CONVERTS TO ROME TL'RiA^.? 7:riE XIX-?¥ ¦CENTU'Ey'.'- \\ . O V- i YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY From the COLLECTION OF OXFORD BOOKS made by FALCONER MADAN Bodlcy's Librarian CONVERTS TO ROME. A LIST OF OVER THREE THOUSAND PROTESTANTS WHO HAVE BECOME ROMAN CATHOLICS SIKCE THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. compiled bt W. GORDON" 9;0IIMAN, Editoi- of the Uoo last Editions of " Rome's Recruits.^ LONDON: W. SWAlSr SONNENSCHEIN AND CO., PATERNOSTER SQUARE. PEEFACE In compliance -^-ith a general desire this, the fifth edition of " Rome's Recruits," has been issued, and the title changed at the request of some of the most eminent gentlemen -whose names appear in the lists. It -will be unnecessary for me to comment on the leading features of this edition ; but I cannot help expressing the belief that " Converts to Rome " is as accurate and as interesting as it can possibly be made. It may astonish some to kno-w that this -work contains more than one thousand names -which did not appear in the fourth edition. The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone's suggestions as to the arrangement of the names have been carefully followed. It has been a cause of considerable surprise to me to be the recipient of evidence "which so clearly demonstrates the growth of Catholicity in Protestant countries. Thus, in a letter that I received some time back, a prelate of the highest rank in S"weden informed me that a considerable number of dis] tinguished men of the Scandina-vian Peninsula had joined, or "were probably going to join, the Church of Rome ; but their names do not appear here for fear of persecution. Again, a recent convert, formerly English chaplain of one of our West Indian Islands, has acquainted me -with the fact that in, Jamaica three hundred Protestants were received into the Catholic Church in the year 1880. Professor Walcker, of Leipzig University, has lately pub lished a work in which he states that every princely house in Germany has contributed its " Recruits to Rome." I have had numerous communications of a .similar nature from America, India, and Australia ; and I must not forget to 4 PREFACE. acknowledge the kind and courteous letters of encouragement which have reached me from the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, the late Cardinal Archbishop of Malines, Monsigneur Freppel, and from other distinguished prelates at home and abroad. I am informed that at several churches in London the number of converts annually received exceeds six hundred. It has been thought by some that two deceased members of the Royal Family had become Catholics before their death; but on the authority of Sir Henry Ponsonby., K.C.B., I have to state that their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Kent and the Duke of Sussex died members of the Church of England. I must here tender my sincerest thanks to Edward Legge, Esq., late editor of the Wliiteliall Review, for kindly aUowing me to make use of his pamphlet in compiling my work. I have great cause to be grateful to E. G. Kirwan Bro-wne, Esq., author of " Annals of the Tractarian Movement," for his valuable suggestions. My best acknowledgments are also due to those gentlemen (clerical and lay) at home and abroad who have so generously given me their assistance in my arduous task. I would add, in conclusion, that additions and corrections, with dates of conversion, should be sent to me directed : W. GORDON-GORMAlSr, c/o Messes. W. SWAN SONNENSCHEIN and Co., Paterkostee S(,iuare, Loxdok. CONVEETS TO BOME. THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY. The late Duke of Leeds (Francis, seventh), who sat in the Commons as Marquis of Carmarthen. The Marquis of Bute, Christ Church, Oxen, K.T, ; Knight Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre ; and KJnight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great. (1869.) The Marquis of Ripon, K,G,, P,C. ; ex-Grand Master of Freemasons ; chairman of the Catholic Poor- School Committee ; formerly Lord President of Council ; now Governor-General of India. (1874.) The Earl of Abingdon, Lieut enant-Colonel of the Berkshire Mditia. (1858.) - The E arl of Ashbumham, Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Pius. (1872.) The late Earl of Buchan. The late Edward, Earl of Castle Stuart. (1834.) The Earl of Denbigh, Count of the Holy Roman Empire ; Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Pius ; Vice-President of the Aged Poor Society. (1850.) The late Earl of Dunraven. (1855.) The late Charles George Noel, Earl of Gainsborough, Knight of the Order of Christ ; Lord- Lieutenant and Custos Rotu- lorum of Rutlandshire. (1851.) The Earl of Granard, K,P,, Knight and President in Great Britain and Ireland of the Order of Malta; Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Gregory theGreat ; Lieutenant- Colonel of the Westmeath Rifles ; and President of the Catholic Union of Ireland. (1869.) The Earl of Orford, The late Earl of Roscommon. (1850.) Viscount Bury (Lord Ashford), P,C,, F,R,G,S,; Knight Com mander of St. Michael and St. George ; late Under-Secretary of State for War (during the late Lord Beaconsfield's administration) ; Lieutenant- Colonel 12th Middlesex R,V,C, ; eldest son of the Earl of Albemarle. (1879.) Lord Beaumont (17th Lancers), Kiiight Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre, and Knight of Malta. (1869.) Lord Bennett, of the Rifle Brigade, second son of the Earl of Tankerville. Lord Braye, J,P. and D.L. ; Knight of Malta. (1870.) 6 CONVEETS TO EOME. Lord Courtenay, J.P, and D,L, for Devonshire, of Christ Church, Oxford, eldest son of the Earl of Devon ; formerly M,P, for Exeter and East Devonshire. (1870.) Lord Archibald Douglas, son of the seventh Marquis of Queensberry ; a priest ; di rector of St, Vincent's Home for Boys, Harrow Road, Lon don, W, ; and Chaplain of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Lord Emly, P,0,, M,A. of Oriel College, Oxford ; Lord- Lieutenant of Co, Limerick ; some time Postmaster-General during Mr, Gladstone's Ad ministration, The late Lord Holland (Henry Edward Pox), (1850,) The late Lord Howden, G,C,B. (better known as General J. Caradoc), The late Lord Huntingtower, Lord Nigel Kennedy, brother of the Marquis of Ailsa. (1850,) Lord A, Gilbert Kennedy, ditto, (1850.) The late Rev. Lord Henry Francis Kerr, M,A, of St. John's College, Cambridge ; son of 6th Marquis of Lothian ; rector of Dittisham ; and J.P. for Devonshire. (1852.) Lord John Kerr. (1852,) Lord Ralph Kerr, son of 7th Marquis of Lothian, and Colonel 10th Hussars, (1853,) Lord Walter Talbot Kerr, R,N,, ditto, (1853,) Lord Alexander Gordon Lennox, son of 5th Duke of Richmond and Gordon, (1878,) Lord North (William Henry), grandson of the 3rd Earl of Guilford, and son of the late Baroness North, Rev, Lord Francis Godolphin Osborne, M, A,, Cambridge, son of the 8th Duke of Leeds, rector of Elm, Frome, (1877,) Rev, Lord Charles Thynne,M,A. of Christ Church, Oxford ; rector of Kingston Deverell ; canon of Canterbury ; and son of 2nd Marquis of Bath. (1852,) Rev. Comte de la Felde, -vicar of Tortington, Chichester. (1854.) BaronC. A, de Cosson,F.R,G.S,, of Pycroft, Chertsey. (1877.) Count Kearney, Rev. Sir John Croker Barrow, Bart,, M,A, of University Col lege, Oxford ; now a barrister- at-law, (1859,) The late Sir Arthur Blenner- hassett, Bart. Thelate SirGeorgeBowyer,Bart., D, C . L, Oxford ; Knight of the Order of St, John of Jeru salem ; Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St, Gregory the Great ; Knight-Commander of the Order of Pius ; President of the League of St, Sebastian ; Vice-President of the Aged Poor Society ; late M,P. for Co, Wexford ; and a barrister- at-law, (1850,) Sir John Valentine Bradstreet, Bart,, President of the Dubhn Council of the Society of St, Vincent de Paul, (1855,) Sir Gilbert Edward Campbell, Bart., Knight - Commander of the Orders of Isabella the Cathohc and Charles HX of Spain, and of the Holy Sepulchre. Thelate Sir Lucius Curtis, Bart., of Gatcombe, Hants. (1848.) Sir Charles d'Albiac, Sir Charles Compton William Domvile, Bart, Sir Charles Douglas, K,C,M,G. ; THB NOBILITY AND GENTRY. M.A. Cambridge ; formerly M.P. for Warwick and Ban bury ; Vice-President of the Aged Poor Society ; author of " Long Reaistajice and Ultimate Conversion." Sir William Percival Heathcote, Bart,, of Hursley. Sir Charles Archabald Keppel Macdonald, Bart. Rev. Sir Paul Molesworth, Bart., M,A. Trinity College, Cam bridge ; rector of 'Tetcott, Devon ; Vice-President of the Aged Poor Society. (1852.) The late Sir Richard Hungerf ord Pollen, Bart. Sir Joseph Percival Pickford RadcUffie, Bart. The late Sir Arthur Rumbold, Bart. The late Sir John Simeon, Bart., M.A. Christ Church, Oxford ; J.P. for Southampton ; and M.P. for Isle of Wight. (1851.) Sir Andrew Smith, KC.B. The late Sir WUliam Stewart, Bart., of Murthley. The late Sir John Sutton, Bart., of Jesus College, Cambridge. Sir J, Talbot, Bart. (1848.) Sir Leofric Temple. Sir Vere Francis de Vere, Bart. (1851.) Sir Francis Vincent, Bart. The late Sir Charles Wolseley, Bart., grandfather of the pre sent baronet. The late Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart. Hon. Arthur Browne, brother of Lord KUmaine, (1881.) Hon. Mr. Dillon, late of the Home OflSce. Hon. Aubrey Fitzclarence, son of the Earl of Mimster. (188L) Hon. Ashley Carr Glynn, M.A. University CoUege, Oxford. Hon, and Rev, William Towry Law, M,A,, son of the 1st Lord EUenborough ; vicar of Harborne ; and Chancellor of the diocese of Bath and Wells. (1851.) Hon, Colin Lindsay, son of 24th Earl of Crawford and Bal- carres, ex-President of the Enghsh Church Union ; author of " De Ecclesiaet Cathedra," etc, Hon. Charles Horatio Nelson, son of the 3rd Earl Nelson. Hon. Thomas Nelson, 3rd son of Earl Nelson, of Keble College, Oxford. The late Hon, and Rev. George Spenser, M.A,, son of 2nd Earl Spenser K,G, ; chaplain to the late Dr. Blomfield, Bishop of London ; a Passion- ist priest. - Hon. and Rev, Algernon Stanley, M,A. Trinity College, Cam bridge, son of the late Lord Stanley of Alderley, Incum bent of Holy Cross, and St. Mary's, Soho ; a priest at St. James', Manchester Square, W. (1879.) Hon. Myles Stapleton, of the Coldstream Guards, brother of Lord Beaumont. (1880.) Hon, and Rev. George Talbot, M. A., Oxford, son erf 3rd Lord Talbot de Malahide, -vicar of Evercreech, Somersetshire ; a priest, now residing at Paris. (1843.) Hon, GUbert Chetwynd Talbot, D,D,,M,A, of Balliol College, Oxford, SOE. of 2nd Earl of Talbot, and uncle to the pre sent Earl of Shrewsbury ; a priest, monsignor, and canon of Westminster, Hon, G, Vaughan, Hon, W, Wyndham, brother-in- law of the Earl of Mayo, CONVEETS TO HOME. Frederick I. Antrobus, formerly attache at Paris, son of the baronet, a priest of the Oratory, Brompton, S,W. ; and author of "The Excel lencies of the Congregation of the Oratory," etc, Henry Ridgard Bagshawe, Q,C, ; B,A, of Trinity College, Cambridge ; County Court Judge ; son of the late Sir W, Chambers Bagshawe, and father of the Eight Rev, Dr, Bagshawe, Bishop of North ampton, John Bethell, brother of Lord Westbury, George Berney, son of Sir J, Bemey, Bart, A, Blunden, son of Sir D, Blunden, Bart, Arthur BovUl, nephew of Lord Justice BovUl, William J, Bowden, a priest of the Oratory, Charles Henry Bowden, ditto, John Edward Bowden, ditto ; author of "Memoirs of the late Rev, F, W, Faber, D,D,, M,A,, Oxon," Lewin Bowring, C,B,, son of Sir J, Bowring, Bengal C,S,, Private Secretary to the late Lord Canning, F, Orlando Bridgeman, of the Earl of Bradford's family, George E, Clerk, brother of Sir Douglas Clerk, Bart,, of Penicuik, Swinburne Berkeley, son of the Hon, Grantley Berkeley, Anthony Cope, son of Sir W, Cope, Bart, Frederic Smith-Dodsworth, son of Sir C, Smith-Dodsworth, Bart, Richard Hay Drummond, of Hawthornden, son of the late Sir H, Drummond, Bart,, and descendant of the poet. LesterDrummond,sonof Maurice and the Hon, Mrs, Drummond. Charles Fitz-Gibbon, son of the Hon, Gerald and Lady Louisa Fitz-Gibbon. Augustus Fitz-Gibbon, ditto. John Fitz-Gibbon, ditto, Valentine Fitz-Gibbon, ditto. Louis Fitz-Gibbon, ditto, Richard Fitz-Patrick, brother of Lord Castletown, Hugh Gladstone, cousin of the Eight Hon, W, E, Gladstone, M,P,, now studying at Rome for the priesthood, G, R, Gordon, of Ellon Castle, Aberdeenshire, grandson of the late Earl of Aberdeen, Henry J, Karslake, brother of the late Sir John Karslake, Q,C, ; sometime Attomey- General ; a priest and in spector of Schools in the Arch Diocese of Westmin ster, Charles J, Karslake, ditto, a Jesuit at The Sacred Heart, Accrington. Henry Schomberg Kerr, son of the late Eev, Lord Henry Kerr, a Jesuit and Army Chaplain at Cyprus, William Kerr, ditto, a Jesuit at the Church of St, Stanis laus, Roehampton, S,W, J, Kirwan, nephew of the late Lord Netterville, and a landed proprietor in Counties Clare, Longford, and Galway, (1852,) Alfred Lambart, grandson of the late Earl of Cavan, John Cathcart Lees, brother of the late Rev, Sir Harcourt Lees, Bart,, of Dublin, Edward Legge, nephew of the Earl of Dartmouth, now studying at Eome for the priesthood, (1879,) Francis Moreton, eldest son of Captain the Hon, Percy More- THE NOBILITY AND GENTEY. ton, and grandson of the 1st Earl of Ducie, John Murray, eldest son of Sir John Murray, Bart,, of PhUiphaugh, C. Norton, son of the Hon, G. Norton, and nephew of Lord Grantley, Edmund Peel, nephew of Sir Lawrence Peel, Bart. WUham Peel, ditto. Thomas Rawlinson, M,A,, bro ther of Sir Henry Rawlinson, President of the Royal Geo graphical Society, F. G, Santi, grandson of General Sir H, F, Da-vie, Bart. G, GUbert Scott, F.S.A,, son of the late Sir GUbert Scott, (1880,) Arthur John SheUey, nephew of the late Sir John SheUey, Bart,, M,P, for Westminster. William Henry Simmonds, son of Colonel Simmonds, and grandson of Sir Eobert Gra ham, Bart, Robert Simmonds, ditto, Henry Wolseley, brother of the late Sir Charles Wolseley (8th Baronet). Arthur A'Beckett, GUbert A'Beckett. The late Edwin Abraham, of the Record Office, uncle of the Rev. Augustus P. Bethel, a priest and rector of the Holy Child and St. Anthony of Padua, Anerley, SJl. (1849.) J. Ainsworth, of Denbigh. Albert Altee, son of Falconer Altee. Henry Alban Arden, a Domi nican priest at St. Dominic's Priory, Haverstock HUl, N.W. (1850.) W. P. Ark-wright, of Sutton Scarsdale, Chesterfield, (1881,) Herbert Arnold-Morris, artist. (1876.) The late Joseph Atkinson, a priest of the Order of Charity at St. Etheldreda's, Holborn, B.C. Mr, Aston, The Oaklands, Edg baston, Birmingham. D. Auchinleek, of Newhaven House, Edinburgh. A. Ayer-Carr, of Heslington, Yorkshire. (1880.) Francis Bacon, formerly lay- worker at St, Peter's, London Docks ; a Jesuit and pro fessor at St, Aloysius' CoUege, Glasgow, N,B. WUliam J, Baigent, a priest at the Cathedral, Nottingham. (1872.) Edward Bernard Baker, of Mid- ford. (1840.) Alexander Barclay. WiUiam Barnes, of Cottles, Wilts. (1864.) Clement Barraud, a Jesuit. J. H, Bartlett, a Dominican priest, at St, Dominic's Priory, Haverstock HiU, N,W, W, BasUck, of Exeter. J. Baxter, of Oxford. George Beardmore. John Bennett (married a Tich- borne), Edward Augustus G, Benyon, Lewis Berger, of Homerton. (1881.) J, R, Beste. John BetheU. (1850.) Henry Charles Bethell, Henry Bethell, Charles M, BetheU, Robert Victor BetheU, J, P, Biddulph, Joseph GilUs Biggar, M,P, for Co. Cavan. (1876.) James Francis Wedderburn Bisshop, of Bramdean House, Hants. Philip G. Crosbie Bisshop, Ed-win Blake, of Birmingham. Pierce Blake. (1842.) 