YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ACQUIRED BY EXCHANGE HISTORY WASHINGTON COUNTY FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT PRESENT TIME, FIRST UNDER YIRGINIA AS YOHOGANIA, OHIO, OR AUGUSTA COUNTY UNTIL 1781. AND SUBSEQUENTLY UNDER PENNSYLVANIA; sketches of all the townships, boroughs, and VILLAGES, ETC. ; AND TO WHICH IS ADDED A FULL ACCOUNT OF THE CELEBEATED MASON AND DIXON'S LINE, THE WHISKEY INSURRECTION, INDIAN WARFARE, TRADITIONAL AND LOCAL HISTORICAL EVENTS. Whatever makes the past, the distant, or the future preponderate over the present, advances us in the dignit7 of thinking beings.— De. Johnson. BY ALFRED CREIGH, LL.D. Entered acoording to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by ALFRED CREIGH, LL. D. in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States in and for the Western District of Pennsylvania. TO THE CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, WHOSE DEVOTION TO PATRONIZE AND ENCOURAGE MORALITY, LITERATURE, PATRIOTISM, AND RELIGION IS NOT SURPASSED BY ANY BODY OF CITIZENS IN THE AMERICAN UNION, S$s Mm IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THEIR FELLOW-CITIZEN, ALFRED CREIGH. Ellendale Villa, Washington, Pa., June 29, 1870. (3) PREFACE. For the last nine years, the author of this volume has been en gaged in collecting and arranging materials for the history of Washington Couuty, a county whose existence (not, however, in its present organized chartered form) is coeval with the chartered rights both of Pennsylvania and Virginia. These States claimed control over its territory, until the disputed question was finally settled and adjusted by extending the celebrated Mason and Dixon's line, in 1185, although the chartered history of Washington County dates back to 1181. There has been a growing desire, for the last few years, among the people of this and other counties to investigate and become acquainted with.their local history. It is eminently proper and praiseworthy in any people to rescue from oblivion memorials of unpublished facts, reminiscences, and traditions ; to call to memory the primitive days of our forefathers, their frontier life and hardships, their struggles with the red men of the forest, and to collect and preserve valuable and interesting statistical information and reliable facts which will tend to perpetuate their history. Under such influences, and at the request of a committee of my fellow-citizens, I entered the hitherto untrodden field to collect all these memorials, and now present them for your consideration and approval. I do not intend to convey the meaning that it is entirely perfect ; it will take time and more diligent research to procure the memorials which have not yet been published ; but this volume is intended to be the starting-point from which the future historian can gain reliable facts. I have been particularly careful not to give any traditionary facts, without being corroborated by authentic docu ments or strong circumstantial evidence. To natives and their descendants of Washington County settled in distant places, this volume will prove of great interest, recalling PREFACE. 5 to memory old associations, friends of former years, and the recollec tion of events and incidents passed from memory. The causes which led to the preparation of this history of Wash ington County may be gathered from the perusal of the following correspondence : — Washington, January 9, 1861. Dr. Alfred Creigh, Dear Sir:. Our "old men" are fast passing away, and with them, unless soon rescued, will be lost many facts connected with the early settlement and history of our borough and county. Many accounts are doubtless in existence which are also liable to be lost when the present possessors cease to own them. We believe it to be the duty of some one to gather unpublished facts, reminiscences, memorials, and traditions of the early settlement of the county, and present them to the public in an historic form. A history of Washington Borough and County would prove deeply interesting to the present inhabit ants and to their children scattered all over the land. As a work of future reference, it would be invaluable. Knowing your zeal and perseverance in matters of this kind, we would respectfully suggest that you undertake this work. We will cheerfully aid you in obtaining facts and gaining access to documents. We believe that sufficient numbers of the book could be sold to repay you for your labor. Hoping you will comply with the request, We remain yours, &c, ALEXANDER WILSON, JOHN L. G0W, JOHN H. EWING, TH0S. W. GRAYSON, C. M. REED, ' G. W. MILLER, J. L. JUDS0N, DAVID AIKEN, JOHN R. D0NEH00, WM. VANKIRK, WM. HOPKINS, FREEMAN BRADY, Jr., JAMES B. RUPLE, W. S. MOORE, H. A. PURVIANCE, JAMES W. KUNTZ, WM. HUGHES, R. H. KOONTZ, A. H. ECKER, GEO. S. HART, WILLIAM SWAN, W. A. MICKEY, W. H. HORN, H. J. VANKIRK. KEPLY. Washington, January 21, 1861. Gentlemen : Your letter of January 9th is now before me, and after mature deliberation upon its contents, I shall . avail myself of preparing, and at the earliest opportunity of presenting to the public a full history of Washington Borough and County. The reminiscences, memorials, and traditions which exist in this county will make an interesting work, more especially as this was the Jirst county which was organized in Pennsylvania after the Declaration of Independence. 6 PREFACE. It is true that the history which I am about to write will require untiring diligence, unwearied perseverance, and industrious research, yet with the promised aid of yourselves and the co-operation of ray fellow-citizens who may be in possession of any facts or traditions tending to elucidate our history, I have no fear of the result. As Washington County was the first organized, let her likewise be the first in the State to inaugurate a system by which, every county, following her example, will present their separate histories to the American people, whereby incalculable good will result not only to the State of Pennsylvania, but to the rising generation. With sentiments of respect and esteem, I remain yours truly, ALFRED CREIGH. To Alexander Wilson, Esq., and others. The materials for the work have been derived chiefly from the Colonial Records and Archives of the State, the records of the county and borough, files of newspapers, pastors of churches, and kind friends who felt a deep interest in procuring for my use these memorials. To the committee who addressed me on the subject, to my friend Hon. James Yeech, of the city of Pittsburg, am I particu larly indebted for the use of his notes on Washington County, and the Mason and Dixon question; to David S.Wilson, Esq., who aided me by his counsel and research, and to Rev. Dr. James I. Brownson who, from the moment of its undertaking, felt a deep and abiding interest in its publication, with many others, I return my sincere thanks, fondly trusting that the work may meet the approval of all my fellow-citizens ; fully convinced that any imperfections will be overlooked by the reader, in the contemplation of the variety of subjects presented for his consideration. Where any error is discovered, I shall be thankful to the reader to inform me by letter of the inaccuracy, and I shall have it corrected in a subsequent edition, my desire being to give a faithful, truthful, and reliable history of Washington County. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. WASHINGTON COUNTY — ITS PRIMITIVE HISTORY UNDER VIRGINIA. Spottsylvania County; its boundaries — Orange County — Frederick Coun ty ; its boundaries — Augusta County ; its boundaries — District of West Augusta — Justices' Courts — Oath of allegiance — Oath of supremacy — The test oath — Oath of abjuration — Youghiogheny County; its boun- • daries, courts, and court-houses, and punishments — Pillory and stocks described — Whipping-post and ducking-stool — Ohio County ; its boun daries and court-house — Monongalia County — Courts and roads — Or phan children — Taverns — Continental money — Ferries — Attorneys-at- law — Sheriffs and deputy-sheriffs — Surveyors — Military officers — Grist mills — Salts — Cotton, and wool cards — Counterfeit money — Allegiance — Naturalization — Passports — Benevolence of Youghiogheny County — Marriage extraordinary — Reflections 9 CHAPTER II. A GENERAL OUTLINE HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA. History of Pennsylvania, from the date of its charter to the present time, embracing a list of all the Indian titles to lands — Historical and sta tistical factS' — The date of the formation of each county of the State, with the number of acres and population in each, and a list of the Governors from the accession of William Penn, its proprietor, in 1681 to 1870 .27 CHAPTER III. ORIGINAL ACT ESTABLISHING WASHINGTON COUNTY. Divisions by the formation of townships — Its original and present town ships and boroughs — Its present boundaries with topographical and geographical description and its streams — Its early religious element and the religious agreement of 1782 — Marriage custom and ceremony — School-houses 39 CHAPTER IY. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPREME EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. A brief history of the Provincial Conference — The Constitution of 1776 ; the Council of Censors ; the Convention of 1789 ; the Constitution of 1790 ; the action of the Legislature of 1825 ; with regard to a conven tion, and the vote of the people ; the Convention of 1837 ; the Consti tution of 1838, and the full proceedings of the Supreme Executive, from 1781 to 1791, which relates to Washington County • . . .54 CHAPTER Y. TOWNSHIPS AND BOROUGHS IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. The history of the Townships and Boroughs in their chronological order, detailing interesting events in each — Also the history of churches and the present state of education in each township and borough . . 87 ( n » CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. ELECTED OFFICERS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY FROM 1190. Members of Congress — Senators and Representatives— President Judges — Associate Judges and Deputy Attorney-Generals— Attorneys-at-Law — Prothonotaries— Registers — Recorders — Clerk of the Courts — Sheriffs — Coroners — Commissioners— Clerks to Commissioners — Treasurers — Auditors— Notary Public— Directors of the Poor— Deputy Surveyor- General — Justices of the Peace 250 CHAPTER VII. MILITARY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Brig.-Gen. Clark's expedition in 1781 — Col. David Williamson's expedi tion in 1782— Col. William Crawford's expedition in 1782— Whiskey Insurrection in 1791-4 — Outrage on the Chesapeake Frigate, 1807 — War of 1812— Texas Revolution, in 1836— Mexican War in 1846— South ern Rebellion in 1861 278 CHAPTER VIII. HISTORY OF ASSOCIATIONS, AND EVENTS WHICH TRANSPIRED IN WASHINGTON COUNTY .... 341 APPENDIX. CHAPTER I. THE VIRGINIA AND PENNSYLVANIA CONTROVERSY, FROM 1752 TO 1183. The date of the earliest settlements by Virginians and Pennsylvanians — The difficulties between the Governors of both States arising from these settlements— The names of the first settlers — The various acts of Capt. Connolly as the representative of Virginia in claiming Fort Duquesne (Pittsburg) as within Virginia — His treason — Commissioners appointed by both States to run a temporary line until the Revolutionary War ' would terminate — The action of both States approving of the same, and the necessity of erecting Washington County ..... 3 CHAPTER II. THE MASON AND DIXON'S LINE. Its full history — the line run by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon— the claim of Pennsylvania — the claim of Lord Baltimore — the appointment of commissioners — the labors of Mason and Dixon ended in 1767 new commissioners appointed in 1783 by the States of Virginia and Penn sylvania—letter from Joseph Reed on the scientific apparatus to be used — report of the joint-commissioners — report of the Pennsylvania commissioners — cost of running the line — the western line of Pennsyl vania run by commissioners appointed by both States, and the report of the commissioners thereupon— the origin of the Pan Handle in West Virginia 24 CHAPTER III. INDIAN HISTORY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND VIRGINIA. Names of all the tribes of North America in 1764— Those inhabiting West ern Pennsylvania and adjoining territory— Letters on the Indian wronss from 1765 to 1780— Rice's fort— Letters from Dr. J. C. Hupp on Miller's block-house— Captivity and escape of Jacob Miller, and the cruel mur der of five of Miller's friends— Vance's fort— Well's fort— Lindley's fort 38 CHAPTER IV. WHISKEY INSURRECTION. . 59 HISTOKY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. CHAPTER I. WASHINGTON COUNTY— ITS PRIMITIVE HISTORY UNDER VIRGINIA. Spottsylvania County ; its boundaries — Orange County — Frederick County ; its boundaries — Augusta County ; its boundaries — Distriot of West Augusta — Justices' Courts — Oath of allegiance — Oath of supremacy — The test oath — Oath of abj uration — Youghiogheny County ; its boundaries, courts, and oourt- houses, and punishments — Pillory and stooks described — Whipping-post and ducking-stool — Ohio County ; its boundaries and court-house — Monon galia County — Courts and roads — Orphan children — Taverns — Continental money — Ferries — Attorneys-at-law — Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs — Survey ors — Military officers — Grist-mills — Salt — Cotton, and wool cards — Counter feit money — Allegiance — Naturalization — Passports — Benevolence of You ghiogheny County — Marriage extraordinary — Reflections. To trace the history of Washington County from its primitive existence, the historian should give facts, but the inferences and reflections should be left to the reader. It will be our province, therefore, to examine into the history of the colony of Virginia from its first settlement on the 25th day of March, 1584, to the 23d day of August, 1185, at which date the commissioners of the States of Virginia and Pennsylvania entered into conciliatory measures whereby that portion of Western Pennsylvania claimed by Virginia became vested in our own State. Our chartered rights, therefore, are deduced from charters granted by the reigning King of England, either to the colony of Virginia in 1584, or to the colony of Pennsylvania in 1681, as the records will demonstrate. In 1584 Sir Walter Raleigh obtained letters patent for discovering unknown countries, by virtue of which he took possession of that part of America which he afterwards named Virginia, in honor of Queen Elizabeth. He attempted its settlement, but failed. He took an active part in many enterprises in England ; and, among the number, he endeavored to place Arabella Stewart on the throne, and for this conspiracy was tried and condemned, on November 11, 1603, to be hanged, drawn, and quartered. Notwithstanding his conviction and sentence, he was not executed, but was confined in 10 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. the Tower as a prisoner, where he remained many years, devoting his time to writing the History of the World. On the accession of James I. to the crown, Raleigh was released, and sent on a mining expedition to South America, with the necessary number (of men and ships, of which Spain was informed ; but the expedition failing, and one of the Spanish towns being destroyed by fire, the Spanish am bassador demanded satisfaction by the return and death of Raleigh. He was, therefore, immediately seized, and, without any new trial, was beheaded on his former conviction, on the 29th of October, 1618, to appease the anger of Spain. In 1606 James I., by virtue of his prerogative as king, divided the colony of Virginia between two companies : the southern com pany was granted to Thomas Gates and others, and called the London Company ; the northern company was called the Plymouth Company. This grant embraced all the lands in Virginia from Point Comfort, along the sea-coast, to the northward two hundred miles, and from the same point, along the sea-coast, to the southward two hundred miles, and all the space from this precinct on the sea-coast up into the land, west and northwest, from sea to sea, and the islands within one hundred miles of it. Subsequently, on the 12th day of March, 1612, by other letters patent, the king added all islands in any part of the ocean between the thirtieth and forty-first degrees of latitude. On the 24th of July, 1621, the colony of Virginia established a form of government, subject to the approval of the "General Quarter Court of the Company in England." To this was added the proviso that no order of the Council in England should bind the colony unless ratified in the General Assembly of Virginia. Thus early in our country's history was introduced those principles of republi canism, which eventually secured to us our present form of .govern ment. The king and the Company, however, quarrelled, and he suspended their powers by the Proclamation of July 15, 1624. King James I. having died on 21th March, 1625, Charles I. took the government into his own hands. He made extensive grants of plantations in a high state of cultivation, and also woodlands, in the colony of Vir ginia, to his particular friends, Lord Baltimore and Lord Fairfax, to the former of whom he even granted the separate and sole right of jurisdiction and government. Charles I. having been deposed by Oliver Cromwell in 1650, and assuming the title of Protector, he considered himself as standing in the place of the deposed king, and as having succeeded to all the kingly powers, without as well as within the realm, and therefore assumed control over the American colonies, Virginia, however, had expressed herself as opposed to Cromwell and his parliament, and invited Charles II. (the son of the deceased king), who was then an exile in Breda, Flanders, to come into Virginia and become their king, but on the eve' of embarking, in 1660, he was recalled to the throne of England on the 29th of May, of the same year. After Charles II. had ascended HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 11 the throne, and desirous of giving a substantial proof of the pro found respect he entertained for the loyalty of Virginia, he caused her coat-of-arms to be quartered with those of England, Ireland, and Scotland, as an independent member of the empire. Hence the origin of the term Old Dominion. It also derives this term from the fact that it was the first of the English settlements in the limits of the British colonies. Having thus exhibited the chartered rights of the colony of Vir ginia for sixty-six years, let us retrace our steps to the year 1634, when the colony of Virginia was divided into eight shires or coun ties. Six of these were situate between the James and York rivers, viz. : Henrico, Charles City, James City, York City, Warwick, and Elizabeth City shires. The Isle of Wight Shire was between the James and Caroline rivers, while the Northampton or Accomac Shire was on the eastern shore. From these eight original shires or counties have been erected the one hundred and fifty-eight counties of the Old Dominion, fifty-six of which are situate west of the Blue Ridge Mountain, which is broken by the Potomac River at Harper's Ferry, and traverses the State in a line of about two hundred and sixty miles, separating it into the two great divisions of Eastern and Western Virginia. Spottsylvania County. The territory of Washington County, Pennsylvania, was, according to the original chartered rights of Virginia, claimed as belonging to the county of Spottsylvania. This county was formed from parts of Essex, King William, and King and Queen counties, in 1120, dur ing the reign of King George I. It was named in honor of Alexan der Spottswood, who was then Governor, and also in commemoration of the fact that he made the first discovery of the passage over the Appalachian Mountains. The preamble to the act erecting this portion of Western Vir ginia into a county reads thus : That the frontier toward the high mountains is exposed to danger from the Indians, and the late set tlements of the French to the westward of the said mountains, therefore it is enacted, that Spottsylvania bounds upon Snow Creek up to the mill ; thence by a southwest line to the North Anna River, thence up said mountains, as far as convenient, and thence by a line to be run on the northwest side thereof, so as to i include the northern passage through the said mountains, thence down the said river until it comes against the head of the Rappa hannock River and down that river to the mouth of Snow Creek, which tract of land shall become the County of Spottsylvania, from May 1, 1121. By the act of 1130, Williamsburg was declared to be the county town, and the same act, on account of the large area of territory to be travelled by the judicial officers, provided that the burgesses should be allowed for four days' journey, in passing and returning. 12 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. In 1112, Virginia was divided into forty-nine parishes, which act also determined the salary of each clergyman, but in 1130 St. George's parish was divided by a line running from the mouth of the Rappahannock to the Pamunkey River, the upper portion to be called St. Mark's, and the lower portion St. George's parish. In 1134 the names of these parishes were changed, St. George's was called Spottsylvania and St. Mark's was named Orange, and all settlers beyond the Shenandoah River were exempted for three years from the payment of public and parish dues. It is apparent, therefore, that the first settlers endeavored to mould their religious government and make it conform as near as possible to the church of England. Orange County. In 1134, Spottsylvania County was divided, and from it Orange County was formed, which comprised the whole of the colony of Western Virginia. Frederick and Augusta Counties. In 1138, the act of legislature erected two more counties out of the extensive county of Orange, by naming one Frederick, and the other Augusta. Frederick County was bounded by the Potomac on the north, the Blue Ridge on the east, and a line to be run from the head spring of Hedgeman to the head spring of the Potomac, on the south and west. Augusta County was to embrace the re mainder of Virginia west of the Blue Ridge. Augusta County. In October, 1116, the legislature of Virginia passed an act to ascertain the boundary between the county of Augusta and the dis trict of West Augusta, and to divide said district into three distinct counties. District of West Augusta. The preamble to the act, which embraces much historical informa tion, is in these words : Whereas, it is expedient to ascertain the boun dary between the county of Augusta and the district of West Au gusta—Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, that the boundary between the said dis trict and county shall be as follows : beginning on the Alleghany Mountains, between the heads of the Potomac,, Cheat, and Green Briar Rivers (Haystack Knob, or north end of Pocahontas County) thence along the ridge of mountains which divides the waters of Cheat River from those of Green Briar, and that branch of the Mo- nongahela River called Tyger's Valley River, to the Monongahela River ; thence up the said river, and the west fork thereof to Bing- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 13 erman's Creek, on the northwest side of the said west fork ; thence up the said creek to the head thereof; thence in a direct course to the head of Middle Island Creek, a branch of the Ohio, and thence to the Ohio, including all the waters of said creek in the aforesaid District of West Augusta, all that territory lying to the northward of the aforesaid boundary, and to the westward of the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland, shall be deemed, and is hereby declared to be, within the District of West Augusta. At a court of the District of West Augusta, held at Fort Du- quesne (Pittsburg), September 18th, 1116, the court decided that on the passage of the ordinance, they became a separate and distinct jurisdiction, from that of East Augusta, and as such, West Augusta assumed and exercised independent jurisdiction over its entire terri tory. After the thirteen colonies had declared themselves free and inde pendent, the General Assembly of Virginia passed an act on the 20th of August, 1816, enabling the present magistrates to continue the administration of justice until the same can be more amply pro vided for. Justices' Courts. Justices' courts were organized by John Eare, of Dunmore, his majesty's Lieutenant and Governor-in-Chief of Virginia, as early as December, 1114. He also issued, the same year, a commission ad journing the county court of Augusta, from Staunton to Fort Dun- more. This fort was originally called Fort Pitt, but in 1113 the British government abandoned it, and Dr. John Connelly took pos session of it in the name of Virginia, and named it Fort Dunmore. It is evident, therefore, that as late as three years before the Decla ration of Independence, Pittsburg and the surrounding country was claimed as belonging to the district of West Augusta. This inter- resting question will be fully discussed in the Appendix, Chapter II. , wherein we shall treat of and examine the celebrated Mason and Dixon's line. George Croghan, Edward Ward, John Stephenson, Isaac Cox, George M'Cormick, Joseph Beckett, John Campbell, Dorsey Pen tecost, John Connelly, John Gibson, George Vallandigham, Thomas Smallman, William Crawford, and William Goe took the usual oaths to his majesty's person and government, subscribed the abjuration and test oaths, as also the usual one of justices of the peace, justices of the county court in chancery, and justices of the oyer and terminer. As these oaths are peculiar in their character I shall add them. Oath of Allegiance. — I, A. B., do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance to his majesty King George the Third. So help me God. 14 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Oath of Supremacy.— I, C. D., do swear that I from my heart abhor, detest, and abjure as impious and heretical, that damnable doc trine and position, that princes excommunicated and deprived by the Pope, or any authority of the See of Rome, may be deposed or mur dered by their subjects, or any other whatsoever. And I do declare, that no foreign prince, person, prelate, State, or potentate, hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm. So help me God. The Test Oath.— I, E. F., do declare that I do believe there is not any transubstantiation in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, or in the elements of bread and wine at or after the consecration thereof, by any person or persons whatever. So help me God. Oath of Abjuration. — I, G. H., do truly and sincerely acknow ledge, profess, testify, and declare in my conscience before God and the world, that our Sovereign Lord, King George the Third, is lawful and rightful king of this realm and all other his majesty's domin ions thereunto belonging. And I do solemnly and sincerely declare that I -do believe in my conscience that the person pretended to be Prince of Wales during the life of the late King James, and since his decease pretending to be and takes upon himself the style and title of King of England, by the name of James the Third, or of Scotland by the name of James the Eighth, or the style and title of King of Great Britain, hath not any right or title whatsoever to the crown of this realm or any other the dominions thereunto belonging, and I do renounce, refuse, and abjure any allegiance or obedience to him. And I do swear that I will bear faith and true allegiance to his majesty King George the Third, and him will defend to the utmost of my power against all traitorous conspiracies and attempts what soever, which shall be made against his person, crown, or dignity, and I will do my utmost endeavors to disclose and make known to his majesty and his successors all treason and traitorous conspiracies which I shall know to be against him or any of them. And I do faithfully promise to the utmost of my power to support, maintain, and defend the succession of the crown against him, the said James, and all other persons whatsoever, which succession (by an act entitled an act for the further limitation of the crown and bet ter securing the rights and liberties of the subject) is and stands limited to the Princess Sophie, late Electress and Duchess Dowager of Hanover, and the heirs of her body being Protestants — and all these things I do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear, ac cording to these express words by me spoken and according to the plain and common sense and understanding of the same words, with out any equivocation, mental evasion, or secret reservation ' what soever, and I do make this recognition, acknowledgment, abjuration, HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 15 renunciation, and promise heartily, willingly, and truly upon the true faith of a Christian. So help me God. After this digression we shall resume our narrative of the district of West Augusta, which, by an act of the General Assembly of Vir ginia, from and after November 8th, 1116, was divided into three counties, viz : Youghiogheny, Ohio, and Monongalia — to each of which we will refer seriatim. Youghiogheny County. The boundaries of this county lay to the northward of the fol lowing lines, and began at the mouth of Cross Creek, running up its several sources to the head thereof ; thence southeastwardly to the nearest part of the dividing ridge (which divides the waters of the Ohio from those of the Monongahela) ; thence along the said ridge to the head of Tenmile Creek ; thence east to the road leading from Catfish Camp (Washington) to Red Stone Old Fort (Brownsville) ; thence along the said road to the Monongahela River ; thence crossing the river to the said Fort ; thence along Dunlap's old road to Braddock's road, and with the same to the meridian of the head fountain of the Potomac (west line of Maryland), shall be called and known by the name of Youghiogheny County. This act defined the qualifications of electors and various essen tial matters for the future prosperity and government of these new counties. Electors were required to be free white male persons over twenty-one years of age, residing in the county and State one year, and in possession of twenty-five acres of land with a house thereon; claiming an estate for life in the said land in his own right or in the right of his wife. Courts and Court-house. The electors were required to meet on the 8th day of December, 1116, at the house of Andrew Heath, on the Monongahela River, to choose the most convenient place for holding courts for the county of Youghiogheny. N otices for election were to be given by the sheriff, ministers, and rectors in the same manner as for representatives to serve in the General Assembly. The law also provided that if pre vented holding the election on the day aforesaid, by rain, snow, or rise of waters, the sheriff was authorized to adjourn to that day week, or as often as so prevented. The electors met at the appointed time and selected the farm of Andrew Heath as the most convenient place. This farm is on the Monongahela River (now Washington County) nearly opposite and a little above Elizabethtown, Alleghany County. The court directed Thomas Smallman, John Canon, and John Gibson, or any two of them, to provide a house at the public expense for the use of holding the court, and that the sheriff contract with the workmen to put the same in repair. 16 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. The original records show that the court directed Isaac Cox to contract with some person or persons to build a complete bar and other work in the inside of the court-house to be completed by the next court. On the 24th of November, 1118, Messrs. Kuykendall and New- all were authorized to contract with some person to junk and daub the court-house, and provide locks and bars for the doors of the gaol, and to build an addition to the eastern end of the court-house and gaol, sixteen feet square, one story high, with good, sufficient logs, a good cobber roof, a good outside chimney, with convenient seats for the court and bar, with a sheriff's box, a good iron pipe stove for the gaol room, and that they have a pair of stocks, whip ping-post, m&pillory erected in the court yard. The ancient laws of Virginia declared that the court in every county shall cause to be set up near the court house a pillory, pair of stocks, a whipping-post, and a ducking-stool in such place as they shall think convenient, which not being set up within six months after the date of this act, the said court shall be fined five thousand pounds of tobacco. Punishments. In 1180 Andrew Heath was ordered to have the court-house and gaol repaired and to erect a pillory and stocks. It appears that the price paid for these articles of punishment at this time was two thousand dollars, continental money, to Paul Matthews, the con tractor, which amount was equivalent to three hundred and seven dollars. On the 24th of June, 1118, the court ordered Colonel William Crawford and David Shepherd to lay out the prison bounds for the county of Youghiogheny, and make report to the court. This com mittee subsequently reported the prison bounds to be as follows, viz: Beginning at a large black oak standing easterly from the court house and marked with six notches, and extending thence south easterly by a line of marked trees to a white oak near and including the spring ; thence northerly by a line of marked trees, including the house of Paul Matthews, to a white oak ; 4hence by a line of marked trees to the place of beginning, which prison bounds were approved by the court and ordered to be recorded. Paul Matthews, whose house was included in the prison bounds was appointed the gaoler, and for the year 1118 was allowed seventy- five pounds five shillings and tenpence for furnishing prisoners with victuals and finding iron for criminals. On the 24th of January, 1180, the following curious entry is made in the minutes of the court: Ordered, that Isaac Justice, John Chamberlain, William Bruce, and William Maybell be allowed one hundred and twenty-five pounds of tobacco for seven days' attendance as a guard on a prisoner, and eighty-four dollars each for finding their own provisions, and the sheriff was directed to pay the same. HI8T0RY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 11 At the same sitting of the court we find that Andrew Heath was directed to have the upper story of the gaol put into order for a, jury room. We have spoken of the corporeal punishments inflicted upon criminals, which consisted of the pillory, the stocks, the whipping post, and the ducking-stool, each of which I shall describe for the benefit of those who are unacquainted with these relics of barbarism. The Pillory is one of the most ancient corporeal punishments in England, France, Germany, and other countries. As early as 1215, by a statute of Edward I., it was enacted that every stretch-neck or pillory should be made of convenient strength, so that execution might be done upon offenders without peril to their bodies. The pillory consisted of a wooden frame erected on a stool with holes and folding boards for the admission of the head and hands. The heroes of the pillory have not been the worst class of men, for we find that a man by the name of Leighton, for printing his Zion's Plea against Prelacy, was fined £10,000, degraded from the ministry, pilloried, branded, and whipped through the city of London, in 1631, besides having an ear cropped and his nostrils slit. The length of time the criminal stood in and upon the pillory was determined by the judge. • The Stocks was a simple arrangement for exposing a culprit on a bench, confined by having his ankles made fast in holes under a movable board. Sometimes the stocks and whipping-post were con nected together, the posts which supported the stocks being made sufficiently high were furnished near the top with iron clasps to fasten round the wrists of the offender and hold him securely during the infliction of the punishment. Sometimes a single post was made to serve both purposes, clasps being provided near the top for the wrists when used as a whipping-post, and similar clasps below for the ankles when used as stocks, in which case the culprit sat on a bench behind the post, so that his legs, when fastened to the post, were in a horizontal position. On the 23d of February, 1115, Luke Joliff was tried for deserting from the militia with a stand of arms and preventing the Indians from returning prisoners held by them. He was courted at Fort Dunmore (Pittsburg), and sentenced to receive five hundred lashes with a cat-o'-nine-tails on his bare back, well laid on, at such hours and in such manner as not to endanger life and member. At a court held in Washington County, June, 1186, Richard Burke was convicted of larceny and sentenced to seventeen lashes at the public whipping-post well laid on, between 4 and 6 o'clock P. M., to restore the goods and pay fine and costs. For the purpose of restraining evil, men suffered in the stocks, but women in ducking-stools. This punishment was extensively used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The following descrip tion was given by an intelligent Frenchman in the year 1100 : He says this method of punishing scolding women is funny enough. 18 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. They fasten an armed chair to the end of two strong beams, twelve or fifteen feet long and parallel to each other. The chair hangs upon a sort of axle, on which it plays freely, so as always to remain in the horizontal position. The scold being well fastened in her chair, the two beams are then placed, as near to the centre as possible, across a post on the water-side, and being lifted up behind, the chair, of course, drops into the cold element. The ducking is repeated ac cording to the degree of shrewishness possessed by the patient, and has generally the effect of cooling her immoderate heat, at least for a time. The ducking-stool for Youghiogheny County was erected at the con fluence of the Ohio and the Monongahela rivers on February 22d, 1115. We are glad, however, in this enlightened age, that all these varied punishments are done away with,, especially the one for the weaker, if not always the gentler sex. While on the subject of punishments in Youghiogheny County, we may add that many persons were fined from five to twenty shillings for drunkenness, profane swearing, &c, &c, while the sheriff, George McCormick, received one pound, seventeen shillings and sixpence for executing a negro boy on the 28th of 'November, 1188, belonging to James Decamp. Previous to the ratification of the report of the surveyors by the legislature of Virginia, October 8th, 1185, Ohio County had been formed from Youghiogheny by the line of Cross Creek. On the settle ment of the boundary question, that portion of Youghiogheny County lying north of Cross Creek was added to Ohio County, being too small for a separate county ; and the county of Youghiogheny became extinct ; hence Hancock and so much of Brooke as lies north of Cross Creek was the last of the ancient Youghiogheny County. Other facts connected with Youghiogheny County we shall reserve until we give the boundaries of Ohio and Monongalia Counties, the former of which is intimately connected with Washington County. Ohio County. Ohio County originally constituted a part of the district of West Augusta. Its boundaries, according to the act of Assembly of Octo ber, 1116, were as follows— that from and after the 8th of November 1116, all that part of the said district lying within the following lines' to wit, beginning at the mouth of Cross Creek, thence up the same to the head thereof; thence southeastwardly to the nearest part of the ridge which divides the waters of the Ohio from those of Mononga hela ; thence along^the said ridge to the line which divides the coun ty of Augusta from the said district ; thence with the said boundary to the Ohio -thence up the same to the beginning, shall be known by the name. of Ohio County. J The electors of Ohio County were to meet at the house of Ezekiel HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 19 Dewit, on the 8th of December, 1116, to choose the most convenient place for holding courts in said county. It is said that for some time the courts of this county were held at Black's Cabin, on the waters of Short Creek, on January 16, 1111, at or near where West Liberty is. Rev. Dr. Smith says : The first court for the county of Ohio was held at Black's Cabin. There is every reason to believe that this was the first civil court held in the valley of the Mississippi. On the 1th of April, 1711, the court ordered a court-house and jail to be erected. The first attorneys admitted to practise in the court were Philip Pendleton and George Brent, on the 2d November, 1118. Mr. Pendleton was appointed the commonwealth's attorney. In a work by the Rev. Joseph Smith, D. D., entitled "Old Red stone," which contains historical sketches of Western Presbyterian- ism — its early ministers, its perilous times, and its first records, we find that the Presbytery of Redstone met on the 25th of October, 1182, at Dunlap Creek, and one minister was appointed as a supply at Ohio court-house. This place, says the Rev. Dr. Smith, was some miles west of the present town o£ Washington, and was a seat of justice under the government of Virginia, as all Washington County, together with Fayette and Greene and a large portion of Allegheny and Westmoreland counties was claimed by that State and considered a part of Augusta County, Virginia. The records show no other appointment for a supply at this place. Monongalia County. This was the third county into which the district of West Au gusta was divided. It was northward of the county of Augusta, westward of the meridian of the head fountain of the Potomac, and to the eastward of the county of Ohio. The Monongalia court-house was on the farm of Theophilus Phillips from 1116 to 1182 (now owned by Everhart Bierer), near New Geneva in Fayette County. By an act of the General Assem bly of Virginia of May, 1183, it declares that by reason of the late extension of Mason and Dixon's line the court-house of Monongalia had fallen within the limits of Pennsylvania, therefore, the house of Zachwell Morgan (the present location of Morgantown, Virginia) should be made the future place of holding courts until a court-house should be erected. The county lines of Youghiogheny, Ohio, and Monongalia were adjusted in the summer of 1118 by Col. William Crawford, Richard Yeates, Isaac Leet, William Scott, and James McMahon. Courts. The courts of each judicial district were required to administer and dispense justice, establish v ferries, confirm roads when reported necessary, bind out orphan children, grant letters of administration, 20 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. probate wills, appoint subordinate officers, grant tavern licenses, re cord marks, try crimes and misdemeanors, and perform such duties as would advance the interests of the community. When the court met at Fort Dunmore, originally Fort Pitt, on the 21st of February, 1115, many questions were presented to them at this and their subsequent sittings, some of which we shall give to gratify the taste of the antiquarian, and as calculated to throw some light on our early history. Roads. Viewers appointed to report a road from Fort Dunmore to Fort Dunfield; from Gist's to Fort Dunmore and Paul Freeman's on Shir- tee (Chartiers) Creek, by James Devore's ferry. From P. Mountz mill by Arbergus ferry and from thence to Catfish Camp (now Washington). This road ran from Mountz mill by way of Beeler's ferry; thence to the east fork of Chartiers' Creek ; thence to Catfish Camp. From Fort Dunmore to Becket's Fort the points were from Becket's Fort to James Wilson's ; thence to the Monongahela River ; thence to the head of Sawmill Run ; thence to Fort Pitt (Pittsburg); from the court-house to Pentecost's mill on Chartiers' Creek. This road began at the court-house on Andrew Heath's farm ; thence to Spencer's Point ; thence near Richardson's school-house ; thence through Gabriel Cox's land ; thence crossing Peters' Creek near to John Cox's ; thence to Joshua Wright's ; thence to William Ste phenson's ; thence to Thomas Crook's ; thence to said mill. This road confirmed April 24, 1118. From Catfish Camp (Washington) to Pentecost's mill; confirmed May 26, 1118. Overseers were Thomas Ashbrooke and John McDowell. From Froman's mill on Mingo Creek to the road ieading from the court-house to Pente cost's mill, between the plantations of Johnson Wrights and John Johnston. From Fort Dunmore to Dunfields, to join Dunfields on Chartiers' Creek. From old Redstone fort (Brownsville) to Conrad Walker's, foot of Laurel Hill. From Thomas Gist's to Paul Free man's on Chartiers' Creek. From Redstone old fort (Brownsville) to Chartiers' Creek and to Paul Freeman's. From the mouth of the Youghiogheny River at McKee's ferry to the road from Devore's ferry to Reno's, near Sampson Beaver's and to Freeman's mill. From Fort Dunmore to Charles Brice's on Raccoon Creek. From Dorsey Pentecost's by Peter Barrackman's ferry to Fort Dunmore. From Major William Crawford's to near the forks of Indian Creek. From the foot of Laurel Hill at Conrad Walter's, by William Teagarden's ferry on the Monongahela to the mouth of Wheeling Creek. The points of this road were from the confluence of Wheeling Creek to the confluence of Tenmile Creek, on the Monongahela River; thenee to Walter's. In the construction of roads the tithables (that is, all persons between the ages of 16 and 45) within three miles of the pro posed road, were required to work upon the road under supervisors appointed to superintend the making and grading of the same. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 21 Orphan Children. The orphan children were bound out by the court as apprentices. They were required to serve until they arrived at the age of twenty- one ; were instructed in some art ; taught to read and write, and arithmetic as far as the rule of three ; given two suits of clothing, and if brought up on a farm, each male also received an axe, maul, nugs, and wedges. Taverns. Taverns were licensed by the court of Youghiogheny County, and in 1118 we find that the court fixed the following bill of prices for the keepers of taverns. Whiskey by the half pint, two shillings ; whis key made into toddy, two shillings and sixpence ; beer per quart, two shillings and sixpence ; hot breakfast, three • shillings ; cold breakfast, two shillings and sixpence ; dinner, four shillings ; supper, three shillings ; lodging with clean sheets, one shilling and sixpence ; stabling with hay and fodder, five shillings ; corn per quart, nine- pence ; oats per quart, sixpence. But in 1181, when continental money was depreciated, the prices were changed by the court, who ordered tavern keepers to sell at the following rates : For half pint of whiskey, $4 ; breakfast or supper, $15 ; dinner, $20 ; lodging with clean sheets, $3 ; one horse over night, $3 ; one gallon of corn, $5; one gallon of oats, $4 ; strong beer per quart, $6. The rates of license were published by the crier of the court, and also set up in the most public places. Continental Money. While upon the subject of finances, as there will be occasion to refer to the continental money, I may add that this money was issued by Congress to carry on the Revolutionary War, for the redemption of which the faith of the colonies was pledged. I therefore give the dates and amounts of issues from a reliable source. 1115, June 22, $2,000,000. Other emissions from this date to 1180, amounting to $200,000,000, had been issued and none, re deemed. 1111, January, paper currency 5, per cent, discount, and in July 25 per cent., but before the end of the year, $3 in paper would not command a silver dollar. 1118, April, $4 in paper to one dollar in coin. September, $5 to one in coin, and December, $6 50 to one dollar in coin. 1119, February, $8 50, May $12, and September $18 to one in coin, and before the close of the year a paper dollar was worth but four cents. 1180, March, one dollar in paper worth 3 cents; May, a dollar worth but two cents, and in December, $14 in paper was worth one dollar in silver. 22 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Ferries. The court licensed the following persons to establish ferries at different localities within the county of Youghiogheny, from 1115 to 1119. Henry Heath, on his own plantation on the Monongahela River. William Lynn, on the Monongahela River, from his house to the land of Francis Hall. Michael Cressay, at Redstone, old fort (Browns ville), to the land of Indian Peter. James Devore, from his house on the Monongahela River, to the mouth of Pigeon Creek. To Samuel Sinclair, who lives in the forks of the Monongahela and Youghiogheny rivers, to have a ferry over each of the rivers. Jacob Bausman, across the Monongahela River, from his house to the town opposite (fort Dunmore). Christopher Carpenter, across the Mo nongahela River, for the purpose of conveying over the militia men on muster days. William Anderson, on the southeast side of the Monongahela River, to the lands of Andrew Heath. The prices established by the court for ferriage were, fourpence half penny for any head of neat cattle, and the same for a foot person ; two shil lings and sixpence for a man, and the same for a horse. Attorneys at Law. The lawyers were required to take the abjuration, test, and other oaths to which I have referred. The record gives the following per sons as having complied therewith during the years 1115 and 1116. George Brent, Philip Pendleton, George Rootes, David Semple, James Berwick, Andrew Ross,. Henry Peyton, John G. Jones, Charles Simms, Samuel Irwin. Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs. During the years 1115 and 1180, John Christian and Joseph Hor- ton, George McCormick, Matthew Ritchie, William Harrison, Benj. Kuykendall, Thomas Smallman, and Edward Ward exercised the office of sheriff, and Patrick McElroy, Francis Worm David Steel William Hawkins, Hugh Sterling, John Dossman, John J Wood' Richard Burns, that of deputy sheriff. ' Surveyors. David Steel, William Crawford, Edward Sharp, Gabriel Green, Samuel Finch, John Harry, and Daniel Leet were appointed survey ors, who acted as such for several years On the 11th of April 1116 Daniel Leet produced a commission from the College of William and Mary to be Surveyor of the Countv of Augusta, which embraced the county itself and the district subse quently divided into three counties. He took the usual oaths in onen court, and gave as his securities for the fulfilment of the dutiJi nf his office, George Rice and George McCormick, Esquires HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 23 It appears that in the early history of our country, these certifi cates or commissions from a college were absolutely necessary, for in examining the records of Culpepper County, Virginia, is the follow ing record : 20th July, 1149 (0. S.), George Washington, Gent., produced a commission from the President and Master of William and Mary College appointing him to be a surveyor of Culpepper County, which was read, and thereupon he took the usual oaths to his majesty's person and government, and other oaths according to law. Military Officers. All military officers were required, in open court, to take the test and other oaths. Among the list of officers commissioned is the name of the notorious Simon Girty, who subscribed these oaths February 22d, 1115, in Pittsburg, and yet proved recreant to all his obligations, renounced civilized life and assisted the Indians in torturing the noble and heroic Col. William Crawford, at Sandusky, in 1182, where he suffered the most terrible death which Indian ingenuity could devise. Grist-Mills. Before a mill could be erected, so tenacious was the law of the rights of individuals, that it required the sheriff to summon twelve freeholders of the vicinage to meet on the land to determine if any of the adjoining lands would be affected by the back-water from the dam, and the jury there assembled were to value the damages and make report to the court. Applications were made by the following persons, and confirmed by the court, establishing mill-seats at the localities designated: Paul Froman on Mingo Creek; Col. John Campbell on Campbell's Run emptying into Chartiers' Creek on the west side near the mouth of Robinson Run ; Nicholas Pease on Chartiers' Creek ; Basil Brown on Big Redstone Creek ; Dorsey Pen tecost on the eastern branch of Chartiers' Creek. These mills were erected from 1111 to 1181. Salt. The early condition of the inhabited country west of the Laurel Hill can be easily imagined from the decree of the court in refer ence to this article. In 1118, November 24, the court ordered that Isaac Cox be empowered to account with all persons that hath neglected any business relation to this (Youghiogheny) county's salt, lodged with Israel Thompson, of Loudon County, and that he receive the remainder of said salt and transport it to this county and issue the same to the inhabitants to whom it is due, at six pounds ten shil lings per bushel, and the profits thereon shall be his full satisfaction for his said services, and that the said Colonel Cox shall also pay 24 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. all demands on said salt, either for the original purchase or other- Wise. On September 29, 1119, the court ordered that Col. John Canon have the public salt, which now lies at Alexandria, brought up to this (Youghiogheny) county and distribute it to the persons entitled to receive it, and that he be authorized to contract for the carriage on such terms as he can, taking care in the distribution to fix the price so as to raise the money due thereon for the original cost. January 3, 1180, Benjamin Kuykendall was directed to bring up two hun dred bushels of salt from Alexandria on the same principles. Cotton and Wool Cards. Intimately connected with the foregoing subject was that of cot ton and wool cards, provided for at the public expense, under the direction of the court, as the sequel will show. May 21, 1118, the court ordered Isaac Cox, Thomas Freeman and Andrew Swearingen, to distribute the cards assigned for this county, upon proper and suitable satisfaction produced to them. On the 24th of June, of the same year, Col. John Stephenson and Isaac Cox were directed to distribute one-half of the foregoing cards to the battalion of Col. Stephenson. In the distribution of the cards the Committee were instructed to conform _to the Governor's letter of November 26, 1111, which provided that if there are more women in either battalion, the Committee were to supply according to the num ber of persons who had the right to obtain the same. Counterfeit Money. The law authorized the court to appoint suitable persons to decide upon counterfeit money. Accordingly, we find that in 1119 Thomas Gist, Thomas Warren, and John Irwin, of Pittsburg, Matthew Rit chie and Dorsey Pentecost, of the then county of Westmoreland but m 1181 were residents of Washington County, were appointed and sworn in as judges of counterfeit money Allegiance. ' ^V*' H*?* 22A ^ev\ Edward HuShy produced a license from the Presbytery of Londonderry, in the kingdom of Ireland, to preach the Oospel of Jesus Christ, which was read in open court, whereupon the said Edward Hughy came into court and took the oath of alle giance and fidelity to this commonwealth. The Presbytery of Done gal reported to the Synod of Philadelphia, May 19th, 1113 that they SfhTm*1^ ^ ^ H^aS a member' and that on May character suspended him for unchristian conduct and 1118, August 28th. Rev. William Renno, a minister of the Gos pel, also came into court and took the required oaths. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 25 Naturalization. In the office of the Secretary of State, at Harrisburg, is a list, showing the names of those who were naturalized in the year 1165. The requisitions were entirely different to those of the present time, and were then considered as a religious rite or ceremony. The certifi cate of the Prothonotary reads thus: — I do hereby certify that at a Supreme Court held at Philadelphia, before William Allen, William Coleman and Alexander Stedman, Esqs., judges of the same court, from the 24th of September to the 26th of October, 1165, between the hours of nine and twelve o'clock in the forenoon of each day, the following persons being foreigners, and having inhabited and resided for the space of seven years in his majesty's colonies in America, and not having been absent out of the said colonies for a longer space than two months at one time, during the said seven years, and having produced to the said court certificates of their having taken the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper within three months before the said court, took and subscribed the oaths, and did make and repeat the declaration, according to the di rections of an act of Parliament, made in the thirteenth year of the reign of his late majesty, Bang George II., entitled "An act for naturalizing such foreign Protestants and others therein mentioned, as are settled or shall settle on any of his majesty's colonies in America, and therefore were ad mitted to be his majesty's natural born subjects of the kingdom of Great Britain. EDWARD SHIPPEN, Prothonotary. Passports. The court, upon application, granted passports, indorsing the cha racter of good and true citizens. To preserve the form used I sub join one. 1118, May 26th. Tacitus Gillard, Esq., came into court, and pro cured a passport from the Board of War, and desired that the same might be entered on the minutes of the court of Youghiogheny County, as a testimonial. of his allegiance and fidelity to the United States of America, which is granted, and is as follows : — War Office, Yorktown, October, 15, 1111. To all Continental officers, and others whom it may concern : Tacitus Gillard, Esq., late an inhabitant of the State of South Carolina, being on his way to Florida, or some of the countries or places on this side thereof, or adjacent thereto, where he purposes to form a settlement ; and having applied for a passport to enable him to go and travel through the parts of the country in allegiance to and in amity with the United States of America, and having produced the testimonial of his having taken the oaths of allegiance and fidelity to the said States; these are to permit the said Tacitus Gillard, Esq., freely to pass with his family, servants, attendance, and effects down the Ohio River, and all persons are desired not to molest the said Tacitus Gillard, Esq., and his family, servants, and effects on any account or pretence whatever. By order of the Board of War. RICHARD PETERS, Secretary. 3 26 history of washington county. Benevolence of Youghiogheny County. The court felt it to be their duty to provide for the soldiers' wid ows and the orphans of soldiers, who had been engaged in the Conti nental service, and they accordingly appropriated out of the county funds, a monthly allowance for the purpose. A few examples will suffice. Eleanor Lindsey was allowed for herself and her five children, five pounds per month ; John Sherley's widow, forty shillings per month ; Bridget Blackstone, three pounds per month ; and William Shaw's wife and six children, six pounds per month. Marriage Extraordinary. 1118, April 28th. Thomas Gist came into court, and being sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, sayeth that in the' year of our Lord 1112, in the month of April, to the best of his recol lection, in the presence of Joseph Beeler, John Stephenson, and George Read, he solemnized the rite of matrimony between Isaac Meason and Catharine Harrison, according to the rites and .cerenio- nies of the Church of England, he, the said deponent, being a magi strate in the State of Pennsylvania, and that he was under an oath not to divulge said marriage, except lawfully called on for that pur pose. John Stephenson and Joseph Beeler came into court, and being sworn, sayeth that they were present at the marriage of Isaac Mea son and Catharine Harrison, in the year 1112, in the month of April, and was under a promise not to divulge said marriage, unless legally called upon, or death of either of the parties. And the said Joseph Beeler says that there was a pre-engagement between the said Isaac and Catharine, that upon divulging the said marriage, contrary to the will of the said Isaac, that said parties should be absolved from any obligation to each other as man and wife. Reflections. In bringing our first chapter to a close, we need but remark that the early or primitive history of this section of the country has almost passed fro"m the minds of the present generation of men. The footprints of time are visible everywhere, and occasionally we procure a solitary landmark, isolated and alone. These we have collected together to perpetuate them as relics of the past. Neither is it to be expected that our forefathers would devote their time and attention in recording facts for future generations. The difficulties they had to encounter, the toils they were required to endure, the constant dread of Indian massacre, all united to prevent faithful and reliable facts from being preserved to guide the historian. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 21 The advantage to be derived from this chapter is that we became acquainted with the topography of the country, its boundaries, streams, laws, customs, and names of the leading public characters, and thus we are enabled to localize facts, events, and persons. CHAPTEE II. A GENERAL OUTLINE HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA. History of Pennsylvania, from the date of its charter to the present time, embracing a list of all the Indian titles to lands — Historical and statistical facts — The date of the formation of each county of the State, with the num ber of acres and population in each, and a list of the Governors from the accession of Wm. Penn, its proprietor, in 1681 to 1810. On the 4th of March, 1681, Charles the Second granted to Wil liam Penn a charter for the Province of Pennsylvania, the king having a regard to the memory and merits of William Penn's father in divers services, and particularly in his late conduct, courage and discretion, under James, Duke of York, in that signal battle and victory fought and obtained against the Dutch fleet, commanded by Heer Von Opdam, in the year 1655. In consideration thereof, King Charles II. granted to William Penn, his heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land in America, with all the islands therein contained, as the same is bounded on the east by Delaware River, from twelve miles distance, northwards of New Castletown, unto the three and fortieth degree of northern latitude, if the said river doth extend so far northward, but if the said river shall not extend so far northward, then by the said river so far as it doth extend, and from the head of the said river the eastern bounds are to be determined by a meridian line to be drawn from the head of said river, unto the said three and fortieth degree. The said land to extend westward five degrees in longitude, to be computed from the said eastern bounds, and the said land to be bounded on the north by the beginning of the three and fortieth degree of northern latitude, and on the south by a circle drawn at twelve miles dis tance from New Castle northward, and westward unto the begin ning of the fortieth degree of northern latitude, and then by a straight line westward to the limits of longitude above mentioned. This charter is in the office of the Secretary of Pennsylvania, and is written on parchment in the old English handwriting. Each line is underscored with red ink, the borders are gorgeously embla zoned with heraldic devices, and on the top is a portrait of his majesty. This document is nearly two hundred years old. 28 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Under the provisions of this charter, William Penn, by and with the advice, assent, and approbation of the freemen of the said country, had authority to ordain, make, and enact laws. Accord ingly, on the 25th of April, 1682, William Penn framed a form of government for the Province of Pennsylvania. It consisted of a preface and twenty-four articles, confirming, unto the freemen thereof, their liberties, franchises, and property. On the 24th October, 1682, William Penn arrived with an addi tional number of colonists at New Castle, (now in the State of Delaware), and entered into a solemn covenant with the Indians by purchasing their lands and giving them full satisfaction. It must be remembered that William Markham, his deputy, had preceded ^ him to America, and had entered into negotiations with the Indians * on July 15, 1682, but it was stipulated therein that this act was to be publicly ratified by William Penn on his arrival. Conse quently, the Sachems and their tribes, with Penn and his colonists, met at Coaquannoc (Philadelphia), but the treaty was confirmed at Shackamaxon (Kensington), under the Elm Tree. In connection with the subject of lands, their extent and limits as purchased from the Indians, it will be proper to remark, that from the arrival of William Markham, deputy of William Penn, until the year 1192, a period of one hundred and ten years, the whole right of soil of the Indians within the charter bounds of Pennsylvania, has been extinguished by the follow thirty -three trea ties and purchases : — 1. — 1682, July 15. Deed for lands between the falls of Delaware and Neshaming Creek, confirmed by William Penn, October 24, 1682, under the elm tree. 2. — 1683, June 23. Deed for lands between Pennepackand Nesha ming, and to run two days' journey with a horse, backward up into the country. 3. — 1683, June 25. Wingebone's release for lands on the west side of Schuylkill, beginning at the first falls and backward on the same as far as his right extended. 4— 1683, July 14. Deed for lands between Schuylkill and Chester Creek. 5.— 1683, July 14. Deed for lands between Schuylkill and Pennepack. 6.— 1683, September 10. Kake Tappan's deed for his half of all his lands between Susquehanna and Delaware, on the Susquehanna side. 1. — 1683, October 18. Machaloha's deed for lands between the Del aware River and Chesapeake Bay, and up to the falls of the Susquehanna. 8. — 1684, June 3. Manghenghsiri>s release for his land on Perkioming. 9. — 1684, June 1. Bichard MettammiconVs release for lands on both sides Pennepack on Delaware River. 10.— 1685, July 30. Deed for lands between Pennepack and Chester HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 29 Creek, and back as far as a man can go in two days from a point on Conshohocken hill. 11. — 1685, October 2. Deed for lands between Duck and Chester creeks, and backward from Delaware, as far as a man could ride in two days with a horse. 12. — 1692, June 15. Acknowledgment of satisfaction for land be tween Neshaming and Poquessing creeks, and back to the bounds of the Province. 13. — 1696, January 13. Dongan's deed to William Penn for lands on both sides of Susquehanna, from the lakes to the Chesapeake Bay. 14. — 1691, January 5. Taming's deed for the lands between Penne pack and Neshaming, and as far back as a horse can travel in two summer days. 15. — 1100, September 13. Deed of the Susquehanna Indians for the lands on both sides of the Susquehanna and next adjoining the same, and comprising Dongan's deed (No. 13) 16. — 1101, April 23. Ratification of Dongan's deed and the deed of September 13, 1100 (No. 14), by the Susquehanna, Shawnese, Potomac, and Conestogoe Indians. 11 1118, September 13. Deed of release by the Delaware Indians, for the lands between the Delaware and Susquehanna rivers, from Duck Creek to the Lehigh hills. 18. — 1120, December 16. Controversy respecting the boundary of the lands, arising from the distance which a man and horse can each travel in a day, and satisfactorily arranged by deed. 19. — 1126, May 31. Deed for lands on both sides of Brandywine Creek. 20. 1132, September 1. Deed for lands between Lehigh hills and Kittatinny Mountains, between Schuylkill and its branches, and the branches of Delaware. 21. 1136, October 11. Deed for the river Susquehanna and the lands on both sides thereof, eastward to the head of the branches, or springs running into the Susquehanna, and westward to the setting of the sun, and from its mouth to the Kittatinny hills. 22. 1136, October 25. The preceding deed declared by the In dians to include the lands on the Delaware, and northward to the Kittatinny hills. 23. 1131, August 28. Deed comprising the walking purchase, or, as far as a man can go in a day and a half from the westerly branch of Neshaming up the Delaware. 24.— 1149, August 22. Deed for lands from the Kittatinny Mountain to Mahanoy Mountain, and between Susquehanna and Delaware on the north side of Lackawaxen Creek. 25.—1154, July 6. Deed at Albany for the lands on the west side of Susquehanna, from Kittatinny Mountain, to a mile above the mouth of Penn's Creek, thence northwest and by west, as far as the Province extends to its western boundaries. 30 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 26.— 1158, October 23. Deed of surrender of part of the purchase of 1154, and new boundaries declared and confirmed from Penu's Creek, northwest and by west, to Buffalo Creek, then west to Alleghany Mountain, and along the east side thereof, to the western boundary of the Province. 21—1168, September 5. The end of Nittany Mountain assumed as a station, per deed made, and surveys not usually made north thereof. . 28.— 1168, November 5. Deed at Fort Stanwix, commonly called the new purchase. 29.— 1184, October 23. Deed explaining the boundary at the treaty at Fort Stanwix and Pine Creek, declared to have been the boundary designed by the Indians. - 30. 1184, December 21. Deed declaring Lycoming to be the bound ary. 31.— 1185, January 21. Deed at Fort Stanwix and Fort Mcintosh, for the residue of the lands within the Commonwealth, made October 23, 1184, and January 21, 1185. 32. — 1189, January 9. Indian cession of lands at Presque Isle. 33. — 1192, March 3. It is necessary to state that on the 3d of October, 1188, an Act was passed authorizing the Supreme Executive Council to draw on the State Treasurer for a sum of money for defraying the expense of purchasing of the Indians, lands on lake Erie. It is usually called the purchase of the tri angle from the United States. This triangle contains two hun dred and two thousand one hundred and eighty .seven acres of land. To the student of Pennsylvania history, these facts are worthy of rememberance, because it gives the date and extent of the purchases made from the Indians. We shall now turn our attention to the government of the Province of Pennsylvania, when in its infancy. On December, 1682, William Penn, in accordance with the sixteenth article of .the frame of his government, assembled all the freemen of this Province at Chester (then called Upland), as well as those of the three territories (as they were called), of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex. At this purely democratic meeting, an act of union passed, annexing the three lower counties (now the State of Delaware) to the Province of Pennsylvania, in legislation. The Proprietor, by and with the consent of the first Assembly, divided the Province of Pennsylvania into three counties, and named them Philadelphia, Bucks, and Chester, while the Terri tories retained the names of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex. For each of the counties and territories, sheriffs and other proper officers were appointed by the Proprietor ; but the Council and Assembly men were elected by the people. On March 10th, 1683, the Council and Assemblymen met in Phila- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 31 delphia ; each county having returned three members for the Council and nine for the Assembly. In the year 1684, William Penn returned to England, leaving commissioners with a President to administer the government during his absence. But this mode of government not proving satisfactory to the three lower counties, its form was changed in 1691 ; William Markham was appointed Deputy Governor by William Penn. It was at this period that separate legislatures were formed and the Provinces became finally separated. In August, 1699, William Penn sailed from England to Penn sylvania, and reassumed the reins of government to the entire satisfaction of the people. On the 28th of October, 1101, he pre sented the Council and Assembly with a new charter of privileges, and having appointed Andrew Hamilton Lieutenant-Governor, sailed for England. This charter continued the supreme law of the Province until the Declaration of Independence was promulgated July 4th, 1116. A court then assembled at Philadelphia, July 8th, 1116, to form a constitution for the State of Pennsylvania, and on the 28th of September following, a constitution was adopted by re presentatives for the city of Philadelphia and the counties of Phila delphia, Bucks, Chester, Lancaster, York, Cumberland, Berks, North ampton, Bedford, Northumberland, and Westmoreland, being all the counties (eleven in number) which then composed the State of Pennsylvania. It is eminently proper to remark that Benjamin Franklin was President of the Convention which formed the first Constitution for Pennsylvania. Immediately upon his taking his seat, the representatives unanimously passed a resolution inviting the Rev. William White (who afterwards officiated for many years as Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of this diocese) to perform divine service for the Convention, to jointly offer up their prayers to Almighty God to afford His divine grace and assistance in the important and arduous task committed to them as the repre sentatives of the people of Pennsylvania, and to offer up their praises and thanksgiving for the manifold mercies and the peculiar interpo sition of His special providence in behalf of the injured, oppressed, and insulted United States. This Constitution was the supreme law of the State, from Septem ber 28th, 1116, the date of its final adoption, until September 2d, 1190, when a second constitution was formed by the representatives of the people. On the 9th of October, 1838, a third constitution was adopted by the people ; the same having been submitted by a vote of the Convention which had previously assembled to make the necessary amendments. Having thus briefly narrated a concise history of the State, and to which we shall often have occasion to refer in the history of Washington County, I shall now turn our attention to the boundaries of Pennsylvania for the like reason. 32 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Pennsylvania extends from north latitude 39° 43' to north latitude 42°; from 2° 11' east to 3° 31' west from Washington city. It is bounded, in common with the State of Delaware, from the Dela ware River by a circular line, around New Castle County to the northeast limits of Cecil County, Maryland, . . 24 miles. Due north to the northeast angle of Maryland, . 2 Along the northern limits of Maryland, . . 203 " In common with Virginia, from the northwest angle of Maryland to the southwest angle of Green County, . 59 " Due north in common with Ohio and Brooke counties of West Virginia to the Ohio River, . . . 64 " Continuing the last noted limit in common with the Ohio to Lake Erie, ....... 91 " Along the southeast shore of Lake Erie to the Western limit of New York, 39 " Due south, along Chautauque County of New York, to north latitude, 42° 19 " Thence due east in common with New York, to the , right bank of the Delaware River, .... 230 " Down the Delaware to the northeast angle of the State of Delaware, 230 " Having an entire outline of . . . 961 " The greatest length of Pennsylvania is due west from Bristol, on the Delaware River, to the eastern border of Ohio County in West Virginia, through three hundred and fifty-six minutes of longitude along north latitude, 40° 09' This distance, on that line of latitude, is equal to two hundred and eighty American statute miles. The greatest breadth is one hundred and seventy-six miles, from the West Virginia line to the extreme northern angle on Lake Erie, it being one hundred and seventy-five miles. It contains forty-four thou sand three hundred and seventeen miles ; or twenty-eight million three hundred and sixty-two thousand eight hundred and eight acres of land. The following table will exhibit the population of Pennsylvania, both as a Province and a State, from 1131, at periods of ten years. 1131— 10,000. 1180— 128,293. 1830—1,348,110. 1140— 14,325. 1190— 414,313. 1840—1,124,033. 1150— 21,000. 1800— 602,545. 1850—2,314,891. 1160— 31,661. 1810— 810,091. 1860—2,905,215. 1110— 39,665. 1820—1,049,313. I shall now close this general history of the State of Pennsylvania, by giving the names of each county ; the date of its formation ; the number of acres in each, with their respective population, premising the following tabular statements, with the remark, that Cameron County was not organized until after the census of 1860 had been taken, and the population is included in the counties of Clinton HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 33 Elk, MeKean, and Potter, from which it was taken ; while with the part of Venango which was added to Forest by act of Assembly approved October 31st, 1866, the population was transferred but not ascertained. Name. Date of Formation. Acres. Populat'n. 1. Philadelphia Mar. 10, 1682, one of Pena's original counties 80,640 565,529 2. Chester Mar. 10, 1682, " " " 472,320 74,578 3. Bucks: Mar. 10, 1682, " " " 3S7.200 63,578 4. Lancaster May 10, 1729, from a part of Chester 608,000 116,314 '8.. York.'. Aug. 19, 1749, " " Lancaster 576,000 68,200 6. Cumberland Jan. 27,1750, " " Lancaster 348,160 40,098 7. Berks Mar. 11, 1752, from a part of Philadelphia, Chester, and Lancaster 588,800 93,818 8. Northampton Mar. 11, 1752, from a part of Bucks 240,000 47,904 9. Bedford Mar. 9,1771, " " Cumberland 636,160 26,736 10. Northumberland.. Mar. 27, 1772, from a part of Cumberland, Berks, Bedford, and Northampton 292,480 28,922 11. Westmoreland ™eb. 26j 1773, from a part of Bedford, and in 1785 part of the Indian purchase of 1784 ¦was added 672,000 53,736 12. Washington Mar. 28, 1781, from a part of Westmoreland 673,440 46,805 13. Fayette Sept. 26, 17S3, " " Westmoreland 527,360 39,909 14. Franklin Sept. 9,1784, " " Cumberland 480,000 42,126 15. Montgomery Sept. 10, 1784, " " Philadelphia 303,080 70,500 16. Dauphin Mar. 4,1785, " " Lancaster 357,760 46,756 17. Luzerne Sept. 25, 1782, " " Northumberland 896,000 90,244 18. Huntingdon Sept. 20, 1787, " " Bedford 537,600 28,100 19. Allegheny Sept. 24, 1788, from a part of Westmoreland and Washington 482,560 178,831 20. Mifflin Sept. 19, 1789, from a part of Cumberland and North umberland 236,800 16,340 21. Delaware Sept. 26, 1789,' from a part of Chester 113,280 30,597 22. Somerset April 17, 1796, " " Bedford 682,240 26, 778 23. Greene Feb. 9,1796, " " Washington 389,120 24,343 24. Wayne Mar. 26, 1796, " " Northampton 460,800 32,239 25. Lycoming April 13, 1796, " " Northumberland 691,200 37,399 26. Adams Jan. 22,1800, " " York 337,920 28,006 27. Centre Feb. 13, 1800,,from a part of Mifflin, Northumber land, Lycoming, and Huntingdon. . 6S8.000 27,000 28. Armstrong Mar. 12, 1800, from a part of Alleghany, Westmore land, and Lycoming 408,960 35,797 29. Beaver Mar. 12, 1800, from a part of Alleghany and Wash' n. 298,240 29,140 30. Butler Mar. 12, 1800, " " Alleghany 502,400 35,694 31. Crawford Mar. 12, 1800, " " Alleghany 629,760 48,755 32. Erie Mar. 12, 1800, " " Alleghany 480,000 49,432 33. Mercer Mar. 12, 1800, " " Alleghany 416,000 36,850 34. Warren Mar. 12, 1800, " " Alleg'y and Lycoming 651,040 19,190 35. Venango Mar. 13, 1800, " " Alleg'y and Lycoming 330,240 25,043 36. Indiana Mar. 30, 1803, from a part of Westmoreland and Ly coming 492,800 33,687 37. M'Kean Mar. 20, 1804, from a part of Lycoming 716,800 8,859 36 Clearfield Mar. 26, 1804, from a part of Lycoming and N orth- umberland 761,600 18,759 39 Jefferson Mar. 26, 1804, from a part of Lycoming 412,800 18,270 40. Potter Mar. 26, 1804, " " Lycoming 384,000 11,470 41 Cambria Mar. 26, 1804, from a part of Huntingdon, Somerset, and Bedford 428,800 29,155 42. Tioga Mar. 26, 1804, from a part of Lycoming 714,240 31,044 43 Bradford* Feb. 21,1810, " " Luzerne and Lycoming 751,360 48,734 44. Susquehanna Feb. 21, 1810, " " Luzerne 610,080 86,267 45. Schuylkill Mar. 1,1811, " " Berks and Northamp. 485,400 89,510 46. Lehigh Mar. 6,1812, " " Northampton 232,960 43,753 47. Lebanon Feb. 16,1813, " " Dauphin and Lancast. 195,840 Sl,831 48. Columbia Mar. 22, 1813, " " Northumberland 275,840 26,065 49 Union Mar. 22, 1813, " " Northumberland 165,120 14,145 50. Pike Mar. 26, 1814, " " Wayne 384,000 7,665 51 Perry Mar. 22, 1820, " " Cumberland 344,960 22,793 52. Juniata Mar. 2,1831, " " Mifflin 224,640 16,986 53. Monroe April 1,1836, " " Northampton and Pike 384,000 16,758 * Previous to March 24, 1812, this county was called Ontario. 34 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Name. Date of Formation. Acres. Populat'n. 54. Clarion Mar. 11, 1839, from a part of Venango and Arms'ng. 384,000 24,988 55. Clinton June 2J, 1839, " " Lycoming and Centre 591,360 17,7AS 66. Wyoming April 4, 1842, from a part of Northumberland and ^ ^ ^ 57. Carbon Mar. 13, 1843, from a part of Northampton and Mon- roe Ssoo,uuo zi,vao ss Elk April 18, 1843, from a part of Jefferson, Clearfield, andMcKean 446,720 5,915 69. Blair Feb. 26, 1846, from a part of Huntingdon and Bed- ford. ...........•••••¦••¦-•¦••¦••*• 380,160 ;. / , o-" 60. Sullivan Mar. 15, 1847, from a part of Lycoming 275,200 5,637 61 Forest April 11, 1848, " " Jefferson and Venango 284,800 898 62 Lawrence Mar. 25, I860 " " Beaver and Mercer... 229,120 22,999 hi. Fulton Aprill9;i850; " " Bedford 268,800 9,131 64. Montour May 3,1850, " " Columbia ,H'ljSi }?'?„ 65. Snyder Mar. 2,1855, " " Union 187,520 15,035 66. Cameron Mar. 29, I860, from a part of Clinton, Elk, M'Kean, Potter (not organized when census was taken.) 268,480 Penpsylvania has been called the Keystone State from the fact of having six of the old original States on each side of her. It is not my province to speak of her majestic mountains, her beautiful rivers and lakes — the variety of her soil — the salubriousness of her climate— and her agricultural, manufacturing, and commercial inter ests. Mine is a humbler sphere, confined henceforth in this volume exclusively to the history of Washington County — the first county formed by the legislature of Pennsylvania after the Declaration of Independence had been promulgated to all nations, and Pennsylvania had assumed her rank and place as a free and independent State ; and therefore named after the immortal Washington. With this remark, we can truthfully say that our citizens therefore will be pre-eminently proud of the character of Washington County, whether viewed in a moral, educational, political, or religious view. In concluding this chapter I shall add a list of the chief magis trates, or governors, from 1681 to the present time, as being more immediately connected with the general matters therein contained. ACCESS. NAMES. EXIT. 1. — 1681. William Penn, Proprietor. August, 1684. 2. — 1684. Thomas Lloyd, Pres't of Governor's Council. December, 1681. 3— 1681. Thomas Lloyd, Bobert Turner, Arthur Cook, John Symcock, and John Eckley appointed Deputy Lieutenants by William Penn. 4. — 1688. Capt. John Blackwell, Lieutenant-Governor. 1690. 5. — 1690. Thomas Lloyd, Deputy and Lieutenant-Governor. 1693! 6. — 1693. Benjamin Fletcher, Captain-General and Lieutenant Governor of New York, Pennsylvania, and the county of New Castle and territories. September 1698. 1. — 1698. William Markham, Lieutenant-Governor. ' 1700' 8.— 1700. William Penn again acted as Governor to November 1 170l' 9. — 1701. Andrew Hamilton, Deputy-Governor. February' 1703 10. — 1703. Edward Shippen, President of Council « 1704* 11. — 1704. John Evans, Deputy-Governor, << 1700' 12.— 1709. Charles Gookin, " fjfav q1 iiY, 13.-1717. Sir William Keith, '< Juhp 99 vtor 14.-1126. Patrick Gordon, « August 5,' 1736. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 35 15. — 1736. On the death of Governor Gordon, the Council con sisted of James Logan, Samuel Preston, Anthony Palmer, Clement Plumstead, Thomas Lawrence, Balph Asheton, Samuel Hasill, and Thomas Griffits, who elected James Lo gan President of Council. June, 1738. 16. — 1738. George Thomas, Lieutenant-Governor. " 1747. 17. — 1747. Anthony Palmer, President of Council. November, 1748. 18. — 1748. James Hamilton, Lieutenant-Governor. October, 1754. 19. — 1754. Robert Hunter Morris " August, 1756. 20—1756. William Denny " November, 1759. 21.— 1759. James Hamilton " October, 1763. 22.— 1763. John Penn, son of Rich'd Penn, Deputy-Governor. May, 1771. 23.— 1771. Richard Penn, Governor. August, 1773. 24.— 1773. John Penn, " July, 1775. Under the Council of Safety. 25. — 1715. Benjamin Franklin, President of the Council, August, 1176. Under the Constitution of September 28, 1776. 26. — 1776. Thomas Wharton, President of the Supreme Execu tive Council. October, 1771. 27. — 1777. Joseph Read, President of the Supreme Executive Council. November, 1781. 28. — 1781. William Moore, President of the Supreme Executive Council November, 1782. 29. — 1782. John Dickson, President of the Supreme Executive Council. November, 1785. 30. — 1785. Benjamin Franklin, President of the Supreme Ex ecutive Council. November, 1788. 31. — 1788. Thomas Mifflin, President of the Supreme Executive Council. September, 1790. When the Constitution went into operation. Popular Vote of Candidates for Governor under the Constitution of September 2, 1790. ELECTION, MAJORITY. 32.— 1790. Thomas Mifflin 27,725 Arthur St. Clair 2,803 24,522 Whole number, 30,528 32.— 1793. Thomas Mifflin 19,590 F. A. Muhlenburg, 10,700 8,890 Whole number, 30,290 32.— 1796. Thomas Mifflin 30,029 F. A. Muhlenburg 10,011 20,018 Whole number, 40,040 33.— 1799. Thomas MeKean, 37,244 James Ross, 22,643 14,601 Whole number, 59,881 36 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. MAJORITY. ELECTION. ,» Qf.Q 33.— 1802. Thomas MeKean [ *L >° ' •» James Ross, ' qi [ an 748 Scattering __^i 30>748 Whole number, 57,472 33.— 1805. Thomas MeKean, fMoai Simon Snyder 38,483 1 Samuel Snyder, 395 J 4,766 Whole number, 82,522 34.— 1808. Simon Snyder 67,975 James Ross, 39,57o 1 JohnSpayd 4,006^ Scattering 8 J 24,386 Whole number, 111,564 34.— 1811. Simon Snyder 52,319 William Tilghman, 3,609 1 Scattering • 1,675 J 47,035 Whole number, 57,603 34.— 1814. Simon Snyder, 51,099 Isaac Wayne, 29,566 1 George Littimore, 910 \ Scattering, 18 J 20,605 Whole number, 81,593 35.— 1817. William Findley 66,331 Joseph Hiester 59,272 1 Scattering 11 J 7,048 Whole number, 125,614 36.— 1820. Joseph Hiester 67,905 William Findley, 66,300 1 Scattering 21 J 1,584 Whole number, 134,226 37.— 1823. J. Andrew Shultz, 89,928 Andrew Gregg, .... . 64,211 1 Scattering . 8) 25,709 Whole number, 154,147 31—1826. J. Andrew Shultz, 72,710 John Sergeant 1,175 1 Scattering, 1,174 J 70,361 Whole number, 75,059 HISTOEY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 37 ELECTION. MAJORITY. 38.— 1829. George Wolf, 78,219 Joseph Ritner, . . . ' . . . 61,776 ) Scattering, 12/ 16,433 W^ole number, 140,007 38.— 1832. George Wolf, 91,335 Joseph Ritner, 88,165 39k — 1835. Joseph Ritner, George Wolf, H. A. Muhlenberg, Whole number, 179,500 94.023 65,804140,586 J Whole number, 200,413 3,170 Of these votes Messrs. Wolf and Muhlenberg had Joseph Ritner, .... Thus making Joseph Ritner a minority Governor by . 106,390 194,023 12,377 Under the Constitution of October 9, 1838. 40.— 1838. David R. Porter, . '. . . . 127,821 Joseph Ritner, 122,325 40.— 1841. David R. Porter, John Banks, F. Julius Lemoyne, Scattering, . 41.— 1844. Francis R. Shunk, ~ Joseph Markle, . F. Julius Lemoyne, 41.— 1847. Francis R. Shunk, James Irvin, E. C. Reigart, F. Julius Lemoyne, Scattering, 42.— 1848. William F. Johnston, Morris Longstreth, E. D. Gazzam, . Scattering, Whole number, 250,146 Whole number, 318,928146,081 128,148") 11,247 ( 1,861 f 6J Whole number, 287,343 . 168,522 . 168,225" 48 . . . . 24 5,496 136,504113,473 1 763 V 23 ) 22,245 Whole number, 250,763 . 160,322 156.040) 2,566 J 1,716 4,819 225 Whole number, 336,819 38 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. ELECTION. 43.— 1851. William Bigler, . William F. Johnston, Kimber Cleaver, Scattering, 44.— 1854. James Pollock, . William Bigler, . B. Rush Bradford, Scattering, 45.— 1857. William F. Packer, David Wilmot, . Isaac Hazelhurst, Scattering, 46.— 1860. — Andrew G. Curtin, H. D. Foster, 46.— 1863. Andrew G. Curtin, George W. Woodward, Scattering, 47,-1866. John W. Geary. Hiester Clymer, -1869. John W. Geary, Asa Packer, ., . . 186,499 . 178,034 1,859 . 67 Whole number, 366,459 . 203,822 6,539 Whole number, 166,9911 2,194 y 33 j 34,604 373,040 188,846 146,139 28,168 12 Whole number, 363,165 . 262,349 - . . 230,239 Whole number, 492,588 . 269,506 . 254,171' 2 Whole number, 523,679 . 307,274 . 290,096 Whole number, 597,370 . 290,552 . 285,956 Whole number, 576,508 14,527 32,110 15,333 17,178 4,596 Although the State of Pennsylvania has had but forty-eight governors, yet from the numbers attached to their names we learn some have filled the office two and even three terms. We shall close this chapter by giving an extract from the 41st chapter of the acts of the first General Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed December 7th, 1682, from which it appears that the first set tlers began the year in March, and repudiated the heathen names as now applied to the days of the week, evidently demonstrating that our forefathers were governed by a religious sentiment in our organi zation as a colony. The following is a literal copy : — "And bee it enacted by the authority aforesaid* that ye days of ye week and ye months of ye year shall be called "as in Scrip ture, and not by heathen names (as are vulgarly used), as ye first, second, third daies of ye week, and first second and third months of ye year, beginning with ye day called Sunday and ye month called March." HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 39 CHAPTER III. ORIGINAL ACT ESTABLISHING WASHINGTON COUNTY. Divisions by the formation of townships — Its original and present townships and boroughs — Its present boundaries with topographical and geographical description and its streams — Its early religious element and the religious agreement of 1782 — Marriage custom and ceremony — School-houses. Having in the preceding chapters confined myself to the primi tive history of what is now known as Washington County, originally belonging to Virginia, and also a general outline history of Penn sylvania, and thereby laid the foundation stone upon which to erect the superstructure, I shall now proceed with the general history of Washington County. On the 28th of March 11 81, the legislature of Pennsylvania passed an act for erecting part of the county of Westmoreland into a sepa rate county, and the reasons given in the preamble to said act are in these words : Whereas, the inhabitants of that part of Westmore land County which lies west of the Monongahela River, have repre sented to the Assembly of this State the great hardships they lie under, from being so far remote from the present seat of judicature and the public offices ; for to remedy these inconveniences they there fore passed the act of separation. The act is in eighteen sections (the preamble being numbered the first), which we will refer to, either at length or by giving a summary of the contents of each sepa rately. Section second gives the boundaries of Washington County as follows : all that part of the State of Pennsylvania west of the Monongahela River, and south of the Ohio, beginning, at the junc tion of the said rivers, thence up the Monongahela River aforesaid, to the line run by Mason and Dixon ; thence by the said line due west to the end thereof; and from thence the same course, to end of five degrees of west longitude, to be computed from the River Dela ware ; thence by a meridian line, extended north, until the same shall intersect the Ohio River, and thence by the same to the place of beginning (the said lines from the end of Mason and Dixon's line to the Ohio River to be understood as to be hereafter ascertained by commissioners' now appointed or to be appointed for that purpose), shall be and the same is hereby declared to be erected into a county, henceforth to be called Washington. Section third gives the same rights and privileges to the inhabit ants as enjoyed by other counties in the State. 40 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Section fourth authorizes the trustees to take assurance of ground whereon to erect a court-house and prison, and divide the county into townships, before July 1st, 1181. Section fifth empowers the inhabitants to elect Inspectors, two Representatives for the Assembly, one member of the Supreme Exe cutive Council, two persons for Sheriff, two for Coroner, and three Commissioners. The election was ordered to be held at the house of David Hoge, at the place called Catfish Camp, now Washington. Section sixth. Justices of the Supreme Court to have like powers and authorities in Washington County. Sections seventh and eighth provide for an election for justices of the peace, to be held on the 15th of July, 1181, for the various townships, after judges and inspectors have been elected. Section ninth. 'Justices of the peace authorized to hold courts of General Quarter Sessions and Gaol Delivery. Section tenth. James Edgar, Hugh Scott, Van Swearingen, Daniel Leet, and John Armstrong appointed commissioners to purchas. ground for a court-house, as provided for in section four. Sections eleventh and twelfth provide for the mode of defraying the expenses of the public buildings. Section thirteenth. For the continuance of suits commenced in the original county. Sections fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth provide for the appoint ment of a collector of the excise, his powers and fees. Section seventeenth directs the Sheriff and Coroner of Westmore land County to officiate until those officers could be chosen in the new county. Section eighteenth directed the amount of the security to be given by the Sheriff and Treasurer. Division of Washington County. The inhabitants of Washington County, with those of Westmore land, considering their counties were too extensive, and that they were subject to many inconveniences from their being situated at so great a distance from the seat of justice, conceived that their inter ests and happiness would be greatly promoted by being erected into a new and separate county ; the legislature, on the 24th of September, 1188, gratified their requests, and erected Alleghany County. We shall give the original boundaries of this new county, so that we can trace on the map, the territory which was struck off from Washing ton County. Beginning at the mouth of Flagherty's Bun, on the south side of the Ohio Biver, from thence, by a straight line to the plantation on which Joseph Scott, Esquire, now lives, on Mon tour's Bun, to include the same; from thence, by a straight line to the mouth of Miller's Bun, in Chartiers' Creek ; thence by a straiaht line, to the mouth of Perry's Mill Bun, on the east side of Monon gahela Biver; thence up the said river to the mouth of Becket's HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 41 Bun ; thence by a straight line to the mouth of Sewickley Creek, on Youghiogheny River ; thence down the said river to the mouth of Crawford's Run; thence by a straight line to the mouth of Bush Creek, on Turtle Creek ; thence up Turtle Creek to the main fork thereof; thence by a northerly line until it strikes Puckety's Creek ; thence down the said creek to the Allegheny River ; thence up the Allegheny River to the northern boundary of the State ; thence along the the same to the river Ohio, and thence up the same to the place of beginning. The above portion of the line italicized is the portion taken from Washington County. But the inhabitants of Washington County still seemed desirous of having justice administered to them at their very doors, again petitioned the legislature to annex a certain part of this to Allegheny County; and on the 11th of September, 1189, the General Assembly believing their prayer to be just and reasonable, granted their re quest. The boundaries of that part of Washington, annexed to Allegheny County, began at the river Ohio, where the boundary line of the State crosses the said river ; from thence in a straight line, to White's mill, on Racoon Creek ; from thence by a straight line, to Armstrong's mill, on Miller's Run, and from thence by a straight line, to the Monongahela River, opposite the mouth of Perry's Run, where it strikes the present line of Allegheny County. By this act of annexation, the whole of Dickinson and part of Cecil township became part of Allegheny County ; according to a decision of the Supreme Executive Council. Peter Kidd and John Beaver were authorized to have the boundary lines marked, each being allowed twenty-five shillings per day, out of the treasury of Allegheny County. On the 9th of February, 1196, another portion of the territory of Washington County was erected into Greene County. The boundary line began at the mouth of Tenmile Creek, on the Monongahela Biver ; thence up Tenmile Creek to the junction of the north and south forks of said creek; thence up said north fork to Colonel William Wallace's mill; thence up a southwesterly direction to the nearest part of the dividing ridge between the north and south forks of Tenmile Creek ; thence along the top of the said ridge to the ridge which divides the waters of Tenmile and Wheeling creeks ; thence a straight line to the head of Enlow's branch of the Wheeling; thence down said branch to the western boundary of the State ; thence south along the said line to .the southern boundary line of the State ; thence east along said line to the river Monongahela, and thence down the said, riy»er. to the place of beginning. The words italicized form the southern line separating Washing ton and Greene counties. The officers of Washington County were authorized to exercise the duties of their office in the new county (except justices of peace) until similar officers were appointed. Washington and Greene were 4 " 42 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. to elect, jointly, four representatives ; while Washington, Allegheny, and Greene were to compose the congressional district. On the 22d of January, 1802, by authority of the legislature of Pennsylvania, the following alteration took place in the line between the counties of Washington and Greene; beginning at the present line, on the ridge that divides the waters of the Tenmile and Wheeling creeks, near Jacob Bobbett's ; thence a straight line, to the head-waters of Hunter's fork of Wheeling Creek, and thence down the same, to the mouth thereof, where it meets the present county line. The act of the same date declares that so much of the county of Greene, which, by the act, is reunited to the county of Washing ton, as lies west of the road called Ryerson's Road, is hereby an nexed to Pindley township, and shall hereafter be a part of the district called Stevenson's election district, and that part thereof, which lies east of said road is hereby annexed to Morris township, and shall hereafter be a part of the Washington elected district. The Governor was authorized to appoint two commissioners to run and mark the aforesaid line ; the expense to be borne equally out of the treasury of both counties. By the erection of Greene County, Morgan, Cumberland, Frank lin, Greene, and Rich Hill townships became component parts of Greene County. On the 12th of March, 1800, an act was passed by the General Assembly, erecting parts of Washington and Alleghany-counties into a new county,- to be called Beaver. The boundary line began at the mouth of the Sewickley Creek on the Ohio River ; thence up the said creek to the west line of Alexander's district of deprecia tion lands ; thence northerly along the said line, and continuing the same course to the north line of the first donation district ; thence westerly along the said line to the western boundary of the State ; thence southerly along the said boundary, across the Ohio River to a point in the said boundary, from which a line to be run at right angles easterly will strike White's mill on Bacoon Creek, and from such point along the said easterly line to the said mill ; thence on a straight line to the mouth of Big Sewickley Creek, the place of beginning. (The words italicized is the boundary line between Washington and Beaver counties). The expense of running the line was to be borne by Beaver County. Original Townships. The organic act authorized the trustees to divide the county into a suitable number of townships. In accordance therewith, the trus tees subdivided it into thirteen townships, in commemoration of the thirteen States which formed the United States. Their names in alphabetical order were : 1. Amwell ; 2. Bethlehem ; 3 Cecil • 4 Cumberland ; 5. Donegal ; 6. Fallowfield ; 1. Hopewell • 8 Mor- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 43 gan ; 9. Nottingham ; 10. Peters ; 11. Robison ; 12. Straban ; 13. Smith. These townships went into operation on the 15th of July, 1181, by the provisions of the act of the legislature and the election of township officers. As the county became more thickly settled, the people felt the necessity of forming new townships and boroughs. This power was confined to the legislature until the 24th of March, 1803, when it was transferred to the courts of Quarter Sessions, although it appears that in some few cases the courts had exercised it. By the erection of new counties out of Washington, whole town ships and parts of townships were cut off, and at the present time, May, 1870, we find that Washington County has eleven boroughs and thir ty-one townships within her limits. We shall now add this list with their respective organizations, from the formation of Washington County. o. t.* 1. — Amwell township, formed July 15, 1781. o.t. 2.— Bethlehem " " " o.t. 3.— Cecil " " " o.t. 4.— Cumberland o.t. 5. — Donegal " " " o.t. 6.— Fallowfield " " o. t. 7.— Hopewell " o.t. 8.— Morgan "" " " o.t. 9.— Nottingham " " '* o. t. 10.— Peters o.t. 11.— Robison " " " o. t. 12.— Straban o. t. 13.— Smith " " t. 14. — Somerset township, formed April 3, 1782. t. 15.— Greene " " " t. 16. — Dickinson " " September 15, 1785. b. 1. — Washington, (town,) formed February 6, 1786. t. 17 — Hanover township, " March 11, 1786. t. 18.— Franklin " " July 16, 1787. t. 19.— Findley - " " May 6, 1788. t. 20.— Morris " " March 13, 1788. d. t. 1.— East Bethlehem " " January 18, 1790. (See Bethlehem township.) d. t. 2. — West Bethlehem township, formed January 18, 1790. (See Beth lehem township.) t. 21. — Chartiers township, formed March 12, 1790. t. 22.— Cross Creek " " March 23, 1790. t. 23.— Canton " " June 10, 1791. d.t. 3.— Pike Run " " January 8, 1792. d. t. 4.— Rich Hill " " March 13, 1793. t. 24.— Buffalo " " May 8, 1799. b. 7.— Cannonsburg " " February 22, 1802. (See Chartiers township.) * Explanation of letters — 0. T. means original townships; D. t. divided townships; B. boroughs. 44 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. -Mount Pleasant township, formed May 12, 1806. -West Middletown borough, formed March 27, 1823. -East Findley township, formed December 24, 1828. (See Findley township.) -West Findley township, formed December 24, 1828. (See lind- ley township.) -North Straban township, formed May 2, 1831. (See btraban township.) -South Straban township, formed May 2, 1831. (See Straban township.) -Claysville borough, formed April 2, 1832. -Carrol township, formed September 30, 1834. -Greenfield borough, formed April 9, 1834. (See Pike Run township.) -Union township, formed March 31, 1836. -East Pike Run township, formed March 9, 1839. -West Pike Run township, formed March 9, 1S39. -Monongahela City, formed April 1, 1837. (See Carrol township.) -Millsborough, formed April 16, 1840. (See Bethlehem township). -West Brownsville borough, formed April 2, 1852. (See Pike Run township.) -Beallsville borough, formed February 16, 1852. (See Pike Run township.) -Allen township, formed June 14, 1853. -Jefferson " " June 16, 1853. -California borough, formed November 26, 1853. (See Pike Run township.) -Independence township, formed May 19, 1855, -Franklin " " August 13, 1855. -Bentleysville borough, formed May 2, 1868, (See Somerset township.) Of these boroughs and townships we shall give a detailed account in Chapter V. as far as we have been able to ascertain their history, and particularly those which now embrace this county. Its Boundaries. The present limits of Washington County, therefore, may be thus defined geographically^bounded on the north by Beaver County, northeast by Allegheny County, east by Westmoreland and Fayette counties, south by Greene County, and west by the State of West Virginia. Its greatest length is thirty-two miles, its mean width, twenty-eight miles, containing 896 square miles, or 573,440 acres of land, in latitude 40°10'21" north, and longitude from Washington 3°12'53"west. Its population in 1190 was 23,866; in 1800,28,293; in 1810, 36,289 ; in 1820, 40,038 ; in 1830, 42,860; in 1840, 41,219; in 1850, 44,939, and in 1860, 46,805. Topographical Description. This county is watered by many streams (which will be given in a separate chapter), but suffice it to say, however, that many valleys are formed, of greater or less width and depth, by then?" indentation, T. 25, B. 10. D . T. 5, D . T. 6. D . T. 7, D , T. 8, B. 8. T. 26. B. 4, T. 27, D . T. 9. D . T. 10. B. 3. B. 2. B. 5. B. 6. T. 28, T. 29. B. 9. T. 30. T. 31. B. 11. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 45 hence, the county presents a rolling character, and although not belonging to the class called mountainous, yet may be termed hilly. These hills are cultivated to the very tops, and in point of agri culture and grazing are not inferior to any in the State. The undu lating surface of the county presents scenery unsurpassed and pic turesque, supporting thousands of sheep, and is truly deserving the name of being the largest wool-growing county in the State, and the second in the United States for the quality of the wool. Geological Description. In a geological view, the rocks belong to the upper series of our bituminous coal formation, consisting of alternate strata of sand stone, shales, and limestone, with interposed beds, of coal from three to six or eight feet it thickness. These nearly level strata extend over the whole surface of this and a great part of the adjoin ing counties, are sometimes cut through by the deep valleys of the streams and exposed in varied succession in the steep banks and along the hill sides, in situations favorable to access and affording ¦ great facilities for mining and quarrying. Coal for domestic con sumption is abundant in every part of the county and along the bank of the Monongahela. It is mined in great quantities and sent down the Ohio River in boats. Streams. We add a list of the streams of this county, with their tributaries and localities. The Monongahela River, which flows through the eastern part of Washington County, rises in Randolph County, Virginia, at the foot of the Laurel Mountain, and flowing northwardly for about three hundred miles, empties into the Allegheny River at Pittsburg and forms the Ohio. It is nearly four hundred yards wide at its mouth, and is navigable for light boats sixty miles, to West Browns ville, in this county, and for small boats nearly two hundred miles from its mouth. Its principal tributaries are the Youghiogheny and Cheat rivers, which enter into it on the east side, but on the west side, in Washington County, are Tenmile Creek, Pigeon Creek, Baker and Fish Pot runs, Pike Bun, South Fork and Maple Fork, Mingo Creek. Tenmile Creek empties into the Monongahela River at Clarks- ville, Greene County ; the north fork of this creek rises in Morris township and waters the townships of East and West Bethlehem, Amwell and Morris, its tributaries being Middle Fork, Craft's Fork, Road's Fork, Hoosang's Fork, McFarlane's Fork, Bane's Fork, with Kembler's and McGiffin's Run. Coniconick empties into Craft's Fork at Prosperity. Its Indian name is Cusuthee. Little North Fork, with its tributaries, Brush Run, Camp's Fork, Carter's Run, Daniel's Run, Hawkin's and Plumb Hill forks, 46 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. empties into it. On both branches of Tenmile Creek are many grist and saw-mills. ' Pigeon Creek empties into the Monongahela at Monongahela City. It rises by two branches in Somerset township and flows northeast through Fallowfield township. Its length is about fifteen miles. Mingo and Little Mingo creeks rise in Nottingham township, and flow east to the Monongahela. Baker and Fish Pot runs empty into it in East Bethlehem township. N Peters' Creek and its branch called Pine Branch, Fry's Branch, and Bruce's Run, empty into the Monongahela River. Chartiers' Creek flows a north-northeast Course of thijty-fiye or forty miles and empties into «the Ohio River fra- miles awwfPltts- burg. Its tributaries are Catfish Run, Braddock's Run, Weirich's Run, Leet's Run, north branch of Chartiers', Quail's Run, Little Chartiers' Creek and its tributaries, Vance's, Little's, Pollock's, McCorkle's, Kenny's, and Brush runs on the east and west side of this creek, emptying into the Ohio River below Pittsburg. Miller's Run rises in Mount Pleasant township and empties into Little Chartiers' Creek. Robeson's Run rises about two miles north tof Candor and empties into Racoon. This creek flows through the townships of Robinson, Cecil, Mount Pleasant, Chartiers', Canton, North and South Strabane, Somerset, Amwell, and Morris. This creek derives its name from Peter Chartiers, who went among the Indians on the Ohio and tributary streams to deal for peltries. He was an influential Indian interpreter, and joined the French In dians on the Ohio, to the injury of Pennsylvania. Chartiers had a trading station on or near the mouth of the creek. Governor Thomas, in 1745, said that the perfidious blood of the Sha,wnees partly runs in his veins. Big and Little Racoon rise in Mount Pleasant township ; the former near Hickory, and the latter near David Lyle's, in the vicinity of Prospect Church. The tributaries of these creeks are Boyd's, Burgett's, Cherry Valley, Bailey's, Painter's, Patrick's, and Brimner and Brush runs. These different streams water the townships of Hanover, Robeson, Smith, and Mount Pleasant. Harman's Creek rises in Smith township, and with its tributaries of Tucker and Buffalo runs, empties into the Ohio River near Georgetown, watering the townships of Smith, Hanover, and Cross Creek. Its length is about twelve miles. Indian or King Cheek (northeast branch) and Tomlinson's Run rise in Hanover township near Florence. Cross Creek rises in Mount Pleasant township and runs northwest to the Ohio River, a few miles above Wellsburg, West Virginia. Its tributaries are Stewart's Run — the middle fork, with Smiley's Run, Lyle's Run ; the North Fork rises near Crpss Creek Village. This HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 47 creek flows through the township of Mount Pleasant, Cross Creek, and empties into the main branch of the creek at Patterson's mills. Buffalo Creek rises in East Findley; its tributaries are' Brushy Run, Mill Run, Indian Camp Run, Buck Run, and Dutch Fork. These streams flow through the townships of East Findley, Donegal, Hopewell, and Buffalo, and the creek itself empties into the Ohio River. Wheeling Creek rises in East Findley, having for its tributaries Templeton's and Enslow's Fork, Hunter's Fork, and Tucker's Fork; these streams water East and West Findley townships. Little Wheeling Creek rises in Donegal township ; Middle Wheeling Creek, in West Findley township ; these two creeks meet at Triadelphia and empty into Wheeling Creek at Shepherd's mills. Early Religious Element. Our first settlers were composed of the Scotch-Irish element, those who emigrated from the west of Scotland and the north of Ireland, while many others came from Cumberland and York counties, where the same element prevailed, and not a few from Virginia. These early pioneers, one hundred years ago, crossed the rugged steeps of the Allegheny Mountains, the boisterous waves of the swift-flowing rivers, and penetrated into an unknown wilderness to secure the blessings of civil and religious liberty. No county in the State of Pennsyl vania, or probably in the United States, can boast of a purer, better, more intelligent and devoted company of Christians than those who settled in Washington County. Military men are praised for their heroic deeds, statesmen for understanding the great principles of government ; but in this instance, men from all nations meet together around one common altar, and declare in the very commencement of their labors, their religious principles — in other words, they laid the corner stone of the religion of Jesus when they first settled Washing ton County, by entering into solemn engagements. These engage ments were binding not only upon the males, but upon the females also. Whole families united in the league or covenant, and the princi ples of Presbyterianism which they brought with them, as well as those of other religious sects, are so intimately interwoven with our political affairs, that our civil and religious interests are carefully guarded by their descendants. To illustrate the positions I have assumed, I add a religious agree ment entered into between these early pioneers, which I received from the Rev. John T. Fredericks, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Burgettstown, Washington County ; and before giving it I will give the causes which led to its adoption. This " Religious Agree ment," entered into on the 14th day of February, 1182, is -in the hand-writing of James Edgar, Esq., deceased,- who was an Associ ate Judge of this county. He with five others left York County in 11 19— all members of the Presbyterian Church.' They made an agree- 48 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. ment to locate near each other, so that they might secure to them selves and their families the ordinances and preaching of the gospel, and be the means of collecting a church with like principles together, as they themselves professed. These families left their eastern homes and travelled through Ty- gart's Valley and crossed the Monongahela River at Parkinson's Ferry (now Monongahela City). Mr. Hugh Scott, one of the six, settled west of this place ; another where Buffalo Church and Village now stand ; James Edgar in Cross Creek township, on the farm now owned by Finley Scott, Esq. ; another settled near to Briceland's Cross Roads (now Florence) ; and another, Patrick McCullough, in what became Mill Creek Congregation, in-Beaver County ; yet no two settled together, but in contiguous neighborhoods, and each had the pleasure of seeing a church of their denomination to which he be longed erected to God and dedicated to his glory. At the time of this " Religious Agreement" there were no altar and no church but the forts and the woods, in which God was worshipped with pure hearts, and in the beauty of holiness and the purity of truth. This advance guard of the church met, and while the minister officiated, and prayer and praise went up from pure hearts, sanctified by the grace of God, they grasped the faithful rifle to defend themselves against the insidious attacks of the Indians. The Rev. Dr. John Stockton, in his fortieth anniversary sermon, says : " In these forts (Wells' and Vance's) social and afterwards public worship was kept up for seven years, especially in summer and autumn, the seasons when the Indians were out west to make their raids, and it was a common thing for men to go to these meetings armed with their trusty rifles, and to stand guard during the services." Dr. Stockton also adds, that the Rev. James Powers " preached the first gospel ser mon under an oak tree just outside the gate of Vance's Fort. It was on this occasion that Dr. Powers baptized the child of Mr. Marquis, which was the first person who received that rite in that region of country." With these remarks we now add the document itself, with the list of names attached, many of whose descendants are living lives of virtue, of honor, and of honesty, around and near the old family hearth stones, consecrated by the prayers of many an aged father and mother, who have crossed the Jordan of death, and beckon their descendants to the ineffable joys of the spirit world. Religious Agreement. We, and each of us, whose names are underwritten, being chiefly the inhabitants of the western frontier of Washington County, con sidering the many abounding evils in our own hearts and lives, as also the open and secret violation of the holy law of God, which dishonors His name and defiles and ruins our. country ; such as ig norance, unbelief, hardness of heart, contempt of God in his ordi nances, law, and gospel (in particular in setting our hearts upon the HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 49 creature in one line or another more than upon God), breach of his Sabbath, disobedience to parents, backbitings, entertaining bad thoughts, and receiving groundless evil reports of others, unfaith fulness to God for His mercies, profaning His name, uncleanness, lascivious songs, filthy discourse, promiscuous dancing, drunkenness, defraud, deceit, over-reaching in bargains, gaining, horse racing, cock fighting, shooting for prizes, lying, covetousness, discontent, fretting against the dispensations of God's providence, unfaithful ness for God (in suffering sin to remain on our neighbor unreproved), denying God in the neglect of family and secret worship, catechizing and instruction of our children and servants or slaves, vexatious wranglings, and law suits, together with innumerable evils, provoking God to send down heavy judgments on our land, and to withhold or withdraw His gracious presence, and unfit our soul for enjoying any solid happiness, which we desire to acknowledge with shame and sorrow of heart before God, and do in the strength of God and de pending on His Grace for support, solemnly promise (to our power, according to our various places and stations) to engage against, both in ourselves and others, as providence shall give us opportunity, and prudence direct. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, this 14th day of February, 1182. (N. B. ' This is not to be a barrier to prevent any from signing at any time hereafter.) Robert McCready, William Vance, John Stone, James Edgar, William McCandless, Robert Dunbar, John Robinson, John Donahey, Matthew Hilles, Benjamin Bearkus, John McMillen, Samuel Hina- man, George McCulloch, John Ekin, Moses Wallace, David Thomp son, Henry McBride, John Dodds, John Strain, James Barr, Thomas Hanna, James Dabbin, Thomas Strain, Samuel Jefferey, Alex. Mc Candless, Samuel Leeper, James Matthews, William Smith, Thomas Bay, Ebenezer Smith, John Cowen, Thomas Barton, Hugh Sherer, Hugh Newel, Arthur Campbell, John Stephenson, Samuel Johnston, James Loop, John Hustein, William Thompson, William Reno, William Rannells, Henry Graham, William Hughes, William Camp bell, Patrick McCormick, John Singer, Joseph Patterson, Daniel C. McCoy, David Kerr, John Morrison, John Stone, William Park, William Smiley, George Marquiss, Mary Marquiss, Thomas Mar- quiss, Joseph Vance, John Marquiss, William Wallace, Samuel Reed, James Marshall, Elias Newkirk, John Cooper, William McCullough, Alexander Wright, James Jackson, Agness. Jackson, Mary CoWen, Sr., Mary Cowan, Jr., Martha Dunbar, Prudence Matthews, Eliza beth E. Hughes, Janet McCandless, Anne Vance, David Rannells, Elizabeth McCullough, Ruth Rannells, Annie Park, Mary Johnston, Martha Edgar, Mary Graham, John Hughes, Gabriel Walker, Alex ander Kidd, Jean Patterson. — 86. The above signed the first day. Attached is a second additional clause, with 28 names added to the first list. The second clause and names read thus : — We desire to acknowledge the goodness of God, who hath con- 50 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. tinued his precious gospel with us in purity, and especially for his late gracious outpourings of divine influence on many parts of the land, and especially here where we were so sunk in carnal security and wordly mindedness, floating along with the flood of vanity. And we desire to lament our barrenness and leanness under these gracious favors, and we do now, in the strength -pf God, rejying on His grace, resolve that we will seek to the Lord for help to improve these precious favors, and knowing that some • do oppose the work, and aspersing it as a delusion, &c, we will be guarded in our con duct, careful of our company, and we believe that it is the duty of awakened sinners next to their supplication to the throne of grace, to lay open their case to ministers and experienced Christians, lest Satan and corruption might get the advantage of them, and that we will be careful and watchful to perform the duties required by Chris tian rules in the families we belong to, as we stand related severally as parents and children, husbands and wives, masters or mistresses, and servants. Signed in 1186 by Angas Sunderland, Jane Sunderland, Thomas Bay, Elizabeth Bay, Mary Patterson, Sarah Vance, Jean Marquis, Martha Rannells, Robert Morgan, Margaret Marshall, Susannah Pat- • terson, Robert Marshal, Elizabeth Thompson, Tabitha Kirk, Sarah Marquis, Susannah Parke. May 31, 1181, Thomas Hays, Jos. Colville Vance, William Hus ton, John M. Cloan, Joseph Wiley, Catharine Edgar, Catharine Phillis, John Sanders, Andrew Ferguson, Elizabeth McMillen, Mary Edgar, Sr., Hannah Huston. To which names are added these words, " Whole number 114 dead 26." James Edgar, Esq., makes a note below the additional clause of these words, " I believe this additional clause was made on the second day's signing." Time would fail me were I to give a history of most of these men whose names were subscribed to this religious agreement. Many of them filled high and important stations in church and State, and have bequeathed to their posterity a priceless inheritance. Their descendants linger among us, and the rural cemeteries of Cross Creek, Buffalo, Racoon and Burgettstown, contain the remains of those of whom it can be truthfully said, " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Marriage Custom and Ceremony. In connection with the church, I shall add a sketch of an old- fashioned wedding party, from the rare work of Rev. Dr. Dodridge such as was practised by the first settlers. When neighborhoods became in some degree settled and boys and girls had grown to manhood and womanhood, mutual love resulted in marriage, which was celebrated different from weddings of the present day. An eye-witness and a participant gives the following glowing description of a wedding day among our early settlers i— — ¦* HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 51 111 the morning of the wedding day the groom and his attendants assembled at the house of his father for the purpose of reaching the mansion of his bride by noon, which was the usual time for cele brating the nuptials, which for certain must take place before dinner. Imagine an assemblage of people, without a store, tailor, or man- tua-maker within a hundred miles, and an assemblage of horses without a blacksmith or saddler within an equal distance. The gentlemen dressed in shoepacks, moccasons, leather breeches, leg gings, linsey hunting shirts, and all home made. The ladies dressed in linsey petticoats and linsey or linen bed-gowns, coarse shoes, stockings, handkerchiefs, and buckskin gloves, if any. If there were any buckles, rings, buttons, or ruffles, they were the relics of old times, family pieces from parents or grandparents. The horses were caparisoned with old saddles, old bridles or halters, and pack-sad dles, with a bag or blanket thrown over them. A rope or string as often constituted the girth as a piece of leather. The march, in double file, was often interrupted by the narrow ness and obstructions of our horse-paths, as they were called, for we had no roads, and these difficulties were often increased, sometimes by the good and sometimes by the ill-will of neighbors, by felling trees and tying grape-vines across the way. Sometimes an ambus cade was formed by the wayside, and an unexpected discharge of several guns took place, so as to cover the wedding party with smoke. Let the reader imagine the scene which followed this discharge, the sudden spring of the horses, the shrieks of the girls, and the chivalric bustle of their partners to save them from falling. Some times, in spite of all that could be done to prevent it, some were thrown to the ground. If a wrist, elbow, or ankle happened to be sprained, it was tied with a handkerchief, and little more was thought or said about it. Another ceremony took place before the party reached the house of the bride. When the party were about a mile from the place of their destination^ two young men would single out to run for the bottle of whiskey, the worse the path, the more logs, brush, and deep hollows, the better, as these obstacles afforded an opportu-: nity for the greater display of intrepidity and horsemanship. The start was announced by an Indian yell, logs, brush, muddy hollows, hill and glen, were speedily passed by the rival ponies. The bottle was always filled for the occasion, so that there was no use for judges, for the first who reached the door was presented with the prize, with which he returned in triumph to the company. On approaching them, he announced his victory over his rival by a shrill whoop. At the head of the troop he gave the bottle first to the groom and his attendants, and then to each pair in succession to the rear of the line, giving each a dram, and then putting the bottle in the bosom of his hunting shirt, took his station in the company. The ceremony of the marriage preceded the dinner, which was a 52 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. substantial backwoods feast of beef, pork, fowls, and sometimes veni son and bear meat, roasted and boiled, with plenty of potatoes, cabbage, and other vegetables. During the dinner, the greatest hilarity prevailed, although the table might be a large slab of tim ber hewed out with a broadaxe, supported by four sticks set in auger holes, and the furniture, some old pewter dishes and plates, the rest, wooden bowls and trenchers ; a few pewter spoons, much battered about the edges, were to be seen at some tables. The rest were made of horns. If knives were scarce, the deficiency was made up by the scalping knives, which were carried in sheaths, sus pended to the belt of the hunting shirt. After dinner the dancing commenced, and generally lasted till the next morning. The figures of the dancers were three and four hand ed reels or square sets and jigs. The commencement was always a square four, which was followed by what was called jigging it off, that is, two of the four would single out for a jig, and were followed by the remaining couple. The jigs were often accompanied with what was called "cutting out," that is, when either of the parties became tired of the dance, on intimation, the place was supplied. by some one of the company without any interruption of the dance. In this way a dance was often continued till the musician was heartily tired of his situation. Towards the latter part of the night, if any of the company, through weariness, attempted to conceal themselves for the purpose of sleeping, they were hunted up, paraded on the floor, and the fiddler ordered to play " hang out till to-mor row morning." About nine or ten o'clock a deputation of the young ladies stole off the bride and put her to bed. In doing this it frequently happened that they had to ascend a ladder instead of a pair of stairs, leading from the dining and ball-room to the loft, the floor of which was made of clapboards lying loose and without nails. This ascent one might think would put the bride and her attendants to the blush, but as the foot of the ladder was commonly behind the door (which was purposely opened for the occasion), and its rounds at the inner end were well hung with hunting shirts, petticoats, and other arti cles of clothing, the candles being on the opposite side of the house, the exit of the brjde was noticed but by few. This done, a deputation of young men in like manner stole off the groom, and placed him snugly by the side of his bride. The dance still continues, and if seats happen to be scarce, which was often the case, every young man when not engaged in the dance was obliged to offer his lap as a seat for one of the girls, and the offer was sure to be accepted. In the midst of this hilarity, the bride and groom were not forgotten. Pretty late in the night some one would remind the company that the new couple must stand in need of some refresh ments Black Betty, which was the name of the bottle, was called for, and sent up the ladder. But sometimes black Betty did not go alone. I have many times seen as much bread, beef, pork and cab- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 53 bage sent along with her, as would afford a good meal for a half dozen hungry men. The young couple were compelled to eat and drink more or less, of whatever was offered them. In the course of the festivity, if any wanted to help himself to a dram, and the young couple to a toast, he would call out, " Where is black Betty ? I want to kiss her sweet lips." Black Betty was soon handed to him, then holding her up in his right hand, he would say, " Here's health to the groom, not forgetting myself, and here's to the bride, thumping luck and big children." This, so far from being taken amiss, was considered as an expression of a very proper and friendly wish, for big children, especially sons, were of great import ance ; every big son being considered as a young soldier. It often happened that some neighbors or relations not being asked to the wedding took offence, and the mode of revenge adopted was that of cutting off the manes, foretops, and tails of the horses of the wedding company. On returning to the infare, the order of procession and race for black Betty was the same as before. The feasting and dancing often lasted for several days. School-Houses. The school-house was considered as necessary to the prosperity of a settlement as the church, and the requirements of the schoolmaster were, that he could read, write, and cipher as far as the double rule of three. When such a man offered himself, the neighbors would employ him, and immediately set about the erection of school-house. One would give the ground, some would cut the logs, some would haul them to the appointed place, others would put them up. In the erection of the school-house, a log would be kept out the entire length to answer the purpose of a window.. The fireplace was built with logs, with a stone back wall calculated for a back log six feet long. The chimney was built with what was then called " cat and' clay chimney." The seats were made of small trees, cut about twelve feet long and split, the flat side dressed smooth with the axe, and legs put in the round side, which stood on an earthen floor. In summer time the dust would be sometimes two inches deep, hence the scholars for amusement would amuse themselves by "kicking up the dust " (which is likely the origin of the expression), to the great an noyance of the schoolmaster, who would use his cat-o'-nine-tails very freely. In old times, they had a custom which is now, we believe, entirely laid aside. About a week before Christmas the larger scholars would meet in the night to bar out the master. On his arrival at the school-room he would endeavor to force his way in, but finding his efforts unavailing, he would enter into an agreement to give them holiday between Christmas and New Year's, give a gallon of whiskey, and lots of ginger-cakes on Christmas day, and play corner ball with the scholars on that occasion. 54 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. CHAPTEE IV. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPREME EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. A brief history of the Provincial Conference— The Constitution of 1776 ; the Council of Censors ; the Convention of 1789 ; the Constitution of 1790; the action of the Legislature of 1825 ; with regard to a convention, and the vote of the people ; the Convention of 1837 ; the Constitution of 1838, and the full proceedings of the Supreme Executive, from 1781 to 1791, which relates to Washington County. Supreme Executive Council. Before proceeding with the acts of this body, as connected with Washington County, it is necessary to give a history of its rise and origin, as interwoven with the Constitution of 1776. A provincial conference of committees of the several counties of Pennsylvania convened at Carpenter's Hall, in Philadelphia, on 25th of June, 1776, in consequenpe of a circular letter from the committee of the city and liberties of Philadelphia, inclosing the resolution of the Continental Congress of the 15th of May, 1716. Returns of delegates were laid before this provincial conference from the city of Philadelphia, and the counties of Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Lancaster, Berks, Northampton, York, Cumberland, Bed ford, Northumberland, and Westmoreland (these ten counties then composing the province). Thomas MeKean was chosen President, Joseph Hart, Vice-President, and Jonathan B. Smith and Samuel C. Morris, Secretaries. The President directed the reading of the resolution of the 15th of May, 1116, passed by the Continental Congress, which was in these words : — Whereas, his Britannic majesty, in conjunction with the Lords and Commons of Great Britan, has, by a late act of Parliament, excluded the inhabitants of these United Colonies from the protection of his crown ; and whereas no answer whatever to the humble petitions of the colonies for the redress of grievances and reconciliation with Great Britain has been or is likely to be given, but the whole force of that kingdom, aided by foreign mercenaries, is to be exerted for the destruction of the good people of these colonies ; and whereas it appears absolutely irreconcilable to reason and good conscience for the people of these colonies now to take the oaths and other matters necessary for the support of any government under the crown of Great Britain, and it is necessary that the exercise of every kind of authority, under the said crown, shall be totally suppressed HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 55 and all the powers of government exerted under the authority of the people of the colonies, for the preservation of interval peace, virtue and good order, as well as for the defence of their lives, liberties, and properties, against the hostile invasions and cruel depredations of their enemies ; therefore, Besolved, That it be recommended to the respective assemblies and conventions of the United Colonies, where no government suffi cient to the exigencies of their affairs has been hitherto established, to adopt such government as shall, in the opinion of the representa tives of the people, best conduce to the happiness and safety of their constituents in particular and America in general. The Conference adopted the resolution, and resolved to adopt a new government in the province of Pennsylvania, on the authority of the people only. The Convention appointed Monday the 8th day of July, 1116, for electing members in the different counties to said Convention, and fixed Monday the 15th of July, 1116, for the assembling of the dele gates. On the 15th of July, 1116, delegates from the city of Philadel phia and the ten counties of the State as above specified, met in Philadelphia, and organized by electing Dr. Benjamin Franklin, President; Col. George Ross, Vice-President; John Morris, Secre tary. The Convention terminated their session on the 28th of Sep tember, 1116, and adopted a constitution, containing a declaration of rights and the frame of government. The commonwealth was to be governed by an Assembly of the representatives of the freemen of the State, a President and Council. In the House of Representa tives the supreme legislative power was vested, but in the President and Council the supreme executive power was vested, under the title of Supreme Executive Council. The first Constitution of Pennsylvania, adopted July 15, 1116, provided that this council should consist of twelve persons, chosen from the counties then in existence, but provided that in case of the formation of new counties, such county or counties shall elect a councillor. The Council was required to meet annually at the same time and place with the General Assembly. The duties of the President and Executive Council (five of whom constituted a quorum) were to appoint all officers, civil and mili tary, except such as were chosen by the people or the General Assembly, and to fill vacancies, grant pardons, remit fines, grant reprieves, see that the. laws were faithfully executed, &c. &c. &c. Two justices of the peace for each district were elected for seven years. The Constitution also provided that a Council of Censors should be elected by the people on the second Tuesday of October, 1183, and in every seventh year thereafter, whose duty was to inquire if the Constitution had been preserved inviolate, whether the different branches of government had performed their duties faith- 56 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. fully, and whether the taxes were justly laid, &c. &c, and to call a convention to amend any article of the Constitution which might be defective. The first Council of Censors met on November the 10th, 1183, when Washington County was represented by James Edgar and John McDowell. After examining the Constitution and its opera tion, they appointed several committees and adjourned to June 1, 1184, and after hearing the opinions of the members, they passed a resolution by a vote of fourteen to ten, that there was no absolute necessity to call a. convention to alter, explain, or amend the Con stitution, but drafted an address to the people on the necessity of supporting the Constitution by giving it a fair and honest trial, and if at the end of seven years it did not answer the desired purpose, to make the necessary change. On the 24th of March, 1189, a resolution was adopted by the General Assembly by a vote of forty-one to seventeen, that it was necessary to call a convention to revise, alter, and amend the Con stitution, and for this purpose the authority was given to the people to elect delegates for that purpose, to meet in Philadelphia on the 24th of November, 1189. This Convention met at the day appointed, with delegates from the city and county of Philadelphia, and the counties of Bucks, Chester, Lancaster, York, Cumberland, Berks, Northampton, Bed ford, Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, Franklin, Montgomery, Dauphin, Luzerne, Huntingdon, Delaware, Northumberland, and Alleghany (there being twenty counties in the State). The delegates from Washington County were Alexander Addison, John Hoge, David Reddick, and James Ross. Thomas Mifflin was elected President. This convention adjourned on the 26th of February, 1190, to assemble on the 9th of August following, after having adopted a constitution, which was ordered to be printed for the consideration of the people of Pennsylvania. The reason given for a change is thus explained by Thomas MeKean. The balance of the one, the few, and the many, is not well poised in the State ; the legislature is too powerful for the executive and judicial branches. We have now but one branch ; we must have another branch, a negative in the executive, stability in our laws, and permanency in our magistracy, before we shall be reputable, safe, and happy. The delegates reassembled at the time and place appointed, and after a careful review and an investigation of the Constitution, adopted the same on September 2, 1190, by a vote of sixty-one to one, and was officially proclaimed as such. In the Constitution of 1190, the legislative power was vested in the Senate and House of Representatives, and not in the House of Representatives alone, as in the Constitution of 1116. The supreme executive power was vested in the Governor, while in the Constitution of 1176 it was in the President and Supreme Executive Council. