F104 F73 VJ86 1870 (LC) YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Purchased from the Gift of ARTHUR D. KROM A HISTORICAL ADDRESS DELIVERED IN FRANKLIN, CONNECTICUT, OCTOBER 14th, 1868, ON THE Two Hundredth Anniversary OF THE Settlement of the Town, AND THE One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary OF ITS ECCLESIASTICAL ORGANIZATIONS. By ASHBEL WOODWARD, M. D. Second Edition. Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers, new haven. 1870. Note. — The accompanying map gives the location of the first settlers of Franklin. It covers a period extending from 1663, when the lands of West Farms were partly apportioned among the Original Proprietors of Norwich, to 1725, by which time the population had become tolerably numerous. In the Historical Address and in its appended notes, the reader will find the time and order of arrival of these settlers. The present inhabitants will also per ceive by a glance at the map who were the first owners of the farms which they now occupy, and, if they are curious to follow up the clue thus furnished, they can, by consultation of the records, trace the succession of owners down to themselves. The various names of places then in vogue are also given. Some of these are still retained, while others have been long in disuse. The preparation of this map has involved a vast amount of labor. It is the result of investigations extending over a series of years, and to which the writer was led in connection with other historical studies. In its preparation the early deeds of the town of Norwich have been minutely explored, as well as a great number of private papers and deeds in the possession of different families. The series of papers on file in the State Library have also afforded valuable assistance. Not a little information has also been obtained from the examination of the ordinary records of the same date, which, in their records of votes respecting particular sections of the town, of allotments to different individuals, of the location of roads, of the running of district lines, &c, &c, have incidentally furnished decisive evidence. By the collation of these dif ferent authorities facts have been elicited which could not have been obtained from any single source. No location has been given which is not sup ported either by the direct evidence of the deeds or by strong collateral evidence. The map may claim, therefore, to present a truthful representation of the town during the first half century of its history, and the writer ventures to hope that this study of a former generation will afford to the present one a pleasure equal to that which it has given to himself. A. W. CONT E NTS. Preliminary Meetings, - 5 Opening Hymn, by Miss F. M. Caulkins, Address of Welcome, by Ashbel Woodward, M.D., 9 Historical Address, by Ashbel Woodward, M.D., 1 1 Notes to Historical Address — Note A. — Indian Deed of Norwich, 45 Note B. — Indian Names, - 46 Note C. — List of original Proprietors of Norwich, 48 Note D. — Brief Notices of the principal original Settlers of West Farms, now Franklin, 49 Note E. — College Graduates, - 64 Note F. — List of Clergymen raised up in Franklin, with brief sketches of some that have deceased, . 65 Note G. — Physicians of West Farms, now Franklin, 77 Note H. — Sketches of individuals not included in clerical and medical professions, 83 Note I. — List of Missionaries, - - 88 Note J. — Portipaug Society, v 89 Index of Names, - - 93 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. On page 23, the 16th line from the top, for 1610 read 1710. On page 37, the 5th line from the top, for 1608 read 1708. On page 43, the 7th line from the top, for Edward read Ezra. On page 51, the 16th line from the top, for Get-once read Tet-once. On page 56, the 19th line from the top, for she read he. On page 78, the last line, add the character £ so as to read £3. Preliminary Meetings. At a meeting of the Congregational church of Franklin, Conn., August 30th, 1867, it was voted to celebrate the approaching one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its organization with appropriate exercises, and the follow ing committee were appointed to make the necessary arrangements : — Ashbel Woodward, M. D., Chairman ; Joseph I. Hyde, Clerk ; P. O. Smith, H. W. Kingsley and Dan Hastings. The Ecclesiastical Society voted unani mously, September 30th, 1867, to commemorate its own organization in conjunction with the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the church. At a subsequent meeting of the committee of arrange ments, Ashbel Woodward, M. D., was invited to deliver the Historical Address. It was also voted to hold the anniversary celebration on Wednesday, October 7th, 1868.* As the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the settlement of the town had but shortly elapsed, it was afterwards thought proper to include the history of the town within the scope of the Historical Address. * It subsequently became known that the American Board of Commis sioners for Foreign Missions were to hold their annual meeting at Norwich city during the first week of October, 1868, and it was, therefore, deemed advisable to defer the anniversary exercises till the second Wednesday of October. Fortunately the organization of the church took place on the second Wednesday of October, 1718, and we were thereby enabled in a certain sense to celebrate upon the anniversary of the date of its organization, although there was an actual discrepancy of one week ; the celebration occurring October 14, while the organization took place October 8th. September 13th, 1868, the committee of arrangements appointed the following special committees : On Collation.