10 CONVEETS TO EOME. J, Blake, of Galway, (1845,) The late WiUiam Bond, of St, Maugan, CornwaU, -with his four sons (all priests) and four daughters (all nuns), James J, Bond, son of the above, a priest and rector of Our Blessed Lady and St, Thomas of Canterbury, Dudley. Vincent Bond, ditto, a Jesuit at the Church of St. Ignatius, Preston. W, P, Bond, ditto, a priest (retired). H. Bosanquet. (1843.) Arthur Reid Bostook, coroner for West Sussex, (1882,) Essex Digby Boycott, J, F, Boyd, Henry C, Bradling, George Bradshawe, (1871,) F, Bray (Father Dunstan), of Nor"wich Monastery, and Father Ignatius (Mr, Lyne), (1879,) Mr, Brewer, E, C, Brice, of Bridgewater, C, J, Bridgett, James Britten, F,L,S,, of the British Museum, Alan H, Brodrick, Henry Brown, of the East India Company's Service, Frederick Bro'wn, ditto. Algernon Brown, son of Dr. Brown, of Brighton. James Brown, LL.D. Joseph M, Browne, grandson of Captain Browne, R,N,, of SUgo, James Browne, of Brown-ville, Co, Galway, Valentine Bro-wne, CE, W, H, Buckle, ' Controller of Customs, Albert Buckler, a Dominican priest at St, Dominic's Priory, Haverstock HiU, N,W, (1845,) Edmund Buckler, ditto, at Beeches Green, Stroud, Reginald Buckler, ditto, ditto, A, P, Bulfield, and family, of Springbank, Lancaster. Eichard Burchett, late Head Master of South Kensington Art Schools. Joseph Aloysius Burchett. (1856,) Benjamin Stanislaus Burchett. (1856,) G, R, Buttemer, Francis Macnamara Calcutt, formerly M,P, for Co, Clare. Archibald D, L. CampbeU, nephew of D. CampbeU, of LockneU. Donald C. V. Campbell, son of James Archibald CampbeU, of Inverane, a Jesuit at Roe hampton, S,W, Frederick Capes, proctor, V. D, H, Carey-Elwes, of BiUing Hall, Northampton shire. (1874.) James Carter, a priest and rector of St, Francis of Assisi, Midhurst ; and Chamberlain to H, H, the late Pope Pius IX. Lyman W. Case. Henry Cave, brother of Mr, Justice Cave, (1881,) Edwin Chabot, ex-churchwarden of St, James's, Hatcham, Alderman Chambers, ex-mayor of Margate, Arthur L, Chattaway, a priest in the diocese of Birmingham. W. A. Osborne Christmas, nephew of W. Christmas, formerly M.P, and D,L, of Whitfield, Waterford, Stephen Churoh, of London derry, WiUiam Church, (184-2,) A. J. Chfee, D.L, of BeUevue, Wexford, (1845,) H, C, Cobbold, a Suffolk squire. (1880.) William Codrington, of Wrough- ton House, Swindon. THE NOBILITY AND GENTEY. 11 W. M. Coghlan, Bombay C.S, William CoUis, ' a priest and canon of Northampton ; rector of St, George the Martyr, ShefEord, Bedfordshire. Robert Colthurst. Robert Trivett Colthurst, of Midford, (1878,) Mr, Comyn, of Plymouth, Mr, Consett (married to daugh ter of Lord Charles Kerr), H. Considine, D,L, of Derg, WUliam W, Cook, a priest and professor at St, Charles's Col lege, St, Charles's Square, W, John Cook, of Cottles, Wilts, (1862.) John Cooper, H, Stonehewer Cooper, Joseph Corbett, D,D., a priest and chaplain to the Forces at Chatham. Thomas Courtney, M,A, Alphonsus Coventry, a Servite priest at St Mary's Priory, Ftdham Road, W, Henry CoweU, a Jesuit at Roehampton, S.W. Alban Cowley, a Passionist priest at St, Joseph's Retreat, Highgate, London, N. J, Young Craig. Augustus Craven, husband of the author of " Le Rdcit d'une Soeur." M. W. Crofton, late Professor of Natural PhUosophy, Q ueen's CoUege, Galway. T. A, Crowther, D,D,, a priest ; formerly Mihtary Chaplain in China and India. Henry Ferrers Croxton. Compton Croxton. Alexander Cmickshank. R. B, D. Cunningham, J,P,, Hensol. Andrew Currie, the sculptor, Robert Daniell, of New Forest, Co, Westmeath. Henry Warren Darley. C, F, Dashwood, of St, Michael's Torre, Devon, Francis Davis, of Holywood, Belfast, a well-known north of Ireland poet, under the pseudonym of " The Belfast Man," R, De Barry, of Weston HaU, War"wickshire, J, C, De Castro, of Woodend, James Dees, J,P. of Northum berland, The late Ambrose De Lisle, of Garendon Park and Grfice Dieu Manor, Leicestershire, Charles Edward Dendy, (1882,) Evelyn Heneage Dering, Stephen de Vere, some time M,P, for Limerick, Wilham Deverell, of Cottles, WUts, (1867,) W, E, Dobson, J,P,, the Park, Nottingham, Archibald Donaldson, nephew of Professor Donaldson, John Dorey, of Cottles, Wilts. (1861.) The late Thomas A. Drinkwater, a priest ; rector of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Joseph, Battersea, S.W, ; and Chaplain to Countess Tasker. T. W, H, Driver, of Cheltenham. Herbert C. Duke, son of Dr. Duke, of St. Leonards, a priest ; Registrar for Deceased Clergy of diocese of Leeds ; and rector of St, Anne's, Keighley, Philip Vincent Dunn, Joseph Dutton. C, D, Dyatt, F, Eager, of Tuam, John Eamshaw, of Rotherham, a priest and chaplain of St, Joseph's School, Dewsbury, C, W, East, of St, Peter's Park, Harrow Road, W, ; late a member of the E,C,U,, and A,P,U,C. (1863,) 12 CONVEETS TO EOME. WiUiam Edgcome, a Jesuit at Eoehampton, S.W, Richard Edgcome, a priest. Frederick T. A, Edwards, a priest at Brighton, J, B, Edwards, of the Bank of England. Eeginald Arthur Egerton, of West CromweU Road, S.W, John Eustace, a qnaker, Mr, Farmer, organist of St, Bartholomew's, Brighton, William Farren, the actor, Edward F, Fenn, a priest and rector of St, Catherine of Sienna, Horse Fair, Birming ham, (1844,) Thomas W, Penn, a priest and rector of St, Joseph's, Tewkes bury, Eobert Fetherstone, J,P, for Co, Limerick, Henry Field, the pianist, (1835,) James Ford, J,P, of Wraxall Court, Somerset, Edward Foster, son of Dr, Thomas Poster, Joseph Fothergill, of Wickham Park, near Newcastle-on- Tyne, Eeginald Fowler, a priest and rector of St, Joseph's, GnUd- ford, Surrey ; son of Dr, Fow ler, of Cheltenham, <;i859,) Lawrence C, Prideaux Fox, 0,M,I, ; a priest at the Church ofThe English Martyrs,Tower HiU, E,C, J, Frazer. Mark Anthony Friker, a priest, Hurrell Froude, nephew of the historian, Edmund Froude, ditto, Alexander G, FuUerton, some time attach i5 at the French Embassy ; Treasurer of the Association for the Propaga tion of the Faith, (1846,) Thomas Gaisford, J,P, The late Leonard Gardiner, a Dominican priest at the Church of " The Annuncia tion," Woodchester, Stroud, E, Garnett, Henry Gates, a Dominican priest at St, Dominic's Priory, Haverstock HiU, N.W, Charles Leopold Gates, his brother, W, Rees Gawthom, formerly secretary to H,E,, the late Cardinal Wiseman, and to the most Rev, Dr, EngUsh, Archbishop of Trinidad ; founder of several schools in the West Indies. (1849), Charles Joseph George, of Mid- ford, (1881,) John Godard, celebrated in early photography, ^ I, Goddard, a priest, mon signor, and rectorof St, Mary's, Chiselhurst ; and tiU lately Chaplain to Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Eugenie, Eobert H. Gosselin, Charles Graham, a priest and canon at the Cathedral Church of St. Mary and St, Boniface, Plymouth, (1846,) J, Grainger, chamberlain to H,H, Pope Leo, XIH, Malcolm Grant, William Grant, M, O, C, R,, E,C,U,, and A,P,U,C,;founder and organiser of the Society for the Corporate Reunion of the Anglican with the CathoUc Church, (1881,) Edward Dwyer Gray, M,P, for Co, Carlow; Lord Mayor of Dublin (1879-1880) ; and pro prietor of the Freeman's Journal. (1876,) James Green, of Leeds. Everard Green, P,S,A, George Gretton, of Swindon Hall, Gloucestershire, Samuel Grimshawe, J,P, of Erwood Hall, Lancashire. THE NOBILITY AND GENTEY. 13 The late Daniel Haigh, a priest ; buUt the Catholic Church at Erdington. (1850.) George Hale, of Cottles, Wilts, (1859,) Charles HaU€, the pianist, Egerton W, Harding, J,P, of Old Springs, Market Drayton, (1879,) Egerton Harding, J,P,, his son, (1882,) William John Hancock. (1854.) Charles Hancock, (1866,) James Harris, a Jesuit at the Church of St, Francis Xa-vier, Liverpool, Herbert Harrison, Captain of Westminster School ; Orato- rian. Richard H. Hawkes, of Bristol. Thomas Francis Helyar. (1874.) WiUiam Henderson, of Torquay. Henry Hepbume, a Jesuit, J, S. Hepburne, J, R. Herbert, Royal Acade mician. Henry Nunez Heysham,f ormerly of Aylesford. Frederick Thurlow Hibgame, fourth son of the late Lieu tenant-Colonel E,F, Hibgame, H.E. I. C. S., of Nor-wLch. (1877.) Joseph Hirst, J, P, of Yorkshire, Francis Buchanan Hoare. S. TapreU HoUand. Edward Owen Hornby, of The Nook, Fareham, Hants, and 54, Portland Place, W. (1869,) John Hostage, of Chester, S. J, Hughes, son of T, Hughes, of Reigate, Lewis Incledon, of the Post Ofiace, WUliam Jackson. R, C, Jackson, of South Lodge, Limerick, Isaac Jacques, (1867,) F, C.Jagg, . Stephen Eyre Jar-ns, a pnest at The Mount, Wadhurst Sussex, G, F, Johnson, son of the late Consul at Antwerp. Arthur JoUiffie, son of Mrs Cleaves JoUiSe. Alexander Jones, John Jones, of Chester, Charles Jones, of the Custom House, (1876,) The late Rev, Joseph Jones, ex- Wesleyan minister; a priest at Welshpool, Thomas Joyce, (I860,) Arthur Kearney, and family, WiUiam Keatinge, Frederic Shakerley Kempe, of Richmond, Courtney Birmingham Kenny, landed proprietor in Co, Mayo, T, Kerrick, of Harlestone House, Norfolk, John Kershaw, a Unitarian, a priest, monsignor, rural dean; canon of Salford; and rector of All Saints, Barton-on- IrweU, Manchester, (1837,) F, Knight, Stuart Knill, of Crossletts-in- the-Grove, Blackheath, S,E, ; Member of the Council of the Association for the Propaga tion of the Faith, Robert Laing, To"wn Clerk of Jedburgh, Eichard Lamb, Eichard Wentworth Lambe, D,L, of Durham. The late Da-vid Lambe, a priest, W. W, Lander, banker, Henry Murray Lane, Chester Herald in Her Majesty's College of Arms, Cecil Bruce Lane, Charles La Touche, of Marlay, C, Temple Layton, of 'The Croft, Mitoham,' (1882,) WiUiam Leigh, J,P,, D,C.L., of Woodchester Park, Glou cestershire, (1844.) 14 CONVEETS TO EOME. Henry Le Mesurier, brother of Alfred Le Mesurier, of Oriel College, Oxford, Charles J, Leslie, Archibald Leslie, Henry Owen Lewis, formerly M.P. for Carlow, Philip Limerick, Dominican priest at St, Dominic's Priory, Haverstock HUl, N,W, J. Longman, (1849,) Thomas Longueville, J,P, of PenyUam, Oswestry, William Lovell, Stuart LoveU, Charles Lovell, Edward Lucas, of Herongate, Brentford, F, Augustine Luck, a Benedic tine priest, J, Edmund Luck, a Benedic tine priest, Thomas Luck, a priest ; canon of Portsmouth ; rector of St, Mary's, Wantage, H, G, Lumsden, of Clova and Auchindoir, Aberdeenshire, .Charles E. MacDougall, son of the Hon, Justice MacDougaU, Donald Hone Macfarlane, M,P, for Co, Carlow, T,Maillard, B,A, Thomas Malpass, a priest ; and chaplain to St, Mary's In dustrial School for Girls, Elt- ham, Kent, Ernest Marras, Mr, Marriage, a quaker, Edward E, Martin, a priest at Shoreham, Mr, MaskeU, Charles John Henry Massing- berd-Mundy, of South Ormsby Hall, Lincolnshire, John Matthews, John Henry Maw, of Brixton, S,W, George Aloysius May, (1882,) G B, Maycock, of Edgbaston, Birmingham. Lewis McKenzie, A, Laing Meason, a Jesuit, E, MiUs, William John Milsone, (1882,) Professor St, George Mivart, F,R,S, The late Charles Moore, of Mooresfort, Tipperary, some time M,P,, and father of Count C, Moore, M,P, Wilfrid Mordaunt, a Jesuit at St. Mary's, Westminster. J, Eeynell Morell, of the British Museum, A, Morgan, Librarian of Wal- saU, Francis Aloysius Morgan. (1857.) Da-vid Henry Martin Morris, fifth son of John Morris, of Duddington House, Sunbury- on-Thames, S,W, Samuel Mortimer, of Cottles, Wilts, (1863,) Alexander Munro, D,D,, a priest at St. Andrew's Pro- Cathedral, Great Clyde Street, Glasgow, (1834,) James Murphy, of Prior Park, (1844,) Arthur Murphy, ditto, (1844,) Hem-y Murphy, ditto, (1844,) WiUiam Joseph Nash, (1857,) W, Neville, (1849.) Mortimer New. Reginald NeweU, a Dominican priest., Henry Norris, a priest and rector of St, John the Bap tist's, Tamworth, Fletcher Norton, Brinsley Norton, Arthur Oddie, of Colney House, Herts, Claude Oddie, ditto, PhUip Oddie, ditto, G, S, Ottywell, a Baptist, The late T, ConoUy Pakenham, Consul at Tamatave, (1883,) Charles Parfitt, D,D,, a priest, monsignor, and canon ; Theolo- THB NOBILITY AND GENTEY. 15 gian in the Diocese of Clifton ; rector of St, Mary's, Midford, Bath, (1839,) Charles James Thomas Parfitt, nephew of the Right Rev, Monsignor Parfitt, D,D,, of Bath, (1868,) James John Alexander Parfitt, ditto. (1868,) . John Parfitt, the Monsignor's brother. (1867.) James John Parfitt, ditto, and three daughters, (1866,) WUliam Parfitt, the Monsignor's uncle, (1818,) James Parkinson, W, F. Paul, of the Colonial Service, Ed-ward Peacock, F,S,A,, of Bottesford Manor, Lincoln, Mr, Pearson, Professor J, H, Pepper, F,C,S,, A, Inst, C, E ; late Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Polytechnic ; author of " The Play book of Science," etc, E, E, Plaistowe, of Loudwater, Bucks, (1878,) G, H, Plomer, (1849.) Mr, De la Pole, L, H, Poole, a Brother of Mercy, Dennis Potter, jun,, son of D, B, Potter, soUcitor of Tuam, F, H, PownaU, son of H, Po-wn- aU, of Spring Grove, WeUesley Prendergast, Thomas Price, of Mayfield Lodge, Cashel, T. Priggett, Richard Proctor, a Christian brother, John Proctor, a quaker, James Le Quesne, of Gran- -vUle House, Hove, Brighton, (1879,) Stephen Ram, D,L, of Rams ford, Galway, Frederick W, Ratcliffe, of Bir mingham. Joseph Redman, D,D,, formerly a lay-worker at St, Peter's, London Docks ; a priest and rector of St. John's, Brent ford, (1864), John Redman, father of the above, (1868.) John Redman, his son, a Jesuit, (1864,) Charles Ignatius Redman, ditto, a Jesuit. (1864,) Reginald Reynolds, Matthew J, Rhodes, formerly lay Secretary of the E.CU, at Bristol, R, Richardson, a priest of the Order of Charity, and rector of St, Peter's, Cardiff, (1839,) Henry Ricketts, of Cottles, WUts, (1861,) Mr, RUey, The late W, M, J, Ring, a priest, W, S, Eockstro. S. J, Rossiter, Wybert Rousby, the actor. The late S, H, Rowson, a priest. Edward Ryley, a Unitarian. Charles Santley, the celebrated baritone. (1880.) Sydney Savory, E. J. Scarlett, Mr, Schenk, of Brighton, Edward Scholefred, brother of the late M,P, for Birmingham, Christopher Scott, D,D,, V,G,, a priest ; canon of North ampton ; and rector of St, Andrew's, Cambridge, Edward A, Selle, a priest, Marmaduke Sellon, a Brother of Mercy, Ernest Sellon, his brother, artist ; formerly a Papal Zouave, William Shapter, son of Dr, Shapter, of Exeter, a Jesuit, at the Church of St, Wilfrid, Preston, .Iohn Walter Sherer, Bengal C,S, (retired). 