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 51 The Constitution of 1190 going into effect, the Supreme Executive Council was abolished, and on the 22d of April, 1194, an act was passed vesting- all the powers of the late Supreme Executive Coun cil in the Governor, unless otherwise vested by law. On the 28th of March, 1825, an act was passed by the legislature to ascertain the opinion of the people relative to the call of a convention. On the second Tuesday of October, 1825, the people, by ballot, decided against the proposed convention. On the second of May, 1831, a State Convention assembled at Harrisburg to amend the Constitution. Hon. John Sergeant, of Philadelphia, was chosen President. This Convention continued in session until the July following, when it adjourned and reassembled in October. In the following December the Convention removed to Philadelphia and finally closed their labors on the 22d of February, 1838. The pro posed amendments to the Constitution were adopted by the people at the annual October election of the same year. I shall now proceed to give extracts from the proceedings of the Supreme Executive Council, on subjects referring to Washington County. Philadelphia, Monday, April 2, 1781. Present: His Excellency Joseph Reed, Esq., President, the Vice- President, and members of the Supreme Executive Council. The Council taking into consideration the act of Assembly passed the 28th inst., entitled " An act for erecting part of the county of Westmore land into a special county" called by the name of Washington. Resolved, That Thomas Scott, Esq., be appointed and commissioned to be the Prothonotary of the said county of Washington. Resolved, That James Marshal, Esq., be appointed and commissioned to be Lieutenant of the county of Washington, and that John Cannon and David Lite (Leet) be appointed and commissioned to be the sub-Lieuten ants of the said county. Philadelphia, April 4, 1781. Present : His Excellency Joseph Reed, Esq., President, and Executive Council. James Marshal, Esq., appointed by the Honorable House of Assembly to be Register for the Probate of Wills and granting letters of administra tion, and Recorder of Deeds for the county of Washington, and by this Board to be Lieutenant of the said county, attended in council and took the several oaths necessary to qualify him for the said offices respectively. Philadelphia, April 20, 1781. Present : His Excellency Joseph Reed, Esq., President, and Executive Council. Ordered, That Colonel James Marshal, Lieutenant of the county of Wash ington, be authorized and directed to call out forty men of the militia of that county, or if the militia shall not be organized sufficient for that pur pose, to raise the said number of men for the purpose of escorting and guarding the commissioners appointed to run the line between this State and Virginia, during the time they shall be on that service, and that he be 5 58 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. authorized to call on the commanding officer at Fort Pitt for ammunition for that purpose. Col. Daniel Broadhead was commandant at Fort Pitt. Philadelphia, August 23, 1781. Present : His Excellency the President and Executive Council. Returns of Justices for the following townships in the county of Wash ington were received and read, by which it appears that the following gen tlemen were elected : — Peters township. John Douglass and Robert Thompson. Nottingham township. Benjamin Parkinson and Joseph Parkinson. Strabane township. (In which is the place called Catfish Camp, ordered bylaw to be the seat of justice). Daniel Leet, Henry Taylor, John White, Nicholas Little, Alexander Eddy, and David Clark. Amwell township. Abner Howell and John Craig. Donegal township. Samuel Mason and Samuel Williamson. Hopewell township. William Scott and John Marshall. Fallowfield township. John Parker, John Hall, east end, and John Ste venson and Patrick McCullough, west end of said township. Smith's township. Samuel Johnston and James Edgar. Cecil toivnship. Matthew McConnell and John Reed. On consideration, Resolved, That Henry Taylor, William Scott, John Craig, John White, Daniel Leet, John Marshall, John Douglass, Benjamin Parkinson, John Reed, Abner Howell, Matthew McConnell, Samuel Johnston, and Samuel Mason, be appointed and commissioned justices of the peace, of the court of Common Pleas, and of the Orphans' Court of the county of Washing ton, and that a general commission be issued accordingly. Philadelphia, October 11, 1781. Present :¦ The Honorable the Vice-President and Executive Council. The Council took into consideration a resolve of Congress of the 24th of September last, appointing Brigadier-General William Irvine to the com mand of Fort Pitt, and thereupon Ordered, That agreeably to the said recommendation, the Lieutenant of the county of Washington be ordered to call forth, agreeably to law, upon his requisition, such militia as may be necessary for that post and the pro tection of the county. Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1781. Present : His Excellency the President, the Vice-President, and Execu tive Council. Dorsey Pentecost, councillor elect for the county of Washington, attend ed in council and took the oath of allegiance and oath of office required by the Constitution, and thereupon took his seat at the Board as a member thereof. ' t, , -rr- „ „ Philadelphia, Nov. 21, 1781. Present : His Excellency the President, Vice-President, and Executive Council. A return of an election said to have been held at the house of Ezekiel Roe, in Bethlehem township in Washington County, for electing justices of the peace for said township, was presented and read, and on inquiry it appeared that the said election was not appointed by a justice of the peace for the said county, where a "vacancy had happened," the case provided tor by law, but in consequence of a neglect to choose according to the di rections of the law, wherefore the said election isvoid. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 59 The Council therefore proceeded to the choice of a justice of the peace for the said township of Bethlehem, agreeably to the directions of the act of Assembly, entitled "A further supplement to an act entitled, 'an act di recting the mode and time of electing justices of the peace for the city, of Philadelphia, and the several counties in this commonwealth, and for other purposes herein mentioned,' " and appointed Thomas Crooks, Esq. Ordered, That he be commissioned accordingly. In Council. Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1781. A free conference being had, it appeared to be the sentiments of the Council and of the Committee, that an additional company is necessary for the defence of Washington County, and to complete the four companies now established, and that it might be proper to make application to Con gress for such assistance from the United States as would render an incur sion into the Indian country prudent and practicable. In Council. Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1781. A petition from Thomas Bay, of Washington County, praying to be re imbursed for sundry expenses he has been at in raising twelve volunteers in the spring of the year 1780 for the defence of the said county was read, and thereupon Resolved, That the said petition be presented to the General Assembly. A return of the general election of the county of Washington was read, by which it appears that the following gentlemen were duly elected, viz : Councillor, Dorsey Pentecost; Representatives, James Edgar and John Cannon; Sheriffs, Van Swearingen and Andrew Swearingen ; Coroners, William McFarlane and William McComb ; Commissioners, George Vallan dingham, Thomas Crooks, and John McDowell. On consideration, Resolved, That Van Swearingen be appointed sheriff of the county of Washington, and that William McFarlane be appointed coroner of the said county, and that they be commissioned accordingly. Van Swearingen, Esq., sheriff elect for the county of Washington, now offers Andrew Swearingen and Richard Yeates as sureties for the faithful performance of the duties of his office of sheriff, according to law, and the same are approved. In Council. Philadelphia, Dec. 6, 1781. Resolved, That William Scott of Cross Creek, and Andrew Heath be appointed agents of forfeited estates in the county of Washington. In Council. Philadelphia, Dec. 11, 1781. Ordered, That Col. Lewis Farmer be directed to purchase the following articles of clothing for the company of rangers to be raised in Washington County.* Fifty coats, fifty waistcoats, fifty pair of overalls, fifty hats, one hundred shirts, one hundred pairs of shoes, and fifty blankets. The Hon. Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., presented to the Board a state of the accounts of James' Marshal, Esq., Lieutenant of the county of Washing ton, agreeably to the 19th section of the militia law of this State, and the same being considered, Resolved, That the said accounts be transmitted to the Auditors of the public accounts. Philadelphia, Dec. 1, 1781. A letter from John Conner, Esq., of the 10th inst., inclosing his com mission of sub-Lieutenant of the county of Washington, and praying this Board to accept his resignation thereof, was read, and on consideration, Resolved, That the same be accepted. * See December 27, 1781. 60 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. On consideration, Philadelphia, Dec. 19, 1781. Ordered, That Captain Joseph Stiles, commissary of military stores, be directed to deliver to the Hon. Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., five hundred weight of gunpowder, one thousand weight of lead, and one thousand flints, to be forwarded to Col. James Marshal, Lieutenant of the county of Washing ton, for the defence of the frontiers of the said county. Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1781. An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Honorable John Piper, Esq., for the sum of three pounds specie and the sum of nineteen pounds specie, being money advanced by him for the carriage of Captain Boyd's Company of Rangers in Bedford County, and for the carriage of pow der and lead for the counties of Washington, Westmoreland, and Bedford. The Honorable Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., presented to the Board his ac count for 31 days' attendance in Council from the 19th of November to the 20th of December inst., at 25 shillings per day £38.15 Mileage. 350 miles coming from Washington County at 1 shilling per mile 17.10 Balance specie .£56.05 And therefore an order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Honor able Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., for the sum of fifty-six pounds, five shillings specie, amount of the said account. Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1781. The Council took into consideration the appointment of sub-Lieutenants for the county of Washington, agreeably to the militia laws of this State ; and William McCleary, William Parker, George Vallandingham, and Mat thew Ritchie being recommended ; on consideration, Resolved, That William McCleary, William Parker, George Valanding- ham, and Matthew Ritchie be appointed sub-Lieutenants of the county of Washington, and that they be commissioned accordingly. Philadelphia, Dec. 27, 1781. The Council, taking into consideration the appointing officers for the Ranging Company for the county of Washington, Resolved, That John Hughes, Esq., be appointed and commissioned to be Captain of a company of Rangers to be raised in the county of Washing ton, and that Gabriel Peterson be appointed Lieutenant and James Morri son, Ensign of the said company, and that they be commissioned accord ingly. Philadelphia, Dec. 29, 1781. On consideration of the proposals made by John Cannon, Esq., for sup plying the militia and Rangers of the county of Washington which may be employed for the defence of the frontiers of said county Ordered, That twelve pence per ration, in specie, be allowed for the ra tions delivered at such places as the said troops may from time to time be stationed within the said county of Washington. The rations to consist of One pound of bread; one pound of beef or three-fourths pound of pork ¦ one gill of whiskey per day and one quart of salt and two quarts of vine°-ar' to every hundred rations. Eight pounds of soap and three pounds of candles to every seven hundred rations. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 61 Philadelphia, Jan. 5, 1782. Resolved, John Hughes be appointed Captain, Gabriel Peterson Lieu tenant, and James Morrison Ensign of the Company of Rangers to be raised in the county of Washington for the defence of the frontiers. Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds specie be paid into the hands of Henry Taylor, Esq., to be by him delivered out to Captain John Hughes, Lieutenant Peterson, and Ensign Morrison for the purpose of recruiting the company of Rangers for the county of Washington. Philadelphia, Jan. 8, 1782. The Council, taking into consideration the exposed situation of the fron tier counties, the probability of invasions of them by parties of Indians, and the impossibility of obtaining particular orders from the Council for calling out in due time the militia of the said counties in such casea, Ordered, That the Lieutenant of the county of Washington be authorized and empowered to call out such and so many militia, according to law, as they may judge necessary for repelling the enemy. Philadelphia, Jan. 29, 1782. An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of John McCashem for the sum of ten pounds specie for paying for the transportation of clothing for the ranging companies of Washington and Westmoreland counties from Philadelphia to Shippensburg. Philadelphia, Feb. 26, 1782. A letter from the Commissioners of the Taxes of the county of Washing ton, respecting the collection of the taxes was received and read, and on consideration ordered that the same be transmitted to the General Assem bly of the State. Philadelphia, March 5,1782. Ordered, That Captain Joseph Stiles, Commissary of Military Stores, be directed to deliver to the Honorable Dorsey Pentecost one thousand flints, fifty stand of arms, and fifty pouches, to be forwarded to the Lieuten ant of the county of Washington for the use of the Ranging company to be raised in the said county. Philadelphia, March 9, 1782. An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Honorable Christo pher Hayes, Esq., for the sum of eighteen pounds fifteen shillings specie for paying for the transportation of arms and ammunition from the city to Conocheague for the defence of the frontiers of Washington, Westmoreland, and Bedford counties. Philadelphia, March 18, 1782. The Honorable Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., presented to the Board t"he fol lowing account, viz., Dr. The State of Pennsylvania in account with Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., For attendance in council from the 20th of December, 1781, to the 23d of March, 1782—94 days at lis. 6. £82.5 And thereupon an order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Honorable Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., for the sum of eighty-two pounds, five shillings specie, amount of the said account. Philadelphia, March 30, 1782. Ordered, That James Alison be appointed sub-Lieutenant of the county of Washington in the room of Daniel Leet, who has resigned. 62 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Philadelphia, March 30, 1782. The Board being informed by letter and a return inclosed, on the 4th of February last, from Col. James Marshal, Lieutenant of the county of •Washington, that there were irregularities in the election of some ot the militia officers of the said county, and others had refused to serve, Resolved, That the said Lieutenant be directed to proceeded with all convenient speed, to fill up the said vacancies agreeably to law, in order that commissions may issue. Philadelphia, April 2, 1782. An order drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Honorable Dorsey Pen tecost, Esq., for the sum of twelve pounds ten shillings specie, to be paid to Adam Poe for taking an Indian scalp in the county of Washington, agreeably to the proclamation of the Board. Philadelphia, April 3, 1782. A return of justices for the township of Somerset, in the county of Washington, was received and read, by which it appears that Wm. Parker and John Stevenson were duly elected justices for the said township, there upon Resolved, That William Parker, Esq., be appointed a justice of peace for the county of Washington, and commissioned accordingly. Philadelphia, April 6, 1782. Ordered, That the Lieutenant of the county of Washington be authorized and required to call into service, and put under the direction of Alexander McClean, Esq., such number of militia as the said McClean may judge ne cessary for guards to the commissioners for running the line between the States of Virginia and Pennsylvania, not exceeding one hundred. Philadelphia, April 8, 1782. - The Honorable Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., presented to the Board the fol lowing account for his attendance in council, from the 24th of March, till the 9th of April, 1782 ; 17 days at 17s. 6d. £14 17s. fid. Thereupon an order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Honorable Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., for the sum of fourteen pounds seventeen shillings and sixpence specie, amount of the above account. Philadelphia, April 15, 1782. A return of justices from Robinson township in the county of Washing ton was received and read, by which it appears that Alexander Wright and Jaines Ervins were duly elected justices for said township, thereupon, Resolved, That Alexander Wright be appointed a justice of peace for the county of Washington, and commissioned accordingly. Whereas, It hath been represented to this Board, that the freeholders of the townships of Cumberland and Morgan in the county of Washington (now Greene) have each of them neglected to choose two fit persons, on the 15th day of July, 1781, agreeable to the act of Assembly passed 'the 28th of March, 1781, entitled an "Act for erecting part of the county of Westmoreland into a separate county " to serve as justices of the peace. And whereas, By a clause in an act of Assembly entitled "A further supplement to the act entitled ' an act directing the mode and time of elect ing justices of the peace for the city and the several counties -of the com monwealth, and for other purposes therein mentioned,' passed August 31 1778," it is enacted that where the freeholders of any district, county town' township, or ward within this commonwealth have refused or neglected or shall hereafter refuse or neglect to elect justices of the peace agreeably HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 63 to the directions of the before recited acts, or of the further provisions herein made, that then it shall and may be lawful to and for the President or Vice-president in council, to commission a suitable number of justices of the peace to fill up such vacancies agreeably to the number -settled in the aforesaid recited acts, therefore Ordered, That John Minor be appointed a justice of the peace for the township of Cumberland, and Levi Karrod be a appointed a justice of the peace for the township of Morgan in the county of Washington, and that commissions be issued accordingly. In Council. Philadelphia, April 17, 1782. An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of John Cannon, Esq., for the sum of one hundred pounds specie, in part of contract for supplying the troops stationed in the county of Washington with provisions, for which he is to account. The Honorable Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., presented to the Board the fol lowing account for his attendance in council, viz.: — From the 9th till the 17th of April, 1782,<8 days at 7s. 6d. $7.00, and thereupon an order was drawn for the amount of said account. In Council. Philadelphia, June 12, 1782. An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Captain John Hughes of the company of Rangers to be raised in the county of Washington, for the sum of sixty-five pounds specie, being two months pay for himself, Lieutenant Gabriel Peterson and Ensign James Morrison, officers of the said company for which they are to account. Ordered, That Captain John Hughes, of the company of Rangers to be raised in the county of Washington, be directed to give a bounty, not ex ceeding nine pounds specie, for such recruits as he may raise till his com pany be completed. In Council. Philadelphia, July 12, 1782. Ordered, That the Lieutenant of the county of Washington be directed not to call out a greater number than one hundred militia at any one time for the defence of the frontiers of the county, but by special order of this Board. In Council. Philadelphia, July 25, 1782. Ordered, That a special commission of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, directed to the Honorable Christopher Hayes and Dorsey Pentecost, Esquires, and Edward Cooke, Esq., be now issued to the county of Washington, for the trial of divers persons now confined in the gaol of the said county charged with high crimes and misdemeanors. In Council. Philadelphia, August 14, 1782. Ordered, That the county of Washington be directed to make out and return to the Board pay rolls of moneys due to the militia of the said county, with the proper vouchers for the same. In Council. Philadelphia, September 28, 1782. Ordered, That the Lieutenant of the county of Washington be directed to call out no more militia after the expiration of the time of those now in service ; his Excellency George Washington having received intelligence that the British have called in all the savages, and that no more parties are to be permitted to be sent out against the frontiers. In Council. Philadelphia, October 26, 1782. A letter from Thomas Scott, Esq., of Washington County, with a return of justices for Cumberland township in said county, was received and read, 64 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. by which return it appears that William McCleary and John Armstrong were duly elected justices. On consideration: Ordered, That the said letter and return lie on the table for consideration. In Council. Philadelphia, October 26, 1782. The Council resumed the consideration of the letter from Thomas Scott, Esq., and the return of justices for Cumberland township, Washington County ; and thereupon, Ordered, That a letter be written to the said Thomas Scott, Esq., inform ing him that Council think it not quite prudent to issue a commission upon so old a return as that in which Mr. Edgar is mentioned, unless a petition from the people of the district had supported the sentiment expressed in * his letter ; and that they have also thought it best to delay their decision on the return now received, as they are informed it is probable that one of the gentlemen named therein may be returned a member of the General Assembly ; but when that point is known, the Council will nominate and issue the commission, so as to forward it by the first opportunity. In Council. Philadelphia, November 26, 1782. Petition of David Hoge was read, stating that he had conveyed a piece ofland to the commissioners to build a court-house and prison in Wash ington County, and praying the said commissioners may be ordered to report their proceedings as soon as may be to this Board. (See March 14, 1783.) In Council. Philadelphia, December 4, 1782. A return of the general election for the county of Washington was received and read, by which it appears that the following gentlemen were duly elected : — Representatives. Matthew Ritchie and William McCleary. Slieriffs. Van Swearingen and Andrew Swearingen. Coroners. William McFar lane and John Marshall. Commissioner. George McCormick. And the same being considered, Ordered, That Van Swearingen, Esq., be appointed sheriff of the county of Washington, and that William McFarlane be appointed coroner of the said county, and that they be commissioned accordingly. Van Swearingen, Esq., sheriff elect for the county of Washington, offers Matthew Ritchie and John Oornaghan as sureties for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office of sheriff of the said county, according to law, which the Council approve. In Council. Philadelphia, February 15, 1783. An order was drawn on the Treasurer, in favor of Col. John Cannon, for ninety-five pounds six shillings, balance of his account for rations fur nished to the militia and rangers in Washington County, from February 1782, till February, 1783. " In Council. Philadelphia, March 5, 1783. A petition from Anne'Browne, Jean McCulloch, Frances Morgan, Agnes Reed, Catharine Pecas, Leah Norris, Anne Straight, Hannah Russel Nancy Peckerol, Elizabeth Shanks, Elizabeth Palmer, and Mary Patter son, convicted of fornication and bastardy, in the county of Washington and sentenced each of them to pay a fine of ten pounds to the use of the State, praying remission of their fines, was read, and thereupon Ordered, That the fines adjudged to be paid to the use of the State by the persons before mentioned, be remitted. ' HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 65 In Council. Philadelphia, March 6, 1783. An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Honorable Dorsey Pentecost, for sixteen pounds, for three hundred and twenty miles' riding to Philadelphia, at one shilling per mile. In Council. Philadelphia, March 14, 1783. A report^from Hugh Scott, Daniel Leet, Van Swearingen, and John Armstrong, of the county of Washington, appointed by an act of General Assembly of the 28th of March, 1781, to purchase a piece of land in said county, thereon to build a courthouse and prison, was received and read, setting forth that, agreeably to the directions of the said act, they have purchased from David Hoge a piece or parcel of land, within one mile of the centre of said county, for the purpose expressed in the said act, and submitting the same to the approbation of the Council; whereupon, Ordered, That the said report be accepted and approved accordingly. In Council. Philadelphia, March 17, 1783. Ordered, That an order be drawn on the treasurer in favor of Captain John Hughes, Lieutenant Gabriel Peterson, and Ensign James Morrison, of the company of rangers in the county of Washington, to be charged to their account ; Ordered, That a letter be written to Henry Taylor, Esq., of the said county, requesting him to pay to the non-commissioned officers and privates of Captain Jqhn Hughes' Company of Rangers two months' pay. In Council. Philadelphia, March 21, 1783. An order was drawn on the Treasurer, in favor of Mr. Matthew Ritchie, for twenty-five pounds specie, to be paid by him to Alexander Wright and William Minor, being the reward allowed by proclamation of Council for two Indian scalps taken in the county of Washington. The Council taking into consideration the proclamation of the 22d day of April, 1780, offering a reward for Indian scalps, and the reasons upon which the same was founded no longer continuing, Resolved, That the same be made null and void, anything therein con tained to the contrary notwithstanding. Ordered, That the foregoing resolution be sent to the Lieutenants of the county of Washington. In Council. Philadelphia, March 22, 1783. Resolved, ThatCouncil has no further use for the service of Captain John Hughes, commanding the Washington County Rangers, after the 5th of April next. That Captain Hughes be informed that Council return him thanks for the service he has rendered the State while in their employ. An order was drawn in favor of Captain John Hughes, for thirty pounds specie, being two months' pay advanced to him, for which he is to account, to be paid out of the fund appropriated to the frontier defence. In Council. Philadelphia, March 25, 1783. An order was received on the Treasurer in favor of Honorable Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., for forty pounds, seven shillings and six pence, specie, amount of his account for his attendance in council from the 10th of February till the 26th of March, 1783. In Council. Philadelphia, April 1, 1783. The Comptroller General's report upon the account of James Marshall, Esq., Lieutenant of the county of Washington, was read and approved. 66 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. In Council. Philadelphia, May 1, 1783. Ordered, That Capt. Joseph Stiles, Commissary of Military Stores, be directed to deliver four hundred and fifteen pounds of powder and eight cwt. weight of lead, to Col. Christopher Hays, for the use of the militia of Washington and Westmoreland counties. Ordered, That letters be written enjoining it upon the Lieutenants of the said counties not to issue any part of this ammunition upon th» receipts of the officers commanding corps, and that the same obligation be carried down to the private soldier. In Council. Philadelphia, May 24, 1783. A letter from John Cannon, Esq., contractor for the subsistence of the Washington Rangers, was read. In Council. Philadelphia, May 29, 1783. The Comptroller General's report upon the account of Thomas Scott, Esq., Prothonatory of Washington County, was read and approved. In Council. Philadelphia, June 6, 1783. Ordered, That the Washington Ranging Company be immediately dis charged from the service of the State, but that in settlement of accounts they be entitled to pay and rations till the first day of July next. The eldest officer of the company lately commanded by Capt. John Hughes, is therefore directed to put all his vouchers, &c, into the hands of Captains Boyd and Stokely. The corps is also informed that Council, under a 6ense of their many services, will take some early moment to call the attention of the Assembly to their situation, and that no disposition or good offices shall be wanting to render it as easy as possible. In Council. Philadelphia, August 27, 1783. A letter was delivered to the Clerk of the General Assembly from Thomas Scott, Prothonotary of Washington County, in reply to several letters from Council upon the subject of the late communication from Vir ginia.In Council. Philadelphia, August 28, 1783. The Comptroller General's report upon the accounts of James Pollock and William Cocheran, Esqs., was read and approved. In Council. Philadelphia, September 23, 1783. An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Honorable Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., for thirty-one pounds, fifteen shillings, in full for his attend ance in council to this day, inclusive, and his mileage. In Council. Philadelphia, October 6, 1783. The Honorable Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., sent in a resignation of his seat at this Board, which was read and accepted. In Council. Philadelphia, October 7, 1783. The following report from the Comptroller General was read and approved, upon the accounts of Thomas Scott, Esq., Prothonotary of Washington County, for tax arising from writs in said county. In Council. Philadelphia, October 10, 1783. An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Honorable Dorsey Pen tecost, Esq., for fifteen pounds fifteen shillings specie, in full for his attend ance in council till the 6th inst., inclusive. In Council. Philadelphia, October 31, 1783. Resolved, That Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., be appointed a Judge in, and President of, the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Washington. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 67 In Council. Philadelphia, November 10, 1783. The return of the General Election held in the county of Washington was received and read, by which it appears that the following gentlemen were duly elected, viz : — Censors. James Edgar, John McDowell. Councillor. John Neville. Representatives. John Stephenson, Matthew Ritchie. Sheriffs. Van Swearingen, Andrew Swearingen. > Coroners. William McFarlane, William McComb. Commissioner.. .Demas Lindley. On consideration, Ordered, That Van Swearingen be appointed sheriff, and William McFarlane coroner of the county of Washington, and that they be commissioned accordingly. Van Swearingen, Esq., now offers John Neville, Andrew Swearingen, and Dorsey Pentecost, Esqrs., of the county of Washington, as sureties for the faithful performance of the duties of his office for the said county, accord ing to law, which the Council approve. In Council. Philadelphia, November 14, 1783. A representation from the magistracy of Washington County, upon the complaints of John Campbell and John Coxe, was read. In Council. Philadelphia, November 20, 1783. The following order was drawn on the Treasurer, viz : In favor of John Cannon, Esq., for two hundred and seventy-four pounds five shillings, in full, for rations furnished to Rangers and militia in Washington County till August 1783, inclusively, to be paid out of the frontier fund. Lj Council. Philadelphia, January 20, 1784. The Comptroller General's report upon the account of James Marshall, Esq., Lieutenant, and James Allison, late sub-Lieutenant of Washington County, was read. In Council. Philadelphia, March 26, 1784. The Comptroller's report upon the account' of Samuel Beeler for pro visions furnished to the Washington County militia, was read and approved. In Council. Philadelphia, March 30, 1784. The Comptroller's report upon the account of Matthew Ritchie, late sub-Lieutenant of the county, was read and approved. In Council. Philadelphia, April 5, 1784. The report of the Comptroller-General upon the account of Colonel Wil liam Parker, late sub-Lieutenant of Washington County, was read and approved. In Council. Philadelphia, June 10, 1784. John White attended, and Council agreed to allow him twenty-one pounds ten shillings for riding express to the counties of Washington, Westmore land, Bedford, Cumberland, York, Lancaster, and Chester, with dispatches to the several sheriffs of said counties, for calling the General Assembly, and thereupon an order was drawn in his favor for fifteen pounds specie in part of said sum. Ih Council. Philadelphia, July 23, 1784. A letter from James Marshall, Esq., Lieutenant of the county of Wash ington, was read. 68 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. In Council Philadelphia, August 12, 1784. The Comptroller General's report upon the accounts of Hon. John McDowell and James Edgar, Esqs., and orders drawn on the Treasurer for the sum of thirty-three pounds five shillings each, in full for their attendance severally, till the 10th inst. inclusively, as members of the Council of Cen sors, to be paid according to resolution of Assembly of the 22d of Novem ber, 1783. In Council. Philadelphia, September 10, 1784. The record of the conviction of Thomas Richardson of burglary in the county of Washington, was read and considered ; upon which it was Resolved, That execution of the sentence of the court be made and done upon him, the said Thomas Richardson, on Saturday, the 2d day of Octo ber next, between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and two of the clock in the afternoon of the same day, at the most proper and public place within the said county. In Council. Philadelphia, September 25, 1784. An order was drawn upon the Treasurer of the State in favor of James Edgar, Esq. (for fifty-six pounds eighteen shillings), a member of the Coun cil of Censors, for his wages, for attendance in the said Council until this day, to be paid according to the resolution of the General Assembly, dated the 22d day of November, 1783. , In Council. Philadelphia, September 27, 1784. An order was drawn on the Treasurer. in favor of Henry Taylor, Esq., for the sum of two pounds five shillings specie, for his services in paying the Ranging Company of Washington County, late commanded by Captain Hughes, agreeably to the Comptroller-General's report. In Council. Philadelphia, September, 28, 1784. The Comptroller-General's reports upon the following accounts were read and approved : For provisions furnished to the Washington County militia by William Campbell, Richard Elson, John Smith, William Rankin, Thomas Cherry, John Nichols, Henry Enoch, David Shepherd, Thomas Rankin, Stephen Treacle, Demus Lindley, James Marshall, Jr., and George Atkinson. In Council. Philadelphia, September 29, 1784. The Comptroller-General's report upon the account of Captain Craig Ritchie, for the pay of his company of Washington County militia — also upon the account of William McCleary, Esq., sub-Lieutenant of the county of Washington, was read — and approved September 30, 1784. In Council. Philadelphia, October 6, 1784. Matthew Ritchie and John Cannon, Esqs., were appointed justices of the county Court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Washington. In Council. , Philadelphia, October, 19, 1784. A petition from divers inhabitants of Washington County, complaining of the conduct of the commissioners of taxes in said county, in laying the taxes in a partial manner to the great injury of the petitioners, was read and thereupon Ordered, That a copy of said complaint be transmitted to the said com missioners, and that they be directed to explain to Council their conduct with respect to the petitioners (which was accordingly done). HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 69 In Council. Philadelphia, October 26, 1784. Upon the petition of Rachel Cotton, convicted of fornication in the county of Washington, it was Ordered, That her fine be remitted. In Council. Philadelphia, November 1, 1784. The return of the general election held in the county of Washington was received and read, by which it appears the following gentlemen were duly elected : — Representatives. Matthew Ritchie, John Stevenson. Sheriffs. James Marshall, Daniel Leet. Coroners. William McCombs, Robert Benson. Commissioner. James Allison. On consideration, Ordered, That James Marshall, Esq., be appointed and commissioned to be sheriff of said county of Washington, and that William McCombs, Esq., be appointed and commissioned coroner of said county. James Mar shall, Esq., offered John Hoge and John Stevenson, Esqs., as sureties for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office of sheriff for the said county, according to law, which the Council approved. James Marshall's resignation of his office of Register and Recorder of Deeds in and for the county of Washington was read. In Council. Philadelphia, Nov. 3, 1784. A bond was executed in Council by James Marshall, John Stevenson, and John Hoge, in the sum of one thousand pounds, for the said James Marshall's faithful performance of the duties of his office of sheriff of the county of Washington according to law. James Marshall's resignation of the office of Lieutenant of the county of Washington, was read and not accepte In Council. Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1784. The Comptroller-General's report upon the account of Col. James Mar shall, Lieutenant of the county of Washington, by which it appears that a balance of eight hundred and twenty-six pounds eighteen shillings and three pence, specie, is due to him, was read and approved and an order drawn in his favor for the sum of fifty pounds specie, in part of the said balance. In Council. Philadelphia, Nov. 16, 1784. The Comptroller-General's report upon the account of Captain John Hughes, late of a company of rangers raised in the county of Washington, was read and approved. In Council. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1784. A dedinlus potestatem was issueu to Thomas Scott and Thomas Stokely, Esqs., of the county of Washington. In Council. Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1784. Thomas Stokely, Esq., was commissioned to be register of, and probate of wills, and granting letters of administration, and recorder of deeds in the county of Washington, in consequence of an appointment to those of fices by the General Assembly. In Council. Philadelphia, January 22, 1785. The Comptroller- General's report upon the account of Ensign James Morrison, of Captain John Hughes' company of rangers of the county of Washington, was read and approved, the balance due to him being ninety pounds. 70 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. In Council. Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1785. An order was drawn upon the Treasurer in favor of Lieut. James Morri son, late of Capt. John Hughes' company of rangers in Washington Coun ty, for the sum of fifteen pounds, being two months' pay, for which he is to be accountable. In Council. Philadelphia, Jan. 27, 1785. The Comptroller-General's report upon the following accounts were read and approved, viz : — Of Jonathan Hennard and David Ruble, for provisions furnished to the Washington County militia. Of Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., for disbursements in raising Capt. Hughes' company of rangers. Of William Marshall, for losses sustained in the Indian expedition of 1781. Of the pay due the non-commissioned officers and privates of Captain Hughes' company. Of Lieut. Gabriel Peterson, for pay in the said company. In Council. Philadelphia, Feb. 11, 1785. Henry Vanmetre elected justice of the peace for Cumberland township, and commissioned according to law. In Council. Philadelphia, Feb. 24, 1785. The Comptroller-General's report upon the account of Captain Andrew Swearingen's ranging company, for pay from Marsh to November, 1781. In Council. Philadelphia, March 1, 1785. The return of an election of justices of the peace for the district of Fal- lowfield and county of Washington, was read and postponed. In Council. Philadelphia, March 2, 1785. The Comptroller-General's reports upon the following accounts were read and approved, viz : — Of Craig Ritchie and Andrew Munroe, for horses lost in the Sandusky expedition. Of Lieut.-Col. George Vallandingham, for militia services. Of the aforesaid Capt. Craig Ritchie for rations due him from the 20th of May to the 20th of June, 1782. Of Van Swearingen, Esq., for provisions furnished the ranging company of Andrew Swearingen, captain, and for seven thousand one hundred and forty rations furnished the militia of Washington Countv, from April 1st to September 2d, 1782. Of John Smilie, for a horse and rifle lost in the Sandusky expedition. Of James Curry and John Geiger, for team hire in transporting baggage of the troops employed in escorting the convention army in 1778. In Council. Philadelphia, March'3, 1785. The Comptroller-General's report upon the account of Joseph Holmes of the county of Washington, for provisions furnished himself when on militia service, was read and approved. In Council. Philadelphia,. April 7 1785 William Graham was appointed collector of excise for Washington Westmoreland, and Fayette counties. ' In Council. Philadelphia, April 27, 1785 On consideration, Ordered, That General Neville be authorized upon his return to Wash ington County, to place some fit person in possession of the buildings at HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 71 Fort Mcintosh (near Beaver, Pa.), with directions to keep them and the public timber upon the adjoining land in a state of as much preservation as possible. In Council. Philadelphia, May 3, 1785. A letter to John Story, Esq., additional commissioner for settling accounts (of this State with the United States), requesting him to enter upon the execution of his office as soon as possible in Washington County, and Westmoreland and Fayette, unless circumstances shall hereafter require any alteration of this direction. In Council. Philadelphia, May 7, 1785. An order was drawn upon the Treasurer in favor of Dorsey Pentecost, Esq., for three pounds specie, being money advanced by him to Mr. William Croghen, for the transportation of two hundred and fifty pounds from this city to the county of Washington, and its deposit in the hands of the lieu tenant of said county. In Council. Philadelphia, May 20, 1785. The fine imposed upon Annie Essicks, of Washington County, upon being convicted of fornication, was remitted. « In Council. Philadelphia, Aug. 30, 1785. The Comptroller-General's report upon the account of William Shearer, of the county of Washington, for a horse lost in the Sandusky expedition, was read and approved. In Council. Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1185. A return of a magistrate for the township of Donegal, and county of Washington, was read. (See Feb. 6, 1786.) A certificate from the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the peace of the county of Washington', accompanied by a petition from the inhabitants one hundred and four ; these two, with William Gordon, Russel Reese, John Lorrison, and John James constituted the principal original settlers. From the year 1770 to 1790 they were followed by a different kind of men, who patented their lands and obtained them legally ; these early pioneers were Nathaniel McGiffin, David Evans, James Milliken, Abel McFarland, George Cooper, and John Bates, some of whom served in the Revolutionary war with marked distinction with Washington, La Fayette, Green, Marion, and Sumpter. Forts. For their protection these early settlers erected two forts, one called Fort Milliken, situated on a beautiful mound on the farm of Mrs. Samuel Braden, the other was named Fort McFarland, and located on the farm of Peter Garrett. There was a third fort or blockhouse on the farm now owned by Nehemiah Woodruff, Esq., where many bones, arrows, wares, and trinkets are unearthed by the farmer's plough. The mound that encircled the area of this third fort until recently was covered with large trees, and in the immediate vicinity are numerous burying-grounds of the Indians. Churches. In the fall of the year 1831 the Revs. A. M. Bryan, John Morgan, A. Chapman, R. Burrow, and R. Donnel came as missionaries to proclaim the doctrines of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. They held a camp-meeting on Abel Milliken's farm near Fort Milli ken. In May, 1832, another camp-meeting was held, and another in January, 1833 ; the result of these camp-meetings was the organi zation of a church on the 22d of January, 1833,. which was called Pleasant Hill. The church is v built of brick, and located about half a mile from the village. The following pastors have officiated, viz: Rev. John Morgan, for one year and a half; Rev. Alexander Robinson, one year ; Rev. S. P. Allen, one year ; Rev. E. Howland, six months ; Rev. Milton Bird, five years; Rev. James McFarland, six months; Rev. John Carey, twelve years ; Rev. Philip Axtell, four years ; Rev. Ste phen Winget, ten years ; Rev. Jesse Adams, two years. Rev. Philip Axtell is the present incumbent. North Tenmile Baptist Church. Is situated on a ridge two miles north of Tenmile village. Its his tory runs back as far as the year 1772. In their first labors they were much troubled with the Indians, and were often compelled to hold their meeting in Fort McFarland. Their present church is the third which has been erected on the same ground. The Rev. James Sutton was their first regular pastor ; he was chosen February HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 95 4, 1774; he served for seven years. His successor was Rev. Joh Corbly, who remained for two years. He was followed by Rev. David Sutton. How long he preached cannot be ascertained, because the church records are lost, and our next preacher of which we have any sure knowledge was Rev. Charles Wheeler, who became the pastor in 1831 and served five years. In 1836, Rev. A. B. Bow man became the pastor and resigned in 1839, when the Rev. Levi Griffith was elected, and officiated until 1842. His successor was Rev. F. Downey, who served until 1846, then followed Rev. Wm. Whitehead for eighteen months ; Rev. S. Kendall Lenning, for six and a half years ; Rev. T. C. Gunford, for one year ; Rev. W. Scott, for six months ; Rev. B. P. Ferguson, for two and a half years ; Rev. J. Boyd, for three years. In 1865, Rev. W. B. Skinner became pastor, who remained until 1867. His successor, until 1868, was Rev. S. Kendall, who was followed by the present incumbent, Rev. C. W. Tilton. American Patriotism. On February 6, 1839, the citizens of Amwell township met and elected John Carter President, and Samuel L. Hughes Secretary. The object of the meeting was to adopt measures to check the bit terness of party strife, sink the character of the politician, and arise superior to party dictation and party influence, by assuming the character and attributes of an American patriot. Bethlehem Township Was one of the original townships, organized July 15, 1781. It was at that period bounded by Straban and Fallowfield townships on the north, the Monongahela River on the east, Amwell and Frank lin townships on the south, and Amwell on the east. Application was made to the Court of Quarter Sessions on March 13, 1788, to divide the township into East and West Bethlehem townships, and on the 18th of January* 1790, the court directed the division to be made by a straight line running from Peter Drake's to Weise's mill. On the 29th of March, 1788, before the division of the township, we find Michael Simon and Anne Ottia his wife conveying to the trustees of the Dutch Presbyterians two and a fourth acres of land situate on Brush Run, a branch of Tenmile Creek, to be used for divine worship, and teaching of school, and a burial-ground. April 12, 1792, Joseph Townsend and wife conveyed to James Crawford, Nathaniel Heald, Abraham Smith, John Townsend, John Heald, and Isaac Jenkinson, as trustees of the Quaker Westland meeting-house, a certain lot of ground, containing twenty acres, for a meeting-house, burying-ground, and other necessary purposes, in consideration of twenty pounds, Pennsylvania currency. This land is on the draws of the Monongahela River and Twomile Run. 96 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. East Bethlehem Township. It is bounded north by East and West Pike Run, east by the Monongahela River, south by Greene County, and west by West Bethlehem. It is centrally distant from Washington eighteen miles, its greatest length, nine miles, breadth, four and a half miles. The National road crosses the river by a bridge in the northeast angle of this township. On this road are Frederickstown and Mills- borough, but have been erected into separate boroughs. East Bethlehem has five stores, one distillery, and ten schools, employipg three male and seven female teachers; the average monthly salary of the former is $36.66, and of the latter $33.14. The number of scholars is four hundred and thirty, of which two hundred and twenty-eight are males, and two hundred and two are females ; the cost of tuition per month, $1.18 per scholar; amount levied for school purposes, $1792.39 ; received from the State appro priation, $175.89. Population in 1860, white, 1825; colored, 37, amounting to 1862. August 25th, 1843, an alteration was made and confirmed by the court on the division line between West Pike Run and East Bethle hem townships. November 30th, 1848, the court, upon petition and hearing the report of viewers, attached all that part of East Bethlehem to East Pike Run except West Brownsville, which is north of the National road. At the August term, 1861, the line between East and West Bethlehem was changed, so as to include Thomas Martindale in East Bethlehem. Frederioktown Is on the west bank of the Monongahela River, below the great bend, two miles north of the mouth of Tenmile Creek, eight miles above Brownsville, and twenty miles southwest of Washington. It was laid out by Frederick Wise, on August 21, 1790, although the land was patented March 22d, 1788, under the name of sugar-tree bottom. In laying out the town, the proprietor reserved one acre of ground for a cemetery, and lot No. 44 for a school-house, upon which a brick edifice has been erected, containing one graded school with two de partments. The town was surveyed and laid off by Isaac Jenkinson ; lots measured 60 by 180, having Water, Main, and Bank streets running parallel with the river, and Washington, Walnut, and Sycamore run ning at right angles to the former; each street being 50 feet wide except Main, which is 60. The proprietor of the town entered into an agreement with Isaac Jenkinson and others September 20, 1793, recorded in the Recorder's office of this county, that no distillery for the destruction of grain or fruit shall be at any time erected on the premises, by or under said Wise or any purchaser of his or their pur chase. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 97 In 1793 a public library was established, which continued in opera tion until the 31st day of July, 1825, when it was closed and the books sold. The town contains a population of 320 inhabitants ; a stoneware pottery, manufacturing 30,000 gallons annually; a grist and saw mill; two hotels; a rectifying distillery; fifty dwellings; and salt works, the well being 520 feet deep. About a mile below Fredericktown is a curious cave called ; the Panther's den. It enters the hill half way from its base, by a small fracture or rent in the rock. After going a few yards through a narrow and descending passage, you enter a wide but low room in which you can walk nearly upright; to the roof of this room the exploring party found bats hanging in a stupid kind of sleep. By clambering up another fracture in the rock, they entered another room ; they were required to roll themselves through this room, and entered a third by a narrow and descending passage, occasioned by another rent in the rock. This room was high' enough to walk upright in, and was divided by a partition of petrifactions, formed by the drippings of water through the roof. The party explored it about forty yards. David S. Wilson, Esq., of Washington, has kindly permitted me to copy the following letter, the original of which is in his posses sion, and is a proud monument to the citizens of Fredericktown and its vicinity, showing their devotion to our government in its in fant state. The letter is in the hand-writing of John Adams, Presi dent of the United States. To the inhabitants of Fredericktown and its vicinity, in the county of Washington and the State of Pennsylvania — Gentlemen : Your memorial to the President, Senate, and House of Rep resentatives has been presented to me by Judge Addison, for which I return you my thanks. From the beginning of the world, the elements of division of opinion among the people have existed ; the distinctions of the wise and foolish, learned and ignorant, industrious, and idle, strong and weak, virtuous and vicious, have ever prevailed, and while these continue men will think differ ently. One would imagine that under a constitution of their own choice they might agree, but we find that they do not ; to be sure to seek shelter under a foreign power is another thing ; they must be depraved and lost, who are capable of this. Very few, if any, whose blood was first distilled from the American soil can be of the number; these will very generally pledge themselves to a cordial attention to every duty incumbent on citi zens of a free and independent Republic. John Adams. Philadelphia, July 7, 1798. Millsborough Was incorporated as a borough on April 16, 1840. Its population in 1860 was 292. It is 21 miles distant from Washington, and is situate in East Bethlehem township, and was laid out by Jesse Bomgarner in the year 1700 (the land being patented June 3, 1769) on the north bank of Tenmile Creek, at its confluence with the 96 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Monongahela River, at which there is a ferry. The streets are 50 feet wide — lots, 60 by 180 feet. The houses, generally frame, and some brick ; yet a few of the old landmarks (log houses) still re- main to remind the inhabitants of the days of " Auld Lang Syne." There are sixty dwelling-houses and three churches, viz., a Cum berland Presbyterian, under the care of Rev. J. S. Gibson ;. a MeT thodist Episcopal, under charge of Rev. Mr. Hill, and a Methodist Protestant Church ; two cabinet-makers, five stores, two cooper shops, one blacksmith shop, two foundries, one hotel, one wagon manufactory, a steam grist-mill, a saw mill, and one rectifying dis tillery in this borough. Mill Street is the principal street, being 60 feet wide, while the remaining streets, Ferry, Walnut, Water, and Morgantown, are but 40 feet. Three of these run east and west, and the others intersect them at right angles. Millsboro' has two school-houses with 82 scholars, 34 males and 48 females; cost of tuition per month is $1.09; amount of taxes levied for school purposes, $2.77 ; State appropriation, $36.66. Half a mile from the town, on the opposite side of the river, is a rock of about twenty feet square, upon which are curious hierogly phics which can scarcely be deciphered. The rock is of a sand-stone character, and upon it are impressions of Indians, animals, pipes, feet, heads, claws, &c. The Monongahela River at this place is slack water, twenty miles up the river from this point, as far as Geneva. Steamboats ply this river and carry freight to and from Pittsburg, and supply this and the adjoining counties and West Virginia. An old water grist-mill still remains, to which the inhabitants in the old times came fifty miles. West Bethlehem Township Is bounded on the north by Somerset, on the east by Somerset and E. Bethlehem, on the south by Greene County, and on the west by Amwell and S. Strabane. This township is centrally distant from Washington 15 miles. In 1860 it contained a population of 1961, of which 4 were colored. It has 13 schools, with 652 scholars, of which 324 are males and 228 females; the cost of tuition per month being 98 cents ; the total amount of tax levied for school and build ing purposes, $2421.97 ; the State appropriation being $193.83. Its length is 10 miles ; its breadth, 6 miles. 'The towns are Hillsborough and Zollarsville. Hillsborough is on the National Road, midway between Washington and Browns ville, 11 miles from each. It contains 38 dwellings, 3 preachers, 5 physicians, 3 shoe shops, 2 saddle and harness shops, 1 hotel, 1 blacksmith shop, 1 wagon-maker shop, 1 cabinet-maker, 2 carpen ters, 4 stores, a Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal church. It is elevated 1750 feet above tide water — 917 feet above the Monon gahela River at Brownsville, and 1002 feet above the Ohio at HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 99 Wheeling. It was laid out by Stephen Hill and Thomas McGiffen, Esq., deceased, and has a population of 180 inhabitants. The land upon which Hillsborough (now called Scenery Hill) was laid out, was patented September 15, 1784, by Wm. Hill, Esq., and named Springtown, and contained 393| acres, for and in considera tion of three pounds five shillings and sixpence. This tract is now divided thus : the land upon which the town is laid out, and the respective farms of Oliver Lacock, Valentine Kinder, John Taylor, and Joseph W. Cowan, Esqrs. The aggregate value of these tracts is estimated at $75,000. The first church in Hillsborough was erected about 1850 by the Presbyterians and Lutherans ; the second church, by the Methodists, in 1852, by Hiram Winnett. Before their erection divine service was performed in the school-house. The Methodist denomination has had the efficient services of Revs. J. White, Geo. S. Holmes, Wake field, Hudson, Yarnall, and many others who have labored success fully in the cause of their Divine Master. The Methodist church has about eighty members. The first postmaster was the late Samuel Stanley. He worked at the carpenter business in 1810 at the large storehouse of Oliver La- cock ; settled and became a resident of the place, and died ten years since at an advanced age. As a man, a citizen, %. Christian, and a Freemason, he had no superior. His daughter fills his place in the post-office department. Zollarsville is on the north branch of Tenmile Creek, 16 miles from Washington. It was laid out by Stephen Ullery in 1856, and is a small and thriving village. Near the residence of ex-sheriff E. R. Smith is the remains of an Indian fort. The entrenchment around the fort, which can yet be traced, is about 100 feet from the fort. Bones, -pipes, arrows, &c, have been found. None of the inhabitants of the surrounding country can trace its origin ; but a tree was lately cut down within the inclosure of the grounds of the fprt, and its age, according to the mode of computing the age^of trees, amounted to about 300 years. Coal is found at 180 feet, and salt water at 400 feet. There is a Methodist Episcopal church northwest of Zollarsville, and a Dunkard Baptist church near Mr. Wherry's. This township has a number of grist and saw-mills. Half a mile below Hillsborough there was erected an Episcopal church, under the supervision of Rev. Joseph Dodridge (but the site can only now be traced), near George Taylor's, Esq. Cecil Township. This was the third of the original townships formed July 15, 1781. Its boundaries were Robinson township on the north ; Peters, Dickin son, and Strabane on the east ; Amwell on the south ; and Smith and Hopewell on the west. 100 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. By the act of Assembly of September 24, 1788, a part of this township, with the whole of Dickinson, was ceded to Allegheny Coun ty, at which time the county was formed and confirmed by the Su preme Executive Council, September 30, 1788. An application was made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of this county, praying fqr a division of the township, beginning at Chartiers' Creek at the junction of the mouth of Brush Run, and continuing up the same as high as to Matthew Johnston's, to include his farm in the upper division, thence leaving James Reed's farm in the lower division, directly, to include General Washington's and Henry Guy's land in the upper divi sion, and immediately to intersect the outside line of the township. December 9, 1789, the Supreme Executive Council confirmed the same, and the township thus formed was called Chartiers. Cecil township is now bounded by Robinson township and Allegheny County on the north, Peters township and Allegheny County on the east, Chartiers and North Strabane on the south, and Mount Plea sant and Chartiers on the west. Its greatest length is 7-§- miles, breadth, 4j miles. Miller's branch of Chartiers' Creek passes south east through the middle of the township, upon which are several mills. Its population in 1860 was 959, of which but one is colored. It contains three stores. The township line between this and Mount Pleasant township* was adjusted and confirmed by the court. The only town in this, township is Venice, 12 miles from Washing ton, named, by its founder, after the famous maritime city of Italy. We cannot say with the poet, " From out the wave her structures rise As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand," there being but 26 dwelling houses, a Presbyterian church south of Venice, with a parsonage attached. There is another Presbyterian church east of the place. This township has seven schools with two male and five female teachers, receiving a monthly salary of $35.00, having 210 scholars, of which 112 are males and 98 females, tuition costing each scholar per month $1.35. Amount of taxes levied, $1991.11, and receiving from the State appropriation, $98.67. Gen. Washington's Land. From our county records we learn the history of this land. A patent was issued July 5, 1775, by John, Earl of Dunmore, Lieute nant and Governor-General of the colony of Virginia, to George Washington, for two thousand eight hundred and thirteen acres of land, in Augusta County, in the State of Virginia, on the waters of Miller's Run, one of the branches of Shirtee Creek, which is a branch of the Ohio River. Gen. Washington held this land until June 1, 1796, when he conveyed the same to Matthew Richie, Esq., of this county, in consideration of the sum of twelve thousand dollars. Witnesses to the deed were James Ross, Esq., and Charles Lee, the HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 101 deed being acknowledged in Philadelphia by the grantor, before James Biddle, President of the Court of Common Pleas of the first district. The payments on the land were $3180 cash, and the balance, $8820, in three equal annual payments with interest. Matthew Richie, Esq., in his advertisement to sell the land after he had purchased it, says, there are thirteen farms cleared and cul tivated on the land, which is of excellent quality, rich, level, well tim bered, and well watered. Gen. Washington came to visit his lands (which were, when patent ed, in Augusta County, Virginia), and brought ejectments for their recovery. During his stay, the mother of James Reed (silversmith, formerly of this place) cooked a dinner on or near the lands for the General, and on his return stayed one night with Col. John Cannon, the proprietor of Canonsburg. Before the sale to Matthew Richie, Esq., the record of the court shows that suit was instituted for the recovery of this land. Smith. His Excellency George Washington, Esq., No. 110. vs. {Samuel McBride, James McBride, Thomas Biggart, Wm. Stewart, Brice McGehan, John Reed, John Glen, James Scott, William Hillis, and Matthew Johnson. .Ejectment served. Hugh M. Breckenridge, Esq., appears, pleads non cul, and enters into the common rule and rule for tryal next term. March, 1785. Removed per certiorari. Clerk, £1. 4. 4. Sheriff, £4. 19. Mileage, 5 shillings. Our court records alsohave the name of the illustrious Benj. Frank lin as. plaintiff. April 1, 1788. Ross i Benjamin Franklin, Esq., President of the Supreme Executive \ Council, vs. Bradford. David Williamson, Andrew Swearingen, and Thomas Stokely. Summons. Debt £1000, served on each. Entered by plaintiff's attorney, J. Ross.The suit was brought against David Williamson, who was elected sheriff of this county October 26, 1787, and his securities. The United Presbyterians have a church formed by the union of the Associate and Associate Reformed churches in 1858. The Associ ate congregation of Miller's Run was organized in September, 1849, the Rev. A.Anderson, D. D., and Rev. Thomas Beveridge, D. D., officiated respectively as pastors from November, 1849, to June, 1855. The TJ. P. congregation of Venice was organized in 1858; the Rev. A. R. Anderson has officiated as pastor from April 17, 1860, till the present time, with a membership of 182. Cumberland Township Was the fourth of the thirteen original townships, which was orga nized by the trustees of the county on July 15, 1781. It was bounded by Morgan township on the north, Mason and Dixon's line on the south, the Monongahela River on the east, and the State line on the west. 102 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Fort Jackson was situate in this township, on Tenmile Creek, just below Waynesburg. The waters of Muddy Creek flow through this township, upon and near which so many Indian murders were committed. Garrard's Fort was situate on Big Whitley Creek. By the erection of Greene County, on the 9th day of February, 1796, this township became a component part thereof, Greene County, at its organization, being composed of Cumberland, Frank lin, Greene, Morgan, and Rich Hill townships. These five town ships have been subdivided into the following townships, viz : 1. Aleppo ; 2. Centre ; 3. Cumberland ; 4. Dunkard ; 5. Frank lin ; 6. Gilmore ; 7. Greene; 8. Jackson; 9. Jefferson; 10. Marion; 11. Monongahela; 12. Morris; 13. Morgan; 14. Perry; 15. Rich Hill; 16. Spring Hill; 17. Washington; 18. Wayne, and 19. Whitely, whose population in 1860 was 23,816, and whose territory embraces 364,460 acres of land. Donegal Township Was organized July 15, 1781, by the trustees of the county, and ranks fifth in alphabetical order out of the thirteen. It was originally bounded by Smith township on the north, Mor ris township on the east, Mason and Dixon's line on the south, and the State line on the west. On the 6th of May, 1788, an application was made to the court for a division of the township, who granted it and ordered a copy to be forwarded to the Supreme Executive Committee, and on the 7tb of August following it was confirmed by the Council, by the name of Finley township. Its present boundaries are Independence township on the north, East and West Findley on the south, Buffalo and East, Findley on the east, and West Virginia on the west. It is centrally distant from Washington, twelve niiles, its greatest length is eight miles, breadth, six and a half miles. The township is drained by the Dutch Fork of Buffalo Creek, Bush Run, and Castleman's Run. The National road runs southwest through it, upon which lie Claysville on the east, and WestAlexander on the west. In 1860 its population was 1690, of which thirteen are colored. It contains nine stores, nine schools, employing seven male and two female teachers, the former receiving $39.48, and the latter, $36.00 per month, having 376 scholars, of which 205 are males, and 171 females. Cost of tuition per month, $1.25; amount levied for school purposes, $1776.69 ; levied for building purposes, $1332.52, and receiving from the State appropriation, $146.25. West Alexander is on the western boundary of this township, fifteen miles southwest of Washington, containing ninety-two dwell ings, an academy, a Presbyterian church and parsonage, and a Methodist Episcopal church. This town was laid out by Charles De Hass, on May 12, 1817; HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 103 the sale of lots took place the 10th of June following. Three miles east of this place is a Roman Catholic church. It was first built of logs, on land given by Mr. Dougherty, at which time the Rev. Mr. Horner officiated. The log chapel has been removed and a brick edifice erected. The Hempfield Railroad passes through this township from its eastern to its western boundary, through the borough of Claysville and West Alexander. On September 7, 1795, Thomas Stokely, of Washington, and Jesse Evans, of Fayette County, conveyed three acres and forty- eight perches, in consideration of seven shillings and sixpence, to James Armstrong, William Gaston, William Bower, Samuel Byers, and John White, trustees of the Presbyterian church belonging to the Ohio Presbytery and now supplied by Rev. John Brice. It appears from a deed executed May 30, 1796, that the same trustees purchased the same property from William Smith, William Slater, and James Stevenson, trustees of the Associate Congregation of Three Ridges (near West Alexander). This land was originally conveyed by Robert Humphreys and wife to the trustees of the Associated church, and is described as being in the townships of Finley and Donegal, although Humphreys claimed his title under the Virginia law. The question of title, however, was referred to John Hoge, Isaac Leet, and James Edgar, who awarded it to the Presby terian church, called the Three Ridges. Its pastors have been Rev. John Brice, Rev. Mr. Stephenson, Rev. John McCluskey, and Rev. W. H. Lester. Claysville. The town of Claysville is in Donegal township, and was erected into a borough the second day of April, 1832, and the lots sold on the 8th of May following. Each lot is fifty by two hundred feet deep, with suitable and convenient streets and alleys to each block. The town is on the National road from Cumberland to Wheeling, beautifully located, well watered, in a fertile section of the county, and with a good population. It has eighty-five dwellings, two churches — a Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal — a tannery, a steam mill, four stores, one con fectionery and one distillery, with a population of four hundred and sixty-seven ; two schools employing one male and one female teacher, ninety -two scholars, thirty-eight males and fifty-four females, tuition costing per month seventy-two cents ; amount levied for building purposes five hundred and sixty-four dollars and thirty cents ; receiv ing from the State appropriation forty dollars and nineteen cents ; amount levied for school purposes, five hundred and sixty-four dol lars and thirty cents. 104 history of washington county. Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian church at Claysville was organized September 20th, 1820. Its first house of worship was a frame building. Its present house of worship is of brick, and was erected during the sum mer of 1830, at a cost of about three thousand dollars. The first pastor was Rev. Thomas Hoge, of Washington. His pastorate con tinued fifteen years, at the close of which he removed to Philadelphia, His successor was the Rev. Peter Hassinger, who officiated for four years. From 1838 to 1846, the church had only supplies. On the first Sabbath of October, 1846, the Rev. Alexander McCarrell, the present pastor, entered upon his duties, and breaks the bread of life to a devoted Christian people. This church has a Sabbath-school connected with it. ' Donegal township has always been noted for its morality and high- toned religious sentiment, as the following notice will show : the dockets of the justices of that period exhibit the fact that many persons were brought to trial and fined. Whereas, A number of the inhabitants of the vicinity of Three Ridges (West Alexander) have entered into an association and formed an acting committee for the purpose of aiding and assisting the civil authority in the suppression of evil and immorality, they take this method of informing the public that after the date- hereof, all persons driving wagons, pack-horses, or unlawfully travelling through said vicinity, or doing other things contrary to the penal laws of this State, may expect to be dealt with as the law directs. W. Smith, Secretary. John McPherson, President. The United Presbyterian church of West Alexander is composed of the Associate and the Associate Reformed congregations of West Alexander. The Associate Congregation was organized in 1839. Rev. Joseph Shaw was pastor from June 20th, 1843, until April 20th, 1852. Rev. James Murch from September, 1853, until 1858. The pastors of the Associate Reformed Congregation, previous to 1.859, were Rev. Joseph Buchanan and Rev. G. D. Bradford. In 1859, these two congregations were united under the pastorate of Rev. Josias Stevenson. The present membership of the congre gation is one hundred and eighty. The Associated Reformed Presbyterians had a church at West Alexander, in which Rev. Alexander McCoy officiated as pastor in 1800. His successors were Rev. William Patterson and Rev. Wil liam Shaw in 1845. During Mr. Shaw's pastorate the church became Seceders, and afterwards United Presbyterians, whose pastor was Rev. J. Stevenson. Fallowfield Township Was the sixth of the original townships of this county. Its original bounds were Nottingham on the north ; the Monongahela River on HTSTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 105 the east ; Bethlehem township on the south, and Strabane township on the west. Its present limits are Nottingham and Carroll on the north ; the Monongahela River, Allen, and Carroll townships on the east; E. and W. Pike Run and Allen on the south; and Somerset and Nottingham on the west. It is centrally distant from Washing ton, 17 miles. The population in 1860 was 897, of which 30 were colored. Its greatest length 8^ by 6 miles. It contains two stores, seven school-houses, employing 3 male and 4 female teachers, with 267 scholars, 165 male and 102 female; the tuition costing $1.15 cts. per month; amount of tax levied for school purposes, $1050.15 cts.; the State appropriation was $81.90 The male teachers receive monthly, $35.16; the female, $34.75. The towns in this township are Jonestown and Ginger Hill. Jones town is six miles from the Monongahela River, on the State road leading from Canonsburg to Bellvernon; it was laid out by John Jones, in 1828, and has a population of about fifty. Ginger Hill is on the Williamsport and Washington Turnpike, and in the northern part of the township, near the township line. There are four churches in this township: The Presbyterian Church on Maple Creek, two miles from Jonestown, founded in 1842. The pulpit was first filled with supplies ; Rev. J. W. Kerr was elected its first minister ; the ministers who have succeeded him were the Rev. James Carson, Rev. A. Virtue, Rev. Thomas Vaneman, and Rev. W. Hanna. The Methodist Episcopal Church is on the State road from Jones town to Bellvernon, four miles from Jonestown. The church was built in 1849, and has had the successive ministerial labors of the Rev. Warren Long, Rev. T. M. Hudson, Rev. J. G. Sansom, Rev. Geo. W. Cranage, Rev. John Spencer, Rev. David Sharpe, Rev. J. W. Kessler, Rev. Henry Neff, Rev. D. B. Campbell, Rev. J. W. Weaver, Rev. Charles H. Edwards, and Rev. McClure. The Methodist Episcopal Church, in the upper end of the town ship, was erected in 1836, on the road leading from Bentleysville to Monongahela City ; it is called Pigeon Creek Methodist Episcopal Church. Its first preacher was the Rev. Samuel E. Babcock; his successor was the Rev. Wm. Tipton. The first church built under the direction of the Rev. Mr. Bab cock was of brick, 30 by 40 feet, but a new one has been erected about 200 yards from the site of the first one ; its dimensions being 42 by 60 feet; 18 -feet to the square, with a basement for Sunday school, lecture-room, &c A Disciple Church was established, and a church built in 1866, on the farm of Dutton Shannon, Esq. It is a brick edifice 30 by 40 feet; Rev. Samuel Fry being its pastor. The township has one tannery; two grist-mills; one distillery; two manufacturers of sorghum ; five saw-mills ; one extensive vine yard. 8 106 history of washington county. Hopewell Township Is the seventh of the thirteen original townships organized by the trustees of Washington County, July 15, 1781. At its formation, it was bounded on the north by Smith township ; on the east by Robinson and Cecil; on the south by Donegal; on the west by Virginia. On the 1st day of September, 1789, an application was made to the court for a division, which was- subsequently confirmed by the Supreme Executive Council, on December 10th, 1789. This division was formed by running a line, commencing at a certain spring on the bead-waters of Cross Creek, which rises about ten perches from the township of Strabane, between the dwelling-houses of James Ander son and Timothy Spencer ; thence down the south branch thereof to Wells' mill ; thence down the creek to the State line. This divi sion formed Cross Creek township. The present boundaries of this township are Cross Creek and Mount Pleasant on the north ; Mount Pleasant and Canton on the east ; Buffalo on the south, and Independence on the west. It is centrally distant from Washington 12 miles ; its greatest length six miles; breadth three and a half miles. Its population 1213, of which 87 are .colored. It contains six schools, employing one male and five female teach ers ; receiving as their monthly pay $30.00; having 197 scholars, 110 males and 87 females ; tuition costing per month, $1.15. Amount levied for school purposes $1563.67 ; receiving from the State appro priated $78.78. This township is drained by the waters of Buffalo and Cross creeks. The towns are West Middletown, Buffalo Village, and Egypt -or Midway. West Middletown being a borough, we shall speak presently of it in connection with this township. Buffalo Village is on a fork of Buffalo Creek, seven miles south west of Washington, and contains twenty dwellings. Midway is on the Pittsburg and Stehbenville Railroad, which passes through this township, and is destined to be a place of con siderable importance. In the Register's office of this county, in the will of the Rev. Joseph Smith, of Hopewell township, made July 28, 1788, he be queaths to each of his beloved children a Bible, to be paid out of his personal estate, and by so doing "mean to intimate to them as I am a dying man and in the sight of God, that it is ten' thousand times more my will and desire that they should find and possess the pearl of great price hid in the field of Scriptures, than enjoy anything else which I can bequeath to them, or even ten thousand worlds, were they composed of the purest gold, and all brim full of the richest jewels, and yet be ignorant of the precious treasures in God's Word that are entirely hid even from the most eagle-eyed and quick-sighted men that are properly of this present world." history of washington county. 107 Upper Buffalo Presbyterian Church. In connection with the name of this great and good man, we may state that he was elected first pastor of this church, organized June 21, 1779, on the eastern part of Hopewell township, at Buffalo Vil lage, lying north of Brush Run. Rev. Smith served until April 19, 1792. The Rev. Thomas Mar quis, of Cross Creek church, served as a supply, by the sanction of Presbytery, until March 9, 1800, when the Rev. John Anderson ac cepted a call, and entered upon his pastoral labors ; his labors ceased June 18, 1833, and his successor is the Rev. John Eagleson, D. D., its present popular pastor, who was ordained January 19, 1834, and zealously labors in the promotion of his Master's cause. Thus, in the course of ninety years, but four ministers have filled the pulpit, one of whom is still living. Pleasant Hill Female Seminary Is located in this township, and was organized in 1846, near the borough of West Middleton. It is on the dividing ridge between the waters of Buffalo and Cross creeks, enjoying the advantages of a country location, salubrity of air and water, delightful rural scenery, and above all, retirement, which is essentially necessary to study. It is surrounded by a highly moral and industrious population, engaged generally in agriculture, hence the advantage is, that the faculty of the seminary are not compelled to impose formal restraints upon young ladies, nor to cause them to incur inordinate expense in relation to appearance or dress. This seminary has large and convenient buildings, halls for the literary societies, libraries, philosophical apparatus. The seminary is under the control and management of Mrs. Mar tha McKeever, who is fully competent to sustain the institution as well as to oversee and provide for the pupils committed to her charge. She has as assistants, Rev. T. A. Crenshaw, Miss Kate M. Bigger. Aurie T. Burkett, John M. Bigger, Esq., Miss Ella E. McKeever, Miss Eliza McFadden, Mrs. G. B. Crenshaw. West Middletown Borough Is situated in Hopewell township, and was erected into a borough on the 27th day of March, 1823. It is in the northwest part of the township, eleven miles from Washington. It contains ninety-two dwelling-houses, six stores, one confection ary, the usual number of the mechanical professions, one extensive machine shop, one tannery, a United Presbyterian church, and a Wesleyan Methodist Protestant church, a Disciple church, with Rev. T. A. Crenshaw, pastor of the Disciple church at Middletown, and a colored Methodist church, and a population of about eight hundred. It contains two schools, with one male and one female 108 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. teacher, the former receiving $56.00, and the latter $31.00 per month, with ninety-six scholars, fifty-two males and forty-four females, tui tion costing eighty-seven cents per month. Amount of tax levied for shool purposes, $701 00, receiving from the State $42.50. The pastors who have filled the pulpit of the United Presbyterian church of West Middletown, were Rev. S. Findley, D. D., Rev. William Wallace, D. D., Rev. S. Taggert, from 1835 until the present time. It has a membership of 128. Robert Fulton. But few of the present generation are aware that the celebrated Robert Fulton, of steamboat notoriety, owned a farm in Hopewell township, in this county. The farm contained about eighty-four acres, and the patent granted by the State to Rev. Joseph Smith, December 12, 1785. On May 6, 1786, Thomas Pollock sold it to Robert Fulton, and his father, mother, and three sisters resided on it. After the death of his father the widow and three daughters resided upon it. About 1799 his mother died. In 1814 Robert Fulton made his will in the city of New York, and among other legacies he left to his sister Elizabeth, married to a Mr. Scott, one thousand dollars and the above farm, with all the stock, during her life, and at her death to be sold and divided. To his sister Isabella Cooke he left two thousand dollars, and to each of the children of his deceased sister Mary Morris he left five hundred dollars. Both Mrs. Cooke and Mrs. Morris resided in the town of Washington. Morgan Township. This was the eighth of the thirteen original townships organized July 15, 1781. It was bounded on-the north by Amwell township, on the east by Bethlehem, on the south by Cumberland, and on the west by Donegal and the Virginia line. On the 9th of February, 1796, with Cumberland, Franklin, Greene, and Rich Hill townships, was struck off from Washington County, and formed Greene County. Nottingham Township Was the ninth of the original townships organized July 15, 1781. It was then bounded on the north by Peters township, on the east by the Monongahela River, on the south by Fallowfield township, and on the west by Strabane township. Its present boundaries are, Pe ters on the north, Union and Carroll on the east, Fallowfield and Somerset on the south, and N. Strabane on the west. It is cen trally distant east from Washington borough 13 miles. In 1860 the population was 916, of which 8 were colored. It is drained by Pe ters Creek on the north, Mingo and Little Mingo Creeks on the south. Its greatest length is 6 miles; breadth 4 miles. It contains five stores, five schools, employing three male and two HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 109 female teachers, the former at $32 per month and the latter at $28, having 214 scholars, of whom 96 are males and 108 females ; cost of tuition per month 81 cents ; amount levied for school purposes $970.89 ; received from State appropriation $80.34. Its town is Dunningsville, a small village with a population of sixty. The Old School Presbyterian church of Fairviewis situated on the headwaters of Peters Creek in this township. It was organized by an order of the Presbytery of Ohio on the petition of James McClane, at the instance of Rev. George Marshall, by a committee consisting of Revs. C. G. Braddock, Robert McPherson, and J. Hazlett, Feb. 24, 1860, with twenty-one members. The organization was perfected in the district school-house near where the church now stands, and which was occupied as a church until the new building was completed. The church from its organization until September, 1861, received the services of Rev. Geo. Marshall, Rev. James Black, Rev. George Birch, Rev. S. M. Nebling, and Rev. John Aiken, at which date the Rev. John Ewing became the regular pastor. He served acceptably until April 1, 1864, when he resigned, and the pulpit was supplied by Rev. Mr. Gray until September 9, 1864, when Rev. William Hanna took charge of the congregation. He was the first installed pastor, and served until April 1, 1869, when the pastoral relation was dissolved, since which time Rev. Wm. Brown has been supplying the pulpit. The following persons have been ordained ruling elders, viz : Liver- ton Thomas, John P. Cochran, William Rees, and Jonathan Case- ber. The trustees are James McClane, James Roney, and William Thomas. The building committtee consisted of James McClane, John P. Cochran, and Samuel Hamilton. There is a Sabbath school connected with the church. A United Presbyterian church, called Mount Prospect, has been established at Munntown, under the care of Rev. J. Balph, which promises to do much good in the dissemination of evangelical truth. It was organized in January, I860, and the pulpit filled by supplies until September 29, 1864, when Rev. Mr. Balph took charge of it. It has a membership of about one hundred and thirty-two. The most extensive establishment in any township of this county is that carried on by Kammerer Brothers. Besides a very large store, embracing general merchandise of every variety, they have a flour-mill in which forty barrels are made in ten hours. The build ing is stone, thirty-six by fifty-six feet, three stories high, with a tile roof, running it by a forty horse power engine. In connection with the store and flour-mill they carry on a distillery. Its capacity is forty bushels per day, or one hundred and fifty gallons. Peters Township Was the tenth of the original thirteen townships formed by the. trus tees July 15, 1781, appointed for that purpose by the act forming Washington County. 110 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. ^ In September, 1784, a petition to the Court of Quarter Sessions was presented, asking for a division of the township, which was in dorsed by the court, and afterward confirmed by the Supreme Execu^ tive Council on the 21st day of November, 1786. This division formed Dickinson township, taken out of its northern part, which township was struck off to Allegheny County. Its original bounda ries were the Monongahela River on the north and east, Nottingham on the south, Robinson and Cecil on the west. It is now bounded by Allegheny County on the north, Union township and Allegheny County on the east, North Strabane and Nottingham on the south, and Cecil and North Strabane on the west. Its greatest length is six miles; breadth three and a half miles. The population of this township in 1860 was 934. The towns are Bower Hill and Thompsonville. These are small but thriving villages, with post-offices at each. Peters township contains two stores, has five schools, employing three male and two female teachers who each received $30 per month, with 300 scholars, of whom 166 are males and 134 females, tuition costing per month 68 cents. Amount levied for school pur poses $1555.50, and receiving from the State appropriation $90.09. Lusus Nature. On September 29, 1798, upon Esquire Mitchell's farm in Peters township, a child was born with two natural heads, one affixed to each shoulder, the body perfect, but no parts of generation. The child was dead born, and appeared to have been dead some days previous to its birth. The United Presbyterians have a church in this township called Peters Creek. It was organized in 1808, and the following pastors have respectively filled the pulpit, viz : Rev. R. Bruce, D. D., from December 14, 1808, to December 16, 1816. Rev. Alex. Wil son, from October 8, 1817, to May 4, 1839. Rev. James Brown, D. D., from September 10, 1840, to December 5, 1843. Rev. J. C. Herron, from October 15, 1845, to January 4, 1853. Rev. J. B. Whitten, from October 6, 1854, to January 17, 1856. Rev. A. Y. Houston, from March 19, 1857, to June 16, 1868. Rev. John Pat terson, from July 13, 1868, until the present time. This church has a membership of 134. Centre Presbyterian Church Is located in Peters township, on land donated by David Bell. The Presbytery of Ohio, at a meeting held at Bethany church, Allegheny County, April 16, 1828, granted the request of a number of persons living within the bounds of the congregations of Bethel, Bethany, Chartiers' and Mingo creeks, and allowed them to erect a meeting house, in order that they might enjoy the occasional administration of the ordinances among them. A brick meeting-house, forty by fifty feet, was immediately erected, costing twelve hundred dollars. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. HI On the 29th of August, 1829, the congregation was regularly organized by Dr. Matthew Brown. At a meeting of Presbytery, held at Canonsburg, January 5, 1830, Centre congregation obtained permission to call a pastor. On May 4, 1830, Rev. John H. Ken nedy, Professor of Mathematics in Jefferson College, was elected the pastor, and entered upon his pastoral duties, but was not installed until June, 1831. On account of ill health he resigned in 1840. Rev. Alexander B. Brown became stated supply in 1841 and offi ciated until 1845, when he resigned, and Rev. W. H. Orr, Professor in Jefferson College, was chosen in the same year. He officiated about seven years, and near the close of his pastorate, in 1851, a new brick building was erected, located a few rods south of the old structure, on a more elevated piece of ground. It cost two thousand dollars. The Rev. J. W. Hamilton became pastor in 1852 and served about two years and six months. Rev. Alexander B. Brown, D. D., having resigned the Presidency of Jefferson College and removed to the country, in 1856, preached occasionally at Centre church, and at length, in 1858, became pastor. His health failing, Dr. Brown resigned the pastorate December 16, 1862. Rev. Francis J. Collier, a licentiate of the Presbytery of Phila delphia, was called in October, 1863, began to labor in November, and was ordained and installed April 27, 1864. He is pastor at the present time. _ In connection with the church there is a Sabbath school, having eight teachers and about ninety scholars, which holds its sessions every year during the summer months. The church is in a prosper ous condition. The number of members is one hundred and sixty ; the numbe? of families about seventy ; the number of elders, seven. The church is neatly painted, papered, and carpeted. It is heated by furnaces. The yard surrounding the building is securely inclosed and tastefully ornamented. Robinson Township Was the eleventh of the original townships formed by the trustees, July 15th, 1781. It was then bounded by the Ohio River on the north, the Monongahela River on the east, Cecil township on the south, and Smith township on the west; but/ its large proportions have been considerably decreased, and it is now bounded by Alle gheny County on the north. and east, North Strabane and Notting ham on the south, and Hanover and Smith on the west, centrally distant from Washington borough, north sixteen miles. Its greatest length is ten miles ; breadth three miles. Population in 1860, eight hundred and forty, of which twenty- three are colored. It is drained on the north by Racoon Creek, on the east by branches of Chartiers' Creek and Montour's Run. The 112 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY pike from Pittsburg to Steubenville runs through this township. On December 22d, 1836, the lines between Robinson, Cecil, Mount Pleasant, and Smith were adjusted and confirmed by the court. It has five stores, five schools, with one male and four female teachers — the former receiving $34, and the latter $30 per month, with 156 scholars (76 males and 80 females), tuition costing $1.20 cents per month ; the tax levied being seven hundred and forty-two dollars and eighty-four cents ; the State appropriation, eighty-eight dol lars and ninety -two cents; amount levied for building purposes, ten hundred and fourteen dollars and fourteen cents. The towns are Candor* and Havelock Station. 1793, January 19th. John Clark and Jane his wife conveyed to William Rankin, Peter Kidd, William McCandless, Matthew Bailey, John Dunlap, and Alexander Wright, trustees of Racoon congre gation, in consideration of nine pounds specie, all that lot of ground whereon the congregation has erected .their church, under the pas toral care of Rev. Joseph Patterson, containing seven acres strict measure. Upper Racoon Presbyterian Church Is located in Robinson township. Rev. Joseph Patterson was in stalled as the first pastor, November 11th, 1789, and remained as such until October 16th, 1816. He was succeeded bythe Rev. Moses Allen the 27th of May, 1817, who officiated until October 16th, 1839. Rev. Clement N. McKaig was ordained his successor, June 14th, 1841, and served until Rev. John W. Kerr became its pastor in 1862 and resigned in 1865. The pulpit is filled with supplies. There is a tradition in the northern part of this county in regard to the Rev. Mr. Patterson, verified by the most substantial aged men of our county, which I shall relate. Mr. Patterson was a great and good man — prompt to his word and conscientious in the discharge of his every duty. A subscription was being made up to erect a meeting house,-and the day appointed for its payment. The day arrived and he was disappointed in not receiving the promised money which would liquidate his subscription, amounting to six dol lars. Nevertheless he concluded to attend the meeting at the school- house (the place appointed), and make such a statement as would be satisfactory. He accordingly started with his gun on his shoulder. Wending his way along to the meeting, he arrived at a beautiful grove, where God and nature seemed to invite him to pour out his soul in prayer and by faith to look up for the blessing. In the midst of this devotional exercise, and when his soul was earnestly engaged in prayer, he heard a rustling among the leaves. He opened his eyes, and, behold, a panther was approaching him. He raised his rifle and * Candor is in the southern part of the township and has forty dwelling houses, with a population of two hundred and ten. Havelock Station is on the railroad, on the property belonging to the estate of Col. McDonald. This road passes through the southern part of the township into Smith. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 113 killed the wild animal. He took the scalp and skin with him to the meeting as a trophy of his victory. He sold them for six dollars, and was thereby enabled to redeem his subscription. There is a United Presbyterian church not far from the Allegheny County line under the care of Rev. J. C. Rankin. Robinson U. P. Church Was organized in 1833. The Rev. William Wilson officiated from 1833 to 1842. Rev. John Scott, D. D., from September 19th, 1843, to June, 1845. Rev. James G. Rankin, from September, 1849, to November, 1868. The Rev. W. R. McKee has accepted a call and commenced his pastorate in 1869. It has a membership of one hundred and thirty-seven. Strabane Township Was the twelfth of the original thirteen townships. It was bounded by Cecil on the north, Nottingham and Fallowfield on the east, Beth lehem on the south, and Cecil on the west. On the 22d of Sep tember, 1785, the Court of Quarter Sessions of this county received a petition from the citizens of the town of Washington, praying that it might be set apart as a separate district from this township. The court recommended the petition to the Supreme Executive Coun cil, and in February, 1786, the request was confirmed. On Octo ber 7, 1830, the township was again divided into North and South Strabane townships. It is drained by Chartiers' and Little Chartiers' creeks. The town of Washington was originally in this township. An alteration of the boundary lines was confirmed by the court between this and Amwell township, at the October term in 1830, the line running from the house of Thomas Hastings to the mouth of the lane at or near Peter Dager's. Chartiers Presbyterian Church. June 20, 1798, Josiah Haines conveyed two and a fourth acres of land to the Presbyterian congregation, holding the principles of the Presbyterian church as adopted in 1788, and on the 26th of June following, Craig Ritchie, Esq., attorney of Samuel Gilpin, of Cecil County, Maryland, conveyed to the trustees of the same church seven acres and three-fourths (the remaining two and a fourth acres) of the ten acres being exchanged by the said trustees for other land more convenient. The trustees were enabled to bold land as a body politic in law, an act of incorporation having been procured February 15, 1798. The first trustees were Robert Hill, William Kerr, James McCreedy, William Hays, John Mercer, James Morrison, George Craighead, James Bradford, and John Cotton. The following members of the congregation (February 15, 1798) petitioned for the charter : John McMillen, John McDowell, Craig Ritchie, Moses Coe, Robert 114 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Hill, William Cochran, George Craighead, William Kerr, Robert Hughes, James Foster, James Allison, John Johnston, William Welch, James Officei1, Hans McClean, Abraham De Haven, Robert Welch, Robert Bowland, William Hays, John Macahey, Wm. Hartapee, Nicholas Smith, Daniel Kirkpatrick, James Wishart, John Donnell, William Gault, Alexander Frazer, John Lindsey, Thomas Brysland, Samuel Logan, Thomas Bracker, John McClain, James Gaston, John Crawford, George McCook. This church is now, by a division of the township, in North Stra bane. It is one mile south of Canonsburg, on the road leading to Monongahela City. It is supposed that this church was organized by Dr. John McMil lan, soon after his ordination, iu 1776, as he received a call from both this and Pigeon Creek church. He continued its pastor until April 21, 1830. His successor was Rev. F. Leake, who was installed July 12, 1831, and served until June 21, 1843. He was succeeded by Rev. Alexander A. Brown (son of Rev. Matthew Brown), Sep tember 3, 1844, and continued to officiate until January 11, 1848. Rev. Robert White was installed September 6, 1848, and died December 14, 1848. The Rev. Joseph R. Wilson became the pas tor on the 20th of June, 1849,, and resigned his pastoral care January 15, 1851. Their present pastor, Rev. William Ewing, was installed January 14, 1852. This church is one of the oldest west of the Allegheny Mountains. In a public newspaper of this county of May 12, 1796, a meeting of Dr. Millan's church was held, and after the religious service of Thursday was over, Dr. Millan intimated that business of a public nature and of great importance required the consideration of the meeting. He was chosen Chairman, and Craig Ritchie, Esq., Sec retary. The Chairman then stated the present critical state of the country and the danger of an Indian and perhaps a British war, when, after discussion, the following resolutions were adopted : — Resolved, unanimously, That, in the opinion of this meeting, the interests of this county require that the British treaty should be carried into execution with good faith. Besolved, unanimously, That a petition be circulated and signed, and sent to the House of Representatives to this effect. Besolved, unanimously, That the following petition be adopted. To the Honorable the House of Bepresentatives of the United States : — The petition of sundry inhabitants of the western counties of Pennsylvania, humbly showeth : Having lately, with great cordiality and good intentions, very generally united in a petition, that the House of Representatives would concur in the execution of the British treaty, we had believed that no further expression of our wishes would be necessary. But it having been suggested that the Spanish treaty was the main object of our petition, and that we were HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 115 indifferent as to the British treaty, and seeing our apprehensions that the British treaty might be defeated were but too well grounded, and are not yet removed, we feel ourselves constrained by a regard both to safety and duty, again to address your honorable House. We consider the British treaty as peculiarly advantageous to us and essential to our enjoying the blessings of liberty and peace. Its ratification made it a solemn national act, according to the terms of the Constitution, binding the people and every branch of government, and we consider its execution necessary for public faith which we regard, interest which we pursue, and peace which we cherish. We therefore pray that the House of Representatives will concur with the other branches of government in a full and faithful execution of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain. This petition being signed by all present, the meeting also passed the following: — Besolved, That the Chairman be requested to write to bis breth ren, the ministers, on this side of the mountains, requesting them to call their congregations together as soon as possible, on some week day, and take their sentiments on this interesting subject. In connection with the history of this church we will mention a providential incident. The Rev. Dr. John McMillan, in 1802, and who was pastor of this church, met with a severe trial, both of his faith and patience, as well as his Christianity. His biographer gives the following account of this domestic affliction : Two young minis ters of great promise had married two of his daughters. The Rev. John Watson, the first President of Jefferson College, under the charter, had married his second daughter, Margaret. The Rev. William Moorehead had married his eldest daughter, Jane. For a time the prospect for enlarged domestic and social enjoyment shone brightly on the doctor and his family, but by the Allwise, yet deeply mysterious providence of God, these two ministers, who had been married to two sisters, by their father, on the same day, took sick on the same day, died on the same day, and were buried in the same grave at the Chartiers Presbyterian church. The two funeral processions, one coming from the house of Dr. McMillan, the other from the village of Canonsburg, met at the same point where the roads united, a few hundred yards from the graveyard. North Strabane Township. ¦ By a decision of the Court of Quarter Sessions on the 2d day of May, 1831, Strabane township was divided into North and South Strabane. This township is bounded on the north by Cecil, Peters, and Chartiers; on the east by Peters and Nottingham ; on the south by Somerset and South Strabane ; and on the west by Chartiers and South Strabane. Its greatest length is 6 miles ; breadth 6£ miles. In 1860, the population was 1213, of which 48 are colored. 116 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Munntown is the only town in the limits of the township with a population of sixty. The township has two stores, six schools, with two male and four female teachers, each receiving per month $30, with 285 scholars, of whom 130 are males and 155 are females ; cost of tuition per month 77 cents. Amount levied for school purposes, $1463.06; received from the State appropriation $119.34. Col. Geo. Morgan Lived and died at the " Morganza" farm, two miles below Canons burg, in this township. He was appointed Indian agent as early as 1776, and held the appointment until 1779, when he resigned. Dur ing the time he held the office, he made Pittsburg his head-quarters. History represents him as a man of unwearied activity, great per severance, and familiar with Indian manners and habits. He won their confidence by his frank manner, soldierly bearing, generosity, and strict honesty. After an eventful military life, being an officer in the United States army, he retired to his Morganza farm, and devoted himself to agricultural pursuits, and the high honor belongs to North Strabane township of one of her sons (Col. Morgan), on the 7th of February, 1786, receiving a gold medal from the Philadelphia So ciety for Promoting Agriculture, for furnishing the best Essay on a Farmyard. Hon. Timothy Pickering, in the letter forwarding the medal, says : "It is the first premium ever given in America in agri culture." The medal is in the possession of David T. Morgan, Esq., of Washington, Pa. It is of gold, one and three-fourths inches in diameter ; on the obverse side, a farm-house with a man ploughing with two oxen ; on the reverse, the motto, " Venerate the Plough." South Strabane Township. This township was formed May 3, 1831, by a division of Strabane township, and is bounded on the north by North Strabane and Char tiers ; on the east by Somerset and W. Bethlehem ; on the south by Franklin and Amwell, and on the west by Washington, Canton, and Franklin. Its greatest length is 9 miles ; breadth 4| miles. In 1860, the population was 1063, of which 53 are colored. It contains seven schools with seven female teachers, who receive thirty dol lars per month, having 232 scholars (126 males and 106 females) ; tuition costing $1.46 per month. Amount levied for school purposes $1189.12; received from the State appropriation $103 35. The towns are Cloakeyville and Williamsburg, although sometimes called Martinsburg. The former is situated on the Williamsport and Washington turnpike, six miles from Washington, and the latter on the national road two miles east of the borough of Washington. On the 28th of February, 1863, the lines between Canton and South Strabane were confirmed by the court. November 8th, 1857, the township lines between Canton, Chartiers, HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 117 and South Strabane were confirmed by the court, the question having been referred to a vote of the people. Smith Township. This was the thirteenth, or last township organized July 15, 1781, at the organization of Washington County. The .original boundaries were the Ohio River on the north; Rob inson and Cecil townships on the east; Hopewell on the south, and Virginia on the west. On the 5th day of January, 1786, an application was made to the court for a division, which being sanctioned, a certificate was sent to the Supreme Executive Council who, on the 11th of March, 1786, confirmed the decree of the court, and Hanover township was there by erected. October 7, 1830, part of the division line between Hano ver and Smith townships was confirmed by the court. At the May session of the court, held in 1856, the boundary lines between Cross Creek and Smith were changed and confirmed. Its present boundaries are Hanover and Robinson townships on the north ; Robinson and Mount Pleasant on the east ; Cross Creek and Mount Pleasant on the south; Jefferson, Hanover, and Cross Creek on the west. Its greatest length eight miles; breadth six miles. It is centrally situated northwest from Washington borough sixteen miles. It is drained northwest by Racoon Creek and its branches. Popu lation in 1860, 1417, of whom twenty-four were colored. It contains fourteen stores, ten schools, with five male and five fe male teachers, the former receiving $43.33 per month and the latter $33; having 394 scholars, of whom 203 are males and 191 females; tuition costing per month, $1.33. Amount of tax levied for school purposes, $2730; received from the State appropriation $131.04. The Pittsburg and Steubenville Railroad passes through the town ship. Tlie towns are Burgettstown, Bulger, Bavington, and Whitetown, coal works. On February 28, 1795, George Burgett laid out Burgettstown on the south fork of Racoon Creek, one mile north of the centre of the township. Then it was called West Boston, but the neighbors de siring to honor the founder of their village called it Burgettstown. It is seventeen miles northwest of Washington, and on account of its locality, being on the Pittsburg and Steubenville Railroad, has become one of the most important towns of our county. The Rev. J. T. Fredericks laid out an addition to the town in 1865, whereon is the railroad station. The lots are selling rapidly and the town increasing by the erection of good and substantial buildings, and an energetic and thriving community. Bulger is a small village near Bulger station, about three miles northwest of Burgettstown. Bavington is in the northeast corner of the township, and White- 118 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. town coal works is on the railroad, and laid out on Mr. Simpson's farm. On the 10th of June, 1810, Captain John Bavington of this town ship attempted to cross the Ohio River at Kelley's Ferry on a flat- boat (the mouth of Harman's Creek) with a wagon loaded with whiskey and flour and four horses. When half way across, by the stamping of the horses, one of the boards became loosened, the boat filled with water, the load sank, and Capt. Bavington and the ferry man were drowned. When the bodies were found Capt. B had his whip firmly grasped in his hand. The depth of the Ohio River did not cover the bows of his wagon. He was buried at the cross roads near Florence. Presbyterian Church. In the year 1845, a petition was sent to the Presbytery of Wash ington, for the organization of a church at Burgettstown, which prayer was denied, and an appeal taken to the Synod of Wheeling, who granted the request and directed the Presbytery to organize the church. This was effected October 18, 1849, and Reverend Joel Stoneroad was elected the pastor. In October, 1850, he was suc ceeded by the Rev. James P. Fulton, and remained its pastor until 1857; and in the spring of 1858 the Rev. James T. Frederick, the present pastor, was called, and ordained in October following. In 1860 the church was enlarged and refitted. There are two United Presbyterian churches in this township, the former in Burgettstown. It was organized about 1809, the Rev. W. C. Brownlee, D. D., was pastor from May 3, 1809, to September 1, 1812 ; Rev. Alexander Donnan, from July 6, 1819, to May 12, 1840; Rev. R. J. Hammond from 1845 to April 15, 1856; Reverend S. H. Graham is the present pastor. It has a membership of 160. Centre U. P. Church was organized in 1859. Rev. D. S. Kennedy has been its pastor from September 4, 1862, until the present time, •with a membership of 150. There was, many years since, on the farm of David Leech, Esq., on the road leading from Hickory to Burgettstown, about half way, a United Presbyterian church called Mount Vernon, but the organi zation does not now exist. Poets. Smith township has the honor of contributing more poetry to the intellectual world than any township or borough in the county. Mr. David Bruce, a native of Scotland, emigrated to America in 1784, and in the year 1794 he settled in Burgettstown as a merchant. In his leisure moments he devoted his time to composing poems, written in the Scottish dialect, under the signature of the Scots Irishman, which were first published in the Western Telegraph, pub lished in Washington by John Colerick, who afterwards embodied HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 119 them into a valuable work on account of their merit. In these poems Mr Bruce displays a vivid imagination, and both wit and satire are at his command, while patriotism flows in gentle, and harmonious strains. The dedication of the work is to the Hon. Alexander Addison, President of the Court of Common Pleas of the 5th district. The concluding verse reads thus : — An' when your enemies hae gaen To that black hole was made by sin, May ye your honorable seat maintain, Right to dispense, Wi' mind discriminating, keen, An' manly sense. In writing of Washington retiring from public life, he says : His parting precepts ever dear, A father's love, a father's care On every heart impress ; Illum'd by Wisdom's purest ray, Their light directs the surest way To peace and happiness. , On earth will future bards rehearse His deeds in never-dying verse, And when all mortal things shall cease, And time has run his span ; In regions of eternal spring, The blest their heavenly harps will string, And to seraphic airs will sing The friend of peace and man. In the year 1800 Mrs. Sally Hastings removed from Donegal township, Lancaster County, to this county, and composed many fugitive pieces of poetry, which she afterwards collected into a volume, together with her diary, and published in the year 1808. Her family commenced their journey on Oct. 7, 1800, in the mode then used — a wagon — to travel two hundred and eighty miles, and, after twenty-three days' journey, arrived in Washington County, of which she says, " The inhabitants appear to be a sober, rational, and even courteous people, who prefer convenience to parade, and par take those blessings which bounteous Providence allots them, with out ambition, envy, or stupidity." On October 31 the family left Canonsburg for their new home in Smith township, and having arrived on the land, she thus writes, "I shall take a seat on the trunk of a tree, while the men are cutting a road to the house, and endeavor to describe the spot of which I am now to consider myself an inhabitant." Great Nature, in her loose arrray, Derives from art no foreign aid ; The lofty oak, the spreading bay, With shade still deepening into shade. 120 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. The moss, the ivy, and the vine Increase the awful gloom profound, Whilst bills and lonely wilds combine To shed fantastic terrors round. Time would fail me were I to undertake to make extracts from this volume of poems written by Sally Hastings — one must suffice to demonstrate that nature forms the poet, and breathes into the mind beautiful ideas, magnificent conceptions, and eternal thoughts. That hand that wheels the spheres, upon the tree Was nail'd, and torn and crucified for me ! Here let eternal wonders ceaseless rise ! The creature lives — the Great Creator dies ! ! And dies for whom 1 — Oh, wonder ever new I — My guilty soul, your Maker dies for you ! ! ! The Lord of Life, who breath and being gave, And immortality to all that live, He dies — how can He die ? — 'tis wonder new — • Yet in His hand He holds death's fatal keys — Heaven, earth, and hell his sov'reign will obeys. Somerset Township Was erected into a township by the Court of Quarter Sessions, and afterwards confirmed by the Supreme Executive Council, on April 3, 1782. It was bounded by Strabane, Peters, and Nottingham townships on the north ; the Monongahela River on the east ; Fal lowfield and Bethlehem on the south, and Amwell and Strabane on the west. Its present boundaries are North Strabane and Nottingham on the north ; Fallowfield and West Pike Run on the east ; West Bethlehem and West Pike Run on the south, and West Bethlehem and S. Strabane on the west. It is centrally distant from Washing ton 12 miles. Its greatest length is 10 miles — breadth, 6 miles. It is drained by the the north and south forks of Pigeon Creek on the east, and by branches of Little Chartiers' Creek on the west. In 1860 its population was 1723, of which 62 were colored. The Williamsport and Washington turnpike runs along the northern boundary. It contains four stores, nine schools, with six male and three female teachers, the former receiving $35 and the latter $30 ; having 348 scholars (180 male and 168 female), tuition costing $1.14 per month. Amount of tax levied for school purposes, $1347, and receiving from the State appropriation $111.93. The towns in the township are Bentleysville and Vanceville. The Borough of Bentleysville. This town was laid out by Shesbazzar Bentley, Jr., on the 4th of March, 1816, on the waters of Pigeon Creek. It is 25 miles from Pittsburg, 9 miles from Monongahela City, 10 miles from Browns ville, and 15 miles from Washington. Shortly after the town was laid out the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist families united HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 121 and erected a union church, which was destroyed by fire about the year 1828. In 1848 the Methodist Episcopal church was built, in which Rev. J. B. Yarnall officiates. On May 2, 1868, by a decree of the court, it became a borough, and contains 36 dwelling-houses, 3 stores, 1 school-house with two apartjments, a literary society, 2 grist and saw-mills, 1 steam tan nery, and has a population of about 300. Vanceville is a small village, having about twelve houses, and is situated on the south branch of Pigeon Creek. Pigeon Creek Presbyterian Church, The diary of the Rev. John McMillan throws much, light upon the early history of this cburch, in which it is stated : 1775, the fourth Sabbath of August, preached at John McDowell's. Monday, rode about six miles to Patrick McCullough's, on Pigeon Creek. Tuesday, preached at Arthur Forties's, and lodged with Patrick Scott. Patrick McCullough lived on the farm now owned by David McNary, Esq., and Arthur Forbes's farm is the property of Frederick Whitely, and Patrick Scott's residence is the property of Adam and Samuel Wier. The sermon alluded to was the first sermon preached within the bounds of" the Pigeon Creek congrega tion, and on that day of August, 1869, the congregation celebrated its centennial anniversary. Rev. John McMillan returned to his father's home, at Foggs' Manor, in October, 1775, but returned and preached at Pigeon Creek on the 4th Sabbath of January, 1776, and on the following Sabbath at Chartiers. He returned to the east in the following March, and was ordained by the Presbytery of Donegal, which met at Chambersburg, June 19, 1776, to take charge of Pigeon Creek and Chartiers congregations, having received a , call from these churches April 23, 1776. His connection with Pigeon Creek church ceased early in the spring of 1794, and the Rev. Boyd Mercer was called to its pastorate April 22, 1794, and served until 1799. Rev. Andrew Gwin was installed in 1800, and the pastoral relation was dis solved in 1817. He was succeeded by Rev. Andrew Wylie, D. D., January 24, 1822, and ceased to act in September, 1829. The church had no regular pastor until September 26, 1831, when Rev. W. C. Anderson was elected. He was ordained and installed April 17, 1832, and served until July 15, 1836. His successor was Rev. Ebenezer S. Graham, called September 30, 1837, and installed the following month, and the pastoral relation was dissolved in October, 1842. The congregation did not elect a pastor until April 8, 1844, when James Sloan, D. D., was elected, and he was subsequently installed in the December following. The pastoral relation was dissolved in October, 1862. His successor was Rev. S. M. Henderson, called 9 122 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. June 5, 1863, ordained and installed November 4, 1863, and pasto ral relationship closed April 24, 1867. The present efficient and honored pastor is the Rev. John S. Marquis, who was called March 2, 1868, and installed on June 5, 1868. As a successful laborer in his Master's cause, for humility and charity, and in dispensing gos pel truth, he has no superior in the bounds of the Presbytery. To him am I indebted for the history of this church, which was planted in the wilderness more than one hundred years ago, and has proven itself a fruitful vine. The first Elders of the church were Patrick McCullough, Patrick Scott, Hugh Cotton, and Hugh Scott. This session was subse quently increased by the election and ordination of James Smith, John Hosack, James Kerr, Joseph Vaughn, John Stevenson, Wil liam Ferguson, Robert Moon, and John Atkinson. July 17, 1836, John Vance, Samuel Gamble Samuel Ritchey, Dr. Boyd Emery, William Kerr, and David Riddle, Esqrs.', were ordained. February 13, 1849, Andrew Smith, James Vance, JohnLeyda, Greer Mcllvaine, and John Scott were elected, and ordained April 8, 1849. March 3, 1856, William Smith, William Ramsey, and Edward Paden were elected, and ordained elders April 14, 1856. March 5, 1860, Alexander Hamilton, Zechariah Peese, James Rankin, and John C. Messenger were elected elders, and ordained April 8, 1860. At the present time the session consists of Messrs. Greer Mcllvain, William Smith, William Ramsey, Edward Paden, Alexander Hamilton, Zechariah Peese, and John C. Messenger. The first Deacons of the church were ordained March 7, 1864, and consisted of Messrs. Isaac V. Riddle, James Jones, William Barkley, and William Davis. This church has 306 communicants. It is worthy of remark that the first meeting of the Presbytery of Red Stone was held in this church, on September 19, 1781, the fill ing ministers being present : Rev. John McMillan, Rev. James Power, and Retf. Thaddeus Dodd, with Joseph Neil, Demas Lind ley, and Patrick Scott as ruling elders. The first church was a cabin of round logs, with a clap-board roof. It stood within the present graveyard, and was neither chunked nor daubed the first winter after its erection. The second was, built of stone, and stood in the graveyard. The aisles were earthen, with a floor of boards under the pews. Every family had a pew or bench, according to their own wishes, hence there was a great variety of pews, benches, &c. The third building was erected in 1829. Proposals having been issued, on March 14, for a brick meeting-house, 56 by 70 feet (15 feet to the square). The Building Committee or the trustees were John Atkinson, Henry Vance, Samuel Gamble, and W. Paden. Sabbath School. The Sabbath school was organized in 1822. Hon. Joseph Law rence first brought the subject of a Sabbath school to the notice of HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 123 the congregation. John C. Messenger, Esq., is the present super intendent, and it has 225 scholars. Other Churches. A Methodist Episcopal church was built in 1849, on the road from Hillsborough to Bentleysville. It is a neat frame building. Rev. J. B. Yarnall is the officiating minister. Within one mile of Vanceville is a Baptist and a Disciple church, on the road from Bentleysville to Washington. The Rev. Mr. Hardzoth occupies the pulpit of the latter church, and the Rev. Mr. Skinner the Baptist pulpit. Pigeon Creek U P. Church was organized in 1820. Rev. Alex ander Wilson was pastor from its organization until January 10th, 1834; Rev. Bankhead Boyd from September 24, 1834, to 1860; Rev. D. S. Littell from October 17th, 1861, to the present time — with a membership of one hundred and sixty-four. Greene Township Was erected into a township on the 3d of April, 1782, by the Court of Quarter Sessions and approved by the Supreme Executive Coun cil. Its boundaries were as follows : Beginning at the mouth of Little Whitely Creek and running therewith to the dividing ridge between that and Big Whitely Creek ; thence with that ridge be tween Big Whitely and Muddy Creek to Mason and Dixon's line ; thence to the Monongahela River ; thence by the river to the place of, beginning. It had Cumberland township on the north ; the Mo nongahela River on the east ; Mason and Dixon's line on the south ; Virginia on the west. By the act of February 9th, 1796, this town ship, with Cumberland, Morgan, Franklin, and Rich Hill townships, was struck off from Washington County to form Greene County. Jarrett's Fort was built in this township. The town of Greensburg, Greene township, Washington County (but afterwards Greene County), was laid out by Elias Stone on the 31st day of May, 1791. Greensburg is situated on the Mononga hela River, on a part of a tract of land called " Delight," patented to Elias Stone and Elizabeth his wife, in 1787. Each lot contains eighty-one perches ; streets forty feet wide. Lot number sixty was appropriated for public use and at the discretion of the inhabitants. The town contains eighty lots. The names of the streets, counting from the Monongahela River, were Water, Front, Second, Third, and Fourth streets. Counting from the eastern side of the town were Diamond, Stone, Clear, Walnut, Minor's, and County streets. Lot. number sixty was at the corner of Third and County streets. Dickinson Township. The Court of Quarter" Sessions made application to the Supreme Executive Council to organize this township, and on September 17th, 124 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 1775j by its action ratified the application of the court with the fol lowing boundaries — the Monongahela River on the north and east ; Nottingham and Peters on the south ; Robinson and Cecil on the west. By an act of the legislature passed September 24th, 1788, Alle gheny County was erected into a county, part of which was taken from Washington County. The proceedings of the Supreme Exe cutive Council of September 30th, 1788, says : " Two returns from the districts of the townships of Cecil and Dickinson, in the county of Washington, were read and not allowed, as the whole of Dickin son and part of Cecil district has been struck off to the county of Allegheny. " Washington. The town of Washington originally belonged to Strabane town ship, one of the thirteen original townships of the county, erected in July, 1781. On the 25th of September, 1785, the Court of Quar ter Sessions, upon a petition of the citizens requesting to be formed into a separate election district, indorsed the application, and the Supreme Executive Council confirmed the proceedings of the court on the 6th of February, 1786. From its being originally a portion of Strabane township, so many have been the changes that its present chartered boundaries are Canton and South Strabane on the north, South Strabane on the east, Franklin and South Strabane on the south, Canton and Franklin on the west, being now entirely surrounded by new townships. The original name of this town was Bassett, which was laid out by David Hoge, Esq., of Cumberland County, the survey being made by David Reddick, Deputy Surveyor, October 13, 1781. Another plot states that a true copy of the plan remains in the hands of John Lukens, Surveyor General, which was made November 4, 1784, by Edward Lynch, Deputy Surveyor. This second plot was made prior to the sale of David Hoge to his sons John and William. On the 18th of October, 1781 (five days after the town was laid out)., David Hoge, Esq., the proprietor, conveyed to James Edgar, Hugh Scott, Van Swearingen, Daniel Leet, and John Armstrong, as trus tees of Washington County, a lot for a court house and prison, in the town of Bassett, containing two hundred and forty feet square, being bounded by Monongahela (now Market) Street on the east, Ohio (now Beau) Street on the north, lot No. 123 on the west, and Johnston's (now Cherry) Alley on the south. The name of the town was permanently changed to Washington on the 4th of November, 1784, the date at which the second plot was made, although we have tbe evidence of receipts for lots being given by the proprietor in October, 1781, both as Bassettown and Washington, for in the deed of David Hoge to John and William Hoge, of November 7, 1785, it is stated that the said David con veys to his sons, John and William, a tract of land in Washington HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Ig5 County,- on the waters of Chartiers" Creek, and known by the name of Catfishes Camp, containing eight hundred acres, which was to include the town of Washington, excepting the southwest fourth of said town, which said David reserved for himself. Subsequently, however, on the 10th of March, 1787, he also conveyed the remain ing southwest fourth of -the town to bis sons, John and William. This deed also mentions the fact of the name of the streets being changed, based upon the second plot of 1784. The act of the General Assembly of March 28, 1781, directs the electors to meet at the house of David Hoge at the place called Catfishes Camp, to hold their elections and courts until a court house shall be built. To understand the Hoge purchase, we will state that there were three tracts of land originally surveyed and purchased by David Hoge, as follows : One from Martha Hunter, dated November 4, 1769, containing three hundred and thirty-nine acres and sixty-nine perches, and called "Martha's Bottom." The second was pur chased from Joseph Hunter, November 11, 1769, containing three hundred and thirty-one acres and twenty-one perches, called " Grand Cairo," and the third from Abraham Hunter, surveyed and pur chased November 11, 1769, containing three hundred and thirty-one acres and twenty-one perches, called " Catfishes Camp." The town of Bassett was laid out on a portion of the two tracts of land known by the name of Grand Cairo and Catfishes Camp, but most generally known by the latter name. It was laid out by David Reddick, Esq., at the request of David Hoge, Esq., on Octo ber 18, 1781; it then embraced all the lots within Walnut Street on the north, College Street on the east, Maiden Street on the south, and West Alley on the west, containing two hundred and ninety-one lots. Upon the plot of the town of Bassett are the following memo randa : Lots marked A for a court-house and prison. This is the same public square now occupied with a court house, prison, &c. &c. Lots B, C, D were reserved by Mr. Hoge. B included the lots from Pine Alley, the residence of the late John L. Gow, deceased, to the corner of Main and Ohio (Beau) streets, the resi dence of William Smith, Esq. C included the lots from the Fulton House, owned by Messrs. Little and Melvin, to Johnston's (now Cherry) Alley, or the house occupied by Alexander Murdoch, Esq. D all the lots from Pine Alley, the property of the heirs of William L. Oliver, deceased, to the corner of Main and Ohio (now Beau) streets, or the iron hall front, owned by William Smith, Esq. The plot also states that the two principal streets, viz., Monongahela (Main) Street and Ohio (Beau) Street, are sixty-six feet wide. The lots are sixty feet front by two hundred and forty feet deep. B, C, D were each divided into six lots of forty feet front and two hunr dred and forty deep. Lot 171, on the corner of Race and Char tiers streets (now Chestnut and Second), and at present owned by 126 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Mrs. E. H. Turner, was given gratis for a place of public worship,- while lot 172, directly opposite and owned by William H. Taylor, was appropriated for a school-house. Lot 43 was presented to General Washington. This lot is on the corner of Gay and Char tiers (now Belle and Second) streets, and with the adjoining lot, 42, is owned by the First Presbyterian church. This lot was the site of the old red school-house, in which many of our citizens were edu cated under George K. Scott, deceased, while lot 102, which was presented at the same time and occupying the opposite corner, being the southwest corner of the college square, is owned by David S. Wilson, Esq. The plot of Bassett has marked upon it three springs, designated by the letters a, b, c. a is a spring given for the use of the town ; 6 and c are springs. Where the spring run is' parted, the water sinks under ground. One of these springs is on the corner lot owned by Jacob Koechline, on the corner of Main and Maiden streets, and in the cellar of his brick house. The other two springs are on the property of Wm. Huston, the adjoining lot, south of Mr. Koechline's. In the year , when Judge Baird erected his steam mill at the foot of Main Street, the water for running the mill was conveyed by wooden pipes from this spring, and several of the lot owners through which it passed had fountain pumps connected with these pipes. Catfishes Camp is marked upon it, near the spring on the property of Patrick Bryson, deceased. In addition to the foregoing memoranda, at the northwest corner of the plot and outside of the limits of the town of Bassett, is the letter a and the words, " Great plain given by Mr. Hoge for a com mon, about seventy or eighty acres." In an examination of the minutes of the Town Council of June 6, 1811, is the following record : — Whereas, A portion of the ground heretofore considered as a common has been sold and is about to be improved, to the prejudice of the rights of the borough and to the serious injury of several of the inhabitants, therefore Besolved, That a committee be appointed to call on the proprie tors of the town and the surviving commissioners who negotiated with Mr. David Hoge, the original proprietor, and obtain such infor mation respecting the claims of the borough to said property as may be procured. Messrs. Alexander Reed, John Wilson, "and Robert Anderson were appointed the committee. The burgesses were also instructed to give notice to all persons who are or may attempt building, inclosing, or improving, in or on the reputed com mons or property of the borough, to desist therefrom. The minutes of the Council do not show that the Committee ever reported. David Hoge having sold all his interest to his sons, they extended the original limits of Bassett by adding thereto, on the east of Col lege Street to the alley, called Brewery Alley, commencing at the HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 127 eastern end of Maiden Street and running to Walnut Street. Also adding on the south, from Maiden Street to Hazel Alley, forty build ing lots and many outlots. A small stream running through the southern and western part of Washington bears the name of Catfish Bun. It will also be re membered that the tract of land purchased from Abraham Hunter was called Catfishes Camp, and before even Bassett was laid out the few hamlets which occupied the southern part of Washington were called Catfish. The stream, the land, and the town all derived their name from a celebrated Indian Chief, whose Indian name was Tin- goocqua or Catfish, who belonged to the Kuskuskee tribe of In dians, and occupied the hunting grounds between the Allegheny Mountains and the Ohio River. In the records of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, we find him participating in a conference meeting held in Philadelphia, Dec. 4th, 1759, at which Governor Hamilton and his council with chiefs from the Wyoming, Delaware, and Kuskuskee Indians were present. At this council the Indian chief Catfish made the following speech, after taking four strings of wampum and holding two of them sepa rate in bis fingers, thus spoke : — I have not much to say; I am only a messenger. I came from the Kus- kuskees. The nation that I belong to as well as many others to the west of us, as far as the setting of the sun, have heard that you and Teedyuscung (Chief of the Delawares) sat often together in council and at length agreed npon a peace, and we are glad to hear that the friendship and harmony, which of old always subsisted between our and your ancestors, was raised up again aud established once more. This was very agreeable to us, and we came here to see if what was related was true, and we find it is true, which gives us great satisfaction. [Then taking hold of the other two strings he proceeded.] Brother. Now that Teedyuscung and you have, through the goodness of Providence, brought about a peace, we entreat you to be strong ; don't let it slip ; don't omit anything to render it quite secure and lasting ; hold it fast ; consider our aged men and our young children, and for their sakes be strong, and never rest till it be thoroughly confirmed. All the Indians at Allegheny desire you to do so, and they will do all they can likewise. [Gave a string of wampum.] Brother. We make eleven nations on the west of the Allegheny who have heard what you and Teedyuscung have concluded at the treaty of Eastern (in 1758), and as we all heartily agreed to it and are determined to join in it, we have opened a road to where Teedyuscung lives, and we the messen gers, have travelled much to our satisfaction on the road which he has made from his habitation to this town (Philadelphia). We have found it a very good road, and all our nations will use this road for the time to come. "We say nothing of the Six Nations. We do not reckon them among the eleven nations. We leave you to treat with them yourselves, we make no road, for them. This is your own affair. We only tell you we do not include them in anything we say. I have done. [Gave four strings of wampum.] At what period Catfish settled in this part of the country tradition gives us no account. We know, however, from our aged citizen, Col. George Kuntz, whose father removed from the east to Washington 128 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. in 1788, that he knew the old chief when he had a camp in the rear of the lot on which William Huston's inn now stands, near the three springs (which I have spoken of as being designated on the plan of Bassettown). Afterwards he moved his camp near to the spring now called Patrick Bryson's spring ; from thence he removed his camp to Shirl's woods ; from thence he went to Ohio and died. Local tradition has falsely placed bis tomb in the graveyard at Washington, Pa., marked by a large unhewn stone ; but such is not the fact. This stone was procured by Alexander Lytle, Esq., de ceased, on the Williamsport road, and had it placed at the grave of his wife. His daughter Harriet, on her death-bed, requested that the bodies of her father, and mother, and family, with the same stone, be taken to the cemetery. The circumstance, however, gave rise to a few verses, written by a young man named Hiram Kaine, Esq., a printer by profession, yet unassuming as a poet. To preserve his memory, therefore, who composed these verses, and who in his own language desired not to obtain popularity in the drawing-rooms of the wealthy, but in the workshops and homesteads of his native place, was the reason why he tuned his rude unlettered harp. The Grave of Catfish. 