Wesley, John. First sermon 1903. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1938 This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Yale University Library, 2008. You may not reproduce this digitized copy ofthe book for any purpose other than for scholarship, research, educational, or, in limited quantity, personal use. You may not distribute or provide access to this digitized copy (or modified or partial versions of it) for commercial purposes. WESLEY'S FIRST SERMONAND OTHE® BEGINNINGS YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1938 WESLEY'S FIRST SERMON From an engraving- by T. Holloway. - j M Jn t&>fett' ffiofJ:$ia&?ie.fi> at* sg irenre, are. and Qfctnese- if/ft/iqs s/lai& Ife achat/ unfa &cx-l e & Qfrrio me ara tui &-a-*7c>ayj fiQifywrts in tfcs 2fer& eno.$>ow ttoP-Aow'iroon, tut arc sure, ifiai eer &na nt tfci fcot'e tP;. Let? arc me. lwuzuL as a^ejb& concert -af far tl&\ WihD-jaf-thzjfi-fT as LpTirt- tvsrc aeston&Ba a^A'aue-ehi l£~ rirr Ctrc<",-*nso?7ii;£i .''arwcwiii ficrnr Tz.'zjrOaK. /boa- ¦J y _ f 0 V c J %rWJ?t12-i£t*&0f' n)& arc afoj- A> jjznpifn, qlfncK't-ait. ozsr- ( f /3 ft > '7 Q IP J? <3 fro fnurh 'a-rc {r0.?jzzc& . '2*J tfia2-fA ?'/ ?s xor n. jiaj.1^— xeci+ti.ar £i> our ;3$a fna^ abhsar, ih tna J- A 2?2v owi -tmj h'frhrarz *tcff- free frvrn tJ^Vfiet mure, so -mucfi Vz>i^v» js^fl 'id heed &J cars? ermt-'j ^zho, ^a^aur^ffrc1 FZas irt-arib, b/eAXrt iv jejfas&c: qrcafjbarl cfffiis {ftnhkr, 'b xfrPi'u hCm m ' fAc $o,M ' cfsuck hrrmee&iias. jto tfiiJ tewrfiast-A fna^f ' uJs of Ss.'crx^ ,foomsyj^.s. t,ch tftsCfm+s Git}, 1 *2 trqijm. Wesley's First Sermon cedz-\q ttnt-f AQ-'SV TTf>eaZ?d. S&rf- ,'MJjfre, flo fht"> can jLnit Mm fcas 'fars fu .CJ fo Scmrc fam fai/- -J Ji tit. f-\ ^ / f-srg tuicr-s^fotcuiu* tif AT Jo oirtefe. CoTiihtrn, fo ca.cA. rf^sr: tor eftffsr to* MJ/i-zk « ens t? f£vt. •„ ~a6i-r-,$k. ' X ^- *•'' UmcfiohS ftpt-oifft-Q 'c&latfZt ef'fdtf'io af-^ soPis ihtsvi trvo so diffvrcsi£~3£-?£c£r: Br. if- f,ou aertte£~$ajpeeea '*/& m. aJ fa Raft, titter; t,ci'rvfu ic ffoto iv tfisrpnorJo as fa *0 ,¥is nrcrrj^diLf-a^tt.ySc my-LJs?foisc.L of/ifrr OJ fl> suqrff ni's fornroanos.'-s fteyi:/fayt.^Jis?ofij/etif ft&asfJa-z n, to ours, lsc6cs7 Ujh fo fas or- ffifr om^r-;^o c frost. .? LOr . -> • "~> /? .-> r? . .- ' h^ol-z, carter- Jv fffc trtairrr, or-M'e- frcafuTf.ytyr i,C c c *^ c cnnfi.of's-mrc fzts /c- aCHL. far ??£ tijfy. Otmis Vora^inu fftsrc :.¦ ffhJ crrc far-Man ton nd&r* n -> -j ^-'O *~ " fiCfnJsf} eartfii rbr %o&a$)ffi si^LX; at$l/t?M ztdrzfjcjas? . OK. C' C (. fr»J^ fW^' Jmu^hjJs. ,stnty a/fhitA- t-e-ztpcr* fm-fife. y Wesley's First Sermon Tna* V*. hrccu.rca/ Tt4&15me£-it&Sj r>otite ^fr. metre . faea£¥t£J Jioo'i t4an Sfo+ins7,^fi.od£Ka & f2-&fe4 A- rs&o oa vc «?rs t& pno.far-sf "refuse JAj -£liji/i '& Jc j 0 *~ f>e"^ r^ y L *¦ rrioqatscQy .ztuha ffas/fr^aJ^cf- to ^'**4 jJa2#*w/ thtfics as art hccsfsari tojnjfe.th tZ? ' ff&enrt. fetor Jrk. 9(0/s nriKtte otter p>a~ts ojf/ris 'iro.AoTi : SshptOr farr-t in^fatieJ^j bvufsof^, S^5tej>fo?irtio^?jtftterraa/3ifior\ qa?ter ilnto Otsms. ^afi^Sfajxusnti, imfri-r rlxdifrA i . £L ' ,- c c q*Z, -, ' „c *?* «*w iSz-S fi*5* ifPit Sufrfoosc-Jfa- *v Osl ftjfC: o^Tyfcrf- faafz 4r j? ' ^ • ^ j-£ ^ *" "" **-» O fi'f'Ose.-,ii.ri^.&s cfji'cfz£ tnsvc ftc^i h*n~ rira Vurcj */m ^4 -4 /&» ttert. £*Ln oi. ant, cjrrussr kn- iHJs ?a~vi-'^£, dwh-usf- u c ' c fat/TssTnAsy-? £rf>£c£a.f& Sih^rftvcnrsv far tip- tzati h~a- -4-- r-* £& PB 7> /* .1 ."¦ r fjurisosc: rorfii cf-Lyu & faJfzhq Kouqfit- cati fcafrcahi fr\ ¦&> . J ° 7 ' - <& Cr^SLO-rrri.trfsrLmfarozfC'>r~?if-C's?'>> i-n fcis aftfaJvockf -rah.. / *¦ i; Ofio i,C OTTBtJ ' £tj -^rof-rte.e.. Uters.fort if fit* ss ath a, \ ' ¦, ffov, iter cor^frion frrnouet-cftfte poto, rs io das; fj -/M Wesley's First Sermon atteiir? i'csah'ft/.i Pqton'ouS, V-iotnorrpTwiS eo-jfift. to tfic oven., is osvirpz s/&mrsceA no tnorx:; fhai »*fc hoi-mi^ch morn crook fou, & te-of-£i£?£t 'ffo :-'&%, ii t4r -. - affar-Sc tnafri. hrconissg^so fnaJii oaz'ii. zhskharj of- i * O / *~' «- / hiis tfcfad'jjrp dart. Kofffatsl-so S?icl-uiqso?-so oartA*. a £>fterC Jincc Men, t'fjou % /age. t£m a-/?*- i&r fcsftehss pf'tfa'if iforCofJ/Oii mujt-r^oTifiejL^cfaifri. to fakfiz pifijpJM fas feroTnwJd ia r€zs sintanto, if-ffc&c zj» pcrfiftffi to senst &v& -m asfa-ry- Sz^aj fou need kaf-jte t^ot-Jfc /uKo ca^% fa J&t- r-o QotA, toi$t3e#-&fl'cff- TaTBZ&eftzB /lccofajfl Jtjsfa-/tan es -or f , n.' Jfc dexjs ecfi- jhxnfu for evzn ite-tSifcn. 'ot /Sa rfa of- t, frtaA'pn; PiAo d£/t&,$te?c- unco. J j, Sk.ffcchonsa.rr. uScrt^ ttJiicJ/ as hohcna-uziti-q ipzt tso much, as fa add a cut? Ho t J^ahrt-. fafjefia fho^qor'&Aaf- 'cs^a.? c a tfaordn'&J or fufujrtfoithaf lc-sha.fi vLetofAco'^Jten ioufliAfl-- " ifwj; narzssf-ttoOC&trtmr? pr &~vc £fuhoj/'&a>nt&& , ne fanLf.'vTscffiaJ offsracuwzo ficesf^arL-v or-fSnuxi ht*TiesVi tic tiof-carxfa+t'. P-so'u'ilcitv^s ajfozJ: t £rfs>A t^ifcfns-dza&U M«( antfdiskujff.f' fftouqfifa fhfr Wesley's First Sermon fr,ai, a tec zte^sSu C. i z / sn oue ^ f>*\ *c fsttd > forfaoft, v'/coiten. ports off warts, w nave ver?, inz-Kt-rrfc-t^ tiofJoPiJ. gf-ffQ^f^f^-j- fhozaiasrzcjr io seek offer ttese. iAfsias ite~ j So fpo&sh a- Tucm/hsrim. a wsfhoaso untu^c-ti- io s^ecsed'. i y? <- o -> o*^ n tS^tto (c^, Woo A-rz ^ofa-oHcratii-cfiter of &iS Cooori~1$ ,sfo*j/usLsyfi* j,. />mr^\r-^ / ~~\ ?/ / orstmur-. if an P%&vzJC cX-urcd Jfia'fJfa facnrtSh fcf^r. ncQ dt-Mifacsc ffifhqs,$/fctJfc fs weff afo-h'nasJ o^f2^, jfrts o Afrfrcfcfas fcg£ tfa,-cjjh?ffraj rfactey^ tu sfa. aitn.-- Je f-j£e>J ii?zjb/an£& eh t, &$¦ &> fa,-?^, & tvififrinfJ-^ cbr~c foon-furt nsaJ, ojfaccroi'ho afsucji tnzkfij, as a?v fztecA jan, or cohz-cn-Lcnf-far tou- : J&cffchosrfii ''•fyihaapm ifr tfv fr&j ^ic'ifcjOZU'h.sfi] 'cf- SUfLrVt^t/iinqj sAa^ A ijacd j^-'fr^ *v. c^onst^sr £¦*¦£ Ufat&f^ fafttod ' '.; tvcA p Arr-.ao] &rc i)rsvcrfui% '.V^vfc' 'j* {?*?£¦$%) \^pzoaitK ¦&$&/$& ' Jtiq/fl-jtnijnsi,; Ind soaOTzda.^o-f^rvmz'sd-aAnsxl to ii; '- K.' ? ":f! tffsvt So'-.hjs . /fa J Oc aJo,sa/i Atii J fifsvc Joint}*' i'/fa^. He ado>sa i.-^f-c ! ->•.•/ iW .^^.-.-y-^ ,-ye-i rur ,.sus~-d , rrd Or rz lui' ;^A> 9tvc*r Jfi'p TeQOUSnJs, fhd -ctffia $f>tl' mat, iti OTiJ-scn. V 4j soz'd to 6c for, tts Setho ih sOTnd- Tz~ra.'i: trS. OTifjfro h? fur **vn i *7 --¦ 0 c , \ ' J*c'^' 1 A ¦ l •' . tbv&utc, wor&i'ht} hajr%sr ruiefi i irvH sjunrep^ t c •.(_'- " ( -' . het-is itmvdrt hidAi wenM MtJkfnt/Hirml v '(J nr ^ n * i ' 9 J> * 0 *i ¦V -if-* 3 ""-, J.' $t **S& &d t'-- snp.'. dr Off'tf Wesley's First Sermon »Qe DJtezhTTzsrifipf^f'tes.Vi, Jfe/zqo-rrr, ef^sJ lj> , •' f-> l in-? o ' c d V rip othsT' rsai « tte i h a ffu ' n>c~ore-. teru dfracJir1 to-- 7naJ^J- our fz 'ustfcs tvsftcis our f% urf-dtzidL : so c y^isz sL r- fn Zte S$c.qi*m''hQ of'svcn tlndsrtal^i'ha, fzfmtteT t'trec 0 0 " I ff' a tatirvzr or t?£jtC in atdji, d-r*rrC, for hrvmcft- 1 q&rt, em L V A *"' c -**" ¦ ' I f.Jd/ or.