; 1877, 14.17; 1878, 13.32; 1879, 10.64; 1880, 12.91. The highest mortality from zymotic diseases from 1875 to 1880 inclusive was 4.14 per thousand in 1877. At this time health reports of children in the public schools were made. During 1880 the greatest fight was made against privy vaults and cesspools. It was formally announced that filth was the cause of the increase in the death rate. Smallpox was epidemic this year — an importation from China; a total of 21 cases resulted, of which 4 died. Quarantine prevented its spread. E. H, Woolsey, M. D., was health officer and city physician at this time. This year the total number of deaths in the city of Oakland was 452, less than 13 in each 1,000 of population. The number of deaths from zymotic diseases was 76. The health department called attention to the importance of constructing intercepting sewers at the earliest practicable moment in order to check the ravages of zymotic diseases, also to the importance of connecting home closets with street sewers and the danger of 146 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY using ordinary water from city wells. This death rate was a marked decrease from the two previous years. At this time a sanitary survey of the city was made. The July report of the health department showed a marked increase in the number of deaths from zymotic diseases. Five died of diphtheria, 5 of typhoid fever, 4 of cholera infantum — in all 23 died of zymotic diseases. The annual death rate at this time was 17.05. In August, with the population of Oakland estimated at 38,000, the death rate was 15.78 per 1,000; in September it was only 13.26. The city was one of the healthiest in the country. The steamer Newbern, Captain Rogers, arrived here late in September, 1883, with five cases of yellow fever on board. The vessel came from Guaymas and Mazatlan. Health Officer McAllister immediately placed the vessel in quarantine. The Pacific mail steamer San Bias arrived in port late in October with three cases of yellow fever on board and failed to notify the health officers of that fact. About half a dozen officers boarded the vessel without knowing that such was the case. There were 65 persons in the cabin, 37 in the steerage, 69 in the crew and 2 customs officers. The sick were placed in a barge and the well passengers Were boarded on the old hulk China until danger was past. In November, 1883, Mr. Hayes of the city council offered a resolution to the effect that as the city water was muddy, dirty and otherwise unfit for domestic use, the city should not be required to pay for it, in accordance with the terms of the contract with the Contra Costa Water Company. It was referred to the committee of the whole. The medical and dental department of the State University graduated seven dentists and eleven physicians in November. Among the former was Miss Maria A. Burch, the first lady dentist on the coast. The Homeopathic Hospital Associa tion in November passed a resolution asking the superior court for permission to mortgage its property for $3,500 with which to pay the debts of the concern. In 1887 smallpox spread over the city and thousands were vaccinated. Eight persons died of the epidemic. Late in February, 1888, there were here a few cases of diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, smallpox. At this time Oakland barely escaped an epidemic of the latter disease, which came later. From December 1, 1887, to April 1, 1888, the smallpox scare cost Oakland $4,759. The 50 cent vac cination ordinance of 1880 was still in force and this item was the largest on the cost list. Dr. D. D. Crowley and his assistants vaccinated about 4,000 patients during this scare period. Dr. Crowley refused to make his claim or the cost would have been much greater. During the smallpox epidemic of 1888 vaccina tion-was made compulsory and physicians were paid a fee of 50 cents for each person vaccinated. The smallpox hospital was called the Pesthouse. When this was full the surplus unfortunates were housed in the annex called The Farm. Mrs. La Ford was the nurse in charge; she slept in her chair ready for any sudden call. During one month in July and August, 1888, the board of health reported 34 cases of diphtheria, 17 cases of typhoid fever and 1 case of scarlet fever. Twenty- nine of the cases of diphtheria were traced directly to improper sewerage. Many spots in the city were declared nuisances, including Lake Merritt, which for many years had been used more or less as a cesspool and- had a coating of filth around its border. Health Officer Crowley said: "A nuisance which is now manifesting itself to a considerable degree and will hereafter be followed by zymotic diseases I HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 147 is that of Lake Merritt." At this time the board of health was doing heroic work to improve sanitary conditions. Oakland thus had a timely warning. The death rate had been for some time steadily increasing with exceptions. No longer could the city point to its low mortuary list and claim to be the most healthful city of the country — not until it was such in fact, made so by an- efficient sewer system. Neither diphtheria nor typhoid fever was raging here, but both were alarmingly prevalent. There were twenty- two cases of diphtheria in Oakland in July, 1888, and the health department gave warning that the disease might soon become epidemic unless checked at once. They stated that the disease was more deadly than smallpox, but less understood. The board recommended a marginal sewer along the edge of Lake Merritt and several main sewers to be connected with it so that sewage could be carried to deep water and the pipes could be flushed. The doctors agreed that filth was the cause and bad sewerage a correlative one — that unsanitary conditions prevailed in many portions of the city. At this time zymotic diseases were better classified here than ever before and the health department was better fitted to wage a successful war against disease. On July 11- 12 there were reported twenty new cases of diphtheria in forty-eight hours. No doubt there were many other cases not reported. Doctors Woolsey, Crowley, Agnew, Todd, Adams, Pinkerton, Liliencrantz, Bradley, Agard, Burchard and others were busy during this crisis. Doctor Woolsey remarked at this time, in view of the care lessness of the people generally in regard to health measures, that "some day the city would wake up rotten and do something." The sanitary inspector reported that "Complaints have come into the office from all quarters, and especially from East Oakland, the water front and Watt's tract. It is a common thing to find sewage running into the street. The Watt's tract district is in a bad condition. Hundreds of houses are not supplied with city water and as a consequence there is not proper flushing. Flarlan street is still without a sewer and the people continue to sewer into the street.. Abatements of such nuisances in East Oakland are only temporary owing to the lack of satisfactory public sewers. The Twelfth street sewer empties into the estuary and the sewage is washed into Lake Merritt on every -flood 'tide and forms a deposit there. The dumps are disease breeders. The plumbing law is unsatisfactory." Doctor Crowley said: "These localities (named in his report) owing to their unsanitary conditions are breeding sickness and death. We have for over a year shown the necessity of completing the Main Lake sewer and preventing the oozing of sewage into the marsh. We have asked for a Com merce Street sewer, but the property owners object and they are dying off one by one." Dozens of locations in the city made serious complaints to the same dreadful effect. The board of health finally recommended to the council a survey for a marginal sewer along the east boundary of Lake Merritt. In January, 1889, the board of health found fault with their treatment by the city council; their recommendations were neglected. Dr. Crowley asked, "Why does not the, council show its disposition to do what the board of health, which has given the subject a thorough study, considers essential. The cause is in Lake Merritt. For years people were allowed to drain their sewers into the lake until it was gradually filled up with a mass of sewage that has covered the bottom of the lake. Instead of a lake of pure water intended to flush the Main Lake sewer, it has become a big cesspool 180 acres in extent. Many other places are equally 148 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY bad. The city is completely surrounded by those death traps. There is nothing to prevent an epidemic." (Dr. Crowley, June 17, 1889.) "We are surrounded by disease breeders on three sides and on part of the fourth. On the east there are Lake Merritt (polluted with sewage) and the bare mud flats of the north arm of the estuary ; on the south there are the water, front marshes on which the sewers discharge; on the west there are more marshes with sewers and dumps, and the same thing is true of the northwest. Therefore there is diphtheria all over the city. We do not desire to be classed as alarmists, but must make plain our sanitary condition. Last year there were a great many cases of diphtheria in Oakland. There will be a great many more this summer and fall. It is only a question of time when the disease will reach the proportions of an epidemic. An epidemic of diphtheria would give Oakland a black eye from which it would not recover for a quarter of a century. An issue of bonds is necessary to carry on the proper sanitary improvements." (Local paper, June 18, 1889.) The council took immediate action at this critical time, under the threatening prospect. There came appeals for proper sanitation from all parts of the city. Never before had the city been so thoroughly frightened and aroused as at this time.' An ordinance ordering the construction of a "complete and effective system of sewerage for Oakland" was promptly and unanimously passed on June 17, 1889. At this time Dr. Crowley recommended the adoption of the crematory system for city garbage. The board of health asked for $30,000 for immediate use. In December, 1889, Dr. George C. Pardee made an elaborate report on the quality of the water furnished by the Contra Costa Company. Doctor Wool sey did not agree with the report and said that it was exaggerated and injuri ous. Doctor Pardee said that the water was vile, that it was swarming with the rotting remains of animal and vegetable life, that when it was made less vile the zymotic death rate decreased, that when it was viler the death rate from zymotic diseases increased, that zymotic deaths were more frequent where there was the least precaution to free the water from impurities, that perfecting the sewerage did not reduce the zymotic death rate, that a poorly-sewered, well- filtered ward was not as unhealthy as a well-sewered, poorly-filtered ward, that the water was worse where the zymotic deaths were most frequent, and that over one-third of all the zymotic deaths in this city occurred around the dead ends in about one-twentieth of the territory of the city. The board of health passed a resolution requesting the council and the board of- public works to take such steps as they deemed best to compel the water company to properly purify the water it delivered to consumers in Oakland. A special committee of the board of trade, early in December, 1889, made formal report of its investigations of the sanitary conditions of Oakland. It made the following findings : ( 1 ) It may be safely declared that few cities are better situated for effective natural drainage than Oakland; (2) it may there fore be safely asserted that the sewer system of Oakland is an exceptionally good one and requires no sweeping modifications; (3) the city has an exceed ingly low death rate from zymotic diseases; (4) the chief source of zymotic diseases wherever it exists will be found to be imperfect house sewerage. The committee therefore recommended a bond issue to be limited to actual public needs as set forth in the report; also the deepening of Lake Merritt, the recla mation of West Oakland marsh, the omission of the north arm of the estuary Deaths Death rate 28 9.60 49 16.33 48 15-15 42 12.92 5i 14.23 45 "¦73 57 13.68 81 17.67 66 13.20 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 149 pending the Government's decision thereon, the correction of existing sewer defects and the use of the new ship channel to convey city sewage to deep water. The report further said, "The city having thus disposed of this vexed prob lem, adjusting the burden of sewer construction equitably upon the districts benefitted and bonding the city for general improvements only, in which all territory now or to be incorporated has an interest, the board of trade could properly suggest a hearty invitation to the adjacent territory to come into the city." This report was so different in plans from that of the board of health, that elaborate public discussion of the whole subject was renewed and continued for some time. < Oakland population Year estimated 1881 25,000 1882 36,000 1883 38,000 1884 39,ooo . 1885 43,ooo 1886 46,000 1887 50,000 1888 55,ooo 1889 60,000 In July, 1890, all the physicians of Oakland petitioned the city council to drain Lake Merritt immediately as a sanitary measure and said "The increasing deposit of mud in the lake is already a source of danger to the health of the surrounding inhabitants and by limiting its flushing capacity is a menace of dan ger to the residents of the large district drained by the main lake sewer." This petition was signed by the following doctors : F. L. Adams, W. H. Blood, M. M. Fish, George C. Pardee, E. W. Bradley, N. K. Foster, Mary Whitney, G. H. Aiken, John P. Reiley, J. B. Trembley, E. H. Woolsey, A. H. Pratt, O. B. Adams, S. I. Shields, William M. Brown, John Fearn, O. B. Metcalf, Gray Smith, N. W. Knox, S. J. Kellogg, J. R. Bradway, B. A. Rabe, G. H. Stockholm, E. J. Sharp, A. J. Russell, R. S. Clason, A. M. Taylor, J. H. Wythe, W. J. Wilcox, T. H. Pinkerton, I. E. Nicholson, A. Fine, L. S. Burchard, W. F. Southard, George A. Lathrop, F. Kirckein, R. L. Hill, E. J. Overland, L. P. Hess, H. P. Van Kirk, J. H. Todd, Richard Cannon, E. M. Patterson, G. E. Brinkerhoff, George J. Augur, J. C. S. Akerly, J. P. H. Dunn, A. H. Agard, W. E. Hook, L. Webster, J. M. Young, A. Liliencrantz, A. G. Anthony, R. Harmon. It was estimated that 300,000 cubic yards of mud would have to be removed, probably at a cost of not less than 14 cents a cubic yard, or perhaps as low as 10 cents. At the meeting of the State Medical Society at Los Angeles in April, 1890, Dr. J. H. Wythe, of Oakland, read a paper on "The Structure of the Blood Corpuscles and its Relation to the Practice of Medicine," and Dr. E. H. Wool sey read three papers on "Treatment of Synovitis of the Knee Joint," "Treat ment of Fraction -arid Dislocation of the Wrist," and "Re-section of the Elbow Joint." 150 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY The Oakland General Hospital was established early in 1890 and was prac tically under the management of the Alameda County Medical Association. It was intended for the care of persons afflicted with all ills except those of a contagious character. About the year 1890 Dr. F. E. Price began the practice of veterinary science in Oakland. In 1893 he was appointed by the board of health to inspect the dairies, meats, markets, milk and animal products generally in an effort to dis cover the cause of the typhoid from epidemics. Soon he established the Oak land Veterinary Hospital and secured Dr. R. A. Archibald as assistant. The latter had been connected with the United States Bureau of Animal Industry and with several veterinary institutions. In 1890 about seventy-five thousand dollars was spent on the sewers of Oakland. In 1889-90 the number of sewers built was forty-two, and in 1890-91 the number was fifty-six. Late in May, 1891, the mayor appointed Dr. H. L. Bradley, a homeop- athist, on the board of health. This act was opposed by the allopathic mem bers of the board, who declared the step was a dangerous innovation that would disorganize the department when eclectics, hydropaths, scientists and all other so-called medical schools should likewise be represented on that body. The mayor favored the appointment of a homeopath on the board, but encoun tered such opposition that he relinquished the attempt. Previous to this time Doctor Selfridge, a homeopath, had been appointed on the board, whereupon all the allopathic members resigned, but were reinstated when Doctor Selfridge withdrew. In May, there were reported to the board of health twenty-one cases of diphtheria, four of measles, six of scarlet fever, four of typhoid and typhoid malarial fevers, four of whopping cough. Doctor Bradley, the newly appointed health officer was completely ignored by the allopathic members of the board. In June an election was ordered by the county board to determine the question of a sanitary district for the town of Lorin. Oakland Free Clinic Association met in Doctor Woolsey's hospital in August, at this time, after an existence of about two months. In June fifty-seven patients were treated and in July 101 were treated. Ladies were managers of this association. Mrs. M. W. Kales was treasurer and Mrs. J. M. Driscoll, president. The staff of physicians was as follows : Surgery — E. H. Woolsey, J. P. Dunn and E. R. Sill'; medicine — H. E. Muller, C. M. Fisher and W. P. Mauzy; diseases of women — J. H. Wythe, J. J. McCullom and M. L. Johnson; eye, ear, nose and throat — G. C. Pardee and H.-G. Thomas; dental surgery — T. W. Hall, W. E. Brooks and J. M. Dunn. In August, 1891, the board of health stated that action was needed at once to improve the sanitary condition of the city. Doctor Woolsey said the water was good, but the air was bad, especially near the sewer outlets. Doctor Wythe said the odor arising from the sewers had been a standing menace of corrup tion and disease for many months and that if the city, were broadly awakened to the evil wrought it would not hesitate at the expense of a remedy. A motion was carried requesting the board of public works to take immediate action for the improvement of the sewer system and for the disposal of garbage. The annual death rate for July was 14.4. The public schools were declared to be in sound sanitary condition, though ventilation was not what it should be. The board resolyed that the passage of garbage through the streets between 6 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m. was a public nuisance. In response to a petition to that HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 151 effect the county board late in August, ordered an election to be held in the dis trict between Oakland and Berkeley on September 12th, to determine the question of the formation of a sanitary district within the county of Alameda to be known as "sanitary district No. 1." At the election it was ordered that a sani tary assessor and a sanitary board of five members should also be voted for. "The greatest menace to the public health is the sewage draining into and the garbage dumped upon the West Oakland marsh. The next greatest fault of our sanitary condition is the sewage deposited along the marshes and shores of our southern water front. Another evil which threatens the welfare of the vast population within our borders is the filling up of Lake Merritt which ere long will be incapable of flushing the main lake sewer without which this con duit would become in its entire length a testing cesspool." — (Health report [Dunn], February, 1892.) Doctor Pardee denied the conclusions of Doctor Dunn and said the marsh was covered twice daily with salt water and the filth there if there was any from the dumpings could be prevented. He declared that the board of health had repeatedly requested the council to prevent the dumping and to improve the sewers, which they had not done of the several years of urgent entreaty. "We are making a fight for health and against the hearse," said Colonel Irish in 1892. It is probably true that Colonel Irish did more for the improvement of the sewers and the health conditions in the 8o's and 90's than any other man. He took the position at all times, as did the board of health, that the sewers were the cause of the epidemics of zymotic diseases 'and thun dered his opinions through the newspapers and from the rostrum on all occasions. A case of leprosy was discovered here in May, 1892, by Health Officer Dunn. The victim was sent to the San Francisco hospital. A little later another case was found. At a meeting of the board of health on November 10th, there were present Doctors Woolsey, Anthony, Muller, Bradley, Wythe, President Anthony and Health Officer Dunn. The latter reported cases of smallpox and Doctor Wythe declared that the only opposition in regard to the cases came from the physi cians who were attending the patients, and that he did not- care to be a mem ber of the board and be hampered in his work by the medical fraternity. He then read the following statement addressed to the citizens of Oakland, which was adopted and ordered printed for circulation: "The Oakland board of health sees with regret a disposition manifest by newspaper articles and in other ways, to criticize unfavorably the efforts of the health officer of the board to protect the community against infectious disease. Whether from professional antagon ism and jealousy or other motives, it especially deprecates the interference of physicians who ought to be guardians of public health. The duties of the health officer are onerous and delicate enough without being rendered more difficult by the opposition of physicians themselves. A majority of the members of this board have satisfied themselves by personal inspection of the existence of a mild case of smallpox in ..Oakland, ana" 0f the occurrence oj an eruption resem bling varioloid in certain persons exposed to the disease. The health officer with the concurrence of a majority of members of the board, and in perfor mance of his duty, proclaimed a quarantine, which certain medical men of Oakland invoked the legal authorities to remove. Under these ' circumstances we submit to an intelligent public the question: What need is there for a 152 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY board of health officers ? Why not let contagion have full play with the doctors ? Clearly, if there be a doubtful case the public should have the benefit of the doubt." The doctor then noticed the differences between chickenpox, varioloid and smallpox. The board finally resolved that the city attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance that would enable the board of health to effectually guard the premises and people where contagious diseases existed, to vaccinate where necessary, etc. In June and July, 1893, Oakland suffered from a serious epidemic of typhoid fever. The Times and Tribune declared it was due to the defective sewers from which the city had so long suffered, but this was denied by Mayor Pardee who traced at least a portion of the cases to the milk of a dairy where the condi tions were filthy in the extreme. From June 1st to July 4th there were reported 341 cases of typhoid. This condition roused the city. like an earth quake. Both milk and sewers were thoroughly inspected and improved. One of the worst features of the case was the studied attempt to conceal the truth and to misrepresent and deceive so that outsiders would not be prevented from coming here by reason of the dangerous sanitary conditions. In September there was an epidemic of diphtheria at San Leandro and in spite of physicians it extended out into Eden township and finally reached Haywards. About this time San Leandro voted $15,000 in bonds to build a sewer system. By November the Oakland Clinic had been in existence three years, during which time it had treated free 2,943 patients at a claimed cost of about $100 per month for medicines. Doctor Woolsey asked for an appropria tion to cover this amount. The county board granted $50. The Oakland Free Clinic in 1894, treated monthly 600 persons free of charge; they asked for a monthly appropriation from the county board of $100 to pay for medicines, etc. The following physicians made this request : Doctors Woolsey, Muller, Thomas, Sill, Kuckein, Lynch, Fisher, Dunn and Legault. The board granted only $25. At the same time the Oakland Homeopathic Free Clinic, for the same reasons, asked for $50 per month; the board had previously assisted this clinic with $40 per month, and were now asked to renew the appropriation. This clinic claimed that the so-called Oakland Free Clinic was a new concern, but that theirs had been in existence several years and its good services were known to everybody. They were likewise given $25 per month. At the meeting of the Oakland Dental Club in January, the following offi cers were elected: Russell H. Cool, president; H. W. Meek, vice president; H. D. Boyes, secretary ; Cecil Corwin, treasurer ; Lewis Merriman, Sr., and Hackett, executive committee. In the spring the board of health of Alameda was the first to begin a sys tematic and persistent attack on tuberculosis in cattle — particularly in cows, apply ing the Koch tubercular test. Dr. Thomas Carpenter was employed and examined in nine months over 1,100 head of cattle, of which 330 were within the corporate limits of Alameda. Every cow found infected was condemned. Twelve cases of tuberculosis and four of actinomycosis were found within the city ; all ani mals were killed and a post mortem examination showed the unmistakable evi dence of the disease. In close touch with this important movement was D. R Caldwell, member of the Alameda Board of Health. In July, 1895, the board of health recommended a crematory but met no HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 153 encouragement to their requests. They investigated the milk supply and reported present too large a number of harmful bacteria. They condemned a considerable quantity of tuberculous meat and warned all careful. They flushed the sewers, and directed the sprinkling of the streets and cleaned up the city gen erally. The Alameda County Medical Association held a banquet at Hotel Metropole on March 10, 1896. Over forty physicians were present and a merry time was enjoyed with music, toasts, speeches, etc. Doctors Eastman and Buteau were toastmasters. Speeches were made by Doctors Overend, Adams, Melvin, Fitz gerald, Bradway, Rosborough and others. Among those present in addition to the above were J. S. Adams, D. D. Crowley, L. S. Adams, J. C. Akerly, E. J. Boyes, A. M. Taylor, J. H. Todd, H. J. Thomas, Myra Knox, N. K. Foster, F. R. Musser, T. L. Wheeler, H. N. Rucker, J. J. Medrios, N. L. Johnson, J. P. Kitchings, J. Moher, F. W. Morris, J. L. Mayon, E. N. Patterson, F. H. Panie, A. H. Pratt, S. J. Russell, S. J. Shuey and W. F. Southerland. Oakland was sup plied with milk from the following dairies : Morrell's Sunset Dairy in the Pied mont hills; Scandinavian Dairy; Oakland Jersey Farm at the head of Lake Merritt; Barker's Dairy at the head of Claremont avenue; Mountain View Dairy; Cordico's Ranch in Hays canyon; Carr's Dairy in Fruitvale at Twenty- third avenue; Swiss Dairy on the Redwoods road; Oakland Cream Depot; and Sweet Briar Ranch. The attempt of the board of health to have the council pass an ordinance requiring that consumption should be one of the diseases to be officially reported by attending physicians, was defeated by that body after a sharp contest. In July the county board refused to appropriate $25 per month for the Double Cross Free Clinic because the county was then contributing to the support of three other clinics, besides the Receiving hospital and the county infirmary. The application for help was denied by a unanimous vote. This act was criticised as penurious and small-souled. It was not because the county lacked money, nor because the clinic did not merit help, but because the county board had grown tired of" doing well. Late in January, 1897, the county board passed unanimously a resolution discontinuing the allowance of $25 made monthly to each of three clinics. In the fall a resident of Alameda was arrested twice on the charge of selling impure milk in that town. His permit was revoked by the board of health, but he continued to sell. His cows were examined by experts and several of the animals, it was publicly announced, had tuberculosis and their milk contained the germs of that disease. One or more of the experts had given the dairy a clean bill of health, which fact caused the owner to disregard the revocation of the permit and to continue the sale. The case was taken into court and although there was some difference in the opinions of the experts he was required to get rid oi the suspected animals. The Alameda County Medical Association noti fied local lodges that the practice of serving all the members -for a fixed annual sum should cease after January 1, 1898. They also opposed free clinics as against the best services of the profession. This was an emphatic and distinct move ment against the so-called "contract system." At this time the president of the association was Dr. H. G. Thomas. Early in December the board of health adopted recommendations condemning Contra Costa water and advising the dis- 154 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY continuance of its use in the public schools and elsewhere. The board ascribed the prevailing typhoid fever and kindred ills to its use. This action followed the reading of the report of the Pure Food and Water Committee and the report of Dr. Douglas Montgomery, bacteria specialist. The reports showed conclusively the unsanitary condition of the water of that company. In June, 1899, Health Officer H. W. Emerson quarantined thirty-two new cases of scarlet fever in Mission San Jose and reported that measles was prevalent in that vicinity. Scarlet fever broke out in the Mission first, and then spread to outer districts. - In the spring of 1898 the greatly increased death rate was ascribed to the newly annexed territory which had not had the sanitary advantages which had wrought such an improvement in health conditions in Oakland. In December, 1899, when it was proposed to quarantine California against consumptives, Dr. D. D. Crowley favored the measure and said it was certain to come soon. In 1900 the death rate in Oakland was less than it had been in any year since 1884; there were 896 deaths in a population of 66,560. Yet there were cesspool districts. The annexed territory needed-better drainage and demanded it as their right under the conditions of amalgamation. More zymotic diseases were reported from that district than from any other. The health officer gave due warning. The board of health of Alameda prepared to renew its war on tuberculosis on a more extensive and more effective scale. It passed resolutions calling upon all medical boards and institutions in the state to request the passage of a law to establish tuberculosis sanitariums for the care of patients and control of the dis ease which was declared to be contagious. Members of the Legislature from this county promised to help the movement. In the fall of 1900 the incorporators of Oakland College of Physicians and Surgeons met at the office of Dr. Frank L. Adams and among other doings sub scribed to the by-laws. The signers were Doctors Frank L. Adams, S. H. Buteau, D. D. Crowley, J. S. Eastman, E. N. Ewer, C. R. Krone, J. L- Milton, W. S. Porter, R. T. Stratton, H. G. Thomas, C. D. Hamlin and W. F. B. Wakefield. At this meeting the faculty was selected and included the above" physicians and a few others. It was provided that a surgical and gynaecological college clinic- would be carried on by Doctors Hamlin, Milton and Porter. Nearly $8,000 was subscribed by the incorporators for the running expenses of the college. It was planned to be in active operation by September, 1901, and to buy a site for the college buildings as soon as practicable. The institution was of the regular or allopathic school; A four years' course was decided upon. The trustees of the medical college secured an option on the land at the corner of Thirty-fourth and Grove streets and made preparations at once to erect a suitable structure. In November,, R.. A.; Archibald, city, bacteriologist, made serious disclosures concerning the, milk supplies of this city. In specimens examined the bacterial contents were far beyond what healthful milk should show. He said the revela tions were not only sufficient to condemn the milk for food, but for all other useful purposes as well. The health department prepared to inspect and improve the product of all the dairies. In January, 1902, Health Officer Von Adelung called the attention of the board of health to the importance of considering such diseases as tuberculosis, typhoid fever, diphtheria and scarlet fever in their relation to the home. The HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 155 communication was in the form of circulars addressed to the public and point ing out the dangers and warning all people how to assist in preventing the spread particularly of tuberculosis. Apoplexy caused 50 deaths in 1902-3, diphtheria, 53, valvular diseases of the heart, 93, tuberculosis, 132 and pneumonia, 118. It was recognized at this time that tuberculosis was the most formidable enemy the health department had to encounter. Every possible measure of prevention was adopted ; all cases were reported and free examinations of sputum made after October 10, 1902. The physicians generally aided in this movement for extermination. Premises were not placarded, but were fumigated upon the death or removal of the patient. The physicians of the city were almost a unit in the opinion that sputum aided greatly to spread the disease. Hence there were circulated 10,000 circulars throughout the city calling attention to the danger from this medium. An. anti- expectoration ordinance was procured and its enforcement was turned over to the police department. Steps to destroy all street and alley waste were taken with greater rigidity than ever before. Signs were put up in public places and on local trains. Pneumonia was likewise attacked through the sputum. In all 374 cases of diphtheria were reported. The source of this spread was not wholly learned, but was believed to be largely due to the use of a common drinking cup at schools, etc. With $150 from the city council the health board introduced diphtheria antitoxin with good results. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever and smallpox were kept down. Lectures on sanitation in the schools were commenced. The erection of a garbage crematory aided the department. Monthly bulletins began to be issued. Improvements in plumbing and sewerage were introduced. In 1900-01 there were 24 cases of smallpox ; in 1901-2, 52 ; and in 1902-3, 70. Dr. Edward von Adelung was health officer in 1902-3. Pauline S. Nusbaumer, M. D., was city , bacteriologist. She made hundreds of examinations, with both positive and negative results. The city chemist, Charles H. Rowe, M. D., conducted many examinations of water, milk, etc. R. A. Archibald, D. V. S., was meat, market and milk inspector. Health measures were far better than ever before. In 1903-4 154 persons died of heart diseases; tubercular diseases, 124; pneu monia, 106; apoplexy, 61; consumption alone caused 101 deaths. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles and whooping cough were kept under subjection. Ninety cases of smallpox were reported, but there were no cases from recently vaccinated persons. At this time, while the city expended $5,000 annually to control small pox, it spent comparatively nothing to control diphtheria and scarlet fever though during the past three years smallpox caused, but one death while the other two' caused 101 deaths. This year there were ninety-three cases of typhoid fever and twenty-nine deaths — an unusually high percentage. Sanitary lectures, medi cal inspection of schools, vaccination, antitoxin, pure milk crematory, better plumbing — all aided in conserving health. DEATH IN 1,000, ALL DISEASES 1893-4 I2-65 l899-° "-94 1894-5 I2-QI i9«>-i i3.-6o 1895-6 I2-°3 1901-2 12.80 1896-7 I2-22 :902-3 I3-72 1897-8 • ri-32 1903-4 12.81 1898-9 I2-°4 156 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY In 1905-6 heart diseases caused 169 deaths; pneumonia, 149, and tuberculosis, 125. Typhoid caused only 10 deaths. There were 29 cases of smallpox. The care of refugees from San Francisco was a feature of this year's work. Every department was active, efficient and resourceful. Sanitary conditions were better than ever before. It should be noted that the death rate was higher than reported owing to an over estimate in city population. After 1906 the reports were made monthly, and hence afford no basis for comparison. In January, 1909, the new Merritt hospital was opened to the public. It was the first endowed institution of the kind in the county. It was strictly modern in every particular. For many years the county maintained on Franklin street a medical and surgical station for emergency cases. By 1909 it had become wholly inadequate to meet the demands, whereupon the county board decided to recon struct the Receiving hospital. It was made large enough to meet the enormous growth of this community. In the fall of 1910 the county board took steps 'to give modern and systematic care to consumptive patients in the county infirmary by providing them with a separate pavilion and other conveniences. An inspec tion of the county infirmary early in 191 1 disclosed a state of affairs not at all creditable to the county. The congestion there was appalling. Long ago the buildings had become too small, but still others were added until all consti tuted a small village of ramshackle structures inconvenient, unsanitary and dis creditable to a county so wealthy and so prosperous. Adequate buildings were imperatively demanded. In March, 1911, over 3,000 persons — members of the various women's clubs — addressed a communication to the county board reciting the deplorable condition of the county infirmary and asking that body "to take steps toward the erection of a permanent building to accommodate the unfortu nate sick who are dependent on the county." Neither the board nor the hospital management was blamed. This communication was signed by over twenty-five presidents of women's organizations in this county. The board at once took steps to secure a site for such a new building. Previous to this date $60,000 had been set aside for the purchase of a hospital site and a surplus of $200,000 in the treas ury could at once be drawn upon for the proposed structure. Berkeley has had a board of health for many years, but it is only during the last four years that sanitation and inspection has been almost perfect. The emer gency hospital, the bacteriological laboratory and the food examinations are excellent and up-to-date. For the year 1912-13 there were in that city 428 cases of infectious diseases reported, among which were : Chicken-pox, 69 ; diphtheria,. 32; measles, 40; mumps, 80; scarlet fever, 38 (also 35 at the Deaf and Dumb Institute) ; smallpox, 13; typhoid fever, 17; pulmonary tuberculosis, 36; whoop ing cough, 16. The death rate was 9.28. Causes of deaths were as follows: Apoplexy, 42; cancer and tumor, 40; heart disease, 65; pneumonia, 21; broncho pneumonia, 24; smallpox, 5; suicides, 13; typhoid fever, 5; tuberculosis of the lungs, 32. From July 1st to November 30, 191 3, 8,468 different food establishments in Oakland were inspected. The bottled milk ordinance was rigidly enforced. The prevalence of rabies among dogs was studied and controlled. In January, 1914, the county board passed a resolution authorizing Charles P. Weeks, archi tect, to prepare plans for the following structures : ( 1 ) For a complete county infirmary hospital on the present site; (2) plans for a county infirmary and an infirmary hospital. CHAPTER X THE COURTS, BENCH AND BAR, ETC. Under the act of March 29, 1850, the state was divided into judicial dis tricts and John H. Watson became the first judge of district No. 3, composed of the counties of Contra Costa, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Monterey. Upon the creation of Alameda county in 1854, it became a part of the same district and so continued until the creation of the superior courts in 1880. The act creating Alameda county provided for a court of sessions to be presided over by the county judge and two justices of the peace. The first term of the court of sessions was held at Alvarado on June 6, 1853, with Adison M. Crane pre siding assisted by justices I. S. Long and D. S. Lacy. C. P. Hester was first district judge and A. M. Crane county judge, both of whom were elected in 1853. The former served until 1865 and the latter until 1857. S. B. McKee became county judge in 1857 and W. H. Glascock in 1859. Then John A. Lent served until 1863 when he was succeeded by Noble Hamilton. In 1864 S. B. McKee succeeded Judge Hester on the district bench and served until 1880 when the superior courts were formed. Stephen G. Nye became county judge in 1867 and served until 1880. The new constitution of 1880 gave the county two superior judges — A. M. Crane and W. E. Greene. In 1882 one more judge was allowed and Noble Hamilton was chosen. In 1884 E. M. Gibson succeeded Judge Crane, but was himself defeated by Judge Ellsworth in 1890. Mr. Hen shaw became judge in 1892 and F. B. Ogden in 1891 by appointment of Gov ernor Markham. In 1892 Judge Henshaw was elected to the supreme bench and Judge A. L. Frick succeeded him in this district. In 1896 Judge S. P. Hall succeeded Judge Frick. The bench and bar of Alameda county is and has ever been preeminent not only for its profound legal accomplishments, but for its forensic and oratorical ability and its rare acumen in court practice and procedure. Many important decisions that have stood the test of time and study were rendered in this county. In 1853 Hamilton & Coombs had their law office in one corner of the room used for a district court room and for a justice's court room. W. C. Pease was another lawyer there. Horace W. Carpentier was one of the first, if not the first, lawyer to locate in Alameda county. However, he did little general law practice, but used his legal lore and craftiness to get on the upper side of all the title to desirable land in the vicinity of Oakland. He seemed adept in the law of ejectment, unlawful detainer and squatter title. Though a young man he unquestionably possessed great ability and thorough knowledge of the law of real estate. In several contests Judge Crane decided adversely to Carpentier and associates, because Note: Much concerning court decisions will be found in half a dozen other chapters, notably in those on Oakland, Water Front Conveyance, the Harbor, etc. 157 158 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY they transcended their rights. They erected a cabin in the middle of Broadway, but were compelled by the squatters and other settlers to remove it. The early history of Alameda county and its leading cities is characterized by numerous extended, interesting yet vexatious claims and lawsuits which required the legal lore of the best lawyers of the state and all the wisdom of the courts. There were the receders in East Oakland, the water front ques tions, the Webster street bridge troubles, numerous assessment difficulties and the annoying incidents attending the removal of the county seat from San Leandro to Oakland. , The cells in the old jail at San Leandro were brought to Oakland and placed in the new jail in 1875. The removal of the county seat caused the Estudillo family of San Leandro to file a claim against the county and immediately after the removal it was found necessary to place a guard in possession of the old county buildings there. They had cost about $70,000. The family threatened to sue for the cells already removed for about $10,000. At this time the county owned an excellent vault in the county building at East Oakland, which in 1875 was removed to the new courthouse. The Case-Larue claimants con tested the right of this removal. Other early county judges were W. H. Glascock, John A. Lent, Noble Hamilton, Stephen G. Nye and R. A. Redman. The early district attorneys were W. H. Coombs, Will Van Voories, S. G. Nye, W. W. Crane, George M. Blake, O. H. La Grange, Stephen P. Wright, A. A. Moore, John R. Glascock, Henry Vrooman, E. M. Gibson, Samuel P. Hall and George W. Reed. The first criminal act in Alameda county took place shortly after its crea tion and was the shooting of Albert Scott by Franklin Uray on September 9, 1853. The justice of the peace did not think the case of sufficient gravity to commit Uray for trial. On October 20, 1853, Henry Colvin was shot by Frank Hale, near San Leandro creek. Hale was discharged by the justice on the ground of self-defense. The shooting of Henry Blake by Charles Martinez occurred on August 7, 1853. At the preliminary examination bail was fixed at $500. In 1854, the shooting at Constable Carpenter by J. B. Heap took place at the Gate House in Clinton township, where the constable was called to quell a disturbance. The inmates were having a dance, and all were more or less drunk and disorderly. Carpenter was hurt. On June 15, 1854, Garcia, Domingo, Marshall and McCoy were wanted for the murder of William Wettig. These men had gone to the foothills to hunt cattle thieves, and from the state ments made in evidence by them, came upon Wettig, with freshly-killed beef upon his horse. They made accusation, which resulted in a quarrel, when one of the Spaniards, Domingo, killed him, and then made for the hills. Garcia, McCoy and Marshall were apprehended, and the latter was held to answer as an accessory. About this date George Zimmerman, Charles Wilson and Israel C. Townley had a preliminary examination for an assault with intent to kill John C. Pelton at San Leandro, the dispute being in regard to the ownership of some hogs. Wilson and Zimmerman were held to answer. On July 7, 1855, John Doe was indicted for killing John Fanning. At the same term, a man called "Mack" and H. Hastings were indicted for killing Peter Rochblam, and Amada Canute. Antonio was indicted by the grand jury on August 17, 1855, for killing Joqquen by stabbing him in the back. The indictment was set HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 159 aside on motion of defendant's counsel, Benjamin Williams, on the ground that the county judge had no authority to call a special term of said court. On January 30, 1855, between the hours of one and three in the morning, George W. Sheldon was taken from the hands of the civil authorities in the city of Oakland conveyed' across the bridge into Clinton and there lynched by an excited multitude. He was guilty of horse stealing. The mob numbered from fifty to seventy-five men, all armed with revolvers. They overpowered the guard, beat in the door, seized the prisoner, and, almost as quick as thought, moved in order towards the bridge connecting Oakland with Clinton. On May 10, 1858, a man named Cruz was indicted for the murder of Frederico. He was tried at the July term of the court of sessions and found not guilty. A reward was offered by Governor Weller, for the arrest of the murderer of Ciriaco Sacre, a Chileno, who was cruelly slain on a little island near Alvarado about eighteen months previous. In April, 1859, a trial for murder against Thomas Seale before the third district court, at San Leandro, Judge McKee presiding, took place. He was indicted for the murder of Paul C. Shore. While the case was pending sev eral other shooting affrays took place — all in Santa Clara county. The case was tried in Alameda county. The jury failed to agree on a verdict. After another trial the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. In 1859, Miguel Marquis was tried for murder and a verdict of guilty was rendered. He was sentenced to be hanged on the 25th of November, but a new trial being granted, he was convicted of murder in the second degree and sent to prison for life. On December 2, 1859, Ventura Aipen stabbed to death Marcus Castillo, and was indicted at the January term following. He was tried, found guilty -of manslaughter, and sentenced to two years in prison. At the September term i860 Ah Path was indicted for stabbing and cutting to death, in Oakland, How Sam. The slayer was tried, found guilty of murder, and sentenced to be hanged January 11, 1861. Meanwhile a motion for a new trial was made and denied. The case was then appealed to the supreme court which affirmed the judgment of the court below. On November 19, i860, Ramon Romero was indicted for murder, was tried; found guilty and sentenced to be executed on January 1, 1861. A new trial was granted and he was acquitted, November 22, 1861. At the January term, 1861, Edward W. Bonney was indicted for stabbing to death Augusto G. Hirsch. The case came to trial in July following, and a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree was rendered. He was ultimately executed May 9, 1862. In 1 86 1 crime was rife throughout the county, especially in Murray town ship where it frequently occurred that the worst miscreants escaped the clutches of- the law. The sheriff being too great a distance to effectively interfere, he therefore appointed James S. Kapp his deputy for that district— the initial step towards suppressing lawlessness in that out-of-the-way section of Alameda county. -'Owing to the amount of individual lawlessness, the grand jury were three days in getting through the business of the January term. They returned eleven indictments, embracing all the range of crime from manslaughter to petit larceny. In November, 1863, a gang of Mexican desperadoes appeared at Alvarado, fired upon several citizens and then took to flight, but were promptly pursued Vol. 1—11 160 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY by the citizens and one of them was captured and hanged at the bridge over Alameda creek. In January, 1863, Judge Lent of the Alameda county court died in San Francisco after a long and painful illness. Noble Hamilton suc ceeded him, Asa Walker and George Fleming being chosen associate justices by Mr. Hamilton. Edward Tomkins came to Oakland to reside in 1863, and after a short time erected a cozy homestead on the banks of Lake Merritt. He was an able lawyer. His efforts to secure the removal of the county seat; his exertions in getting the splendid appropriations for the university; his advocacy of material inter ests, which might benefit the county and the city were highly praiseworthy. His last crowning act was a munificent donation to the University of the State of California. In January, 1864, the Mountain House conducted by Mr. Zimmerman was attacked and robbed by a gang of bandits. The only men present at the time were a Frenchman who was sick and a German. Through threats they obtained $100 of Mr. Zimmerman's money and a few dollars from the others. They were pursued and arrested in San Jose and brought to Alameda county, where they were tried, convicted and sentenced to fifteen years each in the penitentiary ; later the sentence of one of them was reduced to ten years. In March, 1864, A. A. Moore was admitted to- practice in the district court. Mr. Moore was the first law student from Alameda county to make such an application. Harry N. Morse was county sheriff from 1864 to 1878. He assumed the duties at the age of twenty-eight years and at that time the entire eastern and southern portions of the county were overrun by Mexican horse thieves, high waymen and cutthroats, among whom it was almost certain death for an Amer ican to go. He went quietly among them learning their ways and haunts, form ing their acquaintance, studying the ravines, canyons, passes and hills and was regarded with contempt by the lawbreakers. He was pale-faced and gentle, but had in reality splendid courage and a heart of oak. After he had become familiar with their habits his demeanor changed. He began to swoop down upon them like a hawk on a chicken at the most unexpected times and places. He appeared often in the very midst of their camps and fandangos, usually alone and single handed and snatched his man with unerring certainty from under the very noses of his companions. His success in killing the murderer Narrato Ponce in 1868 showed his nerve, determination and resources. Ponce had shot to death at Haywards a man named Joy with whom he had a quarrel at cards. The murder of Otto Lundonico in Sunol valley was followed by Morse in the same relentless fashion. He became convinced that Juan Soto and Bartalo Sepulveda were concerned in the murder, but for nearly four months he could get no trace of them. At last they were found in a cabin in Sausalito valley where Morse alone and single-handed, after his assistant had deserted him in the presence of several of the desperadoes, finally killed Soto after many shots had been fired by each by sending a rifle bullet through his skull after he had refused to surrender. In 1864 Jose Piazarro was tried for the murder of Juan Andrada, found guilty of murder in the second degree, and was sentenced to imprisonment in the state prison for ten years. A Mexican was lynched at Alvarado on November HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 161 23, 1863. A Frenchrnan named Cora was tried in 1866 for the murder of Sam uel S. Kennedy at San Antonio (Brooklyn), was convicted and sentenced to three years imprisonment. On September 24, 1865, Jose Ruparda stabbed one Rosindo. The murderer was indicted, tried, found guilty of murder in the second degree, and sentenced to thirteen years imprisonment. In 1865-66 Murray and Washington townships were infested by bands of horse and cattle thieves, stock poisoners, and incendiaries, and so incessant and daring were their depredations that a firm determination to put a stop to their maraudings was reached. To this end a meeting was held at Centerville, April 1, 1865, and a vigilance committee was formed. Thomas Scott was chosen president; Dr. J. M. Selfridge, secretary; and William Tyson, treasurer. An executive committee of twelve, members was also appointed. A reward of $500 for the conviction of the person who a short time previously poisoned a wheat field belonging to Mr. Ellsworth was offered by the committee. Edward Simpson, the owner of a store on the Stockton road, near Amador valley, was foully murdered by two men in 1866. Two men, one a black-whiskered man and the other without beard had stopped at Simpson's store and requested something to eat and a night's lodging, which was granted them. They were at once suspected. Every effort made to capture the assassins failed. The grand jury which met in January, 1864, declared the county jail a public nuisance. The board of supervisors appealed to the Representatives of the Legislature to have a bill passed as soon as possible, authorizing the levy of a special tax for the erection of a county jail and making needed repairs to the courthouse. A contract was entered into with Messrs. Kittredge & Leavitt for the construction of an iron cell to cost $1,600 a work that was at once pro ceeded with, reported complete, and paid for September 5, 1864. On May 23d a proposition to make the jail of the city of Oakland a branch of that of the county for the confinement of persons where the city was liable for the expenses of keeping, was received and referred to the district attorney. On August 8, 1866, the police judge complained of the smallness of the emoluments of his office. The yield for the first three months was but $203, or about $68 dollars per month. The judge in his report says: "No one can complain of the amount of labor the duties require, but the office, in contempla tion of law, having always to be open, necessarily confines the judge so closely that to do any other business is out of the question, unless he employ a clerk to take care of the office in his absence. You will at once perceive that the emolu ments of this office are wholly insufficient to cover one's actual expenses." This subject having been referred to a committee of the council consisting of Barstow, Wilcox and Shattuck, they reported August 22d, that the act estab lishing the police court contemplated the allowance of a sufficient additional sum out of the city treasury to make a reasonable salary. On August 29th his salary was fixed at $100 per month. The Legislature in 1866 passed the following bills: An Act to establish a police court in the city of Oakland and define its jurisdiction; duties and fees of court and its officers; to have a judge, clerk and seal; to have jurisdiction in petit larceny, assault and battery, breaches of the peace, violation of city ordi nances, city taxes, sums of money less than $300, bonds, recovery of city prop erty, license, etc., also an act in relation to the city courts of Oakland ; the mayor 162 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY no longer to exercise the power of a justice; the police judge should have power to hear cases for examination and could commit and hold offenders to bail also. On October 3, 1867, a Chileno, named Narrato Ponce shot Lewis Joy in the left side, the ball passing through the lung and body and killing him. Sheriff Harry Morse kept a sharp lookout for the Chileno and finally learned that he was in the mountainous regions of Murray township at the back of Livermore valley. Officer Conway, of Oakland joined Sheriff Morse, and both proceeded to Dublin where, leaving their buggy, thence started on horseback for the place where the murderer was supposed to be concealed. The sheriff and Officer Conway took positions at a gate leading into a by-path, in the shadow of a hay-stack, to await the coming of their man. About half-past nine o'clock the murderer and a companion arrived. The officers had the gate tied so as to prevent his escape. The Chileno opened the gate, tied it, and came towards the officers. When he got within ten feet of Sheriff Morse the latter drew a shot gun and order him to stop, which he refused to do, but turned his horse round quickly and started back, only to be met by Officer Conway, who leveled a six- shooter and commenced firing at him. Sheriff Morse discharged a load of buck shot at the murderer, striking him in the back, but the Chileno drew his revolver and shot twice at Conway without effect. With the last shot fired by Conway, Ponce fell from his horse ; but he was not so badly wounded as to prevent his running on foot along the fence. Conway had to go back to the hay-stack after his Henry rifle, which took him a little time, thus enabling the murderer to hide himself in the darkness. The officers hunted about for their quarry in the darkness -until 2 o'clock in the morning, but could find no traces of him. When daylight came they made a further search, and employed eight or ten Mexicans to aid them, and finally discovered the Chileno's coat completely riddled with buck-shot and balls. Half a mile from where this garment was found his boots were picked up. The murderer's horse was wounded in the thigh, and was not worth bringing away. On the 7th of November Sheriff Morse received a letter from Sheriff Classen, of Contra Costa county, informing him that Ponce was in that vicinity. Morse promptly reached the rendezvous, and accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Swain started for Cisco. They learned that instead of being at Cisco, Ponce was concealed in Rigg's canon near Monte Diablo. Officer Conway, of Oakland, again accompanied Sheriff Morse from San Leandro, and at 11 o'clock at night the party arrived at Rigg's canyon. They at once surrounded the house where the murderer was supposed to be concealed and waited for break of day. When dawn came a thorough search failed to reveal Ponce and scouting parties sent to the hills brought no tidings save the discovery of his hiding-place. An old native informed them that Narrato's hiding-place at that particular time was near the bay, at Pinole. They went to San Francisco, where they took passage for Martinez and on the following morning started for Pinole. They searched all the houses through the valley as they went. Arriving at the house of Jose Rojos they saw a man on the mountain side with a bundle on one arm and a shotgun on the other. Conway and Swain went into the house with instructions to let no one out until Morse had ascertained who it was that was on the hill-side. When Sheriff Morse reached the hill he heard Swain cry out, "He's here," and directly there after heard the report of a pistol shot. Morse immediately directed his horse HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 163 to the house on a run, when he discovered Narrato Ponce running away, trying to escape from the officers, who were shooting at him as rapidly as possible. A ravine intervening, Morse had to dismount. He immediately called upon the fugitive to stop and lay down his pistol, but the latter paid no attention and kept on running, endeavoring to make his escape. A shot from Conway struck him in the right hand, causing him to change his weapon to the other, with which he kept his pursuers covered. Finding that the villain was determined not to be taken alive, the sheriff concluded to finish the affair and therefore sent four shots from his Henry rifle after him, and all failing fired a fifth which ended his career. This case is given in full to show the desperate character of the villains of that time and the heroic determination of Morse and other officials. The reward of $500 offered by Governor Low for the arrest and conviction of Narrato was hardly sufficient to compensate the officers for the expense, trouble and danger to which they were put in ridding the state of a desperado said to be the superior in criminality and cunning of the famous Joaquin Muri etta. While scouting among the hills in search of Ponce, Sheriff Morse discov ered an old offender named Antonio Martinez alias Jesus Torres, an ex-convict, who had been evading the officers for six months. When he was taken into custody he denied his identity to the sheriff, but when brought into the presence of Conway and Swain, whom he knew, he lost courage and confessed. On October 22, 1867, complaint was made in the police court that John Thomas, colored, as principal, and his wife Margaret, as accessory, had shot and killed officer R. B. Richardson, at the corner of Ninth and Castro streets. Thomas was arrested and hurried to the jail at San Leandro, as rumors of lynching were rife. The shooting was done with an old fashioned double barreled pistol. Officer Richardson had been a member of the police force of the city of Oakland for about three years. In 1871 three men, among whom was a notorious Mexican named Juan Soto, with bandages over the lower part of their faces to disguise themselves, entered the store of Thomas Scott at Sunol and, paying no attention to the other inmates, attacked the clerk Otto Ludovisci and shot him, inflicting a wound from which he died shortly afterwards. The murderers being all well mounted escaped, but were pursued by Sheriff Morse. After a long chase and a desperate encounter he shot dead Soto. The entire party of desperadoes was afterwards captured, at their headquarters, close by, and. among them was found the notorious cattle thief, Gonzales, who had escaped from the Santa Cruz prison only a short time previously. Soto was a large and powerful man, a complete type of the traditional Mexican bandit, with long, black hair, heavy, bushy eye brows, large eyes of an undefined color, with altogether a tigerish aspect. He had served two terms in the state prison, and was generally regarded as the most formidable and desperate character living on this coast. He made one of the most desperate and daring fights on record. The sheriff secured his splendid black horse and his three formidable revolvers. Sheriff Morse distinguished him self -by one of the most daring and gallant acts that was ever performed in the history of detective work on the Pacific coast, and his own life was preserved only by the manifestation of astonishing self-possession and presence of mind. In March, 1873, Bartolo Sepulveda, against whom there had been a warrant out for two years, accusing him of being concerned in the murder of Ludovisci, came 164 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY to San Leandro and delivered himself up to Sheriff Morse, demanding a trial to exonerate himself from the charge. He was duly indicted, twice tried, convicted and sentenced by Judge McKee to imprisonment for life. Tomaso Rodendo, alias Procopio, a nephew of the celebrated Joaquin Muri etta, was suspected of being connected with the murder of John Rains,- in Los Angeles, in 1859. He escaped and came to Alameda county. In 1863 he was arrested for the murder of the Golden family in Alameda ; his accomplices were supposed to be Narcisco Borjorques and Celano Ortego. In attempting to arrest Borjorques, Sheriff Morse shot him off his horse, but he escaped to the bushes. Tomaso Rodendo was arrested in Alameda county for cattle stealing. When apprehended he shot the constable and got away, swimming the stream with his pistol in his mouth, persons shooting at him the while. He was subsequently captured and sent to the state prison for seven years, his time expiring in 1870. In 1873 Sebastian Flores killed Francisco Garcia near the house of Senor Higuerra, at the Warm Springs, Washington township. He was tried, convicted and sentenced to five years' imprisonment. In 1874, Thomas Thornton and Edward Edwards were sentenced to thirteen years' imprisonment in San Quentin for the robbery of W. J. Keating in Oakland. When being taken over the bay, Edwards made his escape. Previous to 1870 the grand jury usually finished its labors in two days. District Attorney Nye traversed the whole county; in 1867 he was elected county judge. In those days a lawyer's library consisted of Wood's Digest, Statutes, the Supreme Court Reports and a few text books. In 1867 Henry Vrooman came to Oakland and at first worked at blacksmi th ing. He began the study of law in this city in 1872 and was admitted to the bar in 1874 and soon afterward became deputy district attorney for A. A. Moore. One of his first important cases was the Hurll liquor license suit and opposed to him was J. C. Martin, one of the best read lawyers of the state. In 1876 he became city attorney. While in this office he rendered his opinion that San Antonio creek was a public water highway and as such could not legally be obstructed by any private person or company. The property affected by this opinion was over 4,000 acres valued at $12,120,000. In 1877 he was elected district attorney. In this capacity he maintained his authority before the board of supervisors when they were on the point of allowing certain claims which he claimed they had no power to do ; he said : "I am the law officer of this county and you are bound to take my advice upon a legal question. If you refuse to adopt my report and do allow those claims, I will lay the matter before the grand jury." In 1868 the city employed John B. Felton, then very prominent in legal mat ters, to look after the water front case. Instead of commencing suit against Mr. Carpentier he entered into negotiations with him and the railroad people to have the railroad to San Francisco extended by Oakland instead of Ravenswood and to transfer the water front to a new company. An act of the Legislature author ized the city authorities to compromise and settle all claims and causes of action whatsoever. The suit of Merritt vs. Wilcox in 1874 was a notable case. It was over the land upon which the Grand Central Hotel stood and the cost of constructing the HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 165 hotel. Hoge and Nourse appeared for plaintiff and McAllister and Bergen of San Francisco and James C. Martin for the defendant. After a long trial the jury returned a verdict largely in favor of Merritt — for nearly all he claimed — $70,680.50. The new jail building fronted on Washington street, between Third and Fourth streets, (1874-75). It was a two-story and basement structure, built of brick with stone facings. The outside was cemented. Its cost was about eighty thousand dollars. Thirty-two cells were finished at the start. In December, 1874, Philip and Alfred Wesser were tried in the police court on the charge of cruelty to animals preferred by Doctor Dinsmore. Z. Mont gomery defended and Vrooman and Moore prosecuted. After an amusing trial the jury returned the following verdict : "The jury after mature deliberation find the defendants not wilfully guilty, but do find that butchers should be more careful in handling their animals and be sure they are not feeding the community on distressed meat." A. A. Moore studied law under Noble Hamilton at San Leandro and began the practice late in the fifties. In 1870 he was elected district attorney and there received his first severe court training and made his mark. He was employed in the celebrated Toomes will case, defended Prindle charged with murder. John B. Moon was admitted to practice in this state in 1872. He married a daughter of Judge S. B. McKee. His practice was mainly in San Francisco. For many years he was counsel for the State University. F. E. Whitney graduated from the law school of Washington University, St. Louis, in 1882. He was in partner ship with his brother here for a time and then served as court commissioner of the county for several years. William H. Jordan was admitted to the practice in 1885. W. R. Davis was admitted to the practice in 1877 and was first a mem ber of the firm of Moore, Vrooman & Davis and then Vrooman & Davis. Mr. Davis became district attorney in 1878 and mayor of Oakland in 1887. He was retained by several large business concerns as their regular counsel. Among the important cases in which he was involved were Moore vs. Kerr, First National Bank ys. Wolff, Hawes ys. City of Oakland. Melvin C. Chapman studied law with Henry Vrooman and was admitted to the bar in 1884. He was employed in the celebrated Ah Yon case which involved the supremacy of the general law over city charters framed under the constitutional amendment, Wilson vs. the Street Railway Company; defended Silva charged with murder. Charles N. Fox was admitted to the bar in Michigan in 1856, and soon afterward became district attorney of San Mateo county. He served many years as attorney for the Spring Valley Water Company; was a member of the Assembly in 1879. In 1889 he was appointed justice of the supreme court by Governor Waterman. Alfred H. Cohen was admitted to the practice in 1882 and soon had a large clientele. John R. Glascock was graduated in law in 1867, and began the prac tice here the following year. He served as district attorney in 1876, was sent to Congress in 1878, and was chosen mayor of Oakland by an immense majority. J. E. McElrath was admitted to the bar in 1866 and practiced here for many years. W. H Chickering graduated in law from Harvard in 1875. He was for many years a member of the law firm of Olney, Chickering & Thomas. J. C. Plunkett studied law under Nathan Porter, San Francisco and was admitted to 166 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY the bar in 1873. He had a large general practice, but mainly in real estate and probate matters. The calendar had become so large by 1877, that the advisability of consti tuting Alameda county a separate judicial district was considered by the bar here. Judge S. B. McKee was compelled to adjourn court before all the cases were heard in order to open the regular session in San Francisco. The members of the San Francisco bar heartily agreed to cooperate with the people of Alameda county in the movement for a separate, judicial district ; they declared that San Francisco alone needed two additional district courts. Pursuant to call many members of the Alameda County Bar assembled in the courtroom on April 10, 1877, to take steps to have this county constituted an independent judicial dis trict. Among the attorneys present were the following: Stephen G. Nye, R. A. Redmond, Robert L. McKee, A. A. Moore, William Van Voorhies, Noble Ham ilton, S. F. Daniels, Zach. Montgomery, J. C. Martin, Marcus P. Wiggin, A. E. Costello, John Yule, Robert J. Christie, J. H. Shankland and E. J. Webster. Mr. Montgomery served as chairman and Mr. Wiggin as secretary. Messrs. Hamil ton, Redmond and Nye were appointed a committee to draft resolutions that would convince the members of the next Assembly of the urgent necessity of making the county a separate judicial district. A letter from Judge McKee was read, in which the necessity of the proposed action was set forth and urged. He declared that the accumulated and constantly increasing business of the court in Alameda county was sufficient for one judge and that the trial calendar in San Francisco contained 600 cases. The resolutions adopted recited the clogged con dition of the court and stated that it was the sense of the bar here that Alameda county should be constituted the third judicial district. Messrs. Redmond, Martin and Moore were appointed a committee to gather and present to the next Legislature such facts as would show the necessity of the action desired. Messrs. Wiggin, Van Voorhies and Hamilton were appointed a committee to confer with the San Francisco bar for cooperation in this movement. Amid much amuse ment a collection was taken to pay the cost of calling this meeting. At this time (1877) Oakland was the second city and Alameda the second county in the state in point of population. For several years the cases docketed were far too numerous to be prpperly disposed of in the time allotted by the court term. Sixty cases went over to the next term in April, 1877, for lack of time of the judge to hear them. Many of the parties were ready for trial. In addition there were about thirty cases under advisement awaiting the decision of the court. The whole community suffered from this state of affairs. There was thus a gen eral demand that Alameda county should be made a separate and independent judicial district. In July the case of the State vs. the San Francisco Chronicle was tried here and attracted much attention. That newspaper was charged with having libeled Senator A. A. Sargent and Congressman H. T. Page. Among the distinguished citizens present were George F. Gorham, secretary of the United States Senate, Gen. O. H. La Grange, of the Mint, Charles de Young, of the Chronicle, and several of the ablest attorneys of San Francisco. The large and increasing number of juvenile criminals early in 1877, was cause of serious reflection on the part of the county and the citizens. The grand jury in April found one or two true bills against each of six boys all under eighteen years of age and five of them but a few months over sixteen years. Burglary and HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 167 grand larceny were the principal charges. In the previous January the police made 244 arrests, of which twenty-eight were of boys under eighteen years of age; five were arrested on charges amounting to felony. In February 261 arrests were made, of which twenty-five were of boys under eighteen years. In March 264 persons were arrested, thirty-six being boys under eighteen years ; many were cases of felony. There was a general demand that the county should have an industrial school for such delinquents. In 1880 under the new state constitution the county probate and district courts were merged into the superior courts under three judges. The judges of the old district court had been for several years overworked; it was declared that Judge Crance became blind from overwork on the bench. Litigation had enormously increased. In 1863 there were commenced in the district court 101 actions and in the probate court nineteen new cases. In 1890 there were commenced in the superior court 758 actions and in the probate department 310 new cases. In 1883 Judge Crane, of the superior court, decided the case of San Leandro vs. E. J. Le Breton, deceased, in favor of the plaintiff, holding that Court square there was the property of the municipality to be used for common or public pur poses. In 1854 San Leandro was made the county seat. Later in the same year the town proprietors agreed to convey to the county four acres to be used for public buildings and the county authorities selected a tract 1 ,500 feet distant from Court square. In 1872 when the county seat was removed to Oakland the land .donated reverted to the original proprietors. The block known as Court square .remained open from 1854 to 1864, when one of the original proprietors built a stable thereon and occupied the land until 1883. In 1872 the town of San Leandro was incorporated. About the year 1871 Theodore Leroy bought of the town proprietors all the unsold lots and lands in the town and paid all taxes thereon ; until his death Judge Crane held that the intent of the town proprietors to dedicate Court square for purposes of public buildings was governed by their subsequent acts, and if the dedication was so intended they should have resumed possession in 1856 when they conveyed block 19 to the county, but it remained common, used by all the people thereafter. The fact that the square was left blank and was not divided into lots indicated an intent to devote it to public uses. The imposition of taxes on Court square was a void act. The trustees by such an act could not void the people's right to the .square. In the Oakland city prison in September, 1883,- there was a cell full of Chinese criminals and all were confirmed opium subjects. They were deprived of the drug and became desperate and almost insane through the deprivation. Their friends from the outside made desperate efforts to supply them with the drug, throwing opium cake through the bars, carrying it in on platters of rice, etc. Not infre quently in spite of all efforts, the entire prison would reek with fumes of the drug ; on one occasion the officers raided the Chinese cell and caught the inmates smok ing. They had constructed a pipe out of a soda-water bottle. They had even bored a hole through the bottle, covered the bottle with cloth, collected tallow from their meat, made a wick and lit it. Their "Yen hock" or wire on which the opium was burned was made of a hair pin. The neck of the bottle was the stem of the pipe. The tallow was the lamp. The prison vanished. Dreams of a Chinese Elysium filled the sodden brains of the prisoners. Happiness reigned 168 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY supreme. When the outfit was destroyed they repeated the same act of improvisa tion within forty-eight hours. In 1885 there were 26 suicides in Alameda county, 48 accidental deaths, 9 sudden deaths and 6 murders. Received at the county jail 1,359 prisoners, of whom 730 were vagrants. On November 26, 1886, the suit of the City of Oakland vs. James Dods and his bondsmen for $47,374.06, the amount of his defalcation while acting as city treasurer, came before judge Hamilton; J. C. Martin, A. A. Moore, W. H. Glascock, J. R. Glascock and Welles Whitmore appeared for the defendants and Judge Yule et al. for plaintiff. The case was dismissed in February, 1889, the city failing wholly and miserably to win. The case had been continued from time to time. A. A. Moore and John G. Glascock represented several of the bonds men. City Attorney Johnson, assisted by John Yule and Henry Vrooman, prosecuted. For many years prior to 1886 the attorneys of the county had often dis cussed the question of forming a local lawyers' association, but no definite steps were taken with that object in view until late in February when it was decided that such an organization was a necessity. Finally a list of lawyers whom it was deemed proper should be members, was prepared and a public meeting was called to complete the organization. The meeting was held at the office of A. A. Moore. A preliminary organization was effected with Mr. Moore as chairman and George E. De Golia, secretary. The following committee was appointed to draft a con stitution and by-laws : George D. Metcalf, R. M. Fitzgerald, A. M. Rosborough, A. A. Moore and George E. De Golia. It was agreed that each gentleman on the list already prepared, with a few additional names suggested at the meeting, should be declared a charter member of the association as soon as he should sub scribe to the constitution. The meeting then adjourned for two weeks. The lawyers assembled on the 13th day of March (1886), adopted the constitution and by-laws prepared by the committee and elected the following permanent officers : A. A. Moore, president ; J. C. Martin, vice-president ; George De Golia, secretary; George D. Metcalf, treasurer; A. M. Rosborough, Welles Whitmore and J. B. Richardson, executive committee and V. H. Metcalf, S. F. Daniels, J. R. Glascock, George W. Reed and F. B. Ogden, committee on admissions. At this time the association had thirty members. In May, 1886, the Anti-Riparian Irrigation Organization of California was organized in view of the attitude of the supreme court. The organization declared that the right of the people to appropriate water for beneficial purposes was paramount to any alleged rights of riparian owners; that the common law of England did not nor should not rule the property of this state ; that the common law rule as to riparian rights did not obtain here ; that if necessary an amendment to the constitution would be secured to subordinate riparian rights to irrigation rights; and that only such officials would be voted for as would support these measures. The Alvarado Club, Oakland Club and West Oakland Club of this organization and scores of individuals of Alameda county joined this movement. It received an immense membership from nearly every county in the state. The point was to have riparian rights not as vested rights. Early in September, 1888, Judge David S. Terry and his wife, Sarah Althea Terry, were brought here and confined in the Alameda county jail by virtue of HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 169 an order made by Justice Field adjudging them guilty of contempt of court in their outbreaks in the courtroom in San Francisco the day before. Clinton Terry, son of Judge Terry, resided in this city. While in jail they received many favors and visits from friends. After a few days R. Porter Ashe, Judge Terry's law partner, brought suit in the superior court of San Francisco, against J. A. Franks, United States marshal, to recover $10,000 damages, for false imprison ment, the object being to secure Judge Field's deposition as to his statement made in the commitment for contempt that Judge Terry attempted to use a deadly weapon on the marshal. It was twenty-nine years before that on the present site. of Oakland Terry killed Broderick in a duel. The letters written by Terry at that time were sent from the house of W. W. Blow on Olive street. Late in September the circuit court denied the petition of David S. Terry to revoke the order committing him to jail for contempt of court. At a meeting of the Oakland Bar Association in April, 1888, the following ticket was chosen : J J. Glascock, president ; S. P. Hall, vice president ; George E. De Golia, secretary; George D. Metcalf, treasurer; W. Whitmore, F. W. Hen shaw and E. Nusbaumer, executive committee ; V. H. Metcalf, A. A. Moore, R. M. Fitzgerald, F. B. Ogden and Charles Tuttle, committee on membership. In April, 1888, Judges Hamilton and Gibson decided that city justices of the peace had the same jurisdiction as police judges. In the trial of Benjamin Lichtenstein for murder in July, 1888, the defense was conducted by M. C. Chapman and W. W. Foote. Mr. Chapman's address to the jury was considered one of the ablest and most brilliant ever delivered in the county. His review of the evidence and conclusions therefrom were masterly in the extreme and was listened to by many of his fellow members of the local bar. He was warmly congratulated on his splendid success. The jury found Mr. Lichtenstein not guilty. J. M. Estudillo was trustee of the Eckfeldt estate. T. H. Rearden, a superior court judge of San Francisco, was former trustee, was removed by Judge Greene, but reinstated, but then refused to qualify. J. M. Estudillo was appointed in his place. Judge Rearden refused to turn over to Mr. Estudillo all the property of the estate including $32,000 of United States bonds and was cited to appear in court. He could not produce the bonds; he did not have them. His friends agreed to raise $10,000 and give their notes for the balance. The lawyers in 1884 were: A. A. Moore, Judge E. Nusbaumer, M. C. Chap man, H. F. Crane, George W. Reed, T. D. Carmeal, J. A. Johnson, city attorney, E. C. Robison, S. B. McKee, C. G. Dodge, R. M. Fitzgerald, J. E. McElrath, Judge F. B. Ogden, L. A. Church, A. M. Rosborough, G. M. Shaw, J. H. Smith, J. K. Piersol, H. A. Luttrell, Victor H. Metcalf, Judge F. W. Henshaw, Welles Whitmore, J. B. Richardson, E. B. Pomroy, A. W. Bishop, C. L. Colvin, Max Marcuse, Hiram P. Brown, Guy C. Earl, William L. Hill, John Ellsworth of Alameda. F. W. .Fry, Fred L. Button, Thomas H. Smith, Rhodes Borden, Cary Howard, T. A. Huxley, of Irvington, Fred E. Whitney, J. Burris, Edward K. Taylor, Frederick S. Stratton, E. O. Crosby, of Alameda, George W. Tyler, L. S. Church, Thomas Scott, Judge E. M. Hibson, Samuel P. Hall, district attorney. An important case in 1888 was the suit of the Spring Valley Water Works against Edward Clark and the Union Savings Bank to condemn land on Alameda creek for water rights. The defendant claimed that while it was true that the old 170 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Vallejo mill had thus diverted a portion of the water, it was only temporarily to run the mill and was then returned to the stream. In March, 1888, the judges of the superior court adopted new rules of court procedure and tney were put into effect at once. In October, 1888, the county board accepted the advice of District Attorney Hall to compromise the case of Rhoda vs. Alameda county, which had been pending since 1875, for $3,000 and costs. The suit was for $5,000 damages for removing the iron vault from the old brick building at San Leandro when the county seat was removed to Brooklyn. An important suit over several alternate sections of land in the southwest corner of Murray township was decided in favor of the preemptor late in 1888. William J. Field brought suit against the Central Pacific Railroad Company. It was shown that though Field sold the tract in 1861, yet as it was at that time uncertain whether it was public land or a part of a private Mexican grant, the sale was coupled with the understanding that if the tract ever became public land of the United States, Field should have the right to return to it and claim it under the preemption laws. Having done so as soon as the land was freed from the claim of El Sobrante in 1883 the sale did not deprive Field of his right of preemption to it. The case was decided by Assistant Secretary of the Interior Muldrow. In January, 1889, J. C. Martin and A. A. Moore formed a partnership under the name of Martin & Moore. George W. Reed became district attorney and withdrew from his partnership with Mr. Moore and united with Mr. Nusbaumer under the name of Reed & Nusbaumer. Noble Hamilton was appointed judge of the superior court by Gov. G. C. Perkins and served with distinction until he was superseded by John Ellsworth in January, 1889. As judge he was industrious, faithful and his decisions were rarely reversed. He possessed the confidence, good will and respect of the local bar. He resumed active practice. The case of the United States vs. Henry Curtner et al., was decided in the circuit court in February, 1889, in favor of the Central Pacific Railroad. The suit was brought by the United States at the request of the Secretary of the Interior to obtain a decree annulling the protests on 2,867 acres which land was originally granted to the Central Pacific Railroad Company from 1871 to 1873, but which was transferred by the land commissioner to California which in time had sold it to the defendants. The land was in Livermore valley and the following persons were affected: Henry Curtner, Samuel Davis, Samuel B. Martin, J. West Martin, W. D. English, John R. Deardorff, Anna T. Taylor, E. S. Wensinger, John O'Harra, Rasmus Bjoen, H. F. Crane, Thomas Newell, Le Grand Morehouse, A. S. Barron, James Barron, Bank of California, Franz Leberer, Patrick Armstrong, Garrison Gerst, C. G. Johnson, Sr., Anthony Thomp son, R. S. Carstenson, Francis Schwier, John Hinkle, T. W. Moore and others. The point decided was that the listing of this land to the state was a mistake and without legal authority. In April the judges of the superior court sitting in bank listened to the memorial upon the late Henry Vrooman presented by J. C. Martin, William R. Davis and George E. De Golia, the committee representing the county bar association. Eulogiums were delivered by Messrs. Martin, Davis, De Golia, Gib son, Ellsworth and Green. The proceedings were spread on the court records. J. E. McElrath endeavored to establish a law library in this city. He proposed HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 171 that all lawyers in the city should donate their law books except codes and reports to be used as a nucleus for such a library. The California Bar Association was organized in July at. San Francisco with Judge T. P. Stoney as president; in less than a year it had a membership of 340. As stated it was organized for the purpose of securing judicial reform. Much dissatisfaction had been expressed regarding the inconsistencies both in the enactments and in the procedure. The decisions of the supreme court lacked harmony and the uncertainty connected with any legal step became unbearable. Many lawyers of Alameda county joined this association. This year suit was brought on the relation of Edson Adams to test the validity of the proceedings by which the recent annexation of territory was made to Oakland. City attorney, Johnson, W. R. Davis and Olney, Chickering and Thomas defended on the part of the city. In May, a special committee of the Oakland Bar Association consisting of J. C. Martin, A. A. Moore, G. D. Metcalf, F. E. Whitney and J. R. Glascock pre pared an address to Governor Waterman urging the appointment of Judge W. E. Greene of Oakland as successor to Jackson Temple on the supreme bench. The address was long and highly complimentary and said among other strong state ments : "With a mind at once virile and judicial he unites a comprehensive knowl edge of law and a sound judgment of human nature and its springs of action which eminently fit him for a judicial office. We have found him quick to comprehend, acute and logical in analysis, tireless in investigation and accurate and just in judgment. He is not a case lawyer, but a student of principles and is absolutely fearless and impartial in the discharge of his official duties." Late in June, Governor Waterman appointed Charles N. Fox of Oakland an associate justice of the supreme court to fill the Temple vacancy. He had become prominent and powerful in the practice here. He defended Prindle charged with the murder of Doctor Buck and secured his acquittal. Doctor Bowers was defended by him here and before the supreme court. He came to Oakland in 1875, served on the board of education, was sent to the Legislature. The suit of Henry Pierce against the Spring Valley 1 Water Works was settled in the fall of 1889, the company compromising by paying the plaintiff a considerable sum of money to drop the case. The company had diverted the water of Alameda creek. Many suits hinged on this settlement. The grand jury in December made a long report which was sharply criticised by Judge Ellsworth in open court. He stated that they had exceeded their authority in casting innuendoes of wrong doing upon many office holders and others. The case of Edson F. Adams vs. the City of Oakland concerning the valid ity of the annexation of the territory north of Lake Merritt came up for trial in December, 1890. Judges Ellsworth and Greene rendered a decision against the defendant. They held that the annexed territory comprising the greater parts of Adams Point, Vernon Heights and other tracts north of the lake were not a part of the city, because the act of 1883 under which the annexation proceed ings were held was unconstitutional so far as it attempted to provide for annexa tion of territory to a city because it did not provide for the exercise of the elective franchise by residents of the annexed territory. This decision upset all the calculations of the city council and the friends of annexation. Taxes had already been collected from many in the annexed territory and generally 172 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY the city's sovereignty had been extended over the residents there. But the city took immediate measures to remedy the trouble. By 1890 the legal and judicial business of the county had grown into a vast system. As the social and commercial system became larger, more varied and more complex, it became necessary for clients to employ the best talent both on the bench and at the bar. In 1891 William Walkerley died in East Oakland leaving an estate valued at $650,000. He left a young widow to whom was born a son shortly after her husband's death. A considerable portion of the property was in this county. In court the claims against the estate were numerous. The following lawyers were present representing the various claimants : Martin, Williams, Hamilton, Sullivan, Ach, Plunkett, Bartlett, Olney, Bacon, Huxley, Coogan, Uhoon, Belcher, Nusbaumer and Firebaugh. The widow asked for an increased monthly allow ance from $420 to $833. An important case in 1891 was that of J. B. Marvin against F. D. Black to dissolve their partnership in the Piedmont Hotel ' and receive an accounting. It was tried before Judge Ellsworth and was bitterly contested on both sides. Mr. Galpin was attorney for Marvin and Mr. Fitzgerald for Black. The case was settled by the withdrawal of Black upon the payment to him of a sum of money. In May, 1891, the county board appointed Robert M. Fitzgerald trustee of the county public law library required to be formed under a recent law. Man damus proceedings against the county board in the matter of creating sanitary district No. 1 were withdrawn in September, 1891, and all the proceedings were accordingly set aside. Lorin had objected to the provisions in the petition. The boundary of the proposed district was very irregular but included the ter ritory between the southern line of Berkeley and a line twenty feet south of Temescal creek and the bay on the west and Claremont avenue on the east. In October the county board appropriated $1,250 for new books for the law library. Late in December, 1891, the supreme court affirmed the decision of the superior court of Alameda county in declaring the first annexation election raid. This was the suit of the people on the relation of Edson Adams vs. the City of Oakland. The plaintiff claimed that the city was illegally exercising municipal power and jurisdiction over territory not within its corporate limits. It was claimed that this suit was brought, not because the Adams estate had any grievance to remedy, but to test the validity of the annexation proceedings. Late in 1892 two additional judges for the superior court were demanded by the attorneys of the county. A petition for such a change was prepared to be presented to the Legislature and was signed by nearly every lawyer in the county, as follows : J. E. McElrath, E. C. Chapman, Langan & Langan, E. C. Robinson, E. H. Shaw, F. E. Whitney, E. M. Gibson, S. B. McKee, Melvin Chapman, T. M. Bradley, J. H. Smith, S. F. Daniels, J. K, Piersol, John M. Poston, F. L. Button, H. A. Luttrell, W. J. Donovan, Metcalf & Metcalf, Dodge & Fry, E. A. Holman, G. M. Shaw, C. E. Snook, G. W. Reed, A. L. Frick, Rob ert Edgar, T. C. Huxby, E. K. Taylor, D. M. Conner, C. L. Colvin, J. C. Plun kett, R. M.- Fitzgerald, C. H. Abbott, Frank J. Keauth, B. M. McFadden, J. B. Richardson, J. J. Allen, C. F. Craddock, F. B. Ogden, W. J. Robinson, Hall & Earl, C. J. Johns, R. B. Myers, Henry Miller, Max Marcuse, Fred V. Wood, F. W. Sawyer, E. J. Rodgers, S. G. Nye, E. Nusbaumer, T. F. Graber, A. M. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 173 Rosborough, A. A. Moore, W. D. Foote, John Yule, F. L. Krause, John R. Glascock, R. L. McKee, Cary Howard, J. W. Ward, E. H. Stearns, J. H. Brewer, Welles Whitmore, R. E. Hewlett, P. F. Benson, J. C. Martin, G. E. De Golia, H. B. M. Miller, J. A. Johnson, L. S. Church, H. A. Melvin, F. J. Brearty, R. B. Tappan, W. F. Aram, E. O. Crosby, F. C. Clift, H. F. Crane, A. W. Bishop and C. J. H. Palmer. In February, 1893, Governor Markham appointed Frank B. Ogden a judge of the superior court of Alameda county to preside over the new court created at this time. The county law library was closed to the public and to many of the lawyers who were taxed one dollar for each case filed by them. There were so many rules and regulations that the lawyers expostulated and declared that the library was of little or no use to them. It was managed by a board of trus tees and was opened every week day from 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock. Late in May, 1895, the four superior judges sitting in bank decided that the legislative authority of the city had the power to call an election for the pur pose of submitting proposed charter amendments to the qualified voters. The new board of public works was thus sustained in its proceedings. This decision legalized the amendments to the city charter. The banquet at the Athenian Club in November, 1905, given in honor of Judge T. W. Harris was attended by about forty members of the county bar, among whom were F. B. Ogden, James G. Quinn, J. E. McElroy, G. Nusbaumer, E. S. Page, G. W. Reed, E. C. Robinson, H. S. Robinson, C. E. Snook, J. W. Stetson, George Samuels, Mortimer Smith, E. E. Trefethen, W. H. Waste, L. S. Church, J. J. Allen, F. L. Button, E. J. Brown, Percy Black, J. J. Burke, T. D. Cornell, M. C. Chapman, Clarence Crowell, George E. De Golia, John De Lancey, R. M. Fitzgerald, J. R. Glascock, B. H. Griffins, S. P. Hall, W. H. L. Hynes, T. W. Harris, J. R. Jones, H. Johnson, G C. Earl, E. M. Gibson, Ben jamin Woolner, G. Russ Lukens, E. W. Eugs, Hermon Bell, R. C. Staats, P. M. Walsh, G. W. Langan, H. A. Melvin, D. F. McWade, Stanley Moore, P. J. Crosby, W. H. Donahue and E. G. Ryker. Speeches were made by Messrs. Chapman, Harris, Ogden, Melvin, Hall, Glascock, Fitzgerald, Moore, Lukens, Snook, Earl and Nusbaumer. George Reed, president of the county bar asso ciation, was -chairman of this meeting. The Alameda County Law Association gave a banquet on March 4, 1896, and covers were laid for forty persons. The banquet was sumptuous and the speeches short, witty, clever and apropos. Ben F. Woolner was toastmaster. There were present, J. J. Allen, C. E. Crowell, Frank B. Ogden, A. L. Frick, W. R. Davis and others. Several of the most prominent attorneys could not attend. In January Judge Frick formed a partnership with ex- Judge Henry Good- cell formerly of San Bernardino county, under the firm name of Frick & Good- cell. The young men of the Alameda County Law Association held their first meeting under the new constitution on January 13, 1897. Much of the evening was spent in considering the life and works of Lord Erskine. The young law yers' meetings were distinctly beneficial to the whole Alameda county bar. At their gatherings they discussed and analyzed many knotty and perplexing cases. Particularly did they discuss to what extent it was best to disregard legal prec edent and adopt innovations in procedure that had stood like a wall for cen- 174 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY turies. At one meeting they considered the subject of vested rights as in the celebrated Dartmouth College case. Judge Hall in March, 1898, held that the proceedings which annexed Temescal, Golden Gate and portions of Piedmont to Oakland were valid. Thomas Cuff brought the suit and was represented by Fitzgerald & Abbott. The city was represented by W. A. Dow and S. W. Condon. In May the Oakland bar assembled and passed suitable resolutions over the death of J. C. Martin. Speeches were made describing his personal and professional characteristics and qualities. As a lawyer he was witty, keen and brilliant. He was employed by large corporations. He came to Alameda county in 1870 and always sustained a good reputation. Early in March, 1899, the supreme court rendered the decision confirming the validity of the annexation proceedings. It was the case of Thomas Cuff vs. the City of Oakland. The annexation election of 1897 gave 1,909 for the measure and 667 against it. In May the supreme court affirmed the judgment and order of the superior court of this county in the case of Emilie G. Cohen and three others against the city of Alameda. It was a contest of the Cohen estate over the extension of Lincoln avenue. In 1899 Mrs. Jane J. Sather brought suit against William J. Dingee for $113,068, charging that he had with held that sum while acting as manager of the estate. Her attorneys were J. A. Sanborn and A. A. Moore. In 1900 the county board employed W R. Davis as special counsel to assist in the cases against Henry P. Dalton. Early in 1901, a recommendation sigrted by about sixty members of the bar, asking that another superior court judge might be appointed for this county was forwarded to the Alameda county mem bers of the Legislature. Judges Greene, Ogden, Hall and Ellsworth concurred in this recommendation. In December Judge Ellsworth handed down a decision holding the Contra Costa Water Company responsible for the loss of property by the fire which destroyed the planing mill and furniture factory of Niehaus Brothers of West Berkeley in August, 1901, amounting to about $164,000. It was shown that although that company was paying for the use of seven special hydrants, the water pressure at the time of the fire was so light that the efforts of the fife department were futile. Early in 1902 an effort to revive the bar association was made. George E. De Golia and George W. Reed were the leaders in the movement. At a meeting early in February it was provided that 3.11 attorneys of good standing in the county could become members by signing the constitu tion, paying a fee of $2.50 and receiving a recommendation from the special bar committee. The meeting adjourned to convene at a subsequent date for fuller organization. The first juvenile court bill was introduced into the Legislature in 1891, but failed to become a law. In February, 1903, another was presented and became a law. The superior judges and the women's clubs of this county had much to do with the success of the bill. Mrs. Anna M. Cushing was notably active in securing the passage of this measure with its accompanying probation regulations. The first judge to open and preside over this court was Frank B. Ogden. He was succeeded by Judges Ellsworth, Melvin, Harris, Brown and Wells. During the balance of 1903 fifteen children were presented for admin- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 175 istration by the court, twenty-five in 1904, twenty-three in 1905, and thirteen in 1906. The scope of the court was not broad enough whereupon in 1907 a proba tion officer working full time was put on with the result that ninety-four delin quents were taken care of in 1907 and 153 in 1908, The next year the county assumed the control of the court, employed more deputies, when the number of petitions for probation increased to 175 and the following year to 283. In 1910 was established also the Child's Welfare League which aimed at preventive meas ures. The leaders in this organization were Miss Bessie J. Wood, Dr. Susan J. Fenton and Mrs. Eleanor Carlisle. The petitions for probation since 1910 have numbered annually about the last figures and the majority of cases do not appear in court at all — are settled in the probation office. Miss Anita Whitney was appointed the first probation officer and was assisted by Miss Helen Swett, Charles E. Merwin, Ezra Decoto and others. It was an experiment largely and nearly all the details of court procedure were required yet to be unfolded. Miss Whitney was secretary of the Associated Charities, well qualified for the duties, and was a niece of Stephen J. Field of the United States supreme court. The juvenile court law took effect April 27, 1903, and until the appointment of Judge Ellsworth, all the superior judges planned the initial steps. The fundamental principle upon which the court was based was reformation instead of punish ment. In 1905 the first probation committee was appointed by all the superior judges in bank ; they were Dr. Sarah I. Shuey, Mrs. Anna N. Chamberlain, J. B. Richardson, George C. Pardee, Mrs. Frances H. Gray, Mrs. Anna M. Cushing and R. H. E. Espey. To this committee was assigned the duty of making all nominations to the probation staff and detention home employes. Under this committee Mr. Decoto was appointed first probation officer and was paid with money raised by the Oakland Club. He was succeeded in 1907 by Christopher Ruess who continues to serve down to the present time. Dr. Sarah I. Shuey was instrumental in raising the money to pay expenses. In 1909 the county began to pay the probation officer's salary and during that year a staff of five members was appointed to assist him. No sooner were the benefits and wisdom of the measure assured than the workers widened its fields of operations. At once all cases possible went no further than the probation office. About two-thirds of all felony or penitentiary cases are referred to the probation office and about two-thirds of these are reported unfavorable and thus go no farther. Soon the probation office became departmental in its scope of operations. Miss Beatrice A. McCall, Miss Theresa W. Rich, Olie F. Snediger, Charles A. Wood, Robert Tyson and others were workers under the new delinquent system. Leonard D. Compton is at the head of the adult probation department. At first the detention home occupied a small room in the emergency hospital, but in 1909 moved into its present building. A large juvenile court building is one of the necessities of the near future. Judge William E. Greene died early in August, 1905. He was born in Maine, graduated in 1863 from Bowdoin College and arrived in San Francisco on August 17th of that year. In the fall of 1864 he stumped San Joaquin county for Abraham Lincoln and the following year was elected to the Legislature. In the meantime he had studied law and been admitted to the bar and in 1867 was elected county judge and thereafter until his death occupied the bench, Vol. 1—12 176 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY except for a short period in 1874-75. The courts of this county paid appropriate tribute to his memory. In October, 1905, Governor Pardee appointed T. W. Harris judge of the Alameda county superior court to succeed Judge W. E. Greene, deceased. The judges of the superior court and many members of the bar joined in a petition recommending the appointment of Mr. Harris. He had lived and practiced many years in Pleasanton, but was then residing in Oakland. In March, 1907, the bill providing for an extra judge — the sixth — for the Alameda county superior court passed the Assembly. Everett J. Brown became superior judge in September, 1908. Judge Henry A. Melvin, of the superior court, was a candidate for supreme judge in the fall of 1908. He was nominated at the republican state convention. In 1908, the two public courts of Oakland earned $70,000 at a total expense of $12,000. These courts were presided over by Judges Samuels and Smith. The principal items of revenue were the lottery cases. In all about nine thousand cases were tried. In a condemnation suit over a tract of land at Twelfth and Fallon streets, in the fall of 1908, the owners were awarded $53,862 ; they had demanded $168,322. The Oakland Moot court consisted of two divisions in 1910: (1) The supreme governing body consisting of practicing attorneys and (2) a division including young men who were just commencing the practice of law and those who intended to do so or were studying law. The membership was about one hundred and meetings were held Monday evenings. B. B. Jones was president in 1910. In February, 191 1, the Alameda Bar Association, in mass meeting assem bled, protested against the bill before the Legislature providing for the recall of the judiciary. The resolutions were presented by Mr. Fitzgerald. In October, Governor Johnson spoke to a large audience at the Macdonough theatre on the initiative, referendum and recall, dwelling particularly on the latter. He favored the recall of the judiciary because "Judges are but men who are sometimes good and often quite bad." In December, 1912, the Alameda County Bar Association, at the annual ban quet, paid formal tribute to retinng Superior Judge Ellsworth and Superior Judge-elect W .H. Donahue. After twenty-four years of faithful and creditable service Judge Ellsworth left the bench, to the great regret of the lawyers. Among the speakers were Henry A. Melvin, R. M. Fitzgerald, B. F. Woolner, Samuel P. Hall, W. H. L. Hynes, George S. De Golia and others. About seventy-five lawyers and judges were present. On November 23, 1913, Rev. R. S. Eastman said, "The legal profession is a dignified profession and one that needs the best of men. It needs Christian men. I know of no profession wherein Christian men are more needed than in the legal. I rank it, in this regard, next to the ministry itself." Late in Novem ber, 1913, the county board appealed to the supreme court the judgment rendered against them in the superior court in favor of the Spring Valley Water Company for the refund of $89,000 paid in taxes on riparian assessments in Washington township for the year 1911-12. Similar taxes for 1912-13 were paid under protest. CHAPTER XI FARMING, FRUIT-GROWING, STOCK-RAISING, ETC. Alameda county has passed through four stages of soil and animal production : (i) The cattle period ending about 1862; (2) the grain period extending to about 1882 and later; (3) the fruit period reaching up to the present; (4) the intensive or scientific period since about 1892. These periods, of course, are not exact, but overlap more or less during the whole period since the first settlement. At first the live stock of the old Spanish and Mexican residents, mostly cattle and horses, roamed at large over this part of the state and were gathered and divided at annual rodeos. The early American settlers, not believing that the soil generally was fit for the cultivation of field and garden products, imitated the live-stock practices of their predecessors, but at the same time sowed wheat, barley and oats and planted potatoes and onions. Enormous crops of potatoes were grown as early as 1851, and wheat and barley showed wonderful returns soon afterward. Generally speaking the farmers and fruit growers of the '50s were successful. About 1857 the orchards of Messrs. Rhoda, Hopkins, Webster and Schumaker of Brooklyn township were among the finest in the state. As early as 1852 John M. Horner and E. L. Beard received about one hundred thou sand dollars for their potato crop — raised on the old Alvarado Ranch, Colonel Vallejo's experience in raising potatoes in 1852 is narrated elsewhere in this vol ume. Others had similar successes and failures, all depending on the markets. In 1854 there were 61,000 acres of land under cultivation in the county, to wit: Barley, 24,000; wheat, 20,000; oats, 6,000; potatoes, 5,000; nursery trees, 1,000; vegetables, 2,000 ; beans, 3,000. The yield of wheat per acre was 36 bushels. There were in the county 110,000 head of cattle; 60,000 horses; 20,000 sheep; 13,000 hogs; 350 goats. On July 24, 1858, the Alameda County Agricultural Society was formed, the gentlemen signing the constitution being H. C. Smith, Dr. H. Gibbons, A. H. Myers, Harry Linden, W. W. Moore, J. M. Moore, R. Blacow, Alfred Lewelling, P. J. Campbell, Frank F. Fargo, H. Lewelling, G. W. Fountain, Mark T. Ashley, F. K. Shattuck, S. Shurtleff, Isaac B. Rumford, E. Wilson, Hiram Keeney, J. Blacow, W. H. Davis, John B. Ward, J. L. Wilson, D. E. Hough, E. S. Chip- man, C. C. Breyfogle, J. A. Lent. It was decided to hold semi-annual fairs, one in the spring for the display of flowers, early grains and products of the horti culturist, and the other in the autumn for the exhibition of stock, general farming produce, late fruits, and vegefables, and such other articles as could be shown to greater advantage at this season of the year. The first officers were A. H. Myers, president; H. C. Smith, F. K. Shattuck, vice presidents; E. S. Chip- man, secretary ; Frank F. Fargo, treasurer. On October 7, 1862, the Bay District Fair was commenced in Oakland, and was well attended, the exhibit of animals of all kinds, as well as of produce, 177 178 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY being highly creditable. Among the articles on exhibition were a squash weigh ing ninety pounds, a cabbage, fifty-one pounds, and a sweet potato, nine pounds. The celebrated horses Comet, Hunter, Kentuck, and Owen Dale were shown at the stock parade in the evening as were also certain Clydesdale horses recently imported by J. W. Dougherty and J. W. Martin, of the Amador valley. J. D. Patterson also produced five specimens of celebrated Alderney cows. At the election of officers the following gentlemen were chosen to serve for the ensuing year: J. J. McEwen, president; S. J. Tennent, J. Bowles, vice presidents; William Reynolds, Santa Clara, S. W. Johnson, Contra Costa, R. Blacow, Ala meda, D. S. Cook, San Mateo, J. A. McClelland, San Francisco, vice presidents for counties at large ; G. P. Loucks, Piatt Gregory, R. G. Davis, directors ; K. W. Taylor, treasurer; O. Falley, secretary. The annual address was delivered by Rev. Starr King to a large audience. In 1868 J. Lusk, who owned a ranch about four miles from Oakland, culti vated fifty acres of raspberries. He sent to market ninety tons of fresh berries and received therefor 10 cents per pound or a total of $18,000. He manu factured twenty tons into jams, jellies, and pie-fruit and realized therefrom about ten thousand dollars.' He made 15,000 gallons of wine worth 25 cents per gallon and 10,000 gallons of vinegar worth 20 cents per gallon. The total crop returned him $36,250. The cost of cultivating, picking, canning, barrelling and putting the crop in market was estimated by him at $20,000. Late in the '60s and early in the '70s grain growing was conducted on an enormous scale throughout the county, particularly in the Livermore and Sunol valleys. Livermore did a large grain business in 1874. On one day in December thirty carloads were shipped to Reno and over 100 tons of barley were sent to Nevada. A carload of flour was sent to Oakland. In ten days near the close of the year over 1,600 tons of grain were shipped from that town, mostly to San Francisco, yet Edmundson's warehouse was still full and the others also. Farmers stored their grain in the town and shipped when the prices were satis factory or when they needed the money. In one week in February, 1875, r50 carloads of grain were sent from Livermore to market. On another day forty- two carloads of wood left for Oakland Point. This year the people of Livermore and vicinity prepared a carload of grain and vegetables for the Kansas sufferers, but the railroad company refused to bear the cost of transportation. The Grangers were active in all the farming regions of the county at this date. In 1874 there were shipped from Pleasanton 140 tons of hay, 35 tons of straw, 60,200 pounds of oats and 51,118 pounds of wool. The total tonnage shipped from the town and received there was 12,212. The wheat shipments alone amounted to 9,488 tons, of which 7,257 tons went to Oakland wharf, 478 tons to Oakland and 270 tons to Brooklyn. There were shipped 1,325 tons of barley— 754 tons to Oakland wharf. Henry Cartner, who lived near Warm Springs, had forty acres in raisin grapes and was already putting up considerable home-dried raisins for market. He had begun to home-dry almonds also. His ranch was on the San Jose road near the mission. At Sunol in December herds of cattle were sold at an average of $21.50 per head; they were fattened on the grass of the foothills. Madam Argenti was growing orange and lemon trees there at this date. The Tropical Fruit and Cocoanut Manufacturing Company was organized HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 179 at Oakland in 1875; the leading spirit was Alexander Ashbourne. They began converting into eatables products from mangoes, pineapples, bananas, yams, gin ger, plums, chushon, tamarinds, paw-paws, custard apples, sweet saps, sour saps, neyberries, etc. On October 31, 1881, the county board of horticultural commissioners were appointed as follows : A. D. Pryal, A. P. Crane and Martin Mendenhall, who were to receive $4 per day while actually on duty, but no member would be permitted to charge for more than thirty days during the year. In order to encourage the cultivation of sugar beets the Standard Sugar Refinery at Alvarado in December, 1881, agreed to pay the following prices for the best beets raised for the company in 1882: For the best 100 acres, $200; best 75 acres, $150; best 50 acres, $100; best 25 acres, $50; best 10 acres, $20; best 5 acres, $10. In the spring of 1882 there were planted in the Livermore district 880 acres in grape vines, all being of the wine variety, except thirty acres of table grapes. It was a dry season and about 35 per cent were lost. The next year about 15 per cent of the replant was lost; but in 1884, an excellent season, about five hundred and fifty acres of plants were in good condition. With the exception of the Zinfandel few of the varieties grew much fruit after the third year. The grape crop of the 1883 planting amounted to about one hundred and fifty-five tons of first and twenty-eight tons of second crop. All was sold to C. F. Aguillon's winery in Livermore at $30 per ton for the first and $15 per ton for the second crop. According to agreement the grapes had to have 22 per cent of sugar for the first and not less than 15 per cent for the second crop. Of the 183 tons three-fourths were Zinfandel and one-fourth was composed of Mataro, Folle, Blanche Burger, Grenache, Charboro, Carigane, the different Rieslings and perhaps a dozen other varieties. The profit in the Zinfandel was fully demonstrated. The first load of grapes was delivered to the winery Septem ber 22d and the last of the second crop November 22d, the vintage lasting just two months. The rains did not injure the first crop nor the frost the second. At the third annual viticultural convention, which opened November 29th and closed December 6, 1884, Livermore valley was represented by thirty-one samples of different blends of wine of the 1884 vintage. All the samples showed a perfect fermentation, fine color and an excellent fruity and mellow taste. By the last of December, 1884, the valley had 1,975 acres in vines, owned by fifty-eight different persons, thirty-six of whom were newcomers in the valley and twenty-eight of whom built houses and barns and otherwise improved their plantations. Eight lived in San Francisco and hired residents to attend their vineyards. Gooseberry growing became very popular and profitable about 1883; many of the bushes were planted near Haywards. C. D. Everett, E. D. Warren, A. L. Warren, A. W. Schafer, D. S. Amalley and others abandoned their currant bushes for the gooseberry plants. Grape vine planting was all the rage at Livermore at this date. On February 13th the thermometer stood at 25 above zero at Livermore. The Centerville Drying and Packing Company employed eighteen persons in July, and ran day and night during the active season. Their cans were procured in San Francisco. J. A. Johnson near Sunol had a nursery of 20,000 trees for orchards and soon bought 30,000 more. He had control of 180 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 1,400 acres there. In 1883 the price of fruit became so low that hundreds of growers in all parts of the county sun dried their surplus. In August Edward F. Dyer, of the Standard Sugar Refinery of Alvarado received $1,200 from the agricultural department of the United States for a statement showing the process and expenses of manufacturing beet sugar for the third year of its existence. The statement showed that the products in sugar and molasses were $150,617.50 and the cost $105,681.65, leaving the profits $44,935.85. The Livermore vineyards were famous in 1883. Any gravelly land in that vicinity, that would grow grain, if dry and warm, was suitable. New vineyards were being opened in all parts of Murray township. J. H. Wheeler owned a large orchard and vineyard. H. M. Ames, Almon Weymouth, Albert Weymouth and many others owned vineyards there. Land in the Brookside vineyard tract sold for $65 an acre. Staking the yards began to be common, as the vines grew better and permitted cultivation between the rows. The Fruit Growers' Asso ciation of Eden township was organized in 1883, but languished though it remained alive for a year or more. The California Nursery Company was organized in 1884 by John Rock, R. D. Fox, James Hutchison, Thomas Mehsiro, W. J. Landers and J. Henri and a tract of about five hundred acres near Niles was purchased and divided into 100-acre sections. The first act was to set out on one of the sections 700,000 stock plants for budding purposes. Over $30,000 was expended before there were any financial returns. Hundreds of orchards in this part of the state were supplied from this nursery. At this time blackleg appeared among several herds of cattle near Livermore and elsewhere in the county; it was found in John Clark's herd on Arroyo Mocho. Grape growers hauled their crops to the Aguillon's winery. It was noted that wild bees injured the grape crop. Mrs. Belle Jordan had an orchard of 1,200 trees in the Arroyo valley near Liver more; it was planted by R. K. Jordan. In the orchard were peach, pear, plum, apple, almond and apricot trees. This was one of the finest orchards in the county. Near were the famous Olivina and Ojo del Monte vineyards. The canyon of the Arroyo valley at this time was often called "The Mountain Fruit Belt of Alameda County." Among those who planted vineyards near Liver more in 1884 were D. Inman, 50 acres; John Crellin, 20 acres; Louis Mel, 20 acres; D. F. Fowler, 20 acres and 7 acres orchard; W. C. Wright, 10 acres; E. Squires, 15 acres and 5 acres orchard; T. E. Knox, 20 acres; Eugene Paris, 15 acres; E. Edwards, 20 acres; Almon Weymouth, 15 acres; W. P. Bartlett, 10 acres; H. A. Arnold, 12 acres, and James Concannon, 20 acres. The Olivina vineyard near Livermore bore 100% tons of grapes. The grain crop of Livermore valley in 1884 was the iargest in its history that of Murray township alone was about fifty-five thousand tons; the largest crop there before was 50,000 tons in 1880. The Livermore Valley Agricultural Association was organized early in April, 1885, in two large meetings held at the town hall of Livermore, thirty citizens being present and taking an interested part. Land suitable for the race track and buildings was examined on the John Green and George May farms. The capital of the association was fixed at $10,000. A soliciting committee was as follows: W. W. Mendenhall, C. J. Stevens, George Beck, Wendell Jordan and HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 181 S. B. Bowen. Within four years ending in 1885 about four thousand two hun dred acres of cereal and hay land in the valley had been turned into orchards and vineyards. Considerable grafting on native phylloxera proof stock was done in 1885. This year Prof. E. W. Hilgard was elected president of the Viticul- tural Society at Mission San Jose. It was decided to confine the attention of the society to the grape and the olive. On May 20, 1885, the San Lorenzo orchardists shipped a carload of cherries and other small fruit to New York where California cherries were selling at $1 per pound. The car went by fast freight and was due in New York in a week and a half. Among the shippers were E. Lewelling, E. T. Crane, J. L. Shiman, Henry Smith, H. W. Meek, John and H. Madin, C. S. King, J. B. Madin, E. Hathaway, E. O. [Webb, William Roberts, William Knox. There were cherries of the Great Bigarreau, Pontiac and Black Tartarian varieties; several crates of gooseberries and currants were included. The total weight was 20,250 pounds ; the cost of shipment was $500 per car. The next day a similar carload was shipped from Haywards to the same destination by Blockwood Owens, C. Winton, C. Everett, Will Knox, C. Kerwin, W. H. Jessup, Joel Russell, Chris. Nicholson, W. Lawrence, Seth Warner, C. S. King, and Manuel Leal. Hixon Justi & Company, and Porter Brothers, fruit commission merchants of San Francisco, were largely instrumental in inducing the Alameda county growers to try the experiment of thus shipping perishable fruit to the eastern markets. It was at this time that the important question arose with emphasis where the . labor was to come from to harvest the fruit crop. Within a few years fully one hundred thousand acres in the state had been planted in fruit. This required 50,000 extra laborers. At this time there were employed about twenty-five thou sand Chinamen on the fruit and vineyard ranches of the state. It was proposed to put the boys and girls at this work. Mr. Mclver of Livermore had in 1885 a vineyard of 25,000 vines of the Zinfandel, Muscat and Rose of Peru varieties. He added to this yard an orchard of 1,800 plum trees, 2,500 peach, 1,800 pears, 500 olives and 60,000 resistant vines of the California variety ; he grafted the latter with the choicest varieties obtainable. In November, at a convention of fruit growers in San Francisco, an organiza tion of the Fruit Growers' Union was effected. It was a cooperative society to regulate and operate the fruit shipping business. H. B. Livermore of Alameda county was one of the directors and one of the committee appointed to sell stock. Mr. Livermore was elected the first president of the society, and A. T. Hatch of Solano, secretary. Another object of the association was to reduce the cost of middleman, so that California fruit could be sold in the East at prices which the average citizen there could afford to pay. It is literally true that many white farmers were taught valuable lessons in intensive farming by the Chinese who leased land in this county and raised large quantities of vegetables. They were among the first to show the prac ticability of irrigation, and the first to make asparagus-growing successful. While the white man plowed and sowed and then sat down to wait for rain, the Chinese dug and planted and supplied his vegetation from artificial sources of water. In 1885 fully 2,685 carloads of products were shipped from Pleasanton, and in addition there were 500 partly filled cars. The following were the cars and con- 182 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY tents: Brick, 852; hay, 1,436; wheat, 340; barley, 157; wood, 115; spuds, 61; sheep, 19; cattle, 38; mustard, 3; mixed, 22. Juan Gallegos of Mission San Jose sold his entire wine crop of 130,000 gallons for 30 cents per gallon in the tank — total $39,000. Poster Brothers of Chicago had full control of the California fruit business and shipments, but in 1886 the Fruit Growers' Association assumed charge, with the result that better prices prevailed and quicker and better ship ments were made. J. S. Shiman of San Lorenzo shipped a carload of cherries to Chicago this year. The shipment embraced twenty-five crates. The gross proceeds were $9,711 and the expenses of shipment and sale were $3,125, leaving net pro ceeds of $6,586 to the credit of the shipper, or 8 cents net per pound. On July 7, 1885, he shipped a carload of plums and apricots to the same market. The report came from Chicago that a carload of cherries shipped from Cali fornia arrived in bad condition owing to heat and poor ventilation. Only about one-third was in good condition. It was announced that if the fruit was prop erly packed and shipped, the movement would be a success. It Was a few fail ures like this that in the end taught the Alameda county shippers how to prepare and transport their perishable crops. In the 8o's California waked to her opportunity and importance as a raiser of fruit for the whole country. It took the people a long time to learn this fact. The agricultural possibilities were for years undreamed of. Hundreds of thousands of acres believed to be worthless made the finest kind of fruit farms. All of a sudden oranges, almonds, walnuts, figs, raisins and berries made the state famous and Alameda county was its garden spot. Thirty years before all thought the county a desert and fit for nothing but mining and grazing. By 1885 its fruit went to all parts of the country. In its sixth year of operation the sugar refinery at Alvarado worked 217 days, bought 20,500 tons of beets, of which 16,354 tons were used and out of which 2,167,273 pounds of refined sugar were manufactured. They had 5,000 tons left over which they gave to farmers to feed to their stock. This was not good business, said E. H. Dyer, manager, but was a fact. It was learned that there were in Alameda county 144,000 acres adapted to the production of sugar beets; on this could be grown five times the sugar product of the Hawaiian islands. In 1885 there were lodges of the Grangers in nearly all the towns and villages of the county — Alvarado, Haywards, Oakland, Temescal, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Leandro, etc. In 1885 there were shipped from Haywards fruit in the following quantities: In May, 1,818,360 pounds; June, 1,495,605 pounds; July, 833,800 pounds; also 899,910 pounds of hay and grain. The law required that fruit trees infested with injurious insects or germs should be cleaned or disinfected before April 1, 1885, and on or before that month every year thereafter. It was a misdemeanor to fail in this duty. It was com mon to find in the vineyards many tarantulas and much care was necessary to prevent being poisoned by them. A large one was found under the book-case in the Presbyterian church at Pleasanton. Formerly they were numerous at the schoolhouse on the hill, but the boys soon killed the last one there. The raisin crop of 1885 was the largest thus far raised in Alameda county; the almond yield was also heavy, while crops of pears, peaches, plums, apricots HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 183 and walnuts were fair. By the last of September there were six wineries in oper ation in the Livermore district — Olivina, Pioneer, Bocquerez & Paris, Mortimer, Bowles and Crellin. In 1884 there was but one. They paid about twenty dol lars a ton for grapes. In June the Commissioner of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, requested the officers of the Ladies' Silk Culture Society of California to nominate persons for the office of director of the United States experiment station at Piedmont. At this time the experiment building there was nearly completed. The ladies named the following for the position of director: Prof. George Davidson, Mrs. Henry B. Williams, Mrs. L. E. Pratt, Mrs. J. E. Flint and Mrs. T. H. Hittell. In 1886 the members of the Farmers' Union of Livermore Valley were Daniel Juman, president; J. F. Black, vice president; J. L. Mitchell, cashier; Daniel Juman, J. F. Black, J. L. Mitchell, G. C. Stanley, John Callighan, G. E. Ken nedy and John Beck, directors. Their building and other property originally cost about twenty-eight thousand dollars and had a mortgage thereon of $12,500. The building itself cost $13,000 in October, and $6,000 additional was spent on the structure for internal improvements. In 1886 the wine dealers of San Francisco formed a combination that boy cotted every wine maker who would not sell to them at their terms. The Liver more district was the first in this county to take up the fight against this monopoly. In April the Livermore Valley Wine and Vineyard Company was organized at Livermore with a capitalization of $2,000,000. They secured the Black vine yard of 200 acres as a nucleus. The directors were J. F. Black, Pierre Bocquerez, Edwin Goodall, Isaac Upham, S. Osterhout, Howard Black and August Water man. It was suggested that when the fruit picking season should arrive, the public schools should be closed in order to give the children an opportunity to assist in the work. , If this were done the children, it was stated, would in a large measure settle the Chinese question. By 1886 farming operations in many parts of the county had assumed gigan tic proportions. In February H. W. Meek of San Lorenzo had from sixty to seventy-five horses in a single field at one time. Henry Martin had fifteen teams in his seventy-five acre field which he plowed, sowed and harrowed in three days. H. Smyth kept eight or ten teams busy on sixty-five acres for several days. Scores- of others in all parts of the county farmed on a scale equally as large or larger. Over four hundred mulberry trees were planted in the experiment station at Piedmont in 1885-86. Nearly twenty thousand cuttings were set out. The university had donated 200 of the trees and P. J. Burner, fifty. The Ladies' Silk Culture Society of this county was interested in these proceedings. It became well known that nine-tenths of orchard failures in California were due to the planting of the wrong varieties of fruit. Nurseries carried all varieties and it was the duty of orchardists, it was claimed, to know the possibilities of their soils. In 1888 the Daniel Best Agricultural Works at San Leandro were in a flour ishing condition. In February they had just completed sixteen of the Best and Driver improved combined harvesters. At a meeting of the grape growers of Livermore valley late in July, 1888, a resolution was passed that growers should thereafter demand $20 per ton 184 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY for grapes sold to wine makers, should not take a less sum, and that, in the event of refusal, they should dispose of their grapes elsewhere or convert them into raisins. The latter step was not practical, it was shown, because the best wine grapes made the poorest raisins. This meeting appointed a committee to investigate the methods of drying grapes. This year the sixth annual state viticultural convention gave more than one-third of all the awards to Alameda county wine makers. Of the 143 awards on red and white wines Alameda county received fifty-five. C. C. Mclver of Mission San Jose headed the list, but was closely followed by C. A. Wetmore, J. P. Smith, Wallace Everson, estate of Joseph Black, Josiah Stanford, Beard & Putnam, A. G. Chanche, J. H. Wheeler and H. R. Waggoner of the Livermore and Mission San Jose districts. Alameda county did not make more wine than several other counties, but the quality aver aged higher. Before 1880 better wine was made in this county, and with the exception of the Warm Springs vineyard, all vines were planted after that year. Starting after many of the others this county's growers had the advan tage of their experiences, failures and successes. In March, 1889, the farmers' union of Livermore failed and made an assign ment for the benefit of creditors. It had been one of the largest mercantile establishments in the state and had handled nearly all the grain and produce of Livermore valley, did a banking business and operated in real estate and rail road investments. The business was worth several million dollars and the stock was held mainly by residents of Livermore valley. Haywards and San Leandro fruit growers, established a home organization to assume charge of fruit ship ments and all marketing questions. Up to this time the shipments had been handled by two Sacramento concerns at too great a cost. The cherry market in particular was improved by this action. Immense quantities of peas were raised near Irvington, Haywards, San Leandro and elsewhere west of the hills. The Pacific Coast Sugar Company took possession of Alvarado creek for the use of the Spring Valley Water Company of San Francisco. For the past nineteen years the sugar company had been engaged there, with several lapses, in manufacturing sugar from beets, and had its plant, valued at $250,000, on the banks of that creek. Without the use of the creek water the factory could not continue unless other water could be secured at no greater expense. The only other way for the factory to get the necessary water was from artesian wells, with the chances, it was thought, much against success. The water company brought condemnation suits. If successful it meant the ruin of the sugar com pany. Years before this time the farmers in the vicinity of Niles had depended upon their wells for water, but after the Spring Valley Water Company tapped Alameda creek, their wells dried up and in some cases they were compelled to haul their water for many miles. Twelve farmers under the leadership of J. E. Thane combined in a demand that the company should dig artesian wells for them. This demand was at first refused, but finally was acceded to by Charles W. Howard of the company and about a dozen wells were sunk for them near Niles. In the eastern car trip of "California on Wheels," one car devoted exclusively to native wines was partly filled with samples from the Livermore valley wineries. In the fall of this year Livermore valley received the gold medal prize at the Paris exposition for the best grape wines. This victory was duly celebrated at HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 185 Livermore on October 5th. Charles A. Wetmore, secretary of the viticultural association, received the grand prize for his wine and A. G. Chauche received the gold medal; both lived in the valley. It was admitted that J. W. Kottinger was the pioneer grape grower of the valley. As early as 1874 he made over one thousand gallons of wine from his four acres of vines. At the celebration Mr. Wetmore, Julius P. Smith and Mr. Kottinger delivered addresses. A series of congratulatory resolutions was adopted. A large meeting of fruit growers from Haywards, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Niles, Sunol and Danville was held at Haywards in December, 1889, for the purpose of perfecting drying and shipping methods. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Flaywards Fruit Grow ers' Association. The meeting agreed that cooperation was the only means to properly dispose of the fruit of this section. At this time the extra charge on refrigerator cars to New York was $250. Early in December the county board ordained that ground squirrels "infesting the lands in the County of Alameda" were a public nuisance and required all owners and occupants of lands within this county to exterminate and destroy them within ninety days after the ordinance should take effect and thereafter keep the lands free from the pests. The annual rodeos of the cattle of the Livermore mountains occurred in May. Work was usually begun on L. B. Clark's ranch on Cedar mountain and every stock owner was visited from that point west to Alameda and south to San Antonio valley and Mount Hamilton. As many as fifty stockmen and vaqueros were engaged at times in riding the ranges and bunching, holding and branding the cattle. Rodeos were held daily, an average of about eight hundred head of cattle being gathered in each. The principal owners to participate were John Hayes, L. B. Clark, Frank Hubbard, R. T. Pope, Ed. Wilson, De Forest Brothers, Doughty Brothers, Parks, Maxey, John Rogie, and John Green, Charles Beverson, D. F. Bernal, Wade, R. F. Morrow and E. F. Rea. All stock owners of the Livermore cattle district agreed among themselves to prosecute every hunter they found killing bucks out of season and does and spotted fawns at any time. This action was caused by the destruction of those animals in the mountain regions near Livermore. Messrs. Hayes, Clark, Rogge, Mansir, Green and Ladd headed this movement. Alameda county florists and amateur gardeners made many interesting exhibits at the State Floral Society's display in San Francisco in May. Among the residents of this county who took prizes were E. Gill with hybrid perpetual roses ; California Nursery Company, tea roses ; Fruit Vale Nursery Company, climbing roses; Mrs. T. L. Walker, climbing roses; Peter Thiesen, cut roses; G. W. Dunn, wild flowers ; Mrs. D. E. Harris, pelargoniums ; Mrs. R. D. Sage, pansy blooms; F. A. Miller, roses in pots; Charles Abraham, flowering plants; Mrs. L. O. Hodgkins, ferns and others. In 1890 the horticultural committee for the county board made persistent efforts to rid the county of the apricot scale that had done and was doing so much damage. William Barry was in charge of this movement. In March Horticultural Commissioner Barry reported that out of nearly thirty orchards, which he had recently visited, only a few were free from scale. Spraying was general at Niles, Haywards, Centerville, San Leandro, Livermore, Pleasanton, etc. 186 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY In February, 1890, 2,675 tons 0I hay were shipped from Livermore. Much of it went in a hurry to the starving Nevada cattle. There was a large demand on this county for oat and wheat hay under wire, the former worth about six dollars per ton and the latter about nine dollars. Mr. Seller of Livermore, by July 6th, bought 2,000 tons at these figures. The Silk Culture Society by 1890 had made such extensive and important experiments and advances that they sent a memorial to the Pacific coast delega tion in Congress of what they had accomplished and what they desired. It was the opinion that the McKinley tariff bill, if made a law, would interfere with their operations and usefulness. The Alameda county branch of the farmers institute was organized at Hay wards on August 7, 1891, by Prof. E. J. Wickson, of the University of California. An interesting session was held. The farmers discussed grain, hay, stock, horses and viticulture. The Olivina vineyard in Livermore valley was the largest in the county in 1890-91. It comprised 660 acres of vines, of which 475 acres were bearing. The crop of 1890 was 1,300 tons. In 1885 this vineyard comprised 400 acres and produced 100^2 tons. In 1891 there were eighty acres in high type varieties — Medocs and Sauternes. Sanvignon Vert comprised eighty acres. Zinfandel occupied fifty-five acres. On the tract were thirty-two varieties, all wine grapes of European origin, eighteen of black, and fourteen of white grapes. Much grafting had been done with Charbono, seedless Sultana, Muscatel, Feher, Zagos and Large Bloom in order to obtain resistants and to introduce better varieties. Colored and high type varieties were substituted. Livermore hay was famous for its good qualities and sold readily not only in San Francisco, but in San Jose and all other coast points where fine horses were bred, raised and trained. Steady orders of from 10 to 300 tons were received by the Liverpool dealers weekly. In October the California State Grange was entertained at Haywards in Native Sons hall. The town was beautifully decorated for the occasion. A castle made of gigantic pumpkins was one of the "sights." The Paso Robles agricultural experiment station had a splendid exhibit E. W. David, ex-worthy master, occupied the chair. This was the nineteenth annual session of the state organization. While in the town the members were tendered a formal and brilliant reception by the citizens. Over five hundred leading grangers of the state were present. The Pomona feast was the leading feature of the session. In 1892 William Barry was horticultural commissioner from this county to the fruit growers' convention at San Jose. One of the principal topics was how to destroy or prevent insect pests. A permanent organization of the wine grow ers and wine makers was effected at Livermore the year before, with W. P. Bart- lett as president. Charles A. Wetmore was present and assisted with practical suggestions. The greatest pests in the Livermore valley in 1892-98 were the ground squirrels which cost more to poison on 160 acres than to clothe the farm er's family. A demand was made in the fall of 1897 that the county board pay a duty of 2 cents for each squirrel tail, as was done in Monterey county. In April the famous Gallegos. winery at Mission San Jose passed from its founder, Juan Gallegos, to Montealegre & Company — 1,000 acres for a nomi nal sum. Montealegre & Company immediately sold to the Palmdale Company, HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 187 the consideration being 4,000 shares of their capital stock valued at $200,000. Gallegos was compelled to sell owing to his enormous debts. At this date fruit lands near Centerville were worth from $200 to $400 per acre. In this vicinity it was estimated that there were ten Portuguese residents to one American. Near Haywards ten acre tracts sold at from $250 to $400 per acre. Near Irvington the Roberts tract was cut up in 1889 and sold in subdivisions at from $150 to $400 per acre. The fruit crop of 1892 was medium in quantity, but commanded high prices. Cherries, figs, apricots, peaches, pears, almonds, plums and apples brought unusually satisfactory prices. Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, sweet peas, early potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, onions and carrots were not raised in large quantities, but brought good prices. As a whole the fruit and berry crop was satisfactory. The Alameda county exhibit at the World's Fair, Chicago, filled five cars. The members of the asso ciation in March were as follows: M. J. Laymance (president), W. H. Loomis, F. Soule, J. A. Colquhoun, H. T. Smith, E. W. Woodward, C. A. Wetmore, R. S. Farrelly, J. C. Whipple, George Schmidt, J. L. Lyon and A. P. Crance. There was a board of lady managers. In 1893 the most important grape growing districts in Alameda county were those at Livermore, Pleasanton, Sunol, Vallecitos, Mission San Jose, Warm Springs, Niles and Haywards. At this time the dreaded phylloxera had not made its appearance generally in this county, although many of the vineyards were started in 1881, but great precautions had been taken with cuttings and roots from other districts. At Mission San Jose the pest had appeared, but was being held in check by the county horticultural commission and the agri cultural experts at the university and experiment station. During 1891-93 the number of vines planted was comparatively small. There were in the whole county at this date 214 vineyards with a total acreage of 7,083, of which 6,879 were bearing. There were 5,690 acres of wine grapes, 295 acres of table grapes and 98 acres of raisin grapes. The acreage of resistants was 688. The crop of 1892 amounted to 12,060 tons. The stock of wine on hand was 2,034,550 gallons and the total cooperage, 4,147,150 gallons. Ruby Hill vineyard near Pleasanton, owned by John Crellin & Sons, con sisted in 1894 of 250 acres of vines mostly of wine varieties. The vineyard was divided into sections by rows of olive trees, numbering in all about one thousand. On the place, also, were almonds, pecans, chestnuts, English walnuts, oranges, figs, pomegranates, apricots, cherries, prunes, plums, apples, etc. The wine cellar was built in 1877 and its capacity was later increased to 300,000 gallons of sauternes and clarets. The big distillery was a feature in 1894. This year the agricultural department issued a special bulletin setting forth the dangerous and damaging nature of the San Jose scale. The state meeting of the farmers' alliance assembled in Odd Fellows hall, Oakland, December 4th. There were present about fifty delegates, many of whom were ladies. J. L. Gilbert, of Fresno, presided. They were formally welcomed to the city by Mayor Pardee in a program at Germania hall. In 1896 the county horticultural commissioners reported that, owing to the efforts that had been made, the pests which had threatened the destruction of the orchards and fields were under control and near extinction. Beneficial or parasitic insects had been introduced and had notably thinned out the pests. All 188 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY the farmers and fruit growers had cooperated in the movement. The fruit growers of the county were generally prosperous and contented. In ten years fruit bearing trees had increased ten fold. It was recognized that all fruit grow ers who stuck to business and owned their lands were sure to become inde pendent. Early in September the farmers of Pleasanton and vicinity assembled and decided to establish a large creamery at once. It was thought best to erect the creamery building proper at Sunol, but to operate separators at Pleasanton, Irvington and Haywards. The cost was estimated at $9,000. The Alameda county stockyards were early established and maintained by the wholesale butchers midway between West Berkeley and Emeryville along the shore line. By 1896 they employed 100 men and annually transacted busi ness valued at $2,000,000. Grayson, Herald, Lyons and Phillips began in 1876; T. W. Corder, John Stewart and M. M. Samson about the same time. Boyle, Lacaste & Company, in 1880; James Hall about 1886; Millen & Lux about the same time. Other prominent concerns were the California and Nevada Meat Com pany, the Oakland Meat Company and P. Loustalat. In 1897 the hop crop at Pleasanton was the largest ever harvested. The total weight of green hops picked was 1,711,800 pounds. It cost $20,000 to harvest this crop. The bales averaged 200 pounds each. The crop was picked mostly by women and children in three or four weeks' time. The State Farm ers' Institute was held at Livermore in January with a large attendance. Many interesting and instructive papers were read and addresses delivered. Early this year the beet sugar factory at Alvarado erected additional buildings, employed more men and doubled its capacity. Growers were asked to increase their productions. A floral society was organized in Berkeley with the object of beautifying the city with beds of flowers, desirable shade trees and ornamental shrubs. A committee consisting of C. R. Greenleaf, Warring Wilkinson, John Hinkie, William C. Jones, J. B. Hume, W. T. Barrett and A. S. Blake was placed in charge of the movement. The announced aim was to make the uni versity town the most attractive place for residence in the state. In March, 1898, Horticultural Commissioner Barry reported as follows: "I am sorry to say that after going over the whole ground I find that the destruc tion of the apricot and almond crops is nearly complete. On the south of Ala meda creek from Irvington to Alvarado, with the exception of the orchards of Shinn, Ellsworth Ford and my own, every apricot and almond is killed. On the north bank of the Alameda creek from Niles to Decoto, with the exception of Snyder's orchard, they are in the same condition." In April the Livermore creamery closed down owing to lack of grass for cows. During that month in 1897 the average daily receipts of milk were 3,500 pounds, but in 1898 the average was only about one thousand seven hundred pounds. At this time 230,000 gallons of wine were shipped from Livermore valley in a few days. The Ruby Hill vineyard alone sent south four carloads in a short time. C. H. Wente sold 100,000 gallons in San Francisco and James Concannon and H. B. Waggoner sold each about thirty thousand gallons. In the 8o's and 90's Professor Koebele of Alameda distinguished himself in devising ways and means to exterminate insects injurious to vegetation. He brought to the state parasites which saved the orange trees and deciduous fruit orchards from destruction. He had formerly been connected with the depart- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 189 ment of agriculture. He made a special study of the products of the Islands of Hawaii. At this time the bulletins of the state experiment station were doing a vast amount of good to the farmers of Alameda county. In April Pleasanton shipped 5,880,300 pounds of brick, hay, barley, wheat, wine and mer chandise. Blooded horses were shipped by Crellin & Keating, Andrew Mc Dowell, and Mr. Robinson. The farmers' institute met at Niles on April 15, 1899, with W. H. Tyson in the chair. There was a large attendance. Many topics were considered, among therii being irrigation, grape culture, canners and dryers, orchard fertilization, fruits and flowers, and experiment stations. The agricultural department of the university was represented at this session. In the fall of 1899, as never before, Alameda county felt the thrill of good times. From one end of the county to the other old industries revived and new ones sprang into life and rapid prosperity. The fruit and fruit products were never more satisfactory. All cereals were produced in such liberal quantities per acre that large returns were realized. The same was true of vegetables. Prices advanced so that higher profits than ever were the result. The grape crop was enormous and much of it was turned into the famous brands of wine so well known in all the cities of the world. Daily the coal mines of the county, notably at Tesla, put on the market hundreds of tons. Secretary Wil son visited California and warned the farmers that they should begin the prac tice of rotation instead of growing the same crop continuously year after year, as wheat for instance. He also warned them against the evils of over-irrigation. The newspapers thought the farmers would laugh at the suggestions. By 1900 it was well recognized that the county was divided by soil, water and other surroundings into three natural districts — cherry, apricot and grape. The stretch of country from Oakland to Haywards is the home of the cherry; the tract from Haywards south and east to the county line with Niles as a cen ter is the region devoted to apricot growing, and the Livermore valley is the natural habitat of the grape. At this date the annual county cherry crop was worth about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The apricots of the Niles region are famous for their size, color and flavor, and good apricot land is worth from $500 to $1,000 per acre. As a matter of fact cherries and apricots are the king and the queen of Alameda county fruits. Other fruits that do well are the pear, plum, peach and prune. x Perhaps the great grape and wine region is around Livermore and Pleasanton, though large quantities are also produced in Wash ington township. The amount of nursery stock, fruit and ornamental, handled annually in Washington township in 1901-02 was over eight hundred thousand. Thanks to the Alameda county board of horticultural commissioners the orchards were clean and thrifty. Commissioner Barry had distributed large numbers of benefi cial insects which had checked and nearly obliterated the scale. He had just begun to distribute the parasite of the black scale of the orange and olive. There had been no spraying done since 1893, yet the orchards were in good condition and the fruit was sound. Mr. Barry estimated the saving for nine years at $172,368 on the 1,996 acres of commercial orchards in the district. This sav ing was credited to the parasitic insects which had rendered spraying unneces sary. Before their introduction it had cost, for instance, Mr. Mclver of Mission 190 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY San Jose, $800 a year to keep in subjection his orange, lemon, olive and orna mental tree insects. The fruit crop of Washington township in 1902 was worth $135,850. The floral industry was increasing rapidly, many new gardens and greenhouses having been started. All shipments were inspected, cars, barrels and packing boxes were fumigated, and all disused product was destroyed. There were in Berkeley ten floral establishments, in Oakland eight, in Alameda six, and in Fruitvale eight. Many lady bugs were set free in Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda and Fruitvale. A. D. Pryal was the commissioner in the city district. The report of the state dairy bureau in 1900-01 was highly complimentary to the dairy products of Alameda county. There were produced in 1900, 148,400 pounds of butter by the creamery method and 170,050 pounds by the dairy method. The county furnished San Francisco with 243,080 gallons of milk that year. In the county were the following creameries : Livermore, Jersey of Alameda city, and Central and Oakland Cream Depot of Oakland. In 1901 there were shipped from Haywards about forty carloads of dried fruit — mostly apricots, prunes and pears. The valuation was $79,500. Belgian hares were bred in large numbers at the Palace Rabbitry on East Twelfth street near Twenty-third avenue, Oakland. The nursery business was important in Alameda county at a very early date — in fact long before the producers realized the value of fruit farming. The Cali fornia Nursery Company, the leader in the industry and the largest in the state, was established at Niles by John Rock. It sent out millions of trees and vines, and its importation of varieties and experiments were invaluable to the whole central part of the state. It devoted nearly four hundred acres to trees, vines and other plants. Another large nursery was conducted in West Berkeley by Edward Gill, who planted 200 acres to nursery stock. A dozen others con ducted nurseries on a smaller scale and every variety of plant life suitable to the soil and climate received attention, culture and dissemination. The culture of rhubarb expanded rapidly as soon as it was learned, about 1893, how best to ship it to eastern markets. Tomatoes, potatoes, peas, beans, asparagus, etc., were also grown in large quantities. The canned and dried fruit products reached enormous proportions. In 1902 there were five large canneries in opera tion: Hunt Brothers at Haywards; Oakland Preserving Company of Oakland; Hickmot cannery; San Leandro cannery, and Hood cannery of Emeryville. At this time the five packed nearly five hundred thousand cases per annum. At the same time there was a vegetable pack of about one hundred thousand cases per year. During the busy season one or more of the canneries employed nearly a thousand persons — men, women, boys and girls, and where whites could not be secured Chinese and Japanese were set at work. The pack consisted largely of cherries, peaches, apricots, pears, plums, tomatoes, peas and many small fruits, berries, etc. In 1908 the county agricultural and horticultural products were worth about two million dollars more than those of any previous year, aggregating about four teen million dollars. At Pleasanton were the famous hop fields of the Pleasanton Hop Yards Com pany, owned by the Lilienthals of San Francisco, in all about five hundred acres of hops in a single field. Grapes and wines are also produced in large quantities. Livermore valley hay is the best in the world and is sent in immense quan- History of alameda county 191 / tities by rail and vessel to distant points. This hay was the reason that the val ley has become famous for its blooded horses. Up to 1910 over ninety horses foaled and raised at Pleasanton had trotted 2:10 or better. The famous Direct stock originated here. Flying Jib, Anaconda, Searchlight and Lou Dillon were raised here. About four hundred horses are brought to Pleasanton to be win tered each year. Within the last ten years Livermore valley has come to be known as the gold medal section of the state, owing to the many medals it has taken for its numerous products. Up to 1889 the valley had been content to produce good wine grapes, hay, grain, some fruit, fast horses, barley, olives, almonds, walnuts, but after that date the gold medals began to advertise the valley and the county. First came into prominence the wines, then the superior wheat, olive oil, bar ley, hops and hay. Five gold medals were taken at the St. Louis fair and three at the Portland fair. In order to prevent the spread of insect pests and plant diseases the laws of California require an annual inspection of all nurseries by an expert. In 1913 Fred Seulberger, horticultural commissioner of the county, thus inspected fifty- five nurseries and all owners with infested stock were directed to spray and otherwise clean up. During the year nearly half of his time was spent by the inspector in examining nurseries, because through them any plant disease or pest could be spread over the whole Pacific slope. Growers were instructed and told how to combat the irregularities. Undoubtedly these inspections saved the agriculturists and horticulturists of the county many thousands of dollars annually by prevention which is always better than cure. Much more spraying was done than ever before, under the eye of the commissioner. Every tree or plant imported was rigidly inspected before being permitted to enter the county. Under definite restrictions some infested stock was allowed to enter, while others were wholly and positively prohibited. Careful watch was maintained against peach borer, mealy bug, crown gall and white fly. Alfalfa hay from the weavil areas of Utah was prohibited entrance; the same was true of Nevada potatoes infested with the eel worm and all peach and apricot trees with yellows and rosette. No plants or seeds were taken by the postoffice department unless accompanied with a certificate of inspection. A national quarantine act stopped importations until inspected. In this county the commissioner enforced these regulations. In all the county commission inspected over 476,000 ornamental and over 857,000 fruit trees in 191 3. The excellent work of the county commission was shown by the fact that 60,000 ornamental and over 3,300 fruit trees imported bore clean certificates, but were found to be infested. About two per cent of the nursery trees inspected were eaten by borers and were ordered destroyed. About four per cent of the nursery stock was infested with crown gall and root knot and was destroyed. Twenty carloads of potatoes from Nevada con taining the eel worm were refused admission into the county. The leading fruit crops of the county in 1913 were apricots, cherries, plums and the principal farm or garden crops, hay, peas, tomatoes, rhubarb, green corn and celery. In the county were 4,048 acres of apricots — Moorpark, Royal and Blenheim being the best commercial varieties. The green apricot crop was 6,970 tons, worth from $52.50 to $60 per ton. The leading cherry sections are San Leandro and Hay wards ; the best varieties are Royal Ann, Black Tartarian and Black Republican. Vol. I— 1 3 192 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY In the county were 1,936 acres planted to cherries, with a crop of 2,778 tons. The Bartlett pear is the leading variety and the acreage about five hundred and sixty-five, with a crop of about three thousand two hundred tons. Prunes occupy 116 acres. All varieties of small fruit and berries do well in this county — strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, Loganberries. About three hundred acres were planted to celery — San Leandro being the center of this crop. In 1913 there were planted in sugar beets 1,556 acres, which yielded about ten tons per acre. The Alvarado factory has a daily capacity of 900 tons. In the county are from 300 to 500 sugar beet growers. About one thousand acres were planted to peas and the product was about three thousand tons, worth $35 per ton at the canneries. The tomato crop occupied 1,400 acres; product 16,800 tons, worth from $7 to $8.50 per ton. In the Livermore district wine grapes occupied 4,232 acres. In the county are sixty-five nurseries growing cut flowers for market - — roses, violets, carnations, orchids, chrysanthemums, lilium harrisii and lilium longiflora and ferns. The Bride, Bridesmaid and American Beauty are the leading rare varieties. All successful growers know how to rid their plants of pests — particularly by spraying methods. All have a full knowledge of insecticides and fungicides. The flower show of the Alameda County Floral Society was held in the Oak land Chamber of Commerce building in October, 1913, and was the most success ful and beautiful exhibition of the kind ever shown here. Many exhibits from all parts of the county were displayed. There were shown roses, begonias, pelar goniums, lilies, coleus, amaryllis, chrysanthemums, salpiglosses, scabrosia, cycla men, ricinus, celosia, plumosa, native oaks, dahlias, gladioli, home grown cotton and tobacco plants, orchids, salvia, ferns and scores of others. CHAPTER XII POLITICS Wrhen the vote for the old constitution was taken on November 13, 1849, there were but three precincts within what was then known as Contra Costa county, namely, at the Moraga Redwoods, Martinez and San Antonio (Brook lyn, Alameda county). For the election of April 1, 1850, the precinct of New York was added to those already created. On October 7th of the same year the precincts were Martinez, San Antonio, San Ramon (Dublin) and New York. The first record, however, of a distribution of voting precincts is for the election called for September 3, 1851, when the following polling places were established : At the courthouse in the town of Martinez, and the house of Jose Maria Amador, for the township of Martinez ; the houses of Victor Castro and Vicente Peralta in and for the township of San Antonio ; and the house of William W. Smith in Antioch, and the lower ferry on the San Joaquin river, in and for the township of New York. The polls in Washington township were at the store of H. C. Smith, an election being there held on May 4, 1850, when Lone Kemble was inspector. These, with a few additions, continued until the creation of Alameda county, when, August 1, 1853, the following were declared the first election precincts: In Washington township — at the mission of San Jose at the room next easterly of Howard & Chamberlain's store, and at the town of Alvarado at the room there used for a courthouse. In Eden town ship — at the house of William Hayward and at the house of T. H. Cowles. In Clinton township — at the house of James B. Larue, at the house of Charles Ray and at the sawmill of Tupper & Hamilton. In Oakland township — at the office of A. Marier. In Contra Costa township — at the house of Seth R. Bailey and at the house of A. E. Hutchinson. In Murray township — at the house of Michael Murray. At the first constitutional convention called by Governor Riley in 1849 to form the state, the present county of Alameda, then belonging to the jurisdiction of San Jose, was represented by Elam Brown of Lafayette. Brown had come to California in 1846 ; bought the Acalanes Rancho ; was juez of the Contra Costa in 1848. He served not only in the constitutional convention, but in the first two Legislatures of the state, and lived to a ripe old age, rich and highly respected. Two other persons, since connected with the county, namely, Charles T. Botts, of Oakland, and J. Ross Browne, took a prominent part in the labors of that body. In the first Legislature W. R. Bassham was the senator from the San Jose district, to which the present Alameda county still belonged, and Joseph Arm, Benjamin Corey and Elam Brown represented the district in the Assembly. Before Alameda county was formed an election for the position of member of the Assembly was held on March 26, 1853, when three candidates, viz. : 193 194 , HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Horace W. Carpentier of Oakland, Robert S. Farrelly of "Squatterville" or San Lorenzo, and B. R. Holliday of Martinez, entered the field. The election was subsequently contested in the House. The highest number of votes were polled by Mr. Carpentier, against which Mr. Farrelly protested on the ground of fraud. A certificate of election was refused to Mr. Carpentier by the county clerk, and the matter was unraveled by the committee on elections of the Legis lature. - Mr. Carpentier claimed 519 votes; Mr. Farrelly 254, and Mr. Holliday 192, thus showing a majority of seventy-three votes in favor of Carpentier. S. J. Clark, attorney for Mr. Farrelly, presented various grounds of objection and alleged fraud on the part of Mr. Carpentier, as well as collusion on the part of the board of judges, inspectors and clerks of Contra Costa or Oakland township.^ In the examination it was ascertained that the whole number of votes cast in the township was 377, while, according to the testimony of the agent who took the census of the township but ten weeks before, there were only 130 votes within its limits. It was also declared that it took almost two hours to count the Carpentier tickets which lay in a compact yellow mass at the top of the box, ere any white ones, representing Farrelly, were reached, and yet three of the last voters who cast their ballots at sundown swore positively that they had voted white tickets for Farrelly. The board of supervisors of Contra Costa county, however, took the view that Mr. Carpentier was duly elected and made affidavits to that end, and a majority of four to six of the committee on elections were of the like opinion, and reported in favor of his taking his seat, in which he was duly confirmed and sworn in, April 11, 1853. The first election for officers under law of April 6, 1853, was affected in May. Politics did not enter into it. There were several candidates for each office, some of whom had never been known before but by their nicknames. A. H. Broder, chosen sheriff, had been known as "Tom Snook." The other officials elected were: A. M. Crane, county judge and judge of the court of sessions; W. H. Combs, district attorney; A. M. Church, county clerk; J. S. Marston, treasurer; J. S. Watkins, public administrator; W. H. Chamberlain, coroner; H. A. Higley, county surveyor; G. W. Goucker, county assessor; W. W. Brier, superintendent. Jacob Grewell, chosen in 1853, for two years, joint senator for Alameda, Contra Costa and Santa Clara, continued acting until 1855. Joseph S. Watkins was Alameda's first Assemblyman. The district judge was Craven P. Hester. The Third judicial district then comprised the counties of Alameda, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Monterey. This election was long known as the "steeple chase," for there were from five to six candidates for each office, while many of the would-be county officers appeared in the poll lists under nicknames. On September 9, 1853, the following officers were elected: Asa Walker, S. P. Hopkins, H. M. Randall, B. F. Ferris, A. Marshall, William Fleming, Calvin Rogers, and S. H. Robinson, justices of the peace; A. B. Atwell, D. N. Van Dyke, William H. Walker, constables. The court of sessions makes no record of this election. In October following these justices convened and elected A. Marshall and S. H. Robinson from among their number as associate justices. When first created Contra Costa county was attached to Santa Clara county for senatorial purposes, and when Alameda county was created it was united with Santa Clara to form the Fourth senatorial district. Later it was in the Ninth senatorial district and in March, 1874, in the Fourteenth and was given two HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 195 senators. When first created Alameda county was part of the Second con gressional district, but in 1883 became part of the Third. At the election of March 5, 1855, Charles Campbell succeeded Mr. Carpentier as mayor of Oakland, and a new council was chosen, all of whom held their offices intact until the 28th of April, when Messrs. Gallagher and Williams were suc ceeded on the 29th of May by Messrs. E. Gibbons and Robert Worthington. The general election of 1857 took place on September 21st, but there is no record of the returns ever having been canvassed. The supervisors elected were F. K. Shattuck, for Oakland; Jonathan Mayhew, for Washington; J. A. Griffin, for Eden ; S. M. Davis, for Alameda and Brooklyn ; and Charles Duerr, for Murray. Mr. Shattuck was chosen chairman; he was the only member of the outgoing board returned. In the year 1861 there were no less than three political parties in the field, namely, the republican, democrats and union democrats, the first being success ful in all parts of the state. For the office of State Senator, A. M. Crane, repub lican, received 1,274 votes, H. Linden, democrat, 288, and N. Hamilton, union democrat, 616. There were no less than six candidates in the field for the office of members of Assembly, the successful competitors being the two republicans, S. B. Bell and J. M. Moore. On June 14, 1862, a union county convention was held at San Leandro when delegates to the state convention to be held in Sacramento on the 17th were selected as follows : A. M. Church, A. M. Crane, W. W. Crane, Jr., A. J. Kelly, William Kennedy, S. W. Levy, William Meek, J. M. Moore, F. K. Shattuck. The presiding officer at the state convention was Walter Van Dyke, of Hum boldt, but subsequently, for many years, resident of Alameda. For the purpose of nominating candidates for the Assembly, a second union convention was held at San Leandro on August 13th, when there were present over fifty delegates, who were about equally divided between democrats and republicans. At this convention resolutions of unswerving loyalty were passed, and some opposition to the candidature of Milton S. Latham for United States Seriator was expressed. Henry Robinson of Alameda, republican, and Thomas Scott of Washington, democrat, were nominated for the Assembly. The election in the month of September resulted as follows; For Assembly, Robinson (union), 914 votes; Scott, 834; Johnson (union democrat), yyy ; Fallon, 640. The creation of the union democratic party was due largely to Alfred A. Cohen, a lawyer of San Francisco, and a wealthy resident of Alameda. Notwithstanding the republi can ticket carried all before it at the general election in 1862 the democracy held sway at the charter election for the officers of the city of Oakland. On June 13, 1863, a union party convention assembled at San Leandro; Asa Walker was president, F. M. Campbell, secretary. The following delegates to the union state convention at Sacramento were appointed: Alameda township, Henry Robinson; Brooklyn township, A. W. Swett; Eden township, William Meek; Murray township (no delegate); Oakland township, John McMann; Washington township, H. Overacker. The democratic county convention was held at the same place on the 27th of June, and among those who took a part in its affairs was Ex-Governor Weller, who in 1863 was a resident of Fruitvale. On August 1st the union county convention met for the purpose of nominating the county ticket, which at the election was triumphant. At this election the 196 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY vote in Alameda county for governor was Low (union), 1,392 and Downey (democrat), 805. At the judicial election October 21st, Judge McKee defeated Judge Brown of Contra Costa, who had received the union nomination by 333 votes. Under the chairmanship of Dr. W. Newcomb, of Oakland, and S. S. Saul, secretary, a union county convention was held at San Leandro on March 19th, at which time delegates were appointed to the state convention to be held in Sacramento. This convention selected delegates to the national union conven tion. The democratic county convention met at the same place on the 7th of May with William A. Moss presiding, and Harry Linden, secretary. William S. Moss, P. E. Edmondson, W. H. Glascock and Harry Linden were appointed delegates to the state convention. These political meetings culminated on the 29th of October, when a very numerously attended and enthusiastic gathering of union followers at San Leandro — the largest then that had been had in the county — met to do honor to their popular nominees. I. A. Amerman, presi dent of the Lincoln and Johnson Club of San Leandro, officiated as grand mar shal of the day, with E. M. Smith, Lysander Stone and E. C. Jacobs as aides- de-camp. The procession, it was positively stated at the time, was eight miles in length. This vast concourse passed in review before General McDowell, who stood in his carriage, with uncovered head as they filed past, making the welkin ring with their loyal cheers. Hon. Edward Tompkins was president of the day ; he made a most eloquent and soul-stirring speech, and was followed by Hons. Delos Lake, Nathan Porter, F. M. Pixley, J. G. Callum, Attorney-General Mc- - Cullough, W. H. L. Barnes and Judge Tyler. This demonstration was in every sense a most enthusiastic one. About this time Hon. J. B. Felton was a prominent candidate for the posi tion of United States Senator. His cause was warmly espoused by the Oak land News, and as strenuously opposed by the San Leandro Gazette. On the 5th of August the union county convention was held in San Leandro. The democratic convention was held at the same place on the 24th. The platform adopted by the latter favored a hard money currency, with an extension of the specific contract act, to include verbal contract for workingmen's wages; opposed negro or Chinese suffrage ; and favored the reconstruction of the southern states on the principles of President Johnson's policy. At the general election which fol lowed the union candidates were successful in every instance. At the judicial elec tion held in the following month S. W. Sanderson, the republican nominee for judge of the supreme court, received, in Alameda county, 390 more votes than did Hartley, the democratic candidate. On November 8, 1864, the presidential election showed a majority in this county for Lincoln of 658 votes, while his plurality throughout the state was 16,634 votes. For Congress, Higby received 1,458 votes, as against 797 for Coffroth. On June 8, 1867, the union county convention convened at San Leandro, but discord had crept into the ranks of the party, and there was an undoubted diversity of opinion as to party policies and measures. Judge A. M. Crane was chosen chairman, and A. M. Church and William Gagan, secretaries, while there were some fifty delegates in attendance. The following delegates were appointed to the state convention at Sacramento: John W. Dwinelle and B. F. Ferris, HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 197 Oakland township; A. M. Church and B. F. Marston, Washington township; William Meek, Eden township; S. Milbury, Brooklyn township; A. M. Crane, Alameda and Murray townships jointly. On the 15th of June the democratic county convention was held at the same place. J. West Martin, C. H. Cushing, J. W. Dougherty, William Moss and John Threlfall were appointed delegates to the state convention. When the republican convention met at Sacramento George C. Gorham was nominated for governor. It was afterwards charged that his nomination was secured by smart tactics and trading. The union men who were expected to make the republican ticket successful became disaffected, and at the election held in the month of October, the ticket was ingloriously defeated. The democrats seeing this weak ening of the opposing host, published a platform denouncing the Mongolian influx, declaring labor to be the true foundation of all prosperity, and placing at the head of their ticket Henry H. Haight of Alameda as democratic candi date for governor, who, amid much enthusiasm, obtained a signal majority over Gorham of 8,527. The union county convention assembled at San Leandro on March 18, 1868, and elected delegates to the state convention at Sacramento. The democrats convened there on the 25th of April and passed resolutions highly complimen tary to Governor Haight, and strongly urged him as the next democratic candi date for the Presidency of the United States. On July 22d, the union county convention met at San Leandro for the pur pose of nominating county and judicial officers, the democrats meeting for the purpose on the 10th of August. In the ticket presented by the last-mentioned party for the office of district attorney was George M. Blake, a convert from the union ranks, while in Captain Mayhew, who had been a prominent member of the other party, the democracy also found a new follower, yet notwithstanding these recruits the union ticket won. On Saturday, July 18, 1868, a democratic ratification meeting at San Lean dro, in honor of the nomination of Seymour and Blair as candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the United States, was held, among the speakers being Governor Haight and Lieutenant-Governor Holden. The chair was occupied by William S. Moss ; the secretary was W. J. Collier, editor of the Democrat. There was much enthusiasm among politicians during the Presidential elec tion of this year, mass meetings of both republicans and democrats being held throughout the county, while the ablest speakers were arrayed on both sides. Grant and Colfax received a majority in Alameda county of 536 in a total vote of 3,123. In this year there were enrolled on the great register, after the can celled names were struck off, 4,623 names, while there were recorded on the poll list only 3,596 names. In 1870 the union county convention was held in San Leandro. The demo crats made no nominations, but an independent party was formed and a ticket put in the field, headed by Edward Tompkins for State Senator. On the 1st of September the election was held and portions of both tickets were successful. For the office of county recorder there was a tie vote between P. S. Marston and M. W. Levy, which at a special election held on October 25th resulted in favor of the former. 198 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY On May 4, 1870, an election of trustees in Brooklyn was held and resulted as 'follows: H. A. Mayhew, Hiram Tubbs, Adam Cannon, Charles Newton, Henry Tum Suden, board of trustees; A. W. Swett, F. Buel, C. C. Knowles, school directors ; J. F. Steen, clerk and treasurer ; C. E. Webster, assessor. Mr. Mayhew was elected president of the board of trustees on May 7th. The Young Men's Republican Club was organized for the Grant and Wilson campaign and continued an influential political power for many years. The large republican majorities were ascribed to the efforts and influence of this club. The membership was about two hundred in 1875. It was united and harmon ious, and could not be distorted nor purchased by. private politicians. In their announcement was this plank: "We firmly believe in the integrity of the rank and file of the republican party to choose such state officers as will be free from corrupt influences and are fully capable of righting any wrongs that may exist within the party, independents to the contrary notwithstanding." There was a time when the Federal faction ruled affairs in Alameda county. This was immediately succeeding the Civil war when others than republicans were presumed to be in disfavor. George M. Pinney was the head and front of this faction. The arbitrary methods of this faction became at last unsuffer- able and an independent movement was organized, succeeded, and changed the order of affairs. On July 28, 1873, the republican party held a convention at San Leandro to elect delegates to the congressional convention at Sacramento. After a keen contest Hon. Nathan Porter of Alameda was put forward as the choice of the republicans of the county. Although Mr. Porter appeared to be the favorite at Sacramento, there was present an unseen influence that gave the nomination to Horace F. Page of Placerville. On August 11, 1873, the republican county convention met at San Leandro under the presidency of George M. Pinney, when C. W. Howard, W. J. Gurnett and I. A. Amerman were nominated as state senator and members of the Assembly. On the 23d a meeting of the independent reform convention was held at the call of the democratic county committee at the same place, Dr. Beverly Cole being chairman and J. M. Estudillo, secretary of the convention. Edward Gibbons, independent, received the nomination for state senator and J. W. Dwindle, republican, and Daniel Inman, democrat, both former representatives of the county, were nominated for the Assembly. For treasurer, Robert D. Far relly was nominated by acclamation. Ellis E. Haynes, a republican, was nomi nated for sheriff; J. M. Estudillo, democrat, for county clerk; Eben C. Farley, democrat, for recorder; Henry Evers, republican, for auditor; W. W. Foote, democrat, for district attorney; Newton Ingram, democrat, for tax collector; Thomas W. Millard, democrat, for assessor; V. S. Northey, independent, com missioner of highways; John Doherty, democrat, surveyor; Eugene Thurston, democrat, for superintendent of schools; S. W. Mather, republican, for coroner; and Dr. W. P. Gibbons, republican, for public administrator. At the election, which took place on the 3d of September, the, entire republican ticket was elected save for the offices of state senator and county treasurer. In 1874 two city conventions were held in Oakland. The republicans met April 24th and nominated a full ticket headed by Henry Durant for mayor, and succeeded in electing their entire ticket. The democrats or liberals assembled HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 199 April 25th and also nominated a full ticket. Each convention named a central committee. Durant, republican, in 1874 received for mayor a majority of 572 in a total vote of 1,593. ^n ^75 Webber, republican, received a majority of 164 over Gurnett, democrat, out of a total vote of 1,760. As a whole the election of • 1874 was a republican success. The temperance alliance attempted to make a showing at this election but failed. Henry Durant, who had served as mayor of Oakland with conspicuous credit, died in January, 1875, and was given memorable obsequies by his sorrowing fellow citizens. At the time of his funelal the university, all the schools and many business houses were closed. The democrats nominated what they called a citizens' ticket in February for municipal offices. W. J. Gurnett was nominated for mayor. Among the resolutions adopted was one favoring the administration of municipal affairs along non-partisan lines. The republicans selected a com mittee of five to whom was submitted the task of naming a party ticket for the municipal election in the spring, of 1875. That E. C. Sessions was the choice of three-fourths of the voters irrespective of party none disputed; but Mr. Sessions did not want the place, or rather his business activities were so important and vital to him as to prevent his acceptance. The Young Men's Republican Club was an important factor at this election ; also in 1874. The new Republican Club organized at Oakland in May, 1875, elected the following officers : J. V. B. Goodrich, president ; William Bartling, J. E. Farnum, vice-presidents; W. M. Gilcrest, recording secretary; F. D. Hinds, corresponding secretary; W. B. Hardy, treasurer; Perry Johnson, marshal. At a public meeting the club endorsed the principles and purposes of the national union republican party; encouraged the efforts to improve the harbor; pledged itself to support no candidates that were not honest and capable ; expressed the belief that all qual ified voters should exercise the privilege, and said: "We look with unmingled pride and satisfaction upon the rapid growth of our pleasant and beauteous city." » Early in 1875 a large faction of the people openly demanded the nomination and election of E. C. Sessions to the office of mayor. He was familiar with the real wants of the city, was young, strong, cultured, honest and public-spirited, had no political aspirations to warp either his rectitude or his judgment, was in business here — the construction of houses — was always at home and was almost an ideal man for the office, because he was interested in the rapid, legitimate and harmonious growth of the city ; but he positively declined the honor. The republican committee convention met February 18, 1875, and named a full city ticket. It was claimed, though denied, that this ticket was a cut and dried affair, but the nominees were all good reliable men and citizens who could be expected to give the city a wise administration. At this convention a com munication was received from Emma Temple, Jennie Walbridge and Mary W. Phelps, who presented a petition signed by 565 women and 350 voters of the city, requesting the nomination of two ladies for members of the board of education. The list of the voters who signed the petition was published in full in the news papers; also the list of ladies. The democrats failed to nominate a woman for member of the board of education; the republicans were lukewarm or indifferent on the subject and the woman movement thus well started died ingloriously at the outset. Mrs. T. C. Carr withdrew her name from the candidacy and the movement 200 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY then totally collapsed. At the county convention Mrs. L. P. Fisher was nominated on the independent ticket for county superintendent. The charter election in San Leandro in May, 1875, resulted in a victory for the high license advocates; it meant the advance of licenses from $15 to $50 per quarter, the same as in Oakland. The high license faction elected their assessor, clerk and justice of the peace, while the low license wing captured' the marshal and treasurer. Three high license trustees were chosen: A. T. Covel, (high) 98 votes; J. A. Estudillo, (low) 96 votes; George Smith, (high) 93 votes; A. Bald win, (high) 93 votes. In the first partition of the state, Contra Costa was attached to Santa Clara county for senatorial purposes. On the creation of Alameda county it was joined to Santa Clara, and formed into the Fourth senatorial district, and thus it con tinued until created into the Ninth senatorial district. By the act approved March 16, 1874, Alameda county was designated as the Fourteenth senatorial district, to have two Senators, and as such it remained until the session of the Legis lature in 1875 when the state was redistricted, and Alameda county formed intoi the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth senatorial districts, with one Senator for each. The First, Fourth and Sixth wards of the city of Oakland, together with the election precincts of West Berkeley, Bay and Ocean View, constituted the Sixteenth senatorial district; the Second, Third, Fifth and Seventh wards of the city of Oakland, together with the election precincts of East Berkeley, Temescal and Piedmont, constituted the Seventeenth senatorial district ; and that portion of Brooklyn township outside of the city of Oakland, together with the townships of Alameda, Eden, Washington and Murray constituted the Eighteenth senatorial district. When originally created, Alameda county with those of Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Tuolumne, Mono, Calaveras, Amador, El Dorado, Sacramento, Placer, Nevada and Alpine were defined as the Second congressional district, but by the act approved March 30, 1872, Mono was segre gated therefrom, and embodied in the Fourth district. The Legislature in 1883 constituted the counties of Yolo, Sacramento, Solano, Contra Costa, Marin and Alameda into the Third congressional district. The political campaign of 1875 was one of the most remarkable in the history of the state. The issues were vital, the candidates able, the people intensely interested and the newspapers caustic and personal. Such speakers as Booth, Gorham, Sargent, Phelps, Bidwell, Lovett, Haymond delivered brilliant addresses to the populace. They were strong enough to tear the issues to tatters and elo quent enough to draw immense and enthusiastic audiences. At one of the republican meetings bonfires were lighted at Broadway and Fourteenth streets. The Young Men's Republican Club marched through the streets with band and banners, halted in front of the Grand Central hotel, and escorted Mr. Phelps to the tent at Thirteenth and Washington streets. The meeting was called to order by J. J. Porter, chairman of the county central committee. F. K. Shattuck served as chairman. Mr. Phelps then spoke for about an hour and a quarter on the issues of the day. In early years the republicans in Alameda county were so largely in the majority that the democrats had no show on straight tickets, but there were usually enough soreheaded members of the former to elect a few of the latter every year. The independents of Alameda county were fully organized in the spring of 1875. Their county central committee were as fol- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 201 lows: Henry Robinson, A. W. Sinett, Walter Blair, William Meek, D. Inman, Eben C. Farley, General Bowie, William Linfoot, -Captain Wilcox, C. A. Tuttle and W. W. Winn. The republican county convention met early in June, 1875. Thomas Eager of Brooklyn township served as chairman and John Ames as secretary. The committee on resolutions were A. W. Bishop, N. W. Spaulding and W. Whidden. The resolutions adopted affirmed allegiance to party principles and the delegates elected were instructed to vote for' the renomination of H. E. Page for Congress from this district, and his acts were warmly endorsed. The county democratic convention met in the Academy of Music July 23, 1875, and was called to order by Judge Blake ; Joseph Dement served as chairman. The convention put out a straight ticket — resolved to stand or fall on principle. It endorsed the state platform, favored the Oakland harbor improvement, advocated the strictest economy in the management of the city affairs and declined to appoint a committee to meet a committee from the independent convention with a view of possible amalgamation. The people's independent convention assembled in the city hall in July, 1875, and was called to order by William Meek of the county committee. Col. G. W. Bowie served as chairman. Upon motion a committee of ten was appointed to present to the convention nominees for the different offices ; this committee consisted of William Meek, W. Blair, D. Inman, H. G. McLean, J. T. Walker, Socrates Huff, C. T. Hopkins, E. M. Smith and A. J. Snyder. Steps to confer with the democratic convention then in session were taken. A committee was appointed to meet General Bidwell at the station and escort him to the Grand Central hotel. The convention of the temperance reform party was held here on August 20, 1875, and consisted of the central committees of state and county. J. H. Red stone served as chairman and A. Crawford, as secretary. Any person present in sympathy with the objects of the party was, upon motion, regarded as a mem ber of the convention. The following committee selected the candidates to be placed before the convention: Joel Russell, Rev. Mr. Wills, J. M. Horner, Mr. Ricks, Mrs. Dr. Carr and Mrs. G. M. Blake. A full ticket was nominated. The platform of the state temperance reform party was adopted. At the republican county convention on August 2, 1875, a full county ticket was nominated and the utmost harmony prevailed. The platform adopted pledged economy in local administration, favored the reduction of the salaries of county officers, opposed monopolies, especially the land monopoly, endorsed the state and national platforms, instructed state representatives to exert their influence to reduce expense, and endorsed the official career of Congressman Page and recommended his reelection. Upon the appearance here of Mr. Page on August 12, 1875, he was greeted with an ovation that few men ever receive on this earth and fewer still sincerely merit. Not alone the republicans but the democrats and independents and ladies assembled at the station, along the line of march and at the tent to do him honor. The entire line of march was a bewildering display of banners, fireworks, bonfires and shouting people. Nothing surpassing it was ever before witnessed on the streets of Oakland. The enthusiasm culmi nated at the campaign tent which was densely packed long before the distin guished speaker arrived — a much larger assemblage than had thus far greeted 202 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY any other orator of the campaign. A splendid glee club kindled the fires of enthusiasm by singing a political adaptation to the tune "That's What's the Matter" — the singers being Pratt, Reed, Booth and Farrington. The applause ¦ was deafening and continued and the singers were forced to repeat. District Attorney Moore served as chairman of the meeting. When Mr. Page took the stage he was unable to proceed for some time because of the tumultuous and con tinuous applause which greeted him. It was a speech of great power and interest touching local affairs and revealing the details of his fight in Congress for the improvement of the harbor and the welfare of this community. The Ward bill of 1876 was a democratic measure and was followed generally by democratic success in Oakland. The Oakland Democratic Club reorganized in February, 1876, and elected "Uncle Billy" Hoskins, who had been its secretary for twenty-six years, to a life membership and also elected the following officers : William Van Voorhies, president; F. J. Brearty, L. Wintringer, S. D. Crowin, Col. John Scott, vice-presidents; H. E. Wilcox, William Moore and A.E. Castello, finance committee; W. M. Graham, secretary; Patrick Scully, treasurer. At this time there was considerable dissatisfaction in the democratic ranks against the usurpations and dictatory policies of the Democratic Club. It was proposed in the club, much to the indignation of outside democrats, that the city nominations of the democracy be made by the club and not by the regular demo cratic committee. So much indignation was expressed that the club at its next meeting rescinded the action it had already taken, but passed another equally objectionable to the outside democrats, that the members of the club in ward delegations select seven democrats from their respective wards, the whole to constitute a nominating convention. This act made the club still the nominating ¦power. The Oakland democratic convention nominated John A. Stanly for mayor in March, 1876. The republicans nominated Doctor Pardee. The defeat of Mr. Stanly was not an expression of sentiment in regard to the Market street railroad franchise then under consideration. The people had found Pardee honest, able and reliable and knew nothing of Stanly. The republican county convention assembled in Oakland on April 22, 1876, and appointed delegates to the state convention at Sacramento. On the 21st of May the democratic party held their convention for the like purpose, and also elected a county central committee. On the 12th of that month a great anti- Chinese mass meeting was held in Oakland, on which occasion, a resolution addressed to Congress praying for relief from the Mongolian incubus was adopted. The first campaign meetings of the republicans and democrats were held respectively on June 19th and July 15th. In 1876 the republicans of Alameda organized for the state and Presidential campaign and elected Dr. W. P. Gibbons president of the movement; meetings were held once a week. On June nth the republican county convention was held in Oakland, and was called to order by George M. Pinney, chairman of the county central committee. Thomas Eager was chosen temporary chairman and A. W. Bishop, secretary. Confidence in the national'administration was declared, and appreciation of the services of Congressman Page was expressed. Dele gates to the state convention were appointed. Ori the 19th of the same month, the democrats held a primary election in Oakland, when two tickets were placed HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 203 in the field and the largest vote ever polled at a democratic primary was cast. The democratic county convention was held on the 26th, when the best harmony did not exist, a result which brought about the defeat of the Oakland delegation, who lost control of the convention. In this month the independent county con vention held their session in Oakland and declared their principles to be reform in the administration of public affairs, the correction of local abuses, opposition to monopolies and the reconciliation of the North and South. The meetings of the convention for the nominations of legislative and county officers, were held as follows : That of the democrats on July 24th, at the Academy of Music on Fifth street, Oakland, with James Beazell at its head as State Senator; the independents met on the same day in the city hall, and named Henry Robinson, of Alameda, for State Senator, endorsed M. W. Dixon (democrat), of Washing ton township, for the Assembly, and added the name of Walter Blair of Oak land and Joseph Tayor of Murray; on the 2d of August the republican con vention held their meeting in the Academy of Music, with 115 delegates. Their ticket had at its head, E. B. Mastick, of Alameda, for State Senator, but this gentleman subsequently declined the nomination. James W. Shanklin was nomi nated instead, and John L. Beard of Centerville, A. T. Coville of San Leandro and J. V. B. Goodrich of Oakland were named for members of Assembly. W. F. B. Lynch was renominated by the republicans for county superin tendent. In response to a call he said, "When I came into the office of super intendent of schools six years ago, there were but 3,764 children in the county; now there are 9,330." A voice called out "You have done well!" This brought down the convention in a tempest of laughter. He retorted pleasantly, "If any man can do better, I say let him try it." Mr. Goodrich who was nominated for Governor withdrew his name from the temperance reform party ticket on July 23, 1876. In July the republican soldiers and sailors of Oakland organized with Capt. E. B. Jerome as chairman. Judge Daniels and Mr. Jerome addressed the assemblage. At a large mass meeting of the republicans of Brooklyn, July 21st, with J. J. Pensam in the chair, a permanent organization for the campaign was effected. Addresses were made by A. A. Moore, A. C. Henry and Henry Vrooman. An immense mass meeting of the democrats ratified the nomination of Til den and Hendricks in the open air at Broadway and Ninth streets, on July 16, 1876, Judge Ferral, R. M. Clarken, Judge Lamar and others addressed the crowd. Bonfires and rockets brilliantly lighted the principal streets. The repub lican county convention of 1876 met August 6th and J. G. McCallom served as chairman. Delegates to the state convention were chosen. In their resolutions the convention promised 1,500 majority for Hayes and Wheeler and recom mended the renomination of H. F. Page for Congressman. A large anti-coolie mass meeting was held in' the city hall on September 12th. The principal addresses were by C. C. O'Donnell, E. J. Kelly, Philip Roach and Mr. Mather. About this time a conspiracy was formed at Oakland to burn the Chinese quarters and kill a number of Mongolian inmates. It was checked by Captain Rand of the police department, who put on enough extra patrolmen to prevent such a calamity. At this time the Chinese quarters were between Grove and Jefferson streets near the railroad and comprised seventeen buildings. They had stores of various kinds and a joss house. Four of the houses were devoted 204 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY almost wholly to gambling and called "Chinatown." Farther up from the creek at what was known as the Tuttle tract near San Pablo avenue and Twenty-sec ond street was North or Upper Chinatown. Oakland, in the fall of 1876, was the scene of the largest popular political demonstration ever witnessed in the county since the memorable campaign which elected Abraham Lincoln President of the United States. It was a complimen tary reception tended to Hon. H. F. Page and a meeting called to listen to the matchless oratory of Thomas Fitch. The meeting was held at the big republi can tent on Fourteenth street. Many ladies were present. Bonfires, rockets and a torch-light procession enlivened the occasion. Mr. Page, as usual, was received with stirring enthusiasm and Mr. Fitch's electrical oratory surpassed anything of the kind ever before heard here. Nearly all listeners were astonished and held breathless by the linguistic -beauty and rhetorical fascination of his speech. The democrats held a big mass meeting at Dietz hall late in October, and listened to an able speech from S. J. Carpenter, democratic candidate for Con gress. As the news was received of the election returns in Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia, eager crowds gathered around the bulletin boards to learn the results. United States Senator Oliver P. Morton of Indiana, one of the famous ' "War Governors," spoke to a vast audience at the skating rink, Oakland, late in October. The speech was spoken of as one of the most masterly ever deliv ered in this city. On March 3, 1877, the committee of 101 met for the purpose of nominating candidates for the approaching municipal election. R. C. Gaskill served as chair man. For mayor Dr. E. H. Pardee was nominated. A full ticket was placed in the field.' Nearly one hundred republicans later addressed a public letter to Gen. George S. Dodge, requesting him to become a candidate for the office of mayor. The paper stated that the request was made because the signers believed a grave injustice had been done the people of Oakland by the republi can convention which had convened here on March 3d. General Dodge gra ciously accepted the call and consented to become a candidate. Livermore was divided on local issues in the election of May, 1877; there being a citizens' ticket and a peoples' ticket, each of which named candidates for town trustees. It was realized in July, that for about ten years a small clique of politicians who had become chronic office seekers, were endeavoring to perpetuate their fran chise on the city offices and had formed a ring to that effect. The greenback party of the county held its convention July 20th, in Armory hall ; Col. A. E. Redstone presided. The state platform was adopted and a full county ticket was nominated. Among those who participated were John M. Florner, B. V. Lowe, Joel Russell, A. E. Redstone, E. C. Farley, A. S. Hubbard, C. E. Pal mer, Alonzo Crawford, John Doherty, William Halley, William Helmer and Henry Vrooman. In 1877 the democrats of the county in convention opposed Chinese immi gration, favored the prevention of imported Chinese laborers; demanded justice for the working man; asked for a land tax; demanded punishment for malfea sance in office; requested Congressmen to secure help from Congress to improve Oakland harbor; approved the removal of Federal troops from the South; opposed monopolies and sumptuary laws; and supported a tariff for revenue and the common school system. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 205 In view of the strikes all over the country and the labor and Chinese riots in San Francisco in particular, the Oakland council held a special meeting late in July, 1877, to adopt measures to insure the prompt suppression of any law lessness that might break out in this city. Every member of the council and a large number of prominent citizens were present. An address calling for law and order was prepared and circulated. At this meeting there was expressed much diversity of sentiment and judgment. J. H. Redstone maintained that there existed a general movement in favor of labor throughout the whole country that could not be laughed down and advised that steps should be taken to abate the Chinese nuisance or settle the coolie question, because the white workingmen of the country were opposed to the Chinese., The police prepared for trouble and were reinforced by the Oakland Guard and many private citizens. In a street speech J. H. Redstone demanded that the Central Pacific Company should at once discharge their Chinese employes. Violent resolutions were adopted. The citizens formed a committee of safety to meet any unlawful emergency. Five hundred special policemen were called for by Mayor Pardee and $5,000 was quickly subscribed to meet expenses. Oakland was divided into seven safety districts which were patrolled and guarded. The Redstones were leaders of the strike movement here and strong speakers at the street meetings. The local political campaign in August, 1877, was a mean one — full of trickery and lying abuse. An attempt to change two candidates on the republican ticket was indignantly opposed by the ring republicans who resorted to every measure to defeat the attempt. The insolence, defamation and chicanery of the news papers were manifest to all readers. The result was the election of the entire republican county ticket with one exception by reduced majorities. The repub licans now had three representatives and the democrats two. On the 22d of January, 1878, a special election was held to choose a state senator in the place of Nathan Porter, deceased, which resulted in the election of the workingmen's candidate, John W. Bones. George M. Pinney was political boss of this congressional district. He controlled the Mare Island navy yard from Oakland and was the real author of the famous Tapeworm ticket of the yard. He was clever and crafty, and finally became involved in serious difficulties. In 1879 Col. E. M. Gibson was appointed to the position of district attorney, upon the resignation of Henry Vrooman, who, on retiring, received the highest encomiums from the board of supervisors. For. several years previous to the creation of the workingmen's party as a political organization, there had been more or less agitation of the Chinese ques tion, and the competition of Mongolian with white labor. The steady influx of coolies from China, the employment of this cheap labor by manufacturing firms, and the consequent driving out of white laborers from many of the branches of mechanical employment, aroused the working classes to the highest pitch of resentment. Early in 1877 Dennis Kearney, an Irish drayman of San Francisco, commenced holding public meetings on the vacant lots near the new city hall in San Francisco — since known throughout the length and breadth of the land as the Sand Lot — and in his declamatory harangues, worked upon the passions of the multitude, denouncing all men of wealth, and preaching the extreme doctrines of communism. Others who saw a chance for political preferment by catering to the evil passions of the mob, followed in the wake of Kearney, holding out- 206 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY door meetings all over the state. Clubs were formed, andi out of these in better form sprang the workingmen's party. Alameda county in 1878 gave a majority of 2,000 against the new organic act, and a majority of 9,336 against Chinese immigration. The first election under the new constitution occurred in Septem ber, 1879. Three candidates for Governor took the field. The republicans nominated Hon. C. Perkins; the democrats and new constitution party put up Dr. Hugh Glenn, and the workingmen's party nominated William White, a farmer of Santa Cruz county. The republicans, gaining control of the state government, the years 1879 and 1880 being prosperous, and there being plenty of work for all who wanted it, the sand-lot party gradually died out, and the large majority finally went back to the democratic party in the presidential election of 1880, from which it had cut loose during the exciting period of over two years. Oakland succumbed to sand-lot rule for two years — the workingmen electing their mayor in 1878 and 1879 — in 1878 electing not only their candidate for mayor, but police judge and city attorney, and in 1879, the mayor, two members of the city council, and two members of the board of education. The vote for mayor in March, 1879, was closely contested, W. R. Andrus, workingmen's, receiving 2,563 votes, and D. W. Standiford, citizens', 2,353. The voters divided into the parties : citizens' and workingmen's, the latter being domi nated, it was alleged, by Dennis Kearney of San Francisco. On Saturday, March 4, 1882, in response to the proclamation of Governor Perkins, the citizens of California closed their business houses and assembled to consider again the anti-Chinese movement. This act was caused by the wish to inform Congress what the people of the Pacific coast thought of the bill pending in Congress to curtail coolie immigration to this country. In Oakland there was a total cessation of business and a determination to express the deep- seated antipathy of the people to the great Chinese peril. Masonic hall was crowded to its utmost capacity. Mayor J. E. Blethen presided. Colonel Gibson made the principal speech — depicting all the evils of the existing system. A full series of resolutions was adopted, one being as follows : "That the evil Complained of is present and pressing, and that the people of the Pacific coast will be content with nothing less than the immediate passage of the bill now before Congress restricting further Chinese immigration." There was a general feeling that unless Congress gave relief the people would take the law into their own hands and speedily abate the nuisance, but this sentiment was promptly checked and rebuked by the speakers at this meeting and by the press. On March 23d the anti-Chinese bill passed the House by the vote of 177 to 65. Congressman Page was given the chief credit for this success. It provided that after ninety days from the passage of the bill and until the expiration of twenty years after its passage the coming of Chinese laborers to the United States should be suspended. President Arthur vetoed the bill and sadness fell upon all the Pacific coast. Through the efforts of Congressman Page and under a suspension of the rule's the House passed the bill over the veto. A ten-year suspension bill was later signed by President Arthur. At the state election in 1882 John R. Glascock of this county ran for Congress man at large; his vote in this county was 4,562 against 4,603 for Morrow, his opponent. In 1882 E. M. Gibson, republican, was elected railroad commissioner HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 207 over Foote, democrat, by the vote of 4,599 to 4,445. Vrooman, republican, and Whitney, republican, were elected to the state Senate over Lawton, democrat, and Dixon, democrat. The republican municipal convention, in March, 1882, assembled in Ger- mania hall. The call was for the nomination of good men and the restriction of coolie immigration and for the encouragement of manufacturing enterprises. The convention nominated for mayor, C. K. Robinson; city attorney, John Yule; city marshal, M. E. Clough; superintendent of schools, J. C. Gilson; police judge, S. F. Daniels. The democrats nominated for mayor, Israel Lawton; city attorney, Thomas Carneal; police judge, Asa Howard; city marshal, T. F. Jenkins ; school superintendent, D. S. Hirshberg. The republicans elected their entire ticket by a large majority. For mayor, Robinson (republican), received 2,444 votes and Lawton (democrat), 2,061 votes. The average republican majority was 1,278. At the election for town trustees of Alameda in the spring of 1882 the fol low was the result: William Simpson 504, J. M. Gray. 528; E. B. Dunning 188, Louis Meyer 416, C. A. Edson 515, William Midden 549. At the election called for November 7, 1882, the number of precincts in the county were forty as follows : Alameda township^ — Alameda Nos, 1, 2 and 3; Brooklyn township — Brooklyn, No. 1 (two precincts)-, Brooklyn No. 2; Oak land township — Berkeley, West Berkeley Bay precinct, Temescal, Ocean View, Piedmont.; Oakland City — First ward (three precincts), Second ward (two pre cincts), Third ward (two precincts), Fourth ward (two precincts), Fifth ward, Sixth ward (two precincts) ; Eden township — San Leandro,. San Lorenzo, Hay wards, Mt. Eden, Castro Valley; Washington township — Alvarado, Centerville, Mission San Jose, Niles, Newark; Murray township — Sunol, Pleasanton, Dub lin, Livermore TMo. 1, Livermore No. 2, Altamont., In January, 1883, the state passed from the republicans to the democrats, yet all admitted that the administration of Governor Perkins had been excel lent. The bill for the regulation of municipal corporations applied directly to Oakland; it provided, that -municipal elections should be- held every two years for seven councilmen, a mayor, a treasurer, a city attorney, a school superin tendent and a street superintendent. The, republican municipal convention was held March 5th in Germania hall. E. M. Gibson was nominated for mayor.; James Dods for city, clerk and treasurer.; Joseph M. Dillon,- city assessor. As- a, whole the ticket was pronounced satisfactory, and good, but subsequent events proved it otherwise in part. The .democrats nominated J. W., Martin for mayor; James A. Booth for city clerk and treasurer and O. R. • Johnson for assessor. Both parties nominated full council tickets. , There was a general demand for honest- men, but party lines governed the voters. The election was quiet and uneventful. The result was the election of eleven candidates, on the republi can ticket and four on the democratic ticket, including the mayor. Mr. Martin proved to be more popular than Mr. Gibson and drew fnany republican votes. This election surprised the quidnuncs who had predicted an overwhelming vic tory for Mr. Gibson. Even the most sanguine democrats were surprised. Mar tin (democrat) received , 2,514 votes, and Gibson (republican) received 2,206. Gibson carried wards 2,-3 and 7. For, city clerk and treasurer Dods (repub lican), received 2,697 and Booth (democrat), 2,036. The total vote was 4,733. Vol. I—H 208 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY At the November election, 1882, the democrats fought to secure the offices of sheriff and county clerk. The republican machine and boss rule forced inde pendents to vote the democratic ticket. The result in the county was as follows : For Governor — Stoneman (democrat), 4,617; Estee (republican), 4,239; Mc Donald (people's), 369; McQuiddy (greenback), 20. But the county cast a majority for the republican candidates. The democrats elected their county clerk and sheriff as they had planned. Thus the republicans met a political tornado. The republicans nominated for mayor, A. C. Henry; clerk and treasurer, F. M. Fisher; attorney, C. T. Johns; police judge, S. F. Daniels; school super intendent, J. C. Gilson; city marshal, George Atkinson. The platform pledged the party to an economical administration, to no favoritism, and to the furnishing of all supplies in the public schools. The democrats renominated J. W. Mar tin for mayor; Bernard McFadden for city attorney; Judge Roseborough for police judge; E. H. Hamilton for marshal; T. O. Crawford for school superin tendent ; John Madens for clerk and treasurer. The municipal election of March, 1884, demonstrated that Oakland was a republican city when that party was united and put up good men. The result was due to the energy and good judgment shown by the city central committee — W. W. Camron, J. W. Ballard, E. G Cram, R. M. Apgar, H. Griffin, H. Fiege and W. T. Gibbs. The vote stood: For mayor — Henry (republican), 2,531 ; Mar tin (democrat^, 2,216. The remainder of the republican ticket was elected by larger majorities, Gilson (republican) for school superintendent receiving 755 majority over Crawford (democrat) and Fisher (republican) for clerk and treas urer 788 over Madens (democrat). « The republican county convention met in Germania hall on April 27, 1884. O. C. Miller of Alameda served as chairman. The resolutions adopted instructed the delegates to the state convention to vote for no one to the national conven tion who would not support James G. Blaine for the Presidency, and warmly commended the administration of President Arthur, Delegates to the state convention were chosen. The republican state convention assembled in the same hall two days later. This was a distinction of which the whole county was proud. The hall was appropriately decorated for the occasion and the hotels were crowded with the delegates and their attendants. A. E. Davis served as temporary chairman. The resolutions asked for such amendments to the Chinese exclusion act as would prevent any evasion in letter or spirit, supported James G. Blaine for president, and recommended that the office of commissioner of agriculture should be made a cabinet office. The democratic county convention met June 7th, in Germania hall, with H. Dusterberry in the chair. The resolutions favored the nomination of Samuel J. Tilden for the presidency; denounced monopoly; demanded the payment of taxes from the Central Pacific Railroad Company, and condemned Carpenter, Humphreys and Marshall of the railroad commission for alleged non-compli ance with election pledges. The assembly districts in Alameda county in 1884 were as follows: Fifty- first— Murray and Washington townships, the towns of Haywards and Castro Valley; fifty-second — Remainder of Eden township outside of Oakland and all of Alameda township; fifty-third — Fourth and Sixth wards, Oakland; fifty- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 209 fourth — First ward/ Oakland and a portion of Oakland township; fifty-fifth — Second and Third wards, Oakland; fifty-seventh — Fifth and Seventh wards, Oakland and part of Oakland township. In July the Army and Navy League held an immense campfire in Germania hall. The cry was "Blaine, Logan and Victory." Among the speakers were Henry Edgerton, Joseph McKenna, Mayor Henry C. Cook, L. W. Allum, L. B. Edwards, George W." Tyler, Captain Huley and Col. E. M. Gibson. There was much excitement here in July over the proceedings of the national republican convention at Chicago. Large crowds surrounded the bulletin boards. When the nomination of Blaine was a certainty the republican hords of the county went wild for a few days and held rousing ratification meetings at which the best local orators in eloquent terms voiced the approbation of the party. A convention of the regular republicans of Alameda met in 1884 and nominated a cut-and-dried ticket and assumed that they had done all that was necessary to gain the approval of the voters. But this convention was not per mitted to have its own way without a fight. A ticket in opposition by persons who were dissatisfied with the former nominees or with the course of the former meeting was put up, the candidates for trustees being as follows : E. B. Mastick, T. A. Smith, G. C. Hall, F. H. McCormisk, C. C. Volberg; school trustees — D. J. Sullivan, A. Mayrisch, O. Lubbock, C. A. Brown, T. A. Thomson ; marshal — F. K. Krauth, Jr. ; recorder — J. W. Clark ; treasurer — P L. Shoaff ; assessor — James Millington; clerk — J. M. Reynolds. It was charged that this ticket was instigated by certain real estate interests. The committee of thirty- three that had nominated the other ticket met on December 16th and by resolu tions advocated the following measures: The streets should be sewered, paved and lighted; there should be an adequate police force; the public schools should be kept up to the highest standard ; the candidates nominated, if elected, pledged themselves to see the foregoing measures carried into effect. The total vote cast at the Alameda city election was 751 — a light one. The result of the election was as follows: Town trustees — E. B. Mastick, T. A. Smith, G. C. Hall, E. F. Rea and R. S. Falconer; school directors — D. J. Sullivan, Isaac Manheim, A. May risch, C. A. Brown, T. , A. Thomson ; marshal — James Cook ; recorder — C. M. Radcliff; treasurer — N. W. Palmer; assessor — E. M. Smith; clerk— James Millington. When the news began to arrive from all parts of the country in November, and it seemed as if first one and then the other party had won, the crowds here around the bulletin boards went wild and for several days apparently did not leave the streets. This county of course was not in doubt, but the excitement was over the general result. Alameda county gave Blaine 7,558, Cleveland 4,735, St. John 105, Butler 89. The whole republican county ticket was elected by large majorities — 1,000 to 3,000 except, in the case of one — Supervisor Duster berry, democrat, defeated Musser, republican. The total vote of the county was 12,365, of which 7,331 were polled in Oakland. In 1880 the total vote was 9,837, of which 5,762 were cast in Oakland. In 1884 Haywards distinguished itself by polling nineteen votes for St. John, the prohibition candjdate. The republicans in March, 1885, nominated E. W. Playter for mayor and a full municipal ticket. The election was strictly a party contest. The democrats 210 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY hoped to capture some of the offices through the apathy or folly of the repub licans. The democrats nominated John S. Drum for mayor. This campaign was remarkably free from personalities. The result was the election of the fol lowing republicans : mayor, four councilmen out of seven, six school directors out of seven, and all the free library trustees ; also treasurer and assessor. The total vote was 5,549. Playter, republican, received 2,901 votes and J. S. Drum, democrat, 2,645 votes. At the municipal election in Berkeley in May, 1885, the following officers were elected: For trustees— J. M. Creed, H. L. Whitney and W. C. Wright; school directors — R. W. Andrews, C. H. Burr and Chris. Johnson; marshal — Philip Monroe; clerk — T. F. Graber; treasurer — Thomas Hann; justices of the peace — C. N. Terry and C. R. Lord; constable— T. F. Henderkin and W. H. Menefee; assessor — R. A. Morse. Two tickets were in the field. The total vote cast was 537 — East Berkeley 313, and West Berkeley 224. The two tickets were called people's and citizens'. In the spring of 1886 the republicans renominated Mayor Playter and put up a full ticket. In the convention there was sharp rivalry, but the best of feeling. The contest was a preference of, persons rather than a question of character or ability. Both parties named good men and while party lines were generally fol lowed, there were many cases of scratching through personal prejudices. News papers urged voters to stick to their party in order to secure prestige for the approaching state contest. The democrats nominated Capt. John Hackett for mayor and also placed a full ticket in the field. John H. Church ran as an inde pendent candidate for mayor. He declared that both parties, republican and democrat, had lowered their colors to a railroad company, in other words had ceased to serve the people. There was a conflict between two railroads, narrow gauge and broad gauge and the parties, he declared, had espoused the cause of the one or the other. He also opposed the merchant's license and favored a reduction of official salaries — that of the mayor included to be cut down to $1,000. At the San Leandro town election in 1886 a war pf races resulted in the elec tion of a mixed ticket. The Irish and Portuguese were unfriendly. The repub licans cut and slashed their own ticket or it would have won in spite of the fact that the town was really democratic by about thirty- five majority. ' At the town election in Haywards two tickets were put up — people's and citizens'. The anti- boycotting sentiment was represented by the people's, which was elected by about 3 to 1. The voters evidently did not believe business men should be boycotted because they employed Chinese laborers. At the Berkeley town election in May there were two tickets in the field— citizens' and people's ; the greater portion of the former was elected. An assemblage of republicans and others called the taxpayers' convention met on March 8, 1887. Several inflammatory speeches were delivered and imme diately thereafter the following action was taken: "That it is not for the best interests of the city to return Pardee, the incumbent, to the office of mayor,: and that should General Dodge consent to become the candidate of the taxpayers this convention will give him their hearty support." In a spirited speech W. M. Graham thereupon formally nominated General Dodge. The acceptance by that gentleman was received with great applause by the convention. This opposition movement of the alleged taxpayers was against the so-called "ring" in the HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 211 municipal government — against a packed convention and a cut-and-dried ticket. It was claimed that when Henry Durant ran on the regular republican ticket for mayor, Doctor Pardee bolted the ticket and ran in opposition, doing his best to defeat Durant, and that now that same Doctor Pardee had so grown in influence in certain political quarters that he could pack the convention and laugh at any one shrewd enough to understand his game. It was claimed that it took the "ring committee of seven" three nights to prepare a list of favorable delegates who would be sure to renominate Doctor Pardee. The issues were: (i) a clearly defined system of public improvements; (2) a park; (3) a boulevard around Lake Merritt; (4) a broad avenue skirting the base of the foothills; (5) a thorough sewerage system; (6) and a definite settle ment of the water front problem. As a matter of fact the republican party as such did not renominate Doctor Pardee. All of this was denied by the committee of 101 and the republican press. The old administration supported Doctor Pardee with great unanimity and vigor. Not a single serious charge was made against him or his supporters. The Democrat supported Pardee and the Tribune supported Dodge. Parties were split. It was local faction against local faction and no doubt personal reasons and private gain cut something of a figure in this spirited contest. But people were tired of professional and- omnipresent office seekers. The result was the reelection of Doctor E. H. Pardee, by a majority of 145 votes. In 1876 his majority over Ex- Judge Stanly was 615. At the presidential election in 1876 the republican majority in the city was over 1,300. The result showed that the administration under Doctor Pardee was not seriously condemned. He received 1,830 votes and General Dodge 1,685. The former carried the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Seventh wards and the latter the Second and Sixth. A majority of the . republican ticket was elected. As a whole the contest was one of the closest and warmest ever held in the city. In 1887 the vote of the American party before the election was a doubtful and serious problem in local municipal politics. It was seen that the party was sure to poll a large vote and the republicans, at least, were scared. At the elec tion, although they won, the republicans realized that they had a new and formid able enemy to encounter in future elections in all probability. W. R. Davis, the republican candidate, won but did not have a majority of all the votes polled. This was food for serious thought. The result was- — for mayor, W. R. Davis, republican, 2,761; Henry Hayes, democrat, 2,009; J- W. Martin, American, 1,357; scattering 35. The republican city convention in 1888 nominated Dr. S. H. Melvin for mayor; he was chosen on the second ballot against Mr. Shattuck and Mr. Brown. The convention reaffirmed the resolutions adopted by the republican city convention in 1887 that "the republican party has and now declares a local policy which is in favor of every legitimate enterprise calculated to develop the resources of the community and the interests of the city." The democrats nominated Charles D. Pierce for mayor and a full party ticket. The convention of the American party nominated for mayor, J. West Martin, who, though a member of the American party, at first declined, but finally accepted when he was nominated again by acclamation and with intense enthusiasm. The convention named a full city ticket and otherwise prepared for a stirring campaign. The city nomination convention of the American party assembled March 1st, in Camron hall. The 212 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY convention consisted of all the club members of that party in this city. There were in all ninety-seven delegates. The result of the election was as follows: Melvin, republican, 2,309; Pierce, democrat, 2,376; Martin, American, 858; Gregg, independent, 6y. The remainder of the republican ticket was elected. The democratic county convention in 1888, approved the democratic national platform, endorsed President Cleveland's course on the reciprocity problem, demanded ward and township registration in this county; promised to contribute in every way to every movement that would assist in the construction of good roads and generally the prosperity of the county, and favored the total exclusion of the Chinese from this country. The convention was harmonious and placed a full ticket in the field. The republican county convention in September adopted resolutions favoring free common schools, the construction of better roads and highways throughout the county, the proposed public improvements in Oakland, and encouragement to any railroad company that would build a road across any portion of the county. The convention named a full ticket. The republicans con structed a large campaign wigwam at Fourteenth and Broadway. It was built by subscription. While the democrats were slow to organize for campaign pur poses, they were not slow to secure the registration of all members of their party. By July 20th they had but one club in Oakland, while the republicans had about a dozen. The prohibitionists were also active in effecting complete registration and the necessary naturalization. Alfred A. Moore was a candidate for the republi can nomination for chief justice of the supreme court. At this time he was the recognized leader of the Alameda county bar. He was peculiarly fitted for this high place, but in July retired from the contest. There was for the first time a law for ward and township registration which closed thirty days before election. The formation of political clubs became fashionable — transcended the impure bounds of political mud slinging and mounted the stage of society, comedy and tragedy as the participants should elect. It was popular for the young men to join the clubs and popular for the young ladies to join the young men. It then seemed necessary for the mothers to put in a dignified appearance occasionally and join both, and soon martial music and the nursery lullabys were blended in the sweetest nuptial harmony. In 1888 W. D. English, of Oakland, chairman of the democratic state central committee, a shrewd and able politician, directed all his efforts to the election of one or two democrats in this republican stronghold for the effect such an accomplishment would have on the approaching state and presidential elections. He directed his utmost efforts to the election of Mr. Pierce, democrat, for mayor ; and Mr. Crawford for city school superintendent. He had the assistance of the best and brainiest democrats in this city and county. Again the contest was tri angular as it had been in 1887. The republicans were so certain of victory that they went to sleep and the result was a democratic victory in the essentials. The republicans were defeated by their own apathy and by the massed forces of the democrats. During the campaign the republicans of Haywards made an excellent showing with a uniformed club, a crack drill corps and unabated enthusiasm. Elmer Welch was their drill master. In the political campaign of 1888 Berkeley, Haywards and San Leandro were very active from the start. A large wigwam was built at Haywards by the repub licans and was the only one in the state outside of San Francisco. It seated, 2,000 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 213 people. J. L. Scotchler was at the head of the republican activities in Berkeley — was president of the Harrison and Morton Club. A large mass meeting there ratified the republican ticket. At San Leandro the republicans made desperate efforts to carry that town. W. C. Wright was president of the republican club of West Berkeley. Every ward in Oakland had its republican and democratic clubs. Up to July ioth,.the democrats had done little or nothing in campaign matters. The Iroquois Club was busy and two or three bandana clubs were organized. Their efforts were thus far spent in selecting a ticket that would win. The republican banner was borne to Los Angeles by a committee of Oakland repub licans in December, 1888, E. L. Denison, W. E. Hale and W. E. Dargie originated the idea and custom. The voters in November, 1888, were called upon to vote twice at different booths on the same day — once for the national party ticket and once for the new Oakland charter. The contest at the municipal election in 1889 centered on the selection of mayor and the four councilmen at large, because upon them would rest much of the responsibility of organizing and putting at work the board of public works provided for under the new constitution. All realized that the success of the charter would depend largely upon the manner in which it was set in operation. Upon the new mayor rested the responsibility of appointing the board of public works which would control absolutely all public improvements and thus be wholly a new power and consideration in all municipal elections and affairs. The election contest in the spring was probably the most exciting ever held in Oakland tip to that date. The new charter completely revolutionized municipal conduct and control and private interests fought hard for supremacy. The war of ideas and candidates began at the primaries and ended only after the successful factions and party had duly and grandiloquently celebrated their victory and perhaps had counted the spoils. There was a hot fight in the republican ranks at the primaries ^to such an extent that it was said that "Peace spread her wings and flew weeping away." The mayor and the board of public works were bull's eyes at which all the official aspirants aimed their lances and their partisan hopes. The following republicans were candidates for mayor: J. P. Ames, H. A. Powell, F. K. Shattuck, A. C. Henry and M. J. Keller. Each candidate had his sup porters and the pledges and betrayals were numerous and glaring. Charges of fraud flew fast like rain drops on a wintry day. Thus the primaries were any thing but conclusive and clearly not harmonious. The trouble was in the Fourth ward. At the convention, a faction of the republicans bolted the regular con vention — the first time in history. The delegates of the Third and Seventh wards went out, and the others nominated Judge A. P. Ames for mayor. The two wards bolted on the ground, as they claimed, that political chicanery ruled the convention. The platform adopted favored industrial education, promised enforce ment of the new charter, sustained the public schools, favored a free and untram- meled ballot, encouraged manufacturers, thanked congressmen for the harbor appropriation, hailed with delight the passage of the Scott Chinese exclusion bill and recognized the demands of the laboring community. Concerning the bolt Doctor Pardee said that the act sounded the bugle against corruption. N. W. Spaulding said that he had seen trouble coming from the Fourth ward for a long time and knew that the corrupt practices exhibited there would cause trouble in the party. The two ward delegations met later, Mr. Spaulding presiding. 214 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY They were joined by the delegates of the American party. On the platform were five ex-mayors: N. W. Spauding, E. H. Pardee, J. E. Blethen, J. West Martin and E. W. Playter. In resolutions they endorsed the bolt on the ground "of a packed convention with delegates from the Fourth ward fraudulently elected in violation of law by ballot-box staffers," and further resolved that citizens of the Fourth ward had been practically disfranchised at the primary by dummies in line who kept out legal voters until too late to vote — and who had obstructed the polls. The result was that the bolting delegation fused with the democratic party, each naming half of the fusion ticket, with John R. Glascock as candidate for the mayoralty. Separate conventions were held and each named candidates for the offices agreed upon. The independent republicans, as the bolters called them selves, favored a liberal construction of the new charter and the nomination of men who would give it a fair trial, pledged an election to vote upon the question of raising money for public improvements, advocated such an extension of the city limits as would embrace all outlying and contiguous territory and farms, and asked the cooperation of all citizens in an effort to prevent filibustering at the polls. As a matter of fact, the course taken by the Fourth ward was due to the failure of that portion of the city to defeat the new charter when it was first voted for and afterwards in the Legislature. Having suffered total and inglorious failure in the opposition, they now sought by hook or crook to place in the mayor's chair and on the board of public works officials who- would practically kill or dis grace and make odious the new charter and everything and everybody connected with it. The democratic wing of the fusion alliance passed resolutions discoun tenancing every act of fraud at elections, favoring public improvements, sus taining the public school system, promising a fair trial for the new charter, favoring competitive lines of railways, encouraging manufacturers, pledging the party to honest administration, and promised the laboring people of Oakland the support of the democratic party in all honest and lawful efforts to advance their interests and promote their material welfare. The American party reinforced the citizens' ticket as the fusion nominees were called. They nominated Mr. Glascock for mayor by acclamation- and chose other fusion candidates for sub ordinate places. The fusion of the independent republicaris and the democrats (in -1889) caused the prohibitionists and Americans to nanle separate tickets. The nominees for mayor were as follows : ¦ Republican, J. P. Ames ; citizens', John R. Glascock ; American, John R. Glascock; prohibition, Galen M. Fisher. The result was the complete success of the citizens ticket. For treasurer Mr. Gilpin was the nominee of the republican, citizens' and American tickets. John R. Glascock carried every ward. The vote was as follows: For mayor — Ames (R), 2,131; Glascock (Cit. & Am.), 5,148; Fisher (Pro.), 119; Glascock plurality, 2, 987. The result was a blow at boss or ring rule which the citizens of this city did not forget for many years. At the Alameda municipal election on April 1, 1889, there Were polled a total of 1,196 votes. There was no contest nor excitement. The Alameda County American Citizens Equal Rights Association, an organ ization of the African race, made strong efforts to secure a place on the republi can ticket. There were in the county at this time nearly nine hundred colored voters. In view of this fact and their faithfulness to the party they asked that a colored man might be named on the ticket as a candidate for the state legisla- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 215 ture. They asked that J. B. Wilson, managing editor of the San Francisco Elevator, might be so nominated. At this time the association above named numbered g25 members. In the campaign of 1890 the democrats concentrated on Charles McCleverty for sheriff, John Hackett for assessor, and C. Lionel Dam for clerk. In 1882 McCleverty was elected sheriff by a plurality of 580 votes. The democrats thought his popularity would again enable him to win and so again nominated him in 1890. It was believed- also that Mr. Hackett's popularity would enable him to win. They nominated T. O. Crawford for county superintendent for the same reason. They had nominated him for that office in 1882, but he had declined on the ground that the democratic party in this county was against the so-called Sunday law and he refused to follow them. The speech of the campaign of 1890 at Oakland was deliverd by Colonel Markham, republican nominee for Governor, at Germania hall, which could not hold the audience that assembled. There were bon-fires, Roman candles, parades and much partisan enthusiasm. Judge Gibson was severely criticised by the republican journals for deserting the republican party merely because they decided to nominate an equally good and deserving member of the legal profession for superior judge. The republicans had made him district attorney for five years, superior judge for nearly six years, named him mayor of Oakland, railroad commissioner and Indian commissioner, etc. For nearly twenty years he had occupied office through votes or appoint ments of republicans. Now it was said of him that he was nothing if not a politician. The republican ticket was elected throughout. This result was certain in view of the enormous republican majority in the county and the harmonious and united nature of the campaign. The bitter and scurrilous fight against Judge Greene utterly failed to accomplish his ¦ defeat. There was considerable scratching of tickets, but as a whole voters clung to their party nominees. The personal popularity ¦ of certain democratic candidates enabled them to make deep inroads on the majorities of their opponents, - but not deep enough to win success. For Congress McKenna (R) received in the county 9,190 votes; Irish (D. & A.), 6,979; and Felkner (Pro.), 388. For Governor, Markham (R) received 9,333 votes; Pont (D.), 6,274; Bidwell (A. & P.), 1,080. For superior court judges (2) Henshaw (R), 9,266; Greene (R; & A.), 8,996; Gibson (D), 7,955; Roseborough (D), 5,809. The democrats elected a justice of the peace at Haywards, and a constable at Pleasanton. From the start the political situation in Oakland in the spring of 1891 pre sented many complex and baffling features which no politician however astute could solve in advance or in any effective way untangle. The Americans wooed the board of trade, the improvement associations and the citizens committee; the democrats proclaimed the right of the combination to the favor and franchises of the voters, and the republicans sought to rally their scattered flock into the party fold once more. Unquestionably the latter had. the advantage, because the necessity of the combination had already disappeared and republicans were sure to come back wiser and holier to the fold. The prohibitionists prepared to con test the field with any and all parties that did not pronounce against the liquor interest. It was generally agreed that the combination had not during the past two years done such striking and pronounced good, that it should without ques- 216 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY tion be returned to power and glory. The local option alliance figured well at this time. In March, 1891, amid great ceremony, the banner won by Los Angeles county in 1886 was brought to Oakland and presented to the banner republican county of the state in 1890. Eloquent speeches rendered the occasion memorable. Attor ney Kelley, of Los Angeles, read an interesting history of the flag from October 2°, I775, down to date. The republicans nominated Melvin C. Chapman for mayor and named a full ticket. W. R. Davis was chairman of the convention. The platform declared for a local policy that encouraged and aided every legitimate enterprise calculated to develop the city; sustained the public schools, favored for teachers graduates of the Oakland schools and actual residents of the city ; favored street, sewer, plaza, drive and park improvements ; demanded the reclamation of the West Oakland marsh, a boulevard around Lake Merritt and the proper dredging of that sheet of water ; expressed the opinion that the mercantile and manufacturing license tax was an unwise and unnecessary system of taxation ; opposed any reduction of the liquor license ; pledged the party to the encouragement of all legitimate indus tries and promised strongest restrictions on all occupations or practices that inter fered with the peace, harmony and order of the community. The party was united, was out in full panoply and force and at once prepared for active work to secure the election of the whole ticket. A ticket of well known and substan tial men was named. The party was determined to regain the power and con fidence which in a large measure it had lost two years before. The democrats nominated Charles G. Yale for mayor and likewise named nearly a full ticket. The convention was harmonious, though there were some differences on local option matters. Cary Howard acted as chairman of the con vention. The platform favored the reclamation of the West Oakland marsh, the construction of the lake boulevard, a complete system of sewerage, the dredging of Lake Merritt, and the issuance of bonds to secure these improvements; sus tained the public schools and favored home teachers; expressed the opinion that the streets should be opened to tide water; supported the present license sys tem; promised support of an election to determine the continuance or discon tinuance of the drinking saloon ; expressed the belief that the water supply could be improved by filtering, etc.; promised that the estuary touching the Sixth ward should be improved ; and deplored the death of George Hearst. Admittedly, the democratic ticket and platform were strong and popular, so much so that the republicans were spurred to united and heroic methods during the rest of the campaign. The American party invited the East and the West Oakland Improvement Clubs, the citizens committee of one hundred, the board of trade, the local option alliance and a large number of representative citizens to meet them in a non partisan convention to name a municipal ticket. But as there appeared to be no hurry to accept this invitation, the American party resolved to hold a strictly party convention and name a straight party ticket. With the Americans, the prohibitionists, the local option alliance, the combination, the straight democrats and the straight republicans, Oakland experienced lurid times just preceding the municipal election in 1891. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 217 Under the reform ballot law popularly known as the Australian system, an entirely new and different order of procedure was necessary. All the parties preferred statements of what should be done by their organizations and follow ers. In 1891 many citizens and business houses requested L. W. Kennedy to become a candidate for mayor. He granted the request. The campaign was spirited, quiet and free from personal abuse. The local option faction threw much doubt on the result. Pledges had been signed by 5,000 citizens ; the ques tion thus arose, how far such obligations would be binding upon the signers. The result of the contest was as follows: For Mayor Chapman (R) 4,240; Yale (D) 2141 ; Reed (A) 207; Gregg (Pro.) 59. Concerning this election (1891) Rev. J. K. McLean said to the temperance women: "Your wish may not prevail, but hope on. It is only a question of time when the silent influence you possess will conquer." Rev. C. W. Wendte said that the paramout issue was not city improvements, but was the overthrow of the saloon power. Rev. C. H. Hobart told the voters to elect men who represented purity and right — local optionists. Rev. E. R. Dille recommended voters to scratch for the best men and against the saloons. Rev. Dr. Coyle aided the battle at the polls for men who favored a local option election. Rev. Frank Dixon said those who favored local option would find themselves about to sit down without a chair, that the politicians obscured the real issue which was temperance, that many men prominent in the campaign favored high water and low whisky. Rev. Dr. Chapman declared that the real question was temperance — whether the liquor traffic should be continued in the city or not. Of the thirty officers elected only three were democrats — councilmen. In the spring of 1891 two tickets were in the field at Berkeley, viz: non partisan and independent taxpayers. It was the most exciting election ever held in that town. Desperate efforts were adopted to defeat the non-partisan ticket; one objection was that eight of the candidates were of foreign birth. However the ticket, with one exception, was successful. The platform of the winners espoused public economy and improvement with individual liberty and social order, ample school facilities, moderate taxation, electric lights, enforce ment of the university liquor law, public franchises not to be granted without due restrictions, protection against fires, establishment of a general system of improvement, and streets and drives to be beautified. The North Berkeley Club took an active part in the election, but failed to win a point. The independent taxpayers attributed their defeat largely to the fact that the temperance people did not vote. It was really a partial victory for the saloons. The independent taxpayers ticket was called "Burst the Ring ticket." The highest number of votes polled for any one candidate was 763 for McVey for constable. At Hay wards there were two tickets in the field, the taxpayers and an unnamed ticket. The former being public improvement advocates, they elected their entire ticket, there being polled 283 votes. In June, 1892, the republicans in all parts of the county assembled and rati fied the renomination of General Harrison for president. The political cam paign of 1892 in Alameda county was unexampled for its quietness and lack of subterfuges and surprises. Although the county was stumped by the parties, there were small crowds and little enthusiasm. The Dark Lantern Municipal League was the term applied to all persons who opposed the issuance of bonds 218 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY for the public improvements demanded generally in 1891-92. It was declared the organization proper comprised only thirty members. The league declared their object was solely political and had nothing to do with the bond question. The league was active and powerful. Its president was Giles H. Gray. Its standing committee of twenty prepared lists of desirable delegates to the munic ipal convention in December, 1892. Fifty-six delegates were elected to the con vention. The republican delegate convention of July, 1892, was -one of the- liveliest ever held. It was the first for twenty years in which a straight fight was made for an Alameda county man for Congress. The Congressmen supported for many years in Alameda county were Joseph McKenna and H. F. Page, both of whom were excellent and satisfactory, but now this county at last demanded its own Representative in Congress. The county convention of the people's party assembled in San Leandro in August, 1892. They- declared in favor of having the water front returned to the Government, denounced the state board of equalization for allowing the Water Front Company's property claims in Oakland valued at $12,000,000 to be assessed at a little over $100,000 and the improvements of the Southern Pacific Company valued at several millions to be assessed for $8,000. The convention named nearly a full county ticket. The republican county convention met in the Tabernacle at Eleventh and Harrison streets on September 19th; George E. Whitney served as chairman. The plat form declared in favor of education, temperance, morality, the administration of public office for the benefit of the whole people and made the following pro nouncement: "Partisanship in the republican party means patriotism and it includes all the elements of wise, conservative and sound citizenship." There was good feeling, but there were sharp contests for several of the offices, including that of sheriff. The convention demanded that county business should be con ducted upon business principles and George C. Perkins -was recommended for the United States Senate. At the November election nine constitutional amend ments were submitted to the people. Six were carried in this county and were to limit debts of Counties, cities, etc. ; to tell how cities could adopt charters ; to elect Senators by direct vote of the people, to sustain the San Francisco depot act, to require an educational qualification for voters, and to provide for refund ing the state debt. The election of November, 1892, was the first in the state to put the Austra lian system of voting into practice. There was some confusion resulting from a misunderstanding of how to mark and otherwise prepare the ballot. The result of the election in Alameda county astonished and dismayed the republi cans, surprised and delighted the democrats and caused no unusual nor alarm ing emotions in the breasts or brains of the prohibitionists or peoples' party advocates. The vote for presidential electors was as follows : republican 8,772 ; democrat 7,109; people's party 2,110; prohibitionist 442. Robert McKillican (D.) was elected sheriff. The Australian ballot was successful and liked. In 1892 Judge Samuel G. Hilborn (R.) ran for Congress from the third district for both short and long terms, his opponent being Warren English (D.). Judge Llilborn carried this county, and at first it seemed that he had carried the dis trict. As the reports came in it seemed first as if one and then the other led HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 219' in the race. The final count showed Hilborn in the lead by three, votes. Mr. English contested and in the democratic house of Congress was victorious. The local election in Alameda surprised the wise men of that town. Demo crats were successful and old, reliable and entrenched office holders were shaken up or turned down. At the county election P. L. Bassett, C. D. Bennett, A. C. Fray, J. W. Riley and A. Schrayer were elected members of the sanitary board of the Fruit Vale Sanitary District. In May, 1892, there were three tickets in the field in Berkeley: non-partisan, independent taxpayers and prohibition. The latter accomplished little, though polling eighty votes. Generally the non-partisan candidates were elected. The Australian system was used and about sixty ballots were thrown out for irregu larity. Although East Berkeley was a temperance district drunken men were seen there on election day. Nearly a thousand votes were cast. At Livermore there were two tickets ; citizens' and independent. Generally the former won. The number of votes polled was 255. The Australian system was used and worked well. The town election of San Leandro was lively and resulted in the selection of a mixed ticket. Only 'two tickets were in the field — republican and democratic. Personal popularity determined the victors. The total number of votes cast was 382. Sturtevant, Eber, Goodman, Hansen and Quinn were the trustees chosen. In January, 1893, the Citizens' Municipal League, a non-partisan organiza tion expressed dissatisfaction with the city government ; declared that official position and influence were unblushingly used for personal profit rather than for the public good ; stated that $20,000 of the people's money had been dumped into the mud of Lake Merritt without any real benefit to the city ; denounced the subserviency of the city officials to the dictation of a venal press; denounced the establishment of poolrooms and the awarding of illegal printing contracts ; con gratulated the citizens of Oakland upon the decision of the United States supreme court in the Chicago lake front case whereby it was recognized that a public harbor could not be monopolized by a private corporation; favored the speedy recovery of the Oakland' water front by the city, the entry of competing railroad lines, the dredging of Lake Merritt, the construction of an efficient sewer system, larger returns to the city for railroad franchises, cheaper and better water and light, strict enforcement of liquor laws, suppression of gambling and exclusion of saloons from residence districts; declared that the boulevard as then projected and commenced should never be completed — that it should be built upon the shores of the lake without diminishing the area of the water park, the abutting lands to sustain the cost; -and insisted that public printing should be done by the lowest bidder. The republicans of Oakland nominated a straight party ticket and refused to accept any compromises or plan alterations. Great pressure was- brought to bear to induce them to .accept candidates from other factions, but to no avail. As a matter of history it was admitted -that the municipal league pleaded with the republican managers to endorse their ticket. This they did after villifying the party for months, first abusing and threatening and then palavering and pleading. Their pleadings were coldly and indignantly turned dowh. The prohibitionists in their platform called for reform in municipal affairs. asserted that the city should possess its own water front and monopolies, 220 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY arraigned the non-partisan ticket supporters for discriminating in favor of the liquor traffic and gambling and for their "cowardly silence on all moral issues," and denounced the members of the council who had betrayed their trust. The democratic convention of 1893 was harmonious and determined. There was no contest in the convention. Mr. McFadden served as chairman and said they had met to complete the work so well begun. T. C. Coogan nominated for mayor R. M. Fitzgerald and the nomination was made unanimous. The plat form adopted promised a reduction in taxation, favored the eight-hour labor law and endorsed improvements in schools, streets, sewers, administration, street franchises, letting of contracts, water front, etc. The platform said, "We are opposed to all sumptuary legislation and believe that no license should be required for any business which would render the same onerous and burden some." At the republican convention Timothy L. Barker was nominated for mayor. George E. Whitney was chairman. George C. Pardee was candidate for mayor but was defeated in the convention. Strong speeches of Moore and Chickering were called out by the threat of a bolt from a faction of the party. The platform was long and contained the usual pledges on schools, streets, sew ers, bonds, water front, saloons, franchises, etc. The populists nominated for mayor J. L. Davie; the prohibitionists, F. W. Sawyer and the municipal league George C. Pardee. Thus there were five tickets in the field. The republicans and the democrats nominated party tickets. The municipal league and the populists announced that they were out for reform. Late in March, 1893, Dr. E. H. Woolsey was announced as an independent candidate for mayor. At his meetings he exposed the political defects and characters with lantern slides. His speeches were the sensation of the campaign. His meetings were attended by the largest audiences of the campaign, were wholly original and unique, and went to the bottom of the political sins of this community. More than a hun dred lantern slides were exhibited — some serious, many comic and humorous and all interesting and thought producing. His was the most lurid, original, spectacular and sensational candidacy ever presented here, but he got few votes. The convention of the people's party was held in Liberty hall in January, with Frank Dixon presiding. Its platform promised that the government of Oakland should be removed from the hands of men and parties who made traffic of the sacred interests of the people and had done what they could to make citizenship itself infamous; that the Contra Costa Water Company should be arrested in its robbery of the public; that the city should proceed at once to take possession of the water front through its proper officers, treating present occupants as trespassers on the ground that said water front never had been and never could be alienated from the people; that the act of the present city council in appropriating the money of the people to the improvement of private property bordering upon Lake Merritt should be denounced as shameless treach ery; that a suitable sewer system should be built; that the granting of further franchises or special privileges to individuals or corporations should be resisted, and that the public school system should be expanded and perfected. The result was the success of the municipal league ticket with a few exceptions; George C. Pardee was elected mayor on the non-partisan ticket. The vote for mayor was as follows: Barker (R.), 946; Davie (Pop.), 2,328; Fitzgerald (D.), 2,191; Pardee (Non-P.), 2,776; Sawyer' (Pro.), 42; Woolsey (Indp.), HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 221 47. In July, 1893, George C. Perkins was appointed to the United States Senate vice Mr. Stanford deceased. The citizens of Berkeley interested in prohibition formed the citizens' league and nominated a town ticket in 1893. The aim of the league was to make the municipal laws conform to the statutes, to reinforce the university mile liquor act by an ordinance making it easier to secure evidence, to provide more fully for sanitary and street improvements and for the needs of the public schools. The law and order league and the prohibition club merged into the citizens' league. In Alameda two municipal conventions, in 1893, each claiming to be non partisan, put tickets in the field and the platforms favored the same objects with striking similarity. However, there was an inside fight on the question of control of the saloon traffic. The republicans in 1894 nominated for mayor J. W. Nelson and named a full city ticket. The platform opposed boss rule, pledged an economical admin istration, promised a generous policy of public improvements, favored an early • settlement of the water front question, congratulated the citizens that the water rate question had been finally and permanently settled by competition, advocated a rigid enforcement of the liquor laws, favored the dredging of Lake Merritt and the conveyance of the material to the West Oakland marsh and recom mended the establishment of a public crematory for the disposal of garbage, etc. The populists declined to fuse and nominated a full ticket with John L. Davie as candidate for mayor. An attempt of the American Protective Association to inject matters concerning religion into the platform was defeated by the con vention. The municipal league or non-partisan convention nominated for mayor J. W. Nelson, thus endorsing so much of the republican ticket. They announced no particular policy or platform except wise administration and advancement. The democrats named a full ticket with T. C. Coogan for mayor. The plat form favored public improvements, endorsed the project of constructing the valley railroad, favored the appointment of a non-partisan commission to invest igate official corruption, denounced official favoritism ; insisted that the water front question should be speedily settled in the courts of last resort and favored a crematory and a city sanitary system, etc. The non-partisan convention named a full ticket with J. W. Nelson for mayor at the head. The prohibitionists named for mayor Dr. P. McCargar. At a later stage the democrats endorsed the nomination of J. W. Nelson for mayor. Davie was elected. The county populist convention was held in Oakland on July 20th; C. N. Hitchcock served as chairman. The platform urged that the issue between capital and labor be squarely met ; advocated government ownership of railroads and county or municipal ownership of water, gas and electric plants, and declared that public franchises should be for public benefit. A strong county ticket was nominated. The convention after declaring its principles and policies upheld "the right of every American citizen to proceed to Washington to enter the grounds and the capital and to present their grievances and demands," thus endorsing the movements of Coxey's army. The prohibition state convention met in Hamilton Hall on May 16th ; George B. Kellogg of Placer county, served as chairman. There was a large attendance of prominent temperance advocates from all parts of the state. The usual resolutions were passed — among them 222 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY being one demanding suffrage for women, one favoring the election of Presi dent and United States Senators by direct vote of the people, and one advocating a graduated land tax. The convention nominated Henry French, of San. Jose, for Governor. The democratic state convention nominated James H. Budd for Governor. W. R. English of Oakland was nominated for Congress. The democratic county primaries were held September 18, 1894; there was little contest or enthusiasm. The county convention assembled at San Leandro September 22d, in St. Joseph's Hall, "which was beautifully decorated. J. J. Scrivner presided over the convention. The platform favored low taxation and pledged the candidates if elected to a reduction of salaries 25 per cent from those then paid. On September 15th the republican primary election was held at Haywards. The main fights were over delegates who would favor certain candi dates for superior judge, county assessor, county clerk, county treasurer and sheriff. There were sharp contests in the wards and smaller towns. Haywards felt greatly honored by the presence of this convention and was decorated in gala attire, particularly Native Son's hall where1 the proceedings were held. The surprises were the new candidates nominated. The convention opposed the" railroad refunding bill then before Congress, favored a rigid retrenchment in county expenditures, and pledged the ticket to improve and keep in repair the principal ' county roads — particularly the Contra Costa county road. The republican campaign of 1894 opened in this county on August 18th, with the appearance of M. M. Estee, republican candidate for governor, who -delivered a comprehensive and telling speech to a large audience. He thoroughly reviewed the labor troubles and declared he had been warned as to what he should say in Oakland, because of the strike and the academic air that prevailed here. He did not mince words nor restrict thought, but attacked every disturbing and unfair element before the public. The Alameda county non-partisan convention assembled in Hamilton hall on September nth; C. R. Lewis presided. The convention demanded that every department of the county government should be kept free from partisan politics. Nearly a full ticket was chosen. The elec tion was- a surprise to the members of all parties. With a few exceptions the republican ticket was elected, several candidates by a very narrow margin. Sanford, populist, was elected treasurer and Garlick, populist and non-partisan. was chosen superintendent of schools. Collins, republican, was defeated by Mc Donald, democrat, for the Assembly. C. B. White, populist, had a large plural ity over Schaffer, republican, for sheriff. Several other surprises occurred. The irregularities of the' pluralities of the : successful candidates betrayed the work ing of agencies wholly foreign to partisanship. The popularity of Judge Hen shaw was revealed by the- result. The existence of personal considerations and factional leanings was shown in every precinct. For Governor: Budd (D.), received 6,786; Estee (R.), '8,150; French' (Pro.), 616; Webster (P.P.), 4,531. Fred M. Campbell, who ran independently for county school superintendent, received 3,380 votes and D. M.. Pugh- (Pro.), received 336: It was seen that old methods of candidacy, convention and tickets were seriously invaded. While party nominations were still of supreme importance, they no longer possessed the sanctity of former years. No sooner- was this election over than politicians and parties began to decipher and weigh the influences and issues of the approach ing municipal campaign in the spring of 1895. All the nine amendments except one HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 223 were carried. A public improvement campaign was next on the program, it was said. The vote for judge of the supreme court in the state convention was as follows : Henshaw, 659 ; Torrence, 516; De Haven, 422. Judge Henshaw was a graduate of Oakland high school and of the University of California in 1879. In 1892 the great register contained 22,873 names ; in 1894 it contained 29,362. This great increase was a surprise to many who did not know how fast the county was growing. This registry was as follows : Oakland 15,481 Alameda ' 3,442 Berkeley 2,638 Oakland township 1,842 Brooklyn township 1,222 Eden township L934 Washington township 1,232 ' Murray township I,57I Total 29,362 The elections in Haywards and San Leandro in April, 1894, followed party ines very closely, with enough personality to add zest to the occasions. San Leandro was really a democratic town. In both towns the sharpest contest was over the town marshal who was assumed to be an important factor in the liquor question. In a close contest George C. Perkins was elected to the United States Senate in January, 1895 ; his strongest competitor was M. H. De Young of San Fran cisco. Early in 1895 the populists were particularly active in their preparations for the municipal fight approaching. The republicans were active early, but the democrats were slow. The municipal league prepared to put a full ticket in the field. Late in January there was held the special election to determine the will of the voters of Oakland regarding the proposed amendments to the city charter; they decided in favor of the measures, which fact was recognized as an open endorsement of the course of Mayor Pardee whose renomination was strongly recommended by a large faction. The municipal league had grown in favor and the old parties found it necessary to defer to its dictum. The municipal election of 1895 was a surprise to almost everybody. No one properly estimated the strength of the people's party platform or the popularity of its candidate for mayor. The result of the election proved that the people did not believe that the non-partisan administration had fulfilled its pledges made at the time of election and carried forward the reforms demanded. It thus came to pass that J. L. Davie was easily elected mayor, though the non-partisans secured a good working majority in the council. The other successful candi dates were scattered among the four or five parties which had tickets in the field. For Mayor Davie (P.P.) , received 4,543 votes ; Nelson (M. L., D. and R.) , 3,861 ; McCargar (Pro.), 93. No doubt the attitude of Mr. Davie against the Water Front Company and in favor of cheap trans-bay transportation had much to do Vol. 1—15 224 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY with his popularity and his triumph at this time. Although after a while the Davie -ferry service was forced to withdraw, the benefits of reduced fares which it established still remained and were appreciated and not forgotten. The fight over the tax levy in September, 1895, was bitter and protracted. Mayor Davie who had been elected to office largely by the low tax people, declared he would veto any levy above $1. Although it was shown that the funds of many departments would have to be seriously cut, the mayor stood firm and in the end the $1 ordinance was passed. During the inflammatory meet ings of the council the lie was passed more than once. Many called the council the "Bear Garden." The facts were that the faction which demanded a generous taxation for the schools, library, and street and park improvements were out voted and outmaneuvered by the low-tax and no-improvement masses who still stood with their feet on the neck of progress and betterment. Akin to this low tax policy was the act of the masses in voting against the refunding of the $140,000 in city bonds about to become due. In January, 1896, the populists became so disappointed with the course of Mr. Davie that they concluded he had fallen from grace and accordingly expunged his name from their rolls. The campaign of 1896 was characterized by great confusion over the kinds of money and the rights of labor and as a consequence there was a general demand for a campaign of education in order that voters might be enlightened on the obscure and perplexing problems. Partisanship in this county was cut to pieces by the side issues of gold, silver, socialism, popu lism, woman suffrage, rights of labor, etc. The politicians were in their ele ments — could advocate anything and at every meeting had listeners and sym pathizers. A demand arose from the interior of the county for the selection of G. W. Langan as candidate for superior judge on the republican ticket. He was supported by the newspapers of Livermore, Haywards, Irvington, Alameda, Pleas anton and Berkeley. The latter demanded a superior judge outside of Oakland. The congressional contest was eventful and full of fusions and other surprises and apparent incongruities. The gold democrats had a large following in this county. The nomination of John M. Palmer for president met their approval and they prepared to put up a ticket and make a fight for place and power. Much complaint was made that although public improvement had been discussed for many years and had been pledged time and again by the various successful city tickets, nothing of consequence had been yet done — a great deal of money had been spent, but in such a meager and stinted fashion that the results were scarcely visible. Many wanted a large sum raised through bonding measures to make a notable advance in a vast and creditable system of improvements that would beautify the city and attract permanent residents. Many declared that the era of public improvement had arrived and that effective action on a large scale was the duty of the people to future generations. But the great mass of the people were still blind to the golden and glorious possibilities of coming decades — saw only the mercenary present. In fact there arose a decided movement for curtail ment and retrenchment. Teachers' salaries were cut and other unwise steps taken. In September, 1896, the state board of equalization raised the assessment of Alameda county 5 per cent ; other counties were raised or lowered as seemed required by the board. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 225 In the campaign of 1896 woman suffrage was brought to the front and made conspicuous. A thorough organization carried on a spirited campaign in this county. Susan B. Anthony and Dr. Anna H. Shaw came from the East to assist the movement. The Legislature had previously been asked to pass a law grant-. ing suffrage to woman, but that body finally decided to permit the state to vote on striking the word "male" from the constitution which would effect the asked for change if carried. This was the issue in the campaign — to strike the word "male" from the organic law. The Political Equality Club was very active. It consisted of both men and women and carried on operations -through numerous committees : lecture committee — Mrs. Lloyd Baldwin, Mrs. Haight and Mrs. Stocker; press committee — .Miss Conners, Mrs. Curtis, Charles H. Shinn and Mrs.- Keith; advisory committee — J. D. Dickinson, Green Majors, Clinton S. Dodge, Judge Haight and Colonel Babcock; committee on lecturers — J. D. Dickin son, Green Majors, Dr. Kellogg Lane, Millie Comers, Mrs. S. C. Sanford, A. A. Denison, Charles H. Shinn, Burdette Cornell, Judge Haight, Mrs. Ada Van Pelt, Mrs. Alice M. Stocker and Mrs. Eleanor Carlisle. Subscriptions were called for and were forthcoming in sufficient amounts to make a creditable showing and fight. Miss Shaw, Mrs. Chapman-Catt, Miss Mills and other famous suffrage speakers addressed large audiences at • several points in the county. Ten-cent badges were sold to raise money for expenses. The county suffrage headquarters were in Central Bank building in Sandford's humanitarian offices. Alameda county was given the honor of opening the republican presidential campaign in this state. The celebration was held on August 8th and consisted of a street parade and a mass meeting under the auspices of the Alliance Club. At the Macdonough theatre addresses were delivered by General Barnes, Judge R. R. Carpentier and S, M. Shortridge. On the same evening the populists held a big meeting in Germania hall and ratified their national ticket. Speeches were made by J. P. Garlick, Green Majors, Susan B. Anthony, J. C. Butler, C. B. White, Taylor Rodgers, Judge Gibson and others. In this county the campaign was char acterized by bitter contest for positions on the county board, with numerous can didates for the three places that were to become vacant. Fred S. Stratton was a candidate for the State Senate. The democrats and populists held several mass meetings together with the idea of fusing as a measure to defeat the republicans. They finally fused and declared in thejr platform that posterity should not be weighted down with obligations that should be liquidated in this day and genera tion ; that county highways should be improved to meet the needs of- advancing civilization; that assessments should be suitably equalized; and that the conduct of . Congressman S. G. Hilborn in having passed a bill by which the people of Oakland were permitted at their own expense to purchase a lot and build a post- office for the use of the United States should be condemned. This convention and platform bore the marks of fusion and amalgamation. The fusion of the democrats and populists was sufficient warning for the republicans to avoid wrangling and bickering and fight as a solid body for all the local offices. The entire county was fully organized for the contest and the best speakers practicable were secured to educate or influence the voters. Interest centered on the races for Senator, superior judge and county supervisors. The silverites held an immense meeting at the Tabernacle on October 31st, on which occasion speeches were delivered by Burdette Cornell, W. W. Foote, W. B. 226 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY English, E. M. Gibson, M. F. Tarpey and others. The republican county conven tion assembled September 21st and named a full ticket. During this memorable campaign Colonel Irish gained wide prominence by his advocacy of sound money before the gold democratic convention at Indianapolis and later on the stump in many cities. At a political meeting of the' socialists held in Hamilton hall early in October, on the occasion of an address by Walter T. Mills, a 10 cent admission fee was charged and over eight hundred persons paid to hear the speech. He argued that there were really only two political parties: (1) socialists, and (2) all others. It was declared by the newspapers that 50,000 people gathered in Oakland to witness the closing scenes of the republican campaign on Monday, November 2d. There were 300 vehicles in line — all with floats, flags and mottoes. It required an hour and a quarter for the parade to pass a given point. There were eleven divisions— all portions of the county being represented. The republicans closed their campaign with a speech from Thomas B. Reed, of Maine. As no hall in this county was likely to hold one-half of the voters who wished to hear him, the race track grounds and buildings were secured. It was estimated that 15,000 people gathered there to hear Mr. Reed. All due preparations were made and the parade was elaborate, large, gay and enthusiastic in the extreme. His speech was short, but direct and comprehensive. It was a fitting finality to one of the most brilliant campaigns ever witnessed in the state. As a whole there was never in this county a more closely contested nor silently determined election than in 1896. The registration and the number of votes polled were the largest in history. Election day was quiet and uneventful, the voters silently going home. An enthusiastic meeting of free silver advocates was held at Livermore on October 27, 1896. The meeting was held under the auspices of the California siiver campaign committee. All the leading citizens in that portion of the county gathered to hear the able speakers and to hear what the silver advocates had to offer. The addresses were delivered in Farmers' Union hall. The leading speakers were Charles D. Lane, G. W. Baker, Dr. E. H. Woolsey, Reel B. Terry and others. Every speaker favored woman suffrage. In that connection Doctor Woolsey said : "I am now in favor of female suffrage and it is for the first time in my life. I became a convert at St. Louis. What changed my mind was a speech by Miss Helen Gougar who spoke at the same time for free silver and Bryan." The republican electors received 13,429 votes; the fusion electors, 8,394; the prohibition, electors, 135; the national or gold democratic electors, 127; the socialist electors, 101 ; and the national electors, 56. The republican candidates for superior judges, Greene and Hill, were elected. At one of their meetings in January, 1897, the republicans passed a resolu tion asking the Legislature to appropriate $15,000 for a monument in Golden Gate park to Col. E. D. Baker, who fell at Balls Bluff at the commencement of the Civil war. The populist city convention was held on January 18th, and S. Goodenough was named for mayor. The platform favored municipal ownership of public utilities; demanded that all streets be opened to the water front; opposed the granting of special privileges ; opposed the restriction of free speech on the streets ; earnestly asked that employes be paid in coin so that they should not suffer by shaved warrants; favored the elimination of public patronage from politics; HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 227 insisted that there should be no censorship over literature of any kind in the free libraries and reading rooms with exceptions ; favored improvement of the streets ; urged the prosecution of the water front suits; supported direct legislation in national, state, county and municipal matters ; and favored the referendum in order that the wishes of majorities expressed at elections could be carried out. On January 19th the republicans met in convention and nominated a full partisan city ticket with W. R. Thomas candidate for mayor at the head. The convention favored good roads ; opposed any compromise of the water front suits ; expressed satisfaction over the defeat of the Powers funding bill (a railroad meas ure) ; insisted on a strict regulation of the liquor traffic ; declared that corporations should conform to law and keep out of politics ; opposed dividing the fire hydrants between the two water companies, but to alternate between the two; favored the retention of honest public servants, and pledged the ticket to a generous policy of public improvement. In January the Citizens' Municipal League took a stand against the proposed legislative bill that was designed to restore to the state the water front given to * the town of Oakland in 1852 and resolved to prosecute the pending water front suits to find judgment in the courts, and demanded that all candidates for mayor, city attorney and city councilmen should be pledged to this policy. The democrats held their municipal convention on January 28, 1897, and nominated a full ticket. Seth Mann was named for mayor. The convention was brief and harmonious. T. C. Coogan was chairman. The platform enjoined a vigorous prosecution of the water front suits ; pledged the nominees to an eco nomical administration ; favored the improvement of the streets as planned ; com mended the reclamation of West Oakland marsh; favored the construction of a comprehensive and efficient system of sewerage ; advocated the development of a system of parks and boulevards which should be an ornament to the city so far as was consistent with an economical administration; favored the alternation of fire hydrants between the two water companies ; reiterated party devotion to free speech, free press and free conscience; declared that no partisan nor sectarian influence should be permitted to impair the usefulness of the public schools ; and pledged a free and liberal support and management of the public library and free reading rooms. At a convention of the Citizens' Municipal League on February 1st, W. R. Thomas was supported for the office of mayor. The platform congratulated the ' city on the success of the movement inaugurated by the league to secure a clean and business-like administration; denounced the abuse of confidence reposed in public officials; invited competing railroad lines; favored the remission of taxes for a period of years to all desirable new and large manufacturing enterprises ; advocated at the earliest possible day the dredging of Lake Merritt and the construction of a comprehensive sewer system; favored good roads and streets and proper drainage ; opposed any compromise of the water front suits ; insisted on the restriction of liquor selling; favored alternating the fire hydrants between the two water companies; pledged the party to a generous policy of public improvements under business rules and sustained the public schools. Their ticket was taken almost wholly from the other party candidates. Among the smaller taxpayers there was a strong movement to secure the renomination of Mayor J. L. Davie as an independent candidate to succeed him- 228 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY self as a reward for keeping down the tax levy. A petition to that effect was cir culated and signed in a few hours by 500 voters. Mayor Davie himself took part in circulating the petition and declared he could without trouble secure 2,500 signatures to it. The Davie movement resulted in an independent ticket named by the so-called taxpayers' party with Mr. Davie renominated for mayor. The American Protective Association being displeased with all the other tickets, prepared to nominate candidates of its own for municipal offices in 1897. They declared that recent developments affecting their interests made a separate ticket desirable and necessary. During this political campaign Prof. E. E. Brown, of the university, in a lecture to the institute of the county, made the statement that the teachers here, in many instances, secured their places by the political pulls they could control. This remark caused much comment as it reflected in a great degree upon the efficiency of the schools by showing that political views and not scholastic methods influenced the education of the youth. Early in February, reports having been circulated that the Army and Navy League would split on the municipal tickets, the members met and organized as a camp of the army and navy republican league of California and pledged them selves to support and vote for the national, state and municipal candidates of the republican party. The statement that the league was united as one man for the republican ticket was circulated. At this time the county had at Sacramento a strong lobby to influence the shaping of the county government bill so that it would suit the officials of this community. The Alameda County Labor League, a new organization, supported J. L. Davie for mayor. The Rev. Mr. Goodenough was also candidate for mayor. The mayoralty petition of A. C. Henry was filed about the middle of February, and was signed by over 1,500 voters. There was so much confusion in the minds of the voters — so many circumstances to distract their attention and bias their judgment, that many supported the man and not the schedule issued with so much eclat and gusto by political factions that apparently desired to sacrifice themselves for the vast good of the dear people. The result was that the republicans car ried a majority of their ticket, electing mayor, auditor, treasurer, city attorney, a majority of the board of public works and others. The proposition to close the saloons was lost by 1,371 votes. This was a bitter disappointment to many of the best people of Oakland, but was fought to a finish by the saloon men to whom it was a matter of life or death. When the polls closed the saloon men believed they were defeated, so strenuous was the fight against them. All later believed that if the issue had been Sunday closing alone it would have carried. For mayor, Thomas (R.) received 3,071 votes; Mann (D.), 2,260; Davie (Ind.), 2,962; Goodenough (P. P.), 802; Henry (Ind.), 419; Lorenz (A. L.), 58; McCargar (Pro.), 39. On the question "shall the saloons be closed all the time?" the vote was — for closing, 3,732; against closing, 5,103. The Good Government Club of Alameda was a powerful factor in the local campaigns from 1894 to 1897. Its object was to rescue local politics from the domination of professional politicians. It did good work for a time, but finally failed to satisfy the populace because there was no provision to keep politicians from controlling the organization. Soon the ones they were fighting controlled the club. The result was the formation of the municipal league in 1898, with the provision in its by-laws excluding any person who was a member of, or who HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 229 should participate in the business of, any other organization nominating candi dates for municipal offices. It grew rapidly and soon numbered its members by the hundreds. The league favored an increase of public school accommodations, the adoption of a freeholder's charter, the retention by the city of the ownership of the electric light plant, municipal ownership of waterworks, the referendum ordinance, and opposed the consolidation of Alameda with any other munici pality. Perhaps the leading issue was the prevention of the domination of the school department by professional politicians. In the fall of 1897 W. R. Davis announced that if the republicans of Ala meda county would unite on him as their candidate for Governor he would accept. At the same time Dr. George C. Pardee issued a statement that he also was a candidate for the same office. The candidacy of two men of such prominence from one county meant lively times in the convention unless some compromise could be effected. It was at this time that the newspapers of this county began to demand that Alameda county should be honored with such an official. Grad ually it became clear that back of this special movement was the wish that this county should have the Governor while the water front cases were on trial and while the board of harbor commissioners was being appointed and established. It was stated that personal interests in the governorship were trivial compared with these great problems. All agreed that this county should, of course, have but one candidate and that all contests should be concluded before the primaries. In the congressional primary contest in 1898 Victor H. Metcalf won over S. G. Hilborn by the vote of 7,873 to 4,870. At the same election the vote for Governor was as follows by Assembly districts : Pardee Davis Pardee Davis District 46 798 491 District 50 938 579 District 47 1,319 485 District 51 1,453 769 District 48 976 314 District 49 1,523 505 Totals 6,907 3,143 The proceedings of the republican state convention in August were exceed ingly interesting to Alameda county voters. Mr. Pardee was a candidate for Governor and a strong lobby from this county attended the convention at Sac ramento to aid him all in their power. The cry was "On to Sacramento." The Young's Men's Republican League sent a strong delegation. He was not quite strong enough to secure the nomination which went to Henry T. Gage of Los Angeles, who was nominated by acclamation. Doctor Pardee captured the good will of the convention by withdrawing at an opportune time and in a speech pledging his support to the candidate. In fact he received an ovation for the act amidst which there were cries for him to be Governor in 1902. Alameda county stood well in the convention because in the past it had often saved the party from defeat. The convention passed a resolution to hold every foot of territory obtained in the war with Spain. On August 27th the republicans formally received H. T. Gage, who had just been nominated for Governor. There was a large audience at Macdonough theatre where he spoke. He was followed by Pardee and Davis both of whom pledged him the vote of this county. The populist county convention was also held on September 24, 1898. Bur dette Cornell served as chairman. The platform favored direct legislation in 230 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY county and municipal matters, supported the past Dalton assessments on fran chises, censured the county board for cutting down the assessment, demanded the repeal of the poll tax, promised good roads, and demanded the improvement of Oakland harbor. The populists finally agreed to unite with the democrats and silver republicans, and a fusion ticket was nominated with the hope of defeating the republicans. An independent ticket was nominated by disappointed repub licans who opposed the proceedings of the republican primaries. The republican county convention met in San Leandro with J. W. Evans in the chair. A full ticket was nominated. The platform favored a primary law, opposed the surren der of territory acquired from Spain, advocated exemption from taxation for a period of years of desirable manufacturing enterprises. The democratic county convention met on September 24th with M. F. Tarpey presiding. The platform demanded the enactment of a primary law that would make bossism impossible, favored city charters acceptable to the people, supported competing railway lines, pledged an economical administration, demanded an investigation of the treat ment of the soldiers, urged aid to manufacturing concerns, favored the abolition of one of the justice courts of Oakland and opposed any diversion of the school fund. In September, the prohibitionists named a ticket and adopted the usual platform. In addition it denounced the army canteen and favored the pending ordinance which prevented the sale of cigarettes to minors. In October Berkeley defeated at the polls the proposed charter amendment providing for a justice court; the vote stood — for, 404; against, 437. The vote for governor in Ala meda county in 1898 was as follows: Gage (R), 12,080; Maguire (D), 8,208; Harriman (S), 496; McComas (P), 220; Ellert (Ind.), 1. Generally the repub lican county ticket was successful. In its declaration of principles in January, 1899, the municipal league stated that the object of its existence was to exercise a beneficial influence in the admin istration of the municipal government by holding its officers to- a strict account ability in the discharge of their duties. It claimed to be absolutely non-partisan. All citizens were invited to meet in the league upon a common ground and to redeem the city government from the destruction threatened by the apparent effort of party leaders to parcel out city affairs to incompetent and inexperienced men as a reward for political service. They were not asked to abandon party fealty in elections for county, state or national offices. If maintained that local matters should be avoided by state and national political parties and similar local organizations where party lines should not be allowed to interfere with progress. The league favored the municipal ownership of public works — especially of the water supply ; declared that the water front litigation was to secure for Oakland a free port — to take away from private individuals and private corporations the right to levy or collect tolls on the commerce to be conducted on its water front ; pledged itself in favor of the consolidation, of the city and county government ; promised to assist the city all in its power to gain its rights in the water front suits from a private corporation which claimed the power for all time to collect tithing on the commerce of the city and which had owned such right for more than forty years ; and invited the leading citizens named to meet in convention to nominate a ticket composed of men who would devote themselves to a clean, progressive and business-like management of the city's affairs. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 231 On January nth, the socialist labor party, nominated J. H. Eustice for mayor and selected a full partisan ticket. The platform demanded the initiative and referendum ; asked for the repeal of all ordinances interfering with or abrogating the rights of free speech and peaceable assemblage ; demanded that the city should obtain possession of the water, gas and electric light plants, street car lines and industries not requiring municipal franchises; asked for free dispensaries; requested that so far as possible the city should employ unemployed persons; demanded that political economy be taught in the public schools ; insisted that the contract system in public works should be abolished; condemned the vagrancy laws, and requested free public baths. The democrats supported Mr. Davie and the populist ticket in the main. The municipal league nominated R. W. Snow for mayor in 1899. The republicans also nominated R. W. Snow for mayor and presented other candidates on the ticket of the municipal league. The platform favored the expenditure of a reasonable sum for permanent public improvements; pledged an economical administration; requested the enactment of a better and more suitable primary election law ; advocated the consolidation of city and county governments, and called for municipal ownership and control of the city's water supply. To a large degree the republicans deferred to the ticket and platform of the municipal league. But there was, and had been for some time, a defection in'the republi can party ranks known as the independents and composed of men who opposed high taxation and cared little or nothing for civic progress. They met and nomi nated John L. Davie for mayor. While favoring municipal ownership of the city's water supply, its purchase was then opposed in view of the existing bond indebtedness of the city and the high rate of taxation. They called attention to the fact that the valuation of the two city water plants was about twelve million dollars, that the municipal league and republican platforms called for the pur chase of these properties and the companies were willing to sell, and that the intention was to saddle this enormous debt on Oakland. The prohibitionists nominated for mayor Dr. W. O. Buckland and declared for the suppression of the saloon, advancement of improvements, and woman suffrage. The result of the election in Oakland was almost a clean sweep for the combined municipal league and republican tickets. For mayor the vote was — Snow (R and C M L), 5,716; Davie (D and Ind.), 3,913; Eustice (Soc. L), 243; Hoensch (P P), 249; Buck- land (Pro.), 86. In Berkeley the non-partisan and independent taxpayers conventions fought for supremacy. Both named supposedly strong tickets taken largely from the straight republican ticket. The anti-saloon movement was strong and aggressive. The republicans demanded a more vigorous enforcement of the one-mile limit liquor law, the abolition of the office of city superintendent of schools, and asked for a justice court. At this time the town had a population of over 10,000, but had no court of any kind. The republican convention named its ticket largely from the candidates of the Good Government Club. There was much excitement over the municipal election in Alameda. A non partisan convention met at Harmonie hall in February and named a full ticket. The excitement was confined to personal ambitions and contests. In a large measure they were opposed by the Alameda Municipal League which suddenly grew very popular just before election. The Young Men's Republican Club was 232 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY prominent in this contest. The municipal league made almost a clean sweep at the election. The total vote was 2,517. The result was the downfall of a num ber of men who assumed they owned the town. In 1900 local politicians took intense interest in the redistricting of Oakland into new wards as provided in the constitution of 1880. Weeks before the divi sion was necessary they studied the situation with the view of so sizing and shaping the ward boundaries as to secure the greatest possible partisan advan tage. The formal action of the council to redistrict was taken On January 15th. The most radical change was to give four wards a western water frontage and to place all that part of the city south of Seventh street from the lake to the bay in one ward instead of distributing it among three as before. The Fifth ward was made to include the Linda Vista section. In July an ovation was tendered Victor H. Metcalf by the republicans of Oakland, on which occasion a Young Men's Metcalf Republican Club of over 700 members was organized. His record was approved. At the republican primaries Mr. Metcalf received in this county a large majority over H. P. Dalton for Congress from this district. At the convention he was nominated by acclamation. On September 1, 1900, the republican county convention met and filled out the ticket. Judge Barrows was chosen chairman. On the same day the demo crats likewise named a full ticket. On October 8th, at a large republican mass meeting in Exposition hall, United States Senator Perkins explained the issues of the campaign. W. R. Davis of Alameda county was one of the presidential electors this year. The absence of populism from the campaign of 1900 was a notable event. At the November election every candidate on the republican ticket was elected. Metcalf (R.) for Congress received a plurality of 7,142 votes. John Ellsworth and Frank B. Ogden, republicans, were elected to the superior bench. The social democrats and the prohibitionists had tickets in the field. The vote for President and Congressman in this county was as follows : President Congressman Republican 14,324 Metcalf (R.) 13,756 Democrat 6,677 Freeman (D.) 6,614 Social democrat 828 Dague (S. D.) 725 Prohibition 341 Holt (Pro.) 236 Late in December, 1900, the republican city central committee met and named twenty-eight republicans to plan the city convention for the coming municipal ticket. This early and definite action was taken in view of the change in the ward boundaries. Much power was delegated to this committee. This step encountered considerable opposition in party ranks. The prohibitionists assembled on January 23, 1901, and nominated Allen Shorkley for mayor. The usual platform was adopted. Reference was made to the recent humiliating experience of Berkeley in trying to execute anti-saloon laws with pro-saloon men to enforce them. The republican municipal convention met in Elite hall on January 26, 1901, and nominated a full ticket with Anson Barstow for mayor at the head. The HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 233 platform expressed the opinion that the republican party could name a city ticket that would if elected give abundant satisfaction ; declared that every munic ipal reform movement should end when its mission was accomplished and not be permitted to gain unwarranted control of public affairs with no worthy object in view; favored such amendments to the city charter as would remove the mayor, city attorney and city engineer from the board of public works and would give to the council the power to control the assessment for city taxes upon city property without the consent of the county assessor ; pledged an eight- hour day for employes on public works; favored the consolidation of city and county governments for Oakland and vicinity; pledged reduced water rates if practicable; promised to prosecute to final conclusion the city's interest in the water rate case then pending; pledged support to competing railroad lines; favored the early improvement of the park donated to the city by private sub scription lying south of the Twelfth street dam; and promised to submit to the electors the proposition for municipal ownership of the water works and other public utilities. Several prominent men left the municipal league at this time and returned to the ranks of the republicans, among whom was R. H. Chamberlain who said in that connection, "The reason for my withdrawal was because last night I became convinced of what I had for some time feared, viz: That a spirit of narrowness, bigotry and extreme partisanship had gained the ascendency in the councils of the league, that it no longer stood for the high principles avowed in its constitution and in its platform, but had been prostituted to save the purposes of a mere faction of the republican party whose grievance dates back to the congressional campaign of last summer. There was a strong effort made last night to pledge the convention in advance not to nominate for any office any man who would also accept a nomination at the hands of the republican convention today. I wanted the league to be free to indorse good men wherever they could be found." The republican committee of twenty-eight encountered so much criticism that it called a primary election, though at the same time recommending the delegates which it believed should be supported. This was a reversion to the former custom and met all charges of bossism. About 1,500 votes were polled. In an address to the public the republican committee called attention to the imperative need of a harmonious, progressive and politically responsible govern ment, to the fact that the city had obtained an unenviable reputation abroad as a silurian city and to the further fact that the internecine squabbles and demoral ized condition as a community had made the place a reproach in the state. It was declared that for many years every plan of public improvement had been rendered abortive by being made secondary and subsidiary to grievances against some one or to more special interest ; that such a report spread abroad carried the impression that the city was not a desirable place in which to settle, and led capitalists to believe that there existed here a spirit or public opinion hostile to capital and inimical to the safety of investment. On the other hand the opinion had gone out that the city was in the grip of corporations which virtually and habitually confiscated the substance of the inhabitants. For a full decade such things had gone on and scarcely a substantial step had been made in either munic ipal betterment or public improvements. Every measure to better the city had been cast aside to make room for the empty quibbles and personal quarrels of 234 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY partisan or monopolists. It was declared that the proper thing to do was to place public affairs in the hands of a responsible political party. As two-thirds of the voters were republicans and as they had named an excellent ticket, it merited support. It was declared that the republican ticket stood for progress, justice, party honor, economy, public improvements and encouragement to indus try and enterprise. . It was believed that this movement was instigated by the wish of the party to evade the yoke of the municipal league and to present a party ticket under the plausible guise of a citizens' reform. The municipal league selected as its candidate for mayor, Walter G. Man uel and named a full ticket. The platform renewed the devotion of the league to the high principles upon which it was organized at a time when waste, ineffi ciency and corruption were the dominant characteristics of the city government; stated that its non-partisan ticket was placed in the field in order to prevent the election in March of any man who was not known to be entirely unfettered by any corrupting political or corporate influence; favored an economical govern ment; advocated a comprehensive policy of public improvement and the issu ance of- bonds; pledged that the library building should be furnished in a suit able manner; favored assistance to worthy manufacturing establishments; asked for a consolidated city and county government; favored municipal control of certain public utilities ; pledged a continuance of the water rate suits ; and expressed the belief that the action of the majority of the republican city central committee in delegating their duties to a committee of twenty-eight was in the interest of certain corporate powers and not for the welfare of the people, and. that the selection of such committee was given into the hands of the agents of such corporate powers and deserved the unqualified condemnation of every good citizen of every political faith. On the following day sixteen prominent men who bolted the municipal league convention declared in an open statement to the public that the proceedings were the prearranged program of a faction and not the untrammeled action of the convention. The republican newspapers and speakers declared that this was an underhand movement of the municipal league to secure control of the election machinery. When the matter was brought to a test in the council six votes were rounded up in favor of the charges thus- made. The democrats met in convention and nominated for mayor Warren English. The latter objected to the slight put upon the democracy of not giving the party suitable representation on the election boards. He said that practically all such officers were selected by the municipal league1 which claimed to be a non-partisan organization. At the, polls the republicans were in the main victorious, electing the mayor, city attorney and city engineer, but losing the auditor and treasurer. The republicans won also the school board. The new council consisted of four repub licans, one independent republican and six municipal leaguers. The municipal league secured a majority of the library trustees. VOTE FOE MAYOR, ICjOI Barstow (R.) 2,944 London (S. D.) 247 Manuel (M. L.) 2,808 Davie (Indp.) 2,471 English (D.) 982 Shorkley (Pro.) 60 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 235 In September, 1901, meetings were held in all the leading towns and cities of the county to express the grief of the people over the death of President McKinley and the indignation and horror at his assassination. Many eloquent orators addressed sorrowing audiences in halls and churches and everywhere the flag hung at half-mast and buildings and streets were draped with the emblems of death. At the April election, 1902, Pleasanton polled 107 votes out of 256 registered and elected the old officers. Emeryville did the same. The old trustees were reelected because they had' kept the tax levy down to 50 cents and had over $6,000 in the treasury. There were cast 228 votes. At Livermore the regu lar republican ticket won. There were cast 356 out of 420 registered votes. At San Leandro there was a sharp contest over the town trustees, clerk, attorney and treasurer. Over 400 votes were polled. At Haywards there were charges and countercharges, which fact caused a spirited contest with much personality. Previous to 1901 partisan lines were not drawn in Alameda at municipal elec tions, but in that year the republicans and the non-partisans squared off in savage contest. In February, 1901, the republicans of Berkeley met and nominated a ticket for the municipality; opposed to them were the non-partisan taxpayers. In January, 1902, the socialists prepared a new plan of organization and opera tion in this county. M. .W. Wilkins became local organizer and proceeded to form clubs in every Assembly district. The district clubs were directed to hold weekly meetings and all to hold a general rally once per month in a centrally located hall. What was called the "postage stamp" primary system was tried for the first time in Alameda county in August, 1902, and gave satisfaction. Republi cans, democrats, socialists and prohibitionists voted for their delegates at the same time. Nominees of the united labor party were placed on the ticket by petition. The general scheme of the Australian ballot was followed. At this election the republican party were a unit for the nomination of Dr. G. C. Pardee for Governor. There was no suggestion of another candidate. At the republi can county convention held A*ugust 16th, in Germania hall, Dr. P. C. L. Tisdale presided. The platform favored encouragement of home products and the eight- hour law ; endorsed the course of President Roosevelt, Senator Perkins and Congressman Metcalf ; opposed the reciprocity principle, and endorsed the can didacy of Doctor Pardee for Governor. A full county ticket wa£ nominated. At the congressional convention the next day Mr. Metcalf was unanimously renominated for Congress. The socialists selected a full ticket at a county con vention held in Grand Army hall on August 20th. The democratic county con vention convened on August 23d, with George Beck of Livermore as chairman. The platform condemned the trusts ; favored public ownership of public utilities ; the abolition of the poll tax ; the enforcement of the eight-hour law on all public contracts; free text books in the public schools; condemned several illegal practices ; approved the policy of forest preservation ; favored the enlargement of commercial schools; advocated state control of water supplies for irrigation purposes, and condemned the extravagant administration of county officers. At the republican state convention held in Sacramento on August 26 and 27, 1902, John A. Britton nominated Doctor Pardee for Governor "in the name of the impregnable fortress of republicanism of the State of California, — Alameda 236 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY county." He recalled Doctor Pardee's withdrawal- four years before, per mitting the nomination of Mr. Gage to be unanimous, that Alameda republicans did not sulk in their tents, but gave Gage the largest majority of any county in the state and promised a majority of 10,000 from Alameda county in case Par dee was nominated. Endorsements of Pardee's nomination came from Solano, Calaveras and Napa counties. Judge McKinley renominated Henry T. Gage, C. F. Lacy nominated Thomas Flint, Judge Lewis nominated J. O. Hayes and S. R. Taylor nominated Mr. Edson, for Governor. On the sixth ballot Doctor Pardee received the nomination of the state convention, the following being the last ballot: Pardee 517^2, Flint 238J4, Hayes 47, Gage 13, Edson 12. The democratic state convention nominated Franklin K. Lane for Governor. On September 5th the republicans held- a demonstration in honor of Doctor Pardee and the whole republican county and state tickets. Later at an immense republican meeting in Mechanics' pavilion, San Francisco, Doctor Pardee, Sen ator Perkins and Senator Beveridge delivered addresses. The largest union labor demonstration that ever took place in Oakland was the occasion of the visit of Samuel Gompers and the executive council in July, 1902. Mr. Gompers delivered an address at the Tabernacle. The labor party convention met in Germania hall on August 4th and selected a full ticket for county officers. The platform disapproved of extravagance in county affairs ; considered that public officials should 'be largely selected from the ranks of labor; favored public ownership of public utilities; demanded an eight-hour day; advocated arbitration to settle disputes between employer and employe; asked for the abolition of the poll tax; urged all voters to support the union labor ticket; pledged to work for the initiative and referendum, and demanded manual training in the public schools. During the campaign complaint over the course of Mayor Pardee in 1894 at the time of the strike of the American railway union was made. It was declared that he played the fire hose on the industrial army, that he had said that a glass of water and a piece of bread was a good meal for a working man, and that he pickh'andled the railway strikers. Thomas Roberts who was leader of the strike in West Oakland in 1894 stated publicly that there was no truth in these charges. He said, "if any one tells you Pardee is an enemy of organ ized labor, tell that party he is mistaken, or you can use stronger language if you see fit." Early in August, 1902, the executive committee of the Berkeley Republican Club congratulated the republicans of the county on the fact that the various party factions had disappeared and that harmony at last again prevailed. They ended with this resolution : "That this committee commends the efforts of Dr. George C. Pardee and Victor H. Metcalf in accomplishing these ends and that this committee heartily endorses the candidacy of George C. Pardee and Victor H. Metcalf for Governor and Representative in Congress respectively." This com mittee consisted of Messrs. Elston, Kelly, Mills, Weir, Easton, Finney, Spear, Wiggin, Foy, Shaw and Greene. Various ward and other clubs passed similar resolutions in favor of Pardee and Metcalf. In 1902 Alameda county was well represented by eminent republicans. George C. Perkins was United States Senator. Dr. George C. Pardee, republican candi date for Governor. Victor H. Metcalf was Congressman and Frank C. Jordan HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 237 was candidate for clerk of the supreme court. The union labor party opposed George C. Pardee for Governor. In response to an inquiry he stated that should he be elected Governor the union labor party would receive its share of appoint ments at his hands. The vote in Alameda county for Governor in 1902 was as follows: Pardee (R.), 13,924; Lane (D.), 9,022; Brower (S.), 1,009; Kanouse (P.), 238. Pardee was elected. In December, 1902, the municipal league began the city contest by appointing a campaign committee, endorsing the action of a minority of the council and condemning that" of the majority, declaring that the great issue before the people was water — the city waterworks. It was a serious question at the time — how to buy out the Contra Costa Water Company for approximately $10,000,000 when the constitution permitted a bond issue of only $6,000,000. The primary election for all parties was held January 27, 1903, and great interest was taken that the men wanted should be chosen delegates. The primary election, it was considered, determined the views and actions of the coming municipal administration upon which depended the advancement of public improvements. The right delegates would select the right candidates, it was argued. So the newspapers and orators began anew the campaign of education that was considered necessary in order to awaken the great mass of citizens to the imperative needs of the city. The situation was considered critical — there would result either a boom or a reverse. At this time it cost more for city water than for all the municipal expenses. The water bills were heavier than the taxes. It was therefore of supreme moment for the voters to secure an administration that would improve the water situation. The water company prepared to fight for its life at the polls. The taxes levied and collected by the city during the last fiscal year were $544,3.27.58, and the amount- paid the Contra Costa Water Com pany during 1902 was $597,798.63. It was further shown that the citizens of Oakland paid more for water than any city in the country in proportion to popu lation. The newspapers were strong in their showing of the true state of water affairs. The republicans were divided into two factions — one which called their organization the anti-ring republicans and one which was in office. The demo crats, socialists, union labor party and prohibitionists came out with more or less complete tickets representing all phases of municipal hesitation or improvement. The two great questions were (1) municipal control of the water supply and (2) bonding the city for public improvements. The municipal league entered the race for improvement, bonds and all. It was claimed in 1903 that the last city administration was controlled by the Contra Costa Water Company — that a ring in the interests of that company domi nated the actions of the council. In the primaries the following parties or factions were represented: municipal league, regular republicans, anti-ring republicans, democrats, labor party, independent republicans, socialists and prohibitionists. The anti-ring republicans elected the largest number of delegates and were thus placed in a position to dictate the nominees of the convention. Late in January, 1903, the republican city convention met, but adjourned after appointing a committee to confer with the municipal league convention, presum ably regarding the water question. The republicans finally united on Warren Olney as candidate for mayor and the democrats and municipal league accepted him as their standard bearer. The socialists nominated Robert Vincent for 238 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY mayor. The union labor party named a full city ticket late in January, 1903, with E. L. Bair for mayor. It favored the issuance of bonds', the municipal own ership of the water system, a new city charter, consideration for working people. The republicans and municipal league agreed on four of the regular councilmen, two of whom were likewise nominated by the democrats. They also united on the candidates for auditor, treasurer and engineer. The democrats accepted their candidate for auditor. It looked as if there was a massing of forces to secure control of the water system and insure the issuance of bonds for municipal better ment. The platforms of the republicans, municipal league and democrats were much alike on all the vital local issues and only differed on the usual party prin ciple. One plank of the republican platform was as follows : "We pledge our nominees to use every effort to secure for the city all the water front property and facilities that rightfully belong to the city, and to bring to a successful termi nation all pending litigation that may accomplish such result." It condemned the action of the "solid seven" of the council in fixing the water rates. The municipal league took about the same action. The democrats favored the bond issue and control of the water supply. Never before in Oakland were there so many parties and so few candidates. There were six tickets, but the candidates interlocked as never before here. In addition all neglected their usual issues in order to unite on candidates who were pledged to carry out the local changes demanded. The socialists and prohibitionists were the only parties that regarded old principles more important than pending local problems. The independent republicans also failed to notice local problems. The county political equality league accepted the situation and took no active part. It was noticeable how kindly, almost affectionately, the democrats, republicans and municipal leaguers spoke of each other. Each noted persistently and elo quently the good that had been accomplished by the others in the happy past and painted this community as a joyous family where political differences were undreamed of and corporate temptations were -treated with blissful disdain. The united tickets swept the city. The vote for mayor was as follows :• Warren Olney (R., M. L., D.), 5,609; E. L. Bair (U. L), 4,947; Robert Vincent (Soc), 309; Z. T. Gilpin (Ind. R.), 248; S. B. Littlepage (Pro.), 50. The voters thus decided for an administration that would stand for the policy of public improvement and municipal ownership of public utilities. In the contest of 1903 Berkeley was divided between the republicans and the non-partisans, who exhibited few if any divergence in opinions, because they named identically the same ticket and ostensibly espoused the same policy — the mile limit law and sufficient taxation to insure desired public improvements. A citizens' club was organized in Berkeley to promote public affairs, discuss topics and shape local public opinion, secure efficient and honest officials and federate the moral forces so as to advance education, order and morals. The club con sidered the advisability of uniting with Oakland for a general supply of pure water. At the city election the republicans elected ten out of thirteen officials. At the municipal election in Alameda the republican ticket was the only one in the field, but four independent candidates went on the ticket by petition. At the election every office was filled with a republican. There was no issue, no excitement. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 239 At the primaries in August, 1904, the republican delegates received 4,593 votes, democratic 449, union labor 154, socialist 103, prohibitionist 14. Everybody was glad when the election was over. There was no campaign and the few speakers usually apologized for their appearance. About the only interest was in the county board candidates. At the November election the republican candi dates without exception were victorious by large majorities. Generally the result here was an endorsement of President Roosevelt's administration. The large socialist vote attracted much attention and comment. The result in Alameda county was as follows: republicans, 19,073; democrats, 4,429; socialists, 3,293; prohibitionists, 353. Why, it was asked, did Oakland elect the existing city administration on a platform of civic improvement and then defeat the means that would enable them to accomplish that result. The two years for which they were elected would expire in March, 1905, and so far they had accomplished nothing of moment in the line or their preelection pledges. As a matter of fact the education of the masses had not progressed far enough to enable them to see the importance of the reforms so earnestly presented for their consideration and for their betterment. The water question dominated the Oakland municipal election in the spring of 1905. As a whole the former mayor and council had given a satisfactory administration, but Mayor Olney refused a renomination. Second to the water question was that of public improvements, among which was the problem of beautifying the city which had advanced materially in 1904, largely under the influence of the women. In order that all factors of city growth should advance proportionately a progressive and broad minded mayor and council were needed. The republican municipal convention met at Dewey theater was spirited and enthusiastic and named a full ticket. Dr. Frank L. Adams served as chairman. The platform endorsed the appointment of Victor H. Metcalf for Secretary of Commerce and Labor; commended the course of George C. Perkins in the United States Senate; endorsed the administration of Governor Pardee; expressed appreciation of the efforts of Joseph Knowland to secure an appro priation of $250,000 for the Oakland harbor; pledged the nominees to do all in their power to bring the water issue to a successful conclusion, to prevent an excessive charge for water rates and to secure the issuance of bonds for the equipment of a municipal water supply; and further pledged an economical administration, the right of way for a sewer along Cemetery creek, the estab lishment of the boundaries of Lake Merritt, and favored the completion of the boulevard around Lake Merritt and the improvement of the parks between Eight and Twelfth streets at West Oakland and Bushrod park and Independence square. Frank K. Mott was nominated for mayor by Ben. F. Woolner. Then the nomination was closed and the clerk was instructed to cast the ballot of the convention for Mr. Mott, which was done. In a short speech he said, "If I am elected I shall stand for an administration of honesty, of decency and of prog ress, and an administration in harmony with the principles of the republican party." Later a sensation was caused by the withdrawal of the nominee for city treasurer. On the same day the prohibitionists nominated for mayor, T. H. Montgomery. A striking plank in their platform stated the yearly water rate in Oakland was $578,351, while the cost of liquor consumed here exceeded $1,000,- VoI.I -16 240 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY ooo. The socialists nominated Jack London the novelist, for mayor. The plat form stated that the party favored the interests of the working class in antagonism to the interest of the exploiting class; "that the present municipal ticket is administered solely in the interests of the exploiting class in 'direct antagonism to the interest of the working class and is therefore administered so as to subserve the interests of the capitalists and the large holders of property." The guiding rule of conduct of the party candidates was — Will the municipal measures under consideration advance the interests of the working class and aid the workers in the class struggle against capitalism? The political campaign of 1906 was spirited, befogging and confusedly edu cational. Tickets were placed in the field by the republicans, democrats, union labor party, independent league, socialists and the army and navy league. In the campaign County Assessor H. P. Dalton filed his petition as an independent candidate for the office of assessor, the document containing 11,321 names when only 827 were required under the law; 1,493 were from Berkeley, where his opponent resided. The vote of Alameda county for Governor in 1906, was as follows : Gillett (R.), 11,029; Bell (D.), 6,561; Lewis (Soc), 1,922; Blanchard (Pro.), 561; Langdon (Ind. L.), 7,725; scattering, 10. Joseph R. Knowland, republican can didate for member of Congress, received 15,503, the next highest being 4,415. After his defeat at the primary election for the republican nomination for mayor, George E. Randolph accepted a nomination for the same place from the union labor party. The platform of this party favored a new city hall, improve ments of streets and the sewer system, public ownership of public utilities, par ticularly the water proposition, inducements for home industries, appointment of a building inspector, employment of home labor to be given the preference with an eight-hour day, arbitration between employers and employes, preference of United States soldiers for public employment, reduction of present tax rate, and approved the acts of the officials nominated by the union labor party at the last municipal election and pledged support to the Polytechnic high school. The municipal league favored accepting the water proposition offered by the Bay Cities Water Company for $3,750,000; approved the action of the council in submitting to the voters the question of the issuance of such bonds; advocated the formation of a consolidated city and county government includ ing the adjacent cities if they were willing; invited the entry of new and com peting railroads and of new industries and commercial enterprises; favored the exclusion of saloons from the residence districts; pledged the nominees to fight to the court of last resort if necessary the Contra Costa Company water suits; approved the action of the council in fixing water rates and in opposing the litigation begun by the water company and ended with the following plank: We still insist on the prosecution to final judgment of the suit begun by the officials nominated by us in which the city had recovered a judgment restoring to it the water front' from a corporation which so long controlled it under claim of ownership to the great detriment of the city's commercial growth, and we pledge our nominees for mayor, city attorney and city council to continue the prosecution until the final establishment of the city's rights thereto. The ticket nominated by the league was largely identical with that of the republicans and of the democrats, both naming Mr. Mott for mayor. The campaign was full of HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 241 life and variety. Early in March, 1905, John L. Davie announced himself an independent candidate for mayor and favored particularly a tax that should not exceed $1, the great improvement of the streets and parks and strict economy. At the city election two days later the following was the result. For mayor — Mott (R., D., and M. L.), 5,562; Davie (Indp.), 3,217; Randolph (U. L.) 1,803; London (Soc), 915; Montgomery (Pro.) 129. A large majority of the successful candidates were republicans. The new administration was pledged to non-partisanship. The large vote for Mr. Davie proved his popularity with the low tax people. At the republican primaries in August, 1906, the entire delegation — seventy- six — were solid for the renomination of Governor Pardee. The republican county convention in 1906 approved the passage of the rate bill by Congress, commended the action of the Government against trusts, thanked the world for assistance "to our beloved city of San Francisco in her hour of dismay and distress," pledged remedial legislation to help that stricken city, expressed the opinion that the great influx of Japanese and other Asiatic laborers was a greater evil than that which induced the people to demand and secure the passage of the Chinese exclu sion law and urged a similar law for the exclusion of Japanese and other kinds of Asiatic labor, favored a tenement house law, recognized the rights of both labor and capital, asked for an additional federal judge for this district, favored a direct primary law, insisted upon a law to protect fruit growers and shippers from the exactions of railroads, favored the eight-hour law, and advocated a continuance of the work to improve all dairy products. The labor party in 1906 named a full ticket, favored the eight-hour law and anti-injunction law, favored raising the age limit for working children, endorsed the candidates of the independence league — particularly endorsed W. H. Langdon for Governor and endorsed, also, many nominees of the republican county convention. The democrats in 1906 nominated a full ticket, endorsed the high aims and purposes of organized labor, favored economy in county affairs and endorsed many of the nominees on other -tickets. At the primaries January 29, 1907, four municipal league and democratic factions were developed. The primary election showed that the public improvements undertaken were endorsed by the voters and was an assurance of the adequate expansion of all phases of city development. The large issue of bonds sanctioned at the polls proved that at last Oakland could do a little more than pay its officers and keep the wolf from the door. At the primaries the administration of Mayor Mott was emphatically endorsed by the voters who chose ¦ delegates favorable to his renomination. In February, 1907, the voters' league was organized to promote the election to office of honest and able men by means chiefly of the publication of the can didate's qualifications, with recommendations to voters, and was not designed to make any nomination for office. R. H. Chamberlain was president. In Feb ruary, the socialists nominated for mayor, Owen H. Philbrick. In this municipal campaign the republicans, democrats, municipal league and labor union parties united in the renomination of Mayor Mott. The era of expansion, enterprise and progress had dawned, it was joyously admitted by all observers. The campaign was without excitement because destitute of contests. The fact was that the Mott administration was approved and the republicans were wise enough to renominate the leading city officials. The other parties could do no better 242 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY than to endorse the republican ticket, because by so doing they favored a satis factory administration. The vote was as follows: For mayor — Mott (R.) 7,239; Philbrick (Soc.) .1,234; Daly (Pro.) 211. Early in July, 1908, Taft and Sherman republican clubs were organized in all parts of the county and the national candidates were endorsed. An enthusias tic rally in Alameda was addressed by Governor Gillett, Congressman Knowland, Senator Bates and Representative Otis. As a result of the primaries, the repub licans placed two Senatorial and seven Assembly candidates in the field, all presumably pledged to aid in returning George C. Perkins to the United States Senate. The Lincoln-Roosevelt League was signally successful in this county, electing 135 out of 225 delegates to the republican county convention, but the regulars captured a majority of the delegates to the state and congressional con ventions. The league endorsed Perkins, Knowland and the three superior judge candidates. In September, Eugene V. Debs, socialist candidate for President, addressed 3,000 people at the Greek theatre, Berkeley, on the principles of socialism. He divided the people into two classes: (1) capitalists; (2) thirty million workers. "We stand first for the overthrow of wage slavery; all other issues are minor," he declared. The university authorities permitted a free dis cussion of socialism at this time. The Dean ballot machine was used throughout Alameda county in 1908 — in all 143 machines were used. The county owned 150 of the machines, having a number on hand for emergencies. As a whole they were satisfactory. The republican county convention of August, 1908, was presided over by A. P. Leach. Judges Melvin, Waste and Harris were renomi nated by acclamation. Harmony and enthusiasm prevailed. The official conduct of Senator Perkins and Congressman Knowland was endorsed amid prolonged cheering. The platform favored liberal appropriations for the state university, asked for a modern reformatory institution, advocated the prohibition of race track and other gambling, favored the continued development and control of the water front by Oakland, pledged that the nominees for superior judges should refrain from active political work while in office ; favored the election of United States Senators by direct vote, denounced the control of the political parties of the state by corporate interests, pledged that party candidates should refrain from seeking or accepting corporate favor or influence, and favored striking out the five-mile limit of the constitution and other legislation so that the people of any section might vote on the question of city and county consolidation. The con vention named a full county ticket. The democratic county convention of 1908 met in Germania hall and Clyde Abbott served as chairman. The platform adopted as the party slogan, "The People shall Rule !" ; pledged the overthrow of boss rule and corporate domi nation; favored legislation by direct vote of the people through the instrumen tality of the initiative, referendum and recall; pledged action against a United States Senator from this state who was dominated by corporate interests ; favored the election of such official by direct vote ; demanded that the judicial ermine should be uncontaminated by partisan politics; insisted that school management should be non-partisan ; favored a modern reformatory ; called upon the voters to overturn the existing administration of county affairs, which for several years had been wasteful, extravagant, and inefficient, the prey of spoilsmen, political manipulators and petty bosses, wholly discreditable to an enlightened and pro- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 243 gressive community; opposed race-track and other gambling devices; favored a law permitting county and city consolidation and deprecated the entrance of the state university1 into petty politics. A full ticket was nominated. Four or five subordinate conventions were held on the same day — for supervisors, Congress men, etc. The republican state convention assembled here on August 27, 1908, and nominated ten electors for the national ticket. At the same time hundreds of women from all portions of the state also met here to ask the convention for the insertion of a suffrage plank in the republican platform. In 1908 the vote of Alameda county for president was as follows: republican 21,392; democrat 7,110; independence league 723; socialist 3,462; prohibition 608; total county vote 37,915- It was a sweeping success for the republican national ticket; and the success was equally pronounced for Knowland, Representative in Congress, and for the three superior judges, Brown, Harris and Waste. Of the seventeen constitutional amendments voted on all except two were carried in this county. In 1909 the citizens party put a full ticket in the field headed by Dr. F. F. Jackson for mayor. This was an independent movement which aimed to secure the support of the union labor party and of certain leading political leaders who desired a change in city administration for personal reasons. An event of the campaign was the public debate of city issues by Mayor Mott and F. F. Jackson. Much personality was' injected into the campaign. The result of the election was the success of all the regular republican nominees — the continuance of the old administration in power. Mott (R.) received 8,352 votes; Jackson (Ind. C.) 6,045; Barney (Soc.) 542. The Citizens' Municipal League which had been in existence for eighteen years heartily approved the platform of the repub lican party in 1909 and favored the reelection of Mayor Mott. Never before had the voters and the city administration been in such perfect accord as in the years from 1905 to 1909. All problems were solved without friction or discord and municipal progress was steady and unexampled. In view of this state of affairs the republicans warmly renominated Mayor Mott for reelec tion at the convention held on February 2d. The platform approved the efforts of the administration to compel the Southern Pacific Company and all other claimants to acknowledge the paramount rights of the city to control and regulate the water front and the building of wharves, docks and warehouses thereon; pledged the nominees to grant no franchise to the Southern Pacific without binding that com pany to comply with the terms of the "Memorandum of proposed agreement with the Southern Pacific Company and the Western Pacific Railway Company ;" promised certain improvements on the water front and an election to determine as to the issuance of bonds for water front improvement; pledged to reserve at least 1,000 feet of water front adjoining the grant to the Western Pacific for the use of the city ; favored other transcontinental lines ; pledged to do everything possible to effect a consolidation of city and county governments; favored the initiative, referendum and recall; promised a new charter under certain condi tions ; endorsed the course of the administration to prevent the outbreak of bubonic plague and other epidemics; asked for a line of steamships between Pacific coast ports and the Isthmus of Panama to overcome the extortion of transportation companies; pledged a new city hall, garbage incinerators, a manual training school building, the improvement of parks, the dredging of Lake Merritt, a salt 244 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY water pumping plant, and the establishment as soon as convenient of a municipal water supply; called attention to the fact that notwithstanding the large extra expense for improvements, the tax rate for 1908-09 was the lowest for over ten years, and approved the improvement of the leading streets. In its platform the republican county convention in August, 1910, pledged support to Hiram Johnson for Governor, congratulated the party upon the enact ment of the direct primary law, advised a state-wide advisory vote on United States Senator, pledged better court procedures, favored the segregation of first offenders and young prisoners from the old and hardened criminals and declared for a reduced county tax rate. The democratic county convention met in Ger mania hall late in August, and named a full ticket. The platform denounced the so-called revision of the tariff, called attention to the statements of Hiram Johnson that the republican party had been the corrupt and willing instrument of predatory corporations; declared that county taxes were unnecessarily high and that extravagance marked every department of the county government; demanded therefore a change of administration and recommended Theodore A. Bell for Governor. At the November election the entire republican senatorial and assembly ticket was reelected; all of the county officials were reelected by hand some majorities. Johnson was chosen Governor by a large majority, the vote on gubernatorial candidates in this county being as follows: Johnson (R.), 15,826; Bell (D.), 9,821; Wilson (Soc), 5,743; Meads (Bro.), 610. Joseph R. Knowland was reelected to Congress by a majority of over 20,000 votes. The total vote in the county was 35,692. The total vote at the previous August pri maries was 33,352. The vote in November, 1908, was 37,915. In March, 191 1, the various republican leagues throughout the city endorsed the candidacy of Mayor Mott for reelection. The business men organized a Mott Club, passed favorable resolutions and entered upon the campaign with great enthusiasm. The socialists met in convention and nominated Thomas Booth for mayor. Miss Anna F. Brown was endorsed for school director in District No. 5. F. F. Jackson was again a candidate for the mayoralty chair. In a strong speech he declared that the present administration had vigorously opposed the adoption of the new charter and that therefore they were not the ones to be given the power to determine its success or failure. But there was a prevailing sentiment that the charter was in reality secondary in importance to the campaign of municipal improvement which had been inaugurated and made thus far so splen didly successful by the administration of Mayor Mott. Many saw that the election of either Mr. Jackson or Mr. Booth would mean retrogression from the progressive influences and stimuli that the people had endorsed and already had learned to admire and love. The real issue of the election was, should the progressive policy be abandoned? Herbert C. Chivers was an independent candidate fpr mayor. His platform was "for all the people all the time." He did not believe that the existing administration should be given another four-year hold on the city. There was intense interest in the election in May. All felt there was a chance that Mayor Mott would not be reelected. The heavy vote for Booth and Jackson at the primaries proved that his return to jDower was by no means certain. The heavy vote polled early in the day showed the great interest that prevailed. For mayor, Mott received 11,722 votes and Booth, 9,837. A total of 22,023 votes was polled — the heaviest ever cast at a municipal election. The great strength of HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 245 the socialists was shown by the returns. However, many votes for Mr. Booth were cast by persons disaffected with the Mott administration and not by social ists altogether. The Seventh ward gave Booth a majority. The first nominating election under the new charter was held on April 18, 191 1, with the following result: For mayor: Mott, 8,944; Booth, 5,937; Jackson, 5,497; Chivers, 153; Miller, 57; Leidecker, 52. Miss Brown was chosen director by a large majority. At this time Mrs. Elinor Carlisle was reelected a member of the Berkeley board of education. At the Alameda election in 191 1, Mayor W. H. Noy was reelected over G. H. Fox and S. Miller by a substantial plurality. At the primaries in April, 191 1, J. Stitt Wilson was chosen the socialist mayor of Berkeley against B. L. Hodg- head by the vote of 2,749 to 2,468. Mr. Hodghead was the first mayor under the new charter and was thus signally defeated by one who stood on the platform of constructive municipal socialism. During the campaign he advocated the public ownership of public utilities, and in addition other socialistic measures. The charter of Berkeley, as well as that of Oakland, was largely socialistic, or at least, revolutionary and unique in municipal procedure. Mr. Wilson had the support of the university which was broad enough and progressive enough to accept the changes in civic affairs demanded by culture and advancement. Colonel Roose- vent in his recent speech at the Greek theater had emitted his views on modern progressive problems and contentions and added much to the already strong spirit of iconoclasm in municipal and other public affairs that prevailed in that city and that university. This course did not mean anarchy nor even disorder, but meant new views and broader principles in the promotion of public welfare. Many persons could see little short of ruin and anarchy in the Berkeley program. The primary election of September, 19 12, gave the Roosevelt- Johnson combi nation control of the republican state convention and assured the progressive electors a place on the November ticket and forced the Taft electors to petition for that privilege. At the primaries the vote for congressman was : Knowland (R.), 23,621; Stetson (Prog.), 11,685; Luttrell (D), 1,951; Wilson (Soc), 2,528. Judges Donahue and Ogden were selected by large majorities for reelec tion to the bench. Crosby and Strobridge were returned to the Senate. Super visors Mullins, Foss and Murphy were also successful. At the republican county convention in September, the progressives had a majority of the delegates and hence controlled the proceedings. Dr. H. B. Mehr- mann was elected chairman. The committee on resolutions were C. E. Snook, W. C. Clark and Mrs. J. N. Porter, chairman of the Woman's Good Government League. Upon motion of Mr. Snook the following resolution was adopted by acclamation: "That this convention recognizes Theodore Roosevelt and Hiram W. Johnson as the rightful republican nominees for President and Vice President respectively and urges the republican nominees for the Assembly, the State Senate and the hold over State Senators from this county as members of the republican state convention to support republican electors who will if 'elected, vote for Theodore Roosevelt for President and Hiram W. Johnson for Vice President." The convention ratified all of the nominees of the primaries. Many citizens of the county went to San Francisco to hear Theodore Roosevelt speak September 14th. The democratic county convention was held in Berkeley with J. J. McDon ald in the chair. By decision of the state supreme court in October, the Taft elect- 246 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY ors were denied a place on the November ballot. Stephen J. Sill of Berkeley was one of the democratic electors ; he polled the highest vote, 24,426. The republican state convention, on September 25th, by a vote of 14 to 88, nominated thirteen presidential electors pledged to vote for Roosevelt and Johnson for President and Vice-President respectively. The convention divided and named two tickets. William Jennings Bryan addressed a large meeting at Freeman's park on Sep tember 25th. The Alameda county vote on the consolidation amendment was : for it, 16,908; against it, 41,339. The Roosevelt electors received 31,542 votes; Wilson electors, 24,426; Debs electors, 9,332; Chapin electors, 1,163. Knowland defeated Watson, the socialist candidate, by the vote of 35,219 to 26,234, with 4,035 to Luttrell, democrat. CHAPTER XIII WOMEN'S WORK, TEMPERANCE, PHILANTHROPY, SUFFRAGE, ETC. The Oakland Ladies Relief Society had its origin in the great Chicago fire. It was organized November 9,- 1871, to assist the sufferers of that catastrophe and was incorporated June 12, 1872, as a society to render help to the- needy and destitute at home. During the first year of its existence it was presented by Elijah Bigelow with a lot at Franklin and Fourteenth streets valued at $7,000, which splendid gift established the society on a permanent basis. Later this lot was exchanged for three acres at Temescal. At the end of two years the society owned ^j4 acres at Temescal; had a building fund of over $4,000, occupied a rented house in Oakland and had the usual officers and a board of twenty-four managers. All of its property was exchanged for the Beckwith Place containing ten acres and a good house, nearer Oakland, leaving the society in debt $6,000. The real struggle now began to pay the debt and carry on operations. Friends came to the rescue, ladies entertainments realized goodly sums, and in 1875 the debt was but $2,000 and in 1876 was wholly extinguished. The twenty-four lady managers made themselves responsible for certain sums monthly either contributed or col lected. But it was believed that now (1877) the citizens generally of the city should at least assist in the support of the institution. The city was thoroughly canvassed with the result that from $150 to $200 per month was pledged with which to carry on operations. In April, 1877, the tent festival netted over $2,100. The society operated through a system of committees. There were forty inmates in July, 1877. One of the keenest contests ever had in Alameda county was that over local option. It ,was a plan to permit townships to determine by a popular vote whether the vending of liquor should be licensed within them or not. It called forth the energies of all enemies to strong drink. Men and women, clergymen and laymen, public officers and unofficial persons all took part, and excitement ran at fever heat. On April 22, 1874, 276 citizens of Washington township peti tioned the board of supervisors for a special election to vote upon the question of license or no license, under the provisions of the act approved March 18, 1874. The prayer was granted, and May 23d fixed as the date. Meanwhile the question assumed a prominent shape in other townships, and in due course of time elections were there held, with the following results : Date Township of Election Alameda July 2, 1874 Brooklyn June 6, 1874 Eden July 11, 1874 247 For Against License License 201 108 267 350 305 244 248 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Date For Against Township of Election License License Murray June 27, 1874 ,384 170 Oakland May 30, 1874 1038 1291 Washington May 23, 1874 184 167 Total 2,379 2,330 Oakland voted in favor of local option on May 30, 1874, amid great rejoicing on the part of the temperance people. To commemorate this event and victory the citizens erected in City Hall park a small statue representing -the Goddess of Liberty holding a sheathed sword and leaning on a shield blazoned with the national arms. Connected with the statue were water drinking facilities. At the base of the pedestal were the words "Erected in commemoration of the tem perance victory achieved at the ballot box, Oakland, May 30, 1874." The local option movement was formulated by Mrs. M. K. Blake, Mrs. Harriet Bishop and a few other ladies who demanded that the licensed saloons must go and the traffic in strong drink must stop. Strange as it may seem the churches at that time did but little to help the movement, but individuals helped amazingly, especially Rev. J. K. McLean. Many drinking men sided with and helped the movement. They wanted to rid the city of the saloons. On election day bands of praying women came from San Francisco to help cement opinion in favor of local option. Party was wholly lost sight of and two factions determinedly faced each other on the liquor question. Local option won, and the victory was heralded round the world. In England they applauded the victory. It was a bitter contest, the liquor element doing its utmost to encompass the defeat of their enemies. The matter was taken to the supreme court which declared the results unconstitutional. "The local option election held in Oakland township last Saturday was a novelty to every Californian who witnessed it. There were more people on the streets of Oakland than ever before seen on any one day, and yet there was no undue commotion. The election was terrifically exciting and yet there was none of the usual boi'sterousness, ranting, roaring and tearing hitherto the invariable accompaniment of popular elections in this state. The people were at fever heat and yet there was a power — not acknowledged but .felt nevertheless — that kept them in check. That power was the presence of women at the polls." — (Alameda Encinal June 6, 1874.) This election was followed by a similar one in Brooklyn township about a week later. Of this the Encinal said, "The election in Brooklyn township last Saturday was far more exciting and brought out a greater number of lookers-on than that of Oakland township, and there was more enthusiasm apparent on both sides. The ladies were out in full force. * * * With their presence the election passed off without disturbance, unless the singing of the 'Battle Cry of Freedom' which so much exercised some of the license party's cohorts, might be classed as such. To an outsider it was an interesting spectacle, a moving novel panorama and one that will never be forgotten." On July 2, 1874, a local option election was held in Alameda. A woman's temperance association was formed in June with Mrs. William Hulburt as president ; Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Dye, vice-presidents ; Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. P. Barton, secretaries ; HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 249 and Mrs. A. S. Barber, treasurer. Mrs. Bishop from Oakland addressed the meeting, which was held at the Methodist church. Working committees were appointed and numerous mass meetings were held. Succeeding this election the Alameda Temperance Club was organized with F. K. Krauth, president. "Daughters of Israel" Relief Society was organized in 1876 with twenty charter members; its first officers being: Mrs. J. J. Bettmann, president; Mrs. S. S. Cohen, secretary; Mrs. R. Beel, treasurer; the last of whom was the actual originator of the association. The objects for which it was instituted were charity and benevolence to all, irrespective of nationality or creed. Hebrew Benevolent Society was organized in July, 1861, with the following officers: S. Hirshberg, president; S. Adler, vice-president; S. Schultz, secretary; R. Heyman, treasurer. In March, 1877, the humane society which had for some time been neglected was reorganized in the parlors of Dr. Dio Lewis. Nearly all of the old members were present and nine new members joined. The following members were elected as board of directors : Dr. Dio Lewis, W. B. Hardy, A. W. Bishop, J. H. Red stone, A. T. Dewey, Rev. L. Hamilton, G. C. Potter, M. W. Allen, Capt. D. H. Rand, J. W. Knox, Christian Schreiber, W. S. Lyon, A. J. Gladding, Thomas Ylland and W. H. Jordan. The directors elected the following officers : Dr. Dio Lewis, president; A. J. Gladding, vice-president; W. B. Hardy, treasurer; W. A. Jordan, recording secretary ; A. W. Bishop, corresponding secretary. The follow ing addition of policemen were chosen : Dr. Dio Lewis, W. B. Hardy, W. S. Lyon and Christian Schreiber. Kindergarten schools made their appearance here in 1875 ; Mrs. E. C. Head opened one of the first at Adeline and Twelfth streets. In 1876 Dr. Adrian F. Ebell, a graduate of Yale college, and a noted lecturer on art, literature and woman's advancement, visited Oakland and succeeded in inducing a band of ladies here to organize a branch society of the International Academy. At first it was known as such branch, but after his death it took his name and was the progenitor of the present organization, the first woman's club in the state — the Ebell Society. It was incorporated in 1884, federated in 1893, and became a member of the state federation in 1900 at which time it had 447 members and was the most elevating social and literary organization in Oakland. Besides its advisory board it had eleven committees to attend to the various interests. The study class was divided into twenty-six sections ranging from economics to languages and music. By 1892 it had an ordinary membership of 227 and a life and honorary membership of thirty-six. The Good Templars of West Oakland gave entertainments in 1877 for the benefit of their home for orphans. The building was erected in 1869 by the Good Templars of California and Nevada and was opened for the reception of orphans October 1, 1870. In 1877 there were 90 inmates. About $50,000 was spent for the building and about $30,000 for the support of the orphans. It was a public charity for homeless orphans. Mrs. Partridge was one of the board of managers. In 1877, a new home for orphan children was planned. The old home at Temes cal was already much too small ; it occupied a tract of ten acres ; two new buildings were commenced. At this date Mrs. N. P. Perrine was president of the society. The new effort was a charity movement of the greatest merit. The board of managers were Mesdames Armes, Atchinson, Cole, Chamberlain, Campbell, Dam, 250 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Day, Howard, Holcomb, Little, McAllister, Raymond, Spear, Shanklin, Van Vleet, Barney, Wood, Wall, Wetherbee, De Fremery and Beay. At this date the ladies relief society did a splendid work in providing homes, shelter and assistance for the poor and friendless. In order to provide the necessary means they gave a series of public entertainments in a large tent at Twelfth and Wash ington streets, lasting four evenings in April. Concerts, dramatic entertainments, musical programs and a calico ball were given. A four day's festival and enter tainment at the pavilion was one of the largest, grandest, most largely attended and patronized and most successful ever held in the county up to this period. The total receipts were over $3,000. The expenses were high, but a goodly sum was netted toward the proposed orphan's home. The Oakland Benevolent Society received hundreds of applications for assistance and responded to the utmost extent through the exertions of all, particularly of Secretary Sears. The society depended for funds upon voluntary subscriptions; it was announced that it should have an income of $250 per month for cases of destitution. ' The Women's Christian Association of Oakland was organized October 5, 1877, its objects being "to carry Christian sympathy, love and help to all families in our midst who may need such ministrations." For the conduct of its benefits there were four departments, viz: fruit and flower mission, sheltering home, industrial committee and the helping hand school at the corner of Twenty- second and Market streets. This year, about seventy ladies of Oakland met at the Congregational church and organized the Ladies Evangelical and Philanthropical Alliance with Mrs. Cabel Sadler, president. The object was the advancement of Christian and charitable work by organized cooperation. It 1892 they built a fine structure which became at once the home of the Y. W. C. A. The rooms were on Franklin street near Durant. The Mistletoe Literary and Social Club was a prominent organiza tion in 1877. They held quarterly socials that were immensely popular and largely attended. Fine music was a feature. The Linden Reading Club gave in teresting entertainments in Nicholl hall in 1877. On December 2, 1878, the council ordered the sum of $50 per month to be paid to each of the following: The Oakland Ladies Relief Society and Orphans' Home, and the Oakland Benevolent Society, such amounts to be paid out of the fines collected in the police court, but the mayor vetoed the ordinance. It was afterwards passed with certain modifications. It was again vetoed by the mayor, but on the 3d of February was passed over his veto. The Oakland Cooking School Association in 1883 was presided over by Mrs. Edward Hunt. Her associate officers and sponsers were Mrs. Albert Miller, Mrs. A. J. Ralston, Mrs. Jesse Wall, Mrs. Louis Janin, Mrs. A. Liliencrantz, Mrs. F. B. Ginn, Mrs. R. E. Cole, Mrs. William Sherman, Mrs. H. J. Glenn, Mrs. F. M. Smith, Mrs. R. S. Prentiss, Mrs. G. W. McNear, Mrs. C. H. Chamberlain, Mrs. E. G. Mathews, Mrs. E. C. Williams and Mrs. S. E. Henshaw. On Sep tember 20, 1883, the association was organized and within one week a guarantee fund of $600 was advanced by six ladies. Mrs. H. J. Glenn offered her beautiful home as a place for the cooking school, but her offer was declined out of regard for the appearance of the premises. Already two or three classes of about ten each had been formed, and it was decided that as soon as $1,000 could be raised Miss Juliet Corson of New York would be sent for to start all the classes in the HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 251 right pathway. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union joined this move ment to improve cooking methods; they were addressed by Miss C. A. Buckel, M. D., on the subject of "Food." Miss Corson conducted two classes: (i) prac tice classes; (2) demonstration course of lecture classes. On Mondays the lessons were on economical cooking; on Tuesdays, cooking for sick and invalids; on Wednesdays, fine dishes for which lessons an extra charge was made; on Thurs days, cold food dishes and breakfast dishes; on Fridays, special lunch and sup pers; on Saturdays, no lessons. The lessons were $1.50 each, and $2 on Wednes days. A course ticket was $5. The demonstration classes were taught in the mornings and the practice classes in the afternoons. Instruction was asked on salads, entrees, fish balls, fine sauces, cold meat dishes, very fine dishes, canvass back ducks, etc. The lessons were given at the First Congregational church. Hundreds of vehicles blockaded the streets there during tfie first lessons. In reality fashionable Oakland came forth to learn scientific cookery or to make a display. The average housewife learned the lesson second-hand, but knew much of it already. In August, 1880, the young ladies of the Sunday school of the First Presby terian church established the second kindergarten in Oakland. Dr. Henshaw Ward donated the use of a building on Broadway between Third and Fourth streets. It had at first a precarious existence, received little assistance and was maintained by the sacrifices and determination of the ladies alone. Its income came from members' dues, monthly payments of regular subscribers, special subscription sums, entertainments, etc. The school needed only about $600 per annum, but obtained this sum only by hard work. The officers in 1884 were Maud Wyman, president ; Mary Wodsworth, secretary ; Cora Davitt, corre sponding secretary; Marietta Leeman, treasurer. Many little children were fed, clothed, taught and cared for. ' It was called Oakland free kindergarten. The Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle of Alameda in 1882-83 held its meetings at the houses of the members. The first year's course of study was completed in October, 1883, and that of the second year was commenced. In 1883 the Oakland council granted one-fourth of the fines of the police court to the Oakland Benevolent Society and the Ladies Relief Society for char itable purposes. As the city had no almshouse, it was deemed proper to make these societies the public almoners of the city. The city's taxable property was $28,018)078 in 1883 ; it was less than that of 1882 by $272,573. This did not include railroad assessments. The total tax was $285,754. In 1883 Frances E. Willard visited Oakland under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. While here she addressed large audiences, was royally entertained, and did much to stimulate the activity of the union whose motto was "God and Home and Native Land." They were in a desperate fight against the two hundred saloons of the city. Mrs. M. C. Leavitt came here from Boston in November, to continue the temperance crusade commenced by Frances E. Willard; she also came under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union. She organized a branch at San Leandro Union church with the following officers: Mrs. E. W. Peet of Haywards, president; vice presidents, Mrs. William Meek, San Lorenzo, Mrs. A. A. Dubois, San Leandro ; secretary, Mrs. S. G. Nye, San Leandro; assistant secretaries, Miss Louise Hayward of Haywards, and Miss Elva- King of San Lorenzo; treasurer, Mrs. William Rob- 252 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY erts, San Lorenzo; financial secretaries, Miss Susie Meek, San Lorenzo, Mrs. A. J. Secor, Haywards, Miss Thurston, San Leandro. The organization included forty-five members and was duly named "The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Eden," that being the name of the township. During the winter of 1883-84 the Ladies Relief Society of Oakland fed and sheltered daily about 100 persons — two-thirds of whom were children and one- third old women. At this time Mrs. Dam was president of the society. In 1883 the society received a legacy of three blocks, one half block and six single lots from the late Mrs. Louise Haile of Alameda. This property was appraised at $6,680, but against it was a claim of $2,100 which was reduced to $700 through the gift of Mr. Cuthbert. The annual festival of the society held in September, 1S83, netted over $1,500. A free kindergarten was established in East Oakland in January, 1884, largely through the efforts of Mrs. E. E. Cole. The Kinder garten Association was formed with Miss Hettie Tubbs as president and Miss Emma Farrier, secretary. In September, 1884, a festival of the Ladies Relief Society took in about $1,600 gross receipts. The ladies of the Episcopal, Congregational, Presbyterian and other churches contributed special lunches. The ladies of Alameda and East Oakland also gave special lunches. The Kittledrum and Mother Goose perform ances were attended by large crowds. In March, 1885, the Little Workers' Foundling Home was founded at West Oakland. By 1888 its property was valued at $10,000 and it was doing a large and noble work. About fifty little children were cared for and supported. On June 3, 1885, a county institute of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized in the First Presbyterian church at Oakland. Many ladies eminent in the union were present. After discussion Mrs. F. K. Bentley of Ala meda, moved that from date a county institute should be organized whose object should be educational. The motion was unanimously carried. There were pres ent, Mrs. P. D. Browne, state president; Mrs. H. H. Havens, state secretary; Mrs. E. L. Keeler of Livermore, Mrs. A. H. Ward of Alameda, Mrs. Ainger of Berkeley, Mrs. S. B. Peet of Haywards and many others. The first officers elected for the institute were as follows: Mrs. S. W. Peet, president; Mrs. A. P. Ward, vice president ; Mrs. L. W. Farish, secretary ; Mrs. A. C. Henry, treasurer. Many branches in all parts of the state were planned at the memorable, enthusi astic and important meeting. A boys' home was talked of. Plans to solicit sub scriptions to carry on the work were laid at this time. In June the Ladies Silk Culture Association of California bought fourteen acres of land on what was known as the Piedmont tract for the purpose of embarking in the culture of silk. Mulberry trees were planted, and steps to have the Government erect a building thereon to be used as a cocoonery were taken. Professor Davidson selected the site which was covered with eucalyptus trees. Bids for the erection of the cocoonery were called for early in June. One of the clauses in the deed stipulated that never thereafter should liquor be sold on the tract. The Associated Charities was incorporated late in February, 1888. Its stated objects were to promote and supervise charitable work; to relieve the desti tute ; to reduce vagrancy and pauperism ; to aid in outdoor relief ; to improve the condition of the poor; and to receive gifts and bequests with these objects in HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 253 view. The incorporators were Rev. J. K. McLean, Rev. C. W. Wendte, Rev. H. D. Lathrop, A. J. Ralston, Col. W. H. O'Brien, Rev. M. S. Levy, S. P. Meads, J. A. Johnson, William R. Davis, A. W. Bishop and others. The council of associated charities consisted of representatives or delegates from the various city charities. Within a short time there were twelve affiliated societies in the county and within eight years they numbered thirty-nine. Steadily imposters were weeded out and all meritorious cases investigated and assisted. During January, 1896, 241 men were recommended to working positions, of whom 221 secured places and "made good." By this time it was a gratifying power for good throughout the whole county. A branch of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized in East Oakland in March, there being present over thirty ladies of that city. The first officers were as follows: Mrs. W. H. H. Hamilton, president; Miss Mary Bailey, recording secretary; Mrs. M. L. Williams corresponding secretary; Miss Ellis, treasurer. The name adopted was East Oakland and Fruit Vale Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Mrs. Dorcas J. Spencer, state superintendent of scientific temperance instruction, delivered a memorable address. Other speakers were Mrs. R. R. Johnson, Mrs. S. G. Chamberlain, Mrs. Dr. Southard and others. In April a charitable convention of many of the churches of Oakland was convened. Among the religious organizations which participated were the Bap tists, Unitarians, Methodists, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, Congregationalists, Universalists, Adventists and the Salvation Army, Woman's Christian Associa tion, Woman's Relief Corps, the Sheltering Home and several charitable societies. At several of the meetings the Episcopalians and the Hebrews were represented. This was the first time in the history of Oakland when so many churches united for the purposes of charity. At a large meeting of the WToman's Christian Temperance Union in July, a general campaign against saloons was planned and inaugurated. Mrs. P. D. Browne was president of the union at this time. It was planned to interest boys at the Broadway Beacon Light Home which the temperance ladies designed to reopen at once. The ladies took turns in conducting the home. At this time the union had special committees as follows : Juvenile work — Mrs. Borland ; Hygiene — Mrs. Van Kirk, Mrs. Johnson; Leaflets — Mrs. Hardy. Mrs. Law rence of East Oakland stated that a movement was on foot to suppress Badger's park which "was ruining the characters of many young women of East Oak land." The union was determined to compel saloonkeepers to comply with the legal requirements. The temperance work in this county was always hampered by the humiliating fact that this was one of the largest wine making counties in the state. The first grand council of the Catholic Ladies Aid Society convened at Young Men's Institute hall at Eighth and Grove streets on August 20th, and was in ses sion three days. This society was recently organized and already was a power for great good in this community. In July, under the patronage of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Mrs. S. M. M. Woodman of Chico, state superintendent of viticulture, delivered a caustic address against the use of fermented wine for sacramental purposes in the churches. Rev. Dr. Grey spoke first and said that unfermented wine was used by Christ at the Lord's Supper, because Jews were forbidden the use of 254 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY any other kind at the sacred feasts. Mrs. Woodman asserted that wine drinking produced, drunkenness, that ancient nations who knew nothing of distilled liquors and used only pure, unadulterated wine became so debauched that their national existence was blotted out; that in the wine regions of California were drunkards from the age of seven years ; that wine drinking led to the stronger drinks ; that it was a significant fact that in many vineyards was a distillery; that churches should use only unf ermented wine at the communion table, ' and that all white ribboners at least should refuse to partake of such wine which course would do much to abolish alcohol from the Lord's cup. She showed that other pursuits in the vine districts were much more profitable. The ladies warmly thanked her for her lecture. The Young Men's Christian Association attended this lecture in a body. At a large meeting of clergy and members of the W. C. T. U. early in August, the question was considered whether to have an active anti-saloon cam paign, or a prohibition campaign, or a non-partisan campaign, or no special cam paign at all. The clergy thought that the time for special subjects was inopportune owing to the absorbing interest of all the people in the presidential contest. Colonel Woodford, the prohibition orator was' present. He opposed local option unless a board of supervisors who would give local option could be elected. It was finally concluded that until a county board favorable to local option could be chosen, it would be useless to attempt much in this county. There might be no end of petitions presented to the county board for elections to determine the question of local option, but all would be useless unless the board were unpre judiced on the subject of temperance. It was finally determined to hold a series of meetings to see what good could be accomplished. The temperance revival created in this city by Colonel Woodford at this time swept all before it, and did more than anyother cause to control and restrict the liquor traffic At one of his lectures on the subject of "Our Boys" he said, "My friends, what would we not do for our boys? There's not a father in this city who would not work against the saloon if he knew his boy was to be a drunkard, but its never our boy ; its always the rude boy that lives down in the worst part of town. But that boy is just as much to the heart of his mother, though she be a washerwoman, as is your boy to you and your home. Somebody's boys must be drunkards if the saloon still exists and why not your boys? The temperance tide is rising in Oakland. Let us not only pray and work for the home, but let us vote for it as well." Colonel Woodford ascribed the great success of the temperance movement to the W. C. T. U. To that organization was due the introduction of scientific temperance instruction in the public schools of twenty-two states. He said "We talk of women as non-legislators. No legislation since the war will produce more wonderful effects upon our national life than this law inspired by woman's brain and carried and enforced by woman's work and influence. By it they are drilling into the very heart of this hellgate of the liquor traffic and filling the crevices with the dynamite of temperance truth. By and by the explosion will come and the rocks of intemperance upon which so many have been wrecked will be blown to atoms and every child shall find a safe passage from the deep water of mother love out into the ocean of life." His pleadings to the young men to sign the total abstinence pledge were moving and effective, and as he depicted the sorrow and shame which had cursed his own life through drink HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 255 many eyes beside his own were dimmed with tears. Scores came forward and took the pledge. The West Oakland Athenaeum was inaugurated January 14, 1889, in Hansen's hall. The object was to provide a place of recreation and reading for boys and young men, too many of who roamed the streets till late at night. It had a read ing room, a gymnasium, debating society and educational branches in business pursuits. At the opening, speeches were made by S. P. Meads, Rev. C. W. Wendte, Mrs. Johnson and John P. Irish the latter of whom said that whenever he was wanted he would gladly come down and help the boys and if necessary would mount the horizontal bars and skin the cat. The W. C. T. U., in April 1889, sent a strong committee to the Oakland council to secure if possible a rule or law prohibiting saloons. This committee consisted of Mrs. R. R. Johnston, Mrs. A. C. Sanford, Mrs. Robert Bentley, Mrs. H. H. Havens, Mrs. M. K. Blake, Mrs. Dr. Van Kirk, Mrs. Julia Wilson, Mrs. E. S. Cameron, Mrs. E. B. Cutting, Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs. G. C. Edholm and others. Mrs. Johnston voiced the sentiments and purposes of the union when she said, "We represent a band of 500 white ribboners who are here to ask you to give us a law prohibitory of saloons. We look upon Oakland as the great educational center and a coming railroad and manufacturing center. We come to speak for the wives and mothers of Oakland. No man has the right to injure his neighbor, each must respect the rights of the other. All arguments from the saloon people represent only the side of the liquor interests — do not tell the trage dies of the homes. We plead with you and pray with you to give us local saloon prohibition. There are many women in Oakland who go to bed drunk every night and we ask you for their sakes to give us local prohibition. They are leading women down as well as men; then close them. We ask you to close the ladies' entrances that are dragging our women and men down. They say there are 250 drunken men in Oakland. It is easy to count 250 drunken men on the streets any evening. Wherever grapes are grown and wine is made, schools go down, churches go down and the whole city goes down. Out of the thirty-five most prominent wine growers in the state, nineteen have gone into drunkards' graves and the sons and daughters of every one of them have gone to drink and oblivion. The secretary of the viticultural society said that the wine men are blue and must teach the youth to drink wine. That is why I am sorry that there is a viticultural chair at the university. It has been said that in one yard twenty-five young women were ruined. If it is not twenty-five a month I miss my guess." Mrs. Cameron of the Y. W. C. A. also addressed the council. Rev. H. H. Rice, repre senting the local option committee, requested the council to pass the pending ordinance without delay. He said they did not like license at all, but in any event wanted the restrictions of the proposed ordinance. T. L. Barker was present and represented the high license contingent. Action was deferred until the liquor men could be heard from. Ebell Society closed its first thirteen years of existence in April, 1889. It then had 250 members. Fifteen sections were engaged in literary work and nine new sections were just organized. The sections were as follows: 2 art, 1 music, 5 literature, 1 tourist, 3 French, 2 German and 1 Egyptian. Mrs. D. B. Condron was president. VoL I— 1J 256 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY The first county convention of loyal temperance legions was held by the Alameda County Woman's Christian Temperance Union on October 5, 1889, at Highland park. The various legions, juvenile societies and temperance cadets from all parts of the county were well represented. It was the first county con vention of the little temperance folks. Mrs. B. Sturtevant-Peet, president of the union in Alameda county, presided and delivered an interesting address. Other speakers were Mrs. S. C. Borland, Miss Edna Olney, Mrs. Farrish, Mrs. R. R. Johnston and Mrs. Emily Pitt Stevens. The latter was state secretary and gave a stirring speech for prohibition and woman suffrage. Her remarks roused the children to great enthusiasm. In December 1889, a petition signed by 625 men and women of Berkeley was presented to the trustees protesting against granting a license to any saloon within one mile of 'the university. The matter was determined later at a secret session of the trustees. In 1890 all the temperance organizations of Oakland were formed into a union in order to secure more effective temperance work and the more certainly to crush or cripple the saloons. The committee of conference to bring this about were Mrs. S. C. Borland, Mrs. M. K. Blake, Mrs. H. L. Chamberlain, Mrs. E. S. Snow, Mrs. Dr. Childs, Mrs. J. H. Mathews, Mrs. H. L. Bradley and others. About twenty different temperance organizations joined the new union. During the temperance lectures of Mr. Murphy in 1892, it was shown that Oakland spent about $2,880 per day or over $1,000,000 a year for intoxicating liquor. Mr. Murphy's pictures of the ruin caused by liquor brought tears to hundreds of eyes. At the Ebell Society in November, 1892, Doctor Knox after noting the progress women had made in the last fifty years said, "Although it has been claimed that as woman's sphere widened she would grow less domestic, she is still the home maker and can discover perfections in the average man of which his mother is ignorant and his sister never dreamed, but she does draw the line at being called a relict at his death." Mrs. Buckingham of Vacaville told what she had done at fruit raising — from the purchase of the raw ground to the marketing of the fruit — an orchard of 225 acres at the Rancho de la Honda. The Fred Finch Orphanage in Fruitvale was dedicated by Bishop Fowler on February 22, 1892. It stood a mile northeast of the Herritage on an eminence at the base of the foothills. The donor was Capt. D. B. Finch and the institution was named in honor of his son Fred. The first matron was Miss Smith. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children did excellent service in 1896. Mrs. Prescott, for the society, righted many wrongs in all parts of the city; the cases were settled before Judge Greene. In January and February, 1895, the Woman's Suffrage bill in the Legislature received unexpected support and endorsement and speedily passed to engrossment in the Assembly. It seemed certain of passage in view of the facts that the republi cans controlled the Legislature and that the republican state convention had placed a plank to that effect in the party platform. The suffragists held an immense mass meeting at Mills tabernacle on September 17, 1896, the hall being filled to overflowing. A majority of the audience was women, but many men were present. Rev. Dr. Wendte and Reverend Hudson occupied seats on the platform. Mrs. Chapman-Catt implored the men to give the women the ballot in the light HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 257 of reason and expediency, but Miss Shaw demanded it in the name of justice. Mrs. Lloyd Baldwin presided. The speech of Mrs. Chapman-Catt created a sensation; it was witty, convincing and logical. In addition she possessed an attractive personality that added much to the effects of her eloquent and elevat ing remarks. Miss Shaws' address was likewise witty, logical and in addition anecdotal, sarcastic and sweeping. Early in November the county board passed the following preamble and resolutions : Whereas, A great many residents and citizens of this county are interested in seeing that the count of the votes cast for and against the amend ments is properly canvassed and returned and desire to have at least two repre sentatives in each polling place in the county of Alameda, now, therefore, be it Resolved, That two representatives designated by the president of the Alameda County Political Equality Society be allowed to be in attendance at each polling place throughout the county after the polls are closed and until the canvass is finished; and be it further Resolved, That this board requests the boards of election throughout the county to extend to the said representatives all possible attention and courtesy. Supervisor Talcott voted against .the resolution. Immediately after the election a powerful sermon on woman suffrage was delivered by Rev. Dr. E. S. Chapman. In this eloquent and critical address he lashed the men of the state with intense severity for refusing to permit women to vote. Among other pertinent things he said, "The most ignorant men have voted to disfranchise the most learned and intelligent women; indolent and worthless men have voted to disfranchise' women who are among our largest tax payers ; low, vicious men have voted to deny suffrage to our most exalted and noble women. It is a shame that such things are possible; it is a greater shame that they are realities. * * * Let us continue this struggle with increased earnestness and vigor. We have made great progress — fully as much as could be reasonably expected. The solid ranks of vice and crime are massed against us and their~manifest hostility will cause the friends of good and pure govern ment to see the righteousness of our cause and to aid us to achieve the glorious victory, which under God, will surely and speedily come." Early in 1897 the Society of Associated Charities of Oakland comprised about forty subordinate societies in this and neighboring counties and worked under a perfected system that accomplished the greatest good. Numerous committees with definite duties fully set forth accomplished astonishing results in helping the fallen and disconsolate. A concerted and powerful effort to close the Oakland saloons was made by all the churches and many of the clubs and societies of the city. The Christian Endeavor, Woman's Christian Temperance Union and pro hibition organizations all united in a desperate effort to control politics to such an extent as to secure an anti-saloon municipal administration. An anti-saloon ticket, with W. R. Thomas at the head for mayor, was placed in the field, and strenuous exertions were made to win. As never before, the women took part in this cause, speaking publicly and otherwise working actively and persistently for success. They declared that women of this city once before had won a similar success and that it could and should be done again. It was in 1874 that they won against saloon license after a desperate fight by a majority of eighty-four. In March, Mrs. Clara Hoffman delivered a powerful lecture on "Why Suf frage is Denied" at the First Methodist church to a crowded hall. The lecture 258 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY was delivered under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of which she was a renowned and brilliant speaker and thinker. She showed in trenchant periods the insincerity, unfairness, hypocrisy and shallowness of the position taken by the majority of men through force of habit and through per sonal and brutish desires. Among other things she said, "If women are enfran chised all the bad women will have a vote, they say. But every bad man has a voice in the Government. There are thousands more good women than good men and thousands more bad men than bad women. I don't think the millennium will come the next morning after women are given the right to vote — we've associated with men too long. But add the good men — and there are plenty of them — to the good women, and you can sweep Out every saloon and gambling place in Oakland." The progressive women organized in 1897 to help bring about the reforms demanded in public improvements. It was admitted that Oakland owed the existence and success of its annual exposition to the Ebell Society. They were welcomed warmly as members in the army of civic reform and advancement. The action of the Oakland ladies in turning their attention to city improvements was soon emulated all over the state. It was one of the most momentous acts in the general movement for the advancement of woman, though not recognized as such for a long time afterward and never given credit for its actual import ance. It brought them out to fight for improvement in the ranks of the men; made them conspicuous advocates for betterment in civic affairs ; proved that they were interested in the upward trend of municipal virtue; conquered a place in the judgment of men for their public spirit and unselfish devotion to all aspects of human improvement; and gave them a prestige that won a place at the polls as a golden finality. In October, Mrs. E. S. Chapman of Oakland was elected first vice-president of the Woman's State Suffrage Association, and Rev. J. O. Bushnell, Mrs. S. C. Sanford and Albert Elliott, also of Oakland, were thanked by resolution for their speeches. In October, Mrs. John F. Swift, president of the State Suffrage Association, called the annual meeting on the fiftieth anniversary of the first woman's suffrage convention ever held in the United States. There was a large attendance from Alameda county, notably from Oakland, Alameda and Livermore. As a matter of fact the Ebell Society in 1897-8 did more for the improve ment and advancement of Oakland than nine-tenths of the improvement societies of which there was one in nearly every subdivision of the city. It was not neces sary for the progressive and eminent women here to have suffrage in order to do vast public and civic good. Both socially and publicly they were foremost in all betterment movements. The ladies of the Ebell Society, in the fall of 1899, undertook the task of raising enough money to purchase a site for the free library. They solicited donations from all sources. By November 28th the cash and checks received amounted to $8,889.25. The site that had been selected was at Grove and Fourteenth streets and the total sum required was $20,000. They devised the novel plan of dividing the tract on paper into 150 plots and as fast as money enough was secured to purchase each plot to mark the same on the map, which showing was published daily in the newspapers and created great interest. In fact the plan itself created a determination on the part of the citizens to pay for every plot and thus secure HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 259 the site. Even the children took great interest and were assigned a plot' to be paid for by their own exertions. The efforts ended on December 14th with an enter tainment at the First Presbyterian church. This was the crowning event which was to insure the sum, but the check of C. P. Huntington for $3,000 relieved the situation and on December 15th it was announced that a total of $21,572.76 had been raised or pledged. The success was due almost wholly to the Ebell Society. While the fund was being raised the Ebell Society proclaimed the intimate rela tionship between the library and the public schools. The old fogies smiled at this claim, looked wise, and gave little. But the best citizens knew that modern schools went beyond mere textbook exercises and invaded the wider and grander domain of every subject connected with human life and endeavor — that the libraries were the real amplified textbooks for widening the cramped horizon of old education. The annual meeting of the Alameda County Political Equality Society was held in East Oakland, September 14, 1901. The presiding officer was Mrs. Frances W. Williamson. Encouraging reports were received from all the local societies. Tax protest blanks were distributed among which were "Taxation without representation is tyranny." The Berkeley Auxiliary Club had 150 mem bers. A branch of the Alameda society was the Boys' Society. Early in 1902 the anti-saloon forces organized for a determined and active campaign throughout the county. Rev. L. M. Hartley was superintendent of the state anti-saloon league at this time and had charge of the general direction of events. A campaign of education was commenced as early as April. Among the philanthropic organizations were the New Century and Oakland Clubs and the West Oakland Home. Others of a similar nature were the Ladies' Relief, Woman's Exchange, Oakland Social Settlement, Rabiola Hos pital and Training School for Nurses and the Catholic sisterhoods. In the fall of 1904 the Home Club was congratulated for having risen above the "tea and tattle" level of so many similar organizations and of having given Oakland a high class of lectures, entertainments and university extension courses. The Woman's Civic Club was a prominent factor in all public movements in 1903-04. Mrs. Sarah C. Borland was its president. Vacant lots were looked after, streets and alleys cleaned, sanitation was demanded and children's playgrounds and gardens were provided. At the fifth annual convention of Women's Clubs of the Alameda District, California Federation of Women's Clubs, held at the County Club, Niles, in November, 1905, important business was transacted. The report of the Ebell Society in 1906-07, showed that it had a membership of 500 and a waiting list of about fifty, was prosperous and expected soon to erect their new building at Fourteenth and Harrison streets. The Adelphian Club of Alameda had a membership of 300, was doing much active civic work and was planning a new club house. It maintained a free bed at- the Alameda sanitarium. The Antioch Women's Club had recently done much for local improvements and had secured a lot for a club house. The Town and Gown Club of Berkeley had completed the payments for its building. The Oakland Club reported a membership of 225, and that its cooking school had been taken over by the city ; it had undertaken to raise $600 per year for the salary of the probation officer. The New Centruy Club had done great good in a section of the city where twenty-one nationalities were represented, no churches, no play 260 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY grounds, no parks and thirty-five saloons. The Country Club of Washington township had published a history of Washington township and had taken pre liminary steps to restore the old Indian cemetery near Mission San Jose. The Book Club of Oakland reported a course of lectures on the books of the Bible by Rev. C. R. Brown. Mrs. J. E. Thane was reelected president. Upon the completion of. the organization Mayor Mott was made president and Bernard Miller secretary. The stated objects were the development of the city and its resources. Fabiola hospital has been in existence many years, having been founded in the infancy of Oakland by a group of generous women. It is not surpassed in appliances and facilities by any similar institution west of the Rockies. Merritt hospital, founded by the sister of Dr. Samuel Merritt and named in his honor, is a well-known and useful adjunct of the expansive and extensive system or problem of human health recovery. It has an endowment fund of $600,000, a free clinic, and treats one-half of its patients free of cost. The Hospital of the Incurables, a charity institution under the management of the King's Daughters, is doing an excellent work. The Finch Orphanage in East Oakland, has a small endowment and is reaching young persons who- might otherwise be neglected. The Social Settlement of East Oakland was founded primarily for the benefit of working girls and was endowed by Mrs. F. M. Smith ; it is' the owner of much valuable property. Mrs. Smith was also one of the founders of the Home Club and was prominent in the Ebell Club. The annual meeting of the County Equal Suffrage Association was held in Maple hall in September, 1905, Mrs. Frances Williamson presiding. Reports from the various clubs of the association were received. Many important ques tions were considered. In November the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reported that during the six months ending November 1, 1905, 4,666 horses had been examined and that 151 had been found unfit for work and ordered out of service, and many old and sick ones had been humanely killed. Out of nineteen arrests for cruelty to animals fourteen convictions were secured. A mass meeting of 300 representative women of Oakland was held in February, 1907, to discuss ways and means for bettering the conditions surround ing the young working women of the city. Mrs. J. B. Hume served as chairman. Miss Florence Simms from abroad addressed the meeting; so did Miss Eliza beth Evans, Mrs. J. B. Richardson and others. On Ina Coolbrith day of the San Jose Women's Club in February, a letter from Joaquin Miller was read in which he said: "If ever this nation is half way civilized each state will pay some solid tribute to those who, like Miss Coolbrith, have celebrated its glory with pay and pension equal at least to that of an honored soldier." The women's clubs took much interest in the new charter in 1910 and influenced many of its provisions. Club women were called into council by the charter commission. The New Century Club completed its new gymnasium — all for settlement work. The Oakland Club took up the work of the child's welfare league. Mother's clubs were organized in connection with the various public schools — a splendid movement to bring together mothers, teachers and children for unity of purpose and harmony of action. The Home Club did HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 261 excellent work along educational and cultural lines. The Ebell Society grew wonderfully in numbers and effective work; during 1910 it added the civic section and thus widened women's sphere of interest and action. In philanthropy was seen splendid work by the West Oakland Home, Y. W. C. A., Ladies Relief Society. The Alameda District Federation of Women's Clubs was established to coordinate the work of the women's clubs of Alameda and adjoining counties. Three women were members of the Play ground Commission of Oakland. Miss Ethel Moore was president. Mrs. Cora Jones and Mrs. J. B. Hume represented Oakland at the Cincinnati biennial and at other eastern playground conferences. Early in 191 1 the Oakland Equal Suffrage Amendment League held regular meetings and in January duly celebrated the anniversary of the birth of Susan B. Anthony. They prepared to assist in the fight in the Legislature to secure the submission of the suffrage question to the voters of the state. A strong delegation was sent to Sacramento to work for the cause. One of the speakers before the senate committee was Miss Ethel Moore, of Oakland. The Stanford bill was defeated in the Senate by the vote of 21 to 15. The fight continued until on February 2, Senate constitutional amendment No. 8 providing for the granting of suffrage to women by the removal of the word "male" from the constitution passed the House by the vote of 65 to 12. The Senate had passed the amendment a week earlier. It now remained for the voters at the polls to finally settle the question. The equal suffrage constitutional amendment was submitted to the voters of the state on October 10, 191 1. The election was preceded by a stirring cam paign in all the cities by numerous organizations of suffrage. Many prominent advocates of the measure from the East addressed large audiences in this county. The suffrage organizations of Berkeley and Oakland were notably active and prominent and held rallies in all the halls of the cities and their suburbs. An organization of women in San Francisco opposed the amendment. Numerous street meetings were held just before election. The suffragists ended the cam paign on the bay with an immense rally in San Francisco and with an open letter of appeal and advice to the voters. The vote in Alameda county on the suffrage amendment was 10,627 for and 12,802 against. San Francisco cast 21,912 in its favor and 25,644 against it. The vote in Berkeley was 2,407 for and 1,899 against. The county gave 15,664 for the initiative and referendum and 5,331 against it, and 16,529 for the recall and 5,627 against it. In the state the suffrage amendment was victorious. The women of the county were enlisted in 1912 to- aid in defeating the cities consolidation project. They established a league with branches and auxiliaries and conducted one of the most elaborate and determined campaigns in the history of the county. Particularly were the women of Berkeley, Oakland, Livermore, Piedmont and Elmhurst well organized and extremely active. The movement closed with a mass meeting at 'Macdonough theatre on October 24th on which occasion Mrs. Frank K. Mott presided and Miss Mollie Conners delivered the leading speech. Mayor Mott and the Chamber ,of Commerce made extra efforts to defeat the proposed amendment. The whole state was asked to assist Oak land to defeat this attempt to incorporate the east bay cities as a part of San Francisco. This amendment was defeated. 