16 CONVERTS TO EOME. The late Austin Sims, a Pas sionist priest and rector of St, Paul's Eetreat, Mount Argus, Dublin, (1853,) Richard Smee, son of the late John Smee, of Chelmsford, now a lay brother of the Order of St. Dominic, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, (1863,) James Smith, brother of Dr, W, H, Smith, Sydney F, Smith, a Jesuit and professor at St, Beuno's Col lege, St, Asaph, Rutherford Smith, Albert Smith, of Somerset House, J, H, Smyth-Pigott, of Brockley Hall, Alfred C, Smyth-Pigott, CarUsle Spedding, a near rela tive of the late James Sped ding, (1881,) Abraham Staley, of Burton-on- Trent, G, C, Stanfield, Francis Stanfield, a priest at Brentwood, George Stanley, Geoffrey St, Aubyn. George Lynch Staunton, J,P. and D,L, H. Stevenson, John Stewart, of Ballechin, William Frederick Aloysius Stingo, (1855,) Thomas Strong, (1865,) John Strong, (1858,) Henry Suter, of Midford. (1859.) Robert Sutton Swabey, organist and composer. (1856.) Francis Sutton, of Eevell Grange, Sheffield. Marcus Talbot, of Funis, Co, Clare, Hugh Taylor, a priest and rector of St, John the Baptist, Spetchley Park, Worcester. S. A. Taylor, of the India Office. John Tharpe. LynaU Thomas, Charles Thompson, of Tun- bridge WeUs. J. C, Thomson, of Balgowan, Crieff, a Eedemptionist priest, George 'Thornton, CE. G. E, TickeU. T, S, Tordiffe, of Bath, J, W, N, Townsend, of Clifton, a priest, J, Kellyer Tozer, of CUffden, Teignmouth, Devon, Claude Trevor, son of Brigadier- General Trevor, Hubert Trevor, ditto, W. J, P, Trewd, Charles Trotter, of WoodhiU, J,P, and D,L. for Perthshire. Henry Tuck, of Ingatestone Hall, Essex, William Scott Tucker, J, T, D, TurnbuU, of the Eecord Office, H, C Twiss, late sacristan at St, Mary Magdalene's, Chis wick, (1878,) Francis Gregor Urquhart, Joseph Vance, of Castleto"wn, Ireland, Langton George Vere, a priest and rector of the Church of The Immaculate Heart of Mary and St, Dominic, Homerton, E, Cecil Vernon, sometime assist ant-master at St, Joseph's CoUege, Clapham, S,W, (1873,) Barrett Wadder, of London Frederic Waddy, artist. Weston Erskine Wadley, William Wagstaff, formerly of Forchabers, N,B, W, T, P, Wait, of Newbury, Eichard Walford, Eowlande AValker, of Engadina House, Torquay, Mr, Wallace, Mr, Wallenger, Frederick Goulbourne Walpoie . THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY. 17 Titus Hibbert Ware, of HaU- bams, Cheshire. Ivan W. Watson, of Torquay, Emilius Watson-Taylor, of Headlington Manor, J. J, Watts, of Hawsdale HaU, Cumberland, John Watts, of Chester, John Birchley Watts, S. S. Wayte, father of the late President of Trinity College, Oxford. W. H. J, Weale, archteologist. WUUam Webb, of Aylesbury. Frederick Glynn Incledon Web ber, of CUeglinch, Hfracombe. Mr. WeUesley. George WeUs, member of the Corporation of Bedford. Charles C Noel Wehnan, of Norton Manor, Taunton, (1850,) Frederic Westlake, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music. PhiUp Westlake, his brother. Nathaniel Westlake, ditto. G. B. Whelpton, ex-assistant Secretary of the EngUsh Church Union, and formerly server at St, Michael's, Chis- -wick. (1878.) WUUam Whitmee, a priest ; P,S.M, ; vice-rector of the Church of San Salvatore, Rome, The late WUUam WUberforce, sometime M.P, for Hull ; eldest son of the Slave Emancipator. (1850,) Arthur Bertrand WUberforce, a Dominican priest at Holy Cross Priory, Leicester ; author of " Sketches of the Lives of Dominican Mission aries in Japan,'' etc, (1850.) George Douglas WiUiams, son of the late G. T, Wilhams, barrister-at-law. Da-vid WiUiams, a priest at Aldenham Park, Bridgnorth. W. E, Williams, a priest and rector of Our Lady of the Angels and St. Winefride, Aberyst-with, Cardiganshire. Charles Lewis WUUams, of Winchester. George Wilson, a quaker ; a priest and rector of St. John the EvangeUst, Fetter- near, Inverurie, N.B, Charles E, P, Wilson, of Kelso, N,B, Edward Windeyer, (1850,) Professor Wingham, of the Royal Academy of Music, The late WilUam Wood, a Fran ciscan friar. The late Hubert J, Wood, a priest and rector of the Church of the Sacred Heart and St, Pancras, Lewes, Sussex, (1857,) John Oswald Wood, (1849,) Alfred John Samuel Wood. (1854.) Ernest Holmes Wood. (185^, y Charles Wood, a priest at the Cathedral, Middlesborough. Ed-win Wood, of Victoria Road, Darlington. (1875.) Henry Woodley, of Belle Vue Terrace, York. H, Wordsworth. C W. Wyatt. J. F, Yonge. Mr. Deputy Young, Knight of St. Gregory. 18 CONVERTS TO ROME. THE ARMY. Field-Marshal Sir J. Forster Fitzgerald. The late General Michael Bruce, of the Coldstream Guards ; served in the Crimea -with the Grenadier Guards. (1883.) General Crispin General McGowan, famous during the Sepoy RebeUion. General Eichardson, of Bath, General Tylee, (1847,) General Webber, C.B, The late Major-General Stewart AUan, of the Bengal Army, Major-General Fulton, of the Bengal Aj?my, Major-General MacmuUen. Major-General Patterson, Colonel Brine, E,E,, the Balloon ist, Colonel Brockman, of Folke stone. Colonel Buckle, Colonel Clifton, of Lytham, Colonel Colthurst, M.P, for Co, Cork ; brother of the late Sir G. Colthurst, Bart., of Blarney, Cork, (1874,) Colonel Flamstead. Colonel Gerard, of Eocksoles, Scotland, Colonel C A, GoodfeUow, E,E. ; V.C, Colonel Pollock Gore, Colonel W, H, Graham. Colonel W. Hands, Madras Staff Corps. Colpnel Hibbert, Eoyal Cana dian Eifies. Colonel Holmes, late 39th Regi ment, Colonel Holt. Colonel Jarrett. (1848.) Colonel Matthews. Colonel Selwyn New, late Madras Army. Colonel Lenox Prendergast, member of the London School Board ; elected 1879. Colonel Smithshire. Lieut.-Colonel Biggs, 60th Rifles, Lieut,-Colonel Hunter Blair, Scots FusUier Guards, son of Sir David Hunter Blair, Bart. (1876,) Lieut,-Colonel Freme, Lieut,-Colonel Richard Holmes, late of the 89th Regiment. Lieut.-Colonel Palmer, of Aln wick, Major BaUard, (1848,) Major T. E. Britten, Bombay Staff Corps. Major Burke. Major Dunn. Major W. T. Eden, Bombay Staff Corps. Major Frazer. (1852.) Major Gape, of St. Michael's Manor, St. Albans. .(1874.) Major T, W, Garnett, late 85th Regiment, Major Percy Gough, of Clonmel, grandson of the Dean of Derry, and grand-nephew of the late Lord Gough. (1880.) The late Major John F. HaU- burton. Major Harris, (1880,) Major Johnstone, of Folkestone. Major Mackenzie, Major Laing Meason, late Sth Hussars. Major Wilham Nicholson, late of 3rd Eoyal Lancashire MiUtia, Major Phillips, (1848,) Major Frederick Eeeves, 103rd Eegiment, Major John Sewell, a Jesuit, Major C, Lennox Tredcroft, J,P,; E,H,A. THB AEMY. 19 Major F. Trevor, member of the Council of the Association for the Propagation of the Faith. Major H. L. Wickham. Major Wynter, son of the Rev. P. Wynter, president of St. John's CoUege, Oxford. Major Yard. Major Young. Captain Farmer Bailey, D.L., Kent. Captain Bames. Captain Bernard, R.A., son of the Rev. S. E. Bemard, M.A. Captain F. Berthon, son of the ¦vicar of Romsey. Captain Francis Scawen Blunt, of the Rifle Brigade. Captain Boteler. Captain Gerald Bolton, Captain Joseph Boulderson, late of 68th Light Infantry, The late CaptainjHenry Bowden, of the Guards; founder of the CathoUc Church at Chisle- hurst. Captain WUUam Edward Buller, late of the 14th Light Dra goons. Captain J. O, Burgoyne. Captain Warner W. Garden. Captain F. Case. (1851.) Captain Casson, 5th West York MUitia. Captain Chichester, Dragoon Guards. Captain CUffe. Captain CoUard, of Waltham- stowe. Captain Arthur V. L. Coombs, M.A. Oriel CoUege, Oxford ; Dorset MUitia ; Private Chamberlain to the late and present Popes. Captain Cox, 1st Royal Surrey MUitia. Captain Cuffe, of Connaught. Captain W. N. DameU, 84th Regiment. Captain Dashwood, of Torquay. Captain Da-vidson, of Folke stone. Captain Dervill, a Jesuit lay brother. Captain Dugmore, 64th Regi ment, Captain Dunlop, son of Admiral Dunlop C,B, Captain EUerby, E,A. Captain Windsor Carey Elwes, Scots Guards, Captain Frisbie, Captain P, H, Greig, Bombay Staff Corps, Captain W, Harrison, R,A. Captain Haycock, Captain Washington Hibbert, of BUling HaU, (1849,) The late Captain Henry Higgins. Captain Jackson, son of the Bishop of Antigua, Captain BlaMe Keith, 39th Regi ment, Captain Ed, Ph, King-Salter. Captain Lawrence. Captain W. Maitland, Bengal Staff Corps, Captain Mitchell, of Buldaire and Balfour, Captain Moore, (1849,) Captain Nesbitt, late of the R,A, Captain F, G, Newnham, late of the Indian Army, Bombay, (1879,) Captain H, Oddie, 15th Regi ment, The late Hon. Captain Paken ham, of the Guards, nephew of the Duke of WelUngton, and Equerry to Her Majesty Queen Victoria ; a Passionist priest. (1850.) Captain J, B. Payne. Captain Perry, late 38th Regi ment. Captain W. Prentis, late Scots Greys, Captain Godfrey E, A, Rad- cliffe, brother of Sir J. P. Radchffe, Bart, 20 CONVEETS TO EOME. Captain Rayuer, late 5th Royal Lancashire Militia. Captain F. Shelten, late 93rd Highlanders, Captain John Ramsay Slade, E,H,A, (1867,) Captain H, N, E, Storks, late 97th Eegiment, Captain Taylor,, (1856,) Captain Thomas, Captain Trendell, of the Eyde MiUtia, Captain Tucker, (1848,) Captain Wilde, Captain Wilson, of Edinburgh. Captain C, Yeoman, Assistant - Commissary - General G, Bridgett, Assistant-Commissary Hunter, of Dublin, Lieutenant the Hon, Charles Bertie, late 47th Eegiment, son of the Earl of Abingdon. (1877.) Lieutenant Henry G, S, Bowden, late of Scots Fusilier Guards ; Oratorian, Lieutenant Arthur Charles Croker, late of 77th Eegiment, son of the late Colonel Croker, and cousin of the Earl of Lis- towel, (1858,) Lieutenant Heneage Dering, of the ColdstreamGuards; author of " Sherborne," etc, (1859,) Lieutenant Arthur Henry Frye, late of Madras Army, Lieutenant H, Percy Garnett, 32nd Eegiment, Lieutenant Hales, of the Eoyal London Mihtia, Lieutenant Innes, (1852,) Lieutenant Arthur Jackson, 6th Regiment, Lieutenant J, F, Shaw Kennedy, late 79th Highlanders, son of Mr, Shaw Kennedy, of Kirk- michaelMaybole,N,B, (1880,) Lieutenant Knight, of the Horse Guards ; a Benedictine, Lieutenant James Arthur V, Maude, B,A. of Durham Uni versity, late of 77th Regiment; Nephew of Lord Hawarden ; Oratorian and Registrar for deceased clergy in the arch diocese of Westminster, (1855,) Lieutenant Malcolm Laing Mea son, late of 10th Hussars ; journalist and author. Lieutenant Ernest Nightingale, son of the Baronet. Lieutenant T. A, Eobinson, B.A. of Corpus Christi CoUege, Oxford. Lieutenant F. T, Eoss, of Bladensberg, of the Royal Engineers, Lieutenant John Ross, of Bla densberg, of the Coldstream Guards, (1880.) Lieutenant Edmund Ross, of Bladensberg, of the Eoyal ArtiUery, (1876,) Lieutenant Thomas Say, of the Bombay Army, Lieutenant A, St, John ScaUy, of H,M, ArtUlery Militia, grandson of the Eev. John SoaUy, LL,D, Lieutenant Charles F, Graham Trotter, J.P,, late of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders. Lieutenant T-wyman, (1859,) Lieutenant George Tyler, E,E., grandson of Admiral Sir George Tyler, of CottreU, Glamorganshire , THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 21 THE NAVY. Admiral George Courtnay, Admiral Crispin, Captain of the Queen's Yacht, Admiral Robert HaU, Secretary to the Admiralty, Admiral RusseU Henry Man ners, F,R,S,, of the Rutland family. Admiral Peirse. Admiral the Hon, Sir John Talbot, G.CB,, of Rhode Hill, near Up-Lynn, Dorset- shu-e. The Hon. Admiral Wodehouse. Captain WiUiam Barrie, son of Admiral Sir Robert Barrie, Captain Bathurst, Captain Enson. (1845,) Captain E, F, T, Ferguson, late of the Indian Navy, Captain Good, (1849,) Captain J, G, Law. (1852.) Captain Moore. Captain PauU, now in the Con sular Service. (1852.) Captain Iltid NichoU, second son of the late Right Hon, J. NichoU, M.P. Captain Pearse, of Devonport. Captain Twyman, late Indian Na-vy. Captain GranvUle Wood, a Jesuit. (1846,) Commander Algar, Lieutenant Bastard, (1853,) Lieutenant W, Kent, only son of the late Captain Kent, R,N,, and father of Charles Kent, the poet and journalist. The late Lieutenant Augustus Henry Law, a Jesuit Mis sionary of the Zambesi Mis sion, South Africa, (1852,) Lieutenant J. E. Gordon Milne, of H,M,S, British Dulce. Lieutenant Robert Newton. Lieutenant Randolph. Lieutenant Saltiam. (1881.) Lieutenant St. Andrew St. John. Lieutenant Thomas Trickett. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. Dr. C Carter Blake, F.G.S. ; Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy and Zoology, West minster Hospital. Mark J. Bloom, L,D,S,, R,C,S,I,, surgeon-dentist, DubUn, The late Dr, S, Chisholm, R,A,, Deputy Inspector-General of Army Hospitals. Dr. Chittenden. Robert Clarke, M,R,C,S,, a priest in Kensington, Dr. C H, Clarke, Dr, J, Cookesley, John Cooper, surgeon, W. Cooper, surgeon, Dr, Copeland, of Cheltenham, Dr, Counsellor, Dr, Devitt, Dr, Duke, F,R,C,P, ; M,A. Oxon, ; of St, Leonards. (1846.) Dr, Ewart, Dr, Farmer, Dr, Cottenham Farmer, Dr, AUen Fennings, of Netting HiU, W, Dr, Forbes, (1859,) Dr. Forman. (I860,) Dr. Fowler, of Cheltenham. (1859.) Dr, Francis Fox, The late Dr, Charles James Fox, 22 CONVERTS TO EOME. Dr. W. W, Hendwidce, of Eoth- erham. Dr. Harris. Dr. Le-wis Hunt, of Sheffield, George Jar-vis, surgeon, Francis Kiernan, M,E,C,S. Dr. Massen. Dr. Moir, of Edinburgh. W. H. Moore, surgeon, of Wood- bridge. Dr. Munko. Dr. Nichols. Dr. Peart, J.P, of KUdare, Dr. Penrice. Dr. George E, PoUend, of Corby, Lincolnshire. F. A. Sass, M,E,C,S. Dr, E, E, Sass, Dr, Shears, of Streatham, Dr, Philip Shepheard, Dr, Shepherd, of Richmond. Dr, Robert Shuttleworth, Charles Thompson, surgeon. C H. Thurston, surgeon. Dr. Twycross, of Oxford. Dr, C Matthew Wayte, brother of the late President of Trinity CoUege, Oxford. Dr, West, J, Withington, M,R.C.S,, Lon don, Dr, Yonge, of Liskeard. THE LEGAL PROFESSION. Henry Alexander, barrister. The late F. Alger, solicitor. Chisholm Anstey, sometime M.P. and Attomey-General of Hong-Kong. (1846.) John Bridge Aspinall, Q.C, Re corder of Liverpool. (1848.) John Sherston Baker, M.A., barrister. The late Mr. Serjeant Bellasis. Frederick de Betham, soUcitor ; a Jesuit at St, Edmund's, Bury St. Edmund's, (1838,) Charles Bishop, solicitor, and Eegistrar of the Oxford County Court. A. Gordon Breton, solicitor. William Brewer, sohcitor. The late Isaac Butt, Q.C, M,P., the founder of Home Eule. Eobert Campbell, Advocate and J.P, for Ayrshire. David Clarke, sohcitor. J. A. Cook, barrister. Herbert L. Crosse, soUcitor, of Wigmore Street, W, (1880,) Thomas Robert Deane, barrister. A. C. Edwards, law student. F. J. Fegen, barrister. W, F, Finlason, barrister. The late James Firebrace, at tomey. The late Samuel Firebrace, LL.D,, Judge at Demerara ; his three sons, and two daughters, Henry Foley, soUcitor ; a Jesuit lay brother. (1846.) WUham Foster, of Aln-wick, sohcitor. Baker Gabb, of Abergavenny, barrister. D, H. Goolden, sohcitor. J. PhiUp Green, judge at Bombay. F, W, E, Gruggen, sohcitor, Mr, Hardwick, solicitor. WUliam Henry Hart, F,S,A., sohcitor. Da-vie Haye, of the Middle Temple. George Herbert, soUcitor. Henry Holden, soUcitor, Edward Hood, soUcitor ; a Jesuit at the Church of AU Saints, Wardour Castle, Tis- bury, Salisbury, (1845,) John Hutchinson, barrister. LITEBATUEE. 