^eace " 7 ¦yfd, iinosr nsri out- Sat: cornt>ri-z^rs tte^fiod- fuh efn ithan,&cni dffaCi- Jnssr tfar^2 ttiijW.teK k| StfL &i2rg-nfatt>az£tf,'it s£zicffan.itfa oft*'*, fozQ. n*% tfar i^erfr^ass oftoi f/QsrsfzOino #& ffii'f'fcy M/nc&o7*jy£?j£oe/ dffiafrapicxw>z, nato^oent^ tnafi. f^rrz fran, At &i ^f c/^'~- ,/• ^LPt ¦ ¦¦ " Cf/?p tte dure, esr he era h cm. of in a r~t te-r a ma a I Tns-^ .0 •i -rnrSrd tfiat-ftfnatttd 6&3rnai in tte -dfaooms tm-Md nrho thud iienaz-r tfisrnJdZitsd on fn-rffi, fa su 'facie fJ/i inftusnes tte comJz^cfofoiCccrisif^o-arr: /- * n Wesley's First Sermon £ ' .',' yz"^»-^»'^nc>7nzU^^/T><>-'^So^^^5z'v' WortS as '*«£ •;.' /w ffssefffto tnaaTfida majfct£-tteiVfirnr-{t>t-siz " *' hdff So szejf t&>' $^Drtteoiisn.J1s : 3d a. fons&qu-^iar- ,* a hsryon tfas-n csid Azmds.f-r^nd nrfao con net'-. ffasr'de? OtndKt. nor 6c- ftinosdf'-'aco^'iricj -ifc Ida. dnic ad/vc^'i. as an Qf!-/^no?isid:3 Jjcino ifftz is ndf'a ftlan, tfaat-Jfc sh uc, norfte^n afr?an,t6af ci'far- ftts Jfoorv^sn as~o~" dPW-'rsA oi ttfnikoL ft. if arc nretL .isafao J-'c fan do n/fat tis-kiiff, CfJff. ffassnao^ his ' 'v. Jntteota fad Iforo iodo rsha/-,^ /&*• for-us: L-nat.' *ir£ '4 Wesley's First Sermon : iterctort n/c tffaaur ii-rfaif fifai/iout'ahl dMasr af Jisoh^or'ntmsn?-: ror ite ^ortf oT Jfaosfc fantti sfto^Cri Ptff>p shaft ' ofidanfti/t ft^fs. jj .17. Me. cprno-zh fte nsx-t 'hii.aj.ta sonszdsr fte ?j:cCfrfi of tfiis tsrorni'sj; madz iv ifaoosfrirrio sinn^-rofa, dce£ 2, Xz'naoom of rft$ W-n-id ^i»fihr07iS7ijrf7. 2nd tfizs tort, ni44 4. ' 1 J" J ¦¦' trfrSSTzrc- 2.- unii'rjyz'rr&'t/ttni-jsrsai': sic saitfi ficff 0?o*A ¦ ai. , . - r\ . . ? , t> r*l -x tocn< tfaino ttzsittd Cted, nd/iaf farmdrcan n/r A^srfa ffltfot >d rcaiS fdoQ fori,.: tf& u»de>z*6?Jdti fan f &, c c (i is L "- / '; So tufcam tte i:in?oof-h-c*r;s-& fondfam&faa, af^t-trcri 1 Wesley's First Sermon ii/ ohsn, CT&om no j£cr^off,5sr?.ffarr% n^/fazsrfpiaf rnafaa w d/pf>/Q,zs nza ¦ Jt-canfc tndccJ ffa denzUsd $Aarfaz ffitfatt- » o rO. ~2s Jf> jff „J? . / . f- crf-tnts njorLd, nave- oftxr/z zten-r- shame, in rv ertuz.. Jua^ ca/Ycd tftftfoeds orf-z^h} such as J/ca/f%fd£> ' fiou-r^v Clf&isTzas ajfttyrtzzfij-. $u£-0d ttez>e are fro , firterc foromzsJd Item, dp ifos more th£.?7 miq fitUrz. Cm reason to dx-teofj- tho ni^t) z's fo£rossid orfizs fnhrzifae tffsc/om to suffer- e'/fa ffor is $&tk it-o/fify O. ftlsrcz,! ffot~/rcou~m£tL a Jtidof?zdhf-an thirst fat tfaatStez tfahi-uc in tte rzjort&ctnavc rtchsdzhfiaf: StpicOif zt fj&z'hO V.J7J ciafahht- fha/- ifttea OUrt fzeth fffcl Ms^ oioj o^niffar-tte^ 6awc;iFttel$ manacc tdri,, or ^pfrat-t^ttnrpTOtjr. thj ta£shfo c&mmztrcJ to ttfate tfazjJf?tejn zhffhfafct^ 6%d?er £>, T fcen. tet^i^tteTrz. r to tt^-ccrtZft 'oruhmsfaj€n,fa bfosc zren, t&ryjs nrafa V ^c fee* jgr fa JeM, tuii '*,fi&% frzn,c an «w^ >ffi&h*. MoJa mud* rroreOs^rz^ is f&T&Qt'K^ ^f^^ rsfo aoTomit fte\oddtS^ &jt£&c^{ftfi O ^ 0 a //< ¥¦ au ftenos fzsiyfsaa% &- convent err t rtrrtri^ir frresshf-) duffs fas f&zc- ' t res: flitter fi&z nrfoazir- ttftfjt ti^t-^ao$zur^^rt- dVeatrj iffaaimfStite fnfat-toz^£nduoasylijt£zf to pzir^ cfaase tfas^JooJ-t of ttes tddrtafffarc opfrefja tefa?' z dorc Xtzrtten of£-f&rc ettnaczic&f ofanz. zfztzd; V^-rai/ii OtirdSrd, Tifa/t az-'tse $o%t resf. /ffms-unto mdfflc. fvticr art thoT-iqtztfafj^ ' acOrnf-mani, tzizn^s, iensfao darzxof, £ Q-vfaz to tost- O^lirp^ifrsj^ or to ^rct^c^'offf Jorttdtrr-r. of '-sorte- tea-zy mz'sfm-^z/Adft/fna 'if srzdrs trxr io>s fjCdAaiv n^aauzef-'fifa-iffmi/s. fir ant, nian dfruaqSz'it hfatfi z ' fctterndfe afc^xfrcmrn'antffa^rfj-idn ta^c >£§/*¦-.. jt/ormdf nrfto mz,jdtfhudhii7r3! if niten Sfaad ft -ft icrj, fa taz, rm,^CAd.S/ ^inz onoSdnsiiTir oft, sfaarh^v--.-a.r,as \J xj <7 Jl t < ofa ' zVoundst) x/fjzrzf-to s-rr ms Jaffozrrs oterifz, ct-pfcaiJ, | fj fte-dh-ono faand of ite ffff>i-efspr-~CT- his ^tjbitta^'oA coirc-rtfaf atfaoJ^af fa croz/rzdtdb si-sports or f'ho^verfof\ fc* i7 Wesley's First Sermon S $™fa iias mzss-trzL rfaian ojgf&rronJ? faaccj^f 9 nfat^Jh^m^c/zfa'crAim ^dcJ-tefaz aJ-resf^ ?cvfai nVarz is fafa, itetA^strthto five nafohiif.fahi fain sec eooo 'soots .sSefaotV soon Mz. nlho am ffoftz. ' r /) ^ O '*" ' -~ ' \anfrtfrcadi, to save tteyets"n>ha Jfcarmz Jcrics oz,f pfntfiteir sfaotrt&fa. fSsfafc. ezfPt^&re cm fcc. tfj niL cxafi-U?r: ih' otic, firvf&c ?r. prmti hsrdisa . c-ci jfaafatfae Lte-ncd 1fci/ doTntteh. ddvtnz, utter & hat fan- t JycAi i^dan^^sfncrdsz/e-^fteT, m^i ajbz hear to tote-, nrfaa dec- tfafae nfachfaar^ .- drthafa- ift&i Ac tf&i sria/f/nosf-ecrtairr/z He addsd tzr $£ovt tffa-faffeam oSnT, wteh $ ' tfaxmopfa^fer S.'roqc, dee a- conzmm^-^'ifay^asoTz Tt- Jfcird, zrerz fakrd^ and rt> ifaz'od, arc z, fondtte cms to fae perform a. ( i% ud/ fac/fore tux. ca^ tfa fa.r s fciasrd offte-tre /lis frotciozjs Sronztdsy Jihesdovtz d? •? fa> -) "^\ 1 h jfzte, even amonq fndn ojftter mart rBAted AnJen dfanditeo, tr\%4-i*d 'fa-m-rd Jk Aos fsrofyosszr *»^ *¦ i - if ~ rrcccbhd-io. dtircft, domst>r':-nc rfLbtez zrn^ra 'on • tf* ' ifnot-mnofz im'o'rao/hoai^mi^f-lTt Tzozicrcaai- t OZc.r- Wesley's First Sermon &j? fraotrdzfacs rue teaocjh^isent--zhdfanc-r oH^j-fafik ' tf-to .in?, ffan'/a\- fiaRsh'h.tit titidnatz fiaterr cA Coioatsfe^offiudtRinf-^q ifaproczurcjfas Sare tecsfara *2 sr mti-nj J ' '*. iffa/ ~t i pfdii^ tfz'an rmaitw- use of tftzs ofacqeji?fahO z, .- :.'.-f3~Tt'x Ctflz, aonsz'jdrzna tteir ntmovf ejzdcaznyztrJ arc trrn oifc tsn tindu aez-d -far. -f&eJ tteir Cedfafazdff^diqns S?asfcte\ ih-.a tnomzsninfctertizj ffazs tfffrsr faJax a^avJiz./ite'fao 4 faas nr-fc-.st^Aw Safaran fc.ojf tfaat ifa- id" infaafizd%,, iirtrtin ofdzzcasp, l^-can no more, Mu^2faf>ca&iftu*fc fffstfam njfao frrzmadsd if. .fac nafh dfz sonr^z) dice . Q ' ffiiV!i tefanf--frfad3lJit-tus item dec, nfanfafftec/fondirzfans, n-faaf SnduhcraL.^-Jiffzfa^fh.^7 fSs 6c.fnyT.^.s. fteyj, tirfaaf %tfx ' tfar d"orJ rtquzrc a^'Frfce, ffirf So do $u/te ft frtv d&rc focrrt, ate^ to rsafa£ftlum.G% tifafe ?&>,. fW fotca/&i/.V. ifczlfd'af?? /tc rta;.-r'rc afdfec-.fyfthose. prctfaoud Jii-"saz7z'zfaond offVzhof rs .are Hfr-icfu cf fiti ccfdaij to oua/ifr Wee forz, /*§ [ofm^fa cit^o-ffrx-- . tfif m Qhrn Ja&ttJjftfflr&t; ffffion, foMl^t t. / / (/ ' c aflrAcc, fa?- tread* SAafaSatfa in deeffza f : Hittr. t faora~ 'tnv z otfozj, d fffrfadljtf frriczcrus dmarmzirsr, ?7^ifafl ^Mrf ^rf^^,^^ rfrf%T&t£r.' % tv flc/oralfte Ctte^-r--&f5scf drfnz.'tz, ffirrcfy. sons Mnd-faftZ, tie- adcrzCe'c/^s td tecrot^ji^flit'dZ,- ftox/r, 9fZa)svtt tf^Jorniinziori, ifoffa tzoru ytrzii ia,%-r fai a Cit>rcf~) '. ffijfi c^ pf- cf JLn».lf**s> ¦ ffai .TcJto^riff^Q.- QufiAm S.fazpc. .fa fcs no reason toccm/a&A faint? 'fib. ^Szft^e~Wosek fSfifu nctr-^s'^-Tz m rnlifrtBt&ftfPwa1!? iwJ?*$P '¦¦?.- o J xfa~k v ., , „n -'•** . i *«#rf^K5^-^M-v.*B.'?, smce Sri Ate net zt ffkn ad&tfbttle.;&fbre^ r ~ - c\ *-* ¦' r~\ ' a 'fd.i.~,i.-ajf>c.-idc.' izfafmt, £t\t&r mz'-q.-ir-flro&&£ ' tz&nJ ' tirnmi'd ] ¦&* \, f1.~J-r-c.r7cc to ozzr taifftoB trotrs^ nrcA- fidzioji-c fa t ifp\z& Szzn.-ic.z.-.-faztJ-Sj'cteic. tnctfa zvazr id Ko-vn zfeerz ttcr.imftSszmirfif-^) tnz, ct o - ,—\ ' - cfa fozirnsz,, jincC t ' micfif- ffeurs. tatenb SSiifoen iri'ttmtinadotjjffiteltfijtk •ilf$cz,nst?i' pj-i /iin'of, !7i\ mij rvco, .