Yale Universitv Library 39002040330962 <'>"&-'v:''.y.-i:r!J'., SVXNOHVOOd SSHDNrad 3H1 ZfldlHt plli» ; jp '-Jt iio.i,if r* jy .Jt (' f "«. Edmund Harrison, M. Senate Va.. . Of John Murray's (6) Children, who married Susan Yates. 6. Elizabeth Murray m. Edward Yates . 6. Anne Murray w. Jesse Brown.. Chil dren. Sons Daugh ters. 40 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. Chil dren. Sons Daugh ters. 6. Sukey Murray m. Theodore Bland "Ruffin j - - 6. James Murray tn. I 3 6. Peggy Murray m. Elam Of Mary Murray's (5) Children, wife of, 1st, Alex. Gordon, 2d, Col. W^n. Davies. 6. Peggy Gordon m. ist, William Knox, d. 1809, 2d, Griel Green, a prominent lawyer of Mecklenburg county . 6. Mary Ann Davies m., 1804, Fortescue Whittle, a fel low-exile with Emmet. (See Notice S) Of Peggy Murray's (5) Children, wife of Thos. Gordon 6. Ann (or Nancy) Gordon m. Henry Embry Coleman, M. Va. Sen Of Anne Murray's (5) Children, wife of Neil Buchanan 6. Buchanan nt. Cross Of William Murray's (5) Children, who married Re becca Bolling (6.) 6. Anne Murray tn. Thomas Robinson, an eminent physician and scholar, a refugee about 1800 from the Irish troubles which drove Thos. Addis Eraraet and others into exile. Settled in Petersburg, where he died 6. Mary Murray tn. George Skipwith 6. William Murray d. i866; tn. Rebecca Skelton. Seventh in Descent. Of Rev. Anthony Walke's (6) sons. 7. Edwin Walke. . . 7. David Meade Walke J 7. John N. Walke, by second marriage. by first marriage. Of Elizabeth Bolting's (6) Children, wife of William Robertson. 7. Archibald Robertson, b. 1772 ; d. 1861 ; tn. Elizabeth M. Bolling POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 41 Chil dren. 7. Thomas Boiling Robertson, b. 1773; d. 1828, Sec'y of Territory, ist M.C., Attorney-General, Governor, U. S. Judge, of Louisiana ; m. Lelia Skipwith. (See Notice T). 7. William Robertson, M. H. D., m. Christina Williams. 7. John Robertson, (5. 1787; d. Julys, 1873; Attorney- General, M. C, ChanceUor, (Virginia) ; m. Anne Trent. (See Nodce U) 7. Anne Robertson m. Dr. Henry Skipwith, 1813 -; d. ; tn. John H. 7. Jane Gay Robertson, b. — Bernard (M. Senate of Va) 7. Wyndham Robertson, b. 1803, M. H. D., M. Council of State, Governor of Virginia, 1836 ; m. Mary F. T. Smith. (See Notice V) Of Rebecca Boiling's {6) Children, wife of Wm. Murray. [See William Murray's (5) children.J Of the Children of William Boiling (6), who married Mary Randolph (6). 7. Ann Meade Boiling, m. Jos. K. Weisiger 7. William Albert Boiling, deaf mute, m. Eliza Christian. 7. Thomas Bolling, b. 1807; m. Louisa daughter of Richard Morris of Hanover, M. Va. Con. 1829-30. . 7. Jane Rolfe Bolling, m. Robert Skipwith (7) Of the Children of Martha Bolling (6) wife of Field Archer. 7. Powhatan Archer m. Walthall 7. Martha Archer m. ist, John Boiling, 2d, 7. Ellen Archer m. Berry 7. Mary Archer m. Edward Covington 7. Lucy Archer m. Archer Berry. Of John Boiling's (6) Children, who married Kennon. 7. Evelina Boiling m. Alexander Garrett, Clerk of Albe marie county Sons Daugh ters. 42 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 7. Susan Bolling OT. John Scott. Chil dren. Of Edward Bolting's (6) Children, who -married Dolly Payne. 7. Powhatan Boiling tn. Payne Of Archibald Bolting's (6) Children. 7. Archibald Bolling, b. ; d. i860 ; m. Anne E. Wig ginton 7. Edward Bolling, b. ; d. 1855 ; m. Ann Cralle — 7. Alexander Boiling, b. ; d. 1878 ; m. Susan Gray Of Mary Bolting's (6) Children, wife of Edward Archer. 7. Peter Jefferson Archer tn. ist, M. Michaux, 2d, Lucy Gilliam, issue Of the Children of Mary Burton Bolling (6), ist wife of Robert Boiling, of Petersburg. 7. Mary Burton Augusta Bolling tn. John Monro Ban nister, (Battersea) Of Pocahontas Rebecca Boiling's (6) Children, wife of Col. Joseph Cabell. 7. Sophonisba E. Cabell, b. 1784; d 1857; m. 1809, Robert H. Grayson, son of U. S. Senator William Gray.son 7. Sarah BoiUng Cabell, b. 1786 ; d. Elisha Meredith 7. Charles J. Cabell, b. 1789; d. 1810; unmarried. notable man in his day." (See Notice W). . . ; tn., 1805, A 7. Edward Blair Cabell, b. 1791 ; d. 1850; m., 1812, Har riet Forbes Monroe, a niece of President Monroe. . 7. Benjamin William S. Cabell, Senate of Virginia, b. 1793 ; d 1862 ; m., 1816, Sarah Eppes Doswell 7. Mary P. Cabell, b. 1798; d. 1821 ; m., 1818, Peyton Doswell, d. 1820 , , Sons Daugh ters. POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 43 Chil dren. Of Anne Everard Boiling's (6) Children, who married ist, Sheppard Duval, zd. Col. Joseph Cabell. 7. Samuel Sheppard Duval. 7. Archibald Bolling Duval. 7. Jane Randolph Cabell, b. 1805 ; d. 1833 ; .m., 1824, Philip T. Allen • ; m: ist, 1830, Mary 7. John B. Cabell, b. 1808; d. C. Wardlaw; d. 1835 2d, 1839, Martha, daughter of Captain John Posey. 7. Elizabeth Robertson Cabell, b. 1809 ; d. 1852 ; m. ist, 1826, James B. Paulett 2d, 1834, Archibald Dixon, U. S Senator 7. Robert Boiling Cabell, b. 1812 ; d. ; m.- ist, 1833, Anne E. Herndon ; d. 1834 2d, 1835, Eleanor Hart 7. George W. Cabell, b. 1814 ; d. ; m., 1837, Mary R Williams. 7. Mary Ann Hopkins Cabell, b. 1824; m., 1845", Dr. E. L. Willard (California) ; issue Of Elizabeth Blair Boiling's (6) Children, wife of Th. West. 7. tn. James S. Jones. . . . 7. m. Dr. Joel W. Flood. ' Of Linnesus Boiling's (6) Children, who married Mary Markham. 7. Mary Boiling m. Dr. James Cobbs, brother of Bishop N. H. Cobbs, Protestant Episcopal Church 7. Susan Bolling b. ; d. 1849; m. Robert T. Hubard M. H. D. ; lawyer •' 7. Philip A. Bolling, M. H. D.- and Judge of Circuh Court, m. Mary Eppes 7. Robert Bolling m. ist, Sarah Hobson, 2d, Mary Watkins, 3d, Martha Brackett Sons Daugh ters. 44 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. Chil dren Of Sarah Bolting's (6) Children, who married Joseph Cabell Megginson. 7. William C. Megginson, b. 1794; d. 1847; in., 1821 Amanda M. Bocock, sister of Thomas S. Bocock M. C. and Speaker H. of Rep's 7. Elizabeth C. Megginson, b. 1796 ; d ; tn. William Berkeley 7. Archibald Boiling Megginson, d. 1798; rf. 1851; tn. 1st, 1824, Ann R. White ; 2d, 1833, Elizabeth Roberts. 7, Joseph C. Megginson, M. H. D. Va., Judge in Texas, b. 1800; d. 1858; m., 1826, Almira Montgomery... 7. Samuel B. Megginson, b. 1802 ; m., 1828, Mary A. Johnston 7. Jane Randolph Megginson, b. 1804 ; d. ; m. Dr Nathaniel Powell Sons Daugh- 1 ters. 7. John R. Megginson, b. 1806; d. 1875; m., 1835, Mary R. Dunn 7. Benjamin C. Megginson, b. 1809 ; m., 1837, Fannv Blain ' Of Elizabeth Meade Bolting's (6) Children, wife of Archibald Robertson (7). 7. Elizabeth Jane, b. 1802 ; d. 1822 ; unmarried 7. Rebecca, b. I803 ; d. 1S23 7. Pocahontas Anne, b. 1805 ; d. 1838 ; m. Boiling. 7. Virginia B. Robertson, b. 1807 ; d. 1836 ; m. Colonel Ralph Graves Of Blair Boiling's (6) Children. 7. Archibald Boiling m. February, 1852, Eliza Trueheart Armistead 7. John Boiling m. ist, October, 1855, Maria Page Armistead, 2d, Julia B. Tinsley 7. Mary Susan Boiling m. August, 1851, ist, Gervas Storrs Burton, 2d, Dr. J. C. Macon 7. Paulina Boiling (?) POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 45 Chil dren. Of Richard Bland's (6) Children, who married Susan Poythress. 7. Richard Bland tn. ist, ¦ , 2d, Ledbetter. 7. John Bolling Bland tn. ist, Eppes, 2d, Rachel Reed, 3d, E. Cargill 7. Sarah Bland tti. Thomas Bott 7. Theodorick Bland m. Mary Harnson. 7. Mary Bland m. Elgin Russell Of the Children of Anna P. Bland (6) wife of, ist, I. Morrison, 2d, P. Woodlief. 7. Hannah Woodlief in. Dr. Harda.way , . . ¦ 7. Anna Woodlief w. Jeffrey %/" 7. Elizabeth Woodlief »«. Dr. Shadrach Alfriend. Of Littleton Tazewell's (6) Children, who married Catharine Nevison. 7. Sarah Bolling Tazewell m. William O. Goode, M. C Of Wm. Tazewell's (6) Children, who m Page Tanner. 7. Willianna Blair Tazewell 7. Catharine Nevison Tazewell m. ist, E. Ambler, 2d, Capt. Ed. S. Gay (6), Va.' State Guard 7. Henrietta Watkins Tazewell tn. C. I. Fox, Agent Associated Press 7. Mary Louisa Tazewell m. Dr. J. B. Southall 7. Sally Boiling Tazewell m. Dr; George Fitzgerald . . . 7. Martha Jefferson Tazewell m., after her sister's death. Dr. J B. Southall 7. Jane Rebecca Tazewell 7. Nancy Rosalie Tazewell m. Andrew L. Ellett. 7. Isabella Tazewell Of John Dandridge' s (6) Children, who m. Underwood. 7. Bolling Dandridge m. ; Daugh ters. 46 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. Of Nathaniel West Dandridge' s (6) Children. 7. Charles F. Dandridge tn. McGhee 7. William F. Dandridge m. Stith 7. Anna Dandridge m. W. Hereford 7. Martha Dandridge m. R. Bolton 7. Nathaniel West Dandridge m. H. Wylie 7. Rosalie Dandridge tn W. D. Bradford Of William Dandridge' s (6) Children, who m. Stith. Chil dren. Sons Daugh ters. Of Anne Dandridge's (6) Children, who married F. James. Utz, Fincastle. Of the Children of Jane Butler Dandridge (6) and fiev. Jos. D. Logan. 7. James W. Logan m. S. W. Strother Of Richard Randolph' s (6) Children, who married . f 7. Robert B. Randolph (Lieut U. S. Navy) m. Maria Beverly 7. Wm. Randolph, Mid. U. S. Navy (on board Chesa peake when taken — lost in the Wasp) 7. Maria B. Randolph tn. Philip Duval Of David Meade Randolph's (6) . Children. 7. Wm. B. Randolph tn. Sarah Lingan Of Brett Randolph's (6) Children, who tn. Lucy Beverley. 7. Edward Randolph (Capt. U.S. A.) m. Bland Beverly. 7. Carter Beverley Randolph (Ass't Surgeon U. S. N)>w. Anne Tayloe Farrar (5. Beverly) 7. Victor Moreau Randolph (Capt. U. S. N. and C. S. N.) tn. Augusta Cranberry 7. Franklin Randolph m. Ann Corbin of "The Reeds " POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 47 Chil dren. 7. Theodric Randolph tn. Brand. Sons Daugh ters. Of Ryland Randolph's (6) Children, who married Elizabeth Frazier. 7- 7- - tn. tn. - Of Susan Randolph's (6) Children, wife of Benfn Harrison, of " Berkeley" 7. Benjamin Harrison tn. ist, Mercer, 2d, Page Of Jane Randolph's (6) Children, wife of Archibald Bolling (5). •[See Archibald Boiling's (5) children.] Of Ann Randolph's (6) Children, wife of Brett Ran dolph, Jr. (6). 7. Kidder Randolph m. Betsey Montague 7. Howard Randolph m. Meade (Kentucky). 7. Anne Randolph m. Joseph Michaux 7. Susan Randolph m. Frank Watkins 7. Brett, and Patrick, twins Of Elizabeth Randolph's (6) Children, wife of David Meade. 7. John E. Meade, b. 179-; d. 1854; m. Rebecca Beverley 7. Charlotte Meade, b. 179- ; tn. Dr. J. Y. Stockdell 7. Rebecca Meade, b. 180- ; m. Jaraes Lea Of Mary Randolph's (6) Children, wife of William Bolling (6). [See Wm. Boiling's (6) children.J Of Henry Randolph's (6) Children, who married Lucy Ward. 7. Henry Randolph, of "Warwick," b. 1784; d. October 26, 1840; tn. ist, Caroline Matilda, daughter of Major Smith, of Manchester, Virginia ; d. .Sept 25, 1808, without issue, 2d, Eliza Griffin Norman, of 6 II 6 48 POCAHONTAS. AND HER DESCENDANTS. a Henrico family from Pennsylvania and of the So ciety of Friends, 3d, Mrs. Perry, a descendant of Thomas Tinsley, planter, who emigrated to Vir ginia from Yorkshire, England, near the close of the seventeenth century 7. Mary Randolph m. ist, Geo. Thornton, 2d, James Maury 7. Brett Randolph. 