.iAiAi.i.i^i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.t».i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i,i.i.i.i.i.i,i.i.i.i,rrrriEtr YALE UNIVERSITY Xibrarg of the ©foinitg School GIFT OF Douglas dlgde JWacintosh DWIGHT PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY DWIGHT PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION 1916-1942 1.ii,.1,|v|,|.|V|.1,|,.,|,,,|V,,..,.i,,...,vlH,|,|.|v|,|,|v|,|., w„ n.,,, L..,,!.,,,.!.,^ XLbc /IDessages of tbe Bible EDITED BY Professor Frank K. Sanders, Ph.D., of Vale University, and Professor Charles F. Kent, Ph.D., of Yale University. Messrs. Charles Scribner's Sons take pleasure in announcing that they have in course of preparation a series of hand-books which will enable every reader of the Bible to appreciate and to obtain a mastery of the essential facts and teachings contained in it. This series is not a substitute for the Bible, but an aid to the rev erent, appreciative, and enthusiastic reading of the Scriptures; in fact it will serve the purpose of an ORIGINAL AND POPULAR COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE. Technicalities and unsettled questions will be, as far as possible, ignored. Each volume will be prepared by a leading specialist and will contain such brief introductions as serve to put the reader into intelligent relation to the general theme treated. The editorial re arrangement of the order of the Biblical books or sections will repre sent the definite results of sober scholarship. I. Ube /messages of tbe Earlier flSropbets. {Ready.) II. Ube /Messages of tbe ftater ipropbets. (Ready.) III. Ube /messages of tbe ftaw Givers. (In Preparation.) IV. Ube /messages of tbe (propbetic ano ipriestlg Ibfss torfans. (Ready.) V. lEbe /messages Of tbe fpsalmfsts. (In Preparation.) VI. Ube /messages of tbe Sages. VII. Ubc /messages of tbe dramatic [poets. (In Preparation.) VIII. Ube /messages of tbe Spocalspttc X&rlters. IX. Ube /messages of Jesus according to tbe S^nops tfstS. (Ready.) X. Ube /messages of Jesus accorMng to Jobn. XI. Ube /messages of ipaul. (Ready.) XII. Ube /messages of tbe Spostles. (Ready.) Gbe flDessages of tbe Bible EDITED BY Professor Frank K. Sanders, Ph.D. of Yale University AND Professor Charles F. Kent, Ph.D. of Yale University VOLUME IV THE MESSAGES OF THE PROPHETIC AND PRIESTLY HISTORIANS tEbe flftessages of tbe Btble THE MESSAGES OF THE PROPHETIC AND PRIESTLY HISTORIANS THE WRITINGS OF THE HISTORIANS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, ARRANGED SO AS TO DISTINGUISH THEIR PRINCIPAL SOURCES, AND FREELY RENDERED IN PARAPHRASE BY John Edgar McFadyen M.A. (Glas.), B.A. (Oxon.) Professor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis in Knox College. Toronto. NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1901 Copyright, 1901, by CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Published September, 1901 THE CAXTON PRESS NEW YORK. Go MY FATHER PREFACE In accordance with the general purpose of the series to which it belongs, this volume on the " Messages of the Prophetic and Priestly Historians " aims at presenting the essential, that is, the religious messages of the historical books of the Old Testament, as those messages are reached and interpreted by the scholarship of to-day. To the at tainment of this aim, some preliminary critical discussion is indispensable ; for, on the ground covered by these books, arise many of the most keenly debated problems of the Old Testament — problems too numerous and grave to be even adequately stated, far less disposed of, within the limits prescribed by the conditions of the series, and by the restricted space at my disposal. I have tried, as clear ly and briefly as I could, to give some sketch of the manner in which these problems are dealt with, and at least ap proximate results attained, by modern scholarship. But the sketch is in no sense a plea ; it is simply a dispassion ate presentation of the facts, and I have sought never to go beyond inferences which the facts seemed to warrant. The argument for the positions adopted is really cumu lative, and is strengthened by numerous considerations which there was no opportunity here for discussing. In vii Preface the Hexateuch, there is almost an unanimous consensus among Old Testament scholars with regard at least to the main results of the discussion ; in Ezra-Nehemiah,. that unanimity has not yet been reached. One of the greatest difficulties that besets, for the gen eral reader, the scientific study of the Old Testament is the absence of any easily accessible criterion to distinguish the original sources from the later redactional material. By typographical devices an attempt is here made to over come this difficulty, the original sources being always printed in plain type, and the redactional matter in italics, capitals, small or bold-faced type, as the case may be.1 Many of the difficulties will thus be found to vanish of themselves. All that is printed in plain type may be used as a basis for the study of the history, and I have sought, where possible, to make it read continuously. Brackets are used to indicate that the passage enclosed has no direct authority in the original text, but is supplied on high warrant for the sake of the connection. The poetry and the legislation interspersed throughout the historical books have been, with hardly any exceptions, omitted, as they are to be dealt with in other volumes of this series. The task of paraphrase was not the least difficult of the problems which this volume had to face. To retell the inimitable stories of the Hexateuch is clearly impossible, especially under the conditions of a paraphrase which was 1 See pp. 97, 100, 248, 286, and 320. viii Preface often obliged to compress a whole paragraph into a word, and a chapter into a line or two. I have tried so to tell the stories as to let the religious truth which they embody shine through them, and to present that truth, which some times seems to us so quaint and far away, in a form intel ligible to modern religious experience. Sections which are duplicated (as in the Hexateuch) or repeated from other books (as in Chronicles) are para phrased only once. The disadvantage occasioned by iso lating the first four books of the Hexateuch and starting a new section with Deuteronomy, seemed to be more than compensated by the opportunity thus secured of discussing the far-reaching influence of Deuteronomy on the subse quent books of the section. My debts are many. In particular, I should like to acknowledge my special obligations to Steuernagel's " Einleitung in den Hexateuch," Dillmann 's " Commenta ries on the Hexateuch," Bacon's "Triple Tradition of the Exodus," the volumes of Moore and Smith on Judges and Samuel in the "International Critical Commentary," and Benzinger's volume on Kings in the " Kurzer Hand-Com- mentar zum Alten Testament." I have been much helped by the unfailing and generous courtesy of both the editors of the series, who have devoted much time to the revision of the volume. They read all the proof through, and con tributed many valuable suggestions. I also desire to re cord my thanks to my friend, the Rev. Dr. George Bruce, ix Preface of Toronto, for his kindness in reading the first half of the proof, and for many helpful comments. Owing to my absence in Germany, I have not been able to exercise full control of the final revision, and crave indulgence tor any slips that may be due to this cause. The problems raised by the historical books of the Old Testament are of exceptional interest and difficulty. But it must never be forgotten that criticism is only a means to an end. It fails, if it does not lead us to a more rever ent appreciation of the ways of God with man. The Old Testament is more than a field for the exercise of critical acumen. It is a word of life ; and our deepest concern is with the life which it reflects and inspires, not with the literary problems which it involves. The large outlook of its historians upon the progress of the centuries ; their splendid interpretation of history ; their triumphant faith in Israel's mission and destiny ; their overwhelming con sciousness of God as the Lord of all, inspiring history with a sense of purpose, guiding it toward a divine event, bend ing to the consummation of his purpose the resources of the world which he created and controls, calling and equip ping men from generation to generation to advance that purpose and to interpret his will, following his people in love through all their wilful way, seeking, by a discipline which was often stern but always gracious, to bring them into that fellowship with himself for which man was origi nally destined : these are the things that are precious to the x Preface Christian church ; and criticism is welcome only in so far as it sets those things in a clearer light and brings them home to our hearts with a mightier conviction. The problems with which criticism deals are real ; their burden is felt not only by the professional critic, but by everyone who reads his Old Testament with intelligence and im agination. But they do not touch the heart of the matter. Deeper than all with which criticism can directly deal is the audible pulsing of a life at once human and divine, a life which grew richer and deeper as the centuries rolled from the exodus to the exile. The goal of all true criticism is to understand that life more adequately and sympatheti cally. It is in this spirit that the present volume is written, and with the conviction that no believing man can watch the purpose of God unfolding in Old Testament history without having his own faith quickened and rekindled. John E. McFadyen. Eschwege, Germany, August, 1 90 1. CONTENTS THE PROPHETIC HISTORIANS PAGE I. Origins of Hebrew Literature 3-5 II. The Necessity, Nature, and Value of Hexa- teuchal Analysis 5-20 III. Date and Place of Origin of the Prophetic Documents 21-26 IV. The Progress of the Divine Purpose in the Book of Genesis 27-32 V. The World of Sin (Gen. 2 : 4b to 11 : 30) . . . 32-38 1. Man's Place in the Universe and His Choice of Sin (Gen. 2 : 4b to 4 : 24) 32-35 2. Sin Abounding (Gen. 5 : 29 ; 6 to 11) . . . . 35-38 VI. The Fathers of the Hebrew People . . . 38-52 1. The Discipline of Abraham (Gen. 12: 1 to 25:6) 38-42 (1) The Call of Abraham and the Divine Care of Him (Gen. 12, 13) 38-39 (2) The Strain and the Reward of Faith (Gen. 15 : 1 to 25 : 6) 39-42 2. The Discipline of Isaac (Gen. 25 : n to 26 : 33) 43 3. The Discipline of Jacob (Gen. 27 : 1 to 35 : 22) . 43-48 (1) Banished by Sin (Gen. 27 : 1 to 28 : 22) . 43-44 (2) Jacob's Fortunes in the Strange Land (Gen. 29 : 1 to 31 : 55) 44-46 (3) In the Promised Land (Gen. 32 : 1 to 35 : 22) 46-48 4. The Discipline of Joseph (Gen. 37 : 2 to 50 : 26) 48-52 (1) His Sorrows (Gen. 37:2 to 40: 23) . . 48-49 (2) His Exaltation (Gen. 41 to 50) . . . . 49-52 xiii Contents PAGE VII. The Prophetic Narrative of Exodus i to Numbers 32 52-59 VIII. The Birth of the Nation (Exod. 1 to Num. 32) 59-76 1. Redemption from the Bondage of Egypt (Exod. 1 : 6 to 15 : 21) 59-65 (1) The Preparation (Exod. 1 : 6 to 4 : 31) . . 59-61 (2) The Struggle (Exod. 5 : 1 to 12 : 39) . . 61-64 (3) The Deliverance (Exod. 13 : 17 to 15 : 21) 64-65 ¦2. The Covenant (Exod. 15 : 22 to 34 : 9) . . . 65-69 (1) The March to Sinai (Exod. 15 : 22 to 17 : 16) 65 (2) The Covenant at Sinai (Exod. 19 : 2b to 24 : 16) 65-67 (3) The Breach and Restoration (Exod. 32 : 1 to 34:9) 67-69 3. From Sinai to Moab (Num. 10 : 29 to 33 : 42) . 69-76 (1) Incidents of the Wandering (Num. 10: 29 to 21 : 35) 69-74 (2) Prophecy, Tragedy and Triumph (Num. 22 to 32) 74-76 IX. Ruling Ideas of the Prophetic History . . 76-83 THE PROPHETICO-PRIESTLY HISTORIANS I. Deuteronomy and Its Influence .... 87-99 II. The Last Words and Death of Moses (Deu teronomy) 101-106 1. Moses's Address to the People (Dt. 1 : 1 to 4:40) 101-104 (1) Historical Retrospect (Dt. 1 to 3) . . . 101-103 (2) Exhortation (Dt. 4 : 1-40) 103-104 m. Renewed Exhortation (Dt. 27 : 5-13 ; 29 : 1 to 32:47) •. . 104-105 3. The Death of Moses (Dt. 34) 106 xiv Contents PAGE III. Introduction to the Book of Joshua . . 106-110 IV. The Conquest and Settlement (Joshua) . . 110-121 i. The Conquest of Canaan (Josh. 1 to 12) . . 110-117 2. The Settlement of Canaan (Josh. 13 to 22) . 117-119 3. The Last Words and Death of Joshua (Josh. 23, 24) 119-121 V. Structure and Contents of the Book of Judges 121-126 VI. Between the Conquest and the Monarchy (Judges) 126-138 1. Introduction (Judg. 1 : 1 to 2 : 5) 126 2. The History of Israel in the Days of the Judges (Judg. 2 : 6 to 16 : 31) 126-135 (1) The Inner Significance of the History (Judg. 2 : 6 to 3 : 6) 126-127 (2) The Stories of the Judges (Judg. 3 : 7 to 16:31) 127-135 (a) Othniel (3:7-11) (A) Ehud (3:12-30) (c) Deborah and Barak (4, 5) (d) Gideon (6 to 8) \e) Abimelech (9) If) Jepthah (io: 17 to 12 : 7) (£*) Samson (13 to 16) 3. Other Echoes from the Days of the Judges (Judg. 17 to 21) 136-138 (1) Origin of the Sanctuary at Dan (Judg. 17, 18) 136-137 (2) Vengeance of Israel on Benjamin for the Outrage at Gibeah (Judg. 19 to 21) . . 137-138 VII. Composition and Contents of the Books of Samuel i39"I43 xv Contents PAGE VIII. The Rise of the Monarchy (Samuel) . . 143-176. 1. Samuel (1 S. 1 to 15) . 143-154 (1) Samuel and the War with the Philistines (1 S. 1 to 7) I43"I47 (a) Samuel's Birth and Call (i : I to 4 : i») (i,) War with the Philistines (4 : ib to 7: 17) (2) Israel's First King (1 S. 8 to 15) . . 147-154 a. Saul and David (1 S. 16 to 2 S. 1) . . . . 154-162 3. King David (2 S. 2 to 1 K. 2) . ... 162-176 (1) In Hebron (2 S. 2 to 4) 162-164 (2) In Jerusalem (2 S. 5 to 1 K. 2) . . . 164-176 (a) Years of Prosperity (2 S. 5 to 10) (i) The Trail of David's Sin (2 S. 11 to 1 K. 2) IX. The Sources and Character of the Books of Kings 177-185 X. The Reign of Solomon (1 Kings 3-11) . . . 185-191 I. His Wisdom and His Kingdom (1 K. 3, 4) . 185-186 2. Solomon's Buildings (1 K. 5 to 9) . . . . 186-190 3. Solomon's Glory and Decline (1 K. 10, 11) . . 190-191 XI. History of the Monarchy to the Fall of the Northern Kingdom (i Kings 12 to 2 Kings 17) ... 192-235 1. Jeroboam I., King of Israel (1 K. 12:1 to 14 : 20) .... 192-194 2. Rehoboam, King of Judah (1 K. 14 : 21-31) . 194 3. Abijah, King of Judah (1 K. 15 : 1-8) . . . 195 4. Asa, King of Judah (1 K. 15:9-24) . . . 195 5. Nadab, King of Israel (1 K. 15 : 25-32) . 195-196 6. Baasha, King of Israel (1 K. 15 : 33 to 16 : 7) 196 7. Elah, King of Israel (1 K. 16 : 8-14) . . 8. Zimri, King of Israel (1 K. 16 : 15-20) . . 9. Omri, King of Israel (1 K. 16: 21-28) . 10. Ahab, King of Israel (1 K. 16 : 29 to 22 : 40) xvi 196 196 196-197 197 Contents PAGE II. The Stories regarding Elijah and Elisha . . 198-201 12. Tales of Elijah (1 K. 17 to 2 K. 1) . . . . 201-204 13. The Wars and Death of Ahab (1 K. 20 ; 22 : 1-4°) 204-206 14. Ahaziah, King of Israel (1 K. 22 : 51 to 2 K. 1 : 18) 206 15. Elisha as Elijah's Successor (2 K. 2 : 1-25) . 206-207 16. Elisha's Activity from the Reign of Joram, King of Israel, to that of Joash (2 K. 3 : 1 to 8 : 15 ; 13 : 14-21) 207-212 17. Jehoshaphat, King of Judah (1 K. 22 : 41-50) 212 18. Jehoram, King of Judah (2 K. 8 : 16-24) ¦ 213 19. Ahaziah, King of Judah (2 K. 8 : 25-27) . 213 20. Jehu, King of Israel (2 K. 9, 10) . 213-215 21. Athaliah, Queen of Judah ; the Revolution of Jehoiada (2 K. 11) . .... . . 215-216 22. Joash, King of Judah (2 K. 12) 216-217 23. Jehoahaz, King of Israel (2 K. 13 : 1-9, 22) . 217 24. Joash, King of Israel (2 K. 13 : 10-13, 23-25). 217-218 25. Amaziah, King of Judah (2 K. 14 : 1-22) 218-219 26. Jeroboam II., King of Israel (2 K. 14 : 23-29) . . . ... 219 27. Azariah, King of Judah (2 K. 15 : 1-7). . . 219-220 28. Zechariah, King of Israel (2 K. 15 : 8-12) . 220 29. Shallum, King of Israel (2 K. 15: 13-15) . . 220 30. Menahem, King of Israel (2 K. 15 : 16-22) . 220 31. Pekahiah, King of Israel (2 K. 15 : 23-26) . 221 32. Pekah, King of Israel (2 K. 15 : 27, 28, 3°, 31) 221 33. Jotham, King of Judah (2 K. 15 : 32-38) . . 221 34. Ahaz, King of Judah (2 K. 16) ... . 221-222 35. Hosea, King of Israel, and the Fall of the Northern Kingdom (2 K. 17 : 1-6 ; 18 : 9-12) . 223 xvii Contents PAGE 36. Three Lessons of the Fall (2 K. 17 : 7-23, 34b-4o) 223-224 37. The Later History of Samaria (2 K. 17 : 24- 34*, 4i) 224 XII. To the Captivity of Judah (2 Kings 18 to 25) 224-235 1. The Events of Hezekiah's Reign (2 K. 18 to 20) . . 224-228 2. Manasseh, King of Judah (2 K. 21 : 1-18) . . 229 3. Amon, King of Judah (2 K. 21 : 19-26) . . 229 4. Josiah, King of Judah (2 K. 22 : 1 to 23 : 30) 230-232 5. Jehoahaz, King of Judah (2 K. 23 : 31-34) . 232 6. Jehoiakim, King of Judah (2 K. 23:35 to 24:7) 232-233 7. Jehoiachin, King of Judah (2 K. 24 : 8-16) . 233 8. Zedekiah, King of Judah (2 K. 24 : 17 to 25 : 21) 233-234 9. Gedaliah, Governor of Judah (2 K. 25 : 22- 26) 234 10. Jehoiachin's Elevation (2 K. 25 : 27-30) . . 235 THE PRIESTLY HISTORIANS I. The Priestly Narrative of the Hexa teuch 239-247 II. The Origin of the Theocracy (Genesis to Joshua) 249-270 1. History before Moses (Genesis) 249-255 ^. Moses (Exodus to Deuteronomy) .... 255-268 (1) The Deliverance (Exod. 1 to 19) . . . 255-258 (2) Sinai with the Revelation of Things Di vine (Exod. 24 : 15 to Num. 9 : 14) . . 259-262 (3) The Fortunes of the Way (Num. 9: 15 to Deut. 34 : 9) 263-268 3. Settlement in the Land of Promise (Joshua) . 268-270 xviii Contents PAGE III. The Sources, Aims, and Ideals of the Book of Chronicles ... 270-285 IV. The History of Judah to the Captivity (Chronicles) 287-313 i. Preparation for the History of the Kingdom of Judah (1 Chr. 1 to 10) 287-289 2. The History of the Kingdom of Judah (1 Chr. 11 to 2 Chr. 36) 289-313 (1) David (1 Chr. n to 29) . .... 289-294 (2) Solomon (2 Chr. 1 to 9) 294-297 (3) From the Disruption to the Captivity (2 Chr. 10 to 36) 297-313 (a) The Division of the Kingdom (2 Chr. 10: 1 to 11 : 4) (3) Rehoboam (2 Chr. 11 : 5 to 12 : 16) (c) Abijah (2 Chr. 13) (d) Asa (2 Chr. 14 to 16) \e) Jehoshaphat (2 Chr. 17 to 20) (f) Jehoram (2 Chr. 21) (jf) Ahaziah (2 Chr. 22 : 1-9) (k) Athaliah (2 Chr. 22 : 10 to 23 : 21) \i) Joash (2 Chr. 24) (j) Amaziah (2 Chr. 25) (A) Uzziah (2 Chr. 26) (I) Jotham (2 Chr. 27) (m) Ahaz (2 Chr. 28) («) Hezekiah (2 Chr. 29 to 32) (o) Manasseh (2 Chr. 33 : 1-20) (p) Arnon (2 Chr. 33 : 21-25) (?) Josiah (2 Chr. "34, 35) (r) Jehoahaz (2 Chr. 36: 1-4) (s) Jehoiakim (2 Chr. 36 : 5-8) (t) Jehoiachin (2 Chr. 36 : 9, 10) («) Zedekiah (2 Chr. 36: n-21) (») The Decree of Cyrus (2 Chr. 36 : 22, 23) V. Introduction to Ezra-Nehemiah .... 314-318 VI. The Restoration (Ezra and Nehemiah) . . 321-334 1. The Return (Ezra 1 to 6) ... . . . 321-323 2. The Work of Nehemiah (Neh. 1 to 7 ; 1 1 to 13) 323-329 3. The Work of Ezra '.Ezra 7 to 10 ; Neh. 8 to 10) 329-334 xix Contents PAGB VII. The Date and Character of the Book of Ruth 335-336 VIII. A Plea for the Non-Israelite (Ruth) . . 336-338 IX. The Character and Purpose of the Book of Esther 338-341 X. Israel's Triumph over Its Foes (Esther) . 341-345 APPENDIX I. Books of Reference . . 349-352 II. Passages in the Books of Samuel and Kings Omitted by the Chronicler 353-355 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES 357-362 XX THE PROPHETIC HISTORIANS THE PROPHETIC HISTORIANS ORIGINS OF HEBREW LITERATURE Hebrew literature begins with poetry . Behind the Poetry period of formal literary effort lies the period of the ballad, comes st which celebrates in vigorous and memorable form the rugged experiences of a people that had often to do with war. The outstanding facts of early times leave their mark in song as well as in tradition : and both together form the material for the historian of those times. The great deliverance of the Red Sea was sung in at least some of the verses which now form the Song of Moses (Ex. 1 5). The victory of Joshua in a desperate crisis over his confederated foes in the south (Josh, io: 12, 13), and in a later day the triumph of Deborah and Barak over the deadly Canaanite chariots in the north (Jud. 5) were com mitted to posterity in stirring song. Such crises as these ensured their own immortality. It was natural, therefore, that one of Israel's earliest War ballads books should be entitled the Book of the Wars of Jehovah (Num. 21 : 14). Jehovah, it was, who led his people to 3 Introduction The Messages of victory. A snatch of old poetry (Num. io : 35, 36) shows us Jehovah going before his people to battle, and return ing after the fray to rest among them. Another early book from which two and perhaps three1 quotations occur is the Book of Jashar, the Upright — we might almost say the Brave, in the old sense of that word — which may have been devoted to Israel's heroes. It sang of Joshua (Josh. 10: 13) and contained David's elegy over Saul and Jona than (2 S. 1 : 17-27). How these sources were used by the historian, we see to some extent by comparing the prose story of Judges 4 with the very old poem in Judges 5 ; and the danger to which they were exposed at the hands of later interpretation is suggested by comparing Joshua 10 : 13b, 14 with the original words of the poem. Most of the poetry that is certainly early shows how fierce that old life was : as Lamech's song of vengeance (Gen. 4 : 23, 24) and Samson's song of triumph at Lehi (Jud. 15 : 16). But there were tender strains, too — voices of peace and harmony — such as the graceful Song of the Well (Num. 21 : 17, 18). Formal liter- Literature demands opportunity, and that opportunity possibieabe1-y d'd not come till the consolidation of the monarchy under fore David David and Solomon. After that, history becomes at least possible. There is a keen national consciousness ; and 1 A probable emendation of the LXX of i K. 8 : 13 suggests that the words with which Solomon dedicated the Temple occurred in it. (1 K. 8 : 13, 13.) the Historians Introduction there are materials in ancient songs and vivid traditions, associated in many cases with particular shrines. Some where between that time and the literary prophets we are safe in looking for the prophetic histories. But precisely where and how to look, it is the function of criticism to discover. II THE NECESSITY, NATURE, AND VALUE OF HEXA- TEUCHAL ANALYSIS The Pentateuch is a unity, traditionally associated with The Hexa- teuch i unity the name of Moses. But while the death of Moses at the tcl" " "" :' close of Deuteronomy fittingly concludes the story of his life and work with which by far the greater part of the Pentateuch is occupied, it is not an adequate sequel to the promises made and the hopes raised by the earlier parts of the Pentateuch. There the land of Canaan was again and again promised to the fathers , in Numbers and Deu teronomy that promise is only partially fulfilled by the ac quisition of the territory east of the Jordan. The book of Joshua, which deals among other things with the cam paigns and the ultimate settlement in the west, is the necessary complement to the story of the Pentateuch. Together they make up one theme. When to this is 5 Introduction The Messages of added the fact that the literary features which characterize the Pentateuch reappear in the Book of Joshua, it will be seen that we are justified in regarding as our unity not the Pentateuch but the Hexateuch, that is, the first six books of the Old Testament. Not the But what kind of unity is it ? Is it that of an author or autSorehip; that of a compiler and redactor? If there exist within the for there are compass of the work, still more if there exist side by side many inco- r . • • j i_ herencies two mutually exclusive versions of the same incident, then by the constitution of the human mind, unity of author ship is excluded. What, then, are the facts ? It will be instructive to examine one or two chapters on the assump tion of their unity and see whether they present a coherent picture or not. Take for example Exodus 32. Here is a really dramatic incident — an apostasy and an interces sion. So much is clear ; but the detail is not only ob scure — it is conflicting. In verse 14 the apostate people are forgiven by their God. In verses 19 and 20 they are punished by Moses. In verses 25 to 29, three thousand of them are slain by the tribe of Levi at the command of Moses in execution of the express command of God, who had pardoned them but a few verses before. Nay, in verse 35 God actually punishes them himself, after having in verse 34 suspended the punishment for the second time. Nor is that all. Is it not at least strange that Aaron, the head of the priestly tribe, should abet the idolatry which is so severely punished by the swords of 6 the Historians Introduction that tribe ? Corruptio o-ptimi pessima. Aaron should have been the first to fall. Or again, take Numbers 16, which deals with what is usually called the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. According to verses 8-10 the rebels are Levites, and their crime is that, not content with the subordinate service of the sanctuary, they " seek the priesthood also." Accord ing to verse 3 (cf. 27 : 3) the rebels, headed by Korah, number others in their ranks besides Levites, and their claim is that the whole congregation is holy, with the im plication that the tribe of Levi does not possess exclusive sanctity. Again, according to verses 13, 14, they charge Moses with exercising undue authority and disappointing the hopes which he had raised when he led them out of Egypt. It is surely no accident that often, though not always, Dathan and Abiram are mentioned by themselves (w. 12, 25 ; cf. Dt. 11:6) and Korah by himself (w. 5, 6, 16, 19). Again, according to verses 31 to 34, the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the rebels, them and theirs. Yet, in spite of that, " fire came forth from Jeho vah and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense " (v. 35) — not another body, but the same, on the assumption of the unity of the chapter (cf . w. 2, 17). Still later.^and still more remarkable, we are expressly told that " the children of Korah died not " (26 : 11). Neither of the chapters discussed can claim to give a coherent account of the event they describe. Often with- 7 Introduction The Messages of Incoherences even in adjacentverses Contradictions in the compass of even two or three verses are to be found statements irreconcilable with one another. For example in Numbers 13 : 21 the spies go from the southern wilderness to the extreme north of Palestine ; in the very next verse, they only go as far as Hebron in the south of Judah — much the more probable representation, considering that the country to be spied was hostile. Again, according to Genesis 35 : 19, Benjamin was born near Bethlehem ; seven verses later, we are told that all Jacob's children, including Benjamin (v. 24), were born in Paddan-aram. Again, in Genesis 6 : 19, two animals of every sort are to be taken into the ark ; in Genesis 7:2a distinction is made between clean and unclean — the former to enter in groups of seven pairs, the latter in single pairs. s The illustrations have been purposely selected to show that contradictions may be found within the same chap ter, and even within the compass of a verse or two. But where, by reason of their separation, such contradictions are not so obvious, they are none the less real. Perhaps the most conspicuous is in the account of the tabernacle. In Exodus 33 : 7, its place is outside the camp, and it is guarded by Joshua (v. 11) ; in Numbers it is in the centre of the foursquare encampment, and in the charge of Le vites. Equally perplexing on the assumption of the unity is the deliberate and very important statement of Exodus 6 : 3 that God was not known to Abraham by his name Jehovah, in the face of the earlier statement in Genesis 8 the Historians Introduction 15:7, where he appeared to Abraham and said, " I am Jehovah that brought thee out of Ur. " Sometimes the con tradictions are not only implicit as here, but expressed in so many terms. For example in Numbers 20 : 14-21 the Edomites refuse to allow Israel to pass through their country ; in Deuteronomy 2:1-7 they consent. In Exodus 18, tribunals to relieve Moses of part of his judicial func tions are appointed on Jethro's initiative ; in Deuteronomy i : 9-18 the proposal comes from Moses himself. Other contradictions, though less important, are not less inter esting and significant. In Genesis 43 : 29 and 44 : 20 Benjamin is a youth ; very soon afterward he is the father of ten sons (46 : 21). In Genesis 40 : 9 Reuben has four sons ; very shortly before he has only two (42 : 37). In the story of the creation, according to Genesis 1 r plants and animals are made before man ; in chapter 2, man is made before them. Often, too, where there are no inherent contradictions, Obscurities there is an obscurity and confusion which it is not possible to reconcile with unity of authorship. The story of Joseph, which has the unity of a great career behind it, is well worthy of study, with a view to ascertaining whether it can be an original literary unity. One who does not know the simple solution that criticism offers by assuming the presence of two different sources in the story will find it hard to understand the situation in Genesis 37 : 18-28. It is full of movement and color. Here if anywhere all 9 Introduction The Messages of should be clear. The artist has a style that is bold and picturesque. Yet the detail is surprising. Why do the brethren not sell Joseph as they propose (v. 27) ? In point of fact, they do ; according to verse 28b they, that is, the brethren, not the Midianites, sold Joseph ; but the verse, as it stands, suggests that it is by Midianites that he is sold. The truth is that, in one version — that in which Judah is prominent — Joseph is sold on Judah's pro posal to the Ishmaelites who take him to Egypt (39 : 1) ; in the other version, which gives the prominence to Reu ben, he is left in a well where he is found by Midianites and taken to Egypt (37 : 28). Reuben's horror at the sight of the empty well is as intelligible on this view as it is surprising on the theory that the story is all from one hand. This discovery furnishes the key to further dis crepancies, such as the representation of 43 : 21, where the brothers discover the money in their sacks at the first inn, with that of 42 : 35, where the discovery is not made till they reach home. Chronoiog- Discrepancies so numerous and sometimes so serious ties ' cu " as to amount to contradictions are inconsistent with unity of authorship. This conclusion is also supported by the chronological notices, which are often as surprising in their implications as they are remarkable in their precision. Sarah, for example, who is ten years younger than Abra ham (Gen. 17 : 17), must have been sixty- five or even older when her charms captivated Pharaoh (12 : 4, 10-20). the Historians Introduction Twenty-five years afterward she has the same fascination for Abimelech (20). When Hagar leaves Abraham's household — as the story is told in Genesis 21 — Ishmael is a little child whom she can carry on her shoulder (21: 14, LXX) ; but according to the chronology he should be almost a man by this time, as his father is now over a hundred (17 : 17, 24) and he was eighty-six at Ishmael's birth (16 : 16). Further, against the view that the Hexateuch is an Duplicates original literary unit is the presence of two and some times more versions of the same story. The origin of the name Beersheba is twice explained ; once in connec tion with a treaty between Abraham and Abimelech (Gen. 21 : 31) and once in connection with a precisely similar treaty between Isaac and Abimelech (26:33), having a precisely similar origin in the conspicuous prosperity of the patriarch which makes his friendship worth having. This duplication is particularly common in etymologies. Indeed, on three different occasions the etymology of the name Isaac (laughter) is suggested. In one (Gen. 18 : 12) it is referred to the incredulous laugh of Sarah when she overhears the promise the divine stranger makes to Abra ham. In another (21 : 6) it is the laughter of joy after the birth of her child. In yet another (17 : 17) it is the in credulous laughter of Abraham, who thinks he is too old to have a son. Three times, too, does a patriarch deny his wife: Isaac once (26 : 1 -11), and Abraham twice (12 : 10-20 and 11 Introduction The Messages of 20 : 1-18), all three times under precisely similar circum stances. Now it is not impossible, though it is suspicious, that Isaac should be in circumstances precisely similar to Abraham, and should have acted in precisely the same way. But it is more than suspicious, it is improbable, that two such stories told of Abraham, resembling each other in all essentials, and neither making the smallest allusion to the other, correspond to two separate incidents in his life. One of the most significant repetitions is connected with the revelation of the name Jehovah. In Exodus 3 : 13 ff. Moses does not know the name of the God of the fathers ; the name of Jehovah comes to him as a new revelation and marks a new departure (v. 15). Exodus 6 : 3 ff. pre sents the same idea, and says expressly what Exodus 3 says implicitly, that the name Jehovah was unknown to the fathers; they knew him only as El Shaddai. The presence of such duplicates, repeating an earlier story with no serious addition, sometimes with no addition whatever, and often in almost exactly the same words, proves as conclusively as the discrepancies do, that the Hexateuch is not from one hand. First dew : But this conclusion may be stated positively as well as fo^GoT06 negatively. The Hexateuch must be from two or more MdeE°ohim hands- Now is it; possible to find any clew to the ele ments that our argument compels us to believe have en tered into the composition of that whole ? It is. The most obvious clew — and this discovery is as old as the year the Historians Introduction 1753 — is that certain sections in the Book of Genesis, as for example chapter 1, use the Hebrew word Elohim ' for God, whereas certain other sections, as chapter 18, use the word Jehovah.3 Throughout these sections and many others, this use of the words is consistently maintained. That is surely no accident ; for we find precisely the same distinction running through the duplicates. One section uses Jehovah ; the parallel section, with the same story to tell, uses Elohim. Take the two versions of the covenant between God and Abraham in Genesis 1 5 and 17. Here the difference in detail is considerable, but the central fact is the same ; the pact is definitely and even formally made. The first version, however, employs only the word Jehovah ; the second (with the exception of v. 1) only the word Elohim. A similar difference ob viously distinguishes Genesis 1 : 1 to 2 : 4a from Genesis 2 : 4b to 3 : 24, though in the latter section, for special reasons, the longer form Jehovah Elohim appears. The story of the creation is really told twice. Man is already created and even blessed (1 : 27, 28) when chapter 2, in a much more primitive spirit, describes his creation anew. On the basis of this discovery, then, we should suppose that there were two documents, differing in their use of the divine name, and differing so uniformly that it would ¦ Represented in the English Bible by the word God. a Wrongly represented in the English Bible by '¦ the Lord." This trans lation is ultimately due to the LXX. 13 Introductibn The Messages of Sectionsmay be sep arated on this basis, and thus the characteristics of the respectivedocumentsbe ascer tained be easy to mark off the sections which belong to each. It is not, however quite so easy ; for in what is to all ap pearances a single section, the names appear to be inter changeable or at least interchanged. The story of the Flood, for example, uses both names freely. But closer examination, so far from vitiating the conclusion reached, really corroborates it. Genesis 6 : 6-8 and 7:1-4 cover precisely the same ground as 6 : 9-22 — God's determi nation to destroy the earth for its wickedness, and to save Noah for his righteousness. The former is a Jehovistic passage, as it is called ; the latter is Elohistic. In other words the transitions in the use of the divine name are not arbitrary, but coincide with the transitions involved in the duplication of the story. By closely watching the characteristics of language, phrase, style, and sentiment within the sections whose origin is certain on the basis of the use of the divine names, our knowledge of these char acteristics grows, and thus enables us to mark off, often with equal certainty, other passages where the absence of the divine names deprives us of our most important clew. In this way, the first nineteen chapters of Genesis could be relegated, even by the unskilled reader, with at least approximate certainty, to their respective sources. Our data are now extensive enough to justify us in tentatively tabulating the leading characteristics of the two sources and their most significant contrasts. The contrasts are indeed very significant, and are at the Historians Introduction first most profitably studied on the basis of the parallel The con- accounts. Only one or two salient points can be here vTry^Sk- suggested. The creation stories are both exceedingly im- Elohistic6 pressive, but impressive in different ways. The Elohistic sections story — i : i to 2 : 4* — is formal, orderly, severe, precise, with an almost legal precision. Notice the many repeti tions " and it was so," obviously designed on the part of the writer and typical of his method. These features characterize other sections whose Elohistic origin is cer tain: 17 : 12, 13, 23, 27 (law of circumcision) and 9 : 1, 2, 7 (blessing of Noah). The last section is specially instructive, as it not only shows the writer's love of rep etition and precision, but also adopts a vocabulary char acteristic of chapter 1 (cf. " Be fruitful and multiply,'' 1 : 22, 28 ; and the enumeration of the animals 9 : 2 and 1 : 26, 28). A very different picture is presented in the passages The jeho- certainly Jehovistic. The first creation story was almost tions religious philosophy. The second is almost religious ro mance. The first was precise, the second is picturesque. In it, one of the animals can speak. Adam and Eve are figures of an intensely human interest. The divine Being has a startling and all but human reality. Not merely is his presence grandly suggested, as in the first story ; he is brought vividly upon the scene. He walks about in the garden in the cool of the day. So through all the other Jehovistic stories, this mighty figure moves, as real as the 15 Introduction The Messages of There are really two Elohisticdocuments,and conse quentlythree chief documentsin all creatures of flesh and blood whose salvation is his heart's desire. We hear his voice. We can almost touch the hem of his garment — so close is he. He shuts the door of the ark behind Noah (Gen. 7 : 16). He comes down from heaven to see the city and the tower which men are building (11:4, 5). He eats the cakes Sarah had baked, and speaks to Abraham as a man to his friend (18 : 22, 23). The contrast between these two conceptions is too obvious to be denied, and this is only one of many con trasts which differentiate the Elohistic and Jehovistic pas sages. With this key in our hand, it would seem possi ble to unlock any chapter, and compel it to lead us to its source. But a grave difficulty is created by Genesis 20. It tells for the second time the story of Abraham's denial of his wife (cf. 12 : 10-20), using the word Elohim where the previous story had used Jehovah. But almost every other characteristic of the Elohistic document — so far as the argu ment has shown us what these are — seems to fail. This story is not formal ; it is as picturesque as the Jehovistic story, and is indeed, except for some minor differences not unimportant in their own place, practically a replica of the other story. Here the argument would halt, but for one very important fact, touched on before (p. 12), namely, that there are two accounts of the revelation of the name Jehovah, one in Exodus 3, the other in Exodus 6. In other words, there is not one document but two which regard the name Jehovah as revealed for the first time to 16 the Historians Introduction Moses, and consequently unknown before him, and for this reason deliberately avoid it throughout the Book of Genesis. The Jehovistic document assumes the existence of the name Jehovah from the beginning ; it is known not only to Abraham (15 :j) but even to the antediluvians (4 : 26). The facts then compel us to admit the existence of three documents, not two ; one Jehovistic, and two Elohistic, one of which — that represented by the first cre ation story of Genesis — is a striking contrast to the Jeho vistic in style and tone, and the other — that represented by Genesis 20 — is, in the main, very like the Jehovistic. It is to be carefully noted that only the latter is now called by criticism the Elohist; the former is called the priestly1 writing, because it is written in the same style and dis plays the same interests as the book of Leviticus and certain parts of Exodus and Numbers which deal almost entirely with the priestly legislation. The clew to the origin of a chapter or section yielded The jeho- by the name of God is exceedingly valuable. But in the vut" nature of the case, this criterion breaks down — not quite, but almost entirely — after Exodus 6, when all three sources are free to use the name Jehovah. And although, after that point, the priestly sections are usually very easy to distinguish, as their characteristics are so unlike those of 1 The abbreviations in common use for these documents are J, E and P. Further discussion of the priestly document is reserved for the third part of this volume, dealing with the priestly historians. 17 Introduction The Messages of the other documents, it is seldom possible to distinguish with much confidence between the Jehovist and the Elo hist, as they have so much in common. For that reason, and for the further reason that the Jehovist and Elohist documents, originally independent, were subsequently united to make one whole and consequently oftert closely interwoven with one another, it is customary to speak of this source, at any rate, after Exodus 6, as the Jehovist- Elohist.1 Differences For the purposes of this volume, which are rather relig- Jehovist and >ous than critical, the Jehovist and the Elohist, writing in Examples'' mucn tne same spirit, and latterly combined, as has just (i) Abra- been said, are treated as a single source even in Genesis, ham s denial of Sarah attention being simply called to the duplicates, which on this view need no special treatment, as they deal with the same or similar facts and illustrate the same lessons. But it may be well to show briefly how the critical division between the Jehovist and the Elohist is effected in passages where, in the absence of the divine name, there is no obvi ous clew, and how this division can be occasionally effected with something like certainty even in passages subsequent to Exodus 6. For this purpose a study of the duplicates is indispensable ; for in duplicates the peculiar interests of each source will be most obvious. Contrast, for example, the two stories of Abraham's denial of Sarah. The Jeho vist (Gen. 12 : 10-20) tells a plain, unvarnished tale ; he is 1 Known to criticism as J E. 18 the Historians Introduction unembarrassed by Abraham's falsehood and cowardice. Not so the Elohist. His moral sense is more delicate. He feels the necessity of excusing Abraham, or at least of letting him offer his own excuse (20 : 12). His religious sense is also more advanced. Whereas the Jehovist, as we have seen, often brings God bodily upon the scene, in the Elohist he usually appears, as here, in a dream (20 : 3). The latter story is more reflective than the other ; and in keeping with this, Abraham is more ideal ized. Here he is a prophet (20 : 7). His prayer, like Job's (Job 42 : 8) is potent to restore Abimelech (20: 7, 17). The view that the Elohist is an advance upon the Jeho- (2) The de- vist is corroborated by the very next chapter, which deals Hagar6 ° with the departure of Hagar (21 : 8 ff.) and duplicates the Jehovistic story in 16: 5 ff. Here Abraham is sorry for Hagar and deals with her more clemently than in the pre vious story. He does not leave her to Sarah's tender mercies, but sends her away provisioned, and even then only at the command of God. Whereas in chapter 16 (cf. 7-1 1) the angel oi Jehovah speaks directly to Hagar and is spoken to by her, in 21 : 17 the angel of God calls to her out of heaven, and is of course not addressed in turn by her. The tendency to idealize is seen also in the different turn given to Sarah's laughter, which is now the laughter of joy (21 : 6). The same tendency is conspicu ously seen in the Elohist's account of Jacob's success un der Laban. This success is ascribed in 31 : 5-12 (E) to the J9 sources Introduction The Messages of intervention of God ; in the previous chapter, to the skill and craft of Jacob (30 : 25-43 : J). Notice, too, the dream in 31 : 11. In accordance with this higher religious stand point, images are at least implicitly condemned. For it is hard not to see a touch of irony, all the more delicate that no comment is made, in the description of Laban's search for the teraphim, upon which all the while Rachel is sitting, 31 : 34 (cf. Josh. 24 : 2, 14 ; Gen. 35 : 2). How sec- Every paragraph whose limits can be determined, adds relegated to to our knowledge of the style, vocabulary, and theological mlntary0"" tendencies of the source from which it comes, and thus enables us to delimit other sections, whose origin is not obvious at the first glance. Often where all such hints practically fail, we may yet feel fairly confident of the source, if the section is inconsistent with some other sec tion whose source is, for any of the above reasons, prac tically certain (cf. the Joseph story). This new section in turn advances our knowledge of the source to which it belongs. Later sections which clearly allude to, or imply, an earlier section will of course belong to the same source. It is in this way that the plagues of Egypt have been rele gated to their respective documentary sources. Thus, by a process which is often very delicate and difficult, but al ways scientific, results that are more than approximate have been reached, and the original documents that have gone to make our present Hexateuch, at least partially re constructed. the Historians Introduction III DATE AND PLACE OF ORIGIN OF THE PROPHETIC DOCUMENTS No records have been left either of the time or place at The Eiohis- which the documents were composed, any more than of hovUtic the manner of their composition. For the determination b°ic0nmet"ts of these we are consequently thrown back entirely upon in- the North- ternal evidence ; and that may be said to be of two kinds Southern — historical and theological. We have already seen rea- respectively son to believe that the Elohist is later than the Jehovist. From the prominence he assigns to sanctuaries in the northern kingdom, from the role that Reuben plays in the Joseph story, as well as for other reasons, it has been con jectured that the Elohistic document is a product of the northern kingdom. On the other hand, from the promi nence assigned to Hebron in the stories of Abraham and Jacob, from the r61e assigned to Judah in the Joseph story, where he and not Reuben takes the initiative, and from the interest in and knowledge of Judah displayed in Gene sis 38, it has been supposed that the Jehovistic document originated in the southern kingdom — at least in its pres ent form ; for this document, too, is interested, though not to quite the same extent as the other, in the northern sanctu aries. The supposition that the documents belong to dif- Introduction The Messages of ferent kingdoms becomes all the more probable, when we remember how fundamentally they differ in their view of the time at which the name Jehovah was revealed, and consider how improbable it is that conceptions so different should arise within a community exposed to the same po litical and religious influences. United be- The Jehovistic and Elohistic documents were at one ' time united. It is impossible to say precisely when, but the century at least may with tolerable certainty be fixed. After the fall of the northern kingdom in 721 B. C, a rea son exists for the fusion of the documents which did not exist before. And Deuteronomy, published in 621, already appears to presuppose that fusion. It probably lies there fore between 721 and 621 ; not impossibly in the reign of Hezekiah, which was an age of reform and of some liter ary activity. Each docu- Hitherto we have spoken of the Jehovistic and Elohistic work of*' documents, as if each was the work of a single author. school More probably, however, they were the work of a school, and represent a literary and religious activity that ranges over a considerable period. For within each document, discrepancies of the same kind are observable, though not so palpable, as were found to distinguish the Jehovist and the Elohist from one another. The Jehovist, for example, who traces the descent of shepherds, musicians, and work ers in metal, to Lamech's children (Gen. 4 : 19-22), can hardly have told the story of the Flood, which interrupted the Historians Introduction the continuity of human life, though this story has also a Jehovistic source. Each document, then, represents a period rather than a Neither single author. Is it possible to determine that period ap- earlier than proximately ? Clearly the earlier notices at any rate were ^i^^Ai. or written long after the event. No contemporary could Solomon possibly have designated Shechem 's outrage of Dinah as folly in Israel (Gen. 34 : 7). There was no Israel as yet. The clew, however, yielded by the anachronism, is a valuable one, as it implies the nation and national life, and thus the passage could not even conceivably be earlier then Moses. But according to Genesis 12:6 and 13:7 (both J) the Canaanite was then in the land, the implication being that by the author's time they had no longer a separate existence. As late as David's time, how ever, there were Jebusites ; indeed Jerusalem was their fortress, and years after its capture Jebusites are still in the city (2 S. 24 : 16). Thus the days of the monarchy are implied (cf. Gen. 36 : 31), and this conclusion is con firmed by the express allusions to the king in two songs (Num. 23 : 21 and 24 : 7), incorporated in the prose nar rative and necessarily older' than it. The subjection of the Canaanites appears to be implied by Genesis 9 : 26 ' (J), and this was not attained till the time of Solomon (1 K. 9 : 21). The Jehovistic document then cannot be 1 If, however, this be merely a wish, as it may be, the passage would be earlier, and the argument falls. 23 Introduction The Messages of earlier than the time of David or Solomon. Through out it there breathes the spirit of joy. The people are in glad possession of their beautiful land, rejoicing in the worship of the sanctuaries that are scattered about it, and to which patriarchal memories still cling. The earlier limit for the date is thus fixed. Nor could The lower limit is determined by the circumstance that they, in the tne fusj0n of the documents had been already effected main, be J later than before 62 1 B. C. ; the separate documents must of course Hosea be older. But the date may be pushed still further back. The popularity of the northern sanctuaries which is sug gested by the profound interest displayed by the Hexa teuch in their origin finds its counterpart in the pages of Amos and Hosea (roughly 750-735), according to whom the most enthusiastic worship was maintained at some of these very sanctuaries, like Bethel, Gilgal (cf. Am. 4:4; Hos. 12:11). The date of the documents might then be as late as that. It has been further maintained that these prophets betray acquaintance with the narratives of the documents in their present literary form ; in that case, the documents would be still older. But such references to Hexateuchal narrative as that of Hosea (12:3, 4) to Jacob, or to the exodus under Moses (Hos. 12 : 13, cf. Mic. 6 T4) need prove no more than that the narratives were familiar to prophets and people, possibly through oral transmission, not necessarily through a fixed literary medium. At the same time, the Jehovist document is probably older. 24 the Historians Introduction Here the argument from theology comes to our aid. The jeho- The conception of God found in Amos, and especially in ^probably'' Hosea, is a distinct advance on that of the Jehovist. Not earlier indeed in range. or intensity. For there is, as we saw, a startling reality about the Jehovist's conception of God ; and according to him, too, all the earth is God's. He created it, and he can wield the powers of nature even in a foreign land for his own righteous ends, and for the good of the people whom he loves. But there still plays about his conception a certain naive anthropomorphism,1 which has disappeared by the time we reach the prophets. It is fascinating, but it marks an earlier stage of religious thought. The fine religious imagination which lies behind such a passage as Exodus 24 : 9-1 1 where the company on the mountain " saw God, and did eat and drink,", is unquestioned. Yet it is hardly consistent with the severe spirituality of Hosea. Even in the Hexateuch itself there is a passage3 which, in vigorously insisting that Israel only heard a voice at Horeb, and saw nothing, looks if not like a protest, at least like a correction of this more prim itive representation. Of course this argument cannot lead to any precise re- Perhaps . . . , , 1 , , about 850 suit, but it seems to compel us to carry the date about a b. C. century behind Amos and Hosea, say to 850 B. C. It could not, as we saw, be earlier than David or Solomon. 1 Cf. Ex. 4 : 24-26 for an extreme instance. >Dt-4 : 12, 15. 25 Introduction The Messages of Nor could it well be contemporary ; time must be allowed for the growth of literary interests and a purer religion. More than this we cannot say. The note of exultation which rings through the Jehovistic story seems to be an echo of peace and victory rather than of disquiet or de feat. Such a temper suits the date suggested (about 850) better than the period immediately before, or immediately after, which were both troublous. Of course, considering that this document represents a long movement, and was not executed all at once, there is every probability that certain sections, especially the more prophetic in tone and temper, come from a later day. The Elohist The Elohistic document may well be, in the main, at may belong to the second least three-quarters of a century later. Many of its ele- the reign of rnents are doubtless very old and primitive. But, generally Jeroboam Speaking, its more delicate moral and religious feeling which makes the same kind of advance upon the Jehovist that Amos and Hosea make, and its earnest polemic against the strange gods ' would admirably suit the time of Jeroboam II., somewhere between 770 and 760 B. C.a 1 Gen. 35 : 2 ; especially Josh. 24 : 23, cf. Hos. 2 : 13, 17. 3 It is only fair to say that there is considerable disagreement among critics as to the dates of these documents, and even as to the priority of the Jehovist. I have sought to avoid confusion and controversy, by presenting the line of argument which seems to me, on the whole, the most probable. 26 the Historians Genesis IV THE PROGRESS OF THE DIVINE PURPOSE IN THE BOOK OF GENESIS The prophetic history, known as the Jehovist-Elohistic inthebegin- document incorporated in the Hexateuch, tells the story of mng Israel's origin, early discipline, and settlement in the land of Canaan. Her origin is in God, the same God who made all men and all the world. Therefore her story, which does not strictly begin until the call of Abraham in Genesis 12, is significantly rooted by the historian in the wider story of humanity. This liberal outlook, despite much that seems to contradict it, is characteristic of the whole history. The keen1 and often friendly interest in other nations, attested by the story of Joseph in Egypt, is prophetic of the day when all nations would be citizens of the new Jerusalem, and call Zion mother.3 The story opens with the tragedy of human existence — The tragedy disobedience to the reasonable voice of God, under the ence fascination of some plausible but ruinous temptation. Man falls from his God -given destiny by the exercise of a false choice ; the problem of the Bible— of the Old Testa ment no less than the New— is how he is to be restored. His fall compels the intervention of God who made him » Cf. Gen. 10. 2 Ps. 87 : 5 (LXX). 27 Genesis The Messages of and loves him, and he sends him forth in chastisement to a life of battle and sorrow. But the struggle on which his sin has launched him is not to be without hope, for God himself is interested in the issue. Redemption As if to thwart the redemptive purpose, soon a deeper eiect'peopTe plunge is made by man — from disobedience to murder ; and the descendants of the murderer are the representa tives of civilization. A new step in the way of knowledge is a step away from God : not perhaps of necessity, but in fact. The weapons forged by the workers in iron are deadly weapons of war, wherewith men wreak vengeance. The first poem that meets us in the Bible (Gen. 4 : 23, 24) is a glorification of revenge. There is indeed always a witness for better things, always an Abel or a Noah ; but in the main, the world goes on from bad to worse. Its wickedness at length is so terrible that the righteous God must overwhelm it. It must die for baffling his purpose ; and the Flood is made to fulfil his will. But his will is also to save those who deserve to be saved, and Noah, be cause he is a righteous man, is spared (7 : 1). With the new generation, however, that springs from him remain new possibilities of sin, which soon become actualities. The old story bids fair to be repeated. It is against this sad and sombre background that the divine purpose of re demption begins to unfold. The human race must some how be won for God. But how ? By electing a certain nation to the function of teaching the world his nature and 28 the Historians Genesis his will. The ancestry and preparation of this nation will be of the highest moment, and with unusual interest we watch the divine selective process beginning. It begins with the call of Abraham ; in that call the Abraham world was given a new opportunity. Abraham is called from the land of his birth to another country which, for many reasons, historical and geographical, was peculiarly fitted to be the scene of a historical revelation, and, as the land of promise, is always closely associated with the des tinies of his people. Abraham obeys the divine voice; and his obedience is justified by his subsequent fortunes, which show how specially God was guarding his interests, crowning him with a prosperity which causes neighboring kings like Abimelech to court his friendship, and preserv ing him from such a fate as that of Lot who pitched his tent in Sodom and paid for his choice so heavy a penalty. He makes his mistakes (12 : 10-20 and 20 : 1-18) but God overrules them. The moral majesty of the man justifies the divine choice of him. A lover of peace with an inbred horror of contention, hospitable and chivalrous, not care ful to insist narrowly upon his own rights, sternly righteous yet strangely tender-hearted, pleading for the wicked city with an earnestness that would not be baffied even by God himself — such a man is Israel's earliest father. And how sensitive he is to the divine voice ! He obeys its first call, its every call — whether to leave his country or give up his son, his only son. He can trust that voice when it 29 Genesis The Messages of whispers to his heart words of high destiny for him and his. It is with such a man as this that God makes a cov enant (15) and speaks the thoughts of his heart (18 : 17). Surely he was worthy to be the father of the people through whom God was to bring to the world the knowl edge of his blessed will. Isaac In Isaac, the son whom he loved and was willing with tears to lose for the higher love he bore his God, the di vine purpose is continued. Isaac is not the giant his fa ther was, but he is not unworthy to stand in the succes sion. For Israel needs men too who can go out to the fields to meditate at the turning of the evening (24 : 63). Jacob But it is Jacob, Isaac's son, sharply contrasted with Esau, the ancestor of Israel's neighbors the Edomites, that is the most characteristic figure. For good and for evil, he is an Israelite indeed. A man of undoubted abil ity and resource, with full knowledge of an adversary's weakness and power to take advantage of it, never em barrassed, always ready to adapt himself to a new situa tion not only with skill but also with cunning — altogether a clever unscrupulous schemer who at first sight presents a painful contrast to the bluff and chivalrous Esau. But there are deep and beautiful things in this man too. He too could meditate, like his father, when the stars came out. On a bare hillside, he could see angels come and go from heaven to earth, and ere he crossed his river of des tiny he could wrestle in the dark with one like unto a son 3° the Historians Genesis of man. He sees the unseen, and God's host meets him as he goes on a critical way. His hidden life contains infinite possibilities, just the possibilities which count for everything in religion. So it is quite fitting that he, like his people, should be called Israel. He is a man worth winning, though it is only by a hard discipline that so self-reliant a man is won. His deceit drives him from his home and from the mother who had schemed for him ; we never read that he saw her face again. In the foreign land he is deceived again and again by one who was his match and almost his master. He comes back with the old terror in his heart which years before had driven him away — yet a schemer still. But God lays his hand upon him, forces him to reckon with the unseen powers that are shaping his destiny and claims him for his own. At length he settles in the land of promise, and the elect man is now Joseph his son. His story is more than usually romantic ; but through it the divine purpose runs clear — that God's chosen instruments need special dis cipline, and that the royal way is a way of sorrow. The propriety of the divine choice of him is as obvious here as it was in the case of Abraham. His early life is very im pressive, in its dreams dashed, its hope deferred, and promise baulked. It is as sad as it is beautiful. He has to face cruelty from the brethren who should have loved him, separation from a father who counts him his dear est, ingratitude from the man he has helped, infamous 31 Genesis The Messages of slander from those in whose service he was willing to give all that he had but his honor. But through it all he keeps his spirit bright. What moral heroism breathes through his reply to the temptress in Egypt ! With all the alertness of his father, he springs full-armed to meet every new difficulty, be it dream or temptation or threat of famine ; and though he is strong he can also be ten der unto tears. And in the end God sets this man of heaven-born insight, heroic faith, and invincible hope over the affairs of one of the greatest of empires, and places in his debt a hungry world. Israel in The scene is now shifted to Egypt, and there interest Egypt is concentrated for a period both long and sad. The di vine purpose seems baffled : but nothing can really baffle it. God has high ends to serve by the sojourn of Israel in Egypt, and in his own good time he will deliver them, with the impress of his nature upon them. V the world of sin (Gen. 2 : 4b to 1 1 : 30) I. Man's Place in the Universe and his Choice of Sin (Gen. 2 : 4b to 4 : 24) orUn htask ^an 's t'le handiwork of God ; his spirit is the breath and duty of of his maker. God, when he made him, appointed him a (Gen. 2 : ?