23 H, James, barrister. B. W. Jones, solicitor, J. R. Judge, barrister. (1846,) L. H, Keble, of London, soli citor, Lucius Kelly, barrister, S, B. Lamb, of London, solicitor, WUliam John Manbey, soUcitor, G, Moore, soUcitor, (1848,) JuUus Wood Muir, barrister, Bengal CS, Francis Thomas New, solicitor, (1847,) Beckett Nicholson, solicitor, Henry Watson Parker, solicitor, WUUam Pigott, of Portarhng- ton, soUcitor, George Godfrey Place, of Dub hn, barrister, J, G, Plomer, soUcitor, Mr, Plummer, of Falmouth, soUcitor, J. R, Poole, soUcitor, Dennis B. Potter, soUcitor, and senior Proctor of the Eccle siastical Court of Tuam, L, D, Powles, barrister, Humphrey Ravenscroft, of Lincoln's Inn, George Richardson, of Man chester, solicitor. (1837,) Alexander B, Shea, barrister. Henry Sills, of London, solici tor. F,W, Tarleton, barrister, (1845.) Stephen Taylor, barrister, F. Till, of Folkestone, solicitor. De Lacy Towle, solicitor. S, W, 'Tucker, solicitor, Mr. Twyman, of Eugely, soli citor. William Wake, solicitor, of Sheffield, Septimus WaU, barrister, Henry Waller, barrister, WilUam Wasteneys, barrister. J, T, Withers, solicitor, GrenviUe Wood, barrister. J. S. Woodroffe, barrister. F. H. Woodroffe, Indian District Judge. Thomas P. Wymond, sohcitor. LITERATURE. Madame BeUoo (nee Bessie Rayuer Parkes, a Unitarian), a descendant of Dr. Priestly, and a weU-kno-wn writer. Miss EmUy Bowles, author of several popular stories (1843.) Leicester Buckingham, author of " The Bible in the Middle Ages," etc. Alfi-ed Bunn, the Ubrettist, PhiUp Burchett, author of well- known works on geometry. Miss S. Busk, authoress. Mrs. Eoss Church-Lean (Flo rence Marryat), daughter of thelate Captain Marryat, R.N. Thomas Cooper, journalist and author. Miss Drane, author of " Chris tian Schools," and other works ; a Dominican nun. Miss CaroUne E. Edgar, authoress. James Gilbert, of New Peckham, author. The late James Grant, the celebrated novelist. Robert E. Hamilton, journalist and author. Miss Harris, author of " From Oxford to Eome." (1846,) The late Matthew Higgins, the " Jacob Omnium " of the Tim^. Miss Mary Holmes, author of " Hints on Music," etc. 24 CONVEETS TO EOME. Mrs, Charles Kent, author of "Evelyn Kent," and other novels. R, B, Knowles, son of Sheridan Knowles, late editor of the Nineteenth Century. (1849.) Mrs, Leathley, wife of W. H, Leathley, barrister-at-law ; author of popular books for the young, Frank Marshall, dramatic author. Mrs. Wilfred Meynell Qiiee Thompson , sister of the artist) , author of " Preludes," etc. The late John Oxenford, poet ; dramatic author and critic of the Times. Charles F, Palmer, author of " History of Tamworth," " Life of Cardinal Howard," etc. ; a Dominican priest, Coventry Patmore, poet; and author of " The Angel in the House," etc. J, 0, Halliwell-PhUhps, author. Miss Piggott, authoress. Mrs, Pittar, author of " Conver sion by my Bible and Prayer- book," etc. (1843,) Miss Adelaide Anne Proctor, the poetess, John Edmund Reade, poet. James Burton Robertson, author of various philosophical works, W, Clement Scott, joumaUst and dramatic author. Thomas H, Shaw, author of " Reasons for retuming to the True Fold," etc. Miss Ehza AUen Starr, authoress, S, E, Thomas, S,C,L,, journalist and author, Aubrey de Vere, the poet ; brother of the late baronet. Charles Walker, of Brighton, author of various Ritualistic works, (1878,) ARCHITECTS, T. Bentley. H. W. Brewer. Charles Allan Buckler, brother of the Rev, Albert Buckler; 0,P, St, Dominic's Priory, Haverstock HiU, N, W. (1844.) Henry Clutton. Owen Dyson, a [Dominican priest. Eichard Jones, of Eyde. C J, Moxon, member of the Institute of British Architects. The late Augustus Welby Effgin, the re-viver of Gothic Archi tecture in England, WilUam Purdue, C Rawson, of Eotherham, Herbert E, Tigou, W, W, WardeU, WAR OFFICE, E. Ingress Bell, architect, Francis E. Beresford, Mr, Carew. H, Davey, Richard Neave. Edward Plater. John Roberts. Denman Eobinson, of St, Hilda's, Hampton Wick, (1860.) Mr, Rolph, The late Edward StillweU, EELATIVES OF CLERGYMEN. 25 PUBLISHERS. James Burns. (1846.) E, Lumley, (1843,) J, MUler, of Edinburgh, J, Toovey, of PiccadiUy, (1846,) The late WilUam Wilfred Gates, John Philp. Robert Washbourne, RELATIVES OF CLERGYMEN, Evelyn BeUew, son of the late Rev, J, M. BeUew, S,C,L, Harold Kyrle BeUew, ditto, the actor, John Bradney, of Bayford Lodge, son of a clergyman, H, S, Butterfield, son of the Rev. H, Butterfield, M,A,, rector of Faimer, Bucks, G, H, Leighton Da-vis, of Ardmulchan House, Navan, son of the late Rev. Dr. Davis; secretary to the ReUgious Tract Society. Reginald Forbes, cousin qf the late Bishop of Brechin, Powell Baker Gabb, son of a Monmouthshire rector, John Baker Gabb, ditto, Charles Augustine Baker Gabb, ditto, Charles Gatty, son of the -vicar of Ecclesfield, Thomas Grinfield, son of the Rev, T. Grinfield, M.A. Charles HaU, of Liverpool, son of the late Eev, Charles HaU, of Wadebridge, Cornwall, (1850,) Ambrose De Lisle Lee, son of the Rev, Dr, F, G, Lee, Vicar of All Saints, Lambeth, S,E, (1881,) The late C, J, Manning, the Cardinal's brother. The late W. H, Manning, nephew of the Cardinal, a priest and monsignor. Julius Mc Laurin, late Professor of Mathematics at Stonyhurst College ; son of the Very Rev, W, C A, McLaurin, Dean of Ross and Moray, Richard Meady, of Clondesley Lodge, Southampton, son of a clergyman, John Henry Metcalfe, son of Captain Metcalfe, and grand son of the rector of Kirkbride, Cumberland, G, L, Gordon Milne, son of the late incumbent of St, James's, Cupar, Fife, (1864,) Octavius Owen, son of the Eev, Canon Owen. Stuart Etienne Paulet, of Dun- vegan, Isle of Skye, son of the Rev, Charles N, Paulet, Shenton Lodge, Scarborough, (1874,) Arthur F, E, Russell, son of the Rev. A, B, RusseU, M,A., rector of Laverton, a priest ; secretary ; Registrar for De ceased Clergy; and Diocesan Treasurer for Propagation of the Faith, (1867,) Henry Ignatius Dudley Ryder, son of Eev, G, D, Ryder, M,A,, Oratorian at Birming ham ; author, (1846). Cyril Ryder, ditto ; a priest ; Chaplain-president of the Netting Hill branch of the League of the Cross, (1846), Charles E, Ryder, ditto ; a 26 CONVERTS TO ROME. priest and rector of St, Philip's, Smethwick, Birmingham. (1846.) George Lisle Ryder, ditto, of the Treasury. (1846.) Henry S, Stewart, son of the Eev, J. A, Stewart, M,A,, rector of Vange, Essex ; late of the Civil Service, Archdale WiUiam Tayler, son of the rector of St, Mary's, Stoke Ne-wington, Nicholas Vansittart, son of the Eev, C Vansittart, M,A, Arthur Vansittart, ditto. Bexley Vansittart, ditto, Frederick Walford, grandson of the Eev, Henry Hutton, D,D, Francis E, Ward, brother of the Eev, E. Ward, M.A,, vicar of St, Saviour's, Leeds ; solicitor, Mr, Watts-EusseU, junior, son of the Eev, M. Watts-RusseU, M,A,, vicar of Benefield, a Passionist priest and rector of St. Joseph's Eetreat, High- gate, N. (1845.) David P. Watts-EusseU, (1845,) Edwin Vincent WUUams, John J, Paul WiUiams. Walter E. Francis WilUams. Frederick Williams, AchiUes Leo WilUams, Bertie Francis WilUams, WiUiam Vincent Williams. Clare WilUams, chUdren, and grandchUdren of the Eev, W. H. WilUams, M.A,, late of Wolverhampton. CLERGYMEN. The late Eev. George Bampton, a Jesuit, Eev, T, W. Barlow, -vicar of Little Bowden. Eev, Edward Beard, Methodist Minister at Cambridge, Rev, George Whitefield Benja min, D,D,, curate of the English Church at Rome, (1877.) Rev, T, Bowdler, curate of Tennison Chapel, Rev, H. G, J, Brasnell, curate of Brastide, Kent. (1852.) Rev, Matthew Bridges, a con tributor to the Edinburgh Review. Rev, J, Carr Browne, M,A, Rev, Thomas Jones Burton, M,A,, curate of St. Paul's, Brompton. Rev. A. D. R. CampbeU, curate of Ashley, Newmarket. (1844.) Rev, John Somers Cocks, M.A., rector of She-viock, Exeter. Rev. Th. L. Coghlan, jun,, curate at Stonehouse ; a priest and Army Chaplain at Sandgate. Rev, D, J, T, CoUett, a Baptist. Eev, E, L, De Burgh, M,A,, Vicar of West Drayton, (1881,) Eev, H, W. Dewhurst, of St. Barnabas, Southwark, (1852,) Eev, C H, Dixon, curate at Fewston, (1850,) Eev, Alexander Melbourne Donaldson, curate of Farm- borough, Bath. (1877.) Eev. Edward B.Douglass, curate at Emscote ; a priest, canon, and rural dean in the Diocese of Nottingham, at St. Bar nabas Cathedral, Nottingham. (1868.) CLEEGYMEN. 27 Rev. John B. Eskrigge, curate at the Church of the Annun ciation, Brighton ; a priest (oblate of St. Charles) at St. Mary of the Angels, Bays- water. (1881.) Rev, W. Eye, M.A., of St. George's Mission. Rev. T. Burnes Floyer, J.P. for Staffordshire. Rev. G. Ford, M.A, curate of St, Mary's, Soho, Rev. WilUam FothergiU, M.A, curate of St. Paul's, Knights- bridge. Rev. W. G. Freeman, of Ply mouth. Rev. WiUiam Goldstone, of St. Michael's, Wakefield. Rev. Thomas Henry Grantham, curate of SUnfold, Sussex. Rev, C, HamUton, of Exeter. Rev. J. Hammond, of St. George's Mission. Rev. A. J, Hanmer, of Tiverton. Rev. W. J. Hardy, B.A, ; curate of St, Peter's, VauxhaU. (1875,) Rev. George Harper, brother of a Protestant AustraUan bishop, a Jesuit, Rev. J. Henn, curate of St. James's, Bristol, Rev, J. HiU, curate. (1845.) Eev. WiUiam Humphrey, -vicar of St. Mary Magdalen's, Dundee, and chaplain to the Bishop of Brechin ; a Jesuit at St. Aloysius's, Oxford ; author of "Divine Teacher," " Written Word," " Other Gospels," etc. Rev. Samuel W. Kiittner, chaplain to the Bishop of Jerusalem. Rev. A. Leeson. Rev. W. H. Littleboy, curate at Sheston, Rev. E. D. Li-vingstone, Epis copal Church, Beauly, N.B. Rev. J. Maphson, curate of St. Mary's, Soho, Eev, Jacob Montagu Mason, M,A, ; rector of Silk Wil loughby, Lincolnshire, (1879,) Eev, A, H, Matthews, B,A,, a priest. Very Eev, W, C, A, McLaurin, Dean of Eoss and Moray, Eev, H, E, Meakinson, vicar of St, Andrews, Sydney, Rev. A. Mers, curate at Douglas, Isle of Man, Rev. H. Milner, curate of Barnoldswick. Rev. W. Moberley, vicar of Easton, Winchester. Rev. R, Moore, missionary of the Society for the Propaga tion of the Gospel in India, Rev. T, Moyston, -vicar of the Irish Church in Galway. (1852.) Rev. W. Murray, incumbent at Colchester. Rev. Frederick Myers, B.A,, perpetual curate of Keswick ; a Jesuit and Professor at Stonyhurst College, Black burn, Rev. Francis H. Nash, M.A., son of the Eev. Dr, Nash ; and curate of All Saints, Oxford. The late Eev. W. Hayes Nehgan, curate ; a priest. (1853.) Eev. H. Nelson, curate of Frome Selwood. Rev. T. N. Norton, curate at Devizes. Rev. M, O'Connor, rector of Culdoff, Ireland, Rev, R. B. Osborne, -vicar of Dunston. The late Eev. Ch. E. Parry, B.A, a priest. Rev. Mr. Pritchard, a mis sionary at the Island of Tahiti, and British Consul, (1853,) Rev. Charles George Ramsey. 28 CONVEETS TO ROME. Rev. W, H. Ratcliffe, curate of St. Mary Magdalene's, Pad- dington. Rev. T. C. Robertson, chaplain to the Duke of Bucoleuch. (1858,) The late Rev, George Eose, M,A,, son of the late James Rose, and nephew to the late Right Hon, Sir G, Eose, Master in Chancery, a well- known wit and scholar ; reader at the Temple Church, and since known as " Arthur Sketchley " ; author ; for some time tutor to the Duke of Norfolk, E.M, (1855.) Eev, W, A, Scott, rector, near Birmingham, Rev, Joseph Searle, a priest and rector of St. Augustine's, Tunbridge Wells, Kent ; and President of Conference, Rev. John Hanson SperUng, M,A,, rector of Westboume, Sussex, Rev, Henry Stanley, a Metho dist Minister. The late Rev. Thomas Stevens, M.A,, vicar of Hathersage. (1865.) Rev, Ambrose Stewart, M,A, Eev, Henry Thompson, curate at Ashford. Rev. H. Vale, curate of St. Andrews, Wells Street, W, Rev, Samuel Ware, curate at Bedford Leigh, Rev, Thomas WeUs, curate of St, Martins, Liverpool; a priest and rector of St, Mary's, Great Eccleston, Garstang. (1843,) Rev. C, Whish, Rev, J. Trevor White, curate of Norton St, Philip's, Rev, Horace Stone WUcocks, M,A,, -vicar of St, James- the- Less, Plymouth, (1880,) Rev, B, WUson, M, A , -vicar of Fordham, Rev, W. Vaughan Yarworth, M.A., curate at Westbury. OXFORD UNIVERSITY. All Souls College. J. Chandler. Rev. Edward B. Deane, D.CL,, Fellow of this College and late rector of Lewknor. (1855.) Rev. John Henry Wynne, B.C.L,, FeUow of this College ; a Jesuit ; and pro fessor at St, Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Flintshire. Balliol College, William E, Addis, M,A., some time FeUow of the Royal University of Ireland ; a priest and rector of Our Lady and St, PhiUp Neri, Lower Sydenham, S,E, (1866), Edmund R, P, Bastard, M.A,, Double-First Class, of Kitley, Devonshire, (1850), Charles C, Cholmondeley, nephew of the late Right Rev, Eeginald Heber, D,D., Bishop of Calcutta, and of Eichard Heber, the celebrated Bibliographer aud Scholar ; a priest and canon of Shrews bury, at St. Wer burgh's, Chester, (1850),) C, A, Dawson, M,A, (1880,) C Devas, M,A, OXFORD UNIVEESITY. 29 Rev. Alfred Fawkes, M. A., curate of St. Bartholomew's, Brighton ; a priest of the Oratorj, (1876.) A. W. Galnett, B.A. Gerard R, Hopkins, B,A,, FeUow of the Royal University of Ireland ; a Jesuit and Pro fessor at Stonyhurst CoUege, Blackbum, (1866,) The late Eev, Frederick Oakley, M,A, Fellow of this CoUege ; Select Preacher and Pubhc Examiner for this university, and minister of AU Sainte, Margaret Street, W, ; son of the late Sir Charles Oakley, Bart. ; a priest, canon, and rector of St. John's, Islington ; and author of " Lyra Liturgica,'' etc. (1845.) Rev. Henry NutcombOxenham, M,A,, Scholar of this CoUege ; author of various works ; and member of the Order of Cor porate Reunion of Christen dom. Rev. J. Plumer, M.A., son of the former Master of the Rolls. (1846.) F. Peel Round, B.A, Gentle man Usher of the Green Rod. PhiUp Serle. Count Stenbock. (1880.) F. Trench. OUver VassaU, B.A., now in the Redemptorists' Novitiate, at Bishop Eton, Liverpool. (1879.) Rev. Edward Walford, M.A,, Scholar of this CoUege, and nephew of the Protestant Bishop of Barbadoes ; author, Thelate Rev, W, G. Ward, M.A,, D, Ph, ; FeUow of this CoUege, and late editor of the Dublin Review, of Weston Manor, Isle of Wight. (1845.) F. R. W^g-Prosser, B.A., De puty-Lieutenant and some time M.P. for Herefordshire. (1852.) Bkasenose College. Edward Baddeley, M.A,, Q.C. (1852,) Rev, Robert Butler, M, A., War den of the House of Charity, Soho, The late Rev, Edward CaswaU, M,A., Curate at Stratford- under-the-Castle ; a priest of the oratory ; and author of " Hymns and Poems," " Verba Verbi," etc. Rev, Joseph DarUngton, B,A., curate of Dymock, Glouces tershire. (1877.) Rev. Joshua Dixon, a mission ary priest in Texas. The late Rev. Henry Formby, B.A., rector of Eiversdean, Wales ; a priest and professor at St, Bede's, Manchester College, (1846,) Rev, E. Peel Garnett, M.A,, curate of Trinity Church, Oxford ; a priest of the Oratory, (1850,) The late Rev. C B. Garside, M.A,, curate of All Saints, Margaret Street, W,; a priest ; and author of " Sacrifice of the Eucharist." (1850.) Rev, J, Gordon, B,A,, curate of Christ Church, St, Pancras. (1847,) HartweU de la Garde GrisseU, M,A,, Chamberlain to H.H. Pope Leo XIIL (1868.) Rev, W. H. KeUse, M.A., curate of Bedford Leigh ; now a bar rister-at-law. D. C, Lathbury. J, Leigh. John Lister, B.A. Richard MUls, solicitor. Rev. Robert K. Sconce, B.A., curate of St. Andrew's, Sydney. 30 CONVEETS TO EOME. Rev, Richard M, Stanton, B,A,, a priest of the Oratory, (1845,) The late Rev, J, Walker, M,_A,, curate of Benefield ; a priest and canon, (1845.) T. F, WethereU. Rev, James Baker White, M,A., curate of St, John the Divine, Kennington, S,E, ; a priest (oblate of St, Charles) at St, Francis of Assissi, Net ting HUl, W, (1877,) Christ Church Rev, Septimus Andrews, M,A,, student of this coUege, -vicar of Market Harborough ; a priest (oblate of St, Charles) at St, Mary of the Augels, Bayswater, W, (1869,) Rev, F. R. Balston, M.A., a priest at West Grinstead, Horsham, Sussex, (1850,) ThomasK,Chambers,M,A,,M,D. Eev. E, A, Coffin, M,A, -vicar of St, Mary Magdalen s, Oxford ; formerly Provincial of the Ee- demptorists ; now Bishop of Southwark ; author of several religious works, (1845,) Eev, H, G, Coope, M,A., curate at BuckneU, The late Eev, G, L, Crawley, M,A,, curate of St, Saviour's, Leeds ; a priest, (1845,) The late Eev. J. Douglas, B.A,, a priest. Honourable Edward Douglas, a Eedemptorist priest at Eome, (1842,) James OgUvie Pairhe, B,A,, and his brother. George Lane Fox, Jun,, of Bramham, Yorkshire. (1867.) Eev, T, Goodwin, M,A,, chaplain of this college. Le Marchant Gosselin, attach^ to the Embassy at Rome. - (1878.) Rev. Harman Grisewood, M.A., of Daylesford House, (1870,) Henry L, Harrison, B, A, Bengal CS, Rev, Douglas Hope, M, A. , curate . of St, John the Di-vine, Ken nington, S,E. (1877.) Wyndham H. Nelson Hoste, B.A, , brother of the late Rear- Admiral and baronet, barris ter-at-law, Eev, EusseU HoweU, M, A,, vicar of St, Veep, Cornwall, Sydney Joyce, M.A John G. Kenyon, B.A., S.CL,, grandson of Lord Kenyon ; formerly a Papal Zouave ; private chamberlain to H.H. Pope Leo XHL John Merewether, son of the late Dean of Hereford, B, E, V. Mills, son of Arthur C MUls, M.P for Exeter. Eev. Eobert Sadher Moody, M.A,, curate of Aston, Rev. Clement Harington Moore, M.A., curate of St. Barnabas, Oxford ; a priest at the Pro- Cathedral, Kensington, W. (1872,) The late C, R, Scott-Murray, M.A, of Danesfield, sometime M.P, for Buckinghamshire, (1844,) Eev, Alfred Newdegate, M,A,, vicar of Kirk HaUam, and cousin of Charles N, Newde gate, M,P, for North War- -wickshire, (1875,) Thomas D'Oyly, B,A., son of the late Mr, Serjeant D'Oyly, Rev, W, G, Penny, M,A., curate of Ashdin, Essex ; a priest. (1844.) John O'FaUon Pope, M.A,, a Jesuit and professor at St, Beunos College, St, Asaph, Edward Purbrick, a solicitor ; a Jesuit ; till lately rector of Stonyhurst College, Black- OXFOED UNIVERSITY. 