- *"K?3Km YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY . j-- *,-¦'-. -.'( .-•..;., i ¦. . -•,';"¦(•.--' ¦'. ,\-.-:jei-'.' o :.j H39TO(RXCSAirj >C&TAI/>GKUtE ' ,Q,- i'.vThe. First <3huroh in New Haven is | almost coeval with the town; but for the period of its organization In 1689 |ts,168BV>.no. record of admissions to | Its membership ' now exists. Profes sor Dexter has by no means left this period a blank. Though the list is ^necessarily Imperfect, he has reoon- str noted a catalogue from entries of baptisms, town records and other 'sources, extending, tp nineteen pages, [and doubtless in large degree Inclu sive. \. Prom 1885 to the^present sub stantially complete entries exist. Pro. feasor Dexter has, • however, done Vastly -more than merely copy these 'lists of names. Wherever possible :'he .has indicated the date of birth [and death, the date and church of dismission where a member's con- nection was terminated by transfer to : another congregation, and, what is of special service to the genealog ist, the relation of 'the member in truestion , to other members, son, daughter,': brother, sister, or parent fas the case may be. The amount of genealogical ' research thereby In volved Is very great and the usef ul- jness of the volume correspondingly 'enhanced. jj^fluchoia catalogue lends Itself to many curious investigations. The strenuous tests for fitness for church membership employed In the early days of this community are reflected In the scanty annual additions.. Times of religious depression are reflected in •"the'' total absence of admission In fl78J,> or the six only Of 1738, as con- [trasted with' the forty-four of 1T85, or (the iflfty-'seven of 1736. It Is evident #aat the spiritual harvest described by Jonathan Edwards was not confined to ^Northampton., The somewhat critical attffcude of this community toward the ."Great Awakening" under the prexChing -i of Whltefleld, begun in j 174", '« ¦"•elected In a list of onlv ten'. ipeWod-at!^e!fdawAW.;^^n.e^>*n<*oentpry, " '"' ' " "' ' " 'James admlssio:1 8 0 2 and, 18 0 6 ; Awhile; theienttiuslastic zeal "6t -.< his' yo uthf ul' successor, • Moses Stuart' and the. altered times,, are re vealed in, the elffhtyiseven; accessions of tee jingle ,year 1808. .How deeply this communlty^wai 'rent by' the: con troversy whlchjed to the formation of what is now the United Church-^-a dispute now long since very' ancient ^history — is revealed by the; entries as to dismission recorded by? Professor Dexter in connection , with many members of the period. ' It is needless to enumerate the fa miliar family names of earlier New Haven here contained. Many of them are honorably borne among • us still, and show the continuity of service and respect, which Is one of the priv ileges of an ancient community even in changing • America. In connection with baptismal names, the curious in vestigator, unfamiliar" with the actual customs of our ancestors, will proba bly experience disappointment. His preconoelved notions of oddity are hardly borne out by the choices of the great majority of early . New Haven parents. Boys were generally given the familiar designations, John, Rich ard, Andrew, Thomas, William, James, and the like bf always familiar usage, though an occasional preference for uncommon Biblical names Is in evi dence. Yet the motives of the choice are not always apparent Why of the Apostolic company, for example, should John and Thomas have, been prime favorites In baptism, while the even more honored Peter and Paul were conspicuous here, as in early New England generally, by their rarity? Much the same may be said regard ing the names of women appearing in the earlier portion of this record. Most of them are of the type always familiar in Anglo-Saxon communities. Yet here an occasional oddity mani fests itself, chiefly in an appreciation of the virtues which, it may be hoped, the victims of parental fancy grew up to illustrate. Thus within the first century we find' Silence, Obedience, Deliverance, Thankful, Comfort, Ex perience, Desire, and Christian, It Is possible that something of a change in feminine ideals may have occurred since that age. .' . , ' Among the many entries, of distinc tion in earlier colonial ¦ days none rouses more Impressions of- varied for tune than that of John Dixwell, the regicide — or "James Davids," as he Is called In the list of 1685. , Altogether, the Center church Is to be congratulated that It now enjoys a historical catalogue so admirably pVe- pared, and so likely to be of perma nent value, not only to air who are Jn- kei^ted . In New Haven , history and Ejjdjfealogy, bi^t to many In other parts fpf the country whose roots -run back into this community. '--.- , WTLTjTSTON WA1/FTTCT? Historical Catalogue OF THE MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST IN NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT (CENTER CHURCH) A. D. 1639-1914 COMPILED I3Y FRANKLIN BOWDITCH DEXTER NEW HAVEN 1914 "Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." Eph. v, 25-27. "One family we dwell in him, One church, above, beneath, Though now divided by the stream — The narrow stream — of death." Public worship was set up in New Haven in 1638, and the First Church of Christ was organized in 1639. The earliest extant record of admissions begins in 1685. Dis missions are first recorded in 1812, though for many years after that date with much irregularity. From the record of baptisms, the town records, and other sources, a partial list of members before 1685 has been made, though necessarily incomplete; in this list names are assigned, conjecturally, to the dates of the earliest known intimations of membership. The prefix c indicates that a person was received by certificate from another church; in cases of the admission of a husband and wife at the same date, details are given in full under the husband's name only. Italics indicate a woman's family name before marriage, her husband's Christian name following in parenthesis; w. before the husband's name signifies widow. The names of ordained ministers are in Capitals. CONTENTS II. Partial III. Admissi IV. Admissi V. Admissi VI. Admiss: VII. Admissi VIII. Admissi IX. Admissi X. Admissi XI. Admissi XII. Admissi XIII. Admissi XIV. Admissi XV. Admiss XVI. Admissi XVII. Admiss XVIII. Admissi XIX. Admiss XX. Admissi XXI. Admiss Index Partial list of admissions under Mr. Davenport's ministry, 1639-68 1 Partial list of admissions under Mr. Street, 1668-84 Y9 ons under Mr. Pierpont, 1685-1714 2o ons, 1714-16 52 ons under Mr. Noyes, 1716-58 53 ons under Mr. Whittelsey, 1758-87 92 ons, 1788-89 114 ons under Dr. Dana, 1789-1805 114 ons under Mr. Stuart, 1806-09 123 ons, 1810-11 139 ons under Dr. Taylor, 1812-22 140 ons, 1823-25 170 ons under Dr. Bacon, 1825-66 173 ons, 1866-68 287 ons under Dr. Walker, 1869-73 292 ons, 1873-75 310 ons under Dr. Noble, 1875-79 314 ons, 1879-82 326 ons under Dr. Smyth, 1882-1908 329 ons, 1908-09 365 ons Under Dr. Maurer, 1909-14 367 407 HISTORICAL CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST IN NEW HAVEN Partial list of admissions during the ministry of the Rev. John Davenport, 1639- 1668 (In June, 1639, seven pillars were chosen, who formed the nucleus of the Church organization, and received the other planters into fellowship.) 1. Theophilus Eaton *Jan., 1658 Son of Rev. Richard, of Stony Stratford and Coventry, England ; born 1590; husband of 21; father of 197 and 235. Governor of the Colony, 1639-58. 2. John Davenport Dism. 1668 Son of Henry, of Coventry, England; born 1597; husband of 20; father of 207. Ordained in the Church of England in London, 1619. Dismissed to the First Church, Boston. *March, 1670. 3. Robert Newman Dism. about 1650 Deacon, 1639 to about 1644; Ruling Elder from about 1644 to his return to England about 1650. Living 1662. 4. Matthew Gilbert *i68o Husband of 143 ; father of 574 and 606. Deacon, 1639-58. 5. Thomas Fugill Excomm. 1646 Dismissed from office as Secretary of the Colony, March, 1646, for false record, and returned to England. *i6 — . 6. John Punderson *Feb., 1681 Husband of 162; father of 336 and 371. 7. Jeremy Dixon Disin. 1643-44? Removed, 1643-44- *i6 — . FIRST church, new haven 1639 8. Nathaniel Turner ="1646 Father of 203, 215 and 325. 9. William Andrews *Jan., 1664 Husband of 223 and 141 ; father of S31- 10. Ezekiel Cheever Dism. 1650? Born in London, Jan., 1616; husband of 133. Removed to Ipswich, Mass. *Aug., 1708. l639 ? 11. Joshua Atwater Dism. 1655? Born in Lenham, England, 1612; brother of 122; husband of 123. Removed to Milford, 1655. *May, 1676. 12. Edward Banister *May, 1649 13. Abraham Bell Dism. 1647? Removed to Charlestown, Mass. *Dec, 1662. 14. John Benham *i66i Husband of 126. 15. John Brockett Dism. 1668? Born 1610; husband of 129; father of 295. Removed to Wallingford, 1667-68. *March, 1690. 16. Francis Browne *Aug., 1658 Born in Rawcliffe, Yorkshire, England, about 1610; husband of 130; father of 227. 17. Mary (Henry) Browning Dism. 1647? Wife of 103. Removed in 1647, probably to England. *i6 — . 18. John Chapman Dism. 1647? Removed to Fairfield. *i66s. 19. John Clarke *i648 Husband of 134. , 20. Elizabeth Wolley (John) Davenport Dism. 1668 Born 3603; wife of 2. *Sept, 1676. 21. Ann Lloyd (Theophilus) Eaton Excomm. 1644 Daughter of Rt. Rev. George, of Chester, England; wife of 1; previously wife of David Yale, of Wrexham, Wales ; mother of 183; grandmother of Elihu Yale, patron of Yale College. Excom- catalogue of members, 1639 3 municated for contumacy and falsehood. Returned to England. ?1659. 22. Samuel Eaton Dism. 1640? Son of Rev. Richard, of Coventry, England; born 1601-02. Ordained in the Church of England. Returned to England, 1640. ?Jan., 1665. 23. Nicholas Elsey *Dec, 1691 Husband of 139. 24. John Evance Dism. 1655? Returned to London, 1652-55. *i66i. 25. Stephen Goodyear *i6s8 Married 54; father of 311 and 535. 26. Thomas Gregson *i646 Father of 202. • 27. Andrew Hull *i640 Born 1606; husband of 28. 28. Catharine (Andrew) Hull *i648-56? Born 1612; wife of 27; next married Richard Beach; mother of 479- 29. Richard Hull *Sept., 1662 Born in Derbyshire, England, Dec, 1599; father of 232 and 537. 30. Thomas James Dism. 1648? Born 1593; father of 107. Ordained in Charlestown, Mass., Nov., 1632. Returned to England, 1647-48. Living 1678. 31. Thomas Jeffreys *Aug., 1661 Husband of 150. 32. Thomas Kimberly Dism. 1668? Married 151 and 86. Removed to Stratford about 1667. *Jan., 1673. 33. Benjamin Ling *Apr., 1673 Husband of 152. 34. John Livermore Dism. 1650? Born 1606; husband of 153. Removed to Watertown, Mass. *Apr., 1684. 35. Andrew Low *Apr., 1670 Born before 1600; married 161. 36. Richard Malbone Dism. 1654? Father df 174. Returned to England about 1650. *Before 1662. first church, new haven 37. John Moss Dism. 1668? Born 1604?; husband of 244; father of 228, 278 and 321. Removed to Wallingford, 1667. *ijoj. 38. Francis Newman *Nov., 1660 Husband of 39. Governor of the Colony, 1658-60. 39. Mary (Francis) Newman Dism. 1675? Wife of 38; married secondly Rev. Nicholas Street (222), and thirdly Gov. William Leete, of Guilford. *Dec, 1683. 40. Adam Nicholls Dism. 1654? Husband of 160. Removed to Hartford. *Aug., 1682. 41. William Peck *Oct, 1694 Born 161 1 ; married 204. Deacon, 1659-94. 42. Richard Perry Dism. 1650? Husband of 174. Removed to Fairfield. *i6 — . 43. William Preston *Aug., 1647 Born 1591; husband of 86; father of 258? 44. Robert Seely Dism. 1659? Husband of 163. Removed about 1659. *i668. 45. Edward Tench *Feb., 1640 46. Anthony Thompson *Sept, 1648 Brother of 100. 47. William Thorpe, or Tharpe *i679 Husband of 249. 48. John Vincent *i659 49. Edward Wigglesworth *Oct., 1653 Born 1604; husband of 168. 164O? 50. Roger Ailing *Sept, 1674 Husband of 121 ; father of 277, 283 and 318. Deacon, 1659-74. 51. John Charles Dism. 1665? Husband of 132; father of 211. Removed to Branford. *i673. 52. John Gibbs *i690 Husband of 142 and 371. 53. George Lamberton +1646 Husband of 54; father of 312 and 314. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1639-41 5 54. Margaret Lezuen (George) Lamberton *i6 — Wife of 53; next married Stephen Goodyear (25). Living 1670. 55. Thomas Munsdn *May, 1685 Born about 1612; husband of 158. 56. Thomas Nash *May, 1658 Husband of 159; father of 71, 112, 121 and 251. 57. John Potter *i643 Husband of 72; father of 261 and 459. 58. Edmund Sherman *i64i Son of Edmund, of Dedham, England; born 157- 59. Elizabeth (William) Tuttle *Dec, 1684 Born 1612. 60. John Wakeman *Sept., 1661 Son of Francis and Anne, of Bewdley, England; born 1601 ; husband of 164; father of 160 and 219. Deacon, 1644-61. 61. John Walker *i652 Husband of 200. 62. Cicely (zv. ) Williams *i6 — 164-I ? 63. (Richard) Beckley *i657? Wife of 175. 64. Matthew Camfield Dism. 1653? Removed to Norwalk. *l673. 65. John Cooper *Nov., 1689 Husband of 136 and 146; father of 262 and 546. 66. Jasper Crane Dism. 1652? Husband of 137. Removed to Branford. *l68i. 67. William Gibbard *Aug., 1662 Husband of 141; father of 527 and 528. 68. Henry Glover *Sept„ 1689 Husband of 229; father of 349. 69. William Ives *i648 Born 1607; husband of 149; father of 417. 70. Richard Miles *Jan., 1667 Husband of 157; father of 550. Deacon, 1656-67. first church, new haven 71. John Nash *July, 1687 Son of 56 and 159; husband of 246; father of 329. 72. Elizabeth (John) Potter Dism. 1665? Wife of 57; married next Edward Parker; mother of 390; married thirdly Robert Rose, of Branford. *July, 1677. 73. William Potter Excomm. 1662 Born 1608; father of 280. Excommunicated for bestiality. ?June, 1662. 164.2 ? 74. Robert Abbott Dism. 1649? Removed to Branford. ?Sept., 1658. 75. Jarvis Boykin *Jan., 1661 Husband of 127; father of 410 and 488. 76. William Davis *i6S9 Husband of 138; father of 99 and 208. 77. Thomas Lamson *Dec, 1663 Husband of 109. 78. Matthew Moulthrop *Dec, 1668 Husband of 245. 79. Mary (Jeremiah) Osborne *ID95 Mother of 348, 386, 462 and 597. 80. Mark Pierce Dism. 1653? Born Feb., 1597. Returned to England. *i6s6. 81. Grace Middlebrook (Christopher) Todd *i6 — Daughter of Michael. Living 1662. 82. Samuel Whitehead *Sept, 1690 Husband of 166. 1643 ? 83. Henry Lindall, or Lindon *Sept., 1660 Husband of 237. Deacon, 1659-60. 84. Thomas Morris *July, 1673 Husband of 243; father of 538, of Morris Cove, East Haven. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 164I-44 7 85. Priscilla (Thomas) Powell +1662-89 Mother of 308. 86. Mary Seabrook (William) Preston Dism. 1667? Daughter of Robert, of Stratford; wife of 43; next married Thomas Kimberly (32). Removed to Stratford. +l6 — . 87. Sarah (Henry) Rutherford Dism. 1670? Wife of 221; next married Gov. William Leete, of Guilford. ?1674. 1644 ? 88. Nicholas Augur +1677 Brother of 253. 89. William Bradley *i69i Husband of 128; father of 267, 294, 455, 501 and 607. 90. James Hay ward Excomm. 1647 Excommunicated for falsehood and defamation. *i649. 91. Frances (Edward) Hitchcock Dism. 1665? Previously wife of John England; married thirdly Thomas Johnson (171). Removed to Newark, N. J. +i6 — . 92. William Hooke Dism. 1656? Born in Hampshire, England, 1601 ; husband of 93. Ordained in the Church of England, 1627. Teacher of this Church, 1644-56. Returned to England. ?March, 1678. 93. Jane Whalley (William) Hooke Dism. 1654? Daughter of Richard, of Kirkton Hall, Notts, England; wife of 92. Returned to England. Living 1683. 94. Thomas Lupton Dism. 1663? Removed to Norwalk. +i6 — . 95. Robert Martin *i6 — Husband of 156. Living 1660. 96. John Meigs Dism. 1654? Son of Vincent; born 1612. Removed to Guilford. ?Jan., 1672. 97. (Edward) Patterson *after 1656 Mother of 323. 98. William Russell *Jan., 1664 Born 1612; husband of 99. 99. Sarah Davis (William) Russell *Dec, 1664 Daughter of 76 and 138. FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 100. William Thompson *Apr., 1683 Brother of 46. 101. Ann (John) Wakefield , *i695 Mother of 506; next married James Clarke (300). 1645 ? 102. Peter Browne Dism. 1653? Removed to Stamford, 1648-53. ?Aug., 1658. 103. Henry Browning Dism. 1647? Husband of 17. Removed in 1647, probably to England. +i6 — . 104. William Fowler, Jr. Dism. 1660? Son of William; husband of 140. Removed to Milford. ?1683. 105. John Gregory Dism. 1653? Husband of 144. Removed to Norwalk. ?1689. 106. Jeremiah How *Jan., 1691 Son of Edward and Elizabeth; born 1614; husband of 230. Removed to Wallingford, 1670. Re-admitted, Sept., 1685. 107. Thomas James, Jr. Dism. 1651? Son of 30. Removed to East Hampton, L. I.; ordained there about 165 1. *June, 1696. 108. Thomas Knowles +1648 109. (Thomas) Lamson +1649 Wife of 77. no. Philip Leeke *May, 1676 Husband of 213; father of 474. in. Thomas Mitchell *i66o Husband of 242; father of 279. 112. Joseph Nash Dism. 1658? Son of 56 and 159. Removed to Hartford, 1657-58. ?1678. 113. William Payne +1684 Married 130; father of 292 and 368. 114. c Sarah (George) Smith Dism. ? Admitted from the Church in Stratford. Mother of 299, 337, 518 and 524. Next married John Jackson, 1668. Removed to Derby? ?Before 1684. 115. Sarah (Nehemiah) Smith *i6 — Living 1646. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1644-46 9 116. Ellen Harrison (John) Thompson *Apr., 1690 Mother of 305, 352 and 463. 117. Jeremy Whitnell *March, 1682 Husband of 167 and 242. 118. Joan (William) Wilkes *i647- 1646? 119. Isaac Allerton *i659 Passenger in the Mayflower, 1620. Husband of 120. 120. Joanna (Isaac) Allerton +1684 Wife of 119. 121. Mary Nash (Roger) Ailing *Aug., 1683 Daughter of 56 and 159; wife of 50. 122. David Atwater *Oct, 1692 Brother of 11; born in Lenham, England, 1615; husband of 224; father of 275, 309, 420, 421 and 540. 123. (Joshua) Atwater *before 165 1 Wife of 11. 124. (Robert) Bassett Dism. 1653? Wife of 196. Removed to Stamford. ?1656. 125. Thomas Beamont *i686 Husband of 216. 126. (John) Benham *before 1654 Wife of 14. 127. Isabel (Jarvis) Boykin +1673 Wife of 75- 128. Alice Prichard (William) Bradley +1692 Daughter of Roger, of Springfield, Mass. ; wife of 89. 129. (John) Brockett *after 1662 Wife of 15. 130. Mary Edwards (Francis) Browne *Dec, 1693 Wife of 16; next married William Payne (113). 131. John Caffinch Dism. 1662? Removed, 1657-62. *i6 — . 132. (John) Charles +1653-56 Wife of 51- IO FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 133. Mary (Ezekiel) Cheever *Jan., 1649 Wife of 10. 134. (John) Clarke *i648 Wife of 19. 135. — (Thomas) Clarke *after 1657 136. — (John) Cooper +1662-75 Wife of 65. 137. (Jasper) Crane Dism. 1652? Wife of 66. Removed to Branford. + 16 — . 138. Martha Wakeman (William) Davis +1663 Daughter of Francis and Anne, of Bewdley, England; born 1596; wife of 76. 139. (Nicholas) Elsey +1662-64 Wife of 23. 140. Tapp (William) Fowler Dism. 1660? Daughter of Edmund and Anne, of Milford; wife of 104. Removed to Milford. +1669. 141. Ann Tapp (William) Gibbard +1701 Sister of 140; wife of 67; next married William Andrews (9). 142. (John) Gibbs *Oct, 1668 Wife of 52. 143. Jane (Matthew) Gilbert +1706 Wife of 4. 144. (John) Gregory Dism. 1653? Wife of 105. Removed to Norwalk. +1689. 145. John Hall Dism. 1671 ? Husband of 146; father of 303. Removed to Wallingford. ?1676. 146. Jane Woollen (John) Hall +16 — Wife of 145. Removed to Wallingford about 1671. Next married John Cooper (65). 147. John Harriman *Nov., 1683 Husband of 254; father of 265. 148. (Robert) Hill +1659-61 Wife of 170. 149. (William) Ives *after 1662 Wife of 69; next married William Bassett (184). CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1646 II 15°- (Thomas) Jeffreys +1656-61 Wife of 31. 151. Alice (Thomas) Kimberly *Oct, 1659 Wife of 32. 152. Joanna (Benjamin) Ling *i673 Wife of 33; next married James Davids, alias John Dixwell (301). 153- Grace (John) Livermore Dism. 1650? Wife of 34. Removed to Watertown, Mass. +1691. 154. Richard Mansfield *Jan., 1655 Husband of 155. 155. Gillian Drake (Richard) Mansfield *Jan., 1670 Wife of 154; next married Alexander Field. 1156. (Robert) Martin +1652-56 Wife of 95. 157. Catharine (Richard) Miles *Jan., 1684 Born 1588; wife of 70; previously wife of Constable. 158. Joanna (Thomas) Munson +1678 Wife of 55. 159. Margery Baker (Thomas) Nash *Feb., 1656 Daughter of Nicholas, of Hertfordshire, England; wife of 56. 160. Ann Wakeman (Adam) Nicholls Dism. 1654? Daughter of 60 and 164; wife of 40. Removed to Hartford. ?16—. 161. Joan (Henry) Peck *after 1670 Mother of 282, 332 and 393. Next married Andrew Low (35). 162. Margaret (John) Punderson *after 1679 Wife of 6. 163. Mary (Robert) Seely Dism. 1659? Wife of 44. Removed about 1659. Living 1668. 164. Elizabeth Hopkins (John) Wakeman +1658? Daughter of William, of Bewdley, England; wife of 60. 165. Richard Webb Dism. 1650? Son of Alexander. Removed to Norwalk. ?July, 1665. 166. (Samuel) Whitehead +1662-76 Wife of 82. 167. (Jeremy) Whitnell +1656-62 Wife of 117. 12 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 168. Esther Middlebrook (Edward) Wigglesworth Dism. 1654? Daughter of Michael; wife of 49. Removed to Cambridge, Mass. +16 — . 1647 169. Theophilus Higginson *i653 Son of Rev. Francis and Ann, of Leicester, England; born about 1620. 170. Robert Hill *Aug., 1663 Husband of 148; father of 503. 171. Thomas Johnson Dism. 1665? Son of Thomas; husband of 91 and 210. Removed to Newark, N. J. ?16—. 172. Henry Morrell +1665 173. Joseph Peck Dism. 1650? Removed to Milford, 1650. +1703. 174. Mary Malbone (Richard) Perry +1649-56 Daughter of 36; wife of 42. 1648? 175. Richard Beckley Dism. 1660? Husband of 63. Removed to Wethersfield. +Aug., 1690. 176, James Bishop *June, 1691 Husband of 226; father of 288, 289, 362, 403, 404 and 438. 177. Henry Bristol, or Bristow *i695 Born 1625; husband of 227; father of 396, 422 and 502. 178. Henry Carter +1671 179. John Chidsey *Dec, 1688 Born 1621; husband of 193; father of 310, 363, 413, 427, 433 and 533. 180. William Jeanes, or Janes Dism. 1653? Removed to Northampton, Mass. ?Sept., 1690. 181. Ephraim Penington +1660 Husband of 248. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1646-52 13 182. Benjamin Wilmot, Jr. *Apr., 1651 Son of Benjamin; husband of 236; father of 385. 183. Thomas Yale *March, 1683 Son of David and Ann (21); husband of 325; father of 297, 346 and 451. 1649 • ? 184. William Bassett *Aug., 1684 Husband of 149; father of 541 and 560. 185. John Beach Dism. 1661 ? Removed to Stratford. +1677. 186. Samuel Caffinch Dism. 1651? Brother of 131. Returned to England. +165-. 187. Robert Talmage +1662 Husband of 251; father of 304 and 307. 188. John Thomas *Dec, 1671 Husband of 201 ; father of 379 and 470. 189. Thomas Wheeler *Jan., 1673 165O? 190. ;, (Arthur) Halbidge +1659-62 igi. George Larimer *after 1653 192. John Winston *Feb., 1697 Born 1621; husband of 252; father of 284 and 401. 165I ? 193. Elizabeth (John) Chidsey +1688 Wife of 179- l652? IQ4, (John) Johnson1 *after 1662 195. Samuel Marsh *after 1663 Husband of 239. 14 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1653 ? 196. Robert Bassett Dism. 1653? Husband of 124. Removed to Stamford. +16 — . 197. Samuel Eaton *July, 1655 Son of 1 and 21 ; born in London, 1628. 198. William Osborne *Sept., 1661 199. Edward Watson +1660 Husband of 200. 200. Grace (Edward) Watson +1660 Wife of 199; previously wife of John Walker (61). 1654 ? 201. Tabitha (John) Thomas *Apr., 1690 Wife of 188. 1656? 202. Anna Gregson (Stephen) Daniel *May, 1709 Daughter of 26; mother of 276, 281 and 324. 203. Abigail Turner (John) Hodson +1693 Daughter of 8. 204. Sarah (William) Holt +1717 Mother of 913; next married William Peck (41). 1657 ? 205. Joseph Alsop *Nov., 1698 Born 1621; father of 452, 465 and 516. 206. John Bowers Dism. 1666? Son of George and Barbara. Removed to >Branford. Ordained in Derby, 1673. +June, 1687. 207. John Davenport, Jr. Dism. 1668 Son of 2 and 20; husband of 257; father of 291, 423 and 434. Dismissed to 1st Church, Boston. ?1676. 208. John Davis *i657 Son of 76 and 138. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1653-59 IS 209. Abraham Doolittle Dism. 1670? Husband of 228; father of 330. Removed to Wallingford. ?Aug., 1690. 210. Ellen (Thomas) Johnson +1662-63 Wife of 171. an. Mary Charles (Martin) Tichener *after 1665 Daughter of 51 and 132. 1658? 212. John Ailing Father of 333. 213. (Philip) Leeke Wife of no. 214. Henry Lines Son of John, of Badby, England. 215. Rebecca Turner (Thomas) Mix Daughter of 8; wife of 406. + 1691 *after 1662 *Jan., 1663 *June, 1 73 1 1659? 216. Jackson (Thomas) Beamont *after 1683 Daughter of John; wife of 125; previously wife of Eleazar Stent. 217, William Judson *July, 1662 Husband of 236. 218. Hannah (Abraham) Kimberly Dism. ? Removed before 1668 to South Carolina. 219. Elizabeth Wakeman (Samuel) Kitchel Dism. 1663? Daughter of 60 and 164. Removed to Newark, N. J. Living 1679. 220. John Parmelee *ID59 Husband of 247. 221. Henry Rutherford *Sept, 1668 Husband of 87; father of 395. 222. Nicholas Street *Apr., 1674 Son of Nicholas, of Bridgewater, England; born Jan., 1603; married 39. Ordained to the ministry in Taunton, Mass., 1637-38. Teacher of this Church, 1659-74. l6 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN l66l? 223. (William) Andrews +1663 Wife of 9. 224. Damaris Sayre (David) Atwater *Apr., 1691 Daughter of Thomas, of Southampton, N. Y. ; wife of 122. 225. Mary (Thomas) Barnes *Apr., 1676 Mother of 454, 477 and 496. 226. Mary (James) Bishop *Nov., 1664 Wife of 176. 227. Lydia Browne (Henry) Bristol +1719 Daughter of 16 and 130; wife of 177. 228. Abigail Moss (Abraham) Doolittle Dism. 1670? Daughter of 37; born Apr., 1642; wife of 209. Removed to Wallingford. ?Nov., 1710. 229. Ellen (Henry) Glover *March, 1698 Wife of 68. 230. Elizabeth (Jeremiah) How *Jan., 1696 Wife of 106. 231. Joan Walker (Henry) Humiston *after 1677 Next married Richard Little; mother of 458. 232. Mary Hull (John) Jackson *Feb., 1665 Daughter of 29; born 1646? 233. Joan (John) Jones *Nov., 1675 234. William Jones *Oct, 1706 Son of David and Jane, of London; born 1624; husband of 235; father of 272, 273, 274, 375 and 429. 235. Hannah Eaton (William) Jones *May, 1707 Daughter of I and 21; born 1632; wife of 234. 236. Elizabeth (William) Judson +1687 Wife of 217; previously wife of Heaton, and of Benjamin Wilmot, Jr. (182). 237. Rosamond (Henry) Lindall, or Lindon Dism. -1664? Wife of 83 ; next married Nathaniel Richards, of Norwalk. Living 1681. 238. Ralph Lines *Sept, 1689 Father of 351 and 464. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l66l-62 1 7 239. (Samuel) Marsh ¦ *after 1663 Wife of 195. 240. Nathaniel Merriman Dism. 1670? Son of George, of London, England ; born about 1613 ; husband of 241. Removed to Wallingford. +Feb., 1694. 241. Joan (Nathaniel) Merriman Dism. 1670? Wife of 240; born about 1628. ?Dec, 1709. 242. Elizabeth (Thomas) Mitchell +1683 Wife of in; next married Jeremy Whitnell (117). 243. Elizabeth (Thomas) Morris - +1681 Wife of 84. 244. (John) Moss Dism. 1667? Wife of 37. Removed to Wallingford. +16 — . 245. Jane (Matthew) Moulthrop *May, 1672 Wife of 78. 246. Elizabeth Tapp (John) Nash *May, 1676 Daughter of Edmund, of Milford; wife of 71. 247. Elizabeth (John) Parmelee Dism. 1663? Wife of 220; next married John Evarts, of Guilford. +1683. 248. (Ephraim) Penington *after 1662 Wife of 181. 249. Margaret (w. Robert) Pigg * Next married William Thorpe, or Tharpe (47). 250. Dennis (Richard) Sperry +1707 Wife of 40& 251. Sarah Nash (Robert) Talmage * Daughter of 56 and 159; wife of 187. 252. Elizabeth (John) Winston *Oct, 1689 Born 1626; wife of 192. 1662? 253. Hester Augur ( ) Coster *Apr., 1691 Sister of 88; born 1624. 254. Elizabeth (John) Harriman *Jan., 1681 Wife of 147. 1 8 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 255. George Pardee *Apr., 1700 Born 1629; father of 331 and 376. 256. Constance Little (George) Ross * 1663 ? 257. Abigail Pierson (John) Davenport *July, 1717 Daughter of Rev. Abraham, of Southampton, N. Y., and Bran ford; born 1644; wife of 207. Dismissed to 1st Church, Boston, 1668. Re-admitted Dec, 1685. 258. Mary (Peter) Mallory +1690 Daughter of William Preston (43) and Elizabeth?; mother of 493- 1665? ? 259. Abraham Dickerman *Nov., 171 1 Son of Thomas and Ellen; born about 1634; father of 444, 468, 585, 605 and 1090. 260. (Richard) Newman * Mother of 442. 1666? 261. Hannah Potter (Samuel) Blackley Dism. 1676? Daughter of 57 and 72; next married Henry Brooks, of Wallingford. ?Nov., 1723. 262. Sarah Cooper (Samuel) Hemingway *after 1683 Daughter of 65 and 136; born 1645; mother of 445, 558 and 648. 263. Ephraim How *Sept, 1680 Son of Edward and Elizabeth; born in England, 1626; father of 431. 264. Catharine Lane (John) Tuttle * Mother of 268 and 430. 1667? 265. John Harriman Dism. 1675? Son of 147 and 254; born 1647. Ordained in Southampton, N. Y., 1675. +Aug., 1705. II. Partial list of admissions during the pastorate of the Rev. Nicholas Street, 1668-1684 1677 ? 266. ( ) Banister +1684 267. Abraham Bradley *Oct., 1718 Son of 89 and 128; born Oct., 1650; husband of 305; father of 571. 633, 767 and 772. Deacon, 1685-1718. 1684? 268. Hannah Tuttle (Samuel) Clarke *Dec, 1708 Daughter of John and Catharine (264) ; born Nov., 1655 ; mother of 483, 521, 581 and 748. 269. Mary Thompson (John) Cooper *Nov., 1714 Daughter of John; born 1642; wife of 546. 270. (John) Downes * Wife of 366. 271. Sarah Coe (Timothy) Gibbard *after 1715 Daughter of Robert, of Stratford; born Apr., 1656; next married Jeremiah Osborne (348). 372. Nathaniel Jones *Aug., 1691 Son of 234. 273. Hannah Jones *May, 1717 Daughter of 234 and 235; born 1660; married first Patrick Falconer, of Newark, N. J.; secondly James Clarke, Junior, of Stratford; thirdly John Booth. 274. Sarah Jones +1708-26 Sister of 273; born Aug., 1662; married Andrew Morrison (415). 275. Damaris Atwater (John) Punderson *Dec, 171 1 Daughter of 122 and 224; born Nov., 1648; wife of 336. 276. Joanna Daniel (William) Thompson *after 1709 Daughter of Stephen and Anna (202) ; born Sept., 1652 ; pre viously wife of John Glover; mother of 593. III. Admissions during the ministry of the Rev. James Pierpont, 1685-1714 l685 August 23. 277. John Ailing *March, 1717 Son of 50 and 121; born Oct., 1647; father of 443, 589, 631, 681, 804 and 911. 278. Joseph Moss +1728 Son of 37 and 244; born Nov., 1643; married 302; father of 576 and 583. August 30. 279. Elizabeth Mitchell (Philip) Alcock +1685-99 Daughter of m and 242; born 1652; mother of 563. 280. Mary Potter (Joseph) Mansfield Daughter of 73; born about 1637; mother of 380, 389, 472, 492, 649 and 964. 281. Rebecca Daniel (John) Thompson +after 1749 Sister of 276; born Jan., 1658; mother of 668, 747 and 793. September 6. 282. Joseph Peck *Apr., 1720 Son of Henry and Joan (161); born Sept., 1647; husband of 283 ; father of 485, 557, 598, 624, 672 and 770. 283. Sarah Ailing (Joseph) Peck *I743 Sister of 277; born 1649; wife of 282. 284. Grace Winston (John) Smith *Oct, 1695 Daughter of 192 and 252; born Apr., 1654; wife of 337. September 23. 285. Elizabeth (John) Beecher *Aug., 1722 Daughter of William and Joanna Roberts, of Milford?; born 1650; wife of 315. 286. Joanna (Isaac) Beecher *Feb., 1732. Sister of 285?; born 1655; mother of 666, 744 and 786. 287. Phebe Prindle (Eleazer) Beecher *after 1726 Daughter of William; born March, 1657; mother of 532 and 675. 288. Abigail Bishop * Daughter of 176 and 226; born Oct., 1659; married John Tal- madge, Jr.; mother of 760. catalogue of members, 1685 21 289.. Ruth Bishop Dism. 1718? Sister of 288; born Nov., 1664. Married Nathaniel Yale, of North Haven. +June, 1739. 290. Grace Ventris (John) Blackley +17 — Daughter of Moses and Grace; born Oct., 1652; mother of 745 and 758; next married John Doolittle. 291. Elizabeth Davenport *July, 1744 Daughter of 207 and 257; born Oct., 1666; married Warham Mather. 000. Jeremiah How, Sr. See 106. 292. John Payne *July, 1729 Son of William (113); born 1649; father of 553 and 626. 293. John Thompson, Jr. *Feb., 1693 Husband of 308; father of 520. 294. Mary Bradley (Samuel) Todd *Sept., 1724 Daughter of 89 and 128; born Apr., 1653; mother of 619 and 622. September 27. 295. Silence Brockett (Joseph) Bradley *after 1704 Daughter of 15 and 129; born June, 1648; mother of 552. November 30. 296. Abigail Payne, Senior * December 27. 297. Mary Yale (Joseph) Ives +1710 Daughter of 183 and 325; born Oct., 1650; wife of 417. 298. Anna Thompson *Jan., 1692 Daughter of John; married Caleb Chidsey (310). December 29. 299. Mercy Smith (John) Benham * Daughter of George and Sarah (114); born 1645; step-mother of 306. 300. James Clarke, Sr.- * Husband of 101 ; father of 367. 000. c Abigail Pierson (John) Davenport See 257. 301. James Davids, alias John Dixwell *March, 1689 Son of William Dixwell, of Coton Hall, Warwickshire, England; born about 1607. Regicide. Husband of 152. 302. Sarah (Matthew) Gilbert +1717-28 Wife of 606; next married Joesph Moss (278). 2 2 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 303. Sarah Hall (William or Wingle) Johnson *before 1716 Daughter of 145 and 146; born 1646; wife of 374- 304. Enos Talmage io9° Son of 187 and 251; born Oct., 1656; husband of 346; father of 566, 577, 586 and 634. 1686 January 31. 305. Hannah Thompson (Abraham) Bradley *Oct, 1718 Daughter of John and Ellen (116) ; born Sept., 1654; wife of 267. February 17. 306. John Benham, Jr. *I744 Son of John and Sarah; grandson of 14; step-son of 299; born Sept., 1664; husband of 472. April 25. 307. Sarah Talmage (Samuel) Hotchkiss *Jan., 1713 Sister of 304; born 1652. 308. Priscilla Powell (John) Thompson *Apr., 1726 Daughter of Thomas and Priscilla (85) ; wife of 293. April 28. 309. Samuel Atwater *Sept, 1742 Son of 122 and 224; born Sept., 1664; father of 792, 81 1 and 812. 310. Caleb Chidsey Dism. 171 1? Son of 179 and 193; born Nov., 1661 ; husband of 298. Dis missed to the church in East Haven. ?Feb., 1713. 311. Hester Goodyear (Nathan) Smith +1691 Daughter of 25 and 54 ; born May, 1654. 312. Obedience Lamberton (Samuel) Smith *March, 1734 Daughter of 53 and 54; half-sister of 311; sister of 314; wife of 524- 313. William Trowbridge, Sr. *Nov., 1688 Son of Thomas, of Exeter, England; born 1633; husband of 314; father of 419. 314. Elizabeth Lamberton (William) Trowbridge +1716 Sister of 312; wife of 313; previously wife of Daniel Sellivant. June 27. 315. John Beecher *Dec, 1712 Son of Isaac; born 1645; husband of 285; father of 717 and 719. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1685-86 23 316. Mary Browne *after 1738 Daughter of John and Mary (319); born May, 1664; married Joseph Prindle. 317. Samuel Clarke *I7I3 Son of John and Sarah; born Aug., 1666; step-son of 319; husband of 545; father of 1022. June 30. 318. Samuel Ailing, Sr. *Aug., 1709 Son of 50 and 121; born 1645; husband of 427; father of 369, 590, 697, 726, 784 and 817. 319. Mary Walker (John) Clarke * Previously wife of John Browne; mother of 316; step-mother of 317. 320. Elizabeth Hipkins (Samuel) Ford *before 1712 Mother of 587 and 703. 321. Elizabeth Moss (Nathaniel) Hitchcock +1706-07 Daughter of 37 and 244; born Oct., 1652; wife of 383. 322. Thomas Sanford * Son of Thomas and Sarah, of Milford; born Dec, 1644; father of 612, 616 and 627. 323. Elizabeth Patterson (Thomas) Smith * Daughter of Edward and wife (97); born 1644; wife of 345. 324. Elizabeth Daniel (John) Winston +Feb., 171 1 Daughter of Stephen and Anna (202) ; born Oct., 1655; wife of 401. 325. Mary Turner (w. Thomas) Yale *Oct, 1704 Daughter of 8; widow of 183. July 25. 326. Mary Brooks (Matthew) Ford +1711-12 Daughter of John; born Sept., 1654; wife of 381. August 29. 327. John Ball _ *Jan., 1731 Son of 360; born Apr., 1649; husband of 349; father of 695, 847 and 853. 328. Mary Wooding *Nov., 1717 Daughter of William and Sarah; born about 1659; married John Sacket; mother of 805. Sept. 1. 329. Hannah Nash (Eliphalet) Ball *Feb., 1708 Daughter of 71 and 246; born July, 1655; next married Thomas Trowbridge (347). 24 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 330. Elizabeth Doolittle (John) Brockett *March, 1731 Daughter of 209; born Apr., 1652. 331. Rebecca Pardee **fter *72° Daughter of 255; born Apr., 1666; married Samuel Mix. 332. Benjamin Peck x/3° Son of Henry and Joan (161); born Sept., 1647; husband of 353; father of 591 and 780. December 22. 333. John Ailing, Jr. Son of 212; born Dec, 1663; married 382. 334. Hannah Grannis (John) Hill *before 1694 Daughter of Edward; wife of 503- 335. Hannah Russell (Thomas) Kimberly *Nov., 1714 336. John Punderson, Jr. *Jan., 173° Son of 6 and 162; born 1643; husband of 275; father of 484, 568, 569 and 588. Deacon, 1689-1730. 337. John Smith *Dec, 171 1 Son of George and Sarah (114); born Apr., 1647; husband of 284; father of 641. December 29. 338. Ruth Peck (Jonathan) Atwater +1726 Daughter of Rev. Jeremiah, of Saybrook; born Apr., 1661; wife of 421. 339. Elizabeth (Thomas) Talmage *Oct, 1719 1687 [Uncertain date.] 340. Sarah Wilcox * April. 341. Anna (Thomas) Carnes * Mother of 971 and 1002. 342. John Johnson, Sr. +1712-13 Son of John and Hannah; husband of 418. 343. Mary Desborough (William) Prindle *about 1700 344. Daniel Sherman +1716 Son of Rev. John, of Watertown, Mass.; grandson of 58; born March, 1642; father of 426, 742 and 782. 345. Thomas Smith *Nov., 1724 Born about 1635; husband of 323; father of 473. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1686-88 25 346. Hannah Yale (Enos) Talmage *Feb., 1744 Daughter of 183 and 325; born 1662; wife of 304; next married Samuel Bishop (438). 347. Thomas Trowbridge *Aug., 1702 Son of Thomas, of Exeter, England; born Dec, 1631 ; husband of 329; father of 388, 409, 548 and 645. June. 348. Jeremiah Osborne, Jr. *Jan., 1713 Son of Jeremiah and Mary (79); born Nov., 1656; husband of 271. August. 349. Sarah Glover (John) Ball *Nov., 1731 Daughter of 68 and 229; born Dec, 1655; wife of 327. 350. Mary (Mark) Fowler *July, 1688 351. Samuel Lines *Oct, 1709 Son of 238; born Apr., 1649; husband of 352; father of 674. 352. Mary Thompson (Samuel) Lines +17 — Daughter of John and Ellen (116); born Apr., 1652; wife of 351 ; married secondly John Hitchcock, and thirdly Samuel Clark. 353. Mary Sperry (Benjamin) Peck *before 1730 Daughter of 408 and 250; born March, 1650; wife of 332. 354. Deliverance (David) Perkins *before 1729 Mother of 734 and 877. 355- Sarah Rowe * 356. Agnes Tinkham (John) Sacket +1707 Mother of 359 and 425. 357. John Sperry * Brother of 353; born Jan., 1649; husband of 358; father of 579 and 790. 358. Elizabeth Post (John) Sperry *I7I5 Daughter of John and Esther, of Saybrook; born Feb., 1655; wife of 357; married next Benjamin Bunnell (412), and thirdly Edmund Dorman. 1688 February 15. 359. Sarah Ailing * 360. Ailing Ball, Sr. *Nov., 1716 Father of 327. 26 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 361. Sarah Thompson (Ailing) Ball *Oct., 1716 Daughter of John and Dorothy; born Apr., 1654; daughter-in- law of 360; mother of 669. 362. Mary Bishop Daughter of 176 and 226; born March, 1669. 363. John Chidsey, Jr. *i693 Son of 179 and 193; born Oct., 1651. 364. Mary Downes Daughter of 366 and 270; born Jan., 1665. 365. Hannah Johnson (Samuel) Humiston Daughter of John; born Feb., 1657; mother of 625. February 26. 366. John Downes, Sr. *after 171 1 Husband of 270; father of 364 and 638. June. 367. Mary Clarke (William) Chatterton *after 1709 Daughter of 300; mother of 573 and 692. 368. Mercy Payne (John) Frost *after 1700 Daughter of 113; mother of 508 and 720. June 20. 369. Samuel Ailing, Jr. Dism. 1701? Son of Samuel (318) and Elizabeth; born Oct., 1668. Removed to Newark, N. J. *i732. 370. Duncan Garnack * Husband of 400. 371. Hannah Punderson (John) Gibbs * Daughter of 6 and 162; born 1642; wife of 52. 372. Sarah Merrick, or Mirick (Eliakim) Hitchcock + 1713 Daughter of Thomas, of Springfield, Mass.; born 1643; wife of 392. 373. Hannah Baldwin (Jeremiah) Hull +16 — Daughter of Joseph and Hannah, of Milford; born June, 1644; wife of 537. 374. William, or Wingle, Johnson, Sr. +1716 Husband of 303 ; father of 549, 610, 670, 922 and 1048. 375. John Jones *Jan., 1719 Son of 234 and 235; born Oct., 1667. 376. George Pardee, Jr. *Nov., 1723 Son of 255; born Jan., 1656; father of 507. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1688-89 27 377. Mary (John) Perkins *before 1703 Wife of 387. 378. Mary (Thomas) Pinion * June 24. 379. Tabitha Thomas (Eleazer) Holt *Aug., 1725 Daughter of 188 and 201; born Dec, 1653; wife of 913. Nov. 21. 380. Mercy Mansfield (Joseph) Bristol *after 1734 Daughter of Joseph and Mary (280) ; born July, 1662. 381. Matthew Ford *Nov., 1694 Son of Timothy; husband of 326. 382. Abigail Grannis * Daughter of Edward; married John Ailing, Jr. (333). 383. Nathaniel Hitchcock +1699 Son of Matthias; husband of 321; father of 599 and 706. 384. Daniel Hotchkiss *March, 171 2 Son of Samuel ; born June, 1657 ; husband of 490. 385. Elizabeth Wilmot (John) Mix *Aug., 171 1 Daughter of 182 and 236; mother of 671, 694 and 769. 386. Elizabeth Osborne * Daughter of Jeremiah and Mary (79) ; born Dec, 1665 ; married Samuel Thomas; mother of 777. 387. John Perkins *after 1727 Son of Edward; born Aug., 1651; husband of 377; father of 708. 388. Lydia Trowbridge (Richard) Rosewell *Dec, 1731 Daughter of Thomas (347) and Sarah; born June, 1666; mother of 679, 680 and 869. 389. Martha Mansfield (Richard) Sperry * Daughter of Joseph and Mary (280) ; born Apr., 1660. 390. Lydia Parker (John) Thomas *after 1740 Daughter of Edward and Elizabeth (72); born Apr., 1652; mother of 642. 1689 May 15. 391. James Denison, Jr. *May, 1719 Born 1641; husband of 488; father of 489. 392. Eliakim Hitchcock +1704 Son of Matthias; husband of 372. 28 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN i 393. Elizabeth Peck (John) Hotchkiss *about 1722-23 Daughter of Henry and Joan (161); born March, 1649; mother of 663. 394. Mary Elcock (Jonathan) Perkins *Nov., 1718 Daughter of Anthony; born July, 1661; mother of 691, 741 and 912. 395. Mary Rutherford (John) Prout +1724 Daughter of 221 and 87; born Feb., 1650; previously wife of Daniel Hall; mother of 667, 693 and 724. 396. Lydia Bristol (Joseph) Smith *after 1737 Daughter of 177 and 227; born Jan., 1658; mother of 555; next married Plumb. 397. Thomas Sperry *Apr., 1718 Son of 408 and 250; born July, 1658; husband of 486; father of 857 and 1393- 398. Ann Leete (John) Trowbridge *Aug., 1747 Daughter of Gov. William and Ann, of Guilford; born March, 1662; next married Ebenezer Collins. 399. Thankful Stow (William) Trowbridge Dism. 1705? Daughter of Rev. Samuel and Hope, of Middletown; born May, 1664. Removed to Roxbury, Mass., 1704-08. +17 — . August. 400. Margaret (Duncan) Gamack * Wife of 370. 401. John Winston, Jr. *Feb., 1712 Son of 192 and 252; born Apr., 1657; husband of 324; father of 637, 801 and 884. December 25. 402. Joanna (David) Atwater *Dec, 1722 Wife of 420. 403. John Bishop +1710 Son of 176 and 226; born May, 1662; husband of 480; father of 1088. 404. Rebecca Bishop *Apr. 1734 Half-sister of 403; born Dec, 1673; married Samuel Thompson (629). 405. John Brooks, Sr. *Xj Father of 424. 406. Thomas Mix, Sr. +1691 Husband of 215; father of 665. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I689-9I 29 407. Mary Hitchcock (John) Potter *before 1713 Previously wife of Ralph Russell; mother of 611 and 653. 408. Richard Sperry, Sr. * Husband of 250; father of 353, 3S7, 397, 467. 469. 490 and 556. 409. Thomas Trowbridge, Jr. *Sept, 171 1 Son of Thomas (347) and Sarah; born Feb., 1664; father of 762, 785 and 788. 169O April 23. 410. Nathaniel Boykin *i7o5 Son of 75 and 127; born Sept., 1641. 411. Hannah Browne * 412. Benjamin Bunnell +1696 Son of William; married 358; father of 416. 413. Mary Chidsey * Daughter of 179 and 193; born Nov., 1659; married William Wilmot (526). 414. Sarah Grannis * Daughter of Edward ; born Oct., 1671 ; married Nathaniel Bishop. [Uncertain date.] 415. Andrew Morrison *Apr., 1728 Husband of 274; father of 837. 169I March 11. 416. Rebecca Bunnell (Samuel) Burwell *after 1733 Daughter of 412 and 358; born Feb., 1669; wife of 439. 417. Joseph Ives +1694 Son of 69 and 149; husband of 297; father of 512, 575 and 713. 418. Mehitabel, or Mabel, Grannis (John) Johnson *after 1712 Daughter of Edward ; wife of 342. 419. Mary Trowbridge * Daughter of 313 and 314; born Oct., 1672. November 25. 420. David Atwater, Jr. +1736 Son of 122 and 224; born 1650; husband of 402; father of 698 and 867. 30 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 421. Jonathan Atwater *J\me, 1726 Brother of 420; born July, 1656; husband of 338; father of 603, 876 and 885. 422. Rebecca Bristol (Zaccheus) Canbe or Candee +1739 Daughter of 177; born Feb., 1650; wife of 592. 423. Abigail Davenport (James) Pierpont *Feb., 1692 Daughter of 207 and 257; born Sept., 1672; wife of the pastor. 424. Sarah Brooks (w. Benjamin) Robbins +1702-09 Daughter of 405; born Apr., 1661; next married Nathaniel Thorpe. 425. Sarah Sacket * Daughter of John and Agnes (356); born Dec, 1665; mother of 833, 851, 901 and 1052. 426. Mary Sherman *after 1716 Daughter of Daniel (344) and Abiah; born Oct., 1670; married Joseph Potter. 1692 February 3. 427. Sarah Chidsey (Samuel) Ailing *after 1713 Daughter of 179 and 193; born Oct., 1653; wife of 318. August 3. 428. Nathaniel Heaton *after 1716 Son of James and Sarah; born Nov., 1664; father of 894. 42g. Isaac Jones *i74i Son of 234 and 235; born June, 1671; husband of 457; father of 821 and 822. 430. Samuel Tuttle, Sr. *I73I"33 Son of John and Catharine (264) ; born Jan., 1660; husband of 442; father of 709 and 721. 431. Sarah How (Nathaniel) Tuttle Dism. 1712? Daughter of Ephraim (263) and Anna. Removed to Woodbury. ?Nov., 1743. December 21. 432. Mary Browne * Daughter of Ebenezer and Hannah; born Aug., 1674; married Samuel Clarke. 433. Ebenezer Chidsey Dism. 171 1? Brother of 427; born Feb., 1665; husband of 520. Dismissed to the church in East Haven. *Sept., 1726. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 169I-94 31 434- John Davenport *Feb., 1731 Son of 207 and 257; born Feb., 1669. Ordained pastor in Stam ford, 1693. Husband of 561. 435. Mary Heaton * 436. Hannah Browne (Nathan) Smith *June, 1729 Daughter of John and Mary; born Aug., 1669; mother of 1061. l693 March 22. 437. Nathaniel Astwood * 438. Samuel Bishop *March, 1748 Son of 176 and 226; born Nov., 1666; husband of 346; father of 799 and 808. Deacon, 1717-48. 439. Samuel Burwell, Jr. *Dec, 1719 Bom 1667; husband of 416; father of 580, 743, 755 and 773. 440. Hannah Tuttle (Joshua) Hotchkiss *Feb., 1719 Daughter of Thomas and Hannah; born Feb., 1662; wife of 446. 441. Jane ( ) Pembroke * 442. Sarah Newman (Samuel) Tuttle * Daughter of Richard and wife (260) ; wife of 430. 1694 February 15. 443. Abigail Ailing *March, 1739 Daughter of 277; born Nov., 1673; married John Punderson (600). 444. Ruth Dickerman (Nathaniel) Bradley *May, 1725 Daughter of Abraham (259) and Mary; born Apr., 1668; wife of 455- 445. Samuel Hemingway, Jr. * Son of Samuel and Sarah (262) ; born Dec, 1665. 446. Joshua Hotchkiss, Sr. *Dec, 1722 Son of Samuel and Elizabeth; born Sept., 1651; husband of 440; father of 657 and 774. 447. Hannah Morrison +1732? 448. Mary (Joseph) Osborne *l737 Wife of 597. 32 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 449. Abigail Preston (Joseph) Thomas * Daughter of Edward and Margaret; born Jan., 1664; wife of 470. 450. Jonathan Tuttle, Jr. +1700 Son of Jonathan; born Apr., 1669. 451. Abigail Yale *Feb., 1709 Daughter of 183 and 325; born May, 1660; married Moses Mansfield. April 18. 452. Sarah Alsop *Jan., 1699 Daughter of Joseph (205) and Elizabeth; born Sept., 1652. 453. Abigail Heaton (Ebenezer) Atwater +17 — Daughter of James; born Jan., 1674; wife of 540. 454. Daniel Barnes *Jan., 173 1 Son of Thomas and Mary (225) ; born Aug., 1659; father of 662. 455. Nathaniel Bradley *Aug., 1743 Son of 89 and 128; born Feb., 1661 ; husband of 444 and 482; father of 725, 728, 794 and 843. 456. Thomas Goodsell Dism. 171 1? Born 1646; father of 609. Dismissed to the church in East Haven. ?May, 1713. 457. Deborah Clark (Isaac) Jones *May, 1735 Born in Stratford, 1672; wife of 429. 458. Mary Little * Daughter of Richard and Joan (231); born July, 1669; married John Payne. 459. John Potter, Sr. *Dec, 1707 Son of 57 and 72; born 1637; father of 554. 460. Elizabeth (Samuel) Tuttle * 461. Nathanael Wade +17 Son of Nathaniel and Mercy, of Medford, Mass.; born July, 1673; son-in-law of 207 and 257. May 20. 462. Anna Osborne (Eleazar) Morris *Dec, 1726 Daughter of Jeremiah and Mary (79); born Apr., 1663; mother of 551, 640 and 722. August 8. 463. Elizabeth Thompson (Benjamin) Bradley *Nov., 1718 Daughter of John and Ellen (116); born June, 1657; wife of 501. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1694 33 464. Ralph Lines +1712 Son of 238; born July, 1652; husband of 560; father of 764 and 856. 465. Mary Alsop (John) Miles *Oct, 1705 Daughter of Joseph (205) and Elizabeth; born Oct., 1654; wife of 550. 466. Sarah (Samuel) Sanford * 467. Nathaniel Sperry +1729 Son of 408 and 250; husband of 468; born Aug., 1656; father of 862. 468. Sarah Dickerman (Nathaniel) Sperry *before 1729 Daughter of Abraham (259) and Mary; born July, 1663; wife of 467. 469. Ebenezer Sperry +1738 Brother of 467; born July, 1663; husband of 585; father of 8i5» 1075 and 1077. 470. Joseph Thomas *Apr., 1739 Son of 188 and 201; born Nov., 166 1 ; husband of 449; father of 899. 471. Mary Tuttle * August 12. 472. Comfort Mansfield (John) Benham *after 1740 Daughter of Joseph and Mary (280); born Dec, 1668; wife of 306. 473. Elizabeth Smith *after 1719 Daughter of 345 and 323; born June, 1676; married Samuel Cooper. 474. •Joanna Leeke (Henry) Stevens +17 — Daughter of no and 213; born Jan., 1658; next married Joseph Preston. 475. Elizabeth Browne (Michael) Todd Dism. 1716? Daughter of Eleazer and Sarah; married secondly Samuel Street, Jr., of Wallingford, and thirdly John Merriman; mother of 705, 852 and 908. 476. Susanna Tuttle * November 29. -477. John Barnes +1712 Son of Thomas and Mary (225); husband of 478; father of 500. 3 34 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 478. Mercy Betts (John) Barnes * Daughter of Roger and Ann, of Milford; wife of 477- 479. Azariah Beach 1696 Son of Richard and Catharine (28) ; born July, 1646; father of 615 and 618. 480. Abigail Willet .(John) Bishop *I725 Daughter of Nathaniel and Eleanor, of Hartford; wife of 4°3- 481. Rebecca Canbe Daughter of 592 and 422; born Dec, 1671; married Thomas Painter; mother of 776. December. 482. Mercy Mansfield (John) Thompson *Jan., 1745 Daughter of Moses and Mercy; born Apr., 1667; next married Nathaniel Bradley (455). 1695 February 20. 483. Samuel Clarke, Jr. Dism. ? Son of Samuel and Hannah (268) ; born Aug., 1673. Removed early. ?June, 1754. 484. Hannah Punderson *after 1740 Daughter of 336 and 275; born July, 1676. 485. Deborah Peck (Daniel) Sperry *Dec, 171 1 Daughter of 282 and 283; born July, 1672; mother of 988 and 1 102. 486. Elizabeth Femes (Thomas) Sperry *Apr., 1718 Daughter of Samuel; born Dec, 1665; wife of 397. * September 25. 487. Daniel Collins +after 1719 Son of William and Sarah; born May, 1677. 488. Bethia Boykin (James) Denison * Daughter of 75 and 127; born 1643; wife of 391. 489. Sarah Denison * Daughter of 391 and 488; born Apr., 1671 ; married Joseph Sacket (789). 490. Hester Sperry (Daniel) Hotchkiss +after 1733 Daughter of 408 and 250; born Sept., 1654; wife of 384; next married Stephen Pierson, of Derby. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1694-96 35 491. Sarah Wilmot (Thomas) Hotchkiss *July, 1732 Daughter of William and Sarah; born March, 1663; next mar ried Daniel Sperry. 492. Elizabeth Mansfield (William) Johnson +17 — Daughter of Joseph and Mary (280) ; born Sept., 1666; mother of 890, 914, 1008, 1055, 1056 and 1057. 493. John Mallory +1712 Son of Peter and Mary (258) ; born May, 1664; husband of 499- 494. Mary Bradley (Caleb) Mix *before 1741 Daughter of Nathan and Esther, of Guilford; born March, 1672; mother of 875; next married Joshua Tuttle; mother of 1121. 495. Abigail Peck * December 15. 496. Elizabeth Barnes (John) Austin * Daughter of Thomas and Mary (225); born May, 1650; pre viously wife of Benjamin Brockett; mother of 497. 497. Hannah Brockett * Daughter of 496; born March, 1678; married John Sutliff, of Durham. 498. Abigail Denison 1696 January 26. 4gg. Elizabeth Kimberly (John) Mallory Dism. 1714? Daughter of Nathaniel; wife of 493; next married Benjamin Barnes, of Waterbury. April 26. 500. Hannah Barnes +17 — Daughter of 477 and 478; born Dec, 1670; married James Stevens, of Killingworth. 501. Benjamin Bradley +1728 Son of 89 and 128; born Apr., 1657; husband of 463; father of 664, 819 and 1287. 502. Abigail Bristol Dism. 1712? Daughter of 177 and 227; born. Apr., 1666; married Daniel Terrill, of Milford. +17— 503. John Hill +1710 Son of 170 and 148; born Jan., 1651; husband of 334 and 649; father of 696 and 855. 36 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN June 28. 504. Mary Barnes * Daughter of Thomas and Mary; born Nov., 1679. 505. Edward Grannis *Dec, 1719 Husband of 506. 506. Hannah Wakefield (Edward) Grannis * Daughter of John and Ann (101) ; born 1644; wife of 505. 507. Mercy Pardee * Daughter of 376; born Jan., 1676. September 27 & 30. 508. Abigail Frost (Thomas) Barnes *after 1712 Daughter of John and Mercy (368) ; born Oct., 1670. 5og. Isaac Bradley Dism. 1711? Born 1647; husband of 510. Dismissed to the church in East Haven? ?Jan., 1713. 510. Elizabeth (Isaac) Bradley Dism. 1711? Wife of 509. +Jan., 1713. 511. John Gilbert *after 1711 Son of John and Sarah; born Oct., 1668; husband of 512; father of 810 and 918. 512. Mary Ives (John) Gilbert *Apr., 1712 Daughter of 417 and 297; born March, 1676; wife of 511. 513. John Johnson, Sr. +17 — 514. Mary Pinion (Joseph) Mallory +17 — Daughter of Thomas. 515. Sarah Haynes (James) Pierpont *Oct, 1696 Daughter of Rev. Joseph and Sarah, of Hartford; born 1673; wife of the pastor; mother of 749. Died before formal admission. 69.7 September 12. 516. Hannah Alsop +1722 Daughter of Joseph (205) and Elizabeth; born Dec, 1659. 517. Joshua Austin Dism. 171 1 Son of John and Mercy; born Sept., 1673. Dismissed to the church in East Haven. ?March, 1760. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1696-98 37 518. Ebenezer Smith Dism. 17 — Son of George and Sarah (114); born Nov,, 1653; husband of 519. Removed to Newtown. +1714. 519. Mary (Ebenezer) Smith Dism. 17— Daughter of Eli and Mary Roberts?; wife of 518. 1698 January 2. 520. Priscilla Thompson (Ebenezer) Chidsey Dism. 171 1? Daughter of 293 and 308; born Aug., 1671 ; wife of 433. Dis missed to the church in East Haven? +Jan., 1728. 521. John Clarke +17 — Son of Samuel and Hannah (268); born Feb., 1676; married 704. 522. Elizabeth (Abraham) Hemingway *before 1713 523. Mary Wilcox (Thomas) Munson Dism. 1742? Daughter of Obadiah and Lydia, of Guilford; born December, 1676; mother of 723, 982 and 1001. Removed to Wallingford. ?Nov., 1755. 524. Samuel Smith *Sept., 1726 Brother of 518; born Dec, 1651; husband of 312; grandfather of 1032. ,525. Mary Burroughs (John) Tuttle +17 — Daughter of John and Mary, of New London; born Dec, 1672; mother of 874 526. William Wilmot *Jan., 1713 Son of William and Sarah; born Oct., 1665; husband of 413. December 18. 527. Phebe Gibbard (Nathan) Andrews *Dec, 1720 Daughter of 67 and 141; born 1646-47; wife of 531. 528. Abigail Gibbard (John) Goodyear +1717 Sister of 527; born Aug., 1660; wife of 535. 38 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1699 February 19. 529. Lydia Roberts (Joseph) Beecher *17 — Born Aug., 1672; wife of 654. 530. Mary Hooker (James) Pierpont *Nov., 1740 Daughter of Rev." Samuel and Mary, of Farmington; born July, 1673; wife of the pastor; mother of 750, 865 and 1013. May 10. 531. Nathan Andrews +1712 Son of 9 and 223; born 1638; husband of 527. 532. Hannah Beecher *I7 — Daughter of Eleazer and Phebe (287) ; born June, 1679; mar ried Daniel Clarke; mother of 1167. 533- Joseph Chidsey +1712 Son of 179 and 193; born Dec, 1655; father of 1037. 534. Elizabeth Lane (Joseph) Clarke +1708 535- John Goodyear *Jan., 1702 Son of 25 and 54; born March, 1650; husband of 528; father of 800 and 1038. 536. Mary Hemingway +17 — 537. Jeremiah Hull *June, 1700 Son of 29; husband of 373. 538. John Morris *Dec, 171 1 Son of 84 and 243; born March, 1646; father of 561 and 677. 539. Samuel Stevens *before 1758 Son of John and Mary; born 1674; husband of 565. November 23. 540. Ebenezer Atwater +17 — Son of 122 and 224; born Jan., 1666; husband of 453; father of 684, 685, 791 and 798. 541. Samuel Bassett *Apr., 1716 Son of 184 and 149; born Feb., 1655; father of 621, 707, 813 and 839. 542. Lydia Blackley *Oct, 1723 Wife of John; mother of 936 and 1089. 543. Daniel Browne *Oct, 1722 Son of Eleazer and Sarah; born Jan., 1668; husband of 544; father of 753. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1699-170I 39 544- Mary Hoiv (Daniel) Browne *after 1722 Daughter of Ephraim, Jr.; born Dec, 1674; wife of 543. 545. Rebecca Browne (Samuel) Clarke *after 1725 Daughter of Ebenezer and Hannah; born Apr., 1672; wife of 317. 546. John Cooper, Sr. *jj Son of 65 and 136; born May, 1642; husband of 269; father of 727. 547- Elizabeth Trowbridge (John) Hodson *Dec, 171 1 Daughter of Thomas (347) and Sarah; born June, 1676. 548. John How, Jr. *Nov., 1732 Son of Zechariah and Sarah; born Dec, 1667; husband of 558. 549. John Johnson, Jr. *i744 Son of 374 and 303; born July, 1667; father of 917. 550. John Miles, Sr. *Nov., 1704 Son of 70; born Oct., 1644; husband of 465; father of 594 and 787. 551. Rebecca Morris +1729 Daughter of Eleazar and Anna (462) ; born June, 1682 ; married Nathaniel Hitchcock, Jr. 552. Abigail Bradley (John) Moulthrop *Sept, 1743 Daughter of Joseph and Silence (295) ; born Sept., 1671. 553. Elizabeth Payne *Sept, 1702 Daughter of John (292) and Abigail; born Oct., 1677; married Joseph Pardee. 554. John Potter, Jr. *March, 1713 Son of John (459) and Hannah; born Aug., 1667. 555- Lydia Smith +17 — Daughter of Joseph and Lydia (396); born Apr., 1683; married Peter Roberts (781). 556. Richard Sperry, Jr. *I734 Son of 408 and 250; born Jan., 1652; father of 735, 778 and 1086. 1701 July 27. 557. Sarah Peck (Thomas) Gilbert +17 — Daughter of 282 and 283 ; born Sept., 1673 ; mother of 809 and 854 40 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 558. Hannah Hemingway (John) How *after 1732 Daughter of Samuel and Sarah (262); born Sept., 1670; wife of 548. 559. Hannah Kimberly *17 — 560. Abiah Bassett (Ralph) Lines *I7 — Daughter of 184 and 149; born 1658; wife of 464. 561. Elizabeth Morris (William) Maltby Dism. 1714? Daughter of John (538) and Hannah; born 1675; next married Rev. John Davenport (434), of Stamford. +Jan., 1758. 562. Esther Tuttle (Samuel) Russell *after 1740 Daughter of Thomas and Hannah; born Apr., 1672; wife of 611. 1702 June 24. 563. Elizabeth Alcock +17 — Daughter of Philip and Elizabeth (279) ; born Feb., 1679. 564. Sarah Benham +17 — 565. Abigail Clarke (Samuel) Stevens +17 — Born 1671; wife of 539. 566. Mary Talmage +17 — Daughter of 304 and 346; born Feb., 1682; married John Bishop, of Stamford. December 27. 567. Elizabeth Warner (Samuel) Chatterton +1715-28 Wife of 573. 568. Damaris Punderson *March, 1741 Daughter of 336 and 275; born Dec, 1680; married William Seward, of Durham and Guilford. 569. Mary Punderson *Sept., 1713 Sister of 568; born Aug., 1683. 570. Samuel Tuttle +1709 Son of Joseph and Hannah; born July, 1670; husband of 578; father of 887. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I7OI-O4 41 1704 January 20. 571. Daniel Bradley *Nov., 1723 Son of 267 and 305; born 1679-80; husband of 572; father of 820, 826, 976 and 1036. 572. Sarah Bassett (Daniel) Bradley *after 1723 Daughter of John and Mercy; born June, 1682; wife of 571. 573. Samuel Chatterton *i723 Son of William and Mary (367) ; born June, 1671 ; husband of 567; father of 1078. 574. Samuel Gilbert *Jan., 1721 Son of 4 and 143; born 1657. 575. Samuel Ives Dism. 1718? Son of 417 and 297; born Nov., 1677; husband of 603. Dis missed to the church in North Haven. ?Nov., 1726. 576. Joseph Moss, Jr. *Jan., 1732 Son of Joseph (278) and Mary; born Apr., 1679. Ordained pastor in Derby, 1706. Married 679. 577. Mehitabel Talmage +17 — Daughter of 304 and 346; born Dec, 1686; married John Smith, of West Haven. 578. Sarah (Samuel) Tuttle *after 1734 Wife of 570. May 31. 579. Hester Sperry (Daniel) Bristol +17 — Daughter of 357 and 358. 580. Anna Burwell +17 — Daughter of 439 and 416; born June, 1689; married Haines, of Baskingridge, N. J. 581. Stephen Clarke *i74i Son of Samuel and Hannah (268) ; born Dec, 1680; husband of 756. 582. Lawrence Clinton Dism. 1717? Son of Lawrence, of Ipswich, Mass. Dismissed to the church in North Haven? +I757- 583. Samuel Moss +after 1709 Brother of 576; born March, 1681. 584. Dinah Thomas (John) Sherman Dism. 1732? Daughter of Daniel and Rebecca; born Dec, 1678; wife of 782; next married Zachariah Blackman, of Stratford. +1769. 42 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 585. Abigail Dickerman (Ebenezer) Sperry *I75I"52 Daughter of Abraham (259) and Mary; born Sept., 1670; wife of 469. 586. Thomas Talmage * 1732-33 Son of 304 and 346; born Dec, 1688. 587. Mary Ford (John) Thomas *June, 1712 Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (320); born Sept., 1676; wife of 836. June 11. 588. Thomas Punderson *July, 1742 Son of 336 and 275; born Jan., 1678; husband of 607; father of 977. "33 and 1144. August 31. 589. Hannah Ailing *Dec., 1725 Daughter of John (277) and Susanna; born May, 1678; married Francis Browne (712). 590. Roger Ailing *Apr., 1760 Son of Samuel (318) and Elizabeth; born July, 1677; husband of 738; father of 1172. 591. Hester Peck (Eliphalet) Bristol Dism. ? Daughter of 332 and 353; born 1679. Living 1757. 592. Zaccheus Canbe, Sr. +1721 Husband of 422; father of 481. 593. Elizabeth Glover (Abraham) Dickerman *Oet, 1742 Daughter of John and Joanna (276) ; born Feb., 1677 ; mother of 903, 909 and 1112. 594. Hannah Miles +17 — Daughter of 550 and 465; born Aug., 1681. 595- Abigail Morris +1718-29 Daughter of John (538) and Hannah; born Aug., 1683; married James Peck (770). 596. Hester Morris *I75I Daughter of Joseph and Esther; born Sept., 1684; married first John Peck (624); secondly John Mix (671); thirdly Joseph Smith. 597. Joseph Osborne *Nov., 1735 Son of Jeremiah and Mary (79) ; born Dec, 1677 ; husband of 448; father of 992. 598. Samuel Peck *I739 Son of 282 and 283; born Dec, 1677; husband of 599; father of 891, 974, 994 and 1059. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I704-O5 43 599. Abigail Hitchcock (Samuel) Peck +17— Daughter of 383 and 321 ; born Oct., 1680; wife of 598. 600. John Punderson, Jr. *July, 1742 Son of 336 and 275 ; born Dec, 1673 ; husband of 443 and 806 ; father of 873, 947 and 965. Deacon, 1727-42. 601. Mary Lillie (Caleb) Trowbridge Dism. 1705? Born in Boston, 1670; next married Thomas Gilbert, of Boston. ?Dec, 1733. September 24. 602. Mary Humphreville (Ebenezer) Downes + 17— Next married Thomas Carnes, or Kerns. l7°5 February 1. 603. Ruth Atwater Dism. 1718? Daughter of 421 and 338; born Dec, 1686; married Samuel Ives (575). Dismissed to the church in North Haven. Living 1745. 604. Abigail Bennett (James) Bishop +17 — Daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth, of Stratford; mother of 868. 605. Isaac Dickerman Dism. 1754 Son of Abraham (259) and Mary; born Nov., 1677; husband of 876; father of 1023, 1091, 1141, 1231 and 1246. Deacon, 1727-54. Dismissed to the White Haven (now United) Church. +1758. 606. Matthew Gilbert +1711 Son of 4 and 143; born 1655; husband of 302; father of 797 and mi. 607. Lydia Bradley (Thomas) Punderson +1750-58 Daughter of 89 and 128; born Nov., 1685; wife of 588. April 22. 608. Sarah Kimberly (Samuel) Blackley *after 1729 Daughter of Nathaniel; mother of 701. 6og. Mary Goodsell *before 1745 Daughter of Thomas (456) and Sarah; born Dec, 1686; mar ried Henry Tolles (883). 610. Sarah Johnson (Samuel) Horton Dism. 1742 Daughter of 374 and 303; born Nov., 1676; mother of 999, 1024 and 1046. Dismissed to the White Haven (now United) Church. ?17 — . 44 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 611. Samuel Russell Dism. 1711? Son of Ralph and Mary (407) ; born 1671 ; husband of 562. Dismissed to the church in East Haven. ?June, 1724. 612. John Sanford Dism. Son of Thomas (322) and Elizabeth; born Apr., 1686; husband of 618. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. *Nov., 1766. 613. Susanna Winston +17 — August 26. 614. Sarah Clarke (John) Wilmot +17 — ¦ Daughter of John; born Oct., 167 1 ; mother of 752 and 1126; next married Daniel Sperry. [Uncertain date.] 615. Thomas Beach +17 — Son of Azariah (479) and Martha; born 1679; husband of 616. 616. Sarah Sanford (Thomas) Beach +17 — Sister of 612; born Nov., 1682. 617. Experience Pinion *after 1716 Daughter of Thomas; married Samuel Humphreville, or Umber- ville; mother of 1051. 618. Hannah Beach (John) Sanford Dism. Sister of 615; born 1685-86; wife of 612. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. *i769. I706 [Uncertain date.] 619. Hannah Todd (Seth) Heaton +17— Daughter of Samuel and Mary (294) ; born Feb., 1680. 620. John Munson +1749-52 Son of Samuel and Martha; born Jan., 1673; father of 824, 830 and 1030. Deacon, 1742 to death. 621. Mary Bassett (Daniel) Sherman *Aug., 1751 Daughter of Samuel (541) and Mary; born Feb., 1678. 622. Samuel Todd, Sr. Dism. 1718 Brother of 619; born July, 1672. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. *Dec, 1741. December 29. 623. John Grannis *ij Son of Edward; born Dec, 1673; married 628. 624. John Peck +1720 Son of 282 and 283 ; born Oct., 1682 ; husband of 596. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I705-O7 45 1707 June 22. 625. Martha Humiston +17 — Daughter of Samuel and Hannah (365) ; born Nov., 1685 ; mar ried 626. 626. James Payne *Sept, 1751 Son of John (292) and Abigail; born Apr., 1687; married 625. 627. Thomas Sanford, Jr. +May, 1714 Son of Thomas (322) and Elizabeth; born May, 1677; husband of 628. 628. Mary Chubb (Thomas) Sanford *Dec, 1781 Born about 1682; wife of 627; next married John Grannis (623). 629. Samuel Thompson Dism. 1742 Son of John and Ann; born May, 1669; husband of 404; father of 825, 831, 896, 900, 943 and 952. Dismissed to the White Haven (now United) Church. *March, 1749. 630. Hester Tuttle +17— December 4. 631. Sarah Ailing *May, 1765 Daughter of John (277) and Susanna; born Aug., 1685; mar ried Jonathan Mansfield (643). 632. Abigail (David) Austin *May, 1741 Born 1683 ; mother of 953 ; next married Thomas Alcock, of East Haven. 633. John Bradley *July, 1747 Son of 267 and 305; born Oct., 1674; father of 1292. 634. Sarah Talmage Dism. ? Daughter of 304 and 346; born Oct., 1684; married Abraham Hemingway, of East Haven. Living 1754. 635. William Tuttle +1727 Sqn of Jonathan and Rebecca; born May, 1673; husband of 636. 636. Mary Abernethy (William) Tuttle +17 — Daughter of William and Sarah, of Wallingford; born March, 1680; wife of 635. 637. Elizabeth Winston +17 — Daughter of 401 and 324; born March, 1683. 46 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1708 October 31. 638. Samuel Downes +1711 Son of 366 and 270; born Oct., 1662; husband of 639. 639. Christian Pinion (Samuel) Downes *after 1712 Daughter of Thomas; wife of 638. 640. Eleazar Morris, Jr. +1740 Son of Eleazar and Anna (462) ; born Jan., 1688. 641. Elizabeth Smith (Joseph) Thompson Dism. 1742 Daughter of 337 and 284; born Aug., 1675. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Nov., 1743. November 7. 642. Sarah Thomas (John) Cooper Dism. ? Daughter of John and Lydia (390); born Dec, 1672. Living I757- 1709 August 28. 643. Jonathan Mansfield *Jan., 1775 Son of Moses and Mercy; born Feb., 1686; husband of 631 and 1 191; father of 1000, 1050, 1293 and 1346. Deacon, 1753-75. 644. Sarah Morris *after 1714 Daughter of Joseph and Esther (1084); born 1686; married Joseph Beecher, Jr.; mother of 1108. 645. Hannah Trowbridge *Aug., 1748 Daughter of 347 and 329; born March, 1690; married Joseph Whiting (683). I7IO March 29. 646. Isaac Bradley *ij 647. Anna Browne *iy 648. Jacob Hemingway *Oct., 1754 Son of Samuel and Sarah (262) ; born Dec, 1683. Yale Coll. 1704. Ordained pastor in East Haven, Oct., 171 1. 649. Mary Mansfield (John) Hill *iyi2 Daughter of Joseph and Mary (280); born Apr., 1658; wife of 503; previously wife of Thomas Turhand and Henry Wise, both of Guilford. 650. Sarah Miles *I7 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I708-II 47 651. Hannah Edzvards (Eliphalct) Pardee Dism. ? Dismissed to the church in East Haven? Living 1755. 652. William Thompson *March, 1717 Son of John and Ann; born Jan., 1674; husband of 658; father of 1042. [Uncertain date.] 653. John Russell Dism. 171 1? Son of Ralph and Mary (407) ; born Dec, 1664. Dismissed to the church in East Haven. +Feb., 1724. 171 I May 3. 654. Joseph Beecher *Oct, 1728 Son of Isaac and Mary; husband of 529; father of 655, 807, 841, 860, 935 and 1468. 655. Alice Beecher +1752-53 Daughter of 654 and 729; born 1695. 656. Mehitabel Cruttenden (Caleb) Hotchkiss *Nov., 1750 Daughter of Isaac and Lydia, of Guilford; born Apr., 1682; wife of 663. 657. Stephen Hotchkiss Dism. 1724? Son of 446 and 440; born Aug., 1681. Removed to Cheshire. ?March, 1755. 658. Martha (William) Thompson *after 1755 Wife of 652. [Uncertain date.] 659. Daniel Johnson **759? Son of John and Hannah; born Feb., 1672. 660. Jeremiah Talmage +17 — 661. Mehitabel Wilcox *i7— November 4. 662. Anna Barnes +17 — Daughter of 454; born Apr., 1688. 663. Caleb Hotchkiss *Apr., 1763 Son of John and Elizabeth (393); born Oct., 1684; husband of 656; father of 940, 959 and 1251. 664. Hannah Bradley (Japhet) Mansfield *Oct, 1768 Daughter of 501 and 463; born Nov., 1682; mother of 1162. 665. Rebecca Mix (John) Yale *Oct, 1734 Daughter of 406 and 215; born Jan., 1658; mother of 714. 48 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1712 March 23 and 30. 666. Joanna Beecher +17 — Daughter of Isaac and Joanna (286) ; born 1685. 667. Sarah Prout (Christopher) Christophers *Apr., 1745 Daughter of John and Mary (395) ; born Jan., 1684. Removed to New London. 668. Anne Thompson (Thomas) Ives +1752-58 Daughter of John and Rebecca (281) ; born March, 1683. 669. Sarah Ball (Joseph) Ives +17 — ¦ Daughter of Ailing and Sarah (361) ; born Aug., 1679. 670. Isaac Johnson Dism. 1742 Son of 374 and 303; born Oct., 1672; father of 1158. Dismissed to the church in Woodbridge. ?Oct., 1750. 671. John Mix *Dec, 1721 Son of John and Elizabeth (385); born Aug., 1676; married 596. 672. Mary Peck *Jan., 1738 Daughter of 282 and 283; born Oct., 1689; married Stephen Rowe, and Timothy Tuttle. 673. Abigail Talmage +17 — 674. Mary Lines (Thomas) Wilmot +17 — Daughter of 351 and 352; born Jan., 1679; mother of 1004 and 1119. October. 675. Obedience Beecher *iy Daughter of Eleazer and Phebe (287) ; born 1692. 676. Sarah Heaton *I7 677. Desire Morris (Stephen) Howell *before 175 1 Daughter of John (538) and Hannah; born March, 1687; wife of 1235. • 678. Margaret Old (Samuel) Jacobs *after 1742 Born in Sufneld. 679. Dorcas Rosewell Dism. 1715? Daughter of Richard and Lydia (388); born Dec, 1684; mar ried Rev. Joseph Moss (576), of Derby. *Sept., 1715. 680. Lydia Rosewell *May, 1732 Sister of 679; born Aug., 1687; married Jeremiah Atwater (885). CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I7I2-I3 49 681. Mary Ailing (Stephen) Whitehead *March, 1759 Daughter of John (277) and Susanna; born Sept., 1680. 682. Tabitha Holt (iv. Samuel) Whitehead *Oct, 1743 Daughter of 913 and 379; born Jan., 1683; sister-in-law of 681; next married David Atwater. 683. Joseph Whiting *Apr., 1748 Son of Rev. John and Phebe, of Hartford; born 1680; husband of 645; father of 1017, 1018, 1074, 11 18 and 1175. 1713 April 16. 684. Sarah Atwater Dism. Nov., 1720 Daughter of 540 and 453 ; born Apr., 1693 ; married James Humiston, of Wallingford. Dismissed to the church in Walling ford. Married thirdly Timothy Tuttle. ?May, 1761. 685. Mary Atwater *Feb., 1772 Sister of 684; born March, 1695; married Ebenezer Ives. 686. Abiah Beecher *after 1728 Daughter of Isaac; born Sept., 1693. 687. Susanna Bowden (Paul) Cornell *I75! Daughter of Benjamin and Mary; born 1680; mother of 1095. 688. Sarah Dunbar *Apr., 1764 Daughter of John; born 1691 ; married William Diodate (955). 689. c. Francis Griffin *Sept, 1759 Son of Hugh, of Stratford; born 1670; husband of 690. Admitted from the church in Stratford. 690. Jemima Darling (Francis) Griffin *Dec, 1775 Born in Jamaica, N. Y., 1690; wife of 689. 691. Anne Perkins (Ebenezer) Hitchcock *Nov., 1757 Daughter of Jonathan and Mary (394) ; born Nov., 1690; mother of H54- 6g2. Susanna Chatterton (Joshua) Hotchkiss *Sept, 1766 Daughter of William and Mary (367) ; born Sept., 1678; mother of 870, 888 and 962; next married Abraham Dickerman (1090). 6g3. Margaret Prout (Moses) Mansfield Dism. 1742 Daughter of John and Mary (395); born June, 1682; mother of 1 140. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +17 — 50 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 694. Joseph Mix Dism. 1742 Son of John and Elizabeth (38s); born Dec, 1684; husband of 695; father of 915 and 1132. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +Feb., I7S7- 695. Hannah Ball (Joseph) Mix Dism. 1742 Daughter of 327 and 349; born Jan., 1690; wife of 694. +Jan., 1752. 696. Abigail Hill (Samuel) Potter *Aug., 1759 Daughter of 503 and 334; born Dec, 168 1 ; mother of 916- I714 August 20. 697. Sarah Ailing *Nov., 1761 Daughter of 318 and 427; born Jan., 1686; married David Punderson; mother of 1135. 698. Joanna Atwater +17 — Daughter of 420 and 402; born Feb., 1682; married Ebenezer Bradley; mother of 1166. 699. Abigail Bassett *July, 1747 Daughter of John and Mercy; born March, 1688; married Phineas Clarke. 700. Grace Blackley *after 1745 Daughter of Ebenezer; born Jan., 1694; married Ebenezer Humiston ; mother of 1318 and 1397. 701. Mary Blackley Dism. 1719? Daughter of Samuel and Sarah (608) ; born Sept., 1692; mar ried Samuel Downes, Jr. Dismissed to the church in West Haven? ?1776. 702. Jinny (colored) *iy — 703. Elizabeth Ford (Stephen) Perkins +17 — Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (320) ; born Feb., 1679; wife of 708. 704. Deborah Potter *i74i Daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth; born March, 1695; mar ried John Clarke (521). Aug. 22. 705. Elizabeth Todd (Isaac) Dayton *before 175 1 Daughter of Michael and Elizabeth (475) ; born Feb., 1691 ; mother of 1092 and 1347. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1713-14 51 706. John Hitchcock *Oct, 1753 Son of 383 and 321; born Jan., 1686; husband of 707; father of 945. 957, 1 153 and 1258. Deacon, 1742-53. 707. Abiah Bassett (John) Hitchcock *Oct, 1760 Daughter of Samuel (541) and Mary; born Dec, 1684; wife of 706. 708. Stephen Perkins *I753"58 Son of 387 and 377; born Apr., 1680; husband of 703; father of 930. 709. Abigail Tuttle *Jan., 1769 Daughter of 430 and 442; born Apr., 1692; married Daniel Atwater (811). September 26. 710. Samuel Cooke Dism. 1715 Son of Thomas and Sarah, of Guilford; born Nov., 1687. Yale Coll. 1705. Father of 1136. Dismissed to the church in Stratfield. Ordained pastor in Stratfield, Feb., 1716. +060., 1747. October 24. 711. Elizabeth Heyward (John) Perkins +17 — IV. Admissions during the vacancy in the pastorate, 1714-16 *7*S 712. Francis Browne *Sept., 1741 Son of Samuel and Mercy; born Oct., 1679; married 589. 713. Ebenezer Ives *I759 Son of 417 and 297; born Apr., 1692; father of 1274. 714. David Yale Dism. 1718 Son of John and Rebecca (665) ; born Oct., 1699. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. +1730. V. Admissions during the Pastorate of the Rev. Joseph No yes, 1716-58 I716 [Uncertain date.] 715. c Joseph Noyes *June, 1761 Son of Rev. James and Dorothy, of Stonington; born Oct., 1688. Yale Coll. 1709. Ordained pastor of this church, July, 1716. Admitted from the church in Stonington. Husband of 749; father of 1069, 1 125 and 1221. November 22. 716. Susanna (John) Alcock *March, 1737 717. Ebenezer Beecher *Jan., 1763 Son of 315 and 285; born Apr., 1686; husband of 718; father of 1076 and 1 131. 718. Hannah Mix (Ebenezer) Beecher *Feb., 1740 Daughter of Caleb and Hannah; born 1692; wife of 717. 719. Elizabeth Beecher (John) Dunbar *I758 Sister of 717; born 1675; step-mother of 688. 720. Ebenezer Frost +1749 Son of John and Mercy (368) ; born Aug., 1677; husband of 721. 721. Mary Tuttle (Ebenezer) Frost *June, 1733 Daughter of 430 and 442 ; born Jan., 1685 ; wife of 720. 722. James Morris Dism. Nov., 1720 Son of Eleazar and Anna (462) ; born about 1686. Dismissed to the church in Durham. +1725. 723. Lydia Munson *after 1758 Daughter of Thomas and Mary (523) ; born May, 1696; married Joseph Sperry (1086). 724. John Prout, Jr. Dism. 1742 Son of John and Mary (395) ; born Nov., 1689. Yale Coll. 1708. Husband of 1014; father of 1015. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +Apr., 1776. 725. Ruth Bradley (David) Atwater *July, 1717 Daughter of 455 and 444 ; born Jan., 1691 ; mother of 990. 54 first church, new haven 1717 July 28. 726. Daniel Ailing *I7S6 Son of Samuel (318) and Elizabeth; born about 1682; husband of 727; father of 989 and 1 178. 727. Rebecca Cooper (Daniel) Ailing *Jan., 1770 Daughter of 546 and 269; born 1689; wife of 726. 728. Abigail Bradley (Jonathan) Atwater *March, 1733 Sister of 725; mother of 995 and 1234. 729. Susanna Hill *I7 — Daughter of Ebenezer and Abigail; born about 1696; married Allen Nesbit. 730. Mary Johnson Dism. 1721? Daughter of Samuel ; born Jan., 1694 ; married Matthew Bellamy, of Wallingford. ?May, 173°- 731. Hannah Mix * 732. Stephen Munson +1768 Son of Samuel and Martha; born Dec, 1679; husband of 733; father of 893 and 1501. 733. Lydia Bassett (Stephen) Munson *Jan., 1739 Daughter of John and Mercy; born Aug., 1685; wife of 732. 734. Mehitabel Perkins (William) Punchard *I75* Daughter of David and Deliverance (354) ; born Oct., 1692. 735. Moses Sperry *March, 1754 Son of 556; born Jan., 1681 ; husband of 758; father of 1072. [Uncertain date.] 736. Mingo (colored) +before 1758 737. Sanders (colored) *before 1758 738. Ruth (Roger) Ailing *Sept, 1764 Born 1690; wife of 590. 739. Daniel Perkins +1760 Brother of 734; born Apr., 1689; husband of 740; father of 1174 and 1193. 740. Martha Elcock (Daniel) Perkins *Jan., 1767 Daughter of Thomas and Martha ; born July, 1692 ; wife of 739. 741. Sarah Perkins +17 — Daughter of Jonathan and Mary (394); born Dec, 1696; mar ried John Sperry, Jr. catalogue of members, 1717-18 55 742. Nathaniel Sherman Dism. 1742 Son of Daniel (344) and Abiah; born Aug., 1685; husband of 743; father of 921, 933, 1028 and 1029. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +Sept., 1750. 743. Rebecca Burwell (Nathaniel) Sherman Dism. 1742 Daughter of 439 and 416; born May, 1692; wife of 742. ?Feb., 1750. I7l8 June 22. 744. Samuel Beecher +1760 Son of Isaac and Joanna (286) ; born about 1687. 745. Mary Blackley (Jonathan) Ford *Jan., 1762 Daughter of John and Grace (290) ; born May, 1683 ; mother of 1054 and 1099. 746. Samuel Hopkins *Oct., 1755 Son of John and Hannah, of Waterbury; born Dec, 1693. Yale Coll. 1718. Ordained pastor in West Springfield, Mass., June, 1720. 747. Rebecca Thompson (Caleb) Mix *Dec, 1760 Daughter of John and Rebecca (281); born 1689; wife of 895. 748. Esther Clarke (John) Munson *i747 Daughter of Samuel and Hannah (268) ; born Jan., 1693. 749. Abigail Pierpont (Joseph) Noyes *Oct, 1768 Daughter of Rev. James and Sarah (515); born Sept., 1696; wife of 715. 750. James Pierpont Dism. 1742 Son of Rev. James and Mary (530) ; born May, 1699. Yale Coll. 1718. Husband of 1128. Dismissed to the 2d or North Church in Boston about 1724. Re-admitted Sept., 1740. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church, 1742. ?June, 1776. 751. Rebecca Mix (Matthew) Rowe *Dec, 1760 Daughter of Nathaniel and Mary; born Nov., 1684. 752. Sarah Wilmot *after 1751 Daughter of John and Sarah (614) ; born Feb., 1695 ; married Nathaniel Sperry, Jr. [Uncertain date.] 753. Daniel Browne, Jr. Care withdrawn 1722? Son of 543 and 544; born Apr., 1698. Yale Coll. 1714. Con formed to the Church of England, 1722. Episcopally ordained in London, March, 1723. *Apr., 1723. 5 6 first church, new haven 754. Elizabeth Kirby (James) Browne Dism. 1722? Sister-in-law of 753. Removed to Waterbury. 755. Dinah Burwell l7 Daughter of 439 and 416; born Oct., 1694; married Samuel Fairchild, of Stratford. 756. Sarah Hill, (Stephen) Clarke *Dec, 1728 Daughter of John and Hannah; born Jan., 1685; wife of 581. 757. Enos Pardee Dism. ? Born 1690; married 1016. Removed to Northford. ?Sept., 1771. 758. Anna, or Hannah Blackley (Moses) Sperry *June, 1741 Daughter of John and Grace (290) ; born Aug., 1681 ; wife of 735- 759. Thomas Stevens Dism. 1719? Son of John. Dismissed to the church in West Haven. +1785. 760. James Talmadge Dism. 1742 Son of John and Abigail (288) ; born June, 1689; husband of 761; father of 1060 and 1155. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Living 1765. 761. Hannah Harrison (James) Talmadge Dism. 1742 Born in Branford; wife of 760. ?Feb., 1744. 762. Thomas Trowbridge +1722 Son of Thomas (409) and Mary; born Dec, 1695. 763. Abigail Flagg (Henry) Caner *Feb., 1768 Daughter of Gershom and Hannah, of Woburn, Mass.; born Jan., 1680; previously wife of David Cutler, of Boston. 764. Rebecca Lines *March, 1780 Daughter of 464 and 560; born Feb., 1698; married Nathaniel Mix. I7I9 April 2. 765. Martha Tuttle (Benjamin) Bradley *Sept, 1776 Daughter of Thomas and Martha; born Apr., 1697; mother of 1 149. 766. Elizabeth Leeke +17 — Daughter of Thomas ; born Feb., 1694. 767. Hannah Bradley (Joseph) Lines *after 1751 Daughter of 267 and 305 ; born Nov., 1682. catalogue of members, 1718-20 57 768. Theophilus Munson *Nov., 1747 Son of Samuel and Martha; born Sept., 1675 ; husband of 769; father of 991. 769. Hester Mix (Theophilus) Munson *Sept, 1746 Daughter of John and Elizabeth (385); born Dec, 1678; wife of 768. 770. James Peck +1760 Son of 282 and 283; born Feb., 1680; husband of 595; father of 919. 771. Sarah Wilmot +17 — Daughter of Alexander; married 772. July 26. 772. Abraham Bradley *I757"58 Brother of 767; born Apr., 1693; married 771; father of 1139 and 1213. 773. Stephen Burwell Dism. 1735? Son of 439 and 416; born Jan., 1696. Removed to Newtown. Living 1739. 774. Hannah Hotchkiss (Ebenezer) Peck *Aug., 1723 Daughter of 446 and 440 ; born about 1686 ; wife of 780. 775. Hephzibah Prindle Dism. 1724? Daughter of Joseph and Mary; born May, 1698; married Abiel Robards, or Roberts, of Wallingford. 776. Rebecca Painter (Jonathan) Smith +1740 Daughter of Thomas and Rebecca (481) ; born June, 1695. 777. Dorothy Thomas +1721 Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (386) ; born Aug., 1694. September 13. 778. Martha Sperry (William) Russell *after 1734 Daughter of 556; born Jan., 1703. 1720 March 3. 779. Eliezer Browne *Sept, 1768 Son of Gershom and Hannah; born Jan., 1697; husband of 834; father of 1196 and 1278. 780. Ebenezer Peck *March, 1768 Son of 332 and 353; born Jan., 1684; husband of 774 and 1126; father of 1096. 58 first church, new haven 781. Peter Roberts +17— Son of Eli; born Nov., 1681 ; husband of 555. 782. John Sherman *Feb., 1728 Son of Daniel (344) and Abiah; born Nov., 1673; husband of 584; father of 802 and 803. 783. Priscilla Wilkins *iy— September 29. 784. Caleb Ailing Dism. 1742 Son of 318 and 427; born Sept., 1694; married 978. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Dec, 1756. 785. Mary Trowbridge (w. Stephen) Ailing *I730 Daughter of Thomas (409) and Mary; born Aug., 1691. 786. Abigail Beecher Dism. 1721? Daughter of Isaac and Joanna (286) ; born Sept., 1693 ; married David Seely, of Bedford, N. Y. ?17— 787. Hannah Miles (Richard) Hall +17— Daughter of 550 and 465; born Aug., 1681 ; mother of 904. 788. Elizabeth Trowbridge (Joseph) Miles *Jan., 1783 Sister of 785 ; born March, 1693 ; sister-in-law of 787 ; mother of 1143 and 1159; next married Stephen Howell. 789. Joseph Sacket +17 — Husband of 489. 790. Richard Sperry, Jr. +17 — Son of 357 and 358; born Dec, 1681 ; father of 1303. 1721 March 29. 791. Abigail Atwater +1782 Daughter of 540 and 453; born June, 1700; married Samuel Bishop (808). 792. Damaris Atwater +1771 Daughter of Samuel (309) and Sarah; born May, 1700; married Henry Bristol, and Eliphalet Parker. 793. Elizabeth Thompson (John) Bassett *Sept, 1756 Daughter of John and Rebecca (281); born 1693; wife of 840. 794. Miriam Bradley *iy Daughter of 455 and 444; born July, 1698; married Joseph Bassett. catalogue of members, 1720-22 59 795. Hannah Miles (Isaac) Gorham +17 — Daughter of Richard, Jr.; born Oct., 1697; mother of 1152. 796. Hannah Bassett (Ebenezer) Mansfield *Jan., 1766 Daughter of John and Mercy; born Oct., 1679; wife of 964. 797. Sarah Gilbert (Thomas) Morris +17 — Daughter of 606 and 302; born March, 1686; next married Wil liam Johnson. November 22. 798. James Atwater *July, 1766 Brother of 791; born March, 1698; married 803 and 1179; father of 1207, 1388 and 1634. 7gg. Ann Bishop +17 — Daughter of 438 and 345; born June, 1700; married Stephen Bradley (826). 800. Nathaniel Goodyear *May, 1752 Son of 535 and 528; born 1690. 801. Mary Winston (Thomas) Leeke +17 — Daughter of 401 and 324; born March, 1688; wife of 905. 802. Lydia Sherman +17 — Daughter of 782 and 584; born Dec, 1699; married James Todd. 803. Dinah Sherman +17 — Sister of 802; born Oct., 1702; married James Atwater (798). 1722 May 9. 804. Jonathan Ailing *June, 1775 Son of John (277) and Susanna; born Oct., 1683; husband of 805; father of 951, 1034, 1195, 1239, 1263 and 1265. 805. Sarah Socket (Jonathan) Ailing *Nov., 1766 Daughter of John and Mary (328); born Aug., 1693; wife of 804. 806. Mary Tuttle (John) Ball *Sept, 1771 Daughter of Thomas and Mary; born May, 1693; mother of 1205 and 1233; next married John Punderson (600). 807. Lydia Beecher *Feb., 1726 Daughter of 654 and 729; born Feb., 1701. 808. Samuel Bishop, Jr. *Oct., 1779 Son of 438 and 345; born July, 1698; husband of 791; father of 1138, 1148, 1238, 1243 and 1290. Deacon, 1756-1771. 60 first church, new haven 8og. Abigail Gilbert (Abner) Bradley *May, 1764 Daughter of Thomas and Sarah (557) ; born Dec, 1698; wife of 1287.' 810. Mary Gilbert **7— Daughter of 511 and 512; born March, 1704; married Amos Bassett (839). 1723 April 4. 811. Daniel Atwater *Apr., 1765 Son of Samuel (309) and Sarah; born Sept., 1694; husband of 709; father of 1041, 1130, 1186 and 1295. 812. Stephen Atwater *Jan., 1759 Brother of 811; born Dec, 1705; husband of 1228; father of 1236. 813. Thankful Bassett *I7§6 Daughter of Samuel (541) and Mary; born Oct., 1702; married Nathaniel Yale, Jr., and Nathaniel Heaton (894). 814. Ephraim Morris *Feb., 1778 Son of Joseph and Esther (1084); born Jan., 1694; husband of 815. 815. Ruth Sperry (Ephraim) Morris *Feb., 1773 Daughter of 469 and 585 ; born May, 1695 ; wife of 814. 816. William Smith Dism. 1724? Son of Thomas and Susanna, of Newport Pagnel, England; born Oct., 1697. Yale Coll. 1719. Dismissed to the 1st Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +Nov., 1769. 817. Esther Ailing (Samuel) Thompson Dism. 1741? Daughter of 318 and 427; born Jan., 1699; wife of 825. Removed to Goshen. 818. Catharine Tuttle +17— Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth ; born Nov., 1699 ; married George Mix (829). November 28. 819. Caleb Bradley Dism. 1742 Son of 501 and 463; born May, 1700; married 888. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Living 1762. 820. Daniel Bradley Dism. 1764 Son of 571 and 572; born Aug., 1706; married 845. Dismissed to the Mount Carmel Church. +Feb., 1773. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1722-24 61 821. Timothy Jones *Aug., 1780 Son of 429 and 457; born Oct., 1696; married 871 and 1113. 822. Deborah Jones Dism. 1723? Sister of 821; born Sept., 1700; married Nathaniel Maltby, of Saybrook. +17 — . 823. Ann Payne +17 — Daughter of John; born Jan., 1700; married Samuel Thorpe. 824. Elizabeth Munson (Seth) Perkins +17 — Daughter of John (620) and Sarah; born May, 1695; next married Nicholas Russell. 825. Samuel Thompson, Jr. Dism. 1741 ? Son of 629 and 404; born Dec, 1696; husband of 817. Removed to Goshen. Living 1750. 1724 May 6. 826. Stephen Bradley *Sept, 1740 Brother of 820; born Jan., 1702; married 827 and 799. 827. Sarah English *June, 1726 Daughter of Benjamin and Rebecca; born Feb., 1704; married 826. 828. Mabel Cooper (Timothy) Miles +17 — Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth; born Nov., 1700; mother of 1237. Removed to Providence, R. I. 829. George Mix *Oct., 1765 Son of Samuel and Rebecca; born March, 1702; married 818. 830. Joel Munson *after 1775 Brother of 824; born Aug., 1702; married 844. 831. Gideon Thompson Dism. 1740? Brother of 825 ; born Dec, 1704 ; husband of 977. Removed to Goshen. ?March, 1759. 832. Caleb Tuttle Dism. 1742 Son of Thomas and Hannah; born Aug., 1678; husband of 910; father of 1045. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +1751. November 26. 833. Mary Ailing *Feb., 1788 Daughter of Samuel and Sarah (425); born Feb., 1707; married Abraham Thompson. 62 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 834. Sarah Rowe *May, 1779 Daughter of John and Abigail; born Oct., 1700; married Eliezer Browne (779). 835. Esther Sperry May, 1760 Daughter of Daniel ; born about 1704; married Theophilus Good year; mother of 1250. 836. John Thomas *June, 1747 Son of John and Lydia; born March, 1676; husband of 587. 837. Sarah Morrison (w. Jonathan) Todd Dism. May, 1735 Daughter of 415 and 274; born July, 1689; next married Ben jamin Stone, of E. Guilford. Dismissed to the church in E. Guil ford. +Apr., 1753. 838. Rebecca Eliot (John) Trowbridge Dism. 1740? Daughter of Rev. Joseph and Mary, of Guilford; born 1690; next married Ebenezer Fisk, of New Milford. Dismissed to New Milford? Married thirdly, William Dudley, of North Guilford. ?Feb., 1782. I725 June 2. 839. Amos Bassett *i75i Son of Samuel (541) and Mary; born Feb., 1698; husband of 810. 840. John Bassett *March, 1757 Son of John and Mercy; born July, 1691 ; husband of 793; father of 1161, 1181, 1229, 1230 and 1383. 841. Hezekiah Beecher Dism. 1742 Son of 654 and 729; born June, 1703; married 1016. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +Sept., 1751. 842. Ellen Skidmore (Enos) Bradley +17 — 843. Nathaniel Bradley, Jr. *I746 Son of 455 and 444; born May, 1701. 844. Mary Morris *after 1771 Daughter of Joseph and Esther (1084); born June, 1702; mar ried Joel Munson (830). 845. Abigail Punchard Dism. 1764 Daughter of William and Hannah; born July, 1708; married Daniel Bradley (820). Dismissed to the church in Mount Carmel. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1724-25 63 846. Martha Wooding (James) Sperry *June, 1770 Daughter of Nathaniel and Martha ; born Dec, 1693 ; wife of 1085. 847. Mary Ball (Daniel) Thompson Dism. 1742 Daughter of 327 and 349; born Oct., 1694. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?May, 1776. 848. Thankful Easton (Stephen) Trowbridge *Dec, 1756 Daughter of Joseph and Hannah, of East Hartford; born 1687; mother of 1129. 849. Elizabeth Tuttle * 850. Margaret Venters +17 — December 15. 851. Nathan Ailing Dism. 1764 Son of Samuel and Sarah (425); born March, 1696; husband of 852. Dismissed to the Mount Carmel Church. ?Oct., 1774. 852. Hannah Todd (Nathan) Ailing Dism. 1764 Daughter of Michael and Elizabeth (475) ; born Feb., 1702; wife of 851. *Oct., 1771. 853. Caleb Ball *Nov., 1785 Brother of 847; born June, 1697; father of 1217. 854. Jane Gilbert *I737"43 Daughter of Thomas and Sarah (557); born July, 1705; mar ried Andrew Goodyear (1038). 855. Hannah Hill *after 1767 Daughter of 503 and 334; born Dec, 1702; married Zuriel Kimberly (1114). 856. Abiah Lines +17 — Daughter of 464 and 560; born Feb., 1696; married Sylvanus Clark, of Wallingford. 857. Elizabeth Sperry +17 — Daughter of 397 and 486; born Nov. 1695; married William Johnson (914). 858. John Wooding Dism. 1742 Son of Nathaniel; born Aug., 1698; husband of 968. Dis missed to the White Haven, now United Church. +1783. 859. Mary Wooding *March, 1763 Sister of 858; born May, 1701 ; married Nathan Ford (1093)- 64 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1726 December 14. 860. Mary Beecher *May, 1766 Daughter of 654 and 729; married Abel Parmelee. 861. Mary Gaskell Dism. 1731? Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth; born about 1692; married Rev. John Woodward, of East Haven. ?March, 1774. 862. Rebecca Sperry (Ebenezer) Lines *after 1741 Daughter of 467 and 468; born March, 1690; mother of 1 100 and 1 142. 863. William Peck +1758 Husband of 864 and 1104 864. Elizabeth (William) Peck +17— Wife of 863. 865. Sarah Pierpont Dism. 1727? Daughter of Rev. James and Mary (530) ; born Jan., 1710; mar ried Rev. Jonathan Edwards, of Northampton, Mass. Dismissed to the church in Northampton. +Oct., 1758. [Uncertain date.] 866. John Hubbard *Oct, 1773 Son of Rev. John and Mabel, of Jamaica, N. Y. ; born Nov., 1703; married 909; father of 1187, 1188, 1215, 1247 and 1302. 1727 May 4. 867. Joshua Atwater *Jan., 1773 Son of 420 and 402; born Jan., 1687; father of 1360. 868. James Bishop, Jr. Dism. Son of James and Abigail (604); born Oct., 1700; married 997. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. ?May, 1788. 869. Catharine Rosewell (William) Greenough +Nov., 1758 Daughter of Richard and Lydia (388) ; born Dec, 1695. 870. Caleb Hotchkiss *Oct., 1785 Son of Joshua and Susanna (692) ; born July, 1703. 871. Jane Harris (Timothy) Jones +17 — Daughter of John and Susanna, of Middletown; born Sept., 1705; wife of 821. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1726-28 65 872. Lydia Mansfield +17— Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth; born Dec, 1702. 873. Susanna Punderson *Dec, 1741 Daughter of 600 and 443; born July, 1703; married Rev. Stephen Munson. Dismissed to the church in Greenwich. Re-admitted Nov., 1734. 874. Hannah Tuttle +17— Daughter of John and Mary (525) ; born July, 1702. 1728 May 15. 875. Patience Mix (John) Ailing *May, 1786 Daughter of Caleb and Mary (494); born March, 1699; wife of 1052. 876. Mary Atwater (Isaac) Dickerman +17 — Daughter of 421 and 338; born Dec, 1686; wife of 605. 877. Experience Perkins (David) Gilbert *May, 1748 Daughter of David and Deliverance (354) ; born Dec, 1699; wife of nil. 878. Jethro Luke (colored) +1760-61 879. Sarah Potter *Nov., 1778 Daughter of Nathaniel; born March, 1699; married John Harris. 880. Joseph Ruggles Dism. May, 1735 Husband of 881 and 956. +I79I- 881. Rachel Tolles (Joseph) Ruggles Dism. May, 1735 Daughter of Henry and Dorothy; wife of 880. +17 — . 882. Lydia Thorpe Daughter of Nathaniel ; born Sept., 1702. 883. Henry Tolles Brother of 881; husband of 609; father of 1326. 884. Anna Winston Daughter of 401 and 324; born May, 1697. November 27. 885. Jeremiah Atwater Brother of 876; born Jan., 1685; husband of 680. 886. Mehitabel Tuttle (Barnabas) Baldwin Daughter of Thomas and Mary; born June, 1699; wife of 1098; previously wife of John Beecher, Jr.; mother of 1494. +17— +1751 +17— *Oct. , 1732 *iy — 66 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 887. Sarah Tuttle (Benjamin) Dorman +17 — Daughter of 570 and 578; born Sept., 1699. 888. Thankful Hotchkiss (James) Gilbert Dism. 1742 Daughter of Joshua and Susanna (692) ; born June, 1701 ; next married Caleb Bradley (819). Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. *I757. 889. Ruth Lines (Josiah) Lounsbury *after 1773 Daughter of John and Hannah; born Oct., 1701. Removed to Bethany. 890. Elizabeth Johnson (Josiah) Thomas *i756 Daughter of William and Elizabeth (492) ; born March, 1692. 891. Sarah Peck (Anthony) Thompson *before 1763 Daughter of 598 and 599; born March, 1705. 1729 July 24. 892. Joseph Burroughs Dism. 1742 Son of John and Patience, of Stratford ; born Nov., 1701 ; hus band of 893. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Jan., 1765. 