— Herman H. Willes, Amos F. Royce, Wm. M. Converse, Charles A. Kingsley, James C. Wood ward, Ezra L. Smith and E. Eugene Ayer. On Finance. — William B. Hyde, John O. Smith, Bela T. Hastings, Amos F. Royce, and Lavius A. Robinson. On Reception. — Henry W. Kingsley, Oliver L. Johnson, Lovell K. Smith, Samuel G. Hartshorn, Owen S. Smith, Ezra L. Smith, Dan Hastings and . Charles A. Kingsley. On Music. — Hezekiah Huntington, Prentice O. Smith, and Rev. F. C. Jones. Anniversary Exercises. The morning of October 14th, 1868, opened with threat ening clouds and damp, cutting winds. But, notwithstand ing the inauspicious weather, the church was crowded at an early hour with the returning sons and daughters of Franklin, some of whom had journeyed from beyond the Mississippi to join in the festivities of the day, while others had come back gray-haired men to once more grasp hands with the playmates with whom they' had parted half a century before. At half-past ten o'clock, the Hon. Ephraim H. Hyde, of Stafford, Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut, was introduced as president of the day, by the pastor, and the exercises of the occasion were opened with an invocation by Rev. E. W. Gilman. The following hymn, written by Miss F. M. Caulkins, of New London, was then sung by the Choir. OPENING HYMN For the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the first Organization of Religious Worship in Franklin, Conn. BY MISS F. M. CAULKINS, Church of our fathers, hail ! Long on this sacred height, Thy shining courts o'er hill and dale Have shed celestial light. A few worn pilgrims here Their altar reared to God : Here first the Burning-bush they saw, Here bloomed the Almond rod. The watchmen of the land, Like stars before us rise : — For seventy years one faithful hand Was pointed to the skies. And still thy garments shine, With plenteous grace bedewed : Rich are the clusters of thy vine, Thy sons a multitude. For blessings so supreme, Our grateful songs we raise ; Lift high, sound deep the joyful theme, Awake, O voice of Praise ! Now, Lord, in triumph come ! Here shed thy spirit free, That each may bear a blessing home From this, our jubilee. After the singing of the opening hymn, the chairman of the committee of arrangements, Ashbel Woodward, M. D., delivered the following Address of Welcome. Sons and Daughters of Franklin : — In behalf of the committee of arrangements for cele brating this anniversary occasion, I greet you with a cordial welcome. It affords me no ordinary gratification to welcome you to a full participation in all the pleasant memories and amenities which this hallowed re-union is suited to call forth. I welcome you to the hospitalities of our homes, which were once the homes of your fathers and your fathers' fathers. And to all who have upon this auspicious morning favored us by your presence, I would extend the warmest welcome of our hearts. It is profitable to turn aside occasionally from the stir ring scenes of the hour to contemplate the virtues of those who have lived before us. No people can become per manently great and prosperous unless they revere the memory of a virtuous ancestry. This feeling underlies the sentiment of patriotism and inspires the self-devotion of the hero. If the Roman of the empire was not ashamed to acknowledge his descent from the robber band who founded the eternal city ; if the Briton proudly traces his lineage to the Danish and Saxon pirates of the mediaeval period, surely we may well rejoice that our blood is de rived from a religious, heroic, God-fearing ancestry. Amid perils and privations they sowed the precious seed, upborne by a lofty faith even in the darkest hours of trial and adversity. Reflecting upon the piety, and courage, IO and resolution of our fathers who laid the foundations here, we shall not only appreciate more fully the greatness of their work, but be the better fitted to carry it onward toward final fulfillment. Our town, secluded and sparsely settled by an agricul tural people, has borne an unconspicuous part in history. Yet she has given to the country not a few who have risen to high positions of honor and usefulness. Trained in the virtues of the puritans, her sons and their descend ants have ennobled this, their birth-place. But not to detain you with further words, allow me to extend to you, one and all, the earnest and sincere wel come of our hearts. The address of welcome was succeeded by reading of the scriptures, Isaiah xxxv, and prayer by Rev. H. P. Arms, D. D. After further singing by the choir, came the Historical Address. Historical Address, BY Ashbel Woodward, M. D. Introductory Note. The author of the following address is unwilling to permit this memorial volume to go to press without acknowledging that its tardy appearance is due almost entirely to himself. Actively devoted to a profession which precludes all system in the improvement of moments devoted to non-professional research, he has only been enabled to seize upon detached fragments of time to accomplish the little that was originally contemplated. In preparing the accompanying notes, almost constant recourse has been had to the local records, which fortunately are full and in a good state of preservation. All the early papers now on file in the public