7. Catharine Cochrane Randolph, b. 1797 ; d. Dec. 12, 1852 ; tn Josiah Bartlett Abbott, of ' High Meadow," Henrico county, ^. in Connecticut June 1, 1793; d. Sept. 23, 1849 7. Susan Frances Randolph tn. Alex'r Lawson Botts, b. 1800 (M. Council of State) and brother of Hon. John Minor Botts Of Susanna Randolph's (6) Children, wife of Dr. Douglass. 7. Susan Mary Ann Douglas, b. 1785; m. ist, Wallace, 2d, 1808, Capt. John Tucker, of Island of Bermuda. twins; b. 1789.. 7. Charles Brett Douglass .... 7. Archibald Aberdeen Douglass , 7. Heartly Douglass, b 1786 7. Eliza Randolph Douglass, b. 1791 Of Brett Randolph's (6) Children. [See Anne Randolph's (6) children.] Of Richard Randolph's (6) Children. 7. Tudor 7. St. George, a deaf mute Of Anne Gary's (6) Children, wife of Thos. Mann Randolph, of Tuckahoe. 7. Mary Randolph m. David Meade Randolph (6) Chil dren. Sons Daugh ters. POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 49 Chil dren. 7. Elizabeth Randolph m. Robt. Pleasants, of" Four-mile Run," 4th in descent from John Pleasants from Norwich, England, in 1665, in his 25th year 7. Thos. Mann Randolph, of ' Edge Hill," b. 1764 ; d. 1836 (Governor of Virginia, M. H.of R.); w. Martha (daughter of President) Jefferson 7 Wm. Randolph m. Lucy (daughter of Gov. Beverley) Randolph 7. Judith Randolph m. Richard Randolph, of " Bizarre " (6.) 7. Ann Cary Randolph tn. Gouverneur Morris (N. York), Minister to France 1792-1794 7. Jane Randolph m. Thos. Esten Randolph 7. John Randolph, M. D., ot. Judith Lewis 7. Harriet Randolph ot. Rich'd S. Hackley, Consul at Cadiz 7. Virginia Randolph ot. Wilson J. Cary. Of Jane Gary's (6) Children, wif e of Thos. Isham Ran dolph. 7. Archibald Cary Randolph ot. Lucy Burwell, of "Carter Hall" 7. Thos. Randolph (twin of Isham) ot. ist, Mary Skip with, 2d, Catharine Lawrence. Killed in the bat tle of Tippecanoe 7. Isham Randolph (twih of Thomas) ot. Ann R. Coup land 7. Mary Randolph ot. Randolph Harrison, of " Clifton." Of Elizabeth Gary's (6) Children, wife of Robt. Kincaid. 7. Mary J. Kincaid m. Charles Irving Of Mary Gary's (6) Children, wife of Carter Page. 7. John Cary Pagew. Mary A. Trent 7. Henry Page ot. Deane 7. Mann Page, M. D., OT.Jane Walker 7 Mary Page lost her life in the burning of the Rich mond Theatre,' Dec. 26, 1811) I Sons Daugh ters. 3 ! 3 I 43 50 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. .Chil dren Of Anthony Walke's (6) Children. 7. Anthony Walke tn. ist, Jane Ritson, 2d, Ann Living ston 7. Edwin Walke m. Sarah Massenbuig. 7. Susan M. Walke ot. Chas. H. Shield. 7. John N. Walke m. ist, Land, 2d, Anna M. Baylor 7. Jane E. Walke m. Richard Watson. Of the Children of Mary Fleming (6), 2d wife of Warner Lewis. 7. Julia Lewis tn. Thoraas Throckmorton, of Williams burg, Va 7. John Lewis ot. Eleanor Lewis (his cousin). Of the Children of Sukey Fleming (6) who married Addison Lewis. 7. Susan Lewis tn. William Byrd, of "Westover" (?). Of the Children of John Markham, -who tnarried Lucy Fleming. Pi 7. Descendants in the West Ofthe Children of Beverley C. Stanard, who married Mary Boiling Fleming. 7. Eliza J. F. Stanard tn. Samuel O. Eggleston 7. John C. Stanard m. Sarah T. Thurston 7. Julia A. V. Stanard m. Dr. A. L. Wooldridge Sons Daugh ters. Of the Children of Daniel Bernard (6), who married Branch. 7. Cyrus Bernard (Mid. U. S. Navy) prisoner of war at Algiers, killed in a duel at Havana, May 15, 1821 . . . 7. Christopher Bernard, Sergeant of Richmond volun teers (war of 1812), grandfather ofthe late Cyrus A. Branch, M. Va. S. and prominent lawyer of James City county ; ot. ; left issue POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 51 Of Thomas Boiling Gay's [6) Children. 7. Ellen Gay ot. Jacob Skein 7. Delia Gay 7. Williara (jay ot. Jackson 7. Eliza S. Gay 7. Powhatan A. Gay 7. Virginia F. Gay 7. Boiling Gay,C. S. A., died at Camp Douglass Ap'l, 1865 Of the Children of Elizabeth Gay (6), wife of Edward Bentley. . 7. Eliza Gay Bentley ot. Daniel Harris 7. Wm. Field Bentley ot. Sarah Dupree . . . 7. Fanny Trent Bentley ot. Wm. Houston. 7. EfTord Bolling Bentley m. Lucy W. Chamberlayne, daughter of Professor Lewis W.Charaberlayne, M. D 7. John Gay Bentley ot. Judith Thompson 7. Maria Buchanan Bentley ot. Daniel B. Friend. 7. Alex'r Willis Bentley, M. D., ot. Peters. . 7. Lavinia Bentley ot. William Roper Of William Gay's (6) Children. 7. Peterfield Gay, M. D., ot. Christian 7. B. Franklin Gay ot. Baptist Of Neil B. Gay's (6) Children. 7. William Gay ot. Sarah Bruce 7. Neil B. Gay ot. Mary Bunn 7. Martha Gay m. Perkins 7. Pocahontas V 7. Ann Caroline Chil dren Sons Daugh ters. 52 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. Of Sally Gay's (6) Children, wife of James B. Fer guson (6). 7. Judith Gay Ferguson ot. J. A. Carr 7. Pocahontas Ferguson tn. J. M. Vaughan. 7. James B. Ferguson tn. Emina C, daughter of Colonel John Henry, and grand-daughter of Patrick Henry, the Orator Chil dren 7. Mary Francis Ferguson , 7. William Gay Ferguson ot. Margaret Brvce, nee Pickett .' Of Edward S. Gay's (6) Children. 7. Matoaca Gay, a distinguished society writer, under the nom de plume of " Bric-a-Brac " 7. Louisa Gay m. Robert C. White. 7. Edwd. S Gay w. Sarah Ewell 7. Caroline Gay ot. Charles P. Winston ; d. January 1, 1887 7. Minnie W. Gay. Of Mary B. Gay's (6) Children, wife of Gideon A. Strange. 7. William Gay Strange. Of Charles S Gay's (6) Children. 7. Charles Wyndham Gay, C. S. A., killed in battle. 7. Henry Erskine Gay 7. Frances B. Gay ot. 1875, R. H. Catlett ; issue 7. Lizzie E. Gay 7. William Gay 7. Agatha Estell Gay 7. Caroline Scott Gay tn. W. M. Allen Sons Daugh ters. POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 53 Chil- Sons dren. Of Rolfe Eldridge's (6) Children, who married Mary Moseley. 7. Susanna Eldridge tn. Dr. James Austin.. 7. Lucy Eldridge tn. Rev. Jaraes Fitzgerald. 7. Elizabeth Eldridge m. B. Austin 7. Delia Eldridge ot. Robert Kincaid Irving, M. Sen Va., Clerk of Buckingham county ; issue 7. William Eldridge ot. Nixon 7. Mildred Kidder Eldridge ot. Wm. M. Cabell 7. Benjamin Eldridge tn. Eliz. Perkins 7. John Eldridge m. Sarah Moseley 7. Frances Eldridge ot. Samuel A. Glover ; issue. Of the Children of Susan Eldridge (6), who married Webber. 7. Thomas ot. Mary Ayres 7. CoiJi tney T. Eldridge ot. Jno. Williams. Of Bolling Branch's (6) Children, who married Rebecca Graves. 7. Mary Susan Branch ot John F. Wiley, M. Council of State and Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia. ...... 7. William Branch ot. 7. Sally Branch ot. Captain Edw'd Gregg. Of Matthew Branch' s (fl) Children, who married Martha Cox. 7. Polly Branch ot. Thomas May Of James B. Ferguson's (6) Childreti, who married ist, Jane Boiling, born Payne, 2d, Salty Gay (6). 7. Jane Elvira Ferguson ot. Peachy R. Grattan, Reporter of the Court of Appeals [For his other children see Sally Gay's (6) children.] Daugh ters. 54 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. Of Elizabeth Murray's (6) Children, wife of Edward Yates. 7. Mary Yates m. William Hamlin 7. Elizabeth Yates dren, Sons Daugh ters. Of Margaret, or Nancy Murray's (6) Children, wife of. Thomas Gordon. 7. Nancy m. Henry Embry Coleman, Virginia Senate ; issue Of Peggy Gordon's (6) Children, wife of ist, William Knox, 2d, Grief Green. 7. Mary Ann Knox ot. Dr. Thomas Goode 7. Sophia Knox ot. John Buford 7. John F. O. Knox, M. H.of D. ofVa 7. Henry Green Of Mary Ann Davies' Children (6), wife of Fortescue Whittle. 7. Wm. Conway Whittle, Commander U. S. N., after wards Commodore C. S. N., in. Elizabeth Sinclair daughter of Com. W. Sinclair, U. S N 7. Fortescue Whitde. 7. James M. Whitde, M. Va. Convendon 1850; Sen. Va. ; OT. ist, Mary Coles, 2d, Cornelia L. Skipwith (7). . . 7. Conway D. Whitde ot. Gilberta Sinclair, daughter of Com. \V. Sinclair, U S. N .... 7. John S. Whitde, Surgeon U. S. N. ; ot. ist, Jane Pat terson, 2d, Anne Southgate 7. Lewis Neale Whitde ot. Sarah M. Powers, 7. Stephen Decatur Whittle, Secretary in Virginia State Convention i849-'5o,ot. Nannie daughter of George Taylor, and grand-daughter of the far-famed John Taylor of " Hazlewood," Caroline county, Vir ginia; United States Senator; author of various able works on Agriculture, Polidcal Economy, etc., under the nom de plume of " Arator" ' POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 55 Chil dren. 7. Francis McNeece Whittle, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, m. Emily Fairfax. (See Nodce S) 7. Powhatan Boiling Whittle, Colonel C. S. Army Of Buchanan' s (6) Children, wife of Cross 7 Cross OT. Robert Yuillee ; left issue Of Anne Murray's (6) Children, wife of Dr. Thomas Robinson. 7. William Murray Robinson, a rarely accomplished amateur in Art and Literature, b. 1807 ; d. 1878 ; ot. Sarah A. Mills ; issue 7. Robert Enlmett Robinson, M D., b. ; d 1865; m. 1st. Adeline Dewees, of Philadelphia, 2d, In diana Henley, 3d, Virginia E. Stainback 7. Powhatan Robinson ot. Anne Eason. Of Mary Murray's (6) Children, wife of George Skip with. 7. Robert Skipwith ot. ist, Jane Rolfe Boiling (7), 2d, Eliz. Bolling 7. Williara M. Skipwith 7. George N. Skipwith, M. D., ot. Maria L. Brooks 7 Cornelia Lotte Skipwith in. Jaraes M. Whitde (7) 7. Thomas Boiling Skipwith, b. ; d. 1873 ; ot. Emma Darrieux Of William Murray's (6) Children. 