- . InOM .fa-J rysans fmSoiflhlfiurL- '- *dTr*^H&r*tt~ ' L ~ — \ — ^ ^ 'fdf — 5 " < — *~" — ~ — vtr\ — „ - '"'*tf -N ' fa a tn -o ii inJted, rvc.Yf a ^j Jotaf *diff'£e. z ff?a.ri>£ ofasf&sr? Jim z/son . i Cx " '--I ° <-•' c z -'- €m£rh cfSfcas urc cfaifffzt. if^it !%r ^jinlvnfaiifoztr- frfaa-tor I ^- .- „ a1 ' - - - fa,- , ' Ol ^77 »a d/Phsver tavr-ifi. miSfir-ir tedfznq ufi> mrffLf-trnpretsd pzn-ffl, ' " ' /-n • . " - -*' r. > : ten.' is it-rvcontz.tca.trZJ rvz-tx. *_tfaf- O' 25 His First Devotional Reading ^riornon so Azft>re*i% a,/frmj uf'sje.iicicTi. zfand-fatir iVazj arc- -- fuw o^R&asantnjff, / aitfacr Sktffi Pea.cz . ii Skir Patrimony, >sz , \ in my afciniorz, is amfrarz hi ¦ fogs efts ian zn nf^cfino us; dor ffie" 'fie. crfajhrztz^trzds^ rdforr I is <_ V- :¦ SmZ ¦ in r , '¦ ff£ Sz/etrf, 'zerif-zs in errder to fames' ' trzsm : find Jurafi, f£r ms\ crura ssifatzrB^zn hzs aaz'^mrihf^ mas zrerz, dzmj-ent-ffarm ttfis: fyycfa in att'lrfLt'tfc Jinr-ft) rzof. ' ' J'rfo7u- nnCn fozt are. at-tcasureffiz nri&ourt. mrfffiziQti, \ pn hfaf/uffej; Pscf-'ms fs/ftifif,?,, m-irte^ _if^.y ozire tny \ 1 26 His First Devotional Reading sctecc fa am thara,->t tlffar mj,t 'trzt. ,6-,% fa ryz disrerrf i;i-,Tz'n,t^ ??24 ¦ C '_„'-' L i_ v- fzikr- i-mzi. f jt,,hf*i-z~r-nz "- '-' y dt-rof/Lrs A'rt CST-r-. J zz***- tzth'fi.t s$n Jcfan facszti'- 27 HIS FIRST BOOKS 'A Collection of Forms of Prayer for Every Day in the Week' was Wesley's first venture in print. The Prayers, intended for his pupils at Oxford, reflect the spirit of the Holy Club. In 1735 he published a sermon, preached in St. Mary's. In the same year he brought out a volume, the title-page of which is here reproduced. It appeared in two editions,— one in 8vo, with five engravings; the other in 24mo. Of the latter Wesley says: In a few days will be published in 24mo A beautiful Edition of the foregoing Divine Treatise of the Imitation of Christ ; with a new Preface, giving some plain Directions, How to read this (or indeed any other Religious Book) with Im provement. N.B. — There will be a handsome Allowance (in this Edition) to all such as shall take a number to be disposed of charitably. This marks the beginning of Wesley's attempt to give cheap and good books to the people. The title-page is processed from a first edition. On the fly-leaf is the name 'Robert Guthrie his book Selkerk 13 June 1761.' The Preface is in five parts. The fifth only is Wesley's composition. It is scarcely less characteristic than the famous Preface to the Hymn-Book. 28 His First Books THE 4 Chriftian's Pattern; ,,. / ¦ tr ,,f '" } (> -,': .- 'OR, A /.¦*//"<>"/, t '., TREATISE '. . ' //<£ f t' „ OFTHE Imitation of CHRIS% Written Originally '« 'Latin, • 1 ByTHOMASaKEMPIS. j Wkh a PREFACE, '/H ? 1 \ Containing an Account ofthe Usefulness of this TREATISE: Directions for Reading it with Advantagej . %, And likewife an Account of this Edition. 1 Compared with the Original, and corrected throughout By JOHN WES LET, M^ Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxon. L 0 N D 0 Nt'' Printed for C.'Rivinoton, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Cburch-yar&. MD'C CXXXV* 29 AN EARLY LETTER Wesley was not merely a preacher and litterateur ; he was one of the best and most prolific letter-writers in an age much given to correspondence. His letters were always interesting. For this reason they have been preserved by thousands. They are not only autographs prized by collectors, and heirlooms in old Methodist families, but also valuable helps to the historian. Their influence throughout Great Britain and Ireland, in America, and even on the Continent of Europe, constitutes a noteworthy feature in the story of the eighteenth century. They are to-day read with avidity, and are never likely to lose their charm. One of Wesley's earliest letters will be found opposite. It was written to his mother in the year 1723, when her son was twenty years of age. 3° An Early Letter *!. par r.'otner td'SHTOpode W2, iSm2rzpr m/?i ,r->- Vdfn r- Q-nz-o'S • ,>X-J /• CJ / "vsoasze zmao ycri.; dnar->/fj g zpay? tezd nmotzd j /;.-<' . v.- v.-/.' ^ nrc reared f~>.m o-fa &zr>2rzr So one o/fafai yfatema J/i'Qs fated •?:'-. fa fav-.-ifa-^r.-in-z nfao,:s .xnr^s ftet^ffajlftf- J"*-"^-' '''-'-, "*'•—¦•-""•'- ^Sbzaa?? rrao afme. far fznte-srce. £pfa}s/ziZ fie 7iro2tS tzczivj- rcz,fe. ,-?.-?;>, 777'ore cfamze, zrforxM /fad dome, test Ssff'wIAe : o - i r.srr.a tetfaer ddd^tf' itz'ars- tnsfe frezm sz 2zo tit ?r?£ /ffgizrB ttfe rem>2- offafafd $00777, $<&&& Oucrh'td rd?'--3r7??r/; iff, rvct ,fy^e/yfae7:7z/st^r^^/fir^t^fa^i tfas f~*:7-'Er':o2zde ar fa^tcnnedrrzcfafa daz^Sdfcrje to de. z/drz, Titer t— * \d r rid '„¦ fa (-? Tdfidre. itrfa ;.,rnn/i-->vcx fa ' rezretr a?-C^Zde7z a — >:? -z^-'? //) fa.r.-'fa-d; c^tdfe t&tfer: Or zrenr irrQerzhzrs .^zrzzrzb if.n^tefazcr: crfaoar ffii&oafE; dzeA jester-da^ tfez'nc* tt4e -Jfjfffjff 'fdz faryrf? tdfe fapoz'rynirzG zrfa/fzd iitfae/s. f/?e?T* Zd rnofccrw , fa'' . '" ^' " ' — A - ,v7^5U- ^S cfai^dca dzcfaf df ' pre der? tf & ''/? fad /fofoed tt?/tJ&& ... e O : s- s° :' ^- / ^p,.-4'cfcr? -on ter w/fdfacrro z, dfi>n?ad2rjQ rft/tehM xz "3 g,„^_.^.,,- ? ,-,^ zc« A/^3 "^ /fesr- trfat-a'/i ot-dfaoTrze-. 0~^^<-- •,•>¦ ¦ *¦' —"- <- jr c y jjj 31 An Early Letter df sfi) _ — 7-,rr -lerrT: ifeiho scfadom . fanf are. nrerT; - - • - - ¦ - • p/ff as fam, .?rrfan<% t-~d ¦'- -¦', ---.- rf faifd dC tedfa^ifaz, l-fazfafasste '¦ " or in d ffoorz fir ffafa, tfaz/z.r 'fazno7-.-fahr-.fafa rrzrz-: Z7L ?' ' X-o' am. ^"-'^ •'' COTrS ZzSe izfcz/i $d 'nstfifam ZYzzha d.-t Ofaidzrc nt t-fa'e. nose, roc/ft '/&° . So, @&r- can fairr fse tsrozfis/fr Hz, z'rzc i'h-d ot ifasf z'fa.Td cm* 4 <7 ¦¦ dz gomes tfa'zd 7zJc.clor to sfafafarrj z'r> i'ze 77?ecirz, tzTrzdt. 9 C KS ' ' dfafaz/tb fa'o.zre freer: uerz, c/od ta .v.ir g Aeo.-rd^ frzr >r.:-,,f.,fiteM - _ 'jfzzoivZ) te to iee dzozs' Sfedrz iVfe ~ c&'zi ' g fzd fadfaorz-.' t% a -r?d>-msi dddffa, ¦ r ye.-d dts7r?*d-d->i~ ¦•?'-f " W'fD f?lX) n rfidAfer, n a»g - -p rrrr7\ n « *, .-O . /?r fakiorzd. ip d/zc creo. t ft te. f jAaci corztetrzde ri'-j rd. dsddtd?^ Ipzrrj on 3 rmy id-i/zcrd r.7JO % J n T> d d'- d" t-cz:r fa'/zrzfU/ii -far? - fa„-*&* ( do. It^fcp^fo- djc,3. . &„, rerrrsrz? ds7~ ?rz z. Azi-C tc G&dmr Jis*BZd,!7m-z, scr.- z'cc to 'tefaifaf-r .,fai dfaisPAfi-. 33 FIRESIDE STORIES In his Oxford days, even during the period of his severest asceticism, Wesley was a fascinating companion. In later life he charmed everyone by his conversational powers. Dr. Johnson, chief of the higher literary circle, thought two hours of his company all too brief. Wesley was an accom plished word-painter. What he saw he could make others see. It is this power to tell a story, to describe an event, to tease out the nerves, veins, and muscles of a book, to picture a scene, to illuminate personal character, that invests his Journal with ever-living freshness. Letters to his mother are like pages of the Journal, especially the earlier ones, written before both became absorbed in theological discussions. If a collection of Wesley's ' Remarkable Accounts ' were made, his story of Jack Sheppard would have to head the series, unless indeed letters of his boyhood containing 'Remarkable Accounts' of Charterhouse experiences should be unearthed. It is charming to think of the young student cheering the dreariness of his mother's life at Wroote or Epworth with incidents out of the great world, from her so far removed. 