262 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY The Women's Political League of Alameda was organized November 24, 1913, at a large and enthusiastic meeting held at the residence of Mrs. H. J. Platts. The object of the organization was to enable its members to study politics and enter knowingly local campaigns. Mrs. Platts was chosen first president of the league. Thirty captains and ten lieutenants were elected to raise the remaining purchase money for the Playter home. Mrs. Frank Havens gave $1,000 toward this object. In January, 1914, the Women's Protective Bureau of Oakland was duly installed under Misses Beatrice McCall and Alice Richardson and designed to furnish advice to girls and women and generally to effect city probation work for females — the general protection of the moral and physical welfare of the sex. CHAPTER XIV ART, LITERATURE, ETC. Throughout Alameda county, as elsewhere in the United States, music from the start was one of the sweetest and most agreeable pastimes. The mission of San Jose had its musical instruments and its congregational songs and chants by Indian voices. The first Spanish settlers and their vaqueros enjoyed the violin and the guitar. During the pioneer period of the Americans religious songs and - national or sentimental airs softened the hardships of settlement and improve ment. As the towns became cities and the cities became large, musical instructors appeared, glee clubs and choruses were formed and the art began to grow. This was demanded by the first settlers who came from the East and had there received the advantages of musical and other art instruction. The first notable musical development was in the churches, in the university and in the singing schools of nearly all the towns of the county. The picturesque scenery, delightful climate, choice flower gardens and fine trees were the sources of inspiration that early called into action and promi nence "the artists of the county. In the eighties paintings began to attract attention and ere long could be seen in Hopkins Art Institute, San Francisco. Raymond D. Yelland was one of the most distinguished of the early county artists. His work attracted attention in New York, London and Paris. His landscapes were particularly expressive and symbolic of the glories of the West. . He was long an instructor in Hopkins Art Institute. C. C. Judson, one of his pupils, distinguished himself along the Yelland line of expression and color. Marius Dahlgreen painted many beautiful scenes. Other artistic work was by Miss Lou Wall, Miss Mollie Hutchinson and Wallace Von Helm. Douglas Tilden's sculp tures attracted much attention. Joseph Cleany excelled in painting and model ing. The artistic work of Miss Alice McChesney found a home in New York and Paris. Miss Pearl Fine and Miss Sadie Whitney were promising students of Hopkins Institute. Miss A. F. Briggs was the author of excellent water color sketches of local natural attractions. Other artists of Alameda county in ' the nineties were Mr. Redmond, Arthur Lewis, Miss M. Parmenter, Miss McClel land and H. R. Gremke. Among the china painters, Miss Emma Roberts, Miss E. M. Porter, Miss Eunice Holmes and Miss Herrick. Westward the course of empire takes its way The first four acts already past, A fifth shall close the drama with the day Time's noblest offspring is the last. — Bishop Berkeley. 263 264 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Thou Oakland, sittest like a queen Enrobed in brightest living green ; The noblest bay beneath the skies Reflects its grandeur from your eyes, And commerce, fleet-winged, daily pours Her golden treasures at your doors. Yet why your streets should run so far Beyond the reach of boat or car I cannot tell, except it be Your people wish to disagree And live apart as rival foes Exposed to every gale that blows. Three millions of our free-born race Might snugly live within a space No larger than what Oakland dots With just about twelve hundred cots; So that it may be said with grace She lacks in brains, but not in space. Come, Oakland, lift your banners high ! Let progress be your battle cry ; Win fresher laurels on the field ; Add brighter luster to your shield With hearts united — flags unfurled — Advance ! and you will beat the world. San Francisco, — Owen McArdle. July 15, 1873. A large number of oil paintings were exhibited at the Grand Central hotel in 1875, and were subsequently sold at auction to the highest bidders. The wealthiest residents of the city visited this exhibition and made purchases for their homes, offices and stores. The Oakland Musical Aid Society was organized in January, 1875, with the following officers: John G. Bruguiere, president; J. M. Bonham, vice-president; J. R. Cahill, secretary; John C. Roos, treasurer; K. Roos, musical director. The object was mutual improvement in music The society asked that the council aid them to purchase a full set of brass instru ments. The -matter was referred to a committee. In June, 1875, the Alameda Harmonic Society was inaugurated, and the following officers were elected and empowered to make arrangements for the selection and purchase of suitable grounds on which to erect a music hall : Adolph Mayrisch, president ; Dr. Eichler, vice-president; C. Volberg, secretary; Fritz Boehmer, treasurer; Mr. Kustel, Jr., librarian; Messrs. W. H. Wenck, Conrad Liese and William Holtz, building committee. In September, 1876, Virgil Williams lectured at the University on "Artists, Pictures and Critics." The Centennial Jubilee Concert presented at Dietz Opera House in July under the direction of John P. Morgan was a great success. Every HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 265 seat in the house was occupied. The audience was critical, but was enthusiastic in its approval. Among the renditions were selections from Von Weber, Morley, Max Bruch, Haydn, Blumenthal, Meyerbeer, Bellini and others. Among the performers were Louis Schmidt, Charles Pflueger, Mrs. John Trehane, Miss Clara Beutler, Fred Borneman, -Walter Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. There was a' general demand for a repetition of this delightful entertainment in the near future. Charles Frees of Washington Corners wrote .good verse in 1876. A verse from his "Sea Watch" is as follows : He walks beside the moaning sea and gazes on the deep, And ever and anon he bows his hoary head to weep ; The brow that once was young and fair arid glowed with health and youth, Now tells the sorrow of his heart on burning words of truth, For here beside the spreading sea where now you see him stray, Amid the breakers heaving wild his child was swept away. The studio of L. O. Lussier at Ninth street contained excellent oils, water colors and etchings. He painted fine portraits of Prof. Joseph LeConte and Mr. Anthony Chabot. Andrew P Hill was a student under his instruction at this time. A local newspaper said that there could be mentioned the names of at least fifty persons of this city whose scenic productions in painting would, if they were placed on the market, bring a handsome price. The natural beauties and fine climate developed the artistic taste and power of expression. Antone Miller was a Portuguese painter of San Leandro in 1883 and before; his specialty was landscapes and marine scenes. T. L. Bromley painted portraits in 1883. The song recital by Mrs. Henry Norton assisted by Mrs. C. Carr, given at Masonic hall in September, was attended by a large and critical audience. The Oakland Harmonic Society was prominent in musical circles. They gave a con cert at the Independent church for the benefit of the Good Templars' home. Among the performers were Miss Brown, Miss Tippett, Mrs. Tippett, Messrs. Hughes, Beel, Reynolds, Lloyd, Waite, Button and Close. F. Seregui was a prominent art dealer here in the early '80s. He went to Italy and while there bought many interesting objects of art for wealthy Oaklanders, one of which, for Charles Main, was a magnificent mausoleum to be erected in Mountain View cemetery; it was after Seregui's designs, with a base of Carrara marble. He also brought back marble statuary for D. D. Colton's lot at the cemetery. A railroad magnate authorized him to spend $50,000 for art works. In 1884 an art loan exhibition under the auspices of the Lyon and Appomat tox Posts, G. A. R., was held for the benefit of the Veterans' home. J. L. Brom ley, a Mexican war veteran and a director of the Veterans' home, was on the local committee. A sub-committee was W. H. H. Hussey, W. R. Thomas and T. H. Thomas. Donations of all kinds were asked; all to be sold at auction at the close of the exhibition. The university art gallery contained rare and valu able paintings. Reubens and Murillo were represented. Leize's "Washington at the Battle of Monmouth" occupied a place on the walls; it was a gift from Mrs. Mark Hopkins and was valued at $30,000. In 1884 Sigmund S. Beel left Oakland for Germany to perfect himself in the study of the violin. He studied 266 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY and practiced for six years at Berlin and Munich and returned to. Oakland in April, 1890, master of his instrument and his profession. Abroad at the same time was Miss Lulu Wall studying painting in Berlin and in New York were Miss Clara McChesney, Miss Lizzie Boyer and many others studying the various branches of art. Miss McChesney scored a great success at water color paint ing. Miss Ina D. Coolbrith, librarian of the Oakland Free Library was a poetical writer of considerable prominence 'in the '70s and '80s. A small volume of her poems was published about 1882; they were characterized by great delicacy and refinement of feeling and had the true inspiration. Upon the death of a dear friend she wrote: How shall we speak most fittingly of her Who walked the quiet ways Through all her busy days, Unmindful of the world's applause and stir ? Content to be what many do but seem, Happy to do, while many only dream. A worker in God's harvesting; she leaves Clean fields and garnered sheaves. And when she passed away Into that Larger Day Which seemed as night to us, we could not sajy — We who so loved her, on the quiet breast Folding her hands to rest — If joy or grief, if tears or smiles, were best! — Ina D. Coolbrith. J. H. Backhaus, a young artist of Alameda, died in 1886, in Munich, Ger many, where he had gone to study. He was a remarkable cartoonist and died at the age Of twenty-one years. He contributed to the illustrations of the Wasp. William Keith spoke on art before the Longfellow Association of Berkeley in March, 1888; his subject was "Landscape Painting." He said, "When I began to paint, I could not get mountains high enough, nor sunsets gorgeous enough, for my brush and colors. After a considerable number of years' experience I am contented with very slight material — a clump of trees, a hillside, a bit of sky. I find these hard enough and varied enough to express any feelings I may have about them." He said he saw two paintings side by side in a New York gallery. One seemed dauby and the other attractive. He stepped across the room and again looked. The dauby one seemed to expand and spar and you could almost feel its cool night air. The other was simply a mass of colors. The dauby one was by Gorot and the other by a good artist of the East. He said that an artist should not adhere too closely to nature, but select from nature and combine what would best express what he desired ; that an artist's experience consisted of three states: Childhood, youth and manhood. In the first he did not know how to express himself; in the second he received abundant experi ence — vast accumulation of facts which crowded out his feelings and impulses; in the third he returned^ to the first state with the facts of the second state, and then become the real artist. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 267 Emma Nevada, the world famous singer, was educated at Mills College in the class of 1876. In her time she sang to all the crowned heads of Europe and to thousands of assemblages in all portions of the civilized world. She came back to California in 1900 and was welcomed everywhere as a native product — the highest representative of the singing art. Miss Carrie Northey, a young singer of East Oakland attracted much atten tion in 1888-89 by the sweetness and compass of her voice. Upon her return from the East where she received favorable notice she was given a musical reception at Oakland theatre on which occasion she sang with excellent effect before a large audience soprano solos from the Italian song poems of Rotoli, and the works of Strelizki and Helmund and a selection from the opera of Ernani by Verdi. In the East she was prima donna of the New England Conservatory Con cert Company. Her singing of Marguerite from Faust was the perfection of musical expression. The eastern newspapers were filled with praise of her art and voice. In a short time she left for Paris to continue her studies. H. P. Pass- mo re's class in music gave an interesting and highly cultured entertainment in Hamilton hall in January, 1889, to a large and select audience of music lovers. Selections from Bach, Schubert, Reinecke, Jensen, Rossini, Mendelssohn and other masters were rendered in splendid style. Mr. Passmore was the composer of two of the numbers rendered. The annual conference of the American Library Association was held in San Francisco and Oakland in October, 1891. They really met in the former, but all came over to the latter for a formal reception and for sight seeing on the east side. They first visited Berkeley then Oakland, then Piedmont and then were received formally at the Starr King Fraternity rooms. Joaquin Miller resided in the foothills just outside of Oakland. He owned there nearly one hundred acres. His home consisted of several separate Cot tages. His mother occupied one of the cottages ; he lived all alone ,in another. Two Japanese servants took care of the houses. The view from his home was beautiful and a daily source of inspiration to this remarkable man. A portion of the poet's house occupied the exact spot where John C. Fremont camped when he first came to the coast. He had cattle and horses, but no dogs. He loved roses and had a rare collection of the latest and richest varieties. A por tion of his place was wild, woody and very picturesque and here he mused by the hour and built his sublime creations. He shunned visitors, but was courteous, though eccentric when met. At an entertainment given by the Native Daughters of the Golden West in April, 1888, at Medical College hall, he recited his famous poem "The Fortunate Isles." He said : "Not long ago a worthy friend, a rich San Francisco preacher, came to see me where I was at work among my olive trees. 'Will olives pay here?' This was his first and last question. The clink of the golden chain that bound that man's neck to the golden calf with the cloven feet was heard to rattle on my s,tony steps as he spoke. 'Will olives pay here ?' Pay ? Pay? In every breath of the salt sea wind that lifts their silvery leaves in the sun I am paid — paid in imperishable silver every day. I see in every olive leaf the silver branch of the peace dove of old. If there is a poem, written or unwritten, a song sung or unsung, sweeter or more plaintive than that of the dove singing in the silver gray olive tree on the mountain steeps, singing in that sad far-off way, as if the waste of waters still encompassed her and she found 268 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY no rest for the sole of her foot, if there is anything at all in my humble path of life that is higher or holier with messages to man, I have not found it." Be this my home till some fair star Stoop earthward and shall beckon me ; For surely Godland ljes not far From these Greek heights and this great sea. My friend, my lover, trend this way; Not far along lies Arcady. The gold that at sunlight lies In ancient banks at burst of dawn ; The silver spilling from the skies At night, for him to walk upon ; The diamonds gleaming with the dew — He never saw, he never knew. He got some gold, dug from the mud, Some silver, crushed and ground from stones ; The gold was red with dead men's blood ; The silver black with oaths and groans ; And when he died he moaned aloud, "They'll make no pockets in my shroud." On May 20, 1890, the musical ladies of Oakland tendered a formal reception to Mr. Beel, the violin virtuoso, at the First Congregational church ; he was assisted by Miss Alice Bacon, solo pianist, and Miss Mary Fox, contralto, both of whom were themselves artists in music. People here who knew him before he went abroad were surprised and delighted with his wonderful rendition of the difficult works of the masters of the violin. He was a pupil of the great Joachim. His performance was greeted with great applause and enthusiasm. Over 1,200 people listened to the performance. He rendered E minor concerto adagio from Spohn's Ninth Concerto, a brilliant selection from Sauret, Sara- sate's Gypsy Measure, Ernst's Elegie and others. Late in September, 1894, the new Conservatory of Music gave its first faculty recital. In January, 1893, authors' night was celebrated in the Unitarian church, Oakland, under the auspices of the Starr King Fraternity. The special object was to honor the memory of Richard Realf. Rev. C. W. Wendte delivered an eloquent introductory address. Joaquin Miller read poems ; so did Ina D. Cool brith, John Vance Cheney, Charles Edwin Markham and David Lesser Lezinsky. Alexander G. Hawes gave personal reminiscences and Rev. J. R. McLean recalled early poetic attempts in the West. Ella Sterling Cummings read an interesting account of the poetic struggles and the life of Mr. Realf, and Edmond Russell read several of his poems. The high inspiration underneath all of the poetic writings of Realf was noted, described, admired and enjoyed. His great work and that of other poets, it was said, was thus pictured by Joaquin Miller: HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 269 The givers of glory to Nations are we — The builders of shafts and of monuments To soldiers and daring great men of the sea; But we are the homeless strange dwellers in tents, With never a tablet or high-built stone ; Yet what care we who go down in the fight, Though we lived unnamed, though we die unknown, If only we liye and we die for the Right? It appeared that R. J. Hinton of Washington, D. C, was the collector of the fugitive poems of Mr. Realf. It was decided at this meeting that the best monument to the dead poet would be an edition of his poems — a monument that all the world through the coming years could see, enjoy and humbly imitate. In January, 1894, the following address was sent to the artists of Alameda county by the standing committee of the Mid-winter Exposition, consisting of Partington, Keith and Yelland: "In view of the fact that Alameda county has a greater number of able painters than any other city in the State it has been decided by the commissioners to secure representation of the artistic capabilities of the county. They have promises already of many pictures of great excellence and in considerable number and it is now evident that they have material for an art exhibit of a high class. The commissioners wish to give notice that pictures and other works of fine art for exhibition may be sent to their rooms, in Macdonough build ing, up to February 10th, subject to the following conditions: (1) Contributing artists must be residents of Alameda county; (2) all work sent in must be original — copies are not admissible; (3) an art committee will have sole charge of the selection of work contributed." In April, 1894, Oakland reveled in a concert craze. The Boston Mendelssohn Quintet Club at the Unitarian church started the furor. Here is one of its pro grams that drew such immense and enthusiastic assemblies of the music wor shippers : Quintet in B Flat, op. 87 — Mendelssohn ; recitative and air by Miss Lila Juel — Haydn; solo for flute, J. Roodenburg — Tereback; quartet in G, op. 18 (a) allegro, (b) adagio — Beethoven; Spanish dances, solo for violoncello by Louis Hoffman — Popper; Fantasie for clarinet by Thomas Ryan — Ryan; Mur- mure de Bal by quintet — Gregh ; Romance for violin, Andre Verdier — Vieux temps ; waltz from Romeo and Juliet, by Miss Julia Juel — Gounod ; Gypsy Rondo by quintet — Haydn. At the same time the Sousa band held forth at Macdonough ; also the Vienna band elsewhere. Nothwithstanding that catchy, popular music was relished and enjoyed in Oakland in 1894, congregational and choir music had their worshippers just the same. Thousands went to church on Sundays as much perhaps to hear the music as to catch inspiration and hope from the eloquent words of the preachers. The recitals were invariably well attended. Concerts drew out large and delighted assemblages. Not unusually catchy music was introduced into the more solemn and sedate notes of the sacred exercises. It was noted in this city that when a brass band played "How Can I Leave Thee," the audience went almost mad in their transports of delight, but- when the Prater orchestra rendered the ninth sym phony they listened in silence, but with cold respect. Also Howard's Navy March was regarded with much keener favor than Haydn's divine fifth sonata. It was 270 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY necessary for the church organists to yield in a measure to this so-called depraved taste. At all social functions in the city young ladies played Sousa's marches and "Daisy" instead of nocturnes or polonaises, because the gay throngs asked for them — wanted them. But the best musicians stated that true devotion to art prevented them from yielding to the taste for light and catchy airs and melodies. The Oakland Orpheus, under the masterly training of D. P. Hughes, occupied a preeminent position among the male choruses of the coast in 1894. To all its performances large audiences were attracted. In November, Oakland Oratorio Society was organized with Rev. Charles W. Wendte as president. It was planned to give three grand concerts annually. At the Oakland Industrial Exposition in, 1895, there was a splendid display of Alameda county paintings. Nearly all were quiet, subdued scenes of country and town — nothing heroic. There were eighty-six oil paintings and fifty- six water colors. An Oakland artist said, "This work is the representative art work of Alameda county and is also representative of the art work of San Francisco, because while many of the artists have studios over there, they reside here." There were shown the paintings of Alicia Mooney, Mrs. A. M. Farnham, George H. Burgess, R. D. Yelland, E. R. Hill, C. C. Judson, Thomas Hill, Thomas L. Bromley and Mrs. Cooley. The art committee were Mrs. L. C. Kelly, Mrs. D. W. Gelwicks, R. D. Yelland, C. C. Judson and E. R. Hill. Specimens of deco rative art were shown by Miss G. M. Hunt. In April, 1898, the collection of art treasures of Doctor Merritt was sold at public auction for the insignificant sum of $500. Although the collection had cost him approximately $10,000 they were not regarded as works of special merit. Among the Oaklanders .who had distinguished themselves in music by 1899 were Miss Eva C. Shorey as a singer, Miss Hilda Newman as a pianiste, and Miss Catherine Potter as a pianiste. Miss Newman surpassed in tone coloring and subjective rhythmical treatment. Miss Anna E. Briggs became expert as a water colorist, had spent a year in Europe and had studied under Narjot and Mrs. Gelwicks. She- had 200 sketches which were exhibited in San Francisco in 1898. The' Oakland Conservatory of Music was established in 1899 and was a branch of the Adolph Gregory system. Students were graduated and at once began to take positions in the leading cities of the country as teachers, directors or performers. The methods of this institution are the best from the famous conservatories of Europe. In 1899 the Starr King Fraternity held an exhibition of amateur photography under the direction of Miss Carrie A. Whelan. At subsequent exhibitions water colors, oils, pastels, etchings, miniatures and keramics were added. The chapel of the church was illuminated with electric bulbs and reflectors and the second exhibit under Mrs. C. D. Gilman was the best ever held in the city up to that time. Its success ' was the occasion for the establishment of the Oakland Art Fund backed by the Starr King Fraternity. Subscribers were asked to pay an annual fee of $1. The third exhibit was held in December, 1902, and far sur passed previous efforts in points of merit, magnitude and variety. It was managed by Dr. and Mrs. Gilman, Mrs. Reugel and Doctor Von Adelung^ There were accepted and hung 175 pictures — all from artists' studios, there being no loans. At this time the membership was over two hundred. The art judges were C. P. Neilson, L. P. Latimer, G. Cadenasaso, Bertha S. Lee and Mrs. D. W. Gelwicks. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 271 On July 27, 1900, Raymond D. Yelland passed away. At his funeral his casket was covered with flowers contributed by friends and relatives. Oakland's claim to the title of "Athens of the Pacific," has been worthily upheld on the stage and in the fields of literature and art. Dozens have gone out from this county to high positions in the world of artistic endeavor. Carroll Carrington, an Oakland boy wrote the story "Through Forbidden Gates," which was pub lished in the Black Cat in the fall of 1900. He received $200 for the tale. In 1901 the Starr King Fraternity founded the Oakland Art Fund to increase which annual exhibitions and other events were scheduled. By April, 1902, the member ship of the movement attained nearly one hundred persons — lovers of art. In 1901 Lillian H. Shuey issued a small volume of poems entitled, "Among the Red Woods." They showed intense love of nature and a felicitous manner of expression. She lived at Haywards. One of her verses ran thus — I came to Haywards once, When the sweet summer wore her yellow gown ; And in the mottled shade of orchards dim, The weary trees, their luscious loads laid down. How like a dream, I saw thee, pleasant town, Wrapped in thy warm, enfolding summer air, Lifting gray walls above thy fruited groves, As in a garden fair. Among the many artists of all branches of expression were the following: Joaquin Miller, who lived in the hills back of Oakland ; Bret Harte and Richard Realf, poets ; Edward R. Sill, poet, who was once a teacher in the Oakland high school and later a professor of literature in the university. Ina Coolbrith, poet who was librarian of the Oakland free library; John Vance Cheney, poet; Char lotte Perkins-Stetson, writer; J. C. Pelton, poet; Edwin Markham, poet; George Sterling, poet; A. J. Waterhouse, prose and poetry; Luella- P. Churchill, prose; Robert Louis Stevenson, poet; Ambrose Bierce, literary critic and writer on the Examiner; Eleanor Gates," story writer; Juliet Wilbor Tompkirts, writer; Rev. C. W. Wendte, hymns ; Robert Whitaker, verse and stories ; Rev. Jabez Suther land, book writer; Reverend Hosmer, of Berkeley, hymns, etc. ; Jack London, story writer; Herman Whitaker, story writer; Mrs. Mabel C. Deering, writer; Mrs. Margaret Camron Smith, writer; Mrs. Oscar GOwing, short stories; Frederick I. Bamford, magazine writer; Austin Lewis, poetry and prose; Charles E. Greene, writer; Charles J. Woodbury, author and reviewer; Mary Lambert, poet and publisher ; Florence Hardeman Miller, writer ; Emma S. Ma'rshall, writer ; W: D. Armes, essays and poetry; Mrs. Mathies', poetry; also Kate D. Wiggin, Joseph LeConte, Harold Bolce, Nora A. Smith,' Charles Keeler, C. P. Neilson, D. C: Gilman, Josiah Rayce, Joseph H. Wythe, Ida H. Harper, J.' Ross Browne and many others who have distinguished themselves in the various branches of cur rent literature. In 1902 the Starr King Fraternity gave an art exhibit at Wendte hall of the First Unitarian church, at which many Of the best pictures in Oakland were shown. It was adinitted, at this time that while there were numerous private collections in Oakland in which there were paintings of merit, the city as a whole Vol. 1—18 272 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY did not possess a collection worthy of a community of such taste and culture. At this time a general call for a meritorious art collection by a local association appeared in the newspapers. At this salon were shown many specimens of meritorious art work. Miss Anna Briggs displayed six pictures, among which were "Berkeley," "Monterey Sands," and "An Avenue in Alameda." Blendon R. Campbell exhibited a "Lowland near Alameda," "Webster Street Bridge," "An Evening View of the Foothills Near Oakland." Mrs. S. M. Farnam displayed a choice series of small pictures. J. M. Gamble, H. D. Gremke and J. M. Griffin showed several fine oils. Mrs. D. W. Gelwicks showed three flower pieces, one called "California Poppies" being very beautiful. G. W. Piazzoni exhibited six pictures, of which one, a harvest field, possessed unusual merit. Four paintings by the late R. D. Yelland were shown; one was very large and entitled, "When Sluggish Tides Creep In" — a view of Alameda marshes. Two pictures by Miss Louise Schwamm were greatly admired. Keith's "Summer Time in Moraga Valley" was one of the finest on exhibition. Miss M. de Neal Morgan exhibited a rich picture entitled, "Evening at Berkeley." Lucia K. Matthews' "Going Home" attracted many admirers. An art loan exhibition for the benefit of the Ladies' Relief Society was opened at the Campbell residence in February, 1902, under the supervision of W. K. Vickery. Three of the 'finest paintings were the work of Miss Clara McChesney who had recently done excellent work in the East and in Europe. One took the gold medal at the Philadelphia Art Club exhibition two years before. One Whistler oil was shown. Many rare etchings were displayed. Professor Armes lectured on Japanese prints. Choice music was rendered. F. M. Greene lectured on "The History of Art." He used Zola's words and said, "Art is Nature viewed through a temperament." The great American musical composer Edgar S. Kelley resided in Oakland at one time ; much of his earliest and best work was done here. N. C. Page, who was reared in Alameda, composed his early pieces in that city. P. C. Allen was another meritorious composer. Putnam Griswold was for a time basso in the First Con gregational church. Carrie N. Roma was once a singer here. Mrs. Beatrice Fine and Mrs. Olive R. Cushman, well known singers, became famous later among the choirs and solo stars of the East. W. E. Bachiller, the fine tenor of the Congrega tional churches, did his best work here. Maud L. Berri distinguished her self as a soprano soloist in the First Presbyterian church. Sigmund Bell, the famous violinist, passed his boyhood and early professional years in this com munity. Llewellyn Hughes distinguished himself here and abroad in the train ing of theatre orchestras. In 1907 the California School of Arts and Crafts was established in Berkeley. Four years later it was the largest and best equipped art school west of the Rocky mountains. It worked principally to train teachers, designers and illustrators. It gave instruction in freehand, antique, mechanical and wash drawing, painting in oils and water colors, figure sketching and drawing and modeling, special classes in copper work and jewelry, costume designing and primary manual training. Saturday and evening classes were soon established. D. H. Meyer was director. At Berkeley all modern art advantages are available. There are numerous instructors on pianos, organs, violins and every other tuneful instrument. The Berkeley School of Music and Dramatic Art and the Mabel Moffitt Art and Dra- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 273 matic School cover the whole range of vocal and instrumental music. The Sym phony concerts at the Greek theatre are excellent to show the possibilities of art expansion and expression and the amateur musical and dramatic organizations lay the foundation for higher work. The leading musical clubs are the Orpheus composed of men and the Hughes composed of women. It would be difficult to state the good that has been accoiri- plished by these two well-known organizations. Nearly all the great singers who have gone from this vicinity, men and women, have received their professional impulse, instruction and inspiration under the programs of these excellent clubs. CHAPTER XV AMUSEMENTS, LODGES, SOCIETIES, GAMES, ETC. Amusements are sought by everybody to soften and assuage the cares, respon sibilities and hardships of life. Recreation is as necessary as food or sleep. The earliest settlers had their hours of diversion and relaxation. The earliest sports of this country were the bullfights, horse races and fandangoes of the old Spanish and Mexican residents. There were at least three bullpens in Alameda county — in Brooklyn, near Livermore and near Mission San Jose. The law of 1854 pro hibited bullfights but did not wholly stop the sport until several years later. Hunt ing in early times was, of course, excellent, all kinds of animals of this habitat being found along the bay, on the level open grazing tracts, in the canyons, hollows and valleys and on the beetling hills and mountains. The rapid settlement by the Americans and their sporting proclivities soon stripped the county of the larger specimens of wild game. The organization of lodges and clubs for recreation and amusement was so common and rapid that soon every town and city had its organizations of all the secret and social clubs, lodges and societies. Beginning about the time of the Civil war numerous secret and benevolent societies were established in the cities and towns of Alameda county. Previous to i860 few existed, among them being Masons, Odd Fellows, Sons of Temperance, American Mechanics, Druids, Lameth Heth Tau and a few others. By 1883 Oak land had lodges of the following: Chosen Friends, United Workmen, Odd Fel lows, American Legion of Honor, Knights of Honor, Masons, Good Templars, B'Nai B'Rith, Grand Army of the Republic, Sons of America, Knights of Pythias, Good Samaritans, Pacific Turn Bezirk, Workman's Guarantee Fund Association, and Order of Foresters. Alameda had the Masons, Odd Fellows, Good Templars and others at an early date. The Masons and Odd Fellows were also at San Leandro, Haywards, Alvarado, and other places in the county back in the sixties. On August 11, 1870, a meeting of those who settled in this county prior to 1859 was held in the council room of the city hall for the purpose of organizing a society of Alameda County Pioneers. William Van Voorhies served as president of the meeting. The society was duly organized with the following officers : Col. Jack Hayes, president; T. W. Miller and William Van Voorhies, vice-presi dents; J. E. Whitcher, secretary; A. D. Pryal, marshal. Other business was deferred until a subsequent meeting. In 1873 baseball was played in Oakland by the Wide Awake, Grand Central and Oakland nines. The Grand Central proved the best club ; its players were : E. J. Simmons, pitcher; C. P. Eells, catcher; John M. Poston, first; W. B. Hamil ton, second ; Charles D. Havens, third ; E. B. Pomroy, short ; George Reed, center ; J. J. Lynch, right ; Peter Bellingall, left. At one time John R. Glascock and James H. Budd were members of the Wide Awakes. George E. De Golia was an early member of one of the clubs. In 1874 the Oakland Baseball Club won the pennant, 275 276 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY defeating the Grand Centrals three times and the Mutuals and Athletics respectively twice each. Two local baseball clubs in 1875 were the Elaines and the Silver Stars. In a match game in August the latter won by a score of 61 to 17. The Silver Stars were Givens, Morton, Morse, Davis, Howell, Harrington, Stewart, Melone and Butler ; the Elaines were Harris, Havens, Tuttle, G. Simmons, F. Simmons, Wilson, Mickerson, Wickersham and Harding. The Oakland Baseball Club was represented at the Pacific baseball convention which met in room 18, city hall, San Francisco, on February 9, 1875 ; five clubs, a majority, were repre sented. A series of championship games was agreed upon. The Dublin races were a feature in the southeastern section of the county ; Rat- tleweed, a well known local horse, won a big running race in November, 1874. At this time a mile race track was opened at Pleasanton on the land of A. Bernal ; it was about a half mile from the town. The old race track was in the suburbs of Oakland ; near it was the famous Shell Mound. It was on the farm of Mr. Wiard about two miles northwest of the city hall. At the races in January, 1875, the horse Chinaman won "the three-quarter mile dash in 1 :i5/4 ; said to be the fastest time on record up to that date. Katy Pease was second, very close and coming fast. At the races in April Dan Rice won the trotting match in 2 .-30^2 . Leland Stanford's particular pride was the well known and famous trotting horse Occident, which in 1875 was trained by the famous Budd Doble; it was finally concluded to take him East and pit him against Goldsmith Maid and other fast equines. At the Oakland race course in March in a running race between Blanche Hull, Billy Baker, Blue Cloud, and Sorrel Ned, Blanche Hull was the favorite and won the first heat, Blue Cloud the second, and Blanche Hull the third ; the half mile was made in 52J/2 seconds best time; the purse was $100. In the trotting race were Henry, Marysville Queen, and Uncle Sam, the first being favorite. He won the first and second heats, best time being a mile in 2 :39. The race track was then called Athens ; the San Pablo cars ran to the track. The Thespian Dramatic Society gave several interesting entertainments early in 1875 that were well attended by enthusiastic audiences. Among the actors were F. E. Brooks, T. G. Hogan, A. M. Campbell, W. Chamberlain, H. J. H. Dam, H. H. Goff, W. H. Richards, Barrett Hall, Roscoe Havens ; actresses — Miss Rosa Ickart, Mrs. T. G. Hogan and Miss Charlington. Captain Badger's park in East Oakland had a dancing pavilion and amphithe atre for games, races, etc., also a windmill to raise water. The first regatta of the Oakland Regatta Club occurred early in May, 1875. Three boats contested over a distance of two miles and return. The boat J. W. Coleman won the race; it was manned by Hallihan and Lambert. The other contestants were the William Burling and the E. C. Keene. In 1875 John Jordan of Pleasanton became the champion shot of the state by defeating Mr. Taylor of San Francisco, killing 49 out of 50 birds to 43 by Mr. Taylor, for $250 a side; distance 21 yards on the fly and 80 yards boundary. The race in 1875 given under the auspices of the Jockey Club was profitable but put the club in hot water. The receipts from the sale of tickets were about $18,000; entrance fee of eight horses, $19,000; bar and other privileges, $3,000; admittance to grand stand, $5,000. Total about $45,000. The amount of money on the pools was about $100,000. The club's profit was estimated at over $20,000 in this one scrub race. It was asserted that the club should gather its assets HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 277 together, declare a dividend and retire, as it was bankrupt in reputation and would disappear amid the groans and hisses of a bilked community. Nearly all who attended the race were disgusted and many were indignant. In January, 1875, at Sunol, occurred the long expected foot race between Burbridge and Lively; the latter won by two feet ; time and distance not given and probably not kept. Previous to 1875 Oakland citizens were forced to go to San Francisco to enjoy high-class dramatic entertainments, but in that year a large theatre was con templated by Gen. T. H. Williams on his newly purchased property on Fourteenth street nearly opposite the city hall. The city had a population of nearly 20,000 and a floating population of between 3,000 and 4,000 ; nearly all of the latter consisting of wealthy people who came here to enjoy the salubrious climate, brought usually plenty of money to spend and wanted amusement. Nearly every other town of 10,000 people in the state had fine theaters and why not Oakland?, it was asked. Brayton Hall could not be called a first-class theatrical room and had become nearly obsolete. Visitors who came here to spend the winters and their money were forced to cross to San Francisco to enjoy renditions of the highest forms of dramatic art. A fine theatre was previously projected here, but the projector lost courage and abandoned the enterprise. A grand masked ball was given by Alameda Harmonie in March, 1876, at their hall on Peru street. In February Alice Kingsbury appeared in Wode's Opera House in Fanchon the Cricket and in Little Barefoot. Wode's Opera House was on Mission street between Third and Fourth. In August the race for $10,000 one mile in harness, best three in five, was trotted at Oakland park in the presence of a large crowd. O. A. Hickock drove St. Julian and C. DuBois drove Dan Voorhies. The latter won the first heat but the former took the next three; best time was 2:25%. In a pacing race at the Trotting park in October Dan Rice won three straight heats from Hiram Tracy, John Schonchin and Lady St. Clair. The best time was 2:22. W. H. Eyre and Mr. Robinson had a pigeon shooting contest in Alameda in February, the former winning the prize. Robinson and Kennedy also held a similar contest and the former was again defeated. In the first match Eyre killed all of his single birds — 16, and i2~out of 16 in pairs. Robinson made the same score on the pairs, but missed three more of the single birds. In December the famous wing shots, Doctor Carver, Craig, Whitney; Mackey and Melone con tested for supremacy and prizes at the Trotting park. Captain Bogardus was pres ent and gave an exhibition of his skill. He shot a match with Robinson ; the latter won by six birds. The Union Club of Oakland was organized in February, 1877, and first met in the old Masonic lodge rooms. A. C. Henry was president. It was composed entirely of business men. At Oakland Trotting park, in March, before a large gathering of people, the trotting race between Rarus and Bodine came off. Rarus won the first heat in 2 :23 ; the second was a dead heat in 2 -.20^ ; Rarus won the third in 2 \22YA and the race' and purse of $1,000. John Splann owned Rarus and Budd Doble owned Bodine. In the second race Lady St. Clair won from John Schonchin in 2 :26 — pacing. Mr. Randlett, owner of the racing park, offered a purse of $1,500 for a trotting race between Rarus, Bodine and Oakland Maid in March, 1877. 278 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY In a fifty-mile mustang race at the track in April, Mr. Smith of San Jose won in two hours and six minutes. In a trotting race at the track on April 5, Lady Emma, Frank and Controller contended for a purse of $100 ; Frank won in three straight heats ; best time 2 40. In the pacing race for $200 Lady St. Clair won from Gray Dick, Schonchin. and Simcoe, the best time being 2:28^2. In April, 1877, the University Baseball Club played the Golden Gate Club of the academy of that name and defeated them by the score of 24 to 8. The cornerstone of Germania hall at Webster near Sixth was laid with due ceremony early in May. There was a large procession through the streets by the members of about half a dozen societies. William Sohst delivered an address, as did Mr. Schuenemann-Pott, speaker of the society of Free Thinkers, of San Francisco. Other speakers were Messrs. Denicke, Herzer, Mau, Boone and Goewnberg. It was asserted by the newspapers in June, that inasmuch as Oakland had at the least calculation a population of 35,000, and probably nearer 45,000, it should cease going to San Francisco to celebrate the holidays ; that the city should stop clinging to its old village and suburban practice of falling back upon San Francisco for almost everything and branch out along independent lines for itself. It was declared that this city should outvie even San Francisco in the exuberance of holiday celebrations. When 10,000 people left here, it was noted, to observe the holidays in San Francisco, they took over, there $10,000 in cash and left it when it should have gone into the pockets of the Oakland business men and houses. W. G. Dinsmore, the Broadway druggist, and Mrs. Soderer, originated the idea of the Tuolumne annual reunions and organization. The scattered pio neers of that old county were the first to inaugurate the practice of meeting annu ally in Oakland to talk over old times. Oakland was selected by common con sent as the most desirable place for the reunions. The first picnic was held here on June 17, 1868, and about one hundred persons were present. The second was held at Postwick's garden, Alameda, with 400 persons present; the third at Humboldt park, Temescal, with nearly 2,000 present ; the fourth, at Martinez with fully 3,000 present; the fifth, at Badger's park, East Oakland, attendance 3,500; sixth, same place, attendance, 4,000; seventh, same place, attendance, 5,000; eighth, same place, attendance about 8,500; ninth, same place, attendance fully 10,000; tenth, same place, attendance estimated at about 20,000. The steamer from Stockton brought down about 1,200 of the "old boys." Rev. Mr. Hamil ton's address was almost wholly extemporaneous and was one of the most eloquent and fiery ever delivered in the city; he reviewed with great power the old times and kindled the flame in his hearer's hearts by his tender and touch ing references to the olden and golden days. The poem by Miss Pittsinger was one of unusual merit and of superior beauty. Col. R. G. Ingersoll delivered an oration at Badger's park before an audience so large that those on the outskirts could barely hear his voice. A fine pack of greyhounds was kept at Livermore; one, Connaught Rouger, was the best dog in the state; it was poisoned at Merced. Injury, 1883, there was instituted here the first division of the Uniform Rank of the Knights of Pythias, being the fourth in the state. The ceremonies were conducted by Her man Schaffner, representative of the supreme chancellor. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 279 The Olympic and Emerson Baseball Clubs played a match game in July; the former won by the score of 14 to 3. They played at Twelfth and Center streets. Numerous shooting contests took place at Shell Mound and Schuetzen parks. A pigeon shooting contest took place at the Oakland race track. The Alameda Sportsman's Club took part in these contests; also the Pacific Gun Club. One contest was between Burbank, Harrison and Williams, the two for mer tying with twenty-one birds each. The Oakland Athletic Club was organ ized in August; their first gymnasium was under Germania hall. Their offi cers were L. A. Mitchell, president; C. R. Yates, secretary-treasurer and E. E. Potter, W. G. Henshaw and H. B. Houghton, directors. The Oakland Bicycle Club "under Captain Strong made long runs through the suburbs in the fall; often over fifty wheelmen were in line. They held speed trials, and tests at Trotting park. A Mosquito Boat Club was organized in September , by W. W. Blow, Charles Yale, Captain Moody and G. Evans. The fleet consisted of canvas and other small boats rigged with very small sails. By October 1 the Oakland Athletic Club had fifty members; they met three nights per week at Germania hall; Louis Gerichton taught fencing and boxing and Mr. Lawton of the Olympic Club was instructor in gymnastics. Over one hundred hunters left Oakland on October 6th to hunt quail in the fields of Alameda county; the season had opened. The fall meeting of the California Rifle Association was held at Shell Mound park October 28th. The prizes were as follows: (1) Perkins medal with ten cash prizes ranging from $1 to $10; (2) the 200-yard ring target with cash prizes; (3) California Powder Works medal— -200 and 500 yards ; (4) Foreman team match — 200 and 500 yards, cash prizes; (5) National Guard team match — 200 and 500 yards, cash prizes; (6) the Ludwig Siebe trophy — 200 yards; (7) Collier trophy — 200 yards; (8) Cen tennial trophy — 200 and 500 yards; (9) Pistol match — 30 yards, cash prizes. In November "Taken from Life" was rendered at Dietz theatre; Black Crook at the People's (formerly the Colosseum) ; Emerson's minstrels at the Standard; McGowan the Millionaire at Bush Street theatre. Dion Boucicault's Company had recently been here in various Irish dramas. An aquatic bicycle was launched on Lake Merritt on November 18th. A glove fight between James Slattery and the negro Bill Williams at the stock yards in February, 1884, .resulted in a victory for Slattery on a foul ; the negro was the better man but was taunted into making the foul after he had whipped^ Slattery. In 1884 a joint stock company was organized to purchase the Oak land Trotting park from E. Wiard, the owner, the consideration being $80,000, but it failed to raise the money. A six days' racing program was given at the Oakland Trotting park in March; the prizes and stakes aggregating $3,050, exclusive of the large entrance money. In, 1884 the Colosseum seated 1,500 people; Dietz Opera House, 700; Ger mania hall (main) 1,800, lower hall 900, upper hall 350; Armory hall (cavalry) 1,000; Oakland Guard hall, 1,000; Hancock Rifles hall, 900; Masonic hall, 500. The opera "L'Elisir d' Amore" was rendered in the Grand Opera House here in March. Madame Etelka Gerster represented Adina; Signor Vicini, Memorino; Signor Caracciolo, Dulcamasa; Signor Lombardelli, Belcore. The next night Madame Adelina P'atti appeared in "La Traviata." The house was crowded to the doors and tickets sold for high premiums. 280 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY The first cross country run after the English sport called "hare and hounds" took place in May, 1884, under the auspices of the Merion Cricket Club. The start was from Berkeley. Stud poker was such a ruling game and so pernicious that public steps to stop it were taken in 1884. Hundreds of young men spent all their money at this game. In 1885 a baseball club called the Nightingales was the champion club of Oakland. On April 28th they played the Yosemite Club on the San Pablo avenue grounds and were defeated by the score of 42 to 7. The Yosemite bat tery, Broderick and Traynor, did excellent and effective work. The game was played for $12 a side. In the third inning the Yosemites made thirteen runs and in the seventh, fifteen. The Greenhood and Moran nines combined on May 3d, but were defeated by the Knickerbockers of Sacramento by a score of 6 to 5. Van Haltren, afterward prominent member of the Chicago and other clubs, caught for the Oakland team. In 1885 Oakland had no regular and profes sional ball club, but had many local clubs which fought desperately in the sum mer and fall for city supremacy. Grounds much used were at Fourteenth and Center streets. A game was played there in June between the Oaklands and the Haverlys of San Francisco. The Oakland Club was composed of the best play ers of the various local clubs. In November Moses Hopkins was granted a decree of foreclosure against E. Wiard for $79,394.91 and $2,500 counsel fees on the property known as the Oakland Trotting park. The great actress Janauschek appeared at Oakland theatre with a large company in repertoire in September. They rendered "Zil- lah the Fortune Teller," "My Life," "Mary Stuart," "Countess of Mansfield" and others. The theatre was packed every night. The opera "The Mikado" was presented here in November, by the Carliton Opera Company and met a warm reception. At the game between the Greenhood and Morans and the Pioneers at Alameda on August 1, 1886, there were present 7,000 people ; the score was 3 to o in favor of the former. Other clubs here were the Troubadours, Clevelands, Oaklands, Maroons and Franklins. Early in 1886 Alameda prepared a fine baseball park in the West End. It was 494 x 337 feet and seated 1,500 people. The grandstand was 170 feet long. The grounds were prepared under the supervision of Charles S. Neal of the Narrow .Gauge Railroad Company. The fourteen inning game of ball played August 9th, between the Haverlys and Altas on the Alameda grounds was the most exciting ever played on the east side up to that date. Every seat was taken and 2,000 people stood up during the game. The Altas belonged to Sacramento and the Haverlys to San Francisco. The Haverlys finally won by the score of 7 to 3. The Haverly players were as follows : Donahue, third ; Hardie, catcher ; Hanley, right; Sweeney, first; Incell, pitcher; Levy, center; Stein, second; Bernutt, short; Lawton, center. A spectator who shouted, "Go it, you've got Incell rattled," was put out of the grounds ; nearly eight thousand people were present. James Madison umpired the game. In 1885 the receipts of the baseball games were sufficient to pay the players only $2 or $3 a game. In one game played by the Greenhood and Moran Club in San Francisco, each received $3.50. In 1886 the California League agreed to play at Alameda and Eugene Van Court was engaged to umpire for $2 a game. The Mullane-Star game was so rank that the latter HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 281 was expelled from the league and the Greenhood and Morans were accepted to fill the gap. The Haverlys and Pioneers were the veteran clubs and they expected that the Greenhood and Morans would be easy victories. The latter were credited with one game won and two lost by the Stars. They began by beating the Hav erlys of San Francisco and astonished the baseball wise men. Then they defeated the Altas ¦ of Sacramento. Again July 25, 1886, on the Alameda grounds they defeated the Haverlys before 8,000 people. The Greenhood and Morans were called the "Oakland Kids." Thus far the receipts per game averaged over one thousand dollars in 1886, while in 1883 the average was about one hundred dollars. Instead of receiving $2 or $3 a game the players each in 1886 received from $20 to $50. The Greenhood and Moran players were as follows : Fisher, third; Brown, catcher; Cahalan, left; Long, right; Van Haltren, pitcher; Dolan, first; Cussick, short; Gurnett, second; Donovan, center. The percentage on July 27, 1886, was as follows: Haverlys, 769; Greenhood and Morans, 538; Atlas, 437; Pioneers, 285. But a little later the Greenhood and Morans began to lose and in the end finished near the foot. At Germania hall, in March, James C. Daly and Thomas D. Carrol gave an interesting exhibition of Greco-Roman wrestling that was witnessed by a large audience. The Costello-Cleary prize fight came off in the Colosseum on Twelfth street in July, and resulted in the defeat of the latter in the second round. The police immediately arrested all concerned in the "mill." The price of admission was $10. All movements had been kept secret from the police. The winner took all — about five hundred and twenty dollars. Dan Haley acted as referee. Albert Keicheff, known as the "Strong Al of Oakland," was challenged to wrestle a mixed match, best two out of three: 1st, Greco-Roman; 2nd, catch as catch can; 3rd, to be decided by toss of a coin, for $250 a side, by James Slattery, champion heavy weight of the Pacific coast. John Dugan of Newark prepared his coursing park in Washington township for 2,500 hares which he had ordered trapped up the country. The coursing season opened about June 15th. During the summer of 1887 over one hundred and fifty thousand persons attended the baseball games at the Alameda grounds. All the crowds were orderly. It was different with the hoodlum gangs which visited Schuetzen park. Often their conduct was disgraceful and sometimes criminal. O. M. Sanford said he had lived in Alameda when the much detested coyote roamed at will up and down the peninsula, but its cries were music to the demoniacal yells of the hoodlums. This park was owned by Captain Cantus who died from heart disease after hearing his park denounced and learning that steps to close it might be taken. The year 1888 was very lively in all branches of athletics. There were many wheeling clubs. Baseball was very popular, particularly at the university, and was attended by vast crowds. Every gymnasium had a membership that over taxed its rooms. The field sports were likewise patronized by many enthusiasts — • coursing, racing, shooting, rowing, sailing. Previous to July, 1888, the Pioneer Society had been in existence for two years and three months. In that time eighteen meetings were held. There were 15 honorary members, 46 first class members, 32 adjunct members, 58 second class members, and 15 third class members; total membership, 166; William T. Gibbs was president. WON LOST 40 25 36 30 31 37 26 . 4i 282 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY In April, the Choral Society of Alameda rendered the "Pirates of Penzance" in the Park Opera House to a large audience. On March 22d, George Van Halt- ren and Fred Lange, two Oakland baseball players, left for the East under, con tracts to play with other clubs — the former with the Chicagos and the latter with the Chicago Westerns. Early in November Spalding's baseball combination arrived from the East and were met by a party of twenty Oakland and San Francisco baseball men at Port Costa and escorted to the latter city. This was the greatest excursion of baseball players ever undertaken in America up to date. On Novem ber 4th a match game was played at Haight Street park between the All Americans and the Chicagos. Jerry Dennry, who lived in Oakland, but who belonged to the national league, arrived home at this time; he was famous as a third baseman. While in the West the All Americans were defeated by the Pioneers — score 9 to 4; and the Chicagos and Stocktons tied at Stockton with two each. Van Haltren, the old Oakland player, was short stop of All Americans. The latter were defeated by the Greenhood and Morans also. The All Americans defeated the Stocktons, score 16 to 1, Van Haltren playing center field. The result at the end of the season of 1888, was as follows : CLUBS PER CENT Stocktons 615 Haverlys 542 Pioneers ' 455 Greenhood and Morans 388 The Acme Athletic Club gave an interesting entertainment at their rooms in July. Harry F. Gordon was club president at this date. The exhibition consisted in exercises on the horizontal bar, boxing, tumbling, club swinging, high jumping, tugging, etc. The Oakland players in 1889 were as follows: Long, center; Dailey, left: Hardie, catcher; Smalley, third; O'Neil, short; Veach, first; McDonald, second; Stallings, right; Coughlin, pitcher. This was the usual order of batting. The last game between the Oaklands and San Franciscans was witnessed by 20,000 people and resulted in the score of 5 to 4 in favor of the former. The standing on November 11, 1889, was as follows: CLUBS PER CENT San Francisco 577 Oakland 602 Stockton 443 Sacramento 372 William Smalley of Haywards became a baseball player of the great leagues in 1890. The German Turn Verein celebration of four days in June was the most important local event in the history of that organization. The Oakland Turn Verein was organized January 20, 1867, with a charter roll of twelve members. An excellent race track of half a mile was built on J. H. Strobridge's place near Haywards in 1891. Mr. Strobridge himself owned a fine herd of young colts which he trained for speed in all its phases: WON LOST 51 37 53 35 39 49 32 54 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 283 The labor organizations of Oakland and vicinity held a big reunion or cele bration early in September, 1891. It was one of the first observances here of Labor Day. Trades unionism began in Alameda county about 1888 at which time four organizations were already in existence, viz. : Carpenters' Protective Union, Cigarmakers' Union, Typographical Union and Clerks' Association. On May 1, 1888, the first meeting of the Alameda county federation was held and O. A. Smith became first president. Later organizations of the bakers, plumbers, painters, mill machine men, tailors, plasterers, carpenters, horseshoers, musicians, bricklayers, lumber and longshoremen, farmers' alliance, citizens' alliance, and others joined the movement. , The parade of September 6, 1891, was one of the largest ever seen in this city. All business was temporarily suspended while the cheering and bedecorated clubs and lodges marched through the packed streets. The mayor and city .officials reviewed the parade from a stand at the city hall. The day closed with a ball at Germania hall. The members of the Oakland Baseball Club in 1892 were as follows in batting order : Smith, left ; O'Brien, second ; Hardie, center ; Carrall, first ; Wilson, catcher ; Bushman, third ; Flutchinson, short ; Lohman, right ; German, pitcher. Enthusiasm for baseball was never more tense and preponderating than in 1892. Col. T. P. Robinson owned the franchise of the Oakland Baseball Club. The new grounds were at Piedmont. The Cook stock farm became the Oakland park stock farm. It sold twenty-four high bred colts— all registered. Many were by Steinway, the famous thoroughbred. The Alameda Bicycle and Athletic Club gave a series of races on their grounds in July. The Charity Club consisted of young men who distinguished themselves in legitimate drama, modern society drama and minstrelsy and young ladies who supplemented their literary attainments by post graduate courses in Delsarte, oratory and the art of physical expression. Both men and women were among the most talented, charming and beautiful in the city. They had no desire to embrace the drama or the stage as a profession, but mastered "Lady Macbeth," "Hamlet," and other plays and historic stage characters. In 1891-92 they pre sented "Damon and Pythias," "Darkest Oakland," "Held by the Enemy," "A Russian Honeymoon," "Rosedale" and other difficult plays to large houses with great success. Louis Imhaus was director.- Among the actors were. the follow ing: J. C. Wilson, Jr., H. A. Melvin, Lester Herrick, J. F. J. Archibald, A. J. Rosborough, P. H. Remillard, Marion Albright, Minnie G. Campbell, Mrs. Elizabeth Beck, Maud Morrill, Lucy D. Novan and Mary Hanlon. Wilson was leading man and began his' career many years before in San Francisco. In their earlier presentations they styled thehiselves the- Jacksbn Street Minstrels, were assisted by the Alice Street Quartette Club and held forth at the Oakland theatre. Late in 1892 they appeared in the fine new Macdonough theatre. Among the assets left by Court Ginlio Valensin on his famous Pleasanton stock ranch was the stallion Sidney.' This horse was sold at auction in Cleve land, Ohio, for $27,000. His value had been placed by experienced horsemen at $75,000. The animal had been under lease for $20,000 a year. His colts sold for several years at over $25,000 annually. Late in October, 1896, the new Oak land race track was opened and the winter racing meeting was inaugurated. The new track was located ori the old site, but many additions and improvements 284 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY appeared. In all there were ninety-three acres under lease. Thomas H. Wil liams, Jr., was president of the California Jockey Club at this time. In April, 1898, Joe Lavique and Mike McCormick fought eight rounds before the Oakland Athletic Club. De Witt Van Court ref ereed the fight ; McCormick won the battle. The racing at Pleasanton in the spring of 1898 was unusually good and attracted a large crowd. Pacing, trotting and running were the leading events, but the harness road races attracted great interest. At this time high grade roadsters were in great demand. The principal stakes at this meeting were called Hop, Merrira and Mercantile. The Pleasanton race track was well known to horsemen all over the United States and Canada. The stables of high grade and thoroughbred animals there were famous almost from the start. Many of the fastest horses and most skillful drivers of the country hailed from that unpretentious place. Among the fast and famous horses reared there were Coney 2:01^2, Anaconda 2:o2j4, Alix 2:03%, Directly 2:03^4, Azate 2:04, Searchlight 2:04, Klatasch 2:04%, Directum 2:05^, Dally Dillon 2:07^, Diablo 2:09*4, and Jamie 2:09%. Among the distinguished drivers who received their first valuable experiences at this track were Budd Doble, Andrew McDowell, Thomas Keating, George Staars, William Geers, J. Kelly and Messrs. McHenry, Durfee, Murry and Sanders. In the '90s as never before all kinds of athletics came into existence and into great popularity and favor, cycling, baseball, football, hunting, rowing, boxing, racing and mountain climbing seemed all at once to take possession of every class and sex here. Never before had women come into such dazzling light in the field of outdoor sports as at this eventful and changeful era. In fact the tendency to put women forward at this time, was one of the chief factors which contributed a little later to her success at the polls. Athletics in the most modern form is imparted by the Reliance and Acme Clubs. The equipment of both supplies every facility needed for the complete development of the human system, and the instruction is not surpassed in any city on the coast. Exercises and exhibitions showing what they can do and have accomplished are given at stated periods. Already the athletes of this club have distinguished themselves in many fields. The Athenian Club was modeled on the same plan as a similar one in San Francisco. It is Bohemian in the broadest sense, devoted to sociability, and its members are among the best men of the community. The Nile Club is also social in its objects and operations. Both the Nile and the Athenian Clubs, while in the main brotherly and fraternal, nevertheless informally consider many subjects which outside eventuate into public movements for the betterment of the community. The old Shell Mound park where racing took place as early as the '60s and where the shooting clubs usually practiced and gave exhibitions, was later called the Oakland race track, which was in reality an extension of the old grounds. Judge Mee finally purchased the property, leased it, and it passed to a syndicate which carried matters farther than the people desired and an act of the Legis lature checked its operations. In September, 1907, the Orpheum theatre was first opened to the public. During the first year over 800,000 persons were patrons. Oakland had become HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 285 the second leading theatrical center of the Pacific coast. In September, k Leonard Lane of Berkeley, in an air ship of his own invention and construc tion, secretly sailed in a successful flight over that city. S. S. Baley, the mil lionaire horseman of Pleasanton, leased the pacing mare Leata J, to W. Jones of Sacramento for the season of 1913; her record in 1913 was 2:03 and she earned for the lessee about $25,000. On February 22, 191 1, occurred the automobile races over the scenic boule vard; it was estimated that 100,000 persons witnessed the races. An Amplex car ran down and seriously injured several persons. An Apperson car, skidded, turned turtle and was destroyed by fire, both occupants escaping. The throng was not properly policed and crowded the tracks in many places. The Mercer won the light car race, the National, the heavy car race and the Pope-Hartford the free-for-all race. In recent, years baseball, rugby and soccer football, yacht ing, rowing, shooting, hunting, coursing, racing, boxing, golfing, tennis, swim ming, athletics, track meetings, motoring, bowling, cricket, etc., are the leading sports. The scientific development of athletics at the university in the '80s and '90s was one of the most important recreation and health forward movements in the state and in the country. The games of baseball there have ever been interest ing; but football soon led all other outdoor manly sports. The great games between the two universities — Stanford and California — are invariably attended by immense and enthusiastic audiences. The following is the result of their contests year by year. FOOTBALL Year Stanford California 1891 14 1° 1892 10 10 1893 66 6 1894 6 o 1895 6 6 1896 20 o 1897 28 o 1898 o 22 1899 o 30 1900 5 ° 1901 o 2 1902 o 16 1903 6 6 1904 T8 o 1905 • 12 5 RUGBY Year Stanford California 1906 6 3 1907 21 XI 286 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Year Stanford California 1908 12 3 1909 :3 l9 1910 6 25 1911 3 21 1912 — — 1913 — — CHAPTER XVI EDUCATION The first schoolhouse in Oakland was built in July, 1853, on a lot deeded to the town by H. W. Carpentier at Fourth and Clay streets. It was subsequently moved to the corner of West and Seventh streets and was still later used by the colored people as a church. It was the only schoolhouse the town had for nine years. When erected it was referred to as "a substantial, elegant and com modious schoolhouse." In 1862 a large one-story schoolhouse was erected at the corner of Eleventh and Grove streets. Two years later a third building was erected' at Fifth and Alice streets. Miss Hannah Jayne opened the first school in 1853 and continued to teach — was the only teacher — until January, 1855, when, two teachers being required, Franklin Warner became principal and Miss Jayne assistant. At first there was but one room and one teacher, but there were ninety pupils enrolled. They continued until February 21, 1856, in a building with two rooms at Fifth and Broadway. They received no pay until later, because Mr. Hogan, the city marshal, decamped with the school funds. In February, 1856, Mr. Warner secured a position in the Oakland College school and there remained until i860. In 1856 R. A. Morse was employed as a teacher and held forth in the Carpentier schoolhouse. Mr. Goble taught both in 1856 and 1857. In i860 the pupils became so numerous that a new and larger build ing was necessary, whereupon the high school block was bought for $900 and a two-room building was erected thereon and was called the Lafayette school. Afterward when the first high school building was erected the old building was called "Little Lafayette." Soon afterward came the Lincoln, Prescott, Cole, Durant, Tompkins and other schools. By 1867 Oakland schools had six teach ers who were paid $510 a month. In 1868 school bonds to the amount of $62,- 000 were issued and much of the money was invested in school sites, a very wise measure. , In 1868 there were 547 pupils and in 1873 there were 2,011. In 1878, 4,695 pupils attended the public schools; in 1883, 6,040; in 1888, 6,329; in 1891, 8,071. On November 8, 1858, the Oakland Seminary was commenced by Mrs. G. M. Blake in a private parlor on Broadway and Sixth streets, with a class of four young ladies. April 1, 1859,, the school required a larger room and was removed to the corner of Broadway and Eighth streets. It remained there until March 1, i860, when it changed its locality to the corner of Fifth and Jackson streets, where it remained four years. A new building known as the Blake House was commenced on Washington street between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, in June, 1863, and completed on the 24th of October, where the school was perma nently established. As early as the year 1855 the attention of Alameda was called to the necessity of providing means of education for the children. In 1864 the school district, Vol. 1—19 287 288 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY which then comprised the whole peninsula, was divided, and the main structure of the Alameda schoolhouse was built by contract for the sum of $2,626, which was raised by a special tax. The furniture was purchased with the proceeds of a festival, given by the ladies of the town, among them being Mrs. Hastings, Mrs. J. N. Webster, Mrs. A. S. Barber, Mrs. Millington, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. W.-B. Clement and others. The old schoolhouse was sold at auction to H. S. Barlow and by him moved to Park street, where it constituted the original Loyal Oak hotel. Later it was occupied as a dwelling. In July, 1855, C. C. Breyfogle, the first county superintendent of public instruc tion, appointed James Millington, E. M. Taft and James T. Stratton, commission ers of Alameda school district. The board organized July 16th and made arrange ments for the purchase of a building and lot from A. Schermerhorn, for the sum of $150. On the 27th of the same month Mrs. A. S. Page was engaged to teach the school at a monthly salary of $75 and board. This engagement continued until October 31, when the pay was fixed at $100, without board. On July 21, 1859, W. W. Brier, county superintendent, appointed as trustees C. L. Fitch, Jas. Milling ton and Dr. Henry Gibbons, who engaged as teacher W. W. Holder, who occu pied the position until January 9, i860, when he was removed and M. A. Lynde substituted. Funds being low, it was found necessary, in order to pay the teach er's salary, to establish rates of tuition, as follows: Children under ten years of age, $1 per month; under fourteen years, $1.50; over fourteen, $2. From the organization of the first public school in Oakland in July, 1853, to July, 1865, the census enumeration included children between the ages of four and eighteen. From July, 1865, to Jub7> J873, from five to fifteen, and from that date to the present, from five to seventeen. In 1883 the schools were as follows : High, corner Twelfth and Market streets ; Prescott, Campbell street, Seward and Taylor; Cole, Tenth street, Union and Poplar; Tompkins, Fifth street, Chestnut and Linden ; Lincoln, Alice street, Tenth and Eleventh ; Durant, Twenty- eighth street, Grove and West ; Franklin, Tenth avenue, East Fifteenth and East Sixteenth streets; Lafayette, Jefferson street, Eleventh and Twelfth; Grove Street, Grove street, Fourth and Fifth; Harrison Street, corner Harrison and Sixth streets ; Swett, East Twentieth street, Twelfth and Thirteenth avenues ; Court House, corner East Fourteenth street and Twentieth avenue ; Lynn, Lynn ; Broad way and Twenty-fifth Street, corner Broadway and Twenty-fifth streets ; Ply mouth Avenue, corner Elm street and Plymouth avenue; Watts' Tract, corner Magnolia and Thirty-second streets; Evening, Ninth street, between Washington and Clay Corner; Carpenter Shop, East Fourteenth street, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues. They were erected as follows: High, 1870; Prescott, 1869; Cole, 1877; Tompkins, 1877; Lincoln, 1872; Durant, 1874; Franklin, 1875; Lafayette, 1862; Grove Street, 1869; Harrison Street, 1865. The Convent of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart was located in a picturesque position at the head of Lake Merritt, commanding a fine yiew of the city of Oakland and its environments, including the bay and Golden Gate. This con vent was founded by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, in 1868, under the patronage of Rev. Father M. King, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church in Oakland. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 289 Mills College was founded early in the history of the county and has ever maintained a high rank among the institutions of the United States devoted to the education and culture of women, standing in the same class as Vassar Col lege, There is no higher institution of the kind on the Pacific coast. The Oakland high school was organized July 12, 1869, with twenty-nine pupils. The curriculum provided a course in natural science, mathematics, literature and language, requiring three years for its completion. For the first two years the classes were accommodated in the grammar schools, but at the commencement of the third year they were moved to the building at the corner of Central avenue and Market street. At first but one teacher was employed. f HIGH SCHOOL STATISTICS Number Graduating Boys Girls Totals 5 10 i5 1 5 6 3 11 14 5 12 i7 7 18 25 3 10 13 6 14 20 10 20 30 13 33 46 20 35 55 Years Number Attending Boys Girls Totals 1869-70 18 22 40 1870-71 14 21 35 1871-72 28 47 75 1872-73 40 59 99 i873-74 39 73 II2 1874-75 56 80 136 1875-76 67 79 146 1876-77 66 117 183 1877-78 81 167 248 1878-79 in 177 288 1879-80 126 202 328 1880-81 139 2I3 352 An evening school was opened in a rented building on Ninth street, between Washington and Clay, on November 8, 1880, with a class of twenty. It increased in numbers during the winter until the average number belonging reached sixty- five, when another class was formed. The attendance in the spring fell off, and the two classes were consolidated. During the school year ending June, 1880, the total number enrolled was 154. The subjects taught were arithmetic, spelling, writing, reading, bookkeeping and grammar. The classes were removed to the high school building May 1, 1881. The following is an abstract of the annual report made by Rev. J. D. Strong, on November 23, 1861, to the state superintendent of instruction: Children from four to eighteen years of age 1,828 More boys than girls nI Increase during the year 204 Children under four years L076 Under twenty-one years 2,997 Born in California L765 Deaf and dumb 3 Blind I Scholars enrolled in the public schools 772 290 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Average daily attendance 437 Number of schools 22 Teachers employed during the year 32 Average number of months the schools were open 7% Average salary per month < $ 61.00 School fund received from state 2,130.00 Received from county 5,417.00 Raised in the districts 2,324.00 Total expenditure during the year 9,986.00 Average for each pupil enrolled 13.00 The amount raised in the various districts by voluntary subscription was as follows: Alvarado, $182; Union, $287; Eureka, $228; Lockwood, $200; Cen terville, $194; Ocean View, $144; Alviso, $107; Alameda, $106; Mission San Jose, San Lorenzo, Redwood and Temescal, raised less than $100 each, while Murray, Peralta, Edenvale, Oakland and Brooklyn, depended entirely upon the public fund. The amount thus raised by the districts this year was only one- half as large as that raised during the previous year, and the average expenditure per scholar was also less. The Union, Brooklyn, Oakland, Murray and Ocean View schools were maintained ten months or more ; the Mission, nine months ; the Alvarado, San Lorenzo, Alameda and Murray's Landing, eight months; the Lockwood and Eureka seven months ; the Alviso five months, and the Red wood, Temescal and Peralta four months. There were three times as many male teachers as ¦ female in the county ; the average length of schools was greater in 1861 than the year before, but the average salary paid for teaching was less, and the average attendance of the schools less. All except three or four of the teachers had had from three to twenty-one years' experience in teaching, and nine intended to devote themselves to the profession for life. The schoolhouses in the county generally were unfit for use. With three or four exceptions, a humane man would feel that they were scarcely fit to shelter his animals. Too small, badly constructed, worse furnished, and unpleas ant in every way, they could not but have a depressing influence over the tastes, feelings and character of the children. Those in Oakland, Brooklyn and Alameda were especially inadequate to meet the wants of the scholars. Oakland and Brook lyn each needed a school building adapted to a graded school. Oakland espe cially with its 464 children drawing the public money, had not adequate schqpl accommodations for more than thirty scholars. The remaining pupils were prac tically unprovided for. At the same time that district had more than $1,600 lying idle in the county treasury. The Peralta and bay districts also needed schoolhouses. In addition to the public schools there were nine private schools and colleges in the county with about one hundred and ninety pupils. On June 15, 1863, the corner stone of Blake House was laid by Live 'Oak Lodge of Masons, of which at that time Rev. Dr. Akeny was W. M. It was then the largest and best building in Oakland. It became the Oakland Seminary for Young Ladies. The school from which the seminary took its rise was com menced in Oakland on November 8, 1858, by Mrs. G. M. Blake. She began with a class of four young ladies in a building on the east side of Broadway between Sixth and Seventh streets. The scholars were Hannah Schander, Ida Schander, THE BELL TOWER OF MILLS COLLEGE, OAKLAND OAKLAND STREET SCENE SLOPE OF THE BERKELEY HILLS HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 291 Susie Staples and Emma Reed. On April i, 1859, the school was removed to Broadway and Seventh and on March 1, i860, it was again removed to Fifth and Jackson streets. It there remained until removed to Blake House in 1863. In 1863 the school had sixty-nine pupils. In i860 Miss Mary A. Shattuck became assistant teacher and in 1862 Mrs. D. G. Huggins also became assistant teacher. Other early instructors in the institution were Mademoiselle Beauchamp, Professor Klingermann, Mrs. S. Watkins and Miss Carrie Stevens. The Hopkins Academy was located on a commanding position between Broadway and Telegraph avenue, and was formerly known as the Golden Gate Academy. By a donation from Moses Hopkins, of San Francisco, the institu tion was placed on a firm financial basis, enabling it to enlarge its sphere of use fulness. The teaching, although unsectarian, was under the supervision of the Congregational denomination. The Rev. H. E. Jewett, of Amherst College was the principal and was aided by an efficient force of assistants. The Female College of the Pacific, owed its existence to the efforts of Rev. E. B. Walsworth. During the first years of the institution, Rev. S. S. Harmon and wife had immediate control, and its success and subsequent reputation was in no small degree due to their skill as teachers, and to the efficiency with which they performed the varied duties which devolved upon them. In April, 1864, the Pacific Female College was incorporated. An educational department was opened June 15, 1863, and the existence of the college properly dates from that time. The California Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind was founded in San Francisco in i860 and was then under the auspices of a board of lady managers, presided over by Mrs. P. B. Clark. It was moved to the Kearney farm in Berkeley four miles north of Oakland. The tract consisted of 130 acres. Clear, pure water was found in the foothills. The ground for the buildings was broken July 29, 1867. The foundation-stone was laid on the 26th of September, with appropriate ceremony. The building was ready for occupation in the fall of -1869. The cost of the structure was $149,000, includ ing the incidental expenses; the land cost $12,100. The San Francisco property put in the market realized $34,000. The school then opened with ninety-six pupils, and under most favorable auspices. The beautiful building was de stroyed by fire on the evening of the 17th of January, 1875. Plans for new buildings were prepared and presented to the Legislature which voted $110,000 for the new structures. The following spring foundations were laid and in the fall of ,1878 the buildings were occupied. In 1879 a central refectory was erected as part of the plan that looked to devoting separate buildings to sep arate purposes; cost $35,000. OAKLAND Year Ending No. Attending No. Attending No. Attending June 30 Public Schools Private Schools No Schools 1863 109 193 75 1864 138 276 90 1865 •¦• 227 288 112 1866 307 2I8 173 292 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Year Ending No. Attending No. Attending No. Attending June 30 Public Schools Private Schools No School 1867 455 313 155 1868 569 317 196 1869 684 355 293 1870 911 417 3*9 1871 i,i32 333 3*2 1872 1,566 271 579 1873 ...2,118 343 541 In 1874-75, at a time when there were many children in the city who did not have educational privileges, it was suggested and supported by more than one newspaper that the condition could be remedied by teaching part of the chil dren in the forenoon and the other part in the afternoon, the teachers being required to work all day instead of from 9 to 4 o'clock. It was not realized at this time that even the hours from 9 to 4 were sufficient to break down the nervous systems of the hardiest women teachers in ten years. F. M. Campbell, city superintendent of schools, in a long document which was submitted to the board of education proposed (1) that each class in the city be divided into two equal divisions; (2) that one division should be taught from 9 to 12 o'clock, and the other from 1 to 4 o'clock, or from 2 to 5 o'clock; (3) that the divisions change about time of attendance so that all would receive the same treatment; (4) that the wages of the teachers be increased to correspond with the enlarged service. The advantages of this system were alleged to be as follows: (1) There would be twice as many grades and more frequent advancement without increasing the number of school-rooms or the number of teachers; (2) a portion of the time of the children could be devoted to work at home; (3) twice the number of children as at present could be accommodated. The system of dividing crowded classes and allowing one-half to attend in the forenoon and the other half in the afternoon, introduced by Superintendent Campbell, met with general favor and was put in successful operation early in 1875. Teachers and parents appeared to be pleased with the change. How ever, the school board decided not to introduce the change in any class unless it should be needed. Alameda planned a new high school building in 1874. Oakland's debt was mostly due to the construction of many new school buildings called for by the rapid growth of the city. In 1873-74 the number of school children in the county between five and fifteen years was 6,751; enrolled, 4,715; not in any school, 1,505; state apportionment, $19,860; county apportionment, $37,352; city taxes, $35,087; paid teachers' salaries, $80,356; valuation of school property, $261,970; number of schools, 103 ; average monthly wages paid male teachers, $101 ; same paid female teachers, $60; average number of months of school, 9.6. In the spring of 1875 the Livermore public schools were graded, with J. C. Gilson in charge of the upper department and Miss Ada Fulton in charge of the lower. In June, 1875, the county and city school examining boards examined applicants for teachers' certificates in the following studies : Written gram mar, orthography, written arithmetic, history of the United States, theory and practice of teaching, mental arithmetic, geography, physiology, algebra, natural HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 293 philosophy, penmanship, natural history, reading, vocal music, defining, composi tion, drawing, Constitution of the United States and of California, school law of California, and oral grammar. A first grade certificate was granted for 85 per cent of these requirements. In 1875 W. F. B. Lynch was county superintendent of schools. The state school fund this year amounted to $57,046. There were in the county 7,820 children of school age. Alameda had 498; Oakland, 3,952; Laurel, 328; Liver more, 220; Alvarado, 132; Centerville, 120; Eureka, 141; Fruit Valley, 103; Mission San Jose, 123; Ocean View, 116; Peralta, 168; Pleasanton, 150; San Lorenzo, 391 ; Temescal, 157; Union, 432; Washington, 132. None of the others had over 100. In all there were 37 districts. Berkeley was yet unknown. In 1876 the university, Golden Gate Academy, McClure's Military Academy, Mills Seminary, St. Mary's Academy, Home School for Young Ladies, Mrs. Poston's Seminary, St. Mary's Free School; two kindergartens, Pacific Theolog ical Seminary, Convent of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart were the principal private educational institutions of Oakland. The Altamont school was conducted by A. W. McArthur in March, 1877. The schools at Niles and Washington Corners were closed owing to the prev alence of diphtheria. Alvuzo Crawford taught in the Lockwood district. Mrs. L. Hinckly opened the Mowry Landing school in March. At the examination of teachers in March the following secured certificates : Mabel Brett, Mary B. Vose, Gertrude Campbell, Maggie Connefs, Mrs. N. B. Kerr, Ninole Strong, E. Griffin, Bertha F. Vollmar, Emma Gracier, Mrs. J. N. Brower, Rhoda L. Tucker, Josephine Ring, Fannie Cullen, Nellie A. Dugan, Clara Thomas, Sarah . B. Jenkins. Q. K. Taney, Percilla L. DeForest, Abbie L. Hyde, Blanche L. Lalande, Harriet A. Buel, Adelaide J. Gracier, Minnie J. Wood, Bertha Kraus, Mrs. Hattie Gould, Lizzie Morris, Clara A. Blinn, M. M. McLean, Fred W. Stowell, Annie R. Wood, W. F. Lynch and Irene E. Anderson. Only three of them secured first grade certificates. The great growth of the eastern part of the county was shown by the fact that in 1883 six school districts there were obliged to levy additional taxes with which to enlarge school accommodations. Midway had just completed a new school edifice; Wilson built a little later; Livermore added two more rooms; Pleasanton built a large addition; two other districts in the valley made addi tions. This year the county board of education passed the following resolution : "That no permanent or temporary certificate be hereafter granted by this board upon a city or county certificate issued either in whole or in part upon a diploma of any normal school or class other than that of the California State Normal schools." The object was to shut out graduates of the alleged "normal class" of San Francisco which was not in reality a normal school and was flooding the country with inferior teachers. At this time Alameda had five institutions of learning with a capacity to accommodate 1,300 pupils, under twenty-six teachers. On the 30th of March, 1872, the board of supervisors ordered that the town election be held May 6, 1872, at which time the first corporate officers were elected viz. : H. H. Haight, E. B. Mastick, Fritz Boehmer, Jabish Clement, Henry Robinson, board of trustees; Dr. W. P. Gibbons, William Holtz (for three years), Cyrus Wilson, Nathan Porter (for two years), Fred Hess, F. K. Krauth (one year), school directors; Thomas A. Smith, treasurer; E. Minor 294 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Smith, assessor. The board of trustees met for organization May 13, 1872. H. H. Haight was elected president. The county teachers' institute of October, 1883, was attended by 235 teachers the first day, the total number in the county being 253. County Super intendent Fisher presided. This was an important session. The practical nature of the exercises, their up-to-date character and their breadth and efficiency were immensely valuable. Superintendent Fisher showed by figures that this county was only holding its own in the ratio of census list to school enrollment ; that the ratio of daily attendance was increasing; that the attendance at private schools was comparatively on the increase; that a large percentage of children did not attend school at all ; that the public schools were being supplied with multiplied conveniences ; that teachers were fitting themselves for higher grade work and were better paid ; that the length of the terms in the rural districts was increasing. The committee appointed by the school board to investigate the subject of industrial education in the public schools, reported late in January, 1884, that while such courses were comparatively new in this country they were old and well known in Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Russia and other European countries ; that such manual training schools as had been estab lished in the United States were giving satisfaction; that in their opinion the city should start with a workshop at a cost of $800 or $900 for boys and a cooking school for girls at a cost of $850, and that industrial education of the character they had described should be taught in the public schools of Oak land. They recommended that the board employ Miss Ward, lately the assist ant of Miss Corson, to give instruction in cooking in at least five of the public schools. A meeting of delegates from the boards of education of Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda and Alameda county was held March 15, 1884, in the city hall to consider the subject of text books. It was an executive meeting. All text books were considered seratim and a uniform list was adopted. In May, 1884, the county board of education adopted Bancroft's readers, White's arithmetics and the Eclectic geographies. The school census of June, 1885, gave the fol lowing number of children between the ages of seven and seventeen years. Alameda , 1,841 Livermore 597 Berkley 879 Oakland 10,115 Bay 272 Pleasanton 246 Centerville 194 San Lorenzo 285 Fruitvale 234 Temescal 401 Laurel 535 Union 6yg The mechanical school was taught as a branch of the Lincoln school under the principalship of T. O. Crawford late in 1884. Already this school was popular and attracted great attention. The work of the boys was not sur passed by that of any shop in the city. The boys themselves took great inter est in the innovation. A lesson at hand was in the big Pacific nail factory where skilled labor had to be imported and then made its own terms, among others that apprentices should not be taken. It was concluded that if the trades HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 295 unions would not let the boys learn and if the industrial owners would not teach them, the government must and should do so. If the government taught the professions, why not the trades, it was asked and not answered. The school was in a long low building with many large windows in the rear of the Lincoln school. It was in charge of J. W. McClymonds and J. Spear and was started in 1885. It gave a two-year term to boys who had passed the high third class. There were two classes each week which were instructed in prac tical carpenter work. The school was self sustaining from the sale of its prod ucts — shelves, step ladders, bookcases, cabinet tables, tool chests, cupboards, etc. Specimens of dovetailing, veneering, squaring, panelling, polishing, lettering, etc, were shown to visitors. A meeting of the prominent teachers of the state was held in the north hall of the university in April, 1885, to consider the subject of teaching English and of raising the standard of English scholarship in the future graduates of high schools and the university. Professor Cook presided. There was a large attendance of the best educators of- the state, including J. B. McChesney of Oakland; Henry Vight of, Berkeley; J. H. Eickhoff of Alameda; D. J. Sullivan of Alameda ; J. H. Summer of Oakland ; and many of the teachers of the county. The exercises were very thorough and interesting. The amendment to the county government law in 1885 increased the salary of the county superintendent from $2,400 to $3,600 a year. Before the passage of that law the salary was $1,800 but was increased by the law to $2,400 out of which he was required to pay- the salary of his assistant. The annual county teachers' institute was held at Oakland in August, 1886, Superintendent Fisher presiding. There was a large attendance from all parts of the county. It was announced that during the school year of 1885-86 there had been great educational progress in every township and town'. Numerous new school districts had been created and fine school buildings erected. Col. Francis W. Parker delivered a memorable address on "Reading" in which he declared that teaching was the greatest science in the world — one that planted and nurtured all science and knowledge. He said that reading was thinking by means of written or printed words. Mrs. Parker also addressed the institute on the subject of "Articulation." She was a graduate of the Boston School of Oratory. Colonel Parker was the originator of the Quincy method and was a distinguished educator. The institute adopted the following resolution : "That our schools would be more thoroughly and economically taught with less labor to both pupils and teachers, if in all grades above the seventh, subjects were assigned to teachers instead of teachers to subjects." The new California Baptist College at Highland Park was dedicated Octo ber 6th. It was located on a twelve-acre plot at Fourteenth and East Twenty- seventh streets and the Vallecitos place. The building was called Mary Stuart Hall. The exercises were conducted by Dr. E. H. Gray of Oakland. Addresses were delivered by Dr. pray, Rev. S. B. Morse, Rev. J. H. Garrett, B. C. Wright, Dr. A. B. Stuart, Rev. A. W. Runyari, Rev. F. S. Lawrence, Rev. B. Spencer, Judge Reynolds, Professor Jewett, Mrs. Dr. Kellogg, Miss Perry, principal of the school. In August, 1888, Oakland employed 159 teachers, Alameda 31, Berkeley 15, Union 11, Laurel 9, Livermore 9, Temescal 7, Bay 5, Pleasanton 4, San Lorenzo 296 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 4, Centerville 4, Fruitvale 4, Alvarado 3, Mission San Jose 3, Peralta 3, Wash ington Corners 3. The Alameda county teachers' institute met at Hamilton hall on March 27th and was called to order by County Superintendent P. M. Fisher. There was a very large attendance, nearly every teacher in the county (275) answering to the roll call. This was the first session for eighteen months. The resolutions adopted by the institute favored a reduction in the time allotted to arithmetic in the primary and grammar grades and an increase in the time given to mental arithmetic; advocated a broad and liberal education for all; declared the teach ers who patronized saloons should be discharged; advised the teachers of the county to do all in their power to further the success of the National Educa tional Association which was to meet in San Francisco in July, 1888. The National Educational Association held its annual meeting in Mechan ic's Pavilion, San Francisco, in July. Many teachers from all parts of the coun try were entertained in Oakland homes and were given a public reception at the board of trade rooms which were beautifully decorated for the purpose. Nearly 200 of the best singers of Oakland participated in the grand concert at Mechanic's Pavilion. The county teachers' institute met in convention for the express purpose of entertaining the visitors. They gave a formal reception at Pioneer building on July 17th. The board of education and Superintendent Campbell had decided to make an exhibit of the work of the Oakland schools at the meeting of the National Educational Association in July. An exhibition of penmanship, drawing, written arithmetic, language, grammar, composition, col lections of insects, plants, etc, was made. By school census the number of children of school age in Oakland in 1880 was 8,108 and in 1890 was 11,854. The enrollment was 5,692 in 1880 and 7,820 in 1890. In 1891 the same rooms were used twice each day in the Lafayette, Cole and Clawson schools — four rooms in each aggregating 810 pupils. Classes were held from 9 a. m. and then others from, 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. There was serious objection to this arrangement, but it was only temporary and was aban doned when other houses were erected. The corner-stone of the fine new schoolhouse in Pleasanton was laid in April, 1889. Five hundred people of the southern portion of the county witnessed the ceremonies. The house was two stories high and had eight rooms. The stone was donated by County Superintendent Fisher and came from the sandstone quarry of William Farwell in the Niles canyon. Mr. Fisher presented the stone to Masonic Lodge No. 218, A. F. & A. M., which conducted the ceremonies. The Murray township school union was designed to improve the conditions surrounding the country schools and render them more efficient. Visiting committees suggested improvements in teaching and management. They held annual picnics in May. In 1889 over 800 school children enjoyed this picnic at Tretzel's grove in Arroyo Valle a short distance south of Livermore. There were running races for boys and girls, putting weights, bars and sledges, jumping and ball playing. On the grounds were 2,500 people. At the election of city superintendent of schools of Oakland in April, 1889, there were three candidates — the incumbent, Fred M. Campbell, T. O. Crawford and Mrs. R. R. Johnston. At the first vote Campbell received five votes, Crawford five and Mrs. Johnston one. J. W. McClymonds was then placed in nomination. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 297 The next vote stood Campbell five, McClymonds six. The latter who was prin cipal of the Lincoln school was thus elected. For twenty-five years Mr. Campbell had been connected with the Oakland schools and had done more than any other person to make them the pride of the whole state. He was known over the whole country as a brilliant and advanced instructor and originator of better teaching methods and programs. Recently he had served as chairman of the session of the department of superintendence at Washington, D. C. He was president of the National Educational Association in 1888. As such he received glowing praise from eastern educational critics. It was politics that caused his dismissal. The county board of education in 1889 decided to have no examinations in entomology, geography, history and music in any grade during the year. Early in 1890 Superintendent Fisher notified the teachers throughout the county that they must give a short course on entomology in their schools. He told them to study "Cooke's Insects, Injurious and Beneficial" and to seek practical hints in the neighboring orchards. In town the different pests were to be taken up and studied — codling moth, tent caterpillar, San Jose scale, canker worm, aphides, weevil, phylloxera, bees, etc. In 1890 the trustees of Rosedale, San Lorenzo and Alviso school districts voted special school taxes in their respective school districts — Rosedale, $300; San Lorenzo, $1,000; Alviso, $900. The county board ordered these levies, together with sufficient amounts additional to pay the interest. Emery, Hays, Lorin, Peralta, Pleasanton, Sunol, Glen, Temescal and Warm Springs also called for special school tax at this date. Improved schoolhouses and facilities were being provided for in all districts of the county. The Oakland school board at this time found grievous fault with the city council for appropriating $11,- 500 for wharf improvements, $18,000 for the Fifteenth street engine house and $3,000 for the improvement of Independence square instead of appropriating a sufficient amount for increased high school rooms and facilities. In 1890 Alameda county had a total of 22,978 children of school age, of whom 5,114 did not attend any school, public or private. The average daily attendance was 11,964, not including private and parochial schools. The county had three high schools teaching 742 pupils — more than any other county except San Francisco. This county was woefully behind in the matter of school build ings. It did not have a single brick or stone school structure. Other counties had many. The average number of months per year that school was taught was 9.4. The average salary paid to male teachers was $104 per month and to female teachers, $72. In 1890-91 the Legislature passed an act for the establishment of union high schools in the state. No sooner had this act become operative then County Superintendent George Frick was besieged with applications from all parts of the county from both taxpayers and teachers who desired to establish high schools under the new law. The residents of East Murray township met and petitioned for such a school and an election to determine the matter was ordered. The law provided that any city or incorporated town having 1,500 or more popu lation could secure such an institution. In January, 1891, about 130 resident pupils of Oakland applied for admission to the high school and could not be received owing to lack of room. It was proposed to obviate the difficulty by having their junior classes each to skip a day 298 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY so that each would lose one day in three. The day thus gained was to be given to the new pupils. There was imperative demand late in 1891 that the school facilities of Oakland should be vastly improved without delay. Mayor Chapman stated publicly that the following needs should be at once supplied by the issu ance of bonds : Prescott school . . . ¦...- $ 20,000 Grant school 25,000 West Street school 75,ooo Cole school 15,000 Lincoln school 10,000 Harrison school .- 35,000 Swett school 50,000 Franklin school and high school 165,000 Total $395,000 By the last of February, 1892, the crowded condition of the Oakland schools had become a veritable blockade'.- Children were turned away from every school. Superintendent, McClymonds said that in January, 1892, the attendance at the schools was much reduced on account of measles, diphtheria and scarlet fever and that in February when they had in a measure recovered the overflow of the schools was as follows : Lafayette 446 Cole 533 Grove ; .30 Tompkins 50 Harrison 118 Prescott . 220 Garfield no Lincoln 172 Franklin - . . . . . 128 Clawson 140 Durant 150 Total 2,097 The total meant that there ' were that many pupils who were unable to 'get proper school accommodations, many in 'fact being prevented from attendance at all. At the Swett, High and Grant schools there was no overcrowding. This overflow was true, in spite of the fact that in 1891 additions had been built to the Garfield, Durant and Franklin schools. Five years before 1891 the Harrison schoolhouse was put in condition for one year's service, but was used for five years. A large mass meeting of the citizens of Alameda met on March 31, 1891, to listen to the discussion concerning the discipline in the public schools, which had been publicly and severely attacked by A. J. Leonard. He charged crowded rooms, and disobedience, violent acts of pupils when at school and such a lack of discipline as to destroy in a large measure the efficiency of the schools. He was supported by C. W. Bronson, D. Tietemann and Mr. Cunningham. Super intendent Sullivan defended the teachers and schools. He declared that teachers should not be held responsible for the lack of home training ; that if the children were bad the cause would be found in the homes, that the schools were not ref or- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 299 matory institutions, that he could say unpleasant things about certain children and that the crowded condition of the rooms partly caused the disorder complained of. The trustees of the Livermore high school (a township institution) in July, 1891, were F. R. Fassett, Fred Hartman, J. C. Martin, Al. Clark, J. L. Banggs, A. Fuchs and J. G. Young; the latter was chairman. They concluded to open the high school in the public school building at Livermore. The salary of the principal was fixed at $150 per month. E. H. Walker was elected principal of the high and grammar schools. Mr. Frick the new county superintendent in 1891, received a salary of $4,500, out of which he was required to pay his deputy. Principal Markham of Haywards schools was elected, to the principalship of the Tompkins school in Oakland. The county teachers' institute assembled in Hamilton hall on September 16, 1 89 1, and was called to order by County Superintendent George W. Frick. There was a large attendance of teachers from all parts of the county. David Starr Jordan lectured before the institute on the "Passion Play,"- which he had witnessed a short time before at Oberammergau. This was one of the most interesting and instructive sessions ever held. Mr. Frick reported to the county board on Septem ber 27, 1891, that the union high school proposal in the southern part of the county would need $1,800 for the balance of the school year. The proposed district embraced Alviso, Centerville, Decoto, Lincoln, Mission San Jose, Mowrys, New ark, Niles, Rosedale, Sheridan, Warm Springs and Washington. In 1895 the children of Oakland public schools were taught for the first time to make public recognition of the patriotism embodied in the name and memory of George Washington by parading through the streets under the flag which he established. ' In all the schools the significance of the February 22d anniversary was fully explained in a degree of prominence never before attempted here. Thousands of children were in the parade and listened to patriotic addresses and teachings. The high school alumni was organized in 1895 at Oakland. A committee of forty persons was appointed by Principal McChesney to carry the organization into effect. Fred L. Button was elected president of the Alumni Association. In September, 1896, the Union high school at Livermore opened with a total of forty- four students, which number was later increased to nearly sixty. Principal Connel was in charge of the school. In October the teachers' institute held an important session in the high school building, Oakland. There was a large attendance of teachers from all parts of the county. Professors Greggs of Stanford University and Bailey of the Univer sity of California delivered strong and instructive addresses. In January the California Teachers' Association met in the High School building, Oakland. Many women were present. The- attendance was large and enthusiastic. Spirited discussions of instruction methods and important papers enlivened the order of exercise. In 1897 there was started a movement to pension J. C. Pelton, who was one of the fathers of the public school system in California. After many years of self-sacrificing devotion to the cause of education he had become poor and largely helpless, and depended upon the sale of his poetic production by his two little girls for a livelihood. They sold his books on the ferry boats that plied across the bay. 300 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY In 1900 citizens of Berkeley provided for the construction of a new high school building, but the board of education did not feel able to provide the school with books. This fact caused the alumni of the school to give it the nucleus of a library. The sum of $500 was needed with which to accomplish this object. In order to raise this amount the Alumni Association presented two plays, "The First Time" and "The Spy." The county institute met at Oakland in October, 1900, with Mr. McClymonds presiding. The principal speaker on the first day was President D. S. Jordan of Stanford university, who addressed the teachers on the subject of "China." The session was devoted to the consideration of broad educational subjects. In 1901 the report of T. O. Crawford, county school superintendent, showed that the total receipts for the fiscal year were $681,475, and the total expenses $569,723. The state census showed 31,940 children of school age in the county, of which number 22,586 were enrolled. There were 302 teachers in the primary and grammar grades. There was a deficit of $17,104 in the Oakland high school. There were 1,731 pupils in private schools. The Associated Kindergartens of Oakland, during the holidays of 1902, gave a large benefit in Woodman hall and cleared several hundred dollars. The work of this organization was very important at this time. The Oakland Central kindergarten was the second here and was established in the Bible class of Mrs. P. D. Browne of the First Presbyterian church in 1880. Miss Houseman had charge of the school near the foot of Broadway. Miss Anita de Laguna was her assistant. F. M. Smith and wife gave free the use of their beautiful grounds for the annual fete. In 1902 Mrs. F. M. Smith was president of the Associated Kindergartens of Oakland. In 1906 it became manifest that the board of education, sooner or later would be compelled to furnish separate schools for the Orientals — Chinese, Japanese, Coreans, etc. In October the Harrison Street school in particular was filled with Oriental children, who were in a majority there. The Manual Training and Com mercial high school was formerly known as the Polytechnic high. In August, 1906, the school bond proposition carried — but by a remarkably small vote — 792 in the whole city. The amount of bonds was $280,000. The report of the Teachers' Annuity and Retirement Fund Association of this county made the following showing in July, 1905 : Amount paid in by subscribers, $12,849.50; interest on deposits, $845.75; amount paid out, $5,505.11. Original number of subscribers was 228 ; present number 80. At the close of 1907 every hamlet and settled section in the county was pro vided with a good school, with capable teachers and all necessary apparatus and equipment. Over $1,500,000 was spent upon the county schools this year and the great increase in population was sufficient proof that still greater expense would be required in coming years. George W. Frick was county superintendent. Haywards had a splendid modern school building; so did San Leandro, Liver more, Centerville and others. There were eight high schools in the county at this time — one in Berkeley, one in Alameda, two in Oakland, one each at Livermore, Centerville, Haywards and Melrose. The attendance was 2,565. The average daily attendance in the grammar schools in 1906 was 20,386, and in 1907, 22,900; total number of teachers in 1906, 740; in 1907, 814. Total amount received from all sources for the support of public schools — 1906, $1,697,- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 301 195; 1907, $1,798,009. The Alameda county teachers' institute and retirement fund was sustained by voluntary assessment of its members and was intended for the support of retired teachers. There were few school systems in the country in ,1907 that possessed play grounds for children. Within three years thereafter the playground movement had swept the country and over four hundred cities owned such additions to educational advancement. Oakland and Alameda possessed them in 19 10, but not yet Berkeley. Play supervision had accomplished wonders by excluding undesirables and systematizing exercises. The first playground movements in Oakland were experiments at the Prescott and Tompkins schools in 1909. There was an enormous attendance and in October the city council appropriated $10,000 for the use of the playground commission. Soon another playground was estab lished at Bushrod park and covered 300 square feet. In 1910 the DeFremery grounds at Sixteenth and Poplar streets were opened, and soon afterward another at the Garfield school. Outdoor games and dances were popular. At this time, 1910, the playground tracts were Bay View, Peralta, Bushrod, DeFremery and San Antonio. Among the most prominent private schools of the county in 1908 were the Horton School, Anderson's Academy at Irvington, Miss Head's School, Notre Dame Academy, St. Joseph's Academy, Miss Randolph's School, St. Mary's College and Berkeley Preparatory School. This year Berkeley had the university, Home of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, seventeen primary and grammar schools, a high school and seven private schools. At the close of 1910 there were thirty- seven separate • public school buildings in Oakland with many more planned for the immediate future. The total investment in these properties was $3,245,000. There were 518 instructors and nearly. twenty thousand scholars. During the year 1913 fourteen new school houses were commenced in Oakland — all on fireproof and earthquake-proof lines. Every modern accessory was involved in the plans, which embraced modern systems of ventilation, sanitation and convenience, assembly halls, moving picture rooms, clubrooms, libraries, kindergartens, hospital rooms with baths, principal's suite, teachers' lunch and rest rooms, toilet rooms, children's lunch rooms, manual training rooms, domestic art and science rooms and kitchens, conservatories, etc. The schoolhouses under way were named Allendale, Cole, Cleveland, Claremont, Dewey, Durant, Emer son, Lakeview, Lazear, Ldtkwood, Longfellow, McChesney, Sante Fe, Washing ton, Fremont High and Manual Training and Commercial High. This county has ever been one of the most liberal in the state in promoting the highest efficiency of its schools. There are in Alameda county forty-three separate school districts exclusive of those in the cities. All have modern buildings and equipment, competent teachers and patrons who have education and culture and are willing to pay the price for efficient schools. The so-called country schools are governed by boards of trustees and all are under the supervision of the county superintendent. The sum of $1,562,804 was spent on the county schools in 1913. There were employed 1,159 teachers, of whom 210 occupied positions in the high schools and seven in the kindergartens. The enrollment in the high schools was 5,323 and in the grammar schools 35,999. The convention of the Bay section of the California Teachers' Association assembled in Oakland early in January, 1914. The county teachers' institute 302 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY was in session at the same time and the two bodies joined in the discussion of educational problems. All agreed to unite in an effort to secure for 1915 the annual convention of the National Teachers' Association or an International Congress of Education. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Three separate movements combined for the establishment of the University of California: (1) Private initiative; (2) State legislation, and (3) Federal action. In 1853 Rev. Henry Durant, a native of Massachusetts and a graduate of Yale College, came west with the purpose of founding a university fully formed in his mind. In that year, under the auspices of the Presbytery of San Francisco and of the Congregational Association of California, Mr. Durant opened the "Contra Costa Academy" in Oakland. The name was shortly afterwards changed to "College School," in order to signify that the undertaking was only preparatory to the projected college. That institution was incorporated in 1855 under the name of the "College of California." A suitable site had already been secured in Oak land. Rev. Samuel H. Willey, a graduate- o-f Dartmouth College, who had come to California in 1849, and had constantly agitated the subject of founding a college, was appointed vice president. No president was selected for some time. In 1859 . three professors, Henry Durant, Martin Kellogg, and I. H. Brayton, together with three instructors, were chosen as the faculty of the college, and in i860 instruction was formally begun with a freshman class of eight students. Classes were gradu ated from 1864 to 1869, inclusive. In 1856 a tract of 160 acres, five miles north of Oakland, was selected as the permanent home of the college. In i860 this spot was formally dedicated to the purposes of education; and in 1866, on the suggestion of a member of the. board of trustees, Frederick Billings, the name of Berkeley was given to the townsite. The Constitution of 1849 placed at the disposal of the Legislature: (1) the 500,000 acres of land, which had been granted by Congress for the purposes of internal improvement, and devoted by the Constitution of California to the cause of common school education; (2) all escheated estates; (3) the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections of land, granted by Congress, and constituting one-eighteenth portion of all the soil of the state. The Constitution required that these benefac tions should remain a perpetual fund to be "inviolably* appropriated to the sup port of common schools throughout the state." It furthermore provided (4) that "the Legislature should take measures for the protection, improvement or other disposition" of lands already given, or thereafter to be given, by the United States or by individuals for the use of the university, that the proceeds of such lands, as of all other sources of revenue, should "remain a permanent fund," the income thereof to be "applied to the support of the university, for the promotion of litera ture, the arts and sciences ;" and that it should be "the duty of the Legislature, as soon as may be,, to provide effectual means for the improvement and permanent security of the funds of the university." Previous to 1868 the matter of estab lishing the University of California in one form or another was constantly agitated. In 1853 Congress gave to the state 46,080 acres of land for a "seminary of learn ing." In 1862 the Morrill Act granted to the several states a quantity of public land, the interest on the proceeds of which should be "inviolably appropriated, by CAMPUS SCENES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 303 each state which may take and claim the benefit of this act, to the endowment support and maintenance of at least one college where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the several states may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life." The appor tionment of this grant for California was 150,000 acres. In order to secure the endowment, an act was passed by the Legislature in 1866 to establish an agricul tural, mining and mechanical arts college, and to provide a board of directors there for. The directors provisionally selected a site of 160 acres a little to the north of the Berkeley grounds of the College of California. During the year 1867 a group of men, deeply interested in the intellectual advancement of California, including Rev. Dr. Horatio Stebbins, Prof. Henry Durant, Gov. F. F. Low, John W. Dwindle and John B. Felton, sought to secure the establishment of an institution of broader scope than the projected State College of Agriculture, Mining and Mechanical Arts. Their efforts resulted in the generous offer to- the state on the part of the College of California of its1 property in Oakland and its grounds in Berkeley on condition that the state should "forthwith organize and put into operation upon the site at Berkeley a University of California, which shall include a college of mines, a college of civil engineering, a college of mechanics, a college of agriculture, an academical col lege, all of the same grade and with courses of instruction at least equal to those of eastern colleges and universities." The directors of the state college agreed to this proposal and recommended to the Legislature its acceptance. The Legislature accordingly passed an act organizing the University of California, which was signed by Gov. H. H. Haight on March 23, 1868. The organic act, or charter, declared that the university was "created pursuant to the requirements of the constitution, and in order to devote to the largest pur pose of education the benefaction" of the Congressional land grant of 1862. It "shall be called the University of California and shall be located on the grounds donated to the state by the College of California." It "shall have for its design to provide instruction and complete education in all the departments of science, literature, art, industrial and professional pursuits, and general education, and. also special courses of instruction for the professions of agriculture, the mechanic arts, mining, military science, civil engineering, law, medicine and commerce." In reference to the Congressional grant, the charter said : "The board of regents shall always bear in mind that the college of agriculture and the college of mechanic arts are an especial object of their care and superintendence, and that they shall be considered and treated as entitled primarily to the use of the funds donated for their establishment and maintenance by the act of Congress." In reference to the conveyance by the College of California, it said : "The board of regents, having in regard the donation already made to the state by the presi dent and board of trustees of the College of California, and their proposition to surrender all their property to the state for the benefit of the state university, and to become disincorporated and go out of existence as soon as the state shall organize the university by adding a classical course to the college of arts, shall, as soon as they deem it practicable, establish a college of letters. The college of Vol. 1—20 304 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY letters shall be coexistent with the college of arts, and shall embrace a liberal course of instruction in languages, literature, and philosophy, together with such courses or parts of courses in the college of arts as the authorities of the univer sity shall prescribe." The past graduates of the College of California were to rank in all respects as graduates of the university. In 1869 the College of California discontinued its work of instruction and gave place to the new university, which opened its doors on September 23d. Dur ing the construction of buildings at Berkeley the university occupied the college halls in Oakland. On July 16, 1873, the commencement exercises were held at Berkeley and the university took formal possession of its new home. The first appointees to the faculty included Prof. Martin Kellogg, John Le Conte, and Joseph Le Conte. The first appointee to the presidency was Prof. Henry Durant. When in 1872, he resigned, owing to failing health, he was succeeded by President Daniel Coit Gilman. In 1869 the Legislature directed that no admission or tuition fees should be charged, and in 1870 that the univer sity should be opened to women on terms of equality with men. This latter legislative provision was re-enforced in 1879 by the express Consti tution declaration that "no person shall be debarred admission to any of the col legiate departments of the university on account of sex." President Gilman resigned in 1875 to accept the presidency of the new Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. He was followed by John Le Conte, who served until 1881, when William T. Reid was elected to the position and served until 1885. Edward S. Holden was then elected, with the understanding that he was to fill the presidency only until the completion of the Lick Observatory, when he was to assume the position of its director. Accordingly he retired in 1888 and was succeeded by Horace Davis, who served for two years. There after Martin Kellogg was acting president until, in 1893, he was formally appointed to the office. Upon his resignation in 1899 he was succeeded by President Ben jamin Ide Wheeler. Prior to 1887 the university depended for its revenue upon the income from its invested tfunds and upon biennial appropriations by the Legislature. Its invested capital consisted of money derived from the sale of seventy-two sections of land for a seminary of learning and ten sections for public buildings, both granted by Congress in 1853; from the sale of 150,000 acres granted under the Morrill Act of 1862 ; from the sale of salt and marsh lands granted by the Legislature; and from the sale of the College of California property in Oakland. In 1887 the state Legislature rendered the income of the university more secure and permanent by providing for the annual levy of an ad valorem tax of one cent on each $100 of the taxable property of the state. In 1897 the resources were further enlarged by a second act of the Legislature, providing for the levy of an additional one cent on each $100, and in 1909, a "three cent tax" was established by the Legislature. In 191 1, as an incident of an amendment to the Constitution, which reorganized the tax system of the state, the Legislature substituted for the "three cent tax" a bill appropriating for university support the sum of $760,770 for the year ending June 30, 1912, with provision for a regular increase of 7 per cent, per annum in this appropriation for three years thereafter, or until June 30, 1915. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 305 In the early years of its history many attempts were made to segregate the departments of the university, especially to set the college of agriculture off by itself, and many efforts were made to change the character of the governing body. In 1879 this agitation was put to rest by the Constitutional convention, which inserted in the fundamental law of the state the declaration that "the University of California shall constitute a public trust, and its organization and government shall be perpetually continued in the form and character prescribed in the organic act creating the same, passed March 23, 1868, and the several acts amendatory thereof, subject only to such legislative control as may be necessary to insure compliance with the terms of its endowments and the proper investment of its funds." In 1896 a proposition looking to a general building scheme was made by B. R. Maybeck, instructor in architectural drawing, and was introduced in the board of regents and fostered there by Regent J. B. Reinstein. The board voted to have prepared a program "for a permanent and comprehensive plan to be open to general competition for a system of buildings to be erected on the grounds of the University of California at Berkeley." Before this resolve had been put into effective operation it came to the notice of Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst, who was then considering the erection of a building at the university in memory of her husband, the late Senator George Hearst. Accordingly, Mrs. Hearst at once wrote to the board expressing her desire to promote the proposed competition and to defray all the expenses thereof. This offer was gratefully accepted. Two competitions were held, a preliminary one at Antwerp, and a final one at San Francisco. The preliminary competition opened January 15th and closed July 1, 1898. Of 105 plans presented eleven were selected by the jury for the final contest. The second contest, in San Francisco, resulted in the award of first prize to M. Emile Benard of Paris; second prize, Messrs. Howells, Stokes and Hornbostel of New York; third prize, Messrs. D. Despradelle and Stephen Codman of Boston ; fourth prize, Messrs. Howard and Cauldwell of New York; fifth prize, Messrs. Lord, Hewlett and Hull of New York. To adapt and carry out the Benard plan the board of regents appointed John Galen Howard supervising architect of the university. The first structure com pleted in execution of this plan was the Greek theater, the gift of Mr. William Randolph Hearst. The Greek theater is an open-air auditorium of unique beauty, lying in the hollow of the hills and surrounded by trees. It is used for great university occasions, and for musical and dramatic representations. The second building to be completed in accordance with the Hearst plans was California hall, a solid granite structure, erected through appropriations made by the State Legis lature. The third building in this scheme is the Hearst Memorial Mining building, the cornerstone of which was laid on November 19, 1902, and the formal opening celebrated on August 25, 1907. A fourth building, the University Library, pro vision for which was made in the will of the late Charles Franklin Doe of San Francisco, was first occupied in June, 191 1. The Boalt Memorial Hall of Law, the fifth building of the series was formally opened on April 28, 191 1. This building is the gift of Mrs. Elizabeth Boalt, in memory of her husband, the late John H. Boalt of San Francisco. The Hall of Agriculture, the sixth building of the series, was dedicated in November, 19 12. The Sather gate and bridge at the Telegraph avenue entrance to the campus, provided by the generosity of Mrs. Jane 306 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY K. Sather, as a memorial to her husband, Peder Sather, was completed in 1910. As a memorial to Mrs. Sather, herself, the Jane K. Sather Campanile, a bell tower of white granite and marble, 300 feet in height, is being erected. The cost, $200,000, together with $25,000 for "the Sather bells," was provided for by Mrs. Sather. A president's house and central heating station have likewise been erected. Beginning in 1891 the university has constantly aimed to extend the benefits of its instruction in agriculture farther and farther beyond its own confines. In the year named the custom of holding farmers' institutes throughout the state was begun. So important had this work become that, in 1897, a new department was created, a department of university extension in agriculture. Through these institutes, through bulletins, and through professional visits to farm, garden, orchard, and vineyard, the university constantly stands ready to render aid, advice and instruction to relieve agricultural emergencies and solve agricultural problems in the state. The acquisition of the farm of 779 acres at Davis, Yolo county, has greatly enlarged the scope of the university's work in agriculture. The project of accrediting high schools to the university was put into operation in 1884. The main purpose of this movement was, from the first, to aid in unify ing the whole system of secondary and higher education throughout the state. Success has in large measure been achieved in this direction, and the work of more thorough coordination has penetrated into the elementary schools. From the small number of three accredited high schools in 1884 the list has grown until in 1912 the number was 203, including 172 public and 31 private schools. Connected with this accrediting 'system is the university's work as a training school for prospective teachers. By, a law of the state, boards of education and examination have authority to issue teachers' certificates of high school grade to graduates of the university who are recommended by the faculty. Within the past few years the standard of preparation of graduate instruction, partly of classroom work and partly of practice teaching, is exacted before a certificate is issued. University extension lectures were begun in 1891 and continued through suc ceeding years with increasing encouragement until 1902, when a department of university extension was expressly organized. This department has established centers of extension work in various parts of the state. A corps of instructors has been appointed, whose duties are entirely or mainly devoted to the extension field. Summer schools in several departments were annually held for a number of years up to 1899, when the work was systematically organized and a summer school of general scope was for the first time held. It has met a great public demand and has been largely attended, not only by teachers of California, but by special students from all parts of the country. A marked feature of the summer sessions at Berkeley, and an important element of the university's policy in that regard, is the presence as lecturers of leading men from the eastern and European universities. The University of California is an integral part of the public educational system of the state. As such it completes the work begun in the public schools. Through aid from the state and the United States, and by private gifts, it furnishes facilities for instruction in literature and in science, and in the professions of art, law, medicine, dentistry and pharmacy. In the colleges of letters, social HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 307 sciences, natural sciences, commerce, agriculture, mechanics, mining, civil engi neering and chemistry, these privileges are offered without charge for tuition, to all residents of California who are qualified for admission. Non-residents of California are charged a tuition fee of $10 each half year. In the professional colleges, except that of law, tuition fees are charged. The constitu tion of the state provides for the perpetuation of the university, with all its departments. The government of the University of California is intrusted to a corporation styled The Regents of the University of California, consisting of the Governor, the Lieutenant-Governor, the Speaker of the Assembly, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the president of the State Board of Agriculure, the president of the Mechanics' Institute of San Francisco, and the president of the university, as members ex-officio, and sixteen other regents appointed by the Governor and approved by the Senate. To this corporation the state has committed the administration of the university, including manage ment of the finances, care of property, appointment of teachers, and determina tion of the internal organization in all particulars not fixed by law. The instruction and government of the students are intrusted to the faculties of the several colleges and to the academic senate. The faculty of each college con sists of the president of the university and those professors and instructors, and only those, whose departments are represented in it by required or elective studies. The academic senate consists of the members of the faculties and the instructors of the university, the president and professors alone having the right to vote in its transactions. It has created certain standing committees, among which are: ( i ) the academic council, composed of the president and the professors, lecturers and instructors in the academic colleges; (2) the university council, composed of the president of the university, five members of the joint faculties of letters, social sciences and natural sciences, one member from each of the faculties of commerce, agriculture, chemistry, mining, civil engineering, mechanics, one mem ber of the Lick astronomical department, two members of each of the faculties of law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and art, the dean of the faculties, and the dean of the graduate school. The endowments on which the academic colleges and the Lick Observatory have been founded and maintained are the following: 1. The seminary fund and public building fund, granted to the state by Congress. 2. The property received from the College of California, including the site at Berkeley. 3. The fund derived from the Congressional land grant of July 2, 1862. 4. The tideland fund, appropriated by the state. 5. Various appropriations by the state legislature for specified purposes. 6. The state university fund, which is a temporary sub stitute for a tax of three cents on each $100 of assessed valuation, to yield $760,770 for the year ending June 30, 1912, with provision for an increase of 7 per cent each year until thcyear ending June 30, 1915, for which year the income will be $931,974. 7. The endowment fund of the Lick astronomical department. 8. The United States experiment station (Hatch) fund of $15,000 a year. 9. The United States experiment station (Adams) fund of $15,000 a year. 10. The Morrill College aid fund of "$50,000 a year. 11. The gifts of individuals. The total endowment of the University of California at June 30, 1912, was $4,353,574.43, the income earned by this endowment for the year 1911-12, $237,975.71. The San Francisco Institute of Art and the California College of Pharmacy are sup- 308 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY ported by fees from students. The Hastings College of the Law has a separate endowment. There are established at Berkeley nine colleges, in each of which there is an undergraduate curriculum of four years, leading directly to a corresponding degree, namely : The college of letters ; the college of social sciences ; the college of natural sciences ; the college of commerce; the college of agriculture; the college of mechanics — (i) in mechanical engineering, or (2) in electrical engineering; the college of mining; the college of civil engineering — (1) in railroad engineering, or (2) in sanitary engineering, or (3) in irrigation engineering; the college of chemistry. In the colleges of mechanics, mining, civil engineering and chemistry there are also courses of five years, leading, as do the four-year courses, to the degree of Bachelor of Science, but providing a broader cultural and professional training than is possible in the four-year courses. In the five-year course in mining, provision is made for specialization, either in (1) mining engineering, or (2) metallurgy, or (3) geology. At Berkeley are the schools of architecture, education and jurisprudence. The work of the first two years of the college of medicine is given at Berkeley; the work of the last two years is given at the San Francisco department of the college of medicine, in San Francisco, or at the Los Angeles department in Los Angeles. There are permitted, in addition, courses at large and practical courses, not leading directly to any degree, but through each of which, by compliance with the condi tions upon which it is conferred, a degree is possibly obtainable. Higher instruction, leading to the degree of Master of Arts (with the cor responding degrees in letters, sciences and engineering, doctor of philosophy, juris doctor, mechanical engineer, civil engineer, mining engineer, etc.) is offered by the University of California to graduates of any recognized college or uni versity. If the preliminary training pf such students has not been sufficient to qualify them for strictly graduate work, they will be" admitted to such under graduate courses, in the department in which they expect to study, as may be suited to their needs. The university library contains about two hundred and sixty-five thousand volumes, not including the material contained in the Bancroft collection. The library is admirably adapted, so far as its extent allows, for purposes of advanced study and research. The laboratories are extensive and well-equipped, and every facility is afforded for work in the higher lines of pure and applied science. Professional training for students who desire to teach is offered by the university through the department of education and other depart ments that offer special teachers' courses. The department of university extension was organized during the year 1902-03 to carry on, as the work of a separate department of the university, extension courses in different parts of the State of California. Courses of university extension lectures with classes for study in connection with the lectures, were given wherever university extension centers were organized, and the control and selection of such courses were left entirely to the committees of the various local centers. Each course consisted of twelve lectures delivered at fortnightly intervals on days and in places chosen by the local committees, and university credit was given for regular examinations for work done in the university extension classes. University extension traveling libraries, containing several copies of the books needed for study in connection with the lectures and classes, were sent to the NEWMAN HALL, BERKELEY LIBRARY BUILDING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIF'ORNIA, BERKELEY HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 309 local centers, and for courses in which they were needed lantern slides and other illustrative material were supplied. Under this plan several university extension centers were organized and successfully maintained. In 19 1 3 the department of university extension was reorganized under the name of the university extension division, which includes a department of instruc tion and a department of public service. In the department of instruction uni versity extension lectures are delivered upon the same plan as that previously followed, with the exception that lecture courses are also formed for regular class instruction. Special attention is devoted to correspondence instruction. The general library, housed in the newly completed building made possible by the bequest of the late Charles F. Doe, now contains about two hundred and sixty-five thousand volumes. It is constantly augmented by donations and exchange, and by large purchases of books with the income from the Michael Reese, Jane K. Sather, E. A. Denicke and other funds. The extensive Bancroft collection of manuscripts and books relating to Pacific Coast history is in process of arrangement for use by historical students. The major portion of the manu scripts has been calendared. The resources of the library are supplemented by borrowings from other libraries ; and, similarly, the library lends its books, under proper regulations, to other institutions.^ The various departments of instruction have separately kept collections of books, useful for ready reference and classroom work. The library and reading room of the department of agri culture, situated in Agriculture hall, receives the publications of the experiment stations of the United States and other countries, as well as pamphlets on agri cultural subjects published by various governments and commissions. About one hundred and forty dailies, weeklies and monthlies are regularly received. In the growth of the university during recent years, the space requirements of the various departments have made it impossible to keep in one building the collections which were originally designed to serve as the basis for a university museum. Excepting the museum of anthropology and the California museum of vertebrate zoology, the collections of the -various departments have been dis tributed among the buildings in which these departments are now situated. The museum of anthropology and the California museum of vertebrate zoology are segregated in buildings which, though of temporary character, are specially con structed for museum purposes. The gymnasium, presented to the university by A. K. P. Harmon, is well equipped, and provides all the students with opportunities for physical culture. Besides the main hall, rowing room, and athletic quarters, there are 165 shower baths, and 2,000 lockers. Hearst Hall was presented to the university by Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst for a women's gymnasium. It contains the very best of modern equipment. In a separate building, and connected with the gymnasium, are 100 shower baths, with hot and cold water. There are 200 dressing rooms and 900 lockers. The lower hall is used as a general gathering place for the women of the university. Connected with the gymnasium is an enclosed court, 150 feet long and 80 feet wide, with a seating capacity of 1,000, also the gift of Mrs. Hearst. It is used as an outdoor gymnasium, as well as for basketball and other games suitable for women. The recent construction of an open-air swimming pool in Strawberry canyon has furnished an opportunity for water sports. 310 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY This pool is 232 feet long, 76 feet wide and 10 feet in the deepest parts, holds a half million gallons of water, and by a constant flow of filtered water is kept in admirable condition. In return for the infirmary fee, each student is entitled to consultation and medical and hospital care at the infirmary, on the campus. The daily average of dispensary consultations and treatments exceeds a hundred. Full hospital care is given in care of serious illness. There is no charge, beyond the infirmary fee, for ordinary medical or hospital service. If an operation becomes necessary, a moderate charge is made, the funds received from such operations being used for the benefit of the infirmary. The total number of students in the university in 1912-13 was 6,852. CHAPTER XVII RELIGION Religious services were first held in this county at Mission San Jose in 1797 and thereafter as long as the old order continued. No doubt the early Spanish and Mexican settlers of what is now Alameda county went to the mission to participate in the services. The first organized religious bodies of the Americans, so far as known, were located at Oakland. In June, 1852, St. John's Episcopal church was organized and is the oldest religious foundation in the city with the exception of the Roman Catholics. In the same year, when Oakland had but about half a dozen houses, two Episcopalian families met and worshipped unitedly in their homes. In March of the next year Rev. Dr. Ver Mehr, then rector of Grace church, San Francisco, visited the place and called together a meeting of about twelve persons. About the same time an Episcopal clergyman, Rev. Mr. Morgan, appeared and read the prayers under the branches of an oak tree. The next Sunday the little flock determined to have a covered church of some kind ready for the minister when he should next appear. Accordingly, a large tent, 25 by 70- feet, was erected, a communion rail was put in place, a temporary pulpit was built, and a few benches were secured for the body of the tent. A cross erected outside indicated the object of the building. Rev. Mr. Walworth, after ward the head of the Pacific Female College, preached the sermon and a collection of $19 was taken up. Next day the tent and all the seats were bought by the Presbyterians. This was the origin of that branch of Christ's church in Oakland, of which Rev. Samuel B. Bell became pastor. He bought the first bell from the owner of an old ferry boat no longer used and at first hung it from a rail laid across a fence at the corner on Broadway, and with it called the people together. Later the congregation used the little schoolhouse on the west side of Broadway and there worshipped until the new church was built. Mr. Bell was the first minister of the gospel to be settled in Oakland. He was sent out by the Home Missionary Society of New York to look after the spiritual wants of the new state. Messrs. Adams, Moon and Carpentier contributed liberally to the construction of the first building and Mr. Bell preached through the mining camps to raise funds. For a final site they selected a lot on Harrison street near^ Seventh, facing the plaza. The lumber was obtained from the redwood forest on the slopes back of the city. Mr. Adams used to put a $5 gold piece in the plate regularly every Sunday and bore the whole expense of lath and plaster. At this time there were about twenty families in the community and enough extra single men to bring the population up to an equivalent of fifty families. At first there were less than a dozen families enrolled in the church. Mr. Bell con tinued as pastor until 1863, and during this period helped to found the College of California. Another Episcopal minister, Rev. Mr. Reynolds, preached to a small congre gation for three Sundays in 1853. In November, 1854, Bishop Kip celebrated 311 312 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY divine service in a room provided for the purpose. As missionary to the Chinese, Rev. E. W. Sayle arrived in January, 1855, and at the request of the residents and upon the recommendation of the bishop, became acting rector of the embryo parish, in combination with his special mission. At the regular service on Sunday morning, January 7, 1855, fourteen persons were present. The first communion was celebrated on Sunday, February 4th, when eleven persons partook of the sacred rite with the rector. At the diocesan convention, held in San Francisco in May, 1855, the parish was represented by Dr. Carter and Andrew Williams. In November, 1854, the foundation of a Baptist church was laid in Oakland under charge and ministerial care of the Rev. Mr. Willis, a highly finished scholar and accomplished gentleman. In 1853 a room in a private house served as a place of worship for the Roman Catholics of Oakland and nearly the whole of the present county of Alameda. A priest from the Mission San Jose occasionally made a visit to celebrate mass and administer the sacraments, but even these occasional visits had to be omitted during the rainy season, owing to bad roads. The first church was erected in 1853, through the exertions of a few of the congregation, and for some time was the only Roman Catholic place of worship, save the Mission of San Jose, in the whole of Alameda county. There was no settled pastor in Oakland until Feb ruary, 1865, when Father King was appointed to the parish, which then included San Pablo, San Leandro and the Amador valley, as well as Oakland. Aided by Father Croke, the original building was enlarged by subsequent additions until it was capable of holding a congregation of several hundred. The next church was consecrated on June 23, 1872, the dedicatory services being conducted by the Most Reyerend Archbishop Alemany, attended by Fathers Croke, Gibney and Casadera. First Baptist church of Oakland was organized in 1854 with the following first members : Rev. E. J. Willis, Mrs. A. N. Willis, Mr. L. W. Taylor, Mr. S. Ayers, Mrs. Mary Potter and Mr. J. N. Thompson. Rev. E. J. Willis was chosen pastor, N. J. Thompson, deacon, and L. W. Taylor, clerk. In December, 1854, the first house of worship was dedicated and was the first Protestant church completed in the city. It was located at the corner of Fifth and Jefferson streets. In December, 1855, the Presbyterian church presented a bill to the council for the use of a bell. A committee appointed to inquire into this subject reported "that the First Presbyterian church of Oakland's bill for a bell, now in use for school purposes, we cannot advise to be allowed, for the following, to us, very conclusive reasons : First — That the bell was bought by subscription of the citizens and not by the church. Second — That it. was bought with the under standing that when the large bell arrived (which was then understood to be on the way) it was to be placed on the schoolhouse and used for school purposes. Third — The money was collected from the people promiscuously and not from the church, some giving $1 and some $5, and the church at that time had no organization. The bell, as is well known, was used on the schoolhouse for church and school purposes, and has now reverted to its original intentional use on the school house; it is obvious therefore that the' city ought not to pay for it again, the bell having once been paid for by the public." The First Congregational church of Oakland was organized December 9, i860, with a membership of seventeen persons. Its first place of worship was the Baptist church, then situated on the corner of Fifth and Jefferson streets. After- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 313 wards for a few months its services were held in The Pavilion, on the Plaza, Broadway, between Fourth and Fifth streets, the site of the county courthouse. Rev. George Pierson, then pastor of the Presbyterian church in Brooklyn, com menced the first Sabbath service of the church in November, i860, and continued to supply the pulpit once each Sunday until the arrival of the chosen pastor. This was Rev. George Mooar. Rev. J. K. McLean, D. D., came from Springfield, Illinois, on April 24, 1872, and was installed in the following June. A Sunday school was organized at an early day. In December, 1863, Archbishop Alemany, assisted by Revs. Messrs. Harring ton, Quinn and Gabriel, consecrated the new Roman Catholic cemetery, about four miles from Oakland. It was named St. Mary's and contained thirty-six acres, only six of which were at first inclosed. The ground was formerly known as the Mahoney ranch and was purchased from Thomas Mahoney. In April, 1864, a Methodist church was commenced on the corner of Ninth and Washington streets. The building was 60 feet long and 38 feet in width, and to cost $5,000. The building was dedicated in August, 1864. About this time (1869) Rev. L. Hamilton established an Independent Pres byterian church. Charges of heterodoxy were made against him, and he was summoned to appear before the Presbytery, but, refusing to do so, was suspended. Upon the organization of the Independent Presbyterian church the following trustees were appointed: Prof. Henry Durant, Rev. David McClure, C. W. Howard, Judge S. B. McKee, George C. Potter, J. S. Emery, A. J. Coffee, W. C. Tompkins and J. R. Glascock. A large portion of Mr. Hamilton's congregation, who were opposed to this decision of the Presbytery and Synod, organized another society, and secured Brayton hall as a temporary place of worship, where services were held until the spring of 1870, when the edifice, situated at the southeast corner of Thirteenth and Jefferson streets, was erected. The Sunday school connected with the church was organized March 6, 1869. The Second Congregational church of Oakland was organized on May 31, 1868, in the West Oakland schoolhouse. Previous td this organization a Sabbath school had been held for some time in the schoolhouse, and a "Religious Society" had been formed, and preaching services had been conducted by Prof. Martin Kellogg of the College of California. J. A. Folger, O. P. Treusdell, C. C. Fisher, H. G. McLean and Dr. D. P. Fonda were the trustees of this religious society. On the 10th of May, 1868, this society was dissolved, and in its place the Second Congregational Religious Society of Oakland was formed, of which the same persons were elected trustees. The church building was dedicated in August, 1868. The church at its organization was composed of nine members. The Rev. Eli Corwin, the first pastor, entered on his duties in November, 1868. In 18^1 a half block on the west side of Broadway was sold by the Congregational Society for $65,000. It was then covered with wooden stores worth about $10,000. The stores paid about one per cent a month on the investment until 1877 when the whole tract was sold for $160,000. From about 186,8 to 1872 the preachers of the German Methodist Episcopal churches of San Francisco came to Oakland on Sabbath afternoons to preach the gospel to the German inhabitants of this city. In the year 1882 the Rev. Hermann Brueck was sent here by the authorities of the Methodist Episcopal church, and 314 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Oakland and vicinity was taken up as a regular mission field. Mr. Brueck commenced holding meetings in the Congregational chapel on Second street, between Broadway and Washington street, where a few members were gathered, and a Sunday school instituted, which was attended by about twenty-five children. The first movement of any prominence by the Seventh Day Adventist church in Oakland was in April, 1874, when a large tent was pitched at the corner of Broadway and Thirteenth street, and a series of meetings held. These meetings were conducted by Eld. James White, his wife, Mrs. Ellen G. White, Eld. J. N. Loughborough, and other ministers of the faith, all of whom had but recently come from the East. As a result of this effort, about thirty persons were baptized, which, added to a few individuals who had before embraced this faith, formed the nucleus of the first church. This company rented a hall at the corner of Broadway and Twelfth street, and continued to hold regular meetings, and were represented in the state conference the following September. In May, 1875, a permanent organization was effected. Many revival meetings were conducted in Oakland in April, 1875, by the famous revivalist Rev. Mr. Hammond, assisted by Rev. Mr. McLean, Congrega- tionalist; Rev. Mr. McLafferty, Baptist; Rev. Dr. Mooar of the seminary; Rev. D. McClure, of the California Military Academy ; Rev. Mr. Pope, Congregationalist ; Rev. Mr. Hulbert and Rev. Dr. Eells, Presbyterian. The services were held in the First Congregational church, which was filled to overflowing every evening. The daily children's meetings Were attended by packed and breathless congrega tions of earnest parents and wondering children. Even street meetings were con ducted by Mr. Hammond in person and the crowds that listened to his pleadings extended for whole blocks. Street singing of intense fervor and effect accom panied the street services. Numerous Bible meetings, prayer meetings, experience meetings, children's meetings, ladies' meetings were held in April, 1875. Requests for special prayers were presented at all times. The meetings finally became so large that the church committee obtained permission from the Seventh Day Adventists to erect their mammoth tent on General Williams' lot at Fourteenth street opposite City hall. The tent itself seated only about three hundred, but when the sides were raised thousands could see and hear the proceedings. The commit tee also tried to hire the Montgomery Queen Circus tent for the immense afternoon meetings. They failed to get the Stockton campaign tent. John Wilson of San Francisco offered his circus tent during the continuance of the revival of Oakland. This revival had no parallel in the religious history of the city. Thousands of people came by train and boat from other points to participate. At the meeting of April 23d over one hundred persons arose and gave praise to God for the new hope which inspired their souls. One speaker humorously noted that the church was filled in spite of the fact that it was the first night of the circus. Branch meetings were held in different parts of the city. At the close of Mr. Hammond's revival the local ministers without exception endorsed his extravagant style in the pulpit. All thought differently at first, but his popularity, his wonderful influence and his striking success drew them to him in spite of their previous convictions. Instead of a sensationalist they found him .an unselfish and successful worker in the Lord's vineyard. It was admitted that his most striking character istic was an irrepressible desire to do good. Fie did more than any other single cause to open their eyes to a united ministry and a consolidated church service for HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 315 the redemption of mankind. All were taught to surrender denominational routine and service to religious fellowship and campaign. His meetings resulted in a broader and more practical Christianity in this community. Early in 1875 a band of Paulist missionaries located on this coast and estab lished missions at Oakland and other places in Alameda county. Among the fathers were Rev. George Desbon, Rev. J. P. Bodfish, Rev. W. J. Dwyer, Rev. A. L. Rosecrans, Rev. Walter Elliott and Rev. E. B. Brady. Father Rosecrans was a son of Major-General Rosecrans who resided at San Rafael at this date. Father Desbon was a graduate of West Point and was formerly an officer in the United States army. . At a meeting held in the First Congregational church early in June, 1875, pre liminary steps to form a public reading room association were taken. There were present Revs. Pope, McLean, Anthony, Eells, McClure and others. The following committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions and have general charge of the movement, all the members of the committee being church members : W. B. Hardy, Mrs. Varney, Dr. W. A. Craig (secretary), Mrs. L. P. Fisher, J. L. Barker, Mrs. Dr. Selfridge, H. Rouse, Mrs. Moore, P. D. Morrell, Mrs. J. R. Mason and S. F. Page. Early in March, 1875, the Catholics at Seventh and Jefferson streets held a series of enthusiastic meetings which were attended by crowded congregations. The meetings were called "missions" and were superintended by special mission aries of the church. Fathers Cachan, Elliott and Rosecrans were in charge of the services. Morning and evening sessions were held. The exhortations and prayers were particularly impressive, instructive and effective, hundreds of persons seek ing the good offices of the fathers. The spirit shown was equal to the revivals in many of the Protestant churches. The addresses of the fathers were extremely eloquent and free from bigotry. Oakland had a church building mania in May, 1875 — Methodist, Congrega tional, Presbyterian, Episcopal, all were determined to have new buildings. Cen tral Mission Sunday school was established iri January 1876. The first regular session was held Sunday afternoon March 19, 1876. There were present twenty- six children and twenty visitors and friends. The early officers were : William R. Bentley, superintendent; Benjamin S. Tower, assistant superintendent. January 13, 1878, the school moved to Pythian hall, on Broadway, but later moved back to the Academy of Music. Late in February, 1876, a Sunday school teachers' institute was organized at the First Congregational church, there being present about fifty superintendents, teachers and laymen of all the Oakland Protestant congregations, — First Presby terian, First Congregational, Methodist Episcopal, Plymouth Avenue Congrega tional, Independent Presbyterian and Baptist. Rev. Dr. J. K. McLean was elected president and C. R. Clark, secretary. Messrs. Hoag, Craig and Chamberlain were appointed a committee to report on the advisability of organizing a normal class. The Christian Aid Union was organized by Rev. M. Hamilton's church in August, 1876. Its object was to extend help to needy strangers as well as residents and to establish a free library and reading room. The First Presbyterian church of Pleasanton was duly incorporated in May, 1877, and was designed to take over the property of the congregation already formed there and in a prosperous condition. It owned two town lots and the 316 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY church building thereon. John McRue, J. C. Gibson, J. A. Neal, George Cannon and T. A. Harvus were directors of the new corporation. Rev. C. W. Anthony was pastor of the church at this time. On August I, 1877, the following church property was owned in Oakland: Baptist, $11,000; Congregational, $31,000; Episcopal, $11,500; Independent Pres byterian, $16,000; Methodist Episcopal, $24,900; Presbyterian, $50,400; St. Paul's, $14,200; Second Congregational, $5,650; Seventh Day Adventist, $9,000; Centennial W. E., $1,600; Hebrew Congregation, $1,600; African, $1,750. The Young Men's Christian Association of Oakland was organized July 24, 1879, in the First Presbyterian church, with A. A. Dewing as president. It soon secured a room located at the corner of Eleventh and Washington streets, at a cost of $10 per month, and held meetings on Tuesday evening and Sunday afternoon, until August 13th, when they secured a room at Medical College hall, at a cost of $15 a month, which was occupied until June 1, 1881 when they moved to a store under the Masonic Temple, at the corner of Twelfth and Washington streets. Other buildings and rooms were occupied. Previous to May, 1882, St. Mark's church, Berkeley, was conducted as an Episcopal mission, but on that date was changed from a mission to a parish, which act vacated the pulpit. Rev. Mr. Greene was then called to the rectorship of the parish, he having previously been missionary in charge. There was some irregu larity in the change and charges of improper conduct were preferred against him. It required time and patience to reconcile conflicting claims and contentions. Beulah Park Cainp Meeting Association was' incorporated in September, 1883, its object being the promotion of scriptural holiness. It had members in Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda and San Francisco. At this time, also, the Baptist Chinese Missionary Society was incorporated, its object being the advancement of Chinese evangelization; it likewise had members in all four places. In September Rev. M. S. Levy applied to the council for a change in the holiday season so that the Jewish children would not suffer loss of credit in the schools by reason of absence. Under the recommendation of Superintendent Gilson, teachers were directed not to hold examinations on the days of Jewish holidays in October nor deprive children of credit on account of absence on those days. A spectroscope for the high school was secured. The schools were ordered sup plied with supplemental reading under Mr. Gilson's management. School libraries were greatly encouraged and assisted at this time. The Oakland Y. M. C. A. numbered about two hundred members and had a library of about one) thousand volumes. J. M. Buffington was president and Mr. Fowler, secretary ; their hall seated 400 persons. They held twelve meetings per week and had a branch in East Oakland. Baboo Protap Chunder Mozromdar, a Hindoo of the Brahmin caste, deliv ered an address at the First Congregational church in November. He was one of the leaders of a movement to reform Brahminism, which Max Muller described as the most important movement of the human mind of that day. The annual camp meeting of the Pacific Coast Holiness Association was held in Beulah park in August, 1884. The one aim of the association was the ex perience of holiness and all the meetings and movement had this object in view. Any person who enjoyed the grace of entire sanctification could become a mem ber. This association was organized in 1881. It sought to establish a training HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 317 school for evangelists in Beulah park at a cost of $25,000. Beulah park was purchased by the association a short time before and was on the Fruitvale House railroad. The park comprised Sy2 acres, enclosed by a high paling. On the grounds was a newly erected tabernacle which cost about $7,500. The Pastors' Union of Oakland was organized late in 1884 Ior the purpose of reviving the penal Sunday law of the state. Though public opinion and political sentiment were against the law, the union felt its necessity and accordingly worked for its rehabilitation. Rev. Dr. McLean headed the work of the union. The law was repealed in 1882, but its reinstatement was earnestly urged by the religious element of this city. The democrats would have opposed the reinstatement and the republicans dared not take a positive position. The union decided that public agitation would accomplish the reenactment of the! law. The evils of Sabbath breaking were publicly urged unless, it was argued, the people wanted the churches to go down with the desecration of the Sabbath. At a big meeting of the Min isterial Union of San Francisco in January, 1885, a committee of five was appointed to act at once and vigorously in the matter; they were Revs. M. M. Gibson, Gray, Lines, McLean and Gitkens. The seventeenth annual meeting of the State Sabbath School Convention assembled in the Congregational church, Oakland, on May 6th. H. C. Sigler of Los Angeles presided. Rev. F. A. Horton on behalf of the citizens welcomed the delegates to the city. There was a large attendance and advanced movements were planned. In the old St. Anthony Catholic church of East Oakland hung a bell in 1885 that in Spanish days was tolled from the tower of the old Mission San Jose to regulate the worship and the work of the1 Indian neophytes. It was hung in the church at East Oakland about the year i860, but previous to that time, for fifty-seven years, it had rung out over the mission fields and slopes. It was brought to California from Mexico soon after the establishment of the Mission San Jose. In 1885 it was cracked and not used, though it had seen service but a short time before. When Archbishop Alemany left California forever in May, 1885, he visited the Oakland Catholics before leaving. With him were Archbishop Riordan, Vicar General Prendegast and other celebrities. Thousands who had learned to love him and regard him as the embodiment on earth of their future hope assem bled to see him for the last time. Men and women poured into the car to shake his hand while tears ran down their cheeks. At the Sixteenth street station an unusual but impressive scene was witnessed. As the train stopped a crowd of three hundred or more gathered about the last car in which he sat. He arose and bowed at the window, but the people clamored for him to come to the platform. He complied and a hundred hands were stretched to clasp his and men and women crowded forward to kiss his hand. Quickly the train began to move, whereupon they all simultaneously fell on their knees — more than three hundred of them — some on the track, others on the rail and yet others on the walk. The men reverently removed their hats. The! archbishop went to Rome to report directly to the hierarchy and to the general superior of the Dominican Order. The course of educational lectures given at the Congregational church, Ala meda, in 1885 included the following eminent persons, Rev. F. A. Horton, D. D., on "Rose, Shamrock and Thistle;" Pres. C. C. Stratton of San Jose on "Some of 318 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY the Dangers Which Threaten Our Country and Their Remedies;" Rev. J. K. McLean, D. D., on "Eight Hours of Europa from a Car Window ;" Miss Emma Manvedel on "The Kindergarten." A stereoptican exhibit by O. B. Smith was on the program. The sixth annual meeting of the Central Baptist Association was held at Bethel church, Oakland, in September, 1886. There was a large attendance and the proceedings were of great importance — affecting the growth and prosperity of the association and the church. Nearly all the distinguished Baptist divines of the state were here and participated in the proceedings. The Salvation Army under Mrs. Capt. Stilwell from Oakland invaded San Leandro in March, 1885. In 1886 a boys' branch of the Young Men's Christian Association was organized in Oakland and proved a great success. There was soon a large membership and at all meetings much fervor and enthusiasm were exhibited. It is probable that Rev. Charles W. Wendte, pastor of the < First Unitarian church from about 1885 to 1895, did more than any other person to soften and assuage the rigorous and exacting teachings of orthodoxy in this community. His work was brilliant and monumental. He struck a death blow at creed bigotry and widened the faith and practice of the liberal Christians who were eager to advance in righteousness and spiritual light. He first preached in Odd Fellow's hall and then in Hamilton hall. He succeeded Mr. Hamilton and finished the work begun so well by the latter. His bold, radical and aggressive style, so like that of the Rev. Mr. Savage of Boston, attracted a large congregation and made his church a conspicuous power in the religious growth of the state. Rev. Mr. Wendte recommended the reading of Robert Elsmere by church members in a very strong sermon which he preached here in December, 1888. Among other caustic things he said was the following: "The clergy are so inbedded in their ecclesiastical establishments, like so many fossils in the! post-diluvian rocks, that they cannot free their minds sufficiently from the external and mechanical func tions of their office to look upon the signs of the times;" that they were the "totally blind leaders of the blind" and had "created an atmosphere of evasion, conformity and double-dealing." But Mr. Wendte was severely criticised by many' ministers in all portions of the state. Dr. Horton was particularly severe. In August, 1888, Horace Davis, president of the university, at the Methodist preachers meeting in San Francisco, reproached them for characterizing the university as a "Godless institution." He declared it was unjust. It was like every other public school in the land — sectarian instruction had been excluded, but all students could join or attend nearby churches without any obstacles being placed in their way. In fact nearly all the religious denominations had established homes and reading rooms near the university where sectarianism was taught and inculcated without hindrance. He ended by inviting the Methodists to establish more such homes. The Robert Elsmere discussion led to sharp criticisms of the university by the orthodox ministry of Oakland, but its effects were commended by the Unitarian ministers and the university faculty. John Alexander Dowie, in 1888, denounced in scathing terms the pretentions and religion of the Christian Scientists. Other speakers here denounced his faith cures. As a matter of fact both were not far apart in doctrine, because both believed in Jesus and both practised faith healing and curing. The doctrines of Christian Science were explained to Oakland audiences by Rev. H. C. Waddell HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 319 of Minneapolis, in April. Grace Congregational church was organized at Mission San Jose in March. The presence in the city of a great religious revival and of Rev. Dwight L. Moody was the occasion for Rev. Mr. Wendte to oppose revivals generally as a great mistake in religious life. But the services of Mr. Moody at this time were attended by many more persons than could find seats or standing room. The interest of the people was thoroughly aroused. Hundreds arose to a con fession of faith at each meeting. Oakland experienced a revival in religion that seemed at times to sweep all before it. By the last of the month there had been scores of conversions and the end was not yet. The ninth anniversary of the Oakland branch of the Y. M. C. A. was celebrated at the First Presbyterian church at this time and was the most notable religious event since the Robert Elsmere discussion. Rev. C. W. Wendte, Unitarian, and Rev. C. H. Hobart were powerful factors in church uplift at this date. On May i, 1890, the new Young Men's Christian Association building at Twelfth and Clay streets was opened and occupied for the first time. It cost $32,000, but had been planned to cost $40,400. This was the hoped and prayed for result after eleven years of persistent effort. On June 26, 1879, the first meeting to discuss the project of organizing a branch of the Y. M. C. A., in this city was held at the First Presbyterian church ; on July 10, 1879, it was formally resolved to form the branch. Two weeks later twelve members formed the asso ciation. A. A. Dewing became first president. The first room occupied was in the Wilson house. A new constitution was adopted in 1882 and a board of thirty- one directors was elected in 1885. In 1888 the association was re-incorporated for the purpose of holding land and other property. In 1887 plans to raise money for the new building were made and the step was greatly aided and encouraged by several large cash pledges — two for $5,000 each and one of $1,000. The eighth quarterly convention of Alameda County Christian Endeavor Union was held in March, 1891, at First M. E. church — ninety-six delegates present — all societies in county were represented. Rev. Dr. McLean, Rev. Dr. Dille, Dr. R. T. Stratton, J. S. Webster participated. In June the Baptist council sitting on the case of Rev. Frank Dixon determined that he had been guilty of heresy. In the trial of the case pulpit Utterances of Prof. S. B. Morse, D. D., were considered and were considered by several of the judges to be equally as heretical as those of Rev. Mr. Dixon. , In May, 1892, 2,000 Adventists encamped at Bushrod park on Shattuck avenue. It was the general camp meeting of the Adventist conference of Cali fornia, Nevada and Utah. The tents numbered 300 and were arranged in regular order with streets, etc. A large circular pavilion held the crowds and speakers. In May Francis Murphy, the noted Irish temperance evangelist, appeared here twice or three times daily for a week or more and succeeded in kindling more working enthusiasm than had ever been started here before. He opened at the First Methodist church and drew packed and shouting houses at every session. He rouseid immensely the moral sentiments of this community and was the means of materially increasing the size of many of the congregations. His vivid descrip tions of the misery in drunkard's homes in England drenched almost every face with tears. Vol. X— 21 320 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY A Theosophical Society was organized in Oakland in 1894; they met first in the addition to Hamilton hall. Soon a library and reading room was opened, and the organization was perfected. Gen. William Booth, of the Salvation Army, arrived in Oakland in December, 1894, and was entertained at the house of Major Keppel of the army at 2439 Piedmont avenue. While here he said, "Since I have been in America I have not been treated very kindly by many press representatives. They have lied about me in a most diabolical manner until I have almost come to believe that the Amer ican reporter has no soul." The Tribune of December 17th said, "To a certain class of newspaper reporters the foregoing will not be palatable reading, and less so, perhaps, because the implication of unreliability which it directly conveys is true." On Sunday, December 17th, General Booth received an ovation which no other religious leader ever received in this community. Mills Tabernacle was crowded to the doors at each of his three rallies. He spoke on "Conquering Christianity" and "Salvation." The best citizens of the city regardless of religion or politics were present at one or the other of his addresses. On January 1, 1903, the twenty-seven Protestant churches of Oakland had 7,024 communicants. Twenty-five of the churches had 4,644 Sunday school scholars. The latest new enterprises were young men's clubs and leagues, clubs for the study of missions, Bible study circles for Sunday school teachers, a summer school for churches, a cadet corps for boys, young folks circle for the youth of both sexes, mandolin and guitar clubs, messenger service for the King's Business, philanthropic clubs, home departments for Sunday schools, etc. In 1906 this whole community was in the throes of a social upheaval. Hos pitals, parks, boulevards, playgrounds, kindergartens and reform schools were favored and advanced as never before. Scores of new organizations with better ment as their motto sprang into life and activity and the brotherly spirit took a firmer and nobler hold on all hearts. Justice and philanthropy began to be loving companions in all civic movements ; humanity's horizon was widening and reaching up to the summit of the mountains of God's righteousness and resting there like a benediction. At the close of 1910 Oakland had 108 church organizations and many missions — Protestants 86, Catholics 13, Jewish 3, and independent 6. Church work was active and aggressive and several of the congregations were very large. The lack of a Sunday law withdrew a considerable attendance from the churches. The new Y. M. C*. A. building at Telegraph and Twenty-first cost about two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. A notable feature of the work of the churches was the fine spirit of harmony that actuated all the Protestant churches of the city as shown by the influence of the church federation which was composed of delegates appointed by the different Protestant churches. It prevented the Johnson-Jeffries prize fight on July 4th and strongly supported the efforts of the probation officers, fought vice and the liquor traffic, and was active in a dozen fields of moral betterment. It became a member of the National Federation of Churches in which thirty-four different evangelical denominations were united for effective cooperation on all possible lines. This movement was at this date only five years old, but was already a wonderful power for human improvement. In 1913 the Berkeley Federation of Churchwomen began operations under the presidency of Mrs. Annie L. Barry. Nearly all the churches in the city were HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 321 represented in the federation the object of which was the promotion of Christian fellowship and undenominational missionary work. Early in January, 1914, the First Methodist Episcopal church raised $12,000 to assist any local church of that denomination to free itself of indebtedness. On this occasion the new church was dedicated; it cost about $165,000. CHAPTER XVIII ALAMEDA Alameda was no special Mexican grant in itself, but was a portion of the Rancho de San Antonio, granted to Don Luis Maria Peralta, and by him given, with other property, to his son Antonio Maria Peralta. It was originally called "Bolsa de Encinal," and sometimes "Encinal de San Antonio," the first-named meaning the low-lying or level lands of the peninsula, and the last the peninsula of San Antonio, which took its name from the creek. With the advent of the immigrant it became the resort of the hunter, the trapper and the charcoal-burner, who on landing found the ground occupied by coyotes, quail, hares, rabbits and possibly deer in companionship with stray herds of cattle that had found their way to this shady retreat through a brush-fence constructed by Antonio Maria Peralta. The latter held it intact until the year 1850, when he leased a portion of it to two Frenchmen named Depachier and Le Maitre, who acquired the tract for the purpose of supplying the San Francisco market with fire-wood. These two men were the actual pioneer settlers of Alameda township; the next were W. W. Chipman and Gideon Aughinbaugh. The latter came over in September, 1850, with Chipman and subleased from Depachier and Le Matire the eastern end of the Encinal, comprising 160 acres fronting on San Leandro bay, where they pitched their tent; the site was south east of Versailles avenue. They were followed, before the end of the year by a Belgian named Parfait, who put up a cabin on the south side of Monroe street, between Mound and Court streets, and by three brothers named Salmon, who located on the Sandy Point, which, on account of the depth of water, was the then landing place for the Encinal. The Salmons were hunters. In the mean time Chipman and Aughinbaugh sent to the eastern states for fruit trees of various kinds, chiefly peach, apple and cherry, and in May, 1851, planted them on the land afterward occupied by the High Street Station and adjacent tracks of the Southern Pacific Coast railroad, and the contiguous lands on the northeast. During the month of October, 1851, negotiations were commenced and con summated between Gideon Aughinbaugh and Antonio Maria Peralta, at the residence of the latter in Fruit Vale, whereby the entire Encinal passed into the hands of William W. Chipman and Gideon Aughinbaugh for the sum of $14,000 and in the following month, they commenced the erection of the first frame dwelling house in the township — one of those which had been brought in pieces from the Atlantic Coast to California. They found it necessary to raise money. The partners therefore disposed of some of their real estate ; tracts representing one-fourteenth interest were sold to Hays and Caperton, J. J. Foley, J. J. McMurtry, H. S. Fitch, Wm. Sharon and a one-third interest to B. F. Hibbard and C. Minturn, besides 150 acres to C. C. Bowman. The consideration ($3,000) for the Fitch-Sharon one-fourteenth interest was a fifty-vara lot at North Beach, 323 324 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY San Francisco, and the balance secured by mortgage on the tract sold. The same tract was conveyed in 1854 to Charles L. Fitch, who in 1857 obtained possession and held it by force of arms until the Squatter's League, then existing, declined to assist the squatter claimant to regain possession. In September, 1852, Chipman and Aughinbaugh partitioned off lots, each four acres in extent, in the eastern portion of the Encinal, fronting on High street, and sold them at an average price of $80 per lot. Among the pur chasers were the Rev. William Taylor and his brother Harvey Taylor. Rev. A. H. Myers settled on the land sold to C. C. Bowman and started the first nursery in the peninsula. To him is also due the credit of being the first to administer to the devotional wants of the small community. Louis Ettebleau came in this year and erected the first hotel in the Encinal. As soon as the four- acre lots were disposed of the construction of a levee across the slough between them and the point was undertaken by Chipman and Aughinbaugh. .In that year John D. Brower lived about half a mile north of the Willow Street Station of the Central Pacific railroad. Franklin Pancoast dwelt about a quarter of a mile east of Park Street Station ; Henry and Russell M. Rogers had their abode at Chestnut street and Central avenue. Mason and Wickware claimed and occupied nearly all the tillable land lying between the Fitch tract and Webster street, on the creek side of the peninsula, north of Mastick Station. Dr. B. F. Hibbard built a large two story frame house from drift lumber, picked up on the beach, and situated on the tract of land purchased by himself and C. Minturn, situated between Clinton avenue and the bay shore and Union and Lafayette streets. In 1853, there arrived on the peninsula, Thomas A. Smith, N. W. Palmer, H. S. Barlow, A. S. Barber and several others. In 1854, Chipman and Aughinbaugh desired still further to increase the size of their town, and at the same time make money. They had established the Bonita on the ferry route between San Francisco and Alameda, but found her unsuited and she was displaced. To these ends they laid out a number of blocks of 233 feet square, containing lots 33x100 feet, which realized $15,000 at auction. With this money the Ranger was purchased at Sacramento and replaced the Bonita. A series of attractions known as watermelon excursions were inaugurated. Chief among these was the offering of a lot free of expense to any one who, on acceptance, would build a house thereon. This tender was made by public advertisement, and produced no fewer than 300 applicants, who were promised their title-deeds upon completion of a building, but only twenty complied with these provisions. The others forfeited and the lots were sold at auction. Among those who fulfilled this engagement were C. C. Mason, who started the first livery stable in the town, and a man named Keys, who opened a boarding house. Each received two lots. Still further in the hope of benefit ing their property, a charter was secured in 1854 from the Legislature to build a bridge and road from Alameda to San Leandro via Bay Farm Island. Accord ingly, they built a bridge across the neck, or mouth of the bay at a -cost of about $8,000 — which bridge was subsequently removed and used for constructing a wharf at the west end of the Encinal. They also threw up a road twenty feet wide on the top, from the bridge across the marsh to the island, a distance of over a mile, on the roadway of which was placed a surface of oyster shells one foot deep. This section of the road cost $5,000. Another section of the road HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 325 was thrown up from the island to the mainland toward San Leandro, which was not finished, but cost $6,000. Although the entire population of the Encinal did not muster more than one hundred souls in April, 1854, it was found necessary to incorporate under the title of the Town of Alameda. By section 2 of that act the boundaries were fixed as follows : On the northwest by the northwest line of the land of James J. Foley, Jr., purchased of W. W. Chipman and Gideon Aughinbaugh, running north 34 1/6 east from an oak tree 8 inches in diameter, on the shore of the Bay of San Francisco, 89.83 chains to the line of the land of Antonio Maria Peralta; thence south 61 east along the line dividing the land of said A. M. Peralta from the land deeded to said Chipman and Aughinbaugh by said Peralta, October 22, 1 85 1, until said division line strikes the Estero de San Leandro, at the head thereof near Romby's brickyard ; thence following down the center of said estero to its mouth, in the Bay of San Leandro ; thence following the center of the channel thereof, and the deepest water along the southern border of the Encinal San Antonio, about two hundred yards from the line of ordinary high tide thereof, until the said line in the water of said Bay of San Leandro, running a southwesterly course, following the general outline of said southerly border of said encinal, strikes the center of the channel opposite to the present steamer landing in said town of Alameda; thence following the center of said channel northwesterly, until the said center line strikes the first boundary line projected; thence with said boundary projected north 34 J4 east, to the beginning. No election of officers being held under the act, it became void. In 1854 Dr. Hibbard laid out his tract into the town of Encinal, and in the year following built there from his wharf, which was afterwards known by his name. Not long thereafter, the town of Woodstock was planned and platted, both became part of the town of Alameda. In this year, too, the first store on the peninsula was opened by Zeno Kelly and stood at the corner of High street and Central avenue. About this time A. B. Webster started the first lumber yard. Among other early settlers of Alameda were Doctors W. P. Gibbons and Henry Haile ; Lawyer A. A. Cohen, who was the moving spirit in the establish ment of the Alameda and Haywards Railroad and the San Francisco and Ala meda Ferry; Henry H. Haight, Governor of California from 1867 to 1871 ; E. B. Mastick, Henry Robinson, Nathan Porter, Geri. M. G. Cobb, R. H. Magill and many others. Until the start of the regular San Francisco and Alameda ferry system, which was established largely through the exertions of A. A. Cohen, the mode of access to the metropolis was by means of ferries of various kinds — first the whaleboat and then by steam communication from the several landings at Old Alameda Point, West End, and Hibbard's wharf, or by a walk to the banks of San Antonio creek, across it to Oakland, and thence to San Francisco. On Thursday, September 16, 1869, the first number of the Encinal of Ala meda was issued. When F. K. Krauth sent forth this paper to the world in 1863 the whole town of Alameda might have been bought for $300,000. In 1869 the same property could not be purchased for $4,000,000. The construction of the South Pacific Coast Railway gave Alameda an independent ferry system and resulted in the rapid growth of the town, the establishment of the famous baths, etc. The completion of the Western Pacific Railroad, and the termination of 326 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY one of its branches conveyed the freight from Alameda wharf to the foot of Second street. The elements of material prosperity were in evidence within the limits of this little town. In the month of November, 1869, the survey of the Main and Winchester" tract was made and many other improvements were carried on. On March 19, 1870, the Alameda newspaper made its first appearance under the changed name of "The Encinal," and a month later published the following sketch of the rise and progress of Alameda : "The town was originally laid out by Chipman and Aughinbaugh, with its principal street (High) forming its extreme eastern limit, and where all the business of the town centered; but on the advent of the railroad, it was deserted, and the business transferred to the neighborhood of the station, where it has since remained, and is constantly on the increase. Alameda station, which is near the center of the peninsula, is about ten miles east of San Fran cisco across the bay. Its westerly point is reached by ferry boats from the foot of Davis street, and the road travel is made over the Western Pacific (or Alameda, as familiarly known) railroad. Between the point of landing and Ala meda there are three stations about a mile apart, viz. : Woodstock, Mastick and Encinal. All the freight trains from the East pass over the road, which runs through the town. The trains are at present switched off at Simpson's from the Central Pacific road. An extensive wharf, with weatherproof sheds for receiving and protecting merchandise in transitu has been erected at the Point, or landing, from whence freight is conveyed by boats to the foot of Second street, San Francisco, without transshipment. The town contains 1,300 inhabitants. There are two public schools in Alameda, one at Encinal station and the other in the upper town, or Old Alameda. There is also a private academy with about twenty-five pupils. Within the next twelve months, we have good grounds for believing, we shall also have a first-class academy for young ladies, within a mile or two of our station. At the head of High street, in the old town, a new wharf has recently been erected by Moulton Brothers & Co., for the purpose of running a daily line of schooners in the carrying trade between Alameda and San Francisco. There are about four hundred families in the township, most of whom occupy their own premises. There are two churches — Presbyterian and Methodist — and two lodges — Masons and Odd Fellows." From the foregoing it will be seen that Ala meda has made large strides towards prosperity. On the 1 6th of April, 1870, George L. Lewis once more started his stage line from Alameda to Oakland via San Antonio and Brooklyn, while about this time the discussion of the construction of what is now the Webster street bridge occu pied considerable attention. On the 31st of January, 1871, the private insane asy lum of Doctors Trenor and Tucker, located on Park street, was destroyed by fire. In 1863, this building and the Alameda Park Hotel were erected by a company of capitalists with a view of establishing a first class hotel for summer guests, a club house, and billiard rooms, bowling alleys, etc. The hotel proper was, for causes unknown, never built. The premises were leased to Frank Johnson/who opened them to the public under the most flattering auspices. People came over in crowds to Alameda, and the building at first proved insufficient to accommodate them. It then became a private insane asylum with Doctor Trenor as resident physician. This purchase was made in the latter part of 1866, from which time, to the middle of December, 1870, it was used as a refuge for insane persons whose HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 327 friends could afford to pay the price. On June 20, 1871, the hall belonging to the Good Templars was dedicated. On the 8th of August, the Alameda Academy of Prof. J. T. Doyen was destroyed by fire and its entire contents consumed. On March 7, 1872, "An act to incorporate the town of Alameda" received the Governor's approval, the first section of which ordered as follows: "The people of the township of Alameda, in the county of Alameda, are hereby constituted a municipal corporation by the name of the town of Alameda, and thei boundaries of said town shall be the same as now form the said township of Alameda." The government of the newly incorporated town Was vested in five trustees ; one asses sor, who was ex-officio superintendent of streets; one treasurer, who was also clerk of the board of trustees. The township justices of the peace and constables were, by the act, authorized to perform their duties in the town. An election was ordered to be held on the first Monday in May of each year, and the trustees were ordered to assemble ten days after the first election for the transaction of business. This act was amended in 1876, and in 1878 a new charter was adopted. These acts restricted the amount of taxes that could be levied for town purposes and restrained the officials of the town from creating any indebtedness, or expend ing in any year a larger sum than was derived from taxes in that year. The committee on ordinance and judiciary be authorized and requested to purchase a lot on Central avenue, near Park street, or, on Park street, near Central avenue, at a price not to exceed $800, and of dimensions not less than 50x150 feet, and, that immediately after such purchase the committee be author ized to contract for the boring of an artesian well upon said lot to a depth not exceeding 185 feet, and to erect a box-tank of 10,000 gallons capacity, and to pro vide the necessary machinery for raising the water. Difficulties, however, were experienced in securing water at this point, therefore on July 23d, the same committee were authorized to lease a suitable lot on Central avenue, between Euclid street and West End avenue, where a well was to be sunk or a reservoir for salt water built, and the proper machinery erected so that water might be procured for the purposes of street sprinkling. In the year 1876, however, B. R. Norton, in boring a well at his place at the corner of Grand street and Railroad avenue, found such an abundant supply of water that he at once conceived the idea of laying pipes throughout the town, and supplying the inhabitants from this source. He at once placed himself in communication with the board of trustees, and on June 6th entered into a contract to supply the town with water for a period of five years, for $100 per month, the quantity to be supplied being, all the water that two sprinkling carts holding 600 gallons each, and each drawn by two horses and work ing ten hours a day, can distribute during the dry season. A company was formed, which, August 22, 1876, obtained a franchise from the town, and laid pipes in portions of the! chief thoroughfares. But the town had made such rapid growth that this company was unable, with its resources, to lay pipes to properly supply the inhabitants, though the quality of the water was first-class, and until the year 1880 the company had sufficient for all who had connection with its mains. In the latter part of 1879, Captain R. R. Thompson commenced to bore wells on the old Farwell place, on High street, to ascertain if a sufficient supply could be obtained to justify him in undertaking to construct a water supply for the town. He obtained from four, wells an abundance, and on April 6, 1880, obtained a franchise to lay down and maintain for fifty years pipes to supply the town with 328 HISTORY OF ALx\MEDA COUNTY water. On July 30, 1872, all ordinances passed by the board of trustees were ordered to be printed in the Alameda Encinal which thus became the official organ of the town, and on August 13th, Mr. Robinson was elevated to the position of president of the board on the retirement of Governor Haight, who was suc ceeded in the office of trustee by Charles Wood. On February 28, 1873, it was ordered that the sum of $10,000 should be borrowed from the Union Savings Bank of Oakland, and set apart especially for street purposes, under the head of "street fund." On May 6th W. W. Chipman deeded to the town a strip of land sixty feet wide and 412 feet long to complete the line of Santa Clara avenue. On the 20th of the same month Mary R. Fitch dedicated to the town all streets laid out and shown on the map of the Fitch and Sharon tract, as per Strattonis survey, together with the extension of all streets running north and south to Atlantic avenue. The municipal officers elected in 1873 were: E. B. Mastick, Henry Robinson, Jabish Clement, Eppes Ellery, Alonzo Green, board of trustees ; M. W. Peck vice Krauth and F. Boehmer vice Hess, school directors ; Thomas A. Smith, treasurer ; E. Minor Smith, asses sor and superintendent of streets; W. H. Porter, clerk. A committee reported in 1873 that it would be advisable to have a bridge built at the end of High street. Proposals to construct were thereupon called for. The bid- of Charles H. Foster was accepted to build the bridge at Peach street. Never before was there such a strong demand for real estate in Alameda, Oakland and Berkeley as in 1874-75, and never before were so many individual sales recorded. The cutting up of the large Minturn property opened a new era for Alameda — better than any since the palmy days of Chipman & Aughin baugh. The Alameda Real Estate Association was doing a very large business. Many houses were going up, sidewalks being built and streets graded. That company began by buying all the Edward Minturn property and placing it on the market. In two months in the fall of 1874 they sold over fifty lots. Bert- lett and Randolph owned a large portion of the Charles Minturn property and were selling many lots in the vicinity of the Encinal Station. Hays and Caperton were selling many tracts, lots, blocks, etc. It was advertised that soon the Alameda land would all be taken up, as the island was limited. It may be mentioned that- up to the year 187 1 the only wagon outlet from Alameda was by way of Park street to Brooklyn (East Oakland), or by High street to the county road. During that year an act was passed by the Legislature authorizing the issuance of bonds to obtain money to construct a bridge over San Antonio creek, and a roadway across the marsh to connect with Webster street. This road opened up a route that did much for the town. There was soon an enormous travel over it, as it was the shortest and most direct thorough fare from Alameda to Oakland. At the election of May 5, 1874, the following officers were chosen: Henry Robinson, E. B. Mastick, Alonzo Green, Eppes Ellery, William H. Wenck, trus tees; H. H. Haight, Cyrus Wilson, school directors; Thomas A. Smith, treasurer; E. Minor Smith, assessor and superintendent of streets. The board of trustees built a great many sidewalks in the town. To many it appeared to be an unnec essary outlay, but the wisdom of the act became apparent, as the town settled up rapidly. Of the streets, Central and Pacific avenues were the only thoroughfares for many years that were improved. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 329 It was resolved on March 9, 1875, by the town trustees, that habitual intem perance on the part of any employee of this board shall be deemed sufficient cause for dismissal. Drinking of intoxicating liquors, "treating" or being "treated" at any bar or saloon by any policeman, regular or special, while on duty, shall be deemed sufficient cause for removal from office. On April 6th, an ordi nance ordering all public houses closed between midnight and 5 A. M. was passed. In 1874-75 the city of Alameda, with a tax of only 60 cents on the $100, built twenty miles of sidewalk, carried on the usual town government and had a surplus of $10,000 in the treasury, besides as much more of school money. There were two municipal tickets in the field in the spring of 1875 : the people's and the people's independent. In 1874 Alameda boasted of ten miles of sidewalks and a rapid growth. Fassking's big pavilion was constructed in Alameda, Encinal Station. Real estate sales were active ; many new buildings were erected. It was at this time that the directors of the Alameda, Oakland & Piedmont rail road called for the last instalment on this stock. Soon afterward the rails were laid on the extension of Fassking'fe garden. Rolling stock was added about this time. The Alameda brewery did a large business. In Alameda in 1875 the Newark Land Company built a wharf 25x150 feet; the Alviso boat touched there daily. Large quantities of grain were received at Edmondson's warehouse and large quantities of fruit were shipped at this date. The citizens of Niles and vicinity gave a grand ball in Alameda Mills warehouse in 1875 to raise means with which to build a schoolhouse. Artesian wells were in great favor at Alameda at this date. There was one at the Yosemite Hotel and one on the premises of Conrad Leise. The latter was 218 feet deep, the water rising to within twelve feet of the top. The officers elected for the year 1875-76 were: Henry Robinson, E. B. Mas- tick, William H. Wenck, Eppes Ellery, Alonzo Green, trustees; J. W. Clark, C. G. Mead, school directors; Thomas A. Smith, treasurer; E. Minor Smith, assessor and superintendent of streets; Lyttleton Price, clerk. On September 7, 1875, a franchise was granted to Littledale and Goldthwaite to erect a wharf at the foot of Peach street, for a term of fifteen years, the board of trustees reserv ing the right to regulate tolls and charges. The taxes fixed to be levied for the year 1875-76 were 55 cents on the $100. On the 20th of March of this year the first car of the Alameda, Oakland and Piedmont Railroad was received in the town and placed on the track. On May 22, 1876, James L. Bissell and his associates received the authoriza tion of the board of trustees to lay gaspipes throughout the town. An ordinance regulating the manner of laying sidewalks and of what they should be composed was passed. On August 1st, it was unanimously resolved that all streets in Alameda running easterly and westerly should be a uniform width of not less than seventy-five feet, and those streets intersecting should be a uniform width of not less than sixty feet; that every street opened hereafter should be made to accord with the above-mentioned proportions, and that the streets already opened be altered, where necessary, to suit such measurements as rapidly as considerations of equity and justice will allow. On December 26th, E. H. Miller presented to the board a deed dedicating to the town of Alameda, for public use as streets, high ways and avenues, all those parcels of land in said town designated as thorough fares on a map of Oak Park, Encinal of Alameda. The Alameda Loan & Build- 330 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY ing Association was in active operation early this year. Clark's hall and store was built in Alameda at this date. At this time a dramatic club was organized^ there with a membership of ten gentlemen and six ladies ; Charles Freer was gen eral manager; Oscar Lynch, secretary; Charles Blascow, Charles Freer and W. Y. Horner, Jr., business managers. From 1876 to 1877 the population of Alameda greatly increased — almost dou bled — and in June of the latter year was estimated at from 5,000 to 6,000. The growth of Alameda was held back for many years by the inactivity of the resi dents and their opposition to the expense of public improvement. People refused to have streets opened, and when opened refused to have them macadamized. But about 1876 a change appeared as if by magic. New streets and sidewalks were seen, a large sewer was constructed, the schools were vastly improved, and ' a combined engine house and, city hall was built. Street lighting, the narrow- guage railroad, improved ferry facilities and palatial residences were the talk of everybody. The Antedeluvians had suddenly and permanently disappeared. On September 26, 1876, the enrollment of a* fire company was reported to the board of trustees, and its willingness to take charge of any apparatus which the town might intrust to it. The tender was duly accepted, and on January 6, 1877, the purchase of a lot on Webster street whereon to build an engine house was authorized. On April nth, hydrants were reported ready for use (the first in the town) at the corners of Bay street and Central avenue, Bay street and Pacific avenue, Grand street and Central avenue, and Grand street and Pacific avenue. On December 9, 1879, the purchase of a bell of one thousand pounds weight was ordered, but it was not until October 19, 1880, that the fire department of Alameda was created. On November 16th, Citizen Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1 ; Thompson Hose Company, No. 1 ; and West End Engine Company, No. 2 were admitted into the department; and, on December 7th, arrangements were entered into with Capt. R. R. Thompson to furnish all the water for fire purposes and for flushing sewers, and to give the use of his pressure engine for all fire purposes for $2.50 per month for each fire hydrant, commencing from December 1, 1880. He was required in addition to establish a telephone line from Encinal Station to Webster street. June 21, 1881, Whidden Hose Company, No. 2 (late West End Engine Company, No. 1 ) ; Central Hose Company, No. 3, and Pacific Hose Com pany, No. 4, were admitted into the department. The postoffice at West End was established under the management of J. W. Clark, the official name being Encinal. The Alameda Loan and Building Associa tion with a capital stock of $1,000,000 was established in April; the directors being, F. Boehmer, P. W. Barton, J. H. Hardman, D. L. Munson, H. A. W. Nahl, A. Newberg, Denis Straub, A. Schroeder and A. Volberg. The Alameda Water Company was incorporated in December for a term of fifty years, capital stock $100,000; the directors being B. R. Norton, O. J. Preston, C. D. Wheat, F. Boeh mer and Theodore Bradley. In 1877 the sewering of the town was commenced, the first mention of such in the records being on February 6th, when certain property-owners petitioned for a vitrified iron-stone pipe-sewer in Park street, on which, March 6th, a general sewer ordinance was passed. On February 20th a franchise was granted to Theodore Meetz, Louis Fassking, Thad. S. Fitch and their associates to lay and maintain an iron railroad, the line to commence on Park street, at the southerly HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 331 line of Railroad avenue ; running thence southwesterly along Park street to Cen tral avenue; thence running into and along Central avenue and Harrison street southeasterly to High street; thence running into and along High street, south easterly to the town line. In the year 1877 a town hall was built at a cost of $2,800. June 1 2th Mr. Foster entered into a contract to complete the erection at the price of $2,649, after which the construction was proceeded with and the building eventually occupied. The Alameda Water Company, in the spring of 1877, completed laying mains from their artesian well on Grand street to Park street on the east and to Bay street on the west. The well was yielding 200,000 gallons daily at this time. Already another well was contemplated, as was also a much larger pump. The water was soft and pure. Alameda was regarded as a most desirable place of residence in the seventies. The whole surface of the Encinal was do.tted with live oak trees. There was but one-half a street in the town that was properly macadamized, and sidewalks were rare until about 1875. Many of the streets were only forty feet wide though 900 feet apart. At first there was much oppo sition to needed public improvements, but about 1874 more spirit was shown and more pride displayed in the general appearance of the streets, buildings and vacant spaces. This spirit led to a great increase in the population in a few years. There were many beautiful houses there by 1877. There was a general call for the improvement of the streets, sewers, water system and sidewalks. It was about this time that the name of Encinal postoffice was changed to West End, the latter being about two blocks from Mastick station. In June the council decided to build a combined town hall and engine house. Alameda in 1877 had two fire companies — the Citizen and West End and a hook and ladder company. The latter adopted a uniform of red shirt, black pants and black glazed caps. Mastick station was growing rapidly at this date. W. M, Dye at the depth of eighty-two feet on his premises, when boring for artesian water, struck a plentiful supply, though the water did not rise high in the well. The contract for the combined hall and engine house of Alameda was awarded to C. H. Foster in July, 1877, his bid of $2,649 being the lowest and only one. The Alameda Free Reading Room and Library Association held a meeting in the hall over Mr. Barber's store, on August 2, 1877, and elected the following first officers: T. A. Smith, president; H. M. Clinton, Mrs. J. K Brown, vice presidents ; C. W. Woodrow, secretary ; Mrs. A. C. Gilbert, treasurer ; and Gib bons, Boehmer, Ellsworth, Byron, Porter and Mrs. A. B. Andrews, directors and managers. At this time the association was active, ambitious and promising. A permanent combined hall and reading room was planned. During the month of September, the American District Telegraph Company of Alameda filed articles of incorporation and stated their place of business to be the town of Alameda. The following changes in the names of streets was ordered by ordinance, November 27, 1877: Webster street in Old Alameda to Fillmore street ; Park street in Old Alameda to Post street ; Washington avenue to Harrison avenue; Central street to Austin street; Eagle street to Eagle ave nue ; Oak street at the west end of town to Hazel street ; Pine street at Wood stock to Cypress street ; Willow street at Woodstock to Maple street ; Bay street at Woodstock to Bryant street; Lincoln avenue in the Fitch tract to Clinton avenue; Bay avenue to Dayton avenue; St. Mary's street to Stanton street; St. 332 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Paul street to Morton street ; St. John street to Benton street ; St. George street to Sherman street; Manzanita street to Bush street. On October ist the rate of taxation for the year was 60 cents on the $100. The officers elected to serve for the year 1878-79, were: B. F. Baker, Henry Bohns, W. B. Clement, J. B. Vosburg, G. N. Williams, trustees ; A. B. Anderson, Edward Parrish, G. C. Hall, A. Mayrisch, C. H. Ham, John Barton, school directors; E. Minor Smith, assessor; I. N. Chapman, surveyor and civil engi neer; John Ellsworth, attorney; James Cook, chief of police; G. R. Bissell, superintendent of schools ; John Ellsworth, clerk. From the report of the treasurer, made May 14th, the state of the town finances was as follows : school fund, $8,686.00; general fund, $8,423.56; certificates of gold deposit in bank, $12,180.00; certificates of silver deposit in bank, $3,522.33; silver coin in safe, $1,407.23. On June 25th portions of Park street, Pacific avenue, Central avenue and Santa Clara avenue were ordered to be lighted with gas for one year. The fol lowing resolution was passed on the 17th of September : Resolved, That the proposal of A. Borel, made through Messrs. Gilbert & Hunter, to sell to the town of Alameda, for the sum of $5,250 cash, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in the west half of block D, in the town of Alameda, county of Alameda, be and the same is hereby accepted, and that said lots be purchased for said sum. On the 28th of February, 1878, a free reading room and library was opened, with G. H. Stipp as librarian, in the Park Opera House, where it continued until handed over to the town authorities. In August, Doctors Gibbons and McLean addressed the board of trustees, stating that they, together with Mrs. A. P. Andrews, had been appointed by the directors of the Alameda Free Reading Room and Library Association a committee to wait upon the board and inform it that the association desired to turn over its property to the town for the pur pose of founding a free public reading room and library, and requested the co-operation of the board to that end. The board elected to take possession on, or about January 1, 1879, and voted that the institution should be maintained by a tax of one mill on the dollar upon the assessed value of taxable property in the town. On January 7th W. P. Gibbons, Mrs. Elizabeth Green, Thomas A. Smith, J. C. Tucker and George Mastick were appointed trustees and on February 28th the Alameda free library was opened for the circulation of books. The taxes determined to be levied for the year 1878-79 were 90 cents on the $100. In the month of February, 1878, the Park Opera House was opened. Qn the 7th of September the Bank of Alameda opened its doors for business, with Levi Jenks as president, and J. E. Baker, cashier. This institution changed its name to the First National Bank of Alameda in October, 1879. On September 14th the new hall of Encinal Lodge, No. 164, I. O. O. F., was formally dedicated. The following town officers were elected to serve for the year 1879-80: D. T. Sullivan, J. M. Gray, William Whidden, W. B. Clement, Joseph Lancaster, trustees; G. C. Hall,, Adolph Mayrisch, school directors; E. Minor Smith, asses sor; N. W. Palmer, treasurer; I. N. Chapman, surveyor and civil engineer; John Ellsworth, attorney; James Cook, chief of police; O. S. Ingham, superintendent of schools ; John Ellsworth, clerk. The taxes fixed for the year 1879-80 were 79J4 cents on the $100. On March 30, 1879, the Kohlmoos Hotel was opened. On the 5th of December the Royal soap factory, located near the shore line, HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 333 between the narrow-gauge landing and Alameda wharf, commenced active opera tions. The company was incorporated in May, 1878, with a capital stock of $2,000,000, much of it being held by prominent capitalists of San Francisco, and a considerable amount by residents of Alameda. In May, 1880, the following town officers were elected: H. B. Herbert, Joseph Lancaster, William Whidden, J. M. Gray, C. A. Edson, trustees; Henry Michaels, John Barton, J. W. Mastick, Isaac Aver, school directors; E. Minor Smith, assessor; N. W. Palmer, treasurer; I. N. Chapman, surveyor and civil engineer; John Ellsworth, attorney; James Cook, chief of police; O. S. Ingham, superintendent of schools. In May, 1881, the following corporate officers were elected: W. G. Marcy, Joseph Lancaster, J. M. Gray, William Whidden, C. A. Edson, trustees; Henry Michaels, J. E. Baker, James Hunter, school directors; E. Minor Smith, assessor; N. W. Palmer, treasurer; I. N. Chapman, surveyor and civil engineer; John Ellsworth, attorney and clerk; James Cook, chief of police; O. S. Ingham, superintendent of schools; Mrs. A. B. Andrews, George H. Mastick, W. P. Gibbons, T. A. Smith, D. T. Sullivan, trustees free library. The regular corporation officers fOr the year 1882-83 were: William Simpson, _ J. M. Gray, C. A. Edson, William Whidden, Louis Meyer, trustees ; H. V. Her bert, Adolph Mayrisch, school directors; E. Minor Smith, assessor; N. W. Pal mer, treasurer; I. N. Chapman, surveyor and civil engineer; John Ellsworth, attorney and clerk; James Cook, chief of police; O. S. Ingham, superintendent of schools; Mrs. A. B. Andrews, W. P. Gibbons, George H. Mastick, D. T. Sul livan, T. A. Smith, trustees free library. The Alameda Oil Works was established in 1868, by Samuel Orr. He at first started in the manufacture of castor, cocoanut and linseed oil, but later confined himself to the production of cocoanut oil. The Pacific Coast Oil Com pany was established in 1880, and erected their large refinery at Woodstock, near Alameda Point, where petroleum oils were refined, the crude oil being imported from other counties of the state. The Alameda Planing Mill situated on Encinal avenue, between Oak and Walnut streets, was started April 1, 1882, and occupied 100 x 140 feet of ground. It was provided with molding-rack, engine and boiler house, a fifty horse-power engine, steam pump, etc, and gave employment to fifteen workmen. The Encinal Lumber Yard, Renton, Holmes & Co., proprietors, N. B. Renshaw, manager, was situated at the corner of Oak street and Encinal avenue. Schutzen park was opened to the public early in the year 1868, and com prised between seven and eight acres of land, and contained all the necessary appa ratus to make it a place of resort and picnic grounds. There were a dancing pavilion, swings, shooting ranges, etc., all being leased by Capt. George Cantus. The Newport Swimming Baths, the pioneer baths of Alameda, were started in the year 1877, by Mr. Salara, but in February, 1878, he sold out to J. P. Won- derlich, who at once commenced elaborate improvements, no less than $28,000 being spent upon them. There were 200 dressing rooms, 1,200 bathing suits, a conservatory with glass sides, with a seating capacity for 300 persons, and other and many luxuries for this health-giving exercise. Terrace Baths were owned by R. Haley and C. A. Edson, and were commenced in 1878. The dam or tank was 300 by 350 feet in dimensions. There were 240 dressing rooms, and sev eral rooms for hot salt-water baths; on hand were no fewer than 4,000 bathing 334 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY suits. No less than 1,200 private suits were kept here for the accommodation of regular customers. The entire premises were lighted by twenty-two gas-lamps, each being an eighty-candle power. R. Haley was manager. The Long Branch Swimming Baths were the largest of the famous Alameda swimming baths, with comfortable rooms and elegantly appointed grounds. The town of Alameda expended $357,650 from March 4,' 1876, to August 31, 1883. Of this sum $197,251 was spent on public schools; $142,007 on general expenses of the town; $21,713 was in the treasury; $40,000 had been issued in school bonds. Doctor Hess raised silk worms for sale in Alameda in 1883. A. C. Tichenor of Alameda invented a process of mellowing wines and liquors in 1882-83; elec tricity was the agent. The northern portion of Alameda did not develop rapidly after the advent of the narrow gauge railroad which gave an impulse to building in the southern portion ; but in 1884 buildings began to go up in the northern section. In Novem ber, 1884, Alameda voted in favor of a city charter and five weeks later another election was held for officers of the new city government. The government was to be vested in a board of five trustees, a board of education of five members; five free library trustees, a recorder, treasurer, attorney, marshal and assessor. It was decided by the town trustees of Alameda to include a clerk in the list of the elective officers. An election was ordered for city officers on December 20th, the polling places were at the town hall, Holtz building, Wigwam. The five trustees of the library were to be appointed by the board of trustees. Primaries were held in three election precincts of Alameda late in November to choose non partisan delegates to a nominating convention to be held December 4th in the town hall. The Alameda Mercantile Protective Union was organized in 1884 and ranked among its members nearly all of the substantial business men of Alameda. In fact the membership became so large that the initiation fee, though small, made the union practically self-sustaining. It was apparent that the large number of real estate transfers, the rapid growth in population and the splendid artesian water of Alameda were the principal causes of its prosperity. To R. R. Thomp-, son much credit was given for the fine water supply. From January 1, 1883, to- January 1, 1884, the real estate transfers there amounted to over $223,500. A. C. Gilbert & Co. thus spent $103,500; A. Denke expended $22,000; Wasson & Pat- tiani spent $48,000, It was a beautiful young city. In February the almond trees were in bloom ; then came the cherry, plum, pear, peach, apple and quince blos soms. There the fig, the lemon and the orange grew and thrived. The schools and churches were all that could be desired. Social functions were at all times well attended and prominent. In August, the R. R. Thompson mansion in Alameda was burned to the ground. The total loss was about $160,000, there being no insurance. The owner had opposed the tax levy for fire purposes and claimed to have his help so drilled that they would put out any fire that might start on his premises. In practice his theory did not work. He was at that time owner of the city water company. The building alone cost $125,000, had onyx mantels, stained glass from Munich, European carpets, marble statuary, oil paintings and a large and HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 335 rare collection of books. The firemen did all they could, but the water pressure was too low for quick and effective work. In August, the Alameda Electric Light Company applied to the trustees of Alameda for a franchise to light the streets of Alameda. The company had a capital of 1,500 shares at $10 a share, a portion of which was offered for sale to the public. In 1885 the supreme1 court affirmed the judgment of the superior court of Alameda county in favor of the defendant in the case of Dent vs. Bird, which involved the title to a large part of the land included within the corporate limits of Alameda city. Both parties claimed title through Antonio Maria Peralta, the defendants through a deed executed by Peralta on October 23, 185 1, and the plaintiff through a deed executed by him on April 8, 1868. At the time of the execution of the first deed, Peralta's title rested on an unconfirmed Mexican grant. The supreme court held that the subsequent confirmation of the grant, and the patent issued to Peralta by the Government inured to the benefit of the defendants as Peralta's grantees. The deed conveyed the tract in the township of San Antonio "known as the Bolsa or Peninsula del Encinal." The plaintiff contended that it included only that portion of the peninsula which was covered with oak timber amounting to about two thousand two hundred acres, and not the salt marsh and tide land amounting to an additional 1,100 acres and upwards. The court held that the language of the deed must prevail and that the defendants were entitled to the whole peninsula "from the sea to a line; about 300 yards from the old brickyard house and extending from the point or end of the San Leandro slough to the point or end of the San Leandro slough." On May 11, 1885, the two constables of Alameda arrested seventeen China men on the charge of opium smoking. In the trial before a justice nearly all were acquitted and suit as to the rest was discontinued. The Chinamen then com menced action against the constables to recover $250 for damages, false imprison ment and malicious prosecution. A jury found for the defendants. On an appeal to the supreme court the verdict was sustained. An artesian well was sunk by the Harmony Borax Works in Alameda and by March 17, 1885, was down 285 feet. Coarse gravel was found at a depth of 280 feet. Several fine specimens of gold bearing quartz were found at different depths. A. C. Gilbert a prominent and heavy real estate owner of Alameda failed with liabilities at $59,884, and assets at less than $25,000. He had built about one hundred fine residences there and at the time of his failure had ten in course of construction. He had started in 1877 in partnership with W. B. Hunter. In April W. J. Dingee of Alameda sold at auction thirty-eight lots of the Encinal park tract; the prices ranged from $590 to $820 and the bidding was spirited. About the same time he sold sixty-two- residence lots on Main, Popular, Four teenth and other streets of Oakland; they brought from $325 to $2,485. A tax paying party was organized in Alameda in March. Its object was to levy a heavier tax for the purpose of making the improvements deemed neces sary for the new city. The tax levy of 1884-5 covered a total of $36,934 of which only $338 was delinquent and at the close of the delinquent sale every dollar was realized. The Alameda trustees decided early in 1885 not to accept the offer to light the city by electricity. The funds would not allow it. The sewerage problem was the most important improvement at that time. The Electric Light 336 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Company of Alameda agreed to furnish within sixty days twenty mast lights of 3,000 candle power each, the masts to be eighty feet high, at a total cost of $4,000. The company agreed to expend $25,000 upon its plant. In July, 1885, the Alameda trustees accepted the entire plan of Mr. Schussler for sewering the city as well as for providing water for flushing and street sprink ling. The cost of the plan was estimated at $120,000. It was necessary to issue bonds to raise this large amount. But the system could be put in part at a time and bonds issued accordingly. They finally purchased twelve acres of land in the adjacent marshes for the purposes of their sewer system. In October, 1885, Alameda city was one of the many owners of the Alameda marshes lying between that city and Oakland. The land comprised over one thousand acres and the title thereto was held by about twenty undivided owners. The Narrow Gauge Railroad Company owned about one-fifth ; the Oakland Water Front Company a large slice ; Col. Von Schmidt owned a portion, having bought it when he began pumping the dredgings cut out of the tidal basin upon it. Ala meda needing a tract there for sewer purposes bought of Theodore Leroy for $350 per acre a total of twelve acres. In February, 1886, there were six fire companies in existence. In March, Alameda voted to Columbus Bartlett and associates a franchise for a street rail road on Park street. The liquor license was fixed at $200, but was vigorously and savagely attacked by the saloonkeepers. Test cases were commenced to deter mine the law's validity or break it down. Alameda was called the "City of Baths & Baseball" in July, 1886. That city joined Oakland in the reception given to the G. A. R. In August, the skeletons of six Indians were unearthed at the foot of Chestnut street ; they were found side by side at the foot of the shell mound standing there. The Artesian Water Company sank a deep well near High street in Alameda in September. At the depth of eighty-seven feet water began to come in so fast that a pump threw out 12,000 gallons in an hour. The well was sixteen feet wide and was encased with heavy timbers to prevent caving. Five shafts 1,500 feet long were run from the bottom in different directions. Later the encasing timbers were replaced by brick. It was believed that this well and the many artesian wells already in use would be sufficient to supply that city with good water for many years. The electric masts in Alameda were 135 high, each having six lamps of 2,000 candlepower. In 1887 the citizens of Alameda considered the question of a public park and at first the opinion prevailed that it should be situated near the center of the town. This plan proved to be impractical, because land in the center was too expensive. In the various meetings James A. Waymire, F. K. Krauth, F. W. Dohrmann, T. G. Daniels, G. C. Tobins, J. C. Siegfried, Doctor McLean, Henry Michels, Columbus Bartlett and others participated. Later it was thought best to gird the town with a system of park-like boulevards. But many obstacles arose and the whole matter was held in abeyance for a time. Gradually it came to be the wish of many to form a system of boulevards that would together constitute one of the finest drives in the West. In December, 1889, the right of way for such a highway was secured without difficulty, all property owners wish ing such a drive to pass their premises. In September, 1887, the Alameda Improvement Association was organized and at once began a rigid system of street, park and sidewalk reform. Charles HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 337 S. Neal was its first president and was succeeded in 1889 by George H. Payne. The membership in 1889 was 102. In April, 1888, the scarcity of water in Ala meda made it necessary to dig more wells in the town of Fitchburg between Oak land and San Leandro. The Thompson Water Works Company of that city dug the wells — twenty-four in all to the depth of about four hundred and eighty-five feet. At a depth of 275 feet, 900 gallons were supplied. A twelve-inch main was laid in April and May between Fitchburg and Alameda. On April ist, the Alameda free library had a membership of 3,023. In the spring Alameda consid ered the question of annexing Fruit Vale and a long narrow strip to the eastward. In May, Alameda was supplied with water from the new wells at Fitchburg; the water was pumped up by an engine. In July the citizens of Alameda voted on the question of issuing $75,000 in bonds for municipal improvements ; of these $35,000 was intended for new school buildings. An electric fire alarm system, the site for a city hall, street sewer and sidewalk improvements were also planned. A. S. Barber of Alameda occupied the position of postmaster for thirty-four years. He was first commissioned in March, 1855, at which date the town had a population less than three hundred, clustered around High street at what became known as "Old Alameda." At that time Park street was covered with vines, bushes and trees. J. J. Toy was postmaster before him. At first there were no regular carriers. The first carrier was a sloop commanded by Capt. M. W. Peck. Letter postage was then ten cents. The temperance people of Alameda in the fall of 1888 agitated the question of local option. They finally formed a local option alliance with T. L. Hierleley as president and George Brodwell as secretary, and had as members delegates from all churches of the place. It was announced as wholly non-sectarian and non-political. At a large mass meeting Doctor McLean said that inasmuch as thirty-three saloon licenses had recently been granted by the trustees local option could not be put into effect until after July 1, 1889, in any event. He suggested that the citizens vote on the question at the municipal election in the spring of 1889. He considered opium a greater evil than whiskey. Steps were taken to circulate a petition to secure local option. At a large meeting of the citizens of Alameda early in August, it was decided after a thorough discussion of the question that the city should issue $35,000 in bonds for school purposes; $15,000 for the fire department, and $25,000 for a new city hall site and building. Among those present were Dr. J. T. McLean, George W. Tyler, Mr. Sullivan, school superintendent, E. K. Taylor, city attorney, Judge J. A. Waymire, A. W. Pattiani, Col. P. T. Diskenson, H. P. Moreal, W. P. Daggett and Herman Cordes. An election was held with the following result : For school bonds, 456, against, 124; for city hall bonds, 345, against, 216; for fire bonds, 392, against,' 180; thus the latter two were lost because not receiving two-thirds of the votes. The school bonds carried. The Bank of Alameda was organized late in 1888 with a capital of $100,000 and with the following first directorate : R. R. Thompson, Henry Sevening, Adolph Schroeder, Joseph Knowland and Del Linderman. In October, twenty-nine of the thirty-three licensed saloonkeepers of Alameda presented a petition to the trustees asking that the brewers be allowed to deliver to them malt liquors by 338 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY paying a license of $30 per annum and not $200 as then required by ordinance. Their request was granted. Early in February, 1889, the Alameda trustees granted to the Alameda, Oak land and Piedmont Railroad Company a franchise to construct and maintain a street railroad on Park street from Santa Clara street to Encinal avenue. At the municipal election in Alameda in the spring there were many candidates and a vast amount of wire-pulling. Important questions were before the town. A petition signed by 1,200 citizens was presented to the trustees praying them to close every saloon in the town by refusal to grant licenses after July next. The question of local option came up at this time and the plan of the friends of that measure was to elect trustees who would carry it into effect. There were sharp contests for the offices of city clerk and members of the board of education, treasurer, recorder, marshall, etc. The Pacific Land Investment Company owned the Neptune gardens in Ala meda; also the baseball grounds at the West End. The baseball grounds were closed for over a year in 1888-89 because of the unwillingness of the owners to pay the high license of $500. Many residents favored this high license, because they had grown tired of having the town made the resort of rude crowds on Sundays. Others claimed the ground had not been used for a full year before the passage of the ordinance. The grounds were no longer profitable as a pleas ure resort. Alameda found in 1888-89 that it could not sell its $35,000 bonds for educa tional purposes and its $25,000 bonds for the fire department; no purchasers appeared. The Legislature of 1888-89 repealed the law under which the issu ance of the bonds was possible, which for the time killed the movement. The Alameda Savings Bank was organized in 1889 and began business in 1890 with a capital of $100,000. A light vote was cast at the bond election in Alameda in November, 1889. The vote was as follows : For school bonds 572, against 74, scattering 6. For city hall site bonds 441, against 162, scattering 50. For electric light bonds 434, against 189, scattering 31. For fire bonds 505, against 113, scattering 36. It required a two-thirds majority on each issue to be successful. Four of the 189 votes were found to be illegal, which left a two-thirds majority in favor of the electric bonds. The bonds were for the following- purposes : fire department, $35,000; city hall site, $25,000; purchase of balance of electric lights, $25,000; school department, $50,000. The assessed valuation of the place was $8,000,000. At this date the town had a bonded debt of $89,000. In May, 1890, Alameda bought the entire electric lighting plant of the Jenny Electric Light Company and issued bonds in payment therefor — $23,000, not including $2,000 retained for plant extension. At this time the town had issued $73,000 for the school and lighting improvements. On November 1st, the city was given a free mail delivery. Three carriers were put on at the ' start. At this time Alameda was a promising, deserving place. Its streets were being macad amized, its sewer system was excellent; it had good water and efficient fire department and had recently voted bonds to improve its departments. Three new churches were going up; the Masons were building a $30,000 temple and Mr. Boehm was erecting a $20,000 business block. The Home Protective Asso ciation had already taken effective steps to drive out all the saloons. The Greek Theater, University of California, Berkeley Alameda Street Scene Park Street, Alameda Lake Merritt, from Schilling's Garden, Oakland Mission San Jose HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 339 Improvement Association was doing excellent work to advance all departments of modern city growth. The first directors of the Alameda Savings Bank in 1890 were as follows: R. R. Thompson, H. Sevening, A Schroeder, J. Knowland, Del Linderman, D. S. Randolph and C. Bartlett. The unlicensed saloon keepers of Alameda made a bitter and protracted fight against high license in 1891, but in the end were defeated and forced to surrender. Alameda grew rapidly in 1892 — all over the Encinal. In particular many fine residences were erected. In all 221 new buildings went up. The residence of Doctor Tisdale cost $20,000 and that of Mr. Garratt, $14,000. The value of the building improvements was $627,000. Street improvements cost $85,000, sewer cost $12,300. The old Meetz street railroad system was reorganized under new owners and the town cared nothing for factories — did not want them with their din, smoke and dirt. An election in Alameda for more school bonds in December, 1892, was car ried in favor of the issue by the vote of 4.85 for and 230 against and 9 scatter ing. Alameda's credit was good; before its sewer bonds were issued and while they were being engraved offers to take the whole at par were made by capital ists; it was determined to issue only about $60,000 of such bonds the first year. In the '90s Alameda acquired the reputation of being one of the most progres sive cities on the coast by reason of its fine buildings, good streets and water, and its advanced stand in favor of public improvements. The construction of a boulevard around the Encinal had been proposed before, but finally began to assume a formative stage in 1895. In the preliminary steps the right of way to a strip 150 feet wide and about a mile in length was secured. Alameda in 1895 underwent a social or literary revolution. It had one of the best managed libraries in the state, but had no suitable house. A rate favored the construction of such a building, but many citizens, violently rebelled, not wanting the taxation even for so worthy an object. In February, 1898, Frederick K. Krauth the veteran editor of the Alameda Encinal died in Alameda. He founded the paper in 1868 and had thus been at its head for thirty years. The paper was characterized by clean editorials and policies and its devotion to the interests of that town. The Alameda Improvement Association, considered the question of inducing manufacturing concerns to locate on the 700 acres of filled in marsh land adjoin ing that city and the advisability of trying to reclaim about 1,000 acres more. There was much opposition in 1897 from those citizens who wished Alameda to remain exclusively a residence town. In July, 1899, the Alameda library con tained 22,737 volumes and was located in the new city hall. Charles L. Weller was librarian. Early in 1900 the trustees of Alameda called an election to deter mine whether the following bonds should be issued : School improvements $25,000 New library building 25,000 Webster street improvement 20,000 City electric plant additions 20,000 Total $90,000 340 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY The new charter question was submitted to Alameda voters in August, 1900, with the following result: For charter, 593; against charter, 681. In March, 1902, the Alameda trustees sold $100,000 school bonds to eastern buyers at a lump sum of $500 over the par value. In May, 1903, the new high school build ing of Alameda was dedicated. President Wheeler of the university was pres ent and addressed the audience. In 1901 Alameda received its offer for a pub lic library building from Andrew Carnegie and duly entered into an agreement to maintain it by an annual tax. A new charter for Alameda was urged in 1904 by the West End Improve ment Association and the Alameda Advancement Association. All agreed that the city had outgrown its old charter and that its progress was retarded thereby. In the fall of 1905 Alameda took up in earnest the project of opening the streets through to the estuary. Early in 1906 Alameda seriously considered a new char ter, a large tourist hotel, a progressive system of improvement, an extension of the corporate limits and a separate supervisorial district. The new charter for Alameda was approved by the Legislature late in January, 1907; it contained a referendum clause. In 1910 Alameda possessed the following advantages and attractions : munic ipal electric lighting plant; parks and play grounds which cost $150,000; pure food inspection ; the new library building with nearly 37,000 volumes and a child's story department ; an excellent sewer system ; fifty miles of paved streets ; a new charter; public property worth $2,500,000; bonded debt $595,000; low taxation. On November 24, 1913, Alameda county generally observed Junipero Serra day — the anniversary of the establishment of missions by the Franciscan Fath ers. Late in November the club women of Alameda considered seriously and profoundly the following three questions : ( 1 ) character of the immigrants of the present; (2) establishment of a municipal opera house across the bay; (3) the Hetch-Hetchy proposition. In 1900 the population of Alameda was 16,464 and in 1910 it was 23,383. The corporation of Alameda has existed under three different municipal bodies; first, as a town with the management of affairs in the hands of a board of trustees ; second, as a city under the general state law ; third, as a city under a special charter passed by the Legislature in 1907 and duly ratified at an election held by the voters. E. K. Taylor was first mayor under the last form. He has been succeeded by W. H. Noy and Mr. Otis. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF CITY, I912 Schools $286,075.00 Parks and playgrounds 1 12,500.00 Electric light 45,000.00 Fire 22,500.00 City hall building 28,750.00 Bay farm road 1 1,000.00 Library 4,500.00 Webster street road 33,300.00 Sewer 28,500.00 Total , $572,125.00 These figures do not include the bond election held April 30, 191 2, for $158,000. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 341 POPULATION OF ALAMEDA (u. S. CENSUS) Year Population Year Population i860 460 1890 11,165 1870 1,557 1900 16,464 1880 5,708 1910 23,231 CHAPTER XIX BERKELEY When the university was located at Berkeley in 1868 there then was near the bay a small village known as Ocean View, but which later was called West Berkeley. The village in the neighborhood of the college received the name of Berkeley, but later was generally termed East Berkeley. It was many years before Berkeley took any great strides in improvement. Fine homes first began to go up near the university — erected and occupied by wealthy and prominent people. By 1874 the few residents of Berkeley lived south of the university site; then the public schools were managed by district trustees or directors and were a part of the Peralta district. At that time West Berkeley known as Ocean View had a few business houses and the school district was known by the same name. The California Watch Company erected buildings near Berkeley ferry early in 1876 and soon began operations. They had previously been in business in San Francisco; but needing more room had crossed, to the growing town of Berkeley and bought $150,000 worth of property. The sale of the Blake tract near the university in October, 1876, was an important event in real estate circles; the sales .aggregating $31,705. At a large sale of real estate located within a few hundred feet of the University of .California in 1877 the lots sold at prices varying from $280 to $575 each. The sale was at auction by Wood ward & Taggart. In March, 1877, the Cornell Watch Factory was in a pros perous condition at "the little village of West Berkeley." The Land -and Town Improvement Association erected a large windmill with a tank capacity of 12,000 gallons at Fifty and University in 1877; their pipes were laid to the ferry wharf. In all they had laid 2,600 feet of pipe and offered fresh and pure water to householders at reasonable rates. Berkeley at this date began to grow faster than ever ; many fine residences were going up. The ferry boat was refitted and the time between Berkeley and San Francisco was greatly reduced, The old "Clinton" retired. The Berkeley Water Works secured an addition to their supply by adding the stream back of the university. In 1877 a movement to raise $5,000 by taxation to buy a lot and erect a schoolhouse was defeated by a large majority. In 1878 after the town was incor porated the schools were given half of the tax of 50' cents. In 1879 the Kellogg grammar school was established in West Berkeley and the following year it was conducted as a high school as well as a grammar school. Later the building was used by the Berkeley commercial school. The first school at Ocean View was called San Pablo. Still later came the Whittier, Le Conte and Columbus schools. In 1893 the Lorin district was annexed. In 1882 many lots were sold in the Antisell tract. Harmon Seminary had just been built and Durant Hall was projected. The North Berkeley Neighbor- 343 344 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY hood Improvement Association was organized early in 1882 and was planned to build up that village north of Virginia street and east of Grant street. The annual fee was $1 for men and 50 cents for women. Frederick hall at West Berkeley was used for public entertainments of all kinds. Amateur performers gave a minstrel entertainment there for the benefit of the Catholic church. Among the performers being Heywood, Wheelan, Spauld ing, Burns, McClain and others. The Judson Manufacturing Works were built at Emery in 1883. Many houses went up there in July. The new glass works in West Berkeley by Wheelan Canning Company of San Francisco were starting. West Berkeley was building up fast by the work shops there. A wall paper factory was established there at this time. Late in the fall the pipes for the water supply were laid through the streets of Berkeley. The reservoirs were completed early in 1884. This gave that town one of the best water systems in the state. The Berkeley Village Improvement Association was incorporated in September; its objects were to buy and sell real estate, to lay sewers, sprinkle streets, borrow and lend money, etc. The directors were F. K. Shattuck, J. Ls Barker and C. K. Clark of Berkeley, and G. H. Collins and E. B. Dean of Oak land. In November all the Chinamen at work in the Giant Powder Works struck, because several of their number had been unjustly discharged, according to their views. A force of white men was at once employed to fill the vacancies. In February, 1884, the Hopkins reservoir at Berkeley contained about 5,- 000,000 gallons of pure water. Preparations to build a second reservoir to hold 15,000,000 gallons were made at this time. The Wentworth Boot & Shoe Com pany located here at this time; their old factory was also at Berkeley. It was planned to employ 150 persons, of whom three-fourths were to be whites. The big reservoir was completed in June. The property of the Berkeley Water Com pany was transferred to the recently incorporated Alameda Water Company. Moses Hopkins controlled the stock. Mr. Rhorer was superintendent. The trustees granted to R. P. Thomas, representative of the Peoples' Rail road Company, and to the California and Nevada Railroad Company franchises to build railroads through their town. The latter was a narrow-gauge road which was commenced late in February, 1884, at Emery station, where a wharf was commenced and grading was started. The Peoples' Railway Company bought of Mr. Thomas seven acres in Berkeley and his ferry franchise between Berkeley and San Francisco. The franchise for the California and Nevada Railroad granted the right of way from north to south across the town from the terminus at Emery station. J. S. Emery represented the latter line. War against selling liquor within one mile of the university broke out late in 1885 and involved all the best citizens against the saloon owners. The law had gone into effect April 3, 1876, but there were constant violations regardless of numerous prosecutions which seldom secured convictions — juries decided for the saloonkeepers. Finally the regents agreed to unite to pay the costs of such vigorous prosecutions as would establish the supremacy of the law and the best business men agreed to stand back of them. Under the first attack there were ten acquittals to one conviction ; this condition of affairs caused the citizens committee to extend their line of attack and to arm for permanent results. In the end they succeeded. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 345 In 1885 an investigation of the accounts of the town officers was made by an expert, C. F. Lutgen, who made a report covering about one hundred and fifty pages and entering into details. It covered the period from June 21, 1878, to March 2, 1885. The expert found that the tax levies were as follows : TOTAL TOTAL TAX TAX TOTAL OMITTING TOTAL OMITTING YEAR VALUE CENTS YEAR VALUE CENTS l88l-82 $2,609,599 $JO,438 1878-79 $2,263,114 $11,315 1882-83 1,801,659 9,008 1879-80 2,377,124 H,885 1883-84 2,162,889 IO,8l4 l88o-8l 2,788,103 11,153 1884-85 2,454,514 12,272 The street assessments were kept up in a very unsatisfactory manner. Both treasurer and clerk had been careless. There were missing 177 vouchers ; some of the records were missing. In the books there were many changes and erasures. The marshal was short, but the error was in the footings. No dishonesty was charged, merely lack of knowledge as how to keep the books properly and carelessness. In the old suit of H. P. Irving vs. Mary Ann Cunningham for much of the land in North Berkeley the former won in 1885. The tract in question was known as the J. D. Peralta homestead tract. In February a joint stock company was organized with a capital of $50,000, to provide that town with electric light ; the directors were A. M. Stoddard, H. A. Palmer, F. W. Beardslee, O. G. Dorrin and F. K. Shattuck. The Odd Fellows hall was dedicated February 21st, with appropriate ceremony. The building cost about nine thousand dollars and was near the railroad station. The leading address was delivered by James G. Maguire. The Wheeler Carmery Glass Works began operations now. The Gaudalupe Mill and Mine Company there started also. Both brought many families to that growing town. Early in 1886 Berkeley grew so rapidly that a demand for a local bank arose and was met for a time by the Building and Loan Association. The Home stead Loan Association was incorporated late in February; the directors were C. R. Lord, J. K. Stewart, Philip Monroe, W. E. Sell, Otto Nichaws, M. M. Rhorer, G. A. Embury, I. A. Boynton and C. M. Hant, all of Berkeley. The capi tal stock was $1,000,000. This concern did a general loaning business and for a while served many of the functions of a bank. The rapid growth of Berkeley was the surprise of nearly everybody, but should not have been. Hundreds of fine residences and business blocks were erected from 1882 to 1888. Already houses began to dot the plateau from the university grounds to Shell Mound. East Berkeley celebrated the occasion of the first illumination of the city with electric lights March 17, 1888. The scene of the celebration was at the station of the broad gauge railroad. There was a large crowd who set off bombs, rockets, Roman candles and guns. In a speech at Odd Fellows hall, R. G. McClellan said that the introduction of electric lights marked an epoch in the history of the town, and that where now hundreds of happy and beautiful homes stood, the vaquero only a few years before herded his cattle and that children then living would see a solid city from San Pablo to 346 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Haywards and from the bay to the foothills. A poem was read by Dan O'Connell, one verse of which was as follows : Here rode the undaunted vaquero, And deemed it a wilderness, far From the scene of his Saturday's revel, The wine-cup and dance and guitar; Nor. dreamed that the oaks where he rested 'Neath whose branches once blazed his camp-fire Should mingle in his generation With mansion and schoolhouse and spire. In 1889 Berkeley continued its steady and rapid growth. Real estate sales in January were larger than ever before — were larger than during the first four months of 1888. The district immediately around the intersection of Alcatraz avenue and Adeline street became the center of business of all the outer districts between Oakland and Berkeley and was known as Lorin which had its beginning in 1888. Klinkner's hall was there. The little village of Lorin was located about a mile beyond the northern terminus of the San Pablo avenue cable road. It grew rapidly in 1888, lots selling quite readily at $350 each. It had schools, a fire brigade, a Good Templars lodge, and numerous shops, stores, etc In April, Lorin voted $10,000 in bonds for school purposes ; there was little opposition. The trustees in 1889 finally resolved "that in view of the fact that no authority appears to exist for granting licenses within one mile of the university, this board will hereafter refuse to grant such licenses within such limits." Every member of the board voted for this measure. At a public meeting in the Lorin schoolhouse late in November, a motion to apply for annexation to Berkeley was defeated by the vote of fourteen to ten. Steps to form a village improvement club were taken on this occasion. Among those taking part in this meeting were H. D. Irwin, Mr. McMurray, A. B. Taynton, Thomas Stevenson, Mr. McClellan, W. F. Bick- ford, Mr. Barrows, J. L. Tisdale, Harry Geinough, Mr. Rice and others. Early in December the citizens voted against the annexation to that town of the terri tory between the south line of -Berkeley and Russell street; 123 votes were cast against annexation and ninety-eight in favor of annexation. The vote in the territory wishing to be annexed was eighteen votes for and six against. At a large meeting in Lorin late in January, 1890, it was resolved that it was the wish of the people to be annexed to Berkeley ; twenty-seven names were signed to the petition asking for such annexation. In February, 1890, Lorin, Newbury, Butchertown and Posen voted on the question of annexation to Berkeley. On February 8, 1890, Berkeley voted on the question of annexing the following territory to that town ; The north boundary to be the town of Berkeley ; then to begin at a point in said boundary, 1,260 feet east of College avenue; thence south to a point 300 feet north of Claremont avenue ; thence in a line running south westerly and parallel to Claremont avenue to a point 960 feet south of. Alcatraz avenue; thence westerly parallel with Alcatraz avenue to the western boundary of Alameda county; thence along that boundary to the south line of Berkeley. South Berkeley was annexed to Berkeley in 1890 and at that time was included HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 347 in the Peralta school district ; 246 school children resided in the annexed district. The school funds were divided when the annexation took place. In February, 1890, a piece of rich gold bearing quartz was found on the ranch of B. D. Boswell at Berkeley. In 1883 Captain Holmes found similar pieces on his land in North Berkeley. At the municipal election in May the non-partisan ticket was elected throughout. There was an independent taxpayers ticket which received a majority in East Oakland. The highest number of votes cast was 831 of which 490 were in East Berkeley. In February, 189 1, the citizens voted on the question of a new charter as follows : For, 191 ; against, 288 ; total,- 479. In May Berkeley and Lorin voted to have the latter annexed to the former. But a portion of the Lorin school district was left out and in November, 1892, the citizens there asked to be admitted for school purposes only. This request was granted by the county board in Jan uary, 1893. The year 1891 was one of great prosperity for Berkeley — the population increasing nearly 20 per cent. It was estimated that an average of one house a day was built throughout the year. As many as fifty were under construction at one time. The university chemical laboratory was built at a cost of $400,000. South Berkeley was annexed. The electric road connecting Oakland and Berke ley was put in operation and immediately afterward the first street car line in Berkeley was constructed — the Claremont, University and Ferris street railroad connecting East and West Berkeley. Streets were vastly improved and at light expense owing to the excellent slope toward the bay; much cement was used for the walks. During 1891 over three hundred thousand dollars was expended on streets, sidewalks and sewers. Good water was scarce, but the facilities were improved and expanded — new reservoirs were built. The lighting system was greatly improved. Before 1891 one ferry was all that was needed between Berkeley and San Francisco, but in 189 1 two were required and were put in operation. The number of stores quadrupled in number. The Berkeley Savings Bank and the Berkeley Bank were established with a capital of $50,000 and $75,000 respectively — all with home means. The enrollment in the high school increased over Jwenty-five per cent this year over the previous year. In the lower grades the increase was almost equally large. This rapid growth, together with the annexation of the districts to the south caught the town without the necessary school room.