offices at the State Capitol, relating to our history in colonial times, have been examined and much valuable information has been obtained there from. The late Miss F. M. Caulkins, in collecting materials for her invalu able History of Norwich, availed herself of all known sources of infor mation, and left comparatively little for other gleaners. Frequent refer ence has been had to her writings, which have afforded very valuable aid in the preparation of these sketches. The writer also feels greatly indebted to the late chancellor Wal worth, not only for information which he kindly furnished as a corres pondent, but for many important statistical facts embodied in his Genealogy of the Hyde Family, a work involving vast labor, and including in its scope many of the families resident in this place. He also feels under great obligations to Rev. Dr. Sprague, of Albany, for information communicated by letter, and for the aid afforded by his printed volumes. He would also acknowledge information furnished by Rev. Jesse Fillmore, of Providence, Rev. E. B. Huntington, of Stamford, Prof. Gilman and F. B. Dexter, of Yale College, and others. He would also add that he feels under great obligations to Hon. J. H. Trumbull, President of the Conn. Historical Society, for assistance upon the obscure subject of Indian names. The mechanical execution of the accompanying map was entrusted to Mr. Andrew B. Smith, Post Master at Franklin. Franklin, April 14th, 1869. Historical Address. The Society whose anniversary we celebrate to-day, embraces territory purchased of the Indians in the month of June, 1659. Originally this region lay within the domain of the Narragansett, but he, at some unknown period, was driven back by the irruption of a fierce tribe from the north, who swept down with an impetuosity which even his might could not withstand. These new comers, settling upon the banks of the stream afterwards called by their name, the Pequot or Thames, issued forth from thence conquering and to conquer, a living terror far and near, until overwhelmed in the memorable de struction of 1637. The Mohegans, an uneasy clan of the Pequots and a traitorous aid in their overthrow, rose Phcenix-like from the ruins of their race, and had become in 1659 a powerful tribe dwelling about the headwaters of the Thames and extending thence into the interior. Their territory was the fairest in New England. Nature here lavished in stream and vale the means of easy sub sistence, while in scenes of rugged grandeur ceaselessly blending with others of quiet repose, she spoke in such tones of captivating eloquence to her first children as she does to-day to those who have ears to listen. But nowhere in this broad domain was her hand more generous or her smile more winsome than over the region which greets the eye from the spot whereon we stand. Here pure streams, flowing with increased volume beneath the shade of the 14 primeval forest, sparkled through valleys from whose genial soil the three sister spirits, guardians of the red man's board, the spirit of Corn, of the Bean and of the Vine, drew the kindliest support. Over the hills above, ranged the deer, bear, wolf and fox, while the encircling streams furnished still choicer food in their abundant supplies of salmon, shad and trout. Here, then, was joy to the full for the red man, and the abundant remains of his art join with tradition in pronouncing this his favorite abode. In these valleys, long before they felt the white man's tread, the summer wind rustled through the com plaining corn, the woods re-echoed to the huntsman's joyous shout, or anon the war-whoop rung out from hill to hill, and the streams ran red with blood. Again, where, perhaps, this very church rears heavenward its spire, weird companies have circled round the council fire in celebration of their mystic rites, or in the golden harvest time, led by the gratitude which yearly draws us hither, have gathered from far and near to return thanks to the Great Spirit for bounteous seasons, and to bespeak his continued kindness. But this aboriginal form of society, with its bright alike with its dark side, be it spoken, van ished so quickly away that only the faintest glimpses of it are preserved for us, and we hasten on into more certain periods. Doubtless the people of Saybrook were familiar with the charms and advantages of this region long before a colony was actually led hither. Major John Mason, the leading spirit in that settlement, had had abundant oppor tunity in his frequent expeditions through the wilderness and his long intimacy with Uncas, to learn the nature of the sachem's possessions ; and it was doubtless the enthu siastic admiration of this tireless man that prevailed upon his fellow colonists to abandon their homes, just beginning i5 to requite the toil of years, and plunge again into the heart of the wilderness. In Ma}-, 1659, the General Assembly authorized the planting of a colony in the Mohegan country ; and the following month L^ncas and his brother Wawequa, for the consideration of seventy pounds, ceded a portion of their domain nine miles square, and including within its limits the present towns of Norwich, Franklin, Bozrah, Lisbon and Sprague, with small portions of adjoining towns. Preliminary arrangements are at once effected, and the next spring the thirty-five proprietors, under the guidance of Major Mason and Rev. James Fitch, remove from Saybrook hither, and establish themselves at what is now known as Norwich