34 Fireside Stories 9lrz: j .sid ¦ 'SJ^iJ" * fad s--~ .j~ faizzarfftrnfzr %\ are met- f us *«, ^ fatift te Cctf&f, as ' ' fi^tl9U ^ tuti meg £r fn somt measure, covin* to tte t%,f differ m 4- falfr frkd, prec&fd & a osrz caai/.zmm^-r. ' Oti\iho ffafij je ¦^-c-iecfrt'Tatcpnira mat &. faaa atme?i GrftkA&o lof/Cr faina. era torn. Vf f.iinfafutt (raj jerk ad fc.s fecn. /ncm.-n m 4 a iona fame .g& intra ±3 itezd sermrffaiKo tfej a.- tvt& as oczd ,/pt- a great m&nt, Mouj7 arc fiseuty fon#i; iteomizan ffaatfai, pc-z uHjofcto fda-te date ifljdnfurmiatn ¦ef^mn, a equctth n\hcr enfa .tenfaiinq diet tome noudd- doer odour ssve-n th z tesnid; - Q- / ¦-»£ ? ., d , d • d L 7 ~. ' //l tad-no sacm-sr kzrnd aoeit?, sur/us fafi d-.iio mere, snafrna off v.-A'ir.c hoi reec-sm ms far fii.rszh/s s diz~fa era^t^-ad.faaTzJC- • 1/ ii^r J am vrfte *a*-s- mrri sucn ffsTzf-dtrris-rz ; rcr iznfdfr ftez- car* ri'eo mo amat,, ffrvaf it afai, ttey nz tiar~r fauf a peer ysfncvf dtote-7 Sfaoe ri-ea$d . ff %ff?\Jk ^ ffa-^ff^ffa^'cd- £j&t{ fedzcis ffp ffiterdaTnr '«*, madsry s*& /Haf-o- afferzrizdTzdize. -cf~f.itn . Wcn^vtr ftiaijfymiofaffsz seazurt 35 Fireside Stories t* maid- isim to, ir ia. fi&sr^ faanact-to dozctite dcfynfo ffcrtnfand fa <- d 9l ¦¦c farce. B&sTi azs ciazis crfeddsrv, ircd.z: fayn ft," ize/ina fa-rt ry-t, ' C / / l C- ' ijTz jtucite tc z &aoj sfaK aoiozteha nc-ted: fa pa / jzx ssirsrat uzcfe ^CcerS d PC' c/tAr- atfrxiffaouf d i.- coids-n, f aft nzcf r%-ad a mrdimitA.. six fa cf even, ai n to i-d.sdu nfiessfaczz 'iai>e- ddarr* ff. cfa-, iric fad zir~ fi 'at ¦? fat> no; ¦-, fact emu- *horzr fz *****-,¦ Ci fa macs fud sscate frr>nzi ! r ^"' msijdn'qsrr dJz'je i^zzcr^. af?-*-- an difafahafatzQ-fa. £(r<-t fefi "tem.-rr ) ijt.fe".*;*^/.'^ ;/»&' ^. •¦ £y.fa-i if~hoilzir: fn.r 'zztk^ jdx., if ft ^ L^cm.cjfn'^ h&frfac r'tr/iJfd^ ... .Wii i :W* hn(>C era tuto-jn-ihoM jact^tr furf>o ej tdfahz: oj as£v ¦' . fttna ofaz ft- l"^Cm * «j^ ***, eisn/cri. iotlft.M. 8b ->c falo* com . tez u)> fo fa"-*'"-' ft>fal~- ¦V**fl\f»rusn^ njr^t^n.-ji foA JfjcfV&ma f„-r ft.^fa-.^ -"*-' fa-.^^ ¦rfafaf^fffa '"¦fa *. Jtvfffajan atrtrht. **.&•-. * '. -arifx) te^i fa'e fa'** *';>1> *''*'' ^V'"'* **f***-fV d*. sffa-»> Ou-teit, £? <- . - r ¦ s ¦ f*. ' I i--L .a-, tec u manor WefriRn i» tzjfir f*dy GJ-pfst ft,\ f juhwta. vf V nRJfd - , . C C V- v ^-. ' (A. / hfaiftfz jtf. h-B if.&Ly «aJ cfaerh-zse ahok.-r ecetiito? tfcnr "- .,- s /r f jf f C\ a r tutnitto, Mi '"" *"> c •* x'naflfaau.; Inn \eh tniie S:a~n~d.cz, so cstehj / • it yfahcr>l0>.itftu-tf*i n-,r*>h. vri *.-«.' ». t<5 efdenr. frt '¦htrutrtf h, ^r- fa fa tftt.riv*rl), faii faJrrvee^nrZsK ifiurf^ffa *.^ ^mr^'o ff^/d, h- fa~» --d dz-'te •''¦¦ &*/**) 9za.Hil i^-far iiicfaif'i^rC^ifa,; 36 Fireside Stories S \ fcfa.ccz.fx t-.iT.ri ,* rfal f^cni'm. %. r, , /*SBBXf ^* .1 ' , ^i.fi^ozs frufai-L ,ccz,nf famous M fZtitosS 3mffa 0^7*1* irfdffx* S* V. /'a > ...» , * ^ n --, V . _ . £ |> fAtflrrtru&^riirfi-no'fnort ttozzfAin A-rt^d/rcs-Joz. font, %*ve/4'rtlfit,$ff ,* * .Hh i f""i i!ht&- *>cA- *t efntfty dznchi * jfafaiter Cd.-LtOhbh, isvahl Ia. | - d fas* hove- tx-nf it fori hzmz '/>ai if ho? do} cH*,nfaczfa zzf tzcndf , \ ^ 4f- ---:- » *< &•>&* fa Ujtet/Q-vuy mz.tfcrz.ti ^onroz k J- Pfydtezdu. ^ *• & fri zou fLy z,tcd nonfat ofaftpfAf, wttJ JaUlrto* r-Jffc i' ff^fS f>Q< iff £/\ jt K r- f\i* *• _ I ' te JT ^ K ?«*Z*« ^ arlCrS^ffj -fallen*, fa rf-*et»,^^^;/?fijh5 rg f^-rtim-- id tx~rrctsj-fd'"uffierf7 zrurvf Mitnc-j fts Ja.ij nz /iisilad fata, j-hs S?)t> /f c»4h£ rttotfmts ^rVha4Mt^esttf'rr^'afser>SO7i%0^oioXr^i^df P r* * i^T1 ^ , c, ^- ff, *»r « *-' /" l' - it f ^/W-** /-»*£/ i1">T.-«»j;*>_'3/^i£-^'..£ zndr,-/ - dfai.fah^V-tfzj-frkfH.- te \ % - -^d tiH-n, nfarrftr r^hus of tszimfatftd/Z. efvtiishilr; £ff A % ias^z-fte ^"5 ^ f .At/, rrrui.z inznoman rzfo-. 3 ^f pi* - f rs > > ¦U S - Js-f'tove- tmf tifon from fa* J? ho? Sib or, tntuclh zid fenrf r?-- Vs- r a ' • , u- <£\ « o . - ' , , '""far , o?>-fnntu> d, ttu- u r,cn- Zz^idc feed ' currcfS fcte-iok tei rdfji.i--i.z~- *nz notkzho jo zd >vch i ca i » Zazzfa nsit\ aj faiihe tezfa^df 4 qjrerts K ?"• 'at ,Vm^ •> c*n -t/Mctfln. ^-zitTif^-mf-^mi sivz b mz, dir^-rfC dzv. . *" »" %^^ ff fr-i dL-n^z-^r Ad aj me>iz *. <3/£ zzfer ?ns; J jf ft ij:cct)ir>g ofkii f> '-¦ "«^ fun a eorrtsAmtisHeJ- i f»t dtshzr i*iiz ifsnsnrtrt tefairuz; &rf ' forfeit ¦'£- * $*¦ $ ia t-t no' drore fa;*>i furJinisSfuoS^a'dxf^.JfatrU-HrnfoficJ-oriviefa '- , fa it //U. ddffrfairt. fire, ft./ fail Ho? fzzi af> a.-hsn.-lr' £c?n .Ppr dfc-fnt, ' te. ^.S .V , *t ff f * ytSiorfrtt to m+c if d, of tiajitH mr fi*' + f arsons mffa cf^S ** v^' /fs/t/aes mo-fjff faomo- do fftadanffau Jcfat) somjifdri? tfiS-itui. "(N %**' ^ /^--r- fvdjifu'i ccuio uo»s ?o fjf, fL? £ tim aftec- 9ffaz&-k m* 37 FIRST 'REMARKABLE ACCOUNT' The story of the Epworth ghost is familiar. Its influence on the mind of John Wesley, at the time a Charterhouse boy, is beyond question. He loved the marvellous. His belief in the unseen was realistic, and he never lost it. To him God ruled all things visible and invisible ; and the devil, a prince of the power of the air, could and did intermeddle in the affairs of nature and of human life. We may smile at Wesley's weird stories ; but we ought not to forget the serious part played by the supernatural in giving a direction to his thoughts and in adding a note of distinction to his faith. Wesley was an accomplished teller of stories. The re lation of this gift to his field-preaching and to the work of his * helpers ' is a curious and not unprofitable study. Methodist preachers from of old have had a reputation for power to arrest attention and to brighten firesides by good stories. The gift is inherited from the man who in early youth charmed his mother and sisters with such story-letters as are here reproduced. 38 First 'Remarkable Account' A-te- t-Uzon. fa* fin te- it t f ¦i» -¦j 9 Q if ."* cz rz _-_,-= . ..zz 't. ji „ . . C si ft, r Jiir . ndzzd'- vz^zz, -^-zTZ rzz, iN *, '» V i. ,-iriS ^r- 2?5-f cm*. ' .*V1 if : ;A fa ..,.-,dz. .„ *z?„ 7 , ^-*d ib i , .. .^ S-z-z—fa^-z^s-.fa * &' ''¦¦ jt?*' J? ?3'1 JJKJ C-^d- te~. ?&££ £ , , — Omar, afozzr tefafasz ,& zf Jfc if- z,^ r-s- •jo. TzaddSdzzdz te - -d fazzxm IfasTm.--^- i>>- drzddz' I ' i .'fa-z-zteiifaa.f^ 9u *idmz dalSv&fiji -/^Injun d '^ ]: '" """' " "' ' • "" d ""¦ ?¦-'?¦a- <•• "re. 07s- fa j? fj.sarz vc- "f.-'f ,fr.s ^azzzc.-r rrz zmc zr~ dzz-a Jozxfs fafdete, a^Z2.afa cmd. zd ¦> -" a "acfa&a^d-6zjz~zzz;c7zz.!d/ate*z'^s&l^ 3^-y ^ i - •- -» X ^ A, s a. £a nTdeman, >vazzr-iz>z, z noomz zz,' 'fid - lis I 1 - - 7" ---- .