893. Lydia Munson (Joseph) Burroughs Dism. 1742 Daughter of 732 and 733; born Nov., 1707; wife of 892. ?Sept., 1769. 894. Nathaniel Heaton *Aug., 1782 Son of Nathaniel (428) and Mary; born March, 1704; husband of 998 and 813; father of 1242. 895. Caleb Mix *Jan., 1765 Son of Caleb and Hannah ; born Sept., 1687 ; husband of 747 ; father of 1322. 896. James Thompson *I737 Son of 629 and 404; born June, 1699; husband of 897. 897. Hannah Wilmot (James) Thompson *Feb., 1767 Daughter of Benjamin and Mary; born Dec, 1701 ; wife of 896. 898. Eunice Sherman (Andrew) Tuttle *Oct., 1781 Daughter of Daniel; born Jan., 1704; wife of 902. December 11. 899. Deborah Thomas (John) Carrington ?after 1762 Daughter of 470 and 449; born 1694; previously wife of Abra ham Hotchkiss. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I728-3O 67 900. Amos Thompson Dism. 1741? Brother of 896; born March, 1702; husband of 901. Removed to Goshen. +17 — . 901. Sarah Ailing (Amos) Thompson +17 — Daughter of Samuel and Sarah (425); born Apr., 1702; wife of 900. 902. Andrew Tuttle *Oct, 1752 Son of Thomas and Mary; born Apr., 1702; husband of 898; father of 1245, 1286, 1325, 1342 and 1415. 1730 June 4. 903. Abraham Dickerman, Jr. *i743 Son of Abraham and Elizabeth (593) ; born Oct., 1698; husband of 912. 904. John Hall +1760 Son of Richard and Hannah (787); born Jan., 1714; husband of 1260; father of 1454. 905. Thomas Leeke *before 1756 Son of Thomas; born March, 1688; husband of 801. 906. Experience Thorpe (Nathaniel) Payne *after 1767 Daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah; born March, 1698. 907. Ruth (colored) *before 1758 go8. Michael Todd *Sept, 1744 Son of Michael and Elizabeth (475); born Jan., 1700; husband of 909; father of 1200. 909. Mary Dickerman (Michael) Todd *Nov., 1760 Sister of 903; born 1703; wife of 908; next married John Hubbard (866). 910. Hannah Butler (Caleb) Tuttle Dism. 1742 Daughter of John, of Branford; born 1683; wife of 832; pre viously wife of John Todd; mother of 1039. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +001., 1748. 911. Susanna Ailing (John) White *Oct, 1776 Daughter of John (277) and Susanna; wife of 1257; born Oct., 1693- December 3. 912. Elinor Perkins (Abraham) Dickerman *May, 1769 Daughter of Jonathan and Mary (394); born March, 1702; wife of 903. 68 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 913. Eleazar Holt ^ *June, 1736 Son of William and Sarah (2dg) ; born Apr., 1651 ; husband of 379; father of 682 and 1163. 914. William Johnson *before 1760 Son of William and Elizabeth (492) ; born Aug., 1695 ; married 857- 915. Timothy Mix Dism. 1742 Son of 694 and 695; born Sept., 1711. Yale Coll. 1731. Hus band of 973. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Dec, 1779. 916. Samuel Potter *Nov., 1788 Son of Samuel and Abigail (696) ; born Sept., 171 1. I731 April 15. 917. Abraham Johnson *I775 Son of John (549) and Abigail; born Apr., 1694; husband of 918; father of 1027. 918. Sarah Gilbert (Abraham) Johnson +17 — Daughter of 511 and 512; born July, 1694; wife of 917. 919. James Peck, Jr. +March, 1794 Son of 770 and 595; born Aug., 1708; husband of 957; father of 1310. 920. Desire Warner (Ezekiel) Sanford Dism. ? Daughter of Benjamin; born Oct., 1704. Removed to Waterbury. 921. Esther Sherman Dism. 1742 Daughter of 742 and 743; born Sept., 1713. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +17 — . August 26. 922. Lydia Johnson (Gideon) Andrus, or Andrews +1732-41 Daughter of 374 and 303; born Jan., 1681 ; mother of 923, 942 and 1 147. 923. Gideon Andrus, or Andrews, Jr. Dism. 1742 Son of 922; born Nov., 1703. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?1742-46. 924. Mary Potter (Joseph) Gilbert * Daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth; born Oct., 1686. 925. Anna How (Stephen) Perkins *after 1755 Daughter of Elijah and Mary; born in Wallingford, Oct., 1704. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 173O-34 69 926. William Sperry +17 — Son of Daniel; born Sept., 1702. 927. Benjamin Warner *i747 Son of Benjamin; born June, 1707. J733 May 31. 928. Daniel Edwards Dism. 1742? Son of Richard and Mary, of Hartford; born Apr., 1701. Yale Coll. 1720. Dismissed to the First Church, Hartford. ?Sept., 1765. 929. Elizabeth Thomas (Joseph) Mansfield *March, 1763 Born 1677; mother of 972. 930. Mary Perkins +17 — Daughter of 708 and 703; born March, 1712; married Daniel Ford. 931. Lydia Potter *after 1760 Daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia; born July, 1709; married Benjamin Beach, of North Haven. November 21. 932. Lydia Hull Dism. 1742 Daughter of John and Mercy; born Sept., 1696. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?17—. 933. Sarah Sherman *March, 1794 Daughter of 742 and 743; born July, 1715; married Gamaliel Baldwin, and Samuel Wolcott. 1734- September 19. 934. Mercy Mix (w. Ebenezer) Ailing +17— Daughter of John; born Apr., 1691 ; mother of 1035 and 1137. g35. Anna Beecher Dism. 1742 Daughter of 654 and 729; married Philip Rexford (941). Dis missed to the White Haven, now United Church. +17— • 936. Thankful Blackley *after 1770 Daughter of John and Lydia (542); born Jan., 1707; married Isaac Beecher. 937. Elizabeth Ford (William) Chatterton +17— Daughter of Matthew; born Apr., 1705. g38. Sarah (Jedediah) Cook 70 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN g3g. Dorcas Ford Dism. Apr., 1755 Daughter of John; born Nov., 1712; married Joseph Warner; next Isaac Johnson, of North Haven; thirdly Joseph Mansfield (972). Dismissed to the church in North Haven. +about 1788. g40. Caleb Hotchkiss, 3d *July, 1779 Son of 663 and 656; born June, 1712; husband of 995; father of 1362. g4i. Philip Rexford Dism. 1742 Son of Arthur and Elizabeth; born June, 1708; married 935. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +1779. g42. Lydia Andrus (Samuel) Thomas *after 1747 Daughter of Gideon and Lydia (922) ; born Jan., 1699; next married Stephen Thomas. 943- Judah Thompson *l75~ Son of 629 and 404; born Oct., 1713. Nov. 21. 944. Esther Punderson (Wait) Chatterton * 945. Abiah Hitchcock *May, 1783 Daughter of 706 and 707; born Aug., 1715; married John Ailing (951), and Matthew Gilbert. 946. Abigail Johnson (Thomas) Holt Dism. 1742 Daughter of John, Jr.; born Sept., 1695. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?March, 1778. 947. Abigail Punderson (Benjamin) Munson Dism. 1742 Daughter of 600 and 443; born Dec, 1700; mother of 1713. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Living 1748. 000. Susanna Punderson (w. Stephen) Munson See 873. 948. Dinah Perkins *I744 Daughter of Peter; born Aug., 1710; married Daniel Sanford. 949. Thankful (Nathaniel) Potter * 950. Daniel Talmadge *Jan., 1791 Son of Robert and Abigail; born March, 1711; married Mary Thompson (1073) ; father of 1340. J735 March 20. 951. John Ailing *March, 1761 Son of 804 and 805; born Aug., 1714; married 945; father of 1422, 1471 and 1492. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I734"35 71 952- Rebecca Thompson (David) Austin *Feb., 1739 Sister of 943; born Feb., 1708. 953- Stephen Austin Dism. 1742 Son of David and Abigail (632); born Jan., 1705; brother-in- law of 952; husband of 1042. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +Sept., 1787. 954. Lydia Johnson (Isaac) Cooper * 955- William Diodate ' +1751 Son of John and Elizabeth, of London; husband of 688; father of 1 169. g56. Elizabeth Dorman Dism. 1742 Daughter of Joseph and Mary; born Feb., 1704; married Joseph Ruggles (880). Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +i7 — . 957. Mary Hitchcock (James) Peck * Daughter of 706 and 707; born March, 1712; wife of 919. 958. Miriam Perkins Dism. 1736? Daughter of John; born Nov., 1708; married Joy Bishop. Dis missed to the church in North Haven. +Aug., 1794. 959. Rachel Hotchkiss (Thomas) Umberville Dism. 1755 Daughter of 663 and 656; born Oct., 1709; married first Ebenezer Wolcott; and thirdly Samuel Pardee. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Living 1768. 960. Rachel Dorman (Ambrose) Ward *after 1754 Sister of 956; born Feb., 1708; next married Moses Mansfield. June 26. g6i. Jemima (Samuel) Browne * 962. Joshua Hotchkiss, Jr. *after 1764 Son of Joshua and Susanna (692) ; born Dec, 1707 ; husband of 963. 963. Obedience Cooper (Joshua) Hotchkiss *Dec, 1771 Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth; born July, 1712; wife of 962. 964. Ebenezer Mansfield *Aug., 1745 Son of Joseph and Mary (280); born Feb., 1678; husband of 796. 965. Hannah Punderson *J759 Daughter of 600 and 443; born Dec, 1704; married David Austin. 966. Robert Talmadge, Jr. * 1752-53 Son of Robert and Abigail; born Sept., 1715. 72 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 967. Mary Miles (Jehiel) Thomas *Aug., 1783 Daughter of Richard and Hannah; born March, 1707; mother of 1438 and 1440; previously wife of Stephen Whitehead; mother of 1223; married thirdly David Gilbert. 968. Desire Cooper (John) Wooding Dism. 1742 Sister of 963; born Feb., 1709; wife of 858. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +17 — . August 14. 969. Samuel Darling *Apr., 1760 Born in Newport, R. I., 1695; husband of 970; father of 1 197. 970. Susanna Childs (Samuel) Darling *March, 1758 Daughter of Jeremiah and Martha, of Swansey, Mass.; born 1679; wife of 969; previously wife of Abiel Macomber, of New port, R. I.; mother of 1260. 971. Rachel Carnes (Isaac) Hotchkiss * Daughter of Thomas and Anna (341). 972. Joseph Mansfield *about 1761 Son of Joseph and Elizabeth (929) ; born Aug., 1708 ; married 939- 973. Mary Cooper (Timothy) Mix Dism. 1742 Born in Brookhaven, N. Y., 1715; wife of 915. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Dec, 1761. 974. Timothy Peck Dism. 1763? Son of 598 and 599; born Apr., 1711. Dismissed to the church in Bethany. +Jan., 1784. 975. Ann Potter Dism. 1742 Daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Married Asa Ailing. Living 1786. 976. Sarah Bradley (James) Pofter +17-— Daughter of 571 and 572; born May, 1710. 977. Lydia Punderson (Gideon) Thompson Dism. 1740? Daughter of 588 and 607; born March, 1708; wife of 831. Removed to Goshen, ?about 1802. September 25. 978. Hannah Ailing Dism. 1742 Daughter of Samuel; born 1709; married Caleb Ailing (784). Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +1793. 979. Elizabeth Sturdevant (Willet) Bishop *after 1748 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I735 73 980. Esther Dorman (Job) Bishop *after 1787 Daughter of Joseph and Mary; born Dec, 1709. 981. Mary Dorman (Jonathan) Mansfield *July, 1794 Sister of 980; born Oct., 171 1; next married Ezra Johnson, of Woodbridge. 982. Thomas Munson Dism. 1740? Son of Thomas and Mary (523) ; born Aug., 1698. Dismissed to the church in North Haven? ?1784-93. 983. Patience Nails, or O'Neil +17 — Daughter of Henry and Abigail; born Aug., 1713. 984. William Payne *I784 Son of John; born Nov., 1695; husband of 1002. 985. Ann Perkins *Dec, 1774 Daughter of John; born Nov., 1717. 986. Sabina, or Sabrina (colored) *after 1757 987. Sibyl (colored) *before 1758 988. Daniel Sperry Dism. 1764 Son of Daniel and Deborah (485) ; born Aug., 1698. Dismissed to the church in Mount Carmel. +Nov., 1768. November 20. 989. Timothy Ailing Dism. 1742 Son of 726 and 727; born Apr., 1712. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +1772. ggo. Mary Atwater Dism. 1742 Daughter of David and Ruth (725) ; born Aug., 1713. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +Jan., 1798. 991. Israel Munson *July, 1754 Son of 768 and 769; born Dec, 1701. 992. Jeremiah Osborne *Jan., 1789 Son of 597 and 448; born Apr., 1699; husband of 993. 993. Elizabeth (Jeremiah) Osborne *Sept, 1744 Wife of 992. 994. Samuel Peck, Jr. +17 — Son of 598 and 599; born Oct., 1708. [Uncertain date.] 995. Phebe Atwater (Caleb) Hotchkiss *Feb., 1795 Daughter of Jonathan and Abigail (728) ; born Oct., 1714; wife of 940- 74 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1736 March 25. 996. Sarah Alcock Dism. 1742 Daughter of John; born Aug., 1711. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +17 — . 997. Elizabeth Perkins (James) Bishop *I7 — Daughter of 708 and 703 ; born Nov., 1703 ; wife of 868. _, 998. Phebe Cooper (Nathaniel) Heaton *Apr., 1750 Daughter of Joseph and Abigail; born June, 1707; wife of 894. 999. Abigail Horton Dism. 1742 Daughter of Samuel and Sarah (610) ; born July, 1714. Dis missed to the White Haven, now United Church. 1000. Sarah Mansfield Dism. 1742 Daughter of 643 and 631; born May, 1715; married Thomas Wilmot (1004). Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Aug., 1792. 1001. Ebenezer Munson Dism. 1741? Son of Thomas and Mary (523); born June, 1717; married Abigail Hotchkiss (1006). Removed to Wallingford. +17 — . 1002. Esther Carnes (William) Payne +1772-84 Daughter of Thomas and Anna (341) ; wife of 984. 1003. Sarah Potter Dism. 1755? Daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia; married Stephen Ford (1099). Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. *I7~. 1004. Thomas Wilmot Dism. 1742 Son of Thomas and Mary (674); born Aug., 1712; married 1000. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Living 1793- June 17. 1005. Mary English Dism. 1742 Daughter of Benjamin; born Dec, 1715. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ? 1006. Abigail Hotchkiss Dism. 1741 ? Daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth (1048) ; married 1001. Removed to Wallingford. +1792. 1007. Silence Howard, or Hayward +17 — Daughter of John and Experience, of Boston; born Dec, 1683; niece of Rev. James Pierpont. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1 736 75 1008. Sarah Johnson Dism. Daughter of William and Elizabeth (492) ; married Zebulon Carrington, of Woodbridge. 1009. Elinor, or Helena, Lines +17 — Daughter of John and Hannah; born March, 1706; married Caleb Wheeler, of Stratford. 1010 Kezia Lines *Jan., 1782 Sister of 1009; born Apr., 1715; married Samuel Ailing. ion. Ruth Peck * 1012. Phebe Moulthrop (Joseph) Perkins * Daughter of Samuel. 1013. Hezekiah Pierpont *Sept, 1741 Son of Rev. James and Mary (530) ; born May, 1712. 1014. Sibyl Howell (John) Prout *Feb., 1782 Daughter of John and Mary, of Southampton, N. Y. ; born Aug., 1691 ; wife of 724. 1015. Mary Prout * Daughter of 724 and 1014; born March, 1716. 1016. Hannah Punchard Dism. 1742 Daughter of William and Hannah; born Oct., 171 1; married Hezekiah Beecher (841). Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Next married Enos Pardee (757). +17 — . 1017. Hannah Whiting *Oct, 1779 Daughter of 683 and 645; born Feb., 1712; married Jared Ingersoll (1176). 1018. Elizabeth Whiting *Oct., 175 1 Sister of 1017; born June, 1717; married Rev. Chauncey Whit- telsey, the pastor; mother of 1300. 1019. c Elisha Williams Dism. 1739? Son of Rev. William and Elizabeth, of Hatfield, Mass. ; born Aug., 1694; husband of 1020. Ordained pastor in Newington, Oct., 1722. Rector of Yale College, 1726-39. Removed to New ington, 1739. +July, 1755. 1020. c Eunice Chester (Elisha) Williams Dism. 1739? Daughter of Thomas and Mary, of Wethersfield; born Nov., 1685; wife of 1019. ?May, 1750. August 19. 1021. Rebecca Beecher *after 1761 Daughter of Samuel and Hannah; born Dec, 1718; married Josiah Ingraham and Sherman. 76 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1022. Elizabeth Clarke *May, 174° Daughter of 317 and 545; born March, 1710; married Hackaliah Thomas. 1023. Samuel Dickerman *May, 1760 Son of 605 and 876; born March, 1716; married 1034; father of 1407. 1024. Samuel Horton, Jr. Dism. 1752? Son of Samuel and Sarah (610); born 1716; married 1112. Removed to Wolcott. 1025. Sarah Horton Dism. 1742 Sister of 1024. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ? 1026. Jane Johnson *I7 — Daughter of Samuel and Anna; married John Hull (1189). 1027. Sarah Johnson * Sister of 1026; married Daniel Smith, of Woodbridge. 1028. Rebecca Sherman Dism. 1743? Daughter of 742 and 743; born May, 1718; married James Norton, of Milford. ? 1029. Rhoda Sherman Dism. Sister of 1028; born Apr., 1721; married Rev. Daniel Brins- made, of Washington. +Nov., 1798. 1030. Amy Munson (Joshua) Sperry *after 1777 Daughter of John (620) and Sarah; born Sept., 1704. 1 03 1. Anna Johnson (Moses) Sperry +17 — Sister of 1026; born Aug., 1697. 1032. Thankful Smith (Daniel) Tolles * +1769 Daughter of Samuel and Mary; born Sept., 1712. 1033. Mary Horton (Noah) Wolcott * Sister of 1024. September 30. 1034. Mary Ailing *Dec, 1802 Daughter of 804 and 805; born Dec, 1717; married Samuel Dickerman (1023). 1035. Susanna Ailing * Daughter of Ebenezer and Mercy (934); born Oct., 1716; mar ried Brownson. 1036. Hannah Bradley * Daughter of 571 and 572; born May, 1716; married Samuel Ford. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1 736 77 1037. Dinah Chidsey +17 — Daughter of Joseph (533) and Sarah; born May, 1707. 1038. Andrew Goodyear Dism. 1764 Son of 535 and 528; born 1702; husband of 854. Dismissed to the church in Mount Carmel. +Apr., 1781. 1039. Thankful Todd Dism. 1742 Daughter of John and Hannah (910); born July, 1717; mar ried David Punderson (1135). Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Living 1767. 1040. Abigail Skidmore (Benjamin) Wilmot Dism. ? Born in Stratford. Removed to Waterbury. ?Dec, 1771. September 8. 1041. Sarah Atwater * Daughter of 811 and 709; born Sept., 1719; married Ebenezer Ives. 1042. Martha Thompson (Stephen) Austin Dism. 1742 Daughter of 652 and 658; born Feb., 1710; wife of 953. Dis missed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Dec, 1769. 1043. Susanna Burwell * 1044. Timothy Ford +1776-89 Son of Matthew and Elizabeth, of Hamden; grandson of 381 and 326; born Dec, 1715; husband of 1045. 1045. Mary Tuttle (Timothy) Ford * Daughter of 832 and 910; born March, 1715; wife of 1044. 1046. John Horton *before 1760 Son of Samuel and Sarah (610) ; born Nov., 1700. 1047. Elizabeth Johnson (Abraham) Hotchkiss +17 — Daughter of 374 and 303; born May, 1685; mother of 1006. 1048. Sarah Hull * Daughter of John and Mercy; born Jan., 1707; married 1056. 1049. Mercy Hull *after 1749 Sister of 1048; born Feb., 1710; married Ebenezer Porter. 1050. Susanna Mansfield Dism. ? Daughter of 643 and 631; born Dec, 1712; married Samuel Mansfield, and John Stone, of Milford. Living 1776. 1051. David Umberville, or Humphreville Dism. 1742 Son of Samuel and Experience (617) ; born Aug, 1716. Dis missed toithe White Haven, now United Church. Living 1754. 78 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1737 February 24. 1052. John Ailing *about 1746 Son of Samuel and Sarah (425); born Jan, 1698; husband of 875 ; father of 1262. 1053. Sarah Bradley (Eliphalet) Beecher **797 Daughter of Joseph; born Sept, 1709; wife of 1108. 1054. Mary Ford * Daughter of Jonathan and Mary (745) ; born Dec, 1713- 1055. Lydia Johnson +1737-42 Daughter of William and Elizabeth (492) ; born Aug, 1701. 1056. Stephen Johnson Dism. 1742 Brother of 1055; born Aug, 1704; married 1048. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?i797- 1057. Timothy Johnson *before 1760 Brother of 1055. 1058. Daniel Lines *June, 1793 Son of John ; born May, 1712. 1059. Amos Peck Dism. 1742 Son of 598 and 599; born Jan, 1713. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +Jan, 1783. 1060. Abigail Talmadge Dism. 1742 Daughter of 760 and 761; born Aug, 1714; married Theophilus Munson, Jr. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?March, 1795. 1061. Hannah Smith (Joseph) Thompson +1770 Daughter of Nathan and Hannah (436). 1062. Ruth Tuttle Dism. 1742 Daughter of John and Hannah; born Oct, 1704; married Japhet Mansfield, Jr. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ^17 — . July 21. 1063. Abigail Humiston (Stephen) Alcock ?after 1761 Daughter of Samuel and Mary; born Dec, 1715. Next married Thomas Ferguson, or Verguson. 1064. John Baldwin Dism. ? Son of Elnathan and Elizabeth; born July, 1717. Removed to Ridgefield. ?Nov, 1809. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1737 79 1065. Hannah Bishop *iy Daughter of John and Mary, of Stamford; born 1717. 1066. Mercy Sperry (Seth) Downes *I779 Daughter of 790; born Jan, 1702. 1067. Ebenezer Hull Dism. 1742 Son of John and Mercy; born Oct, 1715. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Feb, 1783. 1068. Nathaniel Mix *Oct., 1756 Son of Nathaniel and Mary; born 1692; father of 1232 and 1339- 1069. Abigail Noyes *July, 1797 Daughter of 715 and 749; born March, 1724; married Thomas Darling (1197). 1070. Joanna Payne Dism. 1742 Daughter of John and Mary. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ? 1071. Abigail Hill (Nathan) Perkins *after 1748 Daughter of Ebenezer and Abigail ; born about 1693 ; mother of 1115. 1072. Dinah Sperry *i747 Daughter of 735 and 758; born June, 1717; married Elisha Perkins. 1073. Mary Thompson *Sept., 1813 Daughter of Josiah and Elizabeth; born about 1715; married Daniel Talmadge (950). 1074. Phebe Whiting *Dec, 1751 Daughter of 683 and 645; born Oct, 1720; married Enos Ailing (1137)- 1075. Dennis Sperry (John) Wilmot +1762 Daughter of 469 and 585; born July, 1697. November 24. 1076. Ebenezer Beecher, Jr. *Nov., 1780 Son of 717 and 718; born Jan, 1714; married 1158. 1077. Sarah Sperry (Nathaniel) Beecher *Oct, 1796 Sister of 1075; born May, 1712; wife of 1468. 1078. Joseph Chatterton +1742 Son of 573 and 567; born Apr, 1707. 1079. Sarah Ford * 1080. Benjamin Goodrich +17 — 80 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1081. Martha Jennings * 1082. Elizabeth Perkins *i_7— Daughter of John; born Aug, 1713; married Samuel Merriam, of Wallingford. 1083. Lois Perkins *i8o4 Sister of 1082; born May, 1715; married Joseph Dickerman; mother of 1288. 1084. Esther Winston (w. Nathaniel) Sperry +17 — Previously wife of Joseph Morris; mother of 644, 814 and 844. 1085. James Sperry +Sept, 1775 Son of Joseph; born Nov, 1693; husband of 846; father of 1227 and 1275. 1086. Joseph Sperry *I754 Son of 556; born Oct, 1687; husband of 723. 1087. Mary Wantwood * . 1738 May 4. 1088. Ebenezer Bishop +1778 Son of 403 and 480; born July, 1710. 1089. John Blackley *Apr., 1742 Son of John and Lydia (542) ; born Apr, 1698. 1090. Abraham Dickerman *I748 Son of Abraham (259) and Mary; born Jan, 1674; husband of 692. 1091. Isaac Dickerman, Jr. +1740 Son of 605 and 876; born Jan, 1715. Yale Coll. 1736. 1092. Sarah Dayton (Benjamin) English *July, 1769 Daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (705) ; born July, 1716; mother of 1329 and 1367. 1093. Nathan Ford +17 — Son of Matthew and Elizabeth; born Jan, 1699; married 859. 1094. Esther Hull * Daughter of John and Mercy; married Churchill. 1095. Sarah Cornell (Theophilus Eaton) Jones +17 — Daughter of Paul and Susanna (687) ; born May, 1707. Re moved to Norwalk. 1096. Hannah Peck (Amos) Sperry *about 1756 Daughter of 780 and 774; born Feb, 1711; previously wife of James Heaton. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I737"39 81 1097. Mercy Potter (Isaac) Turner *after 1774 Daughter of Stephen and Mary; born Sept, 1711. August 23. iog8. Barnabas Baldwin *after 1769 Son of Barnabas and Sarah, of Milford; born about 1692; husband of 886. 1099. Stephen Ford Dism. 1755 Son of Jonathan and Mary (745); born May, 1712; married 1003. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +1776. 1 100. Sarah Lines (Ezra) Johnson +17 — Daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca (862) ; born Apr, 1714. 1101. Hannah Perkins (Isaac) Sperry *after 1755 Daughter of Peter; born July, 1708. 1 102. Joseph Sperry *Jan., 1788 Son of Daniel and Deborah (485); born Dec, 1709; father of 1395- 1 103. Dorcas Richardson (Joseph) Thomas +1790? Daughter of Thomas and Mary; born in Wallingford, Dec, 1700. 1 104. Dorothy Tuttle Dism. 1742 Daughter of John and Hannah; born March, 1709. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Married William Peck (863). Living 1765. 1105. Valentine Wilmot Dism. 1743? Son of John; born Dec, 1713. Dismissed to the church in Woodbridge. Living 1790. September 24. 1106. Moses Tuttle *Nov., 1785 Brother of 1104; born June, 1715. Joined the . White Haven Church, 1742. Resumed membership, Nov, 1743. Yale Coll. 1745. Ordained pastor in Granville, Mass, 1747. October 8. 1107. Abigail Sperry * 1739 June 21. 1 108. Eliphalet Beecher *I777 Son of Joseph and Sarah (644); born May, 1711; husband of 1053; father of 1297. 1109. Mary Butler *Sept, 1783 Daughter of John; born Nov, 1723; married Ebenezer Hum iston, of North Haven. 6 82 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1 1 10. Hopestill Crittenden Dism. ?1777. nil. David Gilbert *I7 — Son of 606 and 302; born July, 1700; husband of 877. 1112. Sarah Dickerman (Samuel) Horton Dism. 1752? Daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth (593) ; born Dec, 1716; wife of 1024. Removed to Wolcott. ?about 1759. 1 1 13. Anne (Timothy) Jones Dism. 1742 Born 1702; wife of 821. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?May, 1783. 1 1 14. Zuriel Kimberly +1767-90 Son of Nathaniel; born Nov, 1706; married 855; father of 1378, 1379 and 1577. Joined the White Haven Church, 1742. Resumed membership, 1743. 1115. Nathan Perkins *I748 Son of Nathan and Abigail (1071) ; born Feb, 1719. 1 1 16. Elizabeth Thompson * Daughter of Josiah; married Timothy Andrews. 1117. Lydia Tuttle *after 1780 Daughter of John and Hannah ; born March, 1707 ; married John Mansfield. 1 1 18. Mary Whiting *Apr., 1748 Daughter of 683 and 645; born Feb, 1715; married Stephen Ailing, Jr. nig. Asa Wilmot *I774 Son of Thomas and Mary (674) ; born Apr, 1716. 1120. Benjamin Wooding Dism. 1771? Son of Benjamin and Mary; born Nov, 1716. Dismissed to the Fair Haven Church. +1783. 1740 September 25. 1121. Mary Tuttle (Ebenezer) Ailing +17 — Daughter of Joshua and Mary (494); born Feb, 1712; next married Asa Todd. 1122. Ruth Sacket (Matthew) Gilbert *Dec, 1780 Daughter of Jonathan and Ruth; born March, 1719; mother of 1391, 1431 and 1485. catalogue of members, 1739-41 83 1 123. Sarah Cooper (Jeremiah) Macomber *Apr., 1778 Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth; born Oct, 1716; mother of 1291, 1364, 1373 and 141 1. 1 124. Richard Miles *i753-6i 1 125. Sarah Noyes Dism. 1747? Daughter of 715 and 749; born March, 1722; married John Chester, of Wethersfield. +Jan, 1797. 1 126. Elizabeth Wilmot (Ebenezer) Peck +17 — Daughter of John and Sarah (752); born Apr, 1703; wife of 780. 1 127. Abigail Pierce * 0000. c James Pierpont See 750. 1128. c Sarah Breck (James) Pierpont Dism. 1742 Daughter of Nathaniel and Martha, of Boston ; born Nov, 1710; wife of 750. Admitted from the 2d or North Church, Boston. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Sept, 1753. 1129. Sarah Trowbridge *Apr., 1795 Daughter of Stephen and Thankful (848); born Sept, 1722; married John Whiting (1175). 1741 June 25. 1 130. Samuel Atwater *May, 1793 Son of 811 and 709; born June, 1718; husband of 1217. 1 131. Sarah Beecher Dism. 1745? Daughter of 717 and 718; born May, 1720; married Timothy Baldwin, of Derby. +1794. 1 132. Joseph Mix, Jr. Dism. 1742 Son of 694 and 695; born Oct, 1715; husband of 1133; father of 1452. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?July, 1789- 1133. Damaris Punderson (Joseph) Mix Dism. 1742 Daughter of 588 and 607; born July, 1719; wife of 1132. ?Sept, 1742. 1 134. Phyllis (colored) Dism. 1742 Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ? 84 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1 135. David Punderson Dism. 1742 Son of David and Sarah (697); born June, 1718; husband of 1039. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?May, 1777. 1 136. Sarah Cooke (James) Sherman +Feb., 1802 Daughter of Rev. Samuel (710) and Anne; born June, 1713; wife of 1226. August 19. 1137. Enos Ailing Care withdrawn 1756? Son of Ebenezer and Mercy (934) ; born Apr, 1719. Joined the White Haven Church, 1742. Resumed membership, Nov, 1743. Yale Coll. 1746. Husband of 1074 and 1212. Conformed to the Church of England about 1756. ?Sept, 1779. 1 138. Hannah Bishop Dism. 1742 Daughter of 808 and 791 ; born Apr, 1725. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Married Amos Perkins, of Woodbridge. +Aug, 1793. 1 139. Abraham Bradley *I748 Son of 772; born Sept, 1720; husband of 1293; father of 1476. 1140. Susannah Mansfield (Samuel) Cooke Dism. 1742 Daughter of Moses and Margaret (693) ; born Feb, 1713. Dis missed to the White Haven, now United Church. +Jan, 1789. 1141. Mary Dickerman +1776 Daughter of 605 and 876; born Dec, 1723. Joined the White Haven Church, 1742. Resumed membership, July, 1746. Married John White (1156). 1 142. John Lines *before 1750 Son of Ebenezer and Rebecca (862) ; born March, 1720. 1 143. Elizabeth Miles * Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (788); born Oct, 1720; mar ried Daniel Perkins. 1 144. Thomas Punderson, Junior Dism. 1742 Son of 588 and 607; born Aug, 1713; father of 1449. Dis missed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Feb, 1781. 1 145. Elizabeth Talmadge *Dec, 1768 Daughter of Robert and Abigail; born Nov, 1717. 1146. Mary White *March, 1776 Daughter of 1257 and 911; born Apr, 1720; married Thomas Howell (1256). CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I74I 85 September 2. 1147. Phebe Andrus, or Andrews Dism. 1742 Daughter of Gideon and Lydia (922). Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Married Rev. John Grant, of West- field, N. J. ?17—. 1148. Samuel Bishop, Jr. Dism. 1760? Son of 808 and 791; born Nov, 1723. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. +Aug, 1803. 1 149. Andrew Bradley Dism. 1742 Son of Benjamin and Martha (765) ; born June, 1723. Dis missed to the White Haven, now United Church. +about 1778. 1 150. Sibyl Gilbert Dism. 1742 Daughter of Samuel and Hannah; born July, 1723. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Married Yale Bishop. Living 1752. 1 15 1. Samuel Gilbert +1760-61 Brother of 1150; born Nov, 1724. Joined the White Haven Church, 1742. Resumed membership, June, 1751. 1 152. Timothy Gorham Dism. 1742 Son of Isaac and Hannah (795) ; born Nov, 1723. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. Married 1196; father of 2020. ?1767. 1 153. Abigail Hitchcock * Daughter of 706 and 707; born Sept, 1722; married William Scott; mother of 1328. 1154. Jonathan Hitchcock Dism. 1749? Son of Ebenezer and Anne (691) ; born Jan, 1724. Removed to Derby. +Jan, 1808. 1 155. Benjamin Tallmadge *Feb., 1786 Son of 760 and 761 ; born Dec, 1725. Joined the White Haven Church, 1742. Resumed' membership, Nov, 1743. Yale Coll. 1747- Ordained to the Presbyterian ministry in Setauket, N. Y, Oct, 1754- 1 1 56. John White, Jr. Dism. Son of 1257 and 911; born May, 1722. Dismissed to the church in Woodbridge. Married 1141. *Nov, 1797- 1157. Elisha Whiting + 17— Son of Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth, of Windham; born Jan, 1717. 86 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1742 February 4. 11 58. Lois Johnson *June, 1750 Daughter of 670; born Dec, 1719; married Ebenezer Beecher (1076). 1159. Sarah Miles Dism. 1767 Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (788); born Oct, 1722; married Joshua Chandler (1255). Dismissed to the church in North Haven. ?Nov, 1783. 1 160. Mary Woodward (Joseph) Trowbridge *June, 1 77 1 Daughter of Rev. John and Sarah, of Norwich and East Haven; born Aug, 1710. December 30. 1161. Rebecca Bassett *Nov., 1760 Daughter of 840 and 793; born July, 1721 ; married Jonathan Dickerman. 1162. Martha Mansfield * Daughter of Japhet and Hannah (664); born 1724; married Thomas Sperry. 1 163. Lydia Holt (Stephen) Sperry *Aug., 1776 Daughter of 913 and 379; born Nov, 1693; previously wife of John Bassett. 1164. Sarah Talmadge *after 1755 Daughter of Robert and Abigail; born Jan, 1723. 1165. Lydia Humiston (Abraham) Tuttle *after 1753 Daughter of Ebenezer and Grace; born Aug, 1720. r743 June 9. 1166. Anna Bradley * Daughter of Ebenezer and Joanna (698) ; born July, 1721. 1 167. Eunice Clarke * Daughter of Daniel and Hannah (532) ; born May, 1722. 1 168. Aaron Day Dism. Nov., 1767 Son of Samuel and Mary, of W. Springfield, Mass.; born Aug, 1715. Yale Coll. 1738. Husband of 1271. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. ?Sept, 1778. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I742-45 87 1169. Elizabeth Diodate *May, 1761 Daughter of 955 and 688; born July, 1722; married Rev. Stephen Johnson, of Lyme. 1170. Elizabeth (John) Munson * Previously wife of Joseph Talmadge. 1171. Pero Sume (colored) *Nov., 1780 Born 1714; husband of 1173. [Uncertain date.] 1172. Hannah Ailing *June, 1773 Daughter of 590 and 738; born Apr, 1722; married Timothy Browne, and John Cornish. 174+ August 2. 1 1 73. Dinah (Pero) Sume (colored) +1802 Wife of 1 171. 1 1 74. Amos Perkins *I795 Son of 739 and 740; born Jan, 1721. 1 175. John Whiting *June, 1786 Son of 683 and 645; born March, 1722. Yale Coll. 1740. Hus band of 1218 and 1129. Deacon, 1756-86. [Uncertain date.] n 76. Jared Ingersoll *Aug., 1781 Son of Jonathan and Sarah, of Milford; born June, 1722. Yale Coll. 1742. Married 1017 and 1212; father of 1309. Stamp- Act Agent. 1177. Nathan Whiting *Apr., 1771 Son of Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth, of Windham; born May, 1724. Yale Coll. 1743. Married 1 198. 1745 July 4. 1 1 78. Phebe Ailing *Apr, 1788 Daughter of 726 and 727; born March, 1724; married William Wolcott; mother of 1413- H7g. c Elizabeth Ailing (James) Atwater *May, 1792 Daughter of James and Abigail, of Wallingford; born 1706; wife of 798. Admitted from the church in Wallingford. 1 1 80. c Sarah Beach (Jonathan) Atwater +1790 Daughter of Elnathan and Abigail, of Wallingford; born March, 1727. Admitted from the church in Wallingford. Mother of 1365 and 1442. 88 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1181. Elizabeth Bassett *Jan., 1783 Daughter of 840 and 793; born Nov, 1726; married David Atwater (1360). 1 182. c Thomas Clap *Jan., 1767 Son of Stephen and Temperance, of Scituate, Mass.; born June, 1703. Ordained pastor in Windham, Aug, 1726. Rector and President of Yale College, 1740-66. Husband of 1183; father of 1203 and 1204. 1 183. c Mary Haynes (Thomas) Clap *Sept., 1769 Daughter of John and Mary, of Hartford; born 1703; wife of 1 182; previously wife of Elisha Lord, of Hartford, and of Rose well Saltonstall, of Branford; mother of 1198 and 1244. 1 184. Pompey (colored) *before 1758 July 28. 1 185. Esther Lines (John) Potter *Dec, 1773 Daughter of Joseph. I746 May 21. 1 186. Damaris Atwater +1751-65 Daughter of 811 and 709; born Dec, 1727; married James Ives. 1187. Leverett Hubbard *Oct., 1794 Son of John (866) and Elizabeth ; born in Hartford, July, 1725. Yale Coll. 1744. Husband of 1223 and 1343 ; father of 1321, 1336, 1380 and 1403. 1188. John Hubbard *Nov., 1786 Brother of 1187; born Jan, 1727. Yale Coll. 1744. Ordained pastor in Meriden, June, 1769. Husband of 1246; father of 1355 and 1390. November 30. 1189. John Hull *Apr., 1760 Son of John and Mercy; born Oct, 1703; husband of 1026. !747 August 9. 1190. Ebenezer Dorman *Apr., 1764 Son of Benjamin; born Nov, 1709; husband of 1191; father of 1254 and 1282. 1191. Abigail Bishop (Ebenezer) Dorman *Jan., 1798 Daughter of James; born Sept, 1707; wife of 1190; next married Jonathan Mansfield (643). CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I745-5O 89 1748 January 24. 1192. Elizabeth Maltby (William) Lyon *Oct, 1810 Born in Saybrook, Sept, 1724; mother of 1428 and 2149. May 26. 1 193. Martha Perkins * Daughter of 739 and 740; born Oct, 1728. November 6. 1194. Sarah Brown (Benjamin) Rosbotham, or Rothbotham * Daughter of Gershom and Hannah; born March, 1699. 1749 August 27. ugs. Jonathan Ailing, Jr. • *Oct., 1771 Son of 804 and 805; born May, 1716. November 23. ng6. Sarah Browne +1778 Daughter of 779 and 834; born Feb, 1726; married Timothy Gorham (1152). ng7- c Thomas Darling *Nov., 1789 Son of 969 and 970; born in Newport, Feb, 1720. Yale Coll. 1740. Husband of 1069; father of 1368, 1369, 1475 and 1507. Admitted from the church in Woodbridge. ng8. Mary Saltonstall Dism. ? Daughter of Rosewell and Mary (1183) ; born in Branford, 1728; married Nathan Whiting (1177), and Rev. Warham Wil liams, of Northford. +Nov, 1801. 1750 January 28. ngg. Abigail Peck (Thomas) Potter +1758-61 Born 1713. August 26. 1200. Matthew Todd +17 — Son of 908 and 909; born Feb, 1722. [Uncertain date.] 1202. Lydia Holbrook * Daughter of Daniel; born Dec, 1729; married Jonah Atwater. OO FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1751 May 19. 1203. Temperance Clap Dism. 1753? Daughter of 1182 and Mary; born Apr, 1732; married Rev. Timothy Pitkin, of Farmington. +May, 1772. 1204. Mary Clap (David) Wooster Dism. 1771 Sister of 1203; born Apr, 1729. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?June, 1807. July 21. 1205. Hannah Ball (Joseph) Hitchcock Feb., 1794 Daughter of John and Mary (806) ; born Apr, 1729. 1206. Mary Bassett (Medad) Lyman Dism. 1771 Daughter of Nehemiah and Mary, of Charlestown, Mass. ; born Feb, 1732. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Nov, 1802. November 17. 1207. Abigail Atwater +1769 Daughter of 798 and 803; born Nov, 1727; married Nicholas Peck (1241). 1208. Susanna Cooper (Stephen) Howell *I783 Born in Southampton, N. Y. ; wife of 1235. December 29. 1209. c Daniel Lyman Dism. 1758 Son of Benjamin and Thankful, of Northampton, Mass.; born Apr, 1718. Yale Coll. 1745. Admitted from the First Church, Northampton. Married 121 1. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Oct, 1788. 1752 February 23. 1210. Sarah Woodward (Samuel) Miles *Aug., 1769 Daughter of Rev. John and Sarah, of Norwich and East Haven; born July, 1704; mother of 121 1, 1212 and 1299. 121 1. Sarah Miles Dism. 1758 Daughter of 1210; born Aug, 1731; married 1209. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church. ?Oct, 1768. 1212. Hannah Miles *Dec, 1786 Daughter of 1210; born March, 1733; married Enos Ailing (U37), Jared Ingersoll (1176), and Joseph Bradley. July 26. 1213. Isaac Bradley * Son of Abraham (772) and Sarah; born Nov, 1722; husband of 1214. 1214. Sarah (Isaac) Bradley * Wife of 1213. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I75l"57 91 J753 February 18. 1215. Elizabeth Hubbard Dism. 1757? Daughter of John (866) and Elizabeth; born July, 1731 ; mar ried Rev. Ezra Stiles, of Newport, R. I. +May, 1775. 1216. Rose (Gad) Luke (colored) *Apr., 1805 Born 1732; mother of 1338. April 29. 1217. Sarah Ball (Samuel) Atwater *March, 1796 Daughter of Caleb (853) and Abigail; born Nov, 1723; wife of 1 130. May 27. 1218. Sarah Ingersoll (John) Whiting *July, 1769 Daughter of Jonathan and Sarah, of Milford; born Oct, 1726; wife of 1175. 1754 March 31. 1219. c Isaac Stiles, Jr. *March, 1783 Son of Rev. Isaac and Esther, of North Haven; born Sept, 1729. Admitted from the church in North Haven. 1220. Martha Newton (Chauncey) Whittelsey *0ct, 1812 Daughter of Roger and Susanna, of Milford; born 1729; mother of 1434, 1500, 1576 and 1808. *7Sb January 18. 1221. John Noyes *Nov., 1767 Son of 715 and 749; born Dec, 1735- Yale Coll. 1753- April 28. 1222. "Mr. Johnson" 1757 June 26. 1223. Sarah Whitehead (Leverett) Hubbard *Dec, 1769 Daughter of Stephen and Mary (967) ; born Oct, 1729; wife of 1 187. [Uncertain date.] 1224. James Abraham Hillhouse *Oct., 1775 Son of Rev. James and Mary, of Montville; born May, 1730. Yale Coll. 1749- 1225. Hezekiah Parmele *Dec., 1794 Born 1737. VI. Admissions during the pastorate of the Rev. Chauncey Whittelsey, i758-i787 1758 June 25. 1226. James Sherman *Jan., 1786 Son of Benjamin and Rebecca, of Stratford; born March, 1706; husband of 1136; father of 1345, 1348 and 1684. 1227. James Sperry, Jr. .< Dism. 1759 Son of 1085 and 846; born Oct, 1718. Dismissed to the White Haven, now United Church, ?after 1772. July 30. 1228. Abigail Bradley (Stephen) Atwater *Feb., 1795 Daughter of Samuel; born Nov, 1708; wife of 812. 1229. Sarah Bassett (James) Bassett *March, 1823 Daughter of 840 and 793; born Sept, 1728; wife of 1386. 1230. Abigail Bassett *before 1810 Sister of 1229; born Dec, 1732. 1759 January 28. 1231. Stephen Dickerman *Feb., 1779 Son of 605 and 876; born Aug, 1721 ; husband of 1245; father of 1430, 1499, 1518 and 1564. 1232. Jabez Mix *Oct, 1762 Son of Nathaniel (1068) and Anna; born Sept, 1731. Yale Coll. 1751. Father of 1433. February 25. 1233. Stephen Ball *Oct., 1799 Son of John and Mary (806); born Feb, 1727; husband of 1234; father of 1527 and 1660. Deacon, 1771-99. 1234. Abigail Atwater (Stephen) Ball *Nov., 1800 Daughter of Jonathan and Abigail (728); born May, 1731; wife of 1233. 1235. Stephen Howell *Nov., 1770 Son of John and Martha, of Southampton, N. Y. ; born May, 1683; husband of 677 and 1208; father of 1256 and 1463. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1758-60 93 1236. Mary Atwater (Ebenezer) Ives Dism. 1765? Daughter of 812 and 1228; born March, 1736; next married Gilead Gregory, of Trumbull. Dismissed to the church in Trum bull. +1771-73. March 25. 1237. Hannah Miles (Thomas) Mix *Nov., 1801 Daughter of Timothy and Mabel (828) ; born May, 1722. 1238. Sarah Bishop (Joseph) Munson *Nov., 1790 Daughter of 808 and 791; born Feb, 1733; mother of 1496. May 27. 1239. Susanna Ailing *March, 1820 Daughter of 804 and 805; born Feb, 1732. June 24. 1240. Nathaniel Spencer *May, 1809 Born 1723; husband of 1285; father of 1893 and 1894. August 26. 1241. Nicholas Peck *July, 1793 Born 1729; husband of 1207. September 30. 1242. Mary Heaton (Enos) Bassett ?March, 1774 Daughter of 894 and 998; born Sept, 1727. 1243. Abigail Bishop (Joseph) Hitchcock +1774-1809 Sister of 1238; born Jan, 1727. I760 April 27. 1244. Sarah Saltonstall (Jonathan) Fitch *Aug., 1765 Daughter of Rosewell and Mary (1183), of Branford; born 1730. June 29. 1245. Eunice Tuttle (Stephen) Dickerman *Feb., 1779 Daughter of 902 and 898; born Nov, 1733; wife of 1231. 1246. Rebecca Dickerman (John) Hubbard *Nov., 1768 Daughter of 605 and 876; sister-in-law of 1245 and 1247; born July, 1726; wife of 1188. September 28. 1247. Daniel Hubbard *Aug., 1765 Son of John (866) and Elizabeth; brother-in-law of 1246; born Dec, 1729. Yale Coll. 1748. Father of 1470. 94 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1248., Susannah Smith +1770-1809 Daughter of Peter and Elizabeth; born Sept, 1736. October 26. 1249. Elizabeth Gilbert *Jan., 1767 Daughter of Matthew; born Jan, 1739; married Christopher Ailing. 1250. Esther Goodyear Dism. Daughter of Theophilus and Esther (835); born July, 1737; married Eli Bradley. Dismissed to the church in Mount Carmel. ?1795-1809. 1251. Nehemiah Hotchkiss *Oct, 1768 Son of 663 and 656; born Apr, 1719; husband of 1252; father of 1253 and 1432. 1252. Mary Rexford (Nehemiah) Hotchkiss *Aug., 1770 Daughter of Arthur and Elizabeth; born 1720; wife of 1251. 1253. Naomi Hotchkiss *Jan., 1774 Daughter of 1251 and 1252; born March, 1741 ; married James Bradley. November 30. 1254. Hannah Dorman (Charles) Ailing Dism. 1795 Daughter of 1190 and 1191; born May, 1733. Dismissed to the church in Whitneyville. +Jan, 1808. I255- Joshua Chandler Dism. 1767 Son of Joshua and Elizabeth, of Woodstock; born March, 1728. Yale Coll. 1747. Husband of 1159; father of 1357. Dis missed to the church in North Haven. ?March, 1787. 1256. Thomas Howell *May, 1797 Son of 1235 and 677; born Apr, 1719; husband of 1146 and 1440; father of 1439 and 1493. Deacon, 1771-97. 1257. John White *Jan., 1783 Son of Daniel and Susanna, of Middletown; born Nov, 1692; husband of 911; father of 1146 and 1156. I76l January 25. 1258. Samuel Hitchcock Dism. Son of 706 and 707; born Nov, 1713; father of 1315 and 1420. Dismissed to the church in Mount Carmel. ?1788. 1259. Stephen Peck *Aug., 1778 Son of James and Hannah; born June, 1730; father of 1464 and 1789. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1760-62 95 March 29. 1260. Abiah Macomber (w. John) Hall *Nov., 1798 Daughter of Abiel and Susanna (970), of Newport, R. I.; born 1712; widow of 904. 1261. Elizabeth Harris *before 1810 Born 1732; married Charles Hotchkiss. May 17. 1262. Patience Ailing (Jonathan) Mix +1781-1809 Daughter of 1052 and 875; born Feb, 1730; mother of 1520. May 31. 1263. Rhoda Ailing *Sept., 1807 Daughter of 804 and 805; born Nov, 1737. 1264. Joanna (Joseph) Humiston *before 1810 June 28. 1265. Joseph Ailing *Dec, 1803 ,, Brother of 1263; born Aug, 1724; husband of 1266. 1266. Mabel Gilbert (Joseph) Ailing *Feb., 1822 Daughter of Jonathan; born Oct, 1728; wife of 1265. 1267. Anna Smith (Oliver) Ball *after 1809 Daughter of Peter and Elizabeth; born March, 1730. 1268. Mabel or Mehitabel Collins (Jonathan) Sperry *i8— Next married David Dunning, 1762. August 30. i26g. Hannah Sacket *March, 1804 , Daughter of John and Hannah; born 1725. September 27. 1270. Rebecca Sperry (Jehiel) Osborn *after 1809 Daughter of Joshua; born June, 1730. I762 April 11. 1271. Susanna Stanley (Aaron) Day Dism. 1767 Daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah, of Hartford; born June, 1717; wife of 1168. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. ?Apr, 1805. June 27. 1272. Desire Cooper * Married John Smith, of Hadley, Mass. July 25. 1273. Timothy Cooper Excomm. June, 1768 Excommunicated for fornication and persistent falsehood. +1811. 96 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1274. Abel Ives Dism. 1772 Son of 713; born Feb, 1724; husband of 1275. Dismissed to the church in Bethany. ?1792. 1275. Martha Sperry (Abel) Ives Dism. 1772 Daughter of 1085 and 846; born Sept, 1726; wife of 1274. ?1798-1809. September 26. 1276. Elizabeth Atwater *before 1810 October 17. 1277. Sibyl Todd (Nathaniel) Heaton *Nov., 1805 Born 1736; mother of 1487. October 31. 1278. Abigail Browne (w. Enos) Potter +after 1809 Daughter of 779 and 834; born June, 1730. November 28. 1279. Sarah (James) Thompson +before 1810 1280. Mary Parish (Moses) Venters *Aug., 1801 Daughter of Ephraim and Bathsheba; born in Branford, 1739. Dec. 26. 1281. Abigail Waterhouse (Buckminster) Brintnall *before' 1810 Sister-in-law of 1304 and 1641. I763 April 3. 1282. Ezra Dorman Dism. before 1790 Son of 1190 and 1191; born Jan, 1739; husband of 1283. ?Dec, 1806. 1283. Mabel Cooper (Ezra) Dorman Dism. before 1790 Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth; wife of 1282. ?1790-1810. April 24. 1284. Sarah Bradley (w. Nathaniel) Mix ?Feb., 1809 Daughter of 1287 and 809; born Sept, 1724. August 28. 1285. Abigail English (Nathaniel) Spencer *Nov., 1 81 5 Daughter of Benjamin; born Apr, 1741 ; wife of 1240. December 25.' 1286. Esther Tuttle (w. Samuel) Penfield Dism. 1807 Daughter of 902 and 898; born July, 1742; next married James Bradley. Dismissed to the United Church. ?May, 1823. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I762-65 97 1764 February 26. 1287. Abner Bradley *Oct., 1778 Son of 501 and 463; born March, 1696; husband of 809; father of 1284 and 1416. 1288. Hannah Dickerman *before 1810 Daughter of Joseph and Lois (1083); born Dec, 1742; married James Bishop. May 27. 1289. John Clark *before 1810 September 30. i2go. Isaac Bishop *Oct., 1802 Son of 808 and 791; born Apr, 1738; husband of 1291 and 1313. i2gi. Sarah Macomber (Isaac) Bishop *Apr., 1780 Daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah (1123) ; born 1741-42; wife of 1290. I2g2. Jason Bradley *May, 1768 Son of John (633) and Sarah; born Aug, 1708. October 28. 1293. Lois Mansfield (w. Josiah) Woodhouse *March, 1806 Daughter of 643 and 631 ; born Apr, 1721 ; previously wife of Abraham Bradley (1139) ; married thirdly John Watts. November 25. 1294. Hannah (w. Nehemiah) Lewis *Nov., 1779 Born 1704. December 30. 1295. John Atwater *May, 1781 Son of 811 and 709; born March, 1721. 1765 February 24. 1296. Anna Green (Solomon) Pinto Dism. 1777? Daughter of Samuel and Abigail, of New London; born 1741 ; next married Giles Meigs, of Middletown. Dismissed to the church in Middletown. ?Sept, 1825. March 31. 1297. Sarah Beecher Dism. 1767? Daughter of 1 108 and 1053; born 1741 ; married Seth Coleman, of Amherst, Mass. Dismissed to the church in Amherst. +March, 1783. 7 98 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1298. James Rice *Sept., 1794 Born 1729; husband of 1299. 1299. Mary Miles (James) Rice *Dec, 1831 Daughter of Samuel and Sarah (1210) ; born 1740; next married Rev. James Dana, pastor. 1300. Chauncey Whittelsey, Jr. Dism. 1769? Son of the pastor and 1018; born Oct, 1746. Yale Coll. 1764. Dismissed to the First Church, Middletown. ?March, 1812. June 30. 1301. Hezekiah Silliman Dism. 1770? Son of Ebenezer and Abigail, of Fairfield; born March, 1739; husband of 1302. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Fairfield. +1789-90. 1302. Emilia Hubbard (Hezekiah) Silliman Dism. 1770.' Daughter of John (866) and Elizabeth; born Oct, 1742; wife of 1301. Living 1794. October 6. 1303. Elizabeth Sperry (Jeremiah) Osborne ?Dec, 1799 Daughter of Richard (790) ; born Nov, 1716. November 24. 1304. Dorothy Brintnall (Hezekiah) Ripley Dism. 1767? Daughter of William and Zerviah, of Rutland, Mass.; born July, 1736; step-daughter of Samuel Darling (969). Removed to Fairfield. +Aug, 1831. December 29. 1305. Gamaliel Bradley Dism. ? Son of Enos; born Feb, 1734; husband of 1306. Dismissed to the Mount Carmel Church. +1803. 1306. Hannah Dean (Gamaliel) Bradley Dism. ? Wife of 1305. ? I766 August 31. 1307. Esther (w. Abraham) Jocelin *before 1810 Married Samuel Wooding, of Hamden. October 26. 1308. Robert Brown *Sept., 1807 Son of Nathaniel and Olive; born March, 1737; husband of 1572. 1309. Jared Ingersoll, Jr. Dism. 1771? Son of 1176 and 1017; born Oct, 1749. Yale Coll. 1766. Re moved to Philadelphia. +Oct, 1822. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1765-68 99 I767 August 9. 1310. Hannah Peck (Israel) Bishop *May, 1797 Daughter of 919 and 957; born Feb, 1747. August 30. 1311. Mary Rowe (Michael) Todd Dism. 1800 Daughter of John; born March, 1744; next married Samuel Dwight. Dismissed to the church in Farmington. ?18—. October 25. 1312. Sarah Stevens (Ebenezer) Johnson *Apr., 1773 Daughter of William and Mary, of Marblehead, Mass.; born 1754; step-daughter of 866. 1313. Lydia Wise (John) Kimberly +1820-32 Next married Isaac Bishop (1290). 1314. Daniel Rexford, Jr. Dism. 1768 Son of Daniel and Desire; born 1742; husband of 1315. Dis missed to the Mount Carmel Church. +July, 1793. 1315. Martha Hitchcock (Daniel) Rexford Dism. 1768 Daughter of Samuel (1258) and Mary; born Dec, 1744; wife of 1314- *Apr, 1774. I768 February 7. 1316. c David Atwater *Apr., 1777 Son of Moses and Mary, of Wallingford; born Feb, 1736; husband of 1344. Admitted from the church in Wallingford. March 27. 1317. Comfort (Elijah) Ailing *before 1810 Daughter-in-law of 1052 and 875 ; next married Thomas Osborn, of Oxford. November 27. 1318. Daniel Humiston Dism. 1772 Son of Ebenezer and Grace (700) ; born June, 1727; husband of 1319. Dismissed to the church in Bethany. +Apr, 1798. 1319. Desire Dorman (Daniel) Humiston Dism. 1772 Daughter of Daniel and Desire (1393) ; born Sept, 1729; wife of 1318. ?before 1810. December 25. 1320. Edward Carrington Dism. 1785? Son of Lemuel and Esther; born Apr, 1747. Yale Coll. 1767. Removed to Milford. +Sept, 1795. FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1321. Stephen Whitehead Hubbard *Sept, 1771 Son of 1187 and 1223; born June, 1747. Yale Coll. 1766. 1322. Hannah Mix *Apr., 1769 Daughter of 895 and 747 ; born Dec, 1730. I769 May 28. 1323. Benjamin Dorman, Jr. *March, 1800 Brother of 1319; born about 1740. 1324. Peter Johnson *June, 1813 Son of Samuel and Mabel ; born Aug, 1745 ; husband of 1325 ; father of 1534 and 1593. 1325. Chloe Tuttle (Peter) Johnson *March, 1773 Daughter of 902 and 898; born March, 1739; wife of 1324. 1326. Henry Tolles, Jr. Dism. 1783? Son of Henry (883) and Deborah; born Aug, 1736; husband of 1327. Removed to Wethersfield, Vt. ? 1327. Hannah Clark (Henry) Tolles Dism. 1783? Daughter of John and Rebecca; born in Milford, March, 1734; wife of 1326. ? July 9. 1328. Abigail Scott (Stephen) Hotchkiss *May, 1789 Daughter of William and Abigail (1153) ; born 1746; mother of 1535 and 3109. October 29. 1329. Mary English *Oct, 1794 Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (1092); born Sept, 1744; married David Phipps (1551). 1770 April 29. 1330. Mary Cooper (John) Gills +18 — Daughter of Thomas and Lydia; born Apr, 1731 ; mother of 1446. September 30. 1331. Kezia (w. ) Bradley *before 1810 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I768-7I 1771 Jan. 27.- 1332. Elizabeth Smith (Daniel) Tuttle *May, 1798 Born 1740. March 31. 1333. Elizabeth Atwater *Apr., 1827 Daughter of 1360 and 1181; born Jan, 1748; married Jonah Hotchkiss (1362). 1334. Esther White (William) Sherman *Aug., 1798 Born 1744; mother of 1548, 1733 and 1734. I335- Samuel Whittelsey Dism. 1771 ? Son of Rev. Samuel and Susanna, of Milford; born Aug, 1745. Yale Coll. 1764. Husband of 1336. Removed to Milford. ?Jan, 1776. 1336. Mary Hubbard (Samuel) Whittelsey Dism. 1771? Daughter of 1187 and 1223; born 1752; wife of 1335; next married Rev. John Lewis, of Rocky Hill. +Aug, 1786. June 30. 1337. c Sarah Andrew (w. Stephen) Ailing *June, 1810 Daughter of Samuel and Eunice, of Milford; born March, 1726. Admitted from the church in Milford. 1338. Amy Luke (colored) *Feb., 1825 Daughter of Gad and Rose (1216); born 1750; married Belfast Fowler. 1339. Nathaniel Mix *Nov., 1781 Son of Nathaniel (1068) and Anna; born Nov, 1749; husband of 1422; father of 1582 and 1649. 1340. Thomas William Talmadge Dism. Son of 950 and 1073 ; born Apr, 1742. Dismissed to the church in Hamden. ?before 1791. August 25. 1341. Sarah Heaton (John) Bassett *before 1810 Daughter of Theophilus; born Dec, 1719. 1342. Daniel Tuttle *Jan., 1796 Son of 002 and 898; born Opt, 1726; father of 2108 and 2668. November 24. 1343. Hester Robinson (Leverett) Hubbard *Oct, 1800 Daughter of Benjamin and Catharine, of East Haven; born 1749; wife of 1 187. 102 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1772 January 26. 1344. Eunice Thompson (David) Atwater Dism. Dec, 1812 Daughter of Andrew and Sarah, of Stratford; born Sept, 1750; wife of 1316; next married John Goodrich (1445). Dis missed to the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 1345. Rebecca Sherman Dism. 1774? Daughter of 1226 and 1136; born June, 1751 ; married Benjamin Brooks, of Hartford. March 29. 1346. Nathan Mansfield *March, 1783 Son of 643 and 631; born Nov, 1718; husband of 1347; father of 1409 and 1546. 1347. Deborah Dayton (Nathan) Mansfield *May, 1817 Daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (705); born Aug, 1724; wife of 1346. 1348. Sarah Sherman (Jeremiah) Townsend *Nov., 1804 Sister of 1345; born 1745. April 26. 1349. Hannah Hitchcock (Joseph) Howell *June, 1787 Daughter of Amos; born Dec, 1748. May 31. 1350. Eunice Talmadge +1820-32 Daughter of Hezekiah; born Nov, 1750. 1351. Mary (Samuel) Thacher *before 1810 July 26. 1352. Paul Noyes Dism. Husband of 1353; father of 2225. Living 1790. I353- Rebecca Howell (Paul) Noyes *Dec, 1786 Daughter of Stephen, Jr.; born March, 1746; wife of 1352. September 27. 1354. Anna Atwater *Feb., 1778 Daughter of 1360 and 1181; born May, 1755; married 1355. October 25. 1355. John Hubbard, Jr. Dism. July, 1828 Son of 1188 and 1246; born Jan, 1751; husband of 1354, 1450 and 1793. Deacon, 1797-1828. Dismissed to the church in Litch field. ?May, 1837. December 20. 1356. Amos Botsford Dism. 1785? Son of Gideon and Bethia, of Newtown; born Jan, 1744. Yale Coll. 1763. Husband of 1357. Left town with the British invaders, CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1772-73 103 I779- Removed to Westmoreland County, New Brunswick. ?Sept, 1812. 1357- Sarah Chandler (Amos) Botsford Dism. 1785? Daughter of 1255 and 1159; born March, 1752; wife of 1356. ^773 January 31. 1358. Lucretia (Moses) Wells Dism. ? Removed 1790-1810. +i8 — . February 28. 1359. Hannah (Hezekiah) Ailing *before 1810 Daughter-in-law of 1052 and 875. 1360. David Atwater *March, 1806 Son of Joshua (867) and Anna; born Sept, 1723; husband of 1181 and 1489; father of 1333, 1354, 1375, 1418, 1425, 1441, 1473, 1498 and 1539. 1361. Hannah Atwater (Francis) Brown *Nov., 1823 Daughter of Isaac and Dorothy; born Sept, 1743; mother of 1658 and 1709. 1362. Jonah Hotchkiss *Nov., 181 1 Son of 940 and 995; born June, 1745; husband of 1333; father of 1557 and 1560. March 28. 1363. Obedience, or Bede, Mansfield (Philip) Daggett Dism. 1775? Daughter of Thomas and Hannah; born Nov, 1746. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. Next married Thomas Cooper. ?May, 181 1. April 25. 1364. Margaret Macomber (w. Thomas) Atwater ?Sept., 1834 Daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah (1123); born 1752; mother of 1636 and 1639. 1365. Sarah Atwater (Willard) Brintnall *before 1810 Daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (1180) ; born June, 1752; next married her first cousin, William Atwater (1398), of Milford. 1366. Daniel Brown *Oct., 1788 Son of Eliezer; born Dec, 1743; husband of 1367. 1367. Hannah English (Daniel) Brown Dism. ? Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (1092); born Nov, 1749; wife of 1366. Removed before 1810. 104 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1368. Abigail Darling *Dec, 1818 Daughter of 1197 and 1069; born Nov, 1746; married Charles Chauncey (1490). 1369. Thomas Darling, Jr. +Dec, 1815 Brother of 1368; born Dec, 1752. 1370. Elizabeth Smith Dism. 1810-20 June 27. 137 1. Eleanor Killam (w. Dan) Carrington Dism. 1795 Mother of 1479. Dismissed to the church in Whitneyville. ?May, 1806. Sept. 26. 1372. Abigail (w. Ebenezer) Riley Dism. 1775? Born Dec, 1748; next married Jonathan Heart, of Berlin, and thirdly Rev. Cyprian Strong, of Portland. Dismissed to the Kensington Church, in Berlin. ?Feb, 1815. J373- Esther Macomber (w. Leverett) Stevens +1829 Sister of 1364; born 1750. November 28. 1374. Abigail Brockett (Marshall) Ailing Dism. 1787? Born 1752. Of Woodbridge. ?Nov, 1840. 1375. Medad Atwater *Feb., 1832 Son of 1360 and 1181; twin brother of 1381 ; born March, 1751; husband of 1376, 1407 and 1471 ; father of 1555, 1556, 1622 and 2843. 1376. Lowly Goodyear (Medad) Atwater *Sept, 1776 Daughter of Stephen and Esther; born June, 1759; wife of 1375. 1377. Eli Beecher *May, 1789 Born 1748; husband of 1378. 1378. Susanna Kimberly (Eli) Beecher *Oct., 1798 Daughter of II 14; born Sept, 1746; wife of 1377. 1379. Sarah Kimberly *Nov., 1780 Sister of 1378; born Aug, 1731. *77& January 2. 1380. Wyllys Hubbard *March, 1774 Son of 1 187 and 1223; born Feb, 1755. January 30. 1381. Eldad Atwater *Sept, 1793 Twin brother of 1375; husband of 1421 and 1522; father of 1749, 1755 and 1883. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I773"75 105 1382. Adam Babcock Dism. Son of Joshua and Hannah, of Westerly, R. I.; born Sept, 1740. Removed to Boston about 1777. ?Sept, 1817. 1383- John Bassett *Feb., 1777 Son of 840 and 793; born Feb, 1717. May 29. 1384. Elizabeth (w. ) Tinker *before 1810 Next married Nathaniel Bishop. June 19. 1385. Mary Ailing *Apr., 1827 Daughter of James; born Jan, 1748. June 26. 1386. James Bassett *Oct.. 1801 Son of John and Lydia; born Oct, 1725; husband of 1229; father of 1561 and 1562. September 11. 1387. Obedience Hotchkiss (Abner) Austin Dism. Daughter of Amos and Obedience; born Jan, 1740; wife of 1400. Living 1796. October 30. 1388. Timothy Atwater Dism. 1818 Son of 798 and 1179; born Nov, 1749; husband of 1411; father of 1652, 1716, 1850, 1906 and 3222. Dismissed to the United Church. +March, 1824. 1389. Amy (zv. Samuel) Cutis *before 1810 1390. Isaac Hubbard Dism. Son of 1 188 and 1246; born Nov, 1752; father of 1918. Dis missed to the church in Meriden. ?July, 1796. December 25. 1391. Martha Gilbert *Jan., 1777 Daughter of Matthew and Ruth (1122) ; born Apr, 1741- i3g2. Sarah Sabin (Joseph) Trowbridge Dism. 1794 Daughter of Hezekiah and Mercy; born July, 1745- Dismissed to the church in Colebrook. *July, 1804. 1775 Feb. 26. 1393. Desire Sperry (w. Daniel) Dorman Dism. Daughter of 397 and 486; born July, 1698; mother of 1319 and 1323. Removed to Hamden. +179 — • 1394. Gregson Gilbert Dism. 1778-79 Son of Thomas; born 1743; husband of 1395. Dismissed to the church in Southington. 106 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN I395- Anna Sperry (Gregson) Gilbert Dism. 1778-79 Daughter of Joseph (1102) ; born July, 1744; wife of 1394. ?July, 1785. March 26. 1396. Abigail Atwater (Samuel) Gill Dism. Daughter of Isaac and Dorothy; born May, 1752. Dismissed to the church in Middletown. +Apr, 1833. April 30. 1397. Nathaniel Humiston *Nov., 1793 Son of Ebenezer and Grace (700) ; born May, 1730. May 28. 1398. William Atwater *Aug,, 1816 Son of David and Hannah; born Oct, 1745; husband of 1399 and 1365. Removed to Milford. 1399. Mehetabel Clark (William) Atwater *Nov., 1784 Born 1753; wife of 1398. August 27. 1400. Abner Austin *Jan., 1780 Son of Joshua and Mercy, of Wallingford; born Nov, 1734; husband of 1387. I776 February 25. 1401. Elizabeth Smith (w. Benjamin) Douglas Dism. May, 1812 Daughter of Henry and Ruth, of Setauket, N. Y. ; born 1743; next married Philetus Smith. Dismissed to the church in Stam ford. ?March, 1823. March 31. 1402. Mary Ives (w. Jason) Cooper +1810-20 Born July, 1737. April 28. 1403. Leverett Hubbard, Jr. *Apr., 1787 Son of 1187 and 1223; born Sept, 1749; husband of 1404. 1404. Juliana Gale (Leverett) Hubbard *Sept, 1815 Daughter of Benjamin and Hannah, of Killingworth; born 1755; wife of 1403. May 26. 1405. Lowly (Eliakim) Hitchcock Dism. Born 1752. ?June, 1810. July 21. 1406. (Samuel) Greenough Dism. before 1790 Removed to Boston. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I775-78 107 August 25. 1407. Rhoda Dickerman (Medad) Atwater *May, 1806 Daughter of 1023 and 1034; born Nov, 1748; wife of 1375. November 24. 1408. Mehetabel Goodyear (w. Enos) Bassett ?Oct., 1777 Daughter of Asa and Mehetabel; born Aug, 1757. 1777 April 27. 1409. Lois Mansfield (William) Lyon *Aug., 1821 Daughter of 1346 and 1347; born Apr, 1747; mother of 1607, 1609, 1719 and 1760. May 18. 1410. Rhoda (colored) Dism. Removed before 1810. May 25. 1411. Susanna Macomber (Timothy) Atwater Dism. 1818 Daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah (1123) ; born 1755; wife of 1388. Dismissed to the United Church. ?Jan, 183 1. July 27. 1412. Betty (Pero) Sume (colored) Dism. Removed before 1810. ? 1778 Feb. 22. 1413. Phebe Wolcott (Hanover) Barney *July, 1832 Daughter of William and Phebe (1178); born May, 1755; mother of 1851 and 1866. 1414. Comfort Clark (Peter) Johnson *Nov., 1834 Daughter of David, of Woodbridge; born 1746; mother of 1578. 1415. Hezekiah Tuttle *Jan., 1796 Son of 902 and 898; born Apr, 1736; husband of 1416. 1416. Martha Bradley (Hezekiah) Tuttle *Jan., 1824 Daughter of 1287 and 809; born Feb, 1734; wife of 1415. March 29. 1417. Rachel (w. Caleb) Ball Dism. ? Next married Abel Neal, of Farmington. Removed before 1810. 108 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN May 31. 1418. Rebecca Atwater Dism. 1807 Daughter of 1360 and 1181 ; born Apr, 1760; married James Prescott. Dismissed to the United Church. +July, 1834. July 26. 1419. Sarah Hayes (Thomas) Howell *Aug., 1786 Daughter of Ezekiel and Rebecca; born 1758. 1420. Mary Hitchcock (Kiersted) Mansfield +1820-32 Daughter of Samuel (1258) and Mary; born Feb, 1747; mother of 2132. Dec. 6. 1421. Lydia Heaton (Eldad) Atwater *Feb., 1784 Daughter of James; born Dec, 1751 ; wife of 1381. 1422. Thankful Ailing (Nathaniel) Mix *Aug., 183 1 Daughter of 951 and 945; born 1755; wife of 1339; next mar ried Rutherford Trowbridge (1491). 1779 June 27. 1423. (John) Ailing +before 1810 1424. Anna Clark (Nathan) Howell Dism. ?1786-1809. November 28. 1425. Joshua Atwater *July, 1814 Brother of 1418; born May, 1753; husband of 1426. Removed to Homer, N. Y. 1426. Betsey Goodyear (Joshua) Atwater *before 181 1 Daughter of Asa and Mehitabel; born Jan, 1756; wife of 1425. 1427. James Hillhouse *Dec, 1832 Son of William and Sarah, of Montville; born Oct, 1754. Yale Coll. 1773. Father of 1686 and 1857. December 5. 1428. Elizabeth Lyon (William) Mansfield *Oct, 1817 Daughter of William and Elizabeth (1192) ; born 1757. I780 [Uncertain date.] 1429. Clarinda Ely (Samuel) Darling ?July, 1847 Daughter of Rev. Richard and Jerusha, of North Madison ; born March, 1759; wife of 1475. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1778-80 109 April 30. 1430. Isaac Dickerman Dism. 1832 Son of 1231 and 1245; born Apr, 1760; husband of 1796; father of 2010 and 2067. Dismissed to the church in Westville ?Sept, 1835. 1431. Sacket Gilbert *Dec, 1787 Son of Matthew and Ruth (1122) ; born 1755; husband of 1487. 1432. Martha Hotchkiss +1810-32 Daughter of 1251 and 1252; born 1760; married Jonathan Sperry, of Southbury. 1433. Mary Mix *Nov., 1825 Daughter of Jabez (1232) and Jemima; born June, 1760; married William Noyes. 1434. Martha Whittelsey (William) Van Deursen Dism. 1816 Daughter of the pastor and 1220; born Sept, 1756. Dismissed to the First Church, Middletown. ?Dec, 1839. May 28. 1435. Content Beecher *Nov., 1784 Daughter of John (1494) and Mary; born 1761. 1436. Rebecca Townsend (Abel) Buell *Dec, 1800 Daughter of Jeremiah and Rebecca; born Dec, 1751. 1437. Hannah Wise (Edmund) Sherman Dism. before 1810 June 25. 1438. Mary Thomas (Thomas) Bills *Aug., 1804 Daughter of Jehiel and Mary (967) ; born May, 1734. 1439. Hannah Howell (Richard) Cutler *Dec, 1827 Daughter of 1256 and 1146; born Jan, 1745; step-daughter of 1440; mother of 1537 and 1540. 1440. Hannah Thomas (Thomas) Howell *Jan., 1812 Sister of 1438; born Apr, 1737; wife of 1256; previously wife of Samuel Tolles. July 30. 1441. Eunice Atwater Dism. 1808? Daughter of 1360 and 1181; born June, 1762; married Eli Hotchkiss. Dismissed to the United Church. +Feb, 181 7. August 27. 1442. Lois Atwater (Samuel) Dunwell Dism. ? Daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (1180) ; next married John Bonticou. Removed to New York State, 1790-1810. IIO FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1443. Mehetabel Beecher (Elisha) Mix *Feb., 1825 Born 1756; mother of 1890. September 24. 1444. Rachel (John) Ailing +1820-32 December 31. 1445. John Goodrich *Jan., 1800 Son of John and Prudence, of Glastonbury; born July, 1753. Yale Coll. 1778. Husband of 1344; father of 1549 and 1558. 1446. Mary Gills (Samuel) Humiston *June, 1820 Daughter of John and Mary (1330); born Feb, 1750. I78l Feb. 25. 1447. Dorcas Hitchcock (Rutherford) Trowbridge *Feb., 1788 Daughter of Amos and Dorcas; born Nov, 1746; wife of 1491. 1448. Thankful Doolittle (John) Trowbridge *Feb., 1827 Daughter of Isaac and Sarah ; born Jan, 1754. June 24. 1449. Lydia Punderson (Ebenezer) Ailing *Oct, 1832 Daughter of 1144; born Aug, 1745; mother of 1702, 1706, 1739 and 1 781. October 28. 1450. Martha Bradley (John) Hubbard *June, 181 1 Daughter of Phineas and Martha; born Nov, 1750; wife of 1355- November 25. 1451. Elizabeth Peck Dism. ? Married Solomon Cook, of New Marlborough, Mass. December 30. 1452. David Mix *Aug., 1790 Son of Joseph (1132) and Anna; born Sept, 1744. I782 April 21. 1453. c Catharine Gale (Jeremiah) Atwater +June, 1797 Daughter of Benjamin and Hannah, of Clinton; born June, 1742. Admitted from the church in Clinton. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I780-84 III June 30. 1454. Martha Hall (William) Munson *Apr., 1806 Daughter of 904 and 1260; born Apr, 1749. August 25. 1455. Elizabeth Osbom (w. James) Miles *Feb., 1820 Born Apr, 1750; next married Stephen Hotchkiss, and thirdly Thomas Rogers, of North Branford. Sept. 29. 1456. Mary Osbom (John) Scott *Apr., 1807 Born 1752; mother of 1627, 1698, 1892 and 2285. [Uncertain date.] 1457. Aaron Eliot Dism. Dec, 1790 Son of Aaron and Mary, of Clinton; born Aug, 1758; husband of 1458. Dismissed to the church in Clinton. ?Aug, 181 1. 1458. Gloriana Austin (Aaron) Eliot Dism. Dec, 1790 Daughter of Elias and Eunice, of Durham; born Dec, 1758; wife of 1457. +Sept, 1811. I783 March 30. 1459. Ezekiel Hayes, Jr. *Oct, 1828 Son of Ezekiel and Rebecca; born Feb, 1753; father of 1635, 1662, 1663, 1724 and 1856. November 30. 1460. Phyllis (colored) Dism. Removed before 1810. December 28. 1461. Archibald Austin *June, 1785 Brother of 1458; husband of 1462. Died in Bristol, England. 1462. Mehetabel (Archibald) Austin *Nov., 1814 Wife of 1461. I784 Jan. 25. 1463. Susanna Howell (Eneas) Munson *Apr., 1803 Daughter of 1235 and 1208; born Jan, 1739; wife of 1713. 1464. John Peck *Oct, 1805 Son of Stephen (1259) and Esther; born Dec, 1759; married 1617; father of 1830 and 2077. February 29. 1465. John Claus *Oct., 1813 Born 1736. Sexton, 1791-1813- 112 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1466. Isabel Goodsell (John) Wise Excomm. Jan., 1815 Daughter of Dan and Abigail, of East Haven ; born Nov, 1757 ; next married Poole. Excommunicated for habitual intem perance. May 30. 1467. Anna (Joshua) Sears +1847-53 August 29. 1468. Nathaniel Beecher *Feb., 1786 Son of 654 and 729; born March, 1706; husband of 1077; father of 1543- i46g. Elizabeth (w. Dan) Carrington *i835 October 31. 1470. Daniel Hubbard *June, 1792 Son of Daniel (1247) and Martha; born May, 1756; husband of 1471. 1471. Sarah Ailing (Daniel) Hubbard *Apr., 1835 Daughter of 951 and 945; born 1753; wife of 1471 ; next mar ried Medad Atwater (1375). I785 January 30. 1472. Joanna (Samuel) Clark +181- February 27. 1473. David Atwater, Jr. Dism. Son of 1360 and 1181; born Dec, 1756; husband of 1474. Removed to Trumansburg, N. Y. ?Nov, 1803. 1474. Rachel Hubbard (David) Atwater Dism. Wife of 1473. 1475. Samuel Darling *Jan., 1842 Son of 1197 and 1069; born Jan, 1751. Yale Coll. 1769. Hus band of 1429; father of 1643, 1644. 1819, 1887 and 2744. Deacon, 1786-1842. May 29. 1476. Lois Bradley (Thaddeus) Beecher *Apr., 1805 Daughter of 1139 and 1293; born March, 1748; wife of 1497. October 30. 1477. Pember Jocelin Dism. Born 1749; husband of 1478. ?Sept, 1832. 1478. Elizabeth Dudley (Pember) Jocelin Dism. Born in Guilford; wife of 1477. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1784-87 113 1786 Jan. 29. 1479. Obedience Carrington (Samuel) Howell +1836 Daughter of Dan and Eleanor (1371) ; born Dec, 1753. 1480. Abigail Potter +1829 Daughter of James; married Aner Adye; mother of 1701. August 27. 1481. Hannah Talmadge *July, 1851 Daughter of Daniel; born Apr, 1761 ; married Daniel Pun derson. I787 February 25. 1482. Ebenezer Hitchcock Dism. ? Son of Matthias and Thankful; born Sept, 1728; husband of 1483. Removed to Hamden. ?1810-n. 1483. Lettice (Ebenezer) Hitchcock Dism. ? Wife of 1482. ?1810-n. April 8. 1484. Anna Atwater (Jeremiah) Townsend ?Aug., 1852 Daughter of Jeremiah and Anna; born Sept, 1764; mother of 2087 and 2109. May 27. 1485. Asa Gilbert Dism. 1795 Son of Matthew and Ruth (1122) ; born Nov, 1752; husband of i486. Dismissed to the church in Whitneyville. +June, 1834. i486. Mary Gibbs (Asa) Gilbert Dism. 1795 Wife of 1485; born in Milford, Sept, 1757. +Sept, 1840. 1487. Sibyl Heaton (Sacket) Gilbert *Feb., 1835 Daughter of Nathaniel and Sibyl (1277) ; born March, 1759; wife of 1431 ; next married Timothy Andrews. 1488. Pompey Williams (colored) +1816-19 [Uncertain date.] 1489. c Abiah Barnes (David) Atwater *after 1809 Daughter of John and Abiah, of North Haven ; born March, 1739.' wife of 1360; previously wife of John Cooper, of North Haven. Admitted from the church in North Haven. 1490. Charles Chauncey *Apr., 1823 Son of Elihu and Mary, of Durham; born June, 1747; husband of 1368. VII. Admissions during the vacancy in the pastorate, 1787-1789 1788 October 26. 1491. Rutherford Trowbridge *Apr., 1825 Son of Daniel and Mabel; born Feb, 1744; husband of 1447 and 1422; father of 1565, 1603, 1645, 1689, 2045, 2732 and 2743. Dec. 28. 1492. Eunice Ailing (Timothy) Bassett *July, 1820 Daughter of 951 and 945. I789 February 22. 1493. Susanna Howell *Aug., 1798 Daughter of 1256 and 1146; born 1763. VIII. Admissions during the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Dana, 1789-1805 1789 July 5. 1494. John Beecher +Nov., 1793 Son of John and Mehitabel (886); born Sept.', 1722; father of 1435 and 2064. 1495. Mary Miles *March, 1814 Daughter of Joseph and Ann; born May, 1762; married Stephen Miles. 14^96. Esther Munson *Jan., 1847 Daughter of Joseph and Sarah (1238) ; born 1764. August 30. 1497. Thaddeus Beecher *Jan., 1823 Born 1749; husband of 1476. catalogue of members, 1788-91 115 1790 May 23. i4g8. Jared Atwater *Feb., 1813 Son of 1360 and 1181; born Sept., 1758; husband of 1499; father of 1880, 1881, 1958, 1976, 1987, 2458 and 2764. i4gg. Eunice Dickerman (Jared) Atwater +1820-32 Daughter of 1231 and 1245; born 1763. 1500. Susanna Whittelsey *Oct, 1796 Daughter of Rev. Chauncey and Martha (1220) ; born Sept, 1766; married Dyer White (1775). July 4. 1501. Alice Munson (w. Joseph) Miles *March, 1792 Daughter of 732 and 733; born July, 1716; mother of 1502. 1502. Mary Miles * Daughter of Joseph and Alice (1501) ; born June, 1757. July 25. 1503. (Eleazar) Gorham Dism. ? Removed before 1810. ? 1504. Jesse Turner Dism. 1793 Son of Thomas and Sarah, of North Haven; born Oct, 1746; husband of' 1505. Dismissed to the church in Plymouth. +Apr, 1834- 1505. Phebe Humiston (Jesse) Turner Dism. 1793 Daughter of Caleb and Susanna, of North Haven; born Dec, 1756; wife of 1504. +Oct, 1844. 1791 Oct. 23. 1506. Rebecca Lloyd (w. Melancthon Taylor) Woolsey ?Sept., 1906 Daughter of Henry and Rebecca, of Lloyd's Neck, N. Y. ; born Oct, 1718. [Uncertain date.] 1507. c Joseph Darling *Nov., 1850 Son of 1197 and 1069; born July, 1759. Yale Coll. 1777- Hus band of 1544; father of 1690 and 1691. Il6 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1792 February 26. 1508. Mary (w. Samuel) Whiting *before 1810 Next married Samuel Whittelsey. April 8. 1509. Cornelia Sherman Care withdrawn Feb., 1818 Daughter of Adonijah and Abigail; born March, 1763. United with Trinity Church. +July, 1834. May 27. 1510. Abraham Tuttle Oct., 1824 Son of Joel and Rebecca; born Nov, 1750; husband of 1511; father of 1750. 1511. Anna Hodge (Abraham) Tuttle *March, 1815 Born 1753; wife of 1510; previously wife of Joseph Thomas. r793 June 2. 1512. Peter Woodward Dism. Son of Richard and Susanna, of Dedham, Mass. ; born 1752 ; husband of 1513. Removed to New York City about 1801. ?Aug, 1811. 1513. Mary (Peter) Woodward Dism. Wife of 1512. ?18—. October 27. 1514. Asenath Osborn (Gad) Peck *Dec, 1823 Wife of 2893. Nov. 24. 1515. Lucinda Thomas (Nathan) Howell *Oct, 1850 Daughter of James; born 1775; mother of 2124. J794 March 23. 1516. Phebe McCleave (Nathaniel) Hubbard *March, 1832 1517. Sarah Miles (Samuel) Huggins *Dec, 1831 Daughter of Joseph and Ann; born Nov, 1754. 1518. Rebecca Dickerman (Ebenezer) Peck *Oct, 1846 Daughter of 1231 and 1245; born 1765; mother of 1875, 2037, 2411, 3316 and 3318. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1792-95 117 June 22. 1519. Rachel Bradley (Heaton) Huggins *Oct., 1794 Daughter of Abraham and Amy; born 1767. 1520. Elizabeth Mix (Abner) Tuttle *Feb., 1854 Daughter of Jonathan and Patience (1262); born 1765; mother of 2480. 1521. Alice Hatch (Joseph Skeath) Potter +1831 Next married Henry Yorke. Removed before 1810. Sept. 14. 1522. 'Sally Lucas (w. Eldad) Atwater Dism. Widow of 1381 ; next married John Langdon. Removed before 1810. September 21. 1523. Mary Munson (Nicholas) Jebine Dism. before 1810 Daughter of Stephen and Lucy; born Feb, 1770. Nov. 2. 1524. c Huldah White (John) Barker *Sept, 1848 Daughter of Rev. Stephen and Mary, of Windham; born Apr, 1760. Admitted from the church in Windham. Mother of 1708. November 16. 1525. Hannah (John) Wise *Oct., 1814 Born 1732; mother of 1692. December 28. 1526. Phebe Wooding (Caleb) Miller +1819 Daughter of Israel and Lydia; born Aug, 1758. 1795 March 29. 1527. Mary Ball (Abraham) Bradley *June, 1845 Daughter of 1233 and 1234; born Sept, 1767; wife of 1542. 1528. Sarah Ball (Lent) Hotchkiss *May, 1803 Sister of 1527; born Oct, 1765. 1529. Mary Phipps Dism. Daughter of 1551 and 1329; born Aug, 1772; married Samuel Bird, Jr. Removed to Georgia. 1530. Sarah Phipps Dism. 1807 Sister of 1529; born Nov, 1774! married Rev. Joseph Mix, Jr. Dismissed to the United Church. +Dec, 1819. 1531. Elizabeth Phipps Dism. Sister of 1529; born Apr, 1776; married Jared Mansfield. ?Apr, 1850. Il8 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN April 26. 1532. Wealthy Ann Munson (David) Daggett *July, 1839 Daughter of 1713 and 1463; born March, 1767; mother of 1852. Dismissed to the United Church, 1807. Readmitted, Jan. 12, 1821. May 24. 1533. Ane (John) Bradley +1825 1534. Anna Johnson (Simeon) Newton *Jan., 1823 Daughter of 1324 and 1325; born Sept, 1770. July 12. 1535. Lucy Hotchkiss (Abraham) Dummer *March, 1852 Daughter of Stephen and Abigail (1328); born Sept, 1769; wife of 1712. August 23. 1536. Sarah Gorham (w. Woodbridge) Townsend Dism. July, 1828 Born 1766; next married Isaac Beers, and thirdly Rev. Stephen Williams Stebbins, of West Haven. Dismissed to the church in West Haven. ?Dec, 1837. December 27. 1537. Mary Cutler (Jeremiah Mix) Atwater *Nov., 1861 Daughter of Richard and Hannah (1439); born June, 1770; mother of 1886 and 2340. 1538. Lydia Crane (Elias) Gorham +1832-47 1539- Rhoda Atwater (Isaac) Townsend Dism. 1807 Daughter of 1360 and 1181; born May, 1766. Dismissed to the United Church. +Apr, 1840. 1540. Anna Cutler (Charles) Whittelsey *Feb., 1850 Sister of 1537; born July, 1773; wife of 1808. I796 January 24. 1541. Hannah Arnold *before 1810 February 28. 1542. Abraham Bradley, 3d *Oct, 1842 Son of Abraham and Amy; born 1772; husband of 1527; father of 1993, 2082, 2212 and 2415. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1795-98 119 1797 June 25. 1543. David Beecher *June, 1805 Son of 1468 and 1077; born Apr, 1738; father of Rev. Lyman Beecher. October 1. 1544. Aurelia Mills (Joseph) Darling *Nov., 1846 Daughter of Elisha and Mary, of Huntington; born Dec, 1757; wife of 1507. 1545. Ebenezer Grant Marsh *Nov., 1803 Son of Rev. John and Anne, of Wethersfield; born Feb, 1777. Yale Coll. 1795. I798 [Uncertain date.] 1546. Mary Mansfield (Isaac) Beers Dism. Daughter of 1346 and 1347; born Dec, 1745; mother of 1598 and 1773. Dismissed to the church in West Haven. +Aug, 1805. July 29. 1547. Mary Shepherd (^Eneas) Monson Dism. 1835 Daughter of Levi and Mary, of Northampton, Mass. ; born 1772; mother of 2407. Dismissed to Trinity Church. ?Feb, 1848. Aug. 26. 1548. Sarah Sherman (Asahel) Tuttle Dism. 1835 Daughter of William and Esther (1334) ; born 1771. Dismissed to a church in Cleveland, O. +Oct, 1848. Sept. 30. 1549. Frances, or Fanny, Goodrich Dism. Daughter of 1445 and 1344; born Dec, 1780; married Chester Hammond, 1801. Removed to Union City, Mich. +July, 1859. 1550. c Stephen Twining *Dec, 1832 Son of Thomas and Anna, of Orleans, Mass. ; born Sept, 1767. Yale Coll. 1795. Husband of 1583; father of 2054, 2289, 2376, 2474 and 2531. Admitted from the church in Tolland, Mass.? Deacon, 1809-32. [Uncertain date.] 1551. c David Phipps Dism. 1816 Born in Falmouth, Me., Aug, 1741 ; husband of 1329; father of 1529, 1530 and 1531. Dismissed to Trinity Church. ?March, 1825. 1552. c Rebecca (Jonas) Prentice *Dec, 1809 Born 1775. FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1553. c Rebecca Greenleaf (Noah) Webster *June, 1847 Daughter of William and Mary, of Boston; born 1765; wife of 1671. Dismissed to the church in Amherst, Mass, about 1812. Readmitted, from that church* Sept. 1, 1822. 1799 April 14. 1554. Mary Aikins (Glover) Mansfield *Nov., 1858 Daughter of Andrew and Deborah, of Danbury; born 1775. November 24. 1555. Lowly Atwater Dism. Daughter of 1375 and 1407; born July, 1779; married Hezekiah Bassett, of Hamden. Living 1823. 1556. Lucy Atwater Dism. 1803 Sister of 1555; born Jan, 1781 ; married Eli Brockett. Dis missed to the church in North Haven. ?Oct, 1868. 1557- Susanna Hotchkiss *March, 1825 Daughter of 1362 and 1333; born June, 1775; married Justus Hotchkiss; mother of 2777. l800 December 21. 1558. Sarah Maria Goodrich Dism. Dec, 1812 Daughter of 1445 and 1344; born Dec, 1786; married Joseph Giraud. Dismissed to the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?Dec, 1863. 1801 February 28. 1559. Jenny (Hezekiah) Clarke Dism. Removed before 1810. March 1. 1560. c Ezra Hotchkiss *Feb., 1866 Brother of 1557; born Feb, 1778; husband of 1628 and 1932; father of 2024 and 2805. Admitted from the 1st Church, Mans field. July 26. 1561. Abigail Bassett *Feb., 1845 Daughter of 1386 and 1229; born Dec, 1755. 1562. Sarah Bassett *March, 1857 Sister of 1561 ; born July, 1765. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1798-1803 121 October 18. 1563. Naomi (Josiah) Church *Aug., 1822 Born 1769. 1564. Chloe Dickerman (Timothy) Plant +May, 1850 Daughter of 1231 and 1245; born 1773; mother of 2103. l802 May 30. 1565. Wealthy Trowbridge (Ezekiel) Hayes *July, 1816 Daughter of 1491 and 1447; born Nov, 1770; previously wife of Samuel Barnes; mother of 1653 and 3178. l803 June 26. 1566. Eunice Mix (Robert) Brown *Oct, 1869 Daughter of Joseph and Patience; born May, 1774; previously wife of William Harwood. 1567. Hannah Hull (William) Brown Dism. 1815? Daughter of Andrew and Naomi, of Cheshire; born 1778; sister- in-law of 1566. Dismissed to the church in Cheshire. +June, 1849. 1568. Clarinda Monson *Aug., 1841 Daughter of 1713 and 1463; born Dec, 1761. 1569. Lois (David) Ray +1811 1570. Lois Mix (Joseph) Trowbridge *Aug., 1863 Twin-sister of 1566; mother of 2005 and 2156. July 24. 1571. Mary Townsend (Amos) Benedict Dism. June, 181 7 Daughter of Robert; born May, 1775. Dismissed to the church in Meadville, Pa. +Jan, 1855. 1572. Mary Law (Robert) Brown *June, 1837 Daughter of Jonathan and Eunice, of Milford; born 1745; wife of 1308; mother-in-law of 1566 and 1567. 1573. Martha Johnson (John) Kennedy Dism. Apr., 1840 Born 1781; next married Frederick Le Forge; mother of 3593. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church. ?Aug, i86r. 1574. Hannah Wetmore (Dyer) White *June, 1830 Daughter of Seth and Mary, of Middletown; born May, 1773; wife of 1775. 122 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Oct. 2. 1575. c Lucinda Barnes (Lent) Bishop *Nov., 1834 Daughter of Seth and Abigail, of North Haven; born 1772; wife of 1631. Admitted from the church in North Haven. October 30. 1576. Elizabeth Whittelsey *March, 1866 Daughter of Rev. Chauncey and Martha (1220); born Sept, 1773- December 25. 1577. Hannah Kimberly *July, 1812 Daughter of 1114; born May, 1741. 1804 April 29. 1578. Comfort Johnson (Elisha) Jones +1822 Daughter of Peter and Comfort (1414) ; mother of 2359. June 24. 1579. Anna Smith +181- Married Caleb Hall, of Wallingford. August 26. 1580. Pamelia Goodrich (Elisha) Dickerman *June, 1861 Daughter of Bartholomew and Hannah, of Branford; born Dec, 1774," mother of 2277, 2316, 2394 and 3713. 1 58 1. Mary Thompson (William Scott) Hotchkiss *Oct., 1841 Daughter of Isaac; born May, 1773; mother of 2537, 2539 and 2540. 1582. Lois Mix (w. Joseph) Trowbridge +June, 1842 Daughter of 1339 and 1422; born Aug, 1776. l805 November 3. 1583. Almira Catlin (Stephen) Twining ?May, 1846 Daughter of Alexander and Abigail, of Litchfield; born Aug, 1777; wife of 1550. IX. Admissions during the pastorate of the Rev. Moses Stuart, 1806-1810 1806 April 6. 1584. Abigail Cooke (William Avery) Babcock *June, 1 87 1 Daughter of Samuel and Rebecca, of Danbury; born Nov, 1779. 1585. c Samuel Bellamy Dism. Husband of 1586. Admitted from the church in Mount Carmel. Removed to Marcellus, N. Y, about 1808. 1586. c (Samuel) Bellamy Dism. Wife of 1585. 1587. Sarah Wright (w. John) Bulkeley *Feb., 1836 Daughter of Crafts and Sarah ; born in Wethersfield, Sept, I7S4; mother of 1590. 1588. Lockwood DeForest Dism. Feb., 1816 Son of Nehemiah and Mary, of Monroe; born March, 1775; husband of 1589; father of 3530. Dismissed to the Reformed Dutch Church in Greenwich, N. Y. City. ?Nov, 1848. 1589. Mehitabel Wheeler (Lockwood) DeForest Dism. Feb., 1816 Daughter of Nathan and Charity, of Huntington ; born Sept, 1777; wife of 1588. +Jan, 1864. 1590. Elizabeth Bulkeley (James) Goodrich *Oct., 1864 Daughter of 1587; born Feb, 1779; mother of 2870. 1591. Isaac Mills *Jan., 1843 Son of Elisha and Mary, of Huntington; born March, 1767. Yale Coll. 1786. Husband of 1592; father of 1872, 1873, 2186 and 2223. I5g2. Abigail Phelps (Isaac) Mills *Aug., 1852 Daughter of John and Mary, of Stafford; born 1770; wife of 1 591. T593- Esther Johnson (w. John Parsons) Stillman Dism. 1827 Daughter of 1324 and 1325; born 1772. 124 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN June i. 1594. Eleanor Strong (Joel) Root *July, 1853 Daughter of John and Sarah, of Torringford; born Apr, 1770; wife of 2741. Dismissed, to the church in Southington, 1807. Re-ad mitted from that church, Sept, 1814. 1595. Betsey Thompson *i8 — June 15. 1596. c Mary Thompson (David) Truman ?June, 1838 Daughter of Joseph ; born March, 1777; wife of 1715. Admitted from the United Church. July 6. 1597. Frances Hubbard *March, 1839 Born 1760. 1598. Elizabeth Beers (w. Joseph Lucius) Wooster ?July, 1820 Daughter of Isaac and Mary (1546) ; born 1767; mother of 1879. Aug. 3. 1599. c Sally (Samuel) Dikeman Dism. 1832-47 Admitted from the church in Ridgefield. 1600. c Fidelia Dwight (Jonathan Edwards) Porter Dism. Oct., 1826 Daughter of Timothy and Mary, of Northampton, Mass.; born Aug, 1768; wife of 1608. Admitted from the church in Hadley, Mass. Dismissed to the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?Jan, 1847. 1601. c Abigail Clark (Moses) Stuart Dism. June, 1817 Daughter of James and Hannah, of Danbury; born 1783; wife of the pastor. Admitted from the church in Danbury. Dismissed to the church in Andover (Mass.) Theological Seminary. ?Sept, 1855. August 31. 1602. Amy Prentice (Elisha) Colt *Aug., 1808 Daughter of Jonas and Amie (or Amelia) ; born 1771. 1603. Melissa Trozvbridge (Joseph) Dalby *Dec, 1851 Daughter of 1491 and 1447; born Jan, 1774. 1604. Grace Trowbridge (Jabez) Dwight *June, 1830 Sister of 1603; born Nov, 1776; mother of 2150. 1605. Mehitabel Sherman (Jeremiah) Evarts Dism. 1810? Daughter of Roger and Rebecca; born Jan, 1774; wife of 1612; previously wife of Daniel Barnes. Removed to Charlestown, Mass. ?May, 1831. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1806-O7 125 1606. Eunice Prentice (Simeon) Goodyear Dism. Sister of 1602; born 1774; mother of 2554. Dismissed to the church at Mount Carmel. *Aug, 1810. 1607. Mary Lyon *Sept, 1817 Daughter of William and Lois (1409) ; born Oct, 1780. 1608. Jonathan Edwards Porter *March, 1821 Son of Eleazar and Susanna, of Hadley, Mass. ; born May, 1766; husband of 1600; father of 1667. 1609. Sarah Lyon (Eli Cook) Sherman Dism. Apr., 1815 Sister of 1607; born July, 1775; next married Samuel Andrew Law. Dismissed to the church in Meredith, N. Y. +March, 1840. Nov. 5. 161 1. c Mary Pomeroy Burbank (Ransom) Shelton Dism. Oct., 181 5 Born 1778. Admitted from the church in Plymouth. Dismissed to the Murray Street Associate Reformed Church, N. Y. City. ?July, 1849- November 30. 1612. c Jeremiah Evarts Dism. 1810? Son of James and Sarah, of Sunderland, Vt. ; born Feb, 1781. Yale Coll. 1802. Husband of 1605. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Removed to Charlestown, Mass. ?May, 1831. December 7. 1613. James Still Dism. ? Removed, 181- 1807 Jan. 25. 1614. Benjamin Woolsey Dwight Dism. June, 1817 Son of Rev. Timothy and Mary (1967) ; born in Northampton, Mass, Feb, 1780. Yale Coll. 1799- Dismissed to the church in Catskill, N. Y. *May, 1850. February 22. 1615. Elihu Hitchcock *Apr., 1847 Son of Amos and Dorcas; born about 1766; husband of 1778. 1616. Hannah Lewis (w. Henry) Peck *May, 1840 Daughter of Leonard and Hannah; born Feb, 1756. • 1617. Mary Lewis (w. John) Peck *Apr., 1833 Born 1760; widow of 1464. May 3. 1618. c Hannah (Ammi) Darrow Dism. Oct., 1808 126 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN August 23. 1619. c Daniel Page Augur *Apr., 1834 Son of John and Dinah, of North Branford; born March, 1781; husband of 1620; father of 1988, 2338 and 2568. 1620. c Hannah Smith (Daniel Page) Augur *Sept, 1868 Daughter of Dow C, of North Branford; born Sept, 1781; wife of 1619. 1621. c Desire Moulthrop (Moses) Thompson *Apr., 1833 Daughter of Samuel and Sarah, of East Haven ; born Nov, 1756; mother of 1804. Admitted from the church in East Haven. November 1. 1622. Lyman Atwater Dism. March, 1845 Son of 1375 and 1407; born March, 1783; husband of 1623; father of 2751 and 3441. Dismissed to the church in Bennington, Vt. ?March, 1862. 1623. Clarissa Hotchkiss (Lyman) Atwater Dism. March, 1845 Daughter of Joseph Punderson and Rhoda; born Dec, 1786; wife of 1622. ?Sept, 1846. 1624. Esther (w. Peter) Johnson +18 — Married Elihu Augur, 181 1. 1625. Polly DeForest (w. Samuel M.) Munson *Nov., 1810 Daughter of Nehemiah and Mary, of Monroe; born Apr, 1777. 1626. Amelia Pluymert (w. ) Patterson *July, 1808 Daughter of William. 1627. Abigail Scott *Dec, 1846 Daughter of John and Mary (1456); born 1776; married Richard Dodd. Dec 27. 1628. c Nancy Mix (Ezra) Hotchkiss *Dec, 1821 Born June, 1781; wife of 1560. Admitted from the United Church. 1808 January 3. 1629. c Catharine Miles (w. Samuel) Wales *May, 1837 Daughter of Isaac and Catharine, of Milford; born 1755; mother of 1896. Admitted from the church in Yale College. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1807-08 1 27 January 31. 1630. Susan Beecher *Dec, 1850 Born 1778; married James Cochran. Dismissed, uncertain date, to the church in Batavia, N. Y. Re-admitted from that church, December 5, 1847. 1631. Lent Bishop *May, 1836 Son of Abel and Mary; born 1776; husband of 1575. 1632. Susan Morris (Willet) Bradley *Feb., 1854 Daughter of Amos and Betsey, of East Haven; born Oct, 1784; mother of 2332 and 2422; married secondly Eli Barnes (1817), and thirdly Rev. Jeremiah Atwater (1974). 1633. Huldah Bradley (Jehiel) Forbes *May, 1829 Daughter of PKineas; born 1770; mother of 2427. 1634. Phebe Atwater (Stephen) Gorham +July, 1822 Daughter of 798 and 1179; born 1754- 1635. Lucretia Hayes (Wyllys) Hotchkiss *Apr., 1859 Daughter of Ezekiel (1459) and Mary; born Apr, 1784; wife of 3109. Dismissed, uncertain date. Re-admitted, from the church in Colebrook, March 7, 1852. 1636. Nancy Atwater (w. Elihu) Mix Dism. March, 1823 Daughter of Thomas and Margaret (1364); born Jan, 1783; mother of 2075; married secondly John Richards, and thirdly Rev. Ithamar Pillsbury. Dismissed to a church in New York City. +Apr, 1837. 1637. Ann Louisa Shipman Dism. 181 1 Married Rev. Edward Payson, of Portland, Me. Dismissed to the 2d Church, Portland. +1848. 1638. Mary Bradley (Laban) Smith *March, 1834 Born 1767- i63g. Sally Atwater (David) Smith Dism. 1843 Sister of 1636; born Apr, 1785. 1640. Ashbel Stillman *May, 182 1 Son of Ashbel and Mary, of Wethersfield ; born May, 1775 1 husband of 20451 father of 1981 and 2617. Removed to N. Y. City. March 27. 1641. William Brintnall *Feb., 1826 Son of William and Zeruiah, of Middletown; born Dec, 1745; step-son of Samuel Darling (969) ; husband of 1654; father of 1642, 1655. 1656 and 1657- 128 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1642. Abigail Brintnall Dism. 183 1 Daughter of 1641 ; born 1787. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?June, 1863. 1643. Susanna Darling *Dec, 1867 Daughter of 1475 and 1429; born Jan, 1781. 1644. Clarinda Darling *Oct., 1867 Sister of 1643; born 1788. 1645. Elizabeth Trowbridge (w. Levi) Hoadley ?July, 1838 Daughter of 1491 and 1447; born Sept, 1778; mother pf 2023. 1646. Mehetabel, or Mabel, Seward (Heli) Hoadley *Feb., 1826 Daughter of David and Mabel, of Guilford; born Jan, 1782; mother of 2071 and 2627. 1647. Lewis Hotchkiss *Oct., 1859 Son of Obadiah (2382) and Hannah; born Dec, 1786; husband of 1983; father of 2628, 2629, 2776 and 3024. Deacon 1845-59. 1648. William W. Lamson *before 1847 Removed to Boston, 1810. 1649. Sarah, or Sally, Mix *June, 1825 Daughter of 1339 and 1422; born Dec, 1780. 1650. Hannah Brown (w. John) Ritter *Aug., 1823 Daughter of Eliphalet and Elizabeth; born 1745; mother of 1668. 1651. Henry Wells *Jan., 1812 Born 1785; husband of 1845. April 24. 1652. Harriet Atwater Dism. Oct., 1839 Daughter of 1388 and 141 1; born March, 1790; married Rev. James Wakefield Tucker. Dismissed to the church in Rowley, Mass, July, 1812. Re-admitted from the Presbyterian Church in Springfield, N. J, Sept, 1819. Dismissed, 1821, to church in Dan bury. Re-admitted from Danbury, July, 1826. Mother of 2216, 2239, 2375, 2447 and 2546. Dismissed to the church in Greenfield, Mass. ?Oct, 1844. 1653. Eliza Barnes Dism. Sept., 1816 Daughter of Samuel and Wealthy (1565); born Apr, 1797; married Rev. Ralph Wells Gridley. Dismissed to the church in Williamstown, Mass. +Jan, 1840. 1654. Abigail Munson (William) Brintnall *Dec, 1819 Daughter of Samuel and Abigail; born Feb, 1748; wife of 1641. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l8o8 I 29 i655- Lydia Brintnall Dism. 1831 Daughter of 1641 and 1654; married De Lauzun DeForest (1661). Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Feb, 1851. 1656. Elizabeth Brintnall Dism. 183 1 Sister of 1655; born 1778. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +Apr, 1844. 1657. Grace Brintnall Dism. 1831 Sister of 1655. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Oct, 1850. 1658. Sally Brown *Apr., 1842 Daughter of Francis and Hannah (1361) ; born 1769. 1659. Henry Daggett, Jr. *July, 1843 Son of Rev. Naphtali and Sarah; born Feb, 1758. Yale Coll. 1775- Husband of 1660; father of 1776 and 2778. 1660. Anna Ball (Henry) Daggett *Jan., 1844 Daughter of 1233 and 1234; born March, 1764; wife of 1659. 1661. DeLauzun DeForest *Nov., 1815 Son of Nehemiah and Mary, of Monroe; born June, 1781 ; married 1655; father of 3386. 1662. John Hayes Excomm. Apr., 1822 Son of Ezekiel (1459) and Mary; born Nov, 1786; husband of 1728; father of 2280, 2354, 2727, 2728, 3091 and 3092. Excom municated for intemperance. +July, 1836. 1663. Nancy Hayes *Aug., 1857 Sister of 1662; born July, 1791 ; married Roswell Trowbridge; mother of 2417, 2528, 2820 and 2946. 1664. Amaziah Lucas Dism. Born 1764. Removed to Augusta, N. Y, about 1822. ?Feb, 1847. 1665. Mary Brown (w. Elias) Mix *Aug., 1863 Born Nov, 1777. 1666. Mary Macomber (John) Morris *Jan., 181 1 Daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah; born 1746; previously wife of Thomas Trowbridge. 1667. Julia Ann Porter Dism. Sept., 1826 Daughter of 1608 and 1600; born in Hadley, Mass, Aug, 1793; married Rev. Joseph Dresser Wickham. Dismissed to the' Presby terian Church, New Rochelle, N. Y. ?Dec, 1830. 1668. David Ritter *Oct, 1842 Son of John and Hannah (1650); born 1778; husband of 1804 and 2132; father of 2041, 2079, 2080, 2271, 2326, 2509 and 2545. 9 130 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN i66g. Gardiner Spring *Aug., 1873 Son of Rev. Samuel and Hannah, of Newburyport, Mass.; born Feb, 1785. Yale Coll. 1805. Ordained pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City, Aug, 1810. 1670. Abigail Bradley (Joseph) Thompson *Jan., 1855 Born 1778. 1 67 1. Noah Webster *May, 1843 Son of Noah and Mercy, of W. Hartford; born Oct, 1758. Yale Coll. 1778. Husband of 1553; father of 1672, 1673, 1751, 2158, 2159 and 2448. Dismissed to the church in Amherst, Mass, about 1812. Re-admitted from that church, Sept. 1, 1822. 1672. Emily Scholten Webster Dism. 1816? Daughter of 1671 and 1553; born in Hartford, Aug, 1790; married William Wolcott Ellsworth. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Hartford. ?Aug, 1861. 1673. Frances Juliana (or Julia Frances) Webster Dism. 1816? Sister of 1672; born Feb, 1793, in Hartford; married Rev. Chauncey Allen Goodrich. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Middle- town. Mother of 3349. +Aug, 1869. May 29. 1674. Elizabeth Crane (Alston Belden) Crane *July, 1837 Born 1783; next married Joseph Dunning. l675- Jennette Lackey (Samuel) Fields *Nov., 1865 Born 1781 ; wife of 1694. 1676. Susan Herrick *March, 1868 Born in Windsor, 1779. 1677. Elizabeth Miles Dism. 1832-47 Daughter of James; married Jonathan Rowe. 1678. John Munson Excomm. Apr., 1816 Son of Daniel and Mary, of Milford; born Jan, 1778; husband of 2101. Excommunicated for keeping a dram-shop and for breach of the Sabbath. Removed to N. Y. City. Living 1835. 