- task — that of tilling the ground and gathering her fruits, I7) 32 the Historians Genesis 3:13 and he gave him all that satisfied eye and heart. But the task had its temptations. He was permitted to enjoy the fair and pleasant fruits of the garden in which God had placed him ; but there was fruit in that garden which to touch was death. So said conscience and God. Now man needs companionship ; and among the beasts Woman there is none that can be called his fellow. He needs am/comple- a being like himself, and such a one God gave him in ^e.ntj8 s woman. She alone is his peer ; in wedlock he and she are no more twain, but one. Then to the woman came one day temptation with the sinuous coils and the glittering eye that fascinates. Why The tragedy should she not satisfy her curiosity and touch that fair°no°^ forbidden fruit ? It could not cost so dear as God had <3 : 1-13) said; they surely should not die. Rather would their knowledge grow by this forbidden venture. Conscience and passion pled within her. At length she fell, and the man was involved in her fall. They had indeed won knowledge, but it was knowledge of their shame — knowl edge of how terrible a thing it is to disobey the earnest reasonable voice of God. They sought with vain things to hide their shame and to flee from the searching sound of the voice divine. But in the evening hour God found them, smitten with remorse and shame, but not yet with humble penitence ; for the man accused the woman, and the woman the passion that had against her better heart misled her. 33 Genesis 3 : 14 The Messages of The penalty Then in stern, solemn words through which there yet (3 1 14-24) gieamecj hope, God uttered his word of judgment upon their disobedience. " Sin shall go on from age to age, struggling with man for the mastery, and man shall be wounded as he tramples upon it ; but he shall crush it in the end."1 " Woman, as mother and wife, shall have sorrows many to bear." " Man shall have to wring his sustenance from the stubborn earth in fierce struggle that will bring the sweat to his brow, and in the end he shall return to the dust whence he came." Then God provided for the man and his wife, the mother of us all, a better covering for their shame than that which they in their extremity had made. But their sins had shut them out from the right to immortality ; the way thither was barred by powers divine and strong. The prog- Now Eve bore Adam a son, Cain, in the mystery of (4?i-i6)n whose birth she recognized the hand of God. Abel, his brother, was a shepherd, while Cain was a tiller of the ground ; and each expressed his thanks to God by the 1 The actual words only speak of a ceaseless warfare between humanity and the serpent. But the triumph of humanity seems implicit in the words, partly because the serpent is cursed, partly because man, by his origin, sus tains special relations to God, and the divine purpose of his creation must not be permanently baulked. (So Dillmann.) 34 the Historians Genesis 6 : i sacrifice of that whereby he won his livelihood. But the spirit of the offerers differed as did their gifts, and God rewarded them accordingly. Cain was jealous. The sin which he should have vanquished, sprang upon him and choked his brotherly feeling, and he treacherously mur dered the brother whose keeper he should have been. But the deed of blood haunted him ; a voice pursued him ; and he was forced to wander far from God, homeless and in terror, about the stubborn earth. Smitten with horror at the thought of his lonely and perilous doom, he cried to God, and received his gracious promise of protection from the avengers of blood ; for blood-revenge is hate ful to God. So forth he went — from the presence of God. But not to wander, rather to settle and build a city ; The progress and it is the offspring of this violent and godless sire that °+ ™I7'.u/4e) are the fathers of civilization. They gave the world the shepherd life, the fine and useful arts, such as music and working in metal, and they knew the power of woman. The violence of that impious culture rings through La mech 's song of vengeance.1 Those days also saw the beginnings of true worship. Beginningsof worship 2. Sin Abounding (5 : 29; 6 to 11) '"" After Lamech came Noah the comforter. Noah To check the evils arising from the union of humanity How9death entered 1 With him also begins polygamy. (6 : 1-4) 35 Genesis 6 : 2 The Messages of with beings superhuman, God limited the life of man to one hundred and twenty years. ' The Flood. Vexed by the corruption of humanity, God determined and\heath to blot out every living thing, all but Noah, with whom he gcdcy°.f 8. dealt in grace; for Noah was a good man. So, by the 7 : 1 to 8 : 22) divine command, he and his household entered the ark with beasts and birds of all kinds, of the clean seven pairs, of the unclean one pair, that in the world to be the species might be preserved alive ; and God shut the door behind him. All that were in the ark he preserved in safety throughout the forty days of rain which destroyed every living thing, and until the waters had subsided, leaving the ground dry. So Noah acknowledged God in sacrifice. Then God, well-pleased, resolved to deal hence forth in patient love with man, whose will from youth was sinfully inclined ; and never again to smite the earth or to interrupt the order of nature in judgment.3 The blessing Noah began to cultivate the vine, and fell into shame curie1"^ : 18- through the wine thereof. Ham, fit ancestor of the licen- 27> tious Canaanites, went and told his brethren ; and Shem, the father of the Hebrews, with Japheth his brother, cov ered their father's shame. Then Noah pronounced a curse and a blessing : a curse fulfilled this day in the sub jection of the unchaste Canaanites; the richest blessing 1 This ancient and interesting fragment is not a continuation of the previ ous narrative, but forms in reality a parallel to 3 : 22-24, antl gives another explanation of how death came into the world. a About half of chs. 7 and 8 belongs to the priestly historian. 36 the Historians Genesis 11:9 upon Shem, whose children have the true God among them ; and the blessing of peace and a wide domain to Japheth. (Now these represent the three great families of man- The divis- kind) : To the Hamites belong the Babylonian empire,1 LlndiioTs". founded by Nimrod, the mighty hunter king — an empire *9> whose power and culture travelled north to Assyria : also various branches of the Egyptian people, from whom come the Philistines and Cretans ; further, the Canaanites with Sidon, their oldest settlement, the Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites, Hivites, and the peoples of five northern cities near Lebanon. The Canaanites stretched from Sidon in the north to Gaza in the south. To the Semitic family,3 which is the oldest, belong first (10 : 21, 25- and foremost the Hebrews ; and with them are connected the Arabs. Mankind, yet undivided," boldly sought, against the Meaning of divine purpose, to secure itself against dispersion by la'nguag" ° building a city with a great conspicuous tower, where all '" : I_9* could concentrate. But God defeated their soaring am bition, destroying their unity, by confounding their lan guage. Hence the many tongues spoken by men. So they scattered over all the earth. 1 This is scientifically doubtful. 8 Probably this notice was originally preceded by one dealing with the Japhetic nations. * This section must therefore be from a different source from the two preceding paragraphs. 37 Genesis 1 1 : 28 The Messages of Abraham(n : 28-30) (To the Semitic family belongs) Abraham, whose home was in Mesopotamia ' and whose wife Sarah had borne him no children. VI THE FATHERS OF THE HEBREW PEOPLE The call of Abraham(12 : 1-9) 1. The Discipline of Abraham (12 : 1 to 25 : 6) (1) The Call of Abraham and the Divine Care of Him (12 and 13) Abraham was stirred by a divine impulse 2 to leave his home and all that he held dear ; for it was the purpose of God to make of him the great Hebrew nation, centre and pattern 3 of blessing to all mankind. In obedience to the voice, Abraham with Lot moved westward to Canaan, and at Shechem by the sacred tree, a vision of Jehovah woke in his heart the assurance that this was the land, occupied though it then was by the Canaanites, that his descendants would one day inherit. There he gratefully acknowledged Jehovah in worship, as also at Bethel, and then moved southward. 1 So, apparently, in this document, cf. 24 : 10. Ur, if it be the Baby lonian city, represents rather the tradition of the priestly document. = Cf. 20 : 13 (E). 3 " Shall bless themselves," not " shall be blessed " (v. 3). There is no missionary thought here. , 38 the Historians Genesis 15: 21 Driven by famine from the land of promise to the land Divine pres- that was one day to be the house of bondage, Abraham Eg^pTfrom there imperilled the promises by exposing his wife to the i*]1!1™"^ danger of being united to a foreign prince. But God re- 2°) vealed his watchful care over the fortunes of the chosen but erring patriarch, by interposing to save his wife. Then Abraham went back with Lot to Bethel, where, Separation full of its early memories, he again called upon his God. Abraham's Now their great wealth bred strife between their herds- magnanim- 0 lty over men. Abraham, though all the land was his by promise, ruled in his nobly offered Lot his choice. Lot chose the fair land terests (13) about the wicked cities just across the borders, near the shore of the Dead Sea ; and thus, in the providence of God, Abraham was left alone in the promised land which, he was divinely assured, would one day belong to his seed innumerable. Then he moved to Hebron, which became his home, and there he acknowledged his God. (2) The Strain and the Reward of Faitk (15 : 1 to 25 : 6) Abraham, however, grew despondent ; for what was Promise of a such a promise to a childless man ? But his despondency firmedby a was met by the divine assurance that no stranger, but a c°Jenant son would be his heir, and that his seed would be num berless as the stars. So he trusted God, and God counted that as a mark of his righteousness, confirming by a cove nant his assurance that all the land, from Nile to Euphra tes, would one day be possessed by his seed, and dis- 39 Genesis 16 : i The Messages of Hope de ferred weak ens Sarah's faith; flight of Hagar (16 : i, 2, 4- The mes sage of the heavenlyvisitants 1 20 (E) is parallel to 12 : 10-20 (J). This is practically the first point where the Elohistic document appears. For comparison of the duplicates, see In troduction, pp. 18, 19. * The Elohist's parallel to 16, according to which Ishmael is not yet born. For other differences, see Introduction, p. 19. 3 Two derivations are here suggested, pointing to two different sources : well of the oath, and well of the seven. The Hebrew consonants for the words "seven" and "swear" are the same. 41 Genesis 22 : 1 The Messages of Sacrifice of Then came to Abraham the supreme test of his faith, sorest 'test in the impulse to do as did the people of the land, and offer triumphof' to his God in sacrifice his beloved son— which meant the faith sacrifice of all his hopes. With breaking heart, yet in un flinching obedience to the voice within, he took his son to Mount Moriah, now the temple-hill. He raised the knife, and in spirit the sacrifice was complete. Father and son had surrendered their will to the will of God. But in the blood of the children the God of Israel had no delight, and lo ! at the crisis he provided a substitute. So the daring faith of Abraham was justified and rewarded by a renewal of the divine assurance. Abraham's Now Abraham was related to the Arameans, whose kinsfolk in tribes 1;ke jsrael-s were twelve. (22 : 20-24) Trusting in the God who had guided his past, he sent From among his servant to these his kinsmen to find a wife for Isaac ; is found for for Isaac must not imperil the promises by marrying a Isaac (24) woman 0f Canaan, nor yet by leaving the promised land. With grateful joy, the servant found himself led of God to just such a bride as Isaac needed — her energy watching his contemplation. Her kinsfolk saw in this the hand of God and yielded her up with high hopes for her destiny. Thus she became the wife of Isaac. Abraham's Abraham was the ancestor of certain Arab peoples, and descendants &]sQ q{ ^ Bedawjn# 42 the Historians Genesis 27 : 26 2. The Discipline of Isaac (25 : 1 1 to 26 : 33) Isaac's home was in Beer-lahai-roi.1 Isaac's home Again faith was tried by the long tarrying of the heir. ' " ' But in answer to prayer, God sent the barren Rebekah The twin twin sons, who even in the womb foreshadowed the long their differ1- fierce struggle of the peoples * that would spring from f "ff * . them, and the victory of the later born : Esau the hunter, slave of instinct and appetite; Jacob the shepherd, cun ning indeed, but with his eye upon the unseen and the future, who won from Esau his birthright. Divine preservation from self-incurred peril (26: i-ii).3 Isaac's prosperity woke the jealousy and enmity of the Isaac's pros- Philistines, but at last God gave him rest and room forfjf/andtt}1- " Abraham his servant's sake. Jao^ilUs) Isaac's covenant with Abimelech at Beersheba (26 : 26-33) -4 3. The Discipline of Jacob (27 : 1 to 35 : 22) (1) Banished by Sin (27 : I to 28 . 22) Isaac was minded to bestow his paternal blessing on Jacob wins his first born, Esau, contrary to the divine purpose which by^frauTalfd had elected Jacob. Yet all unwitting, he was made toJ'2"toflee 1 Cf. 26:62. a The Edomites and the Israelites. 3 The Isaac parallel to the Abraham story in 12 : 10-20. This (also J) i9 possibly the older of the two stories : cf. 20 (E). * The Isaac parallel (J) to the Abraham story in 21 : 22-34 (E). 43 Genesis 27 : 27 The Messages of His dream at Bethel (28 : 10-22) fulfil that purpose, and he gave Jacob his blessing — even the promise of Israel's triumph over Edom.1 But the craft whereby the mother and her younger son had wrested the blessing, was avenged upon both. For Esau too received a blessing — the promise that Israel's yoke would one day be broken,3 and to avoid the vengeance of Esau Jacob had to leave his mother and his home for his kinsmen in distant Mesopotamia. On the threshold of the discipline on which his life was now launched, the lonely man was graciously assured, in a vision, of the divine presence and of the nearness of heaven to earth. The God who had visited him even on that rugged and unexpected spot on the hillside of Bethel would— he was divinely assured — be with him and keep him wherever he went and would bring him back to the land he was leaving, in fulfilment of his high destiny. So he raised a memorial stone, where the shrine of Bethel now stands, and vowed a tithe to God, should he return in peace and safety. (2) Jacob's Fortunes in the Strange Land (29 : I to 31 : 55) Jacob Forth then he went with hope and courage, and he was Mesopota- divinely guided to his eastern kinsmen. In return for the mia, serves hand of the fair Rachel whom he loved, he offered Laban Laban, mar ries Leah and Rachel 1 As in David's time (2 S. 8 : 14 ; 1 K. 11 : 15). (29 : 1-30) a As in the time of Joram (2 K. 8 : 20), about 84s B. C, and finally in the time of Ahaz (2 K. 16 : 6, corrected text) about 730 B. C. 44 the Historians Genesis 31 : 23 seven years of service, but by a craft that matched and avenged his own, he was defrauded of his bride. The constant Jacob, however, shrank not from other seven years of service for the woman that he loved. But while her sister bore him children, Rachel herself His children remained barren, and Sarah-like, sought children through j09: ~2\] t0 her maid, and by other wrongful means. At length after years of waiting God gave the barren Birth of Rachel a son, even Joseph. Thus by his wives and their (3°o1P22-24) maids, Jacob had eleven sons and one daughter. Then Jacob longed to go back to his own country but Jacob's his discipline was not yet complete. He must wait and Lm and serve yet more. At the entreaty of Laban, who marked f^?^^) the prosperity that Jacob had brought him, he remained, claiming a wage that seemed but trifling. But the wily Jacob outwitted the wily Aramean, and by craft and skill * became very rich and prosperous. His hour was come. Vexed by the jealousy of Laban, Departure and still cherishing in his heart the old promise at Bethel, p^tamia"0" he was divinely moved to return to the land of his birth. <31 : I_21^ Once more he outwitted his Aramean kinsman, and with wives and substance moved westward toward Gilead, Rachel taking with her the images her father used for divination. Laban started in pursuit ; but God intervened to save • This is J. In 31 : 5-12 (E) his success is ascribed to God. Cf. Intro duction, pp. 19, 20. 45 Genesis 31 : 24 The Messages of Laban's pur- Jacob from his revenge, and Laban did him no hurt. cob's reJon- He was, however, indignant at the theft of his images, (^"m- 2) which he sought for in vain, being outwitted by the daughter whom years before he had defrauded of her rightful husband. Thus Laban was foiled at all points. Jacob remonstrated with Laban for his unjust requital of all his faithful service, overruled however and requited by the gracious God of his fathers. Treaty be- Touched by his remonstrance, Laban proposed a cove- (3ief 43-ss)1 nant of friendship ; and there, between the two, a solemn covenant was made in Gilead, which was henceforth to be the boundary between the Israelites and the Arameans. Then Laban returned to his own land, and Jacob to his. (3) In the Promised Land (32 : 1 to 35 : 22) Angels meet Now that he was in the promised land, he was strength- (32:1, 2) ened, as at Bethel in the beginning, by a special sense of the divine presence. Spectres of Nor was it unneeded. For danger was to be feared (32F3-23) from the brother he had wronged, and with whom he must reckon. With his old caution he made his prepara tions ; then he humbly cast himself on God. God wrestles The crisis of his life had come. In the lonely darkness, (32 : 24^2) a divine hand grasped him ; God was wrestling with the wily patriarch who had so often wrestled with men and won. Besides his brother, he has now to reckon with that unseen unnameable One who grasps him in the dark and 46 the Historians Genesis 35 : 8 who by a touch can wither all his power'. Only then is he fit to possess the land, when he sees that it is not his craft that wins it, but his God who gives it. He clung to the God who wrestled with him till he won from him a blessing. The struggle left its mark, but it transformed and redeemed him. Strong now in humble confidence in God, he went The meeting forth to meet his brother, and his confidence was justified ers. Jacob" by his brother's magnanimous reception of him. He ?' Shechem moved on to Shechem, and there by purchase won, in the promised land, ground he could legally call his own.1 Soon, however, came trouble. Shechem dishonored Dishonoring Jacob's daughter. But he loved her, and offered to pay 5trite with for her any bridal price that might be imposed. The *^natlves bargain was struck. Yet Simeon and Levi slew him, to avenge the purity of the family stained by union with an alien. Then Jacob reproved them for their imprudence in provoking the inhabitants of the land, to the possible destruction of him and his, and of all the hopes with them bound up.a Then Jacob was moved by a divine impulse to go to Back to Bethel, the goal as the beginning of his pilgrimage, there ^Vi.y) to acknowledge the gracious God of all his way, having first cleansed his household of all symbols of superstition. Soon gladness was turned to sorrow in the breaking of 1 Cf. Josh. 24 : 32 (E), also Gen. 23 (P). » More than half of this chapter comes from the priestly narrative. 47 Genesis 35 : 16 The Messages of Death of the oldest link that bound him to his past; and to the (35:°8rfand sorest sorrow of all, in the passing of his well-beloved tos1hio.a2) Rachel, as she gave birth to Benjamin. Thus the circle of twelve was completed by a mother of sorrows. 4. The Discipline of Joseph (37 : 2 to 50 : 26) (1) His Sorrows (37 : 2 to 40 : 23) The dream- Now Jacob loved Joseph above all his sons, and Joseph fate" long discipline, in accordance with the purpose of God. Thus Jacob and Joseph met at last. Joseph presented certain of his brethren to Pharaoh, The settle- and was careful to plan that they should dwell not among Egypt" the Egyptians, but by themselves in Goshen. (47 : *"6' Now the famine waxed very sore ; and while Jacob's Joseph the household enjoyed the bounty of Joseph in Goshen, the \™: I2_27) Egyptians were reduced to great straits. But Joseph proved their saviour, and by famous statutes, he strength ened and enriched the royal house. As the aged Jacob lay dying, he solemnly charged The dying Joseph to bury him, not in Egypt, but beside his fathers in bfeCs°ses Jo- the promised land. Then upon Joseph's sons, first Eph- ^fs^M raim the younger, then the elder, Manasseh, he bestowed 48 : 2, 8-22) his parting blessing, with the prayer that his own shep herd God would make them and their children true heirs Si Genesis 48 : 16 The Messages of Funeral hon ors (50 : 1-14) Joseph fully forgives his brethren(50 : 15-21) Dying, he looks for another country (50 : 22-26) of the promises vouchsafed to his fathers ; and he assured Joseph that God would be with them and bring them back to the land of their fathers. Then Jacob died, sore bewept ; and Joseph, with a great Egyptian escort, brought him to the land of Canaan, in accordance with his wish, and there he was buried with special honors. Now that their father was dead, the conscience-haunted brethren, fearing Joseph's vengeance, sought to make sure of his full forgiveness. The generous Joseph for gave them with tears. Who am I, he said, to punish? God had overruled their sin for the good of the world. He and they were but instruments in his hands. Throughout his long life in Egypt, Joseph's heart was in the promised land ; and, as he lay dying, he gave solemn charge that his bones be brought thither, when the faithful God should lead his descendants back again, as he knew he surely would.1 VII THE PROPHETIC NARRATIVE OF EXODUS I TO NUMBERS 32 Between Between the latest scene in Genesis and the opening Exodus a" scene in Exodus lies a great silence, broken only by the > Cf. Josh. 24 : 32 (E). 52 the Historians Exodus sighing and the groans of the people whose ancestors had, generations before, been welcomed for Joseph's sake to the land of Egypt. Crushed and in a foreign land, they are learning the vicissitudes of life, that they may learn the grace and power of their God. In the background of their sorrow lies the promised land, a dear memory and a forlorn hope. Yet back to that land they must be brought ; for it is there, after the discipline of Egypt, that they will do the work for the world which God has given them to do. So. in his own wondrous way, God raises up Moses, a Moses the truly gigantic figure ; next to our Lord, perhaps the most ddlverer important personality in the history of religion. Here again we see the sort of man whom God calls to con spicuous service. The first real glimpse we get of him is as a man with a mighty passion for justice, and not afraid to deal a sturdy blow in its defence ; a man with a deep 1 brotherly heart, knightly champion of the weak and down trodden, and willing to face heavy odds (Ex. 2 : 11-22). His impetuosity only needs to be tempered, and it is tem pered in the lonely desert. There, in meditation, he gathers a quiet strength. His quick eye sees great sights and sees God behind them ; his sensitive ear hears the divine call to deliver his people. The God of Abraham is not dead ; he is the God of the bush. He is here and now, sanctifying the spot where Moses is standing. Here then is the revelation in the strength of which he may well go 53 Exodus The Messages of Moses and Pharaoh : : royal en counter The rising terrors forward to his tremendous task— the revelation that God is ever the same, and that same a God of grace ; as he was with Abraham, so he would be with him ; as he loved the fathers in the old days, so he loved the children in these, and, loving, would deliver them. Hesitating, as well he might, before such a task, but reassured, he advances to meet the mighty Pharaoh, arch-enemy of his people. Nothing could be grander than this series of encounters between these two mighty men. But the blending of the documents has sometimes obscured the real splendor of the climax. According to the Jehovist, Moses predicts the punishment which will befall, if Pharaoh refuses his request ; and next day, Jehovah sends it. According to the Elohist, Moses works the wonders by raising his magic rod. Of the ten plagues, the Jehovist records seven; the turning of the Nile into blood, the frogs, the gadflies, the murrain, the hail, the locusts, and the slaying of the first born. The Elohist records five : the turning of the Nile into blood, the hail, the locusts, the darkness, and smit ing of the first-born. The real progress of the encounter is most impressively seen in the Jehovist, but in all that is essential both accounts agree. The magnificence of this struggle, and the titanic cour age of Moses are not clearly seen till we look well at the combatants and their resources ; Moses strong in God and in the naked justice of his cause, Pharaoh the incarna tion of a might at which even to-day men marvel. Think 54 the Historians Exodus of Egypt's colossal statuary, palaces, temples, tombs ; it is the monarch of such a land that Moses defies. The foe- men are well matched. Moses never yields an inch of ground and Pharaoh yields but little. But it is a struggle of right against might, of the unseen with the seen, and the unseen must prevail. The plagues grow more awful ; the terrors heighten ; they wring from the haughty Pha raoh both entreaty and confession, and even win from some of his court an acknowledgment of Jehovah's power. But at last, in a climax of extraordinary magnificence Pharaoh rises like a giant, refuses the demand of Moses, and forbids him, on pain of death, to look upon his face any more. Moses takes him at his word and leaves him with a flush of anger on his face, after announcing the most terrible blow of all.1 The blow falls. God's will is at length done, and his DeUverance redeemed people go forth triumphantly ; soon however to meet new perplexities, with the Red Sea in front and the all but invincible Pharaoh behind them. Here again, however, God wrought for them a deliverance, the mem ory of which touched the national imagination, and re kindled faith so long as Israel remained a people. Out of their perplexity they emerge with a ringing song of tri umph and gratitude upon their lips. But soon the note changes to one of murmuring, for a The cove- new perplexity looms up (Ex. 17). This people is not yet r 1 u : 1-3 from E, unfortunately interrupts this fine passage (J). 55 . nant Exodus The Messages of fit for the promised land ; they will need discipline of di vers sorts. Still, they are the people elect, and when they reach the holy mountain, God enters into a covenant with them. Amid scenes at once sublime and severe, as though nature were in sympathy with the awfulness of the mo ment, Jehovah revealed his will, claimed them in that moment for his own peculiar people on condition of their obedience to that will, and started them thereby on their distinctive national career. The writers of Exodus 19 and 20 felt this to be the critical moment in Israel's early his tory. They dwell upon it with a copiousness of detail and with an emphasis which shows how fully they felt the moral obligations which covenant with such a God as Je hovah imposed, and how admirably the religion founded by Moses was adapted to be a world religion. Fall and for- Again, however, the people plunge from the heights to the depths. The solemn ratification of the covenant is dramatically followed by the idolatrous worship of the golden calf — a crime almost too heinous under the cir cumstances to pardon. But if it may be pardoned at all, it will be through the intercession of Moses (Ex. 32 : 1 to 34 : 10). Here again the greatness of the climax in the inter cession scene is obscured by the blending of the sources,1 but in both, especially in the Jehovist, it is worked out with rare power and beauty. The unwearied persistency of Moses is at length rewarded with the revelation that the 1 Read together 33 : 1-3, 12-23 : 34 : 6-9 (J). 56 the Historians Numbers glory of God is his pity; and with the swift intuition of love, he urges this as a plea for the pardon of the guilty people. True to his nature, God pardons and restores. Forgiven, they leave the holy mountain, only to set out The unique- upon a new career of murmuring (Num. 1 1). Every new Mose°f scene heightens the loneliness of Moses — reproached by the people, vexed by his jealous brother and sister (Num. 12). But it all serves only to show how absolutely unique he is in his prophetic dignity (12 : 8) and in how intimate a sense he is the friend of God. With hope undimmed by all this unbelief, he sent spies The unbelief into the land of promise. On their return, they dishearten ° ' epeop e the too easily disheartened people. The cup is now full. This is not the generation which can look upon the land ; their bones will bleach the wilderness. The darkness deepens. A rebellion is set on foot Rebellion against the authority of Moses. But from this crisis, as from every crisis, he emerges with the divine approval upon him and his work (Num. 16). At length Edom is reached, and the promised land is Near the not far away. But Edom, despite the ancient kinship, End"8" refuses help to Israel, who, in bitter vexation, and railing against God and Moses, find themselves compelled to take a circuitous route. In the end, however, they reach the Arnon, defeat and dispossess the mighty Sihon, King of the Amorites, perhaps also Og, King of Bashan. The 57 Numbers The Messages of land is near, and the fu-lfilment of the promise is within sight. The prophe- With great dramatic propriety, the prophecies of Balaam Uam£ Ba" appear at this point. Israel's power has been felt, some thing of her strange history is known, and Moab is afraid of her. The king summons a seer to curse her with a potent curse. But who can curse whom God hath blessed? There — just before she sets foot on the prom ised land — from the lips of a stranger falls the prediction of her glorious and invincible destiny. The sad But the vision melts before the facts. The dramatic reality prophecy has a dramatic sequel. The people fall before the seductions of Moabite idolatry — fall too after a disci pline and a success in which even alien eyes like Balaam's can see the hand of a God that has no peer. When that sin has been punished, possession of the land begins, the ground east of the Jordan being the first to be settled. The person- Israel is now launched upon her national career, a Moses career which the later books of the Old Testament regard as a divine mission to the world. But under God, she owes everything to Moses. He must indeed have been a most impressive and powerful personality, who brought those down-trodden slaves of Egypt to something like a national self-consciousness, by giving them an inspiring conception of the God whom they nominally served. Little wonder that he haunted Hebrew imagination for more than a millennium, that earlier ages placed his name 58 the Historians Exodus 2:15 alongside that of God,1 or that later ages unreservedly ascribed to him the laws which were their life. VIII THE BIRTH OF THE NATION (Ex. I to Num. 32) 1. Redemption from the Bondage of Egypt (Ex. I : 6 to 15 : 21) (1) The Preparation (1 : 6 to 4 : 31) Long years after, when Israel had grown to be many Israel cruel- and strong, a new dynasty arose over Egypt, which sought XL .°^pr2essed to crush under cruel burdens the people of whom it was *s-22) jealous. But to the amazement of the Egyptians the peo ple grew all the more, for God prospers his own. Then the ruthless king ordered the slaughter of all the male children ; but again his cruelty was overruled. For the infant Moses, hidden by his parents in fear, yet A deliverer in faith, was found and taken to the court, there to beMosesUpm trained as a prince. Thus strangely did God prepare and <2 : 123a' equip him who was to be the saviour of his people. The glamor of the court did" not blind him to the sorrows of his brethren. Twice did he show himself the doughty champion of the oppressed — he who hated wrong in friend or foe — and had to seek refuge with the kindred 2 clan of 1 Cf. Ex. 14 : 31 ; 19 : 9 ; Num. 21:5. 2 Cf. Gen. 25 : 2. 59 Exodus 2 : 1 6 The Messages of God's reve lation of himself to Moses, and the call to service (3) Midian, where the silence of the desert would temper the impulses of his hot heart. Here again he is seen as the champion of the oppressed.1 To the pensive lonely shepherd by Horeb 2 came a mes sage of God in the form of a flaming bush — flaming but unconsumed. At first it was to him nothing but a strange sight ; but soon he found it to be the vision and the voice of God, and the barren desolate place on which he was standing to be holy ground. The present God in the flaming bush was the old God of the patriarchs, who in the many dark days of oppression had seemed so far away ; but all the time he had seen their sorrow and heard their cry, and here he was now, as ever, present and mighty to deliver and to bring his banished into the prom ised land. But he delivers through the man he has chosen and equipped by discipline of court and desert : " Come and I will send thee.'' So came the divine word to Moses's heart. Lonely brooding has tempered the old self-reli ance. How could he, a crushed and exiled man, face Pharaoh 3 and bring the people out ? Then came the di- 1 After this appears to come in J's story, the strange passage 4 : 24-26 which implies that on the death of the king from whom he fled, Moses set out to return, and on the way his life, which was in danger from the wrath of Jehovah, was redeemed by the offering of the blood of circumcision. The rite of infant circumcision is thus explained. This scene would be followed by the commission in ch. 3 (so Bacon). 2 Called Horeb in E and D (Deuteronomy), Sinai in J and P. 8 In J he is to go with the elders (16-18). 60 the Historians Exodus 5 : 8 vine assurance, supported by a sign, that God would be with him. But in what character will he present the ancestral God to his incredulous people ? As Jehovah, whose faithfulness is constant, in future as in past. This is to be his abiding name. Supported by the revelation of the constancy of the divine pity, Moses is inspired to de mand from Pharaoh permission for the people to make a three days' pilgrimage into the wilderness to worship their own God, despite his assurance that Pharaoh will refuse until he is compelled by Jehovah's wonders to consent. To silence all popular doubts as to his divine commis- Divinely sion, he was empowered to perform three miraculous ySl'Sesitat- signs.1 Nevertheless his own faith was not thereby mg H : I_23, strengthened. Conscious of his weakness, he still shrank from his God-appointed task, to which even the clear assurance of almighty God did not brace him. So half in grace and half in chastisement, God gave him a helper in Aaron, his brother. (2) The Struggle (5 : 1 to 12 : 39) The great struggle began: Moses on the one hand, Moses and championing the cause of Jehovah and the oppressed ; the^eting and on the other Pharaoh, the cruel, defiant, godless. wf;l5w° &"*' The religious plea urged by Moses was rejected by Pha- (5 = » '» 6 : 1) raoh as a lying pretext to secure a holiday, and answered 1 In 1-9 (J) the miracles are to convince the people, cf. 29-31. In E (cf. 17) they are to be performed before Pharaoh. 6l Exodus 5 : 9 The Messages of The Nile turned into blood (7 : 14- 18, 20, 21, 23-25) Plague of frogs (8 : 1-4, 8-15) Plague of gadflies (8 : 20-32) Plague of murrain(9 = i-7) by imposing upon the people heavier burdens, which embittered the Hebrew overseers against Moses. The baffled leader laid the matter before God, and again won from him the assurance of ultimate deliverance, to be wrought by his own strong hand. Jehovah was resolved * to bend Pharaoh to his will, and teach him who he was.2 So he summoned the forces of nature, of which he was lord, and not the gods of Egypt ; and began by corrupting the Nile, source of Egypt's life. But Pharaoh remained unimpressed. Then he sent a plague of frogs. This blow moved the proud monarch to entreat Moses to intercede for him, and Jehovah answered Moses's prayer. But the respite only hardened Pharaoh's stubborn heart. Then he sent a plague of gadflies which tormented Egypt but spared Goshen where Israel was — sure proof that Jehovah was lord of all. The exasperated Pharaoh then met Moses's demand half-way ; but Moses was inflexible. Grudgingly did Pharaoh make the concession demanded, and the plague was removed by the prayer of Moses at Pharaoh's entreaty. But the respite only hardened Pha raoh's stubborn heart, and he did not let the people go. Then he sent a plague which slew the cattle of Egypt, 1 This paraphrase preserves only the bare outline of the story of the plagues. For the characteristic differences in the representations of J and E, see page 54. 2 Cf. 5 : 2. 62 the Historians Exodus io : 28 but spared that of Israel. Yet this, too, but hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he did not let the people go. The divine patience had dealt with him in vain, and Plague of death was his desert. But Jehovah, to show upon him his ^) J3.3S) glorious omnipotence, sent another plague — this time of very grievous hail — which spared Goshen where Israel was, but ruined the property of all in Egypt, all but the cour tiers who feared Israel's God. Pharaoh, awed, confessed his sin against Jehovah, and the plague was removed by the prayer of Moses at Pharaoh's entreaty. But the res pite only hardened the faithless king's stubborn heart and he did not let the people go. Then Moses threatened another plague so grievous that Plague of Pharaoh, yielding to the passionate remonstrance of his (loT^-ao) courtiers, gave the men leave to go, but with insolent blasphemy refused leave to the women and children, and backed his refusal by violence. So the blow had to fall. It came as a deadly plague of locusts. In haste Pharaoh summoned Moses and confessed his sin, and the plague was removed on his earnest entreaty by the prayer of Moses. But the respite again only hardened his heart, and he did not let the people go. A severer blow was needed. It came as fierce sand- Plague of storms that for three days darkened all the land except iast doom' where Israel was. Pharaoh was moved to offer a com- ^1™^. promise, but the inflexible Moses would tolerate none. " : 4-8) Whereupon the infatuated Pharaoh passionately ordered 63 Exodus io : 29 The Messages of him to leave his presence on pain of death.1 Moses took him at his word ; but ere he went, he announced in the name of Israel's God the last and sorest plague — that all the first-born of Egypt, and of Egypt only, would die. " After that," said he, " I will go out," and he left the presence of Pharaoh in hot anger. Death of Jehovah kept his dread word. All the first-born of bom. 5The Egypt died, and Pharaoh had at the last to yield in every (^2°-d2g- ) point ; yea, his people were even urgent upon Israel to leave. So in haste and laden with Egyptian treasure, they left the land of bondage. (3) The Deliverance (13 : 17 to 15 : 21) Israel de- The divine discipline of Israel demanded that they faith m should not go by the most direct way to the promised (13:17-22) ian(j_ Filled however with Joseph's faith a that they would one day reach it, Moses took Joseph's bones with him, and their God was their guide by night and by day. The memo- When it became clear that Israel had gone for good Sance at™" and not merely to hold their sacred festival, the yet un til -R5-d3iS)ea chastened Pharaoh started in pursuit with his chariots of war.3 In splendid isolation Moses rebuked the faithless terror of his people, with the calm assurance that their God would deliver them that day once for all. And de- 1 n : 1-3 are misplaced, n : 4-8 form a magnificent climax to 10 : 29. 2 Cf. Gen. 50 : 25. ¦The priestly historian contributes a few verses, e.g., 8, 15-18, 22, 23, 29. 64 the Historians Exodus 19: 4 liver he did, so that even the Egyptians, panic-stricken, were constrained to admit his presence and mysterious power. One and all were overwhelmed. There lay the corpses dead upon the shore — a deliverance for Israel never to be forgotten. Their flickering faith was kindled by sight ; they believed in God whom they had doubted, and in his servant Moses whom they had upbraided. Moses sang a song of victory, whereto Miriam and the The song of women raised in response another song. j™"^. 2. The Covenant (Ex. 1 5 : 22 to 34 : 9) (1) The March to Sinai (15 : 22 to 17: 16) Forth then the people went, from triumph to disappoint- Departure ment, from praise to murmuring ; for their faith would seT'wan't1 not bear the sore strain of the way. Moses, still with °f bread and J water faith unshaken, cried to God; and once and again God (15:22-27 : supplied their needs and saved them. 35; 17: 1-7)' He saved them too in war : for he proved their banner War with and confidence, when assailed by Amalek the hateful, (^fslio) doomed to destruction for this their ancient enmity to Israel. (2) The Covenant at Sinai (19 : 2' to 24 : 16) The arrival at Sinai marked a crisis. For it was there The cove- that the ever-memorable covenant was made : God, on the nature "S one hand, promising through his servant Moses, to con- (I9 : 2b'9> tinue to Israel, on condition of obedience, the grace he had 65 Exodus 19 : 5 The Messages of manifested in the exodus, and to make them his elect people ; and on the other hand the people, pledging them selves to obedience. By the revelation given to Moses in the cloud, he was to become for all time the accredited messenger of Jehovah. (b) its sol- For so supreme a moment all must reverently and payment™" solemnly prepare. At last in trumpet blasts of thunder, (19 : 10.19) in lightnings and black storm-clouds, Jehovah made his presence known ; and to those divine accompaniments, these divine words were given,1 words '' which reveal the (c) its moral nature of Jehovah's claims upon his covenant people, and (20 f i-i7js base these claims upon that redemptive grace enjoyed by Israel in the deliverance from Egypt. " I am Jehovah thy God who showed thee my love and might by bringing thee out of the bondage of Egypt. Therefore : " Thou shalt have no other gods beside me ; " Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image ; " Thou shalt not utter the name of Jehovah thy God for a vain cause ; " Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it ; " Honor thy father and thy mother ; " Thou shalt do no murder ; * 19; 20-25: 24: 1, a, 9-11 (J) represent another version of the story, ac- cording to which Moses went up, accompanied by priests and elders. The Septuagint tones down the anthropomorphism of 24 : 10, and Dt. 4 : 12, 15 with its later and more spiritual view of God, corrects this more primitive representation. 2 What follows is from E. The J covenant of ten words is in 34 : 10-28. 66 the Historians Exodus 32 : 32 " Thou shalt not commit adultery ; " Thou shalt not steal ; " Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor ; " Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house." * These divine words were inscribed on tablets of stone, inscribed on To the commandments comprising Jehovah's covenant, (24T12-14 ; the people unitedly promised implicit obedience, and the31 : l8b) covenant was sealed with the blood of sacrifice. Sealed with blood (3) The Breach and Restoration (32 : I to 34 : 9) ' ' While Moses was on the mount, receiving a further Breachof the revelation from God, the perplexed people, being without STpeopie their leader and thus without any visible proof of the pres- ^given on ence of their God, made an image of him in the form of a tercession wooden calf overlaid with gold.2 On the return of Moses, 12-23; his astonishment at their unspiritual worship rose to in- 34 ' dignation. He at once destroyed the calf and punished the people. Then he went back to the mount and laid before God their grievous sin in worshipping him by an image, pleading for them with an exquisitely tender and unselfish passion. But God, in his displeasure, threatened 1 Vv. 18-21 form the introduction to the legislation known as the Book of the Covenant, extending to 23 : 33. 3 E represents Aaron as the abettor of the image-worship (32 : 1-6) which in J (25-29) is avenged by the Levites, who are therefore rewarded with the priesthood. V. 26 perhaps suggests a different cause for the disorder. It implies apostasy from Jehovah; the incident involves only the worship of him by images. 67 Exodus 32 : 33 The Messages of to abandon the people, promising however his special favor to Moses. Emboldened by this promise, Moses pled again —were they not Jehovah's own covenant people ? — and won the promise of his presence. Thus emboldened, he prayed for a fuller vision of the divine nature, and this again was granted — so far at least as might be ; for no living man can fully know that nature ; he can only look after the divine glory as it passes before him and meditate thereon. So there, in the loneliness of the mount, God revealed to him the glory of his nature as a God of pity and abounding grace, ready to pardon. In grateful rever ence, Moses prostrated himself and besought that that grace which is the glory of God, might be bestowed upon the erring people : " Pardon our sin and take us for thine inheritance." The tent of (So Jehovah forgave them fully, and sealed the forgive- kjVyif,) ness by revealing to Moses how the people were hence forth to worship him, and what manner of tent he was to have.) Now this tent to which the people resorted to learn the will of God, was regularly pitched at a distance from the camp ; and there God would speak to Moses, face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. jethro's vis- Before Israel left the holy mountain, Jethro,1 hearing of aided irfhis their now famous deliverance from Egypt, came to see functions Moses, and overjoyed to hear the thrilling tale again from (l8> his own lips he, alien though he was, confessed that ' Cf. Ex. 3 : 1. 68 the Historians Numbers 11:3 Israel's God was greater than all gods. But it vexed him to see how the great leader was worn, as he listened all day to the people who came to learn through him the will of God and gave them those decisions on which the divine fabric of Israel's law was reared. So on the advice of Jethro the people were organized, and over each division honest and God-fearing men were appointed to decide on all matters of lesser moment, while the graver cases were still reserved for Moses. 3. From Sinai to Moab (Num. 10 : 29 to 32 : 42) (1) Incidents of the Wandering (10 : 29 to 21 : 35) Jethro, whose aid as a guide through the wilderness Departure was sure to be invaluable, consented,1 at the entreaty of (Num.'io": Moses, to accompany Israel on the march, and received a'"3^ in return the assurance of a portion in the promised land. Forward then they set, with their God in his ark going on before. When they marched, he was invoked to give them the victory over every foe ; and when they rested, he was invoked to rest among them to protect and bless.8 The people murmured 3 against their gracious God ; and Murmuring when in his righteous anger he chastised them, Moses in- (I1 ' *'3 terceded and God answered his prayer. 1 As we are obliged to infer from Jud. i : 16 and 4:11. 3 The words of invocation are in poetry which must be old: they repre sent the early conception of Jehovah. * For bread ? Cf. Ps. 78 : 20. 69 Numbers 11:4 The Messages of Prayer for Tired of the monotonous manna and pining for the flesh results"1 ' S meat of Egypt, the people provoked the anger of Moses 18-234 if-js) an(^ tne'r God. The lonely leader, weary of their impor- tunacy, asked God in mercy to take away his life. God answered by revealing to him his purpose toward the ungrateful people. As they had rejected his wise leading, he would teach them their folly by granting them the de sires of their heart. Even the deep faith of Moses might not see how ; but God's hand is not shortened, for he is lord of all. So he sent a wind which drove such swarms of quails about the camp, that the people gathered abun dance ; and many of those that had surfeited died. Thus was the divine word fulfilled. Seventy el- In pity for Moses, who was overstrained by the burden equipped \o of governing the people alone, God put a spirit like his (11 •*i6SeSi7 own 'nt0 t'le neart °* seventy of the elders, so that they 24, =s) were one with him in work and aim ; and the prophetic enthusiasm came upon them.1 The great The spirit came also upon two young men who had not leader's .. , . v , , ,, magna- gone with the others to the tent where Moses was ; for (ii"!'^) the sP'"t o{ God is not bound to any place. Joshua urged Moses to forbid them to prophesy, but he nobly refused. The gift of the spirit, he said, needed not to be mediated through him ; his heart's desire was that God would put his spirit upon the people one and all. Miriam, seconded by Aaron, took occasion to assert 1 This may be a duplicate of the story in Ex. 18. 70 the Historians Numbers 14:18 their equality with Moses as prophets of God. At once The pro- God intervened in behalf of his great and faithful servant, nftyS fees whom he was wont to honor above other prophets by l^^a speaking with him face to face. Miriam's pride he pun ished with leprosy ; but the merciful Moses, on Aaron's confession and intercession, cried to God, who healed her after she had borne her shame. Before the assault on Canaan, Moses sent Caleb and The report others from Kadesh to the southern region to report on an(j {"effect the nature of the land and the people. They went as far p£°p1(Ine as Hebron, and brought back a huge cluster of grapes and ('3 : t7b-33: other fruit, as specimens of the wealth of the land. But 8, 9) ' they so discouraged the people by their account of the strength and stature ' of the inhabitants that in their de spair they proposed to appoint a leader to undo all that Moses had done, and bring them back to Egypt. Caleb, however, reassured them. They might go fearlessly for ward, he said, to the attack, if only they would obey the voice of their God. Moses, dreading that Jehovah would disinherit the The penalty people for their unbelief, pled for them. Would not the (I4 : 11-45)2 peoples of Egypt and Canaan think lightly of Jehovah ? Would they not say that, mighty as he had shown him self to be, he was not mighty enough to carry out his pur pose for his people, and had slain them in despair ? " Show but the pity," he prayed, " and the pardoning grace thou 1 13 : 21, 25 are from P. 2 Except 26-30, 34-38, which belong to P. 71 Numbers 14: 19 The Messages of didst reveal to me,1 and that thou hast ever shown thy people heretofore." God heard and stayed his anger. Yet the sin of unbelief could not go unpunished ; God must be glorified. So that whole generation — all but be lieving Caleb — was doomed never to see the promised land. Reckless of the words of Moses, which were all too surely words of God, and fondly imagining that confession could avert the doom, they presumptuously advanced northward to attack the people of the land ; but they were beaten, for neither their God nor their leader went with them.1 Rebellion of Two distinguished Reubenites, Dathan and Abiram, Abiram: au- repining at their present hardships, for which they held MoseTdil Moses responsible, and resenting his authority, though it vinely vin- had never been wrongfully exercised, rebelled. On their dicated(i6)» ,.,..,?' , , . haughtily rejecting his summons, he himself went to them with the elders, and warned the people of the danger of contact with them ; for the fearful sin of rebellion against a leader sent and attested by God, was rebellion against God himself and would be fearfully punished by him. His words found strange and instant fulfilment. By a wondrous visitation, which struck all Israel with terror, God destroyed the rebels with all that was theirs, and thus justified Moses as Israel's true and only leader. ' Cf. Ex. 34 : 6. a E. Cf. J's story in 21 : 1-3 which adds that afterward, on vowing to devote the Canaanite cities to Jehovah, they won a victory. 3 Most of this chapter belongs to P. Besides isolated verses, JE has at least 13-15 and 28-31. 72 the Historians Numbers 21 : 26 The gift of water (20 : 1-13).1 (After a sojourn of well nigh forty years in the wilder- Edom's re- ness about Kadesh) Moses, seeking the nearest way to mJsion to"" the promised land, sent to the Edomites for permission E^iand™811 to pass quietly through their territory, appealing to their (20 : h-21) common ancestry,' and recounting the sorrows of their sojourn in Egypt, and Jehovah's gracious deliverance of them. Haughtily and with threats of violence Edom re fused, once and yet again. Sore at heart, Israel turned to go round the land of Themur- Edom, fretting against God and Moses. So in chastise- ished1; tfe"" ment he sent among them serpents, whose bite caused ^.j11' re" burning and death. Then the penitent people besought (" : 4-11) Moses to intercede for them, and God heard his prayer, making the deadly things harmless for all who looked up to him in trust. Then Israel turned north and reached the Arnon, Conquest of " Moab's frontier," as the old war-song has it. Hence they £t ™a.is° sent to Sihon, King of the Amorites, who had lately swept 2I"32> across Moab with the fire of war — resistless even to Moab's god — asking for permission to pass quietly through his land. He replied with a challenge to battle, in which Israel vanquished him, occupying his land and capital. 1 At least half of this difficult section belongs to P. The rest appears to be J's parallel (cf. 21 : 16-20) to the story which E sets at the beginning of the wanderings (Ex. 17 : 1-7). 3 As descendants of Jacob (Gen. 27). Esau was regarded as the father of the Edomites. 73 Numbers 21 : 27 The Messages of The memory of this great victory was maintained in a stinging song.1 Song of the Not far from thence, by the grace of God, a well was well (21 : 16- ^^ to wj,jcjj tjje princes also lent a helping hand ; and the gladness and brotherhood of that hour were cherished in song. At last Israel reached the glen by Pisgah, from whose top the promised land could all be seen. (2) Prophecy, Tragedy and Triumph (22 to 32) Baiak sends In terror of Israel, whose power had now been proved, to curse is- Balak, King of Moab, sought to enlist the aid of the fa- raei (22) mous soothsayer Balaam in cursing Israel ; for the curse of such a one is mighty. Conscious that he must fulfil the will of God, yet allured by Balak's promise of honor and treasure, Balaam went. Thrice his way was blocked ; and thrice he rode blindly against the heav enly monitor which even his ass could see. Then his eyes were opened to the folly of his journey. He now saw that it was God who had blocked his way, and he made to turn back. But no ! Jehovah had a purpose to be ful filled through him, and on he must now go — he, an alien, to declare God's glorious word of triumph for Israel over all her heathen foes. After the customary rites, he, from a height whence he saw the people, foretold in prophetic ecstasy their unique 1 The section 33-35, relating Israel's decisive victory over Og, King of Bashan, is possibly later. 74 the Historians Numbers 32 : 24 and glorious destiny. Balak, true heathen, hoping that instead he the divine word might change with change of place, led Spiendiddes- Balaam to another height, and again in ecstatic mood, hej"1^3^" sang of Israel's coming triumph over her foes, over heart- v. 25) less Edom and jealous Moab.1 Thus ere they crossed to the promised land, Israel's high hopes of splendid destiny were justified and rekindled by Jehovah's words upon alien and unwilling lips. Soon this fair ideal melted before the sad and shameless Israel yields reality. The fickle people joined themselves to the women idolatry of Moab, and therewith to the sensual worship of Moab's <25 : l'5^ god. Jealous of the honor of Israel's forsaken God, Moses commanded all the apostates to be slain. Gilead, east of the Jordan, was a fine pasture-land ; and Gad, Reu- the tribes of Gad and Reuben asked leave from Moses to Manasseh stay on the east side, as they had much cattle. Moses re- ^"jordan0' fused. As the cause was one, he urged, even Jehovah's, (3*)* so the people must be one : there must be no thought of separation till the land was subdued. To imperil the unity was to court disaster, like that which overtook the faithless generation that trusted in the spies' report ; " be sure your sin will find you out."2 But he gave them leave to settle 1 Of the two pairs of poems, which are parallel rather than continuous, the first pair (23) belongs in the main to E, the second (24) to J. The sec tion 24 : 20-24 ("he sang, too, of the doom of the Amalekite, the Kenite, and the Assyrian ") is a later addition. These three oracles, with the four preceding, bring the total up to the sacred number seven. 2 Certain verses of this chapter are due to P : cf. 18, 19, 28-30 and others. 75 Numbers 32 : 25 The Messages of their flocks and families on the east side, on condition that they would cross with the rest and fight the battles of Je hovah. So the families of Gad and Reuben settled, and the warriors fought. Gradually the rest of the east coun try was won and settled by three clans of Manasseh.1 IX RULING IDEAS OF THE PROPHETIC HISTORY Religious The brief sketch of the history attempted in chapters iv. ofthehfstory and vii. has made it clear that the value of those narratives is not exclusively and perhaps not even primarily historical. The times with which they deal lie too far behind the written record for any accurate historical knowledge, in the strict sense of the word historical, to be possible. In deed, the narratives by their form, confess as much ; they deal with only salient facts, which illustrate the divine purpose. Every one must feel how thin is the historical thread in the story of Isaac ; much, if not most of what is recorded of him is but a duplicate of the experience of his greater father.2 Nevertheless, his life advances and illus- 1 Cf. Josh. 17 : 1 where Manasseh got his land because he could fight for it. 2 Gen. 26 : 6-n and 26-33. ^n point of fact, it would seem as if the Isaac stories were, in some cases, the original, and the corresponding Abraham stories the more imposing duplicates. 76 the Historians Prophetic History trates the divine purpose. The history is not written for its own sake, but as the vehicle of great religious ideas. In other words, it is written in the prophetic spirit, and by men to whom ideas meant more than facts. The Jews include the historical books from Joshua to Kings among the prophets, rightly feeling that the history is but an ex hibition of the principles on which the prophets based their teachings. Such, too, is the history with which we have been dealing. Gleaming through the gray tradition are bright and indisputable facts which historically cohere, and are of high historical value ; but of more value than the facts are the divine ideas which they suggest and par tially illustrate. This is obvious in such a story as that of Abraham's call to sacrifice Isaac. Besides being a splen did illustration of Abraham's obedience to a voice which he believes to be divine, it has also the didactic significance of setting the divine disapproval upon human sacrifice. Let us look then briefly at the master thoughts of the Redemption prophetic narrative. Fundamental to the whole history througiAn is. the idea of redemption. The words of Moses to his elect natlon baffled people at the Red Sea would be a fit motto for the whole Bible: " Stand still and see the salvation of Jeho vah " (Ex. 14 : 13). The world is sunk in sin, and needs salvation. That is the great and ever-present fact of human life which the early chapters of Genesis resolutely face and with which they boldly grapple. The sin is sometimes hideous, as in Sodom ; but, hideous or not, it 77 Prophetic History The Messages of is always there, provoking God not only to anger but also to redemptive thoughts. For were there no redemption, the divine purpose in creating man would be wholly frus trated, and that must not be. ' Out of all mankind, a special people is elected to be the object of his special care. This is the fact ; but it is not till the exile that the reason of it is clearly felt — that Israel's privilege is meant to benefit and bless the world. It is not felt by the pro phetic writers of the Hexateuch.' The wider destiny of Israel's religion is indeed suggested more than once,3 and is implicit in its very nature, but it is not a burning fact — at once an inspiration and a consolation — as it was to Deutero-Isaiah.4 It is the privilege rather than the du ties of election that interest the prophetic writers of the Hexateuch. They are proud of Israel's uniqueness and isolation, so obvious in the immunity she enjoyed during the plagues of Egypt, so startling as to appeal to the eyes of an unprejudiced stranger.6 Elect men But within the elect nation stand elect men, through whom the divine work is to be begun and continued. The religious genius of Israel as a people must be ac- 1 Moses is sometimes represented as using this argument effectually within the narrower sphere of Israel's election : cf. Num. 14 : 11-20. 2 Not, e.g., in Gen. 12 : 3, which means no more than that Abraham's blessing is to be a model blessing. 3 Cf. Num. 14 : 21 : and more explicitly in the late verses Ex. 19 : 5, 6. • Cf. Messages of the Later Prophets in this series, pp. 180-193. • Num. 23 : 9, cf. Ex. 33 : 16. 78 the Historians Prophetic History knowledged when we look at the heroes whom she ad mires, for they are men after God's own heart : men of deep and ready faith like Abraham, whose faith God counted for righteousness ; men of purity like Joseph, who could not " do this great wickedness and sin against God ;" men of stern justice like Moses ; men who could plead with God in prayer and prevail ; men who would give up their dearest at God's command ; men of sensitive conscience, who felt that of the least of God's mercies they were un worthy; men who could endure as seeing the Unseen.1 Such were the instruments whom God chose to effect God is right- his purpose. Let us look at the God who chose them. fu,i"a„alercl' He is, first and foremost, a moral God : his choice of omnipotent such men alone would prove that. He hates sin with a perfect hatred. He would rather see his fair world des olated by a flood than peopled by men, the thoughts of whose hearts were only evil continually. An exceptionally wicked city he will burn up with fire from heaven. His law is, before all things, a moral law (Ex. 20), obedience to which means national and individual welfare. His commandments are not hard, for they are reasonable, and the motive to obedience is love. How could the people refuse to obey the commands of a God, who, ere he com mands, graciously calls to mind that it was he who brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slaves ? (Ex. 20 : 2). Surely his yoke is easy and his burden is 1 Heb. n : 27. 