1. A fitting monument was that For one so proud and stern — More striking than a marble bust Or consecrated urn 1 , 2. Unbending as that massive rock, You braved the battle storm, And reared amidst its fiercest shock Thy dark, majestic form. 3. Thou needst not fear the pale face race, Who slumber by thy side ; They cannot tear the home from thee, Which living they denied. 4. The unlettered stone above thy head Is not more still than they, The marble not more motionless That tells us where they lay. 5. The rank green grass is twining, Its wreath above thy head, As it ever richly twineth Bound dwellings of the dead. 6. Oh ! does thy spirit ever come, To gaze upon this mound, And tread upon the springing grass Above the hallowed ground ? 7. Dost ever wander o'er the hills Where once thy tribe did roam, And curse the race who on their graves Have built themselves a home? HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 129 8. Thou hearest not, dark Chieftain— Thy funeral song is sung, The emblems of thy power have flown, Thy last war-whoop hath rung. 9. But yet thy name, by kindred ghosts, Is heard by yonder rill, As comes its murmuring midnight chime In echoes from the hill. When Bassettown was laid out, David Hoge, in October, 1781, issued tickets to purchasers of lots in these words : No- 15- Bassettown, October, 1781- This will entitle Charles Dodd to receive a sufficient title, subject to one dollar a year in specie, for a lot marked in the original plan of said town, 58, provided there shall be erected thereon, on or before the thirtieth day of October, 1784, a house eighteen feet square at least, with a stone or brick chimney therein. David Hoge. On the 21st of July, 1784, this lot, with the house, was sold to John Dodd, for ,£300 Pennsylvania currency. It is situated on Main Street and the corner of Strawberry Alley, now owned by Jas. G. Strean, upon which is erected a three-story house, iron front, oc cupied by Mr. Robert F. Strean's hardware store and the Beporler printing office. William Darby, Esq., in the year 1845, and then in the 71st year of his age, in speaking of Bassettown (now Washington), said: In the fall of 1782, the site where Washington now stands was a vast thicket of black and red hawthorn, wild plums, hazel bushes, shrub oaks, and briers ; often I have picked hazel-nuts where the court-house now stands. The yell of the savage rung in fancy's ear and alas too often in the heart of the dying victim. The whole country was a dense forest, only broken by small patches, with dead trees, made so by the axe of the early pioneer. Bassettown, under the proprietorship of David Hoge, improved but slowly, there being but two deeds on record prior to its sale in 1785, one to James Marshall, February 8, 1785, and the other to Charles Dodd, July 21, 1784. After John and William Hoge had purchased the town, and added the addition thereto of all the lots south of Maiden Street, and divided the land into outlets, a new im petus was given to the town, and lots sold rapidly and houses were speedily erected thereon. In this connection, we may add that Robert Fulton, of steamboat notoriety, held three lots in Washington. While sojourning in Lon don, in 1793, he directed Mr. Hoge to make deeds of these three lots to his three sisters, Mrs. David Morris ( No. 4), Mrs. Isabella Cook (No. 118), Mrs. Peggy Scott (No. 125). In looking over the original lot-holders, and up to the date of in corporation, we find the names of John, William, and David Hoge, Dr. Moore, William Horton, James Marshall, Charles and John Dodd, ISO HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Absalom Baird, S. Darley, Anthony Horseman, J. Loehman, Jos. Harris, Rev. John Casper Sinclair, Thomas and David Acheson, Van Swearingen, D. G. Mitchell, Leonard Boyer, Thomas Hutchin son, D. Moody, Mary Miller, Philip Milsacb, Thomas Stokely, Hugh Mears, Margaret Scott (sister of Robert Fulton), D. Blackmore, Hugh Workman, Edward Lynch, Wm. Findley, Alexander Addison, M. Collins, Thomas Bristor, Jobn Standley, T. Woodward, Reasin Beall, Robert Fulton, David Morris, Archibald Kerr, John Wilson, Alexander Reed, John Flake, Daniel Moore, James Goudy, James White, James Gilmore, Isabella Cooke (sister of Robert Fulton), James W. McBeth, Stephen Way, Matthew Ritchie, Hugh Wiley, Robert Hazlett, James Ross, William Meetkirke, Daniel Kehr, Abra ham Lattimore, Joseph Seaman, James Orr, J. Purviance, Gabriel Brakeny, Stephen Wood, Hugh and Samuel Workmen, Patrick Bry- son, Daniel and Jonathan Leet. But what changes have been wrought since ! The town from several hundred inhabitants has increased to many thousand, its manufactur ing, commercial, educational, moral, and religious interests have all been largely developed. The second generation of these pioneers have also been gathered to their fathers, and while the old landmarks re main to point out their homes, where brotherly love, truth, and friendship reigned supreme, the graveyard and the cemetery point to their sacred ashes. Amid the multiplicity of changes, we find the original property only remain in the descendants of John Wilson, Alexander Reed, David Acheson, and Patrick Bryson. The citizens of Washington knew that their town was inferior to but few of the towns of Pennsylvania, but that it was destitute of many useful improvements, which could not be accomplished without being incorporated as a borough. Their streets were not regulated, and, during some of the winter months, not being piked, were almost impassable ; the sideways were tiot paved, neither was there public spirit enough to purchase a fire-engine to make provision against fire. In the midst of these discouragements and difficulties, a town meeting was called on February 6, 1795, to consider the necessity of petition ing the legislature for an act of incorporation. The people met and discussed the question, but the principal objection was that the taxes would be greatly increased, and that a few men would have the control and direction of the borough affairs. These sentiments prevailed, and the question was ventilated through the Western Telegraph, then published at Washington. A writer, who signs himself " Tom Stick in the Mud," thus sarcastically writes upon the subject : " For my part I've lived all my born days, and my posterity before me and my child ren after me, up to the eyes in mud and never a bit the worse for it and I can't see why other people should think themselves better stuff than we. I loves fun, and, at our end of the town, it would some times make you die with laughing to see your calico-carcassed, spin dle-shanked folks sticking fast in a crossing-place and leaving their shoes behind them." HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 131 "A Bachelor," in answering tne foregoing communication, gives one reason why the town should be incorporated, in these words : " It would prevent emigrants and strangers from giving as accurate a description of the ladies' ankles as I myself can do. I can tell any of them whether they are flat-footed, beef-shanked, knock-kneed, or whether either of them or not. Oh I how I have shaken my sides to see them straddling through the mud up street to a tea drinking. I hope, therefore, that the people will see that a corporation is abso lutely necessary." Notwithstanding this newspaper description, the town, however, was not incorporated until the 13th day of February 1810. The act of incorporation defines its boundaries as follows : " Beginning at a post on the land of James Ashbrook ; thence by land of Robert Anderson, Thomas Officer, and others, south seventy-seven de grees west one hundred and fifty-nine and one-half perches to a post; thence by land of Thomas Jones, William Hoge, and others, south fourteen and three-fourth degrees east one hundred perches to a post ; thence by land of James Ashbrook, William Sherrard, and others, south thirteen de grees east sixty-three and one-half perches to a post ; thence by land of John Hoge, south fifty-one and one-half degrees east twenty-nine perches to a post ; thence by land late of John Simonson, Hugh Workmen, and others, north seventy-seven degrees east one hundred and twenty perches to a post ; thence by land of Thomas McFadden, Daniel Kehr, and others, north, four and one-half degrees west eighty-four perches to a post; thence by land of Robert Hazlett, Isaiah Steen, and others, north ten degrees west one hundred and two perches to the place of beginning." This act gives them authority to elect officers, make and enforce laws, hold property, and perform such acts as are usual to corporate boroughs. On the 27th of March, 1852, the borough authorities were in structed to apply to the Court of Quarter Sessions for the admission of the borough of Washington to the benefits and privileges of a charter under the act of Assembly of the 3d of April, 1851, which was subsequently confirmed by the court on the 18th of May, 1852. This general act provides, in Section 30, for the enlargement of borough limits, by not less than twenty of the freeholder owners of lots petitioning the council, and they declaring by ordinance that the limits have been enlarged. June 10th, 1854, "and 6th of January, 1855, the borough limits were extended to the present lines. At the May term in 1855, the borough was divided into two wards by Main Street, named respec tively the East and West Wards. With these preliminary remarks, we may now state that the borough of Washington is situated near the centre of Washington County, on , the National road, twenty-four miles from Brownsville and thirty-two miles from Wheeling ; twenty-seven miles from Pitts burg and twenty-two miles from Monongahela City. Its population in 1860 was 3587 (but in 1870 about 4500). Its situation is salu- 132 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. brious, and from its position locally adapted to become a manufac turing centre. Bituminous coal underlies the town and valley, while a railroad of seven miles would not only add Canonsburg to Wash ington, but develop for manufacturing purposes all the coal which exists on Chartiers' Creek. The streets are rectangular, and are all sixty feet wide except Main and Beau streets, which are sixty-six feet wide. Before entering upon a history of the public buildings we shall give a list of the burgesses and town council, treasurers and town clerks, since the date of its charter to the present time — I have there fore prepared them from the official record for future reference, knowing that our borough history would be incomplete and imper fect without such a record. BURGESSES. 1, -1810. Alexander Reed, John Wilson. ¦24, —1833 2, -1811. Re-elected. 25. —1834. 3, -1812. David Morris, Thomas Officer 26, -1835. 4, -1813. Re-elected. 5, -1814. Daniel Moore, James Orr. 27, —1836. 6, -1815. David Shields, 28, -1837. John Wilson. 29, -1838. 7, -1816. Alexander Murdoch, Alexander Reed. 30, —1839. 8, -1817. John Wilson, David Morris, 31, -1840. 9, -1818. James Blaine, James Shannon. 32, -1841. 10, -1819. James Blaine, John Gregg. 33, -1842. 11.- -1820. Re-elected. 34, -1843. 12.- -1821. Re-elected. 13.- -1822. Re-elected. 35, -1844. 14.- -1823. James Orr, James Ruple. 36.- -1845. 15- -1824. James Ruple, Daniel Moore. 37, -1846. 16, -1825. Re-elected. . 17.- -1826. Hugh Workman, James Orr. 38, -1847. 18, -1827. Re-elected. 39, -1848. 19, -1828. Re-elected. 20, -1829. James Orr, John Kuntz. 40- -1849. 21, -1830. Re-elected. 41, -1850. 22, -1831. George Kuntz, James Orr. 42, -1851. 23, -1832. John S. Brady, John Wilson. Archibald Kerr, John Wilson. James Orr, John S. Brady. Archibald Kerr, James Ruple. John R. Griffith, James Ruple. Re-elected. John L. Gow, James Ruple. James Blaine, John R. Griffith. Robert Officer, John S. Brady. Robert Officer, George W. Brice, Re-elected. Robert Officer, Thomas McGiffin. Isaac Leet, James Langley Mathew Griffin, Sample Sweeney. L. P. Hitchcock, John L. Gow. William McKennan, Alexander Murdoch. James Ruple, James Langley. Collin M. Reed, Alfred Creigh. William Hopkins, Collin M. Reed. Alex. W. Acheson, Peter Reimund. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 133 43.— 1852. Alex. W. Acheson, 55.— 1864. Andrew Brady Hugh W. Reynolds. James Rush. 44.— 1853. William Workman, 56.— 1865. Re-elected. Charles W. Hays. 57.— 1866. Charles Hayes, 45.— 1854. Charles W. Hays, William Smith. James Spriggs. 58.— 1867. H. J. Vankirk, 46.— 1855. Alexandel Murdoch, John Hoon. Samuel Cunningham. 59.— 1868. John D. Boyle, 47.— 1856. Jacob Slagle, John MeElroy. James Brown. 60.— 1869. John D. Boyle, 48.— 1857. James B. Ruple, J. Y. Hamilton. William Hopkins. ,, . . , , _,, , , , , 49.-1858. James W. Kuntz, i,^""™!? aw i°«n«o ehanBedbytheiegM- t d u lature March 16, 1869, and directed to be *n i QKn T>am?S f"/ heW in O^ober of each year. In Wash- 50. — le59. ±te-elected. ington borough the burgess and two coun- 51. — 1860. James W KuntZ, oilmen were directed to be elected, and Thomas J. Walker. the subsequent year the assistant burgess 52.— 1861. James W. Kuntz, and three oouncilmen— these officers to James Rush. continue in office two years. 53.— 1862. Re-elected. 61.— 1869. John D. Boyle, 54.— 1863. James W. Kuntz, Theodore F. Slater. Alfred Creigh. TOWN COUNCIL. L— 1810. Hugh Wilson, Thomas Acheson, Hugh Workman, Robert An derson, and Parker Campbell. 2.— 1811. Re-elected. 3.— 1812. John Scott, Matthew Dill, Hugh Workman, Parker Campbell, and Thomas McGiffin. 4. — 1813. Thomas McGiffin, Parker Campbell, Daniel Moore,' James Orr, and Hugh Workman. 5.— 1814. Parker Campbell, Thomas Officer, Thomas McGiffin, Hugh Workman, and David Morris. 6. — 1815. James Orr, Parker Campbell, Hugh Workman, Thomas McGif fin, and Daniel Moore. 7. — 1816. Thomas McGiffin, James Lattimore, James Blaine, Parker Campbell, and George Baird. 8. — 1817. Alexander Reed, James Blaine, James Lattimore, James Orr, and Thomas H. Baird. 9. — 1818. Thomas M. T. McKennan, Hugh Workman, John Wilson, James Garret, and William Hunter. 10.— 1819. Hugh Workman, John Wilson, William Hunter, Thomas M. T. McKennan, and James Garret. 11.— 1820. Re-elected. 12. — 1821. Thomas M. T. McKennan, John Wilson, David Eckert, James Stevens, and John Koontz. 13.— 1822. Re-elected. 14.— 1823. Hugh Workman, Thomas M. T. McKennan, Jacob Stagle, John Wilson, and James Stevens. 15. — 1824. Archibald Kerr, Thomas Good, James Lattimore, Thomas M. T. McKennan, and James Kerr. 16.— 1825. Re-elected. 17.^-1826. Thomas M. T. McKennan, Thomas McGiffin, George Kuntz, John S. Brady, and John Wilson. 134 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 18.— 1827. Thomas M. T. McKennan, George Kuntz, John Wilson, Jacob Slagle, and George L. Morrison. 19. — 1828. Thomas M. T. McKennan, George Kuntz, Jacoh Slagle, John K. Wilson, and Samuel Hazlett. 20.— 1829. Thomas M. T. McKennan, Jacob Slagle, George Kuntz, Wil liam Robinson, and William Hunter. 21. — 1830. John K. Wilson, Thomas M. T. McKennan, James Shannon, William Robinson, and John Wilson. 22. — 1831. William Baird, William Robinson, John Wilson, James Shan non, and John K. Wilson. 23.— 1832. Re-elected. 24. — 1833. Hugh Workman, Isaac Leet, George Kuntz, Thomas Officer, and John Morrow. 25. — 1834. Isaac Leet, John Morrow, George Kuntz, John K. Wilson, and Thomas Officer. 26. — 1835. James Shannon, Isaac Leet, John*K. Wilson, John L. Gow, and John Wilson. 27. — 1836. Isaac Leet, Andrew Shearer, John N. Dagg, John Morrow, and John Bradfield. 28. — 1837. John, L. Gow, John N. Dagg, Andrew Shearer, John Morrow, and George Black. 29.— 1838. George Black, John R. Griffith, Robert Officer, Andrew Shearer, and John Morrow. 30. — 1839. Alexander W. Acheson, John Best, Henry Langley, James H. Pattison, and Peter Wolfe. 31. — 1840. Alexander W. Acheson, Peter Wolfe, John Morrow, Adam Sil- vey, and Oliver Lindsey. 32.— 1841. Alexander W. Acheson, Peter Wolfe, Oliver Lindsey, James Brown, and Matthew Griffin. 33.— 1842. Re-elected. 34. — 1843. Alexander W. Acheson, George Lonkert, George W. Brice, John Grayson, and John S. Brady. 35.— 1844. Oliver Lindsey, John Best, John R. Griffith, Peter Wolfe, and Jacob Kissler. 36.— 1845. William Smith, Oliver Lindsey, John Best, Peter Kennedy, and David Wolfe. 37. — 1846. John Morrow, James Brown, Joseph Henderson, Thomas Logan, and George Lonkert. 38. — 1847. James M. Hutchinson, James Brice, T. W. Grayson, Alfred Thirkield, and Robert 0 cer. 39.— 1848. John Morrow, William Hopkins, Charles W. Hays, George Black, and James Rush. 40.— 1849. Peter Kennedy, William Hopkins, Charles W. Hays, Jacoh Slagle, and Oliver Lindsey. Al.— 1850. John Bausman, Philip Kuhn, Jacob Kissler, John S. Brady, and Thomas B. Bryson. 42.— 1851. Sample Sweeny, Oliver Lindsey, Freeman Brady, Sr., Collin M. Reed, and Thomas W. Grayson. 43.— 1852. Freeman Brady, Sr., Oliver Lindsey, William McKennan, John Wiley, and James Brown. 44.— 1853. John Morrow, William R. Oliver, James Rush, John Wilev and William T. Fleming. J'- 45.— 1854. Jacob Kessler, J. L. Judson, James D. Best, Dr. M. H Clarke and Collin M. Read. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 135 46.— 1855. Thomas W. Grayson, T. S. McKinley, H. W. Reynolds, A. R. Frisbie, and John McClelland. 47.— 1856. L. W. -Stockton, Dr. J. R. Wilson, Simon Cort, John McElroy, and Th. B. Bryson. 48.— 1857. James W. Kuntz, Charles W. Hays, Thomas B. Bryson, John McAllister, and S. R. Witherow. 49.— 1858. John Prigg, Jacob Goldsmith, N. F. Brobst, David Wolf, and W. H. Stoy. 50.— 1859. James Walton, James W. Humphreys, William T. Fleming, Charles W. Hays, and Jackson Spriggs. 51.— 1860. Re-elected. 52. — 1861. Charles W. Hays, Freeman Brady, Jr., Andrew Brady, John Prigg, and Alexander Frazer. 53.— 1862. Charles W. Hays, Thomas D. O'Hara, Andrew Brady, John Prigg, and Samuel Beatty. 54. — 1863. John Prigg, Johft Naghtan, James Walton, John W. Lockhart, and W. T. Fleming. 55. — 1864. Jacob Miller, Thomas Seamans, Alphew Murphy, A. J. Caton, and P. Waldron. 56. — 1865. Ira Lacock, John Naugtan, G. Jackson Dagg, Wm. H. Drury, A. H. Ecker. 57.— 1866. Thomas Walker, T. J. Hodgins, Nelson Vankirk, William Fitz- william, and David Aiken. 58. — 1867. James C. Acheson, Thomas MeKean, Charles V. Grier, Alex. Seaman, John Hallam. 59. — 1868. William Taylor, John Templeton, G. 0. Jones, Robert Davis, and Samuel Hazlett. 60.— 1869. Alfred Creigh, A. B. Caldwell, J. L. Judson, A. C. Morrow, and James Huston. By act of the legislature, March 16, 1869, three councilmen were to be elected biennially with the assistant burgess, at the October election in 1869, term of service to commence April, 1870, which resulted in the election of ,61. — 1870. George S. Hart, Martin Luther, and James Huston. 1810- 1813- 1816.1817- 1820-1836-1857- 1810- 1812- 1815- 1817-18321834, 1835 .1841- 1843 1845-1847. -12. Daniel Moore. -15. Alexander Reed. Daniel Moore. -19. John Barrington. -35. John Gregg. -56. George Kuntz. -62. George Baird. TREASUBEBS. 1863—65. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. TOWN CLERKS. •11. David Shields. 1848—50. 14. Samuel Cunningham. 1851 — 54. 16. John Cunningham. 1855 — 62, 31. John Marshall. 1863. —33. Samuel Doak. 1864. Henry Langley. 1864 — 65. -40. George W. Brice. 1866. -42. Robert K. Shannon. 1867. -44. Henry M. Brister. 1868. -46. James McKinley. 1869. David Wherry. 1870. George Kuntz. David Aiken. John C. Hastings. John Aiken. L. R. W. Little. M. G. Kuntz. William J. Wilson. Joseph O'Hara. William B. Rose. Ashford Engle. Henry Brown (2 mos.). Thaddeus Stanton. I. Goodrich Ruple. John Aiken. Joseph A. McKee. John Waldron. Wesley Wolf. 136 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Public Buildings. The public buildings in Washington Borough consist of the court-house, containing the court, jury, and library room, and the public offices, the gaol, the old market house, town hall, containing an audience room, council chamber, post office, citizens' library, engine house, and market house, Washington and Jefferson college, First Presbyterian church, Methodist Episcopal church, United Presbyterian church, Methodist Protestant church, Trinity Episco pal church, German Evangelical Lutheran church, Second Presby terian church, Roman Catholic church, Cumberland Presbyterian church, Disciples of Christ, Baptist church, African Methodist Episcopal church, Wright's Chapel (African), Franklin Bank of Washington, Female Seminary, Union S This court-house was improved in 1819 by an addition thereto, the commissioners having awarded the contract to Thomas H. Baird, Esq., who gave as his securities David Shields and George Baird, Esqs. October 18, 1836, a county meeting was held in the court house to take action with regard to the erection of a court-house and other public buildings, which meeting, after a full discussion, resolved that the question should be determined by a vote of the electors of the county, who decided against its erection. But on March 9, 1839, the grand jury considered the erection of a new court-house, and the question was laid over to the next grand jury, who indorsed the proposition. The commissioners then certified that a new court-house would cost $12,000, and the repairs, $5000, and the subsequent grand jury sanctioned its erection, as the public buildings were unfit for public purposes ; and the whole of the public square should be entirely changed, and present an appearance which would be alike creditable to the county and have all the conve- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 139 niences which the wants of the people required. Before, however, giving a description of the improvements which were made, it will be interesting to many unacquainted with the buildings which were upon the public square to state what buildings occupied it. Commencing on the corner of Main and Beau streets, and going south, was the market-house, with a superstructure containing six rooms (a full description of which will be found under the title of "Market House"); next to and adjoining the market-house was the engine-house ; then an alley, which led directly into the kitchen of the sheriff's house, through which access was had to the jail ; next was the sheriff's office and house attached, and the protnonotary's office ; then came the court-house. On the south of the court-house were the clerk of the court's and register's offices ; adjoining which was a small shop of Alfred Gait (watchmaker, well known as an ec centric genius) and three offices, from which a rent was derived — these filled up the square. These three offices on the southeastern corner of the public square, and immediately in front of the present market-house, were leased, on a ground-rent of twenty years, on the 1st of June, 1817. Each office was required to be in size 22 by 24 feet (with an alley 10 feet in the rear), to be built of brick, and range with the other public buildings. No. 1, next to the court-house, was leased to Wil liam Hunter, Esq., at $3.01 per foot per annum. No. 2 was leased to John Neal, Esq., and No. 3, on the corner of the street and alley, to David Shields, Esq., each at $2.54 per foot. We now resume the history of the third or present court-house. On the 22d July, 1839, Jehu Jackson, Matthew Linn, and Andrew Shearer advertised to receive sealed proposals until July 15, 1839, at 10 o'clock A.M., for the erection of new public buildings, accord ing to the plan adopted, for the accommodation of the courts and offices of the county, and for the safe keeping of the records ; and a house for the sheriff. On the 16th July, 1839, the carpenter work was awarded to Henry Shearer, Esq. ; the stonework, to Freeman Brady, Esq. ; the cut-stonework, to Alexander Ramsey, Esq. ; fur nishing and laying the brickwork, to David White, Esq. On the 25th of September the commissioners caused all the old buildings to be removed from the public square, except the offices on the southeast corner of the square, whose leases had expired, in which the public offices should be temporarily kept. In addition to these two rooms the commissioners also rented the corner room of the "Round Corner,", now occupied by James C. Acheson. ' They also leased the Methodist Protestant church from James L. Porter and Charles E. Jones (trustees), from the 29th of August, 1839, to the 29th August, 1843, for the sum of $200, in which the courts should be held, with the privilege of leaving the same when the new court- bouse should be finished. On the 25th of September, 1840, the commissioners, Matthew Linn, Andrew Shearer, and James Pollock, Esqs., articled with 140 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Freeman Brady and David White, Esqs., to build the jail walls, and, with David Hall and William Wylie, to plaster the court-house. 1842, May 27. The statue of Washington was ordered to be placed upon the dome of the court-house, and\ on the 15th of October, James Sterret, of Allegheny County, James Chambers and William E. Erret, of Washington County, were selected to measure the car penter work. On December 9th, 1842, the commissioners contracted with Wil liam McFarlane and William E. Erret to build a portiqo to the sheriff's house, for which they were to receive one hundred and seventy-five dollars. The cost of the court-house of 1839 was twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and eight dollars, to which is to be added the sheriff's house, costing four thousand five hundred and sixty-eight dollars, amounting in all to $34,376. We shall now advert to the improvements made on the public square in 1867-8 and 9. Neither the court-house nor jail answered the purposes of their erection ; the former required an arbitration room, library room, and sheriff's office, and jury room, and the latter an entire new building. The commissioners, consisting of Messrs. Jos. W. Cowan, Thos. J. Bell, and Jas. Walker, on the 23d of July, 1866, authorized J. W. Barr, Esq., a superior architect of Pittsburg, to inspect the county jail, with a view of repairing or rebuilding the same. The jail undergoing a thorough inspection by Mr. Barr, be gave it as his opinion that it was unfit for use, upon which the com missioners very judiciously decided that he should submit a plan for a new jail with the probable cost, and another for repairing the same. On the 24th of August, 1866, the commissioners submitted these plans to the grand jury, who unanimously approved the erection of a new jail, and the plan thereof was submitted to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, who approved of the same. It being too late in the season to commence so large a building, it was postponed until February 28, 1867, when the new Board of Commissioners, consist ing of Thomas J. Bell, James Walker, and Samuel Weirich, Esqs., resolved to proceed to the erection of the jail under the approval of the grand jury and the direction of the court. •On March 5th, 1867, the commissioners, accompanied by David S. Wilson, Esq., their attorney (who was desirous of submitting certain other improvements in connection with the court-house, by which all the necessary rooms could be obtained, and the jail connected With the court-room), went to Pittsburg, to confer with Messrs. Barr and Moser in regard to the plans and specifications and estimates of the new county prison, and the improvements therewith connected. March 22d, 1867, the commissioners, after having adopted the pre sent plan, and under the instructions of David S. Wilson, Esq., ap pointed Messrs. Barr and Moser general superintendents of' the work, to be allowed one per cent, of the cost of the jail as their com pensation. Nelson Vankirk, Esq. , was appointed superintendent and HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 141 foreman under Messrs. Barr and Moser, his compensation being $5 per day ; Samuel Hargraves, superintendent of the brick and mason work, at $5 per day. The general superintendents were authorized to select all the materials, and Messrs. Vankirk and Hargraves, in their respective departments, were to employ and superintend all the hands necessary for its completion, but subject to the inspection and condemnation of the commissioners and general superintendents. On the 23d of April, 1867, the contract for the brick was awarded to Chas. V. Grier and Joshua R. Forest, with John Hallam as security. The new prison and extension to the court-house, including sheriff's office, arbitration room, library room, &c, cost forty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. The stone wall inclosing public square, grading, and improve ments to sheriff's house, cost thirty-five hundred dollars, amounting in the ag'gregate to fifty-two thousand dollars. Before the jail was finished, and in the northeast corner, about ten feet from the ground, a box, containing much valuable information, was deposited in the wall by A. T. Baird and C. M. Ruple, Esqs., on September 6, 1867, generally relating to county and borough affairs. Market-House. In the spring of 1795 the citizens of the town of Washington held a public meeting, at which it was unanimously resolved, that the wants of the people required a market-house, and to carry this re solution into effect, the meeting appointed two of their prominent citizens (Alexander Addison, Esq., and Dr. Absalom Baird) to procure the necessary amount of subscriptions, and employ compe tent workmen to erect"a market-house. On the 8th of September following, the market-house was finished and occupied, the commissioners having granted the northeast corner of the public square, on the corner of Main and Beau streets, for that purpose. It was opened under the following regulations : That public markets should be opened on Wednesday and Saturday of each week; that they should be kept open from early dawn to 10 o'clock A. M. of the appointed days, and, by agreement of the citizens, no provision or produce of any kind was to be purchased within the prescribed hours, except at th8 market-house only. The committee having discharged the duty enjoined upon them, and the market-house fulfilling the expectations of the people, yet they were compelled to issue the following notice on November 24th, 1795:— "We, whose names are hereunto annexed, state to all concerned in the market-house of Washington, that the expenses of building it amount, as it appears by the several bills in our hands, to . . $202.96 We have received for subscriptions only . . . 126.81 ' There is, therefore, due to us . . . . 76.15 142 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. " We submit it to all interested in the market-house, whether they ought not immediately to pay into our hands severally, according to the ability and inclination of every individual, a further contribution to reimburse us for what we have laid out for this building, which is a common benefit to all. There are yet some arrears unpaid of the subscription, but much is not expected from them, and if all were paid, it would be proper to have a small sum in reserve for occasional repairs, which will always be wanting to a pub lic building like this, which being as it were the property of no particular person, no one thinus it his duty to preserve it. The delinquent subscri bers are informed that the subscription papers are lodged in the hands of "William Meetkirk, Esq., who will receive payments, and unless payments are made before the 1st day of December next, he will issue process against the delinquents. Alexandee Addison. Absalom Baied." This notice had the desired effect, the delinquents paid their indebt edness, and the citizens with commendable zeal paid the balance by additional subscriptions. Immediately after the borough was incorporated, in 1810, the Council passed wholesome laws to regulate the markets. Yet the wants of the people required a larger and better market-house, con sequently the town council, on the 23d day of October, 1813, ap pointed a committee consisting of Parker Campbell, James Orr, and Thomas McGiffin, Esquires, to report on the expediency of erect ing a new market-house on the same ground. This committee re ported (on the 30th of October) favorably, and on the 6th of Nov. following, the chief burgess was directed to call a meeting of the inhabitants on the 12th of November, to consider the subject. It appears, however, that the minds of the people were greatly agitated at this time on account of pecuniary affairs, the war and other mat ters ; and action thereon was indefinitely postponed. On the 16th of January, 1815, another meeting of the citizens was convened, when the usual officers were appointed and the follow ing resolution adopted : — "Besolved, That it is expedient to change the site of the market- house from the north to the south side of the public square, for the purpose of erecting a banking-house on the northeast corner of said square, and for the better accommodation of the citizens at large ; provided, however, that no change or alteration in the present site of the market-house shall take place u»til the consent of the proper authority shall be first had and obtained to erect a banking-bouse on the northeast corner of the public square, and a market-house on the southeast corner of said square, nor until arrangements be made and a contract entered into for the building of said banking-house on that ground." Alexander Murdoch, Thomas H. Baird, and James Orr, Esquires, were appointed to procure the necessary au thority and grant for said market-house and banking-house from the legislature' and commissioners of the county. Subsequently the Committee ascertained that the public square was to be used only for public purposes, and if diverted from that HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 143 the property would revert to the original owners ; accordingly the project was abandoned. On the 21st of June, 1816, however, and at the request of the citizens, the commissioners granted to the borough permission to erect a market-house on the following plan, viz : On a range with the public offices and parallel with Main Street, to front on Main Street 53 feet and on Beau Street 130 feet, according to diagram adopted. On November 2, 1816, the commissioners, consisting of John Reed, David Little, and Jonathan Knight, made a second grant, giving permission to the borough to erect another story upon the pillars or frame of the market-house, provided that one room should be used as a council room, and that after the expiration of twenty- five years, or at any time thereafter, the borough shall, upon receiving the sum originally expended in building the maricet-house, deliver the same to the commissioners for the use of the county. On the 5th of November following, the citizens met at the court house to consider the expediency of erecting a superstructure or story on the pillars of the market-house, and after a full discussion the burgesses and Council were instructed to erect said superstructure in the manner contemplated by the commissioners. The Council there upon convened and appointed Parker Campbell, Alexander Murdoch, and Thomas McGiffin a committee with authority to borrow not ex ceeding two thousand dollars, for the purpose specified, which amount they procured from the branch Bank of Philadelphia established in Washington. The contract for the building of the superstructure was given to James Ruple, Esq. On the 20th of October, 1817, possession of the market-house rooms was given to the burgesses and Council, who rented the same on the 25th to the following persons: No. 1, Robert Estep ; No. 2, John Purviance ; Nos. 3 and 5, Thomas H. Baird ; No. 4, John Mc- Cluney ; No. 6, Matthew Brown. Subsequently some of these rooms were occupied as school-rooms, and the mention of the names of Philip Potter, Stephen Wood, George Freeby, and Henry Williams will recall to the recollection of many of our inhabitants the incidents of school-life, the rod and the cat-o'-nine-tails. At one time one of the rooms was occupied by the venerable Judge Grayson, who was then editor of the Washington Examiner. After ma'.:y years it appears that the spirit of enterprise seized upon our citizens, and they awoke from their Rip Van Winkle sleep by being admonished by the commissioners of the county, in 1839, that the lease of the market-house grounds would soon expire, and that the public square would be occupied by a new court-house, suitable buildings for sheriff, &c. A meeting of the Town Council was called July 15, 1839, and Messrs. Alexander W. Acheson, Henry Langley, and John R. Griffith were appointed a committee to exa mine the lease and to make inquiries in regard to changing the site to the south side of the public square. 144 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. On the 2d of August, the Town Council called a meeting of the citizens, whereupon the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : — Whereas, The commissioners of the county are about to erect new public buildings for the use of the county, and in the execution of their plan of erection it will be necessary to remove the borough market-house to make room for the erection of a contemplated sheriff's house, therefore Besolved, That the burgesses and Council are hereby authorized to make such arrangements with the county commissioners for the ex change of the present market ground for a site or location on the south side of the public square, and obtain from said commissioners a perpetual lease of the same for the use of the borough. The Council at their meeting on November 25th, appointed Henry Langley, Esq., to .meet the commissioners on the subject of the re moval of the market-house, who subsequently reported that the commissioners would in due time make a lease. In December follow ing, however, Messrs. A. W. Acheson, James Blaine, and Henry Langley were directed to view the ground, ascertain the probable expense of erecting a market-house, and how to dispose of the old one. The Committee, on the 8th of January, 1840, reported a plan which was adopted, and on the 6th of February, the Committee en tered into contract with John Wilson and John W. Seamans, Es quires, for building the same, the price being settled at nine hundred and fifty dollars. Messrs. James Blaine, John R. Griffiths, and J. H. Pattison were authorized to sell the old market-house, which they accordingly did, and made report thereof to the Council. To the burgesses and Council of 1839-40, therefore, were we indebted for the market-house which adorned the southern part of our public square, the stalls of which were first leased August 2, 1840. The reason of the market-house being set so far back from a range with the other public buildings was owing to a lease made by the commissioners of 66 feet of ground on Main Street, and running back about 40 feet, upon which was erected three offices, the lease of which did not expire until after the market-house was erected. Town Hall. The first effort for the erection of a town hall was made May 5th, 1842, when the commissioners of that date executed a lease to the borough of Washington for all the public ground south of a line commencing at the curb-stone on Main Street, nine feet south of the new court-house, and running back until it strikes a lot of William Smith's, and now owned (1870) by Robert Boyd, Esq., on condition of their erecting a town hall. March 23d, 1843. The Council called a meeting of the citizensjo ascertain their views on the expediency of erecting a town hall, and engine-house, which, after discussion, was decided affirmatively, and the Council appointed Robert Officer, John S. Brady, and Thomas HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 145 McGiffin to report a plan and the probable cost. A plan was pre pared by Mr. Erret and adopted by the Council ; but on the 6th day of May, 1843, the citizens called a public meeting and refused its sanction to the erection of a town hall. No further efforts were made until the year 1868, when the ques tion was again agitated, and the burgess and Council called a meet ing of the citizens to ascertain the public sentiment on this question. Many urgent reasons were given for its erection, but that which operated upon the public mind was the generous offer of Dr. Francis J. Lemoyne, who proposed to donate ten thousand dollars for the purchase of a public library if a fire-proof vault was made for its reception in said building. The question was referred to a vote of the people, and decided affirmatively. The term of office of the bur gess and Council elected March, 1868, was about expiring, and the plans and erection of the town hall were committed to the Council of 1869, consisting of John D. Boyle, Burgess ; J. Y. Hamilton, As sistant Burgess ; and Alfred Creigh, J. L. Judson, A. B. Caldwell, A. C. Morrow, and James Huston, Councilmen. A plan and speci fication, as drawn and prepared by J. Kerr, of Pittsburg, was adopt ed. Messrs. Boyle, Creigh, and Judson were appointed the Building Committee, and Messrs. Boyle, Caldwell, and Morrow the Finance Committee. It is eminently due to the Council of 1868, consisting of John D. Boyle, burgess ; John McElroy, assistant burgess ; Samuel Hazlett, Robert H. Davis, William Taylor, John Templeton, and George 0. Jones, to state that the citizens of the borough are indebted to them for taking the incipient measures of the erection of a town hall. On February 16th, 1869, they procured legislative action authorizing the commissioners to lease a portion of the public ground to erect thereon a town hall, to be used as a post-office and for other purposes ; and also an additional act on February 17th, 1869, authorizes the burgess and Council to borrow thirty-thousand dollars to be applied to the erection of a town hall, at seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum ; the said bonds not liable to be taxed for county, muni cipal, or school purposes. The contract for excavating the cellar, executing the cut-stone, stone, and brickwork, was awarded to Andrew^ Brady ; the oak timber to William B. Cundall ; the carpenter work was given to J. Noble Porter; the manufacture of the brick to Andrew Ford; the pressed brick to Samuel Hutson ; the tinwork to Jesse Jordan ; the ventilators to Jacob Miller ; the plastering to Thomas Dagg and Jeremiah Marshall, and the painting to Col. Samuel Bulford. In connection with this subject it is proper to remark that the brick work was sub-let by Mr. A. Brady to Messrs. James Huston and John Dye, and the cut-stonework to Edward Little. The town hall is a substantial brick edifice of the Franco-Italian style, fronting fifty-six feet on Main Street and extending back one hundred feet, with a cellar underneath the whole building. 146 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. The first floor is occupied by the post-office and vestibule, a read ing room, a library room with a fire-proof vault in which the library is kept, an engine-house, and a market-house. The second floor consists of the council chamber and an audience room with a gallery, capable of seating one thousand persons. As the post-office is now permanently located in the town hall, I shall give the names of the postmasters as far back as can be asse'r- tained, and the year in which they entered upon the duties of their office. 1797. William Meetkirke. 1844. Jonathan D. Leet. 1801. Daniel Moore. 1848. James M'Dermot. 1805. Hugh Wylie. 1851. George W. Aiken 1828. Joseph Henderson. 1852. David Acheson. 1829. Thomas Morgan. 1856. Freeman Brady. 1839. Samuel Workman. 1860. James M'Dermot. 1840. Robert Colmery. 1865. William C. Wylie. On September 18, 1869, the corner-stone was laid byU. S. Grant, President of the United States, and so rapid was the work carried forward, that on April 1, 1870, the post-office room w,as finished and occupied. We give below the ceremonies of laying the corner stone, and matters connected therewith. A desire being expressed On the part of many citizens that the President should be present, and deposit a box containing curiosities in the corner stone of the town hall, the following correspondence between the Burgesses and Council and President Grant took place : — ¦ Washington, Pa., September 17, 1869. General U. S. Geant, President of the United States : Honored Sir : The undersigned, the Burgesses and Councilmen of the borough of Washington, representing its citizens, would respectfully solicit you to deposit within the corner stone of the town hall, now in process of erection, on Saturday next (September 18th), a box containing the memo rials of the present and the past, so that future generations may learn our history to the present time, when these memorials shall come to light. The occasion is one worthy of your consideration, because this was the first county and town named after the Revolutionary struggle in honor of the illustrious Washington, who was first in peace, first in war, and first in the affections of his countrymen ; and you, honored sir, as his successor, both as President and Commander-in-Chief, will add additional interest to the many interesting reminiscences which cluster around our ancient borough by complying with our request. With sentiments of high esteem we remain truly yours, John D. Boyle, Chief Burgess. I. Y. Hamilton, Ass't Burgess. Alfred Creigh, A. B. Caldwell, James Huston, }- Council. 3. L. Judson, A. C. Morrow, HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 147 [reply.] Washington, Pa., September 17, 1869. John J). Boyle, Chief Burgess; I. T. Hamilton, Assistant Burgess; Alfred Creigh, A. B. Caldwell, James Huston, J. L. Judson, A. C. Morrow, Councilmen : Gentlemen : Your letter of this date, requesting me in behalf of the citizens to deposit within the corner stone of the Town Hall now in process of erection, on Saturday, September 18th, 1869, a box containing memorials of the present, is received. It will afford me pleasure to comply with this request — enhanced pleasure, because your county and town were named in express honor of the Father of our Country (whose name they bear), whose name is revered by every American citizen who loves his country. With great respect, vour obedient servant, U. S. Grant. The time fixed for the ceremonies above alluded to was 2£ o'clock on Saturday afternoon. About two o'clock Burgess Boyle and Dr. Creigh, a member of Council, proceeded in a carriage to Mr. Wm. Smith's residence, to accompany the Pre sident to the public square. Upon the arrival of the President the Wash ington brass band, being on the ground, played a national air, after which Major Ewing announced the programme. Rev. W. A. Davidson, D. D., was then introduced, and asked the blessing of Heaven upon the undertak ing being inaugurated, and returned thanks for the success and prosperity of the country. David S. Patterson, Esq., counsel for the Council, was then introduced, and delivered the following pertinent, terse, and eloquent remarks : — • The speaker said he would confine himself to a brief statement of facts, rather than attempt any formal or lengthy address. A town was laid out on the site of our present substantial and beautiful borough, in October of the year 1781, by David Hoge, and named Bassettown. Three years later it was sold to the two sons of its founder, and they gave it its present name in honor of the one who had just led a brave people to independence. In 1810 the little village obtained a borough charter. Favored by its fortu nate location on the line of what was then the great national thoroughfare from East to West, its citizens enjoyed the privilege of greeting all the dis tinguished statesmen of the West, on their journeys to and from the national capital. Almost on the very spot where we are gathered to-day her glad people extended a joyful greeting and cordial welcome, in succession, to Presidents Monroe, Jackson, John Quincy Adams, Harrison, Polk, and Taylor. For twenty years past the railroads have whirled statesmen and traffic over other routes, leaving our town to a lagging inland growth ; but the evidences of both public and private improvement, during the last year, seem laden with better hopes. The work on the public edifice with which the people had determined by their votes to ornament the public square, having progressed to the point of laying the corner stone, the borough authorities had wisely determined to deposit beneath that stone a box, con taining contributed memorials of the present and the past, so that coming generations might learn our history to the present time, when these memo rials shall come to light. With equal wisdom had they embraced the opportunity afforded by the presence of General Grant amongst us to have that collection of testimony to the future deposited by the hands of a no 148 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. less distinguished personage than the President of the United States him self. The speaker said there was a peculiar fitness in this feature of the ceremonies, in view of the fact that this was the first town named, after the first great struggle for independence, in honor of the illustrious hero who became the first President of the United States, and first Commander-in- Chief of her army and navy. What a happy thought was it, then, that secured on this pleasant occasion the presence and aid of the distinguished hero of the nation's last great struggle — the present, living successor of the good Washington, both as President and Commander-in-Chief. The speaker, in conclusion, turned to President Grant, and addressed him as follows : " And now, most honored sir, the craftsmen having reported the foundation ready for the corner stone, and that stone being exactly squared and now ready to be placed in its proper position, by virtue of the authority of the Burgesses and Council of the borough of Washington, this box of memorials is delivered into your hands, to be deposited beneath it." At the conclusion of Mr. Patterson's speech, the President silently took the box from the hands of Dr. Creigh and deposited it within the corner stone, after which the band struck up a lively tune, and the Committee of Reception escorted the President to the court room, where, after some introductory remarks by Messrs. Ewing and Hopkins, the citizens generally came forward and " shook hands." After remaining in the court room about an hour, the President retired to the residence of Mr. Wm. Smith. List of articles which the box contained, and which was deposited in the corner stone (northeast corner) of the town hall, collected by Dr. Alfred Creigh : — Borough Affairs.*— Charter, by-laws, and ordinances of the borough of Washington ; roll of present officers elected April, 1869 ; roll of officers from 1810 to the present time, prepared by Alfred Creigh ; blank borough bonds, upon which funds were raised for the erection of the town hall ; carpenter work awarded to J. Noble Porter, with the names of all the car penters ; mason and brickwork awarded to Andrew Brady, with the roll of hjs workmen ; the manufacture of the brick awarded to Andrew Ford — the pressed brick to' Samuel Hutson — the oak timber to W. B. Cundall, and the tinwork to Jesse Jordan ; register of voters in the borough (also the names of all females owning property), with their respective occupations and residence ; letter of John D. Boyle, Chief Burgess, to his successor when the box shall be opened ; autograph of General U. S. Grant — letter from the Burgesses and Councilmen, and his reply, and notices of his arri val and reception ; autographs of the President and Associate Judges of Washington County, together with those of the Prothonotary, Register, Recorder, Clerk of the Courts, Commissioners and their Clerk, with the impressions of the respective seals of. each office, as well as the autographs of the Borough and County Treasurers, High Sheriff, and District Attor ney ; list of pastors, church officers, and trustees of the churches of the borough ; list of the school directors of the Union school, with the name of the superintendent, as well as of the teachers and scholars, with their ages, including the colored school ; officers of the First National Bank of Wash ington, with the seal j history of Washington cemetery ; catalogue of Washington Female Seminary, 1868^69 ; catalogue of Washington and Jefferson College, 1868-69 ; proceedings of semi-centennial celebration of Washington college in 1856 ; premium list of Washington County Agricul tural Society, 1869 ; Directory of First Presbyterian church, with the his tory of the Sabbath school from its organization ; forms used in the bank ing houses of W. Smith & Son and Samuel Hazlett; officers of the Wash ington Gas Company ; specimen of men's and boys' wear in 1869, of woollen HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 149 goods, presented by A. B. Caldwell & Co., and W. Smith & Son ; specimen of ladies' dress goods, and three styles of bonnets as worn in 1869, and presented by A. B. Caldwell & Co. ; engravings representing gentlemen's, boys' and girls' fashion of clothing and ladies' style of bonnets for 1869, by S. Shaler and Mrs. G. Lonkert; specimen of domestic goods (for ladies) manufactured in Washington County ; specimen of every variety of paper collars, by Geo. Metzner & Co. ; specimens of Saxony wool, raised in Wash ington County, and presented by Maj. Jacob Morgan, I. Y Hamilton, and Col. S. Beatty ; style of carriage, buggies, and velocipede, by S. B. Hayes & Co. ; style of mowers and reapers, with descriptive pamphlets, by J. T. Kirk ; specimen of sewing machines, with descriptive pamphlets, by J. T. Kirk; a bottle of pure Monongahela rye whiskey, by J. C. Ruple; Insurance agencies in Washington, by David and J. Aiken ; specimen of cotton raised in Washington, by Miss Ellen Griffith; by-laws of Washington Lodge, 164, with its officers since 1819— of Washington Chapter, 150— of Council No. 1 of Royal and Select Masters — of Jacques DeMolay Commandary No. 3 of K. T. ; by-laws of Lodge 81 of I. 0. 0. F. ; by-laws of Harmony Lodge 575 of Good Templars, with a list of officers and members ; Jacob Gold smith's advertisement ; specimen of cigars manufactured by W. L. Ruple ; autographs and history of Samuel Cunningham and George Freeby ; set of artificial teeth manufactured by Dr. S. Fulton. Coins, Ancient and Modern. — This class consists of a great variety pre sented by Miss Clara McCracken, R. M'llvaine Drury, A. 0. Morrow, John Harter, David Aiken, W. H. Drury, John A. .Templeton, J. R. Kelley, Jesse Jordan, and John Wilson ; American coin ranging from 1776 to the present time. Currency. — Bank of Washington and Franklin Bank of Washington, by D. S. Wilson, Esq. ; twelve and a half cent note issued by Frederick Mary land in 1840, by J. A Templeton ; postal currency prior to April, 1868, by D. S. Wilson; postal currency since April, 1868, by W. C. Wiley; Con federate money from $5 to $500, by J. A. Templeton ; Continental money, by Dr. W. S. Mitchell ; Continental money, by S. M. Hall. General matters. — Specimen of the registry system of the Post Office Department, by W. C. Wiley ; seal of the State of Pennsylvania and of the Secretary of State, by D. S. Wilson ; blanks, &c, used in the U. S. Revenue office, by John E. Bell ; pamphlet containing acts on stamp duties, by J. B. Ruple ; National Tax law, by M. L. A. McCracken ; History of Washington County, title page and contents, by Alfred Creigh; An In viting Call to the Children of Israel, by F. Hood; Pittsburg Business Directory of 1867, by John D. Boyle; almanacs, religious and medical, by Messrs. 0. M. Reed, F. Hood, S. M. and J. A. Templeton ; Vicksburg paper at its surrender, by J. B. Ruple ; stamps placed on cigar boxes, by J. C. Ruple ; engraved plate of names,' &c, by J. and S. Post ; History of Knighthood in two volumes, by Alfred Creigh. Curiosities. — A piece of cloth from the pall of Henry Clay, deceased, by D. S. Wilson, Esq. ; a portion of the hair of Gen. Anthony Wayne, who died in 1796, by D. S. Wilson, Esq. ; a piece from the weeping willow which hangs over the grave of Napoleon at St. Helena ; a shell from the Bay of Biscay ; a piece of the great tree in California, a Japanese writing desk, and some postal rebel stamps, by J. R. Kelley, Esq. ; two pair of revolutionary shoe-buckles, by W. T. Creigh. Newspapers. — Western Telegraph, edited by Colerick & Co., of 1797 Washington Examiner of 1829, by John Grayson ; Our Country of 1840, by T. J. Morgan ; the Tiny Buffer of 1840, by W. Duane Morgan ; Wash ington Examiner of 1843, by T. W. Grayson ; and the Loco Foco of 1844, 150 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. by R. W. Jones, presented by Messrs. Swan & Ecker ; the American Union of 1856, by J. B. Musser ; Washington Examiner of 1860, by A. H. Ecker and J. R. Donehoo ; Washington Review of 1866, by Wm. Swan ; and Washington Tribune of 1865, presented by W. T. Creigh ; Washington Review and Examiner of September 14, 1869, and Washington Reporter of September 14, 1869 ; The Revolution, by Mrs. Cady, and Harper's Bazar, by Geo. Metzner. Washington and Jefferson Colleges. On the 24th of September, 1787, the legislature of Pennsylvania passed an act incorporating and endowing Washington Academy. The trustees were Rev. John McMillan, Rev. Joseph Smith, Rev. Thaddeus Dodd, Rev. John Clark, Rev. Mr. Henderson, Rev. John Corby, Judge Allison, and J. McDowell, Col. Marshall, and Thomas Scott. On the 15th of December following, Thomas Scott and Col. Marshall, two of the trustees, addressed a letter to Benjamin Frank lin, as President of the Supreme Executive Council, respectfully so liciting the warrant for 500 acres of the donation lands which were appropriated by the legislature, and also requesting him to direct the surveyor-general to lay off these lands, which were located in what is now known as Beaver County, and were sold to James Alli son about 1835. In 1789 the Academy went into operation with twenty students under Rev. Thaddeus Dodd, who was its first principal, in the upper rooms of the court-house. He continued to teach until the winter of 1790, when he returned to his congregation in Amwell township, where he had previously opened a classical school in 1782, the first institution west of the Allegheny Mountains in the great valley of the Mississippi. James Hughes, John Brice, Daniel Lindley, Robert Marshall, and Francis Dunlaney were his first scholars ; the school house was near his dwelling. It continued in operation three and a half years. His successor in 1790 was Mr. David Johnston, who, upon the destruction of the court-house, accepted the situation in the Canonsburg Academy, as its first principal, in July, 1791. June 14, 1796, Mr. James Dobbins, of York, was elected and served un til 1804, when Benjamin Mills became the principal, who officiated as such until Washington Academy was incorporated into a college. In 1790, Benjamin Franklin, Esq., presented to the Board of Trus tees fifty pounds, to be applied to the purchasing of a library, which was the foundation of the college library. On November 19, 1792, William Hoge, Esq., for the love he bears to useful learning, and for the promotion of the useful arts, sci ences, and literature, presented to the trustees of Washington Acad emy four lots of ground, being 240 feet square, in the eastern extremity of said town, bounded on the east by the outside line of the town (now College Street), on the south by Belle Street, on the west by lot No. 104, and on the north by Cherry Alley, fronting on Belle Street 240 feet, and running back to Cherry Alley 240 feet, HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 151 being lots numbered on the plan of the town, 105, 106, 107, and 108. These lots are the southeast corner of the present college campus, which, however, now embraces two entire squares, bounded by Beau Street on the north, Belle Street on the south, College Street on the east, and Second Street on the west, containing fourteen lots from No. 102 to 115 both inclusive. I shall enumerate these lots and from whom purchased or derived by gift, in their order. No. 102 was the gift of David S. Wilson, Collin M. Reed, Joseph Mc- Knight, Joseph Henderson, Esqs., and Dr. Thomas McKennan. " 103 and 104 were purchased by the trustees, May 9, 1833, from John Sheaffer, Esq. " 105, 106, 107, and 108 was the gift of William Hoge, November 19, 1792, being the original academy grounds. " 109 was purchased from David Shields, August 4, 1835. " 110 was purchased from Daniel Moore, October 23, 1837. " 111 was purchased from Henry Langly, executor of Samuel Marshall, deceased, July 1, 1835. " 112 was purchased from George Mitchell, March 27, 1837. " 113 was purchased from Rev. David Elliott, June 27, 1836. "- 114 was purchased from John Wilson (carpenter), January 10, 1838. " 115 was purchased from the School Directors, March 8, 1837. To these lots were added Cherry Alley, which separated -the two squares. The college campus . has a front of 500 feet by 420 in depth, or about five acres. April 8, 1793, the trustees were authorized by the legislature to locate all or any part of the granted lands westward of the Alle gheny and Ohio rivers. In 1793 the trustees erected buildings on the four original lots (105, 106, 107, 108), thirty by thirty-five feet, two stories high, for the use of the Academy. This is the centre part of the southern block of buildings. The hall in this building was originally used by the Presbyterians as a place of worship. February 16, 1796, the trustees made application to the legisla ture, praying for a donation to erect additional buildings. On the 2d of May, 1797, the legislature generously donated three thousand dollars to complete the buildings, on the condition that ten indigent students should be educated for a period not exceeding two years each. Washington College. On March 21, 1806, Washington College was incorporated and all the property belonging to the Academy was vested in the trustees of the college and their successors Depending on its own resources, th.e college, under judicious management, prospered, and so grati fied were the friends of literature throughout the State, that the legislature, in 1820, granted a donation of five thousand dollars, payable in annual payments of one thousand dollars each. This was followed in 1831 by another donation of five hundred 152 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. dollars annually, for five years, to qualify young men for the higher duties of life, and especially qualify such as should become teachers. Washington College as a Synodical College. On November 9, 1852, by an agreement between the Board of Trustees and the Synod of Wheeling, Washington College became a Synodical College, by which the trustees and professors were first nominated by the synod and were required to be confirmed by the trustees. The synod was also required to keep the college in operation by means of a permanent endowment fund, but the pro perty was to remain in the hands of the trustees as heretofore, under the charter. It will be proper at this time to give the plan of this endowment fund. It was placed under the control and management of a board of seven members, the corporate style being " The Board of Trus tees of the College Endowment Fund of the Synod of Wheeling." It was chartered by the State of Ohio. Its treasury was established at Steubenville, and the proceeds were to be paid to the trustees of the college. The plan of endowment was as follows : — 1. Twenty-five dollars paid shall entitle the subscriber to two years' tuition in any department of the college. 2. Fifty dollars paid shall entitle the subscriber to the tuition of one stu dent during the entire course in the college proper, or to four years' tuition of one student in such departments of the institution as he may prefer. 3. One hundred dollars paid shall entitle the subscriber to a family scholarship, embracing the tuition of all his sons during the entire course in the college proper, or to four years' tuition of each of his sons, in such department of the institution as he may prefer; and for every additional one hundred dollars paid he shall have the privilege of designating the sons of any additional family he may choose. 4. Two hundred dollars paid by an individual, association, or congrega tion, shall entitle said individual, association, or congregation, to a perpetual scholarship, transferable, as other property, to which the subscriber or sub scribers may appoint any individual whom they may select. 5. Five hundred dollars paid shall entitle the subscriber or subscribers to a perpetual scholarship transferable as other property. The subscription upon this endowment was not to be considered as bind ing until sixty thousand dollars shall be subscribed, when certificates should be issued by the trustees of the college endowment fund. In pursuing this history we shall next take up the action of the Board of Trustees of Washington College, held September 6, 1864, who passed the following preamble and resolutions : — Whereas, The Synod of Wheeling, with which Washington Col lege is connected, and several other synods of the Presbyterian church, in October last, made a formal and earnest proposition to the trustees of Jefferson and Washington colleges for the union of these two institutions upon some equitable basis, accompanying the HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 153 said proposal with an offer, pledged by a responsible person, of $50',000 towards the endowment of the united college, and further proposed that the question of the location of the college proper, rendered di ft! cult by local interests and feelings, be left to the deci sion of a disinterested and impartial board of arbitrators to be chosen jointly. And whereas, The public mind seems now more than ever not only to approve but to demand such an union for the sake of the claims of education in this region of country : Therefore this Board deem it due to themselves and to all con cerned, without the slightest design to reflect upon any other party, to make known the fact that at a meeting held shortly subsequent to the reception of the proposition of the synod, they, by a unanimous vote, accepted the proposition with its conditions, agreeing to abide by any decision of the question thus fairly made. Also to declare that after a conference of a committee appointed by this Board with a like committee of the Board of Jefferson College on the subject of the proposed union, which was fruitless of success, owing to the declared unwillingness of the Jefferson Board to submit the question of location to the judgment of any persons outside of their own body, or in any way to imperil the interests of Canonsburg in regard to this question, or even to negotiate at all, except on the admitted condition, that the college proper shall be located at that place. We are still, as we have from the first been, willing to adopt the pro posal of disinterested arbitrament as originally made, and to join in asking such legislative sanction of a settlement so made, as the nature of the case may require ; and farther, to set it forth as the deliberate judgment of this Board in harmony with the public voice, that the interests of education, as well as of the State and church, would be promoted by a proper union of these two colleges. 1. Besolved, That in order that the attitude of the Board in regard to the question at issue may not be misunderstood, the Sec retary be directed to report the foregoing statement to the Synod of Wheeling, and also to publish the same in the Presbyterian Banner. 2. Besolved, That the Board approve the action of the faculty and local trustees in proposing to the faculty and local trustees of Jefferson College to unite in an effort to obtain a portion of the State agricultural fund on condition of a union of the colleges as calcu lated to facilitate the desirable end in the manner proposed by the synods. Washington and Jefferson Colleges Consolidated. It may justly be remarked that from the year 1807 the records of the trustees of Jefferson and Washington colleges (situated but seven miles apart, the former at Canonsburg and the latter at Wash7 ington), looked forward to a united college. It is unnecessary in a work of this character to go into the details of the consolidation ; 11 154 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. suffice it to say, that to accomplish the consolidation of these two rival institutions, the Rev. Dr. C. C. Beatty, of Steubenville, in 1864, proposed to give fifty thousand dollars if a union were effected. The trustees and alumni of both institutions, after preliminary meetings, were fully convinced of its necessity, and labored incessantly to bring about the desired union, and to enable the reader to judge impar tially and decide for himself upon the merits of the initiative pro ceedings, we give the following preliminary proceedings, which eventuated in their consolidation. On September 7th, 1864, the Alumni Association of Washington College held its annual meeting. The records of that body are given in these words: "The Rev. Francis J. Collier, of Canonsburg, ap peared as one of a committee appointed by the Alumni Association of Jefferson College, and presented the following series of resolutions adopted by that body touching a union of Washington and Jefferson colleges. " 1. Resolved, That the good of the community, the cause of education, and the welfare of the country, and the best interests of the kingdom of Christ imperatively demand the union of Washington and Jefferson colleges. 2. Resolved, That it is with profotind gratification that we learn that a plan has been agreed upon by the officers of the colleges depending for its consummation upon the appropriation by the legislature of the State, of a liberal portion of the funds for agricultural colleges and their use. 3. Resolved, That in view of the fact stated, we hereby respectfully and earnestly petition the legislature of the State to take early and liberal action in this behalf. So far as we can understand the case, just ice does seem to demand that no small part of the funds in the hands of the legisla ture for distribution ought to be appropriated for the benefit of this part of the State. 4. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to present these resolutions to the Alumni Association of Washington College, and in con nection with a committee from that association, to the Board of Trustees of the colleges and to the legislature. The committees appointed in pursuance of this 4th resolution were, Rev. George P. Hay, of Baltimore, Rev. F. J. Collier, of Canons burg, and R. B. Patterson, Esq., of Greensburg, on behalf of the Jefferson Alumni. , The Rev. James I. Brownson, W. S. Moore, and Hon. Robert R. Reed, of Washington, on behalf of the Washington Alumni. The following is the action of the Washington Alumni Associa tion : — Whereas, at a meeting of the Alumni of Jefferson College, on the 3d of August last, it was resolved, " that the good of the community, the cause of education, the welfare of the country, and the best interests of the king dom of Christ imperatively demand the union of Washington and Jefferson colleges" — and whereas, it is understood that committees of the Boards of Trustees of the two colleges have lately been appointed to confer on the subject of union, but after trial have failed thus far to agree upon a plan of union — and whereas, a wish has been expressed at this meeting in behalf of HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 155 the Alumni of Jefferson College, by one of their number acting as a mem ber of a committee appointed for that purpose, for our co-operation in efforts to bring about the desired consummation— therefore Resolved, That inasmuch as a suggestion has been made through the papers, of a convention of the Alumni of both colleges to assemble at an early day in the city of Pittsburg, for the consideration of the whole sub ject of the union, this association heartily approve such suggestion. Resolved, That a committee consisting of Rev. Dr. James I. Brownson, Hon. R. R. Reed, and William S. Moore, be appointed to co-operate with the Alumni of Jefferson College in calling a convention, and to take such other action as in their judgment may be proper to further the proposed object. The call for the convention read thus : — To the Alumni of Jefferson and Washington colleges : — The undersigned, representing jointly, though unofficially, the Alumni of Jefferson and Washington colleges, and believing that they express a wish very common, if not universal among the sons of the colleges, do hereby in vite their brethren, the alumni of both, to meet in convention at the city of Pittsburg, on Tuesday, the 27th day of September inst., at 4 o'clock P.M., in the lecture room of the First Presbyterian church, to take such action as may be deemed advisable to further the consolidation of the two colleges. It is earnestly hoped that all the alumni, who possibly can, will be present at the proposed convention, as it is believed that the question of union will probably be decided within the next few weeks. On behalf of Jefferson College. — Boyd Crumrine, Francis J. Collier, Alonzo Linn, D. A. French, James G. Dickson, A. C. McOlelland, David McKinney, Robert P. Nevin, A. Williams, Thomas Ewing, J. ,P. Penney, John M. Kirkpatrick, Jacob H. Miller, James P. Sterritt, John M. Ken nedy, James J. Kuhn, W. G. Hawkins, Jr., T. J. Bigham, Algernon C. Bell, David W. Bell, James Veech, James Allison, and R. Patterson. On behalf of Washington College. — James I. Brownson, William S. Moore, Thomas McKennan, John H. Ewing, William McKennan, D. S. Wilson, A. T. Baird, N. Ewing, R. R. Reed, James Black, Marcus Wishart, David Reed, Thomas C. Lazear, Marcus W. Acheson, J. M. Gallagher, S. ff. Wilson, J. S. Morrison, A. P. Morrison, W. A. Childs, and 0. H. Miller. This call was also indorsed thus : — The undersigned approve the object of the proposed convention, and unite in the above call. J. W. Scott, President Washington College. WMHiTE'} P^fs. Canonsburg. In pursuance of this call, a large majority of the alumni of both colleges met in the lecture-room of the First Presbyterian church, Pittsburg, on September 27, 1864, and organized by appointing the Rev. Dr. Chester, of Philadelphia (not an alumnus of either college) President, Thomas Ewing, Esq., Aaron Williams, D.D., and Samuei J. Wilson, D. D., Secretaries. The meeting was opened with prayer. A list of the alumni of both colleges was then taken and sixty- 156 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. nine alumni of Jefferson College, and sixty-six of Washington Col lege were enrolled. On motion of Rev. James I. Brownson^ the following gentle men were appointed a committee on business, viz : John K. Ew ing, W. McKennan, Esq., and S. J. Wilson, D.D., of Washington College, and Loyal Young, D. D., D. McKenney, D. D., and R. P. Nevin, Esq., of Jefferson College. Papers being now called for, Rev. F. J. Collier, on behalf of Jef ferson College, and A. W. Acheson, Esq., on behalf of Washington College, read extended papers proposing plans of union, which were reported to the Business Committee. While the Business Commitee were preparingtheir report afriendly discussion on the whole subject of the proposed union took place, in which Rev. Watson Hughes, J. E. Caruthers, F. J. Collier, John M. Smith, Geo. Frazer, John H. Ewing, Esq., James I. Brownson, and others took part. The report was read the same evening at an ad journed meeting, and action on the same continued until the next day. The report of the committee read as follows : — We, Alumni of Washington and Jefferson colleges, seriously wishing to promote the best interest of education and religion, having met in conven tion and discussed in a candid and fraternal spirit the proposed union of the colleges, do express our views as follows : — - 1. Resolved, That we see the hand of Providence pointing to the union of the two ancient colleges whose sons we are, and fixing the present as the time for the happy consummation by such evident facts as these : The great and constantly increasing number of literary institutions in the land ; the urgent need in Western Pennsylvania of an eminently influential and richly endowed college ; the desire for a union of Jefferson and Washington colleges, soon to be made more apparent by the completion of a connected railway; the very unsatisfactory condition of their antiquated buildings; the reduced number of students, partly the result of our national troubles : the inadequacy of the old salaries to meet the demands of the times and afford to professors a competent support ; the difficulty of obtaining aid for either institution in its separate existence ; the several offers made by liberal and reliable men to furnish large amount of funds in case a union is effected, and depending also upon that event, the possible donating by our legislature of a valuable grant of land given by Congress to the State for the advancement of agricultural knowledge. 2. Resolved, That inasmuch as the fund which constitutes the present endowments of Washington and Jefferson colleges, were contributed for educational purposes by men of various religious creeds, justice urgently demands, and in our opinion also very deservedly, and in case of a union, the institution, which being thoroughly Protestant and evangelical in its govern ment and teachings, should not be under the control of any ecclesiastical body. 3. Resolved, That the following be the plan of union recommended for the adoption of the trustees of the two colleges : — The two institutions shall be united and consolidated under the name of Washington and Jefferson College, All the real estate, college property, and funds of each of said colleges, shall be transferred to, and be invested in, the united institution. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 157 The scholarships heretofore granted by either of said colleges shall be respected and their terms fulfilled by the united colleges. The Board of Trustees of the united college shall consist of twenty-one members— to be elected as follows, to wit: The present Board of Jefferson College shall choose ten persons, and the present Board of Washington Col lege shall choose ten persons, and the said twenty persons so chosen shall constitute the Board of Trustees of the united college, and shall have power to fill the remaining vacancy, and vacancies thereafter arising from death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the said Board. The control and management of the property and funds of the united college, as well as the election of the President and professors, and the conducting of its business generally, shall be vested in and exercised by the Board of Trustees. At the place where the college proper shall not be located, that is to say, at either Washington or Canonsburg, there shall be established as an inte gral part of the united college, two distinct and separate departments — one to be called the Preparatory Department and the other the Scientific Department of the college. The Preparatory Department to be of a high grade, and pf such a character as to fully prepare students for admission into the Freshman Class of the college proper, or to the Scientific Depart ment. The Scientific Department to afford such instructions in the higher English branches — natural sciences, belleslettres, mathematics, civil and military engineering, mechanic arts, and modern languages as may be necessary to fully prepare young men seeking education therein, for the degree of S.B. shall be conferred upon the graduates of said department. If practicable, an Agricultural Department shall be connected with the Scientific Department. To overcome a difficulty which seems to be otherwise insuperable, the location of the college proper shall be determined by lot, in a mode to be agreed upon by the Boards of the two colleges. Before the lot shall be cast appropriate legislation shall be procured to effect the consolidation of the colleges agreeably to the foregoing plans, as a fundamental basis of the union, and providing that as said lot shall result the location of the college shall be finally and irrevocably fixed and determined; and thereupon the real estate, property, and funds of each of said colleges shall be ipso facto vested in and become the property, of the united college ; the charters of the said colleges shall cease and determine, and their respected existence be merged in the united institution. 4. Resolved, That in case our hopes are realized, commodious buildings shall be erected in the best style of modern architecture and furnished with everything essential to the comfort and convenienee of the professors and students. 5. Resolved, That on account of their eminent ability, their exemplary demeanor, their faithful services, and their self-sacrificing spirit, the Presi dent and Professors now installed in the colleges which we represent, are entitled to our highest admiration and esteem, and we will accordingly take pleasure in mentioning their superior claims and commending them to the favorable consideration of the new Board of Trustees, whose duty it will be to reorganize and enlarge the present faculties in the event of a union being consummated. ' 6. Resolved, That we pledge as individuals our earnest and constant efforts to furnish money and appliances to the united college, and to per suade young men to seek instruction there in preference to any other institution. 7. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to make known our pro- 158 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. ceedings to the Board of Trustees of Jefferson and Washington colleges, and to urge them to convene at an early day, and take action concerning the matter which we so unanimously recommend, stating as a strong reason for promptness, the detenhination on the part of Dr. Beatty to withdraw and not renew his most generous and long-standing offer of $50,000, if there is no immediate prospect of a union; and in case said Boards adopt the recommendations of this convention that the said convention be farther empowered to co-operate with the said Boards in securing such legislative action as may be requisite to carry into effect the plan proposed, and also to secure for the Agricultural Department a liberal proportion of the Con gressional grant of lands. 8. Resolved, That in the judgment of this meeting it is extremely desir able that the continued co-operations of all the religious denominations here tofore patronizing these colleges should be secured, and it is therefore recommended to the old Boards, in selecting the persons who shall consti tute the new Board, to give a due representation to such of the ecclesiasti cal denominations as are now represented in the Board. The report and resolutions were unanimously adopted, and, in accordance with the seventh resolution, the Rev. Dr. Jacobus and the Business Committee, who drafted the report and resolution, were appointed to make known the proceedings to the trustees of both col leges. Accordingly, on the 4th of March, 1865, an act of incorporation was passed by the legislature uniting these colleges, with the com bined name of both. By this arrangement the senior, junior, and sophomore classes were placed at Canonsburg, and the freshmen class with the scientific and preparatory department at Washington. This experiment after a trial of four years failed, because the ma chinery was entirely too complicated. The people were losing confidence in its usefulness, and the public mind was discussing the question of a united and consolidated college. The trustees of both institutions, feeling the responsibility which rested upon them as the custodians of private and public funds, as well as of the church, commenced taking the preparatory steps for a consolidated college. Accordingly, on April 4, 1866, the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D. D., was formally inaugurated as the first President of the united college, with an able corps of learned professors. But even this dividing of interests — this separation of faculty and students — did not answer the desired end, because it produced alienation, jealousy, and even distrust, and the trustees felt the necessity of an absolute consolida tion of both colleges at the same location. A committee of five was appointed to consider and report upon the whole subject, Washing ton and Canonsburg being represented by one member. To aid the trustees and their committee in the momentous ques tion before them, the alumini of Jefferson College held a meeting at Canonsburg, August 5, 1868, at which a series of resolutions were adopted urging immediate consolidation as necessary to the success of the college, and pledging the acquiescence of the alumini in whatever decision the Board of Trustees might reach relative to the location of the college. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 159 The Committee of the trustees in due time made a report recom mending a modification of the charter, which amendment was care fully prepared by Hon. James P. Sterritt (an alumnus of Jefferson College), chairman of the Committee. On this subject we shall give the words of a committee who addressed the citizens of this county on this important question : — "The legislature, in passing it, February 26, 1869, made only a single change, which limited the competition for the site of the college to the State of Pennsylvania. The Board of Trustees, in adopting this amend ment before its enactment by the legislature, and then in accepting it after its passage, were unanimous, with the exception of one member, who resides at Pittsburg — all the members residing at Canonsburg and Wash ington voting for it." This act authorized the trustees, by a vote of not less than two- thirds of the members present, to fix the location of the consoli dated college at Canonsburg, Washington, or some other place within this commonwealth. If the trustees did not determine its permanent location within sixty days after the passage of this act, then the governor was to appoint five commissioners, four of whom should agree. The trustees were also authorized to place as much of the property as was necessary in the hands of seven local trustees, to the place losing the college, as would be neces sary to establish an academy, normal school, or institution of a lower grade than a college. April 20, 1869. The trustees, in accordance with the act, met this day in Pittsburg to determine the question, twenty-seven mem bers being present out of the thirty trustees. Although several places wished its locality, the question was finally limited to Canons burg and Washington — the former offering a subscription of sixteen thousand dollars, and the latter fifty thousand. On the first ballot (one member having withdrawn) sixteen voted for Washington, and ten for Canonsburg. On the eighth ballot it was decided by a two- third vote in favor of Washington — thus finally settling the ques tion, and consolidating Jefferson and Canonsburg Colleges as one college. From the furnished report of each college, at the time the union was perfected, we find the endowment fund of each college was as follows : — Jefferson College Endowment. James O'Hara's mortgage $60,000.00 James Robb's mortgage 5,000.00 Stock in Bank of Pittsburg, .... 850.00 Stock in Canonsburg Saving Bank, . . . 820.00 In Treasury 400.00 Liabilities of Jefferson College, : $67,070.00 10,296.79 Real Assets, 56,773.21 160 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Washington College Endowment. Five-twenty botods, U. S., . Premium on same, 5 per cent., . Interest for four months, Seven-thirty bonds, U. S., . Interest accrued on same, . J. C. Ramsey's note, secured by mo * interest, . . . . l . W. S. & H. Woodruff's note. . . $25,150.00 1,257.50 1,056.25 3,600.00 32.40 tgage and 5,450.001,250.00 $37,796.15 Sundry notes, with interest, 6,124.50 $43,920.65 By a late report, it appears that the endowment fund of the con solidated college is as follows : — Jefferson College fund, $56,099.29 Washington College fund, 42,698.33 Rev. Dr. C. C. Beatty, donation, . . . 50,000.00 Citizens' subscription of Washington, . " . 50,000.00 $198,797.62 From a gentleman acquainted with both endowment funds, I learn that the interest accruing on both is about equal-, the one being invested generally in bonds and mortgages upon real estate, while the other is in government securities, which, although differ ing in the amount of the capital, say $12,852, yet the interest is square. The trustees of Canonsburg and some of its citizens, dissatisfied with the recent action of the Board of Trustees, and believing that the act consolidating the union of Washington and Jefferson colleges as invalid and unconstitutional, not only sued out an injunction from the Circuit Court, but brought suits in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, for the result of which we refer to the following pages : — At the September term of the Circuit Court of the United States, held at Williamsport, Pa., in the year 1869, Judge McCandless granted a preliminary injunction, restraining the Board of Trustees from removing the collegiate department of Washington and Jeffer son colleges from Canonsburg to Washington, concurrently with the bill. In the Circuit Court the following bills in equity were filed by the friends of Canonsburg in the Supreme Court of the Western District of Pennsylvania, viz : The Trustees of Jefferson College vs. Washington and Jefferson College ; David C. Houston and others vs. Washington and Jefferson College ; Francis J. Col lier and others vs. Washington and Jefferson College. The case was fully prepared by James Veech. George Shiras, Jr., and Boyd Crumrine, Esqs., for plaintiffs, and M. W. Acheson and D. S. Wil son, Esqs., for defendants. The oral argument, however, before HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 161 the Supreme Court was opened by George Shiras, Jr., for the com plainants, who was followed by M. W. Acheson and D. S. Wilson, Esqrs., for the respondents, and James Veech, Esq., closed the argu ment for the complainant. The following arguments were presented by the counsel for com plainant. 1. Canonsburg is the place for the performance of the scholarship con tracts. 2. The legislature could not relieve the corporation from the full and complete performance of the scholarship contracts at Canonsburg. The power reserved in the charter of 1802 does not authorize a repeal of the charter nor any alteration of it, other than as the powers and privileges conferred upon the trustees. 3. Legislation could not be accepted by the trustees, which infringes upon their contracts. 4. The act of 1869 is invalid, because it does not aver injurious results from the act of 1865, and does not protect the right of corporators, and delegates the power to fix the location of the college. 1 5. The assent of donors (scholarship holders) is demanded to authorize any change in the charter of Jefferson College. 6. The act of 1865 was a contract between the trustees of the two col leges, or at least evidences such contract, and the agreement thus evidenced is violated by the act of 1869. To this the respondents replied by giving the following statement of facts : — That Jefferson and Washington colleges were separate institutions of learning, located respectively at Canonsburg and Washington, both in the county of Washington, and seven miles distant from each other. Jeffer son College was incorporated by an act of Assembly passed January 15, 1802, and Washington College by an act passed March 28, 1806. On the 4th of March, 1865, the legislature passed an act to unite the colleges and erect them into one corporation under the name of Washing ton and Jefferson College, aDd providing for the instruction of the senior, junior, and sophomore classes at Canonsburg, and the other class and department at Washington. On the 26th day of February 1869, a supplement to the act was paBsed, providing for the concentration of all the departments of the college at one place, and under this act they were located at Washington. The trustees of Jefferson College and Francis J. Collier, and others, in their several bills, assail the act of February 26th, 1869, as unconstitutional, and David C. Houston and others in their bill assail both the acts of March 4th, 1865, and February 26th, 1869, as invalid and unconstitutional. Messrs. M. W. Acheson and D. S. Wilson submitted arguments to the court tending to establish the following proposition : — 1. That the corporation, the trustees of Jefferson College in Canonsburg, in the county of Washington, was, by the very terms and nature of its poli tical existence, subject to dissolution by a surrender of its corporate fran chises. 2. That by the acceptance of the act of March 4th, 1865, Jefferson Col lege surrendered its corporate franchises, and therefore ceased to exist. 162 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 3. That the general and unconditional power to alter its charter is dis tinctly reserved by the legislature, and is an integral part of the contract between the State and the corporation. 4. That this power may be exercised whenever the legislature deems it expedient to do so, and such exercise of it does not impair the contract between the State and the corporation. 5. That the rights of the plaintiffs, growing out of their contracts with Jefferson College are subject to the power of the legislature to alter the charter of that institution. 6. That the legislature was therefore constitutionally competent to trans fer the location of Jefferson College to Washington, and by consequence to fix that as the place of performance of the plaintiffs' contract. 7. That in any aspect of the case the complainants are not entitled to the remedy by any injunction. At the opening of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in Phila delphia, on January 3d, 1870, Chief Justice Thompson delivered the unanimous opinion of the Supreme Court of the State in the several cases involving the right of the Board of Trustees to con solidate all the departments of the Institution at this place. David 0. Houston, John Johnson, et al. vs. Washington and Jefferson College. The Trustees of Jefferson College in Canonsburg vs. Washington and Jefferson College. Francis J. Collier, Wm. Jeffrey, et al. vs. Washington and Jefferson College. The unanimous opinion of the court was delivered at Philadelphia, Janu ary 3, 1870, by Chief Justice Thompson. These three bills, relating to the same institution, and involving con siderations common to all, were argued together, and as they can be most satisfactorily disposed of together, we now propose to do so. The first of them raises the question whether the contracts of scholar ship between the complainants and others, and Jefferson College, did not interpose a constitutional barrier to any legislative grant of authority to the trustees of the college to surrender its former charter and accept a new one, by which the college was eventually removed from Canonsburg to Washington, in the same county. The second is by the Trustees of Jefferson College, in which the same question is raised by them ; and The third is by some of the members of the Board of Trustees of Wash ington and Jefferson College, in which they complain of the defendant, that its trustees are, under pretence of authority conferred by the act of 26th February, 1869, about to violate the provisions of the act of 4th March, 1865, by which Washington and Jefferson College was authorized to pro vide for the instruction of the Senior, Junior, and Sophomore Classes at Oanpnsburg, and students in the Freshman Class and in the Scientific and Preparatory Department, and the Department of Agriculture and Art in Washington, and, in disregard thereof, about to unite all the classes at Washington, and to remove thither the library and other movable pro- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 1C.J perty pf the college, and to sell or dispose of its real estate, charging that such intended acts and doings would be, and are, in contravention of the rights, duties, and obligations conferred by the act of 4th March, 1865, referred to. Each of these cases was set down, and all were heard together, on bills and answers. The argument took a wide range, and counsel had an atten tive hearing, such as the magnitude of the seeming consequences of a de termination of the controversy demanded. The questions presented, how ever, were not numerous or complex ; and notwithstanding the possible discontent which may for a time follow the displacement of an ancient and cherished institution of learning, if the law require it, we must so de termine. We do not make the law. A question to be answered in passing on the merits of the first of these bills is, could Jefferson College surrender its charter, with the consent of the legislature, and accept a new one consolidating it with another insti tution or college of the same nature and kind, without the consent of the holders of scholarships in the college ? The general right of a private corporation to surrender its franchises may possibly have exceptions, but undoubtedly this is the rule. This is generally described as an inherent right, which would necessarily defeat any attempt by legislation to enforce upon a corporation qualities of perpetuity. Such a thing would be impossible in the nature of things. Corporations, like individuals, die by the decay or loss of their vital functions, and this effectually defies authority to render them perpetual. A surrender of a franchise is the voluntury death of the corporation, and is one mode by which it may cease to exist. (19 John. 474; 8 Pte. 381.) If anybody ever did dispute the right of a corporation to surrender its franchises of its own mere motion, it is not likely that such a contest about the question could be maintained long where both parties (the State and the corporation, the grantor and the grantee) consent to it absolutely or on condition. This I take to be incapable of being disputed, and the history of this college will show that this is just what has transpired in its case. It is indisputed in the pleadings. But, independently of this mutual consent, there is in the act of the 15th of January, 1802 (the original act of incorporation of Jefferson Col lege), a reservation of a right to do all that was done by the legislature by the act of 1865. In the 5th section of the original act it is provided "that the constitution of the said college hereby and herein declared and established shall be and remain the inviolable constitution of said college forever ; and the same shall not be altered or alterable by any ordinance or law of the trustees, nor in any other manner than by an act of the legis lature of the commonwealth." In the Commonwealth vs. Bonsall, 3d Wharton 559, a provision like this was held to be a good reservation of the right of the legislature to change and alter the charter of the corporation of the " Public School of Germantown." The reservation in that act of incorporation was in the same words almost as those used here ; there is not a shade of difference in their meaning, and but a single literal differ ence. Granting the rule to be that a private charter of the date of 1802 could not be changed by the legislature without the assent of the corpo rators, or by virtue of the right reserved that such charter stand on the foot ing of contracts, we have no difficulty here, for there is not only assent here, but a sufficient reservation of the right to sustain the action of the legislature in the enactment of 1865. So far as that act is concerned, no body objected to its passage, nor to what was done under it, in consoli dating Washington and Jefferson Colleges into one body. The holders of 164 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. the scholarships now complaining made no objection, and we must presume them to have been satisfied. What was done was not done in a corner, and they do not allege they were uninformed of it. Thus the surrender of the charter of Jefferson College, and the acceptance of the new one, may strictly be said to have been with the assent, in point of fact, of the trus tees, the legislature, and the scholarships. This is an assent of every in terest to the new organization, and ought to silence all complaints by any person having a legal right to complain or interfere. But in order to meet the objection of the holders bf scholarships in the Jefferson College directly on the merits of their objection, which is that their contracts are impaired by the acts of 1865 and 1869, let us consider it and see whether there is anything sound in it.' If I understand it, it is supposed that these scholar ships are impaired in value by the establishment of Washington and Jeffer son College, at the town of Washington, some seven miles distant from Canonsburg, under the authority of the act of 26th February, 1869. It may be noticed that these scholarships are, as stated in the certificates, for the endowment of Jefferson College. This designation does not alter the matter. They are contracts for tuition in consideration of a prepaid sub scription, and as ordinary contracts are to be interpreted. This is their effect, no more and no less. By the act of March, 1865, Jefferson and Washington Colleges were consolidated under a new charter, accepted by both. The legislature was careful in granting the new charter to avoid the very question now intro duced ; and, to do entire justice to the holders of certificates and scholar ships, and others, provided as follows: " All the several liabilities of the said two colleges or corporations, by either of them suffered or created, including the scholarships heretofore granted by and now obligatory upon each of them, are hereby imposed upon and declared to be assumed by the corporation hereby created ; which shall discharge and perform the same without diminution or abatement." The whole and entire of these con tracts are thus saved in their identity and integrity. This was one of the terms of acceptance of the new charter, and there is no pretence even now that it is not obligatory on the new institution, and maybe enforced against it, after acceptance of the charter, by every means known in the law applicable to or under tbe original charter. The nature of the new college as an insti tution of learning, the subjects and mode of instruction, organization, and even the professors, I believe, are the same as they were in Jefferson Col lege. There is no pretence of impairment of these contracts on grounds of dissimilarity of instruction, or capacity on part of the new institution to impart it. In passing I may say that no objection, on any grounds, was made to the change during the three years in which the college acted partly at Canonsburg and partly at Washington, under the most cum brous and unheard of arrangement for a college. It is not therefore on either of these grounds that these scholarship con tracts can be, or are claimed to be impaired, but another and different ground is insisted on, namely, that the contract for tuition, &c, contained therein, was to be performed at Canonsburg and not elsewhere. When we recur to the contracts there is no word or provision to this effect in them, or in the plan or prospectus put forth to induce investments in them. No doubt it was expected, from the fact that Jefferson College was located at Canonsburg, that that was to be the place of the perform ance of the contract. On the face of the contract — and there is nothing but this in the case — the contracts are personal to the corporation, and it could perform or offer performance anywhere, whether at Washington or Canonsburg. The contracts are complete so as to bind both contracting HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 165 parties without designating the place. The party liable to perform, like in any other personal contract, is liable on it wherever found. It was not even an incident of the contract that it was to be performed at Canons burg. It was an expectancy perhaps — even that we do not know — we simply infer it, not from the contract, but from the situation of the con tracting parties. We all know that even the incidents of contracts may be changed without impinging on the constitutional prohibition against im pairing contracts. Stay laws which change the remedy and rights of the parties, to some extent at least, have from time to time been passed in this and other States, and they have been uniformly sustained, wherever the contract did not specially provide to the contrary. Ohadwick vs. Moore, 8 W. & S. 50," Bunn, Raiguel & Co. vs. Gorgas, 5 Wright 441, Bilmyer vs. Evans et al. 4 Wright, 324, contain all that need be cited on this point, and in regard to the distinction noticed. In these cases, and in every one of the kind, it has been usual to present the argument that the contract having been made in view of the remedy existing at the time for its en forcement, it was a part of it, or at least an inseparable incident of it, and to permit it to be controlled by a new rule was to impair the contract. These are instances, it must be admitted, very near the outer verge of legis lative power, but they have been always sustained, and in these apparently objectionable features are incomparably stronger than anything which can be assumed or predicated of the contracts in question. The argument in support of the plaintiff's position, not being sufficiently self-sustaining, an equity is invoked to its aid. That, as a consideration in the question before us, is outside of the case, excepting as it may serve to illustrate the argument. This equity is that the subscribers for scholar ships made them in view of their proximity to Jefferson College, and the convenience of maintaining scholars at home while attending upon a col legiate course of instruction, and that they will be deprived of this advan tage by the removal of the college to Washington. As nothing of this appears by the contracts, and there is no proof of it aliunde, it may or it may not be so. It may have induced some or all to subscribe, but this is surmise. Certain it is it could have had no effect on subscribers for per petual scholarships, for the college in such cases finds boarding, lodging, and tuition to the scholar, and it is no matter to the subscriber where that may be done as far as expense is concerned. This is a matter of indiffer ence to him. But disappointed expectations, the motive in entering into a contract, do not affect the existence of the contract. All that may occur and the contract remain in full vigor. No constitutional provisions extend to cure this oft necessary result. We must not at this point overlook the great fact, in any contract, that it is always made in view of, and subject to, the natural or legal contingencies affecting it, or to which the contract ing parties may be subject. If a contract be made with a corporation, to be executed in the future, the contingencies of existence must be regarded as having been in view as much as between man and man. The risk is taken by both parties. They know themselves to be subject to such con tingencies, and not the contingencies subject to them. It must be presumed that the subscribers to these scholarships knew that the legislature might, with the assent of the corporation, alter its fundamental law, or might do it on the terms of the reservation already referred to, and thus defeat their motive for subscribing, and that it had power to do so, only preserving their contract. This might be done, and this the law presumes all parties to have known. Therefore in no sense could just expectation even have been disappointed by the act of removing the college to Washington. The case of the Genesee College and the opinion of Judge Johnson, at chambers, I 166 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. presume, have been considered. The occasion of the delivery of that opinion was upon a motion to vacate an injunction order restraining the removal of the college at Lima to Syracuse, pending litigation as to the right to remove. It is true, he seems to have gone beyond the limits of the question somewhat, and discussed the question of scholarships, injecting the force of a contract into the motives for subscribing, but as I understand the case (no facts being reported with the opinion furnished us on a sepa rate leaf) the contest was between the scholarships and the college, unaf fected by the authority of the legislature. This might make a material difference between that case and the one in hand. I incline to think it would. Be that as it may, if the case goes further than this, while we acknowledge great respect for the learned jurist who delivered the opinion, we cannot fol low it to the extent claimed here. Lastly, the argument in this case culminates in an assumption that the legislature and corporation of Jefferson College, and so of any other cor porate body, may be controlled in changing, altering, repealing, and sur rendering the charter by the contractors with the corporation. The one may consent and the other act upon such consent and yet this may be set aside by outside parties. This position is only true of corporations gene rally to the extent of leaving intact contracts and preserving legal remedies, obviously no more. That is always provided for by the legislature. The 10th section of Art. 1 of the Constitution of the United States would pro bably require this, although the 16th section, of Art. 1 of the Constitution of the State, expressly provides only that in repealing or revoking charters by the legislature, no injury be done to the corporators. But we need not elaborate this consideration, as both the contract and remedy are preserved in this case. In conclusion, as far as the first of these cases is concerned, it must be recollected that Washington and Jefferson College was incorporated by act of 4th March, 1865, and located for certain specified purposes, both at Canonsburg and Washington, and that the act was accepted by both of the old institutions to be consolidated. Thenceforth the corporation is under that act. The act of 24th February, 1869, therefore, providing for its removal, as the trustees or a majority might decide, was clearly within the constitutional power of the legislature, sec. 16, Art. 1, Constitution of Pennsylvania, and being assented to, it is valid beyond question or contro versy. For all these reasons the bill in this case is not sustained, and must be dismissed. Bill dismissed at the cost3 of the plaintiffs. 2. As to the second of the above-mentioned bills, viz : The Trustees of Jef ferson College in Washington and Jefferson College, butlittle is required to be said. We have virtually decided it in holding, as we have done in the first of these cases, that, by the acceptance of the act of 1865 in connection with Washington College, it ceased to exist under its original charter. There is therefore now no such Board as the trustees of Jefferson College, with the right of suit in the name of that corporation. (8 Pet. 281.) Con sequently the plea of the defendant is sustained, and this bill must be dis missed. Bill dismissed, and Wm. Jeffrey, who filed it, is ordered to pay the costs, no other name appearing of record as complainant, and there being no leo-al Board of Trustees such as that which purports to the plaintiff in the bill. 3. The third and last of these bills is filed by a minority of the Board of Trustees of Washington and Jefferson College, and they claim that the act of Assembly of 1869, authorizing the removal of the college as consoli- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 167 dated by the act of 1865, in obedience to the decision of the requisite num ber of trustees, is unauthorized for the reason, it is alleged that it infringes the contracts of scholarship with the Jefferson College, which they assume could only be performed by the college at Canonsburg. This quesiion we have disposed of in our views in regard to the first of these cases. We need not repeat them, but refer to them as showing that the ground of un constitutionality is not tenable. It is difficult to discover wherein the act of 1869 is obnoxious to the charge made, and the act of 1865, which was not complained of by the plaintiffs, was not. By that act the Freshmen class and preparatory department of the college were to be at Washington, and the Senior, Junior, and Sophomore classes were to be taught at Canonsburg. Now, unless the scholarships exclude the Freshman and Preparatory de partment of the college — which they do not — there was just the same im pairment of the contract, if any, of scholarships in obliging scholars to go to Washington for tuition in the Preparatory department and Freshman class as to require them to go there to pass through the remainder of the course. Yet this objection was not made by the plaintiffs or anybody else. This, I admit is rather argumentum ad hominem than an illustration of the question on principle, but that, we think, we have" already done. To another charge in the bill the respondents answer that they intend to remove the classes of the college to Washington, the place fixed as the site of the college, under the provisions of the act of 1869, and to dispose of the realty strictly pursuant to the authority of the act; and as this was not replied to by the complainants, it must be taken to be true; and as we have already, in the first of these cases, held the act of Assembly of 1869 to be constitutional, it follows that this bill also must be dismissed at the cost of the complainants. Ordered, That the several bills of the several plaintiffs herein considered be dismissed at the costs of the several plaintiffs in the said bills respec tively, and that it be so entered in each of the cases. The decision being thus rendered in favor of Washington, the Board of Trustees, through their attorneys, went into the Circuit Court at Erie immediately, and moved to dissolve the injunction, which motion resulted in its dissolution, thereby removing the re straint that had been imposed upon the Board, and permitting them to put all the departments of the institution in operation at Wash ington. An appeal, however, has been taken from the decision of the Su preme Court in the case of D. C. Houston and others to the Supreme Court of the United States, which is now pending. Washington and Jefferson College. The Board of Trustees held a special meeting.at Washington on the 1st inst. The object of the meeting was to take proper steps to put the college in effectual operation, now that the injunction granted by the Circuit Court of the United States had been removed. The injunction was allowed by his Honor, Judge M'Candless, as announced by him at the time, simply to afford the complainants an opportunity, by means of equity suits in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, to test the legality of the action of the Board of Trustees in consolidating the several departments of the college at Washing ton. The Supreme Court having unanimously sustained the action of the Board by their late decision at Philadelphia, Judge M'Candless promptly 168 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. dissolved the injunction, thus leaving the Board of Trustees free to perfect the organization of the college as provided by the amended charter. This has been done accordingly, and the undersigned were appointed a committee by the Board to announce the result to the public. The higher classes in the college proper have been restored and are now in full operar tion, and the prospect of success in all the departments of the institution is highly flattering. The Board have assurance of additions to the Senior, Junior, and' Sophomore classes by the return of some of their members who repaired to other colleges during the pendency of the injunction. From recent letters and inquiries, a considerable accession to the present number of students is confidently expected. There are now enrolled and in actual attendance eighty-five students. In view of the obstacles now so happily surmounted, this fact furnishes the most gratifying assurance of undimin ished public confidence, and is a good omen of future and permanent suc cess. We are gratified to state that, with but comparatively few exceptions, we have had the steadfast approval and warm sympathy of the joint alumni. This has been our source of strength; and now that the unexpected and extraordinary attempt to break down our college union has signally failed we can turn with assured confidence to the repeated pledges of the joint alumni to sustain the consolidated college in the higher and wider sphere of usefulness upon which it has just entered. The Committee having in charge the nomination of a President have been instructed to act promptly, and to convene the Board as soon as they are ready to make a nomination. In the mean lime the college has been placed in the charge of the Rev. J. J. Brownson, D. D., as President pro tern., to whom the Board is specially indebted for consenting to occupy the position temporarily, as well as for the good service he has heretofore rendered the college as Vice-Presi dent pro tern. With him are associated in earnest work, Professors Linn and Jones, formerly of the department at Canonsburg, and Professors Woods and Vose, of that at Washington, as well as Professor Simonton, lately inducted into the chair of mathematics. The full amount of instruc tion demanded by the academical and scientific courses of study is now given by these gentlemen, and preparations are in process for the enlarge ment of the laboratory and the employment of an assistant in laboratory practice. It is the design of the Board to enlarge the faculty hereafter to meet the advancements and wants of the college. The Committee on buildings and improvements were instructed to proceed to the discharge of the duty assigned them, and have their reports ready to lay before the Board at their next meeting. Arrangements entered into by the Franklin, Washington, Philo, and Union Literary Societies of the college, whereby they are to be consolidated under the names of the " Franklin and Washington" and "Philo and Union" Societies, were approved by the Board, and a committee appointed to co operate with said societies in carrying into effect the proposed design. In order to correct an erroneous impression derived from newspaper pub lications, we desire to state for public information, that the allowance of the appeal from the decree of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, by a Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, does not imply an ap proval of said appeal on its merits. It is simply and only an authorization of the removal of the case into the Supreme Court of the United States, which any judge of that court is bound to allow in a case in which the con stitutional validity of a State law is drawn in question, and involves no HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 169 i commitment whatever in regard to the merits, or even to the consideration of such a question. We have only, therefore, to express our assured conviction that the judgment of that court, even should the case be prosecuted, will be concur rent with that of the Supreme Court of our own State. Abiding in this faith and confidence, the Board will continue to go forward in the work of com plete and efficient organization of the college in all its departments, thereby worthily commending it to the support and patronage of the friends of education. John Eagleson, ) A. W. Acheson, i- Committee. February 2, 1870. J. R. Johnston, ) List of Presidents and Prof essors from Organization in 1806. president's. 1806.— December 13. Rev. Matthew Brown, D. D., April 13, 1817. 1817.— April 13. Rev. Andrew Wylie, December 9, 1828. (The college was closed for two years.) 1830.— February 26. Rev. David Elliott, D. D., December, 1831. 1831.— December 31. Rev. David McConaughy, D. D., October 12, 1849, (who continued until May, 1850.) 1850.— May 6. Rev. James Clark, D. D., July, 1852. 1852. — July. Rev. James I. Brownson, D. D., pro tem., September, 1853. Synodical College. 1853.— September. Rev. John W. Scott, D. D., 1866. Under the Union of Jefferson and Washington College. 1865.— March 4. Rev. D. H. Riddle, D. D., pro tern., April 4, 1866. 1866.— April 4. Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D. D., April 20, 1869. Under Consolidated College of Jefferson and Washington, at Washington. 1869.— April 21. Rev. Samuel J. Wilson, D. D., pro tem. Rev. James I. Brownson, D. D. VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1856.— Rev. Wm. P. Alrich, 1859.— Rev. James Black, D. D., 1866. 1868. — Rev. James I. Brownson, D. D. 1868.— Rev. John W. Scott, D. D., February 23, 1869. PROFESSORS. 1806.— James Reed, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1823. 1806.— Isaiah Blair, M. D., Professor of Medicine, 1828. 1815.— John Reed, Professor of Ancient Languages, 1817. (Prior to this period the languages were taught by tutors, viz : An drew K. Russell, Christopher Rankin, and T. M. T. McKennan.) 1817.— Rev. Francis McFarland, Professor of Ancient Languages. 1818.— Rev. James Rowland, Professor of Ancient Languages. 1819.— Mays Smith, Professor of Ancient Languages. 1820.— Rev. Guerdon Gates, Professor of Ancient Languages. 1821.— Rev. John Stockton, Professor of Ancient Languages. 1822.— Rev. John Graham, Professor of Ancient Languages. 12 170 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 1823. — James Workman, Professor of Mathematics. 1824. — John W. Scott, Professor of Mathematics. 1830. — William D. Smith, Professor of Ancient Languages. 1830. — Rev. William P. Alrich, Professor of Mathematics. 1831. — Rev. J. Holmes Agnew, Professor of Ancient Languages. 1831. — John L. Gow, Esq., Professor of English Literature. 1832. — Joseph Ritner, Esq., Professor of French, Civil Engineering, and Natural Science, 1833. 1833.— Wm. K. McDonald, Esq., Professor of Belles Lettres and Political Economy, 1836. 1834. — Rev. R. H. Lee, Professor of Ancient Languages, 1837. 1837.— Rev. R. H. Lee, Professor of Political Economy, 1854. 1837. — Rev. D. Ferguson, Professor of Ancient Languages, 1844. 1840. — Robert Milligan, Professor of English Literature, 1851. 1844. — Rev. Nicholas Murray, Professor of Ancient Languages, 1853. 1846. — John L. Gow, Professor of Constitutional and Municipal Law, 1851. 1846. — James King, M. D., Professor of Anatomy, Physiology, and Hy giene, 1851. 1851. — Rev. James W. McKennan, Professor of English Literature and Ancient Languages, 1854. 1851. — Robert Milligan, Professor of Natural Science, 1852. 1853. — Rev. E. C. Wines, Professor of Ancient Languages. 1853. — Rev. Samuel J. Wilson, Professor of Ancient Languages. 1854. — Rev. W. J. Martin, Professor of Natural Sciences, 1858. 1858. — Wm. H. Brewer, Professor of Natural Sciences, 1859. 1859. — Rev. James Black, Professor of Ancient Languages, 1868. 1860. — Alexander Muckle, Professor of Natural Sciences. 1861. — Rev. Henry Woods, Professor of Ancient Languages. 1861. — George W. Miller, Professor of Mathematics. 1862. — Rev. Joseph Waugh, Professor of Mathematics. 1864.— W. J. Brugh, Professor of Mathematics, 1866. 1865.— R. D. Wylie, Professor of Mathematics, 1866. 1865.— Rev. E. F. Farrier, Professor of English Literature, 1867. 1866. — Geo. B. Vose, Professor of Mechanics and Civil Engineering. 1866.— C. M. Dodd, Professor of Latin. 1866. — Rev. Alonzo Linn, Professor of Greek and Latin Literature. 1865. — D. Kirkwood, LL. D., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, 1867. 1866. — Samuel Jones, Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. 1866. — E. H. Twining, Professor of Natural Sciences, December 23, 1869. 1867. — Rev. J. S. Roberts, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Dec. 23, 1868. 1868.— S. F. Peckham, Professor of Natural Science, 1869. 1869. — J. S. Simonton, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. (For the history of Jefferson College see Canonsburg, title, Chartiers township.) In connection with Washington College are two literary societies, yiz: the Union Literary Society, and the Washington Literary Society, each of which has large and valuable libraries. The Union Literary Society was founded November 10, 1809, by Jonathan Kearsley, Andrew Stewart, Joseph B. Becket, John Ste phenson, Thos. S. Cunningham, and John McKennan. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 171 The founders adopted as the motto of the Society, " Deo juvante in ardua nitimur." The Washington Literary Society was founded February 22, 1814, by Alexander Gilleland," F. J. Lemoyne, William Heaton, James Page, A. O. Patterson, Robert McLean, Andrew Page, Jacob Wolf. The motto of the Society is " Doctrina vim promovet insitam." James Monroe, President of the United States, arrived in Washington May 4, 1817, accompanied by Gen. Brown and his aid Major Worth, General McComb and his aid Captain Root, and Governor Lewis Cass of Detroit. They were conducted to David Morris's hotel by a com mittee of arrangement appointed by the citizens, and escorted by Capt. McCluney's company of infantry. The President the next day left for Canonsburg and Pittsburg, accompanied by Gen. Sutton, Col. Hill, and Maj. Dunlap. President Monroe. During the presidency of Rev. Andrew Wylie, James Monroe, President of the United States, visited Washington on May 4th, 1817. He was received and welcomed to the hospitalities of the place. Dr. Wylie addressed him in the "following language : — Honored Sir: It is with no small degree of pleasure that I present to your Excellency, in behalf of the trustees, faculty, and students of Wash ington College, our sincere congratulation on your safe arrival at this place. It would be superfluous to attempt, by our feeble testimony, to add to the evidence of that universal satisfaction with which an enlightened and happy people behold your Excellency placed in the highest office that their grateful suffrages can bestow. The public expression of this satisfaction is infinitely remote, both from the interested adulation of sycophants, and the'constrained applauses of the slaves of arbitrary power. It is the voice of nature, the utterance of the heart, the spontaneous effusion of the souls of freemen, too dignified to feign what they do not feel, and too intelligent and generous not to appreciate your past distinguished services to the re public, and the unequalled advantages of that government whose executive functions you are called to discharge. Participating in this universal sen timent, permit us to join in the public expression of it. A kind Providence bestows upon us liberty, abundance, and health, and we acknowledge, as a blessing which enhances all the rest, the exercise of that spirit of benign wisdom which sheds its radiance on the commence ment of your administration. We hail its orient lustre as the precursor of a still happier day than any we have yet seen — may not its brightness be ob scured by the mists of prejudice, nor its serenity disturbed by the storms of faction ! As friends in literature and mental refinement, which require for their successful cultivation a state of concord where all the charities of nature, unembittered by party rancor, have free scope for exercise, we cannot but notice, with peculiar satisfaction, every influence calculated to produce such a state. An influence of that happy character we recognize in that 172 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. liberal policy which dictated, and which everywhere attends, your journey through the different sections of the United States. Inferior in its harmo nizing tendency to no influence but that of the religion of Immanuel, may it meet no obstacle in the minds of the people to prevent its having its full effect in allaying the jealousies of party, and increasing the action of those moral ties which, still more than those of interest, are requisite to bind together this confederated republic. We are especially sensible of the honor you have done us by .visiting this western region, which is but just commencing its ascent in the scale of improvement. Those institutions which are calculated to accelerate this ascent are but in their infancy ; yet we believe your Excellency will view them with some degree of interest, especially such as have for their object the cultivation of the mind, since this is the source to which all those im provements which render a people great, respectable, or happy, must be referred. That your Excellency may have the happiness of contemplating the progress of our beloved country in virtue, literature, arts, and power, becoming still more rapid in every successive year of your administration, and that you may enjoy a life prolonged amidst the choicest gifts and bless ings of Heaven, honored sir, is our fervent desire. To which President Monroe replied : — Sir : I accept with unfeigned pleasure this expression of your sentiments in behalf of the trustees, faculty, and students of Washington College. The object of my present tour round a very considerable extent of our maritime and inland frontiers was that I might be enabled, from a personal knowledge of the state of our country, to discharge my official duty by pro viding for its best interests. In this journey I have derived great satisfac tion in contemplating the increased prosperity of our beloved country, and observing those indications of patriotism and harmony which so generally prevail among my fellow-citizens, and which this movement has tended to draw forth. The sentiments expressed in your address do honor to yourself and to the literary'institution over which you preside, and are not, I am persuaded, the language of adulation, but a just expression of your esteem for our happy Constitution, which secures to us our civil and religious rights, and is so well calculated to answer every object of the social compact. In providing for the prosperity and happiness of a country, a careful attention to literary institutions and the education of youth ought ever to occupy a high place. To the youth we must look with an eye of deep interest— they are the hope of our country — and I cannot omit mentioning the peculiar gratification I have received from observing the growth of literary institutions, and the attention which is paid to the instruction of youth, and which is certainly the best and most permanent basis on which our privileges, civil and religious, can be founded. For the notice you have taken of the few services that I have been enabled to render to my country — for the friendly wish expressed for the prosperity of the republic under my administration, as well as for my per sonal comfort and happiness, I pray you, sir, to accept my thanks, and per mit me to reciprocate my best wishes for the prosperity of the institution over which you preside, and for the happiness of the trustees, faculty, and students, that the College of Washington may not only retain ij;s present celebrity, but that under your direction it may be growing in a state of progressive and rapid improvement, is my sincere desire. Accept, sir, for yourself, the trustees, faculty, and students of Washing ton College, the assurance of my respect. history of washington county. 173 First Presbyterian Church. We are chiefly indebted to the Rev. Dr. James I. Brownson, the present efficient and highly esteemed pastor of this'church, for the historical facts contained in the following history of this church. Previous to the organization of the Presbyterian church the Pres byterians who resided in the town of Washington, in October, 1781 (at the time it was laid out), held their membership in the church of Chartiers, near Canonsburg, under the care of Rev. Dr. McMillan. ' From this period to 1793 Presbyterial supplies preached in the court house. However, when the stone academy, now the central build ing of the old college, was erected, it served both for educational purposes and religious worship. A place of worship, however, being procured, an organization was effected in 1793, by the consent of the Presbytery of Ohio, and Andrew Swearingen, Joseph Wherry, Ro bert Stockton, and William McCombs were ordained as the first elders. This being the first regular organization of the Presbyterian church, it would be well to remark as an historical fact that the re cords of the Presbytery of Redstone show that Alexander Addi son, a licentiate from the Presbytery of Aberlour, Scotland, and afterwards the distinguished president judge of this, judicial district, preached in Washington in December, 1785, when application was made for him as a stated supply, which request was granted April 18, 1786, until the meeting of the Synod. This church having placed itself under the care of the Presbytery of Ohio, which was organized in 1793, the Rev. James Welsh occu pied the pulpit as a stated supply from April, 1794, for one year. Rev. Thaddeus Dodd, Rev. Boyd Mercer, Rev. John Anderson, and Rev. Samuel Potter officiated occasionally as supplies. On the 23d of October, 1800, William McCamant and Robert Anderson were appointed commissioners from the church to attend a meeting of the Presbytery, and were authorized by the Washington congrega tion to take such steps as would procure the settlement of Rev. Thomas Ledlie Birch, as there were a number of his old hearers and neighbors from Ireland in the congregation. The Presbytery of Philadelphia indorsed bis papers, and also many distinguished divines in the east. It appears, however, that the Presbytery did not receive such satisfaction as would induce them to give him the charge ; yet he continued to exercise his ministry in Washington, under an appeal to the General Assembly. In January, 1801, at a meeting of the Presbytery at Cross Creek, the Rev. Birch under went another examination of his experimental acquaintance with - religion, but was rejected. The Presbytery then appointed sup plies, and a portion of the church retained Rev. Mr. Birch. The Rev. Birch also preached in Pittsburg one Sabbath in each month, for which they paid him one hundred dollars per annum, while his salary in Washington was six hundred dollars. On the 26th 174 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. April, 1801, the congregation appointed John Wilson, Samuel Young, and William Smylie commissioners to present their com plaint and supplication to the General Assembly in the May following. The letter was signed by Samuel Whann, James Chambers, Wil liam McCamant, Hon. Henry Taylor, Dr. Absalom Baird, and Robert Anderson, in which they state all the circumstances, and repel the idea of an attempt to establish a congregation within the bounds of an old organized congregation, which the Presbytery deems irregular, and contrary to the order of the Presbyterian church. This committee also state a fact to the General Assembly worthy of being recorded to show the state of religion at that period in Washington — "We doubt not but that your humanity and zeal for the gospel will be moved at hearing of our state. Our town, the most populous in this part of the continent, is in the centre of a close settled country, not less than sixteen miles square. The Lord's Supper never was dispensed during the last fifteen years, and our families not even comforted by one ministerial visit, until lately by the Rev. Mr. Birch ; and not more than two or three solitary supplies in a season, until now they are sent to us from a spirit of contention. We therefore humbly and respectfully supplicate that you will be pleased to take the Rev. Thomas Ledlie Birch under your protec tion, and take such steps towards the settlement of our congregation as your wisdom shall seem meet, as many of our principal members, now grown weary from all their attempts to obtain a gospel minis ter, being so many times frustrated, have declared that if Rev Mr. Birch is obliged to leave us they will withdraw, and in consequence we must nearly cease from being a worshipping society." The General Assembly having examined Rev. Mr. Birch on his experimental acquaintance with religion decided, May 26, 1801, that they find no obstruction against any Presbytery to which he may apply, taking him up and proceeding with him agreeably to the rules and regulations in this case made and provided. At the first meeting of the Presbytery at Buffalo, however, July, 1801, a majority of the Washington congregation petitioned the Pres bytery to take Rev. Mr. Birch under their care, in accordance with the decision of the General Assembly; but the Presbytery resolved to have nothing farther to do with the Rev. Mr. Birch as to his trials for the gospel ministry, as well as from the general report which urevailed with respect to his imprudent and irregular conduct. This led to an open rupture between the friends of the Rev. Mr. Birch and the congregation of Washington, represented by its el ders, Messrs. Swearingen, Stockton, Wherry, and McComb. These four elders procured the Washington Academy in January, 1802, for religious worship, while it was closed against the adherents of the Rev. Mr. Birch. £The Rev. Thomas L. Birch was buried in the old Presbyterian churchyard, in Buffalo township, where he was settled as pastor. This unchristian strife ceased after much unchristian conduct on both sides, and peace and tranquillity were restored through HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 175 the instrumentality of a gifted young man who preached in the stone academy in the spring of 1805. That young divine was the Rev. Matthew Brown, a graduate of Dickinson College, who, by his urbanity of manners, Christian conduct, unassuming habits, and being an able and eloquent minister in defence of the principles of his Divine Master, received a unanimous call, and was ordained October 16, 1805 — the Rev. Mr. Snodgrass having preached the sermon from 1 Tim. iv. 16, and Rev. John Anderson delivering the usual charges. Im mediately after his installation Rev. M. Brown commenced the undertaking of raising funds for the erection of a suitable place of worship. He was pre-eminently successful, and through his indefa tigable labors and noble exertions a brick building, seventy by fifty- five feet, capable of seating 600 persons, was erected in the south west part of the town, on lots Nos. 6 and 7 on First Street. It is the same building which is now used by the Messrs. Hayes & Co. for a coach and carriage factory. Lot No. 6 was purchased from Andrew Swearingen, executor of Van Swearingen, deceased, for $20, and No. 7 from Samuel Wherry for five pounds — the titles of these lots being vested in Joseph Wherry, John Simonson, Parker Camp bell, Hugh Wilson, and Daniel Moore, trustees of the congregation. The cost of its erection was $3000, although for several years it was used with unplastered walls, without pulpit and pews, and a perma nent floor, the necessary funds being wanted to complete it. The Lord's Supper was first administered in it in June, 1807, and it was occupied as a house of worship for the last time September 7, 1851, when the Rev. James I. Brownson preached a sermon, Psalm xlviii. 