7. Rebecca B. Murray 7. Matoaca Murray m. C. L. Gifford, Newark, N. J. 7. Nannie S. Murray ot. Dr. J. B. Wiley (8) 7. Louisa S. Murray 7. Mary Murray 7. Cornelia S. Murray 7. Gay Bernard Murray ot. Lewis E. Rawlins Sons Daugh ters. 56 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. , Chil dren. Sons Daugh ters. Of Ann Gordon's (6) Children, wife of Henry E. Cole man. 7. Elizabeth Ann Coleman ot. Charles Baskerville 7. Mary Margaret Coleman ot. Richard Logan (Member Senate Virginia) 7. John Coleman tn. ist, Elizabeth Clark, 2d, Mary Love 7. Thomas Gordon Coleman (Meraber House Dele gates) OT. Anne Clarke 7. Henrietta Maria Coleraan ot. Rev. John Clarke 7. Henry E Coleman (Member House Delegates) ot. Mary Turner 7. Ethelbert Algernon Coleman, M. D., ot. ist, Elizabeth Sims, 2d, Fanny Ragsdale 7. Sarah Coleman ot. David Chalmers (Member House Delegates) 7. Charles Coleman tn. ist, Sarah Eaton, 2d, Alice Sydnor 7. Jane C. Coleman m Charles E. Hamilton. APPENDIX. NOTICE A. Major John Bolling * inherited his father's love of pleasure and his business qualifications, but without his appetence for trade- His energy and sagacity showed themselves in long, and in those days perilous, journeys through a wilderness country, and the judicious choice of valuable, unappropriated lands, with which he afterwards richly endowed his large family. He was " fond of fine Horses, Hounds, Hunting, Fishing, Fowling, Feasting and Dancing, yet doted on his wife and children," was of an even temperance in all things as well as of an admirable vein of humor — public-spirited, hospitable and popular. He was " County- Lieutenant " of Chesterfield, an office of much dignity and im portance in those days, and as such commanc^ed the militia, and presided over its Courts He, also, for thirty j'ears, represented his county in the House of Burgesses, Hving (as Wynne has it) " in a style of elegance and profusion not inferior to the Barons of England, and dispensing a hospitality which more than half a century of sub-division, exhaustion and decay has not entirely effaced from the memory" or divorced from the practice, of many of his nuraerous descendants. NOTICE B. Jane Bolling* was the mother of John Randolph, the father of the celebrated John, of Roanoke, and her husband of that stock, which Wynne says " may be pronounced the most distinguished in the History of the Colony and the Common wealth of Virginia;" a judgment which none will dissent from on 58 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. learning that Thomas Jefferson and John iVIarshall were of it. They are too conspicuous in all the histories of Virginia to de mand here any but the most cursory notice. The patriarch of the family was William Randolph, who came from Yorkshire, in England, to Virginia in 1660. He was soon enabled to buy the magnificent property of "Turkey Island," thirty miles above Jamestown, where he permanendy setded. He married Mary Isham, daughter of Henry and Katharine Isham, of the family of Ishams of Northamptonshire, England, who bore him many chil dren, but his woridly fortunes kept full pace with his progeny, all of whom he setded around him on fine estates, and left rich. They, too, were distinguished for energy, talents and success, and achieved, with still expanding families, still enlarg ing possessions. The Randolphs have filled, for a long course of years, some or others of the very highest polidcal trusts — Colonial, State and Federal. Numbers, and free living, at length supervened on wealth, so that at the end of a century "none ofthe name," says Bishop Meade, "owns a rood of those immense tracts of land on which their fathers once lived." But the prestige of the name long survived its fortunes, so that when an ambitious mother was once twitted for marrying her daughter to a poor Randolph, she sharply answered, that " an ounce of Randolph was worth a pound, of gold." And many still live who maintain the credit and distinction of the name. NOTICE C. Mary Bolling* we know of only as introducing into her family that of the Flemings. I learn from one of them that they were of Flemish descent, one of whom, a man of high rank, is said to have setded in Scotland in the reign of David I. But the. propositus to whom it can be clearly traced was Sir Malcolm Fleming, Sheriff of Dumbarton under Alexander III. From him Sir Thomas, the progenitor of the Virginia family, second son of the first Earl of Wigton, traces his descent through a line of singularly disdnguished ancestors, successively occupying the most prominent positions. They were friends of the Bruce, and favorites of successive kings, as well as it seems of the people of Scodand also, forming the most iUustrious connections, and at taining finally to the rank and title of Earls of Wigton. Of the POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 59 founder of the Virginia branch (Sir Thomas, who emigrated in 1616), Colonel John Fleming, who married Mary Bolling, was a grandson. Many of the name in Virginia have done honor to their lineage. A Miss Fleming of this family (citing from their genealogy kindly communicated by one of the descendants) married Thomas Randolph, of Tuckahoe. A Tarleton Fleming married Mary, daughter of Edmund and Judith (Randolph) Berkeley, of "Barn Elms." Anne,'^ grand-daughter of Sir Thomas," married John Payne, an English gentleman of wealth and education, who settled in the county of Goochland. They had issue: I. John,'" who married Mary, daughter of WiUiam and Lucy (Winston) Coles, and had issue, i. Walter"; 2. William Temple ; 3. Isaac, who all died unmarried ; 4. Dorothea, wtio married ist, John Todd, a lawyer of Philadelphia, and 2d, James Madison, President of the United States ; 5. Lucy " mar ried ist, George Steptoe Washington, nephew of General Wash ington, 2d, Thomas Todd, Justice Supreme Court of the United States; 6. Anne, married Richard Cults, Member of Congress. from Maine. Her grand -daughter, Adele,'' married ist. United States Senator Stephen A. Douglas, 2d, General Robert Wil liams, United States Army ; 7. Mary " married J. G. Jackson, Member of Congress from Virginia, a cousin of General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson, Confederate States Army ; 8. John, married Clarissa Willard and went to Kentucky. NOTICE D. Anne Bolling* lived to a great age and was of the large stature, high courage, and awe-inspiring bearing of her great Indian progenitor, Powhatan, as the following tradition of her well attests. 'Sojourning with a kinswoman, whose house was being rifled by Tarleton 's soldiers, she said, " Betsy, can you sit still and allow yourself to be plundered this way"? then going up to the commander of the party with arms akimbo, she thus accosted him: "Take off your drunken gang, sir, this minute, or I will fetch a squad from Tarleton will teach you how to behave in a gentle man's house." "Come, boys," said the officer, "let's be off, this woman's tongue is sharper than Tarleton' s sword ;" and off they went at once faster than they came. Her husband, James Murray, was of the ancient family and Clan of that name, of 60 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. which the Dukes of Athol were the chiefs. Chief-Justice Mans field was among its disdnguished members. They had fallen into decay about his dme. as Lord Campbell's Life of him shows. The habits of the family in Virginia were not such as to build up their fortunes anew. Eminendy free from all vices, they sym - pathized with all who suffered, were unbounded in their liberality and lavishly hospitable. The son of James — William — was, from a distinguished stateliness, yet engaging simplicity of carriage, lovingly called the "old Duke." In his family I was as ata second home, and surely if there ever was one over which the Spirits of Benevolence, Hospitality, Loving-kindness and Unsel fishness poured unstinted their sweet influences, it was this. NOTICE E. Thomas Bolling ' and Elizabeth Gay.* — These, my grand parents, were first cousins, and reputed the one over-frugal, the other over-proud, and though both somewhat unsociable, yet pleasant and cordial to visitors, very hospitable and much res pected. He rode abroad in a single-seated, single-horse chair, with a hatless, shoeless blackamoor on the bars behind, with bare legs and feet dangling below, while she traveled in state, in her English-built chariot and four, with coachman and postilion and footman in bright yellow liveries. My grandfather I never saw, but when yet an urchin I recall my grandmother, then very old, in a Queen Elizabeth's ruff, sitting upright and stately as a queen in her ample, high-backed arm-chair, (behind which stood always her waiting maid), an object of awe and wonder to my unaccustomed eyes. They mingled little wilh the world, but led domestic lives; he, trimming his cedars into fanciful shapes, and overlooking his farms, and she, holding her little state amid her house-maidens, and superintending their work. He studied law under the distinguished Robert Carter Nicholas but made no use of his acquisition except as a magistrate of his county. Having mentioned Mr. Nicholas, I may not omit to recall, to his honor, the words used by him, when, from incompatibility with a seat in the House of Burgesses, he resigned to that body the treasurership he had held for ten years: " I leave the office of Treasurer," he said, "with clean hands, certainly with empty ones," — which his known simple habits, and large bounty made at once famous. POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 61 I add from " Bristol Parish " (an interesting mine of old Church and Family records by the Rev. Philip Slaughter), " Thomas Bol ling had several children who were deaf and dumb. He sent his eldest, John, to Edinburg in 1771, and put him under the care of Thomas Braidwood, the famous and most successful teacher of speech to deaf mutes then, or perhaps ever, known. The others, Thomas and Mary, followed in 1775, and they all re mained at Braidwood's Institute during the American Revolution, returning to 'Cobbs' in 1783, John died soon after his re turn." NOTICE F. John Bolling ' was a man of great stature, of many good qualities, but long of very dissipated habits. Devoting his time to hunting, racing, and all manner of idle amusements and indul gences, but, above all, to hard drink, he came to be called, con temptuously, " the old Indian '' ; for the Indians, drugged by the Circe cup of the insidious white man — as where have they not been? — were falling before its delirating effects faster than even before their arms, and now, transformed from their original nature, debauched and degraded, their very name had become in the mouths of their undoers a by-word and reproach. But for the white man there seems, happily, to be a possible stopping point in his downward career, denied to the immodifiable Indian, and this gentleman furnished an instance of it. Marrying, in middle age, a lady of great refinement and beauty (the sister of Presi dent Jefferson), her gentle ministerings and sweet influence are said to have won him away from his unworthier attachments, and now reformed, his later years, prolonged to the patriarchial term of three score and ten, appear to have been gilded once more with the respect and consideration of all around him. NOTICE G. Robert Bolling,* of" Chellow," was "a lover of wisdom, and esteemed it more precious than rubies." He was educated at Wakefield, in England, by the celebrated Dr. Clarke. He was learned in many languages, and wrote the " Memoirs of the Bol ling Family " in the French tongue, a translation of which, by John Robertson, was edited and printed by T. H. Wynne, Rich mond, 1869. He was fond of Music and Poetry, and of the juice 62 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. of the grape, but not to excess, and planted, and wrote verses about, vineyards, and named a son Lenaeus, after the heathen God of Wine. He was of a domestic turn and affectionate dis- posidon, and losing early his first wife, "his soul mourned its lost companion in tones sad as the voice of the turde bereaved of its mate." I extract from his Lament, as a specimen of his poetic faculty and loving nature, as well as because characteristic of the prevalent taste of the day, a few lines : " Alas 1 these lofty groves, feathered warblers, limpid rivulets, their scaly people and painted margins delight not me. With my beloved, departed are their charms; her finger showeth not their beaudes; her lips of roses move no longer in their praise." He was patriotic, but unambitious, and such estimation was he held in, that the popu larity which he would not seek, followed him, and though refus ing to be a candidate, or engage in the canvass, or even leave his home on election day, he yet received every vote given in his county for the House of Burgesses, which, going in good health to attend on in Williamsburg, he sickened a few days after, and died, untimely, in the thirty-second year of his age. NOTICE H. Archibald Bolling.