-rzr^^^zr^Pz. ,_ i.. *.. zzmTZ^.i. zz _ f; 4" ifac.sz:— odnvc4 d saddSzrrrradz^tefSsd nraz. ' -fez. sF-fa-z.mzzzrsz^zzfaa d. s&ai zifal^fte^c Is >* '¦'. ffdf?a r,He -r-a r^z. •szz.'zterpazfa'dcdzm -n - ^ ^ ~V ^tO« *" --*V,' ' ^ ;' fe. fadzd.nza. cdfat- vad d?d- ¦ id zscs tzzdd szr^ ?ic^ ^;a ft .»v^ ^ — r" *.' , ^' »,.- - ~-i-?dz>d -•'- --71- faazr- za. zdzzzdiszl i--Z,~zidzr'z.72C \W " ¦f t -^x? 5dozsa.*zt7dL Zraaaa. 39 First ' RemarKable Account ' ¦^ZJi • vxrr d^i L :•**! 'ht?zc :?7 2 ,& ff. ~sr '&&. "i 'i ¦-*¦ '-£ ' ;-f .id^tz.j.'^^J , r^-z.' %2,&r*s~* VyZj t. aimrudgte^ fa-z-jz-. faSz-Al fafa; 7cr. dl-zz. zz lite. fz>df7~c-, iu 11 61- ZZTTi; ^-.-2 CZTztK.' d y'ZZrz'TT—r-Z V *\z z .{'is mr'-sen^o-jj fzg -^-j;~ fazwrsd zizi zr.z adj. n.zfa?snz, to /.-.- no teazt aorz-azcTrzate fade, n^zzc-daz z.di-..i\ ' z • ^za 'z'r-zc zfadoz nzod Mfadonoz zzhdr z. szz^vzz r-ozom '¦; dzrd so ^zzz-dd fr-Jzzs/Zzte^tt c ^- . cv . ' on.- _ ^dr-ifnzosa ds.rd z^raiztzz— <*? a- t - nfzzmzt^':te^z dzm.dT^r*- .s~?z d-zz r-m- czatad '^n.-.--;- fi rprzmzssi'S, .'Cz ZzzrSjz io'.idizzi'-dS.nrz^ zzar^sd rb d'mz.zzz. te zfaaa jafarzz S1zz7tzz>7 o^ izzt .-jfazzd- rfzs Acz.o ftesidzte dzrTzoz^.-^O-z^szd fo do rrz. i~.-z*rzrpzz--zz,r, zrrzs. or t^zo mars, szzdzzzizzrf-.fp Ozzz.ddzzm, zifaiirfz ~~-zs7~/z.-cz*&- mz ,\ . •iidzo *rz..—z t Yzs . -rzz. -fz'ft *zzzrzr dddzz-o z'7 zzras . 'zrrvzz te^c ^zzrro. Zdtzz'z a. ¦ zz - . j\ ^z? . „ C-Z) , ** ^? y 'JSrf zzZzZrzz ^HMggrZjnz2Z*z.zzSt *-zz..- z.- zzr„O^Z ~ -1.2^,71 -zs^ozz-szr*^:^ zm tSzcnzn ma* . Jzr%?, zveo zs-zrzrrzdtite Zzz szcart-On zzs-teztezhaT^ /zzzrz-zz-r-zzz-a^ /did die-, **£ oe.- zz-dz ft -z-zzzzzs-f or zzrrj_mt m7orczz, ff. .dzzm zjzatsz'zm zz-^'Jz 4c was /irai- drz,J- Czrz vz-S once- r^zrzz. tzzAcn^ .-nzfa-z , iz'nzj Zzor WCzS £a. ms ~~zzd zzz^zzdl zL2- te-.-'.: dzz.'hrt ,'^4 c azszczrao- -.ziz. ^z -tzj ^7~-- tLdzzr^fdi .ter- te ^UJ di^T-di ' ,zf~sar?zS-Aan. I .d>,s rz^z- te , fa£te^jfai.,d;^.^ate^ tem fif azrnfrf >d& fff£rrzztez & ' d~ * j? ' o k * - ?. ' ¦ A -*-* d, c *\ y .rr . f>tat ast m-z .d , a ?e->zz^ >v fizzz a,. ^z^"Z-rd zzs zt -trsta ddzzmzza, zSiciftei •-> ^ - - a -\. * fzt.zfa dtizdf', dazi.'faatfae- min.fi -fafazdzr ar 4a nr idizizdS rfam.tefa'-fazssa, £r tfafait. sdfa n :z-?>- 6%t zr tzi i\ farnnr ant it -zoif dfaditedfrtet, .fait &*t&f SiZ,ffan- SCZ-z^zZ cf izz^ "^iw. -J %z z.ziruzzisifaifi'' Zzrfaotem^zdtr-d c/ dftzfad{.'iW 40 First ' Remarkable Account ' Ofim,f)(itzd. tnzptt JQZrzrcj Jxte/rz-^fitftp go id/dzfd* dz* faJok/i.-S- & & rzsv i.-z.'*-. zH *>.¦--*' dtf'r- pi- v,^ -id i'tetf £ ,:.zi.zii fad.-- i^zte^z, dffi" Jr.* dte ^A^ nfzzid z2oo£}i&ti, ,%-z.^m zz & .te .W.V Arerz ZzZ-'fa '¦>&* Mzi *-t.~i 4ite'J ,i z, faf^r rzz 4?'s>,eSj£/?-zi f'l *;¦; zirirx ^^ .uiA zz lyrz, Zzzvzi- z-'.-it. *Z2Z z^-dz-—- nz za z -i-T^zzf. ^rrctz. dz^t^z Azdinz.. *"*?.. " ' dJPfal d.zsd-fa). . i ,-> * f>- ¦ v,j iz% * £zziz) fH* no)1 ^ sz.de r zU'*z d aczzozn $ ^z d fa,- ofaiydpn, faonzcirtr- t. r-f, /at. dft'T. tda? inter; &f zf rvzzf * zisi to *i sAinftei z'-i 4i c- c c • _c^ -t £ so 7 . 4 . fS /. * 'V /„ ^*z7z . i - - iO> * - 7 7 -? 4 7-.o*v d-ti*-i'z.r-z7nizdtz:dcZz, ar-i*r o&tetz) ^zzn •*¦ vzz *.;.• mfc^m du ur C. «_-. C u *S- s jz. ^-70 faff ¦ 1 ... „ , 7'd] ,7 ¦ -yi, _, ns for- lis it o Cia^X-, ziyTt^d zzz.i, S/zztrj-z zzoj.2 hzz-'rzr o/z dia'*, ?yc,\- Jozr?iJfrd'-i Azzjd,t,?z\ ted eszzzz*. c fzzz dL- g,±li>u ortso-airrufiiifr 'dntefa** So d& ¦ d .- Aofa i7 Cd Ct' di-Z . .1 4* A DIARIST— THE HOLY CLUB Bishop Jeremy Taylor's * Holy Living and Holy Dying ' first suggested to Wesley the plan of writing a daily account of his doings. It is one of three books that figure prominently in his letters to his mother during the years following his ordination. One of these letters we have processed. Doc- trinally its value is great. One can discern the anvil, the fire, the hammer, in the earliest shaping of that evangelical theology of faith and pardon which, when completely fashioned and joyfully experienced, was to shake the world. The letter marks two notable beginnings: (l) Wesley as a Diarist; (2) Wesley as the Leader of the Holy Club. Strictly speaking, Charles Wesley founded * Oxford Methodism.' William Morgan— the first of the little company to receive his crown— gave to the pietistic fellow ship its practical work by leading the brothers to the prison in Oxford. The earliest convert, the first in the long line of Methodist witnesses, is 'Bob Kirkham.' He was the brother of Wesley's first love, the saintly and beautiful 'Varanese,' younger daughter of the Rector of Stanton, for whom Wesley so often preached. In this letter John tells his mother the story of his friend's conversion. 42 A Diarist— The Holy Club \ff>,£- dt d dfj- Szr'Zs, 3t>- ifezA-r fi&.t7,Or v/fl^^ ddd/^-/^.- 7j± d& " d?* if s'sry- d1 dsi. src dirr S-. sy7&*. fd.sd.sZ- itef'vfsdAC-c d-lszdjf date, z7^e srf^/ys.T^ \t & ff C .Jiti-J,^^^^, ^ drier. fi"f- dd^dd? ' 9sdzdt£s- -S jtifs Om^rz. j>.7 7,/d77sfxc,s,/mXi.Usd ' isde „-7>nmid ' Tzdl sf&adfte'dfddc^te^fa&vr-tfa^^^d tetj&a *~zz/,<:tzdd ydidJiL '^lA,. fffid%£fjdx,eds «.r d-s*Jr,ste.d. s.^z^ rd^dfa .'-iy>>s- s*,.* 'lPA 6, m» s /" />ffrrdi.te ^- tfai-d/i ? s ¦ tyb/itszrte d& dh^tef/dzf ¦ d-'^^ 7* \dr..-/,s"r d5>- sxffijz.77 c s C*-7s r-r ?d*d/ Zs/sfrd~r sir-r dsy ss~s'x d*-r--r. zr Zrsy/s. ts-srs? /- zd Tzfr d-zrm^^te?*- s>/ J'd»f Od-sc-^Jz £f J, dr> ^c^^ss's.^, steds^ ~ds&7-rf. ffa7/7d desdrri-r,^ 7& ^7„'drS>^-7.^,s if-rtse-aZd ; dfafZ,,.. sssf.sd, ,7? . ->i^X/?~' 'id s*.d'z*r*- te^-dd "OuX-? c-, (7 sz^»Z,sszz>zf. dsH r. s *z, s-\Zc ^J e~f ' \ f?s>s\s is*- SrSi. 7s~s.fr l~- ,S ST. S3 7r ys si 7 dsri 's-^7s d/t^^sS*-/ 7'. . d\r, 7 / yS *- , . .. , ^ CV s^^^-stfadrd^'^s-^m^ ..cs-s>s 7s. s-dd As, JC^s-y -dSjLs^dstsr ZTxsi Jf c *- *s7'*^Lsy_ g, J&.-r-d, s:rr- te.tisdc* srZ JCo . ' i* .* Z?sys ¦ s-s-s. . <- sssss-s, '*',, . sTZ.zzn^7.iiJ dr\ ,} a^ ds Sjc-fy Jikrs-77, d/d ddsffate. P-^zArrr^.-' XsdsS ,/ ziss. ^ ^, zTdfLj^ s,t stisilSC rsTS>s(>s-l** ** fsSidiZS 1ZZ~SsZ,sSsr ?¦ sr^-^Z **ssS . tys 7s? . {; f sl 'j:*.- fyj ZSc f 77. sTri s,^ 77* far. sy^^sd^ ~s7i-S>s? is SIS", /& fs-jszTZ s.7s^tsv C?7b-c s-fd di/sZsd jd' s-s*7>dz*-'dsAsd df. s.r rd"- %-. ^Zy rxlc Sjsy/ sik Zi/Asyde^ sis dt.^c- -d . -.'/ s d ^ss rtedzte*, ds.ls/*7*s:7/rs.ss» idsi^dskd zsv,- ' a v 7%0ivdztu.- vTjtTi-^CL dTSi-s-: rj-rd.- s> sis r -y^ 'i*rr?.f iss-.s**- s^s'stts*- 'd t *¦ -^.'-Z-^..f v— ' r* S-. ** » /JS. S.S% -././,, CSL^dfsdd*ds67.S>S-sS7eyrd//dr* dds>7i. . ZZ.'Sds^s/tedS teSZ-i7.s7*~d^te./rr-srZ^, /ZZ/f, s- ¦>- y.ffl,*^c7c ^ sr7 /2 ,$d ,/ /fa,sr, dfy*s*zfads^s fso-r-Ji^Tfaf-ff. r£cid>ffcr*sys:csff^tdfaX.^ /} j-'S 2*»~ szffdiJ ,sod^. f /77d**y S*J-C t*-^£ /*£- */t>-Pr*£z 0*z~~z„ s-^rJj*.^. fa*?^. f£r- jjji\s/i \ -:. ^^/iMi,*^ vfa£zr/~* *t /r-dzm?ri J'^-m.J'A d*~' f*. r *¦ d? AS /far~r>y?-} +-k**^m, te. 'trsJr.f . Jit ^j-d} K i£fa ^ ' ' ' ' s£ *~ / A-* Jj*p*X> ^ **^ Z?V. sm- 2fajfa£ ~#& >r>rtea*. AaA/v*- /As* ** *r dr^t^J^f^r^rs/dj^rsl./f*: Msz*o-si-25-J)- Jf\/±fzs>i$ /% j&t,r t?S>t ejt j/,,' ficr/ /till/ xrr. ^* fa£/crrJ szy^. tfi- £& 0/%l , ^j Cr* 7 ^^//-^^'/T'w.r ^/V jfs*<:£' *i'^ t2,'j.d**fa£> /to Z*^ /? 