31 burn ; now Provincial of the Jesuits at the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, Berkeley Square, W. James Purbrick, his brother, a soUcitor ; now a Jesuit at St. WUfrid's, Wigan. J. J, Saint, B.A,, recorder of Newark. Rev. Thomas Scratton, M.A., curate at Benson ; now Secretary of the CathoUc University of Ireland. The late Rev. Ambrose St. John, M.A, curate at East Farleigh ; a priest of the Oratory. (1845.) Rev. George Benson Tatum, M,A., chaplain of Magdalen CoUege, (1883,) E, T. Vaughan, B.A. Rev. George Whitlaw, M.A., curate of St. Stephens, Clewer, near Windsor. (1881.) Arthur WUson, M.A. Rev. WUUam Winchester, M.A,, Chamberlain to H.H. Pope Leo Xni. Rev, W. Wingfield, M,A,, brother-in-law of the late Eev. W, G. Ward, M.A. Corpus Christi College. Eev, Richard GeU MacmuUen, M,A,, FeUow of this CoUege, and vicar of St. Mary Magdalens, Oxford ; a priest ; canon of Westminster ; and member of CouncU of the Association for Propagation of the Faith. (1846.) Rev. Thomas Meyrick, M.A, Scholar of this CoUege, First Class in Classics ; a Jesuit. (1845.) Eev, James Spencer Northcote, D.D,, M,A., Scholar of this CoUege, First Class in Classics, and curate of Hfracombe ; a priest and canon of Birming ham ; sometime rector of St. Mary's College, Oscott ; now rector of Our Lady of Angels, and St. Peter's Chains, of Stoke-on-Trent ; author of " Roma Sotterranea," etc. (1846.) Exeter College. Arnold S, Baker, a priest (Oblate of St. Charles) at "Our Lady of the Holy Souls," KensalNew Town,W. Henry Sherston Baker, M.A., father of the present baronet. Henry BeUingham, M.A., S.CL, ; barrister-at-law ; pri vate Chamberlain to H,H, Pope Leo XIH. ; eldest son of Sir AUan BelUngham, Bart,, of Castle BeUingham, Co, Louth,, M,P, for Co, Louth. (1873.) Rev. F. S, Bowles, M,A,, a priest at Harrow. The late Walter Buckle, a priest. Verney Cave-Browne-Cave, M. A., son of the late Sir John Robert Cave-Browne-Cave, Bart. ; a priest at Leamington, Warwickshire. (1875.) Rev, Danvers Clarke, M,A,, vicar of Iping, Sussex, and Rural Dean ; till lately professor of the Catholic University CoUege, Kensing ton, (1851.) Rev. C Cox, B,A, The late John B. Dalgairns, M.A, ; an eminent writer in the Conte'mporary Review, and elsewhere ; a priest of the Oratory. (1844.) Rev. Alfred J. Dajrman, B.A,, curate at Wasperton. 32 OXFORD UNIVERSITY. WiUiam Douglas Dick, M.A,, D,L, for Forfarshire, George Dover, M,A., a Jesuit and Professor at Beaumont CoUege, Old Windsor. (1872,) Rev, Edgar Estcourt, M,A,, curate at Cirencester ; a priest and canon (Economus of Birmingham, Highlands, Leamington, (1845,) Rev, P, Fletcher, B.A., curate of St, Bartholomew's, Brighton ; a priest at St, Joseph's Brighton, (1878,) Nathaniel A, Goldsmid, (1850,) E, B, Harding, a nephew of the late Rev, Dr, Pusey, now organist at the Birmingham Oratory. N. H. Higginson. Eev, Arthur W. Hutton, M.A., rector of SpridUngton, Lin colnshire ; author of " The Anglican Ministry," etc. (1878.) Eev, T , A. King, now a soUcitor. (1844.) Eev, Sydney Hamilton Little, B.A,, curate of St. Peter's, Bournemouth, and Metro politan Organising Secretary of the Additional Curates' Society ; brother of Canon Knox Little, (1881,) WilUam Lookhart, B,A,, a priest of the Order of Charity, and rector of St, Etheldreda's, Holborn, E.C ; author of "The Old EeUgion," "Non Possumus," etc, Eev, William Lovell, M,A., curate at Wantage. L, M, Mackenzie, B.A, Eev. John G, Macleod, M,A, ; a Jesuit at St, John's, Standish Gate, Wigan. W. C Maude, (1855,) The late Eev. John Brande Morris, M,A,, Fellow of this College ; a priest, (1846,) Robert S, Ross of Bladensberg, M.A, ; barrister-at-law; a Jesuit, (1875,) Rev, C Thomas, B,A. Rev. Edward H. Woodall, M,A., rector of St. Margaret's, Canterbury ; a priest and rector of SS, Mary and Michael, Settle, Yorkshire. (1859). Rev. CecU Beadon Young, M. A., curate of Burghclerc, Hants. (1847,) Hertford College. W, Harvey, M,A, Eev. Henry Morland, B.A., curate at Middle Clayton ; a priest. Jesus College, The late Eev, E, W. Atwood, B.A,, curate of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch. John Hugh Jones, a priest and rector of SS. Peter and Paul, Carnarvon, (1865,) Eev. D. Le-wis, M,A,, Fellow of this College ; curate of St. Mary-the-Virgin, Oxford. (1846.) Eev. H. W. Lloyd, M.A, Scholar of this CoUege ; curate of Kevidiog. (1846.) Keble College. The late C V. Greene, B.A,, a priest (oblate of St, Charles). (1880.) Arthur Johnson. Eev, J, C. M, Ogilvie, M.A,, one of the clergy of the Right Rev, Dr. Copleston, Bishop of Colombo ; now studying for the priesthood at the Scotch College, Rome. (1881.) OXFORD UNIVERSITY. 33 Lincoln College. Rev, G, F, L, Bampfield, B,A,, late Scholar of this College ; First Class in Classics ; a priest and director of the Barnet Schools, (1855,) Rev, H. M Parker, ^l.X., curate of St, Bartholomew's, Brigh ton, (1877,) Arthur PoUard Urquhart, a Redemptorist priest at St, Joseph's, Teignmouth. Robert Walker, M.A. Rev, John Priestley WarmoU, curate of St. Barnabas, Pim- Uco ; a priest ; Provost of Northampton and rector of the Holy Child Jesus, and St, Joseph, Bedford, (1859,) Rev, R. Webb, M,A,, vicar of Hambleton- with-Braunston. (1875,) Magdalen College, David Hunter Blair, M,A,, son of Sir David Hunter Blair, Bart. ; a Benedictine monk at Fort Augustus, Scotland. (1876,) Rev, W, H, BUss, M,A,, rector of Hincksey, The late Joseph George Clark, M,A., a Passionist priest, (1864,) Rev. A. E. Coffin, M,A,, curate of East Farleigh ; brother of the Right Rev, R. A, Coffin, D,D., M,A,, Bishop of South wark, (1845.) A, C, Dunlop, B,A, (1879,) Rev. Reginald C, Kempe, M,A, Archibald S, McCall, a priest of the Oratory. The late Rev, William Palmer, M,A,, FeUow of this CoUege ; elder brother of the present Lord Chancellor (Lord Sel- borne), (1845,) Edward PoweU, Scholar of this College ; a priest and rector of St, Alexander's, Bootle, Liverpool (18G5,) The late Rev, Eichard Waldo Sibthorpe, B,D,, FeUow of this College ; rector of St, Mary's, Eyde ; a priest, (1842.) Rev. Bernard Smith, M.A,, Fellow of this CoUege ; rector of Leadenham ; a priest, canon, and rural dean of Northampton, and rector of St. Peter's, Great Marlow. (1842.) Rev. John G. Wenham, B.A,, a priest ; canon ; president of Conference in the diocese of Southwark ; rector of St, Mary Magdalens, Mortlake, S,W, ; and ecclesiastical inspector of Schools for the late Right Rev, Dr, Danell, Bishop of Southwark, (1846,) Rev. WiUiam Wheeler, B,D,, Fellow of this College ; rector of Old and New Shoreham; a priest at St. Mary of the Angels, Bayswater, W. Magdalen Hall. The late Rev, G. Burder, M.A., curate at Ruardean ; a Cister cian monk, (1846,) Rev. John Coventry, M.A., rector of Tywardreath, and grandson of the Earl of Coventry. The late Rev, Eobert Stephen Hawker, M ,A,, -vicar of Moor- winstow, Cornwall, (1875). Trevor Lloyd, M,A,, a Jesuit. T, J. E. A, Lloyd, Rev, Arthur Mayo, B,A,, Vic toria Cross, late Chaplain in the Indian Navy, Rev, PhiUp Gun Munro, B,A,, curate at Ware ; a priest and 34 CONVERTS TO ROME. rector of St. John's. Horsham, Sussex, (1852.) Rev. Richard Boyer Sankey, M.A. , curate of St. Paul's, Leicester ; a priest at St, James', Manchester Square, W, (1881,) Rev, C F, Wordsworth, B,A,, domestic Chaplain to the Marchioness of Bath, (1850, ) St, Mary's Hall, The late Eev, J, C M, BeUew, S,C,L. , the celebrated elocu tionist, J, Dawe, a priest. The late Rev, WiUiam V, Daw son, M,A., incumbent in the diocese of Eipon, The late Rev, John Mel-ville Glenie, M, A,, perpetual curate of Mark ; a priest and canon, (1845.) Eev, William J, M, Hutchison, S,C,L,, curate of St, En- dellion, Cornwall ; Private Chamberlain to the late and present Popes. (1851,) Rev, WiUiam H, LyaU, M,A., rector of St, Dionis, Bach- church, City of London, (1880,) WaUer J, B, Richards, D,D,, a priest (Oblate of St, Charles) ; Professor at St, Charles' Col lege, Bayswater, W, ; and Inspector of Schools in the Archdiocese of Westminster, (1857,) G, T, Richards, Rev, H, Wardroper, J. Waters, B,A,, nephew of General Sir J, Waters, K,C,B, Meeton' College, Rev. Stuart Eyre Bathurst, M.A,, Fellow of this College, rector of Kibworth Beau champ ; son of the late Sir James Bathurst, and grandson of the Bishop of Nor"wich ; a priest and canon of Bir mingham ; and rector of St. Michael's, Aston, Stone, Staf fordshire. (1850.) Rev. H W, ChaUis, M,A,, Scholar of this College, Henry A, Ehot. Rev, George B, Erskine, M,A,, of Drybnrgh Abbey, Venerable Henry Edward Man ning, D.D,, M,A,, FeUow of this CoUege, rector of La- -vington, and Archdeacon of Chichester ; now Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster ; author of various esteemed works, (1851,) Eev, J, Hungerford Pollen, M,A,, FeUow of this CoUege, Senior Proctor of this Uni versity ; late of the South Kensington Museum, T. Potter, M.A., son of the late Member for Eochdale, H, Peter Reader, B,A,, a Do minican priest at Holy Cross Priory, Leicester, The late J. E, Hope-Scott, M,A., D,C.L,, Q,C„ FeUow of this College ; of Abbotsford, and grandson of the 2nd Earl of Hopetoun, (1850,) Rev, William F, Tr.aies, M,A,, Fellow of this College, and curate of St. John the Evan gelist, Holborn, E,C. ; a priest and rector of Holy Cross, Plymouth, (IS,*^!).) Rev, Gresham Wells, jM.A,, son of Sir Mordaunt AVells, Q.C, curate of All Saints', Mar garet Street, W. : now a barrister-at-law , Rev, Francis M, Wyndham, M,A,, curate of St. George's- in-the-East : a priest and Pro fessor at St. Charles' College W, (1868,) OXFORD UNIVERSITY. 35 Ne-w-Inn-Hall. T. Suffield Jones, Ne-\v College, Rev, AValter Marram Adams, B,A., Fellow of this College ; now professor at Downside College, H, M, Browne, a Jesuit and professor at St. Stanislaus CoUege, TuUamore, Ireland, (1874,) Rev, Nicholas Darnell, M,A,, FeUow of this College, son of the rector of Stanhope ; a priest and rector of St, John of Beverley, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland. (1852,) Rev. D, Erskine Dewar, M,A,, B,C,L,, FeUow of this Col lege, and rector of Fries- thorpe, (1878,) J, C Dunn, B,A., Inspector of Secular Education in the Archdiocese of Westminster, Henry D, Harrod, son of the late H. Harrod, F,S.A,, of Aylsham, Norfolk, (1879,) Rev, Walter Croke Robinson, M,A,, FeUow of this CoUege ; a priest and chaplain of Ken sington Workhouse. C, W, Sinith, Mus, Bac, ; organist of St, George's Cathedral, Southwark ; and till lately professor of music at St, Joseph's CoUege, Clapham, S,W, (1874.) Oriel College, Rev. George Akers, M.A,, of MalUng Abbey, uncle of Arteas Akers-Douglas, M,P. for East Kent ; a priest ; and tiU lately rector of St, Ed mund's College, Ware ; now rector of the Sacred Heart, Hampton Wick, (1862.) Rev. CB, Bridges, M, A, (1845.) Albany J, Christie, M,A,, Fel low of this College, First Class in Classics, Second in Mathematics ; a Jesuit ; min ister of the Immaculate Con ception, Farm Street, Berkeley Square, W. ; Member of the Coaiioii of the Association for the Propagation of the Faith, and President of the Catholic Young Men's Association ; author of several religious dramas, etc, (1845,) Rev, Henry James Coleridge, M,A,, Fellow of this CoUege, First Class in Classics, scholar of Trinity ; incumbent of a district church near Ottery St, Mary, Devonshire ; bro ther of Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, and brother-in-law of the Right Rev, John F. Mackarness, D.D,, Lord Bishop of Oxford ; a Jesuit at the Church of the Im maculate Conception, Farm Street, Berkeley Square, W, ; author of various religious works, (1852,) Rev. John Oharles Earle, B.A,, curate at Ongar ; author of Poems, etc, (1851,) Rev, C J. P. Forster, M.A, curate at Stoke Abbas, Rev, R. Gordon, M,A. Alfred Le Mesurier Rev, Thomas S, Livius, M,A,, curate of St, Kea, Corn waU ; a Redemptorist priest. (1852.) Rev. Frederick R, Neve, D,D,, M,A,, -vicar of Poole Keyns ; a priest, and provost of Chfton ; now retired, (1845,) Rev, John Henry Newman, D,D,, M.A,, Fellow of this CoUege ; Hon, Fellow of Trinity College ; B,D, of Ox ford ; and vicar of St, Mary- 36 CONVERTS TO ROME. the-Virgin, Oxford ; for some time rector of the Catholic University of Ireland ; Car dinal and Superior of the Birmingham Oratory ; author of various esteemed works, (1845,) Rev. James Orr, B.A., curate of St. James', Bristol, Rev. Daniel Parsons, M.A,, curate of Marden, Wilts, (1843,) The late Rev, Seton Paterson Eooke, M,A., curate of St, Sa"viour's, Leeds ; a Domi nican priest, (1850,) Eev, George Dudley Eyder, M, A,, rector of Euston, Hants, son of the late Bishop of Lichfield, and grandson of the Earl of Harrowby. (1846,) Arthur Schomberg, son of the late Q,C, (1878,) Rev, John R, Shortland, M,A,, curate of Kibworth Beau champ ; a priest ; canon of Plymouth ; and rector of the Immaculate Conception, Penz ance ; author of " Corean Martyrs," " Persecutions of Annam," etc, (1851,) Rev, Richard Simpson, M,A,, vicar of Mitcham, (1849,) Rev, WiUiam Tylee, B.A., a priest, monsignor, and chap lain to the Marquis of Ripon, K.G, Viceroy of India.(1866.) Rev. Henry M. Walker, B.A,, curate at Hardenhuish ; a priest andrector of St. Austin's, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. (1846.) The late Rev, Richard AVard, M A, , incumbent at Skipton ; a priest and canon, B, A, Westerman, (1S7S.) 'The late Venerable Robert Isaac WUberforce, M.A., Fellow of this College, and Archdeacon of York Rev. H. W. Wilberforce, M.A,, vicar of East Farleigh, son of the late William Wilberforce, M,P. for HuU, the Slavery AboUtionist, (1850,) R. WilUams,.M.A. Pembroke College. Rev, A, J, D, Bradley, B,A,, curate of St, Martin's, Liver pool ; a Jesuit in America, Charles Dawson, Rev, W, Harper, M,A, J, S, Johnstone, M,A, (1863.) The late Rev, H, J, MarshaU, M,A,, D,D,, curate at Burton Agnes ; a priest, (1846,) P, Le Page Renouf, H,M. Inspector of Schools, C1842.) H, Stanton. (1878.) Queen's College, Rev. G. R. Burrows, M.A. F. C EUis, Rev, E, S. Grindle, M,A,, " Presbyter Anghoanus " ; late Scholar of the College ; and curate of St. Paul's. Brighton. (1876.) Frederick Salmon Grouse, M, A,", CLE., Bengal C.S. Rev. Thomas Norton Harper, B.A., incumbent of St. Peter's, Buckingham Palace Gate ; a Jesuit and professor at Stony hurst College, Blackburn ; •author. (1851.) Rev. Campbell Alackinnon.B.A,, incumbent of Port Royal, Jamaica ; and late chaplain to the British Residency in Lima, Peru, (1879,) Rev. James R. Aladan, M.A., principal of the Protestant Missionary College at AA'arm- inster ; a priest at St. .Joseph's College for Foreign ^Missions, AliU HiU, N.W. (1872.) OXFORD UNIVERSITY. 