* — I cite from "Opuscula," a litde work of Judge John Robertson : " He was of ordinary stature, but great round the body, and loved the ease of a private life, and esteemed book learning of Httle value. " And he read no book but the Scriptures, for in them he said was eternal life, the one thing needful, and all books that taught the same were useless, and other knowledge was foolishness, and led men into error and sin. " And he read his Bible, and had prayer for his household morning and night, and had a set of Httle Blackamoor singers to sing hymns with him as in the days of David, and after prayers he played on the viol. " And when rebuked by Pharisees he reproved them in turn, telling tliem that King David, the man after God's own heart, and all Israel played before the Lord on all manner of instru ments, and danced before Him with all their might. " He was married four times, and told his last wife if she should POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 63 die before him he would marry again, for it was God's own proverb, that it was not good man should be alone, and it was a point of conscience with him to fulfil the Scriptures. " Like unto the old patriarch, Jacob, he was a plain man, and when first married he lived in a log cabin at Buffalo Lick, now 'Mount Athos,' in Campbell county, and afterwards in an hum ble dwelling in Buckingham. " He was frugal, but hospitable and kind to all, especially to the poor, and he took no thought of filthy lucre, and despised all trade and traffic, for in his spirit was no covetousness nor guile. " And he suffered his mighty forests to stand untouched by the axe, and his fruitful fields to grow up in briers and thorns. " He was kindly affectioned to all men, especially to his own kin, and these he visited yearly at their distant abodes. " AU his labors were labors of love and charity, in striving to follow, the example of Him who went about doing good, his only care being to lay up treasures in Heaven, and he died as he had lived, with a conscience void of offence toward God and toward man. " And all the days of Archibald BoUing were about seventy and nine years.'' NOTICE I. Elizabeth Randolph,* who married Richard Kidder Meade. — Bishop Meade reports R. Kidder Meade as in the habit of saying that " General Hamilton did General Washing ton's head work, and he his field work." I dare say they did, but it was Washington's work they both did still. He was with Washington in all the great batdes of the Revolution. To him was committed the superintendence of the execudon of Major Andre, of which he always spoke with much feeling, saying he "could not forbear shedding tears at the execution of so vir tuous and admirable a person, though he approved the order for it." By his first wife he had several children, but neither she nor they Hved long. He married a second time Mrs. Mary, the widow of WUliam Randolph of "Chatsworth," the mother of the distinguished Bishop Meade, whose "Old Churches, etc., of Virginia" displays the fervor alike of his piety and his patriotism, and as a mine of rare and valuable biographical and theological research, must have, for Virginians at least, an ever-increasing interest. 64 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. NOTICE J. Mary Murray, * wife of Colonel William Davies. — I am indebted to J. M. Whittle, Esq., for the following interesting con tribution : " My mother, Mary Ann Davies, was a daughter of Colonel WiUiam Davies, a son of the Rev. Samuel Davies, a minister in the Presbyterian church, who resided in Hanover county, Virginia, and was a distinguished pulpit orator. Rev. Mr. Davies was a native of Delaware, and was called to Hanover when very young, where he passed all his time till called to the presidency of Princeton College, New Jersey, in 1759. He was a very active patriot in the French and Indian war in 1756, and his eloquent efforts to raise troops for the war, and encourage the fading hopes of the people, will appear from his sermons, republished in 1844, and his life by Wm, Henry Foote, D D. His sermon, 20th July, 1755, on the defeat of Braddock, and one in August of the same year in aid of recruits in Captain Overton's company in Hanover, are the most striking. He succeeded Rev. Jonathan Edwards, the renowned religious metaphysician, in the presidency of the college, who had recently succeeded the Dr. Burr, father of Aaron Burr, .so notorious. Dr. Davies died in 1761. His son, WiUiam Davies, my mother's father, was graduated at Princeton, and for some time afterwards taught in the coUege. Richard Stockton (signer of the Declaration of Independ ence), a distinguished lawyer of Princeton, became his guar dian, and with him he studied the law. About the breaking out of the Revoludonary war he returned to Virginia, and set ded in Blandford to pracdce it. His mother was a Virginia woman, a Miss Holt, and raised, I believe, near or in Williams burg. He went north with General Washington, and was engaged in some of his leading batdes, and was made a Colonel. He condnued inthe army allthe war. The particulars of his service I do not know, but he was much trusted and esteemed by General Washington, who appointed him Collector at Norfolk, in which ofiice he remained undi the election of Mr. Jefiferson. In a compiladon of loose and interesting historic scraps by Dr. William P. Palmer, of Richmond, lately made, wiU be seen a good deal of him. He is the Colonel William Davies therein mendoned. Many letters from General Washington to him, and POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 65 from our most distinguished men in Virginia and elsewhere, were among his papers in my father's house, which were often men tioned within my recollection, but were destroyed in a dfsastrous fire in March, 1821. After the Revolution he was appointed to settle the account between Virginia and the other States, which kept him for several years at New York and Philadelphia, the first capitals after the formation of the Federal Constitudon. From the hbrary he left, and the traces through my mother's musical and other school-books of his hand-writing, as well as my knowledge of his estimation by Governor Tazewell, Judge Mar shall, Major Gibbon, Colonel Gamble, Colonel Carrington, George Keith Taylor, etc., etc., his highly cultivated mind and taste are learned. He. married Mary, then the young widow of Alex ander Gordon, a Scotch merchant of Petersburg, Virginia, who had been Mary Murray, a daughter of James Murray and his wife Ann, who was daughter of John Boiling and Mary V. Ken non, his wife." NOTICE K. Elizabeth Bolling, ° wife of William Robertson. — I quote from the " Opuscula," of Judge John Robertson : "William Robertson, who married Elizabeth Bolling, was tall, well-shaped and well-favored, of a cheerful nature but serious countenance, and much given to meditation on the wis dom and works of God. " He had a generous, humane, and affectionate heart, and when fallen from the height of abundance into poverty, was yet ready to share with those more needy, the pittance that was left. "The heaviest affiictions he bore with resignadon and firm ness, never doubting the final justice and mercy of Heaven. " He believed the whole duty of man was that summed up by the prophet Micah — ' Do justly, love mercy, and walk hum bly before thy God.' " On a seal of pebble, brought by him from the loved land of bis fathers, transparent as gla.ss, was engraved his family device, viz? a dove and a serpent, the symbols of innocence and wisdom, with the motto — ' Virtutis Gloria Merces.' " And this motto and the precept of the prophet were lamps unto his feet and lights unto his path. " When no longer able to enjoy the beautiful of nature or the 66 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. pleasures of Hfe, and weary of his long joui ney, he gladly received the proffered arm of man's best friend, unterrified at the thought of entering into the dark valley and the shadow that separates Time from Eternity, nay, hopefully assured of enjoying beyond it the glorious reward he had ever endeavored to deserve by exemplary virtues. " He lived seventy-nine years, and was buried, as was his wife, afterwards, at about the same age, in the family burying-ground at ' Cobbs.' " Alas ! alas ! that ancient family mansion, ' Cobbs ' ; that old seat of hospitality and mirth ; for it hath become' a ruin and a desolation." My father was first a merchant in Petersburg, but though frugal and industrious, seems to have had no aptitude for trade, and his ventures in merchandizing and afterwards mining, all failing, he found himself, now past middle life, reduced to poverty. He then studied law and had just commenced to practice, when an offer from Richmond of an humble place in the Virginia Bank, but assuring him a Hving, led him to that city. He was soon advanced to be Clerk ofthe Council of State, and afterwards, and long, was a Member of that body. His gentle, yet firm and upright carriage in life won and kept him many good friends, among whom I may name Mr. Monroe and Governor Page. My mother was the fitting partner of such a man, living but for him, her children, and the social circle, of which she was a cherished member. As my father grafted a new, and not mean, stock on the Boilings, I may be pardoned for straying a little aside to make a brief allusion to it. It was that ofthe Robertsons of Strowan.