1679. John Noyes Dism. Removed, 1808-09. 1680. Hannah (Thomas) Palmer Excomm. Apr., 1831 Excommunicated for stealing and contumacy. 1681. Daniel Rose *March, 1816 Born 1780; husband of 1682. Dismissed, uncertain date. Re-ad mitted, from the church in Farmington, March 20, 1816. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1808 131 1682. Maria Trozvbridge (Daniel) Rose *Aug., 1820 Daughter of Caleb and Ann (1684); born 1789; wife o'f 1681. Dismissed, uncertain date. Re-admitted, March 20, 1816. 1683. Philip Salisbury Excomm. Aug., 1822 Born 1756. Excommunicated for intemperance. Removed to N. Y. City. ?Feb, 1840. 1684. Ann Sherman (w. Caleb) Trowbridge *Apr, 1827 Daughter of 1226 and 1136; born Feb, 1749; mother of 1682. 1685. Nancy Trowbridge *March, 1871 Daughter of William (1727) and Lucy; born March, 1793; married Samuel Langdon. July 3. 1686. Rebecca Hillhouse *Jan., 183 1 Daughter of James (1427) and Rebecca; born June, 1794; mar ried Rev. Nathaniel Hewit, of Plattsburg, N. Y.; mother of 3710. 1687. Amelia (Andrew) Mack Dism. 181 1 July 31. 1688. Zebul Bradley Dism. July, 1843 Son of Noah and Elizabeth; born in Madison, Jan, 1780; hus band of 1689 and 2755; father of 1995 and 3647. Dismissed to the United Church. ?June, 1859. 1689. Dorcas Trowbridge (Zebul) Bradley *Dec, 1837 Daughter of 1491 and 1447; born Jan, 1786; wife of 1688. 1690. Aurelia Darling *Sept, 1813 Daughter of 1507 and 1544; born Jan, 1788; married James Dwight (2664). 1691. Abigail Elizabeth Darling Dism. Oct., 1854 Sister of 1690; born 1789; married Rev. Araetius Bevil Hull. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Worcester, Mass, July, 1821. Re-ad mitted, Oct, 1827. Dismissed to the Church of The Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y. ?Jan, i860. i6g2. Sally Wise *March, i860 Daughter of John and Hannah (1525); born 1776. August 28. 1693. Nancy Atwater *Nov., 1870 Daughter of Jeremiah and Lois; born Sept, 1789. 1694. Samuel Fields Excomm. Jan., 1815 Husband of 1675. Excommunicated for confirmed intemperance. 1695. Grace Kimberly *Dec, 1864 Born in West Haven, 1790; married William Frederick Simpson (1788). Dismissed to the church in Bethlehem, Aug, 1813. Mar ried secondly James Winship (2576). Re-admitted, July 5, 1835, from the 1st Church, Litchfield. 132 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1696. Joseph I. McNeil Excomm. Aug., 1822 Husband of 1721. Excommunicated for intemperance. 1697. Betsey Mix *Oct, 1825 Born 1790; married Daniel Baldwin (1757). 1698. Amelia Scott *Jan., 1878 Daughter of John and Mary (1456); born Oct, 1789. 1699. Mary, or Polly, Miles (John Todd) Trowbridge Dism. Feb., 1817 Daughter of William; born Sept, 1780. Dismissed to the church in Oswego, N. Y. ?March, 1866. 1700. Hannah (Jotham) Weeks *Nov., 1841 Born 1766; next married Samuel D. Covert. September 25. 1701. Anna Maria Adye *Nov., 1874 Daughter of Aner and Abigail (1480) ; born 1792. 1702. Lucy Ailing *Apr., i860 Daughter of Ebenezer and Lydia (1449); born Dec, 1770; married Roger Newton. Dismissed, uncertain date. Re-admitted. from the church in Woodbridge, July 7, 1839. 1703. Sally Ailing *Sept, 1861 Daughter of Stephen and Desire; born 1765. 1704. Fanny Gorham Dism. 1832-47 Married Smith. 1705. Sally, or Sarah (Joseph) Howell *Apr., 1821 Born 1759; mother of 3097. October 30. 1706. Hannah Ailing Dism. May, 1859 Sister of 1702; born Oct, 1777. Dismissed to the South Church. ?Dec, 1867. 1707. Molly Ailing *Sept., 1866 Sister of 1703; born 1777. 1708. Julia Barker *june) 1855 Daughter of John and Huldah (1524); born Nov, 1786. 1709. Hannah Brown +Oct. 1810 Daughter of Francis and Hannah (1361) ; born 1774. 1710. George Chandler *Feb. i860 Son of John and Sarah; grandson of 1255 and 1 159; born in Middletown, Jan, 1790. Ordained to the Presbyterian ministry, 1814. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1808-O9 1 33 1711. Samuel P. Davis Dism. July, 1826 Born 1788; husband of 1810. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Nov, 1849. 1712. Abraham Dummer +March, 1815 Born 1766; husband of 1535; father of 2303, 2463 and 3140. 1713. c Eneas Munson Dism. Aug., 1817 Son of Benjamin and Abigail (947) ; born June, 1734. Yale Coll. 1753. Husband of 1463; father of 1532 and 1568. Admitted from the United Church. Dismissed to Trinity Church. ?June, 1826. 17 14. James Sherman Dism. Sept., 1816 Dismissed to a church in Bloomfield, N. Y. 1 71 5. Daniel Truman *Apr., 1832 Born in New London, Jan, 1767; husband of 1596; father of 21 10, 2273, 2373, 2374 and 2643. 1809 Jan. 29. 1716. Susan M. Atwater (Wm.) Cutler *July, 1867 Daughter of 1388 and 141 1; born July, 1781 ; mother of 2607 and 2772. 1717. Avery Davis Dism. Nov., 1835 Dismissed to the church in Stafford. +1836-44. 1718. Isaac Gorham *Feb., 1813 Son of John and Lydia; born Aug, 1746. 1719. Sophia Brainard Lyon Dism. 1818? Daughter of William and Lois (1409); born March, 1782; mar ried Rev. James Harvey Linsley. United with the Baptist Church in Stratford. +Jan, 1866. 1720. Emilia Lyon *March, 1869 Sister of 1719; born Feb, 1787; married Joseph Bennett. 1721. Mary (Joseph I.) McNeil Dism. Jan., 1844 Wife of 1696; next married Thaddeus Nettleton. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Milford. 1722. David Longworth Ogden Dism. March, 1816 Son of Jacob and Jerusha (1762); born in Hartford, Oct, 1792. Yale Coll. 1814. Dismissed to the church in Andover (Mass.) Theol. Seminary. Husband of 3484. Father of 3485, 3486 and 3729. *Oct, 1863. 134 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1723. Elizabeth, or Betsy, Ailing (Silas) Pardee Dism. ? Daughter of John and Lydia. Living in Orange, 1827. 1724. Harriet Hayes (Henry) Trowbridge *Nov., 1851 Daughter of Ezekiel (1459) and Mary; born March, 1789; wife of 2732. March 5. 1725. c Margaret Van Horn Dwight Dism. Daughter of Maurice William and Margaret, of Baltimore ; born Dec, 1790. Admitted from the 1st Church in Northampton, Mass. Married William Bell, Jr., of Warren, O, in 1811. Dis missed to the church in Warren. ?Oct, 1834. March 26. 1726. Nancy Starr +1820-32 1727. William Trowbridge, 3d Dism. Sept., 1813 Son of William and Rebecca; born Sept, 1767; father of 1685, 1837 and 2088. Dismissed to the ist Church, Middletown. ?Sept, 1819. April 30. 1728. Betsey Bills +Dec, 1872 Daughter of William; born Jan, 1790; married John Hayes (1662). 1729. Sally Fitch *Jan., 1833 Born 1784; married Marvin Gorham. 1730. James Hubbell *before 1840 Removed, 181-. 1731. Nancy Tomlinson (Josiah Booth) Morse Dism. Jan., 1817 Daughter of Agur and Sarah, of Huntington. Removed to South Carolina. 1732. Eliza Prentice Dism. 1835 Daughter of Jonas and Amie (or Amelia); born 1790; married Aner Bradley. Removed to Watertown. ?Feb, 1867. 1733. Harriet Sherman Dism. Apr., 1822 Daughter of William and Esther (1334); born Oct, 1784; mar ried Zerah Hawley (1907). Dismissed to Trinity Church. ?18—. 1734. Rebecca Sherman +Sept, 1845 Sister of 1733; born 1789; married George Frederick Handel Read. 1735- Mamre (Joseph) Todd Care withdrawn Oct., 1845 Born 1771 ; wife of 1748. ?Feb, 1846. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1809 I35 May 7. 1736. Nancy Ailing (James) Atwater Dism. 1831 Daughter of Stephen and Desire; born Sept, 1783; mother of 2275. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?March, 1873. 1737- c Martha (w. Silas) Kimberly *Oct, 1834 Born 1754. Admitted from the church in West Haven. 1738. c Lucy Wright *Nov., 1832 Daughter of William and Lucy, of Middletown; born Apr, 1757; aunt of 1574. Admitted from the ist Church, Middletown. June 25. 1739. Ira Ailing Dism. May, 1859 Son of Ebenezer and Lydia (1449) ; born Sept, 1784. Dis missed to the South Church. +Nov, 1861. 1740. Deborah Biles +1820-32 1741. Edward B. Cooke Excomm. Nov., 1814 Excommunicated for unchristian conduct. Removed to George town, S. C. 1742. Polly Dickerman *March, 1828 Daughter of Isaac and Hannah; born Sept, 1785; married William Pardee. 1743. Samuel Shelton Goodyear +1832-47 Son of Joel and Mary Ann, of Woodbridge; born Jan, 1793. Removed 181- 1744. Maria Sarah Leffingwell *Jan., 1866 Daughter of 1772 and 1773; born July, 1793; married Timothy Dwight Williams (1827). Dismissed to the Bowery Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City, Nov. 3, 1828. Re-admitted, Aug. 4, 1833, from the ist Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1745. Lydia Moulthrop *Feb., 1813 Born 1772. 1746. Rachel Church (w. Charles) Moulthrop +1846 1747. William S. Street Dism. Removed, 181- 1748. Joseph Todd *March, 183 1 Born 1771 ; husband of 1735. 1749. Eunice Atwater (Jacob) Townsend Excomm. Oct., 1817 Daughter of 1381 and 1421. 136 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1750. Julia Tuttle Dism. March, 1829 Daughter of 1510 and 1511; born 1791. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Nov, 1847. 1751. Harriet Webster Dism. 181- Daughter of 1671 and 1553; born in N. Y. City, Apr, 1797; married Edward Cobb, of Portland, Me, and Rev. William Chauncey Fowler, of Amherst, Mass. ?March, 1844. July 2. 1752. c Amy Smith (Azel) Kimberly *Aug., 1831 Daughter of George and Abigail ; born 1752. Admitted from the church in West Haven. 1753. c Alice (Dick) Little (colored) Dism. 1814 Admitted from the church in East Haven. Next married Dan Mallery. x754- c Jonn H. Stow Dism. 1810 Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the church in Westfield, Mass. +1869. July 30. 1755. Eldad Atwater Dism. 181- Son of 1381 and 1522; born March, 1793; husband of 1866. Removed to Pleasant Mount, Pennsylvania. Living 1828. 1756. Sally (William) Ayres Excomm. March, 1814 Excommunicated for habitual intemperance. 1757. Daniel Baldwin Dism. ? Husband of 1697. Living 1819. 1758. Sarah, or Sally, Mix (Daniel) Brown *June, 18 10 Born 1779. 1759. Caroline Mary Leffingwell *Aug., 1877 Daughter of 1772 and 1773; born Apr, 1790; married Augustus Russell Street; mother of 2831. 1760. Elizabeth Lyon *Nov., 185 1 Daughter of William and Lois (1409); born July, 1777. 1761. Horace Peck Dism. 1840 Son of Hezekiah; born Jan, 1791 ; husband of 1862; father of 2544 and 2825. Dismissed to the church in Woodbridge ?June 1868. Aug. 6. 1762. c Jerusha Rockwell (Jacob) Ogden *Aug., 1812 Daughter of Joseph and Anna, of Colebrook; born 1749; mother of 1722, 1763, 1764 and 1920. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1809 137 1763. c Catharine Ogden *May, 1852 Daughter of 1762; born in Hartford, Apr, 1773. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. 1764. c Jerusha Ogden Dism. 1828 Daughter of 1762; born in Hartford, March, 1777; married William Wetmore, of Middletown, and Jabez Burrill. +Aug, 1854. August 27. 1765. Hannah Covert *Feb., 1863 Born 1796. 1766. c Elizabeth (or Betsey) DeForest Dism. Dec, 1819 Daughter of Nehemiah and Mary, of Monroe; born Jan, 1785. Admitted from the 1st Church, Bridgeport. Dismissed to the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +Oct, 1841. 1767. Lucy (Samuel) Hooker Dism. Sept., 1817 Next married Pardee. Dismissed to the ist Methodist Church. +1840. 1768. Susan Howell *Apr., 1864 Born Feb, 1795; married Elihu Sanford (1805). 1769. c Abigail DeForest (w. LeGrand Moss) Lewis Dism. Jan., 1818 Sister of 1766; born March, 1771. Admitted from the church in Huntington. Dismissed to the same church. +18 — . 1770. c Abi Brace (William) Love *Oct, 1841 Born in West Hartford, 1763; mother of 2701. Admitted from the church in East Hartford. 1771. Chloe (Daniel) Mead *Oct, 1821 Born 1763; next married John Morris. September 24. 1772. William Leffingwell *Oct, 1834 Son of Christopher and Elizabeth, of Norwich; born Sept, 1765. Yale Coll. 1786. Husband of 1773 and 2519; father of 1744, 1759 and 2571. 1773. Sally Maria'2?m-j (William) Leffingwell * Aug., 1830 Daughter of Isaac and Mary (1546); born July, 1765; wife of 1772. 1774. Nancy (or Ann) Maria Prentice Dism. July, 1819 Daughter of Jonas and Amie (or Amelia); born Jan, 1788; married Luther Bradley. Dismissed to the United Church. ?March, 1876. 1775. Dyer White *Nov., 1841 Son of Rev. Stephen and Mary, of Windham; born May, 1762; husband of 1500, 1574 and 2506; father of 2337. 138 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN October 29. 1776. Grace Ann Daggett *Nov., 1880 Daughter of 1659 and 1660; born March, 1788. 1777. c Daniel S. Gladding Dism. July, 1826 Born 1786. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Husband of 1797. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +July, 1847. 1778. Hannah Hotchkiss (Elihu) Hitchcock +181- Wife of 1615. I779- John Meloy Dism. Feb., 1817 Son of Edward and Mary; born Dec, 1766. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Sheldon, N. Y. December 3. 1780. c Sarah (John) Howe Dism. 181- Admitted from the church in Lee, Mass. December 31. 1781. Patty Ailing Dism. May, 1854 Daughter of Ebenezer and Lydia (1449); born Aug, 1791 ; married Charles Phillips. Dismissed to the South Church. *T)tc., 1863. 1782. Anna Cooke +181- 1783. Betsey, or Elizabeth A. Daggett Dism. 1836 Daughter of Ezra and Eunice; born Jan, 1791 ; married Thomas Kensett. +July, 1876. 1784. Lucy Bradley (w. David) Forbes *Oct, 1855 Born 1780. 1785. Lois (William) Gorham *Sept, 1827 Born 1777. 1786. Mary Griswold (Stephen) Hotchkiss Dism. Nov. 1852 Daughter of Samuel and Lucy; born Feb, 1782; mother of 2025, 2026, 2630, 2631 and 2632. Dismissed to the South Church. ?Apr, 1856. X. Admissions during the vacancy in the pastorate, 1810-1812 l8lO March 25. 1787. Lavinia Oaks (Samuel) Langdon *Sept, 1816 Born 1784; mother of 2779, 2780 and 2781. 1788. William Frederick Simpson Dism. Aug., 1813 Born 1787; husband of 1695. Dismissed to the church in Bethle hem. *Nov, 1825. May 27. 1789. Esther Peck (w. Nathan) Oaks *Apr., 1850 Daughter of Stephen (1259) and Esther; born July, 1753; mother of 1891 and 2035. l8ll May 19. 1790. c Stephen Maltby *June, 1812 Born 1769; husband of 1791; father of 1798. Admitted from the church in Branford. 1791. c Abigail Williams (Stephen) Maltby *Jan., 1837 Born 1772; wife of 1790. [Uncertain date.] I7g2. c Lydia Wilmot (Daniel) Candee Dism. May, 1812 Born in Harwinton. Admitted from the church in Oxford. Dismissed to the church in Pompey, N. Y. XI. Admissions during the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Nathaniel William Taylor, 1812-1822 l8l2 May 4. 1793. c. Sally Thompson (John) Hubbard Dism. July, 1828 Born 1772; wife of 1355. Admitted from the church in Litch field. Dismissed to the same church. +Aug, 1862. June 21. 1794. c Rachel Fowler (Benjamin R.) Fowler Nov., 1815 Born 1779. Admitted from the church in Branford. 1795. c. Almira Woodward (Elias) Hotchkiss Dism. 1830 Daughter of Moses Hawkins and Sena, of Middletown; born July, 1789. Admitted from the ist Church, Middletown. Dis missed to the 3d Church. +Jan, 1848. July 5. 1796. c Abigail Johnson (Isaac) Dickerman Dism. 1832 Daughter of Jabez and Abigail; born Aug, 1770; wife of 1430; previously wife of Jeremiah Barnett. Admitted from the United Church. ?June, 1845. 1797. c Sally Patten (Daniel S.) Gladding Dism. July, 1826 Born in Hartford, 1781 ; wife of 1777. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?June, 1847. 1798. c Augustus W. Maltby *Dec, 182 1 Son of 1790 and 1791 ; born in Branford, Oct, 1789; husband of 1848. Admitted from the church in Northford. Aug. 2. 1799. c Rebecca Maria Hine (Nathaniel William) Taylor *Aug., 1868 Daughter of Beebe and Lois, of New Milford; born Dec, 1789; wife of the pastor; mother of 2288 and 2416. September 6. 1800. c Deborah Barnes (w. Timothy) Shattuck *Dec, 1831 Daughter of Joshua and Deborah, of North Haven; born 1748. Admitted from the church in Catskill, N. Y. catalogue of members, 1812-13 141 Nov. 1. 1801. c Julia Thompson (Elihu) Atwater *July, 1818 Daughter of Jared; born 1787; wife of 1958. Admitted from the United Church. December 6. 1802. Charles Lewis " *Apr., 1868 Son of William and Elizabeth, of Southington; born Nov, 1771; husband of 1803; father of 2846. 1803. Sarah Crocker (Charles) Lewis *Oct, 1841 Daughter of John and Anne, of Hartford; born 1778; wife of 1802. 1804. Anna Thompson (David) Ritter *Nov., 1820 Daughter of Moses and Desire (1621), of East Haven; born 1780; wife of 1668. 1805. Elihu Sanford *Aug., 1866 Son of Elihu and Sarah, of Bethany; born June, 1789; husband of 1768; father of 2304, 2640, 3070, 3086, 3099, 3183 and 3565. 1806. Sally Sherman *Dec, 1831 Daughter of Lemuel and Philia; born 1776. 1807. Catharine Atwater (Amos) Trowbridge *June, 1868 Daughter of Stephen and Rebecca; born May, 1787; wife of 2743- 1808. Charles Whittelsey *March, 1828 Son of Rev. Chauncey and Martha (1220); born Oct, 1764; husband of 1540; father of 1922, 1923, 2055, 2135, 2241 and 2605. l8l3 January 3. 1809. c Esther (w. William) Burrows *Dec, 1824 Born 1775. Admitted from a Presbyterian church in Albany. 1810. c Emma Chapman (Sam. P.) Davis Dism. July, 1826 Daughter of David and Amey, of Rocky Hill ; born 1791 ; wife of 171 1. Admitted from the United Church. Dismissed to the 3d Church. *Apr, 1848. 181 1. c David Brainerd Spencer Dism. July, 1826 Husband of 1812. Admitted from the ist Church, Northampton, Mass. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +Oct, 1866. 1812. c Aurelia Tappan (David Brainerd) Spencer Dism. July, 1826 Daughter of 1814; born 1792; wife of 1811. +Sept, 1862. 142 FIRST church, new haven May 2. 1813. c Elizabeth Pelton Care withdrawn 1845 Admitted from the church in Glastonbury. +18 — 1814. c Aurelia Bingham (w. Samuel) Tappan Dism. 181- Daughter of Wm. and Mary, of Canterbury; born 1769; mother of 1812 and 1836. Admitted from the church in Portsmouth, N. H. ?March, 1846. June 6. 1815. c Mary Hoisted (w. Underhill) Lyon *before 1847 Daughter of Ezekiel; mother of i860, 1861, 1870 and 1871. Admitted from the church in Greenwich. 1816. c Lois B. Holt (Horatio Gates) Street Dism. July, 1820 Daughter of Dan and Anna, of East Haven; born Feb, 1780; mother of 3471. Admitted from the church in East Haven. Dis missed to the church in Charleston, S. C. +Jan, 1855. July 4. 1817. c Eli Barnes *July, 1827 Son of Asa and Phebe, of Southington; born May, 1775; mar ried 1632; father of 2235, 2659 and 2827. Admitted from the church in Southington. Aug. 1. 1818. c Aurelia (Richard) Leech Dism. Sept., 1816 Admitted from the Rutgers Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the same church. ^18 — . Nov. 28. 1819. Charles Chauncey Darling Dism. 1830 Son of 1475 and 1429; born Jan, 1799. Yale Coll. 1820. Dis missed to the 3d Church. Ordained in the Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City, May, 1867. Sept, 1887. l8l4 . July 31. 1820. Lucy Root (Charles) Atwater +Dec, 1821 Daughter of 2741 and 1594; born May, 1790; wife of 3222. 1821. Sibyl Freeman (colored) +1820-32 1822. c Scovil Hinman *May, i860 Son of Peter and Mary, of Woodbury; born 1771 ; husband of 2739; father of 2213, 2310 and 2467. Deacon, 1826-60. 1823. Nancy Lyon Excomm. Aug., 1817 Daughter of Nathaniel and Lucy; born 1788; married Rev. John Metcalf Garfield. Excommunicated for falsehood and con tumacy. ?March, 1872. catalogue of members, 1813-15 143 1824. Sally, or Sarah, L. B. Lyon Dism. 1836 Sister of 1823; born 1790; married Abiel Holmes Maltby. Dis missed to the United Church. ?Sept, 1871. 1825. c Eleanor Paris Root *Jan., 1879 Sister of 1820; born Jan, 1794; married Reuben Rice; mother of 2712, 2785, 2786, 2787, 2938, 2960 and 2961. Admitted from the church in Southington. Dismissed, Apr, 1825, to the church in Wallingford. Re-admitted, Aug. 5, 1838, from the 3d Church. 1826. Jennette Root Dism. Aug., 1825 Sister of 1820; born March, 1796; married Rev. Seth Bliss (1899). Dismissed to the church in Jewett City. +i8 — . 1827. Timothy Dwight Williams Dism. Nov., 1828 Son of Joseph and Abigail, of Norwich; born March, 1794; husband of 1744. Dismissed to the Bowery Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +June, 1831. September 4. 0000. Eleanor Strong (Joel) Root See 1594. December 4. 1828. c Nathan Whiting *Feb., 1848 Son of William Bradford and Amy, of Canaan, N. Y. ; born May, 1772; husband of 1829 and 2792; father of 2204, 2240, 2602 and 3898. Admitted from the church in Canaan, N. Y. Deacon, 1819-48. i82g. c Lydia Backus (Nathan) Whiting *Dec, 1832 Daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, of Norwich; born Feb, 1785 ; wife of 1828. I8l5 [Uncertain date.] 1830. Nancy Peck +Jan., 1858 Daughter of 1464 and 1617; born Sept, 1791. Feb. 5. 1831. c Melissa (Freeman C.) Bassett Dism. 181- Admitted from the church in West Haven. "18— . 1832. c Elizabeth (Nathaniel) Ives Dism. Jan., 1817 Admitted from the church in Tolland. Dismissed to the church in Hudson, N. Y. +18—. February 26. 1833. Polly, or Mary Peck (Thomas) Dougal Dism. Apr., 1826 Daughter of Elisha, of N. Y. City; born 1785; wife of 1915- Dismissed to the ist Methodist Church. +Nov, 1865. 144 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1834. Grindley Harrison *Dec, 1862 Born March, 1786; husband of 2299; father of 2353. 1835. George Smith Dism. July, 1819 Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. *i8— . 1836. Daniel Dana Tappan Dism. June, 1828 Son of Samuel and Aurelia (1814), of Newburyport, Mass.; born Oct, 1798. Ordained to the ministry, Nov, 1826. Dismissed to the church in Alfred, Me. ?Jan, 1890. 1837. Lucy Peck Trowbridge Dism. 1839 Daughter of William (1727) and Lucy; born June, 1796- *May, 1875- 1838. Maria White *Aug., 1855 Born 1795; married Ailing Brown 0931)- April 30. 1839. William Barth Excomm. about 1825 +1830. 1840. Ruth Dougherty (Normand) Dexter Dism. 1836 Daughter of Bryan and Anne, of Hartford; born 1783. Dis missed to the church in West Hartford. +Oct, 1843. 1841. Albert G. Hill Excomm. Sept., 1837 Excommunicated for persistent repudiation of covenant obliga tions. 1842. Mary Lung Dism. 1834 1843. William Powers +181- 1844. Nancy Barney (Caleb Atwater) Townsend Dism. 1850 Born 1780. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?July, 1865. 1845. Betsey Hotchkiss (w. Henry) Wells *Oct., 1856 Daughter of Stephen and Abigail; born 1775; widow of 1651. July 30. 1846. Betsey Florence (colored) *i835 1847. Mary, or Polly, Tuttle (William) Wise *Sept, 1832 Born 1762; mother of 1877, 1878 and 1933. August 6. 1848. c Nancy Townsend (Augustus W.) Maltby Dism. 1833 Daughter of Robert and Hannah; wife of 1798. Admitted from the United Church. +18— . CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l8l5 145 1849. c Rebecca Strong (Nathaniel) Bacon *Sept, 1837 Daughter of Ebenezer and Patience, of Woodbury; born Oct, 1774; mother of 2295. October 29. 1850. Jennette Atwater *June, 1825 Daughter of 1388 and 1411; born March, 1799; married Leonard Augustus Daggett (1852). 1851. Mary Ann Barney Dism. July, 1830 Daughter of Hanover and Phebe (1413) ; born Aug, 1799; married George Ingersoll Whiting, and Timothy Phelps Beers. Dismissed, 1817. Re-admitted, uncertain date. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Feb, 1893. 1852. Leonard Augustus Daggett *Apr., 1867 Son of David and Wealthy Ann (1532); born Apr, 1790. Yale Coll. 1807. Married 1850 and 1906; father of 2758, 2773 and 2774. 1853. Sereno Edwards Dwight Dism. 1817 Son of Rev. Timothy and Mary (1967); born in Fairfield, May, 1786. Yale Coll. 1803. Dismissed to the Park Street Church, Boston. Ordained to the ministry in Boston, Sept, 1817. ?Nov, 1850. 1854. John Douglass Fowler *Aug., 1817 Son of Solomon and Olive, of Northford; born Feb, 1789. Yale Coll. 1813. 1855. Rebecca Gorham *Nov., 1853 Born 1791 ; married Jesse Higgins. Dismissed, Sept, 1842, to the Howe Street Church. Re-admitted from that church, Aug, 1846. 1856. Mary, or Polly, Rebecca Hayes *July, 1844 Daughter of Ezekiel (1459) and Mary; born Nov, 1796; mar ried Chauncey Treat (1902). Dismissed to the 3d Church, Aug, 1826. Re-admitted, July 4, 1841, from the same. 1857. Mary Lucas Hillhouse *March, 1871 Daughter of James (1427) and Rebecca; born Sept, 1785. 1858. Isaac Judson Dism. July, 182 1 Son of Andrew and Charlotte, of Monroe; born March, 1798. Dismissed to the 1st Baptist Church. +May, 1887. 1859. Elizabeth Lockwood (Jonathan) Knight *Jan., 1844 Daughter of James and Ann, of Philadelphia; born 1787; wife of 1865. i860. Harriet Halsted Lyon *March, 1823 Daughter of Underhill and Mary (1815) ; born in Rye, N. Y, 1787; married Hezekiah Belden (2060). 146 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1861. Sarah Budd Lyon Dism. 1819 Sister of i860; born May, 1790; married Rev. Isaac Parsons. Dismissed to the church in East Haddam. *Jan, 1873. 1862. c Sally, or Sarah, Stevens (Horace) Peck Dism. 1840 Born in Milford, 1790; wife of 1761. Admitted from the United Church. Dismissed to the church in Woodbridge. +June, 1855. 1863. Huldah (w. John) Smith Dism. Jan., 1828 Dismissed to the 3d Church. 1864. Harriet Swift Dism. Feb., 1817 Married Bailey. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Junius, now Seneca Falls, N. Y. November 26. 1865. Jonathan Knight *Aug., 1864 Son of Jonathan and Ann (2307), of Norwalk; born Sept, 1789. Yale Coll. 1808. Husband of 1859; father of 2399 and 3314. Dec. 31. 1866. Elizabeth Barney (Eldad) Atwater Dism. 181- Daughter of Hanover and Phebe (1413) ; born 1794; wife of 1755. Removed to Pleasant Mount, Pa. +1832-47. 1867. Eliza Church *Sept, 1867 Born 1797; married Ezra Stiles Hubbard (1918). 1868. Lydia Ann (Solomon W.) Davis *before 1840 Removed, 181- 1869. Sarah Ann Lewis *i843 1870. Eliza Jane Lyon Dism. 1823? Daughter of Underhill and Mary (1815) ; born March, 1792; married David Nevins Lord. Dismissed to the Bowery Presby terian Church, N. Y. City. ?Dec, 1840. 1871. Mary Underhill Lyon +1816 Sister of 1870; born 1794. 1872. Caroline Mills Dism. 1817 Daughter of 1591 and 1592; born 1792; married Timothy Phelps Beers; mother of 3657. Dismissed to the United Church. +Aug, 1826. 1873. Eliza Beers Mills *Jan., 1819 Sister of 1872; born 1796. 1874. Lydia Brown (David) Moulthrop +1826 1875. Martha Peck Dism. Daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca (1518) ; born Sept, 1799; married Cornelius Hogeboom, of Ghent, N. Y.; mother of 3053 and 3317. +Aug, 1841. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1815-16 147 1876. Sarah Spencer Dism. March, 1822 Married Elias Dummer. Dismissed to the church in Waterford, N. Y. ?Sept, 1877. 1877. Isaac T. Wise *Oct, 1821 Son of William and Mary (1847); born 1794. 1878. Clelia Wise Dism. July, 1823 Sister of 1877; born 1795; married Timothy Ailing; mother of 3515. Dismissed to the United Church. ?March, 1854. 1879. Eliza Lucia Wooster Dism. 1819 Daughter of Joseph Lucius and Elizabeth ( 1598) ; born 1794 ; married Rev. Eleazar Thompson Fitch. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. +Aug, 1821. l8l6 January 28. 1880. Elizabeth Atwater *July, 1855 Daughter of 1498 and 1499; born Sept, 1799. 1881. Maria Atwater Dism. Aug., 1826 Sister of 1880 ; born Sept, 1801 ; married Harvey Bradley. Dis missed to the 3d Church. *July, 1872. 1882. Roxana Way Dism. Born 1799; married Reuel Augur, of Fair Haven. +Jan, 1882. February 4. 1883. c Heaton Atwater Dism. Oct., 1825 Son of 1381 and 1522; born June, 1787; husband of 1884. Admitted from the ist Church, Guilford. Dismissed to the Church in Harrison, N. Y. +July, 1832. 1884. c Clara Bishop (Heaton) Atwater Dism. Oct., 1825 Wife of 1883. +18— . February 25. 1885. Amos S. Hutchinson Dism. Jan., 1818 Dismissed to the church in Charlestown, Mass. +Aug, 1853. March 20. 0000. c Daniel Rose See 1681. 0000. c Maria Trowbridge (Daniel) Rose See 1682. April 28. 1886. Mary Cutler Atwater *Aug., 1865 Daughter of Jeremiah Mix and Mary (1537) ; born June, 1799- 148 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1887. Anne Darling Dism. 1836 Daughter of 1475 and 1429; born Sept, 1797; married Loring Daniel Dewey. +July, 1855. 1888. Sylvia Duplex (colored) *Jan., 1827 Born 1788. 1889. Asenath Duplex (colored) Dism. 1822? ?18—. 1890. Mehetabel Mix (Miles) Gorham *Dec, 1841 Daughter of Elisha and Mehetabel (1443) ; born 1784. 1891. Mary Oaks (Russell) Hotchkiss *March, 1834 Daughter of Nathan and Esther (1789) ; born Feb, 1786; mother of 2570. 1892. Samuel Scott *Jan., 1858 Son of John and Mary (1456) ; born 1782. 1893. Abigail Spencer *Oct, 1842 Daughter of 1240 and 1285; born Jan, 1766. 1894. Sarah Spencer *Jan., 1840 Sister of 1893; born 1772. 1895. Harriet Stanley *Aug., 1827 Daughter of Whiting, of Hartford; born Sept, 1792; married Giles Mansfield. i8g6. c Catharine Wales (Seth Perkins) Staples Dism. Nov., 1845 Daughter of Rev. Samuel and Catharine ( 1629) ; born Apr, 1779; mother of 2043 and 2688. Admitted from a church in N. Y. City. Dismissed about 1825. Re-admitted from the Bleecker Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City, Dec. 2, 1838. Dismissed to the University Place Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +Feb, 1856. 1897. Julia Ann Thomas Dism. 1820-32 Daughter of Benajah; married Frederick F. Lewis. +18 — . 1898. Lorinda (w. Timothy) Way Dism. ? ?18—. May 5. 1899. c Seth Bliss Dism. Son of Paul and Abigail, of Springfield, Mass.; born Apr, 1793; husband, of 1826. Ordained pastor in Jewett City, June, 1825. *Apr, 1879. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l8l6 149 igoo. c Levi Stillman Dism. July, 1826 Son of Joseph and Rhoda, of Wethersfield; born Apr, 1791 ; husband of 1901 and 2134. Admitted from the ist Church, Spring field, Mass. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?May, 1871. igoi. c Eliza Bliss (Levi) Stillman *Nov., 1818 Sister of 1899; born Jan, 1791; wife of 1900. May 26. igo2. Chauncey Treat Dism. Aug., 1826- Son of John and Prudence, of Wethersfield; born 1798; hus band of 1856. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Nov, 1833. 1903. Joseph Whiting Dism. June, 1817 Son of Nathan; born 1790. Dismissed to the ist Church, Milford. June 30. 1904. Hannah Bunnell Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Married Sylvester Babcock. 1905. Clarissa Thompson (Lemuel) Deming *Oct, 1870 Daughters of Marcus; born Apr, 1785; mother of 2309. 1906. Julia Atwater (George) Raymond *July,- 1883 Daughter of 1388 and 141 1; born Feb, 1795; mother of 2365; next married Leonard Augustus Daggett (1852). August 4. 1907. c Zerah Hawley Dism. Apr., 1822 Son of Rev. Rufus and Deborah, of West Avon; born 1781. Yale Coll. 1803. Husband of 1733. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Dismissed to Trinity Church. ?March, 1856. 1908. c Eunice Backus (w. Jonathan) Trumbull *Feb., 1826 Daughter of Ebenezer and Eunice, of Norwich; born Aug, 1749. Admitted from the church in Lebanon. September 29. igog. Solomon C. Woodruff Dism. July, 1826 Born 1791 ; husband of 2056. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Catskill, N. Y. +Nov, i860. October 6. igio. c George Munger *July, 1825 Son of Josiah and Anne, of Madison; born 1781 ; husband of 191 1. Admitted from the church in Madison. 1911. c Parnel Kelsey (George) Munger Dism. 1834 Daughter of Preston, of Madison; born June, 1780; wife of 1910. +Oct, i860. 1912. c Esther Atwater (w. John) Nott *Aug., 1836 Daughter of Isaac and Dorothy; born July, 1759. Admitted from the ist Church, Middletown. ic;0 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN November 24. 1913. Eliza Boardman *Jan., 1846 Daughter of Elisha (1926) and Mary; born in Wethersfield, Aug, 1797; married John Henry Kain (2613). Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, Tenn, Dec, 1822. Re-admitted from the same, Sept. 4, 1836. igi4. Emeline Frances Boardman Dism. Sept., 1852 Sister of 1913; born in Wethersfield, June, 1799; married Charles Goodrich Boardman. Dismissed to the church in West Rutland, Vt. +May, 1875. igi5. Thomas Dougal Excomm. Apr., 1822 Son of David and Grace; born 1785; husband of 1833. Excom municated for intemperance. +Aug, 1852. 1916. Crata Duplex (colored) Dism. Feb., 1822 Dismissed to the church in Danby, N. Y. +18— . 1917. Nancy Hotchkiss Dism. 1836 Born 1796; married Abel Burritt. +May, 1849. 1918. Ezra Stiles Hubbard *Aug., 1861 Son of Isaac (1390) and Jane, of Meriden; born May, 1794! married 1867; father of 2872 and 2969. igig. Ellen Ishmael (colored) *Jan., 1876 Born Nov, 1785; married Thompson. Dismissed to the African Church. Re-admitted Feb. 4, 1838, from that church. 1920. Elizabeth M. Ogden *Feb., 1841 Daughter of Jacob and Jerusha (1762); born in Hartford, May, 1784. 1921. Lydia Smith Dism. Jan., 1824 Born 1798; married Nathan Abbott. Dismissed to the church in Homer, N. Y. +1839- 1922. Mary Cutler Whittelsey *Dec, 1853 Daughter of 1808 and 1540; born Aug, 1793. 1923. Susan Whittelsey *Dec, 1877 Sister of 1922; born Dec, 1796; married Rev. Samuel Bridge Ingersoll, of Shrewsbury, Mass, and William Tappan Eustis, of Boston. Dismissed to the Park Street Church, Boston, Sept, 1826. Re-admitted from the Harvard Church, Brookline, Mass, May 6, 1877. December 1. 1924. c David Breed *Apr., 1859 Son of David and Elizabeth, of Norwich; born Nov, 1783; hus band of 1998; father of 2389. Admitted from the church in Lor raine, N. Y. Dismissed to the 3d Church, July, 1833. Re-admitted from that church, March 2, 1845. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l8l6-I7 151 l8l7 January 26. ig25. Samuel Johnson Hitchcock *Aug., 1845 Son of Benjamin and Mary, of Bethlehem; born Feb, 1786. Yale Coll. 1809. Husband of 1965 and 2574; father of 2952. Deacon, 1833-45. February 9. ig26. c Elisha Boardman *Dec, 1838 Son of Timothy and Jemima, of Wethersfield; born July, 1760; father of 1913, 1914, and 1927. Admitted from the ist Church, Wethersfield. ig27. c Laura Boardman Dism. Oct., 1855 Daughter of 1926; born in Wethersfield, Oct, 1787. Admitted from the ist Church, Wethersfield. Dismissed to the church in W. Rutland, Vt. +Jan, 1867. June 1. ig28. Thaddeus Sherman *Sept, 1858 Son of Rev. Nathaniel and Lydia; born in East Windsor, Sept, 1774; father of 2652, 2818, 2945, and 2962. Dismissed, uncertain date. Re-admitted, Jan. 6, 1839, from the Duane Street Presby terian Church, N. Y. City. June 29. ig2g. Sally (William) Trowbridge Dism. 1836 Born about 1798; next married Edward W. Conklin, of Sag Harbor, N. Y. ?Feb, 1838. July 17. 1930. c Polly Hotchkiss (Henry) Oaks *Nov., 1826 Daughter of Joseph and Temperance, of East Haven; born May, 1793; wife of 2035. Admitted from the church in East Haven. October 26. ig3i. Ailing Brown *Dec, 1859 Son of Joseph Isaac and Annie; born Apr, 1794; husband of 1838. 1932. Nancy Ives . *Apr., 1836 Daughter of Levi and Lydia; born Nov, 1785; married Ezra Hotchkiss (1560). 1933. Betsey Wise *March, 1864 Daughter of William and Mary (1847); born 1789. Nov. 2. 1934. c Fanny Griswold (Abraham Smith) Fowler *Aug., 1818 Daughter of Ezra and Mehitabel, of Guilford; born Nov, 1792, Admitted from the 1st Church, Guilford. 152 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN l8l8 February 1. 1935. c Stephen Harrison *Oct, 1820 Son of Lemuel and Sarah, of Waterbury; born Oct, 1800. Admitted from the church in Waterbury. 1936. c Jane (w. ) Heald Dism. 1832-47 Admitted from the church in Rowley, Mass. Married George Colley (2144). ?18—. April 26. ig37. Diana Miles Dism. Dec, 1819 Dismissed to the 1st Church, Milford. Married Noah Kelsey. ?18—. July 26. ig38. Henrietta Frances Edwards (Eli) Whitney *Apr., 1870 Daughter of Pierpont and Frances; born June, 1786; mother of 3145 and 3241. August 2. ig3g. Wealthy Bradley *Feb., 1875 Daughter of Lewis and Lydia; born 1798. ig40. c Huldah Chittenden (John) Johnson *Feb., 1827 Born 1762. Admitted from the church in Derby. ig4i. c Betsey Johnson Dism. ? Admitted from the church in Derby. +18 — . ig42. Martha (Erastus) Osborn Dism. 1841 ?18—. ig43. c Mahala Eastman (Ira) Sanford Dism. Sept., 1821 Daughter of Azariah and Sarah, of Roxbury; born Feb, 1784. Admitted from the church in Roxbury. Dismissed to a church in Albany. ?Apr, 1837. August 12. ig44. c John Durrie Dism. 1838 Son of John and Mary, of Hartford; born May, 1792; husband of 1945. Admitted from the 2d Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the United Church. ^Dec, 1857. ig45. c Clarissa Clark (John) Durrie Dism. 1838 Daughter of Dorus and Clara, of Hartford; born Dec, 1795; wife of 1944. Admitted from the 2d Church, Hartford. +Aug, 1887. September 27. 1946. Henry Cannon Excomm. Sept., 1836 Excommunicated as an unbeliever. Removed to Richmond, Va. ?18—. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1818-I9 1 53 ig47. c Eunice Atwater (Uri) Mansfield *May, 1862 Daughter of Stephen and Eunice; born 1778. Admitted from the church in Bethlehem. ig48. c Betsey Tyler Dism. Aug., 1826 Daughter of Elnathan and Phebe, of Northford; born 1787; married Elihu Atwater (1958). Admitted from the church in Northford. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +Jan, 1867. ig49. c Polly Tyler Dism. Apr., 1825 Sister of 1948; born 1790; married Benjamin Smith, of North ford. Admitted from the church in Northford. Dismissed to that church. +Nov, 1873. 1950. Eliab Brewer *Sept, 1829 Son of Eliab and Theodosia (1999) ; born in Lenox, Mass, Oct, 1797. Yale Coll. 1824. 1951. c Elizabeth Mehitabel Hotchkiss (w. Stephen) Hawley *Nov., 1827 % Daughter of Joel and Mary, of Bethany; born July, 1764. Admitted from the church in Bethany. December 27. ig52. Abel Bishop Excomm. Aug., 1825 Born 1802. Excommunicated for persistent absence from com munion, and denial of the Christian faith. ?March, 1844. !953- Julia Diggins (colored) Dism. 1820-32 ?18—. ig54. Sophia Mansfield *Apr., 1838 Born 1788. l8l9 January 3. ig55. c Chloe Scranton (w. Reuben) Judson Dism. Feb., 1822 Daughter of Theophilus and Abigail, of Madison; born Oct, 1784. Admitted from the church in North Milford. Next mar ried Nathan Bushnell; mother of 3676. Dismissed to the church in Madison. +July, 1873. ig56. c Joel Slater Excomm. Sept., 1837 Admitted from the ist Church, Bridgeport. Excommunicated for intemperance and prolonged absence. ?18—. February 7. 1957. c Ebenezer Fowler Dism. July, 1839 Son of Ebenezer and Lois, of North Guilford; born Jan, 1790. Admitted from the church in North Guilford. Married 1984. Dismissed to the 3d Presbyterian Church, Dayton, O. ?18—. 1 54 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN February 28. 1958. Elihu Atwater Dism. Aug., 1826 Son of 1498 and 1499; born Dec, 1786; husband of 1801 and 1948; father of 3223. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +Jan, 1875. I95g. Clarissa (Sawney) Freeman *Feb., 1827 Born 1776. i960. Abigail Whittemore Dism. 1836 Married Wright. +18— . May 2. ig6i. c Cynthia Bateman (Amasa) Goodyear Dism. June, 1822 Daughter of Stephen, of Waterbury; born June, 1774; mother of 2070. Admitted from the church in Naugatuck. Dismissed to the same church. +Jan, 1845. May 30. 1962. Charlotte (John) Bassett +1835 September 3. 1963. c Lucretia Edgerton Dism. July, 1839 Admitted from the ist Church, Bridgeport. Married Ballou. Dismissed to a Methodist Church in Augusta, Ga. ?18—. 0000. c Harriet Atwater (w. James Wakefield) Tucker See 1652. September 7. 1964. c Sarah Alderman Dism. 1833 Admitted from the 1st Church, Hartford. Married Jared Atwater (1987). Dismissed to the church in Ovid, N. Y. +i8 — . 1965. c Laura D. Coan (Samuel Johnson) Hitchcock ?Oct., 1832 Daughter of Simeon and Parnel, of Guilford; born 1798; wife of 1925. Oct. 31. 1966. Polly Harrison (Simeon) Hoadley *Feb., 1872 Daughter of Edward and Sarah, of Northford; born Apr, 1783; mother of 2734 and 2876. November 28. 1967. Mary Woolsey (w. Timothy) Dwight *Oct, 1845 Daughter of Benjamin and Esther, of Dosoris, N. Y. ; born Apr, 1754; mother of 1614, 1853, and 2664. December 19. 1968. Olivia (William) Sherman *Jan., 1820 Born 1782. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1819-2O 1 55 l820 March 26. 1969. George R. Bradley +1832-47 1970. Jeremy L. Cross Dism. July, 1826 Dismissed to the 3d Church. Living 1833. I97I« Julia Dunning Dism. 1832-47 Married Ambrose Stilson. +i8 — . 1972. Charles Maurice Dwight *Feb., 1829 Son of Cecil and Mary, of Northampton, Mass. ; born Apr, 1800. May. 1973. c Tyler Hemingway Dism. 1837 Son of Moses and Martha, of East Haven; born Dec, 1791 ; husband of 2022. Admitted from the church in East Haven. Dis missed to the 3d Church. +Aug, 1850. August 6. 1974. c Jeremiah Atwater *July, 1858 Son of Jeremiah and Lois ; born Dec, 1773. Yale Coll. 1793. Husband of 1975 and 1632; father of 1986 and 2248. Ordained to the ministry, June, 1809. Admitted from the church in Carlisle, Pa. 1975. c Clarissa Storrs (Jeremiah) Atwater *Feb., 1834 Daughter of Rev. Eleazar and Anne, of Sandisfield, Mass.; born 1776; wife of 1974. September 24. 1976. Amelia Atwater Dism. Oct., 1843 Daughter of 1498 and 1499; born Sept, 1801 ; married Silas Beckley (2208). Dismissed to Howe Street Church. +Apr, 1885. 1977. Almira Fields *April, 1831 Born 1799. 1978. Jonathan Bird Hart Dism. Oct., 1822 Son of William 'and Hannah, of Middletown; born Aug, 1800. Dismissed to the church in Plymouth. +18—. 1979. Sarah Blake (Leverett) Lines *July, i860 Daughter of David and Lucy; born Nov, 1780; mother of 2662 and 2683- ig8o. Ward Peck Dism. Jan., 1822 Son of Joseph and Lydia; born Oct, 1762. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. +June, 1858. ig8i. Hannah Trowbridge Stillman *March, 1869 Daughter of 1640 and 2045; born Feb, 1805. 156 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN October 1. ig82. c Elizabeth B. Hazard (w. Ebenezer) Rock wood Dism. 1823 Daughter of Ebenezer and Abigail, of Philadelphia; born May, 1786; married Rev. Thomas Edward Vermilye. Admitted from a church in Philadelphia. +Jan, 1861. 1983. c Hannah Trowbridge (Lewis) Hotchkiss *Aug., 1873 Daughter of Joseph and Olive, of Danbury; born March, 1792; wife of 1647. Admitted from the church in Danbury. 1984. c Betsey Stoddard Dism. July, 1839 Daughter of Asa and Arminal, of Bethlehem; born Oct, 1789; married Ebenezer Fowler (1957). Admitted from the church in Bethlehem. Dismissed to the 3d Presbyterian Church, Dayton, O. ?Apr, 1861. December 31. 1985. Rhoda Alderman *i839 Married David Tomlinson (2049). 1986. Clarissa Atwater *Jan., 1871 Daughter of 1974 and 1975; born in Middlebury, Vt, May, 1803 ; married Rev. Oliver Billings Butterfield. Dismissed to the church in South Britain, Sept, 1838. Re-admitted from that church, June 2, 1850. 1987. Jared Atwater Dism. 1833 Son of 1498 and 1499; born May, 1795; married 2117 and 1964. Dismissed to the church in Ovid, N. Y. ?March, 1873. 1988. Caroline Augur Dism. 1837 Daughter of 1619 and 1620; born Dec, 1808; married Sheldon Hitchcock (2496). Dismissed, uncertain date, to the church in Seymour. Re-admitted Dec. 2, 1832, from the same church. +Jan, 1884. 1989. Frederick J. Austin Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 ?18—. 1990. Silas Irvin Baldwin *May, 1881 Son of Silas and Mary, of Woodbridge; born July, 1801 ; hus band of 2294; father of 3193 and 3194. 1991. Julia A. Barnes Dism. 1832-47 ?18—. 1992. Phebe Porter (Nathan) Benjamin +1829 Wife of 2143. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l820 1 57 igg3. Charlotte Bradley *Dec, 1832 Daughter of 1542 and 1527; born Apr, 1800; married Mason A. Durand (2123). igg4. Eunice Bradley Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Married Richard Glover. +i8 — . igg5. Jane Bradley *July, 1864 Daughter of 1688 and 1689; born Aug, 1804; married Rev. William Smith Porter. Dismissed, uncertain date. Re-admitted, from the College Street Church, Feb. 1, 1863. 1996. Julia (w. Samuel) Bradley *July, 1836 Born 1777. 1997. Lydia Bradley *Sept, 1881 Daughter of Lewis and Lydia; born 1803. 1998. Julia Stedman (David) Breed Feb., 1865 Born Feb, 1792; wife of 1924. Dismissed to the 3d Church, 1833. Re-admitted, March 2, 1845, from the same church. iggg. Theodosia Bidwell (w. Eliab) Brewer Dism. July, 1827 Daughter of Rev. Adonijah and Jemima, of Tyringham, Mass.; born Nov, 1766; mother of 1950. Dismissed to the church in Tyringham. +Apr, 1841. 2000. Nancy Brown Oct., 1854 Born 1785. 2001. Walter Budington Dism. Oct., 1824 Born 1768; husband of 2002. Dismissed to the church in Southington. +Sept, 1828. 2002. Elizabeth Woodbridge (Walter) Budington Dism. Oct., 1824 Daughter of Ward and Sarah, of E. Hartford; born Apr, 1773; wife of 2001 ; next married Thomas Painter, of Orange. +July, 1848. 2003. William Bushnell Dism. Jan., 1850 Son of William and Azubah; born in Westbrook, Apr, 1801. Yale Coll. 1828. Ordained as pastor in E. Putnam, Aug, 1832. Dismissed to the church in W. Newton, Mass. +Apr, 1879. 2004. Ozias Camp Dism. Aug., 1837 Dismissed to the 6th Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +18— . 158 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2005. Mary Elizabeth Trowbridge (Le Grand) Cannon *July, 1885 Daughter of Joseph and Lois (1570); born Apr, 1799; mother of 3266 and 3267. 2006. Sherman Converse Dism. Son of Chester and Esther, of Thompson; born Apr, 1790. Yale Coll. 1813. Husband of 2007 and 2185. Removed to N. Y. City. ?Dec, 1873. 2007. Ann Huntington Perkins (Sherman) Converse *May, 182 1 Daughter of Samuel and Anna, of Windham; born Dec, 1793; wife of 2006. 2008. John W. Creed (colored) *May, 1864 Born in the W. Indies, 1801 ; husband of 2096. 2009. Andrew Curtiss Dism. May, 1823 Dismissed to the ist Church, Bridgeport. +18 — . 2010. Stephen Dickerman Dism. 1832 Son of Isaac (1430) and Hannah; born July, 1788. Dismissed to the church in Westville. ?May, 1853. 201 1. Stephen Dodge Dism. Apr., 1824 Born 1773; husband of 2012. Dismissed to the ist Church, Hartford. ?Feb, 1827. 2012. Clarissa (Stephen) Dodge Dism. Apr., 1824 Wife of 2011. +i8 — . 2013. Harriet Dunning Dism. Oct., 1824 Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S. C. ?18—. 2014. Everett W. Edgerton Dism. July, 1839 Married Jane Fields (2016). Dismissed to a Presbyterian church in Charleston, S. C. +18 — . 2015. Richard Eells Dism. Son of Rev. Ozias and Phebe, of Barkhamsted; born Feb, 1799. Dismissed to the church in Barkhamsted. Honorary M.D. Yale 1833. +1846. 2016. Jane Fields Oct., 1838 Born about 1806; married Everett W. Edgerton (2014). 2017. John S. Fields +1840 2018. Orchard Fowler *before 1847 Removed before 1832. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 182O 1 59 2019. Sarah Hillhouse Gilbert Dism. Oct., 1826 Daughter of Felix H. and Sarah, of Wilkes County, Ga. ; born Oct, 1805; married Adam Leopold Alexander. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Washington, Ga. ?Feb, 1855. 2020. Timothy Gorham *Nov., 1823 Son of 1 152 and 1196; born Aug, 1754. 2021. Margaret (Paris) Groesbeck (colored), Care withdrawn Oct., 1845 ?18—. 2022. Anna (Tyler) Hemingway Dism. 1837 Wife of 1973. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +1877. 2023. Sarah Rutherford Hoadley *Jan., 1840 Daughter of Levi and Elizabeth (1645); born 1807. 2024. James Edward Hotchkiss Dism. 1821-32 Son of 1560 and 1628; born 1803. Dismissed to the ist Baptist Church. +July, 1835. 2025. Lucy Hotchkiss Dism. Nov., 1852 Daughter of Stephen and Mary (1786) ; born June, 1803. Dis missed to the South Church. +May, 1878. 2026. Mary Griswold Hotchkiss *Sept, 1829 Sister of 2025 ; born Nov, 1808. 2027. Wooster Hotchkiss *Oct, 1849 Son of Silas and Susannah; born 1793; husband of 2028, 2189 and 3034; father of 2804. 2028. Mary Loring (Wooster) Hotchkiss *Dec, 1831 Born 1795 ; wife of 2027. 202g. Betsey Johnson (colored) Dism. Nov., 1829 Married Edward Philips. Dismissed to the African Church. *i8— . 2030. James S. Jones Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Removed to Athens, Ga. +18—. 2031. Lavinia Hotchkin (w. Adonijah) Kingsley ?Feb., 1873 Daughter of Joseph and Abigail (2281); born 1786. 2032. Lazette Lewis (colored) Dism. Aug., 1829 Married A. C. Luca. Dismissed to the African Church. +18—. 2033. Michael Merwin Dism. June, 1828 Dismissed to the church in Onondaga, N. Y. +18— . l6o FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2034. Caroline Munger Dism. 183 1 Married Horace Boardman Washburn. Dismissed to the ist Church, Hartford. Living 1849. 2035. Henry Oaks *Apr., 1841 Son of Nathan and Esther (1789); born 1792; husband of 1930 and 2262; father of 2634, 2635 and 2636. 2036. Sarah Olds Dism. Married Enos Talmadge. Removed before 1832. +i8 — . 2037. Emily M. Peck *Oct, 1869 Daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca (1518) ; born Oct, 1803; married Rev. Judson Adoniram Root. Dismissed to the church in North Branford, 1829. Re-admitted, from that church, May I, 1836. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church, Oct, 1838. Re-ad mitted, Sept, 1849, from the same church. Dismissed to the Wooster Place Church, uncertain date. Re-admitted from that church, Oct. 4, 1857. 2038. Henry Peck *March, 1867 Born in Berlin, Jan, 1795 ; husband of 2257. 2039. Maria Poole *before 1847 Married John Smith. Removed before 1832. 2040. Harriet Poole Dism. before 1832 Married Treat. ^18 — . 2041. John Ritter *Sept, 1872 Son of 1668 and 1804; born 1804; husband of 2258 and 2578; father of 2857, 3005, 3247, 3248 and 3249. 2042. Jonathan Maltby Rowland Dism. 1832-47 Bom in Fairfield, Jan, 1804. Ordained to the Presbyterian ministry, Sept, 1829. ?Oct, 1853. 2043. Catharine Susan Staples Dism. 1828? Daughter of Seth Perkins and Catharine (1896); born Jan, 1801 ; married George Calvin Goddard. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. +Aug, 1875. 2044. Nathan G. Stiles Dism. before 1832 ?18—. 2045. Lucretia Trowbridge (Ashbel) Stillman *Aug., 1859 Daughter of 1491 and 1447; bofn July, 1775; wife of 1640. 2046. Susan Stillman Dism. Jan., 1829 Married Richard Montgomery Treadway (2051). Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?18—. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l820-2I 16 1 2047. Amanda Thompson Dism. July, 182 1 Dismissed to the church in Suffield. ?18—. 2048. Chloe Todd +1832-47 Married Jones. 2049. David Tomlinson *Oct, 1859 Son of Henry and Abigail, of Monroe; born Feb, 1788; hus band of 1985. 2050. Abigail Aurelia Tomlinson Dism. before 1832 Sister of 2049; born 1803. ?Feb, 1838. 2051. Richard Montgomery Treadway Dism. Jan., 1829 Son of Harvey and Sarah; born in Middletown, 1804; married 2046. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +Jan, 1837. 2052. Harvey Treat Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Son of Daniel and Elizabeth, of Milford; born May, 1797; hus band of 2053. ?1882. 2053. Abigail G. Blackman (Harvey) Treat Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Born in Huntington; wife of 2052. +i8 — . 2054. Alexander Catlin Twining *Nov., 1884 Son of 1550 and 1583; born July, 1801 ; husband of 3149; father of 3032, 3152, 3153, 3240, 3281 and 3282. Dismissed to the church in Middlebury, Vt, 1844. Re-admitted from that church, Dec. 4, 1853. Deacon, 1856-84. 2055. Charles Bryan Whittelsey *Oct, 1849 Son of 1808 and 1540; born Dec, 1798; husband of 2381; father of 2971, 2972, 3051 and 3347. Deacon, 1833-49. 2056. Julia (Solomon C.) Woodruff Dism. July, 1826 Born 1791 ; wife of 1909. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Catskill, N. Y. ?March, 1861. 2057. Nathaniel C. Woodruff +1822 l82I January 12. 0000. c Wealthy Ann Munson (David) Daggett See 1532. 2058. Melinda Hitchcock (Sidney) Farren *Apr., 1871 Daughter of Samuel and Mabel (21 16) ; born in Hamden, Aug, 1803; wife of 2350. 11 1 62 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN February 25. 2059. Abraham Chittenden Baldwin *July, 1887 Son of Benjamin and Betsey, of North Guilford; born Apr, 1804. Ordained to the ministry in Berlin, Mass, Sept, 1830. 2060. Hezekiah Belden Dism. June, 1824 Son of Joshua and Honor, of Newington; born Feb, 1778. Yale Coll. 1796. Husband of i860. Dismissed to a church in Richmond, Va. ?March, 1849. 2061. Eli Whitney Blake *Aug., 1886 Son of Elihu and Elizabeth, of Westboro, Mass.; born Jan, 1795. Yale Coll. 1816. Husband of 2507; father of 2738, 2930, 2998, 301 1, 3232, 3264 and 3265. 2062. Anon Bradley Excomm. July, 1840 Excommunicated for belief in universal salvation. ^18 — . 2063. Hanover Bradley Dism. 1834 Dismissed to the ist or Grand Avenue Church, Fair Haven. Removed to Warsaw, N. Y, 1851. 2064. Mercy Beecher (Walter) Brown *Jan., 1845 Daughter of John (1494) and Mary; born 1768. 2065. Elizabeth Frisbie (w. Daniel) Cole Dism. Apr., 1827 Born in Branford, March, 1773. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Oct, 1857. 2066. James Edmund Prior Dean Dism. July, 1826 Son of James, of Hartford; born Apr, 1800; father of 3298. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Aug, 1866. 2067. Isaac Dickerman, Jr. Dism. 1832 Son of Isaac (1430) and Hannah; born Jan, 1791 ; husband of 2068. Dismissed to the church in Westville. ?March, 1884. 2068. Mary Hotchkiss (Isaac) Dickerman Dism. 1832 Daughter of Leverett and Sarah, of Woodbridge; born Feb, 1790; wife of 2067. ?Oct, 1873. 2069. Antoinette Dunning Dism. March, 1862 Daughter of Lcman and Mary Elizabeth; born Apr, 1802; mar ried James Donaghe (2306). Dismissed to the Presbytetrian Church of the Covenant, N. Y. City. +Apr, 1882. 2070. Harriet Goodyear Dism. June, 1822 Daughter of Amasa and Cynthia (1961) ; born July, 1805. Dis missed to the church in Naugatuck. Married Josiah Tomlinson and William C. DeForest. +Aug, 1884. catalogue of members, 1821 163 2071. Myrta Monimia Hoadley Dism. Dec, 1822 Daughter of Heli and Mabel (1646); born March, 1801; mar ried John Lewis Cooper. Dismissed to the church in Berlin. +Apr , 1885. 2072. Lucy Johnson Dism. July, 1828 Dismissed to the 7th Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +18— . 2073. Charlotte Mansfield *Oct, 1874 Daughter of William and Sarah ; born Nov, 1803. 2074. Lucy Mansfield Dism. Nov., 1830 Daughter of Josiah and Anna, of Mount Carmel; born Feb, 1805; married Edward Bulkley. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Dec, 1880. 2075. Margaret Macomber Mix Dism. Apr., 1823 Daughter of Elihu and Nancy (1636); married John William Weed. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. +18 — . 2076. Clarissa Munger Dism. Dec, 1828 Married Rev. Milton Badger. Dismissed to the South Church, Andover, Mass. Living, 1873. 2077. Mary Peck +Nov., 1859 Daughter of 1464 and 1617; born Dec, 1798. 2078. Frances Edwards Pierpont Dism. Daughter of Evelyn and Rhoda; born Oct, 1800; married Luther R. Lazelle, of Troy, N. Y, 1824. Living, 1880. 2079. Thomas Ritter Dism. Son of 1668 and 1804; born Apr, 1806. Yale Coll. 1826. Re moved to N. Y. City. ?May, 1876. 2080. Sarah Maria Ritter Dism. 1842 Sister of 2079; born 1808; married John B. Yale. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. *July, 1885. 2081. Caroline Sherman Dism. Feb., 1827 Married Scott Taylor. Dismissed to the church in Suineld. Removed to Brooklyn, N. Y, 1854. *i8— . 2082. Mary A. Bradley (Charles K.) Shipman *Sept, 1855 Daughter of 1542 and 1527; born 1794; mother of 2700, 2837 and 3239. 2083. Mary Polly ( ) Smith *Sept., 1872 Born 1786. 2084. William Duncan Starr Dism. 1826 Son of Joseph and Margaret, of Middletown; born Jan, 1799. Dismissed to the ist Church, Middletown. *Oct, 1855. 164 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2085. Lucinda Todd Dism. July, 1830 Dismissed to the 3d Church. +18 — . 2086. Emily Townsend Dism. 1850 Daughter of Ebenezer and Clarissa; born 1809; married Edward Mix; mother of 4024. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +1864. 2087. Lydia Townsend *June, 1826 Daughter of Jeremiah and Anna (1484) ; born 1798. 2088. Susan Trowbridge Dism. Sept., 1825 Daughter of William (1727) and Lucy; born May, 1799; mar ried Cyrus Porter. Dismissed to the church in Farmington. Removed to Middlebury, Vt, 1829. ?183-. 2o8g. Lucy Tyler Dism. Sept., 1827 Married James M. Prescott. Dismissed to the church in Augusta, Ga. +18— . 2ogo. Caroline Way Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 ?18—. 2ogi. William Wilby Dism. July, 1828 Husband of 2092. Dismissed to the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +18— . 2092. Sibyl C. (William) Wilby Dism. July, 1828 Wife of 2091. +18 — . Mar. 6. 2093. c Lavinia Walter (John) Shipman *Sept, 1821 Daughter of William and Theodosia; born 1781. Admitted from Trinity Church. April 29. 2094. Jesse Ailing *July, 1857 Son of Stephen and Desire; born 1773. 2095. Lydia Ailing Dism. March, 1829 Daughter of Stephen and Lydia; born Oct, 1785. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Dec, 1854. 2096. Vashti Elizabeth Duplex (colored) *Jan., 1879 Born in Wolcott, July, 1800; married John W. Creed (2008). 2097. Roxa Ann Hayden *May, 1824 Born 1784. 2098. Nancy Hitchcock *Sept, 1829 Born 1805; married Henry Bolles. 2ogg. Sarah Hubbard *Nov., 1880 Born Sept, 1802. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l82I 165 2100. Lucretia Mercy Lewis Dism. Feb., 1825 Born 1802; married Ebenezer W. Bolles. Dismissed to the church in Litchfield. +Jan, 1831. 2101. Mehetabel Herrick (John) Munson Dism. June, 1826 Wife of 1678. Dismissed to the Vandewater Street Presby terian Church, N. Y. City. +18— . 2102. Silas Augustus Nichols Dism. July, 1828 Son of Silas and Freelove, of Derby; born Sept, 1796; husband of 2174. Dismissed to the church in East Haddam. +June, 1874. 2103. Benjamin Dickinson Plant Dism. before 1832 Son of Timothy and Chloe (1564). +18 — . 2104. Caroline Plant Dism. Jan., 1828 Dismissed to the 3d Church. Married Fordyce Wrigley. Removed to Macon, Ga. Living, 1846. 2105. Nancy L. Potter Dism. June, 1826 Born 1801 ; married Jehiel Spencer. Dismissed to the ist Church, Derby. +Sept, 1878. 2106. Julia Rodgers Dism. July, 1827 Married William Foster. Dismissed to the church in Meriden. ?1850. 2107. Joseph Beebe Stevens *May, i860 Born in Brookfield, Aug, 1801. Ordained as pastor in Falmouth, Me, Feb, 1834. 2108. Rebecca Tuttle (w. Jared) Thomson *Oct, 1829 Daughter of Daniel (1342) and Rebecca; born May, 1760. 2109. Catharine W. Townsend Dism. 1836 Daughter of Jeremiah and Anna (1484); born 1803; married Francis Turnbull Jarman. Dismissed to the United Church. +Jan, 1887. 2110^ Daniel H. Truman Dism. March, 1853 Son of 1715 and 1596. Dismissed to the Church of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, N. Y. +18— . May 3. 21 1 1. c Elizabeth Ann Breese (Jedidiah) Morse *May, 1828 Daughter of Samuel and Rebecca, of Shrewsbury, N. J.; born Sept, 1766; mother of 2112 and 3409. Admitted from the church in Charlestown, Mass. 1 66 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 21 12. c Samuel Finley Breese Morse Dism. 1836 Son of 2111; born in Charlestown, Mass, Apr, 1791. Yale Coll. 1810. Husband of 21 13. Admitted from the church in Charlestown. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. +Apr, 1872. 21 13. c Lucretia Pickering Walker (Samuel Finley Breese) Morse *Feb., 1825 Daughter of Charles and Hannah, of Concord, N. H.; born 1799; wife of 2112. Admitted from the church in Concord. July 1. 2114. c Benjamin L. Hamlen *May, 1864 Born in Lenox, Mass, 1790; husband of 2115. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. 2115. c Abigail Goff (Benjamin L.) Hamlen *Apr., 1876 Born 1787; wife of 2114. 21 16. c Mabel (Samuel) Hitchcock Dism. ? Mother of 2058, 2254 and 2267. Admitted from the church in Hamden. +18 — . September 2. 21 17. c Elizabeth Bassett (Jared) Atwater *Sept, 1825 Daughter of Amos; born 1796; wife of 1987. Admitted from the-' church in Hamden. 21 18. c Cornelia Whiting (Rodney) Burton Care withdrawn, Dec, 1827 Born 1797. Admitted from the church in Stratford. United with the Baptist Church in Stratford. ?Nov, 1880. September 16. 21 19. c Sally Cowels Dism. 1831 Admitted from the ist Methodist Church. Married John Hemp- sted. Dismissed to the 3d Church. Removed to Edinburg, O, 1839. +18— . September 30. 2120. Daniel S. Barnes *March, 1883 Son of George and Sarah; born in Middletown, Apr, 1798; husband of 2263. 2121. Harriet Brigden Dism. June, 1839 Dismissed to the church in Painesville, O. Married Henry Pitner. ?187-. 2122. Augustus Buckingham Dism. July, 1823 Dismissed to the church in Exeter, N. Y. +i8 — . 2123. Mason A. Durand *May, 1832 Born 1796; husband of 1993. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l82I 167 2124. Harriet Howell *July, 1859 Daughter of Nathan and Lucinda (1515) ; born 1803. 2125. Elizabeth H. Howell *March, 1842 Born 1806; married William Giles Munson (2410). 2126. Henry C. Pratt Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 ?18—. 2127. Louisa Prichard Dism. Jan., 1828 Dismissed to the North, now Park Church, Hartford. Living, 1836. 2128. Maria Raymond (colored) Dism. Aug., 1824 Dismissed to the 1st Church, Hartford. +18 — . 2129. Mary Lyman (Hervey) Sanford *Feb., 1869 Daughter of Elihu and Polly; born Oct, 1790; wife of 2471. 2130. Catharine Wilson (colored) Dism. Aug., 1829 Dismissed to the African Church. +18 — . October 9. 2131. c Elizabeth Rowe (Heman) Hotchkiss Dism. before 1812 Daughter of Ezra, of East Haven; born July, 1774. Admitted from the church in East Haven. Dismissed to the same church. ?Dec, 1851. 2132. c Julia Mansfield (David) Ritter *Oct., 1850 Daughter of Kiersted and Mary (1420); born Nov, 1784; wife of 1668. Admitted from the United Church. 2133. c Louisa Hill (Amos) Smith *Aug., 1859 Born 1782. Admitted from the United Church. 2134. c Abigail Chapin (Levi) Stillman Dism. July, 1826 Born in Springfield, Mass, 1791 ; wife of 1900. Admitted from the church in Springfield. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?July, 1874- November 11. 2135. Chauncey Whittelsey *March, 1826 Son of 1808 and 1540; born Sept, 1801. Yale Coll. 1820. December 30. 2136. Lucy Ailing Dism. March, 1829 Daughter of Stephen and Lydia; born 1799. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?March, 1870. 2137. Elizabeth M. Brown *Oct, 1847 Born 1796. 2138. Jonathan Hiller *Jan., 1862 Born 1795; husband of 2139. 1 68 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2139. Eliza Louise Browner (Jonathan) Hiller *Nov., 1842 Born 1798; wife of 2138. 2140. Harriet Elizabeth Hotchkiss Dism. 1830 Married Lester Keep. Dismissed to the 1st or Grand Avenue Church, Fair Haven. +Nov, 1834. 2141. Jemima Markee (colored) *before 1832 2142. Fanny, or Frances, Rowe Dism. May., 1823 Married Dan Parmalee. Dismissed to the ist Church, Guilford. ?Sept, 1856. l822 February 24. 2143. Nathan Benjamin +1830 Husband of 1992. 2144. George Colley *Dec, 1832 Born 1748; husband of 1936. 2145. Merrit Holt *Nov., 1828 Son of Heminway and Lorinda, of East Haven; born Dec, 1799; husband of 2170. 2146. c Lemuel Todd Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Admitted from the church in Sherburne, N. Y. +i8 — . June 30. 2147. Elizabeth (John) Bradley *March, 1845 Born 1820. 2148. Stephen H. Bradley Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 ?18—. 2149. Ann Lyon (John) Cooke *Oct, 1838 Daughter of William and Elizabeth (1192) ; born 1760. 2150. Caroline Dwight Dism. 1830 Daughter of Jabez and Grace (1604); born Sept, 1799; married Rev. Dennis Piatt. Dismissed to the church in Canterbury. +Nov, 1890. 2151. Charlotte Root (William Jehiel) Forbes *May, 1888 Daughter of 2741 and 1594; born Feb, 1798; wife of 2427; next married Armand L'Aignoux. 2152. Melissa Plumb *Oct., 1890 Daughter of Joel and Lois, of Milford; born Nov, 1806; mar ried Alva Sherwood Allen. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l82I-22 169 2153. Sarah Amanda Prindle Dism. Apr., 1824 Married Harry Johnson. Dismissed to the ist Church, Derby. ?Aug, 1859. 2154. Polly Rodgers Dism. 1832-47 Married Cornelius Hull. +18 — . 2155. Nehemiah Treat *about 1856 Son of Daniel and Elizabeth, of Milford; husband of 2176. 2156. Jennette Trowbridge *Nov., 1864 Daughter of Joseph and Lois (1570) ; born June, 1800; married Lewis Lawrence. September 1. 2157. c Jesse R. Langdon Dism. Aug., 1824 Admitted from the church in West Haven. Dismissed to the ist Church, Branford. Living, 1859. 0000. c Noah Webster See 1671. 0000. c Rebecca Greenleaf (Noah) Webster See 1553- 2158. c William Greenleaf Webster Dism. 1832 Son of 1671 and 1553; born Sept, 1801. Admitted from the ist Church, Amherst, Mass. +Jan, 1869. 2159. c Eliza Steele Webster Dism. Sept., 1826 Sister of 2158; born Dec, 1803; married Rev. Henry Jones. Admitted from the ist Church, Amherst, Mass. Dismissed to the church in New Britain. ?Nov, 1888. November 24. 2160. Charles Adams Dism. July, 1826 Son of Joseph and Deborah, of Litchfield; born May, 1805; married 2213 and 2310. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +Oct, 1883. 2161. James Potter Excomm. Sept., 1826 Excommunicated for intemperance and falsehood. +18 — . 2162. Abigail (w. ) Smith *June, 1834 Born 1756. December 1. 2163. c Mary Denman TenBrook (Charles) Atwater *March, 1877 Born in Newark, N. J, Sept, 1789; wife of 3222. Admitted from the church in Springfield, N. J. Dismissed to the 3d Church, Nov, 1830. Re-admitted, from the United Church, Apr, 1858. XII. Admissions during the Vacancy in the Pastorate, i 822- i 825 l823 January 5. 2164. c Richard G. Beach Dism. Oct., 1839 Admitted from the church in Newark, N. J. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. +1859-60. May 4. 2165. c Elizabeth (Ezekiel) Hayes Dism. 1830? Born 1763. Admitted from the United Church. Previously wife of Archibald Rice; married thirdly Joshua Barnes, of North Haven. ^Aug. 1841. July 6. 2166. c Sally Pitman (Orrin) Osborn +1832-47 Admitted from the church in Berlin. July 27. 2167. Ezra Goodyear Dism. Nov., 1828 Son of Ely and Polly, of Hamden; born July, 1800. Dismissed to the ist Church, Hartford. +18 — . August 31. 2168. Jane P. Haughton Dism. June, 1829 Born 1804. Dismissed to Trinity Church. Married William Sealy Jarman. ?1882. 2169. William Sheffield *Feb., 1849 Born 1786; husband of 2171 ; father of 2680, 2816 and 2817. Dismissed to the 3d Church, 1832. Re-admitted from that church, Oct, 1838. September 7. 2170. c Huldah Hotchkiss (Merrit) Holt *Dec, 1837 Born 1798; wife of 2145. Admitted from the church in East Haven. 2 1 71. c Elizabeth B. Chase (Wm.) Sheffield *Aug., 1877 Daughter of Rev. Amos and Joanna, of Morris; born 1798; wife of 2169. Admitted from the church in Oil Creek, Pa. Dismissed to the 3d Church, 1832. Re-admitted from that church, Oct, 1838. 2172. c Abigail Leverett Noyes (John Leet) Sill Dism. Daughter of William, of Lyme. Admitted from a church in Albany. Removed before 1832. Living, 1859. catalogue of members, 1823-24 171 November 2. 2173. c Sarah Gleason Cowles (George) Robin son *Feb., 1833 Daughter of Solomon, of Farmington; born 1803. Admitted from the church in Southington. December 7. 2174. c Phebe Brainard (Silas Augustus) Nichols Dism. July, 1828 Daughter of Bezaleel and Lydia, of East Haddam; born Dec, 1798; wife of 2102. Admitted from the church in East Haddam. Dismissed to the same church. ?Dec, 1886. 1824 Jan. 4. 2175. c Ursula (William) Russell Dism. Sept., 1827 Admitted from, a church in Savannah, Ga. Dismissed to the Park Street Church, Boston? +i8 — . March 7. 2176. c Abby Betsey Blackman (Nehemiah) Treat *Jan., 1861 Born 1780; wife of 2155. Admitted from the church in Hunt ington. 2177. c Alvan Wilcox *Aug., 1870 Son of Jacob and Rachel, of Berlin; born 1783; husband of 2178; father of 2832. Admitted from the church in Fayetteville, N. C. 2178. c Patience Cornwell (Alvan) Wilcox *Aug., 1876 Daughter of Nathaniel and Anna, of Berlin; born March, 1783; wife of 2177. April 4. 2179. c Dotha Davis (w. Seth) Wadhams Dism. Sept., 1830 Mother of 2180. Admitted from the church in Washington. Dismissed to the church in Hebron. +1851. 2180. c Lucy Ann Wadhams Dism. Sept., 1830 Daughter of 2179; born May, 1807, in Goshen; married Rev. Hiram Phelps Arms. Dismissed to the church in Hebron. ?July, 1837. May 30. 2181. Elizabeth Spencer Dism. March, 1825 Dismissed to the church in Geneseo, N. Y. +18 — . August 1. 2182. c Lydia (Asaph) Hull *Apr., 1853 Born 1768; mother of 2468. Admitted from the church in Hamden. 172 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Nov. y. 2183. c Emily (Birdseye) Brooks Dism. July, 1830 Born July, 1803. Admitted from the church in Stratford. Dis missed to the 3d Church. +Jan, 1882. Dec. 5. 2184. c Sarah, or Sally, Maria Parsons *Aug., 1885 Daughter of Solomon and Joanna, of Roxbury, N. Y. ; born Sept, 1808; married Thomas Punderson Dickerman (3713). Admitted from the ist Methodist Church. l825 February 6. 2185. c Eliza Bruen Nott (Sherman) Converse Dism. Daughter of Rev. Samuel and Lucretia, of Franklin; born 1798; wife of 2006. +Jan, 1845. XIII. Admissions during the Pastorate of the Rev. Dr. Leonard Bacon, 1825-1866 1825 May 1. 2186. Aurelia Mills Dism. Oct., 1838 • Daughter of 1591 and 1592; born Nov, 1800; married Rev. Stephen Rose Wynkoop. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, Del. +Dec, 1891. 2187. Cleveland Jarman Salter Dism. Aug., 1826 Son of Daniel and Sarah; born July, 1795; husband of 2188; father of 3355 and 3629. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +1879. 2188. Eliza Cotton (Cleveland Jarman) Salter Dism. Aug., 1826 Daughter of Allen and Elizabeth, of Hartford; born 1797; wife of 2187. +1880. 2189. c Phebe Jennette Tyler *Jan., 1847 Daughter of Elnathan and Phebe, of Northford; born 1802-03. Admitted from the church in Northford. Dismissed to the 3d Church, 1830. Married Wooster Hotchkiss (2027). Re-admitted from the 3d Church, Oct. 5, 1834. June 26. 2190. Mary (William) Naramore Dism. 1831 ?18—. 2191. George Treadway Dism. Feb., 1877 Son of Harvey and Sarah, of Middletown; born Apr, 1802; husband of 2672; father of 3255 and 3424. Dismissed to the 3d Church, 1836. Re-admitted from that church, May, 1838. Dis missed to the church in Brookfield. +Oct, 1894. July 3. 2ig2. c Sarah (w. ) Dean Excomm. March, 1845 Admitted from the church in Naugatuck. Excommunicated for slander and contumacy. +18 — . Sept. 3. 2ig3. c Rachel (w. Joseph) Birch Dism. Nov., 1842 Mother of 2386. Admitted from the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.? *i8— . 174 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN December 25. 2194. Elizabeth P. Coggeshall *May, 1882 Daughter of Freegift and Polly, of Milford; born Feb, 1805; married Charles W. Peckham. 2195. Samuel Fields *before 1832 2196. Anne Mason Dism. Oct., 1828 Daughter of Charles and Rebecca, of Rensselaer County, N. Y. ; born 1810. Dismissed to the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Married Henry Young. ?Sept, 1876. 2197. Joseph B. Sheffield Dism. before 1832 Brother of 2169. Living in N. Y. City, 1868. 2198. Elihu Smith Dism. before 1832 Husband of 2259. +18 — . 2199. Richard Stone *Apr., 1868 Born in Bethany, Oct, 1785; husband of 2200; father of 2237 and 2238. 2200. Mehetabel Treat (Richard) Stone *Jan., 1856 Daughter of Isaac and Mehetabel, of Orange; born Nov, 1786; wife of 2199. 2201. Selah Tuthill *Oct., 1833 Born 1805; husband of 2247. 2202. Sarah (John P.) Tuttle Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 ?18—. 2203. Eliza (William) Warden Dism. ?18—. 2204. Harriet Backus Whiting *June, 1885 Daughter of 1828 and 1829; born Sept, 1804; married Aaron Nichols Skinner. 1826 February 1. 2205. c Gad Day Dism. Feb., 1848 Son of Aaron and Eunice, of West Springfield, Mass.; born Apr, 1784; husband of 2206; father of 2950. Admitted from the church in Pittsfield, Mass. Dismissed to the Church Street Church. ?Dec, 1873. 2206. c Roxanna Rice (Gad) Day *July, 1869 Born in Southington, July, 1788; wife of 2205. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1825-26 1 75 April 2. 2207. c Lydia (w. ) Ayres Dism. ? Admitted from the church in Derby. Next married Levi Ball. ?18—. 2208. c Silas Beckley Excomm. March, 1832 Son of Silas and Patience, of Berlin; born Apr, 1802. Admitted from the church in Berlin. Husband of 1976. Excommunicated for belief in universal salvation. ?Feb, 1882. 2209. c Charlotte Selleck Lockwood (Leonard) Bradley *Apr., 1884 Daughter of William and Hannah, of Norwalk; born Dec, 1805; wife of 2212. Admitted from the church in Norwalk. Dis missed, 1835, to the Bleecker Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Re-admitted, July, 1846, from the same church. 2210. c Israel Harrison Dism. Nov., 1842 Admitted from the church in Southington. Husband of 2253; father of 2803. Dismissed to the church in Wallingford. ?1868. 221 1. c Almeron Loomis Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Admitted from the ist Church, Wethersfield. +18 — . April 30. 2212. Leonard Bradley *June, 1875 Son of 1542 and 1527; born Oct, 1797; husband of 2209; father of 2931, 2967, 3075, 3177 and 3233. Dismissed to the Bleecker Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City, 1835. Re-admitted, July, 1846, from that church. 2213. Jane Cunningham Hinman *June, 1828 Daughter of 1822 and 2739; born May, 1806; married Charles Adams (2160). June 4. 2214. c George Wells Dism. Apr., 1827 Admitted from the church in Winchester, N. H. Dismissed to the church in Pittsfield, Mass. Removed to Troy,> N. Y, 1832. ?18—. July 2. 2215. c Lucy Johnson (Leonard) Bacon *Nov., 1844 Daughter of Daniel and Phebe, of Johnstown, N. Y.; born 1800; wife of the pastor; mother of 2929, 3047, 3048 and 3308. 0000. c Harriet Atzvater (James Wakefield) Tucker See 1652. 2216. c Susan A. Tucker Dism. Oct., 1839 Daughter of Rev. James Wakefield and Harriet Atwater (1652) ; born Apr, 181 1. Admitted from the church in Danbury. Dis missed to the church in Greenfield, Mass. *July, 1846. 176 first church, new haven September 24. 2217. Mary Coggeshall *March, 1883 Born 1810; married Wales Smith (2272). Oct. 1. 2218. c Lucretia Russell (Charles) Brown Dism. 1837 Admitted from the church in North Branford. Living, 1862. 2219. Flora Chatfield (colored) Dism. Aug., 1829 Dismissed to the African Church. +18 — . 2220. c John Mitchell *Apr., 1870 Son of John and Abigail, of Chester; born Dec, 1794. Yale Coll. 1821. Husband of 2233. Admitted from the church in Chester. Ordained as pastor in Fair Haven, Dec, 1830. 2221. Emma Ruel (colored) Dism. before 1832 Dismissed to the ist Methodist Church. +18 — . l827 February 4. 2222. c Lorinda Fowler Dism. Oct., 1839 Born 1806; married Giles Cooper. Admitted from the 2d Church in Milford. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church. +Dec, 1888. 2223. Augusta Abigail Mills *Aug., 1881 Daughter of 1591 and 1592; born July, 1798; married John Anketell (2914). 2224. Mary Amelia Mix Dism. 1832-47 Married Edward A. Hall. +18 — . 2225. Rebecca Noyes *May, 1854 Daughter of 1352 and 1353; born Oct, 1773. 2226. Jane Wright Dism. before 1832 Dismissed to the Spring Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?18—. July 1. 2227. c Ruth Comstock *Aug., 1853 Daughter of Samuel and Catharine, of New Canaan; born Jan, 1800. Admitted from the church in New Canaan. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church, Sept, 1842. Re-admitted, Dec, 1846. 2228. c Diana Comstock (w. Chester) Isham *Aug., 1832 Sister of 2227; born Aug, 1796; mother of 2987. Admitted from the church in New Canaan. catalogue of members, 1826-27 .177 Oct. 7. 0000. c Abigail Eliz. Darling (w. Araetius B.) Hull See 1691. 2229. c Almira Somers (Leverett) Shepherd Dism. Oct., 1839 Daughter of Stephen and Jane, of Milford; born Sept, 1800; wife of 2472. Admitted from the ist Church, Milford. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. +May, 1883. Nov. 4. 2230. c Tabitha Hotchkin (Wm.) Gaston *March, 1843 Daughter of Joseph and Abigail (2281); born 1782; mother of 2231, 2428 and 3090. Admitted from the church in Richmond, Mass. 2231. c Elvira Gaston *July, 1874 Daughter of 2230; born 1801. Admitted from the church in Richmond, Mass. 2232. c Mary Peters Dism. Nov., 1842 Daughter of Absalom and Mary, of Hebron; born 1795. Admitted from the church in Pittsfield, Mass. Married Samuel Wilkeson. Dismissed to the Pearl Street (Central) Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. +Aug, 1847. November 25. 2233. Mary Ann Tomlinson (John) Mitchell Dism. 1837 Daughter of Charles and Sarah, of Stratford; wife of 2220. Dismissed to the Edwards Church, Northampton, Mass. +18 — . Dec 2. 2234. c Anna Carter (John) Douglass Dism. Apr., 1848 Daughter of Thomas and Sarah, of Branford; born March, 1801. Admitted from the church in Branford. Dismissed to St. Paul's Church. +Oct, 1856. December 30. 2235. Jeremiah Root Barnes Dism. 1831 Son of Eli (1817) and Roxana, of Southington; born March, 1809. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. Yale Coll. 1834. Ordained as an evangelist in Salem, Ind, Oct, 1838. +Jan, 1901. 2236. Elizabeth Barnes Dism. 1829 Sister of 2235; born Jan, 181 1; married Jesse Olney. Dis missed to the ist Church, Hartford. Living 1852. 2237. Mary Treat Stone Dism. 1830 Daughter of 2199 and 2200; born Aug, 1807; married Charles Bostwick, Jr. Dismissed tp the 3d Church. +Feb, 1859. 2238. Harriet Piatt Stone Dism. 1840 Sister of 2237; married Rev. Alfred Eaton Ives (2398). Dis missed to the church in Colebrook. +Jan, 1889. 178 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2239. Ann M. Tucker Dism. 1836 Daughter of Rev. James Wakefield and Harriet Atwater (1652) ; married Rev. Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth. Dismissed to the South Church, Andover, Mass. +Jan, 1873. 2240. Esther P. Whiting *May, 183 1 Daughter of 1828 and 1829; born May, 1810. 2241. Martha Ann Whittelsey Dism. 1829 Daughter of 1808 and 1540; born Oct, 1811; married Rev. George Alexander Oviatt. Dismissed to the church in Belcher- town. Mass. +Apr, 1846. 1828 February 3. 2242. c Huldah Ford (w. James) Carrington *July, i860 Daughter of Jesse and Eunice; born in Woodbridge, March, 1775; mother of 2424. Admitted from the church in Woodbridge. 2243. c Fanny Lewis (Addin) Lewis *Dec, 1832 Daughter of Seth and Rhoda, of Southington; born March, 1790; previously wife of Anson Judd. Admitted from the 7th Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. 2244. c Anna Maria Tomlinson Dism. Daughter of Benjamin and Anna, of Seymour; born 1787. Admitted from the church in Seymour, ?July, 1846. May 3. 2245. c Seth Babbit Dism. 1831 Son of Nathaniel and Mary, of Athol, Mass.; born Nov, 1769; husband of 2246. Admitted from the Dutch Reformed Church, Albany. Living, 1847. 2246. c Margaret Teller (Seth) Babbit Dism. 183 1 Daughter of Tobias and Isabella; born Sept, 1787; wife of 2245. ?Nov, 1840. 2247. c Elizabeth Redfield (Selah) Tuthill Dism. Dec, 1838 Daughter of Jared and Sarah, of Guilford; born Sept, 1809; wife of 2201. Admitted from the church in Guilford. Dismissed to the church in Jacksonville, 111. Next married Cornelius Schenck. ?18—. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1827-28 1 79 June 29. 2248. William Atwater, 2d Dism. Sept., 1839 Son of 1974 and 1975; born in Middlebury, Vt, Nov, 1806. Yale Coll. 1827. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Jefferson- ville, Ind. *Sept, 1877. 2249. Oliver Beckwith Bidwell Dism. 1830 Son of William and Mary, of Farmington; born May, 1810. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. Yale Coll. 1834. Ordained pastor in Hubbardston, Mass, Dec, 1841. +Aug, 1881. 2250. William Anthony Bristol Excomm. June, 1841 Husband of 2395. Excommunicated for intemperance and neglect of covenant obligations. Living, 1858. 2251. Clarissa Brockway *Dec, 1891 Daughter of Elijah and Asenath, of Saybrook; born May, 1802; married Jason F. Williams (2261). 2252. Angeline Gould Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Married William L. Jones. +18 — . 2253. Nancy Gaylord (Israel) Harrison *Feb., 1837 Born 1798; wife of 2210. 2254. Chester Hitchcock *Dec, 1890 Son of Samuel and Mabel (2116), of Hamden; born Feb, 1810; husband of 2687. 2255. Catharine McCoy *i845 Married Henry A. Newbury. 2256. Eliza (Egbert D.) Peck Dism. 1835 *i8— . 2257. Jerusha Clark (Henry) Peck *March, 1887 Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth, of Hartford; born March, 1797; wife of 2038. 2258. Wealthy Hilliard (John) Ritter *May, 1834 Daughter of Barnabas and Martha, of Clinton; born 1808; wife of 2041. 2259. Polly M. Hitchcock (Elihu) Smith Dism. before 1832 Wife of 2198. ?18—. 2260. William T. Truman Dism. Oct., 1831 Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. +1834. 2261. Jason F. Williams Excomm. Nov., 1845 Born 1803; married 2251; father of 3379- Excommunicated for habitual intemperance. ?July, 1863. 180 first church, new haven July 6. 2262. c Minerva Atwood (Henry) Oaks *June, 1875 Daughter of John and Martha, of Bethlehem; born 1787; wife of 2035. Admitted from the church in Bethlehem. July 27. 2263. Asenath Preston (Daniel S.) Barnes ?Jan., 1875 Daughter of Darius and Naomi, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; born Apr, 1801 ; wife of 2120. 2264. Orrin Cooke Dism. 1839 ?18—. 2265. Lucy Baldwin (w. ) Durand Dism. Dec, 1849 Daughter of Jesse, of Derby; born 1807; next married Nehe miah Hardy Hoyt. Dismissed to St. Paul's Church. +Dec, 1876. 2266. George S. Gunn *Aug., 1829 Son of Samuel B, of Milford; born 1809. 2267. Samuel Bassett Hitchcock *Oct, 1882 Son of Samuel and Mabel (2116), of Hamden; born Sept, 1808. 2268. Frederick William Lynde Dism. Oct., 1831 Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. +18 — . 2269. Horace Mansfield Dism. Oct., 1831 Son of Glover and Mary; born June, 1808. Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. +Sept, 1894. 2270. Susan Person Dism. 1832 Married William E. Russell. Dismissed to the church in Orange. ?18—. 2271. Elizabeth Ritter *March, 1831 Daughter of 1668 and 1804; born 1812; married Stephen Inness. 2272. Wales Smith *Oct, 1885 Born 1808; husband of 2217; father of 3354, 3420 and 3840. Sexton, 1857-77. 2273. Elizabeth Truman Dism. 1840 Daughter of 1715 and 1596; married Hezekiah D. Sharpe. *i8— . 2274. Elizabeth A. Wilson *Jan., 1875 Daughter of William and Mary; born 1808; married Henry Newton Whittelsey (2605). Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church, Oct, 1839. Re-admitted from that church, Sept, 1869. October 5. 2275. Harriet Atwater Dism. Nov., 1843 Daughter of James and Nancy (1736) ; born Feb, 1810; married Rev. Dan Collins Curtiss. Dismissed to the church in Brookfield. ?Oct, 1844. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1828 l8l 2276. c Susan Chatterton *March, 1842 Born 1806; married Luther Manser. Admitted from the church in North Mansfield. 2277. Edmund Bartholomew Dickerman Dism. 1833 Son of Elisha and Pamelia (1580) ; born Nov, 1810. Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Ky. ?1877. 2278. Otis D. Goodrich Excomm. July, 1846 Son of Jason and Nancy, of Rocky Hill ; born Jan, 1812. Excom municated for habitual intemperance. ?May, 1850. 2279. Sarah Moulthrop (Samuel B.) Hanover *Sept., 1873 Born 1791. 2280. Ezekiel Hayes *May, 1867 Son of 1662 and 1728; born March, 181 1; father of 3826. 2281. c Abigail Horton (w. Joseph) Hotchkin *Dec, 1829 Daughter of Samuel and Sarah, of Wolcott; born 1759; mother of 2031 and 2230. Admitted from the church in Richmond, Mass. 2282. Mary Ann Dickerman (Daniel Starr) Hoyt Dism. Feb., 1850 Daughter of Elisha and Anna; born June, 1796. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church. +Apr, 1872. 2283. Mary Lindergreen Dism. before 1832 Married Thomas S. Pratt. Dismissed to the ist Methodist Church. +18— . 2284. Emeline Munson Dism. before 1832 Daughter of Bazel and Huldah; born July, 1809; married Paul Carrington. Dismissed to the church in Danbury. *March, 1875. 2285. Mary Scott *Apr., 1867 Daughter of John and Mary (1456) ; born 1786. 2286. William Hooker Stanley Dism. 1833 Son of Hezekiah and Sally, of Kensington; born Oct, 1810. Dismissed to the Episcopal Church. +May, 1869. 2287. Mary Ann Talmadge *Jan., 1898 Born 1807. 2288. Mary Taylor Dism. 1836 Daughter of Rev. Nathaniel William and Rebecca Maria (i799) ; born March, 1813; married Rev. Noah Porter. Dismissed to the church in New Milford. +Apr, 1888. 2289. Helen Almira Twining Dism. Oct., 1878 Daughter of 1550 and 1583; born Apr, 1812; married Rev. Seagrove William Magill; mother of 3049- Dismissed to the 182 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN church in Tallmadge, O, 1842. Re-admitted from the church in Cornwall, Vt, Nov, 1851. Dismissed to the 2d Church, Water bury, May, 1852. Re-admitted from that church, July, 1867. Dis missed to the church in Amherst, Mass. +Aug, 1905. 2290. Harriet Maria Yale Dism. 1832 Daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail; born Oct, 1806; married Albert Converse, and James H. Anthony. Dismissed to the ist Church, New Bedford, Mass. Removed to Taunton, Mass. Living, 1850. November 2. 2291. c Julia Stoddard (Garrett) BradleyDism. 1832-47 Admitted from the church in Woodbridge. +18 — . 2292. c Eliza (John) Cisco (colored) Dism. Aug., 1829 Admitted from the church in North Guilford. Dismissed to the African Church. +i8 — . 2293. c Hannah Humiston (w. Ezra) Tuttle Dism. Oct., 1841 Daughter of Joseph and Eunice; born in Hamden, Sept, 1786. Admitted from the church in Whitneyville. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?Sept, 1866. November 30. 2294. Eunice Eliza Newton (Silas Irvin) Bald win *June, 1882 Daughter of Jonah and Polly, of Woodbridge; born 1805; wife of 1990. 22g5. Harriet Bacon (John J.) Barnard *Dec, 1828 Daughter of Nathaniel arid Rebecca (1849) ; born in Woodbury, March, 1804; mother of 2956. 2296. John Hall Benham Dism. Oct., 1839 Born Oct, 181 1 ; married 2547. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?March, 1880. 2297. Asenath Brockway Care withdrawn, Jan., 1874 Married Anson A. Buck. +i8 — . 2298. David H. Durand *May, 1843 Son of William; born in Milford, 1810. 22gg. Lilias White (Grindley) Harrison *July, i860 Born Oct, 1783; wife of 1834. 2300. Lewis R. Kimberly Dism. Sept., 1838 Dismissed to a church in Illinois. +18— . CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1828-29 1 83 2301. David Hull Nash Dism. 1831 Son of William Burr and Rutha, of Fairfield; born March, 1811. M.D. Yale 1834. Dismissed to the 2d Church, Bridgeport. +May, 1882. 2302. Timothy Treadway Dism. before 1832 Son of Harvey and Sarah, of Middletown; born about 1806. Dismissed to a Methodist Church in New Jersey? ^Philadelphia, 187-. l829 May 31. 2303. Abigail Dummer Dism. March, 1862 Daughter of 1712 and 1535; born Aug, 1808; married John E. Shepard. Dismissed 1832. Re-admitted from the Government Street Presbyterian Church, Mobile, Ala., Aug, 1839. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Addison, N. Y. +Apr, 1889. 2304. Susan Sanford Dism. 1835 Daughter of 1805 and 1768; born Oct, 1813; married Rev. Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater. Dismissed to the ist Church, Fair field. +Apr, 1879. June 7. 2305. c Harriet Somers Dism. 1837 Daughter of Stephen and Jane, of Milford; born Feb, 1802. Admitted from the ist Church, Milford. Married Samuel B. Morrell. Dismissed to the Church Street, now Plymouth Church. ?Sept, 1880. September 6. 2306. c James Donaghe Dism. March, 1862 Born Dec, 1804. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Staunton, Va. Married 2069; father of 2968. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, N. Y. City. +Jan, 1878. 2307. c Ann Fitch (w. Jonathan) Knight Dism. Sept., 1839 Daughter of Asahel, of Norwalk; born 1762; mother of 1865 and 2312. Admitted from the ist Church, Norwalk. Dismissed to the same church. ?Dec, 1855. November 29. 2308. George Gabriel *Apr., 1888 Son of Anthony and Phebe, of Suffield; born Nov, 1799; hus band of 2309. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church, Apr, 1842. Re-admitted from that church, Oct, 1845. 2309. Charlotte Deming (George) Gabriel *Dec, 1889 Daughter of Lemuel and Clarissa (1905) ; born Oct, 1808. 184 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2310. Julia Maria Hinman Dism. 1834 Daughter of 1822 and 2739; born Dec, 1810; married Charles Adams (2160). Dismissed to the church in Litchfield. *Sept, 1869. 231 1. Charlotte Clark (David) Ray *May, 1864 Daughter of Nathan and Mabel, of Woodbridge; born June, 1781. December 6. 2312. c Abigail Ann Knight Dism. Sept., 1839 Daughter of Jonathan and Ann (2307) ; born in Norwalk, July, 1805; married Charles E. Disbrow (2324). Admitted from the ist Church, Norwalk. Dismissed to the same church. ?Nov, 183O February 7. 2313. c Phineas B. Whitmore Dism. 1838 Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Married 2380. +18 — . March 7. 2314. c Mary Ann Squire (Nathaniel C.) Green *Aug., 1875 Daughter of Joseph and Sarah, of Fairfield; born Dec, 1793. Admitted from the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 2315. c Abigail Fitch Davenport (w. Philip Melanc thon) Whelpley *June, 1868 Daughter of James and Mehitabel, of Stamford; born Nov, 1791. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. March 29. 2316. Eunice Dickerman Dism. 1838 Daughter of Elisha and Pamelia (1580) ; born Oct, 1806; mar ried James Wheeler; mother of 3532 and 3690. ?Sept, 1863. 2317. Alfred Allen Overton Care withdrawn, June, i860 ?18—. May 2. 2318. c Sabra Manvel *Nov., 1830 Daughter of John and Ruth (3184) ; born in Woodbury, Aug, 1798. Admitted from the ist Church, Woodbury. 2319. c Lorena Manvel *May, i860 Sister of 2318; born Sept, 1800. Admitted from the ist Church, Woodbury. 2320. c Maria Manvel +June, 1866 Sister of 2318; born Oct, 1808; married David N. Tuttle. Admitted from the ist Church, Woodbury. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1 829-3 1 185 June 6. 2321. c Elizabeth Wyman (Chester) Goodyear *June, 1843 Born 1800; mother of 2675. Admitted from Trinity Church. July 4. 2322. c Sarah Covert Dism. June, i860 Born 1799. Admitted from the ist Church, Litchfield. Married Thomas Y. Ayre. Dismissed to the church in Old Saybrook. ?Apr, 1887. 2323- c Jesse Peck Dism. Aug., 1852 Son of Jesse, of Berlin; born Jan, 1798; husband of 2520. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y. Dismissed to the same church, uncertain date. Re-admitted from the same church, Feb, 1834. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +March, 1882. September 26. 2324. Charles E. Disbrow Dism. Sept., 1839 Married 2312. Dismissed to the ist Church, Norwalk. +Nov, 1853. 2325. Levi J. Holt Dism. July, 1835 Dismissed to the church in Chicopee, Mass. ^18 — . 2326. Mary Ritter Dism. 1837 Daughter of 1668 and 1804; born 1814; married Thomas Steele (2369). Dismissed to a church in Hartford. +18 — . 2327. William M. Walker Dism. Dec, 1835 Born 1810. Dismissed to the church in Pittsfield, Mass. +March, 1870. November 6. 2328. c Abraham Clark Dism. 1832 Husband of 2329. Admitted from the church in Farmington. Dismissed to the church in Jacksonville, 111. +18 — . 2329. c Melicent (Abraham) Clark Dism. 1832 Wife of 2328. +18— . I83I January 23. 2330. Mary Backus Dism. Nov., 1833 Daughter of Eleazer Fitch and Elizabeth; born in Wethersfield, Dec, 1813. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. Married James Bayard. +18 — . 2331. Sarah Mallory (w. Albert Strong) Bacon *Nov., 1875 Daughter of Walker and Martha, of Woodbury; born March, 1797; daughter-in-law of 1849; mother of 2767 and 2768. 1 86 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2332. Susan Morris Bradley *June, 1865 Daughter of Willet and Susan (1632); born Apr, 1809; married William Cutler (2607). 2333. Sarah (w. Elias) Hotchkin Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Next married Charles Baldwin. +18 — . 2334. Stiles Mansfield Care withdrawn, Jan., 1874 Son of Leverett and Sally, of Esperance, N. Y.; born June, 1812. Dismissed Aug, 1835. Re-admitted from the church in Schenectady, N. Y, Apr, 1845. +Jan, 1899- 2335. Calvin Russell *Aug., 1898 Son of Willis and Laura, of Branford; born 1812; married 3800. 2336. Henry Stannard Dism. Sept., 1837 Dismissed to the church in Clinton. ?March, 1855. 2337. Henry White *Oct, 1880 Son of 1775 and 1574; born March, 1803; husband of 2379; father of 3675. Deacon, 1833-80. June 5. 2338. William Henry Augur Dism. March, 1841 Son of 1619 and 1620; born Oct, 1814; husband of 2682. Dis missed to the Chapel Street Church. ?Sept, 1898. 2339. Merrick Barnes Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 ?18—. 2340. Hannah Cutler Atwater (Stephen) Bishop *Nov., 1866 Daughter of Jeremiah Mix and Mary (1537) ; born Sept, 1795. 2341. Phineas Blakeman Dism. 1834 Son of Elijah and Abiah, of Stratford; born Feb, 1813. Dis missed to the church in Yale College. Yale Coll. 1837. Married 2617. Ordained as an Evangelist, 1843. +Feb, 1870. 2342. Benjamin Bradley Dism. Aug., 1854 Born 1812; husband of 2863. Dismissed to the Mount Vernon Church, Boston. +Jan, 1894. 2343. Esther Hotchkiss (w. John S.) Bradley *Apr., 1869 Daughter of Joseph and Temperance, of East Haven; born June, 1787; mother of 2344 and 2345. 2344. Harriet A. Bradley *Apr., 1887 Daughter of 2343; born 1806. 2345. Anna Maria Bradley *Nov., 1871 Sister of 2344; born 1814. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1 83 1 1 87 2346. Justus H. Bradley Dism. 1833 Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. Living 1848. 2347. Luzerne Bradley *Nov., 1843 Son of Elias and Elizabeth, of Branford; born Feb, 1812; hus band of 2696. 2348. Lucy N. Downes *June, 1894 Born Sept, 1814. Married William Pardee. 2349. Elizabeth Jane Fairchild Dism. Oct., 1843 Daughter of William F.; born July, 1807. Married Sylvanus Clark. Dismissed to the ist Church, Guilford. *March, 1880. 2350. Sidney Farren *March, 1889 Son of Jacob and Lydia, of East Haven; born Apr, 1808; hus band of 2058; father of 3 116. 2351. Edwin Fowler Dism. July, 1833 Dismissed to the 7th Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +18 — . 2352. Fanny Graves Dism. 1836 *i8— . 2353. Elizabeth Jackson Harrison *Dec, 1891 Daughter of 1834 and 2299; born in Orange, Jan, 1813; married Benjamin Woodruff Stone (2455). 2354. William Bills Hayes *Jan., 1887 Son of 1662 and 1728; born Sept, 1813; husband of 4046; father of 3560. 2355- David Hitchcock Dism. 1835 Son of Marcus and Marina, of Cheshire; born Apr, 1809. Dis missed to the church in Burton, O. +188-. 2356. Frederick A. Hotchkiss *Feb., 1842 Born 1813. 2357. Elbridge Gerry Howard Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Son of Benjamin and Deliverance, of Tolland; born March, 1813. 2358. Susan A. Johnson *May, 1890 Daughter of Benjamin and Ruth, of North Guilford; born Jan, 1810; married Minott Thompson. 2359. Betsey B. Jones Dism. 1836 Daughter of Elisha and Comfort (1578) ; married Henry Bacon. Living, 1839, in Camden, N. J. 2360. Francis A. Jones Dism. June, 1841 Dismissed to the church in Macon, Ga. 1 88 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2361. Philena Jones Dism. 1836 Married Anderson. +18 — . 2362. Mary Ann. Lewis Dism. March, 1873 Daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah; born Apr, 1803; married Samuel L. Pitkin; mother of 3238. Dismissed to the church in Hartford, 1835. Re-admitted, from the church in East Hartford, July, 1846. Dismissed to the Old South Church, Boston. +1891. 2363. Landre Beach Piatt Dism. Apr., 1865 Husband of 2975. Dismissed to the ist Congregational Church, Baltimore. ?Feb, 1887. 2364. Lester W. Piatt Care withdrawn, Jan., 1874 ?18—. 2365. Sarah D. Raymond Dism. Nov., 1847 Daughter of George and Julia (1906); born July, 1817; married William Augustus Bronson. Dismissed to the church of the Puri tans, N. Y. City. +July, 1871. 2366. Samuel Augustus Redfield Dism. 1835 Son of Isaac and Amelia, of Clinton ; born July, 1813. Dis missed to the church in Sag Harbor, N. Y. + i8 — . 2367. John H. Rowe Dism. 1836 Dismissed to the ist, or Grand Avenue Church, Fair Haven. Living 1853. 2368. John S. Rowland Dism. 1837 ?18—. 236g. Thomas Steele Dism. X836 Son of Timothy Cadwell and Hannah, of Plainfield; born Sept, 1812; married 2326. Dismissed to a church in Hartford. 2370. Frances Augusta Street Dism. 1832? Daughter of Titus and Amaryllis; born 1808; married William Warner Hoppin. Dismissed to the Beneficent Church in Provi dence, R. I. ?1880. 2371. Margaret H. Townsend *Aug., 1893 Born 1806. 2372. Jane Louisa Trowbridge *Sept, 1850 Daughter of 2732 and 1724; born July, 1813; married John Wil liam Fitch. 2373. Mary Chapman Truman Dism. Oct., 1841 Daughter of 1715 and 1596; born 1812. Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church, 1833. Re-admitted from that church, Dec, 1838. Married Rev. Dillon Williams. Dismissed to the church in West Springfield, Mass. *i866. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 183I 189 2374. Rebecca T. Truman Dism. Oct., 1839 Sister of 2373; born July, 1813; married Jasper Griffing (2598). Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?Dec, 1851. 2375. Harriet Atwater Tucker *Dec, 1876 Daughter of Rev. James Wakefield and Harriet Atwater (1652); born Dec, 1814. Dismissed to the church in Greenfield, Mass, Oct, 1839. Re-admittted from the American Chapel, Paris, Nov, 1870. 2376. Mary Pierce Twining *March, 1879 Daughter of 1550 and 1583; born July, 1809. 2377. Lucius Walker Dism. Sept., 1852 Son of Leonard and Chloe, of Woodstock, and of Strafford, Vt.; born Feb, 1809; husband of 2670. Dismissed to the Eastern Con gregational Church, N. Y. City. +June, 1878. 2378. Aldace Walker Dism. Brother of 2377; born July, 1812. Ordained pastor in W. Rut land, Vt, Dec, 1840. ?July, 1878. 2379. c Martha Sherman (Henry) White *Apr., 1888 Daughter of Roger and Susanna; born Feb, 1807; wife of 2337. Admitted from the United Church. 2380. Abigail M. (Phineas B.) Whitmore Dism. 1838 Wife of 2313. +18 — . 2381. c Jane Bradley Mulford (Charles Bryan) Whittelsey *Feb., 1875 Daughter of Hervey and Nancy; born Jan, 1805; wife of 2055. Admitted from the United Church. June 19. 2382. Obadiah Hotchkiss *Jan., 1832 Son of Obadiah and Mercy; born Sept, 1762; father of 1647. Yale Coll. 1778. July 3. 2383. John Chester Backus *Apr., 1884 Son of Eleazer Fitch and Elizabeth; born in Wethersfield, Sept, 1810. Yale Coll. 1830. Ordained as an Evangelist in the Pres byterian Church, Dec, 1835. 2384. William Thompson Bacon *May, 1881 Son of Daniel and Rebecca, of Woodbury; born Aug, 1812. Yale Coll. 1837. Married 2399- Ordained pastor in Trumbull, Dec, 1842. 2385. Everard Benjamin Dism. 1833 Son of Barzillai and Mary; born in Milford, 1807. Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. +Aug, 1873. 190 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2386. Mary Ellen Birch Dism. Nov., 1842 Daughter of Joseph and Rachel (2193). Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.? +18—. 2387. Grace Ann Bradley *Oct., 185 1 Born 1808. 2388. Susan A. Bradley *Feb., 1859 Born 1814; married William F. Bradley. 2389. Abiah Cleveland Breed . *July, 1891 Daughter of 1924 and 1998; born Apr, 1813. Dismissed to the 3d Church, July, 1833. Re-admitted from that church, March, 1845. 2390. William Bontecou Bristoll Dism. 1838 Son of Anthony and Julia, of Milford; born Apr, 1815. Dis missed to a church in Charleston, S. C. ?June, 1883. 2391. Henry Luther Buell Dism. Oct., 1835 Son of Martin and Asenath, of Wallingford; born May, 1814. Dismissed to the ist Church, Oberlin, O. +18 — . 23g2. Parnell F. Coan Dism. Sept., 1835 Daughter of Simeon and Parnel, of Guilford; born March, 1813. Dismissed to a church in Mobile, Ala. 23g3. Henry C. Cooke +1841 23g4- George Chapman Dickerman *Jan., 1872 Son of Elisha and Pamelia (1580) ; born Nov, 1814. 23gs. Mary Dodd *June, i860 Born 1813; married William Anthony Bristol (2250). 23g6. Sarah Woodward (Jehiel) Forbes *Apr., 1846 Daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth, of East Haven; born Aug, 1793- 23g7. Eliza Frances Hubbell Dism. Oct., 1839 Married William Aymar. Dismissed to St. George's Church, N. Y. City. ?18—. 23g8. Alfred Eaton Ives Dism. Jan., 1834 Son of Enoch and Sarah ; born Dec, 1809. Dismissed to church in Yale College. Yale Coll. 1837. Ordained pastor in Colebrook, Sept, 1838. Married 2238. +Aug, 1892. 23gg. Elizabeth Ann Knight Dism. May, 1862 Daughter of 1865 and 1859; born Feb, 1817; married Rev. Wil liam Thompson Bacon (2384). Dismissed to the church in Wood bury. +Aug, 1886. catalogue of members, i 83 i 191 2400. Sarah Anne Lambert *Apr., 1891 Daughter of Jesse and Sarah, of Waterbury; born July, 1816; married Hubbard Moore Smith. Dismissed to the South Church, Springfield, Mass, Nov, 1851. Re-admitted from that church, Nov, i860. 2401. Laura Frost Lines Dism. Oct., 1839 Daughter of Charles Burrill and Laura; born Jan, 1809; married Chase Hill (2621). Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?Jan, 1886. 2402. Mary J. Lynde Dism. 1837 Born 1813. Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. Liv ing 1848. 2403. Elizabeth Mansfield *March, 1890 Daughter of Glover and Mary; born March, 1814; married Newel C. Hall (2429). 2404. David Miles Dism. 1842 ?18—. 2405. Mary, or Polly, Miller +1868? Married John L. Disbrow. 2406. Susan E. Mix Dism. Jan., 1849 Dismissed to the 4th Church, Hartford. +18 — . 2407. Alfred Shepard Monson *May, 1870 Son of .(Eneas and Mary (1547) ; born Sept, 1795. Yale Coll. 1815. Husband of 2408; father of 2651, 2783, and 3833. 2408. Mary Ann Patten (Alfred Shepard) Monson *Apr., 1887 Daughter of Nathaniel, of Hartford; born Sept, 1803; wife of 2407. 2409. Louis Peck Morehouse Dism. 1840 Son of Daniel and Sarah, of Newtown ; born Aug, 1810. Dis missed to the Chapel Street Church. *Nov, 1886. 2410. William Giles Munson *Sept, 1878 Son of Joseph and Hannah; born Feb, 1801 ; husband of 2125 and 2885 ; father of 2942 and 3548. 241 1. Harriet Elizabeth Peck *Aug., 1895 Daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca (1518); born Jan, 1806. 2412. John Hancock Pettingell Dism. Nov., 1833 Son of Rev. Amos and Hannah, of Manchester, Vt.; born May, 1815. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. Yale Coll. 1837. Ordained pastor in South Dennis, Mass, Dec, 1843. +Feb, 1887. 192 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2413. Edwin Dickinson Seward Dism. 1832 Son of Martin and Lefanny, of Guilford; born Oct, 1815. Dis missed to the 1st Church, Guilford. Yale Coll. 1838. Ordained Evangelist in Salem, Wis, Oct, 1843. +Feb, 1891. 2414. James H. Smith Dism. 1869 Dismissed to the church in Denmark, Iowa. +18 — . 2415. Jeannette Amy Bradley (Charles Lloyd) Strong *Nov., 1856 Daughter, of 1542 and 1527 ; born Oct, 1795. 2416. Susan Taylor Dism. 1844 Daughter of Rev. Nathaniel William and Rebecca Maria (1799) ; born Sept, 1816; married Abel Bellows Robeson, 1841. Dismissed to the church of the Puritans, Brooklyn, N. Y. +March, 1856. 2417. Mary Ann Trowbridge Dism. 1841 Daughter of Roswell and Nancy (1663) ; born Sept, 1818; married Rev. James Augustus Hawley. Dismissed to the church in Farmington, 111. +July, 1850. 2418. Mary Ann P. Wilcox Dism. 1837 Born June, 1812; married Harry Prescott. +May, 1880. August 28. 24ig. Mary C. Ailing *March, 1869 Born 1799. 2420. Harvey Barnes Dism. Son of Seth and Mary; born 1798. +May, 1874. 2421. Sarah Naomi Bates Dism. July, 1843 Born in Sharon, 1818; married Benjamin Noyes (2633). Dis missed to the Howe Street Church. +Sept, i860. 2422. Ann Maria Bradley *June, 1884 Daughter of Willet and Susan (1632); born Aug, 1807; mar ried Jehiel Forbes. 2423. Horace Augustus Bradley *Feb., 1840 Son of Elias and Elizabeth, of Branford; born Jan, 1814. 2424. Jennette Carrington Dism. Nov., 1853 Daughter of James and Huldah (2242) ; born in Canaan, Jan, 1802; married Osbom Stillman. Dismissed to the church in Cole brook. ?Nov., 1881. 2425. Richard Cruttenden Dism. 1836 ?18—. 2426. Martha Day *Dec, 1833 Daughter of Rev. Jeremiah and Olivia; born Feb, 1813. catalogue of members, 1831 193 2427. William Jehiel Forbes *Dec, 1839 Son of Jehiel and Huldah (1633); born Dec, 1794; husband of 2151; father of 2615. 2428. Caroline Eliza Gaston *June, 1841 Daughter of William and Tabitha (2230); born Apr, 1811; married Daniel Hartshorne Moore (2497). 2429. Newel C. Hall *June, 1875 Born in Southbury, Apr, 1814; husband of 2403; father of 3703- 2430. Maria Melcher Street (Lucius) Hotchkiss *Sept, 1833 Daughter of Justin Washington and Nancy, or Anne (2840), of East Haven; born Jan, 1807; wife of 2777. 2431. Russell B. Hubbard . *i834 2432. Elizabeth R. Maver Dism. Removed, 1831-32. #i8 — . 2433- Janette Whedon *May, 1873 Born 1808. 2434. Harriet E. Whedon *July, 1899 Born 1813; sister of 2433; married Samuel Noyes. 2435. Hannah (w. Winthrop) Winchester *March, 1836 Born 1806; next married Israel Linsley. September 4. 2436. c Caroline Abiah Saunders *Dec, 1855 Daughter of Arnold and Fear (2523), of Warren; born 1813. Admitted from the church in Warren. 2437. c Eliza Saunders Dism. Oct., 1838 Sister of 2436; married Rev. William Walker Taylor. Admitted from the church in Warren. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Womelsdorf, Pa. +Before 1898. 2438. c Mary Whiting (Daniel Wordsworth) Whiting Dism. 1837 Daughter of Daniel and Betsey, of Troy, N. Y. ; born 1806; next married Rev. Thomas Brainerd. Admitted from the 2d Presby terian Church, Troy. Dismissed to the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. +Feb, 1889. November 6. 2439. c Hezekiah Davenport *Feb., 1854 Son of Samuel and Mary, of East Haven; born Dec, 1769; father of 2670. 13 194 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN December 4. 2440. c Harriet E. Bradley (Lent L.) Bishop *July, 1882 Daughter of Whiting and Betsey; born Sept, 1810. Admitted from the church in North Haven. 2441. c Esther Cook (Silas) Dole *May, 1840 Born in Northampton, Mass, 1803; wife of 2620. Admitted from the ist Church, Northampton. 2442. c Adaline Miner Dism. Sept., 1835 Admitted from the Free Communion Baptist Church, Columbia, S. C. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. +18 — . 2443. c Alfred Walker ' *Aug., 1890 Son of Alfred and Betsey, of North Woodstock; born July, 1805; husband of 2486; father of 3088 and 3377. Admitted from the church in North Woodstock. Deacon, 1845-90. 2444. c George Walker Dism. Oct., 1839 Son of Leonard and Chloe, of Woodstock, and of Strafford, Vt. ; born March, 1802; husband of 2451. Admitted from the church in North Woodstock. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?Nov, 1883. December 25. 2445. Betsey (Stephen D.) Frisbie Dism. Next married Russell. Dismissed to the church in North Branford. ^18 — . 2446. Lydia Ann Murdock Dism. 1840 Daughter of Rev. James and Rebekah Lydia; born in Princeton, Mass, June, 1815 ; married Rev. Nathaniel Smith Richardson. Dismissed to Christ Church, Watertown. +19—. 2447. James Wakefield Tucker Dism. 1838 Son of Rev. James Wakefield and Harriet Atwater (1652); born Oct, 1816, in Rowley, Mass. Yale Coll. 1836. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. +March, 1888. 2448. Louisa Webster *Nov., 1874 Daughter of 1671 and 1553; born Apr, 1808. l832 March 25. 2449. Marcia Coffing Dism. 1835 Daughter of John Churchill and Maria, of Salisbury. Dismissed to the church in Salisbury. Married Alexander Hamilton Holley. ?1854- catalogue of members, 1831-32 195 2450. Sarah C. Ralston Dism. 1835 Dismissed to a church in Philadelphia. ?18—. 2451. Minerva Hoadley (George) Walker Dism. Oct., 1839 Daughter of Jairus and Rebecca, of Northford; born Aug, 1809; wife of 2444. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. April 1. 2452. c Mary Read (William) Fairchild *Apr., 1862 Born 1788; mother of 2453. Admitted from the United Church. 2453. c George E. Fairchild Dism., 1837 Son of 2452. Admitted from the United Church. *i8— . 2454. c Sarah A. Smith Dism. 1843 Admitted from the Bleecker Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Married John H. Smith. ?18—. 2455- c Benjamin Woodruff Stone *Dec, 1891 Son of John and Mary, of Orange; born Apr, 1808; husband of 2353; father of 3251, 3252, and 3569. Admitted from the United Church. May 7. 2456. c Joanna Leffingwell (w. Charles) Lathrop Dism. 1833 Daughter of Christopher and Elizabeth, of Norwich; born Oct, 1771 ; mother of 2457. Admitted from the ist Church, Norwich. Dismissed to the church in Mendon, Mass. ?May, 1851. 2457. c Harriet Joanna Lathrop Dism. 1833 Daughter of 2456; born Sept, 1816; married Rev. John McCurdy Strong Perry; mother of 3339. Dismissed to the church in Mendon, Mass. ?March, 1838. 2458. George Atwater Dism. Oct., 1839 Son of 1498 and 1499; born in Hamden, Sept, 1797; husband of 2459. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. +Oct, 1867. 2459. Julia Maria (George) Atwater Dism. Oct., 1839 Born Sept, 1797; wife of 2458; previously wife of George Leek. +May, 1885. 2460. Abigail C. Bradley *Feb., 1880 Born 1798; married Stephen Atwater (2764). 2461. Sarah Parrot (w. Elam) Brown *Dec, 1859 Born 1783. 2462. Caroline Christie Dism. 1835 ?18—. 196 first church, new haven 2463. Harriet Dummer *Oct, 1840 Daughter of 1712 and 1535 ; born Sept, 1799. 2464. Harriet Gordon Dism. ? ?18—. 2465. Enoch C. Hall Dism. 1836 ?18—. 2466. Henry Hall *before 1847 2467. Mary Hinman Dism. 1837 Daughter of 1822 and 2739 ; born May, 1813 ; married Rev. Hiram Atwell Graves. Dismissed to the ist Baptist Church, Spring field, Mass. +Apr, 1856. 2468. Sophronia Hull Dism. 1840 Daughter of Asaph and Lydia (2182) ; born in Waterbury, Sept, 1800. ?May, 1884. 246g. Thomas Marshall Dism. 1834 ?18—. 2470. Almira Pond *May, 1891 Born 1800. 2471. Hervey Sanford *Jan., 1869 Son of Elihu and Sarah, of Bethany; born May, 1785; husband of 2129. 2472. Leverett Shepherd Dism. Oct., 1839 Son of Ziba and Sylvia, of North Haven; born Dec, 1800; hus band of 2229. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. *Feb, 1880. 2473. Sarah Stevens *June, 1843 Born 1761. 2474. Julia Webster Twining *July, 1893 Daughter of 1550 and 1583 ; born Feb, 1814. 2475. Aaron Whittemore Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Husband of 2476. +i8 — . 2476. Margaret W. (Aaron) Whittemore Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Wife of 2475. ?18—. 2477. Julia Wilcox Dism. Nov., 1833 Married George C. Talman. Dismissed to the Murray Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +18— . catalogue of members, 1832 197 June 24. 2478. Robert Bakewell *Apr., 1875 Son of Robert; born in England, July, 1792. Dismissed to the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City, Dec, 1832. Re-admitted from that church, July, 1834. 2479. Sarah Benjamin Dism. ? Married Joseph Eaton. ?18—. 2480. Betsey Tuttle (w. Hiram) Crofut *Feb., 1875 Daughter of Abner and Elizabeth (1520); born July, 1795. 2481. Mary Hickok Dism. 1833 Daughter of Samuel, of Burlington, Vt, born 1815; married Rev. James Taylor Dickinson. Dismissed to the 2d Church, Nor wich. +Apr, 1834. 2482. Julia Attwater (George) Lewis Dism. Sept., 1859 ?18—. 2483. Polly Palmer Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Married Jacob C. Smith. +18 — . 2484. Mary Ann Pardee *Dec, 1844 Born 1810; married Alexander Oviatt. July 1. 2485. c Henry Abraham Tomlinson *Aug., 1840 Son of Charles and Sarah, of Stratford; born 1806. Yale Coll. 1828. Husband of 2505. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 2486. c Eunice Minor (Alfred) Walker *May, 1889 Daughter of Eastman and Eunice, of Milford; born Nov, 1806; wife of 2443. Admitted from the 3d Church. August 5. 2487. c Emily W. Stockbridge (Salmon White) Allis *Dec, 1887 Daughter of David and Sarah, of Whately, Mass. ; born Jan, 1803; wife of 3468; next married Elial Todd Foote (2977), and thirdly, Joseph Colton. Admitted from the church in Westfield, Mass. 2488. c Francis Trowbridge Dism. 1835 Son of Caleb and Abigail; born in Mansfield, Sept, 1809. Admitted from the 2d Church, Norwich. Dismissed to the church in Milford. +July, 1890. September 2. 2489. c Forrest Shepherd *Dec, 1 Son of Daniel and Anna, of Boscawen, N. H. ; born Oct, 1800, Yale Coll. 1827. Husband of 2498; father of 3028, 3199, and 3280. Admitted from the church in Boscawen. 198 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN September 30. 2490. Cynthia Comstock *i835 2491. Maria Gorham *Nov., 1864 Daughter of Stephen; born Apr, 1794- 2492. Nancy Gorham (w. Frederick) Palmer *Aug., 1865 Daughter of Samuel and Sarah; born Feb, 1788. November 4. 2493. c John Himes Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Husband of 2494. Admitted from the church in Derby. +18— . 2494. c Frances Henrietta (John) Himes Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 Wife of 2493. +i8 — . 2495. c Teresa (w. ) Sutton Dism. 1834 Admitted from the Free Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dis missed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. + 18 — . December 2. 2496. c Sheldon Hitchcock Dism. 1837 Son of Timothy and Urania; born May, 1804; husband of 1988; father of 4487. Admitted from the church in Seymour. ?June, 1877. 0000. c Caroline Augur (Sheldon) Hitchcock See 1988. 2497. Daniel Hartshorne Moore *Sept, 1849 Son of Joshua and Phebe, of Litchfield; born March, 1807; hus band of 2428. Admitted from the church in Litchfield. 2498. c Sophia Winthrop Storer (Forrest) Shepherd *Oct, 1875 Daughter of William and Mary, of Rutland, Vt. ; born May, 1803; wife of 2489. Admitted from the United Church. [Uncertain date.] 24gg. Elizabeth (George W.) Hawley Dism. ? ?18—. l833 January 6. 2500. c Mindwell Mix Excomm. Nov., 1838 Daughter of Josiah and Mindwell, of Wallingford; born June, 1784. Admitted from the church in Wallingford. Excommuni cated for connivance in and support of immoral practices in her household. +18 — . March 3. 2501. c Hannah Burgis *Aug., 1856 Daughter of Thomas and Olive, of Guilford ; born May, 1783. Admitted from the ist Church, Guilford. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1832-33 1 99 2502. c Elizabeth Burgis *March, 1844 Sister of 2501 ; born Nov, 1787. Admitted from the ist Church, Guilford. April 7. 2503. David T. Hawes Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 ?18—. 2504. George Starr Dism. 1833? Son of William and Marcia; born March, 1810. Dismissed to the church in Mendon, 111. ?Sept. 1876. May 5. 2505. c Maria Beers Ives (Henry Abraham) Tomlinson *Nov., 1854 Daughter of Eli and Maria; born 181 1; wife of 2485. Admitted from the United Church. 2506. c Eunice Pomeroy (Dyer) White *Jan., 1869 Daughter of Ralph, of Hartford; born Nov, 1776; wife of 1775 1 previously wife of Rev. Amos Bassett. Admitted from the church in Derby. June 2. 2507. c Eliza Maria O'Brien (Eli Whitney) Blake *Apr., 1876 Daughter of Edward J. and Mary; born Nov, 1799; wife of 2061. Admitted from the United Church. 2508. c Lydia Maria Parker *May, 1866 Daughter of Joseph and Lydia, of Morris ; born Dec, 1795. Admitted from the church in Morris. 2509. c Nathan Ritter Dism. Aug., 1839 Son of 1668, and 1804; born 1810; married 2540. Admitted from the Central Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the North or Park Church, Hartford. ?Dec, 1891. August 4. 0000. c Maria Sarah Leffingwell (w. Timothy Dwight) Williams See 1744. October 6. 2510. c George H. Smith Dism. 1836 Admitted from the Laight Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?18—. December 1. 2511. c Sheldon Parks Thacher Dism. 1835 Son of Peter and Anne, of Hartford; born 1803. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Geneva, N. Y. Dismissed to the ist Church, Hartford. +Sept, 1876. 2512. c Franklin S. Whiting *Feb., 1834 Born 1809. Admitted from the church in Guilford, N. Y. 200 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN December 29. 2513. Henry S. Bristol Dism. Dec, 1841 Son of Sheldon, of Oxford; born 1803. Dismissed to the church in Middlebury. ?Feb, 1847. 2514. Eliza Mansfield *July, 1890 Daughter of William and Sarah ; born Apr, 1799. 2515. Elizabeth Atwater Trowbridge Dism. 1843 Daughter of 2743 and 1807; born Apr, 1816; married Rev. George Palmer Tyler. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Lowville, N. Y. ?1891. [Uncertain date.] 2516. Hannah B. Long *Nov., 1879 Born Jan, 1813. I«34 January 5. 2517. c Fidelia Thompson Dism. 1837 Born 1804. Admitted from the church in Mount Carmel. Mar ried Sacket Gilbert. Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. ?July, 1856. February 2. 2518. c John Metcalf Hooker +Apr., 1835 Son of 2694 and 2695; born Oct, 1809. Admitted from the church in Middlebury, Vt. 2519. c Hannah Chester (William) Leffingwell Dism. Dec, 1849 Daughter of Leonard and Sally, of Wethersfield; born Aug., 1779; wife of 1772. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the Bleecker Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?Jan, i860. 0000. c Jesse Peck See 2323. 2520. c Evelina Hayes (Jesse) Peck Dism. Aug., 1852 Daughter of Stephen and Eunice; born 1809; wife of 2323. Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Newark, N. J. Dis missed to the 3d Church. ?Jan, 1881. 2521. c Maria Towner *May, 1902 Born 1812. Admitted from the church in Oxford. Dismissed to the church in South Britain, Oct, 1839. Re-admitted from that church, June, 1850. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1833-34 20I March 2. 2522. c Abel C. Chamberlin Dism. Aug., 1838 Son of Abiel and Salome, of North Woodstock; born Jan, 181 1; husband of 2604. Admitted from the Calvinistic Church, Worcester, Mass. Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. ?July, 1885. 2523. c Fear Sturtevant (w. Arnold) Saunders +1840 Mother of 2436, 2437, 2524, 2525, and 2526. Admitted from the church in Warren. 2524. c Sarah Saunders *Dec, 1855 Daughter of 2523; born in Warren, 1795. Admitted from the church in Warren. 2525. c Abigail Swift Saunders Dism. Nov., 1859 Sister of 2524. Admitted from the church in Warren. Dis missed to the Reformed Dutch Church, Newburgh, N. Y. ?18—. 2526. c Harriet Newell Saunders Dism. Nov., 1859 Sister of 2524. Admitted from the church in Warren. Dis missed to the Reformed Dutch Church, Newburgh, N. Y. ^18 — . April 6. 2527. c John Danforth Dism. Jan., 1838 Son of William and Lydia, of Middletown; born May, 1816. Admitted from the South Church, Middletown. Dismissed to the same church. +Feb, 1886. 2528. c. Harriet Hayes Trowbridge *Dec, 1884 Daughter of Roswell and Nancy (1663); born May, 1815; married John Bennett Carrington (2762). Admitted from the 3d Church. April 27. 2529. Margaret ( ) Berrien (colored) ?Oct., 1845 Born 1761. 2530. Catharine Ladd Street *Nov., 1880 Daughter of Justin Washington and Nancy, or Ann (2840), of East Haven; born Sept, 1808; married Lucius Hotchkiss (2777). 2531. Ann Twining Dism. Sept., 1852 Daughter of 1550 and 1583; born Nov, 1816; married James Hadley. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. +Feb, 1897. May 25. 2532. Sarah Elizabeth Brown Dism. Oct., 1843 Married Rev. William Russell. Dismissed to the church in Wakeman, O. +Dec, 1885. 2533. Fanny W. Crandall Care withdrawn, Jan., 1874 Married Edward Tryon. +18 — . FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2534. Harriet A. Crandall +1834-47 2535. Caroline Daly Dism. 1838 ?18—. 2536. Sarah M. Fairchild Dism. 1847-53 Married George Smith Thompson. +18 — . 2537. Mary Thompson Hotchkiss (Jotham C.) Fenn Dism. Feb., 1848 Daughter of William Scott and Mary (1581) ; born Oct, 1796. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?June, 1866. 2538. Mary Elizabeth Furniss Dism. 1843 Married Smith. +18— -. 253g. Amelia Scott Hotchkiss *May, 1853 Sister of 2537; born March, 1810. 2540. Elizabeth M. Hotchkiss Dism. Aug., 1839 Sister of 2537; born Sept, 1812; married Nathan Ritter (2509). Dismissed to the North or Park Church, Hartford. *Jan, 1886. 2541. Amanda Hull Dism. 1839 Born 1821; married Aaron Atwood Hardy. *Jan, 1845. 2542. Amos Gift Hull Dism. 1836 Son of Nimrod and Amy, of Naugatuck; born March, 1814. Dismissed to the ist Church, Bridgeport. ^18 — . 2543- Jane Murdock Dism. 1843 ?18—. 2544. Emily Peck Dism. 1844 Daughter of 1761 and 1862; born Feb, 1817; married Edward Sherman Rowland. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?July, 1908. 2545. David Ritter, Jr. Dism. 1836 Son of 1668 and 1804; born 1818. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. ?Dec, 1865. 2546. Sarah N. Tucker Dism. Oct., 1839 Daughter of Rev. James Wakefield and Harriet Atwater (1652). Dismissed to the church, in Greenfield, Mass. ?18—. 2547. Emeline Winship Dism. Oct., 1839 Daughter of James (2576) and Emily; born in Litchfield, Feb, 1818; married John Hall Benham (2296). Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. +Apr, 1895. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1834 203 June 1. 2548. c Gertrude A. Brinkerhoff (Samuel S.) Bishop ?July, 1872 Born in Greenbush, N. Y, Apr, 1807. Admitted from the 4th Presbyterian Church, Albany,, N. Y. 2549- c Pamelia R. Brownson Dism. 1842 Daughter of Solomon and Mercy, of Winchester; born Feb, 1807. Admitted from the ist Church, Winchester. +1871. 2550. c George Keeney Dism. 1840 Son of Ebenezer and Betsey, of Derby; born Nov., 1816. Admitted from the church in Derby. Dismissed to a church in Louisville, Ky. ?Oct, 1847. 2551. c David Marvin Stone Dism. Nov., 1842 Son of Noah and Rosalind, of Oxford; born Dec, 1817. Admitted from the church in Oxford. Dismissed to a church in Philadelphia. +Apr, 1895. July 6. 0000. c Robert Bakewell See 2478. 2552. c Alison Nisbet McCoskry (Charles Dexter) Cleve land Dism. 1835 Daughter of Samuel, of Carlisle, Pa; born Nov, 1807. Admitted from the Laight Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dis missed to the Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. ?June, 1837. August 3. 2553. c Mary D. (John R.) Chilcoat Dism. Oct., 1841 Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, N. J. Dismissed to the 3d Presbyterian Church, Newark, N. J. ?18—. Sept. 7. 2554. c Amelia Prentice Goodyear Dism. Jan., 1885 Daughter of Simeon and Eunice (1606); born in Hamden. Admitted from the church in Watertown. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Hackensack, N. J. +Feb, 1897. 2555. c Henry P. Newell Dism. Sept., 1838 Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the church in Marietta, O. ? +18 — . 2556. Sarah Page Dism. Apr., 1842 Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. +before 1852. 2557. c Pardon Post Dism. July, 1843 Husband of 2558; father of 2559, 2560, and 2561. Admitted from the church in Westbrook. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Dansville, N. Y. +18— . 204 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2558. c Mary Ann (Pardon) Post Dism. July, 1843 Wife of 2557. +18— . 255g. c Elizabeth Cornelia Post Dism. July, 1843 Daughter of 2557 and 2558. Admitted from the Church in West- brook. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Dansville, N. Y. ?18—. 2560. c Jared Wilson Post Dism. July, 1843 Brother of 2559. Admitted from the church in Westbrook. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Dansville, N. Y. +i8 — 2561. c George Washington Post Dism. July, 1843 Brother of 2559. Admitted from the 1st Presbyterian Church, Dansville, N. Y. Dismissed to the Broadway Tabernacle Church, N. Y. City. +18— . 2562. Elizabeth Tuttle - Dism. Oct., 1841 Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. +i8 — . October 5. 0000. c Phebe Jennette Tyler (Wooster) Hotchkiss See 2189. November 2. 2564. c Isabella Inness (John P-.) Martin *Feb., 1858 Born 1781 ; mother of 2665. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N. J. Dismissed, uncertain date.. Re-admitted from the Mantua Presbyterian Church, West Philadelphia, Pa, Nov, 1857. 2565. c Elizabeth Pomeroy *Oct., 1844 Born 1784. Admitted from the church in Derby. ^35 January 3. 2566. c William Lewis *March, 1836 Son of Elijah and Martha Thompson; born 1782; husband of 2567. Admitted from the church in Farmington. 2567. c Harriet Pettibone (William) Lewis Dism. May, i860 Daughter of Chauncey and Theodosia Hayes; born Oct, 1785; wife of 2566. Dismissed to the church in Granby. ?Oct, 1878. February 1. 2568. c Julius Smith Augur Dism. 1838 Son of 1619 and 1620; born Feb, 1813; husband of 2606. Admitted from the church in Meriden. Dismissed to the same church. ?Nov, 1869. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1834-35 205 256g. c John Eddy Chandler Dism. Dec, 1844 Son of John and Deborah, of North Woodstock; born June, 1817; father of 3504 and 4081. Admitted from the church in North Woodstock. Dismissed to the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati. Ordained as a missionary, Sept, 1846. ?Jan, 1894. February 22. 2570. Susan Hotchkiss *Nov., 1835 Daughter of Russell and Mary (1891) ; born 1816. 2571. Edward Henry Leffingwell Dism. July, 1848 Son of 1772 and 1773; born Apr, 1803. Yale Coll. 1822. Dis missed to a Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo. ?June, 1888. July 5. 2572. c William Henry Bradley Dism. 1838 Son of Jesse Smith and Elizabeth, of Ridgefield; born Nov, 1816. Admitted from the church in Ridgefield. Dismissed to the church in Galena, 111. ?March, 1892. 2573. c Hannah Clapp Dism. 1838 Daughter of Aaron and Rebecca, of East Hampton, Mass.; born Feb, 1816. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Married Leander Coleman Burnham, of Hartford. Dismissed to the 2d Church, Hartford. Living 1852. 2574. c Narcissa Perry (Samuel Johnson) Hitchcock *Nov., 1854 Daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Burr, of Southport; born July, 1796; wife of 1925; previously wife of Joseph Whittemore, of Fredericksburg, Va. ; mother of 2644, 2793, and 2899. Admitted from the church in Fredericksburg. 2575. c Rebecca Clapp (Abram) Temple Dism. Aug., 1838 Sister of 2573; born Aug, 1805. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. ?Nov, 1877. 2576. c James Winship *March, 1867 Son of Nathaniel and Chloe, of Hartford; born 1791-92; hus band of 1695 ; father of 2547, 2577, 2795, and 2796. Admitted from the ist Church in Litchfield. 0000. c Grace Kimberly (James) Winship See 1695. 2577. c Maria Chloe Winship *Apr., 1886 Daughter of James (2576) and Emily; born Nov, 1816; mar ried John D. Beecher; mother of 3427- 206 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN August 2. 2578. c Grace Lane Chapman (John) Ritter *Jan., 1880 Daughter of Warren and Irene, of Newfield, N. Y. ; born Aug, 1804; wife of 2041. Admitted from the church in Newfield. 257g. c Benjamin Smith Dism. 1837 Admitted from the church in Ridgefield. +18 — . October 4. 2580. c Nathaniel Gardner Dism. July, 1841 Husband of 2581 ; father of 2619. Admitted from the ist Pres byterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dismissed to the 3d Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn. +i8 — . 2581. c Eliza S. (Nathaniel) Gardner Dism. July, 1841 Wife of 2580. ?18—. 2582. c Charles Rollin Stearns Dism. 1838 Son of Eli and Maria, of South Hadley, Mass. ; born Aug, 1810 ; husband of 2583. Admitted from the South Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church. +May, i860. 2583. c Elizabeth Strong (Charles Rollin) Stearns Dism. 1838 Daughter of Levi and Mary, of Northampton, Mass. ; born March, 1812; wife of 2582. Admitted from the ist Church, Northampton. +18 — . October 25. 2584. Lockwood K. Ferris Dism. 1836 ?18—. 2585. Catharine V. (Townsend) Stith +1839 November 1. 2586. c Hetty Bull Horsford (Walter D.) Smith Dism. Sept., 1842 Born in Berlin; wife of 2611. Admitted from the North-West Reformed Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. ?18—. 2587. c Clarissa Smith Dism. Sept., 1842 Daughter of 261 1 and 2586; born Dec, 1815; married Amos Trowbridge Dwight. Admitted from the North-West Reformed Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to a church in New Orleans. ?July, 1844. 2588. c Andrew Horsford Smith Care withdrawn, Jan., 1874 Brother of 2587. Admitted from the North-West Reformed Church, N. Y. City. ?18—. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1835-36 207 November 29. 2589. Lucy Burrill Dism. Aug., 1838 Dismissed to the church in Salisbury, N. Y. +18— . 2590. Mary Burrill Dism. Aug., 1838 Dismissed to the church in Salisbury, N. Y. +I8— . 2591. Maria A. Fuller Dism. March, 1839 Dismissed to the church in Fairfield, N. Y. +18 — . 2592. Eliza Waterman Dism. 1836 ?18—. December 6. 2593. c Jacob A. Linsley Dism. 1836 Admitted from the Presbyterian Church in Detroit, Mich. +18 — . 2594. c Timothy Reed Dism. Jan., 1838 Admitted from the 2d Church, East Windsor. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Hartford. Living 1852. I836 January 3. 2595. c James Clement Moffat Dism. 1843 Son of David and Margaret, of Glencoe, Scotland; born May, 1811. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Princeton, N. J. Dismissed to the church in Miami, O. Ordained as an Evange list in Miami, Oct, 1851. ?June, 1890. January 31. 25g6. Francis Bradley Dism. Sept., 1857 Son of Jesse Smith and Elizabeth Baker; born Nov, 1815; husband of 3067. Deacon, 1848-57. Dismissed to the New Eng land Church, Chicago. +May, 1893. 2597. David Gilbert Dism. Sept., 1838 Born 1814. Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. ?Aug, 1849- February 7. 2598. c Jasper Grilling Dism. Oct., 1839 Son of Joel and Mary; born in Guilford, Sept, 1812; husband of 2374. Admitted from the ist Church, Guilford. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. +Sept, 1846. 25gg. c Isaac Fenn Stone Dism. Dec, 1838 Admitted from a Presbyterian Church in New Orleans. Dis missed to a church in Louisville, Ky. *i8— . February 27. 2600. Dalilah Gabriel Dism. Sept., 1848 Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. +18— . 208 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2601. Abel Burritt Jacocks Excomm. March, 1844 Son of John H. and Sally; born July, 1813; husband of 3546. Yale Coll. 1841. Excommunicated as an unbeliever in Christ and the Scriptures. +Apr, 1889. 2602. Alexander Backus Whiting Dism. 1840 Son of 1828 and 1829; born in Canaan, N. Y, March, 1814. Yale Coll. 1833. Husband of 3626. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. ?May, 1868. May 1. 2603. c Mary Cannon *July, 1868 Daughter of James and Mary, of Stratford ; born July, 1790. Admitted from the ist Church, Bridgeport. 2604. c Angeline A. (Abel C.) Chamberlin Dism. Aug., 1838 Wife of 2522. Admitted from the church in North Woodstock. Dismissed to the Free, now Plymouth Church. +1883. 0000. c Emily M. Peck (Judson Adoniram) Root See 2037. 2605. c Henry Newton Whittelsey *Jan., 1885 Son of 1808 and 1540; born Feb, 1808; husband of 2274; father of 3810, 3823, and 3854. Admitted from the Bowery Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church, Oct, 1839. Re-admitted from that church, Sept, 1869. June 5. 2606. c Lavinia Damaris Merriam (Julius Smith) Augur Dism. 1838 Daughter of Noah and Fanny, of Meriden; born Nov, 1815; wife of 2568. Admitted from the church in Meriden. Dismissed to the same church. ?March, 1894. June 26. 2607. William Cutler *Oct, 1838 Son of William and Susan M. (1716) ; born June, 1803; hus band of 2332; father of 3436. 2608. Hannah Hull Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 ?18—. July 3. 2609. c Lewis Fitch Dism. Oct., 1839 Son of Josiah Hanford and Ann Piatt, of Norwalk; born Sept, 1802; husband of 2610. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Macon, Ga. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?Dec, 1891. 2610. c Louisa Grace Hill (Lewis) Fitch Dism. Oct., 1839 Born 1806; wife of 2609. +July, 1852. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1 836 209 August 7. 261 1. c Walter D. Smith *March, 1842 Born 1774; husband of 2586; father of 2587 and 2588. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. September 4. 2612. c George R. Benton Dism. 1844 Admitted from the church in Pittsfield, Mass. +18— . 2613. c John Henry Kain *March, 1849 Son of John, of Knoxville, Tenn.; born about 1796. Yale Coll. 1816. Husband of 1913 ; father of 2614. Admitted from the Pres byterian Church, Knoxville. 0000. c Eliza Boardman (John Henry) Kain See 1913. 2614. c Mary Louisa Kain Dism. Oct., 1843 Daughter of 2613 and 1913; born 1821; married John Brock- lesby. Dismissed to an Episcopal Church in Hartford. *Aug, 1881. October 30. 2615. Susan Huldah Forbes Dism. June, 1853 Daughter of 2427 and 2151 ; born March, 1819; married Ben jamin Silliman, Jr. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. ?March, 1878. November 7. 2616. c Elizabeth (w. Thomas) Russell Dism. 1841 Admitted from the church in Virgil, N. Y. ^18 — . November 28. 2617. Lucretia D. Stillman Dism. Dec, 1854 Daughter of 1640 and 2045; born Aug, 1815; married Rev. Phineas Blakeman (2341). Dismissed to the church in North Madison. +Oct. 1861. 2618. Egbert Abiel Thompson Dism. 1840 Born in Bethlehem, 1814. Yale Coll. 1840. Dismissed to a church in Chicago. +Feb, 1879. Dec 5. 2619. c William Henry Gardner Dism. July, 1841 Son of 2580 and 2581. Admitted from the United Church. Dis missed to the 3d Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. *i8— . December 26. 2620. Silas Dole *March, 1862 Born in Shelburne, Mass, Oct, 1801; husband of 2441 and 2858; father of 3076, 3491 and 3821. 14 210 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN l837 January 1. 2621. c Chase Hill Dism. Oct., 1839 Born Aug, 1804. Admitted from Limerick, Me. Married 2401. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. +July, 1868. March 5. 2622. c Harriet Newell Rand Dism. Dec, 1838 Daughter of Rev. Asa and Grata, of Gorham, Me. ; born Dec, 1814. Admitted from the ist Church, Lowell, Mass. Dismissed to the church in Pompey, N. Y. Married Rev. Russell Sturgis Cook. ?Feb, 1843. May 7. 2623. c Emily Cyrene Douglas Dism. Oct., 1841 Daughter of Chester and Anna, of New Hartford; born Nov, 1815. Admitted from the church in West Haven. Married Elihu Fowler. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?Aug, 1896. 2624. c Jane Levia Hull Dism. Nov., 1864 Daughter of Jeremiah and Jane, of Killingworth; born May, 1812. Admitted from the church in (North) Killingworth. Dis missed to the same church. ?May, 1883. 2625. c Priscilla (J. A.) Lee +1839 Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, New Rochelle, N. Y. 2626. c Benjamin F. Perkins Dism. Jan., 1838 Admitted from the church in Wallingford. Dismissed to a church in Hartford. ?18—. May 28. 2627. Caroline Hoadley *about 1870 Daughter of Heli and Mabel (1646) ; born May, 1818; married Wells Carrington. 2628. Joseph Trowbridge Hotchkiss Dism. Dec, 1849 Son of 1647 and 1983; born Feb, 1821. Dismissed to Grace Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. +Sept, 1864. 2629. Olivia Clark Hotchkiss Dism. Nov., 1877 Sister of 2628; born Aug, 1824; married Rev. George Edward Day. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. +Apr, 1909. 2630. Julia Hotchkiss *Oct, 1850 Daughter of Stephen and Mary (1786) ; born Sept, 1814. 2631. Harriet Hotchkiss Dism. Nov., 1852 Sister of 2630; born Sept, 1819. Dismissed to the South Church. ?Sept. 1880. 2632. Jane Hotchkiss *March, 1846 Sister of 2630; born May, 1821. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1837 211 2633. Benjamin Noyes Dism. July, 1843 Son of Samuel Sherwood and Esther, of New Canaan; born Nov, 1816; husband of 2421. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church. *Aug, 1891. 2634. Charles Henry Oaks *Nov., 1882 Son of 2035 and 1930; born Aug, 1819; husband of 2970 and 33S9J father of 3430. 2635. Amelia Hotchkiss Oaks Dism. 1843 Sister of 2634; born June, 1821 ; married Rev. George Edward Day. Dismissed to the church in Marlboro, Mass. ?March, 1875. 2636. Harriet Elizabeth Oaks *Nov., 1843 Sister of 2634; born 1823; married Rev. John Morgan Wood- bridge. 2637. Charlotte M. Hayes (w. Henry) Pardee Dism. July, 1846 Born 181 1 ; next married David W. Buckingham. Dismissed to the United Church. +Apr, 1870. 2638. Sarah Parker *Dec, 1865 Daughter of Joseph and Lydia, of Morris; born. Sept, 1786. 2639. Lamira Ann Parker *Feb., 1888 Daughter of Joseph and Sarah (2891), of Morris; born Aug, 1814; half-sister of 2638. Dismissed to the 3d Church, Jan, i860. Re-admitted from the same church, Sept, 1869. 2640. Abraham Sanford *Sept, 1879 Son of 1805 and 1768; born Apr, 1819; husband of 2869 and 3107; father of 3412. 2641. Elizabeth C. Smith Dism. Nov., 185 1 Dismissed to a church in Macon, Ga. +18 — . 2642. Frederick Smith Dism. 1844 ?18—. 2643. Jane Truman Dism. Jan., 1858 Daughter of 1715 and 1596; born Aug, 1816. Dismissed to the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y. *Feb, 1891. 2644. Narcissa Perry Whittemore Dism. Daughter of Joseph and Narcissa Perry (2574) ; born in Fred ericksburg, Va, March, 1824; married Robert Farris Fisk, of Cam bridge, Mass, 1847. +Nov, 1867. June 4. 2645. c Joseph George Easton Dism. 1841 Son of Rufus and Abby A.; born in St. Louis, March, 1812. Admitted from the church in Jacksonville, 111. *March, 1877. 212 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2646. c Henry Knight Dism. 1838 Admitted from the church in Canonsburg, Pa. +18 — . 2647. c Mary Briggs (w. Gilman) Prichard *Nov., 1882 Daughter of Rev. Isaac and Sarah, of York, Me.; born Feb, 1801; mother of 2814, 2815, and 3118. Admitted from the Union Church, Boston. July 30. 2648. Grace H. Moulthrop (James) Fordham *May, 1867 Born 1803; wife of 3077. 2649. Ann P. Kinney Dism. 1844 ?18—. 2650. Mary Kohler Care withdrawn, Oct., 1845 ?18—. 2651. Alfred Patten Monson Dism. Feb., 1856 Son of 2407 and 2408; born June, 1823. M.D. Yale, 1847. Dis missed to the church in Dubuque, Iowa. +May, 1894. 2652.. Margaret Scott Sherman Dism. July, 1843 Daughter of Thaddeus (1928) and Eliza; born in N. Y. City, June, 1820; married Rev. Edward Strong. Dismissed to the Church Street, now Plymouth Church. ?June, 1873. 2653. Mary Webster Southgate *May, i860 Daughter of Horatio and Mary, of Portland, Me.; born Feb, 1819; married Henry Trowbridge, Jr. (2983). 2654. Melissa Plumb Squier Dism. Sept., 1852 Married Isaac D. Baker. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Auburn, N. Y. +18 — . 2655. Seth Wright Dism. ? ?18—. September 3. 2656. c Mary H. ( ) Morris Dism. Sept., 1838 Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Mobile, Ala. Dis missed to the same church. +i8 — . October 1. 2657. c Seymour Bradley *Apr., 1890 Son of Titus and Mary, of North Haven; born Aug, 1806; husband of 2658; father of 3171 and 3299. Admitted from the church in North Haven. 2658. c Delia Barnes (Seymour) Bradley *Jan., 1880 Daughter of Frederick and Eunecia, of North Haven ; born June, 1809; wife of 2657. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1837-38 213 October 29. 2659. Adeline Forbes Barnes Dism. Jan., 1844 Daughter of 1817 and 1632; born Dec, 1821 ; married Julius Howard Pratt. Dismissed to the ist Church, Meriden. *March, 1886. 2660. William M. Ray Dism. 1840 *i8-. 2661. Ann Roberts Dism. Dec, 1841 Born 1816. Dismissed to the ist Church, Waterbury. *Aug, 1899. December 5. 2662. c Orrin J. Lines Dism. June, 1839 Son of Leverett and Sarah (1979) ; born in Oxford, March, 1810; husband of 2663. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to the church in Painesville, O. +March, 1890. 2663. c Grace Ann Sabin (Orrin J.) Lines Dism. June, 1839 Wife of 2662. ?July, 1863. December 31. 2664. c James Dwight *March, 1863 Son of Rev. Timothy and Mary ( 1967) ; born in Fairfield, Sept, 1784; husband of 1690. 2665. Caroline L. Martin Dism. Feb., 1869 Daughter of John P. and Isabella (2564). Dismissed, uncertain date. Re-admitted, from the Mantua Presbyterian Church, West Philadelphia, Nov, 1859. +18— . 2666. Charles Thompson *July, 1889 Son of Jared and Sarah; born Dec, 1802; husband of 2667 and 3698; father of 3253. 2667. Asenath Warner (Charles) Thompson *Aug., 1873 Born 1795; wife of 2666. 2668. Elizabeth Tuttle *Nov., 1852 Daughter of Daniel (1342) and Rebecca; born Oct, 1771. l838 Feb. 4. 266g. c Harriet Morris (w. Lucas) Hart *Feb., 1839 Daughter of Amos and Betsey, of East Haven; born Apr, 1786; mother of 2689. Admitted from the church in Farmington. 0000. c Ellen Ishmael ( ) Thompson See 1919. 214 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2670. c Henrietta Edwards Davenport (Lucius) Walker Dism. March, 1866 Daughter of Hezekiah (2439) and Philena ; born Jan, 1810 ; wife of 2377. Admitted from the Methodist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dismissed to the Eastern Congregational Church, N. Y. City, Sept, 1852. Re-admitted from the South Church, March, 1865. Dismissed to the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Ky. March 4. 2671. c Susan E. Hull (John Clark) Sanford Dism. Nov., 1857 Daughter of David and Susanna, of Fairfield; mother of 3162. Admitted from the 2d Church, Greenwich. ^18 — . 0000. c George Treadway See 2191. May 6. 2672. c Minerva Merwin (George) Treadway Dism. Feb., 1877 Daughter of Philo and Polly; born in Brookfield, Oct, 1800; wife of 2191. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to the church in Brookfield. +June, 1885. June 3. 2673. c Charlotte Irene Chapman *Sept, 1884 Daughter of Warren and Irene; born July, 1813; married Lewis M. Mills ; mother of 3743. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Oswego, N. Y. Dismissed, Nov, 1851, to the Chapel Street Church. Re-admitted, from the church in Clinton, Oct, 1864. June 24. 2674. Jane Maria Rose (Christopher S.) Babcock *Nov., 1904 Daughter of Daniel and Maria, of Branford ; born May, 1809. 2675. Caroline Elizabeth Goodyear *March, 1903 Daughter of Chester and Elizabeth (2321); born Dec, 1824. 2676. Samuel Hooker Dism. 1850 Son of 2694 and 2695; born in Middlebury, Vt, June, 1817; hus band of 2894. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +July, 1852. July 1. 2677. c Sophia (Nathaniel) Bacon *Aug., 1873 Born in Eden, Me, July, 1793; previously wife of Moulton, and of Hull, of Derby; mother of 2678 and 2722. Admitted from the 2d Church, Bridgeport. 2678. c Amanda S. Moulton Dism. 1842 Daughter of 2677. Admitted from the 2d Church in Bridgeport. Married James Birney. Dismissed to the church in Mount Carmel. ?18—. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1838 2 15 July 29. 2679. James Dwight Dana Dism. 1853? Son of James and Harriet, of Utica, N. Y. ; born Feb, 1813; Yale Coll. 1833. Husband of 2904. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. +Apr, 1895. August 5. 0000. c Eleanor Paris Root (Reuben) Rice See 1825. October 7. 0000. c William Sheffield See 2169. 0000. c Elizabeth B. Chase (William) Sheffield See 2171. 2680. c Elizabeth Sheffield Dism. 1847-53 Daughter of 2169 and 2171 ; married Thomas Cowles. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to the church in Farmington. ?Oct, 1884. October 28. 2681. Thomas Hull Dism. March, 1841 Dismissed to the 3d Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. ?18—. November 4. 2682. c Mary Fowler Chittenden (William Henry) Augur Dism. March, 1841 Daughter of Bille and Eunice, of Guilford; born March, 1815; wife of 2338. Admitted from the ist Church, Guilford. Dis missed to the Chapel Street Church. +Feb, 1903. 2683. c Jane Lines *July, 1854 Daughter of Leverett and Sarah (1979); born in Oxford, 1815. Admitted from the 3d Church. 2684. c Augustus Curtis Wilcox Dism. June, 1866 Son of Curtis and Wealthy, of Madison; born Aug, 1812; husband of 2685. Admitted from the ist Church, Madison. Dis missed to the same church. ?Dec, 1899. . 2685. c Catharine Amelia Crittenden (Augustus Curtis) Wilcox Dism. June, 1866 Daughter of Abraham and Urania, of Madison ; born Feb, 1815 ; wife of 2684. +Apr, 1881. December 2. 2686. c Bennett Bassett Dism. Nov., 1848 •Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Lexington, N. Y. Dis missed to the Presbyterian Church, South Amenia, N. Y. +18 — . 2687. c Julia Nettleton (Chester) Hitchcock *March, 1898 Born Nov, 1813 ; wife of 2254. Admitted from the church in Middlebury. 2l6 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN oooo. c Catharine Wales (Seth Perkins) Staples See 1896. 2688. c Frances Ann Staples Dism. 1844 Daughter of Seth Perkins and Catharine (1896) ; married David A. Comstock. Admitted from the Bleecker Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. *Aug, 1850. 0000. c Mary Chapman Truman See 2373. December 30. 2689. Edward Lucas Hart Dism. May, 1847 Son of Rev. Lucas and Harriet Morris (2669) ; born in East Haven, Dec, 1813. Yale Coll. 1836. Husband of 2690. Dismissed to the church in Berlin, 1840. Re-admitted from that church, Apr, 1844. Dismissed to the church in Farmington. +May, 1876. 2690. Nancy Champion Hooker (Edward Lucas) Hart Dism. May, 1847 Daughter of 2694 and 2695; born in Middlebury, Vt, Oct, 1813; wife of 2689. Dismissed to the church in Berlin, 1840. Re-admitted, Apr, 1844. Dismissed to the church in Farmington. ?July, 1880. l839 January 6. 0000. c Thaddeus Sherman See 1928. February 3. 2691. c Mary Ann Hull (Thomas) Bennett *Jan., 1902 Daughter of Elisha and Huldah; born Apr, 1818; mother of 3230, 3405, 3406, 3571 and 3733. Admitted from the United Church. 2692. c Eliza Sidell (Thomas Leonard) Chester Dism. Dec, 1849 Born Sept, 1796; wife of 2937. Admitted from the Broome Street Reformed Dutch Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the Bleecker Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +18— . 2693. c Flora Dixon (colored) Dism. June, i860 Married Henry Freeman. Admitted from the church in Cheshire. Dismissed to the same church. ?18—. March 3. 26g4. c William Griswold Hooker *Sept, 1850 Son of Noadiah and Rebekah, of Farmington; born Sept, 1782; husband of 2695 ; father of 2518, 2676, and 2690. Admitted from the Free, now Plymouth Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1838-39 217 2695. c Melinda Metcalf (William Griswold) Hooker *Aug., 1868 Daughter of David and Anne, of Lebanon ; born Oct, 1785 ; wife of 2695. April 7. 26g6. c Jennette Orra Bristoll (Luzerne) Bradley *Oct., 1844 Born in Cheshire, 1814; wife of 2347. Admitted from the 3d Church. June 30. 26g7. Daniel Strobel *Nov., 1839 July 7. 0000. c Lucy Ailing (Roger) Newton See 1702. 2698. c Susan (William) Taylor Dism. Sept., 1841 Admitted from the church in Danbury. Dismissed to the Pres byterian Church, Springfield, N. J. Returned to Danbury, 1843- *i8— . August 4. 26gg. c Ann Eliza Comstock Dism. Sept., 1842 Daughter of William and Polly, of New Canaan; born Nov, 1826. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Penn Yan, N. Y. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church. Married Rev. Lavalette Perrin. *Feb, 1889. 0000. c Abigail Dummer (John E.) Shepard See 2303. 2700. c Mary Bradley Shipman *Nov., 1900 Daughter of Charles K. and Mary A. (2082) ; born Sept, 1816. Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Ky. 2701. c Abi Love (w. ) Tyler *March, 1858 Daughter of William and Abi (1770) ; born 1790; next married Henry Slade. Admitted from the church in Lee, Mass. Sept. 1. 2702. c Sarah Hall (w. Rollin) Church *Aug., 1844 Born 1783; mother of 2703 and 2770. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Oswego, N. Y. 2703. c Leonard H. Church Dism. Oct., 1846 Son of 2702; husband of 2771. Admitted from the 2d Pres byterian Church, Oswego, N. Y. Dismissed to the Church of the Puritans, N. Y. City. +18— . October 6. 2704. c. Elizabeth Hull Dism. Apr., 1840 Admitted from the Spring Street Church, West Roxbury, Mass. ?18—. 2l8 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2705. c Julia Caroline Trowbridge (Henry) Mansfield Dism. Aug., 1867 Daughter of Thomas and Sally, of Litchfield; born Dec, 1810; mother of 4572. Admitted from the 1st Church, Litchfield. Dis missed to the West, now the Howard Avenue Church. +July, 1897. November 3. 2706. c Sally Bliss *Aug., 1850 Daughter of Thomas and Temperance, of North Wilbraham, Mass. ; born Feb, 1796. Admitted from the church in North Wilbraham. 2707. c Nathaniel Foote Thompson *Jan., 1876 Son of James and Lydia, of East Haven ; born Nov, 1803 ; hus band of 2708; father of 3029, 3030, and 3843. Admitted from the 3d Church. 2708. c Jane Caroline Street (Nathaniel Foote) Thompson *March, 1870 Daughter of Elnathan and Clarissa, of East Haven ; born Oct, 1803 ; wife of 2707. December 29. 2709. Elizabeth Darling Dism. 1847-53 Daughter of Joseph, Jr.; married Rev. John Morgan Wood- bridge, of Marietta, O. Living, i860. 2710. Mary E. Hotchkiss Dism. Apr., 1846 Married Rev. Solomon Paine Giddings. Dismissed to the church in Lanesboro, Mass. +18 — . 271 1. Henrietta Lines Dism. Sept., 1852 Daughter of Philemon and Abigail; married Charles S. Potter. Dismissed to Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. +i8 — . [Uncertain date.] 2712. c George Rice Dism. Feb., 1853 Son of Reuben and Eleanor Paris (1825); born Sept, 1817; husband of 2713. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to the Reformed Dutch Church on the Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. ?July, 1889. 2713. c Sarah Cornelia Thomson (George) Rice Dism. Feb., 1853 Daughter of Eben and Sarah P.; born Oct, 1818; wife of 2712. ?May, 1892. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1839-40' 219 184O February 23. 2714. Nathan Clark Baldwin Dism. 1844 Son of Hezekiah Hervey and Polly; born in N. Y. City, Feb, 1814. M.D. Yale Coll. 1837. Dismissed to the church in South Britain. +Dec, 1885. 2715. Charles A. Raymond Dism. 1841 ?18—. April 5. 2716. c Elizabeth Cogswell Davenport (Charles Ward) Apthorp *Oct., 1877 Daughter of James and Abigail, of Stamford ; born Jan, 1781 ; mother of 2717, 2718, 2719, and 2720. Admitted from the 3d Church. 2717. c Elizabeth Davenport Apthorp *June, 1893 Daughter of 2716; born 1806. Admitted from the 3d Church. 2718. c Frances Louisa Apthorp *May, 1906 Sister of 2717; born July, 1811. Admitted from the 3d Church. 2719. c Emily Sophia Apthorp *May, 1870 Sister of 2717; born 1813; married Joseph Sampson. Admitted from the 3d Church. 2720. c Katharine Apthorp *Jan., 1904 Sister of 2717; born 1817; married John Frazier Head. Admitted from the 3d Church. 2721. c Catharine Farrand (Ezra) Hotchkiss *Feb., 1872 Daughter of Amos and Phebe, of Bloomfield, N. J.; born 1795. Admitted from the Laight Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 2722. c Amelia H. Moulton *July, 1858 Born 1817; daughter of 2677. May 3. 2723. c Willis Bristol *May, 1875 Son of Neil, of Milford; born Jan, 1804. Admitted from the 2d Church, Milford. May 31. 2724. Harriet A. Darling Dism. 1847-53 Daughter of 2744 and 2745. ?18—. 2725. Susan M. Darling Dism. July, 1843 Sister of 2724; married William M. Pixley. Dismissed to an Episcopal church in Hartford. ?18—. 2726. Charles Henry Emerson Dism. Oct., 1857 Dismissed to the church in Lee, Me. +18 — . 2 20 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2727. Elizabeth Thompson Hayes Dism. Dec, 1868 Daughter of 1662 and 1728; born July, 1817; married William D. Johnson. Dismissed to the West Haven Methodist Church. ?Oct, 1881. 2728. John Hemingway Hayes *July, 1852 Brother of 2727; born Oct, 1819. 2729. Susan K. Atwater (George) Lewis *Dec, 1878 Daughter of Thomas and Sarah; born Apr, 1807. 2730. Evelina Townsend Dism. March, 1847 Dismissed to a Methodist church in N. Y. City. +18 — . 2731. Catharine Atwater Trowbridge Dism. March, 1845 Daughter of 2743 and 1807; born May, 1822; married Rev. Wil liam Ferdinand Morgan. Dismissed to Christ Church, Norwich. ?Oct, 1882. 2732. Henry Trowbridge *Nov., 1851 Son of 1491 and 1447; born July, 1781 ; husband of 1724; father of 2372, 2733, 2735, 2927, 2983, 2984, 3071, 3132, 3133, and 3148. 2733. Thomas Rutherford Trowbridge *May, 1887 Son of 2732 and 1724; born July, 1810; husband of 2734; father of 3275, 3276, 3330, 3398, 3687, and 3845- 2734. Caroline Hoadley (Thomas Rutherford) Trowbridge ?Nov., 1910 Daughter of Simeon and Polly (1966); born Apr, 1818; wife of 2733. 2735. Eliza Amelia Trowbridge Dism. May, 185 1 Sister of 2733; born Apr, 1822; married Frederic Hall. Dis missed to Trinity Church, Portland. +Aug, 1852. 2736. Elihu Tuttle *Apr., 1847 Son of Eliada and Hannah ; born Sept, 1820. June 7. 2737. c Cyrene Clark Excomm. March, 1844 Husband of 2753. Admitted from the Methodist Church in Woodbury. Excommunicated for disorderly withdrawal, and railing at the church and its officers. +18 — . June 28. 2738. Mary Elizabeth Blake Daughter of 2061 and 2507; married Rev. George Bushnell; mother of 3991. Dismissed to the Salem Street Church, Wor cester, Mass, Aug, 1851. Readmitted from the ist Church, Beloit, Wis, May, 1888. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 184O 221 2739. Deborah Minor (Scovil) Hinman *Sept, 1849 Daughter of Josiah and Jerusha, of Woodbury; born 1774; wife of 1822. 2740. Sidney Painter *June, 1873 Born 1801. 2741. Joel Root *Jan., 1847 Son of Elisha and Lucy, of Southington; born Aug, 1770; hus band of 1594; father of 1820, 1825, 1826, and 2151. 2742. Susan Evelina Sabin Dism. Dec, 1841 Born 1817; married Chandler Cowles. Dismissed to the United Church. *July, 1854. 2743. Amos Trowbridge ?July, 1849 Son of 1491 and 1447 ; born Nov, 1783 ; husband of 1807 ; father of 2515, 2731, 2887, and 2888. July 5. 2744. c Thomas Darling ?Jan., 1843 Son of 1475 and 1429; born Apr, 1785. Yale Coll. 1803. Hus band of 2745; father of 2724 and 2725. Admitted from the Duane Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 2745. c Frances Frith (Thomas) Darling Dism. July, 1848 Daughter of Hezekiah and Mehetabel, of Bermuda; born Feb, 1788; wife of 2744. Admitted from the Duane Street Presby terian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to a Presbyterian Church in N. Y. City. +July, 1871. 2746. c Nancy Maria Mulford (Charles) Robinson ?Feb., 1863 Daughter of Hervey and Nancy; bom Nov, 1800; wife of 2788. Admitted from the 3d Church. July 26. 2747. Charlotte V. Wilson (Morris DeCamp) Barker Dism. 1843 • *i8— . August 2. 2748. c Charles Augustus Judson ?Jan., 1865 Son of David and Elizabeth, of Washington; born May, 1788; husband of 2749; father of 2750. Admitted from the church in Washington. 2749. c Esther Mitchell (Charles Augustus) Judson ?May, 1867 Daughter of Simeon and Esther, of Washington ; born July, 1789 ; wife of 2748. 22 2 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2750. c Elizabeth Esther Judson Dism. Oct., 1841 Daughter of 2748 and 2749; married Rev. James Averill; mother of 3402 and 3475. Admitted from the church in Washington. Dismissed to the church in Shrewsbury, Mass. ?Feb, 1853. August 30. 2751. Susan Atwater Dism. 1843 Daughter of 1622 and 1623; born July, 1817; married Richard Bagg. Dismissed to the church in West Springfield, Mass. ?Dec, 189S. 2752. Susan Almira Brown ?July, 1883 Born Nov, 1820; married Rev. Joshua Rogers Brown; mother of 3622. Dismissed to the church in Lebanon, 1845. Readmitted, Jan, 1861, from the church in Longmeadow, Mass. September 6. 2753. c Alma Barnes (Cyrene) Clark Dism. Apr., 1846 Wife of 2737. Dismissed to the North Church, Woodbury. ?18—. 2754. c Matilda Dunkin Dism. Dec, 1849 Admitted from the American Presbyterian Church, Montreal. Dismissed to the same church. ^18 — . December 6. 2755. c Frances Atwater (Zebul) Bradley Dism. July, 1843 Daughter of Jeremiah and Lois; born Sept, 1789; wife of 1688. Admitted from the United Church. Dismissed to the same church. ?March, 1871. 2756. c Edward Elbridge Salisbury Dism. Jan., 1872 Son of Josiah and Abigail, of Boston; born Apr, 1814. Yale Coll. 1832. Husband of 2757; father of 3143. Admitted from the Old South Church, Boston. Deacon, 1849-62. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. ?Feb, 1901. 2757. c Abby Salisbury Phillips (Edward Elbridge) Salis bury *Dec, 1869 Daughter of Edward and Mary, of Boston; born Nov, 1814; wife of 2756. December 27. 2758. David Lewis Daggett +Feb., 1896 Son of 1852 and 1850; born June, 1820. Yale Coll. 1839. Hus band of 3290. 275g. Matthew Hale Smith Dism. Aug., 1850 Son of Rev. Elias and Rachel; born in Portland, Me, 1816; husband of 2760. Ordained as an Evangelist in Maiden, Mass, --'"'July. 1842. Dismissed to the Bowdoin Street Church, Boston. ?Nov, 1879. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 184O-4I 223 2760. Mary B. Adams (Matthew Hale) Smith Dism. 1844 Wife of 2759. ?18—. 1 84.I March 7. 2761. c Sarah Ann Day (Ezekiel Hayes) Trowbridge ?Jan., 1907 Daughter of Zelotes and Eliza; born June, 1818; wife of 3071. Admitted from the Church Street, now Plymouth Church. May 2. 2762. c John Bennett Carrington *Feb., 1881 Son of Ailing and Nancy, of Bethany; born Nov, 1811; husband of 2528; father of 3407, 3538, and 3924. Admitted from Trinity Church. 2763. c Helen Lauretta Larned Dism. Oct., 1845 Daughter of George and Maria Cornelia, of Thompson; born Feb, 1818; married Henry Arnold Howe. Dismissed to the South Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. +Apr, 1891. May 28. 2764. Stephen Atwater ?Jan., 1866 Son of 1498 and 1499; born Dec, 1788; husband of 2460; father of 2765, 2766, and 2842. 2765. Sarah Atwater Dism. March, 1848 Daughter of 2764 and 2460; born Nov, 1822; married Charles Smith. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. ?Sept, 1902. 2766. Emily Atwater Dism. Aug., 1850 Sister of 2765; born March, 1824; married Jeremiah Barnett. Dismissed to the College Street Church. +Aug, 1898. 2767. Harriette Martha Bacon *Feb., 1901 Daughter of Albert Strong and Sarah (2331); born July, 1821 ; married Russell Smith; mother of 4203. Dismissed to the Uni versity Place Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City, Oct, 1846. Readmitted from the Reformed Church, Astoria, N. Y. 2768. Sarah Rebecca Bacon *March, 1847 Sister of 2767; born Feb, 1824; married Charles P. Marks. 2769. Mary Clark (zv. Samuel) Barnard *Apr., 1869 Daughter of Samuel; born Jan, 1784. 2770. Rollin Church Dism. 1843 Son of Rollin and Sarah Hall (2702). Dismissed to the Church Street, now Plymouth Church. Living 1849. 224 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2771. Sarah Sophia (Leonard H.) Church Dism. Oct., 1846 Wife of 2703; sister-in-law of 2770. Dismissed to the Church of the Puritans, N. Y. City. *i8— •. 2772. Susan Cutler *Oct, 1892 Daughter of William and Susan M. (1716); born March, 1801. 2773. Susan Dwight Daggett Dism. March, 1852 Daughter of 1852 and 1850; born Sept, 1822; married Amos Trowbridge Dwight. Dismissed to the Church of the Puritans, N. Y. City. ?Feb, 1881. 2774. Mary Jennette Daggett *Apr., 1904 Sister of 2773 ; born Oct, 1823. Dismissed to the Church of the Puritans, N. Y. City, Feb, 1858. Readmitted, Dec, 1897. 2775. Frederick W. Hart Dism. 1847-53 ?18—. 2776. Frances L. Hotchkiss Daughter of 1647 and 1983; married John English; mother of 3695. 2777. Lucius Hotchkiss *Nov., 1880 Son of Justus and Susanna (1557); born March, 1803; husband of 2430 and 2530; father of 2985 and 3023. 2778. Harriot Daggett (Frederick) Hunt *Jan., 1849 Daughter of 1659 and 1660; born Jan, 1783. 2779. Eliza Wadsworth Langdon Dism. Sept., 1862 Daughter of Samuel and Lavinia (1787); born Apr, 1813; married Augustus Cowles, and John Strong Rice (2938). Dis missed to the church in Farmington. +Apr, 1898. 2780. Nancy L. Langdon Dism. Apr., 1846 Sister of 2779; married C. A. Grumman. Dismissed to the ist Church, Norwalk. ?Sept, 1858. 2781. Harriet C. Langdon *May, 1842 Sister of 2779; born 1816; married Truman Hart. 2782. Jane Mansfield *Nov., 1859 Daughter of William and Sarah; born Aug, 1815. 2783. Sarah Patten Monson Dism. March, 1847 Daughter of 2407 and 2408; born Nov, 1825; married Thomas Nelson Dale. Dismissed to the Washington Square Reformed Dutch Church, N. Y. City. +May, 1880. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 184I 225 2784. George Mygatt Dism. Jan., 1853 Son of Eli and Rebecca, of Danbury; born Aug, 1820; married 2786. Dismissed to the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y. ?Aug, 1901. 2785. James Rice Dism. July, 1856 Son of Reuben and Eleanor Paris (1825); born March, 1824; husband of 3085. Dismissed to the South Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. ?Dec, 1882. 2786. Ellen Paris Rice Dism. Jan., 1853 Sister of 2785; born June, 1825; married 2784. +Jan, 1901. 2787. Lucy Curtiss Rice Dism. July, 1848 Twin-sister of 2786; married Philip William Dater. Dismissed to the 2d Street Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y. 2788. Charles Robinson *Oct, 1876 Son of Rev. William and Elizabeth, of Southington; born Feb, 1801. Yale Coll. 1821. Husband of 2746 and 3636; father of 3027. 2789. Elizabeth Robinson *Dec, 1881 Sister of 2788; born July, 1803. 2790. Esther E. Talmadge *Aug., 1882 Born 1802. 2791. Abigail Trowbridge (w. Eli) Townsend *May, 1852 Daughter of Stephen and Margaret; born Feb, 1783. ¦2792. Nancy Breed (Nathan) Whiting Dism. 1848? Daughter of Shubael and Lydia, of Norwich; born Sept, 1788; wife of 1828; previously wife of William Coit Williams, of Nor wich. Dismissed to the 2d Church, Norwich. ?March, 1880. 2793. Emily Perry Whittemore Dism. Feb., 185 1 Daughter of Joseph and Narcissa Perry (2574) ; born Nov, 1825; married William Kerr Mehaffey. Dismissed to the Presby terian Church in Harrisburg, Pa. +June, 1901. 2794. Charles Barnes Whittlesey *Jan., 1878 Son of John Smalley and Phebe Barnes (2824), of New Britain; born Sept, 1820; husband of 3108; father of 3555, 3556, 3706, 3731, and 3850. Deacon, 1857-78. 2795. Leonard Winship *Jan., 1897 Son of James (2576) and Emily; born in Litchfield, May, 1823; husband of 3220. 2796. Charles Winship *March, 1891 Brother of 2795; born 1826; husband of 3166- Dismissed to the 2d Church, New London, 1842. Re-admitted from that church, Jan, 1844. 15 226 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN June 27. 2797. Aaron Homer Byington Dism. 1858? Dismissed to the ist Church, Norwalk, Nov, 1842. Re-admitted from the same church, June, 1847. Dismissed to the same church. ?Dec, 1910. 2798. Caroline Sarah Chester Dism. Dec, 1849 Daughter of 2937 and 2692; born in N. Y. City, June, 1818. Dismissed to the Bleecker Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?Dec, i860. 2799. Samuel Fenn Dism. Apr., 1842 Dismissed to the 1st Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo. ^18 — . 2800. Frederick C. Hall Dism. Apr., 1856 Son of Chauncey, of Bethlehem ; born Sept, 1805 ; husband of 2801. Dismissed to a church in San Francisco. +Aug, 1899. 2801. Lucy Allen (Frederick C.) Hall Dism. Apr., 1856 Daughter of Abner and Susanna; born Sept, 1811; wife of 2800. ?March, 1881. 2802. Ann Eliza Halsey Dism. Oct., 1841 Dismissed to the 12th Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. ?18—. 2803. Harriet Harrison Dism. Nov., 1842 Daughter of 2210 and 2253. Dismissed to the church in Walling ford. Married George Scoville. ?1853. 2804. Emily Loring Hotchkiss *May, 1906 Daughter of 2027 and 2028; born Oct, 1825. 2805. Leonard Stanley Hotchkiss Dism. Apr., 1842 Son of 1560 and 1628; born Nov, 1818. Dismissed to the United Church. ?Nov, 1894. 2806. Maria Louisa Howland Dism. Feb., 1843 Daughter of Gardiner Greene and Louisa, of N. Y. City; born Apr, 1825. Dismissed to the Duane Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Married James Brown, and James W. Clendenin' ?18—. 2807. David Lamb Dism. Nov., 1846 Bom in Pittstown, N. Y, Jan, 1820. Yale Coll. 1840. Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati. ?July, 1849. 2808. Sarah Lamb Dism. Aug> l845 Dismissed to a church in Lockport, N. Y. ^18 2809. Elizabeth W. (John B.) Mack Dism. July, 1846 Dismissed to the 4th Church, Hartford. Next married John R Lvans. Removed to California, 1859. ?18—. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 184I 227 2810. Aaron Barlow Olmstead Dism. Sept., 1842 Son of Zalmon and Rebecca, of Malta, N. Y.; born Feb 1812 ?18— 281 1. Mary E. Osborn Dism. Apr., 1845 Dismissed to the ist Church, Norwalk. Married John B. Gregory. ?18 — . 2812. Mary Peck Dism. Feb., 1843 Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, Ala. ?18—. 2813. Elihu Phinney Dism. Sept., 1848 Son of Elihu and Nancy, of Cooperstown, N. Y. ; born June, 1823. Yale Coll. 1846. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Coopers- town. ?Sept, 1892. 2814. Sarah Sears Prichard Dism. Oct., 1854 Daughter of Gilman and Mary (2647) ; born in New Ipswich, N. H, Feb, 1824; married Rev. Theodore Dwight Woolsey; mother of 4243. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. +July, 1900. 2815. Mary Jane Prichard Dism. Aug., 1850 Sister of 2814; married Rev. William Henry Goodrich. Dis missed to the church in Bristol. +Sept, 1911. 2816. George Washington Sheffield Dism. Son of 2169 and 2171 ; born Apr, 1824. Yale Coll. 1845. Dis missed to a church in Norfolk, Va. +May, 1893. 2817. Sarah L. Sheffield Dism. May, 1855 Sister of 2816. Dismissed to the Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. +18— . 2818. Howard Sherman Dism. Oct., 1852 Son of Thaddeus (1928) and Eliza; born Apr, 1821 ; husband of 2944; father of 3997. Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Chicago. ?June, 1912. 2819. Joseph F. Stone Dism. 1843 ?18—. 2820. Augusta Caroline Trowbridge Dism. Daughter of Roswell and Nancy (1663) ; born Apr, 1826; mar ried James Stanton Bailey (2877). 2821. Martha A. Young Dism. 1843 ?18— . July 4. 0000. c Mary Rebecca Hayes (w. Chauncey) Treat See 1856. 228 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2822. c Ann Kerwood (John) Whittelsey *Jan., 1861 Born 1771 ; mother of 2823 and 3650. Admitted from the Allen Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 2823. c Mary Elizabeth Whittelsey *March, 1891 Daughter of 2822; born in N. Y. City, June, 1805. Admitted from the Allen Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 2824. c Phebe Barnes (zv. John Smalley) Whittlesey *June, 1865 Daughter of Selah and Nancy, of Southington; born Apr, 1795; 'mother of 2794 and 2839. Admitted from the church in New Britain. August 1. 2825. c Stephen A. Peck *Jan., 1910 Son of 1761 and 1862; born Nov, 1822. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. 2826. c Julia A. Washington Dism. Dec, 1849 Admitted from Trinity Church. Married Blount. Dismissed to Christ Church, Newbern, N. C. ?18— . October 3. 2827. c Roxana C. Barnes Dism. Jan., 1845 Daughter of 1817 and 1632; born Apr, 1819; married Caleb Buffum Metcalf. Admitted from the Church Street, now Plymouth Church. Dismissed to the Central Church, Boston. ?March, 1890. 2828. c Charles Durand Dism. May, 185 1 Son of Samuel, of Derby; born July, 1828; husband of 2984 and 2887. Admitted from the Methodist Church, Derby. Dis missed to. the Church of the Puritans, N. Y. City. ?March, 1900. October 31. 282g. Edward Chester Dism. Jan., 1845 Son of 2937 and 2692; born in N. Y. City, July, 1828. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. Yale Coll. hon. 1856. Ordained to the Presbyterian ministry, May, 1857, in N. Y. City. ?March, 1902. 2830. Elizabeth Goodrich Dism. Apr., 1853 Daughter of Jason and Nancy; born in Rocky Hill, Nov, 1819; married Frederick R. Butler. Dismissed to the church in Rocky Hill. ?March, 1861. 2831. Caroline Augusta Street ?Aug., 1863 Daughter of Augustus Russell and Caroline Mary (1759); born Aug, 1816; married Andrew Hull Foote (3039). 2832. Wallace Cornwell Willcox Dism. Sept., 1848 Son of 2177 and 2178; born March, 1827. Yale Coll. 1847. Dismissed to the ist Church, Milford. +July, 1890. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I84I-42 229 December 5. 2833. c Eunice Crissey (Riley) Tisdale Dism. Feb., 1874 Daughter of Gould and Eunice, of Southington; born Nov, 1789; mother of 2834 and 2863. Admitted from the church in Cheshire. Dismissed to the Shawmut Avenue Church, Boston. ?June, 1875. 2834. c Ann Eliza Tisdale Dism. Feb., 1874 Daughter of 2833. Admitted from the church in Cheshire. Dis missed to the Shawmut Avenue Church, Boston. ^18 — . 2835. c Mary B. Wells Dism. Dec, 185 r Admitted from the 3d Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dis missed to the church in East Hartford. Married Horace Williams. ?March, 1864. 1842 March 6. 2836. c Theodore Lay *i843 Admitted from the North Church, Hartford. 2837. c Harriet Hunt Shipman Dism. Sept., 1856 Daughter of Charles K. and Mary A. (2082) ; born Sept, 1823 ; married Rufus King McHarg (3142). Admitted from the Pres byterian Church, Rahway, N. J. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Jersey City, N. J. +Oct, 1894. April 3. 2838. c Mary Smith Dism. Sept., 1847 Admitted from the ist Church, Waterbury. Dismissed to the same church. Married George W. Denney. +18—. May 1. 283g. c Sarah Lincoln Whittlesey Dism. Aug., 1847 Daughter of John Smalley and Phebe (2824); born Nov, 1817; married Rev. Jesse Guernsey. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, D. C. Dismissed to Bethesda Church, Charlestown, Mass. +May, 1855. June 5. 2840. c Nancy, or Ann, Whidden (w. Justin Washing ton) Street +Apr., 1857 Daughter of Michael and Mary, of Portsmouth, N. H. ; born 1778; mother of 2430 and 2530. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. July 3. 2841. c Clarissa S. Benham Dism. Apr., 1873 Born 1799. Admitted from the church in Derby. Married Theron Towner. Dismissed to St. Paul's Church. +Jan, 1886. 230 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN July 31. 2842. Jane Atwater Dism. May, 1864 Daughter of 2764 and 2460; born July, 1827; married Albert Ailing Atwater. Dismissed to the church in Newburgh, 0. 2843. Medad Atwater *Dec, 1854 Son of 1375 and 1407; born Oct, 1788; husband of 2844; father of 2845. 2844. Harriet Convers (Medad) Atwater *Feb., 1858 Daughter of Amasa and Sinai, of Windsor; born Feb, 1802; wife of 2843; previously wife of Sparrow Warren. 2845. Mary Louisa Atwater *Feb., 1895 Daughter of Medad (2843) and Anna; born Dec, 1820; mar ried George Pardee Munson. 2846. Louisa Maria Lewis Dism. Dec, 1855 Daughter of 1802 and 1803; married Chauncey Wells Camp. Dismissed to the Pearl Street Church, Hartford. 2847. Caroline Meigs Care withdrawn, Jan., 1874 Daughter of Rev. Benjamin Clark and Sarah Maria, of Jaffna, Ceylon ; born July, 1822 ; married Henry B. Janes. ?Dec, 1877. September 4. 2848. c Catharine Rebecca Bailey (w. William Cecil) Woolsey *July, 1844 Daughter of Theodorus and Rebecca, of N. Y. City; born May, 1804. Admitted from the Wall Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. November 6. 284g. c Lucy B. (Edwin) Fitch Dism. 1847-53 Admitted from the church in Scotland. +i8 — . 2850. c Frances Ellsworth (Joseph) Wood *March, 1868 Daughter of Oliver and Abigail, of Windsor; born Aug, 1786; wife of 2862. Admitted from the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 2851. c Delia Williams Wood *Oct., 1883 Daughter of 2862 and 2850; born in Stamford, 1820; married Rev. Chester Smith Lyman (3072). Admitted from the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 184.3 March 5. 2852. c William Henry Porter Dism. May, 1851 Son of Rev. Huntington and Sarah, of Rye, N. H; born Sept, 1817. Yale Coll. 1841. Admitted from the Washington Square CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1842-43 23 1 Reformed Dutch Church, N. Y. City. Ordained to the Presby terian ministry in Litchfield, N. H, Oct, 1845. ?May, 1861. March 26. 2853. Grace Maria Beecher (w. Eli Beecher) Austin Dism. Dec, 1873 Daughter of Benjamin and Wealthy Ann; born March, 1801 ; mother of 3229. Dismissed to the church in West Medway, Mass. ?Jan, 1886. 2854. Almira Selden (Nathaniel Almoran) Bacon ?Sept., 1867 Daughter of Calvin and Phebe, of Lyme; born Sept, 1803; mother of 2941, 3059, and 3060. 2855. Elisha Dickerman, Jr. *Apr., 1865 Son of Elisha and Anna; born Nov, 1797; husband of 2856; father of 2934 and 3219. 2856. Adah Ailing (Elisha) Dickerman *Apr., 1868 Daughter of Chauncey and Mehitabel; born May, 1800; wife of 2855. 2857. Martha Hilliard Ritter Dism. Aug., 1850 Daughter of 2041 and 2258; born Aug, 1829; married Edward Bryan. Dismissed to the College Street Church. ?March, 1894. May 7. 2858. c Abigail Clark (Silas) Dole Dism. Jan., 1870 Born in Easthampton, Mass, Aug, 1807; wife of 2620; next married Erastus Hopkins. Admitted from the ist Church, Hart ford. Dismissed to the church in Pontiac, Mich. ?March, 1884. 28sg. c Henry B. Thompson *May, 1847 Born 1812; husband of 2861. Admitted from the United Church. July 2. 2860. c Julia Hooker Andrews Dism. Dec, 1848 Daughter of Ethan Allen and Lucy, of New Britain ; born Apr, 1817; married Archelaus Wilson. Admitted from the Bowdoin Street Church, Boston. Dismissed to the Franklin Street Church, Manchester, N. H. +18— . 2861. c Harriet Sophia Armstrong (Henry B.) Thompson *Dec, 1889 Daughter of John and Mary, of West Haven; born Aug, 1815; wife of 2859. Admitted from the Church Street, now Plymouth Church. September 24. 2862. Joseph Wood *Nov., 1856 Son of David and Sarah, of Greenwich; born March, 1779. Yale Coll. 1801. Husband of 2850; father of 2851 and 2928. Deacon, 1848-56. 232 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN October 1. 2863. c Jane N. Tisdale Dism. Aug., 1854 Daughter of Riley and Eunice (2833) ; born 1817; married Benja min Bradley (2342). Admitted from the church in Southington. Dismissed to the Mount Vernon Church, Boston. ?Feb, 1900. November 5. 2864. c Margaret Proctor (w. John) Burroughs Dism. 1848? Mother of 2865 and 2866. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. +18— . 2865. c Margaret Proctor Burroughs Dism. 1848? Daughter of 2864. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. 2866. c John Burroughs Dism. 1848? Son of 2864. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Phila delphia. 2867. c Anna Chipman (w. Israel) Gilbert *May, i860 Born 1794. Admitted from the church in Whitneyville. 2868. c Mary Beardsley (Luther) Manser Dism. Apr., 1858 Born Nov, 1816. Admitted from the Methodist Church in Strat ford. Dismissed to the church in Whitneyville. ?June, 1902. 2869. c Ellen R. Whipple (Abraham) Sanford *Nov., 1846 Born June, 1824; wife of 2640. Admitted from the church in Thompson. 1844 January 7. 2870. c William Goodrich Dism. Jan., 1845 Son of James and Elizabeth (1590); born March, 1809; husband of 2871. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, Tenn. Dismissed to the same church. +July, 1883. 2871. c Sarah Ann Bearden (William) Goodrich Dism. Jan., 1845 Daughter of Marcus D. and Eliza Amy Cocke; born in Knox ville, Tenn, April, 1822; wife of 2870. *Aug, 1883. 2872. c George Boardman Hubbard Dism. June, 1853 Son of 1918 and 1867; born Feb, 1822. Yale Coll. 1842. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Ordained as an Evan gelist in Illinois, Apr, 1848. Father of 3793. Dismissed to the church in Lamoille, 111. *June, 1900. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1843-44 233 2873. c Elford E. Jarman Dism. July, 1854 Son of William Sealy and Eliza; born 1804; husband of 2874; father of 3025 and 3026. Admitted from the 1st Congregational Church, Philadelphia. Dismissed to a Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, N. Y. +1894. 2874. c Marana Norton Baldwin (Elford E.) Jarman Dism. July, 1854 Daughter of William; born Sept, 1809; wife of 2873. +March, 1866. 0000. c Charles Winship. See 2796. 2875. c William Young Dism. 1847-53 Admitted from the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Hamptonburgh, N. Y. +18 — . April 7. 2876. c Frances Mary Hoadley (Andrew Hull) Foote *Oct, 1900 Daughter of Simeon and Polly (1966); born July, 1813; mother of 3098 and 3268. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 0000. c Edward Lucas Hart See 2689. 0000. c Nancy Champion Hooker (Edward Lucas) Hart See 2690. May 5. 2877. c James Stanton Bailey Dism. 1847-53 Husband of 2820. Admitted from the United Church. 2878. c Elisha Woodbridge Cook Dism. Son of Rev. Elisha Baldwin and Esther Hills, of Manchester; born July, 1816. Yale Coll. 1837. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Ordained pastor in Haddam, Nov, 1846. +Jan, 1904. 2879. c Sherman Munger ' ?1855-73 Son of Joel and Mary, of North Madison; born Oct, 1801. Admitted from the church in North Madison. Husband of 2880; father of 2881 and 2882. 2880. c Lucretia Benton (Sherman) Munger +July, 1856 Daughter of Noah and Phebe, of North Madison; born May, 1801; wife of 2879. 2881. c Mary L. Munger Dism. 1847-53 Daughter of 2879 and 2880. Admitted from the church in North Madison. 234 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2882 c Roger Sherman Munger Care withdrawn, Jan., 1874 Brother of 2881. Admitted from the church in North Madison. June 2. 2883. c Mary L. Proctor Dism. 1848? Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. 2884. c Eliza Proctor Dism. 1848? Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. July 7. 2885. c Mary E. Treat (William Giles) Munson *March, 1871 Daughter of Alfred and Lydia, of South Britain; born Feb, 1810; wife of 2410. Admitted from the church in South Britain. September 29. 2886. Sarah W. Gilbert *March, \i Daughter of Elijah and Betsey; born 1813. 2887. Annie Beach Trowbridge Dism. 1869 Daughter of 2743 and 1807; born Oct, 1824; married Charles Durand (2828). Dismissed to the church in Ansonia. ?Sept, 1899. 2888. Rebecca Gorham Trowbridge ?Aug., 1845 Sister of 2887; born Feb, 1827. 2889. Sylvia Tuttle (Julius) Tuttle ?Aug., 1871 Daughter of Ambrose and Mary, of Hamden; born Jan, 1804. October 6. 2890. Martha Fulton Dism. 1847-53 2891. c Sarah Moss (w. Joseph) Parker *Sept., 1847 Born 1774; mother of 2639; previously wife of Jerry Black- man. Admitted from the United Church. 28g2. c Caroline Mulford (Joseph) Parker +Nov., 1890 Daughter of Hervey and Nancy; born March, 1813; mother of 3273, 3274, and 3528; daughter-in-law of 2891. Admitted from the United Church. Dismissed to the 3d Church, Jan, i860. Re-admitted from that church, Sept, 1869. 2893. Gad Peck *June, 1853 Born 1764; husband of 1514. November 3. 2894. c Elizabeth Lydia Strong (Samuel) Hooker Dism. 1850 Daughter of Shubael and Lydia Ann, of Lebanon; born Aug, 1816; wife of 2676; previously wife of Horatio Marsh Baldwin. Admitted from the 3d Church, and dismissed to the same church. ?Jan, 1858. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1844-45 235 December i. 2895. Susannah Burroughs +1847 28g6. John H. Farnham Dism. Aug., 1845 Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Canfield, O. 28g7. c Eliza A. M. Gilbert Dism. May, i860 Daughter of Isaac and Esther; born 1800; married Ebenezer Kinney. Dismissed to the church in Derby, Apr, 1850. Re-admit ted from that church, Oct, 1856. Dismissed to the College Street Church. +Apr, 1877. 28g8. c Henrietta Clark (Beebe) Hine *Aug., 1880 Daughter of William and Annis, of New Milford; born 1793. 28gg. Julia Perry Whittemore Dism. March, 1852 Daughter of Joseph and Narcissa Perry (2574), of Fredericks burg, Va. ; born Oct, 1827; married Rev. Leon Remi Pilatte. Dismissed to the Evangelical Chapel, Paris, France. ?Oct, 1865. 2goo. c Eunice Wood *Dec, 1881 Daughter of Elisha and Esther, of Milford; born June, 1821 ; married Commodore Perry Lines. l845 March 2. 0000. c David Breed See 1924. 0000. c Julia Steadman (David) Breed See 1998. 0000. c Abiah Cleveland Breed See 2389. 2901. c Augusta W. (w. Leonard A.) Currier Dism. 1849 Born 1814. Admitted from the church in Mount Carmel. Dis missed to the College Street Church. +Aug, 1866. 2902. c Caroline Esther Guernsey (Hervey Seward) Hoad ley Dism. Dec, 1855 Daughter of James and Elizabeth, of Berlin; born Jan, 1807. Admitted from the church in Berlin. Dismissed to the Wooster Place Church. +Jan, 1896. April 6. 2903. c Clara Baldwin Dism. Apr., 1853 Daughter of William and Anna; born Apr, 1813; married Rev. Edwin Randolph Gilbert. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dis missed to the church in Wallingford. +Aug, 1864. 236 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2904. c Henrietta Silliman (James Dwight) Dana Dism. 1853? Daughter of Benjamin and Harriet; born Apr, 1823; wife of 2679. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Dismissed to the same church. +Jan, 1907. 0000. c Stiles Mansfield See 2334. 2905. c James Roe Mershon Dism. 1856 Son of Cornelius and Anna Louise; born in Fleming County, Ky, Apr, 1815. Yale Coll. 1844. Husband of 2906. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Ordained pastor in Durham, Apr, 1848. Dismissed to the church in Newton, Iowa. *July, 1901. 2906. c Susan M. Atwater (James Roe) Mershon ?June, 1853 Daughter of Ira and Roanna; born Aug, 1821; wife of 2905. Admitted from the Church Street, now Plymouth Church. June 1. 2907. c Daniel Betts *Apr., 1848 Bom in Redding, 1776; father of 2908 and 2909. Admitted from the church in Redding. 2908. b Eliza Betts Dism. Jan., 1862 Daughter of Daniel (2907) and Abigail; born in Redding, 1803. Admitted from the church in Redding. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?Jan, 1886. 2gog. c Julia Betts Dism. Jan., 1862 Sister of 2908; born in Redding, Nov, 1805. Admitted from the church in Redding. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. +July, 1871. 2910. c Phebe S. Pierson (zv. Stephen) Condit Dism. Feb., 1855 Daughter of Isaac and Nancy, of Orange, N. J. ; born Feb, 1801 ; mother of 291 1 and 2912. Admitted from the 1st Presbyterian Church, Orange. Dismissed to the same church. +May, 1877. 2gn. c Sarah M. Condit Dism. Feb., 1855 Daughter of 2910; born Nov, 1824. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Orange, N. J. Dismissed to the same church. Married Charles Graham Tillou. 2912. c Frances P. Condit Dism. Feb., 1850 Sister of 291 1; born March, 1826; married William Matthews Babbitt. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Orange, N. J. Dismissed to a church in Orange. *July, 1889. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1845 237 2913. c Rachel McKinstry (Charles H.) Skiff Dism. Dec, 185 1 Daughter of John and Elizabeth; born in Hudson, N. Y, 1809. Admitted from the 2d Reformed Dutch Church, Albany, N. Y. Dismissed to the United Church. +Dec, 1874. July 6. 2914. c John Anketell +Jan., 1866 Born in Ireland, June, 1790; husband of 2223; father of 3046. Admitted from a Presbyterian Church in Kentucky. August 3. 2gi5. c Maria Trumbull Silliman (John Barker) Church Dism. Daughter of Benjamin and Harriet; born June, 1810. Admitted from the church in Yale College. +Jan, 1880. 2916. c Chester Sage Care withdrawn, Jan., 1874 Son of Barzillai and Eunice, of Middletown; born Jan., 1819. Admitted from the 1st Church, Middletown. Insane for many years. September 7. 2gi7. c Charles Atwater, Jr. Dism. May, 1854 Son of 3222 and 1820; born Jan, 1815; husband of 2918. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. Dismissed to the South Church. +Dec, 1891. 2gi8. c Mary A. Montgomery (Charles) Atwater Dism. May, 1854 Daughter of Joseph; born 1817; wife of 2917. +July, 1855. October 5. 2gig. c Alexander Cook ?Jan., 1891 Son of Daniel and Mary, of Wallingford; born March, 1813; husband of •"v*1 aud 3460. Admitted from the church in Wal lingford. 2920. c Betsey Cornwell (Alexander) Cook +July, 1856 Born 1811 ; wife of 2919. 0000. c George Gabriel See 2308. 0000. c Charlotte Deming (George) Gabriel See 2309. 2921. c Hawley Olmstead ?Dec, 1868 Son of Aaron and Sarah Esther, of Wilton; born Dec, 1793- Yale Coll. 1816. Husband of 2922; father of 2923, 31 14, 3169, and 3246. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. 2922. c Harriet Smith (Hawley) Olmstead +March, 1878 Daughter of Phineas and Abiah, of New Canaan; born June, 1795; wife of 2922. 238 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2923. c James Olmstead +Jan., 1889 Son of 2921 and 2922; born Apr, 1823, in Norwalk; husband of 3010; father of 3719, 3785, and 3786. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. Dismissed to the College Street Church, March, 1852. Re-admitted from that church, Nov, 1868. 2924. c Harriet P. Brown (Miles) Punderson *Jan., 1882 Daughter of Joseph 1 aac and Annie; born July, 1796; mother of 2925. Admitted from vhe Howe Street Church. 2925. c Harriet Annie Brintnall Punderson *Dec, 1898 Daughter of 2924; born May, 1821. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. December 7. 2926. c William Rutherford Hayes ?July, 1852 Son of Rutherford and Chloe, of Brattleboro, Vt. ; born Dec, 1804. Yale Coll. 1825. Husband of 2927. Admitted from the Center Church, Brattleboro. 2927. c Harriet Emily Trowbridge (William Rutherford) Hayes +Jan., 1874 Daughter of 2732 and 1724; born Aug, 1808; wife of 2926; next married Rev. William Patton (3487). 2928. c Frances Wolcott Wood Dism. Oct., 1846 Daughter of 2862 and 2850; married Rev. Sylvester Cowles. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. Dismissed to the church in Ellicottville, N. Y. ?March, 1873. December 28. 2929. Rebecca Taylor Bacon Dism. Nov., 1869 Daughter of the pastor and 2215; born Apr, 1826. Dismissed to the church in the Hampton Institute, Va. ?Oct, 1878. 2930. Henrietta Whitney Blake +June, 1901 Daughter of 2061 and 2507; born Jan, 1825; married Rev. Alexander MacWhorter. 2931. Elizabeth Cebra Bradley *Feb., 191 1 Daughter of 2212 and 2209; born Nov, 1827. 2932. Almira Catlin Twining Dism. 1847 Daughter of Rev. William and Margaret Eliza, of Somersworth, N. H.; born July, 1831. Dismissed to the Center Presbyterian Church, Crawfordsville, Ind. Married Rev. Charles Henry Mar shall. ?Jan, 1865. 2933. Amelia Tyler Dism. Jan., 1895 Daughter of Rev. Edward Royall and Sarah Ann, of Middletown. Dismissed to the ist Church, Washington, D. C. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1845-46 239 [Uncertain date.] 2934. c Chauncey Ailing Dickerman Dism. Jan., 1866 Son of 2855 and 2856; born Sept, 1821 ; husband of 3089. Dis missed to the College Street Church. +Apr, 1873. 1846 January 4. 2935. c Emily A. (w. ) Crafts Dism. Feb., 1855 Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Walworth, N. Y. Dis missed to the church in Huron, N. Y. 2936. c Hannah Beach Mulford (Hervey) Mulford ?Sept., 1862 Daughter of Joel, of Branford; born 1779; previously wife of Giles Barker. Admitted from the church in Branford. February 1. 2937. Thomas Leonard Chester Dism. Dec, 1849 Son of Leonard and Sarah, of Wethersfield; born Aug, 1788; husband of 2692; father of 2798 and 2829. Dismissed to the Bleecker Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?May, 1870. March 1. 2938. c John Strong Rice Dism. Sept., 1862 Son of Reuben and Eleanor Paris (1825); born Apr, 1816; husband of 2779. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. Dis missed to the church in Farmington. ?May, 1885. April 5. 2939. c Elizabeth Hull Dism. Dec, 1855 Admitted from the 3d Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dismissed to that church. Living 1861. April 26. 2940. Winthrop Atwill Dism. 1847-53 2941. Ellen Bacon +March, 1857 Daughter of Nathaniel Almoran and Almira (2854) ; born Sept, 1827. 2942. -Eliza Ann Munson +Feb., 1891 Daughter of 2410 and 2125; born Feb, 1826. 2943. Samuel Noyes June, 1883 Son of Samuel Sherwood and Esther, of New Canaan; born March, 1813. 2944. Louisa Jane Tamblingson (Howard) Sherman Dism. Oct., 1852 Born Sept, 1823; wife of 2818. Dismissed to the 2d Presby terian Church, Chicago. +Dec, 1906. 240 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2945. Eliza Taylor Sherman +Oct., 1901 Daughter of Thaddeus (1928) and Eliza; born 1824. 2946. Emily Cornelia Trowbridge ?July, 1851 Daughter of Roswell and Nancy (1663); born Sept, 1830. 2947. Laura Seeley (w. Curtiss) Wildman *Aug., 1891 Daughter of Burr, of Easton; born May, 1800; mother of 3293 and 3294. May 3. 2948. c George P. Lines Dism. March, 1848 Son of Augustus and Lucy Ann; born Nov, 1824. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?June, 1874. June 7. 2949. Ruth Bartlett +March, 1903 Daughter of Ebenezer and Annie, of Guilford; born Nov, 1820; married George Fitch. 2950. c Horace Day ?July, 1902 Son of 2205 and 2206; born in Pittsfield, Mass, Nov, 1816. Yale Coll. 1836. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Husband of 2951 ; father of 3595 and 3849. 2951. c Sarah Rice Seaver (Horace) Day +Aug., 1898 Daughter of Heman and Sarah Cazneau; born in Montreal, Canada, Aug, 1825; wife of 2950. Admitted from the Union Church, Marlboro, Mass. 2952. Mary Hitchcock Dism. Apr., 1850 Daughter of 1925 and 1965; born 1828; married Thomas DuBois Sherwood. Dismissed to the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y. +Oct, 1852. 2953. Julia Ann Mansfield *Sept., 1885 Daughter of William and Sarah; born July, 1807. 2954. Lemuel B. Ray Dism. Sept., 1850 Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati. 2955. Henry Kirke Walker Dism. March, 1854 Son of Elisha and Sylvia, of Woodstock. Dismissed to Ply mouth Church, Chicago. July 5. 0000. c Leonard Bradley See 2212. 0000. c Charlotte Selleck Lockwood (Leonard) Bradley See 2209. 0000. c Mary Ann Lewis (Samuel L.) Pitkin See 2362. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1846 241 July 26. 2956. John B. Barnard *Feb., 1855 Son of John J. and Harriet (2295) ; born 1827. 2957. Sherman Austin Barrows +Apr., 1887 Son of Elisha and Hannah, of Mansfield; born Aug, 1810; hus band of 2958; father of 3263. 2958. Lucina Hitchcock (Sherman Austin) Barrows ?Jan., 1893 Born 1817; wife of 2957. 2959. John Noyes Dism. July, 1848 Son of Samuel Sherwood and Esther, of New Canaan; born Apr, 1826. Dismissed to the church in New Canaan. *Oct, 1853. 2960. Mary Denman Rice Dism. Feb., 1855 Daughter of Reuben and Eleanor Paris (1825) ; born in Walling ford, Feb, 1830; married Frederick Hayes Trowbridge. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. ?May, 1895. 2961. Susan Augusta Rice *May, 1910 Sister of 2960; born Dec, 1831. 2962. Jessie Buchanan Sherman Dism. Oct., 1852 Daughter of Thaddeus (1928) and Eliza; born July, 1829; married Lucius Duncan Olmsted. Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Chicago. *Feb, 1857. August 2. 0000. c Rebecca Gorham (Jesse) Higgins See 1855- 2963. c Mary H. (w. Robert Y.) Macy Dism. 1847-53 Admitted from the 1st Presbyterian Church, Hudson,' N. Y. September 6. 2964. c Hannah Beach (w. Elisha) North ?Nov., 1862 Daughter of Fisk and Martha, of Goshen; born 1775; mother of 2965. Admitted from the ist Church, New London. 2965. c Eliza North +Apr., 1871 Daughter of 2964; born 1804. Admitted from the ist Church, New London. 2966. c Sarah Perkins Dalliba (Eli) Whitney +Jan., 1909 Daughter of James and Susannah, of Rome, N. Y. ; born March, 1824; wife of 3241. Admitted from the Reformed Dutch Church, Utica, N. Y. November 1. 2967. Susan L. Bradley Daughter of 2212 and 2209. 16 242 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2968. Mary Virginia Donaghe +1848-53 Daughter of 2306 and 2069. 2969. Emily Taylor Hubbard Dism. Jan., 1855 Daughter of 1918 and 1867; born 1830; married Rev. James Austin Gallup. Dismissed to the church in Essex. +May, 1870. 2970. Rebecca B. Rice (Charles Henry) Oaks *March, 1849 Daughter of Charles and Miranda, of Bangor, Me.; born Nov, 1823; wife of 2634. 2971. Susan Eustis Whittelsey *Feb., 1883 Daughter of 2055 and 2381 ; born March, 1829. 2972. Mary Mulford Whittelsey Dism. Sept., i860 Sister of 2971; born Feb, 1831 ; married Moses Merritt Green wood. Dismissed to the Prytania Street Presbyterian Church, New Orleans. ?June, 1904. December 6. 0000. Ruth Comstock See 2227. 2973. Benjamin Franklin Millard Dism. 1848? Born in Milan, N. Y, Apr, 1820. Ordained pastor in Niles, Mich, 1848. ?Dec, 1905. I847 January 3. 2974. c Erastus Lathrop Ripley *Sept, 1900 Son of Nathaniel and Fanny; born in Weybridge, Vt, Feb, 1822. Yale Coll. 1850. Admitted from the church in Dummerston, Vt. February 7. 2975. c Harriet Hemingway (Landre Beach) Piatt Dism. Apr., 1865 Wife of 2363. Dismissed to the ist Church, Baltimore. +Sept, 1887. 2976. c Hannah Grinnel Wise *Oct., i860 Daughter of Samuel P.; granddaughter of John and Hannah (1525) ; born in Watertown, 1783. March 7. 2977. c Elial Todd Foote *Nov., 1877 Son of Samuel and Sibyl; born in Gill, Mass, May, 1796; hus band of 2978 and 2487. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Jamestown, N. Y. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1846-47 243 2978. c Amelia Stiles Leavitt (Elial Todd) Foote ?Nov., 1867 Daughter of Jonathan and Emilia, of Greenfield, Mass. ; born Dec, 1799; wife of 2977; previously wife of Rev. Charles' Jenkins ; mother of 2980 and 3144. 2979. c Mary M. Coley (John S.) Griffing +Dec, 1898 Daughter of John H. and Mary M. ; born May, 1820; mother of 4086 and 4087. Admitted from the United Church. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church, Oct, 1857. Re-admitted from the Church of the Reedemer, May, 1892. 2980. c Amelia Leavitt Jenkins Dism. March, 1858 Daughter of Rev. Charles and Amelia Stiles Leavitt (2978) ; born in Portland, Me, July, 1827; married Charles Cheney. Foote. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Jamestown, N. Y. Dis missed to the 3d Church. +Sept, 191 1. May 2. 