37 Rev, Richard E, Eann, M,A,, vicar of Thatcham, Berks, (1866,) Rev, James Henry Sheppard, M.A, W, W. Statter, son of a clergy man, (1877,) AA^alter AA'orkman, M,A, St, Alban's Hall, Joseph AA^, AVright Drew, M,A,, Member of the Royal Asiatic Society : a priest and rector of St, Edward the Confessor, Romford, Essex, (1864.) Rev, H, J, Hardy, M,A,, curate of St, Peter's, VauxhaU ; a priest and rector of SS, Mary aud Thomas of Canterbury, Harrow. (1875.) Charles Henry Poole, B.L., now principal of St. Joseph's School, Pailton, Rugby, St. Edmund's Hall, Rev, George Angus, B.A, S.CL,, curate of Prestbury ; a priest ; and tiU lately chaplain to the CathoUc University College, Kensington, AV. (1873.) The late Rev, Dr, Barrow, prin cipal of this HaU ; a Jesuit, C, H. Bromby, M,A,, son of the Eight Rev, Dr, Bromby, Bishop of Tasmania, E, G, Stanley Browne, Rev, Thomas Henry Tydd, M, A,, Classical Medalist, first class ical Honourman, Second Class in Moral Sciences, and First Class Exhibitioner of Trinity CoUege, Dublin ; curate of Alton 'Towers (Lord Shrews bury's), (1879,) St. John's College. Rev. Henry Bittleston, M,A,, curate of All Saints, Margaret Street, AA'' ; a priest and rector of SS, Alban and Stephen, St, Albans, Herts, (1849,) Richard J, Clarke, M,A,, Fellow of this College ; a Jesuit at the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, W, (1868,) Rev, H, Coombes, M,A,, Fellow of this College, curate of St. Sa-viour's, Leeds. (1845,) H, Denny, a Jesuit in Baltimore, America, J, EUis, Dr, Fincham, M,A, Ignatius Grant, a Jesuit at St, Mary's, Bristol, (1842,) Rev, C J, Laprimandaye, M,A,, rector of Lavington, (1850,) Rev, Frederick Bayley Lord, M,A,, rector of Farmborough, near Bath, (1877,) Rev, F. J, New, M,A,, curate of Christ Church, St, Pancras, (1847,) Robert Simpson, a priest at Dartmouth, (1845,) Rev, F, Dominic Trenow, curate at Northfield ; a Dominican priest and chaplain of the Convent of Our Lady of Re paration, Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, (1852,) E, Youngman. Trinity College, Eev, Evan Baillie, M,A,, rector of LawshaU, (1850,) Rev, Charies W,Cavendish,M, A,,, rectorof Little Castleton; and a member of the Camden So ciety, (1850.) WiUiam Payne NeviUe, M,A,, a priest of the Oratory ; and Secretary to H, E, Cardinal Newman at Edgbaston, Bir mingham, Rev. R. Orasby, M.A,, Fellow of this College, First Class in Classics ; curate at Chichester ;. 38 CONVERTS TO ROME. author of " Life of St. Francis de Sales," etc, (1847,) Rev, James Laird Patterson, M,A,, D.D,, curate of St, Thomas, Oxford ; till lately rector of St, Edmund's College, Ware ; now Bishop of Emmaus, (1850,) Robert B, PhiUips, M,A,, D,L,, of Longworth, Hereford, Rev, Samuel Wayte, B,D,, late ' > president of this College, Alexander Wood, M.A, University College, Rev, J, Algar, M,A,, Fellow of this College, Rev, William Henry Anderdon, M,A,, Bennett Scholar of this College ; vicar of St, Margaret's, Leicester ; a Jesuit at the Church of the Holy Name, Manchester ; author of " Via Crucis," and of various controversial works, (1850,) Thomas Arnold, M,A,, youngest son of the late celebrated Dr, Arnold, of Rugby, The late John Biden, a Jesuit, (1842.) Rev. J. P. DureU, M.A,, tiU lately tutor at the Catholic University College, Kensing ton, W, The late Rev, Frederick W, Faber, M,A,, D,D,, Fellow of this College, and rector of Elton; a priestof the Oratory ; founder of the Brompton Oratory ; and a voluminous writer, (1845,) Rev, John Frederick Fagge, B, A,, vicar of Ashton Cantlow, brother of the baronet, (1877,) Rev, Charles H, Kennard, JI.A., curate of Newland, Malvern ; a priest and rector of the Holy Name, Cannington, Bridgewater. (1868.) Rev, Charles Baskerville Lang don, M, A,, curate of Plympton, St, Mary, Plymouth, (1883,) Rev, W, MaskeU, M,A., vicar of St, Mary's, Torquay, and examining chaplain to the Bishop of Exeter, (1845,) A, R, Pryor, B,A, George 'TickeU, 1VI,A,, a Jesuit and rector of Our Lady and St, Joseph, Selkirk, N,B. (1814.) G, EUiot Ranken, B,A,, Scholar of this CoUege ; formerly captain of the Royal Glamor gan Artillery ; private Cham berlain to the late and present Popes. The late Rev, J. C, Robertson, M,A,, a rector in Bucking hamshire ; a priest, Charles D. R, WiUiamson, B,A,, only son of Colonel AVUUam- son, of Perth ; a priest of the Oratory, (1876,) AVadham College, Rev, T, AV, Alhes, M,A., Fellow of this College, chaplain to the Bishop of London ; now a barrister-at-law ; author of "The Church of England cleared from the Charge of Schism," "The See of St. Peter," etc, ; secretary of the Cathohc Poor School Com mittee, (1851,) Edward H, Ballard, M,A,, Fellow of this CoUege ; a priest and chaplain of H,M,S. Miflamjmg, .Southsea. (1850) J, G, H, Barnes, Robert Braithwaite, B.A., bar rister-at-law. The late Rev, Edward Bowles Knottesford Fortescue, JI.A,, provost of St. Ninian's, Perth '; OXFOED UNIVERSITY. 39 brother-in-law of the late Dr. Tait, Archbishop of Canter bury and Primate of all Eng land ; author of various works, (1875.) H. G. Lawson, M.A. J, J, Hinde Lloyd, B.A. T, A, Pope. Worcester College, George Frederick Ballard, M,A, , barrister-at-law ; a priest ; canon of Portsmouth ; and rector of the Immaculate Conception and St, Joseph, Christchurch, Hants, (1850,) AHred J, Caiman, B.A,, father of the Eev. A, J, Caiman ; professor at St. Mary's College, Oscott, Birmingham, (1845.) J. Coleman, Rev, T. P, A, Eaglesim, M,A., curate of St, Paul's, Oxford ; a priest of the Oratory, Birmingham, (1877,) Rev. Frederick Hathaway, M.A,, FeUow, and formerly tutor of this College ; curate of St, Mary Magdalen's, Oxford ; a Jesuit in America, (1851,) The late Rev, Henry James, M.A,, vicar of St, Andrew's, WeUs Street, W. ; a Jesuit, (1851,) The late Rev, Charles Seager, M,A., assistant Professor of Hebrew at Oxford, and Pro fessor of Classics at the CathoUc University College, Kensington, W. (1843.) Charles Tregenna, B,A, Rev, Rowland Wedgwood, M,A,, late of the Enghsh Church Union, and member of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, (187;i,) Also of Oxford. AV. ilore Adley, unattached student, (1880,) J, Baxter, Rev, H, Collins, M,A,, curate of St, George's-in-the-East ; a priest of the Cistercian Order ; rector of the Convent of Our Lady of Dolours, Wimborne, Dorset, Rev, John Collins, M,A,, curate at Birkenhead. J. Canby Biddle Cope, M,A., of Cotswold House, Gloucester shire. (1882,) C M, Dix, B,A,, unattached student F, B, D, B, Drew, ditto, (1879,) George French Flowers, Mus. Doc, Rev, Henry Francis John Jones, B,A,, of Humpheston Hall, Salop, William Eric Leslie, M.A,, a Jesuit at the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, W. Eev, James Marshall, B,A,, curate of St, Bartholomew's, Moor Lane, E,C. Eev, A, J, Marshall, B, A, , curate at Liverpool ; and author of " Comedy in Convocation." W. Z. Palmer, M.A. Eeginald Schomberg, M.A,, barrister-at-law, William Wilberforce, junior, M,A,, grandson of the slavery Abolitionist. 40 CONVERTS TO ROME. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Caius College. V, J, Fenwick, B,A, Dr. Hooper, B.A., M.B, (London), Matthew P, Houghton, (1854,) Eev, W, M, Hunnybun, M,A,, Fellow of this College, and vicar of BickernoUer ; till lately Professor at the Cathohc University CoUege, Kensing ton, W, Eev, J, Jerrard, D.CL,, Fellow of this College ;formerly Princi pal of Bristol College ; Fellow and Examiner of the London University. (1851.) Eev. J. M. Watson, M.A St. Catherine's College. Eev. Eobert Belaney, M.A., vicar of Arlington ; a priest in London. (1852.) Eev. T. Minster, M.A,, -vicar of St, Sa-viour's, Leeds, (1847,) St, Cvtherine's Hall. The late Eev. B. H. Berks, M.A. , curate of Arley, North- witch ; a priest. (1848.) Christ College. Rev. Professor F, S, Barff, M.A,, F,C,S., Royal Academy ; curate of Holy Trinity, Hull ; till lately Professor of Chemistry at the Catholic University College, Kensing ton, W, ; now at St, Edmund's College, Ware, (1851.) The late Rev, R, W, Brundritt, M,A,, a priest. J. H. Flesher, B.A. Eev. Dr. Goltz, rector of Christ Church, Southwark, (1850,) Eev, William Pope, B,A„ curate of Seven Bridges, Bolton ; nephew of the late Most Rev. Dr, Whateley, Protestant Archbishop of Dubhn ; a priest at Bkley. (185,3,) C J, Moncrieff Smyth, a priest at .St, Patriok-in-the-East, Wapping, Rev. Edward J. Watson, M,A,, curate at St, Leonards-on-Sea ; a priest and Professor at St. Edmund's College, Ware, (1876,) Clabe Cdllege, Rev, Thomas Dykes, 51, A,,curate of Holy Trinity, HuU; a Jesuit and rector of St. Wilfrid's, Preston. (1850.) Arthur G, Galton. Corpus Christi College. Henry Bacchus. (184ii.) R. C A, Boyd, Thomas Foster, J\I.D, Eev. Edward Gifford Shapcote, B.A., formerly Scholar of this College, curate of St. George's- in-the-East. (18(18.) E.mmaxuel College. WilUam Chatto. :M,A.. buiU the Catholic Church at Torquay, Devonshire. Eev. T. D. Dove, M.A., curate of St. ]\Iarv Magdalen's, Paddington, AA''. Rev, Richard James Dyne God- ley. B.A., curate of St. .Tohn's, Bathwick, Bath, (l''^8;i.) Rev. Edward Healy Thompson, M.A,, curate of St. James's, AA^estminster : author of " Unitv of the Episcopate," etc, A, J, AValker, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. 41 Rev. W, WaU, M,A,, formeriy an AngUcan curate, Arthur J, Wallace, M,A,, a priest, John Pym Yeatman, barrister- at-law, and historical M'riter ; author of " The Shemitio Origin of the Nations of Western Europe,'' etc, Jesus College, Rev, Henry Fisher Corb3-n, M,A,, late Senior Chaplain to the Forces in India, (1881,) Joseph Davenport, B,A, J, F, Flockhart, A, O'NeU, Rev, Thomas Alder Pope, M,A,, rector of St, Matthias, Stoke Ne-wington ; a priest of the Oratory at Birmingham, Rev, E, Randolph, M.A,, Tyrw- hitt University Scholar ; -vicar of St. Clement's, Cambridge, (1857,) John Henry Rohrs, M,A,, Fellow of this CoUege, Rev. Orby Shipley, M, A,, author of " Glossary of Ecclesiastical Terms," " Ritual of the Altar," Life of the Holy Virgin," etc, (1878,) St, John's College. J, Baxter. (1848,) T. E, Bridgett, a Redemptorist priest ; author of " Our Lady's Dowry,'' Ritual of the New Testament," " Discipline of Drink," etc, (1850,) Rev, W, BeU, Rev, John Francis Higgins, B.A,, curate at Taunton ; a priest at WhiteweU, Clitheroe, Edward Owen Hornby, M,A, Rev, E, Home, M,A,, vicar of St, Lawrence, Southampton, Rev, Frederick G Maples, B.A,, curate of St, Mary's, Soho ; a priest and rector of Our Lady, and St, Frederick, Lime- house, E, (1868.) Professor F. A, Paley, M,A,, grandson of the author of the " E-vidences " ; and till lately Professor of Classics at the Catholic University College, Kensington ; Classical Exa miner for the London Uni versity, (1846,) James Boone Rowe, a priest of the Oratory, Rev, James Scratton, M,A,, curate at Sittingbourne ; a priest. Rev, Edwin Trevelyan Smith, M,A., vicar of Cannock. Rev, James A, Stewart, M,A,, rector of Vange.Essex, (1849,) Rev, J, H, Stuart, B,A,, curate of Bramford, (1850,) John Berry Walford, barrister- at-law. King's College, John T. Walford, M,A,, Fellow of this College, and assistant- master at Eton ; a Jesuit and professor at St, Beunos College, St, Asaph, Magdalen College. Rev. F. Remington, B,A,, rector of Kirkley, Suffolk ; now principal of St, Aloysius' School, Bournemouth, Rev, JabezWatson,M,A,, curate at Lostwithiel, Pembroke College. Rev, John Headlam, M,A, The late Rev, F, F, Jones, B,A,, a priest. Rev, Martin Luther Rule, B,A,, curate at Brighton ; son of the Rev, Dr, Rule, Wesleyan Minister. 42 CONVERTS TO EOME. St, Peter's College, Rev. Henry Bedford, M.A., curate of Christ Church, Hoxton ; author of " Life of St, Vincent de Paul," etc. Rev, John Tindall DureU, M,A, F, J. Gordon. Rev. Joseph James Greene, M.A., curate-in-charge of St. Bartholomew's, Brighton ; a priest (Oblate of St. Charles), and rector of Our Lady of the Holy Souls, Kensal New Town, W. (1875.) W. S, LiUy, B,A., barrister-at law ; Secretary of the Cathohc " Union of Great Britain ; author. Rev. David Charles Nicols, M.A., Crosse University Scholar ; curate of All Saints, Margaret Street, W. ; a priest and rector of St. Helen's, Ongar, Essex. A. G. Payne, B.A. Rev, .John O, Payne, M,A., curate of Linslade, Bucks, Queen's College, Rev, Wilham Hamilton Bodley> M,A,, Chaplain of Archbishop Tenison's Cha]Del, Regent Street, W, ; a priest and rector of Our Lady and St, Margaret, Oxburgh, Stoke Ferry, Nor folk (1851,) Rev, Francis Henry Laing, D,D., curate at Eglingham, Northumberland ; a priest and rector of Our Liulv aud St. Joseph's, Hanwcll, \\'. (l.>^46.) Rev. T. B. Parkinson, M.A., inouiubent of St. Mary's. Wakcfielil ; a Jesuit and reclor of St. .Vloy.sius', Oxford. AV. E. Pdyntor, M.A., IM.L. ICdwaril Scai-Ldll, AA'r;in..;-lor. Rev. .V. 1). \\'arkoibath, Jl.A. Rev, AV, H, AA'Uson, M,A,, curate of Frome-Selwood ; a priest, (1870,) Sidney Sussex College, The late Rev, James O'Brien, M.A,, vicar ot Lyneham, and related to the late Most Rev. Dr. Tait, Archbishop of Can terbury. Rev. Gordon Thompson, M.A., curate of Christ Church, St, Pancras ; Scholar of this College ; a priest and pro fessor at St, Charles's CoUege, AV. (1875.) Trinity Hall. H.A1. W, S, Coward, M,A„ Inspector of Schools. Rev. C E. Hodsun, M.A., Chap lain to the Arctic Expedition, Trinity College, J. Algar, (1848,) Henry M, Bavley, a priest (Oblate of St, Charles), and Chaplain to the convent of the Little Sistersof thePoor, PortobeUo Road, \V. (1857.) C A, Bowring, son of Sir John Bowring, a Jesuit. Rev. Caithness Brodie, of Brodie, B.A. ; curate of St, Stephen's, Kensintjton, AA', Rev, \V. R. B. Brownlow, JI.A., cm-ate at Torquay ; a priest, canon, and rural dean of Plymouth ; and rector of Our Lady Help of Christians, and St, Denis, Torquay ; author of " A'itis Alystica," etc. Francis Cowley Bm'iiand, author of "Happy Thoughts" etc; now Editor of Punch. Beiijauiiu J, Butlmd, a priest and ret' tor of St, John the CAMBEIDGE UNIVEESITY, 43 Baptist, Great Hayward, Staffordshire, (1844,) The late Arthur B, Cumberlege, a priest. The late Rev, J, H, Dale, M.A., curate of Frome-Selwood ; a priest. (1846,) The late Kenelm H, Digby, B,A,, son of the late A'ery Rev, AA^, Digby, Dean of Clonf ert, of Lord Digbys family ; author of "The Broadstone of Honour," etc, (1824,) Rev, AV, Dodsworth, B,D,, vicar of Christ Church, St, Pancras. (1847,) Charles O, Eaton, M,A,, D,L,, of Tolethorpe Hall, Stamford. (I860,) W, Martin Edmunds, (1869,) Rev, AA''ilUam Felgate, (1847,) Gerald C PurceU Fitzgerald, M,A, Thomas Foster, LL,D, Theodore Galton, M,A,, of Hadzor, Worcestershire, Rev. Andrew Green, M,A,, curate of St, Paul's, Oxford, Rev. Samuel Harper, M,A,, rector of St, Ninian's, Perth, (1851,) Rev, G, H, HUl, M,A,, rector of Saltford, (1846,) Rev, John Houghton, Rev, Evans Haynes Hunter, M.A., a priest, Sylvester Hunter, barrister-at- law, son of the late J, Hunter, of the Public Record Office ; a Jesuit at St, Stanislaus, Roehampton, S,W, E, J, Hutchins, sometime M,P. The late William Antony Hut chison, a priest of the Oratory, (1845,) George R, Kingdon, Scholar of this College ; a Jesuit and Professor of Beaumont Col lege, Old Wmd-:or, (1847,) The late Thomas Francis Knox, B,A., D,D„ First Class of the Classical Tripos, and Chan cellor's Medallist ; son of the late Hon, John Henrv Knox, M,P,, and of Lady Mabella Josephine Needham, daughter of Francis, 1st Earl of Kil- morey, and grandson of 1st Earl of Ranf nrley ; a priest of the Oratory ; and Member of the Council of the Asso ciation of the Propagation of the Faith; author of "The Life of Blessed Henry Suso," etc, (1845,) Rev, J, Kynaston ; now a soli citor. (1853.) Rev. Francis Lascelles, B.A., perpetual curate of Merevale ; no"w a barrister-at-law. Rev. Wilham Henry Lewth- waite, M.A., vicar