* His relationship to them, how near or remote I do not know, he was made acquainted with by an Uncle, Arthur, then (1766) Chamberlain of the city of Glasgow, to whom he was sent from Virginia at sixteen, to attend the schools there, and with whom he spent two years. Afterwards, also, he visited * These Robertsons are, now, from comparatively recent discovery of old documents, believed to be lineally descended from Duncan, King of Scotland. Those who are curious to know on what grounds, I refer to Brown's "History of the Highlands" and a work not long since published by direcdon of Queen Victoria, called (I think) the " Clans of Scotland." POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 67 him on becoming of age. The heroic devotion to the Stuarts of the celebrated Alexander Robertson, with the splendid and varied qualities which accompanied and adorned it, "honor, he roism, humanity, poetry, learning, and wit," preserved in the " Baron of Bradwardine" of Scott's immortal romance, though they led to the forfeiture of all the territorial possessions of his family, yet secured forever the glory of his name. The great Historian and Divine, William Robertson, Lord Brougham, Patrick Henry, and Mr. Gladstone, all of the stock of Struan, also illustrate its record, and have added, by broader services to their kind and on a higher theatre, new claims on the public gratitude and estimation, to those established by their illustrious progenitor. NOTICE L. William Bolling.^ — This gentleman inherited and setded at "Cobbs," but afterwards removed to his fine estate, on James river in Goochland county, "Boiling Hall." He was of a retir ing disposition but much respected. He established, while at " Cobbs," the first institution for the education of the Deaf and Dumb seated in America, which, the prospectus states " has been established at Cobbs, near Petersburg, Virginia and is conducted by Mr. J. Braidwood, a descendant of the late Thomas and John Braidwood, of Edinburg and London." It came to an unlucky end, unfortunately, after an experiment of several years, but through no want of proficiency in the Professor. Mr. Braid wood fell into bad habits, contracted large debts with the merchants of Petersburg, and suddenly fled to the* North. In 1818 he returned to Richmond, friendless, penniless, and almost naked, and applied to Colonel William BoUing for aid. Mr. BoUing associated Braidwood with the Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick, then living in Manchester, and put his son, William A. Bolling, under his care. There were six or seven pupils. Braidwood demeaned himself well for some months, but then again became so dissipated that Mr. KUpatrick was forced to dissolve all con nection with him. Braidwood finaUy fell to be bar-keeper in a tavern, where he died, a victim to the botde, in 1819 or 1820. Colonel BoUing was public-spirited and patriotic, often repre senting his -County in the Legislature, and winning his commis sion in the war of 1812. POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. NOTICE M. Thomas Bolling.' — I cite from " Bristol Parish " — " Thomas was a miracle of accomplishments. His articulation became so good that his family and friends understood him in conversation and in reading aloud. He died in the sixty-seventh year of his age at 'Gayment' (the residence of his niece, Mrs. J. H. Bernard), in Caroline county. The late Judge Robertson (his nephew), in an obituary printed in the Richmond Enquirer, February i8, 1836, said of him: ' He composed and wrote in a peculiar, clear, and graphic style, and attained an artificial faculty of speech almost equal to natural. His grace of manner, vivacity and power of jmitadon, made him the wonder and admiration of strangers and the delight of friends and relatives.' " NOTICE N. Len^us Bolling' imbibed all the spirit of WiUiam and Mary, was brave, generous, public-spirited, studious of learning' temperate, upright, cheerful, saving, but not sordid, and a lover of truth. Health was denied him for much public usefulness. A single session of the Legislature would prostrate him — to return at each decade again to be disabled. His leading maxim was Burke's, "manly, moral and regulated liberty," to which deeming restricted suffrage to be essendal, he vehemendy op posed the successfully projected removal of the freehold qualifi- cadon of voters, which had been handed down to us in Virginia by our fathers from 1699. He was tall, erect, swarthy, with the straight black hair and eyes of the Indian, and with strong sympathies for that decaying race. NOTICE O. Powhatan Bolling ' was also educated at WilHam and Mary College, but was a man rather of acdon than speculadon, of fine physique, and of strong passions, fearless and honorable, and somewhat eccentric, both in dress and conduct. His dress was uniformly for years " a scariet coat, white waistcoat, blue pan taloons, and a three-cornered cocked hat." It was not safe to remark on this fanciful get-up. One of the erratic feats tra- POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 69 dition tells of his half-tamed and insubordinate nature, is of his pursuing a wagoner who had trespassed on a forbidden road, and on his refusing to halt to shoot dead the horse under him- His gun now empty, and the wagoner clambering quickly back into his wagon for the weU-understood rifle, Mr. Bolling retreated, but not quick enough, and the splendid thorough-bred he was riding received the deadly load intended for its rider. He was at some distance from his house, and the time lost in returning to it and obtaining a remount, had enabled his adversary to baffle pursuit. His hasty temper involved him in several duels. He was a skiUed and ardent musician, and his violin, made in Ger many in 1646, was recently and is probably still extant. He was an opponent of John Randolph for a seat in Congress, waging no mean or unequal contest even with that redoubtable champion, having been beaten by but five votes. NOTICE P. Blair Bolling ^ would have been a hero with the oppor tunity. He had all the daring, devotion and fearlessness to make one. Once, about 1823 or 1824, returning with him on a coast ing vessel from a visit we had made together to New York, he gave signal evidence of his courage. It had been reported at New York that a piratical vessel had been observed hovering about our coasts. As we were nearing Cape Henry a suspicious looking craft, and very erratic in her motions, was seen some miles off our starboard bow. After some quite uninteUigible gyrations she bore right down on us. Our captain turned pale with fear, and the whole of the little crew was totally demoral ized. This was no doubt the reported pirate. The captain, as she neared us, distinctly saw through his glass, he said, a cannon on her deck, and men crouching beside her bulwarks. One solitary rusty old musket was our whole armament. All but Bolling counseUed and prepared to surrender. He loaded the musket, and despite the Captain's decision declared his pur pose, if he stood alone, to kill the first man that touched our deck. The pirate luffed up quite close to us, and when we wei;e expecting every moment a shot from her, hailed and begged us to give him his reckoning, as he had quite lost it, and did not know where he was! But Boiling had never changed color or 70 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. purpose, sitting ready with his old musket at the taflfrail. His after career as Captain of the ' ' State Guard ' ' (in his day a turbulent and refractory band) furnished many practical proofs of the dauntless spirit he then exhibited. He was a stern disciplin arian, exacting from those he commanded that strict performance of duty he imposed on himself, but just and forgiving. He was of tall stature, of fine presence, and high character. NOTICE Q. Dr. William Tazewell. — I am indebted to one of his chil dren for a brief notice of his father. " He was prosecuting his studies at the University of Edinburgh, when he was so heavily threatened with consumption that the Faculty ordered him to tfie south of France. When he arrived at Paris, my father having sold his patrimony to give himself an education, had spent his last sou for a cup of beer and a roll. He at once applied to Chief-Justice MarshaU, then our Envoy there. Mr. Marshall asked him if he could speak French. He replied, ' like a native.' 'Then you will answer exacdy for Secretary ofthe American Minister (Mr. ), for he understands so litde French that he has to say ' Donney moi a fork,' or ' Donney moi some beef So my father became the Secretary ofthe American Minister, and his interpreter. It was during the Directory that my father was there. He attended the Botanical Lectures of the celebrated Cuvier, which he used to deliver at the Botanical Garden, a mile from Paris. "My grandfather. Judge John TazeweU, was of Norman des cent. His ancestors were Knights in the reign of William the Conqueror. Some of his brothers were Prebends of Canterbury. He died about thirty-three years of age of consumption." NOTICE R. John Randolph."