2981. c William Bostwick +Apr., 1863 Son of William and Betsey, of New Milford; born Aug, 1796; husband of 2082; father of 3381. Admitted from the ist Presby terian Church, Augusta, Ga. 2982. c Elizabeth Adeline Howard (William) Bostwick ?Oct., 1855 Daughter of John, of Augusta, Ga.; born Oct, 1808; wife of 2981. May 30. 2983. Henry Trowbridge, Jr. *May, 1883 Son of 2732 and 1724; born Apr, 1816; husband of 2653 and 3466; father of 3209, 3210, 3534, 3535 and 3705- 2984. Caroline Augusta Trowbridge *Dec, 1850 Sister of 2983; born Jan, 1825; married Charles Durand (2828). 2985. Maria Louisa Hotchkiss +June, 1889 Daughter of 2777 and 2430; born Aug, 1828; married Charles Mulock. July 4. 2986. c Mary R. Peck (Charles W.) Allen +Feb., 1856 Daughter of Elisha and Mary Jane; born in Hartford, Nov, 1826; wife of 2999. Admitted from the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 2987. c Catharine Comstock Isham Dism. Jan., 1854 Daughter of Rev. Chester and Diana (2228) ; born 1825. Admit ted from the Howe Street Church. Dismissed to the church in Goshen. Married Rev. Samuel Johnson. *Aug, 1877. 244 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN November 7. 2988. c Catharine Elizabeth Terry (Leonard) Bacon ?July, 1882 Daughter of Nathaniel and Catharine, of Hartford; born Feb, 1813; wife of the pastor; mother of 3277, 3353, 3472, 3473, 3702 and 3732. 2989. c Fanny Cutler White (Estes) Cummings Dism. July, 1851 Daughter of Philip and Abigail; born Nov, 1807. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, N. J. Dismissed to the Park Presbyterian Church, Newark, N. J. +18 — . December 5. 2990. c Helen Lavinia Blatchley Dism. Nov., 1855 Daughter of Samuel Loper and Mary Ann. Admitted from the church in North Madison. Dismissed to the Central Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati. Married Rev. Horace Carter Hovey. 2ggi. c Mary Jane Blatchley Dism. Nov., 1855 Sister of 2990; married William Ludden. Admitted from the church in North Madison. Dismissed to the Central Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati. 0000. c Susan Beecher (w. James) Cochran See 1630. 2gg2. c Henry Howe *Nov., 1851 Son of Benjamfn and Mary, of Belchertown, Mass.; born 1818; husband of 3069. Admitted from the church in Belchertown. 1848 March 26. 2gg3. Martha Hillard Dism. May, 1854 Daughter of Moses and Martha, of Norwich. 2gg4. Charlotte L. Phillips Dism. 1852 2995. Emily Frances Smith Dism. 1848-53 April 30. 2996. George Augustus Bissell Dism. Feb., 1850 Son of Clark and Sally, of Norwalk; born Aug, 1825. Dis missed to the ist Church, Norwalk. ?i860. June 25. 2gg8. Charles Thompson Blake *Dec, 1897 Son of 2061 and 2507 ; born Oct, 1826. Yale Coll. 1847. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1847-48 245 August 6. 2ggg. c Charles W. Allen Dism. Oct., 1888 Son of Charles J. and Maria ; born May, 1821 ; husband of 2986. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. Dismissed to Trinity Church. ?Feb, 1895. 3000. Ann (w. John) Gardiner ?Jan., 1858 3001. c Stephen B. McMaster Dism. Dec, 1849 Admitted from the church in Derby. Dismissed to the Broad way Tabernacle Church, N. Y. City. 3002. c Adeline A. Ives (George K.) Whiting Dism. Aug., 1850 Born in Hamden, Oct, 1816. Admitted from the church in Mount Carmel. Dismissed to the College Street Church. +Oct, 1899. October 7. 3003. c Dexter Alden +Oct., 1884 Son of Benjamin and Polly; born in Ludlow, Mass, Oct, 1812; husband of 3004 and 3321 ; father of 3426, 3802 and 3803. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Little Falls, N. Y. Dismissed to the 3d Church, Oct, 1856. Re-admitted from that church, Dec, I859. 3004. c Eliza Griswold (Dexter) Alden Dism. Oct., 1856 Daughter of Leverett and Esther; born 1817; wife of 3003. *Apr, 1857. November 26. 3005. Elizabeth Ritter Dism. June, 1858 Daughter of 2041 and 2258; born 1832; married Charles G. Pettibone. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. Removed to Chicago. +About 1880. 3006. Silas Richards Selden Dism. about 1859 Son of David and Gertrude Elizabeth; born in N. Y. City, Dec, 1822. Yale Coll. 1845. Dismissed to the 5th Avenue Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +July, 1905. 3007. Charles Selden Care withdrawn, Jan., 1874 Brother of 3006; born in Liverpool, England, June, 1827. Yale Coll. 1848. Dec. 3. 3008. c Ruth (w. ) Bristol Dism. Jan., 1855 Born in North Guilford, 1807. Admitted from the church in Cheshire. Dismissed to the ist or Grand Avenue Church, Fair Haven. *July, 1864. 3009. c Nancy, or Ann, W. (w. Peter) Dykers Dism. Apr., 185 1 Born 1790. Admitted from the Franklin Street Reformed Dutch Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the ist Methodist Church, +Feb, 1865. 246 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3010. c Sophia Richards (James) Olmstead ?Jan., 1876 Dism. Apr., 1851 Daughter of Lewis and Mary, of New Canaan ; born Oct, 1827 ; wife of 2923. Admitted from the church in New Canaan. Dis missed to the College Street Church, March, 1852. Re-admitted from that church, Nov, 1868. December 31. 301 1. Henry Taylor Blake Son of 2061 and 2507. Yale Coll. 1848. Married 3207; father of 3927 and 4362. Dismissed to the ist Church, Bridgeport, Feb, 1852. Re-admitted from that church, Oct, 1864. 1849 January 7. 3012. c George Parsons Willey Dism. Dec, 1857 Born 1821 ; husband of 3033. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. ?Apr, 1885. April 1. 3013. c Timothy Dwight Dism. June, 1862 Son of Timothy and Clarissa; born Apr, 1811; husband of 3014. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. Dismissed to the ist Church, Beloit, Wis. +May, 1895. 3014. c Lucy Starr Olmstead (Timothy) Dwight Dism. June, 1862 Daughter of Zalmon and Rebecca, of Moreau, N. Y. ; born Feb, 1816; wife of 3013. ?May, 1876. 3015. c Mary Woolsey Dwight Dism. May, 1855 Sister of 3013; born Sept, 1814; married Jonathan Huntington Lyman. Dismissed to the Edwards Church, Northampton, Mass. ?Sept, 1885. June 3. 3016. c James H. Dunham Dism. 1854 Married 3082. Admitted from the church in Pittsfield, Mass. 3017. c Hannah Sanford Tuttle (w. Pinney) Kelsey Dism. 1854 Daughter of Eliada and Hannah, of North Haven; born Dec, 1822. Admitted from the Methodist Church in Bristol. Married • Charles Ezra Clarke. Dismissed to the church in Watertown, N. Y. Living 1870. 3018. c Mary Gouverneur Ogden +Dec, i860 Daughter of Rev. Uzal and Mary, of Newark, N. J.; born 1792. Admitted from the Central Presbyterian Church, Northern Liberties of Philadelphia. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1848-49 247 3019. c Helen Mary Rood +Feb., 1869 Daughter of Rev. Anson and Alida Gouverneur; born March, 1832; niece of 3018; married Eli Whitney Blake, Jr. Admitted from the Central Presbyterian Church, Northern Liberties of Phila delphia. June 24. 3020. Mary Brayton Dism. Feb., 1850 Dismissed to the church in Swanton, Vt. Married Merton Bullard. +Feb, 1884. 3021. Emilia Ann Field (Josiah) Brewer Dism. Jan., 185 1 Daughter of Rev. David Dudley and Submit, of Haddam; born Feb, 1807. Dismissed to the ist Church, Middletown. ?Dec, 1861. 3022. Rebecca Curtiss Dism. Sept., 1853 Married Bryan Clark. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. 3023. Justus Street Hotchkiss Son of 2777 and 2430; husband of 3581. 3024. Sarah Tappan Hotchkiss +Nov., 1855 Daughter of 1647 and 1983; born 1832. 3025. Elizabeth Jarman Dism. July, 1854 Daughter of 2873 and 2874. Dismissed to a Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, N. Y. Married John Gould. 3026. Anna T. Jarman Dism. July, 1854 Sister of 3025; born 1834. Dismissed to a Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, N. Y. *Jan, 1870. 3027. Cornelia Robinson *May, 1869 Daughter of 2788 and 2746; born Dec, 1826. 3028. Forresta G. Shepherd Dism. Oct., 1866 Daughter of 2489 and 2498; married Rev. William Hutchison. Dismissed to the Broadway Church, Norwich. 3029. Charlotte Street Thompson *June, 1880 Daughter of 2707 and 2708; born May, 1832. 3030. Ellen Turnbull Thompson Dism. Nov., 1870 Twin-sister of 3029; married Ambrose S. Rogers. Dismissed to the church in New Milford. 3031. Maria Theresa Clark (James Mulford) Townsend *Apr., 1884 Daughter of Epaphras and Sarah, of Middletown; born Oct, 1828; wife of 3043- 248 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3032. 'Kinsley Twining Dism. Aug., 1850 Son of 2054 and 3149; born in West Point, N. Y, July, 1832. Yale Coll. 1853. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. Ordained pastor in Hinsdale, Mass, Aug, 1858. Father of 4307. *Nov, 1901. 3033. Caroline Thompson (George Parsons) Willey Dism. Dec, 1857 Wife of 3012. August 5. 3034. c Mary A. Bradley (Wooster) Hotchkiss *Apr., 1880 Daughter of Luther and Mary; born 1810; wife of 2027. Admitted from the United Church. 3035. c Charlotte Jencks Dism. July, 1851 Married Horace B. Knapp. Admitted from the church in North east Center, N. Y. Dismissed to the church in Norfolk. September 2. 3036. Thomas B. Attwater ?July, 1870 Son of Thomas and Sarah; born Sept, 1818; husband of 3302; father of 3772. 3037. c Harvey Baldwin Dism. March, 1858 Son of Amos and Elizabeth, of Watertown; born Oct, 1818; husband of 3038. Admitted from the church in Goshen. Dis missed to the church in Watertown. ?Feb, 1859. 3038. c Esther Starr (Harvey) Baldwin Dism. March, 1858 Daughter of Truman and Esther, of Goshen; born Nov, 1816; wife of 3037. ?March, 1886. 3039. c Andrew Hull Foote *June, 1863 Son of Samuel Augustus and Eudocia, of Cheshire; born Sept, 1806; husband of 2831; father of 3141 and 3375. Admitted from the church in Cheshire. 3040. c Flora Smith *Apr., 1897 Daughter of Luther and Lucy, of Brookfield; born 1807. Admit ted from the Howe Street Church. 3041. c Mary Burwell Starr *Aug., 1868 Sister of 3038; born Feb, 1819. Admitted from the church in Goshen. 3042. c Hannah Starr Dism. Apr., 1862 • Sister of 3041 ; born July, 1828. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church. ?July, 191 1. CATALOGUE OF MEMDERS, 1849 249 3043. c James Mulford Townsend *Nov., 1902 Son of William Kneeland and Eliza Ann (3367) ; born Jan, 1825 ; husband of 3031 ; father of 3686. Admitted from the ist or Grand Avenue Church in Fair Haven. November 4. 3044. c John Pitkin Norton *Sept, 1852 Son of John Treadwell and Mary Hubbard, of Farmington ; born July, 1822; husband of 3045. Admitted from the church in Farm ington. 3045. c Elizabeth Pepoon Marvin (John Pitkin) Norton Dism. Oct., 1859 Daughter of Alexander and Mary Elizabeth, of Albany; born Feb, 1824; wife of 3044. Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Albany. Dismissed to the same church. *Aug, 1877. Dec. 30. 3046. John [Henry] Anketell Dism. June, i860 Son of 2914 and 2223; born March, 1835. Yale Coll. 1855. Mar ried 3204. Dismissed to the church in Andover. Theol. Seminary, Oct, 1856. Re-admitted from that church, Aug, 1858. Ordained to the Episcopal ministry, Dec, 1859, by Bishop Williams, of Con necticut. Dismissed to the Episcopal Church. ?March, 1905. 3047. Leonard Woolsey Bacon Dism. Oct., 1856 Son of Rev. Leonard and 2215; born Jan, 1830. Yale Coll. 1850. Husband of 3060; father of 3767, 3804 and 4209. Ordained pastor in Litchfield, Oct, 1856. Dismissed to the church in Litch field. ?May, 1907. 3048. George Blagden Bacon Dism. March, 1861 Brother of 3047; born May, 1836. Yale Coll. 1856. Ordained pastor in Orange, N. J. Dismissed to the Valley Church in Orange. ?Sept, 1876. 3049. William Alexander Magill Dism. Oct., 1878 Son of Rev. Seagrove William and Helen Almira (2289) ; born in Bryan County, Ga, Jan, 1836. Yale Coll. 1858. Husband of 3632. Dismissed to the church in Yale College, Sept, 1852. Re-ad mitted from the church in Lyme, May, 1872. Dismissed to the church in Amherst, Mass. +Nov, 1899. 3050. James B. Noyes *Dec, 1851 Son of Samuel and Esther, of New Canaan ; born Sept, 1830. 3051. Charles Henry Whittelsey *Oct, 1871 Son of 2055 and 2381 ; born Oct, 1832. Yale Coll. 1853. 250 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN l850 January 6. 3052. c John Peck Care withdrawn, June, i860 Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Dansville, N. Y. March 3. 3053. c Harriet M. Hogeboom *Oct, 1868 Daughter of Cornelius and Martha (1875) ; born Dec, 1827. Admitted from the Reformed Dutch Church, Ghent, N. Y. 3054. c Henry T. Mygatt Dism. July, 1856 Husband of 3084. Admitted from the ist Church, Woodbury. Dismissed to the Central Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Removed from Buffalo, 1866. 3055. c Thomas Wells *Sept, 1874 Born in Salisbury, N. H, Apr, 1792; husband of 3056; father of 3346 and 3553. Admitted from the Church of the Puritans, N. Y. City. 3056. c Jane Elizabeth Bucklin (Thomas) Wells ?Nov., 1898 Daughter of Thomas and Hannah, of Seekonk, Mass.; born 1813; wife of 3055. 3057. c Mary Bacon (w. Chauncey) Whittelsey Dism. 1850-53 Daughter of Asahel and Hannah, of Roxbury ; born Feb, 1787. Admitted from the church in Roxbury. ?March, 1869. March 31. 3058. Fanny Augusta Crafts (w. Samuel Worcester) Andrew Dism. July, i860 Daughter of Chauncey and Maria, of Woodbury; born June, 1826; next married William Slater Charnley. Dismissed to Trinity Church. +Apr, 1907. 3059. Rebecca Bacon +May, 1864 Daughter of Nathaniel Almoran and Almira (2854) ) born Aug, 1833. 3060. Susan Bacon Dism. Nov., 1857 Sister of 3059; born Aug, 1835; married Rev. Leonard Woolsey Bacon (3047). Dismissed to the church in Litchfield. ?May, 1887. 3061. Lucilia U. Thompson *Jan., 1864 Daughter of Uriel, of Avon; born 1830; married Rev. William Pratt Barker. 'CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1850-51 251 June 2. 0000. c Clarissa Atwater (Oliver Billings) Butter- field See 1986. 0000. c Maria Towner See 2521. June 30. 3062. Silvester Taylor Dism. Aug., 1852 Dismissed to the 3d Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati. August 4. 3063. c Abby Woolsey Howland (Daniel Whit ing) Lathrop *Feb., 1872 Daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; born 1800; mother of 3082. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Elyria, O. September 1. 3064. c Betsey A. Copp Dism. Aug., 1852 Admitted from the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dis missed to the same church. +1859. 3065. c Edward Harrison *March, 1878 Son of Aaron; born in Meriden, Aug, 1817; husband of 3291. Admitted from the Church of the Puritans, N. Y. City. 3066. c Maria Adeline Copp (w. Samuel) Waring Dism. Aug., 1852 Sister of 3064. Admitted from the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the same church. ?Oct, 1863. I85I February 2. 3067. c Sarah Beaman Ruggles (Francis) Bradley Dism. Sept., 1857 Daughter of John and Sarah Beaman, of Rutland, Vt. ; born Jan, 1830; wife of 2596. Admitted from the church in East Rut land. Dismissed to the New England Church, Chicago. +Apr, 1904. March 23. 3068. Jane Foote (Charles) Dickerman +Oct, 1875 Daughter of Merritt and Betsey; born in Branford, Oct, 1826; mother of 3423 and 3712. 3o6g. Violet Burt Sedgwick (Henry) Howe *Nov., 1853 Daughter of John and Asenath Burt, of Palmer, Mass.; born 1822; wife of 2992. 252 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3070. Harriet Sanford Daughter of 1805 and 1768; married Wyllys Atwater (3441 ). Dismissed to the 3d Church, Jan, 1857. Re-admitted from that church, Feb, 1867. 3071. Ezekiel Hayes Trowbridge *Nov., 1893 Son of 2732 and 1724; born Apr, 1818; husband of 2761; father of 3399 and 3433. April 6. 3072. c Chester Smith Lyman ?Jan., 1890 Son of Chester and Mary, of East Hartford; born Jan, 1814. Yale Coll. 1837. Married 2851; father of 3594, 3666 and 3830. Admitted from the church in Ellington. Ordained pastor in New Britain, Feb, 1843. Deacon, 1857-90. 3073. c Elizabeth (George) Thompson Care withdrawn, June, i860 Admitted from the St. Thomas Free Church, Greenock, Scotland. May 4. 3074. c Martha B. Greene +June, 1877 Daughter of James and Altha; born 1821. Admitted from the North Church, Woodbury. May 25. 3075. Leonard Abram Bradley Dism. March, 1859 Son of 2212 and 2209; born March, 1833. Yale Coll. 1855. Dis missed to the 5th Avenue Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +Apr, 1898. 3076. Elizabeth Ann Dole Dism. Nov., 1868 Daughter of 2620 and 2441; born Nov, 1836; married Lucius Bradford Skinner. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, DuQuoin, 111. ?Jan, 1874. 3077. James Fordham *March, 1892 Born in Sag Harbor, N. Y, July, 1800; husband of 2648. 3078. Theodore Lewis Buffett Howe Dism. 1854 Son of Rev. Samuel and Eloisa L. Buffett; born in Lenox, N. Y, June, 1839- Yale Coll. i860. ?Nov, 1863. 3079. Sarah Maria Ives Dism. 1856 Married Edward Beecher Treat. 3080. John Lane Dism. May, 1865 Husband of 3081. Dismissed to the ist Church, (West) Meriden. ?Oct, 1885. 3081. Mary Williams (John) Lane Dism. May, 1865 Born 1800; wife of 3080. ?Feb, 1891. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1851 253 3082. Harriet Winslow Lathrop Dism. Jan., 1864 Daughter of Rev. Daniel Whiting and Abby Woolsey (3063); born June, 1834; married James H. Dunham (3016). Dismissed to the Broadway Tabernacle, N. Y. City. +Nov, 1879. 3083. Elizabeth (Charles) Miller Care withdrawn, June, i860 3084. Julia Losee (Henry T.) Mygatt Dism. July, 1856 Wife of 3054. Dismissed to the Central Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Removed from Buffalo, 1866. 3085. Sarah Elizabeth Manvel (James) Rice Dism. July, 1856 Daughter of Cyrus and Hannah; born Dec, 1828; wife of 2785. Dismissed to the South Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. ?July, 1881. 3086. Leonard Jacob Sanford +Dec, 1896 Son of 1805 and 1768; born Nov, 1833; husband of 3436; father of 3959, 396o and 3961. Deacon, 1862-96. 3087. Minott Thompson +May, 1890 Son of Benjamin and Lydia, of Durham; born Apr, 1810. 3088. Edward Ashley Walker Dism. Oct., 1863 Son of 2443 and 2486; born Nov, 1834. Yale Coll. 1856. Hus band of 3464; father of 3860. Ordained as an Evangelist in New Haven, June, 1861. Dismissed to the Old South Church, Worcester, Mass. +Apr, 1866. June 29. 3089. Nancy Sarah Bronson (Chauncey Ailing) Dick erman Dism. Jan., 1866 Daughter of William A. and Frances A.; born in Orange, Feb, 1827; wife of 2934. Dismissed to the College Street Church. ?May, 1909. 3090. Cornelia Abigail Gaston +Nov., 1875 Daughter of William and Tabitha (2230) ; born Oct, 1822. 3091. Harriet Rebecca Hayes ?Aug., 1906 Daughter of 1662 and 1728 ; born May, 1830. 3092. Mary Bills Hayes Dism. June, 1855 Sister of 3091; born Oct, 1836; married Edward Townsend Mix. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?March, 1903. 3093. Sidney Ash Moulthrop Dism. Nov., 1867 Son of 3146 and 3147; born Jan, 1833. Dismissed to the ist Church, Washington, D. C. *May, 1884. 254 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN August 3. 3094. c Caroline Ives ?Jan., 1892 Daughter of Jesse and Mabel, of Hamden; born 1821. Admitted from the church in Mount Carmel. August 31. 3095. Susan Frances Dickerman +Sept., 1856 Born 1836. 3096. Thomas Parsons Dickerman Dism. Oct., 1866 Son of 3713 and 2184; born June, 1838. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. +Apr, 1904. 3097. Elizabeth Howell ?July, 1870 Daughter of Joseph and Sally (1705) ; born 1794. September 28. 3098. Frances Mary Foote Daughter of Andrew Hull and Frances Mary (2876). 3ogg. Julia Sanford +Feb., 1900 Daughter of 1805 and 1768; born Jan, 1831. November 2. 0000. c Helen Almira Twining (Seagrove Wil liam) Magill See 2289. 3100. Margaret Anna Rood Dism. July, 1854 Daughter of Rev. Anson and Alida Gouverneur; born Sept, 1834; married Rowland Hazard; mother of 4132. Dismissed to the church in Bristol, R. I. +Aug, 1895. December 7. 3101. c Mason Cogswell Weld Dism. Aug., 1855 Son of Lewis and Mary Austin, of Hartford ; born Feb, 1829. . Ph.B. Yale 1852. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Dis missed to the same church. ?Sept, 1887. l852 January 4. 3102. c Radcliffe Boorman Lockwood Dism. Feb., 1858 Son of Rev. Peter and Matilda, of Binghamton, N. Y. ; born May, 1829. Admitted from the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the same church. ?Feb, 191 1. February 1. 3103. c Emily C. Jones (Samuel E.) Brown ?Sept., 1889 Born about 1819. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1851-52 255 3104. c Caleb Foote Gates Dism. Sept., 1853 Son of Russell and Mabel, of Cold Spring, N. Y. ; born Apr, 1824; husband of 3105. Admitted from the South Church, Middle- town. Dismissed to a church in Chicago. +June, 1890. 3105. c Mary Eliza Hutchins (Caleb Foote) Gates Dism. Sept., 1853 Wife of 3104. Admitted from the ist Church, East Haddam. 3106. c Harriet C. Jones +Sept, 1867 Sister of 3103; born 1815. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. 3107. c Mary Baker (Abraham) Sanford +March, 1910 Daughter of Amos and Mary, of Ridgefield; born July, 1824; wife of 2640. Admitted from the 1st Methodist Church. 3108. c Esther Antoinette Wilcoxson (Charles Barnes) Whittlesey +Dec, 1909 Daughter of Levi and Esther, of Milan, O. ; born March, 1827; wife of 2794. Admitted from the 1st Church, Milan. March 7. 3109. c Wyllys Hotchkiss +June, 1852 Son of Stephen and Abigail (1328); born Dec, 1782; husband of 1635. Admitted from the church in Colebrook. 0000. c Lucretia Hayes (Wyllys) Hotchkiss See 1635. April 4. 31 10. c Charles Samuel Andrews Dism. Jan., 1856 Son of Ethan Allen and Lucy; born Aug, 1823. LL.B. Yale 1851. Admitted from the church in New Britain. Dismissed to the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. +Oct, 1913. 3111. c Elizabeth Coit Lathrop (Samuel) Hutchings Dism. Oct., 1857 Daughter of Charles and Joanna; born in New London, Apr, 1813; mother of 3112 and 3113. Admitted from the Evangelical Church, Brookfield, Mass. Dismissed to the High Street Presby terian Church, Newark, N. J. Living 1873. 31 12. c Mary Joanna Hutchings Dism. Oct., 1857 Daughter of 31 11. Admitted from the Evangelical Church, Brookfield, Mass. Dismissed to the High Street Presbyterian Church, Newark, N. J. 31 13. c Charlotte Lathrop Hutchings Dism. Oct., 1857 Sister of 31 12. Admitted from the Evangelical Church, Brook field, Mass. Dismissed to the High Street Presbyterian Church, Newark, N. J. 256 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3114. c Edward Olmstead Dism. Nov., 1855 Son of 2921 and 2922; born in Wilton, Nov, 1824. Yale Coll. 1845. Husband of 31 15. Admitted from the church in Yale Col lege. Dismissed to the church in Wilton. +Dec, 1898. 31 15. c Marian Hyde (Edward) Olmstead Dism. Nov., 1855 Daughter of James Nevins and Mary Ann, of Norwich; wife of 31 14. Admitted from the church in Colchester. April 25. 3116. Sarah Elizabeth Farren Dism. July, 1856 Daughter of 2350 and 2058; born Dec, 1833; married Andrew Y. Parmelee. Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church. ?Sept, 1906. 31 17. John Nicoll +May, 1912 Son of Charles and Caroline; born March, 1831. M.D. Yale 1854. Husband of 4189. Dismissed to the South Church, Oct, 1856. Re-admitted, from Plymouth Church, Jan, 1899. 31 18. Ellen Maria Prichard *May, 1908 Daughter of Gilman and Mary (2647) ; born in Boston, July, 1831. May 2. 31 19. Ellen Dwight Eaton Dism. Feb., 1877 Daughter of 3181 and 3182; born at Fort Niagara, March, 1832. Dismissed to St. Thomas's Church. +Apr, 1907. 3120. c Truman French ?July, 1873 Born Oct, 1813; husband of 3121. Admitted from the church in Bethany. 3121. c Susan Lee (Truman) French *March, 1908 Daughter of Rev. Chauncey Graham and Susan, of Monroe; born May, 1822; wife of 3120. May 30. 3122. Amos Foot Barnes +Oct., 1890 Son of Merritt and Polly, of Watertown; born Apr, 1818; hus band of 3123; father of 3124 and 3805. 3123. Nancy R. Attwater (Amos Foot) Barnes +Apr., 1893 Daughter of Thomas and Sarah; born Nov, 1816; wife of 3122. 3124. Mary A. Barnes Dism. 1869 Daughter of 3122 and 3123; married Julius Tyler. Dismissed to the ist Baptist Church. 3125. Mary Ann Hotchkiss Dism. Feb., i860 Daughter of Isaac Thompson and Eliza C. Tomlinson ; born Jan, 1832; married Joseph Ashley Welch. Dismissed to the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. *June, 1900. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1852 257 3126. Ellen S. Waite Dism. March, 1858 Dismissed to the Clinton Street Presbyterian Church, Philadel phia. June 6. 3127. c Lucy Starr *Sept, 1876 Daughter of Truman and Esther, of Goshen; born Apr, 1822. Admitted from the ist Methodist Church. July 4. 3128. c George Horatio Bacon *Sept, 1893 Son of Daniel and Jane; born in Woodbury, Jan, 1833. Admit ted from the church in Woodbury. 3129. c Julius Barnes Dism. Feb., 1855 Son of Julius Steele and Laura, of Southington; born Aug, 1831. Admitted from the church in Southington. Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Laporte, Ind. 3130. c James Minor Linsley Dism. Dec, 1863 Son of Rev. Ammi and Abigail, of East Hartland; born Nov, 1816. Yale Coll. 1843. Husband of 3221. Admitted from the ist Church, Stamford. Dismissed to the church in Clinton. ?Dec, 1889. 3131. c Maria Hill (zv. Joseph) Mott Dism. June, 1858 Admitted from the church in Turin, N. Y. Dismissed to the 23d Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 3132. Julia Ann Trowbridge Dism. June, 1890 Daughter of 2732 and 1724; born Jan, 1827; married William Bancroft. Dismissed to the church in Chesterfield, Mass. 3133. Ellen Maria Trowbridge *Feb., 1855 Sister of 3132; born Aug, 1831 ; married Frederick Hall. 3134. c Arabella Loomis (Henry) Upson *Jan., 1874 Daughter of Luther and Jemima, of Suffield; born May, 1797; previously wife of Gustavus Upson. Admitted from the United Church. October 31. 3135. James Walker Dism. Jan., 1874 Son of Elisha and Sylvia, of Woodstock; born March, 1834; married 3259; father of 3985 and 4068. Dismissed to the church in Orange. +Aug, 1895 December 5. 3136. c Benjamin C. Eastman Dism. Dec, 1878 Son of Peter and Mary; born Dec, 1806; husband of 3137; father of 3208, 3300, 3395 and 3429. Admitted from the ist Church, Meriden. Dismissed to the church in South Meriden. ?July, 1887. 3137. c Sarah S. Clark (Benjamin C.) Eastman *July, 1874 Daughter of Nicholas, of Chester; born Jan, 1812; wife of 3136. 1/ 258 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1853 February 6. 3138. Jane A. Thompson Dism. July, 1859 Daughter of William ; married Charles Lockwood Hoyt. Dis missed to the church in Rosendale, Wis. +Apr, 1895. April 3. 3139. c Solomon Mead Dism. June, ii Son of Richard and Hannah, of South Salem, N. Y. ; born Nov, 1829; husband of 3192; father of 3926. Admitted from the Pres byterian Church, South Salem. Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church. ?June, 1905. May 1. 3140. Phebe H. Dummer (w. Ebenezer D.) Barney * June, .1880 Daughter of 1712 and 1535; born Sept, 1801. 3141. Josephine C. Foote Dism. March, 1863 Daughter of Andrew Hull (3039) and Caroline; born June, 1837; married George S. Reese. Dismissed to St. Peter's Church, Balti more. 3142. c Rufus King McHarg Dism. Sept., 1856 Born July, 1820; husband of 2837; father of 3474. Admitted from the Central Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Jersey City, N. J. ?Dec, 1900. 3143. Mary Phillips Salisbury Dism. Jan., 1872 Daughter of 2756 and 2757; born Aug, 1837. Dismissed to the church in Yale Coll. ?Apr, 1875. June 5. 3144. c Jonathan Leavitt Jenkins Dism. Dec, 1855 Son of Rev. Charles and Amelia Stiles Leavitt (2978). Yale Coll. 1851. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Ordained pastor in Lowell, Mass, Oct, 1855. Dismissed to the ist Church, Lowell. +Aug, 1913. , , July 31. 3145. Elizabeth Fay Whitney +Feb., 1854 Daughter of Eli and Henrietta Frances (1938); born March, 1819. September 4. 3146. c Sidney Moulthrop Dism. Nov., 1867 Son of Reuben and Hannah, of East Haven; born Sept, 1803; husband of 3147; father of 3093. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. Dismissed to the ist Church, Washington, D. C. ?July, 1880. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1853-54 259 3147. Selina Ash (Sidney) Moulthrop Dism. Nov., 1867 Born in Stonington; wife of 3146. September 25. 3148. Winston John Trowbridge *Nov., 1864 Son of 2732 and 1724; born May, 1820; husband of 3298; father of 3688, 3944, 3951, 4796 and 4873. December 4. 0000. c Alexander Catlin Twining See 2054. 3149. c Harriet Amelia Kinsley (Alexander Catlin) Twin ing *Oct, 1871 Daughter of Zebina and Anne, of West Point, N. Y. ; born Sept, 1798; wife of 2054. Admitted from the church in Middle bury, Vt. I854 March 5. 3150. c Worthington Hooker Dism. May, 1855 Son of John and Sarah, of Springfield, Mass.; born March, 1806. Yale Coll. 1825. Admitted from the 1st Church, Norwich. Dis missed to the United Church. +Nov, 1867. March 26. 3151. Harriet Buel Hickok Dism. Jan., 1855 Daughter of Rev. Henry Pearl, of Burlington, Vt. Dismissed to the church in Burlington. Married Rev. Andrew Jackson Willard. 3152. Harriet Anna Twining *Feb., 1896 Daughter of 2054 and 3149; born Dec, 1833. 3153. Julia Twining Sister of 31S2. April 2. 3154. c Allison II. Palmer Dism. July, 1856 Husband of 3155. Admitted from the ist Church, Northampton, Mass. Dismissed to the Lawrence Street Church, Lawrence, Mass. Removed to Salem, Mass, i860. 3155. c Ruth G. Todd (Allison H.) Palmer Dism. July, 1856 Wife of 3154- May 7. 3156. c Clarissa Ely (David C.) Collins Daughter of William and Clarissa May, of Hartford; born Jan. 1, 1814; mother of 3200, 3201, 3539 and 3540. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. 260 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3157. c Henry Coit Kingsley *Dec, 1886 Son of James Luce and Lydia; born Dec, 1815. Yale Coll. 1834. Husband of 3158; father of 3269. Admitted from the 2d Presby terian Church, Cleveland, 0. Deacon, 1876-86. 3158. c Jane Thomas (Henry Coit) Kingsley Daughter of Briggs White and Orra, of Utica, N. Y.; wife of 3157; previously wife of Handy. October 1. 3159. c Nancy Judd (w. Isaiah A.) Blakeslee Dism. June, 1858 Daughter of Luther and Mary, of Watertown; born Apr, 1813; mother of 3160. Admitted from the College Street Church. Dis missed to the same church. ?Nov, 1888. 3160. c Homer L. Blakeslee Dism. Sept., 1858 Son of 3159; married 3191. Admitted from the College Street Church. Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Chicago. ?March, 1902. 3161. c Nelson W. Hine Dism. March, 1861 Son of Harry and Delia, of Orange; born Dec, 1833. Admitted from the church in Westville. Dismissed to the Wooster Place Church, Dec, 1855. Re-admitted from the same church, Oct, 1857. Dismissed to the College Street Church. ?Sept, 1909. 3162. Susan Elizabeth Sanford (Theodore) Saltus Dism. Nov., 1857 Daughter of John Clark and Susan E. (2671). December 3. 3163. c Thomas Burr Osborne *Sept, 1869 Son of Jeremiah and Anna, of Weston; born July, 1798. Yale Coll. 1817. Admitted from the 1st Church, Fairfield. l855 Jan. 7. 3164. c George Pitcairn Stillman Dism. Apr., 1871 Born Oct, 181 1; husband of 3165. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. Dismissed to the Broadway Tabernacle Church, N. Y. City. ?July, 1891. 3165. c Elizabeth Trowbridge (George Pitcairn) Stillman Dism. Apr., 1871 Daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth; born Jan, 1814; wife of 3164. ?Feb, 1897. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1854-55 26 1 3166. c Jennie J. Miller (Charles) Winship *March, 1899 Born 1838; wife of 279G. Admitted from the Central Presby terian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. March 4. 3167. c Abby H. Smith (Milton S.) Leonard Dism. June, i860 Born in N. Y. State, 1831. Admitted from a Presbyterian church in N. Y. State. Dismissed to the Episcopal church. ?Dec, 1867. April 1. 3168. William Hempstead Dism. Apr., 1856 Dismissed to a church in Chicago. 3169. Harriet Smith Olmstead Daughter of 2921 and 2922. May 27. 3170. Frances Carpenter Bradley Dism. Sept., 1857 Daughter of Philip Burr, of Ridgefield; born 1839- Dismissed to a church in Andrew, Iowa. ?1911. 3171. Franklin Seymour Bradley *Apr., 1908 Son of 2657 and 2658; born May, 1839. Yale Coll. 1861. Hus band of 3267 and 4058; father of 3734, 3806, 3807, 4140 and 4286. Deacon, 1876-1908. 3172. Sarah Ann Deming *Nov., 1905 Daughter of Oliver and Mary; born Oct, 1817. July 1. 3173. c Edward Barnard Bassett Dism. Aug., 1859 Son of Nathaniel and Betsey, of Newburyport, Mass. ; born Apr.. 1819. Ordained as an Evangelist in Cuttingsville, Vt, May, 1857. Dismissed to the church in Wilmington, Vt. +Aug, 1882. 3174. c Elizabeth Goodrich (Noah) Coe *March, 1864 Daughter of Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth, of Berlin; born Apr, 1787; mother of 3350. Admitted from the Church of the Puritans, N. Y. City. 3175. c Alfrederic Smith Hatch Dism. Nov., 1856 Husband of 3176. Admitted from Trinity Methodist Church, Jersey City, N. J. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. 3176. c Theodosia Ruggles (Alfrederic Smith) Hatch Dism. Nov., 1856 Wife of 3175. Admitted from the church in Daricn. December 30. 3177. William Lockwood Bradley *June, 1903 Son of 2212 and 2209; born in N. Y. City, Oct, 1837. Yale Coll. i860. 262 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3178. Samuel Hayes *June, 1866 Son of Ezekiel and Wealthy (1565); born Sept, 1803. Yale Coll. 1823. Father of 3393, 3827 and 3828. 3179. Julia Atwater Manvel Dism. March, 1854 Daughter of Cyrus and Hannah; married John P. Lindsay. Dismissed to the church in Naugatuck. I856 January 4. .3180. c Frances Julia Betts (William) Hillhouse *June, 1907 Daughter of Samuel Rossiter and Caroline Abigail (3597) ; born in Newburgh, N. Y, Nov, 1822. April 6. 3181. c Amos Beebe Eaton Dism. June, 1862 Son of Amos and Sally; born in Catskill, N. Y, May, 1806; husband of 3182; father of 3119, 3197 and 3451. Admitted from the Howard Street Presbyterian Church, San Francisco. Dismissed to the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?Feb, 1877. 3182. c Elizabeth Selden (Amos Beebe) Eaton Dism. June, 1862 Daughter of Calvin and Phebe, of Lyme; born Apr, 1796; wife of 3181; previously wife of Joseph Spencer. Admitted from the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?May, 1868. April 27. 3183. Nathan Howell Sanford *Dec, 1896 Son of 1805 and 1768; born Aug, 1838. May 4. 3184. c Ruth Wooster (zv. John) Manvel *Jan., 1868 Daughter of Daniel and Ann, of Middlebury; born July, 1778; mother of 2318, 2319 and 2320. Admitted from the ist Church, Woodbury. June 1. 3185. c Mary Frisbie (zv. Alfred) Hough +March, 1901 Daughter of Jonathan and Peggy, of Branford; born Feb, 1803; mother of 3186 and 3187. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3186. c Harriet W. Hough Daughter of 3185. Admitted from the College Street Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1855-57 263 3187. c Mary Elizabeth Hough Dism. Oct., 1858 Sister of 3186; married Alonzo Plant. Admitted from the Col lege Street Church. Dismissed to the 13th Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. July 6. 3188. c Sarah E. Norris (Edward B.) Martin Care withdrawn, Jan., 1893 Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Florence, Ala. 3189. c Elizabeth Parsons Dism. Jan., 1862 Born 1805. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Goshen, N. Y. Married Street Jones. Dismissed to the church in Walling ford. +Dec, 1875. October 5. 0000. c Eliza A. M. Gilbert (Ebenezer) Kinney See 2897. November 2. 3190. c Olive Burgis (w. Ozias) Whedon ?Feb., 1867 Daughter of Thomas and Olive, of Guilford; born Oct, 1776. Admitted from the 1st Church, Guilford. l857 January 4. 3191. c Aurelia P. Carter (Homer L.) Blakeslee Dism. Sept., 1858 Daughter of Asahel and Eunice Aurelia, of Southington; wife of 3160. Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Chicago. Removed to Dundee, 111, 1904. 3ig2. c Elizabeth Chapin Deming (Solomon) Mead Dism. June, 1888 Daughter of William and Phebe; born Aug, 1831 ; wife of 3139. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church. +Apr, 1890. January 25. 3ig3- Eliza Newton Baldwin Dism.. Apr., 1858 Daughter of 1990 and 2294; married Henry R. Hatch. Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, O. ?July, 1886. 3ig4. Gertrude Alice Baldwin Dism. 1864 Sister of 3193; born Oct, 1835; married John M. Richards. Dismissed to the 3d Church. +1909. 264 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3ig5. Mary Anna Bassett Dism. Oct., 1865 Daughter of John G. and Henrietta C, of N. Y. City; grand daughter of 2506; born 1834; married Jeremiah Evarts Greene. Dismissed to the church in North Brookfield, Mass. +1897. 3ig6. Juliana G. Dickerman ?Aug., 1858 Daughter of William and Ellen Eliza (3819) ; born Feb, 1841. 3ig7. Frances Spencer Eaton ?Aug., 191 1 Daughter of 3181 and 3182; born July, 1836, at Fort Gratiot, Mich.; married Charles Atwood White (3675). Dismissed, March, 1863, to the Reformed Dutch Church, Astoria, N. Y. Re-admitted, Feb, 1874, from that church. 3198. Mary Elizabeth Manvel Daughter of Albert and Eliza, of Woodbury; married John Chapman Ritter (3248). 3igg. Sophia Winthrop Shepherd Dism. Nov., 1869 Daughter of 2489 and 2498. Dismissed to the church in the Hampton Institute, Va. Married Rev. Charles Theodore Weitzel. ?June, 1892. February 22. 3200. Clara Ely Collins +Sept., 191 1 Daughter of David C. and Clarissa Ely (3156) ; born Feb, 1834. 3201. Edith Collins Sister of 3200. 3202. Grace A. Dickerman Dism. May, 1862 Daughter of 3713 and 2184. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church. Married Joseph Lee. Removed to Springfield, Mass, 1879. March 6. 3203. c Henry W. Spangler Care withdrawn, Jan., 1874 Admitted from the German Reformed Church, Wolf's Church, Pa. March 29. 3204. Mary Louise Butterfield Dism. June, i860 Daughter of Joseph D. and Susan M, of Montrose, Pa.; born Oct, 1838; married Rev. John Anketell (3046). Dismissed to St. Thomas's Church. ?March, 1905. 3205. Mary Elizabeth Williams Dism. Apr., 1872 Married John M. Wooding. Dismissed to the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Yalesville. June 7. 3206. c Clarina Bradley Taylor (w. Samuel) Merwin *Feb., 1859 Daughter of Timothy and Betsey, of Danbury; born Sept, 1788. Admitted from the church in Yale College. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1857-58 265 July 5. 3207. Elizabeth Coit Kingsley ?Jan., 1914 Daughter of James Luce and Lydia; born Aug, 1830; married Henry Taylor Blake (3011). October 4. 0000. c Nelson W. Hine See 3161. 0000. c Emily M. Peck (w. Judson Adoniram) Root See 2037. October 25. 3208. Theresa Jennette Eastman Daughter of 3136 and 3137; married Rev. Theodore Lansing Day. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Guilford, Dec, 1874. Re-admitted from the church in Talcottville, Jan, 1887. 3209. Mary Webster Trowbridge (w. Frederick) Hall Daughter of 2983 and 2653 ; next married Silas Enos Burrows. 3210. Harriet Emily Trowbridge +Feb., 1877 Sister of 3209; born Apr, 1841 ; married William Henry Allen. November 1. 0000. c Isabella Inness (John P.) Martin See 2564. 0000. c Caroline L. Martin See 2665. December 27. 321 1. James Davis Whitmore *Aug., 1897 Son of Benjamin and Mary, of Plymouth, Mass.; born Apr, 1830; husband of 3218; father of 3846, 3847, 3977 and 4035. Deacon, 1884-97- l858 January 3. 3212. c Charlotte Lansing Tappan (w. William Beale) Lewis Dism. Feb., 1864 Daughter of 3215 and 3216; born Feb, 1812; mother of 3213, 3270 and 3271- *Jati, 1892. 3213. c Frances Antill Lewis Dism. Feb., 1864 Daughter of 3212; born 1837; married Alexander J. Walker. ?July, 1901. 3214. c Elizabeth, or Eliza, Reverein Tappan (w. John Penny) Marvin Dism. Feb., 1890 Daughter of 3215 and 3216; born Apr, 1821 ; mother of 3700. Dismissed to the South Church, Middletown, Nov, 1869. Re-ad mitted from that church, Apr, 1875. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Detroit, Mich. ?March, 1903. 266 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3215. c Arthur Tappan ?July, 1865 Son of Benjamin and Sarah, of Northampton, Mass.; born May, 1786; husband of 3216; father of 3212, 3214 and 3217. 3216. c Frances Antill (Arthur) Tappan ?July, 1863 Daughter of Edward and Charlotte; born in Brooklyn, N. Y, May, 1786; wife of 3215. 3217. c Sarah Salisbury Tappan Dism. June, 1887 Daughter of 3215 and 3216; born July, 1819. Dismissed to the South Church, Middletown, Nov, 1869. Re-admitted from that church, Apr, 1875. Dismissed to the church in Hampton. +Oct, 1896. 3218. c Ruth Cushman Morton (James Davis) Whitmore ?Nov., 1891 Daughter of Josiah and Hasadiah Sturtevant, of Plymouth, Mass.; born Apr, 1831 ; wife of 3211. January 31. 3219. Mary Anna Dickerman *May, 1872 Daughter of 2855 and 2856; born March, 1835; married David T. Beecher. 3220. Frances A. Cowdrey (Leonard) Winship +Nov., 1901 Born 1830; wife of 2795. February 7. 3221. c Elizabeth Lord Bigelow (James Minor) Linsley Dism. Dec, 1863 Daughter of Russell and Rosanna, of Marlborough; born May, 1834; wife of 3130. Admitted from the church in Marlborough. Dismissed to the church in Clinton. ?Sept., 1879. April 4. 3222. c Charles Atwater *Dec, 1865 Son of 1388 and 1411 ; born Aug, 1785 ; husband of 1820 and 2163 ; father of 2917. 0000. c Mary Denman TenBrook (Charles) Atwater See 2163. 3223. c Edward Elias Atwater *Dec, 1887 Son of 1958 and 1801 ; born May, 1816. Yale Coll. 1836. Hus band of 3224. Ordained pastor in Ravenna, O, Nov, 1841. Admit ted from' the church in Salmon Falls, N. H. Dismissed to the Davenport Church, Apr, 1862. Re-admitted from that church, Aug, 1877. 3224. Rebecca H. Dana (Edward Elias) Atwater *March, 1909 Daughter of David and Rebecca H, of Pomfret, Vt. ; born Jan, 1819; wife of 3223. Dismissed, Apr, 1862. Re-admitted, Aug, 1877. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1858 267 3225. c Thomas Baird Excomm., Feb., 1861 Born in Scotland, 1820; husband of 3226. Admitted from the Parish Church, Beith, Scotland. Excommunicated for drunken ness. ?Oct, 1863. 3226. c Mary Stevenson (Thomas) Baird Excomm. Feb., 1861 Bom in Scotland, 1817; wife of 3225. ?Nov, 1872. 3227. c Fanny Cooke Dism. Oct., 1859 Admitted from the church in Salmon Falls, N. H. Dismissed to the Central Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3228. c Almira J. Frost Dism. Feb., i860 Admitted from the 1st Church, Waterbury. Dismissed to the Howe Street Church? April 25. 3229. Elizabeth Beecher Austin Dism. Dec, 1873 Daughter of Eli Beecher and Grace Maria (2853). Dismissed to the church in West Medway, Mass. Removed to Milford, Mass, 1892. 3230. Emilia Lyon Bennett ?July, 1905 Daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann (2691) ; born June, 1839. 3231. Abby Beers (Alfred) Blackman *Sept, 1891 Daughter of Thomas, of Newtown ; born Nov, 1807. 3232. Fanny Louisa Blake *Dec, 1893 Daughter of 2061 and 2507; born Jan, 1835; married Arthur Dimon Osborne. 3233. Mary Louisa Bradley *June, 1901 Daughter of 2212 and 2209; born April, 1835. 3234. Josiah William Harmar ?July, 1867 Son of Josiah and Sarah Coit, of Philadelphia; born Nov, 1834. Yale Coll. 1855. 3235. Anna Curll Hayes Dism. Feb., 1877 Bom in Barbadoes. Adopted daughter of 2926. Married George F. C. Wright. Dismissed to the Church of the Disciples, N. Y. City. 3236. Susan Hotchkiss Dism. Sept., i860 Dismissed to St. James's Church, Westville. 3237. Elizabeth Jane Lockwood Dism. June, 1862 Daughter of William Selleck and Catharine, of Norwalk; mar ried Henry Eugene Hawley. Dismissed to the church in Ridgefield. 3238. Mary Anna Lewis Pitkin *Sept, 1862 Daughter of Samuel L. and Mary Ann (2362) ; born Apr, 1836. 268 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3239. Charlotte Durand Shipman *Apr., 1908 Daughter of Charles K. and Mary A. (2082) ; born Dec, 1832. 3240. Mary Almira Twining Dism. Jan., 1873 Daughter of 2054 and 3149; married Rev. Amos Delos Gridley. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Clinton, N. Y. 3241. Eli Whitney ?Aug., 1895 Son of Eli and Henrietta Frances (1938); born Nov., 1820; husband of 2966; father of 3570. May 30. 3242. Eleanor E. Dickerman Dism. Dec, 1894 Daughter of William and Ellen Eliza (3819). Dismissed to the Chapel Street Church, June, i860. Married Nelson S. Wilmot. Re-admitted from the East, now Humphrey Street Church, Jan, 1878. Next married George M. Hallcnbeck. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Wallingford. 3243. Wealthy Ann Harrison *Dec, 1877 Born 1807. 3244. Julia Kinney *March, 1878 Daughter of William and Maria L. (3284) ; born 1844. 3245. Mary J. D. Holcomb (Samuel W.) Langdon *Jan., 1884 Daughter of Enoch and Catharine A, of Chatham, N. Y. ; born Aug, 1830. 3246. Samuel Hawley Olmstead Dism. June, 1861 Son of 2921 and 2922; born in Wilton, Aug, 1838. M.D. Yale 1861. ?Dec, 1893. 3247. Wealthy Maria Ritter Dism. Sept., 1861 Daughter of 2041 and 2578; born 1834; married Rev. Albert Graham Beebe. ?About 1890. 3248. John Chapman Ritter *May, 1882 Brother of 3247; born March, 1836; husband of 3198; father of 3838. 3249. Charlotte Irene Ritter Dism. Sept., 1863 Sister of 3247; born Nov, 1837; married Jonas Bronson. Dismissed to the United Church. ?Jan, 1870. 3250. Mary Elmina Smith Dism. July, 1859 Dismissed to a Presbyterian Church in Cleveland, O. 3251. Benjamin J. Stone Son of 2455 and 2353. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1858 269 3252. George Townsend Stone Dism. Apr., 1878 Brother of 3251 ; born March, 1839. Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church. ? 3253. Rebecca A. Thompson *Sept, 1868 Daughter of 2666 and 2667 ; born 1832. 3254. Edward Howard Townsend +Nov., 1903 Son of William Kneeland and Eliza Ann (3367) ; born Apr, 1840; husband of 3579. 3255. Mary Minerva Treadway Daughter of 2191 and 2672; married George Frederic Barker (3463)- June 6. 3256. c Henry S. Dawson ?July, 1893 Son of Holt and Irene, of New Hartford; born July, 1813; husband of 3257; father of 3278 and 3371. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. 3257. c Elizabeth Ailing (Henry S.) Dawson *July, 1906 Daughter of Gilead and Mary, of Orange; born Feb, 1817; wife of 3256. 3258. c Marianne Cassandra Hozvc (Thomas Pinkney) Johnstone *June, 1898 Daughter of Curtis and Sybil, of St. Albans, Vt. ; born Aug, 1805; mother of 3259, 3310 and 3376. Admitted from the church in Granville, O. 3259. c Martha H. Johnstone Daughter of 3258; married James Walker (313s)- Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Leroy, N. Y. Dismissed to the church in West Haven, Jan, 1874. Re-admitted from that church, March, 1902. 3260. c Daniel Read Larned *June, 191 1 Son of George and Maria Cornelia, of Thompson; born July, 1828. Admitted from the Salem Street Church, Worcester, Mass. 3261. c Amelia Read Larned Dism. May, 1879 Sister of 3260; born Jan, 1831 ; married Rev. George Leon Walker. Admitted from the church in Thompson. Dismissed to the ist Church, Hartford. *Oct, 1898. June 27. 3262. Julia Lavinia Bacon Dism. June, 1878 Daughter of Daniel and Jane, of Woodbury; married Eugene Lamb Richards (3363). Dismissed to the church in Yale College. 3263. Samuel H. Barrows ?Nov., 191 1 Son of 2957 and 2958; husband of 3434- 270 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3264. James Pierrepont Blake *Dec, 1865 Son of 2061 and 2507; born March, 1839. Yale Coll. 1862. 3265. Eliza Blake Dism. July, 1881 Sister of 3264; married John Frank Seely. Dismissed, Nov, 1863, to the church in Des Moines, Iowa. Re-admitted from that church, Apr, 1869. Next married John Rice. Dismissed to the ist Reformed Church, Tarrytown, N. Y. 3266. Emily Augusta Cannon *Jan., 1866 Daughter of LeGrand and Mary Elizabeth (2005) ; born Aug, 1832; married Edwin Francis Mersick (3564). 3267. Louisa Trowbridge Cannon *March, 1889 Sister of 3266; born Sept, 1839; married Franklin Seymour Bradley (3171). 3268. Ellen H. Foote ?July, 1903 Daughter of Andrew Hull and Frances Mary (2876) ; born Jan, 1835; married Henry William Foster. 3269. Emily Cornelia Kingsley *June, 1862 Daughter of Henry Coit (3157) and Cornelia H. ; born Jan, 1843. 3270. William Beale Lewis Dism. June, i860 Son of Rev. William Beale and Charlotte Lansing (3212) ; born May, 1842. Dismissed to the church in Beloit, Wis. ?June, 1874. 3271. Theodore Mason Lewis *May, i860 Brother of 3270; born Aug, 1843. 3272. Elizabeth Law Nicoll +March, 1909 Daughter of Charles and Caroline L, born Aug, 1829. 3273. Lucy Elizabeth Parker *March, 1881 Daughter of Joseph and Caroline Mulford (2892) ; born June, 1836; married Henry Trowbridge, 2d (3330). 3274. Joseph Parker, Jr. Dism. Oct., 1891 Brother of 3273; born Jan, 1840. Dismissed to the Broadway Tabernacle, N. Y. City, uncertain date. Re-admitted from N. Y. City, July, 1867. Dismissed to Christ Church. +May, 1910. 3275. Thomas Rutherford Trowbridge, Jr. *Oct, 1898 Son of 2733 and 2734; born March, 1839; husband of 3801; father of 4050. 3276. William Rutherford Hayes Trowbridge Brother of 3275; husband of 3459; father of 4051 and 4052. Deacon, 1887-95. catalogue of members, 1858 271 July 25. 3277. Edward Woolsey Bacon Dism. Sept., 1869 Son of the pastor and 2988; born May, 1843; married 3329. Ordained pastor in Wolcottville, Sept, 1869. Dismissed to that church. ?June, 1887. 3278. Sidney H. Dawson *Oct, 1905 Son of 3256 and 3257; born Oct, 1842; husband of 3628; father of 4000. 3279. Helen Somers Gaston *March, 1862 Daughter of Nelson Hotchkiss and Julia Somers; born Sept, 1839. 3280. George Rubens Shepherd Dism. 1871 Son of 2489 and 2498; born Dec, 1842. M.D. Yale 1866. Hus band of 3462. Dismissed to the church in Collinsville. ?Apr, 1907. 3281. Sutherland Douglas Twining Dism. 1866 Son of 2054 and 3149. Dismissed to the Tabernacle Church, Chicago. 3282. Eliza Kinsley Twining Sister of 3281. August 1. 0000. c John Anketell See 3046. 3283. Charlotte L. Wilson (Charles F.) Hartwig Dism. Apr., 1862 Dismissed to the Davenport Church. Removed to Norwalk, 1869. 3284. c Maria L. Colburn (w. William) Kinney Dism. Feb., 1869 Mother of 3244 and 3285. Admitted from the church in Derby. Dismissed to the church in Kansas City, Mo. 3285. c William Clark Kinney Dism. Feb., 1869 Son of 3284. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. Dis missed to the church in Kansas City, Mo. 3286. Hannah Electa Kelsey (Henry) Parker Dism. Apr., 1862 Daughter of Samuel and Hannah, of Clinton; born Aug, 1822. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. +May, 1886. 3287. Ellen Higgins (Robert) Woolworth Dism. Apr., 1862 Daughter of Jared and Harriet; born in Ireland, Apr, 1832. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. +Apr, 1903- 272 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Oct. 3. 3288. Sarah Wainwright Hitchcock Dism. Apr., 1862 Dismissed to the Davenport Church. ?Aug, 1870. 3289. Jessie Deuchars (John) Richardson Dism. Apr., 1862 Born in Scotland, July, 1822; mother of 4624. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. ?May, 1897. October 31. 3290. Margaret M. Donaldson Gibbons (David Lewis) Daggett ?Aug., 1865 Daughter of William and Rebecca, of Wilmington, Del.; born July, 1821; wife of 2758. 3291. Clara Ann Emery (Edward) Harrison Dism. July, 1878 Wife of 3065. Dismissed to the Howard Avenue Church. 3292. Mary A. Wood (zv. James) Marvin Dism. Dec, 1863 Next married Kirtland. Dismissed to a church in Meriden. 3293. Marietta Wildman *Nov., 1900 Daughter of Curtis and Laura (2947) ; born Aug, 1832. 3294. Emily Augusta Wildman *May, 1906 Sister of 3293; born Nov, 1835. November 7. 3295. c Hannah Johnson (w. William) Fabrique Dism. May, i860 Admitted from the church in Southbury. 3296. c Albert Guthrie Dism. Apr., 1873 Son of Obadiah R. ; born in Southbury, Feb, 1801 ; husband of 3297; father of 3301. Admitted from the church in Easton. Dismissed to the Taylor Church. +Aug, 1888. 3297. c Nancy Buckingham (Albert) Guthrie Dism. Apr., 1873 Daughter of Ebenezer and Olive, of Oxford; born March, 1806; wife of 3296. *Sept, 1878. 3298. c Margarette Elford Dean (Winston John) Trow bridge *Jan., 1903 Daughter of James Edmund Prior (2066) and Eliza Ellen; born Dec, 1828; wife of 3148. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. November 28. 3299. Robert Barnes Bradley ?Jan., 1890 Son of 2657 and 2658; born March, 1832; husband of 3322; father of 3808, 3809 and 3966. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1858-59 273 3300. Mary Anna Eastman Dism. Dec, 1874 Daughter of 3136 and 3137; married J. Elmer Watrous. Dis missed to the church in Chester. Dec. 5. 3301. Catharine Elizabeth Guthrie Dism. Apr., 1873 Daughter of 3296 and 3297. Dismissed to the Taylor Church. I859 Feb. 6. 3302. Grace A. Bartholomew (Thomas B.) Attwater Dism. Apr., 1882 Wife of 3036; next married Forrest S. Smith. Dismissed to the church in Mount Carmel. 3303. c Adrian John Ebell Dism. Dec, 1873 Son of Henry T. and Mary; born in Ceylon, Sept, 1840. Ph.B. Yale 1866. Admitted from the 1st Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y. Dismissed to the 4th Avenue Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City-. +Apr, 1877. 3304. Samuel C. Farren Dism. Apr., 1862 Son of Samuel and Polly, of East Haven; born 1812; husband of 3305. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. +March, 1881. 3305. Elizabeth A. Clark (Samuel C.) Farren Dism. Apr., 1862 Born in Milford, 1814; wife of 3304. +May, 1871. March 6. 3306. c James Porter Dickerman *Nov., 1867 Son of Samuel and Lois; born Nov, 1809; husband of 3307. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church in Hamilton, Canada. 3307. Julia Ann Morse (James Porter) Dickerman ?Aug., 1892 Daughter of Herman and Phebe; born Aug, 1811; wife of 3306. April 3. 3308. c Theodore Bacon Dism. 1866 Son of the pastor and 2215; born May, 1834. Yale Coll. 1853. Admitted from Plymouth Church, Rochester, N. Y. Dismissed to the same church. +Jan, 1900. 3309. Jane Markland (Eli) Morris Dism. Apr., 1862 Born in England, Aug, 1812. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. +Dec, 1891. May 1. 3310. c Mary Sybil Johnstone Daughter of Rev. Thomas Pinkney and Marianne Cassandra (3258). Admitted from the 3d Church. 18 274 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 33 1 1. c Isaac Morris Dism. Apr., 1862 Born in England, 1807; husband of 3312. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. +Feb, 1889. 3312. c Mary Southerton (Isaac) Morris Dism. Apr., 1862 Born in England, 1812; wife of 331 1. +Oct, 1888. 3313. George Mure Smith Dism. March, 1885 Born in Scotland. Ordained pastor in Rocky Hill, Oct, 1859. Dismissed to the West Parish Church, Stirling, Scotland. 3314. c Mary Knight (George Washington) Staples Daughter of 1865 and 1859; mother of 3329 and 3663. Admit ted from the University Place Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. [Uncertain date.] 3314a. Julia Benjamin (Samuel) Stow Dism. Sept., 1859 Dismissed to the ist Church, Milford. September 4. 3315. Elizabeth Terhune Dism. Apr., 1862 Dismissed to the Davenport Church. October 2. 3316. c Grace Peck (w. William C.) Butler ?Apr., 1870 Daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca (1518) ; born 1802. Admit ted from the Chapel Street Church. 3317. c Margaret R. Hogeboom *Nov., 1889 Daughter of Cornelius and Martha (1875); born Apr, 1825. Admitted from the Wooster Place Church. 3318. c Rebecca Peck *Apr., 1863 Sister of 3316; born 1796. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. 3319. c Sophia Wortendyke (Nicholas A.) Terhune Dism. Apr., 1862 Born July, 1815. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. *Feb, 1882. November 6. 3320. c Elizabeth Alford (Lewis) Elliott ?Apr., 1884 Born July, 1800; wife of 3517. Admitted from the church in Glastonbury. December 4. 0000. c Dexter Alden See 3003. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1859-60 275 332i- c Margaret Elizabeth Feeter (Dexter) Alden *Sept, 1912 Daughter of John and Nancy, of Herkimer County, N. Y.; born June, 1832; wife of 3003. Admitted from the 3d Church. 3322. c Cornelia Minor (Robert Barnes) Bradley Daughter of Truman and Eunice, of Peekskill, N. Y. ; wife of 3299- Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Peekskill. i860 January i. 3323. c Susan Osborne ?Jan., 1885 Daughter of Jeremiah and Anna of Weston; born Apr, 1791. Admitted from the 2d Church, Bridgeport. June 3. 3324. James C. Brown Dism. Apr., 1862 Son of Hugh and Janet Donaldson (3364) ; born 1823 ; husband of 3325. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. ?May, 1862. 3325. c Abbie A. Chamberlain (James C.) Brown Dism. Apr., 1862 Wife of 3324. Admitted from the St. John Street Methodist Church. +Apr, 1897. 3326. c Philip B. Miller Dism. Apr., 1862 Born in Germany, 1821. Admitted from the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Guilderland, N. Y. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. ?May, 1894. 3327. Emma R. Piatt +March, 1861 Born in Norwalk, Aug, 1840. June 24. 3328. Henrietta Whitney Chaplain *Dec, 1905 Daughter of Charles Llewellyn and Frances Edwards; born Feb, 1844. 3329. Mary Elizabeth Staples Dism. Sept., 1869 Daughter of George Washington and Mary Knight (3314) ; married Rev. Edward Woolsey Bacon (3277). Dismissed to the church in Wolcottville. *Oct, 1904. 3330. Henry Trowbridge, 2d *June, 1900 Son of 2733 and 2734; born Aug, 1836; husband of 3273; father of 4139- 276 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN July 1. 3331. c Margaret Fraser (w. Augustin) Averill Dism. Nov., 1875 Daughter of Simon and Amy, of Woodbury; born Sept, 1812; mother of 3332, 3333 and 3334. Admitted from the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the Church of the Covenant, N. Y. City. +Dec, 1888. 3332. c Mary Frances Averill Dism. Nov., 1875 Daughter of 3331 ; born Oct, 1840. Admitted from the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the Church of the Covenant, N. Y. City. ?Oct, 1901. 3333. c Margaret Fraser Averill Dism. Nov., 1875 Sister of 3332. Admitted from the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the Church of the Covenant, N. Y. City. Married Thomas Hooker. 3334. c Louise Edleston Averill Dism. Dec, 1873 Sister of 3332; born Nov, 1844; married Charles Meigs Charn- ley. Admitted from the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the New England Church, Chicago. +July, 1893. 3335. c Elizabeth R. Norton (James) Burns Dism. Apr., 1862 Daughter of Veri and Sarah, of Goshen; born Apr, 1809. Admitted from the church in East Hartford. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. ?Aug, 1888. 3336. c Sarah Soper (Samuel C.) Thomas Dism. Sept., i860 Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, N. J. Dis missed to a church in Bridgeport. August 5. 3337. c Pelatiah Perit *March, 1864 Son of John and Ruth, of Norwich; born June, 1785; husband of 3338. Admitted from the 84th Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 3338. c Maria Coit (Pelatiah) Perit *March, 1885 Daughter of Daniel Lathrop and Elizabeth, of Norwich; born June, 1793; wife of 3337. 3339. c Harriet Joanna Perry *Dec, 1876 Daughter of Rev. John McCurdy Strong and Harriet Joanna (2457) ; born in Ceylon, Nov, 1837. Admitted from the 84th Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l86o-6l 277 3340. c Catharine Subell Dism. Jan., 1867 Admitted from the 84th Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Oct. 7- 334i- c Elizabeth R. Andrews (George S.) Hamilton Dism. Apr., 1862 Daughter of Aaron Cadwell and Electa, of New Britain; born Nov, 1832. Admitted from the church in Plainville. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. +Aug, 1912. 3342. c Mary Ann Brown (J. Henry) Lewis Admitted from the United Church. Dismissed to the Davenport Church, Apr, 1862. Re-admitted from that church, Apr, 1910. 3343. c Abby Ann Johnson (William) Taylor Dism. Apr., 1862 Born in N. Y. City, Feb, 1832. Admitted from the church in Darien. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. ?May, 1906. November 4. 0000. c Sarah Anne Lambert (Hubbard Moore) Smith See 2400. December 2. 3344. William A. Blackney Dism. Apr., 1862 Husband of 3348. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. Removed to Cincinnati, 1865. 3345- c John Henry Woods Dism. Oct., 1863 Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Alton, 111. Dis missed to a church in Jacksonville, 111. December 30. 3346. Elizabeth Wells Dism. Dec, i860 Daughter of 3055 and 3056; married Frederick Brown. Dis missed to St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia. 3347. Anna Cutler Whittelsey Dism. Jan., 1872 Daughter of 2055 and 2381; born Oct, 1842; married George William Whittlesey. Dismissed to the Broadway Church, Norwich. ?Jan, 1890. l86l January 6. 3348. c Mary Ann Bonney (William A.) Blackney Dism. Apr., 1862 Wife of 3344. Admitted from the church in New Milford. Dis missed to the Davenport Church. +Feb, 1865. 0000. c Susan Almira Brown (Joshua Rogers) Brown See 2752. 278 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3349. c Chauncey Goodrich *March, 1868 Son of Rev. Chauncey Allen and Frances Juliana (1673); born July, 1817. Yale Coll. 1837. Husband of 3350. Ordained pastor in Maiden, Mass, Aug, 1843. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Deacon, 1862-68. ?March, 1868. 3350. c Elizabeth E. Coe (Chauncey) Goodrich *June, 1884 Daughter of Rev. Noah and Elizabeth (3174) ; born 1821 ; wife of 3349- Admitted from the church in Watertown. February 10. 3351. Mary A. Fairchild (w. James) Bishop Dism. Sept., 1866 Dismissed to the Pearl Street Church, Hartford? March 3. 3352. c Joseph Brown *March, 1866 Born 1805. Admitted from the church in North Bridgton, Me. Mar. 31. 3353. Katharine Wadsworth Bacon Dism. Dec, 1875 Daughter of the pastor and 2988; married Eugene Smith. Dis missed to the Church of the Covenant, N. Y. City. 3354. Laura A. Smith +Dec, 1870 Daughter of 2272 and 2217; born 1838. May 5. 3355. c Mary Louisa Salter (w. Charles Roger) Welles Dism. Sept., 1872 Daughter of Cleveland Jarman (2187) and Susan Clarinda; born Feb, 1819; mother of 3378. Admitted from the 1st Presby terian Church, Springfield, 111. Dismissed to the church in Media, Pa. ?March, 1900. June 2. 3356. Harriet Rich (John) Wheeler Dism. Nov., 1861 Dismissed to the church in North Coventry. August 4. 3357. c Eliza Allen +about 1868 Admitted from the 84th Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 3358. c Susan Craig Dism. May, 1868 Admitted from the Chelsea Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Palisades, N. Y. 3359- c Lydia Ely Day (Charles Henry) Oaks Dism. May, 1889 Daughter of Aaron and Anne, of West Springfield, Mass.; born Aug, 1817; wife of 2634. Admitted from the ' church in W. Springfield. Dismissed to the same church. ?Oct, 1902. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, l86l-62 279 3360. c Esther Ormiston Dism. May, 1862 Admitted from the 14th Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the same church. 3361. c Delia Coles (w. Ezra) Ward Dism. Apr., 1862 Born 1785. Admitted from the church in Bolton. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. +Apr, 1868. October 27. 3362. Emily Thompson (Marcus Dwight) Larrowe Dism. ? 3363. Eugene Lamb Richards Dism. June, 1878 Son of Timothy Pickering and Agnes Lamb, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; born Dec, 1838. Yale Coll. i860. Married 3262. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. +Aug, 1912. December 1. 3364. c Janet Donaldson (Hugh) Brown Dism. Apr., 1862 Born in Scotland, 1789; mother of 3324. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, West Farms, N. J. Dismissed to the Daven port Church. +Aug, 1872. 3365. c James H. Hall Dism. June, 1869 Born in Saybrook, Feb, 1804; husband of 3366. Admitted from the ist Church, Guilford. Dismissed to the East, now the Humphrey Street Church. +Jan, 1872. 3366. c Elizabeth Ann Bradley (James H.) Hall Dism. June, 1869 Daughter of John, of Clinton; born July, 1809; wife of 3365. ?May, 1890. 1862 Feb. 2. 3367. c Eliza Ann Mulford (w. William Kneeland) Townsend ?Jan., 1881 Daughter of Hervey and Nancy; born Nov, 1798; mother of 3043, 3254 and 3368. Admitted from the ist or Grand Avenue Church, Fair Haven. 3368. c George Henry Townsend Son of 3367; husband of 3419. Admitted from the ist or Grand Avenue Church, Fair Haven. March 30. 3369. Charles L. Barnes Care withdrawn, 1893 280 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3370. Cornelia A. Benton Dismissed to the church in Montgomery, Ala, Dec, 1871. Re-ad mitted from the ist Church, Selma, Ala, July, 1882. 3371. Augustus Edward Dawson ?Jan., 1890 Son of 3256 and 3257; born Feb, 1844. May 4. 3372. c Rose Anne Hardy (w. David Collins) Porter ?Oct., 1883 Daughter of William and Mary; born in England, 1809; mother of 3373. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Catskill, N. Y. 3373. c Rose Porter Dism. March, 1902 Daughter of 3372; born in Catskill, N. Y, Dec, 1845. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Catskill. Dismissed to St. John's Church. ?Sept. 1906. June 1. 3374. c Curtis Wilcox Dism. May, 1869 Son of John R. and Elizabeth; nephew of 2684. Admitted from the Spring Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the United Church. July 27. 3375. Augustus Russell Street Foote Dism. Oct., 1866 Son of 3039 and 2831 ; born Apr, 1847. Dismissed to the Clinton Avenue Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. ?May, 1911. 3376. Virginia Kent Johnstone *Apr., 1908 Daughter of Rev. Thomas Pinkney and Marianne Cassandra (3258); born Jan, 1847. 3377. Frances Elizabeth Walker *May, 1894 Daughter of 2443 and 2486; born 1844. 3378. Charles Salter Welles Dism. 1871 Son of Charles Roger and Mary Louisa (3355) ; born in Spring field, 111, Sept, 1846. Dismissed to the Methodist Church in Media, Pa. ?Feb, 1914. 3379. Clarissa B. Williams *March, 1879 Daughter of 2261 and 2251; born 1843; married Frank W. Holmes. September 7. 3380. Rebecca G. Bacon Daughter of Daniel and Jane. 3381. Frances Howard Bostwick *Aug., 1865 Daughter of 2981 and 2982; born Sept, 1848. 3382. Mary DeForest Dism. Dec, 1869 Daughter of 3386 and 3387; married Joseph Ireland. Dismissed to the ist Church, Cleveland, O. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1 862-63 281 November 2. 3383. c Maria Caroline Betts (zv. James Whit ing) Metcalf *Jan., 1909 Daughter of Samuel Rossiter and Caroline Abigail (3597) ; born Aug, 1818; mother of 3401. Admitted from the church in West- field, Mass. 3384. c Sarah Beers Leffingwell *Feb., 1896 Daughter of Lucius Wooster and Olive; born in Ellsworth, O, March, 1822. Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Cleve land, O. 3385. c Caroline Street Leffingwell Sister of 3384. Admitted from the church in South Hadley, Mass. Dismissed to Plymouth Church, Minneapolis, Dec, 1874. Re-admitted from that church, May, 1877. Dec 7. 3386. c William Brintnall DeForest *Sept, 1887 Son of 1661 and 1655; born Oct, 1811. Yale Coll. 1831. Hus band of 3387 and 3858; father of 3382. Ordained pastor in Water- town, Jan, 1835. Admitted from the 3d Church. 3387. c Mary Lucretia Abernethy (William Brintnall) DeForest +Apr., 1877 Daughter of Russell C. and Orrel, of Torrington; born March, 1812; wife of 3386. 3388. c Sarah Hart Judd (Aaron W.) Sweetland Dism. Dec, 1894 Daughter of John and Betsey, of New Britain; born July, 1829. Dismissed to the Howard Avenue Church. Removed to New Britain, 1901. I863 January 4. 3389. c Stephen Grosvenor Hubbard *June, 1905 Son of Stephen and Zeruiah of Pomfret; born Oct, 1816; hus band of 3390. Admitted from the College Street Church. 33go. c Aurelia Bowers Plumb (Stephen Grosvenor) Hub bard *May, 1891 Daughter of William and Aurelia, of Middletown; born Jan, 1821; wife of 3389; previously wife of Henry Elton Robinson. Admitted from the United Church. February 1. 3391. c William Smith Porter +June, 1866 Son of Joseph and Susanna, of Farmington; born Oct, 1799- Yale Coll. 1825. Husband of 1995- Ordained as an Evangelist in Woodbury, Aug, 1829. Admitted from the College Street Church. 282 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN oooo. c Jane Bradley (William Smith) Porter See 1995. March 29. 3392. Jane Edgerton Dickerman *Oct., 1913 Daughter of 3713 and 2184; born Sept, 1848; married Nelson Adams ; mother of 4130. 3393. Samuel Jocelyn Hayes Son of Samuel (3178) and Margaret Jocelyn. August 2. 3394. Mary Ledyard Seymour Dism. July, 1864 Daughter of John Forman and Frances Antill, of Utica, N. Y. Dismissed to the Reformed Dutch Church, Utica. Married Willis E. Ford. December 6. 3395. Sarah Clark Eastman ?July, 1904 Daughter of 3136 and 3137; born July, 1836. Dismissed to the United Church, Dec, 1874. Re-admitted from that church, July, 1881. 3396. c Douglas R. Satterlee Dism. Dec, 1873 Son of Douglas; husband of 3397- Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to the Broadway Tabernacle Church, N. Y. City. +June, 1905. 3397. c Elizabeth Knowlson (Douglas R.) Satterlee Dism. Dec, 1873 Wife of 3396. 1864 January 3. 3398. Caroline Hoadley Trowbridge Daughter of 2733 and 2734. 339g. Ezekiel Hayes Trowbridge, Jr. *Nov., 1901 Son of 3071 and 2761; born March, 1841 ; husband of 3432; father of 4114, 4115 and 4246. January 31. 3400. Martha Greene Bacon Daughter of Daniel and Jane. 3401. Caroline Metcalf *Feb., 191 1 Daughter of James Whiting and Maria Caroline (3383) ; born Feb, 1847; married Rev. David Madison Harris. Dismissed to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Lincoln, 111, Feb, 1880. Re-admitted from the Lucas Avenue Cumberland Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo, Jan, 1906. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1863-64 283 April 3. 3402. c Sarah Elizabeth Averill Dism. March, 1868 Daughter of Rev. James and Elizabeth Esther (2750) ; married Wilfred Ernest Norton. Admitted from the church in Thomaston. Dismissed to the North Church, Bridgeport. 3403. c Erastus Clark Scranton *Dec, 1866 Son of Jonathan and Roxanna, of Madison; born Nov, 1807; husband of 3404; father of 3410. Admitted from the church in Madison. 3404. c Lydia Stannard (Erastus Clark) Scranton *Jan., 1887 Daughter of Ezra, of Westbrook; born Oct, 1808; wife of 3403. April 24. 3405. Mary Elizabeth Bennett *Feb., 1901 Daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann (2691); born May, 1841. 3406. Margaret Bennett *May, 1870 Sister of 3405; born Apr, 1843. 3407. Emily Atwood Carrington Dism. Feb., 1890 Daughter of 2762 and 2528; married Francis S. Gorham. Dis missed to the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. June 5. 3408. c Mary M. McKinnon Dism. Feb., 1882 Daughter of Neal and Christina, of Glasgow, Scotland; born June, 1843; married Amos Barnes. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. Dismissed to the church in East Haven. ^July 1913- October 2. 0000. c Henry Thompson Blake See 3011. 0000. c Charlotte Irene Chapman (w. Lewis M.) Mills See 2673- November 5. 34og. c Richard Cary Morse *Sept, 1868 Son of Rev. Jedidiah and Elizabeth Ann (2111) ; born in Charles town, Mass, June, 1795. Yale Coll. 1812. Admitted from the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. December 25. 3410. Mary Eliza Scranton Daughter of 34°3 and 3404. 284 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN l865 February 26. 341 1. Jane Guise Dism. March, 1880 Dismissed to the Chapel of the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 3412. Ellen Whipple Sanford *Nov., 1871 Daughter of 2640 and 2869; born 1846; married William Olm sted Atwater. Mar. 5. 3413. c Catharine Rosetta Churchill Dism. Oct., 1877 Daughter of William E. and Sarah M, of N. Y. City; born May, 1836. Admitted from the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the church in Berlin. ?Dec, 1905. 3414. c Sarah C. Churchill Dism. Oct., 1877 Sister of 3413. Admitted from the Madison Avenue Presby terian Church. Dismissed to the church in Berlin. 3415. c Lucy Cowles Churchill *Apr., 1874 Sister of 3413; born June, 1840. Admitted from the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church. 3416. c Uri William Hart Dism. June, 1873 Son of Nathan and Sylvia, of West Cornwall; born July, 1825; husband of 3417. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Kana wha, Wis. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. ?May, 1889. 3417. c Ann Foot Cowles (Uri William) Hart Dism. June, 1873 Daughter of Rev. Orson and Eunice, of North Haven ; born Sept, 1833 ; wife of 3416. ?Oct, 1904. 3418. c Eliza Ann Graham (Cyrus) Manvel Dism. 1869? Daughter of Robert, of Boston; born Nov, 1798. Admitted from the church in Greenwich. Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, N. J. ?Oct, 1899. 0000. c Henrietta E. Davenport (Lucius) Walker See 2670. June 4. 3419. c Mary Gertrude Buckelezv (George Henry) Townsend Daughter of James S. and Margaret, of Jamesburg, N. J.; wife of 3368. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Jamesburg. July 30. 3420. Jerusha Wade Smith *Dec, 1872 Daughter of 2272 and 2217; born 1847. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1865-66 285 1866 March 25. 3421. Frances Edwards Chaplain Daughter of Charles Llewellyn and Frances Edwards. 3422. Elizabeth S. Chaplain Sister of 3421. 3423. Ellen Palmer Dickerman Dism. Dec, 1876 Daughter of Charles and Jane Foote (3068) ; married Charles William Bardeen. Dismissed to Plymouth Church, Syracuse, N. Y. 3424. Georgiana Treadway Dism. Sept., 1870 Daughter of 2191 and 2672; married James D. Thompson (3531). Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, N. J. 3425. Rosa Hine (Henry) Worthington Dism. Aug., 1867 Dismissed to the ist or North Church in Concord, N. H. May 27. 3426. Anna Griswold Alden Dism. March, 1903 Daughter of 3003 and 3004; married William T. Fields. Dis missed to Trinity Church. 3427. Catharine Dunlap Beecher Dism. May, 1872 Daughter of John D. and Maria Chloe (2577) ; born March, 1850; married Charles R. Wells. Dismissed to the Church of the Redeemer. +Jan, 1874. 3428. Charlotte Davis Dism. Feb., 1881 Dismissed to a church in Bridgeport. 3429. Katharine Griggs Eastman Daughter of 3136 and 3137- 3430. Rebecca Minerva Oaks Daughter of Charles Henry (2634) and Rhoda. 3431. Frederick Sheldon Parker, Jr. Dism. Dec, 1884 Son of Frederick Sheldon and Martha Newton (3437)- Yale Coll. 1873. Dismissed to Christ Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3432. Amelia B. Uhlhom (Ezekiel Hayes) Trowbridge ?Jan., 1867 Daughter of Caspar Frederick and Sarah Maria; born July, 1844; wife of 3399- 3433. Charles Henry Trowbridge *Feb., 1881 Son of 3071 and 2761 ; born July, 1849. 286 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN July 29. 3434. Katharine D. Parmalee (Samuel H.) Barrows *Nov., 1908 Wife of 3263. 3435. Alice M. Beckwith Married Frederick Russell. 3436. Annie Maria Cutler (Leonard Jacob) Sanford *Jan., 1893 Daughter of 2607 and 2332; born Sept, 1836; wife of 3086. August 5. 3437. c Martha Newton (Frederick Sheldon) Parker *Dec, 1866 Daughter of William and Frances, of Albany, N. Y.; born Feb, 1816; mother of 3431. Admitted from the Pearl Street Baptist Church, Albany. XIV. Admissions during the Vacancy in the Pastorate, i 866- i 868 1866 November 11. 3438. Jane A. Cunningham (George Lewis) Thomas *May, 1894 Born Oct, 1822; mother of 3439. 3439. Addie Elizabeth Thomas *Dec, 1876 Daughter of 3438; born 1845; married John F. Bishop. 3440. Sarah J. Tuttle (w. Joseph A.) Wooster Dism. 1867-72 1867 February 3. 3441. c Wyllys Atwater *Nov., 1899 Son of 1622 and 1623; born Dec, 1821. Yale Coll. 1843. Hus band of 3070. Admitted from the 3d Church. 0000. c Harriet Sanford (Wyllys) Atwater See 3070. May 5. 3442. c William Woodbridge Rodman *March, 1900 Son of William Woodbridge and Lucy Sheldon, of Southington ; born Apr, 1817. Yale Coll. 1838. Husband of 3443 and 3893; father of 3444. 3776 and 3996. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3443. c Jerusha Pomeroy (William Woodbridge) Rodman *Dec, 1 87 1 Daughter of Benjamin and Jerusha, of Stonington; born Dec, 1820; wife of 3442. 3444. c Fanny Rodman Dism. July, 1879 Daughter of 3442 and 3443; married Rev. Charles Hezekiah Hamlin. Admitted from the College Street Church. Dismissed to the South Church, Pittsfield, Mass. June 2. 3445. c Oliver Payson Hubbard Dism. Nov., 1875 Son of Stephen and Zeruiah, of Pomfret; born March, 1809. Yale Coll. 1828. Husband of 3446; father of 3447 and 3448. Admitted from the church in Dartmouth College. Dismissed to the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?March, 1900. 2 68 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3446. c Faith Wadsworth Silliman (Oliver Payson) Hub bard Dism. Nov., 1875 Daughter of Benjamin and Harriet; born Dec, 1812; wife of 3445- *Feb, 1887. 3447. c Harriet Trumbull Hubbard Dism. Nov., 1875 Daughter of 3445 and 3446. Admitted from the church in Dart mouth College. Dismissed to the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?Oct, 1891. 3448. c Henrietta W. Hubbard Dism. Nov., 1875 Sister of 3447. Admitted from the church in Dartmouth College. Dismissed to the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. July 7. 3449. c John Gunn Baird Dism. March, 1879 Son of Jonah N. and Minerva, of Milford; born Nov, 1826. Yale Coll. 1852. Husband of 3450. Ordained pastor in Center- brook, June, 1859. Admitted from the church in Andover Theo logical Seminary. Dismissed to the ist Church, Hartford. +Dec, 1891. 3450. c Eliza Hall (John Gunn) Baird Dism. Mar., 1879 Daughter of John and Sophia of Ellington; born Feb, 1817; wife of 3449. Admitted from the church in Centerbrook. +Feb, 1903. 0000. c Helen Almira Twining (Seagrove William) Magill See 2289. 0000. c Joseph Parker, Jr. See 3274. August 4. 3451. c Daniel Cady Eaton Dism. July, 1872 Son of 3181 and 3182; born at Fort Gratiot, Mich, Sept, 1834. Yale Coll. 1857. Husband of 3452. Admitted from the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to St. Thomas's Church. ?June, 1895. 3452. c Caroline Ketcham (Daniel Cady) Eaton Dism. July, 1872 Daughter of 3619 and 3620; wife of 3451. October 6. 3453. c Ariel Parish *Nov., 1885 Son of Jeremiah and Lydia, of South Coventry; born July, 1808. Yale Coll. 1835. Husband of 3454; father of 3455, 3456, 3457, 3458 and 3744. Admitted from the South Church, Springfield, Mass. 3454. c Anna Woods (Ariel) Parish Dism. March, 1889 Daughter of Leonard, of Enfield, Mass.; born Oct, 1816; wife of 3453- Dismissed to the 1st Church, Denver, Col. ?Aug, 1895. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1867-68 289 3455- c Charlotte E. Parish Dism. March, 1889 Daughter of 3453 and 3454; born Nov, 1842. Admitted from the South Church, Springfield, Mass. Dismissed to the ist Church, Denver, Col. ?May, 1908. 3456. c Helen Frances Parish Dism. May, 1877 Sister of 3455; married Nathan Brown Coy. Admitted from the South Church, Springfield, Mass. Dismissed to the Central Pres byterian Church, Denver, Col. 3457. c Anna W. Parish Dism. Dec, 1875 Sister of 3455; married William James Betts. Admitted from the South Church, Springfield, Mass. Dismissed to the church in Stamford. 3458. c Leonard Woods Parish Dism. Oct., 1878 Brother of 3455. Yale Coll. 1872. Admitted from the South Church, Springfield, Mass. Dismissed to the Broadway Presby terian Church, Rock Island, 111. November 3. 3459. c Isabella Nesbit (William Rutherford Hayes) Trowbridge *Oct, 1901 Daughter of Alexander and Hester Anna, of Philadelphia; born May, 1843; wife of 3276. Admitted from the Central Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. November 24. 3460. Abbie Cady (Alexander) Cook Dism. Oct., 1891 Daughter of Alvah and Diana, of Hinsdale, Mass. ; born Jan, 1827; wife of 2919. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Pasa dena, Cal. +Jan, 1899. 3461. Mary W. Chapin (James H.) Wheeler Dism. Oct., 1873 1868 January 5. 3462. c Helen Frances Peck (George Rubens) Shepherd Dism. 1871 Daughter of Horace Clark and Julia A.; wife of 3280. Admitted from the North Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. Dismissed to the church in Collinsville. February 2. 3463. c George Frederic Barker *May, 1910 Son of George and Lydia Prince, of Charlestown, Mass.; born July, 1835. Ph.B. Yale 1858. Husband of 3255. Admitted from the Winthrop Church, Charlestown. 19 290 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3464. c Katharine Kent Child (w. Edward Ashley) Walker Daughter of Rev. Willard and Katharine Griswold, of Pittsford, Vt. ; wife of 3088. Admitted from the ist Church, Worcester, Mass. February 23. 3465. Mary Susanna Deming (Joseph Lemuel) Deming *Sept, 1905 Daughter of Manning and Lydia; born May, 1828; mother of 3816, 3817 and 3818. 3466. Sarah Coles Hull (Henry) Trowbridge Daughter of Edward and Edwina Willett, of N. Y. City; wife of 2983. Mar. 1. 3467. c Julia Flewwelling White (Henry Dyer) White *Aug., 1875 Daughter of John Parker and Eliza, of Philadelphia; born 1839; mother of 3952 and 3953. Admitted from St. Luke's Church, Philadelphia. March 29. 3468. c Salmon White Allis *Sept, 1868 Son of Elijah and Electa, of Whately, Mass.; born Nov, 1801 ; husband of 2487. Admitted from the church in Westfield, Mass. May 3. 3469. c Henry St. John Dism. Jan., 1885 Son of Truman and Esther, of Southbury; born Nov, 1835; husband of 3470; father of 3839. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. Dismissed to the Asylum Hill Church, Hartford. ?May, 1903. 3470. c Esther Peninnah Gray (Henry) St. John Dism. Jan., 1885 Daughter of Hiram Augustine and Polly Ann; wife of 3469. 3471. c Minerva L. Street +Feb., 1897 Daughter of Horatio Gates and Lois B. (1816), of Charleston, S. C. ; born March, 1812. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Edisto Island, S. C. May 31. 3472. Thomas Rutherford Bacon *March, 1913 Son of Rev. Leonard and Catharine Elizabeth (2988) ; born June, 1850. Yale Coll. 1872. Husband of 3964. Ordained pastor in Terre Haute, Ind, Apr, 1879. Dismissed to the ist Church, Terre Haute, Feb, 1879. Re-admitted from, the Dwight Place Church, Nov, 1886. Dismissed to the ist Church, Berkeley, Cal, Sept, 1887. Re-admitted from the North Church, Berkeley, Sept, 1912. catalogue of members, 1868 291 3473- Alfred Terry Bacon Dism. Oct., 1883 Brother of 3472; born Sept, 1852. Yale Coll. 1873. Husband of 4243; father of 4283 and 4768. Dismissed to the Park Church, Greeley, Col. +June, 1901. 3474. Mary Shipman McHarg Dism. Apr., 1876 Daughter of 3142 and 2837. Dismissed to the 4th Avenue Pres byterian Church, N. Y. City. Married Manuel Andreini. July 5- 3475- James Judson Averill +June, 1887 Son of Rev. James and Elizabeth Esther (2750), of Shrewsbury, Mass.; born Nov, 1843. M.D. Yale 1866. 3476. c Samuel Brace *May, 1883 Son of Rev. Joab and Lucy, of Newington; born Feb, 1817. Yale Coll. 1841. Husband of 3477. Admitted from the South Church. 3477. c Sarah R. North (Samuel) Brace *Sept, 1902 Daughter of Alvin and Clarissa, of New Britain; born Aug, 1820; wife of 3476. 3478. Annie B. Magoun (Jeremiah J.) Richardson Dism. June, 1876 Dismissed to the Puritan Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. August 2. 3479. c William Fitch +May, 1877 Son of John and Patty; born Sept, 1820; husband of 3480. Admitted from the United Church. 3480. c Emily M. Frisbie (William) Fitch ?July, 1894 Daughter of William and Mary Ann; born Feb, 1825; wife of 3479- 3481. c Jane Bartholomew (w. Benjamin Franklin) Leaven worth ?July, 1894 Daughter of Andrew; born 1809. Admitted from the ist Church, Waterbury. October 4. 3482. c Mary W. Coe (Henry F.) Spear Dism. Jan., 1900 Daughter of Amos and Harriet Tuttle; born about 1828; pre viously wife of Jediah H. Yale; mother of 3638. Admitted from the ist Church, Middletown. Dismissed to the 2d or South Church, Bridgeport. +Sept, 1900. November 1. 0000. c James Olmstead See 2923. 0000. c Sophia Richards (James) Olmstead See 3010. XV. Admissions during the Pastorate of the Rev. Dr. George L. Walker, 1868-1873 1869 January 3. 3483. c Anselm Byron Brown Dism. Jan., 187 1 Son of Joseph and Mary Elizabeth, of Sebago, Me.; born Apr, 1845. Yale Coll. 1867. Dismissed to the Taylor Church. Ordained pastor in Lockport, 111, June, 1873. +Aug, 1908. February 7. 3484. c Sarah Amanda Judson (w. David Long- worth) Ogden *June, 1890 Daughter of Daniel and Sarah, of Stratford; born Aug, 1799; wife of 1722. Admitted from the 3d Church. 3485. c Julia Elizabeth Ogden "Dism. March, 1894 Daughter of 1722 and 3484; born 1827. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to the church in Westville. ?Nov, 1896. 3486. c Abbie Ogden Dism. March, 1894 Sister of 3485; born 1830. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dis missed to the church in Westville. ?July, 1910. 3487. c William Patton *Sept, 1879 Son of Robert and Cornelia, of Philadelphia; born Aug, 1798; husband of 2927. Ordained as an Evangelist, June, 1820. Admit ted from the Presbyterian Church. 3488. c J. Henry Root Dism. Aug., 1874 Husband of 3510. Admitted from the Lawrence Street Church, Lawrence, Mass. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Bloom- field, N. J. 3489. c Edward Sereno Scranton Dism. March, 1889 Son of Sereno Hamilton and Susan Roxanna, of Madison; hus band of 3490. Admitted from the church in Madison. Dismissed to the Church of the Saviour, W. Philadelphia, Pa. 3490. c A. Julia Washburn (Edward Sereno) Scranton *Dec, 1869 Born Feb, 1848; wife of 3489. catalogue of members, 1869 293 February 28. 3491. Edward Francis Dole Dism. March, 1878 Son of 2620 and 2858. Dismissed to Trinity Church, Boston. 3492. George Lum English March 7. 3493. c Hannah R. Cozzens (George S.) Allen *Dec, 1871 Daughter of Samuel; born 1843. Admitted from the church in Weybridge, Vt. 3494. c Lydia Bolles (zv. Washington L.) Black Dism. Feb., 1895 Daughter of Ebenezer W. and Lydia Ann, of Litchfield; born Feb, 1835. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. Married George Franklin Newcomb (3576). Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church, Dec, 1873. Re-admitted from that church, Jan, 1878. Dismissed to Christ Church. ?June, 1908. 3495. c Elizabeth Wheeler Davenport +Apr., 1894 Daughter of John Alfred and Eliza Maria, of N. Y. City; born Aug, 1814. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to the church in Yale College, Sept, 1881. Re-admitted from that church, Jan, 1892. 3496. c Emily Hitchcock Dism. July, 1872 Daughter of Rev. Edward and Orra, of Amherst, Mass. ; mar ried Rev. Cassius Marcellus Terry. Admitted from the church in Amherst College. Dismissed to the ist Church, St. Paul, Minn. 3497. c Caroline Huggins Daughter of Stephen and. Elizabeth. Admitted from the United Church. 3498. c David Evan Jones Dism. Dec, 1871 Born in Glamorganshire, Wales. B.D. Yale 1871. Admitted from the Welsh Church in Olyphant, Pa. Ordained pastor in Roxbury, June, 1871. Dismissed to the church in Roxbury. 349g. c Robert A. Potter Dism. 1872 Admitted from the church in Thomaston. Dismissed to the same church. 3500. c James H. Potter Dism. 1872 Brother of 3499. Admitted from the church in Thomaston. Dis missed to the same church. 3501. c Edward Stevens Dism. Apr., 1874 Son of George E, of Cheshire; born 1824; husband of 3502; father of 4675. Admitted from the church in Cheshire. Dismissed to the Davenport Church. +Nov, 1884. 294 first church, new haven 3502. c Celestia Jerome (Edward) Stevens Dism. Apr., 1874 Daughter of Chauncey and Salome; born in Bristol, Oct, 1828; wife of 3501. +Jan, 1893. 3503. c Theodosia Davenport (zv. Russell Canfield) Wheeler ?Sept., 1883 Sister of 3495; born N. Y. City, Nov, 1810; mother of 3514. Admitted from the 3d Church. April 4. 3504. c Jennie Flora Chandler +Sept, 1878 Daughter of Rev. John Eddy (2569) and Charlotte, of Madura, India; born March, 1851 ; married William York. Admitted from the Pearl Street Church, Hartford. 3505. c Thomas W. Thompson Curtis *March, 1888 Son of Rev. Jonathan and Betsey, of Epsom, N. H; born Apr, 1823; husband of 3506; father of 3507 and 4059. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. 3506. c Virginia Hamlin Hubbard (Thomas W. Thompson) Curtis Daughter of John and Sarah, of Hallowell, Me.; wife of 3505. 3507. c Mary W. Curtis Dism. June, 1891 Daughter of Thomas W. Thompson (3505) and Caroline Hannah; born 1858; married Rev. George Heber Woodhull. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the church in Chase, Kan. ?Nov, 1912. 3508. c John Gardner Lewis Son of Enoch Burroughs and Sarah Knowles, of Hopkinton, R. I.; husband of 3509; father of 4047. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. 3509. c Jane Abigail Hart (John Gardner) Lewis ?March, 1907 Daughter of Aaron and Abigail Bronson, of New Britain; born June, 1837 ; wife of 3508. 3510. c Jane G. Christie (J. Henry) Root Dism. Aug., 1874 Wife of 3488. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. Dis missed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Bloomfield, N. J. 0000. c Eliza Blake (w. John Frank) Seely See 3265. May 2. 3511. Lucy Jane Phelps (John Phelps) Atwater Dism. March, 1872 Daughter of Charles and Eliza, of West Townshend, Vt. ; born Jan, 1828. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ?Aug, 1897. catalogue of members, 1869 295 3512. Mary S. Bacon Daughter of Daniel and Jane; married George Harrison Gray. Dismissed to the ist Church, Meriden, Oct, 1876. Re-admitted from the church in West Meriden, July, 1879. 3513. Lucy Elizabeth Selden *Feb., 1876 Daughter of Erastus and Laura Selden, of Lyme; born Aug, 1836. 3514. Theodosia Mary Wheeler Daughter of Russell Canfield and Theodosia Davenport (3503) ; married Franklin Bowditch Dexter (4313). Dismissed to the church in Yale College, Apr, 1881. Re-admitted from that church, Jan, 1910. July 4. 3515. c Mary Ailing *May, 1884 Daughter of Timothy and Clelia (1878) ; born 1830. Admitted from the United Church. 3516. c Charles Hascall Dwindle Dism. Feb., 1880 Son of John Whipple and Cornelia Bradley, of Rochester, N. Y. ; Ph.B. Yale 1871. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Oakland, Cal. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Berkeley, Cal. 3517. c Lewis Elliott +June, 1878 Son of Andrew and Deborah; born March, 1799; husband of 3320. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3518. c Bennett H. Sutliff Dism. Oct., 1872 Husband of 3519. Admitted from the church in Thomaston. Dismissed to the same church. +March, 1910. 35ig. c Sarah Nettleton (Bennett H.) Sutliff *March, 1870 Born in Prospect, 1836; wife of 3518. 3520. c Agur Wheeler *Jan., 1904 Born 1832; husband of 3521 and 3745- Admitted from the Col lege Street Church. 3521. c Aurelia Virginia Selden (Agur) Wheeler *Aug., 1871 Daughter of George L, of Middletown; born 1838; wife of 3520. September 5. 3522. c Maria Bemies *May, 191 1 Daughter of Chauncey and Nancy Maria; born July, 1828. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3523. c Philo R. Brown Dism. Apr., 1878 Son of Seth, of Norfolk; born Aug, 1837; husband of 3524. Admitted from the 2d Church, Fair Haven. Dismissed to the church in North Haven. +May, 1888. 296 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3524. c Sarah Anne Lewis (Philo R.) Brown Dism. Apr., 1878 Daughter of Enoch Burroughs and Sarah Knowles, of Hopkin- ton, R. I.; born Nov, 1841 ; wife of 3523. Admitted from the church in Hampton. +Sept, 1912. 3525. c Susan P. Scranton (Charles Tomlinson) Candee Dism. Feb., 1895 Daughter of Horatio Lee and Harriet Ann (3529) ; mother of 381 1. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to Trinity Church. 3526. c Mary Skinner (w. John William) Fitch Dism. Sept., 1881 Daughter of 3530; born Jan, 1826; previously wife of Rev. Samuel Dexter Marsh; mother of 3527; next married Rev. Samuel Harris. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. ?March, 1913. 3527. c Helen Eliza Marsh Dism. Nov., 1887 Daughter of 3526; married Edward Gustin Coy. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to the church in Andover Theological Seminary. ?May, 1913. 0000. c Caroline Mid ford (Joseph) Parker See 2892. 3528. c Eliza Townsend Parker ?July, 1898 Daughter of Joseph and Caroline Mulford (2892) ; born July, 1849. Admitted from the 3d Church. 0000. c Lamira Ann Parker See 2639. 3529. c Harriet Ann Grannis (w. Horatio Lee) Scranton ?Nov., 1898 Daughter of Alva and Hannah; born 1819; mother of 3525. Admitted from the 3d Church. 3530. c Mary Lockwood DeForest (zv. Roger Sherman) Skinner *June, 1889 Daughter of 1588 and 1589; born Feb, 1797; mother of 3526. Admitted from the 3d Church. 3531- c James D. Thompson Dism. Sept., 1870 Husband of 3424. Admitted from the Plymouth Church, Mil waukee, Wis. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth N. J. ?Feb, 1898. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1869 297 3532. c Pamela Wheeler Dism. May, 1871 Daughter of James and Eunice (2316) ; married Rev. Edward Pierrepont Herrick. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. Dismissed to the church in Middle Haddam. 0000. c Henry Newton Whittelsey See 2605. 0000. c Elizabeth A. Wilson (Henry Newton) Whittelsey See 2274. November 7. 3533. c Harriet Wadsworth Terry +Apr., 1911 Daughter of Alfred and Clarissa; born Feb, 1830. Admitted from the United Church. 3534- Henrietta King Trowbridge Daughter of 2983 and 2653 ; married Stephen Cambreleng Powell. 3535- Jane Louisa Fitch Trowbridge *Apr., 1902 Sister of 3534; born Nov, 1850; married Henry Lucius Hotch kiss; mother of 4147, 4159 and 4196. December 31. 3536. c John R. Bradley *March, 1892 Son of John, of Litchfield; born June, 1827; husband of 3537. Admitted from the church in Litchfield. 3537- c Mary Colt (John R.) Bradley *Dec, 1892 Born 1837; wife of 3536. 3538. Harriet Trowbridge Carrington Dism. Nov., 1878 Daughter of 2762 and 2528; born Aug, 185 1 ; married Edwin Dwight Trowbridge. Dismissed to the Broadway Tabernacle Church, N. Y. City. +Apr, 1904. 3539. Marion Collins Dism. Apr., 1897 Daughter of David C. and Clarissa Ely (3156) ; married Jonathan Edwards and Godfrey Dunscombe. Dismissed to Trinity Church. 3540. Charles Henry Collins *March, 1875 Brother of 3539; born Jan, 1850. 3541. Watson E. Foster Dism. Jan., 1871 Born in N. Y. City, 1837; husband of 3542. Dismissed to the Taylor Church. ?March, 1874. 3542. Emily S. Bradley (Watson E.) Foster Dism. Jan., 1871 Wife of 3541- 3543. c Frances Punderson (w. Asa M.) Gilbert *March, 1914 Daughter of Rev. Thomas and Betsey (3549), of Huntington; born Feb, 1833. Admitted from the church in Morris. 298 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3544. Catharine Fowler (Oliver C.) Goldsmith *Feb., 1905 Daughter of Richard and Polly, of Guilford; born June, 1835. 3545. c William Lloyd Guernsey Dism. March, 1885 Admitted from the church in Dubuque, Iowa. Dismissed to the same church, Jan, 1871. Re-admitted from that church, July, 1873. Dismissed to Plymouth Church, Des Moines, Iowa. 3546. Fanny L. Thomas (Abel Burritt) Jacocks *Jan., 1874 Born in Orange, 1834; wife of 2601. 3547. Ellen L. English (Charles Smith) Mersick *Sept., 1894 Daughter of George and Mary; born Oct, 1844; wife of 3753. 3548. Emily C. Munson Dism. May, 1884 Daughter of 2410 and 2885. Dismissed to Trinity Methodist Church. 354g. c Betsey Day (w. Thomas) Punderson *Apr., 1876 Daughter of Stephen and Dimmis, of Colchester; born Sept., 1791 ; mother of 3543. Admitted from the church in Morris. 3550. c Mary J. Dunham (w. William) Spencer Dism. Mother of 3551. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. 3551. c Mary C. Spencer Dism. Daughter of 3550. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to a church in N. Y. City. 3552. Sarah E. Tucker Dism. Feb., 1882 Dismissed to the ist or North Church, Concord, N. H. 3553- Carolina Wells *Apr., 1907 Daughter of 3055 and 3056; born Jan, 1851 ; married George Bronson Farnam (3559). 3554. Alma C. White Dism. Dec, 1873 Dismissed to the Park Street Church, W. Springfield, Mass. 3555- Antoinette Whittlesey ?Aug., 1876 Daughter of 2794 and 3108; born May, 1853; married Lucius Adelno Sherman. 3556. Clara Eliza Whittlesey Dism. June, 1879 Sister of 3555; married Rev. Ellis Mendell ; mother of 4312. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Norwood, Mass. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1869-70 299 187O March 4. 3557. c Sarah Bristol +March, 1914 Born Aug, 1835. Admitted from the church in Cheshire. 3558. c Ann Sophia Whitman (Henry) Farnam *March, 1904 Daughter of William and Elizabeth, of Farmington; born Sept, 1816; mother of 3559, 3624 and 4441. Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Chicago. 