of Clif ford ; a priest of the Order of Charity at The Mount, Wadhurst, The late Rev. T, W, Marshall, M,A,, vicar of Swallowcliffe ; author of " Christian Mis sions," etc. Henry Austin Mills, a priest of the Oratory at Birmingham, (1846.) Robert Monteith, M,A,, of Carstairs, John Morris, author of " Trou bles of our Catholic Fore fathers,'' etc. ; a Jesuit and rector of St. Stanislaus, Roe hampton, S.W. Ralph H, C Nevile, of Wel- lingore Hall, Grantham, Rev, G, B, Norman, M,A,, curate at Wooton, Sebastian Okeley, M,A,, Scholar of this College, and University traveUing bachelor. The late Rev, George Oldham, M A,, curate at Dorking ; built St, Mary Magdalen's, Brighton ; a priest and first 44 CONVEETS TO EOME. rector of the above church at Brighton, Rev, T. G, Pearce, B,A,, a priest and rector of St. Mary Magdalen's, Brighton. Owen Phillips. Rev. J, H, Pye, M,A,, rector of Clifton Campville ; son-in-law of the late Dr, AVilberforce, Lord Bishop of Winchester ; now a barrister-at-law, Henry Augustus Rawes, M,A,, D.T>., S,H,G, ; a priest ; supe rior of the Oblates of St, Charles ; president of Con ference in Arch-diocese of Westminster ; and rector of St, Mary of the Angels, Bays- water, W, ; author of various religious works, M, J, Rhodes, M,A, Rev, John Rod well, M. A., curate of St. Ethelberga's, WiUiam Sankey, M,A, William Simpson, Lord of the Manor of Mitcham, and a descendant of Archbishop Cranmer, (1843,) Rev, J, Simpson, M,A,, curate of Langton, Yorks, Eev, Parks Smith, M,A,, vicar of St, John's, Torquay, (1879,) J, P, H, Wyndham Spedding, of Whitehaven, John Stephens, Eev, James Stewart, M,A,, curate at Wolverstone ; now Professor at the Catholic University of Ireland, S, N, Stokes, B,A,, Scholar of this College, H,M, Inspector of Schools, C S, Stokes, Edward G, Swainson, B,A,, a priest and rector of Mary Immaculate, and St, Philip, Newmarket, The late T, J. Thompson, fatbi r of the painter of " The EoU CaU," Rev, WilUam A, WegueUn, M,A,, vicar of South Stoke, F, F, WeUs, M,A,, son of Lady Ehzabeth Wells. (1845,) Rev, Edmund A, Willett, M,A,, "vicar in the diocese of Ely, F, C Collins WUson, Rev, G, B, Yard, M,A,, curate of All Saints, Margaret Street W, ; a priest, (1862,) Downing College, Eev, W, P, Burn, M, A,, incum bent near Eotherham, Also of Cambridge, Eev, Thomas Burton, M,A„ curate of St, James's, Enfield ; a priest, Eev, Robert CampbeU, M.A,, chaplain to the Bishop of Aberdeen, and canon of Perth Cathedral, Rev F. C A, Clifford, M,A„ curate of Elveden, Suffolk, John Richard Eaton, M,A,, barrister-at-law. Rev, Samuel Farman, M,A,, vicar of St, John's District Church, Colchester, (1880,) Rev, A, B, Gordon, M,A,, a priest. The late Rev, Wilham Eddowes Owen, M,A,, son of Canon Owen ; a priest, W, H, Roberts, M.A,, D,L„ Recorder of Grantham, Rev, C Rowlatt, M,A,, curate at Thurrocks, (1858,) The late Eev, John Campbell Smith, M,A, (1845,) The late Eev, Joseph George Sutcliffe, M,A,, curate at Great Yarmouth, (1880,) TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. 45 LONDON UNIVERSITY. W, H, Brown, B,A, C E, B, Davis, B,A, Frederick Lucas, B,A,, some time M,P, for Meath ; and editor of the Tablet Rev, R, \. Pope, B,A,, mis sionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in India ; now tutor at the Oratory School, under H,E, Cardinal Newman, at Bir mingham, DURHAM UNIVERSITY. A. P, Skene, a Jesuit at the Immaculate Rev, Joseph Stevenson, M.A,, Conception, Farm Street, W, vicar of Leighton Buzzard ; (1850,) UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. The late Algernon Moore, a priest. KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. Francis Bayley, a priest and rector of St, Francis de Sales, Tottenham, Rev, Frederick Bro-wn, associate of this CoUege, and curate of St, Philip's, ClerkenweU ; a priest and rector of St, Anne's, Little Albany Street, Regent's Park, N,W, (1865,) George Bentley, Rev, C W, Monro, curate of St, Paul's, Knightsbridge, Rev, Reginald Tuke, associate of this College, and curate of St. John's, Hackney ; a priest and rector of Our Lady of Grace, Tumham Green, E, Windeyer, ST. AUGUSTINE'S COLLEGE, CANTERBURY. Robert Priest, a Dominican curate of St, Mary's, Pop- priest in Belgium, lar, E, The late Rev, George Smith, John Varley, TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, Charles Francis F, AUnatt, son of the late Charles Blake Alhiatt, of Shrewsbury, bar rister-at-law, author of " Ca thedra Petri," etc, Carmichael Bel ton, M,A,, for- 46 CONVEETS TO EOME. merly a Cowley brother, (1879,) Rev, William Maziere Brady, D,D., (Jhaplain to the Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland ; Cham berlain to the Pope. (l865.) Rev. E. G. Kirwan Browne, curate of Bawdsey, Suf folk ; nephew of Sir AV. Nott, K.CB, ; author of " Annals of the Tractarian Movement," " Trials of Faith,'' etc, ; some time Professor of Classics in this College, and till lately at St, Joseph's College, Clap ham, S,W, (1845,) The late Rev, Thomas Lloyd Coghlan, senior rector of Mourne Abbey, Cork ; a priest. Rev, Hubert de Burgh, curate of LawshaU; a priest at Avon- dale, in the diocese of Newark, New Jersey, North America, (1857,) Rev. J, W, D, Hoare, B.A,, son of an Irish clergyman, and vicar of St, Philip's, Syden ham, S,E, (1881,) Rev, Francis Johnston Kirk, B,A,, curate of Gorey, in the diocese of Ferns, Ireland ; a priest and rector of SS, Peter and Edward, Buckingham Gate, S,W, (1864.) , Joseph Robinson Kirk, B,A,, brother of the above, (1850,) Rev, George Montgomery, M,A. (1845.) Rev, J, A, Poole, B,A,, curate of St, John's, MUes Platting, Lancashire, The late Rev, W, G, Todd, M.A,, curate of St, James's, Bristol ; a priest and canon, (1851,) Rev. J. H. AA'oodward, M.A., vicar of St. James's, Bristol, (1851,) GLENALMOND COLLEGE, SCOTLAND. Rev, J, Harris Burton, incumbent of St, John's, Selkirk, CAMBRAE COLLEGE. Arnold H, Mathews, B,A,, a Dominican priest. THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY (LADIES), The late Duchess of Argyll (Anne), wife of the 7th Duke, The Dowager Duchessof Athole, Lady in waiting to Her Majesty the Queen, The Duchess of Buccleuch, (I860,) The Duchess of Hamilton, daughter of H, S, H, Charles Lewis Frederick, late reigning Grand Duke of Baden, (1855,) The Duchess of Newcastle, (1879,) THE NOBILITY AND GENTEY (lADIES). The Duchess of Norfolk {m'-e Lady Flora Abney-Hastings), (187,5,) The Dowager Duchess of Nor folk, sister to Lord Lyons (English Ambassador at Paris) , (1856,) The Dowager Marchioness of Londonderry, (1862.) Thelate Marchionessof Lothian (Cecial Chet"wynd), sister to Earl Talbot, -wife of the late and mother of the. present Marquis, (I860,) The Marchioness of Queensberry (Caroline), The Marchioness of Waterford (Florence), (1870,) The Dowager Countess of Bu chan. The late Countess of Clare, (1842,) The late Countess of Gains borough, daughter of the 16th EarlofErroU, (1851,) The late Countess of Kenmare, daughter of the late Sir Robert Wilmot, Baronet, and mother of the present Earl. (1852,) The Countess of Kenmare, daughter of Lord Charles Thynne, M.A,, and wife of the present Earl of Kenmare, K,P., P,C (Lord Chamber lain), (1852,) The Countess of Orford (CeciUa), The late Countess of Portarling- ton, daughter of the 3rd Marquis of Londonderry, and sister-in-law of the late Duke of Marlborough, sometime Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, (1867,) The Countess of Ravensworth, (1879,) The Countess Tasker, late of Rotherham, The late Viscountess FeUding, (1850,) The late Viscountess Newry and Morne, daughter of the late Charies ColviUe, G,C.B., and wife of the late Viscount, Lady A, Acheson, (1845,) Lady 0, Acheson, (1845,) Lady Aunaly, Lady Armitage, wife of Sir G, Armitage, Baronet, Lady Arundell, sister of the 1st Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, wife of the 10th Lord Arundell of AVardour, Lady Caroline Barham, sister of the Earl of Thanet, Lady Barrow, wife of the Rev, Sir J, C Barrow, Baronet, (1859,) Lady Beaumont (Isabella), wife of the 8th Lord Beaumont, and 3rd daughter of Lord KUmaine, (1872,) Lady Elizabeth Bertie, daughter of the Earl of Abingdon, (1874,) Lady Evelyn Bertie, ditto. (1875,) Lady Frances E. Bertie, ditto, a nun. (1881.) Lady Anne Isabella Blunt, granddaughter of Lord Bjtou. Lady Burke, daughter of the Right Honourable J. Calcraft. (1855,) Lady Adelaide Cathcart, The late Lady Chatterton, authoress. Lady Chichester, Lady Clifford, wife of the late Major-General Sir Henry CUfford, V,C, Lady Catherine EUzabeth Coch rane, daughter of the 10th Earl of Dundonald, Lady Codrington, Lady Katherine Coke, daughter of the Earl of Wilton, The late Lady Alexina Coventry, daughter of the late Earl of Fife, K,T, (1879,) 48 CONVEETS TO EOME. The late Lady Curtis, wife of Sir Lucius Curtis, Baronet, (1848,) Lady Alice d'Albanie, "wife of the late Count d'Albanie, and daughter of the 17th Earl of ErroU Lady d'Albiac, wife of Sir Charles d'Albiac, The late Lady de Trafford, Lady Vere de Vere, wife of the late Sir Edmund Vere de Vere, Baronet, (1851,) Lady Gertrude Douglas, daugh ter of the 7 th Marquis of Queensberry, Lady Elizabeth Douglas, sister of the Marchioness of Queens berry, Lady Elizabeth Douglas, daugh ter of the 2nd Earl Cathcart, Lady Douglas, "wife of Sir Charles Douglas, Lady Duncan, Lady Dundas, Lady Featherstone, LadyLouisaFitzgibboUjdaughter of the late Earl of Clare, Lady Foley, (1850,) Lady Elizabeth Foote, daughter of the 5th Marquis of Queens berry, Lady Poster, wife of Sir Charles Foster, Baronet, Lady Georgiana FuUerton, sister of the present Earl Granville, K,G,, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs ; authoressof ' 'Gran tly Manor," etc, (1846,) Lady Gage, (1851,) Lady Alice Gaisford, Lady Duff Gordon, (1847,) Lady Gray, of Gray, Lady Grey, daughter of Ad miral Sir R, Spenser, (1851,) Lady Guy, wife of the late Sir Philip Guy, Baronet, Lady Harris, Lady Herbert, of Lea, mother of the Earl of Pembroke and of Countess Lonsdale, (1862,) Lady ilary Herbert, now Baroness Mary Von Hugel, (1873,) Lady Heywood, -wife of Sir Percival Heywood, Baronet. Lady Hilda Higgins, daughter of theEarlofWiachelsea. (1879.) Lady Holland, wife of the late Lord Holland, (1850,) Lady Hope-Johnstone, Lady Anne Jane Howard, daughter of the 4th Earl of Wicklow. Lady Howard of Glossop, daugh ter of the late John Green wood, of SwarclifiEe Hall, Ripley, Yorkshire. (1882.) Baroness Keating, daughter of the Honourable Judge Keat ing, Lady Ahce Mary Kerr, sister of the Marquis of Lothian. (1852.) Lady CecU Kerr, a nun, (1852,) Lady Amabel Kerr, daughter of the 6th Earl Cowper, (1871,) Lady Henry Kerr, daughter of the late Sir A. Hope, G,C,B,, and wife of the late Rev, Lord Henry Kerr, M,A, (1852.) The Dowager Lady KUmaine, (1875,) Lady Victoria Kirwan, daughter of the 2nd Marquis of Hast ings, Lady Lambert. Lady Sussex Lennox. Lady Frances Lindsay, daughter of the 4th Earl of AVicklow, and wife of the Honourable Colin Lindsaj'. Lady Milford, daughter of the 4th Earl of AVicklow, Lady Molesworth, wife of the Rev, Sir Paul ]Molesworth, M.A,, B.aronot, (18.52.) The late Lady Anna ^MonseU, THE NOBILITY AND GENTEY (lADIES). 49 daughter of the 2nd Earl of Dunraven, and 1st wife of Lard Emly, P,C, Lady Agnes Murray, of Pol- maise. The late Lady Murray, of PhUiphaugh, Lady North, wife of 1st Baron North. Lady Ehzabeth C Peat, niece of the late Sir Walter Scott, Baronet, The late Lady Katherine Petre, daughter of the 4th Earl of Wicklow, Lady Rossmore, mother of the present peer, (1879,) Lady Anne Sherson, sister of the Marquis of Townshend, The Dowager Lady Simeon, and two sons and four daugh ters, , Lady Sykes, wife of Sir Tatton Sykes, Baronet, and son, (1882,) Lady Edmund Talbot, daughter of the Earl of Abingdon, and -wife of Lord E, Talbot, brother of the Duke of Norfolk, E.M, Lady Charles Thynne, daughter of the Right Eev, E, Bagot, D,D,, late Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells ; wife of the Eev, Lord Charles Thynne, M,A,, J,P. (1862.) Lady Caroline Townley, Lady Dorothea Walpoie, daugh ter of the 4th Earl of Orford ; now Duchess Del Balzo (Naples), Lady Maude Walpoie, ditto, wife of the late Prince Grifeo Palagonia, late NeapoUtan Ambassador. Lady Webster, Comtesse Geraldine Digby Boy cott, chanoinesse of the Eoyal ' Chapter of St, Anne, Munich, Baronne de Corson, relative of H, E, Cardinal Manning, Baroness de Cosson (Elizabeth), of Chertsey, (1868), Duchess de Sforza Caesarini (nee Caroline Shirley), Baronne Davorist (nie Amy Phipps), daughter of thevector of Selsea, Chichester, Countess de Damas de Haute- fort (nee Young), The late Comtesse deUa Mar mora (nee Mathew), The Dowager Duchess de Gra mont, daughter of the late W, A, Mackinnon, M,P, Comtesse de Watte ville de Loins, daughter of the late Rear- Admiral Sir Eichard O'Conor, K,C.H,, and sister of Lady O'ConneU, Baronne de Charmoz de Bressan, niece of the late Eear- Admiral O'Conor, K,C.H, Contesse de Fauconpret, grand daughter of John Wesley, Baroness Von Hugel {nee Far- quharson), -wife of the late Austrian ambassador. Countess Kearney, daughter of Colonel William Percival, C.B. (a branch of the Egmont family), by Charlotte Alice, daughter of Sir William Palmer, Bart, Countess Alice Kearney, The Marchioness Eiarno Sforza,. The Duchessa d'Avigliano (race- Lady Emily Pelham Clinton), second daughter of the late Duke of Newcastle, and wife of the Due d'Avigliano, youngest son of the late Prince Phillipe Doria Pamphily-Landi. (1879.) Marquise de Labedoyere ; daughter of Lord Greville. The late Princess Mary Lichten- stein (nee Fox), daughter adop tive of the late Lord Holland Princesse de Ligne, daughter of Sir David Cunyngham, and wife of the late Prince de 50 CONVEETS TO ROME. Ligne, President of the Belgian Senate. Viscountess de Lubersac (Au gusta), daughter of the Eev, Percival Fyre, M,A,, rector of St. Winnow, Cornwall, and formerly vicar of HolyTrinity, Brompton, The late Marchesa Paulucci, daughter of the late Sir F, Simpkinson, Bart, Marchesa di Salvo {¦nee Claxton), Countess de la Torre Dias (n6e Wilcox), The late Countess Lucy Eado- Unski, daughter of Colonel T. H, Wakefield, and -wife of the Prussion Peer and Diplo matist, Baronne de ViUefranche, Baroness Warzburg, sister of Lord Lyons, K,G,, English Ambassador at Paris, and of the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk, Hon, Mrs. Arbuthnot, Hon, Mrs, Brown, grand daughter of the late Most Eev, Lord Decies, Archbishop of Tuam, Hon. Miss Crewe, sister of Lord Crewe, (1842,) Hon, Mrs, Wodehouse Currie, daughter of Lord Lyveden. Hon, Mrs, Eobert Daly, Hon, Mrs, Da-vison, daughter of Lord Graves, and wife of the late General Davison, Hon, Mrs. De Moleyns, wife of the late Hon. Colonel De Moleyns. The late Hon. Mrs. J. B. Dormer, Hon, Mrs, Dugmore, daughter of Lord Brougham, and wife of Captain Dugmore, The late Hon, Mrs, Percy Fitzgerald, daughter of the Tenth Viscount Massereene and Ferrard, Hon, Mrs, Edgar Gifford. (1874,) Hon, Mrs. Heneage. (1845.) Hon Mrs, Hennicker, Hon, Mrs. Herbert, of Llanarth, daughter of Lord Jjlanover. The late Hon, Mrs, Hewitt, wife of the Hon, James W, He-witt, eldest son of Lord Lifford. Hon, Mrs, Towry Law, -wife of the Hon, and Eev, AVUUam Towry Law, M,A,, son of the 1st Lord EUenborough, and late vicar of Harborne, and ChanceUor of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, (1851.) Hon, Mrs, Charles Law. Hon, Mrs, David Lewis, daughter of 1st LordMethuen, Hon, Mrs. Marmaduke C Max- weU Hon, Mrs, Laing Meason, Hon, Mrs, Alfred Montgomery, daughter of Lord Leconfield, and authoress of "On the Wing," " The Etemal Years," etc, Hon,Mrs,0'CaUaghan, daughter of the Eev, AA', H. WUliams, and wife of the Hon, G, C G. O'CaUaghan, eldest son of Viscount Lismore. Hon, Mrs, Frederick Petre {nee Musgrave), of Eden HaU, Hon, Mrs, Esther Pomeroy, sister of A'iscount Harberton. The late Hon Mrs, David Eoss of Bladensberg, daughter of 9th Viscount Massereene and Ferrard, (1862.) Hon. Mrs. John Ross of Bladens berg, daughter of the 10th Viscount Masserene and Fer- rai-d, (1879.) Hon, Mrs, AV, Le Peer Trench, Hon, Mrs, David Urquhart, sister of Lord CarUngford. Hon, Mrs, WouUe, daughter of Lord Graves, Mrs, Edmund Adderley, sister- in-law of Lord Norton, Miss Agnew, daughter of the THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY (lADIES). 