79 Prophetic History The Messages of light. Mercy is his nature no less than justice. It is of his grace that he saves Noah (Gen. 6:8), and not only be cause Noah was a righteous man (7 : 1). It is " through the mercy of Jehovah toward him " that Lot is delivered from the doomed city (Gen. 19 : 16). Even upon Sodom he pronounces no inexorable doom ; he will not destroy it for ten's sake. Now this grace of God receives its most powerful manifestation in the Exodus. It was, in one aspect, pity for the victims of cruelty and persecution that caused him so mightily to intervene. Mightily — for he has the resources of the Creator,1 and uses them to accomplish his purpose," whether it be to equip a poor speaker with the power he needs,3 to blot out a wicked world,4 or to redeem his people from thraldom. By his wondrous and terrible plagues in Egypt he proved that he was lord of nature — he and not the gods of the land ; even father Nile had to do his bidding. It was much to prove that in Egypt ; for to the ancient mind a god was but the god of his own land. Therein lies the thrilling interest of the drama that is enacted in Egypt, and the tragic horror of it to the Egyptians. A strange God has stretched his hand over their land, and shown himself mightier than their gods. They have to confess that Moses was right when he said : " There is none like Je hovah our God." 6 How powerful and profound then be- 1 Ex. 9 : 29. a Num. ii : 23. a Ex. 4 : 10-12. * Gen. 6 to 8. <> Ex. 8 : 10. 80 the Historians Prophetic History come the simple words "Jehovah rained on all the land of Egypt I " l True, Jehovah is the God of the Hebrews ; * yet the land 3 is his. It is this fact of God's mighty power that imparts such content and stimulus to the promise, " I will be with thee." * Armed with this might then, Jehovah can control his- The divine tory and carry through all obstacles his gracious purpose fustible to redeem a people to himself. We almost hold our*^""™" breath as we watch how triumphantly it marches on, not so much bearing down opposition, as lifting it up into its service. " As for you, ye meant evil against me ; but God meant it for good " (Gen. 50 : 20). Again and again the purpose seems to be thwarted, sometimes by nature, sometimes by the more fearful opposition of the human will. It may be the long barrenness of Sarah and Rebekah. It may be the cowardice of Abraham or Isaac whose denial of their wives all but imperils the holy seed. It may be the treachery of Jacob, which drives him away from the land of promise. It may be the cruel malice of Joseph's brethren which hardly shrank from murdering the beau tiful dreamer who was destined to save a hungry world. It may be the resourceful cruelty of Pharaoh. But it is all one. The purpose marches on undismayed. The Lord 1 Ex. 9 : 23. a Ex. 9 : 1, 13, and io : 3. 3 Or " the earth; " the point would be the same. 1 To Isaac, Gen. 26 : 3, to Jacob, 28 : 15, to Joseph, 39 : 2, to Moses, Ex. 4: 12. 8l Prophetic History The Messages of is mindful of his own. The more they were afflicted, the more they multiplied, so that their mysterious success strikes even their enemies with an uncanny fear.1 There is a providence that shapes human life, sometimes in spite of itself, in accordance with a divine purpose. It compels Isaac to bless Jacob against his will. Nothing is too hard for it. It overrules the fraud of Jacob and the fraud of Laban.2 It leads Abraham's steward in the right way when he sets out in faith upon his perplexing errand.3 The most explicit statement of the doctrine of Providence naturally occurs in the story of Joseph, where the oppo sition was peculiarly varied and overwhelming. " Be not angry with yourselves that ye sold me hither ; for God did send me before you to preserve life. For these two years hath the famine been in the land ; and there are yet five years in which there shall be neither ploughing nor har vest. And God sent me before you to preserve you a remnant in the earth and to save you alive by a great de liverance. So now it was not you that sent me hither but God" (Gen. 45 : 4-8). The discipline was to fit for the duty, it was therefore of God, as was also the success with which it was crowned. " God has made me lord of all Egypt " (Gen. 45 : 9). Nemesis This providence, though gracious, is also stern, for it is moral, and brings even a good man's sin back upon his own head. Nemesis comes not always swiftly, but surely ; 1 Ex. 1 : 12. 2 Gen. 31 : 7. » Gen. 24 : 48. 82 the Historians Prophetic History and not seldom pays the sinner in kind. Jacob, who treacherously impersonated his brother, finds himself after ward face to face with a wife who has been forced to im personate her sister. His craft is met by Laban's craft. Rachel outwits her father in the matter of the images, as he had defrauded her in the matter of a husband. There was a great cry in the land of Egypt, when the people woke one morning to find that Pharaoh's cruel scheme to destroy Israel's children had been so strangely and terribly avenged upon themselves. Well might Joseph's brethren with guilty conscience, tremble before this awful power ; * for its other name is God.2 1 Gen. 42 : 21, 22. s Gen. 44 : 16 and 50 : 19. »3 THE PROPHETICO-PRIESTLY HIS TORIANS THE PROPHETICO-PRIESTLY HIS TORIANS DEUTERONOMY AND ITS INFLUENCE, The year 621 B. C. marked an epoch for Israel both in The law the history of her religion and in the history of her liter- ticaltjTthe °" ature. For the discovery of a law book in that year pro- Jj^ut °rono duced effects which were nothing less than revolutionary my— dis- 111 ... , f covered in in both those directions. Its regulations profoundly af- 621 B. C. fected existing usage and ideals ; its phraseology and stand-point influenced not only subsequent literature, but even existing records of the past. The book discovered was our present book of Deuteronomy in whole or in part, and it was discovered in the course of certain temple re pairs during the reign of Josiah. The story of the dis covery, with that of the reformation which it swiftly in augurated, is told in 2 Kings 22 and 23. It is plain from the narrative that the interest of the book centred for Josiah and his supporters in its legislation, not in its his tory. Indeed, it has been supposed that the discovered book represented only the legislative portions of our Deu- 87 Introduction The Messages of teronomy, or even only a part of these ; for, as we saw to be the case with the Jehovistic and Elohistic documents, it is certain that more hands than one appear in the book. * This would include from chapter 5, or at any rate 12, to 26, together with 28 ; the original book would be smaller still. But the historical introduction and conclusion, if not part of the discovered book, must have been added not long afterward, probably before the exile, and for our purpose may be regarded as integral to the book. The law of The Deuteronomic legislation was comprehensive, but sanctuary its strength was directed mainly toward the abolition of fOTdsuchnaed a^ local sanctuaries and the centralization of worship at Iaw Jerusalem. How popular those sanctuaries were, and how dear and ancient were the memories attaching to them, we see in the prophetic narrative of the Hexateuch. How the worship degenerated until it finally differed little, if at all, from Baal worship, we see in the vivid pages of Hosea. Here then was a problem : how was the worship to be purified ? The abuses could hardly be controlled ; so the knot was cut by enacting that the sanctuaries at which they were practised should be illegal, and that the only legitimate worship should be that of the Jerusalem temple. That was the place chosen by " Jehovah your God out of all your tribes to set his name there" (12 : 5). Every 1 Cf. e.g. the transition from "thou" to "you" in adjacent paragraphs, with the coincident change of tone ; e.g. Dt. 12 : 1-12 (you) is more aggres sive than 13-31 (thou). 88 the Historians Introduction other place at which the people had hitherto sacrificed (12 : 8) was to be utterly destroyed, with all its symbols of idolatrous worship — altars, stone pillars, wooden poles called asherim, and images (12 : 2, 3) ; for Deuteronomy had, as we have seen,1 risen to an exalted conception of the spirituality of the Godhead (4 : 12, 15). Thus the book is written in the interests of worship. The book is Not however in the narrow sense of ritual. For worship prie^tiylc° at that time was immoral ; prostitution was practised in the name of religion.2 So that morality itself was at stake, and the book is as truly a prophetic protest against sin of all kinds as it is a priestly campaign against the reigning idolatry. The two were really inseparable, and for this reason we may call Deuteronomy and the books influenced by itprophetico-priestly, as distinguished, on the one hand, from the Jehovistic and Elohistic documents, which are specimens of the almost purely prophetic spirit working on history, and, on the other, from the priestly document, which is confined almost exclusively to ritual interests. This book created a revolution in religious theory cor- it influenced responding to that which it created in practice. With the ti0enCofn£hT strange tendency of the Hebrews to conceive all good hist0ry laws as old, the cardinal law of one exclusive sanctuary was held to have been in operation since the days of Sol omon, who built the temple ; or. on a stricter theory, from 1 Pp. 25, 66 (note i). a 23 : 17 ; Am. 2 : 7. 89 Introduction The Messages of the time of Moses himself. * The older historical records were edited and in part re-written from this new stand point, and king after king comes under the implicit censure of the editors for not removing the " high places," as they are called. Thus a great literary movement was set on foot, which affected all the historical records, from the older documents in the books of Joshua, Judges and Samuel, down to the date of the discovery of the book of Deuteronomy itself, and which further* affected the com position of the history from that date till the fall and the exile of Judah. The Enough has been said to show that the interest of the nomfcedi- authors of Deuteronomy and of those who worked in interested°in t'le'r sP'"t' Is not m historical fact as such, but rather history as in a point of view; not so much in history as in the philosophy of history. The brief narrative prefixed to the legislation of Deuteronomy offers practically no new contribution to the facts: it rests upon the older Jehovist-Elohistic document. It is interesting to watch at critical points in the history — which, be it remembered, was arranged and edited by Deuteronomic editors who would deal with existing material according to their own ideals — it is interesting to watch how supremely indiffer ent they are to history in our sense of that word. In the book of Joshua, for example, there is no .description what ever of what must have been a very fierce campaign in the ' i K. 3 : 2, 3 offers an excellent illustration of both theories. 90 the Historians Introduction centre of the country, though in its place there is an idealization of its results,1 which corresponds* closely with certain injunctions in Deuteronomy 27 : 1-8. Again, each of the last two chapters of Joshua is a farewell ad dress, the former by the Deuteronomist,2 the latter in the main by the Elohist. Now apart from the ideal obedience of Israel in 23 : 8, contradicted by the fact in 24 : 23, the latter chapter has many interesting points of contact with the history which are lacking in the former (cf. 24 : 11, 12). The reigns of two of the greatest kings of Israel and Judah — Jeroboam II. and Uzziah — are dismissed in seven verses each,3 verses, too, which in the latter case contain no hint, and in the former not much more than a hint of their exceptional importance. Almost equal indif ference is manifested to the great reign of Omri (1 K. 16). That indifference sometimes results in statements which, to say the least, sound strange, if not mechanical, as when we are told that Zimri perished for walking in the way of Jeroboam, though he reigned only seven days.4 The Deuteronomist then does not care for fact as such ; it is his to point the moral of the tale. In particular, he 1 8 : 30-35- 2 This phrase is used simply for convenience. It is not implied and not probable, that even the first Deuteronomic redaction — there were certainly two (see pp. 96, 97) — was executed by one man. It is part of a movement. s 2 K. 14, 23-29 and 15 : 1-7, with which, strictly speaking, we should take 14 : 22. 14 : 21 (cf. 15 : 2) belongs rather to the story of Amaziah. * 1 K. 16 : 15-30. 91 Introduction The Messages of Deutero nomic influ ence on (i) the book of Joshua But rather in emphasizes, in the book of Joshua that the promises of vaiuedacfi Jehovah to the patriarchs were fulfilled by the acquisition of the land.1 He is fond, too, of insisting on the didactic value of the history. The marvellous career of Israel, for example, convinced the affrighted Canaanites that Jeho vah was God in heaven above, and ¦ on earth beneath ; * and the passage of the Jordan was designed to lead all the people of the earth to the fear of Jehovah.3 The Deuteronomist has a keen eye for the salient points of the history, for which he sometimes composes speeches of earnest and dramatic power. Such points are to be found at the opening and close of Joshua's career as leader (Josh. I and 23). He is naturally especially fond of emphasizing the law,1 regarding national and individual welfare as de termined by the attitude adopted to it. It is to be the object of ceaseless meditation, day and night ; the bravest and the wisest need it, a Solomon as well as a Joshua.6 1 Josh. 1 : n; 21 : 43-45. 2 Josh. 2 : n. This phrase is found elsewhere only in Dt. 4 : 39. * Josh. 4 : 21-24, s0 corrected text in v. 24. * Josh. 23 : 6. 6 1 K. 3 : 14 ; 9 : 4 ; Josh. 1:8. There is no space to dwell on the language of these and similar passages, but that is distinctively Deuteronomic : Cf. Josh. 1 : 3-5 with Dt. n : 24, 25. r = 7 " " 2 : 27 turn neither to the right hand nor to the left. " 1 : 11 " *' 12 : 1 the land which Jehovah your God giveth you to possess. " 1:7 " " 5:1 observe to do. " 23 : 6 " " 4:6 observe and do. " 22 : 5 " " 4: 29 with all thy heart and with all thy soul, and many other phrases, as characteristic though not so striking : Cf. Josh. 23 : 16 with Dt. 1 : 35 the good land. 92 the Historians Introduction The influence of the Deuteronomic editor on the book (2) The book of Judges is very marked. Not so much that he touched0 ges the details of the stories — many of the stories are practi cally intact (cf. Abimelech, ch. 9) — but he determined the whole conception of the history. The fortunes of the people in their new land before the consolidation effected by the monarchy, ran a very checkered course ; jealous ies within and wars without, wars which often spelt fail ure and misery. To this period was applied the Deuter onomic view of history, which was that faithfulness to Jehovah and obedience to his commandments would be rewarded with material prosperity, while unfaithfulness and disobedience would be punished with misfortune.1 Fortunately, this view of the history is presented in the preface to the book proper, 2 : 6 to 16 : 31, in a very elaborate scheme, 2:11 to 3 : 6, which is repeated in a less elaborate and more definite form two or three times in the course of the book (for example, 3 : 7-10 ; 6 : 7-10 ; 10 : 6-16). Neither the language nor the ideas of that scheme bear the remotest resemblance to the stories of the book,2 for example, of Jephthah, Gideon, Samson, while they are in both respects thoroughly Deuteronomic. Here then is a palpable illustration of his conception of history. The oscillations of national fortune follow the oscillations ' Cf. Dt. 28. 2 Some of these betray moral reflection of their own: Cf. the Abimelech story, 9 : 56, 57. 93 Introduction The Messages of of national faith. Unfaithfulness can only end in calam ity, here in defeat by a foreign invader ; but the pitiful Jehovah will always extend his grace to a penitent people. The idea may often seem to be worked out mechanically, but it is the idea of men who had a mighty faith in God as the Lord of history, using national vicissitudes as one of his means of discipline, and imparting to things ma terial a spiritual significance. (3) The book In the books of Samuel, the traces of Deuteronomic in- m e fluence, though few, are significant, and occur at critical points in the history : — a decisive battle against the Phil istines represented as won for Israel by Samuel's inter cession,1 Samuel's farewell address to the people,' and Nathan's announcement to David of the continuance of his dynasty.3 Nothing could be more happy than the choice of these incidents, especially the last two, as mark ing crises. The first passage presents the same view of the history as that which finds classic expression in the Deuteronomic programme of the book of Judges. It regards Israel's misfortune as due to her apostasy, and finds her deliverance assured in her penitence ; it exhibits the same power of seeing the inner significance of the history,4 and the same indifference to actual fact.6 The close of Samuel's career, like the close of Joshua's, also ' 1 S. 7 : 3-16. ¦ 1 S. 11. "2 s. 7. 4 V. 12 suggests the historical foundation of the chapter. 6 V. 13 contradicts 9: 16 and 14: 52. 94 the Historians Introduction offered a peculiarly fitting opportunity to emphasize the principles of the divine government of Israel ; and that is done in Samuel's farewell address, which in parts is an unmistakable reminiscence of the familiar formulae of the book of Judges,1 and forms so appropriate a summary of the teaching and some of the facts 2 of that book as to make it highly probable that this chapter was the original conclusion of the book of Judges. Just as the divine dis cipline and pity marked the unsettled period of the Judges, so it should continue to shape the new era of the mon archy. With peculiar propriety, this truth is emphasized just at the moment where David, now securely established upon his throne, determined to build the temple and thereby associate with the monarchy the adequate recog nition of Jehovah. It is, however, in the book of Kings that the Deutero- (4) The book nomic influence has been most thorough and pervasive. ° lng The importance of the law receives emphatic reiteration,3 and the cardinal principle of that law, namely, the purity and centralization of the worship, is the standard by which all the kings are tried. It was only natural then that the Deuteronomist should seize the brilliant opportunity of fered to him by the dedication of the temple.4 The north ern kingdom had its own sanctuaries, therefore all the kings of the northern kingdom fell under the censure of ¦Cf.u:9ff. 2Cf.v.n. " 1 K. 2: 3, 4; 9: 1-9; 2 K. 18: 6. * Cf . i K. 8, which is almost entirely Deuteronomic. 95 Introduction The Messages of the Deuteronomist as doing that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah ; and, as Jeroboam is regarded as the founder of the schismatic worship,1 he is the type, as he is the source, of all subsequent infidelity.3 When a general charge expands into a definite one, the catalogue of sins is presented in the language of Deuteronomy.3 But the law which would have abolished all those abuses, was the law of the central sanctuary ; to the Deuteronomist it was the central law, and special attention is repeatedly called to the breach of it even by good kings, like Asa.4 Of course, it was no breach according to earlier ideas. The local sanctuaries had been for centuries legitimate, as we see from the many unchallenged allusions to them, for example, in the lives of Samuel, Saul and Elijah. In deed, at one of them, Solomon himself had a special revelation," but according to the Deuteronomic theory, they were all illegal. TwoDeuter This last illustration is interesting, as it suggests an onomic re- , . . . ° °° dactionsof inference which other allusions throughout the books of '"'' ,: Kings convert into a certainty — namely, that there were two Deuteronomic redactions of these books. One of these regarded worship at the high places as wrong only after the building of the temple ; thus i Kings 3 : 2 excuses such worship in Solomon's early days on that account. A 1 1 K. 12 : 28, 29. 3 2 K. 13 : 2; 14 : 24 ; 15 : 24, etc. ¦ E.g., charge against Rehoboam, i K. 14: 22,23; cf- Dt. 12: 2,3; 23 : 17. « 1 K. 15 : 14. E At Gibeon, 1 K. 3 : 5. 96 the Historians Introduction severer conception of the law, however, regards such wor ship as, under all circumstances, illegitimate ; thus, verse 3 censures Solomon for it. Whereas verse 4 with the following story regards it as a matter of course. There were then two Deuteronomic redactions of the books of Kings : one reaching to about the end of 2 Kings 23 — before the exile, perhaps about 600 (the temple is still standing, 1 K. 8 : 29) ; and another, which cannot have been earlier than 560, for it carries the history down to the pardon of Jehoiachin in 561. ' This second hand wrote the last two chapters of the book, and touched it here and there throughout, for some passages clearly imply that the catastrophe has come.3 To this class belongs the brief sad comment on the impotence of Josiah's reforma tion to avert the impending blow,3 so unlike the joyful copiousness with which the story of the reformation was told.4 Both these hands and a still later one ° are obvious in a Later addi- chapter which for its importance as a summary presenta- ^.'rl tion of the philosophy of Israel's history, deserves special mention, namely 2 Kings 17. With the Deuteronomic skill for selecting special crises for comment, the fall of the northern kingdom is seized upon as a vivid, nay, ter- » 2 K. 25 : 27. 2 1 K. 9 : 7-9. » 2 K. 23 : 26, 27. * These redactions are known to criticism as D and D2, and are repre sented in this volume by standard italic and small italic type respectively. • Indicated in this volume by small plain type. 97 Introduction The Messages of rible illustration of the ways of God with Israel. Verses 18, 21-23, which originally followed verse 6, represent the ordinary Deuteronomic judgment which finds the sin of Israel to consist in "walking in all the sins of Jeroboam." Verses 7-20, except 18, though still moving in the lan guage and the thought of Deuteronomy, trace the calam ity to more specific sources, like star-worship and the neg lect of the prophetic word, and there is at least a hint of Judah's fate in verse 19. In a later passage still, 34b-4o, the fall of the kingdom is ascribed to the neglect of the written word. The chapter shows impressively how the fall of the northern kingdom haunted the minds and im aginations of men who believed in the divine discipline of Israel, and how by different ways they arrived at the con clusion that it corroborated divine justice. Subtle in- Sometimes the Deuteronomic setting of an incident the^redac- completely transforms the nature of that incident. For example, the section introducing Solomon's troubles (1 K. 11 : 14 ff.), taken probably from a biography of Solomon, suggests, by its setting, that those troubles were the direct retribution of the apostasy described in the previous sec tion 1-13. That, however, was not the idea of the biog raphy ; the previous section is Deuteronomic. Similarly, the sequence of the narrative in 2 Kings 21 : 19-24 sug gests that the murder of Arnon was the penalty he paid for forsaking the God of his fathers. So again, the success of Joash in recovering cities from Aram — a success really 98 tion the Historians Introduction due to Assyrian campaigns against Aram — is attributed to the covenant which Jehovah had made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.1 There was a growing tendency to effect a sometimes forcible correspondence between desert and destiny. The Septuagint of i Kings 22 : 38 shows how Ahab's memory grew more and more hateful,3 and one Greek version of 2 Kings 17 : 1-2 represents King Hosea, about whom the early decision was probably a favorable one (cf. v. 2), as worse than all the others, be cause under him the doom of the northern kingdom was sealed. Perhaps the most instructive illustration of this theoretical attitude to history is to be found in Judges 2 : 1-5, which, though probably later than the Deutero nomic redactions, was written in their spirit. There the people are reproved by an angel for making a league with the inhabitants of the land, instead of driving them out. The penalty is that the nations whom they have spared, are to be a snare to them. But the older sources tell us plainly that they could not drive them out.3 The Deu teronomist accepts the fact that they did not, and puts upon it his own religious interpretation. 1 2 K. 13 : 23-25. 2 Cf. 2 K. 21 : 3. 3 Josh. 15 : 63 ; cf. 1 K. 9 : 21. 99 Throughout Deuteronomy and the historical books from Joshua to Kings, the original sources are printed in ordi nary type and the Deuteronomic elements in italics. Later supplemental matter is put into smaller plain or italic type. A few passages where two complete stories have been fused together are printed in parallel columns. ioo Deuteronomy 1 : 35 II THE LAST WORDS AND DEATH OF MOSES (Deuteronomy) 1. Moses's Address to the People (Dt. 1 : 1 to 4 : 40) (1) Historical Retrospect (1 to 3) After ¦ the defeat of the two mighty kings east of Jordan, Moses re- Moses addressed the people in the plains of Moab. Their cent" history" departure for the promised land, he reminded them, hadV*& *t1°i7s been divinely enfoined on Mount Horeb. At that time, trates jeho- vah's love cumbered with his heavy responsibility , he had, on his for Israel. own'' initiative, instituted fudges to decide impartially ^Kadesh1 all ordinary cases, reserving the more difficult for him- W self. After the horrors of the wilderness march they had reached Kadesh, whence twelve men had been de spatched to spy out the land. These tnen had visited the south, and brought back a good report of the land, but dis heartened the people by their account of the inhabitants. His own efforts — he went on — to hearten them by an ap peal to Jehovah' s power and promise, and to his tender love for them in the past, had been of no avail. Wherefore divine judgment was pronounced upon all that genera- 1 This retrospect is based on JE, and is worked over by the Deuterono mist in a didactic spirit. The older sources in Deuteronomy and Joshua are still J and E or JE as in Gen. to Num. 3 On Jethro's, in Ex. 18 : 22. IOI Deuteronomy i : 36 The Messages of From Ka desh to the Arnon (2) tion excepting Caleb, even upon Moses himself, and Joshua was designated leader. The people, after con fession, had gone up to the attack ; but forsaken of Jehovah whose displeasure they had braved, they had been defeated, whereafter they had made a long stay at Kadesh. After wandering about the southern mountains of Edom until all that rebel generation was dead, they turned their faces northward, again reminded by Moses of the bountiful love of Jehovah, proved already in the wilderness, and proved now again in the friendly ' atti tude of the Edomites, and marched peacefully past the land assigned by Jehovah to their old kinsmen Moab and Ammon, inspiring terror everywhere. But Sihon, King of the Amorites, refused to allow them to pass through his land, and Jehovah gave Israel the victory over Mm and his cities one and all ; and they were all put under the ban? Such, too, was the fate of the giant Og and his great walled cities in Bashan . Thus was the land east of the East Jordan jorc{an conquered from the Arnon in the south to Mount Hermon in the far north, and assigned to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh. Moses, however, had urged these tribes ' to cross the Jordan and aid their brethren, leaving their wives and property on 1 Hostile in Num. 20 : 14-21. 2 Cf. Dt. 20: 16-18. 8 The suggestion comes from the tribes themselves in Num. 32 : 16, 17. 102 Triumphs and settle- ment on the Historians Deuteronomy 4 : 33 the east side ; he had also strengthened Joshua for his future task by an appeal lo Jehovah's recent victories. Yearning to see the consummation of Jehovah's won drous, gracious work begun, he had earnestly prayed that he might be suffered to cross the Jordan ; but sternly had his prayer been refused. He might but look upon the goodly land ; his it was, however, to hearten the future leader Joshua. (2) Exhortation (4 : 1-40) Then with the most impressive earnestness, Moses be- Moses urges sought them to keep diligently the divine statutes and^°^^^_ judgments which he was about to teach them;1 for <7«?lity°£ Jc- their nearness to God and on their righteous laws de- (4 : 1-31) pended the national life and welfare and Israel's place among the peoples. Especially did he charge them to remember the lesson of Horeb — that Jehovah was an unseen spiritual God, and that therefore there must be no worship of any material thing, be it linage of man or beast, or be it the stars of heaven. This law was fun damental. The breach of it would bring upon the people exile from the promised land ; yet from that exile their merciful God would bring them back, if they sought him with penitent zeal. Surely no nation had ever had proof so convincing i^Andhisab- the existence of its God as Israel had had of Jehovah, ^;32.^) 1 The legislation in the book of Dt. (5 to 26, and 28). 103 Deuteronomy 4 : 34 The Messages of whose mighty hand and stretched out arm had so won- drously wrought for Israel in Egypt, making it clear that Jehovah was the one and only God. " His mighty love," said Moses in conclusion, " manifested in his choice of you, should inspire you to obey the statutes and command ments which I command you this day, that you and your posterity may prosper and prolong your days for ever on the ground which Jehovah your God is giving you." 2. Renewed Exhortation (27 : 5-13 and 29 : 1 to 32 : 47) Symbolic Moses instructed the people to set up an altar to Jeho- Ebaincny °n vah on Mount Ebal, when they crossed to the promised i^ij)5"8' land ; also to write the law upon tablets, and to ratify the covenant in worship, solemnly invoking the blessing upon obedience and the curse upon disobedience.1 Israel Jeho- On that day, Israel was constituted the people of Jeho- (27 ;Sgf io? e vah, and called to obey his commandments and statutes. Exhortation After laying down the statutes? Moses again urged ?nd, warmng upon the people Jehovah's great and manifold goodness to them as a motive to obedience. The covenant to be established that day between Jehovah and Israel, in ac cordance with his ancient promise to the patriarchs, was to be binding also upon posterity ; any lapse into idolatry would be very grievously punished. 1 Instructions fulfilled in Josh. 8 : 30-35 ; cf. the ratification at Horeb, Ex. 24 : 3-8. 2 Dt. 5 to 26, and 28. 104 the Historians Deuteronomy 32 : 47 Yet if they but sought him with penitent zeal, he would Promise and in pity bring them back from exile to their own land and appe there reward their obedience with prosperity. It was no hard or perplexing commandment this, to love Jehovah and to do his will ; yet it involved the highest issues, for obedience meant life and disobedience death. Then he closed with a solemn appeal to choose life.1 Then the worn and aged man gave Joshua his part- Last words ing charge, strengthening both him and the people with aglmenT the assurance of Jehovah's abiding presence, and or- '3I : I_I3' dained that the law should be read before the assembled people once every seven years. Joshua received the divine ' commission to face with Joshua-s courage the completion of the task which Moses had be- (jfT^'i", gun, and with the assurance that the ancient promise 23^ would be brought to fulfilment through him.3 Moses ordained that the copy of the law, which he instructions committed to writing, should be preserved by the priests \^ mg in the sanctuary as a witness against the corruption and (31 : 24"2Q) apostasy which he foresaw. Then for the last time he laid it upon their hearts to Last exhor- obey the law and to teach their children so to do, "for" (32 .'45.47) said he, " it is your life. " 1 This chapter expands the thought of 4 : 29-31. 2 " He " of v. 23 is not Moses, but Jehovah (cf. v. 14). 8 Vv. 16-22 introduce the song, ch. 32. i°S Deuteronomy 34 : 1 The Messages of Pathos of the end. Moses dies (34) 3. The Death of Moses (34) Moses, aged but strong,1 climbed Pisgah, and saw with his own eyes the noble land which Jehovah promised so long ago to Abraham's seed, and into which he had now all but led the people ; but it was not given him of God to set foot upon it himself. He died and was buried in an unknown grave. Of all the prophets, he was the greatest, alike in his intimacy with God, and in the wonders that he wrought. Ill INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK OF JOSHUA The contin- Both the documents which, singly or in combination, and°E in the contributed the prophetic history in the first four books Joshua* °* t'le Hexateuch, are continued in the Book of Joshua, possibly also in the Book of Judges, and some think even in Samuel. Their presence has the same effect as it had in the previous books ; on the one hand, of strengthening the evidence for the incidents which they record, and on the other, of sometimes obscuring the outlines of those incidents. The scene, for example, at the crossing of the Jordan is anything but clear. Al ready in 3 : 17 the people are over the river ; in 4 : 4, 5 the 1 Contrast 31 : 2. 106 the Historians Joshua implication is that they are only about to cross. 3:12 and 4 : 2 are obvious duplicates. 4 : 9 places the memorial stones in the Jordan, 4 : 20 places them at Gilgal. On this blending of sources we need not further dwell.1 A word, however, has still to be said about apparent The Deuter- contradictions between stories from these sources and Deu- ekment teronomic passages, which, as we have seen, imply a differ ent point of view. For example, 13:11 asserts that the Geshurites and Maacathites were driven out by Israel, a statement which is flatly contradicted by the next verse but one. Compare also the two accounts of Caleb's inher itance, the older in Joshua 15 : 13-19 (= Jud. 1 : 10-15) and the Deuteronomic in Joshua 14 : 6-15. Once for all be it said that these and similar passages are not to be pressed as contradictions. The Deuteronomist does not strictly contradict the older history ; he idealizes it. When he touches it, it is not as a historian, but as a the orist ; not to add corrective fact, but to show the inner side, the ideal truth, the eternal significance of certain typical scenes. We know that the conquest of Canaan took a long time 2 and was not completely effected until long after Joshua's death. The oldest sources frankly admit that in many districts it was never thoroughly ef fected at all.3 Yet the Deuteronomist asserts that it was entirely effected within one generation and under Joshua, 1 Cf. ch. 6, the capture of Jericho. ' Josh. 11 : 18. 9 Jud. 1 : 27-36. 107 Joshua The Messages of so that Jehovah's ancient promise stood fulfilled.1 And so it did, for the man who had eyes to see it. The factors were all at work which would ultimately compel success. Jehovah was on the scene governing and guiding this na tional movement and aspiration for great ends of his own ; and the work which he had begun would assuredly be completed, indeed was already ideally complete. No man need take offence at the Deuteronomist's presentation of history. The work of the historian was over before he comes upon the scene. It is his to interpret the history, and to see it sub specie aternitatis. Israel's early The ground has now been cleared for a brief sketch of thelnvasion tne history traversed by the prophetic narratives of the Book of Joshua. Moses is dead, but the work goes on ; divinely gifted leaders are never wanting. " After the death of Moses, Jehovah spake to Joshua." 3 The inter est grows intense ; within three days the hope of centuries is to be realized. The fame of Israel has gone before her. A confession of the terrible power that is hers in her God is wrung from the lips of a native of the doomed country.3 Nothing can stay this people's progress. With sure hope 4 Joshua arranges for the march, and his hope is not put to shame. The Jordan yields as the Red Sea had yielded ; and they stand triumphant on the land of their fathers. The native kings tremble at their approach,6 as well they might ; for behold, no less an one than the prince of the • Josh. 21 : 43-45. 2 Josh. 1:1. s 2 : 9. * 3 : 5. "5:1. 108 the Historians Joshua angelic host is standing by Joshua with a drawn sword in his hand. Israel's leader is not alone ; he has unseen re sources.1 How powerful those resources are is shown by the swift fall of the first city they attack, the walled Jeri cho. There was fighting 3 ; but the story is so told as to emphasize the mysterious presence of the divine help. With one of those dramatic contrasts which we saw Her varied before to be so characteristic of the prophetic narrative, ortunes the success at Jericho is followed by the tragedy at Ai — a tragedy deeper than at first they know ; for it was not merely the failure of an attack and the loss of men, but the breach of a great moral law, with the loss of stability and power which such a breach always en tails. Avarice led to sacrilege, and by the sin of one man the fate of a people was imperilled. But when the terrible punishment has been enacted,3 and the holiness of Jehovah, and the dignity of moral law vindicated, Is rael resumes her triumphant course. The methods were rough,4 because the struggle was fierce. The terror in spired by Israel increases. Powerful cities like Gibeon • do not hesitate, in their terror, to secure her favor by fraud ; and where Israel's policy stumbles, it is because she forgets i 5 : 13-15. 2 24 : 11. 3 Here the sources blend. In 7 : 26 Achan alone appears to be stoned : cf. 25b, they stoned him. But in 25°, the family appears to be stoned too, whereas another version represents family and possessions as burnt with fire, cf. Dt. 13 : 16. * 8 : 28, 29 and 10 : 22-26. 6 10 : 2. IO9 Joshua The Messages of to consult her God.1 Kings combine : Joshua meets them in a fierce and memorable battle in which the hand of Israel's mighty God is more visible than ever. Her ultj- The country is now pierced. A great campaign is en- Uln'ph " tered upon in the southwest and is everywhere successful. Equal success crowns Joshua's efforts in the northern campaign.3 But everywhere — on east 3 as well as on west Jordan — there is fierce fighting and the settlement of the invaders is stubbornly contested.4 At length the land is allotted to the various tribes by Joshua ; and after all his work is done, in a farewell address to his assembled people, the old man sets before them the secret of their strength in the past, and earnestly urges them to be faith ful to the God who had faithfully kept his ancient promise to them.6 IV THE CONQUEST AND SETTLEMENT I. The Conquest of Canaan (Josh, i to 12) Joshua's as- The prophet indeed is dead ; but the warrior takes his kadMship0 place, divinely called thereto, and strengthened by the as- 1 9 : 14. 3 n : 1-13. This may be part of the tendency to idealize Joshua, as in Jud. 4 and 5, which must be an old story, it is Barak who subdues Jabin. 3 17 : 1. * Cf . the fortunes of Dan. 19 : 47, Jud. I : 34. • 24. no to the Historians Joshua 3 : 7 surance that if he but be brave and strong, and earnestly keep the law of Moses, God's presence will be with him as it was with Moses, leading him everywhere to certain victory. Then Joshua through the officers bade the people make preparation, especially urging the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, to stand by the cause of Jehovah and his people until all were securely settled in thejiromised land. And they vowed him the same implicit obedience that they had rendered to Moses. With the prudence of true leadership, Joshua sent men He sends across the Jordan to Jericho to spy and report upon the jerfcho (2) land. The king, however, with a shrewd suspicion of their purpose, sent and demanded their surrender. By a ruse, the woman with whom they were staying, saved them ; for, heathen though she was, she had a deep faith in Israel's destiny, and confessed that Israel's God was supreme, whose marvels and victories had already smitten the inhabitants of the land with terror. In re turn for her kindness, she asked and received, on con dition of fidelity, the solemn assurance that she and all her family be spared, when Jehovah should give Israel the land. By the aid of her advice, the spies reached Joshua in safety and triumphantly told of the terror that Israel's presence had already inspired. The people moved toward the Jordan, the last barrier The crossing to the promised land. Here then was another crisis : GodfJ^fJ01' ¦was that day to convince the people that he was with the in Joshua 3 : 7 The Messages of new leader, as he had been with the old. Joshua assured them that their God was lord of all the earth, and would, in their extremity, work a wonder among them, which would convince them that he was indeed a living God, able to lead them to victory over all enemies. After solemn preparation, they began the passage of the river, preceded by the priests with the ark ; and their God, who went before, prepared for them, in his strange providence, a way across the river to the land which he had promised. The memo- So great a blessing must be held in everlasting remem- ™. * to": 1) brance. Therefore twelve stones — symbol of the unbroken unity of the delivered people — were carried to Gilgal, the first encampment in the promised land, and set up there,1 to be a visible memorial of God's grace, that for all time the fathers might teach the children of the deed of love and might by which Jehovah had set their feet at last in the promised land, and that this manifested power might bring the whole world to the worship of IsraePs God. This strange interposition of Jehovah for his people struck terror into the heart of all the native kings. The circum- At Gilgal Joshua imposed circumcision on all the peo- (^¦T-g) pit— for they, being born in the wilderness, had not been circumcised — and thus he rolled away " the reproach of Egypt. * Another source says " in the Jordan." 9 Gilgal, here connected with "rolling away," more probably means "cromlech," cf. 4 : 20. 112 the Historians Joshua 7 : 9 The city first to be assailed was Jericho. But before Joshua's en- the advance, the leader of Israel was strengthened by the vision^"8 vision of a heavenly leader, even the prince of the angels, ! ^5 : 13"15' with sword drawn to fight for Israel. Now Jericho, despite her mighty men, was in terror of The fall of Israel — a terror justified by the sequel; for Joshua took ' her by inspired strategy. He made the people march seven times around the affrighted city, thereby devoting her to a sevenfold doom. For no walls can stand before Jehovah, when he fights for his people. Fall they must, and fall they did, and that right speedily at the blast of the horn and the battle-shout. The whole city, their first capture, they devoted to the God who had given them the victory. But Rahab and all her family were spared, be cause of her kindness to the spies, and she has her place in Israel to this day. Joshua invoked a curse on the man who would rebuild 3 the city. This triumph was followed by an abrupt reverse. The The defeat little band that attempted the northwesterly gorge into the Achaii's tres. heart of the country, was beaten by the men of Ai. The ^sisn^ent people were in superstitious terror ; and Joshua, all but in (7) despair, laid the matter before Jehovah, appealing to him to rescue his honor from the taunts of the native peoples. 1 Cf. 1 K. 22 : 19. The somewhat similar vision in Gen. 32 : 2, suggests that the " host of Jehovah " (v. 14) is the heavenly host. 2 Or perhaps " fortify." Cf. 1 K. 16 : 34. "3 Joshua 7 : io The Messages of Simple but searching came the answer to his prayer; sin there was somewhere, exposing the people to the wrath of their God ; and until the sinful thing was put away, the wrath and defeat would remain. By the divinely guided lot, the offender was discovered. Urged by Joshua to ac knowledge Jehovah as a just and all-seeing God, Achan confessed his sin — the sin of covetousness. He had taken of the precious things already devoted to Jehovah, and so had involved himself and all his people in the doom of things devoted. The " troubler " ' of Israel was stoned ; 3 his family and possessions were burned ; and commun ion between Jehovah and his people was restored. The capture Success was now possible. The assault was renewed (8 : 1-29) w'tn care and cunning and with the divine assurance of victory. Both in the strategy and at a crisis in the battle, Jehovah, God of battles, guided Israel's leader as he had promised, and gave his people complete victory. King and city perished.3 Thestrat- Against such a Joe resistance was clearly useless. G?beon\tese Powerful confederations were formed to stem his advance. But the Gibeonites, a powerful clan,4 moved to fear by the recent successes of Israel and by the fame of Israel's God, 1 The Hebrew word suggests connection with Achor. 3 In one version the only was stoned. Cf. Dt. 24 : 16; in the other, his family and possessions were involved in his fate. Cf . Dt. 13 : 15-17. 3 The story of the central campaign is omitted. The summary notice of 8 : 30-35 is probably intended as a compensation. *Cf. 10:2. 114 (9) the Historians Joshua io : 19 sought to save themselves from their probable doom by making league with the conquerors. The clever cun ning with which they posed as travellers from a very far country, eager to make a league with the now famous people of Jehovah, threw Israel completely off their guard. Trusting to appearances, Israel did not consult Jehovah, and so involved themselves in a dangerous league with the people of the land. When the guile of the Gibeonites was discovered, the furious people were for slaying them. Joshua, however, would not permit this ; but, with a sol emn curse, he condemned them, for their guile, to be slaves of the sanctuary of Israel's God. Then five southern kings, headed by the King of Jeru- The success- salem, conspired to take revenge upon Gibeon for weak- Paign hi ening the confederacy by its alliance with Israel. In 5? UjJh"n terror, Gibeon appealed to Joshua, who, with the divine 0° : 1-27) assurance of success, at once responded. His confidence was justified; for Jehovah gave him a signal victory, and aided Israel by sending a furious hailstorm, which wrought havoc among the foe. In answer to Joshua's prayer of faith, the day was also prolonged1 till the work of war was done. So runs the tale in the Book of the Brave. Thus on that terrible and decisive day, Jehovah himself fought for Israel. In the pursuit, the foe lost heavily, 1 The original prayer was possibly for darkness, not for light. u Sun, be thou silent." (Cf. McCurdy, History, Propliecy, and the Monuments, vol. iii. p. 44, note i.) "5 Joshua 10 : 20 The Messages of Successivevictories(10 : 28-43) The success ful cam paign in northern Canaan (" : W5) Joshua'ssweepingsuccess(n : 16 to 12 : 24) and the kings who had hidden were captured and hanged. Likewise throughout the whole of the southern cam paign Jehovah fought for Israel and subdued the coun try before Joshua. The northern kings, hearing of Joshua's success, com bined under Jabin against Israel at the waters of Merom.1 But despite their great numbers arid their chariots of war, Israel under Jehovah gained a decisive victory. Joshua hamstrung their horses and burnt their chariots ; for not in such was Israel to trust. Hazor the capital of the confederacy was reduced to ashes ; the other cities were taken and their inhabitants put to the sword in accord ance with the word of Jehovah to Moses? The war lasted long; for everywhere there was stub born opposition, divine harbinger of doom. But in the end, Israel won the whole land from the extreme north to the south, extirpating even the tall tribes, the fame of whom had once been a terror, so that they were only to be found in the Philistine country. Thus, after these fierce but prosperous wars in which two kings on the east of the Jordan were defeated and dispossessed and thirty * kings on the west, the weary land had rest, and it was divided by Joshua among the various tribes. In accordance with the instructions of Moses? an altar 1 Supposed to be Lake Huleh. 3 By a probable change in 12 : 18. Il6 3 Dt. 20 : 17; 7 : * Dt. 27 ; 4-8. the Historians Joshua 14:15 was set up to Jehovah on Mount Ebal: also the law was The sym- written on tablets, and the covenant ratified in worship. mon„ ln Joshua read every word of Moses's law — the blessing^. . upon obedience and the curse upon disobedience — before the assembled people. 2. The Settlement of Canaan (Josh. 13 to 22) Yet the land actually won fell far short of the ideal lim- The land its of Israel ; there were still unconquered tracts, in south jSJnua y and north, in Philistia, and Lebanon and elsewhere. *13 : 1_I4' So Israel's aged leader, whose fighting days were almost done, finished his work under divine impulse by assign ing the whole land among the various tribes,1 excepting the districts east of the Jordan, which the two and a half tribes had already received as their inheritance. There are districts, however, in the northeast, which have not been subdued to this day. The tribe of Levi re ceived no inheritance : their inheritance was Jehovah . As a reward of the moral courage and faith in Je- The share hovah which Caleb 3 had displayed as a spy, he obtained (I4 : 6-15) from Joshua his promised share * of the land, even the Hebron district in the hill country of Judah, facing with confidence in Jehovah the prospect of driving out the tall tribes who still dwelt there. 1 The Deuteronomic conception of the conquest, as completely effected by Joshua, has introduced confusion into this chapter. 2 The name stands for an Edomite clan : cf. v. 6 with Gen. 36 : 11. , 3 Num. 14 : 24. "7 Joshua 15: 14 The Messages of Won by the His hope was justified. For he succeeded in driving ™°9 =JSud. them out, and in seizing their strongholds ; and Achsah 1 : IO"15' the daughter gained possession of the springs so needful in that south land. Partial nat- But neither in the south, centre, nor north of the coun- conquest'of trv did Israel completely succeed in driving out the an- Canaan cient inhabitants. Dan, for example, failed to get a (15 : 63 ; 16: r ° 10; 17 : 11- foothold in the southwest, which was for long retained jud.1!)1 ' by the Canaanites. The tribe was driven to seek territory in the far north, where they captured and occupied Lesh- em, and called it Dan. In what is now Jerusalem, in Gezer, and over the plain of Esdraelon in the north, the Canaanites maintained themselves side by side with Israel, in some cases being eventually reduced to forced service. The house The descendants of Joseph, finding themselves cramped dauns'more m tne n'" country of Ephraim assigned to them by Joshua, territory ancj afraid to push north to the plain of Esdraelon, because (17 : 14-18) r r of the military advantages the Canaanites there had in their chariots, were urged by Joshua, to whom they appealed, to extend their territory bravely and fearlessly northward,3 by cutting down the forest for themselves. Land allot- Judah and the house of Joseph were already in posses- western sion of their territory, as also the two and a half tribes (1*8 ;52-io) east °f tne Jordan ; the other seven showed no alacrity 1 15 : 63 = Jud. 1 : 21 with " Judah " for " Benjamin," 19 : 47 ; cf. Jud. 1 : 34. 35- 2 Or perhaps — though less probably — eastward, across in Gilead. Il8 the Historians Joshua 23 : 1 1 in securing theirs. Joshua: vexed at their listlessness in a cause which was Jehovah's, urged them to send repre sentatives from each tribe throughout the land and bring back a plan of the cities in the various districts thereof, to be afterward solemnly apportioned to the tribes by lot ; and apportioned they were. When they had finished apportioning the land, Joshua Joshua's in- was allotted an inheritance in Ephraim in the city of his ('9" 49' so) choice.1 So Jehovah faithfully kept his ancient promise and Rest at last brought Israel, through unfailing victory, to peaceful * possession of the land of their fathers? Then Joshua, before dismissing the two and a half 'The eastern tribes to their eastern home, commended them for unself- home ishly maintaining the unity of Israel, and urged them ^ : ' earnestly, now that their rest was won, to love and serve Jehovah their God with heart and soul. 3. The Last Words and Death of Joshua (23 and 24) The aged leader, in his farewell words, reminded the Joshua's people that all that they had they owed to Jehovah their The secret God. He it was who had fought for them, and he it was Neatness51 who would still drive out for them the nations that were (23) left. But they on their part must cleave to him infaith- 1 As Caleb in Judah 15 : 14-19. These two verses form JE's subscription to the account of the division of the land. 2 These three verses are the Deuteronomic subscription. 119 Joshua 23 : 12 The Messages of fulness and love, and keep the law of Moses, and hold themselves strenuously aloof from the Worship of the gods of the land, and eifenfrom intermarriage with the people of the land. This too surely meant idolatry and ruin; for the God who had faithfully kept his every prom ise to crown their wanderings with victory and peace, would as faithfully keep his threat to exterminate them. His final He ' recounted the gracious deeds of Jehovah in the aDoeal(24 : 1-28) remote and recent past, from the call of father Abraham to the marvellous deliverance from Egypt, and the no less marvellous successes in the goodly land to which he had brought them. This kindness, he urged, imposed upon them the duty of renouncing all strange gods, and of serv ing Jehovah alone. Now was the time to choose : his own choice could not but be altogether for Jehovah. An imated by his resolute words, the people also vowed them selves enthusiastically to the service of Jehovah alone. Then Joshua solemnly reminded them how serious was the task. There must be no compromise, no apostasy : these Jehovah would punish bitterly. Again the people pledged their solemn word . Whereafter Joshua made a covenant on their behalf that day, and set up a stone by the sanct uary of Jehovah at Shechem as a memorial and witness of the solemn vows the people had taken upon themselves. Then he dismissed the people. ' Ch. 24 is from a later Elohist. The language and sentiment approx imate, in part, to Dt. 120 the Historians Judges Warfare and exhortation over, he died and was buried His death in his own city ' — he, the successor of Moses, and Eleazar ^ i 29,3°' the successor of Aaron. Past and present were linked together in the burial of Joseph's Joseph's bones ' at last in the promised land, after the at Shechem long discipline of exile and wandering. (24 : 32' STRUCTURE AND CONTENTS OF THE BOOK OF JUDGES The transition from the conquest to the monarchy is The intro- mediated by the unsettled period described in the Book of Judges, or rather in the second part of that book, 2 : 6 to 16 : 31, the last five chapters (17 to 21) being a supple ment, and 1 : 1 to 2 : 5 an introduction,4 which graphically suggests the not always by any means successful struggles incidental to the conquest. But for one or two contradic tions, in which it is always easy to detect the older source,6 this introduction is of the highest historical value. In what spirit the stories in the body of the book were The original , , , , . , sources and redacted, we have already seen ; but the stories them- the Deuter- selves are as vigorous as the scheme in which they are set °ed™tion 119:50. 2 Gen. 50 : 25 (E). "24 : 29, 30= Jud. 2:8, 9. ? Cf. pp. 93, 118. 6 Cf. 1 : 8 with i : 21 (Josh. 15 : 63). * Pp. 93, 94. 121 Judges The Messages of is formal. Possibly the older prophetic documents of the Hexateuch reappear in this book. In the narratives there are traits which closely resemble characteristic features of one or the other, and the presence of duplicates is some times obvious — most of all in the Gideon story, where there are two accounts of the hero's call, 6 : 11-24 (Jeho vist ?) and 6 : 25-32 (Elohist ?). In the one story the princes slain are Oreb and Zeeb, and they meet their fate on the west of the Jordan (7 : 24 to 8 : 3) ; in the other, they are Zebah and Zalmunna, and the scene is on the east (8 : 4- 21). While the Deuteronomic scheme represents Israel as a unity, the original stories show that the interests are really not as yet national, but only tribal. The topography of the country, coupled with the strength of the native peoples even after the invasion, largely shut the various tribes or groups of tribes off from one another, so that they pursued their fortunes for the most part almost inde pendently, except in the great crisis which called forth De borah, and which saw something like an approximation to unity. The judges There are twelve " judges," or rulers, if we include Abimelech, though he is not called a judge, and exclude Shamgar, who clearly does not belong to the original scheme.1 They are not so distributed, however, that each tribe has a judge of its own. Of the five minor judges, as they are called, Tola, Jair (10 : 1-5), Ibzan, Elon, and Ab- 1 Cf. 3 : 31 and 4 : 1. 122 the Historians Judges don (12 : 8-15) no details are given except such as, in some cases at least, suggest that these are rather the names of clans than of leaders. Probably no book in the Bible surpasses the Book of Varied inter Judges in varied interest. Scenes the most romantic and book the most thrilling pass before us : the lion-hearted Deb orah giving her judgments beneath her palm-tree, the splendid muster of tribal chivalry on the plain of Esdra elon, the left-handed Ehud plunging his dagger into the breast of the unsuspecting Eglon, Gideon's brilliant mid night attack on Midian, Sisera lying dead in a tent, slain by the hand of his hostess, the merry vintage festival of the men of Shechem (9 : 27), the crowd of Ephraimites at the fords of the Jordan losing their lives because they can not say Shibboleth, the grim humor and ludicrous esca pades of Samson, the cool effrontery with which the Danites carry off the prized image to their new home (18 : 25), the agony of the victorious Jephthah as his heroic daughter comes forth to meet him with timbrel and dance. For us, however, the main interest of the book is the Primitive religious, and there are here many unmistakable voices of S^ion' e an older time. As in the Hexateuch, angels appear not seldom, and not only to heroes like Gideon, but to women, like Samson's mother ; so like are they to men that they can be pressed to partake of hospitality (13 : 16). How primitive the type of religion is may be seen from the 123 Judges The Messages of operations of the spirit of Jehovah, which is here almost exclusively associated with war ; and the man on whom the spirit is most often recorded to have come is Samson. Still, God was believed to have been with these men as truly as with the fathers, and to have sent them on their mission (6 : 14, 15). But religious belief and practice are still crude. Gideon encourages image-worship, and Micah is happy with his idols, more than happy when he can boast a Levitical priest. Jephthah draws the' knife upon his own daughter because of his vow, and there is no such protest as lifts the story of Abraham and Isaac to so high a moral level. Chemosh is as capable of giving land to Moab as Jehovah is to Israel (n : 24), and the writer who believed in Chemosh would also have believed in Dagon and prob ably acknowledged at least some justice in the claim made for him by the Philistines (16 : 23). Historical Apart from its religious interest, the book is historically book5 °f 'he important as showing the fluctuating fortunes of the peo ple, or of the different tribes, before the monarchy. The difficulties of the new comers in maintaining their position among the older inhabitants is admirably illustrated by the story of Abimelech ; the natives resented the authority of one whose mother had been one of themselves, because his father belonged to the hated invaders (9 : 28). But most of all does the book illustrate the constant danger of at tack to which the as yet unconsolidated people were ex posed on the north, east, and south. 124 the Historians Judges The last five chapters, which lie outside the scheme of The appen- the book, have an interest of their own. The first story (17 and 18), besides giving a glimpse into the nature of the older religion, and the extreme importance attached to the possession of instruments and agents of worship, throws also much light on the methods by which conquests were made and settlements effected in the new land.1 The second story (19 to 21) has a peculiar critical as well as religious and historical interest. It is undoubtedly in the main early and suggests that ethical motives were powerful in primitive times ; but it has passed through a very late redaction. The perfect unanimity with which Israel acts, contradicts the tone of the rest of the book, where the action is only tribal. Coupled with this unhis- torical representation are numbers impossibly high',3 and facts extremely improbable, indeed incredible — as that, in two days, the Benjamites, without losing a man, deci mated an army nearly sixteen times their own in num bers. These are all marks of the later tendency to exag geration, a tendency which can be proved to have grown with the growing remoteness from the events. When to all this it is added that the language is largely that of the priestly document to be discussed later — notice, for ex ample, the prominence of the word " congregation " — the 1 Cf. 1 : 34; Josh. 19: 47. a 400,000 compared with Deborah's 40,000, cf. 5 : 8. A tribe of 25,700 com pared with the 600 Danites of 18 : 11. 125 Judges. The Messages of late redaction is placed beyond a doubt. The kernel of the story, however, is old, and of much historic interest and value. VI BETWEEN THE CONQUEST AND THE MONARCHY i. Introduction (Judg. i : i to 2 : 5) ' Theophany At Bethel, the religious centre of the land, a divine at Ae'sanc? messenger appeared. He reproved Israel for sparing uaryof tne native peoples? and declared that those very peoples (2 : 1-5) with their false worship, would be Israels temptation and ruin. They acknowledged their God in worship. 2. The History of Israel in the Days of the Judges (2 : 6 to 16 : 31) (1) The Inner Significance of the History (2 : 6 to 3 : 6) Misfortune The generations that succeeded Joshua 3 forgot all chastise?™' Jehovah's wondrous kindness to the fathers. Their ment and story is the record of apostasy , punishment, repentance, turned by deliverance, going their weary round from generation to repentance(2 : 6 to 3 : 6) 1 For ch. i, which represents the partial nature of the conquest, see p. 118. 2 But in ch. t, which is almost entirely historical, except one or two verses like 8 and 18, the implication is that they did not drive them out because they could not : this is expressly stated in the kindred verse Josh. 15 : 63, cf . p. 99. 3 2 : 6, 7 = Josh. 24 : 28, 31. Jud. 2 : 8, 9 = Josh. 24 : 29, 30. 