— He was a Lustes Natures— one of those eccentric meteors, she, at dmes, casts athwart the skies, to at once dazzle and perplex the beholder. He stood alone of his race and kind ; alone in the blinding brightness of his intellect, and in his seeming almost total destitudon of heart. It seems doubtful if he ever loved a human being with natural affection- save only his Mother, and his love for her appeared so intense as POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. -71 to border on the supernatural. Even she whom he sought for his Bride, at almost the supreme moment when he was to bind her to his side forever, fled terrified from his embrace. On the instant, he angrily mounted his horse and never saw her again. The cause of their faUing out, though dimly surmised in men's thoughts and whisperings, yet never disclosed, lies buried with them. His delight, more particularly, perhaps, from that notable hour, appears to have been to annoy and disconcert even his satel lites and friends by his arrogance and contumely, and crush his enemies under his bitter scorn— indeed all whom he touched in his orbit : friend or foe, good or bad, weak or strong, alike — and to witness their writhings or discomfiture. Let one iUus tration suffice. His truest friend, and one of the highest of men (Judge William Leigh), sat with him at his fireside conversing, when Mr. Randolph allowed himself to ofifensively contradict him. Though late in the night. Judge Leigh-,-Mr. Randolph making no apology — requested him to order his horse, as he would not sleep under the roof of a man who had insulted him. Mr. Randolph rose and went out apparently to fulfil his request. Instead, " the horse had escaped from the stable" (haying been turned out by his order). Judge Leigh had no alternative but stay. Mr. Randolph the next morning lavished every attention on him, but ofifered no other atone ment Thus he dealt with his best and most prized friqnd. He was the impersonation of opposition and aggressiveness, though when he chose, which was rarely, nothing could ex ceed the elegance, refinement and charm of his manners. He stood by what is, hating innovation, because what is stands always in opposition to change and progress. He spared none, except such as he must needs have, at times, to help his ends, or minister to his ease, and these felt well paid for their complaisance by the regal smile which saved them from his spleen. With rare exceptions he sought to pull everybody down who stood in his way or opposed his views. Avarice alone (never more painfully displayed than in connection with the Russian Mission), divided with hate and scorn for his kind, the sombre empire of his bosom. He lay usually in his lonely lair, avoiding and avoided by men, and was hardly less alone in crowds than in his hermitage at Roanoke ; but he let Ambition 72 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. and the love of power and money prevail over his misanthropy so far as needful to secure the gratification of these engrossing aims. The victims of his eccentriciues were innumerable, but none of them so wretched as himself, or so deserving to be pitied. Doubtless some secret grief, or eating worm, seamed the smooth face of his boyhood, untimely, wilh wrinkles and destroyed its purple bloom, preyed on the gentler traits of his original nature and left his worser powers unbalanced (at times there is good reason to believe indeed, wholly unhinged) to enjoy their carnival; the very withering or want of those moral elements, imparting an unnatural splendor and power to his intellect, and adding Titanic force to his thence unchecked sinister impulses. I am reminded, while I write, of a deer I once had. Of rare beauty, at once, and strength, he ruled imperiously over his subjects. He grew ill, became morose and dangerous, and more and more an object of terror and awe to all he approached. The herd quickly fell off to right and. left as he took his way through them, and every one kept clear of him. At length, the hand that reared him was the only one whose caresses he would permit. A hidden disease was telling on him, and one of his antlers fell from his head. I missed him for a day or two, then went to seek him. At the bottom of a basin-like depression of the park, I found him, ter ribly emaciated, with head reverted, licking his flank. He had licked the hair off clean from a space the size of a man's hand, and still seemed trying to reach the source of his agony — and so died. I think I see in this case the explanadon and atoning plea for the strange and almost unnatural fierceness that came over Mr. Randolph's spirit. Let blame fall lightly, then, on one whom nature or fate thus dealt with in so hard a measure. His proper wretchedness might soften even his worst foe or his sorest victim, as far exceeding any that he inflicted. Let the bolt which human censure, ignorant of cause, and hence unfit to wield, might be tempted to hurl at him, be caught, timely, by that pity we all need, and leave him to be judged, where alone causes and con sequences can be seen together, and unerring justice meted out. His Oratory was unique, and weU nigh irresistible. I was present in 1829, when he delivered almost the last words, I believe, he ever spoke in a public capacity. He rose slowly and stood, tall, graceful and composed, before his peers— a brilliant assemblage, the Virginia Convention of '29, over which POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 73 Madison and Marshall, surrounded by many lesser but shining lights, yet shed their setdng glories. The question was on a clause providing for future amendments to the Constitution. He spoke more as an Augur, declaring the evils to come out of the provision he was examining, than as a Statesman discuss ing them. He used little action, as though stirred rather than contorted, by the "present Deity." His voice was clear, far- reaching through the hall — not sweet, but with something that took captive every ear, Hke a trumpet heard afar off at night. His eyes glittered with their wonted brightness, nor did his fafe- ful fore- finger forget that day its office. He denounced the clause he was assailing as carrying a condemnation with it of the instru ment that contained it as a death-warrant on its brow, and cov ered it, and withered it, with his burning scorn. The Assembly yielded, as under the spell of a magician, a compliance that cost much trouble to the people when twenty years afterwards they wished to amend the instrument, and which a wiser firmness would have saved them from. Mr. Randolph filled a large space in his country's eye from the dawn of his manhood to his most sorrowful death; but though always felt in her councils, he never swayed them. His life was one of wasted opportunities, and resultless energies. No monument remains of good effected by him for his kind. Where, in a conspicuous instance — the emancipation of his slaves — he may be believed to have sought to raise one, he out aggravated the suffering he intended to relieve. He dazzled, but did not warm, and no fruits ripened in his rays. He passed-^- drawing our gaze of wonder as he went, but leaving only a troubled memory when he vanished RESUME. In surveying the above two parent, and largely determining, as well as more easily estimated. Groups — the Fifth and Sixth from the savage form of life — we may fitly pause a moment to denote generally their leading characteristics as derived through tradirion, and all that is known of them. In disposition, they seeln to have been mild, but firm ; brave, but not aggressive; unambitious, but public spirited ; affectionate with one another, and just to aU. In habits, fond of pleasures, but rarely given to 74 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. excess, and more commonly inclined to social and literary pur suits than hard work and enterprise, and hence constantly decay ing in fortune. In talents, usuaUy respectable, and sometimes superior, rarely deficient. In character, upright and unre- proached. They formed in general that intelligent and virtuous Middle Class which everywhere forms the main pillar and stay of cociety and government. The Murrays, the Boilings, the Gays, the Eldridges, and their descendants, may more abundantly sup port this statement, though hardly more strikingly than other branches of the stock. Burk, the Historian of Virginia (cited by Bishop Meade), wridng, in 1804, of what he calls " this remnant of the imperial family of Virginia, which long ran in a single person, now in creased and branched out into a numerous progeny," says : " The virtues of mildness and humanity, so eminently dis tinguished in Pocahontas, remain in the nature of an inheritance to her posterity. There is scarcely a scion from this stock which has not been in the highest degree amiable and respectable, " and adds that he is " acquainted with several meiiibers of this family who are intelligent, and even eloquent, and if fortune keep pace with their merits, should not despair of attaining a conspicuous and even exalted station in the Commonwealth." In the after career of several of those he alluded to, most con spicuously in John Randolph, this prediction was fully verified. NOTICE S. The Whittles. — The American head of this family, For tescue, came to Virginia about 1799 or 1800, a young man, who had been engaged in the Irish troubles in which Robert Emmett was beheaded, and which banished Thomas Addis Em mett and other eminent men to this country. Mr. Whittle was a Protestant. He setded in Norfolk and went into business with an elder brother there, Conway, who had emigrated to Virginia soon after the Peace of 1783. His son, William Conway, entered the United States Navy and remained in it tiU the Secession war, when he resigned and was made a Commodore in the Confede rate service. He was engaged in the naval part of the Mexican war (in which he was wounded), and in the Confederate service rendered rauch desultory service on York river, along the Missis- POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 75 sippi and its tributaries and commanded the naval forces at New Orleans when it feU. Other members of this family have won and still live to enjoy merited distinction. The author of the foregoing note stands second to no one at the Virginia bar. Stephen Decatur was Secretary of the State Convention of 1850, and William Conway, Jr., Confederate States Navy, while yet a youth, shared all the dangers and all the honors of the cruise of the Shenandoah. RT. REV. F. M. WHITTLE, D. D., LL D. • Of the immediate subject of this notice I am indebted to the Rev. John J. Lloyd, St. Thomas' Church, Abingdon, for the foUowing sketch : Rt. Rev. Francis McNeece Whittle, D. D., LL.D., fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia, was born in Mecklenburg county, Virginia, July 7th, 1823. His father, Fortescue Whittle, Esq., of County Antrim, Ire land, settled in Norfolk, Va., early in present century. His mother was Mary Davies, grand-daughter of Rev. Samuel Davies, President of Princeton CoUege, and daughter of Colonel William Davies of the Revolutionary army, aid to General Wash ington, and appointed by him collector of Norfolk, Va, Mrs. Whittle's mother was Mary Murray, of Chesterfield county. Bishop Whitde graduated at the Theological Seminary of Virginia in the summer of 1847 ; was ordered Deacon in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va., July 16, the same year, and was ordained Priest in St. John's, Charleston, Va. (now West Virginia), October 8th, 1848, by Bishop William Meade. He was successively Rector of Kanawha Parish, Kanawha county, Virginia (1847-49); St. James' -Northam Parish, Goochland county, Virginia (1849-52); Grace, Berryville, Va. (1852-57) ; St. Paul's, Louisville, Kentucky (1857-68). At the Council of the Diocese of Virginia, held 1867, he was elected Assistant Bishop of Virginia, and was consecrated in St. Paul's, Alexandria, April 30, 1868, by Bishops Johns of Virginia, Lee of Delaware, and Bedell of Ohio. He received the degree of D. D. from