51 baronet, and authoress of " Geraldine." Mrs, Anstruther, granddaughter of the last Lord Seaforth, Miss Arbuthnot, daughter of the Hon, Mrs, Arbuthnot, a nun. Miss Arthur, sister of Sir Frede rick Arthur, Baronet, Mrs, Bagshawe, daughter of John Gunning, CB,, and -wife of H, R, Bagshawe, Q,C,, County Court Judge, and mother of the Right Rev, Dr, Bagshawe, Bishop of Notting ham. Mrs, BaisaU, niece of the late Sir AValter Scott, Baronet. Madame Gaggiolti Barham, daughter of Lady C Barham, Miss Barrow, sister of the Rev, Sir J, C Barrow, Baronet, Mrs, Bennett, cousin of the Right Hon. W, E, Gladstone, M,P. (1870.) Miss Beresford, niece of the 1st Marquis of AVaterford, Miss, E, Beresford, niece of the late Most Rev. Lord Decies, Ajchbishop of Tuam. Miss Berney, daughter of Com mander John Bemey, and granddaughter of Sir J, Ber- uey. Baronet, Mrs, John BetheU, sister of Lady Westbury, Mrs, Bowden, daughter of the late Sir J, Swinburne, Baronet, Miss Bo-wring, daughter of Sir J. Bowring ; a nun at Hong- Kong, Mrs. Bowyer, sister-in-law of the late Sir George Bowyer, Baronet. Mrs. Boynton, -wife of Captain Boynton, and aunt to Sir Henry Boynton, Baronet. Miss Bradstreet, daughter of the late Sir S, Bradstreet, Baronet, Miss Brand, sister of the Right Hon, Sir Henry Brand, Baronet, JM,A., late speaker of theHouse of Commons, (1854,) Miss Bromhead, daughter of Sir Edward Ffrench Bromhead, Baronet, Miss Caroline Burke, daughter of Lady Burke, of Marble Hill, Galway, Mrs, Charles Capel Chapman, daughter of the late Sir W, Crofton, Baronet, of Longford House, Co, Shgo, (1880,) Miss WilmotChetwode, daughter of Edmund and Lady Janet Wilmot Chetwode, of Wood- brook, Queen's County, Miss Janet Chetwode, ditto. Miss Christian, sister of the Hon. Judge Christian, Miss Chfton, daughter of Cap tain and Lady Bertha Clifton, Miss Clutterbuck, sister of the Rev, Sir J, C Barrow, Baronet, Miss Coleridge, cousin of Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, Miss Coleridge, ditto, a nun. Miss Cope, daughter of Sir W. Cope, Baronet. Mrs, Cope, "wife of Anthony Cope, son of Sir W, Cope, Baronet, Miss Courtenay, daughter of the 10th Earl of Devon, Mrs, Coxon, wife of M, A, Coxon, Bombay CS,, and daughter of Sir G, Anderson, late Governor of Ceylon, Miss Cusack, niece of Sir Ralph S, Cusack ; known in Catholic Literature as the "Nun of Kenmare," Madame d'Anas, daughter of the late Sir E, H, Lechmere, Baronet, Miss Massey Dawson, grand daughter of Lord Sinclair, Mrs, Dawson, daughter of Ad miral Sir Michael Seymour, and wife of the late Colonel Dawson, 90th Regiment. 52 CONVERTS TO ROME, Miss Dawson, her daughter. Miss Lina Dawson, ditto. Miss Effie Dawson, ditto. Mrs. de Gemon, of Athcame Castle (nee Braham), niece of Lady Waldegrave, Madame de la Haye, sister of the Dowager Lady Inchiquin, Mrs, Miles Dormer, sister of the late Hon, Mrs, J, B, Dormer. Miss M, Drummond, daughter of Maurice and the Hon, Mrs, Drummond, Mrs, Duke, sister of the late Duchess of Argyll, Miss Duncan, daughter of Lady Duncan, Miss Dundas, daughter of Lady Dundas, Miss Florence Fitzgibbon, daughter of the Hon, Gerald and Lady Louisa Fitzgibbon, a nun, Mrs, Fortescue, granddaughter of Lady Caroline Barham. Mrs. J. A. Fox, youngest daughter of the late Count W. F. Wratislaw, of Rugby, Miss Emma Fremantle, daughter of Vice-admiral Sir T, F, Fremantle, Miss Cecilia Fremantle, ditto. Miss Gough, of Rathronan, Clonmel, granddaughter of the very Rev, Dean of Derry, and grand niece of the late Lord Gough, (1880,) Miss Grant, sister of Sir Alex ander Grant, Baronet, Vice- Chancellor of Edinburgh University, Miss M, Hamilton, niece of Lord Dillon , Miss Hammond, granddaughter of the late Most Rev, Lord Decies, Archbishop of Tuam, Miss Hanmer, sister of Lord Hanmer, (1849,) Mrs, Hatchell, daughter of Sir R, Graham, Baronet, Miss Hay, niece of Field-Mar shal the Marquis of Tweedale. Miss Head, daughter of Sir Edmund Head, formerly Governor-General of (!anada. Miss Hesketh, daughter of the late Sir Thomas Hesketh, Baronet, Miss Alicia Hope-Johnstone, daughter of Lady Hope- Johnstone, Mrs. Johnson, of Cross, "wife of John G, John, M.P, for Exeter, and daughter of Sir Theodore Bunckman, Baronet. Miss C H. Lacon, daughter of the late Captain Lacon, R.N., and niece of Sir Edmund H. K. Lacon, Baronet, M.P. for North Norfolk. (1882.) Miss Lambert, daughter of Sir G, Lambert, Baronet, Miss Charlotte Marcia Lane-Fox, eldest daughter of the late Hon, Charles Darcy Lane-Fox. (1883,) Mrs. Caroline Lee, daughter of Sir J. CottreU, Baronet, Miss Ahce Lees, granddaughter of the late Eev, Sir Harcourt Lees, Baronet, formerly au AngUcan Sister at Clewer Convent, Mrs. Lloyd, daughter of the late Sir John Garden, Baronet, and mother of Lady Rossmore, Mrs, LoveU, niece of Sir Henry Bishop, Miss Maclean, daughter of the late Sir L, Monro Maclean, Baronet. jNIiss Louisa Maclean, ditto. Miss Maitland, daughter of the Rev, J, Maithmd, J,P, and D,L, for Kirkcudbrightshire, and granddaughter of the Hon, Mrs, Bellamy Gordon, of Keumure, The late Mrs, IManning, eldest daughter of the late "Kev, Sir THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY (LADIES). 53 Augustus Brydges Henniker, Baronet, M.A, ; and wife of the late Charles J. Manning, brother of H.E. Cardinal Manning, Mrs, Mckenna, wife of "SV. Mc kenna, and granddaughter of Sir Joseph Barrington ,Baronet. The late Mrs, J, MiU Muldary (formerly Gun-Cunninghame), niece of the late Earl of Limerick, Mrs, Murray, -wife of. John Murray, eldest son of Sir John Murray, Baronet, of PhUiphaugh, Mrs. Nimmo (nee Gladstone), cousin of the Right Hon. W. E, Gladstone, M.P, The Misses Nimmo, her three daughters. One a nun. Mrs. Stafford Northcote, sister- in-law of Sir Stafford H, Northcote, Baronet, M,P, for North Devonshire, Miss GrevUle Nugent, grand daughter of the Marquis of Westmeath, Mrs, C Patmore, daughter of Sir John Byles, the Judge and wife of Coventry Patmore, the poet. Miss Haniet Elizabeth Peacock, sister of the late Sir Joseph Peacock, Baronet, Miss Peel, sister of Sir La-wrence Peel, Baronet. (1850.) Miss Emily Peel, niece of Sir Lawrence Peel, Baronet. Mrs. Croker PenneU, daughter of the late Sir W, Pallet, Baronet, Miss Henrietta Philips, daughter of Sir T, Philips, Baronet, Mrs, Pratt, daughter of Sir John Lechmere, Baronet, Mrs, Prickett, daughter of the late Sir C Dodsworth, Baronet, and -wife of Colonel Prickett, of Boreas Hall, near Hull, Mrs, PurceU, daughter of Sir John Lechmere, Baronet, Mrs, Edmund PurceU, youngest daughter of the late Sir F. Desanges, Baronet. Mrs, Dora Pyrrell, daughter adoptive of Mrs, Bennett, cousin of the Right Hon, W. E, Gladstone, M,P, (1870,) Mrs, T, Rawlinson, wife of Thomas Rawlinson, M,A,, brother of Sir Henry Rawlin son, and family, Mrs, J, E, Reade, niece of Sir JohnChandosReade, Baronet, Miss Rusdell, daughter of Sir Joseph RusdeU, K,C.M.G,, of the Grenadier Guards, Miss Mary Rusdell, ditto. Miss Russell, sister of the late Sir Charles RusseU, Baronet, V,C,, and formerly M,P. for Westminster, Miss EUza Sanderson, daughter of the Hon. J. Sanderson. Mrs, Hope Scott, granddaughter of the late Sir Walter Scott, Baronet, the poet and noveUst. Mrs, G, Gilbert Scott, wife of G, Gilbert Scott, F,S.A,, son of the late Sir Gilbert Scott, and family, (1880),_ Miss Sherlock, sister-in-law of Sir John Sutton, Baronet, Mrs, Simmonds, daughter of Sir Robert Graham, and "wife of Colonel Simmonds, Mrs. F. Smith-Dodsworth, wife of Frederic Smith-Dodsworth, son of Sir C Smith-Dods worth, Baronet. Mrs. J. SomervUle, grand daughter of the Earl of Camp- erdown. The Misses Somerville,daughters of the celebrated Mrs. Somer ville, Mrs, Spearman, daughter-in- law of Sir A, J, Spearman, Baronet. 54 CONVERTS TO ROME. Miss St. John, niece of Lord Bolingbroke. Miss Francis Sutton, sister of Sir Richard Sutton, Baronet. Miss L. Taunton, daughter of Sir John Taunton, Baronet, Miss ToUemache, granddaughter of the Earl of Dysart, Mrs, C L, Tredcroft, daughter of the late Sir William Scott, Baronet, of Ancrum, and "vrife of Major C L, Tredcroft, Mrs, Tracy Turnerelli, sister of Thomson Hankey, M,P,, and cousin of Earl Bathurst, (1856,) Mrs. Waters, niece of Sir Robert Peel, Baronet, Miss AVaters, her daughter. Miss Eliza Harriet Wilmot, sister of Sir J, Eardley Wilmot, Baronet, The Misses Woodward, nieces of Viscount Middleton, Mrs, Wrey, sister-in-law of the late Sir Bourchier Wrey, Baronet, Miss Wyatt-Edgell, sister of Lord Braye. The Rev, Mother Abbess, of the Convent of Poor Clares, Knowles-Clinton, Baddesley, Mrs, Gilbert A, Beckett, The Misses Adams, Miss AgUonby, (1847,) Miss Agnew, (1847,) Mrs, Ainsworth, of North Wales, a nun, Mrs, A, P, Aldrich, niece of Dr. Poynter, A', A, Mrs, Alger, Miss Emma Alger, , Miss AUan, Mrs, Falconer Altee, The Misses Altee, Mrs, Andrews, of CamberweU Road, S,E, Miss Lloyd Anstruther, a nun, Mrs, Robert AVigram Arkwright, of Normanton, Turville HaU, Leicestershire, Miss Amold, Miss Arnold-Morns, sister of H, Arnold-Morris, artist, (1876,) Mrs, Aston, of The Oaklands, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Mrs, Athy, of RenvUle, Galway. Miss Susan Atkinson. (1874,) Miss Henrietta Bagshawe, of Rome, Miss M, A, Baker, of Cottles, Wilts, (1874,) Miss Annie Tandy Baker, (1865,) Miss BaUantine, daughter of Mr, Sergeant BaUantine, Mrs, Alexander Barclay, Miss Diana Baring, Mrs. Bames, of Gilling Castle, Yorkshire, Miss Barnes. Miss Dorothea Barrie. Miss Georgina Barrie, a nun, who nursed the wounded at Scutari, Miss Barton, of Rochestown, Co. Tipperary (now Madame Schemanski), Mrs, W, BasUck, of Exeter, Mrs, Bateman, -wife of Dr, Bate man, of Folkestone, Mrs, Battye, and family, Mrs, Baumgardt, wife of the late Major-General J, G, Baumgardt, CB, Mrs, J, Baxter, of Oxford, Mrs. Baj-ne, her two sons, and two daughters. Miss Bazalgette. Mrs, Beaumont, of GuUdford, Mrs, Beckwith, wife of General Beckwith, Mrs. E, Ingress BeU, wife of E, Ingress Bell, architect, and famUy, Mrs, Bellasis, wife of the late Mr, Sergeimt Bellasis, '.and family, (1850,) Mrs, Bengough. Miss Bengough, THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY (LADIES). 55 Miss Ann Eliza Benton, formerly sister of the Anglican sister hood of St, Ethelreda, (1874,) Miss Fanny EUzabeth Benton, (1875,) Miss Honoria Berwicke, a sister of Charity, Mrs, Richard Digby Beste, of Botleigh Grange, Hants, Mrs, John BetheU, daughter of R, Abraham, architect,(1847,) Miss Jane Rose BetheU (now Mrs, F, P, Koe), The late Miss Louisa Mary BetheU. Miss CoraUe Mary Bethell, a nun ; and Superioress of the Convent of the Holy ChUd, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, Mrs, Robert V, Bethell (nee Ravenscroft), (1875,) Mrs, Hugh Nicholas Fitzgerald Bethell (nee O'CaUaghan). (1878,) Mrs, Bevan, of Queen's Gate Miss BickiieU, (1847.) Mrs, BilUngton, -wife of Major B, BUlington, (1877,) Mrs, Bishop, -wife of Charles Bishop, registrar of the Ox ford County Court. Miss Bishop, her daughter. Mrs, Bishop {nee O'Connor Morris), Mrs, Blake," of Crigg Castle, Galway, Miss Blount. Mrs, Blunt, of Crabbets, near Crawley, Sussex, Miss Blunt, daughter of the Consul at Smyrna, Mrs, Blunt, Mrs, Blyth, Mrs. Blythe, wife of Captain Blythe, Mrs, W, Bocock, of KirtUng, Newmarket, Mrs, Boetler, wife of Captain Boetler. Mrs, Bolton, The Misses Bond, four daughters of the late William Bond, of St, Mawgan, Cornwall, all nuns. Miss Emma Boniface, Miss Sarah Bool, (1845,) Mrs, Boon, Mrs, Booth, of Ashby Manor, Lincoln, Mrs, Bostock, of Cheltenham. The Misses Bostock. The late Mrs. H. Bowden (nie Burgoyne), wife of the late Captain H, Bowden. The late Miss Bowden, a nun. Miss Emily Bowden, Mrs, BownaU, (1846,) , Mrs, Boyce, of Cheltenham. Mrs. Digby Boycott, senior. Mrs. Essex Digby Boycott, Madame Mabel Digby Boycott, a nun, Mrs, Boylan, Mrs, Hamilton Bradford, Miss Bradley, The Misses Bradley, of Newtown, Queen's County, Miss Braine, of Buckf ast Abbey, Devonshire, Mrs. Brenan, wife of Colonel Brenan, of Clontarf, Dublin, Mrs, W, H, Brenan, of Cool- ba-wn. Castle Comer, Mrs, Brewer, and family. Mrs, Bridgeman, of Frogmore, Herefordshire, Miss Sarah Brigstocke. Mrs, Brine, -wife of Colonel Brine, R,E,, the Balloonist, Miss Bristow, daughter of Captain Bristow, Miss F, Bristow, ditto, Mrs, Brown, wife of Captain David Brown, 14th Light Dragoons, Miss Tatton Browne. Mrs, Buckle, -wife of Colonel Buckle, Mrs, Hardcastle Burder, 56 CONVERTS TO EOME. Mrs, Burnand, wife of Francis Cowley Burnand, Editor of Punch, and family. Miss Burnett, Mrs, Burns, wife of James Burns, publisher, and family, Mrs, Hill Burton, Mrs, Butler (itee Thompson), wife of Colonel Butler, and painter of " The RoU Call." Mrs. G. R. Buttemer. Mrs. CahUl, wife of Major Cahill, Bombay Staff Corps. Mrs. Minton Campbell, wife of the member for North Staf fordshire. Mrs. Campbell, wife of Eobert Campbell, Advocate and J.P. for Ayrshire, and family. Mrs. Cannon, wife of General Cannon, of Folkestone, The Misses Cannon, her daugh- Mrs, Carey-Elwes, (1874,) Miss Carnegie, Mrs, Casson, wife of Captain Casson, 5th West Yorks, MUitia, Mrs. Henry Caulfield. Miss Chambers, formerly Mo- ther-Eldress of the Davenport Sisters, under Miss Sellon ; now a nun. Miss Sarah Chandler, Miss Chandless, daughter of the Q,C., a nun. The late Mrs, Caroline Chis holm (the Emigrant's Friend), wife of Major Archibald Chisholm. Miss Chisholm, sister of Jlrs, Gray, wife of E, D, Gray, M,P,, late Lord Mayor of Dublin, Mrs, Cholmeley, of Brandsby Hall, Yorkshire, Mrs, Christie, of Stanley Cres cent, Netting Hill, Mrs, Osborne Christmas, wife of W, A, Osborne Christmas, Miss G, Veronica Christmas. Miss ChurchUl, daughter of Major-General ChurchiU, Mrs, Lane Clarke, of Guernsey, Miss Lane Clarke. Miss H, S, Clarke, Mrs, Clarke, wife of Dr, C H, Clarke, Mrs, Clavering, of Callaly, Mrs, H, Clayton, of Ingatestone. Mrs, Charles CUffe. Mrs. Clifford, of Came, Co, Cavan. Mrs, Coates, of Eeigate, Miss Margaret Wyatt Cobb, Mrs, H, C Cobbold, and famUy. (1880,) Mrs, W, Codrington, of Wrough- ton House, Swindon, Mrs, CoUard, -wife of Captain CoUard, of Walthamstow, Mrs, Comyn, of Plymouth, Miss Agnes Colthurst. (1878.) Mrs. ConoUy, a nun. Mrs. Constett (nee Kerr, daugh ter of Lord Charles Kerr), and ten children. Mrs. Constable, Mrs, Conway. Miss Cook, of St. James's Square, Netting HiU. Miss Henrietta Cook. (1862.) Miss Helen Sophia Cook, (1862,) Miss Harriet Cook, (18i)2,) Mrs, Cooper, wife of Colonel Moore Cooper, Mrs, Moss Cooper, sister of John AValter, M.P,, of the Times. Mrs. Cooper, wife of John Cooper, surgeon, Mrs. Cooper, A\-ife of WilUam Cooper, surgeon. Mrs. Copeland, wife of Dr, Copeland, of Cheltenham, l\Ivs. J. Corry (nee Jar-vis). Miss Ellen Cottam. Miss Attwell Coxon, of Hon