9: "We have thought of thy loving kindness, O God, in the midst of thy temple." This history of this church edifice, from its erection to 1851, em braces the history of all the regularly settled ministers of the Pres byterian church of Washington. 1. Rev. Dr. Matthew Brown was its first pastor from its erection until April 15, 1823, a period of about eighteen years, when he resigned in order to accept the Presidency of Jefferson College. During his ministry, or from 1806 to 1816, he was the first President of Washington College. The members of session inducted at different times during Dr. Brown's pastorate were James Brice, Josiah Scott, William Sherrard, Hugh Wylie, Thomas Stockton, Thomas Officer, Robert Johnston, Thomas Fergus, Oba- diah Jennings, James Orr, and Dr. John Wishart. 2. His successor was the Rev. Obadiah Jennings (formerly one of Dr. Brown's elders), who had been a distinguished lawyer and also pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Steubenville, Ohio. He was elected its pastor and his election approved by Presbytery on the 8th of October, 1823, and installed on the 23d of the same month. In 1828 he resigned and accepted a call from the Presbyterian church of Nashville, Tennessee, and died in 1832. During his incumbency Charles Hawkins, Robert Colmery, Jacob Slagle, Robert Officer, Adam Wier, and Alexander Ramsey were added to the session. In 1824, this church was transferred to the Presbytery of Washington 176 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. (which, however, was formed October 18, 1819), having been included here tofore in the Presbytery of Ohio. 3. The Rev. Samuel C. Jennings (nephew of Rev. Obadiah Jennings), filled the pulpit as a stated supply for one year. 4. In the summer of 1829 a call was tendered to Rev. David Elliptt, of Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, which he accepted, and was installed in the fall of 1829. He served until 1836, when he was elected to the chair of Theology in the Western Theological Seminary. During Rev. Dr. David Elliott's pastorate, Hugh Fergus and Samuel Vance were made ruling elders. 5. In November, 1837, Rev. Daniel Deruelle entered upon the duties of pastor, and labored until October, 1840, when he resigned and accepted an agency in the General Assembly's Board of Missions. He died in 1858. 6. Rev. James Smith, of Scotland, succeeded Rev. D. Deruelle, in De cember, 1840, and continued its pastor until April, 1844, when ill health compelled him to resign. He returned to his native country and died March 12, 1845, leaving in the hearts of his people in Washington the in heritance of his labors, the result of his devotion to their eternal interests, looking forward to that period and to that eternal city, when and where he would present them faultless at his Father's throne. 7. In the fall of 1845, Rev. William 0. Anderson, D. D., accepted a call from this church, and although not installed, he preached until January 9, 1846, when he removed to Dayton, Ohio, and is at present laboring in New Albany, Indiana. 8. In 1847, Rev. John B. Pinney was elected pastor and served until April, 1848, when he resigned to accept the agency of the New York State Colonization Society. During his pastorate George Baird, James Boon, Joseph Henderson, and Dr. Robert R. Reed were set apart as elders, and Isaac Hewitt, John Wil son, John K. Wilson, and John Grayson, Jr., as deacons. It is proper to remark at this place, that the reverend and venerable Dr. David M'Conaughy having accepted the Presidency of Washington College, in May, 1832, the pulpit was chiefly occupied by him as a supply when there was no regular pastor. 9. On the 1st of January, 1849, the Rev. James Irwin Brownson was in stalled pastor of the church, since which time he has been officiating at its altar, offering prayers and thanksgivings to God for his loving kindness and tender mercies to his flock over which the Holy Ghost has made him over seer. On the 5th of August, 1855] Isaac Hewitt, James Ewing, and Dr. John Wilson Wishart were ordained elders, and on the 12th of the same month, H. H. Clark, John Wiley, and James C. Acheson were ordained deacons. On the 16th of January, 1859, John Wiley, H. H. Clark, and Dr. Thomas McKennan were set apart as ruling elders, and Jackson Spriggs and David P. Lowary as deacons. On the 12th day of June, 1864, Thomas MeKean, Edward G. Cundall, Jr., James C. Acheson, and John Hoon (who had previously been an elder in -the Presbyterian church at Claysville) , were installed elders, and Samuel Beatty, William Praull, and M. Wilson McClain as deacons. January 19, 1868, John B. Miller was installed a deacon. December 19, 1869, William Davis, Sr., M. Wilson McClain, and William Praull were ordained elders, and William Davis, Jr., and Geo. W. McCombs installed deacons. The second house of worship was erected on the corner of Second and Belle streets, on lots No. 43 and 42, the former of which was given by the HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 177 proprietor of the town, David Hoge, to General Washington, while the opposite corner (lot 102) was presented to Mrs. Martha Washington. This building was ninety feet long and sixty-five feet wide, and, including the - gallery, would contain from eight hundred to one thousand persons. It was dedicated to the Triune God, September 11, 1851. The dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. James I. Brownson, the pastor, from 1 Kings viii. 27-30. He was assisted in the exercises by Rev. Elisha P. Swift, D.D., of Allegheny City, Rev. Dr. D. McCouaughy, and Rev. James Clark, D.D., President of Washington College. The church contained one hundred and fifty-four pews, besides a gallery. The basement contained a lecture-room and Sabbath school-room. The whole building, including the purchase of the lot, cost $12,000. We come now to speak of the third house of worship. Early in the spring of 1868 the congregation determined to make certain improvements to the church, which, according to the estimates of Messrs. Barr & Moser, architects, of Pittsburg, would cost about $8000. In removing the roof it was found that it would be neces sary to take down the walls to the foundation. The basement, after examination, was decided to be most solid and enduring, and upon it the trustees resolved to erect the present beautiful superstructure, which is unsurpassed for architectural beauty and symmetry by any church, and is an ornament to the place. The carpenter work was awarded to Mr. Nelson Vankirk, the stonework to Mr. Hargraves, the brickwork to James Houston and John Dye. Being built upon the foundation of the second church, it is ninety by sixty-five feet, with proportionate height of ceiling. The walls and ceiling are beautifully frescoed. The pews, pulpit, and woodwork are in imitation of walnut ; the windows of stained glass ; the spire rises in height 143 feet ; the building is covered with slate; the tower contains a bell costing $500, upon which are the words "Holiness to the Lord." The cost of the building, or rather the present improvements, are $20,600. The lots could not be purchased and a similar building erected for less than $40,000. The- church is lighted by a chandelier with eighteen burners, and forty-two additional lights. Each pew is provided with a cushion and carpeted, the cost of furnishing the church was $1800 ; while the matting for the Sabbath school-room cost $220. This third edifice was dedicated on March 27, 1869, with the following exercises : — A portion of Scripture was read and prayer offered by Rev. J. R. John son, of the U. P. Church; a sermon from Psalm xcii. 13, and an historical address by the pastor, Rev. James I. Brownson, D.D. ; prayer by Rev. Mr. Caldwell, of Second Presbyterian Church. It was thus dedicated and set apart for the worship and service of the Triune God, without any debt restino upon it. An offering thus made cannot but, receive the approval, acceptance, and blessing of the Redeemer of the world. The Sabbath School Of the First Presbyterian Church was organized June 15, 1816, although a general Sabbath school for all denominations was opened 178 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. February 11, 18-14, a meeting of the citizens having been called to take the preliminary measures. The meetings of this general Sab bath school, however, were held in the Presbyterian church. The persons who have filled the office of superintendent were William C. Blair, James Williamson, Charles Hawkins, Peter De- Haven, George Baird, John W. Scott, Abner Leonard, G. Holmes Agnew, William McCombs, John McClintock, Henry Williams, Dr. Robert R. Reed, who filled the office for twenty-six years, and James C. Acheson, many of whom were students of Washington College, and became ministers in the Presbyterian Church. The school is under the care of one superintendent, J. C. Ache son ; one assistant superintendent, Dr. Thomas McKennan ; a secre tary and treasurer, Thomas MeKean ; a librarian, A. T. Baird, with two assistants, Alex. Brown and A. M. Todd; having ten male teachers, twenty female teachers, and three hundred and five scholars. The average attendance is 210 upon each Sabbath. The infant school, under the care of Miss Maria MeKean and Miss Martha Wiley, contains eighty-six scholars. Methodist Episcopal Church. At what precise date the Methodist Episcopal denomination was established in Washington, the records of the church do not state, but the memory of some of our oldest inhabitants informs us that itin erant Methodist preachers occasionally preached in the court-house and school-houses about 1798. It is worthy of remark here with regard to the origin of Methodism in this place, that about this period, Robert Hazlett and his wife (the parents of our esteemed fellow citizen, Samuel Hazlett, now deceased), left Carlisle to settle in Washington. As they were descending Gallows Hill, the old road from Fort Redstone leading to Washington, the husband re marked to his wife, that as they were about to make new acquaint ances, he hoped she would avoid those of the Methodist persuasion. She in a truly Christian spirit replied, that with the blessing of God she would seek them out and adhere to them through evil and through good report. Her subsequent Christian life, her devotion to the church of her choice, and the undying influence she has left to Me thodism and her family, is the best evidence of her change of heart and acceptance with her Redeemer. She died in 1844, and has ever been recognized as the principal agent in introducing and fostering Methodism. The first official meetings took place about the year 1800, as the deed of property is the official evidence on this subject. As early as February 5, 1801, John Hoge and wife conveyed to Thomas Lackey, Abraham Carier, Abraham Johnston, Titus Rigby, and John Cooper, trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church, for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars, lot No. 194. This lot was on the corner of Chestnut and First streets, and now owned by Parker Thompson. Mr. Hoge, in his deed to the trustees, binds them to erect a church for the use of the members of the Methodist HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 179 Episcopal church, according to the rules and discipline of said church as adopted by the ministers and preachers at their general confer ence, and in further trust that they shall at all times forever hereafter permit such ministers and preachers of the said M. E. church and none others, to preach and expound God's holy word therein. He also provided in the same deed, that if any of the trustees advanced money for the use of said church, the sum shall be raised by mortgage or by selling the property, after giving notice to the pastor in charge, the surplus to be at the disposal of the next yearly conference. We bave ascertained by our venerable friend, John Harter, Esq., whose whole lifetime has been devoted to Methodism, that Mr. Hoge in making out his deed, conveyed lot No. 124, instead of lot 193, and that after the log church was erected on lot 193, the deed was chang'ed by the following act of the legislature. On the 5th of Jan uary, 1811, the legislature authorized the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church to convey the right of the said church in lot No. 194, in consideration of lot No. 193, to be conveyed by said Hoge for the use of the church. Accordingly we find that John Hoge and. wife, on the 11th of January, 1812, did convey to James Chambers, Thomas Lackey, Abraham Johnston, James Shannon, and Israel Brown, lot No. 193, bounded by Chestnut Street on the north, lot 192 on the east, Pine Alley on the south, and First Street on the west, for and in consideration of one dollar, and under the same re strictions as lot No. 194 on the opposite corner was held. The congregation erected upon lot 193, a log church (long since weather boarded), which yet stands upon the corner and is occupied as a dwelling ; the trustees after the erection of the brick church having made the change. The log church being to small for the growing congregation, they erected in the year 1816, a substantial brick building, fifty-five by forty feet in the centre of the same lot, fronting First Street, with a gallery round the same, at an expense of six thousand dollars, the brickwork having been done by Wm. Richardson, and the carpenter work by James Orr and John Wilson. After this church had been occupied for thirty-one years, the interest of the church and the in crease of population, demanded that a more appropriate house and one better arranged with Sabbath-school and class-rooms should be erected. Accordingly on November 22d, 1847, the congregation appointed a committee to procure subscriptions and select a suitable location. On the following 6th of December, the Committee report ed that they had purchased lot 85 from Mrs. Abbot for $400, and exchanged the parsonage property on Beau Street, with John R. Griffith, for lot N o. 84, adjoining the former lot, making a front of 120 feet by 240 feet deep. These lots are on Belle Street (formerly Wheeling Street), east of Main. The Committee estimated the cost of the church at $3864, of which over $2000 were subscribed. On December 8, 1847, the trustees resolved that when the sub scriptions should reach $2800, and with the proceeds of the sale of 180 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. the brick church (then occupied) they could erect both the church and a parsonage. A building committee, consisting of Rev. Edward Birkett, John Harter, Samuel Hazlett, Samuel Mounts, Alexander Sweeny, and George Lonkert, were appointed to receive proposals for a church edifice, to be fifty feet wide and seventy feet long, with a basement appropriately divided, and J. W. F. White was appointed treasurer of the building funds. Subsequently, however, Samuel Hazlett, Esq., and John Harter resigned, and J. S. Sheaffer was added to the Committee. After the sale of the old church property to the school directors, on April 1, 1848, at which time, possession was given, the Building Committee awarded the contracts as follows : The bricklaying and furnishing all the materials to Absalom Huston, for $1628.25, and the foundation at $1.50 per perch, and the.range work at 40 cents per foot; the carpenter work and painting to Messrs. Kuhn and Davis, for $2205 ; the plastering to William Wiley & Son, for $360; the aggregate amounting to $4825.65, including the purchase of the $400 lot. The trustees also awarded the following contracts for the erec tion of the parsonage : The carpenter and brickwork to Messrs. Prigg and Dye, for $1067.50, and the plastering to William Wiley & Son, for $100, amounting to $1167.50, to which must be added $55.75 for additional work, making the aggregate amount $1223.25. The church was finished on December 31, 1848 (being fifty by seventy feet and containing seventy-two pews), and was dedicated to God by Rev. Bishop Hamlin. The entire cost of church and parsonage, including purchase and exchange of lots, furnishing church, making stone wall, fence, and pavement, amounted to $7845.78, of which amount the Ladies' Sewing Society furnished, $400. On the 18th of May, 1848, an act of incorporation was procured from the court, constituting Samuel Hazlett, Alexander Sweeny, John Harter, John Sheaffer, Joseph Reynolds, William Wiley, A. B. Wolf, George Lonkert, and Samuel Mounts, as trustees. Upon the organization of the trustees, Samuel Hazlett was elected Presi dent and Samuel Mounts Secretary. It is worthy of remark that during the erection of the church edifice, and through the kindness of the pastor and members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, the Methodists occupied their meeting-house one-half the time each Sabbath, until the church was finished. We shall now proceed to give the list of ministers who have officiated in the Methodist Episcopal church since the year. 1801, with their respective dates : — 1806. Rev. Thornton Fleming. Daniel Hite. James Reiley. Wm. Brandeberry. John White. Jacob Gruber. Amos Barnes. 1801. Rev. William Munroe. , , 1806. Re 1802. " Archibald McElroy and 1807. ' Rev. William Lambden. 1808. ' 1803. Rev. John Monroe. 1809. ' 1804. " Jacob Dowal and Daniel 1810. ' Hitt. 1811. ' 1805. Rev. Jacob Young. 1812. ' HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 181 1813. Rev. John West. 1814. " William Barnes. 1815. " John Connelly. 1816. " James Laws. 1817. " Joshua Monroe. 1818. " Thornton Fleming. 1819. " George Brown. 1820. " John Baer. 1821. " George Brown. 1822-3. Rev. Henry Furlong. 1824. Rev. Charles Cooke. 1825. " • Jos. G. Sansom. 1826-7. Rev. Asa Shinn. 1828. Rev. Alfred Brunson. 1829. " Daniel Limerick. 1830-1. Rev. John Waterman. 1832. Rev. Daniel Limerick. 1833. " J. G. Sansom. 1834-5. Rev. Wesley Kenney 1836-7. " Robert Boyd. 1838. Rev. James Mills. 1839-40. Rev. George S. Holmes. 1841-2. Rev. S. R. Brockunier. 1842-3. " Charles Thorn. 1844-5. " Charles Cook. 1846. Rev. Thomas Hudson. 1847-8. Rev. Edward Birkett. 1849-50. Rev. Wesley Kenney. 1851-2. Rev. Franklin Moore. 1853. Rev. James Henderson. 1854. " Edward Birkett. 1855-6. Rev. Charles A. Holmes. 1857-8. " A.G Williams. 1859-60. Rev. William Cox. 1861-2. Rev. Hirarr Sinsabaugh. 1863-4. " Hiram Miller. 1865-6. " J.S.Bracken. 1866. Rev. Hiram Sinsabaugh. 1867. " W. B. Watkins. 1868-70. Rev. W. A. Davidson, D.D. In August, 1809, Rev. Dr. Kendree, bishop of the church, and Rev. Francis Asbury, preached in Washington. In 1818 Wash ington was set apart as a new district, Rev. Asa Shinn being appointed presiding elder, and Rev. Thornton Fleming minister in charge. Sabbath School. In connection with the M. E. church is a Sabbath school, under the efficient management of V. Harding, Esq., as Superintendent, assisted by W. J. Wilson, as Assistant Superintendent, with Samuel Hazlett, Treasurer, Joseph M. Spriggs as Secretary, and J. Nick Hainer, Wm. Underwood, A. H. Litle, and John Seaman, as Librarians. The school was organized March 1, 1825. Engaged in the benevolent work of imparting Christian instruction to the youth of the church, are nine males and fifteen females, together with two additional females teaching the infant school, numbering twenty-six teachers, with three hundred and thirty scholars. In 1831, when John Harter, Esq., was Superintendent 'of the Sabbath school, he organized the Missionary Sabbath school by the scholars pledging to pay one cent monthly for this purpose. At the end of the year it amounted to $7.87 ; at the present time the sum contributed amounts to near $300. United Presbyterian Church. The history of this church may be dated to the 27th day of No vember, 1815, when the first meeting was held. An adjourned meek ing of the Seceder body, friendly to the erection of a house of pub lic worship, was subsequently held at the house of Major James Dunlap, on December 22, 1815, to make the necessary arrangements. At this meeting the following persons were elected but not ordained 182 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. elders, viz : Samuel Fergus, William Wylie, and John McClelland. These things transpired when under the control of the Seceders, but no house of worship was erected, nor congregation definitely estab lished because Samuel Fergus had become a prominent member of , an organization styled the Associate Reformed Church. This body purchased lot No. 64, originally owned by Col. D. Williamsou, on Belle Street, and erected thereon a brick church, but not having funds to finish the church it was sold by the sheriff to the Associate Church, who purchased and finished it. Its first minister was Rev. David Carson, who was elected Professor of He brew and Church History in the Theological Seminary of the Asso ciate Presbyterian Church, located at Canonsburg, which had received a charter from the legislature, April 8, 1833. He preached occa sionally in Washington, but was elected pastor of the church on July 1, 1834, and died September 25, 1834. His successor was the Rev. Thomas Beveridge, D.D., who officiated from February 2, 1836, to September 16, 1849, when he resigned, he being a professor in the Theological Seminary, and its transfer to Ohio occasioned his resig nation. The church called Rev. Thomas Hanna, D.D., November 16, 1849, which he filled to his death, October 1, 1862. His succes sor, the present pastor, is the Rev. J. Rankin Johnston, elected March 18, 1863. During the pastorate of Rev. Dr. Hanna, or in the year 1858, the Seceders (or Associates) and the Union (or Associate Reformed bodies) united as the United Presbyterian Church, and in 1863, five years after the union, its General Assem bly consisted of seven synods, fifty-four presbyteries, four hundred and sixty-two ministers, six hundred and seventy-one congregations, fifty-seven thousand five hundred and fourteen communicants, and three theological seminaries. Through the influence of Rev. J. Rankin Johnston and the zeal of the members, the United Presbyterian Church erected a new and beautiful churcb on Belle Street near Main Street, on lot No. 55, originally owned" by Samuel Clark. It is built of brick, sixty by eighty feet, with a gallery, and contains one hundred and eight pews. It has in addition to the audience room (which is twenty feet high, an arched ceiling of a six feet raise) a basement story of twelve feet, containing a lecture and Sabbath school room. The walls of the church are frescoed. The cost of the church was $22,500. Tne Eldership of the church consists of William Gabby, Sample Sweeny, John G. Clark, Dr. M. H. Clark, and Joseph McNary. The Trustees are John E. Bell, Lewis Barker, J. P. Fergus, A. W. Pollock, Ebenezer Rodgers, and James Leiper. Sabbath School. This church has a Sabbath school, organized in 1850, with six male and twelve female teachers, and one hundred and twenty scholars, with a library of seven hundred and twenty volumes. history of washington county. 183 Methodist Protestant Church. When this denomination was organized in 1833, its meetings were held in the court-house until 1836, when the church removed into its own edifice erected on Beau Street, on lot No. 123, now owned by R. Boyd, Esq. The edifice was built of brick, thirty-five by forty-five feet, with a basement story for class and Sabbath school ; the trustees being James L. Porter, Wm. S. Hutchinson, Wm. Hunter, S. B. Robinson, and Charles E. Jones. The lot was the bequest of William Hunter, deceased, who in his will, dated April 23d, 1839, said : "It is my desire that my executors make a deed to the trustees of the Methodist Reformed Church for a part of the lot on which their church is built, sixty by ninety feet. It is how ever distinctly understood, that on the completion of the above title I am to be clear from all responsibilities, either in a private capacity or a trustee of said society." On April 20th, 1841, Robert Officer, executor of William Hunter, dec'd, executed a deed to Charles E. Jones, John R. Griffith, William Bushfield, W. S. Hutchinson, and James L. Porter, trustees of said church. The church was incorporated January 5th, 1850 — its trustees being James L. Porter, John R. Griffith, Peter Kennedy, Simon Wolf, and David Schultz. The church was destroyed by fire in 1851, and on November 19th of the same year, the trustees, con sisting of John R. Griffith, I. D. Seaton, James T. Dagg, Peter Kennedy, and Simon Wolf sold and conveyed the lot to George W. Brice, Esq. The second church edifice was also erected on Beau Street and nearly opposite the former, on lot No. 148. It was commenced November 1st, 1851, under the supervision of the following trustees, (one of the original trustees having resigned): John R. Griffith, I. D. Seaton, James T. Dagg, Peter Kennedy, and A. B. Houston. James T. Dagg was appointed general superintendent. The build ing is of brick, forty-eight by sixty-eight feet, having sixty-seven pews with , a basement divided into class-rooms and for Sabbath- school purposes. The cost of the lot and building was $7200, and on its completion was dedicated to Almighty God in 1853, by the name of " Avery Chapel." It was named after that distinguished philan thropist and eminent Christian, Charles Avery, who by deeds and words assisted in its erection, and a marble slab bearing his name is placed in the front wall of the church by direction of a resolution of the board of trustees, adopted June 27th, 1852. The following persons have officiated as pastors of this church since its organization in 1833 : — 1833. Rev. W. Russell. 1840. Rev. Nelson Burgess. 1835. " Enos Woodward. 1842. ' J. B. Roberts. 1836. " John Burns. 1843. ' John Cowell. 1837. " J. Woodruff. 1844. ' James Robinson. 1838. " James Porter. 1845. ' Samuel Clawson. 1839. " W. Hughes. 1847. ' J. C. Hazlett. 184 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 1848. Rev. G. B. M'Elroy. 1860. Rev. W. M. Smith. 1850. ' .' F. A. Davis. 1862. " W. Wallace. 1852. ' 1 Val. Lucas. 1863. " Henry Palmer. 1853. " Noble Gillespie. 1865. " D. I. K. Rine, 1854. ' ' S. J. Dorsey. 1867. " J. D. Herr. 1855. ' ' John Scott. 1868. " W. Griffiths. 1857. ' ' W. H. Phipps. 1869. " A. S. Woods. 1859. ' ' J. D. Herr. 1870. No settled pastor. This church has a Sabbath school under the care of Peter Ken nedy, with 4 male and 5 female teachers and 55 scholars. Trinity Episcopal Church. Before entering upon the immediate history of this church it would be proper to remark that the beautiful and impressive ceremonials of the Episcopal Church had been performed in Washington as early as 1810. From my notes I find there was a meeting of the Protestant Episcopal clergymen in ' that year, and among other resolutions they passed the following resolution : — ¦ Resolved. That the Rev. Dr. Joseph Dodridge open a correspondence with the Right Reverend Bishop White, of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of obtaining through him permission from the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church to form a diocese in the western country, em bracing the western counties of Pennsylvania, Western Virginia, and the State of Ohio, to elect a Bishop. In 1812 Rev. Wm. David, of Somerset, Pennsylvania, preached occasionally in a school-house near the site of the Baptist Church, on Belle Street. Time rolls by and several families settled in Washington, who brought with them the religious principles of their choice, 'and in which they had been educated. They were not numerous enough to establish a church, and although they united with other Christian associations, yet the germ was planted in early life, and they looked forward to the period when it would both bud and blossom like Aaron's rod. In 1843 the Rev. Enos Woodward, of Brownsville, sent word to the Episcopalians that he would occasionally preach to them if a suitable place could be obtained. The college chapel was had through Professor R. H. Lee, and the fourth Sunday of each month the services of this churcb were performed by Rev. E. Woodward. On November 12th, 1843, he, with the assistance of Rev. Mr. Dyer, of Pittsburg, administered tbe Lord's Supper to their communi cants, the first time which this rite had ever been given according to the ceremonies of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this place as far as we can ascertain. While these few Episcopalians were thus meeting time and again, they were visited by Rev. K. J. Stewart, of Connellsville (who preached both in the court-house and Cumberland Presbyterian church), who advised the erection of a church, and also the pro- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 185 priety of the members holding a prayer-meeting, asking Goa to direct them in such measures as would secure a house in which their prin ciples would be taught, and in accordance with God's holy word. They met at the house of Professor Lee, and after earnest and im portunate prayer, so strong was their faith that before the services were ended, a committee consisting of Mrs. F. A. Barlow, Prof. R. H. Lee, R. P. Lane, M. D., and James R. Shannon were appointed a committee to solicit subscriptions, while the Rev. Stewart pro mised that he would bring the subject before a special convention which was shortly to assemble at Uniontown, and also the Bishop. The effect of that prayer-meeting was the erection of the church, of ¦which we shall now give a full account. On April 22d, 1844, a meeting of the congregation was held to effect a permanent organization. Rev. Enos Woodward was called to the chair, and Prof. R. H. Lee was appointed Secretary. After a mutual exchange of sentiments the meeting resolved that it was expedient to organize a Protestant Episcopal Church in Washington, and the following persons associated themselves together under the name, style, and title of the " Parish of Trinity Church," viz : Rich ard Henry Lee, Joseph Grey, Curtis P. Brown, Abigail M. Brown, Mary C. Brown, Seth T. Hurd, Daniel Brown, William Howe, Hugh H. Reynolds, R. P. Lane, Anna E. Lee, Eliza H. Hill, Francis H. Lee, Eliza M. Crafts, Letitia Poole, James R. Shannon, John Bull ing, R. Foster, Samuel Potter, Harriet Bulling, F. Anika Barlow, Rebecca Burton, Harriet Burton, Flora Lee, J. Bowman Sweitzer, James M'Corkle, Leslie Carrons. The church being thus organized, they elected R. H. Lee, R. P. Lane, Leslie Carrons, Joseph Gray, Wm. Howe, James R. Shannon, and Hugh H. Reynolds as the vestry, and the Rev. Enos Wood ward as the pastor, to which he consented. On the 13th May, 1844, the church procured an act of incorpo ration from the court. Rev. E. Woodward officiated as the rector of the church ,from its organization until May, 1845, when he resigned, and was suc ceeded by Rev. E. J. Messenger, who preached until the following August, when he tendered his resignation to become a missionary, went to Africa, and died March 28, 1846. From their organization to August, 1845, the church occupied the college hall ; but after this period they removed to the Lutheran church. Thepulpit was filled by supplies and Prof. Lee as a lay reader, from 1845 to 1850.. In June, 1850, the congregation resolved to build a church, and for this purpose they purchased lot No. 160 on the east end of Beau Street, and directly opposite the college edifice, from David Shields, for four hundred dollars. William McKennan and James R. Shan non, Esqs., were appointed the Building Committee, with full power to act. They awarded the carpenter work to Frederick Hayes, the mason work to Messrs. William Cline and A. B. Houston. It was opened for divine worship December 15, 1850, when a sermon was 13 186 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. preached from Genesis, chapter xxviii. verse 17, by Rev. Samuel Clements, who had become the rector, and took charge of the church on December 1, 1850. The cost of this church edifice was $2725 15, including the price of the lot. The furniture of the church was presented by several donors ; the carpets by Trinity Church, of Pittsburg, the chancel furniture by Christ Church, of Brownsville, the lamps by the Female Episcopal School of Philadelphia, and the chairs by St. Andrew's Church, of Philadelphia. The entire indebtedness of the church edifice being liquidated, the. Rt. Rev. Bishop Alonzo Potter consecrated the church on Septem ber 10, 1854. March 31, 1855, the Rev. Samuel Clements resigned, and Prof. R. H. Lee was elected a lay reader, to officiate as such according to the forms and canons of the church. In January, 1856, Rev. George Hall accepted the rectorship of the church, having been previously elected, and served until December, 1856, when he re signed, and Prof. R. H. Lee was again elected lay reader. In February, 1858, Prof. R. H. Lee was ordained a deacon by Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, and in the following October was ordained a priest by Rev. Bishop Bowman, Assistant Bishop, and took charge of Trinity Church as its rector. Rev. R. H. Lee served the church as a faithful and consistent ambassador of Christ until January 3, 1865, when he exchanged the church militant for the church triumphant. The devoted friends of Rev. Dr. Lee have placed in a niche in the west wall of the chancel of the church, a beautiful marble tablet, containing the following appropriate and touching inscription to his memory : — In memory of Rev. Richard Henry Lee, LL.D., Rector of this Parish from A. D. 1858 to A. D. 1865. Born in Fairfax County, Virginia, A.D. 1794. He received a classical education at Dickinson College, Pennsyl vania, and graduated with high honors at an early age. Devoting himself to the legal profession, he practised in the courts of his native State until the year 1834, when he accepted the Professorship of Ancient Languages in Washington College, Pennsylvania, a position which he exchanged in 1837 for the chair of Belles Lettres and Political Economy in the same institu tion. In 1854 he resigned his connection with the college, and was shortly afterwards commissioned Lay Reader by the Bishop of Pennsylvania. He was ordained Deacon, February 10, 1858, and became. Rector of this Parish, which owes to him, under God, its origin and organization. On Sunday, October 31, 1858, he was ordained Priest. He labored in his holy office faithfully and lovingly until the close of his life. He died January 3, 1865, aged 71 years, and was gathered unto his fathers, having the testimony-of a good conscience, in the communion of the Catholic Church, in the comfort of a reasonable religious and holy hope, in favor with God, and in perfect charity with the world. It is proper to remark that during the rectorship of Rev. Dr. Lee, the church edifice had been found so defective that it became neces sary to erect another, more durable and more commodious. In con sequence thereof the congregation, with commendable zeal, erected the present beautiful Gothic church, at an expense of $3697 20, HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 187 which is now estimated worth $10,000, which was consecrated by Bishop Potter November 17, 1863. During the time of its erection church services were held in the court-house. The successor of Rev. Dr. Lee was James Mcllvaine, who was commissioned lay reader until Rev. James A. Brown became the rector, December 22, 1865, and served until December 23, 1867, when he resigned, to enter upon a larger field of labor. His succes sor was Jacob B. McKennan, Esq., who was commissioned as lay reader by the Bishop on January 1, 1868. The present vestry of the church consists of Wm. McKennan, Wm. W. Smith, James Mcllvaine, Jacob B. McKennan, Jr., Wm. B. McKennan,' H. H. Reynolds, Hugh Q. Miller, and Samuel Hargraves. On October 17, 1869, Rev. J. K. Mendenhall preached his first sermon in Trinity church, and was ordained November 5, 1869, Rector of the parish, by Rt. Rev. Bishop J. D. Kerfoot, Bishop of the diocese. The church purchased a bell weighing 2040 pounds; the tenor bell of a peal of bells, which was placed in its proper position in the bell-tower, between the church and parish school- house, and first rung January 16, 1870. Sunday School. On June 9, 1844, a Sunday school was established, with Professor Lee as its superintendent, having four male and five female teachers. This school has an excellent library. Parish School-house. The congregation resolved, on August 29, 1868, to erect a parish school-house on the church property in the rear of the church. This praiseworthy object, through the liberality of its members, was completed, February 27, 1869, at an expense of nine hundred and twenty-three dollars and sixty-six cents. Bequest to Trinity Church. On the 11th of May, 1865, Wm. L. Bowman, son of James Bow man, Esq., of Brownsville, died in the 26th year of his age. When a student of law in Washington, he became a communicant in this church; and so greatly attached was he, to the church in which he devoted his life, his heart, his all to his Redeemer, that he manifested his love for it by providing in his will that his executors should pay the legal representatives of the church two thousand dollars, the in terest of which should be annually applied to the rector's salary, and the principal invested for this purpose. German Church. The German Evangelical Lutheran and Reformed church is bound ed by Walnut Street on the north ; lot No. 262 on the east; Spruce Alley on the south, and lot No. 265 on the west; the church own- 188 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. ing lots Nos. 263 and 264, upon which is a frame meeting-house and attached thereto is a burial-ground. These lots were sold by John and William Hoge to Thomas Woodward August 29, 1786, and conveyed by him to Peter Snyder September 12, 1787. On May 5, 1812, P. Snyder and wife sold to Jacob Weirich, Lewis Hewitt, David Sedicker, and Christian Hornish, trustees and managers of the German Lutheran and Presbyterian Church. On October 13, 1840, they procured an act of incorporation from the court, authorizing the election of nine trustees, and incorporated as the German Evangelical Lutheran Church. We shall give the respective ministers of the church as far as we have been able tovascertain them; although the records of the church are very unsatisfactory, we must depend alone upon oral testimony. The first minister was the Rev. Mr. Monesmith ; his successor was the Rev. Henry Weygandt, who officiated for sixteen years. In 1832, Rev. Abraham Winters, of the United Brethren, filled the pul pit; his successor was Rev. John Brown, a Lutheran; after him was Rev. Charles Swissler, a Reformed German preacher. He fvas suc ceeded by Rev. Mr. Doubert; his successor Rev. Mr. Beckerman, a Lutheran. Then followed the Rev. H. B. Miller, from 1830 until March 14, 1836, when Rev. Abraham Weill s occupied the pulpit for eighteen years, or until 1854. His successors were Rev. C. G. Fred ericks, Rev. T. Hartley, Rev. P. Sweigert, and Rev. Z. H. Gable. This church has lately been refitted, and although the people have been scattered, our German population are uniting in the noble effort of resuscitating the waste places of this branch of Zion, so that the church of their fathers may again take its place among those of our ancient borough, dispensing evangelical truths. Second Presbyterian Church. On the. 9th day of December, 1860, a meeting of the First Pres byterian Congregation of Washington was held in the church to consider the necessity of enlarged church accommodations, and ap pointed the following Committee to report at an adjourned meeting on December 27, 1860. The Committee consisted of Collin M. Reed, D. S. Wilson, Thomas MeKean, Robert F. Strean, Jackson Spriggs, Dr. J. W. Wisbart, J. D. Chambers, and William Hughes. The congregation met at the time appointed to hear the report of the Committee. A majority of the Committee reported that the only feasible plan for increasing church accommodations was another church organization, and suggested the following preamble and reso lution ;^ Believing it to be our duty to furnish the means of hearingto all who may desire or can be constrained to listen to the preaching of the divine mes sage ; that said accommodation is not furnished at our present church, and any increase of sittings is impracticable and inexpedient, and that the size of our congregation justifies the recommendation of the formation of anew congregation as the only effectual remedy in the present exigency, therefore HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 189 Resolved, That in the opinion of this congregation the interest of religion would be promoted by the organization of a Second Presbyterian congregation in Washington, and whenever any number of persons will signify their willing ness to engage in a new church enterprise, this congregation will lend them all the aid, comfort, and encouragement in its power, and to that end do now appoint a committee to co-operate with them in the accomplishment of this object. The Committee appointeA were Collin M. Reed, Thomas MeKean, John Grayson, Jr., H. H. Clarke, and W. B. Cundall. This committee bad a "conference with the session of the First Presbyterian church on February 2, 1861, for the purpose of fulfil- ing the above-mentioned wishes of the congregation, and requested the session to designate two or more members of their number who may favor the project, and carry out the desire of the congregation. In view, therefore, of the congregation's action in initiating the move ment, a movement prompted by a sincere regard for the interest of religion and the advancement of Presbyterianism in this community, the session unanimously Resolved, That as the Committee requested the session, if in accordance with their views, to designate two of their number to go off, and the session having learned that the two members desired by the persons favorable to this movement are Dr. John W. Wishart and H. H. Clarke, therefore, if these brethren should feel themselves assured that such is their duty, whilst retaining unabated and unqualified confidence and Christian affection for them as brethren, and also expressing our sorrow at the thought of their separation from our number, yet we cannot withhold our consent, and will follow them with our prayers for the blessing of the Master upon themselves individually, and upon the enterprise with which they are to be connected. Resolved, That we recommend to the members of the church and con gregation, so far as they may severally feel enabled and inclined, to lend this movement all the aid, comfort, and encouragement in their power. An application was accordingly made to Presbytery on March 12,. 1861, for the organization of a Second Presbyterian church, which held a pro re nata meeting in the First Presbyterian church, Rev. Dr. John W. Scott being moderator, and Rev. W. B. Keeling clerk. Dr. John W. Wishart, representing one hundred petitioners, of whom thirty-six were communicants, presented the necessary papers, when, on motion of Rev. James I. Brownson, the prayer of the petitioners was granted. On motion of Rev. N. B. Lyon, the new organization was styled the Second Presbyterian church. On motion of Collin M. Reed, the following persons were desig nated as ruling elders, viz : Dr. J. W. Wishart, H. H. Clarke, Wm. B. Cundall, and John Grayson, Jr. On motion of H. H. Clarke, David Aiken and Wm. J. Matthews, wcr6 cl6ctcd dfiflCODS * A constitution was adopted and the following gentlemen were elected trustees, viz: Collin M. Reed, Andrew Brady, Norton McGiffin, William Blair, and John Baird. 190 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. The Rev. R. V. Dodge, of Wheeling, was unanimously chosen the pastor, and the trustees directed to procure the college hall for the meetings of the congregation, until more satisfactory arrangements i could be made. Notwithstanding all these preliminary movements, the church was not at that time organized, but the members returned to the first church, as the following minutes of the church record show. A meeting of the session of the first church was held September 7, 1861, and adopted the following preamble and resolution : — Whereas, On the 12th day of March, 1861, the session dismissed a num ber of members of this church to be organized into a Presbyterian church ; and whereas, in the present disturbed state of the country and the depressed condition of money matters, there would seem to be no possibility of such organization being carried forward ; and whereas, the present church rela tions of the persons so dismissed are peculiar and embarrassing to all par ties, therefore it was unanimously Resolved, That this session do most cordially invite the persons thus dismissed to renew their former relation to this church, assuring them of a most hearty welcome to our fellowship and to a participation in the cares and responsibilities of private and official membership, as heretofore. The hindrances being removed, the members generally composing the Second Presbyterian church held a congregational meeting on April 7th, 1864, and unanimously resolved to proceed at once to carry out the object originally contemplated by their organization. A unanimous call was given to Rev. R. V. Dodge, who accepted the same, and "on the 15th day of May, 1864, he preached his intro ductory sermon in Smith's Hall, the present place of worship, but was not installed as pastor until October 4, 1864. On June 26, 1864, the first communion was administered. During the pastorate of the Rev. R. V. Dodge, H. H. Clarke, "Esq., was installed ; and W. B. Cundall and John Grayson, Jr., were ordained elders on June 19, 1864 ; H. J. Vankirk and Wm. Blaii were installed as deacons. April, 1868, Freeman Brady, Jr., and Morgan Hayes were installed as deacons. Rev. R. V. Dodge resigned his charge May, 1868, and the Rev. J. C. Caldwell was elected June 1, 1868, and installed August 1 1868. February 14, 1869, Robert Boyd and Hugh McClelland were in stalled elders ; and Freeman Brady and John B. Vowell were or dained elders. Rev. J. C. Caldwell officiated as minister until December 28, 1869, when he resigned. On April 12, 1870, Rev. Henry Wood| Professor in Washington and Jefferson College, was elected. Sabbath School , The 2d Presbyterian church has a Sabbath school connected therewith, having an excellent library. It was organized July 17, 1864, by a vote of the congregation, which was held May 23, 1864. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 191 The first officers of the school were John Grayson, Jr., superintend ent ; H. H. Clarke, assistant-superintendent ; John Baird and W. Blair, librarians ; H. J. Vankirk, treasurer and secretary. Its pre sent officers are Robert Winters, superintendent ; H. H. Clarke, assistant-superintendent ; J. B. Vowell, Charles Butts, and James McCollum, librarians; H. J. Vankirk, treasurer; B. McCollum, secretary. The school has ten male and ten female teachers, with 150 scholars. It has also an infant school, under the care of Miss Anastasie Morgan, having upon the roll 82 members. The Board of Trustees consists of Col. W. Hopkins, Charles Hayes, A. B. Caldwell, A. Winters, and M. G. Koontz. The number of members connected with the church is two hun dred and fourteen. Roman Catholic Church. The first account we have of preaching by this denomination in Washington was on February 1, 1824, at the house of Matthew Blake, by the Rev. P. Rafferty, although preaching was held pre viously at Williamsport, now Monongahela City, in this county. After an interval of ten years, or in 1834, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Francis Patrick Kenrick, who had already established a chapel near West Alexander, on the 27th of March, 1825, and to which the members of this church were attached, on account of the distance, made Washington a missionary station, and sent the Rev. S. Maz- zuchelli as the first missionary. He preached at the Old Good tavern, the sign of the black horse, south of Catfish Run. The property is now owned by Dr. F. J. Lemoyne. In this house mass was celebrated for the first time in Washington, and also preaching. This denomination at that time were all German Catholics, except Michael Kaine, deceased (the father of C. C. Kaine, formerly one of the editors of the "Examiner"), who was an Irishman. Shortly after this period the congregation was visited by Bishop Kenrick, but the preaching was held in the court-house. In 1836 the bishop made another visit, and confirmed many in the faith of the church — this being the first time the rite was held here. June 21, 1837, Bishop Kenrick preached in the German Lutheran church. In 1835, however, the bishop sent the Rev. Mr. Gallagher to this missionary field, which embraced this place, Waynesburg, and Brownsville. Rev. Gallagher officiated until 1843. His successors were Rev. James Kearney in 1844, Rev. Mr. Duffy in 1845, Rev. Jerome Kearney in 1846, Rev. Mr. Gallagher in 1847, Rev. Dennis Kear ney in 1848, Rev. Mr. Reynolds in 1849, Rev. Wm. Lambert in 1850, Rev. Mr. McGowan in 1851, Rev. Daniel Hickey in 1852— who died at West Alexander in 1854— Re'v. James Farran in 1854, Rev. Francis Joseph O'Shea in 1855, Rev. Jerome Kearney in 1856, Rev. Francis Joseph O'Shea in 1857, Rev. Dennis Kearney in 1858, Rev. Wm Noland in 1859, Rev. F. J. O'Shea in 1861, Rev. Patrick 192 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Shehan in 1862, Rev. John P. Tenney in 1864, Rev. John Scanlon in 1866, and Rev. Thomas McEnrue in 1868. In the fall of 1841 a lot was purchased for a chapel on the na tional pike, nearly opposite the gas-works, where the house of John D. Martin now stands ; but, after its purchase, so strong was the opposition to Catholicism that several of the purchasers of the ad joining lots gave the proprietor notice that they would not build upon them if the church was established in that part of the town. The matter was finally adjusted by the Rev. M. Gallagher and Ephraim Blaim, Esq. — the church waiving her interest in the lot. On the 5th of March, 1842, alot was bought on the east end of Belle Street from John M. Davis, of Pittsburg (the present site of the chapel), being forty by sixty feet, for sixty dollars. The purchase money was subscribed by the following persons, viz : Anthony Renz $10, Francis Egan $10, William Erret $10, James Rush $10, Michael Metzner $5, Michael Kirchner $10, and Rev. M. Gallagher $10. Mr. Anthony Renz and Marie Jane his wife presented an adjoin ing lot of twenty by eighty feet, on March 22, 1842. Both deeds were made to Bishop Kenrick in trust for the church. The church was commenced in 1843, and finished in 1844. The carpenter-work was performed by Henry B. Roswell and Wm. Mc llvaine ; the mason-work by James Hamilton, at a cost of twenty- five hundred dollars. Although preaching was held in it, the chapel was not entirely completed and consecrated until 1854, when it was dedicated and consecrated by Rev. Bishop Wheelin. Bishop Kenrick felt a deep interest in the prosperity of this church, and visited it four times ; in addition to the places he preached which we have mentioned, he also preached once in the Lutheran church and once in the court-house. At the confirmation held in 1836, there were but eight families, consisting of sixteen persons, enrolled themselves under the banner of the church; in 1869 there are forty families, and the church has three hundred members. It is worthy to remark that Mrs. Carrol, a member of the denomi nation, died and was buried in the lot, and her grave is beneath the altar of the church. Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Rev. Robert Donnell, Rev. Reuben Burrow, and Rev. Alfred Bryan, regularly ordained ministers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, on the 29th of September, 1831, met in the court-house at Washington, and organized the church, by receiving into its commu nion Abel M. S. Gordon, William Fleming, Charles Andrew, J. Hu- per, Elizabeth Wiley, Mary Jordan, Ann Jordan, Martha Mahaffey, and Amelia Mahaffey. On the 30th October, 1831, this church held its second meeting in the Baptist Church, when the Rev. Alfred Bryan was assisted by Rev. John Morgan, and twenty-nine persons were added to the church. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 193 On the 27th of November, its third meeting was held in the court house, and ten persons were added. On January 23, 1832, Rev. A Bryan was assisted by Rev. Milton Bird, and six persons 'received. February 24, 1832, an election for ruling elders was held. Peter Wolfe, Moses Little, and A. M. S. Gordon were elected and or dained ruling elders. December. 25, 1832, John Hewitt and Andrew Bell were elected and ordained elders. 1835, June 14, the church dedicated by Rev. Alfred Bryan. September 21, 1835, James Mc Dowell; March, 1838, James Guttery, Ezekiel Tharp, and William Smith ; 1844, Odel Squier; 1851, William Smith, were elected elders. March 24, 1832, Samuel McFarland, Alex. Ramsey, John Wilson, William Smith, were elected trustees. March 24, 1846, William Smith, Matthew Griffin, Joseph Martin, and Ezekiel Tharp. Janu ary 11, 1858, Hugh Munnel, John Guthery, James McElree, and H. B. McCollum. The first Board of Trustees were authorized to procure a house of worship. In 1834, Samuel McFarland erected the church edifice on Belle Street, from voluntary contributors and his own private funds, and in 1856, it appears the church was in debt to him $970. The reason given on the records why the church did not prosper, was their failing in their contract on this occasion, and also promising preachers more than they gave them. The ministers who have been ordained as pastors were Rev. S. M. Aaston, Rev. J. Shook, Rev. J. Eddv, Rev. Milton Bird, Rev. A. T. Reese, Rev. W. E. Post, Rev. S.*E. Hudson, Rev. S. Mur- dock, Rev. P. Axtel, Rev. Robert Martin, Rev. J. C. Thompson, Rev. A. S. Robertson, Rev. Frederick Wall, Rev. John R. Brown, Rev. Weaver, and Rev. John Edmiston. In 1867, from a variety of causes, the church did not meet, there being no pastor, and the people united with other churches. The building is rented to the Disciple Church. "Disciples of Christ." » Before giving a history of the different church organizations in this county, we would prefix the following account of this religious denomination : — In their associated organization they aro called the Church of Christ, or the Christian Church/but in their individual religious ca pacity "Disciples of Christ." As early as 1803 a church was con stituted in the Pigeon Creek settlement, under the labors of Rev. Matthias Luce, the Rev. Speers, and others, taking the Holy Scrip tures for their rule of faith and practice. The record itself styles this organization "The Gospel Church." This church was after wards called the Baptist church, the cause of its origin being brought about by Rev. Charles Wheeler, who, in an effort to introduce the creed of that denomination, said, " Those that subscribed to the creed 194 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. would be known and recognized as the regular Baptist Church of Pigeon Creek, those who would not, as Campbellites." In 1807, Rev. Thomas Campbell emigrated to the United States (a member of the General Associate Synod of Scotland) and was received by the Presbytery of Chartiers. So zealous was he in the advocacy of the all-sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures designed ex pressly for the edification and perfection of the Christian church, that he felt it to be his duty to remonstrate against the doctrines and commandments of men in the form of creeds, confessions, and cate chisms, arguing therefrom that Protestant denominations had usurped more or less the forms, the teachings, and the preachings of the divinely commissioned apostles. This teaching was opposed by his co-presbyters, and on the 17th of August, 1809, a meeting was held on the head waters of Buffalo, in this county, in which a declaration and address of the Christian Association of Washington was adopted "for the sole purpose of promoting simple evangelical Christianity, free from all mixture of human opinions and inventions of men." In its declaratibn, this society " by no means considers itself a church, nor does it at all assume to itself the powers peculiar to such a society, nor do the members as such consider themselves as standing connected in that relation, nor as at all associated for the peculiar purposes of church association, but merely as voluntary advocates for church reformation. Notwithstanding these principles as announced in the declaration and address, we find here, on the 4th day of May, 1811, organized a number of those who belonged to the (Buffalo) Christian Association, into a church with no other creed but the Bible. While upon this subject, we may remark that at a meeting of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church, held October 4, 1810, Rev. Thomas Campbell, formerly a member of the Associate Synod, but representing himself as a member of the Christian Association of Washington, applied to be taken into Christian ministerial standing. The records show that Rev. Mr. Campbell was heard at length, but the Synod unanimously resolved that however specious the plan of the Christian Association, and however seducing its professions, as experience of the effects of similar projects in other parts has evinced their baleful tendency and destructive operations on the whole in terests of religion by promoting divisions instead of union, by de grading the ministerial character, by providing free admission to any errors in doctrine, and to any corruptions in discipline, whilst a nominal approbation of the Scriptures as the only standard of truth may be professed, the synod are constrained to disapprove the plan and its natural effects. It was also resolved that Rev. Mr. Camp bell's request to be received into ministerial and Christian communion cannot be granted. The Synod's disapprobation was not on account of moral, character, but on account of his peculiar views, as being inconsistent with the standards of the Presbyterian church. Afterwards Rev. Thomas Campbell sought to persuade his breth ren to a stricter observance of the literal teachings of the New HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 195 Testament. Meeting, therefore, with opposition, and being driven to a closer examination of the Scriptures, he continued to impart the light which dawned upon his own mind to his hearers, and following out their own convictions they soon found themselves drifting away, not only from church standard, but from every other organization built upon what they styled a human platform. He found all his proposals to his Presbyterian friends as embodied in the Buffalo de claration and address rejected, and himself and friends cut off from all church privileges, hence they sought a closer union to Christ, by announcing that they believed that the primitive apostolic mode of worship could be attained without the embittered feelings of selfish ness engendered by sectarian strife. Consequently, on the 4th of May, 1811, a number of those who had belonged to the Christian associ ation were organized into a church with no other creed but the Bible. At this meeting Thomas Campbell was appointed elder, his son Alexander was licensed to preach the gospel, and John Dawson, George Sharp, William Gilchrist, and James Foster were chosen deacons. Upon the basis of the declaration and address, elder Thomas Campbell formed two congregations, one at Cross Roads, six miles northwest of Washington, Penna., and the other on Brush Run, eight miles southwest of the same place. This denomination has the following churches in Washington County, one in Washington, formerly at Martinsburg, two miles east of the borough, one at Pigeon Creek, one at Maple Creek, one at Peters Creek, one at West Middleton, one at the Dutch Fork, one at Independence, and one at West Findley. Washington Cumberland Church. The church in Washington worships regularly in the Cumberland Presbyterian church, having leased the same for this purpose. It was originally organized at the house of Richard B. Chaplin, in Washington, on Thursday evening, the 12th day of May, 1831. The persons present on that occasion were Richard B .'Chaplin, Samuel Marshall, Henry Langley, Frederick Huffman, and Franklin Dun ham, Mrs. Sophia Chaplin, Jane McDermot, Hannah Acheson, and Hannah Marshall, who, after mature deliberation, formed themselves into a church, having for their rule of faith and practice the Holy Scriptures, and submitting themselves to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles. They also appointed R. B. Chaplin and Samuel Marshall to preside at their meetings for worship and to ad minister the ordinances. On May 15, 1831, the church met at R. B. Chaplin's house for the first time, and the brethren and sisters broke the loaf and partookof the wine, in commemoration of the sufferings and death of Christ. Since which time they continued to meet at the house of Samuel Marshall, and the school-house on the farm of Henry Vankirk, Sr., four miles south of Washington, until the fall of 1836, when they 196 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. removed to the brick meeting house'in Williamsburg, where the church continued to meet until June, 1867, when they removed to Washington, to hold their meetings in the Cumberland Presbyterian church. The ministers who have regularly officiated were Professor Robert Milligan, of Washington College, and Rev. L. P. Streater, when the church was at Williamsburg, but since its removal to Washing ton, Rev. J. B. Crane took charge of it in 1867, and Rev. T. A. Crenshaw in 1869. Baptist Church. This church was regularly constituted on October 14, 1814, in Washington, by delegates previously appointed by each of the Bap tist churches of Peters Creek, Tenmile, and Uniontown, with such others as should meet as an advisory council. Peters Creek church was represented by Rev. David Phillips, Charles Daily, and Joseph Phillips ; Tenmile Creek by Rev. Matthias Luse ; Uniontown church by Rev. William Brownfield. On the 15th of October, 1814, the Rev. Charles Wheeler was or dained to the ministry and received the imposition of hands by Rev. D. Phillips, M. Luce, and W. Brownfield-. This church adopted the covenant and constitution as expressed in the Confession of Faith adopted by the Philadelphia Baptist Asso ciation. On the 25th of March, 1811, the legislature passed an act to confirm the title of the First Baptist church to lot No. 77, on Belle Street, in the town of Washington. The members of the congregation met at the brick school-house in the rear of the lot, on November 17, 1817, to take into consideration the building of a house of worship, when a subscription paper was opened and a committee appointed to procure subscriptions. Feb ruary 1,1819, the subscribers were notified to pay their subscriptions without delay to John Barrington and Hugh Wilson, as the church edifice was finished. This is the plain substantial brick church which stands on the western end of Belle Street. Rev. Charles Wheeler was pastor of the church from 1814 to 1839. Rev. Mr. Anderson was his successor, and resigned in March, 1842. Rev. C. T. Johnson was elected October 15, 1842, and served until September 9, 1843, when he was succeeded by Rev. J. B. W. Tisdell, who preached until October 2, 1846. His immediate successor was the Rev. Thomas Swain, who resigned September, 18'50. Rev. George W. Young took charge of the congregation December 19, 1850, and upon his resignation he was followed by Rev. Malachi Taylor, who was installed December 5, 1855 ; he resigned and Rev. John Boyd became his successor, April 16, 1858, who preached until January, 1 860, when the Rev. William Wood supplied the pulpit un til the election of Rev. Robert Telford, on February 18, 1866, but he resigned June 10, 1868, since which time the church has had no regular minister, but is occasionally supplied. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 197 In connection with the Baptist church, we might add that a meet ing of the stockholders of the brick school-house erected upon the Baptist church lot was held on the 27th of May, 1816, to establish a Female Baptist Seminary, when a constitution was adopted. The seminary was subsequently opened by Rev. Charles Wheeler, assisted by Miss C. Cairns. A. M. E. Church Was organized in the year 1818. Of its history all I could glean were the names of its founders, viz : Benjamin Dorsey, George Bol- den, John Clouby, Caleb Eddy, Hark Lives, Margaret Cramer, Hannah Smith, Terry Robinson, Maria Conner, Betsy Phillips, and Chloe Warfield. They have a neat frame church with a Sabbath school connected. Wright's Chapel (an African church) has a small building near the former, with a Sunday school. Branch Bank of Philadelphia. Bank of Washington. Franklin Bank of Washington, and First National Bank of Washington. These four institutions have existed in our town, and we shall speak of them'separately. The Bank of Philadelphia was chartered March 5, 1804. By additional legislation on March 3, 1809, it was permitted to establish eight branches, provided the people of the place in which it was proposed to be located would sanction it. Washington was selected, and its citizens sanctioned its establishment. Its original charter was limited to 1814, but afterwards extended to May 1, 1824. They erected a banking-house on the corner of Main Street and Strawberry Alley (now owned by David Aiken, Esq.), which cost $11,700, and sold it when the bank closed to the Bank of Washing ton. Parker Campbell was President, and John Neale Cashier. It existed from 1810 to 1822. Bank of Washington. On the 10th of January, 1814, the people of Washington County, in general meeting assembled, considered the expediency of establish ing an original bank, with a capital stock of five hundred thousand dollars; shares to be valued at fifty dollars each. The people sanctioned the project, and the grand jury indorsed it in the follow ing words : " We conceive it to be our duty to countenance and en courage all institutions, companies, or associations that have for their end the genuine interests of the county. They conceive the contem plated association called the Bank of Washington, is of that character. They, therefore, earnestly recommend it to the attention 198 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. of the legislature, and pray that a charter of incorporation be granted to said bank." This indorsement was signed by Daniel Leet, foreman, and eighteen grand jurors. This influence had the desired effect upon the legislature, for we find that they passed a general banking law on the 24th of March, 1814, dividing the State into twenty-seven districts, limiting its charter for eleven years, or until the year 1825. Thomas H. Baird was elected President, and John Barrington Cashier ; the capital stock to be not less than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or more than two hundred and twenty thousand. The Directors named to sell stock on May 4, 1814, were Thomas Patterson, David Shields, Thomas McGiffin, Thomas Hoge, Alex ander Murdoch, Daniel Moore, and Parker Campbell. In January, 1818, the Bank of Washington forfeited its charter, but it was afterwards revived, February 2, 1818, the causes having been removed ; but on March 23, 1818, it was rechartered under the name of the Franklin Bank of Washington. It must be borne in mind that this is not the present institution, of which we shall speak presently. On account of the mismanage ment of its finances, and continued lawsuits, it ceased to exist, although the legislature was required from time to time to extend its charter, Franklin Bank of Washington. On March 9, 1836, an act was passed incorporating the Franklin Bank of Washington, and appointed as Commissioners Alexander Reed, Daniel Moore, William Hunter, Robert Officer, Thomas McGiffin, F. J. Lemoyne, David Eckert, Jacob Slagle, Henry Lang ley, John K. Wilson, Thomas McCall, William Brownlee, George Wilson, Samuel Murdoch, Walter Craig, Samuel McFarland, James Stevens, Thomas Morgan, John Cooke, Enoch Wright, William Smith, Joseph Henderson, Alexander Sweeney, Samuel Mount, C. M. Reed, Aaron Fenton, James Ruple, George Black, John Morgan, James Watson, John S. Brady, and T. M. T. McKennan. These Commissioners met, and on April 30th, appointed Robert Officer, David Eckert, and Dr. F. J. Lemoyne to sell eight hundred shares of the capital stock of the Bank, it being limited to five hundred thousand dollars. The amount being sold on May 19, the balance of the stock was disposed of. September 15, 1836, the stockholders held an election for direc tors, which resulted in the selection of Alexander Reed, Daniel Moore, Daniel Houston, David Eckert, William Hunter, Samuel Murdoch, Nathan Pusey, William Brownlee, Thomas McCall, Robert Wylie, John S. Brady, Aaron Fenton, arid George Wilson. The directors elected Alexander Reed, President, and John Mar shall, Cashier. On account of the decease of Alexander Reed, the HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 199 directors, on September 22, 1842, elected Daniel Houston, who served as President until December 21, 1843, when T. M. T. McKen nan, Esq., was elected. Mr. McKennan having deceased, Collin M. Reed was elected July 29, 1852, and filled the office until the Bank became the First National Bank. John Marshall continued as Cashier until March 16, 1857, when James Mcllvaine, the present incumbent, was elected. On April 20, 1837, Samuel Cunningham was elected Clerk. First National Bank. The Franklin Bank of Washington was reorganized by the stock holders as the First National Bank of Washington, on January 1, 1865, with C. M. Reed as President, James Mcllvaine as Cashier, Samuel Cunningham as Clerk. On May 1, 1865, Andrew S. Ritchie, Esq., was appointed Teller. The capital stock of the Bank is one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, with a surplus fund of seventy thousand dollars. It owns a fine two-story brick banking-house, on Main Street and Bank Alley, valued at four thousand five hundred and sixty-eight dollars. The first Board of Directors of the First National Bank were C. M. Reed, A. W. Acheson, J. S. Brady, M. H. Clark, William Davis, H. H. Clark, John H. Ewing, Joseph Henderson, Thomas MeKean, Jacob Slagle, Alexander Seaman, John Stewart, and James Watson. Banking Houses. There are two banking houses also in Washington, William Smith and Son, and Samuel Hazlett, both of which are extensively engaged in their legitimate business. Washington Female Seminary. The origin of this seminary can be truthfully dated to the 26th November, 1835, when the following citizens met at the house of T. M. T. McKennan, Esq., to take the initiatory movement to organize a female seminary in this borough. The citizens referred to were Rev. David Elliott, John Harter, John Wilson, James Reed, Wm. J. Wilson, William Hunter, Jacob Slagle, Robert Officer, William Smith, David Eckert, John Koontz, and T. M. T. McKennan. Rev. Dr. D. Elliott appointed Chairman, and T. M. T. McKennan, Sec retary. Many other citizens were, from business and professional duties, prevented from attending the first meeting, but their devo tion to the establishment of a female seminary was afterwards evinced by their zeal and perseverance in advancing its interests. Their names are Alexander Reed, Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, Thomas Morgan, Samuel Mount, Samuel McFarland, John Grayson, John H. Ewing, James Brice, John K. Wilson, Dr. James Stevens, Alex ander Ramsey, James Ruple, Alex. Sweeney, Wm. Sample, James 200 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. McCadden, John Marshall, Andrew Shearer, Dr. John Wishart, Samuel Hazlett, George Kuntz, Robert Wylie, Rev. Dr. D. McCon- aughy, James McCoy, Joseph Lawrence, Dr. Robert R. Reed, John L. Gow, Samuel Cunningham, Collon M. Reed, John S. Brady, Hugh W. Wilson, D. Houston, Dr. H. Buchanan, Sample Sweeney, John Bausman, Daniel Moore, James G. Strean, Rev. Thomas Hanna, Dr. R. P. Lane, N. F. Brobst, Joseph Templeton, Samuel Vance, Hon. Abraham Wootring, Wm. Brownlee, James and Henry Langley, Wm. McKennan, George Lonkert, Samuel Clokey, Wm. Gabby, Rev. James I. Brownson, Dr. M. H. Clark, Dr. John W. Wishart, Dr. Thomas McKennan, Thomas MeKean, and V. Hard ing, who have been its warm and steadfast friends, promoting its interests pecuniarily, by subscription to stock and otherwise, as the records of the Board, of Trustees constantly show. It is eminently due, therefore, that their names should be perpetuated, many of whom will appear in its history as its trustees. At the meeting of the 26th of November, referred to, and after a full interchange of opinion, Messrs. Jacob Slagle, John Koontz, and David Eckert were appointed to ascertain if a suitable place could be procured for opening a seminary in the spring of 1836, while Messrs. T. M. T. McKennan, Wm. Hunter, John Harter, Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, and Thomas Morgan were authorized to confer with Alexander Reed, Esq., on the prospect of purchasing lots for the erection of a seminary on the east end of Maiden Street. The Committee to procure a suitable place reported on November 30th that the Masonic Hall, which stood on the eastern end of the lot, upon which was the residence of John Grayson, Esq., with an entrance from Maiden Street, east of Main, could be rented, where upon the same committee were instructed to rent the same; based upon the encouraging fact that Messrs. David Eckert, James Reed, and Samuel Mount had ascertained that between thirty and forty scholars would be obtained, the tuition of which would yield between six and seven hundred dollars. While these committees were making the preliminary arrangements about a suitable place and tuition, the Committee on the purchase of ground upon which to erect seminary buildings repprted that Mr. Alexander Reed would sell the lots for the contemplated purpose. The friends of the establishment of the seminary believing that its varied interests would be better promoted by procuring the sale of stock, in which every citizen would feel a deep interest, appointed Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, Alexander Sweeney, and James Reed to ascer tain what amount could be procured, who, on December 18, 1835, reported the sale of eighty-five shares, equivalent to $4250. With such encouraging prospects Messrs. F. J. Lemoyne, T. M. T. McKennan, Samuel McFarland, and Thomas Morgan were in structed to procure two suitable persons for teachers. This com mittee, at a subsequent meeting, reported that they had procured the services of Mrs. Francis Biddle, and had given her authority to HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 201 select an assistant. Her stipulated salary to be six hundred dollars, clear of rent, fuel, furniture, and incidental expenses. The trustees also resolved that all excess over the six hundred dollars, derived from tuition, and the payment of all incidental expenses, should be paid to Mrs. Biddle in addition to hei> salary. T. M. T. McKennan, Esq., chairman of the Committee to confer with Alexander Reed, Esq., on the purchase of his lots, reported December 18, 1835, that Mr. Reed would sell the lots for two hun dred and fifty dollars, and the price of the fencing, which would be about fifty dollars ; which report was accepted, and the trustees in structed to purchase the lots. The lots being secured, and $4250 subscribed, Messrs. Alexander Sweeney, James Reed, and W. J. Wilson were appointed to obtain plans, &c, for the contemplated seminary buildings; and, on the 14th March, 1836, the stockholders held their first meeting for a permanent organization, under the articles of association which had been prepared by Rev. Dr. McConaughy, Alexander Reed, and Dr. F. J. Lemoyne. The building committee delayed making a report until March 14, 1836, when they reported and recommended that a building committee be elected, with full power to adopt a plan, ob tain sealed proposals for work and materials, contract for sinking a well and putting a pump therein, to have a general superintendence, and draw upon the treasurer to meet the necessary expenses. This well-matured recommendation met the unanimous approval of the trustees, and the following persons were elected said committee, viz : Dr F. J. Lemoyne, James Reed, James Ruple, Robert Officer, and James Brice. John Harter was appointed treasurer, instructed to collect one- fifth part of each share of stock, and pay the same out to the order of the building committee. He served as such until July 30, 1836, when Alexander Sweeney was appointed, and served until October 26, 1837, when John Grayson was elected. Messrs. John Koontz, David Eckert, John Grayson, R. H. Lee, and Rev. Dr. D. Elliott were instructed to provide suitable furniture, and act as a board of trus tees and visitors for the present year. The trustees directed the building committee, on July 30, 1836, to call in the remaining instal ments in such proportions as may be necessary to defray the expenses of the new buildings and premises. On the 14th of February, 1837, the stockholders adopted a new constitution, having in view the necessity of procuring an act of in corporation from the legislature. This constitution contained fifteen articles^ vesting certain powers in the board of trustees — to consist of nine members, elected annually by the stockholders; to fill vacancies, to provide the mode of election on shares of stock, to employ a principal, and manage the preliminary affairs of the insti tution, placing the edifice and appurtenances under the care of the principal and trustees; the principal to have charge of the domestic affairs of the seminary, under the sanction of the trustees ; the 14 202 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. principal and her assistants to instruct the scholars in such a course of studies as the trustees would approve ; dividing the seminary into three classes, and requiring three years' study to complete the course and receive a diploma ; the trustees to establish the price of tuition, fees, &c. ; the treasurer to be elected by the stockholders, and dividends to be declared when the institution is free of debt, and an annual report to be made. Such were its provisions, which in strument, after discussion, was unanimously adopted. Under the constitution an election for nine trustees was held February 17, 1837: the Board consisting of Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, John Marshall, Jacob Slagle, Dr. John Wishart, Rev. D. McCo- naughy, Joseph Lawrence, Dr. Robert R. Reed, John L. Gow, and Alexander Reed. While upon the subject of trustees I shall at this time add the names of those who have filled and are now filling the office : — September 26, 1837, Dr. F'. J. Lemoyne, Dr. R. R. Reed, Jacob Slagle, Rev. Dr. D, McConaughy, were re-elected, and John H. Ewing, James Brice, John Grayson, Samuel Hazlett, and Samuel Cunningham constituted the Board. December 11, 1850, Dr. Wilson Addison and Mr. Ross, executors of the estate of Mrs. Jane Addison, deceased, executed a deed for four feet of ground adjoining the seminary lot, which enabled the trustees to adopt a plan for the building so as to occupy the ground up to the Addison grant. On the 14th of April, 1838, the legislature incorporated the Washington Female Seminary, and appointed as trustees Rev. Dr. D. McConaughy, Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, Dr. John Wishart, John Grayson, Jacob Slagle, Dr. R. R. Reed, John Marshall, John L. Gow, and Joseph Lawrence. April 4, 1839, John Grayson and John L. Gow were instructed to prepare an address to the citizens of the surrounding counties of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Ohio in reference to the prospects of the seminary. November 18, 1839, John L. Gow resigned the office of trustee, and Alexander Sweeney was appointed. March 1, 1838, the trustees signed a memorial to the legislature asking an appropriation of $1000 per annum, for five years, which was granted, the law requiring the payment to be made quarterly, and the treasurer was authorized from time to time to receive the same. December 7, 1841, Dr. R. R. Reed and John Marshall tendered their resignations as trustees, and T. M. T. McKennan and Collin M. Reed were appointed. . July 14, 1846, John H. Ewing was appointed a trustee in the room of Joseph Lawrence, Esq. December 13, 1849, the trustees ordered a perpetual insurance of $6000 on the seminary buildings. August 24, 1858, on account of the death of the Rev. D. D. McConaughy and T. M. T. McKennan, Esq., the Board proceeded HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 203 to fill the vacancies by the election of Rev. James I. Brownson and Dr. M. H. Clark. December 17, 1858, Dr. John Wishart resigned his trusteeship, and on January 19, 1859, Dr. John Wilson Wishart was elected to fill the vacancy ; at the same time Dr. Thomas McKennan was elected in place of Hugh W. Wilson, deceased. January 12, 1866, Alexander Sweeney having died, V. Harding was elected, and Dr. John Wilson Wishart having resigned Thomas MeKean was elected. With this necessary digression we shall return again to the gene ral history of the seminary, commencing at the period before the charter was obtained, and when arrangements were being made to complete and furnish the seminary. At the meeting of June 8, 1837, it was stated that if the whole amount of $4250 were paid in, it would require an additional one thousand dollars ; whereupon Messrs. James Brice, Alexander Reed, Samuel McFarland, T. M. T. McKennan, and Samuel Hazlett were appointed to sell additional stock, who, on the 22d of June following, reported that they had obtained seven shares, equal to eight hundred and fifty dollars. Being thus encouraged the trustees directed the building committee to have the buiding painted, provide suitable furniture, and borrow $500, and to pledge the new stock for its payment. At a meeting of the trustees held December 18, 1840, the trus tees taking into consideration the increase of pupils and the healthy state of the Seminary, determined that it was both expedient and necessary to erect additional buildings, they therefore appointed Dr. R. R. Reed, Dr. John Wishart, and T. M. T. McKennan, to sell new stock for that purpose. So successful were the committee, that on January 28, 1841, the Board appointed Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, John Grayson, and Dr. R. R. Reed, to receive plans for the proposed building and issue sealed proposals for the work and materials. On the 8th of March, 1841, the execution of the work was awarded to Messrs. Wm. Allen and Thos. Cooper, for the sum of $3231.59, but Mr. Allen removing from town, Henry Shearer was substituted in his place. The contractors were required to have the buildings finished by October 20, 1841. An insurance was placed upon the building amounting to $5000, and $200 appropriated for this purpose. Dr. Jno. Wishart, Alexander Sweeney, and Jacob Slagle, appointed to contract for the furnishing of the additional building. January 28, 1846, Messrs. T. M. T. McKennan, Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, and C. M. Reed were appointed to obtain subscriptions of new stock to erect an east wing to the building, and on February 28th they reported the sale of twenty-six shares, equal to $1300. This amount not being considered sufficient to justify the trustees, the question was postponed and renewed at a meeting of the stock holders on February 3, 1848, when various plans were suggested and the whole question postponed for the action of a future meet ing. While the trustees and stockholders were deliberating upon 204 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. . the necessity of erecting additional buildings, a fire occurred on December 1, 1848, destroying the new building which had been pre viously erected. The Franklin Fire Insurance Company, having been notified of the fact, telegraphed that the loss would be promptly met, and on December 13th Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, T. M. T. McKen nan; and Sample Sweeney were appointed to sell additional stock, who reported the sale of forty-three shares, equal to $2150. The trustees met on February 17, 1849, and appointed Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, John H. Ewing, Sample Sweeney, James Brice, and James Ruple a building committee to borrow money and make a contract for the erection of the west wing to the Seminary building. On the 18th of May the committee report that they have contracted with Robert Ramsey for the erection of the west wing and an additional story on the old building, for the sum of $4900, to be completed by October 1, 1849. On January 30, 1850, the building committee made a.final report and received a vote of thanks for the able manner in which they had discharged their duties. In connection with the subject of the erection of the buildings and purchase of the lots and other incidental expenses, I might add that on January 19, 1859, John Grayson, Esq., treasurer, reported the institution free from debt, there being a balance in his hands of $590. Since this time the stockholders have been receiving a dividend upon their shares of stock, and a contingent fund has been established. ' , Principals of the Seminary. 1. Mrs. Frances Biddle. On April 9, 1836, Rev. Dr. D. Elliott, Prof. Richard H. Lee, John Grayson, David Eckert, and John Koontz, trustees of the Seminary, published an address, stating that some time during the present month a female seminary for the education of young ladies, under the direction of Mrs. Frances Biddle, an experienced teacher, highly recommended by competent persons as a lady well qualified for the superintendence of a female institute. She will be aided by a well educated female assistant. The course of education w^U be extensive, embracing the various branches taught in the best fe male seminaries. Mrs. Biddle opened the seminary 21st of April, 1836, assisted by Miss Mary Clark, and during her term of office had also as assistants, Miss Henrietta M. Post (afterwards Mrs. U. W. Wise), and Miss Sarah Chapman (afterwards Mrs. Collin M. Reed). On the 2d day of January, 1840, Rev. Dr. McConaughy, Dr. R. R. Reed, and John Grayson were instructed to confer with Mrs. Biddle on the present and future prospects of the Seminary, who reported on the 24th, that the Principal intended to resign her office at the close of the present session in March, which she accordingly did, and her resignation was accepted. On the September previous HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 205 of 1839, three years having elapsed since the organization of the Seminary, the first class of young ladies graduated, consisting of six in number. 2. Miss Sarah R. Foster (Mrs. Sarah R. F. Hanna). After the trustees had received notice of the resignation of Mrs. Biddle, Rev. Dr. McConaughy, Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, and John Mar shall were appointed to obtain information of a suitable person for Principal of the Seminary. This committee, on the 14th of March, 1840, reported that they had procured the desired information, and would recommend Miss Sarah R. Foster, of Cadiz, Ohio, as pre-emi nently possessing all the qualifications which would insure thorough education and perpetuate the institution. These recommendations being entirely satisfactory, Miss Foster was unanimously elected on the terms embraced in the existing contract with Mrs. Biddle. Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, Jacob Slagle, and John Marshall were appointed to execute the contract and publish the election and acceptance of a Principal, the .studies and terms of tuition. Miss Henrietta M. Post and Miss Laura Simmons were appointed as assistants, with the consent of the Principal. During the period Miss Foster presided over the Seminary and to the present time, as Mrs. Hanna, highly educated and accomplished assistant teachers have aided her in the discharge of her arduous duties. On the 27th day of Sept., 1848, Miss Sarah R. Foster was united in marriage to the Rev. Thomas Hanna, pastor of Seceder Congre gation, and on the 11th of March following he was elected by the trustees Superintendent of the Seminary, which office he held until his death, which occurred February 9, 1864. Mrs. Hanna, however, has always filled and exercised the office of Principal with marked ability and pre-eminent success, which is owing to her unwavering energy, kindness, and efficiency, joined with her judicious selection of assistants. In connection with this subject we shall add the whole number who have graduated yearly since the first class graduated in September, 1839, which numbered six, the remainder having graduated under Mrs. Hanna, numbering in all five hundred and ten graduates, whose parents reside in fifteen States of the Union, thereby demonstrating that the fame of Washington Female Seminary is not confined to State bounds. Officers of the Board of Trustees. Rev. Dr. David McConaughy was the first President, and served until his death. His successor was the Rev. Dr. James I. Brown son, who was elected August 30, 1858. The Treasurers were elected in the following years: 1st. John Harter, March 14, 1836. 2d. Alexander Sweeney, July 30, 1836. 3d. John Grayson, October 26, 1837. 4th. James Brice, March 31, 206 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 1838. 5th. John Grayson re-elected May 12, 1838. And 6th. Thomas MeKean, January 8, 1867. The following gentlemen have filled the office of Secretary by election, viz: T. M. T. McKennan, at the organization. 2d. Samuel Cunningham, October 26, 1837. 3d. John L. Gow, May 12, 1838. 4th. Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, December 7, 1841. 5th. Collin M. Reed, January 14, 1842. 6th. V. Harding, January 8, 1867. The present Board of Trustees consists of Rev. Dr. James I. Brownson, President; Thomas MeKean, Treasurer; V. Harding, Secretary ; and John Grayson, Jacob Slagle, Collin M. Reed, John H. Ewing, Dr. M. H. Clarke, and Dr. Thomas McKennan. In connection with the name of Hon. John Grayson, a member of the Board of Trustees, and who served as treasurer for thirty years, the Board at its meeting on January 16, 1867, presented him with an elegant family Bible. I might add also that John Grayson and Jacob Slagle, Esquires, are the only two trustees who have served thirty years each as a trustee, and their devotion to the inte rests of the Seminary, with their fellow laborers, the Principal and her assistant teachers, continues unabated. We cannot better close our remarks upon the origin, progress, and success of the Washington Female Seminary, both as regards the in telligence of its teachers and the acquirements of the young ladies, mentally and morally, than by quoting an extract from the address of Rev. James I. Brownson, D. D., at the Quarter Centennial Cele bration held on the 27th of June, 1866, who, in speaking of Mrs. Hanna, the efficient and beloved Principal of the Institute, said : — "But especially Mrs. Hanna is here, almost as you last saw her; with the same clear voice, firm step, commanding presence, kindly heart, and wise and firm yet tender administration, which, in your school days, brought you at the same time under the power of fear and love ; and, as you can see for yourselves, she is after all not much- older. All the period of your absence she has borne you in memory and .heart, and now she waits to tell you all about your alma mater, its fluctuations of prosperity and trial, its struggles and triumphs, and to hear your full history from your own month." Union School Building. This building is placed on a lot two hundred and forty feet square, on the west end of Beau Street, and west of the college. The plan was submitted by John Chislett, Esq., of Pittsburg. It is seventy- four by eighty-four feet, three stories high, the first and second four teen feet each, and the third fifteen feet, the elevation of the first floor being three feet. The first floor has four rooms, with a hall. These rooms contain closets for books, clothes-rooms, broad double stairways, and the necessary apparatus for heating and ventilation. The second floor HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 207 is divided in like manner, while the third floor has a hall of forty by seventy feet, with two rooms. The hall is used for public examination, declamation, &c. The building cost about $16,000, and the furniture $2500. Since the erection of this building the following gentlemen have filled the office of Principal, viz : Alexander M. Gow, Rev. David P. Lowary, Alexander. Wishart, Rev. L. P. Streator, D. F. Patterson. Rev. W. J. Wilson. The borough of Washington contains twelve schools; number of months taught are ten. The schools employ one male and eight female teachers, male teachers receiving $81.50, the females $33 per month. The colored children are taught by a male teacher in another building. There are 496 male scholars, and 506 females, amounting to 1002 scholars enrolled, although about 831 are the average number in attendance. The cost of tuition per month is 58 cents; amount levied for school purposes, $4740; for building purposes, $1600; total amount, $6685. The State appropriation was $330.33; the debt remaining on school is $7087.90. Washington Gas Works. The first meeting for the establishment of gas works in the borough of Washington was held on the 26th of August, 1856. The citizens engaged in the enterprise ; procured a charter, which designated as its managers Collin M. Reed, Jos. Henderson, Simon Cort, Jacob Slagle, Charles W. Hays, Freeman Brady, Jr., J. L. Judson, Jas. W. Koontz, and Alexander Seaman. This Board of Managers pro cured the sale of stock, and by the terms of the charter, a new Board was elected January 18, 1857, consisting of Samuel Hazlett, C. M. Reed, Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, William Smith, Jacob Miller, Alexander Wilson, and Joseph Henderson. After its organization Messrs. Le moyne, Hazlett, and Miller were appointed to purchase a suitable lot of ground, erect the necessary buildings, and contract with Mr. Stephenson for their erection. The company has a capital stock of twenty thousand seven hun dred and seventy-five dollars, divided into eight hundred and thirty- one shares of twenty-five dollars each. The estimated value of the gas works is thirty thousand dollars. The officers are C. M. Reed, President ; John C. Hastings, Secretary and Treasurer. Washington Cemetery. A desire among the people of Washington and its vicinity to have an appropriate place for their honored dead led to the organi zation of the Washington Cemetery Company. An application was made to the court, and on the 3d day of March, 1853, a charter was granted to the following corporators, viz : Samuel Cunningham, 208 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. James Watson, f George Lonkert, John D. Chambers, Hon. Alex. W. Acheson, f James Brown, Joseph Henderson, fR. F. Cooper, f James Ewing, fjohn L. Gow, John H. Ewing, Dr. John W. Wishart, Hon. Wm. McKennan, David S. Wilson, 0. B. McFadden, Alex. Murdoch, William Hopkins, S. B. Hays, John Hall, Franklin Nichol, and Dr. M. H. Clark. The charter obtained, named the following persons as the Board of Managers : Rev. Thos. Hanna, D. D., John L. Gow, Hon. Alex. W. Acheson, William Hopkins, James Watson, Jas. Brice, and D. S. Wilson, who were authorized to purchase land, fill vacancies, and per form such other acts as would promote the interest of the cemetery. The legislature passed an act that all the lots should be forever exempt from taxation and free from seizure, levy, and sale, and also provided for its general protection. The company owns fifty acres of land, and have sold lots amounting to twenty-two thousand dol lars, which has been appropriated to the erection of a superintend ent's house, fencing and improving the grounds, as originally laid out by Mr. Chislett. So devoted have the lot-holders been to beau tifying and adorningthe resting-place of those who were near and dear to them, that the estimated value of the improvements is two hundred thousand dollars. While the larger portion of the lot-holders reside in the borough, yet the people of the county feel interested in this cemetery, and here deposit their friends in an appropriate resting- place, which we may well call the great city of the illustrious and honored dead. The managers of the company have generously appropriated grounds for the burial of the soldiers who died in defence of the Constitution, and in these grounds the soldiers' monument is to be erected, which will add another beautiful structure to the many which already can be seen, calling to remembrance the virtues of those who have passed into the spirit-land, and whose names are engraved not only upon marble, but upon the tablet of the memory of human hearts. Washington Coal Company. This company is situate in the western limits of the borough, the owners of which are Messrs. Parkin, Marshall & Co., who on August 24, 1864, commenced sinking a shaft for bituminous coal, with which our county abounds. They were successful on the 12th day of Au gust, 1865, being one year engaged in the enterprise before their wishes were both realized and gratified. The perpendicular depth of the shaft is three hundred and fifty feet, but at an angle of forty- five degrees, which is the descent to the coal, by a stationary, engine and cars, it is five hundred feet. The company employ thirtv hands digging daily one thousand bushels, and the improvements, with the coal right, are estimated as worth thirty thousand dollars. t Those to whoso nrtmes n, cross is prefixed, have since died, and are buried in the cemetery, except R. P. Cooper, who died on the battle-field. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 209 As it will be interesting to my geological readers to know the various strata, through which the workmen passed, I shall give them as detailed to me by Mr. Parkin, the senior partner. Passing down below the soil and clay four feet, was blue clay, then five feet of gravel, then eighteen inches of black slate, like roofing slate, then a four feet bed of limestone, next fifteen feet of a blue clay or schale like fire-proof brick is made of, then an eight inch vein of coal, next six feet of gray schale like fire-proof clay, then five feet of freestone, then one hundred and seyenty feet of gray limestone between beds varying from six inches to three feet. In this, however, is twenty feet of white limestone, about the centre of the foregoing depth of one hundred and seventy feet. In this white limestone, which is one hundred and fifty feet from the surface, are salt springs. Immedi ately below the gray limestone is twelve feet of black slate, such as is found at Cook's Mill, two miles north of Washington, then eight feet of gray limestone of a soft nature, then five feet of gray flinty limestone (the hardest they had met with), fifty feet of blue schale, and mixed with iron, until they reached sandstone, which was fifteen feet deep, mixed with fossils of various kinds, then three feet of slate, under which was a vein of pure bituminous coal of live feet six inches. Hanover Township. By reference to the history of Smith township we learn that this township was a part thereof, but on the 11th day of March, 1786, after application had been made to and certificate granted by the court, the Supreme Executive Council confirmed the action of the court. When formed into a township its boundaries were the Ohio River on the north and east, Smith township on the south, and Vir ginia on the west. It will be remembered that after a part of Beaver County was taken off Washington, a part of Hanover township was thereby struck off. Yet each county retained the original name of Hanover for one of its townships. It is bounded by Beaver County on the north, Robinson and Smith on the east, Jefferson and Smith on the south, and West Virginia on the west. The turnpike road from Pittsburg to Steubenville on the Ohio River runs westerly through the township, and upon it is Florence, called originally Briceland's Cross Roads. The Pittsburg and Steu benville Railroad runs through its southern part. This township contains several valuable grist and saw-mills, also ten stores, fourteen schools, employing six male and eight female teachers, with 494 scholars (274 males and 220 females) ; the male teachers receive $37 50 per month, and the females $26 25 ; the tuition costing per month for each scholar $1 16. Amount levied for school purposes $2552 92 ; from State appropriation $182 91. Its population in 1860 was 2090, of which 38 were colored. Its greatest length is 11, breadth 7 miles. 210 ' HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY In this township resided the celebrated Adam Poe, who lived in a cabin about two miles west of Florence, situate on a little knoll on the farm of the late John Fulton, deceased. Its towns are Florence, Paris, Murdocksville. On the 14th day of August, 1814, a town was laid out by James Briceland and Moses Proudfit, -who named it Florence. It was originally named Briceland's Cross Roads, from the fact of the Pitts burg and Steubenville pike crossing the Washington and Georgetown road at this point, where James Briceland kept an hotel. It is twenty-six miles from Pittsburg, sixteen from Washington, and twelve from Steubenville. Presbyterian Church. The Cross-roads Presbyterian Church is located at Florence. It was organized originally at a place called King's Creek, in 1786, but the location was changed to its present site in 1798. The church has had as its pastors Rev. Elisha McCurdy, who was installed in June, 1800 ; Rev. Daniel Deruelle, in 1836 ; Rev. Wm. Burton, in 1838; Rev. James W. McKennan, in November, 1839 ; Rev. Joel Stoneroad„in 1842 ; Rev. J. S. Wylie, in 1850 ; Rev. Oliphant M. Todd, November 9, 1852 ; Rev. J. P. Caldwell, in 1860 ; Rev. Andrew W. Boyd, in 1864; and Rev. David M. Miller, in May, 1867, its present efficient and highly esteemed pastor, who informs me that the number of families connected therewith numbers eighty- nine, with a Sabbath school of one hundred and twenty children. This was one of the churches that shared in the great revival which took place at the beginning of the present century, which was accom panied by what was known as the "falling exercises." The United Presbyterians have a church on King's Creek, near Florence. The present pastor is Rev. James L. Purdy, with a membership of eighty. Paris is in the western part of the township, and contains about thirty-five dwellings, a Presbyterian church under the care of the Rev. Fulton Magill, and a United Presbyterian church, which has had the ministerial labors of Rev. Mr. Galloway, Rev. Mr. Backus, Rev. J. Y. Calhoon, and Rev. James C. Campbell, with a membership of one hundred and twenty. It has also one extensive threshing- machine manufactory, cabinet-makers, blacksmiths, shoemakers, &c. Murdocksville is in the northeast part of the township. August 26, 1811, in Pittsburg, two officers had a dispute, and they resolved to settle their difficulties by fighting a duel. Arrange ments were made that the affair should be settled in Virginia. One of the parties travelled as far as Briceland's Cross-roads (Florence) the first day, and in the morning rose by daylight and practised with his pistol. One of the shots struck the headstone of Capt. Baving ton, and can be seen at this day. After breakfast he left for the designated spot. The same day his antagonist left Pittsburg, but HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 211 when he came near to the place called the old North Star, formerly kept by Joseph Crawford as a tavern, he was thrown from the sulky and had his leg broken. The wounded officer was taken back' on a litter to Pittsburg, by soldiers sent for that purpose. Thus ended this duel. July 3, 1793. We give the substance of a lease between George McCormick and Solomon Hule and Sarahhis wife ; the former convey ing to the latter on lease, one hundred acres of land, on the waters of King (or Indian) Creek, in Hanover township. The rent required was one bushel of Indian corn yearly, and the taxes to be paid on four hundred acres, and at the expiration of three lives the land to revert to George McCormick and his heirs. Franklin Township. On the 16th of July, 1787, the Supreme Executive Council, upon the proper certificate of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Washing ton County, formed this township, adopting as its boundaries Am well township on the north, Cumberland on the east, Greene on the south, and Donegal on the west. With Cumberland, Morgan, Greene, and Rich Hill, this township constituted Greene County by an act passed February 9, 1796. Finley Township Was formed out of Donegal on the 6th of May, 1788. Its boun daries were Donegal on the north, Franklin, Cumberland, and Greene on the east, Mason and Dixon's line on the south, and Virginia on the west. It was subdivided into East and West Finley December 24, 1 828, by a decree of the court. The history of each we shall give after referring to some other subjects. About the year ISO 7 there existed in this township several religious sects, of which we shall speak, to show the influence which superstition has upon the human mind. The leader of this sect was a man by the name of Sergeant. He professed to have a revelation direct from heaven, through the ministry of an angel, in which was communicated to him the very convenient doctrine that there was no hell. He preached in that and the adjoining townships for about three years, and had many followers. Firmly believing in this doc trine, and concluding that there was no punishment hereafter, he committed forgery and was imprisoned in Cumberland, Maryland. However, before he committed this crime his fame as a minister had preceded him to Wheeling, and thither he went and preached. His services were interrupted by a lawyer, and Sergeant instituted suit against him for disturbing the solemnity of the sanctuary and the religious services in which he and his followers were engaged. The trial came off ; the lawyer was acquitted and the Halyconites were declared ndt to be a religious sect. It was immediately after this 212 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. he was arrested and sent to Cumberland, Maryland, for trial. As soon as the lawyer heard of this, he composed the following poetry, which is still repeated from memory by some of the old inhabitants of Finley township. The lawyer styles himself St. David's son, and Sergeant, St. Bones. It reads as follows : — , 1. Saint Bones, to show that all his ways Demand the most unbounded praise, Returned St. David's son to court, Of which St. Bones became the sport, With all the Halycon union. 2. Saint David's son did prove full well, St. Bones did preach there is no hell ; It was thus decided by the laws That his was not a Christian cause, With all the Halycon union. 3. Saint David's son to Bacchus bows, And in his temple pays his vows ; Being, thus inspired he moves along, Amidst the enthusiastic throng Who compose the Halycon union. 4. Now adieu, St. Bones, whene'er you die, Directly to heaven you will fly, But father Abraham, with a club, < Will beat you down to Belzebub, With all the Halycon union. > This lawyer, whose name we are not authorized to give, wrote another piece upon this man Sergeant — upon his confinement — which we also give as a relic of the olden times. The lawyer represented the devil as saying : — 1. Now I'll away to Cumberland To see a -friend in iron bands ; To see a friend in awful dwell, Who always preached there was no hell. 2. He took his leave, away did go, He found his friend both mean and low, He found his friend in iron band, Which put the Devil to a stand. 3. Oh, now, dear son, what brought you here ? Oh, father, pray, don't be severe ; The truth to you I won't deny, They put me here for forgery. 4. Oh, now, dear father, if you can, Release me from these iron bands — Release me now — don't let me swing, And I'll to you new subjects bring. 5. Oh, yes, dear son, that I can do, And soon he burst the bands in two. For this here thing you shall not swing, This day I'll crown you Halycon King. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 213 This was a death-blow to the Halycon'ites, but on their ruins arose a more wonderful sect. Among the followers of Sergeant was an old lady by the name of Rhoda Fordyce, who, in addition to the doctrine that there was no hell, taught that it were possible for persons to live entirely on a vegetable diet, such as parched corn, sassafras buds, &c. &c, for a certain number of days and then.be bodily translated to heaven. This sect was called Rhodianites, after their founder. A man by the name of Parker, it is said, in attempting to carry out this doctrine, was absolutely starved to death in the house of this woman Fordyce. She kept the body concealed in her house for three days and three nights, and as he did not make the ascension in his lifetime, it was not probable that he would after death. The neighbors, missing Parker, and knowing the influence she was exer cising upon his mind, went to the house and were refused admit tance. They broke the door open, found the body and buried it. To the doctrine of passing bodily to heaven, she added another point, which was required of all her followers, viz : That of form ing a chain. To perfect this chain required a man and woman to make the link. The way it was formed was on this wise : Each were sewed up in separate sacks, with their head out, arms tied close against the body, and feet tied together; they were then put to bed by the old lady. In the morning they were brought before the old woman as Inspector-General, and if they stated that they had slept inno cently together, they became a link in the chain of the Rhodianite church. Tradition tells us that many husbands were separated from their wives to form a link in the Rhodianite church. , After this sect arose a new sect, called New Lights, who made converts from the ranks of both the Halyconites and tbe Rhodian ites by scores. They believed in immersion as the true mode of baptism, and that the Saviour was not equal to God, the Father, and was not from everlasting. They also believed in washing each other's feet at their communion. They would strip off their feet, get a basin of water and a towel, and go amongst all the brethren and sisters and wash their feet. These New Lights increased rapidly for a few years on the borders of Washington and Greene County, Marshall County, Virginia, and the adjoining counties of Ohio. They held both camp and bush-meetings. In connection with this subject we might say that "Mormonism" had its origin in Amity, in the township of Amwell, whose history we have civen under that township. Thus have we finished the history of superstition, which exerts so baneful an influence upon the human mind, 214 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. School-House. Alexander Frazer, Esq., of this place, informs me that the first school taught in the western part of Finley township commenced in the spring of 1799 and continued for one year. The teacher's name was McDonald, who could read, write, and cipher to the double rule of three. The books used were Dilworth's spelling book, the Old and New Testament, and the Shorter Catechism. 1801. A young man by the name of Carroll, of Finley township, with another by the name of Richmond, went out early in the morn ing to hunt wild turkeys. The experienced hunter can give the turkey call so exact that the turkeys themselves are deceived by it. This unfortunately was the result of this case. These hunters be came separated, and after a time Carroll, who was hid in the bushes, gave the turkey call. Richmond being a long distance off, hearing the call and seeing something dark moving in the brush, shot, and the ball passed through the head of his companion. Richmond, at the accident, became almost frantic, took up Carroll's gun, shot it off and laid it across his body and went home. He revealed the secret to his sister, who advised him to keep the secret, fearing he might be apprehended for murder, they being ignorant of the law. Richmond and his sister went that night and watched the corpse lest the wolves might devour it. The next day Carroll was missing, search was made, the body found, and the opinion was he had shot himself. This remained a profound secret until Richmond, on his death-bed, revealed phe secret. East Finley Township Was formed from the eastern part of Finley township, on the 24th day of December, 1828. Its boundaries are — Donegal and Buffalo on the north, Franklin and Morris on the east, Greene County on the south, and Donegal and West Finley on the west. It is centrally distant from Washington, southwest, fifteen miles. It is drained by the branches of Wheeling Creek. In 1860its,population was 1261. It has eight schools, employing five male and three female teachers, the former receiving $35.80, the latter $33.50 per month, with 300 scholars (180 males and 120 females). Cost of tuition per month $1.07 cents. Total amount of taxes levied for school purposes $1557.04, from the State appropriation $108.42. It has five stores. There are four churches in this township, a Baptist church near Pleasant Grove in the eastern end, a Methodist Episcopal church near school-house No. 4, on Mr. Enslow's farm, in the centre, a Presbyterian church near Mrs. Jordan's in the west, and a United Presbyterian church in the southeast on Lockhart's Run near Dr. Simpson's. East Finley has several valuable steam grist and saw mills. Its greatest length is nine miles, breadth four miles. The Baptist church called Pleasant Grove, in this township, was HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 215 constituted November 14, 1840, by Elders Isaac Pettet, Simeon Sieg- fred, and Levi Griffith, with fifty-three members who had been mem bers of Mount Herman church, the old Tenmile Baptist church. Those who have officiated as pastors are, Elder Levi Griffith from its organization to October, 1847. Rev. Isaac Winn supplied the pulpit for six months, when Rev. Eli C. Town was elected and served to April, 1848. Rev. A. J. Davis served six months, when Rev. John Thomas became the pastor and served until April, 1857. His successor was Elder John Scott, who preached until July, 1857. The church had occasional supplies until February, 1858, when Rev. Job Rossel was chosen pastor and served until 1861, when Rev. John B. Linsked was elected and served until April, 1866. His successor and present pastor was elected May 5, 1866. The following persons have been Deacons of this church at various times since its organization : Messrs. John Tilton, Samuel Kelly, Elliott Patterson, Daniel Tilton, Thomas McKahan, J. Y. Holmes, Josiah Patterson, William McCleary, Joseph Ryan, aud Manson Trussel. Church Clerks from organization, Edward 0. Town, Ezra Town, Thomas McKahan, and Robert Kerr. The following persons have been licensed to preach the gospel at official meetings held in this church, viz : Eli C. Town in 1847, Hugh R. Craig and Wm. Scott in 1854, and J. Y. Holmes in 1861. This church has been instru mental in establishing churches atBuffalotown and North Wheeling, West Finley township. Wheeling U. P. Church was organized August, 1836. Rev. Joseph Shaw was pastor from June 20, 1843, to April 20, 1852. Rev. James C. Murch from September, 1853, to 1859. Rev. James A. McKee from August, 1860, until the present time, with a mem bership of 75. West Finley Township Was organized the same time as East Finley, on the 24th of Decem ber, 1828. Its boundaries are Donegal on the north, East Finley on the east, Greene County on the south, and West Virginia on the east. This township is centrally distant southwest of Washington 17 miles. It is chiefly drained by Templeton's and Robinson's forks of Wheeling Creek. The population in 1860 was 1453, of which 33 are colored, with four stores. It has ten school-houses employing five male and five female teachers, the former receiving $27.19 and the latter $23 03per month, with 468 scholars, 251 males and 217 females, the tuition costing per month 65 cents ; taxes for school purposes $1468.70, and its State appropriation $146.25 ; levied for building purposes $587.48. Its towns are Good Intent and Burnsville. Burnsville is in the southern part. Good Intent and Burnsville are small thriving villages. 216 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. The greatest length of this township is 9 miles, breadth 4J- miles. There is a Presbyterian church on the northwest of Burnsville, and Disciple church north of the same town. In this township the United Presbyterian congregation is under the care of Rev. J. A. McKee. Morris Township Was formed by an order of the Court of Quarter Sessions, March 13, 1788. Its original boundaries were Amwell on the north, Beth lehem on the east, Franklin on the south, and Donegal on the west. It is at present bounded by East Finley, Franklin, and Amwell on the north, Amwell on the east, Greene County on the south, and East Finley on the west. Centrally distant from the borough of Wash ington 9 miles southwest. Greatest length 65- miles ; breadth 4 miles. It is drained by the north fork of Tenmile Creek and its branches. The population in 1860 was 1148, of which one is color ed. It has three % stores, seven schools, employing four males and three female teachers, the former receiving $35.25, and the latter $31 per month, with 288 scholars, 176 males and 112 females ; the cost of tuition is 94 cents per month ; amount of taxes raised for school purposes $1664.67 ; from the State appropriation $95.94. Its towns are Sparta, Prosperity, and Lindley's Mills. Sparta and Lindley's Mills are small villages, but Prosperity has twenty-two dwelling-houses, two stores, grist-mill, and several de partments of the mechanical arts, and is ten miles from Washington. Two miles west of Prosperity is a Methodist Episcopal church, called Mount Zion, near Robert S. Andrew's farm. Upper Tenmile Presbyterian Church Is located in Morris township. It.was organized August 15, 1781, at the house of Jacob Cook, with 25 members, Rev. Thaddeus Dodd being elected and ordained its first pastor. It is worthy of remark that he was the second minister who settled west of the Monongahela River, the Rev. John McMillen having preceded him. Through his instrumentality and the Upper Tenmile church, the first classical school west of the Alleghenies was established as early as 1782, of which he was its first principal. Rev. T. Dodd occupied the pulpit of both Upper and Lower Tenmile congrega tions ; the Upper was at Lindley's settlement, and the Lower at Cook's settlement. The site of the Upper Tenmile church was given by Demas Lindley, upon which they built a meeting-house of hewn logs, while in 1785 was erected the same kind of a church for the people of Lower Tenmile. The Rev. Thaddeus Dodd taught a classical school in the log court-house in Washington about 1788 or 1789. Rev. Thaddeus Dodd died in 1793, and was succeeded by Rev. Thomas Moore, who labored until 1803. On the 14th of De cember, 1803, Rev. Cephas Dodd (son of Rev. Thaddeus Dodd), HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 217 was ordained as the minister of both Upper and Lower Tenmile churches, like his predecessors, but in 1817 they separated, each having a minister, session, &c, Rev. Cephas Dodd remaining with the Lower Tenmile church. In 1817, or immediately after the separation, Rev. Thomas Hoge served this congregation as a stated supply for three years, and during his labors the frame meeting-house was erected. From 1819 to 1821 the pulpit was filled by Rev. Andrew Wylie, D. D., President of Washington College, as a stated supply. In 1821 and 22, Rev. Boyd Mercer was the pastor. Rev. L. Robbins preached for one year. After this the church was vacant for several years, only filled by supplies from Presbytery. However, in December 1827, the Rev. Cornelius Laughran was elected and installed and served for eighteen months. The church was again without a pastor until 1830, when Rev. Jacob Lindley became the stated supply. From 1832 to 1838 this congregation had the occasional labors of Rev. David Elliott, Rev. John Stockton, and Rev. John McCluskey. In 1838 the Rev. James M. Smith was ordained and served until 1841. From 1841 to 1846 the church was supplied by appointments of Presbytery, viz : Rev. Alfred Paull, Rev. J. Miller, and Rev. John R. Dundas, but in the spring of 1846 Rev. Nicholas Murray (a Professor in Washington College) accepted a call as the stated sup ply; he labored until 1853, when he "fell asleep in Jesus." His successor was Rev. Cyrus Braddock for one year. After him was the Rev. E. C. Wines, D. D., who took charge of the church in 1855, and resigned in 1859. The successor to the pastorate of the church after Rev. Dr. Wines had resigned was the Rev. N. B. Lyon, who faithfully and zealously discharged his ministerial duties, and in the very manhood of his ministry was called away to his eternal rest, to receive the crown for his labors of love on earth. His remains are buried in the beautiful Cemetery at Washington, Washington County. Rev. N. B. Lyon, deceased, was succeeded by Rev. Henry Wood, the present pastor, Professor of Ancient Languages in Washington and" Jeffer son College, and is doing noble and efficient service in the cause of his Divine Master. There is a Sabbath school connected with the church, which was organized in 1825, having fifteen teachers, one hundred and twenty scholars, and near four hundred volumes in their library. In the year 1854 the congregation erected their third place of worship. The present one occupies the same site where its two pre decessors stood. In connection with the Upper Tenmile Church we will add the history of the Lower Tenmile Presbyterian Church. It is true this church is located in Amity, Amwell township, and its history properly belonged to that township, but as we could not 15 218 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. well separate their history, we delayed it until it could be more ap propriately and understandingly given, for it must be remembered that both "Upper and Lower Tenmile Congregations" were but one ecclesiastical organization, with the same pastor and session, from their organization in 1781 until 1817, when they became two distinct bodies. The ministers who officiated from 1781 to the division of the church were Rev. Thaddeus Dodd, Rev. Thomas Moore, Rev. Ce phas Dodd (who at the separation remained with the Lower Ten- mile Church), Rev. James W. McKennan, Rev. W. P. Harvison, and Rev. J. W. Hamilton, its present esteemed pastor. Several years while the church was without a pastor, it had the services as stated supplies of such ministers as the Rev. James Black, D. D., and Rev. W. J. Brugh. The original church was of hewn logs, and the present neat and chaste edifice is in close proximity to the former, while in the rear is the rural cemetery of Amity, in which repose the honored remains of many loved ones, loved in life and honored in death. There is a Sabbath school connected with the church, which was organized in 1826, having eleven teachers, eighty scholars, and three hundred and twenty volumes in the library. Chartiers Township Was formed out of Cecil on March 23, 1790. Its original boun daries were Robinson on the north, Strabane on the east and south, and Cecil on the west. Its present boundaries are Mount Pleasant and Cecil on the north, Cecil north and south, Strabane on the east, South Strabane and Canton on the south, and Mount Pleasant and Canton on the west. It is centrally distant north of the borough of Washington six miles; its greatest length, seven miles; breadth, five miles. October 6, 1831, the line of this township was changed and part given to Mount Pleasant township, and at the August term of Court, 1863, the boundary lines between Chartiers and Canton townships were altered and confirmed by the court. Chartiers Creek flows on the southern boundary. Population in 1860 was 1795, of which 211 are colored. Within the township limits are two stores, eight schools, employ ing one male and seven female teachers, their monthly pay being $29.37 each. The schools contain 337 scholars, of which 163 are males, and 174 are females, the tuition for each costing 84 cents per month; amount levied for school purposes, $1620; and the fund received from the State $141.57. Towns. Its towns are Canonsburg and McConnellsville, the former being a borough ; its history will be given in connection with and after the township history. McConnellsville is a small village near the centre of the township, HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 219 with thirty dwelling-houses and a population of about one hundred and forty. Incident. In connection with the early history of this township we mention the following incident from the Pittsburg Gazette of May 15, 1790, speaking of the navigation of Chartiers' Creek: — " About five or six days since a number of men to the amount of thirteen left Canonsburg, on Chartiers' Creek, and, with the advantage of a rising flood, conducted two boats from thence in about twelve hours into the Ohio River. One was large and heavy, built for the purpose of carrying flour to New Orleans, forty-seven feet in length and twelve in breadth; a small part of the cargo to the amount of forty barrels on board. The other, a barge 25 feet in length, built for the genteel reception of passengers. The amazing facility with which these boats passed down the creek to the mouth, their safe crossing of two mill-dams, one of which was about twelve feet high, with the rudeness of the creek in its natural state, especially at the falls, sufficiently show what immense advantage might arise to thousands of people in the county of Washington were the legislature to attend to the improvement of its navigation. 'From Canonsburg and nearer Washington the charge of carriage to Pittsburg, on account of hills and deep roads, is not less than three shillings and ninepence per barrel for flour ; yet were attention paid to the cultivation of this excellent stream of water, one boat of the afore-mentioned size would, in all probability, carry two hundred barrels to the Ohio without detriment thereto or a farthing of expense." We learn from old residents of Canonsburg that Col. Canon headed this flotilla, while about the same time a load of flour was also sent from Bradford's mill, afterwards owned by Dr. Robert R. Reed, and now owned by Mr. Wilson. There can be no doubt of the truthful ness of these facts, because, in addition to the evidence, we have legislative action on the subject, wherein, on April 8, 1793, Chartiers' Creek from its mouth to David Bradford's mill was declared to be a public highway for boats and rafts, and all natural and artificial ob structions were required to be removed Churches. On December 26, 1797, John Canon conveyed to Nicholas Little, Samuel Agnew, Thomas Menary, David Reed, John Hays, John White, and Jeremiah Simpson, Trustees of the Associate Congrega tion of Chartiers township, four acres, two rods, and fifteen perches of land for $45. This church is situated about one mile southwest of Canonsburg, and is generally known as Rev. Dr. Ramsay's Church, from his long, faithful, and efficient services. His successors were Rev. John B. Clarke and Rev. David Huston French. The. old church has been torn down, and the congregation has in process of- erection in the borough a beautiful brick edifice. 220 history of washington county. Chartiers Cross Road Church. This is situated on the Hickory road, and south of McConnells ville. The following ministers have successively filled the pulpit as regular pastors : Rev. Dr. Finley, Rev. Mr. Graham, Rev. David Ferguson, Rev. A. McCahan, Rev. Thomas L. Spears, Rev. Joseph Andrews, Rev. J. C. Herron, from June 19, 1860, to April 1, 1867. This church has a membership of 140; it belongs to the United Presbyterian denomination, and is built of brick: Spears' Spring Church Is on the bank of Chartiers' Creek, one-half mile northwest of Ca nonsburg, and belongs to the United Presbyterians, and is a plain, substantial brick edifice. It has a rural and beautiful cemetery. Its ordained ministers have been Rev. Alexander McCahan, Rev. Thomas Callohan, Rev. William Wallace, Rev. David Paull, Rev. Wm. H. Andrew, Rev. John W. Bane, and Rev. James G. Carson. This church has a membership of 214. Chartiers U. P. Church has been removed during this year, 1869, from its original site to near the borough limits. It was organized about 1780. Rev. Matthew Henderson was ordained in 1781, and officiated until October 2, 1795, when Rev. — Smith was elected pastor; his successor was Rev. James Ramsey, D. D., who served from September 4, 1805, to June 12, 1849 ; Rev. John B. Clark, D. D., from May 12, 1853, to June 9, 1860; Rev. D. H. French, from May 2, 1861, to June 20, 1866; Rev. H. A. McDonald was ordained pastor October 14, 1869. It has a membership of 175. Canonsburg. Canonsburg was laid out by Col. John Canon, of Chartiers town ship, on the 15th of April, 1788. It is situated on Chartiers' Creek, 17 miles from Pittsburg, 7 miles from Washington, and 40 miles from Wheeling. The country around it is elevated, beautiful, and fertile. A daily line of stages pass through it, and on the route of the Chartiers Valley Railroad. By reference to the recorder's office I fine a plot of the town recorded in volume P., page 441, on January 24, 1800. This plot has twenty-eight lots, with the names of the purchasers, viz: Dr. Thompson, Daniel McCoy, James Morrison, David Garret, Andrew Munroe, John Todd, Robert Bowland, Craig Ritchie, Col. Matthew Ritchie, Wil liam Marshall, and Abraham De Haven. This plot contains the con ditions of purchase, viz : To those who have as well as those who may become purchasers Col. Canon conveys to them, their heirs and assigns, their respective lots of ground in which their names are inserted. The inhabitants of the town to have the privilege of cutting and using underwood, and taking coal for their own use for ever, gratis. The purchaser to pay the said Canon three pounds HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 221 purchase money, and one dollar annually forever afterwards • and to build a stone, frame, or hewed log house, at least twenty feet in front, with a stone or brick chimney, within two years from the date of their purchase. A convenient road to be allowed to the coal near John Laughlin's ; the road to be only as laid off on the plot, and the bank as described on the same. • This plot also designated the following roads : to Mr. McMillan's meeting-house, to Washington, to Mr. . Smith's meeting-house on Buffalo, to Mr. Henderson's meeting-house, to the coal bank to Gamble's mill, to Wells's mill, and to Devore's ferry. This town became a borough on the 22d of February 1802 and is the oldest borough in the county. In 1860 it had 'a resident population of 975, but the number of students attending Jefferson College increased it about one-third. It has one hundred and ninety- five dwelling-houses, fifteen retail stores, two confectioneries, one saving fund society, one furniture manufactory, one woollen manu factory, one broker. It has four schools, employing one male and three female teachers, the former receiving $52.03, and the latter $31.28, per month ; having 314 scholars, 171 males and 143 females; cost of tuition per month, 60 cts. ; amount levied for school pur poses, $1271.70; from State appropriation, $112.76. One female Seminary and Jefferson College. In 1829 the Associate body or Se ceders established a Theological Seminary at this place, and erected the requisite buildings ; but a few years since it was removed to Xenia, Ohio. Jefferson College. This college was originally chartered by the legislature, under the name of the "Academy and Library Company of Canonsburg," in 1794, although its origin may be dated to July, 1791, when David Johnston became the first teacher. As soon as a convenient house was built the Rev. Mr. McMillan transferred a Latin school, which he had been teaching at his own house for six or seven years, to the chartered academy. This building was erected on a lot given by Col. Canon as a present to the academy. In October, 1791, the Redstone Presbytery approved of the ac tion of the Synod of Virginia, to appropriate funds to the Canons burg Academy as a Presbyterian institution, and appointed Dr. McMillan to receive contributions for that purpose, the Presbytery having previously determined that Canonsburg should be the seat of learning; and, in 1793, we find that the Presbytery passed a resolution that if the wants of the church demanded another institu tion they would not oppose it. Col. Canon erected a stone building on the lot presented by him for college purposes, for which the trustees were to reimburse him, and on December 1, 1796, he and his wife made a deed to the trus tees of the Academy, for the lot, on the payment of three hundred 222 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. and seventy pounds, the balance in full for the building. This lot oontained two acres and thirty-two perches ; he reserved, however, one half acre of said lot for the use of an English school, with a free access of fifteen feet wide from Main Street to the English school lot. In the Pittsburg Gazette of 1792, it is mentioned that a grammar school was in successful operation at Canonsburg, under Mr. David Johnston, while Mr. Miller was employed as professor in the mathe matical sciences. In this year, 1796, the trustees petitioned the legislature that in case a college was established west of the Allegheny Mountains, to make Canonsburg its site, as their Academy was a perfect success, dispensing its benefits throughout this section of county. The trus tees employed David Johnston and James Mountain as teachers, for one year, at the end of which Mr. Johnston became engaged in other business, but Mr. Mountain continued teaching until April, 1797. These teachers were succeeded by Mr. Jas. Canahan and Joseph Stockton, who taught until November, 1797, when John Watson was employed for one year, with authority to engage the services of an usher. In 1798, for the eminent services rendered to the Acade my by Dr. McMillan, he was elected president, as an honorary office. > In 1800, the Academy received a grant of one thousand dollars from the legislature, which enabled the trustees to pay off all outstanding debts, and in October of this year, the trustees made a movement to convert the Academy into a college, which event was not consum mated until January 15, 1802, when the State legislature granted a charter for Jefferson College. The trustees named in the charter met on the 27th of April, 1802, and were organized by Judge Edgar, who administered to each trus tee an oath to execute the duties of his office. Dr. McMillan was elected President of the Board, and Craig Ritchie, Clerk. At this meeting they arranged the number of professors and classes, as well as the studies appertaining to each class. They elected Rev. John Watson President of the College, and Professor of Moral Philoso phy and the Languages ; Rev. Dr. John McMillan Professor of Divinity ; Samuel Miller Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philoso phy, and Geography. On November 30, 1802, the Rev John Wat son, the first President of the College, died. In the spring of 1803, the Rev. James Dunlap was elected Presi dent, and he was empowered to engage his own tutors. To the duties of President, he added the Pastorate of Miller's Run church, five miles from Canonsburg. In 1805, Rev. Dr. John McMillan was elected Vice-President of Jefferson College. In this year the college received a second donation from the State legislature of $3000, while in 1807 Gen. Hamilton, who was the representative of this district in Congress, through his personal exertion, received from his friends two hundred and ten dollars, to be applied to the building of a college edifice. , HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 223 In September, 1807, the trustees of Jefferson College received a communication from the trustees of Washington College, asking the appointment of a committee to devise a plan for the union of the two colleges, both being in Washington County, and but seven miles apart. This communication was referred to a committee, who in April, 1808, reported that the committees could agree on no terms yet regretting that it could not be accomplished on liberal and equit able principles. On 25th of April, 1811, Rev. Dr. Dunlap resigned the Presidency of the College, and the duties of the office devolved upon Dr. Mc Millan the Vice-President, who was authorized to employ the neces sary professors. In April, 1812, Rev. Dr. Andrew Wylie was elected President, with authority to select his assistants. The College prospering, by the accession of students, the trustees deemed it expedient, in 1815, to appoint a committee to make preparations for the erection of a new college edifice, but while this committee was maturing a plan, the trustees, in September of this year, received a communication from the trustees of Washingtoa College, respecting a union of the two colleges. The committee from Washington College trustees were Rev. John Anderson, Rev. Wm. Spear, Alexander Murdoch, and Parker Campbell, Esqs.; those from Jefferson College were Rev. Dr. McMillan, James Kerr, Mr. McDonald, and Samuel Murdoch, Esqs. These committees met on the 25th of October, when the committee from Washington College proposed that they would place at the disposal of the united Board all the present funds with $5000, provided that Washington was made the permanent site, of the united college ; this proposition the committee of Jefferson College declined, as they could not consent that the college should be removed from Canonsburg, unless that the hand of Providence should be clearly dis cernible in such measure, either by casting lots or leaving it to the de cision, of the legislature. They reported their action, however, to the trustees of Jefferson College, who passed a resolution stating that if the trustees of Washington College would not recede from their posi tion claiming the site of the college at Washington, but would give $5000 in addition to their funds, half the trustees, and the casting vote in the choice of the faculty, the Board of Trustees of Jefferson College will unite in petitioning the legislature to effect the object in view. Final action was postponed until the professors, who were deeply interested in the movement, should be consulted. President Wylie and Prof. Miller replied that if the trustees of Jefferson College did not accede to the proposition from Washington College, they would continue as professors, and render the institution respectable ; but if these pro posals should give the Board and Faculty of Jefferson College the preponderancy and priority tbey should accede to the proposition. The trustees, after hearing these views, were prepared to vote on the question ; the question being taken there was a tie vote, the Presi dent not voting. On 4th' of January, 1816, an adjourned meeting 224 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. of the trustees was held, and the President voted affirmatively, but the students remonstrated, and the trustees passed another resolution that the union recommended could not be confirmed and ratified. This brought on a bitter and angry discussion, which resulted in the two colleges remaining separate as rival institutions. In the spring of 1816, the trustees bought the grounds upon which the present college buildings are erected from Mrs. Canon, and ap pointed a committee to sell the old stone college and lot. On September 24, 1817, the Rev. Dr. Andrew Wylie resigned the office of President, and Rev. Dr. McMillan was chosen President. In April, 1818, Rev. Abraham Anderson was chosen Professor of Lan guages. The trustees resumed the subject of building a new col lege edifice, and in the spring of 1819 Dr. McMillan had permission to travel for two months and receive contributions for this purpose. In 1820 the legislature made athird appropriation of $1000 to the college. In September of this year Prof. Anderson resigned, and Rev. Wm. Smith was elected Professor of Languages. In August, 1822, Rev. Dr. McMillan resigned, and Rev. Wm. Smith was elected President pro tem., but on the 24th of Septem ber, 1822, Rev. Matthew Brown, D. D. was elected President. In June, 1826, the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia was attached as a portion of Jefferson College and placed under its charter, the legislature authorizing the election of ten additional trustees to reside in Philadelphia. This act provided that the medical school was not to have any claims on the funds of Jefferson College. In 1827 the State legislature granted a fourth appropriation of $1000 for three successive years, and in 1833 & fifth for $2000. In 1829 the President, Dr. Brown, was appointed to raise the necessary funds for the erecting of new buildings, and so pre-emi nently successful was Dr. Brown, that the trustees held a meeting in the new college building on the 27th of March, 1833, and from this circumstance the building was named Providence Hall. It is sixty by ninety feet, in which commencements and contests are held, and the Presbyterian church of Canonsburg statedly worship therein. In 1830 the trustees purchased a farm adjoining the town to in corporate with the college the manual labor system, but the enter prise failed without loss to the college. After a long and prosperous Presidency, Dr. Brown resigned in 1845, who was the instrument in raising Jefferson College to a state of unparalleled prosperity. His successor was Rev. Dr. R. J. Brack'enridge, who filled the office until 1847, but not with the success of his predecessor. He was succeeded by Rev. Dr. A. B. Brown, who filled the office acceptably both to the trustees, and the people, and the students, and had health been spared him, would have rivalled his honored father both in his literary attainments and his superior executive and administrative abilities, but ill health com pelled him to resign in 1857, when Rev. Dr. Alden was elected HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 225 President, and a permanent endowment fund of sixty thousand dol lars was raised. In March, 1854, it was proposed to place Jefferson College under the care of the Synod of Pittsburg, but the Board of Trustees of the college declined the proposed ecclesiastical connection for the following reasons : 1. That it had received money and lands from the State. 