126 the Historians Judges 3 : 31 generation. They would turn from their own gracious God to the worship of the gods and goddesses of the neighboring peoples. Then an invader would come to execute Jehovah's wrath upon them, and with shallow repentance they would cry to their own God, who would raise up in pity a judge to deliver them. But with the death of the God-inspired leader, a worse apostasy would break out. So on they went from stubbornness to stub bornness, and in chastisement, Jehovah left certain of the ancient peoples unsubdued, to keep Israel in touch with the art of war and to test their fidelity, a test in which they failed through intermarriage. 1 (2) The Stories of the Judges (3 : 7 to 16 : 31) (a) Othniel (3 : 7-11) An illustration of the people's apostasy and of Jeho- Othniel de- vah's righteous severity and grace is furnished by the (ro^CuTh- period of Othniel, by whom Jehovah delivered Israel *?n*h!l~ from the swarthy king whom he had sent to punish them (3 : 7-") for their apostasy. (b) Ehud (3 : 12-30) Another illustration is from the time of Ehud, the left- Ehud dehv- handed hero, cunning and resourceful, by whom Jehovah froinEglon delivered Israel from mighty Moab and her king— the (3 : 12"3o) king whom he had empowered to punish his people's sin? 1 The theory embodied in this section is repeated in very similar language, with somewhat more explicit allusions, in 10 : 6-16, cf. 1 S. 12. 2 For Shamgar (3 : 31) cf. p. 122. 127 Judges 4 : i The Messages of (c) Deborah and Barak (4 and 5) > Deborah Fickle as ever, the people fell away from their fealty to deliver Jehovah with the disappearance of their deliverer; and theanorthern aga^n a divine instrument of punishment was raised up Canaanites jn sisera, a mighty captain in the north, who with his chariots was more than a match for Israel. This time Israel was delivered by the brave, inspired wisdom of a woman, the prophetess Deborah, who urged Barak, the captain of Naphtali, to summon to the fray the warriors of Naphtali and Benjamin, and assured him, in Jehovah's name, of ultimate success, though the glory would be a woman's. The prophetess went with the captain, and her fiery word of assurance kindled the faith of him and his men. Nor was their faith put to shame ; for there fell upon Sisera's host a heaven-sent panic. His chariots availed him not ; the discomfiture was total. In his flight he found refuge in a Kenite tent, and there by a woman's hand he was slain, in fulfilment of the word of the prophetess. Thus again was deliverance and secu rity wrought for Israel by Jehovah. (d) Gideon (6 to 8) Raids of the Fickle as ever, the people fell away again from their Midianites , ,. . T , 7 , . , . (6 : 1-10) fealty to fehovah, and in chastisement — as a prophet arose to declare— for all their ingratitude and apostasy, he sent the Midianites to terrorize and ravage their land. 1 Ch. 4, the prose story is founded mainly on the old poem preserved in 5. 128 the Historians Judges 7:15 The call of Gideon (6 : 11-24) Clan sum moned(6 : 34) Gideon re assured(7 = 1. 9"'5) A divine call ' to deliver Israel came to the mighty Gideon, as, in fear of the Midianites, he was threshing his wheat in the covert of a wine-press. All despondent as he contrasted with the lorlorn- ness of the present the miracles of God's grace in the olden time, and humbly doubting the divine impulse within him to champion his people's cause, he then and there received the assurance that, despite his fear, Jehovah would be with him and give him victory over the Midianites. Thus encouraged and clothed in the spirit of Jehovah, he summoned his clan to resist the foe. As Gideon, in doubt, surveyed the swarming foe beneath him, Jehovah reassured him by caus ing him to overhear a dream pro phetic of the triumph of his little band. The call In obedience to the • 25-32) divine call Gideon se cretly destroyed the instruments of Baal worship, to the amaze ment and anger of the idolatrous villagers, who threatened him with death. But his father reminded them that Baal must be allowed to avenge his own quarrel. 2 The signs Gideon, now the I ¦ 3 -4°> proved champion of Jehovah worship, was next called to deliver Israel from her foes. He hesitated and asked lor a. sign, once and again, and once and again did God graciously reassure him by granting it. Tribes He then summoned summoned (6 : 33, 35) his own tribe Manas seh, and three others to resist the hordes of Midian, Amalek, and the Bedawin. Gideon's But the victory must duced"5 be altogether God's, (7 : 2-8) who needs no mighty host to execute his purpose. So first in one way and then in an other, Gideon's forces were re duced to three hundred men. 1 The Gideon story is duplicated practically throughout. 2 Probably ironical in the mouth of the historian, but not of Joash. 129 Judges 7 : 16 The Messages of The pursuit. Chastisement of Succoth and Penuel (8 : 4-21) umph. Quarrel with Eph- The attack In bold confidence he led on (7 : 16-22) his men to the attack at dead of night to the war-cry " For Jeho vah and for Gideon:" and by a. brilliant concerted stratagem1 caused the enemy to flee in wild terror. Gideon, in pursuit of the re treating Midianites across the Jordan, received nothing but in solence from the men of Succoth and Penuel of whom he begged bread for his exhausted band. With threats of vengeance, he passed on, and overtook the un suspecting Midianite camp, capt uring their two kings, Zebah and Zalmunna. On his return he ful filled his threats on the insolent cities, and then slew the haughty them, however, by showing how kings of Midian for the murder of much greater their share of the his brother. victory was than his. Gideon's Of the enormous spoil, Gideon Gideon re- The people asked (8:24-27) set up an oracular idol of gold at kingship him to become their Ophrah, which led Israel astray. (8:22,23) king, but he refused. Jehovah was their king, he said, and should continue so to be.3 1 Probably with the jars and torches. 3 Probably with the trumpets (Moore). 3 That the monarchy is an apostasy from Jehovah, Israel's true king, is also the view of 1 S. 8 : 7. 130 The attack In confidence he led (7 • « 22) on njs men to tne at_ tack at dead of night, and by a brilliant concerted stratagem,2 the enemy were thrown into panic, in which they slew their own comrades and took to head long flight. The tri- Then the Ephraim ites at Gideon's sum mons seized the fords to™^23 to prevent the foe from crossing the Jordan. In this way the two chiefs of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb, were captured and slain. But the men of Ephraim bitterly upbraided Gideon for not having summoned them, the leading tribe, to the fray itself. He adroitly appeased the Historians Judges 9 : 49 Thus Israel had rest through the deliverer whom God Gideon's raised up : but as ever, the death of the leader was the Israel's signal for a fresh apostasy. fi°^g Y3-35) (e) Abimelech (9) Gideon had a son Abimelech by a Shechemite concu- Abimelech bine. On his father's death, Abimelech artfully induced of "shechemg the Shechemites to rid themselves of Israel's yoke tyf.JX'X' slaying Gideon's sons, and making him king. Was he not their own flesh and blood ? The sons were slain, but Jotham the youngest escaped, and in a parable which illustrated the truth that it was only the worthless who were eager to reign, he pointed the moral of the Shechemite folly in creating such a king. As surely as Abimelech and the Shechemites had acted in bad faith toward his brave sire, so surely would they perish at each other's hands. Even so did God bring it about ; for he makes it his The Shech- task to avenge cruelty. Soon the Shechemites began to voVbut "are resent Abimelech 's authority, for he was but a half Shech- Jg6"™...) emite after all ; and flushed with insolence, they rose in revolt against him, only to be crushed, however, by his clever strategy.1 Thus did the traitors fall; Abimelech's turn was yet Abimeiech's to come. With bold energy he proceeded with the final (9^46-55) suppression of the rebellion — soon however to find his 1 There are two versions of this story ; one in 22-25 and 42-45 ; the other in 26-41. 131 Judges 9 : 50 The Messages of doom : and only the sword of his armor-bearer saved him from finding it at the hands of a woman. TheNem- Jotham's curse was thus fulfilled, for God wrought trelcLry upon Abimelech and the Shechemites righteous retribu te : 56, 57) tion for their treacherous cruelty. (f) Jephthah (io : 17 to 12 : 7) ' Gileadites Fickle as ever, the people again fell away from their tnah^orepel/ r j o wnat :t cost and dancing for joy at her father's victory. Nevertheless, (n : 29-4°) the sad father would not break his stern vow to Jehovah, . nor would the heroic maiden suffer him so to do, content to die for such a victory of God and of her sire over her people's foes. Then after two months, for which she entreated to bewail her maidenhood upon the mountains, her father fulfilled his vow upon her, and the memory of her abides in the yearly lamentations of the daughters of Israel, The leading tribe Ephraim, angrily threatened Jephthah Quarrel with for not summoning them to the fray.1 They had been (I2 : !-7> summoned, retorted Jephthah, and had refused. So he mustered his tribesmen, and they fought with Ephraim, and slew at the fords of the Jordan all who under false pretences sought to reach their homes across the river.1 (g) Samson (13 to 16) Fickle as ever, the people again fell away from their The birth of fealty to Jehovah, and a divine instrument of punish- (Ia3™s°I ment was raised up in the Philistines. There arose also a deliverer, divinely called before his birth to be the votary 1 For a very similar story, cf. 8 : 1-3 (Gideon). 3 For 12,: 8-15, three minor judges, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon, cf . pp. 122, 123. 133 Judges 13:4 The Messages of of his God. The mother of the unborn child — so spake to her a voice divine — must in no wise defile herself ; and the father, seeking to learn what the rule and manner of the child's life should be, worshipped the ineffable one who had thus strangely visited them. Not till then did he realize that in this visitation he had been face to face with God ; and he was afraid. But his wife allayed his fear : for had God not graciously received their sacrifice ? Then she bore a son, Samson, and the spirit of Jehovah began to stir him. Samson in time fell in love with a Philistine woman ; '"'t¥hil- DUt h's parents refused their consent to his marriage with Samson'smarria,with a istinewoman an aijen> not knowing that this was Jehovah's way of in volving the Philistine oppressors in trouble. As Samson was on his way to the woman's house, in an inspired frenzy he slew a lion that crossed his path. Being satisfied with the woman, he came home and returned afterward to his bride's home for the wedding feast. There he put forth a riddle which the guests only read by sternly importuning the woman to wring the answer from her husband. Then in an inspired frenzy he fulfilled his promise to the guests by slaying thirty Philistines, and he disgraced his Philis tine wife by leaving her. After a while he returned, to find that his wife had been given to another, and in the grim humor of revenge he destroyed the Philistine corn. They savagely retaliated : Samson again took summary vengeance on them and re- 134 Its conse quences to the Philis tines (15) the Historians > Judges 16:31 tired to Judah. The Philistines followed, demanded and secured his surrender ; but, in the inspired frenzy which mastered him, he burst his strong bands, wrought a mighty slaughter, and was preserved from further peril by the grace of the God who answers prayer. On a visit to another Philistine woman, Samson mocked Samson at the men who tried to entrap him, by carrying off the city (10z: i-3) gate upon his shoulders. With yet another Philistine woman he fell in love, and Samson and she was his undoing. Bribed by the Philistine lords, she The tragedy besought him to tell her the secret of his great strength — ?i6p.a!!^? the divine secret he so jealously guarded. Thrice he baf fled her curiosity, and the lords were mocked ; but at the last, vexed unto death, he told her. Then in the lap of love his strength was taken from him, and his God de- Samson's parted from him. The foemen blinded him and took him triumph in away to the town whose gates he had carried off ere his ^"l* % strength was shorn, and forced him to make sport for them at a sacrifice in the temple of Dagon their god, to whom they ascribed the victory. Then the mocked and eyeless hero prayed his God to grant him his old strength but once again, in vengeance for his eyesight. He thrust the pillars with all his might, and down fell the house, with lords and people. Thus the triumph of his death was greater than that of all his life. 135 Judges 17 : i The Messages of 3. Other Echoes from the Days of the Judges (17 to 21) (1) Origin of the Sanctuary at Dan (17 and 18) Micah's In the rude days of the judges, an Ephraimite called priesta(i7) Micah was in possession of a shrine with an oracle and a costly image made of silver which had been stolen and cursed, and one of his sons he had installed as priest. But a wandering Levite who chanced upon his house, agreed to stay with him and become his priest, in return for a pit tance of money and food — to the great delight of Micah ; for such a presence was a guarantee of blessing. Migration of At that time the Danites, who could not gain a firm toet£anorth f°otmg m tne southwest, sent a party to explore the land, (18 : 1-29) and lighting upon Micah's house in Ephraim, they con sulted the Levite as to whether God approved of their en terprise. On receiving his assurance, they pushed on to the extreme north, and returned to their brethren with the news of the rich unwarlike people that were there. Thus encour aged, six hundred armed Danites started for the north ; and, on the way, they constrained Micah's priest, nothing loth, to accompany them with his image and oracle. Was it not better, they said, to be priest to a tribe than to a single man ? Micah and his neighbors, in amazement and despair at the loss of his gods and priest, pursued after the Danites, but were repulsed with rude threats. So with their precious acquisitions, the Danite warriors advanced north to Laish, now called Dan, which fell an easy prey. 136 the Historians Judges 20 : 7 The Danites set up the image. The grandson of Moses ' Estabiish- was the first priest of the sanctuary, and his descendants sanctuary at held the priesthood till about 734 B. C? £§n 3l) (2) Vengeance of Israel on Benjamin for the Outrage at Gib- eah (19 to 21) In those rude days of the judges, a certain Levite had a Levite's a concubine who one day left him for her father's house ravished by in Bethlehem. Thither he went to win her back again. Benjamites Leaving Bethlehem together in the late afternoon, they reached the hostile Jebus — now Jerusalem — in the even ing. Preferring to trust the hospitality of a city of Israel, they turned aside to Gibeah of Benjamin. Only a stranger, however, would take them in. So far were the vile towns men from playing the part of host that their horrible lust had to be sated by the surrender of the concubine, whom they did to death ere it was morning. Then in righteous wrath at the infamy, unparalleled in Israel's history, the Levite cut the woman in twelve pieces and sent her throughout all the borders. Then the whole congregation " of Israel, four hundred Israel re- thousand men, mustered as one man in Mizpah of Ben- ^englan'ce. jamin. The Levite told his tale before them, and asked n™^™1". 1 Altered to " Manasseh " in later times, which were offended by the trac- ,2Q\ ing of a priesthood, then regarded as idolatrous, to the grandson of Moses. 3 This date is probable, but not certain. 3 This story has been subjected to a priestly redaction, here marked in bold type. Cf. pp. 125, 126. 137 Judges 20 : 8 The Messages of their counsel, and as one man they vowed vengeance. The Benjamites, who numbered about twenty-six thou sand men, refused to deliver up the guilty ; so, after con sulting the oracle, forth the men of Israel advanced against them, Judah leading. In the first assault they were re pulsed with a loss of twenty-two thousand men, and again in a second, with a loss of eighteen thousand. Then with tears, fasting and sacrifice, they consulted the oracle again ; and success was assured them . This time by strategy the men of Benjamin were defeated with a loss of twenty-five thousand one hundred ' men. Their cities were burned, and but few escaped. Measures Not till the battle was over did Israel realize what they seivethePr<^had done. To their sorrow a tribe was on the way to tribe (21) extinction ; for they had solemnly vowed not to give their daughters in marriage to the survivors of Benjamin, and the women of Benjamin had all been slain. To preserve the tribe, they sent a force to destroy the inhabitants of Jabesh in Gilead for their refusal to take part in the war, and to secure the maidens as wives for the men of Benjamin. Yet even so there were not maidens enough. Then they urged the Benjamites to seize the girls who came out to dance in the vintage festival at the sanctuary of Shiloh. Thus the tribe was preserved. All this was in the rude days of the judges. 1 In the older story 18,000 (cf. v. 44). 138 the Historians Samuel VII COMPOSITION AND CONTENTS OF THE BOOKS OF SAMUEL The Books of Samuel, like those that precede them, are Duplicates composite. Not to the same extent, however. There is at JjJ gamuei * least one long section practically homogeneous (2 S. 9 to 20) ; but the compositeness of the remainder is rendered certain by the presence of the usual duplicates and contra dictions. Of the duplicates, the most striking is that in which David waives his opportunity to take Saul's life (1 S. 24 and 26), where the situation, the language, even the metaphors are very similar, and there is no allusion in the second narrative to the first, as there surely must have been, had the occasions been different. A similar illustra tion on a smaller scale is the two-fold, origin of the prov erb : " Is Saul also among the prophets ? " * Of the contradictions, the most conspicuous and impor- Contradic- tant is that found in the conception of the monarchy. One "ons source, the earlier — that, too, which represents Samuel as a seer — regards the kingdom as a blessing and a gift of Jehovah : the first king is anointed by divine commission " to be prince over my people Israel, and he shall save my people out of the hands of the Philistines." 3 The other source regards the popular request for a king as an implicit 1 1 S. 10 : n and 19 : 24. 3 9 : 16. 139 Samuel The Messages of rejection of Jehovah,1 and the monarchy as destined to prove a vexation, if not a curse.5 Very striking, too, are the mutually exclusive accounts of David's introduction to Saul.3 In one he is a man of war (i S. 16 : 18) whom Saul soon learns to love (v. 21). In the next chapter, he is a shepherd apparently unacquainted with war (17 : 28) and Saul knows nothing whatever about him (17 : 56). A meeting of Saul and Samuel is recorded 4 after the definite } announcement that Samuel saw Saul _no_more.* There ,-¦..-' are two conflicting traditions of the death of Goliath : one that he was slain by David,6 the other, by Elhanan.' In 2 Samuel 14 : 27, Absalom has three sons ; in 18 : 18 he has none. Further, there are two accounts of the death of Saul : one that he committed suicide ; 8 the other that he was slain by an Amalekite." The various It is important to try to separate these sources ; and when we have done so, we appear to be left with ultimate elements of varying historical worth : a biography of Sam uel, a very early biography of Saul which took quite a favorable view of that monarch, a very early and, in large part, extremely well-informed biography of David, and a history written between two and three centuries later, when the vexations and the religious impotence of the monarchy 1 8 : 7. 2 8 : 11 ff. 3 16 : 14-23 and 17 : 55-58. 4 19 : 24. • 15 : 35. • 17 : 51. 7 2 S. 21 : 19. • 1 S. 31 : 4. 3 2 S. 1 : 10. Of course, the Amalekite's story may be a fiction, but it is not necessary to suppose this. 140 the Historians Samuel were beginning to be apparent. Even long after these constituents were welded into a literary unity, the book received some touches from a priestly hand, as we see from i Samuel 6:15 with its belated introduction of the Levites to do what had already been done (v. 14), and still more clearly from the substitution of " all the Levites " for " Abiathar" in 2 Samuel 15 : 24 (cf. w. 29, 35, and 17 :i5). The last four chapters (2 S. 21 to 24) which interrupt the connection between chapter 20 and 1 Kings 1 are clearly no part of the original book. They contain two narra tives, two psalms, and certain lists, and were no doubt designed to preserve memorable material which had not found a place in the history proper. Samuel is the link that binds together the period of the Saul judges and that of the monarchy. Himself a judge — on one view at least — he launched Israel's first king on his strange career. The graphic story of the Bible need not be here anticipated ; only its more salient features may be noticed. Saul seems, at the first glance, great enough to found a monarchy. A splendid man physically, he has im pressive qualities of heart to match. He must surely have been a lovable man, for whose dead body the men of Jabesh were willing to risk their lives, and over whom the man whom he had hunted almost to the death sang the most touching elegy that has ever celebrated human worth. Yet the deliberate judgment of a later day was that God had rejected him, and a study of his character confirms 141 Samuel The Messages of the justice of that view. His undoubted power was para lyzed by jealousy. He could not bear about him a younger man who was his match or his superior. " Saul hath slain his thousands, David his tens of thousands." Jealousy bred suspicion ; suspicion, malice ; and this, working upon his predisposition to melancholy, led him to ruin. Not such as he could found a kingdom of God. David Very different was the man whom Providence called to that high honor. Not without tragic faults, yet a true prince of God. Tender as a woman to the friend he loves, generous to his foes, fearless in every venture and resourceful in every difficulty, master of war and song — all who come near him feel his strange charm. Brave men will lay down their lives for him, if need be ; when his fortunes are low, foreign soldiers are willing to stand by him for better, for worse, and old men are glad to give him of their best. Religion, too, is a great reality to this man — how great we can see from his eagerness to build Jeho vah a house, and from the deference he pays to the word of the prophet. His hope is in God, therefore threatened mutiny does not paralyze his initiative.1 His darkest hours are brightened by his faith in God,2 who, he is convinced, doeth all things well, and he meekly accepts his discipline.3 The hand that leads him through his fortunes is indeed very stern. The consequences of his great sin pursue him like an avenging spirit. But his countrymen were right when 1 1 S. 30 : 6. • 2 S. 16 : 12. 3 2 S. 16 : 10 and 15 : 25, 26. 142 the Historians i Samuel 2:15 they believed that it was he who was the chosen of Jeho vah. Before him the national feeling created by Moses had been gravely imperilled, if not almost destroyed, by the disintegrated life of the period of the judges. It was he who by his genius, both for war and peace, consoli dated the scattered interests of the people, recreated the nation, and gave them a not inconspicuous place among the peoples of the world. VIII THE RISE OF THE MONARCHY 1. Samuel (1 S. 1 to 15) (i) Samuel and the War with the Philistines (l to 7) (a) Samuel's Birth and Call (1 : 1 to 4 : I") During the priesthood of Eli and his sons at Jehovah's Birth and sanctuary in Shiloh, Hannah, a devout woman, vexed unto „f Samuel0" tears at her long barrenness, beloved by her husband, but ^ taunted by .his rival wife, and grievously misjudged by the priest who watched her murmured prayer, was at last blessed by God to be the mother of Israel's seer-prophet. In her child Samuel she saw an answer to her prayer, and when she had weaned him she gave him over to God's per petual service in his house, in accordance with her vow. Now Eli's sons were corrupt priests, claiming with in- 143 i Samuel 2 : 18 The Messages of Foil to the corrupt priesthood(2 : 12-21) Eli's inef fectual re buke (2 : 22-26) Prophetic threat of doom. "Thoumayest be no longer steward " (2 : 27-36) Samuel'scall and influence (3 : 1 to 4 : i») solent violence an unlawful share of the sacrifices. But in touching contrast to their dread impiety was the gentle ministration of the child Samuel. The aged Eli did indeed remonstrate with his godless sons. " What intercession," he urged, " could save a man from the vengeance of offended God ? " But his words fell upon heedless ears, and doom was inevitable. Far other was it with Samuel, who grew in favor with God and man. A man of God announced divine judgment upon Eli's house. " God," he said, " deals with men as they with him. Impiously unfaithful to the priestly trust com mitted to that house in Egypt, it would forfeit that trust, and give place to a faithful priest? whose descendants would abide before the king for ever, and from whom Eli's posterity would be glad to earn a pittance by some menial service in the sanctuary." a In a day when divine voices were rare, God's call came to Samuel, while yet a child, ministering in the sanctuary. Thrice he failed to recognize as God's the voice which called him, and whose call he instantly obeyed. But, soon as he knew the voice to be God's, it uttered a clear stern message of doom upon Eli's impious house. With 1 Zadok is in view, appointed by Solomon in the place of Abiathar (i K. 3 : 27). 3 Reference to the country priests after the reform of Josiah (cf. 2 K, S3 : 9 ; Dt. 18 : 6-8). 144 the Historians i Samuel 5:7 devout resignation the old man heard God's word from the trembling child lips. " It is Jehovah," said he, " let him do what seemeth him good." As Samuel grew, all Israel knew him to be a prophet of Jehovah whose word was sure, and they flocked to Shiloh for the divine mes sage that was his. (b) War with the Philistines (4 : ib to 7 : 17) Repulsed in battle with the Philistines (who had op- The defeat pressed them in the days of Samson), Israel sought to *4 : lb"22* ensure success in the future by bringing into battle the ark of their God. Its coming rejoiced the Israelites, but struck terror into the hearts of the Philistines who had heard of the plagues with which this God had smitten the Egyptians. Even the ark, however, did not save Israel from crushing defeat ; it was itself captured, and the wicked priests thereof were slain. Tremblingly did the aged Eli wait for news of the ark ; and when he heard of its capture, he fell back and died. His son's wife also died in childbirth, in sorrow for her dead, for the captured ark and the vanished glory of Israel. • In triumph, the Philistines set the captured ark by the Jehovah's side of their god Dagon, in his sanctuary at Ashdod ; but tafnedyiriUS* in the morning, lo ! he lay broken and prostrate before ^lllstla- Jehovah's ark in obeisance to a mightier than he. The people, too, were plagued with tumors. Ascribing their evil plight to the power of Israel's God, they sent the ark MS i Samuel 5:8 The Messages of on to Gath and Ekron, where it worked still more havoc and terror. The ark re- On the advice of the Philistine diviners, loth to see their rae"s to Is" people repeat the folly of Egyptian obstinacy, the ark was (6: 1 to 7: 1) allowed to go back to the land of Israel with a trespass offering by way of recompense — five golden tumors,1 one for each of the Philistine towns. It reached Bethshe- mesh to the great joy of the harvesters, and the cattle that drove the cart were offered in grateful sacrifice. But soon the joy was overcast, for the indifference of certain men 3 provoked Jehovah to destroy some B of them. In their terror of the holy and perilous presence of Jehovah, they sent on the ark to Kirjath-jearim, where a certain Eleazar was consecrated to keep it. Samuel's in- Since, then, the ark was in the land again, Samuel deUveranc'e seized the occasioti to prevail upon the people to give up ?£.'kepe°Ple all the foreign gods, and serve Jehovah only, and at a great gathering summoned by the prophet the contrite people confessed their sin. Their solemn gathering, however, was troubled by the rumor of the Philistine advance. But the prayer of Samuel was mightier than 1 The mice appear to represent another version of the plague, and con sequently of the offerings. Both were subsequently combined, as we see here, and still more clearly in the LXX. 3 The LXX has the interesting and probable reading : " the sons of Je- coniah were not glad with the men of Bethshemesh." 3 50,070. Both the number and the grammar are suspicious ; probably we should read only 70. 146 the Historians i Samuel 8:7 the alien hosts. For he interceded for his people on their earnest entreaty, and in answer Jehovah with his thun derstorm confounded the foe, and they were routed by Israel. Samuel set up a stone in witness of Jehovah's victory which secured peace for Israel from the Philistines all his days ! 1 In divers sanctuaries did Samuel admin ister justice, chiefly at his home in Ramah, where he had built an altar to Jehovah. (2) Israel's First King (8 to 15) * A In search of stray asses, a young man named Saul, of mighty stature, chanced upon the spot where a sacred B Provoked by the venality of Samuel's sons, his success- The demand ors in the administration of justice, the elders asked Sam- the rejectfon uel to make them like their neighbors by appointing them °f Jehovah a king. With a sore heart Samuel took their request to God in prayer. For Jehovah was King of Israel : to ask for another was to reject Jehovah himself ; and the choice 1 Not so the older sources (cf. 9 : 16 and 14 : 52). 3 The paraphrase, from this point to 2 S. 1, follows the analysis of Profess or H. P. Smith, in the International Critical Commentary on Samuel. A and B are themselves most probably the result of compilation. B, though containing facts which, sometimes contradictory of A, are often quite com patible with it, is obviously, in the main, the less historical of the two narra tives. 147 i Samuel 9:1 The Messages of A The king a festival was about to be conducted by Samuel the proph- iauUnouft- et> or " seer " as ne used t0 De called — one who for a fee ed by Sam- woui(j reveal what men desired to know ; and the seer uel (9 : 1 to 10: was led by a divine impulse to recognize in Saul the king to be. For, in pity for his people galled by the Philistine yoke, Jehovah had sent in him a captain to save them. So this searcher for asses, after royal entertainment at the hands of Samuel, was anointed king by the will of God. Saul among To reassure and confirm him, Samuel gave him three *o:P™lo)ets signs, all full of meaning, but most of all the third. Ac cording to this, he was to join a band of ecstatic proph- B of a human king would cost them many a sorrow. It would mean the loss of liberty and land, and heavy tax ation to maintain the court ; and no repentance could avert this doom. But the people, heedless of Samuel's expostulation, clamored for a king. Saul ac- Samuel, reminding them publicly in Mizpah that their (ioTi7-27)'s demand was at once an ingratitude and an apostasy, pro ceeded to his fateful task. By the sacred lot, the king to be was discovered — a modest man of mighty stature — and his presence was hailed with shouts of royal welcome. Now that a king had been appointed, the hoary Samuel, whose work as judge was done, spoke his farewell words 148 the Historians i Samuel 12:17 A ets, and, touched by their enthusiasm, he was, in the as surance of divine help, to seize his opportunity to control and guide it into a movement for the deliverance of his people. The interview with Samuel made another man of Saul. To the surprise of all — a surprise which passed into a proverb ' — he joined the prophetic band, and was touched by their spirit. But on his return, he said not a word to his uncle about the kingdom. Soon Saul's opportunity * came. The Ammonites at- The occa- tacked Jabesh in Gilead and would accept its surrender ml", "saui* only on barbarous terms. Jabesh appealed to Israel ; the ^JJ^lJj.1 people could answer only with the tears of despair. Saul, and is * crowned king (11) B to the people. He asserted unchallenged his unswerving Samuel's integrity. He reminded the people how, from the days of ^?^J. a ret. old in Egypt on to his own day, God had always raised up ™sr5oScDtea"d deliverers for them when they turned to him in penitence. (") But lo ! in the terror of the recent Ammonite invasion they had clamored for a king, forgetting that their God was their king. Even yet, however, in spite of their wicked demand for a king, all would be well if they would obey and serve their God : but rebellion would call down his judgment. In proof whereof, he appealed to the thunder storm, which miraculously broke, at his word, from the 1 The proverb has another setting in 19 : 24. 3 Cf. 10 : 7. 149 I Samuel 11:7 The Messages of Successfulattack on the Philis tines (13 : 1 7*. i5b-33 ; 14 : 1-23) however, in the freshness of his new enthusiasm, peremp torily summoned a levy of all Israel, attacked and utterly routed the Ammonites.' Then in recognition of his king ly deed, the people made him king 1 in Gilgal and held a religious festival of coronation. The king now set himself to his real task of expelling the Philistines. His son Jonathan opened the war by a successful attack on a Philistine garrison. The enemy then ravaged the land in three directions, and Saul had but six hundred men. Though the forces were thus reduced," however, the brave Jonathan was in no wise dispirited. B summer sky. In fear the people acknowledged their sin, and entreated Samuel's intercession. He comforted them, warned them against apostasy, and encouraged them by reminding them of Jehovah's great purpose in making them his people.3 Soon the truth of Samuel's words touching the king 1 " Renew the kingdom " (v. 14) is a redactional attempt to reconcile the two versions of the story. 3 "And disarmed," this is the substance of verses 19-22. The text of this section, however, is corrupt, and the section itself probably an interpo lation. 3 This chapter is in the main, obviously Deuteronomic. It has not been printed in italics, however, because it forms part of a history all of which is, in its present form, late, though it could not all be strictly called Deutero nomic. 15° the Historians i Samuel 15:23 A With complete confidence in Israel's God, who could save by few as by many, and supported only by his armor- bearer, he committed himself, at a given omen, to the per ilous attack, and together they wrought havoc among the foe. Then followed a heaven-sent panic which induced Saul to consult the oracle and make the attack with his main body without waiting for an answer — so opportune was the moment — and his victory was complete. To retain the manifest favor of Jehovah, Saul ordained The taboo a fast for that day till sunset, and laid a curse upon any 4 * 24"35' who ate food. Jonathan, who had not heard his father's B proved too fatally clear. In the name of Jehovah, he had The rejec- bidden Saul devote to destruction the whole of Amalek, (15 : 1-23) man and beast, for their ancient unkindness to Israel,1 warning the friendly Kenites '' to depart. Saul, however, in wilful disobedience to the divine word, spared the king and the best of the cattle, and defended himself from the rebuke of Samuel by an absurd evasion. For his dis obedience — a sin as dread as soothsaying — Samuel sol emnly pronounced his rejection by the God whose word he had rejected.3 1 Cf. Ex. 17 : 8-16. 3 Cf. Jud. 1 : i6. 3 Another and less satisfactory version of the rejection — though the two have much in common — is to be found in 13 : 7b-i5a. There Saul, after waiting the time appointed by Samuel, offered sacrifice himself. The ground 151 i Samuel 14:27 The Messages of A curse, partook of some tempting honey. The long fast had impaired the fighting vigor of the troops, to the sorrow of the outspoken Jonathan ; and at sunset, the famished men flew upon the captured animals, and devoured them — blood and all, which was sinful ; for the blood was Je hovah's and should have been poured out to him. So the scrupulous Saul erected a stone altar and had the animals slaughtered there, that Jehovah might get his portion. Jonathan Before renewing the attack, Saul consulted the oracle, theVpeeropieby at the suggestion of the priest ; but there was no response. from death xhen Saul knew that there was sin somewhere ; so he (14 : 36-46, 52) — B Saul's un- Fervently did Saul confess his sin and entreat pardon. For availing con- answer Samuel pronounced the same stern words of doom, and (15 : 24-31) turned to go. In despair, Saul caught hold of his skirt, and it rent. " Even so," said Samuel, " hath the immutable God of Israel rent thy kingdom and given it to thy neighbor, who is bet ter than thou. " But he left him the semblance of kingly honor.1 Samuel de- Then, sword in hand, Samuel himself at the sanctuary t° alstruc-8 executed upon the surviving king of Israel's foes the cruel tion (15 : 32-35) of his rejection in not "keeping the commandment of Jehovah," is not very intelligible, as he kept the only commandment given, at least recorded, v. 8. 1 This section, which is unnecessary to the sense, and perhaps contradicts the context (cf. v. 29 with v. n), may be an interpolation. Samuel's slaugh ter of Agag would fitly follow his word of doom. iS2 the Historians I Samuel 17 : 10 A sternly set himself by the use of the lot ' to find out the sinner, and lo ! it was Jonathan, who by his eating had fallen under Saul's curse. The father would have had him slain ; but the people, knowing that to him, under God, the victory was due, saved him. The Philistines then re tired. But there continued to be sore war between them and Israel, all the days of the life of Saul ; and whenever Saul saw any mighty man, it was his custom to attach him to his body-guard. Saul waged divers wars and was victorious against his Saul's wars enemies on every side, and Abner was his general. He(I4:4W) B judgment which he deserved. Thus far the ban was com pleted ; and Saul and Samuel parted. Saul had been rejected : the destined man is David. David „ , , . , ,.,,,., anointed Once more it is Samuel who is charged with the high (16:1-13) mission of finding and anointing the king. Against his judgment and expectation, he was divinely led to the choice of David, the youngest son of Jesse, a ruddy shep herd boy. From the day of David's anointing the spirit of Jehovah came upon him. Now the Philistines invaded Israel, and their giant His victory champion Goliath offered a challenge to single combat ™: z °0'a 18 : 5) 1 The LXX of v. 41 makes it clear that the Urim and the Thummim were the means employed. iS3 i Samuel 14:49 The Messages of A had also sons and daughters whose names bore witness to his piety.1 2. Saul and David (1 S. 16 to 2 S. 1) David at the Saul was afflicted with a mental malady, and his ser- (°6 •' 23) vants recommended him to procure a skilful minstrel to soothe and heal the distemper. Such an one he found in the warrior David, the wise and comely. Saul loved him and was soothed by his minstrelsy. Saul's at- David's military success, extolled by the women in song, ridof Da™i roused the anger and jealousy of Saul, and he sought to (18 : 6-30) get j-j^ 0f ,-jjg man wh0m he feared.2 So first he gave him B which threw Israel — king and people — into consternation.3 But David accepted the challenge and sought to sustain Saul's heart by tales of his shepherd life, in which many a 1 This section has all the appearance of having stood later in the original narrative. V. 52 follows 46, and appears to be immediately followed by 16 : 14-23. 3 Vv. 10, 11, duplicate and anticipate 19 : 9, 10. Besides being psycholog ically inappropriate at so early a stage, they are omitted in a very impor tant MS. of the LXX (Vatican). 3 The Greek MS., which omits 18 : 10, 11, also omits 17 : 12-31, together with 17 : 55 to 18 : 5 and also 18 : 17-19 which depends upon 17 : 25. With those omissions, most of the inconsistencies of the narrative disappear. The omitted passages were probably taken from a lost biography of David, and inserted, at a late date, in the books of Samuel. 154 the Historians i Samuel 19:4 A a perilous post of honor in the army. Then, as that but added fresh lustre to his name, he took advantage of his daughter. Michal's affection for him, to expose him to the risk of a raid on the Philistines; but again he was tri umphant. So Saul gave her to him in marriage. On his wedding night the jealous king sent men to slay David es- him : but, by the ready wit of his wife, who substituted for (fo™ ,.,7j him an oracular image, he made good his escape unarmed. On reaching Nob, a sanctuary near Jerusalem, he induced David is re- the startled priest, by his adroitness and his regard for the Anlmdech demands of religion, to give him some bread, consecrated Jhe pnest though it was, and Goliath's sword. B time he had slain a lion and a bear ; the living God who had delivered him then, would surely deliver him now, he said, from this profane uncircumcised braggart, who defied his hosts. With no weapons, then, but sling and stones and faith in Jehovah the God of Israel's hosts, who could save without sword or spear, he laid the giant low and showed the world that Israel had a God. The Philistines were utterly routed. Saul, however, incited Jonathan and all his servants to Saul's en- remove David by assassination. But Jonathan, who loved Jonathan's David, woke a tender chord in his father's heart, by re- ^cession minding him of the service he had rendered the people in (J9 : w) 155 i Samuel 22:1 The Messages of A He and his Then he betook hirri to a stronghold in western Judah, Aduiiam where he gathered about him a band of desperate and <22 : J, 2> embittered men. The murder Saul, upbraiding his courtiers for their foolish and dis- °^(n^p"^s.ts loyal interest in David, the penniless adventurer, was at mand of once informed by Doeg that David had received practical (22 : 6-23) aid and religious guidance from the priest at Nob. Ahim- elech admitted the charge, but avowed the innocence of his intention and the loyalty of David. Nevertheless, he and all the priests of the city were slain in cold blood, at the command of Saul, by Doeg ; for the body-guard re fused, deeming the priests inviolable. Only one escaped B slaying Goliath. So for the time, David was continued at court.1 1 This seems to be a duplicate of the story in ch. 20, though that chapter cannot easily be fitted into the other document, any more than into this one. It may originally have belonged to a separate biography, such as that which we found to be represented in the Hebrew of chs. 17 and 18, though ab sent from the Greek. It will be noticed that in ch. 20, as against 19 : 1-7, Jonathan's friendship is unavailing. The substance of the chapter is as fol lows: "David disclosed to the trusty Jonathan his father's murderous designs against him. Jonathan, unwilling to believe it, yet vowed to do all he could for him in accordance with their plighted troth (cf. 18 : 1-5). They planned that David should go into hiding for a day or two, and that Jonathan should pretend to his father that he had gone to keep a sacred festival of his clan at Bethlehem. This excuse would test Saul's attitude toward him, and, by a preconcerted sign, Jonathan was to indicate to David whether to 156 the Historians i Samuel 19:24 A — Abiathar ; David, the cause of the slaughter, vowed to protect him, and in this way came to have access to the oracle. After consulting the oracle, David attacked and de- Saul hunts feated the Philistines who were plundering Keilah. There Davld to) the implacable Saul purposed to capture him ; but, by the advice of the oracle, he retired with his band to the wil derness.1 Again did Saul, being informed of his where abouts, seek to hunt him down, and all but had him ; but he was miraculously preserved by another Philistine raid, which called off the attention of Saul. Hearing that the wealthy Nabal was holding festival at B Subsequent successes of David, however, so inflamed Saul's at- Saul's jealousy that he hurled his spear at him with intent Da^d'Tiife, to pin him to the wall ; but David escaped to Samuel's *"c'!l°ato'd's home in Ramah, where he was miraculously protected Ramah (19 : 8-10, 18-24) from the vmdictiveness of Saul. flee or stay. At Jonathan's plea for David's absence, Saul's jealous anger blazed forth, and he cast a spear at his son. In sorrow and wrath, Jon athan went forth and gave David the sign for instant flight." Vv. 40-42 are a certain interpolation. The terms of the preceding verses, rightly un derstood, imply that Jonathan dare not be seen in David's company. 1 Vv. 15-18, describing the interview and covenant between Jonathan and David, appear to be an interpolation. The covenant has already been made : 20 : 8, cf. 18 : 3. iS7 I Samuel 25 : 5 The Messages of The ways of the sheep-shearing, David requested some provision from his"bandn him for his band, urging that, so far from plundering his AbiSiUnd shepherds, as they might have done, his men had actually Ahinoam protected them. The churlish Nabal insolently refused. At once David and his men girt on their swords for ven geance. But Abigail, the wife of Nabal, with prompt and gracious tact, disarmed his wrath by bringing a costly present, and expressing a desire for his welfare, with the hope that she would be remembered when he came to his own. In her coming David saw a divine interposition, and also in the death of the " foolish " Nabal,1 which B He flees to Thence he passed to Achish, King of Gath. The Philis- (21': 10-15) l'ne courtiers, however, were naturally suspicious of the Removes his s'aver °1 Goliath, and prudence compelled him to leave.' parents to For safety, David put his parents in charge of the king (22 : 3-5) of Moab. Spares Saul No sooner was Saul returned from his pursuit of the Philistines than he renewed his hunt of David. But Je hovah was preserving him ; and Saul fell into David's power so completely that he could have slain him at a blow, and he had much to do to restrain his men. But he would 1 V. 25. Nabhal (fool) is his name, and nebhalah (folly) is with him. 3 This section is parallel to ch. 27 in the main fact of David's appearance at the court of Achish. 158 the Historians i Samuel 24:22 A speedily followed his debauch. Then David took Abigail to wife, and also Ahinoam, Saul having given Michal to another. David spared Saul's life when Abishai was eager to take it (26).1 In ceaseless terror of his life, David offered his services David and those of his band to the Philistine Achish. Receiv- Achfsh of ing from him a border town, Ziklag, he waged extermi- ^fdth^ins hi3 nating war on the neighboring Bedawin tribes ; but, by pre- confidence tending that his raids were really upon the clans of Judah, 28 :'*) he so won the confidence of Achish that that king sum- B not put forth his hand against Jehovah's anointed. He trusted in God to justify and finally deliver him, content ing himself with carrying off a trophy which proved what he might have done ; and even for that his heart accused him. His unexpected magnanimity moved Saul to tears, and something of his old nobleness gleams through his contrite words. Foreseeing that the future lay with David, he entreated him to spare his posterity, and not blot out his name ; and David sware.3 When Samuel was dead, the Philistines mustered their 1 Duplicated in ch. 24. 3 This chapter is parallel in the main to 26, which is probably the older source. 159 i Samuel 28:1 The Messages of David is finally dis missed (29) Amalekites attackZiklag.David re covers the spoil (30 : 1-20) The end of disobedience is death. Saul's doom pronounced by the shade of Samuel (28 : 3-25) moned his aid for the projected war with Israel, and made him captain of his body-guard. David guardedly prom ised to let his power be felt. He accompanied the Philistines to the plain of Es draelon. But his presence excited the not unnatural sus picion and anger of the Philistine lords, who compelled Achish, despite his assertions of David's fidelity, reluct antly and courteously to dismiss him.1 So David returned to Ziklag, only to find that the town had been burnt and the women and children captured — as he providentially learned — by the Amalekites who had attacked Philistia and Judah. A threatened mutiny of his B hosts, and in terror Saul sought the will of God ; but there came no answer, through dream or priest or prophet. Then in despair he betook him to a witch — he who had erstwhile sought to root out all such — that through her he might wring a word of counsel from the dead Samuel. Howbeit, no word had he, when he rose, for the God forsaken king, but one of stern doom for the old dis obedience — defeat and death. Then, sore against his will, the troubled king was constrained to take a morsel of food, and forth he fared in the night to his doom. 1 This departure is clearly a parallel to that implied in 21 : 10-15. It is similarly motived in both cases. The other story sets David in a less pleasing light. 160 the Historians 2 Samuel 2 : 7 A own men did not daunt the heart of David, for his trust was in his God. With all speed he consulted the oracle, overtook and routed the foe, recovering all that had been lost, with much booty. Now some of the unprincipled spirits who had taken The law of part in the pursuit, proposed that those who had been too ^%i-3i) faint to help them should have no share in the booty. But David rebuked the proposal as an injustice and an ingrat itude to the God who had graciously given them the vic tory ; henceforth it became the law — that all should share alike.1 Out of the spoil, David sent presents to the neigh boring clans, with a view to securing their friendship. B For in the battle on Gilboa Israel was defeated and The doom Saul took his own life. The Philistines put his armor fulfiUed (3l) in the temple of their goddess, and fastened his headless body to a wall ; but the men of Jabesh, whom Saul had succored on the threshold of his career, with the boldness of gratitude, stole his body from the insolent foe and buried the bones in their own town with mourning. When David heard of it, he invoked a blessing on them, David j . . ^ .. ., blesses the and promised to requite them. men of 1 This law, here conceived as rising out of David's ruling, is characteris- ( judgment. When at last the child died, he arose, with brave resignation, to the surprise of his servants, and went to Jehovah's house and worshipped. In place of the lost child was born to Bathsheba another, even Solomon, the beloved of Jehovah. The siege of the Ammonite capital proceeded amain. 168 the Historians 2 Samuel 14:11 At length it fell before David, and much spoil, including The defeat the crown of the god,1 was taken. David set the inhab- (I2 : 26-31) itants to forced labor,3 and returned to Jerusalem. Like father, like son. The tragedy of David's passion Tamar's repeated itself in Ammon, who, aided by his cunning Tvenged on cousin, violated his half sister Tamar — a folly unworthy Abs2om!>y of an Israelite— and then sent her cruelly away. David, %b?(tbe? though exceedingly angry, was loth to grieve his first-born son 3 by harsh measures. Absalom, however, Tamar's full brother, nursed hopes of vengeance for two long years, and finally, at a sheep-shearing festival to which he had invited all the king's sons, had Ammon slain, to the in tense grief of David ; for thus he lost not only his first born son, but also his darling Absalom, who fled to his royal grandfather,4 whose kingdom lay to the northeast of Israel. Joab, seeing how the king's heart was toward Absa- Absalom lom, and interested in his return for reasons of his own, backhand sent to the king a wise woman of Tekoa with a feigned ^"j^^ tale of the risk of death to which her first-born son was exposed by the clan law of blood-revenge — a tale which moved the king to a solemn oath to save her son from the avengers. Why then— she went on with a compli- 1 The Hebrew consonants for " Milcom," the god of the Ammonites, and "their king," are the same. The weight of the crown makes the former interpretation certain, supported as it is by the LXX. 3 Or less probably " tortured them." 3 So the LXX of v. 21. 4 Cf. 3 : 3- 169 2 Samuel 14 : 13 The Messages of ment to the king's discernment — why then will he not save his son by recalling him from banishment, as Ammon is dead and nothing can bring him back again? The shrewd king rightly suspected that Joab was behind the woman's word ; and, turning to him, he gave him leave to bring Absalom back, which he gratefully did. But Absalom was not suffered to see the king's face for two whole years, when at last, by a bold stroke, he prevailed upon the reluctant Joab to intercede for him. The king then gave his son the kiss of reconciliation. Absalom's By the fitfulness of his dealing, however, David had Davfd's and forfeited the confidence of Absalom, who now began to flight (15) scheme for the throne, winning the people by fair prom ises of better and speedier justice, if he were made king ; and this went on for four ' years, until finally he stole the hearts of the men of Israel. Then, on a religious pretext, he went to David's old capital, Hebron, and from there fomented a conspiracy throughout the whole country, securing for it the willing support of Ahithophel, a coun sellor of David, Bathsheba's grandfather.2 Surprised by the news, David hastened to leave Jerusalem, followed by a devoted band of servants ; his foreign body-guard, who refused David's chivalrous suggestions to leave him, the weeping populace, and the priests. But, bowing before the will of God, he sent back these last with the ark to 1 In v. 7, " four! " for " forty," by a very easy change. 3 Cf. n : 3 and 23 : 34. 170 the Historians 2 Samuel 17 : 24 the city, where their services might be useful. It was a sad procession up Mount Olivet — king and people in tears. Hushai, who joined him, he entreated to go back to the city and confound the counsel of the treacherous Ahitho- phel. This turn of affairs revived the slumbering hopes of Benjamite Saul's clan, and Meribbaal's servant came to David with a David °£ plausible story that his master had cast off his allegiance *l6 : I_,+' to the king. Still more painfully obvious was the clan's hatred of David in the unchivalrous virulence of Shimei, which David would not avenge, but bore in resignation and hope ; for was it not the will of God ? Then Absalom and his supporters went to the capital, Absalom's where he was joined by Hushai, who pretended to see in to"thethro™ the new movement the hand of God. On the sage 'l6 : 15"23' Ahithophel's counsel, Absalom took a step which indi cated his assumption of the throne ; ' and the break was now complete. Ahithophel now recommended immediate pursuit ; but, Ahithopel in accordance with David's desire, Hushai foiled his plan David by a counterproposal which was adopted by the infatuat- j™^ f^\ ed Absalom. Ahithophel, foreseeing the now inevitable failure of Absalom's cause, committed suicide. David and his forces, gaining time, crossed to the east of the Jordan, followed by his rebel son ; and there he received valuable 1 Cf. 3 : 7 and i K. 2 : 22. Thus was the word of Nathan fulfilled (12 : 11, 12). 171 2 Samuel 17 : 27 The Messages of The battle : the death of Absalom (18) David reinstatedin popular favor (19: 1-15) Tokens of loyalty(19 : 16.40) and touching tokens of loyalty from eastern chiefs, one of them an alien. David set his troops in array ; but they would not allow him to risk his own person. In the hard battle which followed, Absalom was routed and thousands fell. In spite of David's strict charge to the three commanders to deal gently with his child, Joab slew him in cold blood, and his death ended the battle. The news of victory was swiftly brought to the expectant David by a priest's son and a negro ; only the latter had the heart to speak of Absalom's doom, whereupon David burst out into uncon trollable grief. For this he was brusquely rebuked by a few plain words from Joab. The reappearance of the king woke in the men of Israel the memory of his old services, and they urged his recall. But David would fain have his own clan of Judah take the first step ; so they came as one man to Gilgal to meet him, led by Amasa, Absalom's late com mander, to whom David promised the command of Joab. David's success appearing to be now assured, Shimei with a large body of Saul's clan speedily tendered a cring ing submission, which David magnanimously accepted on oath. Meribbaal, too, whose allegiance his servant had slanderously challenged, came to renew his assurance of loyalty. The hoary chief, Barzillai, who had aided him when his fortunes were low,1 came, despite his great age, 172 the Historians 2 Samuel 20 : 22 to conduct him, knightly- wise, over the Jordan ; but he refused David's invitation to stay with him at the capital, preferring to die and be buried among his own people. With a parting kiss from the king, Barzillai returned home. Scarce was the struggle ended when strife again broke Strife out between Judah and Israel. Israel, the larger people, Israel and which had spoken the first word of recall, was jealous of f™"1?^ to David's preference for Judah. So rebellion flamed forth2o:3) again, and again it was headed by a man of Saul's tribe, who led Israel ; but Judah clave to the king. Seeing that no time must be lost, and chafing under the The delay of Amasa, David started Abishai in pursuit of the crushed rebels, in the course of which Joab, chancing upon his rival ^20 : 4"22' Amasa, treacherously slew him in cold blood. The pur suit was kept up as far as Abel in the extreme north, which was only saved from the horrors of a siege by the bold counsel of a wise woman, who urged that the head of the chief rebel be thrown over the wall ; and with that the re bellion ended.1 1 For the interesting and instructive interpolation, chs. 21 to 24, cf. p. 141. Besides the poems and lists it contains Two Tales of Calamity : (1) An Ancient Atonement or Saul's Sin avenged on his Sons (21 : 1-14). Jehovah, who avenges all broken vows, had sent a famine upon the land, in chastisement — as the oracle said —for the sin of Saul in seeking to extermi nate the friendly Gibeonites. To turn away Jehovah's wrath, David ac ceded to the demand of the Gibeonites that seven of Saul's sons should be hanged ; for the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children. Thus 173 7 Kings i : i The Messages of A palacein- David was now old and weak, and Adonijah, the heir S«ssionhof apparent,1 supported by Joab and Abiathar, old and de- ?ol£m°? voted servants of the king, the princes all but Solomon, and many of the people,2 seized his opportunity at a sacred feast to lay his plans for the succession. This gave Nathan and Bathsheba the opening which they wanted to scheme for Solomon. With much skill they insinuated that Adonijah could not have gone so far without David's own consent, and that this consent was a violation of his Jehovah was propitiated. Touched by the heroism of Rizpah's love, David united the family in death by burying together the bones of father and sons in the family grave. (2) Pride and Penitence or David's Census and its Results (24). Once more Jehovah was angry ; for David, in his pride, had had a census taken of his people. The proposal had offended even the feeling of Joab, and David must be made to learn that all power is of God. No sooner was the census over than the pestilence fell. Then David's heart smote him; he saw (as in 21 : r, where the famine led him to feel that there was wrong some where) and confessed his sin, praying that it might fall upon himself and not upon his innocent people. So the pestilence was stayed, ere it touched Jerusalem; and on the alien ground, where Jehovah's grace had been mani fested, David raised an altar, and offered a sacrifice of thanksgiving — a sacrifice which cost (This difficult chapter needs some rearrangement ; v. 17, e.g., is clearly out of place. Possibly, too, 10-14 *s a later section.) Between these narratives stand the psalms (1), a triumphant song of grati tude for all God's gracious deliverances (ch. 22=Ps. 18). (2) A last song whose theme is that " the throne which by the grace of God, he had held with justice, would endure for ever, while the wicked would perish '* (23 : 1-7). This psalm is followed by a list : Thirty mighty men had David, three ex ceeding brave, who risked their lives for the king they loved, though he nobly refused a gift that cost so dear and offered it to God (23 : 8-39). 1 Cf. 2 S. 3 : 4. Chileab appears to have died. 2 2 : 15. 174 the Historians 7 Kings 2 : 9 solemn promise to Bathsheba,1 that Solomon would be his successor. Indignant at Adonijah's seeming intrigue, David, with a solemn oath, took steps that very day to have Solomon proclaimed king amid the acclamations of the people, to the great satisfaction of Zadok and Benaiah, the rivals of Abiathar and Joab, and of the foreign body guard. The sounds of jubilation startled Adonijah and his guests ; still more, the news that Solomon was king, and the company dispersed. Adonijah fled for his life to the protection of the altar. Solomon released him with an ambiguous promise and banished him from the court. As David's end drew near, he charged Solomon to keep David's last the commandments of Jehovah as written in the law^ff*^ of Moses, for on that his throne depended: and further to take vengeance on Joab for the blood of Abner and Amasa, to show kindness to the children of Barzillai who came to his aid in dark days, and to take vengeance on Shimei, who in those same days had cursed him.* David 4 A promise unrecorded, if indeed ever given. 2 Many critics regard this whole section as unhistorical, and due to the Deuteronomic redactor, whose design, it is argued, was to remove the odium of these murders from Solomon, the builder of the temple. But con sidering the reverence of later ages for David, this would have been a dear price to pay for the reputation of Solomon. The reference to Barzillai is almost too natural to be invented ; Solomon had no known motive of his own for removing Shimei ; and vengeance on Joab may well have been with David a matter of conscience, as Abner had been David's guest, and Amasa was his nephew, being the son of Abigail, David's sister (2 S. 17 : as and 19: 13)- (Kittel.) 175 7 Kings 2 : io The Messages of died after a reign of forty years, and the kingdom of Solomon his son and successor was strongly established. Solomon re- Soon all obstacles were removed from Solomon's way; enemies.'5 and first Adonijah, who had unwisely asked for the hand ^.Ad°n!jiah of Abishag, a concubine of Solomon's by right of suc cession. Unwisely : for such a petition seemed a bid for the throne. With this pretext Solomon had him put to death. (b) Abiathar Next to suffer were Adonijah's chief supporters : the (2: 26-35) priest Abiathar who was deposed, thus fulfilling the word touching the house of Eli ; 1 and then Joab, who, terrified by the fate of Adonijah and his supporters, fled for his life to the protection of the altar, and there, despite its sanctity, atoned, by a ruthless death, for the innocent blood that he had shed, and so released the royal house from bloodguiltiness. Then Joab and Abiathar were re placed by their rivals. (d) Shimei Solomon also took advantage of a broken vow of (2 • 36-45) Shimei to put him to death for his enmity to David. All the obstacles being thus removed, the kingdom was estab lished in the hands of Solomon. 