3559- c George Bronson Farnam *Dec, 1886 Son of 3558; born Aug, 1841. M.D. Yale 1869. Married 3553; father of 3968, 3969 and 3970. Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Chicago. 3560. Mary Johnson Hayes Daughter of 2354 and 4046. 3561. c Ellen Ives (Charles) Holt Daughter of William A. and Julia. Admitted from the 3d Church. 3562. c Jerome Bonaparte Hubbard Care withdrawn, Dec, 1900 Husband of 3563 ; father of 3625. Admitted from the 3d Church. 3563. c Julia Darrow (Jerome Bonaparte) Hubbard *Jan., 1871 Daughter of Elijah; born in Bristol, 1829; wife of 3562. 3564. Edwin Francis Mersick Dism. Jan., 1891 Son of John C. and Sarah; born Jan, 1838; husband of 3266; father of 3832. Dismissed to Trinity Church. +Apr, 1898. 3565. Edward Isaac Sanford ?July, 1893 Son of 1805 and 1768; born July 4, 1826. Yale Coll. 1847. Hus band of 3566; father of 3567. 3566. Sarah Jane Lyon (Edward Isaac) Sanford ?Nov., 1901 Daughter of Hanford and. Hettie Ann, of Bridgeport; born 1830; wife of 3565. 3567. Fanny L. Sanford Dism. March, 1884 Daughter of 3565 and 3566; born 1851; married Lewis Hotch kiss. Dismissed to Trinity Church. ?May, 1912. 3568. Harriet Louisa Stevens Dism. March, 1885 Dismissed to the Union Church, Ludlow, Mass. Married John Edward Stevens. +July, 1901. 300 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3569. Lilias Harrison Stone Dism. Dec, 1873 Daughter of 2455 and 2353; born Oct, 1851; married M. Frank Bristol. Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church. ?Dec, 1891. 3570. Susan Huntington Whitney Dism. May, 1875 Daughter of 3241 and 2966; born Aug, 1849; married Rt. Rev. Chauncey Bunce Brewster. Dismissed to Christ Church, Rye, N. Y. ?May, 1885. April 29. 3571. Thomas Gray Bennett Son of Thomas and Mary Ann (2691). Ph.B. Yale 1870. Hus band of 4184; father of 4043 and 4751. 3572. Mary Evelyn Dwight Dism. Feb., 1873 Daughter of William and Helen Mary, of Bernardston, Mass.; married Edward Henry Perkins. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Hartford. 3573- c Charles Ives *Dec, 1880 Born 1815; husband of 3574; father of 3760 and 3761. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. 3574. c Catharine M. Osbom (Charles) Ives *May, 1898 Daughter of Joel and Nancy; born Jan, 1816; wife of 3573. 3575- Nancy Louisa Ailing (w. Harvey M.) Merriman Dism. Jan., 1871 Daughter of Chester and Phebe, of Hamden; born Nov, 1830. Dismissed to the Taylor Church. +Nov, 1906. 3576. c George Franklin Newcomb Dism. Feb., 1895 Son of Algernon Sidney and Miranda; born Oct, 1836; married 3494. Admitted from the Chapel Street Church. Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church, Dec, 1873. Re-admitted from that church, Jan, 1878. Dismissed to Christ Church. ?Jan, 191 1. 3577. c Anson Greene Phelps Schenck Dism. June, 1871 Son of Rev. John Wetherill. Admitted from the North Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Pottsville, Pa. 3578. c Eliza Howe Terry *Nov., 1890 Daughter of Alfred and Clarissa; born Jan, 1840. Admitted from the United Church. 3579. c Alice Eliza Maltby (Edward Howard) Townsend Daughter of Caleb Smith and Mary; wife of 3254. Admitted from the United Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 187O 301 July 1. 3580. Bessie Jerusha Dewey Dism. June, 1874 Daughter of Noah Barrell and Mary Jerusha, of Delphi, Ind. Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church. Removed to Omaha, Neb, 1876. 3581. c Fanny Winchester (Justus Street) Hotchkiss *Jan., 1912 Daughter of Edmund and Harriette, of Boston; born Oct, 1838; wife of 3023. Admitted from St. Paul's Church, Boston. 3582. c Susan Howland Dism. Dec, 1875 Daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Admit ted from the ist Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the Broadway Tabernacle Church, N. Y. City. 3583. c Edward M. Judd Dism. Jan., 1875 Husband of 3584. Admitted from the church in Wolcottville. Dismissed to the Central Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Removed to Wallingford, 1876. 3584. c Jane A. Peck (Edward M.) Judd Dism. Jan., 1875 Daughter of Joel and Charlotte M, of Farmington; wife of 3583. 3585. Emma Mitchell *Apr., 1883 Born 1849; married Calvin N. French. 3586. c Gustavus W. Peabody Care withdrawn, Dec, 1900 Husband of 3587. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3587. c Cornelia Painter (Gustavus W.) Peabody Care withdrawn, Dec, 1900 Wife of 3586. 3588. c John M. Peck Dism. Feb., 1909 Husband of 3589; father of 3836. Admitted from the College Street Church. Dismissed to the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. 3589. c Mary J. Groat (John M.) Peck Dism. Feb., 1909 Wife of 3588. 3590. c Henry Plumb ?Dec, 1886 Son of Lyman and Harriet, of Milford; born Dec, 1830; hus band of 3591. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3591. c Jennie Augusta Woodward (Henry) Plumb *Feb, 1876 Daughter of James Curtis and Lydia Gates, of Fair Haven; born Dec, 1840; wife of 359°- 302 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3592. c Sarah Blackman *Jan, 1884 Daughter of Samuel Curtiss and Sarah, of Newtown; born May, 1801. Admitted from the church in Newtown. 3593. c Martha E. LeForge (Thomas) Parkinson Dism. Jan, 1871 Daughter of Frederick and Martha (i573) ; born Apr, 1821. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. Dismissed to the Taylor Church. ?Dec, 1897. 0000. c Harriet Atwater Tucker See 2375. November 6. 3594. Elizabeth Ellsworth Lyman +Oct, 1907 Daughter of 3072 and 2851; born Nov, 1852; married Charles Dickerman McCandliss. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, Md, Dec, 1903. Re-admitted from that church, May, 1907. December 31. 35gs. Edith Seaver Day Dism. Jan, 1877 Daughter of 2950 and 2951; born June, 1852; married Rev. Frederick Elisha Bangs (4063). Dismissed to the church in Farm ington, Iowa. +Jan, 1884. 187I February 21. 35g6. c Nancy Warner (w. Smith) Beers *June, 1904 Daughter of Reuben and Lucretia; born in Naugatuck, 1827. Admitted from the church in Naugatuck. 3597. c Caroline Abigail Dewey (w. Samuel Rossiter) Betts *June, 1882 Daughter of Daniel and Maria, of Williamstown, Mass.; born Apr, 1798; mother of 3180 and 3383. Admitted from the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 3598. c Jarvis Brush ?Apr, 1883 Son of Philip and Ruth, of Ridgefield; born Jan, 1797. Admit ted from the church in Yale College. 3599. c Anna E. Cruttenden Dism. March, 1883 Daughter of William and Emily; born in Wethersfield, Feb, 1833. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Bloomfield, N. J. Married John McLagon. Dismissed to the 3d Church. ?Sept, 1912. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 187O-71 303 3600. c Emma Lee Cruttenden *Feb, 1913 Sister of 3599; born in Kentucky, May, 1843. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Bloomfield, N. J. 3601. c Marion E. Dickerman Daughter of William and Ellen Eliza (3819). Admitted from the Church of the Redeemer. 3602. c Grace E. Parker Dism. June, 1874 Admitted from the church in Cheshire. Dismissed to the same church. ?July, 1887. March 5. 3603. Virginia Augusta Hawkins Dism. Jan, 1883 Dismissed to the United Church. May 5. 3604. c Ann Delia Beach (John M.) Blair *Jan, 1898 Daughter of Robert K. and Lydia; born 1827. Admitted from the Howe Street Church. 3605. c Franklin Solomon Fitch Dism. Oct, 1878 Born in Geneva, O. B.D. Yale 1873. Ordained pastor in Strat ford, June, 1873. Dismissed to the 7th Street Church, Cincinnati. 3606. c William Bradley Goodyear *June, 1889 Son of Andrew and Patty, of Hamden; born July, 1807; hus band of 3607; father of 3608. Admitted from the Church of the Redeemer. 3607. c Charlotte Lorraine Frost (William Bradley) Good year *Feb, 1891 Daughter of Samuel and Ruth; born Feb, 1806; wife of 3606. 3608. c Lizzie A. Goodyear Dism. Nov, 1878 Daughter of 3606 and 3607; married Francis Marion Crafts. Dismissed to Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. May 7. 3609. Mary DeForest Skinner June 27. 3610. c Cornelius Pierpont *March, 1900 Son of James Morris and Sila M, of Morris; born Aug, 1829; husband of 4030; father of 395°- Admitted from the 3d Church. 361 1. c Henry Pierpont ?Aug, 1892 Brother of 3610; born Apr, 1831. M.D. Yale 1854. Husband of 3949; father of 3956 and 3995. Admitted from the 3d Church. September 1. 3612. c Laura Pardee (w. Linus) Bouton Dism. Sept, 1875 Daughter of Isaac and Mary, of South Salem, N. Y. ; born Feb, 1809; mother of 3615. Admitted from the Reformed Church, 304 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Hyde Park, N. Y. Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church. Removed to Putney, Vt. ?iS— . 3613. c Hannah D. Buck *May, 1880 Daughter of Barzillai Deane -and Mary Mix, of Wethersfield; born Jan, 1812. Admitted from the ist Church, Wethersfield. 3614. c Linus Mead Dism. Sept, 1875 Son of Richard and Hannah, of South Salem, N. Y. ; born Sept, 1835; husband of 3615. Admitted from the Reformed Church, Hyde Park, N. Y. Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church. +Aug, 1906. 3615. c Sarah Elizabeth Bouton (Linus) Mead Dism. Sept, 1875 Daughter of 3612; born 1837; wife of 3614. ?Nov, 1877. 3616. c Harriet Joy Dutton (George Henry) Watrous *Jan, 1873 Daughter of Henry and Elizabeth E. ; born 1834; mother of 3873. Admitted from the United Church. Nov. 3. 3617. c Elizabeth Rogers Plant (Edward Augustus) Anketell Dism. March, 1892 Daughter of John and Angelina, of Branford ; born Aug, 1845. Admitted from the church in Branford. Dismissed to the Church of the Redeemer. ?Nov, 1896. 3618. c Richard Bailey Snell B.D. Yale 1874. Admitted from the church in Grinnell, Iowa. 1872 January 5. 3619. c Tredwell Ketcham *May, 1897 Son of Piatt and Deborah B, of Amityville, N. Y. ; born May, 1813; husband of 3620; father of 3452. Admitted from the Madi son Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 3620. c Mary Van Winkle (Tredwell) Ketcham *Jan, 1887 Daughter of Edo and Jane; born in Paterson, N. J, Sept, 1812; wife of 3619. March 1. 3621. c Edwin Munsell Bliss Dism. May, 1889 Son of Rev. Isaac and Eunice; born in Erzerum, Turkey. B.D. Yale 1877. Ordained as an Evangelist, May, 1877. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Orange, N. J. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1871-72 305 3622. Susan Ellen Brown *May, 1903 Daughter of Rev. Joshua Rogers and Susan Almira (2752) ; born Feb, 1853. Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church, Dec, 1887. Re-admitted from that church, March, 1897. 3623. c William Burke Dan forth Dism. July, 1874 Born in Barnard, Vt, Feb, 1849. B.D. Yale 1874. Admitted from the church in Royalton, Vt. Ordained pastor in Gilead, July, 1874. Dismissed to the church in Gilead. ?July, 1875. 3624. Sarah Sheffield Farnam Daughter of Henry and Ann Sophia (3558) ; married Eli Whit ney, Jr. ; mother of 3998, 3999, 4106, 4107, 4198 and 4274. 3625. Frank Elijah Hubbard *July, 1879 Son of 3562 and 3563; born in Bristol, Feb, 1853. Yale Coll. 1875. 3626. Matilda Ann Church (w. Alexander Backus) Whiting < *Feb, 1903 Daughter of James C. and Maria, of Fort Hamilton, N. Y. ; born Sept, 1829; wife of 2602. 3627. c Charlotte Spencer (w. Jonathan G.) Witherbee Dism. Apr, 1897 Mother of 3674. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Port Henry, N. Y. Dismissed to the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. May 3. 3628. c Sophia Pierpont Pierce (Sidney H.) Dawson Dism. Nov, 1909 Wife of 3278. Admitted from the United Church. Dismissed to Christ Church. 3629. c Julia Rebecca Salter (w. William) Homes Dism. Apr, 1875 Daughter of Cleveland Jarman (2187) and Susan Clarinda; born Feb, 1819; mother of 3630. Admitted from the Euclid Street Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, O. Dismissed to the_ church in Waverly, 111. +1897. 3630. c Mary Louise Homes Dism. June, 1879 Daughter of 3629. Admitted from the Euclid Street Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, O. Dismissed to the church in Waverly, 111. Married Horace Boynton. 3631. c Lorenzo Medici Johnson Dism. Oct, 1874 Son of Rev. Alonzo Dow and Mary, of N. Y. City; born Jan, 1843. Ph.B. Yale 1874. Admitted from the Anglo-American Church, Beirut, Syria. Dismissed to the 1st Church, Keokuk, Iowa. ?Nov, 1904- 306 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN oooo. c William Alexander Magill See 3049. 3632. c Matilda Wakefield Smith (William Alexander) Magill Dism. Oct, 1878 Daughter of Jotham and Maria, of Sutton, Mass.; wife of 3049. Admitted from the church in Lyme. Dismissed to the church in Amherst, Mass. ?Dec, 1908. 3633. c Mary S. Gold (w. John) Peck Dism. Feb, 1874 Daughter of Thomas Ruggles and Sarah, of Whitesboro, N. Y. ; born June, 1794; mother of 3634. Admitted from the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Staunton, Va. +Apr, 1877. 3634. c Henry Dwight Peck Dism. Feb, 1874 Son of 3633; born in N. Y. City; husband of 3635. Admitted from the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Staunton, Va. 3635. c Jennie M. Tucker (Henry Dwight) Peck Dism. Feb, 1874 Adopted daughter of H. L. Sill, of Lyme; wife of 3634. Admit ted from the church in Lyme. 3636. c Ellen Elizabeth Foote (Charles) Robinson Daughter of Lancel and Laura, of Canton; wife of 2788; pre viously wife of Elisha C. Wilcox. Admitted from the Clinton Avenue Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3637. c Mary Elizabeth Johnson (Benjamin C.) Thayer Dism. May, 1885 Daughter of William and Mary Eliza; born June, 1829; mother of 3668. Admitted from the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Englewood, N. J. +Jan, 1902. 3638. Harriet Augusta Yale Dism. Jan, 1900 Daughter of Jediah H. and Mary W. (3482), of Meriden; mar ried James W. Dorsey. Dismissed to the 2d or South Church, Bridgeport. July 30. 3639. c George O. Cruttenden Dism. Nov, 1904 Son of Frederick and Mary, of Guilford; born Apr, 1829; hus band of 3640. Admitted from the Church of the Redeemer. Dis missed to the United Church. ?Dec, 1910. 3640. c Sarah Jane Camp (George O.) Cruttenden Dism. Nov, 1904 Daughter of Hiram and Elvira; born in Bristol, Sept, 1838; wife of 3639. +Dec, 1909. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1872-73 307 Nov. 1. 3641. c Walter Russell Bartlett Dism. Nov, 1886 M.D. Yale 1871. Admitted from the church in North Guilford. Dismissed to that church. 3642. c John Merrill Gillette Dism. Jan, 1876 Son of Rev. Moses and Sylvia, of Rome, N. Y. ; born 1813; husband of 3643; father of 3644. Admitted from the ist Presby terian Church, Cleveland, O. Dismissed to that church. ?1887. 3643. c Mary H. Birch (John Merrill) Gillette Dism. Jan, 1876 Daughter of Henry, of Brookfield; born May, 1822; wife of 3642. +May, 1908. 3644. c Mary Birch Gillette Dism. Jan, 1876 Daughter of 3642 and 3643. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, O. Dismissed to that church. Married Adna Kendall, of Philadelphia. +189-. 3645. c Roswell Olcott Post Dism. June, 1874 Born in Logansport, Ind. B.D. Yale 1874. Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Logansport. Ordained pastor in Wills- boro, N. Y, Feb, 1875. Dismissed to the church in Willsboro. 3646. Frank Caleb Potter Dism. Dec, 1879 Son of Benjamin W. and Nancy C, of North Woodstock. Yale Coll. 1871. Ordained pastor in Stanwich, Dec, 1879. Dismissed to the church in Stanwich. 3647. Eliza Ann Bradley (w. Timothy) Trowbridge ?Jan., 1881 Daughter of 1688 and 1689; born July, 1814. 1873 Jan. 3. 3648. c Kerr Cranston Anderson Dism. Jan, 1875 Born in Jedburgh, Scotland. Husband of 3649. Ordained as an Evangelist in Fairhaven, Vt, May, 1873. Admitted from the church in Middlebury, Vt. Dismissed to the Hanover Street Church, Milwaukee, Wis. 3649. c Robina Fisher (Kerr Cranston) Anderson Dism. Jan, 1875 Wife of 3648. Admitted from the church in Jedburgh, Scotland. 3650. Martha Newton Whittelsey (w. Moses Harrison) Baldwin ?Sept, 1878 Daughter of John and Ann (2822) ; born Apr, 1815 ; mother of 3651- 308 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3651. Adele Harrison Baldwin ?Jan., 1907 Daughter of 3650; born Apr, 1850. 3652. c Jacob Albert Biddle Dism. Sept, 1875 Born in Rochester, O. B.D. Yale 1875. Husband of 3653. Admitted from the 1st Church, Oberlin, O. Ordained pastor in Milford, June, 1875. Dismissed to the ist Church, Milford. 3653. c Anna L. Light (Jacob Albert) Biddle Dism. Sept, 1875 Wife of 3652. Admitted from the 2d Church, Oberlin. 3654. c Clement Long Clapp Dism. May, 1876 Son of Rev. Charles Wells and Jane Pray. Admitted from the ist Church, Grinnell, Iowa. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Carrolton, 111. 3655. c Samuel Miller +Oct, 1888 Son of Elisha and Loraine of Williston, Vt. ; born March, 1801 ; husband of 3656. Admitted from the 3d Church. 3656. c Mary Ann Douglas (Samuel) Miller *July, 1882 Daughter of Alanson and Ann ; born in Lansingburg, N. Y, Feb, 1807; wife of 3655. February 28. 3657. c Caroline Mills Beers +July, 1896 Daughter of Timothy Phelps and Caroline (1872). Admitted from the 3d Church. 3658. c Mary Elizabeth Eaton (DeWitt Clinton) Coney Dism. Nov, 1878 Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Newark, O. Dis missed to the Broadway Tabernacle Church, N. Y. City. 3659. c Charles Burritt Curtis Dism. May, 1874 Born in Milwaukee, Wis. B.D. Yale 1873. Husband of 3660. Ordained as an Evangelist at South Britain, Oct, 1873. Admitted from the 1st Church, Beloit, Wis. Dismissed to the church in South Britain. 3660. c Myra Veil (Charles Burritt) Curtis Dism. May, 1874 Wife of 3659. 3661. c Evarts Cutler *Apr, 1901 Son of Rev. Calvin and Rhoda B, of Windham, N. H. ; born July, 1831; husband of 3662; father of 3781 and 3965. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3662. c Ellen Lovina Knight (Evarts) Cutler *Aug, 1898 Daughter of Bailey and Alice L, of Atkinson, N. H. ; born July. 1835; wife of 3661. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1873 309 3663. Harriette Skinner Staples Daughter of George Washington and Mary Knight (3314) ; mar ried Arthur Martin Wheeler. 3664. Cecilia M. Veil Dism. May, 1874 Sister of 3660. Dismissed to the church in South Britain. May 2. 3665. c George Edward Hall Dism. Oct, 1875 Born in Jamaica, W. I. B.D. Yale 1875. Ordained pastor in Littleton, Mass, Sept, 1875. Admitted from the ist Church, Dover, O. Dismissed to the ist Church, Littleton. 3666. Delia Wood Lyman Daughter of 3072 and 2851; married Rev. Frank Chamberlin Porter (4077). 3667. c Mary A. Marshall Dism. Oct, 1899 Admitted from the 1st Church, Milford. Dismissed to the Man hattan Church, N. Y. City. 3668. Julia Euphemia Thayer Dism. May, 1885 Daughter of Benjamin C, and Mary Elizabeth (3637). Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Englewood, N. J. Married Samuel Hepburn Magill, and Garnett Lydecker. XVI. Admissions during the Vacancy in the Pastorate, 1873-1875 1873 July 4. 3669. c Alexander Dunlop Dorward Dism. Nov, 1873 Son of Alexander and Sarah, of Montrose, Scotland ; born May, 1850. Admitted from the Augustine Church, Edinburgh, Scotland. Dismissed to the church in Methuen, Mass. +Jan, 1889. 0000. c William Lloyd Guernsey See 3545- 3670. c William Henry Lee *Dec, 1873 Son of James and Anna; born 1843. Admitted from the South Church, New Britain. l874 January 2. 3671. c Simon Byron Hershey Dism. Oct, 1874 Born in Marshallville, O. B.D. Yale 1874. Ordained pastor in Danbury, Oct, 1874. Admitted from the Church of the United Brethren. Dismissed to the 2d Church, Danbury. 3672. c Edward A. Kingsley Dism. Oct, 1875 Husband of 3673. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Lyons, N. Y. Dismissed to the Pearl Street Church, Nashua, N. H. 3673. c Mary Lucia Cooke (Edward A.) Kingsley Dism. Oct, 1875 Wife of 3672. January 4. 3674. Florence Witherbee Daughter of Jonathan G. and Charlotte Spencer (3627) ; married Edward Henry Peaslee. February 10. 3675. c Charles Atwood White *June, 1909 Son of 2337 and 2379; born Nov, 1833. Yale Coll. 1854. Hus band of 3197; father of 3865 and 4065. Admitted from the Reformed Dutch Church, Astoria, N. Y. 0000. c Frances Spencer Eaton (Charles Atwood) White See 3197. catalogue of members, 1873-74 311 February 27. 3676. c Nathan Townsend Bushnell Dism. Dec, 1892 Son of Nathan and Chloe (1955), of Madison; born Jan, 1825; husband of 3677; father of 3678 and 3679- Admitted from the College Street Church. Dismissed to the church in Madison. ?Feb, 1905. 3677. c Jane Grace Finch (Nathan Townsend) Bushnell ?Jan., 1877 Daughter of Daniel; born Jan, 1833; wife of 3676. 3678. c Frances Grace Bushnell Dism. Dec, 1892 Daughter of 3676 and 3677. Admitted from the College Street Church. Dismissed to the church in Madison. ?March, 1900. 3679. c Jane Bushnell Dism. Dec, 1892 Sister of 3678. Admitted from the College Street Church. Dis missed to the church in Madison. Married John M. Shepherd. 3680. c Helen M. Johnson Dism. Dec, 1886 Admitted from the ist Church, Watertown. Dismissed to the church in Plymouth. 3681. c Hannah L. Morley *Feb, 1875 Born 1800. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Wash ington, D. C. 3682. c Eugenia Laura Tuttle (Luzon Burritt) Morris Daughter of Lucius and Laura Ann (3684) ; mother of 3683, 3784, 3902, 401 1 and 41 13. Admitted from the church in Westville. 3683. c Mary Seymour Morris Daughter of 3682; married Charles Millard Pratt, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Admitted from the church in Westville. 3684. c Laura Ann Bement (w. Lucius) Tuttle *Dec, 1899 Daughter of Jonathan and Hannah Higgins ; born in Middle bury, Aug, 1809; mother of 3682. Admitted from the church in Westville. March 24. 3685. c James Freeland Dism. Oct, 1875 Son of James and Isabella J.; born in Fishkill, N- Y, Aug, 1852. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, West Farms, N. Y. Ph.B. Yale 1875. Dismissed to the 4th Avenue Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. ?Sept, 1880. June 16. 3686. c William Kneeland Townsend *June, 1907 Son of 3043 and 3031; born June, 1848. Yale Coll. 1871. Mar ried 3688; father of 4163, 4164 and 4197. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 312 first church, new haven June 21. 3687. Emily Eliza Trowbridge Daughter of 2733 and 2734; married George Bliss Rogers. 3688. Mary Leavenworth Trowbridge Daughter of Winston John (3148) and Mary Dwight Newton; married William Kneeland Townsend (3686). October 30. 3689. c Julia A. Cowles *Oct, 1890 Daughter of Aaron, of Barkhamsted ; born 1803. Admitted from the church in East Hartland. 3690. c Sarah Ellen Wheeler (w. Chandler) Cowles ?Sept, 1882 Daughter of James and Eunice (2316); born March, 1833; mother of 3691. Admitted from the United Church. 3691. c Ellen E. Cowles Daughter of 3690; married David Bronson Thompson; mother of 4790. Admitted from the United Church. 3692. c Francis Urquhart Downing Dism. March, 1880 Son of Lemuel Tyler and Caroline Lucy, of Columbus, Ga. ; born Dec, 1850. Yale Coll. 1872. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Columbus. +Jan, 1902. 3693. c Ellen Augusta Mansfield (John H.) Northrop *June, 1888 Daughter of William L. and Elizabeth ; born Aug, 1835. Admit ted from the 1st Church, Cornwall. l875 March 7. 3694. Ella A. Case Excomm. Dec, 1876 Excommunicated for immoral conduct. 3695. Olivia Hotchkiss English Daughter of John and Frances L. (2776). 3696. Ella A. Hitchcock *Sept, 1877 Born Dec, 1850. 3697. Mary Ellen Starkey *Feb, 1879 Born 1849; married Edwin Foy. 3698. c Elizabeth Rogers (Charles) Thompson ?Sept, 1886 Daughter of Peletiah and Mary; born in Brockport, N. Y, Feb, 1822; wife of 2666; previously wife of Offield. Admitted from the Union Park Church, Chicago. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1874-75 3 13 36gg. c John DeWitt Tyler Dism. Apr, 1877 Son of David Atwater and Elizabeth; born 1847. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to that church. +Nov, 1882. April 30. 0000. c Elizabeth, or Eliza, Reverein Tappan (w. John Penny) Marvin See 3214. 3700. c Frances A. Marvin Dism. Feb, 1890 Daughter of John Penny and Elizabeth Reverein (3214); mar ried Rev. Zachary Eddy. Admitted from the South Church, Mid dletown. Dismissed to the ist Church, Detroit, Mich. 0000. c Sarah Salisbury Tappan See 3217. 3701. c John Theodore Wentworth, Jr. Care withdrawn, Jan, 1893 Son of John Theodore and Frances, of Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Yale Coll. 1879. Admitted from the Davenport Church. May 2. 3702. Ellen Brinley Bacon Dism. March, 1889 Daughter of Rev. Leonard and Catharine Elizabeth (2988) ; married Henry B. Closson. Dismissed to the ist Church, Mont- clair, N. J. 3703. Mary Louisa Hall (Frank Stanley) Bradley ?Feb, 1912 Daughter of 2429 and 2403; born Apr, 1850; mother of 3973 and 4038. 3704. Caroline Amelia Burritt (James Ebenezer) Stetson *Apr, 1909 Daughter of Daniel and Caroline; born Aug, 1846. 3705. Ellen Eugenia Trowbridge Daughter of 2983 and 2653 ; married Huntington Denton. 3706. Sarah Adeline Whittlesey *Dec, 1879 Daughter of 2794 and 3108; born Feb, 1858. October 19. 3707. c Frederick Alphonso Noble Dism. Apr, 1879 Son of James and Jane, of Baldwin, Me. Yale Coll. 1858. Hus band of 3708; father of 3835- Ordained pastor in St. Paul, Minn, July, 1862. Admitted from the Presbytery of Pittsburgh, Pa. Pastor, 1875-79. Dismissed to the Union Park Church, Chicago. XVII. Admissions during the Pastorate of the Rev. Dr. Frederick A. Noble, 1875-1879 l875 Nov. 5. 3708. c Lucy Augusta Perry (Frederick Alphonso) Noble Dism. Apr, 1879 Daughter of George W. and Mary Johnson, of Dummerston, Vt. ; wife of 3707. ?June, 1895. 37og. c Albert Temple Swing Dism. Sept, 1882 Born in Bethel, O. B.D. Yale 1877. Ordained pastor in Fremont, Neb, June, 1878. Admitted from the Methodist Church in Bethel. Dismissed to the church in Fremont. December 31. 3710. c Sarah E. Hewit (w. William S.) Bowen Dism. Aug, 1886 Daughter of Rev. Nathaniel and Rebecca (1686) ; born 1824. Admitted from the 1st Presbyterian Church, Bridgeport. Dis missed to the ist Presbyterian Church. ?Nov, 1891. 371 1. John Russell Brown Excomm. Dec, 1876 Excommunicated for immoral conduct. 3712. Caroline Ives Dickerman Daughter of Charles and Jane (3068). 3713. Thomas Punderson Dickerman *Jan, 1879 Son of Elisha and Pamelia (1580); born Oct, 1808; husband of 2184; father of 3096, 3202 and 3392. 3714. c Mary A. Porter (w. William) Fulton Dism. May, 1876 Admitted from the 4th Reformed Presbyterian Church, Phila delphia. Dismissed to the same church. 3715. Clarissa Smith (w. Augustus) Hall *Oct, 1884 Born Oct, 1788. 3716. c Frank Tiieodosius Lee Dism. March, 1879 Born in Kenosha, Wis. B.D. Yale 1877. Ordained as Evangelist in Milwaukee, Dec, 1877. Admitted from the 2d Church, Oberlin, O. Dismissed to the church in Sparta, Wis. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1 875-76 315 37*7- c Charles Richard Lee Care withdrawn, Dec, 1900 Brother of 3716. Admitted from the ist Church, Kenosha, Wis. 3718. c Mary Loady (Joseph) Norman Dism. Feb, 1880 Born 1812. Admitted from the ist Church, Plymouth. Dismissed to the South Church, New Britain. ?Dec, 1903. 37ig. Mary Selleck Olmstead Dism. June, 1894 Daughter of 2923 and 3010. Dismissed to the church in Wilton. 3720. c Joseph H. Smith *Nov, 1893 Bom 1829; husband of 3721; father of 3894, 3895 and 389C. Admitted from the Church of the Redeemer. 3721. c Lucy Kingsbury Betts (Jos. H.) Smith *Oct, 1894 Born May, 1833; wife of 3720. 3722. c Woodford Demaree Smock Dism. Feb, 1882 Born in Danville, Ind, Feb, 1848. B.D. Yale 1878. Ordained pastor in Crested Butte, Col, Dec, 1881. ?Dec, 1894. 3723. Mary Hotchkiss (Charles Hervey) Townshend Daughter of Henry and Elizabeth; mother of 4165 and 4166. 3724. c Daniel Hand Wilcox *Oct, 1890 Son of Jonathan Samuel, of Madison; born May, 1826; husband of 3725 ; father of 3848, 3963, 4056 and 4057. Admitted from the 3d Church. 3725. c Frances L. Ansley (Daniel Hand) Wilcox Dism. July, 1899 Daughter of Jesse and Catharine, of Augusta, Ga. ; wife of 3724. Dismissed to the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. 1876 March 5. 3726. Emma Palmer Dickerman Dism. Dec, 1907 Daughter of William and Ellen Eliza (3819) ; married Edward P. Dickey. Dismissed to the 3d Church, Hartford. 3727. c William Montague Hall Dism. Feb, 1893 Son of Henry C. and Amanda H, of N. Y. City; born July, 1857. • Yale Coll. 1880. Admitted from the Broadway Tabernacle. Dis missed to the ist Church, Colorado Springs, Col. ?Dec, 1894. 3728. c Christian Mowery Dism. Oct, 1878 Son of John and Christina, of Nieder-Wichbach, Switzerland ; born Nov, 1842. B.D. Yale 1878. Admitted from the church in Marietta, O. Ordained pastor in Coolville, O, June, 1878. Dis missed to the church in Coolville. +Oct, 1887. 316 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3729. c David Judson Ogden Dism. Feb, 1885 Son of 1722 and 3484; born in Whitesboro, N. Y, Dec, 1837. Yale Coll. 1861. Admitted from the 3d Church. Ordained pastor in Niantic, May, 1882. Dismissed to the church in Niantic +Nov, 1 891. 3730. Thomas Alfred Vernon Dism. Dec, 1881 Son of Thomas and Ianthe, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; born Feb, 1856. Ph.B. Yale 1875. Dismissed to the Clinton Avenue Church, Brook lyn. ?June, 1904. 3731. Charles Wilcoxson Whittlesey Son of 2794 and 3108; husband of 3966 and 4722; father of 4791. Deacon, 1903-13. May 7. 3732. Alice Mabel Bacon Daughter of Rev. Leonard and Catharine Elizabeth (2988). Dis missed to the Memorial Church in Hampton, Va. Re-admitted from that church, May, 1905. 3733. Harriet Bennett Daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann (2691). 3734. Henry LeGrand Bradley *Sept, 191 1 Son of 3171 and 3267; born July, 1862; husband of 4036; father of 4250 and 4275. 3735- c Watson V. Coe Dism. Apr, 1889 Son of Bela and Hannah, of Middlefield; born Feb, 1814; hus band of 3736; father of 4249. Admitted from the United Church. Dismissed to the Church of the Redeemer. ?June, 1905. 3736. c Louisa Bacon (Watson V.) Coe Dism. Apr, 1889 Born May, 1819; wife of 3735. ?Oct, 1899. 3737. Samuel James Flight *May, 1885 Born 1821 ; husband of 3738. 3738. Sarah Jane Smith (Samuel James) Flight ?Apr, 1903 Daughter of James and Sarah Jane; born Oct, 1834; wife of 3737- 373g. c Smith Dunbar Fry Admitted from the Methodist Church in Sauk Center, Minn. Ordained to the Methodist ministry. 3740. Margaret Morton (Robert) Gowie *Jan, 1899 Daughter of James and Marion; born in N. Y. City, 1836; wife of 3783. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1876 317 3741. Elizabeth Berry (Michael) Johnson *May, 1891 Bom 1813. 3742. c Emma Ann Langdon Dism. Jan, 1885 Admitted from the 3d Church. Married Aaron C. Blakeslee. Dismissed to the 2d Church, Little Rock, Ark. 3743. Charlotte Irene Mills Dism. Oct, 1883 Daughter of Lewis M. and Charlotte Irene (2673). Dismissed to the church in Broad Brook. 3744. c James Heald Parish Son of 3453 and 3454. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3745. c Cornelia Pendleton (Agur) Wheeler *May, 1899 Daughter of Edmund and Emeline; born Oct, 1849; wife of 3520. Admitted from the College Street Church. June 4. 3746. c Willard Drake Johnson Care withdrawn, Jan, 1893 Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Newburgh, N. Y. 3747. Thomas Hubbard Russell Son of William Huntington and Mary Elizabeth. Ph.B. Yale 1872. Husband of 3907; father of 4190, 4207, 4251, 4282 and 4290. 3748. Caroline Lucretia Tuttle Married William T. Brooks. Dismissed to St. Paul's Church, Selma, Ala, Apr, 1885. Re-admitted from that church, May, 1897. July 2.. 374g. Sarah Post (Thomas) Dedrick *Sept, 1886 Born in Catskill, N. Y, 1826. 3750. c Charles Morrill Hawkes *Jan, 1904 Born Oct, 1831 ; husband of 3751 J father of 3825, 3868, 3869 and 3916. Admitted from the Dwight Place Church. 3751. c Susan Annette Whitney (Charles Morrill) Hawkes *May, 1906 Born Aug, 1826; wife of 3750. 3752. Rhoda A. Miller (Abram) Jackson +March, 1885 Born 1835- 3753. c Charles Smith Mersick +June, 1904 Son of John C. and Sarah, of N. Y. City; born Dec, 1840; husband of 3547; father of 3870. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3754. Charles Frederick Messinger Husband of 3938. 3l8 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3755. Almira L. Coe (John J.) Newcomb 3756. c Theodore H. Sheldon Son of Rev. Anson and Ann Dudley; husband of 3757; father of 4150. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3757. c Emily W. Tweed (Theodore H.) Sheldon *Dec, 1905 Daughter of Harrison and Huldah A, of Taunton, Mass. ; born Aug, 1847 ; wife of 3756. Admitted from the Trinitarian Church, Taunton. 3758. Daniel Visel, Jr. Dism. Feb, 1879 Dismissed to the Methodist Church, Hamden. 3759. Charles William Visel Dism. Oct, 1876 Dismissed to the German Methodist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. September 3. 3760. Marie Emeline Ives Dism. Jan, 1905 Daughter of 3573 and 3574. Dismissed to the Broadway Taber nacle Church, N. Y. City. Married Rev. William Brewster Humphrey. 3761. Kate Maria Ives Dism. Nov, 1886 Sister of 3760; married Otis Harvey Waldo. Dismissed to the Kenwood Evangelical Church, Chicago. 3762. Edward Hubbard Russell Dism. Dec, 1888 Son of William Huntington and Mary Elizabeth. Ph.B. Yale 1878. Dismissed to the ist Church, Park City, Utah. November 5. 3763. c Sarah C. Humphrey (Edward Trow bridge) Carrington Dism. 1886? Daughter of Milton and Mary, of Farmington. Admitted from the ist Church, Farmington. Next married Henry Newton Whit telsey, of Farmington. 3764. c Obed Tyler Frisbie Dism. Dec, 1884 Son of Samuel and Sally, of Branford; born Aug, 1819; hus band of 3765. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to the Church of the Redeemer. ?Nov, 1886. 3765. c Frances E. Page (Obed Tyler) Frisbie Dism. Dec, 1884 Born 1827; wife of 3764. ?July, 1903. 3766. c Fannie B. Thomas *May, 1891 Daughter of Briggs White and Orra, of Utica, N. Y. ; born Feb, 1816. Admitted from the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Utica. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1876-77 3 19 1877 January 7. 3767. c Nathaniel Terry Bacon Dism. June, 1879 Son of 3047 and 3060. Admitted from the American Union Church, Geneva, Switzerland. Dismissed to the Park Church, Norwich. 3768. c Fanny Brown Mitchell (w. Mitchell S.) Mitchell *Jan, 1891 Born in Southbury, June, 1802. Admitted from the ist or Grand Avenue Church, Fair Haven. 3769. c Hannah F. Estey (w. Nahum H.) Parker +Jan, 1879 Daughter of William and Peggy; born in Andover, Mass, May, 1827; previously wife of Dudley C. Evans. Admitted from the Dwight Place Church. 3770. c Eliza Chatfield (w. Charles A.) Tomlinson *Dec, 1878 Daughter of David and Polly, of Oxford; born 1825. 3771. Rufus Waples, Jr. Dism. Dec, 1878 Dismissed to the ist Church, Ann Arbor, Mich. May 6. 3772. Susan Lewis Attwater Dism. Apr, 1882 Daughter of 3036 and 3302; born June, 1861. Dismissed to the Church in Mount Carmel. Married Henry E. Foote. ?Nov, 1883. 3773. Frances J. Sargent Bullard Dism. May, 1878 Dismissed to the church in Holliston, Mass. Married Willis Albert Kingsbury. 0000. c Susan Whittelsey (w. William Tappan) Eustis See 1923. 0000. c Caroline Street Leffingwell See 3385. 3774. Caroline E. Petty Dism. Jan, 1891 Married James W. Barrows. Dismissed to the ist Church, Redlands, Cal. 3775. Alice Stetson Presby Care withdrawn, Dec, 1900 3776. Emily Taylor Rodman Dism. Aug, 1880 Daughter of 3442 and 3443; born Apr, 1856. Dismissed to St. John's Church, Waterbury. ?Dec, 1006. 320 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3777. c Emily Clark (Wm. R.) Sawyer Dism. June, 1904 Dismissed to the First Church, Willimantic 3778. Esther Mary Turlay Dism. 1881 ? Dismissed to the ist Church, Great Barrington, Mass. Married Gilman Parke Robinson, of Reading, Mass. July 1. 3779. Francis Henry Chamberlain Care withdrawn, Jan, 1893 Husband of 3780. 3780. c Lucy Parker (Francis Henry) Chamberlain Care withdrawn, Jan, 1893 Wife of 3779. Admitted from the Government Street Presby terian Church, Mobile, Ala. 3781. Annie Alice Cutler Daughter of 3661 and 3662. 3782. Oliver Winchester Dye Care withdrawn, Dec, 1900 Son of Rev. Charles Brockway and Ann Rebecca. Probably dead. 3783. Robert Gowie ?Aug, 1899 Born 1826; husband of 3740. 3784. Helen Harrison Morris Dism. March, 1906 Daughter of Luzon Burritt and Eugenia Laura (3682) ; married Arthur Twining Hadley. Dismissed to the Church in Yale College. 3785. Susan Hawley Olmstead Dism. Feb, 1885 Daughter of 2923 and 3010. Dismissed to the ist Church, Minne apolis, Minn. 3786. Sophia Richards Olmstead Dism. June, 1892 Sister of 3785. Dismissed to the Madison Avenue Reformed Church, N. Y. City. 3787. c Juliette Rathbone (Henry T.) Thomas Care withdrawn, Jan, 1893 Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Yonkers, N. Y. August 31. 0000. c Edward Elias Atwater See 3223. 0000. c Rebecca II. Dana (Edward Elias) Atwater See 3224. November 4. 3788. c Sarah Alathea Scovill (Joseph Thomp son) Whittelsey *Dec, 1877 catalogue of members, 1877-78 321 Daughter of John Mitchell Lamson and Sarah A, of Waterbury; born Feb, 1852; wife of 3854. Admitted from St. John's Church, Waterbury. 1878 January 6. 3789. c Margaret Fletcher Whitin (Jacob Jack son) Abbott Dism. Feb, 1884 Daughter of Paul and Betsey, of Whitinsville, Mass.; born Sept, 1817; mother of 3790. Admitted from the Central Church, Yarmouth, Me. Dismissed to the Village Church, Whitinsville. ?Feb, 1913. 3790. c Helen Louise Abbott Dism. Feb, 1884 Daughter of 3789; born Nov, 1852. Admitted from the Central Church, Yarmouth, Me. Dismissed to the Village Church, Whitins ville, Mass. +Aug, 1892. 37gi. c Edward Bull Clapp Dism. Dec, 1880 Son of Rev. Charles Wells and Jane Pray, of Cheshire. Ph.D. Yale 1886. Admitted from the church in Waverly, 111. Dismissed to the church in Westville. 37g2. c Manning Stevens Douglass Dism. Apr, 1882 Son of Leander and Maria Sophronia, of Knoxville, 111. Admit ted from the ist Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the Same church. 37g3. c William Beardsley Hubbard Dism. Feb, 1882 Son of Rev. George Boardman (2872) and Jane Beardsley, of Lamoille, 111. B.D. Yale 1881. Ordained as Evangelist, May, 1881. Admitted from the 1st Church, Beloit, Wis. Dismissed to the church in Chamberlain, S. Dak. 37g4. c Lucy A. Miner *June, 1882 Daughter of Samuel, of Hartland, Vt. ; born 1834. Admitted from the church in Stockbridge, Mass. 0000. c George Franklin Newcomb See 3576. 0000. c Lydia Bolles (George Franklin) Newcomb See 3494- 37g5. c Henry Augustus Street *Feb, 1907 Son of Thaddeus and Martha Davenport, of Cheshire ; born Sept, 1831; husband of 3796; father of 4090. Admitted from the ist Church, Milford. 322 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 37g6. c Elizabeth Bradford Roberts (Henry Augustus) Street *Feb, 1914 Daughter of Ozias and Nancy, of East Hartford; born March, 1839; wife of 3795. Admitted from the Reformed Dutch Church, N. Y. City. 0000. c Eleanor E. Dickerman (zv. Nelson S.) Wilmot See 3242. March 3. 3797. c Elizabeth W. Eustis Admitted from the Harvard Church, Brookline, Mass. Married Walter V. W. Lawton. May 5. 3798. Harriet Elizabeth Fox (w. Isaac Guernsey) Cutler *Apr, 1896 Daughter of Luther, of Amherst, Mass. ; born 1821. 3799. c Maria Louisa Fox (w. Samuel) Parsons ?Sept, 1906 Sister of 3798; born Dec, 1828. Admitted from the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Baltimore. 3800. c Augusta L. Edwards (Calvin) Russell Wife of 2335; previously wife of Marsh. Admitted from the College Street Church. 3801. Katharine Bacon (Thomas Rutherford) Trowbridge Daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Sheldon, of Litchfield; wife of 3275- July 7. 3802. Mary Elizabeth Alden *May, 1905 Daughter of 3003 and 3321; married Charles Kingsbury Billings; mother of 4233, 4234, 4284, 4285 and 4357. 3803. Louise Gertrude Alden Sister of 3802; married William Lauriston Howard. 3804. Theodore Davenport Bacon Dism. June, 1892 Son of 3047 and 3060. B.D. Yale 1889. Married 3875. Dis missed to the Park Church, Norwich, Sept, 1878. Re-admitted from the Park Church, Greeley, Col, Jan, 1887. Ordained pastor in Essex Junction, Vt, 1892. Dismissed to the church in Essex Junction. 3805. Thomas Attwater Barnes ?Jan, 1902 Son of 3122 and 3123; horn 1848. 3806. Franklin Trowbridge Bradley Dism. Feb, 1890 Son of 3171 and 3267; born March, 1864; husband of 4010. Dis missed to the 1st Church, Saybrook. ?Nov, 1907. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1878 323 3807. Annie Delia Bradley Sister of 3806; married Julian F. Denison (3915). 3808. Frederick Truman Bradley Son of 3299 and 3322; husband of 3832 and 3870; father of 4252 and 4253. Ph.B. Yale 1883. 3809. Robert Seymour Bradley *Feb, 1890 Brother of 3808; born Aug, 1863. 3810. Martha Whittelsey (John Belcher) Callender *Dec, 1910 Daughter of 2605 and 2274; born Dec, 1840. 381 1. Susan Jane Candee Dism. Feb, 1890 Daughter of Charles Tomlinson and Susan (3525) ; born 1867. Dismissed to St. Paul's Church. ?Sept, 1894. 3812. John Christie Dism. Jan, 1885 Dismissed to Calvary Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Removed to Chattanooga, Tenn, 1889. 3813. Sarah Attwater Clark Daughter of William W. and Sarah Beecher. 3814. c Mattie L. Pritchard (zv. George Washington) Coward Daughter of David and Wealthy H. (3837)- 3815. Jennie Laura Crosby Dism. Apr, 1899 Dismissed to the Park Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 3816. Caroline Maria Deming Daughter of Joseph Lemuel and Mary Susanna (3465). 3817. Elizabeth Standish Deming Dism. Apr, 1904 Sister of 3816; born Aug, i860; married Rev. Frederick Henry Lynch (4138). Dismissed to the Pilgrim Church, N. Y. City. ?Aug, 1007. 3818. Mary Lydia Deming Sister of 3816. <>8iq Ellen Eliza Palmer (w. William) Dickerman *Feb, 1891 Born Dec, 1812; mother of 3196, 3242, 3601, 3726 and 3820. 3820. Frank Henry Dickerman Son of 3819- 3821. George Alfred Dole Son of 2620 and 2441 ; husband of 3822. 324 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3822. Caroline Olivia Hahn (George Alfred) Dole *Jan, 1904 Daughter of Daniel and Juliana, of Philadelphia; born Aug, 1832; wife of 3821. 3823. c Mary Elizabeth Whittelsey (William Holden) Gray ?Nov, 1895 Daughter of 2605 and 2274; born Apr, 1850. Admitted from the United Church. 3824. May Trumbull Harwood *March, 1892 Daughter of Theodore F. and Gertie Ives; born Dec, 1866; married Charles L. Marsh. 3825. Samuel Newhall Hawkes Dism. Nov, 1886 Son of 3750 and 3751. Yale Coll. 1883. Dismissed to the ist Church, Topeka, Kan. 3826. Annie Elizabeth Hayes Dism. Dec, 1885 Daughter of Ezekiel (2280) and Martha Adeline; married Rev. Lycurgus Elmer Pangburn. Dismissed to the church in Waitsfield, Vt. 3827. Nathaniel Jocelyn Hayes Son of Samuel (3178) and Margaret Jocelyn. Deacon, 1891-1912, 1914— . 3828. Frances Rutherford Hayes Sister of 3827. 3829. Charles Frederick Linquist *Dec, 1889 Son of Maurice F. and Josephine; born in Yonkers, N. Y, July, 1862. M.D. Yale 1883. 3830. Oliver Ellsworth Lyman Dism. June, 1879 Son of 3072 and 2851 ; born May, 1856. Yale Coll. 1876. Dis missed to the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y. ?Sept., 1884. 3831. Margaret Tutlock (Gilbert) Manson Dism. Feb, 1889 Dismissed to the Phillips Church, South Boston, Mass. 3832. Sarah Emily Mersick *Sept, 1906 Daughter of 3564 and 3266; born Aug, 1863; married Frederick Truman Bradley (3808). 3833. Charles Clayton Monson Son of 2407 and 2408; husband of 3834; father of 4025 and 4026. 3834. c Stella E. Shepherd (Charles Clayton) Monson Daughter of Charles Levi; wife of 3833. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1878 325 3835. Mary Perry Noble Dism. Apr, 1879 Daughter of 3707 and 3708; born in St. Paul, Minn, Nov, 1865. Dismissed to the Union Park Church, Chicago. ?July, 1890. 3836. Hattie Windsor Peck Dism. March, 1897 Daughter of 3588 and 3589; married Edward A. Eisele. Dis missed to the Westminster Presbyterian Church. Buffalo, N. Y. 3837. c Wealthy H. Wilcox (w. David) Pritchard +July, 1 88 1 Born 1816; mother of 3814. Admitted from the church in South Norwalk. 3838. Albert Manvel Ritter Son of 3248 and 3198. 3839. Carrie Louise St. John Dism. Jan, 1885 Daughter of 3469 and 3470. Dismissed to the Asylum Hill Church, Hartford. 3840. George Wales Smith *Oct, 1893 Son of 2272 and 2217; born 1846; husband of 3841; father of 4062. 3841. c Emma C. Sanger (George Wales) Smith Dism. Oct, 1908 Wife of 3840. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Next married Samuel Shilcock. Dismissed to the ist Methodist Epis copal Church. 3842. c Mary Cady (Isaac J.) Taylor Dism. Dec, 1884 Daughter of Alvah and Diana, of Hinsdale, Mass.; born May, 1837. Admitted from the Plymouth Church, Indianapolis, Ind. Dismissed to the South Church, Pittsfield, Mass. +1911. 3843. Cleveland Stebbins Thompson +Jan, 1904 Son of 2707 and 2708; born Feb, 1840; husband of 3844- 3844. Mary E. Blackman (Cleveland Stebbins) Thompson Wife of 3843- 3845. Rutherford Trowbridge Dism. Apr, 1895 Son of 2733 and 2734. Dismissed to Trinity Church. 3846. Lucy Morton Whitmore Dism. Dec, 1903 Daughter of 321 1 and 3218; married Rev. Nathan Round Nichols. Dismissed to the church in Norwich, Vt. 3847. Ruth Morton Whitmore ?July, 1878 Sister of 3846; born March, 1868. 326 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3848. Frank Urquhart Wilcox Dism. Nov, 1900 Son of 3724 and 3725. Dismissed to the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. September 1. 3849. Anna Palfrey Day Daughter of 2950 and 2951. 3850. Mabel Hyatt Whittlesey Daughter of 2794 and 3108. November 3. 3851. c William Snow Miller Dism. June, 1879 Son of Rev. William and Harriet E, of Killingworth. M.D. Yale 1879. Dismissed to the church in Clinton. December 31. 3852. George W. Bothwell +May, 1891 Born in Woodsfield, 0, Feb, 1850. B.D. Yale 1881. Ordained in the Methodist Protestant Church, at Zanesville, O, Oct, 1875. Admitted from the Methodist Protestant Church, Fostoria, O. 3853. Elisha Hewitt, Jr. Husband of 4060. Admitted from the church in Pomfret, Vt. 1879 January 5. 3854. Joseph Thompson Whittelsey *June, 1903 Son of 2605 and 2274; born Oct, 1843. Ph.B. Yale 1867. Hus band of 3788; father of 3978 and 4055. February 16. 3855. c Milan Church Ayres Dism. May, 1883 Born in Lewiston, 111. B.D. Yale 1879. Ordained as an Evan gelist in Hamlin, Kan, May, 1874. Husband of 3856. Admitted from the church in Hamlin. Dismissed to the church in South ington. 3856. c Georgiana Gall (Milan Church) Ayres Dism. May, 1883 Wife of 385S. March 2. 3857. Jason Crosby Bent Care withdrawn, Dec, 1900 XVIII. Admissions during the Vacancy in the Pastorate, 1879-1882 1879 May 4. 3858. c Cornelia Lynde (William Brintnall) De- Forest Dism. Oct, 1899 Born 1825; wife of 3386. Admitted from the University Place Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the Farmington Avenue Church, Hartford. +Feb, 191 1. July 6. 0000. c Mary S. Bacon (w. George Harrison) Gray See 3512. 3859- James Edward Hurley Care withdrawn, Dec, 1900 l88o September 5. 3860. Ethel Child Walker *Feb, 1885 Daughter of 3088 and 3464; born Feb, 1864. November 7. 3861. c Laura A. Higgins (w. Joseph Blakeslee) Beadle Mother of 3862 and 3863. Admitted from the ist Church, Mont- clair, N. J. 3862. c Emma Aurelia Beadle *Dec, 1908 Daughter of 3861 ; married Daniel Albion Jones. Admitted from the ist Church, Montclair, N. J. 3863. c John Beadle Dism. Sept, 1896 Son of 3861. Yale Coll. 1886. Admitted from the ist Church, Montclair, N. J. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Brook lyn, N. Y. 3864. c Isaac Althaus Loos Dism. Feb, 1885 Born in Upper Bern, Pa. B.D. Yale 1881. Admitted from the Church of the United Brethren in Upper Bern. Ordained to the ministry, Sept, 1881. Dismissed to the Church of the United Brethren, Toledo, Iowa. 3865. Frances Eaton White Dism. Jan, 1894 Daughter of 3675 and 3197; married Robert S. Gamble. Dis missed to an Episcopal Church in Bryn-Mawr, Pa. 328 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN l88l May 1. 3866. c Philip Edgar Holp Bom in Enterprise, O. Admitted from the Church of the United Brethren in Lewisburg, O. Ordained to the ministry, 1881. 3867. c John Richard Reitzel Dism. Sept, 1882 Born in Hummelstown, Pa, Oct, 1847. B.D. Yale 1881. Or dained to the ministry at Shamokin, Pa, in the Church of the United Brethren, Feb, 1878. Admitted from the Church of the United Brethren in Dayton, O. Dismissed to the church in Mitchell, S. Dak. ?Feb, 1910. July 3. 0000. c Sarah Clark Eastman See 3395. 3868. Susanna Whitney Hawkes Daughter of 3750 and 3751. 3869. George Pickard Hawkes *Feb, 1905 Brother of 3868; born in Portland, Me, Nov, 1868. B.A. Yale 1891. 3870. Mary English Mersick Daughter of 3753 and 3547; married Frederick Truman Bradley (3808). 3871. Stemats Yamakawa Dism. July, 1899 Married Prince Iwao Oyama. Dismissed to the Reinansaka Church, Tokio, Japan. Nov. 6. 3872. c Newton Irving Jones Dism. Feb, 1885 Born in Enfield, N. H. Ordained pastor in Centreville, Barn stable, Mass, July, 1875. B.D. Yale 1882. Admitted from the Pearl Street Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the Broadway Church, Somerville, Mass. 3873. Elizabeth Eliot Watrous ?Jan, 1900 Daughter of George Henry and Harriet Joy (3616) ; born June, 1861 ; married Edward Vilette Raynolds ; mother of 4734. 1882 July 2. 0000. c Cornelia A. Benton See 3370. 3874. Charlotte Eliot Goodyear Dism. Nov, 1889 Daughter of William Eliot and Nellie; married Arthur H. Smith (3903). Dismissed to the ist or Grand Avenue Church, Fair Haven. XIX. Admissions during the Pastorate of the Rev. Dr. Newman Smyth, 1882-1908 1882 November 5. 3875. c Harriet P. Blackman Dism. June, 1892 Married Rev. Theodore Davenport Bacon (3804). Admitted from the Dwight Place Church. Dismissed to the church in Essex Junction, Vt. 3876. c Wilhelmina C. George (Paul) Heubisch Admitted from the ist Church, Springfield, Mass. 3877. c George Evan Paddock Dism. Dec, 1885 Born in Livonia, Mich. B.D. Yale 1885. Ordained as Evan gelist in Argentine, Kan, Sept, 1885. Admitted from the church in Olivet, Mich. Dismissed to the ist Church, Argentine. 3878. c Anna Maria Paul Dism. Feb, 1892 Admitted from the 1st Church, Pittsfield, Mass. Dismissed to the ist Church, Bay Shore, N. Y. +Nov, 191 1. I883 January 2. 3879. c Elizabeth Watson (w. Oliver Ellsworth) Daggett +May, 1891 Daughter of William and Mary, of Hartford; born Apr, 1812; mother of 3880 and 3881. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. 3880. c Susan Elizabeth Daggett Daughter of 3879. Admitted from the ist Church, Hartford. 3881. c Mary Daggett *July, 1894 Sister of 3880; born in Canandaigua, N. Y, July, 1852. Admit ted from the 1st Church, Hartford. 3882. c George Rudolph Freeman *Apr, 189S Son of Samuel and Maria, of Gettysburg, Pa.; born Sept, 1850. B.D. Yale 1885. Admitted from St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Chester, Pa. 3883. Benjamin Eastman Harwood Dism. Oct, 1900 Son of Theodore F. and Gertie Ives. Dismissed to the church in Chester. 330 first church, new haven 3884. c Cyrus Pickett Dism. Oct, iS Son of Benjamin and Lydia Ophelia; born in Andover, 0, May, 1837; husband of 3885; father of 3886 and 3887. Ordained pastor in Enfield, Feb, 1867. Admitted from the 2d Church, Jersey City, N. J. Dismissed to the church in Whitneyville. +Sept, 1910. 3885. c Julia Davies Calhoun (Cyrus) Pickett Dism. Oct, 1888 Daughter of Seth and Elsie Rebecca; wife of 3884. 3886. Mary Pickett Dism. Oct, 1888 Daughter of 3884 and 3885. Dismissed to the church in Whitney ville. 3887. Joseph Pickett Care withdrawn, Dec, 1900 Son of 3884 and 3885. 3888. c Francis Dwight Rood Dism. Sept, 1884 Born in Godfrey, 111. Ordained pastor in North Englewood, 111, July, 1886. Admitted from the Methodist Church in Bethany, 111. Dismissed to the Central Park Church, Chicago. 3889. c John Andrew Stemen Dism. May, 1886 Born in Bremen, O. B.D. Yale 1885. Ordained pastor in Waseca, Minn, Feb, 1886. Admitted from the High Street Church, Colum bus, O. Dismissed to the ist Church, Waseca. February 27. 3890. c Benjamin Franklin Boller Dism. Apr, 1884 Born in Wooster, O. ; husband of 3891. Ordained as an Evan gelist, Oct, 1876. Admitted from the 3d Church. Dismissed to Plymouth Church, Denver, Col. 3891. c Mercy Wright (Benjamin Franklin) Boller Dism. Apr, 1884 Wife of 3890. Admitted from the church in North Adams, Mich. 3892. c Jessie E. Osgood Dism. Jan, 1887 Admitted from the church in Rutland, Vt. Dismissed to the same church. 3893. c Anna Grosvenor Pomeroy (William Woodbridge) Rodman Daughter of Benjamin and Jerusha, of Stonington; wife of 3442. Admitted from the 2d Church, Stonington. 3894. Joseph Betts Smith Son of 3720 and 3721. catalogue of members, 1883 331 3895. Caroline Wilcox Smith Dism. Nov, 1897 Sister of 3894. Dismissed to Christ Church, West Haven. 3896. William Barstow Smith Brother of 3894. 3897. c Flora M. Turner *Aug, 1892 Daughter of Oreb and Nancy; born June, 1850. Admitted from the church in Westville. 3898. c Nathan Chandos Whiting *Apr, 1884 Son of 1828 and 1829; born Feb, 1808; husband of 3899; father of 3900. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Lakewood, N. J. 3899. c Mary Stone Bryan (Nathan Chandos) Whiting ?July, 1885 Daughter of Elijah and Sarah, of Milford; born Oct, 1818; wife of 3898. 3900. c Mary Bryan Whiting Daughter of 3898 and 3899; married Clarence Deming; mother of 4232 and 4297. Admitted from Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. May 1. 3901. c Mercie Crater (William F.) Camp +May, 1885 Daughter of John J. and Maria McK. ; born in Chester, N. J, 1834. Admitted from the church in South Meriden. 3902. Emily Eugenia Morris Daughter of Luzon Burritt and Eugenia Laura (3682). 3903. Arthur H. Smith Dism. Nov, 1889 Husband of 3874. Dismissed to the ist or Grand Avenue Church, Fair Haven. 3904. c Anna M. Ayer (Newman) Smyth Wife of the pastor; mother of 3962, 4040, 4141 and 4191. Admit ted from the Presbyterian Church, Quincy, 111. June 29. 3905. c Martha E. Robbins (Gurdon) Beckwith Admitted from the Broadway Church, Norwich. 3906. c Mary Eliza Fisher (Hoadley Bray) Ives *Feb, 1908 Daughter of Daniel M. and Mary; born in N. Y. City, Jan, 1834- Admitted from the United Church. 3907. c Mary K. Munson (Thomas Hubbard) Russell Daughter of Lyman Ezra and Lucy A. ; wife of 3747. Admitted from the United Church. 332 first church, new haven 1884 January 4. 3908. c William Joseph Born in Llandyssul, Wales. B.D. Yale 1885. Admitted from Zion Church, Llandyssul. Ordained as Evangelist in Andover, O, Dec, 1885. 3909. c Silas Levi Smith Dism. Sept, 1885 Son of Matthew and Ann, of Madison, Wis.; born Oct, 1857; husband of 3910. B.D. Yale 1885. Ordained as pastor in St. Louis, Mo, Sept, 1885. Admitted from the ist Freewill Baptist Church, Hillsdale, Mich. Dismissed to the Church of the Redeemer, St. Louis. ?Oct, 1895. 3910. c Mary E. Gardner (Silas Levi) Smith Dism. Sept, 1885 Daughter of George B, of Hillsdale, Mich.; wife of 3909. February 29. 391 1. c Mary B. Biegel (zv. Ernest T.) Schmoll Dism. Nov, 1886 Admitted from the Throop Avenue Presbyterian Church, Brook lyn, N. Y. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Hoboken, N.J. 3912. c Henry Charles White *Feb, 1914 Son of Thomas Broughton and Catharine Stewart, of Utica, N. Y.; born Sept, 1856. Yale Coll. 1881. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Deacon, 1887-91. May 4. 3913. c Frederick Mason Denison +Sept, 1898 Born 1836; husband of 3914; father of 3915. Admitted from the ist Church, Fair Haven. 3914. c Emma Lucretia Douglas (Frederick M.) Denison ?Feb, 1907 Daughter of Randolph and Emma, of N. Y. City; born Dec, 1843; wife of 3913. 39:5- c Julian F. Denison Son of 3913 and 3914; husband of 3807; father of 4276, 4277 and 4886. Admitted from the ist Church, Fair Haven. 3gi6. William Whitney Hawkes Dism. 191 1 Son of 3750 and 3751. Yale Coll. 1879. Dismissed to Trinity Church. July 1. 3917. c Samuel Arthur Galpin ?Aug, 1902 Son of Samuel Henry and Marianne; born in East Windsor, Jan, 1846. M.A. Yale 1880. Husband of 3918; father of 4146 and 4263. Admitted from the ist Church, Washington, D. C. catalogue of members, 1884-85 333 3918. c Clara Lamed (Samuel Arthur) Galpin ?Jan, 1898 Daughter of Amos and Harriet, of Hartford; born Nov, 1851 ; wife of 3917. Admitted from the Asylum Hill Church, Hartford. 3919- c Sarah A. Tucker Dism. Feb, 1912 Admitted from the ist Baptist Church, Chicopee, Mass. Dis missed to the ist Church, Meriden. December 30. 3g2o. c Lucy Kellogg (Edwin Holt) English Daughter of Stephen Wright and Lucia Hosmer, of Waterbury; wife of 4091. Admitted from the 2d Church, Waterbury. 3g2i. c Amory Edwards Rowland *May, 1912 Son of Henry and Elizabeth Tappan, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; born July, 1852. Ph.B. Yale 1873. Husband of 3922. Admitted from the Reformed Dutch Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Deacon, 1888-1911. 3g22. c Grace Talbot (Amory Edwards) Rowland Daughter of George and Elizabeth, of Stratford; wife of 3921. Admitted from the church in Stratford. 3g23. c Caroline S. White Sister of 3912. Admitted from the Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, Vernon, N. Y. 1885 March 1. 3924. John Bennett Carrington Son of 2762 and 2528; husband of 3925; father of 4194 and 4235- 3g25. Annie Lawton (John Bennett) Carrington Wife of 3924. 3g26. Fannie Elizabeth Mead Dism. June, 1888 Daughter of 3139 and 3192; born Sept, 1865. Dismissed to the Dwight Place Church. Married Cassius H. Post. ?March, 1912. July 5. 3g27. Edward Blake *Oct, 1893 Son of 301 1 and 3207; born Nov, 1862. Ph.B. Yale 1884. 3g28. c Ella A. Hazel (Robert N.) Burwell Daughter of 3929 and 3930; wife of 4186. Admitted from the Howard Avenue Church. 3g2g. c George Westlake Hazel *May, 1887 Son of William J.; born in England, Nov, 1836; husband of 3930; father of 3928 and 4071. Admitted from the Howard Avenue Church. 334 first church, new HAVEN 3930. c Julietta D. Currier (George Westlake) Hazel Wife of 3929. 3931. Flora Emily Mann Dism. Sept, 1887 Dismissed to the ist Church, Florence, Mass. 3932. c Sarah A. Vandenberg (w. Charles Tenney) Melvin Dism. Jan, 1886 Admitted from the 1st Presbyterian Church, Durango, Col. Dis missed to the church in Westville. 3933- Caroline Louisa Nicoll September 6. 3934. c Louise Hart Whittlesey (zv. Charles Julius) Atwater Dism. Dec, 1891 Daughter of Rev. William and Louise E. ; next married Rev. Willard Brown Thorp. Admitted from the United Church. Dis missed to the ist Church, Binghamton, N. Y. 1886 January 3. 3935. c Constantia Helen Baldwin *Dec, 1893 Daughter of Raymond and Martha, of Woodbridge; born March, 1832. Admitted from the church in Woodbridge. 3936. c Ella Wescott (w. George Whitefield) Fisher Dism. Nov, 1903 Daughter of John and Catharine, of Waterford, N. J.; mother of 4131. Admitted from the church in Cameron, Mo. Dismissed to the Watchung Avenue Church, Montclair, N. J. 3937- c George Raynolds Mathews Dism. Dec, 1897 Born in Painesville, O, Dec, 1861. B.D. Yale 1887. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Massillon, O. Dismissed to the ist Church, Salt Lake City, Utah. ?Dec, 1899. 3938. c Helen Martha Beecher (Charles Frederick) Mes- singer Daughter of George Edwin and Martha Elizabeth; wife of 3754. Admitted from the church in Woodbridge. 3939. c Rikizo Nakashima Born in Japan. B.D. Yale 1887. Admitted from the Euclid Avenue Church, Cleveland, O. 3940. c John Strong Newberry +Dec, 1892 Son of Henry and Elizabeth, of Hartford; born Dec, 1822; husband of 3941 ; father of 3942. Admitted from the 1st Presby terian Church, Cleveland, O. catalogue of members, 1885-86 335 3941- c Sarah Gaylord (John Strong) Newberry ?Feb, 1899 Daughter of Erastus F. and Lucetta Cleveland, of Cleveland, O.; born Dec, 1823; wife of 3940. 3g42- Elizabeth Strong Newberry Dism. Feb, 1892 Daughter of 3940 and 3941; born Aug, i860; married William W. Jaggard. Dismissed to the 2d Presbyterian Church, Chicago. ?Dec, 1895. 3943- Cornelius B. Peck *July, 1899 Son of George and Anna, of Newtown; born Jan, 1848. 3944. Florence Maud Trowbridge Daughter of 3148 and 3298; married Horatio McLeod Reynolds. March 7. 3945. Ida Jewett Dism. Apr, 1892 Married Henry William Blake. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Englewood, N. J. 3946. c John Henry Muller Dism. Aug, 1887 Born in Zurich, Switzerland ; husband of 3947. Ordained to the ministry in the Church of the United Brethren. B.D. Yale 1887. Admitted from the Church of the United Brethren in Annville, Pa. Dismissed to the church in Ellsworth. 3947. c S. Eva Pease (John Henry) Muller Dism. Aug, 1887 Wife of 3946. Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. May 2. 3g48. c Thomas Milton Beadenkoff Dism. Aug, 1886 Born in Baltimore, Md. B.D. Yale 1885. Admitted from the ist Methodist Church. Dismissed to the church in North Water- ford, Me. Ordained pastor in North Waterford, Sept, 1886. 3g4g. c Helen Virginia Warner (Henry) Pierpont Daughter of Rev. Wyllys and Elizabeth Ann; wife of 361 1. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 3g50. c Sila Harrison Pierpont ?Aug, 1913 Daughter of Cornelius (3610) and Martha; born July, 1863; married Levi Tracy Snow (4003). Admitted from the 1st Presby terian Church, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 3g5i. Constance Blanche Trowbridge Daughter of 3148 and 3298; married Warren Benson Kellogg. 3g52. Elizabeth Tallmadge White Dism. March, 1896 Daughter of Henry Dyer and Julia Flewwelling (3467). Dis missed to St. Thomas's Church. 336 first church, new haven 3953. Martha Sherman White *Sept, 1891 Sister of 3952; born Nov, 1865. July 4. 3954. Edward Coke Billings *Dec, 1893 Son of Israel and Hepsey D, of Hatfield, Mass.; born Dec, 1829. Yale Coll. 1853. 3955- John Henry Niemeyer Dism. Feb, 1908 Son of Charles Henry and Margareta Dorettia, of Bremen, Ger many; husband of 4076. M.A. (hon.) Yale 1874. Dismissed to the church in Yale College. 3956. Elizabeth Pierpont Dism. June, 1898 Daughter of 361 1 and 3949; married Hubert M. Pratt. Dis missed to the 2d Church, Cornwall. 3957. c Sidney Augustus Sanderson Dism. Nov, 1913 Husband of 3958. Admitted from the Church of the Redeemer. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3958. c Mary Cleveland Cox (Sidney Augustus) Sanderson Dism. Nov, 1913 Daughter of James Richards and Mary, of Auburn, N. Y. ; wife of 3957- 3959. Leonard Cutler Sanford Son of 3086 and 3436; husband of 4106 and 3999. Yale Coll. 1890. 3960. Susan Morris Sanford Sister of 3959; married John Howland, of N. Y. City. 3961. Adeline Forbes Sanford ?Jan, 1911 Sister of 3959; born 1876. 3962. Mary Winslow Smyth Dism. March, 1910 Daughter of the pastor and 3904. Dismissed to St. Paul's Church. 3963. Katharine M. Wilcox Daughter of 3724 and 3725; married Arthur Eric Hedstrom. November 2. 0000. c Thomas Rutherford Bacon See 3472. 3g64. c Jennie Bement Foote (Thomas Rutherford) Bacon Dism. Sept, 1887 Wife of 3472. Admitted from the Dwight Place Church. Dis missed to the ist Church, Berkeley, Cal. ?Aug, 1912. 3g6s. Eleanor Evelyn Cutler Daughter of 3661 and 3662; married Leonard Mayhew Daggett. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1886-87 337 1887 January 2. 0000. c Theodore Davenport Bacon See 3804. 3g66. Delia Barnes Bradley *Sept. 1902 Daughter of 3299 and 3322; born May, 187 1 ; married Charles Wilcoxson Whittlesey (3731). 3g67. c Charles Henry Caton Admitted from the Church of Christ, Harrodsburg, Ky. Ordained pastor in the Church of the Disciples. 0000. c Theresa Jennette Eastman (w. Theodore Lansing) Day See 3208. 3g68. Caroline Bronson Farnam Dism. Apr, 1897 Daughter of 3559 and 3553. Dismissed to Christ Church. 3g6g. Henry Farnam Brother of 3968. Yale Coll. 1895. 3970. Elizabeth Whitman Farnam Sister of 3968. 3971. Zilpah R. Hazlet 3972. c Dean Augustus Walker Dism. Feb, 1893 Son of Rev. Augustus and Eliza M, of Diarbekir, Turkey. Yale Coll. 1884. Admitted from the ist Church, Colorado Springs, Col. Dismissed to the church in Auburndale, Mass. March 6. 3973. Elizabeth Sophia Bradley Daughter of Frank Stanley and Mary Louisa (3703) ; married Philip Embury Browning (4097). 3974. c Ward Taylor Sutherland Dism. Sept, 1887 Born in Towanda, Pa. B.D. Yale 1887. Ordained as pastor in Ashland, Wis, Sept, 1887. Admitted from the Asbury Methodist Church, Rochester, N. Y. Dismissed to the church in Ashland. May 1. 3975- Louisa Henriette George (Christian) Grohe ?Aug, 1903 Born in Germany, July, 1829. 3976. Christina Kolsom Care withdrawn, 1900 3977. Amy Gray Whitmore Dism. March, 1895 Daughter of 321 1 and 3218; born May, 1870; married James Lincoln Stevens. Dismissed to the church in Brentwood, N. H. ?Jan, 1903. 22 338 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3978. Sarah Scovill Whittelsey Daughter of 3854 and 3788; married Percy Talbot Walden. July 3- 3979- c Edward L Catlin *March, 1913 Son of George O and Mary, of Bristol; born Apr, 1836; hus band of 3980. Admitted from the Dwight Place Church. 3980. c Gulielma H. Cram (Edward L.) Catlin Wife of 3979. 3981. Minnie Mara 3982. Henry Woodcock Dism. Oct, 1893 Husband of 3983. Dismissed to the Taylor Church. 3983. Carrie P. Ailing (Henry) Woodcock Dism. Oct, 1893 Daughter of Noah and Grace, of Hamden; wife of 3982. November 1. 3984. c George Carl Weiss Dism. June, 1892 Born in Whitewater, Wis. Ordained as an Evangelist in Big Sparta, Wis, Dec, 1888. Admitted from the church in Raymond, Wis. Dismissed to the church in Watertown, Wis. 1888 March 4. 3985. c Edith Childe Walker Daughter of 3135 and 3259. Admitted from the church in West Haven. May 6. 3986. c Ellen Strong Bartlett Daughter of John Newton and Ellen Root Strong, of New Britain. Admitted from the church in New Britain. 3987. c William Phipps Blake *May, 1910 Son of Elihu and Adeline Nancy, of N. Y. City; born June, 1826. Ph.B. Yale 1852. Husband of 3988; father of 3989. Admit ted from the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 3988. c Charlotte Haven Lord Hayes (William Phipps) Blake *Apr, 1905 Daughter of William Allen, of South Berwick, Me. ; born July, 1828; wife of 3987. Admitted from the church in South Berwick. 3989. Constantia Hayes Blake ?Jan, 1904 Daughter of 3987 and 3988; born 1868; married James William Tourney (4244). catalogue of members, 1887-88 339 3990. Malcolm Booth . Dism. Feb, 1896 Born in Woonsocket, R. I. Ph.B. Yale 1879. Dismissed to the church in Dayton, O. 0000. c Mary Elizabeth Blake (George) Bushnell See 2738. 3ggi. c Dotha Bushnell Daughter of Rev. George and Mary Elizabeth (2738). Admitted from the church in Beloit, Wis. 3gg2. c Mary E. Board (w. William Law) Foster Mother of 4070; next married Albert McClellan Mathewson (4005). Admitted from the Reformed Church, Pompton, N. J. 3gg3. c Anna Caroline Herrick Dism. Feb, 1892 Daughter of Rev. Henry and Sarah M. ; married Rev. John Thomas Nichols. Admitted from the church in North Woodstock. Dismissed to the ist Church, Pataha City, Wash. 3gg4. c Francis Leseure Palmer Dism. May, 1890 Born in Fort Wayne, Ind. Ordained in the Episcopal Church, June, 1892, by Bishop Brooks of Massachusetts. Admitted from the church in Amherst College. Dismissed to Christ Church, Springfield, Mass. 3gg5. Helen Pierpont Daughter of 361 1 and 3949. 3gg6. Henry Bulkeley Rodman Son of 3442 and 3893. Ph.B. Yale 1898. 3997- Jessie Buchanan Sherman Daughter of 2818 and 2944; married Richard Garth Stevens. 3gg8. Anne Farnam Whitney Daughter of Eli and Sarah Sheffield (3624) ; married Thomas McElrath Debevoise. 3ggg. Henrietta Edwards Whitney Sister of 3998; married Leonard Cutler Sanford (3959)- July 1. 4000. Henry Shepherd Dawson Dism. Oct, 1897 Son of 3278 and 3628. Yale Coll. 1894. Dismissed to Christ Church. Ordained in the Episcopal Church, June, 1904, by Bishop Grafton, of Fond du Lac. 4001. c John T. Kennedy +May, 1906 Admitted from the church in Mount Carmel. 4002. c Abbie Jacobs Reed (w. John D.) Pennell *Feb, 1909 Admitted from the church in Andover Theological Seminary. 340 first church, new haven 4003. c Levi Tracy Snow Son of Odbrey Miles and Ruth; husband of 3950; father of 4238, 4256 and 4760. Admitted from the Asylum Hill Church, Hartford. Deacon, 1905-14. November 4. 4004. c William Elijah Downes +Feb, 1904 Son of Horatio and Nancy, of Milford; born Aug, 1824. Yale Coll. 1845. Admitted from the church in Birmingham. 4005. c Albert McClellan Mathewson Son of William Williams and Harriet Augusta, of Woodstock. LL.B. Yale 1884. Husband qf 3992. Admitted from the 1st Church, Woodstock. 4006. c Joseph Jansen Spencer Dism. June, 1894 Born in Somerset, O. B.D. Yale 1890. Admitted from the Church of the United Brethren in Westerville, O. Ordained as an Evangelist in Freetown, Mass, Oct, 1890. Dismissed to the Union Church, North Brookfield, Mass. 4007. c Abby C. Wyckoff Admitted from the 1st Presbyterian Church. 4008. c Mary Wyckoff Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Paterson, N. J. 1889 January 6. 40og. c Lucius Olmsted Baird Dism. Apr, 1891 Son of Lyman and Elizabeth, of Chicago. Yale Coll. 1885. Ordained as pastor in Pullman, Wash, Feb, 1891. Admitted from the Church of the Redeemer, Lake View, 111. Dismissed to the church in Pullman. 4010. c Alice Wellington Kent (Franklin Trowbridge) Bradley Dism. Feb, 1890 Wife of 3806. Admitted from Trinity Church. Dismissed to the ist Church, Saybrook. 401 1. Charles Gould Morris Son of Luzon Burritt and Eugenia Laura (3682). Yale Coll. 1895. Deacon, 1909- 4012. c Frank Knight Sanders Dism. Dec, 1905 Son of Marshall Danforth and Georgianna, of Jaffna, Ceylon; husband of 4013; father of 4255. Ph.D. Yale 1889. Admitted from the church in Salisbury. Deacon, 1894-1905. Dismissed to the Central Church, Jamaica Plain, Mass. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1888-89 341 4013. c Edith Blackman (Frank Knight) Sanders Dism. Dec, 1905 Wife of 4012. Admitted from the church in Whitewater. Mar. 3. 4014. c Aurelia Safford Crossette (w. Samuel Sparks) Fisher ?Dec, 1908 Daughter of Rev. Robert and Dorothea; born in Blue Hill, Me, Sept, 1831 ; mother of 4015. Admitted from the Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati. 4015. c Edith Aurelia Fisher Daughter of 4014; married John Christopher Schwab. Admit ted from the Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati. 4016. c Joseph Wallace Gunn Dism. Oct, 1889 Born in Fairdale, 111. B.D. Yale 1891. Admitted from the ist Church, Fergus Falls, Minn. Dismissed to the ist Church, Steam boat Springs, Col. Ordained in the Episcopal Church, Dec, 1895, by Bishop Spalding, of Colorado. 4017. c Henry Stauffer Dism. May, 1889 Born in Canton, O. Ordained pastor in the Church of the United Brethren, 1885. B.D. Yale 1889. Admitted from the ist Church of the United Brethren, Denver, Col. Dismissed to the Mayflower Church, Columbus, O. May 5. 4018. c James G. Baldwin +Jan, 1902 Born 1830; husband of 4019; father of 4020, 4021 and 4022. Admitted from the church in Whitneyville. 4oig. c Emily Townsend (James G.) Baldwin Wife of 4018. 4020. c Emily Clarissa T. Baldwin Daughter of 4018 and 4019. Admitted from the church in Whit neyville. 4021. Rosalie Baldwin Sister of 4020. 4022. Mabel Baldwin Sister of 4020; married Reinhold von Kokeritz. 4023. c Lincoln Archer Holp Dism. March, 1892 Born in Dayton, O. B.D. Yale 1890. Ordained as pastor in Tomah, Wis, June, 1891. Admitted from the church in Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Dismissed to the church in Tomah. 342 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4024. c Fannie Buckley Mix *Nov, 1903 Daughter of Edward and Emily Townsend (2086). Admitted from Plymouth Church, Milwaukee, Wis. 4025. Stella Emmeline Monson Daughter of 3833 and 3834. 4026. Edith Dale Monson Sister of 4025 ; married Harold Goodwin Holcombe, of Hartford. July 7. 4027. c Mary Ella Camp Admitted from Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 4028. c Caroline Tyler (Charles Peter) Clark Dism. July, 1902 Born 1836; mother of 4029 and 4044. Admitted from the ist Church, Newton, Mass. Dismissed to the church in Kennebunk- port, Me. ?June, 1906. 402g. c Carita Tyler Clark Dism. Dec, 1899 Daughter of 4028; married Charles Hammond Blatchford. Admitted from the ist Church, Newton, Mass. Dismissed to the New England Church, Chicago. 4030. c Helen Eliza Brooker (Cornelius) Pierpont ?Nov, 1907 Daughter of Samuel and Julia; born in Torrington, Oct, 1839; wife of 3610. Admitted from the ist Church, Meriden. 4031. c Leila Pitman Daughter of Mark. Admitted from the church in Wallingford. 4032. c Elizabeth Pitman Sister of 4031. Admitted from the church in Wallingford. 4033. c Mary McAllister Seaton Daughter of John, of Glasgow, Scotland. Admitted from the ist Church, Geneva, Neb. Married Albert Milford Turner. November 3. 4034. c Sarah Maria Trumbull (w. John Hey- ward) Trumbull *Feb, 1908 Daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth, of Colchester; born May, 1820. Admitted from the Fair Street Reformed Church, Kingston, N. Y. 4035. c John Whitmore Dism. Dec, 1902 Son of 321 1 and 3218. Yale Coll. 1886. Admitted from the ist Church, Minneapolis, Minn. Dismissed to the ist Church, Lynn, Mass, Nov, 1894. Re-admitted from that church, Nov, 1898. • Dismissed to the church in Stamford. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1889-90 343 189O January 5. 4036. c Bessie Kent (Henry LeGrand) Bradley Dism. July, 1912 Wife of 3734; sister of 4010. Admitted from Trinity Church. Dismissed to the church in Westville. 4037. c Josiah Pope Dickerman Dism. Apr, 1891 Son of Lemuel and Lucretia Ann, of Foxboro, Mass. Admitted from the church in Amherst College. Dismissed to the church in Lynxville, Wis. Ordained as pastor in Lynxville, June, 1891. March 2. 4038. Newell Charles Bradley Son of Frank Stanley and Mary Louisa (3703). Ph.B. Yale 1897. 4°3g- Theodore Storrs Lee Dism. Oct, 1890 Son of Rev. Samuel Henry and Emma Chloe; born in Cleve land, O, May, 1873. Dismissed to the South Church, Springfield, Mass. Ordained as a missionary, White Plains, N. Y, Oct, 1903. ?Aug, 191 1. 4040. Nathan Ayer Smyth Dism. Dec, 1909 Son of the pastor and 3904. Yale Coll. 1897. Dismissed to the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 4041. c Sarah C. Blake (w. William Woodruff) Stone ?Feb, 1905 Daughter of John Adams and Sarah Fenn; born 1842; mother of 4042. Admitted from the United Church. 4042. Sarah Blake Stone Dism. Nov, 1912 Daughter of 4041 ; married Hiram Sterling Pomeroy. Dismissed to the church in Auburndale, Mass. 4043. Hope Bennett Daughter of 3571 and 4184. 4044. Sally Tyler Clark Daughter of Charles Peter and Caroline Tyler (4028) ; married Edward Grant Buckland. 4045. Flora E. Crawford 4046. Sophia Eads Johnson (w. William Bills) Hayes *Sept, 1890 Daughter of Enos Atwater and Nancy; born Dec, 1818; wife of 2354- 344 first church, new haven 4047. Harry Blakeman Lewis Son of 3508 and 3S09. Ph.B. Yale 1893- 4048. c Frederick Warren Oakes Dism. June, 1891 Born in Troy, N. H. B.D. Yale 1891. Admitted from the Free Baptist Church, Lawrence, Mass. Ordained pastor in Jefferson- ville, Vt, June, 1891. Dismissed to the church in Jeffersonville. 4049. Vera G. Rowe Daughter of Henry Clarke and Gertrude; married Horace B. Sweet. Dismissed to the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Utica, N. Y, June, 1903. Re-admitted from that church, March, 1914. 4050. Edith Champion Trowbridge *Feb, 1896 Daughter of 3275 and 3801 ; born June, 1870. 4051. Isabella Thomasine Trowbridge Dism. May, 1902 Daughter of 3276 and 3459. 4052. Florence Caroline Trowbridge Dism. June, 1903 Sister of 4051 ; married John Edward Heaton. Dismissed to Trinity Church. 4053. c Mary Elizabeth Graves (w. George Henry) Watrous Daughter of Henry B, of Litchfield; mother of 4054 and 4167. Admitted from Christ Church, Litchfield. 4054. Maud Watrous Daughter of 4053; married George C. Grazebrook. 4055. Mary Elizabeth Whittelsey Daughter of 3854 and 3788; married Frank Dunn Berrien. 4056. Mabel McGehee Wilcox Daughter of 3724 and 3725. 4057. Ethel Ansley Wilcox Dism. June, 1892 Sister of 4056; married Rev. Edward Colton Fellowes. Dis missed to the ist Church, New Bedford, Mass. July 6. 4058. c Ella Chatham (Franklin Seymour) Bradley Daughter of Luther Calvin and Frances Amelia, of Canoga, N. Y. ; wife of 3171. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Canoga. 4059. John Hubbard Curtis *Jan, 1898 Son of 3505 and 3506; born in Hartford, June, 1865. Yale Coll. 1887. 4060. c Harriet Phelps Wright (Elisha) Hewitt *Jan, 1907 Daughter of Dexter Russell and Maria Huldah ; born in Meri den, Jan, 1857; wife of 3853. Admitted from Trinity Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 189O-9I 345 4061. c George Ellsworth Hooker Born in Peacham, Vt. B.D. Yale 1890. Admitted from the Methodist Church in Barre. Vt. Ordained as pastor in Medical Lake, Wash. 4062. Carrie Estelle Smith +Dec, 1908 Daughter of 3840 and 3841. September 7. 4063. c Frederick Elisha Bangs Dism. March, 1897 Born in Groton, N. Y. ; husband of 3595 and 4064. B.D. Yale 1876. Ordained pastor in Farmington, Iowa, Dec, 1876. Admitted from the church in Farmington. Dismissed to the church in Groton. 4064. c P. Augusta Crane (Frederick Elisha) Bangs Dism. March, 1897 Wife of 4063. Admitted from the College Street Church. November 2. 4065. Mabel Wellington White Dism. Apr, 1895 Daughter of 3675 and 3197; married Henry Lewis Stimson. Dismissed to the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 189I January 4. 4066. Warren Joseph Moulton Dism. Oct, 1904 Born in Center Sandwich, N. H. B.D. Yale 1893. Ordained as an Evangelist, June, 1899. Dismissed to the Evangelical Church, Athol, Mass. 4067. c Arthur Clarence Townsend Dism. Dec, 1891 Born in Hanover, Me. B.D. Yale 1891. Admitted from the 1st Freewill Baptist Church, Lewiston, Me. Ordained as pastor in Westhampton, Mass, June, 1891. Dismissed to the church in West- hampton. March 1. 4068. c Alice Johnstone Walker Daughter of 3135 and 3259. Admitted from the church in West Haven. May 3. 4o6g. c Mosheim Ross Fishburn Dism. Jan, 1894 Son of Rev. Jeremiah and Susanna, of Toronto, Canada; born June, 1867. B.D. Yale 1891. Ordained as pastor in Roxbury, Sept, 1891. Admitted from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Eliza- bethtown, Pa. Dismissed to the ist Church, Washington, D. C. ?June, 1909- 346 first church, new haven 4070. Pierrepont Beers Foster Son of William Law and Mary E. (3992). Yale Coll. 1903. Husband of 4299. 4071. Frances Davenport Hazel Daughter of 3929 and 3930; married Theophilus H. Wolff. 4072. Frances Isabella Martin Daughter of Andrew and Harriet Ann. November 1. 4073. c Lydia Anna Safford Dodge (zv. Aaron) Kellogg Daughter of Grover and Lydia Brown, of Hopkinton, N. H; mother of 4074. Admitted from the church in Vernon Center. 4074. c George Aaron Kellogg Son of 4073. LL.B. Yale 1891. Admitted from the church in Amherst College. 1892 January 3. 0000. c Elizabeth Wheeler Davenport See 3495- 4075. c Benjamin Blake Holmes Dism. March, 1894 Admitted from Plymouth Church, Worcester, Mass. Dismissed to St. George's Church, N. Y. City. 4076. c Anna B. Talmage (John Henry) Niemeyer Dism. Feb, 1908 Daughter of Rev. Goyn, of Port Jervis, N. Y. ; wife of 3955. Admitted from the Reformed Church in Somerville, N. J. Dis missed to the church in Yale College. 4077. c Frank Chamberlin Porter Son of Rev. William and Ellen Gertrude, of Beloit, Wis. ; hus band of 3666; father of 4618 and 4786. B.D. Yale 1886. Ordained to the ministry, Jan, 1895. Admitted from the ist Church, Beloit. March 6. 4078. c Elizabeth Upham Kingsley (Henry Walcott) Farnam Daughter of William Lathrop and Hannah Louise; wife of 4441. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 4079. c Fosdick Beach Harrison Dism. Dec, 1893 Born in Bethlehem. B.D. Yale 1893. Ordained as an Evangelist at Bethlehem, June, 1894. Admitted from the church in Amherst College. Dismissed to the Church of the Redeemer. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 189I-92 347 4080. c Edward Sackett Hume ?Jan, 1908 Son of Rev. Robert Wilson and Hannah Derby, of Bombay, India; born June, 1848. Yale Coll. 1870. Husband of 4081 ; father of 4119, 4120, 4240 and 4267. Ordained as a missionary, June, 1875. Admitted from the United Church. 4081. c Charlotte Elizabeth Chandler (Edward Sackett) Hume Daughter of Rev. John Eddy (2569) and Charlotte, of Madura, India; wife of 4080. May 1. 4082. Cornelia Minor Bradley Daughter of 3299 and 3322. 4083. Mabel Elliott Carll *May, 1893 Daughter of Peter R. and Sarah T. ; born Apr, 1876. 4084. c Edward Lewis Curtis *Aug, 191 1 Son of Rev. William Stanton and Martha, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; born Oct, 1853. Yale Coll. 1874. Husband of 4085; father of 4187, 4227 and 4247. Ordained by the Presbytery of Chicago, Nov, 1883. Admitted from the Presbytery of Chicago. Deacon, 1894- 1911. 4085. c Laura Elizabeth Ely (Edward Lewis) Curtis Daughter of Rev. Ben Ezra Stiles and Elizabeth Eudora ; wife of 4084. Admitted from the Church of the Covenant, Chicago. 0000. c Mary M. Coley (John S.) Gritting See 2979. 4086. c Mary Starr Griffing *Dec, 1906 Daughter of John S. and Mary M. (2979) ; born June, 1846. Admitted from the Church of the Redeemer. . 4087. c Josephine Carter Griffing Sister of 4086. Admitted from the Church of the Redeemer. 4088. Mary Elizabeth Nicoll 4089. c Celestia K. Smith Dism. Dec, 1913 Dismissed to the Methodist Episcopal Church, Pullman, Wash. 4090. Esther Davenport Street Daughter of 3795 and 3796- July 3. 4ogi. Edwin Holt English *Oct, 1899 Son of Charles Leverett and Harriet Desire; born Sept, 1854; husband of 3920; father of 4205, 4237, 4254, 4260, 4288, 4440 and 483S. 348 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4092. c Florence P. Fletcher (John Cutler) English Dism. May, 1904 Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, O. Dis missed to the Church of the Advent, Walnut Hills, O. 1893 January 1. 4093. c Henry Shaler Williams Dism. Nov, 1904 Son of Josiah B. and Mary H, of Ithaca, N. Y. Ph.B. Yale 1868. Husband of 4094; father of 4095, 4152 and 4192. Deacon, 1897-1904. Admitted from the 1st Presbyterian Church, Ithaca. Dismissed to the same church. 4094. c Harriet H. Willcox (Henry Shaler) Williams Dism. Nov. 1904 Daughter of Cyprian and Catharine ; wife of 4093. 4095. c Charlotte Willcox Williams Daughter of 4093 and 4094. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Ithaca. July 2. 4096. c Martha S. Brockway Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, North East, Pa. 4097. c Philip Embury Browning Son of William Garretson and Susanna Rebecca, of Rhinebeck, N. Y. Yale Coll. 1889. Husband of 3973. Admitted from a Methodist Church in Brooklyn, N. Y. Deacon, 1909- November 5. 4098. c John D. Baird Husband of 4099. Admitted from the College Street Church. 4099. c Allison Jeffrey (John D.) Baird *Feb, 1905 Daughter of Peter, of Northumberland, England; born Sept, 1820; wife of 4098. 4100. c Mary Hamilton Hadley Daughter of George and Sophia Gay, of Buffalo, N. Y. Admit ted from the church in Thompson. 1894 Jan. 7. 4101. c Elizabeth Ann Wilkin s (zv. John) Bennetto Dism. Oct, 1894 Daughter of Edward and Priscilla, of Pool, England; born March, 1837. Admitted from the Central Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. Dismissed to the church in Stratford. ?May, 1900. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1892-94 349 4102. c Arthur Fairbanks Dism. May, 1900 Son of Henry and Annie S, of Hanover, N. H; husband of 4103. Admitted from the church in Dartmouth College. Dismissed to the ist Church, Ithaca, N. Y. 4103. c Elizabeth L. Moody (Arthur) Fairbanks Dism. May, 1900 Wife of 4102. 4104. c Frank Rollin Fisher Son of Edward E. and Frances Elder; husband of 4105. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4105. c Hattie J. Pritchard (Frank Rollin) Fisher Daughter of David M. and Rhoda L. ; wife of 4104. 4106. Sarah Tracy Whitney *Feb, 1901 Daughter of Eli and Sarah Sheffield (3624); born Sept, 1877; married Leonard Cutler Sanford (3959). 4107. Elizabeth Fay Whitney Sister of 4106. March 4. 4108. Lena Franniska Krause Married von Heydebrand. May 6. 4109. c Clara Louise Thayer (Allen Maxcy) Hiller Daughter of Addison Parsons and Lydia Sanford, of West Med- way, Mass.; mother of 4300 and 4804. Admitted from the ist Church, West Medway. 4110. c Emma Clark (Jules) Luquiens Mother of 4148 and 4149. Admitted from the ist Church, Auburn, Mass. 41 1 1. c James Acton Miller Dism. Dec, 1898 Admitted from the Park Church, Hartford. Dismissed to the Church of the Redeemer. 41 12. c Robert Orton Moody Dism. Aug, 1902 M.D. Yale 1894. Admitted from the 1st Methodist Church, Ithaca, N. Y. Dismissed to the Simpson Memorial Methodist Church, San Francisco, Cal. 41 13. Ray Morris Son of Luzon Burritt and Eugenia Laura (3682). Yale Coll. 1901. 41 14. Hayes Quincy Trowbridge Dism. Jan, 1913 Son of Ezekiel Hayes (3399) and Katharine Allen. Yale Coll. 1898. Dismissed to Trinity Church. 41 15. Edmund Quincy Trowbridge Brother of 41 14. Yale Coll. 1899. 35° FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 41 16. c Hiram VanKirk Dism. June, 1909 Son of Milton and Martha, of Washington Court House, 0. B.D. Yale 1895. Husband of 4295. Admitted from the Jefferson Street Church of Christ, Buffalo, N. Y. Dismissed to the Hyde Park Church of Christ, Chicago, June, 1898. Re-admitted from the ist Church of Christ, Berkeley, Cal, Nov, 1908. Dismissed to Trinity Church. July 1. 41 1 7. c James Smith Hemingway Son of Samuel and Marietta; husband of 41 18; father of 4272, 4732 and 4900. Admitted from the Grand Avenue Church. 41 18. c Louise W. Ludington (James Smith) Hemingway Daughter of Jesse C. and Nancy; wife of 4117. 41 19. c Elizabeth Norris Hume Dism. Sept, 1903 Daughter of 4080 and 4081 ; married Rev. Byron Kcyser Huns- berger. Admitted from the church in Bombay, India. Dismissed to the ist Church, Hartford. 4120. c Katharine Miller Hume Sister of 41 19; married Olin Dantzler Wannamaker. Admitted from the church in Bombay. November 4. 4121. Mary H. Billings +190 — Niece of 3954. 4122. c Sara E. Thomson (w. John Coddington) Kinney Dism. Oct, 1910 Daughter of Charles Steele and Susan Coit, of Fair Haven. Admitted from the ist Church, Waterbury. Dismissed to the ist Church, Hartford. 4123. c Laura Barnes (w. Francis Dwight) Whittlesey Dism. Apr, 1896 Daughter of Julius Steele and Laura, of Southington; mother of 4124. Admitted from the church in Southington. Dismissed to Plymouth Church. 4124. c Elizabeth B. Whittlesey Dism. Apr, 1896 Daughter of 4123. Admitted from the church in Southington. Dismissed to Plymouth Church. 4125. c Julia A. Caldwell (w. Charles T.) Willard *Feb, 1899 Daughter of Rufus and Lucinda, of Northfield, Mass.; born Nov, 1837; mother of 4126. Admitted from the Grand Avenue Church. 4126. c Mabel C. Willard Daughter of 4125. Admitted from the Grand Avenue Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1894-95 351 l895 January 6. 4127. Walter R. Clinton Dism. Jan, 1907 Dismissed to the ist Church, West Haven. 4128. c Walter Irenaeus Lowe Dism. Nov, 1901 Born in Whitinsville, Mass. Yale Coll. 1890. Husband of 4129. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Aurora, N. Y. 4129. c Catharine Young Caskey (Walter Irenaeus) Lowe Dism. Nov, 1901 Daughter of Enoch T, of Morristown, N. J.; wife of 4128. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Morristown. 4130. Grace Elizabeth Adams (Frank Seaman) Valentine Daughter of Nelson and Jane Edgerton (3392). March 3. 4131. c Irving Fisher Dism. Dec, 1907 Son of Rev. George Whitefield and Ella (3936), of Saugerties, N. Y. Yale Coll. 1888. Husband of 4132. Admitted from the church in Yale College. Dismissed to that church. 4132. c Margaret Hazard (Irving) Fisher Dism. Dec, 1907 Daughter of Rowland and Margaret Anna (3100), of Peacedale, R. I.; wife of 4131. Admitted from the church in Peacedale. 4133- c William Anthony Granville Dism. Feb, 1904 Son of T. Pearson and Hannah, of White Rock, Minn. Ph.B. Yale 1893. Husband of 4134. Admitted from Bethany Church, Lindsborg, Kan. Dismissed to the ist English Lutheran Church. 4134. c Ida Irwin (William Anthony) Granville Dism. Feb, 1904 Wife of 4133. Admitted from the Church of the Disciples, McPherson, Kan. 4135. Isabella Mcintosh (w. John L.) Hunt Next married Sherman U. Griswold. May 5. 4136. Gertrude May Craig Daughter of William A. and Alma, of Walpole, N. H. ; married Frederic Courtney Bishop (4154). July 7. 4137. c William Harvey Short Dism. Oct, 1900 Born in College Springs, Iowa. B.D. Yale 1897. Admitted from the 1st Church, Beloit, Wis. Ordained pastor, Spring Valley, Wis, Oct, 1897. Dismissed to the church in Plattsville, Wis. 352 FIRST church, new haven November 3. 4138. c Frederick Henry Lynch Dism. Oct, 1896 Son of Thomas B. and Jane Godwin, of Peacedale, R. I. Y'ale Coll. 1894. Husband of 3817. Admitted from the church in Peace- dale. Dismissed to the United Church. Ordained pastor in Lenox, Mass, March, 1899. 4139. Katharine Bacon Trowbridge Dism. March, 1902 Daughter of 3330 and 3273. Dismissed to Trinity Church. 1896 March 1. 4140. Louisa Cannon Bradley Dism. Dec, 1905 Daughter of 3171 and 3267; married Hermann Schaeffer. Dis missed to Trinity Church, Buckingham, Pa. 4141. Winifred Smyth Daughter of the pastor and 3904. 4142. c Curtis B. Tiley Husband of 4143. Admitted from the 3d Church, Torrington. 4143. c Isabella E. Goslee (Curtis B.) Tiley Wife of 4142. 4144. Augusta F. Miller (Frederick G.) Weisheit May 3. 4145. Arthur Morris Collens Dism. Dec, 1903 Son of Rev. Charles Terry and Mary Abby. Yale Coll 1903. Dismissed to the Spring Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 4146. Henry Larned Galpin Son of 3917 and 3918; husband of 4757. Yale Coll. 1902. 4147. Helen Southgate Hotchkiss Daughter of Henry Lucius and Jane Louisa Fitch (3535) ; mar ried Elisha Ely Garrison, 4148. Hue Mazelet Luquiens Son of Jules and Emma Clark (41 10). Yale Coll. 1902. 4149. Louise Luquiens Sister of 4148; married Charles Sheldon Judd. 4150. Harrison Tweed Sheldon Son of 3756 and 3757. Yale Coll. 1905. 4151. Edwin Hotchkiss Tuttle Son of Lucius Bement and Emma L. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, 1895-97 353 4152- Arthur Shaler Williams Dism. Nov, 1904 Son of 4093 and 4094. Yale Coll. 1901. Dismissed to the 1st Presbyterian Church, Ithaca, N. Y. July 5- 4153- c Elizabeth Maud Jerome Dism. Dec, 1902 Admitted from Trinity Church. Dismissed to Plymouth Church. October 4. 4154. c Frederic Courtney Bishop Son of Charles K, of Minneapolis; husband of 4136. Yale Coll. 1892. Admitted from the Park Street Church, Bridgeport. Nov. 1. 4155. c George Lincoln Briggs Dism. July, 1900 Born in Delavan, Wis. B.D. Yale 1897. Admitted from the ist Church, Topeka, Kan. Dismissed to the Church in Poplar, Minn. 1897 January 3. 4156. c Samuel Hemingway Son of Samuel and Marietta; husband of 4157; father of 4158, 4206 and 4271. Admitted from the Grand Avenue Church. 4157. c Minerva Lee Hart (Samuel) Hemingway Daughter of Rev. Burdett and Rebecca Wheelock; wife of 4156. 4158. Samuel Burdett Hemingway Son of 4156 and 4157. Yale Coll. 1904. 4159. Henry Stuart Hotchkiss Son of Henry Lucius and Jane Louisa Fitch (3535). Ph.B. Yale 1900. 4160. c Elias Benjamin Sanford Dism. Nov, 1904 Son of Isaac and Louisa, of Westbrook; husband of 4161 ; father of 4162 and 4174. Ordained pastor in South Cornwall, July, 1869. Admitted from the church in Westbrook. Dismissed to the Broadway Tabernacle, N. Y. City. 4161. c Martha Sanford (Elias Benjamin) Sanford Dism. Nov, 1904 Daughter of Samuel and Orlenda, of Thomaston; wife of 4160. 4162. c Adelaide Benton Sanford Dism. Nov, 1904 Daughter of 4160 and 4161. Admitted from the church in West brook. Dismissed to the Broadway Tabernacle Church, N. Y. City. Married Ashley Hardy. 4163. Winston Trowbridge Townsend *May, 1898 Son of 3686 and 3687; born June, 1878. 23 354 FIRST church, new haven 4164. Mary Leavenworth Townsend *July, 1902 Sister of 4163; born Dec, 1879; married Dwight Huntington Day. 4165. Henry Hotchkiss Townshend Son of Charles Hervey and Mary (3723). Yale Coll. 1897. 4166. Raynham Townshend Brother of 4165. Ph.B. Yale 1900. 4167. Eliot Watrous Son of George Henry and Mary Elizabeth (4053). Yale Coll. 1899. Husband of 4307. March 7. 0000. c Susan Ellen Brown See 3622. 4168. c Charles W. Dorland Husband of 4169. Admitted from the Crescent Avenue Presby terian Church, Plainfield, N. J. 4169. c Maybell H. (Charles W.) Dorland Wife of 4168. 4170. c Herbert Atchison Jump Dism. March, 1900 Born in Albany, N. Y. B.D. Yale 1899. Ordained as pastor, Hamilton, N. Y, Feb, 1900. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Albany. Dismissed to the 2d Church, Hamilton, N. Y. May 2. 4171. Alpha Winifred Barlow Dism. Feb, 191 1 Daughter of John H. Dismissed to Trinity Church. 0000. c Caroline Lucretia Tuttle (zv. William T.) Brooks See 3748. 4172. Aurelia Dwight Hooker *Jan, 1899 Daughter of Thomas (4499) and Sarah Augusta; born May, 1875. 4173. Richard Hooker Dism. Apr, 1907 Brother of 4172. Yale Coll. 1899. Dismissed to the Unitarian Church, Springfield, Mass. 4174. May Thomas Sanford Dism. Nov, 1904 Daughter of 4160 and 4161. Dismissed to the Broadway Taber nacle Church, N. Y. City. July 4. 4175. c Cornelius Ladd Kitchel Son of Rev. Harvey Denison and Ann, of Thomaston; husband of 4176. Yale Coll. 1862. Ordained pastor in Guilford, Apr, 1870. Admitted from the church in Salisbury. catalogue of members, 1897-98 355 4176. c Alice Lloyd (Cornelius Ladd) Kitchel Daughter of William, of Altoona, Pa.; wife of 4175. December 28. 0000. c Mary Jennette Daggett See 2774. 1898 March 6. 4177. c Margaret Jackson (zv. John) Lee Mother of 4181. Admitted from Plymouth Church. 4178. c George Tucker Sellew Dism. Sept, 1899 Husband of 4179. Ph.D. Yale 1898. Admitted from the Pres byterian Church, State College, Pa. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Galesburg, 111. 4179. c Isabella Murray (George Tucker) Sellew Dism. Sept, 1899 Wife of 4178. 4180. c George Martin Wallace Son of Robert and Louisa, of Wallingford. Yale Coll. 1881. Husband of 4181 ; father of 4239, 4293, 4294 and 4850. Admitted from the church in Wallingford. 4181. c Annie Lee (George Martin) Wallace Daughter of John and Margaret (4177) ; wife of 4180. May 1. 4182. c Lucinda Comstock (w. Lyman) Beach *Sept, 1904 Daughter of Elijah and Anna; born Nov, 1814. Admitted from the Howard Avenue Methodist Church. 4183. c Henrietta Wodell (Lewis Hotchkiss) English Mother of 4287. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. July 3. 4184. c Hannah Jane Winchester (Thomas Gray) Ben nett Daughter of Oliver Fisher and Jane Ellen; wife of 3571. Admit ted from Calvary Baptist Church. 4185. c Edward Gridley Kendall Son of Rev. John Ludlow and Jennie Crippen. Yale Coll. 1895. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Lewisburg, Pa. November 6. 4186. Robert N. Burwell Husband of 3928; father of 4225. 356 first church, new haven 4187. Elizabeth Eudora Curtis Daughter of 4084 and 4085. 0000. c John Whitmore See 4035. l899 Jan. 1. 4188. c Walter Dunham Makepeace Dism. Dec, 1902 Son of Rev. Frank Barrows and Helen. Yale Coll. 1897. Admit ted from the North Church, Springfield, Mass. Dismissed to the Broadway Tabernacle Church, N. Y. City. 0000. c John Nicoll See 3117. 4189. c Cornelia Comstock (John) Nicoll *Aug, 1909 Daughter of LaFayette and Hannah M, of Plymouth ; born Aug, 1834; wife of 31 17. Admitted from Plymouth Church. 4igo. Mary Talcott Russell Daughter of 3747 and 3907. 4191. Ethel Walker Smyth Daughter of the pastor and 3904; married Wilder Tileston. 4192. Edith Clifford Williams Dism. Nov, 1904 Daughter of 4093 and 4094. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Ithaca, N. Y. March 5. 4193. c Josephine Sanford (zv. Juba Howe) Vorce Daughter of Stephen and Eunice Marinda, of Roxbury. Admit ted from the church in Enfield, Mass. May 7. 4194. Helen Trowbridge Carrington Daughter of 3924 and 3925; married Burnside Winslow. 4ig5. c Ada B. (w. Joseph Dorr) Fallay Dism. Oct, 1902 Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Lafayette, Ind. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Warren, Pa. 4ig6. Elizabeth Trowbridge Hotchkiss Daughter of Henry Lucius and Jane Louisa Fitch (3535) ; mar ried Carl Brandes Ely. 4ig7. George Henry Townsend, 2d Son of 3686 and 3688. Yale Coll. 1908. Husband of 4763. 4ig8. Susan Brewster Whitney Daughter of Eli and Sarah Sheffield (3624). catalogue of members, 1898-1900 357 July 2. 4igg. c John Marshall Gaines Son of Rev. Marshall Richard and Louise. Yale Coll. 1896. Admitted from the church in Yale College. I9OO January 7. 4200. Virginia Grace Bacon Dism. 1900? March 4. 4201. c Florence Marian Hall Dism. March, 1913 Daughter of John Manning and Julia White; married William Edwards Day. Admitted from the ist Church, Willimantic. Dis missed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, Ind. 4202. Leslie Elmer Hubbard Born in New London. LL.B. Yale 1900. 0000. c Harriette Martha Bacon (Russell) Smith See 2767. 4203. c Mary Bacon Smith *Aug, 191 1 Daughter of Russell and Harriette Martha (2767) ; born Dec, 1849. Admitted from the Reformed Church of Astoria, N. Y. 4204. c Cordelia A. Shields (w. John Dearborn) Towle *Nov, 1901 Daughter of James, of Brownville, N. Y. ; born Dec, 1810. Admitted from the ist Church, Kansas City, Mo. May 6. 4205. Marguerite Griswold English Daughter of 4091 and 3920. July 2. 4206. Louis Lee Hemingway Son of 4156 and 4157; husband of 4862. Yale Coll. 1908. 4207. Thomas Hubbard Russell, Jr. Son of 3747 and 3907. Ph.B. Yale 1906. October 7. 4208. c Annie Louise Barnes (J. Edward) Somers Mother of 4291 and 4292. Admitted from the ist Church, South ington. November 4. 4209. c Susan Almira Bacon Dism. Sept, 1912 Daughter of 3047 and 3060. Admitted from the Woodland Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. Dismissed to the church in South Hadley, Mass. 4210. c Susan S. Fessenden Dism. Jan, 1906 Admitted from the Union Park Church, Chicago. Dismissed to the ist Church, Stamford. 358 ' first church, new haven 19OI January 6. 4211. c John G. Constantian *Aug, 1913 Son of Garabed and Mary; born in Turkey, Jan, 1848; husband of 4257; father of 4212, 4236, 4258 and 4408. Ordained to the ministry in Turkey. Admitted from the Armenian Evangelical Church, Killis, Turkey. 4212. c John J. Constantian Son of 421 1 and 4257. Admitted from the Shiloh Evangelical Church, Bridgeport. 4213. c John Pearsons Cushing Son of Alvin Matthew and Elizabeth, of Lynn, Mass. ; husband of 4214. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Galesburg, 111. 4214. c Alice Blythe Bullions (John Pearsons) Cushing Wife of 4213. 4215. c Mary Ellen Tucker (w. Edward Payson) Nettleton Daughter of Rev. Joshua Thomas and Mary Oland; mother of 4216 and 4217. Admitted from the church in Andover, Theological Seminary. 4216. c Anna Tucker Nettleton Daughter of 4215. Admitted from the church in Andover Theo logical Seminary. 4217. c George Henry Nettleton Son of 4215. Yale Coll. 1896. Admitted from the church in Andover Theological Seminary. March 3. 4218. c George Dwight Kellogg Dism. March, 1906 Son of Sanford Brown and Maria Louise, of St. Louis, Mo. Yale Coll. 1895. Admitted from the Pilgrim Church, St. Louis. Dismissed to the ist Presbyterian Church, Princeton, N. J. 1902 January 5. 4219. c Toraji Makino Born in Japan. B.D. Yale 1902. Ordained as pastor in Japan. Admitted from the church in Kochi, Japan. March 2. 0000. c Martha H. Johnstone (zv. James) Walker See 3259. catalogue of members, 1901-03 359 May 4. 4220. c Agnes Woolsey (w. Edgar Laing) Heermance Daughter of Rev. Theodore Dwight and Elizabeth Martha; mother of 4221. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 4221. c Laura Woolsey Heermance Daughter of 4220. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 4222. c Margaret Ferris (Edward Martin) Kindle Admitted from the ist Church, Grand Rapids, Mich. July 6. 4223. c William F. Alcorn Husband of 4224; father of 4824. Admitted from the church in Westville. Deacon, 1914 — . 4224. c Winifred Langdale Smith (William F.) Alcorn Daughter of George P. and Hattie A.; wife of 4223. 4225. Julietta Elizabeth Burwell Daughter of 4186 and 3928. 4226. c Hattie L. Bennett (w. E. C.) McKibben Dism. Dec, 1903 Admitted from the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, Cov ington, Ky. Dismissed to the South Church, Woodbury. October 5. 4227. Martha Margaret Curtis Daughter of 4084 and 4085 ; married Rev. Hugh Hartshorne. 4228. Julia Eliza Storer (Christopher Edward) Prince Mother of .4229, 4230 and 4231. 4229. Florence May Prince Daughter of 4228. 4230. Mildred Storer Prince Sister of 4229. 4231. Gertrude Judith Prince Sister of 4229. I903 January 4. 4232. Mary Whiting Deming Daughter of Clarence and Mary Bryan Whiting (3900). May 3. 4233. Margaret Louise Billings Daughter of Charles Kingsbury and Mary Elizabeth (3802). 4234. Mabel Frances Billings Sister of 4233; married Calvert B. Cottrell, of Westerly, R. I. 360 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4235. Leila Griswold Carrington Daughter of 3924 and 3925. 4236. Rose Constantian Daughter of 421 1 and 4257; married David K. Krikorian (4853). 4237. Stephanie Kellogg English Daughter of 4091 and 3920. 4238. Ruth Canfield Snow Daughter of 4003 and 3950; married Arthur Theodore Nabstedt. 423g. Margaret Lee Wallace Daughter of 4180 and 4181. October 22. 4240. c Edward Hicks Hume Son of 4080 and 4081. Yale Coll. 1897. Husband of 4241. Admitted from the Evangelical Church, Auburndale, Mass. 4241. c Lotta Carswell (Edward Hicks) Hume Daughter of L. Scott and Annie, of Baltimore; wife of 4240. Admitted from the Huntington Baptist Church, Baltimore. I9O4 Jan. 3. 4242. c Caroline Elizabeth Merrozv (Robert Hart) Lewis Daughter of William Henry and Ellen. Admitted from the Dwight Place Church. March 5. 4243. c Mary Prichard Woolsey (zv. Alfred Terry) Bacon Daughter of Rev. Theodore Dwight and Sarah Sears (2814) ; widow of 3473. Admitted from Plymouth Church, Denver, Col. 4244. James William Tourney Son of Dennis and Mary, of Lawrence, Mich.; husband of 3989. Deacon, 1910- May 1. 4245. c Arnold VanCouthen Piccardt Huizinga Dism. March, 1906 Admitted from the Church of the Netherlands, Groningen, Hol land. July 3. 4246. Dorothy Quincy Trowbridge Dism. March, 1909 Daughter of Ezekiel Hayes (3399) and Katharine Allen; mar ried Robert Hager. Dismissed to St. Thomas's Church, N. Y. City. catalogue of members, 1903-06 361 1905 January 1. 4247. Laura Dorothea Curtis Daughter of 4084 and 4085. Feb. 28. 4248. c Clara Eliza Emerson Dism. May, 1910 Daughter of Rev. Joseph and Mary Cordelia, of Beloit, Wis. Admitted from the ist Church, Ashland, Wis. Dismissed to the ist Church, Beloit. 424g. c Ellen Louise Coe (Robert George Stephen) McNeille Dism. Apr, 1912 Daughter of 3735 and 3736. Admitted from the church in UnionviUe. Dismissed to the Methodist Church (North), Pine- bluff, N. C. March 5. 4250. Kent LeGrand Bradley Son of 3734 and 4036. 4251. William Huntington Russell Son of 3747 and 3907. Yale Coll. 1912. May 7. 0000. c Alice Mabel Bacon See 3732. 4252. Seymour Mersick Bradley Son of 3808 and 3832. Ph.B. Yale 1909. 4253. Mildred Bradley Sister of 4252. 4254. Charles Leverett English Son of 4091 and 3920. Yale Coll. 1910. 4255. Helen Sanders Dism. Dec, 1905 Daughter of 4012 and 4013. Dismissed to the Central Church, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 4256. Helen Pierpont Snow Daughter of 4003 and 3950. I906 January 7. 4257. c Mary (John G.) Constantian Wife of 421 1. Admitted from the 2d Church, Marash, Turkey. 4258. Nevart Constantian *Feb, 1906 Daughter of 421 1 and 4257; born Feb, 1888. 0000. c Caroline Metcalf (David Madison) Harris See 3401. 362 first church, new haven 4259. c Helen Amelia Brayton (w. Charles Phelps) Marsh ?Aug, 191 1 Daughter of Horatio and Helen Ferris; born in Swanton, Vt, Nov, 1834. Admitted from the Lucas Avenue Cumberland Pres byterian Church, St. Louis, Mo. May 6. 4260. Harriet Holt English Sister of 4254. 4261. c Arthur Harmount Graves Son of Joseph Alvin and Mary Francis, of Hartford; husband of 4262. Yale Coll. 1900. Admitted from the South Church, Hart ford. 4262. Alma Leighton (Arthur Harmount) Graves Wife of 4261. July 1. 4263. Perrin Comstock Galpin Son of 3917 and 3918. Yale Coll. 1910. 4264. c Leonard M. Tarr Husband of 4265; father of 4266. Admitted from the Free Baptist Church, Boston. 4265. c Mary Gertrude Davis (Leonard M.) Tarr Wife of 4264. Admitted from the ist Methodist Church, Auburn, Mass. 4266. Lulia Marguerite Tarr Daughter of 4264 and 4265; married Wilbur Edward Andrews. October 30. 4267. c Gertrude Capron Hume Daughter of 4080 and 4081; married Rev. Edward Wilder Hale. Admitted from the church in Bombay, India. I907 January 1. 4268. c George Dewitt Castor Dism. Oct, 1907 Son of George F. and Julia; born in Cleveland, O, Nov, 1876; husband of 4269. B.D. Yale 1904. Admitted from the Ist Church, Kansas City, Mo. Dismissed to the ist Church, Berkeley, Cal. Ordained to the ministry, in Berkeley, Dec, 1907. *July, 1912. 4269. c Martha Goodwin (George Dewitt) Castor Dism. Oct, 1907 Daughter of Rev. Henry Martyn and Martha French, of Olivet, Mich.; wife of 4268. Admitted from the North Church, St. Johnsbury, Vt. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, IQO6-08 363 May 5. 4270. Louise Whitman Farnam Daughter of 4441 and 4078. 4271. Donald Hart Hemingway Son of 4156 and 4157. 4272. Harold Ludington Hemingway Son of 41 17 and 41 18. 0000. c Elizabeth Ellsworth Lyman (w. Charles Dickerman) McCandliss See 3594- 4273. c Mary Clark Loveridge (Fred Oscar) Robbins Daughter of Remus Clark and Narcissa Garland; wife of 4301. Admitted from Calvary Baptist Church. 4274. Frances Pierpont Whitney Daughter of Eli and Sarah Sheffield (3624). July 7. 4275. Marian Louise Bradley Dism. July, 1912 Daughter of 3734 and 4036. Dismissed to the church in West ville. 4276. Lois Trowbridge Denison Daughter of 3915 and 3807. 4277. Julian Mason Denison Brother of 4276. 4278. c Laura Strong Admitted from the Pilgrim Church. October 1. 427g. c Emma Jane Odell *Nov, 191 1 Daughter of Lucius and Fidelia, of Waterbury; born March, 1840. Admitted from the church in Branford. I908 January 3. 4280. c Abbie J. (Jesse T.) Doolittle Admitted from the ist Church, East Haven. March 1. 4281. c Mary E. Tuttle (Frederick L.) Leighton Mother of 4549. Admitted from the church in North Haven. 4282. Eleanor Woodbridge Russell Daughter of 3747 and 3907. May 3. 4283. Alfred Howe Terry Bacon Son of 3473 and 4243. 364 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4284. Julia Holmes Billings Daughter of Charles Kingsbury and Mary Elizabeth (3802). 4285. Mary Elizabeth Billings Sister of 4284. 4286. Dorothea Chatham Bradley Daughter of 3171 and 4058. 4287. Anna English Daughter of Lewis Hotchkiss and Henrietta Wodell (4183). 4288. Edwin Holt English Son of 4091 and 3920. 428g. c Mary L. Lockwood Admitted from Trinity Church. 4290. Edward Stanton Russell Son of 3747 and 3907. 42gi. Marjorie Barnes Somers Daughter of J. Edward and Annie Louise (4208). 42g2. Frances Helene Somers Sister of 4291. 42g3. Catharine Lee Wallace Daughter of 4180 and 4181. 42g4. Malcolm Lee Wallace Brother of 4293. XX. Admissions during the Vacancy in the Pastorate, i 908- i 909 1908 November 1. 0000. c Hiram Van Kirk See 4116. 42g5. c Augusta Smalstig (Hiram) VanKirk Dism. June, 1909 Wife of 41 16. Admitted from the ist Church of Christ, Berke ley, Cal. Dismissed to Trinity Church. I909 May 2. 42g6. c Julia Silliman Gilman (Eugene Stuart) Bristol Daughter of Rev. Edward Whiting and Julia Silliman. Admit ted from the Manhattan Church, N. Y. City. 4297. Dorothy Deming Daughter of Clarence and Mary Bryan Whiting (3900). 42g8. Katharine Kingsley Farnam Daughter of 4441 and 4078. 4299. c Elizabeth Bowen (Pierrepont Beers) Foster Daughter of Henry Elliott, of Plainfield, N. J. ; wife of 4070. Admitted from the Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, Plain- field. 4300. Helen Hiller Daughter of Allen Maxcy and Clara Louise (4109). 4301. c Fred Oscar Robbins Son of George Clarence and Emma Ardelia, of Greenville, N. H. Yale Coll. 1896. Husband of 4273; father of 4845. Admitted from the church in Greenville. July 4. 4302. c William Henry Fairchild Husband of 4303. Admitted from the ist Church, Manchester, N. H. 4303. c Thera West (William Henry) Fairchild Wife of 4302. 366 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4304. c Oscar Edward Maurer Son of Jacob D. and Laura E. (4745) ; husband of 4305. B.D. Yale 1906. Admitted from the ist Church, Great Barrington, Mass. 4305. c Marion Elizabeth Spooner (Oscar Edward) Maurer Wife of 4304. 4306. Mary Elizabeth Stannard 4307. c Alice Twining (Eliot) Watrous Daughter of Rev. Kinsley (3032) and Mary Ellen; wife of 4167. Admitted from the South Street Presbyterian Church, Morristown, N. J. Sept. 26. 4308. c Margaret Smith (Wilbur Cortez) Abbott Admitted from the Meridian Street Methodist Church, Indian apolis, Ind. 4309. Herbert Camp Sneath Son of 4739 and 4740. XXI. Admissions during the Pastorate of the Rev. Dr. Oscar E. Maurer, 1909-1914 1909 Nov. 7. 4310. c Matilda Zabriska Board (zv. Eben) Gilbert Admitted from the ist Church, East Haven. Mother of 431 1. 431 1. c Adah Crowell Gilbert Daughter of 4310. Admitted from the ist Church, East Haven. 4312. c Clarence Whittlesey Mendell Son of Rev. Ellis and Clara Eliza (3556), of Jamaica Plain, Mass. Yale Coll. 1904. Admitted from the church in Yale College. I9IO January 2. 4313. c Franklin Bowditch Dexter Son of Rodolphus Williams and Mary Hathaway, of Fairhaven, Mass.; husband of 3514; father of 4314. Yale Coll. 1861. Admit ted from the church in Yale College. 0000. c Theodosia Mary Wheeler (Franklin Bowditch) Dexter See 3514- 4314. c Dorothea Mary Dexter Daughter of 4313 and 3514. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 4315. c Clara J. Huke (w. Edward F.) Leopold Mother of 4316. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4316. c Edward A. Leopold Son of 4315. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4317. c Henry Noble MacCracken Son of Rev. Henry Mitchell and Catharine Hubbard, of N. Y. City; husband of 4318. Admitted from the Morris Heights Pres byterian Church, N. Y. City. Deacon, 1913-14. 4318. c Marjorie Dodd (Henry Noble) MacCracken Wife of 4317. Admitted from the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 368 first church, new haven 43ig. c Elizabeth Story (w. ) Reed Mother of 4320. Admitted from St. Paul's Church. 4320. c Elizabeth Story Reed Daughter of 4319. Admitted from St. Paul's Church. 4321. c Emma L. Stowe Admitted from the Central Baptist Church, Providence, R. I. March 6. 4322. c Herman Daggett Clark, Jr. Son of Herman Daggett and Mary Jane ; husband of 4323. Ph.B. Yale 1893. Admitted from the Church of the Redeemer. 4323. c Marie Ives Trask (Herman Daggett) Clark Wife of 4322. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Dunedin, Fla. 4324. c Sophia P. Flower Dism. March, 1913 Married Elmer Beers. Admitted from the church in Bethlehem. Dismissed to the church in Woodbury. 4325. c Helen Fuller (Dwight Milton) Lewis Admitted from the ist Church, Hampton. 4326. c John Phillips Street Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, New Brunswick, N.J. April 24. 4327. c Caroline Julia Roehr (Daniel) Acker Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4328. c Charles Christopher Andel Husband of 4329. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 432g. c Charlotte W. Haak (Charles Christopher) Andel Wife of 4328. 4330. c Harry H. Andrews Dism. Oct, 1910 Husband of 4331. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to the church in Whitneyville. 4331. c Bessie P. (Harry H.) Andrews Dism. Oct, 1910 Wife of 4330. 4332. c Jane L. Thomas (w. Isaac Cowles) Andrews Admitted from Plymouth Church. 4333- c Lucien H. Arnold Husband of 4334; father of 4335. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4334. c Lizzie H. Smith (Lucien H.) Arnold Wife of 4333. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 369 4335- c Mae K. Arnold Daughter of 4333 and 4334. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4336. c Luther Franklin Arnold *March, 1912 Husband of 4337. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4337. c Mary Branard (Luther Franklin) Arnold Dism. Sept, 1913 Wife of 4336. Dismissed to the ist Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. 4338. c Leander J. Aubrey Husband of 4339; father of 4390. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 433g. c Alzinea M. (Leander J.) Aubrey Wife of 4338. 4340. c Sarah Louise Thorpe (w. William Henry) Augur Daughter of William Darius and Sarah Blackley; mother of 4341 and 4352. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4341. c Bessie May Augur Daughter of 4340. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4342. c Ellis Benjamin Baker, Jr. Son of Ellis Benjamin and Mary Gorham, of Meriden. Hus band of 4343. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4343. c Ruth Young Meserve (Ellis Benjamin) Baker Daughter of Rev. Isaac Curtis; wife of 4342. 4344. c William S. Baldwin Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4345. c Sarah J. (w. John A.) Baney Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4346. c Effie C. Barnes Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4347. c Anna R. Beach Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4348. c Charles Henry Beach Son of 4351. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 434g. c Edson S. Beach Dism. Feb, 1913 Husband of 4350. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to Grace Episcopal Church. 4350. c Annie L. (Edson S.) Beach Dism. Feb, 191 3 Wife of 4349. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 24 37° CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS 4351- c Julia Ann (w. Henry E.) Beach Mother of 4348 and 4565. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4352. c Minnie Rebecca Augur (Burton Mansfield) Beers Daughter of William Henry and Sarah Louisa (4340) ¦ Admit ted from the Davenport Church. 4353. c Lilian Belcher Daughter of John D. and Nellie. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4354. c Alice Amelia Palmer (George Willis) Benham Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4355. c Mary L. Bickford Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4356- c Joseph Denton Billard *April, 1914 Born June, 1818; father of 4384. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4357. Charles Kingsbury Billings, Jr. Son of Charles Kingsbury and Mary Elizabeth (3802) ; hus band of 4774. 4358. c Joseph R. Bishop Born in Madison; husband of 4359; father of 4360 and 4726. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 435g. c Lura Alice Baldzvin (Joseph R.) Bishop Wife of 4358. S 4360. c Samuel R. Bishop Son of 4358 and 4359; husband of 4361. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4361. c Florence Santry (Samuel R.) Bishop Wife of 4360. 4362. James Kingsley Blake *Aug, 191 1 Son of 301 1 and 3207; born Sept, 1870; husband of 4363. Yale Coll. 1891. 4363. Helen Langley Putnam (James Kingsley) Blake Daughter of Rev. Alfred Porter and Eliza King; wife of 4362. 4364. c Willis E. Bodwell Husband of 4365. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4365. c Jennie Evelyn (Willis E.) Bodwell Wife of 4364. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 37 1 4366. c May Louise Pierce (Frelon Eugene) Bolster Dism. Dec, 191 1 Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to the Clinton Avenue Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 4367. c Edward Braden Son of 4612; husband of 4368. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4368. c Grace E. Benham (Edward) Braden Wife of 4367. 4369. c Carrie Augusta E. (w. Robert L.) Bradley Mother of 4491. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 437°- c James Ransom Brockett Son of Peter and Pamelia, of Waterbury; father of 4538. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4371. c Henry Smith Brooks Husband of 4372. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4372. c Emma Louise (Henry Smith) Brooks Wife of 437L 4373. c Margaret Ann Brown Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4374. c Perley W. Brown Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4375. c Susie M. Bryan Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4376. c Clark Bishop Bryant Husband of 4377; father of 4380. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4377- c Josephine Swift (Clark Bishop) Bryant *Dec, 1913 Daughter of Abram and Lucy, of Phelps, N. Y.; born June, 1834; wife of 4376. 4378. c Charles W. A. Buell Husband of 4379; father of 4450. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 437g. c Isabella A. (Charles W. A.) Buell Wife of 4378. 4380. c Emma A. Bryant (George Franklin) Burgess Daughter of 4376 and 4377; wife of 4756. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 37 2 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4381. c Harry Frost Burgess Son of 4756 and 4380. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4382. c Josephine Burgess Sister of 4381. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 43^3- c John Ingraham Burt Husband of 4384; father of 4899. Admitted from Calvary Bap tist Church. 4384. c Ella L. W. Billard (John Ingraham) Burt Daughter of 4356; wife of 4383. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4385. c Adelaide L. Bush Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4386. c M. Antoinette Bush Sister of 4385. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4387. c Robert Ives Livingston Bushnell Son of Sereno Scranton. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4388. c Mabel Antoinette Busse Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4389. c Teresa Phebe Camp Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4390. c Alice M. Aubrey (Frank D.) Cargill Daughter of 4338 and 4339. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4391. c Lewis Carter Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4392. c Idella Florine Newcomb (Frank B.) Chase Mother of 4393 and 4833. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4393- c Harold Brooks Chase Son of 4392. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 43g4. c Adam Mcllwraith Christie Son of 4719. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4395. c Eliza Southerton (E. A.) Church Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (4671). Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4396. c Frederick S. Clark Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4397. c Mary Lavere (w. John F.) Clark Mother of 4574 and 4594. Admitted from the Davenport Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 373 4398. c Elmer Charles Clements Admitted from the Davenport Church. 439g. c Erma Gardner Clements Sister of 4398. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4400. c Justine S. Pardee (w. Sandford B.) Cocks Daughter of Sidney and Eliza Lucretia, of Orange. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4401. c Clara Augusta Hubbard (William J.) Colclough Daughter of Benjamin C. and Maria H. (4504). Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4402. c Kenneth Harold Cole Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4403. c Lynn Frederick Cole Brother of 4402. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4404. c Adelia J. Bryan (George) Collett Sister of 4375. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4405. c Preston Wooding Collins Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4406. c Raymond Carleton Collins Brother of 4405. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4407. c Susan Connolly *Apr, 1913 Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4408. c Joseph J. Constantian Son of 4211 and 4257. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4409. c Alice Celestia DeWolf (w. Charles C.) Converse *Nov, 191 1 Daughter of Ebenezer, of Farmington ; born Oct, 1845. Admit ted from the Davenport Church. 4410. c Mary E. Lanfare (Charles D.) Cook Admitted from the Davenport Church. 441 1. c Frank Addison Corbin Husband of 4412. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4412. c Fannie Harrison (Frank Addison) Corbin Daughter of Henry Augustus and Sarah Rebecca (4481); wife of 44II- 4413. c William Cornell Admitted from the Davenport Church. 374 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4414. c Cordelia M. (w. Fred H.) Crockett Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4415. c Susan K. (w. James H.) Crowder Mother of 4416 and 4417. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4416. c Jennie Elizabeth Crowder Daughter of 4415. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4417. c William J. Crowder *I9I3 Son of 4415. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4418. c William Lewis Crowe Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4419. c Harriet H. Cruttenden Daughter of Samuel and Helen, of Guilford. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4420. c Annie E. Sage (w. Charles A.) Danforth Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4421. c William E. Davis Husband of 4422. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4422. c Margaret E. (William E.) Davis Wife of 4421. 4423. c Cora May Davison Daughter of Birdsey J. and Georgiana. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4424. c Luthera C. Ford (zv. Henry T.) Dayton *Sept, 191 1 Daughter of James M. and Julia, of Hamden; born Dec, 1837; mother of 4425. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4425. c Lucretia H. Dayton Daughter of 4424. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4426. c Basilio DeVita Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4427. c Sarah R. Dewell Daughter of John and Mary, of Norfolk. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4428. c Carrie Dietrich Daughter of Ignatz. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4429. c William Wesley Dinwoodie Admitted from the Davenport Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 375 4430. c Katharine Frances Meyer (Patrick) Donahue *Aug, 1910 Daughter of Henry and Christine; born Jan, 1883. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4431. c Henry Adolph Donner Son of Adolph and Katharine. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4432. c Edward Orlando Dorman Dism. Dec, 1912 Husband of 4433. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to the 1st Presbyterian Church, Mount Vernon, N. Y. 4433- c Juliette Margaret Scoville (Edward Orlando) Dorman Dism. Dec, 1912 Wife of 4432. *May, 1914. 4434. c John Francis Douglass Son of Benajah Hervey and Decia Diana; husband of 4435; father of 4436. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4435- c Annie Leffingwell Blake (John Francis) Douglass Daughter of P. Howard; wife of 4434. 4436. c Howard Blake Douglass Son of 4434 and 4435. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4437. c Charles Wesley Drake Born in Miamisburg, O. B.D. Yale 1871. Ordained as an Evangelist in South Windsor, Nov, 1871. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4438. c Adah Beers (Arthur Noble) Ellis Dism. March, 1912 Daughter of Charles and Mary A. Admitted from the Daven port Church. Dismissed to St. Paul's Church. 443g. c Peter H. Engel Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4440. Katharine Prescott English Daughter of 4091 and 3920. 4441. Henry Walcott Farnam Son of Henry and Ann Sophia (3558). Yale Coll. 1874. Hus band of 4078; father of 4270, 4298 and 4442. 4442. Henry Walcott Farnam, Jr. Son of 4441 and 4078. 4443. c Edward Payson Farren Son of Joseph D. and Susan ; father of 4444 and 4559. Admit ted from the Davenport Church. 376 first church, new haven 4444. c Abigail Hersey Farren Dism. May, 191 1 Daughter of 4443. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to the North Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 4445. c Clara Elizabeth Fennimore Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4446. c Margaret Ethel Fenton Admitted from the Davenpqrt Church. 4447. c William Lewis Finch Dism. Apr, 1913 Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to Plymouth Church. 4448. c Lewin H. Fish Father of 4449. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 444g. c Lewin B. Fish Son of 4448; husband of 4450. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4450. c May Alice Canal Buell (Lewin B.) Fish Daughter of 4378 and 4379; wife of 4449. 4451. c Harold Johnson Ford Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4452. c Charles Edward Foster Husband of 4453. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4453- c Jessie G. (Charles Edward) Foster Wife of 4452. 4454. c John W. Francke Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4455- c William Rogers Frisbie Son of Rogers and Grace; husband of 4456. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4456. c Hannah Bugbee (William Rogers) Frisbie Wife of 4455. 4457. c Hugh Galbraith Husband of 4458; father of 4459, 4460, 4461 and 4462. Admit ted from the Davenport Church. 4458. c Clara Frances Sncll (Hugh) Galbraith *Feb, 1913 Wife of 4457. 445g. c Lucy Lazette Galbraith Daughter of 4457 and 4458. Admitted from the Davenport Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 377 4460. c Rosalie F. Galbraith Sister of 4459. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4461. c Ella Christina Galbraith Sister of 4459. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4462. c Miriam T. Galbraith Sister of 4459. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4463. c Lucy Lazette Snell (w. David S.) Galbraith Sister of 4458; mother of 4464 and 4465. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4464. c Louise S. Galbraith *July, 1910 Daughter of 4463; born July, 1861. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4465. c Margaret Isabel Galbraith Sister of 4464. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4466. c Emma E. (Harry J.) Gibbs Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4467. c Rachel (w. David) Gibson Dism. March, 1912 Mother of 4468. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to the ist Presbyterian Church. 4468. c Mary Florence Gibson Dism. March, 1912 Daughter of 4467. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to the ist Presbyterian Church. 446g. c LeRoy Edward Gifford Son of Edward W. and Emma L. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4470. c Sarah L. Ball (Edwin C.) Gildersleeve Dism. Sept, 1913 Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to the Grand Avenue Church. 4471. c Stephen W. Glenney Husband of 4472. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4472. Emma Barry Allen (Stephen W.) Glenney Wife of 4471. 4473. c Bertha Goeckler Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4474. c Flora E. Upson (Herbert N.) Gorham Admitted from the Davenport Church. 378 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4475. c Charles H. Gough Husband of 4476. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Deacon, 1910- 4476. c Annie B. (Charles H.) Gough Wife of 4475- 4477. c Clara W. (Melville M.) Gower Dism. Oct, 1910 Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to the Grand Avenue Baptist Church. 4478. c Pauline Skiff (Charles B.) Gunn Daughter of Paul Cheeseborough and Emma McGregor. Admit ted from the Davenport Church. 447g. c Charlotte Henrietta Hagen Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4480. c Mary A. Harkins Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4481. c Sarah Rebecca Robbins (w. Henry Augustus) Har rison Mother of 4412 and 4482. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4482. c Henry Lincoln Harrison Son of 4481. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4483. c Charles E. Hart Father of 4484 and 4490. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Deacon, 1910-12. 4484. c William A. Hart Son of 4483. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4485. c Clara Edna Piatt (Anthony) Hedolin Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4486. c Charles Buckbee Hitchcock Dism. Jan, 1912 Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to the ist Church, Branford. 4487. c William Henry Hitchcock *Jan, 1913 Son of 2496 and 1988; born Nov, 1838. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4488. c Jessie Alberta Hoadley Daughter of Miles Albert and Sarah Jane, of Branford. Admit ted from the Davenport Church. 4489. c Lillian Estelle Johnson (Roy R.) Holabird Daughter of William H. Admitted from the Davenport Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 379 4490. c Edith M. Hart (Fred A.) Holcomb Daughter of 4483. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 44gi. c Emily Almira Bradley (Richard E.) Holcomb Daughter of Robert L. and Carrie Augusta E. (4369). Admit ted from the Davenport Church. 44g2. c Emma Jane Hollister Daughter of James and Jane Antoinette. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 44g3. c Augusta T. Brooks (Wallace B.) Holt Mother of 4494. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 44g4. c Frederick B. Holt Son of 4493. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 44g5. c Mary A. Gilbert (w. Alfred) Holt Daughter of Gibbs and Amelia Heaton; mother of 4496, 4497, 4498 and 4639. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4496. c Clinton Albert Holt Son of 4495; husband of 4881. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 44g7. c Hollis H. Holt Brother of 4496. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4498. c May Ada Holt Sister of 4496. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4499. Thomas Hooker Son of Rev. Richard and Aurelia Dwight. Yale Coll. 1869. Father of 4172, 4173 and 4733. 4500. c William Greenleaf Hopkins Dism. Dec, 1910 Husband of 4501. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to the Howard Avenue Church. 4501. c Florence I. Ranney (William Greenleaf) Hopkins Dism. Dec, 1910 Wife of 4500. 4502. c Flora Belle Hubbard (George Herbert) Horton Daughter of 4504. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4503. c Elizabeth Hine (w. Edward) Hosmer *Oct, 191 1 Daughter of John and Mary, of Milford ; born July, 1832. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4504. c Maria H. (w. Benjamin C.) Hubbard Mother of 4401 and 4502. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 380 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4505. c Caroline S. (w. Lucius) Humphrey Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4506. c Frank W. Hunter Dism. Oct, 19 10 Husband of 4507. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to Grace Church. 4507. c Nora Linsley (Frank W.) Hunter Dism. Oct, 1910 Wife of 4506. 4508. c Emma L. Ketterer (Jacob) Janss Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4509. c Elizabeth M. Grandy (w. Luther E.) Jerome Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4510. c Grace Edna Angerbozver (Herbert Clifton) John son Daughter of George J. and Nellie A, of Ansonia. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4511. c Mary L. Hunt (zv. Burr B.) Johnson Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4512. c Simon Henry Johnson Dism. June, 1912 Husband of 4513. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Removed to the church in Westville. 4513. c Harriet C. Valkenburgh (Simon Henry) Johnson Dism. June, 191 2 Daughter of 4699 and 4700; wife of 45T2. 4514. c Annie Brown MacArthur (w. A. Kelsey) Jones Daughter of 4554 and 4555. previously wife of Philo Terrill ; mother of 4691. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4515. c Cyrus Walter Jones Son of Edward B. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4516. c Edward Lewis Jones Brother of 4515; husband of 4517. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4517. c Louisa C. Thompson (Edward Lewis) Jones Wife of 4516. 4518. c LeRoy Pritchard Jones Son of A. Kelsey. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4519. c Percy Wonson Jones Brother of 4518. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Ph.B. Yale 1910. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 38 1 4520. c Marion S. Lambey (Charles E.) Joy Dism. June, 1912 Daughter of Fred, and Mary A. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to Calvary Baptist Church. 4521. c Lillian M. Snow (Frederick S.) Judd Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4522. c Anna Maria Haight (w. Charles W.) Keeler *Aug, 1913 Daughter of Gilbert R. and Hetty Adaline; born in Mamaroneck, N. Y, Aug, 1840. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4523. c Charles William Kees Son of Henry W. and Margaret. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4524. c Freda Margaret Kees Sister of 4523. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Married Oscar Edward Collenburg. 4525. c Katrina Margaret Kees Sister of 4523. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4526. c William Frederick Kees Brother of 4523. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4527. c Mary ( ) Keidel Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4528. c Mary Emma (Edward G.) Kelley Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4529. c Cyrus William Kellogg Son of Henry Augustus and Loraine E, of New Hartford ; husband of 4530. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4530. c Fannie Georgia McLean (Cyrus William) Kellogg Daughter of George Bronson and Anna Elizabeth, of Danbury; wife of 4529. 4531. c Charles Francis Kelsey Husband of 4532; father of 4892. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4532. c Anna M. Norton (Charles Francis) Kelsey Wife of 4531- 4533. c Flora M. Lockwood (Greene) Kendrick Daughter of Edgar and Mary L. (4552). Admitted from the Davenport Church. 382 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4534. c William I. Killam Husband of 4535; father of 4536. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4535. c Eunice E. (William I.) Killam Wife of 4534. 4536. c Harry Killam Son of 4534 and 4535. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4537- c Carrie Maria Peck (William F.) Knapp Daughter of Joseph C. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4538. c Minnie E. Brockett (William H.) Kniffin Daughter of James Ransom (4370) and Elizabeth E. ; mother of 4539- Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4539- c Elsa Christine Kniffin Daughter of 4538. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4540. c Effie M. Jones (John G. I.) Kunst Daughter of A. Kelsey. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4541. c Christine (Jacob P.) Kraussman Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4542. c Lilian Gross (Ernest A.) Krooner Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4543. c Mary Emma Landfear *Feb, 1914 Daughter of Marvin Talcott and Mary Jane. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4544. c Sarah Talcott Landfear Sister of 4543. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4545- c Jane (w. Frank B.) Landfier Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4546. c Anna P. (w. Charles) Lane Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4547. c Lyman Henry Leach Husband of 4548. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4548. c Susan Ann Thompson (Lyman Henry) Leach Wife of 4547. 4549- Margaret Dominica Leighton Daughter of Frederick L. and Mary E. (4281). 0000. c Mary Ann Brozvn (w. John Henry) Lewis See 3342. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 383 4550. c Henning Mauritz Lindblade Born in Sweden. Husband of 4551. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 455i- c Jennie M. Bishop (Henning Mauritz) Lindblade Wife of 4550. 4552. c Mary L. Jobson (Edgar) Lockwood Mother of 4533 and 4593. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4553- c Everett E. Lord Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4554. c Robert MacArthur Husband of 4555; father of 4514 and 4556. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4555- c Jane Macllwraith (Robert) MacArthur *Jan, 191 1 Daughter of Adam and Lilias; born Jan, 1839; wife of 4554. 4556. c Robert MacArthur, Jr. Son of 4554 and 4555 ; husband of 4557. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Deacon, 1910- 4557. c Margaret Young Kellock (Robert) MacArthur Wife of 4556. 4558. c John W. MacDonald Husband of 4559. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4559- c Susan Blanchard Farren (John W.) MacDonald Daughter of 4443; wife of 4558. 4560. c Robert Boyd McKee Husband of 4561. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4561. c Mary Frances Tuttle (Robert Boyd) McKee Wife of 4560. 4562. c Annie L. Davey (w. Roderick) McKenzie Mother of 4563. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4563. c Marguerite McKenzie Daughter of 4562. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4564. c John MacLauchlan Husband of 4565. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4565. c Annie Louise Beach (John) MacLauchlan Daughter of Henry E. and Julia Ann (4351) ; wife of 4564. 4566. c Robert W. MacLauchlan Brother of 4564. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 384 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4567. c Ann Marshall (w. James) McLay Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4568. c Anna E. (w. George B.) McLean Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4569- c James Alexander MacWilliam Husband of 4570. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4570. c Agnes Andrew Wallace (James Alexander) Mac- William Daughter of 4765 and 4710; wife of 4569. 4571. c Charles Hector MacWilliam Brother of 4569. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4572. c Frederick Oaks Mansfield Son of Henry and Julia Caroline (2705) ; husband of 4573. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4573. c Mary E. Hine (Frederick Oaks) Mansfield Wife of 4572. 4574. c Annie E. Clark (Henry) Martin Daughter of John F. and Mary Lavere (4397). Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4575- Keith Langdon Maurer Son of Jacob D. and Laura E. (4745). 4576. c Arthur Aaron Maxwell Husband of 4577. Admitted from the Central Church, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 4577. c Nancy Ethridge (Arthur Aaron) Maxwell Wife of 4576. 4578. c Jessie A. Twining (w. William S.) Miller Daughter of William and Elizabeth. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 457g. c Bessie Hosmer (Frank S.) Miner Daughter of Edward and Margaret; granddaughter of 4503. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4580. c Mary Elizabeth Hagen (Joseph U.) Mitsch Sister of 4479. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4581. c William R. Moore Dism. March, 1912 Husband of 4582. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to Plymouth Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 385 4582. c Jennie Hammond Corbin (William R.) Moore Dism. March, 1912 Sister of 441 1 ; wife of 4581. 4583. c Mabel Blanche Morley Daughter of Robert G. and Isabella. Admitted from the Daven port Church. Married Harold J. Kelsey. 4584. c Ella Louise Morton Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4585. c Augusta (w. Julius) Mouten Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4586. c Octavine Frances Thayer (Fred T.) Munson Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4587. c Ella Mary Myers Married Max Strause. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4588. c Edward McCleve Myrick Husband of 4589; father of 4590 and 4591. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4589. c Winifred Theresa Gorman (Edward McCleve) Myrick Wife of 4588. 45go. c Charles F. Myrick :|:I9I4 Son of 4588 and 4589. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4591. c Edward A. Myrick Brother of 4590. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4592. c Harriet Lucretia (w. Charles L.) Noble Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4593. c Eleanor Mary Lockwood (Elmer M.) Norton Daughter of Edgar and Mary L. (4552). Admitted from the Davenport Church. 45g4. c Emma Rose Clark (Walter W.) Norton Daughter of John F. and Mary Lavere (4397)- Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4595- c Jane M. Gridley (w. Ammi) Norton *Aug, 191 1 Daughter of Cyrus and Mary, of Bristol; born Aug, 1824. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4596. c Indie Eaton (w. N. L.) Nourse Admitted from the Davenport Church. 25 386 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4597. c Emma Maria (John) Nowey Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4598. c Catharine Emma Nowey Granddaughter of 4597. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 459g. c Gretchen Kees (William) Pabst Daughter of Henry and Margaret. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4600. c John Clarence Page Husband of 4601. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4601. c Lulu M. Angus (John Clarence) Page Daughter of .Albert and Emma; wife of 4600. 4602. c Robert Henry Page Brother of 4600. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4603. c Ella B. Piercy (George H.) Palmer Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4604. c Mary Elizabeth Mason (Frank Woodruff) Pardee Daughter of Joseph; wife of 4758. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4605. c Frank Wyckoff Pardee, Jr. Son of Frank Woodruff (4758) and Orilla; husband of 4606. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4606. c Ethel May Knapp (Frank Wyckoff) Pardee Wife of 4605. 4607. c Blanche Elizabeth Parker *Nov, 191 1 Daughter of William E. and Elizabeth B. ; born Nov, 1857. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4608. c Mary Cruttenden (Frederick) Parker Daughter of Samuel and Helen, of Guilford. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Next married Robert R. T. Grant (4841). 4609. c Stanley W. Parker Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4610. c Susan L. Parmelee *March, 191 1 Born in Hawleyville about 1846. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 461 1. c Amelia M. A. Wormcke (w. Andrew) Peabody Daughter of Max and Anna Helget. Admitted from the Daven port Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 387 4612. c Catharine Baker (Erwin) Peck *Jan, 1912 Daughter of John, of N. Y. City; born Jan, 1840; previously wife of Braden; mother of 4367 and 4698. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4613. c Homer Henry Peck Husband of 4614. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4614. c Sarah C. Upson (Homer H.) Peck Wife of 4613. 4615. c Mary Elizabeth Dewell (w. Robert C.) Peck *June, 1913 Daughter of John and Mary, of Norfolk; born Feb, 1829; mother of 4661. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4616. c Jennie E. Staples (w. Seth H.) Plumb Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4617. c Arthur Frederick Popp Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4618. Lyman Edwards Porter Son of 4077 and 3666. 4619. c Ann Betsey (w. Lynde B.) Preston *Apr. 191 1 Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4620. c Harriet Jane Pryce Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4621. c Walter J. Rathbun Son of William ; husband of 4902. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4622. c Gretchen A. Rathman Dism. Feb, 191 1 Married Spencer. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to the Stanley Memorial Church, New Britain. 4623. c Theodore F. Reichel Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4624. c Isabella Richardson Daughter of John and Jessie (3289). Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4625. c Irene K. Warner (w. George Delacroix) Robinson Dism. Oct, 191 1 Mother of 4626. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to the Epworth Methodist Church. 4626. c George Delacroix Robinson, Jr. Son of 4625. Admitted from the Davenport Church. FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4627. c Catharine A. (Alexander V.) Rogers Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4628. c Mattie T. Ronald Daughter of Alexander. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4629. c Emma Jean Ronald Sister of 4628. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4630. c Charlotte M. Shoggom (Harry) Rosell Daughter of John and Johanna, of Warren. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4631. c Jency Rowley *July, 191 2 Born 1838. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4632. c Edward A. Ryals Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4633. c Eliza Jane (Frederick W. L.) Salewski Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4634. c Emma Theresa Schubert Admitted from the Davenport Church. Married Charles Huchthausen. 4635. c Matilda Wilhelmina Schubert Sister of 4634. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Married Bruno M. Schmidt. 4636. c Catharine Susan Hausmann (w. Ernest A.) Schurig Mother of 4736 and 4738. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4637. c Hannah Rowe Mallory (w. James P.) Seeley Dism. Oct, 1910 Daughter of Wyllis and Betsey Rowe ; mother of 4638. Admit ted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to the Grand Avenue Church. 4638. c James Wyllis Seeley Son of 4637; husband of 4639; father of 4640. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4639. c Lillian Edith Holt (James Wyllis) Seeley Daughter of Alfred and Mary A. (4495) ; wife of 4638. 4640. c Arthur Piatt Seeley Son of 4638 and 4639. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4641. c Mary A. (w. D. Smith) Seeley Admitted from the Davenport Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 389 4642. c Daniel L. Sharpe Son of Charles and Prudence, of Providence, R. I.; husband of 4643. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4643. c Mary E. McCoy (Daniel L.) Sharpe *June, 1913 Born 1837; wife of 4642. 4644. c Almyr James Shepard Husband of 4645 ; father of 4646, 4647 and 4648. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4645. c Lula May (Almyr James) Shepard Wife of 4644. 4646. c Harrison Almyr Shepard Son of 4644 and 4645. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4647. c James Hamblin Shepard Brother of 4646. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4648. c Stanley Collins Shepard Brother of 4646. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4649. c Mittie E. Camp (w. Stephen) Shiner Next married Hotchkiss. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4650. c Annie Justine Pardee (w. John Glover) Smith Daughter of Frank Woodruff (4758) and Orilla. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4651. c Charles F. Smith Dism. Apr, 1913 Husband of 4652. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to the United Church. 4652. c Mary J. (Charles F.) Smith Dism. Apr, 1913 Wife of 4651. 4653. c Eliza N. Phelps (w. Henry) Smith Mother of 4654, 4655 and 4657. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4654. c Ella Eliza Smith Daughter of 4653. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4655. c Charles S. Smith *Nov, 191 1 Son of 4653; born Dec, 1861 ; husband of 4656. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4656. c Louisa Viola Mack (Charles S.) Smith Daughter of Henry E. and Elizabeth; wife of 4655. 4657. c Lewis H. Smith Son of 4653. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 390 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4658. c G. Truman Smith Husband of 4659; father of 4660. Admitted from the Daven port Church. Deacon, 1910-13. 4659. c Emily A. Smith (G. Truman) Smith Wife of 4658. 4660. c Sherlon Duell Smith Son of 4658 and 4659; husband of 4661 ; father of 4847. Admit ted from the Davenport Church. 4661. c Minnie Robert Peck (Sherlon Duell) Smith Daughter of Robert C. and Mary Elizabeth (4615); wife of 4660. 4662. c Hattie A. (w. Davis C.) Smith Mother of 4663 and 4810. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4663. c Hattie Julia Smith Daughter of 4662. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4664. c Josephine Eleanor Smith Daughter of James F. and Caroline A. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Married Edwin Lincoln Chapman. 4665. c Ozias B. Smith Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4666. c Samuel Smith Husband of 4667; father of 4668. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4667. c Rose (Samuel) Smith Wife of 4666. 4668. c Franklin P. Smith Son of 4666 and 4667. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4669. c Adolphus G. Snell Father of 4670. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4670. c Harry Bronson Snell Son of Adolphus G. (4669) and Mary S. Ph.B. Yale 1897. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4671. c Elizabeth (zv. Joseph) Southerton Mother of 4395. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4672. c Alfred William Sperry Son of Alfred N. and Lois E. Husband of 4750. Admitted from the Davenport Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I91O 391 4673. c Harriet Lum (Frederick Noyes) Sperry Daughter of Benjamin and Lucy S. ; wife of 4761. Admitted from St. Thomas's Church. 4674- c Carrie Luella Vishno (William F.) Stanley Daughter of 4704 and 4705. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4675- c George E. Stevens Son of 3501 and 3502. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4676. c Josephine S. Ufford (Henry C.) Stickney Daughter of Edward M. and Mary, of Waterbury. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4677. c Mary Atwood (Henry Benjamin) Stiles Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4678. c Irene Robinson (zv. Harry C.) Stillman Dism. Oct, 191 1 Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to the Epworth Methodist Church. 4679. c Layette E. (w. William C.) Stillman Dism. Sept, 191 1 Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to the ist Church, Meriden. 4680. c Peter Stirling Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4681. c Laura (w. Charles E.) Stokes Mother of 4682. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4682. c Nellie S. Stokes Daughter of 4681. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4683. c Harriet Kellogg Storer Dism. Oct, 1910 Daughter of Reuben M. and Emily. Admitted from the Daven port Church. Dismissed to the Pilgrim Church. 4684. c Mary D. Storer Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4685. c Edwin B. Strong Born in West Haven. Husband of 4686; father of 4687. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4686. c Lucy C. Smith (Edwin B.) Strong Wife of 4685. 4687. c Thaddeus LeVoy Strong Son of 4685 and 4686. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 392 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4688. c Anna (John) Tarbell Dism. Sept, 1912 Mother of 4689. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dis missed to the United Church. 4689. c Esther Tarbell Daughter of 4688. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4690. c Hattie Maria Taylor Married Philip Bumm. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4691. c Arthur Philo Terrill Son of Philo and Annie Brown (4514). Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4692. c Ida May Terry Daughter of George and Anna, of Philadelphia. Married Joseph De Filippe. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4693. c Antoinette Cynthia Bassett (zv. Elizur Hills) Thacher Mother of 4694. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4694. c Sarah Elizabeth Thacher Daughter of 4693. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4695. c Thomas R. Thompson Dism. Dec, 191 1 Admitted from the Davenport Church. Dismissed to the Shel ton Avenue Church. 4696. c Mabel Allan Cummings (Peter) Tikiob Daughter of John and Cora E. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4697. c Noble Towner Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4698. c Hattie Braden (Thomas Joseph) Tyndell Daughter of 4612. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4699. c Arthur Valkenburgh Husband of 4700; father of 4513, 4701, 4702 and 4703. Admit ted from the Davenport Church. 4700. c Caroline Mary Marquard (Arthur) Valkenburgh Wife of 4699. 4701. c Orilla Pardee Valkenburgh Daughter of 4699 and 4700. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4702. c Henry Arthur Valkenburgh Brother of 4701. Admitted from the Davenport Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO 393 4703. c Leonard Herbert Valkenburgh Brother of 4701. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4704. c Charles Vishno Husband of 4705; father of 4674 and 4706. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4705. c Delina O. (Charles) Vishno Wife of 4704. 4706. c Charles Worthington Vishno Son of 4704 and 4705. M.D. Yale 1885. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4707. c Francis Wallace Husband of 4708; father of 4709. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4708. c Mary Davidson (Francis) Wallace Wife of 4707. 4709. c Charles J. Wallace Son of 4707 and 4708. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4710. c Margaret Little (George) Wallace Wife of 4765. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 471 1. c William Little Wallace Son of 4765 and 4710. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4712. c Jeannie Ruth Brown Wallace Sister of 471 1. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4713. c Simon Peter Wallerson Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4714. c James H. Warden Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4715. c Amelia W. (w. H. William) Warren Mother of 4716. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4716. c Anne Warren Daughter of 4715. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4717. c Alice Watson Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4718. c Emma Louise Weber Daughter of John and Rose. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 394 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4719. c Lilias Macllwraith (w. James) Weir Daughter of Adam and Lilias; previously wife of Christie, and of William Reid; mother of 4394. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4720. c Addie Eubenius Wells Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4721. c Teresa Louisa Brill (Martin) Wentsch Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4722. c Mary Eastman (Charles Wilcoxson) Whittlesey Wife of 3731. Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Albany, N. Y. 4723. c Anna Gertrude Wilcox Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4724. c Thomas W. Wilkins Husband of 4725. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4725. c Carrie Eloise Morris (Thomas W.) Wilkins Wife of 4724. 4726. c Lura B. Bishop (Louis E.) Willard Daughter of 4358 and 4359. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4727. c Edward G. Wooster Bom in Chatham, N. Y. ; husband of 4728. Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4728. c Mary A. Jones (Edward G.) Wooster Daughter of Edward B.; born in Fond du Lac, Wis.; wife of 4727. 4729. c Harry Conway Wright Admitted from the Davenport Church. 4730. c Walter A. Yeomans Admitted from the Davenport Church. June 5. 4731. c Eliza G. B. (w. Enos) Calkins Admitted from the Memorial Methodist Church, Wilbraham, Mass. 4732. Margaret Louise Hemingway Daughter of 4117 and 4118. 4733. Thomas Hooker, Jr. Son of Thomas (4499) and Sarah Augusta. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I91O 395 4734. Elizabeth Raynolds Daughter of Edward Vilette and Elizabeth Eliot (3873). 4735- Elizabeth Collier Sargent Daughter of Henry Bradford and Harriet Amelia. 4736. c Ernest George Schurig Dism. Jan, 191 3 Son of Ernest A. and Catharine Susan (4636) ; husband of 4737- Ph.B. Yale 1895. Admitted from the Union Church, Peoria, III. Dismissed to the Presbyterian Church, Marshall, Mo. 4737. c Mary Staver (Ernest George) Schurig Dism. Jan, 1913 Daughter of Saul, of Bluffton, Ind. ; wife of 4736. 4738. Louise Bertha Schurig Sister of 4736. 4739. c Elias Hershey Sneath Son of Jacob and Elizabeth, of Mountville, Pa. ; husband of 4740; father of 4309. B.D. Yale 1884. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 4740. c Anna S. Camp (Elias Hershey) Sneath Wife of 4739. July 3. 4741. c Joel Ives Butler Son of Edward Howell and Harriet Tsabel, of Kensington; husband of 4742. Ph.B. Yale 1897. Admitted from the South Church, Springfield, Mass. 4742. c Ruth Hart (Joel Ives) Butler Daughter of Jay Hiscox, of Waterbury; wife of 4741. Admit ted from the 2d Church, Waterbury. November 6. 4743. c Charles Edward Burton Husband of 4744. Admitted from Calvary Baptist Church. 4744. c Harriet Elizabeth Frances Waterbury (Charles Edward) Burton Wife of 4743. Admitted from the First Church, Fair Haven. 4745. c Laura E. Wirkler (w. Jacob D.) Maurer Mother of 4304 and 4575. Admitted from the 1st Church, Beloit, Wis. 4746. c John C. Morton Admitted from Calvary Baptist Church. 4747. c Isaac P. Smith *Oct, 1913 Son of James and Maria Jane (4789); born Apr, 1864; hus band of 4748; father of 4749. Admitted from the Dwight Place Church. 396 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4748. c Fannie M. Root (Isaac P.) Smith Wife of 4747. 4749. c Florence Irving Smith Daughter of 4747 and 4748. Admitted from the Dwight Place Church. 4750. c Margery Thompson (Alfred William) Sperry Wife of 4672. Admitted from the ist Church, East Haven. I9I I January 1. 4751. Winchester Bennett Son of 3571 and 4184; husband of 4752. Ph.B. Yale 1897. 4752. c Susan Wright (Winchester) Bennett Daughter of Arthur Williams and Susan Silliman; wife of 4751. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 4753- c Charlotte Alene Killam (w. Robert A.) Brown Daughter of Henry and Charlotte King; mother of 4754- Admit ted from Calvary Baptist Church. 4754. c Florence A. Brown Daughter of 4753. Admitted from Calvary Baptist Church. 4755- c Frederick Hotchkiss Brown Admitted from the Davenport Church. Deacon, 1911-14. 4756. c George Franklin Burgess Husband of 4380; father of 4381 and 4382. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Deacon, 191 1- 4757. c Ellen Deere Mixter (Henry Larned) Galpin Daughter of William Gilbert and Ada Louise; wife of 4146. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 4758. c Frank Woodruff Pardee Son of Sidney and Eliza Lucretia, of Orange; husband of 4604; father of 4605 and 4650. Admitted from the Davenport Church. Deacon, 1911-12, 1913- 4759. c Edwin Park Root Son of Lafayette F. and Elizabeth. Admitted from the Daven port Church. 4760. Marion Pierpont Snow Daughter of 4003 and 3950. 4761. c Frederick Noyes Sperry Brother of 4672; husband of 4673. M.D. Yale 1894. Admitted from the Davenport Church. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9IO-II 397 4762. c Emma Croffut (zv. Edgar) Thomas Admitted from the Methodist Church, Lanesburg, Pa. 4763. Caroline T. Dederer (George Henry) Townsend Wife of 4197. 4764. c Emma Curtiss Tucker Dism. Sept, 1913 Admitted from the Falling Spring Presbyterian Church, Cham- bersburg, Pa. Dismissed to the ist Church, Olivet, Mich. 4765. c George Wallace Husband of 4710; father of 4570, 471 1, 4712 and 4851. Admitted from the Davenport Church. March 5. 4766. Grace Taylor (w. John Slade) Ely Daughter of John, of N. Y. City. 4767. c Bernice M. Peck Dism. Sept, 1913 Admitted from the ist Church, Holyoke, Mass. Dismissed to the same church. May 7. 4768. Agnes Woolsey Bacon Daughter of 3473 and 4243. 4769. Josephine Constantine Driessens 4770. Louis Heuvelmans Dism. Sept, 1912 Dismissed to the John Evans Memorial Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. 4771. Nellie Elizabeth Short Daughter of William E. November 5. 4772. c Donald Allison Adams Husband of 4773. LL.B. Yale 1908. Admitted from the Flat- bush Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 4773. c Marion Nichols (Donald Addison) Adams Wife of 4772. 4774. c Katharine Louise Murless (Charles Kingsbury) Billings Wife of 4357. Admitted from the Union Church, Rockville. 4775. Clarence Tillinghast Bliss 4776. c Vernon Walter Cooke Admitted from the ist Church, Walla Walla, Wash. 4777. c Mildred Corbett Admitted from the ist Church, North Adams, Mich. 398 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4778. c George Lincoln Hendrickson Son of Rev. William A. and Ada M, of Winchester, 111.; hus band of 4779. Admitted from the church in Colorado Springs, Col. 4779. Marion Vaux (George Lincoln) Hendrickson Daughter of Calvert and Mary Swan, of N. Y. City; wife of 4778. 4780. c John Day Jackson Son of Joseph Cooke and Catharine Perkins; husband of 4781. Yale Coll. 1890. Admitted from St. Bartholomew's Church, N. Y. City. 4781. c Rose Marie Herrick (John Day) Jackson Daughter of John Wheeler and Anne Taylor; wife of 4780. Admitted from the ist Church, Elgin, 111. 4782. c Charles Foster Kent Son of William Hotchkiss and Helen Maria, of Palmyra, N. Y. ; husband of 4783; father of 4784. Yale Coll. 1889. Admitted from the church in Yale College. 4783. c Elizabeth Middleton Sherrill (Charles Foster) Kent Daughter of Rev. Samuel Bartlett (4787) and Louisa Blood- good; wife of 4782. 4784. Samuel Sherrill Kent Son of 4782 and 4783. 4785. c Grace Chapman (w. Samuel Lewis) Penfield Admitted from the 2d Presbyterian Church, Albany. 4786. William Quincy Porter Son of 4077 and 3666. 4787. c Samuel Bartlett Sherrill Son of Horace R. and Rebecca, of Lebanon, N. Y. ; father of 4783 and 4788. Admitted from the church in Amherst College. Ordained pastor in Meridian, N. Y, Feb, 1863. 4788. c Ruth Dakin Sherrill Daughter of 4787. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Warren, O. 4789. c Maria Jane Demarest (zv. James) Smith Mother of 4747. Admitted from the Church of the Redeemer. 4790. Richard Cowles Thompson Son of David Bronson and Ellen Cowles (3691). 4791. Robert Bradley Whittlesey Son of 3731 and 3966. catalogue of members, 1911-12 399 1912 January 7. 4792. c Marvin Rudolph Brandt Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Beloit, Wis. 4793. c Katharine L. Gregg Admitted from the United Presbyterian Church, Mount Vernon, Wash. 4794. c William Ward McLane Dism. Feb, 1913 Son of John and Julia A, of Lewisville, Pa.; husband of 4795. Ordained by the Presbytery as pastor in Brownsville, Pa, 1874. Ph.D. Yale 1889. Admitted from Plymouth Church. Dismissed to the church in North Leominster, Mass. 4795. c Frances Robinson (William Ward) McLane Dism. Feb, 1913 Daughter of Rev. William Willshire and Frances, of Penn Yan, N. Y. ; wife of 4794. 4796. Frank Dean Trowbridge *Nov, 1913 Son of 3148 and 3298; born in Barbadoes, March, 1861 ; hus band of 4797; father of 4798 and 4799. Yale Coll. 1884. 4797. Caroline Havens Hubbell (Frank Dean) Trowbridge Daughter of George Edward and Mary Brewster, of Davenport, Iowa; wife of 4796. 4798. Margaret Dean Trowbridge Dism. May, 1913 Daughter of 4796 and 4797; married Allen Fletcher Marsh, of Chicago. Dismissed to the Hyde Park Baptist Church, Chicago. 4799. Mary Brewster Trowbridge Sister of 4708. March 3. 4800. c Frederick Herman von der Sump Husband of 4872. Admitted from the ist Church, Rockton, III. May 5. 4801. Frances Baldwin 4802. c Edwin Francis Cory, Jr. Husband of 4803. Admitted from Grace Methodist Church. 4803. c Anna Salter Hunterson (Edwin Francis) Cory Wife of 4802. Admitted from the Wharton Memorial Methodist Church, Philadelphia. 4804. Constance Lane Hiller Daughter of Allen Maxcy and Clara Louise (4109). 400 first church, new haven 4805. c Edith Dingley (w. James Cecil) Hooe Mother of 4891. Admitted from the Pine Street Church, Lewis- ton, Me. 4806. c Adelaide Eunice Langdon Admitted from the Grand Avenue Church. 4807. Barbara Grace Lincoln Daughter of Allen Bennett and Caroline Laura. 4808. Gladys May Pendleton Dism. Jan, 1913 Dismissed to the Shelton Avenue Church. 4809. c May DeWolf (Gennaro) Petrucci Mother of 4844. Admitted from the Bedford Reformed Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 4810. Dorothy Coe Smith Daughter of Davis C. and Hattie A. (4662). 481 1. c Henry Hallam Tweedy Son of Asa Raymond and Sarah Amelia, of Binghamton, N. Y. ; husband of 4812. Yale Coll. 1891. Ordained pastor in Utica, N. Y, Nov, 1898. Admitted from the 2d Church, Bridgeport. 4812. c Grace Hannah Landfield (Henry H.) Tweedy Daughter of Jerome B, of Binghamton, N. Y. ; wife of 481 1. June 23. 4813. Percy Clinton Jencks 4814. c Azel Anson Martin Dism. Nov, 1913 Admitted from the ist Church, Boulder, Col. B.D. Yale 1913. Dismissed to the ist Church, Wahoo, Neb. Ordained pastor in Wahoo, March, 1914. November 3. 4815. Luigi Acanfora Son of Vincenzo and Cristina; husband of 4816. 4816. Henrietta G. Schlitter (Luigi) Acanfora Daughter of William and Caroline, of Ansonia; wife of 4815. 4817. c Harriet ( ) Bailey Admitted from the 2d Church, Derby. 4818. c Frank Gaylord Baldwin Husband of 4819. Admitted from the church in Ansonia. 4819. c Harriet Powe (Frank Gaylord) Baldwin Wife of 4818. 4820. c Emma Louisa Blake Daughter of Elihu and Adeline Nancy, of N. Y. City. Admit ted from the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. catalogue of members, 1912-13 401 4821. c John Franklin Candy From the ist Presbyterian Church, Beloit, Wis. 4822. c Frederick Lord Perry Son of Edwin Niles and Fedora Elizabeth, of Manchester; husband of 4823. LL.B. Yale 1897. Admitted from the' Dwight Place Church. 4823. c Annie Emilie Newton (Frederick Lord) Perry Daughter of Frederic Peck; wife of 4822. I9I3 January 5. 4824. Robert Hugh Alcorn Son of 4223 and 4224. 4825. c Oliver Hart Bronson Son of Henry T. and Ellen A, of Hartford and N. Y. City. Yale Coll. 1892. Husband of 4826. Ordained as pastor in Cleve land, O, Jan, 1898. Admitted from the church in Simsbury. Associate Pastor, 1912- 4826. c Mary Chamberlin (Oliver Hart) Bronson Daughter of William Hayes and Emily Beaver, of Danville, Pa. ; wife of 4825. Admitted from the Spring Street Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 4827. c Amelia Johnson (Hobart B.) Ives Daughter of Frederick G. and Amanda C, of Quincy, 111. Admitted from the 1st Church, Quincy. 4828. Emil Sauer Dism. Dec, 1913 Husband of 4829. Dismissed to the church in Allston, Mass. 4829. Ethel Jordan (Emil) Sauer Dism. Dec, 1913 Wife of 4828. 4830. c Clara A. Todd Daughter of Henry B. and Louisa A. Admitted from the church in Wallingford. 4831. Anna Hobbs (Samuel Curtis) Wade Daughter of Joseph and Eliza; mother of 4832. 4832. Frank Melville Wade Son of 4831- March 2. 4833. Elsie Dora Chase Daughter of Frank B. and Idella Florine (4392). 26 4°2 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4834. c Hattie Grace Phelps (George Edward) Doolittle Daughter of Daniel Clark and Celestia Adelaide; mother of 4887. Admitted from Trinity Church, Bridgeport. 4835. Frank Kellogg English Son of 4091 and 3920. 4836. c Frederick Luther Ford Son of George L. and Lois Rossiter, of North Branford. Ph.B. Yale 1893. Husband of 4837; father of 4838. Admitted from the church in North Branford. 4837. c Georgia Winifred Newton (Frederick Luther) Ford Daughter of Walter Augustus and Mary Estelle, of Washington; wife of 4836. Admitted from St. John's Church, Washington. 4838. Percy Newton Ford Son of 4836 and 4837. 4839. c Walter E. Gifford Husband of 4840. Admitted from the ist Church, Springfield, Mass. 4840. c Blanche Tanguay, Howes (Walter E.) Gifford Wife of 4839- 4841. c Robert R. T. Grant Son of Duncan and Matilda, of Halifax, N. S. ; husband of 4608. Admitted from the church in Westville. 4842. c Lillian May Howes Daughter of 4840. Admitted from the ist Church, Springfield, Mass. 4843. Julia Armour Lincoln Daughter of Allen Bennett and Caroline Laura. 4844. Manlius Yeaton Petrucci Son of Gennaro and May DeWolf (4809). 4845. Adelaide Eleanor Robbins Daughter of 4301 and 4273. 4846. Hazel Emeline Sargent Daughter of Marshall and Evelyn, of New Lisbon, N. Y. 4847. Elizabeth Dewell Smith Daughter of 4660 and 4661. 4848. Herbert Mills Smith Husband of 4849. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I913 403 4849. Emma Lord (Herbert* Mills) Smith Wife of 4848. 4850. Donald Lee Wallace Son of 4180 and 4181. 4851. Gladys Margaret Wallace Daughter of 4765 and 4710. May 4. 4852. Ruth Maynard (Andrew J.) Ely Daughter of Guy H. and Florence, of Charlestown, Mass. 4853. David Kara Krikorian Born in Aintab, Turkey. Husband of 4236. 4854. Leo Frederick Rettger Son of John Henry and Mary; husband of 4855. Ph.D. Yale 1902. 4855. Clara Snyder (Leo Frederick) Rettger Daughter of James D. and Maria Kaiser, of Waterloo, Ind. ; wife of 4854. 4856. c Mary Jane Warren Daughter of Edmund and Mary Jane, of Norwalk. Admitted from the church in Cheshire. 4857. c George F. Wiepert Son of Theodore F. and Esther Johnson ; husband of 4858. Admitted from the ist Reformed Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 4858. c Mary A. Brown (George F.) Wiepert Daughter of Jacob and Mary Jennings; wife of 4857. November 30. 4859. c Susan Arnesta Couch (w. David A.) Barlow Daughter of Charles W. and Lydia H. Crofut, of Bethel. Admit ted from the Howard Avenue Church. 4860. c Sarah Bailey Dodd Daughter of Levi L. and Julia W. Parker, of Ten Mile, Pa. Admitted from the Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City. 4861. c Ray Anderson Eusden Son of H. J. and Anne B, of Marne, Iowa. Admitted from the Presbyterian Church, Marne. 4862. c Ruth Porter (Louis Lee) Hemingway Daughter of Edward and Kate Louise Stevens, of Rochester, N. Y. ; wife of 4206. Admitted from the 3d Presbyterian Church, Rochester. 404 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4863. Florence Robins (w. Horace V.) Horsfall Daughter of Frederick Lewis and Charlotte N. Oviatt, of Webbs Mills, Me.; mother of 4864. 4864. Charlotte Robins Horsfall Daughter of 4863. 4865. c Frederic Blair Johnson Son of Frederic Waterman and Celia, of UnionviUe; husband of 4866. Yale Coll. 1896. Admitted from the 1st Presbyterian Church, Englewood, N. J. 4866. c Cora Neber (Frederic Blair) Johnson Daughter of Charles Edwin and Frances M. Bailey, of Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ; wife of 4865. 4867. c Lulu B. Lasher Daughter of Peter B. and Fidelia Arnesta, of New Milford. Admitted from the Howard Avenue Church. 4868. c John Witherspoon Lowrance Son of Rev. John W. and Samantha DuPre Dillard, of Kansas City, Mo. Yale Coll. 1909. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Burlington, N. J. 4869. c Elmer E. Okeson Son of John and Mary, of Milltown, N. J. ; husband of 4870. Admitted from the E. Pearl Street Methodist Episcopal Church. 4870. c Helen Cooper (Elmer E.) Okeson Daughter of Alfred and Emma E. ; wife of 4869. 4871. c Lucy H. Saunders Daughter of Henry Martin and Lucy B. Upton, of Worcester, Mass. Admitted from the Dwight Place Church. 4872. c Lucile Davenport (Frederick Herman) von der Sump Daughter of Burnett T. and Emma Little, of Aurorahville, Wis. ; wife of 4800. Admitted from the ist Presbyterian Church, Stevens Point, Wis. I9I4 January 4. 4873. Elford Parry Trowbridge Son of 3148 and 3298; husband of 4874. Yale Coll. 1887. 4874. c Bertha Chadwick (Elford Parry) Trowbridge Daughter of Daniel and Ellen, of Lyme; wife of 4873. Admit ted from the church in Old Lyme. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, I9I3-I4 405 March i. 4875. c William Joseph Babcock Son of William Henry and Ellen, of Norwich ; husband of 4876. Admitted from the ist Church, New London. 4876. c Sarah Palmer (William Joseph) Babcock Daughter of William Joseph and Sarah, of Norwich; wife of 4875- 4877. c Fu-liang Chang Born in Shanghai, China. Ph.B. Yale 1913. Admitted from the Trinitarian Church, Northfield, Mass. 4878. c Christina Grant Duncan Daughter of Dunlop and Christina, of Dublin, Ireland. Admit ted from St. George's Church, Dublin. 4879. c Carrie Butler Hendrick Daughter of Charles Buddington and Mary Elizabeth. Admitted from the Howard Avenue Baptist Church. 4880. c Minnie Louise Hendrick Sister of 4879. Admitted from the Howard Avenue Baptist Church. 4881. c Ellen Amelia Beers (Clinton Albert) Holt Daughter of Charles Andrew and Ann Amelia, of Bridgeport; wife of 4496. Admitted from the ist M. E. Church, Bridgeport. 4882. c William Daniel Holt Son of George P. and Eliza R. ; husband of 4883. Admitted from St. Andrew's Methodist Episcopal Church. 4883. c Louisa Wilbur (William Daniel) Holt Daughter of Edward Phelps and Mary C, of Old Chatham, N. Y. ; wife of 4882. 4884. c Mabel Margaret Macdowall Daughter of James Puller and Charlotte Amelia. Admitted from St. Paul's Church. 4885. c Grace Mabel Striby Daughter of Frederick W. and Mary J. Admitted from St. Paul's Church. 0000. c Vera G. Rowe (Horace B.) Sweet See 4049- April 12. 4886. Harold Bradley Denison Son o'f 3915 and 3807. 4887. Heloise Celeste Doolittle Daughter of George Edward and Hattie Grace Phelps (4834)- 406 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4888. Royal Ek Son of Gustav and Matilda. 488g. Alfonso Fasano Son of Giovanni and Lena. 4890. Oscar Hamilton Frink Son of Wesley Louis and Isabelle Whitney, of Athol, Mass. 4891. Nelson Dingley Hooe Son of James Cecil and Edith Dingley (4805). 4892. Edward Francis Kelsey Son of 4531 and 4532. 4893. Henry Sheppard, Jr. Son of Henry and Pauline Krause. 4894. Irving Clifford Sheppard Brother of 4893. 4895. Albert William Sheppard Brother of 4893. 4896. Anna Rose Weber Daughter of John and Rose. 48g7. George Wormcke Son of Max and Anna Helget; father of 4898. 48g8. Henry Arthur Wormcke Son of George (4897) and Margaret Kann. May 3. 48gg. c Milton W. Burt Son of 4383 and 4384. Admitted from Calvary Baptist Chucrh. 4900. James Smith Hemingway, Jr. Son of 4117 and 4118. 4901. c Myron Andrews Munson Son of Garry and Harriet, of Chester, Mass. Ordained pastor in Pittsford, Vt, May, 1866. Admitted from the 2d Church, Hunt ington, Mass. 4902. c Laura N. Talbot (Walter J.) Rathbun Daughter of John; wife of 4621. Admitted from the church in Whitneyville. INDEX Italics indicate a woman's name before marriage. Abbot, Abbott 3790 Helen L. 1921 Lydia Smith 3789 Margaret F. Whitin 4308 Margaret Smith 74 Robert Abernethy 636 Mary 3387 MaryL. Acanfora 4816 Henrietta G. Schlitter 4815 Luigi Acker 4327 Caroline J. Roehr Adams 2160 Charles 4772 Donald A. 4130 Grace E. 2213 Jane C. Hinman 3392 Jane E. Dickerman 2310 Julia M. Hinman 4773 Marion Nichols 2760 Mary B. Adye 1480 Abigail Potter 1701 Anna M. Aikins 1554 Mary Alcock 632 Abigail Austin 1063 Abigail Humiston 563 Elizabeth 279 Elizabeth Mitchell 996 Sarah 716 Susanna Alcorn 4824 Robert H. 4223 William F. 4224 Winifred L. Smith Alden 3426 AnnaG. 3003 Dexter 3004 Eliza Griswold 3803 Louise G. 3321 Margaret E. Feeter 3802 Mary E. Alderman 1985 Rhoda 1964 Sarah Alexander 2019 Sarah H. Gilbert Alford 3320 Elizabeth Allen [See, also, Ailing.] 2999 Charles W. 3357 Eliza 4472 Emma B. 3493 Hannah R. Cozzens 3210 Harriet E. Trowbridge 2801 Lucy 2986 Mary R. Peck 2152 Melissa Plumb Allerton 119 Isaac 120 Joanna Alling [See, also, Allen.] 945 Abiah Hitchcock 443 Abigail 1374 Abigail Brockett 382 Abigail Grannis 2856 Adah 975 Ann Potter 784 Caleb 3983 Carrie P. 1878 CleWa Wise 1317 Comfort 726 Daniel 1 179 Elizabeth 1723 Elizabeth 3257 Elizabeth 1249 Elizabeth Gilbert 1 137 Enos 817 Esther 1492 Eunice 589 Hannah 1 172 Hannah 1359 Hannah 1706 Hannah 978 Hannah Ailing 1254 Hannah Dorman 1212 Hannah Miles 852 Hannah Todd 1739 Ira 2094 Jesse 212 John 277 John 333 John 951 John 1052 John 1423 Mrs. John 804 Jonathan 1 195 Jonathan 1265 Joseph 1010 Kezia Lines 1702 Lucy 2136 Lucy 2095 Lydia 1449 Lydia Punderson 1266 Mabel Gilbert 681 Mary 833 Mary 1034 Mary 1385 Mary 3515 Mary 2419 MaryC. 121 Mary Nash 785 Mary Trowbridge 1 121 Mary Tuttle 1118 Mary Whiting 934 Mercy Mix 1707 Molly 1736 Nancy 3575 Nancy L. 851 Nathan 1262 Patience 875 Patience Mix 1781 Patty 1 178 Phebe 1074 Phebe Whiting 1444 Rachel 727 Rebecca Cooper 408 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1263 Rhoda 50 Roger 590 Roger 738 Ruth 1703 Sally 318 Samuel 369 Samuel 283 Sarah 359 Sarah 631 Sarah 697 Sarah 901 Sarah 1471 Sarah 1337 Sarah Andrew 427 Sarah Chidsey 425 Sarah Socket 805 Sarah Socket 911 Susanna 1035 Susanna 1239 Susanna 1422 Thankful 989 Timothy Allis 2487 Emily W. Stockbridge 3468 Salmon W. Alsop 516 Hannah 205 Joseph 465 Mary 452 Sarah Andel 4328 Charles C. 4329 Charlotte W. Haak Anderson 3648 KerrC. 2361 Philena Jones 3649 Robina Fisher Andreini 3474 Mary S. McHarg Andrew 3058 Fanny A. Crafts 1337 Sarah Andrews, Andrus 141 Ann Tapp 4331 Bessie P. 31 10 Charles S. 3341 Elizabeth R. 1 1 16 Eliz. Thompson 923 Gideon 4330 Harry H. 4332 Jane L. Thomas 2860 Julia H. 4266 Lulia M. Tarr 942 Lydia 922 Lydia Johnson 531 Nathan 1 147 Phebe 527 Phebe Gibbard 1487 Sibyl Heaton 9 William 223 Mrs. William Angerbower 4510 Grace E. Angus 4601 Lulu M. Anketell 2223 Augusta A. Mills 3617 Elizabeth R. Plant 2914 John 3046 John [H.] 3204 Mary L. Butterfield Ansley 3725 Frances L. Anthony 2290 H. Maria Yale Antill 3216 Frances Apthorp 2716 Eliz. C. Davenport 2717 Elizabeth D. 2719 Emily S. 2718 F. Louisa 2720 Katharine Arms 2180 Lucy A. Wadhams Armstrong 2861 Harriet S. Arnold 1 541 Hannah 4334 Lizzie H. Smith 4333 Lucien H. 4336 Luther F. 4335 MaeK. 4337 MaryB. Ash 3147 Selina A st wood 437 Nathaniel Attwater, Atwater 1489 Abiah Barnes 791 Abigail 1207 Abigail 1234 Abigail 1396 Abigail 728 Abigail Bradley 1228 Abigail Bradley 2460 Abigail C. Bradley 453 Abigail Heaton 709 Abigail Tuttle 1976 Amelia 1354 Anna 1484 Anna 1426 Betsey Goodyear 1948 Betsey Tyler 1807 Catharine 1453 Catharine Gale 2917 Charles 3222 Charles 1884 Clara Bishop 1986 Clarissa 1623 Clarissa Hotchkiss 1975 Clarissa Storrs 275 Damaris 792 Damaris 1 1 86 Damaris 224 Damaris Sayre 811 Daniel 122 David 420 David 1316 David 1360 David 1473 David 803 Dinah Sherman 540 Ebenezer 3223 Edward E. 1381 Eldad 1755 Eldad 1958 Elihu 1276 Elizabeth 1333 Elizabeth 1880 Elizabeth 1179 Elizabeth Ailing 1866 Elizabeth Barney 1181 Elizabeth Bassett 2117 Elizabeth Bassett 3412 Ellen W. Sanford 2766 Emily 1912 Esther 1441 Eunice 1749 Eunice INDEX 409 1947 Eunice 1499 Eunice Dickerman 1344 Eunice Thompson 2755 Frances 2458 George 3302 Grace A.Bartholomew 1361 Hannah 2340 Hannah C. 1652 Harriet , 2275 Harriet 2844 Harriet Convers 3070 Harriet Sanford 1883 Heaton 798 James 2842 Jane Ativater 1498 Jared 1987 Jared 1850 Jennette 885 Jeremiah 1974 Jeremiah 402 Joanna 698 Joanna 1295 John 421 Jonathan 11 Joshua 867 Joshua 1425 Joshua 123 Mrs. Joshua 1906 Julia 2482 Julia 2459 Julia Maria 1801 Julia Thompson 1442 Lois 3934 Louise H. Whittlesey 1555 Lowly 1376 Lowly Goodyear 1556 Lucy 35 1 1 Lucy J. Phelps 1820 Lucy Root 1421 Lydia Heaton 1202 Lydia Holbrook 680 Lydia Rosewell 1622 Lyman 1364 Margaret Macomber 1881 Maria 685 Mary 876 Mary 990 Mary 1236 Mary 2918 Mary A. Montgomery 1537 Mary Cutler 1886 Mary Cutler 2163 Mary D. Ten Brook 2845 MaryL. 1375 Medad 2843 Medad 1399 Mehetabel Clark 1636 Nancy 1693 Nancy 1736 Nancy Ailing 3123 Nancy R. 995 Phebe 1634 Phebe 1474 Rachel Hubbard 1418 Rebecca 3224 Rebecca H. Dana 1539 Rhoda 1407 Rhoda Dickerman 603 Ruth 725 Ruth Bradley 338 Ruth Peck 1639 Sally 1522 Sally Lucas 309 Samuel T130 Samuel 684 Sarah 1041 Sarah 2765 Sarah 1964 Sarah Alderman 1471 Sarah Ailing 1365 Sarah Atwater 1217 Sarah Ball 1 180 Sarah Beach 812 Stephen 2764 Stephen 2751 Susan 2729 Susan K. 3772 Susan L. 1716 Susan M. 2906 Susan M. 1632 Susan Morris 2304 Susan Sanford 141 1 Susanna Macomber 682 Tabitha Holt 3036 Thomas B. 1388 Timothy 1398 William 2248 William 3441 Wyllys Atwill 2940 Winthrop Atwood 4677 Mary 2262 Minerva Aubrey 4390 Alice M. 4339 Alzinea M. 4338 Leander J. Augur 4341 Bessie M. 1988 Caroline 1619 Daniel P. 1624 Esther Johnson 1620 Hannah Smith 253 Hester 2568 JuliusS. 2606 Lavinia D. Merriam 2682 Mary F. Chittenden 4352 Minnie R. 88 Nicholas 1882 Roxana Way 4340 Sarah L. Thorpe 2338 William H. Austin 632 Abigail 1400 Abner 1461 Archibald 496 Elizabeth Barnes 3229 Elizabeth Beecher 1989 Frederick J. 1458 Gloriana 2853 Grace M. Beecher 965 Hannah Punderson 517 Joshua 1042 Martha Thompson 1462 Mehetabel 1387 Obedience Hotchkiss 952 Rebecca Thompson 953 Stephen Averill 2750 Elizabeth E. Judson 3475 James G. 3334 Louise E. 3331 Margaret Fraser 3333 Margaret Fraser 3332 MaryF. 3402 Sarah E. Ayer 3904 Anna M. Aymar 2397 Eliza F. Hubbell Ayre 2322 Sarah Covert Ayres 3856 Georgiana Gall 2207 Lydia 3855 Milan C. 1756 Sally 410 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Babbit, Babbitt 2912 Frances P. Condit 2246 Margaret Teller 2245 Seth Babcock 1584 Abigail Cooke 1382 Adam 1904 Hannah Bunnell 2674 Jane M. Rose 4876 Sarah Palmer 4875 William J. Backus 1908 Eunice 2383 JohnC. 1829 Lydia 2330 Mary Bacon 4768 Agnes W. 4283 Alfred H. T. 3473 Alfred T. 3732 Alice M. 2854 Almira Selden 2359 Betsey B. Jones 2988 Catharine E. Terry 3277 Edward W. 2399 Elizabeth A. Knight 2941 Ellen 3702 Ellen B. 3048 George B. 3128 George H. 2295 Harriet 3875 Harriet P. Blackman 2767 Harriette M. 3964 Jennie Foote 3262 Julia L. 3801 Katharine 3353 Katharine W. 3047 Leonard W. 3736 Louisa 2215 Lucy Johnson 3400 Martha G. 3057 Mary 3329 Mary E. Staples 4243 Mary P. Woolsey 3512 Mary S. 3767 Nathaniel T. 3059 Rebecca 3380 Rebecca G. 1849 Rebecca Strong 2929 Rebecca T. 2331 Sarah Mallory 2768 Sarah R. 2677 Sophia Hull 4209306033083804 3472 4200 2384 2076 2751 Susan Almira Susan Bacon TheodoreTheodore D. Thomas R. Virginia G. William T. Badger Clarissa Munger Bagg Susan Atwater Bailey 2820 Augusta C. Trowbridge 2848 Catharine R. 4817 Harriet 1864 Harriet Swift 2877 James S. Baird 4099 Allison Jeffrey 3450 Eliza Hall 4098 John D. 3449 John G. 4009 Lucius O. 3226 Mary Stevenson 3225 Thomas Baker 4612 Catharine 4342 Ellis B. 159 Margery 3107 Mary 2654 Melissa P. Squier 4343 Ruth Y. Meserve Bakewell 2478 Robert Baldwin 2059 Abraham C. 36SI Adele H. 1098 Barnabas 1697 Betsey Mix 2903 Clara 3935 Constantia H. 1757 Daniel 2294 E. Eliza Newton 3193 Eliza N. 2894 Elizabeth L. Strong 4020 Emily C. T. 4019 Emily Townsend 3°38 Esther Starr 4801 Frances 4818 3194 373 481930374018 1064 2265 4359 4022 28743650 886 27144021 1131 2333 933 1990 4344 Frank G. Gertrude A. HannahHarriet Powe Harvey James G. John LucyLura A. MabelMarana N. Martha N. Whittelsey Mehitabel Tuttle Nathan C. Rosalie Sarah Beecher Sarah Hotchkin Sarah Sherman Silas I. William S. Ball 1234 Abigail Atwater 360 Ailing 1660 Anna 1267 Anna Smith 853 Caleb 695 Hannah 1205 Hannah 329 Hannah Nash 327 John 2207 Lydia Ayres 847 Mary 1527 Mary 806 Mary Tuttle 1417 Rachel 669 Sarah 1217 Sarah 1528 Sarah 349 Sarah Glover 4470 Sarah L. 361 Sarah Thompson 1233 Stephen Ballou 1963 Lucretia Edgerton Bancroft 3132 Julia A. Trowbridge Baney 4345 Sarah J. Bangs 3595 Edith S.Day 4063 Frederick E. 4064 P. Augusta Crane INDEX 411 Banister 12 Edward 266 Mrs. Bardeen 3423 Ellen P. Dickerman Barker 2747 Charlotte V. Wilson 3463 George F. 2936 Hannah B. 1524 Huldah White 1708 Julia 3061 Lucilia U. Thompson 3255 MaryM. Treadway Barlow 4171 Alpha W. 4859 Susan A. Couch Barnard 2295 Harriet Bacon 2956 John B. 2769 Mary Clark Barnes 1489 Abiah 508 Abigail Frost 2659 Adeline F. 2753 Alma 3122 Amos F. 662 Anna 4208 Annie L. 2263 Asenath Preston 3369 Charles L. 454 Daniel 2120 Daniel S. 1800 Deborah 2658 Delia 4346 Effie C. 1817 Eli 1653 Eliza 496 Elizabeth 2236 Elizabeth 499 Elizabeth Kimberly 2165 Elizabeth Rice 500 Hannah 2420 Harvey 2235 Jeremiah R. 477 John 1991 Julia A. 3129 Julius 4123 Laura 1575 Lucinda 225 Mary 504 Mary 3124 Mary A. 3408 Mary M.McKinnon 1605 Mehitabel Sherman 478 Mercy Betts 2339 Merrick 3123 Nancy R. Attwater 2824 Phebe 2827 Roxana C. 1632 Susan Morris 3805 T. Attwater 1565 Wealthy Trowbridge Barnett 1796 Abigail Johnson 2766 Emily Atwater Barney 1866 Elizabeth 1851 Mary A. 1844 Nancy 3140 Phebe H. Dummer 1413 Phebe Wolcott Barrows 3774 Caroline E. Petty 3434 Kath. Parmalee 2958 Lucina Hitchcock 3263 Samuel H. 2957 Sherman A. Barth 1839 William Bartholomew 3302 Grace A. 3481 Jane Bartlett 3986 Ellen S. 2949 Ruth 3641 Walter R. Bassett 560 Abiah 707 Abiah 699 Abigail 1230 Abigail 1561 Abigail 839 Amos 4693 Antoinette C. 2686 Bennett 1962 Charlotte 3173 Edward B. 1 181 Elizabeth 21 17 Elizabeth 793 Eliz. Thompson 1492 Eunice Ailing 2506 Eunice Pomeroy 796 Hannah 1386 James 840 John 1383 John 1555 Lowly 733 Lydia 1 163 Lydia Holt 621 Mary 1206 Mary 3195 Mary A. 810 Mary Gilbert 1242 Mary Heaton 1408 Mehetabel Goodyear 1831 Melissa 794 Miriam Bradley 1 161 Rebecca 196 Robert 124 Mrs. Robert 541 Samuel 572 Sarah 1562 Sarah 1229 Sarah Bassett 1341 Sarah Heaton 813 Thankful 184 William 149 Mrs. William Bateman 1961 Cynthia Bates 2421 Sarah N. Bayard 2330 Mary Backus Beach 4565 A. Louise 3604 Ann D. 4347 Anna R. 4350 Annie L. 479 Azariah 28 Catharine Hull 4348 Charles H. 4349 Edson S. 618 Hannah 2964 Hannah 185 John 4351 Julia A. 4182 Lucinda Comstock 931 Lydia Potter 2164 Richard G. 1 180 Sarah 616 Sarah Sanford 615 Thomas 412 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Beadenkopf 1476 Lois Bradley Bement 3948 Thomas M. US8 807 Lois Johnson Lydia 3684 Laura A. Beadle 529 Lydia Roberts Bemies 38623863 386i Emma A. JohnLaura A. Higgins 2577 860 3219 1443 Maria C. Winship Mary Mary A. Dickerman Mehetabel 3S22 Maria Benedict 886 Mehitabel Tuttle 1571 Mary Townsend Beamont 2064 Mercy 125 Thomas 1468 Nathaniel Benham 216 Mrs. Thomas 675 Obedience 4354 Alice A. Palmer , 287 Phebe Prindle 2841 Clarissa S. Bearden 1021 Rebecca 472 Comfort Mansfield 2871 Sarah A. 744 Samuel 2547 Emeline Winship 1131 Sarah 4368 Grace E. Beardsley 1297 Sarah 14 306 126 John 2868 Mary 1053 644 Sarah Bradley Sarah Morris John Mrs. John Beckley 1077 Sarah Sperry 2296 John H. 1976 175 Amelia A twater Richard 1630 1378 1497 Susan Susanna Kimberly Thaddeus 299 564 Mercy Smith Sarah 63 2208 Mrs. Richard Silas 936 Thankful Blackley Benjamin Beers 2385 Everard 3435 Beckwith Alice M. 3231 4438 1872 Abby AdahCaroline Mills 331402143 JuliaNathan 3905 Martha E. Robbins 1992 Phebe Porter Sarah Beebe 3657 Caroline Mills 2479 1598 Elizabeth 3247 Wealthy M. Ritter 4881 Ellen A. Bennett 1851 Mary A. Barney 604 Abigail Beecher 1546 Mary Mansfield 1720 Emilia Lyon 686 Abiah 4352 Minnie R. Augur 3230 Emilia Lyon 786 Abigail 3596 Nancy Warner 4184 Hannah Jane 655 Alice 1773 Sally M. Winchester 935 Anna 1536 Sarah Gorham 3733 Harriet 3427 Catharine D. 4324 Sophia P. Flower 4226 Hattie L. 1435 Content 4043 Hope 1543 David Belcher 3406 Margaret 717 Ebenezer Lilian 2691 Mary A. Hull 1076 Ebenezer 4353 3405 Mary E. 1377 Eli 4752 Susan Wright 1108 Eliphalet Belden 3571 Thomas G. 285 Elizabeth i860 Harriet H. Lyon 4751 Winchester 719 Elizabeth 2060 Hezekiah 2853 Grace M. Bennetto 5.32 Hannah Bell 4101 Eliz. A. Wilkins 718 Hannah Mix 1016 Hannah Punchard 13 Abraham Bent 3938 Helen M. 1725 Margaret V. 841 Hezekiah Dwight 3857 Jason C. 286 Joanna 666 Joanna Bellamy Benton 315 John 730 Mary Johnson 3370 Cornelia A. 1494 John 1585 Samuel 2612 George R. 654 Joseph 1586 Mrs. Samuel 2880 Lucretia INDEX 413 Berrien 2529 Margaret 4055 Mary E. Whittelsey Berry 3741 Elizabeth Betts 3457 Anna W. Parish 3597 Caroline A. Dewey 2907 Daniel 2908 Eliza 3180 Frances J. 2909 Julia 3721 Lucy K. 3383 Maria C. 478 Mercy Bickford 4355 MaryL. Biddle 3653 3652 Anna L. Light Jacob A. Bidwell 2249 1999 Oliver B. Theodosia Biegel 39H Mary B. Bigelow 3221 Elizabeth L. Biles 1740 Deborah Billard 43844356 Ella L. W. Joseph D. Billings 4357 3954 428447744234 4233 4285 38024121 C. Kingsbury Edward C. Julia H. Kath. L. Murless Mabel F. Margaret L. Mary E. Mary E. Alden Mary H. Bills 1728 Betsey 1438 Mary Thomas Bingham 1814 Aurelia Birch 2386 MaryE. 3643 MaryH. 2193 Rachel Bird 1529 Mary Phipps Birney 2678 Amanda S. Moulton Bishop 1952 Abel 288 Abigail 1 191 Abigail 1243 Abigail 791 Abigail Atwater 604 Abigail Bennett 480 Abigail Willet 3439 Addie E. Thomas 799 Ann 1884 Clara 1088 Ebenezer 997 Elizabeth Perkins 979 Eliz. Siurdevant 1384 Elizabeth Tinker 980 Esther Dorman 4361 Florence Santry 4154 Frederic C. 2548 Gertrude A. Brinkerhoff 4136 Gertrude M. Craig 1065 Hannah 1 138 Hannah 2340 Hannah C. Atwater 1288 Hannah Dickerman 1310 Hannah Peck 345 Hannah Yale 2440 Harriet E. Bradley 1290 Isaac 176 James 868 James 4551 Jennie M. 403 John 4358 Joseph R. 1631 Lent 1575 Lucinda Barnes 4359 Lura A. Baldwin 4726 Lura B. 1313 Lydia Wise 226 Mary 362 Mary 3351 Mary A. Fairchild 566 Mary Talmadge 958404 289438 808 1 148 4360 1238 414 12911 150 Miriam Perkins RebeccaRuth Samuel SamuelSamuel Samuel R. Sarah Sarah Grannis Sarah Macomber Sibyl Gilbert Bissell 2996 George A. Black 3494 Lydia Bolles Blackley 758 Anna, or Hannah 700 Grace 290 Grace Ventris 758 Hannah, or Anna 261 Hannah Potter 1089 John 542 Lydia 701 Mary 745 Mary 608 Sarah Kimberly 936 Thankful Blackman 3231 Abby Beers 2176 Abby Betsey 2053 Abigail G. 584 Dinah Thomas 4013 Edith 3875 Harriet P. 3844 MaryE. 3592 Sarah 2891 Sarah Moss Blackney 3348 Mary A. Bonney 3344 William A. Blair 3604 Ann D. Beach Blake 4435 Annie L. 2998 Charles T. 3988 Charlotte H. L. Hayes 3989 Constantia H. 3927 Edward 2061 EliW. 414 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3265 Eliza 2507 Eliza M. O'Brien 3207 Eliz. C. Kingsley 4820 Emma L. 3232 Fanny L. 4363 Helen L. Putnam 3019 Helen M. Rood 2930 Henrietta W. 301 1 Henry T. 3945 Ida Jewett 4362 J. Kingsley 3264 James P. 2738 Mary E. 1979 Sarah 4041 Sarah C. 3987 William P. Blakely See Blackley, Blakeslee. Blakeman 2617 Lucretia D. Stillman 2341 Phineas Blakeslee 3191 Aurelia P. Carter 3742 Emma A. Langdon 3160 Homer L. 3159 Nancy Judd Blatchford 4029 Carita T. Clark Blatchley 2990 Helen L. 2991 Mary J. Bliss 4775 Clarence T. 3621 Edwin M. 1901 Eliza 1826 Jennette Root 2706 Sally 1899 Seth Blount 2826 Julia A. Washington Board 3992 Mary E. 4310 Matilda Z. Boardman 1926 Elisha 1913 Eliza 1914 EmelineF. 1927 Laura Bodwell 4365 Jennie E. 4364 Willis E. Boller 3890 B. Franklin 3891 Mercy Wright Bolles 2100 Lucretia M. Lewis 3494 Lydia 2098 Nancy Flitchcock Bolster 4366 May L. Pierce Bonney 3348 Mary A. Bonticou 1442 'Lois Atwater Booth 273 Hannah Jones 3990 Malcolm Bostwick 2982 Eliz. A. Howard 3381 Frances H. 2237 Mary T. Stone 2981 William Bothwell 3852 George W. BoTSFORD 1356 Amos 1357 Sarah Chandler Bouton 3612 Laura Pardee 3615 Sarah E. Bowden 687 Susanna Bowen 4299 Elizabeth 3710 Sarah E. Hewit Bowers 206 John Boykin 488 Bethia 127 Isabel 75 Jarvis 410 Nathaniel Boynton 3630 Mary L. Homes Brace 1770 Abi 3476 Samuel 3477 Sarah R. North Braden 4612 Catharine Baker 4367 Edward 4368 Grace E. Bcnham 4698 Hattie Bradley 552 Abigail 728 Abigail 1228 Abigail 1670 Abigail 2460 Abigail C. 809 Abigail Gilbert 845 Abigail Punchard 1287 Abner 267 Abraham 772 Abraham 1 139 Abraham 1542 Abraham 128 Alice Prichard 4010 Alice W. Kent 1 149 Andrew 1533 Ane 799 Ann Bishop 2422 Ann Maria 1774 Ann Maria Prentice 1 166 Anna 2345 Anna Maria 3807 Annie D. 2062 Anon 501 Benjamin 2342 Benjamin 4036 Bessie Kent 819 Caleb 4369 Carrie A. E. 1993 Charlotte 2209 Charlotte S. Lockwood 3322 Cornelia Minor 4082 Cornelia Minor 571 Daniel 820 Daniel 2658 Delia Barnes INDEX 4iS 3966 Delia Barnes 1689 Dorcas Trowbridge 4286 Dorothea C. 3647 Eliza A. 1732 Eliza Prentice 510 Elizabeth 2147 Elizabeth 3366 Elizabeth A. 2931 Elizabeth C. 3973 Elizabeth S. 463 Eliz. Thompson 4058 Ella Chatham 842 Ellen Skidmore 4491 Emily A. 3542 Emily S. 1250 Esther Goodyear 2343 Esther Hotchkiss 1286 Esther Tuttle 1994 Eunice 2755 Frances Atwater 3170 Frances C. 2596 Francis 3171 Franklin S. 3806 Franklin T. 3808 Frederick T. 1305 Gamaliel 1969 George R. 2387 Grace A. 664 Hannah 767 Hannah 1036 Hannah 1306 Hannah Dean 1212 Hannah Miles 305 Hannah Thompson 2063 Hanover 2344 Harriet A. 2440 Harriet E. 3734 Henry L. 2423 Horace A. 1633 Huldah 509 Isaac 646 Isaac 1213 Isaac 1995 Jane 2863 Jane N. Tisdale 1292 Jason 2415 Jeannette A. 2696 Jennette O. Bristol 698 Joanna Atwater 633 John 3536 JohnR. 1996 Julia 2291 Julia Stoddard 2346 Justus H. 4250 Kent L. 1331 Kezia 2212 Leonard 3075 Leonard A. 1476 Lois 2572 William H. 1293 Lois Mansfield 3177 William L. 4140 Louisa C. 1688 Zebul 3267 Louisa T. Cannon 1784 Lucy Brainard, Brainerd 2347 Luzerne 2438 Mary Whiting 607 Lydia 2174 Phebe 1997 Lydia 1881 Maria Atwater Brandt 4275 Marian L. 4792 Marvin R. 1416 Martha 1450 Martha Brayton 765 Martha Tuttle 4259 Helen A. 294 Mary 3020 Mary 494 Mary 1638 Mary Breck 2082 Mary A. 1 128 Sarah 3034 Mary A. 1527 Mary Ball Breed 3537 Mary Colt 3870 Mary E. Mersick 2389 Abiah C. 3233 MaryL. 