Town. The first year or two are busilv employed in erecting dwellings and subduing the wilderness about them. These done, other matters press upon the attention. Young men are growing up in their midst, full of the energy begotten by struggles with nature in a new land, who will quickly be ready to plunge still deeper into the shades of the forest, there to hew out their own fortunes. New comers, also, from abroad must soon be crowded onward beyond the existing bounds, while the needs of the present population suggest the clearing up of outlying lands for pasturage and culti vation. The meadows and uplands of West Farms, as this portion of Norwich was long known, are most accessible and inviting. Accordingly, in Sixteen Hundred and Sixty-Three, the desirable portions are parcelled out among the occupants of the Town Plot, to be improved by them, or, if they see fit, passed over into other hands. Nor is it long before the smoke curls up here and there from the center of a little clearing, in indication of actual occupation. Soon John Ayer, the famous hunter, Indian fighter and guide, pushes up the Beaver brook and pitches i6 his tent in the gap of the hills, a wild and solitary place exactly to his taste and perpetuating by its name the memory of his many daring exploits in its vicinity. Job Hunnewell, William Moore and others, follow in his footsteps, and settle up and down the different streams. These first comers, unused to the restraints of civilization, when, in a few years, neighbors begin to crowd upon them, sigh again for the freedom of the forest, and most of them pass on into the unbroken wilderness. Yet these same men were the actual pioneers in the settlement of West Farms, and carry back the history of this portion of the nine miles square almost to the days of the original settle ment at the Town Plot. Nearly coeval with the arrival of these men here, Samuel Hyde, John Birchard, John Johnson and John Tracy move out from the Town Plot and settle upon the lands that fell to them in the division of 1663. Two hundred years ago ! Who of us can realize the change, or depict the life of those adventurous men, here in the very heart of the wilderness, shut in on every side by the gloom of the primeval forest, and environed by countless perils ? From the surrounding shades savage beasts are ready to pounce upon their herds and trample down their crops, or, at some unguarded moment, the war-whoop may ring out the death knell of unpro tected wives and children. Life is a constant struggle with hardship and danger. Scarcely are the toilsome beginnings over and a slight degree of comfort attained, when King Phillip's war bursts forth, to rage with unin terrupted fury for many months, The compacted settle- •.ments are stricken with deadly fear. Young and old rush '.to arms. Heavy guards are maintained night and day. Yet with the utmost vigilance a forlorn dread settles upon ..every heart ; dread lest their stoutest defences avail not 17 against the wiles of the Narragansett chief. What, then, must be the feelings, the sickening despair of the lonely family upon the frontier, cut off from the assistance of neighbors and friends, and to whom the appearance of the foe is the precursor of inevitable death ; death, too, under all the tortures that devilish cunning can devise ? We, whose fortunes have fallen upon peaceful times, but faintly realize the horrors of those early days. No woman in the absence of her husband at his daily toil, could feel sure that in his stead a mangled corpse would not come back to her at night. No father in parting from his wife and children could shake off the dread that his returning footsteps might bring him to smouldering ruins and the charred remains of dear ones. Life was a burthen, to be flung off with joy but for the interests of others bound up in it. Amid such scenes did the fathers lay the founda tions of our goodly town, and many of our richest bless ings are due to the heroic spirit that could endure and grow strong by battling with adversity. With the downfall of King Phillip, in 1676, sank the last great Indian power in New England. Peace is now assured, and under her fostering influences the West Farms receive fresh life. The next year Joshua Abel removes from Dedham hither, and establishes himself at the foot of the hill, directly below our present church. Benjamin and John Armstrong, Nathaniel Rudd and others follow rapidly, and the place soon begins to wear the air of civilization. Before 1690, crops of grain wave over many a field but lately torn from the embrace of the forest, wood-paths have expanded into highways — one leading to Portipaug, one up the central valley and over Middle hill, and another along the long and elevated crest, then known as Little Lebanon — and the victories of civili zation over barbarism appear on every hand. A glance at i8 the surrounding country will, perhaps, place the antiquity of the West Farms in clearer light. While they already boast a thriving and populous community, rapidly extend ing their conquests over nature, other ancient towns that hold early and honorable place in the annals of the State, have not yet come into existence. Windham is still Nau- besetuck, or, at most, contains but a single log cabin, and Lebanon is an unbroken wilderness. Even over the nine miles square, save about the Town Plot, there are else where only a few straggling settlers. In this vicinity Franklin claims an actual history, antedated only by the settlement