1 1 S. 2 : 31-36. 176 the Historians Kings IX THE SOURCES AND CHARACTER OF THE BOOKS OF KINGS We have already seen how powerfully the Deutero nomic redaction controlled the presentation of the history in the Books of Kings.1 Besides contributing the general conception of the history, which is implicit in the criticisms of the various kings, it also determines the formula which opens and closes the story of each reign. Typical of the treatment of the kings of Judah is 2 Kings 15:1,2: In the twenty and seventh year of Jeroboam king of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah king of Judah to reign. Sixteen years old was he when he began to reign ; and he reigned two and fifty years in Jerusalem ; and his mother's name was Jecoliah of Jerusalem ; with the con clusion (vv. 6, 7) : Now the rest of the acts of Azariah and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah f And Azariah slept with his fathers ; and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David : and Jonathan his son reigned in his stead? Typical of the treatment of the kings of Israel is 1 Kings 16 : 29 : In the thirty and eighth year 1 Cf. pp. 95-97. 2 These formuhe, as they are of regular occurrence, are omitted in the paraphrase. 177 Kings The Messages of of Asa king of Judah began Ahab the son of Omri to reign over Israel ; and Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria twenty and two years, with a conclusion similar to that above, only containing more historical fact or suggestion (22 : 39, 40). It is not without interest and significance that there is usually more elaboration in con nection with the formulae for the kings of Judah than Israel, the mother's name, for example, being added. The sources. What are the sources on which the redactor set to work ? Three are expressly mentioned : the book of the acts of Solomon (1 K. 1 1 : 41), the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel, and the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah. The nature of the book of the acts of Solomon, which we are capable of inferring from the contents of the section 1 Kings 3 to 11, makes it improb able that these other books were annals : more likely they were themselves finished histories. Doubtless, however, they rest in many cases upon original documents ; the lists of officials suggest as much : and though, considering the revolutionary nature of the history of the northern kingdom, anything like continuity in court annals is ex tremely improbable, there must have been, for some pe riods at least, official documents which might well form the basis of later historical work. Prophetic But to be more explicit. After deducting from the books biographies. aj[ ^g notiCes that may have been taken from such doc uments, together with the redactional elements, there are, 178 the Historians Kings besides the long section on Solomon, narratives varying in length, which look as if they might be fragments of biography, for example, the story of Jeroboam I. or Jehu, though in most of these fragments, and particularly in the longer of them, the interest is chiefly centred on prophets. Such is the section dealing with Hezekiah (2 K. 18 to 20) in which the prophet Isaiah gathers about him more inter est than the king ; and especially such is the long and not quite uninterrupted section (1 K. 17 to 2 K. 8) which glorifies the deeds of Elijah and Elisha. Kings appear in those sections, but largely as a foil to the grandeur of the prophets. The nature of these sections leads to the belief that there were lives of the prophets, written doubtless by members of the prophetic guilds, at the disposal of the editors of our book of kings, or even of the writers of the history that lies behind it. From the numerous references to the temple and the Was there a copious detail with which certain temple incidents are dis- history? cussed, it has been inferred that there was also a temple history. The inference, however, is precarious. Such a statement as that laymen were more faithful with the tem ple money than the priests,1 hardly looks as if it was taken from such a source. Nor is it probable that the story of the creation of Ahaz's new altar on the model of the altar which he had seen at Damascus, would have been re corded in such a source without protest. 1 2 K. 12 : 1-16. 179 omon. Kings The Messages of The compos- Even the story of Solomon which, as we have seen, con- sto^of1 Sol- stituted a section by itself and probably contains some orig inal documents, is not all of a piece and contains elements of varying historical value. Side by side with stories — which may well be old — like that of Solomon's famous decision 'in the dispute between the two women, are others of a more romantic sort, which on the face of them must be much later than the times of which they tell. " There came no more," we are told, " such abundance of spices as these which the Queen of Sheba gave to King Solo mon."1 Clearly the age of Solomon lies in the not very recent past. It is looked at with generous eyes, eyes which grow more generous as the age recedes. For " silver," it is said, " was nothing accounted of in the days of Solo mon ; " 2 although that statement, with the statement of his enormous revenue,3 is not easy to reconcile with his loan from Hiram.'1 The later tendency to glorify the monarch is seen, too, in the contrast between the early statement in 5:13 that he " raised a levy out of all Israel,'' with the later statement that the levy was raised from the older inhabitants of the land, and not from the children of Israel (9 : 20-22), though the earlier statement, in itself so probable, is corroborated by Rehoboam's own admis sion of the severity of his father's policy (12 : 11, cf. 4) and by the valuable hint in 1 1 : 28 that Jeroboam was in charge of the work done by the house of Joseph — an office 1 10: 10. 3 10 : 21. 3*io : 14. * 9 : 14. 180 the Historians Kings which gave him his opportunity to strike out for himself. Enough has been said to suggest that even the original sources from which our present book drew, were them selves already composite. That being so, the presence of repetitions, duplicates, and Repetitions, contradictions need not surprise us. Some of these phe- and contra- nomena are due, of course, to the elements contributed by dlct,ons- the redactors, and to still later additions. We are twice told that Rehoboam's mother was Naamah,1 twice that there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam," and between Asa and Baasha all their days,3 and twice of the composition of Jeroboam's priesthood.4 Again, while the older source frankly speaks of the war between Jeroboam and Rehoboam,6 the later version so far idealizes the situa tion as to represent Judah as withdrawing without a battle, at the instance of the prophetic word.6 In 2 Kings 17, the annexing of the third attempt to philosophize on the fall of Samaria, to account for the rise and progress of the Samaritan cult, has led to serious confusion, and to appar ent, though only apparent, contradictions.' The most famous duplicate occurs in the story of the peril of Jeru salem from the Assyrians in the time of Hezekiah, where 18: 13 to 19: 8 is a parallel to 19: 9-37, even the latter 1 1 K. 14 : 21, 31. » 14 : 30 and 15 : 6. 3 15 : 16, 32. *i2: 31 and 13 : 33. 6i4: 30. ° 12 : 21-24. T In v. 33 tkey, i.e., the colonists, feared Jehovah. In 341* they, i.e., Is- rael (= Samaria), fear not Jehovah. l8l Kings The Messages of version itself, however, being clearly composite.1 Two versions also underlie the story of the revolution inaugu rated by Jehoiada (2 K. 11), one of a secular, the other of a more religious, nature. The later The earliest Hebrew historians, the Jehovist, and the the'fess3 are Elohist, cared more, as we have seen, for idea than fact. historical, -j-j^s tendency grew, and was exaggerated in later times into a positive indifference to fact. The more romantic or improbable a narrative may seem, the more should we feel sure that the narrator is not appearing before us in the role of historian, but is amplifying and adapting a tale, which very likely has some historical kernel, to express some great idea. We have not disposed of his story fairly until we have grasped the idea which that story is a strange effort to embody. Outside of the Book of Chronicles, the classic illustration of that attitude is 1 Kings 13. The theme was an attractive one — indeed in one sense it is the theme of the Deuteronomist — the sin and doom of Jero boam. To one who looks for history, the chapter presents a fair accumulation of surprises. There is an unparalleled instance of predictive prophecy — Josiah is foretold byname three centuries before he appears (v. 2) ; the details are remarkably definite (v. 2) and are fulfilled to the letter (2 K. 23 : 20) ; the sign is a strange one (v. 3), only less strange than the immediate withering of the rebellious hand, and its immediate restoration on the prophet's prayer 1 These two passages are referred by some to different campaigns. 182 the Historians Kings (v. 4) ; the morality of the " old prophet," whose revela tion is attributed to an angel, is more than questionable ; the picture of the lion, the ass, and the dead prophet is, to say the least, improbable. It is not without significance that the man of God, whose message and doom are thus strangely told, is anonymous. But what makes it abso lutely certain, if these considerations were not enough, that the chapter is late — it is probably very late — is the anach ronism of 13 : 32, where the " cities of Samaria " are ex plicitly mentioned, though Samaria itself is said not to have been built until at least half a century after (16 : 24) ; and further, such a reference to the cities of Samaria implies that Samaria is a province, as it was not till after the exile. Historically this chapter can have little worth. Neverthe less it is the partly harsh, partly romantic embodiment of great ideas, such as that God's word is immutable and that his commands must be uncompromisingly obeyed. A very similar spirit has been at work on chapter 20 of the same book where there is another anonymous prophet (v. 35), and another lion scene (v. 36). With these facts go numbers suspiciously high ; for example, 100,000 Ara- means are slain (v. 29), very unlike Israel's army of 7,000 in the older story (v. 1 5) ; and what kind of wall could it be that fell upon 27,000 men (v. 30) ? But the moral of the story is not unlike the last, that disobedience to the word of God means death. That is the truth that gleams through the harsh and improbable setting. 183 Kings The Messages of The relig- The thoroughness of the redaction has deprived the book cancel? the —with the exception of the Elijah and Elisha sections which book' were but little affected by it — of that quaint picturesque- ness which is one of the many charms of the Hexateuchal narrative. Still there are scenes of great religious interest and power — notably perhaps that of the council of the host of heaven sitting round about Jehovah on his right hand and on his left.1 The history covered by the books is a large contribution to the divine purpose, that purpose which works itself out, though a king disguise himself on the battle-field to escape it,2 and though another king " shed innocent blood very much." 3 From the human stand point, the history of the monarchy had been an almost unbroken tragedy ; from the brilliant promise of David's reign to that dark day — followed by days darker still — when Israel's hopes lay shattered on the field of Megiddo. First the northern kingdom, then the southern, plunged through disobedience into exile and sorrow — one never to emerge again. But the work of the other was not yet done. In the purpose of God she had yet much to learn and much to teach. Out of the exile he delivered the people to ful fil their destiny, as once he had delivered the holy city itself from Assyrian menace and assault. Thus in a very deep sense were fulfilled the brave words of Isaiah : " The remnant that is escaped out of the house of Judah shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward. For 1 i K. 22 : 19-23. 3 1 K. 22 : 30, 34. 3 2 K. 21 : 16. 184 the Historians i Kings 3 : 28 out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and out of mount Zion they that shall escape : the zeal of Jehovah shall perform this." ' THE REIGN OF SOLOMON (l K. 3 tO II) 1. His Wisdom and his Kingdom (3 and 4) Solomon loved Jehovah ; only he worshipped him upon the Solomon's high places, as the temple at Jerusalem was not yet built? (^f^is) On one of those places of worship, named Gibeon, Solo mon was visited by Jehovah in a dream ; and on the thresh old of his royal duties, he humbly besought him — not in deed for riches or long life or victory — but for wisdom and insight touching all matters which fell to him to judge. Jehovah heard and answered his wise prayer, and gave him, besides riches and honor, length of days for which he had not asked. Then he offered sacrifice in Jerusalem. That Solomon won from Jehovah the wisdom for which His judicial he prayed was manifest to all in the skill with which he ™3 : ^"gj decided the case of the two women who contended for the living child. Solomon's kingdom was highly organized. Each de- 1 2 K. 19 : 30, 31. 9 The standard and small italics represent the earlier and later redactions respectively. Cf. pp. 96, 97. 185 i Kings 4 : i The Messages of Organiza- partment had its own presiding officer, the priest coming khTgdomS immediately after the king. The country was divided into <4 : 1"28' twelve districts — not the old tribal districts — over each of which an officer was appointed, charged with the duty of catering during one month each year for the king's luxu rious table. The kingdom was populous and prosperous, extending from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates. His wisdom, Solomon's wisdom exceeded that of the astrologers and and'songs magicians of the east, and won him universal renown. <4 = 29-34) He was also the author of numerous songs and proverbs, that made mention of all sorts of plants and animals. 2. Solomon's Buildings (1 K. 5 to 9) Preparations Hiram, king of Tyre, who had been friendly to David, ("and'g -"if- sent his congratulations to the new king of Israel, and Sol- I4* omon seized this opportunity to make arrangements with him for the preparation of the temple which he contem plated building in accordance with the word of Jehovah to his father ; for there were great timber forests in Leb anon, and Hiram's subjects had exceptional skill in work ing wood. In return, Solomon furnished Hiram with compensation for their services, and a treaty was con cluded. For a subsequent grant of money, Solomon ceded Hiram twenty cities in Galilee. To prosecute the work, Solomon raised from among his people an enor mous levy which worked one month and rested two. The laying of the foundation of the temple in the fourth 186 the Historians i Kings 7:51 year of Solomon's reign — it took seven years to build — Foundation marked anew epoch in the history of Israel. temDle The temple had a porch in front and three stories of (° : *. 37, 38) rooms built round about the wall on three sides. Within Description the temple, at the back, was the oracle, or holy of holies, temple whose walls were overlaid with gold — half the length of the ' : 2"3 ' temple proper, and separated from it by a wall. In front of the oracle was the cedar altar, overlaid with gold, on which stood the shew bread ; and within, two cherubs, overlaid with gold, with outstretched wings, to guard the sanctuary. There, too, was the ark of the covenant of Je hovah. The door of the oracle and the posts of the tem ple door were richly carved and overlaid with gold ; and a wall ran round the inner court. The vessels of the temple were skilfully designed by the The temple son of a famous Tyrian artist in metal. Among them were i"^/ ' the two bronze pillars with ornamented capitals — sym bols of Jehovah's might — that stood near by the entrance to the temple porch ' ; further a sea of bronze supported by twelve bronze oxen ; ten Iavers of brass resting on bases ornamented with figures of animals and running on wheels ; also pots, and shovels, and basins all of bronze. Divers gold utensils also there were, the altar (of incense) and many others ; and Solomon put the gifts that David had dedicated among the treasures of the temple. 1 The indispensable notice of the bronze altar must once have stood here (between w. 22 and 23). Cf. 2 Chr. 4:1. It is presupposed in 8 : 22, 64 and 9:25. I87 i Kings 8 : i The Messages of The ark brought to the temple <8 : i-ii) Words of dedication (8 : 12, 13) Then Solomon, accompanied by the chiefs of the people, brought up the ark, which contained nothing but the two tables oj stone, from Zion to the temple, and with the sacri fice of numberless cattle, the priests set it in the oracle. Straightway the place was filled with the cloud of Jeho vah's glory.1 Then with these words — preserved in the Book of the Brave '— Solomon dedicated the temple : The sun hath Jehovah set in the heavens, He himself hath determined to dwell in the darkness. And so I have built thee an house to dwell in, Even a place to abide in for ever and ever. The prayer The people stood to receive Solomon's blessing, and he (8 :%'-l53)0n offered the prayer oj dedication. " Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel, who hath chosen Jerusalem for his habitation, and hath fulfilled this day his promise to David that his son would build him an house." 3 May the faithful Jehovah further fulfil his promise by continuing for evermore the dynasty of David ! Hearken, O thou that dwellest in heaven, unto the prayers that thy servant and thy people may direct tow ards this place ; and when thou hearest, forgive. When a curse is pronounced upon the transgressor ; when the people are smitten in battle for their sins ; when for their sin the thirsty land withereth ; when any evil 1 Cf. Ex. 33 : 9 (E). 3 By a very probable emendation, based upon the LXX. a 2 S. 7. the Historians i Kings 9 : 9 of whatsoever kind befall : hear thou in heaven when they cry in penitence to thee — they, or the strangers, who, won by the story of thy might, will come to worship thee, the God of the whole earth — and when thou hearest, forgive. Should thy people be carried into exile, and there they with confession turn unto thee with all their heart, and pray toward this city and house of thine, graciously grant that their enemies take pity upon them ; for they are thine own people, the people of thine ancient choice. Then Solomon blessed the people, entreating the God The royal who had faithfully kept his ancient promise, to be with ^di'"8 them as he had been with the fathers, inclining their hearts to walk in his ways, and maintaining their cause, that all the world might know that Israel's God is the only God. After this prayer, he offered a sacrifice to Jehovah ; and The conciu- so many were the animals that they had to be offered in dedication the middle of the temple court, which was specially con- f".™0^ secrated thereto. Then all the people throughout the length of the land celebrated the harvest festival for seven days, and on the eighth the king sent the people to their homes with hearts touched to gladness by their Gods goodness to them and to the throne. When all was finished, Jehovah again appeared to Solomon , pledg- The shadow ing himself to maintain both temple and dynasty for ever. But ^^/g'™0" \ should the people, in forgetfulness of his ancient grace, turn from him to the worship of other gods, he would make them a byword, and the temple a heap of ruins. 189 i Kings 7 : i The Messages of The palace The royal palace, which took thirteen years to build, was (7 . 1-12) constructed as follows : First there was the house of the forest of Lebanon, so called from the three rows of cedar pillars, fifteen in a row, with chambers built above. Next to it came a porch of pillars (where petitioners might wait for audience), and next to that the porch of the throne where the king pronounced judgment. Then came the palace proper with an adjoining palace for Pharaoh's daughter — all built of large finely hewn stone, and a wall ran round the palace court. Fortifica- Solomon fortified Jerusalem and other strategic points trade to: over tne country by impressing foreign labor, and with the io, 15, 18-28) assistance of Hiram and his Tyrian sailors he built a navy which carried on a rich trade with distant lands. Three times a year did Solomon offer sacrifice (9 : 25). Solomon's He married an Egyptian princess, who received as her Phlraoh's'0 dowry the Canaanite city of Gezer which had been seized daughter by ner father. (3 : 1 and J 9 : l6> "7) 3. Solomon's Glory and Decline (1 K. 10 and 11) Visit of the Solomon's wealth and wisdom are strikingly illustrated Sheba °io: by the impression they made on the Arabian queen, whom I-X3* the king's fame attracted all the way from her distant home. Besides the costly presents of the queen, lavishly reciprocated by Solomon, other precious products were brought to the country by Solomon's fleet. He had an enormous revenue in gold, not to speak of 190 the Historians i Kings 11:43 taxes and tribute. Shields of gold, too, he had, and a Solomon's gorgeous ivory throne, and vessels all of gold, brought ?4c_2g) from afar by his ships. He exceeded all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom, and far-off peoples brought him presents? With northern Syria2 he had also a great trade in war-horses. He had foreign wives exceeding many, who turned Solomon's away his heart to the worship of their gods. The re-™!JJJ jected Jehovah therefore determined to rend his king dom, and leave him with but one tribe. The punishment fell in the shape of revolt against his Revolt of authority. First Edom,3 which had been won by David, Aramfi": asserted her independence. Damascus also revolted un- 14"25) der the energetic freebooter Rezon. Finally, Jeroboam, whom Solomon had appointed over- Rebellion of seer of the forced labor of the house of Joseph in connec- deatb°ofm ' tion with the fortification of the capital, seized the occa- (i°i?™|.°g sion, instigated by a prophet, to fortify his own city,4 and 4°-43) revolt against the king. To escape the royal vengeance, he fled to Egypt, where he remained till the death of the king, who died after a reign of forty years and was suc ceeded by his son Rehoboam. 1 Suggesting thoughts of the Messianic king. 2 This seems more probable than the translation "Egypt." 8 Perhaps supported by her neighbor Midian (cf. v. 18). « So some MSS. of the LXX. 191 i Kings 12:1 The Messages of XI Jeroboam'sreturn (12: 1, 2; 11 : 29-39) Division of the king dom. Jero boam king of Israel (12 : 3-25) HISTORY OF THE MONARCHY TO THE FALL OF THE NORTHERN KINGDOM (i K. 12 to 2 K. 1 7) 1. Jeroboam I. King of Israel (i K. 12 : i to 14 : 20), 937-91S B.C. Then Jeroboam returned from Egypt in the hope of seizing the crown. On the way to Shechem, whither he had summoned all the people, a prophet met him ' and announced that for the apostasy of the people, Solomon's kingdom would be rent, and that far the larger share would fall to Jeroboam himself — all but one tribe with the chosen city Jerusalem, which would still be governed by the dynasty of David, because of Jehovah's love for him. To Jeroboam, too, was given the promise of a house as sure as David's, if he but obeyed Jehovah . The people would pledge their allegiance to Rehoboam, only on condition that he would treat them better than his father had done. Adopting, however, the foolish counsel of his youthful courtiers, he replied with deliberate inso lence which, by the ordinance of God, provoked Israel to rebellion against the house of David, and Jeroboam was proclaimed king of Israel. In the struggle that followed, 1 Several considerations, derived from the LXX texts, suggest that this is the best arrangement, as it has also high historical probability. 192 the Historians i Kings 1 3 : 34 Judah and Benjamin yielded to the word of Jehovah and with drew.1 Jeroboam, now master of the northern kingdom, fortified Shechem in the heart of the country and Penuel across the Jordan. Fearing that the splendor of the temple at Jerusalem Jeroboam's might revive in the hearts of the people their allegiance to (12: 26-32) the Davidic dynasty, Jeroboam set up two golden calves, symbols of Jehovah, in Bethel and Dan, and sacrificed to them. Thus did he make Israel to sin. He also estab lished worship on the high places, and appointed priests who were not Levites. At the harvest festival in the royal sanctuary at Bethel a man of Its doom God out of Judah foretold to Jeroboam as he was about to sacri- ^""prophet fice on the iniquitous altar, that a day of vengeance was coming. a (12 : 33 to A child named Josiah would be born who would sacrifice upon1^34' the altar the idolatrous priests. In proof whereof the prophet of fered a marvellous sign, which came to pass. Now Jehovah had charged the man of God to return by another way to Judah, nei ther eating nor drinking on the soil of the northern kingdom. But an old prophet tempted him with a lie, and he yielded. Then the prophet was inspired to proclaim the doom of his disobedi ence — for the divine word is unchangeable — and in a most won drous way the doom was fulfilled. Likewise was the prophet's word of doom, pronounced upon the altar of Bethel, destined to be unchangeable, and in the doom of Bethel was involved Jero boam and his house. 1 21-24 is post-exilic. Benjamin here acts with Judah — which contradicts the older source in v. 20. The whole section contradicts the express state ment in 14 : 30. * For this chapter, see pp. 182, 183. 193 i Kings 14:1 The Messages of Doom of _ Now Jeroboam's son fell sick ; and he sent his wife houWandof in disguise with a present to consult the prophet. Heavy kin domhem — sa'c' tne Pr0Pnet' recognizing her, for he had been (14 : 1-20) divinely forewarned — heavy were the tidings he had for her. The idolatrous apostasy of her husband Jeroboam would not go unpunished. Evil would come upon his house, and every man of it would be ignominiously cut off by a king yet to come, all but her innocent child, who would soon die and be buried in peace. The people would be swept away into exile for the idolatry into which Jeroboam had led them. And the child died, as the prophet had said. ' 2. Rehoboam, King of Judah (1 K. 14 : 21-31), 937-920 B. C. Rehoboam, Rehoboam reigned over Judah in Jerusalem, the chosen judah {14 : city of Jehovah. Judah, too, provoked Jehovah in that 21-31) the people practised all sorts of heathenish worship, even the most immoral. During his reign, the king of Egypt invaded Jerusalem, and carried away all the temple and palace treasures, together with the royal shields. 1 One very important LXX text (B) sets this story after Jeroboam's return from Egypt, but before he becomes king. The denunciation of the LXX text is much briefer than the Hebrew, lacking — significantly enough — the Deuteronomic comment on Jeroboam and the fate of Israel. 194 the Historians i Kings 15 : 26 3. Abijah, King of Judah (1 K. 15 : 1-8), 920-917 B. C. Rehoboam was succeeded by his son, Abijah,1 who, Abijah, unlike David the good, followed in his father's evil^™^^. ways ; nevertheless, for David's sake? the dynasty was I_8) not destroyed. 4. Asa, King of Judah (1 K. 15 : 9-24), 917-876 B. C. Abijah was succeeded by his son Asa, who was a good Asa, king king. For he abolished the immoral worship of Jehoyah, his war with and deposed the queen mother for her idolatry, but he did1?™*) (l5 : not remove the high places. Throughout his whole reign, Israel and Judah were at war. Baasha, king of Israel, began to fortify Ramah, in order to hold Jerusalem in check. In alarm, Asa, by means of the temple treasures, bought the friendship of Ben-hadad of Damascus, who was in league with Baasha, and Ben-hadad drew off Baasha by attacking northern Israel. Then Asa engaged all his people in the dismantling of Ramah, and the for tifying of two border towns. 5. Nadab, King of Israel (1 K. 15 : 25-32), 915-913 B. C. In Israel, Jeroboam was succeeded by his son Nadab, Nadab, who walked in his father's evil way. In a military rev- raef(iS :s" 25-32) 1 So in LXX and 2 Chr. 13 : 1. The change to Abijam might be either accidental or intentional, to avoid the association of the divine name (Jah) with such a king. 3 n : 36. 195 i Kings 1 5 : 27 The Messages of olution, he and all his house were murdered by Baasha, and thus the prophetic word was fulfilled? 6. Baasha, King of Israel (1 K. 15 : 33 to 16 :J), 913-889 B. C. Baasha, But Baasha, too, walked in the evil way of Jeroboam ; raef (15 ?%¦$ and as his sin was like Jeroboam's, so, too, was destined to 16 : 7) to oe njs doom — so a prophet announced. 7. Elah, King of Israel (1 K. 16 : 8-14), 889-887 B. C. Elah, king Nor was the doom long in coming ; for in another revo ke ?™4> lution, Baasha's son and successor Elah, with all his house, was murdered by Zimri, a captain in the army, and thus the prophetic word was fulfilled. 8. Zimri, King of Israel (1 K. 16 : 15-20), 887 B. C. zimri, king On this news, Omri, the commander-in-chief, was pro- "16 f?s%o) claimed king by the army, which then besieged the royal capital, Tirzah. Whereupon Zimri, who had reigned but seven days, burnt the palace over his own head, and so met his death, because he had walked in the way of Jeroboam. 9. Omri, King of Israel (1 K. 16 : 21-28), 887-875 B. C. Omri, king At first, Omri's authority was disputed, but the death of (16 fif'ao) his rival, and his rival's brother,2 left him unchallenged. 1 14 : 10. * " Tibni died and Joram his brother at that time." So LXX. 196 the Historians i Kings 16 : 34 The finely situated Samaria he fortified and made his capital. But he, too, even more than his predecessors, walked in the way of Jeroboam. 10. Ahab, King of Israel (1 K. 16 : 29 to 22 : 40), 875-853 B. C. Still worse was his son and successor Ahab ; for he Ahab and married Jezebel, the daughter of the Phoenician king, and ship (16 : adopted thereby the worship of the Phoenician Baal, thus 29"34> provoking Jehovah to anger. The curse invoked by Joshua on the man who would fortify Jericho, fell upon Achiel.1 1 Josh. 6 : 26. Achiel is his name in the LXX. " Fortify" rather than "build," as the city of Jericho is more than once mentioned as existing in the period between Joshua and Ahab. Cf . Jud. 3 : 13, 2 S. 10 : 5. 197 i Kings 17 : i The Messages of 11. The Stories Regarding Elijah and Elisha. Chapter 17 of the first Book of Kings ushers us into a new world. From kings we pass to prophets, and the formal notices of chapter 16 yield at once to a narra tive of exceptionally graphic interest and power, which the hand of the redactor has scarcely touched. The existence of an altar of Jehovah on Carmel,1 of many altars throughout the land,2 and the advice given by Eli sha 3 in express contradiction of Deuteronomy,4 show that this group of narratives, which was written in the northern kingdom,5 precedes Deuteronomy. The only important redactional touch is in 1 Kings 18 : 31, 32,* where the re pairing of an old altar is represented as the erection of a new and special one, typical of the unity of Israel. A comparison of the Elijah group with chapters 20 and 22 : 1-38, as well as the general impression made by the narrative, suggest that the figure of Elijah has been some what idealized. There the prophet is Micah, the son of Imlah ; Elijah is not even mentioned, though Jehosha phat twice asks if there is a prophet of Jehovah.0 Ahab appears there, too, in a more favorable light. The tend ency to idealize is still more clearly seen in the later fig ure Elisha. His miracles are more numerous and more 1 1 K. 18 : 30. 'J 19 : 10. a 2 K. 3 : 19. * 20 : 19. 6 Cf. 1 K. 19 : 3 Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah. 8 1 K. 22 : 7 and 2 K. 3 : 11. 198 the Historians Elijah strange.1 His dignity must be recognized.5 He is all but inaccessible.3 Repeatedly obeisance is done him.4 He has even a sort of omniscience.5 Yet withal he is not near ly so impressive a figure as Elijah ; contrast his words before Joram • with those of Elijah before Ahab.' His miracles are in great part but shadows of Elijah's. We clearly do not possess the stories in their original entirety. The Elisha group is more loosely connected than the Elijah group, and even in the latter there are obvious omissions. There must have originally been something, for example, to explain the scene of the first episode,8 and above all to justify the doom pronounced on Ahab," though the sequel makes it clear that it was the penalty for Baal worship.10 Elijah is one of the Titans of literature, as he is of re ligion. His appearances and disappearances are swift as lightning ; his words are words of thunder. Splendidly dramatic are the scenes where Elijah and Ahab meet — the champion of single-heartedness and the champion of com promise. The grim and fearless " man with his terrible 1 Cf. especially 2 K. 13 : 20, 21. M 2 K. 5 : 8. 3 4 : 11-15. • 2 : 15 and 4 : 15, 37. " 5 : 26. • 3 : 14. 7 1 K. 17 : 1. 8 Cf. 17 : 3 (hence). 8 17 : 1. It is implied, no doubt in 16 : 31-33 ; but that is not part of the Elijah group of stories, nor do the words of the doom allude to that. 10 For the rain comes when the Baal prophets are slain, 18 : 40, 41. 11 He is afraid once. (1 K. 19 : 3. R. V. margin.) The Hebrew consonants for " he was afraid," which is the reading of the LXX, were pointed by the Massoretes to mean "he saw." 199 Elijah The Messages of word, strong in the might of Jehovah . his God, as his name implies, can face a king who hates him and has out lawed him, crowds that are hostile to him, and can even mock the god who is being worshipped with a passion of frenzy, when failure to made good his taunts meant all but certain death. He came at a time when Israel's re ligion was imperilled from the side of the cruel and licen tious religion of Phoenicia, through the marriage of Israel's king with the princess of Tyre ; and he carried that relig ion triumphantly over a crisis which, but for him, under God, might have spelt ruin for all that Israel was meant to stand for in the world. Then, too, as always, idolatry meant immorality. Elijah's denunciation of the covetous Ahab for the murder of Naboth is as significant if not as epoch-making in the history of religion, as was his ironi cal assault on the Baal. The religion which he cham pioned was instinct with morality. When we look at the stern man, and at his noble and abiding work, we cannot wonder that partly by his personality and partly by his unique place among the prophets, he dominated the He brew imagination for centuries. In dark days, when hearts were breaking, and good men had begun to despair of the justice and the love of God, and there was no more any great prophet in the land, it was to the coming again of this mighty one that they looked to reunite the families whom sin and ambition had divided.1 And when at last i Mal. 4 : 5, 6. 2O0 the Historians i Kings 18:8 the great Prophet appeared who should come into the world, the honest and untutored instinct of the common people recognized in him the majesty and power of Eli jah.1 12. Tales of Elijah (i K. 17 to 2 K. 1) Suddenly Elijah of Gilead appears before Ahab and an- Elijah pro nounces a coming drought and famine, in chastisement for dro'ught the Baal worship. As swiftly he disappears. to : "> Now an outlaw, he is swept by the divine impulse Elijah at the within him to the torrent Cherith, and there he is miracu- (I7"2'.6) lously sustained by ravens until the torrent dried. Then the same impulse swept him to Zarephath in At Zare- Phoenicia, the land of the Baal worshippers, one of whom, £.2*j 7 " a poor widow woman, in simple obedience to his word, was miraculously enabled to sustain herself, her son, and him in the sore famine. Again her son, who had fallen sick and died,2 was miraculously raised from the dead in answer to the prophet's prayer. Thus the woman learned that the God of Israel is a God whose word, spoken through his prophet, is sure. In the third year of the drought Elijah was divinely Elijah ap- impelled to appear before Ahab witb the promise of rain. beforeAhab On the way, he suddenly confronted Obadiah, a devout I18 : 1_2o) officer in Ahab's household ; but, so strangely was Elijah 1 Mt. 16 : 14. 3 This is not said in so many words. Indeed, v. 17 almost appears to avoid saying so. But the whole story, especially w. 21, 22, implies it. 201 i Kings 1 8 : io The Messages of wont to vanish — swept away by the spirit of Jehovah ¦ — that Obadiah, fearing for his own life, was loath at first to announce his presence to Ahab. But that very day, Eli jah fearlessly faced the angry king, denounced his support of the Baal worship, and proposed to put the power of the contending gods, Jehovah and Baal, to a searching test. Ahab accepted the challenge. The triumph Baal, however, could do nothing, not even when long overBaaTon and wildly supplicated by his prophets, nor yet when stung (i!™2i-4o) by ^e reproachful irony of Elijah. Then, in answer to the lonely prophet's solemn prayer to Israel's God, fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifice. Thus Jehovah triumphed over Baal, and his triumph was acknowledged by the prostrate people in the twice repeated words : " Jehovah is the God." By the command of the stern Elijah, the Baal prophets were slain. The rain The penalty had now been paid, and instantly was heard 4i-46)l8: tne tremulous prophecy of rain. Elijah bade Ahab de part with all haste, lest it should overtake him. Speedily the sky grew black. The rain fell in torrents ; and in wild ecstatic mood, Elijah ran before the royal chariot across the plain of Jezreel. Elijah's Threatened by Jezebel with instant vengeance for the quickened slaughter of the prophets of Baal, Elijah fled beyond the (i ^m8) confines of Israel to the southernmost sanctuary of Judah, whence, weary of his life, yet strengthened by an angel, i Cf. Acts 8 : 39. 202 the Historians i Kings 21 : 16 he went on pilgrimage to meet his God in distant Horeb, Jehovah's ancient home, scene of the ancient covenant, now broken by the people. There to the despondent man Jehovah revealed his quiet majesty, heralded indeed by storm, earthquake, and fire, but other and greater though gentler than they.1 Thus cheered and strengthened, he was divinely charged to inaugurate the doom of the idol aters, by anointing the two kings — one over Aram, and one over Israel — through whom that doom would be wrought. Jehovah's cause, he was divinely assured, would survive. It was not so desperate as he had deemed ; there were others besides himself who had not bowed the knee to Baal. So" Elijah cast his own prophetic mantle upon Elisha, The call of whom he found ploughing, and Elisha arose and followed 19-21) him and became his servant. Now the king who had supported the Baal worship was Elijah's also covetous and unjust. Nursing sullen wrath because shipmoPf'jSs- Naboth refused to surrender to him his ancestral vineyard tlce *¦"' in Jezreel, he at last gained his end through a cruel murder 1 The sequel, especially v. 17, shows that this passage is not intended as a rebuke of Elijah's violence. It is a contribution to the spirituality rather than the gentleness of the divine nature. 3 Apparently there originally stood before v. 19, the account of Elijah's anointing of Hazael and Jehu. " Thence " will then mean " from some spot in northern Israel," which would in no case be very far from Elisha's home in Galilee. The account would then be omitted by the redactor, because in the later narratives it is Elisha who plays the chief part. In 2 K. 8 : 7 it is he who promises the kingdom to Hazael, and in ch 9, it is a disciple of his, inspired by him, who is responsible for the revolution of Jehu. 203 i Kings 21:17 The Messages of planned by his wily queen. Swiftly Elijah appeared be fore him, and in the name of the righteous Jehovah an nounced his doom, and that of Jezebel, and of all his pos terity — ruin as the ruin of Jeroboam and Baasha; for with unprecedented wickedness he had followed all the idolatry of the Amorites, seduced thereto by Jezebel. 13. The Wars and Death of Ahab (1 K. 20 and 22 : 1-40) Ahab's war Benhadad, the king of Aram, demanded from his vassal wiAAram Ahab (who was purposing to throw off the yoke) substan- 1*°) tial proof of his homage ; and not content with this, he went on to demand the surrender of his capital Samaria. ' Ahab refused, and replied to his insolence with a proverb which provoked Benhadad to attack. A prophet assured Ahab of the victory, and with about seven thousand men he inflicted a crushing defeat upon the careless and confident Benhadad. The prophet warned him to prepare for another assault in the coming year. The assault came. Fancying that Jehovah was but a god of the hills, who could not help his people in the plains, the Arameans mustered in the plain of Jezreel, and a man of God again foretold the victory of Ahab, whereby Jehovah would dispel the illusion of the Ara means. Again the Arameans sustained a phenomenal de- 1 This seems to be the general sense of this obscure passage. The sec ond demand, which Ahab refuses, is, in our present text, practically a rep etition of, not an advance upon, the first which he concedes. The LXX punctuates v. 7 so as to suggest that the first demand was for his property, and the second for his family ; but this is not in agreement with vv. 4, 5. 204 the Historians i Kings 22 : 28 feat, and Benhadad had to hide. But Ahab mercifully spared him, and a treaty was concluded which gave Ahab the right to the cities which Omri had lost to Aram, and the right of trading in the Aramean capital, Damascus. In an acted parable, which illustrated the truth that disobedience to the divine word meant death, a prophet foretold his doom for frustrating Jehovah's purpose by letting Benhadad go. Peace lasted for three years. Then Ahab 1 called upon Ahab and his vassal, Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, to help him in an pha°,s before attack on Ramoth in Gilead, which was still in the hands rJ^JJJ8 of Aram. First, however, he consulted the assembled consult the Srophets : t - - ¦ . licah's unanimous assurance of success roused Jehoshaphat's (l2: ^.2s) suspicions, he sent for the sincere and stern Micah, who only spoke as Jehovah bade. At first he, too, gave an ironical * assurance of success ; but when put upon his oath he spoke out the melancholy truth revealed to him in vision : how that as Jehovah sat upon his throne in heaven, in council with his assembled servants, one spirit had offered to deceive the prophets of Ahab, and so lure him to his doom. For this bold, unwelcome message, Micah was rewarded with a prison ; but he challenged the coming days to confirm his word. Despite this gloomy message, the two kings went forth 1 Encouraged by the Assyrian attacks upon Damascus. a Or the meaning may be, "In fulfilment of Jehovah's purpose that Ahab should be deceived," cf. 2 K. 8 : 10. 205 i Kings 22 : 29 The Messages of Ahab slain to battle against the king of Aram in Ramoth, where, • 29-4°) not;W;thstanding his disguise, Ahab was slain. He was brought to Samaria and buried there. Thus was fulfilled the ignominious doom foretold by the prophet.1 14. Ahaziah, King of Israel (1 K. 22 : 51 to 2 K. I : 18), 853-851 B. C. Elijah pro- In Israel, Ahab was succeeded by his son Ahaziah, who doom on the walked in the way of his father and mother and of Jer o- Ahariah boam, and provoked Jehovah by serving Baal. Thus it (1 K. 22 : was a Philistine god that he consulted when sick. Sud- 51-53; 2 K. & 1 : 3-18) denly Elijah appeared before his messengers with his word of doom : " Is there no God in Israel to consult ? Say to your master, ' Thou shalt die. ' " With that he vanished. Twice did Ahaziah send an armed force to seize Elijah ; and twice he called down upon them the fire of heaven which consumed them. But the third captain showed due reverence to the prophet of God, and with his force Elijah went back to the king and repeated his words of doom. And he died, as Elijah had said. He was succeeded by his brother Joram. 15. Elisha as Elijah's Successor (2 K. 2 : 1-25) Elijah's When Jehovah was about to take Elijah ' up into heaven, fae (2S:T-i5) Elisha clung to his side, and vowed not to leave him. After crossing the Jordan, whose waters Elijah had smit- 1 According to i K. 21 : 19 (cf. 13) this was to happen in Jezreel. 3 Several considerations suggest that this tale belongs to the Elisha, not to the Elijah group. 206 the Historians 2 Kings 3 : 7 ten with his prophetic mantle, Elisha begged that a double portion of his spirit might rest upon him, as upon a first born son. The spirit would be his, said Elijah, if he had the eye for the vision. Even as they spoke, swiftly there appeared a chariot and horses of fire, and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven, invisible to the common eyes of the sons of the prophets, but seen of Elisha, who cried, " My father, my father ! the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof. " Left alone, with the mantle of his master, Elisha proved his power, and the sons of the prophets did him obeisance. Now that Elijah was not — for he was sought and could Elisha's not be found — Elisha's influence grew. He performed a ™aung,°and miracle of grace, healing deadly waters ; and children who prophetic mocked him met with an awful doom. (* : 16-25) 16. Elisha's Activity from the Reign of Joram, King of Israel (851-842 B. C), to that of Joash (3 : 1 to 8 : 15 and 13 : 14-21). In Israel, Ahaziah was succeeded by his brother Joram,1 joram, king who introduced a religious reform, but nevertheless cleaved °3 . |™j to the sins of Jeroboam. During his reign the king of Moab revolted from Israel," His war with and refused the customary tribute. Whereupon Joram lg)oa <3 ' 4" called upon his vassal, Jehoshaphat of Judah, to aid him in 1 The synchronism, in 3 : i is differently given in 1 : 17. 3 3 : 5 = 1 : i. 207 2 Kings 3 : 9 The Messages of reducing Moab, and the king of Edom accompanied them as vassal of Judah.1 On their march round the southern end of the Dead Sea they found themselves without water. The pious Jehoshaphat proposed to consult a prophet. Elisha, to whom they went, at first ironically sent Joram to the Baal prophets of his father and mother for answer. Then, moved to the prophetic mood by strains of music, he foretold the filling of trenches by water without wind or rain, promised victory, and counselled them to ruin the wells, trees, and goodly land. Israel retires Every word came to pass. Under a mistaken impres ts • 2°-a7 sjon> jjjg Moabites attacked, only to be repulsed once and again. In desperation, the king of Moab offered his eld est son in sacrifice to Chemosh, his god. Then the tide turned, and Israel had to retire to their own land. The miracle For the widow of a dead prophet, whose sons were to cruse6 u\ 1- t>e held in slavery for payment of a debt, Elisha, like his 7) master,2 wrought a miracle which saved both her and them. The raising In return for the hospitality which a certain devout and widow's son wealthy woman had shown him, Elisha promised her a (4 = 8-37) son ; and in strange wise, his word was fulfilled. One day the child received a sunstroke and died. Straightway his mother hastened to Carmel, to speak with Elisha. In pity, the prophet sent on his servant with his staff s in haste, 1 Cf. 1 K. 22 : 47 ; 2 K. 8 : 20. * 1 K. 17 : 8-16. s Suggesting that the staff was expected to work a cure. 208 the Historians 2 Kings 5 : 6 but to no purpose. When he came himself, the child was dead ; but in answer to his prayer, as once in answer to his master's,1 the child was miraculously raised from the dead, and his mother did obeisance to the prophet. He then told her of the coming famine, and bade her Elisha sojourn away from Israel. On her return, she appealed restoration e to the king for the recovery of her property which, in herof her absence, had been appropriated. Hearing from the proph- (8 : 1-6) et's servant of his master's miraculous power, and how he had used it in bringing back this very woman's son from the dead, the king restored to her, as the prophet's friend, all that had been hers, with increase. During the famine, Elisha miraculously rendered harm- The miracle less some deadly gourds of a wild vine which, in their dis- °4' 38^™ s tress, the famished sons of the prophets were eating. Again he fed a great multitude with a single offering of The miracle first fruits, and there was enough and to spare. ing (4:42-44) While the sons of the prophets were building for them- The miracle selves a larger home on the banks of the Jordan, one of mg ;ron (0 : them let a borrowed axe-head fall into the water. Elisha I_7) miraculously brought it to the surface. A eain the prophet proved his power by a miraculous The healing . , m, , • , a t of Naaman healing. It happened thus. The king of Aram sent (s : ,.i9) Naaman, the captain of his army, who was a leper, to the vassal king of Israel with money and instructions to see to his recovery. Hearing of the king's perplexity and 1 1 K. 17 : 21, 22. 209 2 Kings 5 : 8 The Messages of Leprosy the reward of covetousness : Gehazismitten (5 : 20-27) Elisha'sdevices against the Arameans(6 : 8-23) conscious of his own prophetic power, Elisha interposed. He bade the leprous captain wash seven times in Jordan, the river of subject Israel. At first Naaman angrily re fused ; but afterwards he yielded and was healed. His miraculous cure drew from him a confession of faith in Israel's God as the only God in all the earth, and he took away to his own land soil from the land of Israel that he might be able to worship Israel's God on Israel's soil. Elisha suffered him, as the king's servant, to bow with him in the temple of Rimmon.1 The prophet would take no reward of the captain ; but his servant was not like-minded. With a lie he won a present from Naaman, and he won with the gift the lep rosy of the giver ; for Elisha read his heart and uttered his doom. The king of Aram sent bands to ambush the king of Israel ; but Elisha, who had open eyes for the wiles of the foe, always warned the king, to the surprise of the Ara mean, who suspected treachery in his own court. On learning that his real enemy was the prophet Elisha, he sent a host with horses and chariots to take him prisoner ; but, unseen of all but God-opened eyes was another host to match — even horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. Blindly 3 the host was led on by Elisha to the 1 " For only on his own land is Jehovah a jealous God." (Benzinger.) a Was the blindness of the Aramean host originally blindness to the forces round Elisha (cf. v. 17) t 2IO the Historians 2 Kings 8:11 capital of Israel, and there their eyes were opened — there, in the midst of their foes. But the generous prophet saved them from the vengeance of the king, and the bands retired. In the siege of Samaria by the king of Aram, when the Famine in distress was at its sorest, and the king of Israel, losing his luTha'T : faith in Jehovah, had threatened the life of Elisha, thegj^^1^ prophet foretold speedy deliverance from famine ; and so l° 7 : 20) it was. For through four outcast lepers the welcome news that the panic-stricken besiegers had taken to sudden flight, was brought to the incredulous king. After due precaution, the beleaguered people went out and spoiled the tents of their foes. Thus was Elisha's prophecy ful filled, and the nobleman who had doubted his word, per ished as the prophet had foretold. Benhadad of Aram, who had fallen sick, sent Hazael Elisha's in- with a present to his life-long foe, the prophet Elisha, to th^Ara-0" learn the issue of his sickness. The issue was to be mea.n suc" cession death ; 1 but Elisha disarmed his suspicion by promising (fi ¦ 7-15) recovery, for Jehovah had a purpose to fulfil through the succession of the ruthless Hazael, the vision of whose cruelties brought tears to Elisha's eyes. In accordance 1 The Massoretes, to remove the appearance of falsehood, have substi tuted the word " not " for the original word " to him. " Both words have the same sound in Hebrew (lo). In this way, the words " Say to him ' Thou shalt surely recover,' " have become, " Say, ' Surely thou shalt not recover.' " 211 2 Kings 8 : 15 The Messages of with the prophet's word, Hazael succeeded * to the throne.2 Elisha's As Elisha drew near his end, the king of Israel, who ise to joash was now Joash, wept and said, " My father, my father ! (13 = 14-19) (-jjg chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof ; " 3 for he had been Israel's mainstay in the long war with Aram. As a parting benediction, the aged prophet, with word and symbol, promised him at least limited victory over Aram. The last After death he was mighty as in life. By contact with (13 : 20, 21) his bones, a dead man came to life again and stood upon his feet. 17. Jehoshaphat, King of Judah (1 K. 22 : 41-50), 876- 851 B. C. Jehosha- In Judah, Asa was succeeded by his son Jehoshaphat, of'ju'dahg a good king, who removed the remnant of the immoral (22 : 41-50) worship. Nevertheless the high places were not taken away : on them the people still sacrificed and burnt in cense. After the wreck of a merchantman, Jehoshaphat rejected the proposal of the king of Israel to undertake voyages with him in common. 1 Probably by the murder of the king. 1 Here probably followed in this source the story of the accession of Jehu (cf. 1 K. 19 : 15, 16) corresponding to ch. 9 which, at least in its present form, does not belong to this group. 3 This phrase has here a more political significance (cf. 6 : 12) than it could have in its application to Elijah, 2 : 12. There it was suggested by, even if it did not allude to, the chariot and horses of fire. the Historians 2 Kings 9 : 10 18. Jehoram, King of Judah (2K. 8 : 16-24), 851-843 B. C. In Judah, Jehoshaphat was succeeded by his son Jeho- Jehoram, ram. He walked in the way of the kings of Israel, as judah (2 K. did the house of Ahab ; for he had married Athaliah, 8 : l6'I9) the daughter of Ahab. Yet Jehovah spared Judah for the sake of his promise to David. In his time Edom, which had been Judah's vassal, re- Revolt of volted, and her example was followed by Libnah. Libnah (8 : 20-24) 19. Ahaziah, King of Judah (2 K. 8 : 25-27), 843-842 B. C. In Tudah, Jehoram was succeeded by his son Ahaziah. Ahaziah,king of He walked in the way of the house of Ahab, and did that judah (8 : which was evil in the sight of Jehovah ; for his mother 25~2" was Ahab's daughter. 20. Jehu, King of Israel (2 K. 9 and 10), 842-814 B. C. The days of Ahab's dynasty were numbered. In the Jehu absence of Joram from Ramoth,1 which Israel was guard- king of ing from the assaults of Aram, Elisha sent a prophet to J^ (9 : Jehu, the commander-in-chief, to anoint him king. This the prophet did, and he laid upon Jehu the charge to destroy all the house of Ahab, in vengeancefor the blood of the prophets slain, and uttered a divine word of doom on the house of Ahab and on Jezebel. Jehu, now openly acknowedged king by the army, con- » Cf. 1 K. 22 : 3. 213 2 Kings 9:11 The Messages of The murder spired against Joram who, with Ahaziah of Judah, was then Aha'Sah' in Jezreel, whither he had gone to recover from the wounds f^/1-37)^ tnat l^e Arameans had dealt him in Ramah. Jehu cun ningly contrived to reach Jezreel before the kings got knowl edge of the conspiracy. When at last they heard that Jehu was near, suspecting the worst, they went forth against the rebel — forth to their doom ; for Jehu pierced king Joram to the heart with an arrow, and had his body thrown into Naboth's field, in fulfilment of the prophetic word." He also had Ahaziah slain ; and Jezebel, the idolatrous queen — resolved to meet her fate with dignity — he gave over to a death of shame and horror in the field of Jezreel, in accordance with the word of Elijah.3 Thus the cruel and idolatrous house of Ahab perished. Murder of The leading men in the capital were only too willing to onfraefand come to terms with one who had shown such authority ftd^. . and violence ; and instead of adopting his tentative sug gestion to set one of the princes on the throne, they ful filled his real desire by slaying them all. With feigned surprise at the atrocity, he yet acknowledged their doom to be the fulfilment of Jehovah's word concerning the house of Ahab. After rooting out that whole house, he also slew forty-two princes of Judah. 1 The substance of 9 : 14, 15 is carried back to 8 : 28, 29, to introduce the story of Jehu. 2 Cf. 1 K. 21 : 19. This ignores the fulfilment in 1 K. 22 : 38, which is by a later hand. a 1 K. 21 : 23. 214 the Historians 2 Kings 11:2 In his crusade against the Baal worship, he was sup- Destruction ported by Jonadab and his nomad Rechabites, who were w0rshipaal zealous for Jehovah, and hated the life and worship of (IO : I5"31' Canaan. Then he cunningly aimed his decisive blow at the Baal worship. Under pretext of offering a sacrifice to the Baal, he gathered all the Baal worshippers together into a temple, where they were summarily slain and the symbols of their worship destroyed. Thus Jehu de stroyed the Baal out of Israel. But he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam and the calf worship. Jehovah, however, promised that his dynasty would stand till the fourth generation because he had executed his purpose upon the house of Ahab. In the course of his reign, which lasted twenty-eight Hazaei's years, Hazael of Aram won from Israel most of the district pSgTfioT' east of the Jordan.1 32-36) 21. Athaliah, Queen of Judah: 842-836 B. C. ; The Revolution of Jehoiada (2 K. n) Now that the throne of Judah was vacant by the death Athaliah, ' of Ahaziah, the queen mother,' Athaliah, secured her own j1^^" je- seat upon the throne by the murder of all the seed royal holad!1'.s — all but Joash, son of Ahaziah , who had been hidden by his and reform 1 Thus confirming Elisha's fears (8 : 12). Aram enjoyed a temporary peace after an unsuccessful campaign of Assyria against her in 839 B. C, and was thus free to attack Israel. « 8 : 26. 215 2 Kings ii : 4 The Messages of aunt.1 But after a reign of six years, a plot was formed by Jehoiada, the priest of the temple, supported by the for eign body-guard — to bring to an end the power of Ahab's idolatrous daughter. The scheme was successful. The queen was slain, and Joash proclaimed king. As the rev olution was largely inspired by religious motives, Jehoiada made people and king pledge themselves to Jehovah, and vow to be his people exclusively. At once they proved their zeal by vigorously stamping out the Baal worship with all that pertained thereto. 22. Joash, King of Judah (2 K. 12), 836-796 B. C. Joash, king With the exception of the worship on the high places, the restora- which was still maintained, Joash did that which was temple the rignt in the sight of Jehovah. His succession had been a (12 : 1-16) triumph of the cause of Jehovah, and he took steps to secure that he should be worthily represented by his temple, which had fallen into neglect.2 The priests, however, were in no hurry to apply to the repairs of the temple the gifts and taxes that came into their hands. At length Joash, rebuk ing the priests, took the matter firmly in hand, and the money thenceforth secured by his new device was devoted to the repairs and paid directly to the workmen, who, un like the priests, dealt honorably. The money obtained 1 Wife of Jehoiada, who organized the revolution (2 Chr. 22 : 11). 3 Likely under Athaliah, who, in matters of worship, was no doubt her father's daughter. 2l6 the Historians 2 Kings 13:11 from the guilt and sin offerings was not so devoted ; it went to the priests. Hazael of Aram, besides harassing 1 Israel and reducing Hazaei's the Philistine Gath, turned his face threateningly toward Campaign : Jerusalem. Joash only saved his capital by surrendering ^"t^I^1 the treasures of temple and palace. At last he was slain (12 : 17-21) in a conspiracy by his servants.3 23. Jehoahaz, King oj Israel (2 K. 13 : 1-9, 22), 814-797 B. C. During the reign of Joash, Jehu's son Jehoahaz sue- jehoahaz, ceeded to the throne of Israel. But he followed the sins i^fel" op- of Jeroboam ; so Jehovah in anger abandoned them to Pressed hy the assaults of Aram under Hazael and his son,3 who in- 1-3, 7-9, 22) flicted crushing losses on Israel, and harassed them all the days of the king. 24. Joash, King of Israel (2 K. 13 : 10-13, 23-25), 797-781 B.C. Jehoahaz was succeeded by his son Joash, who de parted not from all the sins of Jeroboam. Yet Jehovah 1 As recorded in 13 : 3, cf. 10 : 32. 3 Perhaps due to discontent fostered by the invasion; perhaps in revenge for the murder of Zechariah, cf. 2 Chr. 24 : 20-25. a "But Jehovah -was moved by Jehoahaz's entreaty, and for answer, he sent a deliverer " (Joash, 13 : 25 ? or Jeroboam II. 14 : 28 ? or the Assyrians ?). Be sides being obviously in the style of the programme (see page 93) of the Book of Judges, this passage (13 : 4-6) interrupts and contradicts the context. 217 2 Kings 13:23 The Messages of Joash, king was graciously mindful of his covenant with the patriarchs, and (i?*™*1!!) ¦ therefore Joash, seizing his opportunity on the death of his victories Hazael ' was enabled to recover the cities on the west (13:23-25); Jordan which the Arameans had taken from his father. (13 : 12! 13= He died and was buried in Samaria. 14 : 15, 16) 25. Amaziah, King of Judah (2 K. 14: 1-22), 796-782 B.C. Amaziah,king of Judah(14 : 1-6) His war with Edom and Israel (14 : 7-14) About the beginning of the reign of Joash over Israel, Amaziah, the son of Joash of Judah, succeeded to the throne of Judah. With the exception of the worship on the high places which was still maintained, he did that which was right in the sight of Jehovah, only not like David. As soon as his throne was secure, he slew the murderers of his father, but not their children : * that is forbidden in the Book of Deuteronomy? Amaziah had warlike ambitions. In a successful inva sion of Edom, he seized the capital of the country. Then, desirous of throwing off the suzerainty of Israel, he sent King Joash a challenge. Joash, in a parable, ironically pointed out the folly of such a challenge, but on further provocation accepted it, took the proud king prisoner, de stroyed part of the wall of his capital and carried off to his own capital the treasures of temple and palace. * Besides, Aram's hands were tied by an Assyrian invasion. a As was still the custom in Elijah's time ; cf . 9 : 26. 3 24 : 16. 2l8 the Historians 2 Kings 15 : 4 He, too, like his father, met his end through a conspir- Accession of acy. He was succeeded by his son Azariah,1 who renewed trad? the trade with the Red Sea by fortifying Elah, which ^Vio7!*!) Edom afterwards recovered.3 26. Jeroboam II. , King of Israel (2 K. 14 : 23-29), 781-740 B. C. During the reign of Amaziah over Judah, Joash's son Jeroboam Jeroboam II. succeeded to the throne of Israel. He de- Israel'"8 parted notfrotn all the sins of Jeroboam I. In the course (l4 : 23~29> of his long reign, he extended the dominion of Israel to its ideal borders, according to the word of Jonah. For Jeho vah in pity for Israel's bitter affliction and desolation at the hands of Aram * saved them through Jeroboam. 