• i 0 r A " hho56 1 nl 0{l [REPRINT. 1842. J The Beverend the Vica- Chancellor having given notice of a Convocation to he holden on Tuesday, March the 22d, at Two o'clock, in order to submit a measure, the object of which is to divest Dr. Hampden, the recentl-y appointed Begins Prqfessor qf Divinity, of certain Powers and Func tions appurtenant to his office, your attendance is earnestly but respectfully requested upon that occasion. And with a -view to put you in possession of the mo- -mentous character of the question then to be submitted, some documents connected with it are sent herewith, particularly a statement of certain propositions contained in the Works qf Dr. Hampden, as also a series qf Extracts therefrom, the -use qf which for this purpose has been permitted by their respec tive authors. No. I. The form of the Statute to be proposed. QUUM ab Universitate commissum fuerit S. Theologiae Pro fessor! Regio, ut unus sit ex eorum numero, a quibus designan- tur select! Concionatores, secundum Tit. XVI. §. 8. (Addend. p. 150.) necnon ut ejus consilium adhibeatur, si quis Concionator coram Vice-Cancellario in quaestionem vocetur, secundum Tit. XVI. §. 11. (Addend, p. 154.); quum vero qui nunc Professor est, scriptis suis publici juris factis ita res theologicas tractaverit, ut in hac parte nuliam ejus fiduciam habeat Universitas ; Statutum est, quod munerum praedictorum expers sit S. Theo logiae Professor Hegius, donee aliter Universitati placuerit Ne vero quid detrimenti capiat interea Universitas, Professoris ejus dem vicibus fungantur alii; scilicet, in Concionatores selectos designando Senior inter Vice-Cancellarii Deputatos, vel eo ab- sente, aut ipsius Vice-Cancellarii locum tenente, proximus e-x ordine Deputatus (proviso semper, quod sacros ordines susce- perit), et in consilio de Concionibus habendo Praelector Dominae Margaretse Comitissae Richmondiae. No. II. Oxford, March 10, 1836. DECLARATION Of Resident Members of Convocation, upon the nature and tendency ofthe Publications of the Rev. Dr. Hampden, the recently appointed Begius Professor of Divinity in this University. We the Undersigned, engaged or interested in the Reli gious Instruction of this place, feel it our bounden duty at the present crisis to raake this public Declaration. We have seen with alarm the office of the King's Professor of Divinity in this University entrusted to one, whose Publi cations abound with contradictions to the doctrinal truths which he is pledged to maintain, and with assertions of prin ciples which necessarily tend to subvert not only the autho rity of the Church, but the whole fabric and reality of Christian truth. We cannot allow any explanations of insulated passages or particular words to be valid in excuse against the positive language, the systematic reasonings, and th'e depreciating tone, with which, in Dr. Hampden's works, the Articles of our Church are described as mere human speculations, the relics of a false and exploded philosophy full at once of error and mischief. We abstain from imputing to the Author a personal dis belief of those doctrines which have been so seriously en dangered by his Publications; but we hold, that the frame of mind which could produce and send forth statements so dangerous and so unguarded, is in itself a complete disquali fication for the grave and responsible office of presiding over our Academical studies in Divinity, and consequently of guiding the religious instruction of one half of the Country, Having refrained from any public expression of our opi nions upon the nature and tendency of Dr. Hampden's Publi cations, till the last moment that forbearance was compatible with our duty to the Church and the University, we now solemnly protest against principles, which impugn and injure the Word of God as a revealed Rule of Faith and Practice, in its sense and use, its power and perfection, and which tend to destroy the authority of the Church as a Witness and a Keeper of Holy Writ. And we hereby Declare our stedfast resolution to oppose, under the blessing of Almighty God, the spread of that false philosophy to which those principles may be traced ; a philosophy which in other countries has poisoned the very fountains of Religious Truth, which for a long time reduced Protestantism, in its original seat, almost to an empty name, and changed the Religion of the Cross into the Theology of Deism. Vaughan Thomas, B.D. C. C. C. Charles WiUiam Stooker, D.D. Vice- Principal of St. Alban HaU E. B. Puaey, D.D. Regius Professor of Hebrew, and Canon of Ch. Ch. John Brickenden Frowd, D.D. Fellow and Dean of C. C. C. Henry Woodoock, D.D. Canon of Cb. Ch. T. T. Bazely, M.A. FeUow and Tutor of Brasenose G. Grantham, B.D. Fellow of Magd. Richard Greswell, B.D. Fellow, Dean, and Tutor of Worcester R. M. White, B.D. Fellow and Tutor of Magd. and Professor of Anglo- Saxon Edw. Greswell, B.D. FeUow of C. C. C. Joseph Smith, B.D. FeUow of Trinity Clement Greswell, M.A. FeUow and Tutor of Oriel W. R. BroweU, M.A. FeUow and Tutor of Pembroke Fred. Oakeley, M.A. FeUow and Tutor of Balliol, and PubUc Examiner Alfred B. Clough, B.D. Fellow and Tutor of Jesus CoUege James Hardwioke Dyer, B.D. FeUow and Tutor of Trinity WiUiam Fisher Audland, M.A. Fellow of Queen's Thomas Short, B.D. FeUow and Tutor of Trinity George Biggs, M.A. Tutor of Queen's John Hill, M.A. Vice-Principal of St. Edmund Hall Thomas Pearson, M.A. Michel Fellow of Queen's Charles Page Eden, M.A. FeUow and Tutor of Oriel John Barrow, M.A. Tutor of Queen'a Charlea Lewis Cornish, M.A. FeUow and Tutor of Exeter John Mitchel Chapman, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of Balliol Charles MiUer, M.A. Magdalen Charles Marriott, M-A. Fellow and Tutor of Oriel John S. Brewer, M.A. Queen'a Benj.Harr!son,M.A. Student of Ch.Ch. Peter Maurice, M.A. New Coll. Richard Lynch Cotton, M.A. FeUow and Tutor of Worcester Thos. H. Ashhurst, D.C.L. FeUow of All Souis T. W. Lancaster, M. A . formerly FeUow of Queen's Thos. Mozley, M.A. FeUow of Oriel J. W. Richards, M.A. Fellow and TutorofC. C. C. G. E. Deacon, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of C. C. C. Richard GeU MacmuUen, M.A. FeUow of C. C. C. Charles P. Gohghtly, M.A. Oriel W. Weldon Champneys, M.A. Fellow of Brasenose Jacob Ley, M.A. Student of Ch. Ch. Walter L. Brown, M.A. Student and Tutor of Ch. Ch. James Norris, B.D. FeUow of C. C. C. Frederic Holme,M. A. Fellow of C.C.C. 4 J. P. Chambers, B.D. Vice-President of Magdalen WUliam Palmer, M.A. Worcester W. W. Tireman, M.A. Fellow and Dean of Magdalen Joseph Corfe, M.A. Magdalen Bice Price, M.A. Fellow of New CoU. J. E. Sewell, M.A. FeUow and Tutor of New CoU. J. S. Ogle, M.A. FeUow and Tutor