3703 Mary L. Hall 19241998 David Julia Stedman Nancy 482 Mercy Mansfield 2792 4253 Mildred 794 Miriam Breese 1774 Nancy M. Prentice 2111 Elizabeth A. 1253 Naomi Hotchkiss 455 Nathaniel Brewer 843 Nathaniel 1950 Eliab 4038 Newell C. 3021 Emilia A. Field 1519 Rachel 1999 Theodosia Bidwell 3299 Robert B. 3809 Roberts. Brewster 725 Ruth 444 Ruth Dickerman 3570 Susan H. Whitney 976 Sarah Brigden 1053 Sarah 1214 Sarah 2121 Harriet 1284 Sarah 572 Sarah Bassett Briggs 3067 Sarah B. Ruggles 4155 George L. 3832 Sarah E. Mersick 2647 Mary 827 Sarah English 771 Sarah Wilmot Brill 2657 Seymour 4721 Teresa L. 4252 Seymour M. 295 Silence Brinkerhoff 826 Stephen 2548 Gertrude A. 2148 Stephen H. 2388 Susan A. Bradley Brinsmade 2967 Susan L. 1632 Susan Morris 1029 Rhoda Sherman 2332 Susan Morris 888 Thankful Brintnall Hotchkiss 1642 Abigail 1939 Wealthy 1654 Abigail Munson 89 William 1281 Abigail Waterhouse 416 1304 Dorothy 1656 Elizabeth 1657 Grace 1655 Lydia 1365 Sarah Atwater 1641 William Bristol, Bristoll, Bristow 502 Abigail 792 Damaris Atwater 177 Henry 2513 Henry S. 591 Hester Peck 579 Hester Sperry 2696 Jennette O. 4296 Julia S. Gilman 3569 Lilias H. Stone 396 Lydia 227 Lydia Browne 2395 Mary Dodd 380 Mercy Mansfield 422 Rebecca 3008 Ruth 3557 Sarah 2250 William A. 2390 William B. 2723 Willis Brockett 1374 Abigail 496 Elizabeth Barnes 330 Elizabeth Doolittle 497 Hannah 4370 James R. 15 John 129 Mrs. John 1556 Lucy Atwater 4538 Minnie E. 295 Silence Brocklesby 2614 Mary L. Kain Brockway 2297 Asenath 2251 Clarissa 4096 Martha S. Bronson 3249 Charlotte I. Ritter 4826 Mary Chamberlin 3089 Nancy S. 4825 Oliver H. 2365 Sarah D. Raymond Brooker 4030 Helen E. FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Brooks 4493 Augusta T. 3748 Caroline L. Tuttle 2183 Emily 4372 Emma L. 261 Hannah Potter 4371 Henry S. 405 John 326 Mary 1345 Rebecca Sherman 424 Sarah Brown, Browne 3325 AbbieA. Chamberlain 1278 Abigail 1931 Ailing 647 Anna 3483 Anselm B. 4753 C. Alene Killam 543 Daniel 753 Daniel 1366 Daniel 779 Eliezer 475 Elizabeth 754 Elizabeth Kirby 2137 Elizabeth M. 3346 Elizabeth Wells 3103 Emily C. Jones 1566 Eunice M ix 4754 Florence A. 16 Francis 712 Francis 4755 Frederick H. 411 Hannah 436 Hannah 1650 Hannah 1709 Hannah 589 Hannah Ailing 1 172 Hannah Ailing 1361 Hannah Atwater 1367 Hannah English 1567 Hannah Hull 2924 Harriet P. 3324 James C. 3364 Janet Donaldson 961 Jemima 37 1 1 John R. 3352 Joseph 2218 Lucretia Russell 227 Lydia 1874 Lydia 4373 Margaret A. 2806 Maria L. Howland 1838 Maria White 316 Mary 432 Mary 1665 Mary 4858 Mary A. 3342 Mary Ann 130 Mary Edwards 544 Mary How 1572 Mary Law 319 Mary Walker 2064 Mercy Beecher 2000 Nancy 4374 Perley W. 102 Peter 3523 Philo R. 545 Rebecca 1308 Robert 1658 Sally 1 194 Sarah 1 196 Sarah 3524 Sarah A. Lewis 2532 Sarah E. 1758 Sarah Mix 2461 Sarah Parrot 834 Sarah Rowe 2752 Susan A. Brown 3622 Susan E. Browner 2139 Eliza L. Browning 3973 Eliz. S. Bradley 103 Henry 17 Mary 4097 Philip E. Brownson 2549 Pamelia R. 1035 Susanna Ailing Brush 3598 Jarvis Bryan 4404 Adelia J. 2857 Martha H. Ritter 3899 Mary S. 4375 Susie M. Bryant 4376 Clark B. 4380 Emma A. 4377 Josephine Swift Buck 2297 Asenath Brockway 3613 Hannah D. Buckelew 3419 Mary G. INDEX 417 Buckingham 2122 Augustus 2637 Charlotte M. Hayes 3297 Nancy Buckland 4044 Sally T. Clark BUCKLIN 3056 JaneE. Budington 2002 Eliz. Woodbridge 2001 Walter Buell 4378 Charles W. A. 2391 Henry L. 4379 Isabella A. 4450 May A. C. 1436 Rebecca Townsend Bugbee 4456 Hannah Bulkeley, Bulkley 1590 Elizabeth 2074 Lucy Mansfield 1587 Sarah Wright Bullard 3773 Frances J. S. 3020 Mary Brayton Bullions 4214 Alice B. Bumm 4690 Hattie M. Taylor Bunnell 412 Benjamin 358 Elizabeth Post 1904 Hannah 416 Rebecca • Burbank 161 1 Mary P. Burgess, Burgis 2502 Elizabeth 4380 Emma A. Bryant 4756 George F. 2501 Hannah 4381 Harry F. 4382 Josephine 3190 Olive BURNHAM 2573 Hannah Clapp Burns 3335 Elizabeth R.Norton Burrill [See, also, Burwell.] 1764 Jerusha Ogden 2589 Lucy 2590 Mary Burritt 3704 Caroline A. 1917 Nancy Hotchkiss Burroughs, Burrows 1809 Esther 2866 John 892 Joseph 893 Lydia Munson 2864 Margaret Proctor 2865 Margaret Proctor 525 Mary 3209 Mary W. Trowbridge 2895 Susannah Burt 4384 Ella L. W. Billard 4383 John I. 4899 Milton W. Burton 4743 Charles E. 21 18 Cornelia Whiting 4744 Harriet E. F. Waterbury Burwell 580 Anna 755 Dinah 3928 Ella A. Hazel 4225 Julietta E. 743 Rebecca 416 Rebecca Bunnell 4186 Robert N. 439 Samuel 773 Stephen 1043 Susanna Bush 4385 Adelaide L. 4386 M.Antoinette Bushnell 1955 Chloe Scranton 3991 Dotha 3678 Frances G. 3679 Jane 3677 Jane G. Finch 2738 Mary E. Blake 3676 Nathan T. 4387 Robert I. L. 2003 William Busse 4388 Mabel A. Butler 2830 Elizabeth Goodrich 3316 Grace Peck 910 Hannah 4741 Joel I. 1 109 Mary 4742 Ruth Hart Butterfield 1986 Clarissa /4 twater 3204 Mary L. Byington 2797 A. Homer Cady 3460 Abbie 3842 Mary Caffinch 131 John 186 Samuel Caldwell 4125 Julia A. Calhoun 3885 Julia D. Calkins 4731 Eliza G. B. Callender 3810 Martha Whittelsey Camfield 64 Matthew Camp 4740 Anna S. 2846 Louisa M. Lewis 27 4i8 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4027 MaryE. 3924 John B. Chapin 3901 Mercie Crater 4235 Leila G. 2134 Abigail 4649 Mittie E. 1479 Obedience 34Sl Mary W. 2004 Ozias 37^3 Sarah C. Humphrey 3640 Sarah J. 1008 Sarah Johnson Chaplain 4389 Teresa P. 3422 Elizabeth S. Carswell 3421 Frances E. Canbe, Candee 4241 Lotta 3328 Henrietta W. 1792 Lydia Wilmot 481 Rebecca Carter Chapman 422 Rebecca Bristol 2234 Anna 2673 Charlotte I. 3811 Susan J. 3191 Aurelia P. 1810 Emma 3525 Susan Scranton 178 Henry 4785 Grace 592 Zaccheus 4391 Lewis 2578 18 Grace L. John Candy Case 4664 Josephine E. Smith 4821 John F. 3694 Ella A. Charles Caner Caskey 51 John 763 Abigail F/agg 4129 Catharine Y. 132 211 Mrs. John Mary Cannon Castor 3266 Emily A. 4268 George D. Charnley 1946 Henry 4269 Martha Goodwin 3058 Fanny A. Crafts 3267 Louisa T. 3334 Louise E. Averill 2603 Mary Catlin 2005 MaryE. 1583 Almira Chase Trowbridge 3979 Edward L. 2171 Elizabeth B. 3980 Gulielma H. Cram 4833 Elsie D. Cargill 4393 Harold B. 4390 Alice M. Aubrey Caton 4392 Idella F. Newcomb Carll 3967 Charles H. Chatfield 4083 Mabel E. Chadwick 3770 Eliza Carnes 4874 Bertha 2219 Flora 341 Anna Chamberlain, Chatham 1002 Esther Chamberlin 4058 Ella 602 Mary Humphreville 3325 Abbie A. 971 Rachel 2522 Abel C. Chatterton Carrington 2604 Angeline A. 937 Elizabeth Ford 3779 Francis H. 567 Elizabeth Warner 3925 Annie Lawton 378o Lucy Parker 944 Esther Punderson 2627 Caroline Hoadley 4826 Mary 1078 Joseph 899 Deborah Thomas 367 Mary Clarke 1320 Edward Chandler 573 Samuel 1371 Eleanor Killam 1469 Elizabeth 2284 Emeline Munson 4081 1710 Charlotte E. George 2276 692 Susan Susanna 3407 Emily A. 2528 Harriet H. Trowbridge 3504 2569 Jennie F. John E. Chauncey 1255 Joshua 1368 Abigail Darling 3538 Harriet T. 4194 Helen T. 1357 1 159 Sarah Sarah Miles 1490 Charles 2242 Huldah Ford Cheever 2424 Jennette Chang 10 Ezekiel 2762 John B. 4877 Fu-liang 133 Mary INDEX 419 279828292692 1020 2519 1125 2937 Chester Caroline S. EdwardEliza Sidell EuniceHannah Sarah Noyes Thomas L. Chidsey 298 Anna Thompson 310 Caleb 1037 Dinah 433 Ebenezer 193 Elizabeth 179 John 363 John 533 Joseph 413 Mary 520 Priscilla Thompson 427 Sarah Chilcoat 2553 MaryD. Child 3464 Katharine K. Childs 970 Susanna Chipman 2867 Anna Chittenden 1940 Huldah 2682 MaryF. Christie 4394 Adam M. 2462 Caroline 3510 Jane G. 3812 John 4719 Lilias Macllwraith Christophers 667 Sarah Prout Chubb 628 Mary Church 1867 Eliza 4395 Eliza Southerton 2703 Leonard H. 2915 Maria T. Silliman 3626 Matilda A. 1563 Naomi 1746 Rachel 2770 Rollin 2702 Sarah Hall 2771 Sarah S. Churchill 3413 Catharine R. 1094 Esther Hull 3415 LucyC. 3414 Sarah C. Cisco 2292 Eliza Clap, Clapp 3654 Clement L. 3791 Edward B. 2573 Hannah 1204 Mary 1 183 Mary Haynes 2575 Rebecca 1203 Temperance 1 182 Thomas Clark, Clarke Abiah Lines Abigail Abigail Abigail Abigail Bassett AbrahamAlma Barnes Ann Wakefield AnnaAnnie E. Carita T. Caroline Tyler Charlotte Clarissa Comfort Cyrene Deborah Deborah Potter ElizabethElizabeth A. Eliz. J. Fairchild Elizabeth Lane Emily EmmaEmma R. Esther Eunice Frederick S. Hannah 856 565 1601 2858 699 23282753 101 1424 4574 40294028 231 1 19451414 2737 457704 1022 3305 2349 534 3777 41104594 748 1 167 4396 1327 532 273 3017 268 28984322 300 1559 2257 1472 19 521 1289 134 3031 4323 367 2769 432 4397 352319 1399 2329 545 30224044 317 483 614 3813 756 3137 58i 135 Hannah Beecher Hannah Jones Hannah S. Tuttle Hannah Tuttle Henrietta Herman D. JamesJennyJerushaJoanna John John John Mrs. John Maria T. Marie I. Trask MaryMaryMary Browne Mary L. Mary Thompson Mary Walker MehetabelMelicentRebecca Browne Rebecca Curtiss Sally T. SamuelSamuel Sarah Sarah A. Sarah Hill Sarah S. Stephen Mrs. Thomas Claus 1465 John Clements 4398 Elmer C. 4399 Erma G. Clendenin 2806 Maria L. Howland Cleveland 2552 Alison N. McCoskry Clinton 582 Lawrence 4127 Walter R. Clos son 3702 Ellen B. Bacon 420 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Coan 1965 Laura D. 2392 Parnell F. Cobb 1751 Harriet Webster Cochran 1630 Susan Beecher Cocks 4400 Justine S. Pardee Coe 3755 Almira L. 3350 Elizabeth E. 3174 Elizabeth Goodrich 4249 Ellen L. 3736 Louisa Bacon 3482 MaryW. 271 Sarah 3735 Watson V. Coffin g 2449 Marcia Coggeshall 2194 Elizabeth P. 2217 Mary Coit 3338 Maria Colburn 3284 Maria L. Colclough 4401 Clara A. Hubbard Cole 2065 Elizabeth Frisbie 4402 Kenneth H. 4403 Lynn F. Coleman 1297 Sarah Beecher Coles 3361 Delia Coley 2979 Mary M. Collenburg 4524 Freda M. Kees 4145 Collens Arthur M. Collett 4404 Adelia J. Bryan Colley 2144 George 1936 Jane Heald Collins [See, also, Collens.] 398 Ann Leete 3540 Charles H. 3200 Clara E. 3156 Clarissa E. 487 Daniel 3201 Edith 3539 Marion 1268 Mehitabel 4405 Preston W. 4406 Raymond C. Colt 1602 Amy Prentice 3537 Mary Colton 2487 Emily W. Stockbridge Comstock 2699 Ann E. 4189 Cornelia 2490 Cynthia 2228 Diana 2688 Frances A. Staples 4182 Lucinda 2227 Ruth Condit 2912 Frances P. 2910 Phebe S. Pierson 291 1 Sarah M. Coney 3658 Mary E. Eaton Conklin 1929 Sally Trowbridge Connolly 4407 Susan Constable 157 Catharine Constantian 421 1 JohnG. 4212 John J. 4408 Joseph J. 4257 Mary 4258 Nevart 4236 Rose Convers, Converse 4409 Alice C. DeWolf 2007 Ann H. Perkins 2185 Eliza B. Nott 2844 Harriet 2290 Harriet Maria Yale 2006 Sherman Cook, Cooke 3460 Abbie Cady 1584 Abigail 2919 Alexander 2149 Ann Lyon 1782 Anna 2920 Betsey Cornwell 1741 Edward B. 2878 Elisha W. 1451 Elizabeth Peck 2441 Esther 3227 Fanny 2622 Harriet N. Rand 2393 Henry C. 4410 Mary E. Lanfare 3673 Mary L. 2264 Orrin 710 Samuel 938 Sarah 1 136 Sarah 1 140 Susanna Mansfield 4776 Vernon W. Cooper 1489 Abiah Barnes 968 Desire 1272 Desire 473 Elizabeth Smith 4870 Helen 146 Jane Woollen 65 John 546 John 136 Mrs. John 2222 Lorinda Fowler 954 Lydia Johnson 828 Mabel 1283 Mabel 973 Mary 1330 Mary 1402 Mary Ives 269 Mary Thompson INDEX 421 2071 Myrta M. Hoadley Coward Crawford 963 1363 Obedience Obedience 3814 Mattie L. Pritchard 4045 Flora E. 098 727262 Mansfield PhebeRebecca 3220 Cowdrey Frances A. 2008 Creed John W. Sarah 2096 Vashti E. Duplex 1 123 642 Sarah Sarah Thomas 2119 Cowels Sally Crissey 1208 Susanna 2833 Eunice 1273 Timothy Cowles 3417 AnnF. Crittenden Copp 2779 Eliza W. Langdon 2685 Catharine A. 3064 Betsey A. 2680 Elizabeth Sheffield mo Hopestill 3066 Maria A. 3691 Ellen E. 2928 Frances W. Wood Crocker Corbett 3689 Julia A. 1803 Sarah 4777 Mildred 36902173 S. Ellen Wheeler Sarah G. Crockett Corbin 2742 Susan E. Sabin 4414 Cordelia M. 4412 Fannie Harrison Cox Mary C. 441 1 Frank A. 3958 Croffut, Crofut 4582 Jennie H. 2480 Betsey Tuttle Cornell Coy 4762 Emma 1095 Sarah 3527 Helen E. Marsh Crosby 687 Susanna Bowden 3456 Helen F. Parish 4413 William Cozzens 3815 Jennie L. Cornish 3493 Hannah R. Cross 1 172 Hannah Ailing Crafts 1970 Jeremy L. Cornwell 2935 Emily A. Crossette [£ >ee, also, Cornell.] 3058 Fanny A. 4014 Aurelia S. 2920 Betsey 3608 Lizzie A. Goodyear 2178 Patience Crowder Cory Craig 4416 Jennie E. 4136 Gertrude M. 4415 Susan K. 4803 4802 Anna S. Hunterson Edwin F. 3358 Susan 4417 William J. Coster Cram Crowe 253 Hester Augur 3080 Gulielma H. 4418 William L. Cotton Crandall Cruttenden 2188 Eliza 2533 Fanny W. 3599 Anna E. 2534 Harriet A. 3600 Emma L. Cottrell 3639 George O. 4234 Mabel F. Billings 1674 Crane Elizabeth Crane 4419 4608 Harriet H. Mary Couch 66 Jasper 656 Mehitabel 4859 Susan A. 137 1538 Mrs. Jasper Lydia 2425 3640 RichardSarah J. Camp Covert, Covitt 4064 P. Augusta 17651700 HannahHannah Weeks Crater 2989 Cummings Fanny C. White 2322 Sarah 3901 Mercie 4696 Mabel A. 422 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Cunningham 3438 Jane A. Curll 3235 Anna Currier 2901 Augusta W. 3930 Julietta D. Curtis, Curtiss 2009 Andrew 3659 Charles B. 4084 Edward L. 4187 Elizabeth E. 2275 Harriet A twater 4059 John H. 4247 Laura D. 4085 Laura E. Ely 4227 M. Margaret 3057 MaryW. 3660 Myra Veil 3022 Rebecca 3505 Thomas W.T. 3506 Virginia H. Hubbard Cushing 4214 Alice B. Bullions 4213 John P. Cutler 763 Abigail Flagg 1540 Anna 3781 Annie A. 3436 Annie M. 3965 Eleanor E. 3662 Ellen L. Knight 3661 Evarts 1439 Hannah Howell 3798 Harriet E- Fox 1537 Mary 2772 Susan 1716 Susan M. Atwater 2332 Susan M. Bradley 2607 William CUTTS 1389 Amy Daggett 16601663 1783 27583965 Anna Ball Bede Mansfield Betsey A. David L. Eleanor E. Cutler 3879 Elizabeth Watson 1776 Grace A. 2778 Harriot 1659 Henry 1850 Jennette Atwater 1906 Julia Atwater 1852 Leonard A. 3290 Margaret M. D. Gibbons 3881 Mary 2774 Mary Jennette 1363 Obedience Mansfield 2773 Susan D. 3880 Susan E. 1532 Wealthy A. Munson Dalby 1603 Melissa Trowbridge Dale 2783 Sarah P. Monson 2709 2745 2724 690 1507 969 H75 2725 1643 970 1 197 1369 2744 Elizabeth Frances Frith Harriet A. JemimaJosephSamuelSamuelSusan M. SusannaSusanna Childs ThomasThomas Thomas 2966 Dalliba Sarah P. Daly 2535 Caroline Dana 2904 Henrietta Silliman 2679 James D. 1299 Mary Miles 3224 Rebecca H. Danforth 4420 Annie E. Sage 2527 John 3623 William B. Daniel 202 Anna Gregson 324 Elizabeth 276 Joanna 281 Rebecca Darling 1368 Abigail 1691 Abigail E. 1069 Abigail Noyes 1887 Anne 1690 Aurelia 1544 Aurelia Mills 1819 Charles C. 1644 Clarinda 1429 Clarinda Ely Darrow 1618 Hannah 3563 Julia Dater 2787 Lucy C. Rice Davenport 423 Abigail 2315 Abigail F. 257 Abigail Pierson 291 Elizabeth 2716 Elizabeth C. 561 Elizabeth Morris 3495 Elizabeth Wheeler 20 Elizabeth Wolley 2670 Henrietta E. 2439 Hezekiah 2 John 207 John 434 John 4872 Lucile 3503 Theodosia Davey 4562 Annie L. Davids 301 James 152 Joanna Ling Davidson 4708 Mary Davis 1717 Avery 3428 Charlotte 2179 Dotha 1810 Emma Chapman 208 John 1868 Lydia A. 4422 Margaret E. 138 Martha Wakeman INDEX 423 4265 I7II 99 76 4421 Mary G. Samuel P. SarahWilliamWilliam E. Davison 4423 Cora M. Dawson 3371 Augustus E. 3257 Elizabeth Ailing 3256 Henry S. 4000 Henry S. 3278 Sidney H. 3628 Sophia P. Pierce Day AaronAmelia H. Oaks Anna P. Betsey Edith S. Florence M. Hall Gad Horace Lydia E. Martha Mary L. Townsend Olivia C. Hotchkiss Roxanna Rice Sarah A. Sarah R. Seaver Susanna Stanley Theresa J. Eastman 1 168 26353849354935954201 22052950 3359 2426 4164 2629 2206 2761 2951 1271 3208 Dayton 1347 Deborah 705 Elizabeth Todd 4425 Lucretia H. 4424 Luthera C. Ford 1092 Sarah Dean 1306 Hannah 2066 James E. P. 3298 Margarette E. 2192 Sarah Debevoise 3998 Anne F. Whitney Dederer 4763 Caroline F. Dedrick 3749 Sarah Post De Filippe 4692 Ida M. Terry DeForest 1769 Abigail 3858 Cornelia Lynde 1661 DeLauzun 1766 Elizabeth 2070 Harriet Goodyear 1588 Lockwood 1655 Lydia Brintnall 3382 Mary 3530 Mary Lockwood 3387 Mary Lucretia Abernethy 1589 Mehitabel Wheeler 1625 Polly 3386 William B. Demarest 4789 Maria J. Deming 3816 Caroline M. 2309 Charlotte 1905 Clarissa Thompson 4297 Dorothy 3192 Elizabeth C. 3817 Elizabeth S. 2900 Mary B. Whiting 3818 Mary L. 3465 Mary S. Deming 4232 Mary W. 3172 Sarah A. Denison 498 Abigail 3807 Annie D. Bradley 488 Bethia Boykin 3914 Emma L. Douglas 3913 Frederick M. 4886 Harold B. ' 391 James 3915 Julian F. 4277 Julian M. 4276 Lois T. 489 Sarah Denney 2838 Mary Smith Denton 3705 Ellen E. Trowbridge Desborough 343 Mary Deuchars 3289 Jessie DeVita 4426 Basilio Dewell 4615 Mary E. 4427 Sarah R. Dewey 1887 Anne Dar/ing 3580 Bessie J. 3597 Caroline A. DeWolf 4409 Alice C. 4809 May Dexter 4314 Dorothea M. 4313 Franklin B. 1840 Ruth Dougherty 3514 Theodosia M. Wheeler Dickerman 585 Abigail 1796 Abigail Johnson 259 Abraham 903 Abraham 1090 Abraham 2856 Adah Ailing 3712 Caroline I. 2934 Chauncey A. 1564 Chloe 2277 Edmund B. 3242 Eleanor E. 912 Elinor Perkins 2855 Elisha 593 Elizabeth Glover 3819 Ellen E. Palmer 3423 Ellen P. 3726 Emma P. 1499 Eunice 2316 Eunice 1245 Eunice Tuttle 3820 Frank H. 2394 George C. 3202 Grace A. 1288 Hannah 605 Isaac 1091 Isaac 1430 Isaac 2067 Isaac 3306 James P. 3392 JaneE. 424 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3068 Jane Foote 4037 Josiah P. 33°7 Julia A. Morse 3196 Juliana G. 1083 Lois Perkins 3601 Marion E. 909 Mary 1 141 Mary 1034 Mary Ailing 2282 Mary Ann 3219 Mary Anna 876 Mary Atwater 2068 Mary Hotchkiss 3089 Nancy S. Bronson 1580 Pamelia Goodrich 1742 Polly 1246 Rebecca 1518 Rebecca 1 161 Rebecca Bassett 1407 Rhoda 444 Ruth 1023 Samuel 468 Sarah I 1 12 Sarah 2184 Sarah M. Parsons 1231 Stephen 2010 Stephen 3095 Susan F. 692 Susanna Chatterton 3096 Thomas Parsons 3713 Thomas Punderson Dickey 3726 Emma P. Dickerman Dickinson 2481 Mary Hickok Dietrich 4428 Carrie Diggins 1953 Juba Dikeman 1599 Sally 1 173 Dinah Dingley 4805 Edith Dinwoodie 4429 William W. Diodate 1 169 Elizabeth 688 Sarah Dunbar 955 William Disbrow 2312 Abigail A. Knight 2324 Charles E. 2405 Mary Miller Dixon 2693 Flora 7 Jeremy Dixwell 152 Joanna Ling 301 John Dodd 1627 Abigail Scott 4318 Marjorie 2395 Mary 4860 Sarah B. Dodge 2012 Clarissa 4073 Lydia A. S. 201 1 Stephen Dole 2858 Abigail Clark 3822 Caroline O. Hahn 3491 Edward F. 3076 Elizabeth A. 2441 Esther Cook 3821 George A. 2620 Silas Donaghe 2069 Antoinette Dunning 2306 James 2968 M. Virginia Donahue 4430 Katharine F. Meyer Donaldson 3364 Janet DONNER 4431 Henry A. Doolittle 4280 AbbieJ. 228 Abigail Moss 209 Abraham 330 Elizabeth 290 Grace Ventris 4834 Hattie G. P. 4887 Heloise C. 1448 Thankful Dorland 4168 Charles W. 4169 Maybell H. Dorman 1191 Abigail Bishop 1323 Benjamin 1319 Desire 1393 Desire Sperry 1190 Ebenezer 4432 Edward O. 956 Elizabeth 358 Elizabeth Post 980 Esther 1282 Ezra 1254 Hannah 4433 Juliette M. Scoville 1283 Mabel Cooper 981 Mary 960 Rachel 887 Sarah Tuttle Dorsey 3638 Harriet A. Yale Dorward 3669 Alexander D. Dougal 1833 Polly Peck 1915 Thomas Dougherty 1840 Ruth Douglas, Douglass 2234 Anna Carter 4435 Annie L. Blake 1401 Elizabeth Smith 2623 Emily C. 3914 Emma L. 4436 Howard B. 4434 JohnF. 3792 Manning S. 3656 Mary A. Downes 639 Christian Pinion 366 John INDEX 425 270 Mrs. John 2348 LucyN. 364 Mary 701 Mary Blackley 602 Mary Humphreville 1066 Mercy Sperry 638 Samuel 4004 William E. Downing 3692 Francis U. Drake 4437 Charles W. 155 Gillian Dries sens 4769 Josephine C. Dudley 1478 Elizabeth 838 Rebecca Eliot Dummer 2303 Abigail 1712 Abraham 2463 Harriet 1535 Lucy Hotchkiss 3140 Phebe H. 1876 Sarah Spencer Dunbar 719 Elizabeth Beecher 688 Sarah Duncan 4878 Christina G. Dunham 3082 Harriet W. Lathrop 3016 James H. 3550 Mary J. Dunkin 2754 Matilda Dunning 2069 Antoinette 1674 Elizabeth Crane 2013 Harriet 1971 Julia 1268 Mehitabel Collins Dunscombe 3539 Marion Collins Dunwell 1442 Lois Atwater Duplex 1889 Asenath 1916 Crata 1888 Sylvia 2096 Vashti E. Durand 2887 Annie B. Trowbridge 2984 Caroline A. Trowbridge 2828 Charles 1993 Charlotte Bradley 2298 David H. 2265 Lucy Baldwin 2123 Mason A. Durrie 1945 Clarissa Clark 1944 John 3616 Dutton Harriet J. Dwight 1690 Aurelia Darling 1614 Benjamin W. 2150 Caroline 1972 Charles M. 2587 Clarissa Smith 1600 Fidelia 1604 Grace Trowbridge 2664 James 3014 Lucy S. Olmstead 1725 Margaret V. H. 3572 MaryE. 1311 Maryi?ow>£ 1967 Mary Woolsey 3015 Mary Woolsey 1853 Sereno E. 2773 Susan D. Daggett 3013 Timothy Dwinelle 3516 Charles H. 3782 300931363429 Dye Oliver W. Dykers Nancy W. Eastman Benjamin C. Katharine G. 1943 Mahala 4722 Mary 3300 Mary A. 3395 Sarah C. 3137 Sarah S. Clark 3208 Theresa J. 2645 848 Easton Joseph G. Thankful Eaton 3181 Amos B. 21 Ann Lloyd 3452 Caroline Ketcham 3451 Daniel C. 3182 Elizabeth Selden 3H9 Ellen D. 3197 Frances S. 235 Hannah 3658 Mary E. 22 Samuel 197 Samuel 2479 Sarah Benjamin I Theophilus Ebell 3303 Adrian J. Eddy 3700 Frances A. Marvin Edgerton 2014 Everett W. 2016 Jane Fields 1963 Lucretia Edwards 3800 Augusta L. 928 Daniel 651 Hannah 1938 Henrietta F. 3539 Marion Collins 130 Mary 865 Sarah Pierpont Eells 2015 Richard Eisele 3836 Hattie W. Peck Ek 4888 Royal Elcock 740 Martha 394 Mary 426 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Eliot, Elliott 1457 Aaron 3320 Elizabeth Alford 1458 GXoriana Austin 3517 Lewis 838 Rebecca Ellis 4438 Adah Beers Ellsworth 1672 Emily S. Webster 2850 Frances Elsey 23 Nicholas 139 Mrs. Nicholas Ely 1429 Clarinda 3156 Clarissa 4196 Eliz. T. Hotchkiss 4766 Grace Taylor 4085 Laura E. 4852 Ruth Maynard Emerson 2726 Charles H. 4248 Clara E. Emery 3291 Clara A. Engel 4439 Peter H England gi Frances English 1285 Abigail 4287 Anna 4254 Charles L. 4091 Edwin H. 4288 Edwin H. 3547 Ellen L. 4092 Florence P. Fletcher 2776 Frances L. Hotchkiss 4835 Frank K. 3492 George L. 1367 Hannah 4260 Harriet H. 4183 Henrietta Wodell 4440 Katharine P. 3920 Lucy Kellogg 4205 Marguerite G. 1005 Mary 1329 Mary 3695 Olivia H. 827 Sarah 1092 Sarah Dayton 4237 Stephanie K. 3769 Estey Hannah F. EUSDEN 4861 Ray A. Eustis 3797 Elizabeth W. 1923 Susan Whittelsey Evance, Evans 2809 Elizabeth W. Mack 3769 Hannah F. Estey 24 John Evarts 247 Elizabeth Parmelee 1612 Jeremiah 1605 Mehitabel Sherman Fabrique 3295 Hannah Johnson Fairbanks 4102 Arthur 4103 Eliz. L. Moody 755 2349245333512452253643034302 273 4195 355835533968 Fairchild Dinah Burwell Elizabeth J. George E. Mary A. Mary Read Sarah M. Thera West Wm. Henry Falconer Hannah Jones Fallay AdaB. Farnam Ann S. Whitman Carolina Wells Caroline B. 4078 Eliz. U. Kingsley 3970 Elizabeth W. 3559 George B. 3969 Henry 4441 Henry W. 4442 Henry W. 4298 Katharine K. 4270 Louise W. 3624 Sarah S. Farnham 2896 JohnH. Farrand 2721 Catharine Farren 4444 Abigail H. 4443 Edward P. 3305 Elizabeth A.Clark 2058 Melinda Hitchcock 3304 Samuel C. 3116 Sarah E. 2350 Sidney 4559 Susan B. Fasano 4889 Alfonso Feeter 3321 Margaret E. Fellowes 4057 Ethel A. Wilcox Fenn 2537 Mary T. Hotchkiss 2799 Samuel Fennimore 4445 Clara E. Fenton 4446 Margaret E. Ferguson 1063 Abigail Humiston Fernes 486 Elizabeth Ferrin — See Farren. Ferris 2584 Lockwood K. 4222 Margaret INDEX 427 Fessenden 4210 Susan S. 1977 34263021 155 2016 1675 2017 1694 2195 Field, Fields Almira Anna G. Alden Emilia A. Gillian Drake Jane Jennette Lackey John S. SamuelSamuel Finch 3677 JaneG. 4447 William L. Fish 4449 Lewin B. 4448 Lewin H. 4450 May A. C. Buell Fishburn 4069 M. Ross Fisher 4014 Aurelia S. Crossette 4015 Edith A. 3936 Ella Wescott 4104 Frank R. 4105 Hattie J. Pritchard 4131 Irving 4132 Margaret Hazard 3906 MaryE. 3649 Robina Fisk 2644 Narcissa P. Whittemore 838 Rebecca Eliot Fitch 2307 Ann 1879 Eliza L. Wooster 3480 Emily M. Frisbie 3605 Franklin S. 2372 Jane\l*.Trowbridge 2609 Lewis 2610 Louisa G. Hill 2849 Lucy B. 3526 Mary Skinner 2949 Ruth Bartlett 1729 Sally 1244 Sarah Saltonstall 3479 William Flagg 763 Abigail Fletcher 4092 Florence P. Flight 3737 Samuel J. 3738 Sarah J. Smith Florence 1846 Betsey Flower 4324 Sophia P. Foote 2980 Amelia L. Jenkins 2978 Amelia S. Leavitt 3039 Andrew H. 3375 Augustus R. S. 2831 Caroline A. Street 2977 ElialT. 3636 Ellen E. 3268 Ellen H. 2486 Emily W. Stockbridge 3098 Frances M. 2876 Frances M. Hoadley 3068 Jane 3964 Jennie B. 3141 Josephine C. 3772 Susan L. Attwater Forbes 2422 Ann M. Bradley 2151 Charlotte Root 1633 Huldah Bradley 1784 Lucy Bradley 2396 Sarah Woodward 2615 Susan H. 2427 William J. Ford 939 Dorcas 703 Elizabeth 937 Elizabeth 320 Elizabeth Hipkins 4836 Frederick L. 4837 Georgia W. Newton 1036 Hannah Bradley 4451 Harold J. 2242 Huldah 4424 Luthera C. 587 Mary 1054 Mary 745 Mary Blackley 326 Mary Brooks 3394 Mary L. Seymour 930 Mary Perkins 1045 Mary Tuttle 859 Mary Wooding 381 Matthew 1093 Nathan 4838 Percy N. 1079 Sarah 1003 Sarah Potter 1099 Stephen 1044 Timothy Fordham 2648 Grace H. Moulthrop 3077 James Foster 4452 Charles E. 4299 Elizabeth Bowen 3268 Ellen H. Foote 3542 Emily S. Bradley 4453 Jessie G. 2106 Julia Rodgers 3992 Mary E. Board 4070 Pierrepont B. 3541 Watson E. Fowler 1338 Amy Luke 1984 Betsey Stoddard 3544 Catharine 1957 Ebenezer 2351 Edwin 2623 Emily Q Douglas 1934 Fanny Griswold 1751 Harriet Webster 1854 John D. 2222 Lorinda 350 Mary 2018 Orchard 1794 Rachel Fowler 104 William 140 Mrs. William Fox 3798 Harriet E. 3799 Maria L. Foy 3697 Mary E. Starkey Francke 4454 JohnW. Fraser 3331 Margaret 428 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Freeland Gabriel Gaskell 3685 James 2309 Charlotte Deming 2600 Dalilah 861 Mary Freeman 2308 George Gaston 1959 Clarissa 2693 Flora Dixon 3882 George R. 1 82 1 Sibyl 2428 Caroline E. Gaines 4199 John M. Galbraith 3090 Cornelia A. 2231 Elvira 3279 Helen S. 2230 Tabitha Hotchkin French 4458 Clara F. Snell Gates 3104 Caleb F. 3105 Mary E. Hutchins Gaylord 3585 Emma Mitchell 3121 SusanZ.ee 3120 Truman Frink 4461 Ella Christina 4457 Hugh 4464 Louise S. 4459 LucyL. 4463 Lucy L. Snell 4465 Margaret I. 2253 Nancy 4890 Oscar H. 4462 Miriam T. 4460 Rosalie F. 3941 Sarah Frisbie George 2445 Betsey Gale 3975 Louisa H. 2065 Elizabeth 1453 Catharine 3876 WilhelminaC. 3480 Emily M. 1404 Juliana 3765 Frances E. Page Gibbard 4456 Hannah Bugbee Gall 528 Abigail 3185 Mary 3764 ObedT. 3856 Georgiana 141 Ann Tapp 527 Phebe 4455 William R. Gallup 271 Sarah Coe Frith 2969 Emily T. Hubbard 67 William 2745 Frances Galpin 3918 Clara Larned Gibbons Frost 3290 Margaret M. D. 508 Abigail 3228 Almira J. 4757 Ellen D. Mixter 4146 Henry L. 4263 Perrin C. 3917 Samuel A. Gibbs 4466 Emma E. 3607 Charlotte L. 720 Ebenezer 371 Hannah Punderson 52 John 721 Mary Tuttle 368 Mercy Payne Gamble 3865 Frances E. White 142 Mrs. John i486 Mary Fry Gibson 3739 Smith D. Gardiner, Gardner 4468 Mary F. 3000 Ann 4467 Rachel Fugill 5 Thomas 2581 Eliza S. 3910 Mary E. Giddings 2580 Nathaniel 2619 William H. 2710 MaryE. Hotchkiss Fuller 4325 Helen 2591 Maria A. Garfield 1823 Nancy Lyon Gifford 4840 Blanche Tanguay 4469 LeRoy E. Fulton Garnack 4839 Walter E. 2890 Martha 370 Duncan Gilbert 3714 Mary A. Porter 400 Margaret 945 Abiah Hitchcock 809 Abigail Furniss Garrison 43 1 1 Adah C. 2538 MaryE. 4147 Helen S. Flotchkiss 2867 Anna Chipman INDEX 429 1395 Anna Sperry 1485 Asa 2903 Clara Baldwin 1 11 1 David 2597 David 2897 Eliza A.M. 1249 Elizabeth 877 Experience Perkins 2517 Fidelia Thompson 3543 Frances Punderson 1394 Gregson 143 Jane 854 Jane 511 John 1266 Mabel 1391 Martha 810 Mary 4495 Mary A. i486 Mary Gibbs 512 Mary Ives 601 Mary Lillie 967 Mary Miles 924 Mary Potter 4310 Matilda Z. Board 4 Matthew 606 Matthew 1122 Ruth Sacket 1431 Sacket 574 Samuel 1151 Samuel 302 Sarah 797 Sarah 918 Sarah 2019 Sarah H. 557 Sarah Feci 2886 Sarah W. 1 150 Sibyl 1487 Sibyl Heaton 888 Thankful Hotchkiss Gildersleeve 4470 Sarah L. Ball Gill 1396 Abigail Atwater Gillette 3642 John M. 3644 Mary B. 3643 Mary H. Birch Gills 1446 Mary 1330 Mary Cooper Gilman 4296 Julia S. Giraud 1558 Sarah M. Goodrich Gladding 1777 Daniel S. 1797 Sally Patten Glenney 4472 Emma B. Allen 4471 Stephen W. Glover 593 Elizabeth 229 Ellen 1994 Eunice Bradley 68 Henry 276 Joanna Daniel 349 Sarah Goddard 2043 Catharine S. S taples Goeckler 4473 Bertha Goff 21 15 Abigail Gold 3633 MaryS. Goldsmith 3544 Catharine Fowler Goodrich 1080 Benjamin 3349 Chauncey 2830 Elizabeth 3174 Elizabeth 1590 Elizabeth Bulkeley 3350 Elizabeth E. Coe 1344 Eunice Thompson 1549 Frances 1445 John 1673 Julia F. Webster 2815 Mary J. Prichard 2278 OtisD. 1580 Pamelia 2871 Sarah A. Bearden 1558 Sarah M. 2870 William Goodsell 1466 Isabel 609 Mary 456 Thomas Goodwin 4269 Martha Goodyear 528 Abigail Gibbard 2554 Amelia P. 1038 Andrew 1426 Betsey 2675 Caroline E. 3874 Charlotte E. 3607 Charlotte L. Frost 1961 Cynthia Bateman 2321 Elizabeth Wyman 1250 Esther 835 Esther Sperry 1606 Eunice Prentice 2167 Ezra 2070 Harriet 311 Hester 854 Jane Gilbert 535 John 3608 Lizzie A. 1376 Lowly 54 Margaret Lewen 1408 Mehetabel 800 Nathaniel 1743 Samuel S. 25 Stephen 3606 William B. Gordon 2464 Harriet Gorham 1503 Mrs. Eleazer 3407 Emily A. Carrington 1704 Fanny 4474 Flora E. Upson 795 Hannah Miles 1718 Isaac 1785 Lois 1538 Lydia Crane 2491 Maria 1890 Mehetabel Mix 2492 Nancy 1634 Phebe Atwater 1855 Rebecca 1729 Sally Fitch 1536 Sarah 1 196 Sarah Browne 1152 Timothy 2020 Timothy Gorman 4589 Winifred T. Gornack. See Garnack. 43° FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Goslee Grazebrook Groesbeck 4143 Isabella E. 4054 Maud Watrous 2021 Margaret Gough Green, Greene Grohe 4476 Annie B. 1296 Anna 3975 Louisa H. George 4475 Charles H. 3074 Martha B. 2314 Mary Ann Squire Gross Gould 3195 Mary Anna Bassett 4542 Lilian 2252 3025 AngelineElizabeth Jarman Greenleaf Grumman 1553 Rebecca 2780 Nancy L. Langdon Gower 4477 Clara W. Greenough Guernsey 869 Catharine Rosewell 2902 Caroline E. Gowie 1406 Mrs. Samuel 2839 Sarah L. Whittlesey 3740 Margaret Morton 2545 William L. 3783 Robert Greenwood 2972 Mary M. Guise Graham Whittelsey 34i 1 Jane 34i8 Eliza A. Gregg Gunn Grandy 4793 Katharine L. 2266 George S. 4509 Elizabeth M. 4016 Joseph W. Gregory 4478 Pauline Skiff Grannis 105 John 382 Abigail 144 Mrs. John Guthrie S05 Edward 1236 Mary Atwater 3296 Albert 334 Hannah 281 1 MaryE. Osbom 3301 Catharine E. S06 Hannah Wakefield 3297 Nancy Buckingham 3529 Harriet A. Gregson 623 John 202 Anna Haak 628418 Mary Chubb Mehitabel 26 Thomas 4329 Charlotte W. 414 Sarah Gridley Hadley Grant 1653 Eliza Barnes Jane M. Mary A. Twining 2531 Ann Twining 4608 1 147 Mary Cruttenden Phebe Andrews 45953240 3784 4100 Helen H. Morris Mary H. 4841 Robert R. T. Griffin, Griffing Hagen 4134 Granville Ida Irwin 689 2598 690 Francis JasperJemima Darling 44794580 Charlotte H. Mary E. 4133 William A. 4087 Josephine C. Hager Dorothy Q. Graves 29794086 Mary M. Coley Mary S. 4246 4262 Alma Leighton 2374 Rebecca T. Truman Trowbridge 4261 Arthur H. 2352 Fanny Griswold Hahn 4053 Mary E. 3004 Eliza 3822 Caroline O. 2467 Mary Hinman 1934 Fanny 4135 Isabella Mcintosh Haight Gray 1786 Mary 4522 Anna Maria 3470 Esther P. 3823 Mary E. Whittelsey Groat Haines 3512 Mary S. Bacon 3589 Mary J. S80 Anna Burwell INDEX 431 Halbidge Hammond 4490 Edith M. 190 Mrs. Arthur 1549 Frances Goodrich 2689 2775 Edward L. Frederick W. Hale Handy 2781 Harriet C. Langdon 4267 Gertrude C. Hume 3158 Jane Thomas 26693509 Harriet Morris Jane A. Hall Hanover 1978 Jonathan B. Minerva L. Nancy C. Hooker Ruth 1260 1579 Abiah Macomber Anna Smith 2279 Sarah Moulthrop 4157 2690 4742 3416 3715 Clarissa Smith Hardy Uri W. 3450 Eliza 4162 Adelaide B. 4484 William A. 2735 Eliza A. Sanford Trowbridge 2541 Amanda Hull Hartshorne 23662403 Eliz. A. Bradley Elizabeth Mansfield 3372 Rose A. 4227 M. Margaret Curtis 3133 Ellen M. Harkins HARTWrr. 2465 Trowbridge Enoch C. 4480 Mary A. 3283 -1 1 : 1 1\ 1 , V 1 Ij Charlotte L. Wilson 4201 Florence M. Harm as 2800 Frederick C. Harwood 3565 George E. 3234 Josiah W. 3883 Benjamin E. 787 Hannah Miles Harriman 1566 Eunice Mix 2466 Henry 3824 MayT. 3365 James H. 254 Elizabeth 146 Jane Woollen 147 John Hatch 145 John 265 John 3175 Alfrederic S. 904 John 1521 Alice 2801 Lucy Allen Harris 3193 Eliza N. Baldwin 1454 Martha 34oi Caroline Metcalf 3176 Theodosia Ruggles 2224 Mary A. Mix 126 1 Elizabeth 3703 Mary L. 871 Jane Haughton 395 Mary Rutherford 3526 Mary Skinner 2168 Jane P. 3209 Mary W. 879 Sarah Potter 2429 Trowbridge Newel C. Harrison Hausmann 303 2702 Sarah Sarah 32913065 Clara A. Emery Edward 4636 Catharine S. 3727 William M. 2353 Elizabeth J. Hawes 116 Ellen 2503 David T. Hallenbeck 4412 Fannie 3242 Eleanor E. 4079 Fosdick B. Hawkes Dickerman 1834 Grindley 3750 Charles M. Halsey 761 2803 Hannah Harriet 3869 3825 George P. Samuel N. 2802 AnnE. 4482 Henry L. 3751 Susan A. Whitney 2210 Israel 3868 Susanna W. Halsted 2299 Lilias White 3916 William W. 1815 Mary 2253 1966 448i Nancy Gaylord PollySarah R. Robbins Hawkins Hamilton 1935 Stephen 3603 Virginia A. 3341 Eliz. R. Andrews 3243 Wealthy A. Hawley Hamlen, Hamlin Hart 2499 Elizabeth 2115 Abigail Goff [5 >ee, also, Heart.] 3237 Eliz. J. Lockwood 21 14 Benjamin L. 3417 Ann F. Cowles 1951 Eliz. M. Hotchkiss 3444 Fanny Rodman 4483 Charles E. 1733 Harriet Sherman 43 2 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2417 Mary A. 1907 Zerah Trowbridge Hayden 2097 Roxa A. Hayes 3235 AnnaC. 3826 Annie E. 1728 Betsey Bills 3988 Charlotte H. L. 2637 Charlotte M. 2165 Elizabeth Rice 2727 Elizabeth T. 2520 Evelina 1459 Ezekiel 2280 Ezekiel 3828 Frances R. 1724 Harriet 2927 Harriet E. Trowbridge 3091 Harriet R. 1662 John 2728 John H. 1635 Lucretia 3092 Mary B. 3560 Mary J. 1856 MaryR. 1663 Nancy 3827 Nathaniel J. 3178 Samuel 3393 Samuel J. 1419 Sarah 4046 Sophia E. Johnson 1565 Wealthy Trowbridge 2354 William B. 2926 William R. 1183 5i5 Haynes Mary Sarah Hayward [See, also, Heyward, Howard.] 90 James Hazard 1982 Elizabeth B. 4132 Margaret 3100 Margaret A. Rood 39284071 Hazel Ella A. Frances D. 3929 George W. 3930 Julietta D. Currier 3971 Hazlet Zilpah R. Head 2720 Katharine Apthorp Heald 1936 Jane Heart 1372 Abigail Riley Heaton 453 Abigail 236 Elizabeth 4052 Florence C. Trowbridge 1096 Hannah Peck 619 Hannah Todd 1421 Lydia 435 Mary 1242 Mary 428 Nathaniel 894 Nathaniel 998 Phebe Cooper 676 Sarah 1341 Sarah 1487 Sibyl 1277 Sibyl Todd 813 Thankful Bassett Hedolin 4485 Clara E. Piatt Hedstrom 3963 Katharine M. Wilcox Heermance 4220 Agnes Woolsey 4221 Laura W. 20224271 522 558 4272 2975 648 41174900 4206 Hemingway AnnaDonald H. Elizabeth HannahHarold L. Harriet JacobJames S. James S. Louis L. 41 18 Louise W. Ludington 4732 M. Louise 536 Mary 4157 Minerva L. Hart 4862 Ruth Porter 445 Samuel 4156 Samuel 4158 Samuel B. 262 Sarah Cooper 634 Sarah Talmadge 1973 Tyler Hempstead, Hempsted 21 19 Sally Cowels 3168 William Hendrick 4879 Carrie B. 4880 Minnie L. Hendrickson 4778 George L. 4779 Marion Vaux Herrick 3993 AnnaC. 2101 Mehetabel 3532 Pamela Wheeler 4781 Rose M. 1676 Susan 3671 Hershey Simon B. Heubisch 3876 WilhelminaC. George Heuvelmans 4770 Louis Hewit 1686 Rebecca Hillhouse 3710 Sarah E. Hewitt 3853 Elisha 4060 Harriet P. Wright Heydebrand. See Von Heydebrand Heyward [See, also, Hayward, Howard.] 711 Elizabeth INDEX 433 31512481 Hickok Harriet B. Mary Higgins 3287 Ellen 3861 Laura A. 1855 Rebecca Gorham Hicginson 169 Theophilus Hill 696 Abigail 1071 Abigail 1841 Albert G. 2621 Chase 855 Hannah 334 Hannah Gran nis 503 John 2401 Laura F. Lines 2133 Louisa 2610 Louisa G. 3131 Maria 649 Mary Mansfield 170 Robert 148 Mrs. Robert 756 Sarah 729 Susanna Hillard 2993 Martha Hiller 4109 Clara L. Thayer 4804 Constance L. 2139 Eliza L. Browner 4300 Helen 2138 Jonathan Hillhouse 3180 Frances J. Betts 1427 James 1224 James A. 1857 Mary L. 1686 Rebecca Hilliard 2258 Wealthy 2494 2493 Himes Frances H. John Hine 4503 Elizabeth 2898 Henrietta Clark 28 4573 MaryE. 3161 Nelson W. 1799 Rebecca M. 3425 Rosa Hinman 2739 Deborah Minor 2213 Jane C. 2310 Julia M. 2467 Mary 1822 Scovil Hipkins 320 Elizabeth Hitchcock 945 Abiah 707 Abiah Bassett 599 Abigail 1 153 Abigail 1243 Abigail Bishop 691 Anne Perkins 1988 Caroline Augur 4486 Charles B. 2254 Chester 2355 David 1447 Dorcas 392 Eliakim 1482 Ebenezer 1615 Elihu 321 Elizabeth Moss 3696 Ella A. 3496 Emily 91 Frances England 1349 Hannah 1205 Hannah Ball 1778 Hannah Hotchkiss 706 John 1 1 54 Jonathan 2687 Julia Nettleton 1965 Laura D. Coan 1483 Lettice 1405 Lowly 2958 Lucina 2116 Mabel 1315 Martha 407 Mary 957 Mary 1420 Mary 2952 Mary 352 Mary Thompson 2058 Melinda 2098 Nancy 2574 Narcissa Perry 383 Nathaniel 2259 Polly M. 551 Rebecca Morris 1258 Samuel 2267 Samuel B. 1925 Samuel J. 372 Sarah Merrick 3288 Sarah W. 2496 Sheldon 4487 William H. Hoadley, Hoadly 2627 Caroline 2734 Caroline 2902 Caroline E. Guernsey 1645 Eliz. Trowbridge 2876 Frances M. 4488 Jessie A. 1646 Mabel Seward 2451 Minerva 2071 Myrta M. 1966 Polly Harrison 2023 Sarah R. Hobbs 4831 Anna Hodge 1511 Anna Hodshon, Hodson 203 Abigail Turner 547 Eliz. Trowbridge Hogeboom 3053 Harriet M. 3317 Margaret R. 1875 Martha Peck HOLABIRD 4489 Lillian E. Johnson Holbrook 1202 Lydia Holcomb, Holcombe 4025 Edith D. Monson 4490 Edith M. Hart 4491 Emily A. Bradley 3245 Mary J. D. HOLLEY 2449 Marcia Coffing HOLLISTER 4492 Emma J. 434 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Holmes 4733 Thomas 4075 Benjamin B. 2694 William G. 3379 Clarissa B. 3150 Worthington Williams Hopkins Holp 2858 Abigail Clark 4023 Lincoln A. 164 Elizabeth 3866 Philip E. 4501 Florence I. Ranney 746 Samuel Holt 4500 William G. 946 Abigail Johnson 4493 Augusta T, Brooks Hoppin 4496 Clinton A. 2370 Frances A. Street 913 Eleazar 4881 Ellen A. Beers Horsfall 3561 Ellen Ives 4864 Charlotte R. 4494 Frederick B. 4863 Florence Robins 4497 Hollis H. 2170 Huldah Hotchkiss Horsford 2325 Levi J. 4639 Lillian E. 2586 Hetty B. 1816 LoisB. 4883 Louisa Wilbur Horton 1 163 Lydia 999 Abigail 4495 Mary A. Gilbert 2281 Abigail 4498 May A. 4502 Flora B. Hubbard 2145 Merrit 1046 John 204 Sarah 1033 Mary 682 Tabitha 1024 Samuel 379 Tabitha Thomas 1025 Sarah 4882 William D. 1112 Sarah Dickerman 610 Sarah Johnson Homes 3629 Julia R. Salter Hosmer 3630 MaryL. 4579 Bessie 4503 Elizabeth Hine Hooe 4805 Edith Dingley Hotchkin 4891 Nelson D. 2281 Abigail Horton 2031 Lavinia Hooke 2333 Sarah 93 Jane Whatley 2230 Tabitha 92 William Hotchkiss Hooker 1006 Abigail 4172 Aurelia D. 1328 Abigail Scott 2894 Elizabeth L. Strong 1795 Almira Woodward 4061 George E. 2539 Amelia S. 2518 John M. 1845 Betsey 1767 Lucy 663 Caleb 3333 Margaret F. Averill 870 Caleb 530 Mary 940 Caleb 2695 Melinda Metcalf 2721 Catharine Farrand 2690 Nancy C. 2530 Catharine L. Street 4173 Richard 1623 Clarissa 2676 Samuel 384 Daniel 4499 Thomas 899 Deborah Thomas 1333 Elizabeth Atwater 1261 Elizabeth Harris 1047 Elizabeth Johnson 2540 Elizabeth M. 1951 Elizabeth Mehitabel 1455 Elizabeth Osbom 393 Elizabeth Peck 2131 Elizabeth Rowe 4196 Elizabeth T. 2804 Emily L. 2343 Esther 1441 Eunice Atwater 1560 Ezra 3567 Fanny L. Sanford 3581 Fanny Winchester 2776 Frances L. 2356 Frederick A. 774 Hannah 1778 Hannah 1983 Hannah Trowbridge 440 Hannah Tuttle 2631 Harriet 2140 Harriet E. 4147 Helen S. 4159 Henry Stuart 490 Hester Sperry 2170 Huldah 2024 James E. 2632 Jane 3535 JaneL. F. Trowbridge 1362 Jonah 2628 Joseph T. 446 Joshua 962 Joshua 2630 Julia 3023 Justus S. 2805 Leonards. 1647 Lewis 2777 Lucius 1635 Lucretia Hayes 1535 Lucy 2025 Lucy 2985 Maria L. 2430 Maria M. Street 1432 Martha 2068 Mary 3723 Mary 3034 Mary A. Bradley 3125 Mary Ann 2710 MaryE. 1786 Mary Griswold 2026 Mary Griswold 2028 MaryL. 1891 Mary Oaks 1252 Mary Rexford 1581 Mary Thompson 2537 Mary Thompson INDEX 435 656 Mehitabel Cruttenden 4649 Mittie E. Shiner 191 7 Nancy 1932 Nancy Ives 1628 Nancy Mix 1253 Naomi 1251 Nehemiah 2382 Obadiah 1387 Obedience 963 Obedience Cooper 2629 Olivia C. 995 Phebe Atwater 2189 Phebe Jennette Tyler 1930 Polly 959 Rachel 971 Rachel Carnes 1528 Sarah Ball ' 307 Sarah Talmage 3024 Sarah Tappan 491 Sarah Wilmot 657 Stephen 2570 Susan 3236 Susan 692 Susanna Chatterton 1557 Susanna Hotchkiss 888 Thankful 2027 Wooster 3109 Wyllys Hough 3186 Harriet W. ' 3187 MaryE. 3185 Mary Frisbie Hovey 2990 Helen L. Blatchley How [See, also, Howe.] 925 Anna 230 Elizabeth 263 Ephraim 558 Hannah Hemingway 106 Jeremiah 548 John 544 Mary 431 Sarah Howard [See, also, Harwood, Hayward.] 2357 Elbridge G. 2982 Elizabeth A. 3803 Louise G. Alden 1007 Silence Howe [See, also, How.] 2763 Helen L. Larned 2992 Henry 3258 Marianne C. 1780 Sarah 3078 Theodore L. B. 3069 Violet B. Sedgwick Howell 1424 Anna Clark 677 Desire Morris 3097 Elizabeth 2125 Elizabeth H. 788 Eliz. Trowbridge 1439 Hannah 1349 Hannah Hitchcock 1440 Hannah Thomas 2124 Harriet 1515 Lucinda Thomas 1 146 Mary White 1479 Obedience Carrington 1353 Rebecca 1705 Sally 1419 Sarah Hayes 1014 Sibyl 1235 Stephen 1768 Susan 1463 Susanna 1493 Susanna 1208 Susanna Cooper 1256 Thomas Howes 4840 Blanche Tanguay 4842 Lillian M. Howland 3063 Abby W. , 2806 Maria L. 3582 Susan 3960 Susan M. Sanford Hoyt 3138 Jane A. Thompson 2265 Lucy Baldwin 2282 Mary A. Dickerman Hubbard 1354 Anna Atwater 3390 Aurelia B. Plumb 4401 Clara A. 1247 Daniel 1470 Daniel 1867 Eliza Church 1215 Elizabeth 1302 Emilia 2969 Emily T. 1918 Ezra S. 3446 Faith W. Silliman 4502 Flora B. 1597 Frances 3625 Frank E. 2872 George B. 3447 Harriet T. 3448 Henrietta W. 1343 Hester Robinson 1390 Isaac 3562 Jerome B. 866 John 1 188 John 1355 John 3563 Julia Darrow 1404 Juliana Gale 4202 Leslie Elmer 1 187 Leverett 1403 Leverett 4504 Maria H. 1450 Martha Bradley 1336 Mary 909 Mary Dickerman 3445 Oliver P. 1516 Phebe McCleave 1474 Rachel 1246 Rebecca Dickerman 2431 Russell B. 1793 Sally Thompson 2099 Sarah 1471 Sarah Ailing 1223 Sarah Whitehead 3389 Stephen G. 1 32 1 Stephen W. 3506 Virginia H. 3793 William B. 1380 Wyllys Hubbell 4797 Caroline H. 2397 Eliza F. 1730 James HUCHTHAUSEN 4634 Emma T. Schubert Hudson. See Hodson. Huggins 3497 Caroline 1 5 19 Rachel Bradley 1517 Sarah Miles Huizinga 4245 Arnold V. P. 436 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4315 1691 2541 2542 27 28 1067 2704 2939 10941567 2608 373 1026 2624 537 1189 932 2182 232 2691 1049 2154 29 1048 3466 267724682671 2681 4081 42404080 4119 4267 41204241 10631318 1319 700 2293 365 23' 12641165 625 1 109 1446 Huke Clara J. Hull Abigail E. Darling Amanda Amos G. Andrew Catharine EbenezerElizabeth ElizabethEstherHannah HannahHannah Baldwin Jane Johnson Jane L. Jeremiah JohnLydiaLydiaMary Mary A. MercyPolly Rodgers Richard SarahSarah C. Sophia Moulton SophroniaSusan E. Thomas Hume Charlotte E. Chandler Edward H. Edward S. Elizabeth N. Gertrude C. Katharine M. Lotta Car swell Humiston Abigail DanielDesire Dorman Grace Blackley HannahHannah Johnson Joan Walker Joanna Lydia Martha Mary Butler Mary Gills 1397 Nathaniel 1505 Phebe 684 Sarah Atwater Humphreville, Umberville 1051 David 617 Experience Pinion 602 Mary 959 Rachel Hotchkiss Humphrey 4505 Caroline S. 3760 Marie E. Ives 3763 Sarah C. 4119 Hunsberger Elizabeth N. Hume Hunt 2778 Harriot Daggett 4135 Isabella Mcintosh 45 1 1 MaryL. 4506 4507 Hunter Frank W. Nora L. Hunterson 4803 Anna S. Hurley 3859 James E. Hutchings, Hutchins 31 13 Charlotte L. 3111 Eliz. C. Lathrop 3105 MaryE. 31 12 Mary J. Hutchinson 1885 AmosS. 3028 3H5 1212 101711761309 Hutchison Forresta G. Shepherd Hyde Marian Ingersoll Hannah Miles Hannah IVhiting JaredJared 1218 Sarah 1923 Susan Whittelsey Ingraham 1021 Rebecca Beecher Inness 2271 Elizabeth Ritter 2564 Isabella Ireland 3382 Mary DeForest Irwin 4134 Lda Isham 2987 Catharine C. 2228 Diana Comstock Ishmael 1919 Ellen Ives 1274 Abel 3002 Adeline A. 2398 Alfred E. 4827 Amelia Johnson 668 Anne Thompson 3094 Caroline 3574 Cath. M. Osbom 3573 Charles 1 186 Damaris Atwater 713 Ebenezer 1832 Elizabeth 3561 Ellen 2238 Harriet P. Stone 417 Joseph 3761 Kate M. 2505 Maria B. 3760 Marie E. 1275 Martha Sperry 512 Mary 1402 Mary 685 Mary Atwater 1236 Mary Atwater 3906 Mary E. Fisher 297 Mary Yale 1932 Nancy 603 Ruth Atwater 575 Samuel 1041 Sarah Atwater 669 Sarah Ball 3079 Sarah M. 69 William 149 Mrs. William INDEX 437 Jackson 216 - 4780 John D. 4177 Margaret 232 Mary Hull 3752 Rhoda A. Miller 4781 Rose M. Herrick 114 Sarah Smith Jacobs 678 Margaret Old Jacocks 2601 Abel B. 3546 Fanny L. Thomas Jaggard 3942 Eliz. S. Newberry James 30 Thomas 107 Thomas Janes, Jeanes 2847 Caroline Meigs 180 William Janss 4508 Emma L. Ketterer Jarman 3026 AnnaT. 2109 Cath. W. Townsend 2873 Elford E. 3025 Elizabeth 2168 Jane P. Haughton 2874 Marana N. Baldwin Jeanes. See Janes. Jebine 1523 Mary Munson Jeffrey, Jeffreys 4099 Allison 31 Thomas 150 Mrs. Thomas Jencks 3035 Charlotte 4813 Percy C. Jenkins 2980 Amelia L. 2978 Amelia S. Leavitt 3144 Jonathan L. Jennings 1081 Martha Jerome 3502 Celestia 4509 Eliz. M. Grandy 4153 Elizabeth Maud Jethro. See Jethro Luke. Jewett 3945 Ida 702 Jinny Jobson 4452 MaryL. Jocelin 1478 Elizabeth Dudley 1307 Esther 1477 Pember Johnson 1222 "Mr.'' 3343 Abby A. 946 Abigail 1796 Abigail 917 Abraham 4827 Amelia 1031 Anna 1534 Anna 194 1 Betsey 2029 Betsey 2987 Catharine C. Isham 1325 Chloe Tuttle 1578 Comfort 1414 Comfort Clark 4866 Cora Neber 659 Daniel 939 Dorcas Ford 890 Elizabeth 1047 Elizabeth 3741 Elizabeth Berry 1169 Elizabeth Diodate 492 Elizabeth Mansfield 857 Elizabeth Sperry 2727 Elizabeth T. Hayes 210 Ellen 1593 Esther 1624 Esther 91 Frances England 4865 Frederic B. 4510 Grace E. Angerbower 365 Hannah 3295 Hannah 4513 Harriet C. Valkenburgh 3680 Helen M. 1940 Huldah Chittenden 670 Isaac 1026 Jane 342 John 513 John 549 John 194 Mrs. John 4489 Lillian E. 1 1 58 Lois 3631 Lorenzo M. 2072 Lucy 2215 Lucy 922 Lydia 954 Lydia 1055 Lydia 1573 Martha 730 Mary 981 Mary Dorman 3637 Mary E. 451 1 MaryL. Hunt 418 Mehitabel Grannis 1324 Peter 610 Sarah 1008 Sarah 1027 Sarah 2153 Sarah A. Prindle 797 Sarah Gilbert 918 Sarah Gilbert 303 Sarah Hall 1048 Sarah Hull 1 100 Sarah Lines 1312 Sarah Stevens 4512 Simon H. 4046 Sophia E. 1056 Stephen 2358 Susan A. 171 Thomas 1057 Timothy 3746 Willard D. 374 William (or Wingle) 914 William Johnstone 3258 Marianne C. Howe 3259 Martha H. 3310 Mary S. 3376 Virginia K. Jones 2252 Angeline Gould 1 1 13 Anne 4514 Annie B. MacArthur 2359 Betsey B. 438 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 2048 Chloe Todd 1578 Comfort Johnson 4515 Cyrus W. 3498 David E. 822 Deborah 457 Deborah Clark 4516 Edward L. 4540 Eme M. 2159 Eliza S. Webster 3189 Elizabeth Parsons 3103 Emily C. 3862 Emma A. Beadle 2360 Francis A. 273 Hannah 235 Hannah Eaton 3106 Harriet C. 429 Isaac 2030 James S. 871 Jane Harris 233 Joan 375 John 4518 LeRoyP. 4517 Louisa C. Thompson 4728 Mary A. 272 Nathaniel 3872 Newton I. 4519 Percy W. 2361 Philena 274 Sarah 1095 Sarah Cornell 821 Timothy 234 William Jordan 4829 Ethel Joseph 3908 William Joy Marion S. Lambey Judd Edward M. Fanny Lewis Jane A. Peck Lillian M. Snow Louise Luquiens Nancy Sarah H. Judson Charles A. Chloe Scranton Elizabeth E. Elizabeth Heaton 4520 358322433584 4521 4149 31593388 2748 1955 2750 236 2749 Esther Mitchell 1858 Isaac 3484 Sarah A. 217 William 4170 Jump Herbert A. Kain 1913 Eliza Boardman 2613 John H. 2614 Mary L. Keeler 4522 Anna Maria Haight Keeney 2550 George Keep 2140 Harriet E. Hotchkiss Kees 4523 Charles W. 4524 Freda M. 4599 Gretchen 4525 Katrina M. 4526 William F. Keidel 4527 Mary Kelley 4528 MaryE. Kellock 4557 Margaret Y. Kellogg 3951 Constance B. Trowbridge 4529 Cyrus W. 4530 Fannie G. McLean 4074 George A. 4218 George D. 3920 Lucy 4073 Lydia A. S. Dodge Kelsey 4532 Anna M. Norton 4531 Charles F. 1937 Diana Miles 4892 Edward F. 3286 Hannah E. 3017 Hannah S. Tuttle 4583 Mabel B. Morley 191 1 Parnel Kendall 4185 Edward G. 4533 Flora M. Lockwood 3644 Mary B. Gillette Kennedy 4001 John T. 1573 Martha Johnson Kensett 1 783 Betsey A. Daggett Kent 4010 Alice W. 4036 Bessie 4782 Charles F. 4783 Eliz. M. Sherrill 4784 Samuel S. Kerns. See Carnes. Kerwood 2822 Ann Ketcham 3452 Caroline 3620 Mary VanWinkle 3619 Tredwell Ketterer 4508 Emma L. Killam 4753 C. Alene 137* Eleanor 4535 Eunice E. 4536 Harry 4534 William I. Kimberly 151 Alice 1752 Amy Smith 499 Elizabeth 1695 Grace 218 Hannah 559 Hannah 1577 Hannah 855 Hannah Hill 335 Hannah Russell 2300 Lewis R. 1313 Lydia Wise 1737 Martha INDEX 439 86 Mary Seabrook Knight Lamberton 608 Sarah 2312 Abigail A. 3'4 Elizabeth 1379 Sarah 2307 Ann Fitch 53 George 1378 Susanna 32 Thomas 2399 Elizabeth A. 54 Margaret Lewen 1859 Eliz. Lockwood 312 Obedience 1 1 14 Zuriel 3662 Ellen L. 2646 Henry Lambey Kindle 1865 Jonathan 4520 Marion S. 4222 Margaret Ferris 3314 Mary Lamson Kingsbury Knowles 77 Thomas 3773 Frances J. S. 108 Thomas 109 Mrs. Thomas Bullard Knowlson 1648 William W. Kingsley 3397 Elizabeth Landfear 3672 Edward A. 4543 Mary E. 3207 Elizabeth C. Knust 4544 Sarah T. 4078 Elizabeth U. 3269 Emily C. 4540 Erne M. Jones Landfield 3157 Henry C. Kokeritz. 4812 Grace H. 3158 Jane Thomas See Von Kokeritz. 2031 Lavinia Hotchkin Landfier 3673 Mary L. Cooke Kohler 4545 Jane Kinney 2650 Mary Lane 2649 Ann P. Kolsom 4546 Anna P. 2897 Eliza A. M. Gilbert 3244 Julia 3284 Maria L. Colburn 4122 Sara E. Thomson 39764108 Christina Krause Lena F. 264 534 30803081 Catharine ElizabethJohn Mary Williams 3285 William C. Lanfare Kinsley 4541 Kraussman Christine 4410 Mary E. 3149 Harriet A. Langdon Krikorian 4806 Adelaide E. KlRBY 4853 4236 David K. 2779 Eliza W. 754 Elizabeth Rose Constantian 3742 2781 Emma A. Harriet C. Kirtland 3292 Mary A. Wood 4542 Krooner Lilian Gross 2157 1787 3245 Jesse R. Lavinia Oaks Mary J. D. Holcomb Kitchel Lackey 2780 Nancy L. 4176 Alice Lloyd 1675 Jennette 1685 Nancy Trowbridge 4175 Cornelius L. 1522 Sally Lucas « 219 Elizabeth Wakeman L'Aignoux Langstroth Knapp 2151 Charlotte Root 2239 Ann M. Tucker 4537 Carrie M. Peck 3035 Charlotte Jencks Lamb Larimer 4606 Ethel M. 28072808 David Sarah 191 George Kniffin Larned 4539 ElsaC. 4538 Minnie E. Brockett Lambert 3261 Amelia R. 2400 Sarah A. 39i8 Clara 44° FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 32602763 3362 4867 3063 3IH245730822456 Daniel R. Helen L. Larrowe Emily Thompson Lasher Lulu B. Lathrop Abby W. Howland Elizabeth C. Harriet J. Harriet W. Joanna Leffingwell Lavere 4397 Mary 1572 1609 Law Mary Sarah Lyon Lawrence 2156 Jennette Trowbridge Lawton 3925 Annie 3797 Elizabeth W. Eustis Lay 2836 Theodore Lazelle 2078 Frances E. Pierpont Leach 4547 Lyman H. 4548 Susan A. Thompson Leavenworth 3481 Jane Bartholomew Leavitt 2978 AmeliaS. Lee 4181 Annie 3717 Charles R. 3716 Frank T. 3202 Grace A. Dickerman 4177 Margaret Jackson 2625 Priscilla 3121 Susan 4039 Theodore S. 3670 William H. Leech 1818 Aurelia Leek, Leeke 766 Elizabeth 474 Joanna 2459 Julia M. 801 Mary Winston no Philip 213 Mrs. Philip 905 Thomas Leete 398 Ann 39 Mary Newman 87 Sarah Rutherford Leffingwell 1759 Caroline M. 3385 Caroline S. 2571 Edward H. 2519 Hannah Chester 2456 Joanna 1744 Maria S. 1773 Sally M. Beers 3384 Sarah B. 1772 William LeForge 3593 Martha E. 1573 Martha Johnson Leighton 4262 Alma 4549 Margaret D. 4281 Mary E. Tuttle Leonard 3167 AbbyH. Smith Leopold 4315 Clara J. Hitke 4316 Edward A. Lewen 54 Margaret Lewis 1769 Abigail DeForest 4242 Caroline E. Merrow 1802 Charles 3212 Charlotte L. Tappan 2243 Fanny Lewis 3213 Frances A. 1294 Hannah 1616 Hannah 2567 Harriet Pettibone 4047 Harry B. 4325 Helen Fuller 3509 Jane A. Hart 3508 John G. 1897 Julia Ann Thomas 2482 Julia Attwater 2032 Lazette 2846 Louisa M. 2100 Lucretia M. 1617 Mary 2362 Mary Ann 3342 Mary Ann Brown 1336 Mary Hubbard 1869 Sarah Ann 3524 Sarah Anne 1803 Sarah Crocker 2729 Susan K. Atwater 3271 Theodore M. 2566 William 3270 William B. Light 3653 AnnaL. Lillie 601 Mary Lincoln 4807 Barbara G. 4843 Julia A. Lindall 83 Henry 237 Rosamond Lindblade 4550 Henning M. 4551 Jennie M. Bishop Lindergreen 2283 Mary Lindon. See Lindall Lindsay 3179 JuliaA.il/owwe/ Lines 856 Abiah 560 Abiah Bassett INDEX 441 1058 IO09 1 185 290029482663 767 271 1 214 2683 1 142 IOIO 2401 674 352 2662 238464764 862 8893Si 1 100 1979 Daniel Elinor EstherEunice Wood George P. Grace A. Sabin Hannah Bradley Henrietta Henry Jane John KeziaLaura F. MaryMary Thompson Orrin J. Ralph RalphRebecca Rebecca Sperry RuthSamuelSarahSarah Blake Ling 33 Benjamin 152 Joanna Linquist 3829 Charles F. Linsley 3221 Eliz. L. Bigelow 2435 Hannah Winchester 2593 Jacob A. 3130 James M. 1719 Sophia B. Lyon Little 1753 Alice 256 Constance 231 Joan Walker 4710 Margaret 458 Mary Livermore 153 Grace 34 John Lloyd 4176 Alice 21 Ann 1506 Rebecca Loady 37l8 Mary Lockwood 2209 CharlotteS. 4593 Eleanor M. 1859 Elizabeth 3237 Elizabeth J. 4533 Flora M. 4289 MaryL. 4552 Mary L. Jobson 3102 Radcliffe B. 2516 Long Hannah B. Loomis 221 1 Almeron 3134 Arabella 3864 Loos Isaac A. Lord 1870 Eliza J. Lyon 4849 Emma 4553 Everett E. 1 183 Mary Haynes Losee 3084 Julia Lounsbury 889 Ruth Lines Love 2701 Abi 1770 Abi Brace Loveridge 4273 MaryC. Low, Lowe 35 Andrew 4129 Cath. Y. Caskey 161 Joan Peck 4128 Walter I. Lowrance 4868 JohnW. Luca 2032 Lazette Lewis Lucas 1664 Amaziah 1522 Sally Ludden 2991 Mary J. Blatchley Ludington 41 18 Louise W. Luke 1338 Amy 878 Jethro 1216 Rose Lum 4673 Harriet Lung 1842 Mary Lupton 94 Thomas Luquiens 41 10 Emma Clark 4148 HucM. 4149 Louise Lydecker 3668 Julia E. Thayer 3072 1209 2851 366635942129 1206 30153830 1211 Lyman Chester S. Daniel Delia W. Wood Delia Wood Elizabeth E. Mary Mary Bassett Mary W. Dwight O. Ellsworth Sarah Miles Lynch 3817 Eliz. S. Deming 4138 Frederick H. Lynde 3858 Cornelia 2268 Frederick W. 2402 Mary J. Lyon 2149 Ann 1870 Eliza J. 442 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 1428 Elizabeth 1760 Elizabeth 1 192 Elizabeth Maltby 1720 Emilia i860 Harriet H. 1409 Lois Mansfield 1607 Mary 1815 Mary Halsted 1871 Mary U. 1823 Nancy 1824 Sally L. B. 1609 Sarah 1861 Sarah B. 3566 Sarah J. 1719 Sophia B. MacArthur 4514 Annie B. 4555 Jane Macllwraith 4557 Margaret Y. Kellock 4554 Robert 4556 Robert McCandliss 3594 Eliz. E. Lyman 1516 2552 2255 4643 431743i8 4558 4559 4884 28373474 3142 4555 4719 McCleave Phebe McCoskry Alison N. McCoy CatharineMary E. MacCrackenHenry N. Marjorie Dodd MacDonald John W. Susan B. Farren Macdowall Mabel M. McHarg Harriet H. Mary S. Rufus K. Shipman MacIlwraith Jane Lilias McIntosh 4135 Isabella Mack 1687 Amelia 2809 Elizabeth W. 4656 Louisa V. McKee 4561 MaryF. Tuttle 4560 Robert B. McKenzie 4562 Annie L. Davey 4563 Marguerite McKibben 4226 Hattie L. Bennett McKinnon 3048 Mary M. McKinstry 2913 Rachel McLagon 3599 AnnaE. Cruttenden McLane 4795 Frances Robinson 4794 William W. MacLauchlan 4565 A. Louise Beach 4564 John 4566 Robert W. McLay 4567 Ann Marshall McLean 4568 Anna E. 4530 Fannie G. McMaster 3001 Stephen B. McNeil 1696 Joseph I. 1721 Mary McNeille 4249 Ellen L. Coe Macomber 1260 Abiah 1373 Esther 1364 Margaret 1666 Mary 1291 Sarah 1 123 Sarah Cooper 141 1 Susanna 970 Susanna Childs MacWhorter 2930 Henrietta W. Blake MacWilliam 4570 Agnes A. Wallace 4571 Charles H. 4569 James A. Macy 2963 Mary H. Magill 2289 Helen Twining 3668 Julia E. Thayer 3632 Matilda W. Smith 3049 William A. Magoun 3478 Annie B. Makepeace 4188 Walter D. Makino 4219 Toraji Malbone 174 Mary 36 Richard Mallery, Mallory 1753 Alice Little 499 Eliz. Kimberly 4637 Hannah R. 493 John 258 Mary 514 Mary Pinion 2331 Sarah Maltby 1791 Abigail Williams 3579 Alice E. 1798 Augustus W. 822 Deborah Jones 1 192 Elizabeth 561 Elizabeth Morris INDEX 443 1848 Nancy Townsend 1824 Sally L. B. Lyon 1790 Stephen Mann 3931 Flora E. Manser 2868 Mary Beardsley 2276 Susan Chatterton Mansfield 1191 Abigail Bishop 451 Abigail Yale 1363 Bede 2073 Charlotte 472 Comfort 1347 Deborah Dayton 939 Dorcas Ford 964 Ebenezer 2514 Eliza 492 Elizabeth 2403 Elizabeth 1428 Elizabeth Lyon 1531 Elizabeth Phipps 929 Elizabeth Thomas 3693 Ellen A. 1947 Eunice Atwater 4572 Frederick O. 155 Gillian Drake 796 Hannah Bassett 664 Hannah Bradley 1895 Harr\tt.Stanley 2269 Horace 2782 Jane 643 Jonathan 972 Joseph 2132 Julia 2953 Julia A. 2705 Julia C. Trowbridge 1293 Lois 1409 Lois 2074 Lucy 872 Lydia 1 1 17 Lydia Tuttle 693 Margaret Prout 389 Martha 1 162 Martha 649 Mary 1546 Mary 1554 Mary Aikins 981 Mary Dorman 4573 Mary E. Hine 1420 Mary Hitchcock 280 Mary Potter 380 Mercy 482 Mercy 1346 Nathan 1363 Obedience 960 Rachel Dorman 154 Richard 1062 Ruth Tuttle 1000 Sarah 631 Sarah Ailing 1954 Sophia 2334 Stiles 1 140 Susanna 1050 Susanna Mansfield Manson 3831 Margaret Tutlock Manvel 3418 Eliza A. Graham 3179 Julia A. 2319 Lorena 2320 Maria 3198 MaryE. 3184 Ruth Wooster 2318 Sabra 3085 Sarah E. Mara 3981 Minnie Markee 2141 Jemima Markland 3309 Jane Marks 2768 Sarah R. Bacon Marquard 4700 Caroline M. Marsh 3800 Augusta L. Edwards 1545 Ebenezer G. 4259 Helen A. Brayton 3527 Helen E. 4798 Margaret D. Trowbridge 3526 Mary Skinner 3824 May T. Harwood 195 Samuel 239 Mrs. Samuel Marshall 2932 Almira C. Twining 4567 Ann 3667 Mary A. 2469 Thomas Martin 4574 Annie E. Clark 4814 AzelA. 2665 Caroline L. 4072 Frances I. 2564 Isabella Inness 95 Robert 156 Mrs. Robert 3188 Sarah E.Norris Marvin 3045 Elizabeth P. 3214 Eliz. R. Tappan 3700 Frances A. 3292 Mary A. Wood 2196 4604 Mason AnneMaryE. Mather 291 Eliz. Davenport Mathews 3937 George R. Mathewson 4005 Albert McClellan 3992 Mary E. Board Maurer 4575 Keith L. 4745 Laura E. Wirkler 4305 Marion E. Spooner 4304 Oscar E. Maver 2432 Elizabeth R. Maxwell 4576 Arthur A. 4577 Nancy E. Maynard 4852 Ruth Mead 1 77 1 Chloe 3192 Eliz. C. Deming 3926 Fannie E. 3614 Linus 3615 Sarah E. Bouton 3139 Solomon Mehaffey 2793 Emily P. Whittemore 444 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Meigs 1296 Anna Green 2847 Caroline 96 John Meloy 1779 John Melvin 3932 Sarah A. Vandenberg Mendell 3556 Clara E. Whittlesey 4312 Clarence W. Merriam 1082 Elizabeth Perkins 2606 Lavinia D. Merrick 372 Sarah Merriman 475 Elizabeth Browne 241 Joan 3575 Nancy L. Ailing 240 Nathaniel Merrow 4242 Caroline E. Mershon 2905 James R. 2906 Susan M. Atwater Mersick 3753 Charles S. 3564 Edwin F. 3547 Ellen L. English 3266 Emily A. Cannon 3870 Mary E. 3832 Sarah E. Merwin 3206 Clarina B. Taylor 2033 Michael 2672 Minerva Meserve 4343 RuthY. Messinger 3754 Charles F. 3938 Helen M. Beecher Metcalf 3401 Caroline 3383 Maria C. Betts 2695 Melinda 2827 Roxana C. Barnes Meyer 4430 Katharine F. Middlebrook 168 Esther 81 Grace Miles 1 501 Alice Munson 1629 Catharine 157 Cath. Constable 2404 David 1937 Diana 1 143 Elizabeth 1677 Elizabeth 1455 Elizabeth Osbom 788 Eliz. Trowbridge 594 Hannah 787 Hannah 795 Hannah 1212 Hannah 1237 Hannah 550 John 828 Mabel Cooper 967 Mary 1299 Mary 1502 Mary 1699 Mary 465 Mary Alsop 1495 Mary Miles 70 Richard 1 124 Richard 650 Sarah 1 159 Sarah 121 1 Sarah 1517 Sarah 1210 Sarah Woodward Millard 2973 Benjamin F. Miller 4144 Augusta F. 3083 Elizabeth 41 1 1 James A. 3166 Jennie J. 4578 Jessie A. Twining 2405 Mary 3656 Mary A. Douglas 1526 Phebe Wooding 3326 Philip B. 3752 Rhoda A. 3655 Samuel 3851 William S. Mills 1592 Abigail Phelps 2223 Augusta A. 1544 Aurelia 2186 Aurelia 1872 Caroline 3743 Charlotte I. 2673 Charlotte I. Chapman 1873 Eliza B. 1591 Isaac Miner [See, also, Minor.] 2442 Adaline 4579 Bessie Hosmer 3794 Lucy A. 736 Mingo Minor [See, also, Miner.] 3322 Cornelia 2739 Deborah 2486 Eunice Mitchell 242 Elizabeth 279 Elizabeth 3585 Emma 2749 Esther 3768 Fanny B. Mitchell 2220 John 2233 Mary A. Tomlinson 1 1 1 Thomas Mitsch 4580 Mary E. Hagen Mix 1697 Betsey 895 Caleb 818 Catharine Tuttle 1 133 Damaris Punderson 1452 David 1520 Elizabeth 385 Elizabeth Wilmot 2086 Emily Townsend 1566 Eunice 4024 Fannie B. 829 George 718 Hannah 731 Hannah INDEX 445 1322 Hannah 695 Hannah Ball 1237 Hannah Miles 769 Hester 596 Hester Morris 1232 Jabez 671 John 694 Joseph 1 132 Joseph 1570 Lois 1582 Lois 2075 Margaret M. 1433 Mary 2224 Mary A. 3092 Mary Bills Hayes 494 Mary Bradley 1665 Mary Brown 973 Mary Cooper 189b Mehetabel 1443 Mehetabel Beecher 934 Mercy 2500 Mindwell 1628 Nancy 1636 Nancy Atwater 1068 Nathaniel 1339 Nathaniel 875 Patience 1262 Patience Ailing 665 Rebecca 751 Rebecca 764 Rebecca Lines 331 Rebecca Pardee 747 Rebecca Thompson 215 Rebecca Turner 1649 Sarah 1758 Sarah 1284 Sarah Bradley 1530 Sarah Phipps 2406 Susan E. 1422 Thankful Ailing 406 Thomas 915 Timothy Mixter 4757 Ellen D. Moffat 2595 James C. Monson [See, also, Munson.] 2651 Alfred P. 2407 Alfred S. 3833 Charles C. 1568 Clarinda 4026 Edith D. 2408 Mary A. Patten 1547 Mary Shepherd 2783 Sarah P. 4025 Stella E. 3834 Stella E. Shepherd Montgomery 2918 Mary A. Moody 4103 Elizabeth L. 41 12 RobertO. Moore 2428 Caroline E. Gaston 2497 Daniel H. 4582 Jennie H. Corbin 4581 William R. Morehouse 2409 Louis P. Morgan 2731 Catharine A. Trowbridge Morley 3681 Hannah L. 4583 Mabel B. MORRELL 2305 Harriet Somers 172 Henry Morris 595 Abigail 462 Anna Osborne 4725 Carrie E. 401 1 Charles G. 1 77 1 Chloe Mead 677 Desire 640 Eleazar 243 Elizabeth 561 Elizabeth 3902 Emily E. 814 Ephraim 1084 Esther Winston 3682 Eugenia L. Tuttle 2669 Harriet 3784 Helen H. 596 Hester 331 1 Isaac 722 James 3309 Jane Markland 538 John 844 Mary 2656 Mary H. 1666 Mary Macomber 3683 3312 4U3 SSI 815644 797 1632 84 Mary Seymour Mary Southerton RayRebecca Ruth Sperry Sarah Sarah Gilbert SusanThomas Morrison 475 Andrew 447 Hannah 837 Sarah 274 Sarah Jones Morse 2111 Elizabeth A. Breese 3307 Julia A. 21 13 Lucretia P. Walker 1731 Nancy Tomlinson 3409 Richard C. 21 12 Samuel F. B. 4584 4746 3740 3218 Morton Ella L. John C. Margaret Ruth C. Moss 228 Abigail 679 Dorcas Rosewell 321 Elizabeth 37 John 244 Mrs. John 278 Joseph 576 Joseph 583 Samuel 2891 Sarah 302 Sarah Gilbert Mott 3131 Maria Hill Moulthrop 552 Abigail Bradley 1621 Desire 2648 Grace H. 245 Jane 1745 Lydia 1874 Lydia Brown 78 Matthew 1012 Phebe 1746 Rachel Church 2279 Sarah 3147 Selina Ash 446 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3146 Sidney 3093 Sidney A. Moulton 2678 Amanda S. 2722 Amelia H. 2677 Sophia 4066 Warren J. Mouten 4585 Augusta Mowery 3728 Christian Muller 3946 John H. 3947 S. Eva Pease Mulford 2892 Caroline 3367 Eliza A. 2936 Hannah B. Mulford 2381 Jane B. 2746 Nancy M. Mulock 2985 Maria L. Hotchkiss Munger 2034 Caroline 2076 Clarissa 1910 George 2880 Lucretia Benton 2881 MaryL. 191 1 Parnel Kelsey 2882 RogerS. 2879 Sherman Munson [See, also, Monson.] 1654 Abigail 1006 Abigail Hotchkiss 947 Abigail Punderson 1060 Abigail Talmadge 1501 Alice 1030 Amy 1001 Ebenezer 2942 Eliza A. 824 Elizabeth 2125 Eliz. H. Howell 1 170 Elizabeth Talmadge 2284 Emeline 3548 Emily C. 17 13 Eneas 1496 Esther 748 Esther Clarke 769 Hester Mix 991 Israel 158 Joanna 830 Joel 620 John 1678 John 723 Lydia 893 Lydia 733 Lydia Bassett 1454 Martha Hall 1523 Mary 2885 Mary E. Treat 3907 Mary K. 2845 Mary L. Atwater 844 Mary Morris 523 Mary Wilcox 2101 Mehetabel Herrick 4901 Myron A. 4586 Octavine F. Thayer 1625 Polly DeForest 1238 Sarah Bishop 732 Stephen 1463 Susanna Howell 873 Susanna Punderson 768 Theophilus 55 Thomas 982 Thomas 1532 Wealthy A. 2410 William G. Murdock 2543 Jane 2446 Lydia A. Murless 4774 Katharine L. Murray 4179 Isabella 4587 Myers Ella M. Mygatt 2786 Ellen P. Rice 2784 George 3054 Henry T. 3084 Julia Losee Myrick 4590 Charles F. 4591 Edward A. 4588 Edward M. 4589 Winifred T. Gorman Nabstedt 4238 Ruth C. Snow Nails 983 Patience Nakashima 3939 Rikizo Naramore 2190 Mary Nash 2301 246 329 7i 112 159121 251 56 David H. Elizabeth Tapp Hannah JohnJoseph Margery Baker Mary Sarah Thomas Neal 1417 Rachel Ball Neber 4866 Cora Nesbit 3459 729 Isabella Susanna Hill Nettleton 4216 42172687 4215 1721 3519 Anna T. George H. Julia Mary E. Tucker Mary McNeil Sarah Newberry 394239403941 Elizabeth S. John S. Sarah Gaylord Newbury 225S Catharine McCoy Newcomb 3755 3576 4392 3494 Almira L. Coe George F. Idella F. Lydia Bolles INDEX 447 Newell 2555 Henry P. Newman 38 Francis 39 Mary 260 Mrs. Richard 3 Robert 442 Sarah 1534 4823 22944837 17021220 3437 Newton Anna Johnson Annie E. E. Eliza Georgia W. Lucy Ailing MarthaMartha" Nicholls, Nichols 40 Adam 160 Ann Wakeman 3993 Anna C. Herrick 3846 Lucy M. Whitmore 4773 Marion 2174 Phebe Brainard 2102 Silas A. Nicoll 3933 Caroline L. 4189 Cornelia Comstock 3272 Elizabeth L. 3117 John 4088 MaryE. Niemeyer 4076 Anna B. Talmage 39SS JohnH. Noble 3707 Frederick A. 4592 Harriet L. 3708 Lucy A. Perry 3835 Mary P. Norman 3718 Mary Loady Norris 3188 Sarah E. North 2965 Eliza 2964 Hannah Beach 3477 Sarah R. Northrop 3693 Ellen Mansfield Norton 4532 AnnaM. 4593 Eleanor M. Lockwood 3045 Elizabeth P. Marvin 3335 Elizabeth R. 4594 EmraaRCW 4595 Jane M. Gridley 3044 John P. 1028 Rebecca Sherman 3402 Sarah E. Averill Nott 2185 Eliza B. 1912 Esther Atwater 4596 Nourse Indie E. Nowey 4598 Catharine E. 4597 EmmaM. Noyes 1069 Abigail 2172 Abigail L. 749 Abigail Pierpont 2633 Benjamin 2434 Harriet E. Whedon 3050 James B. 1221 John 1679 John 2959 John 715 Joseph 1433 Mary Mix 1352 Paul 2225 Rebecca 1353 Rebecca Howell 2943 Samuel 1 125 Sarah 2421 Sarah N. Bates Oakes 4048 Frederick W. Oaks 2635 Amelia H. 2634 Charles H. 1789 Esther Peck 2636 Harriet E. 2035 Henry 1787 Lavinia 3359 Lydia E.Day 1891 Mary 2262 Minerva Atwood 1930 Polly Hotchkiss 2970 Rebecca B. Rice 3430 Rebecca M. O'Brien 2507 Eliza M. Odell 4279 Emma J. Offield 3698 Elizabeth Rogers Ogden 3486 Abbie 1763 Catharine 3729 David J. 1722 David L. 1920 Elizabeth M. 1764 Jerusha 1762 Jerusha Rockwell 3485 Julia E. 3018 MaryG. 3484 Sarah A. Judson Okeson 4869 Elmer E. 4870 Helen Cooper Old 678 Margaret Olds 2036 Sarah Olmstead, Olmsted 2810 Aaron B. 3114 Edward 2922 Harriet Smith 3169 Harriet Smith 2921 Hawley 2923 James 2962 Jessie B. Sherman 3014 Lucy S. 3 1 15 Marian Hyde 3719 MaryS. 3246 Samuel H. 3010 Sophia Richards 3786 Sophia Richards 3785 Susan H. Olney 2236 Elizabeth Barnes O'Neil. See Nails^ 448 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Ormiston 3360 Esther Osborn, Osborne 462 Anna 1514 Asenath 3574 Catharine M. 1317 Comfort Ailing 386 Elizabeth 993 Elizabeth 1455 Elizabeth 1303 Elizabeth Sperry 3232 Fanny L. Blake 348 Jeremiah 992 Jeremiah 597 Joseph 1942 Martha 79 Mary 448 Mary 1456 Mary 281 1 MaryE. 1270 Rebecca Sperry 2166 Sally 271 Sarah Coe 3323 Susan 3163 Thomas B. 198 William Osgood 3892 Jessie E. Overton 2317 Alfred A. Oviatt 2241 Martha A. Whittelsey 2484 Mary A. Pardee Oyama 3871 Stemats Yamakawa Pabst 4599 Gretchen Kees Paddock 3877 George E. Page 3765 Frances E. 4600 John C. 4601 Lulu M. Angus 4602 Robert H. 2556 Sarah Paine. See Payne. Painter 3587 Cornelia 2002 Eliz. Woodbridge 776 Rebecca 481 Rebecca Canbe 2740 Sidney 4354 3154 4603 3819 3994 1680 2492248331554876 Palmer Alice A. Allison H. Ella B. Picrcy Ellen E. Francis L. HannahNancy Gorham PollyRuth G. Todd Sarah Pangburn 3826 Annie E. Hayes Pardee 4650 Annie J. 2637 Charlotte M. Hayes 1723 Elizabeth Ailing 553 Elizabeth Payne 757 Enos 4606 Ethel M. Knapp 4758 Frank Woodruff 4605 Frank Wyckoff 255 George 376 George 651 Hannah Edwards 1016 Hannah Punchard 4400 Justine S. 3612 Laura 1767 Lucy Hooker 2348 Lucy N. Downes 2484 Mary A. 4604 Mary E. Mason 507 Mercy 1742 Polly Dickerman 959 Rachel Hotchkiss 331 Rebecca 3454 3457345334553456 37443458 1280 Parish Anna Woods Anna W. Ariel Charlotte E. Helen F. James H. Leonard W. Mary Parker 4607 Blanche E. 2892 Caroline Mulford 792 Damaris A twater 3528 Eliza T. 72 Elizabeth Potter 3431 Frederick S. 3602 Grace E. 3286 Hannah E. Kelsey 3769 Hannah F. Estey 3274 Joseph 2639 Lamira A. 3780 Lucy 3273 LucyE. 390 Lydia 2508 Lydia M. 3437 Martha Newton 4608 Mary Cruttenden 2638 Sarah 2891 Sarah Moss 4609 Stanley W. Parkinson 3593 Martha LeForge Parmalee, Parmele, Parmelee 247 Elizabeth 2142 Fanny Rowe 1225 Hezekiah 220 John 3434 Katharine D. 860 Mary Beecher 3116 Sarah E. Farren 4610 Susan L. Parrot 2461 Sarah Parsons 3189 Elizabeth 2799 Maria L. Fox 1861 Sarah B. Lyon 2184 Sarah M. Patten [See, also, Patton.] 2408 Mary A. 1797 Sally Patterson 1626 Amelia Pluymert 97 Mrs. Edward 323 Elizabeth Patton [See, also, Patten.] 2927 Harriet E. Trowbridge 3487 William Paul 3878 Anna M. Payne 296 Abigail 823 Ann 553 Elizabeth 1002 Esther Cames 906 Experience Thorpe 626 James 1070 Joanna 292 John 625 Martha Humiston 130 Mary Edwards 458 Mary Little 368 Mercy 113 William 984 William Payson 1637 Ann L. Shipman Peabody 461 1 Amelia M. A. Wormcke 3587 Cornelia Painter 3586 Gustavus W. Pease 3947 S. Eva Peaslee 3674 Florence Witherbee Peck 495 Abigail 1 199 Abigail 1207 Abigail Atwater 599 Abigail Hitchcock 595 Abigail Morris 1059 Amos I5U Asenath Osbom 332 Benjamin 4767 Bernice M. 4S37 Carrie M. 4612 Catharine Baker 3943 Cornelius B. 485 Deborah 1 104 Dorothy Tuttle 780 Ebenezer INDEX 2256 Eliza 393 Elizabeth 864 Elizabeth 1451 Elizabeth 1 126 Elizabeth Wilmot 2544 Emily 2037 Emily M. 1789 Esther 2520 Evelina Hayes 2893 Gad 3316 Grace 1096 Hannah 13 10 Hannah 774 Hannah Hotchkiss 1616 Hannah Lewis 241 1 Harriet E. 3836 Hattie W. 3462 Helen F. 2038 Henry 3634 Henry D. 591 Hester 596 Hester Morris 4613 Homer H. 1761 Horace 770 James 919 James 3584 Jane A. 3635 Jennie M. Tucker 2257 Jerusha Clark 2323 Jesse 161 Joan 624 John 1464 John 3052 John 3588 JohnM. 173 Joseph 282 Joseph 1875 Martha 672 Mary 2077 Mary 2812 Mary 4615 Mary E. Dewell 957 Mary Hitchcock 3589 Mary J. Groat 1617 Mary Lewis 2986 MaryR. 3633 Mary S. Gold 353 Mary Sperry 4661 Minnie R. 1830 Nancy 1241 Nicholas 1833 Polly 3318 Rebecca 1518 Rebecca Dickerman 338 Ruth 1011 Ruth 1862 Sally Stevens 598 Samuel 994 Samuel 449 557 Sarah 891 Sarah 283 Sarah Ailing 4614 Sarah C. Upson 204 Sarah Holt 1259 Stephen 2825 Stephen A. 974 Timothy 1980 Ward 41 William 863 William Peckham 2194 Eliz. P. Coggeshall Pelton 1813 Elizabeth Pembroke 441 Jane Pendleton 3745 Cornelia 4808 Gladys M. Penfteld 1286 Esther Tuttle 4785 Grace Chapman Penington 181 Ephraim 248 Mrs. Ephraim Pennell 4002 Abbie J. Reed Perit 3338 Maria Coit 3337 Pelatiah Perkins 107 1 Abigail Hill 1174 Amos 98s Ann 2007 AnnH. 925 Anna How 691 Anne 2626 Benjamin F. 739 Daniel 354 Deliverance 948 Dinah 1072 Dinah Sperry 912 Elinor 997 Elizabeth 1082 Elizabeth 703 Elizabeth Ford 29 45° FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 711 Elizabeth Heyward 1 143 Elizabeth Miles 824 Elizabeth Munson 877 Experience 1101 Hannah 1 138 Hannah Bishop 387 John 1083 Lois 1 193 Martha 740 Martha Elcock 377 Mary 930 Mary 3572 Mary Dwight 394 Mary Elcock 734 Mehitabel 958 Miriam 1 1 15 Nathan 1012 Phebe Moulthrop 741 Sarah 708 Stephen Pero. See Pero Sume. Perrin 2699 Ann E. Comstock Perry 4823 Annie E. Newton 4822 Frederick L. 3339 Harriet J. 2457 Harriet J. Lathrop 3708 Lucy A. 174 Mary Malbone 2574 Narcissa 42 Richard Person 2270 Susan Peters 2232 Mary Petrucct 4844 Manlius Y. 4809 May DeWolf Pettibone 3005 Elizabeth Ritter 2567 Harriet Pettingell 2412 John H. Petty 3774 Caroline E. Phelps 1592 Abigail 4653 Eliza N. 4834 Hattie G. 35 1 1 Lucy J. Philips, Phillips 2757 Abby S. 2029 Betsey Johnson 2794 Charlotte L. 1781 Patty Ailing Phinney 2813 Elihu Phipps 1551 David 1531 Elizabeth 1529 Mary 1329 Mary English 1530 Sarah 1 134 Phyllis 1460 Phyllis Pickett 3884 Cyrus 3887 Joseph 3885 Julia D. Calhoun 3886 Mary Pierce 1 127 Abigail 80 Mark 4366 MayL. 3628 Sophia P. Piercy 4603 Ella B. Pierpont 749 Abigail 423 Abigail Davenport 3610 Cornelius 3956 Elizabeth 2078 Frances E. 3995 Helen 4030 Helen E. Brooker 3949 Helen V. Warner 361 1 Henry 1013 Hezekiah 750 James 530 Mary Hooker 865 Sarah 1 128 Sarah Breck 515 Sarah Haynes 3950 Sila H. Pierson 257 Abigail 490 Hester Sperry 2910 Phebe S. 1 Pigg 249 Margaret Pilatte 2899 Julia P. Whittemore Pillsbury 1636 Nancy A twater Pinion 639 Christian 617 Experience 378 Mary 514 Mary Pinto 1296 Anna Green Pitkin 2362 Mary Ann Lewis 3238 Mary Anna Lewis 1203 Temperance Clap Pitman 4032 Elizabeth 4031 Leila 2166 Sally Pitner 2121 Harriet Brigden Pixley 2725 Susan M. Darling Plant 2103 Benjamin D. 2104 Caroline 1564 Chloe Dickerman 3617 Elizabeth R. 3187 Mary E. Hough Platt 2150 Caroline Dwight 4485 Clara E. 3327 EmmaR. 3975 Harriet Hemingway INDEX 451 2363 L. Beach 2364 Lester W. Plumb 3390 Aurelia B. 3590 Henry 3591 Jennie A. Woodward 4616 Jennie E. Staples 396 Lydia Bristol 2152 Melissa Pluymert 1626 Amelia Pomeroy 3893 Anna G. 2565 Elizabeth 2506 Eunice 3443 Jerusha 4042 Sarah B. Stone 1 184 Pompey Pond 2470 Almira Poole 2040 Harriet 1466 Isabel Goodsell 2039 Maria Popp 4617 Arthur F. Porter 3666 Delia Lyman 1600 Fidelia Dwight 4077 Frank C. 1995 Jane Bradley 1608 Jonathan E. 1667 Julia A. 4618 Lyman E. 3714 Mary A. 2288 Mary Taylor 1049 Mercy Hull 1992 Phebe 3373 Rose 3372 Rose A. Hardy 4862 Ruth 2088 Susan Trowbridge 2852 William H. 4786 William Quincy 3391 William S. Post 358 Elizabeth 2559 Elizabeth C. 3926 Fannie E. Mead 2561 George W. 2560 Jared W. 2558 Mary A. 2557 Pardon 3645 Roswell O. 3749 Sarah 14801278 696 11991521 975 704 72 1185 3646 261 271 1 2161 3500 57 459 55493i 280924 407426 1097 2105 3499 916 879 1003 976 949 73 Potter Abigail Abigail Browne Abigail Hill Abigail Peck Alice Hatch Ann Deborah ElizabethEsther Lines Frank C. HannahHenrietta Lines James James H. John JohnJohn Lydia MaryMaryMary Hitchcock Mary Sherman MercyNancy L. Robert A. SamuelSarahSarah Sarah Bradley Thankful William Powe 4819 Harriet Powell 3534 Henrietta K. Trowbridge 85 Priscilla 308 Priscilla Powers 1843 William Pratt 2659 Adeline F. Barnes 3956 Elizabeth Pierpont 2126 Henry C. 2283 Mary Lindergreen 3683 Mary S. Morris Prentice 1602 Amy 1732 Eliza 1606 Eunice 1774 Nancy M. 1552 Rebecca Presby 3775 AliceS. Prescott 2089 Lucy Tyler 2418 Mary A. P. Wilcox 1418 Rebecca A twater Preston 4619 A. Betsey 449 Abigail 2263 Asenath 474 Joanna Leeke 258 Mary ? 86 Mary Seabrook 43 William Prichard [See, also, Pritchard.] 128 Alice 3118 Ellen M. 2127 Louisa 2647 Mary Briggs 2815 Mary J. 2814 Sarah S. Prince 4229 Florence M. 4231 Gertrude J. 4228 Julia E. Storer 4230 Mildred S. Prindle 775 Hephzibah 316 Mary Browne 343 Mary Desborough 287 Phebe 2153 Sarah Amanda Pritchard [See, also, Prichard.] 4105 Hattie J. 45 2 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 3814 Mattie L. 3837 Wealthy H. Wilcox Proctor 2884 Eliza 2864 Margaret 2883 MaryL. Prout 724 John 693 Margaret 1015 Mary 395 Mary Rutherford 667 Sarah 1014 Sibyl Howell Pryce 4620 Harriet J. Punchard 845 Abigail 1016 Hannah 734 Mehitabel Perkins Punderson 947 Abigail 443 Abigail Ailing 3549 Betsey Day 568 Damaris 1 133 Damaris 275 Damaris Atwater 1 135 David 944 Esther 3543 Frances 371 Hannah 484 Hannah 965 Hannah 1481 Hannah Talmadge 2925 Harriet A. B. 2924 Harriet P. Brown 6 John 336 John 600 John 977 Lydia 1449 Lydia 607 Lydia Bradley 162 Margaret 569 Mary 806 Mary Tuttle 697 Sarah Ailing 873 Susanna 1039 Thankful Todd 588 Thomas 1 144 Thomas Putnam 4363 Helen L. Ralston 2450 Sarah C. Rand 2622 Harriet N. Ranney 4501 Florence I. Rathbone 3787 Juliette Rathbun 4902 Laura N. Talbot 4621 Walter J. Rath man 4622 Gretchen A. Ray 23 1 1 Charlotte Clark 2954 Lemuel B. 1569 Lois 2660 William M. Raymond 2715 Charles A. 1906 Julia Atwater 2128 Maria 2365 Sarah D. Raynolds 4734 Elizabeth 3873 Eliz. E. Watrous Read [See, also, Reed, Reid.] 2452 Mary 1734 Rebecca Sherman 22472366 Redfield Elizabeth Samuel A. Reed [See, also, Read, Reid.] 4002 Abbie J. 4319 Elizabeth S. 4320 Elizabeth S. 2594 Timothy Reese 3141 Josephine C. Foote Reichel 4623 Theodore F. Reid 4719 Lilias Macllwraith Reitzel 3867 JohnR. Rettger 4855 Clara Snyder 4854 LeoF. Rexford 935 Anna Beecher 1314 Daniel 1315 Martha Hitchcock 1252 Mary 941 Philip Reynolds 3944 Florence Maud Trowbridge 1410 Rhoda Rice 1825 Eleanor P. Root 3265 Eliza Blake 2779 Eliza W. Langdon 2165 Elizabeth 2786 Ellen P. 2712 George 1298 James 2785 James 2938 John S. 2787 Lucy C. 2960 MaryD. 1299 Mary Miles 2970 Rebecca B. 2206 Roxanna 2713 Sarah C. Thomson 3085 Sarah E. Manvel 2961 Susan A. Rich 3356 Harriet Richards 3363 Eugene L. 3194 Gertrude A. Baldwin 3262 Julia L. Bacon 1636 Nancy Atwater 237 Rosamond Lindall 3010 Sophia INDEX 453 Richardson 3478 Annie B. Magoun 1 103 Dorcas 4624 Isabella 3289 Jessie Deuchars 2446 Lydia A. Murdock Riley 1372 Abigail Ripley 1304 Dorothy Brintnall 2974 Erastus L. Ritter 3838 Albert M. 1804 Anna Thompson 3249 Charlotte I. 1668 David 2545 David 2271 Elizabeth 3005 Elizabeth 2540 Eliz. M. Hotchkiss 2578 Grace L. Chapman 1650 Hannah Brown 2041 John 3248 John C. 2132 Julia Mansfield 2857 Martha H. 2326 Mary 3198 Mary E. Manvel 2509 Natlfan 2080 Sarah M. 2079 Thomas 2258 Wealthy Hilliard 3247 Wealthy M. Robards. See Roberts. Robbins [See, also, Robins.] 4845 Adelaide E. 4301 Fred O. 3905 Martha E. 4273 Mary C. Loveridge 424 Sarah Brooks 4481 Sarah R. Roberts 2661 Ann 285 Elizabeth ? 3796 Elizabeth B. 775 Hephzibah Prindle 286 Joanna ? 529 Lydia 555 Lydia Smith 519 Mary ? 781 Peter Robeson 2416 Susan Taylor Robins 4863 Florence Robinson 3390 Aurelia B. Plumb 278S Charles 3027 Cornelia 2789 Elizabeth 3636 Ellen E. Foote 3778 Esther M. Turlay 4795 Frances 4626 George D. 1343 Hester 4678 Irene 4625 Irene K. Warner 2746 Nancy M. Mulford 2173 Sarah G. Cowles Rockwell 1762 Jerusha Rockwood 1982 Eliz. B. Hazard Rodgers [See, also, Rogers.] 2106 Julia 2154 Polly Rodman 3893 Anna G. Pomeroy 3776 Emily T. 3444 Fanny 3996 Henry B. 3443 Jerusha Pomeroy 3442 William W. Roehr 4327 Caroline J. Rogers [See, also, Rodgers.] 4627 Catharine A. 3698 Elizabeth 1455 Elizabeth Osbom 3030 Ellen T. Thompson 3687 Emily E. Trowbridge 4629 4628 Ronald Emma J. Mattie T. Rood 3888 Francis D. 3019 Helen M. 3100 Margaret A. Root 2151 Charlotte 4759 Edwin P. 1825 Eleanor P. 1594 Eleanor Strong 2037 Emily M. Peck 4748 Fannie M. 3488 J.Henry 3510 Jane G. Christie 1826 Jennette 2741 Joel 1820 Lucy Rosbotham 1 194 Sarah Brown Rose 1681 Daniel 72 Elizabeth Potter 2674 Jane M. 1682 Maria Trowbridge Rosell 4630 Charlotte M. Shoggom Rosewell 869 Catharine 679 Dorcas 680 Lydia 388 Lydia Trowbridge Ross 256 Constance Little ROTIIBOTHAM. See Rosbotham. Rowe 2 13 1 Elizabeth 1677 Elizabeth Miles 2142 Fanny 2367 John H. 1311 Mary 672 Mary Peck 751 Rebecca Mix 355 Sarah 834 Sarah 4049 Vera G. 454 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN Rowland 3921 Amory E. 2544 Emily Peck 3922 Grace Talbot 2368 John S. 2042 Jonathan M. Rowley 4631 Jency Ruel 2221 Emma Ruggles 1956 Elizabeth Dorman 880 Joseph 881 Rachel Tolles 3067 Sarah B. 3176 Theodosia Russell 3435 Alice M. Beckwith 3800 Augusta L. Edwards 2445 Betsey Frisbie 2335 Calvin 3762 Edward H. 4290 Edward S. 4282 Eleanor W. 2616 Elizabeth 824 Elizabeth Munson 562 Esther Tuttle 335 Hannah 653 John 2218 Lucretia 778 Martha Sperry 407 Mary Hitchcock 3907 Mary K. Munson 4190 Mary T. 611 Samuel 99 Sarah Davis 2532 Sarah E. Brown 2270 Susan Person 3747 Thomas H. 4207 Thomas H. 2175 Ursula 98 William 4251 Wm. Huntington 907 Ruth Rutherford 221 Henry 395 Mary 87 Sarah Ryals 4632 Edward A. Sabin 2663 Grace A. 1392 Sarah 2742 Susan E. 986 Sabina, or Sabrina Sacket 356 Agnes Tinkham 1269 Hannah 789 Joseph 328 Mary Wooding 1 122 Ruth 359 Sarah 425 Sarah 805 Sarah 489 Sarah Denison Sage 4420 Annie E. 2916 Chester St. John 3839 Carrie L. 3470 Esther P. Gray 3469 Henry Salewski 4633 Eliza J. Salisbury 2757 Abby S. Phillips 2756 Edward E. 3143 Mary P. 1683 Philip Salter 2187 Cleveland J. 2188 Eliza Cotton 3629 Julia R. 3355 MaryL. Saltonstall 1 198 Mary 1 183 Mary Hay nes J 244 Sarah Saltus 3162 Susan E. Sanford Sampson 2719 Emily S. Apthorp 737 Sanders Sanders 4013 Edith Blackman 4012 Frank K. 4255 Helen Sanderson 3958 Mary C. Cox 3957 Sidney A. Sanford 2640 Abraham 4162 Adelaide B. 3961 Adeline F. 3436 Annie M. Cutler 920 Desire Warner 948 Dinah Perkins 3565 Edward I. 4160 Elias B. 1805 Elihu 2869 Ellen R. Whipple 3412 Ellen W. 3567 Fanny L. 618 Hannah Beach 3070 Harriet 3999 Henrietta E. Whitney 2471 Hervey 612 John 4'93 Josephine 3099 Julia * 3959 Leonard C. 3086 Leonard J. 1943 Mahala Eastman 4161 Martha Sanford 3107 Mary Baker 628 Mary Chubb 2129 Mary Lyman 4174 May T. 3183 Nathan H. 466 Sarah 616 Sarah 3566 Sarah J. Lyon 4106 Sarah T. Whitney 2304 Susan 3162 Susan E. 2671 Susan E. Hull 1768 Susan Howell 3960 Susan M. 322 Thomas 627 Thomas Sanger 3841 Emma C. Santry 4361 Florence INDEX 455 Sargent Schwab 3007 Charles 4735 Elizabeth C. 4015 Edith A. Fisher 3182 Elizabeth 4846 Hazel E. 3513 Lucy E. Scott 3006 Silas R. Satterlee 1328 Abigail Sellew George T. Isabella Murray 3396 3397 Douglas R Elizabeth Knowlson 1627 1 153 1698 Abigail Abigail Hitchcock Amelia 4178 4179 Sauer 2285 1456 MaryMary Osbom Sellivant 4828 Emil 1892 Samuel 314 Eliz. Lamberton 4829 Ethel Jordan Scovill, Scoville Seward Saunders 2803 Harriet Harrison 568 Damaris Punderson 2525 Abigails. 4433 Juliette M. 2413 Edwin D. 2436 Caroline A. 3788 Sarah A. 1646 Mabel 2437 Eliza 2523 Fear Sturtevant Scranton Seymour 2526 Harriet N. 3490 A. Julia Washburn 3394 Mary L. 4871 Lucy H. 1955 Chloe 2524 Sarah 3489 Edward S. Sharpe 3403 Erastus C. 4642 Daniel L. Sawyer 3529 Harriet A. Grannis 2273 Elizabeth Truman 3777 Emily Clark 340434io Lydia Stannard MaryE. 4643 Mary E. McCoy Sayre 3525 Susan P. Shattuck 224 Damaris Seabrook 1800 Deborah Barnes Schaeffer 86 Mary Sheffield 4140 Louisa C. Bradley Sears 2680 2171 Elizabeth Elizabeth B. Chase 3577 Schenck Anson G. P. 1467 Anna Seaton 2816 21972817 George W. Joseph B. Sarah L. 2247 Elizabeth Redfield 4033 Mary M. 2169 William Schlitter Seaver Sarah R. Sheldon 4816 Henrietta G. 29S1 3757 Emily W. Tweed Sedgwick 4ISO Harrison T. Schmidt 3069 Violet B. 3756 Theodore H. 4635 Matilda W. Shelton Schubert Seeley, Seely 786 Abigail Beecher 1611 Mary P. Burbank Schmoll 4640 Arthur P. 391 1 Mary B. Biegel 3265 Eliza Blake Shepard, Shepherd, 4637 Hannah R. Mallory SHEPPARD Schubert 4638 James W. 2303 Abigail Dummer 2947 Laura 4895 Albert W. 4634 Emma T. 4639 Lilian E. Holt 2229 Almira Somers 4635 Matilda W. 163 Mary 4644 Almyr J. 4641 Mary A. 2489 Forrest Schurig 44 Robert 3028 Forresta G. 4636 Cath. S. Hausmann 3280 George R. 4736 Ernest G. Selden 4646 Harrison A. 4738 Louise B. 2854 Almira 3462 Helen F. Peck 4737 Mary Staver 352 1 Aurelia V. 4893 Henry 456 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4894 Irving C. Sherrill Skiff 4647 James H. 4783 Elizabeth M. 4478 Pauline 3679 Jane Bushnell 4788 Ruth D. 2913 Rachel McKinstry 2472 Leverett 4787 Samuel B. 4645 Lula M. Skinner 1547 Mary Sherwood 3076 Elizabeth A. Dole 3199 Sophia W. 2498 Sophia W. Storer 2952 Mary Hitchcock 2204 3526 Harriet B- Whiting Marv 4648 Stanley C. Shields 3609 Mary DeF. 3834 Stella E. 4204 Cordelia A. 3530 Mary L. DeForest Sherman Shilcock Slade 1684 Ann 3841 Emma C. Sanger 2701 Abi Love 3555 Antoinette Slater Whittlesey Shiner 2081 Caroline 4649 Mittie E. Camp 1956 Joel 1509 Cornelia 344 Daniel Shipman Smalstig 803 Dinah 1637 Ann L. 429S Augusta 584 Dinah Thomas 3239 Charlotte D. 58 Edmund 2837 Harriet H. Smith 2945 Eliza T. 2093 Lavinia Walter 3167 Abby H. 921 Esther 2082 Mary A. Bradley 2162 Abigail 1334 Esther White 2700 Mary B. 1752 Amy 898 Eunice 2588 Andrew H. 1437 Hannah Wise Shoggom 1267 Anna 1733 Harriet 4630 Charlotte M. 1579 Anna 2818 Howard 4650 Annie J. Pardee 1226 James Short 3903 Arthur H. 1714 James 2962 Jessie B. 3997 Jessie B. 782 John 4771 4137 Nellie E. William H. 2579 3895 4062 Benjamin Caroline W. Carrie E. 987 Sibyl 40894651 Celestia K. Charles F. 2944 Louisa J. Sidell 4655 Charles S. Tamblingson 802 Lydia 2692 Eliza 3874 Charlotte E. Goodyear 2652 Margaret S. Sill 2587 Clarissa 2379 Martha 426 Mary 2172 3635 Abigail L. Noyes Jennie M. 3715 1272 Clarissa Desire Cooper 621 Mary Bassett 4810 Dorothy C. 1605 Mehitabel Silliman 5* Ebenezer 742 Nathaniel 1968 Olivia 1028 Rebecca 1345 Rebecca 1734 Rebecca 1021 Rebecca Beecher 743 Rebecca Burwell 1302 3446 2904 1 301 2915 2615 Emilia Hubbard Faith W. HenriettaHezekiah Maria T. Susan H. Forbes 21984653 473 641 1332 1370 2641 ElihuEliza N. Phelps ElizabethElizabeth ElizabethElizabethElizabeth C. 1029 Rhoda Simpson 4847 Elizabeth D. 1806 Sally 323 Elizabeth Patterson 933 Sarah 1695 Grace Kimberly 1401 Elizabeth Smith 1348 Sarah 1788 William F. 4654 EllaE. 1548 Sarah 4659 Emily A. Smith 1 136 Sarah Cooke Skidmore 2995 Emily F. 1609 Sarah Lyon 1040 Abigail 3841 Emma C. Sanger 1928 Thaddeus 842 Ellen 4849 Emma Lord INDEX 457 4748 Fannie M. Root 1704 Fanny Gorham 3040 Flora 4749 Florence I. 4668 Franklin P. 2642 Frederick 4658 G. Truman 1835 George 2510 George H. 3313 George M. 3840 George W. 3302 Grace A. Bartholomew 284 Grace Winston 1061 Hannah 1620 Hannah 436 Hannah Browne 2922 Harriet 2767 Harriette M. Bacon 4662 Hattie A. 4663 Hattie J. 4848 Herbert M. 3" Hester Goodyear 596 Hester Morris 2586 Hetty B. Horsford 1863 Huldah 4747 Isaac P. 2414 James H. 3420 Jerusha W. 337 John 3894 Joseph B. 3720 Joseph H. 4664 Josephine E. 3353 Katharine W. Bacon 3354 Laura A. 4657 Lewis H. 4334 Lizzie H. 2133 Louisa Hill 4656 Louisa V. Mack 4686 Lucy C. 3721 Lucy K. Betts 555 Lydia 192 1 Lydia 396 Lydia Bristol 4308 Margaret 4789 Maria J. Demarest 2039 Maria Poole 519 Mary 2838 Mary 2760 Mary B. Adams 4203 Mary Bacon 1638 Mary Bradley 2217 Mary Coggeshall 39io Mary E. Gardner 2538 Mary Eliz. Furniss 3250 Mary Elmina 4652 Mary J. 2083 Mary Polly 3632 Matilda W. 2759 Matthew H. 577 Mehitabel Talmage 299 Mercy 4661 Minnie R. Peck 312 Obedience Lamberton 4665 Ozias B. 2259 Polly M. Hitchcock 2483 Polly Palmer 1949 Polly Tyler 776 Rebecca Painter 4667 Rose 1639 Sally Atwater 524 Samuel 4666 Samuel 114 Sarah 115 Sarah 2400 Sarah A. Lambert 2454 Sarah A. Smith 2765 Sarah Atwater 3738 Sarah Jane 1027 Sarah Johnson 4660 Sherlon D. 3909 Silas L. 1248 Susannah 1032 Thankful 345 Thomas 2272 Wales 261 1 Walter D. 816 William 3896 William B. 4224 Winifred L. Smock 3722 Woodford D. Smyth 3904 Anna M. Ayer 4191 Ethel W. 3962 Mary W. 4040 Nathan A. 4141 Winifred Sneath 4740 Anna S. Camp 4739 E. Hershey 4309 Herbert C. Snell 4669 Adolphus G. 4458 Clara F. 4670 Harry B. 4463 LucyL. 3618 Richard B. Snow 4256 Helen P. 4003 Levi T. 4521 Lillian M. 4760 Marion P. 4238 RuthC. 3950 SilaH. Pierpont Snyder 4855 Clara Somers 2229 Almira 4208 Annie L. Barnes 4292 Frances H. 2305 Harriet 4291 Marjorie B. Soper 3336 Sarah Southerton 4395 Eliza 4671 Elizabeth 3312 Mary Southgate 2653 Mary W. Spangler 3203 Henry W. Spear 3482 Mary W. Coe Spencer 1893 Abigail 1285 Abigail English 1812 Aurelia Tappan 3627 Charlotte 181 1 David B. 2181 Elizabeth 3182 Elizabeth Selden 4622 Gretchen A. Rathman 4006 Joseph J. 3551 MaryC. 3530 Mary J. Dunham 2105 Nancy L. Potter 1240 Nathaniel 1876 Sarah 1894 Sarah Sperry 4672 A. William 1 107 Abigail 3° 458 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 585 Abigail Dickerman 1030 Amy Munson 1395 Anna 758 Anna Blackley 1031 Anna Johnson 988 Daniel 485 Deborah Peck 250 Dennis 1075 Dennis 1393 Desire 1072 Dinah 469 Ebenezer 857 Elizabeth 1303 Elizabeth 486 Elizabeth Femes 358 Elizabeth Post 835 Esther 1084 Esther Winston 4761 Frederick N. 1096 Hannah Peck 1 101 Hannah Perkins 4673 Harriet Lum 490 Hester 579 Hester 1085 James 1227 James 357 John 1086 Joseph 1 102 Joseph 1 163 Lydia Holt 723 Lydia Munson 4750 Margery Thompson 778 Martha 1275 Martha 1432 Martha Hotchkiss 389 Martha Mansfield 1 162 Martha Mansfield 846 Martha Wooding 353 Mary 1268 Mehitabel Collins 1066 Mercy 735 Moses 467 Nathaniel 862 Rebecca 1270 Rebecca 408 Richard 556 Richard 790 Richard 815 Ruth 1077 Sarah 752 Sarah Clarke 468 Sarah Dickerman 741 Sarah Perkins 491 Sarah Wilmot 752 Sarah Wilmot 397 Thomas 926 William Spooner Stedman 4305 Marion E. 1998 Julia | Spring Steele 1669 Gardiner 2326 2369 Mary Ritter Thomas Squier, Squire Stemen 2314 2654 Mary A. Melissa P. 3889 John A. Stent Stanley 216 Mrs. Eleazar 4674 Carrie L. Vishno 1895 Harriet Stetson 1271 2286 Susanna William H. 3704 Caroline Burritt Stevens Stannard S65 Abigail Clarke 2336 Henry 3977 Amy G. Whitmore 3404 Lydia 3502 Celestia Jerome 4306 Mary E. 3501 Edward 1373 Esther Macomber Staples 4675 George E. 2043 1896 Catharine S. 500 Hannah Barnes Catharine Wales 3568 Harriet L. Stevens 2688 Frances A. 3997 Jessie B. Sherman 3663 Harriette S. 474 Joanna Leeke 4616 Jennie E. 2107 Joseph B. 3329 Mary E. 1862 Sally 3314 Mary Knight 539 1312 Samuel Sarah Starkey 2473 759 Sarah Thomas 3697 Mary E. Stevenson Starr 3226 Mary 3038 Esther 2504 Geoirge Stickney 30423127 HannahLucy 4676 Josephine S. Ufford 3041 Mary B. Stiles 1726 2084 NancyWilliam D. 1215 1219 Elizabeth Hubbard Isaac Stauffer 4677 2044 Mary Atwood Nathan G. 4017 Henry Still Staver 1613 James 4737 Mary Stillman Stearns 2134 Abigail Chapin 2582 Charles R. 1640 Ashbel 2583 Elizabeth Strong 1901 Eliza Bliss 3165 Eliz. Trowbridge Stebbins 1593 Esther Johnson 1536 Sarah Gorham 3164 George P. INDEX 459 1981 Hannah T. 4678 Irene Robinson 2424 Jennette Carrington 4679 Layette E. 1900 Levi 2617 Lucretia D. 2045 Lucretia Trowbridge 2046 Susan Stilson 1971 Julia Dunning Stimson 4065 Mabel W. White Stirling 4680 Peter 2585 Stith Catharine V. Stockbridge 2487 Emily W. Stoddard 1984 Betsey 2291 Julia Stokes 4681 Laura 4682 Nellie S. Stone 3251 Benjamin J. 2455 Benjamin W. 2551 David M. 2353 Eliz. J. Harrison 3252 George T. 2238 Harriet P. 2599 Isaac F. 2819 Joseph F. 3569 Lilias H. 2237 Mary T. 2200 Mehetabel Treat 2199 Richard 4042 Sarah B. 4041 Sarah C. Blake 837 Sarah Morrison 1050 Susanna Mansfield Storer 4683 Harriet K. 4228 Julia E. 4684 MaryD. 2498 Sophia W. Storrs '975 Clarissa Stow, Stowe 33140 Julia Benjamin 4321 Emma L. 1754 JohnH. 399 Thankful Strause 4587 ElIaM. Myers Street 2840 Ann Whidden 2831 Caroline A. 1759 Caroline M. Leffingwell 2530 Catharine L. 3796 Eliz. B. Roberts 475 Elizabeth Browne 4090 Esther D. 2370 Frances A. 3795 Henry Augustus 2708 JaneC. 4326 John P. 1816 Lois B. Holt 2430 Maria M. 39 Mary Newman 3471 Minerva L. 2840 Nancy Whidden 222 Nicholas 1747 William S. 4885 Striby Grace M. Strobel 2697 Daniel Strong 1372 Abigail Riley 468s Edwin B. 1594 Eleanor 2583 Elizabeth 2894 Elizabeth L. 2415 Jeannette A. Bradley 4278 Laura 4686 Lucy C. Smith 2652 Margaret S. Sherman 1849 Rebecca 4687 Thaddeus L. Stuart 1601 Abigail Clark Sturdevant, Sturtevant 979 Elizabeth 2523 Fear Subell 3340 Catherine Sume 1412 Betty 1 1 73 Dinah 1 171 Pero von der Sump 4800 Frederick H. 4872 Lucile Davenport Sutherland 3974 WardT. Sutliff 3Si8 Bennett H. 497 Hannah Brockett 3519 Sarah Nettleton Sutton 2495 Teresa Sweet 4049 Vera G. Rowe SWEETLAND 3388 Sarah H.Judd Swift 1864 Harriet 4377 Josephine Swing 3709 Albert T. Talbot 2922 Grace 4902 Laura N. Tallmadge, Talmadge, Talmage 673 Abigail 1060 Abigail 288 Abigail Bishop 4076 Anna B. 1 155 Benjamin 950 Daniel 339 Elizabeth 1 145 Elizabeth 1 170 Elizabeth 460 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 304 Enos 2790 Esther E. 1350 Eunice 1481 Hannah 761 Hannah Harrison 346 Hannah Yale 760 James 660 Jeremiah 566 Mary 2287 Mary A. 1073 Mary Thompson 577 Mehitabel 187 Robert 966 Robert 307 Sarah 634 Sarah 1 1 64 Sarah 251 Sarah Nash 2036 Sarah Olds 586 Thomas 1340 Thomas W. Talman 2477 Julia Wilcox Tamblingson 2944 Louisa J. Tanguay 4840 Blanche Tapp 140 141 Ann 246 Elizabeth 3215 1812 1814 3212 1836 32143216 3217 46884689 4264 4266 4265 Tappan Arthur Aurelia Aurelia Bingham Charlotte L. Daniel D. Elizabeth R. Frances Antill Sarah S. Tarbell AnnaEsther Tarr Leonard M. Lulia M. Mary G. Davis Taylor 3343 Abby A. Johnson 2081 Caroline Sherman 3206 Clarina B. 2437 Eliza Saunders 4766 Grace 4690 Hattie M. 2288 Mary 3842 Mary Cady 1799 Rebecca M. Hine 3062 Silvester 2416 Susan 2698 Susan Teller 2246 Margaret Temple 2575 Rebecca Clapp Ten Brook 2163 Mary D. Tench 45 Edward Terhune 3315 Elizabeth 3319 Sophia Wortendyke Terrill 502 Abigail Bristol 4514 Annie B. MacArthur 4691 Arthur P. Terry 2988 Catharine E. 3578 Eliza H. 3496 Emily Hitchcock 3533 Harriet W. 4692 IdaM. 4693 1351 46942511 4109 3668 36374586 449 3439 Thacher Antoinette C. Bassett MarySarah E. Sheldon P. Thayer Clara L. Julia E. Mary E. Johnson Octavine F. Thomas Abigail Preston AddieE. 151 1 Anna Hodge 899 Deborah 584 Dinah 1 103 Dorcas Richardson 777 Dorothy 929 Elizabeth 1022 Elizabeth Clarke 890 Elizabeth Johnson 386 Elizabeth Osborne 4762 Emma Croffut 3766 Fannie B. 3546 Fanny L. 1440 Hannah 3158 Jane 3438 Jane A. Cunningham 4332 JaneL. 188 John 836 John 470 Joseph 1897 Julia A. 3787 Juliette Rathbone 1515 Lucinda 942 Lydia Andrus 390 Lydia Parker 1438 Mary 587 Mary Ford 967 Mary Miles 642 Sarah 3336 Sarah Soper 201 Tabitha 379 Tabitha Thompson, Thomson 1670 Abigail Bradley 2047 Amanda 900 Amos 298 Anna 1804 Anna 668 Anne 46 Anthony 2667 Asenath Warner 1595 Betsey 3033 Caroline 2666 Charles 3029 Charlotte S. 1905 Clarissa 3843 Cleveland S. 1621 Desire Moulthrop 2618 Egbert A. 463 Elizabeth 793 Elizabeth 1 1 16 Elizabeth 3073 Elizabeth 3698 Elizabeth Rogers 641 Elizabeth Smith 3691 Ellen E. Cowles 116 Ellen Harrison INDEX 461 1919 Ellen Ishmael 3030 Ellen T. 3362 Emily 817 Esther Ailing 1344 Eunice 2517 Fidelia 3424 Georgiana Treadway 831 Gideon 305 Hannah 1061 Hannah Smith 897 Hannah Wilmot 2861 Harriet S. Armstrong 2859 Henry B. 896 James 3531 James D. 3138 Jane A. 2708 JaneC. Street 276 Joanna Daniel 293 John 943 Judah 1801 Julia 4517 Louisa C. 3061 Lucilia U. 977 Lydia Punderson 4750 Margery 658 Martha 1042 Martha 269 Mary 352 Mary 1073 Mary 1581 Mary 1596 Mary 833 Mary Ailing 847 Mary Ball 3844 Mary E. Blackman 482 Mercy Mansfield 3087 Minott 2707 Nathaniel F. 520 Priscilla 308 Priscilla Powell 747 Rebecca 952 Rebecca 3253 Rebecca A. 404 Rebecca Bishop 281 Rebecca Daniel 2108 Rebecca Tuttle 4790 Richard C. 1793 Sally 629 Samuel 825 Samuel 4122 Sara E. 361 Sarah 1279 Sarah 901 Sarah Ailing 2713 Sarah C. 2536 Sarah M. Fairchild 891 Sarah Peck 4548 Susan A. 2358 Susan A. Johnson 4695 Thomas R. 100 William 652 William Thorp, Thorpe 823 Ann Payne 906 Experience 3934 Louise H. Whittlesey 882 Lydia 249 Margaret Pigg 424 Sarah Brooks 4340 Sarah L. 47 William Tichener 211 Mary Charles Tikiob 4696 Mabel A. Cummings Tileston 4191 Ethel W. Smyth Tiley 4142 Curtis B. 4143 Isabella E. Goslee Tillou 291 1 Sarah M. Condit Tinker 1384 Elizabeth Tinkham 356 Agnes Tisdale 2834 Ann E. 2833 Eunice Crissey 2863 JaneN. Todd 2048 Chloe 4830 Clara A. 705 Elizabeth 475 Elizabeth Browne 81 Grace Middlebrook 619 Hannah 852 Hannah 910 Hannah Butler 1748 Joseph 21462085 802 1735 294 009 1311 11211200 908 3155 622 837 1277 1039 LemuelLucinda Lydia Sherman Mam re Mary Bradley Mary Dickerman Mary Rowe Mary Tuttle Matthew Michael Ruth G. Samuel Sarah Morrison Sibyl Thankful Tolles 1327 Hannah Clark 1440 Hannah Thomas 883 Henry 1326 Henry 609 Mary Goodsell 881 Rachel 1039 Thankful 1032 Thankful Smith Tomlinson 2050 Abigail A. 2240 Anna M. 2049 David 3770 Eliza Chatfield 2070 Harriet Goodyear 2485 Henry A. 2505 Maria B. Ives 2233 Mary A. 1731 Nancy 1985 Rhoda Alderman Toumey 3989 Constantia H. 4244 James W. Blake Towle 4204 Cordelia A. Shields Towner 2841 Clarissa S. Benham 2521 Maria 4697 Noble Townsend, Townshend 2791 Abigail Trowbridge 3579 Alice E. Maltby 1484 Anna Atwater 4067 Arthur C. 462 FIRST CHURCH, NEW HAVEN 4763 Caroline T. Dederer 2109 Catherine W. 3254 Edward H. 3367 Eliza A. Mulford 2086 Emily 4019 Emily 1749 Eunice Atwater 2730 Evelina 3368 George H. 4197 George H. 4165 Henry H. 3043 James M. 2087 Lydia 2371 Margaret H. 3031 Maria T. Clark 1571 Mary 3419 Mary G, Buckelew 3723 Mary Hotchkiss 4164 Mary L. 3688 Mary L. Trowbridge 1848 Nancy 1844 Nancy Barney 4166 Raynham 1436 Rebecca 1539 Rhoda Atwater 1536 Sarah Gorham 1348 Sarah Sherman 3686 William K. 4163 Winston T. Trask 4323 Marie I. Treadway 2191 George 3424 Georgiana 3255 Mary M. 2672 Minerva Merwin 2051 Richard M. 2046 Susan Stillman 2302 Timothy Treat 2176 Abby B. Blackman 2053 Abigail G. Blackman 1902 Chauncey 2040 Harriet Poole 2052 Harvey 2885 Mary E. 1856 Mary R. Hayes 2200 Mehetabel 2155 Nehemiah 3079 Sarah M. Ives Trowbridge 4051 Isabella T. 2791 Abigail 2372 Jane Louisa 3432 Amelia B. Uhlhorn 3535 Jane Louisa Fitch 2743 Amos 2156 Jennette 398 Ann Leete 3132 Julia A. 1684 Ann Sherman 2705 Julia C. 2887 Annie B. 3801 Katharine Bacon 2820 Augusta C. 4139 Katharine Bacon 4874 Bertha Chadwick 1570 Lois Mix 2984 Caroline A. 1582 Lois Mix 4797 Caroline Havens 2045 Lucretia Hubbell 3273 Lucy E. Parker 2734 Caroline Hoadley 1837 Lucy P. 3398 Caroline Hoadley 388 Lydia 1807 Catharine A twater 4798 Margaret D. 2731 Catharine Atwater 3298 Margarette E. Dean 3433 Charles H. 1682 Maria 3951 Constance B. 419 Mary 1689 Dorcas 785 Mary 1447 Dorcas Hitchcock 2417 Mary A. 4246 Dorothy Q. 4799 Mary B. 3399 E. Hayes 2960 Mary D. Rice 4050 Edith C. 2005 Mary E. 4115 Edmund Q. 3688 Mary Leavenworth 4873 Elford P. 601 Mary Lillie 2735 Eliza Amelia 1666 Mary Macomber 3647 Eliza Ann Bradley 1699 Mary Miles 547 Elizabeth 3209 Mary Webster 788 Elizabeth 2653 Mary Webster 1645 Elizabeth Southgate 3165 Elizabeth 1160 Mary Woodward 2515 Elizabeth A. 1603 Melissa 314 Eliz. Lamberton 1685 Nancy 3705 Ellen E. 1663 Nancy Hayes 3133 Ellen M. 838 Rebecca Eliot 2946 Emily C. 2888 Rebecca G. 3687 Emily E. 1491 Rutherford 3071 Ezekiel H. 3845 Rutherford 4052 Florence C. 1929 Sally 3944 Florence Maud 1 129 Sarah 2488 Francis 2761 Sarah A. Day 4796 Frank D. 3466 Sarah C. Hull 1604 Grace 1392 Sarah Sabin 645 Hannah 2088 Susan 1983 Hannah 1422 Thankful Ailing 329 Hannah Nash 1448 Thankful Doolittle 2927 Harriet E. 848 Thankful Easton 3210 Harriet E. 399 Thankful Stow 1724 Harriet Hayes 347 Thomas 2528 Harriet Hayes 409 Thomas 3538 Harriet T. 762 Thomas Carrington 2733 Thomas R. 41 14 Hayes Q. 3275 Thomas R. 3534 Henrietta K. 1565 Wealthy 2732 Henry 313 William 2983 Henry 1727 William 3330 Henry 3276 William R. H. 3459 Isabella iv"