27. Azariah, King of Judah (2 K. 15 : 1-7), 782-740 B. C. During the reign of Jeroboam over Israel. Amaziah's Uzziah, son, Azariah, succeeded to the throne of Judah. With the ju^h exception of the worship on the high places, which was ^ '¦ 1_7) still maintained, he did that which was right in the sight of Jehovah. In the course of his long reign he was smitten 1 Better known as Uzziah 15 : 32, 2 Chr. 26 : 1. 3 In 16 : 6, which cannot be in its proper place, Edom is to be read for Aram. The mistake led to the addition in that passage, of Rezin's name. Between the Hebrew words for Aram and Edom there is only a " tittle " of difference. > Cf . v. 28. 219 2 Kings 15:5 The Messages of with leprosy, and therefore had to dwell apart. Conse quently the government was in the hands of Jotham, his son. 28. Zechariah, King of Israel (2 K. 15 : 8-12), 740 B. C. Zechariah, During the reign of Azariah of Judah, Jeroboam's son raef ° s Zechariah succeeded to the throne of Israel, which he held {15 : 8-12) oniv sjx months. He departed not from the sins of Jer oboam, and was slain in a conspiracy by Shallum, who succeeded him. Thus Jehu's dynasty stood until the fourth generation, according to the word of Jehovah? 29. Shallum, King oj Israel (2 K. 15 : 13-15), 740 B. C. Shallum, Shallum had reigned but a month when he was slain king of Is rael (15 : 13-15) king of is- byMenahem. 30. Menahem, King of Israel (2 K. 15 : 16-22), 740-737 B. C. Menahem, Menahem departed notjrom the sins of Jeroboam. He raef °£ *" secured the throne only after much cruelty and blood- (15 : 16-22) shed and maintained it 3 by the payment of a ruinous sub sidy to the Assyrian king, who was now turning his at tention to the far west. 1 10 : 30. 3 Hardly so long as ten years : probably not more than six, and possibly only three or four. 220 the Historians 2 Kings 16:3 31. Pekahiah, King of Israel (2 K. 15 : 23-26), 737-736 B. C. Menahem was succeeded by his son Pekahiah. He too Pekahiah, departed not from the sins of Jeroboam. After a reign r™f of two years he was slain in a conspiracy by Pekah, who (J5 : 23-26) succeeded to the throne. 32. Pekah, King of Israel (2 K. 15 : 27, 28, 30, 31), 736-733 B. C. Pekah departed not from the sins of Jeroboam, and he Pekah, king was slain in a conspiracy after a reign of about three • (J5 fr2a7ef 2gt years, by Hoshea (who reigned as vassal of Assyria).3 3°' 3I* 33. Jotham, King of Judah (2 K. 15 : 32-38), 740-736 B. C. During Pekah's reign over Israel, Azariah's son Jo- jotham, tham succeeded to the throne of Judah. With the ex- dS?° ception of the worship on the high places, which was *15 : 32"38' still maintained, he did that which was right in the sight of Jehovah ; and he built the upper gate of the temple. 34. Ahaz, King of Judah (2 K. 16), 736-725 B. C. Jotham was succeded by his son Ahaz, who walked in Ahaz, king the way of the kings of Israel, and offered his son in (16 : 1-4) 1 Twenty (v. 27) is inconsistent with the Assyrian inscriptions. 3 This is the effect of the cause related in 16 : 5-9. 221 2 Kings 1 6 : 3 The Messages of sacrifice to his God, after the manner of the nations, which Jehovah drove out, and worshipped on the high places. He appeals (Taking advantage of the absence of the Assyrian king whfch re'-3' in the far east) Rezin, king of Aram, and Pekah, king of emisraef11" Israel> sought to coerce Ahaz ' into common action against and Aram Assyria, and to this end besieged him in his own capital. (16 "5, 7-9 ;' But with the offer of a heavy tribute, taken from the treas- 15 ' ures of temple and palace, he appealed to the Assyrian king, who, nothing loath, answered with an army which ravaged the district of Galilee, captured Damascus, and carried the population of both districts away to the far east. Ahaz's altar Seeing an altar which took his fancy, while in Damas- (1 . 10-1 cug tQ oggr ^ homage to Tiglath-pileser, Ahaz sent to the priest Urijah at Jerusalem a pattern of it, with instruc tions to have one erected by his return.2 It was set up in the place of the old altar, and on it were offered the public, private, and royal sacrifices. Heavy trib- Besides making other changes in the temple, Ahaz ute to ssy- j^j appropr;atec< some of the temple vessels in order to (16 : 17-20) secure money for the payment of tribute to Assyria. 1 Cf. 15 : 37 which puts the matter theologically. 3 This was probably intended as a compliment to Assyria. 222 the Historians. - 2 Kings 17 :2o 35. Hoshea, King of Israel, and the Fall of the Northern Kingdom (2 K. 17 : 1-6 ; 18 : 9-12), 733-721 B. C. During the reign of Ahaz over Judah, Hoshea sue- Hoshea: the ceeded to the throne of Israel, and he did that which was rfi'and the"" evil in the sight of Jehovah, but not like his predecessors, pp^vity of The king of Assyria, discovering that he had thrown off (17 = 1-6 and his allegiance, and was seeking the support of Egypt, capt ured him, took his capital, Samaria, after a siege of three years,1 and carried a large portion of the population away to Assyria, because they obeyed not the voice of Jehovah their God, but transgressed his covenant, even all that Moses commanded. 36. Three Lessons of the Fall (2 K. 17 : 7-23, 3411-40) First lesson: a pumsh- The exile was the divine punishment sent upon Israel™^1™ ]s~ in accordance with the words of the prophets, because yersityi1? '• l8J 2i- they had walked in all the sins of Jeroboam. 23) Many and divers had been their sins. Forgetful of the gracious Second les- God of the olden days, they had adopted the idolatrous worship of50?'- I re" the heathen on the high places, turned deaf ears to the warnings insistent ldol- the prophets, and abandoned themselves to image^worship, star-wor- atry ship, Baal-worship, sorcery, even to human sacrifice. Judah also 19, 20) had followed only too surely in the footsteps of Israel. Therefore Jehovah cast them out of his sight. With their old perversity, they did not fear their own God, and 1 The siege was begun by Shalmaneser IV. ; but the city was taken by his great general and successor, Sargon, in 721 B. C. 223 2;Kingsi7:34 The Messages of Third les- they would not obey his written word which promised them de- son: the liverance from all their enemies, if they would fear him only- consequence J J of deliberate their gracious Jehovah — and give no heed to other gods. disobedience (17 : 34b-4o) 37. The Later History of Samaria (2 K. 17 : 24-34* , 41) The origin To repeople the partly depopulated cities of Samaria, Samaritans tne k'nS °* Assyria sent colonists from Babylon and else- (17:24-28, where. But they did not know how to worship Jehovah, the God of their new country, and their ignorance cost them some lives, which fell a prey to the ravages of lions sent by Jehovah. So a priest was brought back from the deported population of Israel, to teach them the religion of Jehovah. Thus they learned to worship Jehovah without abandoning their native worship. The Samari- Alongside of the Jehovah worship they maintained, and to this tan cult (17 : g^ mainfaint their old ancestral worship and practices upon the high places on which the former inhabitants worshipped. XII TO THE CAPTIVITY OF JUDAH (2 Kings 1 8 tO 25) 1. The Events of Hezekiah's Reign (2 K. 18 to 20), 725- 696 B. C. Hezekiah's During the reign of Hoshea over Israel, Ahaz's son (18 : 1-8) Hezekiah succeeded to the throne of Judah ; and he did that which was right in the eyes of Jehovah, according 224 the Historians 2 Kings 18 : 22 to all that David his father had done. He removed the high places!- and abolished all forms of image worship, even such as had venerable sanction, like the brazen ser pent. Never was a king of Judah like him. He trusted in Jehovah, was faithful to him, and was prospered by him wherever he went. Thus, he threw off his allegiance to the Assyrian king, and he also conquered the Philistine city of Gaza. Sennache- Sennacherib advanced against the rebellious Judah, and campafgn5™ captured all her walled cities. In alarm for the capital, (18 ¦. 13-16) Hezekiah secured immunity from attack by humbly offer ing a very heavy tribute, for which not only the palace but even the temple had to be stripped. Judah's But on second thoughts Sen- Sennacherib sent an in- crisis (18 : nacherib determined not to lose his solent letter to Hezekiah, 17 o 19 . 37; hoM on so irnportant a fortress as pointing out the Jerusalem. He therefore sent a U9 : •r'-i'r) small detachment of his army to oyo epen The Rab- secure its surrender. One of his ing uPon the promises of shakeh's in- n;gh officers, the Rabshakeh, in an his God against so resist- mand (18 : insolent address to certain of Heze- less a foe as the Assyrians, 17-25) kiah's officials, pointed out the folly against whom not a single of depending either upon man or d of o(her nation had upon their God. Egypt was but a x. 1 a a a <„, i-i,-,„i, been able to save those who broken reed. And as for Jehovah —how could Hezekiah expect any had trusted in them. Now deliverance from him, when he had Hezekiah spread the letter 1 If, however, 18 : 22 is original, then this will have been part of Heze kiah's reform, which Kittel thinks possible. 225 2 Kings 1 8 : 23 The Messages of lately robbed him of all his seats of worship but one ? What match was the Israelite cavalry for the Assy rian ? Besides, the Assyrian inva sion had the direct sanction of Je hovah. His taunt Hezekiah's officials asked the (18 : 26-37) Rabshakeh to speak in Aramaic, because it was unfamiliar to the Jews who manned the walls. With a coarse threat he refused, and went on, as before, in Hebrew, to intimidate the people into disbelief in Hezekiah and in his assurance of victory through Jehovah. Submis sion, he said, would mean comfort — first in their own land, and then in the better land to which he would take them. Nothing was more ridiculous than to believe in their God. Had the gods of other nations — Aram, for example — saved those who fondly trusted them, from Assyria's strong arm? No more would Jehovah save Jeru salem. before Jehovah in his tem ple, and earnestly prayed him to rebuke the blasphe mous insolence of Sen nacherib. In very truth, he was the God of all — the liv ing and the only God : the gods of whose destruction the Assyrians boasted were no gods. Let Jehovah but interpose, he prayed, to save his people, and the de liverance would convince the world that he was the only God. Then Isaiah sent Heze kiah the message that his prayer had been (19 : 20, 32- , y 35) * heard. 1 He as sured him in the name of Jehovah that it would not come to a siege ; 1 Here are interpolated two oracles, a taunt song (21-28) in verse, and a sign (29-31) in prose. The following is the substance of the song : With scornful laughter Zion's daughter greets thee, Thee who hast blasphemed Israel's holy God. Proudly thou boastest no land can resist thee : Though all the while thou art but Jahweh's tool, Working his ancient purpose on the nations. 226 the Historians 2 Kings 20 : 6 Isaiah's con fident proph ecy; Sen nacherib retires : and Jerusalem is saved (19 : i-9a. 36, 37) for the Assyrian king would return by the way that he came. Jeliovah would defend the city for his own and David's sake. And so it came to pass : for (by a pestilence) the angel of Jehovah slew great numbers of his army (and he retired to his own land). In dire distress, the king sent his sorrowful officials to Isaiah the prophet, with the request that he would intercede with his God : per chance he would hearken to him. Nor was he disappointed. In the name of Jehovah, Isaiah bade them not fear the blasphemous words of Assyria : the king would hear a rumor which would cause him to return to his own land, and there he would be slain. And so it came to pass : for at the rumor of the ap proach of the Ethiopian king, he departed from Libnah which he was besieging and returned toNine- veh, where he was slain by his sons. Hezekiah's Hezekiah, sick unto death, sought Jehovah with tears recovervand t0 remember the sincerity of his past, and deliver him. (20 : i-n) For answer, the prophet Isaiah brought a message from Jehovah that in three days he would recover, and that his life would be lengthened by fifteen years ; and it was so. By the application of figs, the boil was healed and he re- Yea, all thy doings are before mine eyes, And for thy rage and insolence I'll tame thee — Hook in thy nose and bridle in thy lips — And bring thee back the very way thou earnest. And this shall be tlie sign : After two years of devastated fields, in the third ye shall sow and reap and eat ; and the Jews that are left in Jerusalem shall again strike root and bear new fruit. The zeal of Jehovah shall accom plish this. 227 2 Kings 20 : 7 The Messages of Babylonian embassy ; Isaiah's prophecy {20 ; 12-19) Hezekiah's buildingoperations (20 : 20j 21) covered. To reassure Hezekiah's faith in his speedy recovery, Isaiah, in the name of Jehovah, gave him his choice of a sign ; and the sign came to pass.1 Merodach Baladan, king of Babylon, sent an embassy to Hezekiah to congratulate him on his recovery ; a and Hezekiah showed them his numerous treasures. Then Isaiah seized the occasion to prophesy, in the name of Jehovah, that all those treasures would one day be carried away to Babylon and that some of the Judsean princes would one day be eunuchs of the Babylonian king.3 These stern words Hezekiah listened to with resignation, in the assurance that there would be peace so long as he lived. Hezekiah built the pool of Siloam and by a subterranean conduit 4 secured for Jerusalem a water-supply unassail able in war. 1 The sign is here belated, as the recovery is already a fact (v. 7). In Isa. 38 : 7 it is simply a miraculous sign ; here, by the choice, the miracle is enhanced. 2 Ostensibly ; but in reality, doubtless, to solicit Judah's aid in a revolt from Assyria. 3 In this form, the prophecy could hardly be original. With the substitu tion, however, of Assyrian for Babylonian, we may have an approximation to the original prophecy. 4 From this tunnel is supposed to come the famous inscription discovered in 1880, though both tunnel and inscription might be a little earlier (cf. Isa. 8:6). 228 the Historians 2 Kings 21 : 26 2. Manasseh, King of Judah (2 K. 21 : 1-18), 696-641 B. C. Hezekiah was succeeded by his son Manasseh, who did Manasseh of hideous evil in the sight of Jehovah. He undid his idolatry- father's reformation, adopting, as did Ahab, the Baal (2I : I_^ worship with its heathen symbols, and star worship — even building altars to the heavenly bodies in the temple courts ' of Jerusalem, the city chosen of Jehovah. He sacrificed his son, dealt in sorcery, and through his idolatry led the people into hideous disobedience to Jehovah's ancient laws, which if obeyed would have saved them from exile. Prophetic voices were lifted up in protest. This fearful Prophetic iniquity, they said, would involve Jerusalem, and Judah infear-\^?^??li ful doom — even the relentless doom of Samaria and the dynasty of "doom Ahab : spoliation, exile, abandonment. But those honest voices were stifled by cruel persecution. 3. Arnon, King of Judah (2 K. 21 : 19-26), 641-639 B. C. Manasseh was succeeded by his son Arnon, who did Amonof that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah, like his fc^lLjj) father Manasseh, and walked in his idolatrous ways. So he was slain in a conspiracy by his servants, who were in their turn promptly slain by the people. 1 In the two courts a post-exilic hand is evident. There was strictly only one court in Solomon's temple ; the " other " is the palace court, i K. 7 : 8, cf. 2 Chr. 4 : 9. 229 2 Kings 22 : i The Messages of 4. Josiah, King of Judah (2 K. 22 : 1 to 23 : 30), 639-608 B.C. josiah of Arnon was succeeded by his son Josiah, who ascended finding:ofhe the throne in his eighth year. He did that which was the })O0k °£ right in the sight of Jehovah, as did David, setting him- (22) self in his eighteenth year to restore the temple, which (in the last two reigns) had fallen into disgrace and disrepair. In the course of the repairs a momentous discovery was made, no less than the Book of Deuteronomy,1 found by Hilkiah the priest. As the king reflected on the people's disobedience to its statutes, and read the threats pro nounced thereon, he hastened, in sorrow and fear, to con sult the will of Jehovah. Huldah the prophetess, to whom his messengers went for counsel, answered in the name of Jehovah that the threats of the book would assuredly be fulfilled upon city and people, for against their idolatry and apostasy Jeho vah's unquenchable anger would be kindled ; but Josiah, for his tenderness of heart, would be spared the impending doom. Josiah'sref- The moment was critical; so the king- gathered the ormation ° ° and passover people of Judah and Jerusalem together 3 — priests, proph- 24?25*~i5-23)ets> elders, all; and king and people solemnly pledged themselves to a covenant with Jehovah on the basis of the book. Proceeding at once to a radical reform of the wor ship, he cleansed the temple of all the vessels that had 1 At least, the legal part : cf. pp. 87, 88. 3 Some suppose that Josiah seized the opportunity of the passover to gather the people together (21-23). 230 the Historians 2 Kings 23 • 21 been used in the worship of Baal, Ashtoreth? and the heavenly bodies, tore down the haunts 2 of the immoral worship of Jehovah, and abolished the idolatrous priest hood of the high places, allowing the priests, however, to share, if not in the service, yet in the revenues of the Jeru salem priests. He did away with the human sacrifices offered to Jehovah as king,3 and destroyed all traces of the sun worship in which his predecessors had indulged, and of the idolatrous worship of Solomon. He also abol ished sorcery of all sorts in accordance with the injunctions of the newly discovered book,4 and there was no king like him. He destroyed Jeroboam's famous sanctuary and altar at Bethel. The bones of the calf-worshippers he took out of their tombs and burnt upon the altar, but he Spared the tomb of the prophet who had foretold the destruction of the altar at Bethel? Similarly stern measures he adopted toward all centres of the idolatrous worship. Then in accordance with the injunctions of the Book of the Covenant,6 he cel- 1 The same word {asherah) as is used in v. 6 to signify the idolatrous wooden pole. Here (v. 4) it seems to be used to signify a goddess, though the existence of a goddess Asherah is disputed. It may be due either to a misunderstanding of asherah in its ordinary sense, or to confusion with Ashtoreth. 2 Or — by a conjectural reading — garments for the immoral worship (v. 7). a The consonants, m 1 k are those of the word *' king," a title of Jehovah. The vowels molek are intended to suggest the word bosheth, shame : cf. p. 162. 4 Dt. 18 : n. 6 1 K. 13. 8 Such is now properly its name after the covenant has been made, v. 3; to be distinguished from the older book (Ex. 20 : 22 to 23 : 33) of the same name (Ex. 24 : 7). 231 2 Kings 23 : 22 The Messages of ebrated in Jerusalem a great passover festival, the like of which had never been held before. The doom of But the reformation of Josiah could not wipe out the crimes of thf mev" Manasseh. They remained still unatoned, and for them Jerusalem (23 : 26-28) the chosen must be rejected, and Judah must go into exile like Israel before her. The death of At last Josiah was slain in battle on the plain of Jezreel, (°3?%, 30) %ntmg ' against Pharaoh Necho of Egypt, who had taken advantage of the approaching collapse of Assyria to march north with intent to wrest her western empire from her. 5. Jehoahaz, King of Judah (2 K. 23 : 31-34), 608 B. C. Jehoahaz of Josiah was succeeded by his son Jehoahaz, who did that (23 : 31-34) which was evil in the sight of Jehovah. He was taken as Pharaoh's prisoner to Egypt, where he died.2 His land was put under tribute, and his brother Eliakim was set on the throne by Pharaoh, who changed his name B to Je- hoiakim. 6. Jehoiakim, King of Judah (2 K. 23 : 35 to 24 : 7), 608-597 B. C. To secure tribute for his Egyptian lord, the new king had to assess his people according to the value of their 1 Either as vassal of Assyria, or perhaps on his own account. a Cf. Jer. 22 : 10-12. s To mark him as his vassal ? Cf . 24 : 17. 232 the Historians 2 Kings 24 : 17 land. He did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah. Jehoiakim When Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, broke the power his rebel-' of Egypt, Jehoiakim voluntarily tendered his submission. ^°n:0fnva" But in three years he rebelled ; and Tudah was invaded Judah (23 : 35 to 24 : 7) by bands of peoples both near and far in accordance with Jehovah's fateful purpose proclaimed by the prophets. Despite her initial success against them, Judah was swiftly hastening to the doom of exile, in chastisement for the sins of Manasseh and for the innocent blood that he had shed. 7. Jehoiachin, King of Judah (2 K. 24 : 8-16), 597 B. C. Jehoiakim was succeeded by his son Jehoiachin, who did jehoiachin that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah. (In consequence fast depor- of his father's revolt), a Babylonian army laid siege to^"?n8.l6) Jerusalem. After a reign of three months, Jehoiachin with his court surrendered, and they were carried away to Babylon, along with seven thousand trained' warriors, one thousand artisans, and the most prominent of his subjects, with vessels and treasures of temple and palace. 1 8. Zedekiah, King of Judah (2 K. 24 : 17 to 25 : 21), 597-586 B. C. On the throne of Judah Nebuchadrezzar set Jehoiachin's Zedekiah uncle, a son of Josiah, changing his name from Mattaniah °j4J"^o.) 1 Vv. 13, 14 are a later parallel to is, 16, more interested in the temple, but not wholly unhistorical (cf. Jer. 27 : 18-22), though the numbers are higher. 233 2 Kings 24 : 19 The Messages of Zedekiah's rebellion ; the fall of Jerusalem ; second de portation(24 : 20b to 25 : 21) to Zedekiah. He did that which was evil in the sight of Jeho vah, his wickedness being the penalty that Jehovah in his wrath sent upon Judah, to prepare the way for exile. Zedekiah rebelled. Nebuchadrezzar with a great army came to reduce the capital. Siege and famine did their worst ; and in a year and a half the city fell. The king and his warriors fled. The king was taken in the neigh borhood of Jericho. His sons were slain before his eyes. Then he was blinded and carried to Babylon. A month afterward the city was set on fire. Temple, palaces, houses, one and all, were burned and the walls levelled with the ground. All but the poor were carried into cap tivity, and with the captives went the numerous and costly vessels of the temple. Prominent priests and other offi cials were taken to Riblah on the Orontes, and executed. Thus did the exile of Judah become a fact, Gedaliah, governor of Judah, as sassinated(25 : 22-26) 9. Gedaliah, Governor of Judah (2 K. 25 : 22-26) Over those who were left in the land, Nebuchadrezzar astutely appointed a native governor, Gedaliah, who * was convinced that safety lay in submission to the Babylonians. But in a short time he and his supporters were slain in a conspiracy by Ishmael, a Jewish prince. In fear of Baby lonian vengeance, the people fled to the ever ambiguous and futile friendship of Egypt. 1 Like Jeremiah. 234 the Historians 2 Kings 25 : 30 10. Jehoiachin' s Elevation (2 K. 25 : 27-30), 561 B. C. The advent of Nebuchadrezzar's successor, Evil-mero- Jehoiachin's dach, in 561 B. C. marked a new attitude toward the Jews, (25 : 27-30) and was, as it were, the harbinger of the return. After thirty-seven years of captivity, King Jehoiachin was ac corded the first place among the captive kings at court, and continued to receive marks of royal favor as long as he lived. 235 THE PRIESTLY HISTORIANS THE PRIESTLY HISTORIANS THE PRIESTLY NARRATIVE OF THE HEXATEUCH The hope of the Hebrews was hard to slay. They took An impetus with them into exile prophetic assurances that they would IxTlTto^he6 be brought back again to their own land, and they had u^LtlcAce those assurances repeated and confirmed by other proph ets in the exile. So real was that hope that long before the exile was half over, Ezekiel * drew up a programme of worship, resting doubtless upon past usage, for the guid ance of the restored community. Here we see not indeed the rise, but the growing prominence of priestly interests. The people could no longer be a nation ; they determined to be a church. For good and for evil, the place once taken by the prophet in the guidance of life was now taken by the priest. The impulse thus given by memory and hope to the That study study and elaboration of the law naturally received fresh I^Yby'the strength when the return from exile was actually con- history 0aff ter summated and worship begun. In course of time it gave «he return 1 40 to 48. 239 Priestly History The Messages of rise to a great body of legal literature — all of the Hexa teuch that is left after deducting the prophetic strata, and the Book of Deuteronomy which is, in the main, also legis lation. There can be no doubt that all this part of the Hexateuch is, in its present form, post-exilic. It im proves upon Deuteronomy ' in sharply distinguishing, as Deuteronomy fails to distinguish, between priests and Levites ; its statutes which are to be " everlasting," in some cases contradict Ezekiel's programme, and must therefore be later than that ; and it implies a view of the impor tance and origin of ritual which is not only not held, but is in some cases almost in express terms repudiated by pre-exilic prophets. it expressed Now this great body of legal literature has come down effort "to t0 us m tne main in historical form. The laws are con- write the nected with the revelation on Sinai, and introduced by the history of J the origin of phrase " Jehovah spake unto Moses, saying." This quasi- thetheoc- f. . , . . , , , , , racy historical spirit took one step further and created a priestly account of Israel's early history down to the con quest ; but the extremely meagre notices of both the pre- Mosaic and the post-Mosaic age, coupled with the aston ishing and altogether disproportionate copiousness of the 1 So Deuteronomy shows familiarity with the prophetic history (JE) but not with the priestly, which would be strange if it were already in existence, Dt. (i : 24) like JE (Num. 13 : 23) only sends the spies to Eshcol in S. Canaan ; P (Num. 13 : 21) sends them to the extreme north. So Dt. (n : 6] like JE (Num. 16) knows only of the rebellion of Dathan and Abiram. Korah is peculiar to P. 240 the Historians Priestly History description of the legislation of Moses, make it quite cer tain that for the author legislation was the chief thing. In other words the narrative does not even purport to be a history of Israel, but rather of the origin of Israel's religious institutions, which for the post-exilic age were almost the all in all. It is only with the distinctly narrative elements that we But the in- are here called upon to deal ; and to appreciate them truly priestly nai- we must remember the spirit in which they were written, rHlvf ls_jot and not seek from them more than they were intended to torical give. History they are not ; for that we look elsewhere. There is nothing of that romantic element which invests the prophetic narratives of the Hexateuch with such charm. Consider how bald, as history, would be the statement of Genesis 19 : 29 which is all that the priestly narrative tells us of the tragedy of Sodom, " when God destroyed the cities of the Jordan circle, God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when he overthrew the cities in which Lot dwelt." When the priestly narrative is historically the most improbable, it will usually be found that there is a legislative element not only latent, but explicit. The most notable illustra tion of this is the story of the war with Midian in Num bers 31, where the extravagance of the detail is admitted by Dillmann to deviate so seriously from historical prob ability that the fact must have been for the author second ary in importance to the law governing the distribution of 241 Priestly History The Messages of booty, which he links with the fact.1 There are passages even in the patriarchal stories where this author aban dons his brief, dry notices for a detailed story ; but these very occasions are significant of his temper and attitude. An example is the story of the covenant with Abraham (Gen. 17). Repeated emphasis is laid on the "everlast ing covenant " which has so much more pictorial a setting in the corresponding Jehovistic story of Genesis 1 5 ; but the significant thing is that here the covenant is indissol- ubly linked with circumcision, one of the " signs " of the peculiar people. The chapter might as fittingly be en titled " The law of circumcision " as " The covenant with Abraham." Similarly the story of Abraham's purchase of the cave of Machpelah is told with an unusual wealth of interesting detail, in order to prove Abraham's title to a lot in the land which was afterwards to be the posses sion of the theocratic people. it idealizes Considering the brevity of the priestly pre-Mosaic his- ignorfngaS torv> ^ would perhaps not be fair to deduce much from scandal jts silence, especially as there are indications that the nar rative must once have been longer than it now is in the completed Hexateuch. But it is not without interest, and may not be without significance, that it ignores all scandal in the patriarchal narratives, just as we have seen that the Elohistic document often endeavored to soften mor- 1 Num. 31 : 27 (see p. 161). See also the budding of Aaron's rod, Num. 17- 242 the Historians Priestly History ally objectionable traits or to give them a different turn. While, for instance, the priestly narrator has nothing to say of the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael, it is he who tells us that Isaac and Ishmael buried their father.1 More striking still is his treatment of the departure of Jacob for Mesopotamia, which in this document is called Paddan- aram. Here Jacob is not fleeing from the vengeance of the brother whom he has deceived, but is sent by Isaac to take a wife of his own kinsfolk.2 It is of a piece with this that on Jacob's return he and Esau only separate " because their substance was too great for them to dwell together." 3 U- There is no place, of course, for distinctively priestly in- Marked terests until the legislation is reached ; but how predom- of°p?Sye inant those interests were for the author of the priestly "^"^jrj;. narrative may be most strikingly seen by a comparison n.ary narra- of allusions or incidents related here with their parallels in the earlier prophetic histories. Aaron, for instance, is very prominent in the story of the plagues. In the Elo histic document, they come when Moses stretches out his hand or his rod at the command of Jehovah ; 4 in the priestly narrative, Jehovah says to Moses, "Say unto Aaron, ' stretch forth thy hand ' or ' thy rod.' " 6 In the older story of the conquest, it is Joshua who apportions the land ; * in the priestly story, he is not only associ- 1 Gen. 25 : 9. 2 Gen. 28 : 1-9. • Gen. 36 : 7. * Ex. 9 : 22 ; 10 : 12, 21. 6 Ex. 8 : 5, 16. 243 6 Josh. 18 : 10. Priestly History The Messages of ated with Eleazar the priest, but is named after him.1 On a greater scale, nothing is so instructive as a comparison of the secular rebellion of Dathan and Abiram in the prophetic narrative with the religious rebellion of Korah in the priestly narrative (Num. 16, 17), which even of fers two versions of that rebellion. In one view, it is an attack upon the rights of the tribe of Levi ; 2 in another, it is an attack of the Levites on the exclusively priestly rights of the sons of Aaron.8 The priestly This leads us to the remark that the priestly document, from'more18 though it is convenient and not unfair to treat it as a hand""^ unity, is, like the prophetic documents, not the work of a represents a single author but of a school, and represents a movement. movement .... , , „ . Many minds were at work upon the all-important problem of worship, and the legislation naturally underwent modifi cation and development.1 The older stratum, for example, represents only the high priest as anointed ; ° the later, the other priests as well.6 The section on the altar of incense ' — clearly at variance with the original section (Ex. 27 : 1-8) which implies the existence only of the brazen altar — is only one of many later additions. The most striking proof of the late date up to which these successive revisions were undertaken is seen in the fact that the Greek transla tion of Exodus 35 to 40, which cannot be earlier than the 1 Num. 34 : 17 ; Josh. 14 : i. 2 Num. 16 : 3. 3 16 : 10. * The later sections are printed in the paraphrase at the foot of the page. 6 Ex. 29 : 7. ° Ex. 28 : 41. 7 Ex. 30 : 1-10. 244 the Historians Priestly History third century B. C, implies in numerous details quite a different Hebrew text and arrangement from that which we have. Clearly at that time there was no absolutely fixed text of the passage, and this long repetition of Exodus 25 to 29 with its expansions and explanations, proves that the section is itself later than that which it expands. The literary characteristics of the priestly document, itscharao- both in its historical and legislative elements, are so strik- order ing as to be easily detected, after a very little practice, even in the English translation. One of the most notable — admirably illustrated in the first chapter of Genesis — is its sense of order and system. The days of creation are marked by a fine sequence. Here it is majestic ; often it tends to be mechanical. This almost evolutionary sense of order is suggested in another important sphere by the three stages of revelation, which are marked by corre sponding changes in the divine name. Before Abraham, God is simply God, Elohim , between Abraham and Moses, the bare idea of godhead gives place to the idea of power, and he is El Shaddai ; in the third and latest stage, he reveals himself to Moses as a god of grace, Jehovah. There is a similar sequence in the idea of the covenant. The first covenant is made with Noah, and its sign is the rainbow (Gen. 9). The second is made with Abraham, and its sign is circumcision (Gen. 17). Later, the Sabbath is spoken of as a covenant, and the sign of 245 Priestly History The Messages of the covenant.1 The love of system is further seen in the arrangement of the patriarchal period into ten " gener ations," beginning with the heavens and the earth and ending with Jacob. Sometimes this tendency degenerates into artificiality, as in the distribution of Jacob's children in Genesis 46, which makes up the number 70 by includ ing Joseph's sons, gives each of the wives twice as many children as their respective handmaids, "and defies the earlier prophetic narratives by assigning to Reuben four sons instead of two, and to Benjamin, the youngest, no less than ten, two of whom are regarded by 1 Chronicles 8 :' 3, 4 as his grandsons, and one by the Greek version of Chronicles even as a great-grandson. Precision. The zeal for precise statement naturally leads to much repetition. A most extraordinary illustration is to be found in Numbers 7, where six verses are repeated twelve times. It is impossible to imagine the prophetic authors writing in this way ; the legal mind is obviously here at work. Another phase of the same tendency is the fond ness for accurate numbers, dates, and measurements. It is the priestly writer who twice gives the numbers of the various tribes ; who gives the ages of the antediluvians ; 1 Ex. 31 : 16, 17. It does not seem safe, however, to refer this to the covenant at Sinai, which is not distinctly mentioned in this document ; but see Lev. 26 : 45. (It may have originally had a place, and been omitted by the redactor of the Hexateuch.) Nor yet is there warrant for assuming that it is the sign of a covenant made with Adam ; no such covenant is recorded. There is further the covenant of an everlasting priesthood made with Phinehas, as a reward for his defence of Jehovah's honor. Num. 25 : 13. 246 the Historians Priestly History who tells us not only the year and the month but the very day of Noah's life on which the flood came, how old Abra ham and Ishmael were when they were circumcised, and Moses and Aaron when they appeared before Pharaoh.1 Indeed — as we have seen — it is usually the priestly chronol ogy that weakens the credibility of a prophetic incident, which, without that chronology, would be quite probable ; for example, Abraham's denial of his wife. It is this source, too, which gives such elaborate measurements for the tabernacle and its furniture, and even for Noah's ark. With the strangest precision, it tells us that the waters of the flood prevailed fifteen cubits above the high mountains.2 Clearly the priestly school has travelled a long way from An exalted the easy and picturesque freedom of the prophetic histo- 0fG0d'lon rians. Yet there is gain as well as loss. The loss in ro mantic and historic interest has been accompanied by a purer and severer, if in some ways less attractive, theology. The idea of God is now completely freed from its primi tive and mythical elements. His glory can be compared to nothing but devouring fire.3 To describe him as walk ing in a garden in the cool of the day would beinconceiv- able. He is high and lifted up above earth and heaven. He has but to speak and things are. The first chapter of Genesis shows how nobly even men whose interests were very largely ritual, could think of God. It is a stately prose-poem which ushers us into the mysterious presence of a God of awful majesty. 1 Ex. 7:7. 2 Gen. 7 : 20. 3 Ex. 24 : 17. 247 In the following section bold-faced type represents the work of the priestly historians ; smaller bold-faced type represents later additions. 248 II the origin of the theocracy (Genesis to Joshua) I. History before Moses (Genesis) Out of the primeval chaos, God, by the word of his Man the almighty power, created an ordered world. Stage by God's crea- stage he fitted it for the living creatures he should tl°" <* : 1 to create, and every stage was divinely perfect. Then he created the living things to people sea and sky and earth. But last and noblest, and crown of all, was man, whose coming marked a new departure. For God made him to share in the divine nature and destined him to over come the world,1 living in peace with the creatures upon the fruits of the earth. God's work was now finished, and it was all divinely fair. So on the last day of his great creation week he rested and thus established for ever the sanctity of the Sabbath. From Adam to Noah, the hero of the Flood — a space The ten of over fifteen hundred years — there were but ten gen- vianVfs" i- erations, for in those ancient days the span of life was 28- 3°"32) exceeding long. For the most part, however, each generation was shorter than that which went before,2 1 Primarily, of course, in the material sense ; there may be an unconscious suggestion of the larger and deeper meaning. 3 So the Samaritan text. 249 Genesis 5 : 24 The Messages of though Enoch, for his perfect walk with God, was priv ileged not to see death at all. God's pur- Now the world had grown corrupt; only one man, pose to de- Noah, lived righteously. So God, in holy wrath, deter- stroy the * ... .,,,.. world for its mined to destroy that sinful world by bringing upon it sin (6 : 9-22) The Flood (7 : 6 to 8 : 19)1 God's cove nant with Noah (9 : 1- 17, 28, 29) a flood. But with righteous Noah he made a covenant of mercy, and instructed him against the day of the Flood how to save himself and his family and to pre serve of every living species a male and female for the world to be. By his obedience and faith, Noah was saved and all the living creatures that were with him in the ark. For God remembered him and them, and caused the waters to decrease which had prevailed for one hundred and fifty days, so that, on the anniversary of the coming of the Flood, he and they went forth. They went with the blessing of God, which conveyed the old right of dominion over the world. To this he added the right to partake of flesh as well as fruit, for food. Of the blood of the animals slain, men might not partake ; for that, as the symbol of life, was God's. Still more sacred was the blood of man ; for he was made in God's image, and the shedding of his blood must be avenged by man. Thus God made his first covenant with man, and with every living thing, never again to destroy them or the earth by a flood ; and of this covenant, the rainbow is for all time the sign and pledge. 1 This section is divided almost equally between P and J. 250 the Historians Genesis 17:6 From Noah sprang the three great groups of peoples, Descendants the Japhetic in the north, the Hamitic in the south, and °lff^l°'' greatest of all, the Semitic. 24> 31. 32) For to the Semites belong the Hebrews. Now in the Descendants ten1 generations from Shem to Terah, the father of?,,.h™20) Abram, the span of human life grew shorter and shorter, as before the Flood. Terah's clan migrated from Ur of the Chaldees tow- Migration of ard Haran. Afterward Abram, with wife and nephew f^™1^" : and a great company, went on to Canaan, where they **'¦*• s; "3 = settled — uncle and nephew apart.2 As Sarai, his wife, was barren, she gave Abram her Birth of ish Egyptian maid Hagar, who bore him Ishmael. ^5) z ' *' When Abram was old, God, revealing himself as El The coye- Shaddai, made with him a covenant to be valid for all Abram(i7) time, promising him the land of Canaan, descendants exceeding many — among whom should be kings— and 1 So LXX. 3 Ch. 14 (Abram the warrior, blessed by Melchizedek). In a campaign of four mighty kings from the east against a rebellious conspiracy in the Jordan valley, Lot, Abraham's nephew, was carried cap- tive. 'Whereupon, warrior like, Abram started in pursuit with certain confederate chiefs, and recovered both the prisoners and the spoil. On his return he received the blessing of the king of Jerusalem, priest of God most high, and in gratitude he gave to God, in the person of his priest, a tenth of the recovered spoil ; the rest he nobly restored to its owner, refusing with solemn oath to appropriate it to himself. (Linguistic and other marks make it certain that this curious chapter, round which a controversy has waged, is, in its present form, late. Some, however, at any rate, of its characters are certainly historical, and it may contain historical material.) 251 Genesis 17 : 7 The Messages of that he would be their God. The sign of the covenant ¦was to be infant circumcision, obligatory on every male. Sarai, too, aged though she was, should bear Isaac, the son of the promise. Abram's hopes for Ishmael would indeed be fulfilled ; he was destined to be the ancestor of twelve tribes ; but it was with Isaac that the cove nant would be established. In token of the covenant, the names of Abram and his wife were changed. In that same day was Abraham circumcised, with all the males of his household, according to the divine com mand. The deliver- God remembered Abraham, and for his sake saved ™o°t 2Q)Lot Lot when he overthrew the cities of the Jordan circle. The birth Faithful to his promise, God gave Abraham a son of Isaac ^ through Sarah, and Abraham, faithful to the obligation of the covenant, circumcised him. The pur- On Sarah's death, the Hittites generously offered the Machpelah princely Abraham his choice of a burying-place from (23) among their own. With gratitude he waived their offer, for he could not use an alien grave ; but he pur chased from them a certain field and cave in Hebron, thus winning in the promised land ground he could legally call his own. The death In this cave, where he buried Sarah, he was himself ("a^^ii?111 buried by Isaac and Ishmael, having died in a good old age ; and after his death, God blessed Isaac his son. The de- Ishmael became the ancestor of twelve tribes, accord- tfTshmael ing to the divine promise.2 (25 : 12-17) l Vv. 1 and 2 are each divided equally between J and P. " 17 : 20. 252 the Historians Genesis 35 : 26 Isaac married Rebekah of Paddan-aram, and not till Thede- after twenty years did she bear him sons, Esau and f^cfe5;0' Jacob. 19. 2°> 26') To the grief of his parents, Esau married Hittite E.sau'? Hlt" * tite wives women. (26 : 34, 35, But Jacob must not thus err. So Isaac sent him to°?: 46| Rebekah's former home for a wife with the prayer that to PaddVn" El Shaddai would continue upon him the blessing ^P1 '28 : vouchsafed to Abraham. Esau, now seeing the mis take of his own marriage, took to wife a granddaugh ter of Abraham. After his sojourn in Paddan-aram, Jacob came with Returns to his wives, his children, and his substance to Shechem xi%^: ?£) 1 in Canaan. The son of the prince of that district sought through The his father the hand of Jacob's daughter whom he had thTlhe" °£ ravished. Her brothers, indignant, guilefully consent- chemites ed to intermarriage between the clans, on condition of circumcision. The Shechemites accepted these terms ; but the sons of Jacob soon rose, slew all the males, and plundered the city, for the wrong done their sister. The neighboring cities were too panic-stricken to pursue. At Bethel, God, revealing himself by his old name ofTherevela- El Shaddai,3 renewed to Jacob the promise made to Bethel (35 : Abraham, and gave him a new name, Israel. s-Ts) Jacob with his twelve sons, all born in Paddan-aram, 1 About half a dozen fragments of verses within this section belong to P. 2 The larger half of this chapter belongs to P, the rest to J. 8 17 : 1. 253 Genesis 35 : 27 The Messages of Jacob comes came to Isaac in Hebron, once Abraham's home. Then Isaac's01 Isaac died in a good old age. death (35 : Esau and his clan settled in the hill country of Edom. The de- Of *^e Edomites there were twelve tribes ' with twelve scendants princes. Of the older inhabitants of the land, the Hor- sau (3 jte^ whom the Edomites absorbed, there were seven tribes with their subdivisions, and seven chiefs. Esau, the first-born, attained to monarchy before Israel, and eight kings are recorded before the time of Saul. After the close of the monarchy,2 the eleven districts of the country were governed by chiefs. Jacob settles Jacob now dwelt in the land of Canaan. (37 : 1, 2») (Joseph was sold into Egypt.) By the time he was Egypt (41 : thirty, he was governor over all Egypt, next to the king. 46eiidthntde"f Thither Jacob went down with his substance and fam- Jacob(46: ily, seventy souls in all, including the two sons of Jo- '" seph ; and each wife had twice as many descendants as her handmaid. Sojourn in Pharaoh offered Jacob and his sons the best of the 5-fi?27, 28) 'and to dwell in ; and the patriarch, greeting the king, spoke with pathos of his wandering life, brief in com parison with that of his fathers. So Joseph settled his father and brethren in the country of Rameses, and they multiplied and prospered. After seventeen years, it fell to Jacob to die. So he called Joseph, and, telling of El Shaddai's promises to him at Bethel,3 admitted Joseph's 1 Not counting Amalek, which is represented as the son of a concubine (v. 12). 2 Cf. 1 Chr. 1:51. » 35 : 9-15. 254 the Historians Exodus 6:12 two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, to the rank of his Jacob and * Joseph's Own. sons (48 : 3- He bade his sons bury him with his fathers in the " promised land, in the cave of Machpelah which was J.acou's Abraham's by right of purchase, and where rested his burial (49 : forefathers, elect of God. So they took him to the prom- ji^fij) ised land and buried him there, within that very cave. 2. Moses (Exodus to Deuteronomy) (1) The Deliverance (Exod. I to 19) In Egypt, the children of Israel, at first seventy in The oppres- number, multiplied exceedingly. So the Egyptians en- ;n Egypt slaved and oppressed them, until their cry went up to *¦? :II"?''J'. God and he in pity remembered his covenant with Abra- 23^25) ham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them the land of Canaan. Faithful thereto, he revealed himself to the people, The new through Moses, not as of old to the patriarchs by his Df God name El Shaddai, but by his new name Jehovah, and '6 : 2"IZ) thereby pledged himself to deliver and redeem them, to take them for his own people, and to bring them to the promised land. But the people were too broken to listen to such a message. Disheartened by their un belief, and conscious of his own inability as a speaker, Moses hesitated, when the divine commission was laid on him, to demand from Pharaoh the release of Israel from Egypt.1 1 6 : 13-30 is an awkward interpolation, separating question and answer. The substance of the section is : Moses and Aaron, the two brothers about to be sent to Pharaoh, were descendants of Levi, the third of Jacob's sons. 255 Exodus 7 : i The Messages of Aaron is ap- Jehovah then charged Aaron to act as Moses's Mosest spokesman, assuring them that he would by his judg- prophet ments compel the unwilling Pharaoh to let the children 7 ' I-7 of Israel go, and thus force the Egyptians to see what manner of god was Israel's God. Then the brothers delivered Jehovah's message to Pharaoh. The sign of With Pharaoh's demand for a miraculous sign to (7": ™d > authenticate their commission, Aaron complied. But Pharaoh's magicians did the like ; so, despite the higher power of Aaron— for his rod swallowed theirs-— he remained unimpressed, as Jehovah had said. Water A second sign, this time a plague I On Moses's blood1 nt° worc>> Aaron with outstretched rod, turned the water (7 : 19-22) ¦ of the land into blood. But Pharaoh's magicians did the like ; so he remained unimpressed, as Jehovah had said. The plague Another sign and plague 1 On Moses's word, Aaron ?|.fr°g) with outstretched rod, brought frogs upon the land. But Pharaoh's magicians did the like ; so he remained unimpressed, as Jehovah had said. The plague Yet another sign and plague 1 On Moses's word, of gnats Aaron struck with his rod the dust of the earth, which (8 : 16-19) straightway turned into gnats. This Pharaoh's ma gicians could not do, and they confessed it to be a thing divine, though not the work of Israel's God. So Pharaoh remained unimpressed, as Jehovah had said. The plague Yet another sign and plague ! Moses, assisted by (9 ^8-'i2) Aaron, sprinkling soot from the furnace toward the 1 Only part of vv. 20 and 21 belongs to P. 256 the Historians Exodus 14:4 heavens, caused boils to break out upon all the people, even upon the magicians. But the infatuated Pha raoh remained unimpressed, as Jehovah had said. The wonders ceased. The time for judgment had The institu- come, Jehovah resolved to smite all the first-born in the pa"sove'rhe land of Egypt, and to execute judgment upon Egypt's (" : 9t0 I2: gods, but to pass over every house of Israel that bore I3 the blood-mark. Therefore in that month of spring — with which the year was henceforth to open — by di vine command the feast known as the passover was instituted. Only the circumcised might partake thereof, and itspar- therefore the whole congregation of Israel ; but no for- /^T^o) eigner or sojourner, and only such settlers among them as submitted to circumcision. (Jehovah smote all the first-born of Egypt.) Thus Departure Israel, delivered, went out from Egypt after a sojourn f^f^1 of exactly four hundred and thirty years. 50 The festival of unleavened bread was ordained as a of unleav-3 perpetual memorial of the deliverance.1 ened J"^ Fittingly, then, after the slaughter of Egypt's first- The conse. born, was Moses commissioned to consecrate to Jeho- cration of 7 the hrst-born vah all the first-born of Israel.2 (13 : 1, 2) The Israelites were divinely led by another than the The deliver- direct way, that Jehovah might show his glory upon r^I sea (13 : 20 and 1 The exodus is already an accomplished fact (cf . v. 17) ; hence the 14) 3 transposition. 2 Cf. Num. 3 : 13 ff, 8 : 17 ff. 3 Ch. 14 is divided about equally between P and J E. 257 Exodus 14 : 4 The Messages of Pharaoh, and force' the Egyptians to see what manner of god was Israel's God. The infatuated king pursued and overtook them. Israel, however, in safety passed through between the walls of water that had been parted by Moses's outstretched hand ; but the waters came again, and overwhelmed the host of Pharaoh — chariots and horsemen all. Quails and Reaching the barren wilderness of Sin in May, the manna (16)1 deSp0ndent people murmured bitterly against Moses and Aaron. To accredit his servants and show the peo ple his glory, Jehovah sent them quails for flesh in the evening, and in the morning heavenly bread in the form of a white seed-like thing that tasted like honey — each to gather an omer thereof ; and this — which they called Man 2 — they ate for forty years till they came to the borders of Canaan.3 Arrival at They journeyed by stages till they came to the wil ing :l, 2») derness of Sinai (and there Jehovah gave the ten words). 1 Most of this chapter is from P : 5 or 6 verses are from J E. ¦' = What ? 8 Whatever each one gathered, much or little, it came to an omer (17, 18). The sanctity of the Sabbath was divinely empha sized by the miraculous doubling of the Man that fell on the sixth day, and by its miraculous power to remain fresh (22-30). Moses instructed Aaron to set a pot of it before the ark, as a memorial for all time (32-34). (The purpose of these later sections is sufficiently obvious.) ¦58 the Historians Exodus 28 : 16 (2) Sinai, with the Revelation of Things Divine (Ex. 24 : 15 to Num. 9 : 14) After six days of preparation, Moses went up to the Jehovah mount in obedience to the voice of Jehovah who spoke Moses (°4 : to him from out the fiery splendor of the cloud. i5b-iS") There Jehovah bade him build for him a sanctuary, The divine with the voluntary contributions of the people, so that t^rnacle e he might dwell in their midst. He further gave in- and a.n that - • ,.,,,¦ pertained structions for making a tabernacle with all its furni- thereto ture : an ark gorgeous with gold and guarded by cher- '25 10 3I^ ubim to contain the tablets with the ten words, whence from time to time he would reveal his will ; the costly table for the shew-bread ; the golden candlestick with its seven lamps ; the fourfold covering for the taber- (26) nacle of byssus curtains, goats' hair, rams' skins, and porpoise skins ; the woodwork of acacia ; the veil to separate the most holy place wherein was the ark of the testimony from the holy place with the table and the candlestick ; the curtain for the door of the tent ; the altar, with all that pertained thereto ; the court (27) round about the tabernacle ; the oil for the light that should never go out ; the sacred vestments for the (28) priests ; for the high-priest, the ephod with its shoul der-pieces on which were set the two stones graven with the names of the twelve tribes, to bring them to Jehovah's remembrance when the high-priest appeared before him ; attached thereto, the breast-plate, set 259 Exodus 28 : 17 The Messages of with twelve precious stones, and furnished with the Urim and Thummim, through which were reached de cisions by lot ; the upper coat with its warning bells ; the golden diadem engraved " Holy to Jehovah," that covered any guilt attaching to the offerings ; the tunic and the turban ; for the ordinary priests — tunic, girdle, head-dress ; for all the priests — drawers to hide the nakedness which would incur Jehovah's deadly wrath ; ' («9 : 1-35) the manner of consecration of the priests — how, after being washed and invested with the priestly raiment, a sin offering should be offered to cleanse altar and priests from sin, then, a burnt offering for a sweet savor to Jehovah, then an offering to consecrate them in all their faculties and in their priestly office ; what portion should fall to Jehovah and to them ; the transmission of the high-priest's raiment from father to son ; the (31 : 1-17) sacrificial meal ; 9 the names and divine equipment of the overseers of the work of constructing the taber nacle ; 3 the awful sanctity of the Sabbath as a sign * of the covenant. Moses comes Then Jehovah gave Moses the two tablets of the down from the mount 1 V. 41, which anoints all the priests, is later cf. 29 : 7. (31 \ i8a : a Also the atonement for the altar ; the burnt offering and meal offering morning and evening, to ensure Jehovah's presence in the midst of the people (29 : 36-46) ; the altar of incense ; the poll- tax of half a shekel for the service of the sanctuary ; the laver for the priests ; the holy oil to anoint the tent and its furniture, the high-priest and the other priests: the incense (30). 8 The enumeration in w. 7-11 is later. * Like the rainbow and circumcision of the previous covenants. 260 3= = is) the Historians Numbers 2 : 34 testimony, and he went down from the mount with them.1 A month after the erection of the tabernacle, Moses, The first assisted by Aaron and a prince from each tribe, took, ^" men of by divine command, a census of the fighting men of all *" the tribes, except Levi, which had charge of the tab ernacle. The numbers amounted to 603,550. The encampment was arranged four-square, three The order tribes on each side, with Levi and the tabernacle in the (Num.Cz)mp middle, Judah leading the east side, Ephraim the west. 1 As he went a divine glory transfigured his face, and thus trans figured, he used to lay Jehovah's commands upon the affrighted people. But when this task was over he would put a vail upon his face (34 : 29-35. This section appears to be late, as it implies the tab ernacle which is not yet in existence). Then Moses gathered the congregation together, and told them the words of Jehovah, be ginning with the very stringent Sabbath law. All the instruc tions he had received from Jehovah on the mount, the people carried out to the letter; so Moses blessed them (35 to 39). By divine command, the tabernacle was set up the year after the Exodus, on New Year's Day. The cloud covered it, and the glory of Jehovah filled it. The cloud by day and the fire by night di vinely guided the movements of the people (40). On the day of the erection of the tabernacle, the twelve princes made an obla tion of six covered wagons, and twelve oxen, for the transport of the fabric of the tabernacle. Then on twelve successive days they offered a dedication gift, one prince each day, beginning with the prince of Judah, and all the gifts were alike — costly ves sels of silver and gold for use at the altar, and animals for sacri fice (Num. 7). There is conclusive evidence, reached along several lines of argument, that all these sections which we have relegated to foot-notes are later than the context. 26l Numbers 3 : 1 The Messages of The Levites their num bers and duties(3 and 4) i The remov al of the unclean (5 : 1-4) The priest ly blessing (6 : 22-27) The tribe of Levi at whose head stood Aaron the high-priest and his sons the priests, was appointed to do the work of the tabernacle, thus taking the place of Israel's first-born whom Jehovah claimed for himself when he smote the first-born of Egypt. The three clans of Levi were numbered, and their position and duties assigned — service to be rendered by all between 30 2 and 50 years of age. The tribe numbered 22,000 3 with 8,580 men capable of service ; and the number of first-born over and above the number of Levites were redeemed with money. By divine command, the children of Israel removed from the camp three classes of unclean persons. Thus ran the priestly blessing : Jehovah bless thee and keep thee ! Jehovah make his face shine upon thee, and be gra cious unto thee 1 Jehovah lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace 1 In the utterance of these words, Jehovah promised to impart the blessing to his people. 1 4 is late. 2 See note on i Chr. 23 : 3. 8 The numbers when added (w. 22, 28, 34) give 22,300. By adding one letter to the Hebrew word for 6 in v. 28, we get the word for 3. This would keep the total right. 262 the Historians Numbers 14 : 38 (3) The Fortunes of the Way (Num. 9 : 15 to Deut. 34 : 9) The people obediently ordered their march according The guid- to the will of Jehovah as expressed in the resting or '?e. jlo"d, the rising of the cloud that covered the tabernacle. The signal for the start was a blast of the silver The depart- trumpets. In seven Weeks after the erection of the sinai™™ tabernacle, the first start was made, under divine (IO : I-28) guidance, and in the prescribed order — Judah lead ing, and the Levites with the tabernacle in the middle. From the wilderness south of Canaan, Moses, by di- The spies vine command, sent twelve chief men, one from each J",,^"; tribe, including Caleb of Judah, and Hoshea or Joshua The unbe- of Ephraim, to spy out the promised land. They passed their doom through it to Rehob in the extreme north, and returned *13 and I4> ' in forty days with a report -which caused the congrega tion to murmur. " Would that -we had died," they said, "in Egypt, or in this wilderness." Jehovah taking them at their word, solemnly determined that all over twenty years of age should perish in the wil derness within forty years for their sin of murmuring. The lives of the lying spies he brought to a sudden end, sparing only Joshua and Caleb who, in the face of the rebellious people, had spoken of the land as a land sur passingly good. 1 To P belongs 13 : 1-7° ; to J E 14 : 11-25. The rest is divided between J E and P. 263 Numbers 16 : The Messages of Rebellion Korah, at the head of 250 princes, and fate of rebelled against Moses and Aaron. K-orah (t ™. , * i- » ^.t. (16 and 17)1 The whole congregation," they urgeds " is holy, and not the tribe of Levi alone." Moses invited them to submit their claims to a divine test, with the result that they were all destroyed. Only the earnest prayer of Moses and Aaron saved the rest of the congregation from their fate. Their resentment at the doom of Korah and his com pany vented itself on Moses and Aaron in angry murmurs, which Jehovah this time chastised with death that swept away thousands, and was only stayed by the priest ly mediation of Aaron, directed by Moses. Then by the marvel wrought upon the rod of Aaron that stood for the tribe of Levi, the divine will was declared that the privilegeof ministering inthe sanct uary belonged to that tribe alone. This rod was to be preserved as a warning to murmurers and rebels ; and the people were sore affreighted by the awful holiness of Jehovah's sanctuary. Korah, at the head of 250 Levites, resenting their A later ac- subordinate po- count of s i t i o n in the the same service of the incident sanctuary, chal lenged the exclusive right of the sons of Aaron to the priesthood and claimed it for the whole tribe. (But in the test, they were con sumed by fire from Jeho vah) and their fire-pans were beaten into plates for an altar-covering, as a sign and warning that only de scendants of Aaron should exercise the priestly func tion before Jeiiovaho The sin of Moses and Aaron (20 : Water failed on the border of the promised land, and the people murmured bitterly against Moses and Aaron. But when Jehovah bade Moses bring water from the 1 To P1 belong 16 : 19-24, and 16 : 41 to 17 : 13, besides odd verses; to P2 belong 16 : ia, y\ 8-11, 16-18, 17 : 1-5. There is also a considerable J E element in 16. 3 JE and P blend in this section. 264 the Historians Numbers 25 : 18 rock, he and his brother sinned against the holiness of Jehovah by hasty and rebellious ' words before the people. Wherefore it was divinely ordained that they should not bring the people into the promised land. The doom fell first upon Aaron, who, like Moses af- The death terward, died upon a mountain-top. High-priest he (20 : 22_29) was to the end, and then his raiment and office devolved upon Eleazar his son. Arrival at r the plains The people, after bewailing Aaron, journeyed on till of Moab they came to the plains of Moab, opposite Jericho. 