at the Town Plot. Each returning year brings its additions to the popula tion. Among others, one after another, the names of Hyde, Birchard, Edgerton, Smith, Waterman, Hunt ington, Tracy, Royce, Gager and Mason are added to the list, all sons or connected with the first pro prietors, and so many links to bind more closely together the communities of the Town Plot and the West Farms, though, in fact, they are already as one people, gathering in the same church, forming a single civil body, and marching forth shoulder to shoulder wherever the duties of those warlike days might call. Indeed, until the final separation in 1786, though to a less degree after the for mation of this Society, the history of Franklin is to be found in the history of Norwich. Her inhabitants consti tute no small portion of the body politic, have a voice in all civil matters, bear off their portion of the offices and their full share of the heavy burthens consequent upon early citizenship. If their history be merged in the his tory of the older and larger town, we must not forget that they have a history, nay, occupy an important place in the annals of the period. Yet, in face of these blending influences, it will not 19 seem strange that the people of the West Farms should soon tire of a straggling existence upon the outskirts of a distant society, and long for greater independence. After several years of fruitless effort, their wishes are at length gratified by permission, in 1716, to organize a separate Ecclesiastical Society. But, before passing to the new organization, shall we hastily glance at this locality a cen tury and a half ago? It is jocularly called the " Place of the Seven Hills," and though most of their different names have long been in disuse, the hills still tower up in silent witness of the peculiar fitness of the term. On the east stands Portipaug hill, flanked on one side by Pleasure hill and on the other by Hearthstone hill, so called from its excellent hearthstones ; from the center rises Center or Middle (now Great) hill, noted for its Dragon's Hole* and the picturesqueness of the surrounding scenery ; west * We subjoin the following description of this natural curiosity from a manu script account by Rev. Dr. Nott. " August 5, 1800, I went, in company with Rev. John Ellis and four students, to view the Dragon's Hole. The ascent of the mountain from the east is laborious for about a quarter of a mile. The mouth of the cavern is between two ledges of rocks, that on the right being about 35 feet in height and the left one about 20. The space between them is about 30 feet, and covered with rocks of various shapes and sizes thrown together in such a manner as to bring to mind those lines more celebrated for wit than piety — ' Nature, having spent all her store, ' Heaped up rocks — she could do no more.' The descent from the general surface of those promiscuous rocks to the mouth of the cavern is about 10 feet. The first room, which is something in the form of a parallelogram, is 12 feet in length, 9 in breadth, and 6 in height. The passage from the first to the second room is 9 feet long, 3 1-2 high, and 2 wide. The second room is not so large. Its length is 9 1-2 feet, width 4, and height 6 feet. From the second room there is an opening to two others, one on the right, the other on the left. The one on the right is 5 feet high, 7 1-2 long, and 3 1-2 wide. The room on the left is 5 feet high, 9 long, and 4 wide. From this there is a narrow passage on the left into which my son entered, 12 feet in length and 2 in width. From one extremity of the cavern to the other is about 40 feet." 20 of Middle is what is now known as Meeting House hill, looming up above its neighbors, in seeming forgetfulness of the doubtful honor of the sobriquet of Misery hill, sometimes applied to its southern terminus ; beyond this lies Little Lebanon, and still farther west, Blue hill com pletes the mystic seven. To one gazing off from this Meeting House hill, or journeying hence in different directions, the prospect is essentially that which greets the eye to-day. True, the roads are not so easy, or the lands so smooth, or the dwellings so comfortable and commodious as now. Blackened stumps still protrude from many a clearing. The log cabin has not yet begun its westward march, and occasionally a wigwam peeps out from some sunny nook, or Ashbow and his clan are seen pursuing their game across the fields. No church spire bids the dwellers in these valleys lift their thoughts toward heaven. No grave-yard whitens yonder plain. Nor are there school houses yet at every turn, New England's mighty enginery, destined in the course of time to revolutionize the world. Perhaps one of us transported back to this early day would be struck most by the Great Pine Swamp, an immense extent of pines skirting the eastern base of Meeting House hill, and spreading out through the whole length and breadth of the valley. Yet, after all, the changes which these hundred and fifty years have wrought, are not so great that we should fail to recognize our honored town or cease to feel at home within her borders. The cultivated lands are, mainly, the same as now ; the farm houses occupy the same positions ; nay, if we knock for entrance, a cordial welcome awaits us from the grand fathers and great-grandfathers of those who preside over the self same hearths to-day. Starting near the Society line and going north, the traveler first passes the residence ^*^ d*S J. 7 »i.i"