2. That other religious denominations were alike inter ested in its prosperity. 3. That the present prosperity did not call for the change. 4. That the funds of the college could be as well used for a " more sanctified education" in the present arrangement than by making it an ecclesiastical college. The college quietly proceeded to accomplish the intention of its founders, until the union took place with Washington College, for the history of which see Washington College, page 153. With this history I shall add a list of the Principals and Profes sors of the Jefferson College from its organization. 1802, April 27.- — Rev. John Watson was elected President and Professor of Languages and Moral Philosophy. He died November 30, 1802. 1802, April 27. — Rev. John McMillan was elected Professor of Divinity. 1802, April 27. — Samuel Miller, A. M., was elected Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Resigned September, 1830. Died in 1831. 1803, April 27. — Rev. James Dunlap, A. M., was elected President and Professor of Languages and Moral Philosophy. Resigned April 25, 1811. 1805, April 27.— Rev. John McMillan, D. D., was elected Vice President. Died November 16, 1833. 1812, April 29.— Rev. Andrew Wylie, D. D., was elected President. Resigned April 24, 1816. 1817, September 24.— Rev. William McMillan, A. M., was elected Presi dent. Resigned August 14, 1822. 1818, September 24.— Rev. Abraham Anderson, A. M., was elected Pro fessor of Languages. Resigned September, 1821. 1821, September 24.— Rev. William Smith, A. M., was elected Professor of Languages 1822, September 25.— Rev. Matthew Brown, D. D., LL. D., was elected President. Resigned September 27, 1845. 1824 April— Rev. James Ramsey, D. D., was elected Professor of Hebrew. 1826, April.— Rev. Richard Campbell, A. M., was elected Professor of Languages and Mathematics. Resigned 1827. 1827, February.— Alexander T. McGill, A. B., was elected Tutor. 1829, March.— Jacob Coon, A. B., was elected Tutor. 1830, February.— Rev. John H. Kennedy, A. M., was elected Professor ot Mathematics. Died December 15, 1840. , 1832 March.— Jacob Green, M.D., was elected Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Natural History. Died February, 1841. 1834, March.— 0. J. Hadermann, Esq., was elected Professor of Mathe matics and Modern Languages. Resigned in 1836. 1836, September.— Washington McCartney, Esq., A. M., was elected pro fessor of Mathematics and Modern Languages. Resigned bep- tember, 1837. 226 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 1837, September.— Rev. Charles S. Dodd, A. M., was elected Professor of Mathematics and Modern Languages. Resigned September, 1839. 1838, March.— William Darby, Esq., A. M., was elected Professor of His tory, Geography, and Astronomy. Resigned 1839. 1841, February.— Richard S. McCulloh, Esq., A. M., was elected Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, and Chemistry. Resigned September, 1843. 1841, February. — Rev. A. B. Brown, A. M., was elected Professor of Belles- Lettres and Adjunct Professor of Languages. Resigned October, 1847. 1841, March. — Henry Snyder, A. M., was elected Adjunct Professor of Mathematics. 1841, July. — Charles Martin was elected Tutor. 1843, July.— Rev. Henry Snyder, A. M., was elected Professor of Mathe matics. 1843, September.— S. R. Williams, Esq., A.M., was elected Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. 18,44, September. — Rev. Robert W. Orr, A. M., was elected Professor of Civil Engineering and Natural History. 1845, January 2. — Rev. Robert J. Brackenridge, D. D., LL. D., was elected President. He resigned June 9, 1847. 1845, December. — Rev. A. B. Brown was elected Professor of Belles- Letters, Rhetoric, Logic, and History. 1845, December. — Rev. Robert W. Orr was elected Professor of Latin Language and Literature. 1846, March. — Rev. Thomas Beveridge, D. D., was elected Professor Ex traordinary of Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion. 1846, March.— John D. Vowell, M. D., was elected Professor Extraordinary of Physiology and Comparative Anatomy. 1847, October 14. — Rev. A. B. Brown, D. D., was elected President. Resigned July 31, 1855. Died September 8, 1863. 1848, June. — Rev. Robert M. White, A. M., was elected Professor Extra ordinary of Rhetoric. Died December, 1848. 1849, July. — Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, A. M., was elected Professor Extra ordinary of Rhetoric. 1849, July. — W. W. West, A. B., was elected Principal of the Classical Department. N 1850, August. — Robert Patterson was elected Professor of Mathematics. Resigned November, 1854. 1850, August. — Rev. William Wallace was elected Professor of Moral Science. Died January, 1851. 1852. — Rev. Wm. Ewing, A. M., was elected Professor Extraordinary of History and Language's. 1852. — Rev. Samuel R. Williams, A. M., was elected Professor Extraordi nary of Natural Sciences. Resigned 1854. 1852, September. — Samuel Jones, A.M., was elected Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. 1852, December. — Rev. Aaron Williams, D. D., was elected Professor of Latin Language and Literature. Resigned August 2, 1859. 1852, December. — Rev. Abm. Anderson, D. D., was elected Professor Ex traordinary of Hebrew. Died May, 1855. 1855, February. — John Frazer, A.M., was elected Professor of Mathematics. Resigned April, 1865. 1855, February.— John B. Stilley, A. M., was elected Professor of Civil Engineering. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 227 1855, July. — Rev. John B. Clark was elected Professor Extraordinary of Hebrew. 1857, January 7.— Rev. Joseph Aldek, D. D., LL. D., was elected Presi dent, and inaugurated March 25, 1857. Resigned November 4, 1862. 1857, March. — Rev. Alexander B. Brown, D. D., was elected Professor Extraordinary of History and Political Economy. Resigned August 4, 1857. 1857, August. — Rev. Alexander B. Brown, D. D., was elected Professor Extraordinary of English Literature. Resigned July 31, 1860. Died September 8, 1863. 1857, August. — Alonzo Linn, A. M., was elected Professor of History and Political Economy. 1857, August. — M. B. Riddle, A. M., was elected Adjunct Professor of the Greek Language. 1860, March. — Rev. Isaac N. McKinney, A. M., was elected Professor of the Latin Language. Resigned January 2, 1861. Died Novem ber 20, 1864. 1861, February. — 0. M. Dodd, A. M., was elected Professor of the Latin Language. Resigned April, 1865. 1861, March. — I. V. Herriott, A. M., M. D., was elected Professor of Ana tomy and Physiology. 1861, August. — Alonzo Linn was elected Professor of the Greek Language. 1862, November 4.— Rev. David H. Riddle, D.D., LL.D., was elected President andProfessor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, inau gurated March 25, 1863. Resigned April, 1864. Rev. Riddle was President at the union of Washington and Jefferson Colleges. 1864, August— W. G. Barnett, A. M., M. D., was elected Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. 1866, March 6. — Rev. Jonathan Edwards inaugurated President April 4, 1866. For list of Professors under act of March 4, 1865, see Washington and Jefferson College, under title of Washington Borough. See page 170. Jefferson College has a college library of 10,000 volumes, and philosophical and astronomical apparatus. In connection with Jef ferson College are two Societies, viz : The Philo Literary Society and the Franklin Literary Society, each of which has a valuable library connected therewith of 3800 volumes. The Philo Literary Society was founded August 23, 1797. Its founders were the Rev. John Watson (first President of the Col lege), Rev. Samuel Tate, Rev. Bobert Johnston, Rev. James Salter- field, Rev. John M. Lain, Rev. Elisha Mc Curdy, William Fowler, Rev. John Boggs, Rev. Bobert Lee, Rev. W. Moorehead, Rev Wil liam W. Millan, D. D., and Joseph Smith. It has a library of 3700 volumes. ., ..., The Franklin Literary Society was founded November U, 1797, by James Carnahan, Cephas Dodd, James Galbraith, Wiornas Hughes, David Imbrie, Jacob Lindly, Stephen Lmdly, William Wood, and William Wick. . The object of these societies is, mental and moral improvement and mutual friendship. The Christian Association has about 12UU volumes. 228 history of Washington county. November 3, 1817, a female academy was opened in Canonsburg, under the superintendence of Rev. Matthew Brown and J. Williams. December 29, 1817, first Sabbath school established in Canonsburg. This township in 1789 had fourteen distilleries, in 1790 ten, and in 1791 sixteen, but this year (1869) none are in operation. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Canonsburg was organized in 1842. Its first class was composed of but three members, viz : John Ramsey, H. N. Capron, and Henry Yerty. By perseverance and zeal they were enabled to purchase a lot and erect a brick build ing thereon in 1845, forty by sixty feet. Its first pastor was Rev. I. Sutton ; his successors have been Rev. I. Callender, Rev. H. Snyder, Rev. D. A. McCready, Rev. R. A. Cunningham, Rev. A. Jackson, Rev. R. L. Miller, Rev. Latshaw McGuire, Rev. J. F. Jones, Rev. Sylvester Jones, Rev. Robert Miller, Rev. Alexander Scott, Rev. D. A- Pierce, Rev. H. Neff, Rev. I. C. Cassel, Rev. Mr. Huddleston. There is a Sunday school connected with this church, having twelve teachers and one hundred and seventy scholars, with a library of 900 volumes. • , Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Church of Canonsburg was organized October 25, 1830. Most of its original members were previously connected with the Chartiers congregation. Presbytery for some time hesitated about organizing a church at Canonsburg. At first Chartiers and Canonsburg churches formed one pastoral charge. The congrega tion since their organization have used Providence Hall in the new college building as a place of worship. Rev. Matthew Brown, D. D., was its first pastor. On the 12th of December, 1845, the Rev. Robert J. Brackenridge, D. D., was installed ; he resigned the pastorate June 20, 1847. Rev. Alexander Brown, D. D., was elected pastor December 23, 1847; installed in February, 1848; and con tinued to serve the congregation until April 7, 1857. Rev. Aaron Williams, D. D., was chosen co-pastor with Rev. Dr. A. Brown September 30, 1853; he served about six years. On April 7, 1857, Rev. Dr. Joseph Alden, President of Jefferson College, was invited to take part with Dr. Williams in the ministerial labors of the con gregation. At the resignation of Dr. Williams, Dr. Alden was fol lowed by Rev. D. H. Riddle, D. D., who was installed January 1863 ; he resigned April 10, 1868. His immediate successor was Rev. Dr. Jonathan Edwards, Presi dent of Washington and Jefferson College. He became the stated supply and served until April, 1869. In March, 1870, Rev. Wm. F. Brown, of the Presbytery of Ohio, received a call, and is now laboring among the people j his ordination will take place June 21, 1870. There is a Sabbath school connected with the church of one hun dred and twenty members. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY. 229 Beception of James Monroe, President of the United States, at Canonsburg, September 7, 1817. A committee on behalf of the citizens of Canonsburg, and Capt Miller's company of light infantry, met the President and conducted him to Mr. Emory's inn, where the Principal of Jefferson College, Dr. Matthew Brown, presented him the address of the Committee°in behalf of the Corporation and College. Sir : The Faculty of Jefferson College, together with the citizens of this borough, rejoice in the opportunity of presenting their respectful saluta tions to the Chief Magistrate of the nation. We, with our fellow citizens in other sections of the Union, view your tour through the different States as a favorable indication of your devoted attachment to the real interests of the people over whom you preside. Under your auspices we anticipate the rising splendor of our literary institutions, and of all those establish ments which contribute to the independence, wealth, and general prosperity of our country. We therefore hail you, sir, upon your arrival a. the original seat of lite rature in the West, with sentiments of the greatest cordiality and respect. This was the consecrated spot which first gave birth to science in this western region. This institution as a college was founded in honor of your illustrious predecessor, Mr. Jefferson, in 1802, and has since been the prin cipal nursery of literature in the western country. Besides the common elementary course of literature, it has been the con stant aim in this institution to inspire the minds of youth with those prin ciples of piety and virtue — with those ennobling sentiments, and that sin cere love of truth and duty, which are the greatest ornaments of human character, and which are best calculated to form the man and the citizen. It has been the object of this seminary, according to the* most enlightened views of human nature and the interests of society that we could obtain, to preserve in close alliance the interests of religion and learning, of piety and virtue, as essential to the energy and effect of our political institutions, and as greatly subservient to public order, harmony, and liberty. We have ever viewed sound morality and intelligence as the great supports of free government, and the principal guarantee of our rights and privileges, both civil and religious. In this representation of our views of the general object of public educa tion, and the influence of sound morality and science in supporting our republican institutions, we are persuaded they accord with your own senti ments, and refer to objects which you judge worthy of high consideration. We present to your view, sir, that portion of the youth of our country which now attend this institution, and we are happy that we can bear testi mony of their regard to the interesting objects of literary pursuit, and to those attainments on which their future usefulness depends. We, indeed, exhibit an emblem of the simplicity of republican manners, which, to a man of your discernment and intelligence, cannot operate as a disparagement, provided we endeavor to cherish those generous affections, and aid at those solid acquirements which shall bind us to our country, and render us instru mental in promoting its interests, and strengthening and> protecting its precious institutions. Permit us, with our fellow citizens, to congratulate you, sir, upon the auspicious circumstances which attend the commencement of your admin istration — circumstances which cannot fail to unite you and the people 230 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. together, and impress the public mind with the belief of your devoted attachment to the best interests of our common Country. Accept our earnest wishes and prayers for its prosperous course and happy issue, and indulge us with expressing the desire that when you are engaged in the appropriate functions of your high station, you may enjoy the favor and blessing of heaven, and that it may be our privilege, by fidelity and perse verance in our respective spheres, under the smiles of the same beneficent Providence, to cooperate in the work of patriotism by diffusing the light of knowledge and the saving influence of religion and morals. Craig Ritchie, Samuel Miller, Wm. McMillan, Jas. P. Miller. Wm. Gibson, President Monroe's Answer. I thank you, Sir, and this committee, for the respect and friendship with which I have been received on my arrival here. It is with sincere gratifi cation that I received your address. Be assured, sir, that I am deeply affected with it. When I first meditated this tour, which was some time before I left the seat of government, I thought it would be practicable, and it was my desire to perform it in the character of a private citizen. But finding my fellow citizens wished otherwise, and everywhere met me with expressions of respect and attachment, I yielded to their wishes, and have met them with the same feelings. In these expressions of public regard, which my humble services could not inspire, I see the fixed attachment of the people to the principles of our free government. I am happy in meeting with this Faculty, and these young men. The views of the nature and object of public education contained in your address, agree with my own. During my tour through an extensive continent I have met with many similar institutions, all entertaining nearly the same sentiments respecting the instruction of youth. And I ask you, sir, in what more noble principles could they be instructed than those of virtue and our holy religion ? These are the most solid basis on which our free government can rest, and that they should be instilled into the rising youth of our country, to whom its destiuies are soon to be consigned, is of high importance. The aged pass away in rapid succession, and give place to the younger. Those who are now the hope of their country will soon become its pride. Educated in these principles, we can with confidence repose our free government, and the interests of our beloved country, in their care, assured that they will preserve, protect, and cherish them, and will fill the place of those who have gone before them with equal honor and advantage. I was led into this subject on which I have dwelt, because it is pleasing to me by the observations contained in your address. With respect to the objects of my tour, you do me justice. You all know how necessary it is that a person in my station should be acquainted with the circumstances and situation of the country over which he presides. To acquire this knowledge I have visited our marine coasts and inland fron tiers, parts most exposed to invasion. Having accomplished the objects of my tour to the full extent I at first contemplated, to me, sir, it is peculiarly gratifying, now on my return to the seat of government, to be hailed with the sentiments of approbation contained in your address. To me it is a source of high satisfaction that, in all the places which I have visited in this tour, I have found the people so generally united, and so strongly attached to the principles of our excellent Constitution. In the HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 231 union of the people our Government is sufficiently strong, and on this union I confidently rely. Our Government has proved its strength. We have terminated with honor a war carried on against a powerful nation, and that nation peculiarly favored by fortunate circumstances. Our army gained glory— our navy acquired renown— and all classes of citizens, as opportunity offered, and where the pressure was greatest, acquitted themselves with honor. This nation is now respectable for numbers, and more respectable as an enlightened people. That its future auspices and glory may answer to its present prosperity, is my sincere desire. Be assured, sir, that I shall always take a deep interest in the prosperity of this institution. It is known at a distance among scientific men. You have chosen for it a name not unknown abroad to science, and which to me is peculiarly interesting. I avail myself of this opportunity of bearing my testimony to the talents, learning, and great public services of that vene rable statesman and philosopher whose name you have prefixed to your institution. Accept, gentlemen, my grateful acknowledgments for the kindness with which I have been received, and my sincere wishes for your individual hap piness and prosperity. Cross Creek Township. On the 23d day of March, 1790, the Court of Quarter Sessions, erected this township out of Hopewell. Its boundaries are Smith and Jefferson on the north, Mount Pleasant and Smith on the east, Independence and Hopewell on the south, and Jefferson on the west. This township is fifteen miles northwest of Washington. The creek, which gives the name to the township, rises on the borders of Hope well and Mount Pleasant, and runs northwest to the Ohio River. Harman's Creek pursues the same course to the same river. Several grist and saw-mills are located on these waters. Its population in 1860 was 1110, of which 81 are colored. It has three stores, ten schools, with five male and five female teachers, the former receiv ing $32 and the latter $28.58 per month, having two hundred and ninety-six scholars, of which one hundred and fifty-three are males and one hundred and forty-three females, tuition costing per month $1.28. Amount levied for school purposes, $1916.10, and receiving from the State appropriation $101.40. Its town is Cross Creek village, having fifty-eight dwelling-houses, a Presbyterian church, a Methodist Episcop'al church, a cemetery,. an Academy, stores, boot and shoe establishments, harness-maker, &c. &c 1787, Mr. Park, a brother of Mrs. Marquis, was tomahawked and scalped near his own dwelling-house, near where Cross Creek vil lage now stands. 1795, September 5, Mary Patterson, of Cross Creek township, directed her executors to pay into the hands of the treasurer of the fund for the education of pious youths for the gospel ministry, the sum of £5, under the direction of the Ohio Presbytery. 1795, November 30, Henry Graham and Mary his wife, conveyed 232 history of Washington county. to Samuel Fleming, Aaron Lyle, and John Wilkins, trustees of the Cross Creek congregation, in consideration of £6, and now under the care of the Rev. Thomas Marquis, a member of the Ohio Presbytery and Synod of Virginia, both under the care of the General Assem bly of the Presbyterian church, and to the only use of said congre gation for ever, the said congregation holding to Calvinistic princi ples, the lot to contain six and one-fourth acres and thirty-four and a half perches. This congregation has erected successively five houses of worship, viz: In 1779, of unhewed logs, twenty-six by twenty-two feet; the second in 1784, of hewed logs, sixty by thirty feet, to this, some yejars afterwards, was added a gallery; the third in 1803, of stone, fifty-six by fifty-six feet ; the fourth in 1830, of brick, seventy- six by fifty-six feet, with a gallery on three sides, and the fifth in 1864, of brick, eighty-two by forty-two feet. Their first pastor was the Rev. Joseph Smith, who received a call on June 21, 1779, who was succeeded by Rev. Thomas Marquis, whose election bears date October 18, 1793. The third and present pastor is the Rev. John Stockton, D. D., who accepted a call in April, -1827. Thus for ninety years has this church been signally blessed by having but three stated ministers, whose labors were acceptable to the people and blessed by the Lord. Original Settlers. From James Simpson, Esq., I learn that the following persons were the original settlers in Cross Creek township : Samuel John son, John Tenell, Alexander Wells, William Patterson, Ephraim Hart, Jacob Buxton, Thomas Beatty, William Renolds, David Renolds, Thomas Bay, Henry Graham, James Jackson, William Calvin, Col. James Marshall, George Marquis, David Vance, Thomas Crawford, Col. John Marshall, John Marquis, William McCombs. Forts. Wilson's Fort was at Wells' (now Fullerton's) mill ; it was a regu lar stockade fort. There was a blockhouse on the farm now owned by William M. Lee, Esq., called Renolds' Fort, from the owner of the land, Wm. Renolds, Esq. Another blockhouse, called Marshall's Fort (after Col. James Marshall), on the property now owned by Thomas McCorkle, Esq. Col. Marshall was the first sheriff of the county. Canton Township. On the 23d of April, 1792, Canton township was formed by a de cree of the court, bounded on the north by Chartiers, on the east by Chartiers, Washington, and Amwell, on the south by Amwell, and on the west by Hopewell. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 233 An present boundaries are Mount Pleasant and Chartiers on the north, Chartiers, South Strabane, and Washington on the east, Frank lin and Washington on the south, Hopewell and Buffalo on the west. The National turnpike and Hempfield railroad passes westerly through this township. It is drained by Chartiers' Creek and its tributaries. It adjoins the borough of Washington. The popula tion, in 1860, was 587, of which 39 were colored. It has five schools employing two male aud three female teachers, the former receiving $30 and the latter $29.29 per month, with 198 scholars, 108 males and 90 females, the tuition costing 71 cents per month. Amount raised for school purposes by taxation $875.20, from the State ap propriation $63.98. The National pike and Hempfield railroad passes through this township. It contains one fulling mill, one wool len factory, one flouring mill, one grist-mill, and four saw-mills. Greatest length of this township is 6 miles, breadth 3 miles. The boundary lines between this and Chartiers changed August term, 1863. Pike Run Township Was formed by a decree of the court April 23, 1792. Its bounda ries were Fallowfield and Somerset on the north, the Monongahela River on the east, Bethlehem township on the south and west. On the 9th day of March, 1839, it was divided into East and West Pike Run. Pike Run and Little Pike Run rise in the township and flow east to the Monongahela River. 1797, December 26, John Samms conveyed to David Grave, Jacob Griffith, John Head, John Almund, Joseph Pennock, and Alexander Peden, trustees on behalf of the people called Quakers, appointed by the Westland monthly meeting for this special purpose, four and one-fourth acres of land, for the purpose of a meeting-house called "Pike Run Meeting." Upon this ground was erected a meeting house, but subsequently a division was created, one party being called the orthodox and the other Hicksite church. Both churches have been abandoned, and a Methodist Episcopal church erected within one hundred yards in West Pike Run township. This church was built about ten years since, and is called Clover Hill M. E. church, and on the circuit under the charge of Rev. J. B. Yarnall. East Pike Run Constituted the eastern portion of Pike Run township, but by a de cree of the court it was divided into two townships, East and West Pike Run. The boundaries of East Pike Run are Fallowfield town ship on the north, Allen and the Monongahela River on the east L. Bethlehem and the Monongahela River on the south, W fikeKun and E. Bethlehem on the west. It is centrally distant from Wash ington 18 miles southeast. Greatest length 6 miles, breadth 3 miles. The population in 1860 was 1221. It has five schools with three male and two female teachers, the former receiving $45, and the lat- 16 234 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. ter $40 per month, with 197 scholars, 113 males and 84 females; cost of tuition per month being $1.47 ; amount levied for school and building purposes being $1276.54, from the State $83.46. August 29, 1850, the township lines between East and West Pike Run changed, and confirmed by the court. February 1, 1857, the lines between East and West Pike Run and Fallowfield were changed by a decree of the court. Its towns are West Brownsville, Green field, California, and Granville, the three former of which being boroughs, their respectivp history will be inserted after that of Gran ville. Granville is on the forks of Pike Run. It contains 25 dwelling- houses, a population of 130, and has an extensive pottery and a woollen factory. In the township is one woollen factory, one distil lery, two grist-mills, and a saw-mill. There are also two excellent shipping coal works in this township. West Brownsville Was erected into a borough April 2, 1852. This town was laid out by Ephraim L. Blaine, Esq., in 1831, but Mr. J. Bowman added the addition to it west of the run. The land originally belonged to Neal Gillespie, deceased. The original town consists of 103 lots, 60 feet front, and ranging from 93 to 270 feet, on account of the abruptness of the river hill. The streets are 60 feet wide ; Water, Middle, and Main streets run parallel with the Monongahela River ; Bridge, Broadway, and Liberty cross these streets at right angles. In Bowman's addition there are 61 lots, 60 feet in front and 151 feet deep, with two streets, viz., Pennsylvania and Vine streets. This place is connected with Brownsville, Fayette County, by a bridge over the Monongahela River, 630 feet long, which cost $50,000, and was erected in 1832. West Brownsville has a population of 540 ; three schools, three teachers, one male and two female, the former at $45 and the latter •at $26.50 per month ; 187 scholars, 97 males and 90 females, cost of tuition being 65 cts. per month; amount levied for school pur poses, $342.00 ; for building purposes, $400.00; received from State appropriation, $60.45. It contains ten stores, two confection eries, and four distilleries, one stoneware manufactory, two hotels, blacksmith shop, &c, two boat yards, one owned by John S. Prin- gle, Esq., which employs 200 hands, the other by the Messrs. Cocks. From these yards have been launched the best boats on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Planing mills and sash factory are in suc cessful operation by Messrs. Aubrey, Cromlow & Coon. West Brownsville has a town hall, which is used for a church, although the people generally have pews in the different churches in Brownsville. The national road passes through this place, and it is distant from Washington 23 miles. The town is supplied with HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 235 coal from a vein seven feet in thickness. There are the remains of an old Indian graveyard in West Brownsville, immediately above the Monongahela River. Greenfield. It was laid out as a town at the confluence of Pike Run with the Monongahela River, in 1819, by Robert Jackman, and was after wards erected into a borough by the State legislature on the 9th day of April, 1834. It contains 82 dwelling-houses, eight stores, one confectionery, two churches, the usual number of mechanical branches, with a po pulation of 465, and is twenty-two miles distant from Washington. There are two churches in this borough, one under the control of the Methodist Episcopal denomination, and the other, the Cumber land Presbyterians. The Methodist church was erected in 1838, but in a few years afterwards was enlarged. The pulpit is supplied by Rev. D. A. Pierce. The Cumberland Presbyterian church is a new edifice, although the first was built about 1839. It has also a large school-house, containing two schools, employing two female teachers, at $30 per month, with 107 scholars, 63 males and 44 females ; the price of tuition per month being 72 cents ; amount levied for school pur poses being $242.45, and received from the State, $46.48. As a portion of the local history of the town of Greenfield we may state that on the 18th of July, 1814, an association was formed called the Farmers' and Mechanics' Commercial Store of Green field, for the purpose of raising a fund to establish a store, and con nect thereby a speedy market for their surplus produce. Capital stock, $20,000, in shares of $10 each, to be under the control of a president and nine directors, , who were authorized to erect a store house, and purchase keel-boats to carry the produce to Pittsburg. California, Situate in East Pike Run township, on the Monongahela River, be came a borough on the 26th day of November, 1853. It was laid out on the 1st day of May, 1849, when four hundred lots were offer ed for sale by the proprietors, Job Johnston, Abraham Fry, W. W. Jackman, George W. Hornbeck, John Wood, and Samuel Ashmead, who purchased the farm upon which it is laid out from John Ring- land. This town is 55 miles from Pittsburg, 23 from Washington, and 7 miles from Brownsville. The ground upon which the borough is located is celebrated in the annals of Youghiogheny County his tory when Virginia claimed this portion of our State. It was at this point the Indians met in 1767, when the Rev. Dr. Steele, of Car lisle was sent out to persuade the white men not to invade the hunting grounds of the Indians. This land was known as belonging to " Indian Peter," who transferred it to Samuel Young, who after- 236 history of Washington county. wards sold it to Robert Jackman, but in 1784 Mr. Jackman obtained a patent for the same. The town is beautifully laid out upon the river bank, with streets crossing each other at right angles, 60 feet wide, alleys 20 feet, and lots are 50 by 150 feet, with a resident population of 640. It is separated from the borough of Greenfield by Pike Run, which empties into the Monongahela River. It contains 88 dwelling houses ; the Southwestern Normal Col lege of the tenth district,, which comprises the counties of Washing ton, Fayette, Greene, and Somerset ; one large hotel conducted on temperance principles, built in the modern style ; one boat-yard em ploying about sixty hands, which was established July 4, 1851 ; one steam tannery, one sash and door factory, five stores, one confec tionery, and one drug store, with the usual number of mechanical branches, two grist-mills, a saw-mill, and two churches. Southwestern Normal College. A high school which had been established when the town was laid out, was the nucleus of the Normal College. In its infancy so pros perous was the high school that in about ten years it became an academy, and the perseverance and zeal which had characterized the professors, trustees, and the citizens in their laudable efforts to pro mote the educational interests of our State was crowned with tri umphant success by the academy being changed into the Normal College on the 16th of March, 1865. The college grounds contain ten acres. The building has & cha pel, lecture-rooms, recitation-rooms, society hall, dining-room, dormi tories. The object of this Normal College is to prepare teachers for the promotion and dissemination of the great cause of education, and thereby elevating the profession to that high standard of moral and mental culture which the interests of our State demand. The faculty consists of — J. G. Gilchrist, Principal and Professor of Didactics, Mental and Moral Science, and Languages. J. G. Good, Professor of Higher Mathematics and Natural Science. G. G. Hertzog, Professor of Arithmetic and Book-Keeping. Mrs. H. C. Gilchrist, Professor of English Grammar and Literature and History. Miss Annie M. Hurfort, Professor of the English Branches, Elocution, and Penmanship. Mrs. S. C. Hays and Miss H. N. Riggs, teachers of Model School. Miss Minnie Beacom, teacher of Instrumental Music. Methodist Episcopal Church Of this borough is under the care of Rev. D. A. Pierce. It is a large fine brick edifice, and erected- near the centre of the town. The Disciples also have a church organization. There are literary societies connected with the college, while the town sustains Lodge 491 of Independent Order of Odd Fellows, HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 237 the Temple of Honor No. 11, and the Social Temple No. 22, these two latter being temperance organizations. Bituminous coal abounds throughout the whole region of country. California has four schools employing one male and three female teachers, the former receiving $60 and the latter $33 per month, with 202 scholars, 10S males and 94 females, tuition costing per month 71 cents ; amount levied for school purposes $427.15, received from the State appropriation $70.98. West Pike Run Was formed into a separate township on the 9th day of March, 1839. Its boundaries are Fallowfield township on the north ; E. Pike Run on the east ; E. Bethlehem on the south ; Somerset and W. Bethlehem on the west. Greatest length six miles, breadth four miles. This township is centrally distant from the borough of Washington 14 miles. Its population in 1860, was 869, of which 73 are colored. It has three stores, seven schools, with three male and four female teachers employed, the former at $31.19, the latter at $30, with 322 scholars, 167 males, 155 females, tuition costing per month 85 cents ; tax levied for school purposes $1044.32, appropriation from the State $90.00. At the February term, 1858, the township lines between West Pike Run and Fallowfield were altered and confirmed by the court. Centreville and Beallsville are on the National pike, which di vides East Bethlehem and West Pike Run, as also the two towns. We have placed Centreville in this township., but Beallsville being a borough, its history will be given at its appropriate place. On the farm of Mr. West stands an Episcopal church called St. Thomas', which was erected in 1777, when this territory belonged to Youghiogheny County, Virginia. Its first minister was Rev. Mr. Ayres ; his successors Rev. Mr. Davis, Rev. Mr.' Peiffer, Rev. Mr. Boston, Rev. Mr. Freeman, Rev. Mr. Temple, Rev. Mr. Tenbrooke, and others. It is on the Brownsville and Pittsburg road, 7 miles from Brownsville, 26 miles from Pittsburg, 3^ miles from Greenfield. It is built of logs, and weather-boarded, 30 feet square, two stories, with a gallery around it. It is the oldest church in the county. At the time of the whiskey insurrection, and during the ministry of Rev. Mr. Ayres, and while the insurgents were marching towards Parkinson's Ferry, they stopped at this church, in which Rev. Mr. Ayres was then preaching, and for his supposed disloyal sentiments, he advocating the duty of the citizen towards the government, these insurgents took him from the pulpit, determined to shoot him, but by a Providental interference the wrath of man was restrained, and he returned to the church and finished his sermon. Among the papers of Rev. Joseph Dodridge, I find the following memorandum : — "At a convention held at St. Thomas' Church, in Washington County, Pa., September 25, 1803, present, Rev. Robert Ayres, Rev. Joseph Dod 238 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. ridge, Rev. Francis Reno, and Rev. Mr. Seaton. After divine service Rev. R. Ayres was appointed chairman, and Stephen John Francis secretary, when the following resolution was adopted : — Resolved, That application for supplies shall be made to the convention in writing, with the names annexed of those who Msh the supply, and that they shall become responsible to the minister for a sum not less than four dollars. This convention passed another resolution that an adjourned meeting thereof should be held in six months, at the church near Gen. Neville's old place, on Chartiers' Creek; Rev. R. Ayres to preach the opening sermon." In 1810, a meeting of the Protestant Episcopal clergymen was held in Washington, when it was resolved' that the Rev. Jos. Dod- ridge open a correspondence with the Rt. Rev. Bishop White, for the purpose of obtaining, through him, permission from the General Convention to form a diocese in the western country embracing the western counties of Pennsylvania, Western Virginia, and the State of Ohio, and to elect a bishop. There is a Methodist Episcopal church in Centreville; also two miles from this place is a brick church called Taylor's M. E. church, both under the care of Rev. J. C. Mclntire. The township contains two grist-mills, four steam saw-mills, two sorghum manufactories, one vineyard, which manufactures about 600 gallons of wine annually, and one distillery. Centreville is three miles east of Beallsville on the National pike, and was laid out by Samuel Rogers in 1819. It derives its name from being midway between Hillsboro and Brownsville. It contains fifty dwellings, four stores, and the usual number of the mechanical professions, with a population of 263. It is distant from Washing ton eighteen miles. There is an Odd Fellows' Lodge in this place. Beallsville Was erected into a borough February 16, 1852. This town was laid out by Zephaniah Bealle, George Jackson, Christian Kreider, and S. W. Blake, on the 23d of August, 1819, on the National pike. The lots (60 by 180 feet) were sold on the 12th of September follow ing. It is eight miles from Brownsville, and fifteen from Washing ton, on the boundary line between Pike Run and E. Bethlehem, containing seventy-eight dwelling houses, two hotels, four stores' two groceries, two tailors, saddle and harness maker, blacksmith, wagon-maker, a marble manufactory, shoe makers, &c. &c, a Metho dist Episcopal church, a Masonic hall, and one school-house, with a population of 410. The Presbyterian denomination some time since had an organiza tion and a brick church, but it has been sold to the Free Masons. It has two schools with two teachers, one male at $55 and one fe male at $30 per month, having 95 scholars, 48 males, 47 females; cost of tuition per month 98 cents; amount of tax levied, $219.68; received from the State appropriation $39.78. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. - 239 Main Street, on the National road, is the principal street, although Gay Street crosses it nearly at right angles. This street is on the State road leading from Pittsburg to Morgantown. The lots are 60 by 180 feet. There is a Baptist church west of Beallsville, near the township line of West Bethlehem, and a Methodist Protestant church near J. Baker, Esq., in the centre of the township. Rich Hill Township. The Supreme Executive Council, on March 13, 1793, upon the application of the court of Washington County, established this township, assigning as its boundaries Finley township on the north, Franklin and Greene on the east, Mason and Dixon's line on the south, and Virginia on the west. By the act of the legislature of February 9, 1796, this township, with Franklin, Greene, Morgan, and Cumberland townships, comprised Greene County. Buffalo Township Was organized by a decree of the Court of Quarter Sessions, on 8th May, 1799. It was bounded on the north by Hopewell, on the east by Canton, on' the south by Morris and Finley, and on the west by Donegal. Its present boundaries are Hopewell and Independence townships on the north, Canton and Franklin on the east, East Finley and Franklin on the south, and Donegal on the west. Greatest length eight miles, breadth seven miles. It is centrally distant from Washington borough, seven miles. It is drained by Buffalo Creek and its branches, which flow northwest into the Ohio River. Upon this creek are many grist and saw-mills. In 1860 its population was 1578, of which 2 were colored. At the February term of the court, 1866, the lines between Buffalo and Franklin townships were con firmed. It has two stores, one distillery, and eight schools, employing three male and five female teachers, the former at $36.66, the latter at $35, with three hundred and twenty scholars, one hundred and ninety males, one hundred and forty females ; cost of tuition, $1.51 per month; amount of taxes for school purposes, $1484.63, and building purposes, $1487.63 ; State appropriation, $127.92. Its towns are Taylorstown and Buffalo village. Originally Tay- lorstown was called New Brunswick, and in 1808 elections were held at this place by law. Afterwards it became changed to its present name. It is situate on Buffalo Creek, eight miles west of Washington, containing forty-two dwelling houses and a population of two hundred and sixtv-five. Buffalo village is on a fork of Buffalo Creek, seven miles south west of Washington. 240 history of washington county. Presbyterian Church Is situated in this township, on the head-waters of the east fork of Buffalo Creek, one-half mile south of the National road. This church was built about 1830, and has had the ministerial labors of Rev. W. P. Alrich until 1864, when he resigned. His immediate successor was Rev. Mr. Alexander, who has since died. The present incumbent is the Rev. R. W. Morton. There is a Sab bath school connected with this church. There are also the following churches in this township, viz : A M. E. church, near Roney's Point, in the northern part, a Baptist church, southwest of the Railroad depot, near Mr. Caldwell's, and two United Presbyterian churches. North Buffalo U. P. church was organized about 1780. Rev. Matthew Henderson was pastor from 1781 until October 2, 1795 ; Rev. Robert Laing from 1796 until 1805 ; Rev. David French from July 2, 1811, until June 14, 1853 ; Rev. W. M. C. Gibson from November 29, 1855, until November 12, 1861 ; Rev. R. C. Welch from May 14, 1867, to December 22, 1868, with -a membership of one hundred and seventeen. South Buffalo U. P. church was organized in 1810. Rev. David French was pastor from July 2, 1811, until November 22, 1852; Rev. James G. Carson from November 13, 1856, until April 30, 1867, with a membership of eighty-one. Mount Pleasant Township. This township, by a decree of the court, was erected 12th May, 1806. Its original boundaries were Cecil township on the northeast, Chartiers on the southeast, Canton and Hopewell on the south, Cross Creek 'on the west, and Smith on the northwest : greatest length 9 miles, breadth 5|- miles. Its boundaries are Smith and Robinson townships on the north ; Cecil and Chartiers on the east; Chartiers, Canton, and Hopewell on the south ; and Smith, Cross Creek, and Hopewell on the west. It is centrally distant from Washington, northwest, 10 miles. In 1860 its population was 1348, of which 20 were colored. It is drained north by Racoon Creek, south and east by Chartiers' Creek and branches of that stream, and west by the middle fork of Cross Creek. It has four stores, ten schools, employing three male and seven female teachers, the former receiving $32.26 and the latter $30.57 monthly, with 366 scholars, 175 males and 191 females, the cost of tuition being $1.04 per month ; amount levied for school purposes, $1620.63; State appropriation, $129.48. Hickory is its chief town, and, from its position in the township, roads to all parts radiate from it. It contains 52 dwellings fair grounds, beautifully located— a population of 280, and the neces sary number of stores and mechanical branches. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 241 Adjoining the town is Mount Pleasant U. P. church, a hand some brick building. It was organized about 1809. Its pulpit has been filled by Rev. W. C. Brownlee, D. D., from May 3, 1809, to September 1, 1812; Rev. Alexander Donan from July 6, 1819,' to April 20, 1852; Rev. Joseph R. Thompson from April 28, 1853 to December 16, 1861; Rev. W. A. McConnel from July 4, 1865,' to the present time, with a membership of 160. This congregation is occupying the third house of worship ; the present was erected in 1868, at a cost of $12,000, built of brick, 60 by 80 feet, handsomely frescoed, and finished in modern style. The Sabbath school has one hundred scholars under competent teachers with an excellent library. One mile west of Hickory is Mount Prospect Presbyterian church, which was organized in the year 1826. This congregation has had two church edifices, the first of frame, built immediately upon its organization, the second of brick, built two years since. The ministers who have officiated as pastors since its organiza tion were : 1, Rev. David Hervey ; 2, Rev. John Moore ; 3, Rev. David R. Campbell; 4, Rev. W. B. Keeling; 5, Rev. J. C. Cald-' well ; 6, Rev. R. T. Price, the present faithful incumbent. There is a Sabbath school connected with the church. Carroll Township Was formed on September 30, 1834, from Nottingham and Fal lowfield. It was originally named by the viewers Knox township, but the court changed it to Carroll. Its boundaries are the Monongahela River and Union township on the north, the Monongahela River on the east, Fallowfield and Monongahela River on the south, and Nottingham and Fallowfield on the west. It is centrally distant from Washington nineteen miles. In 1860 its population was 1907, of which 74 were colored. It has five stores, one confectionery, nine schools, with two male and seven female teachers, their pay being $35 per month, with 486 scholars, 267 males and. 219 females, cost of tuition per month being 79 cents; amount levied for school tax purposes, $1480.92; State appropriation, $132.60 ; greatest length eight miles, breadth three miles. Its towns are Monongahela City (formerly Parkinson's Ferry, but subsequently called Williamsport) ; Columbia, population 200, on the Monongahela River. Monongahela City being a borough, its his tory will be given after the villages. September 12, 1814. Charles DeHass laid out the town of Co lumbia this day, on the farm of Mr. Hoover, four miles above Wil liamsport. The proprietor, to induce people to purchase lots, says, it is in contemplation to form a new county, and from its being so very central in the contemplated county, he has laid off the town with large lots, and wide streets and alleys, with public grounds for a church, academy, burying-ground, public buildings, &c. Colum- 242 history of Washington county. bia i,s in a deep bend of the river, twenty"-one miles distant from Washington. There are the remains of an old Presbyterian church on the farm of William Crawford, now owned by John Wilson, Esq. It was built about 1785, and additions were made to it until it had sixteen cor ners; the Rev. Mr. Ralston occupied the pulpit. The burying ground is used by the old citizens. The remains of this church are three miles from Monongahela City, and close to the township line which separates Carrol and Fallowfield. , The Horseshoe Baptist Church is two miles from Monongahela City, erected in 1790. The first church was built of logs, but the present one is brick. Rev. Mr. Hargrave is the present pastor. This township contains two grist-mills, one paper mill, and five collieries. Ginger Hill Lutheran Church was erected in 1847 ; built of brick; of modern style ; Rev. Mr. Waters, Rev. Mr. Emory, Rev. Mr. Mel- hom, Rev. A. Wylie, Rev. Mr. Ryder were the pastors. There is an United Brethren Church near the tollgate, in which •the different denominations occasionally preach, with no settled pastor. Union Township. This township was organized March 31, 1836, from Peters and Nottingham townships. On September 1, 1846, the boundary lines between Union and Peters were confirmed by the court, and another change and confirmation took place at the November term 1862. Its boundaries are Allegheny County on the north, Allegheny Coun ty and the Monongahela River on the east, Carroll township on the south, and Peters and Nottingham on the west. It is centrally distant fro.m Washington 14 miles. In 1860 its population was 1452, of which 10 are colored. Greatest length 6 miles, breadth 3 miles. It has nine stores, seven schools, employing four male and three female teachers, at $40 per month, with 435'scholars, 229 males 196 females; the cost of tuition being 75 cents per month ; taxes levied for school purposes $1776.11 ; State appropriation $141.96. Its towns are Limetown and Finleyville. Finleyville is on the road from Washington to Pittsburg, 12 miles northeast of Washington. It was laid out by a sea-captain who purchased the land and named the place Rogue Alley, after the name of his ship. He sold it to James Finley and Mr. Mellinger, about 1790, from which time it bears the name of Finleyville. It has a population of about eighty, and also an Odd Fellows' hall. Limetown is on the left bank of the Monongahela River. The town is chiefly composed of miners, there being many large and extensive collieries in the immediate vicinity of the place. The town may be said to extend about four miles, the houses being built upon lots, on the narrow strip of land between the Monongahela River and the abrupt hills, under which lie immense strata of bituminous coal. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 243 There are about 650 inhabitants. Several extensive stores are doing a successful business. In connection with the original history of this township, we may state that John Wright, father of Enoch Wright, Esq., N. Powers, and another man started with produce to New Orleans, and below Wheeling were attacked by the Indians in ambuscade ; after wound ing several Indians, Wright and Pomeroy were captured, Powers being wounded was killed, but Wright was burned at the stake after being taken to Sandusky. Near Findleyville is a Seced'er church which was organized about 1832 ; the last minister was Rev. Thomas Callohan. The Presbyterian church of Mingo was organized in the year 1786. It is two miles south of Findleyville on a branch of Mingo Creek. From the records of the Redstone Presbytery, I find that Mingo Creek, Horseshoebottom, and Pike Run churches applied to Presby tery for a minister on August, 15, 1786. Rev. Samuel Ralston, D.D., was its first regular pastor. He was ordained and installed Nov- vember 30, 1796, and took charge of this congregation and the one at Monongahela City, formerly Parkinson's Ferry, although he after wards resigned its charge in 1836. He officiated in Mingo Creek for forty years. His successors were Rev. Mr. Shotwell, Rev. James M. Smith, Rev. John R. Dunlap, Rev. Mr. Rockwell, Rev. Mr. Greenough, and Rev. J. J. Beacom. At present they have no set tled pastor. In 1828 a Sabbath-school was organized. In 1864 it had thirteen teachers and eighty -four scholars, with a library of three hundred and eighty-two volumes. In February, 1794, the Mingo Creek Society was organized; it consisted of Col. Hamilton's battalion, and was governed by a presi dent and council. The electors were those subject to military duty of eighteen years of age and upwards, who elected their respective captains in certain districts, and these captains elected the council, who by the constitution were required to be not less than twenty-five years of age. One councilman was chosen for each district. It met monthly at Mingo Creek meeting-house on the first Friday of each month. This society had power to hear and determine all matters in vari ance and dispute between parties, encourage teachers of schools, introduce the Bible and other religious books into schools, encourage the industrious and men of merit. No money could be expended unless by vote of the society. Monongahela City. On July 25th, 1796, Joseph Parkinson laid out on the western banks of the Monongahela River and below the mouth of Pigeon Creek at Parkinson's Ferry, a town which he named Williamsport, but it generally took the name of Parkinson's Ferry, because the 244 history of Washington county. post-office was so called. In 1833 the name of the post-office was changed to Williamsport, and on April 1, 1837, it was changed from Williamsport to Monongahela City. The town was situated on the main road leading from Philadelphia to Washington, being twenty miles distant from this latter place. It is well to be remembered that Mr. Parkinson reserved the Ferry for himself and his heirs, but sold the lots in three equal annual pay ments, donating, however, one lot for a market-house and another for a meeting-house. All lots were sixty by two hundred feet with the necessary number of streets (sixty feet wide), and alleys (twenty feet wide). An addition to the original plan of the town was made by Adam Wickerham, who laid out the lots west of Capt. Harvey's hotel, and named it Georgetown, but when the act of incorporation was procured for Monongahela City, the charter embraced both Williamsport, Georgetown, and some additional outlots. This place has a world-wide fame as Parkinson's Ferry, as it was the rallying point during the whiskey insurrection, full particulars of which will be found in the Appendix, Chapter IV. We shall mention the public buildings and works as they were kindly 'pointed to us by several of the citizens. HORSESHOEBOTTOM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Dr. Samuel Ralston, D. D., received a call from this and Mingo Creek congregations in November, 1796, which he accepted and was therefore ordained. In the latter church he labored forty years, and in the former thirty-five years. This Horseshoebottom congregation was originally established three and one-half miles from Parkinson's , Ferry, on the ridge road leading from this place to Brownsville on Simon Wilson's farm. It was a log church, had a graveyard connected with it, and part of the foundation is still visible. (See p. 240). Dr. Ralston preached in this church until 1807, when it was removed to (Williamsport) Monongahela City. Mr. Moore, says : Dr. Ralston preached his first sermon in a little school-house near the present church building, preaching two years in the winter time in this school-house, and in the summer time in a tent in a sugar grove below town. Mr. Lamb and his wife were the first two persons who joined the church in Williamsport. The first communion was held in August, 1816, when Dr. Ralston was assisted by Rev. Matthew Brown, D. D. The whole number of communicants at that time were forty-five. The church is located on Chess Street, a neat, substantial brick ouilding ; its pulpit has been filled by Rev. Dr. Ralston until 1835. His successors have been Rev. George D. Porter, from 1835 to 1838, Rev. J. W. Kerr from 1839 to 1861, Rev. S. G. Dunlap from 1862 to 1867, Rev. J. S. Sutchell from 1867 to the present time, but I learn he has sent in nis resignation. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 245 The following persons have been ordained ruling elders since the pastorate of Dr. Ralston, viz: James Hair, James McGrew, Jesse Martin, Robert McFarland, Aaron Kerr, Isaac Vanvoorhis James Gordon Henry Fulton, Joseph Kiddoo, John Power, James Dickey James Curry, EW Tower, John Wright, Francis J. Gardner, David Moore, David D. Yohe, Samuel Hindman, three of whom have passed into the spirit land, each upwards of eighty years of age to receive a crOwn of righteousness. There is a Sabbath school connected with the church which by the last report numbers 17 teachers, 250 scholars, and has a library of about fifteen hundred volumes. Its organization is placed at various dates, but the Rev. Mr. Dunlap thinks it was established in the vear 1822. ' Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Rev. John Morgan and Rev. Alfred Bryan as missionaries insti tuted the Cumberland Presbyterian church on the 31st of Jan. 1833, in this place. A church was erected and ready for occupancy by September 1, 1833. The following ministers were ordained as pas tors: 1833, Rev. Samuel M. Sparks; 1834, Rev. Alexander Robinson; 1835, Rev. S. M. Sparks; 1836, Rev. John Carey; 1837, Rev. Saml. E. Hudson ; 1840, Rev. Mr. Dunlap ; 1841, Rev. B. Miller; 1842, Rev. Mr. Brice. The books show a membership of one hundred and four members, but for the last twenty years there has been no regular meetings held, the members having joined other denominations. Methodist Episcopal Church Was organized about the year 1812. Two local preachers by the name of Riggs (who were brothers) held the first meeting on the farm of Mrs. Baxter, now owned by Ira Butler. In 1813 the first class-meeting was held in the house which stood at the corner of Race Street and Cherry Alley, which was owned by Wm. Wicker- ham. The first Methodist preaching was held in the log school- house, on the same lot on which the Presbyterian church now stands. In 1833, Rev. Dr. Charles Cook being stationed preacher, applied himself diligently to the work, and the substantial brick edifice on the corner of Race and Chess streets was erected, at a cost of twenty- five hundred dollars, Wm. Imsen having presented the lot. The congregation worshipped in this edifice until 1868, when they erected a new building on Main Street, which cost forty-live thousand dol lars, a magnificent structure, and does honor to that denomination. Rev. Hiram Miller is the present officiating clergyman. We regret exceedingly our inability to procure the records of a church which in a little more than half a century held their first meeting in a log school-house, and now boasts of the finest architectural church in Monongahela City. There is a Sabbath school connected with the church, organized 246 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. January 1, 1820, of which Thomas Collins, Esq., was chosen first superintendent. It has twenty teachers, and a library of three hundred volumes. Wesleyan Methodist Church. This denomination has an organization in Monongahela City. Protestant Episcopal Church. The parish of St. Paul's Episcopal Church was organized by Rev. Bishop Alonzo Potter, at Monongahela City, November, 18, 1863, the following persons being elected vestrymen : William Manown, John S. Markle, R. T. Robinson, R. M. Gee, Francis Nelson, James P. Shepler, and E. W. Crittenden. The corner-stone of their beautiful church was laid in 1866. It being a Gothic stone building of fifty by ninety feet, with a tower attached, at a cost of fifteen thousand dollars. December 4, 1863, Rev. H. Mackay took , charge as the first rector. He served until March 1870, when Rev. J. B. Linskea was elected. It has a Sabbath school with eight teachers and eighty scholars. It was organized in the spring of 1862, by Rev. Mr. Ten Broeck, who preached as a missionary one year before the church was esta blished. Church of the Transfiguration Have a church, which was organized as early as 1816, and has received the services of such eminent divines as father McGuire, O'Conner, &c. The Catholic church is named the church of the Transfiguration. It was' built in 1865, and is situated in the west end of the city ; its erection cost six thousand dollars. The build ing was commenced under the Rev. Dennis Kearney. He was suc ceeded by Rev. John O. G. Scanlon, who was followed by the Rev. William F. Hayes, the present pastor. There are one hundred and seventeen families connected with the church. Lutheran Church. This congregation has recently purchased the Methodist Episco pal church edifice, on the corner of Race and Chess Streets, having paid for the same thirty-seven hundred, dollars. It is under the pastoral care of Rev. Mr. Rider, who, by his zeal in his master's cause, bids fair to add another auxiliary to the propagation of the religion of Christ. First Baptist Church Was organized in 1860. Rev. R. R. Sutton was the first minister ; his successor is Rev. Mr. Hardgrave. The congregation are erect- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 247 ing a church thirty-seven by fifty feet. It was incorporated in 1869. There is a Sabbath-school attached. African Methodist. Episcopal Church Was founded in 1833. The ministers who have officiated as regu lar pastors comprise the following persons : 1833, Rev. Samuel Clingman ; 1835, Thomas Lawrence ; 1836, Rev. S. Clingman ; 1838, Rev. Wm. Newman ; 1840, Rev. Fayette Davis ; 1842, Rev. James Coleman ; 1844, Rev. George Coleman ; 1846, Rev. Augus tus R. Greer ; 1848, Rev. Wm. Morgan ; 1849, Rev. James Cole man ; 1850, Rev. Nelson Carter; 1853, Rev. Levan Gross; 1855, Rev. John W. Jones ; 1856, Rev. Shugart T. Jones ; 1858, Rev. Levan Gross; 1860, Rev. S. T. Jones; 1861, Rev. Levan Gross ; 1863, Rev. A. Harwell; 1864, Rev. A. Harwell; 1865, Rev. L. Gross; 1866, Rev. Charles Greene; 1867, Rev. Alfred Newman ; 1868, Rev. L. Gross; 1869, Rev. W. C. West; 1870, Rev. W. H. Thomas. The congregation rented different houses to worship in, until 1842, when it made arrangements to build a suitable house. In 1849 the basement was finished, in which religious services were held, but the church was finally finished in 1858. The church has a mem bership of ninety-five, and a Sabbath-school connected, with the usual number of teachers and scholars. Monongahela Cemetery. This beautiful city of the dead attracts universal admiration, not only for its situation, but the manner in whicfi it is laid out. Here the sorrowing son and daughter of sighing humanity can quietly, ' peacefully, and with Christian resignation, commit the remains of their loved ones, buoyed up by the message of our Saviour, who whispers to each disconsolate heart, "What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter." This company was established in 1863, and immediately after its organization purchased thirty-two acres for the purposes contem plated by the charter. The improvements are estimated at' sixty thousand dollars. Its officers are James Stockdale, Esq., President, William J. Alexander, Esq., Treasurer, and Dr. R. C. King, Sec retary. Union School-House Is a beautiful, substantial, and plain three-story edifice, built in modern style, to promote the educational interests of the pupils. Monongahela City has eight schools, employing two male and six female teachers, 'the former receiving $55 and the latter $40 per month, with four hundred and thirty nine scholars (224 males and 215 females). Cost of tuition per month, ninety-three cents for 248 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. each scholar. Amount of tax levied for school purposes, $2903.88, and receiving from the State appropriation, $181.74. It would be invidious were we to enter into a full account of the iron foundries, glass works, planing-mills, saw-mills, and others of private enterprise, but we believe in doing justice to the banking- house of Alexander & Co., and Union Paper Mills. Banking House Was established in 1861, by Alexander & Co. The firm has now in process of erection a magnificent banking house on Main Street, with the private residence of W. J. Alexander, Esq., attached. The building is ornamented with a Mansard roof. Every possible pre caution has been taken to make the banking departments not only fire but burglar proof. The establishment of this house, the gentle manly and courteous manner, and obliging disposition of those who regulate it, have secured the entire approbation of the whole com munity. Union Paper-Mills Were originally erected by S. D. Culbertson. They are now owned by his son, Albert Culbertson, Esq. They employ thirty hands, and manufacture monthly one hundred and twenty-five tons of paper straw boards, using two steam engines, one forty horse power and one twelve horse power. A description of the Odd Fellows' Hall we will reserve for Chapter VIIL, as it more appropriately belongs there. Allen Township Was erected on the 14th day of June, 1853. It is bounded on the north and west by Fallowfield township, on the east and south by the Monongahela River. Its greatest length 4 miles, its breadth 3 miles. The lines of Allen township were changed by the court, May, 1859, by which the lands of T. C. Huggins, H. S. Chalfant, and Lucinda Chalfant were transferred to East Pike Run township. Independence, the only village in this township, is opposite Cooks- town. The post-office is named Bellzane. There are two Methodist Episcopal churches in' this township. Howe's Methodist Episcopal Church is one-half mile from Green field, on the road from Greenfield to Belle Vernon. The land was deeded to the church by Mr. Howe in the year 1818. The other church is called Mount Tabor M. E. Church. The land was formerly owned by the Quakers, who use the burying ground. It is situate half way between Cookstown and Greenfield. Its pastor is Rev. C. H. Edwards. Speers' Baptist Church is on the banks of the Monongahela River, at Speers' Ferry. The church was organized in 1795. Its HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 249 first preacher was Rev. Mr. Speers. His successors were Rev. Mr. Winnet, Rev. Mr. Whitlack. This township contains four extensive collieries, two stores, and two grist-mills. Baldwin's water-mill, turned by water power, was among the oldest mills in the county, to which persons came for many miles. In 1860 it had a population of 635, of which 14 were colored. At this time it has four schools, employing two male and two female teachers, the former at $37.50, the latter at $36.25, with 185 scholars, 93 males and 92 females, the cost of tuition monthly being 99 cents ; tax levied for school purposes, $587.52 ; amount received from State appropriation, $66.69. ^Jefferson Township Was erected out of HopewSltownship on the 16th day of June, 1853. It is bounded north by Hanover, east by-Smith and. Cross Creek, t south by Independence and Cross Creek, and west by West Vir- ' ginia. Greatest length 7^ miles, breadth 4 miles. Eldersville is the only town in the township in its northern part, containing 40 dwellings and a Methodist Protestant church, with a population of 218. It is 19 miles from Washington. The township has four stores, six schools, employing three male and three female teachers, at $30 per month, with 303 scholars, 159 males and 144 females, tuition costing per month 77 cents; tax levied for school purposes, $767.33; for building purposes $767.33, and receiving from the State appropriation $90.48. There is a Methodist Episcopal church near Mr. Gillespie's farm, on the road leading from Eldersville to Wellsburg, and a Presby terian church near Mr. Weaver's ; also, several grist and saw-mills. The Pittsburg and Steubenville Railroad passes through the north ern part of this township. The township in 1860 had a population of 984, of which 8 were colored. Independence Township Was formed May 18, 1853, from Truxal, 2d. Lieut. Non-Commissioned Officers. — J. K. Billiugsly, Sergeant ; Thos. Youn°-, Sergeant ; Jacob Kent, Sergeant, p. ; J. B. Montgomery, Sergeant ; Jacob Qualk, Sergeant ; A. Ledbeater, Corporal ; J. Hornbalie, Corporal, p. ; G. Underwood, Corporal, p.; John Lopp, Corporal ; Samuel Kent, Corporal, HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 333 p. ; S. Amalong, Corporal ; J. Weaver, Corporal, p. ; Robert Jobes, Cor poral. Privates. — J. F. Ailes, k.; Jesse Ammon,, Henry Barnhart, Jas. F. Bige- low, p.; Jac. D. Billingsly, Thos. Bee, Geo. D. Boyd, Wm. Bunton, Nathan iel Balding, James W. Blair, Sidney J. Benedict, Wm. H. H. Billingsly, N. Baldwin, D. 0. Carpenter, Geo. W. Clendennel, John Cunnard, Jefferson Clendennel, John N. Crow, Augustus Clark, Joseph W. Chester, Marion Crumrine, Theophilus V. Devore, p. ; Henry E. Devore, Jehu Dehaven, Michael Dowling, James R. Dowling, John 0. Evans, Hamilton Fitzsim- mons, Lewis M. Freeman, d.; William Geho, DeWitt Clinton Graham, Jas. M. H. Gordon, Wm. Garton, p?; Andrew J. Harris, Wm. J. Harris, Wm.H. Hornbake, Osmond Hutchison, p.; Charles S. Hixenbaugh, Robert Herron, Noble Houdon, Samuel J. Howe, Daniel Howe, k.; Lemuel B. Howe, Ewd. Jones, Samuel Jobes, Andrew N. Jobes, Jos. Jobes, Wm. W. Jobes, Robt. Jobes, Joseph Johnson, Jas. M. Johnson, Alex. S. Latta, p.; Hugh Lancas ter, Elijah Lichteberger, p.; Wm. L. Latta, Allen Moore, Robt. McDonald. Robt. Mayhorn, p.; Jos. Mayhorn, Wm. McCoy, Robt. McCoy, Geo. Mar ker, Sanson Miller, James P. McCain, ,Isaac S. McCain, John McLaughlin, William Norcross, Nathaniel Patterson, David R. Phillips, Hiram Qualk. Frank S. Reader, Jas. Reader, Jr., John Rimmel, Frederick Rimmel, Felix Russell, Augustus Shaffer, Cuthbert Soulsby, d. ; Wm. Showalters, Nehe- miah Sikes, Philip Thomas, John W. Truxal, Foster H. Truxal, d.; Elihu Underwood, Hiram Wells, Alfred D. Wolf, Wm. Worrell, Wm. Wilkin, Stephen Ward, Finley Wise, Thos. Walker, Abraham Weaver, John Wea ver, J. R. Williams, Stephen H. Ward, p.; Robt. Young, Nathaniel Young. November 24, 1862, Lieut. N. W. Truxal was elected Captain. Charles H. Day elected 1st Lieut. December 3, 1863. James R. -Billingsly elected 2d Lieut. Januaryll, 1862, and promoted from 2d Lieut, to Captain March 5, 1863. James B. Montgomery elected 2d Lieut. December 3, 1863. Lieut. A. A. Devore resigned Octo ber 10, 1861. This company participated in the following battles, viz : Allegheny Mountain, Huntersville, Monterey, McDowell, Cross Keys, Cedar Mountain, Kelley's Ford, Warterloo Bridge, Gainsville, Sulphur Springs, Bull Run, Beverly, Rocky Gap, and Drop Mountain. It was mustered out of service July 28, 1864, at Wheeling, Va. 6th Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia. This regiment was organized September 15, 1862, at Harrisburg, by the election of Capt. James Armstrong as Colonel. It marched to Camp McClure, two miles west of Chambersburg, and mustered out September 28, '1862. David Aiken was appointed Quarter master Sept. 15, 1862 ; James E. Smiley, Assistant Quartermaster ; Boyd Crumrine, Quartermaster's Clerk ; Rev. Wm. P. Alrich, Chaplain ; Ordinance Sergeant, William Hart. The Wayne Infantry left Washington Sept. 13, 1862, under the command of Capt. James Armstrong, numbering one hundred and forty men, but by the authority of the Adjutant-General it was divided into two companies, Capt. Armstrong being re-elected captain of the Wayne Infantry, and Capt. Norton McGiffin of the McGiffin Riflemen. 334 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Boll of Company A. Officers. — Norton McGiffin, Captain ; S. M. Templeton, 1st Lieut. ; H. H. Alter, 2d Lieut. Non-Commissioned Officers. — J. B.Wilson, 1st Sergeant; H. B. Mc Collum, 2d Sergeant; David Brady, 3d Sergeant; Wesley Wolf, 4th Ser geant; J. C. Acheson, 5th Sergeant; J. M. Spriggs, 1st Corporal; H B. McCollum, 2d Corporal ; J. F. Steck, 3d Corporal ; John Wylie, 4th Cor poral; T. G. Wolf, 5th Corporal; J. Ross Thompson, 6th Corporal; H. M. Aiken, 7th Corporal ; J. W. Dinsmore, 8th Corporal. Musician. — Charles White. Privates.— H. H. Arnold, J. C. Alrich, Wm. Allen, Norton Braddock, J. N. Bane, Wm. Burk, Wm. T. Beatty, Samuel Cook, J. L. Cooke, S. A. Clark, G. W. Driver, G. L. Gow, Wm. Greer, Charles Glum, John Hainer, J. N. Hainer, George Hammond, John Hallams, G. O. Jones, T. C. Kerr, J. C. Kieser, A. H. Little, George Lindsay, Gust Lonkert, Wm. McClaine, James McCreary, J. E. McCullough, J. B. McKennan, Jerry Marshel, G. W. Mur phy, Wm. Paull, S. H. Rial, J. G. Ruple, J. G. Rode, J. P. Reimond, A. D. Rickey, James Seaman, J. W. Seaman, R. F. Strain, J. H. Scott, A. M. Todd, Theodore Turner, R. L. Thompson, F. P. Varro, Wm. M. Vance, D. C. Valentine, T. M. Wylie, J. W. Wylie, F. J. L. Wylie, J. C. S. Wiles, W. M. L. Wiles, J. G. Winsworth, Samuel Weirich, J. S. Wolf, F. R. Wotring, David Watson. Commissioned Officers, 3 ; Non-Commissioned Officers, 13 ; Mu sician, 1 ; Privates, 56 ; total, 73. Boll of Company F, 6th Begiment Pa. Volunteer Militia. Officers. — John H. Ewing, Capt. ; Alfred Creigh, 1st Lieut. ; Samuel 0. Williams, 2d Lieut. Non-Commissioned Officers. — James M. Byers, 1st Sergeant ; Thomas D. O'Hara, 2d Sergeant; Win. Hart, 3d Sergeant; Geo. Reed, 4th Ser geant; Wm. T. Fleming, 5th Sergeant; Samuel T. Griffith, 1st Corporal; James Brown, 2d Corporal ; R. B. Patterson, 3d Corporal ; Jas. R. Ruth, 4th Corporal; Mathew Linn, 5th Corporal; Wm. Phillips, 6th Corporal; Wm. W. Smith, 7th Corporal; F. Gabby, 8th Corporal. Musician. — Moses T. Scott. Privates. — Rev. Wm. Alrich, David Aiken, Wm. Amon, Agnew, Alex ander, R. M. Andrews, A. J. Buffington, N. B. Brobst, John Baird, Dr. M. H. Clark, Boyd Crumrine, John R. Donehoo, Richard R. Forest, Samuel Foster, Henry Foster, Charles Grier, David Guinea, I. J. Guinea, John H. Gregg, Wm. P. Hart, Joseph Henderson, Joseph Holmes, Samuel Haz lett, Jr., George S. Hart, Samuel Hutson, Joseph Jones, J. E. Lucas, John Linn, John Lowe, Wm. J. Mathews, Jacob Metzler, Thomas Mc Kennan, Thomas MeKean, George Mitchell, John McElroy, J. A. Mar- chand, Wm. Post, Collin M. Reed, Thomas Stewart, Samuel Shealer, Rev. Jacob Schaffer, Rev. John W. Scott, Sample Sweeney John Sweeney, James E. Smiley, Scheffer Thompson, John Wilson, Edward Wilkins' William Wylie, Wright Tappan Wylie, John A. Wills, John P. Westlev' J. S. Young. J Commissioned Officers, 3 ; Non-Commissioned Officers, 13; Mu sician, 1 ; Privates, 52 ; total, 69. Capt. Armstrong being re-elected Colonel, John H. Ewing was elected Captain. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 335 1st Battalion, 100 Days' Artildery, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Under command of Major Joseph M. Knapp, organized June, 1864, and mustered out the following September. David Watson, Lieutenant. R. T. Hall, Joseph McK. Acheson, Sandy Clark, James Martin, William McMeillin, John Monniger, Privates. 9th Reserve, Co. A. C. F. Jackson, Colonel. W. K. Bailey, M. R. Taggart, M. P. Morrison (Serg.-Maj.) w. 6th Heavy Artillery, 212th Regiment, Co. E. J. W. Downer, 2d Jun. Lieut., William Woodward, O. S., Abraham Yan- Voorhis, 1st Sergeant. Privates. — G. L. Bayhe, James Behanna, Ebert Newbold, James Flan- nigan, d. ; James Quigg, J. Rufner, John Ray. Provost Guard. By general orders, No. 172, of the War Department, dated June 9, 1863, this State was divided into two military department's : 1st, the department of the Monongahela; and 2d, the department of the Susquehanna. In the department of the Monongahela, besides the 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th, and 58th Regiments of ninety days militia, there was one unattached company of artillery, and one of cavalry. There was also organized, August 8, 1864, in this department, for the six months United States service, the Provost Guard, sta tioned at Pittsburg, under the command of the following officers : Capt. Samuel T. Griffith, 1st Lieut. Samuel M. Decker, 2d Lieut. William R. Jamison. The following non-commissioned officers and privates were from Washington County. Non-Commissioned Officers. — Benjamin K. Kennedy, Orderly Sergeant ; Henry H. Arnold, 2d Sergeant ; Thomas H. Stewart, 3d Sergeant ; Sa muel T. Decker, 4th Sergeant. Corporals. — Hugh B. McKinley, Robert C. Shepler, Charles Boyd, Theodore M. Turner, Wm. T. Decker. Privates. — Wm. T. Creigh, Joseph Day, Theodore Eaches, John W. Frank, James S. Harter, Joseph A. Jones, Frank L. Oliver, Thaddeus Ryan, Samuel S. Stewart, J. Taylor Simpson, William Zelt. The number of men on the company-roll, including non-commis sioned officers, was 103 ; all except the above were from adjoining counties. The company was discharged on the expiration of term of enlistment, January 29, 1864. Frank L. Oliver was discharged, by writ of habeas corpus, Aug. 10, 1863. 336 history of washington county. List of Officers from Washington County Who have been connected with other regiments than those specified, with the rank of each : — Wm. S. Mellinger, Major 13th Regiment, elected April 25, 1861. Mustered out August 6, 1861. " " Major 79th Regiment, elected October 18, 1861. Re signed November 8, 1862. A. G. Happer, 2d Lieutenant llth Regiment, Company I, elected March 21, 1864. Honorably discharged October 20, 1865. J. W. Alexander, Assistant Surgeon 26th Regiment, appointed January 16, 1862. " " Surgeon 85th Regiment, appointed June 10, 1862. Mus tered out October 13, 1862. " " Surgeon 160th Regiment, appointed October 20, 1862. Mustered out June 21, 1865. Thomas B. Reed, Surgeon 31st Regiment, appointed June 6, 1861. Trans ferred to U. S. volunteers April 20, 1862. Rev. Wm. Aiken, Chaplain 37th Regiment, appoiuted June 24, 1861. Mus tered out May 24, 1864. Rev. Thomas Patterson, Chaplain, 22d Regiment, Company D, appointed February, 1864. Mustered out. S. B. Bennington, Captain 37th Regiment, Company D, elected December 28,1862. Resigned December 25, 1863. Thomas McGee, 1st Lieutenant 37th Regiment, Company D, elected De cember 14, 1862. Mustered out May 24, 1864. Solomon G. Krepps, 2d Lieutenant, 37th Regiment, Company D, elected October 1, 1861. Transferred to 4th U. S. Infantry May 1, 1862. Frank J. Le Moyne, Assistant Surgeon 38th Regiment, appointed March 14, 1863. " " Surgeon 161st Regiment, appointed January 9, 1864. Mustered out July 24, 1865. Chill W. Hazard, 1st and 2d Lieutenant 41st Regiment, Company F, elected September 10, 1861. Transferred to Company I. " " Captain 41st Regiment, Company I, elected August 1, 1862. Mustered out June 11, 1864; appointed brevet Major. J. B. McDonough, Assistant Surgeon 46th Regiment, appointed January 21, 1863. Mustered out July 16, 1865. S. J. McFarren, 1st Lieutenant 60th Regiment, Company I, elected Feb ruary 14, 1865. Mustered out August 7, 1865. Alvin King, 1st Lieutenant 62d Regiment, Company K, elected July 4, 1861. Honorably discharged March 19, 1863. Josiah P. Morrell, 2d Lieutenant 62d Regiment, Company K, elected De cember 17, 1862. Killed at Gettysburg July 2, 1863. Joshua C. Prall, 2d Lieutenant 64th Regiment, Company I, elected Decem ber 24, 1861. Resigned December 25, 1862. Thomas H. Phillips, Assistant Surgeon 79th Regiment, appointed January 10, 1865. Mustered out July 12, 1865. Dr. P. served as Assistant Surgeon in the 196th Regiment, being appointed July 26, 1864, and mustered out November 17, 1864. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 337 Jonathan Wotring, Assistant Surgeon 83d Regiment, appointed March 14, 1863. Resigned May 13, 1863. T. C. M. Stockton, Assistant Surgeon 83d Regiment, appointed April 26, 1864. Mustered out June 28, 1865. Rev. J. P. Caldwell, Chaplain 85th Regiment, appointed October 21, 1862. Resigned May 1, 1863. S. J. Van Gilder, 2d Lieutenant 85th Regiment, Company n, elected Sep tember 23, 1861. Resigned July 31, 1862. J. E. Michener, 1st Lieutenant 85th Regiment, Company D, elected July 6, 1862. Transferred to Company K. " Captain 85th Regiment, Company K, elected December 3, 1863. Term expired November 22, 1864. Samuel L. McHenry, 1st Lieutenant 85th Regiment, Company K, elected July 21, 1862. Appointed Adjutant and Assistant Adjutant General of Brigade June 1, 1863. Samuel S. Bulford, Lieutenant-Colonel 87th Regiment, elected June 15, 1865. Mustered out as Captain of Company H, June, 29, 1865. Colonel Bulford ranked as Captain of Com pany H from March 15, 1865. Jesse C. Taylor, 1st Lieutenant 100th Regiment, Company M, elected August 26, 1861. Discharged March 8, 1862. Robert F. Cooper, Adjutant 101st Regiment, appointed Adjutant October 15, 1861. Resigned June 21, 1862. M. P. Morrison, Assistant Surgeon 102d Regiment, appointed August 6, 1861. Promoted to Surgeon September 15, 1862. George S. Ringland, Captain 108th Regiment (llth Cavalry), Company A, elected October 1, 1862. Served as 1st Lieutenant from August 15, 1861. Mustered out at expiration of term October 4, 1864. George W. Bassett, 1st Lieutenant 108th Regiment, Company A, October 1, 1862. 2d Lieutenant August 15, 1861. Thomas Moreley, 1st Lieutenant 113th Regiment (12th Cavalry), Company G, July 22, 1863. 2d Lieutenant June 26, 1862. He was projnoted to Captain of Company I, January 20, 1865, and honorably discharged April 8, 1865. Robert J. Taggart, Major 116th Regiment, elected June 4, 1865. and mus tered out as Captain of Company I July 14. 1865, having been elected, Captain May 13, 1865, and 1st Lieutenant February 18, 1865. Wm. P. McNary, Adjutant 123d Regiment, November 28, 1862. Mustered out with Regiment May 13, 1863. " " Lieutenanl^Colonel 58th Regiment, July 10, 1863. Mus tered out August 15, 1863. Rev. Thomas Storer, Chaplain 133d Regiment, August 20, 1862. Mustered out with regiment May 26, 1863. Jas. R. Patten, Assistant Surgeon 139th Regiment, April 13, 1863. Mus tered out with regiment June 21, 1865. Selden L. Wilson, 2d Lieutenant 160th Regiment, May 29, 1865. Mustered out with regiment June 21, 1865. James K. McCurdy, Assistant Surgeon 163d Regiment, December 29, 1864. Mustered out with regiment July 21, 1865. Wm. A. Young, 1st Lieutenant 163d Regiment, Company F, October 3, 1864 (2d Lieutenant June 25, 1863). Mustered out October 31, 1865, as 2d Lieutenant of Company E, 3d Prov. Cavalry, October 31, 1865. 338 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Vincent Colvin, 2d Lieutenant 163d Regiment, Company F, March 30, lb63. Died June 24, 1863. John Murphy, Lieutenant-Colonel 168th Regiment, December 4, 1862. Mustered out July 25, 1863. Alexander M. Rea, Assistant Surgeon 168th Regiment, May 14, 1863. Mustered out July 25, 1863. Rev. John L. Staples, Chaplain 168th Regiment, March 12, 1863. Mus tered out July 25, 1863. R. P. Hughes, Lieutenant-Colonel 199th Regiment, November 28, 1864; appointed brevet Colonel April 2, 1865. Mustered out June 28, 1865. James R. Clark, 2d Lieutenant 204th Regiment (5th artillery), September 16, 1864. Mustered out June 30, 1865. A. R. Wyeth, Assistant-Surgeon 208th Regiment, September 12, 1864. Honorably discharged March 3, 1865. J. L. Rea, Assistant Surgeon 212th Regiment (6th artillery), September 13, 1864. Mustered out June 13, 1865. James L. Downer, 2d Lieutenant 212th Regiment, Company E. November 1 1864. Mustered but June 13, 1865. Fra. Eichelberger, 1st Lieutenant Battery 0, Pennsylvania artillery, October 11,1864. Resigned June 17,1865. He had served as 2d Lieutenant from June 30, 1864, to his promotion as 1st Lieutenant. Militia Mustered into State Service, 90 days. H. J. Vankirk, Major 58th Regiment, July 10, 1863. Mustered out August 15, 1863. * "a" w1^ w ? • ptf "' * I 58th Regiment, Company B, July 10 ,1860. Z. A. White, 1st Lieutenant, > M,„t»„j Jt A„L»ti/ ia«a Thomas Foster, 2d Lieutenant, J Mustered out AnSust 14> 18t>3' Wm. J. Carey, 2d Lieutenant 58th Regiment, Company D, July 4, 1863. Mustered out August 14, 1863. S. S. Rogers, Surgeon 10th Regiment, September 16, 1862. Mustered out with regiment. ?M McWitalC?sttieutenant, I UthRegiment CompanyE,SePt. 16, John W. Havelin, 2d Lieutenant, j 1862' Dis<*arged with company. Ju..j C. Brown, Major 18th Regiment, September 12, 1862. Discharged with regiment. W. J. Alexander, Captain, | ,„,, „ . .^ „ „ , ,„ Irwin C. Stump, 1st Lieutenant, I 18£ i*8*™?** ComPany,G> SeP*- 12' Wm. H. Wilson, 2d Lieutenant, j 1862" discharged with company. John Weaver, Captain, I ,„,, „ . , n „ „, , Wm. Quail, 1st Lieutenant, L 18^ ^S"16?*. °,omPany H, September Wm. McMillan, 2d Lieutenant, j 17' 1862- Dlscbarged with company. We close this chapter of the military history of Washington County by stating that the legislature passed an act authorizing the commissioners of each county to assess a tax for the relief of those families who volunteered in the service of their country. Accordingly, on May 20, 1861, Messrs. Cook, Taylor, and Elliott, the commissioners, assessed one mill on the dollar, which was directed to be added to the duplicates in the hands of the treasurer HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 339 On the subsequent day the commissioners and associate judges, Jacob Slagle and James G. Hart, Esqs., met as a Board of Relief and appointed Job Johnston, of California, T. R. Hazzard, of Monon gahela City, Wm. McDaniel, of Canonsburg, Andrew S. Ritchie, of West Middletown, and Andrew Brady, of Washington, to ascertain ' the families of such persons as are entitled to relief, and report the circumstances of each, to enable the Board to give the necessary relief. On June 3, 1861, disbursing agents were appointed to carry out the provisions of the law in the several localities where there are persons needing relief. The Board adopted, as a general rule, to give two dollars per week to the wife and fifty cents per week for each child, to be computed from the time the soldier entered the service. September 25th the Board reduced the appropriation to ten dol lars per month, as the maximum for each family, and allowed dis crimination below that according to circumstances. October 14th the appropriation was reduced to eight dollars per month, except in extreme cases. Thus the Board of Relief acted promptly and energetically in the discharge of their duties, to the satisfaction of the citizens of the . county and the soldier and his family. The Soldier's Monument. The undersigned have been appointed a committee to decide upon a plan for carrying out the purpose of the contributors. This enterprise has been delayed for the want of adequate funds. The money heretofore collected was invested securely, and the accumu lated fund, together with uncollected subscriptions deemed good, now amount to from five to six thousand dollars. In fulfilment of the wishes of the contributors it is now proposed to go forward and expend the money to the best advantage. The committee have two designs before them for their consideration. First : A Marble Monument of as large dimensions as the sum will warrant. It was originally proposed to inscribe/ on this monu ment the name of every sold'i«r of Washington County who had died in the service from disease or wounds during the war. On account of the large number (over eight hundred) this may be imprac ticable, but some other method in connection with the monument, like that hereafter suggested, might be resorted to for perpetuating their memory. Second: A Memorial Chapel, built out of our common red sandstone, of sufficient dimensions to allow the insertion of marble tablets in the wall, and between the openings, on which the soldiers' names from each township and borough would, be inscribed, together with any private memorial which the friends of any particular sol dier might desire to place on the walls, busts of distinguished mili- 340 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. tary characters, and relics and trophies of the war. This design contemplates an indestructible book containing a brief historical account of each soldier, to be kept within the chapel, open to the inspection of visitors. These are the two plans under consideration. To accomplish either of them satisfactorily, and in such manner as to do credit to Washington County, would require larger means than we have at command. The Washington Cemetery is to be the location. Its central posi tion, easiness of access and marvellous development rendering it the largest, as it is certainly the most attractive and beautiful burial place in the county, point it out as the most suitable site for the monument or memorial chapel. The committee desire to obtain the following information at as early a day as possible : — 1. The name, company, and regiment of each soldier who volun teered, enlisted as a substitute, or was drafted into the service of the United States during the late war, and who afterwards died in the service, or after his discharge, from wounds received, or disease contracted whilst in the service, accompanied with a statement of his birth, age, and place of residence when he entered the service. 2. The cause of death, and if from wounds, the place or engage ment where received. 3. The exact date of death, giving the day of the month and year. 4. The place of death. It is proper to *ay that as there is a call for the completion of the undertaking, all that the committee can do is to adopt some plan within the compass of the means furnished. Beyond that they can not go, and the inadequacy of the fund is the great source of per plexity and embarrassment. If the soldiers' memorial should not suit the public expectation, while it would be a source of regret to the committee, they would feel that they had performed their duty. But before final action is taken, we would solicit immediate volun tary and individual subscription, by direct communication with the committee, from every citizen who feels an interest in the enter prise, and desires the soldiers' monument to be worthy of the patri otic dead who in the late war so nobly represented Washington County. A. W. Acheson, Boyd Crumrine, Thos. McKennan, ! ... Committee. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 341 OEAPTEE VIII. HISTORY OF ASSOCIATIONS, AND EVENTS WHICH TRANSPIRED IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. FREE MASONRY. Lodge 54. The oldest organization outside of the church, of which we have any knowledge, is the Masonic Order. Although Bassetville, or, subsequently, Washington, was laid out in 1781, yet nine years afterwards we find its prominent citizens taking the necessary steps to organize a Masonic lodge. Six of the origi nal settlers of the town made the necessary application to the R. W. Grand Lodge, and a charter was granted to Brother Jas. Chambers as Worshipful Master, Brother Absalom Baird as Senior Warden, Brother Cyrus Beckwith as Junior Warden, Brother Alex. Roney as Treasurer, Brother James Whiteside as Secretary, and Brother James Farchar as Tyler. The lodge was constituted by Brother Matthew Ritchie, D. D. G. M., June 25, 1792, and was numbered 54. It continued in existence until 1812, when the labors of masonry were temporarily interrupted by the representatives of the people declaring war against Great Britain. From its organization until 1802, it met in several places, but afterwards in their own hall, which stood in the rear of the lot now occupied by Brother John Grayson. During the term of its existence eight brethren presided as Wor shipful Masters, viz : John Chambers, Dr. Absalom Baird, John Hoge, George H. Keppelle, David Cooke, Samuel Clark, John Wil son, and Alexander Reed. It is worthy of remark that the written records of this lodge, under date of January 6, 1800, show the fact that the members were re quired to wear a scarf on their left arm, and a black rose on their apron for one year as a memorial of the death of their brother Gen. George Washington. Washington Lodge, 164. This lodge was chartered upon the petition of the members of No. 54, which had been in abeyance since the" war. It was constituted March 1, 1819, by Hon. John H. Walker, D. D. G. M., and met in the hall of No. 54 until J 825, when it erected a hall on Maiden St. (second house west of the Round Corner). This lodge continued in 342 history of Washington county. . successful operation until 1832, when it suspended labor until the officers should again summon the craftsmen to work. They suspended their labor on account of the wicked and persecuting spirit of anti- Masonry, which blighted church and State, and even separated fami lies. So full of evil was this destroying spirit that good men shuddered at its wicked and iniquitous demands. But the fury of the storm soon passed over ; ten years of anti-Masonic darkness, from the year 1826 to 1836, was sufficient to convince the people of its malignant designs, and the persecutors of the order were universally consigned to the tomb of oblivion. On the 14th of April, 1845, the W. M. Brother George Baird summoned the craft to labor, and during the thirteen years of its suspension, death had not robbed the Masonic Temple of either offi cers or members, but all were present and participated in erecting an altar to God, and placing thereon its first great light. Since 1845, the progress of this lodge has been onward, her membership discharg ing their entire duty, beloved and respected both as citizens and as Masons. From its organization to the present time the following persons have filled the office of Worshipful Masters, viz : George Jackson, Thomas H. Baird, George Baird, Alfred Creigh, William Wolf, Wil liam Smith, H. H. Frisbie, William Boardman, W. Hart, Alexander Wishart, James C. Acheson, James M. Byers, James M. House, David Aiken, and Frederick Whittlesey, its present Worshipful Master. Hiram Lodge, No. 170, Was instituted at Monongahela City, December 6, 1819, and con tinued in existence until 1827. Its only Worshipful Master was Dr. Pollock. Hillsboro Union Lodge, No. 209, Was chartered April 17, 1827, and located at Hillsboro, but its charter was vacated March 16, 1837. Its Past Masters were Brother John M. Davis, Hugh Keys, and George Morrison. Chandler Lodge, No. 237, Was located in Washington, and chartered March 5, 1849. It was subsequently removed to Beallsville in this county. Its Past Masters are Brother James T. Dagg, James B. Ruple, J. B. Musser, Samuel Thompson, George Passmore, J. McDonough, Isaac Register, J. Madison Miller, John Ewart, and Ahira Jones, its present Master. Chartiers Lodge, No. 297, Was chartered May 15, 1856, and constituted in Canonsburg. The following brethren have filled the office of Worshipful Master, viz : HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 343 John J. Shutterly, John Murphy, Jr., John Brown, William Hor nish, J. B. Musser, Henry Sheaff, Adam Harbison, Jr., and Dr. J. W. Alexander, its present Master. H. M. Phillips Lodge, 337, Was chartered March 5, 1860, an Rev. Cephas Dodd, Rev. Henry Kurtz, Obadiah Jennings, Thomas Hoge, Alex. Reed, Rev. James Brice, and John Carmichael were Directors. June 1, 1815, Rev. John Anderson preached the first annual sermon. From its formation to January 16, 1817, the Society had ex pended $859.54, in the purchase of Bibles. In one township fifty- nine families were found destitute of the word of life. The Rev. Joseph Stephenson was appointed the agent of the Society. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 359 Moral Society. 1815, April 4.. The Washington Moral Society was established to discountenance and suppress those vices and immoralities which are cognizable by the laws of the commonwealth. Each member was required to report to the proper officer any person guilty of profane swearing, Sabbath-breaking, intoxication, unlawful gaming, keeping a disorderly public house or any other immoral act. Alexander Reed was President, Thomas H. Baird, Secretary; John Neal, Treasurer, and Obadiah Jennings, Councillor. The Rev. Thomas Hoge delivered an address on the objects of the Society at its organization. The dockets of the justices of the peace at the time, abundantly show its good effects by the prosecution and fining of offenders. 1816, June 24. The moral societies of the various townships met in Washington and consolidated into a general one for the county. 1815, November 24. Washington Female Mite Society organized in the court-house. Library Company. February 19, 1816. The Washington Library Company was established. It was held by stockholders, yet the public had access to the books by paying a small pecuniary recompense. Matthew Sample was appointed librarian. October 5, 1818. Washington Museum opened. October 26, 1821. Washington County Agricultural Society or ganized. January 15, 1829. The Mingo Creek Literary Society was esta blished with a library attached. Samuel Morrison, President ; Jas. Love, Secretary, and Edward Webb, David Barr, and David Moore were elected trustees. Steam Mill. 1814, January 17. David Shields, secretary of the Washington Steam Mill and Manufacturing Company, issued proposals for the erection of a mill house 47 by 50 feet, four stories high. He also notified stockholders to pay their instalments monthly, commencing on February 1st. This company was incorporated January 31, 1814. Cold Day. January 19, 1810, was the coldest day in the recollection of the oldest inhabitant. Many cattle were frozen to death. Temperance Society. 1835, September 28. Washington County Temperance Society organized, and the county divided into districts in which addresses 360 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. should be delivered. Alexander Read, president; Samuel McFar land, secretary. 1836, May 20. Independent Blues organized as an infantry com pany. 1836, May 23. Washington Rifle Company. General Jackson. 1836, September 24. A public meeting held to make arrange ments to receive Gen. Andrew Jackson. He was received with appropriate honors, March 14, 1837. Commodore Elliott. 1838, October 23. The trustees of Washington College returned thanks to Commodore Elliott for a choice selection of ancient coins collected in Greece, Italy, and Palestine. Hon. Isaac Leet. 1840, May 6. Introduced resolutions in the Senate on the im provement of the Monongahela River, which bounds Washington County on the east, near forty miles. Post Offices in Washington County in 1870, with the Names of Postmasters. Amity, Mrs. E. J. Bebout. Atchison, Miss S. A. Johnson. Bavington, James McBride. Beallsville, Arthur Oddbert. Beck's Mill, Harvey Lyon. Bellzane, John Fields. Bentleysville, O. T. McElheny. Bower Hill, John Bower. Brush Run, Samuel Merchant. Buffalo, John H. Smith. Burgettstown, Samuel Wilson. Bulger, James Bussell. California, David H. Lancaster. Candor, H. J. Cook. Canonsburg (money order), Mrs. Eli zabeth A. McGinnis. Cardville, Mr. Galbreath. Cherry Valley, Ebenezer Smith. Claysville, W. H. Adams. Clokeysville, Samuel Clokey. Coal Bluffs, James K. Logan. Commettsburg, Wm. Gilliiand. Coon Island, George Chaney. Cross Creek Village, A. McFarland. Dinsmore, John M. Smith. Donley, Samuel Snodgrass. Dunningsville, John T. Sumney. Dunsport, East Bethlehen, Emmor H. Griffith. East Finley, John S. Knox. Eldersville, Robert C. Osburn. Finleyville, Frank R. Storer. Florence, Samuel Livingston. Frederictown, S. G. Hill. Ginger Hill, Andrew Clark. Good Intent, Isaac S. Blair. Hanlin Station, Charles Hanlin, Havelock, James Euwer. Herriottsville, James P. Young. Hickory, J. M. Campbell. Independence, J. K. McConaughy. Kerr's Station, Wm. Kerr. Lindley's Mill, S. McVey. Lock No. 4, John Lomas. Locust Hill, Wm. A. Hill Long Pine, J. Huston. Meloy, Miss Catharine Mc Wreath. Midway, John Kennedy. Millsboro, Jesse Phillips. Monongahela City (money order), C. Hazzard. Mount Airy, Thos. Richardson. Muntown, Joseph Barkley. Murdocksville, Joseph McClaren. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 361 Paris, Martha Bedoute. Patterson's Mill, J. J. Elliott. Pike Run, John Barker. Prosperity, Arvida Day. Raccoon, 0. H. Bolek. Scenery Hill, Rachel Standley. Simpson's Store, John Fitzpatrick. Sparta, Milton Andrew. Strabane, N. Buchanan. Taylorstown, Oliver M. Wallace. Tenmile, Joseph W. Little. Thompsonville, A. Wilson Pollock. Van Buren, Stephen Pipes. Vanceville, L. Vaneman. Venice, Joseph L. Scott. Washington (money order), Wm. C. Wiley. West Alexander, Miss E. A. Ray. West Brownsville, John W. Ward. West Finley, Saml. Grum. West Middleton, G. McFadden. Woodrow, John Morgan. Yortysville, Mrs. J. Yorty. Zollarsville, Ed. R. Smith. 1833, April 8. The theological seminary of the Associate Pres byterian Church at Canonsburg was incorporated ; and on April 13, 1853, an act was passed to give it perpetual succession. Tt was afterwards removed to Xenia, Ohio. 1854, April 29. Canonsburg Saving Fund was incorporated. Agricultural Societies. In 1869 there were four agricultural societies, viz : — 1. Washington Agricultural Society, established in Washington. James F. Gabby, president. , 2. Union Agricultural Association, at Burgettstown. John B. Hays, of Smith township, president. 3. Mt. Pleasant Equitable Agricultural Association, at Hickory. Organized in 1859. 4. Monongahela Valley Association. Fire Department. The first authentic account of a fire company can be traced to May 18, 1801, when the Washington Fire Company was organized, which was placed during a fire under the control of four managers. These managers placed the engine under two directors and sixteen men, the ladder party, with one director and six men, the water company with two directors and the remaining members of the com pany. At that date we find the roll of members to consist of eighty- two members* February 26, 1820, a fire company was organized and a new engine was purchased. February 22, 1822, funds were appropriated to purchase another engine and make cisterns for water. September 7, 1831, two hundred and fifty feet of hose ordered to be purchased, with suitable carriage for the same, a»d the engines to be kept in different parts of the borough. February 11, 1837, the Hope and Good Intent fire companies were reorganized. December 4, 1844, Good Intent Fire Company made application for the erection of an engine-house, and house erected on Pine 24 362 history of Washington county. Alley (Mrs. Gregg's lot). December 12, 1845, a reel and hose car riage ordered for the same company. July 5, 1847, Eagle Engine purchased for eight hundred dollars. October 9, 1 848, engine and council-house ordered to be erected. September 17, 1859, the suction engine purchased. Semi-centennial Voters. At the October election in Washington, in 1869, the following eleven persons, who had voted in the year 1819, deposited their ballots for the fiftieth time, viz : Samuel Cunningham, John H. Ewing, John Grayson, John R. Griffith, John Harter, Joseph Hen derson, Samuel Hornish, George Kuntz, Dr. F. J. Lemoyne, Jacob Slagle, and Simon Wolf. In 1819 there were three hundred and five voters, but in 1869 six hundred and ninety. Slavery. On this question we shall mention a few facts connected with the history of this county. 1781, April 30, the estate of Alexander McCandless sold a negro girl for sixty pounds. 1781, May 16, Jacob Johnston bequeaths unto his wife Mary Johnson, a negro woman slave named Suke ; to his daughter Eliza beth Pierce, a negro girl named Zelph, and her future increase ; to bis daughter Eleanor Decker, the first child, male or female, of Suke ; to his daughter Esther Johnson, at the death of her mother, th e above-named slave Suke. Should the said Suke have no cliilden, one hundred pounds, in the hands of John Buchanan, is to be divided equally between his daughters ; but if children are born to the slave Suke, the money is to be divided among his five children. 1795, June 3, Reason Pumphrey sells his slaves at the following prices: Lot, aged 18 years, for seventy pounds; Ben, aged 14 years, for one hundred pounds ; Dinah, aged 10 years, for seventy- five pounds. 1795, March 20, John Moore manumitted two slaves named Abraham and Jonas. In the Reporter of March 8, 1813, is the following advertisement : For sale, a negro boy who has thirteen years to serve ; he is stout and healthy. Apply at the office of the Reporter. 1823, December 29, the first meeting of the citizens of Washing ton County was held to form a society for the abolition of slavery. The society organized January 26, 1824, at the court-house. 1834, July 4, Washington County Anti-slavery Society organized. 1835, October 2, the citizens of this county met to express their disapprobation of the cause of the abolitionists, and presided over by Judge Baird. Messrs. R. H. Lee, Rev. Thomas Hoge, Alexander Reed, W. K. McDonald, and Dr. John Wishart were appointed the committee to report resolutions. One of the resolutions states that HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 363 any combination of citizens of one State organized for the purpose of disturbing the civil institutions of another State, is a violation of the spirit of the Union and of the enactments of the Federal Con stitution, and must tend to dissolve the Union. This, with other resolutions of the same spirit, was unanimously adopted. 1836, June 23, a town meeting was held, presided over by John R. Griffith, Chief Burgess, to make arrangements to prevent aboli tionists from holding meetings, as the citizens of this place deem it unwise and highly inexpedient for abolitionists to intrude upon the people of this county and borough the peculiar and offensive doctrines maintained and urged by the agents of the Abolition Society. 1836, June 27, a meeting was held at West Middletown denounc ing and disapproving of the meeting at Washington on the 23d, as proscriptive in their nature and disorderly in their tendency. Of the changes which have taken place on this subject since this period, I need not explain; they are patent to all men; the unknown future must determine this question, involving not only the future destiny of our own nation, but the peculiar relation which the negro race shall maintain. Turnpikes. 1817, June 16, books were opened for the sale of stock in the Washington and Pittsburg turnpike. 1819, August 16, D. H. Blaine and J'ames Kincaid established a 'line of coaches over this pike, to run tri- weekly. National Road. 1818, August 1, the U. S. mail stage commenced running from Washington City to Wheeling, over the national road. This road was located by Col. Eli Williams (who died in the 73d year of his age, January 29, 1822). The road west of the Monongahela River through Washington County was given, per contract, to John Kincaid, James Beck, Gabriel Evans, John Kennedy and John Miller, at the rate of $64.00 per mile. This road, passing through the counties of Somerset, Fayette, and Washington, was transferred by the general government to the States through which it passed, but -the Governor was required to appoint a commissioner to report to the court of each county annu ally its condition. Subsequently the court appointed the commis sioner. The following gentlemen have filled this important office : Robert Quail, Benj. Leonard, Col. William Hopkins, William Sea- right, Joseph Doak, William Cleary, J. D. Roberts, Mark Mitchell, Samuel Beatty, Alexander Frazer, Geo. W. Botkins, John Long. 1835, June 8, mail stages established tri-weekly by John Irons from Washington to Lake Erie, connecting with the National Road Stage Company to Baltimore and Philadelphia. 364 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Washington and Wellsburg. 1819, June 12, Jonathan Knight, Moses Lyle and James Leacock were appointed commissioners to lay out a pike from Washington to Wellsburg. 1817, June 23, Washington and Williamsport Turnpike Company incorporated. Railroads. 1837, January 18, a bill was presented to Senate to incorporate the Washington Bailroad Company from a point at or near Allison's Run to Washington, with power to extend it north to Canonsburg. Shares of stock $50 each. The commissioners were Daniel Moore, William Hunter, Alexander Reed, James Ruple, John K. Wilson, John H. Ewing, John Cooke, John N. Dagg, and Samuel Hazlett. Hempfield Railroad. 1852, March 23, the Commissioners of Washington County sub scribed for four thousand shares of stock in the Hempfield Railroad Company, shares valued at $50 each. Act passed Feb. 24, 1852. ¦ 1852, May 14, the Burgesses and Council subscribed for one thou sand shares of stock in the Hempfield Railroad. Chartiers Valley Railroad. 1854, January, the borough of Washington subscribed for five hundred shares of stock in the Chartiers Valley Railroad, amounting to twenty five thousand dollars. Chartiers Valley Railroad made application to the court for a subscription of one hundred thousand dollars. Upper Tenmile Plank Road. 1853, June 21, the Town Council of the borough of Washington, subscribed for two hundred shares of stock at twenty-five dollars per share, to the Upper Tenmile Plank Road, leading from Washington to Prosperity, which subscription was referred to a vote of the peo ple and carried. town CLOCK. 1852, April 26, town clock placed on cupola of court-house, it having been purchased from John B. McFadden, of Pittsburg, for the sum of four hundred dollars. D. B. Cooper. One of the most remarkable cases which ever transpired in the annals of jurisprudence, happened in Washington County, in which personal identity was lost, and the father and his neighbors were unable to recognize the' features of the son and friend. Yet we HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 365 shall not venture an opinion, but submit the facts, because there is too much mystery involved in the case, upon which hung the life or death of an innocent man. On the 8th of January, 1840, D. B. Cooper, who, a short time previous, had resided with his father, Sylvanus Cooper, in Morris township in this county, but at that time residing in Lowell, Ohio, resolved to visit his home and former friends. He was accompanied as far as Wheeling in a jumper by William Long, and put up at a hotel in that city. Mr. Cooper left the hotel they were stopping at, and Mr. Long was unable to find him ; accordingly Mr. Long took Mr. Cooper's horse and jumper to his father's house, Sylvanus Coop er, although, before doing so, he remained several days in the neigh borhood, using the property of D. B. Cooper, and without delivering the same to Sylvanus Cooper. Suspicions arose against Mr. Long, and a warrant was issued by Justice Blaine, of Washington ; he was arrested, and so great was the excitement against him, that he could not procure bail, and was remanded to prison for thirty days unless sooner demanded by the Governor of Virginia. Time rolls on slowly to an. innocent man incarcerated in a felon's cell - Fuel is added to the flame when the intelligence reaches Washington that on Jan. 10th, 1840, a dead body is found below Wheeling, supposed to be that of D. B. Cooper. The father and his friends make immediate arrangements to visit the place of inter ment of the dead body, while the innocent man is buoyed up with the consciousness that his own innocency will be proclaimed in due time. But not so — the father of D. B. Cooper and his friends sign and publish the following card in " Our Country," a paper published in Washington. We, the undersigned, having seen a notice in the Wheeling Gazette of the 10th of January, of an account given by the postmaster of Granville Island, giving the description of the body of a person being- found in the river at that place, and supposing from the description that it was the body of D. B. Cooper (who was missing in Wheeling on the morning of the 8th of January last), we repaired to the place and opened the grave, and from a particular examination of his pekson and clothing, are convinced be yond a doubt that it was the identical body of the said D. B. Cooper. Sylvanus Cooper, Joseph Bryant, Ezka Dille, John A. Dille, Samuel Day To this was added the annexed statement : — The description of clothing given by the above-named persons are the same that my brother had on when he left me at Lowell, in Washington County, Ohio. Zebulon Cooper. On the 21st January, 1840, William Long was brought before Jus tice Blaine for the- murder of D. B. Cooper in or about Wheeling. The testimony elicited on that occasion was principally the honest confession of the prisoner to every witness, viz : that they had tra velled from Lowell to Wheeling ; had put up at a hotel on the 7th of January ; ate supper together ; that Cooper went out and attended 366 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. to some business ; that afterwards 'both parties met at a barbershop; that they returned, slept together in the same bed, and in the morn ing before breakfast both walked to the market, and while they exami ned a sled with bear and deer meat upon it, Cooper passed on. Sylvanus Cooper, the father, stated that he had made the affidavit on the influence of the report that the body of hi's son had been found and other circumstances ; that he went to Wheeling and inquired of the landlord, who stated that both had left his house in the morning to go to market about 7 o'clock ; that Long returned without Cooper and wanted his breakfast for Cooper, but showed no signs of uneasiness about the matter, and that Long remained in the house until 12 o'clock before he left, and then left the next day. John Morrow testified to the same statements of Long, with the addition that Stuart, a tobacconist, said it was curious that Cooper had gone off and left his horse, that likely he had got on a sled and went out to his father's, Sylvanus Cooper. Andrew Means testified that a man by the name of Saunders told him that Long said that when they stopped at Fish Creek, Cooper went to pay his bill and pulled out a roll of money, but did not know how much there was. James Stuart testified that he told Long that Cooper might have gone home with Saunders (the man who had the bear and deer meat), who was from Cooper's neighborhood, and that Long told him to tell Cooper that he had gone home to his father's with the horse and jumper. We now return to Mr. D. B. Cooper, whom we had lost in Wheel ing. Having considerable money with him and without giving his friend any notice of his intentions, and hearing of the many specu lations which were transpiring in Illinois, he set out for that country ; two months rolled away, and poor Long is still incarcerated, yet his father Sylvanus Cooper knew that he was still alive, but on account of the certificate he had given, a copy of which has been given above, his conscience, or some other unknown cause, operated upon his mind, he resolved to keep the location of his son a profound secret, until the secret was revealed by a friend of Cooper's to whom it had been communicated. Public indignation burst forth against Sylvanus Cooper. Long was liberated, and it was said money was paid to recompense Long for his incarceration. The causes which impelled Sylvanus Cooper to take so iniquitous a course is so mysterious, that the final day of accounts will only reveal its truthfulness. We give the case therefore, as among the most extraordinary instances of per sonal identity and of human depravity which can be anywhere found. Executions. The first person executed.was Thomas Richardson, on October 2, 1784. He was tried for burglary in the court, where it was held on the lot now owned by James G. Strean, on the corner of Main HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 367 Street and Strawberry Alley. The following letter from the com missioners of the county (viz : Van Swearingen, James Marshall, and Thomas Scott), dated Washington, June 28, 1784, explains itself : — To his Excellency President Dickinson : Sir : This county, as well as Fayette, has for some time past been greatly infested by a troop of robbers from the lower parts of the State, namely, Doanes and others, who, by frequent burglaries and robberies, under the countenance and protection of divers evil disposed persons amongst ourselves, have reduced us to the necessity of calling out parties of militia and making general search for the burglars and their accom plices, whereupon the said burglars, with numbers of horses, negroes, and other valuable property, of which they had robbed the inhabitants (in the most daring and insolent manner), set off for Detroit, our party pursued about one hundred miles from this place before they overtook them. How ever, we have now got of the said party lodged in the gaol of this county, the following persons, viz. : Abraham Doane, one who calls himself Thomas Richason, and two women who profess themselves wives to some of the party, the remainder having escaped our most vigilant pursuit, although we have recovered the greatest part of the property. We have also divers others in confinement and under recognizance as accomplices, and expect yet to make further discoveries, but our gaol being insufficient, and this same Abraham Doane having been rescued from it once before by an armed party, we are obliged to keep a strong guard constantly over them, and not having seen a supplement to the act.for apprehending these vil- lians (which we are informed exists), are at a loss what to do with them, therefore prays the direction of the council in the premises. Eph. Douglass, under date of Uniontown, May 29, 1784, says: — The banditti have established themselves in some part of this country, not certainly known, but thought to be in the deserted part of Washing ton County, 'whence they make frequent incursions into the settlements under cover of the night, terrify the inhabitants, sometimes beat them unmercifully, and always rob them of such property as they think proper, aud then retire to their lurking places. The court of Washington proceeded to the trial of Thomas Rich ardson for burglary, and he was convicted and a full copy of the record forwarded to the Supreme Executive Council, and from the records of said council, under date of September 10, 1784, we make the following extract : — The record of the conviction of Thomas Richardson of burglary in the county of Washington, was read and considered, upon which it was Ordered, That execution of the sentence of the court be made and done upon him, the said Thomas Richardson, on Saturday, the 2d day of Octo ber next, between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and two of the clock in the afternoon of the same day, at the most proper and public place within the said day. Richardson was taken from the jail in a cart to Gallows Hill (and it is from this circumstance that that locality derives its name). Arriving at the gallows, Sheriff Van Swearingen mounted the lad- 368 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. der and fixed the rope secure, and afterwards around the neck of the culprit, when the cart was driven off and the prisoner launched into eternity. Second Execution — Wm. Crawford. Thirty-nine years had almost elapsed before a similar scene was enacted on Gallows Hill. William Crawford, an aged man, was tried for the murder of his own son before the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Washington, which assembled on November 20, 1822, before the Hon. Thomas H. Baird, President Judge, and his associates, Boyd Mercer and John Hamilton, Esqs. A true bill was found by the grand jury, to which the prisoner plead, not guilty. By direction of the court a jury was empanelled of the prisoner's own selecting, consisting of Nathan Pyle, Benja min Linton, James Ruple, Robert Gregg, Sr., William Clark, Samuel McDowell,, Ebenezer Martin, Caleb Leonard, Thomas Jones, Ephraim Estep, Russel Moore, and Ezra Dille, who, being sworn and hearing the testimony, pleadings, and the charge of the court, rendered a verdict of , guilty of murder in the firstidegree. November 23, 1822, Judge Baird pronounced the following sen tence upon the prisoner : " That you be taken from hence to the jail of the county of Washington, from whence you came, and from thence to the place of execution, and there be hanged by the neck until you are dead." On the 25th November, 1822, exceptions were filed by his attor neys in arrest of judgment, but were overruled by the court, and the prisoner was executed on the 21st day of February, 1823, on Gal- . lows Hill, south of the borough. William Baird (Deputy Prosecuting Attorney) and J. Pentecost, represented the commonwealth ; and James Ross, Parker Campbell, John Kennedy, and T. M. T. McKennan, were the counsel for the prisoner; Robert Officer, Esq., being high sheriff of the county. Third Execution — Christopher Sharp. On the 26th day of March, 1828, a court of oyer and terminer was held in Washington, presided over by Hon. Thomas H. Baird, and Boyd Mercer and John Hamilton, Esqs., his associates. A colored man (a slave) by the name of Christian Sharp (commonly called " Kit") was tried for the murder of his master, Robert Car lisle, of Woodford, Kentucky. A true bill was found. The prisoner was brought into court on the 27th March, and asked a continuance of his case until the next term of court. June 25, 1828, the prisoner was brought into court for trial/and the following persons sworn in as jurors, viz : David Clark, Robert Grant, David Hootman, John McLoney, Reed Doake, Samuel Boreland, John Bell, Adam Wier, Richard B. Chaplan, John HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 369 McCoy, Sr., Parker Scott, and Cyrus Huston. After hearing the testimony, the argument of counsel, and the charge of the court, the jury found the said Sharp guilty of murder in the first degree. On the 28th of June, 1828, his Honor Judge Baird sentenced the prisoner to be taken to the jail, from thence to the place of execu tion on Gallows Hill, and there hanged by the neck until he be dead. He was executed by Robert McClelland, Esq., sheriff of the county, on the 22d day of November, 1828, on Gallows Hill. Wil liam Waugh, Esq. (Deputy Prosecuting Attorney), counsel on behalf of the commonwealth, assisted by John S. Brady, Esq. Counsel for the prisoner were Samuel McFarland, William Baird, and John Kennedy, Esqs. Fourth Execution — Robert Fooler. On December 4, 1866, Robert W. Dinsmore, of Hopewell town ship, was murdered about ten o'clock at night by Robert Fogler^ The county court being in session, the commissioners of the county by direction of Judge Acheson, offered a reward of one thousand dollars for the apprehension of the murderer. On the following day Robert Fogler was arrested, one remarkable circumstance clearly and conclusively pointing to his guilt. In the scuffle which ensued between Mr. Dinsmore and the prisoner, the heel of Fogler's boot was knocked off, and after his arrest Sheriff Smith, having procured the boots Fogler wore, found the heel missing, and thereby Circum stantially pointing to the murderer. The prisoner was asked to explain the circumstance, when he made a full confession. On the 20th February, 1867, the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Washington County was held, Judge Acheson on the bench, his associates Hon. John C. Chambers and John Farrer. Fogler was arraigned for the murder, the grand jury having previously found a true bill. The prisoner was defended by Messrs. James R. Ruth, I. Y. Hamilton, and L.- R. Woods Little, Esqs., while the com monwealth was represented by Boyd Crumrine, Esq., District Attor ney, assisted by H. J. Vankirk, of this county, and N. P. Fetter man, Esq., of Pittsburg. The jurors who were empanelled to try the case, were Alex. B. Duval, David Bigler, W. V. McFarland, James B. Wilson, John Baker, Alexander McCalmant, John S. Ban*, W. R. Sutherland, George T. Work, Lewis E. Smith, Edward R. McCready, James V. Dorsey. The trial commenced on Thursday morning and the case went to the jury at half-past four o'clock on Saturday, Febru ary 23d, and at six o'clock a verdict was rendered of murder in the first degree. On Thursday afternoon, February 28, Robert Fogler was brought into court and Judge Acheson pronounced the death sentence upon the prisoner. The death warrant was issued April 4, 1867, for his 370 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. execution, which took place May 15, 1867, inside of the jail yard, about seventy persons having received tickets of admission from the sheriff. Washington County Mutual Insurance Company. This company was incorporated April 1, 1837, for the purpose of insuring dwelling-houses, stores, shops, and other buildings and property against loss or damage by fire. The number of poli cies which it has issued for five years amounts to twenty-eight hundred. The present efficient directors are William J. Matthews, President; Samuel Hazlett, John Wylie, John McElroy, A. C. Mor row, Alexander Murdoch, George W. Warrick, V. Harding, David Aiken, John Hastings, Lewis Barker, John D. Boyle, and Thomas Hodgens; L. M. Marsh, Secretary. It is worthy of remark that during the whole existence of this company, the directors have never been compelled to make an assess ment on their deposit notes. We add their financial condition : — Cash on deposit with Samuel Hazlett, . . . $3,600 Interest unpaid, ....... 3,400 Bills receivable, 750 Deposit notes, .... . 130,000 $137,750. General Insurance Agency. Under this title of Fire Insurance Agency, we may add that Da vid Aiken, Esq., many years since established a General Insurance Agency, in which capital to the amount of $17,693,055.87 is repre sented by cash assets in the following companies : — Home, of New York, ¦ . . . . $4,516,368.46 iEtna, of Hartford, Connecticut, . . 5,549,504.97 Insurance Company of North America, Phila., 2,783,580.96 Franklin, of Philadelphia, .... 2,825,731.67 Security, of New York, .... 2,017,889.81 In these companies no premium notes are taken, and consequently no assessments can be made on their policies. Dwellings and other property insured for five years. David Aiken, Esq , has appointed as solicitors for these companies, R. H. Morris and Joseph A. Mc- Kee. Mr. Aiken is also special agent for the Home Insurance Company, of New York, for the State of Pennsylvania. Correspondence between Hon. David Reddick and Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. The following correspondence, which was originally intended for no other person than Mr. Reddick, was handed me by a particular friend, to insert in the History of Washington County if I deemed it of important interest. I have done so, because it places Mr. Jef- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 371 ferson, with regard to his religious opinions, in his true position, although his memory has been the subject of much criticism. I may state that Mr. Reddick was not only a member of the Supreme Ex ecutive Council of Pennsylvania, from Washington County, but held many important offices of honor and trust, and was also elected an honorary member of the American Philosophical Society on Janu ary 16, 1789, his diploma bearing the signatures of Benj. Franklin, President; Rev. Dr. Ewing, Bishop White, Vice-Presidents, and other distinguished gentlemen. The letter referred to reads thus : — Washington, Penna., June 10, 1802. Sir : About three weeks ago I received a letter from a respectable gen tleman, who resides amongst the Indians, concerned in the missionary affairs of the United Brethren of Bethlehem. In this letter he has stated respecting you in the following words : " One act, however, if true, may operate in the decree of heaven much against him in the long run, viz : That he should have told the Indian chiefs, who lately visited him, that he stood in no need of being taught in Christianity, that they were a separate nation and people from the whites, and that their mode of living (without the religion of the whites) was perfectly right and conformable to the intention of their Creator, who had given then a different skin, different ideas, and a different way of maintaining themselves, and for that reason placed them on a separate island by themselves." This is reported by Capt. George Whiteeyes, one of the Indian chiefs. He has it from the mouth of those it was spoken to by Mr. Jefferson, through a French interpreter at a private conference ; however, please mention not my name in relating the story. In my answer, I mentioned my disbelief of the story, that it was no doubt propagated by political enemies to injure you, and thought little more about it for some time, until I heard that a letter to the same purpose had been read in Presbytery in the State of Kentucky, upon which I began to fear that the story, if uncontradicted, might have mischievous effects. I appear alarmed, and it is pretty plain from the letter in my hand, the Mora vians were likewise so. The story, after a continued currency, may gain credit enough to be used by the Indians, who may be averse to cultivation of their people, and at the same time operate unfavorably to yourself and your friends and country. Under this idea, I consulted Mr. Edgar and Mr. McDowell of this county on the subject, who, with me, were much uneasy about it and of opinion that you ought to be informed before the mischief might become rooted. As I am not at liberty to name the gentleman who writes me this story, I assure you he has to my knowledge given evidence of his high regard for your character at a time not long past. I am, with due respect, yours, David Reddick. To which Thomas Jefferson replies : — Washington, June 19, 1802. Sir : Your letter of the 10th inst. has been received, and I am duly sensible of the favor of your attention to the calumny which was the sub ject of it, seeing the impossibility that special vindications should ever keep pace with the endless falsehoods invented and disseminated against me. I came at once to a resolution to rest on the justice and good sense of my fellow citizens, to consider from my general character and conduct through life, not unknown to them, whether these calumnies were probable, and I have 372 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. made it an invariable rule never to enter the lists of the public papers with the propagators of them. In private communications with my friends, 'I have contradicted them without reserve. In this light you will be pleased to consider the present letter as meant for your own satisfaction, and to assure you that the falsehoods may be contradicted with safety by yourself or any others, but not that this letter should get into, the public papers, or itself or any copy of it go out of your hands. I know not to what party of Indians the calumny is meant to allude, as there were several parties on visits here last summer, but it is false as to every party. I never uttered the sentiments there stated, nor anything equivalent or like to them to any Indian, or, to any other person here or any where else. I had but one private conversation the last summer with any Indian, that was with the Little Turtle in the presence of Capt. Wells, his interpreter. I remember asking from him the opinions of the Indians with respect to a Supreme Being, the worship of Him, and a future state. He answered me frankly, but I carefully avoided the impropriety of either con troverting or concurring in these opinions, or of saying one syllable on the comparative merits of any religious opinion. The story, therefore, is a mere fabrication, false in its substance and in all its -circumstances. I readily conjecture the missionary who wrote to you on the subject, and know his worth and candor too well not to wish that his mind should be set to rights on this subject. I will ask, if you please, that addition to your favors, and pray you to accept my esteem and best wishes. Thomas Jefferson. David Reddick, Esq. • Washington County Sabbath School Convention. Several of our citizens met Maijch 29, 186$, at the house of Tho mas MeKean, Esq., to confer about the propriety of organizing a County Sabbath School Convention, and after an interchange of opinion they decided unanimously that it was .both right and expe dient, and designated the 21st and 22d days of April as the time, and the Presbyterian church of Washington as the place. Each, Sabbath, school appointed two representatives, who met and issued a call for the convention, addressed to all the pastors, super intendents, and friends of Sabbath schools in Washington County, and also appointed a committee to superintend and direct the com fort of delegates. On April 21, 1862, the convention assembled in the Presbyterian church, and elected James Donehoo as president ; Peter Camp and Wm McCleary, as vice-presidents ; and Thomas MeKean, D. M. Leatherman, and I. N. Hainer as secretaries. Delegates from the following Sabbath schools were admitted : From the Methodist Episcopal Churches of Canonsburg, Monon gahela City, Providence Chapel, Hanover, and Washington. From the United Presbyterian Churches of North Buffalo, West Alexander, Canonsburg, Chartiers, Pigeon Creek, Washington, Chartiers Cross Roads, and West Middleton. From the Presbyterian Churches of Canonsburg, Lower Tenmile Mount Prospect, Claysville, Florence, Pigeon Creek, East Buffalo^ Cross Creek, Upper Tenmile, Racoon, Chartiers, Upper Buffalo' HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 373 Monongahela City, Burgettstown, Independence, Pine Grove, and Washington. From the Protestant Episcopal Church of Washington From the Union Sabbath School of South Pigeon Creek. From the Lutheran Congregation of West Bethlehem, Carroll, Hillsborough/ and Washington. From the Cumberland Presbyterian Churches of Washington, Windy Gap, and Concord (at Sparta). From the Baptist Churches of Pleasant Grove and Washington. From the Methodist Protestant Churches of Washington and Amity. From the Disciples Churches of Williamsburg, West Middletou, Washington, and Pleasant Valley. A constitution was adopted, and under its provisions an execu tive committee appointed. May 19, 1863. The second annual Washington County Sabbath School convened in the Presbyterian church ; Wm. McDaniel, of Canonsburg, presi dent, with the constitutional officers. In addition to the Sabbath schools reported last year the following additional ones became mem bers,' viz ':— Methodist Episcopal Churches of Bentleysville, Pigeon Creek, Beallsville, Taylor's Church, Centreville, Prospect, Clover Hill, and Zollarsville. United Presbyterian Churches of Peters Creek, Mount Hope, and South Buffalo. Presbyterian Churches of Fairview, Centre, and West Alexander. Baptist Churches of Mount Hermon and Pigeon Creek. Methodist Protestant Church of Eldersville. Wesleyan Methodist Church of West Middleton. Protestant Episcopal Church of West Brownsville and Monon gahela City. Union Sabbath Schools of Windy Gap, Ridge (East Pike Run), South Strabane Valley Missionary School. Lutheran Churches of Bethel and Mount Zion. Cumberland Presbyterian Churches of Pleasant Hill, Bethel (at Vanburen), Millsborough, and Greenfield. Disciples — Peters Creek, California, Burnsville, Pigeon Creek, Buffalo (the five last not represented). May 24, 1864. The third annual Sabbath School County Convention assembled in the college chapel, and was presided over by Gen. James Lee, of Cross Creek, with the customary officers. Fifty-four delegates in attendance, representing the Sabbath schools of the county. June 14, 1865. The fourth annual Sabbath School County Convention met in the Presbyterian church of Monongahela City, and was presided 374 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. over by Rev. Wm. Ewing, of Canonsburg, and other officers. Fifty- six delegates in attendance. The questions for discussion which were usually discussed by the conventions were the relation of pastor to the Sabbath school, the plan to produce the best results, the requisite qualifications of super intendents and teachers, the relation of the Sabbath school to family religion, the best method of teaching, the influence of Sabbath schools upon the church, how to retain the older scholars, the best mode of distributing books, and is the Sabbath school an indispen sable auxiliary to the church. These and similar questions, all tending to promote Sabbath school instruction, and the co-opera tion of Christians in promoting the welfare of our common country and enlarging the Redeemer's kingdom, were discussed with the happiest effects. From the records of the County Sabbath School Conventions I learn the following interesting fapts, giving each denomination the maximum in the several years reported : — No. of Vols, in Name. Schools. Scholars. Teachers. Library. Presbyterian 17 2114 226 8487 Methodist Episcopal . . . 