- But the people promptly voted $50,000 in bonds to build whatever additional houses were necessary. The enrollment of students at the university increased to over nine hundred and fifty and there were over three hundred spe cial students in the extension courses. Church growth kept pace with growth in all other regards. On July 9, 1892, the Giant Powder Works at Highland Station, just beyond West Berkeley, were blown in pieces, there being five distinct explosions as the magazines were reached and fired. All over Oakland the terrific explosions broke window glass and dislodged articles of all kinds. It was by far the greatest explosion ever experienced by Oakland. The works were originally built by Mr. Judson prior to the formation of the Judson Powder Company. Three young men were torn to pieces. In 1892, Berkeley annexed Lorin and its surrounding settlements and in all ways grew faster than ever before. .It grew from a village to a town almost 348 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY in one year. The town bonded itself for $50,000 for increased school facilities and bought five new schoolhouse sites and erected three new six-room school- houses. The introduction of the electric street cars added more to the growth of the town than almost any other impulse. There were two electric lines — the loop line of the Oakland consolidated road and the Telegraph avenue line. The old steam dummy which formerly ran every half hour on the latter to and from Temescal had disappeared forever. This excellent street car system doubled values in a short time. The fine Y. M. C. A. building known as Stiles hall was erected in 1892. Shattuck avenue was macadamized and the fine Shattuck block on Center street was built. Over thirty-one thousand linear feet of streets were macadamized at a cost of $137,000; nearly ten thousand linear feet of sewers were built and about the same length of cement sidewalk was laid. There were erected 269 new buildings of all kinds valued at $525,800. In 1888 local train service was performed with two or three cars attached to the locomotive of the Southern Pacific Company. At the close of 1892 eight or nine cars and sometimes more were required to carry the passengers to and from San Francisco. In December the Berkeley Herald suspended publication. It had recently- been conducted by Mr. McCarthy who had turned it over to Cheney and McLean who were unequal to the task of keeping it alive. It was noted at this time that all of the old newspapers which had been issued at Berkeley had been compelled one after the other to suspend — Gazette, Register Standard, Beacon, Reveille and now the Herald. In November the trustees of Berkeley awarded the contract for lighting the town to the Berkeley Electric Light Company at $350 per month. Over 1,500 votes were polled in Berkeley at the November election and the people now began to demand a free mail delivery. It was claimed that the population was about nine thousand. On January 12, 1893, the canvassing committee of the Holmes Library Asso ciation reported that $1,250 had been secured with the business portion of the town yet to canvass. In May Berkeley voted on the question of reincorporation — for, 366; against, 517. There were registered in the town 2,005 votes. In July the town voted to become a city of the fifth class, but in a suit brought by Isaac Wells to test the legality of the election the superior court first and the supreme court second decided against the town. In June, 1894, Berkeley became a free mail delivery city — a boon she had fought for during two years. South Berkeley hall was dedicated this year with a musical and literary entertainment, on which occasion many highly educated and cultured people were present. The hall was on Ashby street near Shattuck. A tornado visited West Berkeley and Lorin in December, and in an instant threw 3,000 feet of lumber and piles in one place and 1,000 in another hundreds of feet. into the bay. The path of destruction was about one hundred and fifty feet wide. This was a rare event and was particularly noted. Late in 1894 Berkeley elected a board of freeholders to frame a new charter for the municipality. The town was cramped in all its movements for general improvement owing to the restrictions of the laws under which it labored. The trustees were unable without a new charter to raise the amount of money required for necessary improvements. They could not exceed 50 cents on the $100 valua tion and hence the revenues were insufficient to meet the needs of the rapidly HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 349 growing town. Early in 1895 the trustees considered the advisability of expend ing $446,500 on certain needed public improvements — a storm sewer two miles in extent along Strawberry creek and a water plant to be owned and operated by the town. The sewer was estimated to cost $158,000. In August, 1895, Mr. Shattuck offered a tract of five acres as a site for the Wilmonding school. The people of Berkeley voted down a proposition to issue $60,000 bonds for school purposes. It was believed that the result was due to the fact that the question was united with a proposition to issue bonds for wharf improvements which the majority did not want. The attempt to pass the school bonds was made again in March, 1896. The question of a sufficient supply of good water was all important to Berkeley in the summer of 1898. The town trustees appointed a commission to investigate the sources of supply. Enough was found in the hills and in the wells and a 300,000 gallon additional reservoir was planned. The North Berkeley Improvement .Club endorsed the findings of the commission. To add to the trouble the trustees issued a notice prohibiting irrigation and lawn sprin kling. Many declared that the Alameda Water Company was to blame for the existing deplorable state of the water supply — that it was a caprice of that com pany to advance their own interests. In the fall of 1899 the trustees of Berkeley passed a resolution to remove the town hall from West Berkeley to a more cen tral location. The immediate question was, whether to move the old hall or build a new one. The progressive movement had taken possession of the town and -many citizens wanted new and better public buildings largely for advertis ing purposes. The Berkeley trustees considered the temperance ordinance for several weeks and at first could see no way to raise money for town expenses except from the liquor licenses. Finally Mr. Barker and Mr. Naylor agreed to pay to the board for one year the sum of $1,800 in quarterly payments, the amount then received for liquor licenses. This offer, in the presence of a large audience, was received with a loud burst of applause. The liquor men asked that action be deferred one year in order to give them time to dispose of their plants and in the meantime raise by taxation an amount equal to the saloon licenses. This request was also loudly applauded by the saloon followers. After striking out the mile limit clause, thus making the ordinance apply to the whole town, and after making the law effective on October 1, 1899, instead of July 1, 1899, it was passed. On May 8, 1899, the citizens committee presented a prohibition ordinance to the trustees of Berkeley in the presence of a room crowded with spectators. This was a result of the recent election. Present were the temperance leaders of the Woman's Christian -Temperance Union and the saloon men from Lorin, West Berkeley and other localities. The petition stated that the people of Berkeley had just shown their wish to have no more saloons in the town. The ordinance was drafted to restore the two-mile liquor law of 1873. This citizens committee consisted of H. L. Gear, G. W. Haight, C. K. Clark, N. W. Naylor, J. L. Barker and W. C. Haines. The whole matter was referred to the com mittee of the whole. In July the total value of all property in Berkeley was $7,200,025. The Berkeley public library contained 6,000 volumes and had several reading rooms 350 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY in different parts of the town. D. R. Moore was librarian. The water plans of Berkeley included the bonding of the town for the purpose of buying the San Pablo wells which were tested and pronounced satisfactory. It was at this time that the establishment of a municipal water system received great impulse. The San Pablo wells were owned by a syndicate of Berkeley busi ness men who held 120 acres. The total cost to the town to secure this tract was estimated at $13,500. In 1900 the town bonded itself for $100,000 for school purposes. The bonds were sold at a premium of over six per cent. The ground on Grove street near the town hall was bought for a high school; its total cost was about $70,000. The Hillside, the San Pablo and the Haste Street schools were newly provided for. The commercial department of the public schools was established in 1899 and quarters were secured in Golden Sheaf hall. Later departments of music and manual training were established. Berkeley planned to secure a paid fire department to take the place of the various volunteer companies. In July, 1901, the trustees enacted that licenses should not be granted to saloons situated within 300 feet of any school building. At first the distance of 500 feet was proposed, but it was defeated. In August the trustees considered three impor tant subjects: (1) saloon license proposition; (2) application of the Bay Coun ties Power Company for a 49-year franchise; (3) raising the license of the Pacific States Telephone Company to $100 per year. About this time three acres of buildings were burned at West Berkeley. A new building for the Hospital Association was planned at this time to cost $15,000. In 1901, the trustees declared forfeited the tracks and franchise of the California and Nevada Rail way Company owing to the fact that it had not paid its taxes since 1894. The trains had not been in operation for a year. The line extended from Emeryville to Orinda park through Berkeley. The Santa Fe Company was negotiating for this line. In September specifications for a fire alarm system were adopted by the board of trustees of Berkeley. The citizens at the last town election had voted $10,000 for such an improvement. The tax rate at this time was $1.10. From 1892 to 1902 the town spent $1,500,0001 for street improvement, putting sixty miles of roadway in first class condition. Many miles of con crete sidewalks were also constructed. Fine engineering work was done in the Daley Scenic tract. Over $100,000 was spent on the streets of West Berkeley. The greater portion of all this improvement was made from 1898 to 1902 under Superintendent Maloney and was imperatively demanded by the rapid growth of the town. Early in 1902 Berkeley experienced another district revival in building and realty operations. The transfer of the Schandt block, the Vance property on Center street and the Mathews tract set the wheels of growth in motion. Even West Oakland sprang into new life. A new furniture factory there was com menced, at this time The Realty Syndicate bought large tracts there — a sure sign of importance, because it meant an extension of the car lines of the Oak land Transit Company. The Realty Syndicate secured large tracts in West Berkeley along the bay shore and along the line of the California and Nevada Railroad. Berkeley celebrated its first Arbor Day in 1902. A total of 500 trees were planted throughout the town. A John Muir sequoia was planted HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 351 as a memento on the south yard of the high school by John Muir and W. H. Marston, president of the board of trustees. At this time there were in Berkeley about 85 miles of sewers, of which 25 miles were constructed that year. There were 90 miles of cement walks, 20 miles of wooden sidewalks and 58 miles of macadamized streets. In 1896 there were only 27 miles of improved streets. The membership of the library Novem ber 30, 1902, was 3,327. During the summer of 1902 the Town and Gown Club of Berkeley and other citizens made new efforts to set in motion plans that would beautify that city. The site itself was a beautiful one. — with rolling slopes descending by gentle steps from the range to the bay. It was agreed that Nature had done her duty and that the citizens should now make the streets, drives and parks the most attractive on the coast. The plan in 1902 to build a hospital in Berkeley was abandoned and the money subscribed was returned to the donors and the court was petitioned to sell the- property acquired. Mrs. Phoebe Hearst had donated $1,000 to the project. Dr. F. H. Payne and Madame E. M. Paget had labored unremittingly to estab lish the institution under the name Berkeley Hospital Association. The project failed because sufficient funds could not be raised to insure success. Very little help outside of the university could be secured. The people did not want the institution bad enough to pay for it. In February, 1903, Andrew Carnegie offered to give to the City of Berkeley the sum of $40,000 for a public library upon the usual conditions of his gifts — that the city should sustain the institution thus established by suitable taxa tion. On May 14th, President Roosevelt, on a tour of the country, visited Berkeley on commencement day and paid a short trip to Oakland. He received a cordial greeting from everybody, particularly the children. The trustees finally con cluded to ask the citizens to vote $100,000 for a town hall and site, $45,000 for wharves, $20,000 for parks, $40,000 for fire equipment, $20,000 for manual training and $7,000 for street equipment. At this time the city had only a small bonded indebtedness and these improvements were imperatively demanded. The plan of progressive bond issue for public improvements was believed wiser than the recent bond proposition of Oakland which was too big and called for the doing of too many things all at once. At a second meeting in 1904 the trustees concluded to call an election on the following bond propositions: Fire department, $40,000; manual training department for the public schools, $20,000; apparatus for street department, $7,000. In October the town hall was totally destroyed by fire; the most of the records were saved. In November the North Berkeley Improvement Club favored municipal ownership of the water system. Notwithstanding the defeat of the bond proposition in Oakland the citizens of Berkeley prepared to test a similar program in that city late in November, 1904. Voters were asked to provide $35,000 for improvements covering new fire houses, their lots and equipments ; $75,000 for a new steam roller and for experimentation with oil on the streets; $150,000 for school improvements and manual training facilities and instruction; $10,000 fpr parks; $45,000 for a new wharf 1,500 feet long; and $200,000 for a storm sewer. Thus Berkeley began to figure on a scale even larger than anything that had appalled the tax- Vol. 1—23 352 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY payers of Oakland. However, it was finally concluded to postpone the bond election. The Berkeley Chamber of Commerce was organized late in October, 1905, there being present at the town hall about seventy-five business men interested in the movement. It amounted to a reorganization of the board of trade which thereafter ceased to exist. It was fully organized in December by the election of officers, of whom F. W. Foss was president. The problems before Berkeley in the spring of 1905 were (1) a police depart ment to take the place of the marshal and eight deputies; (2) bonding for public improvement; (3) adequate funds for the street, fire_and school departments. The election for public improvement bonds was triumphantly carried, by the following vote: Fire department project — for 1,440, against 133; town hall — for 1,331, against 243; police alarm system — for 1,419, against 154; West Berk eley wharf — for 1,441, against 140. The total voted was $298,100. Berkeley in 1907 put forth strong claims for the removal of the state capital to that city and offered to donate forty acres valued at $200,000 as a building site. The Chamber of Commerce was at the head of this movement. A body of Legislators visited the city to investigate. The bill passed the Legislature and was signed by the Governor. It provided for a submission to the people of the state whether the capital should be removed from Sacramento to Berkeley. The signing of the bill was celebrated with great enthusiasm by Berkeley early in March. The question of removal was submitted to the voters of the state at the November election, 1908. Alameda county gave a large majority in favor of the removal, as did San Francisco. The vote in this county was — for removal, 17,774; against removal, 5,983. In August, 1906, all records were broken in Berkeley when 152 building permits were issued, the average cost of the buildings being $2,500. The highest previous record was in June, 1906, when 132 permits were issued. The north ern and western sections were growing with great rapidity with modern resi dences and substantial business blocks. The same year West Berkeley promised to soon become a great commercial center. From the date of the earthquake until August 12, 1906, a total of thirty-seven manufacturing establishments sprang into existence in that town. Realty men there were active and jubilant and prices soared. The new wharf project was one of the great inducements for capital to locate there. The trustees sitting as a board of equalization, fixed the rate of taxation for the fiscal year 1906-07 at 85 cents on a total assessed valuation of $23,800,000 — an increase of $7,400,000 over the year before. This assessment gave a total working fund of $203,300. This great advance was due to the enormous growth of the city and to the imperative need for greater expenditures for improvements. In the fall the committee of twenty-seven on the approaching election for the issuance of $287,000 bonds appointed by the Berkeley Chamber of Com merce, conducted an active and determined campaign. The funds were divided as follows: New wharf in West Berkeley, $100,000; new fire equipment, $50,- 000 ; new town hall and site, $137,000; new fire alarm system, $10,000. It was concluded to postpone until next year the question of voting $348,000 bonds for a salt water pressure system. A BERKELEY RESIDENCE HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 353 In October the committee engaged in framing a revision for the Berkeley city charter recommended that women be allowed to vote on all school mat ters and should be eligible to places on the board of education. This act met the approval of nearly every other town and city in the county. In January, 1907, the Realty Syndicate sold to the North Berkeley Development Company and the Berkeley Land Company 600 acres for $1,450,000; the land was located in North Berkeley at Spruce and Josephine streets. In 1908 after the board of freeholders of Berkeley had labored a long time on its new charter it was learned that, owing to a misunderstanding of the law, all the ground would have to be gone over again. There was also a compara tively small element that advocated the postponement of definite action on the charter and the consideration of a consolidated government embracing Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley, Piedmont, Fruitvale, Melrose and Elmhurst. A new board of freeholders with President Wheeler of the university at the head was pro posed and supported by a strong contingent in East Berkeley. To this move ment there was spirited opposition from the Citizens and Taxpayers League and the West End Protective Association, both of which fought the commission plan of government, which was the distinguishing feature of the rejected char ter, and provided that a mayor and four commissioners should administer city affairs. It was at this time that a scheme to divide East and West Berkeley was hatched and given considerable support, and that numerous factions struggled for supremacy. Thus far the clan that favored an independent existence for Berkeley had dominated public affairs and with that object in view had bonded' the city for $120,000 for a new city hall. The project to unite the east bay cities to form a Greater San Francisco had its advocates. The Citizens and Taxpayers League favored consolidation with Oakland under the new county project. The real estate men opposed this measure as damaging to property values. On the proposition to issue in bonds the sum of $1,340,000 the voters of Berkeley defeated every measure — fire houses, police alarm, civic center park, central playgrounds, Acton Street park, school playgrounds, garbage incinerator, storm and sanitary sewers, lower schools, kindergartens and high school. The building permits of Berkeley in 1908 were 1,017 at an estimated value of $2,- 264,000. This did not include new schoolhouses, the town hall, nor the new Doe library building on the campus. In 1910, with a population of 40,434, Berkeley was the scene of wonderful material growth, exceptional civic virtue, and gratifying intellectual and moral progress. There was an immense development of manufacturing enterprises in the western part. The new form of municipal government was successful and popular and was in a large degree adopted by Oakland. The distinctive feature of the charter was the one which originated the majority requirement for election of officers with the provision for possible choice at the first election. In the fall there was strong feeling in Berkeley both for and against the proposed annexa tion to Oakland. Those who favored annexation were also the advocates of the consolidation of city and county governments. Professor Jones said : "It is absurd to call this annexation a step toward city and county government. It does not mean that. Instead it simply means the absorption of Berkeley by Oakland. If we wish to keep the schools of which we are so proud running under the same 354 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY conditions as they are now and reflecting the same degree of credit on the city, we must not combine with the larger city." Mr. Robinson did not think the time ripe for consolidation and rather preferred the San Francisco consolidation plan. Mr. Barnett favored annexation for many reasons, one of which was to change unsatisfactory conditions in the courthouse and another to secure greater econ omy in the administration of municipal affairs. The annexation question was determined by the following vote : Oakland — for, 2914, against, 333 ; Berkeley — for, 1,401, against, 4,010. Theodore Roosevelt attended the charter day celebration at the Greek theater, in March, 191 1. He made a strong speech in favor of higher education. The scene at the theater was impressive in the extreme with the lofty inspiration of noble motives and with higher ideals and aspirations. During the fiscal year 1912-13 the following municipal improvements were carried into execution: 1, Municipal incinerator; 2, municipal garage and ambu lance ; 3, municipal bacteriological and chemical laboratory ; 4, municipal employ ment bureau; 5, perfection of the police telegraph and flashlight system; 6, addi tional fire apparatus ; 7, new heating apparatus ; 8, extensive street improvements ; 9, spotless town campaign ; 10, new corporation yards. In 1913 the Roosevelt Hospital of Berkeley bought the equipment and business of the Abbott Hospital of Richmond. In December the West Berkeley Improve ment Club passed resolutions asking the city council to call an election, not only to vote on the bond question for the public school, but also on the question of bond ing the city for harbor improvement at the same time and on the same ballot. Late in 1913 Berkeley planned to bond the city for about one million dollars to promote the following improvements : ( 1 ) A ship channel for large vessels ; (2) a harbor one mile wide; (3) a stone bulkhead with wharves along the pro posed water front; (4) a municipal electric belt line railway; (5) a channel for the development of the inner harbor; (6) reclamation of 800 acres of state tide lands and over one thousand acres outside thereof for various uses. For the year 1913-14 Mayor Wilson made the following recommendations: 1, Taxation of land values ; 2, four-year terms for mayor and auditor ; 3, abolish the commissions and the board of health ; 4, increase the salaries of stenographers, secretaries, clerks, etc ; 5, extension of auditor's services ; 6, improvement of San Pablo park; 7, addition to public library; 8, street improvement; 9, public convenience stations; 10, new system of garbage collection; 11, abolish business license; 12, motor-cycles for policemen; 13, motor-trucks in street department; 14, real estate purchase. In January, 1914, the West Berkeley Improvement Club endorsed the pro posed bonds for harbor improvement and for the local schools. Among the important recent movements in Berkeley are the following: Vast increases in population; growth of business enterprises; the commencement of a new sewer system to cost $475,000; improvement of the fire department to cost $95,000; plans to greatly increase the schoolroom capacity; plans to improve the water front; extension of street pavements and cement work; electric lighting of the whole city ; municipal ownership of the street car service considered ; the water problem considered ; a tremendous impulse in the direction of a city beautiful. Berkeley's population in 1900 was 13,445, and in 1910 was 40,434. CHAPTER XX OAKLAND Oakland was settled by the Americans under the assumption that it was Government land, the squatters refusing to accept the claims of the grantees under Spain or Mexico. They doubted the validity of these claims, but later when they reached the courts and when the claims were pronounced just and legal, they made the most of the situation and took as much as they could get. Moses Chase is given the distinction of having been the first settler on the present site of Oakland. When the Pattens came over from San Francisco early in 1850 they found him encamped in a tent at Clinton or what soon became Clinton. He was ill and intended to leave, but was persuaded by them to remain and join them in the settlement at that place. Soon afterward, also early in 1850, H. W. Carpentier, Edson Adams and A. J. Moon arrived and squatted at the foot of what is now' Broadway. When warned off by the Peraltas they affected, or at least expressed, great 'surprise and after negotiation finally secured the lease that gave them color of title and enabled them to remain and outpoint the many squatters who began to arrive immediately afterward. H. W. Carpentier and his associates assumed that the Oakland site was United States Government land and hence refused to deal with the Peraltas. In his investigations Carpentier no doubt discovered that the claim of Luis Peralta had not yet been approved by the United States, possibly might never be, whereupon he and his associates took possession of the land and when opposed by the Peraltas secured a lease which gave them color of title and enabled them to retain possession in spite of the squatters who did not have as good a claim. Carpentier was a crafty and unscrupulous lawyer and at all times had a better legal standing than those who opposed him, because he was far-sighted and knew how to protect his interests when it came to the final tests in the courts. On the face of affairs his lease from the Peraltas was better than the squatter rights of his opponents, but, of course, his assumption that the claim of the Peraltas from the Mexican Government was not good under United States laws contradicted the validity and efficiency of his lease. But the major ity of the squatters did not or could not see the matter in this light. However, there were several who apparently did. In March, 1852, John Clar, B. de la Barra, J. R. Irving, Col. John C. Hays, John Caperton and Jacob A. Cost, for the sum of $10,000, bought out the rights of the Peraltas in the Oakland site proper and thus as a matter of fact had a better title than the lease of Carpentier and associates. The sale contract was first made out in the name of John Clar, and the others later joined him, and on August 15, 1853, a deed of partition was executed for their several benefits. Doctor Mabin came here in 1850 in an open boat on Sunday with a party of ladies and gentlemen with lunch baskets; they went to Lake Merritt, which 355 356 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY was full of ducks. All there was of Oakland then were a few buildings near the foot of Broadway, where a small pier had been built. Four other young men came to Oakland early: George M. Blake, F. K. Shattuck, William Hillegass and James Leonard. They came over at first as a pastime, liked the surround ings and prospects and concluded to remain. They selected a square mile of land above Vicente Peralta's residence. Levi R. Bixby arrived in 1852 when there were only from six to ten houses. A. Harper was already here when Bixby arrived. Thomas Gallagher's saloon on Broadway was established very early. Carpentier, Adams and Moon claimed their rights principally under a lease from the Peraltas. All the others who settled here and did not secure their rights from those three men, were squatters and their location here and improvements were opposed. All the squatters found it necessary to organize against those men to prevent their improvements from being destroyed. Numerous alterca tions and several hand to hand contests occurred. The squatters went so far as to secure an old cannon, which was fired as a signal to assemble prepared to repulse attacks upon their improvements. Fences were torn down and the erection of buildings was forcibly opposed. The squatters were armed with six-shooters and made a formidable appearance when engaged in repelling an attack on their property, but the others owned the lease and possessed the legal right to control the settlement. In 1851 the Pattens and Chase were in Clinton, James B. Larue at San Anto nio, Henry C. Smith at the mission, John M. Horner near Irving, S. Castro at Haywards, Estudillo at San Leandro. Augustine Bernal and the families of Amador, Alviso, Noriego and Livermore owned much of the county. The Yan kees were already whipsawing the redwoods of San Antonio. Indians were sleeping in the San Lorenzo ranchino and priests were shipping produce from the embarcadero at the mouth of Alameda creek. In 1852, the Americans of Oakland joined in giving a grand . Christmas din ner, on which occasion there were present Rev. and Mrs. Samuel B. Bell, Horace W. and Edward Carpentier, Frank K. Shattuck, John Hays, John Potter, Judge S. B. McKee, Sabin Harris, Colonel Coffey, John Watson, Harper Glascock, Judge Black, General Howard, Captain Daily, Major Kirkham and Doctor Davis. They clubbed together and provided the feast. Preceding the dinner — really a supper about 8:30 P. m., the night before Christmas — the children's presents were marked, placed on a table and left for them to take at their pleas ure. There were served wild duck, wild goose and venison in any quantities desired. Wine and brandy flowed like water and big bowls of egg-nog made from wild duck eggs graced the center of the table. The majority of the diners were Southerners, though several Spaniards were present — notably young Mr. Castro and his sister. The feast was held in an abandoned Spanish dance hall at Fourth and Broadway. After the feast all who cared to do so joined in the dance. In February, 1852, Oakland was a beautiful plain about four miles wide from the bay to the base of the hills and about ten leagues long from north to south. The trees were in clusters and in full foilage and clover covered the ground. The trees were the resort of countless birds throughout the year. The hills and plains were covered with numerous herds of wild cattle. All this was called Contra Costa at that time — opposite shore. William Watts ran a small HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 357 schooner to the landing at Watts' creek, near Temescal, where he had built a small shanty and lived, though his wife kept a boarding house on Mission street in San Francisco. Along San Antonio creek was a substantial grove of evergreen oaks. At Broadway and First streets was the shanty occupied by Horace W. Carpentier, Edson Adams and Andrew Moon, who had staked off streets and laid out lots for a town. Near them toward the Point was another shanty occu pied by Lowell J. Hardy. The first hotel was erected in 1 851, after the last heavy fire in San Francisco, by Albert W. Burrell. At that time grants were made in this portion of the state by the Mexican Government. Castro's grant was in Contra Costa county, but he later claimed, though unjustly, that his grant extended over the present site of Oakland and it was partly upon this claim that Car pentier and his associates took possession and set Peralta at defiance. In 1852 there were here about fifty squatters in tents and shanties each hold ing 160 acres as homesharers. There was no regular ferry. Sloops and skiffs were used to cross the bay. There was a variable population — here today and gone tomorrow. Malachi Fallon came here in 1852 and bought of Harper a contract for a tract of land from the Peraltas, but Carpentier and his associates burned the Harper tent in his absence and squatted on the tract. Fallon bought ten acres at Oak and Seventh streets on which he built a house and remained though the land was claimed by the others. Harper's land was subsequently held by Colonel Heath and Ned Cohee. Fallon built in the style of a Long Island farm house and when the floor was laid went for his family, but during his absence the belligerent squatters jumped his property and compelled him in the end to pay $1,000 for a release; one piece of native woods here was called Hardy's Woods. Malachi Fallon had the first lath and plaster house in Oakland. Mr. Burrell came over here on a hunting excursion in 1852 and found Car pentier, Adams and Moon engaged in laying out the town. They offered him two lots if he would erect a hotel. Mr. Burrell considered the matter for a while and at last accepted their proposition. It was made, he thought, because he was a builder by occupation. He was told that such a house was needed here to accommodate travelers, hunting parties, picnics and others who came over from San Francisco in small boats. The hotel was the first built in the town and was leased to Ames and Kelly, who conducted it for a while, but finally sold their lease. This hotel stood at the northwest corner of First and Broadway. Before the house was fully completed a large party of young men came over from San Francisco on the small steamboat Hector — about one hundred and fifty of them— as many as could be crowded into the little craft, and held a "house warming" in the unfurnished building. The young men had plenty of money and enjoyed themselves in sports of various kinds, one of which was kicking ten-dollar silk hats about the grounds. Native oysters and edible birds formed the basis of their Sunday dinner at the hotel, which received about $500 from its guests on that occasion. The weather was fine and the surroundings beautiful. At that time Carpentier and associates were laying off streets parallel to Broadway, which had previously been located, and laterally from east to west. At Mr. Burrell's insistence they increased the width of the streets, though objecting that it was giving too much land to the public that was needed for stores and increased the cost of street improvement. Samuel Robinson opened the first store at Second and Broadway. Doctor Yard was the first postmaster and held the office about 358 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY twenty years more or less continuously. He was succeeded by Mr. Benton and he by Mr. Marcellus and he by W. S. Dargie. In accordance with the provisions of the act entitled "An Act to Provide for the Incorporation of Towns," Horace W. Carpentier, a lawyer by profession, had passed, on May 4, 1852, an act incorporating the town of Oakland, the boundaries of which were declared to be as follows : "On the northeast by a straight line at right angles with Main Street, running from the Bay of San Francisco on the north to the south line of the San Antonio Creek or estuary, crossing Main Street (Broadway) at a point 360 rods northeast from Oakland House, on the corner of Main and First Streets, as represented on Porter's Map of Contra Costa (the original name of Oakland) on file in the office of the Secre tary of State; thence down the south line of said creek or slough to its mouth in the Bay; thence to ship's channel; thence north and east by the line of ship's channel to a point where the same bisects the said northeast boundary-line." Section 2 of the act declared the corporate powers and duties of the town to be vested in a board of trustees to consist of five members, to be elected on the second Monday of May in each year, and to hold office for the term of one year, provided they should receive no compensation for their services ; and Section 3 stated what should be their official duties. On May 1, 1852, the town charter was signed at Benicia, where the Legislature was in session. The election was duly held, and A. W. Burrell, A. J. Moon, Edson Adams, Amedee Marier and H. W. Carpentier were chosen, the latter of whom, however, did not qualify. On the 12th of May they held their first meeting in the office of Mr. Adams. At this time only Messrs. Marier, Burrell and Adams presented their certificates of election. On having the constitutional oath administered to them they took their seats under the temporary presidency of Mr. Marier, with Mr. Burrell acting as secretary. The charter having been ordered transcribed on the record, the board passed Ordinance Number 1, entitled "An Ordinance to fix the time and place of holding stated meetings of the Board of Trustees," and thus was the official machinery of Oakland set in motion. On the 17th A. J. Moon took his seat with the board. Mr. Marier was elected permanently to fill the presidential chair, and F. K. Shattuck, to perform the duties of town clerk. Besides these transactions, ordinances were passed declaring certain streets public highways, concerning bonds of officers, disposing of the water front belonging to the Town of Oakland, and providing for the construction of wharves. John Cotter, a member of the San Francisco board of aldermen, and John Nugent, editor of the San Francisco Flerald, came to Oakland to fight a duel in May, 1852. On board the steamer which brought them was a Sunday school picnic. The duelists went back to what became the site of Brooklyn, where it was believed they would not be molested. They were placed in position, armed with navy revolvers. At this juncture the sheriff of Contra Costa county appeared "on the upper surface of a large-sized mule" and demanded an immediate cessa tion of hostilities. David C. Broderick was one of the Cotter seconds, and Hamilton Bowie, one for Nugent. The sheriff was prevented from interfering by William Mulligan, James Hughes and a crowd of "muscle-men" who had come over to see the fight and fair play. Mr. Nugent was wounded at the second round, which put a stop to further hostilities. Edward McGowan was one of the party. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 359 Oakland Brewery was started by a Mr. Wilmer in 1853, at the corner of Ninth street and Broadway, but it was a miniature concern, capable of turning out only from ten to fifteen barrels of beer per month. It afterwards passed into the hands of Joseph Becht, and during the year 1863 was entirely consumed by fire, being however, rebuilt. The first attempt to establish a fire department in the city of Oakland was made in the early part of 1853. The result was the organization of two engine companies, the Empire and Washington and the Oakland hook and ladder com pany, and the election of John Scott as chief engineer. Three large cisterns were soon after constructed on Broadway between First and Fourth streets. This organization was within a year disbanded, the property delivered over to the council, and, up to 1869, Oakland had little or no means of controlling fires. Another department was organized March 13, 1869, under an ordinance approved February 4, 1869, by the election of John C. Halley as chief engineer and Thomas McGuire and George Taylor, assistants, who succeeded John Scott, chief, and John C. Halley and W. W. Moore, assistants, acting under authority of the previous organization. The apparatus of the department comprised a third- class Amoskeag fire engine, purchased by the city, and a hose carriage procured by funds temporarily advanced by Col. John Scott. The companies were : Steam fire engine company No. 1, steam fire engine company No. 2, steam fire engine company No. 3, steam fire engine company No. 4, hook and ladder company No. 1, hook and ladder company No. 2, hose company No. 1. On August 27, 1853, an ordinance was passed relative to the purchase of a fire engine. Mr. Staples and the clerk of the board of trustees were appointed a committee, and authorized to pay $2,000 therefor. On the 8th of October, John Scott and others petitioned for the organization of a regular fire department to comprise the Empire and Washington engine companies and the Oakland hook and ladder company. This organization was effected in 1854, $800 was allowed for the purchase of hose, necessary fixtures, and painting the engine-house. In his first message, Mayor Carpentier recommended the organization of a more efficient fire department. On June 24, 1854, Empire engine company and Oakland hook and ladder company were admitted into the department; and two cisterns were built at the corners of Broadway and Second and Fourth streets. On August 5, 1854, Washington fire company No. 2 was admitted into the depart ment. Vicente Peralta and his wife, for the sum of $10,000 sold on the ist of August, 1853, to R. P Hammond, John C. Hays, John Caperton and Lucien Hermann, the Temescal, which was the remainder of their land, excepting a tract of 700 acres — about two miles from Oakland, on both sides of Telegraph avenue — reserved for a homestead, and afterward known as the Vicente Peralta Reserve, and a small tract at the mouth of the Canada de la Indica. At about the same time, Tose Domingo Peralta conveyed to Hall McAllister, R. P. Hammond, Lucien Hermann and Joseph K. Irving, for $82,000, his part of the San Antonio rancho, retaining for his own use about three hundred acres. Kellersberger, in the same year (1853), made a survey of that portion of Oakland lying south of the south line of Fourteenth street, and east of a line running parallel with and distant 300 feet westerly from West street. He divided the same into blocks of 200x300 feet, with streets 80 feet wide, excepting 360 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY only the main street, the present Broadway, whose width is no feet. Six blocks were reserved for public squares. The streets were in later times extended some north, some west, at right angles with each other from the high tide line of San Antonio creek; those running north extending 200. feet northerly of what the surveyor designated as the northern line of Thirteenth street; and those running to the west from what was designated on the map as the westerly line of West street. On January 29, 1853, an ordinance was passed that all shade trees should be protected by the town trustees ; and on August 27th the stumps remaining on Broadway then laid out as a thoroughfare, were directed to be removed. On December 24th the road, as surveyed and located 100 feet wide and running from Broadway to Cerito and known as the county road, was declared to be a municipal highway to be called "Contra Costa Avenue." On July 12, 1853, an ordinance for the protection of bridges and of people crossing the same was passed; and on the same day the clerk was directed to devise a common seal for the town,' and cause the same to be . engraved, at a cost of not more than $50. This seal was adopted as. the seal of the corporation, under date May 6, 1854. On the last mentioned date the clerk was directed to cause to be erected around the "Public Square on Broadway a neat and sub stantial fence at a cost not to exceed $1,000," and on July 16th it was ordered that the clerk should receive $500 a year for his services. On February 14, 1854, ordinances were passed prohibiting bull fights. On Saturday, September 16, 1854, The Contra Costa, a newspaper published by J. R. Dunglison & Co., and edited by Mrs. S. M. Clarke, made its first appearance. From its columns it is learned that a duel was fought in the environs of Clinton on the morning of September 21, 1854, between Messrs. Dorsey and Bevin of Los Angeles, both of whom were wounded. It would appear that Sheriff Simmons, of Oakland, had been informed of the intended meeting but did not arrive in time to prevent the exchange of shots. He afterwards arrested some of the parties and took them before Justice Ferris of Oakland; but no one appearing against them they were discharged. Indeed, this was the day of duels, for not long after this meeting an affair of honor was had between Achilles Kewen and Colonel Woodlief. The weapons used were rifles, and the latter was shot through the heart. Oakland had a newspaper called the Alameda Express, a fire department, a school department, and other institutions like a much larger town. The act entitled "An Act to Incorporate the City of Oakland," was approved March 25, 1854. The boundaries were declared to be: "Northerly, by a straight line drawn at right angles with Broadway, formerly Main Street, in said city, crossing the extended line of Broadway 360 rods northerly from where stood the Oakland House, on the northwest corner of Broadway and First Streets and running from the Bay of San Francisco on the west, to the easterly or south easterly line of that branch of the San Antonio Slough, or estuary, over which crosses the bridge from Oakland to Clinton ; thence along the eastern and southern highest-tide line of said slough, and of the estuary of San Antonio, following all the meanderings thereof to the mouth of said estuary, in the Bay of San Francisco ; thence southwesterly to ship channel; thence northerly along the line of ship channel to a point where the same intersects the said northerly boundary line HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 361 extending westerly : Provided, that nothing in this section contained shall be so construed as to prohibit or abridge the right of the Trustees of the towns of Clinton and San Antonio, whenever the citizens thereof may elect to become a body corporate, under the provisions of any Act which may hereafter be passed, to provide for the construction of wharves and other improvements for the accommodation and convenience of the trade, travel and commerce of the said towns or villages, at their respective sites." On March 25, 1854, Oakland thus became a city. The officers were a mayor, council, assessor, treasurer and marshal. The treasurer was ex-officio clerk of the council. It was provided that the mayor should be elected for one year and the other corporate officers for two years. The election was duly held with the following result: For mayor — H. W. Carpentier 192, S. J. Clark 93, Z. Gower 44, B. F. Ferris 29, P. Rosasco 1, S. B. Bell 1, J. Hogan 1; for treasurer — J. R. Dunglison 121, T. Gallagher 82, W. H. Baxter 82, H. Horton 69, E. Gallagher 1, Mr. Donaldson 1, J. Hogan 1 ; for assessor — J. S. Tubbs 181, H. Douglass 83, L. N. Crocker 72, W. W. Nicholls 7, J. R. Dunglison 3, M. D. Cassin 3, H. Horton 1, William McNair 1 ; for marshal — J. Hogan 144, W. Hillegass 129, J. Brown 86, Mr. Bair 2, Mr. Pond 1, F. Johnson 1. The men voted for at the election of councilmen were as follows : E. Gallagher, G M. Blake, A. D. Eames, John Kelsey, W. C. Josselyn, A. Marier, F. J. Meete, S. B. McKee, N. J. Thompson, A. R. Simons, A. D. McDevitt, L. Johnson, William McNair, G. H. Monroe, J. E. Whitcher, A. M. Brocklebank, William Harwood, E. Davis, George Coffey, G. Fogg, L. N. Crocker, Charles Stewart, William Card, William McCann, T. Connelly, E. Johnson, T. Holden, J. W. Taylor, G. Aldrich, John Woolsey and A. Durant. The total number of votes polled was 368. Carpentier alone received over that number for mayor and was elected. It was shown later' under oath that when the ballot box was opened a large bundle of tickets folded together and on yellow paper were all for Carpentier. There was no reasonable doubt that the first mayor of the city was elected by fraud. Election laws in those days were easier to overcome and manipulate than in later times. At a special meeting of the city council, held January 24, 1855, the president gave official information that an attempt to destroy or abstract the whole or a portion of the records of the city had been made the previous evening. A reward of $1,000 was -offered for the apprehension and conviction of the perpetrators, but apparently nothing further was done. Under date April 28, 1855, appeared an offer — H. K. W. Clarke, proprietor of the Contra Costa newspaper, sent the following communication to the council : "I will' do the advertising of the city of Oakland, during the current year, in the columns of the Contra Costa without charge." Among the noticeable improvements in the city of Oakland, in the year 1855, was the opening of a drygoods store by Mr. Gallagher, who was also postmaster. This store was looked upon with wonder by an amazed and admiring population. It was a veritable piece of a city; a drygoods store fitted up with taste, and stored with articles sufficient to gratify the most ultra-fastidious. Carpentier was mayor in 1854 and was the first to hold that office. He was followed by Charles Campbell, 1855; S. H. Robinson, 1856; A. Williams, 1857- 58: F. K. Shattuck, 1859; J. D. M. Davis, 1860-61; George M. Blake, 1862; W. H. Bierce, 1863; E. Gibbons, 1864; B. F. Ferris, 1865; J. W. Dwindle, 1866; 362 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY W. W. Crane, 1867; Samuel Merritt, 1868; John B. Felton, 1869-70; N. W. Spaulding, 1871-72; Henry Durant, 1873-74; Mack Webber, 1875; E. H. Pardee, 1876-77; W. R. Andrus, 1878-79; James E. Blethen, 1880-81; C. K. Robinson, 1882; J. West Martin, 1883; A. C. Henry, 1884. On March, 19, 1856, the city treasurer made the following report showing the state of the city funds for the year ending March 5, 1856: Total amount of accounts audited, including interest on the funded debt of the city since the 5th day of March, 1855 $8,475-66 Total amount of accounts audited by the council and con tracted before the 5th of March, 1855 $1,151.62 Total expense of the funded debt, including interest, engrav ing bonds, salary of funding commissioners, station ery, etc 3,016.25 4,167.87 Balance $4,307.79 On February 20, 1856, Talcott, Durkee and Webb laid claim to the reward of $2,000 offered for the apprehension of the defaulting ex-marshal, John Hogan. The council declined to settle, as they had reason to believe that Hogan had returned to the state with the especial intention of surrendering himself to the authorities. Mayor Williams in September, 1857, said "For years had our poor, hide bound city been groaning under the nightmare of the most bold and unmasked imposition, embargoed at both ends by odious and monstrous monopolies, illegal, oppressive, and iniquitous ; her circumference manacled by unfounded claims, concocted by fraud and consummated by swindling, and her interior foully dis emboweled by ruthless harpies preying on her vitals." On June 24, 1857, Dr. de Tavel offered to the council for a cemetery ten acres situated at the "back of Mr. Fountain's" on the Peralta road. Another offer of block number 200 was made by W. H. Bovee. On July 1st the cemetery ordi nance was passed, accepting the first of these offers. Later the property passed into the hands of Isaac H. Brayton and Edward Tompkins, the latter of whom, under date June 23, 1863, petitioned the city council that the time had arrived when interments should no longer be permitted within the city limits ;' they there fore requested that the cemetery should be closed, and the owners thereof released from all obligations to keep the same open as a public burial ground. Mountain View cemetery, elsewhere, was selected and purchased in the latter part of the year 1863 ; it consisted of about two hundred acres and comprised a vale among the foothills. It was situated about a mile and a half east of Oakland. The fol lowing constituted the first board of directors : Hiram Tubbs, Dr. Samuel Mer ritt, J. A. Emery, Rev. I. H. Brayton, William Faulkner, S. E. Alden, Rev. T. S. Wells, G E. Grant, J. E. Whitcher, Major R. W. Kirkham, W. H. ' Bovee, Henry Robinson. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 363 In his message of March 28, i860, Mayor Davis said: "The city is slowly but surely advancing in prosperity. The unsettled condition of title to real estate within her limits, and the delay of dredging the sand bar at the mouth of San Antonio creek, which, if completed, might facilitate and render certain com munication between here and San Francisco, still operate as drawbacks upon our progress. But notwithstanding these drawbacks, improvements of a perma nent nature, although of a limited extent, are continually going on; society is steadily increasing in numbers and intelligence; her churches are well attended every Sabbath, with attentive and respectful congregations ; her common school is crowded with children who are receiving the rudiments of a public education; her seminaries of learning are well patronized; these, together with other con templated institutions of a kindred character whose foundations are about to be laid, are her surest guarantees of prosperity in the future. They, with the influences of her position, her climate, and her scenery, will in due time attract the attention of the State and draw to her innumerable families to realize their benefits and make her what nature has intended her to be, one of the largest and most beautiful cities of the State." On March 28th, F. F. Fargo, proprietor of the Alameda County Herald, announced his willingness to publish the back ordinances to his Oakland readers to insure an increased interest in his paper, a proposition that was accepted by the council with thanks. On May 30th the office of city attorney was created. On January 1, 1863, a democratic newspaper named The Press was started in Oakland by S. B. English, a gentleman who had previously been associated with James F. Kapp in the publication of the San Leandro Gazette. It con tinued only three months, the material being subsequently purchased by Mr. Gagan when he started the Oakland News in September. Mayor Bovee, in his message of March 12, 1863, remarks, in reference to the city of Oakland: "The Funded Debt of the city now amounts to the sum of $39,100, bearing an interest of 7 per cent. The city is therefore required to pay in 1865 the bonds issued in 1855, and by section nine of the Funding Act of 1855, it is made your duty in each of the years 1863 and 1864 to raise by tax upon the property within the city a sum equal to one-half of the amount of the debt about falling due. It appears to me that with the prospect before us of an excess in revenue beyond our current expenses, but a small tax will be necessary. Our bonds are now selling in the market at about sixty-five cents on the dollar, which would make the amount required for the redemption of the issue of 1855, equal to $35,456." On February 5, 1862, there was passed by the council an ordinance granting the right to erect gas works in the city of Oakland. In December, 1863, a few men formed an organization under the name of the Mountain View Cemetery Association. The first trustees were: Hiram Tubbs, Geo. E. Grant, A. M Crane, J. A. Mayhew, Rev. S. T. Wells, S. E. Alden, Rev. H. I. Brayton, Dr. S. Merritt, J. E. Whitcher, R. W. Heath, Wm. Faulkner and J. S. Emery. Early in 1864 the association completed the organization and elected Dr. Samuel Merritt, president, J. E. Whitcher, secretary, and Hiram Tubbs, treasurer. In the same year a suitable site was selected and bonds were issued for its purchase. Rev. S. T. Wells was elected as the first super intendent, and remained in that capacity until the end of 1870. In 1 87 1 Rev. Mr. Wells resigned, and William Collins was elected superintendent, 364 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY and at the same time Gen. R. W. Kirkham was elected, president of the board of trustees. Mountain View cemetery was about two miles from Oakland center and its approach was then one of the finest drives in Alameda county. In August, 1864, the North Oakland Homestead Association was incorporated, having for its object the purchase of large tracts of land in Oakland township, and their subdivision into lots for the members. The capital stock was $20,000, divided into $100 shares : Trustees, J. S. Emery, Thomas Bass, D. N. Hawley, T. B. Bigelow, Elijah Bigelow, J. G. Darves, W. W. Crane, Jr. On August 22, 1864, A. Muller, opened a hotel at the corner of Broadway and Second streets ; and in September, the Oakland Flouring Mill did a large and profitable business, under the direction of Potter & Co. Leland & Harwood opened a lumber yard at the foot of Broadway in June. There were in 1864, 1,063 houses in Oakland. On January 25, 1865, the Oakland News passed into the hands of Gagan & Watson, by whom the paper was continued to the full standard of its former excellence. On January 27th, the Oakland Union Homestead Association filed its certificate of incorporation, the capital stock of the company being $12,500, its trustees being Thomas Bass, G. McAmes, W. W. Crane, Jr., W. Leonard and E. Bigelow. In this year the Pacific Novelty Iron Works were established. This company located at Oakland Point in April of the previous year under the superintendence of J. M. Wooster, the other officers of the company being B. D. T. Clough, president, and William McDonald, secretary. On Saturday, March 25, 1865, one of the most destructive fires that ever visited Oakland, broke out about two o'clock in a restaurant fronting on Seventh street. The wind was blowing hard at the time from the northwest, sweeping the flames and burning cinders before it. In half an hour the flames had com municated to all the buildings on the entire block (Delger's) save one on the northwest corner. The people turned out to render what service they could in saving the' buildings. The damage was about $50,000. Twenty men, properly organized, could have saved five-sixths of all the property destroyed. The common council, notwithstanding repeated calls had been made for fire apparatus of some kind, had steadfastly ignored the necessity and the demands. At this time the fire limits were established by ordinance. In 1865 the first macadamizing was done on Broadway between Fourth and Tenth streets. It was an experiment, but the sand had become intolerable and the people were ready for any expedient that would improve street travel and conditions. The price paid was 8y2 cents per square foot. At this time Oakland was thought of only as a small place near San Francisco where picnics and hunting parties could find and spend a pleasant day. A few business houses were scattered along Broadway as far north as Tenth street. The Basket Brigade (Chinese) had been formed long before this date, and the residents generally patronized San Francisco stores, crossing overhand back by ferry. There were a few boarding houses at Seventh and Broadway, but no hotels of consequence. There was no bank and only a few manufacturing establishments. It was merely a little country village — a suburb of San Francisco. From 1862 to 1866 the population of Oakland doubled. Elegant and com modious residences were erected in all parts of the city. There were gathered within her borders a circle of society distinguished for its intelligence and refine- OAKLAND IN 1869 Twelfth Street, East from Broadway OAKLAND IN 1884 Twelfth Street, West from Broadway HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 365 ment. The beauty and fertility of the adjacent country, the excellence of the roads diverging in all directions from the city, the delightful drives, the healthful invigorating atmosphere, and withal its proximity to San Francisco, proved suffi cient guarantees not only of the stability of Oakland, but also of its rapid growth. The homes of the people showed the luxuriant blossoms of the peach and the pear, and their well-kept flower gardens gave character to the surrounding scenery. - The growth of the city was very slow between 1854 and 1864; and in fact it was not until 1866 that the certain prospect of important improvements gave real estate an upward turn, and the building of a superior class of residences began. School facilities were very inferior; there were only two or three churches ; the streets were not macadamized ; fraudulent titles were abundant ; litigation appeared endless; the city had a debt already, and her prospects were not then as promising as they had been at first. The opening of the creek, the establishment of an opposition line of steamers, the construction of the local railway, and the prospect of the terminus of the transcontinental railway being established in the city, caused the change for the better. On May 25th, Mr. Little, a resident of Oakland, made a formal tender to the city of that part of Webster street opened north of Seventeenth street, through the old cemetery to the San Antonio creek, a grant which was accepted by the council. In July the first street work performed in Oakland was commenced. By March 12, 1894, the city had about two hundred miles of macadamized streets and several miles of bitumized roadways. Real estate in Oakland had real booms in 1865-67 and 1874-76, but at other times the growth though rapid was steady and sure. On July 18th the first sewer in the city was ordered to be constructed between Fourth street and the water front on Broadway. On December 8, 1865, Joseph G. Eastland and W. W. Briggs were granted permission to erect gas works, but they were succeeded by the Oakland Gas Company, which July 3, 1866, was granted permission to erect works on block No. 6, bounded by First, Second, Washington and Broadway streets. These were the first gas lamps in the city. Messrs. Caduc and Williams were granted a franchise to erect gas works and lay pipes within the city limits on May 15th. January 16, 1866, the initial point of all surveys of the city was directed to be from the building known as "A la Mariposa," situated at the southwest corner of Fourth street and Broadway. On January 23d the Oakland and Alameda Water Company, petitioned the city council to the following effect: "That they propose conducting the waters' of Temescal Creek to the city of "Oakland, for the purpose of supplying the said city and the inhabitants thereof with pure fresh water. That to accomplish such an object they have already constructed reservoirs near the head-waters of said creek, and have expended large sums of money in furtherance of their designs," etc. Besides the above company the Amador Water Company, Contra Costa Water Company, College Water Com pany and others were organized. On July 3, 1866, A. Chabot, president of the Contra Costa Water Company, petitioned the council for the right to lay down pipes in the streets, alleys, and lanes for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants with pure fresh water. On July 18th an ordinance was passed granting them the privilege prayed for and on the same date like privileges were granted to the Oakland and Alameda Water Company. 366 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY A gas light company was established in Oakland as early as 1866, in December of which year they were given permission to erect their works. They at once placed gas lamps at several points. The Oakland Bank of Savings was organized August 13, 1867, with the fol lowing directors : A. C. Henry, Edward Hall, Samuel Merritt, P. S. Wilcox, W. W. Crane, Jr., with a capital stock of $150,000, which on March 30, 1869, was increased to $300,000. The Union Savings Bank of Oakland commenced business in July, 1869, near the corner of Broadway and Eighth streets, the presi dent being A. C. Henry, and the cashier, H. A. Palmer. The capital stock was originally $150,000, which, in a few years, was increased to $450,000. Union National Gold Bank was organized July 1, 1875, under the national banking act of the United States, and succeeded to the commercial business of the Union Savings Bank. The following were the first officers : A. C. Henry, president ; H. A. Palmer, cashier; A. C. Henry, J. West Martin, R. W. Kirkham, D. Hen shaw Ward, H. A. Palmer, directors; the capital being $100,000. First National Bank of Oakland was originally organized as the First National Gold Bank in May, 1875, with the following officers: B. F. Ferris, president; E. Case, vice president; G. M. Fisher, cashier; B. F. Ferris, E. Case, E. Delger, C. H. Twombly, W. Newcomb, A. Eberhardt, P. C. Huntley, V. D. Moody, J. E. Ruggles, G. M. Fisher, S. N. Putnam, directors. In 1876 V. D. Moody was elected to the presidency. The West Oakland Mutual Loan Association was incorporated July 21, 1875, with a capital stock of $600,000. The Odd Fellows Library of Oakland was established on August 12, 1867. The first event was the transfer of 295 volumes from the Oakland Philomathean Library Association. Then came a large donation from W. W. Crane, Jr., and in quick succession smaller donations from many individuals. For nearly four years the library attracted little attention from the order, and its friends often despaired of its success. On June 5, 1871, the association formally dissolved, handing over its assets to a board of trustees, consisting of an equal number of members from Oakland lodge, No. 118, and University lodge, No. 144, the only lodges then in existence. These lodges had agreed to assume the trust, and to pay the sum of 50 cents per quarter for each member in good standing. On January 10, 1872, Fountain lodge, No. 198, was instituted, and was admitted into the association, and a few years later Harbor lodge, No. 253, and Porter lodge, No. 272, were admitted. In 1867 the council awarded the contract for gas light to the Oakland Gas Light Company for 30 cents per lamp per night for an average of 2yy2 nights per month, there being at first but fifty lamps along Broadway, Telegraph, Central and Eighth streets. The next year the price was reduced to 22 cents with 150 lamps. In 1872 the number was "250 and the price 20 cents. In 1876 the price was iyy2 cents with 346 lamps. In 1879 the price was 15 cents with 700 lamps. In 1881 the price was 13 cents and the number of lamps 800. When Oakland was really passing from town to city the authorities fully comprehended the importance of commencing a comprehensive system of public improvements. They began at once to improve the streets, build first class school- houses and erect a suitable city hall. Ground for the latter cost $17,673, and was opposed by many as extravagant, yet within ten years the property was valued at ten times the amount paid. Many thought they would be ruined by the large HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 367 street assessments, but advances in their property contradicted this view within two or three years. Taxpayers were staggered when $20,000 was spent for a schoolhouse, but a short time not only proved its necessity, but demanded others equally as large. On March 19, 1868, an act authorizing the city council to purchase land and erect a city hall was passed by the Legislature, and directed the issuance of bonds therefor. On October 31st the contract for the mason work was awarded to J. S. Emery, at $11,784, and that for joiners' work to F. L. Taylor and J. V. Goodrich, at $23,965. On November 16, 1867, Mr. Moody offered a resolution to the following effect : To embody the city of Oakland and such other territory as might be fixed upon into a consolidated city and county of Oakland. The matter rested thus until 1874, when the scheme once more commenced to attract attention, but nothing of consequence appears to have resulted. On November 2d the fol lowing resolution was passed: That the thanks of the council are due to the Hon. W. W. Crane, Jr., whose resignation of the office of mayor of the city of Oakland has just been received, for the faithful manner in which he has dis charged the duties of his office and especially for the assistance he has rendered the council in the management of the affairs of the city since his election to said office. On the same date Dr. Samuel Merritt was elected to the mayor's chair in place of Mr. Crane. On March 1, 1869, the city debt reached the amount to $110,400. This called forth the following observations from a committee appointed to ascertain the amount: "It is the unanimous opinion of your Committee that means must be adopted, to liquidate the city's floating indebtedness that has been ignominously brought upon her by those who were too sanguine in the rapid development of the future of Oakland, resulting in the lamentable fact that with her annual interest and municipal expense she finds herself pecuniarily embarrassed and wholly beyond the power to honor the bills of her employes when they are due. There fore it is the opinion of your Committee that immediate measures be taken to dispose of some of the city's unproductive property, and the proceeds be applied to cancel her present floating indebtedness. We are already paying interest on $118,700, and should it be materially augmented, it is but reasonable to ask, when would our taxation be less, and when could we pay the principal unless our per centage on taxation was increased? And in view of the many obstacles that have arisen in the minds of your Committee to devise some way to pay the floating indebtedness of the city, they can see only one satisfactory way by which it may be done, and that is to. have a Legislative power vested in the guardians of the city, and dispose of the City Hall, and with the proceeds pay the bills now knocking at the door of our Treasury for admittance." INDEBTEDNESS, 1871-72 . Old Funded Debt. $ 18,400.00 City Hall Bonds. 50,000.00 Carpentier's Judgment Bonds 16,000.00 School Bonds of 1868 50,000.00 New Funded Debt of 1870 70,000.00 School Bonds of 1870 ¦ • • • ¦ 50,000.00 Total amount of Funded Debt $254,400.00 Vol. I -24 368 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY FLOATING DEBT Warrants $ 10,000.00 Salary Bills unpaid 11,268.26 Miscellaneous Bills 5,974-32 Gas Bills 8,616.98 City Hall Bills 1,870.84 Total 37.73040 Making the sum total $292,130.40 CITY PROPERTY AT ITS COST City Hall Lot and Buildings $ 72,000.00 School Lots 35,406.00 School Buildings 67,730.00 Water Front property (estimated value) 35,000.00 Fire Department property 12,731.00 Total (exclusive of school furniture and other per sonal effects of the city) $222,867.00 The Oakland Free Library was organized March 5, 1868, by a party of citi zens called together for that purpose, upon which occasion about $6,000 was sub scribed. Dr.' Samuel Merritt was the first president. It originally occupied rooms in the Holmes building, corner Eighth and Broadway, and later rooms at Eleventh and Broadway. In the early part of 1872, a building was erected on the corner of Twelfth and Washington streets. Owing to lack of funds the association sold this lot for $12,500 cash. The city council gave the association permission to use a corner of the city hall lot, and the building was accordingly removed to that spot. In 1878, under the act of the Legislature and upon conference with the city council, it was decided to transfer all the property to the city on condition of its being sustained thereafter by taxation. The transfer was made; the building, from 4,000 to 5,000 books, and above $2,300 in cash, formed the nucleus of the new library. The Free Reading Room on Eleventh and Wash ington streets was also merged in the new library. The library building was raised, and a reading-room was erected under it. The old association had a paying membership of three hundred. In November, 1878, when it was opened as a free institution, there were upon the shelves 4,392 books. The library proper and reading-rooms were managed by a board of five trustees, elected by the people. The force of employes consisted of Miss Ina D. Coolbrith, librarian, who had held the position since October, 1874; H. F. Peterson, first assistant; Ina L. Peterson, second assistant; D. P. H. Brown, janitor and curator of central reading-room; L. D. Mason and Miss C. E. Bromley, curators of West Oakland and East Oakland branch rooms. Miss Ina D. Coolbrith, the librarian, was a woman of genius, and one among the gifted of California's daughters of song. In 1868, when the city council bought the property of the city hall park, public library site and engine house site and a small park adjoining for $17,672.91, HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 369 the act was denounced as one of uncalled for extravagance. In 1898 when it was proposed to sell the city hall property its valuation was placed at $700,000. Shortsightedness in municipal affairs began thus early to check the progress of this extraordinary locality and promising city. The damages caused in Oakland by the earthquake of October 21, 1868, were light as compared with those of other towns in Alameda county. Dwelling houses received trifling injuries ; in many houses crockery and glassware were broken, and great numbers of chimneys were thrown down or otherwise dam aged. The city front suffered most. A portion of the wharf extending east from Broadway gave way, and several tons of coal were precipitated into the creek. At the lumber wharf of Taylor & Co., a trestle-work pier on which were 150,000 feet of lumber, was thrown into the creek. Early in 1869, the Toland Tract Association with a capital stock of $22,500 was organized, the trustees being Henry Durant, Edward McLean and Jacob Hardy. Its object was the purchase of land to be divided into lots suitable for homesteads. In January, Shattuck & Hillegass' hall was converted into a theatre, and opened as such on the evening of January 25, 1869. The enterprise of ship building was progressing, there being at that time a two hundred ton schooner on the stocks at Allen's Yard at Oakland Point. It was a year of great prosperity. What was called Lake Chabot was constructed about 1868-69. Two years were consumed in building the series of dams that backed up -the waters and created the lake. The eastern branch of Temescal creek, for a mile or more, ran between two steep hills about seven hundred feet apart. Instead of form ing a gorge, as in most canyons, there was a valley some thirty or forty acres in extent. This was dammed up. Lake Chabot was about four hundred feet wide and three-quarters of a mile in length and its capacity was estimated at two hundred million gallons. Until June 1, 1872, all the water used in Oakland came from below Lake Chabot and from Fruit Vale. From the lake the wafer flowed through the original bed of Temescal creek for a mile and a half. The* elevation of Lake Chabot is four hundred feet above Broadway wharf. Before the lake was built a large reservoir stored the water for city use. Its capacity was about 1,000,000 gallons. On an elevated locality near the head of Fruit Vale, there was later a distributing-reservoir, from which there was a main lead ing directly into Brooklyn (East Oakland). In Brooklyn two artesian wells were used. On February 12, 1872, the Lake Tahoe and San Francisco Water Works Company were granted the right to lay pipes through the streets of Oakland, and on October 15, 1877, like privileges were granted to the Oakland and Alameda Water Company. The foundation of the city hall was laid in the spring of 1869, the original contract price being $24,000; many other improvements added later raised the total cost to about $70,000. It stood on the irregular block bounded by San Pablo, Washington and Fourteenth streets. The basement was occupied in part by a city prison. The third story had just been fitted up for occupancy at a cost of $6,000. Before it was erected sessions of the city council were held in Shattuck's brick building at Broadway and Eighth streets. On February 5, 1869, the first number of the Alameda Democrat made its appearance and was said by one of its contemporaries to have "a countrified 370 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY appearance." At this time Oakland boasted of three daily papers, and in that respect took third rank in the state. Another fire department was organized March 13, 1869, with John C. Halley as chief engineer, and Thomas McGuire and George Taylor, assistants, who suc ceeded John Scott, chief, and John C. Halley and W. W. Moore, assistants, acting under authority of a previous organization. The apparatus of the department comprised a third-class Amoskeag fire engine, purchased by the city, and a hose carriage procured with funds temporarily advanced by Col. John Scott. On March 3, 1869, the Phcenix fire company was admitted into the organization, but soon disbanded for want of organization. In his message to the council March 15, 1869, Mayor Merritt, said: "Within the limits of the city surveyed into blocks and streets by Kellersberger, seven blocks were set apart for public squares, and as such have been dedicated to public use. They are named as follows : Lafayette, Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Oakland, Madison and Caroline. Having been informed that some question existed as to the validity of the city's title to these squares, with the approval of the members of the Council, I had- five of them inclosed with a good, substantial picket fence. The whole cost of inclosing these five plazas was $990.17. The remaining two, Washington and Franklin Squares are in the pos session of the city." In March, 1869, Mayor Merritt said: "During my administration events have transpired of vital interest to the future welfare of Oakland. The water front controversy of sixteen years' duration has been satisfactorily adjusted and the terminus of the Western Pacific Railroad has been secured. The market value of real estate within the city limits has advanced more than one hundred per cent; many substantial brick buildings have been erected to accommodate increased business, and the rapid ingress of population has resulted in the con struction of many elegant mansions and tasty villas in, various parts of the city. Water has been introduced from the Coast Range of mountains ; streets have been graded and macadamized ; wharves have been built and the general appearance of the whole city has been vastly improved. The statistics of the Health Officer relating to the recent epidemic of small-pox, show conclusively that there is nothing in the climate or soil of Oakland to feed an epidemic. For many years Oakland has taken the lead on the Pacific Coast in the number and range of edu cational institutions, and within the past year the State University has been located at Berkeley, a suburb of this city, which establishes her position perma nently as the educational center of the State. The securing of the terminus of the Western Pacific Railroad promises to result in the dredging of the bar and converting the San Antonio Creek into a basin five miles in extent, capable of receiving ships of ordinary draught, at any stage of tide, which, in my judgment, is all that is required to elevate Oakland to a prominent commercial position. At the time of the settlement of the water front controversy, two reservations were secured : The arm of the San Antonio Creek north of the Oakland Bridge was dedicated perpetually for a public lake. Since then a dam has been con structed near the bridge at a cost of at least $20,000, converting this branch of the creek into a beautiful lake. A road sixty feet in width and four miles in extent is now being built around the border of the lake. The second reservation is for a public landing, and embraces that part of the water front lying between HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 371 the middle of Webster and the middle of Franklin Streets, and extending southerly to a line parallel with Front Street. Soon after it became known that the above described property had been reserved for the city, certain parties attempted to take possession under a pretended lease to the San Francisco and Oakland Rail road Company. Subsequently the railroad company instituted suit to quiet title to the property in question, claiming that the City Council had granted this prop erty to the said company for a 'marine railroad and wharf.' On the first day of the present term of the Third Judicial Court, Judge McKee rendered his decision against the said railroad company and in favor of the city of Oakland." The extension of Broadway was accompanied with numerous legal diffi culties and perplexities. The first step taken was to tear down the only fence in the proposed line by the road commissioner, then began the work of grading. The morning after this was commenced that official found the fence restored to its original place, and in a short time an injunction was served upon him, ordering him to suspend operations. In the year 1873 Oakland was chosen to be the future county seat by a majority of 985 votes of the people. In this year, too, there were surveyors at work on the proposed narrow gauge road to Walnut creek, Contra Costa county. In the year 1871 Elijah Bigelow sold to the San Francisco Land and Loan Association for $102,000, two-thirds of Broadway Block. In 1871 it was rec ognized that Oakland was fast becoming a city capable of sustaining the very best class of stores, and that unless that street furnished the proper accommoda tion, other and more enterprising capitalists would turn their attention to some other locality, and there erect the improvements demanded by the enlarged condition of the city. Their policy was a wise one, and, by carrying it out, they secured for a time the prestige of Broadway as the most important thoroughfare in Oakland. In May the Hurlburt block, bounded by Broadway, Washington, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, was sold to Armes & Dalian for $75,000, making the third heavy land sale within the city, and all aggregating $230,000. Heavier sales than these had taken place. The railroad company purchased sixty-six acres of land at the Point for $330,000; the Casserly tract for $125,000; and the Lake Side tract for $100,000. On November 13, 1871, an ordinance was passed levying a tax opening and widening Broadway from Fourteenth street, northerly, to the charter line. On December 4, an ordinance was passed changing the names of Caroline square to Lincoln square, and Julia street to Madison street. Mayor Spaulding, in his message to the council, dated May 15, 1871, speaks of city sewerage as follows : "Another matter which I deem of eminent importance to the city, and to which I wish to call your attention, is the subject of sewerage. The subject was brought before the City Council about two years ago, and by them submitted to a Board of Engineers. This Board was composed principally of the best engineering talent of the State — men of large practical experience — who spent a great deal of time in examining the topography of the city and determining the best and most economical method of drainage. They submitted to the Council an elaborate report, recommending the adoption of the pipe system of sewerage. This report was unanimously adopted by the City Council. Another point in connection with this subject to which I wish to call your attention is that many residing on the streets where sewers are laid have neglected to connect 372 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY their house drainage with the sewers, thereby rendering void, to a certain extent, the salutary benefits calculated to be produced. I would therefore recommend that necessary steps be taken by your Honorable Body to compel these connec tions to be made with as little delay as possible." In this year (1871) the sewer on Webster street from Twelfth street to the water front was constructed, but no especial action was taken to establish a general system of sewerage. Late in the year 1871, the board of engineers recommended as part of the system of sewerage proposed by them to the council, the "construction of a main sewer, leaving Lake Merritt at Delger street and running thence along Delger street to San Pablo avenue ; thence to Twenty-first street ; thence to Market street ; and thence continuing along Twenty-first street to the shore of the bay, a total length of .84 1/100 miles. During the year ending February 28, 1873, three miles and 3,150 feet of sewerage were laid at a cost of $26,075.07. But the construction of the main sewer became now imperatively necessary, and attracted much dis cussion. It was necessary to get an act passed by the Legislature. On March 23, 1874, "An Act to authorize the City of Oakland to construct a Main Sewer" was approved, and on the 18th of May, the City Council passed an ordinance directing the building of the sewer. On October 12th the contracts were awarded to Mr. Jordan and M. Miles & Co. The Main Lake sewer was completed in 1876, and connected Lake Merritt with the bay. The cost of the work is given below. First Section — Contract price $126,850.00 Extra work 5 12.40 Second Section — Contract price 38,200.00 Extra work 525.00 Total $166,087.40 Paid contractors $!57,483.73 The News in the early '70s was published by William Gagan in a two-story frame building on the north side of Ninth between Broadway and Washington streets. The paper finally died of inanition. General Sullivan and Mr. Fairchild were connected with newspapers here later. Although the News was edited by Mr. Gagan, its editorial writer was really Calvin B. Macdonald. W. D. Harwood was local editor and general news gatherer. Gagan was the republican leader of the county and Col. John Scott was the democratic leader. William Harvey was connected with the News about this time. Soon the News passed to General Sullivan and Oscar Fairchild, who espoused the temperance cause during the local option era in the early '70s. Soon afterward the News was sold on fore closure by Sheriff Harry Morse. The Transcript was published by Col. John Scott and in 1870 had its offices on Broadway near Eighth. It was previously issued in a frame building at Twelfth and Broadway. Harry Linden was its editor then, but was succeeded by Henry George, the world renowned single-tax advocate. In this city was evolved that theory of administration. Mr. Foote was connected with the Transcript for a while and so was Thomas Newcomb in 1869. Arthur McEwen and Daniel O'Connell wrote good prose and passable poetry for the Transcript. W. C. Morrow was another early local writer of HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 373 merit. There was no steam power in the early days, all presswork being done by hand power. Pennybacker ran the Transcript's press and Fish ran that of the News. On April 15, 1872, the fire department was in possession of one steam fire engine; one two-wheel hose carriage; one hook and ladder truck and hooks; 2,100 feet of hose; forty-one fire hats and belts; two fire bells; thirteen hydrants and three cisterns, valued in all at $14,713. In 1872 the following land was annexed to Oakland: Bounded on the north by the line of division between the plots ten and eleven on Julius Kellersberger's map of the rancho of Vicente and Domingo Peralta, filed in the office of the recorder of Alameda county, January 21, A. D. 1857, said line being produced in a straight line with itself westerly till it intersects the westerly boundary of the County of Alameda in ,the Bay of San Francisco and produced in like manner easterly beyond the easterly line of Webster avenue until it intersects the small creek known as Cemetery creek, which rises in the grounds of the Mountain View Cemetery Association and flows southwesterly to its junction with another creek rising east of said Webster avenue; on the east by said Cemetery creek and the other creek aforesaid below their junction until they empty into Lake Merritt or Peralta, and then southerly along the west shore line of the northwestern arm of said lake until the same intersects the northerly line of the city of Oak land ; on the south by the said north line of said city ; and on the west by the westerly line of said county of Alameda in the Bay of San Francisco to its point of intersection with the north line already described as the line of division between Kellersberger's plots, numbers ten and eleven. In the early part of 1872 the following branches of business were in Oakland: Auctioneers, 3; liquor saloons, 84; barber shops, 8; boarding-houses (licensed), 10; billiard saloons, 6; bakeries, 11; breweries, 3; bathhouses, 2; bill posters, 2; cigar manufacturies, 3; cigar stores, 6; clothing stores, 3; carpet stores, 2; con fectioneries, 4; drygoods, 3; drug stores, 6; express agents, 2; fruit stores, 8; furnishing goods, 4 ; furniture stores, 2 ; feed and produce, 3 ; flour mill, 1 ; game market, 1; groceries, 15; glaziers, 2; general merchandise, 2; hardware, 4; harness makers, 3; insurance agents, 12; ice depot, 1 ; jewelers and watchmakers, 5 ; livery stables, 8 ; laundry, 1 ; lodging houses, 12 ; lumber yards, 4 ; locksmiths, 1 ; markets, 14 ; marble works, 2 ; milliners, 4 ; music stores, 1 ; paint shops, 5 ; pawnbroker, 1 ; plumbing, 7 ; planing mills, 3 ; restaurants, 20 ; real estate agents, 9 ; roofing agency, 1 ; sewing machine agents, 3 ; stationers, 4 ; shoe and boot stores, 7; stove stores, 3; merchant tailors, 3; tinsmiths, 6; toy stores, 4; under takers, 2 ; upholsterers, 2 ; vegetable stores, 4 ; variety stores, 3 ; wood and coal yards, 5. Besides the above there were two banks, one cornstarch factory, one brass and one iron foundry, etc In 1873 the boundaries of Oakland were greatly extended and the city lost its original encinal or peninsular form. The northern limit was extended over a mile and the eastern limit was extended to embrace the incorporated town of Brooklyn which had grown up at the same time as Oakland along the eastern margin of San Antonio creek. When the growth began in earnest at the time the railroad was built the population soon spread over the plateau and up the sides of the hills. Blocks near the center of the business section doubled and trebled in value. Soon Oakland proper comprised about nine thousand acres, 374 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY besides the tide lands. In June the famous Grand Central hotel was completed under the personal supervision of Doctor Merritt. It was four stories in height with a mansard roof and brick basement, the whole surmounted by three immense towers. The building occupied the block bounded by Webster, Harrison, Elev enth and Twelfth streets. It was destroyed by fire in 1881. The tax levy for city purposes in Oakland was 70 cents on the $100; in 1874 it was increased to 90 cents on the $100. The population of Oakland in 1873 was 13,387 accord ing to the school census. In 1874 the population was nearly twenty thousand. In September, 1873, half-hour boats were put on from Oakland to San Francisco by the Central Pacific Company to meet the enormous travel between the two cities. An important achievement was the construction of the city wharf, at the city's expense upon the only space of water front which the city had a right to call her own. The wharf at once proved itself a success beyond what its most earnest advocates had anticipated. It was completed August 5, 1872, at a cost of $19,635.90. On November 17, 1873, twenty or thirty citizens assembled in the reading room of the Grand Central hotel for the purpose of considering the organization of a humane society for Oakland. Henry Durant served as chairman. The organization was perfected and meetings were held regularly until April, 1874, and were then suspended for three years. It was revived in March, 1877, at which time Dio Lewis became president. Again in 1878 it went out of existence. In 1890 it was revived and continued vigorously until 1892. Towards the end of 1873 a silk manufactory was started under the superintendence of John Green, who had two looms at work and carried off the State Agricultural Society's gold medal for his exhibition of home manufactured silk. On April 29, 1854, the subject of city water works was first suggested. Mayor Carpentier regretted that the charter conferred no power upon the city council to authorize the construction of water works. At a meeting held December 22, 1873, the attention of the council was again called to the matter, and a com mittee was appointed to investigate the subject and report. They were Spauld ing, Knox and Larue, and on January 19, 1874, reported that the cost would be as follows : Dam and reservoir, $98,473 ; thirty-eight miles, 22-inch pipe, $797,- 500. This was exclusive of the right of way, franchises, distributing reservoirs and distributing pipes. On December 3, 1873, considerable snow fell at Oakland. The ground on the lee side of buildings and clear open spaces was covered to a sufficient depth to enable an industrious person to scrape enough together to form snow balls. In 1874-75 the Castro Coal Mining Company was formed to mine for coal in this and adjoining counties. The capital was $1,000,000 and the directors were Patricio Castro, James Simpson, Jr., James A. Quinan, J. R. Bent and L. P. Larue. The water works were built at this time. The main connecting the big reservoir with the Oakland system was four feet in diameter near the reservoir on the mountain side which was sluiced down for the purpose. In the spring city scrip was worth only 80 cents on the dollar and all bids to furnish supplies were made on the basis of the depreciated scrip. By the spring of 1875 there was on hand $20,000 of general fund and the license paid the running expenses^ This was brought about under the system of economy adopted. Washington Market, conducted by L. Schaffer, was an extensive establishment; pork packing HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 375 was an important feature. In June the Tribune which had been issued from the press of Butler & Stilwell changed location and thereafter came from the press of A. W. Bishop. Mr. Dewes was still connected with the Tribune. For the fiscal year 1873-74- the city receipts came almost wholly, from taxes; traders' licenses amounted to $2,702.50 and the wharfinger returned $525.65. There was on hand from the previous year $78,210.86; total receipts $225,453.38; total disbursements $85,990.77. The city finances were in excellent condition at this time. The school bond redemption fund alone amounted to $67,937.50. Every fund (twenty-seven in. all) showed an excess. The fire and water com mittee reported that while the fire alarm telegraph would be n desirable addition to the fire fighting equipment, the condition of the city finances would not permit an indulgence in this luxury. The city ordinance provided otherwise, but in spite of that people disliked the old scraggy live oaks and cut them down when ever opportunity offered and planted other ones. In 1867 Mr. Chapellet, wood and coal dealer, located here and in one month, October, his sales amounted to $1,511.07. In 1871 for the same month they were $7,950.95, and for the same month in 1874 they were $14,738.98. One million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and sixty pounds were sold in the last named month. This was an indication of the great advance of business operations here during the growing period; many other business enterprises advanced as rapidly. In November there were employed at the West Oakland shipyard, ship car penters 70, laborers 50, machinists 25, on pile driver 10, on the dredge 10; total 165. The Central Pacific Railroad Company was drilling an artesian well here at this date. Four new houses were going up on one street. The growth was so rapid that hotel accommodations were inadequate. The West Oakland shipyards were growing fast and were a very important industry. The office of pound master was created and a new engine house was built for the Felton engine and the Relief hook and ladder company. The real estate union was incorporated November 12th with a capital of- $400,000. Will Cubery was its first president. In December the city council passed a resolution extending a vote of thanks to Dr. Samuel Merritt and other citizens who had contributed to the erection of the dam across the estuary between West and East Oakland, thus creating what was called Lake Merritt and had conveyed all their interest therein to the city. The dam cost $21,000, of which over $17,000 had been paid by Doctor Merritt. He was granted the right to use seventy-five feet of frontage in the dam for a boathouse. Doctor Dinsmore, who was at the head of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals resigned his position, because he was unable to secure one conviction in the many suits he brought under the law. The defendants asked for jury trials and their lawyers managed to render the execution of the law so ludicrous that no conviction could be secured. The police themselves succeeded in fining one man $30 for cruelly treating and abandoning an old horse. In December Mr. Dewes of the Tribune, owing to continued ill health advertised for a partner in the ownership and management of that newspaper. In December the council of Oakland passed an ordinance requiring liquor dealers whose sales exceeded $10,000 per quarter to pay a $100 license per quarter 376 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY and those under $10,000 to pay $50 per quarter. The enactment took effect in January, 1875. The license here was thus $50 per quarter because no sales in Oakland at this time exceeded $10,000 per quarter. The granting of this license was strenuously opposed by the temperance people of the city. Early in December the library directors ordered rebound all books needing it and ordered bound the old files of the Tribune, Transcript, News and Encinal. Twenty new members were added between the 20th and 30th of November, and there was in bank $2,500 and $468 on hand, and the library was quite promising under the new order. On December 31st, Woodward & Co., real estate dealers, sold to Gen. D. C. Thompson a tract of sixty-two acres of land in the eastern suburbs for $25,000. It was located north of the San Leandro road on High street opposite Alameda street and was known as Prospect terrace. At the same time Blake & Moffitt bought the half block at Fourteenth and Broadway for $45,000. Mr, Williams had just previously bought the other half for $55,000. During 1874, according to the local press, 1,063 structures costing $2,422,113 were erected in Oakland. The enormous business done in Oakland water front in 1874 is shown by the following figures : Overland and way passengers 250,964 ; passengers between Oakland and San Francisco 3,102,904; coin and bullion $65,494,712; wheat exported 127,678 tons; coal exported 57,677 tons; lumber imported 44,251,268 feet; shingles (thousands) 11,722,750; laths 3,093,200; brick 5,821,000; number of trains per day used in transporting freight 82 ; number of vessels employed 1,813. The Bay Farm Island bridge was finished at this time. It was 745 feet long to the end of the wings. The draw allowed vessels a passageway of 50 feet; hunting on Bay Farm Island was excellent at this time. The sale of the D. Ghirardelli estate took place in San Francisco in December, 1874, and was regarded as second in importance only to that of the Lick estate. The bulk of the property was on the east side of the bay. Considerable fronted on Lake Merritt and comprised a precipitous bluff east beyond the Twelfth street bridge. The sale was made by the block or in subdivisions in different parts of Oakland and the Ghirardelli residence on Third street, in the yard of which were marble statutes of George Washington, Christopher Columbus and other notables, was included in the sale. Scores of tracts in all parts of the city were offered by the auctioneers. On the first day the sales amounted to $119,615; nearly all of which was for Oakland property. Lots in the Lake View tract brought prices ranging from $1,000 to $4,300. The Ghirardelli resi dence block at Clay, Jefferson, Second and Third avenues was subdivided and sold in lots 50x100 feet, the prices ranging from $300 to $3,300 each. The lot and brick building at Third "and Broadway sold for $15,000. The year 1874 was an eventful one in many respects. There were the local option election ; the race between Occident and Fullerton ; the shooting of Gen eral Cobb ; the weather unusual and queer ; the reputed visit from King Kalakaua ; the big building operations; the great increase in population; the new jail; court house ; hall of records, etc. The Contra Costa Water Company furnished water to 500 new houses in 'Oakland alone and to 700 in all. They supplied water to 1,800 houses in December. They had 30 miles of water mains, besides the con struction in connection with the new reservoir on the mountain. During spring, summer and fall they supplied about 1,250,000 gallons to customers and 750,000 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 377 in the winter months and were making large extensions for future increased ¦supply. During the year 601 vessels arrived at Webster street wharf. Among the articles landed were 4,000 cords of wood, 3,281,000 bricks, 2,190,000 feet of lumber and 12,111 tons of coal. The gross earnings of the wharf were $4,973 ; in 1873 they were $3,536. The first number of the Oakland Daily Evening Tribune was issued on Saturday evening, February 21, 1874, by Ben. A. Dewes and George B. Stam ford, under the firm name of Dewes & Staniford. The paper was small in size, but presented a creditable appearance and was well edited. With the first issue the editors said, "There seems to be an open field for a journal like the Tribune in Oakland, and we accordingly proceed to occupy it, presenting the Tribune, which is intended to be a permanent daily paper, deriving its support solely from advertising patronage." The paper attracted attention, and a paying patronage soon warranted its enlargement. The first number contained only three columns to the page, and carried only forty-three business advertisements. Three months later it was enlarged to double its original size, and the place of public action was changed to rooms in the Wilcox block, over those occupied at that time as the postoffice. The following year it was moved to rooms in the adjoining block, on Broadway, between Eighth and Ninth streets. In the early part of 1876 Mr. Dewes, who had previously purchased the interest of Mr. Staniford, dis posed of one-half his interest in the paper to A. B. Gibson, of San Francisco, who retained the share but a short time, disposing of the same to A. E. Nightin- gill. On July 24, 1876, William E. Dargie bought out Nightingill. Under the new management the paper quickly improved in appearance and widened in usefulness and patronage. Within a month Mr. Dargie succeeded in obtaining the Associated Press dispatches, and was thus the first Alameda county journalist to do so. To accommodate the improved conditions the Tribune, on October 1, 1877, was removed to 406 Twelfth street, and a book and job department was added. One of R. Hoe & Co.'s patent improved double-cylinder presses was placed in the book and job printing department. On November 1, 1881, the Tribune was moved to 413, 415 and 417 Eighth street. It was republican in politics, and was printed by the "Tribune Publishing Company," W. E. Dargie, manager, A. K. P- Harmon, Jr., secretary. The Oakland Daily Times was the descendant of an old-established paper known as the Transcript, owned and controlled by Col. John Scott, and a lead ing democratic journal. The old office was located on Broadway, between Eighth and Ninth streets, and the paper was printed on a hand press. Mr. Powers later became the proprietor. Under his control the politics of the paper was changed, from democracy to republicanism. On the 8th of January, 1878, J. A. Johnson and J. B. Wyman purchased the entire plant, and extensive improvements were immediately inaugurated. The title of the paper was changed to the Daily Times, and in addition to the daily publication, a large and valuable weekly edition was issued, chiefly for circulation throughout the county and state. Soon after the change was made William D. Harwood became editor- in-chief, and in 1879 Alfred J. Share, a journalist of long experience, was engaged. The building at the corner of Ninth street and Broadway was leased and a large and well-appointed job-printing office was added to the institution, and Alfred J. Share was installed as city editor. On October 1, 1882, John P. 378 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Irish, editor and proprietor of the Iowa City Press became part owner and editor. Soon after his advent, the Times was issued as a seven-day paper, the Sunday edition consisting of eight pages and the weekly edition was enlarged. The Enquirer was established in the seventies, and at first, like all the newspapers of Oakland had a precarious existence, with many changes, but is today one of the most aggressive and successful sheets on the whole coast. The Oakland Press was started by G. W. Barter, in 1872, and at that time was a twenty-eight column paper. Fie conducted it until 1875 when it was purchased by DeWitt C. Lawrence, and in 1876 was changed to a forty-two column sheet and became democratic in principle. In 1875 the families of East Oakland, the Point and Oakland proper were served with fresh vegetables and fruits each morning at a nominal price by from 100 to 150 Chinamen who came over from San Francisco on the 7 and 7.30 o'clock trains, each carrying a brace of immense baskets filled with fish, fruit and vegetables weighing at least 100 pounds each, making 200 pounds for each Chinaman and aggregating each day about 30,000 pounds in weight. The news paper called them the "Basket Brigade." The Odd Fellows Library was in a prosperous condition; the circulation for march was 778 volumes, mainly of fiction. All the apparatus of the fire department was estimated to be worth $30,512 in January, 1875. The Oakland library had a total membership of 367; the number of books drawn in December was 1,512. There was $326.87 on hand. A special committee reported against opening the library on Sunday, which report was adopted. The deaf and dumb asylum was burned down in January. No loss of life. Loss of property $150,000 to $250,000. On January 16th the snow showed on the hills east of Oakland. A careful tabulation showed the population to be as follows: For 1873 — males 8,534, females 6,853; total 15,387. For 1874 — males 11,099, females 8,901; total 20,000. Of this number 266 were blacks and 1,323 copper colored; white population in 1874, 18,411. The artesian well in West Oakland was down to a depth of 450 feet by January 15th. Scows were busy scooping up the mud from the ship channel which was three-fourths of a mile in length with a depth of about six feet below tide-water. The passenger boat Chrysopolis was nearly completed; so were the mammoth freight boats which were to run in connection with the thoroughfare between Long Wharf and San Francisco. The council called for bids for 100 telegraph poles, ten miles of telegraph wire and a lot of insulators for an electric fire alarm system in March. In January 300 lots at Oakland Point were offered for sale; also the entire block of Brayton Hall by order of the regents of the university; also 250 lots on the Watts tract out on San Pablo avenue; also half acre lots in the suburbs for $400 each. A large quantity of Oakland real estate. was sold at auction late in January ; it was situated at Railroad, Eighth, Chester and Henry streets; the lots brought from $1,000 to $3,000 each. The Central Land Company was to Oakland what the Real Estate Asso ciates were to San Francisco. They sold lots and houses on the installment plan. In five months' time in 1874 (their first year) they built and sold twenty-five houses and eighty lots. Their land was on Telegraph and San Pablo avenues. In January the Oakland Fire Department consisted of four hydrants, five cisterns HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 379 and 3,000 feet of hose. Mr. Montanya was chief engineer. The engines, hose carts and horses were in good condition. The Brayton Flail block was sold in lots at public auction on February 19, 1875. Lots 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 with the hall sold for $11,000; lots 13 and 14 with the Mansion home sold for $3,525. The prices were considered very low, the single lots brought from $2,500 to $3,000. The new Chabot reservoir and connections were nearing completion in February. The big main was nearly laid from the reservoir down to the San Leandro road. Water from the San Leandro works was promised early in 1875 and the supply was announced as sufficient for a century to come. In spite of all this many wells were dug. The growth of Oakland in the spring was rapid and extensive. Scores of build ings were in process of erection in all sections. The newspapers expatiated on the great importance of improving the harbor, adding new ferry facilities, building more ships, multiplying the number of street cars and increasing the number of business houses. The old El Capitan and the reconstructed Chrysopolis and the steamer Capital were deemed sufficient for all reasonable ferry services. The overland trains were dumping here monthly thousands of home seekers, many of whom remained. There seemed to be lacking only one important element of growth — business blocks. The famous Gibbons tracts of land — two — were adver tised to be sold at auction at Stanford hall on February 13th. This was one of the most important sales of homestead lots ever conducted in Oakland. The larger tract was bounded south by the Central Pacific railroad lands and embraced about sixty acres and contained the company's ship-yard where two large steamers were on the way south. The tract was bounded north by the Casserly tract, on the east by Peralta street, which extended from Oakland Harbor to the State University. The smaller tract was bounded south by Division street (extension of Eighth) and bordered on the bay with waterfront privileges. At a big credit sale of lots in West Oakland in February, 1875, $81,375 was realized. Lots on Railroad avenue brought from $550 to $1,350. On other streets the prices ranged from $350 to $500. A total of 197 lots were sold. Lots were sqld in blocks 466, 499, 498, 501, 502, 526 and others. The gas and water com panies complained at this time. The facts were that both the gas and water com panies had extended their lines far beyond the wants of the population and were thus poorly paid for their expenditures and efforts. Miles of pipes were laid that paid the companies nothing. They laid a splendid ground work for an immense city of villas, all laid out into lots, blocks and streets, but all so thinly inhabited that no adequate return for the outlay could be expected until the population should be vastly increased. Quite often could be seen whole blocks devoted to a single small residence where the owner refused to subdivide but wanted all the gas and water privileges now extended to a dozen or a score of palatial residences. The Mountain View Cemetery Association stated $13,000 had been received from the sale of bonds and that $390 had just been paid as a premium upon the bonds. Judge Stephen G. Nye, county judge, decided that W. T. Hurll, who was convicted of selling liquor without a license, was illegally convicted and the judgment against him was reversed and a new trial ordered. The sales at auction of the Ghirardelli estate amounted to $125,000. Original bids to the amount of 380 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY $76,000 were rejected by the trustees and the land was resold. Block 51 East Oakland valued at $25,000 was not resold. The great number of incendiary fires called for strenuous work from the municipal authorities. The newspapers said there was an "epidemic of fools." A public meeting of citizens was held, but no action was taken except to urge the officials to action and to denounce the malefactors. In 1875, Capt. Edgar Wake- man died in East Oakland. In his active life time he was famous for his nautical ventures in all lands and in numerous vessels. He was a marshal of the Vigilantes in San Francisco. He was the Capt. Ned Blakely of Mark Twain's "Rough ing It." Early in 1875 it was evident that real estate values in Oakland were certain to double within a short time. The great increase in population, the new business enterprises and the desirability of the city as a place of residence betokened an approaching advancement second only to that consequent upon the completion of the great overland railroad. Broadway property was particularly high and advancing at this date. Half a dozen men — Williams, Blake, Droffit and others — were after a half block at Broadway, Washington, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Vast real estate deals in the near future were already casting their shadows before. The enormous savings in the San Francisco banks were finding their way to Oakland real estate. At this time there was not an empty house in the city and none had "To Let" on it but for a day. At a public spelling match held in West Oakland in April, 1875, $125 was realized at the door. At this time that part of the city was building about one mile of sidewalk a month. J. W. Pearson's residence at Wood, Taylor, Pine and Chase streets was planned to cost $75,000. The grounds were probably the finest then in Oakland and embraced a gigantic wind mill and water mains, fine fencing, double rows of eucalyptus and poplar and an inner hedge of cypress. About forty of the natural oaks which early made Oakland famous and from which it took its name, were preserved in this beautiful property. At the Wood street front were two superb grottos with fountains. Everywhere over the tract were clumps of trees among which with charming effect wound the carriage road. There were magnolia, gralin, origoria, orange, island pine, many native woods- and rare imported plants. The grounds cost $20,000, residence $75,000; other features $30,000; total $125,000. In April, 1875, thirty-three new buildings were going up in West Oakland. From the start Oakland was famous for its homes, residences, churches,, schools and social spirit. The splendid amphitheater of hills to the eastward, beginning at Berkeley and extending east and south as far as Fruitvale, com manded an enchanting view of mountain and sea — even of the old ocean itself. The Contra Costa Water Company and the numerous wells insured a bountiful supply of good water for consumption and irrigation, and fine residences were going up in the Water Cure vale, the Ross Browne and Livermore places, the White tract, and in fact along the whole suburbs from Berkeley to Piedmont, Brooklyn and Fruitvale. Thus far nearly the whole of this suburban district was peopled by families that could afford their own conveyances to the ferries. But now the people faced the problem of transportation, because poorer families- were seeking these choice residence districts and required public conveyance to the wharves and depots. Thus arose the golden opportunity for the street car HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 381 magnate and the real estate genius. Already they were at work planning comfort and convenience for the public accompanied with power and fortunes for them selves. They said, "There 're millions in it," and there were. No one doubted that a great city was sure to grow here — rise up from the level lands along the bay and climb the rugged slopes of the eastern hills and mountains. In 1875 Brooklyn was the manufacturing center of Oakland; already there were three potteries, two tanneries, one terra cotta factory and one brickyard. Nearly all the commerce there centered at Larue's wharf; five or six vessels could be seen there at one time. Brooklyn was made a freight depot in 1874 by the Central Pacific Company. The chief imports of Brooklyn or East Oakland were wood, coal, grain, jute, tanbark, lumber and clay. The chief exports were grain sacks, flour, leather, bricks, pottery, terra cotta ware and cattle. A street railroad was in process of construction out to the upper end of Fruit Vale. This was not the same as the Oakland, Brooklyn and Fruit Vale railroad already in operation. Both were horse railroads. Washington hall near Tubb's hotel was the principal public assemblage room. Balls, theatrical entertainments, mass meet ings and political caucuses were given there. The grain fields around Brooklyn in May, 1875, were green and fine. Butler and Stilwell conducted a large printing office here in the early seventies. They operated four Gordon presses and turned out all sorts of job work quickly and in first-class style. This was a home industry that came to the front on its merits in spite of the allurements of San Francisco. In 1875 the Oakland Journal, a German newspaper, was issued by C. Schmitt, K. F. Wiemeger and A. M. Schutt at 911 Broadway. For the construction of the first section of the main sewer in April, 1875, the Alameda Macadamizing Company bid $119,110; the Pacific Bridge Company, $126,850; Remillard Brothers $129,990, The Ala meda company withdrew its bid, whereupon the contract was awarded to the Pacific company. W. H. Jordan was at work on a big sewer contract at this time. Early in May, 1875, E. C. Sessions & Co. offered for sale at auction the real estate of J. B. Scotchler, deceased; the property consisting of eighty large lots, at Tenth, Twelfth, Fourteenth, Union, Poplar and Kirkham streets and within three blocks of the Adeline street station. About the year 1870 D. Ghirardelli established soda works on Broadway; but about 1872 sold out to James J. Biven, who moved the factory to Thirteenth and Franklin streets. By 1875 ne kept two delivery wagons running constantly to supply his customers. An immense sale of reclaimed marsh lands at Oak land took place June 8th in San Francisco, and about $23,000 was realized. Lots sold for from $50 to $300 each and blocks for from $1,230 to $2,500 each. Among the blocks sold were Nos. 753, 754, 756, 757, 766, 767 and 768. The auction sale of the Scotchler real estate in 1875 brought good prices— the lots selling for from $675 to $1,025 each. In June so great was the consumption of water from the pipes for the use of lawns and other purposes, that the supply gave out occasionally; whereupon the water company asked to be allowed* to shut off the supply from the city at night in order to allow filling anew the reservoir for the morning's use. It was a fact that the water companies at this date were unequal to the task of sup plying Oakland with the necessary water. Hundreds of human beings and animals were thus forced to depend upon artificial means for water supply. This 382 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY was true in wet seasons and was oppressively apparent during seasons of severe drouth. It was hoped that the new reservoir would remedy the situation — it was the catchment or "cow-pasture" plan, but the hills back of Oakland and San Leandro were free from animals. The inhabitants looked eagerly forward to the time when Chabot & Company and an abundance of rain should render the supply never-failing. It was a serious situation to be met and overcome at once. At this time Oakland had an estimated population of twenty thousand; fifteen public schools, which cost about two hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars ; fifty-one daily trains — twenty-six out from Oakland and twenty-five from San Francisco, connecting at West Oakland with two swift and commodious steamers ; scores of miles of macadam streets ; three lines of horse railroads ; scores of excellent business houses; ten factories of all sorts; three banks with capitals respectively of $1,500,000, $1,000,000 and $100,000; about seventeen religious organizations, which in the end gave Oakland much of its fame abroad. In fact by this date the Basket Brigade had been put almost out of commission by the active and adventurous business houses of this city. The long fought for glory of East Oakland departed in June, 1875, when the county offices were removed to the new courthouse on Broadway. The Tribune said July 29, 1875 : "During the past two years over two thousand houses have been erected in Oakland, but rents are higher and houses scarcer than ever before here." In July the Kelsey Nursery tract was thrown into market; it was in the northern section of the city, about half a mile from the city hall between San Pablo and Telegraph avenues — in all seventy-five lots were disposed of. In 1875 the Chinese quarters were situated on the San Pablo road, a few blocks north of the city hall. The houses were constructed of rude boards and rested in dirt and filth. The Tribune of March 13th said: "If a hotbed of filth and vermin ever existed it is at this spot; decaying vegetable matter, deceased chickens, cats, rats, etc., have found their last resting place upon the ground around this Celestial village and the odor emitted therefrom would annihilate the olfactories ol the staunchest stomach." The entire surroundings were unsanitary to a striking degree. The "settlement" was in the center of a beautiful part of the city and seemed like a "plague-spot in the midst of a paradise." Attention of the board of health was called to this disease-breeding condition. For a decade previous to 1875 a §yPsv camp was a, permanent settlement near the Stanford stables at .the Point. Self-styled, Egyptian fortune tellers there were patronized by thousands of citizens and others. The queen or madame was about forty years old. The camp was squalid, dirty, wholly uninviting and unsanitary. Col ored children were admitted to the public schools in the county early in the '70s. In 1875 a colored man of Brooklyn township was drawn on the petit jury; this was the first case of the kind in the county. The Home Security Building and Loan Association began business in July; its president was Mack Webber and its capital stock $250,000. In October the Newark Land Association was incorporated, with a capital of $750,000, the directors being C. Mitchell Grant, J. Cochran, J. Barr Robertson, Stewart Men- zies and D. A- McDonald, the objects being to purchase, sell and lease real estate in Alameda county. In this year S. B. Martin chartered the Archer, and, loading her with wheat, dispatched her direct to Liverpool, a new departure, the first venture of the kind in the county. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 383 About 1876 a plan for a parking system for Oakland was prepared. It included Lake Merritt and four or five hundred acres to the northward in the direction of Piedmont. The park proper was to be connected with Lake Merritt by broad drives or boulevards that were to encompass the lake and wind among the natural oaks and other trees. But the people were not ready for such a progressive and advanced measure and so it expired. In the light of history the failure to secure the land and lake at that time was a mistake which will be regretted for all time — will never be wholly remedied. It retarded the growth by failing to make the city attractive to newcomers to that extent. In one week late in February fourteen families came from San Francisco and became residents of West Oakland. It was said that the fogs of the mornings and the wind and dust of the evenings in San Francisco were too much for them. Late in Feb ruary a new fire engine was secured by West Oakland. It was a Sibby machine which threw two streams at once, with it came a hose cart. In February, Thomas H. Clark, a reporter of the Transcript, assaulted A. B. Gibson and was prosecuted in the police court. City Attorney Vrooman and Zachariah Montgomery appeared for the state and William Van Voorhies for the defendant. The jury found the defendant guilty. The Tribune in 1876 was using the old Transcript press, a second and third hand affair which could turn off only about 600 papers per hour. At this time they ordered a new power press from Chicago which could turn out 2,500 copies per hour; rapidly increasing circulation demanded this improvement. Under the Ward bill it seemed necessary that two city elections should be held and they were ordered by the council — one on the first Monday in March and the other on the second Monday in March ; the latter was necessary under the recent act to district the city into wards. Representative Bogge introduced in the assembly a bill authorizing the city of Oakland to construct a fire and burglar proof safe in the city hall for the safe custody of the public records and the public moneys. The corporate limits of the city of Oakland were quite extensive in the centennial year, comprising about four and a half miles of territory running north and south and three and a half miles from east to west. At the council meeting in February a resolution was offered requesting the Alameda county delegation in the Assembly to secure the passage of an act authorizing the city of Oakland to levy and collect a tax. to defray the expense of constructing a bridge across the estuary of San Antonio from Eighth street to East Ninth street. The main lake sewer was newly built in 1876 and was 9,924 feet long. It was divided into two sections, one of brick and one of wood. It left Lake Merritt by the line of Delger street near the west line of Harrison street, thence ran to San Pablo avenue, thence to 22nd street, and thence to the bay. It was declared in the Tribune that Oakland was the only town of its population in the United States where petty private interests did not give way to the public good and the march of general improvements. At a previous date it declared there was bitter and persistent opposition of factions to the Central Pacific Railroad. Meet ings were held and speeches against the construction of that road through this city were made. In his message of February 28, 1876, Mayor Mack Webber stated in regard Vol 1—25 384 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY to the improvement of Lake Merritt: "By your direction temporary repairs have been made to the Lake Merritt dam. As long as the present structure can be maintained with a moderate outlay for repairs, it is not necessary to construct one of a more permanent nature : whenever replaced it should be by one that will last for all time. It is to serve a double purpose: It gives us a beautiful lake and has made possible the construction of the main sewer, just completed. The dam and roadway should be combined in a single structure, thereby saving a needless expenditure when it shall become necessary to build another bridge. There is at present a roadway running by the margin of the lake on its eastern side. This should be continued around it and connected with Webster, Harrison or Alice streets. I recommend that the Council take suitable steps to open a street over the designated route and cause the same to be improved, if it can be done under existing laws. This can easily be made one of the most magnificent water parks in the world." During the first six months of 1876 first-class brick buildings worth over $500,000 were erected in Oakland or were in course of erection. The number of frame houses going up was very large. The value of all the taxable property within the limits of the city of Oakland, as shown by the assessment for 1875-76, was $22,207,499, the rate of taxation being 88 cents, giving a gross revenue $195,425.99. In the beginning of the year 1876 the funded debt amounted to $664,400 on which there was interest amount ing to $55,688 per annum. Of this $166,000 was incurred for the construction of the lake sewer. The interest on these bonds was $13,200 per annum; but these items should properly be deducted from the sum first stated. The actual debt then was $499,400 on which the annual interest was $42,488. The debt was but 234 per cent on the assessed value of the property within the limits of the city. On June 19, 1876, an ordinance granting to the American District Telegraph Company of Oakland the right to construct and maintain telegraph lines in the city, was passed. In August of this year the submarine cable across the bay putting Oakland and San Francisco in direct telegraph communication, was laid by the Western Union Telegraph Company. The Pacific Press Publishing House began business in 1876. The building, together with a one-story brick engine house in the rear, was erected that year. In it was placed a large Cottrell & Babcock four-roller press, run by steam, on which was printed the Signs of the Times, newspapers and books and pamphlets for the Publishing Association. The same year a bookbindery was established and on hand was kept a large stock of book and newspaper, and printer's sta tionery. In 1876 the following men and concerns were doing business in Oakland: First National Gold Bank, V. D. Moody, president, C. M. Fisher, cashier; Oak land Bank of Savings, E. C. Sessions, president, Ad. Cramer, cashier; Union Savings Bank, A. C. Henry, president, H. A. Palmer, cashier; Oakland Carriage Manufactory under M. W. Allen; Oakland Paint Planing Mill by Price and Moore; Harris Brothers, clothiers; Woodward & Taggert, real estate and com mission, agents; Young & Rothenberger, upholsterers; Oakland City Directory by D. M. Bishop & Co. ; Chas. B. Rutherford, paints, oils, glass, etc ; S. P. Olm sted, dealer in poultry, game, etc.; Townsend & Wright, furniture; Sanford, Kelsey & Co., drugs; J. E. Hows, house and sign painting; L. P. Berger, jewelry; HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 385 W. G. Dinsmore, drugs; Adam Koob, city market; Henry Weeks, carriage fac tory; D. Stewart, boots and shoes; Bankhead & Sons, auctioneers; Luke Doe, real estate; E. W. Woodward, real -estate; W. & M. Evarson, hardware; Rice & White, city market; L. M. Newsom, nursery, East Oakland; Bowen Brothers, grocers; William Sagehorn, flour, hay and grain; W. C. Ralston, blacksmith; J. T. Gardiner, painter; A. Lippmann, auctioneer; Smith & Mather, real estate — they offered for sale lots on the north side of Twelfth street between Franklin and Broadway, 25 x 100, 20 per cent cash and the balance on time ; London & Co., feed store; A. Cohen, dry goods in West Oakland; Frank A. Marston, har ness, saddles, etc. ; David's bookstore ; Dr., W. Newcomb ; George A. Case, den tist; Dr. Ferguson, dentist; Dr. T. H. Pinkerton; H. L. Plomteaux, dentist; Dr. A. MacRae; Dr. J. Watson Webb also opened a free dispensary to the poor; Welsher & Westerman, brewers ; William Kirk, architect ; Newson Brothers, architects ; H. L. Paddock, produce and commission ; Sohst Brothers, carriages and wagons ; Sage & Hurll, contractors and builders ; W. W. McKenzie, under taker; Philip Schreiber, furniture; Jones, Japan tea; Chase & Baker, groceries; R. Horton, groceries; E. Kreyenhager & Co., groceries; W. T. Hurll, groceries; E. Johnson, groceries; A. Hansen, groceries; R. McCrum & Co., groceries and provisions; Thompson Brothers, bakers; Miley & Lodge, ice cream parlor; Philip Mulauff, baker; Joseph Brandstatter, baker; Chappellet & Miner, coal dealers ; Shapespear & Walter, coal and wood ; Thomas & Anderson, Seattle coal ; Lynch, Maloney & Fitzell, wood and coal; S. P. Boyce & Co., stock brokers; W. W. Fowler & Co., real estate ; Carl & Co., real estate ; Mellis Brothers, auction house; S. Francis, merchant tailor; W. S. Murphy, doors, windows, blinds, etc.; Farwell & Garrigan, painters; Herman Bordes, broom factory; A. Geanwell, plumber; J. J. O'Shea, stoves; Campbell & Spears, city market; Union Hotel by C. Schneider; Sorocco House by Frank Lorber; Christian Bander, hotel and restaurant; Mrs. M. Maguir, dining rooms. The famous Amoskeag fire engine, which had been exhibited at the Centennial Exposition in 1876, was tested in Oakland in March, 1877, at Fourth and Broadway in the presence of Mayor E. H. Pardee and the other city officials. It was tested in comparison with the Felton engine, then owned by the city. The former engine made a little better showing than the latter. In the spring the city council prepared to finish the second story of the city hall ; the total cost was esti mated at $6,000. In April the newspapers claimed for Oakland a population of 30,000. The city had seventeen regular policemen and eleven special officers. D. H. Rand was chief of the force. The Potter Garden property in forty-six subdivisions between Telegraph and San Pablo avenues at Sixteenth sold at public auction. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block A, brought $30,000. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block B, brought $20,000. In one hour's time the sales aggregated $165,000, and at all times the bidding was spirited; the total sales amounted to $715,000. The Oakland Hack and Transfer Company was a new corporation with a capital of $400,000; M. G. Kennedy was president. It was said that this com pany supplied a long-felt want in this community. In 1877 there were 75' business establishments between Center street and the bay at West Oakland: 2 drug stores, 3 restaurants, 14 saloons, 8 groceries, 2 sta- 386 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY tionery stores, 3 barber shops, 5 cigar shops, 1 harness store, 4 plumber shops, 1 tailor shop, 2 bakeries, 6 butcher shops, 5 shoemaker shops, 4 fruit stores, 1 hardware store, 1 furniture store, 5 dry-goods stores, 1 watchmaker, 2 real estate offices, 1 clothing store, 2 coal yards, 1 art gallery, 1 paint shop, 1 livery stable and others. Horace W. Carpentier and James Larue were rival claimants for a large tract of marsh and overflowed land stretching from San Antonio creek to Brooklyn station and out past the overland track to the channel leading up from the Alice street bridge to Brooklyn. A fence built around a portion of this tract by John Watson for Mr. Carpentier was attacked and destroyed by a force of men under the direction of Mr. Larue in August. The citizens of East Oakland looked on with much interest. The old Oakland cemetery was bounded by Franklin, Harrison, Sixteenth and Eighteenth streets; but the first cemetery for the little village of Oakland was located on Eighth at Oak. The growth of the city forced the removal of the bodies to the new one on Eighteenth street, which was then out in the woods. But by 1877 it was found that the city had grown around this yard, and that another removal was necessary. In April a large plow used there in grading tore the top from ,a buried casket and left the body beneath exposed to the weather, animals, etc. The left hand and arm nearly to the elbow protruded from the ground and the face though covered with dust was visible. When the latter was brushed away the features of the dead man stood out' in bold relief. The whole body was in a remarkable state of preservation, though having lain in the ground for about seventeen years. In the end this body was shown to be that of William F. Denman, of Jersey City, a civil engineer, who died at the City Hotel in i860 and was buried by his friend, Thomas Wallace, who still (1877) resided in this city. About twenty-two bodies had been disinterred by April 28th. The period from 1867 to 1877 in Oakland was noted for new residences, improved streets, sewerage system, new churches and schoolhouses. It was then demanded that immediate and steady attention should be given to the busi ness interests, such as merchandising, lumbering, manufacturing and commerce generally. Already the work on the harbor was in a measure available. A large vessel drawing thirteen feet of water found in the channel three additional feet to spare. At high tide vessels drawing fifteen feet of water, it was boasted, could enter the harbor. Grain warehouses were demanded and planned. A further deepening of the channel to admit the large clippers was now deemed essential. This was the natural terminus of the great transcontinental railroad lines and here should be the great warehouses where the ocean ships could take their cargoes, it was argued. In July, 1877, the Real Estate and Merchants' Ex change of Oakland considered the harbor' question, the water front problem, the projected public park, the efficiency of the sewer system and the question of free postal delivery. A. C. Henry lectured on "Rise and Progress of Banking." On July 25, 1877, the great body of good citizens of San Francisco rose up en masse as an auxiliary to the municipal authorities to suppress rioting and lawlessness. There were no speeches, confusion and parade, but quiet, rapid movements as in the old days of the Vigilantes. Thousands of citizens acted 5 gjt^j^ry CITY HALL AND CITY OFFICIALS IN 1870 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 387 voluntarily like soldiers, because they felt their homes and the city were in imminent danger. The action of Oakland in this emergency was equally as decisive, prompt and effective. Agitators were told bluntly and plainly that they were treading upon dangerous ground when they advised the laboring element here to take the law into their own hands. But it cost the city about $1,500 per day until the excitement was over; about one thousand able-bodied men were enrolled here for active duty. The cannons were ready and the bayonetted rifles stacked ready "for action. Oakland's immunity from trouble at this time was due almost wholly to its prompt and efficient action. Scores of San Francisco's hoodlums came over to participate in any unlawful movement that might be attempted, but the gangs of armed men everywhere were a sufficient preventative. Mayor Pardee was praised even by his political enemies for his decision, energy and ability in this emergency. He was backed by all the best citizens regardless of party, faction or creed. However, business suffered a considerable stagnation. It was dur ing this period of social and political upheaval that the Oakland Light Cavalry Company was formed and organized. Each member agreed to furnish his own horse; 101 joined at the outset. .Threats of fire were numerous. San Pablo was largely burned and incendiary fires in North Oakland revealed the danger to this community. The citizens of Alameda also organized, armed and guarded the streets. In July, 1877, the Oakland and Alameda Water Company was granted the right to lay down and maintain water pipes in the streets of Oakland. This was - a new company. Fire alarm boxes were ordered at this time. In 1877 the supreme court decided in a Contra Costa county case that water companies were bound to furnish free water for fires and lawns. This decision was the basis upon which all water rates thereafter were fixed between the city and the Contra Costa Water Company through its president, Mr. Chabot. In early times the wholesale butchers of Oakland acted independently, but about 1875 the Wholesale Butchers' Association of San Francisco and Oakland formed a most oppressive monopoly against which there was a great outcry in 1877. It blacklisted a delinquent retailer and after a certain period refused to furnish him with a pound of meat until his delinquency was made good. Jobbers grew in favor, purchased the bulk of the wholesale meats and sold to retailers under a galling and crushing system of exaction and injustice. Finally the gold job bers of San Francisco promulgated a decree that any jobber or retailer who purchased meat in Oakland . should be cut off from purchasing meat in San Francisco for six months. This act resulted in almost the total abandonment of the Oakland trade. The Oakland wholesale dealers soon formed an inde pendent monopoly which became equally as crushing. It was publicly demanded by other dealers in April, 1877, that this "meat ring" should be thwarted by a system that would procure meat from original sources. About fifty retail butch ers of Oakland and Alameda in 1877 assembled in the city market, and organ ized for mutual protection against the Wholesale Butchers' Association pf Oak land which had just established a gold basis and a blacklist. This was two years before the resumption of specie payments and gold was yet at a consider able premium. But the Retail Butchers' Association proved a worse monopoly, 388 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY if possible, than that of the wholesale dealers. They proceeded to blacklist and proscribe every retailer here who did not join their association. On the evening of Saturday, August 25, 1877, ere the debts had been paid upon it, the City Hall building was laid in ashes. On the 27th the city council met at Armory hall, and passed resolutions to obtain suitable rooms for holding their meetings; to procure the bell of the Presbyterian church to strike the fire alarm; to adjust the insurance on the building; to thank the citizens of Oakland for their exertions in saving the public archives; and to offer a reward of $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the incendiary or guilty parties who fired the building. It required fifteen minutes after the alarm was sounded before the first engine reached the doomed building and five minutes more before the first stream of water was thrown on the flames. The loss was $70,000. The inefficiency of the fire department was painfully conspicuous on this occasion. During the fire the crowd removed the public documents and furniture to the Potter building on the opposite side of San Pablo avenue. After the burning of the City Hall on August 25, 1877, many citizens of Oakland thought that now was the proper time to open Washington street to the San Pablo road to which the city council' demurred. Meetings were held and some considerable feeling on the subject was engendered. The Transcript had a precarious existence for several years. In 1878 J. A. Johnson and J. B. Wyman became its owners and upon the retirement of Mr. Johnson the name was changed to the Daily Times and William D. Harwood became editor. On May 6, 1878, an ordinance levying a library tax was passed and on the 27th the Oakland Library Association and Union Reading-room Association transferred their property to the city. On the same date A. P. Flint, O. H. Burn- ham, W. W. Crane, Jr., G. M. Fisher and J. P. Moore, were elected trustees thereof. On August 5th, the Golden Gate District Agricultural Fair Associa tion was granted a lease for five years of Lafayette square to erect buildings thereon. Annexed are reports showing the nature and value of real estate, buildings, and personal property belonging to the city in 1879: School lots $125,500 School buildings 160,000 School furniture 30,000 Engine house lots 7,600 Engine house 9,000 City hall lots 250,000 City hall and prison 30,000 City furniture, fixtures, etc 18,000 Library building 3,000 Other buildings on same lot 500 City wharf and water front 75,000 Fire department apparatus, etc ; 54,620 Telegraph and fire alarm 16,000 Total value of city property $779,220 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 389 In addition, there were several public squares. If private property and placed upon the market they would probably bring half a million dollars. On January 5, 1880, a resolution indorsing the new charter was passed. The portions which related to street work were radically changed. It abolished the office of city marshal and substituted a tax collector and a superintendent of streets, and required the funds for a year to be divided into four equal parts. On February 2, 1880, an ordinance repealing' the following ordinances was passed by the trustees. They were: "An Ordinance for the disposal of the Water Front belonging to the Town of Oakland," passed finally, May 18, 1852 ; "An Ordinance to approve the Wharf at the foot of Main Street, and to extend the time for constructing the other Wharves," passed December 30, 1852; "An Ordinance concerning Wharves and the Water Front," passed August 27, 1853. The subject of a boulevard and walk around Lake Merritt and a water park began to be discussed seriously about 1880. Petitions and memorials were cir culated and signed and an occasional burst of enthusiasm at public meetings showed that the subject was striving for expression and action. At first many thought the movement was a scheme of the real estate dealers to advertise that locality in their own private interests. About 1884 the subject assumed form, shape and momentum. The first plan provided for a strip 200 feet wide around the lake for the boulevard and walk, shallow beaches to be filled, islands to be built for refreshment stands, license to boats for city revenue, and the construc tion of a bulkhead to cost an estimated $56,000. The cost of dredging was esti mated at $30,750; roadway, $45,325; total cost, $186,000. On January 1, 1882, the debt of Oakland was $669,126. During 1882 the growth of Oakland was substantial and large. The buildings erected cost as follows : BLDGS. Central district 71 $263,275 First ward 92 m ^S.^o East Oakland 29 68,350 192 $526,775 The central district included all lying between Lake Merritt and Adeline street, being all except the first and seventh wards. The Judson Iron Company began operating in 1882 in Northern Oakland. The Victor mower was their first important product; they had twenty-eight buildings. The Pacific Iron Company began operating in 1883 at the foot of Market street. The California Iron Works adjoined those of the Judson Com pany ; their ore was obtained from the Clipper Gap Mines of California. The California Hosiery Company began operations in 1881. The California Jute Mills began with white labor, but was later compelled to employ expert Mon golian help— about half of the help were Chinese. The Oakland Iron Works was an old concern and doing well. The Oakland Brass Works began opera- 390 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY tions in 1882. The Northwestern Manufacturing and Car Company of Still water, Minnesota, had a large branch here at Washington and Second streets. They made threshers, feeders, chaners, etc. The Oakland Planing Mills were one of four concerns of that kind here. The big flouring mills here were started in 1875 by Jacob Samm and others. The Oak Grove Tannery was started in 1862. Crist's tannery in East Oakland was started in 1871. There were here several potteries, wagon and carriage factories, furniture factories, and shops for the manufacture of blank-books, candy, hats, shoes, shirts, mattresses, brooms, soap, iron fence railing, marble, jewelry, etc. At a mass meeting of the citizens of Oakland early in 1882 a committee was appointed to ascertain what was necessary to be done to secure the location here of desirable manufacturing establishments. The committee issued an ad dress to manufacturers reciting the advantages of this city as a site for their operations, among which were the following: (1) It was the terminus of three trans-continental railroads; (2) other railroads centered here; (3) it was situ ated not only on the main land, but on the bay which communicated by vessel with all Pacific ports; (4) eight miles of bay frontage were available for manu facturing purposes; (5) within thirty minutes ride 300,000 consumers resided; (6) a splendid climate, the mean temperature of January being 49° and that of July 650; (7) mortality low,' cost of living low, rents low, wages good; (8) educational, religious and social advantages unsurpassed; (9) building material cheap, coal reasonable, water excellent, good markets. V. D. Moody was chair man of this committee and W. J. Clawson, secretary. On January 2, 1883, there was a heavy fall of snow in nearly all portions of Alameda county. At Oakland everybody snow-balled each other on the streets and made a special target of every Chinaman who dared to show his head. The Oakland library trustees, in May, 1878, transferred to the city the following property : The library building and appurtenances on city hall block ; all the books and periodicals, all fixtures, a $2,000 credit secured by note and mortgages. It was provided that the old association should thereafter appoint half of the trustees and the city the other half, but the latter disregarded this provision and assumed sole charge. This caused the old association to assert its rights, which it did by assuming ownership of the entire property. Later John P. Irish, E. P. Flint and J. B. McChesney were appointed a committee on behalf of the association to demand possession of all the property. Building in Oak land in the summer of 1883 was not up to expectations ; thirty-nine new build ings had recently gone up at a total cost of $156,300. Oakland from the start, notwithstanding its rapid and irregular growth, possessed a wide, commodious and convenient system of streets. Broadway was from 100 to no feet wide, Telegraph avenue was from 90 'to 100 feet wide. The majority of lesser streets were about eighty feet wide. Railroad avenue was 100 feet wide. Many numbered streets were from 60 to 80 feet wide. Yerba Buena was 130 feet wide; Park 100 feet, Plymouth 90, Isabella 80. In East Oakland the streets varied from 60 to 80 feet. The average length of streets was about two miles. At this time the extreme length of the city from east to west was 4.9 miles and its extreme breadth was 2.55 miles. The total indebted- HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 391 ness of the city in 1883 was about $540,000. It had been larger and was being slowly reduced. Owing to this debt many improvements that were needed were postponed. Street improvement continued, but parks were compelled to wait. Cotton mills were built here in 1883 by Ainsworth, Miller, Dean, Moody, Snyder, Sessions, Rutherford, Dinkelspiel and others. In the summer San Pablo avenue was watered from Berkeley to Oakland. The new California Steel and Iron Works at Shell Mound park were completed and operated in 1883. An artesian well was bored by O. Lindsley in West Oakland. Four artesian wells were bored by the Central Pacific Company near Fifth and Kirkham streets and an abundant supply of good water was secured. In the '80s the best paying real estate investments were five and ten acre suburban tracts between the city proper and the hills. Property of this kind improved with house, barn, etc., sold readily for from 25 to 50 per cent over cost. The Pacific Nail Works on the water front at the foot of Market street employed over 250 persons in 1883. It was up to date and was one of the boasts of the city at that time. 'Visitors were escorted through by Mr. Perry the superintendent. They exhibited at the Mechanics' Fair in San Francisco a nail cutting machine that was made in Oakland. It attracted great attention. As the jute mills in East Oakland did not prove wholly successful when white labor alone was employed, the company was compelled to hire Chinamen to fill the places vacated voluntarily by young white men who did not relish the long hours and small pay. However, many who at first abandoned the work returned. In December, 1883, the total force employed was 400, nearly double that of the previous August. Young girls worked there and earned from $5 to $9.50 per week. Mr. Robinson, the manager, sent East for expert operators who were used to instruct local boys and girls in the art of weaving. In August, the Oakland library had a membership of 6,995 ; fiction was called for far more than for any other branch of reading. There were serious charges against James Hill, chief' of the fire department of Oakland. It was declared that while he was chief no fire started that did not burn up everything within reach except the lot. Attempts to involve Councilman Dean in the disgrace or malfeasance were unsuccessful. The followers of Mr. Hill took the matter into politics. A large consultation meeting was held on August 29th, The action of the council in appointing men for office, who favored Hill, was censured by several speakers. During this controversy the management of city affairs was fully examined and criticised. In 1883 a telescope ten feet long with an eight-inch lens, a refracting instru ment, was obtained for Chabot observatory, Lafayette square, from Alvin, Clark & Co., of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The observatory was first opened to the public November 24^ 1883. Primarily it was to facilitate the study of astron omy in the Oakland high school. Upon the arrival here of the eight-inch tele scope for the Chabot observatory, this city was well supplied with astronomical instruments. C. Burckhalter had a 4% -inch refractor; Doctor Wythe owned an 83^ -inch reflector; Mr. Burckhalter a little later secured a 10^2 -inch reflector. In 1882 the large industries here employed 973 persons and produced goods valued at $2,798,000. Among the important industrial concerns of Oakland in September, 1883, were the following: 392 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Hands Value of Employed Annual Product Judson Manufacturing Company 275 1,000,000 Pacific Iron & Nail Works 200 800,000 California Iron & Steel Works 50 California Hosiery Company 350 275,000 California Jute Mill Company 225 300,000 Oakland Iron Works 30 85,000 Straw Burning Engine Company 10 35>00° Oakland Boiler Works 5 17,000 Oakland Brass Works 35 45>0°o N. W. Mfg. & Cor. Co 50 150,000 Pacific Coast Planing Mill 30 75,°OQ Pioneer Planing Mill Company 30 60,000 Oakland Planing Mills 50 125,000 East Oakland Planing Mills 22 50,000 Samm & Parsons Flouring Mills 33 4I5.O0O Oakland Flouring Mills 16 215,000 Eagle Box Factory 50 85,000 Oakland Shoe Factory 50 75,000 McCool & Armstrong Pc Fr. Fcty 15 40,000 Four breweries 40 175,000 Five cigar factories 50 100,000 The tanneries 41 195,000 Northey & Wagar 7 i7,5°o Hugh Frazer 8 20,000 Miscellaneous 200 400,000 1,872 4,754,500 Mayor J. W. Martin, in November, 1883, stated in his message that his admin istration had begun when the city finances were exhausted and $33,000 had been spent in anticipation of the next year's revenue. The supreme court had recently decided that under the new constitution each year's income and revenue must pay each year's indebtedness or liability, and that no indebtedness or liability incurred in any one year should be paid out of the income or revenues of any future year. This decision drove the council to extremities, because this step had not been anticipated. It was necessary to reduce salaries, discharge extra help, cut down city expenses in all departments — reduce the number of lights, suspend work on the streets, etc. In addition the assessment was less and the revenues fell $58,982 short of what they had been in 1882, with the current debt of $33,000 to be met. The result was the cancellation of the debt and such a retrenchment as met the actual situation. In 1883 the receipts from taxation were $226,771 and from licenses, wharfage, police fines, etc, $53,000. The actual expenditures were $278,371. The defalcation of the previous treasurer left the treasury short of funds. The bonded debt of the city was as follows: HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 393 Due Funded debt, bonds of 1872, 8 per cent $ 80,000 1903 School debt, bonds of 1872, 8 per cent 50,000 1893 Funded debt, bonds of 1874, 8 per cent 100,000 1905 Sewer debt, bonds of 1874, 8 per cent. ..." 173,000 1885-86 Consolidated debt, bonds of 1882, 5 per cent 167,000 1895 City hall bonds, lost 500 Total bonded debt $570,500 The Pacific Coast Steel and Iron Manufacturing Company was incorporated in October, 1883, with a capital of over $1,000,000. Its place of business was at Melrose, Alameda county. Late in October, 1883, the Pacific Iron and Nail Company manufactured 600 kegs of nails per day, but planned to soon increase the output to 1,000 kegs per day. During the last week in October, 1883, the flounder fishing in the basin at East Oakland was at its height. Scores of boats were out every day and night and no fisherman failed to return with all he could carry. They realized as high as $4 a day for their labors. In 1881 not less than 1,500 people were added to the population of Oakland ; the year 1882 was better, as 192 houses were built. More buildings were erected in 1883 than any year except 1876. In January, 1884, the Pacific Iron and Nail Company closed their doors until the differences between themselves and their employes should be settled. Their employes, who were brought from the East under a specific contract as to wages, formed a lodge of the Amalgamated Asso ciation of Iron and Steel Workers soon after their arrival in this city and made much higher demands than their contracts warranted. An investigation showed that they demanded 50 per cent more than the same workers received at Wheel ing, Harrisburg, Pottstown, Oxford and other cities of the East. A good nailer here had been paid as high as $18 a day for double work, and good average workers received $9 a day by working thirteen hours. Average workers made about $4.50 per day. The strikers claimed that they were to be paid Wheeling prices, but that after beginning work were paid the lower Omaha rates. The average daily attendance at the West Oakland reading room was about two hundred and thirty in February, 1884. The proposed abolition of this room encountered strenuous objection. The readers in the evenings were nearly all working men and boys who needed the room. Mr. Burnham of the free library favored the removal and stated, much to the indignation of the citizens there, that the readers were largely bummers and tramps. For a week early in February it was unprecedentedly cold in Oakland, the thermometer falling as low as 22 above zero, with ice in the gutters and over the ponds. The soft earth in gardens was frozen to a depth of two or three inches in some instances. The painters' strike in 1884 presented a solid and determined front; they demanded $3.50 a day of nine hours. Seventy-two of the seventy-five members of the Painters' League in Oakland struck during this movement. On August 16, 1884, Badger park was opened for the season with a gorgeous display of lights, banners, and draperies, accompanied with vocal and band music. The Thomson- Houston Electric Company asked for a franchise to light the streets of Oakland. 394 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY They had ready at this time three miles of wires and many lamps. In 1884, $20,437 was received from the sale of lots in Mountain View Cemetery, and the expenses $21,063. The large expenses were due to the important and necessary improve ments. A large reservoir was constructed — begun in 1883 and completed in 1884 — with a capacity of 5,500,000 gallons which could easily be almost doubled in capacity. Many beautiful monuments and an artistic mausoleum were erected. This year according to the report of W. H. Fountain, city wharfinger, the gross earnings of the city wharf were $4,855.66 ; total running expenses $982.70 ; balance in favor of the city $3,969.11. During the year there was an increase in the mail matter handled by the postoffice of nearly 40 per cent — pieces handled in 1883 — 2,792,173;. in 1884 — 4,086,775. The three most important industries to locate at Oakland were the East Oakland cotton mills, the glass works and the Wentworth Boot and Shoe Factory. In 1884, 315 buildings were erected at an aggregate cost of $754,000. The total receipts from all sources in -the city of Oakland were $446,062.36, and the total expenditures $473,588.93. The bonded debt of the city was $397,000 ; sewer bonds to the amount of $128,000 were redeemable during the year. Of the sewer bonds $45,000 were redeemed at a cost of $44,212.50. The great improvement in Oakland in the early '80s; due to a great increase in the number of manufactories, was brought about by the energy of a few citizens who banded themselves together and put their money in the enterprises. Before the cable roads were built in San Francisco the business men there sought homes in Oakland rather than in the back districts of their own city. Oakland became known as the bed chamber of San Francisco. After the construction of the cable roads in San Francisco the out districts of that city filled up cutting off the previous order of things. As a result, Oaklanders united and converted the city into a manufacturing and business city. The result was that by 1885 the city was the leading manufacturing center of the Pacific coast'. During the four years from 1881 to 1885 the city increased wonderfully in population and wealth. The largest fruit canning factory in the county in 1885 was operated by a company at Temescal, of which A. C. Henry was president. It was known as the J. Lusk Canning Factory, Mr. Lusk being the founder. It had the capacity for packing 250,000 cases per season, equal to 6,000,000 quart cans. This large capacity insured Alameda growers against loss. Already the fruit production of the state exceeded home consumption ; it was therefore necessary to seek outside markets and goods in the canned form were acceptable in all parts of the world. This cannery controlled the branch cannery at San Lorenzo. Several years before 1885 a company was formed in San Francisco called the Lake Pleasanton Water Company for the purpose of supplying Oakland with water. Part of the land at Pleasanton which they wanted for a reservoir was owned by the Contra Costa Water Company of Oakland. The Lake Pleasanton company brought suit to have the property condemned, but judgment was given against them on demurrer. An appeal was taken and the supreme court reversed the decision of the lower court and sent the case back for trial. The point made was that the plaintiff sought to have the land condemned for the use of the public as a pure water reservoir and there was nothing to show that it was so used by the defendant; therefore it could be condemned by the plaintiff under the rule of eminent domain. Mcelroy fountain in lakeside park, Oakland A VIEW OF LAKE MERRITT AND HILLS BACK OF OAKLAND HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 395 In January no place in Oakland showed a greater change in growth than the vicinity of Shell Mound. A few years before the place was an unoccupied meadow land of willow thickets and swamp stretches, but was now occupied with numerous factories, stores, markets, hotels and rows of neat cottages. The Parafine Paint Company was a new establishment then. At 8:55 o'clock p. m., January 26, 1885, there were two distinct earthquake shocks felt in Oakland, one quickly following the other. The shock was preceded by a loud rumble and report. In the early part of 1885 and before the cost of gas to the city was 12 cents per lamp per night for 821 lights. Under the new contract made in July, 1885, the price was fixed at ioJ-2 cents per lamp per night. Only 329 nights were provided for — known as the "moonlight schedule." In March A. Chabot offered to bear the entire expense of fitting up the observ atory — over $4,000. Half a dozen instruments designed to aid observers were purchased. Mayor Henry refused to sign the ordinance just passed by the council increasing the city tax levy 23 cents on the $100 over that of the previous years. He said he had no good reason to anticipate such extraordinary expenses during the coming year and gave other reasons for disapproval. The levy was, however, adopted over his veto by a unanimous vote of the council. The lower Chinatown of Oakland in 1885 was a bunch of hovels on the marshes between First street and the estuary and consisted of a dozen huts mounted upon stilts or piles. It was the headquarters of the Chinese scavengers, all of whom were sneak thieves. Junk of every description was collected there, sorted and the best sold in San Francisco. Opium smokers were there of course. Occasional raids were made upon this quarter, and in all cases stolen articles and other evidences of crime were disclosed. The total expenses of Oakland including payments on bonds redeemed, interest on bonds, water bills for the last few years, and all other expenses were as follows, omitting cents : 1880 $474,988 1883 ..( 561,706 1881 474,563 1884 473,588 1882 486,920 1885 552,162 The total of bonds redeemed in the six years was $399,500; bonds reissued $167,000. Few public improvements ever occasioned more public comment, vexations, wranglings or imposed more labor on certain city officials than the main lake sewer. It became a constant cause oLexpense owing to its faulty construction. By 1885 it was nearly worn out in certain portions. It was not properly built to begin with and the council of that date was responsible for the inferior grade of work done. It was ordered May 18, 1874, and fourteen bids were received for the contract. It was to be built in two sections and bidders were required to figure in each separately. On the first section the lowest bid was $83,000 and the highest $245,202. On the second section the lowest bid was $29,000 and the highest $53,300. Both lowest bids were by D. Jordan who was awarded the contract. He failed to qualify, procrastinated, was prodded and finally threw up the contract. Bids were again called for and Jordan was again the lowest bidder for both sections for $112,000 or the first section for $88,000. The latter was accepted. 396 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY The second section went to N. Myles at $34,000. The price of brick suddenly arose in value and the contractors began to squirm. Bad brick were resorted to, but were thrown out. Again there was a change. The council awarded the con tract for section one in the spring of 1885 to the Pacific Bridge Company at $126,850. In 1885 there was a coal combination at Oakland to control the price of that product. About forty-five retail dealers were united in this combination. Any member violating its rules was fined heavily and if the fines were not paid, was proscribed. Soon after this date the combination broke under the pressure of public opinion. This year a lot was purchased from J. Boehmer for $4,000 for the use of the free library ; by January, 1886, the debt was reduced to $2,800. A big concert at this time aided in still further reducing it, all the best musicians of the city contributing their services free.1 A branch of the Non-Partisan Anti-Chinese League was formed at Temescal, the meeting place being Sullivan's hall. F. W. Hunt of the Central League of Oakland presided. President Hinckly of the West Oakland branch was present. C. W. Moore, postmaster at Temescal, was elected president. In less than fifteen minutes, so unanimous were the audience, eighty- four members joined the branch. West Oakland already had a branch with a membership of seventy. It began to be fully realized in 1885-86 what a mistake Oakland had made in allowing the Southern Pacific Railroad company to locate their warehouses in Port Costa — a vast amount of trade had been diverted from this city. This mistake was partly rectified in 1886, when a portion of that business was transferred from Port Costa to Long Wharf, Oakland. The real labor issue came out in February, 1886, when the Anti-Chinese League of Temescal appointed a committee to wait upon the J. Lusk Canning Company and request them to discharge their Chinese help. Mr. Graves of that company stated in reply that if white labor had been available no Chinese would at any time have been employed. Even the Chinese were employed only about four months of the year during the very busy season. They were employed, not from choice, but from necessity. He stated that the company had found it impossible to secure the necessary white help to run the factory. Yet the committee of the league, after a thorough examination, proved that hundreds of women, girls and boys of Oakland were idle, because they were unable, as they declared, to obtain work. This step caused the Lusk company to issue a circular offering the places occupied by Chinese to the idle women, girls and boys of the city. In March seventy-six business firms of Oakland petitioned the council to repeal or change the ordinance requiring them to pay a license on their solicitors, as they were placed at a serious disadvantage with competitors in San Francisco and other cities where no such license was required. -By 1886 the Basket Brigade was almost a thing of the past in Oakland. • The Oakland merchants had fresher and better vegetables, it was shown. The Hays school district was created at this time and embraced portions of Piedmont, Peralta and Fruitvale school districts. The Oak land Daily Times was sold in May to a joint stock company of which J. A. Brown was president. The paper was republican under the new management. J. W. Wyman severed his connection with the office with this change. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 397 In 1886 L. J. LeConte, expert engineer and accountant, was employed by the Oakland council to make a close estimate of what it would cost to duplicate the Contra Costa Water Works. He made the following report : San Leandro reservoir $ 510,661 Temescal reservoir 195,433 McClure reservoir 6,400 Highland Park reservoir 5,7oo Sausal reservoir 4,545 Pumping works 14,123 Pipe system 150 miles 1,139,433 Total $1,872,345 Ten per cent added for contingencies. 187,235 Total $2,059,580 Total plant on hand 65,000 Grand total $2,124,580 The expert was also asked to make a liberal estimate as to what the plans had originally cost the company; his report was $2,640,872. These estimates did not include real estate, water rights, rights of way, land damages, etc. The company declared the estimate was much too low. The Oakland Board of Trade was organized at the City Council Chambers on September 17, 1886, and was composed of all shades of business men. Among those who took part in the proceedings were Mayor Playter, Ex-mayor A. C. Henry, J. L. Lyons, V. D. Moody, Charles L. Taylor, Joseph Dieves, Sr., Frank A. Leach, Max Marcuse, E. W. Woodworth, E. H. Bernheim, J. L. Wetmore, L. Jaffe, George Fish, John Williams, J. H. Macdonald, G. B. Daniels, Richard Jones, M. J. Keller, McGovern & Cahill, A. J. Weiner, Sol. Kahn, D. W. Stande- ford and others. Mr. Kahn who had presided at a previous meeting called the house to order and was chosen chairman and Richard Jones, secretary. V. D. Moody was elected president of the board, there being polled thirty-nine votes: J. M. Danies, secretary ; A. D. Thomson, treasurer ; and M. J. Keller, A. C. Henry, F. A. Leach, Sol. Kahn, E. W. Playter, George L. Fish and James Cahill, directors. Several committees were appointed and a full organization was effected. Several years earlier there was organized in Oakland a Business Men's Association which was largely instrumental in establishing here the numerous large manufacturing concerns in the early '80s. In December the Board of Trade passed a resolu tion favoring the formation of the city and county of Oakland. There was an active and energetic movement for a new charter for Oakland in the summer of 1886. Meetings were held and what was wanted was dis cussed and examined. The charter committee were E. W. Playter, mayor, John P Irish, John Yule, Wallace Everson, T. C. Coogan and Doctor Merritt. They held regular meetings and consulted with a similar committee in Los Angeles where a new charter was also wanted. The subject was important and many vital questions of municipal control had to be considered. 398 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY An immense dredger was at work in Alameda creek in the spring of i£ Much of the debris was deposited in a reservoir which was formed by a bulk head starting from the high land between Willow and Chestnut streets skirting the marsh and putting it to high land again at Oak street. The basin to the depth of six feet was filled. The discharge pipe was located at the edge of the high land and showed well the workings of the system. The discharge was almost the whole capacity of a twenty-inch pipe, and clay balls as big as a man's head, thick mud and large masses of sand were poured out at the rate of 300 tons of slickens every hour. In the fall of 1886, for the first time, iron girders and columns of Oakland manufacture were used here — in the Blake and Moffitt building at Broad way and Eighth streets. They were cast by the Judson Iron Works. This was the first introduction of California made iron for building purposes and the first castings made in Oakland for building purposes. In 1880 the receipts from the sale of stamps at the Oakland office were $28,844 ; in 1887 they were $59,844. In 1880 letters delivered by carriers were 679,362, and in 1887 were 1,973,322. In February, 1888, a petition signed by 2,163 voters of Oakland asked to have the northern boundary of the city extended so as to include Alcatraz avenue and take in part of Fruitvale. The petition asked the council to call a special election to determine the question of annexation. By the last of March the Oakland Board of Trade, through lack of unity, ceased to be a representative body. The trial of a large directorate had proved unsatis factory. Members had resisted the organization, the dues had fallen to a small sum and there was an indebtedness of $300. The public measures before the board, at this time, were (1) extension of city boundaries; (2) adoption of the new charter; (3) issuance of bonds; (4) build up manufacturing interests; (5) improvement of roads near the city; (6) liberal support to the California and Nevada railroad; (7) improvement of street railroad facilities; (8) new lines of railroads converging in this city. After much discussion a committee was 'appointed to consider all the status of affairs and report at a subsequent meeting. The board of trade was reorganized early in April, when fifty well known and prominent business men agreed each to pay $5 per month for one year in order to build up the organization. There was yet much dissatisfaction expressed con cerning the question of incorporation. The new directors were V. D. Moody, F. K. Shattuck, S. Kahn, W. W. Camron, J. S. White, A. S. McDonald, R. M. Fitzgerald, F. J. Moffitt, J. L. Lyon, C. L. Taylor and E. F. Delger. The newly incorporated board of trade prepared to push the completion of the projected road into Contra Costa county. That county had already completed the road to its limits at a cost of about $5,000. C. M. Plumb was secretary of the board at this time. Uncle Joe Russell, the hermit of Richmond canyon, was found dying in his cabin in April, 1888, and was conveyed to the Receiving hospital in Oakland, where he breathed his last. He was once a partner of Mountain George, who was found dead in his cabin some time before this date. Upon retiring Mayor Davis, on April ist, recited what his administration had accomplished: Maintenance of the high standing of the schools; sixty miles of macadamized streets ; improvement of the mid-turn plazas ; the merchants license was abandoned; a large appropriation for Oakland harbor; the question of city expansion had been well advanced, the new charter was ready for the people after HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 399 months of labor by a citizens' committee of fifteen ; the city ordinances were being codified ; work on the boulevard around Lake Merritt had been commenced. Capt. W. R. Thomas, captain of the Oakland police department, was removed in April, 1888, and Capt. Peter Pumyea was appointed in his place. At a large public meeting held in Cameron hall on April 9th the council was severely criti cised for this action, because no cause for the step had been given. The meeting in its resolutions said: "The City Council without just cause or provocation and entirely neglecting to make suitable investigation before performing so important an act, has arbitrarily removed William R. Thomas from the office of captain of police, and has appointed to succeed him a man who has been tried in the office and found lacking in the qualities to administer it properly ; and that we regard the recent removal and appointment as political in character and as tending to make the department again a political machine and is thus a violation of the previous understanding; that the action of the council in its manner and cir cumstances constitutes a public outrage and we denounce the five councilmen who voted to perpetrate it and regard them as unfaithful to their trusts." The commission of freeholders were satisfied with the charter, but it was yet to be submitted to the citizens — the voters — and its fate was. not certain nor clear. It was desirable that it should have the approval of the people generally of the city before being presented to- the Legislature. But the proposed extension of the city boundary, it was agreed, should precede the adoption of a new charter and should be submitted at once to the voters. At this time the desire of the people for a progressive official policy which would put public enterprise in Oakland abreast of private enterprise found expression in two great public meetings under the auspices of the board of trade. At these meetings three vastly important improvements were demanded, ' namely ( 1 ) the improvement of Lake Merritt, (2) the reclamation of the marshes and (3) the construction of a proper sewerage • system. ' It was then found that it was impossible to effect these improvements under the old charter, but as they were necessary it was concluded to secure a new charter that would permit and amplify action. The board of freeholders was chosen and the charter was prepared, adopted and ratified. The vote was — for charter, 4,153; against charter, 1,955. All were united. The spirit of asso ciation generated in this common step upward which was shared by so many, so profoundly influenced the people that they temporarily renounced and aban doned party organizations, crossed party lines and suspended party loyalty, as they believed, in the interest of local welfare. and patriotism and elected a citizens' ticket in order to put into effect the new charter as the first great step toward the required public improvements. With, these facts in. view, why, then, did the new council delay the passage of the ordinances that would put into execution the commencement of the reforms demanded? was asked in October, 1889. The city was on a peninsula, so located as to make the delivery of sewage short of deep water at low tide almost a crime, and yet nine-tenths of the sewage was deposited in Lake Merritt, in the north arm of the estuary, on the south front of the First ward, on the west shore of the bay, in easily remedied cesspools, or on, the Six teenth street marsh, so that the city was wrapped in a phylactery of its own filth. Action was now demanded in accordance with the spirit that had animated the people since the inception of the general movement for improvement. This demand was voiced and emphasized by a citizens' committee of which John P.. 400 HISTORY- OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Irish was chairman and for which he was spokesman before the city council. The committee demanded the issuance of bonds in sufficient amounts to meet the expenses. This committee consisted of John P. Irish, W. F. Price, J. C. Bullock, J. C. Carrington, H. Toedt, G. H. Wright, A. A. Williamson, William Gross, Joseph Emery, Robert Brand, C. A. Nordhausen, R. M. Anthony, E. B. Herome, B. C. Cuvellier and N. B. Hoyt. A short time before his death Mr. Chabot made a deed of trust to certain persons to found an institution for dependent women and children. The aggre gate value of the whole gift was estimated at $116,000 and consisted of twelve shares in the Central Land and Improvement Company ; - 600 shares in the California Jute Mills Company ; 500 shares in the Contra Costa Water Company; 40 bonds of the Judson Manufacturing Company, and $25,000 in money under the codicil of the will and to a piece of land at North and Franklin streets. The object of the gifts, in the language of the grantor, was as follows : Nature — A temporary home or haven for working women and their minor dependents; object — to lighten the burdens of humanity and aid respectable women in earning a livelihood. The name suggested by the grantor was "The Woman's Sheltering and Protective Home of Oakland." The seven trustees named in the deed were Henry Vrooman, John R. Glascock, Horatio Stebbins, J. R. McLean, S. T. Gage, John P. Irish and Ellen H. Chabot. The Chabot estate was divided among the heirs early in 1888 and was appraised at $1,348,370. Among the items were 9,170 shares of the Contra Costa Water Company, appraised at $825,300. Among the bequests were $3,000 to the Ladies' Relief Society; $10,000 to the Chabot observatory; $25,000 to the Sheltering Home in addition to the property given to the home in June, 1887, not yet delivered and worth from $75,000 to $100,000. Charles Burckhalter was chief astronomer at Chabot observatory. At this time Charles B. Hill, his col league, resigned to accept the position of assistant astronomer at Lick Observ atory. Mr. Hill a short time before this had discovered the nucleus of Comet A. The observatory regulated the time pieces of the city and gave instruction in astronomy, etc, to school classes. On April 1, 1888, there were in Oakland sixty-four miles of macadamized streets and about seventy-five feet of bituminized streets. During the fiscal year 1888-89 there were built 10 2/3 miles of macadamized street at a cost of $201,504. Bituminous rock was laid in different places at a cost of $20,807. Sewer work costing $53,319 was completed or under way. The Sixth Ward Improvement Association did much street improvement this year. Harrison square, an eyesore, was made attractive and beautiful. Among the contemplated improvements were underground electric wires, streets opened to tide water, a marginal sewer on the south side of the city, cross walks of bituminous rock, salt water for street sprinkling, flushing of sewers, extension of fire limits, rear entrance to city hall. The city was determined to be up-to-date and modern at the earliest possible moment. It was at this time that the talk of a bonded debt for needed public improvements was seriously broached and thoroughly discussed. The charter had been adopted with ease, the annexation of new territory was almost unanimous, and the rings of politics had been broken and dissolved in favor of non-partisan municipal administration. The city finances were in excellent condition, the citv rich, taxation low, everybody prosperous and why not then issue bonds to make the HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 401 city the most attractive on the coast? was asked. The Legislature had petitioned Congress to grant to Oakland the north arm of the San Antonio estuary. The generous appropriations for harbor improvement kindled in the breasts of all the fond hope that Oakland would become a great ocean and interior shipping point. The most important duty of Mayor Glascock at the outset was the selection of the board of public works. The council had much trouble in 1888 to prevent property owners near Lake Merritt from continuing the old practice of discharging their sewers into that body of water. The use of bituminous rock on the streets of Oakland was com menced. In July M. J. Laymance and Company, real estate dealers of Oakland, sold 100 lots in San Leandro at public auction. In July Oakland had four fire engine companies, two hose companies and two truck companies and 3,000 feet of hose. The expenses for the year ending July ist, were $34,407.38. Lorin had a volunteer fire company; it had several stores and shops, lodges, schools, churches, etc., and was growing rapidly. The West Oakland Improvement Association was organized in 1888-89 for the purpose of securing the reclamation of the West Oakland marsh and its transformation from a pestilential hole to a beautiful park. William Gross was one of the first members. About fifteen men met in a dingy room on Peralta street and during several meetings consulted what was best to be done to secure the cooperation of the authorities. The hat was passed around to raise money with which to pay for the room. Finally open meetings were held, the news papers began to give accounts of the proceedings, and more prominent citizens began to attend and to take an interest in the object of the association. William Walsh, Father J. B. McNally and John P. Irish soon became interested and the latter was elected president. From that moment the usefulness and purpose of the association were heralded over the city with a force and eloquence that in the end brought results. The board of trade in August espoused the cause of the annexation, boule vard and clean-up projects and announced its approval of the proposed new charter. At this time the citizens residing east of the city limits except Fruitvale, favored annexation. The citizens north of the city limits gener ally favored annexation. The board at this time circulated a petition for the annexation of these districts, and expressed the opinion that Oakland's imperative need was signal success upon some one line of progress and improvement which should be accepted by the majority before any action should be taken. First agree upon the line of action and then go to work, was its recommendation. The proposed new charter provided for four additional councilmen from the city at large, four additional members for the board of education from the city at large ; created a board of public works which should have executive control of the various city departments ; provided for a police court and two justices of the peace; made it compulsory for the council to grant franchises to any railroad company to enter the city and operate steam railroads to and upon the water front west of Wood street and south of First street. In August the public improvements demanded were the dredging of Lake Merritt, construction of the boulevard around it, a park for West Oakland, sewer extensions and intercepting sewers. But while the people were enthusiastic and could see nothing in the way, the council found that the end desired could 402 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY not be attained without an enormous cost. It was estimated that $1,500,000 would be necessary to carry into effect the reforms demanded. Part of Lake Merritt and the proposed boulevard lay outside the city limits; there were conflicting titles to property; how to improve the noisome swamps in the western part of the city; the practical construction of a new sewer system and many other obstructions faced the willing council; and in addition the paving of Broadway throughout its whole length seemed an imperative necessity. The council had its troubles at this time. In his message to the council in August, 1888, Mayor Pierce advised the council to give the board of education what they required for the public schools ; stated that the increased death rate should be remedied ; rec ommended that petty criminals should be made to work the streets; advised that electric wire systems should be underground; suggested that two- more fire engines and a hose cart should be procured; advised that the fire alarm system, which had been put up in 1875 should be repaired; recommended that thereafter street franchises should be sold, not given away; advised electors to vote in favor of the new charter in November ; urged the council to give necessary atten tion to squares, parks, sidewalks, streets, bridges and the care of all public buildings; recommended that an election should be held to determine whether the limits of the city should be so extended as to take in all of Lake Merritt and the proposed boulevard around its borders. In spite of all drawbacks many very useful and important industries located at Oakland or its immediate suburbs. The cotton mills, the flour mills, the oil refinery, the metallurgical industry, powder making, furniture business, grain shipping, iron industry, electric power, lumber business, rail making, beet-sugar making, coal distribution, canning, acid and paint works and many others were vastly important to the rapidly 'growing and ambitious town. The first important stretch of double track railroad in California was laid by the Southern Pacific from Oakland to Martinez, a distance of about twenty miles, in 1888. A small section of bituminous rock was laid on Ninth street near Broadway and on September 21, 1888, an immense crowd gathered there after dark to listen to speeches by W. W. Camron, J. L. Lyon and others on the value of that material for street paving and to enjoy the music of the band. A large number of citizens, in September, petitioned against the paving of Broadway with bituminous rock as had been proposed. A large basking shark (Selache Maxima) was killed in Oakland harbor in 1888 by the sailors of the revenue cutter Bear; it was over twenty feet long and at first no one knew what it was. The annexation of Vernon Heights to the north of Oakland was projected late in 1888. This was included in the land to be annexed to the city under the newly proposed charter. Among the largest and most active and enterprising real estate firms in 1888-89 were E. W. Woodward & Co., operating in the direction of Piedmont; Benham & Thomas, on Myrtle, Twenty-fourth streets and San Pablo avenue; O. C. Logan at Fruitvale; Scotchler & Gattshall, between Oakland and Berke ley; A. S. Macdonald & Co., in Piedmont and on Linden street and San Pablo avenue; Gaskill & Vandercook on Castro street and in North Oakland; E. C. Sessions at Highland Park and Twenty-third avenue ; H. H. Smith at Glen Echo. In September the council hesitated long in taking measures to call an election on the question of annexation. It was doubtful whether such a step was legal PUBLIC LIBRARY, OAKLAND FOURTEENTH STREET, EAST FROM BROADWAY, OAKLAND, IN 1905 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 403 and there were many obstacles in the way. A petition signed by about two thousand voters asked for such an election, but still the council hesitated. It was only after the board of trade had taken strong position in favor of such action that the council finally called an election for that purpose on October 27th. Legal council had been taken by both the friends and the enemies of the propo sition. After much discussion the council on October n, 1888, called a special election on the charter question for November 6th. There, was some doubt whether the election should be special or be a part of the general state election. Late in November the Oakland Board of Trade asked the county board to give them the balance remaining of the $1,000 authorized by the Legislature to be expended in advertising the county. This board of trade was the only organ ization in the county devoted to this work and was contributing $300 per annum to the California State Board of Trade. It had just constructed, at a cost of over five hundred dollars, two topographical maps of the county, one of which was on exhibition in San Francisco and the other had recently been on exhibition in Columbus, Ohio, where 100,000 people saw it. Circulars had been issued, but more were needed. This request was referred to the proper committee with power to act. On December ist the Oakland free library had 11,173 members. The mem bership of 2,000 was cancelled so that on January 1, 1889, the total membership was 9,259, a few others having joined. The old list had not been revised for ten years. Upon investigation it was learned that many had died, moved away or had failed to return their cards ; so all who had not used their cards for the previous five years were dropped from the list. There were the Central, West Oakland, East Oakland and North Oakland reading rooms. In 1888 no portion of Oakland grew faster and better than Piedmont. Its elevation made it specially desirable for residences. At a meeting held at the residence of Herman Bendel on Alice street on January 18, 1889, resolutions were adopted asking the council to memorialize Congress or the Secretary of War to grant to the city of Oakland the north arm of the estuary of San Antonio for the sanitary improvement of the city. By January the sale of brooms made at the Home of Mechanical Trades for the Adult Blind on Telegraph avenue just north of the city limits amounted to $17,955, all of which had been from time to time paid into the state treasury and was lying there unused. Senator Dargie introduced a bill for the apropria- tion of that sum to the use of the institution. From the passage of the Vrooman law until January ist nearly $400,000 was spent for street improvement — mainly by the Oakland Paving and the Alameda Macadamizing companies. There was a strong movement against the ratification by the Legislature of the new charter in January, 1889. A meeting was held in Hansen hall and an organization effected to extend the opposition to Sacramento. Among the leaders of the opposition were H. M. Collins, W. F. Price, E. E. Walcott and Rev. George Bothwell. A petition addressed to the Legislature and opposing the ratification was prepared, one clause being as follows : "That said charter contains provisions which are detrimental to the growth of the city of Oakland and discriminates against a large, body of the citizens of said city." It was stated that a tract of about one hundred and fifty acres covered with from five hundred to six hundred houses was made subject to condemnation for railroad purposes. Other objec tions were offered. The petition in opposition to the ratification of the new 404 , HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY charter contained 1,730 names. Both sides in the charter fight sent strong lobbies to the Legislature in July. Before the new charter had been approved by the Legislature nearly all the city officers regarded it with disfavor; only three or four were its outspoken friends. Mayor Pierce was its ardent friend from the start. So was Fred M. Campbell, city school superintendent, who was the author of the feature which took the public schools practically out of politics by making the office of superintendent appointive instead of elective. While the measure was in the Legislature struggling hard for passage against violent and determined opposition, sentiment here was at fever heat as the news was received from day to day of the fight over the various and numerous vital provisions. When Assemblyman Hyde turned against the measure and supported the cause of the opposition, many supported the cause of the opposition. Many hesitated to express their delight. When it became known on January 30th, that it had just passed the House and would no doubt be signed by the Governor, there was intense delight here among its friends. Immediately after the ratification of the charter by the Legislature, the newly annexed districts were notified by the board of health to make proper sewer connections, but not one of the forty-nine thus notified complied with the order. Many nuisances were abated at this time and all possible was being done by the board with their limited powers to put the whole city in better sanitary condition. Vernon Heights was the name of the newly annexed district. As a reason for not complying with the orders of the board, it was stated that a more feasible project was on foot for the construction of a substantial sewer from Bay street to connect with the sewer along the northwest side of Lake Merritt. At the head of this movement was Edson Adams. They regarded their plans as better than the cesspool proposed by the board. There was a decrease in the death rate at this time — to 13.30 during January. The people in the annexed territory were granted longer time to put their premises in proper sanitary condition. The board of public works, in May, 1889, estimated that bonds to the amount of nearly $1,500,000 would be required to effect the contemplated improvements. The Oakland council on February nth established a new city grade. The action of the council in fixing the saloon license at $400 was followed by a genuine and spirited crusade against the liquor evil and by the organization of the Anti- Saloon Alliance. The measure was treated as a moral rather than a business proposition. It encountered much opposition throughout the county. Many contended that the license would drive out the light wines and beers and encourage the consumption of whisky and brandy and would thus prove a source of great harm. The mistake made by Oakland, it was claimed, was in compelling the pay ment of a license for the sale of wine and beer exclusively. This meant a blow at the pure and harmless drinks of Alameda county — at one of its chief indus tries. A majority of the people consumed the native wines, but now could not obtain them even in original packages or cases. The new board of public works consisted of J. West Martin, E. W. Playter and R. M. Fitzgerald — an American, a republican and a democrat, respectively. Martin and Playter were formerly mayors. Under the new city administration in 1889 plans for great improvements were duly considered, among which were a new city hall, brick high school, boulevard, sewers, street extension, parks HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 405 and Lake Merritt purification. Mayor Glascock was in favor of a bond issue to commence a general system of city improvement. Early in 1889 the name of the West Oakland Flerald was changed to the Western Christian Union. Rev. G. W. Bothwell, D. D., remained its editor, and Stephen R. Ward, its publisher. In May, twenty-five lots at Encinal and San Antonio avenues and Union street were sold at auction; the price per lot ranged from $1,000 to $1,600. Charles S. Neal owned the property. M. J. Laymance & Co. at this time sold large numbers of lots in all parts of the city and suburban towns. The Kingsland tract, Brooklyn township, comprising eighty-four acres about one mile east of Fruitvale, was divided into one-acre lots and thrown on the market by Gaskill & Vandercook. It fronted on the county road running from Oakland to San Leandro. On June 30th the Oakland library had 14,468 volumes and on June 30, 1890, 14,888. The rainfall at Oakland in the fall of 1889 was heavier than ever known before. By December nth there had fallen since July 17.55 inches. During a shower in November a quarter of an inch of rain fell in five minutes. Lake Merritt was overflowing, a wide stream pouring over the dam. Lake Chabot was within one foot of the top and the end of rain was not in sight. All the streams of the county were over their banks. In the canyons the floods swept all before them. BONDED DEBT OF OAKLAND l88o $673,000 1885 440,000 l88l 643,000 1886 397,000 1882 . . . . 764,500 1887 397,000 1883 570,000 1888 397,000 1884 526,000 1889 397,000 In October, 1889, the towns of Lorin, Golden Gate, Emeryville, Newberry and perhaps Temescal, with other adjoining settlements discussed the advisability of incorporating as a consolidated municipality or as several separate towns. This action was caused by the demand for street light, sewer, police and other improvements which they could not secure without incorporation. At the meeting a committee was appointed to investigate the wishes of the various towns inter ested and learn what they wished done. This committee reported to a large audience at Klinkner's hall on November 7th in favor of uniting Golden Gate, Lorin, Newberry and surrounding country under one corporation. The bound aries and conditions generally did not suit the Golden Gate delegates, who suc ceeded in their efforts to have the report laid on the table. Nothing definite was done because it appeared that the majority of those present at the meeting thought all the small towns should be annexed to Oakland. The reception tendered to General Grant by Oakland and her citizens was a splendid ovation. As soon as he touched the soil of Alameda county, he was met by Mayor Andrus and the city council of Oakland, when his honor, stepping forward, said : "General Grant : Your merited ovations have encircled the world. They have been as grand and as varied as the nations who have offered them. And, yet, among them all, there has not been a more earnest, sincere and cordial 406 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY welcome than that which the city of Oakland now extends to you. This is preeminently a city of homes and of families; of husbands and of wives; of parents and of children ; of churches and of schools. There is no earthly tie more sacred and lasting than that of the family. At the family altar the fires of liberty are first enkindled, and there patriotism is born. The love of home, of kindred, and of country, is one. This is the source and the foundation of our welcome to you, the defender of our country, our firesides, and our families. I am authorized to further present to you this official expression of good will from our city authorities." The freedom of the city, with the resolutions quoted above, were then tendered to and accepted by General Grant, who thereupon grasped the hand of the mayor, and said : "Mr. Mayor : I thank you." The council passed the following resolution : That upon receiving telegraphic notice of the signaling of the steamship City of Tokio off the "Heads," the mayor he requested to cause the American flag to be hoisted on the city hall, and the superintendent of fire alarm be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the fire-alarm bell to be sounded for five consecutive minutes, to give notice of the return to his country of America's most distinguished citizen, Gen eral Grant. During 1889, 400 dwellings and fifty-seven business blocks were erected in Oakland; other buildings brought the total up to 460. In 1889 Oakland appro priated $8,930 for two new fire engines; it also paid Rudolph Hering $1,000 for a plan for a new or improved building. In December the council considered issuing bonds for the four following purposes : ( 1 ) Deepening Lake Merritt, and filling the marshes of West Oakland; (2) providing additional land and facilities for the school department; (3) purchase and placing of poles and wires for a system of electric lighting; (4) salt water- storage reservoir for street sprinkling. It was estimated that these improvements would cost $1,000,000. Late in January, 1890, the board of public works, in a courteous communica tion, charged the city council with having usurped the functions conferred upon the former by the new charter. The board stated that it was willing to purchase peace and harmony with personal sacrifices, but was not willing to delegate to others the duties which the new constitution conferred upon it. That document gave them charge of the public works of the city not controlled by the general laws, and the board of public works had the right to expect the legislation asked for from the council to carry into effect their operations. Twelve or fifteen important measures had been recommended and desired, but the council had paid no attention to the requirements of the board. This request from the board of public works was received with considerable indignation by the councilmen, several of whom denied the charges and Others controverted the premises assumed by the board. It was claimed that the board of public works had started wrong — started with the assumption that they were a superior body with superior powers, when in reality they were a subordinate body with subordinate powers, that their first act was to investigate the finances of the city — a step they had no legal right to take. The Ah Yon decision in the supreme court had likewise stripped the board of more of their assumed rights. Temescal was quite a village by January 1, 1890. It extended from Thirty- sixth street, Oakland, to the bay and included Lorin, Klinknerville, Newberry and Claremont. A large sanitarium was planned there by a lady physician of SCENE CN THE FIFTEEN MTLE DRTYE AROUND LAKE MERRITT LOOKING ACROSS LAKE MERRITT TO LAKESIDE PARK, OAKLAND VIEW OF THE HILLS BACK OF OAKLAND HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 407 Oakland. The old cannery buildings were transformed into amusement halls and nearby was the California Military Academy. Doctor Ayala gave land for a public park. There were the big public school, the St. Mary and St. Law rence schools of the Catholics, the Church of, the Sacred Heart, Home for Children, Home for Aged Women and others. In January' Oakland was cut off from communication with all outside places by the floods which washed out the railroad tracks and washed down the telegraph poles. Three inches of rain fell from 9 o'clock at night until 7 o'clock the next morning. Three improvements were demanded in 1890. A suitable high school build ing; the dredging of Lake Merritt, and the reclamation of the West Oakland marshes. Many contended in the summer of 1890 that the Oakland sewer system was a rotten cesspool, that filth polluted the air because the drains were choked and broken, that Lake Merritt was a reeking pestilence — breeding bed of slimy ooze, that every street was a breakneck in its disruption; that dust settled upon everything with no water to wash half of. it off ; that the walks were traps for every pedestrian; that there was not a hotel in the city where a man could rest in comfort, sleep in peace and eat without inducing acute indigestion; that every hostelry was the stronghold of a robber and a synonym for discomfort ; that the city officials were the worst in the world — thieves, cut purses and abandoned wretches of the slums ; that consequently, the city was bowed down with taxation and had nothing to show for the outlay ; that the gas company was in league with the opticians; that city water was nothing short of putrified poison, and that even the climate was one of the worst out of doors. After reciting the above the Tribune of June 3, 1890, more sanely said that it was time to face the truth and at least greatly improve the existing conditions. In June about one hundred and seventy citizens of Oakland petitioned the city council to pass the ordinance pending to grant to the Edison General Electric Company the right to lay down, maintain and operate in this city wires and other conductors for the transmission of electricity. A special committee of the general committee of one hundred reported on artesian well-water supply in April, 1890. There were the following wells : On Bay Farm, at the old narrow- gauge pier, at Butchertown, at San Pablo and at Sobrante, all of which flowed only at high tide. Those with a constant flow were at Klinknerville, near Temes cal, near Oak street, at Fruitvale, near Fitchburg and three at Alvarado, the latter three yielding from 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 gallons daily. In addition there were nearly one < hundred others which did not flow, but yielded large supplies of good water. In April Oakland led all the other cities of northern California in the matter of street paving with asphalt or bituminous, rock. One mile had already been constructed and another third of a mile was being contracted for. In May residents of Lorin, Golden Gate, Emeryville and Newberry petitioned the county board to declare their towns a sanitary district and to have a sanitary officer appointed there. Attorney S. P. Hall presented the petition and asked for prompt action. The boundaries of the seven wards were so altered as to give them as nearly as practicable the same population; all were changed more or less except the Seventh. Broadway terrace at Prospect and Florence streets was placed in the market by Carnall-Fitzhugh-Hopkins Company of San Fran cisco. About the same time, also, the Terminal tract, at Piedmont, at May and Bonita streets, was offered by E. A. Heron. It can not be truthfully said that 408 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY the citizens in early years did all that they should and could to make this city attractive and beautiful. Many cities throughout the country surpassed it in this regard. It did not even improve its natural advantages, to say nothing of keeping up the sewer, water and street paving and many other systems as it should. The city had too many old codgers in office who were willing to sit down and let the city advance in rags and disgrace so long as the taxation was small. A dozen vital improvements were demanded in 1890 and the council only just awakened to the necessities and the possibilities. In August a, real estate exchange was organized in Oakland and was com posed of the following dealers; W. W. Camron, Blow & Warder, J. H. Mac- Donald & Co., W. E. Barnard & Son, Benham & Thomas, Dusenbury & Wurtz, Riley & Jackson, A. J. Snyder and Leckie & Hawkett. The purpose of the organization was to cooperate in the purchase and sale of real estate — at private sales and public auctions. W. W. Blow was the first president of the association. The Ladies Syndicate and Exchange, a real estate concern, was organized in August, and began business with offices in the Blake building. The ordinance which determined the land necessary for the boulevard around Lake Merritt passed the council by a unanimous vote. The free library authorities asked for $50,000 to be used in constructing a new building, as the old one was wholly inadequate to meet the needs of the growing library. It required $i5,899.'i5 to maintain the big library. On October 10th Mayor Glascock vetoed the tax ordinance passed by the coun cil on October 6th, on the ground that it was too high — that $1 on each $100 was sufficient. The year before, on a levy of $1, there was a surplus of $41,000. The position taken by the mayor was denied by many citizens who insisted that the dollar limit of the charter was not exceeded by the levy of $1.05, because part of the levy was for improvement and not for regular municipal expenses. It was further- declared that as public sentiment favored advanced public improve ments, a niggardly policy of city administration was both harmful and unde sirable. Thus far every dollar that had been spent for public improvements had brought returns so satisfactory that more money should be spent in the same direction, was the general opinion. On October 13th the ordinance was passed Over the mayor's veto by 8 to 3 votes. The project incorporating as a city of the sixth class of portions of Claremont, Peralta and Lorin was considered by the county board in November. The tract was bounded north by Berkeley, south by Alcatraz avenue, west by Grove street and east by an imaginary line. The speedy adjustment of the Lake Merritt difficulties late in 1890 spurred the people of West Oakland to redoubled activity to reclaim the large marsh in their district. The West Oakland Improvement Association had done all it could to induce the citizens there to demand and enforce the reclamation, but until this time had failed to awaken the citizens to the importance of the improvement without further delay. Now the action of Oakland and Alameda did more to interest them than had been done by the association. Oakland made final plans for its boulevard around Lake Merritt and Alameda perfected its designs for a boulevard along the whole water front, and both demanded that a fine bridge to connect the two boulevard systems should be built across the tidal canal at Park street. The people generally insisted that the quality of city water should be improved and the council be brought to accomplish that result. Early HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 409 in 1 89 1 it further succeeded in reducing the water rates from 5 to 30 per cent. The estimated number of buildings erected in Oakland in 1890 was 548, at a total estimated cost of $1,881450. By a unanimous vote the council on December 9, 1890, passed to print an ordinance appropriating $20,000 with which to begin work on the Lake Merritt boulevard. This action was opposed before the council by John P. Irish on behalf of the people of West Oakland who believed it was a step taken at the solicitation of certain property owners in the vicinity of Lake Merritt and not generally by the city as a whole — that if the city was to be benefited why was not the reclamation of the West Oakland marsh likewise given a liberal appropria tion? He referred sarcastically to the alleged self-sacrificing motives of the lake real estate owners in deeding their property to the city and declared it was done to save their own lives. Mr. Evans said the reason why a similar appro priation was not given to West Oakland was not because the council wished to draw a deadline, as insinuated by Colonel Irish, but because the owners of the West Oakland marsh had not placed their property under the city government so that legal improvements could be made. Mr. Camron said in substance that the marsh would receive the necessary appropriation in due time. It was soon apparent that the position taken by Colonel Irish was favored by a majority of the best citizens — that both Lake Merritt and the West Oakland marsh should be improved under a joint act and at the same time. The $20,000 appropriation ordinance for public improvement came up for final consideration on December 22d. An amendment reducing the amount to $10,000 was lost. The ordinance then passed by the vote of 8 for and 3 against. Mayor Glascock promptly approved the ordinance and said : "In doing this permit me to express the pleasure it gives to place the stamp of official approval on the first of the great improvements evidencing the awakening spirit of Oakland enterprise. That others equally necessary and important will follow there can be no doubt." He said the city had outgrown the provincial and had entered upon the metropolitan stage of municipal life. He spoke of dredging Lake Mer ritt, constructing the boulevard, reclaiming the West Oakland marsh, building a new city hall and supplying additional educational facilities. The appropria tion of the $20,000 would not in any way interfere with the issuance of bonds for any or all of these improvements, he said. The year 1890 was a quickening one for all departments of progress in Oak land and its various suburbs. The people had at last awakened to the fact of their possibilities and to the need of prompt and efficient action to keep abreast of the other progressive cities of the coast. There was a general revivification fol lowed by better streets, sewers, sidewalks, and every other advance. In fact so urgent became the demand for improvements in these particulars that the council was compelled part of the year to hold extra night sessions to attend to the demands upon their consideration. New sewers had been built in every section of the city and the old ones were extensively repaired. Macadamizing and laying bituminous rock had gone on by hundreds of feet and all the paving companies were far behind with their work. However, it took the Glascock administration nearly two years, or until just before the municipal election in 1891 before it did what should have been done in 1889 and which the citizens then demanded should be done as a result of the political upheaval of March, 1889. 410 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY The cable road to Piedmont was one of the important improvements put forward in 1890. A large hotel was going up at Piedmont. The electric road connecting Oakland and Berkeley was nearing completion — would be in operation by March, 1891. The Y. M. C. A. building was one of the greatest improvements this year. Others were the new Chemical building at Berkeley and the ship building plant on the estuary; three shipyards were in operation and several steamers and schooners had been launched. The board of trade, after making vast pretentions in 1889 finally sank into desuetude in 1890, when all their dreams were not promptly carried into execution. During 1890 about $550,000 was spent for buildings in Berkeley. Early in 1891 two important questions to be taken into consideration by the new administration were : ( 1 ) Continuation of the public improvements planned and already commenced and (2) the question of high or low or any license for the sale of liquor. There were nearly two hundred saloons paying each $400 license which gave the city a revenue of about seventy-five thousand dollars annually. The proposed West Oakland park was an irregular tract extending from Eighteenth street to Twenty-eighth street in part and Yerba Buena street in part and from the railroad to Peralta, Minor and Center streets in part. In 1890-91 the Legislature enacted a law which provided for the issue and sale of bonds with forty years to run. This gave the cities of Alameda county the opportunity which many of its citizens had clamored for and wanted a long time. Oakland was not in a situation to take advantage of this law, because the case concerning the annexed territory north of Lake Merritt was then pending in the supreme court, whence it had been appealed. Late in April a petition was circulated and numerously signed asking the council to call immediately an elec tion to decide whether the territory heretofore annexed under a law which was declared to be unconstitutional should be reannexed under the new law. Over one hundred and forty signed the petition, among them many of the most prominent men in the city. By this time the question of calling such an election was supported by a large majority of the people. In May, the council having received a petition signed by more than one-fifth of the qualified electors, and there being no legal obstacles, called a special election on the reannexation question. The issuance of bonds for the West Oakland marsh reclamation, for the construction of the boulevard, for the improvement of Lake Merritt, for better sewers, for the streets and for other progressive and up to date measures had hung fire for many dreary months. The ordinances calling for bonds for the West Oakland park, the boulevard around Lake Merritt and vast school improvements were finally passed and immediately approved by the mayor on September 23, 1891. The next step was to call an election on the bond ques tion. The bare suggestion of a bond issue of a million dollars, even for the most urgent improvements, caused the "old shellback silurians" of Oakland to shudder and grow sick with fear — fear that their taxes would be increased. No matter if the improvements then made should double the valuation of property, the sick . feeling still remained. They could not see that this city was destined to extend from Pinole to Mission San Jose and from the bay eastward to and up the rolling foothills. The West Oakland park project embraced 112 acres, instead of 160 acres, in July, 1891. The total cost of its acquisition by the city was estimated at $1 12,000. It was necessary to fill about forty acres to the height of four feet HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY- 411 at a cost of $48,000.' John P. Irish and Father McNally were active in the movement to reclaim and beautify this objectionable tract. The vote in Oakland in 1891 was — for annexation, 1,008; against annexa tion, 263. In outside districts the vote was — for annexation, 19; against annexa tion, 1. In July the following real estate firms and dealers recommended voters to cast their ballots in favor of annexation : W. J. Dingee, W. G. Henshaw, E. W. Wood ward & Co., M. J. Laymance & Co., J. A. Jones, J. L. Scotchler, W. W. Blow, E. P. Vandercook, Gray & Swenarton, D. F. McDonald & Co., Benham & Thomas, IT. M. Cameron, W. E. Barnard, W. H. Mackinnon, J. H. Macdonald & Co., E. A. Heron, Riley & Jackson, O. I. Denison & Co. and W. W. Camron. This annexation tract embraced the land that had been illegally annexed and included about two hundred acres owned by the Edson Adams estate. The petition calling the election was signed by over two thousand citizens. In August, 1 89 1, the Oakland Syndicate Improvement Company planned to reclaim about two thousand acres of overflowed lands west of Oakland and north of the railroad mole. They asked the council to submit to the voters the question of granting them a bonus of $500,000 to be used in starting this reclamation project, because they claimed that it meant the return of the grain shipping facilities from Port Costa to Oakland, would furnish ample railroad facilities for all companies who desired terminal advantages and would add from $20,000,000 to $30,000,000 to the assessment roll of the city. L. W. Kennedy was president of this company. It was a remarkable fact in 1891 that the citizens of Oakland did not realize what wonderful strides real estate values were soon to take. The commercial importance and terminal prominence of the city were not appreciated and hence land near the harbor was offered at a ridiculously low figure. Early in May, 1891, President Harrison visited Oakland and vicinity. His visit was unsatisfactory, owing to want of time to be seen and heard and owing to his own peculiar and well-known petulance. The cities were all prepared to give him a reception suited to his station, but unable to do so through regrettable slips and misunderstandings. W. B. English, the grand marshal, said : "The trouble was due to bad management of the committee which met him at West Berkeley and rushed him through ahead of time. It was expected that he would spend twenty minutes at the university and he stayed there only a few moments. He passed one parade before we had assembled and before we were ready to fire the salute and it was fired afterward. After he was gone we carried out our part of the program and paraded." With the president was Postmaster Gen eral Wanamaker. John P. Irish said in the Alta: "The president gave them no intentional snub. It is absurd to suppose that he intended to be rude." The state newspapers were full of accounts of the slight to Alameda, the' banner republican county. In 1891 North Oakland grew rapidly and it was clear that the center of popu lation was slowly moving in that direction. Real estate transactions were numer ous and advantageous. In that suburb scores of elegant buildings had gone up on Broadway, near Eighth, then to Fourteenth and finally to Seventeenth street. facilities were excellent. But at this time Piedmont was a formidable competitor of North Oakland. In fact for several years preceding 1891 North Oakland re mained almost stationery while Piedmont advanced by scores of buildings at a 412 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY time. But North Oakland again resumed its growth and was preferred as a place of residence by many well-to-do families. Houses costing from $15,000 to $25,000 were built there. The postoffice was moved northward from time to time as the center of population moved in that direction. Once it was on Fourth street, then on Broadway, near Eighth, then to Fourteenth and finally to Seventeenth street. The bituminizing of Broadway and the extension of the cable road from Sev enth street to the creek ferry landing in 1889, gave a great impulse to the growth of the south side of the city. Before these changes property on lower Broadway sold for about $60 a front foot, but two and a half years later the same land was valued at $200 a front foot, proving how rapid was the advance when such sub-^ stantial improvements in transportation were carried into effect. In 1891 lower Washington street was bituminized from Third to Seventh and macadamized from First to Third. Lower Clay street was not neglected. The city wharf at the foot of Webster and Franklin streets was also finished in 1891, at a cost to the city of nearly $100,000 and after years of labor and suspense. The income of the city from all sources for the two years ending April 1, 1891, was $1,539,- 547. Of this sum $781,591 was received from taxes; $303,753 from state and county for school purposes; $173,146 from licenses; and $26,810 from police and justice courts. The disbursements for the same two years were $1,324,210, of which $80,176 was spent on bonds and interest and $1,065,967 for the main tenance of the departments and for increased facilities. There was in the treas ury on April 1, 1891, $215,337, of which $80,702 was school fund and $50,898 was bond redemption fund. Lot values in Fruitvale advanced from $400 and $600 in 1887-88 to $1,500 and even higher in 1891. The construction of the Laundry farm road, and the extension of the street railroad mainly caused this remarkable advance. In 1881 property on Washington between Tenth and Eleventh streets was worth $150 a front foot. In 1891 property on Washington between Twelfth and Thirteenth sold at over $700 a front foot. Property on Clay street near Twelfth doubled during the same period. On Broadway frontage was valued at $1,500 per foot in 1891, but a half dozen years before was worth only $800. Blair park at Pied mont was an attractive spot which was sought by picnics and pleasure seekers generally in the late '80s and '90s. There was a dancing pavilion, a bandstand, a fountain, refreshment stands, a merry-go-round, swings, ponies and goats to ride, and generally all the attractions of a modern city park. East Oakland was east of Lake Merritt and in 1890-91 comprised about one-third of the area of the city. Peralta Heights bordered on the shores of Lake Merritt and Highland park was near. At this time bargains in lots were offered in the Templeton tract, Bella Vista park, Lakeview, East Oakland Heights and Twenty-third avenue tract. Farther east was Fruitvale. Dusenbury & Wurtz offered for sale a large number of lots at Forty-fifth and Adeline streets. West Oakland was generally considered that part of the city lying west of Market street and extending from the San Antonio estuary to about Twenty-eighth street. During the fiscal year 1890-91 there were erected in Oakland 454 private dwellings, 38 stores and dwellings combined, 46 flats, 105 additions and 15 other structures of all kinds. Piedmont took steps to unite all the valuable springs in that vicinity- for the purpose of conserving the supplies and utilizing them to the best advan tage ; a large reservoir was built. The Piedmont baths were opened to the public WHtlltill! IIHIitilllil limn p| Ij: | i nHuS A MAIN LINE PASSENGER DEPOT OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC, OAKLAND 1 1 b m ft — 'Jill MB% jtf1 J""m BBS 1 1 liB '-"""^ Kwrn j B c E ¦ W ' 18 SB IB III BiBBHB 111] BB SB EI IU I £ S 5 1 11 1] 1] iwan',. "H'lrf L'T< i I ¦^ ^ i '; 1 p ,11 llw SCENE ON EROADWAY, OAKLAND HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 413 late in June in the presence of a crowd estimated at 4,000. The Piedmont cable road was given a bonus of about sixty thousand dollars, of which over fifteen thousand dollars was in property. By June the value of property along the line had more than doubled. In three months' time early in the summer of 1892 an immense reservoir with a capacity of 8,000,000 gallons was built on Linda Vista terrace at a cost of $15,000. This was an emergency case — when it was believed the supply of pure water might run short during the dry months. In July the Weld tract of forty lots near the Oakland and Haywards electric line was offered for sale by Clough & Baker at $250 per lot. In November, 1892, the inmates of the Home of the Adult Blind found much fault with the management of that institution and with the food and other sup plies. It was believed by many that the complaints were trivial or groundless. At this time the directors were John P. Irish, Jacob Greenhood, Frank A. Leach, Fred A. Campbell and A. D. Thomson. One complaint was that the meat was tainted. Mr. Sanders was superintendent. A portion of the trouble at least seemed to be in the differences between the members of the board as to how the institution and inmates should be managed. Director Campbell filed charges of incompetency and bad food against Superintendent Sanders of the Home for the Adult Blind, but the majority of the board decided after investigation that the charges were not sustained. Superintendent Sanders was blind. During 1892 about four hundred and fifty buildings of all kinds were erected in Oakland; the Contra Costa company made 451 new connections, among them being the Macdonough theater, Abrahamson block, Central Bank building (com menced), Hotel Metropole, Oakland Gas building, Taylor's block, Y. W. C. A. building, Huff's block, a fine new Catholic church partly completed. The city now had 263 electric lights. The boulevard around Lake Merritt was being con structed. The voting of $400,000 in school bonds was followed by great activity in all educational matters. There were fourteen day and four night schools and about one hundred teachers were employed. The city had six banks with a paid up capital of $1,604,000, and deposits of $10,500,000. In all there were about one hundred manufacturing establishments. Work on the harbor improvements was renewed, the plan being to convert San Antonio estuary into a suitable harbor for deep sea commerce. This work had hung fire for nearly twenty years. Even the retaining walls which were begun in 1873 were not yet finished. The Gov ernment had already appropriated $1,452,180 for Oakland and harbor improve ments. Late in 1892 and early in 1893 real estate made a decided advance on the ground that the Santa Fe railroad would soon be built to this city or vicinity. OAKLAND ASSESSMENT TOTALS 1872 $ 6,647,039 1880 28,691,610 1873 18,528,303 l88l 28,238,631 T874 19,869,162 l882 28,289,650 1875 22,200,706 1883 28,353,338 1876 24,000,712 I884 28,794,948 1877 25,845,628 1885 29,217,052 1878 27,730,109 1886 29,866,200 1879 28,348,778 1887 32,092,375 414 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 1888 33.789,175 1891 40,106,545 1889 35,778.392 - 1892 42,437,531 1890 37,647,842 From 1872 to 1879 Oakland grew by leaps and bounds as will be seen by these figures. Then came a period of slow growth extending to about 1884; the city had really been overbuilt. In fact, a meeting of the real estate agents in 1881 complained of the number of empty houses. It was even said at that time that there were 1,000 empty houses in Oakland, though this was no doubt an exaggera tion. Building was checked, but the population continued to increase rapidly, the new manufactories bringing here many new residents who soon filled up the vacant houses, so that by 1884 real estate again began to expand and soar. Horace W. Carpentier in 1891-92 owned an elegant house on Third street between Alice and Harrison streets, but he did not live here — he had lived for several years in New York. Oakland Park and Boulevard School Wards Bonds Bonds For Against For Against First 456 407 617 220 Second 526 409 803 206 Third 457 475 74-Q 151 Fourth 519 479 680 212 Fifth . .'. 274 341 572 124 Sixth 494 377 690 160 Seventh 374 720 803 242 Totals 3,100 3,298 4,905 1,315 Thus the park and boulevard bonds were defeated at this . election and the bonds for the schoolhouses and schoolhouse sites were carried. In 1892-93 Oakland and' its suburban towns grew very fast. Many fine resi dences were erected north of Lake Merritt and in Piedmont and Fruitvale, at Mills College and on the Crocker, Klupher and Dougherty tracts. Many houses were erected at Emeryville. The Warner tract and the Vista del Mar tract of Berkeley were attractive home sites. Late in September, 1892, Ina D. Cool brith, librarian of the Oakland free library, was dismissed by the trustees upon a three days' notice. Henry Peterson, her nephew, was chosen her successor. In January, 1893, a joint committee of the State Senate and House assembled, in Oakland to investigate the management of the Home for the Adult Blind. The vote in Piedmont in April, 1893, on the question of a sanitary district was twenty-four votes for and three against. The famous Tubbs hotel was destroyed by fire in August. It cost originally $110,000, and the furnishing $100,000, and was erected in 1871 and was for many years the pride of the city. It had three usual stories and a mansard story. In August, the Moss tract was offered by M. I. Laymance & Co., 600 lots at from $225 to $300 each. Already from 50 to 100 houses were standing or being erected. A $15,000 schoolhouse was being built and the street car facilities were good. In August the Pacific BUNGALOW STYLE OF RESIDENCE, OAKLAND TYPICAL RESIDENCE IN OAKLAND'S SUBURBS HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 415 Nail Works were destroyed by fire. They stood at the foot of Market street and cost, all told, about four hundred thousand dollars. They had been closed down since May and therefore the fire was ascribed to an incendiary. The Oak land Water Company secured ownership and control of- the artesian water belt of Alvarado where weekly millions of gallons of the purest water went to waste. The belt included the Poorman and Granger tracts. The company's system included the supply from the Piedmont hills. Three gangs of men were set at work in January, 1894, to lay the mains from the wells to Oakland. v Reports were in circulation in December, 1893 that the People's Home Sav ings Bank was in trouble. It was investigated and found to have $240,000 assets over its liabilities. It was permitted to resume business. In a contest with the Pacific Bank, it was also entitled to a credit of $175,000. Late in December the unemployed residents of Oakland to the number of one thousand registered for work at the city hall. They gathered for the purpose of making their wants known to the assembled council. At this time the city was full of men without work, and the council prepared to the best of its means to set as many at work as possible. Many were men of families. Every department was investigated and places were found for many worthy laborers. The County Federation of Trades thanked the council for the efforts in their behalf. An important building feature was the large number of fine residences erected in Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley and their adjacencies. There was much complaint in January, 1894, that although the city had voted $400,000 school bonds in April, 1892, they were not yet issued, but were tied up in the courts. The New Oakland Water Company was incorporated in Febru ary, with. a capital of $3,000,000, among the leading stockholders being Alvinza Hayward, W. J. Dingee and A. W. Rose, Jr. In May, Fruitvale asked to- be incorporated as a town of the sixth class. The village claimed a population of over 500 and had a newspaper — the Fruitvale News. In July the California Jute Mills at East Oakland, giving employment to about four hundred persons, closed its doors. Under a circular issued in September, by Councilman W. E. Barnard a series' of mass meetings of the citizens was held to consider the question of public improvements. Among the subjects investigated were the following: (1) The change of the county seat to Haywards as a preliminary to the creation of the county of Oakland; (2) the widening of Broadway; (3) sale of the city hall for $750,000 and the erection of a new city hall and library; (4) the purchase of the Sather tract and its conversion into a public park; (5) a new ferry line from Emeryville to be run in conjunction with the Oakland Terminal Railway ; (6) to take steps to secure other railways for this city. On September 29th, Oakland voted on the question of refunding the old school bonds to the amount of $140,000 and defeated the project. The Oakland Iron Works were burned in October; they stood at Second and Jefferson streets. About sixty men were thrown out of employment. In June and July, 1894,- the labor situation in Alameda county grew first serious and second threatening. Labor unions in all parts of the country, partic ularly at Chicago, struck, tied up business and inaugurated numerous scenes of property destruction and bloodshed. At Oakland in July the strikers seized a train, cut the air .brakes and refused to let it proceed to the pier; at the • Vol. 1—27 416 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY same time they took possession of the tracks. The next day they killed engines and stopped nearly all traffic on the road. Vessels which approached the land ings put back to evade attacks and lawless invasions. The Seventh street and Narrow Gauge trains were not molested. The Pacific railway was helpless. Martial law was practically declared here on July nth under President Cleve land's proclamation. Troops from Mare island began to arrive July 12th — about three hundred and fifty marines. The police of Oakland likewise under the , orders of Mayor George C. Pardee, prepared for stern measures. On July 14th the strikers captured the Mendota train, but in a few minutes it was recaptured by two batteries of artillery which came to the scene on a gallop and trained Gatling guns on the engine and the mob of strikers. On the i6fh the strikers captured another train, and barricaded themselves, but were promptly dislodged by the militia and completely routed. Gradually the contest here died out and by the 20th no further acts of violence were committed. On July 17th, Mayor Pardee called a meeting of the representative citizens to be held in the council chambers, city hall, to consider the best method of dealing with the strike con ditions here and to furnish the legal authorities with moral and physical sup port. There was a large assemblage of the best citizens. The audience loudly cheered the action of the Alameda chief of police when it was stated that he refused to permit the crowd to kill the engines. The meeting passed strong res olutions for the maintenance of order. One resolution was as follows : "That we offer ourselves in any capacity most effective to put down the lawlessness and disorder instigated by the American Railway Union and its sympathizers." A committee was appointed to draft an address to the people embodying the spirit and intent of the meeting. The speakers were Rev. Dr. Chapman, A. C. Henry, Mayor Pardee, W. R. Thomas, J. L. Bromley and Warren Palmer. At a second meeting peace was demanded at all hazards. Doctor Wendte quoted Henry George who said, "As long as the present system of taxation exists, wrong and iniquitous as it is, I am going to observe it," and said all should obey the laws. A large mass meeting of the labor interests was held at the Tabernacle on July 19, 1894, under the auspices of the American Railway Union. T. J. Roberts, president of the union presided. The meeting was comparatively orderly, but at all stages showed its displeasure over the actions of the meet ing that had been called by Mayor Pardee. There were hisses and groans when the names of the speakers at that meeting were mentioned. The speakers derided and unstintedly ridiculed the remarks made at the other meeting. Res olutions were adopted, respectfully requesting Mayor Pardee to recall his proc lamation forbidding the people to peaceably assemble, which act was declared to be in violation of national and state constitutional rights. Early in April, 1894, the so-called industrial (Coxey's) army was driven out of Oakland under an escort of police. On April 3d about seven hundred men came from San Francisco and were joined at Oakland by about one hundred. There were enough desertions to reduce the army to 474 men. They received no encouragement here and were denied the use of the Tabernacle where they had been holding meetings and creating discontent. They were permitted to parade and hold meetings upon condition that they leave town. A considerable sum was subscribed by citizens for their transportation from this city. The mayor issued orders that no body of destitute men be permitted to land here. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 417 They did not leave on April 5th as they had agreed and were accordingly ordered to leave on the 6th by the chief of police. Preparations to order out the militia were made and the police were specially armed and organized for any outbreak that might occur. The Gatling gun was removed from the armory and placed in front of the city hall. At first it was decided to drive them across the county line, but it was finally determined to treat them as kindly as possible and out wit them. Seven box cars were secured for $200 to carry them to their next stopping point — Sacramento. They refused to go and their leaders, Kelly and Baker, were arrested, but finally released upon agreeing to leave the city with their forces at once. They left the Tabernacle at 3 :30 A. M., April 6th, led by Commander in Chief Kelly and Colonel Baker. The whole force, 568 men, or eighty-one to each of the seven cars, then left the city. The council passed res olutions denouncing the action of San Francisco in sending here 500 destitute men ; that no more would be permitted to enter the city ; that the citizens should not receive, entertain or assist such men ; and that the mayor should take such steps as the exigencies of the case might require to protect this city from inva sions of such destitute and desperate men. When the army reached Reno, Nevada, it numbered about one thousand men who occupied twenty-three com bination cars, besides two cars with rations. In order to aid the unemployed the county board transferred $2,000 from the general fund to the various road funds to be paid to men set at work on the county highways and elsewhere. In the cities and towns hundreds of indigent were fed free. Another regiment of the industrial army was organized late in April, a large number of recruits being secured at Oakland. Early in. 1895 the Oakland council passed a resolution that the best inter ests of this entire community demanded the establishment of the city and county of Oakland. Reflections having been cast upon the methods of the Contra Costa Water Company, a committee of citizens in July, 1895, went to Alvarado to inspect the artesian water supply which the Oakland Water Company had recently purchased and was preparing to pump to Oakland. It was claimed that the Contra Costa company, while raising prices and cutting down the city supply, was wasting large quantites at the Alvarado water shed by pumping it on the marshes whence it ran into the bay. On August 15th, a large mass meeting in Oakland denounced the Contra Costa company and pledged patronage to the new company. This was done openly by the city council. The new company reduced rates and furnished better water, it was claimed. Soon afterward damaging reports concerning the quality and purity of the Contra Costa company's water became current after thorough examinations by experts. In 1895 the Oakland Saturday Night was welcomed by social, literary and artistic circles ; it was issued by Miss Mollie E. Connors, editor and proprietor. In 1895 the Fourth of July was celebrated at Oakland from dawn to midnight with unusual splendor and success. The streets were traversed by a procession of nine divisions two miles long. The carnival at Lake Merritt was the principal feature; fire works were set off at night. There were games, races and literary exercises. In 1895 the Fruitvale Temescal tract was placed on the market by the McCarthy Company. On one side was the Haywards electric line and through the center ran the Southern Pacific broad gauge line. Already in December, 1896, there were twenty-three houses more or less finished in the tract. 418 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY In Fruitvale were many beautiful residences. Water was furnished by both companies. Lots were valued at $200 and up. In 1895 the Oakland exposi tion under J. W. Nelson, president, attracted the attention and interest of the farmers of the county as well as the merchants and manufacturers. The farm ers desired to exhibit their products — fruit, grain, plants, poultry, vegetables, etc., but all could not be accommodated owing to lack of space. The Tabernacle was filled and an annex was also occupied. As a whole this fair was a gratify ing success. At this time the merchants here were trying to force to completion the Contra Costa road in order that the valuable trade of the valleys there might be secured. Though they had fought for two years for the result, it had not been accomplished. On February 27th Oakland gave 1,636 majority in favor of the annexation of Temescal to the city, but the latter gave a majority of eighty-nine against it in a total vote of 645 ; Peralta was included with Temescal. Early in 1895 important improvements were made in the old free library building on Four teenth street. The new rooms were cleaned, papered- and renovated. On the second floor was the reading and reference room. Mr. Peterson was librarian. A reading room was in rented quarters on San Pablo avenue. Mayor Par dee upon surrendering the mayor's chair stated that the council during his term had corrected the matter of public printing; had reduced taxation from $1.24- to $1.12; had improved the fire and the police department; had made advance ment on street improvement ; had abated many nuisances ; had made impor tant progress in recovering the water front, etc. He showed that though the city had spent in two years $2,052,411, there had been spend for "betterments" $512,333 — schoolhouses, fire engines, new wharf, parks and drives, sewers, streets, etc. The school department alone, for maintenance and advance, had spent all told $840,131. For redemption funds the city had spent $143,222 — in short that $984,131 had been spent for matters over which the council had no control. When thus explained it was shown, he declared, that for each of the two years the council had really spent but $534,145 per annum, a record of economy of which they could feel proud. The income for the two years was as follows: Received from taxes, $998,116; from licenses, $193,121; from tuition, $8,813; from state and county for schools, $263,854; from other sources, $37,659. The bonded debt of the city at this time was as follows : $680,000 on which the annual interest was $38,400 and the annual payment $45,000. The Merchants' Exchange gave a big banquet in April, on which occasion all plans for city improvement and advancement were discussed. Among the speakers were George E. De Golia, Senator Perkins, Congressman Hilborn, John P Irish, R. M. Fitzgerald, Ben Morgan and F. M. Campbell. Oakland for a long time rested under a cloud owing to lack of enterprise on the part of the citizens. At intervals it responded spasmodically to certain immediate necessities, but in the main seemed content to drift with the tide of events, depending apparently upon whatever fortune might bring unassisted and unsolicited. Although $140,000 in bonds were about to fall due in August, 1895, many citizens opposed the plan of refunding them. A certain class said, "Let the property holders cash the bonds. It will be good for them. They ought to be cinched anyway. Go for them now and make them squeal." The situation was amazing to the officials who saw no way of inducing the moneyed men to buy HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 419 the bonds or of compelling the citizens to refund them. The vote on the question of refunding the bonds (1895) was as follows: For refunding, 3,153; against refunding, 931. The populists let the movement against the bonds, though Mayor Davie, a populist, favored them. In July the county board went en masse to Sacramento to show why Alameda county assessments should not be increased from $91,000,000 to $100,000,000. _ The Merchants' Exchange held its first open meeting on October 29th. About two hundred invited guests — prominent business men of the city — were present. The subjects discussed were the needs of Oak land. The speakers were Arper,. Hilborn, Davis, Irish, Fish and Mayor Davie. All advocated energetic action to place the city at the head of the progressive centers of the coast. The boulevard tract east of Lake Merritt was put on the market in Sep tember. It was sold in lots at auction and brought from $1,000 to $3,400 per lot. A comparison of down town real estate value between 1885 and 1895 showed that they had, risen from 200 to 400 per cent. A further comparison showed that values in Alameda, Berkeley and all of the suburban towns had advanced at a proportionate rate. In September the realty syndicate was organized with a large capital. The syndicate included many of the leading men of the city who had previously operated along private lines. By the last of September the company had acquired real estate valued at $1,500,000. This betokened a new and reformed movement in real estate and was an expression of confidence in the future growth and magnitude of the city. Again in the fall and winter of 1896 the subject of "Greater Oakland" was discussed and agitated and viewed from all angles and elevations. George P. Morrow was particularly active in the movement at this time. He desired the annexation of a large tract to the northward. In 1896 the Spring Valley Water Company brought suit against many individuals for an infringement of its riparian rights ; the farmers used the creek water for irrigation. A test suit was brought against John Beard of Niles. The group of small frame houses which became known as the "House of Blazes" stood in the mud on the south side of Twelfth street just west of the dam. It was the resort of vice of all descriptions — drinking, gambling and scan dal. The whole concern was sold out at auction in 1896 and became a scar of the past. It stood near where the auditorium now stands. In August seven Indian skeletons were dug out of Shell Mound at the park of the same name. Prof. John Merriam unearthed them after they were first discovered by work men. All the skulls were flattened. Over the bones were a layer of ashes and then a layer of shells. He decided they were the skeletons of Flathead Indians. The establishment of the Oakland Water Company was made a notable event in the history of this community. When the people were clamoring for better water, when it seemed out of the question for them to secure any improve ment, and when the old company refused to purify the supply or reduce the price, the Oakland Water Company was organized by William J. Dingee, largely through accident. When his intentions became known he was at first hailed by many as a public benefactor. He not only planned to secure the supply from the Piedmont foothills, but the immense outflow of the artesian wells at Alvarado. Promptly many people rallied to his support. So great was the rush of patron age that his company soon threatened to outstrip its rival both in support and 420 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY public esteem and prestige. The board of trade, the Merchants' Exchange, the board of supervisors and the town and. city trustees and councils "promptly fav ored the new company. Soon the gigantic pumps and big pipes brought all the water needed— fresh and pure from the subterranean reservoirs at Alvarado. At once the old rates were cut and recut until in a short time it was declared that the new company saved Oakland alone annually $250,000. In 1896 Emeryville and Temescal called for separate existence as municipal centers and bodies. The tax levy of $1.14 was opposed by the mayor and at last was cut down to $1.10 and passed by the council. In August committees of the Merchants' Exchange, the board of trade and the good roads association appeared before the council to advocate better roads at once. The latter association num bered about four hundred members who were greatly interested in the subject. In September Oakland had only two methods of street construction, macadam and bitumen — 97.2 miles of the former and 4.57 miles of the latter, and 67.6 miles of unimproved streets. Late in 1896 ' a movement was begun to secure about five hundred acres as near the heart of the city as practicable for a public park. A committee of the board of trade composed of E. C. Sessions, J. P. Taylor, M. J. Keller, D. E. Collins and A. D. Pryal called for proposals from property owners. Attention was called to the fact that bonds would have to be issued to pay for the land. An earthquake shock lasting about five seconds was felt here on January 17, 1897, while many of the churches were holding services. At the Tenth Avenue Baptist church the whole edifice was violently shaken. Many of the congregation stood up, several ran out of the building, and a few women turned pale or shed tears. Ejaculations or screams were heard in all parts of the audi torium. At the First Presbyterian church the children's orchestra members dropped their instruments in fright. During all the time the southern cities were moving along, growing in population and increasing in wealth and attractive ness, Oakland, in a large degree slept on its oars. It did little or nothing of much effect in a cooperative way. It trusted too much to its natural attractions and its important location. In 1894 W. J. Dingee, A. H. Breed & Co., and others began a movement to collect a general fund to be used for the express purpose of advertising the city, of providing accommodations for visitors, of accumulating valuable information about the county for dissemination in pamphlets and cir culars, and of providing the public representatives with data concerning the desirability of the city and county as a home and business point. (1880 to 1897.) Early in 1897 the citizens of Oakland, more than ever before, came out openly for a "Greater Oakland." That was the slogan of the highlands and low lands of the time. All leading citizens except the customary and hereditary grouchy class joined the advancing army. More than a dozen industrial, social and improvement organizations enlisted and worked for a broader policy of civic betterment. Mass meetings were held, eloquent speakers addressed large audi ences, and means were forthcoming to aid the cause ; but all to no avail, because the masses were not yet ready — had not passed the stage of wildness in the West — could see yet no merit in the movement where they were required to pay extra tax for improvements that were to be enjoyed mainly by their descendants. The movement for a greater Oakland grew in importance rapidly and called into New Sfcfcw;^ .-,,-,,11 Tff sd sa fllfimif j_ril^^ iiiiiiii1^, SvStSS Broadway, Looking South from Fifteenth Street Orpheum Theater Scene in New Shopping District Intersection of Broadway, Fourteenth and San Pablo Avenue OAKLAND SCENES HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 421 action for its support hundreds of the best men of the city. One step early in 1897 was to annex at the earliest practicable date Piedmont, Golden Gate and Temescal. A few years before this date the latter had defeated the project at the polls so far as it was concerned. In the annexation scheme of March, 1897, the following suburbs were included: Golden Gate, Peralta, Temescal, Clare mont, Piedmont and Linda Vista. The Citizens' Municipal Improvement Association in 1897 considered three important subjects: (1) Consolidation of the city and county governments; (2) street improvement; (3) acquisition of land for a public park. The objects of the association were to direct public attention to municipal improvements. At a meeting held October 22d, it was the consensus of opinion that the park project should be pushed and that a tract of land in the foothills and a portion of the Adams property in Lake Merritt should be purchased. W. R. Davis favored the measures. John P. Irish said he was authorized to state for the West Oakland Improvement Club that the people west of Market street would not support any proposition to purchase outside land by inside taxation. E. C. Sessions, John T. Bell, Frank K. Mott, D. E. Collins and others favored the park improve ments. At an early date Oakland wanted a mammoth hotel for the benefit it would lend the city as an advertisement, and many seemed willing to sell the City Hall park to secure it. The next hobby was an intercepting sewer which, many de clared, was an absolute necessity in order to conserve the health of the inhabitants. The third scheme was a magnificent boulevard around Lake Merritt which was commenced, but another council with malice aforethought and in cold blood paid the contractors a large bonus to give up the contract. A fourth feverish impulse was to open all the streets to the water front — Grove street was so opened and a wharf was built perhaps illegally, but the step amounted to noth ing. Then came the spasm over the water front and about $75,000 was spent to learn that the city had been doing right for forty years in collecting taxes from individuals and corporations. In 1897 came the scheme for a beautiful park that would require the issuance of $300,000 in municipal bonds and was so far in the country that no one would go there as there was no suitable conveyance. The park committee of the council met similar committees from the board of trade, Merchants' Exchange and the real estate dealers with a view of reaching definite conclusions that would meet the approval of all. The Sather tract was nprth of Lake Merritt and a little distance from its border. Another tract inspected was 320 acres near Leona Heights and Mills College. The price was $100,000. The Livermore tract and the Rock Ridge park were also con sidered. The estimated price of the Sather tract which included Indian gulch was $750 per acre, but the owners wanted over two thousand dollars an acre. In February, 1898, six councilmen were openly charged with the betrayal of their trusts to corporations — particularly to the water company in fixing water rates. There was much excitement and on one occasion one of them was pur sued by the populace who shouted "lynch him." At a big mass meeting called by the Oakland Board of Trade, in April, to consider the question of town and city consolidation, Alameda opposed it, Berkeley, was lukewarm, but Oakland warmly favored the project. The question of county division was also dis- 422 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY cussed. The outside villages and towns did not seriously oppose the step, but all asked for certain concessions in case the measure became a finality. The Niles Improvement Club wanted the outside county called Alameda. Colonel Bridges of San Leandro wanted the outside county called Golden Gate. The firm posi tion against the step taken by Alameda was the only serious obstacle, but was sufficient to prevent conclusive action. B. F. Samborn of that town said that he did not believe two people there would favor consolidation and that "since 1874 Alameda has acquired in city property $975,000. We can now give Oak land points in water — price and quality — electricity, light, taxes, etc. We have no trouble over our water front, will have free wharfage and streets opening on the harbor or bay. A campaign of education may change our minds. If in the next ten years you will show us how to reduce your expenses faster than we will reduce ours, we will be with you." The city called for tenders of park sites and was offered its choice of the following tracts : The Simeon tract nearly 1,200 acres near Leona Heights for $150,000; Medan tract of 476 acres back of Piedmont for $100,000 ; Blair tract of 235 acres near Mountain View cemetery for $250,000 ; Dimond Canon tract of 245 acres at the head of Fruitvale avenue for $150,000; Rock Ridge tract of 281 'acres for $155,525; Sather tract of about 280 acres for $360,000; Adams property of 62 acres near Lake Merritt for $290,000. In addition the realty syndicate offered to furnish land at any of the sites where it owned property. It was at this time that the citizens admitted that the city had made a costly and grievious mistake in not securing park sites long before when the land, was cheap. The Piedmont Improvement Club was reorganized for the purpose of stimu lating and promoting the growth of that suburb. The Encinal Land Association was organized with a capital of $50,000 and at once became active in handling realty properties in this vicinity. It seemed that if Oakland was to have forever the interminable water front wrangle, just so long would the progress of the city be retarded. Unquestionably many individuals and business concerns refused to locate here permanently owing to this obstacle. The report of the Oakland librarian in 1898 showed that the library con tained 25,775 bound volumes, less 263 that were missing. For the fiscal year 1897-8 the receipts were $18,666.58 and the expenditures $18,563.68. The report showed how cramped were the operations in the old building and how sadly a new building was needed. The librarian said that while the building was suffi cient for the needs of 1868 it was totally inadequate in 1898. Perhaps in no other branch of the city government was the parsimony of the voters more con spicuously shown than in providing money for the free library. In August the council ordered an election to determine whether $320,000 in bonds should be issued for the following purposes : $240,000 for the purchase of Adams park ; $50,000 for the improvement of West Oakland property; $10,000 for the improvement of Independence square. The celebration of July 4, 1898, at Oakland, was a gorgeous and memorable affair. More than two thousand five hundred people gathered at Lake Merritt to see the parade during the day and to witness the fire works and the bombard ment of Morro castle at night. All of the troops at Camp Barrett took part in the proceedings — nearly two thousand of them, including those who came from HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 425 the Presidio and the navy yard. The parade consisted of seven divisions all under the command of Webb N. Pierce, grand marshal. All the lodges, socie ties, posts and clubs were in line, decorated with banners and emblems, and marching to the stirring airs of fife and drum or to the statelier music of the bands. John A. Britton and Major Whitthorne were the chief orators. The news had just been received of the destruction of Admiral Cervera's fleet at Santiago and of General Shafter's advance, all of which were sufficient to fire the enthusiasm of the dullest patriot. The soldiers were almost wild and uncon trollable in their delight and played and sang "There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight." Their sham battle was witnessed by the vast audience from the heights above Adams Point. The fire works were set off from floats on Lake Merritt. The Red Cross ladies supplied luncheon to thousands of citizens and to all the soldiers. It was said that the latter charged the overloaded tables, carried them at the point of the bayonet and captured 300 gallons of coffee, 10,000 sandwiches and fruit by .the ton. The tables were 200 feet long! Dur ing the day and evening there were also games, races and literary exercises. The total cost was $3,063. It was stated at the time that this, celebration was the most novel, original and dashing ever held in the county. On July 19th Gung Wong Chang set off 5,000 pounds of powder near Mel rose and killed himself and six other persons. He had shot Ham Si' Sing at Melrose and took refuge in a magazine of the Western Fuse and Explosive Com pany and defied arrest. A sheriff's posse approached the magazine and after a parley were blown to pieces. The victims were dreadfully mangled. A whole row of houses near the works was demolished. A train of freight cars near was wrecked. Probably a score of buildings were wholly destroyed and hun dreds at great distances from the scene were injured. Thousands of horror- stricken spectators gathered to view the scene of wreck, ruin and death. Men. at Camp Barrett were thrown down by the force of the explosion. The county board passed resolutions deploring the sad event. The funeral of the victims was one of the largest ever held in the county. In April, 1899, the Government was given its choice of twenty-seven proper ties in Oakland for a postoffice site. The prices varied from $30,000 to $130,000. "The present city hall is a rookery and a fire trap in which it is positively unsafe to store public records and would not be considered a safe building in the tenement house district of an eastern city. The people could easily afford to furnish a better building for the proper care of so valuable a collection of books as I have found beneath the roof of your present library building." (A. M. Dewey, Government expert on municipal affairs.) In July, the North' Oakland Improvement Club demanded the abatement of the nuisance along the bay shore by the filling in of the marsh land and the construction of a wharf to deep water in the bay on the western front of the city at a point far enough north not to conflict with the claims of the water front company to tide lands- then in litigation. Mr. Dewar was president of the club at this date. In July, Henry F. Peterson retired and Charles S. Greene succeeded him as librarian of the Oakland free library., In August, Andrew Carnegie offered to give $50000 for the construction of a library building in Oakland, providing the city would procure a site and agree to maintain the library with $4,000 annually. 