the Theological Semi- 76 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. nary of Ohio, 1867, and that of LL.D. from the College of William and Mary. He became Bishop AprU 5, 1876. In 1877 the Diocese was divided, the Slate, known as West Virginia, being erected into a separate Diocese. He married. May 15, 1848, Emily Cary, daughter of Wilson Miles Cary Fairfax, and Lucy A. Griffith, his wife, and who was great-grand-daughter of Rev. Bryan, Lord Fairfax, Rector of Falls Church Parish, Virginia, and of Rev. David Griffith, D. D., Chaplain and Surgeon in the Army of the Revolution, and the first Bishop elect of Virginia. NOTICE T. Thomas Bolling Robertson ' was educated at William and Mary, and commenced the pracdce of law at Petersburg. -There he was intimate with John Thomson, who, as " Curtius," dispudng, passibus eqnis, with John Marshall, already renowned, achieved, at twenty-four, a celebrity that no one before or since in Virginia so early attained. For his death, immediately ensuing, he expressed his grief in very touching verses. Ther^, too, he became acquainted with Burk, the Historian, who was much attached to him, and who, dying soon after, bequeathed his only son, Junius, afterwards a Judge in Louisiana ('twas all he left besides his book) to his care. In 1807, he received from Mr. Jefferson the appointment of Secretary to the new Territory of Louisiana from which time he resided in that State. He was the first Representative of the State in the Congress of the United States, and served with dis tinction and acceptability to his constituents in that body for several sessions, then retiring from impaired health and increas ing distaste for Congressional life He was an efficient supporter of the administration of fvlr. Madison, who divided with Mr. Lowndes (his ideal Statesman) his highest admiration and con fidence. Late in life, he said that of all the public men he had known, these two he considered the purest and most disinter ested. Mr. Clay he ranked for his ambition only a step below them. While in Congress, Mr. Randolph (John) made some offensive reflecdon on a vote he had given in favor of a diity on sugar (his general views being anti-tariff), and refusing to POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 77 apologize, my brother challenged him. The challenge was declined on the grpund, as assigned by himself, that he did not hold himself bound to meet such demands whensoever any gentleman chose to feel himself aggrieved. My brother soon afterwards paid a short visit to Paris. As a member of the American Congress, at that period but rare visi tants to Europe, he was treated with much consideration. He was present in the Hall of the Deputies at the sitting at which Bonaparte, calm, and apparently confident in the invincibility of his Eagles, took leave of the Deputies on his fateful departure for Waterloo. He remained in Paris during the Hundred Days, saw rolled into the city the captured cannon, announcing a great vic tory for the French, followed instantly after by Bonaparte in per son, flying from his mighty disaster; and again saw him, now when he came before the same Body in his despair to abdicate Empire, and, as it proved, even personal Hberty forever, as calm and as self coUected as, when going, he left them in the flush of his hopes. A graphic account of the "Events in Paris" was given by Mr. Robertson in letters to his family, written while they were transpiring, which were published first in the Richmond Enquirer, and afterwards by Carey, of Philadelphia, in book form and went through several editions. His Congressional career ended, he was soon after elected Governor of Louisiana. Serv ing his constitutional term, he resumed the practice of law in New Orleans, and was soon made Attorney-General, and shortly after appointed United States District Judge for Louisiana. His health now greatly broken {dulcis reminiscitur Argos), he came to Virginia in the hope of restoring it amid the scenes and friends of his youth, and in the society of his aged parents (from all which neither time nor distance had ever for a moment estranged his affections), but died as he had lived, honorably poor, at the White Sulphur Springs, where the tomb erected over him by his widow stiU marks his last resting place. He was a man of extensive information and enlarged views, of clear mind, of elevated aims, of simple tastes, a lover of flowers and plants and versed in their lore, of spodess integrity, of warm affecdons, and of immovable firmness ; but a gende nature was so blended in him, with decision of character mirrored in a face of rare beauty, that he was as generaUy beloved, as he was universaUy respected. Among those who honored him with their warm /8 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. friendship, and possessed his, were Mr. Lowndes, Mr. Clay, General Zachary Taylor and Lieutenant-General Scott — a friend ship which, could they speak, none would be so ready as them selves to acknowledge, was as honoring to them as to him. When years after his death the writer was casually introduced to General, then President Taylor, the latter observing some like ness, and inquiring the relationship, embraced him as a brother, and opened himself to him on the delicate topics that then engaged him as he might have done lo a tried friend. Such friendships, more than office, eulogies, or monuments, best attest worth. NOTICE U. John Robertson.' — The subject of this notice was for many years of his life in the service of the State, either as a member of the House of Representatives of the United States, or as Circuit Judge or as Attorney-General of the State. In all these pubHc capacides his many good qualities, his boldness, his frank ness, his generosity, and his high sense of honor, together with his ingenuity and ability of intellect, earned him the respect and affec- don of aU who knew him weU. His mind was marked both by ingenuity and ability, and foUowing its operations fully and fear lessly, as he was wont to do, he was somedmes led to conclu sions which were regarded as extreme, as he was apt to express them without fear upon any singularity of opinion, or from any deviadon of common sentiment. Of this last he was less in awe than any public man of my acquaintance. He thought freely, spoke boldly, and suffered neither fear, favor nor affecdon tp seduce him from what he believed to be truth. Had truth in deed been lying at the bottom of a deep well, he is one of the few I have known who I believe to be capable of jumping after it to preserve and display it. In doing this, he cared for no pre judices which he might provoke, and shrunk from no denunci- adons he might stir up, but fearlessly foUowed the germs he was pursuing, without regard for the difficulties into which it might lead him. The friend who has written these few lines did not concur with Judge Robertson in all his opinions, but he never failed to admire the spirit in which they were conceived and expressed. If any man in his course through life has earned for himself the epi- POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 79 graph of " honest and true" on his memorial slab, surely that man was Judge John Robertson. R. M. T. Hunter. To the foregoing tribute of its eminent author, who knew the subject of it almost alone by pohtical association, I add a few other traits and incidents of Judge Robertson's character and career. He was born at " Belfield," his father's residence, below Peters burg, and came with the family to Richmond about 1803. There he spent his life, except his college years at Williamsburg, and his closing ones at his country home. " Mount Athos," near Lynch burg. Adopting the profession of Law he soon won distinction, and was made Attorney-General of the State in 188—. He was learned, laborious, and conscientious in the discharge of every duty. No wealth, position, or influence, could qualify his zeal or daunt his efforts, or baffle them when exerted in the cause of right. When engaged in such a cause, whether as Advocate or Judge, none felt solicitude about the result, for aU knew there was no art nor ability could deceive his vigilance, or corrupt his fidelity, or bias or betray his judgment, or elude his pursuit. In politics he was a doctrinal Democrat of the Jefferson school, but never a thraU to party. He was a ready, stinging, and aggressive debater. In his canvass for Congress, his arraign ment of Jackson was so sharp that the latter's admirers sought to silence him by persistent shouts of " Hurrah for Jackson !" "I beg pardon, my friends," said he, inthe first lull ofthe clamor, "for having said there was no argument in defence of Jackson's conduct I could not answer. There is one— it is ' Hurrah for Jack son !' " He was litde troubled afterwards by interruptions, and car ried his election. In Congress his abUides were highly estimated. By his friends he was called a sdckler for the Consdtution, so strict was his loyalty to it; and an illustrative story was invented on him by his witty and waggish friend, Waddy Thompson, of South Carolina, that once being in Washington, and supposed about to die, he begged him as his last request not to allow him to be buried at pubHc expense, for he thought it would be clearly unconstitutional. In our late civil embroilment, though not one more sternly than he demanded immunity for his State from interference with 80 .POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. her domestic system, yet was he known to so earnestly deprecate violent measures, as long as honorably avoidable, that he was sent by Virginia to her sister States of the South to urge forbear ance, while ex-President Tyler was dispatched on a similar mis sion to President Buchanan. Failing of success, they both dedi cated their closing years to the defence, in the high posts assigned them, of the invaded rights and territory of their State and the South. Among other evidences of his devotion may be mentioned his giving his town residence to the Cause as a soldier's hospital. His mind was always aglow with activity, seeking recreation from severer labors only in roaming over, and lovingly cultivating, the fields of Literature. While those labors denied him its heaviest harvests, yet his tragedy of " Riego, the Spanish Martyr," his principal oblation at the shrine of letters; his " Opuscula " teem ing with the finest specimens of satire as of praise, and of felici tous portraiture; his Scholarly address at the opening of the Athenaeum at Richmond, etc., evidence by their breadth of thought, richness of imagery and beauty of diction, that, in spite ofthe drawbacks alluded to, he