13 1380 147 3554 United Presbyterian 9 719 82 2415 Cumberland Presbyterian ... 6 493 60 1025 Lutheran 4 299 34 1325 Protestant Episcopal ... 4 375 43 1042 Baptist 4 202 29 775 Disciples 4 180 25 250 Union Schools 3 245 38 775 Methodist Protestant .... 3 310 26 900 Wesleyan Methodist 1 80 12 250 Mission School 1 75 14 Methodist Episcopal (Colored) . 1 115 14 246 70 6587 750 21,044 Golden Wedding. We deem it of sufficient importance to place upon record, from the minutes of the town council of Washington, the occurrence of a golden wedding which was celebrated in this borough on Monday evening, April 18, 1870. The council adopted the following preamble and resolutions : Whereas, Joseph Henderson, Esq., and his wife celebrate' the 50th anni versary of their marriage this evening, and friends and acquaintances have assembled with them to return thanks to God that their lives have been spared for the enjoyment of fifty years of connubial felicity. And whereas, This is the first occasion of the kind which has transpired since the foundation of our town eighty years since ; the burgesses and council of the borough of Washington feel it to be their duty as well as their individual inclination to express their sentiments on so interesting an HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 375 occasion, believing that by so doing they are representing the united opinion of every citizen of your ancient borough ; therefore, Resolved, That we congratulate Joseph Henderson, Esq., and his wife, upon the return of their 50th marriage anniversary — an anniversary which reminds them of their early love— of their placing upon the altar of Hymen two willing, devoted hearts, united by solemn vows — of their preeminent attachment to each other, and their devotion to each other's interest, and governed during their entire matrimonial life by the principles of the Chris tian religion. Resolved, That the days of the years of their existence having been pre eminently crowned by Him who divinely ordained the marriage institution, it is our heartfelt wish that the same protecting being who is the God of all the families of the earth, will sustain, support, and keep them during the remainder of their earthly existence, giving them kind friends, obliging neighbors, and devoted citizens, and when life shall terminate, and their souls pass into the spirit-land, may a reunion take place, which shall be measured, not by the years of time, but as eternal as the existence of God. The preamble and resolutions were prepared by Alfred Creigh, signed by all the members of the council, with the seal attached, and presented by John D. Boyle, Chief Burgess. ADDENDA. Additional list of Attorneys who practice at the Washington county bar. Coyle, John, Downey, R. W., Ewing, Hon. J. Kennedy, Hopkins, James H., Johnston, W. F., Minor, L., M'Neill, J., Sayres, Ezra, Strean, Robt. F., Shutterly, Lewis, Wills, John A. INDEX. (A. prefixed to a page means Appendix.) A. Act establishing Washington County, 39 Adams County, when organized, 33 Adams, President, to Fredericktown, 97 Addison, Judge, his affidavit, a. 77 his addresses to jury, a. 91 African M. E. Church of Washington, 197 Agricultural societies, 361 Aiken, David, insurance agent, 370 Allegiance of Rev. E. Hughey, 24 of Rev. W. Renno, 24 Allen township, 248 churches, 248 schools, 249 Allegheny County organized, 33, 40 Alumni of Washington and Jefferson College, their address, 154, 156 American patriotism, 95 Amity, 88 Lower Tenmile Presbyt. Church, 217 origin of Mormonism in, 89 Amwell township, 43, 88 schools, 88 Arguments of counsel in the college case, 161 Armstrong County organized, 33 Assembly of Pennsylvania of 1682, 30 Attorneys of Ohio County, 18 Generals, Deputy, 260 of Washington County, 261 " of Youghiogheny County, 22 Auditors, list of, 264 Augusta County, when organized, 12 West, district of, 12 B. Bailey, Wm., his captivity, a. 58 Banks in Washington, 197 25 Bank, Philadelphia Branch, 197 First National, 199 Franklin, 198 of Washington, 197 Banking-houses, 198 Baptist Church of Washington, 196 North Tenmile, 94 Bassettown, -124, 129 Bavington, 117 Beallsville, 44, 237 Baptist Church, 239 masonic lodge, 238 M. E. Church, 239 schools, 238 Beaver County organized, 33, 42 Becket's Fort, a. 55 Bedford County organized, 33 Beeman's Blockhouse, a. 55 Benevolence of Youghiogheny County, 26 Benevolent Society, 358 Bentleysville, 44, 120 Berks County organized, 33 Bethlehem township, 43, 95 East, 43, 96 schools, 96 West, 43, 98 schools, 98 Bible Society, 358 Biddle, Mrs. Frances, 204 Blair County organized, 33 Boundaries of Pennsylvania, 31 Bower Hill, 110 Braddock's Field, meeting, a. 73 Bradford County organized, 33 Bradford, Col. David, his address, a. 72 Brady, F. Jr., and Noble, John, their invention, 357 Brice, Rev. John, his church, 103 Brown, Rev. M., address to President Monroe, 171 Bruce, David, his poems, 118 Bucks County organized, 33 ( 377 ) 378 INDEX. Buffalo township, 43, 239 schools, 239 Creek, 47 M. E. Church, 240 U. P. Church, North, 240 U. P. Church, South, 240 village, 239 Bulger, 117 Burgesses of Washington, 132 Burgettstown, 117 Presbyterian Church, 118 Burners of 1794, 350 Burnsville, 215 Butler County organized, 33 C. California, 44, 235 Disciples Church, 236 M.E. Church, 236 Odd Fellows' Lodge, 236 schools, 236 ' S. W. Normal College in, 236 Cambria County organized, 33 Cameron County organized, 34 Campbell's woollen factory, 355 Candor, 112 Canonsburg, 43, 220 Church, U. P., 220 Jefferson College at, 221 M. E. Church, 228 Presbyterian Church, 228 Schools, 221 Canton township, 43, 232 schools, 233 Carbon County organized, 34 Carriage manufactories in Washington, 353 Carroll township, 44, 241 Horse-shoe Baptist Church, 242 Lutheran Church (Ginger Hill), 242 old Presbyterian Church of 1785, 242 schools, 241 United Brethren Church, 242 Catfish, his speech and grave, 127 Cecil township, 43, 99 part given to Allegheny County, 100 Presbyterian Church, 100 schools, 100 Washington's land in, 100 U. P. Church, at Miller's Run, 101 Cemetery, Washington, 217 Centre County organized, 33 Centreville, 237 M. E. Church, 238 Odd Fellows' Lodge, 238 Chambers, J. G., his invention, 357 Chartiers township, 43, 218 Associate Church, 219 Church on the State of our coun try, 114 Creek, 46, 219 Cross Roads Church, 220 distilleries in, 226 incident in, 219 Presbyterian Church, 113 schools, 218 Speers' U. P. Church in, 218 Valley Railroad, 364 Charles I., 10 deposed by Cromwell, 10 Charles IL, 10 , Chartered rights of Pennsylvania, 9 Chester County organized, 32 Circular to colonels of regiments, A. 69 Clarion County organized, 34 Clark, Gen., his expedition, 278 Clarktown (See Tenmile Village), 93 Claysville, 44, 103 M. E. Church, 103 Presbyterian Church, 104 schools, 103 Clearfield County organized, 33 Clerk of the courts, list of, 257 Clinton County organized, 34 Cloakeyville,Coal Shaft, Washington, 208 Coat of Arms of England and Virginia, 11 Cold Day, 359 College, Washington, 150 and Jefferson, consolidated, 153 and Jefferson, decision of Su preme Court, 162 a synodical college, 152 before Supreme Court, 160 lists of Presidents and Profes sors, 169 Columbia, 241 Columbia County organized, 33 Commissioners, list of, 259 clerks to, 260 Congressmen, list of, 250 Constitution of Pennsylvania, Sent. 28. 17W, 31 ' f • Oct. 9, 1838, 31 Sept. 2, 1790, 31 Continental money, 21 Cooper, D. B., a singular case, 364 INDEX. 379 Corbly, Rev. John, his sufferings, a. 59 Corner-stone of town hall laid, 147 articles deposited, 148 Coroners, list of, 258 Correspondence between D. Reddick and Thos. Jefferson, 370 Cotton and wool cards, 24 Counterfeit money, 24 Court-houses in Washington, 64, 136 Courts and court-houses of Youghio gheny County, 15 Crawford, Col. Wm., his expedition, 287 Crawford County organized, 33 Crawford, William, his execution, 368 Cross Creek township, 43, 46, 231 forts in, 232 Presbyterian Church, 231 H. Graham's donation, 231 Mrs. Patterson's'donation, 231 schools, 231 township, original settlers, 232 Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Washington, 192 c County organized, 32 township, 43, 101 Fort Jackson, 102 Indian murders in, 102 D. Darby, Wm., his description of Wash ington Dauphin County organized, 33 Delaware annexed to Pennsylvania, 30 Deputy Attorney-Generals, list of, 260 Dickinson township, 123 , Directors of Poor, list of, 265 Disciples of Christ (Campbellites), 129, 193 Church in Washington, 195 Dutch Fork, 194 Independence, 194 Maple Creek, 194 Martinsburg, 194 Peters Creek, 194 Pigeon Creek, 194 West Finley, 194 Division of Washington County, 40, 42 Donegal township, 43, 102 Associate Church, 104 Associate Reformed Church, 104 Morality, 104 schools, 102 Three Ridge Presbyterian Church, 103 Donegal township V. P. Church, 104 Ducking-stool, 17 Dutch Presbyterian Church on Bush Run, 95 E. Early religiouB element of Washington County, 77 Early settlers of Tenmile village, 93 East Bethlehem township, 96 Education, 352 Egypt or Midway, 106 Eldersville, 249 M. E. Church, 249 Election of October, 1792, unconstitu tional, a. 84 Electors of Pennsylvania, for 1st Presi dent, 77 Elk County organized, 34 Elliott, Commodore, 360 Episcopal Church of Washington, 184 bequest to, 186 Convention of 1803, 237 of West Pike Run, 237 Parish school-house, 186 Sunday-school, 186 Erie County organized, 33 Events and incidents, 341 Executions. — Thomas Richardson, 366 Wm. Crawford, 368 Chr. Sharp (Kit), 368 Robert Fogler, 369 F. Fairs, 308 Fallowfield township, 43, 104 Disciples Church, 105 M. E. Church (Jonestown), 105 M. E. Church (Pigeon Creek), 105 Presbyterian Church, 105 schools, 105 Fayette County organized, 33 Female Seminary, Washington, 199 Pleasant Hill, 107 Ferries in Youghiogheny County, 22 Finley township, 43, 211 Ancient school-houses of, 214 EaBt, 44, 214 EaBt Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, 214 Halyconites of, 211 New lights of, 213 380 INDEX. Finley township, "Rhodeanites of, 213 schools, 214 Wheeling, U. P. Church of, 215 West, 44, 215 schools, 215 Presbyterian Church, 216 Disciple Church, 216 U. P. Church, 216 Finleyville, 242 Seceder Church, 242 Fire department of Washington, 361 Florence, 210 a contemplated duel at, prevented, 210 Presbyterian Church, 210 Fogler R., his execution, 367 Forest County organized, 34 Fort Pitt claimed by Virginia, 13 Forts at Cross Creek, 230 near Tenmile Village, 94 Foster, Miss S. R. (Mrs. S. R. Hanna), 205 Franklin, Benj., plaintiff in Washington County, 101 County organized, 33 Bethel Church, 250 Concord Church, 250 schools, 250 township of 1855, 44, 250 of 1787, 43, 211 Frederick County, 12 Fredericktown, 96 John Adams to the people of, 97 panthers' den, 97 public library at, 97 temperance restriction of, 96 Freemasons' lodges, chapters, councils, and commanderies, 341 Froman's Fort, a. 56 Fulton County organized, 34 Fulton, Robert, 108, 129 G. Gas works of Washington, 207 Geological description of Washington County, 45 German Church of Washington, 187 Ginger Hill, 105 Lutheran Church, 242 Golden wedding of Joseph Henderson, Esq., 379 Good Intent, 215 U. P. Church (onKing'sCreek), 210 Governors of Pennsylvania from 1681 to 1870, 33 Governors of Pennsylvania, votes for, 35 Grant, Gen., his letter to lay corner stone of town hall, 146 Granville, 234 Green County organized, 33, 41 Greenfield, 44, 235 Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 235 farmers' and mechanics' commer cial store of, 235 M. E. Church, 236 Greensburg, 123 Green township, 43, 123 Grist-mills, 23 H. Hall town, 146 Halyconites, a new religious sect, 210 poetry on, 212 Hanna, Mrs. S. R., of Female Semina ry, 205 Hanover township, 43, 209 schools, 209 . Hastings, Mrs. Sally, her book of po ems, 119 Havelock, or McDonald Station, 112 Hay's carriage factory, 353 Hempfield railroad, 364 Henderson, Joseph, his golden wedding, 374 Hickory, 240 Presbyterian Church, 241 U. P. Church, 241 Hieroglyphic rock near Millsboro, 98 Hillsborough (now Scenery Hill), 98 its elevation above tide Water, 98 ' M. E. Church, 98 Presbyterian Church, 98 schools, 98 Hodgen & McElroy's tannery, 356 Hoge, David, his three purchases, 125 Hopewell township, 43, 106 Pleasant Hill, Female Semi nary of, 107 Rev. J. Smith, will of, 106 schools, 106 Upper Buffalo Presbyterian Church, 107 Horn & McClain's woollen factory, 355 Horseshoe Baptist Church, 242 Presbyterian Church, 244 House's carriage factory, 354 Huntingdon County organized, 33 Hupp, Dr. John C, his letters on Mil ler's block-house and the Indians, a. 46. ' INDEX. 381 Incorporation of Washington, 130 essays on, 130 Independence township, 44, 246 M. E. Church, 249 Mount Hope U. P. Church, 250 Presbyterian Church, 249 schoolB, 249 TJ. P. Church, 249 Incidents and events, 341 Indiana County organized, 33 Indian scalp, price of, 62 null and void, 65 history of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, A. 38 Finley township, a. 56 Injunction against the trustees of Washington and Jefferson Col lege, 160 arguments on, 161 Chief Justice Thompson's opinion, 162 dissolved, 162 Insurance, Washington County Mutual, 370 agency, Aikens, general, 370 Inventions of, 357 F. Brady, Jr., and John Noble, 357 G. W. Moffitt, 357 James S. Wolf, 357 J. G. Chambers, 357 Jackson, General, 360 Jarrett's Fort, 123 Jefferson College, 221 list of presidents and profes sors, 225 literary societies, 227 County organized, 33 township, 44, 249 M. E. Church, 249 Presbyterian Church, 249 schools, 249 Jefferson's reply to Reddick, 371 Jonestown, 105 Judges, list of president and associates, 255 Judicial view of whiskey insurrection, a. 113 Juniata County organized, 33 Justices' courts, 13 Justices of the peace, list of, 267 K. ' Kammerrer Brothers' establishment, 109 Keystone, why Pennsylvania is named, 34 Kit's execution, 369 L. Lancaster County organized, 33 Lawrence County organized, 34 Lebanon County organized, 33 Lee, Gen.,. 116 Leet, Daniel, produces a surveyor's com mission, 22 Hon. Isaac, 360 Lehigh County organized, 33 Lemoyne, Dr., his donation for public library in Washington, 145 Library association of Washington, 358 Limetown, 242 Lindley's Fort, a. 55 mills, 216 List of Wm. Penn's thirty-three treaties with the Indians, 28 Literary company, 359 Locusts, 347 London land company, 3 Lusus Naturae, 110 <- Luzerne County organized, 83 Lycoming County organized, 33 M. Manufactories, carriage, 353 woollen, 355 March, the first month of the civil year, 38 Market houses, 141 Marriage custom in old times, 50 extraordinary of Isaac Meason and Catharine Harrison, 26 Martinsburg, 116 Mason and Dixon's line, a. 24 May pole, 348 McConnellsville, 218 McFarland, Maj. James, killed, a. 68 MeKean County organized, 33 Mechanical Society of Washington, 353 M. E. Church, African, 197 Medical Society, 357 Meetkirke's, Wm., affidavit, a. 70 Mercer County organized, 33 Methodist Episcopal Church of Wash ington, and list of ministers; Sabbath school, 178 382 INDEX. Methodist Protectant Church of Wash ington, 182 Mexican War, 300 Midway, or Egypt, 106 Mifflin County organized, 33 Military officers, 23 from Washington Co., 336 of Washington County engaged in rebellion of 1861, 303 Miller's Block house, A. 46 Millsborough, 44, 97 schools, 98 Mingo Creek, 45 Society, 243 Presbyterian Church, 243 Ministers' oath of allegiance, 24 Monongahela and Williamsport Manu facturing Company, 353 City, 44, 243 African M. E. Church, 247 Banking house, 248 Cemetery, 247 Church of the Transfiguration, 246 Cumberland Presbyt. Church, 245 First Baptist Church, 246 Lutheran Church, 246 M. E. Church, 245 Presbyterian Church, 244 Protestant Episcopal Church, 246 Union School building, 247 Union paper mills, 248 Wesleyan Meth. Epis. Church, 246 County, &c, 19 River, 45 Money, continental, 21 counterfeit, 24 Monroe's, James, speech at Canonsburg, 229 at Washington, 176 Monroe County organized, 33 Montgomery County organized, 33 Montour County organized, 34 Moral Societies, 359 Morgan, Col. George, 116 Gen. Daniel, 116 Gen., 116 T. Jefferson, his circular on emi grating to Texas, 297 Company for Texas, 299 .township, 43, 108 Morgantown, Virginia, 19 Morality of Donegal, 104 Mormonism, its rise, 89 Morris township, 43, 216 Morris township, Lower Tenmile Pres byterian Church, 217 M. E. Church, 216 schools, 216 Upper Tenmile Presbyterian Church, 216 Mount Pleasant township, 44, 240 Prospect Presbyterian Church, ' 241 Schools, 240 U. P. Church, 241 Vernon U. P. Church, 118 Munntown, 116 Murdochsville, 210 N. Names of first settlers west of Allegheny Mountains, A. 8 Naturalization a religious rite, 25 Neville, Gen., his house destroyed, A. 38 New county proposed, 349 New Lights, a new sect, 211 Newspapers of Washington County from 1795 to 1870, 350 New State proposed in 1782, a. 37 Northampton County organized, 33 North Strabane township, 115 schools, 116 Northumberland County organized, 33 Nottingham township, 43, 108 Mount Prospect U. P. Church at Munntown, 109 Presbyterian Church at Fair- view, 109 schools, 108 Number of stills, a. 113 O. Oath of allegiance, 13 abjuration, 14 supremacy, 14 the test, 14 Odd Fellows' Lodges and Encampments in Washington County, 304 Ohio County court house, 137 courts, &c, 14 Old Dominion, 11 Orange County, 12 Original lot holders in Washington, 129 Original settlers at Cross Creek, 230 Original township of Washington Co., 43,58 Orphan children, 21 Outrage on the Chesapeake frigate, 291 INDEX. 383 p. Pan-handle of West Virginia, a. 36 Panther's den, 97 Paris, 210 Parishes to pay church dues, 12 Park, Mr., killed at Cross Creek, 229 Parkinson's ferry resolution, A. 82 Passports, their form, 25 Patterson, D. F., Esq., speech to Gen. Grant, 147 Penn, William, his charter, 28 his thirty-three treaties with the Indians, 28 Pennsylvania, boundaries of, 31 date of formation of each county, with number of acres, and popu lation, 32 a general outline history, 27 its population from 1730, 32 western line of, A. 35 why named Keystone, 34 Pennsylvania and Virginia ' difficulty, a. 3 Perry County organized, 33 PersonB indicted in whiskey insurrec tion, A. 113 Peters Creek, 46 Peters township, 43, 109 Centre Presbyterian Church, 110 schools, 110 V. P. Church, 110 Phenomenon, 349 Philadelphia County organized, 33 Pigeon Creek, 45 Presbyterian Church, 121 Pike County organized, 33 Pike Run township, 43, 233 . East, 233 schools, 233 M. E. Church, 233 Quaker meeting-house, 233 West, 44, 237 schools, 237 St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 237 Pillory, description of, 17 Pittsburg, resolutions on Whiskey In surrection, a. 62 Pittsburg and Steubenville R. R., 117 Plank road, upper Tenmile, 361 Pleasant Hill Female Seminary, 107 Plymouth Company, 16 Poe, Adam, 62 Poor, directors of, list of, 265 Post-offices and Postmasters of Wash ington County, 360 Potter County organized, 33 Presbyterian Church of Burgettstown, 118 1st of Washington, 173 2d of Washington, 188 lower Tenmile, 217 upper Tenmile, 216 President and Associate Judges, list of, 255 Presidents of Washington College, 169 of Jefferson College, 225 Proclamation of President Washington on same subject, a. 77 Professors of Washington College, 169 of Jefferson College, 225 Prosperity, 215 Prothonotaries, list of, 256 Q. Quaker, Westland meeting-house, 95 R. Railroads, 366 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 2 Rawle's letters, 113 to 121 Razortown court-house, 137 Rebellion of 1861, 301 Recorders, list of, 257 Reddick to Jefferson, 370 Reflections, 26 Regiments from Washington County— 1st Battalion, 100 days artillery, 335 6th Regiment Pennsylvania Militia, Company A, 334 Pennsylvania Militia, Company F, 334 9th Reserve, Company A, 335 12th Regiment, Company E, 303 Company G, 303 37th Regiment, 8th Reserve, Com pany K, 304 39th Regiment, 10th Reserve, Com pany D, 306 44th Regiment, 15th Pennsylvania Reserve, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, 307 Pennsylvania Reserve, Com pany I, 307 Pennsylvania Reserve, Com pany K, 303 62d Regiment, Company K, 309 79th Regiment, Company D, 310 85th Regiment, Company A, 312 384 INDEX. Regiment, 85th, Company B, 312 Company C, 313 Company D, 313 Company E, 814 100th Regiment, Round heads, 315 Round heads, Company A, 316 Round heads, Company M, 317 140th Regiment, 317 Company C, 318 Company D, 319 Company E, 320 Company G, 321 Company K, 322 152d Regiment, 3d Pennsylvania artillery, Company K, 323 154th Regiment, Pennsylvania drafted militia, 323 159th Regiment, 14th Pennsyl vania Cavalry, Company H, 323 161st Regiment, 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company K, 324 185th Regiment, 22d Pennsylvania Cavalry rejoined, 325 Ringgold Cavalry, A, 325 Washington Cavalry, B, 327 Keystone Cavalry, C, 327 Beallsville Cavalry, D, 329 Independent Cavalry, E, 330 Patton Cavalry, F, 331 Lafayette Cavalry, G, 331 McKennan Infantry, 332 212th Regiment, 6th heavy artil lery, Company E, 335 Provost Guard, 335 Registers, list of, 257 Religious agreement of 1782, 47 Reports on boundary line between Penn sylvania and Virginia, A. 31 Representatives, list of, 252 to Supreme Executive Council, 252 Rhodianites, a new sect, 211 Rice's fort, a. 45 Richardson's, Thomas, execution or dered, 68, 366 Rich hill township, 43, 239 Roads, 20 Robinson township, 43, 111 schools, 111 U. P. Church, 113 Upper Racoon Presbyterian Church, 112 Roman Catholic Church of Washington, . 196 Roney's block-house, a. 56 Royal family, 848 S. Sabbath school county conventions, 372 St. George's Parish, 12 St. Mark's Parish, 12 Salt belonging to Youghiogheny County, 23 School houses, 53 Schuylkill County organized, 33 Seceding States in 1861, 301 Semi-centennial voters, 362 Senate declare election of October, 1794, as unconstitutional, A, 87 Senators, list of, 251 Settlers west of Allegheny Mountain, a. 8. Sharp's (Kit) execution, 368 Sheriffs, list of, 258 Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs of Virginia, 22 Slavery meetings, 362 Smith, Rev. Joseph, his will, 106 Smith township, 43, 117 Centre U. P. Church, 118 Presbyterian Church, 118 poets, 118 schools, 117 towns, 117 TJ. P. Church, 118 Snyder County organized, 34 Soldiers' monument, 339 rations in 1781, 60 Somerset County organized, 33 Somerset township, 43, 120 Baptist Church, 123 Disciple Church, 123 M. E. Church, 123 Pigeon Creek V. P. Church, 123 schools, 120 Sparta, 215 Spear's U. P. Spring Church, 211 Spottsylvania County, 11 Steam tannery, 336 mill, 366, 857 Still, number of, 113 Strabane township, 43, 113 Chartiers Presbyterian Church, 113 North, 44, 115 . schools, 116 South, 44, 116 schools, 116 Streams of Washington County, 45 Stool ducking described, 17 Sullivan County organized, 34 INDEX 385 Supreme Court of Pennsylvania on the consolidation of Washington and Jefferson Colleges, 162 appeal from, 167 Supreme Executive Council proceedings from 1781 to 1791, 54 Surveyor-General's deputies, 267 Surveyors of Virginia, 22 Susquehanna County organized, 33 T. Tavern signs, 348 Taverns licensed, and bill of prices, 20 Taylorstown, 239 Presbyterian Church, 240 Temperance society, 359 Temperance, stringent provision in Fredericktown, 96 Tenmile Creek and its forks, 45 Tenmile Village (Clarktown), 93 churches, 94 early settlers, 93 forts, 94 Texas, 297 Theatrical, 308 Thompson, Chief Justice, of Pennsylva nia, on college questions, 262 Thompsonville, flO Three Ridge Presbyterian Church, 133 Tom the Tinker, his advertisement, a. 65 Topographical description of Washing ton County, 44 Town council of Washington, list of, 133 Town hall of Washington, 144 Townships, original, 42, 68 Treasurers, list of, 264 Trinity Episcopal Church, 183 Turner, Judge, A. 113 Turnpikes, 363 U. Union County organized, 33 township, 44, 242 Presbyterian Mingo Church, 243 schools, 242 Union School building of Washington, 206 United Brethren Church in Carrol town ship, 242 TT. P. Church of Smith township, 118 Centre, 118 in Hanover township, 210 U. P. Church of Washington, 181 United States and Great Britain, war of 1812, 292 Upper Tenmile Presbyterian Church, 216 Venango County organized, 33 Venice, U. P. Church at, 101 Virginia, its claim to Washington Coun ty, 9 its name, 9 coat of arms, divided into conn ties, 11 Virginia and Pennsylvania controversy, a. 3. Votes for Governors since 1790, 35 W. Walker & Fitz William's planing mill, 356 Warren County organized, 33 Washington and Jefferson College, con solidated, 153 Alumni recommend it, 153 College, address of a commit tee of trustees, 169 and Pittsburg pike, 363 Wellsburg, 364 Williamsport, 364 borough, 43, 125 burgesses from 1810 to 1870, 132 is incorporated, 131 its original name, 125 its public grounds, 126 lots deeded for the public buildings, 125 original plan, 125 public bnildings, 136 town clerks, 135 town council froml810to 1870, 133 treasurers, 135 cemetery, 207 coal company, 208 College, 150 literary societies, 170 synodical, 152 County organized, 33 established, 39, 57 geological description, 44 its boundaries, 44 streams, description, 45 topographical description, 44 386 INDEX. Washington County under Virginia, 9 Female Seminary, 199 gas works, 207 Washington, Gen., his lands, 100 Geo., plaintiff, 101 his surveyor's commission, 20 Washington's proclamation in 1794, a. 77 letter to Judge Addison, a. 90 Wayne County organized, 33 West Alexander, 102 M. E. Church, 102 Presbyterian Church, 102 Roman Catholic Church, 103 U. P. Church, 104 West Augusta, district of, 12 West Bethlehem township, 98 schools, 98 West Brownsville, 44, 234 schools, 234 West Liberty, Va., 19 West Middleton, 44, 107 • Disciple Church, 107 schools, 107 U. P. Church, 107 Wesleyan M. P. Church, 107 Westmoreland County organized, 33 Wheeling, and Little Wheeling Creek, 47 Whipping-post, 17 Whiskey insurrection, 291, a. 59 Whitetown coal works, 117 Williamsburg, Va., 11 Williamson, Col. D., expedition, 283 Wilson & Warrick's grist-mill, 356 Wolf, James S., his invention, 357 Wolfe's Fort, A. 55 Wood rangers, 309 Wright's Chapel (African), Washington, 197 Wylie, Rev., address to President Mon roe, 171 Wyoming County organized, 34 Tear (civil), to commence with March, 38 York County organized, 33 Youghiogheny County, 15, 18 benevolence of, 26 Z. Zollarsville, 99 Baptist Church, 99 Fort at, 99 M. E. Church, 99 APPENDIX HISTOEY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. BY Dr. ALFRED CREIGH, OP WASHIHG10N. APPENDIX. CHAPTER I. THE VIRGINIA AND PENNSYLVANIA CONTROVERSY, FROM 1752 TO 1783. The date of the earliest settlements by Virginians and Pennsylvanians — The difficulties between the Governors of both States arising from these settle ments — The names of the first settlers — The various acts of Captain Con nolly as the representative of Virginia in claiming Fort Duquesne (Pitts burg) as within Virginia — His treason — Commissioners appointed by both States to run a temporary line until the Revolutionary War would terminate — The action of both States approving of the same, and the necessity of erecting Washington County. The earliest account of any permanent settlement having been made west of the Allegheny Mountains may be traced to the spring of 1765. In the month of April of that year a letter is on record in the Pennsylvania archives, dated at Williamsburg, Virginia, stating that the frontier inhabitants of the colony of Virginia, as well as Maryland, are removing fast over the Allegheny Mountains, in order to settle and live there. It is. also true that in addition to this information it was asserted that it was wrong for settlements to be made west of the mountains, because a controversy between Virginia and Pennsylvania about their respective boundary lines, had been commenced as early as 1 752 ; the former relying upon the charter of James the First, while the latter claimed under Charles the Second, in 1681, which assigns the Delaware River as the eastern boundary, to extend five degrees in longitude, to be computed from said eastern bounds. The Penns contended that Pennsylvania extended several miles beyond Fort Duquesne (Pittsburg), while, on the other hand, the Virginia claim may be more satisfactorily exhibited in the language of B. Mayer, Esq., in an address before the Maryland Historical Society, in 1851. It was only a few years after Pontiac's war that small settlements of whites had crept westward through the defiles of the Alleghenies and along the principal paths, the "northernmost of which converged at old Fort Duquesne (Pittsburg). A town was laid out on the east bank of the Monongahela, within two hundred yards of Fort ( 3 ). 4 APPENDIX TO Pitt, and for seventy miles above it a route had been cut through the wilderness tp Redstone old Fort, near the mouth of Dunlap's Creek, now the site of Brownsville. About the year 1774, Virginia still claimed, by virtue of her charter, all the territory between the parallels of 36° 30' and 39° 40' north latitude, from the margin of the Atlantic due west to the Mississippi, and thus inclosed within her assumed limit, not only the region which at present is comprised in Kentucky, but also the north ern half of Illinois, one-third of Ohio, and an extensive part of Western Pennsylvania. Settlements had been planted upon most of the eastern branches of the Monongahela, the Youghiogheny, and on the small eastern tributaries of the upper Ohio, for 120 miles below Pittsburg, as well as on the sources of the Greenbrier, the Little Kanawha, and Elk River, west of the mountains, embracing in these districts, the northwestern counties of Virginia, and the southwestern of Pennsylvania, as at present defined. Pittsburg was claimed as a frontier town of Virginia, while the southern settlements on the tributaries of the Monongahela were held to belong to the same province. After this digression we again return to demonstrate the fact of the early settlement of the lands west of the Allegheny Mountains, notwithstanding the claim of Virginia. On the 24th of October, 1765, His Majesty, King George II., gives the following instruction to John Penn, Lieutenant-Governor of Pennsylvania : Whereas, it hath been represented unto us that several persons from Pennsyl vania and the back settlements of Virginia have immigrated to the westward of the Allegheny Mountains, and there have seated them selves on lands contiguous to the river Ohio, in express disobedience to our royal proclamation of October 7, 1763, it is, therefore, our will and pleasure, and you are enjoined and required to put a stop to all these, and all other the like encroachments for the future, by causing all persons who have irregularly seated themselves on lands to the westward of the Allegheny Mountains, immediately to evacu ate these premises. On December 11, 1766, Francis Fauquier, Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia, addressed a letter to John Penn, Governor of Pennsyl vania, in which he says : " No regard is paid to the proclamations of 7th October, 1763, and 10th of April, 1766 (by you). But the commander-in-chief has taken a more effectual method to remove them, by giving orders to an officer and party to summon the settlers on Red Sandstone Creek, to warn them to quit these illegal settle ments, and in case of refusal to threaten military execution. " On this subject General Gage, under date of July 2, 1766, writes to Governor Penn: If, you will please to take proper and legal methods, as I presume Redstone Creek (at Brownsville) is within your government, the garrison of Fort Pitt shall assist to drive away the settlers. The chiefs of the Six Nations at a council held at Fort Pitt, May HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 5 24, 1766, said that as soon as the peace was made in 1765, contrary to our engagements with them, a number of white people came over the great mountain and settled at Redstone Creek and upon the Monongahela. George Croghan, Esq., the Indian agent, in addressing General Gage, said : If some effectual measures are not speedily taken to remove those people settled on Redstone Creek, till a boundary can be properly settled as proposed, and the governors pursue vigorous measures, the consequences may be dreadful, and we be involved in all the calamities of another general war. In consequence, therefore, of all the difficulties surrounding the case, and to religiously perform every engagement entered into by Governor Penn with the Indians, Alexander Mackay, commanding a part of the 42d regiment issued the following proclamation, by authority of the commander-in-chief, and dated at Redstone Creek, June 22, 1766. This proclamation was addressed: To all people now inhabiting to the westward of the Allegheny Mountains : In conse quence of several complaints made by the savages against the people who have presumed to inhabit some parts of the country west of the Allegheny Mountains, which, by treaty, belong to them, and had never been purchased, and which is contrary to his majesty's royal proclamation. His excellency, the commander-in-chief, out of com passion to your ignorance, before he proceeds to extremity, have been pleased to order me, with a detachment from the garrison at Fort Pitt, to come here and collect you together, to inform you of the lawless and licentious manner in which you behave, and to order you also to return to your several provinces without delay, which I am to do in the presence of some Indian chiefs now along with me. I, therefore, desire you will all come to this place along with the bearer, who I have sent on purpose to collect you together. His excellency, the commander-in-chief, has ordered, in case you should remain after this notice, to seize and make prize of all goods and merchandise brought on this side the Allegheny Mountains or exposed to sale to Indians, at any place except at his majesty's garrison ; that goods thus seized will be a lawful prize and become the property of the captors. The Indians will be encouraged in this way of doing themselves justice, and if accidents should happen, you lawless people must look upon yourselves as the cause of whatever may be the consequence hurtful to your persons and estates, and if this should not be sufficient to make you return to your several provinces, his excellency, the commander-in-chief, will order an armed force to drive you from the lands you have taken possession of to the west ward of the Allegheny Mountains, the property of the Indians, till such time as his Majesty may be pleased to fix a further boundary. Such people as won't come to this place are to send their names and the province they belong to, and what they are to do, by the bearer, that his excellency, the commander-in-chief, may be acquainted with their intentions. 6 APPENDIX TO On the 31st of July, 1766, Governor Fauquier issued his procla mation to those people of Virginia who had seated themselves on these lands west of the Alleghany Mountains and contiguous to the river Cheat, in disobedience of the proclamations of 1763 and 1766, requiring all persons immediately to evacuate the same, which, if they failed to do, they must expect no protection or mercy from the govern ment, and be exposed to the revenge of the exasperated Indians. The General Assembly of Pennsylvania also feeling the necessity of immediate action with regard to these settlements west of the Allegheny Mountains, addressed a message to Governor Penn on the 12th of September, 1766, in which Joseph Fox, Speaker of the House, said: "But as we apprehend many of these rash people have gone from Virginia, between which province and this the boundary has not been exactly ascertained,, nor is it distinctly known on which side of the supposed boundary these people are settled, we beg leave to recommend it to your honor to take the ear liest opportunity to communicate to Governor Fauquier the neces sity of his uniting with you in taking the most expeditious, as well as effectual steps to remove those intruders on the lands to the westward of the Allegheny Mountains, agreeably to his majesty's proclamations." One month afterwards Governor Penn addressed Governor Fau quier on this subject, in which he stated that without any authority whatever from Pennsylvania, settlements had been made near Red stone Creek and the Monongahela, and he presumed also without the consent of the government of Virginia, and in violation of the rights of the nations. Governor Penn desired Governor Fauquier to unite with him in removing the settlers from the Monongahela lands, and if necessary promises a military force to effect the object. To which Governor Fauquier replied, that he had already issued three proclamations to these settlers, but that the commander-in-chief had taken a more effectual method to remove them, by ordering an officer and detachment of soldiers to summon the settlers on Redstone Creek, the Monongahela Valley, and other parts westward of the Allegheny Mountains, to quit these illegal settlements, and in case of a refusal, to threaten military execution. This proclamation it seems had the desired effect with some few, but a large majority of families remained. Governor Penn wisely said that as the boundary line between Virginia and Pennsylvania near their western limits, where these settlements were chiefly made, had not been made, and even added that the settlers no doubt would shelter themselves under a disputed jurisdiction, which subsequent events fairly demonstrated. In his address, however, to the General Assembly on the 5th of January, 1768, he said: "I must inform you that those settlements upon the Indian lands to the westward of the Allegheny Mountains, now appear by the line lately run between Pennsylvania and Maryland, to be within the bounds of this province." HISTOEY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 7 The Assembly, through the advice of the Governor, passed a law on the subject of the removal of all settlers on the Indian lands, but deemed it most prudent to issue a proclamation on this important and exciting subject. And to carry the purpose of the Assembly into full effect, they commissioned Rev. John Steele (of the Presby terian church of Carlisle), John Allison, Christopher Lemes, and Capt. James Potter, of Cumberland County, to visit the Mononga hela, Youghiogheny, and other places west of the Allegheny Moun tains, where any settlements were made in Pennsylvania, to read and explain the proclamation and the law, and induce them to pay due obedience thereto. Sixty pounds in cash were appropriated to each commissioner to defray his expenses. The proclamation is so very important, that I add it at this point in the history. By the honorable John Penn, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor of Penn sylvania — Whereas, By an act of the General Assembly of this Province, passed in the present year, it is among other things provided, that if any person or persons settle upon any lands within the boundaries of this Province not purchased of the Indians by the proprietors thereof, shall neglect or refuse to remove themselves and families off and from the said land, within the space of thirty days after he or they shall be required so to do, either by such persons as the Governor of this Pro vince shall appoint for that purpose, or by his proclamation to be set up in the most public places of the settlements on such unpurchased lands, or if any person or persons being so removed shall afterwards re turn to his or their settlements, or the settlement of. any other person with his or their family, or without any family, to remain and settle on any such lands, or if any person shall, after the said notice to be given as aforesaid, reside and settle on such lands, every such person or per sons so neglecting or refusing to move with his or their family, or re turning to settle as aforesaid, or that shall settle on any such lands after the requisition or notice aforesaid, being thereof legally convicted, by their own confessions or the verdict of a jury shall suffer death without the benefit of clergy^ Provided always, nevertheless, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to extend to any person or persons who now are, or hereafter may be settled on the main roads or communications leading through this Province to Fort Pitt, under the approbation and permission of the commander-in-chief of his majesty's forces in North America, or of the chief officer commanding in the western district to the Ohio, for the time being, for the more convenient ac commodation of the soldiers and others, or to such person or persons as are or shall be settled in the neighborhood of Fort Pitt, under the approbation and permission, or to a settlement made by Geo. Crog han, Deputy Superintendent of Indian affairs under Sir William Johnston, on the Ohio River above said fort, anything herein con tained to the contrary notwithstanding. 8 , APPENDIX TO In pursuance thereof of the said act, I have thought proper by the advice of the council, to issue this my proclamation, hereby giving notice to all persons to remove themselves and families off and from said lands on or before the first day of May, 1768., And I do hereby strictly charge and command such person or persons, under the pains and penalties of the said act imposed, that they do not on any pre tence whatever remain or continue on the said lands longer than thirty days after the first day of May next. Governor Penn, in addition to this proclamation, instructed the com missioners whom I have mentioned, to collect together as many peo ple of each of the settlements as they could, to read the proclamation, explain its nature, expostulate with them on the folly and injustice of their settling upon the Indian lands, the dangerous tendency of such a rash step both to themselves and other settlers upon the frontiers, the necessity and use of civil government, the obligations we owe to law and good governments and the consequences of disobedience. The commissioners were also instructed to procure the names of all the settlers and report the same to the governor. The commissioners reached Redstone settlement on the 23d of March, 1768, having left Carlisle on the 2d of March. The people met on the 24th and heard the proclamation read and the law exL pounded, after which the business was postponed until the 27th. This being Sunday, a considerable number of the people attended, and after a sermon by the Rev. John Steele the meeting was reor ganized. Immediately after its reorganization, word was received that a number of Indians had arrived at Indian Peters (this was a point on the west side of the Monongahela and directly opposite Redstone's oM fort), and the commissioners sent for them. After their arrival and the business fully stated, the Indians and settlers agreed that nothing would be done until the treaty between George Croghan and the Indians was concluded. These Indians were prin cipally from the Mingo towns. The settlers concluded that as the Indians evinced no hostile disposition they would remain and wait the issue of the treaty, while some, however, declared their intention to remove to their former province. The commissioners, pursuant to. their instructions, sent notice to the people on Cheat River and to Stewart's Crossing of Youghio gheny, to meet them at Guesses', the most central place, and also to a place called Turkeyfoot. The names of the persons who settled near Redstone were John Wiseman, Henry Swartz, Henry Prisser, Joseph McClean, William Linn, Jesse Martin, William Colvin, Adam Hatton, John Vervalson, Sr., John Vervalson, Jr., Abraham Tygard, James Waller, Thomas Brown, Thomas Douter, Richard Rodgers, Captain Coburn, John Delong, Michael Hooter, Peter Young, Andrew Linn, George Mar tin, Gabriel Conn, Thomas Down, John Martin, Andrew Gudgeon, Hans Cack, Philip Sute, Daniel McCay, James Crawford, aud Josias Crawford. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 9 Names at Guesses' pZace.— John Bloomfield, Richard Harrison, James Lynn, Ezekiel Johuston, J. Johnston, Thomas Guesse, Henry Burken, Charles Lindsey, Lawrence Harrison, James Wallace, and Ralph Hickenbott'om. Names at Turkeyfoot. — Henry Abrahams, Ezekiel Heckman, Ezekiel Dewitt, John Enslow, James Spencer, Henry Enslow, Benja min Jennings, Benjamin Pursley, and John Cooper. Rev. Mr. Steele gave it as his opinion to the Governor that, from the best information he could obtain, there were only about one hundred and fifty families in the different settlements of Redstone, Youghiogheny, and Cheat River. We have referred to the treaty of George Croghan, John Allen, and Joseph Shippen, who were appointed commissioners to meet the chief and principal warriors of the Six Nations, which met at Pittsburg, May 9, 1768. The result of the conference was that two messengers, viz., John Frazer and John Thompson, should visit the people settled at Redstone, Youghiogheny, and Monongahela, and signify to them the great displeasure of the Six Nations at their taking possession of their lands and making settlements on them, and that it is expected they will, with their families, remove without further notice. These two deputies were to be accompanied by the white Mingo and the three deputies sent from the Six Nation coun try ; but when the time of their departure arrived they refused to go, saying that their instructions were only to attend to making a treaty, and that the driving the white people away from these settlements was a matter which no Indian could with any satisfaction be con cerned in, and they thought it most proper for the English themselves to compel their own people to remove them from the Indian lands. The commissioners, finding all efforts fruitless to gain over the Indian deputies, determined to return to Philadelphia, and, while making their arrangements, they were visited at their lodgings by one of the principal warriors of the Six Nations, who stated that he regretted the state of affairs, only fearing the ill-will of the white people, yet pledging his Indian faith and Indian honor that the Six Nations had good hearts to all their English brethren. Thus ended this treaty at Fort Pitt. From this period, or until the year 1773, the country west of the Allegheny Mountains began to fill up with a growing population, the inhabitants feeling that they were well protected by the military forces at Fort Pitt in case of an Indian attack. Richard Penn, then Governor of Pennsylvania, urged the Assembly to have a sufficient number of soldiers at that post, but the Assembly differed from the Governor, believing that, if the fort was heavily garrisoned, the Indians would naturally become alarmed at such warlike prepara tions, and the worst consequences might be the result — although the Assembly pledged itself that whenever called upon, by the exigencies of the time, they would afford every kind of protection to the western inhabitants. 10 APPENDIX TO The boundary question was one which involved not only the extent of Pennsylvania, but the title of lands. James Hendricks, a sur veyor of Cumberland County, being written to. on the subject in September, 1769, replied that he could not tell precisely where the western boundary crossed the Monongahela, but he inclined to the belief that Chartiers' Creek must be in the province of Pennsylvania, as its junction with the Ohio is but four miles from Fort Pitt, about northwest, and on going to Redstone old fort (Brownsville) you cross it several times, and Redstone old fort is several degrees to the westward, of south from Fort Pitt. Col. William Crawford, on the 9th of August; 1771, in writing on the same subject, says, it was the opinion of some of the best judges that the line of the province would not extend so far (as that of Mr. Hendricks) as it would" be settled at forty-eight miles to a degree of longitude, which was the distance of a degree of longi tude allowed at the time the charter was granted to William Penn. Among the persons who were prominent in creating disturbances with regard to the boundary question was Michael Cressap, who declared that the province of Pennsylvania did not extend beyond the Allegheny Mountains, but that all westward of it was the king's land. This assertion easily gained credence among those who settled on the disputed lands, while Mr. Croghank in a letter to Arthur St. Clair, dated June 4, 1772, asserted that it was not a great number of years since the Assembly refused to build a trading house or fort, alleging it to be out of Mr. Penn's grant, and that even afterwards the same Assembly refused granting money for the king's use, to assist in the reduction of Fort Duquesne (Pittsburg). In the same letter he says the people are fools if they do not keep their money until they are fully satisfied that their property is sure, and that they are under the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania. The fact need not be disguised that the proprietaries of Pennsyl vania not only claimed all the country about Pittsburg, but the settlers themselves acquiesced in that claim until January 1, 1774. Up to this period the records of Cumberland, Bedford, and West moreland counties all establish this fact. Whether it was legally made was a question which concerned the king, and not the Earl of Dunmore, then Governor of Virginia. The charters of Virginia and Pennsylvania were derived from a common origin, and the crown alone could settle the dispute. In the midst of all this perplexity and to add additional fuel to the burning embers, Dr. John Connolly, a citizen of Virginia (but formerly a native of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania), appeared, and posted up the following significant notice: — * Whereas his Excellency John, Earl of Dunmore, Governor of the colony of Virginia, has been pleased to nominate and appoint me Captain Com mandant of the milrtia of Pittsburg and its dependencies, with instructions to assure his majesty's subjects settled on the western waters that, having the greatest regard to their prosperity and interest— and convinced from the HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 11 reported memorials of the grievances of which they complain — that he pur poses recommending to the house of Burgesses the necessity of erecting a new county to include Pittsburg, for the redress- of your grievances, and to take every other step that may tend to afford you that justice which you solicit. In order to facilitate this desirable circumstance, I (John Connolly) hereby require and command all persons in the dependency of Pittsburg to assemble themselves there as militia on the 25th inst., at which time I shall communicate other matters for the promotion of public utility. As soon as Governor Penn had learned of the above circular, and ascertained the wishes of the western people, he sent an express in forming them that he had forwarded a letter to Governor Dunmore demanding an explanation of his strange and unaccountable conduct through his agent Dr. Connolly. At the same time, he urged and required the magistrates to assert the right of Pennsylvania and pro tect the people in every part within its own limits, adding that Fort Pitt was most certainly within the Province of Pennsylvania. The Governor also directed the magistrates to apprehend Dr. Connolly and some of his partisans and magistrates, at the expense of govern ment. i In pursuance of these directions, Captain Connolly was arrested and committed to gaol on refusing to find securities for his good behavior till next court. It seems, however, that the captain pre vailed with the sheriff, and obtained his leave of absence for a few days, and, instead of returning to gaol (which was then at Hannahs- town, Westmoreland County), he went to the Redstone settlement, and from thence to Virginia, being guarded by his associates. While Captain Connolly was returning to Virginia, Governor Dun more sent the following spicy letter to Governor Penn, dated at Williamsburg, March 3, 1774 : — Sir : I have been favored with your letter of the 31st of January. From the opinion of his majesty's council, I must inform you that I cannot pos sibly, in compliance with your request, either revoke the commissions and appointments already made, or defer the»appointing of such other officers as I may find necessary for the good government of that part of the coun try which we cannot but consider to be within the dominion of Virginia, until his majesty shall declare the contrary. And I flatter myself I can rely so far on the prudence and discretion of the officers whom I have ap pointed, that the measure which I have pursued may have no tendency to raise disturbances in your province, as you seem to apprehend, and if any should ensue, I cannot but believe they will be occasioned, on the contrary, by the violent proceedings of your officers, in which opinion I am justified by what has already taken place, in the irregular committment of Captain John Connolly for acting under my authority, which, however, as I must suppose, was entirely without your participation. I conclude he is before this time released, but, nevertheless, the act being of so outrageous a na ture, and of a tendency so detrimental to both colonies that, with the ad vice of his majesty's council, I do insist upon the most ample reparation being made for so great an insult on the authority of his majesty's govern ment of Virginia, and no less can possibly be admitted than the dismission of the clerk (Arthur St. Clair) of Westmoreland County, who had the au- 12 APPENDIX TO dacity, without any authority, to commit a magistrate acting in the legal discharge of his trust, unless he (St. Clair) can prevail, on proper submis sion, on Mr. Connolly to demand his pardon of me. I am yours, Dunmore. Governor Penn being highly displeased with Dunmore's letter, and unwilling that so valuable an officer as St. Clair should either be dis missed or make an apology, immediately forwarded his reply, couched in the following language, dated at Philadelphia on the 31st March, 1774:— Mt Lord : - am truly concerned that you should think the commitment of Mr. Connolly so great an insult on the authority of the government of Virginia, as nothing less than Mr. St. Clair's dismissal from his office can repair. The lands in the neighborhood were surveyed for the Proprie taries of Pennsylvania early in the year 1769, and a very rapid settlement under this government soon took place, and magistrates were appointed by this government to act there in the beginning of 1771, who have ever since administered justice without any interposition of the government of Vir ginia, till the present affair. It could not, therefore, fail of being both sur prising and alarming that Mr. Connolly should appear to act on that stage, under a commission from Virginia, before any intimation of claim or right was ever notified to this government. The proclamation of Mr. Connolly had a strong tendency to raise disturbances and occasion a breach of the public peace in a part of the country where the jurisdiction of Pennsyl vania hath been exercised without objection, and, therefore, Mr. St. .Clair thought himself bound, as a good magistrate, to take legal notice of Mr. Connolly. Vou must excuse my not complying with your lordship's requi sition of stripping him on this occasion of his office and livelihood, which you will allow me to think not only unreasonable but somewhat dictatorial. I should be extremely concerned that any misunderstanding should take place between this government and that of Virginia. I shall carefully avoid every occasion of it, and shall be always ready to join with you in the proper measures to prevent so disagreeable an incident, yet I cannot pre vail on myself to accede in the manuer you require, to a claim which I esteem, and which I think must appear to everybody else to be altogether groundless. . I am your lordship's obd't serv't, John Penn. Mr. Connolly, finding himself supported in his measures by Lord Dunmore, returned to Pittsburg, and had himself surrounded con stantly with an armed body of men to do his bidding in defence of Virginia laws. Whenever the courts of Pennsylvania would issue a process — or even a magistrate — Mr. Connolly, under his authority from Lord Dunmore, would obstruct its execution. It appears that he was determined to overawe the court of Westmoreland County with his measures, and addressed them by a written communication in the following language : — Gentlemen : I am come here to be the occasion of no disturbances, but to prevent them. As I am countenanced by my government, whatever you may say or conceive, some of the justices of this bench are' the cause of this appearance, and not me. I have done this to prevent myself from being illegally taken to Philadelphia. My orders from the government of HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 13 Virginia not being explicit, but claiming the country about Pittsburg, I have raised the militia to support the civil authority of that colony vested in me. I am come here to free myself of a promise made to Captain Proctor, but have not conceived myself amenable to the court of Westmoreland County by any authority from Pennsylvania, upon which account I cannot apprehend that you have any right to remain here as justices of the peace, constituting a court under that province. But, in order to prevent confu sion, I agree that you may continue to act in that capacity in all such mat ters as may be submitted to your determination by the acquiescence of the people, until I may have instructions to the contrary from Virginia, or until his majesty's pleasure shall be further known on the subject. The Justices of Westmoreland County Court immediately returned the following reply :^- The jurisdiction of the court and the officers of the County of Westmore land rests on the legislative authority of the Province of Pennsylvania, confirmed by his majesty in council. That jurisdiction has been regularly exercised, and the court and officers will continue to exercise it in the same' regular manner. It is far from their intention to occasion or foment dis turbances, and they apprehend that no such intentions can, with propriety, be inferred from any part of their conduct. On the contrary, they wish and will do all in their power to preserve the public tranquillity. In order to contribute to this salutary purpose, they give information that every step will be taken on the part of the Province of Pennsylvania to accom modate any differences that have arisen between ' and the colony of Vir ginia, by fixing a temporary line between them. The effect which this communication had, was that Devereaux Smith, Aeneas Mackay, and Andrew McFarland, magistrates, as they were returning from court, on the 9th of April, 1774, were ar rested by the king's warrant by order of Captain Connolly, and re fusing to give bail, under the Virginia laws, arrangements were made to send them off to Staunton, Virginia, for trial. On their way to Staunton, Justice Mackay called at Williamsburg to visit Lord Dunmore in person and make a statement of the facts of the case, but he replied that Captain Connolly was authorized by him to prosecute the claim of the colony of Virginia to Pittsburg and its dependencies. These justices, however, after their arrival at Staun ton, gave security and returned to their homes. Col. William Crawford, however, President of the Court, immedi ately sent an express to Governor Penn at Philadelphia, giving the facts in detail and at the same time stating that Captain Connolly a few weeks before went to Staunton and was sworn in as a justice of the peace for Augusta County, in which it is pretended that the country about Pittsburg is included, that under that authority he is constantly surrounded by an armed body of about one hundred and eighty militia, and that he obstructs the execution of every legal process, whether emanating from the court or a single magistrate. The Provincial Council, then holding its deliberations in Phila delphia, and to whom the communication had been sent, after delibe- 14 APPENDIX TO rating on the subject, sent two letters under date of April 22, 1774, one to the justices arrested by Captain Connolly, and the other to Colonel Crawford, the president of the court. In the former Gov ernor Penn assures the justices under confinement that he will send commissioners with all possible expedition to Lord Dunmore, apply ing for their discharge and give instructions to procure for them any security or credit they may stand in need of, so as to make their disagreeable situation as comfortable as may be. But to Col. Craw ford, Governor Penn wrote deprecating the present alarming situa tion of affairs, promising that the commissioners should expostulate with Lord Dunmore upon the behavior of the officers acting under his authority, yet at the same time assuring Col. Crawford that as Virginia had the power to raise a much larger military force than Pennsylvania, prudence would dictate the propriety of not attempt ing to contend with them by way of force, neither would he advise the magistracy of Westmoreland County to proceed by way of criminal prosecution against them for exercising the laws of the dominion of Virginia. The commissioners who were sent to Lord Dunmore were James Tilghnian and Andrew Allen, Esquires, who were instructed to ne gotiate with the Governor of Virginia on the disturbances of West moreland County — then embracing all the territory of Pennsylvania west of the mountains — the question of jurisdiction and such other matters as would quiet the minds of the inhabitants near the borders of the two colonies. These commissioners proceeded on their mis sion May 12, 1774, and arrived at Williamsburg, and immediately called upon Lord Dunmore in his official capacity as Governor. They informed him that they, as the representatives of Pennsylvania, wished to settle upon some line of jurisdiction to remedy the incon veniences of the present clashing jurisdiction between the colonies of Virginia and Pennsylvania, and also to apply to the crown to fix the boundaries of Pennsylvania. Lord Dunmore partially and ver bally consented to the propositions, but insisted upon retaining the jurisdiction of Fort Pitt or the lands to the eastward of the Monon gahela River. In his letter to the commissioners after reconsidering the subject, he uses the following emphatic language : Your pro ¦ posals, amounting in reality to nothing, could not possibly be com plied with, and your resolution with regard to Fort Pitt, the juris diction over which I must tell you at all events will not be relin quished by this government without his majesty's order, puts an entire stop to further treaty. The commissioners replied by re gretting his determination to hold Fort Pitt, and thereby continuing the inconveniences arising from a clashing and disputed jurisdiction. Their mission being accomplished, however unsatisfactory to them, they left for Philadelphia. The commissioners having departed, Lord Dunmore, as Governor of Virginia, immediately issued the following proclamation, on the 25th of May, 1774 :— HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 15 V.'nEREAS, I have reason to apprehend that the government of Penn sylvania, in prosecution of their claim to Pittsburg and its dependencies, will endeavor to obstruct his majesty's government thereof under my ad ministration by illegal and unwarrantable commitment of the officers I have appointed for that purpose, and that that settlement is in some danger of annoyance from the Indians also, and it being necessary to support the dignity of his majesty's government and protect his subjects in the quiet and peaceable enjoyment of their rights, I have therefore thought proper, by and with the consent of his majesty's council, by this proclamation in his majesty's name, to order and require the officers of the militia in that district to embody a sufficient number of men to repel any insult whatever, and all his majesty's liege subjects within this colony are hereby strictly required to be aiding and assisting therein, as they shall answer the con trary at their peril. And I do further enjoin and require the several inha bitants of the territory aforesaid to pay his majesty's quitrents and all public dues to such officers as are or shall be appointed to collect the same within this dominion, until his majesty's pleasure shall be known. • The Indians, now discovering the hostility which prevailed between the Virginians and Pennsylvanians, and considering that their own rights had been trampled upon by both colonies taking from them their hunting grounds, and these lands held more sacred to them by containing the bones of their ancestors, resolved to avenge them selves on the whites. The result was, that as soon as this fact be came known, a great part of the settlers fled from their habitations, and the fear was that there would be a total desertion of the whole country and a general Indian war. To meet this emergency, Governor Penn convened an Assembly in May, 1774, at Philadelphia, and informed them that in the month of April previous, eleven Delaware and Shawnee Indians had been barbarously murdered on the Ohio River, below Pittsburg, by two parties of white men, said to be Virginians ; that the Indians in revenge^ had murdered a number of Virginians, settled to the west ward of the Monongahela River ; that although the Indian nations are at peace with the Colony of Pennsylvania, yet that Captain Connolly, appointed by the Virginia government at Pittsburg, and who has lately taken possession of that place under pretence of its being out of the Province of Pennsylvania, within the Colony of Vir ginia, with his party has actually attacked the Indians, and that the inference may be justly arrived at that this Assembly must provide for the security of the frontier settlements in case of a war with the Indians. Governor Penn sent a message to the chiefs and warriors of the Shawnese Indians, in which he says to them that if any of the wicked people of Virginia have murdered any of your people, you should make complaint to the Governor, and he will have them punished. You should not in such case take revenge upon innocent people' who have never injured you. A similar message was sent to the Dela- wares, and in these messages Governor Penn assures them that he will write to the Governor of Virginia on the subject. In pursuance 16 APPENDIX TO of these messages, and the friendship exhibited by Governor Penn, the Indians held a council at Pittsburg, June 29, 1774, and all the unhappy differences were satisfactorily settled, the Indians having determined, in their own language, "to hold fast the chain of friend ship, and make their young men sit quiet." Captain Connolly, it appears, was not satisfied with this peaceful termination of affairs, for in the month of July following, in writing to Arthur St. Clair, he says : " The people of the frontiers want nothing but the countenance of government to execute every desirable pur pose, and your province (Pennsylvania) appearing backward at this critical juncture, it will most indubitably be highly displeasing to all the western settlers. I am determined no longer to be a dupe to their amiable professions, but, on the contrary, shall pursue every measure to -offend them (the Indians), whether I may have the friendly assistance or not of the neighboring country." While Captain Connolly was acting in this domineering manner, a letter arrived from the Earl of Dartmouth, dated at Whitehall, Sep tember 8, 1774, and addressed to Lord Dunmore, in which he says : — " My intelligence through a variety of other channels adds further, that this Captain Connolly, using your Lordship's name, and pleading your authority, has presumed to re-establish the fort at Pittsburg, which was demolished by the king's express orders. The duty I owe the king, and the regard I entertain for your lordship, induce me to take the earliest opportunity of acquainting your lordship with this information, to the end that the facts asserted, if not true, may be contradicted by your lordship's authority; but if otherwise, which I cannot suppose to be the case, such steps may be taken as the king's dignity and justice shall dictate." Governor Penn justly considering that neither Virginia nor the Indians would give his province any further trouble, either with regard to the boundary question, or an incursion by the Indians, was surprised to find that the question of jurisdiction was again to be thrust upon him by a new proclamation issued by Lord Dunmore. Upon its appearance, Governor Penn issued the following procla mation on October 12, 1774. Whereas, I have received information that his excellency, the Earl of Dunmore, governor-general in and over his majesty's colony of Virginia, hath lately issued a very extraordinary proclamation, setting forth " that the rapid settlement made on the west of the Allegheny Mountains by his majesty's subjects, within the course of these few years, had become an object of real concern to his majesty's interest in that quarter, that the Province of Pennsylvania had unduly laid claim to a very valuable and ex tensive quantity of his majesty's territory, and the executive part of that government, in consequence thereof, had most arbitrarily and unwarrantably proceeded to abuse the laudable adventurers in that part of his majesty's dominions, by many oppressive and illegal measures, in discharge of their imaginary authority, and that the ancient claim laid to that country by the Colony of Virginia, founded in reason by pre-occupancy, and the general acquiescence of all persons, together with the instructions he had lately re ceived from his majesty's servants, ordering him to take that country under HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 17 his admipistration ; and as the evident injustice manifestly offered to his majesty by the immoderate strides taken by the proprietaries of Pennsyl vania, in prosecution of their wild claim to country, demand an immediate remedy, he (Lord Dunmore) did thereby, in his majesty's name, require and command all his majesty's subjects west of the Laurel Hill to pay a due respect to his said proclamation, thereby strictly prohibiting the execu tion of any act of authority on behalf of the Province of Pennsylvania, at their peril, in that country ; but, on the contrary, that a due regard and obedience to the laws of his majesty's Colony of Virginia, under his ad ministration, should be observed, to the end that regularity might ensue, and a just regard to the interest of his majesty in that quarter, as well as to his majesty's subjects, might be the consequence." And whereas, although the western limits of the Province of Pennsyl vania have not been settled by any authority from the crown, yet it has been sufficiently demonstrated bylines accurately run by the most skilful artists, that not only a great tract of country west of the Laurel Hill, but Fort Pitt also, are comprehended within the charter bounds of this pro vince, a great part of which country has been actually settled, and is now held under grants from the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania, and the jurisdic tion of this government has been peaceably exercised in that quarter of the country till the late strange claim set up by the Earl of Dunmore, in be half of his majesty's Colony of Virginia, founded, as his lordship is above pleased to say, " in reason, pre-occupancy, and the general acquiescence of all persons," which claims to lands within the said charter limits must ap pear still the more extraordinary, as his most gracious majesty, in an act passed the very last session of Parliament, " for making more effectual pro vision for the government of the Province of Quebec," has been pleased in the fullest manner to recognize the charter of the Province of Pennsyl vania, by expressly referring to the same, and binding the said Province of Quebec by the northern and western bounds thereof. Wherefore there is the greatest reason to conclude that any instructions the Governor of Vir ginia may have received from his majesty's servants, to take that country under his administration, must be founded on some misrepresentation to them respecting the western extent of this province. In justice, therefore, to the proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania, who are only desirous to secure their own undoubted property from the encroachment of others, I have thought fit, with the advice of the Council, to issue this, my procla mation, hereby requiring all persons west of the Laurel Hill to retain their settlements, as aforesaid, made under this province, and to pay due obedi ence to the laws of this government ; and all magistrates and other officers who hold commissions or office under this government, to proceed as usual in the administration of justice, without paying the least regard to the said recited proclamation (of Lord Dunmore) until his majesty's pleasure (King George) shall be known in the premises, at the same time strictly charging and enjoining the said inhabitants and magistrates to use their utmost en deavors to preserve peace and good order. This proclamation had the desired effect of calming the public mind for some months ; but in February, 1775, the conflicting juris diction of the provinces of Virginia and Pennsylvania broke out afresh, and the magistrates acting under Pennsylvania laws were threatened with imprisonment if they continued to officiate as magis trates. Even Virginians, who were incarcerated in jails under the Pennsylvania laws, were turned loose by an armed mob pretending B 18 APPENDIX TO to act under the authority of Virginia laws. Confusion reigned in the territory west of the Laurel Hill, lands already occupied were given to friends and favorites by Virginia officers, the courts of jus tice under Pennsylvania laws were obstructed, and land offices were even opened by direction of the government of Virginia. These outrages being certified to by the justices, Governor Penn, on the 1st of March, 1775, dispatched an express to Lord Dunmore, in which he stated that the justice due to himself, and the protection he owes to the people, " who have taken up lands in this province, and settled them long before your lordship thought fit to disturb its peace by extending the government of Virginia within our chartered limits, obliges me to apply to your lordship to know if these violent proceedings are the effect of your orders, or have your countenance, that, in case they have, I may take the proper measures, or, if they have not, that they may receive your discouragement. Your lord ship well knows that a petition is depending before the crown for settling the bounds and running the lines of this province, which, when done, will put an end to the unhappy disputes between the two governments. You will consider that the country which is the seat of the present disturbances was first settled under this province, and. that our jurisdiction was extended there in the term of your predecessor, Lord Botetourt, and recognized by his lordship in his sending hither for trial a person who had committed a murder at Stewart's Crossings, which is westward of the Laurel Hill." This murder happened in 1770. John Ingman, a slave of Col. Crawford's, killed an Indian named Stephen, and was sent by Lieut. Inglis to Governor Penn, with the necessary depositions, proving his guilt, and also his confession. While such was the state of feeling in the western part of the province of Pennsylvania, the court of the district of West Augusta was also engaged in promoting the interests of Virginia, as the fol lowing facts will abundantly show : — At a justices' court held at Fort Dunmore (Pittsburg), February 21, 1776, the case of William Elliott was called up, for disturbing the minds of his Majesty's good people by demanding in an arbitrary and illegal manner of sundry persons what personal estate they are possessed of, that the same may be taxed according to the laws of Pennsylvania. He appeared, and, on hearing the argument of the attorneys, the court are of opinion that he be committed to the gaol of the county, there to remain until he enter into recognizance for his good behavior, whereupon John Hervie and Charles Sims became his securities. February 22, 1775. James Caveat was also arraigned before the court for malevolently upbraiding the authority of his Majesty's offi cers of the government of Virginia at sundry times, and for riotously opposing the legal establishment of his Majesty's laws. He offered as a plea the want of jurisdiction of the court, which was overruled and he was required to give security for one year and a day, and HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 19 desist from acknowledging as a magistrate within the colony of Vir ginia any authority derived from the province of Pennsylvania. May 1, 1775. Thomas Scott was also bound over for acting and doing business as a justice of the peace under Pennsylvania laws, in contempt of the Earl of Dunmore's proclamation, and also other misdemeanors, and was required to desist from acting as a magistrate within the colony of Virginia. September 20, 1775. George Wilson, gentleman, was bound over for aiding, advising, and abetting certain disorderly persons, who, on the morning of the 22d of June last, violently seized and carried away Captain John Connolly from Fort Dunmore, and also advising others not to aid the officers of justice when called upon to appre hend the aforesaid disturbers of the peace. He not appearing, his recognizance was forfeited. In addition to these illegal arrests, Robert Hanna, ^Eneas Mackay, James Smith, and others were tried by the court held at Fort Dunmore, Pittsburg, and sent to the gaol of the county, through the instrumen tality of Captain John Connolly. The patience of the people at length became exhausted by the best of their citizens being wantonly cast into prison, and they determined to redress their own insupportable grievances. The Pennsylvanians seized Capt. Connolly, the cause of all their troubles, and took him to Philadelphia, while the Vir ginia court directed that Col. George Wilson, Devereaux Smith, and Joseph Spear should be kept as hostages for the safe return of Captain Connolly ; and to provide against any contingency of these hostages being rescued from their power, they were sent off imme diately in a flat boat to Wheeling, to be detained there until future events would secure their liberty, which was afterwards accom plished. The people of the colonies at this date (1775), on account of the encroachments which the king and parliament were making upon all the colonies, felt the necessity of casting aside all minor differences, and of organizing themselves for the defence of their lives, their liberties, and their property. Every thought, every feeling, every aspiration was brought to bear upon the all-absorbing question of the freedom of America. Conventions were called in every colony, provincial councils were dissolved, committees of safety were substi tuted, courts of justice were reorganized, new oaths taken, political offenders were pardoned, and all united in the heaven-born design of liberty and union. From this time forward Captain Connolly became the enemy of his country, although a native-born citizen of Lancaster County, Penn sylvania. In November, 1775 (after his reprieve), he was arrested in Fredericktown, Maryland, being engaged in treasonable projects, and was ordered to be kept in close and safe custody until the orders of Congress should be known. He was afterwards removed to the gaol of Philadelphia, and remained there until April 2, 1777, when the Supreme Executive Council directed his conditional release by 20 APPENDIX TO permitting him to retire to the plantation of James Ewing, Esq., giving security himself in £2000, and two freeholders in £1000 each, for his good behavior, and that he will not wirite to, speak, or cor respond with any person employed under the authority of the king or parliament, nor any person unfriendly to the United States of America, or employ or procure any person to take up arms, or aid and assist the enemies of the said States in any sort whatever, and shall appear before the Council whenever called for. He complied with these requirements ; but what was his after fate — how he lived and how he died — we cannot ascertain. However, such was the character of the man who created all the disturbances in the western portion of the province of Pennsylvania, to gratify the jealousy of Lord Dunmore and his own selfish passions. One year after the States had become "free and independent" (or on July 5, 1777), the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania conceived it to be" their duty to have the boundary line between themselves and the State of Virginia peacefully and quietly settled, as questions of vital importance would necessarily arise, in which both States would be interested, especially in waging a war for a common cause. The Supreme Council therefore directed Thomas Wharton, Jr., their President, to forward a letter to the delegates of the State of Virginia, then in Congress. The following is a copy of the letter dated, In Council. Philadelphia, July 5, 1777. Gentlemen : Being authorized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to propose to the Commonwealth of Virginia, a final settlement of the disputed boundary line between the two States, I think myself happy to have the opportunity of doing it through you. The proposals on our side, taken together, will, I conceive, appear so reasonable, that I flatter myself they lay a foundation for a happy adjustment of all differences. You have them in the enclosed extract from the minutes of Assembly, to which I beg leave to refer you. Being, sir, your very humble servant, Thomas Wharton, Jr., President. On December 10, 1777, Francis Lightfoot Lee informed the Exec utive Council of Pennsylvania, that the delegates from Virginia . desired another copy of the proposals, as they feared the copy to their Assembly had miscarried. Affairs remained in this situation until February 6, 1779, when Thomas Adams, Merri weather Smith, and Cyrus Griffin, delegates in Congress from Virginia, wrote a letter to Joseph Reed, President of the Executive Council, communicating the resolutions of the Assembly of Virginia, which were directed to be sent to the Assembly of Pennsylvania. Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia, on May 22, 1779, commu nicated to President Reed that the resolutions of the General Assembly fully expresses their sense on the subject of negotiating the boundary line between Pennsylvania and Virginia, which was afterwards adopted in council, on the following 5th of June. The correspondence of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania and HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 21 Virginia, through their respective officers, Patrick Henry, Governor of the latter, and Joseph Reed of the former State, resulted in the appointment of George Bryan, Rev. Dr. John Ewing, and David Rittenhouse, commissioners on behalf of Pennsylvania, and James Madison (Bishop), and Robert Andrew, on behalf of Virginia, who met at Baltimore on the 31st day of August, 1779, and entered into the following agreement after four days' negotiation. That the line commonly called Mason and Dixon's line, be extended due west five degrees of longitude, to be computed from the river Delaware for the southern boundary of Pennsylvania, and that a meridian'drawn from the western extremity thereof, to the Northern limits of the said States respectively, be the western boundary forever, on condi tion that the private property and rights of all persons acquired under, founded on, or recognized by the laws of either country, pre vious to the date hereof, be saved and confirmed to them, although they should be found to fall within the other, and that in decision of disputes thereon, preference shall be given to the elder or prior right, whichever of the said States the same shall have been acquired under, such persons paying, within whose boundary their land shall be inclu ded, the same purchase or consideration money which would have been due from them to the State under which they claimed the rights, and where any such purchase or consideration money hath since the Declaration of American Independence been received by either State, for lands, which according to the before recited agreement, shall fall within the territory of the other, the same shall be reciprocally refunded and repaid, and that the inhabitants of the disputed terri tory now ceded to the State of Pennsylvania, shall not, before the 1st day of December in the present year, be subject to the payment of any tax, nor at any time to the payment of arrears of taxes or impositions heretofore laid by either State. This agreement, with conditions annexed, was adopted by resolution of the legislature of Pennsylvania, September 23, 1780, and trans mitted to the State of Virginia for their confirmation. While the negotiations were pending, Congress passed the follow ing preamble and resolution, on December 27, 1779. Whereas, It appears to Congress from the representation of the delegates from the State of Pennsylvania, that disputes had arisen between the States of Pennsylvania and Virginia, relative to the extent of their boundaries, which may probably be productive of serious evils to both States, and tend to lesson their exertions in the common defence, therefore Resolved, That it be recommended to the contending parties not to grant any part of the disputed lands or to disturb the possession of any person living thereon, and to avoid every appearance of force, until the dispute can be amicably adjusted by both States, or brought to a just decision by the intervention of Congress. That possessions forcibly taken be restored to the original possessors, and things be placed in the situation in which they were at the commencement of the present war, without prejudice to the claims of either party. 22 APPENDIX TO In March, 1780, the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania addressed Congress on the disputed line between Virginia and itself, complimented Congress upon the foregoing recommendatory resolu tions, but claimed that Virginia still harasses the innocent and unfor tunate settlers of Pennsylvania ; that as the representatives of the people they will not consent to see their State insulted, and that if Pennsylvania must arm for her internal defence, she must necessarily withdraw her forces from the continental line, and trust they shall stand acquitted before them and the world. This earnest protest to Congress had a salutary effect upon the State of Virginia, for on the 7th day of August, 1784, a letter was received from Patrick Henry, Governor of said State, inclosing a resolution confirming the line agreed upon by the commissioners in August, 1779, as above recited. The General Assembly of Pennsylvania, on the 23d of Septem ber, 1780, authorized the President and Executive Council to ap point two commissioners on the part of this State, in conjunction with the commissioners of Virginia, to extend the line commonly called Mason and Dixon's line, five degrees of longitude from the Delaware River, and from the western termination of the line so extended to run and mark, as soon as may be, a meridian line to the Ohio river, the remainder of the line to be run as soon as the coun cil, taking into consideration the disoosition of the Indians, shall think it prudent. February 21, 1781, Alexander McClean, of Pennsylvania, and Jos. Neville, of Yougliiogheny County, Virginia, were appointed by their respective States to run a temporary line. They met on the 10th of May following and proceeded with their business; to mark a temporary boundary line between Pennsylvania and Virginia, according to the agreement of the commissioners at Baltimore on the 31st of August, 1780. The commissioners in marking the line were instructed to have cleared out at least fifteen feet in width, and on large trees, or other suitable objects, cause the letters P and V to be marked on the different sides. Each commissioner was allowed twenty shillings per day, exclusive of all necessary contingent ex penses. President Reed writes to Colonel James Marshall, Lieutenant of Washington County, in 1781 : — It was much our wish, and equally our intention, to run the line this spring, but the State of Virginia being invaded, and the affairs of the Go vernment in great confusion, there has not been the time or opportunity for that purpose which was necessary. Besides that, upon inquiry, we found the season was too far advanced for those astronomical observations which were necessary to run the line with exactness. We have therefore post- poneo the orano operation to next spring. But as we knew it was highly necessary to have a partition of territory and jurisdiction, we proposed to Virginia to run a temporary line, beginning at the end of Mason and Dixon's line, and measuring twenty-three miles, what is by common compu- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 23 tation the five degrees of longitude called for in the charter of King Charles II. This has been agreed to, and the State of Virginia has sent orders to the Surveyor of Youghiogheny County to join with one to be appointed by us. We have appointed Alexander McClean, Esq. Should he have occa sion for a guard, or any other assistance from you, we make no doubt he will receive it. As soon as they have run the line and reported their pro ceedings, we shall send up proclamations calling upon all those who fall into this State to conform to its laws and government. The. temporary boundary line run by Alexander McClean, of Pennsylvania, and Joseph Neville, of Virginia, was to be recognized as such until the end of the Revolutionary war, or until the States might be in. more tranquillity. A resolution was unanimously adopted by the legislature of Pennsylvania, on the 22d of March, 1783, approving of the line lately run between Virginia and Penn sylvania, and the resolution directed to be sent to the legislature of Virginia. This being accomplished, it only became necessary for the President of the Supreme Executive Council to issue a procla mation, to quiet the minds of the people, which he did, in the fol lowing language : — Whereas, The General Assembly of this Commonwealth, by their reso lution of the twenty-second day of the present month, did approve and confirm the line lately run by Messrs. McClean and Neville as the boundary between this State and that of Virginia, until the final settlement thereof be obtained, we have thought fit to make known the same, and we do hereby charge, enjoin, and require all persons whatsoever, residing within that tract of country situate between the meridian line run by Messrs. Sinclair and McClean, and that lately run by Messrs. Neville and Mc Clean, bounded southward by the extension of Mason and Dixon's line, and northward by the Ohio Biver, and also all others residing eastward of the said line run by Messrs. Sinclair and McClean, who heretofore may have supposed themselves to be there settled within the State of Virginia, to take notice of the proceedings aforesaid, and to pay due obedience to the laws of this Commonwealth. Given in Council at Philadelphia, this 26th day of March, 1783. John Dickinson, President Attest : John Armstrong, Jr., Secretary. Thus was temporarily settled the boundary line between these two States, which was afterwards finally and fully adjusted by the adoption, extension, and approval of the Mason and Dixon's line, a history of which we reserve for another chapter. But the student of history cannot fail to observe that when Virginia ceded this part of Pennsylvania, formerly claimed by it, to the State of Pennsylvania, there was a necessity for erecting a new county, hence Washington County was erected in 1781, comprising all the State west of the Monongahela, and southwest of the Ohio. 24 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER II. THE MASON AND DIXON'S LINE. Its full history — the line run by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon — the claim of Pennsylvania — the claim of Lord Baltimore — the appointment of commissioners — the labors of Mason and Dixon ended in 1767 — new commissioners appointed in 1783 by the States of Virginia and Pennsyl vania — letter from Joseph Reed on the scientific apparatus to be used — report of the joint-commissioners — report of the Pennsylvania commis sioners — cost of running the line — the western line of Pennsylvania run by commissioners appointed by both States, and the report of the com missioners thereupon — the origin of the Pan Handle in West Virginia. In tracing the history of the Virginia and Pennsylvania contro versy in the preceding chapter, we were necessarily required to ad vert to the Mason and Dixon's line, which was extended twenty- three miles, and finally adjusted by the commissioners of the two States. We propose in the present chapter to give a history of this celebrated line, which is the southern boundary of our State, and for want of which there was so much trouble, perplexity, and con troversial discussions, until its final adjustment and the erection of Washington County, Pennsylvania. This line was fixed by the distinguished mathematicians and as tronomers, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, during the years 1763-4-5-6-7, and afterwards extended, by authority and consent of the States of Virginia and Pennsylvania, temporarily, but finally adjusted in 1784. We may add, the line properly begins at the northeast corner of Maryland, and runs due west. The Indians (as we will show) were troublesome to the surveyors, but by treaties they permitted them to proceed as far west as the old war path, within thirty-six miles of the whole distance to be run, when the Indian escort informed them that it was the will of the Six Nations the surveyors should cease their labors ; there was no alternative. The surveyors stopped', and hence arose the difficulties which we have narrated in our preceding chapter. By reference to the charter granted by King Charles II. to William Penn, his heirs and assigns, on the 4th of March, 1681 we find the following described land: "All that tract or part of land in America, with all the islands therein contained, as the same is bounded on the east by Delaware River, from twelve miles distant northwards of New Castletown unto the three and fortieth degree of northern latitude, if the said river doth extend so HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 25 far northward ; but if the said river shall not extend so far north ward, then by the said river so far as it doth extend ; and from the head of the said river the eastern bounds are to be determined by a meridian line to be drawn from the head of the said river unto the said three and fortieth degree. The said land to extend westwards five degrees in longitude to be computed from the said eastern bounds ; and the said lands to be bounded on the north by the beginning of the three and fortieth degree of northern latitude, and on the south by a circle drawn at twelve miles distance from New Castle northwards, and westwards unto the beginning of the fortieth degree of northern latitude, and then by a straight line westwards to the limits of longitude above mentioned.." It is evident that Penn's grant of land from King Charles was to lie west of the Delaware River, and north of Maryland, because the charter by Lord Baltimore for Maryland included all the land to the Delaware Bay, "which lieth under the fortieth degree of north latitude, where New England terminates;" hence the only mode by which the form and extent of Pennsylvania could be determined was by the two natural landmarks, viz., New Castletown and the River Delaware. This river being her eastern boundary, New Castle was to be used as the centre of a circle of twelve miles radius, whose northwestern segment was to connect the river with the beginning of the fortieth degree, while the province was to extend westward five degrees in longitude, to be computed from said eastern bounds. The Penns claimed for the western boundary a line beginning at thirty-nine degrees, at the distance of five degrees of longitude from the Delaware ; thence at the same distance from that river in every point to north latitude forty-two degrees, which would take into the province of Pennsylvania some fifty miles square of Northwestern Virginia, west of the west line of Maryland. Lord Dunmore, how ever, scouted this claim, and insisted that it would be difficult to ascertain such a line with mathematical exactness, and that the western boundary of Pennsylvania should be a meridian line run south from the end of live degrees of longitude from the Delaware, on the line of forty-two degrees. This claim, on the other hand, would have thrown the western line of Pennsylvania fifty miles east of Pittsburg. The foundation of the Mason and Dixon's line was based upon an agreement entered into on the 4th of July, 1700, between Lord Baltimore, of the province of Maryland, and Thomas and Richard Penn, of the province of Pennsylvania, and the three lower coun ties of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex on the Delaware — on account of the very long litigations and contests which had subsisted between these provinces from the year 1683. These parties mutually agreed among other things to appoint a sufficient number of discreet and proper persons, not more than seven on each side, to be their re spective commissioners, with full power to the said seven persons, or any three or more of them, for the actual running, marking, and 26 APPENDIX TO laying out the said part of the circle (as mentioned in the charter from Charles II. to William Penn), and tne said before-mentioned lines. The commissioners were to fix upon their time of commenc ing said line not later than the following October, and proceed with all fairness, candor, and dispatch ; marking said line with stones and posts on both sides, and complete the same before the 25th of De cember, 1763, so that no disputes may hereafter arise concerning the same. James Hamilton (Governor), Richard Peters, Rev. Dr. John Ew ing, William Allen (Chief Justice), William Coleman, Thomas Wil ling, and Benjamin Chew were appointed commissioners on the part of the Penns. . Horatio Sharpe (Governor), J. Ridout, John Leeds, John Barclay, George Stewart, Dan of St. Thomas Jenifer, and J. Beale Boardley on behalf of Lord Baltimore. The Board of Commissioners met at New Castle, in November, 1760, and each province selected its own surveyors. The Penn sylvania surveyors were John Lukens and Archibald McClain. Those of Maryland were John F. A. Priggs and Jonathan Hall. The commissioners and surveyors agreed that the peninsnlar lines from Henlopen to the Chesapeake, made under a decree of Lord Hardwicke in 1750, was correct, hence they fixed the court-house at New Castle as the centre of the circle, and. the surveyors proceeded on this data to measure and mark the lines. James Veech, Esq., in his history of Mason and Dixon's line, says: — " Three years were diligently devoted to finding the bearing of the west ern line of Delaware, so as to make it a tangent to the circle, at the end of a twelve mile radius. The instruments and appliances employed seem to have been those commonly used by surveyors. The proprietors residing in or near London, grew weary of this slow progress, which perhaps they set down, to the incompetency of the artists. To this groundless suspicion we owe their supersedure and the introduction of the men Mason and Dixon, who have immortalized their memory in the name of the principal line which had yet to be run." In August, 1763, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, of London, England, were selected by Lord Baltimore and the Penns, to com plete their lines, as per agreement, made on the fourth of July, 1760, and arrived at Philadelphia in November, for that purpose, furnish ed, says Mr. Veech, with instructions and the most approved instru ments, among them a four foot zenith sector. They go to work at once, erect an observatory on Cedar Street, Philadelphia, to facili tate the ascertainment of its latitude, which building they use by January, 1764, and it has been pronounced the first building erected in America for astronomical observations. They then go to New Castle, adopt the radius as measured by their predecessors, and after numerous tracings of the tangent line, adopt also their tangent point, from which they say they could not make the tangent line pass one inch to the eastward or westward. They therefore cause that HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 27 line and point to be marked, and adjourn to Philadelphia to find its southern limit on Cedar or South Street. This they make to be 39° 5-6'' 29", while the latitude of the State has been marked as 39° 56' 29". They then proceed to exte'nd that latitude sufficiently far to the west to be due north of the tangent point. Thence they measure down south fifteen miles to the latitude of the great due west line, and run its parallel for a short distance. Then they go to the tangent point and run due north to that latitude, and at the point of inter section, in a deep ravine, near a spring, they cause to be planted the corner-stone, at which begins the celebrated "Mason and Dixon's line." We shall continue the graphic description of our learned friend James Veech, Esq. Having ascertained the latitude of this line to be 39° 43' 32" (although more accurate observations make it 39° 43' 26".8, consequently it is a little over nineteen miles south of 40° as now located) they, under instructions, run its parallel to the Sus quehanna, twenty-three miles; and having verified the latitude there, they return to the tangent point, from which they run the due north line to the fifteen mile corner and that part of the circle which it cuts off to the west, and which by agreement was to go to New Castle County. (This little bow or arc is about a mile and a half long and its middle width one hundred and sixteen feet. From its upper end where the three States join, to the fifteen mile point where the great Mason and Dixon's line begins, is a little over three and a half miles, and from the fifteen mile corner clue east to the circle is a little over three-quarters of a mile. This was the only part of the circle which Mason and Dixon run, Lord Baltimore having no con cern in the residue ; Penn, however, had it run and marked with " four good notches" by Isaac Taylor and Thomas Pierson in 1700-1.) Where it cuts the circle is the corner of three dominions, an im portant point, and therefore they cause it to be well ascertained and well marked. This brings them to the end of 1764. They resume their labors in June, 1765. If to extend this parallel did not require so great skill as did the nice adjustments of the other lines "and intersections, it summoned its performers to greater endur ance. A tented army penetrates the forest, but their purposes are peaceful and they move merrily. Besides the surveyors and their assistants, there were chain bearers, rod men, axe men, commission ers, cooks, and baggage carriers, with numerous servants and labor ers. By the 27th of October, they come to the North (Cove or Kittatinny) Mountain, ninety-five miles from the Susquehanna, and where the temporary line of 1739 terminated. After taking Captain Shelby, with them to its summit to show them the course of the Po tomac, and point out the Allegheny Mountain, the surveyors and their attendants return to the settlements to pass the winter and to get their appointment renewed. Early in 1766 they are again at their posts, and by the 4th of June they are on the top of the little Allegheny Mountain ; the first 28 APPENDIX TO west of Wills' Creek. They have now carried the line about one hundred and sixty miles from its beginning. The Indians into whose ungranted territory they had deeply penetrated, grow restive and threatening. They forbid any further advance, and they had to be obeyed. The agents of the proprietors now find that there are other lords of the soil whose favor must be propitiated. The six Indian nations were the lords paramount of the territory yet to be traversed. To obtain their consent to the consummation of the line, the Govern ors of Pennsylvania and Maryland, in the winter of 1766-7, at an expense of more than £500, procured, under the agency of Sir Wil liam Johnston, a grand convocation of the tribes of that powerful confederacy. The application was successful, and early in June, 1767, an escort of fourteen warriors, with an interpreter and chief, deputed by the Iroquois council, met the surveyors and their camp at the summit of the great Allegheny to escort them down into the valley of the Ohio, whose tributaries they were soon to cross. Safety being thus secured, the extension of the line was pushed on vigorously in the summer of 1767. Soon the host of red and white men led by the London surveyors, came to the western limit of Maryland, "the meridian of the first fountain of the Potomac," and why they did not stop there is a mystery, for there their functions terminated. But they pass by it unheeded, because unknown, resolved to reach the utmost limit of Penn's "five degrees of longitude" from the Delaware, for so were they instructed. By the 24th of August they came to the crossing of Braddock's road. The escort now became restless. The Mohawk chief and his nephew leave. The Shawnese and Delaware, tenants of the hunting grounds, II begin to grow terrific. On the 27th of September, when encamped jon the Monongahela River, two hundred and thirty-three miles from \the Delaware River, twenty-six of the laborers desert, and but fifteen axe-men are left. Being so near the goal, the surveyors (for none of the commissioners were with them) evince their courage by coolly sending back to Fort Cumberland for aid, and in the mean time they push on. At length they came to where the line crosses the Warrior branch of the old Catawba war path, at the second crossing of Dunkard Creek, a little west of Mount Morris, in Greene County, and there the Indian escort say to them, " that they were instructed by their chiefs in council, not to let the line be run westward of that path." Their commands are peremptory, and there for fifteen years Mason and Dixon's line is stayed. Mason and Dixon, with their pack-horse train and attendants, return to the east without molestation and report to the commis sioners, who approved their conduct, and on the 27th of December, 1767, grant to them an honorable discharge, and agreed to pay them an additional price for a map or plan of their work. The commissioners caused stones to be erected upon the lines and at the corners and intersections around and near the three counties HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 29 of Delaware. On the 9th day of November, 1768, they made their final report to the proprietors. It would be well to remark that along the line and at the end of every fifth mile, a stone was planted on which were graven the arms of the proprietors on the side facing their possessions respectively, while the intermediate miles were noted by a stone bearing the initials of the respective State thereon. The line opened was of the breadth of twenty-four feet, made by felling all the large trees, which were left to rot upon the ground ; the stones were erected along the middle of this pathway. The instruments used by Mason and Dixon were an ordinary surveyor's compass to find their bearings generally, a quadrant, and the four feet zenith sector, for absolute accuracy, and which enabled them to be guided by the unerring luminaries of the heavens. The measurements were made with a four pole chain of one hun dred links each, except that on hills and mountains, one of two poles and sometimes a one pole measure was used. These were frequent ly tested by a statute chain carried along for that purpose. Great care was enjoined as to the plumbings on uneven ground, and so far as they have been sinpe tested, the measurements seem to have been very true. The width of a degree of longitude varies according to the lati tude it traverses, expanding towards the equator, and contracting towards the pole. In the latitude of our line, Mason and Dixon computed it at fifty-three miles and one hundred and sixty-seven and one-tenth perches. They consequently made Penn's five degrees of longitude from the Delaware, to be two hundred and sixty-seven miles and one hundred and ninety-five and one-sixteenth perches. To their stopping place at the war-path on Dunkard, they say was two Jhundred and forty-four miles, one hundred and thirteen perches and seven and one fourth feet. Hence they left, as they computed it, twenty-three miles and eighty-three perches to be run. It was sub sequently ascertained that this was about a mile and a half too much. as the surveyors of 1784 made it two hundred and sixty-six miles, ninety-nine and one-fifth perches. After a long controversy with Virginia, which we have narrated in the preceding chapter, and up to September 4, 1783, and after the erection of Washington County, Pennsylvania, the General Assem bly resolved that as many of the objections which have hitherto prevented the determination of the boundary line are now removed, it becomes necessary to close that business with all possible accuracy and dispatch, whereupon Pennsylvania and Virginia therefore ap pointed the Rev. Dr. John Ewing, David Rittenhouse, John Lukens, and Thomas Hutchins, on behalf of Pennsylvania, while Virginia appointed Right Reverend James Madison, Bishop of Virginia, Rev. Robert Andrews, John Page, and Andrew Elliott, of Mary land, their respective commissioners, to provide the necessary instru ments and make all necessary preparations for running the line. 30 . APPENDIX TO At this point of our history, it will be interesting to our scientific readers to introduce an official letter written by Joseph Reed, Presi dent of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, to Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia. The original is in the archives of the city of Richmond. In Council. Philadelphia, May 14, 1781. Dear Sir : Since I had the honor of addressing your Excellency on the 6th inst., we have conferred with the commissioners, who settled the agree ment entered into at Baltimore in August, 1779, and we fully concur in the method proposed by your Excellency of settling the extent of the five de grees of longitude by astronomical observation, not only as determining the present question with more certainty, but as it tends to solve a problem both useful and curious to the learned world. But we are sorry to find that it is the opinion of our gentlemen of science that the season will be too far advanced before the observations can be commenced, and more especially as the principal astronomical instruments in this city are so scattered and out of repair as to require a considerable time to put them in order. For these reasons, though with great reluctance, we have thought it'best, after expressing our full acquiescence in the mode suggested by your Excel lency, to propose the 1st of May next to run the line by astronomical ob servations. But in the mean time, for the sake of settling the minds of the people, and preventing disputes among the borderers, to have a temporary line run by common surveyors from the termination of Mason and Dixon's line to the Ohio ; or if that should not. be agreeable, to extend it twenty- three miles from the end of Mason and Dixon's line, that being the extent of five degrees, according to common computation. In this case we only pro pose to mark the trees, avoiding as much as possible unnecessary expense. We hope this last proposition, in which we have no other intentions than to quiet the minds of the people and compel militia services, will be accept able to your Excellency as the best and indeed the only expedient which can now be adopted. I am, with great consideration and respect, your Excellency's obedient servant, Joseph Reed, President. James Veech, Esq., very justly observes that the commissioners undertook the task from an anxious desire to gratify the astronomical world in the performance of a problem which has never yet been attempted in any country, and to prevent the State of Pennsylvania from the chance of losing many hundred thousands of acres secured to it by the agreement at Baltimore. To solve the novel problem, two of the artists of each State, provided with the proper astro nomical instruments and a good timepiece, repaired to Wilmington, Delaware, nearly on the line, where they erected an observatory. The other four in like manner furnished, and with commissary, sol diers, and servants, proceeded to the west end of the temporary line, near to which, on one of the highest of the Fish Creek hills they also erected a rude observatory. At these stations each party) during six long weeks of days and nights, preceding the autumnal equinox of 1784, continued to make observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's moons, and other celestial phenomena, for the purpose of HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 31 determining their respective meridians and latitude, and adjusting their timepjeces. This done, two of each party come together, and they find their stations were apart twenty minutes and one and an eighth seconds. The Wilmington station was one hundred and fourteen (four poles) chains and thirteen links west of the Delaware. Knowing that twenty minutes of time were equal to five degrees of longitude, they make allowance for said one hundred and fourteen chains and thirteen links, and for the said one and an eighth seconds (equal, they say, to nineteen chains and ninety-six links), and upon these data they shorten back on the line to twenty minutes from the Delaware, and fix the southwest corner of the State by setting up a square unlettered white oak post, around which they rear a conical pyramid of stones, "and they are there unto this clay." As but very few persons can have access to the original reports of the commissioners, we insert them for future reference. Joint Beport of Commissioners on Boundary between Pennsylvania and Virginia. Agreeably to the commission given by the State of Virginia to James Madison, Bobert Andrews, John Page, and Andrew Elliott, and by the State of Pennsylvania to John Ewing, David Bittenhouse, John Lukens, and Thomas Hutchins, to determine by astronomical observations the ex tent of five degrees of longitude west from the river Delaware in the lati tude of Mason and Dixon's line, and to run and mark the boundaries which are common to both States, according to an agreement entered into by commissioners from the said two States at Baltimore in 1779 and after wards ratified by their respective Assemblies, we, the underwritten com missioners, together with the gentlemen with whom we are joined in com mission, have, by corresponding astronomical observations, made near the Delaware and in the western country, ascertained the extent of the said five degrees of longitude ; and the underwritten commissioners have con tinued Mason and Dixon's line to the termination of the said five degrees of longitude, by which work the southern boundary of Pennsylvania is completed. The continuation we have marked by opening vistas over the most remarkable heights which lie in its course, and by planting on many of these heights, in the parallel of latitude, the true boundary, posts marked with the letters P. and V., each letter facing the State of which it is the initial. At the extremity of this line, which is the southwest corner of the State of Pennsylvania, we have planted a squared unlettered white oak post, around whose base we have raised a pile of stones. The corner is in the last vista we cut, on the east side of a hill, one hundred and thirty-four chains and nine links east of the meridian of the western observatory, and two chains and fifty-four links west of a deep narrow valley, through which the said last vista is cut. At the distance of fifty-one links, and bearing from it north twenty-three degrees east, stands a white oak marked on the south side with three notches, and bearing south twelve degrees west, and at the distance of twenty-nine links, stands a black oak on the north side with four notches. The advanced season of the year, and the inclemency of the weather, have obliged us to suspend our operations, but we have agreed to meet again at the southwest corner of Pennsylvania on the 16th day of May next to complete the object of our commission. 32 APPENDIX TO Given under our hands and seals, in the County of Washington, in Penn sylvania, this 18th day of November, 1784. Robert Andrews, ? Andrew Elliott, ? John Ewing, ? David Rittenhouse, ? Tho. Hutchins. ? To this report I add the report of the Pennsylvania Commissioners on the boundary with Virginia, which was received by the Supreme Executive Council December 23, 1784. To his Excellency John Dickinson, Esq., President of the State, and to the Honorable the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : — The commissioners appointed for ascertaining the length of five degrees of longitude, and for determining and fixing the boundary lines between this State and Virginia by astronomical observations, beg leave to report That after procuring the necessary instruments, according to the direc tions of council in the preceding spring, we set off for our respective places of observation about the beginning of June, Messrs. Bittenhouse and Lukens to Wilmington, and Ewing and Hutchins to the southwest corner of the State. The observers at Wilmington completed their observatory and furnished it with the necessary instruments, so as to begin their astronomical opera tions in conjunction with Messrs. Page and Andrews, commissioners from Virginia, about the beginning of July, where they continued observing the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites till the 20th of September, that they might have a sufficient number. of them, both before and after his opposition to the sun ; and although the summer proved very unfavorable for astronomi cal purposes, they were fortunate enough to make, amongst them, near sixty observations of these eclipses, besides many other observations of the other heavenly bodies for the regulation of their clock and fixing their meridian line, so that they were well ascertained of their time to a single second. In the mean time, the other observers, setting out from Philadelphia, pursued their rout to the southwestern extremity of the State, where they arrived about the middle of July, having been greatly retarded by the bad ness of the roads through that mountainous country. There they met with Messrs. Madison and Elliott, the commissioners from the State of Virginia, who had arrived about the same time. With all possible dispatch they erected their observatory on a very high hill at the place where the con tinuation of Messrs. Mason and Dixon's line, by Messrs. Neville and McClean, ended, supposing that this place would prove to be near to the western extremity of five degrees of longitude from the river Delaware. After erecting their instruments, which had not sustained the least damage by the carriage through so long a journey, and the most unfavorable roads, they began their astronomical observations about the middle of July, and they continued them night and day till the 20th of September -following. Although they were frequently interrupted and disappointed by an uncom mon quantity of rain and foggy weather, which seems peculiar to that hilly country, yet by their attention to the business of their mission, they made between forty and fifty observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, many of which were correspondent with the observations made by the other astronomers at Wilmington, besides innumerable observations of the sun and stars for the regulation of their timepieces and the marking of their meridian with the greatest precision. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY 33 In this part of their work, situated nearly thirty miles beyond any of the inhabitants, the commissioners were greatly assisted by the diligence and indefatigable activity of Col. Porter, their commissary, to whose industry in providing everything necessary, and prudence in managing the business in his department with the utmost economy, the State is greatly indebted. The astronomical observations being completed on the 20th of Septem ber, the eastern astronomers set out to meet the other commissioners in the west, in order to compare them together. Messrs. Rittenhouse and Andrews carried with them the observations made at Wilmington, while Messrs. Lukens and Page returned "home, not being able to endure the fatigues of so long a journey, nor the subsequent lahor of running and marking the boundary line. Mr. Madison continued with the western astronomers till the arrival of Messrs. Rittenhouse and Andrews, when the affairs of his family and public station obliged him to relinquish the busi ness at this stage and return home, after concurring with the other com missioners as to the principles on which the matter was fully determined. Upon comparison of the observations made at both extremities of our southern boundary, your commissioners have the pleasure of assuring you that no discouragements, arising from the unfayorable state of the weather or the unavoidable fatigues of constant application by day and frequent watchings by night, have prevented them from embracing every opportu nity and making a sufficient number of astronomical observations, to deter mine the length of five degrees of longitude with greater precision than could be attained by terrestrial measures of a degree of latitude in different places of the earth ; and further, that they have completed their observa tions with so much accuracy and certainty as to remove from their minds every degree' of doubt concerning their final determination of the south western corner of the State. In the result of the calculations they found that their observatories were distant from each other twenty minutes and one second and an eighth part of a second of time. But as the observatory at Wilmington was fixed at one hundred and fourteen chains and thirteen links west of the intersec tion of the boundary line of this State with the river Delaware ; and as twenty minutes of time are equivalent to five degrees of longitude, they made the necessary correction for the said one hundred and fourteen chains and thirteen links, and also for the said one second and one-eighth part of a second, which is equal to nineteen chains and ninety-six links, and accord ingly fixed and marked the southwestern corner of the State in the manner mentioned in the joint agreement and report of the commissioners of both States under their hands and seals, which we have the honor of laying before the council. After these calculations were made, the commissioners proceeded with all convenient dispatch to the place where Mason and Dixon formerly were interrupted by the Indian nation in running the southern boundary of this State, in order to extend the said boundary westward to the length of five degrees from the river Delaware. Being prevented by rainy weather fcjr near a week from making any astronomical observations in order to ascertain the direction of the parallel of latitude, which we were to extend, we concluded, to save time and expense, that it would be eligible to take the last direction of Mason and Dixon's line and to correct it, if necessary, when we should have an opportunity of a serene sky. Upon extending the line in this manner one hundred and ninety-five chains from the place where they ended their work, we found, by astronomical observations, that we were thirty-two feet and five inches north of the true parallel, and we accordingly made the necessary correction here and marked a tree with the C 34 APPENDIX TO letters P on the north side and V on the south. Prom thence we assumed a new direction, which we again corrected in like manner at the distance of five hundred and seventy-five chains, where we found our line to be seventy- three feet and six inches north of the parallel of latitude. We made the offset accordingly and planted a large post in the true parallel marked as above. From thence we found another direction by calculation, which, beginning at the said post, should, at the distance of eight miles from it, intersect the said parallel, making offsets at convenient distances and plant ing posts in the true parallel. This direction being continued thirty-three chains farther than the eight miles above mentioned, fell twenty-three inches south of the parallel, where we also planted a post in the true boundary, marked as before, and from thence to the southwest corner of the State we assumed a new direction which, being continued, fell two feet and eight inches, south of the said corner. This correction, therefore, being made, we planted a squared white oak post in the said point and marked its bear ing from different objects, as mentioned in our joint report. Besides the marking of this boundary line by the posts and stones above mentioned, your commissioners took good care to have a vista of twenty or thirty feet wide cut over all' the most remarkable ridges which were in the direction of the parallels. For a more full description of this part of our work we beg leave to refer to the annexed plan (this plan has never yet been found among the State papers) and sketch of the country through which the line passes. The season being now far advanced, we were obliged to desist from any further prosecution of the work, and agreed with the Virginia commissioners to meet them at the southwestern corner of our State on the 17th of May next, to proceed in running and marking the western boundary of this State. Agreeably to our commission we were required to report the situation of the country and the best means of preserving the communication and con nection between the eastern and western parts of the State. We beg leave to observe that the natural obstructions to so desirable a purpose may be in a great measure removed by a few easy instances of attention, paid by the legislature of this State to the situation and exhausted condition of the western citizens. Their public roads are numerous, extensive, and in bad order ; while the citizens being few in number, scattered at a distance from each other, and being harassed and exhausted by an Indian war, are unable to repair their roads or to open them through more easy and convenient passes, over the hills and mountains. A few hundred pounds, not exceed ing one thousand, judiciously and frugally applied, would, in our opinion, make a tolerable good wagon road from York County to the Monongahela; and thereby facilitate the exportation of goods from this city to that western country and secure their trade with us, especially if the ferry over the Susquehanna was made free to all the citizens of the State. It appears probable to us that otherwise the exertions of Maryland and Virginia to repair their roads to that country will frustrate the expectation which we are entitled to entertain of enjoying the advantages of the trade with tie western parts of our own State. We beg leave further to observe that the natural'attachment of the western citizens to this State might be increased and fixed by an indulgence to their distressed situation in the price of their lands and the terms of payment ; and particularly in the remission of the interest due on the purchase money during the time they have been obliged to evacuate their possessions by the savages and fly to forts for the security of their lives and families. Jonii Ewing, David Ritttenhouse John Lukens, Thomas Hutchiks. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 35 The twenty-three miles from the war path to the southwest corner cost the State £1455 specie, equivalent to about four thousand dol lars, besides six dollars per day to each of the astronomers. From the accounts of the commissary, Col. Andrew Porter — the father of ex-Governor Porter — we copy the following bill, to show how well the commissioners lived ; yet it must be borne in mind there was a necessity for procuring a great variety of articles, as they were labor ing about thirty miles from the settlements. The bill calls for 120 gallons of spirits, 40 gallous of brandy, 80 gallons of Madeira wine, 200 pounds of loaf sugar, a small keg of lemon juice, 6 pounds of tea, 100 pounds of coffee, 60 pounds of chocolate, and 40 pounds of Scotch barley, pepper, 6 bushels of salt, 4 tin mugs, 1 coffee-mill, 1 pewter teapot, 1 tin coffee-pot, 1 frying pan, 1 gridiron, 6 boiling kettles, 1 Dutch oven, 1 tea kettle, 2 pair of snuffers, 4 candlesticks, 2 funnels, 100 lbs. candles, 2 hand saws, 1 cross-cut saw, 6 files, 2 hammers, 12 gimlets, 50 lbs. nails, 1 set of knives and forks, teacups, saucers, glasses, tumblers, bowls, dishes, plates, tin spoons, and basins, 6 large camp stools and six small ones, 2 marquees or 4 horsemen's tents, 60 felling axes, 100 lbs. steel, 6 shovels, 6 pickaxes, 6 spades, 12 pair of H L hinges, 3 four-horse wagons and one light wagon with 4 horses, 20 fathom of half-inch rope, 2 crowbars, 2 planes, 2 augers, 4 mattresses, 4 blankets, 4 pillows, 1 frower, 2 mauls and rings, 2 wedges, 1 broadaxe, 2 drawing knives, £ box of window glass, 1 ream of paper, 100 quills, 6 sticks of wax, 2 doz. pencils, 1 box wafers, 2 inkstands, 2 large camp tables, 1 doz. memorandum books, cheese, 2 doz. hams, 1 doz. kegs white biscuit. Thus ends the history of all the difficulties which are embraced in this and the preceding chapter, and including the rise, progress, and settlement of the celebrated Mason and Dixon's line, from the year 1752 to the 23d of December, 1784, when the commissioners made their final report, which was adopted by the State of Pennsylvania through her legally constituted representatives. Western Line of Pennsylvania. In connection with this subject and for the benefit of our readers, we add that on the 9th of April, 1785, the Supreme Executive Council appointed David Rittenhouse and Andrew Porter, Esqs., on behalf of this State, to meet Joseph Neville and Andrew Elliott, who had been appointed by the Governor of Virginia, to run and mark the boundary lines from the southern corner to the northwest corner of the State, between Pennsylvania and Virginia. The Pennsylvania commissioners were instructed to act in conjunction with the commissioners on the part of the State of Virginia, as far as they may choose to proceed. The reason assigned for this was that the Virginia pretensions ended at a given point by reason of her cession of the northwest territory to the United States in 1784. Our commissioners were also instructed that if any commissioners on behalf of the United States should appear to join with them, to co-operate with them cheerfully. 