22': 1)°' " ' (By Balaam's counsel,2 the women of Midian were Israel's fall; set to tempt Israel into intermarriage.) Wherefore in phinehas wrath Jehovah sent a plague upon Israel which swept <2s : 6-9) away thousands and was only stayed by Phinehas the high-priest's son, who in his zeal for the offended holi ness of Jehovah, slew the shameless prince of Simeon with his princess paramour of Midian. His zeal for the honor of Jehovah and the purity of The reward his people received the divine reward of perpetual priesthood priesthood, to be confined to him and his descendants (25 : 10-15) for ever. Implacable enmity was enjoined against Midian for War with her malicious devices against Israel.3 ^joined 1 Cf. v. 24. Owing to the difficulty of the analysis in this chapter, it is C2S : 16-18) hard to say wherein their sin consisted. V. 24 suggests rebellion, more mildly represented in v. 12 as lack of trust. It was hardly the smiting of the rock : otherwise what was the use of the rod? » Cf. 31 : 16. s Ch. 31 : The war enjoined against Midian was undertaken by 12,000 men of Israel who, without losing a man, slew every male 265 Numbers 26 : 1 The Messages of The second As before at the beginning of their wanderings, so now at the end, the people by divine command were numbered according to their tribes and clans by Moses and Eleazar ; not only were there fewer now than then, but not one of those numbered then was now alive save Caleb and Joshua. Thus the divine word was fulfilled.1 To all the tribes except Levi the land was to be appor tioned by lot, the extent of the inheritance to be pro portioned to the size of the tribe. Moses to die Then it was divinely appointed that Moses should (27 ; 12-14) - die like his brother upon a mountain-top ; from the Moab heights he should behold the promised land, but enter it he might not, because of his rebellious words at the waters of strife. Joshua his In answer to Moses's affectionate pleading with Jeho- (27 :^™3) vaft *°r a worthy successor, his choice was divinely directed to Joshua, who should enjoy somewhat of of Midian with her kings and Balaam, author of the malicious counsel, and took enormous spoil. Then by command of Moses, all but the virgin females were slain, as it was through the women that Israel had been tempted. To this occasion the law runs back which ordains that the spoil be equally divided between the war riors and the people who remain behind (Cf. i Sam. 30 : 24). Of the warriors' portion, \ per cent, was given to the priests, and of the people's portion, 2 per cent, to the Levites. In gratitude and to ensure Jehovah's grace, the officers dedicated to him an offer ing of the spoil, which was kept as a memorial in the sanctuary. (This chapter is very late. Its significance is legal; not, or only very slightly, historical. Cf. p. 161.) 1 14 : 29, 34. 2 Cf. Dt. 32 : 48-52. 266 the Historians Numbers 35 : 2 Moses's unique dignity, and in all doubtful issues should ever consult the high-priest. As the land east of the Jordan was a good land for Settlements cattle, the tribes of Reuben and Gad asked that that Jordan (3!) 1 might be their inheritance. Moses at once indignantly challenged them with disheartening the rest of the people by their indifference, and reminded them pointedly of the fate of the spies and of the whole genera lion which believed their discouraging word. * On promising to aid the other tribes until they had con quered the west, Moses granted their request on condi tion that they kept their word. Between Rameses at the beginning of the wanderings The itin- of Israel and the plains of Moab at the end, forty sta- (^Ti^o) tions are recorded in an ancient list that goes back to Moses. By divine command, Moses charged the children of Moses's Israel to extirpate the inhabitants of the land with (33a?^-56) ; every vestige of their idolatry, and then to possess the ^^""""the land in accordance with the divine purpose, apportion- land (34) ing it by lot among the tribes ; its boundaries to be the wilderness on the south, the sea on the west, Hamath on the north, and on the east the lake of Gennesaret, the Jordan, and the Dead Sea. This western land was to be the territory of the nine and a half tribes, and to be apportioned by ten princes — one from each tribe, Ju dah first— headed by the high-priest assisted by Joshua. To the Levites, who had no inheritance of their own, 1 JE is also largely represented in this chapter. 2 Vv. 7-15 are due to a very late Deuteronomic redaction. 267 Numbers 35:3 The Messages of The cities the other tribes were enjoined to assign forty-eight Levites and citles with pasture land, including six cities of refuge- cities of three on either side of the Jordan— for innocent homi- refuge (35) cides. Moses's In the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh ?g^d^es? month Moses laid upon the people all that wherewith Jehovah had charged him.1 The death Thereafter he was divinely led to Nebo on the Moab ?pM°|e.s g. heights, there to die ; and there, in view of the prom- 52; 34 : 1-9)1 iSed land, he died. In the leadership of the people he was succeeded by Joshua who was filled with the spirit of wisdom, because Moses had laid his hands upon him. 3. Settlement in the Land of Promise (Joshua) Israel in the The people crossed the Jordan and encamped in Gil- Pro?1jsJed gal near Jericho. Their first act in the promised land 4 : 13, 19 ; was to celebrate the passover. Then, too, they first 5 . 10-12) atfi or tjje pro(juce 0f tne jan(j . so tne manna ceased. Achan's sin They committed treason against Jehovah in the mat- andfate(7)3 ter 0f tj,e jjan . for Achan took some of that which was under ban ; and all Israel stoned him with stones. The Gibeon- The princes of the congregation had given a promise ""i? : I5b' °^ safety on oatn to certain cities of the Gibeonites. 1 Deut. 1 : 3 is probably the preface to P's summary of the final words of Moses, omitted by the redactor of the Hexateuch, because superseded by our present Deuteronomy. 8 With 32 : 48-52 cf. Num. 27 : 12-14. Of 34 : I_9, vv. 8 and 9 with a few fragments belonging to P. 3 One or two very brief fragments. 268 the Historians Joshua 20 : 9 The people were indignant at the promise of the princes ; but their solemn oath could not be broken. So the Gibeonites were spared, but reduced to the posi tion of wood-cutters arid 'water-carriers. Then the whole congregation gathered together at The tent of Shiloh, and there they placed the tent of meeting, for placed in the land had been subdued before them. flS °\\ As the two and a half tribes had already received The division from Moses their inheritance, accurately delimited, east ?£ * \]?~; of the Jordan, the nine and a half western tribes now m= *-5) received their promised inheritance in the conquered land by lot from the high-priest assisted by Joshua and the princes of the tribes, at the entrance of the tent of meeting in Shiloh. The first recorded lot is that of Judah, whose boun- The boun daries and cities, including the Philistine cities on the ckie" an sea-board, are most exhaustively given. Then come (rs t° IQ) ' Manasseh and Ephraim, with meagre records, followed by Benjamin, -which again is exhaustive, then by Sim eon, Zebulon, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, and Dan. Then, as before ordained,2 three cities on either side The cities of of the Jordan were set apart as cities of refuge for ciSefof the innocent homicides,3 and for the Levites, forty-eight Levites(20 : 1 to 21 : 42) 1 With the exception of the passages already assigned to JE (cf. pp. 118, 119) these chapters belong entirely to P, except a verse or two which comes from the final redactor of the Hexateuch. ' Num. 35. s Vv. 4-6, which are not in LXX, belong to a very late Deuteronomic redaction. Cf. Num. 32 : 7-15. 269 Joshua 21 The Messages of cities with their pasture land, including these six, drawn from the other tribes and assigned by lot to the three clans of Levites — the thirteen cities of the Levites providentially falling in what was afterward the king dom of Judah.1 Ill THE SOURCES, AIMS, AND IDEALS OF THE BOOK OF CHRONICLES The date of Chronicles The memo rial altar (22 : 9-34) The Pentateuch, in practically its present form, must have been in existence, at any rate by 330 B. C, and may have been in existence a century before that. But the priestly activity which, as we saw, contributed the latest stratum, was not exhausted by that effort. Once more the attention of that school was directed toward history, 1 The tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, before recrossing to their own territory, raised a great memorial altar on the west side of the Jordan. Regarding this seeming treason to the law of one altar as rebellion against Jehovah, the congregation sent the high-priest's son with the princes of the ten western tribes to remonstrate. The suspected tribes pledged their solemn word that the altar did not mean rebellion, nor was it de signed for sacrifice, but as a witness of their kinship with Israel and their right to worship Jehovah, should the Jordan ever be re garded as a divinely constituted barrier. Their assurance satis fied both the deputies and the people at large, and confirmed in Phinehas the faith that Jehovah was among them. 270 the Historians / Chronicles both that of the monarchy and that of more recent times, and the history was rewritten from or adapted to the new point of view. Taking no account of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, which really form part of the same work as Chronicles, the date of Chronicles is manifestly late. It is at least six generations after Zerubbabel1 (520 B. C.) and cannot therefore be earlier than 350 B. C. ; according to the Greek version of this passage, it would be five gen erations later still, and therefore at least as late as 250 B. C. It is thus, roughly speaking, seven centuries from the earliest reign which it records, and about two and a half from the latest. The record, then, being so much later than the facts, The sources we are entitled to ask : what were the sources accessible to the author, and what is their historic value ? He seems to have had genealogies at his disposal,2 and he very often refers to the works of prophets ; but these last were prob ably incorporated a in the book which he mentions most frequently — though not always by the same name — and to which he is most deeply indebted, namely, the Book of Kings of Israel and Judah. This book was not our Book of Kings ; for it contained prophetical sections * and sta tistical 6 and other ¦ notices that form no part of our book. It was probably a book that traversed the history in much the same didactic spirit as Chronicles itself. Such a book 1 1 Chr. 3 : 19 ff. 2 1 Chr. 5 : 17. " 2 Chr. 20 : 34. (R. V.) ' 2 Chr. so ; 34. 6 1 Chr. 9 : 1. 271 • 2 Chr. 33 : 18. Chronicles , The Messages of was called a midrash? and would undoubtedly serve the Chronicler's purpose better than history proper. A com parison of Chronicles with Samuel and Kings, however, makes it quite certain that he also had before him the histories recorded in these books in just their present form. True, the Chronicler sometimes supplements the earlier books by notices which are both interesting and probable ; such as the fortifications of Rehoboam,2 the wars and buildings of Uzziah.3 But judging from the general nature and style, which is his own, of his ad ditions to the earlier books, it is unsafe to say that he had access to written sources older than our books of Samuel and Kings. The chroni- A glance at the book is sufficient to convince us that cations of it is not written for the sake of the history it contains. his sources jt js characterized by historical improbabilities such as we have already noted in the priestly narrative in the Hex ateuch (e.g., Num. 31) and even in the later strata of Kings (1 K. 13). No one who reads the speech of Abijah on the eve of the battle with Jeroboam * could seriously maintain that it was probable ; its emphasis on ritual is too elaborate and obvious (v. 11). Indeed, there are in Chroni cles direct and serious contradictions of the Book of Kings, The Chronicler tells us that Jehoshaphat joined with Aha- 1 2 Chr. 24 : 27, cf. 13 ; 22. The nature of a midrash we may see by con trasting 2 Chr. 20 with 2 K. 3. a 2 Chr. 11 ; 5-12. 3 2 Chr. 26 : 6-15. 4 2 Chr. 13 ; 5-12. 272 the Historians Chronicles ziah, and attributes to that union the wreck of his fleet ; * ac cording to i Kings 22 : 49 he refused to join him. He tells us again, that Ahaz suffered a terrible defeat at the hands of Pekah ; * according to 2 Kings 16:5 (cf. Is. 7:1) Rezin and Pekah besieged him but could not overcome him. Sometimes the history is practically inverted, as when, in Kings,3 Solomon gives Hiram cities in return for his loan, whereas in Chronicles * it is Hiram who gives Solomon the cities. The Chronicler even twice contradicts himself as well as Kings ; following Kings 6 he says that the good kings Asa and Jehoshaphat did not remove the high places," and yet he had just before told us that they did,7 as, on his theory, being good kings they should. His changes, how ever, are never capricious. The motive is usually trans parent, for example, to avoid the discrepancy occasioned by the two-fold tradition in Samuel 8 as to the defeat of Goliath, he represents Elhanan as slaying the brother of Goliath.' His motive is, however, more often theological. David's impulse to number the people, which in 2 Samuel 24 : 1 came from Jehovah, comes from Satan in 1 Chron icles 21 : 1. In particular, he is influenced by the desire to glorify The Chroni- the past and to find in antiquity the fully developed insti- o/thVpast ' 2 Chr. 20 : 35. ' 3 Chr. 28 : 5-8. 3 1 K. 9 : 11-14. * 2 Chr. 8 : 2. 3 1 K. 15 : 14 ; 22 : 43. 6 2 Chr. 15 : 17 ; 20 : 33. 1 2 Chr. 14 : 5 ; 17 : 6. 3 1 S. 17 : 51, 2 S. 21 ; 19. 9 1 Chr. 20 : 5. 273 Chronicles The Messages of tutions of his own time which, in point of fact, took cen turies to develop. David appears as the founder of sacred music, and of a most elaborate temple ritual and organ ization. The terror of his name is over all the earth.1 Solomon's glory still flashes brilliantly across the inter vening centuries. " Jehovah magnified Solomon exceed ingly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon him such royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel." 2 This last sentence finely illustrates the somewhat mechanical and unimaginative spirit with which the Chronicler approaches the treatment of history. Num bers and successes are exaggerated. Hundreds become thousands.3 Half a million Israelites perish in a day.4 Jehoshaphat, who confesses that he has no might,6 has yet nearly a million and a quarter fighting men.8 -Omissions The omissions are just as significant as the transforma tions. There is no reference, for example, to David's encounter with Ishbibenob, in which he was delivered by the timely arrival of Abishai ; ' no mention of the brazen serpent which was in the temple as late as Hezekiah's time,8 nor of Hezekiah's tribute of silver and gold to the king of Assyria, " nor of the idolatrous and immoral wor- 1 i Chr. 14 : 17. a 1 Chr. 29 : 25. 8 1 Chr. 19 : 18, cf. 2 Sam. 10 : 18. 1 Chr. 18 : 4, cf. 2 Sam. 8:4. In both cases 700 becomes 7,000. In 2 Chr. 4 : 5, the 2,000 of 1 K. 7 ; 26 has become 3,000. * 2 Chr. 13 : 17. A 2 Chr. 20 : 12. 6 2 Chr. 17 : 14-19. » 2 Sam. 21 : 15-17. 8 2 K. 18 : 4. » 2 K. 18 : 14-16. 274 the Historians Chronicles ship that flourished under Rehoboam.1 The temper in dicated by these omissions is still more conspicuous in the longer omissions. Nothing is given of Saul's reign but the close,2 and even there his doom is explained in a way " not strictly consistent with the original passage in I Sam uel 28 : 6. The story of David's sin against Uriah is omitted, as well as the story of Amnon, with Absalom's flight, recall, and rebellion, the intrigues which secured the throne for Solomon, his foreign marriages and idol atries. The most striking omission, however, is the ab sence of all but the barest references to the northern kingdom, those only being retained which relate in some way to the southern kingdom. This is the key to the book. Nothing is of real interest The key to but Judah ; and in Judah, Jerusalem ; and in Jerusalem, th! pre-emi- the temple. For the Chronicler, the temple with its wilh0£ worship is the centre of the universe. " Jehovah is not with Israel " * sounds the watchword of the book, which exalts the religious uniqueness of Judah. For example, while many of the northern tribes laughed to scorn Heze kiah's messengers when invited to celebrate a great pass- over feast at Jerusalem, Judah accepted the invitation unanimously.6 This explains why in 1 Chronicles 2 to 8 the genealogies of Judah are given first place and dis proportionate space, occupying 102 verses. Characteris- 1 1 K. 14 : 22-24. a r Chr. io. 8 i Chr. io : 14. * 2 Chr. 25 ; 7. 5 2 Chr. 30 : 10-12. 275 Chronicles The Messages of tically, too, Benjamin, whose lot was associated with Judah's, receives at least 40 verses, and Levi 81, while all the others put together have only 86. So completely has the northern kingdom vanished from the thought of the Chronicler that its name is occasionally applied to Judah when the writer is thinking of the people as in covenant relation to God, so that the " princes of Judah " in one verse can be called the princes of Israel in the next,1 and a king of Judah may be called a king of Israel.2 Naturally Judah is tenderly dealt with. The threat of the prophets contemporary with Manasseh, of the terrible doom to fall on Judah and Jerusalem, is omitted.3 Worship on the high places, a practice which the Book of Kings admits and deplores, is often quietly passed over,' nor are there many traces left of the immorality of the worship which Kings represents as being tolerated by some rulers,6 and attacked by others." When a fact that makes against Judah is rec ognized, it usually receives a kindly turn at the hand of the Chronicler. The notice in 1 Kings 22 : 43 that in Jehoshaphat's time " the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places," becomes in 2 Chronicles 20 : 33 " neither as yet had the people set their hearts unto the God of their fathers." 1 2 Chr. 12 : 5, 6. '* 2 Chr. 21 : 2, Jehoshaphat; 2 Chr. 28 : 19, Ahaz. 3 2 K. 21 : 11-16. 4 2 K. 14 : 4, Amaziah ; 15 : 4, Uzziah ; 15 : 35, Jotham. • 1 K. 14 : 22-24, Rehoboam. 0 1 K. 15 : 12, Asa ; 22 : 46, Jehoshaphat. 276 the Historians Chronicles Interest, then, is monopolized by Judah, and it has, forThepromi- its centre, the temple, with its ritual, its priests, its Levites, UaUnteres'is its singers. In this the book is but a faithful reflex of the post-exilic age in which it was composed. For the body guard which assisted in the revolution of Jehoiada, the Chronicler substitutes the Levites,1 as he does for the prophets mentioned in connection with Josiah's reforma tion.2 How prominent ritual interests were in his mind may be strikingly seen in his treatment of Hezekiah's reign as compared with the account in the Book of Kings. In the latter book, there is historical interest of the most thrilling kind — the Assyrian embassy to Hezekiah, the threatened attack on Jerusalem, the strange deliverance, and behind all the great figure of Isaiah. The Chronicler, ¦ though he does not ignore this story, devotes by far the largest share of his attention to the great passover held in Hezekiah's reign. Similarly the brief statement of Josi ah's passover in the Book of Kings 3 is expanded by the Chronicler into 19 verses.* The mention of the temple, although it occurs in a message to a foreigner, leads to an elaborate notice of the various services, for which the Book of Kings supplies no warrant.6 David is interested in the minutest detail of the organization of the yet un built temple. Uzziah 's leprosy, of which 2 Kings 15:5 only states the fact, is interpreted by the Chronicler as * 2 Chr. 23. 3 2 K. 23 : 2 ; 2 Chr. 34 : 30. 3 2 Chr. 23 : 21-23. * 2 Chr. 35 : 1-19. 6 Chr. 2 : 4, 1 K. 5 : 5. 277 Chronicles The Messages of punishment for encroaching on priestly prerogatives.1 In a battle, the priests with their trumpets are almost as necessary an adjunct as God himself.2 Levitical Especially keen is the interest displayed by the author in the Levites, so that it has been plausibly suggested that he was himself a Levite. It is a Levite who is moved by the Spirit to speak a heartening word to Jehoshaphat before the battle.3 At the reformation of Josiah, it is distinctly said that the Levites were more enthusiastic than the priests. 4 Coupled with this is the Chronicler's exceptional interest in the musical service. In his account of the inau guration of the temple, and of the passovers of Hezekiah and Josiah,6 the music receives special attention. The proph- It would be a mistake, however, to suppose that the icles " Chronicler cares for nothing but priests and ritual. He also cares, after his own fashion, for prophets and moral ity. In fact, the Book of Chronicles is richer in prophetic scenes than the Book of Kings. The function of the prophet is here as elsewhere to reprove apostasy,6 and to bring men back to God. ' The threat of a prophet will find its grim fulfilment 8 unless averted by humility and repent ance." Even kings have to listen humbly to the proph et's word.10 In one passage, belief in the prophet is 1 2 Chr. 26 : 16-20. a 2 Chr. 13 : 12. 3 2 Chr. 20 : 14. * 2 Chr. 29 : 34. ° 2 Chr. 5 : 11-13 ; 29 : 25, 26; 35 : 15. " 2 Chr. 25 : 15. '2 Chr. 24 : 19. '1 Chr. 36 : 21. • 2 Chr. 12 : 6, 7. i» 2 Chr. 36 : 12. 278 the Historians Chronicles almost made co-ordinate with faith in Jehovah himself.1 Such is the Chronicler's theory of the prophet's place and function, and the theory is supported by his illustra tions. Shemaiah, for instance, explains to Rehoboam that the invasion of Shishak is the divine retribution upon his forgetfulness of Jehovah.2 Hanani reproves Asa for putting his trust in a human king,3 just as Jehu reproves Jehoshaphat for assisting the wicked Ahab,* and Eliezer warns him of the consequences of his league with Aha ziah.6 Over the army of Israel, intoxicated by its defeat of Judah, Oded hangs his threat and reproof," while Aza riah encourages Asa, and gives the impetus to his refor mation.7 On the pages of the Chronicler, the prophet seems to Their signifi- hold a place second only to that of the priest. Yet a closer examination compels us to doubt whether he had any profound interest in or knowledge of the prophets. Hardly any of the allusions to the prophets or their speeches is supported by the testimony of the Book of Kings ; and some of the prophetic appearances mentioned above occur in connection with incidents which, as we have seen, are even contradicted by that book, such as the league of Jehoshaphat with Ahaziah, and the defeat of Ahaz by Pekah. It would be strange that one who really ¦ 2 Chr. 20 : 20. a 2 Chr. 12 : 5. 3 2 Chr. 16 : 7-10. * 2 Chr. 19 : 2, 3. • 2 Chr. 20 : 37. • 2 Chr. 28 : 9 ff. * 2 Chr. 15:21!. 279 Chronicles The Messages of cared for prophets should all but ignore the giant figure of Elijah, as the Chronicler does. That cannot be only because he is a prophet of the northern kingdom, for he does mention him — strangely enough, as writing ; 1 and this, the only mention of him, involves a historical impos sibility.2 In the days of the Chronicler, the prophet was no more a living reality : but it was impossible to forget the place he had once filled, and the duties he had striven, too often unsuccessfully, to do. It is in that capacity then that he appears before us in the Book of Chronicles, as pointing out the moral of a situation in the way above de scribed, now by stimulus, now again by rebuke. He ful fils much the same function in the Book of Chronicles as the Deuteronomic redactor in the earlier historical books. Each appears at salient points in the history in the spirit of the moralist or the preacher rather than of the objective historian, and elicits from the situation the truth it is fitted to teach. Thereiig- As the Chronicler's additions, omissions, and trans- Chronides°f formations show that he does not claim to be a historian in the ordinary sense of the word, it is all the more in cumbent upon us to find where his interests and passions really lie. Apart from the obvious sacerdotalism, which meant so much to him, it is in great part to the prophetic scenes that we must go to learn how deeply he cared for 1 2 Chr. 21 : 12. 3 *' He had quitted this earth long before.'' Cf. 2 K. 3 : 11 ; 8 : 16. 280 the Historians Chronicles God, how highly he valued fidelity to him, and how firmly he believed in the moral government of the world. These thoughts lie behind their sometimes strange historic set ting ; they lie deep in the heart of the Chronicler, and it is his thought and moral convictions rather than his history that are the things of value to us. The older the Hebrew nation grew, the more fantastic became its imagination, and the deeper its disregard of fact as fact ; but it always firmly held the deep, great, and fundamental things that lie behind all fact. If we note the teaching of the book more closely in intense be- this light, what at first seems a mechanical reading of an morai order event will on second thought appear as testimony to a profound and intense belief in a moral order. Amaziah's fatuous challenge of Joash with the defeat which it in volved, is regarded as the divine punishment of his idol atry in seeking after the gods of Edom.1 To a similar reason is traced the defeat of Ahaz, at the hands of Aram, Israel, Edom, and Philistia,2 and also the defeat of Joash by Aram." Similarly Jotham becomes mighty because he ordered his ways before Jehovah, his God,* and Manas seh's repentance delivers him from exile as surely as his sin had carried him thither.6 All this teaching implies a moral and religious interpretation of fact, altogether inde pendent of the historicity of these particular facts. The 1 2 Chr. 25 : 20. » 2 Chr. 28 : 5, 19. 3 2 Chr. 24 : 24. * 2 Chr. 27 : 6. "2 Chr. 33 : n-13. 281 Chronicles The Messages of theory would not be invalidated if any or all of these inci dents were disproved. For the theory represents a moral reality resting partly it may be on intuition, yet also partly on observation and experience if not of these facts then of others. God the Instead of quarrelling then with the Chronicler for his great rea lty jjjgtoj-y — the value of which as history, God, by preserv ing for us the canon of the Old Testament Scriptures, has himself given us the means of determining — we should rather learn of him his deep faith in the moral significance of history. The strength of his conception is indeed not so obvious as its weakness, but it is as real. When he tells us that Hezekiah prospered because of his zeal for religion,1 it is easy to say that his religion was largely a matter of ritual,2 and that his prosperity is externally con ceived. But deeper than that is the great faith that God's hand is in human affairs, filling them full of moral mean ing. If God is transcendent,3 he is also immanent. The tremendous reality that God should be in life is suggested by Asa's terrible decree, which condemned to death all who refused to seek Jehovah, whether small or great, man or woman.* Is it unnatural that so great a reality should make himself felt — that if, and so long as,6 men seek him, he will be found of them, but if they forsake him, he will forsake them " — in ways that the dullest will feel ? How 1 2 Chr. 31 : 21. 3 Cf. 2 Chr. 13 : u. » Gen. 1. 1 2 Cbr. 15 : 13. "2 Chr. 26 ; 5. "2 Chr. 15 : 2. 282 the Historians Chronicles externally the divine interposition is sometimes conceived may be seen by a study of some of the battle-scenes scat tered throughout the book. The figure of the warrior is even less clear to the Chronicler than that of the prophet. There is an almost Miltonic unreality about the battles ; or rather, we might say, there are no battles. The human war riors hardly count at all. They have but to shout ; * and if the cause is just — which usually and not altogether with out historical justification means, if the cause is Judah's — the victory is theirs. This may seem mechanical ; but it is the Chronicler's embodiment of the great truth that God is the arbiter of war, and that battles and victories and defeats do not mean nothing. Numbers cannot over whelm the cause that is God's, for he is omnipotent.2 Success in battle, as in life, comes from " leaning on Je hovah, the God of the fathers ; " 3 both faith and " work shall be rewarded." * To the Chronicler, then, no less than to the prophet, it is God who is the great reality of life. All human activity is under his direction. Judges administer justice, not for man but for him.6 The inspiration to all work is faith in him. Reliance on man is a no less than tragic mistake. Even the good Asa twice erred in this way. Once in straits he relied upon the king of Aram,6 and once again on the physicians ; 7 both times comes the reminder that » 2 Chr. 13:15. a 2 Chr. 14:11. " 2 Chr. 13 : 18; 26 : 5. •2 Chr. 15:7. ' 2 Chr. 19:6. » 2 Chr. 16 : 7. *i Chr. 16:12. 283 Chronicles The Messages of the source of all help is God. But the God in whom so absolute a confidence is demanded is worthy of it, for he is omnipotent. He can be appealed to in the most desper ate straits ; legions cannot prevail against him.1 It is he who determines alike the wars of neighboring tribes * and the great movements of history.3 He has power to help and to cast down. He can compensate men for losses that befall them in the path of obedience to his word,* and he shows himself strong in behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward him.6 But, besides being omnipotent, he is omniscient. His eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth.6 He searcheth all hearts and understandeth the imaginations of the thoughts.7 He is no respecter of persons. Men receive at his hands their just deserts,8 so that the good can count upon his presence,9 and not the good only, but the penitent ; 10 " for he is gracious and merciful and will not turn away his face from you, if ye return unto him." " In a word, he is " Jehovah the good," 12 who is ready to pardon all who earnestly seek him, though their approach to him be not ritually correct. 13 His spirit is unlimited and impartial in its operations. It can reveal to David the pattern of the 1 2 Chr. 14 : 11. 'J 1 Chr. 5 : 22. 3 1 Chr. 5 : 26. « 2 Chr. 25 : 8, 9. 6 2 Chr. 16 : 9. « 2 Chr. 16 : 9. » 1 Chr. 28 : 9. » 2 Chr. 15 : 2. * 2 Chr. 19 : 11. 10 2 Chr. 15 : 4. "2 Chr. 30:9. >a 2 Chr. 30: 18. 13 2 Chr. 30: 19. 284 the Historians Chronicles temple,1 and it can inspire the warrior 2 no less than the prophet.3 With such a God to worship, it would be impossible that the interests of the Chronicler should be wholly bound by ritual. He, too, has caught something of the divine large-heartedness. He has the daring to invest the king of Egypt with an almost prophetic dignity, in making him the bearer of a divine message to Josiah.4 Supremely in structive is his account of Hezekiah's reformation, where thorough ritualist as he was, he yet clearly subordinated form to the spirit. The passover then held was full of ir regularities. It was held in another month than that pre scribed by law, and was attended by multitudes who were unclean. Yet, with a nobleness worthy of the God whom he worshipped, he puts into the lips of Hezekiah the fol lowing beautiful prayer : " May Jehovah the good pardon every one that setteth his heart to seek God, even Jehovah, the God of his fathers, though he be not cleansed accord ing to the purification of the sanctuary." ' i Chr. 28 : 12, cf. 19. a 1 Chr. 12 : 18. 3 2 Chr. 15 : 1. * 2 Chr. 30 ; 18, 19. 285 In the following pages bold face type represents the work of the priestly historians. Passages quoted by the Chronicler from the Books of Samuel and Kings are not paraphrased, but are alluded to by title, and printed, like all original historical sources, in plain type. Contradictions in the Books of Chronicles to the original notices in Samuel or Kings are indicated by UPRIGHT CAPITALS, and important modifications of these notices by SLOPING CAPITALS. 286 I Chronicles 5 : 17 IV THE HISTORY OF JUDAH TO THE CAPTIVITY (1 and 2 Chronicles) I . Preparation for the History of the Kingdom of Judah (1 Chr. 1 to 10) Mankind is ultimately one ; but Israel is the people The choice elect. For, of the three great families of men, the Sem- God™1 by ites were chosen above the others ; and of the sons of'1) Abraham the Semite, Isaac was chosen above the others ; and of Isaac's sons, Israel was chosen above Esau. Of Israel's sons, Judah was chosen above the others, The tribe of for he was the ancestor of David. To this tribe belong fc also Caleb and Jerahmeel, whose descendants shared Judah's territory and fortunes. The throne of Judah was occupied by an unbroken The line of line of David's descendants for over four hundred years (™ — till the exile ; and the line, including Zerubbabel, who was prince of Judah under Persia, in 520 B. C, has continued to this day.1 The genealogies " of the families of Judah are taken Notices of from ancient records. Then follow the genealogies of j". *_23)( the prosperous and energetic Simeon, of Reuben, and Simeon of Gad. The last two tribes, with the half tribe of Reuben, Gad, and 1 Six generations afterward, in the Hebrew text; eleven, in LXX. EastManas- a Mainly topographical. seh (S) 287 i Chronicles 5 : 25 The Messages of Manasseh, forgetting the God who had given them their territory by defeating their enemies in battle, and turn ing to the worship of other gods, were carried away into captivity by the Assyrian king' in execution of Jehovah's purpose. The tribe of Of great importance i is the tribe of Levi, with its (6^1.- ) line of high-priests running from Aaron to the time of the exile, and its three guilds of singers estab lished by David, connected with the three Levitical families. Levitical The three clans of Levites lived in forty-eight cities (o'"s*-8i) drawn from the other tribes, and assigned by lot, of which thirteen cities fell to the priests in what was afterwards the kingdom of Judah. Issachar, After the genealogies of Issachar, Naphtali, Manas- Manasseh seh> Ephraim, and Asher, comes that of Benjamin, the Ephraim, tribe of Saul whose family was still represented even Asher (7), . * Benjamin (8) in the post-exihc community.1* Chief fami- After the restoration that followed the return from iafem after exile, Jerusalem, the capital, was the residence of the therestora- chiefs of certain clans, also of certain priests and (9 : 1-34) Levites. There dwelt gatekeepers for the temple, who were assisted every week in rotation by brethren from the villages. Singers also dwelt there, and others 1 Neither in 2 K. 15 : 29 in the deportation of 734 B. C, nor in 2 K. 17 : 6 in that which followed the capture of Samaria in 721 B. C, do these tribes receive special mention. a Two of the lists are twice repeated : 16-30, 31-48 and 4-8, 49-53. 8 8 : 29-38 repeated in 9 1 35-44. 288 the Historians i Chronicles 13:4 who had the supervision of the tabernacle furniture or service. The death of Saul (1 S. 31) (10: 1-12) Saul died because of his disobedience to the divine The reason word, and because he consulted one that had a familiar s°d f^e s spirit, and did NOT inquire of Jehovah. (IO : z3» m) 2. The History of the Kingdom of Judah (1 Chr. 1 1 to 2 Chr. 36) (1) David (1 Chr. II to 29) David is anointed King over Israel : he seizes Jerusa- (n : 1-9) lem (2 S. 5 : 1-3, 6-10) David's mighty men . . . (2 S. 23 : 1-39) („ : I0.4ia)i During his outlawry, David was joined both in south Warriors and north by a brave and ever-increasing band — in- £a°;]domed eluding even men of Saul's own tribe — till it grew to (^ = 1-2=) be a great host like the host of God. Great numbers of armed men from all the tribes, be- Warriors ginning with Judah, came to Hebron to turn the king- "hm^ePhim dom of Saul to David, according to the word of Jeho-klns ... . . (Iz : 23-40) vah. Warriors and people alike were unanimous to make him king. He received the assent of the congregation to his David's pro- proposal to gather their brethren throughout Israel m^the™" together with the priests and the Levites for the pur- »rk, . pose of bringing up the ark of God to Jerusalem ; and 1 n : 4ib-47 supplements the list in 2 S. by several names. 289 i Chronicles 13:5 The Messages of he gathered all Israel together from the utmost limit of the land. (13 : 6-14) The ark is brought to the house of Obed- edom (2 S. 6 : 2-11) (14:1,2) Hiram assists David . . . (28.5:11,12) (14:3-7) David's sons (2 S. 5 : 13-16) (14:8-16) The Philistine defeat . . . (2 S. 5 -r 17-25) (14 : 12) David commanded that the gods abandoned by the Philistines BE B URNBD WITH FIRE . (28.5:21) The fame of His fame was world wide, and a divine terror of him David jav Up0n an the nations. The prepa- David gathered together the priests and the Levites the removal *° Dr'n£ UP the ark after duly sanctifying themselves ; of the ark and, in strict accordance with the Mosaic law, he pro- house of vided that the ark be borne by the Levites. At his PIbedJ?2°)m suggestion, too, the Levites instituted a musical ser vice which was in charge of Heman, Asaph, and Ethan. (15 : 25 to The ark is brought to Zion . . (2 S. 6 : 12^193) The3musical After arranging for the service of the ark, David or- service dained that thanks be offered by Asaph and his breth- ren, and three thanksgiving psalms were sung in whole or in part.1 Provision Then he established for all time the service of sacri- dSl'yservice ^ce an^ song> tne former in conformity with the Mo- (16 : 37-43) Saic law. (17) David is refused permission to build the temple, but is promised an everlasting kingdom (2 S. 7). 1 These were the 105th, the 96th, and the 106th. 290 the Historians i Chronicles 22:11 David's wars and court . . . . (2 S. 8) (18) David's acquisitions of bronze were devoted by Sol- (18 : 8) omon to the temple vessels.1 The sons of David were CHIEF ABOUT THE (18: 17) KING (2 S. 8 : 18) The war with Ammon . . . (2 S. 10 : 1 to 11 : 1) I1' : \ t0 * ' 20 : 1) The defeat of Ammon . . . (2 S. 12 : 30, 31) (20 : 2, 3) The exploits of David's heroes . (2 S. 21 • 18-22) (20: 4-8) Elhanan slew THE BROTHER OF Goliath (2 S. 21 : 19) (2o: 5) David's census and its results . . . (2 S. 24) (2I) SATAN moved David to number Israel . (2 S. 24 : 1) (21 : 1) David saw the angel of Jehovah standing between (21 : 16) earth and heaven with a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem. He paid Oman SIX HUNDRED SHEKELS OF (21 : 25) GOLD (2 S. 24 : 24) Jehovah answered David's offering by fire from heav- (21 -. 26 to en ; so he sacrificed there. For fear of the angel's 22 : r) drawn sword had kept him from going to the high place .of Gibeon, where was the tabernacle of Jehovah that Moses had made. On a magnificent scale David amassed material for David's the building of the temple— metal and wood and money f„ thTtem-S in abundance, a hundred thousand talents of gold and aP'e> and his million of silver ; for the fame of the temple must reach Solomon to the ends of the earth. With its erection he charged (22) his son Solomon, born as he was to be a man of peace, 1 Suggested perhaps by 2 Sam. 8 : 11. 291 i Chronicles 22 : 12 The Messages of with the prayer that he might have wisdom given him to keep the ancient law of Moses ; and he bade the princes help him. The organ- To the Levites over thirty > years of age, whom the Levhes°fthecensus snowed to number thirty-eight thousand, vari- (=3) ous duties were assigned— the administration of jus tice,2 the keeping of the gates, the conduct of the service of praise, but chiefly that of waiting on the priests. The courses were divided among the three clans of Levi.3 The priests Further, David divided the priests into twenty-four (24)* courses. The singers He also entrusted the musical service to twenty-four courses of singers of the families of Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman— each course consisting of twelve Levites who were all instructed in sacred song, and could play skilfully on instruments of music. Levitical Levites were also appointed to keep the gates on officers ( 26) everv s:,jej ^0 superintend the temple treasuries, and to engage in outside service such as the administration of justice. Army and The army was organized in twelve divisions, each officials (27) division consisting of twenty-four thousand men, under a captain of its own. Over each tribe 4 was a prince, 1 So v. 3, cf. Num. 4 : 35. The age is modified to 25 in Num. 8 : 23-26, and still further to 20 in v. 24 of this chapter (1 Chr. 23). a Cf. 2 Chr. 19 : 8. 3 The families composing the clans are recorded in 6-23, the list of the Kohathites and Merarites being repeated with some additions in 24 : 20-31. 4 Gad and Asher are omitted. 292 the Historians i Chronicles 29 : 19 and besides other officials, twelve officers were in charge of David's personal property in city and country. David, having summoned all the civil and military David's dignitaries of the kingdom to Jerusalem, and reminded lo^mon0 them how God had chosen himself and Solomon and and the people (28J the tribe of Judah, solemnly charged them to keep his commandments and bade Solomon address himself with sincerity, faith, and courage to the task to which God had called him, even the building of the temple. He gave Solomon a plan of the temple with all its furniture and sundry other details, the pattern of which he had himself received from the hand of God ; and he strength ened him with the assurance of all help, human and divine. In addition to the abundant and costly material David The offer- had already amassed for the temple, he announced, be- ("I*. ^ fore the -whole congregation, a magnificent gift of gold and silver out of his own private fortune. Then he made the appeal, " Who offereth willingly to conse crate himself this day ? " — an appeal which met with a response no less hearty than splendid. David then offered a prayer of thanksgiving to Jeho- David's vah on this wise : " Thou art the great and glorious f^^o-jo) lord of all, and who are we to offer gifts to thee ? We are but strangers and sojourners. Our gifts are but thine own given back to thee. Searcher of hearts 1 in all sincerity we offer these our gifts. God of our fa thers, evermore grant to thy people and to my son a heart that is fixed on thee." 293 i Chronicles 29 : 20 The Messages of The sacri- The people responded and bowed in worship. On 1": 20-22") the next da-y they °ffered sacrifices unstinted in num ber, and ate and drank before their God with great gladness. Theacces- Solomon was anointed king, receiving the submis sion of Solo- sjon 0t tjje princes and the obedience of the people, and (29 : 22^25) Jehovah bestowed on him such royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel. The sources The history of David is written in the books of Sam- bio?raphy "el, Nathan, and Gad. (29 : 26-30) (2) Solomon (2 Chr. 1 to 9) (1) Solomon's dream at Gibeon . . (1 K. 3 : 4-15) (1 : 3-5) Solomon and all the congregation with him went to the high place that was at Gibeon. FOR, THOUGH THE ARK HAD BEEN TAKEN TO JERUSALEM BY DA VID, THE TENT OF MEETING WHICH MOSES HAD MADE, AND THE ANCIENT ALTAR OF BRONZE WERE IN GIBEON (I K. 3 : 4) (1 : 15) Solomon made gold to be as stones in Jerusalem. (2 : i, 2, 18) Preparations for the building of the temple (1 K. 5 : 5, 15, 16) (2 : 4) Solomon informs Hiram that the object of the temple to be built is to burn incense before Jehovah, and to offer the continual shew bread, and the burnt offerings morning and evening on the Sabbaths, new moons, and set feasts of Jehovah. (2 : 3.16) His negotiations with Hiram . . (1 K. 5 : 2-1 1) 294 the Historians 2 Chronicles 6 : 42 For the building of the temple Solomon raised a levy (2 : 17) of the STRANGERS1 in Israel, and they numbered 153,600 men (iK. 5:13) The temple and its vessels . . (1 K. 6 and 7) (3 and 4) The temple was built on Mount Moriah, where Je- (3 : 0 hovah had appeared to David in the threshing floor of Oman.2 Gold was used in profusion. (3 : 5-9) A VEIL separated the holy place from the most (3 : h) holy3 . . . . . . (1 K. 6 : 31, 32) Solomon made an altar of bronze.4 (4: 1) He made ten tables and a hundred basins of gold, (4 : 8, 9) TWO courts,6 and brass covered doors for the outer doorway. The ark brought into the temple . . (1 K. 8 : 1-11) (5) The LEVITES took up the ark . . (1 K. 8 : 3) (5 : 4) While the music and song of thanksgiving were be- (5 : iib..3>) ing raised by the Levites, the temple was filled with a cloud. The dedication and prayer " . . (1 K. 8 : 12-50) (6: 1-42) Solomon offered his dedicatory prayer from a small (6 : 13) platform which he had erected in the midst of the court. 1 This view finds expression in the later stratum of Kings (i K. 9 : 22). a 1 Chr. 21 : 18 ff. 3 In Kings, doors of olive wood. * Not mentioned in 1 K. 7, but implied in 2 K. 16 : 14 and elsewhere. 6 So in the second temple, but not in Solomon's : cf. note on 2 K. 21 : 5. 8 The prayer concludes (6 : 41, 42) with a quotation from Psalm 132 : 9, 10. 295 2 Chronicles 7:1 The Messages of (7:4,5,7-10) Conclusion of the dedication ceremonies (1 K. 8 : 62-66) (7 : 1-3) When Solomon ceased praying, fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacri fice, and the glory of Jehovah filled the house, so that the priests could not enter in ; and the people saw, and bowed in worship, and gave thanks. (7 : 6) The people stood, while the Levites sounded their instruments of music, and the priests their trumpets. (7 : 10) Solomon dismissed the people on the NINTH ¦ day (1 K. 8 : 66) (7 : n-22) Jehovah acknowledges Solomon's sacrifice ; he promises and warns (1 K. 9 : 1-9) (8) Solomon's fortifications and trade . (1 K. 9 : 10-28) (8 : 2) Solomon fortified the cities which HIRAM HAD GIVEN HIM and caused the children of Israel to dwell in them. (8 : 3-5) He seized Hamath, fortified Tadmor,5 the two Beth- horons and certain store cities in Hamath. (8 : n) Solomon brought up Pharaoh's daughter out of the city of David into the house that he had built for her : FOR HE SAID -MY WIFE1' SHALL NOT DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF DAVID, BECAUSE THE PLACES ARE HOLY WHEREUNTO THE ARK OF JEHOVAH HATH COME " (1 K. 3 : 1 ; 9 : 24s) Solomon regulated his burnt offerings by the law of 1 23d day of the month : cf . Num. 29 : 12-40. 2 Possibly a slip for Tamar (a fortress in Judah ?) 3 Or " No woman shall dwell, etc." 296 the Historians 2 Chronicles 11 : 17 Moses, and in accordance with David's instructions, Solomon's he appointed the courses of the priests and the Levites g^ation to their several duties. ] (8 : 12-16) The visit of the Queen of Sheba. Solomon's splendor. (9) The records of his reign . (1 K. 10 : 1-29 ; 11 : 41-43) Solomon's throne had a footstool of gold. (9 : 18) (3) From the Disruption to the Captivity (2 Chr. 10 to 36) (a) The Division of the Kingdom (z Chr. 10 : 1 to II : 4) The division of the Kingdom . . (1 K. 12 : 1-19) (10) The intervention of the prophet Shemaiah (n : 1-4) (1 K. 12 : 21-24) (b) Rehoboam (2 Chr. 11 : 5 to 12 : 16) Rehoboam fortified fifteen cities in Judah and Ben- Rehoboam's jamin, the two tribes whose allegiance he retained.2 (^'f/.fj)0"5 The faithful priests and Levites, driven out of the northern Kingdom by Jeroboam, who put in their places Rehoboam the idolatrous priests of the calf worship, resorted, Jhe faithful with all the faithful, to Judah and Jerusalem, where, £rie?tts and under Rehoboam's patronage, they for a time strength- (n : 13-17) ened both him and his kingdom. He had many wives and concubines, and he distrib- 1 Compare the statement in the later stratum of Kings (1 K. 9 : 25). 3 The loyalty of Benjamin seems also to be implied by 14 : 8 ; 15 : 2, 8, 9. But considering that this was Saul's tribe, it is very improbable, and is contradicted by 1 K. 12 : 20. " Secured " would be a possible rendering of the Hebrew. 297 2 Chronicles n : 23 The Messages of Hisapos- uted his numerous children throughout the fortified (i?: 18 to cities. When his kingdom was established, he for- " : 1) sook the law of Jehovah and all Israel with him. The inva- So for their sin Shishak, king of Egypt, came with Shishak, countless hosts, and after seizing the fortified cities Shemaiah's reached Jerusalem. Then a prophet announced to the popular' assembled court that this invasion was the divine pun- (i"T*B) ishment for sin. On their humble confession, however, he promised that the wrath of Jehovah would not be poured out upon Jerusalem, though they would indeed be Shishak's servants. (12:9-11,13) Shishak carries off the treasures of temple and palace (1 K. 14 : 25-28, 31) (12 : 12, 14) The wrath of Jehovah was turned from the king, when he humbled himself. He did that which was evil, because he set not his heart to seek Jehovah.1 (c) Abijah (2 Chr. 13) Abijah's Abijah of Judah with four hundred thousand men and (i3?C3-i2) Jeroboam of Israel -with an army twice as large, met to do battle. Abijah addressed Jeroboam and his army, reminding them that the kingdom of Israel belonged to David and his descendants by divine right. Jeroboam was an unworthy rebel. They need not think to win the day, despite the great multitude and the golden calves, for they had cast out the priests and Levites and abandoned the true worship for idolatry. But Judah had been faithful ; with her were priests and 1 For 12 : 15, 16, cf. 1 K. 14 : 30, 31. 298 the Historians 2 Chronicles 14: 15 Levites who had with unfailing scrupulousness per formed all the duties appertaining to the house of God. " God is at our head," he concluded : " his priests will sound an alarm against you. Fight not a vain fight against the God of your fathers.'' To this speech Jeroboam replied by setting an am- His victory bush for the men of Judah. When they saw how they holm ° were surrounded, they sent up a shout to Jehovah, and (r3 = '3-«) the priests sounded the trumpets. In answer, God smote Israel, so that half a million were slain. Thus the men of Judah prevailed, because they leaned upon Jehovah, God of their fathers. (d) Asa (2 Chr. 14 to 16) Asa's religious reforms . . (1 K. 15 : 8-12) (14: 1-5) Asa commanded Judah to seek Jehovah and to do (14 : 4, 5) the law and the commandments. He ALSO REMOVED THE HIGH PLACES* .... (1 K. 15 : 14) He profited by the ten years of rest to fortify certain Asa's fortifi- cities in Judah ; and his army, drawn from Judah and aam°ns and Benjamin, numbered over half a million. (J4 : 6-8) Now Zerah the Ethiopian invaded Judah with a Asa defeats million men. Then Asa cried earnestly for help to p^J"110" God ; and he heard him and smote the Ethiopians. In ( T4 : 9-15) their flight southward, they were utterly routed by Judah, who captured immense booty. The returning army was met and addressed by the prophet Azariah. He pointed the moral of the earlier 1 Contradicts 15 : 17, as well as 1 K. 15 : 14. 299 2 Chronicles 15:1 The Messages of The exhor- history : how that often, after God had suffered them to Aiariah ; be grievously oppressed, and bereft of divine enlighten- Asa's reform ment, because of their sin, he yet was found of them when 1 IS they sought him. Let them then face with energy the work that lay before them, in the sure hope of reward. Thus encouraged, Asa at once addressed himself to a religious reform ; and, stimulated by his enthusiasm, a great public gathering at Jerusalem solemnly resolved to seek their God with all their heart, those refusing to be punished with death. Jehovah showed his favor by giving them rest. (15: 16-18) Concluding notice of the reformation (1 K. 15 : 13-15) (15:19) There was NO WAR UNTIL THE THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR OF ASA'S REIGN* . . . (I K. 15 : 16) (16:1-6) Asa's war with Israel . . . (1 K. 15 : 17-22) Hanani's After Asa had bribed Benhadad of Aram to divert Asa°°fo£ Baasha of Israel from Judah by attacking him, Hanani (16 : 7-10) the seer announced to him that for his folly in leaning upon the king of Aram, forgetful of the God who sleeplessly guarded the interests of all men every where, whose heart was perfect toward him, and who had delivered him from the huge and formidable hosts of the Ethiopians, from henceforth he would be vexed with wars. The angry king straightway put the seer in prison. (16: n-14) Sickness, death, and burial of Asa . (1 K. 15 : 23, 24) (16 : 12, 14) In his old age, Asa was sore diseased in his feet ; 1 In the Hebrew this verse reads, "and there was no war," etc. 300 the Historians 2 Chronicles 18 : 34 yet he sought not Jehovah, but the physicians. His burial was celebrated with great honors. (e) Jehoshaphat (2 Chr. 17 to 20) Asa's son and successor Jehoshaphat garrisoned Jehosha- Judah and certain cities of Ephraim. Jehovah gave peAty pr°S him prosperity and honor because he walked in his hi '¦ ,_61 commandments and not after the doings of Israel : for example, HE REMOVED THE HIGH PLACES'1 (i K. 22 :43). To spread the knowledge of the law of Jehovah The book of among his people, he had them instructed by a circuit faughT commission composed of civil and religious dignitaries, ('7 : 7-9) who expounded the book of the law.2 His piety was rewarded with peace ; for the fear of Jehosha- Jehovah restrained the surrounding nations from going power to war with Jehoshaphat. He even received tribute hi • 10-19) from Philistines and Arabians. He grew in power and prosperity, and his army numbered considerably over a million men. Ahab and Jehoshaphat attack Ramoth in Gilead : Ahab (18) is slain (1 K. 22 : 1-35) In the battle Jehoshaphat cried out, and Jehovah (18 : 31) helped him, and God ' moved them to depart from him. 1 Compare 2 Chr. 20 : 33 . 2 To the Chronicler, this would be the Pentateuch. It may in reality have been the Book of the Covenant (Ex. 20 : 22 to 23 : 33). 3 Notice the curious transition in the names of God : cf . 20 : 29, and especially 26 : 5. 301 2 Chronicles 19 : I The Messages of Jehosha phat re proved by a seer(19 : 1-4) His judicial system(19 : 5-11) Projectedattack on Judah : Jehosha-phat'sprayer(20 : 1-13) Jehovah'ssignal vic tory (20 : 14-30) Jehoshaphat, on his return from Ramoth to Jerusalem, was met by Jehu the seer, who threatened him with the wrath of Jehovah for assisting the ungodly king of Israel. Then the king instituted an earnest reform throughout the land. He established a judicial system, appointing judges in various cities of Judah, and charging them to be, as before God, incorruptible and impartial in the admin istration of justice. In Jerusalem, too, he appointed a court of appeal, consisting of Levites, priests, and heads of fathers' houses, with presiding officers, to de cide sincerely, as before God, disputed cases carried to them from the cities. Jehoshaphat, hearing that an invading army of Mo abites, Ammonites, and Meunim had reached the west ern shore of the Dead Sea, proclaimed a fast through out Judah, and, before the congregation assembled at the temple, prayed that the God who rules over all and whose might is irresistible, the God who had given the land to the seed of Abraham his friend forever, the God whose sanctuary was the pledge that he would hear and save all who cried to him — that this their God would help them against the invaders whose land had been spared by Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. "We have no might," he prayed, "neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee." Then the spirit of Jehovah came upon a certain Le vite. He counselled them to go out against the enemy confidently on the morrow. They would not need to 302 the Historians 2 Chronicles 21 : 12 fight. Jehovah would himself save them. " The bat tle is not yours," he said, "but God's." Whereupon king and people bowed in worship, and the Levites sang praises. Forth they went on the morrow, the king earnestly exhorting them to believe in their God and in his prophets ; for faith would be crowned with victory. He appointed singers to precede the army and sing praises to Jehovah. No sooner had they be gun than Jehovah created a panic among the enemy, and they fell to slaying one another ; so that when Judah came up they found the enemy all dead, and abundance of spoil. This gathered, they held a meeting for thanksgiving in the valley thenceforward known as the Valley of Blessing. Jehoshaphat JOINED Ahaziah of Israel in naval en- (20 : 35-37) terprise, and for his wickedness his ships were wrecked, as a prophet had announced . . (1 K. 22 : 49) (f) Jehoram (2 Chr. 21) Jehosbaphat's son and successor, Jehoram, murdered Jehoram his brothers and certain of the princes. brothers Jehoram's idolatry ; the revolt of Edom and Libnah (** ; I-4) (2 K. 8 17-22) (21: 10, 11) Libnah revolted from Jehoram, because he had for saken Jehovah, the God of his fathers, and had led Judah into apostasy. Accordingly he received a letter from Elijah the Elijah's let- prophet,1 announcing a stern divine judgment on his ram'sJcalam- 1 Dead already in Jehoshaphat's time, many years before. 2 K. 3 : 11. "£"* ™** 3°3 2 Chronicles 21:12 The Messages of sins of apostasy and murder ; and the prophetic word was fulfilled. His land and family suffered from raids of the Philistines and Arabians. He himself died of a sore disease, and was buried in the city of David, but NO Tin the sepulchres of the kings (2 K. 8 : 24) (g) Ahaziah (2 Chr. 22 : 1-9) (22 : 1-6) Ahaziah : his alliance with Joram ' . (2 K. 8 : 24b-29) Ahaziah's The divine judgment which Jehu executed on Joram (22™ ) ^ uPon Ahaziah too ; but he received burial, because he was the son of the faithful Jehoshaphat. (h) Athaliah (2 Chr. 22 : 10 to 23 : 21) (22:10 to 23: The usurpation of Athaliah and revolution carried "' through by Jehoiada * . . . . (2 K. 1 1) (23:2,4,6-8) Jehoiada gathered the Levites and the heads of fa thers' houses to Jerusalem. PRIESTS AND LEVITES WERE TO ACT AS DOORKEEPERS, AND NONE BUT THEY' MIGHT ENTER THE TEMPLE. The LEVITES were to surround the king. The Levites and all Judah carried out Jehoiada's instructions . . (2 K. n : 4-9) 1 Ahaziah was 42 years of age at his accession, according to v. 2. In -.s K. 8 : 26, he is only 22. That is practically supported by LXX of this passage, which makes his age 20. 2 Essentially the same as 2 K. 11 : 4-20, with the very significant substitu tion of Levites for a bodyguard. Naturally singers and players (ordained by David, v. 18) are introduced (v. 13), and the temple offices are distrib uted on the basis of David's organization (v. 18). 9 In 2-K. 11 : 11 it was lay guards who were in the temple. 3°4 the Historians 2 Chronicles 25 : 4 (i) Joash (2 Chr. 24) Joash : his restoration of the temple (24 : 1-14) (2 K. 11 : 21 to 12: 14) Joash brought Jehoiada to account for not INSISTING (24 : 6, 9) THAT THE LEVITES SHOULD SECURE FROM THE CITIES OF JUDAH THE TEMPLE TAX WHICH MOSES HAD LAID UPON ISRAEL IN THE WILDERNESS ' (2 K. 12 : 4-8) SACRED VESSELS WERE MADE OUT OF THE SUR- (24 : M) PLUS MONEY (2 K. 12 : 13, 14) The death of the good Jehoiada was the signal for a Religious relapse into idolatry. The warning voices of the proph- murder of*6 ets were disregarded. One— and that Jehoiada's faith- Zechariah6' ful son — was silenced by assassination, on the com- (24 : 15-22) mand of the ungrateful king ; and he died with a prayer on his lips to God for vengeance. Within a year the king and his numerous people Aramean in- were humiliated by a small band of Aramean invaders, murder of and finally he was slain by his servants in vengeance Joash _ (24. * 23-27) for the blood of Jehoiada's son.3 (j) Amaziah (2 Chr. 25) Amaziah : his vengeance on his father's murderers (25 ; 1-4) (2 K. 14 : 1-6) To augment still further his great army, Amaziah 1 Ex. 30 : 12-16 ; a tax for the support of the tabernacle and its worship. a On the Chronicler's theory, this section probably stands to the preceding in the relation of effect to cause. The section to which it is parallel is 2 K. 12 : 17-21. 3°5 2 Chronicles 25 : 5 The Messages of Israelites hired and dismissed by Amaziah ; his successes against Edom (25 : 5-13) His foolish idolatry (25 : 14-16) Its conse quences (25 : 17-28) (25: 27) hired a large contingent from Israel ; but he dismissed them again at the bidding of a man of God, who urged that Jehovah was not with Israel. The disbanded men departed in anger, attacked and despoiled the cities of Judah while the Judean army was winning victories in Edom, ten thousand of whose people they had slain in battle, and other ten thousand by hurling them from a rock.1 Amaziah adopted the gods of the country he had con quered, and threatened with violence a prophet who pointed out his folly. Then said the prophet : " I know that God hath determined to destroy thee, because thou hast done this." And so it was. For his challenge of Joash king of Israel led to his defeat and death . . . . (2 K. 14 : 8-20) The conspiracy which resulted in his death had its origin in his apostasy. (26 : 1-4) Uzziah's en terprise in peace and war(26 : 5-15) (k) Uzziah (2 Chr. 26) The excellence and length of his reign (2 K. 14 : 21, 22; 15 : 1-3) Uzziah prospered as long as he sought Jehovah. In war he was successful against the Philistines and Arabians ; he received tribute from the Ammonites, and his fame spread far and wide. He fortified Jerusalem, built towers in the desert, encouraged agriculture and 1 "Rock" may here be the fortress of Sela, cf. 2 K. 14 : 7. In any case, this passage is an expansion of that verse. 306 the Historians 2 Chronicles 28:11 maintained a large standing army, well equipped with all manner of military appliances. But prosperity bred pride, and he presumed, despite The punish- the protests of the priests, to offer incense, which it ment for bis arrogance was only lawful for the priests to offer. Forthwith on (26 : 16-21) his angry brow the mark of leprosy appeared, and in haste he left the temple for ever, with the mark of the divine punishment upon him. Concluding notice .... (2 K. 15 : 6, 7) (26: 22, 23) (1) Jotham (2 Chr. 27) The length and nature of his reign . (2 K. 15 : 32-35) (27: 1, 2) Jotham extended the system of fortifications in Judah, jotham's put the Ammonites to tribute, and grew mighty be- t°0rnsfiand cause he ordered his ways before Jehovah his God. prosperity Concluding notice . . . (2 K. 1 5 : 36, 38) (27 • 7-9) (m) Ahaz (2 Chr. 28) His grievous idolatry . . . (2 K. 16 : 2-4) (28: 1-4) He made molten images for the Baalim, and sacri- (28 : 2, 3) ficed in the valley of Hinnom. Ahaz, for his apostasy, sustained a very grievous The defeat defeat from the allied kings of Aram and Israel, the°^^^ea slain and captured being over a. quarter of a million, bukes Israel Then a prophet addressed the victorious army of Israel, telling them that the God who had thus shown his anger against Judah was angry with them also, and urged them to deliver up the captives. The leaders, acknowledging Israel's guilt, acted on his ad- 3°7 2 Chronicles 28 : 12 The Messages of vice, and with noble generosity sent the captives back to Jericho. Raids upon For the sin of Ahaz divine judgment fell in the form fa^f 17-19) °f destructive raids upon Judah by the Edomites and the Philistines. (28 : 16, 20, The costly help of the Assyrian king TURNED OUT 2l) A DELUSION (2 K. 16 : 7-9) Ahaz's idol- Ahaz sacrificed to the gods of the victorious Ara b's?': 22-25) means>' tnat ne might secure their help, but they were his ruin. (28 : 26, 27) Concluding notice . . . (2 K. 16 : 19, 20) (n) Hezekiah (2 Chr. 29 to 32) (29 : 1, 2) The length and excellence of Hezekiah's reign (2 K. 18 : 2, 3) The cleans- In the very opening of his reign, Hezekiah, eager to temple'oao) make a covenant with the God of Israel, began his great reform. The Levites were commissioned, after sanctifying themselves, to cleanse the disgraced and neglected temple, that so the wrath of Jehovah might be appeased. This order they promptly executed, priests and Levites dividing up the work. They re placed the vessels destroyed by Ahaz,2 and informed the king on the completion of their task. Then going 1 Perhaps "Assyrians" are intended; the difference in Hebrew would not be great. If, however, the text is correct, as the reference to Damas cus suggests, then we have here the Chronicler's modified version of the story of the Damascus altar. With v. 24 cf. 2 K. 16 : 17, 18. a Cf. 28 : 24 ; 2 K. 16 : 17. 