4,% ,-^x^diSx 'c-*t 43 A Diarist— The Holy Club tefd nses/fai sd e* Xrs yjs,JJ Site^ -f&>3; Jlx^ZzO^ s^ dis &jxmdS£S *,Ji2« ,4../fA.-^/f fOid.'Zitei*/, Ms,* s,Si s^ed^ssr.,. fafasid tee siZ^T st/i^sz-rr ^K>/iil/ l?J±r-SCzs£s<:^r. 7tj> ecsi dTf A, ftes d3dfdft,ssr, te te ./•*¦ rffa^i " J di-Zffafa dft*/i~r/&- fdfrsd^,. f.Jc sa-7-e do ifit 7ft Tidfss v* sf srss r- Ldx- zZ,. Zr ezsKtfi s^s- s\/ ste sdt^. TZsr-sCszTz: 'ite^Jr?CO-J fdj.-hZfi s>7 tete7 s> ,ddd 7b^.sr ^ SsZszys. s.d stdsy^e iTf-e^^deS 'Udzt df.Jf/zx.r ^Xsid di^isdsjdddsy^es ~f si r/Tfjfd-9fffs.- dfeSs-r. rFsr/d^*-?. . r*ss^f.s, s*s, e- /Tier* 7-^*' rute» /"i^/..>fv/ ..z^s4> *, Tr-f**. r>- ds srAslti'S syrz\zsy ^Tsf/iC resi-/sys,„- s's. /As 'S sTZsi/f. Si e r d^dted df Jfee f7Ssi*. sid.^,r,f d'sir. dss^hs.e dis.fjfdz.2) 7^ iff... fads.rs. cd7.fas-rr?fdsfair, ,7^d4z.sr/f] •ifarj i-rtd/^rrc, *¥^z dn tr> 'd'-^-'dif^^ isfdZ/y^s. Hr-s^J d\d, .1 te7 .d.'s^-ss^dsy^dcssl.te's^i -sfte 7 df >, ^, r^eZd is 1. 7sti,si.>f-Sr/S tr,-ene/ d. 7/7 dsi, dds-f, sd te's^yf * **i ^ fsr^ied'dy/ Ssi^f.-irter.^^. lO. fds/ s*i »s r sir /s,j£ SlSiSxZs, sr/.r ^W^ Zd. As-szs, s'* s> e^.ei.-, f-i* vf f*.\/dcZ /si., teds?.. dd, t-J.fz.-sSj.vte) 7?s>fa 7'fairr .,' s,s*/ , ¦v d,e 7-s,hsZr sr /ff dsdi:-... . TZoa, i^,/,efif£. tdxzz. Zf^d&fte^.s^teszzf. s^ sSffte/fasz-^rs^y, sf/dt.d./fae-fs.r^ ,rf ds d^ dtee-zf si -dSs-j^j. ,- ft/ sXz.f dssisr 4s.de te**, - ^-ssr^. 7.; l,cssz fasi-syCifs nd ,fs7o./e sfddc , '*, />" .,,.-., ,: a...A/i/(-..''',f;-/(„hj/„^ ft- yfazS er -f -ste.^. d.-/J,,/y'te',fe:d.< sf.. 'dOss..sd sited sJf'dfafS-s.-t ZKsfesi^ffs^-,-. sK^ff-M-ie faes, ~e<-- -i,e s, ,-, dteS.Ss;* s-s,Si s.sZ-f,AdAs- A> Stsfssf^ff, e7 sr/.'idz.S fSs^- ds.deed dtf „ / ' ds ,f ten.^--*, . f- esid-.te^s7es>-rre » dd^^.yz.sf e-^ s-s. , d^s, 7 .dsy-s, . 7'rszsie.^e d/ e ff "/ts-zfa df sn f-tefa.^- df 'ds 7* /..f -isifirr s-.f'dd;i.7s,;te7te~t Zi'C Azr 'Zi e '. .yss-r-*e- d/yJfi sis? ZC . ,* s e >. u.}-< x-^i 7*s -!* s*Ss, f 'ff ess\~s- -S srr sC -.., -~, V , . ^ . ' tejy../ *Va*//i yr,-,-.> * f y.*-, -..:-..' fs: , xi .'Zssf~sSfsf* si- \,tdc.sn d. dSs, ,/ dS f. y/df . e s.7 {Aisi^e - f/'esded /.^syfi sb-si d /*. z, s. ^ srs. ?^fr Zss.- ^ AlC ate d 7t>e.fa 7ri df: 7c- ze,iss df i A. si de , SJn ,\ d . /. ''tin o.^ ' f lie si-7. Z. j-s. .zyr -V yf/nr^- dz> fr £f»t dd. '.- sfe>s.sZ e^Z-si-ss X*, ,' iff. fjdtftz OS 44 A Diarist-The Holy Club ftcs/rsi-dAiy yd sda-sStt O/fe-r elf si/*. a/s(Ls> £fx,syx-^ /o s-x-fsi fs si. j^ r a fissiffif jy.- ytefffi.j^esfy-T, /y>cfaydsi.s-e-f/l7te Asd//ffa>Ajdi' ,***, vf-'^ ,, dfafe yf£/tefr xCf SfaSrzZs d^r.ztsfa a J/"A r ; St£* ddZre-sf d.Zsr,dd/ fh*des fr/--.r, r^cf^irs) ¦ yZi.^t.s* ^ Asty.s. si.? a . dtrj'jh. de y- *r ^/ft *^_ jf^y- dsdi di^y'f "-^sfsisi- *"*, *f /en*^.sd., dc fy^siZfy, d/,^*d df Sefi* K? , lAidy , y .¦*tec df te At' Zlsy.,7, .i^ SsX.siSl dr, diesf. e-fie, Ay' Tc* fafat.ZzcZ f 1. C {ZzsCfis -dCfe^-f • — ' d/dd^'e s-.jf.ftes./if-ec* s,*/fzZ*.yS/Z, s£s,a*s a f 4 / Zfs^-Sx Sls,'/fd H/*fa A^ df f'7 ^ZAz-e dA-A^e-. s^ , 'si? yd sdr?, e rdi: CsssssxSy .Iss&re-s.. .fate . /? dtztte Afsdsde a -,f? .'¦dcrzi df, iVajv* Azy* s^osT^a yi^fts;,, _ '* id tes I'^-faz ffadif de Si. zSoTc sie, i±i err/ 7tsr>e ^zt'- Ss:*r* ^>ra^c^/ xA, ^ msy-rsisdi^ ZHsO^yL Sp fiocfX.; tfatefa^n fdsr. ^lecZl sdsdte a/ ds 's^sfS ets*ysd Adte AsiAfA Sniz. -A #At dzTiAfsd^e idr*: te- r^^-7ed srt dsde^et- dfeSsrtedtxdis'Zsddiy »^£ sfs^j te/doi'drA,^f^s:sdfi.S dt'.T/.'zoi tde te*z^.dr.syz d7si.si d., Sy . '7*y yZrsfdte zis?, 'dsiZi, ~, S3r~fdif £ssh* f^ ^G^xt r 02st*si'i*L& \rf ^&jsj^^^J£j^Jid' £s jtP/^^£.J>~7>s\fa4r »j£is, *?"& &%'*%>¦ $f4/*> fjsAif^ A-*y!r\ /***•.. Zc'ftrrtr 45 THE OUTBREAK OF OPPOSITION In his Introduction to the Journal Wesley describes the rise of the Holy Club, He quotes letters from his father, showing the great interest he took in the movement. The first paragraph in the letter now reproduced should be read in this connexion, The second paragraph touches gently and with fine charity the beginning of opposition, illustrating that sense of humour which so often helped Wesley in the perse cutions of his after-life, It recalls the fact that at this time he was not only Greek Lecturer, but also " Moderator of the Classes.' Canon Overton says ; ' The duty of the Moderator of the Classes was to sit in the college hall, and preside over the " Disputations " which were held at Lincoln College every day in the week except Sundays. ¦ . . The plan was this s A thesis was proposed ; the dis putants argued on one side or the other; the moderator had to listen to the arguments, and then to decide with whom the victory lay. " I could not avoid," says Wesley, " acquiring thereby some degree of expertness in arguing, and especially in discovering and pointing out well covered and plausible fallacies. I have since found abundant reason to praise God for giving me this honest art." ' 46 The Outbreak of Opposition > -,sz. tp- -Z ZzScztz s~/ .rz/Z?zr fa,. iss c Zit/Z. ri. ,h*s ,f, 4/fzis z^is r ^Vi^^/T £fisi *. ds / m- f. -. ifa/h-C-d r d 'c^/di/A TJ Tlfae-itez ffa^rsd.^Z-xsd lie- t^ZZCAoteiAdr, tf'te . ¦ d ltfA,ir.r!Z Ai/ iA~/c £, /dsttds^T jtjus dd fa^Ttefadzte SUss-d^ stS. 7/zs. I sfaifOe^dZyfa-d'/sfafa.e^ i^-.Z^f/.--e fdfais-.erC^.^K dfffai -f 0/$£s-C»n- dc- Ajar (Ltd/fa s^iifa 7? /i^, ydjisfaseAisite. ^faf-, A^f\< fb ^ZX- ffidS^isi-y C 7A ^,S. dS tea. A ZS1A f f'-ZZ v/ltd* . -Z £'f~ ''.Si.^ fa frzi/i- ri+S'ds dtmAA^di'df*zrA..-c. ^ftezz if^n- I"- zdsd- sz-s. r- Sfade /ZsS. tetf - A* tdidesr sizars' {Z zm- a*^ A yfjifti- zZ^siir/L /i^fHaor*- ted &ZZ~-Six,^ Si-de, A.f d <=-* Izza/ da tfazi- atA- ezo-sn-sia*^!-*/ Site.'if . /zfao zzdhAztfafai A* »r}i2 £-C ^. fzfazJkds.A*. e- £ ^df'fazfZ jjg^aj^-. . frai fyA/i-Tsrz a7-a*-t "ZttrYo %z5rr-d£Lj£, ,d AsaAffz ZfV-rrdlrz^ *nza*rfo0ka7 /iy /%fitef\y%tti ii SXy ./.'e *\ sZe si te A/iz*is*ZrJ*^S A f^TA .fid. A. ^j* f Jd „ s s 1 'dd disuse ^^A/rz^^.d^^^^Jir^^s^^^t^z^ /fffif /fzyLArtLte tyt zfc^A**Sc-\77c ed gf/^-r-~ e *\ t jX »-&gy.^- ^l.^,./7 iWC<^B ¦ Vr ga fa jfzfU.' Zfi^, ard^,Jj /C &fafff-£ dte Z&2 d£sCarz<7am. 4^2^ •KadXk. a^r Asaft£m,ddXiA> rtsiZ\7i.%r^^teis2rata^Aiuiseffar^^sd2^/is-=^Si:^fa f/zXryafa^. ffad2t stis 7zj7f/.r*c^faZd /zUzri- Tiy^*, /£ /£.ffi sSt3*\-s£ .-i**., f2npa~/>*cs^r-', fdid d fas**, a/ z£as/acA s^Cfaf ^/^u sasizm-. /tOt*. .&, 4ftO»/^c*Ar J»ii^»'^^ /4xl^ dte^ydAS/arc .asff—iar aas AzrvrmJ&mff. *2- i/oeu^srr- &*&> sa-*e* df-Z^A-.A. sn-t, S*df A^a-A zfatt^ /tsi.'/^f zit^ S.&Z.OLS jzrfaiftzsltedtea f »»t.^ >¦ A<&£/iiw(^i srfr/ftt&oOi-alte^— Ji**-r~ \4~7rJt-fa £ft~*^/&M-- s\Ajsd/i*A ASzttefajfirii-eittetzJ', ^s^tidct^sz/Q 5n^!&c-i^zrj jPcaaz^a/, a^/2A^^darrH- ^ ' z£*-e, tte 47 The Outbreak of Opposition ZSsfaZZT- d fzzsa^r " ,-c AsddA /Was -fffda. dzte- z-A.Z^-A-a7a77Ate snsdzyxAz/d- flsfL-yx, ifcsasi ^/fiTCr tysrdt //'ft- svtde \s£^~0'OAf' SlC ttds^dz /zsi. ^ff /A $z^i. ddfi i/JaA-AG Af /tei-Z£tAr, yA aHaA Tftlte te"^, '*^Y fad" "' Aa/ Ao^sC A-rfzascaidate ftZeSn-, zu-zy-terd dy y4aa/ sr?-T^A-ZffiA-o sVZazsSfcsy- szA szzT. ' fxeffV 7A*d/ TZcayZ yte/t/Z. A-sdZZZdyZh. ys tsCa*y~S fZ ^trT^Oy-rdif zfadc. f l?