36 APPENDIX TO On the 29th of July, 1785, President Dickinson wrote a letter to the commissioners urging the prosecution of the important business intrusted to them with the utmost diligence and with all the dis patch that is compatible with accuracy in. their proceedings. About one month afterwards the commissioners finished their labors, as we find from the following report : — We, the subscribers, commissioners appointed by the States of Pennsyl vania and Virginia, to ascertain the boundary between the said States — Do certify that we have carried on a meridian line from the southwest corner of Pennsylvania northward to the river Ohio, and marked it by cut ting a wide vista over all the principal hills intersected by the said line, and by falling or deadening aline of trees generally through all the lower grounds, and we have likewise placed stones marked on the east side P, and on the west side V, on most of the principal hills and where the line strikes the Ohio, which stones are accurately placed in the true meridian bounding the States as aforesaid. Witness our hands and seals this 23d day of August, 1785. David Rittenhouse, ? Andrew Porter, ? Andew Elliott, ? Joseph Neville, ? The Supreme Executive Council appointed Andrew Porter and Alexander McClean on the 19th of June, 1786, to extend the line of the western boundary of the State, and on the 4th of October, 1786, they made the following report: — We, the commissioners appointed to ascertain and complete the line of the western boundary of the State of Pennsylvania, beg leave to report that we have ascertained and completed said line by astronomical observa tions as far as Lake Erie, having opened a vista and planted stones in the proper direction, marked on the east side P, and that said line extends some distance in the lake. Andrew Porter. Alexander McClean. We may add that the length of this line is about one hundred and fifty-eight miles. Pan-Handle of West Virginia. From the date of the report of Rev. Dr. Madison and Robert Andrews, Esq., of Virginia, to the legislature of that State made on the 8th day of October, 1785, may be considered as the legal ex istence of what is now known as the Pan-Handle. J. G. Jacob, Esq., in his life of Patrick Gass, thus describes the Pan-Handle previous to October 8, 1785: Ohio County had, been formed from Yougliiogheny, by the line of Cross Creek, and says the record, on the settlement of the»boundary question in 1789, that portion of Youghiogheny lying north of this creek was added to Ohio, being top small for a separate county, ami the county of You ghiogheny became thereupon extinct. (See page 15 for history of Youghiogheny County.) Hancock, then and so much of Brooke as lies north of Cross Creek was the last of the ancient Youghiogheny. Tradition, in accounting for the strip of land driven in wedge- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 37 like between Ohio and Pennsylvania, constituting what is called the Pan-handle, states that it was owing to an error in reckoning that the five degrees of west longitude reached so far to the west, and that much dissatisfaction was excited when the result was definitely settled; as great importance was attached to the command of the Ohio River by the authorities of either State. When the State of Ohio was formed, in 1802, the Pan-handle first showed its beautiful proportions on the map of the United States. It received its name in legislative debate, from Hon. John McMillan, delegate from Brooke County, to match the Accomac projection, which he dubbed the Spoon-handle. New State. On October 19, 1782, Brigadier-General Irvine, then stationed at Fort Pitt, officially informed the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, that many deluded men, governed by ambition, se riously contemplated the formation of a new State on the frontiers of this State; whereupon the Council, on the 19th of November fol lowing, adopted a resolution appointing the Rev. James Finley, of Chester County, to travel through the counties of Washington and Westmoreland, and by moral persuasion endeavor to bring over the deluded citizens to a proper sense of their duty. Rev. Finley was specially selected because he was not only well acquainted with the people generally, but because he had preached amongst them. On the 28th of April, 1783, Rev. James Finley reported to Hon. John Dickinson, President of Council, that as the honorable .council had appointed him to fulfil the intentions of 'the legislature, by en deavoring to bring these deluded citizens in the western counties to a proper sense of their duty, who seemed disposed to separate from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and erect a new and independent State and to act as prudence might dictate, he therefore would give the following account of his commission : — Immediately upon .the receipt of the appointment and the instruc tions, he set off to gain all the knowledge he could of the sentiments of the people in the different parts of the settlement. He found that the inhabitants on the east side of Youghiogheny River were mostly opposed to a new State, that a considerable number of people be tween the Youghiogheny and the Monongahela River, and a great part of Washington County was in favor of it, being misled by a few aspiring and ill-designing men, or men who had not thoroughly con sidered the whole matter, which latter was the case of some of the clergy. Rev. Finley also reported that he found that the act to prevent the erecting any new and independent State, and likewise the act for the sale of certain lands therein mentioned, of December 3, 1782, quite intimidated and discouraged the populace, who had been buoyed up with the hopes of easily obtaining, and prospects of great advan- 38 appendix to tage of, a new State ; he therefore called upon a number of the ministers and other gentlemen, conversed with some and wrote to others, as well as cautioned the people, after sermon, against the forma tion of a new State. Rev. Finley resided six weeks among and visiting the people', and wrote a letter upon the subject of the formation of a new State, in which he used the following arguments : That its formation would be premature and unjust and dangerous to the settlement, that the expenses incurred in its formation and support would be greater than the people could bear ; that Pennsylvania has a clear title to all the lands within her boundary; that Congress treated an application for a new State with the greatest displeasure; that as Christians it be comes the people to be honest, peaceful, and submissive, and that they should pay their taxes and quietly submit to the laws of the State. Rev. Finley, at the termination of his labors, assured the Supreme Executive Council that he was satisfied in his own mind that the new State affair was finally and forever settled, which proved to be the case, and the act of the Council, passed in December, 1782, de claring it treason to attempt the formation of a new State, assisted the well-disposed citizens to urge upon all immediate and uncondi tional submission, and the abandonment of so wicked a project. The contemplated limits of the new State, says James Veech, Esq., was to include Western Pennsylvania, Ohio east of the Muskingum, and Virginia northeast of the Kanawha, with Pittsburg as the seat of empire. CHAPTER III. INDIAN HISTORY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND VIRGINIA. Names of all the tribes of North America in 1764 — Those inhabiting Western Pennsylvania and adjoining territory — Letters on the Indian wrongs from 1765 to 1780— Rice's fort—Letters from Dr. J. C. Hupp on Miller's block house — Captivity and escape of Jacob Miller, and the cruel murder of five of Miller's friends — Vance's fort — Wells's fort — Lindley's fort. In 1764, John Stuart, Esq., Superintendent of Indian Affairs, received from his majesty a plan for the future management of Indian affairs in America. This plan was submitted on the 10th of July, 1764, by the commissioners of trade, consisting of Lord Hillsborough, George Rice, B. Gascoygne, and J. Dyson, and approved by his majesty. This plan consists of forty-three articles, regulating all matters connected with the several tribes of Indians. The second HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 39 article divides the whole British dominion into two districts, making the river Ohio the boundary line, but shortly afterwards these same commissioners, finding that several of the northern nations had not only claims and interest, but possibly actual possession and residence to the south of some parts of the Ohio River, they had recourse to distinguishing each district by naming the several tribes to be com prehended within each. It will also be observed that the Piankishaws, Wawiaghtonos, and other tribes which resided upon the Wabash and other rivers to the north of the confluence of the Ohio with the Mississippi, they placed in the northern district. I shall enumerate first the names of the tribes of the northern district of North America, in alphabetical order — Arundacks, Algonkins, Abinaquis, Arsigunticooks, Cayugas, Conoys, Caghnawagas, Canassadagas, Chippewaghs (orMissisagais), Delawares, Folsavoins, Foxes, Hurons, Illinois, Keskesias, Kicka- pous, Mohocks, Meynomenis, Masconteus, Mickmacks, Nanticokes, Norwidgewalks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Oswegatchies, Ottawas, Paw- tiwatamais, Puano, Piankashaws, Penobscots, Senecas, Saponeys, Skaghquanoghronos, Shawnese, Saxes, Sioux, St. Johns, Tuscaroras, Tuteeres, Twightiveas, Wawiaghtonos, Wyandotts, amounting to 42. Second, the Indian tribes in the southern district — Attacapas, Bayuglas, Beluxis, Cherokees, Creeks, _Chickasaws, Chactaws, Catawabas, Humas, Ofulgas, Peluches, Querphas, Tuni cas, amounting to 13. Before writing of the Indian wars which took place in Western Pennsylvania and the territory adjoining, it will be well to state the residence of some of these tribes for the benefit of the general read er, who desires to investigate the subject and read Indian history understandingly. Those tribes of Indians who inhabited Pennsylvania and the adjoining colonies, were the " Six Nations," known originally as the Five Nations, called by the French, Iroquois. These five tribes consisted of the Mohawks and Oneidas (which were the oldest), Senecas, . Onondagos, and Cayugas. In 1712, the Tuscaroras, who had resided in North Carolina, were driven off from their hunt ing grounds in the southern district, and became the sixth of this powerful Indian confederacy. They were called the Six Indian Nations, because they all spoke the same language. In describing the settlement of these Six Nations, it cannot be done in more appropriate language than in the words of an Oneida Chief, at a conference with the Indians held in 1762. In addressing the Governor, James Hamilton, he says : — " It was we of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Senecas, Onondagos, Cayugas, and Tuscaroras, that first brought about the good work of peace. The Mohawks and Oneidas are the eldest of the Six Nations, both of a height. I will let yom know the Mohawks are the eldest, yet they are the furthest off to the eastward. When they hear anything, they pass through the Oneidas to the Onondagos, where the council fire burns. Likewise when the Senecas hear anything, they 40 APPENDIX TO come to the Cayugas, because they are next to the Onondago council, so that whenever they hear anything to the east or west, it is carried to the Onon dago council." In other words, there are only two doors to the Onondago council fire, either through the Mohocks in the east, or the Senecas in the west. This Indian confederacy of the Six Nations embraced what now comprises the States of Western New York, Northwestern Penn sylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and their influence was felt even to the Mississippi, and in fact all the Indian tribes of the northern jurisdic tion, more particularly the six western Indian tribes called the Dela- wares, Shawnese, Twightees, Wiwaghtamies, Kickapoes, and Tusca roras. The remains of these Six Indian Nations still exist, but in very small numbers, by reservations secured to them by the States of New York and Pennsylvania. On the 25th of January, 1866, the legislature of Pennsylvania directed a monument to be erected to the memory of Cornplanter, of the Seneca tribe, and a principal chief of the Six Nations, for his distinguished services in behalf of the Revolutionary war. The monument was erected at Jennesadaga, Warren County, Pa., and dedicated with appropriate honors. Leaving Gy-ant-wa-chia, or Cornplanter, the last chief of the Senecas and of the Iroquois or Six Nations, buried in his last home, the old home stead in which he lived and died at the age of one hundred years, we trace our steps to speak of Indian war, Indian cruelty, and Indian barbarity, made upon the early pioneers of the land upon which- we dwell. The first Indian war with which we as a county are .immediately interested, was that of 1763, when all the Indian nations of the western country united against the frontier settlements of Pennsyl vania and Virginia and other colonies. We have already, in our first chapter, exhibited the authority of the colonies of Pennsylvania and Virginia to restrain their citizens from making settlements west of the Allegheny Mountains, because the lands were claimed by the Indians. The indomitable courage of our people was neither daunted by government or fear, but gradually they made settlement after set tlement, erected forts and block-houses, until the Indians resolved to take up arms in their own defence. They therefore resolved on a general massacre of all the white people not only in the western country, but along the Susquehanna, where many of their tribes were settled. History tells us that their first attack was against the English traders settled at different points, and out of about one hundred and twenty, but two or three escaped ; that the garrisons of Presque Isle, St. Joseph, and Michilimakinac, were taken and a general slaughter ensued, and that it was with great difficulty that the forts at Bedford, Ligonier, Niagara, Detroit, and Pittsburg, were preserved. Fort Pitt being far from the settlements, the Indians resolved to reduce it by famine,- but failed in the attempt. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 41 That the Indians were exasperated to this course of conduct, we can readily imagine from the tenor of the following letters : — Winchester, 30th April, 1765. The frontier inhabitants of this colony (Virginia) and Maryland are re moving fast over the Allegheny Mountains in order to settle and live there. The two hunters who killed the two Indians near Pittsburg, some time ago, are so audacious as to boast of the fact and show the scalps publicly — what may not such proceedings produce? One of these hunters lives in Maryland, the other, named Walker, lives in Augusta County, Virginia. Extract of a Letter from Carlisle, 1765. A number of men from this settlement went up to Shamokin (Fort Au gusta) to kill the Indians there, which caused them all to fly from that place. Extract of a Letter from Fort Loudon, 1768. The last news we have had here, and which is very certain, is the killing of nine Shawnese Indians, in Augusta County, Virginia, who were passing this way to the Cherokee nation, to war against them, and had obtained a pass from one Col. Lewis of that county. Yet, notwithstanding, a number of the county people met them a few miles from Col Lewis' and killed nine of them, there being but ten in the company. From Lord Botetourt, Governor of Virginia, 1770. I have the honor to inclose two depositions, together with an answer to a letter wrote by the Attorney-General, and have sent to your Excellency, by Lieutenant Inglis, the body of John Ingman, he having confessed him self concerned in the murder of Indian Stephen, which was committed on ground claimed by your government. You will find that there never was an act of villany more unprovoked or more deliberately undertaken. It is therefore extremely my wish that the laws may enable you to do justice, and appease, by rigid punishment, a nation of offended Indians. Mr. Wm. Crawford, who is master of John Ingham, has engaged to do his utmost to procure any evidence which you may think material to examine. Letter from Charles Edmonstone, Fort Pitt, 1771. I take the liberty to inclose for your perusal the copy of an affidavit taken here, relative to the murder of two Seneca Indians. I have the supposed perpetrator of the crime in custody, and intend sending him to Bedford jail. I have had several meetings with the chiefs of the different tribes, who seem all pleased with the steps taken in this affair. Letter from Arthur St. Clair, 1774 (Ligonier). The murder of a Delaware Indian chief was perpetrated eighteen miles from this place. It is the most astonishing thing in the world, the dispo sition of the common people of this county ; actuated by the most savage cruelty, they wantonly perpetrate crimes that are a disgrace to humanity, and seem at the same time to be under a kind of religious enthusiasm, whilst they want the daring spirit that usually inspires. * * * * The Delawares are still friendly and it may perhaps prevent a general war if they can be kept in temper (by making them presents or to cover his bones as they express it). I shall go to Fort Pitt and will consider well of it. 42 APPENDIX TO Extract from a Letter of Alexander McKea, Fort Pitt, 1774. You must ere this be acquainted with the critical situation of this country, the unhappy disturbances which have lately rose between the Virginians and the natives, the event of which still continues doubtful whether matters will be brought to a general rupture or accommodation. Hostilities, how ever, have been committed on both sides, but at present there seems to be a cessation. Some wise interposition of government is truly necessary, and would undoubtedly restore peace ; without it, impossible, and thousands of the inhabitants must be involved in misery and distress. But to do the Indians justice, they have given more proof of their pacific disposition and have acted with more moderation than those who ought to have been more rational, a few Mingoes and Shawnese excepted, who have long been re fractory. There are more effectual means of chastising them for their insolence and perjury than by involving the defenceless country in a war, which there is too much reason to fear at this time will become general, and which must inevitably be the destruction of this country. Extract of a Letter from D. Smith, Pittsburg, 1774. The Indians were surprised to see a number of armed men at this place with their colors at different times, making a warlike appearance, and said that some of the militia fired on them at their camps near the mouth of the Sawmill Run. Letter from Aeneas Mackay, 1774, Pittsburg. We don't know what day or hour we will be attacked by our savage and provoked enemy, the Indians, who have already massacred sixteen persons to our certain knowledge, about and in the neighborhood of Tenmile Creek. A party of the militia, consisting of Captain McClure, Lieutenant Kincaid, and forty'privates, were on their march to join Connolly at the mouth of Wheeling, where he intended to erect a stockade fort, when on a sudden they were attacked by only four Indians, who killed the captain on the spot, wounded the lieutenant, and made their escape. On the 14th June, 1774, a petition was signed at Pittsburg by the promi nent citizens of Westmoreland County (which then embraced Washington County), representing to Governor Penn that there is the greatest reason to apprehend that this part of the county will be immediately involved in all the horrors of an Indian war ; that in the midst of these scenes of deso lation and ruin, next to the Almighty, they look up to his honor for pro tection and relief. Extract of a Letter from, John Montgomery, 1774, Carlisle. The Shawnees seem well disposed and inclinable for peace, and will con tinue so unless provoked by the Virginians. The Delawares are all for peace. Logan's party had returned and had thirteen scalps and one pri soner. Logan says he is now satisfied for the loss of his relatives, and will sit still unless he hears what the Long Knife (the Virginians) will say. I am in hopes the storm will blow over, and that peace and tranquillity will be restored to the back inhabitants. Extract from Richard Butler's Letter of 1774, Pittsburg. * * * These facts (as above enumerated) were sufficient to bring on a war with a Christian instead of a savage people, and I declare it as my HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 43 opinion that the Shawnese did not intend a war this season, let their future" intentions be what they might. I likewise declare, that I am afraid from the proceedings of the chiefs of the white people here, that they will bring on a general war, as there is so little pains taken to restrain the common people, whose prejudices lead them to greater lengths than ought to be shown by civilized people ; and their superiors take too little, if any pains, and I do really think are much to blame themselves in the whole affair. The Council of the Colony of Virginia met on the 12th of March, 1777, to consider the situation of Indian affairs ; appointed George Morgan, agent for Indian affairs at Pittsburg, and John Neville, Esqs., to confer with the chiefs of the Delaware and Shawnee In dians, and procure their good will .and favor in chastising those tribes who have been annoying their citizens ; and in case of their refusal, a battalion of three hundred men, with the necessary officers, was ordered to be raised to make the contemplated expedition to Pluggystown, and punish that tribe for their unprovoked cruelties committed on the inhabitants of Virginia. Col. David Shephard, of Ohio County, was appointed Commander- in-Chief of the expedition ; Major Henry Taylor, of Youghiogheny (now Washington) County, to be Major; and the other officers were appointed from the counties of Monongahela, Youghiogheny, and Ohio, of which I have spoken in a preceding chapter. In consequence of these preparations the friendly Indians (the Delawares and Shawnese) exercised their influence to prevent a war, and I find from a letter of Samuel Mason to Brigadier-General Hand, dated June 8, 1777, at Fort Henry, in which he says: "I set off at eight this morning and flatter myself that you will not dis approve our proceeding, but call on me, if any occasion should require, and as I may not return to the ensuing council at Catfish (Washington), I take this opportunity of returning to you the strength of my company, which consists of fifty men, furnished for going on any emergency. The distressed situation of the frontier inhabitants at this time required active and energetic measures, and the people erected two stockade forts at Ligonier and Hannahstown, Westmoreland County. I find Thomas Scott (whose name, subsequently, appears as the first Prothonotary of Washington County), under date of August 1, 1775, writes : " The Indians have made several breaches on the inhabitants, of late, in different parts of this country. Captain Mil ler, of the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment, with a party of nine men, chiefly continental soldiers, were bringing grain from the neighbor hood to a fort called Fort Hand, about fourteen miles north of Han nahstown, and on their return were surprised by a party of Indians, who killed the captain and seven others." On account of this sad state of affairs, Congress deemed it advis able to appoint commissioners to hold a treaty with the Delaware, Shawnese, and other Indians, and appointed Fort Pitt as the place of meeting, two commissioners to be appointed from Pennsylvania 44 APPENMX TO and one from Virginia. Col. Lewis, from Virginia, attended, but the record does not give the names of the Pennsylvania commis sioners. Gen. Mcintosh writes under date of January 29, 1779, from Fort Pitt, that Capt. Clark, of the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment, as he was returning from Fort Lawrence with a sergeant and fourteen men, on three miles of this side of that fort he was attacked by Simon Girty and a party of Mingoes, who killed two of our men, wounded four, and took one prisoner. This is the same Girty who took the oath of allegiance at Pittsburg and was afterwards engaged in the murderous treatment of Col.- William Crawford, in 1782. On 24th June, 1779, Col. Broadhead writes from Pittsburg that the Indians proceeded to the Sewickley settlement, where they killed a woman and her four children and took two children prisoners. These children were afterwards recovered ; one resided in Westmore land County and the other in Butler. March 18, 1780, at a sugar camp on Racoon Creek, near Fort Pitt, five men were killed and three boys and three girls taken pri soners. This murder was committed by the Wyandotts. April 17, 1780, Northumberland County was authorized by the Supreme Executive Council to offer the following premiums for every male prisoner, whether white or Indian (if the former is acting with the latter), fifteen hundred dollars, and one thousand dollars for every Indian scalp. The Council were actuated to this course because they believed it more effectual than any sort of defensive operations. September 5, 1780, the Indians killed two men on Robinson's Run, in what is called Youghiogheny County. Washington County, April 5, 1783, the Indians took one Mrs. Walker prisoner on the 27th, on Buffalo Creek, but she made her escape. The 1st of April they took Boice and family, consisting of eight persons, and a man was killed the day following near Wash ington County court-house. May 12, 1784, two men killed at or near Cross Creek by the Indians. The above history and extracts from letters contain all the Indian murders which were committed in this part of the country, whether known as Westmoreland, Youghiogheny, Monongahela, and Ohio counties, or, since Virginia relinquished her claim, in Washington County, Pennsylvania. Since its erection as a county, in 1781, no Indian murders have been perpetrated, yet it would be proper to state that all the Indian campaigns, commencing with Pontiac's war, in 1763, Lord Dunmore's war of 1774, Gen. Mcintosh's cam paign in 1778, the Coshocton campaign in 1780, the Moravian campaign, in 1782, had an influence and effect upon the settlement and prospects of Washington County, because farms could not be cultivated and the people were in constant dread of an Indian attack, and hence forts were erected here and there, to which, in case of HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 45 danger, the people fled for protection. While the farmer was culti vating his ground he had his trusty rifle by his side for defence. Of these forts I now speak. It appears that Rice's Fort fur nishes the most satisfactory history of those times, which I have been able to procure. Rice's Fort. This fort is situated on Buffalo Creek, about twelve miles from its junction with the Ohio River. Rev. Dr. Dodridge gives the following description of a fort, which is worthy of being inserted as tending to throw much light upon the distinctions which should be borne in mind by the reader. The fort consisted of cabins, blogk-houses, and stockades. A range of cabins commonly formed one side, at least, of the fort. Divisions or parti tions of logs separated the cabins from each other. The walls on the out side were ten or twelve feet high, the slope of the roof being turned wholly inward. A very few of these cabins had puncheon floors, the greater paft were earthen. The block-houses were built at the angles of the fort. They projected about two feet beyond the outer walls of the cabin and stockade. Their upper stories were about eighteen inches every way larger in dimen sion than the under one, leaving an opening at the commencement of the second story to prevent the enemy from making a lodgmeDt under their walls. In some forts, instead of block-houses, the angles of the fort were furnished with bastions. A large folding gate, made of thick slabs, nearest the spring, closed the fort. The stockades, bastions, cabins, and block house walls, were furnished with portholes at proper heights and distances. The whole of the outside was made completely bullet-proof. In some places less exposed, a single block-house, with a cabin or two, constituted the whole fort. These forts answered the purpose for what they were intended, as the Indians had no artillery; they seldom attacked and scarcely ever took one of them. The Indians, being defeated at Wheeling, resolved to strike a severe blow in the country, and hence about one hundred warriors marched to Rice's Fort, but the inhabitants being made aware of their approach, each ran to his cabin for his gun, and all took refuge in the block-house or fort. Although they intended to take it by assault, yet they failed, as the sequel will show, and they continued their depredations, destroying barns, fences, cattle, &c, but finally retreated. Rev. Dr. Dodridge, in his account of this fort, says: — This place was defended by a Spartan band of men, against one hundred chosen warriors, exasperated to madness by their failure at Wheeling Port. Their names shall be inscribed in the list of the heroes of our early times. They were Jacob Miller, George Leffer, Peter Pullenweider, Daniel Rice, George Felebaum, and Jacob Leffer, Jr. George Felebaum was shot in the forehead through a porthole at the second fire of the Indians, and in stantly expired, so that in reality the defence of the place was made by only five men. Four of the Indians were killed. The next morning sixty men collected and pursued the Indians, but discovered they had separated into small parties, and the pursuit was given up. 46 APPENDIX TO Miller's Block-House. After I had consented to write the history of Washington County, I learned that my friend John C. Hupp, M. D., of Wheeling, Vir ginia, had in his possession notes of the attack on Miller's block house ; also of the capture, escape, and trials of Captain Jacob Miller in 1781, as well as the murder of five of Miller's friends, which he procured from the lips of his aged and venerable father. I accordingly addressed Dr. Hupp a letter, and he kindly furnished to me the following communication on the subject of Miller's block house. Wheeling, Va., March 31, 1861 Dr. Alfred Creigh : — Dear Sir : I have, at your request, elicited the following facts in rela tion to the siege of Miller's block-house, from the lips of my aged father. He received them from those who, on this day seventy-nine years ago, were i,ts courageous and heroic defenders. They are are as follows: In the spring of 1782 Indian hostilities com menced much earlier than usual along the western frontier. As early as the month of March hordes of savages were ascertained to have crossed the Ohio, and were making their way into the settlements. The settlers thus threatened with the massacres, plunderings, burnings, and captivities, with which they had already become so familiar, were filled with spirit-stirring excitement, commingled with alarm. In this predicament of apprehension and danger, the settlers along the Buffalo Valley betook themselves with their families to the forts and block houses. About three miles northeast of West Alexandria, on the right bank of the "Dutch Fork of Buffalo," is a peninsula formed by the meandering creek on the one side and " Miller's Run" on the other. The isthmus next to the run is skirted by a narrow strip of bottom land, which expands to many acres towards the creek and its confluence with the run. The side of the isthmus washed by the creek has a bold and precipitous bluff. On this isthmus was located "Miller's .block-house,"* which was besieged by a party of about seventy Shawanese on Easter Sunday, 1782. With their characteristic cunning and caution, the savages arrived in the vicinity the night previous, distributing themselves in ambush around the block-house and along the paths leading thereto. Thus lying concealed among the bushes or " pea vines," behind trees or fallen timber, they awaited the operation of circumstances. The most of the men were absent from the block-house on this occasion, some of them being at Rice's Fort, which was about two miles further down the creek. Of this fact the Indians most likely were apprised, and on this account the attack on the block-house is supposed to have been deferred and the ambush protracted, in order to destroy the men on their return to the block-house. Of those who were in this rude shelter on that fatal Sabbath morning were John Hupp, Sr., wife and four children, Margaret, Mary, John, and Eliza- * The block-house was located about midway between William Miller's spring and the graveyard — from tbis limpid fount the blook-house received its supply of water. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 47 beth; Jacob Miller, Sr., and several of his family; the family of Edward Gaither, and an old man named Matthias Ault. The sun had appeared above the eastern hills, tinging with his feeble rays the summits of the lofty trees of the dense forest that surrounded this primitive place of defence. The quietude of the woods was undisturbed save by the ocasional chirp of the wooded songster, carolling his morning anthem. One of the matrons of the block-house had fearful forebodings that some awful calamity was about to befall her husband, and followed him to the door, entreating him not to carry into execution his determination to ac company his friend on that morning in search of a colt that had estrayed. The night previous she had dreamed that a "coppersnake" struck its fangs into the palm of her husband's hand, and that all her efforts to detach the venomous reptile were unavailing. This vision she interpreted as ominous of evil to her husband. But despite the entreaties and importunities of his wife, John Hupp, Sr., set out in company with his friend, Jacob Miller, Sr., in search of the estray. ' They entered the path leading across the run and through the woods in a northeasterly direction from the block-house, and were soon out of view. Soon the quietude of the woods was disturbed by the crack of a rifle, quickly followed by a savage warwhoop issuing from that portion of the forest into which Hupp and Miller had just entered. This alarm filled the minds of the women with consternation and appre hensions as to their fate. But Hupp being in the prime and vigor of man hood, fleet and athletic (if not merely overpowered with numbers), his quick return to the block-house was confidently expected by the inmates. But he had fallen a victim to the foe that lay concealed patiently awaiting the approach of some ill-fated person. The two unsuspecting men had been allowed to follow the ambushed path as far as the second little ravine on land, now owned by William Miller. Here, from his concealment behind fallen timber, a savage fired upon Hupp, wounding him mortally ; he, however, after he was shot, ran some sixty or seventy yards and sank to rise no more. Millar, being an elderly man, was boldly rushed upon by the merciless wretches, with loud and exultant yells, and tomahawked on the spot. Flushed with success, the savages now left their hapless victims, scalped and pilfered of all clothing, to join in the beleaguerment of the block-house. While this tragic scene was being enacted, the wild excitement and con fusion among the women and children at the block-house, with no male defender but the old man Ault, can be better imagined than described. But at this trying moment Providence panoplied a female hero with a courage sufficiently unfaltering for the dire emergency, in the person of Ann Hupp. Having now realized the dread forebodings of her vision, and shaking off the shackles of despondency, she now turned to calm the moral whirlwind that was raging amongst the frantic women and children — to inspire them with hope, and to rally the only and infirm male defender. She in the mean time had deputed Frederick Miller, an active lad aged about eleven years, as messenger to Rice's fort for aid. But in this strategy she was foiled ; for the lad had gone willingly and heroically only, a few hun dred yards down the peninsula on his dangerous embassy, when he was intercepted by the Indians. Retracing his steps, he was pursued by two savages with' hideous yells and uplifted tomahawks. This frightful race for life was witnessed from the block-house with anxiety the most intense. Every moment it seemed as though the lad would certainly fall beneath the 48 APPENDIX TO deadly stroke of one of the, two bloodthirsty pursuers, each vieing with the other which should strike the first and fatal blow. A fence was to be scaled by the boy without a blunder, or death— cer tain, instant death — was his doom. Summoning all his boyhood and failing strength he leaped the barrier fence, touching it merely with his hand as the foremost Indian's tomahawk struck the rail, accompanied with a yell of disappointment, when both savages fired at him. In his struggle to escape, his arm being flexed, one of the balls took effect, passing through his flexed arm both above the elbow and between that j\oint and the wrist, whirling him around several times. Now subdued shrieks, commingled with joy and terror, were heard in the block-house as the female hero who sent out the boy ambassador received him in her- arms as he bounded to the door exhausted from the race and loss of blood. At this moment the Indians, leaping from their concealment, appeared in every direction around the block-house, and a hot and continuous firing commenced. The female band, with Ault as their counsellor, in despair and anguish were forced to the conclusion that the block-house would now soon be taken by storm, or envelop them in its flames, and with no hope of a successful resistance were about to "give up." Again, in this crisis of terrible trial, Ann Hupp proved equal to the emergency. Encouraging the trembling Ault and the weeping women with the consoling language of hope — nerving her arm and steeling her heart to the severe duties of the moment, she, with true Spartanism, snatching up a rifte fired at the approaching savages, and then " ran from porthole to port hole," protruding its muzzle in different directions — to convey the idea of great forces in the house — at each presentation causing the savages to cower behind trees or other objects for protection. This happily conceived and promptly executed strategy of this pioneer heroine, without doubt, saved the inmates from what was otherwise inevitable — an immediate and horrible death. A number of Indians had taken shelter behind a stable that stood not far from the block-house ; emboldened by their firing not being promptly returned from the block-house, one of them would occasionally step out to view, holding up before himself as a shield a " clap-board," and then quickly retreat again to his shelter. He at length stepped out boldly into an open space, defiantly stretching his savage frame high in air, at which Ault was prevailed upon" to fire; but palpably without doing any harm. This exas perated the savages, causing the assault to become still more terrible. . At this stage of the siege the women saw and recognized three of their men approaching in great haste from the direction of Rice's Fort, when they commenced screaming at the top of their voices, and beckoning the men in the direction they supposed to be the safest point to pass the Indians in gaining the block-house. While the Indians stood in confusion and wonderment, not comprehend ing the meaning of the screams, the men rushed forward, passing very near to where some of the savages stood, and before the Indians sufficiently recovered from their surprise to fire upon them, they, with faces red and turgid from the race, bounded into the block-house unscathed. The names of these three daring spirits, who thus perilled their lives to save their helpless mothers, brothers, and sisters from savage fury, or perish with them, were Jacob Rowe, Jacob Miller, Jr., and Philip Hupp. One of these, Jacob Rowe, being about ten years old, in the fall of 1776 when in company with his mother and three brothers, and his father, Adam- Rowe, on their way to Kentucky, made a hair-breadth escape from the In HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 49 dians at a point not far from the mouth of Grave Creek. Here the little caravan was attacked by a party of marauding savages, who killed Mrs. Rowe and her oldest son, and took captive Daniel, the youngest child, aged about seven years. Jacob escaped by running into a thicket of willows near at hand, when closely pursued by a large muscular Indian, who had his little brother Daniel a' captive on his back, and this is the last account ever heard of the captive boy. After his escape Jacob, trembling with fear, travelled all the day stealthily through the wild and dense woods, along the deep and dark hollows and over the precipitous hills lying in his way, back to Buffalo, and when nightfall overtook him with all its hideousness, in the midst of the deep woods, he, overcome with fright, fatigue, and hunger, nestled himself down amongst the leaves at the root of a fallen tree for the night. (He died with a throat affection which doubtless was founded on that, to him, cold, dread, and dreary November night.) The next day he arrived at Buffalo and was received into the arms of his sister, Ann Hupp, to whom the weeping lad related the tragic scenes he had witnessed on the previous morning. Adam Rowe and his son Adam also returned to the neighborhood and afterwards went to Kentucky; but Jacob remained with his sister, and was her survivor some three or four years. After the arrival of these men iu the block-house, the fury and boldness of the savages somewhat abated, and during the rest of the day the firing was less frequent and finally ceased. Evidently filled with chagrin and disappointment, they skulked about the neighborhood till nightfall, and nothing more was heara of them, they, no doubt, fearing a reinforcement, left during the night, bearing away with them only the scalps of Hupp and Miller. After the loss of her husband, Mrs. Hupp and her children, in accordance with her own wish, were taken by her brother-in-law, P. Hupp, to his cabin, near where the village of Millsborough now stands, where they remained four years, and again returned to Buffalo, where, subsequently, she married John May, whom she survived several years, and on the 23d day of June, 1823, died in the sixty- sixth year of her age. Two of her children, John Hupp and Elizabeth Rodgers, still survive, and are living on Buffalo Creek, having seen the pioneer heroes and heroines of their youth one by one gathered to their fathers, they now stand the last of a race who learned from their lips those thrilling incidents of pioneer life. The loss of these two men to the neighborhood was " severely felt at a time when men were so much needed; but all hearts in that block-house were overflowing with thanks and gratitude to a kind and merciful Pre server for vouchsafing to them his aid and protection when their great and terror-filling peril was impending, and for saving them from the ruthless hands of the merciless savages. About noon on Monday the men ventured out from the block-house, going sadly and cautiously in search of Hupp and Miller, with the purpose of performing for them the last sad rites of the dear departed. About three hundred yards from the block-house they found the body of Miller, lying near the bloody path, and following the traces of blood on the leaves and other object3 over which Hupp had run, his body was promptly discovered. Their mutilated and frozen bodies were borne to the peninsula and laid side by side a few yards from the block-house, in the same grave, with "puncheons" for their coffin, and to-day are lying clustered around the grave of these two pioneers the remains of Jacob Rowe, Jacob Miller, Jr. (Capt.), Frederick Miller, the heroine Ann Hupp, and her daughter Marga ret Titus. When living, the cement aid panoply of affection and good D 50 APPENDIX TO will bound them together at once in the tender natal, social, and moral ties of domestic kindness, friendship, and love, and the union for defence, and when dead they are not separated. Frederick and Capt. Jacob were sons of the unfortunate Jacob Miller, Sr. Frederick died on the 27th day of March, 1814, aged forty-three years, and Captain Jacob Miller died August 20, 1830, aged nearly sixty-eight years. Obediently and truly yours, John C. Hupp, M. D. Wheeling, Va., December 20, 1862. Dr. Alfred Creigh : — Dear Sir : I have at length been able to comply with the wish ex pressed in your last letter. I give substantially the statement of one of the captains,* as received of him by my father, f namely : — At the dawn of a fine September morning, in the year 1781, Jacob Mil ler, Frank Hupp, and Jacob Fisher set out from Miller's block-bouse, on Buffalo Creek, with the double purpose of performing the dangerous duties of spies and looking after estray horses. Each had with him his trusty rifle, and equipments well supplied with powder and ball. With alert and vigorous steps they pursued a westerly, course, which soon led them beyond the reach of the most distant view of their homes and into the nearly unbroken forest lying between " The Three Ridges" (now West Alexander) and the Ohio. Having spent the day in unsuccessful search and scouting, returning, they were overtaken by nightfall near the cabint of Jonathan Link, on Middle Wheeling Creek. Here they turned in and were greeted with that hearty kind of welcome peculiar to backwoodsmen. They were cordially invited to share the comforts of his fireside for the night, which was cheerfully accepted. What, in these perilous times, were their subjects of conversation during the evening, need no exercise of fancy to conjecture. Having made their supper on Indian Johnny cake and water, with some "jerked venison," which happened to be in the cabin, they retired to their beds on the loft. It was a bright starlight night, and all nature seemed propitious for security and repose, and had it not been for the fierce barking of their dogs, no danger would have been apprehended. The men conjectured that the disturbance kept up by the dogs augured more than merely the prox imity of wolves, or the hooting of owls, which could be heard occasionally in different parts of the deep woods that surrounded the cabin. Link, in his anxiety to render his guests contented in the enjoyment of * Capt. Jacob Miller, who, in 17S2, distinguished himself at the sieges of Rice's fort and Miller's block-house. f John Hupp, who, when about two years of ago, was in Miller's blook-house dur ing its siege. J About three miles south of West Alexander, on the right bank of Middle Whee ling Creek, and on land now owned by Robert Erskine, Esq., was the site of Link's cabin. We were recently piloted, bj S. M. Bell, Esq., and the venerable William Porter, Sr., to the spot where, eighty-one years ago, this rudo oobin stood. Traoes of its ruins are still to be seen. It stood just a few feet east of the West Virginia line HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 51 his hospitality, affected indifference, hoping to allay their apprehensions of danger. But notwithstanding one or other of the party seemed to employ his time alternately in disturbed rest, and then, with anxious solicitude for their safety, casting watchful glances around the cabin, or gazing around the opening, and on the warlike masses of forest which loomed up dimly against the skylight, seeming to inclose it in far-stretching mountain ramparts. But no visible danger could be discovered. At length the chirping of the wood birds and the peculiar chill and ruffling of the air, which are always the precursors of approaching clay, announced that the dawn was close at hand. The hooting of the owls had ceased, and the dogs lay in slumber curled down near the cabin door. During the night a band of savages had crept cautiously and inaudibly to places of concealment near the cabin. Here they lay, ambushing the door and the path leading to the spring near by. The men arose from their restless beds, each cheerfully acknowledging to the other that his fears of danger had been unfounded. But, alas ! how versatile and fleeting are human hopes and joys. # Hupp and Fisher, unsuspectedly opening the door, stepped down to the limpid, gurgling spring, which was but a few paces below, for the purpose of performing their morning ablutions. Immediately a discharge of rifles issued from the covert of weeds and bushes near by, killing Fisher and mortally wounding Hupp, who ran into the cabin and up on to the loft, and while exhorting his companions not to give up, sank down into the embrace of death. The bloodthirsty savages now rushed frantically into the cabin, demanding of the men to surrender immediately and hand down their guns, or they would fire the house and envelop them in flames. In this awful crisis of trepidation and alarm, being overpowered by num bers. Miller and Link had no alternative but unconditional compliance. While their han'ds and arms were being firmly bound, Hupp was precipi tated from the loft, dragged beyond the threshold, and scalped. Pickets having been detached, the front Indians of the file facing a northeasterly direction, the noiseless march commenced, leavipg the muti lated remains of their victims to the mercy of the wild beasts. The prisoners, with painful anxiety for their relatives and friends, now knew with certainty that the Dutch Fork settlement was doomed to speedy scalpings, captivities, and murders. A rapid march was thus continued, in profound silence, till they arrived at the summit of the ridge, now owned by Charles Rodgers, Esq., and immediately east of his present residence. Here they were met by the returning pickets, and a halt ensued. At this place leaving a guard with the prisoners, the march was promptly resumed. The grand object now was to make a descent on the cabin of Presley Peak, which stratagetic move was carried into successful operation, and resulted in the capture of Peak, a man by the name of Burnet, and William Hawkins. As the relentless savages rushed with exultant yells around the cabin, Peak essayed to make his escape through a hemp patch in the rear of his cabin, amid a shower of bullets, which literally mowed down the hemp stalks around him in his speedy flight. But bounding over the rude fence unharmed by the leaden missiles, and alighting amongst the bushes that fringed the dense woods, he was intercepted and surrounded by the ubiqui tous savage warriors at that moment springing from their covert, and he was a captive. These three prisoners, having been securely bound, were left in charge of a guard, when a detachment of Indians started forthwith down the creek, 52 APPENDIX TO while another party hastened to the cabin* of William Hawkins, which was about half a mile further up the creek. Here they captured Miss Elizabeth Hawkins. She being sick at the time prevented her from making good her escape with the rest of the family, who had fled and concealed themselves in the surrounding woods. Mrs. Hawkins lay concealed amongst the leaves and branches of a fallen tree with an infant t in her arms, which she gagged well nigh to strangula tion with her apron, lest its cries should betray, her, whilst the bloodthirsty captors of her husband and daughter passed within a few feet of where she lay, undiscovered, in agonizing terror and trepidation. And what is a remarkable fact, her little dog that had followed her to her place of concealment, crouched quietly quivering by her side while the Indians were passing I The party going down the creek were less successful in their predatory incursion upon the cabin of Edward Gaither, which stood at the forks of the creek, near the spot where now stands the residence of John Cain, Esq. With their accustomed caution, they approached the cabin in all direc tions, with an apparent certainty of again having an opportunity of carry ing into successful execution their murderous and marauding purposes ; but in this instance they were foiled. At the moment of the attack on Peak and his comrades, it being less than a mile up the bottom from the confluence of the streams and in hear ing of the guns, the Gaither's family was about to be seated for dinner when, alarmed by the rapid firing, they immediately betook themselves to the Miller block-house. The Indians, however, did ample justice to the untouched and still smoking edibles left on the table, which to them was an acceptable and bounteous repast. And having pillaged the house of such articles as they wished to carry along with them, set fire to it, and hastened with their plun der to the rendezvous on the ridge, where they were soon joined by the other party and its prisoners. The feelings of the prisoners, father, daughter, and neighbors, brought thus in their distressing helplessness face to face, in the deep and wild woods undecsuch trying circumstances of terror and apprehension, can be much more readily imagined than described. Some of the exultant savages gave vent to their feelings by grotesque contortions of countenance and gyrations of body. They whooped, and danced, and sung — now chiming the warwhoop in concert, and then utter ing yells of triumph. Whilst others gave evidence of hatred and malignity of purpose, by derisive looks and gestures.towards some of the prisoners, and by jerking from their roots the hairs of their heads. Hawkins and Burnett were the special sufferers from these demonstra tions, the former having red hair and the latter having a superabundance of hair about his person, which characteristics are notoriously repulsive to savage taste. These demonstrations were interpreted by the prisoners as the precursors of untold horrors yet in reservation. Contrary to savage custom as to the treatment of the generality of pri- * Hawkins' cabin stood a few feet south of where the National Road is now located near the foot of what is known as " Hawkins' Hill," on land now owned by John Conner, Esq. The stable on the north of the road, here, was constructed of the logs trom the ancient cabin. f This infant was William Hawkins, who was 'County Surveyor of Washington County about the yeor 1820. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 53 soners in such an emergency, though being faint and feeble from fright and sickness, and unable to keep pace with the Indians in their hurried march," the fair Miss Hawkins was retained a prisoner and treated with the utmost indulgence and decorum. Such was her feebleness and trepidation for the moment, that she, fell from the horse on which the Indians had seated her; but with their characteristic indulgence and decorous forbearance, with which " they are universally seen to treat captive women," she was kindly reseated on the aninial, and hurried'forward far in advance of the other prisoners. An Indian council was held. The scene which quickly followed, and which was the consummation of the purposes of the council, was sufficient to chill the heart's blood of even savage barbarity. The five prisoners, firmly bound, sat side by side on the trunk of a fallen tree. They were approached from the rear by five large and powerful Indians, each with uplifted tomahawk in hand, three of whom dealt simul taneous blows, and Hawkins, Peak, and Burnett lay with cloven skulls, weltering in their life's blood. The other two savages seemed to recoil from the work of atrocity that had been assigned them ; but each stood with uplifted tomahawk over the head of his intended victim. In this awful moment of suspense, Miller and Link, fortunately for them selves, gave no evidence of terror or trepidation. At that moment a warbling songster of the wood struck up its mournful ' song from the pendent branches of an ancient monarch, of the forest over hanging the scene of this awful tragedy. Two of the intended executioners, immediately cowering back from their intrepid and indomitably courageous prisoners, quickly returned their toma hawks to their belts ; and the whole of the savages, palpably overwhelmed with consternation and dismay, hastened to form in line with the front In dians of the file facing toward the Ohio. Miller and Link led, like dogs, by long strips of raw-hide, had a place assigned to them about the middle of the file. Thus with light, silent, and cat-like tread they advanced on their retreat rapidly till they neared the banks of Big Wheeling Creek, where, nightfall coming on, a halt was made, a fire was kindled some distance away from the place selected for an encampment, which was quickly extinguished as soon as it had served the purpose of cooking their scanty evening meal. Here, for the first time since a few minutes before the enactment of the tragic scenes first related, was Miss Hawkins cheered with the sight of any of the other prisoners. In agonizing filial apprehensions she strained her eyes in anxious search along the approaching file for a sight of her father ; but when she saw only Miller and Link she instinctively divined what had happened. Being now composed, reason and judgment were measurably under her control, and her familiarity with the Indian character and peculiarities, ad monished her that she should not betray to the keen perceptions of the savages the real state of her feelings. With a resolute endurance and a heroism befittiDg the occasion, she succeeded in stifling the better feelings of her nature ; and, affecting indifference to what had transpired within the last fifteen hours, she partook with apparent cheerfulness of the parsimo nious and frugal entertainment which the Indians served up to her and the other prisoners. From the indistinguishable jabbering among the Indians, it was evident they were arranging to get that sleep of which they had been so long de prived, and to make a judicious and safe disposition of the prisoners for the night. 54 APPENDIX TO At length they stretched themselves out upon the ground, with such an arrangement, that on either side of each prisoner was an Indian. As a further precaution to security, the end of the thong by which each prisoner had been led in the march was securely fastened around the body of an Indian. Doubly bound, as they were, the prisoners gave up all hope of escape. ¦The Indians soon fell asleep. Their minds were too busy, their nerves too excited, and their torture from their bonds too intense, to allow the prisoners any inclination to close their eyes. Pinioned and distributed as they were among the Indians, they were pre cluded the possibility of any communication with one another, by word, or even gesture. Miller, notwithstanding his anxiety of mind and distress of body, had matured a plan for his escape : which was to sunder, by means of his teeth, the tough thongs which served to bind him so securely. He " impatiently waited for midnight, when the sleep of the Indians would be most likely to be profound." Time passed away, and at last even Link* and Miss Hawkinsf sank into a fitful slumber. Miller, imploring divine assistance, embraced this as the auspicious mo ment to begin the difficult and dangerous work he had in contemplation. With an unconquerable will and unfaltering determination, he labored for some time, accomplishing but little. Though having a set of good teeth, he at times almost despaired of suc cess, on account of the toughness of the material on which he was operating. But at length one of the sundered fetters dropped slowly from its deep track, where it was imbedded in the muscles of his arms. One of the savages turned in his sleep. Miller lay in the semblance of sleep. Ten minutes elapsed, and, no further movement being observed, he resumed his efforts to unfetter himself. At length his success was complete. He stole forth cautiously from the circle of his captors, and was soon on his way back to Buffalo, where he arrived about the break of day. As soon as he entered the block-house alone, and without his gun, the inmates knew that some awful calamity had befallen himself and his com panions. When inquired of as to Hupp and Fisher, the great deep of his manly soul was broken up, and the awfully harrowing scenes of the last twenty- four hours rushing through his mind, rendered him speechless. And his only response was to point to the deep and purple marks still * Link was not so successful as Miller in his endeavors to escape. He was dragged along with the Indians to their Tillages beyond the Ohio. And tradition says, that some two weeks after his capture he was brought back into the neighborhood', and taken up on the hill north of his own cabin and in full view of it, wbero he was set up as a target and shot at by the Indians. He, no doubt, was buried by the side of Hupp and Fisher, about midway between his cabin and the creek. The cut through the bank for the county road has disturbed the sepulchre of these prisoner martyrs. Here, at the road-side, the venerable William Porter, Sr., has frequently picked por tions of human bones-out of the crumbling bank. t Miss Hawkins was carried by the Indians to their villages in the interior of Ohio Here she was led in triumph to the wigwam, and with due form and ceremony adopted into the tribe. She soon learned to reciprocate that disinterested tenderness with which she was so affeotionately loved by the mother of her adoption. Many years after she had been wedded to a Shawnese Chief she returned to the neighborhood on a visit to her pale-faced relatives. But she soon returned to her wild Indian home the dull monotony of civilized life having no oharms for her. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 55 remaining in his arms, and amid the emotional throbbings of his heart and the heaving of his herculean chest, burst into a flood of unbidden tears. The abundant tribute of tears, from those collecting around him, con vinced Miller that true sympathy is natural to the human heart. The sad events of the day previous having been learned, it was desirable to extend the rite of sepulture to those who had fallen. Amongst those who shouldered their rifles* and set out, headed by Capt. Miller, to perform these last sad rites, were John Miller, Andrew Deeds, and Jacob Rowe. In after years Miller seldom related this, to him, painful narrative ; and when he did, it was always with tears streaming down his manly cheeks. I am, dear sir, obediently yours. John 0. Hupp. Scattered throughout Youghiogheny, but now Washington County, were many forts, some of which we shall particularize: Vance's fort, one mile north of Cross Creek village, situate on Cross Creek, which empties into the Ohio River, and now in the possession of Alli son Vance, a lineal descendant of Major William Vance. Wells's fort, five miles west of Cross Creek village. The Rev. Dr. John Stockton, of Cross Creek, says : — "In these forts, social and afterwards public worship was kept up for seven years, especially in summer and autumn, the seasons when the Indians were wont to make their raids ; and it was a common thing for men to go to these meetings armed with their trusty rifles, and to stand guard during the services. The first gospel sermon ever preached in that region was under an oak tree, just outside the gate of Vance's fort, on the 18th Sep tember, 1778; by the Rev. James Powers." Lindley's fort, near the present village of Prosperity, was one of the strongest forts in the western country, because it was the most exposed to the hostile incursions of the savage inhabitants. Beeman's block-house was situated on Beeman's Run, which emp ties into the north fork of Wheeling Creek. In front of this block house was a long, narrow field, on which horses were pastured. At the extremity of the field the fence was down, and two boys passed through into the woods in search of the horses which had strayed off. The Indians had thrown down the fence as a ruse, and taken the horses into the woods, and thither the boys ignorantly went. The Indians seized them and carried them off. That night the boys were tomahawked, scalped, and left for dead. In the morning, on awak ening, one of the boys found the Indians had left and his brother dead, went to the river and pursued its course until evening, when he arrived at Wheeling. Wolfe's fort, or block-house and stockade, stood about five miles west of Catfish and inclosed Jacob Wolfe's house. The National road now passes over the ground occupied by the fort. William Darby thus describes the situation of affairs : — * The rifle and the remnants of the equipments carried by Jacob Howe on this occasion are'now in the possession of the writer of this letter. 56 APPENDIX TO " We remained in Mr. Wolfe's house until February, 1782^ while my father was preparing his cabin, into which we finally entered, but not to rest. In fifteen or twenty days after entrance into our log cabin, Martin Jolly came running breathless to tell us that a savage murder had been committed but ten miles distant. In two hours we were in Wolfe's fort. From the fort my parents removed to Catfish (Washington), and spent the residue of 1782 and to April, 1783, on the farm of Alexander Reynolds, recently owned by Dr. F. J. Lemoyne. On this farm we were living when the Moravian In dians were massacred, and when the militia army were defeated under Col. William Crawford, and he captured and burned by a slow torture to ieath. James and Hugh Workman were both in that expedition, and I fancy I see the two women now, when James Reynolds came running to my mother exclaiming, ' Jamy Workman is killed !' James Workman, who was a married man, was not killed, but returned to his family and lived many years afterwards. A like report came in regard to Hugh, and happily proved untrue, to the great joy of his betrothed wife, Peggy Bryson, living then with her brother-iD-law, Thomas Nichol. John Campbell, of Pigeon Creek, was killed in the action. The fate of William Huston, son of John Huston, William Johnston, and William Nimmons, was never accounted for. The two latter were both married men, and left children." Froman's fort was on Chartiers' Creek. There was a block-house in Mount Pleasant township on Wilson's farm, which is now owned by Andrew Russel, Esq. Becket's fort was near the Monongahela River. There was also a fort in West Bethlehem township, at the village of Zollarsville, and directly in the rear of the dwelling-house and store of Edward R. Smith, Esq., on the high bluff which overlooks the creek. Another at Taylorstown ; this place, however, was originally called New Brunswick. Jackson's fort was near Waypesburg. Finley Township. The following interesting facts I received from our esteemed fel low citizen, Alexander Frazier, Esq., concerning the first settlement of the western part of Washington County, known as Finley town ship. The first settlement in this township was about 1785 — the first fort was Roney's block-house. In this year a man by the name of Mcintosh, with his wife and eight children, settled on what is now called the Blockhouse Run (from the fact that Campbell's block house was erected there). Some time in August, as the Mclntoshes were engaged in stacking hay, they were fired upon by the Indians; he himself was shot off the stack, while his wife, who was pitching hay, fled towards the house, but was overtaken, tomahawked, and scalped, while the children were treated in the same manner. ' The Indians, before they left the house, placed one of the dead boys before the door, with a knife in one hand and a corn-stalk in the other, while in the house they took the infant out of the cradle and HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 57 after scalping it, beat its brains out against the wall, holding it by its-heels. The neighbors found one of the girls fifty yards from the house, scalped, while the eldest made her escape and rode to Roney's fort and communicated the sad intelligence. Hercules Roney, with a party of men from the fort, repaired to the scene of action, prepared a grave, and deposited all the bodies therein. The Indians, after this cruel murder, remained quiet until about 1790, when they again broke out and continued troublesome until Wayne's treaty. In the year 1792 they killed an old lady, Mrs. Nancy Ross, near where West Alexander now stands. She went out of her cabin to look for her cow, when she was overtaken by Indians who lay in ambush, tomahawked, and scalped. The Indians then went to Beekman's Bun, in West Finley township, where they captured two boys by the name of Beekman, who were in the woods hunting their horses. They took them some distance with the horses, when they halted and put them under the care of one of the Indians, while the other two went to seek a camping ground. It appears a dog had been following the boys, which, when the Indians discovered, they took alarm — fearing they were pursued — tomahawked and scalped the boys, and left them for dead. The elder boy received a gash on the forehead above his left eye, which did not penetrate the skull, but glanced into the eye, cutting the eyeball. As soon as they came to, the elder boy put his brother on the horse, but he was too weak to ride. He himself mounted the horse and started for home, but, after riding some distance, became weak and faint from the loss of blood, dismounted, hitched the horse, went some distance down into a gully at the head of the run, and crept under a rock to rest. Fortunately the colt, which had followed, chewed the bridle, and let the mare go. In a short time the Indians came on the trail of the horses. He saw them from his hiding place pass by, and, after waiting some considerable time, he set off, and by a different route reached home. I have seen this boy when grown up to manhood, with his scalp off and his eye closed up, with a large scar above it. About this time two young girls on Wheeling Creek, by the name of Crow, were in the woods hunting their cows. They were captured by some Indians, and, after some consultation, the elder was toma hawked and scalped ; but the younger being twelve years of age, they reserved her for another death, but providentially they were doomed to disappointment. They stripped her of her clothing, gave her some yards start, and a young Indian larger than herself was ordered to pursue, tomahawk, and scalp her. In running the chase for life or death the foot of the Indian was caught by the root of a tree and he fell. Before he recovered himself she was too far off to be taken, notwithstanding the Indians fired their rifles after her. The lands in West Finley township were chiefly owned by Messrs. Shields and Hollingsworth, of Philadelphia, part of which was pur- 58 APPENDIX TO chased from them in 1790 by Scotch Presbyterian emigrants direct from Scotland — hence it was often known by the name of the " Scotch Settlement." On this land they built Campbell's block-house in the summer of that year. It was situate about one mile and a half west of the village of Good Intent. These settlers had exceedingly hard times. During part of the summer months they were shut up in the block-house, and it was with the greatest difficulty and peril they could raise corn sufficient for their families and their stock. Another great inconvenience was, they had no mill within fifteen or twenty miles, hence they had to manufacture their corn for family use ; and, as necessity is the mother of invention, they made graters upon which to rub the corn, which answered for meal. They also pounded it in a mortar, with a pestle made about three feet long, with an iron wedge made fast to one end. They would pound awhile, then sift the fine part out, with which they would make their bread, as also their mush. The coarser part they would make into hominy. Some, however, made hand-mills, while an ingenious man by the name of Elliott invented a kind of hand-mill with some gearing attached, which two men could work with a windlass, similar to a draw-well. Some years afterwards the same man erected a horse mill, and by perseverance and patience became a self-made practical millwright. While on tbis subject we may add that Peter Wolf erected a small mill on Robinson's fork of Wheeling Creek. In a year or two after wards John Richmond built another mill where Good Intent village ¦now stands. William Bailey's Captivity. In early times there resided near Candor, Washington County (then Westmoreland County), four brothers by the name of Bailey. It was harvest time, and they were in the harvest field, assisted by Josiah Scott and others. When Scott had finished his row he mounted the fence to rest himself until the remainder of the reapers would come up. When Scott was seated on the fence he was shot by the Indians, who were in ambush, and William Bailey was cap tured, while the rest made their escape, and he was tied fast with a , rope. Word was immediately sent to Fort Mcintosh (Beaver) and to Pittsburg, and soldiers were sent out to intercept them. When the officers and soldiers discovered the Indians they lay in ambush to surprise and capture the whole party, but one of their number, being very much excited, fired his gun, which defeated the desired object. However, the Indian who had Mr. Bailey in a bark canoe with him was killed, and the boat turned upside down, while the other Indians who were in the bark canoes made their escape. Mr. Bailey hot being an experienced swimmer, with the assistance of the soldiers was brought to the shore perfectly exhausted. After recovery he was sent to Pittsburg, and afterwards reached home in safety. history of washington county. 59 Rev. John Corbley Was an eminent Baptist preacher who had settled at Muddy Creek (Washington), now Greene County. He details his sufferings, and those of his family, in a letter to Rev. Dr. Rogers, of Philadelphia, in the following language : _ , Moody Creek, Washington County, July 8, 1788. On the second Sabbath of May, 1782, being by appointment at one of my meeting-houses, about a mile from my dwelling-house, I set out with my dear wife and five children for public worship. Not suspecting any danger, I walked behind two hundred yards, with my Bible in my hand, meditating ; as I was thus employed, all on a sudden I was greatly alarmed with the frightful shrieks of my dear family before me. I immediately ran with all the speed I could, vainly hunting a club as I ran, till I got within forty yards of them. My poor wife seeing me, cried to me to- make my escape. An Indian ran up to shoot me. I then fled, and, by so doing, outran him. My wife had a sucking child in her arms. This little infant they killed and scalped. They then struck my wife several times, but, not getting her down, the Indian who aimed to shoot me ran to her, shot her through the body, and scalped her. My little boy, an only son about six years old, they sunk the hatchet into his brains, and thus despatched him. A daughter, besides the infant, they also killed and scalped. My eldest daughter, who is yet alive, was hid in a tree about twenty yards from the place where the rest were killed, and saw the whole proceedings. She, seeing the Indians all go off, as she thought, got up and deliberately crept out of the hollow trunk ; but one of them espying her, ran hastily up, knocked her down, and scalped her, also her only sister, on whose head they did not leave more than an inch round either of flesh or of skin, besides" taking a piece of her skull. They still retain their senses, notwithstanding the painful operations they have already, and must yet pass through. CHAPTER IV. WHISKEY INSURRECTION. Washington County was settled by pioneers from Cumberland Valley and Virginia, after the close of the war with Pontiac, which occurred on the 30th day of October, 1763. The settlements were made along the Monongahela. It is an historical fact, however, that on the 27th of January, 1750, the Assembly of the Province of Penn sylvania erected the county of Cumberland by an act of that date, which necessarily embraced all the counties west of the Susquehanna. The act referred to recites the boundaries as follows: "That all and singular the land lying within the Province of Pennsylvania, to the westward of the Susquehanna, and northward and westward of the county of -York, be erected into a county to be called Cumberland, bounded northward and westward with the line of the Province ; 60 APPENDIX TO eastward, partly with the river Susquehanna and partly with the said county of York, and southward in part by the said county of York, and part by the line dividing the said Province from that of Maryland." The seat of justice being -located at Carlisle, the people were re quired to travel hundreds of miles on account of the extensive limits of the county, at great expense and loss of time. To remedy this evil, the boundaries of Cumberland County were reduced by the erection of new counties, some of which I shall enumerate, as they constitute a part of the present history. Bedford County was erected into a county March 9, 1771 ; Westmoreland County, February 26, 1773; Washington County, March 28, 1781 ; Fayette County, September 26, 1783, and Alle gheny County, September 24, 1788. Cumberland County having brought into civil existence these and other counties, has always been known politically and otherwise as "Mother Cumberland," and the sobriquet has been as justly bestowed and as equally merited. From the census table of 1790, we learn that these five counties, which then composed Western Pennsylvania, had a population of 76,642 inhabitants, which were distributed as follows : Bedford County had a population of 13,124; Westmoreland County, 16,018; Wash ington County, 23,866; Fayette County, 13,325, and Allegheny County, 10,309, while in 1800 the population had increased in these five counties to the number of 98,304, showing an increase of 21,162 in ten years. Taking these statistical tables as a correct data, we are safe in asserting that at the period when the whiskey insurrec tion was at its zenith, the population was not less than 87,473. This population was composed of men who devoted their time chiefly to agricultural pursuits, and the virgin soil yielded its fruits prolifically as a reward to the husbandman. So productive were the cereals, that there was neither market nor purchasers for the surplus quantity, the only mode of consequence being to send the products of the soil across the mountains on pack-horses, and in return bring salt, iron, groceries, &c. &c. This remarkably slow mode of send ing their articles to market, and the necessity of receiving in return the comforts of life, caused deep thought and anxious solicitude among a population of upwards of 87,000 people. The question, therefore, was discussed among the people how their crops could be made more available. Many plans were devised, suggested, and discussed, but, as necessity is the mother of invention, the idea was happily conceived that the grain could be converted into distilled liquor, and instead of a horse carrying but four bushels of rye over the mountains, it could transport the product of twenty-four bushels manufactured into whiskey, hence whiskey became the medium of exchange between the east and the west ; the " old Monongahela" became renowned for its purity, and the agriculturists bent all the energies of their mind to increase the cereal products of the earth, because a new way was opened up, which promised to the frugal' aud industrious, the rewards consequent upon well-bestowed labor. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 61 In the midst of this unexampled prosperity, the people were re minded that the Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, as early as 1756, had passed an Excise Law by which a tax was placed upon every article supposed not .to be necessary, or, in other words, on the luxuries of life. This law, however, had always been imperative, and as no tax was ever collected under that excise law in any of the counties cast of the mountains, the people of Western Pennsylvania regarded it as merely nominal so far as related to domestic distilled liquors. But the first Congress in January, 1791, on the report of Alex. Hamilton, then Secretary of the Treasury, passed an excise law im posing a tax of from ten to twenty-five cents payable upon every gallon of domestic distilled liquor, which he calculated would yield 1826,000 to meet the charges growing out of the assumption of State debts, and in connection therewith, placed a tax upon stills, according to their capacity, with which it was manufactured. The people of Western Pennsylvania felt that this law was wrong and unjust and an encroachment on their rights and privileges, and all agreed upon the principle enunciated by the Congress of 1774, that an excise law "was the horror of all free States." They felt, too, that this law would operate peculiarly severe upon the inhabitants of Western Pennsylvania from the fact that they had no direct commu nication with the east, except by transporting their productions in the form of distilled liquor upon pack-horses, and that the blow would, if carried out, prostrate their trade, their business, and their future prospects, and they boldly contended that the fact need not be disguised or concealed, that nowhere in the United States could a population of 87,000 persons be found where there were as many stills, and consequently as much domestic liquor distilled as in West ern Pennsylvania. But the reason was self-evident. There were"" neither large distilleries nor commission warehouses to purchase the grain, and had such been the case, there was no mode of transporta tion, except upon pack-horses, each horse carrying but four bushels of grain. Hence in every neighborhood some farmer became a dis tiller from necessity, and he not only manufactured his own grain into whiskey, but that of five or six of his immediate neighbors. Upon a fair calculation, therefore, every sixth man became a distiller, but all equally bound to resist the excise law, which would fall heavily upon every farmer, as the money which they would procure in the east from the sale of their liquor would, on their return, be demanded by the excise officer, to keep up the expenses of the government. The excise law provided for the erection of inspection districts, in each of which an inspector was appointed whose duty it was to ex amine all distilleries, the capacity of the stills, gauge their barrels, brand their casks, and note in his book the result, and to crown the iniquity of the law with its most odious feature — the " duty imposed on each was required to be paid on the liquors before they were 62 APPENDIX TO even removed from the distilleries. " Yet notwithstanding the ap pointment of collectors, the people held meetings and. passed resolu tions condemning every man who would accept the office in the following words : — That whereas, Some men may be found among us, so far lost to every sense of virtue and all feeling for the distresses of their country as to accept the office of collector, therefore, Resolved, That in future we shall consider such persons as unworthy of our friendship, have no intercourse or dealing with them, withdraw from them every assistance, withhold all the comforts of life which depend upon those duties that as men and fellow-citizens we owe to each other, and upon all occasions treat them with that contempt they deserve, and that it be and it is hereby most earnestly recommended to the people at large to follow the same line of conduct towards them. The men composing the counties of Western Pennsylvania were generally from the north of Ireland, or were the immediate descend- ents of Scotch-Irish. They personally, or by tradition, remembered the scenes of their fatherland, and the requirements which the officers of the crown demanded. They contemplated the Stamp Act, and the principle involved in the tea question — acts and principles which gave birth to American liberty — and while contemplating these things, they resolyed peaceably to memorialize Congress to repeal this un just and iniquitous act. ' Public meetings were held throughout the western counties of the State with the same objects in view, but with no effect. At length, in 1791, a meeting was held in Washing ton, and Mr. Gallatin says " that the persons assembled not only agreed to remonstrate, but they expressed a determination to hold no communication with, and to treat with contempt such inhabitants of the western country as would accept offices voider the law ; and they recommended the same line of conduct to the people at large," as the following statement will show: — Pittsburg Resolutions. Delegates convened in the city of Pittsburg on the 7th day of Sep tember, 1791, from the following counties, viz: — Westmoreland County was represented by Nehemiah Stokely and John Young; Washington County by Col. James Marshall, Rev. David Phillips, and David Bradford '; Fayette County by Edward Cook, Nathaniel Bradley, and John Oliphant, and Allegheny County by Thomas Morton, John Woods, and William Plumer. Edward Cook was elected Chairman, and John Young appointed Secretary. At this meeting the following resolutions were passed Resolved, That having considered the laws of the late Congress, it is our opinion that in a very short time hasty strides have been made to all that is unjust and oppressive. We note particularly the exorbitant salaries of officers, the unreasonable interest of the public debt, and the making no HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 63 discrimination between the original holders of public securities and the transferees, contrary to the ideas of natural justice in sanctioning an advan tage which was not in the contemplation of the party himself to receive, and contrary to the municipal law of most nations and ours particularly ; the carrying into effect an unconscionable bargain where an undue advantage has been taken of the ignorance or necessities of another, and also con trary to the interest and happiness of these States, being subversive of in terest by common means, where men seem to make fortunes by the fortuitous concurrence of circumstances, rather than by economic, virtuous, and use ful employment. What is an evil still greater, the constituting a capital of nearly eighty millions of dollars in the hands of a few persons who may influence those occasionally in power to evade the constitution. As an instance of this has already taken place, we note the act establishing a national bank on the doctrine of implication, but more especially we bear testimony to what is a base offspring of the funding system, the excise law of Congress, entitled "An act laying duties upon distilled spirits in the United States," passed the 3d day of March, 1791. Resolved, That the said law is deservedly obnoxious to the feelings and interests of the people in general as being attended with infringements on liberty,, partial in its opsratiofas, attended with great expense in the collec tion, and liable to much abuse. It operates on a domestic manufacture, a manufacture not equal throughout the States. It is insulting to the feel ings of the people to have their vessels marked, houses painted and ran sacked, to be subject to informers gaining by the occasional delinquency of others. It is a bad precedent, tending to introduce the excise laws of Great Britain and of countries where the liberty, property, and even the morals of the people are sported with to gratify particular men in their ambitious and interested measures. Resolved, That in the opinion of the committee the duties imposed by the said act on spirits distilled from the produce of the soil of the United ytates, will eventually discourage agriculture and a manufacture highly beneficial in the present state of the country. That those duties will fall heavily especially upon the western parts of the United States, which are for the most part newly settled and where the aggregate of the citizens is of the laborious and poorer class, who have not the means of procuring the wines, spirituous liquors, etc., imported from foreign countries. Resolved, That there appears to be no substantial difference between a duty on what is manufactured from the produce of a country and the pro duce in its natural state, except, perhaps, that in the first instance the article is more deserving of the encouragement of wise legislation, as pro motive of industry, the population, and strength of the country at large. The excise on homemade spirituous liquors affects particularly the raising of grain, especially rye, and there can be no solid reason for taxing it more than any other article of the growth of the Uuited States. Resolved, That the foregoing representations be presented to the legis lature of the United States. Resolved, That the following remonstrance be presented to the legisla ture of Pennsylvania. Resolved, That the following address, together with the whole proceedings of this committee, which were unanimously adopted, be printed in the Pittsburg Gazette. Other places held meetings and reiterated the same sentiments, and this hardy race of men, inured to hardships and privations, without preconcerted action, conceived that they were necessitated 64 appendix to to defend their inalienable rights, Congress having refused to grant their petitions. The result was that on the 6th of September, 1791, Robert Johnson, Collector for Washington and Allegheny counties, was waylaid near Pigeon Creek, in Washington County, and was tarred and feathered and his hair cut off, and required to promise not to show his face again west of the mountains. He resigned his office July 20, 1794. The persons engaged in this bold and unlaw ful act were not punished, because the whole community, from a com mon interest, while they pitied the officer, despised the law ; while it was generally believed that the Governor of the State would not insist upon the collection of the excise tax, as he considered it onerous and unjust. On the 8th of May, 1792, material modifications were made in the law by lightening the duty and allowing monthly payments. The President issued a proclamation September 15th, 1792, en joining all persons to submit to the law — Government determined to prosecute delinquents, to seize unexcised spirits on their way to market, and to make no purchases for the army except of such spirits as had paid duty. Rev. Dr. James Carnahan, in his address before the New Jersey Historical Society, in 1853, in referring to the subject of the treat ment of deputy inspectors, says : — " I shall mention one which fell under my notice about the last of June or first of July, 1794. John Lynn, a deputy inspector, residing in Canons burg, Washington County, was taken from his bed, carried into the woods, and received a coat of tar and feathers, arfd he was left tied to a tree so loosely that he could easily extricate himself. He returned to his house, and after undergoing an ablution with grease and soap and sand and water, he exhibited himself to the boys in the academy (afterwards Jefferson Col lege) and others, and laughed and made sport of the whole matter." It is true there were a few law abiding men who registered their stills, gave the amount of gallons distilled, and had their casks gauged and branded, but even these wgre required to succumb to public opinion, as a neglect or refusal was followed by not only the destruction of the stills, but sometimes their real estate. The magistrates at that time truthfully asserted that the laws could not be executed so as to afford protection, owing to the too general com bination of the people in Western Pennsylvania to oppose the revenue laws. This " combination of the people" to which the magistrates referred, related to a powerful, secret, and indiscoverable organization, which had. unlimited control and universal influence over every man secret, except the name of the pretended leader — powerful to avenge and punish imaginary wrongs — and indiscoverable, because an investiga tion as to the place of meeting only mystified, embarrassed, and be wildered, and the investigator suffered by the loss of his property. In April, 1793, the house of Benj. Wells, of Connelsville, Fayette, was broken open, himself and family threatened, terrified, and HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 65 abused. Warrants were issued, but the sheriff refused to servo them. On the 22d of November, 1793, the house of Wells was again broken open — he was compelled to surrender his commission and books, and resign his office. In January, 1794, Robert Strawhan had his barn burned, James Kiddoo his stills injured, and Wm. Conghbran his still and grist-mill damaged. In June, 1794, John Wells, collector of Westmoreland, opened an office at the house of P. R6gan. They burnt the barn of Regan and the house of Wells. The name of the leader of this combination was called Tom the Tinker, and whenever he gave notice of his intention to strike a blow it was always followed with the worst consequences. Through the instrumentality of Tom the Tinker's boys, the whiskey insurrec tion was brought into existence, and by which it was fostered and cherished, until the strong arm of the law crushed out this first rebel lion against government. The modus operandi of Tom the Tinker was to place a letter on the house of a suspected person, and if he did not publish the letter in a Pittsburg paper and attend the meet ings of the combination, the threatened consequences were visited upon the person notified. We give two of the letters which accidentally came into our pos session, and which fully explain themselves. ADVERTISEMENT. In taking a survey of the troops under my direction in the late expedition against that insolent excise man, John Neville, I find there were a great many delinquents even among those who carry on distilling ; it will therefore be observed that I, Tom the Tinker, will not suffer any certain class or set of men to be excluded from the service of this my district when notified to attend, on any expedition carried on in order to obstruct the execution of the excise law and obtain a repeal thereof. And I do declare on my solemn word, that if such delinquents do not come forth at the next alarm with equipments and to their assistance as much as in them lies, in opposing the execution and obtaining a repeal of the excise law, he or they shall be deemed as enemies and stand opposed to virtuous principles of republican liberty, and shall receive punishment ac cording to the nature of the offence. And whereas, A certain John Reed, now resident in Washington, and being at his place near Pittsburg, called Reedsburgh, and having a set of stills employed at said Reedsburgh, entered on the excise docket contrary to the will and good pleasure of his fellow-citizens, and came not forth to assist in the suppression of the execution of the said law by aiding and assisting in the expedition, has, by delinquency, manifested his approbation to the execution of the aforesaid law, is hereby charged forthwith to cause the con tents of this notice, without adding or diminishing, to be published in the Pittsburg Gazette the ensuing week, under the no less penalty than the consumation of his distillery. Given under my hand this 19th day of July, 1794. Tom the Tinker. Accordingly in the Pittsburg Gazette of July 23, 1794, it appeared as an advertisement with the following note : — E CO appendix to Mr. Scull. I am under the necessity of requesting you to publish the following in your next paper. It was found pasted on a tree near my distil lery. John Reed. Feb. 23, 1794. From Pittsburg Gazette, Aug. 31, 1794. To John Gaston— Sir : You will have this printed in the Pittsburg paper this week, or you may abide by the consequence. Poor Tom takes this opportunity to inform his friends throughout all the country that he is obliged to take up his commission once more though disagreeable to his inclination. I thought when I laid down my commission before, that we had got the country so well united that there would have been no more for me in that line, but my friends see more need for me now than ever — they chose a set of men whom they thought they could confide in, but find themselves much mistaken, for the majority of them has proved traitors. Four or five big men below has scared a great many, but few is killed yet, but I hope none of those are any that ever pretended to be a friend to Poor Tom, so I would have all my friends keep up their spirits and stand to their integrity for their rights and liberty, and you will find Poor Tom to be your friend. This is fair warning. Traitors ! take care, for my hammer is up and my ladle is hot, I cannot travel the country for nothing. From your old friend, Tom the Tinker. Judge Lobingier, in an address before the Mount Pleasant '( West moreland County) Temperance Society, gives his recollections and impressions of the whiskey insurrection, and among other things in speaking of Tom the Tinker he says : — " This Tom the Tinker was a new god added to mythology at this time, and was supposed to preside over whiskey-stills and still-houses. Whoever hurrahed stoutly for Tom the Tinker was of unquestionable loyalty with the whiskey boys, while those who would not were branded as traitors to this new deity and their country." The effect and influence of these inflammatory letters or handbills prevented some from complying with the law through fear of loss ot property and probably life, while it emboldened others to deeds of daring and unflinching hardihood. The excitement consequent upon this open rebellion was of such a magnitude that it required the presence of the United States Marshal to visit officially the delin quent distillers in Washington and other counties, and serve warrants upon them to appear before the United States Court east of the mountain. This official visit of the U. S. Marshal was made in consequence of the following notice which had been published in the newspapers. Public Notice. Whereas, A number of distillers have not entered their stills according to law, those who are distillers or dealers in spirits will take notice that suits will be brought and seizures made against those who do not comply therewith. Robert Johnson. , Dec. 6, 1793. Collector for Washington and Allegheny Counties. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 67 The same notice was also published in the remaining three coun ties by Benjamin Wells, Collector of Westmoreland and Fayette counties, and John Webster, Collector of Bedford County. Offices of inspection were opened to receive entries of stills, at the house of Benjamin Wells, in Fayette County; at Philip Regan's, in Westmoreland County; at Robert Johnston's, in Allegheny County; at John Lynn's, in Washington County ; and John Webster's, in Bedford County, while Gen. John Neville was Chief Inspector of the 4th survey district of Pennsylvania. Here I may remark tbat subsequently in the 4th district, Washington County was the only county in which no office of inspection existed, which was occasioned by the tarring and feathering of John Lynn, of Canonsburg, whose case I have narrated, and the attending circumstances. In the service of these writs for not complying with the law, after receiving the public notice, the U. S. Marshal was surprised as he passed from distiller to distiller to find that no opposition was made, but the sequel of the affair revealed a different state of affairs. Thos. MeKean, Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, and Gen. Wm. Irvine, who Were appointed commissioners by the Governor of. Pennsylvania to confer with the inhabitants of the western counties, in their official report say: — Pittsburg, Aug. 22, 1794. The marshal for the district of Pennsylvania had processes to serve upon divers persons residing in the counties of Fayette and. Allegheny, and had executed them all (above thirty) without molestation or difficulty, except ing one, which was against a Mr. Miller ; he, or some other person, went to the place where Doctor Absalom Baird, the Brigade Inspector of Wash ington County, was hearing appeals made by some of the militia of a battalion, who had been called upon for a proportion of the quota of this State of the eighty thousand men to be in readiness agreeably to an act of Congress. There were upwards of fifty men there with their fire-arms, to whom it was related that the Federal Sheriff, as they styled the marshal, had been serving writs in Allegheny County, and carrying the people to Philadelphia, for not complying with the excise laws, and that he was at Gen. Neville's house." The United States Marshal called upon Gen. Neville, as Chief In spector of the Revenue, to accompany him to the dwelling of Mr. Miller, one of his neighbors near Peters Creek to serve the last writ. This occurrence took place on the 15th of July, 1794, the day previous to the military training before mentioned.* As soon as the fact was communicated, between thirty and forty of "Tom the Tinker's boys" flew to arms and marched that night towards Gen. Neville's, the distance being about seven miles, where they appeared early in the morning of the 16th. This party demanded from Gen. Neville his commission as Inspector of Revenue and all his offi dcialocuments and * Mr. Miller, upon whom the writ was served, afterwards told Mr. Brackenridge that he was mad with passion, when he reflected that being obliged to pay $250 and the expense of going to Philadelphia would ruin him, and his blood boiled at seeing Gen. Neville along, to pilot the officer to his very door. 68 APPENDIX TO papers. These were as peremptorily refused — the door was shut — the firing commenced, and five or six of the insurgents were wounded by Neville aud his friends, who had anticipated an attack and had thereupon prepared themselves for the emergency. The military meeting at Mingo Creek meeting-house to which I have referred, hearing of the sad occurrence and that blood had been shed, an immediate call was made upon every man who valued life, liberty, and happiness, forthwith to march and avenge the outrage. At that meeting, the Rev. Mr. Clarke, near eighty years of age, besought and counselled the people not to proceed iu such an unholy and unlawful business, but the worst passion of the human heart triumphed, Revenge was their Battle Cry. The military force raised at Mingo Creek meeting-house marched under the command of Major James McFarland, who had served as an officer of the Revolutionary war. On the 17th of July, the forces under Major James McFarland, when they came within half a mile of Gen. Neville's house, halted, and those who had arms advanced and demanded the surrender of Gen. Neville. They were informed by Major Abraham Kirkpatrick (who had also served in the Revolutionary war) that Gen. Neville had left the house, and that he was there with a detachment of United States soldiers to defend it. Gen. Neville's commission and official papers were demanded, but again refused. The women and children were notified to leave the house under a white flag, which they ac cordingly did, when an attack was made, and after a continuous fire of one hour, the house (estimated to be worth ten thousand dollars) was set on fire and consumed to ashes, and Major Kirkpatrick and his soldiers surrendered themselves as prisoners, and were permitted to leave uninjured, while the marshal was reauired to promise not to serve another writ under penalty of death. During the attack Major McFarland was killed and several wounded, but the insurgents temporarily triumphed and the popu lar frenzy was at its height. Before them lay their military leader in the repose of death, who fell battling for their rights ; but what had been gained ? A meeting was proposed should take place at Mingo Creek meeting-house, and that there the death of Major McFarland would speak in unmistakable accents to the halting and wavering, while tears of sorrow and sympathy would flow at his funeral, and these united would prove the germ of their principles, and would awaken in every man's breast those latent and inesti mable principles of civil liberty for which they and their fathers had fought, bled, and. died.* * In the graveyard at Mingo Creek meeting-house repose the remains of Major James McFarland. The epitaph on his tombstone tells the cause of his death : "Here lies the body of Capt. James McFarland, of Washington County, Pa. who departed this life the 17th July, 1794, aged 43 years. "He served during the war with undaunted courage, in defence of American inde pendence, against the lawless and despotic encroachments of Great Britain. He fell HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 69 At this period there resided in the town of Washington David Bradford, Esq., a lawyer, and who had been a member of the legis lature of Virginia, when parts of Washington and Fayette counties were considered as belonging to Virginia. His residence was on Main Street, having erected the two-story stone house a few doors north of the property of Adam C. Morrow, on the corner of Main and Maiden streets. Col. Marshall also resided in this place — was the intimate and confidential friend of David Bradford — and had not only filled the office of sheriff of this county, but several other important offices. These men, on account of their commanding influ ence, were sent for to attend the Mingo Creek meeting, and after the messenger had used all his arguments they consented to attend the meeting, heard the facts of the case, and through the impetuosity of their feelings they avowed their determination, at all hazards, to resist the tyranny of the government. This meeting was organized at Mingo Creek on the 23d July, 1794. Inflammatory speeches were made and the meeting resolved to call another general meeting on the 14th of August, at Parkin son's Ferry, now Monongahela City. Prior to this meeting the principal actors were busily engaged not only in issuing incendiary documents and making exciting speeches to the people, because they felt that if the steps taken would prove abortive, the death penalty would be inflicted, hence their determination to involve the whole western country in one common fate — either for weal or for woe. Accordingly, orders were issued by the Council of Safety (which the meeting had appointed), consisting of Col. John Marshall, John Canon, L. Lockny, T. Spears, B. Parkinson, D. Bradford, and A. Ful ton, to issue an order to all the colonels commanding regiments in the counties of Washington, Westmoreland, Fayette, and Allegheny, to march with their respective commands to Braddock's Field on the 1st of August, 1794, with four days' rations, to deliberate upon the unhappy crisis of their affairs. The letter or circular which was dispatched to the colonels of the various regiments read thus : — July 28, 1794. Sir : Having had suspicions that the Pittsburg post would carry with him the sentiments of some of the people of the county respecting our present situation, and the letters by the post being now in our possession, by which certain secrets are discovered, hostile to our interests, it is, there fore, now come to that crisis that every citizen must express his senti ments, not by his word, but by his actions. You are then called upon, as a citizen of the western country, to render your personal service, with as many volunteers as you can raise, to rendezvous at your usual place of meeting on Wednesday next, and thence you will march to the usual places of rendezvous at Braddock's Field, on the Monongahela, on Friday, at last by the hands of an unprincipled villain, in the support of what he supposed to be the rights of his country, much lamented by a numerous and respectable circle of acquaintances." 70 APPENDIX TO the 1st day of August next, to be there at two o'clock in the afternoon, with arms and accoutrements in good order. If any volunteers shall want arms and ammunition, bring them forward and they shall be supplied as well as. possible. Here, sir, is an expedition proposed in which you will have an opportunity of displaying your military talents and of rendering services to your country. Four days' provisions will be wanted — let the men be thus supplied. John Canon, T. Spears, B. Parkinson, L. Lockny, D. Bradford, J. Marshall, A. Fulton. The letters taken from the mail were addressed to Gen. Morgan by Col. Neville ; to the Governor of Pennsylvania by Gen. John Gibson ; also one by James Brison to the Secretary of the Trea sury by Edward Day ; and to the Secretary of War by Major Butler. Among the number of regiments which were ordered to the place of rendezvous was one commanded by Col. John Hamilton, then Sheriff of Washington County, who resided at Mingo Creek. TJpon the reception of the order he immediately rode" to Washington to endeavor to prevail on Col. Marshall to countermand the orders, requiring his regiment to march to Braddock's Field. But it was useless ; Col. Marshall was firm in his purpose, and the* officers and men of Col. Hamilton had participated in the riots, and he con cluded he would go to prevent ultra measures. While these measures were progressing, and the eyes of the insur gents were directed to the contemplated meeting . at Braddock's Field, a delegation from Washington visited Pittsburg, and the following proceedings of a town meeting give all the particulars, which proceedings are prefixed by the Affidavit of Wm. Meetkirke, one of the Delegates from Wash ington to the town of Pittsburg. We accordingly went to Pittsburg. When we arrived there a number of people came to the house where we put up to inquire of us if we knew what object the people had in view that were to assemble at Braddock's Field. We informed them that it was in consequence of letters that had been found in the mail, written by several persons in that place to govern ment, misstating their conduct (as they termed it), and that the people conceived them to be very obnoxious characters, particularly Major Kirk patrick, Mr. Brison, and Mr. Day. And it was our opinion that if some of those who had written the letters did not leave the town, that it was in danger of being destroyed from the apparent rage of the people. The same evening there was a town meeting of the inhabitants of the place, as we understood, to take into consideration what was best to be done for their own safety. On hearing that we had come to town, they appointed a committee, con sisting of Mr. Breckenridge, Gen. Wilkins, and Judge Wallace, to con fer with us and to have our opinion on the subject. We produced to them the letters that had been taken out of the mail, viz: Major Butler to (Jen. Knox, Gen. Gibson to Gov. Mifflin, Mr. Brison, to the same, Col. Neville to Gen. Morgan, and one without signature to the Secretary of HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 71 the Treasury, in the handwriting of Edward Day, which were read in their presence. They asked us what we thought were the intentions of the peo ple that were to assemble at Braddock's Field the next day. We gave it as our opinion that the town was in imminent danger of being destroyed if some of the obnoxious characters were not sent away, for that we our selves had been insulted on the road coming there by some people, when they understood we were going to Pittsburg, for they said We were going there as spies, to tell the people to get out of the way, and that we ought to be taken prisoners. And they actually raised a party to follow us for that purpose, as we were afterwards informed, after which they returned to the meeting and gave the information from us, in consequence of which they entered into resolutions to expel certain persons, and which was after wards published in handbills. Resolutions of the Town Meeting of Pittsburg. At a meeting of the inhabitants of Pittsburg, on Thursday evening, July 31, 1794, to take into consideration the present situation of affairs and de clare their sentiments on this delicate crisis, Gen. John Gibson in the chair and Matthew Ernest secretary, a great majority, almost the whole of the inhabitants of the town assembled. It being announced to the meeting that certain gentlemen from the town of Washington (viz. A. Baird, Wm. Meet- kirke, Henry Purviance, Col. Blakeny) had arrived and had signified that they were intrusted with a message to the inhabitants of the town relative to present affairs, a committee of three persons was appointed to confer with them and report the message to the meeting. The persons appointed were George Wallace, H. H. Brackenridge, and John Wilkins, Jr. These gentlemen made a report to the meeting, to wit, that in consequence of certain letters sent by the last mail, certain persons were discovered as advocates of the excise law and enemies to the interest of the country, and that a certain Edward Day, James Brison, and Abraham Kirkpatrick were particularly obnoxious, and' that it was expected by the country that they should be dismissed without delay ; whereupon, it was resolved it should be so done, and a committee of twenty-one was appointed to see this reso lution carried into effect. Also, that whereas it is a part of the message from the gentlemen of Washington, that a great body of the people of the county will meet to-morrow at Braddock's Field, in order to carry into effect measures that may seem to them advisable, with respect to the excise law and the advo cates of it. Resolved, That the above committee shall, at an early hour, wait upon the people on the ground, and assure the people that the above resolution, with respect to the proscribed persons, has been carried into effect. Resolved, also, That the inhabitants of the town shall march out and join the people on Braddock's Field, as brethren, to carry into effect with them, any measures that may seem to them advisable for the common cause. Resolved, also, That we shall be watchful among ourselves of all char acters that by word or act may be unfriendly to the common cause, and when discovered, will not suffer them to live amongst us, but they shall instantly depart the town. Resolved, That the above committee shall exist as a committee of infor mation and correspondence, as an organ of our sentiments, until our next town meeting. And that whereas, a general meeting of delegates from the townships of the county on the west of the mountains will be held at Parkinson's Ferry, on the Monongahela, on the 14th of August next. 72 APPENDIX TO Resolved, That the delegates shall be appointed to that meeting, and that the 9th of August next be appointed for a town meeting to elect such dele gates. Resolved also, That a number of handbills be struck off at the expense of the committee and distributed among the inhabitants of the town, that they may conduct themselves accordingly. The committee of twenty-one above referred to, was composed of George Robinson, H. H. Brackenridge, Peter Audrain, John Scull, John McMasters, John Wilkins, Andrew Mclntyre, George Wallace, John Irwin, Andrew Watson, George Adams, David Evans, Josiah Tannehill, Matthew Ernest, William Earl, Andrew McNickle, Col. John Irwin, James Clow, William Gormley, and Nathaniel Irish. Not less than from 1500 to 2000 men were assembled on Braddock's Field, which is about nine miles from Pittsburg and immediately on the north bank of the Monongahela River in Allegheny County. It is the celebrated battle-ground famed for the destruction of an army intended to capture Fort Duquesne (now Pittsburg). Here Braddock fell, and Washington displayed his first military genius, and here too the insurgents met to devise some plan by which they would free themselves from imaginary wrongs. Many plans were suggested, but no definite action taken upon any of the proposed measures, except to visit Pittsburg with a military parade under the command of Maj.- Gen. David Bradford and Edward Cook as Marshal, and Col. Blake- ney, as officer of the day, in order to exhibit their strength and power and control public feeling. On their arrival, fear caused the people of Pittsburg to receive this army of Bradford's as the guests of the city. Prior to their march, however, David Bradford issued the following circular : — To the Inhabitants of Monongahela, Virginia: — Washington, Aug. 6, 1794. Gentlemen: I presume you have heard of the spirited opposition given to the excise law in this State. Matters have been so brought to pass here, that all are under the necessity of bringing their minds to a final conclusion. This has been the question amongst us some days : " Shall we disapprove of the conduct of those engaged against Neville, the excise officer, or approve ?" Or in other words, " Shall we suffer them to fall a sacrifice to federal prosecution, or shall we support them ?" On the result of this busi ness we have fully deliberated, and have determined with head, heart, hand, and voice, that we will support the opposition to the excise law. The crisis is now come, submission or opposition ; we are determined in the opposition. We are determined in future to act agreeably to system ; to form arrange ments guided by reason, prudence, fortitude, and spirited conduct. We have proposed a general -meeting of the four counties of Pennsylvania, and have invited our brethren in the neighboring counties in Virginia to come forward and join us in council and deliberation on this important crisis, and conclude upon measures interesting to the western counties of Pennsylvania and Virginia. A notification of this kind may be seen in the Pittsburg paper. Parkinson's Ferry is the place proposed as the most central, and the 14th of August the time. We solicit you by all the ties that an union of interests can suggest to HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 73 come forward and join us in our deliberations. The cause is common to us all — we invite you to come even should you differ with us in opinion. We wish you to hear our reasons influencing our conduct. Yours with esteem, David Bradford. Before this meeting at Braddock's Field dispersed, however, the barn of Major Abraham Kirkpatrick was burned, the grain and hay of the tenant consumed, and unsuccessful attempts were made to set fire to his house to avenge the death of Major McFarland. Some of that army, however, disclaimed the course pursued, and published the following card : — We, the undersigned, on behalf of ourselves and the great body of the column that marched from Braddock's Field on the 3d of Aug. 1794, think it necessary to express our disapprobation of the disorderly proceeding of those of the troops who were concerned in setting fire to the house of Abraham Kirkpatrick, on the hill opposite the town of Pittsburg, also of the attempt made by others of burning his house in the town, as these acts was not within the sentence of the committee of volunteers in Braddock's Field, and therefore there could be no authority for carrying them into effect. We consider it as a blemish on the good order of the march of the column through the town of Pittsburg, and their cantonment in the neighborhood of it. It has been endeavored to be removed as much as possible by repay ing the tenant of Kirkpatrick his damages. Edward Cook, Francis McFarland, Thomas Stokeley, Dixon Huston, James Terry, Thomas Sedgwick. Hamilton Huston, Wm. McClure, David Hamilton, Wm. Meetkirke, Wm. Nailor, John Hamilton, James Marshall, John Hughes, Absalom Baird. From this period to the 14th of August, Tom the Tinker's boys were busily engaged in erecting liberty poles, and had flags floating therefrom with the significant words, "Liberty; No Excise; Death to Traitors." Any man who refused to assist in erecting a liberty pole was deemed an enemy to the common cause, and Tom the Tinker gave him the significant notice. . The eventful 14th of August arrived, and the first movement was to erect a liberty pole with the following inscription thereon : " Equal Taxation and no Excise ; No Asylum for Traitors and Cowards." After the meeting was organized by appointing Col. Edward Cook, chairman, and Albert Gallatin, secretary, two hundred and twenty -six delegates were accredited as representatives from the various townships, besides a large concourse of spectators. Speeches were made by Bradford, Marshall, Brackenridge, Edgar, Gallatin, Parkinson, and Husband, upon the following resolutions proposed by Col. John Marshal. 1. Resolved, That taking citizens of the United States from their respective abodes or vicinage, to be tried for real or supposed offences, is a violation of the rights of the citizens; is a forced and dangerous construction of the constitution, and ought not under any pretence whatever to be exercised by the judicial authority. 74 APPENDIX TO 2. Resolved, That a standing committee be appointed to consist of members from each county, to be denominated a committee of public safety, whose duty it shall be to call forth the resources of the western country, to repel any hostile attempts that may be made against the rights of the citi zens or of the body of the people. 3. Resolved, That a committee of members be appointed to draft a remonstrance to Congress praying a repeal of the excise law, and that a more equal and less odious tax may be laid, and at the same time giving assurance to the representatives of the people that such tax will be cheer fully paid by the people of these counties, and that the said remonstrance be signed by the chairman of this meeting in behalf of the people whom we represent. 4. Whereas, The motives by which the people of the western country have been actuated in the late unhappy disturbances at Neville's house, and in the great and general rendezvous of the people at Braddock's Field, &c. &c, are liable to be misconstrued, as well by ourfellow-citizens through out the United States, as by their and our public servants, to whom is con signed the administration of the Federal Government, therefore, Resolved, That a committee of be appointed to make a fair and can did statement of the whole transaction to the President of the United States, and to the Governors of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and if it should become necessary that the said committee do publish to the world a mani fest or declaration, whereby the true motives and principles in this country shall be fairly and fully stated. 5. That we will, with the rest of our fellow-citizens, support the laws and government of the respective States in which we live, and the laws and government of the United States (the excise law and the taking citizens out of their respective counties only excepted), and therefore we will aid and assist all civil officers in the execution of their respective functions, and endeavor by every proper means in our power to bring to justice all offenders in the premises. These resolutions were amended by the meeting, and adopted after much discussion in the following words, which we trust every reader will carefully compare. To the first resolution there was no objection, but the remaining resolutions adopted read as follows: 2. Resolved, That a standing committee to consist of one member from each township be appointed for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, viz : To draft a remonstrance to Congress praying a repeal of the excise law, at the same time requesting that a more equal and less odious tax may be laid, and giving assurances to the representatives of the people that such tax will be cheerfully paid by the people of these counties. To make and publish a statement of the transactions which have lately taken place in this country relative to the excise law, and of the causes which gave rise thereto, and to make a representation to the President on the subject. To have power to call together a meeting either of a new representation of the people, or of the deputies here convened, for the purpose of taking such further measures as the future situation of affairs may require, and in case of any sudden emergency, to take such temporary measures as they may think necessary. 3. Resolved, That we will exert ourselves, and that it be earnestly recom mended to our fellow-citizens to exert themselves, in support of the munici- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 75 pal laws of the respective States, and especially in preventing any violence or outrage against the property and person of any individual. 4. Resolved, That a committee to consist of three members from each county be appointed to meet any commissioners that have or may be ap pointed by the Government, and to report the result of this conference to the standing committee. _ The standing committee under the 2d resolution consisted of sixty members, while that under the 4th resolution was composed of fifteen members. The standing committee of sixty met and appointed the 2d day of September, 1794, and designated Brownsville as the place of meeting. They chose the Committee of Conference of twelve, three from each county, and these fixed their meeting at Pittsburg, on the 20th of August. This committee consisted of twelve dele gates from the four western counties of Pennsylvania, and three from Virginia. Their names were John Kirkpatrick, George Smith, and John Powers, for Westmoreland County ; David Bradford, Jas. Marshall, and James Edgar, for Washington County ; Edward Cook Albert Gallatin, and James Lang, for Fayette County ; Thos. Mor ton, John B. C. Lucas, and H. H. Brackenridge, for Allegheny County; and Robert Stevenson, Wm. McKinley, and Wm. Souther- land, for Ohio County, Virginia. Col. Cook chosen chairman. The delegates from Virginia did not participate in the delibera tions of the Committee of Conference, hence the number was reduced to twelve commissioners. While this meeting of the 14th of August was in session at Par kinson's Ferry, it was notified of the approach of three commission ers on the part of the United States, and two on behalf of the State of Pennsylvania. Wm. Bradford, Attorney-General of the United States, and Jasper Yates, and James Ross, represented the United States ; and Thomas MeKean and General William Irvine, the State of Pennsylvania. The twelve commissioners under the 4th resolution met the Na tional and State, commissioners on the 20th of August in the city of Pittsburg. The prominent actors on that committee were Messrs. Marshall, Bradford, Brackenridge, Cook, and Gallatin, who were all favorable to acceding to the propositions of the commissioners except Mr. Bradford. The propositions were an unconditional sub mission to the laws of the United States by all the citizens, to ab stain from all violence towards the officers in the execution of the laws, not to injure or allow others to injure the personal or real estate of any citizen, and that in case of compliance therewith, full and free pardon was offered to all. The committee of twelve who had met consented to these terms, but they had no authority to act further than to report the result of their conference to the standing committee appointed under the second resolution, which was composed of sixty persons. _ To this committee was delegated the power to call together a meeting either 76 APPENDIX TO of a new representative of the people or of the deputies here con vened for the purpose of taking such further measures as the future situation of affairs may require, and in case of any sudden emergency to take such temporary measures as they may think necessary. Under these delegated instructions, the committee .of fifteen called a meeting of the standing committee of sixty to meet at old Fort Redstone, (Brownsville) on the 2d day of September. The National and State commissioners from their intercourse with the citizens and the excitement prevailing, believed that the interests of the people themselves as well as the government demanded imme diate action, they, therefore, had the meeting changed to the 28th of August, five days sooner than the time appointed. This fact aroused Bradford and his associates, and the charge of bribery and corrup tion was publicly made, against not only the commissioners, but the committee themselves, and Tom the Tinker, by his inflammatory bills, overawed the people and those who desired to submit. From this time to the meeting the wildest excitement prevailed ; some proposed the formation of a new state, others, resistance to government, while another class favored reconciliation. In the midst of this anarchy and confusion throughout the rebellious counties, the day of the appointed meeting had arrived (the 28th of August). Gallatin in speaking of that meeting says : — "Fifty-seven members attended, twenty-three of whom were sent by the county of Washington alone, and thirty by the three counties of West moreland, Fayette, and Allegheny ; one came from Bedford County, and three from the county of Ohio, in Virginia. All that could be obtained was a resolve that, in the opinion of the committee, it was the interest of the people of this country to accede to the proposals made by the commis sioners on the part of the United States ; the question upon it being taken by ballot, thirty-four voting for the resolution and twenty4hree against it. Bradford, as soou as he heard the vote, retired in disgust." This meeting, however, appointed another committee of conference, to obtain further time from the National and State commissioners, in order that the people might have time for reflection. The commis sioners and the committee agreed that instead of any further action by the committee, that the people themselves should vote directly on the question of submission, and the llth of September was designated. The following is the result of that election : — "In the county of Fayette, which contains two thousand and eight hundred taxable inhabitants, eight hundred and sixty attended, five hundred and eighty of whom voted for submission and two hundred and eighty against it. In the counties of Washington, Westmoreland, and Allegheny, which contains eleven thousand taxable inhabitants, two thousand seven hundred signed the declarations of submission." — Gallatin. These facts convinced the commissioners that there was no general submission, and they returned to the seat of government, and re ported their proceedings, as well as those of the rebellious counties to President Washington. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 77 The following deposition, explanatory of the committee meeting at old Fort Redstone, by Judge Alexander Addison, will throw much light upon the subject. United States — Pennsylvania District, ss. Before me, Richard Peters, Judge of the District Court in the United States,, in the Pennsylvania District, appeared Alexander Addison, of the town of Washington, in the State of Pennsylvania, and made oath that he was present at Brownsville, or Redstone old fort, in the county of Fayette and State of Pennsylvania, on the 28th and 29th of August last, when what was called the Standing Committee met to receive the report of the com mittee appointed to confer with the commissioners on the part of govern ment — that the minds of all men appeared to be strongly impressed with a sense of the critical situation of this country and the minds of almost all with a fear of opposing the current of the popular opinion ; and this deponent be lieves these impressions were greatly increased by the appearance of a body of armed men assembled there from Muddy Creek, in Washington County, to punish Samuel Jackson as an enemy to what they called their cause. This deponent further made oath that, on the 29th, Mr. Gallatin opened the business of the meeting by proposing a resolution that in the opinion of that committee it was the interest of this country to accept of the terms offered by the commissioners, and, by a speech of great length, stating the impolicy and danger of force in resistance of law, the incompetency of these western counties to contend with the United States, and the necessity of submission. That Mr. Brackenridge followed him also at great length and to the same effect. This deponent further made oath that then Mr. Bradford rose and an swered and opposed the various arguments used by Mr. Brackenridge and Mr. Gallatin, alluded to the revolutions in America and in France as models of imitation, and inducements to hope of success in the opposition of these counties to government; stated the capacity of these western counties, from their situation as separted from the eastern country by mountains and from other circumstances, te maintain a successful war against the United States, and in a state of separation to attain and secure all the essential ob jects and protection, safety, and trade. This deponent cannot undertake to repeat the expressions of Mr. Brad ford, but is certain that he has stated the ideas which they communicated to him, and his whole speech seemed manifestly calculated to keep up the opposition to government and prevent the adoption of the resolutions pro posed by Mr. Gallatin. This deponent further made oath that Mr. Bradford, in a conversation with this deponent on the 27th of September last, told this deponent that he made the speech before alluded to with a view to maintain his influence with the people under an opinion that unless some show of resistance itfas made to the terms of accommodation, the people would reject them and consider themselves as betrayed. Under this state of affairs, and with additional official evidence furnished President Washington in regard to the insurrection, he, on the 7th day of August, 1794, issued the following Proclamation. Whereas, Combinations to defeat the execution of the laws levying duties upon spirits distilled in the United States and upon stills, have from the time of the commencement of those laws, existed in some of the 78 APPENDIX TO western parts of Pennsylvania. And whereas, the said combinations, pro ceeding in a manner subversive equally of the just authority of the govern ment, and of the rights of individuals, have hitherto effected their dangerous and criminal purpose by the influence of certain irregular meetings, whose proceedings have tended to encourage and uphold the spirit of opposition; by representations of the laws calculated to render them obnoxious ; by endeavors to deter those who might be so disposed from accepting offices under them, through fear of public resentment and injury to person and property, and to compel those who had accepted such offices, by actual violence, to surrender or forbear the execution of them ; by circulating vindictive menaces against all those who should otherwise directly or indi rectly aid in the execution of said laws, .or, who yielding to the dictates of conscience and to a sense of obligation, should themselves comply there with by actually injuring and destroying the property of persons who were understood to have so complied, by inflicting cruel and humiliating punish ment upon private citizens for no other cause than that of appearing to be the friends of the laws ; by intercepting the public officers on the highways, abusing, assaulting, or otherwise ill-treating them ; by going to their houses in the night, gaining admittance by force, taking away their papers, and committing other outrages ; employing for their unwarrantable purposes the agency of armed banditti, disguised in such a manner as for the most part to escape discovery. And whereas, the endeavors of the legislature to obviate objections to the said laws, by lowering the duties and other altera tions, conducive to the convenience of those whom they immediately affect (though they have given satisfaction in other quarters) and the endeavors of the executive officers to conciliate a compliance with the laws, by ex planations, by forbearance, and even by particular accommodations founded on the suggestion of local considerations, have been disappointed of their effect by the machinations of persons whose industry to excite resistance has increased with every appearance of a disposition among the people to relax in their opposition and to acquiesce in the laws — insomuch that many persons in the said western parts of Pennsylvania have at length been hardy enough to perpetrate acts which I am advised amount to treason, being overt acts of levying war against the United States ; the said persons having on the 16th and 17th of July last, proceeded in arms (on the second day amounting to several hundreds) to the house of John Neville, Inspector of the Revenue for the fourth survey of the District of Pennsylvania, having repeatedly attacked the said house with the persons therein, wound ing some of them; having seized David Lennox, Marshal of the District of Pennsylvania, who previously thereto had been fired upon while in the exe cution of his duty by a party of armed men, detaining him for some time prisoner, till for the preservation of his life and liberty he found it necessary to enter into stipulations to forbear the execution of certain official duties touching processes issuing out of a court of the United States, and having finally obliged the said inspector of the revenue and the said marshal, from considerations of personal safety, to fly from that par.t of the country in order, by a circuitous route, to proceed to the seat of government, avowing as the motive of these outrageous proceedings an intention to prevent by force of arms the execution of the said laws, to oblige the said inspector of the revenue to renounce his said office, to withstand by open violence the lawful authority of the government of the United States, and to compel thereby an alteration of the measures of the legislature, and a repeal of the laws aforesaid. And whereas, by a law of the United States entitled " An act to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress in- ¦ ¦ HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. , 79 surrections, and repel invasions, it is enacted that, whenever the laws of the United States shall be opposed, or the execution thereof obstructed in any State, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by that act, the same being notified by an associate justice, or the district judge, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to call forth the militia of such State to suppress such combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed. And if the militia of a State where such combinations may happen shall refuse, or be insufficient to suppress the same, it shall be lawful for the President, if the legislature of the United States be not in session, to call forth and employ such members of the militia of any State or States most convenient thereto, as may be necessary, and the use of the militia so to be called forth may be continued, if necessary, until the expiration of thirty days after the commencement of the ensuing session ; provided always, that whenever it may be necessary in the judgment of the President to use the military force hereby directed to be called forth, the President shall forthwith, and previous thereto, by proclamation, command such insurgents " to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within a limited time." And whereas, James Wilson, an associate justice, on the 4th inst, by writing under his hand, did, from evidence which had been laid before him, notify to me " that in the counties of Washington and Allegheny, in Penn sylvania, laws of the United States are opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshal of that district." And whereas it is in my judgment necessary, under the circumstances of the case, to take measures for calling forth the militia, in order to sup press the combinations aforesaid, and to cause the laws to be duly exe cuted, and I have accordingly determined to do so, feeling the deepest regret for the occasion, butwithal the most solemn conviction that the essential interests of the Union demand it; that the very existence of go vernment, and the fundamental principles of social order are materially in volved in the issue ; and that the patriotism and firmness of all good citi zens seriously called upon, as occasion may require, to aid in the effectual suppression of so fatal a spirit. Wherefore, and in pursuance of the proviso above recited, I, George Washington, President of the United States, do hereby command all per sons being insurgents as aforesaid, and all others whom it may concern, on or before the 1st day of September next to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes. And I do, moreover, warn all persons whomso ever against aiding, abetting, or comforting the perpetrators of the afore said treasonable acts. And I do require all officers and other citizens, ac cording to their respective duties and the laws of the land, to exert their utmost endeavors to prevent and suppress such dangerous proceedings. In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed to these presents, and signed the same with my hand. Done at the city of Philadelphia, the seventh day of August, one thou sand seven hundred and ninety-four, and of the independence of the United States of America the nineteenth. By the President : George Washington. Edm. Randolph. 