308 the Historians 2 Chronicles 30: 17 to the temple, Hezekiah commanded the priests to offer a sin-offering for all Israel — for the royal house, the temple, and the people. While the burnt offering was being offered, the people worshipped to the musi cal accompaniment of Levites and priests. Then, after songs of praise, on the king's invitation, the people offered sacrifices of their own — thank offerings and burnt-offerings — so many indeed that the priests, loth to sanctify themselves, had to be assisted in flay ing them by the more enthusiastic Levites ; and king and people were filled with joy at all that God had wrought. Then he determined to celebrate the passover at Je-Thepass- rusalem on a great scale. To this end he despatched over (3 letters throughout all Israel and Judah from north to south, inviting all to come to Jerusalem, and assuring them that if they would but turn to their gracious God, he would look again with favour upon them, and bring their dear ones back from exile. In Israel many laughed his message to scorn, though not a few humbly obeyed ; but Judah was inspired to unanimity. So the great congregation gathered at Jerusalem, where, after removing all traces of idolatry, the passover was cele brated, priests and Levites now taking such parts as were prescribed in the law of Moses. In some ways the celebration was irregular. It was a month behind the legal time ; ' and further, many from Israel were ceremonially unclean, and therefore legally disquali- 1 Num. 9 : 1, 5 ; but cf. w. io, n. 3°9 2 Chronicles 30: 18 The Messages of Provision for the priest hood (31) (32 : 1) Hezekiah'sdefences(32 : 2-8) (32 : 9-21) Fame of Hezekiah (32 : 22, 23) fied from eating the passover. But they were never theless allowed to partake. For there was a higher than the legal spirit at work, as is seen in the king's large-hearted prayer to " Jehovah the good " for par don upon all, if only they worshipped in sincerity. The feast lasted twice the usual time. There was daily praise and abundant sacrifice and great joy. For three centuries Jerusalem had not seen the like. The passover was fittingly followed by the destruc tion of all remaining traces of idolatry in Judah and Israel. Then the people dispersed to their homes. Hezekiah reorganized the priests and Levites, and his request — supported by his own generous example — that the people should contribute toward the sacred dues, met with a response beyond all expectation. Officers were appointed to take charge of and distribute the numerous offerings among the priests, the Levites and their families. Sennacherib's entrance into Judah . (2 K. 18 : 13) On the approach of Sennacherib, the people stopped the fountains, and Hezekiah strengthened the fortifica tions of Jerusalem, and encouraged the people, remind ing them that the enemy had but an arm of flesh, while they themselves had Jehovah their God to fight their battles. Sennacherib's campaign ; the deliverance of Jerusalem (2 K. 18 : 17 to 19 : 37)- The remarkable deliverance brought Hezekiah honor in the sight of all the world. 310 the Historians 2 Chronicles 33 : 25 The Babylonian embassy: Hezekiah's wealth, and (32 : 24-33) building enterprise (2 K. 20) Forgetful of Jehovah's goodness in bringing him back from the gates of death, Hezekiah waxed proud, but on humbling himself he was forgiven and enjoyed great power and prosperity. The Babylonian embassy was God's way of testing what was in his heart.1 All Judah did him honor at his death. (0) Manasseh (2 Chr. 33 : 1-20) His idolatry (2 K. 21 : 1-10) (33: 1-10) For his disregard of the divine word Manasseh was Manasseh's carried away to Babylon, whence, however, after hum- peiJtance ble confession and prayer, Jehovah his God brought him anQ return (33 " I1"^) back again to his own land. He strengthened the capital, abolished idolatry, and His reforms made the worship of Jehovah imperative. (33 : M"19' His death and burial . . . (2 K. 21 : 18) (32 ; 20) (p) Arnon (2 Chr. 33 : 21-25) His brief and wicked reign . (2 K. 21 : 19-24) (33 : 21-25) Arnon did not humble himself before Jehovah, as ^fj?"" Manasseh his father had done. (33 : 20) 1 In 2 K. 20 : 12, 13 the pride is connected with the embassy. Here v. 27 preceding v. 31 makes a very different impression from v. 13 in Kings fol lowing v. 12. 3H 2 Chronicles 34 : 1 The Messages of (q) Josiah (2 Chr. 34, 35) (34) His reforms : the finding of the book of the law (2 K. 22) (34 : 3) Josiah's reforms began in his TWELFTH year. (2 K. 22 : 3 ; 23 : 23) (34 : 8, 14, SIX years AFTERWARD (v. 8), in the course of tem ple repairs, was found the book of the law of Jehovah given by Moses (v. 15), and Shaphan read THEREIN^ (v. 18). (34 : 33) The effects of the reformation lasted during Josiah's lifetime. (35:1-19) Josiah's passover . . . (2 K. 23 : 21-23) Josiah instructed the priests and Levites to celebrate the great passover festival in accordance with the law of Moses, and with splendid generosity king and princes furnished people, priests, and Levites with sacrificial animals. (35 : 20, 22, josiah's sad death . . . (2 K. 23 : 29, 30) Necho's Necho, conscious that he was fulfilling the divine wordhto1C purpose, warned Josiah of the doom that would be his, filT'd h £ul ^ he Pers'sted 'n fighting witn him ; but Josiah, regard- (3s : 21-25) 'ess of the divine message, perished. Jeremiah and all Judah mourned for him, and elegies are still sung.2 (35 : 26, 27) Concluding notice . . . . (2 K. 23 : 28) 1 In K., he read it, i.e. roughly, the Book of Deuteronomy. But to the Chronicler, the law is the Pentateuch, which was too long to read through in the manner described, therefore he says therein. 3 Virtually an independent version of 2 K. 23 : 29, 30. 312 the Historians 2 Chronicles 36 : 23 (r) Jehoahaz (2 Chr. 36 : 1-4) His brief reign and hapless fate . (2 K. 23 : 30b-34) (36 : i.4) (s) Jehoiakim (2 Chr. 36 : 5-8) His evil reign . . „ (2 K. 23 : 36 to 24 : 6) (36 : 5-8) Besides carrying away certain vessels of the temple (36 : 6-7) to Babylon, Nebuchadrezzar put Jehoiakim in chains to carry him away also. (t) Jehoiachin (2 Chr. 36 : 9, 10) His brief reign and exile to Babylon * (2 K. 24 : 8-17) (36 : 9-10) (u) Zedekiah (2 Chr. 36 : n-21) His rebellion,1 the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylo- (36 ¦• u-21) nians and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple (2 K. 24: 18 to 25:21) Zedekiah was stiffnecked and hardhearted, rejecting the message of the prophet Jeremiah, and breaking his solemn oath of fealty to Nebuchadrezzar. Priests and people likewise spurned the prophetic word ; until at last the wrath of Jehovah rose against his people, and there was no remedy. So the desolate land kept Sab bath for seventy years, as Jeremiah '' had foretold. (v) The Decree of Cyrus (2 Chr. 36 : 22, 23 ; cf. Ezra I : 1-3) 1 The very summary recapitulation of the facts connected with these two deportations of Judah is highly characteristic. 3 25 : 11 ; 29 mo. 313 Ezra-Nehemiah The Messages of INTRODUCTION TO EZRA-NEHEMIAH These two books, originally one in Hebrew, are an ob vious continuation of Chronicles,1 and in their present form are from the same hand. The phraseology, the temper, the point of view are similar. Here, as there, is displayed profound interest in the temple, its ritual, and its ministers ; " here, as there, the Levites are prominent ' and the musical service is emphasized.4 Certain older traits receive in this age a new prominence, as fasting • and prayer." The legal spirit of the age has also engen dered a certain self-righteousness.' " The days of Nehe miah " lie in the past ; they constitute one epoch, as the days of Zerubbabel constitute another." In these books no less surely than in Chronicles we have to do with the editorial work of the Chronicler. What, however, were his sources ? Those sources, though seldom cited," are of unusual importance, as they bear, in the main, the stamp of origi- * Compare 2 Chr. 36 : 22, 23 with Ezr. 1 : 1-3. 3 Neh. 13 : 29, etc. a Neh. 8 : 7, 9 ; 9 : 4, 38. 4 Ezr. 3 : 10, 11 ; Neh. 12 : 27, 36, 46. 6 Ezr. 8 : 21 ; 10 : 6 ; Neh. 1 : 4. 8 Ezr. 8 : 23 ; 9:6-15; Neh. 1:4: 4:9. T Neh. 5:19; 13 : 14, 22. 8 Neh. 12 : 47. 8 Cf. Neh. 12 : 23, the book of the chronicles. 3M the Historians Ezra-Nehemiah nality. Though here, as in Kings, the author breathes much of his own spirit into the history he records, he fortu nately leaves much of it practically intact and often trans cribes without adapting. This is especially true of the long section, Neh. I to 6, a graphic story in the first person, which comes from the personal memoirs of Nehemiah. It is also clear that one of the sources was the memoirs of Ezra, for the sections Ezra 7 : 27 to 8 : 34 and 9:1-15 speak of him in the first person, though the abrupt transition in the tenth chapter from the first person to the third ' shows the hand of the editor working on the original documents. It is not impossible that he may have edited even that portion of the memoirs which has been preserved in the first person. We do know for a fact that he retouched documents which look like originals. A comparison, for instance, of the decree of Cyrus as given in Ezra 1 : 2 ff. with the form of that decree preserved in the Aramaic document of Ezra 6 : 3 ff., leaves no doubt as to which is the original. The Chronicler's hand is obvious in the representation of the decree as a charge given by Jehovah, God of heaven, to Cyrus. Thus we have to face the pos sibility, which amounts to a practical certainty, that the Chronicler's hand has touched even the original letters and documents preserved in Aramaic, Ezra 4 : 8 to 6 : 14* and 7 : 12-26,3 but the influence there is, in the main, for mal rather than material. 1 9 : 5 ; 10 : 1. 3 Cf. especially 6 : 9, 10, 12. 315 Ezra-Nehemiah The Messages of Thus the sources are lists, official documents, and me moirs, all of which were in places worked over and some times amplified by the Chronicler. His priestly bias seems to have occasionally controlled his presentation of fact. For example, many considerations • tend to confirm the conclusion that Ezra's expedition is antedated, and that Nehemiah arrived before him and prepared the way for him. Again at the expense of the continuity and even coherence of his story, the Chronicler dramatically con centrates in the forefront of his narrative the Samaritan opposition to the Jews — an opposition which, on the con fession of the recorded dates themselves, covered a period of at least about eighty years, and increased in virulence as the years went on.2 These facts compel, for historical purposes, a recon struction of the order of the narrative, and this reconstruc tion becomes all the more imperative when we observe that no less than three chapters of Nehemiah (8 to io) ap pear to come from the memoirs of Ezra, and to be con nected in time, spirit, and language with Ezra 7 to 10. Like the antedating of Ezra's expedition, the general disor- 1 For instance, Nehemiah's memoirs make no allusion to the alleged measures of Ezra, nor did Ezra's company assist at the building of the walls, as they surely would have done had they been present. Further, Ezra's measures, especially with regard to intermarriage, are much moie decisive than Nehemiah's, which have all the appearance of being tenta tive. Cf. Neh. 13 : 25 with Ezr. 10. > Ezr. 4. 316 the Historians Ezra-Nehemiah der of the narrative was probably caused by the desire to give the priest Ezra precedence over the layman Nehe miah. It was peculiarly fitting that the priestly historian should undertake to tell the story of the new life that came to his people with the return of Ezra the scribe from Babylon, Though the institutions which he so deeply loved were for him rooted in a very distant past, yet the work of Ezra gave them, so to speak, new interest and stability. But why has he nothing to tell us of the period that lies between the return of Nehemiah and that glad day, sev enty years before, when they finished the building of the temple and kept the festival with joy ? The silence is ominous. It suggests a catastrophe over which the Chron icler would fain hasten to a more congenial tale. But the vague and awful suggestions of that silence receive a body from scattered hints in prophecy. The temple was completed in 516 B. C. We know how extravagant were the hopes that gathered round Zerubbabel.1 We see in the gloomy world of Malachi how these hopes, how all hopes, had been dashed. Even the temple and its worship are now all but a thing for scorn.3 Sellin has suggested ' — though it can be no more than a hypothesis — that dur ing the governorship of Zerubbabel, the Jews may have rebelled against their Persian master, and paid for their daring hopes a terrible penalty, in the shape of the cruci- 1 Haggai 2 : 23. 2 Mal. 1:7. 3 In his book Serubbabel (1898). 3J7 Ezra-Nehemiah fixion of their leader, the devastation of their temple, and the destruction of all hope of independence under a native king. In the light of this possibility, the opening scene in Nehemiah gains new interest and pathos, and the em phatic sacerdotalism of the new order becomes more than ever intelligible. 3i& Throughout the following section plain type represents the original sources ; bold-faced type indicates the Chron icler's additions to or modifications of it, or contributions original to himself. 320 Ezra 3:8 VI THE RESTORATION I. The Return (Ezra I to 6) In fulfilment of Jeremiah's prophecy, Cyrus King of The decree Persia at the bidding of Jehovah, published a decree * in S^SST1 538 B. C. , granting permission to the exiled Jews to return h) to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple and enjoining that the exiles receive local support.' Enthusiastically did the leading men, the priests and the Levites obey ; and they were sped upon their way by gifts from their neigh bors. They took with them the numerous sacred ves sels, once captured by Nebuchadrezzar, now committed by Cyrus to the charge of Sheshbazzar, a prince of Judah. In the seventh month a great gathering was held at Altar built Jerusalem, at which under the leadership of Joshua the es^bHshed" priest and Zerubbabel the governor the altar was built, p6. ^- F- that the Mosaic sacrifices might be regularly offered. The feast of booths was also held and after that the regular sacrificial system was resumed. But the foun dation of the temple was not yet laid. Measures, however, were at once taken with this Laying the end in view. In the second month of the second year, 0fUtheatem-ple (3 : 8-13) > Ezra 1 : 1-3 = 2 Chr. 36 : 22, 23. 3 Since the Chronicler's sources were already priestly, it is often difficult to distinguish accurately between them and his additions or corrections. 321 Ezra 3:8 The Messages of the returned exiles, headed by their leaders, addressed themselves to the work, the oversight of which they entrusted to the Levites ; and the foundation was laid \ to the accompaniment, in ancient fashion, of music and song by priests and Levites. The joy of the young was mingled -with the tears of those who had seen the glorious temple of Solomon. Samaritan The Samaritans requested permission to assist in (4 ? i^!° ") the building °f the temple, on the ground of their com mon worship of Jehovah. On the leaders refusing, they hampered the activity of the Jews, and plotted against them for sixteen years, till the second year of Darius. Temple be- Then under the stimulus of the preaching of Haggai, f5u" i5_2°) ' ' Zechariah, and others, the real work of building was begun. Tattenai in- Their efforts were challenged by the suspicious Tat- the Jew's tenai, Persian governor of the western provinces. He, Cyrus's'0 however, by the grace of God, before prohibiting them, decree formally communicated with Darius, intimating the rapid progress of the building, the names of the leaders, and the reply of^the Jews to his challenge, in which they had appealed to a decree of Cyrus granting them permission to return and rebuild the temple, and had pleaded the uninterrupted progress of the building since the laying of the foundation stone by Sheshbazzar. The decree On Tattenai's recommendation, Darius instituted a confirmed search for the alleged decree, which was at length dis- J^.^fj"?5 covered at Ecbatana, whereupon he not only warned Tat tenai not to interfere with the work, but passed an irrevo- 322 the Historians Nehemiah i : n cable decree that part of the royal tribute be placed at their disposal, that they should be regularly supplied with all that was necessary for sacrifices of sweet savour, and that prayer be offered for his dynasty and " may the God who has caused his name to dwell there destroy all who thwart the building of his house." Thus under the stimulus of the preaching of Haggai and The temple Zechariah, the building was successfully finished in 5l6BmQedsi6 B. C. Priests, Levites and returned exiles kept the\(6 : z3_l8) dedication of the temple with joy, offered liberal sacrifices and arranged for the worship in accordance with the law of Moses. A great passover feast was held in which all, with The glad glad gratitude, participated — both the returned exiles ^TiZzz) and all who had separated themselves ' from the filthi- ness of the heathen of the land. 2. The Work of Nehemiah (Neh. 1 to 7; 11 to 13) Nehemiah, royal cupbearer in the Persian palace, over- Judah in come by the news of the distress of his fellow-country- Nehemiah men in Judea, and of the destruction of the walls of Terusa- £asts and J J prays lem, fasted and prayed long and passionately with earnest (Neh. 1) confession to the faithful and terrible Jehovah that, in ac cordance with his ancient promise, he would hear the prayer of his redeemed who were again oppressed, and grant Nehemiah himself favor in the sight of the king. 1 Perhaps those who had not been carried into exile. 323 Nehemiah 2 : 1 The Messages of Goes to je- On being questioned by the king three or four months stirsup thed afterward touching the grief which his countenance be- com-mu^ity trave(iF wim the courage of faith he asked and obtained from him permission to travel under Persian protection to Judah, with a view to the restoration of the walls of Jerusalem. The arrival of a man with such a mission was naturally unwelcome to the foreign neighbors. But without divulging the purpose that God had put into his heart, he went out one night to inspect the state of the walls, riding till the rubbish compelled him to go on foot. Then with a zeal inspired by knowledge, he kindled in the whole community the desire to rebuild the walls, appeal ing to Jehovah's manifest grace in the king's generosity toward him. The movement was received with ridicule by the foreigners. But to taunts and insinuation Nehe miah replied that they had no right in Jerusalem, and that the God of heaven would crown their own despised efforts with success. The building The work was at once prosecuted with vigor and (3)' ° Wa S sPeed. All but the nobles of Tekoa lent a helping hand, from the high-priest to the private man, from the nobles to the trade-guilds. Foreign op- Irritated, however, by the progress of the building, the fms'trated foreigners again ridiculed their infatuation, and provoked rniahu)" Nehemiah to an earnest prayer for vengeance. The re doubled efforts of the builders, who had now almost suc ceeded in closing the breaches of the walls, so enraged 324 the Historians Nehemiah 5 -. 19 the foreigners that they determined upon a sudden attack. Nehemiah, however, frustrated their plans by making ad equate preparations for this contingency, and strength ened the hearts of the despondent people not only by his own heroic example, but also by reminding them that their God, the great and terrible Jehovah, would fight for them. At this juncture the wrongs of the poorer people found Nehemiah a voice. To procure money for food and for the royal therapacity tribute, they had been driven to mortgage their property °ou|/ewlsh to their wealthier brethren, and even to sel) their children, (s : i-j3) At a great public meeting, Nehemiah indignantly accused the leading men of their unbrotherly rapacity, contrasted their conduct with his own and that of his friends, and finally induced them to restore the mortgaged property ; binding them by an oath, and invoking on traitors a sol emn curse. Nehemiah's example was as good as his precept. For His own during the whole period of his governorship (444-432 B.C.), |ralticeS he scrupulously refrained, in spite of precedent to the (s : I4'1'1 contrary, from burdening the people with the expenses of his large establishment. Nay, he could appeal to an un usually generous hospitality. Hence the justice of his prayer, " Remember unto me, O my God, for good, all that I have for this people. " The walls were now completed. But the enemy, not to be baulked, cunningly proposed a personal conference 325 Nehemiah 6 : i The Messages of Intrigues against Nehemiah frustrated : the walls finished (6) The Samar itan indict ment(Ezra 4 : 6- 23) with Nehemiah on non-Jewish soil. Each invitation he peremptorily refused. Then came a letter with insinua tions of rebellion and treason abetted by prophetic in trigue ; all of which Nehemiah pointedly denied. As a last resource, a prophet, backed by numbers of the pro phetic order, was suborned by the enemy to destroy his credit by inducing him to flee for his life to the temple — a proposal which Nehemiah rejected with scorn. " Re member, O my God, according to these their works, all who , would have put me in fear." So, by the manifest help of God, the walls were finished in less than two months, to the humiliation of the enemy. During that period certain members of the Jewish nobility had been in treasonable correspondence with one of the enemy's leaders, who was indeed connected with them by mar riage. About this time * the governor of Samaria 3 sent to the Persian government a formal indictment of the Jews, accusing them 3 of aiming ultimately at independence in their efforts to rebuild the city walls, and urging that a search of the official records of the government would show that Jerusalem had been in the past notorious as a centre of rebellion and that the fortification of the city 1 In the reign of Artaxerxes, 465-424 B. C. 3 The Samaritans were descendants of the mixed population mentioned in 2 K. 17 : 24, and of other peoples deported from the east in the nextcentury by Osnapper (Ezr. 4 : 10), probably Assurbanipal, 668-628 B. C. 3 As before in the reign of Xerxes, 486-465 B. C, v. 6. 326 the Historians Nehemiah 12 : 11 might mean the loss of the western provinces at any mo ment. The king finding the official records to corrob orate the letter, ordered the instant suspension of the building until further notice — an order which was car ried out with alacrity and not without violence by the jealous enemies of the Jews. Nehemiah then placed the city in charge of two officials, Protective and took vigorous precautions to have it strongly guard- Slssm'Sion ed, and more thickly peopled. For the latter purpose, he °f *e_ Pe°Ple classified the people, keeping in view the list " of returned exiles drawn up under Zerubbabel, about ninety years before, which included laity and clergy, and he provision ally excluded all the latter who could not prove their claims to the priesthood. The rulers of the people were content to dwell at Jeru- The city salem, and the population of the town was increased by a ^J^ draft, selected by lot, of one-tenth of the population resi dent outside the capital as well as by a body of volunteers who together represented all classes of the community.2 The popula. The rest of the people 3 dwelt in various towns and tlon ?£ the r r province villages. (n : 25-36) Representatives of the twenty-two priestly and eight Registers of Levitical houses returned with Zerubbabel and Joshua in f^ticaf " 536 B. C. In the period between 536 and 331 there were ^"f**^ five high-priests. For the period 499 to 463 there were 1 Neh. 7 : 6-69 = Ezra 2 : 1-67. 2 11 : 3-19 = Chr. 9 : 2-17. 3 Judah (v. 25) Benjamin (v. 31). 327 Nehemiah 12: 12 The Messages of The dedica- tion of the walls(12 : 27.43) Loyal offer ings to the templeservice (12 : 44-47) Nehemiah enforcesthe sanctity of the temple ('3 : 4-9) twenty priestly houses with heads. Registers of the heads of Levitical families were kept down to the time of Alexander the Great. Another list is brought down to the close of the fifth century. T,o celebrate the dedication of the walls, the Levites and the singers were brought from the various villages to Jerusalem, and there was a general purification — of priests, Levites, people, and wall. Then Nehemiah organized two processions — one headed by Hoshaiah with half the princes of Judah, accompanied by priestly trumpeters preceded by Ezra ; the other headed by Nehemiah himself with the rest of the princes, which marched in opposite directions round the wall, singing praises, until they met before the temple. They offered great sacrifices, and joy reigned supreme. At that time steps were taken to secure the regula tion and distribution of the offerings for the priests and the Levites made by the eager people. For the period of Nehemiah, like that of Zerubbabel, was distin guished for its loyalty to the temple service, even the singers and the porters receiving their daily portion. On his return to Jerusalem in 432 B. C, after a length ened absence, Nehemiah found to his indignation that the high-priest had assigned one of the temple chambers to Tobiah the Ammonite, who was a relative by marriage.1 Without more ado, he ejected Tobiah's property and re stored the chamber to its original sacred use. 1 Cf. 6 : 17, 18 ; 3 : 29, 30. 328 the Historians Nehemiah 13:31 His religious zeal and vigorous initiative were shown in He institutes other ways. He promptly took steps to secure payment "f™^) of their dues to the Levites who, through deficient revenue, were compelled to scatter about the country for their livelihood to the neglect of the temple service. " Remem ber me, O my God, concerning this.'' Again, by vigorous measures, coupled with exhortation He defends and threats, he succeeded in securing the Sabbath day j,* .St^"h from desecration by work and, in particular, by trade. With an energy inspired by righteous indignation, he He sternly proceeded against the Jews who had married foreign Carriage women, appealing to the tragic fall of the great King Sol- v'.'th for" omon, and compelling them to a solemn oath that they (13: 23-3O would forswear all such sinful intermarriage.1 He was no respecter of persons ; he even expelled from Jerusalem a grandson of the high-priest, who had married the daugh ter of the Samaritan Sanballat.3 With a prayer that God would avenge the profanation of the priesthood, he re organized the duties and privileges of the clergy. " Re member me, O my God, for good." 3. The Work of Ezra (Ezra 7 to 10 ; Neh. 8 to 10) In course of time, by the grace of the king, and accord ing to the good hand of his God upon him, Ezra the 1 Nehemiah forbids intermarriage between the children (13 : 25), Ezra (10 : 11 ff.) demands the divorce of the -wives. % This gave impulse to the Samaritan schism, and ultimately led to the building of the rival temple on Mount Gerizim (cf. John 4 : 20). 329 Ezra 7 : i The Messages of The com- scribe, of priestly lineage, accompanied both by the laity Artaxerxes and by the various grades of the clergy, arrived at Jerusa- (Ezrara-i- lem. after a four months' march from Babylon, with the 26) object of investigating the religious condition of Judah and Jerusalem, and of teaching the law. He brought with him a letter from Artaxerxes — dictated by fear of the divine wrath against his dynasty — embodying a decree that empowered any Jew who pleased to accompany him, offering very liberal contributions toward the sacrifices and for other needful purposes, giving permission to take gifts of the na tives and Jews, instructing the treasurers of the western provinces to give him, within certain limits, anything he might further require, exempting the clergy from tax ation, and commissioning Ezra to appoint judges to teach the law, with varying penalties for disobedience. Ezra and his After 1 gratefully acknowledging Jehovah's grace to the return"15' people and to himself at this juncture, Ezra gathered at a to"!" V and snort distance from Babylon, all who were to accompany Neh. 7 : 70- him — priests, princes, and laymen. On discovering that there were no Levites among them, he had their places taken by Nethinim, servants of the Levites, brought from their home in Casiphia. Then he proclaimed a fast, with public humiliation and prayer for protection by the way (for, after having assured the king that their God protected all who sought him, he could not well ask for a body- 1 7 : 27 to 9 : 15 (except 8 : 35, 36) are from Ezra's memoirs, and in the first person. 33° the Historians Nehemiah 8 : 12 guard), and God heard their prayer. He then committed to the charge of select priests the Persian and Jewish of ferings for the temple, taking scrupulous precautions to have them safely delivered at Jerusalem. Then they took their departure and reached Jerusalem in safety,1 being preserved by their God from the dangers of the way. The offerings also were found on inspection to be intact. Then the returned exiles offered a sumptuous burnt of fering and sin offering, and they received the help of the western governors, on presenting the royal com mission. Liberal contributions were also made by the governor, the chiefs, and the people. On the first day of the seventh month at a national The assem- assembly, held at Jerusalem, Ezra, supported by thir- reIdingeof teen " others, read to the people at their request, for sev- cefebrrtlonhe eral hours from the Book of the Law.3 The reading was re- of the feast of booths heved at intervals by the expositions of the Levites. The (Neh. 7 : 73b great congregation listened with reverence and were af- to fected to tears. But Nehemiah, Ezra, and the Levites bade them eat and drink and be glad, for joy was seemly on this their Lord's holy day. Next day the reading was 1 The date of Ezra's return is disputed. If his expedition is subsequent to Nehemiah's (cf. Introduction, p. 316, note) the commonly accepted date 458 B. C. will be, of course, impossible. It will have to be after 444, if not after 432. 398 B. C. is the latest possible date that will satisfy the indef inite and confusing chronological hints. 3 Perhaps twelve. 3 I.e., the Pentateuch ; at least part of it ; see next note. 331 Nehemiah 8 : 13 The Messages of resumed and in accordance with the passage then read,' touching the celebration of the feast of booths, they gath ered branches and erected booths — a thing that had not been done for over seven hundred years. During the whole of the festival week the law was read daily. The ques- Soon the princes appeared before Ezra with a com- ma'rriagT I™' plaint. Not only the people, but even the priests, the Le- Ezra's v;tes an(j t^s iea(jmor men had been unfaithful to Israel's prayer a (Ezra 9) trust by intermarrying with their heathen neighbors. In deep grief Ezra, accompanied by all the faithful, awaited the hour of the evening oblation. Then on his knees with outstretched hands, he earnestly prayed to God, con fessing with shame the national sin from of old, and the justice of all the chastisement that had fallen ; especially bewailing their ungrateful disregard of God's recent kind ness to them. He had punished them less than they de served ; and they had rewarded his forbearance by defy ing the prophetic word, and courting judgment by marriage with the heathen. " O God of Israel 1 thou art righteous ; none can stand before thee because of this." Severe meas- Ezra's impassioned prayer drew about him a weeping Sternuuv18 congregation, one of whom, acting as spokesman, pro- (EzSraio-i-o) Posed to redeem the past by solemnly pledging themselves 1 If this passage (Lev. 23 : 33-44) was reached by the second day, the " book of the law " then read can hardly have been the whole Pentateuch, but rather only the legislative portion of it. Besides, the reading of the fa miliar stories in Genesis and Exodus could hardly have produced the im pression recorded here. (So Steuernagel.) 332 the Historians Nehemiah 9 : 7 to put away their heathen wives and the children born of them. Ezra, seizing the opportunity, exacted an oath to this effect from the leaders of the clergy and people. They, in turn, followed this up by summoning the whole nation to Jerusalem, on pain of forfeiture of property and excommunication. The passage ' from the Pentateuch was read which ex- read eluded Moabites and Ammonites from the congregation. [.£ ' I3 ' " This ye have transgressed," said Ezra, and he urged The work of them to make confession and divorce their wives. But sion00™™5 owing to the natural difficulties of the case, aggravated by (E,zra IO : IO" the inconvenience of the heavy rains, it was agreed, all but unanimously, that the cases should be settled in detail, at dates to be appointed subsequently, when the husbands of the foreign women might appear for trial, accompanied by the elders and judges of their respective cities. The commission, of which Ezra was president, sat for about three months and convicted one hundred and thirteen men, including all grades of the clergy. Less than four weeks afterward, in an assembly purged Ezra's of all the foreign element, the people after the reading of confession extensive sections of the law, made a humble confession (Neh- °> of sin, led by the Levites under Ezra,3 who prayed on this wise : " Thou, O Jehovah, art the creator and preserver of all, and thy love has shaped the history of thy people. In thy choice of father Abraham and thy faithfulness to 1 Deut. 23 : 3-6. 3 So v. 6 in LXX. 333 Nehemiah 9 : 8 The Messages of him ; in the marvels thou didst work for thine afflicted people in Egypt and the wilderness ; in thy gift of the Sabbath and of good and true laws through Moses on Sinai : in thy merciful pardon of their sins of rebellion ; in thy gifts of victory and children and a fruitful land ; in the deliverers whom thou from time to time didst raise up in answer to their cry, despite their murder of thy proph ets ; in thy forbearance for so many years ; in all these things thou hast shown thyself a gracious and a merciful God. Now therefore, O our God, the great and mighty, the terrible and faithful God, have pity upon us for all the sorrow thou hast justly brought upon us all since the time of the kings of Assyria, for we are this day slaves in the wealthy land that thou gavest to our fathers." The cove- The prayer issued in a covenant — signed by the govern- terms or, the nobles, and the clergy, and ratified by the assem- (Neh. 10) bly at large — to observe the Mosaic law. The chief terms of the covenant were that they would not intermarry with their heathen neighbors, nor trade on the Sabbath day, that they would remit all debts and leave the land fallow in the seventh year for the poor, that they would contrib ute annually to the temple service,1 as well as to the sup port of the priests and Levites, and in every way secure the maintenance of the service. 1 Here X of a shekel : in Ex. 30 : 13, it is % shekel ; cf. 2 Chr. 24 : 6, 9. 334 the Historians Ruth VII THE DATE AND CHARACTER OF THE BOOK OF RUTH The English version of the Bible, following the Greek and Latin, suggests that the Book of Ruth is a foil, as it is an appendix, to the Book of Judges. Its place in the Hebrew Bible, however, is toward the end, in the section to which Ezra-Nehemiah belongs, and it is not unfair to see in it in reality a foil to those books. Its place in the canon, its language, its reference to the custom de scribed in 4 : 7 as of the " former time," all suggest that the book is late. The legislation of Ezra J which demanded the divorce of all foreign women — justified as it may have been in large measure by the circumstances of the time — could hardly pass without protest from men of prophetic spirit.2 Prob ably the Book of Ruth is that protest. Its large-hearted ness is the complement of the Leviticalism of Chronicles. It is not merely a beautiful idyll. It is the answer of the prophet to the priest. It is mercy triumphing over judg ment. Like Jonah, this book implicitly claims the whole 1 Ezra 9 and io. a Malachi's attitude (2 : 10-16) was similar to Ezra's, and doubtless he represented the average opinion of the good men who " feared Jehovah " (Mal. 3 : 16). 335 Ruth The Messages of world for the love of God. It asserts that a Moabitess may be an Israelite indeed, and that instead of her birth counting against her, her faith should count in her favor. Did not God himself so count it, by making her the ances tress of David ? Jehovah is indeed the God of Israel,1 who visits his own to bless them ; '' but he can equally bless the children of another people,3 and will deal very kindly with the foreign woman who comes to take refuge under his wings,1 and who said to her Hebrew mother-in- law " Thy God shall be my God." B He is gracious both to the living and to the dead,6 to Israel indeed, but no less to Moab, and her that cometh unto him, of whatsoever people she be, he will in no wise cast out. VIII A PLEA FOR THE NON-ISRAELITE (RUTH) Ruth goes During the days of the judges, Elimelech of Bethlehem from Moab' "with his wife Naomi and their two sons, were driven by a hem'o'f11' famine to sojourn in Moab. In process of time, husband Judah (i) and sons died. Now the sons had married women of Moab ' — Orpah and Ruth. Bereft of husband and chil dren, the aged Naomi resolved to return to her own land of Judah, which Jehovah had meanwhile blessed with 1 2 : 12. a i : 6. * i : 8, 9. 4 2 : 12. • 1 : 16. » 2 : 20. T Cf. Neh. 13 : 1. 336 the Historians Ruth 3 : 10 plenty ; and likewise she bade her daughters-in-law re main in their own land, invoking upon them a blessing from her God for their kindness to herself and to the dead, and earnestly entreating them to remain when they showed themselves willing to go with her. At last Orpah went back to her people and her god ; but Ruth clave to Naomi, vowing to live and die beside her, and taking Naomi's people and God to be her own. So in the be ginning of barley harvest, the two women came to Beth lehem, where their coming caused much ado ; and Naomi gave voice to her sense of the bitter contrast wrought by Jehovah between the former days and these. Now Ruth went out to the fields to glean a slender Ruth gleans sustenance behind the reapers, and she happened to enter 0" Boaze the field of Boaz, a kinsman of Naomi. On learning who <2 : 1"20") she was, and noting her faithfulness and loveliness, he with delicate grace bade her remain in his field and beside his maidens, offering her hospitality and protection, and, in recognition of her loyalty, invoking upon her the bless ing of the God of Israel, now her rightful protector. When she came home in the evening with the barley, her story touched Naomi's heart with gratitude to God, who was ever gracious alike to the living and the dead. After telling her with glad pride that Boaz was a near she wins his kinsman, Naomi straightway bethought herself of a plan \, ^\^f0 whereby Boaz might be led to promise to play a kins- 3 : l8) man's part to Ruth. Her plan fell out happily. Boaz 337 Ruth 3:11 The Messages of responded with willingness, nay with joy, for the noble- ' ness of Ruth had won his affections. With high hopes the old woman awaited the issue of the matter. She becomes But there was a kinsman nearer than Boaz, with a claim in^ances3-™ Pr'or to his- So Boaz brought the case before a council gcss°f of elders at the city gate, and gave his rival the chance of redeeming Elimelech's land. The latter, however, re jected the condition attached thereto — that he should marry the childless Ruth. So, by an old symbolic rite,1 he abandoned his claim in favor of Boaz, who thereupon redeemed the land, and wedded Ruth amid the prayers of the people that through her Jehovah would build up his house, as the houses of Israel and Judah had been built up in the olden days. And so it was. For, to the joy of the aged Naomi, a son was born to Ruth from whom, in the third generation, sprang the great King David. Thus David is directly descended through Boaz from Judah. IX THE CHARACTER AND PURPOSE OF THE BOOK OF ESTHER If Ruth was a foil to Ezra, Esther is a foil to Ruth. In the interval that separates the two books — Esther comes probably about the middle of the second century B. C. — 1 Deut. 25 : 9. 33» the Historians Esther magnanimity has passed into bitterness, and the eyes that once looked so generously on the things of others, now look narrowly only upon their own. In this book we see the culmination, in its most unlovely form, of that exclu siveness which had been encouraged by the legislation of Ezra. The " holy seed " 1 is hated of the world, but it is led through obloquy and malice to triumph, a cruel and unholy triumph. The story reads more like romance than history. It was written long after the events it describes. The Persian empire is a thing of the past,2 long enough past to ob scure to the writer the chronological perspective ; for the hero of the story, which is set early in the reign of Xerxes, - and therefore must be somewhere about 480 B. C, is rep resented as having been carried away to Babylon in 597 B. C. with Jehoiachin.3 But there are other perplexities. The king who sanctions the decree for the extermination of the Jews in 3 : 9- 11 is ignorant of it and surprised by it in 7 : 5. It is hard to say what the underlying basis of fact may be, but the temper of the story is extremely sig nificant of later Jewish feeling. The book probably served more than one purpose. It explains the origin of the Purim festival ; 4 but a co-ordi nate purpose must have been to glorify the Jews, and to show how jealously their God watched over their interests and led them to victory. It is a shallow criticism which 1 Ezr. 9:2. '' 1 : 1, 13. 3 2 : 5, 6. * 9 : 19, 26. 339 Esther The Messages of would deny this religious aspect of the book — on however low a plane the religion may be — on the ground that the divine name nowhere occurs in it. The thought, though not the word, is present in Mordecai's confident assurance that enlargement and deliverance would arise to the Jews from one place, if not from another,1 and that thought de termines the whole sequence of the story. A note of the intensest national feeling runs through the book. There the unique self-consciousness of the Jews finds its justifi cation in the facts of history and in the mysterious prov idence which brings them at the last to " light and glad ness and joy and honor." a The world hates them ; they have enemies, not one s but many.4 But they can over come the world. Esther the Jewess is better than Vashti,5 and Mordecai the Jew, like Joseph in the gray past, is next the king." All men must bow to Haman, but not Mor decai ; he bowed not nor did him reverence.7 For he represents a people whom no man could withstand ; ° even the mighty Haman must go down before him." No royal decree can ultimately keep the Jews out of the do minion which is their destiny.10 Was it any wonder then, that the fear of them fell upon all people " and that " many from among the peoples of the land became Jews ? " la This emphasis on the uniqueness of Israel is nothing 1 4 : 14. ' 8 : 16. * 3 : 10. • 9 : 1. 8 1 : ig. ° 10 : 3. '3:2. 8 9 : 2. » 6 : 13. "9:1. 11 8 : 17, 9 : 2. " 8 : 17. 340 the Historians Esther i :g new; it is as old as the oracle of Balaam.1 What is new — or almost new * — and disappointing is the expression which it here receives. It expresses itself in needless cruelty ' and in massacre apparently unprovoked. The sense of the national uniqueness is not inspired, as it often is in the later literature of the Old Testament, by the solemn and radiant sense of a mission. It is a solace to think that this book won its place in the Canon only after a struggle. And yet it has there its own pathetic place. It sheds a very sorrowful light upon the treatment which the Jews had received at the hands of an inappreciative and relentless world. Bitter indeed must have been the persecution which stung the generous and tender hearts that gave us Ruth, into the bigotry, passion, and ven geance that thrill through the fascinating story of Esther. X ISRAEL'S TRIUMPH OVER ITS FOES (ESTHER) About the year 483 B. C* after a six months' festival in Xerxes puts honor of the princes and nobles of his vast empire, Xerxes ^SL (0 held a second gorgeous festival for the people in his palace 1 Num. 23 : 9. 1 In Mal. 1 : 3 Jehovah's love for Israel is held to be proved by his hatred for Edom, manifest in the desolation of that land. 8 9 = I3-I5- 4 About the same date as the notice in Ezra 4 : 6. 341 Esther i : io The Messages of at Susa. On the last day, he bade the queen appear to display her beauty. She refused. The angry king con sulted his wise men ; and, on the advice of one of them he put her away by a royal decree, lest the example of her contumacy should prove contagious, and sent instruc tions throughout the various provinces that every man be master in his own house. He takes Steps were then taken to find a better queen than she. hlr stead ; From all the empire fair maidens were gathered to the s^veslhe' palace and among them the orphan Esther, cousin king'siife (2) and adopted daughter of Mordecai. The king loved her above all the other maidens and made her queen about 479 B. C.1 Not long thereafter Mordecai saved the king's life by communicating to him through Esther a plot against him ; and his deed was put on record. Haman's Now a certain Haman, promoted by the king above all Mordecai; the other nobles, conceived a deadly hatred of the Jew, vengeance°f Mordecai, for persistently refusing him the obeisance (3) which the king had enjoined, and he sought to gratify his revenge by destroying the Jewish people, root and branch, throughout the empire. By representing them to be sedi tiously inclined, he obtained from the king a decree for their annihilation, to take effect in eleven months, namely, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, a date fixed by lot." 1 The year of the battles of Flataea and Mycale, the year after Ther mopylae and Salamis. 3 I.e., Pur: hence, according to 9 : 26, the name of the festival Purim. 342 the Historians Esther 6 : 14 The decree prostrated the Jews with grief. Mordecai Esther's contrived to inform Esther thereof, and charged her to intercede implore the king on behalf of her people. Esther knew ^ ,"\e well the peril of such a course ; yet, nerved by Mordecai's appeal, she bravely made up her mind to intercede with the king, cost what it might. " I will go," said she, " and if I perish, I perish." The king received her graciously, and offered to grant Her ingeni- her request even to the half of his kingdom. She only enthrafthe asked, however, that the king and Haman would come king ^ next day to a banquet prepared by herself. There the king renewed his promise; but again she invited them to a second banquet. Haman's joy, however, was still clouded by Mordecai's refusal of obeisance. On his wife's suggestion, he prepared a gallows, hoping to secure next day a royal decree for his execution. That night the king, to while away the sleepless hours, The tables had the royal records read to him ; and finding there *^ turned mention of Mordecai's unrewarded service, next day he asked Haman, who had come in the hope of securing the royal warrant for Mordecai's execution, what should be done to the man whom the king delighted to honor. This, thought Haman, could be no one but himself, and he ac cordingly suggested the most extravagant honors. To his horror, he found that, by the terms of his own propo sal, he must himself bestow those honors on the hated Mordecai, the Jew ; while, to complete his confusion, his 343 Esther 7 : 1 The Messages of wife foretold his certain downfall, if Mordecai were really a Jew. Haman is With these bodings of doom in his ears, he came with Mordecai1 me king to Esther's banquet. In response to the king's Yi°™tat- 2) tmrd offer, the queen earnestly begged for her own life, and that of her people, imperilled by — Haman ! The guilty man trembled. The indignant king, adopting the grim, yet timely hint of one of his courtiers, had him hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for Mor decai, and Mordecai was installed in Haman's post of honor. The counter Esther now set herself to reverse, if possible, the pre- decree • (8 : 3-17) vious decree ordering the destruction of the Jews ; and the king, regarding her request with favor, empowered Mordecai to issue, with all speed, a decree in the royal name, granting liberty to the Jews to defend themselves by force against all who assaulted them on the day ap pointed. The decree was received by the Jews with transports of delight ; and many of the native peoples be came proselytes, for the fear of the Jews was fallen upon them. The triumph So on the day appointed for the massacre, as it fell 01 toe Tews * (9 : 1-16) out, it was not the Jews, but their enemies, who were the victims ; for they were irresistible. The prestige of Mor decai even secured for his countrymen official assistance. The Jews worked their will upon their foes. In the palace alone, they slew five hundred, including the ten sons of 344 the Historians Esther io : 3 Haman, and at the request of Esther, added three hun dred more the following day. In the provinces, where the massacre lasted only one day, seventy-five thousand victims fell. Such then is the origin of the glad Purim festival, held The Purim on fourteenth and fifteenth of the month Adar, to keep (9 : I7-32) alive the memory of this great deliverance in every Jewish or proselyte family for ever. This ordinance was con firmed by a decree of Esther and Mordecai. It is recorded in the royal archives of Persia how Mor- The exaita- decai in his high office — he was second only to the king — z'°5 of won the affection of his Jewish brethren by his great zeal Mo°rdecal on their behalf. 345 APPENDIX APPENDIX BOOKS OF REFERENCE The literature in English on the historical books of the Old Testament from the standpoint of modern criticism is not yet extensive, but it is rapidly growing. On some of the books there is as yet no good up-to-date English commentary. The following list is selected with a view to the needs of the gen eral reader, and avoids, on the one hand, works of a minutely technical nature, and on the other, foreign books which have not been translated. Driver's " Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testa ment " (ninth edition, 1901, Charles Scribner's Sons) is a mine of information. It is absolutely reliable in its details, and cautious in its methods, and forms an exceedingly useful guide to the critical problems connected with each book. Much smaller, but always interesting and illuminating, is Kautzsch's "The Literature of the Old Testament" (translated by Dr. Taylor ; published by Williams & Norgate, 1898, and by Put- nams, 1899). A "Biblical Introduction," by Bennett and Adeney (Whittaker, 1899), gives a clear and comprehensive presentation of the facts on their literary side. These books 349 Appendix all deal with the whole of the Old Testament, and not exclu sively with the historical books. For a long time, one great barrier to the study of the histories, from which the present Hexateuch has been compiled, was the absence of continuous texts. That barrier has now been re moved. The prophetical and priestly texts are presented con tinuously in Addis's "Documents of the Hexateuch " (vol. i., 1893; vol. ii., 1898, Putnams), and in Bacon's "Genesis of Genesis," 1892, and "The Triple Tradition of the Exodus," 1894 ; while the prophetic texts alone are presented in Duff's "Old Testament Theology " (vol. i., 1891 ; vol. ii., 1900, A. & C. Black). The fullest treatment of the critical problems of the Hexa teuch will be found in the Oxford publication, The Hexateuch, edited by Carpenter and Battersby (2 vols., 1900, Longmans, Green & Co. ), which, besides printing the texts in the order of the English Bible, and relegating each section to its source, discusses clearly and very fully all the literary problems. Briggs's " Higher Criticism of the Hexateuch " (second edi tion, 1897, Charles Scribner's Sons) is less elaborate, but thor ough and very useful. In Addis's volumes mentioned above, the texts are preceded by critical discussions, and Bacon's two volumes are full of marvellously delicate and powerful critical work. There is an interesting and penetrating treatment of the gradual growth of the historical books in McCurdy's "His tory, Prophecy, and the Monuments" (vols, i.-iii., Macmillan & Co., 1894-1901). For a brief, but very adequate presenta tion of the Hexateuchal problem the reader may be referred to 35° Appendix W. Robertson Smith's "Old Testament in the Jewish Church," Lecture II. (2d revised and enlarged edition, 1892, D. Appleton & Co.), or to the article " Hexateuch," in the "Encyclopaedia Biblica " (Macmillan & Co., 4 vols.), or in the " Dictionary of the Bible," edited by Hastings (4 vols., Charles Scribner's Sons). For the spirit in which the earlier chapters of Genesis are to be read, the student may consult Ryle's " Early Narratives of Genesis " (Macmillan & Co., 1892), and for Genesis as a whole, Dods's volume in " The Expositor's Bible " (A. C. Armstrong & Co., 1888). Much help may also be found in Professor G. A. Smith's ' ' Modern Criticism and the Preaching of the Old Testament " (A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1901), and from Pro fessor Davidson's article on "The Uses of the Old Testament for Edification," in the Expositor iox January, 1900. The following articles in the two Biblical Dictionaries al ready mentioned (" Encyclopaedia Biblica" and "Dictionary of the Bible ") may be consulted with much advantage : Gen esis, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, and Esther. The volumes containing articles on the remaining books may be expected at no distant date. Dillmann's great commentary on Genesis (2 vols., translated by Stevenson, 1897, T. & T. Clark, and Scribner's) is very elaborate and exhaustive. Of great value are the commentaries on "Deuteronomy," 1895, "Judges," 1895, and "Samuel," 1899, by Driver, Moore and H. P. Smith, respectively, in the * ' International Critical Commentary " series (Charles Scribner's Sons). For the reader who is interested in the question of 35 1 Appendix sources, Bennett's "Joshua," 1899, and Moore's "Judges," 1898, in the " Sacred Books of the Old and New Testaments " series, commonly known as the Polychrome Bible (edited by Haupt, published with English translations, Dodd, Mead & Co.), will be found of great service. On the origin of the Books of Samuel, Cheyne's chapter on "How the Books of Samuel Arose," in "Aids to the Devout Study of Criticism," 1892 (Thomas Whittaker), may be consulted. In the Cam bridge Bible series, there is a handy commentary on ' ' Sam uel," 1886, by Kirkpatrick, and on "Kings," 1889, by Lumby (Macmillan & Co., each 2 vols.); the commentary on " Ezra- Nehemiah," in this series by Ryle may be strongly recom mended. For the rearrangement of the text of Ezra-Nehemiah, see Professor Kent's " History of the Jewish People," 1899 (y$ 88-98), and for the reconstruction of the history which this involves, the same volume §§ 114-211, and Cheyne's "Jewish Religious Life after the Exile," 1898, chapters 1 and 2 (G. P. Putnam's Sons), should be consulted. Bennett's " Chronicles," 1894, in the Expositors' Bible series, is a very useful and able book (Armstrongs). An appreciation of the religious value of the Book of Chronicles will be found in the article on " Chronicles," in Hastings's "Dictionary of the Bible." 35 2 Appendix II PASSAGES IN THE BOOKS OF SAMUEL AND KINGS OMITTED BY THE CHRONICLER The story of the career of Saul and of the life of David be fore his accession to the throne ( I S. 9 to 30). The opposition of Ishbosheth to David (2 S. 2 to 4). The taunt of Michal (2 S. 6 : 10-23). The threat concerning Solomon (2 S. 7 : 14). David's cruelty to Moab (2 S. 8 : 2).1 David's kindness to the son of Jonathan (2 S. 9). David's sin with Bathsheba and its punishment (2 S. II : 2 to 12 : 25). Joab's loyal act of abnegation (2 S. 12 : 27-29). The violation of Tamar (2 S. 13 : 1-22). The murder of Amnon by Absalom (2 S. 13 : 23-37). The rebellion of Absalom (2 S. 13 : 38 to 15 : 12). The flight and return of David (2 S. 15 : 13 to 19 : 40). The rupture between Judah and Israel (2 S. 19 : 41 to 20 : 22). The famine stayed because of the vengeance taken upon the descendants of Saul (2 S. 21 : 1-14). Intrigues for the succession of Solomon to the throne (1 K.i). Solomon's stern measures for peace (1 K. 2). Anecdotes illustrating Solomon's judicial wisdom, the organi zation of his kingdom, his proverbs and songs (1 K. 3: 16 to 4=34)- 1 But compare i Chr. 20 : 3, which retains a similar reference. 353 Appendix His benediction at the dedication of the temple (i K. 8 : 54- 61). His many wives and his idolatry (1 K. n : 1-8). The rebellions of Hadad, Rezon, and Jeroboam (1 K. 1 1 : 9-40). Jeroboam's calf-worship and the doom pronounced upon it, on Jeroboam's house, and on the northern kingdom (1 K. 12: 25 to 14: 20). Abijah spared by Jehovah for David's sake (1 K. 15 : 3-5). Asa's intolerance of immoral worship (1 K. 15 : 12). The reigns of Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, and Ahab (1 K.I5:2S to 16: 34). The story of the Prophet Elijah (1 K. 17 to 21 : 29). The reigns of Ahaziah and Joram of Israel with stories of Eli jah and Elisha (1 K. 22 : 51 to 2 K. 8 : 15 ; 13 : 14-20). The rebellion and reign of Jehu (2 K. 9, 10). The reigns of Jehoahaz and Joash of Israel (2 K. 13). The reign of Jeroboam II. of Israel (2 K. 14 : 23-29). The reigns of Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, and Pekah of Israel (2 K. 15 : 8-31). ' The reign of Hosea and story of the fall of the northern kingdom (2 K. 17). The tribute from the temple treasures paid by Hezekiah to Sennacherib (2 K. 18 : 15, 16). The threat by prophets of Jerusalem's overthrow (2 K. 21 : 11-16). The purification by Josiah of Judah and Samaria (2 K. 23 : 4-20). 354 Appendix Jehoiakim's tax (2 K. 23 : 35). The invaders sent by Jehovah against Jehoiakim, and the reason (2 K. 24 : 2-4). The first captivity to Babylon (2 K. 24: 10-16). The capture and destruction of Jerusalem and the temple (2 K. 25 : 1-21). Gedaliah's appointment as governor and his murder (2 K. 25 : 22-26). The pardon of Jehoiachim (2 K. 25 : 27-30). 355 INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES INDEX OF BIBLICAL PASSAGES GENESIS CHAPTERS i I to 2 : 4a PAGES 249 2 : 4b to 4 : 24 32_3S 5 : 1-28 249 5 : 29 35 5 : 30-32 249-250 6: 1-8 35-36 6 : g-22 250 7 and 8 36, 250 9 : 1-17 250 9= 18-27 36-37 9 : 28-29 25° 10 : 1-7 251 10 : 8-19 , 37 10 : 20, 22-24 251 10: 21, 25-30 37 10 : 31-32 251 11 : 1-9 37 11 : 10-27 251 11 : 28-30 38 11 : 31-32 251 13 and 13 38"39> 25J 14 25i 15 39-4° 16 40, 251 17 251, 252 18 and 19 4°-4I. 25z 20 41 21 : 1-7 41, 252 21 : 8 to 22 : 24 4I-42 23 252 24 42 25 : 1-6, nb, 18 42, 43 25 : 7-1 ia, 12-17, 19, 20 : 26l).. 252-253 25 : 21 to 26 : 33 43 26 : 34-35 253 27 43-44. 253 CHAPTERS PAGES 28 : 1-9 253 28 : 10 to 31 : 55 44-46, 253 32 and 33 46-47 34 47,253 35 : 1-8 47-48 35 "• 9-J5 253 35 : 16-22° 48 35 : 22^29 253-254 36: 1 to 37: 2" 254 37 : 2^-36 48 38 (note 3) 48 39 : 1 to 46 : 5 48-51, 254 46 : 6-27 254 46: 28-34 51 47= I"6 5i> 254 47 : 7"11 254 47 : 12-28 51, 254 47 : 29 to 48 : 2, 8-22 5*-52 48: 3-7 254-255 49 : 1, 28»>-33 255 50 52, 255 EXODUS 1 : i-5, 7> !3> *4 255 1 : 6-12 59 1 : 15 to 2 : 23° 59-60 2 : 23^-25 255 3 : 1 to 4 : 23 60-61 4 : 24-26 (note 1) 60 4 : 27 to 6 : 1 61, 62 6:2107:13 255-256 7 : 14-25 62, 256 8 : 1-15 62, 256 8 : 16-19 256 8 : 20 to 9 : 7 62-63 9 : 8-12 256-257 359 Index of Biblical Passages CHAPTERS PAGES 9 : 13 to ii : 8 63-64 11 : 9 to 12 : 20 ..257 12 ; 29-39 64 12 : 40 to 13 : 2 257 13 : 17 to 15 : 21 64-65, 257-258 15 : 22 to 16 : 36 65, 258 17 65, 258 18 68 19 65-66, 258 20 : 1-21 66-67 24 : 1-2, 9-11 (note 1) 66 24 : 3-8, 12-14 67 24 : I5b-l8a 259 25 : 1 to 31 : i8» 259-260 31 : i8b 67 32 : 1 to 34 : 9 67-68, 261 34 : 29 to 40 : 38 261 NUMBERS 1 : 1 to 5 : 4 261-262 6 : 22-27 262 7 (note) 261 9 : 15 to 10: 28 263 io 129 to 12 : 16 69-71 13 and 14 71-72, 263 16 72, 264 17 264 20 : 1-13 73, 264 20 : 14-21 73 20 : 22-29 265 21 : 1-3 (note 2) 72 21 : 4-35 73-74, 265 22 : 1 265 22 : 2 to 25 : 5 74-75 25 : 6 to 26 : 65 265-266 27 : 12-23 266-267 31 (note) 265-266 32 75-76, 267 33t°35 267-268 DEUTERONOMY 1 : 1 to 4 : 40 101-104, 268 =7 : 5-13 104 29 : 1 to 31 : 29 104-105 CHAPTERS PAGES 32 145-47 105 32 : 48-52 268 34 106, 268 JOSHUA 1 : 1 to 5 : 9 110-112, 268 5 : 10-12 268 5 : 13 to 6 : 21 113 7 113-114, 268 8 : 1-29 114 8 : 30-35 116-117 9 114-115, 268-269 10 to 12 115-116 13 :i-i4 "7 13 : 15 to 14 : 5 269 14 : 6-15 117 15 to 19 118-119,269 20 : 1 to 21 : 42 a6g 21 : 43 to 22 : 8 119 22 : 9-34 270 23 and 24 119-121 JUDGES 1 118 2 : 1-5 126 2 : 6 to 3 : 30 121, 126-127 3 : 31 122 4 to 9 128-132 10 : 1-5 122 10 : 6-16 (note 1) 127 10 : 17 to 12 : 7 132-133 12 : 8-15 122-123 13 fo 16 133-135 17 and 18 136-137 19 to 21 137-138 RUTH 1 to 4 336-338 FIRST SAMUEL 1 143 2 : 12 to 4 : 1* 143-145 4 : x*to7 : 17 145-147 360 Index of Biblical Passages CHAPTERS PAGES 8 147-148 9 to 12 147-150 13 : i~7B 150 13 : 7b- 1 5a (note 3) 151 13 : 15b to 14 : 52 150-154 15 150-153 16 : 1-13 153 16: 14-23 154 17 and 18 153-I55 19: 1-7 155-I56 19 : 8-10 157 19 : 11-17 155 19: 18-24 157 20.. (note 1) 156-157 21 : 1-9 *55 21 : 10-15 158 22 : 1-2 156 22: 3-5 158 22 : 6 to 23 : 29 156-157 24 158-159 25 i57"I59 26 159 27 to 29 159-160 30 and 31 160-161 SECOND SAMUEL 1 : 1-18 162 2 : i~4a 162 2 : 4^-7 161 2 : 8 to 3 : 1 . 162-163 3 : 2-5 164-165 3 : 6 to 4 : 12 163-164 5 and 6 164-165 7 166-167 8 166 9 and 10 167 11 : 1 to 20 : 22 167-173 20 : 23-26 (note) 166 21 to 24 (note) 173-174 FIRST KINGS x and 2 174-176 3 and 4 185-186 CHAPTERS PAGES 5'and 6 186-187 7 : 1-12 190 7 : 13 to 9 : 9 187-189 9 : 10 190 9 : 11-14 186 9 : 15 to 11 : 28 190-191 11 : 29-39 192 11 : 40-43 191 12 to 16 192-197 17 to 19 201-203 20 204-205 21 203-204 22 : 1-40 205-206 22 : 41-50 212 22 : 51-53 206 SECOND KINGS 1:1 (note 2) 207 1 : 2 to 4 : 37 206-209 4= 38-44 209 5 209-210 6:1-7 209 6 : 8 to 7 : 20 210-211 8:1-6 209 8 : 7-15 211-212 8:16-27 213 8 : 28-29 (note 1) 214 9 to 12 213-217 13 : 1-13 217-218 13 : 14-21 212 13 : 22 to 15 : 28 217-221 15 : 29 222 15 : 30 to 16 ; 5 221-222 16 : 6 2ig 16 : 7 to 17 : 6 222-223 17 : 7 to 18 : 8 223-225 18 : 9-12 223 18 : 13 to 20 : 21 225-228 21 to 25 229-235 FIRST CHRONICLES : to 10 287-289 :i to 29 289-294 361 Index of Biblical Passages SECOND CHRONICLES CHAPTERS PAGES I tcTg 294-297 IO to 36 297-313 EZRA 1 321 2 (note) 327 3 .321-322 4 : i-5 322 4 : 6-23 326-327 4 :24 322 5:1 to 6:22 322—323 7 to 8 329-331 CHAPTERS PAGES 9 fo 10 : 9 332-333 10 : 10-44 333 NEHEMIAH 1 to 6 323-326 7 : 1-69 327 7:70108:18 , 33'~332 9 'o IO 333-334 11 to 12 327-328 '3: i-3 333 13 : 4-31 328-329 ESTHER I 'o 10 34r-345 362