& syz>Gf/*'A*rc'%yds^.,A.-f.syy7f4i-Z±.A*f sa-ds*. sas/^ aastthr??*- a* /^/GSazata* £'esr1&/, Saa/ '/daZ AL&msd -Gteds, Artsy* eszte7^9 /$*>//£¦ difafafj- tuAAfeffallazl, tef fa: ztfas A'Az^zr/f^/vs-^ £ smOr^/fdkfaiari-, AiS fZ-lzAJ-.sa^f^sU, ZzdrAsafAA PrAZfyy. Ate f7e*-A*sr-e. af /ZZAZOSz^tr yt zfOey^ffte dad AsZSas, :-ztfA-ZZ- ifTa-Ad /ZeJsffitez^sr-- az/fdjA- SrifdtdAA'-'At 7sXa f zzfdisasr SfafaA^-A- — l2sis. zr^Oz y/sC^s-AA-y ^fCLJy- 7. z 'ffi Aqa/^' ds*-/-exaf>i/t., c7-vc a-arz^r ' lb /te^^teAS tfisi. rvt^ zfa r^edt ltd ztflAtet- a*z-fa f&AA, fftz- Hsiz^/te Ja ^r aS ca-iz:j>^ tL Afa^yf $^£^ /a^s? Si£ffa drAatef'/i* /£i fHar?-i^ SfaiA. ZtfsdizdddiAA. A*~r yfart^/e^ny -JUidfaiidfa- {0ffdcs. \& AsddZtA' -S Aas*> AasS dr^s* £*,- te-A a*r ACaz t^dfai/zz-.. Aaa rfiazjijtf>ff Af-AA-md, lriz> AJ 7iA-ts*:^jtesyzsi. ddsii- 7Adz>i- m asdejU a^Zae^Zi. Cy^az-ff-ag, <£r*?c S^dfafazs/fiaJ^. Jtefafav ff^ff^r dteaif; itS/ArzplaezreJ lC V-azaQ eVfaz^A-tedte z*/, Aaria7S>L.s/J' aa a^lf A> ^fde-zsi. ria^d -d'c-f?7*^:A^/rr TdrraiZ-fazd/zia,, KfAsfais (',-fzyy. A/ffafj /te.t ltd- A-yS.'cfZA^. As. ms, J^Z-Adifafr^ TyszTT JL/AJL/afaddma s,zfffi /^^lAsfayf-aty/d^S-sated^z*- /Oaap af J^ayA^fz^, . J sfcQdd mrJf^^^^tefaADl^ JS&ZL,*^ As.dfa. id? /sfaaxfaieJ tetLd r-^z- J sfayfan tfr^ f^Ardsf y a ffLj-^J;- dteaa^A/affflc Ps^zfyrfJ/fsi^dtc/Lfr ^ ^^ff ^ j^f, tfaarraxartar- fSsdC ys^zs^y A-a'ziS Ayfakter fatsX/fazrifics^ c~2za-ei,d t^~ s*^ i 4S The Outbreak of Opposition tde- aAA./-tCs*>f-i-/ia^/i/ fAs.Sn.sy-S S^a-y- Aa d. -Za-de-yZ^ AC-Adj. ff Str-cm-d fay -/€ta-as-c A. SfW*-r£7-- sdc,.^ TteaA. ffrTri-Cfy'/a,. c7A.oS.Asts* tztefd^> &~7 crs »a^ay&G£^^d^4t^St^ y^ zfafzo- fartoay Zttezfa- AA-afr -o_ dzdAJAiSi azsy-f m/std ydu.fL.A'Aa, aadtey- a. zffa/*i~a^A^AfZ>-, a. AiaaAa, erA OCea^fri- aV«?r AvtW^/^/A Sidl/icjar- yPr^s^-yafaxd/xfaf dad. ^ttfXsdifa a^sdfaysyr^/^tey^ /& dias tasis-, fr/efafaar*. Sfi tz fafasaa, ytefi/i-f^Af ffo'r sPZao-o-A-A safteOLt^aa < /fatal Paaa, j&r *~d d&Aa \.OAAftea/ar. JtA/>^ fy ^ c Aa / orzar te^s-di fix. did zzx^aad tt/reszdiazfs^ n /2r - C^Tx— J?srte7!a- a/iSia' aisy. 49 THE JOURNAL The Diaries of the Oxford period are written in a cryptic longhand. This abbreviated system he continued to use until the summer of 1737. It was his brother Charles, writing from Boston, who forced him to learn Byrom's shorthand, so that the gossips of Savannah and Frederica might not be able to read their correspondence. In one of the Georgia volumes the two systems are found side by side. The accompanying shorthand pages have been selected from an immense number, because of the special interest attaching to them. The date of Wesley's 'conversion' is May 24, 1738. The pages here given cover the last ten days in the April of that year. Even to those who cannot read every word on the pages they will be intensely interesting, if only because of the references to Bohler and to Wesley's brother-in-law Hall and his sister Patty, at this time in Islington. The meaning of the shorthand, in brief, is that he rises between four and five, spends much time in private and public prayer, preaches, writes, rides, dines, takes tea, and converses incessantly with Bohler and others. It is disappointing to discover that the Diary comes to a sudden halt on April 30, 1738, and does not resume until Easter Eve, 1739, 5° Oxat- The Journal ./. 0tef: Sdr. Sj-35". iZr. Ortx. Zoa3a*.t-£z) JZ \/jiss*lss*z.i>Zfi-azys- om-tffe±-tJ •e*ssz*i cf id _ . , .' ff fd ¦f xZ OCrd ff Azzff- dzx-zzpA. . ^ ff r>fa aza'y-fhorte^^ id. cte^terx. (fa ' sfatearmz'tzs: d*. Asy~ atzo X. dftefs&T; $1 & i^s-iiiZ-*idz4~r, J^Bmz .Srtf f-ezza . fifafff- ndzdzio]- do r: /is-rzis^ tzdate/r — 'd> C, d rdra 73-jn- fafzn Tzfts^m. a>2. a*- -*-<_. o SZ ff. zfcrrrz^teZfj^. fa dPdyZy ^fa^Ad^ac*?^ X te fdeai&fir-iJo£e..&te. ff. rrfte tSsf^frzo^fasz^* (£> ^rfafteerz d&L r»^dird£ifa A> /Se. dry^^/ttejeao* \ ,' -¦ -r s*rd j- /~ te*-l -r ;9 ^z 55 f\fa.'s-'dtr^zz./-,fz zjcte' fs-eos^^-. e-a\7- n- ydxtez^ &- fa^cm-sizziizts, . 7* fa & ¦-[ 'rf^/o. zS '/? £ JakA A&. df - afar m . faiz77 r (^€^Xt. fArz~. •'.• 5^- cm sr -Z7 or, ite^-CsS^szsd z-m r7~ yd t rf df- zfarfz '-dd/rzfsfz^z-z . sf. fteTZdS-TaZKdZ- . tA- fafffrzaAi US' £f. faaTt/^ateia^rrr^O. 'ffa-/z r~* &yA JteZzaazftsazfr & . f3, 3 As ¦ /fad-*' te2 ¦ Dfaxa.-z- dsm d- Qf. zzZts. 2.rAt fdicsf7" 3. rfb-exZ-fh-i'dr-- ytTa 7d J^rdf^JtsyffrS £d- rt'tzs £ r^5teeza{te>Afy ffi. rf^ffzZ tAffdfrzs O. &. ru-mj, /x/^Csr-Srs z*r*-y*iz tT. 7^^. cy./fo '. 5* The Journal si < *. f\ % te H m-. s:. yid* J "hi te - k f ¦* ,y^' *i. r r> > . . I. 4 "J ^ j ^ - ,\u . ,-T^ V ^ 5 t r v« ¦ OsC" ,-h\- ¦ te \ v t. "f=- v^ V. cj> Si* Ci ' - 0~< x te f ^ * 'v ¦ I V-J f.-^ o r- ^ ci \j K *) 4 he c '- c_ f- _ -^ v^ -^ 'v5 -~v II : — ^ -'s — « !A~J nte^ V ^ s*y* ¦ V A ¦> , 'x- r- ^ ¦ - A V v> CI \A «J-* ^ * r ^te]J .- > V X' 52 The Journal '* '-\ 11 i i ¦ r n — i "-, S i; *m ~Z "' ' ' r» -J — -I, y. \ rv 3-" „«x 53 FIELD^PREACHING On Saturday, March 31, in the year 1739, Wesley met Whitefield in Bristol. The two friends discussed * field- preaching.' On Sunday, April 1, Whitefield preached on Hannam Mount, near Kingswood. On Monday he was at Thornbury " playing the madman,' preaching on a table in the street. The next day he wrote this famous letter. Meantime, what happened to Wesley ? On Saturday Wesley is troubled about this new way. ' I should have thought the saving of souls almost a sin, if it had not been done in a church.' On Sunday he expounds our Lord's Sermon on the Mount — 'one pretty remarkable precedent of field-preaching.' On Monday, at four in the afternoon, he too plays the madman, or, to use his own memorable words, ' I submitted to be more vile, and proclaimed in the highways the glad tidings of salvation, speaking from a little eminence, in a ground adjoining to the city, to about three thousand people.' Two days later three women agreed to meet together. This letter is more ragged than any other document in the collection. It marks the beginning of Field-preaching, of the Evangelical Revival, and of Methodism. 54 Field=Preaching / y <> r , t df/ r o, s . dda / 7 / LOff &fC zfazTzdrze.-: '/ U ..'. CdA frtte-r-ffac^d ffay /d-Cctrdf/f,- d d/ 7 te. - fsft ,. m STtei^te rz Af/ r/sf-^- o- r.j -_ J f dt "/Adzdz/ --fcm-f^ ^ i- c f t^'j - '/tU^f fZdffte- dt /aCa fa iffsre . /frt\, z fa' 7 ¦ • f /A C fj.S' AteLA-r SA7-: ft/ /Ad- fid ft-'/ 7e ,y'/ff/-d-d'' >a d"' teacz-te A dAs ¦¦¦ ffAdM ' /tsAted rtfr^fr cf/ dAi A-t'd . ddr -d-. A x ' n / / V , /¦.ifadydc'\ ft r?d fdiec'AfA td "/: 'fte/diV'- f 7 '- .' ._,-..''¦ f/.'t fd^d /.Aft/A J..' //utdd' d/f /fzds'Clm fa ^faL/i't c dyu Ao'-'fay'ttts'Jff 55 Field=Preaching fas fa , d . fsfaicffa fdtete' urru f-(yc,f.-'.zfa /W--W1* •d . - ,, ¦ , if yy-ti YLdfa-f.t /AC 'AxV/:-/^ '> /CrJ ' • d fa '<'** & -, tezzd. s.f.mf// ffrtf- off " " A . a d' , ^Al-CfteA ''d-CC fa'' fd-CCA^ Arzz r iCff , a , / -d-A A7 _!¦ 'ddc/ f. .