attained a very high order of lite rary achievement. I cite a few lines of his " Riego," which, though I know that such mere shreds can do no justice to the work, may yet serve to show that my praise of it is not wholly undeserved. Riego speaks to Diaz, a youth, of General Washington : " Why name that name Unknown to Heraldry, though brighter ne'er Was blazoned on the Rolls of Fame— which echoes In terror from the Palace dome, but carries Joy to the Cotter's roof! His brow severe. Of native dignity, no jeweled crown E'er tarnished, but, instead, the civic oak, Mingled with laurel boughs, his temples bound. As by one soul inspired, the undaunted Gaul And spotless Chief breasted the storm, nor ceased Their toils till they had won a nation's Liberty; The worid's esteem, the approving smile of Heaven. Freedom's unsceptred son, his Country's Saviour, Now dwells in bliss ; his glory freshening in The stream of Time, and still while that stream flows. Shall his loved memory be hymned in praise.'' His own private traits were such as to attach, by their sympa- thedc tenderness, those he loved and valued to him with hooks POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. - 81 of steel, but he looked severely on the bad, the hypocritical and the proud, and was not beloved by such. Nothing so awoke him to effort as oppression and fraud, and while knave and spoiler shrank from the swoop of his talons, the widow and the orphan nestled in safety under his protecting wing. Shortly be fore his death, when past four score, he wrote of himself this " Pre-Obituary." "When my long pilgrimage is over, I desire no invited com pany nor services beyond those of laying me in my last bed. Let those who may happen to be present — my household friends, kind neighbors and faithful servants — perform for me that service ; nor let them sorrow over me, who has had his share of the bless ings as well as the sufferings no mortal can escape, and who, though repenting the many aberrations of a frail nature, has never felt the pangs of a guilty conscience, and is not left as one without hope." NOTICE V. Wyndham Robertson.' Save as the compiler of this little work, rendering it perhaps a duty to his readers, this Notice would have been spared. I wiU limit it mainly to points that more or less tend to inspire confidence in the trustworthiness, or, at least, good faith of my compilation. I finished an imper fect education (but the best always which the res angusta of my parents, pinching even their own frugal housekeeping for the purpose, would admit of) by two interrupted sessions at WiUiam and Mary under the briUiant presidency of Dr. John Augustine Smith. That gentleman's flashing and suggestive lectures waked to new Hfe the dormant faculdes of liis pupils, and taught to them, too, the independent and fearless use of them, which he practiced himself. It was a lesson which, aglow with the. fresh excitement, his classes were swift to apply, in clamorous disputation, as soon as they issued from the lecture room. I was admitted to the bar in 1824. In 1827 I made a short visit to London and Paris. In 1830 I was made a CounciUor of State. On the occasion of the French Revolution, in the same year, I was called on to give utterance to the enthusiasm of the city of Richmond by a public address at the capitol. Processions and parades, flags, banners, bands of music and cannon, further tesdfied to the warm sympathy of the out-poured crowds of its 82 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. cidzens. Sharing the fervor ofthe hour, I was fortunate in inter- predng the general feeling and in winning that favor and confi dence of the City, which, often experienced, was never withdrawn during my long residence in it — always a source to me of, I hope a legitimate, pride, and which I trust I shall be pardoned for alluding to. In 1833 I was again elected to the Council of State, now re duced from eight to three members. In 1834, at the first meeting of the James Jliver and Kanawha Company, I proposed, in lieu of the projected canal, a measure that looked to a railroad connection in lieu of by canal between Richmond and the Great West. Although, from the fear of hazarding a crude and unproven system against a sure and tried one, it was decisively defeated, it had the distinguished sanction of such men as Dr. Brockenborough, Judge Nicholas, Moncure Robinson and Judge Robertson. The supreme com mercial advantages to Richmond and Virginia that would have been secured to them by opening her Western Railroad connec tions in advance of all others, and which other States hastened to appropriate, need not be dwelt on. On the 3iEt of March, 1836, becoming Lieutenant-Governor, Governor Tazewell resigned his office on the same day into my hands for the remaining year of his term. It was unmarked ex cept by the rapid spread of abolitionism, to which I called the attention of the Legislature, and recommended that Commis sioners should be sent to the Northern States, appealing to them to unite in measures to arrest, and, if possible, compose, the threatened troubles. But the recommendation was not acted on. The Legislature elect being- largely Democratic, the Whigs declined contesdng the Executive Offices in 1837-8. Imme diately after I was elected to the Legislature from the city of Richmond, and was condnued in it, until I removed to the country in 1841. Returning to Richmond in 1858, in the midst of the troubles that soon resulted in our late war, my old constituents again demanded my services, and con tinued to require them to the close of the contest. A friend to peace and the Union, I actively opposed the overtures of South Carolina in 1859 for a Southern Convention, as, in ray opinion, calculated only to stiU more imperil them. After that State and others had seceded, I stiU urged a refusal on the part of Virginia to foUow them, and reported (as the organ of a committee), the POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. 83 day it met, 7th January, 1861, the resolution known as the And- Coercion Resoludon, in effect rejecting secession, but declaring if coercion were eraployed by the Federal Governraent against the seceded States, Virginia would fight with the South. The resolution was adopted with rauch unanimity, and the State now addressed itself to measures of reconcilement, all of which I advocated, and some proposed. All failed, and soon Mr. Lin coln's Proclamation of war, presenting the contingency she had provided lor, Virginia stood upon her defence. In this, and all after measures in aid of the war, I fully concurred. And now, after twenty years' experience of yet unripened results, I have no regrets, nor repent a single act of my State, or myself, in these unhappy affairs — welcoming the end of slavery, but still believing it would have been reached without the horrors of war. In 1863 a Bill "to fix prices of food," &c., was proposed, which, believing to be fraught with the direst mischief, I earnestly Opposed and contributed to defeait. . In 1864 some hundreds of my constituents assembled and passed a resolution demanding of their representatives to support a simUar bill or resign. I had no difficulty in refusing to a com mittee their peremptory demand of a compliance with their resolutions, but finding afterwards that all my colleagues had yielded to it, and left apparently in the position of misrepresenting my constituents, and stripped of influence, I resigned in a note to the House, and at once left my seat. Immediately after, that body did me the honor unanimously to request the withdrawal of my resignation till the wishes of my constituents could be better ascertained, and sent a committee to me to convey their wishes. I, of course, acceded to the request. A formal poll was held in the city by order of the Council, and my views sustained by my constituents, as afterwards by the House. Since the close of the war, bowing to the arbitrament of the sword as final between States, and deprecating the restoration of slavery, now abolished, as earnesdy as I had opposed the abolition of it, I have been wholly withdrawn from acdve politics, except indeed in heardly cooperating in every proposed measure for healing and reconcilement between the States, and for the redintegration of Virginia, and have found gratifying occupation in part in preparing this compiladon, and also a " VindicaUon of the course of Virginia throughout the Slave Controversy," probably soon tt) be pubhshed. 84 POCAHONTAS AND HER DESCENDANTS. NOTICE W. Charles Joseph Cabell, born 1789. He graduated at Wil liara and Mary. Read law under Governor WiUiam H. Cabell and William Wirt. Mr. Wirt pronounced him the greatest man of his age in Virginia. He eraigrated to New Orleans, and in a few months took rank with Philip R. Grymes, Holmes, and Edward Livingston — so said Governor Thomas Bolling Robert son. He was three times called to the field (so called) of honor : First, with General Ben. Jones, then of Amelia, afterwards of Alabama; second, with Dr. Upshaw, at New Orleans, but who went from King and Queen, Va. ; third, with a Mr. Nicholson, of New Orleans, a nephew of Lawyer Abner L. Duncan, who instigated the deed. He died of veDow fever on the 23d of No vember, 1 8 10, in the city of New Orleans, aged only twenty one years. — From Notes of the late General Ben. W. S. Cabell. RESUMfi. The Pocahontas Stock. — In view of all I have heard, read or known of them, I think it may be fairly said that they were more prudent than enterprising, more wasteful than Hberal, more amiable than censorious, more respected than distinguished, more honest than able, more patriotic than indifferent, more conservative than radical, more pious than bigoted, and while a few fell to the depths of worthlessness, but none to crime, a few also rose to the height of genius and virtue. ADDENDUM. Of Jenny Eldridge, * known to my boyhood by everybody as " Old Cousin Jenny," and to whose active inquisidons owes much, I am enabled by a recent communication to say that she was a family celebrity, distinguished for her alertness of body and mind — a bright wit, a fine memory, and especially for devo tion to her Indian blood, and all its lore and tradition. It was said of her that she could call the name and kinship of every descendant of Pocahontas. She was the chief store-house, there fore, and authority of her day of everything known concerning her family in the minutest pardculars before and during her time. To her is due the preserved knowledge of the head spring of many of its branches, which else had been irrecover ably lost. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 04033 0962 »?»