424 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY At this time the city was paying about $18,000 per annum for the maintenance of the library. In August, Mayor Snow recommended an issue of bonds to the extent of $450,000 for the purpose of constructing a pier from the west side of the city to deep water in the bay in order to develop the shipping inter ests. At this time the Oakland harbor in the San Antonio estuary had cost the Government over $1,800,000. The deep water channel was completed in 1898-99. At this time the mayor said, "It takes all one's courage, in a city like this, so divided in purpose, so rent by jealous factions, so quick to criticize, so slow in action, so dull in civic spirit, to stand forth here as an exponent of large munic ipal undertakings." He recommended an issue of bonds as follows : Piers, $450,000; sewers, $300,000; library, $00,000; parks, $800,000, with many other subjects yet to be considered. In August it was estimated that 50,000 cubic yards of mud should be dredged from the bottom of Lake Merritt and deposited on the marsh between Twelfth and Eighth streets in order to form a park from that unsightly strip. As the time drew near for the completion of the dredging of Lake Merritt in the fall of 1899 it became important to settle the many disputed rights to land titles in that vicinity. The city did not know exactly what it owned there. On the marshes at the two upper arms of the lake considerable work had been done at city expense in filling land, a portion of which in reality belonged to private owners. It was important to know who owned that portion of the lake adjoining the Twelfth street dam and west of the most westerly boat house where private persons claimed title under the Peralta grant. The consolidation of the two Oakland water companies was effected largely through the efforts of W. J. Dingee. He was president of the newer Oakland water company. He said that eight years before, when he engaged in the water business, he had no more intention of trying to supply Oakland with water and of bucking against a $6,000,000 corporation (the Contra Costa company), than he had of flying, and that it all began by his attempts to sell a, tract of elevated land in Pied mont. He found that he could not sell the lots without water and the tract was above the level of the system of the Contra Costa company. This led to the development of a small water supply in the hills, and later much more water was found than expected or needed. Accordingly a 10,000,000-gallon reservoir was constructed and in the end an independent water company was formed. He was no longer regarded as a public benefactor. In compliance with the provisions of resolutions to that effect a fire and water committee of the council investigated the subject of municipal ownership of water supply. The Blue Lakes Water Company desired to furnish Oakland with water — about 11,000,000 gallons daily, but refused to do so if the rate was to be fixed year by year. The company wanted about $15,000,000 for its whole plant. Another plan was to secure possession of the Alameda county artesian well belt and furnish its own supply. Still another plan was to condemn the property of the present water companies and take possession. In addition a system of salt water street sprinkling was considered. At this time every avail able source of pure water supply was investigated and duly weighed. In September, 1899, the Associated Improvement Clubs' plan of municipal improvement embraced the following items : HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 425 San Pablo avenue $ 100,000 Telegraph avenue 100,000 Wharf and docks, West Oakland 400,000 East Fourteenth street 50,000 Intercepting sewer 450,000 More schoolhouses and sites . . .' 200,000 Filling North Oakland marsh 35,ooo Raising Twejfth street dam 15,000 Purchase of park sites and boulevards 400,000 East and West Oakland parks 50,000 Total $1,800,000 All the clubs at this time assumed that the sum of about $2,000,000 would be needed to carry on the projected improvements. The various local clubs, of which there were about a dozen in the city and suburbs, referred the matter of items to the Associated Clubs with the above result. In 1899, as never before, the people of Oakland grasped the serious subjects of public improvements and considered a new city hall, a new library building, larger and better parks, the planting of trees, extensive street improvements, wharf building, salt water street sprinkling, municipal ownership of water works, encouragement to in coming railroads, improved sewerage, pure food supplies, local transit facilities improved, well-paved main thoroughfares, completion of the Lake Merritt improvement, filling in of West Oakland marsh, bond issues, etc. All agreed that a million dollars could readily be spent for needed improvements, but that there was little or no likelihood that such a debt would be permitted by the voters. However, it was agreed that a forward step must be taken at once. No matter what the newspapers said the people of Oakland continued for many years to do their trading largely in San Francisco. They would not buy in Oakland because the prices were higher. At last the business men of Oak land by general consent dropped their prices to those of San Francisco, when lo ! their trade at once picked up and Oaklanders thereafter bought solely in Oakland and the city grew faster than ever before. For years one of the drawbacks of Oakland was a body of cheap politicians and professional demagogues who kept up a continuous assault upon capital and industry in order to win the applause and favor of that portion of the labor ing element which entertained nothing but hatred for wealth. In fact they invariably spoke disparagingly of large industries and railroad enterprises and hence at all times did incalculable damage to the rapid development of the city. In many instances they sought popularity and power by assuming the role of arbitrators between capital and labor, but not having any good object in view they usually made a rotten mess of any industrial dispute or contest. If such a man had an itching for office he at once and with eclat attacked the corpora tions and the railroads in particular as his legitimate prey. But the saner ele ment at last found a way to unmask or disrobe such scavengers and thwart their damaging proceedings. It was also admitted late in 1900 that what Oakland earnestly needed was a few first-class funerals — a retirement of fossil busi ness men and the advent of fresh blood and enterprise. 426 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY In January, 1900, the council informally agreed upon a plan of public improve ment which involved a cost of $1,685,000. The time seemed opportune, but they failed to submit the matter to the voters and in the political campaign which followed the wants of Oakland were for the time lost sight of. In fact, the people lost faith in the council which seemed more intent on playing petty poli tics than on doing something substantial for the city's benefit. When the char ter amendments were finally submitted in December, 1900, they were badly beaten — showing an utter lack of confidence in the existing, council. The pro gressive element clamored for improvements, while all unprogressives stood ready to defeat any broad plan of civic betterment. Many citizens declared that the city too long had deferred to the parsimonious spirit which shaped and controlled the makeshift policy of the municipality. Scores of instances were cited where the penny-wise and pound-foolish policy in the past had cost the city unnecessarily and foolishly hundreds of thousands of dollars. If there had not actually been municipal retrogression it was owing to the wonderful grow ing qualities of the city and not to the trend and import of administrative events. On January 8, 1900, the council as a committee of the whole, agreed upon the following items to be submitted to the voters on the proposed bond election : New sewers and repairs $ 350,000 Main thoroughfares 325,000 New schoolhouses and sites . . 200,000 New engine houses and sites 75,000 Wharves on south side 100,000 Wharf at West Oakland 225,000 New city hall 300,000 Salt water sprinkling plant 75,ooo Commerce street filling 25,000 Total $1,675,000 In July the library trustees awarded the contract for building the new library building to A. E. Barrett of San Francisco at $47,000. His original bid was $49,000, but was reduced by reason of changes made in ornamentation. In July and August over one thousand five hundred taxpayers petitioned the city council to submit to the voters soon the question- of a new charter. It was believed that a new charter was necessary in order to carry into effect the improvements which were planned or commenced. At this time several automobiles could be seen upon the streets and highways of the county. On January 1, 190 1, the mercury fell in Oakland to 22 degrees above zero. A few years before it fell to 18 above. For the first time in seven years labor day was celebrated in Oakland in 1 901. There were twenty unions in line and it required ninety minutes for the procession to pass a given point. Many women were in line. For the year ending June 30, 1901, the following were the improvements in Oakland: New dwellings, 187; stores and dwellings combined, 9; store buildings, 8; churches, 2; additions to old buildings, 65; total, 271. Both Berkeley and Alameda were growing rapidly, particularly the former, faster than ever before. j^Si^fe^fe:•,:.:',•^:^.-• -::1'- ''.'-¦-' ¦'.. ARCHITECT'S DRAWING OF OAKLAND'S NEW AUDITORIUM BEING BUILT ON THE SHORE OF LAKE MERRITT HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 427 In 1900-01 the Contra Costa Water Company bought out the Alameda Water Company and thereafter supplied the customers of the latter with water. The old Berryman reservoir passed to the new company; also the pipe line south of Ward street. But almost from the start the people of Berkeley were dis satisfied with the change, though they were given better service than that received by Oaklanders, because their supplies were measured by meters. By January 1, 1902, there were from twenty-five to thirty automobiles in use in Oakland. Thus far they had displaced only buggies. Physicians owned more than any other profession or trade. Early in 1902 the Alpine tract was opened to purchasers ; it comprised fifty acres laid off into twelve city blocks and was located on Grove street north of Temescal creek. Heron & Holcomb were the owners. Oakland in 1901 headed the list of coast cities in the number of new residences in proportion to population. The Belden Building and Investment Company transacted a large business in realty. This year sixteen tax suits were brought against the city on the ground of exorbitant assessment. The complaint said, "That said exor bitant assessment of the property of plaintiff was not from error of judgment on the part of the said purported board, but was done with the intention of com pelling plaintiff, together with a few other owners of property in the same part of the city, to bear more than their just burden of taxation, and was done to offset a certain reduction theretofore made by said board in the assessed valua tion of three, certain pieces of property." Judge Ogden said it looked very much as if fraud was charged in this allegation. In April the Oakland council adopted a resolution of intentions to call an election to decide on an issue of $2,000,000 in bonds for public improvement. The realty syndicate early became one of the largest and most important business concerns ever established here. Though a private enterprise it con ferred enormous benefits by properly advertising the advantages of Oakland at a time when other suitable publicity was almost totally lacking. Its predeces sor was the Mutual Investment Union, whose scope of operation was not of sufficient breadth to insure the best results. With plans for vaster expansion the realty syndicate under a liberal charter began operations in 1895. Its char ter rights and privileges were almost startling in their originality and power. They were to acquire undeveloped realty along forecasted lines, to possess the entire street railway system in Oakland and adjoining cities, and to combine with these interests a new ferry system between Oakland and San Francisco Land was purchased slowly as it could be secured at a price upon which a profit could be realized. In a short time its securities were owned in all parts of the country, though a majority of the stock remained in the bay cities. By 1902 the syndicate owned several thousand acres of land throughout the east bay cities and their suburbs, controlled every street car line in Alameda county and was almost ready to put its ferry plans into operation. On June 30, 1902, the new Carnegie library building was formally dedicated in the presence of a large crowd. Addresses were delivered by L. J. Hardy, G. S. Evans, President Wheeler of the university, Rev. E. E. Baker and Col. J. P. Irish. Mrs. O. K. McMurray rendered a vocal selection and Librarian Charles S. Greene read an original poem entitled "The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge." The speakers all paid eloquent tribute to the ladies of Ebell Society, who had 428 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY done so much for the library. Of course, Mr. Carnegie received the credit that was due him. Colonel Irish closed as follows: "I desire to express the hope that there is enough public spirit in Oakland to give us in this splendid building the 700,000 books that we need." Rev. Mr. Baker said, referring to the Ebell ladies, "If Paradise was lost by a well-known woman, the women of today are doing their best to 'redeem it. Let us say, All honor to these ladies. It is quite impossible to overestimate the good influence in this city and community of the Ebell Society." President Wheeler said, "Let this library stand not as catering to a desire for information, curiosity or anything of a similar nature, but as enlarging the -field of human usefulness." The opening verse of Librarian Greene's poem was as follows : "Set in the beautiful garden of old, Where once our first parents dwelt in bliss, Was the wonderful tree, and they were told, 'Of all the trees you -may eat save this.' " In August, 1902, the council bond committee recommended that an election be held to vote on the question of issuing bonds to the sum of $2,500,000 for general improvements — city hall, parks and park improvements, boulevard com pletion, engine houses, garbage crematory, etc. They recommended the pur chase of the Sather tract at $280,000 and $75,000 for its improvement. For the city hall $400,000 was recommended. They further recommended the purchase of the property west to Clay street and that the city hall be erected in the center of the block. They also recommended $400,000 for school sites and buildings ; $400,000 for street work; $175,000 for the completion of Lake Merritt boule vard; $125,000 for filling in the park site from Eighth to Twelfth streets; $117,000 for the purchase of the willows on the east short of the lake; $65,000 for new engine houses ; $85,000 for the purchase of the Dr. Fremery property at West Oakland for park purposes ; $25,000 for the improvement of Indepen dence square and $25,000 for the free library. The bonds were voted down. In 1902 Oakland had six shipyards where 660 men were employed ; nine teen vessels were finished or commenced. In the iron works were 705 employed ; in the textile mills 660; in the canneries 800; in bridge and construction works 2,620; in planing mills 590; and in the building trades 1,665, etc- The invest ment here of nearly $800,000 by the San Francisco Terminal and Ferry Com pany, the purchase of the right of way of the California and Nevada Railway by the San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose Railroad Company, the establish ment of a new ferry line to operate between Emeryville and San Francisco, the vast improvements on the Emeryville pier, and the erection of large steel works were important features of industrial development in 1902. It was estimated at the close of 1902 that from 700 to 800 houses of all kinds had been erected in Oakland. Among the large structures in Oakland were the postoffice, the crematory, Athenian Club building, the Elks building, the Carnegie library and others. By January 1, 1903, the realty syndicate had 6,000 investors, owned 4,838 acres of suburban property and 334,000 feet frontage of inside property — all worth about $3,466,500. It likewise owned the controlling interest in the street HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 429 car systems. In January Dr. Bushrod James of Philadelphia gave the city free, a park of 7^ acres on Shattuck avenue and Fifty-ninth street upon condi tion that it be called Bushrod park and be improved and devoted to park pur poses. It is now a playground for the Washington school. It was admitted in January that the most important question which con fronted Oakland was that of the control of city water; all others could wait — streets, schools, fire engine houses, sewers, hotels, parks, etc. In the words of the water committee the water situation was "intolerable." In January the citizens committee on water supply reported in favor of the city's supplying the inhabitants with water and stated that the best source of supply west of the Sierras was the Niles gravel bed. They said, "We therefore recommend the construction of an adequate distributing system, the 'laying of pipe lines to Niles, the purchase from the owners of the land on this gravel bed the right to develop and carry away water for our use, and the construction of pumping plants thereon. We recommend that the citizens of Oakland take action towards securing a water supply system under municipal ownership." This movement was denominated "Oakland's deliverance." In May the council took the first decisive step against the old water company and in favor of a municipal water plant by ordering plans and specifications therefor. Mayor Oleny took the position that Oakland should not buy out the Contra Costa Water Company because of the following reasons : ( 1 ) There would be too much complica tion in the transfer as the company was bonded for $3,500,000, about what the plant had actually cost; (2) The distributing system of water from San Lean dro creek was both too small and too impure; (3) It would be necessary for the three cities — Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley — to act in unision on the prop osition, because the system was already in operation in all these, and Oakland ' could not dictate to the others. The Spring Valley Water Company claimed to have spent for the development of its system on Alameda creek the sum of $5,537,304. Its total acreage in and adjoining the Calaveras valley was 4,900 more or less. In May, 1903,, it was decided to try street sprinkling with salt water. The plan was tried and pronounced a success. On April 24, 1904, Oakland voted as follows on the proposition to raise $960,000 on school bonds: For the bonds 3,330; against the bonds 575. The object in view was to do away with the makshift schoolhouses and erect build ings in keeping with the size of the school enumeration and with the impor tance of the city; It was planned to vote later on an issue of $250,000 for a1 polytechnic high school. During the year Oakland advanced rapidly in popu lation and civic improvement. Large sewers were reconstructed; Twelfth street dam was remodeled; many streets were paved; thousands of trees were planted along the streets; school bonds were voted; more of the lake boulevard was built, and the great plan of public improvement, though the bond proposition failed at the polls, made distinct advance. The eleven-story Union National Bank building was erected, two new theatres were built, several fine business blocks took the place of old structures; numerous factories, several churches and many handsome residences appeared in different parts of the city. The Santa Fe railroad was completed; the Key Route ferry began business with the numerous electric lines as feeders, the Southern Pacific transformed its freight terminal. The Home Club had a new home and the Ebell Society was securing one and 430 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY excellent progress was made in securing funds for a new Y. M. C. A. build ing. The main outlet storm sewer along Thirty-sixth street was completed in October, 1904; it began at Sherman street and Telegraph avenue and extended to the bay. The total cost was $145,466. The dirigible balloon "California Arrow" shown at the World's Fair in St. Louis, was the invention of Capt. Thomas S. Baldwin of Oakland. It made a successful showing — was the admi ration of immense crowds. Fruitvale Progress was edited by C. Leidecker. He said that in the past three years the population of Fruitvale had doubled — had now 2,300 school children as against 3,000 in Alameda. Late in August Charles S. Greene, librarian of the Oakland public library was appointed a trustee of "the state library by Governor Pardee. The election of September, 1904, determined whether Oakland should enter upon a new era of expansion and development or whether it should fall behind other enterprising communities where beautiful environment was sought. The vote on the bond propositions resulted as follows : 1 2 3 4 5 6. 78 •9 10 11 Proposed Improvements Amounts For Against Small parks and play grounds $570,580 Central park inch part of Sather tract 450,000 Proposed lake and other boulevards 301,670 Sewer extensions and renewals 121,440 Wharf foundations and bulkheads 15,000 Dredging Lake Merritt 48,400 Concrete culverts and bridges '. 49,640 Bituminous crosswalks and culverts 127,000 Polytechnic high school and land 143,000 Additional fitting for free library 15,000 New city hall and more land 650,000 3,760 3,333 3,100 3,976 3,848 3,!48 4,910 2,160 4,930 2,135 3,979 3,°45 4,274 2,687 4,824 2,267 4,544 2,507 4,35i 2,683 4,092 2,980 Thus all propositions were defeated. The total vote polled was 7,563, of which 5,042 or two-thirds, were necessary for success. The wharves proposition received 5,006 and thus lost by thirty-six votes. The sewers proposition received but 4,538 votes. All the others failed by smaller votes. The so-called central park proposition did not receive a majority of the votes cast. It was thought by many that the great number of propositions confused the voters and forced them in self-defense to say no on all. This election was termed "a successful failure." Before the city council and a large audience in October, 1904, five water projects were considered, as follows: (1) From the Bay Cities Water Com pany guaranteeing a delivery of 20,000,000 gallons, the city to build the neces sary reservoirs and distributing plant; (2)- plan of Engineer Miller to develop from wells in the county a supply of 12,000,000 gallons per day at a cost of $4,000,000; (3) to secure water from the American river through pipes no miles long with 10,000 electric horse power by means of waterfalls at a total cost of water of $3,638,000 and for electrical power $410,824; (4) proposition of the Sierra Nevada Water and Power Company for a supply of 17,000,000 gallons per day from the head of Mokelamne river, cost not given 5(5) proposi tion from President Dornin offering the city an option on 1,000 acres, shown to HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 431 have extensive artesian possibilities, cost $3,200,000. Of these five propositions the one submitted by M. K. Miller, engineer, possessed the most attractive fea tures and was inspected in detail by the city authorities and the citizens. The Bay Cities Water Company offered to deliver to the city 20,000,000 gallons of water per day at a saving of $8,000,000 to the city at the end of the bonding period over the existing system, besides owning both supply and system. The vote on the water problem was as follows: For the bay cities water proposi tion, 5,054; for the wells supply, 1,545; against both propositions, 366; for either, 65. Accordingly the council by resolution, passed late in November, 1904, accepted the proposition of the Bay Cities Water Company. On January 16, 1905, the council by a unanimous vote passed to print the ordinance submitting the question of acquiring the municipal water supply offered by the Bay Cities company. March nth was fixed as the day of election. On February 6th the council, without a dissenting -voice sent for the approval of the people the proposition of the Bay Cities Water Company to furnish a munic ipal water plant. The council sitting as committee of the whole, considered the proposition to bond the city for the construction of sewers and voted unani mously to recommend that step, the cost to be about $300,000. At the same time the council considered the proposition of 1,700 petitioners to submit to the voters the question of closing the saloons — to exercise local option. At the election on the bond proposition March 11, 1905, the vote stood — for bonds 4,385, against bonds 5,242. The defeat of the bonds resulted probably from the fear of the people that there was something crooked in the whole proposition. In 1905 the Merchants' Exchange appointed a committee to investigate the scope and character of the operations of the Spring Valley Water Company in taking water from Alameda county sources for use in San Francisco. The committee made a thorough investigation and finally rendered its report which was unanimously adopted. It was shown that the company owned 43,000 acres in this county, of which 20,000 were tillable and were thus non-productive. This land was mainly in Livermore, Sunol, Amador, San Ramon and Calaveras valleys and the Niles delta. The report was finally referred to the county board and the district attorney for such action as might be deemed proper. The coming of the Western Pacific, the development of the water front, the planning of new industrial enterprises, the improvement of streets, the erection of better school buildings, the improvement of the harbor, the increase in commerce and trade, and the successful attempts to beautify the city, were followed by vast advance ment in every department of human uplift. In November the National Board of Fire Underwriters stated that as an initial step of primary importance in obtaining a satisfactory measure of fire pro tection supply the city should acquire absolute control of its water works through municipal ownership or other effective means and that the fire depart ment as then organized was not adequate to handle fires with sufficient prompt ness and effectiveness to guarantee proper safety from conflagrations — that the recent rapid growth of the city had not been accompanied or followed by a corresponding strengthening of the fire department. In December Rev. Robert Whitaker, in a sermon in this city declared that Oakland needed sadly a municipal cleanup — that the city like Philadelphia was Vol. 1—28 432 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY "corrupt and contented." Reverend Mr. Wakeley took an opposite view and said. "The delectable city is not yet the spotless town and Oakland with her beautiful streets, her opportunities for a wide development, her parks and her schools is in no wise behind her more blatant rivals. Granting the facts to be true, are these gentlemen justified in using their pulpits for such a wholesale condemnation of our city's government and citizenship. The forces of good in a city are not to be advanced by such utterances and they are open to the charge of yellow preaching." At this time Mr. Whitaker was president of the recently organized Law and Order League of East Oakland. He appeared at a private meeting of the board of police and fire commissioners and explained why he had made the above statements. Among other things he said, "I am not certain that any exigency would justify a minister who has won man's holiest confi dences into betraying them except where life itself is at stake. Nor am I certain that if I were prepared to give these confidences you are the men to whom I- would give them. Your personal probity I do not question, but you are polit ically related to the accused." Of his statements Mayor Mott said that although he charged official graft and corruption, he did not specify nor verify his declara tion but dealt in generalities. At the close of 1905 Oakland had eight engine companies, four truck compa nies, three chemical engine companies, two hose companies and 20,400 feet of fire hose. Connected with the department were 138 men, of whom 50 were full paid and others "call" men. A new engine house costing $12,000 was built in the Golden Gate district. The fire alarm and police telegraph system was in full operation and indispensable. N. A. Ball was chief of the fire department. . The Oakland Chamber of Commerce was partly organized November 11, 1905. Among those who made addresses at. the meeting were Mayor Mott, George W. Fisher, Theodore Gier, F. W. Bilger, H. C. Capwell, H. P. Brown, Charles E. Snook, Frank A. Leach, Jr., E. M. Gibson, T. O. Crawford, Edwin Meese, G. W. Langan, William J. Laymance and Dr. H. G. Thomas. The object of the chamber was to aid in the development of Oakland. Already the board of trade and Merchants' Exchange had well commenced the task of expansion and improvement. The chamber was fully organized on December 11 by the election of Edson F. Adams for president and a full list of other officers and the appointment of committees. At this time there were over six hundred active members. In January, 1906, the council passed an ordinance calling for an election to determine the question of issuing $992,000 in bonds for park purposes. The park sites were ten in number which were voted on January 14th. The prin cipal one was Adams Point. Others were the marsh land at Twelfth street dam, tract at Conservatory park, the Willows property, the DeFremery prop erty, a tract adjoining Bushrod park, tract in North Oakland, strip at East Oakland, tract east of Lake Merritt, a tract adjoining Prescott school. By the vote of 2,702 to 566 Oakland carried this big park bond proposition. Adams Point cost $500,000; the Willows cost $201,000; the DeFremery tract cost $120,400 and the others much smaller sums. The Oakland Clearing House went into operation for the first time on April 27, 1906; eleven banks joined the association. All banks of the county soon cleared here. CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK, OAKLAND HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 433 CLEARING HOUSE SUMMARY Clearings Balances omitting cents omitting cents MaY $14,552,984 $2,712,618 June 16,039,430 ' 2,879,130 July 15,826,707 3,472,460 August 15,663,587 3,790,100 September 12,809,454 2,990,866 October 15,890,985 3,746,645 November 14,332,584 2,838,272 OAKLAND BANKS Deposits April Deposits December Bank 18, 1906 1, 1906 Omitting cents Omitting cents Oakland Bank of Savings $12,874,181 $18,241,539 Central Bank 4,947,060 10,306,542 First National Bank 1,431,814 3,998,287 Union Savings^ Bank 4,383,765 6,745,221 v Union National Bank 1,359,601 3,210,148 Security Savings Bank 356,857 901,368 California Bank 585,783 1,121,340 Farmers' and Merchants' Bank 1,058,423 1,412,729 State Savings Bank 797,860 1,094,150 West Oakland Bank and Trust Company. .. . 143,234 205,672 Total $27,938,583 $47,237,000 Late in October, the Oakland building permits numbered in one week 112 valued at $128,268. There were thirty-three one-story dwellings. From statis tics prepared by W. B. Fawcett of the board of public works, it was shown that Oakland expended $7,660,378 in 1906 for the construction of 4,832 buildings, the largest sum for any month being $1,039,228, and 612 permits in October. By a unanimous vote in August, the council decided to take preliminary steps to establish a salt water street sprinkling and fire extinguishing system; the estimated cost was $70,000. In October, the council appropriated $27,000 for a salt water pumping plant; $10,000 for West Oakland park; $15,000 for a new fire engine house, and fixed the tax levy at $1.28. For the first time in the history of Oakland a bond issue for another pur pose than the public schools was passed September 4th. About two thousand five hundred votes were polled of which about three hundred were against the proposition, which was to issue $586,000 sewer bonds. Oakland was made a full sub-port of entry, a concession due to the increased commercial importance of this city. Early in October, the joint committee on city and county consolidation for Oakland presented to the council a petition signed by about three thousand voters who favored the annexation to Oakland of a large section to the eastward and northeastward. The board of police and 434 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY fire commissioners, in order to check the wave of crime sweeping over this com munity ordered the arrest of all suspicious characters, the supply of scanty fare only for persons confined in the city prison, and the formation of a chain gang of prisoners for work on the streets. Early in November, the council passed to print an ordinance calling for an election on January 15, 1907, to determine whether Fitchburg, Fruitvale and Elmhurst should be annexed to Oakland. Melrose and Allendale were included in Fruitvale. While in a general way the citizens of Oakland knew that the city was improving rapidly, it was not until 1906 after the earthquake that the full magnitude of the growth was realized, largely from the lips of outsiders. In other words, rank outsiders assisted in calling attention to the vast strides being made in all the industries and all the departments of ethics, morals and education — the thousands of beautiful homes built in this community within a few years, the vast increase in manufacturing enterprises, the expansion of educational methods and programs, the wonderful amplification of religious agencies, the splendid street .car and ferry service, the blessings and possibilities of modern sanitation, the astonishing activities and suc cesses of child care, the persistent philanthropy broad enough to grasp all phases of misery and misfortune, the transformation of libraries into dispensatories of practical knowledge for expanding youth, the multiplication of commercial totals and results, the transformation of streets into beautiful pleasure promenades, the combination for betterments, the popularity of civic virtue and honesty, the dawn of invariable political purity and official integrity, better wages and pros pects for working people. The wonderful growth of Oakland from April, 1905, to November, 1906, is shown by the summary of building permits, as follows: ¦ 1905 Amounts 1906 Amounts April $112,440 January , $197,161 May 279,765 February 197,487 June 264,526 March 321,000 July 277,457 April 271,281 August 270,793 May 447,425 September 228,247 June 495,625 October 235,785 July 535,883 November 262,205 August 558,244 December 184,618 September 791,386 October 939,086 For the third time the voters of Fruitvale, in February, 1907, declared against a separate municipality by the vote of 591 to 383. At this time it was proposed to annex Fruitvale to Elmhurst. At the election of March 14th, on the question of annexing Fruitvale, Melrose, Elmhurst and Fitchburg to Oakland the vote in those districts was — for annexation 653, against it 823. Oakland cast 1,660 for the annexation and 107 against it. At the, charter election on April 1, 1907, four amendments were voted on: (1) for a garbage plant; (2 and 3) to facilitate street openings; (4) to provide for separate assessments for municipal revenue. All of the amendments were carried by substantial majorities. :¦ ; « « h ii j i . 'UilliJii First Trust and Savings Bank First National Bank 5 *"¦&-#>> LiiHUi If Jfrri 2- , ij 1141 u ii ii «» HTtJ «¦ n I s II I !¦«* fi3f |W IWfl -"pT " £f ¦39 Security Bank Oakland Bank of Savings A GROUP OF OAKLAND BANKS HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 435 The voting of the $992,000 in park bonds in 1907 was sufficient authority for the city administration to extend the city parking system to any reasonable bounds. It put stimulus into the project of beautifying the city. By the close of the year there were about twenty parks, large and small, being improved' and ornamented. The largest was the water park — Lake Merritt. It comprised about eighty acres of salt water. Adams Point park was fast coming into form and loveliness. Around Lake Merritt the boulevard and the promenade had been materially advanced. The old oaks were preserved. The West Oakland park, the Willows, the DeFremery tract, the Mosswood tract, City Hall park and many others were fast assuming definite outlines of color and beauty. Late in 1907 the city secured an option on the ethnological collection of Dr. John Rabe with the object of forming therewith the nucleus of a public museum. There were shells, coins, minerals, corals and fossils. Early in 1909 the council appropriated $50,000 to cover the cost of dredging 'Lake Merritt and raising the Peralta park marsh with the spoils thereof. The plan of the administration to annex six square miles of territory on the western water front of the city was approved by the voters by the emphatic vote of 4,852 for annexation to 545 against annexation. Early in March Oakland voted on eight amendments to its charter. They related (1) to the appointment of park commissioners; (2) to the appointment of library trustees; (3) to the salaries of certain officials; (4) to the initiative, referendum and recall; (5) to wharves, docks, slips and warehouses, etc., on the water front ; (6) to the con- trolof such by the board of public works; (7) to privileges to all railroads with out discrimination; (8) to extra privileges, on the water front. Numbers (3) and (4) and (5) were defeated. The city of Oakland in the1 fall of 1909 covered 24.09 square miles. It was then proposed to annex 30.33 square miles of Brooklyn township and 6.35 square miles of Oakland township, which would then give the city 60.77 square miles, of which 48.68 were upland and 12.09 tide and submerged lands. At this time three important projects were before the people of Oakland: (1) water front improve ment; (2) city hall bonds; (3) annexation project. The cry was for a Greater Oakland. The intense interest in this election was shown by the large registra tion and the unprecedentedly large vote polled during the early part of the day. The occasion was momentous and inspiring to all who loved the splendid city, the beautiful bay and the Golden state. For weeks the campaign of education had gone on until all the grand purposes of the election were instilled into 'every heart. The vote on the bonds was as follows : city hall bonds — for 10,104, against 834; water front bonds — for 10,056, against 758; fire alarm bonds— for 9,930, against 841. The vote on the annexation project was in Oakland 7,933 for and 160 against; in Fruitvale 1,449 for and 678 against; in Brooklyn 640 for and 185 against; in Claremont 34 for and 7 against. Brooklyn included Elmhurst, Melrose and Fitchburg. The bond vote aggregated $3,500,000. During the five years from 1906 to 1910 inclusive over 20,000 building per mits were issued, representing an expenditure of over -$35,000,000. In July, 1910, W. C. Clark, I. H. Clay, C. H. Daly, G. W. Dornin, A. H. Elliott, R. B. Felton, John Forrest, R. M. Hamb, Hugh Hogan, Albert Kayser, G C. Pardee, H. S. Robinson, F. L. Shaw, R. H. Chamberlain and J. J. McDonald were elected freeholders to frame the proposed new charter for Oakland. On October 21 the 436 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Oakland museum was opened to the public. During the succeeding winter a sys tem of school lectures was inaugurated for the benefit of the scholars of the city. C. P. Wilcomb was elected curator. The following was the vote on the new charter in December, 1910 : For the charter, 8,884 ; against it, 2,884. The development of modern residential subdivisions was one of the wonders of Oakland's growth in 1909-10. Breed and Bancroft developed Elenwood park, the Sante Fe tracts, Steinway terrace and other attractive subdivisions. The Frank K. Mott Company evolved Broadmoor, Grand Avenue Heights and East- lawn. The Laymance Company sold many in-properties and handled the Rock Ridge properties. In 1910 the following improvement's were commenced or finished: Seventh street pavement and railway tracks; extension of car service to several suburbs; side tracks, power stations and car shops; water front terminal of the Western Pacific; the Key Route pier; introduction of the hydro-electric power into the city from the Sierras; water service supplied with a great distributing reservoir with a capacity of 150,000,000 gallons; organization of the United Properties Company, second largest corporation in the state; Hotel Oakland well advanced — total cost about two millions dollars ; work on the Twelfth street dam ; a munic ipal electricity building on the lake shore ; destruction of the old library and other buildings at city hall site ; contracts for the municipal wharves ; great advance in the construction of modern buildings; railroad extension; harbor improvement; electric feeders ; and long lines of sewer mains. Early in 191 1 the United Properties Company was organized here with an alleged capital of $200,000,000; it was designed to unite several of the largest business interests for the purpose of securing larger and better results through union and cooperation. The Key Route System, the Realty Syndicate and the Oakland Traction Company were to be involved. Frank M. Smith was at the head of this business venture. Early this year Oakland opposed the bill in the Legislature providing for the annexation of this city to San Francisco. ' A desperate and determined fight was waged against the passage of the bill and was successful. In June the Oakland municipal water commission was appointed and at first planned the condemnation of the Oakland division of the People's Water Com pany and later in the year proposed a partnership of seven municipalities to go into the water business as a $10,000,000 corporation. The water committee of Oakland, Mayor Frank K. Mott, of Oakland, Mayor J. Stitt Wilson of Berkeley, City Attorney Long of San Francisco and representatives of many other sections of the state, approved this measure about December ist. This step really amended the Acts of 1909 and 191 1 and made possible the creation of metropolitan inter- urban water districts. The district proposed here included Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, Piedmont, Emeryville, Albany and San Leandro. In 1899 it was pro posed to form a municipal water district, but the law of eminent domain then made it impossible to condemn the properties of the People's Water Company. But finally there was evolved a successful method of rate fixing by which the city was saved $900,000 and the old litigation which had cost the city $400,000 was eliminated. An amendment to the law of eminent domain made it possible for the city to bond itself for a large sum to take over a vast public improvement. But there were many obstacles which had to be overcome and time was needed. nVii -'.{rjr jrr jrr f t 41 NEW CITY HALL, OAKLAND HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 437 Finally the condemnation plan was abandoned, and a municipal metropolitan water district received favorable consideration. The new charter which went into effect in the spring of 191 1 combined the legislative and executive functions of the municipal government in the hands of five commissioners of whom the mayor was the official head. The charter was thus revolutionary and something of an experiment, but had the confidence of the people, though it was realized that great care would have to be exercised to select the right officials to put it into successful and satisfactory operation. In this emergency there was a general demand that Mayor Mott who had made good in the past should be entrusted with the establishment of the new order of municipal affairs. Early in the campaign he formally announced his candi dacy for reelection. The strongest factors in his favor were his previous hon est and successful administrations and his familiarity with all the problems that would confront the new executive. On the auditorium and school improvement propositions in May, 191 1 the vote was as follows: For $500,000 auditorium 7,119, against it, 2,734; for $1,- 755POQ lower school improvements 7,029, against them, 2,616; for $738,000 high school improvements 7,222, against them, 2,594. This was a splendid endorse ment of the demands for better school facilities and other educational and civic advantages. Oakland celebrated joyously and elaborately the victory of San Francisco over New Orleans when it was learned that the former had won the Panama Exposition by the vote of 259 to 43 in Congress. Realty transfers were very active in the annexed district in 191 1. In about eight months ending with November the acreage property sold aggregated $2,500,000 in value. Among the large tracts sold were the Judge Matthews estate near Elmhurst, the Henderson tract, the Pope estate west of Fitchburg, the Morse tract called the Highlands, De Golia place and the Joe Dieves property. On October 13, 1911, President Taft laid the corner stone of the new city hall building. An immense assemblage witnessed and applauded the event. Governor Johnson was present and took part in the ceremonies. More than a score of other prominent men of the state joined the long and brilliant parade. From Oakland the President went to San Francisco to break ground for the Panama Canal Fair. For 1912 Oakland's building record was estimated at $9,009,733 ; and for 1913 at $9,106,191. More steel structures were built the latter year than during all previous years. • Everywhere new churches, schoolhouses, residences, and busi ness blocks arose, the latter to the height of ten and twelve stories. More than a thousand new residences were erected. The Hotel Oakland was duly opened to the public and dedicated the day before Christmas. There was a large assem blage of the best people of the whole bay region present, and amid the choicest music and quips and jests of a joyous company a fine banquet was enjoyed. W. W. Garthwaite was president of the Oakland Hotel Company. The comple tion of this magnificent hostelry was the finality of the spirit and enterprise of the city's business men, particularly the bankers. In October, 1913, at an executive session of the committe of twelve named by the mayors of Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda as a result of a recent con ference of the officials of eleven cities of the East Bay region, provision for the 438 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY commencement of active work on a detailed report as to the advisability of forming a public utilities district under the Gates bill was made. Among the important gatherings in the city in 191 3 were the following: Reception of Josephus Daniels, secretary of the navy; Knights Templar Conclave, Native Sons celebration, convention of the State Medical Society, state dental conven tion, dedication of the city hall, meeting of the California Press Association; meeting of the State Retail Hardware Association; and the banquets and balls — all held with the new Hotel Oakland as the central point of interest. During 1913, owing to the depression in all parts of the country of the stock and bond market, Oakland was obliged to call for a reissue of nearly three million dollars in bonds. The reissue was carried by the voters with an overwhelming majority, thus supporting with emphasis the admitted and desired policy of public improvements being carried into effect. Following is the annual record of new buildings constructed in Oakland since 1905, when the issuance of building permits was started : Year No. Permits Value 1905 1,836 $2,422,837.44 1906 4,832 7,690,i95-I3 1907 • 4,507 8,243,983.25 1908 3.614 6,320,562.36 1909^ 3,286 5,318,512.03 -1910 3,968 6,913,643.47 1911 3,96i 6,992,262.50 1912 4,034 9,009,733-85 1913 3,7°7 9,106,191.40 Total $62,017,921.43 Among the important forward steps at Oakland and vicinity in 1913-14 were the following: Opening for traffic of the Oakland, Antioch and Eastern Rail road which gave a short electric rail connection with Sacramento; three trans continental railways; lines running north to Seattle and south to Mexico; the transfer of the Terminal railways to George G. Moore ; the opening of the draw bridges across the canal; reclamation of the Alameda marshes; work on the harbor and the water front ; many miles of paved streets ; improvement of county roads; the construction of many large steel buildings; the wonderful growth of the suburban districts; the vast water and rail commerce; large numbers of new hotels and apartment houses ; the expansion of the retail district ; commence ment of the auditorium; increase on wharf and dock facilities; extensive work on the parking systems; construction of the embarcadero; increase in the num ber of ferry boats; completion of a portion of the elevated electric railway; completion in part of the country boulevards — Dublin, Niles canyon, Hayward connecting with the scenic or foothills boulevard, fine bridges — Niles and Hay ward. In 1913-14 an efficiency credit system was installed in the municipal departments of Oakland. On January 1, 1914, the bonded debt of Oakland was as follows HOTEL OAKLAND, OAKLAND HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 439 Refunding bonds of 1897 $ 84,000 Sewer bonds of 1907 500,000 Park bonds of 1907 843,200 McElroy bonds of 1909 3,110,025 School and auditorium bonds of 191 1 1,058,205 Improvement bonds of 1913 990,000 Total $6,585,430 In January, 1914, the United Properties Company and the F. M. Smith advisory committee completed the legal formalities which conveyed to George G. Moore and associates the control of the San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Rail ways. Mr. Moore at once assumed control, management and operation of these railways. To accomplish this result it was found necessary to separate the railroad property from the United Properties Company. At the same time Mr. Moore and his associates undertook the re-financing, development and advance ment of the United Light and Power Company and the Union Water Company as soon as they could be separated from the United Properties Company. The most important aspect of the Oakland public library is the vast exten sion of its fields of operation. It has become an aggressive medium for the dis semination of information — an adjunct to the public schools and the masses as well as the classes. More readily and certainly to accomplish this amplification the books, pictures and newspapers are placed in ten branch libraries and six deposit stations throughout the city, and at all times the library and its branches, by means of the telephone and otherwise, are in immediate contact- with stu dents, scholars and specialists. The public have learned to ask Librarian Greene and his courteous assistants for information oh any and all subjects and are rarely disappointed in securing what they want. Under perfect system and with a complete knowledge of what is on the, shelves, the staff day and night direct searchers after specific information to the particular book or illustration required. There is no limit or abridgment of the subjects covered by answers to ques tions. Politics, civics, esthetics, economics, statistics — all covered, in several cases with separate and distinct departments. The civics department was estab lished when the ' new city charter was adopted, as a consequence of constant inquiry for information bearing upon municipal management. Other depart ments and special purposes are served. The city museum is now an adjunct of the library and is equipped to aid in the spread of knowledge. CHAPTER XXI THE SMALLER CITIES AND TOWNS Livermore proper was founded in 1869 upon the completion of the Central Pacific Railway to that point, but settlers were there long before that date. In 1850, Alphonso Ladd settled in the Sunol valley and in the spring of 1864 pre empted a quarter section and erected a small dwelling at what became Laddsville and later a part of Livermore. He soon built a large frame hotel which was burned down in 1867. Adam Fath settled near him and Alexander Mesa, a Spaniard, opened a saloon. Henry Goetjen started a store in 1865. Others came and a private school was started in 1866 with Miss Esther Weeks as teacher. The first public school was opened in December, 1866, by J. M. Guinn, teacher. In 1868 R. I. Graham, from Hayward, opened a general store, Anton Bardellini started a restaurant and a Mr. Elliott established a livery stable. After this date the village grew rapidly. Ehiring the summer of 1869 the track of the Central Pacific Railway was laid through the valley and the station was located about half a mile west of Laddsville. The first train arrived in August. In July, 1869, William M. Mendenhall, who owned a large tract of land west of Laddsville, transferred twenty acres to the railroad company and there the station was located and the town of Livermore laid out and named for Robert Livermore the first settler of the valley. In 1870 the old arena where the bullfights had been held was still standing at Laddsville. Among the early industries and improvements were the following: Livermore Springs Water Company; Waterman & Co.'s warehouse; Horton & Kennedy's lumber yard; John Sylward's carriage factory; the Liver more Brewery; the Olivina vineyard. Petroleum was early discovered near Livermore and coal became a valuable asset. From 1870 to 1872 the population doubled and business became extensive and profitable. The Enterprise was established in 1874, and became the Herald in 1877 under W. P. Bartlett. In 1875 the water company brought water from the Las Pocitas springs. The village was incorporated in April, 1876, and first covered 840 acres. The Water man brick block was built in 1874. In the fall of 1869 Livermore had a popu lation of about seventy-five Coal was first found at Harrisville and in 1875 the Livermore Coal Company was formed. Other shafts were opened from time to time along the ridges and valleys at Corral Hollow. Laddsville was nearly all burned down in 1871. The Fire Company was organized about 1874-75. Mathews and Hilton ran a line of stages from Livermore by way of Pleasan ton, Dublin and Danville to Mount Diablo. Livermore Grange was established in 1874. A bank was started about 1875. The same year the Livermore library was founded. Various lodges and societies made their appearance at this time. The town even had a dramatic association. Livermore valley hay became famous at an early date; also its wheat, barley, grapes and wine. The Farmers' Union 441 442 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY was incorporated in 1883. In 1880 the population was 855. It was about 1880-81 that vineyards began to replace the wheat and barley fields. The Livermore Valley Wine Growers' Association was strong and active in the '80s. The gas works were started in 1885. An excellent grade of chromite was found near the town and was once marketed extensively. In 1885 the Remillard brick works employed about one hundred men — mostly Italians, French and Portu guese. The Aqua de Villa springs, owned by W. M. Mendenhall and located ten miles northeast of town, attracted much attention arid patronage about 1885-86. The water contained 8.8 grains of magnesium and 12.45 grains of sodium phosphate in each gallon. A telephone line connected Livermore and the Arroyo valley vineyard districts in 1886. A white steam laundry company was founded in 1886 as a step to circumvent the Chinese. About the same time Livermore dealers stopped permanently the Chinese vegetable peddlers from operating in that city. But the white laundry was soon forced to suspend for want of patronage. When this fact became known the American flag was raised over the Chinese wash house near the depot. Soon the white laundry was revived and started again, whereupon it was suggested that the Chinese should shift the flag to half mast. The town became a presidential postoffice in 1885. In 1888 electric lights were introduced in the streets and public buildings. A little later the system was greatly extended. The'Bolsa canal was constructed in 1888-89 — three and a half miles at a cost of over $17,000. The town assessment in 1888 was $561,950. Gold and silver ore were found by Mr. Mendenhall near Aqua de Villa in 1889. This year Mr. Mendenhall sued the trustees to recover title to a long narrow strip of land in the heart of the town containing 51.2 acres and extending along the south side of Rancho Las Pocitas grant. By 1890 the north flank of Mount Hamilton began to be covered with settlers. Thousands of robins, driven from the mountains by the deep snow, were killed near Livermore in 1890. In four nights Thomas Coffman killed 4,000 by shoot ing promiscuously into the trees where they roosted in countless numbers; they brought 40 cents a dozen in San Francisco markets. The Farmers' Warehouse Company was organized in 1891. In 1893 Livermore for the first time fought successfully the undue development of the saloon interests. This year the citi zens assembled and took strong grounds against the employment of Chinese in the vineyards. In 1895 the almond crop of Livermore and vicinity amounted to 50,000 pounds. In 1896 the Library Association was reorganized by the League of Progress, the Ladies' Auxiliary and the Jolly Bachelors and the Odd Fel lows library of Oakland was purchased. About the same time Mr. Bartlett gave the library 200 volumes. Livermore Collegiate Institute was founded in 1870 by Doctor and Mrs. Kingsbury and was located on the north bank of Arroyo Mocho. The main building was three stories high, with flanks of less height and with several out buildings. In 1875 the property was purchased by Prof. J. D. Smith, who also had been an instructor in Washington College, this county. The First Presby terian church was started in 1871 ; the Methodist church was organized in 1885 ; the Catholics dedicated their big church in 1891, Archbishop Riordan laid the cornerstone. Livermore Lodge, I. O. O. F., was established in 1873 ; Livermore Lodge, A. F. & A. M., about the same time; Vesper Lodge, A. O. U. W., in " "-".^Sffii&S? PfiPSPiniif r — T7*AV9'1 I " " "V.OTMBBj. PUBLIC LIBRARY, LIVERMORE HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 443 1878; Livermore Lodge, I. O. G. T., 1881 ; Livermore Council, A. L. of H, in 1882. The Union high school was dedicated in August, 1893. The county super intendent, the high school principal and President Kellogg of the university delivered addresses. In the building were four main rooms and a large base ment divided into two sections for boys and girls respectively. The dairy industry became extensive at Livermore in the '80s and '90s. The citizens called for irrigation in order that cows could have luxuriant grass the jyear round. Efforts to establish a creamery were made. In 1890 Livermore had over twenty miles of graded streets. In recent years Livermore has steadily increased in population, but most noticeable of all is the fact that it is up to date with merchants, manufacturers, real estate dealers, clubs, societies, lodges, schools, churches, fire system, light ing system, civic improvements, Chamber of Commerce, banks, newspapers, benevolent orgariizations, Carnegie library, water system, medicinal springs, etc. It is the center of a large industry in oil, coal, glass sand, potter's clay, brick clay, quicksilver, chromite, lime, etc. Livermore hay grown on the Altamont hills is the best in the West and has been shipped in large lots to Liverpool, England. At the present day the Cresta Blanca, Giersberger and Ruby Hill vine yards are known the world over for their products. A system of boulevards between the east bay shore district and Livermore valley is being developed. Soon this beautiful valley will have one of the most attractive and picturesque scenic boulevards in the world ; it is called the tri angle trip, because it leaves Oakland in one direction and returns from another after traversing the sides of a triangle. A side trip is planned to San Jose. Livermore valley is noted at this day for its hay, barley, hops, grapes, writes, sugar beets, blooded stock, poultry, pure water, delightful climate and beautiful scenery. In the valley are Livermore, Pleasanton, Altamont, Sunol, Dougherty, Dublin, Santa Rita, and a few other small villages. Pleasanton in early times was called Alisal (Cottonwood) and was located on parf of the grant to- Antonio Sunol, Antonio Maria Pico Augustin Bernal and Juan P. Bernal in 1839. In 1850 Augustin Bernal built a residence at the foot of the mountains about a mile west of the town. In August, 1851, John W. Kot tinger*, an Austrian, arrived, erected a house on the creek and began stock-rais ing. In September, 1852, Juan P. Bernal erected an adobe house across the creek from Kottinger's residence. Duerr and Ausbaumer in 1857 opened a store in Kottinger's residence and two years later Charles Garthwaite started a store opposite the residence of Augustin Bernal, continuing four years. Before 1867 it was one of the wildest towns in the state. It was here that Harry Morse, sheriff, had his famous battle with Narcisco Borjorques. In 1863 Mr. Kottinger laid out a few lots at Alisal, offered them for sale and among the purchasers were Jacob Teeters, a blacksmith; William Wittner, a carpenter; and Doctor Goucher, all three of whom at once erected houses. The same year Joshua A. Neal, a pioneer of 1847, who had served several years as majordomo for Robert Livermore, moved to Alisal, married a daughter of Augustin Bernal and thus acquired 500 acres of land upon a portion of which later was laid out the town of Pleasanton. He erected a residence on a hill overlooking the valley. In 1864 a school was opened by a Mr. Powell, teacher. In 1865 Mr. Kottinger 444 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY erected a large building in which he opened a general store and a hotel or tavern. The latter was leased to Anton Bardellini who opened a house of entertainment in 1867. In this year Mr. Kottinger had a survey made of the land and lots and laid out a town which he named Pleasanton in honor of General Pleasanton, a gallant cavalry officer under Gen. John C. Fremont in the Missouri campaign of the Civil war. In 1868 Mr. Neal laid out lots adjoining those of Mr. Kot tinger. Both men — Kottinger and Neal — directed several surveys in 1869 to make their lots conform to the railway track of the Central Pacific Company then built through the valley. The old county road became Main street. The town grew rapidly in 1869-70, owing to the presence of the railroad and the establishment of a station there Among the most important of the early build ings were a two-story schoolhouse, a frame church, a two-story frame building by the Odd Fellows, and the Bilz carriage and wagon factory. Snipe and duck shooting on the adjoining bolsa near Pleasanton was a sport greatly enjoyed by hunters. In the '50s Mr. Kottinger began to make wine and by 1870 had a fine old stock on hand. In 1874 the water works were finished by Mr. Neal. By 1876 Pleasanton was growing rapidly and was shipping by rail large quantities of hay, wheat, barley and horses. A large hotel was opened by H. Detjens in 1875. The Selbach mineral springs containing iron, sulphur and magnesia were extensively patronized at this date. Lots in Pleasanton were sold 1875 by Mrs. McLaughlin for from $295 to $520 each. Five lots on Rail road street — all vacant property — sold for $1,600. Coal discoveries were made near town. Early in the '70s Augustin Bernal built a fine mile race track near the town and a little later a Jockey Club was organized nearly all of the local stockmen becoming members. In 1875 in a running race between Bernal's bay horse and Alviso's bay mare, the former won by five lengths ; much money changed hands on the result. ' By 1885 the blooded horses and the race track at Pleasanton were known to horsemen all over the United States. Indian Town was near Pleasanton. In early times floods in the Arroyos Mocho- and Valle overflowed the cleared and cultivated sections of the bolsa and caused much damage, but did not continue long. The bolsa soil was adapted to berries of all kinds and immense quantities were raised in the '80s. In 1884, 1,200 acres of hay were grown ori the Baker ranch. The tract was irrigated three times and yielded about two thousand tons worth about thirty thousand dollars. Immense quantities of wheat were raised near the town. On one occasion 14,375 pounds of wheat came to town on one wagon drawn by seven horses. Indians on the Crow ranch raised seventy bushels of corn to the acre: In 1885 J. B. Sportono made 6,000 gallons of wine from berries. Land near town sold for $150 an acre. Large quantities of apples were grown in the '80s. Immense quantities of baled hay were shipped. In 1884 George True sold 158 acres for $10,500. Grape culture made the land very valuable. A forestry station was located in Livermore valley in 1888 on the Mountain View tract. During the month of September, 1888, 4,000 tons of hay and 2,500 tons of grain were shipped from Pleasanton. The Star was the local newspaper at this time. Though dry, this year was the most prosperous ever known at Pleasanton up to date. More hay, grain, fruit, spuds and vege tables were sent than ever before; also many new buildings were erected and more genuine progress was made than during the previous ten years, said the HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 445 Star. The Santa Rita rancho was cut into small tracts and sold at this time. Mr. Hatch paid $300 per acre for one hundred and twenty acres of this ranch ; he planted a large almond orchard. In November, 1885, the races near Pleasanton attracted large crowds, but the trotting speed did not go below three minutes. Count Valensin secured 140 acres of the Santa Rita ranch, converted the track into a stock farm and built a race track. In 1889 an overflowing artesian well was dug by Mr. Kottinger and abundant water was found at the depth of sixty-four feet. In 1890 the citi zens subscribed $1,350 towards developing the artesian wells and erecting wind mills on Tassajara road. In 1891 a stallion bred in this vicinity by J. C. Simpson was sold at Lexington, Kentucky, for $55,000. At this time fine studs were owned by Giulio Valensin, Senator George Hearst, H. Wilmeek, Gilbert Tomp kins and J. C. Simpson. Natural gas was struck in a well in Odd Fellows ceme tery. Druid Hall Association was organized in 1891. In 1894 the remainder of Santa Rita ranch was offered for sale by Laymance & Co., of Oakland. In May, 1894, on the vote to incorporate Pleasanton the result stood — for incorpora tion 123, against incorporation 46. The village was duly made a town, the first board of trustees being H. P. Chadbourne, William H. Martin, William Napier, John B. Hortenstine and Joseph Nevis. The petition for incorporation stated that within the proposed town boundaries were over 500 inhabitants. In 1895 Pleasanton shipped to the sugar mill at Alvarado 8,506 tons of sugar beets against 10,074 tons in 1894. The famous valleys in the eastern part of the county are known as Liver more, Amador, Sunol, Alamo, Vallecitos and parts of San Ramon and Tassa jara, Livermore being the largest. In 1890 Senator George Hearst bought 440 acres on Laguna creek a mile and a half below town and converted the tract into a blooded horse breeding farm. The old Hearst homestead known as Hacienda del Poso da Verona, is still one of the most beautiful in the county. From this home have come the liberal benefactions of Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst, mother of William Randolph Hearst. In 1897, Dr. W. H. Cope discovered a fine flow of artesian water within about half a mile of the center of Pleasanton. The town trustees promptly secured three acres of land which embraced the well and found upon examination that the well had a flow of 42,000 gallons every twenty-four hours. A 50,000-gallon reservoir was at once built to catch the overflow and a pumping plant was installed to force the water 128 feet to the top of the hill where a 200,000-gallon reservoir was constructed, giving the town a hydrant pressure of 60 pounds. It was so arranged that the hydrant pressure could be increased to 90 pounds. Soon plans were perfected to double the reservoir capacity. In March, 1898, the old Farmers Hotel at Pleasanton was destroyed by fire ; it was about thirty-five years old and had been kept many years by Henry Reimer. In August, 1899, Pleasanton voted on the question of issuing $15,000 in bonds to develop the water supply. As yet the town had no water works, but had depended wholly on wells. Now a change was demanded. The celebration of the Fourth of July, 1900, at Pleasanton was highly credit able to the town. Thousands from surrounding towns were present. Livermore joined in the celebration and assisted in making it enjoyable and successful. Perhaps it should be set down as a joint celebration of the two towns so unitedly 446 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY and harmoniously did they work for the pleasure of the crowd and the glorifica tion of the day. The principal oration was delivered by W. H. Donahue There were parades, music, games, fancy riding and beautifully decorated buildings. The county board appropriated $200 towards this celebration. At the present time Pleasanton is a prosperous center of industry with a population of about one thousand five hundred. It has excellent public schools, churches, lodges, clubs and benevolent and social organizations. It is famed for its hops, hay, sugar beets, brick, and winter racing track. ' It has two hotels, three stores and is a great grain center. Its Chamber of Commerce is doing good work. The fair held at Pleasanton in 1912 was the best ever given by the association. There are two incorporated towns in the valley — Pleasanton and Livermore Sunol village and Sunol valley, were named for the Spanish family which, with others, secured the vast grant of land in that vicjnity before the American settlement. The first stofe was opened there by George Foscolini about the year of i860. Two years later the Argenti Hotel was opened by a Frenchman named Bertrand. In 1865 a' school was taught by Mrs. Samuel Brown. In the early '70s coal and gold were found near Sunol. J. A. Johnson became a large land owner here in the early '80s; he bought 1,400 acres of T. J. Batchelder and Charles Hodsell. In October, 1884, A. Bozzi and his wife were murdered in their hotel — Cosmopolitan — by Giuseppe Argenti; he claimed self defense. The Vallecitos schoolhouse was conducted here in the Scott store building, but in 1885 the. Sunol Glen school district was established. The Batchelder canyon at Sunol was greatly improved in 1885 : people just began to realize what beautiful residence sites were there. Schools, churches, stores, shops, etc., came rapidly. Olive orchards thrived in this splendid climate. Mr. Batchelder built a large hotel at this time. Many camping parties came here seeking health and recrea tion. The Grand Army of the Republic camps came here in 1886. Speculators endeavored to secure the prized camping and residence sites. The glen was free from fog and frost and the vine, fig and olive flourished. As a summer resort the Glen was unsurpassed. There were fine bathing and an abundance of fish, and the woods and creek were alive with game. The Methodists and Congre- gationalists had congregations. In recent years the town has lost none of its beauties and other attractions. Dougherty and Dublin are two small villages in the northern part of Pleas anton township. The former has two "hotels, two stores, shops, schools, churches, etc. The first schoolhouse in the county over which the flag was formally raised was at Dublin in 1869. The Murray school was the first in the eastern part of the county. It was taught by Charles Crarte, brother of Judge A. M. Crane, in the old Alviso adobe building in 1854. J. W. Dougherty, after whom the station was named, was very prominent in early times : he imported Clydes dale horses from Scotland. Dublin and Dougherty are surrounded with fine ranches. It was at Dublin that Don Jose Maria Amador built his adobe resi dence long before the American settlement. From him Mr. Dougherty obtained immense tracts of land. Here it was also that Michael Murray after whom the township was named pitched his tent. John Green opened a store in i860 on the site of the Amador valley hotel and here the stages changed horses. Marsh's Hotel was opened the same year. The Catholics built their church in 1859. LIVERMORE SANITARIUM HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 447 Other villages in the eastern part of the county are Midway where Frank Heare built the Zinc House about 1855; Mountain House near which the early bandits made their rendezvous; Altamont which is 749 feet above the sea and was started in 1869 by Edward Hobler. John Campbell, E. Cockerton, Nicholas Shearer, William H. Wright located in that vicinity, Gayle, Greenville, Ulmar, etc. The towns of Washington township, lying within a comparatively few miles of one another, form what might almost be termed a "Greater Washington Township," or simply "Washington." There are the following leading towns with estimated population including the suburbs: Niles, 1,500; Centerville, 1,425; Newark, 1,200; Alvarado, 1,100; Irvington, 1,050; Decoto, 850; Mission San Jose, 800; Warm Springs, 600; total, 8,525. They form almost a single com munity and are closely related by social and commercial ties. In the early '50s Niles was called Gophertown. In 1862 J. J. Vallejo built the flour mill on Alameda creek — the second in the county. A little village grew and was called Vallejo Mills. Late in the '50s there were a few fences about Niles. The young men rode everywhere on their mustangs. The Niles bridge was built early by the county board. Niles town site in 1877 was in a triangle of about fourteen acres bounded on two sides by railroads and on the other by the creek. This site was owned mainly by the railroad company and the Spring Valley Water Company. North of the railroad was part of a ranch- of 10,000 acres owned by J. T. Clark. Sev eral fine mineral springs were near the town and a large hotel to utilize the water was contemplated iri 1877. The railroad company bought 200 acres of the Clark ranch and had the tract surveyed as a town, but the lots did not sell and the land was leased to A. J. Scott who put it in grain. In July, 1877, the town had two hotels, two blacksmith shops, an express and telegraph office, a large warehouse and gristmill, the latter owned by the Spring Valley Water Company and leased to Mr. Laumeister. The mill was built early by J. J. Vallejo who at one time owned about fifty thousand acres in that vicinity. W. B. King conducted the Depot House The new Niles was laid out west of the old town and the old name Vallejo Mills fell into disuse. At Niles in recent years are a state bank; Trinity church; Washington Press; Niles Woman's Club ; Township Register ; three hotels ; several lodges and clubs ; fine public schools; the Washington township high school; California nursery; California Pressed Brick Company; Ames Manufacturing Company; California Building Material Company; warehouses; box factories; lumber yards; planing mills; Citizens' Water Company; two churches; Public Improvement Club; Ladies' Guild, etc. Niles is the center of fruit industry — apricot, cherry, orange, lemon and grapes. Shipments are very large. , Centerville was called Hardscrabble at an early date and was on the old Mission road. A small store was established there in the '50s and by 1870 there was a population of about one hundred and fifty and two stores and a few shops. Among the first residents of that vicinity' were Captain Moore, William Moore, Ab. Harris, Joseph Schwitzer, Joseph Mason, Captain Mayhew, Mr. Beard,' Doctor Bucknell, Richard Threlfahl, Mr. Breyfogle and others. By jg-,-, tfje population was about three hundred and there were three stores. Now there is a population of nearly one thousand, with banks, churches, schools, merchants, lodges, societies. Near are grown large quantities of grain, vege- Vol. I —29 448 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY tables and fruit. In 1906 fire nearly destroyed the town, the total loss being about fifty thousand dollars. Newark is a prosperous town of recent development, though its first set tlers were among the first in this part of the county. It has now a population of about one thousand and two hundred. It became prominent because of its location at a point where the narrow-gauge railroad established its division ter minal, connecting with boats on the bay. Car works, stove foundries and other enterprises were located there The discontinuance of the ferry service hurt the town, but the construction of the bridge across the bay retrieved the damage. Now whole trains of cars are delivered in San Francisco by means of the bridge. The result is that hundreds of families have located at this point. Near are the salt works. Dairying is an important industry here. Schools, churches, mercan tile houses, shops and other features are now prominent. Alvarado was the first county seat, but did not long retain the distinction. The removal occurred in 1854-55, the first county vote being as follows: Ala meda 232, Alvarado 614, San Leandro 782, Oakland 18, San Lorenzo 220, Hay ward 15. There being no decision at this election another was held with this result — San Leandro, 1,301, Alvarado 1,067. Previous to 1854 Alvarado was the leading town of the county, with schools, churches, stores and factories. E. A. Richmond was postmaster early. Union City and Alvarado practically merged into one town. Alvarado was first called New Haven, but was changed to the former in honor of General Alvarado. Dog Corners was a small settle ment half way between Centerville and Irving. Mormon Town was in the hills east of the valley. Irving was called Niggar Corners. Red Horner built a hotel at Union City in 1853. It was a wild place then. A new comer was given his choice of four things to do, as follows : Drink, smoke, gamble or leave. Nearly all gambled, and it was a common sight to see the eight sided $50 gold pieces on the tables. In later times Alvarado became famous as the site of the beet sugar factory and as the center of the artesian water su'pply. In July, 1877, Alvarado contained a population of about four hundred. It was a prosperous town before Oakland amounted to much. On a point of Alameda creek large numbers of Spanish cattle were then slaughtered for their hides and tallow which were car ried to San Francisco by whale'boats. This was one of the items which first marked Alvarado as a growing town. At that time there was deep water in the creek and schooners of from fifty to one hundred tons burden plied from this place to other bay ports. One building there was made in Maine, brought here by vessel and erected in 1850. The old courthouse was long a landmark. It was a frame structure, the lower story used as a store and the upper for county , business. At first the schooners which came here did all the freighting for the producers of the whole Livermore valley, but ere long other bay ports took much of this trade. In 1855 when the courthouse was removed to San Leandro, . much of the business left Alvarado. The J. M. Horner gristmill- was said to have cost $120,000, but it did not pay and was removed to Livermore. The town ceased to grow, a few fires destroyed several of the best establishments, the earth quake of 1868 ruined a large wagon and blacksmith shop, and the town for sev eral years was quiet and despondent. But in 1877 Alvarado showed signs of a renewal of business activity and growth. W. M. Liston's hotel began to fill up. At this time Mr. Liston was about everything in the town — road-master, notary, RESIDENCE OF ISRAEL HORTON, LIVERMORE HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 449 mail carrier and in reality postmaster. In 1889 Alvarado had a promising outlook as a manufacturing center. The sugar factory employed about two hundred per- ' sons and near by grew 1,200 acres of beets for its use. A large lime kiln was being constructed. The stove factory employed thirty-five men ; it used the build ing which was constructed in 1852 and was the flour mill of J. M. and W. Y. Horner, but which passed to C. J, Stevens, and finally in 1870 to the stove com pany. When the mill was built the carpenters who worked thereon were paid $16 per day. Near the stove factory were the chemical works, glue being one of the principal products. General Houston was connected with this industry. At the present time the combined towns have a population of about one thousand one hundred. The leading features are the beet sugar factory, salt works, the water supply system, Bank of Alvarado, r three stores, two or three churches, a big grammar school building and numerous shops. Irvington, which has a population of over one thousand, was known early as Washington Corners. The railroad station was at first at Washington, but in 1884 was changed to Irvington. The name of the town and postoffice was Irving. The establishment of Washington College was a result of the efforts of the San Jose Mission Land Company to distribute and improve a large tract of land for the benefit of its shareholders and to endow two colleges, one for the males at San Jose and one for the females here. Sebert Lyser established a small news paper in 1875. At this time the Alameda Independent was issued here. In 1875 Washington College was crowded with students. A fine grammar school building was erected there in 1875 at a cost of $3,500. In recent years the Anderson Academy is a conspicuous educational institution. Near is the Nutwood stock farm. Around are grown large quantities of grapes, fruit, hay, grain and vege tables. This is the apricot section of the county. The town has a big Odd Fel lows building, a big wagon and plow factory, etc. Decoto has a population of about eight hundred and fifty. It has a large brick plant, a large contracting concern and numerous shops, stores, and other business establishments. It has two warehouses, one hotel, etc. The Home for Masonic Widows and Orphans is located here. The corner stone was laid in October, 1896. Jacob Voorsanger was chief orator. An immense crowd was present. The Mission of San Jose founded in 1797, the first settlement in the county, soon outdistanced its rivals, San Francisco and Santa Clara, both in number of its converts and the extent and variety of its wealth. The Franciscan friars Bar- cinallo and Merlin were in charge of the religious training. The executive gov ernment resided at the Presidio of San Francisco. A small detachment of sol diers resided at the mission to keep order and bring in the Indians to be educated. Between the years of 1802 and 1822, 4,573 Indians were baptised, 1,376 married, 2,933 died and there survived at the ,atter date I'62°- In l834 the mission had 2^300 converts, 24,000 horned cattle, 1,100 horses and mules, 19,000 sheep, hogs and goats, and there were raised that year 10,000 bushels of wheat and corn. The change came at this time when the Mexican civil authorities took charge of the mission. By 1842 only about four hundred Indians were left and nearly all the wealth of the mission had vanished. In the end Don Jose de Jesus Vallejo, brother of General Vallejo, administered the estate, the first sale taking place in 1846. Among the earliest Americans there were E. F. Beard, H. C. Smith, J. M. Horner, E. Nichols, A. M. Crane, A. M. Church and H. G. Ellsworth. Mr. Beard 450 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY obtained much of the land at Mission San Jose The village started and grew rapidly. Miners and traders made it their headquarters. Large wagon trains passed through on their way to the mines. Many saloons were started. General stores were kept by Smith, Chamberlain, McClure and Musser. Long oats and mustard gave way to potatoes, wheat, barley and onions. Services were still held at the old Mission church around which grew the noble orchards of grapes, figs, pears, etc. Don Jesus Vallejo occupied a long, low two-story adobe house just opposite the church. But the earthquake of 1868 destroyed the old church; the walls remained and were covered with a shingle roof in place of the former red tile and the auditorium proper which had once rung with the glorias of a thousand chanting Indians was converted into a storeroom for wine and brandy. The old Vallejo residence was converted into a butcher shop. By 1888 the village had two groceries, three hotels, a bakery, a harness shop, two blacksmiths, two butchers and half a dozen saloons. Vallejo street was the main avenue of the town. Juan Gal legos and C. C. Mclver were extensive wine makers. One of the beautiful resi dences was that of Senor Juan Gallegos, a Costa Rican, whose vineyard covered 500 acres. At Irvington two miles away was the wine cellar of the Gallegos Wine Company — the largest in the state The Mclver residence, vineyard and wine cellar were large and attractive features in 1888. A big fire in July, 1884, destroyed a large part of Mission San Jose. The old mission church had a narrow escape. There being no water the men extinguished the blaze there with Claret from the wine cellar, the property of Archbishop Alemany. Among those burnt out were Ehrman & Lebrecht, merchandise ; the A. O. U. W. hall, finest in the county outside of Oakland; Washington hall; Mr. Ehrman's dwelling; Siegrise two dwellings; Mrs. Andrews boarding-house; John Stanley shop; Mr. Brown shop; J. Necall boarding house and saloon ; J. Saunders dwelling and shop ; Daniel Baker dwell ing and livery stable ; August Hennar saloon ; Charles Steger hotel ; Muthwellig Brothers bakery where the fire started. The total loss exceeded $50,000. The village now has a population of about eight hundred. Warm Springs first attracted outside attention as a place of resort for invalids and the fashionable residents of San Francisco and elsewhere They were opened in 1858 by Alexander Beatty with a grand ball. Previous to this event the springs were utilized by Clemente Colambet who moved a house all the way from San Jose to this spot. Large numbers of Indians lived near. In this vicinity, on the hillsides, were held the annual rodeos where crowds gathered to see the Mexicans lasso the wild cattle. The property really passed from Colambet to A. A. Cohen who is said to have paid $100,000 for the 600 acres which included the springs. Mason City was a small place near here in early times. Malvern, Mallard, Merienda, Mowry station, Warm Springs station and Harrisburg are little villages of the present day. William Hayward early in 1852 came from the Polomares to the present site of Flayward and pitched his tent about forty rods northwest of the resi dence of Don Castro. He bought cattle of James B. Larue who owned a milk ranch near Mission Dolores, San Francisco, opened a store in his tent and com menced farming. He was the actual pioneer of the town. In the fall of the same year he built a house, opened a tavern and from time to time made addi tions to the building as travel on the stage line increased; stage horses were changed here. In a short time Joseph Worrell built a residence and several HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 451 Sonorians did likewise and in 1853 a Mr. Finch built a blacksmith shop. The first schoolhouse was erected in 1855. Hayward's hall was built a little later and there several religious denominations held forth until 1861 when the Congrega tional church was erected. In 1856 Colonel Hayward was appointed postmaster by President Buchanan and held the position continuously until about 1890. Chisholm's and Roberts' landings were established in 1852 and sloops began to ply along the sloughs as far as Mayhew's and Morey's landings. While Colonel Hayward still lived in his tent William Blacow, John Threlfahl, Ed. Nichaus, L. P. Gates, Wiliam Tyson, Charles Bieyfogle and the Morrisons, Haleys, Mars- tons, Briers, and Kelseys were located near on Alameda creek. In 185 1 barley sold for \2y2 cents per pound. Squirrels and grasshoppers were great pests. By 1870 the town had three or four stores, many shops, several factories, schools, churches, lodges, clubs, societies, lawyers, doctors and was the center of a great grain and fruit raising section. It had a fine trotting park or track; a big grain warehouse; Odd Fellows hall; a large flour mill; the Hayward Hotel; and two dry goods stores. In 1876 the town was incorporated and named Hayward for William Hayward, the first settler after the Castros. The first trustees were J. D. Austin, Joseph Pimentel, John Manzer, L. Linekin and J. A. Cunningham. A town jail was built in 1877. At this time the town began suit to settle the title to the plaza and commenced to grade and light the streets. The private fire department was more fully organized and drilled and was taken over by the town. Joel Russell was town attorney. Water pipes were laid by Joseph Pimentel in 1878. William Hayward was elected justice of the peace In 1879 a board of health was created and consisted of Doctors Smith, Hinckley, Thorn- dike, Hermann and Paine. Smalley and Baxter were fire ^ commissioners. A fire engine was purchased. Hayward had a newspaper, the Plaindealer, which failed and was suspended late in 1874 — went to its creditors in San Francisco. The city had a large flouring mill at this date. Mr. Hayward kept the leading hotel. The public school was poorly attended and was closed late in November, 1874, for lack of pupils. Squirrel poisoning was carried on so extensively that many birds were also killed. The coal mine employed C. R. Worland as superin tendent and resumed work; a new strata of coal was struck. The big Edmund- son warehouse at Hayward which was ready for removal to San Leandro in April, 1875, was burned to the ground. The Hayward Journal was the local paper at this date. The quarterly meeting of the M. E. church was well attended. Steps to build a parsonage were taken. The stewards were E. N. Warren, J. L. Hollis, John Manzer, W. J. Bolce, J. Audette, A. M. Bullock and Walker Baker. In the spring of 1877 William Hayward appeared in the dis trict court and prayed for an injunction to restrain John Manzer, Thomas A. Cunningham, Joseph Pimentel, L. Linekin and J. D. Austin, trustees of the town of Hayward, from trespassing upon a certain block of land in that town. The town trustees believed the block to be public property and directed the mar shal to tear down the fence which he did though forbidden by Mr. Hayward. The latter claimed $500 for the damages done. The court granted the injunc tion. Mr. Hayward claimed to have a title to the property from the former owners of San Lorenzo rancho. In July, 1877, the school children of Hayward numbered about two hundred and seventy-five A. C. Bloomer was principal and Miss Maud Russell, Miss Stevenson, Miss McCord and Miss Regan were 452 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY assistants. It was claimed that Hayward at this time had more buiness houses for its size than any town in the state. Business interests had demanded the incorporation of the town. There were Linekin & Brother, Mack & Audette, stores ; Rivers and Brown, blacksmith shops ; Goodell, harness and saddles ; Strobel and Nendeck and May, meat markets ; Zambrisky, Hanson and Muller, boot and shoe stores; Booker & Hermann and Palmetag, breweries; Mrs. White and Miss Hinckley, millinery; Smalley and Hayward, livery stables; two barber shops ; Oakes' Hayward's and Planter's hotels ; one or two restaurants ; about eight saloons; postoffice, Mr. Cooper, postmaster; L. H. Brown, agent for Wells Fargo & Co.'s express ; Carpenter and Pann, bakeries ; Collins and Cooper, drug stores; Cooper, Reynolds and Kimball, physicians; the Hayward Journal edited by Frank Dallam; five general stores by George Brown, A. Collins, Culp & Son, H. H. River and N. Nisson; Sons of Temperance, Good Templars, Cham pion of the Red Cross, Odd Fellows; William Whidden, justice. Many prairie schooners came from near Dublin laden with grain. Hayward had a rose bush ioo feet in circumference. The Weekly Journal was founded in 1877 DY Charles Coolidge. Later Frank M. Dallam took possession, but in 1882 George A. Oakes purchased the property. Sycamore Lodge, I. O. O. F. was organized in 1866; Hayward Lodge, A. O. U. W. in 1878 and Hercules Council, O. C. F. in, 1883. In 1883 the population of Hayward was about one thousand two hundred. Its busy streets and handsome stores spoke well for the people and the town. It had three churches — Congregational, Methodist and Catholic. Its school was in a most flourishing condition, and the building was an ornament to the place. The hotel accommodation was first-class, and its two newspapers — only one of which was printed in the town — had a considerable circulation in the surround ing district. For the fiscal year 1883-84 the revenue of Hayward was $3,654.40, and the expenses $2,586. Agapius Honcharenko, a Russian, raised mushrooms on the hills near Hayward in 1883. He obtained the sperm bricks from New York. The Bank of Hayward was established in 1883, the first directors being D. S. Smalley, Chris. Hermann, Henry Strobel, A. C. Henry and P. R. Borien. The capital was $50,000. A. C. Henry held 275 shares and twenty-six others held the remainder. The Strowbridge sale of real estate near Hayward, took place in August, 1884. The tract was called the Garden of Eden. The home stead of 100 acres was sold to Allen Lee for $25,000. There were sold also twenty-eight other tracts from ten to twenty acres each. The entire sale aggre gating $93,000, the average being $186.50 an acre. Among the buyers were Lee, Bradley, Gannon, Vail Roberts, Murdock Marks, Joseph Hughes, Armstrong, Hemingway Batistee, Smiley and Koch. In 1883 the Hayward town improve ments amounted to $24,000 and in 1884 to $29,150. The surrounding territory was growing very rapidly. The gas works at Hayward were commenced in 1884 and finished the following year. The Bank of Hayward in 1884 showed total resources of $43,304. Its capital was $18,700 and its deposits $23,363. In 1886 the growth of Hayward was rapid and pronounced. Castro Valley was gaining very fast in population. In 1872 there were but fourteen houses in the valley, but in 1886 they numbered hundreds and nearly all the population were engaged in growing fruit. All the old ranches were divided and sub-divided to accom modate the new arrivals. The hills which but a few years before were used exclusively for pasture, were now being cultivated. The old Strowbridge and HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 453 Atherton estates were cut into small fruit farms largely through the efforts of Mr. Rhodehamel who induced the owners to lower the price to $85 per acre. In 1884 Castro valley polled 177 votes and in 1886 had over two hundred. San Leandro was also growing rapidly, but San Lorenzo and Mount Eden remained nearly stationary. In 1886 the supreme court in the case of Hayward vs. Man zer, et. al., affirmed the decision of the superior court in favor of the plaintiff who brought an action as before stated to recover damages for trespass com mitted by the defendants, the marshal and the board of trustees of the town of Hayward. He complained that they unlawfully intruded upon his land, tore down his fences, cut down and dug up his trees and threw open his land for use as a public highway of the town. The court decided that the property belonged to Mr. Hayward and had never been surrendered or deeded to the town or in any other way been turned over to them; on the contrary for about twenty years, had been in the undisputed possession of the plaintiff. The year 1889 was a prosperous one for Hayward; improvements aggregated $105,100 in value, which was $50,000 greater than in 1888. Improvements in San Lorenzo amounted to $15,300; Castro Valley $16,000; near Hayward $14,000; Mount Eden $10,500. Among the improvements in Hayward was the Luce block, cost ing $12,000 — the first brick structure in the town; the electric light plant spent $10,000 on improvements; the N. S. G. W. home which cost $15,000; a street car franchise to H. W. Meek, the line to run from the town to the depot ; the large lumber and coal yard of W. P. Jessen, besides his big planing mill. The question before the town was whether or not to discard their present charter and go under the county government bill. The Native Sons Hall Association of Hayward was organized early in 1889 with a capital of $15,000. The directors were C. S. Long, T. B. Russell, A. J. Powell, John Geary and Milo Knox of Hayward and A. McConagley, A. G. Roberts and W. E. Meek of San Lorenzo and H. Petermann, Jr., of Mount Eden. Dublin in the early '80s had a tri-weekly mail from Hayward, but in 1890 succeeded in having it changed to a daily service In May, 1890, Hayward voted a $1,000 tax to be, used for schoolhouse repairs. The expenses of the town in 1889-90 were about $1,000 less than the year before The total receipts in 1889-90 were $7,925. In all 344 licenses were issued. The Fourth of July, 1890, was celebrated at Hayward on a grand scale, Eden Parlor, No. 113, being the center of attraction. This organization was a branch of the Native Sons of the Golden West. Their new hall was ready for occupancy on July 4, 1890, and cost complete $23,000. The construction of this building reflected great credit upon the branch and upon the public and patriotic spirit of the citizens there generally. Hayward in 1891 grew rapidly and added many improvements, among which were electric lighting, a horse car line, a new bank, several large costly business buildings and the projected electric road to connect with Oak land. The big agricultural works of Chisholm & Farrell were destroyed by fire early in May, 1892. Several buildings near were burned; the loss was about seventy-five thousand dollars. The fire company under Chief Knudson did excellent work. In August, 1893, Hayward voted $30,000 for the construction of a sewer system; the vote stood 268 for and 58 against. When B. Haas was elected treasurer of Hayward his bond was fixed at $8,000. When he resigned. the office in 1894 he had on hand $18,388.47. The office had far outgrown the 454 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY bond with the passage of years. Charles Prowse was required to give bond for $15,000, but a body of citizens remonstrated that this was too small — should be $50,000. Late in March, 1898, the people of Hayward met at Luce hall and made arrangements to establish a free library. Rev. G. W. Lyon presided. Already there was a board of library trustees. There were present Librarians Peterson of Oakland, Harbourne of Alameda and other prominent library offi cials. Nearly one thousand books were promised at this meeting for a nucleus. The new public library board was organized in August, 1901 ; they were R. Reid, George Toyne, F. F. Allen, Charles Allen and George Oakes; the latter was chosen president. Mrs. Prowse was selected librarian. In April the Hayward fire company was comprised of twenty-five men with Mr. Lane, chief engineer, at the head. \ The Hayward Athletic Club was active in 1898. Their field exercises were observed by large audiences. There were races of all sorts, jumping and other contests. The board of trade was organized late in July, 1899, witn W- E. Krimer, chairman. In August about six hundred men, women, boys and girls were employed at the Hayward cannery. Many of the employes lived tem porarily in tents during the canning season. Hunt Brothers Company and twen ty-four insurance companies began suit against the San Lorenzo Water Com pany in October, 1901, for over $124,000 aggregate losses sustained in a recent fire because the company failed to connect its main with a hydrant near the cannery works according to agreement. The proposition to build a sanitarium near Hayward took shape in September, 1901, and an organization was effected with the following officers : R. Reid, president ; Paul Garin, secretary ; Bank of Hayward, treasurer. The institution took the name of Hayward sanitarium. Subscriptions were solicited. It was not necessary for Hayward to bond itself to secure money for an electric light plant. In December the Hayward Electric Light Company sold its plant to the Suburban Electric Light Company for $7,200. This was satisfactory to the town trustees. In 1901 the people of Hay ward considered the question of a municipal water plant. They had two offers: (1) The Strowbridge property in Castro Valley, and (2) the Obermuller ranch of about thirty-one acres at Mount Eden 4^2 miles from Hayward. The prices were reasonable and it was stated that the entire purchase price would be taken in bonds. In March, 1902, the American Can Company secured control of the big Hayward cannery of Hunt brothers. Late in 1903 Hayward commenced the construction of a fine schoolhouse, the cost of which was estimated at $38,000. The building was 98x125 feet, two stories high, and contained sixteen rooms. It was completed the following spring. Part of the old building had been stand ing for forty years and the new house was badly needed. During 1904 and 1905 over five hundred inhabitants were added to the population of Hayward and 200 private residences were built. Among others were the Carnegie library and the fine public school building. Land near Hayward was worth from $250 to $1,200 per acre. During 1910 Hayward spent over $107,000 for buildings; $150,000 on the new parking system and secured a new electric railway. The poultry industry there had assumed gigantic proportions. A new grammar schoolhouse was planned, and a large sum was spent on the street paving. Rus sell City, virtually a suburb of Hayward, was growing rapidly; it planned a modern auditorium for public meetings of all sorts. The new National Bank building was going up at Hayward. The laying of the cornerstone of the new HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 455 $10,000 fire house in Hayward was witnessed by hundreds of people in Octo ber, 1913. There were present the town officials, fire commissioners, and the Hayward Concert band. John E. Geary spoke first and introduced Mayor Heyer who said the next progressive step for the city would be the erection of a town hall and thanked the public for the support given in carrying the bonds. In recent years Hayward has grown rapidly and permanently. The high school building costing about eighty thousand dollars, is the pride of the city. It was built under the union law of the state The city has electric lights; an electric railroad to Oakland; a scenic boulevard; an electric chicken hatchery; a new theater ; six or seven religious organizations ; several clubs and societies ; a mayor — Charles W. Heyer — who has served about sixteen years; three or four banks; chamber of commerce; baseball club; three hotels; a business school; two or three newspapers; women's federated clubs organization; Epworth League; Ladies' Guild, etc. San Leandro was formerly the county seat. The first settler was Don Jose Joaquin Estudillo who located there about the year 1840, but did not secure his land grant from the Mexican Government until 1842. In 1850 his house was the only one on the present town site. In 1855 there were but three build ings there — the Estudillo residence, burned down that year; the Estudillo hotel, erected in the spring of 1855, and a combined stage station and saloon estab lished by Charles Ray about 1851. In 1855-56 Mr. Hirschfeldter started a store in a house built by James Taylor. Daniel McMillan built a residence in 1856, and the same year a schoolhouse was erected. The courthouse was originally Martin's restaurant building, but later the county buildings occupied a block near the convent, donated by the Estudillo family. The village was a stage station between Oakland and San Jose. Charles McLaughlin owned the line and one of the drivers was Charles Parkhurst who when death came proved to be -a woman. The village was first known as "Squatterville," because so many settlers squatted on the Estudillo ranch. John Boyle was an early black smith. In 1854 the San Leandro House was built by A. E. Crane. After it became the county seat the village grew rapidly and by i860 had three stores, eight or ten shops of various kinds, schools, churches, lodges, clubs and societies. The Bachelor's Club was organized in 1857 with John A. Lent as respectful great grampus. It debated many popular questions. Any member who married was expelled in disgrace and resolutions of grief over his sad fate were passed and spread upon the records. By 1870 there were at San Leandro the Baker & Hamilton Plow Works, Davidson & Company's plow works,, a big public school building, a public hall owned by G. E. Smith, the courthouse and county offices, several lawyers, doctors and ministers, a few stores and many shops. Shortly before the removal of the county seat, the town of San Leandro was incorporated as a city of the sixth class — 1872. It grew rapidly after this event ; ' its streets and squares were put in good order, the school was improved; water was secured, the liquor traffic was regulated, economy in town government was practiced, and there was $3,000 in the treasury in July, 1875. Private improve ments kept pace with public advancement. A small newspaper was issued there — the San Leandro Record. Three Chinamen became members of the Presby terian church there in July, 1875. A weekly paper called the Plaindealer was started at San Leandro on March 28, 1874, by W. L. Eason and R. M. Saul. 456 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY The authorities of San Leandro levied an excessive liquor license and were very severe on violators. The saloonkeepers refused to pay the license and upon trial demanded a jury and raised enough funds to defeat justice. Gold was found in the range of mountains back of San Leandro in 1874-75 by T. P. Gilmore, a metallurgist engaged in the reduction works at East Oakland. Two veins which were promising were found about four miles northeast of San Leandro. Rock there assayed $25 per ton in silver and copper ; other samples showed $7 per ton in gold and silver. Early in November, 1876, the Sweepstakes Plow Company's works at San Leandro was burned down and thirty workmen were thrown out of employment. Building and other improvements were in rapid progress in San Leandro in July, 1877. S. K. Fleming was beginning a new drug store. R. Parker and O. H. Christy were constructing a large blacksmith shop. Mr. Kilpatrick was principal of the schools at this time. McMillan and Bradshaw sold groceries. Miss Holland and Miss McQuaid were succeeded in the schools by Miss Angel and Miss Tannehill. It was noted that there were seventeen places in town where liquor could be procured. In July, San Leandro was described as a vast orchard about three miles in diameter, traversed by county roads crossing in the center and running at right angles with a few pri vate avenues lined with locust or sycamore trees, leading to beautiful residences, with two hotels, a store or two, a blacksmith shop, a* church, a schoolhouse, and little else. William Meek's big place of about three thousand acres was the most notable feature. Of this tract 250 acres contained about forty-five thousand fruit trees. However, John Martin's orchard was far the older; it consisted of about one hundred acres of his farm of 500 acres. There were other fine prop erties. J. G. Chestnut later was in charge of the school with Miss Vose and Miss Penwell as assistants. Chestnut was candidate for county superintendent. The town had a fire company, or hose company. Manuel Ladoo a mile below town raised 510 sacks of grain from ten acres. John Mathews harvested 8,000 sacks of grain this season. The Presbyterians established a society in 1866, although services of that denomination were held in 1864; their building was erected in 1869. The Roman Catholic church was commenced in 1864 and dedi cated the same year. Eden Lodge, Masons, was organized in 1887; San Lean dro Lodge, Odd Fellows, in 1875; the A. O. U. W. in 1877; the I. O. G. T. in 1889 and the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle in 1883. The Reporter was started in 1878 and the Sentinel in 1880. The malleable iron works were erected at San Leandro in the fall of 1884; ten men were employed on the structure. The liquor license at this time gave the town an annual revenue of $1,500. In the '80s the Spinola hospital was a well patronized institution, but about 1885 seemed to go down and the building was finally sold for other purposes. In 1884 there was a large chautauqua class here. The old Tem perance hall was greatly improved late in 1885, and the new hall seated 600 persons. It had a stage, wings, flies and dressing rooms. In November, 1885, the numerous Portuguese residents celebrated in fitting style the anniversary of the restoration of Portugal which had been subject to Spain from 1580 to 1640, but which then threw off the yoke and gained her precious independence. The original Portuguese union was organized in 1880. Its objects were to pro tect the members and their families and to cultivate friendship and harmony. There were thirty founders and charter members. In September, 1886, the Tin - i i j 1 .6 1 1 1 g. ¦!,, NEW GRAMMAR SCHOOL, BUILDING, SAN LEANDRO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SAN LEANDRO HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 457 San Leandro Plow Company sold out to Daniel Best who at once assumed the management and began making important and needed improvements. A small newspaper called The Young Naturalist was issued by Edmund Walkins and Thomas Sturtevant. In the '80s all of the newspapers of the county began to conduct separate columns or departments in the interest of the scientific farm ing and fruit growing. Special attention was paid to the destruction of insects and fungus pests. At San Leandro in 1888, the following building improve ments were made : N. McConaghy's mansion, Meek's ranch, Martin's additions, Stenzil Brothers' additions, Canana's residence, Frank Covera's improvements and Lewelling's water improvements. Mr. Remington's traction engine was given a thorough and satisfactory test as a motive power for plowing. It was tested in the field just south of the Best Agricultural Works. It easily pulled two gangs of six plows each through soil that had been packed by tramping. Wood was the fuel used at this test. Mr. Remington was the inventor and the Best Works the manufacturer. At this time another tractor of forty horse power capable of pulling three such gangs through packed soil was being manu factured at these works, and was intended for A. S. Butler. The engine tested at this time was the, one which had previously been tried in Mr. Butler's har vest field the previous summer. Those were pioneer efforts to advance farming operations. Late in January, 1889, the traction engine works had 700 orders on hand and were operating days and many of the nights. Their engines were constructed to burn wood, but could use coal; they varied from four to fiifty horse-power. On October 31, 1892, the publishers of the weekly newspapers of Alameda county held a preliminary meeting for the purpose of organizing an Alameda County Press Association. The organization was the outgrowth of dissatisfaction on the part of the weekly publishers over the refusal of the board of supervisors to give them the publication of the county election procla mation at a figure they considered satisfactory. At this meeting the Livermore Herald, San Leandro Reporter, San Leandro Standard, North Oakland Press, Saturday Press, West Oakland Sun, East Oakland Observer and Berkeley Advo cate were represented. Plans for a second meeting to complete the organization were laid. In October the annual convention of the Unios Portugueza do Estado de California assembled at San Leandro. There was a large attendance. Good music and eloquent speeches entertained the members. Ir* 1896, in a test case, a small crop of tobacco was raised near San Leandro and was highly success ful. Over three hundred pounds were harvested and marketed. Late in 1896 San Leandro was growing and prosperous. Among its establishments were the following: The harvesting machine factory; the gas and steam engine factory; the hay press factory; the planing mill; the wagon and harrow factory; 8 gro ceries; 2 drug stores; 2 watchmakers; 2 variety stores; 3 fruit and vegetable stores; 2 milliners; 3 hotels; 3 butcher shops; 2 bakeries; 2 furniture stores; 2 harness shops ; 1 cyclery ; 1 bank ; 3 lawyers ; 5 doctors ; 2 dentists ; 3 schools — first, union public in two big buildings with principal and 9 teachers, second, St. Mary's Convent, and third, St. Joseph's School for Boys; 4 churches; — Presby terian, Hebrew, Catholic and Methodist ; 2 Ladies' aid societies ; and organizations of the Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, King's Daughters, 1 chautauqua circle, several social clubs, lodges of Odd Fellows, Masons, Workmen, Foresters, Portuguese union, young men's institute, Eastern Star, Artisans ; 3 periodicals — 458 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Weekly Reporter, Weekly Standard and Suburban Magazine; 2 hotels — Estu dillo and San Leandro. The fine sewer system was established in 1893. Pure water was supplied by the Contra Costa and Oakland companies. The town had gas lights and electric lights, a fire department and a board of trade. The bank was organized in May, 1893 by Socrates Huff, with a capital of $100,000. In March, 1896, Mr. Hammond brought suit to prevent the city of San Leandro from selling $10,000 electric light bonds. In 1899 King-Morse Company built a large cannery which soon became one of the chief industries of the place. At this time the Suburban Monthly was removed from San Leandro to Oakland. The Alameda Sugar Company paid $4.50 per ton for sugar beets this year. In January when an epidemic of diphtheria prevailed at San Leandro, the use of anti-toxine checked the progress of the disease. Daniel McCarthy edited the San Leandro Reporter. In August, a choral society was formed with Mrs. L. Lynch as president. There were over thirty members at the start and much interest was shown and much benefit and pleasure derived. By 1900 San Lean dro had become an important shipping center. More than three times the freight was handled there in 1899-1900 than in any previous year. Carloads of fruits were shipped direct to all the leading cities of the country. The King-Morse cannery was the pride of the local industries. In November, 1907, the chamber of commerce was organized. In recent years the little city has become the cen ter of an important branch of the fruit growing and fruit canning industry of the county. In 191 1 Mrs. Henrietta Farrelly, of San Leandro, endowed Samuel Merritt hospital, Oakland, with $50,000. The assessment of San Leandro on 1913 was $2,542,305. At this time the city was prosperous under Mayor J. J. Gill. Among the important movements were the following : Union Civic Center, Mrs. W. A. Brown, president; Estudillo Parlor, Native Sons of the Golden West; four or five religious organizations; Court of Flonor; Odd Fellows; Ladies' aid societies ; St. Mark's Guild ; two or three banks ; excellent public schools ; good stores, shops, hotels, factories, etc. The city had no high school yet. Fred B. Curry was editor and owner of the Standard. The growth of the business center was the pride of all the citizens. San Lorenzo was first called Squattertown, like several other places in the county in early times. The place was famous for its beautiful grove of native willows where as time passed, hundreds of picnic, camping and tenting parties assembled to enjoy the cool shade in summer. In time a high fence was built around the grove by the manager, Fred Bormann, and a price was charged for the use of the grove where were refreshment stands, a dancing pavilion, etc. Many of the trees carried rich mantles of vines. J. L. Shinman was* postmaster at San Lorenzo in 1857. Duncan Cameron carried the mail through San Lor enzo from Oakland to San Jose. Stores, schools and shops were started in the '50s. By 1870 the village was a lively little place. Its population now is about four hundred and fifty. It has two hotels; two large nurseries — Lewelling and Meek ; a big plow and wagon factory ; stores, shops, churches, schools, etc. The ' Union Civic Center here is strong and active. Mount Eden was first a small village on the road between San Lorenzo and Alvarado. John Johnson was the first settler, locating at Mount Eden Grove in 1852. About a year later Mr. Shinman started a store and Mr. Peterson opened a hotel. In 1853 Mr. Johnson commenced the manufacture of salt in HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 459 a small way on the marsh west of his property. He shipped twenty-five tons to San Francisco in 1854, a small coaster taking the cargo. He finally owned two schooners and produced from 1,500 to 2,000 tons of salt annually. Mount Eden grove was a resort for picnic and camping parties; refreshments were provided; hunting in the marshes was great sport. Eden Landing was estab lished in 1850 by the Mount Eden Company, an association of farmers. Richard Barrow erected warehouses there and ran vessels on the bay. The Barrow salt works produced 1,000 tons in 1882-83. Early in the '80s two immense ware houses were erected to meet the demands of producers. In 1883 there were shipped from this station 7,000 tons of hay. Artesian wells were dug in the '80s; the water, soft and clear, came from a depth of 310 feet; the force of the flow was gfeat. Mount Eden has two hotels, two stores, a schoolhouse, shops, etc. It is often called German Town. There are numerous landings along the bay coast in Alameda county. Piedmont was commenced back in the '70s as a suburban residence adjacency of Oakland and Berkeley. Its commanding location drew inhabitants even before street car facilities were provided. Little or no business is transacted within its limits. On the other hand numerous organizations for the improve ment of children and the advancement of the home have taken deep root along the winding avenues and on the beautiful slopes. These organizations are the pride of the town and have been the means of attracting inhabitants. In 1907 the citizens decided to incorporate by the vote of seventy-nine to thirty-eight. The town is governed by a board of trustees. It has now over seven hundred build ings — nearly all of them cheerful homes. It has schools, churches, clubs, leagues and other centers of thought and action. The school for girls and Mills Semi nary are here. The latter ranks among the greatest institutions of the country devoted to the education and advancement of women. The town taxation is about $1. The county assessment is $5,965,871. Hugh Craig is mayor. Emeryville is located on the bay between Oakland and Berkeley and has become an important business center. It was incorporated about 1897 and the census of 1910 gave it a population of 2,613. If has a town hall, fire depart ment, electric lighting system, two grammar schools and several religious organi zations. It is a factory and railroad center and from the start was famous for its race track known all over the country. The stockyards are located here; also the baseball grounds. It is estimated that $1,800,000 is spent annually on the payrolls of the big factories and shops of this city. In early times it was called Klinknerville, then Golden Gate. Russell City, Chicken Lane, Pleasant Viewf, etc., are other named spots of the county. Albany, though comparatively young in years, is already a place of promi nence and is bound to become more so owing to its location and the enterprise of its inhabitants. It was at first known as Ocean View, under which name- it was incorporated in 1908, but was rechristened under its present name the fol lowing year. When incorporated it had a population of about two hundred; now it has approximately one thousand five hundred. It has good business houses, a grammar school, St. Joseph's Academy, a public circulating library, a board of- health, and the usual clubs, lodges and societies. The origin and growth of Richmond, Contra Costa County, California, com bine to form one of the marvels of modern city development in the United States. 460 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY For many years attention was directed to less worthy sites for a terminal ship ping point and a city of metropolitan proportions. Originally it was part of the Contra Costa opposite San Francisco and a section of the old Spanish ranchos ; later until 1899 it was cultivated as a farm. Then the Santa Fe Railroad Com pany selected it as the most desirable site for its coast terminal. Here was deep water and here was a direct outlet to the East and to the fertile valleys of Cen tral California without circumlocution or delay. No sooner was the selection of the site permanently settled than the two or three farmhouses, figuratively speaking, began to grow with the cottages of the railroad company's workmen. The company first built the tunnel that carries its tracks from the city proper to the ferry point. In a short time the ocean ships met the locomotives and loaded cars at the Richmond wharf and the meeting was cordial and profitable. Soon residences by the score began to stretch out over the plain and climb the nearest hills. The next great development event was the location here of the Standard Oil Company's works in 1903. An immense plant was put up which has since then been enlarged three or four times. Then came the Belt Railroad along the water front, several small manufacturing concerns and in 1906 the California Wine Association which planned to build here the largest winery in the world. By this time the town had several thousand inhabitants, many stores and shops, schools, religious organizations, amusements, paved streets and business blocks. Later have come the Pullman Shops, Western Pipe & Steel Company's works, Pacific Porcelain Ware Company's plant, and the great quarring industry. Other business concerns that sprang up from time to time in quick succession were the following: Tilden & Eakle Lumber Company, Los Angeles Pressed Brick Com pany, Central Brick Company, Great Western Brick Company, Richmond Brick Company, Healy-Tibbitts Quarry Company, San Pablo Quarries Company, John Nicholl Quarry Company, Hutchinson Quarry Company, Stege Crushed Rock Company, Hansbrough Bros. Quarries, Richmond Furniture Company, R. C. Berkeley Steel Company, Metropolitan Match Company, Union Sulphur Phos phate Company, Stauffer Chemical Works, California Cap Works, Richmond Lumber Company, Jones-Slattery Planing -Mill, Enterprise Brewery, Richmond Golden Gate Creamery, California Chair Company, Shaw-Harrison Gas Engine Company, United States Brignet Company, Presto-Lite Company, Richmond Brewing & Malt Company, Richmond Dredging Company, Pioneer Electric Con struction Company, Pacific Electrical Manufacturing Company and many others. The fishing industry is large and growing. In all the city has about fifty million dollars invested in manufacturing enterprises, with a monthly payroll of over four hundred fifty thousand dollars to about five thousand workmen. As soon as the city began to assume large proportions, banks made their appearance to meet the demand for ready money, for checking facilities and for exchange and clearings. The city now has four banks, viz: Mechanic's Bank, Bank of Richmond, First National Bank and Richmond Savings Bank. Their growth has been very rapid. From January,. 191 1, to January, 1912, the deposits more than doubled and the assets increased about 64 per cent. In the city are four newspapers, viz: Richmond Daily Independent (morning), Richmond Daily Record-Herald (evening), Contra Costan (weekly) and Ter minal (weekly). These four newspapers are enterprising and well conducted. HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 461 The dailies will compare well with those of larger cities. The Evening Leader, another daily, flourished for a while. A monthly called the Advance had a fair, circulation. Other attempts to establish periodicals have been made. It is recognized that the origin of Richmond was due to the facilities for erecting wharves and piers from the shore line to deep water without much ex pense. The Santa Fe Company saw at once the advantages that must result from this natural condition. Their line here was built from 1899 to 1901, and as soon as the trains arrived passengers were transferred by ferry to San Francisco. A large terminal freight yard, was built and a double track was extended through the Potrero Hills to the piers and slips at Point Richmond. This was in 1901. The wharf of the Belt Railway was built at Point San Pablo at the extreme northern end of the Richmond water front : there is a depth of 32 feet there at. low water within less than two hundred feet of the natural shore line. In real ity the city has about seventeen miles of water front and four great railroad sys tems with which to reach the outer world, viz : Pacific Coast terminal of the Santa Fe ; Pacific Coast terminal of the Frisco System ; is crossed by the Southern Pa cific of the Harriman System; and is reached by the Western Pacific over the Santa Fe tracks. The East Shore and Suburban Railroad connects Richmond with Berkeley, Albany and Oakland. Branch lines of street railway traverse the streets and are extended as time advances. Several extensions are now being constructed or are already in operation, notably the Southern Pacific Electric System. -. Thus the leading commercial advantages possessed by Richmond may be summed up as follows : Deep-water shipping ; transcontinental railroads, ter minal freight facilities and rates ; cheap electrical power and oil fuel, both in unlimited quantities ; proximity to markets and labor supply ; distributing point for the products of the East and of Central California ; cheap factory sites ; belt railway that connects all business houses with sea and rail; a large inner harbor; presence of the United Properties Company ; a region of raw material such as coal, iron, oil, stone, Wool, cotton, minerals, lumber, fruit, vegetables, etc. Rich mond is the second most important port in California. Here more than one thou sand ships a year take on or discharge cargos. Already preliminary surveys of the harbor have been made under the orders of Congress. The principal exports are oil, crushed stone, wine, powder, iron and steel, brick, lumber, ore, acids, cement, canned fruit, porcelain ware, scrap tin, coal and immense quantities of miscellaneous products that reach the city over the Santa Fe Railroad and other highways. The city is prepared to furnish oil for the propulsion of all steamers of the coast and ocean. Oil burning ships are fast supplanting coal burners. The opening of the Panama Canal has already had a powerful effect on the prospects of Richmond. Many of the great ocean steamship companies have come here prospecting for terminal facilities and several have acquired interests here upon certain conditions. Already the freight and passenger service has gone up by leaps and bounds. The Santa Fe investment here aggregates about five million dollars ; its monthly payroll exceeds seventy-five thousand dollars. The Standard Oil Company has likewise expended $5,000,000 on its works here; its payroll is over one hundred thousand dollars per month. Large additions are being made to the plant. It receives its crude oil from California fields through 500 miles of pipe. The Western States Gas & Electric Company supplies unlimited electric 462 HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY power at low rates to the city; it can supply 30,000 horse power on short notice if needed. Many of the big manufacturing concerns here take their power from this company. The Pullman Plant cost $1,500,000 and gives employment to nearly one thousand men. The California Wine Association Plant cost more than one million, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and gives employment to several hundred men. Sixty-seven kinds of red wine are shipped to the markets of the world. The plant crushes over ten thousand tons .of grapes annually. The ship ping capacity is 500,000 gallons a month. The Western Pipe & Steel Company employs about two hundred men. The quarrying industry is immense ; the water shipments alone in 1910 were 250,000 tons; hundreds of men are employed in the quarries. In 1905 Richmond was incorporated as a city of the sixth class. It grew so rapidly that a new form of government was demanded to meet the changed, enlarged and modern conditions. Accordingly, on February 9, 1909, the voters ratified a new charter with greater amplitude and power. On March 4, 1909, this step was approved by the Legislature which gave the city its present charter of the fifth class. This organic instrument can be amended only by the vote of the people. The law making body is a council of nine members who select from their numbers a president who thus becomes mayor. The council members receive no salary. The elective and paid officials are a clerk, auditor, assessor and tax col lector, treasurer, attorney, engineer, health commissioner, superintendent of streets, chief of police, fire chief, etc. The recall of a public official is provided for in the charter. In 1911-12 the total tax was 72 cents. The city is ambitious and abreast of the times with all civic improvements. Nearly a million and a half dollars has been spent since 1906 on sewers, street grading and other improve ments. Many of its streets are oiled. Macdonald Avenue, 80 feet wide and 1% miles long is paved with asphalt. Various boulevards and drives are being built. The health department is doing an excellent- work ; it has a vigilant corps of workers including about half a dozen women deputies. The fire department is efficient and equipped with modern apparatus. The electric street lighting system is one of the best in the state. The fraternal organizations have kept pace with the growth of the city. Their helping and boosting work is of strong and enduring character. Among them are the Elks, Knights of Pythias, Masons, Odd Fellows,' Red Men, Eagles, Moose, Yeomen, Modern Woodmen, Royal Neighbors, Woodmen of the World, Knights of the Maccabees, G. A. R., Native Sons, Native Daughters, Women of Wood craft, Catholic Order of Foresters, Fraternal Brotherhood, Fraternal Aid As sociation, Homesteaders, Druids, Ancient Order of Foresters, Foresters of America, Independent Order of Foresters, N. P. E. C. and others. The Rich mond Industrial Commission is the most powerful civic organization in the city. It has been the means of bringing here many manufacturing concerns. The schools were started early and have passed through all the stages of early and rapid growth. The enrollment has doubled often within a short time There are seven or eight grammar school buildings and one high school. All are up-to- date in apparatus and instruction. Large improvements are now being made. The University of California lying nearly at the city limits is patronized by the high school graduates. The public library is the result of local women's work. A reading room was opened in 1909 and was gradually enlarged. The library is HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 463 housed in a building which cost $17,500. When the library was formally opened in August, 1910, it had 1,450 volumes; one year later it had 3,462 volumes. In the beautification of the city the women are bearing a conspicuous part. The Richmond Women's Improvement Club and the Women's Westside Improve ment Club are important factors in this development. A general system of beau tification has been adopted.. Janice Park improvement was advanced largely by the women; also Grand Canon Park. East Shore Park is owned by the United Properties Company. The first club above mentioned became simply the Richmond Club, This club really built Fire House No. 2. The women clubs are the chief philanthropic agencies of the city. They lead in art and social improvement. There are now ten or a dozen religious organizations here, with several sub stantial church buildings and large congregations. The church societies and the subordinate organizations of all sorts are numerous and are doing a great work in social uplift. Unquestionably Richmond is one of the most promising cities of the Pacific coast. Already it is attracting attention from the great ports of foreign coun tries and its trade is on the boom. In 191 2 3,700,000 tons of freight were shipped In all respects it is a progressive, ambitious and promising city. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 03232 3066 •/>.>.-,•¦, $$*&>*.,.* •*•-:.-.-.>, ¦*,*•?•'*: - 14 ' <«T .