- As A7 rr /-im. fer /fax/ /fat. te t\ zU fa / '' 56 THE EVANGELICAL REVIVAL In 1739 the Diary is resumed. The published extract from the Journal shows how the long interval was filled. Within a month after his conversion Wesley made the memorable journey to Germany in company with Moravian friends. Returning, he forthwith began to pro claim, with a power to which aforetime he had been a stranger, the glad tidings, The two pages of the Diary — which, according to our translation, were written on Thursday, April 25, at one o'clock, immediately before dinner — bear upon their face the signs of the activity and gladness, not without conflict, of this ever-memorable Easter-tide. The whole volume, of which this is but an example, recalls the Pentecostal record ; * And they, con tinuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added daily to the church such as were being saved.' In both cases persecution arose, and there were " signs following.' Many of the phenomena were beyond human comprehension. They intensified the public excitement, and not infrequently added to the embarrassments of Wesley and his friends. The most unlikely persons 57 The Evangelical Revival succumbed to the preternatural influence that for a time prevailed in all the services. Strong sceptics went to scoff or criticise, and themselves roared in the disquietude of their spirits. The Journal at this point is full of extra ordinary stories of people sore vexed and lunatic, of answers to prayer, of dreams and visions. Sober-minded persons were scandalised ; even Whitefield protested. A leader weaker than Wesley, with a mother advising less sensible and far-sighted, would have been overwhelmed. But notwithstanding his predisposition towards the super natural, Wesley never lost his mental balance. One fact that helped him was his recognition of the analogy between the days through which he was passing and the Pentecostal times. In the inevitable reaction against ' enthusiasm ' it saved him from losing his faith. The Shorthand Diary belonging to this special period, of which a single specimen is given, is fairly complete. lis peculiar interest is that in many cases it will enable us to give the names in full of persons only vaguely indicated in the printed Journal. 58 The Evangelical Revival "-W $ite n NJi v-^ V>=: ' £&... -- ¦ ¦ — iri i i ™ V\ * s § x v 5 SS5 ¦fa*, a. »\ .1 ¦z- xf 7A*>X*. ^ k- '/ A cv "^ "". ^ ^ * ,v>-^ ^ w ^ j X v NN i '° ^ M< *¦ ; ^ fc «i'-'l., ¦V '' >! M \'> Si *>T'\'^' te ^ J -I Ij *V d> >. J> Si, >J n"- ; J -h. -Si ¦^ i - rK i** *> \ > V . , , rT,, f rv- >dfaA>^A y^= 59 HIS MOTHER We may imagine the joy of Susanna Wesley when she heard what God was doing through her ' dear Jacky.' From the moment of his rescue out of the burning rectory she had regarded him as saved for a great purpose. How often must she have recalled the long past ! In her possession at this very time was the letter she wrote to her husband when he was lodging at Mrs. Farmery's, in St. Margaret's Churchyard, Westminster. That letter tells the story of an evangelistic adventure which befell herself in 1711, when Jacky was eight years old. Her husband, away from home for months at a stretch, as member for his province of Convocation, left the parish to a curate who could not preach. What Susanna Wesley did this letter describes. The letter is well known; now, however, for the first time, it may be seen as it was when John gathered his mother's papers together, carefully endorsing each, — a letter stained with tears, many times read, a brave woman's defence of a course appallingly irregular, but which now shines out as the first step forward in that great Evangelical Revival, one outcome of which, and by no means the only one, was the creation of the Methodist Societies. 60 His Mother 7~~\ Oeo^rezr! r /,,,-Qwy; /ia« Ort< o v^. /-,„, /W//m//(«j .'.Vi'< y'//' t ">.-.' •('. V.* '7^,..,« uoana.f /«,/- t-oA-n/uAr. ftz.-.f tyd.y h ixkiUfyx •- fi-r ff/Aofu./ h> fte-t Zc-rx idt.x tc Ccrn/ir'tr '(•'fi-n -uina. 'u>i< hi <• )>\n/frr ff fi,tA qzi'.h tfrt\Aof/u.-zfU4.. <-. y ' f- Jt ' .Ji\ Juifj no fiymi tyju-jy yC/a-lfy n»V ^,,,^,,,/y, (''*ryft A y''J:falzlr..f>d-, h'fafar f U CI li^tiix ¦{:,„ ,'h „.,., f^fff Cfa fAte-s >lA jf '¦' ji>irm4d On If fAa. -ftnuhf (fo.„,n%,j Af i or -X df- ff1- tii->7t of ff/lcte/Aj to {\ ,,,*" i/on Jo vizy fn/fff fi.fl/t rtn fa, tzvyh d -)» ,,. cii /tzr n-tztfa) a./ /to/ft fit* hU uriy nxl fak.cn*. a fh / WC* jii.zf.ajil ijz-df ;><«i/-3 .,,"//- n/ ynutfi n) ute te , M-.y fit-id fori'} , A* efftrr^n.fl,Aim/Hi-/fal."f sft/ffd. f'yy/y- ,j n I A Cj fly, A-tar izf tncm ll'] ') /',- f-^zr-ui " r.i-r fttiih'fMf of ' yyf" Jfni>mi\ i) fA (A. if A ho rfkr , i , , -/.. .. .. . ZZ Z . , . ) A zz '.. I . id. /. . : rr . . dz s-.jz. z) ayfa A fdil'7/ IAt./l,,,<<~fzjd?-tr.yi>ftkjd V fti-fuSl z,,,.y (,\ It 2 'fa f\ dc-lllinh Tlu-frn. ,1/ iv fiyy,r/r, ' .yf if fi y" Ait rty-ni Ht., o-fai ti'iiYht^ tii., a;i.' Al. cfter fit/l ,11 i^-yaAt, lnli-1 ifa f\ fi ' i\li/nf-- ffArrd. dlnh .1-1 A„>- ,10 f'nfti-if/ fy'tf,iC7~ A«.J n*"/ crnzt fir/rrt /., 1?? CrnJ- yynrri nut1' it /-a rn 1 ¦ tr-ni>- nr^ ize, rfsfr (athu'ei if/0 tji ' --.-¦,.-'¦¦ frU>J 'atA '" fnc-Ht lit sfffi^r-zcr^ft' fmhir r< ct htef .\>% .», fafo^iry. Vii) 7tn//y ruCy/^-fatr drU , nA z/ri-i. /"if isc *'6&y/r-iy, /s/nf' tc /As- Aiyr/ic'/l, A^"A//i/nirt -id\. f%itxa fho-l frre.ya/i/- TnOrX fitffifi f-C fAu-r'A j* (vir a.y,ii fffa^f/f etc- ?h id /Ar rr d A'>nt ¦ Jl>< -u.fi n^ fo fan''-*- dtrfiH it, 0,- Z-r* t\h fzyfixi-ry! fin-til, ysAira.( yion.' n*< /fmrt Zyi./>i-tz*\i\. , ¦2. <^ "l rnori iin {i\r c^mz. fcftrri. tc nta/y fftxmtK-n. v.. /A jn.rrtd.ncj- fitfift) f/t. isn-ffzy-nr/irUniWna cn\ tfU. Jlftrrffifitrf. iff) I' fyd HrrAtrfxHAa-l Hcn< a if. 1 fl if v$ I (zrneifia/nf hAi. ¦nuKil c-t ./*-/ fi^fa hrnsg.,9 u.f, ,,L/s>nufA. Iff jvt ?,££ 61 His Mother ".'*r,^ l" ;-"v *..«* h' Tit fixite'y Cftrc,' ftnrA'*' 7-to.fpn A fx/yiA fz-r A At So V ', ^f '.f'"*- m- tfftr ,,.0-y of /.y-ninrjinq fid A /Ail terfift ,' <*¦ A Jinrfor- la-Ueurf fioffiffr io ftizn k*J~ar»Q fr-fiJt, far & taiAff A*** f*n y+rtUz*. djifurjiAhj of iifizyu /Al az-ca.ft/f .'"'i .nofrit^r CAzifahj ?>,/ (AatfjL fo trCdr fAlji * Jem. '¦/iizi.ifal lid'* iTttu -feDoni c'z-int to CfauriA >«.«.' qc foziffo-idfl I fir/m /ff fa./ nA fin /&n dfn) 7 f >t ruitJ irz\ ft' c,o yzfa' A*- rt/r- fl '.' fy % r''71'" A M(L ifoix. if fsnttqi^ziAif. if tjovc eJ-cfiyniiu. H> fi\h dn /nf fo trxir. 7f Htfvn a ^mfat*. ruei./ cal if'jd ft&ff^j; >¦* ytefh^'niT'dfa^f^W^^iy c,f* i-i ,i- mn, ninx m.rr\, ;ir ,<./,- /Ar-// ur crm frrrn , ffU. frmu- -trie cf /A<. V'r"r'»- >-X^r"./ if ffa) ft (rnAriuA fall '¦ Mr 7-lfu/ IUia}< qfad fy ]lh fame fo fa (Acihfll ffA /<*.;// lia'f ftCy 711*1/ fan Ckyfa ?iC,\. 7/ .jTTif' I (jf ik/p. CO affrail /X"»;v4 frfv diffrfz^t fAi] ''tmfffz fr A ffai }¦>¦"¦ din/ tnor*. »V" 1 .. .., ...... iff" i/rzi dcfirt frU f0 Tfb it f .far A nn^- A fAilfat mu fcn/< <(necL/fru.f-f(nd a^*- d)r ho-fi'ifa'di Cfammcxte infjuti cuQ fxfrff/ fftrmt Hfixrx-nh TrtiX dffaf A^hii rf Cr^Tf A^ 7i^r£fyn Cry*™, tfuh fat-AfaM * *"* < X^^J S*+i fffa-y ^ef%Acf *J fyt T1^ * C^j 63 FRINTED BY HAZELL, WATSON AND VINEY, LD. LONDON AND AYLESBURY