80 APPENDIX TO Washington, after he had learned that his proclamation of the 7th of August, 1794, was rejected, and after he had heard the report of the commissioners, determined to crush out the rebellion, and on the 25th of September, 1794, issued the following proclamation : — By the Presideni- of the United States : Whereas, From a hope that the combinations against the constitution and laws of the United States in certain of the western counties of Penn sylvania would yield to time and reflection, I thought it sufficient, in the first instance, rather to take measures for the calling forth of the militia, than immediately to embody them, but the moment has now come when the overtures of forgiveness, with no other condition than a submission to law, have been only partially accepted ; when every form of conciliation not inconsistent with the well-being of government has been adopted with out effect ; when the well-disposed in those counties are unable by their influence and example to reclaim the wicked from their fury, and are com pelled to associate in their own defence ; when the proper lenity has been misinterpreted into an apprehension that the citizens will march with reluc tance ; when the opportunity of examining the serious consequences of a treasonable opposition has been employed in propagating principles of anarchy, endeavoring through emissaries to alienate the friends of order from its support, and inviting its enemies to perpetrate similar acts of insur rection ; when it is manifest that violence would continue to be exercised upon every attempt to enforce the laws ; when, therefore, government is set at defiance, the contest being whether a small portion of the United States shall dictate to the whole Union, and, at the expense of those who desire peace, indulge a desperate ambition. Now, therefore, I, George Washington, President of the United States, in obedience to that high and irresistible duty consigned to me by the constitution, " to take care that the laws be faithfully executed," deploring that the American name should be sullied by the outrages of citizens on their own government, commiserating such as remain obstinate from delu sion, but resolved in perfect reliance on that gracious providence which so signally displays its goodness toward this country, to reduce the refractory to a due subordination to the laws, do hereby make known that, with a satisfaction which can be equalled only by the merits of the militia, sur rounded with the service from the States of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, I have received intelligence of their1 patriotic ala crity in obeying the call of the present, though painful, yet commanding ne cessity ; that a force which, according to every reasonable expectation, is adequate to the exigency, is already in motion to the scene of disaffection ; that those who have confided or shall confide in the protection of govern ment shall meet full succor under the standard and arms of the United States ; that those who, having offended against the law, have since enti tled themselves to indemnity, will be treated with the most liberal and good faith, if they shall not have forfeited their claim by any subsequent conduct, and that instructions are given accordingly. And I do, moreover expect all individuals and bodies of men to contemplate with abhorrence the measures leading directly or indirectly to those crimes which produce this military coercion ; to check in their respective spheres the effort of misguided or designing men to substitute their misrepresentations in the place of truth, and their discontents in the place of stable government ; and so call to mind that, as the people of the United States have been per mitted under the divine favor, in perfect freedom, after solemn deliberation, HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 81 and in an enlightened age, to elect their own government, so will their gratitude for this inestimable blessing be best distinguished by firm exer tions to maintain the constitution and laws. And lastly, I again warn all persons whomsoever and wheresoever, not to abet, aid, or comfort the in surgents aforesaid, as they will answer the country at their peril ; and I do also require all officers and other citizens, according to their several duties, as far as may be in their power, to bring under the cognizance of law all offenders in the premises. In witness whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed to these presents, and signed the same with my hand. Done at the city of Philadelphia, the twenty-fifth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, and of the independence of the United States of America the nineteenth. By the President : George Washington . Edm. Randolph. In accordance with this proclamation, troops from Eastern Penn sylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia amounting to about fourteen thousand militia, consisting of artillery, cavalry, and. infantry, were ordered to advance to quell the rebellion, under the command of Governor Henry Lee, of Virginia. Gen. Morgan led the Virginia troops; Gen. Smith, of Baltimore, the Maryland troops; Governor Howell the New Jersey troops, and Gov. Mifflin the Eastern Penn sylvania troops. The Virginia and Maryland troops composed the left wing of the army, their place of rendezvous was Cumberland, and their orders were to march across the mountains by Braddock's Road, through Uniontown. The troops of New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania constituted the right wing ; their place of rendezvous was Carlisle ; their orders were to march to Bedford and take the northern route through Somer set. Judge Lobingier says the right wing halted in three divisions on this side of the Chesnut Ridge. The advance division encamped on the spot where Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland County, is built, the second division on Col. Bonnett's farm, and the rear division remained at Lobingier's Mills. They remained in their encampments about eight days ; they then struck their tents and marched to the forks of Yough, in Washington County, where they were met by the left wing of the army, composed of the Maryland and Virginia troops, who had come through Cumberland and Uniontown. This occurrence took place early in October, 1794. Let us now retrace our steps to inquire what the insurgents were engaged in from the departure of the National and State commission ers, to the arrival of the army in the forks of Yough, in October. When the people of the four rebellious counties found so powerful an army advancing, a proposition was made by the members who called the first meeting at Parkinson's Ferry, to again assemble on the 2d of October, with the view to submit to the laws of the United States. The notice was published in the Pittsburg Gazette, and at the time designated the delegates assembled, and the following is the result of their deliberations : — 82 APPENDIX TO Parkinson's Ferry, Thursday, Oct. 2d, 1794. A meeting of the delegates of townships of the 14th of August, at Parkinson's Ferry, having been advertised in the Pittsburg Gazette of last Saturday, to be held here this day for the purpose of taking under con sideration whether it be necessary that any armed force should advance on the part of government, for the purpose of assisting the civil authority in suppressing insurrection and preserving peace, John Cannon was appointed Chairman ; Alexander Addison was appointed Secretary. Agreeably to the recommendation in the advertisement in the Pittsburg Gazette, several of the subscription papers with a number of names annexed in the form of submission prescribed by the commissioners, were produced by members and laid on the table. The meeting having taken these papers into their consideration and com municated their respective knowledge of the sentiment of the people in their townships, 1. 'Resolved, That it is the unanimous opinion of the meeting that if the signature of the submission is not universal, it is not so much owing to any existing disposition to oppose the laws as to a want of time or information to operate a correspondent sentiment, and with respect to the greatest number, a prevailing consciousness of their having had no concern in any outrage, and an idea that their signature would imply a sense of guilt. 2. Resolved, Unanimously, that we will submit to the laws of the United States, that we will not directly or indirectly oppose the execution of the acts for raising a revenue on distilled spirits and stills, and that we will support as far as the law requires, the civil authority in affording the pro- tectionvdue to all officers and other citizens, reserving at the same time our constitutional rights of petition and remonstrance. 3. Resolved, Unanimously, that in our opinion in the four counties of Penn sylvania, westward of the Allegheny Mountains, there is a general disposi tion to submit to all laws of the United States, and a determination to support the civil authority in their execution. 4. Resolved, Unanimously, that Wm. Findley, of Westmoreland County, and David Reddick, of Washington County, be appointed commissioners to wait on the President of the United States, and the Governor of Penn sylvania, with a copy of these resolutions, and to explain to the government the present state of this country, and detail such circumstances as may enable the President to judge whether an armed force be now necessary to support the civil authority in these counties. 5. Resolved, Unanimously, that the secretary of the meeting transmit a copy of these resolutions by post to the President of the United States and to the Governor of Pennsylvania, and have a copy printed in the Pitts burg Gazette. The people through their delegates having thus triumphed by the foregoing resolutions, a new state of affairs was about being inaugu rated. Loyal men were emboldened in publicly declaring their attachment to the Cons'titution, the laws, and their country; while the disloyal cowered before the gaze of public indignation. Wilke- son, in his Recollections, says, in speaking of this subject, that Brad ford and a few others who had the worst to fear, fled to the Spanish country on the Mississippi. Others equally guilty, but less notorious offenders, sought security in sequestered settlements. According to the instructions of the meeting contained in the HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 83 fourth resolution, Messrs. Findley and Reddick went to Carlisle to meet Gen. Washington and Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, who had accompanied the right wing of the army thus far. After hearing the committee, their protestations and asseverations, declaring eternal fidelity to the Constitution and the laws, and that the people had been misled by designing, ambitious, and unprincipled men, General Washington remarked (says Gallatin) that he had two great objects in view jn calling out the militia: first, to show not only to the inhabitants of the western country, but to the Union at large, and indeed to foreign nations, both the possibility of a repub lican government exerting its physical strength in order to enforce the execution of the laws when opposed, and the readiness of the American citizens to make every sacrifice and to encounter every difficulty and danger for the sake of supporting that fundamental principle of government. Second, to procure a full and complete restoration of order and submission to the laws, amoDgst the insur gents. The first object, the President said, was fully attained, and no doubt could remain, from the success of the experiment, of the practicability of a republican government, although extending over a large territory, supporting itself, even in the case of a disobedience of any part of the body politic. On the second head he observed that although the meeting of October 2, which they represented, had given it as their opinion that there was a unanimous disposition to submit to and support the laws, there was no positive, unequivocal, and explicit declaration that offices of inspection would be imme diately and safely established. In the next place, that "whatever might be the grounds of the opinion of the meeting, until the law was actually carried into operation, it was only an opinion, and that the general expenses of the campaign being already incurred, and the great sacrifices of individuals being already made, there remained no motive sufficiently strong to induce the magistrate, whose duty it was to enforce the execution of the laws, to run any unnecessary risk by intrusting that care to the exertions of the country itself, as long as any doubt might remain of their sincerity or power, the force embodied being fully competent to that object, and so far on the march to the intended spot. The President concluded by adding that as the amnesty which he had once offered through the commis sioners had not been universally embraced by the offenders, some atonement for past offences had become necessary.' Thus ended the negotiation, and Messrs. Findley and Reddick re turned and called another meeting of the committees df the town ships of the four western counties of Pennsylvania and of sundry other citizens at Parkinson's Ferry, the 24th of October, 1794, when the following resolutions were adopted : — 1. Resolved, That in our opinion, the civil authority is now fully compe tent to enforce the laws and to punish both past and future offences, inas much as the people at large are determined to support every description of civil officers in the legal discharge of their duty. 84 APPENDIX TO 2, Resolved, That in our opinion all persons who may be charged or sus pected with having committed any offence against the United States or the State during the late disturbances (and who have not entitled themselves to the act of oblivion), ought immediately to surrender themselves to the civil authority in order to stand their trial ; that if there be any such persons amongst us, they are ready to surrender themselves accordingly, and that we will unite in giving our assistance to bring to justice such offenders as shall not surrender. 3. Resolved, That in our opinion offices of inspection may be immediately opened in the respective counties of this survey without any danger of vio lence being offered to any of the officers, and that the distillers are ready and willing to enter their stills. Messrs. William Findley, David Reddick, Ephraim Douglass, and Thos. Morion were then appointed to wait on the President of the United States with the foregoing resolutions. JAMES EDGAR, Chairman. Attest — Albert Gallatin, Secretary. Messrs. Findley and Reddick again recrossed the mountains and made fuller and stronger professions of loyalty and obedience to General Alexander Hamilton, the President having returned to Philadelphia, leaving him as his deputy. A proclamation of am nesty was afterwards issued, and the re-establishment of law and order was perfected by the citizens renewing their oath of allegiance and fealty to government.* General Morgan, however, remained during the winter with the twenty-five hundred soldiers under his command. In the spring they were discharged and all returned to their homes. On the 5th of February, 1796, Congress passed an act providing for citizens who had suffered in their property by the insurgents of Western Pennsylvania, thereby demonstrating both the justice and mercy of our government in upholding the government and pro viding for the sufferer. We shall now examine into the political status of Washington County during the pending of this insurrection. As the inhabitants of the four western counties were in a state of insurrection on the second Tuesday of October, 1794, the day of the general election, the question arose in the legislature, upon its assembling, whether the members elect were entitled to represent said counties. The case was referred to the consideration of a committee of the whole house. The following extracts from the minutes of the House of Representatives will explain themselves. 1794, Dec. 16. A motion was made by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Bar ton, and read as follows, viz : — Whereas, It is declared by the 5th section of the 9th article of the constitution of this commonwealth, as one of the great and essential prin ciples of liberty and free government, that elections shall be free and equal • And whereas, A majority of the inhabitants of the counties of West> * Upon the trial of the arrested persons two only were found guilty, one for arson for burning the collector's house, and the other for robbing the United States mail who was sentenced to be hung, but the President pardoned them. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 85 moreland, Washington, Fayette, and Alleghany were in a state of insur rection and opposition to the government and laws of this commonwealth on the second Tuesday in October last, the time appointed by the consti tution for choosing representatives to the General Assembly of this State, to the terror of those who were friends to government and good order residing in the counties aforesaid ; And whereas, It is directed by the constitution that each House shall judge of the qualifications of its members, therefore Resolved, That the persons chosen at the last general election held for the counties of Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny to represent said counties in the House of Representatives in this State, are not duly qualified for said office. 1794. Dec. 20. Agreeably to the order of the day the motion made by Mr. Kelly and seconded by Mr. Barton, December 16, relative to the ineli gibility of the persons elected to represent the counties of Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny in the House of Representatives was read the second time. And the resolution contained therein being under consideration, viz: — Resolved, That the persons chosen at the last general election held for the counties of Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny to repre sent the aforesaid counties in the House of Representatives in this State, are not duly qualified for said office. A motion was made by Mr. Kelly, and seconded by Mr. Barton, to post pone the consideration of said resolution in order to introduce the following in lieu .thereof. Resolved, That the elections held during the late insurrection in the counties of Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny for mem bers to represent said counties in this House, were unconstitutional and they are hereby declared void. On the question, " Will the House agree to postpone for the purpose aforesaid ?" it was determined in the affirmative. » 1795. January 9. On the question " Will the House agree to the fol lowing resolution," viz : — Resolved, That the legislature of this commonwealth will adjourn on Thursday next to meet again on the first Tuesday of February next. It was determined in the negative — yeas 37, nays 38. The House proceeded to consider the resolution on the subject of the elections held during the late insurrection in the counties of Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny, reported by the committee of the whole yesterday. A motion was made by Mr. Gallatin, seconded by Mr. Nagle, to post pone the consideration of said resolution in order to introduce the following in lieu thereof: — Whereas, it appears to this house, that during the month of July last the laws of the United States were opposed in the counties of Washington and Allegheny, in this State, and the execution of said laws obstructed by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of law proceedings, or by the powers vested in the Marshal of that district; inas much as several bodies of armed men did, at sundry times, assemble in the county of Allegheny aforesaid, and commit various acts of riot and arson, and more particularly attacked the house of John Neville, Esq., Inspector of the Revenue for the fourth survey of the district of Pennsylvania, and after firing upon and wounding sundry persons employed in protecting and defending the said house, set fire to it and totally destroyed the same. That the spirit of opposition to the revenue law of the United States 86 APPENDIX TO soon after pervaded other parts of the fourth survey of Pennsylvania (which consists of the counties of Westmoreland, Washington! Fayette, Allegheny, and Bedford), inasmuch as all the officers of inspection estab lished therein were violently suppressed. That commissioners, having been appointed respectively by the President of the United States, and by the Governor of this State, in order to induce the inhabitants of the fourth survey aforesaid to submit peaceably to the laws, the assurance of submission required of the inhabitants aforesaid by said commissioners were not so general as to justify an opinion that offices of inspection could have been safely established there on the llth of September last past. And the said commissioners of the United States did give it as their opinion, that on the 16th of September last past there was a considerable majority of the inhabitants of the fourth survey afore said who were disposed to submit to the execution of the laws ; but that such was the state of things in the survey, that there was no probability that the revenue laws of Congress could at that time be enforced by the usual course of law ; so that a more competent force was necessary to cause the laws to be duly executed, and to insure protection to the officers and well-disposed citizens. And that in consequence of that information it became necessary for the President of the United States to cause to be embodied a large number of the militia of the United States, and to order the same to march into the fourth survey aforesaid, in order to aid the civil authority in causing the laws to be duly executed, in re-establishing order and peace, and in affordiug protection to the officers and citizens. And whereas it also appears to this house that a majority of the inhabi tants of the fourth district survey aforesaid did not at any time enter into a general combination against the execution of the laws of the United States ; That the meeting composed of delegates of the respective townships of the said survey never entered into any criminal resolution or conibi- nation, but, on the contrary, contributed by degrees to restore peace and order ; That no acts of violence were committed in the said survey after the llth of September, 1794, nor did any combinations, meetings, or prepara tions take place tending to oppose future resistance to the laws of the United States, and to the militia then on their march to the said survey ; That from and after the 14th day of August last there was a gradual restoration and order of submission expressed by individual signatures or otherwise previous to the 16th of September aforesaid ; by the answer of the grand jury of the county of Washington to the charge of the judge of the court for the said county, delivered at the September court, and by resolutions adopted by the committee of townships for the county of Fayette, on the 10th and 17th days of September, and by the resolutions adopted by the committee of townships for the counties of Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny, on the 2d October last past, which resolutions expressed their disposition to submit to the laws of the United States, and to support the civil authority ; and their opinion that the peo ple at large were disposed to do the same, as also by resolutions, adopted by the people of the county of Fayette, on the day of the date of the late . general election, the object of which was to provide for the accommodation of the militia of the United States, then on their march to the fourth sur vey aforesaid. And whereas there are no proofs whatever before the house, either that the people of the fourth survey, or any of them, were in a state of insur- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 87 rection on the day of the late general election, nor that any undue influ ence was used, or acts of violence committed on said day in any of the counties composing the said survey, nor that the late insurrection, riots, and opposition to the laws of the United States had any effect upon the said late general election. And whereas it is represented to this house, by the representatives of the counties composing the fourth'survey aforesaid, that they are able to prove by evidence that the late general elections held in the said counties were fairly conducted, uninfluenced by fear or violence, and perfectly free and equal. And whereas the house wish to have full information apon the facts, in order that they may thereupon take such constitutional measures as to them will appear best — ^Resolved, That in the opinion of this house it is proper for them to in stitute an inquiry on the subject of late general elections, held in the counties of Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny, in order to ascertain whether the inhabitants of said counties, or any of them, were in a state of insurrection at the time of holding the said elections, and whether the late insurrection in the fourth survey of Pennsylvania had any effect on the said elections in the said counties. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to devise and report to this house a plan of the manner in which the said inquiry should be conducted, with power to summon evidences on the subject. On the question "Will the house agree to postpone for the purpose aforesaid?" it was determined in the negative. The original question recurring, the previous question thereon was called for, and on the question being put, viz., "Shall the main question be now put," it was determined in the affirmative — yeas, 44 ; nays, 20. Whereupon the eleven members of the counties of Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny withdrew, and the main question, viz: — "Resolved, That the elections, held during the late insurrection in the counties of Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny, to repre sent said counties in this house,'were unconstitutional, and they are hereby declared void," being put, it was determined in the affirmative — yeas, 43; nays, 20. As I have given extracts from the minutes of the House of Repre sentatives, I will now add those of the Senate on the same subject. 1795, January 2. Moved that the consideration of the following resolu tion, which is the order of the day, viz :~- Resolved, That the Senate will proceed to consider and determine whether the elections held in the districts composed of the counties of Allegheny, Washington, Westmoreland, and Fayette, during the insur rection in those counties, ought to be admitted as constitutional and valid, be postponed, in order to take into consideration the following resolution, to wit : — Resolved, That it is necessary for the Senate to inquire 1st. Whether the Senate have any jurisdiction in the case of elections, and in what manner it can be exercised. 2d. Whether the inhabitants of the counties of Westmoreland, Wash ington, Fayette, and Allegheny, or a majority of them, were in a state of insurrection at the time of holding the late general election (and if so), what was the nature of the same and its effects upon the said election ? 88 APPENDIX TO And that be assigned to hear evidence on the subject of said insurrection. The question on postponing for said purpose was put and carried in the negative. 1795, January 3. The following resolution, as reported by the committee of the whole, viz : — Resolved, That the elections of Senators held in the counties of Wash ington, Allegheny, Westmoreland, and Fayette, during the late insurrec tion, were not constitutional and, therefore, not valid, being under consi deration — It was moved the further consideration of the resolution be postponed in order to take the evidence of the State Commissioners, and to bring forward testimony of persons who were present at the election in West moreland County. And the question on postponing for said purpose being put, was carried in the negative. It was then moved that Whereas, A resolution is now before the Senate which, if carried, will deprive the counties of Washington, Allegheny, Fayette, and AVestmore- land, of any representation in the Senate of this Commonwealth ; and whereas, it would be highly improper that a partial representation should legistate for the whole State, therefore Resolved, That the Senate will, so soon as the said resolution is carried, adjourn to such time as will give the said four western counties an oppor tunity of holding elections and returning members in the stead of those now deprived of their seats, if the House of Representatives shall con cur in such adjournment. The question being put, it passed in the negative. The question being afterwards put on the following motion, viz : — Resolved, That in taking the votes of the Senate on the resolution rela tive to the validity of the elections from the four western counties, the clerk be directed not to call the names of the members of those counties, as their representative characters are involved in said resolution. It passed in the affirmative. And the original question, viz : — Resolved, That the election of Senators held in the counties of Wash ington, Allegheny, Westmoreland, and Fayette, during the late insurrec tion, were not constitutional and, therefore, not valid, again- recurring, It passed in the affirmative. Reasons of the vote of the subscribers on the question of the validity of the elections held in the counties of Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, and Allegheny. We are of opinion that the resolutions adopted by the Senate are unjust, unconstitutional, and impolitic. Unjust. Because the documents, upon which the decision is grounded, were not legal evidence, inasmuch as they consisted only of written, vague, hearsay and newspaper information, and it was in the power of the Senate to procure oral, direct, and positive evidence. Because the documents produced to support the resolutions do not con tain any facts, subsequent to the 15th day of September, which was near one month previous to the election ; nor does it appear by the said docu ments, or-by any of the alleged facts therein contained, either that all the four western counties ever were declared to be in a state of insurrec- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 89 tion, or that the majority of the inhabitants thereof, ever were concerned in any insurrection, criminal combination, or illegal opposition, against the laws of the Union. Because every act of the people, or any part of the people of the west ern counties, subsequent to the 15th day of September, evinces a restor ation of order and an universal determination to submit to the .laws and, to support the civil authority. Because no testimony was adduced to prove that the spirit of the late insurrection had any effect on the elections, but on the contrary, the Sena tors representing those counties offered to prove, by evidence, that the said elections were fairly conducted and perfectly free and equal. Because the Senate, by a positive vote, refused to hear the evidence of the commissioners appointed by the State, to confer with citizens of the western country, and also the evidence of persons (known friends to order and good government) who were present at the election of one of the said counties. And Because there was not a single act (that might be considered as a sign of insurrection, opposition, or combination) committed in two of the west ern counties, which did not also take place in other counties of this State, and yet the counties of Westmoreland and Fayette are included in the decision of the Senate, while those others were not even hinted at. Unconstitutional.Because the Constitution expressly declares that contested elections shall be tried by a select committee, and not by the Senate, and expressly restrains the jurisdiction of either branch of the legislature, to judging the qualifications of their members. And Because if this was not to be considered as a case of contested elections, it could only be a retrospective disfranchising act, an act which was expressly forbidden by that clause of the Constitution which declares that no ex post facto law shall be made, and which, if it could be enacted by any authority whatever, should have been the act of the legislature, and not of a single branch. Impolitic. Because there was no apparent necessity for, or advantage resulting from the measure, but on the contrary, at a time when the inhabitants of the western country, who might havebeen deluded into criminal excesses, were brought to a sense of their duty, and when the whole body of the people of Pennsylvania had manifested their determination to support the laws and Constitution of the United States, we conceived it the duty of the legislature to conciliate and not inflame the minds of the citizens. Because, by ordering special elections, in the middle of winter, and at a short notice, in a country the population of which is widely scattered, any cbange that may take place in the representation can only be the effect of a particular party, ever watchful to their own interest, and there is, therefore, a danger that the good citizens of the western counties may, for the term of four years, be unfairly and partially represented. And Because the Senate, having refused to adjourn until new elections shall have take place, laws passed whilst one-sixth part of the State is unrepre sented, may not be thought binding by those citizens who had no share in the enacting of the same, and the measure will, at least, tend to diminish that respect and obedience to the laws and government which is so essen tially necessary under the present circumstances, to encourage and inculcate. , These, with many other, reasons have influenced our vote, and we trust 90 APPENDIX TO we have discharged that duty which we owe to our country and our con sciences, by voting and protesting against a measure which we think may be of the most pernicious and destructive consequences. William Hepburne, Thomas Johnston, John Kean, George Wilson. In a Philadelphia paper of February 16, 1795, is published a let- ler in which it is stated that the eleven members of the House, and the four Senators, who were deprived of their seats, have all been re-elected, except one Senator (Mr. Moore), who declined serving. The members elected in pursuance of special writs of election held in February, 1795, for members to fill vacancies in the House of Representatives caused by the expulsion of the members elected at the stated election held in October, 1794, were as follows, viz: Westmoreland County, Benjamin Lodge, George Smith, and Mi chael Ruch; Washington County, William Wallace, Craig Ritchie, James Brice, and Benjamin White ; Fayette County, Albert Galla tin, John Cunningham ; Allegheny County, Pressley Neville and Dunning McNair. Senators : Westmoreland and Fayette, William Todd and Pressley Carr Lane; Washington and Allegheny, Thomas Stokely and Absa lom Baird (re-elected). Pertinent to this whole subject is the legal opinion of Judge Ad dison, of Washington, Pennsylvania, delivered to the grand jury of Washington County on the necessity of submission to the excise law. In his preface the Judge says they were written at the time specified, and the man must be wise or insensible indeed, of whom the experience of seven years, in a period of most interesting novelty, varies no sentiment and corrects no judgment. Judge Addison forwarded a copy of all his charges, published in Washington by John Colerick in 1800, to General Washington, and received in reply the following complimentary letter: — Mount Vernon, March 4, 1799. Sir : Your favor of the 30th of January, inclosing your charge to the grand juries of the county courts of the 5th Circuit of the State of Penn sylvania, has been duly received, and for the inclosure I thank you. I wish sincerely that your good example, in endeavoring to bring the people of these United States more acquainted with the laws and principles of their government was followed. They only require a proper understand ing of these to judge rightly on all great national questions, but unfortu nately, infinite more pains is taken to blind them by one description of men than there is to open their eyes by the other, which, in my opinion, is the source of most of the evils we labor under. With very great respect I am, sir, Your most obedient servant, George Washington. Alexander Addison, Esq. At the September session of the Court of Quarter Sessions for Washington County in the year 1794, Hon. Alexander Addison de- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 91 livered the following charge on the necessity of submission to the excise law : — Gentlemen of the Grand Jury: The alarming and awful situation of this country at this time is too well known to require a statement. On the part of government we are now offered a forgiveness of all that is past, on condition that we sincerely sub mit to the excise law and all other laws. The question now is, whether we will submit to the terms proposed or not. The decision of this question is of such importance that I am sure it will receive a solemn consideration from every citizen of a sober mind. If we accept the terms we shall have peace; if we reject them, we shall have war. There is no medium between these extremes, for, in the present state of this country, it is impossible to expect from government a repeal of the excise law. Government is the whole people, acting by their representa tives. The will of those representatives must not be extorted by force or fear; otherwise those who thus constrain them exercise a tyranny over the rest of the people. We are a little more than the seventieth part of the United States. We ought not, therefore, to pretend to dictate laws to the whole. But whatever portion we may be of the people, if one law is re pealed, at the call of armed men, government is destroyed ; no law will have any force; every law will be disobeyed in some part of the union. Government is therefore now compelled to enforce submission to this law or to none. The whole force of the United States must be exerted to sup port its authority now, or the government of the United States must cease to exist. Submission or war, therefore, is the alternative. War is so dreadful a calamity that nothing can justify its admission, but an evil against which no other remedy remains. That the colonies to re lieve themselves from the tyranny of Britain should have roused to war, no man will wonder. They had to acquire the first principles of liberty, an equal voice in framing their laws. The same was the case of France. Its constitution was overthrown and one man had, by inheritance, acquired a power which he could transmit to his successor, of making laws for the whole nation. But our Constitution has already secured the most demo cratic principles of representation. Our complaint is against the ordinary exercise of legislation. We have now more than a just proportion of repre sentation—one Senator and three Representatives in Congress. To fill our just proportion we may choose whom we please. And we ought not yet to despair that in a legal manner we shall receive redress for every just com plaint. The principles of liberty are completely established in our Consti tution. Those principles are, that the will of a majority should control the few. We wish now for a liberty destructive of those principles which we formerly sought, and the French now fight to establish. Our complaint is, that the many have not yet repealed a law at the request of the few, and therefore we rashly propose war. If we determine on war, look forward to the consequences. Either we shall defeat the United States, or the United States will subdue us. If the United States subdue us we shall at the end of the war be certainly not m a better situation than we are in at present. For the same necessity, the preservation of the authority of government, will exist for enforcing the law then which exists for enforcing it now. We shall be in a worse situation, for government will then be under no obligation to grant us the favorable terms which are now offered, but may exact punishment for past offences, penalties for past delinquencies, compensation for past damages, and reim bursement of the expenses of the war. To these I might add the miseries 92 APPENDIX TO attending the war ; but as- these will attend the war in either event, I shall par ticularly allude to them in the supposition of our defeating the United States. To me this event appears improbable in the last degree. A train of unfortunate delusions (for such I deem them) seems to occupy the minds of many1 in this country. It is said that no militia will come out against us ; that if they do, we are so much superior in arms that we shall easily defeat them; that we can intercept them in the mountains and prevent their passage; that if they should come they will march peaceably along and not disturb the citizen engaged in the lawful occupations of life ; and that, at the worst, we can throw ourselves under the protection of Britain. On such notions, these are my remarks : From all that I have heard or seen there is a resentment in the people of the other side of the mountains against our conduct on two grounds — as being contradictory to the princi ples of democracy, which require obedience to a constitutional law; and as refusing to bear any part of a burden, to which they have submitted. This resentment will not only carry vast numbers to them, to comply with the regular call pf the militia, but to step forward as volunteers. Supposing (which may yet be doubted) that they may at first be inferior to us in the art of fighting, the interests of the United States are so deeply involved in our submission, that no expense will be spared to accomplish it. And should the draught of the militia be insufficient, certainly the legislature will enable the Executive to raise and maintain a standing body of forces to accomplish the object of government. They will come at different times and in different directions and accumulated numbers; for the "whole force" of the United States will be directed against us : so has the President, who never speaks until he has determined, declared by his proclamation. If this county rejects the conditions offered, the whole country will be con sidered as in a state of rebellion ; every man must be considered either as a citizen or an enemy. If he says he is a citizen, he may be called upon by the authority of the government to assist its force in subduing its enemies. If he refuse, he becomes an enemy and may be treated as such. The arm of government may live among us at free quarters, and reduce us to obe dience by plunder, fire, and sword. Will the British receive us ? The government of Canada dare not, without authority from London. And it is not to be supposed that Britain will risk the loss of the friendship and trade of the United States for so poor an object as our becoming her subjects. If she did, might we not expect that the United States would seize her dominions on the eastern part of Canada and Nova Scotia and intercept our communication with her ?. Against the " whole force" of the United States, exerted as we have reason to fear, what have we to rest on ? Where are our arms? Where are our magazines of military stores? Or where can we obtain a supply, of these articles, but from the United States, with whom we shall be at war ? All communication between us and our fellow citizens on the east side of the mountains will be cut off. Even the supplies of the common articles of life, which we receive from them, will be prevented; and not a single article of food or clothing, much less of arms or ammunition, will he furnished to us from that quarter. Army after army will be sent against us. In a state of open war, we shall be considered as any other enemy, with the additional rancor attached to a civil war. Our agriculture will be de stroyed ; our fields laid waste ; our houses burnt ; and while we are fighting our fellow-citizens on one side, the Indians (and God knows how soon) will attack us on the other. The consciences of many among ourselves will shrink back with horror at the idea of drawing a sword against our brethren ! They will call for neutrality. They will enter into associations for mutual defence. Many, who now from fear of danger or insult, put on the appearance of zeal HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 93 and violence, will, when it comes to decisive exertion, draw back. But those who are for war will strive by force to draw in those who are for peace. We shall attack and destroy each other, and fall by our own hands. Our corn fields will be converted into fields of battle. No man will sow, for no man will be sure that he will reap. Poverty, distress, and famine will extinguish us. All mutual confidence will be at an end, and all the bonds of society will be dissolved. Every man will be afraid to speak to his neighbor. There will be no power of government to control the violence of the wicked. No man's life, no man's house, no man's goods, no man's wife, no man's daughter will be safe. A scene of general destruction will take place. And should government weary of chastising us, at last leave us to our selves, we shall be a, miserable remnant, without wealth, commerce, or vir tue — a prey to the savages, or slaves to Britain. Are we prepared for a separation from the United States, and to exist as an independent people ? This is a question which ought to be settled pre viously to our taking up arms against government. For, to disobey govern ment, while by remaining in it we admit its authority to command, is too absurd, and too contrary to the duty of citizens, for any man of reason and virtue to maintain ; especially when that government, like ours, is created and changeable by the people themselves — that is, by the whole people, or a majority of the whole people. Our appeal to arms is, therefore, a declara tion of independence, and must issue either in separation or submission. Government cannot recede farther than it has done. It has already made sacrifices which entitle it to grateful returns. It offers to forgive past offences and consider us as having never erred. It cannot, without a total extinction of all authority, repeal this law while we resist it. Government must either subdue us or cast us off. For, however we may flatter our selves with the destructive hope of defeating government, we cau have no prospect of subduing it, and compelling the United States to retain us in the Union. Suppose us, then, a separate people, what prospect have we of being able to secure those objects which are essential to the prosperity of this country, and of far more consequence than the repeal of the excise law ? Shall we, at our own expense, subdue the Indians, seize the western posts, and open the Mississippi ? Or will not the British, countenanced by the United States, retain the posts, and arm and protect the Indians against us ? And will not the Spaniards, under the same countenance, block up the Mississippi, and refuse, perhaps, all trade with us ? At present, there is a fair prospect of an accommodation with Britain, and, by the influence of the United States, we have reason to hope for a surrender of the western posts, and of consequence a peace with the Indians. There is also a nego tiation industriously and not unpromisingly conducted with Spain, for the free navigation of the Mississippi. The continuance of our union with the United States may, therefore, in a short time secure us all our favorite objects. And there must be time ; for we have to deal with sovereign and powerful nations, whose rights we cannot infringe : we must therefore solicit, and not extort. But separated from the United States, and of course from the friendship of France and the world, what hope have we to bend the haughty nations of Britain and Spain ? We should be their sport or their slaves. In rejecting the conditions now offered us by government, we cannot hope to extort a repeal of the excise law. If we would remove it by force, we must be able to cut ourselves off from the United States, with the loss of our prosperity, our happiness, and perhaps our existence. A rejection of the conditions is a declaration of war, and war is the sure road to rum. Let us next consider what will be the consequence of our submission, to 94 APPENDIX TO the government on the terms offered : We are restored to the peace and protection of government. We shall be tried for our offences or delinquen cies by courts and juries in our neighborhood. But with these favorable terms we must submit to the excise law. The peculiar objection which lay in the mouths of the people on this side of the mountains to this law was this : that from our local circumstances it drew from us a sum of money which was disproportioned to our wealth, and would soon exhaust our circulating medium. However necessary on these grounds an ppposition to the excise law might be three years ago, it is less necessary now. Since that period, the progress of this country to wealth has been amazingly rapid. There have been more public and pri vate buildings raised within this period, than for nine years preceding; and fewer sheriff's sales for debt in the whole three, than in any one of the nine. Three years ago, I believe, there was not a burr mill-stone in this county ; now there are many. The quantity of money circulating among us is, since, greatly increased, and the value of all property is thereby greatly increased : in other words, the value of money is greatly lessened, and thereby the value of the excise to be paid by us is greatly lessened. Then there was hardly any trade to the Spanish settlements on the Mississippi ; it was, at any rate, small, and confined to a few adventurers ; the quantity of grain exported was but little — of course but little was withdrawn from our own consumption, and this little was generally bought with goods. Now a very respectable trade is carried on to the Spanish settlements; our traders are treated with great civility by the Spaniards ; the duty on our trade is reduced to a mere trifle, and there is very little difficulty in bringing away dollars in return. We shall soon have the whole supply of that mar ket to ourselves. Last spring our best flour was sold there for a dollar each barrel dearer than flour from New York. None of the traders now depend on goods for the purchase of wheat, but must purchase at a reason able price in money. From this increased exportation of our grain, the necessity of distillation is greatly lessened in degree, and will every day lessen. Government does not now, as formerly, supply the army with whiskey, through contractors purchasing with goods, but employs agents to purchase it with money. Last year ten thousand dollars were laid out in this way by one agent in this county, and the execution of an order for ten thousand more was stopped only by the present troubles. The contractors themselves have, these two last years, purchased their supplies with cash. From these circumstances, and the pay and other expenses of the army, government sends far more money to this side of the mountains than it can draw back by the excise. At the commencement of this law a very great quantity of foreign spirits was consumed in this country; but so heavy is the duty which this law lays on foreign spirits, that the people on the east side of the mountains drink such spirits at a very increased price, and our store keepers cannot afford to bring foreign spirits in any considerable quantity over the mountains. As our circumstances are thus materially changed, so the law itself is changed also. Originally, the duty on a still was sixty cents per gallon, now it is fifty-four; originally, the duty on a gallon of whiskey was nine cents, now it is seven cents. Another material alteration is, granting a license by the month, at ten cents per gallon on the still — a provision pecu liarly suited to a country where few distillers work in summer. I do not say that by these alterations in our circumstances, and in the law, our objections to the excise law are removed, but they are surely les sened. We have reason also to believe, that our remonstrance would be listened to more effectually, if, by obedience, we put ourselves in a capacity HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 95 of being heard ; but it is natural to answer, " Why complain of a law which you have never obeyed ?" I will go yet further, and state an opinion, that the easiest, the speediest, and I believe the only way to accomplish our object, a total repeal of this law, is instantly to accept the conditions offered by government, honestly comply with them, and come fairly before the legislature with our remonstrance. I have before stated the impossibility that the legislature should repeal this law, so long as we resist it. I will now explain to you on what grounds I form the opinion, that they will repeal it as soon as possible after, by our submission, we have restored them to their authority, and you may judge of yourselves of the probability of this opinion. The present prospect of French affairs, and the favorable reception which Mr. Jay, our ambassador, has met with in England, give reason to hope for a good understanding between us and Britain, and a consequent termi nation of the Indian war. I estimate two years as a reasonable period for these causes to operate and these effects to be produced. If the extraordi nary expenses of the Indian war ceased, there is reason to expect— such is the increasing trade of America— tha-t the imposts would suffice for the ordinary expenses of government. If this be true, so generally is the excise on domestic produce disliked, and so imperfectly paid, that we have no reason to presume that the legislature will keep it up longer than it is necessary. You have now the grounds on which I state the opinion that it may be repealed in two years. If repealed then, it will have lasted five years ; of these five, we shall, perhaps, if we comply now, be compelled to pay for only two years ; and supposing the tax so unequal, paying but two years out of five may correct the inequality; and while we pay a far greater sum for the expenses of the war is circulated among us. Thus the Indian war, occasioning the excise, bears with it a remedy; and when this remedy fails, there is reason to expect the evil may also fail. Whether, therefore, we could avoid ruin, or whether we could obtain a repeal of the excise law, it appears evident to me that we have no way to gain our point but by immediately accepting and faithfully performing the conditions proposed. If we do not, we shall get no more cash for our whiskey. The army will be supplied with whiskey from Kentucky, and regulations will doubtless be made and exerted, to seize and forfeit our whiskey, if carried anywhere out of this county. We shall therefore become, its only consumers," and it will again cease to be a cash article and again become a mere drug. But it is said, if we submit now, we have nothing to expect from a re monstrance ; for our past remonstrances have been ineffectual. I say, it is too hasty to draw this conclusion. Besides what I have formerly observed, that we have never by obedience entitled ourselves to relief, I request your attention to the situation of the United States hitherto : The imposts have not been sufficient for the expenses of government, including those of the Indian war. The excise law, therefore, could not be repealed, unless some new fund were substituted in its stead. Now it is impossible to impose any tax whatever that will operate equally on all men. Suppose, therefore, some other tax imposed in lieu of this, while we continue to resist this, what would be the consequence? It might be as unpopular here, or in some other place, as this excise; the consequence would be, that from an experience of the weakness of government in failing to enforce the excise, the new tax would be resisted also, and no tax would ever be enforced. [A direct tax, imposed by a law of Congress, produced in 1799 an insur rection in Northampton County, Pennsylvania.] Suppose a direct tax, on a general valuation of property, there would be 96 APPENDIX TO great frauds. Suppose a direct tax on lands. The amount of all direct taxes in each State must be in proportion to its number of inhabitants (U. S. Court, i. 2) ; now unless lands or other property in quantity and value bear the same proportion in each State with the number of inhabitants to the whole, the direct tax would in some States be unconstitutional, and of course resisted. I am informed that in New England a direct tax would be as unpopular as the excise is here. Government, therefore, could not with safety substitute any other tax, instead of the excise, till it had first shown that its authority was sufficient to enforce the excise. Attend, especially, to the situation of the United States during the last session of Congress and judge for yourselves : Was that a time to release any established subject of taxation and try a new experiment ? The whole world seemed to lower upon us. The Indians attacked our back settle ments. The Algerines plundered and the British captured our ships at sea. It was judged necessary, for safety and justice, to equip a fleet, to fortify our harbors, and to send out against the Indians two thousand volunteers from Kentucky. For all these purposes, the imposts (diminished by the spoliations and the embargo) would come too slowly in, and it was found necessary to anticipate the revenue by enabling the President to borrow a million of dollars. Was this a time to press a repeal of the excise law 1 From all these circumstances, the failure of our past remon strances is no sufficient reason to conclude that after we have submitted to the authority of government, and after its embarrassments are removed, our future remonstrances will fail of a just effect, On all these grounds I do most earnestly exhort to an immediate accept ance of the conditions offered by the commissioners, and a faithful per formance of them on our part, as the only way in which we can hope for redress or escape ruin. I have thus expressed my sentiments honestly and freely, as at this crisis it becomes every man who has any regard to the welfare of this country to take every occasion to do. This is not a time for concealment or dissimu lation. Let every man speak out, and let us not by silence or falsehood deceive one another. Let a free currency of opinions restore mutual confi dence and mutual safety, that the dagger of the assassin, the torch of the incendiary, and the tongue of the slanderer be not feared. Let the energy of government be restored ; let the public peace and the rights of persons and property be preserved sacred; and let every individual repose with confidence and safety on the protection of the law. Let the power of punishment be exerted only as our principles prescribe by courts and juries ; let offences be ascertained only by the volumes of our laws ; while a man's words and actions are lawful, let his safety be untouched, and let not individuals assume the public duty of repayingvengeance. ' Do you, gentlemen, who by your station can do it so effectually, unite with me in expressing, propagating, and supporting these sentiments; and through you, both now and hereafter, let them be felt to be the voice of your country. They are mine ; and were an angel from heaven to charge me to make to you, as I should answer it at the tribunal of God, a faithful declaration of my opinion of the interest of this country at this important period, I would, were it the last moment of my life, address you as I have now done. And oh, may the God of Wisdom and Peace inspire this people with discernment and virtue ; remove from their minds blindness and passion, and save this, country from becoming a field of blood ! [P. S. — The meeting at Redstone not having given the assurances required by the commissioners, but appointed a committee to obtain better terms HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 97 the commissioners changed the terms, to individual subscriptions of assurance by every man in these counties. When these terms were declared, I exhorted to a compliance with them in the delivery of this charge in the several counties, adapting the expressions to the circumstances. The following paragraphs are as delivered at Washington, Sept. 22, 1794] It may not be amiss to suggest that, notwithstanding the limited time is expired, it may still be proper, for those who have not signed the form of acknowledgment of submission, yet to sign it before some magistrate. Signing it is no admission of past offence, nor any additional obligation of duty in any particular person. It is merely that criterion of civil duty, which our fellow-citizens have thought proper to require after a general appearance of departure from it. And to this duty we are equally bound, whether we sign or not. You, gentlemen, are guardians of the public peace of this county. At this time, it is peculiarly incumbent on us to watch over the preservation of the peace. Notwithstanding the assembling of an army, under the dis couraging view of our reluctance to return to our duty, and of our persist ing in the acts of violence, we may yet, perhaps, save ourselves from the disgrace and injury of its entering among us, by manifesting to government plain proofs of our submission to its authority, and our firm determination to preserve the peace. Let us not have it said that our reformation has been accomplished by fear of an armed force, but from a generous reflection on past error, a sincere sense of duty and an honorable purpose of receiving the estimable character of good citizens. The people of this country, I always hoped, and still trust more and more to be convinced, have good sense and virtue sufficient to entitle them to the respect and good will of their fellow-citizens of the United States. One rash step may be obliterated by an uniform tenor of regular demeanor, and our name may be restored to its due credit. But if we would arrest the threatening hand of government, if we would honorably deserve the character of good citizens, let us now, at this critical moment, watch with peculiar care against the least symptoms of violence, outrage, or breach of the peace. Let all tumults, tumultuous assemblies, appearances, or words of sedition be instantly discouraged, suppressed, and if necessary brought under the coercion and punishment of the civil authority. This alone can secure to us that peace which we had lately lost, and preserve us from that fatal anarchy in which we were lately plunged ; for if civil authority be not supported by ourselves, it must be supported by some other force. This alone can prevent an armed force from entering our country and exposing our peaceable citizens to the private plunder of troops not inured to discipline and irritated by our misconduct. This alone can secure to us that pardon and indemnity which the generosity of government has held out to our former offences, and of which another outrage would certainly deprive us. And this alone can restore to every man among us, that shield of protection against fear and danger, which law and government only can furnish, and make us sit securely in our houses and sleep soundly in our beds. . In the neighboring counties, resolutions have been entered into lor pre serving the public peace and supporting the civil authority. In two of'the. counties, persons uttering inflammatory and threatening expressions have been put in gaol. I trust the county of Washington will be behind none in duty and love of peace, and will show itself as respectable in the virtue as it is in the number of inhabitants. We may especially expect from all peace officers, justices, sheriffs, and constables, watchful and earnest exer tions of their duty and power, for the establishment of peace and tranquillity, and from all the well-disposed citizens ready aid and concurrence, m sup- G 98 APPENDIX TO port of the authority of officers and the maintenance of the happiness, honor, and virtue of this country. At the December Sessions of the Court of Quarter Sessions' for Washington County, in the year 1794, Judge Addison delivered the following charge to the grand jury : — Gentlemen : The late insurrection in this country, from the numbers con cerned in it, the manner in which it was conducted, the object it proposed to accomplish, the fatal effects which it produced, and the melancholy pros pects which it exhibited, may be considered as the most alarming event that has occurred in America for many years. When authority has been encountered with tumult, and laws have been suspended by armed men, when the rage of some citizens has attacked the lives of other citizens and destroyed their houses and property by fire ; every man of a sober mind must be impressed with concern, and seriously consider to what these things tend. That a people struggling against usurped powers should oppose oppres sion by violence, or that, in the state of inflammation which is produced by a revolution, occasional outbreaks should break forth, no man will wonder. But that a people living under a settled and free government of laws, esta blished by their own will, and changeable when and to what they please, should have recourse to force to repeal or alter their laws, or to anything but authority to redress their grievances, is not less absurd in itself than destructive to liberty, and will more effectually promote arbitrary power, discredit democracy, and show the inefficacy of a free representative government, than all the arts and arguments which its enemies have ever invented. All governments are liable to change, all have had their changes, for no human art or invention is perpetual. The freedom of the savage state is by degrees restrained by the rules which are necessary to preserve one man from the force or fraud of another. As wickedness becomes ingenious or daring restraints are multiplied, or in other words, the powers of government are enlarged. Every new act of violence in the people becomes an argu ment for a new accession of force to the government, till arbitrary power is gradually invested in one man, as the only remedy for preserving every man from the injustice of every other. Such has been the progress of govern ments, and such by the violence of passion may be the progress of ours. We profess to admire liberty and to respect the principles of a demon strative republic as the best source of government, and we consider our own government as founded on those principles. Will we be honest in our profession and act on the principles which we admire ? The principles of a democracy are that the whole people, either personally or by their represen tatives, should have the power of making laws. But what law is' it in which the whole people would concur ? So various are the faculties and interests of men, that unanimity of many in any measure is seldom to be expected of a whole people, almost never. If no law were to be made, therefore, till the whole people should assent to it, no law would almost ever be made. But as laws must be made, there is a necessity that the will of some of the people should be constrained, and reason requires that the greater number should bind the less. In our government, therefore, the will of the majority is equivalent to the will of the whole, and as such must be obeyed, unless we will avow that we mean to change or destroy the principles of our govern ment by violence and terror, and abandoning reason, the principle of action in man, degrade ourselves to the rank of brutes. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 99 To permit or assume a power in any particular part of a State, to defeat or evade a law, is to establish a principle that every part of a State may make laws for itself, or in other words, that there shall be no law, no State, and no duty, but a complication of separate societies, acting each according to its pleasure. These societies will again be subdivided, for a majority of the whole of any society will have no authority to control any one refractory member. Each man in the State will be free from all law but his own will. Government and society are then destroyed, anarchy is established, and the wicked and the strong, like savages and wild beasts, prey on the whole and on one another. Such are the natural and necessary consequences of opposing a law by force. This opposition persisted in, must terminate, either in anarchy, in the people, or tyranny in the government, and in either case must terminate in the. destruction of those republican principles which we profess to admire and are bound to support. If the government yield, one example of suc cessful violence will excite some other part of the people, for some other cause, to pursue the same unwarrantable means for the attainment of a favorite object. Every law, will be opposed in some quarter by interested men. Indulgence to some will necessarily beget indulgence to all. There will be no law, the wicked will have no restraint, happiness will no longer exist; mutual jealousy, distrust, and terror will pervade all ; thefts, robberies, and murders will spread over the country, and every man will be the enemy' of every other. If the government exert its force, the resistance which it will experience, and the difficulty with which it will overcome it, will convince the whole people or the well-disposed, and the greater number, that there is a necessity of abridging the privileges of the citizens and arming the government with greater power. To repress improper violence in the peo ple, powers, otherwise unnecessary, will be given to the government, and those powers will be increased by every new occasion of violence till a ty ranny is established. And this is the most probable result of tumults, riots, and insurrections. For all good men are instantly impressed with indigna tion and resentment against them, and disposed to lend their aid to govern ment to punish and restrain them. And in the choice of anarchy to tyranny the last as the least evil will be preferred. I hold, therefore, that a forcible opposition to law, instead of favoring liberty, is the surest way to destroy it. Is then forcible resistance to law never justifiable? Never, if the law be consistent with the constitution. If a law be not contradictory to the principles of the constitution, however erroneous these principles be, it is entitled to obedience. If a law be bad, let those who dislike it apply, by petition to the legislature, for its repeal. If the legislature refuse, let the petitioners change their representatives. If a law be repugnant to the constitution, the constitution, being the paramount authority, silences the law and makes it void. To an unconstitutional law, thereforef forcible resistance may be justifiable, but even in this case it is not prudent, but highly dangerous, because the resister makes it at his peril, and has no other rule but his own opinion, which may be erroneous. For individuals to exercise the right of determining that a law is unconstitu tional is dangerous to themselves and to the peace of the State. And even the exercise of this right by the judiciary (to whom it certainly belongs) may sometimes be insidious and occasion jealousies, and resentments between them and the legislature. In the case of an unconstitutional law, an appeal to the judiciary ought not to be made without necessity, and to individual force never, till all other remedies are exhausted. Thus, according to the genius of our government, opposition even to an unconstitutional law ought to begin, as opposition to a bad law, by petition to the legislature for its 100 APPENDIX TO repeal, or by a change of representatives. If those measures fail, the validity of the law must be questioned and established or annulled in a court of justice. In this manner it becomes us, as friends to liberty, to seek for every amendment either of a law or of the constitution, in a peaceable manner; for to attempt it by force implies an apprehension that the altera tion attempted will not bear the test of reason, nor receive the approbation of a majority. If either the law or the constitution displease a majority, the majority can alter either. If either the law or the constitution displease a minority, the minority must submit, or retire from the territory of the State. These are the principles of democratic republics. By these princi ples, if we examine our resistance to the excise law, we shall find it as unjustifiable in its nature as it is outrageous in its degree. A power to lay and collect excises was explicitly vested in Congress by the constitution of the United States. This power received a very full discussion and delibe rate sanction from all the States in their conventions. And four of the States (Massachusetts, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and New York) to the ratification of the constitution, annexed declarations of their opinions that Congress should not impose direct taxes, unless the amount of the im posts and excises should be insufficient for the public exigencies. Accord ing to the opinions of those States, therefore, Congress instead of being censurable for not preferring a direct tax to an excise, would have been censurable if they had not imposed a direct tax till the last extremity. All our benefits are mingled with some degree of inconvenience. The union of the States under a general government, which, by combining the whole strength, renders the States respectable and prosperous, may be truly considered as essential to our safety and happiness, and as one of the greatest political benefits which we can possess. But it is necessarily attended with this inconvenience, that the laws, which from their nature must be general, will often be less adapted to the circumstances of some States than of others. The suffering States must seek consolation under this evil from the principles of mutual concession, and remedy for it from time, experience, and reciprocal inequality of taxation. If this tax bear peculiarly hard on this country, there may be other taxes which bear peculiarly hard on other parts of the United States, and affect us but little. I know not whether I ought to reckon of this number the taxation on property sold at auction; the tax on the manufacture of snuff and refined sugar, or the tax on licenses for selling wine or foreign fruits by retail; but of this number I surely may reckon, so far as it goes, the tax on carriages for the conveyance of persons. If all these taxes do not, the last certainly does affect others chiefly and us but little; the last, I may rather say, affects us not at all. They were all imposed in the last session of Congress, and if the progress be persisted in, all may correct the inequality of each, or the inte rests of all combining, for mutual protection, and instructed by observation and experience, may in time produce the repeal of all, if a new system more acceptable in its nature and more easy in practice can be introduced. In the mean time, while we murmur at the inconvenience of any law, let us seriously reflect on the difficulty of making laws equal and acceptable to so extended and varying a. territory as that of the United States. And considering the fraternal band which ties us together and the source of our laws, from the appointment of the whole people, ought we rashly to abandon a confidence, that as soon as a law is plainly proved by experience to be oppressive to us] our brethren will relieve us? Would not we do so to others? And have others less virtue than we ? Together with these general principles, the particular circumstances of this country press upon us a faithful submission to this law as a point of HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 101 conscience, honor, and safety. If we do not yield, an armed force will compel a punctual obedience. The law will be executed, and let us not render it impossible for government to execute it by proper persons. As a public office becomes necessary for our honor and safety, let us render its execution respectable and encourage and protect honest and respectable men in it. We may thus in some degree lessen the burden of the law, and render our obedience more pleasant to ourselves. God forbid that any man among us should entertain the horrid idea that secret association should accomplish the work which it is found no longer safe for open insurrection to attempt. When danger to its very existence has once roused the power of government, no art of machination, nothing but implicit submission, can restore safety to the aggressor. Even for our own security from each other, such an idea is one of the most dreadful that can be conceived. Vices the most daring and destable need only a plausi ble introduction to render them familiar and general. One instance of assas sination of the most odious person among us, would render the life of the most respectable altogether unsafe. For assassination is the work of a ruffian, and is there any person whom a ruffian will respect? Cast a mo ment's reflection on our late troubles, and tell me what kind of villany there is which all at once did not become fashionable. Chopping off heads was spoken of as easily as slicing a cucumber, and burning houses became as trivial as tearing waste paper. Introduce assassination or any other species of crime under a plausible pretence, and it will soon spread over the coun try and extend to every object. The late troubles exhibit an awful lesson which it would be inexcusable to pass over without attention and improvement. During their existence the passions were too much excited and the mind too little at leisure to examine thoroughly their nature or effects, and terror debarred the exercise of free dom of opinion and expression. Butnowwhenthe storm is over, it becomes our duty to look back on the past scenes to contemplate the ruins it made and speaking of the leading transactions freely and without disguise, to bestow some serious reflections on their nature and tendency. These reflec tions, while they afford us an opportunity of remarking how fatal to happi ness is a resistance to lawful authority, will show us also how opposite to liberty anarchy is. Some of the plainest dictates of personal liberty, if not its most essential principles, are that every man be free to think, to speak, and to act, as his inclination and judgment may lead him, provided he offend not against any law ; that no man shall be tried or punished according to the arbitrary will of any individual, but according to the established forms and rules of the law, and that the enjoyment of every man's property shall be secured to him until he forfeit it by the sentence of the law, and that sentence be exe cuted by the proper officer. With these maxims compare the effects of anarchy as we have experienced it. Because the interest or inclination of some men led them to accept and execute certain offices established by public authority, lawless bodies of men assembled for the purpose of riot and violence, seized, insulted, and abused their persons, entered their houses by force and destroyed both their houses and property by fire. If anything can place such transactions in a more detestable light than at first sight they must appear, it may be this, that if these things may be done for any cause, however good, there need no more for their execution for every cause, than that the party to execute them be of opinion that the cause is good. Let but a mob assemble, however small it be, if sufficient to accomplish its purpose, let them agree in opinion that such a man is dangerous, and there fore that his property ought to be destroyed, and it is instantly done. Let 102 APPENDIX TO but one man hate another and resolve to destroy him, he has only to assem ble a few of similar sentiments, or over whom he has influence ; they instantly pretend to be the people, and the work of malice is acconlplished under the semblance of zeal for the public good. The outrages of anarchy were not confined to public officers. They ex tended also to private citizens of respectable character and inoffensive manners. Variety of opinion seems to be as natural to the human mind as variety in shape, features, and complexion, is to the human body. Both seem to be the work of our Creator; neither can be a proper cause of pun ishment, and to punish for either is the grossest tyranny. Actions which some may think merito'rious, others may think detestable, and a law which some may think bad, others may think good. But surely no man of sense and virtue will think that any man ought to be punished for entertaining or expressing either of these opinions, or for acting as if he thought a law good. Yet for such causes were men, who had offended against no law, severed from all the attachments of domestic life, driven from their families and homes, it might have been to wander they knew not where, and to sub sist they knew not how, under the fear and peril of death if they should return. Is this liberty? Such is the liberty of anarchy. To a private letter, a sacred respect, somewhat resembling the ancient mysteries of religion, has been usually annexed, and to violate its secrecy requires the suspicion of a coward and the villany of a traitor. Yet for no object that I can perceive of any public nature, but only to gratify the little revenge of a malignant mind, or to show that there was no crime which we were not ready to perpetrate, the public post was robbed and the letters in the mail were opened by a set of self-created inquisitors, who, advancing from one degree of guilt to a greater, assumed the authority of government, and called out the militia of the country to share and cover their crimes. These transactions furnish us with this melancholy instruction, that when men have once transgressed the bounds of civil obligation and violated public authority, there is afterwards no restraint to their excess. They will do deeds which they never before intended, and from which, had they been suggested, they would have shrunk back with horror, and they will do them from no motive and to no end of interest to themselves or others, but merely from the rashness of the moment, a sally of wantonness, or an impulse of malice. Let us learn, therefore, to confine our conduct within the strict line of duty, and remember that the first transgression renders easy every subsequent one, however enormous. I will state one or two causes, founded in ignorance and error, which contributed to the late unhappy insurrection or facilitated its progress. I shall mention, first, an opinion that riots and terror, banishing the officers of excise, would produce a repeal of the excise law, or its inactivity with regard to us ; but I have said so much on this, on other occasions, that I shall but maintain it now, and pass it by without further notice. I shall next mention a desire to cover the guilt of those who first attacked Gen._ Neville's house. As it seems an opinion generally prevailed that riots in this cause were proper, it appeared hard that those who engaged in them should suffer for their services in the public cause, and it seems to have been believed that the best way to protect them was by multiplying the number of offenders to make the punishment of any appear dangerous. Perhaps here one might find matter for questioning whether it be not desirable that wickedness should be accompanied with understanding and whether folly be not the most mischievous of all qualities. Had the' men who incited the second attack on Gen. Neville's house, and the subsequent transactions in the insurrection, been men of sound well-informed judgment HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 103 they would have reasoned in this manner : "The rioters have erred, but we have countenanced and shared the opinion from which their error proceeded, and we ought to endeavor to save them. Let the whole county now rise and seize and secure them for public justice. When this is done, let us go forward to government, with solemn and sincere assurances that W9»will submit to this law honestly and punctually, and that if required, we will pay for all past damages and delinquencies, and with these assurances, let us request that government forgive our offending brethren." If measures of this nature had been pursued, the issue would have been more fortunate to the offenders, to these counties and to the United States. Another cause which I shall mention is a mistaken use of the word peo ple. As, in a democracy, the people is the source of all authority, and as the people on this side of the mountains seemed all to agree in reprobating the excise law, declaimers never extending their views beyond their own 'neighborhood, but considering the people here as the whole people, took occasion to represent that the people here might lawfully correct any errors of their public servants. On these principles every neighborhood, consider ing itself as the people, thought it had a right to do as it pleased. Assum ing as what needs no proof, that the union of all the States is necessary for the prosperity of each, and that separate from the union we should be insignificant and dependent; I would observe that it is the whole people of the union that is the source of all power, to argue that a very small portion of the people is the source of all power is absurd. If every small portion of the people were to assume the power of the whole, instead of a govern ment, we should have a chaos of jarring authorities and conflictingwills. While the constitution subsists, even the whole people can speak only in the constitutional manner by their representatives. So that the only voice of the people is the laws. And the laws must be presumed to be the will of the people until the repeal of them declare that the people have changed their minds. I shall mention but another cause which facilitated the progress of the late insurrection. The danger of this country from Indian incursions had rendered it often necessary to assemble the militia without waiting for the orders of government, which would come too late for the danger. From experience it was found that attack was the best defence. Hence voluntary expeditions into the Indian country were frequently undertaken, and govern ment, from a sense of their utility, afterwards sanctioned them by defraying their'expenses. In this manner it had become habitual with the militia of these counties to assemble at the call of their officers without inquiring into the authority or object of the call. This habit, well known to the contrivers of the rendezvous at Braddock's Field, rendered the execution of their plan an easy matter. They issued their orders to the officers of the militia, who assembled their men, accustomed to obey orders of this kind given on the sudden and without authority. The militia came together without knowing from whom the orders originated or for what purpose they met. And when met, it was easy to communicate from breast to breast, more or less of the popular frenzy, till all felt it or found it pendent to dissemble and fei°-n that they felt it. This gave appearance at length of strength and unanimity to the insurrection, silenced the well-disposed, and emboldened ruffians to proceed with audacity to subsequent outrages, which there was no energy to restrain nor force to punish. In these reflections we find nothing consolatory ; all is sorrow and dis grace Let us turn then to the other side of the picture, and consider the Conduct of government and of our fellow-citizens in other parts of the Union A measure no less prudent than generous was adopted by the 104 APPENDIX TO government. Commissioners were sent to offer us a full pardon of all past offences on the simple condition of future obedience. Lest these terms offered generously at once, and the best tbat could be offered should fail in reclaiming us to duty, the president ordered that a competent number of our^ellow-citizens should be ready in arms to compel that obedience which reason and mercy could not produce. While the terms were under our con- ' sideration, there appeared a manifest reluctance in our fellow-citizens to draw their swords against their brethren. But no sooner was it known that we rejected those terms and threatened the government with war and disso lution, than the contest among them was who should be foremost in the field. It was then no longer a doubt whether a sufficient number could be procured to go ; but whether multitudes, beyond this number, could be per suaded to stay. The merchant abandoned his warehouse, the lawyer his office, the mechanic his shop, the gentleman his pleasures, and every man the gains and enjoyments of domestic life, to endure hardships which they had never experienced before, and hazard their lives in defence of the laws. At the call, " Your country is in danger," the rich and the poor met together, forgetting all distinctions of stations and circumstances, and blended in one common class of patriots. Even the pacific Quaker, whose principles restrain him from shedding blood, now assumed the garb and weapons of war, and marched in arms to maintain the peace and government of his country. In this we receive a lesson of the power of government, and are taught that, however riot and anarchy may triumph for a while, there is an energy and struggle to crush them ; that reason and the law are the only protection of free citizens ; that violence only brings ruin on its authors ; that, in times of sedition, it is the interest of all to be not lukewarm and indifferent, but firm and persevering on the side of public authority ; and that the faithful friends of law and order, however borne down for a time, will in' the end be protected and rise above oppression. Even at this bright prospect of the generous and spirited conduct of our patriotic fellow citizens, a cloud intervenes, though none of them fell by our arms, yet some have fallen victims to a change of climate and manner of living, an inclement season, and severity of fatigue, over swamps and moun tains. Some gallant youths will never return to their anxious parents. Some parents will never return to bless their children in their dying mo ments. Ahd some husbands have expired without a wife to close their eyes. Can we think of this without suspicion that their blood may be upon our heads ? But, gentlemen, the past cannot be recalled ; let us only study to improve it, and strive to make some compensation by our future conduct. For that purpose let us suppress the first seed of sedition and not allow it to grow up, as before, to a strength not to be resisted. Let even words tending to any violence or a breach of the peace be held criminal; let every witness of such things carry the offender before a magistrate, that justice may be exe cuted. And let every magistrate take heed that he hear not the sound in vain. To permit criminals to escape from punishment is to encourage crimes. Impunity begets offences as corruption begets maggots. A few examples of punishmentof the late disorderly conduct given among ourselves in each county, will perhaps secure our place for many years and prevent the existence of many crimes and the necessity of many and severe punish ments. To your particular and serious consideration, gentlemen, do I address these sentiments. You are the door, by which only justice may be come at. By you, a way may be opened up to justice. By yon justice maybe HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 105 shut up. In your hands the laws of your country have placed this authority, and for the exercise of it strictly, according to law and truth, you are bound by your oaths, and answerable to your God. You have no discretion to do as you please— your opinion must be governed by the laws— your belief must be guided by testimony — and so you have seen. It is not for you to determine whether it be expected that punishment should be inflicted on any particular offender, but only whether it be true that any particular person is an offender. There are reasons which ought, particularly at this time, to induce juries and all other officers concerned in the administration of justice, and all citi zens to discharge their respective duties with precision, and carry the laws into execution with perfect exactness. An armed force is now in our country, for the purpose of enforcing submission to the laws. The sooner we give satisfactory evidence of our voluntary and exact conformity to the laws, the sooner will our country be cleared of the stain on its character. Further, a law has lately been passed directing that certain cases, which formerly were tried in the federal courts, may now be tried in the State courts, and experiments under this law are about to be made. We have now in many cases an opportunity of being tried in our own counties, in stead of being carried for trial to "York or Philadelphia. But if we show any backwardness or bias in doing justice, we cannot expect that we should be trusted with its administration in those cases. Government must require strict justice, and if this cannot be obtained in our own courts they will be shunned as corrupt, and we shall be taken for trial to a distance and have our cases decided by others. If we wish, therefore, to be delivered from a standing army, or if we wish to have trials in the cases offered to us in our counties — let us now at this critical time give specimens of our being ruled by law. If we do so now perhaps after some experience of our virtue, the federal government may trust us in all cases whatsoever, with trials in our own counties. I therefore solemnly adjure you to deal faithfully and make presentment in all cases of any breach of the peace or other offence, especially respecting the late troubles. This will be the true test of our integrity, and will deter mine how far government ought to trust us with the management of ourselves. Whenever a bill is sent up to you, if it be proved true, I call upon you, as you regard your oaths and the interest of your county, to find it so. Where any offence is within the knowledge of any of you, I call upon you, by the same regard to your oaths and your country, that you present the facts to us or give information of them to the prosecutor for the State, that he may draw up a bill to be found on your knowledge. One offence to which I would recommend your particular consideration ia the raising of liberty poles. What is the liberty which those pole raisers wanted ? A liberty to be governed by no law— a liberty to destroy every man who differed from them in opinion, or whom they hated— a liberty to do what mischief they pleased. It is not acts of violence alone which con stitute offences. Offences may be commenced by writing, by words, or by other signs of an evil purpose. The mere act of raising a pole is in itself a harmless thing ; the question is, what is the meaning of it ? Those poles- were evidently standards of rebellion, and signs of war against the govern ment. They were raised by the seditious with an avowed intent to hold under fear all the well-disposed and peaceable part of the community ; to keep alive the spirit of riot and confusion in the country, and to prevent the return of law, peace, and safety. And they produced all the ill-effects which were intended. They gave an opportunity to the violent to know their strength, and one another. What was it but these pole rauangs and 106 APPENDIX TO their attendant circumstances that prevented our return to submission and duty and a general acquiescence with the terms offered by the commis sioners, and made it necessary for government to march an army into this country to subdue that spirit of sedition and riot which blind madness first excited, and those pole raisings kept alive ? Will any man doubt, there fore, that raising those poles was criminal — that those were especially criminal who raised them after the arrival of the commissioners of govern ment in this country ? And those, above all, who raised them after the generous terms offered by government were made known. Another class of offenders, perhaps yet more atrocious, consists of those who, by violence or threats, prevented, or endeavored to prevent, the sign ing of the acknowledgment of submission required by government as the condition of our pardon and peace. Besides the fatal effects of this violence to the country, it was a restraint on that freedom of will which every man has a right to exercise. Was it not a plain breach of the peace ? Was it not a plain declaration of war against government? Need I, gentlemen, use words to convince you that it was a crime ? I know I need not. Neither need I tell you that those men are criminal, and ought to be sub jected to prosecution, who took upon them to burn houses or abuse pro perty or persons for supposed misconduct. Those also are criminal iii a high degree, who assembled in parties for the purpose of doing such things, though they never did them. This is a clear offence, and a breach of the peace. It tended also to keep up the terrors against returning duty, and rendered an army necessary to remove those terrors, and restore the minds . of the people to freedom and ease, and the country to peace. Let me in the words of Scripture point out the certain difference between liberty and licentiousness. So is the will of God, that you submit to every ordinance of man; as free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of mali ciousness, but as the servants of God. For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty, only use not your liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. (1 Peter ii. 13, 16 ; Gal. v. 13.) True liberty, like true religion, is known by its fruits. Liberty, the daughter of heaven, and the best gift of God to a favored people, a generous prineiple, whose object is the peace and prosperity of the human race, must produce fruits worthy of its divine origin. Licentiousness, the offspring of hell and the scourge of an offending nation, selfish in its nature, and seeking the degra dation of all but itself, bears fruits of an opposite kind : sedition, fury, hatred, malice, and mischief. By its fruits judge whether our insurrection pro ceeded from a spirit of liberty or of licentiousness. Whether it was the work of God or of the devil. Do your duty, gentlemen, and satisfy your own consciences. Present all offenders whatever, to the justice of your country. This you are bound by your oaths to do ; whether those offenders shall be considered as proper objects of mercy or of punishment, it is not for you to decide. That ques tion lies with others, and you cannot take it up without violating your oaths, and prostrating the principles of our laws and government. I shall conclude with exhorting to a speedy and faithful compliance with the propositions made to us by the agents of government. One is, of taking an oath of fidelity and of submission to the laws, and the other is, entering into an association for supporting their authority, and protecting their officers. It may be asked why should we do so ? I will give two reasons. First. We have been great offenders, and we cannot give too strong assurances of our return to duty. The assurances required seem due to our own character, and to the satisfaction of our fellow citizens. Second. A temporary army HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 107 is now, and a standing army will be established among us unless we can convince government and our fellow citizens by unequivocal proofs of our regular and sincere habits of submission to law, and of out- exertions to enforce obedience to all authority. If we refuse compliance, government and our fellow citizens may suspect that there is a change only in our con duct, not in our hearts, that our submission is temporary and not dissem bled, and that if we believed it safe we would again breakout into riots. Let us prevent such suspicions by our conduct, and as we have rendered it necessary for government to establish a force to restrain us, let us render it proper to withdraw this force. Let us begin by taking this oath and enter ing into this association, and continue in a faithful adherence to both. We may thus repair our character, and relieve ourselves from the disgrace of being governed by force and a standing army. I shall now add a list of the names of the citizens of Washington County, in their respective townships, which I have been enabled to procure from a variety of sources, who took the oath of allegiance, which was in these words : — ; I do solemnly, in the presence of Almighty God, swear and declare that I will faithfully and sincerely support the Constitution of the United States, and obey all laws thereof, and will discontinue opposition thereto, except by way of petition and remonstrance, and all attempts to resist, obstruct, or illtreat the officers of the United States in the execution of their respective duties, so help me God. Each person, in taking this oath, was required to subscribe his name thereto, as well as sign the following pledge : — ¦ In pursuance of the oath hereto annexed, I do hereby engage and asso ciate to and with all others'who may subscribe these presents to counter nance and protect the officers of the United States in the execution of their duties according to law, and to discover and bring to justice all persons whp may be concerned, directly or indirectly, in illegally hindering or obstructing the said officers, or any of them, in the execution of their duty, or in doing any manner of violence to them, or either of them. In witness of all Which I have hereunto subscribed my hand the day and year opposite my name. Sworn and subscribed before me, Eleazer Jenkins. Dec. 29, 1794. Bethlehem Township. David Enoch, John Smiley, Nathan Meek, David Sutton, James Braden, Abel McFarland, Samuel Meek, Daniel McFarland, Jr., James Gillespie, John James, Lemuel Cooper, David Evans, John Bockius, James Evans, Christopher Horn, Thomas Ijams, Daniel Cory, Valentine Kender, Bazel Barnet, Christopher Cox, John Horn, George Horn, James Graham, Aaron Davis, Caleb Ball, Jacob Young, John Meek, Jr., Isaac Pettit, Sampson Nicholls. Dec. 30, 1794. Somerset Township. James Dawson, Samuel Ferguson, John Greenleas, Thomas Gill, Archi bald Blue, John Huffman. Dec. 30, 1794. Bethlehem Township. Wm. Guthrey, John Fusten, Christian Cockier, John Meek Johnson, Gabriel Nave. 108 APPENDIX TO Dec. 30, 1794. Strabane Township. Samuel Fitch, James Collins, John Fitch. Dec. 31, 1794. Somerset Township. James Collams, Allen Offer, Andrew Ault, Jacob Swagler, Henry McDonough, Samuel Crawford, George Mcllwaine, Jno. Mcllwaine, James Miller, Grier Mcllwaine, Samuel Wier, Francis Keely, Jacob Myers, Henry Hewitt, James Cochran, Wm. McCombe, Patrick McCulloch, Robert McComb, Peter Black, Samuel Shuster, Samuel Moser, Michael Paker, James Leydy, John Leydy, Benjamin Leydy, Wm. Smith, David Huffman, Martin Huffman, Andrew Smith, John Stevenson, Martin Smith, William Thompson, Robert McFarland, John Chapman, Mathias Luse, Frederick Leydy, John Vance, John Kinney, James Dickson, Alex. Porter, Andrew Simons. Bethlehem Township. Thomas Wier, James Hill, Peter Drake, Joshua Drake, Jonathan Drake, James Beatty, Joseph Hill, Jr., Leonard Roberts, Dickinson Roberts, Dan iel Driskel, Thomas Richardson, Wm. Campbell, Richard Richardson, John Weston, Sr., Fred. Dage, Sr., Frederic Dage, Jr., Adam Smith, Pat McDowell, Robert Ferguson, David Sutton, Sr., John Dage, Michael Letherman, John Weston, Jr., John Conkle, Jacob Conkle, Ezekier Bra- don, Mich. Dage, And. Rogers, Thomas Caton, Mathias Dage, Gasper Pilts, George Dawson, Peter Hewitt, George Drister, Abm. Barber. Fallowfield Township. John Sutherland, Jr., George Young, Alex. Moore, Thomas Chambers, Joseph Weir. Dec. 20, 1794. Hanover Township. Taken before Samuel Glasgow, J. P. Miles Wilson, Thomas Moss, Adam Vinnage, John Moor, Augustus Moor, James Proudfoot, Lewis Sadler, Daniel McConnell, John Thompson, Thomas Dornan, John White, Christopher Walters, Elijah Devner, Patrick McDonald. Dee. 29, 1794. Taken before Wm. Parker. Jacob Book, Andrew Kintner, George Kintner, Daniel Hamilton, Geo. Parker, John Parkeson, Wm. Parker, Jr., James Parker, Wm. McEard, 1 Christopher Elliott, George Stooday, Martin Zuzidant, Daniel Zuzidant, Isaac Lash, George McMillan, Jacob Zug, George Fiend. Dec. 9, 1794. Sworn before Ebn. Goble, of Morris Township. Demas Lindsly, Zeba Lindsly, David Johnson, Leonard Colman, Charles Kinlan, Cyrus Riggs, Mathias Roll, Abijah Leveridge, Joseph Riggs, Samuel Parkhurst, Caleb Lindsley, Jr., John Archer, Caleb Edy, Joseph Coe, Chr. McAlrath, Nathan Axtell, Samuel Ratan, Jno. Lindsly, Price Dille, Constant Rowlee, Caleb Winget, Alex. Scott, Darling Day, Thomas Palmer, Peter Rush, David Conduit, Archer Scott. Nov. 2, 1794. Before Joseph Vance, of Smith Township. Robert Marquis, James Campbell, Hugh Lee, Thos. Pray, Robert Lyle, Adam Hayes, Charles Campbell, James Best, George Day, John Hamilton, John Bodds, James Edgar, Samuel Whitaker, John Coper, Nathan Kini- ber, Wm. Hanon, Samuel Marquis, John Wilkins, Wm. Huse, Hugh Mont- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 109 gomery James Miller, William Johnston, James Gaston, David McCreery Hugh Dobbins, John McKibler, John Coners, Henry Fullerton, Robert Kennedy, George Meeaner, Geo. Miller, Samuel Marchant, William Lee James Boggs, James Wiley, James D. Barr, Joseph Scott, Gorsham Hull,' ihornas Elder, John Cook, Charles Murray, James Hammond, James Leech, ±-hilip Burget^ Rowland Rogers, James Allison, David Thompson, George Lee George Burget, Wm. McGee, John McMillin, James Rankin, James Caldwell, John Riddle, Wm. Bay, Alex. McBride, Samuel Barr, Thomas Brice, James Ravenscraft, Moses Hays, John Marquis, Hugh Bays, John far. John Montgomery, Wm. McBride, Wm. Jackson, Philip Jackson, William Wallace, Thomas Hays, John Coventry, John Lyle, James Hayes, Kobert Magee, James Moore, Thomas Phillips, Adam Glass, David Hays, John Bavington, James Cavert, And. Elliott, James Maxwell, William Leech, James Leech, Robert Stuart, Henry Cooper, Robert Pattridge Joseph Hays, John McCuoy, Richard McKibben, David Marquer, William Campbell, Joseph Phillis, Robert Wallace, Samuel Strain, Wm. Thompson, Wm. Wilkin, Thomas Thompson, Robert Thompson, John Eakin, Sr., John Eakin, Jr., Samuel Eakin, Joseph Eakins, John Colter, John Duncan, James Moore, William Ferguson, Thomas Rogers, Edward Hatfield, John Shilber, Andw. McClean, James Dunbar, Abraham Russel, John Thinkerd, Sr., James Thinkerd, John Thinkerd, Jr., Wm. Wallace, Sr., John Strain, Alex Robertson, Henry Rankin, John Bell, Robert Holmes. From the 18th of November to 29th of December, 1794, before Daniel Depue, in Fallowfield Township — Joseph Depue, Samuel Cole, Samuel Gunsalis, Joseph Parkinson, Thomas Nichols, John Rolston, Adam Wickersham, Jr., Thomas Beaty, Christian Stout, Jacob Stilwagon, Jacob Resasher, Peter Wickersham, Peter Way- ant, Peter Erigh, Cornelius Wayant, Andrew Platter, James Coulter, Ham mond Cole, Vincent .Colvin, Thomas Shaver, Wm. Beemur, Isaac Cole, John Tannehill, Jr., Samuel Coulter, Nicholas Johnson, Robert Galloway, Jacob Rape, Jr., John Ammon, Andrew Cole, Wm. Jewell Benjamin Mor row, Thomas Legg>, William Vanhorn, Edward Loder, Joseph Hall, Peter Bellefelt, Thomas Case, Geo. Grant, John MuIIer, Nicholas Depue, Samuel Moody, Jacob Rope, Symonds Bandwell, Christopher Reading, William Nitherfreed, Samuel Baxter, Massal Case, Martin Wirt, Samuel Quimby, Daniel McGuire, Thomas Fenton, Wm. Storer, James Baxter, John Lane, Henry Lane, John Johnston, Samuel Baxter, Jr., John Fenton, S. Storer, Richard Storer, Jonathan Hamilton, Nicholas Contey, Isaac Teeple, Richard Jackson, David Grant, Daniel Hickey, Lewis Chatfield, Robert George, Alexander George, Thomas Coulter, John Ruth, Benjamin Gunsalis, James Hill, Conrad Ammon, John Bind, Alex. Stelle, Daniel Hamilton, Jonathan Coulter, Nathan Woodbury, Peter Casner, Daniel Rice, Abraham Crabs, Philip Crabs, Robert Croskeny, Jas. Rice, Robert Williams, John Shouse, Jacob Ammon, Peter Jesseroon, Abraham Hickman, Samuel Lewis, Abra ham Frye, Sr., Abraham Frye, Jr., Frederick Cooper, Samuel Willey, Samuel Frye, John Amlin, Jr., James Carson, Abraham Seevers, Abraham Brokow, Thos. Rape, John Slette, Sheddrack Hyatt, Robert Latta Robert Speers, Henry Falconer, William Ringland, John Cooper, John Stockton, Michael Power, Jacob Crabs, Daniel McComus, Henry Crabs, Jas. David son, James Rush, Samuel Vanvoorhis, Daniel Vanvoorhis, Wm. Guilleford, Daniel Brent. Sworn before Eleazer Jenkins, January 5, 1795. Strabane Township — Pals. Frank, Wm. Nivin, John Chambers, John Whitehill, Jas. Duucan, N. Simons, Joshua Davis; John Munel, Jonathan Williams. 110 • APPENDIX TO Sworn before Wm. Nailer, from 15th of November to 30th of December, 1794. He says, " I do certify that these persons have taken the oath and subscribed the association prescribed by his excellency Gen. Henry Lee, to the inhabitants of the four western counties of Pennsylvania." Thomas Cannon, Wm. Nailer, Shebazzar Bentley, James Chambers, John Cox, Benjamin Cox, John Hoven, Shadrack Hyatt, Thomas Thompson, Elisha Teeters, JohnMcCaran, V. Ferguson, James Gelly, Gilbert Samuels, John Riddle, Jos. Blackburn, John Thompson, Edward Duffield, Jonathan Thompson, Abraham Fingby, J. Ferguson, John Happer, Wm. Ramage, Math. Hartford, John Kennedy, Charles Dailey, Isaac Dailey, Richard Sutton, Samuel Gallohar, Wm. Mitchell, John Cormy, Wm. Corn, Henry Newkirk, David Milender, Jacob Auld, A. Miller, Neil Murray, Abraham Southard, Jonas Segby, Jacob Fegley, Sr., Jacob Fegley, Jr., Jas. McCall, James JS'ailor, Alexander Armstrong, John Anderson, James Parkinson, Arthur Latimer, Henry Harsh, Abraham Frider, Abraham McNitt, Simon Waugh, Joseph Barkley, Christopher Fletcher, Lewis Stacher, J. Clotter, Jacob Repsher, Leonard Englar, Daniel Robbins, Robert Wallace, Matthew Myers, John McCormic, John Welch, John Baldwin, Henry Magner, Wm. Rodgers, Ralph Nnylor, John Chambers, Samuel Gaston, John Crague, Moses Rodgers, Edmund Thomas, John Munn, Jr., Liverton Thomas, Thomas Thornley, Joseph Hagerty, Samuel Ogden, Andrew Crawford, Geo. Onstatt, Lewis Onstatt, John Todd, Wm. Armstrong, Benjamin Crawford, Samuel McGornaway, James Huston, Joseph Leweston, Joseph Barr, John Moore, William Fought, Joseph Fowler, Samuel Barr, Benjamin Merriner, Andrew Regan, John Shaw, Samuel Johnson, Benjamin Bebast, William Byers, Thomas Frazer, Benjamin Lyons, Joseph Gladden, David Munn, Benjamin Price, Andrew Wadell, William Dunshee, Robert Crouch, John Crouch, John Young, Wm. Kenney, Henry Morrison, Charles Fox, John Morrison, John Johnston, Amazariah Johnston, Abraham Johnston, Lemuel Sayers, Sr., Lemuel Sayers, Jr., Robert McGee, Andrew Devore, Shadrack Ruark, John Clark, Wm. Jolly, James Meleney, Thomas Patterson, John Patterson, Abraham Stevens, Joseph Calwell, Peter Sharp, James Glass, Lemuel Connelly, Eph. Sayers, James Price, Thomas Deusher, Peter Den- burn, John Leedom, Samuel Bebout, William Stuart, Edward Magner, Sr., James Archby, Enoch McFanold, Thomas Bounds, Thomas Pollock, Wm. Pollock, John Pollock, Andrew Sullivan, Isaac Wilson, William Ayres, Matthew Logan, James Logan, John Mitchel, Joseph Scofield, John Holl- craft, A. McFarlane. Persons sworn by David Hamilton, from November 24, to December 30, 1794— Wm. Hannah, Hugh Hannah, Samuel Scott, Abner Biddle, Oliver Bren- nen, James O. Donnell, James Kobyon, John Scott, John Small, Arthur Gardner, Benjamin Shune, Michael Study, George Branan, Joseph Watt, James Parkinson, John Fune, Maxwell Earicson, James Taylor, Sr Jas Taylor, Jr., Daniel Welch, William Parkinson, Joseph Phillips, Abner Lash, Allen Means, Reuben Rennyon, Jacob Shuster, Isaac Rose Joseph Tuelleg. ' r Cross Creek, September 11, 1794. William Rannalls, Henry Graham, Samuel McKibben, Thomas Patterson Thomas Marshall, Gideon Gibson, John Morrison, Benjamin Bay John Mar' Bhall, William McOaskey, Samuel Johnston, Robert Walker, Elijah Henwood John Marshall, Robert Forsythe Joseph Scott, William Campbell, Richard Wells, of James, William Rea, Elijah Robertson, Peter Coe, James Davison HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. Ill James Marshall, James How, John Leeper, Robert Marshall, Thomas Wiley, Alexander Wells, John Stevenson, George Wells, Wm. McKibben, Elisha Robertson, Robert Moore, James Jackson, Hugh Rogers, William Wells, Thomas Beaty, Isaac Cowan, John McClurg, James Linn, Joseph Riley, Thomas McKibben, William Caldwell, Nathaniel Pettit, Samuel Robertson, John Graham, Philemon Davis, William Young, James Todd, James Leeper, Thomas Graham, Samuel Davis, Robert McComb, Joseph Carter, John Scott, John Beaty, Adam Glass, William Smith, James Dun bar, Samuel Leeper, Thomas Ward, Alexander Johnson, James Clark, Ebenezer Smith, John Cowen, John Stevenson, William Hughs, James Smith, David Hays, John Moore, Samuel Carson, Ephraim Hart, Isaac Johnson, Joseph Reed, Daniel Cameron, Isaac Shannon, Daniel Johnson, Samuel Futhey, James Weaver, William Watson, Sairiuel Gilmore, Samuel Robb, Stephen Johnson, James Colville, Andrew Ferguson, Andrew McKin ney, Richard Davis, Henry Wells, Bobert Colville, Hugh Newell, Timothy Spencer, James Riley, R^ibe*i-Jiabb_i John Tennille, William Vance, John Stevenson, John Morrison, John Criss, Robert Glass, John Robb, William McClurg, Nicholas Brown, Robert Armstrong, John Brown, John Camp bell, John Marquis, John Wagoner, Sen., James Taylor, John Harriman, Jacob Romans, John Robinson, Samuel McMillan, John Wilken, Sen., James Patterson, Thomas Bay, John Lawther, Samuel Smith, James Watson, Sen., James Kirk, William Ayrs, Edward Brown, Cornelius Boyles, Wm. McGarrah, Alexander Ayrs, George Coffman, James Ward, Wm. Shearer, Robert McCready, Joseph Caldwell, John Gardner, William Caldwell, James Doudle, Hugh McClurg; James Satterfield, James Robinson, Joseph Colville, Bosten Burgett, Riahard Wells, George Tennille, Daniel Tennille, Peter Linville, John Robb, Tarry McGarry, George Moore, Jacob Buxton, John Poagen. Done in presence of William Rea, 1 Aaron Lyle, >¦ Commissioners. Thomas Patterson, J List of Stills seized by Robert Johnston, and left at William McAllister's, Peter Chessround's, Shesbazzar Bentley's, and John Baldwin's, Washington County, and Nathan Couch's, of Allegheny County. Time op seizure 1794, Nov. 14. Possessor. Vincent Colvin, . David Hamilton, . Christopher Stacker, Benjamin Parkinson, James Parkinson, John Reed. . 15. John Baldwin, John Hamilton, Samuel Scott, Wm. Parker, Peter Chessround, Wm. Armstrong, James Stuart Peter Lyle, . Shezbazzar Bentley, Stills 2 1 1 121 1 1 2 12 1 2 1 2 Capacity of Stills. 80 and 65. stole afterwards. . 76 . 100 . 80 . 68 21 112 APPENDIX to List of stills and liquor seized by Benjamin Wells, and left at Canonsburg, except those taken away by Gen. Neville. Time op seizure. Person's Name. Liquor. Stills 1794, Nov. 14. Abraham Singhorse, 3 David Ralston, . . 2 James Dohings, . 75 gals. 1 Joseph Beeler, . . 1 William Wallace, . 2 Thomas McCeanel, 2 James McElroy, • 2 Robert Thompson, 2 Andrew Ritchie, 1 Thomas Menary, 1 William Cambell, 2 John Sutherling, 2 Samuel McBride, 25 " '. 1 James Woodhen, 7 " 1 107 gals. 23 The duty imposed on stills by the act of Congress was not paid in these counties, and the attempts to enforce its payment here having excited the insurrection, and been rendered effectual by the expedition of 1794, the Secretary of the Treasury, on the 17th November, 1794, considering the hardship of enforcing the pay ment of all the arrears of duty in these counties, from 30th June, 1791, instructed the collectors to receive entries of stills for the year beginning with the 1st July, 1794, and ending with the 30th June, 1795, without exacting the payment of any arrears of duty except for the year immediately preceding, that is, from the 30th June, 1793, to 1st July, 1794, ascertaining these arrears by the capacity of the stills ; hence an inspection office was opened in Washington June, 1794. To exhibit the number of stills which were in operation in the several townships of Washington County before the whiskey insur rection, I have prepared the following information from the original records. Thus, in 1791, were 272 licensed stills, while in 1869 there are but 18 distilleries. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 113 Townships 1. Amwell, . 2. Bethlehem, 3. Cecil, 4. Cumberland, 5. Donegal, . 6. Fallowfield, 7. Hopewell, 8. Morgan, . 9. Peters, . 10. Robinson, 11. Smith, . 12. Strabane, . 13. Nottingham, 14. Somerset, 15. Green, 16. Dickinson, 17. Washington, 18. Hanover, 19. Franklin, 20. Finley, . 21. Morris, 22. East Bethlehem, 23. West Bethlehem, 24. Cross Creek, . 25. Chartiers, 1787. 1788. 1790. 1791. stills. stills. stills. stills 11 8 3 5 22 12 9 16 17 27 14 10 13 28 26 25 9 11 14 13 22 24 25 14 16 21 28 27 4 8 6 7 13 23 6 5 9 8 9 12 9 11 4 14 3 8 4 22 15 14 18 16 17 12 18 18 16 13 19 14 22 3 2 6 2 5 5 9 21 6 6 5 1 1 2 6 10 13 12 9 9 12 14 16 228 280 262 272 We shall now proceed with the judicial view of the insurrection, by the publication of important letters : — Pittsburg, November 24, 1794. Sir : The judge of the district having spent several days in this town for the purpose of examining into the cases of persons accused, and taking the examination of witnesses relative to offences committed within the district against the United States, and his public business requiring his attendance in another part of the district, I am under the necessity of requesting your attention to the continuance of that inquiry, which public justice requires, relative to the offences committed as above mentioned. The list inclosed, and the excepted cases in Governor Lee's proclama tion, will indicate the persons in regard to whose conduct during the late convulsion it is desirable to establish the truth. I will be obliged to you, sir, to reduce their testimony to writing, and to furnish me with the depositions, and to bind the witnesses over in a reason able sum expressed in dollars to appear and testify in behalf of the United States, at the next circuit court of the United States, stated or special, to be holden within the district aforesaid. The following cases I desire you to notice particularly : — 1. To bind over a certain Matthew Logan as a witness against Ebenezer Gallagher. 2. To take the recognizance of Thomas Hughes, Esq., if he shall offer bail and good securities in no less sum in the whole than 3000 dollars for his appearance to answer. 114 APPENDIX TO The charge against him is his having been one of the blackened party who attacked the house of Capt. Faulkner, and his having signed a con temptuous and improper paper on the llth of September last. His offence, therefore, is of a bailable nature. 3. To send for and bind over as witnesses Major Richard Talbot and Rev. Philip Dodridge, of Hopewell township, and John Tennell of Cross Creek. These instances are not mentioned as the exclusive cases in which your assistance is requested. To your judgment every other case is with great confidence committed. Truth will gradually reveal itself and testimony of which we are ignorant. With great consideration and respect, I have the honor to be To JunoE ADnisoN. W. Rawle. The endorsement is as follows : Bound R. Talbot 22d Dec. 1 794. Mr. Talbot says Rev. Dodridge's name is Joseph. Philip is a brother. Bound John Tennell and A. Wells. Bound Joseph Dodridge and John Buchanan. Recognizances for appearance at Pittsburg and Washington. Pennsylvania ] Defendant turned over for bail by Gen. Lee, Commander- vs. > in-Chief. Moses Devore. ] Moses Devore, of Elizabeth township, Allegheny County, tent in £200, Joseph Becket, " " " 100, John Dailey, of Rostraver township, Westmoreland County, " 100, Conditioned for appearance at next court of quarter sessions for county of Allegheny, to answer, &c, 25th Nov. 1794-. Cor. Alex. Addison. Recognized in court of Allegheny County to keep peace and good be havior for twelve moaths, no bill having been found by grand jury. Pennsylvania ") vs. > Turned over ut supra. Henry McKinney. j Joseph Becket and John Dailey each held in £100 for appearance of Henry McKinney, who is bound in the sum of £200. No bill found, and bound by recognizance to keep the peace and good behavior for twelve months by Gen. Gibson. Pennsylvania 1 vs. > Turned over ut supra. Andrew Holmes. J Andrew Holmes, of Nottingham township, Washington Co., tent £200, John Gaston, of Peters township, Washington County, tent £100, Samuel McClean, of Nottingham township, Washington Co., tent £100, Conditioned for appearance of Andrew Holmes at next court of quarter sessions for county of Allegheny and county of Washington, 25th Novem ber, 1794. Cor. Alex. Addison. Recognized by Gen. Gibson to appear at circuit court. Dismissed by him till Washington court. No bill found by grand jury. Bound in recog nizance to keep the peace and good behavior twelve months. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 115 The same proceedings were held against John Gaston, of Peters town ship (Joseph Becket and John Dailey, securities). David Donaldson, of Nottingham township (Robert Barr and John Gas ton securities). John Love, of Nottingham township (Robert Barr and Andrew Mclntire securities). John McGill, of Canonsburg (with John Gaston and W. McMillan, se curities). Samuel Ewing, Norris Morrison, Against whom no bills were found, but each bound over for twelve months to keep peace and good behavior, on 25th Nov. 1794. Fifth Circuit of Pennsylvania. rh a i Alexander Addison, President of the courts of common pleas L " '-1 of the fifth circuit, Pennsylvania, To Michael Mount and Richard Longstreet. Whereas, Oath hath been made before me that Edward Wagner, of Peters township, the younger, did excite a number of riotous persons in the month of July last, to proceed with force and arms to the house of Gen. Neville in Allegheny County, there to commit sundry acts of violence and unlawful force, and did also, by menace and force in the month of Septem ber last, prevent the signing of the submission required by government. These are, therefore, to require you and each of you to take the said Edward Wagner the younger and bring him forthwith before me at the house of Wm. Amberson in the town of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny, to answer to the premises, and be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal at Pittsburg, November 21, 1794. Alexander Addison. The warrant is indorsed : Edward Wagner, Jr., lives with his father at Wagner's Mills, on Peters Creek, Washington County, fifteen miles from Pittsburg. Go up the road to Redstone, turning to the left on the top of the coal hill over Monongahela, about fourteen miles off, inquire for James Barclay, who lives near Wagner. Non est inventus. Michael Mount. List of Prisoners sent to Philadelphia, November 24, 1794. James Kerr, John Hamilton, James Stuart, John Lockray, John Corbely, John Black, Marmaduke Curtis, Robert Porter, Thomas Burney, David Bolton, Joseph Scott, Caleb Mountz, John Barnet, Thomas Miller, Isaac Walker, Thomas Sedgwick, and William Crawford. Greensburg, November 26, 1794. Judge Addison : Permit me to request you will be good enough to send for a Doctor Robinson, Wm. Parker, Esq., Daniel Depuy, and Wm. Irwin, and endeavor to ascertain from their examinations/rora whom they received instructions to harangue Col. John Hamilton's battalion on the 4th of July last, in opposition to excise law (as it is called), for it appears, on in quiry, that a regular plan has been formed to prevent the execution of the law by the extirpation of all the officers, and that the attack upon Gen. Neville's was an execution of their system. I am, with great respect, your servant, W. Rawle. It appears that the depositions were sent January 1, 1795. 116 APPENDIX TO Head Quarters, Pittsburg, November 26, 1794. Hon. Alexander Addison : Sir : Major-General Morgan, who will command the troops destined to continue in this district, will be always ready to support the civil authority when required. To you, as the head of the judiciary, belongs the right of demanding this aid whenever in your judgment it shall be necessary. I am persuaded the wisdom and vigor which will be displayed by the officers of justice in their several stations will probably be found equal to all future exigencies. Should my hopes prove fallacious, the power of the protection established by me cannot fail in the immediate suppression of every irregularity, and will, I trust, be instantly resorted to. Praying that this district may long enjoy peace and tranquillity, I return home with pleasing anticipations of their growing prospects and happiness, in which I cannot but feel myself deeply interested. I have the honor to be, sir, with great respect, Your obedient servant, Henry Lee. 1794, Nov. 30. Gen. Henry Lee, in general orders, directed the books containing the oath of allegiance to the United States to return the same to the following persons : — In Washington, to Judge Addison. In Allegheny, to Judge Wallace. In Westmoreland, to Judge Jack. In Fayette, to Judge Breading. Head Quarters, December, 15, 1794. Judge Addison, Washington : — Sir : I am at a loss to know how to act with respect to the people charged with treasonable practices against the' United States, who have come under my notice. Since Judge Peters left this country he wrote to me that they were to come under your notice. I will thank you to inform me in what way I am to act. The inclosed petition from Shields and Lapsley with some depo sitions I think comes more under your notice than mine. A number of characters mentioned in Governor Lee's proclamation have delivered them selves to me, who I have parolled at my own risk upon their giving me their words to come in whenever called on. If Shields and Lapsley had given themselves up to me, I should have used the same lenity with them, as I be lieve the people of this county wish to come to order, and my intention is to encourage it as much as it lies in my power. Your immediate answer will particularly oblige Sir, your obedient servant,Daniel Morgan. About the 10th or 12th of November last I left home to visit a friend in Westmoreland County. I had no apprehension that I (a person who had signed the assurances of government) would be called for ; but when hearing they were called for as well as others, I immediately came home and finding the judges removed from Pittsburg, I gave myself up to Adamson Tannihill, Esq. This I certify in truth. John Shields December 4, 1796. I do certify that I went abroad about the 10th or 12th day of November last to visit some friends, not knowing at the time of my departure that there was any charge against myself, as I had the submissive papeT as pre- HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 117 scribed by government; but hearing on my return that there had been a guard after me, I then proceeded as fast as possible and immediately deliv ered myself to justice before Adamson Tannihill, Esq., December ye 4th, 1794. Thomas Lapsley. To whom concerned : — I do certify that I heard Jacob Ferree say he was willing to give testi mony that he saw John Shield sign a submission to the laws as directed by commissioners on behalf of the United States on the llth of September last, I do also certify that I saw the names of John Shields and Thomas Lapsley written on the paper of submission taken on that day, and that the name of Thomas Lapsley I believe to be in his own hand writing A. Tannihiill. Pennsylvania District : — Before me came William McMillan, of Peters township, Washington County, and declared on oath that Edward Wagner, Jr., of the said town ship, came to the deponent on the 16th of July last, and called on deponent to go to Gen. Neville's house on the day following, intimating that unless he went his property would be in danger — that on the day of signing the submission the deponent was deterred from signing it by the threats of the said Edward Wagner. William McMillan. Sworn the 21st of November, 1794, before Alexander Addison. Hon. A. Addison : — Philadelphia December, 24, 1794. Dear Sir : I have just now the pleasure of receiving yours of the 5th inst. Agreeably to your request I proceed to make as full a statement of the reasons for excepting the persons specified in the proclamation as the present opportunity will admit. The offences of tB- Parkinson, t John Holcross, fDaniel Hamilton, and David Bradford are too generally known to require a particular enumeration. t Arthur Gardner, one of those who on the 4th of July, at the meeting of Colonel Hamilton's battalion, agreed to oppose excise law by arms, etc., met at Couch's, united in the attack on Gen. Neville's, issued orders for the meeting at Braddock's Field, of assisting at Catfish the 14th of August in raising liberty pole. Thomas Lapsley, active at Neville's. William Miller, active at Neville's and opposed^to signing the paper, very contemptuous of the laws and processes-of the United States. Edward Wright, at Neville's, at Braddock's Field, opposed to signing submission. ... Richard Nolcroft, set Neville's house on fire, active and acrimonious at Braddock's Field. +John Mitchell, at Neville's and robbed the mail. Alexander Fulton, at Neville's, privy to robbing the mail, signed circu lar letter to convene the meeting at Braddock's Field. Thomas Spiers, same as Fulton except being at Neville s. . William Bradford, robbing the mail. TGeorge Parker, at Couch's fort, Neville's, Braddock's, and Militia meeting July 4, at Col. John Hamilton's. William Hanna, atrocious conduct at Neville's house, shot at General Edward Wagner, at Neville's and menaces against those who signed the ^Thomas Hughes, one of the men with blackened faces who attacked Faulkner, etc. 118 APPENDIX TO John Shields, a principal in the affair at Neville's. William Hay, went to Couch's, and thence to Neville's, and menaced one man if he would not go, also at Braddock's. William McIlhenny, at Neville's. jThomas Patton is, I fear, a mistake either of the clerk or the press, at least I do not at present recollect, nor can I lay my hands relative to such a person. t Patrick Jack, S. Jack and A. Hilauds concerned in the outrage on Regan and the destruction of Wells'. (Those marked with a t delivered themselves to General Morgan under the direction of Judge Peters.) The others are the three fugitives already examined by Judge Peters, and ordered for trial, and the Virginians who will probably be apprehended in the State where they reside. The youth of George Parker was not known when his name was inserted. In respect to his resignation it is understood not to avail those who fly from home. It cannot be a bona fide submission in such cases. This also applies to Shields and Lapsley, yet it is open to them all to explain the reasons of their absence; if proved to be of a justifiable nature, their right to present immunity will be restored. I am with sincere respect, yours, etc. W. Rawle. January 18, 1795. H. H. Brackenridge, Esq. Sir: I have been pursuing the plan for robbing the mail, and can trace it no higher than Bradford. It was proposed by him to Marshall on their way to the Mingo meeting-house. Baldwin and David Hamilton were in company, and it was put on them to execute it. The object to be obtained, was to know the opinions of the people on the business carried on. The post to be robbed was the post from Washington to Pittsburg, and it was only when Baldwin and Hamilton sent word that they could not perform their part, and when it was then too late to intercept the mail to Pittsburg, that the plan was changed to what was really executed. Bradford sent his cousin William, and David Hamilton, I believe, sent John Mitchel, who executed the business. My information is from a good source and may be depended on. The matter I believe was not talked of at the Mingo Creek meeting-house, nor did Edward Cook know anything of it. Alexander Addison. April 10, 1795. Sir : In respect to the recognizances, I apprehend that pursuant to the 33d section of the judiciary bill, the recognizances themselves, and not copies, should be produced, but although Judge Peters preferred the mode you state, during the western expedition from several motives, and I believe has continued the practice (whether he did so before I cannot tell), yet as the signature of the party is not essential to the effect of the recognizance, and is not generally practised by the State magistrates, I cannot suppose it would be deemed necessary in the courts of the United States. While the law stands as it is, my duty (whatever may be my opinions) is to conform to it, and that duty being to prosecute every legal step conducive to a proper termination of such prosecution is to be pursued by me. Yours, W. Rawle. Judge Addison. HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 119 Judge Turner to Judge Addison. Cincinnati, May 17, 1795. Sir : After an absence of fifty-three weeks on the western circuit I landed yesterday at this place, and found here your two letters of the 3d of Jan. and 22d of April. This must be my apology for not having answered the former at least before this time. I have made some inquiries into the case of C. Cunningham, who is recog nized it seems, to appear before our general court on the charge you last mention. The offence being committed against the United States alone (of which this territory is no part but only a dependency), our inferior court was wrong in binding Cunningham's appearance to • the general court where the offence is not triable. It was imposing upon the accused a hard ship not admissible in law, since his appearance could answer no other end than to extend his recognizance to the proper court within the United States, and to which the inferior court was competent in the first instance. If, therefore, you will forward hither a certificate that Cunningham has entered into a fresh recognizance for that purpose, I shall take care to lay it before the general court whenever his case shall come up officially before it, so that he may be discharged from his present recognizance. I am with respect, yours, G. Turner. Indorsed, took recognizance June 19, 1795, and transmitted to Judge Turner. Letter of William Rawle to Hon. Alexander Addison. Dear Sir : Philadelphia, July 17, 1795. In the expectation of seeing you at the court of errors and appeal this week I postponed answering your letter longer than I should other wise have done. Gen. Morgan was not very correct in the names he furnished; only the three last in the list came within the request, viz., Ewing, Paton, and McCall. Arthur Gardner, George Parker, John Holcroft, having proved their signatures to submission, and accounted for their absence, are bound over as witnesses. John Mitchell is under sentence. , Patrick Jack appeared, upon inquiry, not a fit object of prosecution, and no bill has been sent against him. Ebenezer Gallagher and Daniel Hamilton are indicted. Benjamin Parkinson surrendered himself; he continued however to avoid confinement, and the marshal has not yet been able to apprehend him— he is also indicted. . . . . . The marshal's officer, who is the bearer of this, has instructions to apply to you and to the magistrates where recourse cannot be had to you, for advice, if necessary, in the execution of the duties he is going to Pey°o™' active and able exertions in , support of the laws (which have received so much public approbation) give me reason to hope you will not think this trouble too much. The event of Cunningham s case is, I flatter myself, conformable to your wishes. I am, with great respect and esteem, Your most obedient humble servant, W. Rawle. See letter of December 24, 1794, on the same subject. 120 APPENDIX TO Judge Turner to Judge Addison. Sir : Cincinatti, July 24, 1795. I was honored a few days ago with your letter, inclosing proper cer tificate concerning Cunningham's recognizance, and shall in consequence take care by placing it on the files of the general court that no incon venience shall arise to him in this quarter. Either you have mistaken my meaning, or, what is more probable, I have not expressed myself clearly in my answer to your former com munications. My letter-files are not this moment at hand. It was cer tainly not my intention to have the matter open to the general court, because it was, and yet is, my decided opinion that the offence is not properly triable here. We have lately had some expresses from head quarters. It appears that a treaty of 'some sort will at length be the result ; but how long this will last may easily be conjectured. It assuredly cannot be founded upon any decisive battle ; for notwithstanding accounts respecting the last action wore a very florid complexion, that doubtless was little if any more than a skirmish in which the enemy lost seven and twenty men. I beg you to believe me to be, with perfect and respectful esteem, Your very, very obedient servant, G. Turner. Wm. Rawle, Esq., to Hon. Alexander Addison. Dear Sir : Philadelphia, Aug. 15, 1795. I must take the liberty of intruding once more upon a portion of your time on account of the trials, yet to take place, of persons charged with treasonable practice from your part of the State. At the last sitting of the circuit court it was discovered that a grfeat unwillingness in witnesses to say too much against their fellow-citizens, a re luctance in the jury to convict the smaller engine on the testimony of their ringleaders, and a natural repugnance to capital convictions, occasioned some unexpected acquittals, and, in some instances, bills were returned ignoramus equally contrary to what appeared a grounded expectation. Something particularly on the latter score must, I think, be attributed to the difficult distinctions necessary to be made between the different jurisdic tions. There now remain to be tried, upon bills found, Edward Wright, James Stuart, and David Bolton, whose presence is not doubtful ; and bills are found against David Bradford, Daniel Hamilton, William Miller, Ben jamin Parkinson, Ebenezer Gallagher, William Hanna, Richard Holcroft, David Lock, Alexander Fulton, Peter Lisle, Thomas Spiers, and Samuel Hanna, some of whom may perhaps surrender themselves. After the pains already taken to discover and produce testimony estab lishing the offence charged, I do not know that it would be reasonable to expect greater success from'further inquiry. But if, in the course of your judicial proceedings, any matters relative to and explanatory of the conduct of" the persons before mentioned should occur, you will oblige me much by forwarding such information thereon as may appear to you likely to be useful. A circumstance not very pleasing occurred during the trial of Robert Porter. James Parker, when before you at Washington, stating in his affidavit the persons who had been at the destruction of Gen. Neville's house, included the name of Robert Porter, yet on the trial he denied that he saw him elsewhere than at Couch's before, and at Col. D. Phillips's after the attack. It appeared HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. 121 improper to avoid taking notice of this variance, as in one or the other case he must be forsworn. I was under the necessity of having him bound over to be prosecuted for perjury, to wit, on the false oath taken before you, and this, I fear, will render your attendance at Yorktown necessary, unless you can point out any means to do the business otherwise. I ear nestly wish to terminate the whole of this business. before next October, that the inhabitants of so remote a place may not again suffer the incon venience of attending the federal court. I am, with great respect and esteem, Your obedient humble servant, W. Rawle. Philadelphia, Aug. 31, 1795. Wm. Rawle to Hon. A. Addison concludes his letter with these words : "This, I believe, sir, is all the trouble I am likely to give you con cerning this unhappy business, equally .disadvantageous to the county in its immediate existence and its inevitable consequences. To murmur and to obey the laws is the full extent of political dissatisfaction on the eastern side of the State ; to murmur and to resist it will not again I hope be the characteristic of any part of it." Dear Sir : Philadelphia, Oct. 29, 1795. Joseph Dorsey may rest easy as to his recognizance. The event of the trials at York fully verified your observation as to the impediments to con viction created by distance. You have doubtless by this time been informed of the material circum stances, which I, therefore, will not encroach upon your time by repeating. I consider the business as now nearly ended. It is not probable that many, if any, of those who have fled will return. My information in re spect to Bradford was I find erroneous. The witnesses are, however, gene rally held under recognizance, and to be ready in any case of surrender. I am, with respect and esteem, W. Rawle. Judge Addison. INDEX. (A. prefixed to a page means Appendix.) Act establishing Washington County, 39 Adams County, when organized, 33 Adams, President, to Fredericktown, 97 Addison, Judge, his affidavit, a. 77 his addresses to jury, a. 91 African M. E. Church of Washington, 197 Agricultural societies, 361 Aiken, David, insurance agent, 370 Allegiance of Rev. E. Hughey, 24 of Rev. W. Renno, 24 Allen township, 248 churches, 248 schools, 249 Allegheny County organized, 33, 40 Alumni of Washington and Jefferson College, their address, 154, 156 American patriotism, 95 Amity, 88 Lower Tenmile Presbyt. Church, 217 origin of Mormonism in, 89 Amwell township, 43, 88 schools, 88 Arguments of counsel in the college case, 161 Armstrong County organized, 33 Assembly of Pennsylvania of 1682, 30 Attorneys of Ohio County, 18 Generals, Deputy, 260 of Washington County, 261 of Youghiogheny County, 22 Auditors, list of, 264 Augusta County, when organized, 12 West, district of, 12 Bailey, Wm., his captivity, A. 58 Banks in Washington, 197 Bank, Philadelphia Branch, 197 First National, 199 Franklin, 198 of Washington, 197 Banking-houses, 198 Baptist Church of Washington, 196 North Tenmile, 94 Bassettown, 124, 129 Bavington, 117 Beallsville, 44, 237 Baptist Church, 239 masonic lodge, 238 M. E. Church, 239 schools, 238 Beaver County organized, 33, 42 Becket's Fort, a. 55 Bedford County organized, 33 Beeman's Blockhouse, A. 55 Benevolence of JToughiogheny County, 26 Benevolent Society, 358 Bentleysville, 44, 120 Berks County organized, 33 Bethlehem township, 43, 95 East, 43, 96 schools, 96 West, 43, 98 schools, 98 Bible Society, 358 Biddle, Mrs. Frances, 204 Blair County organized, 33 Boundaries of Pennsylvania, 31 Bower Hill, 110 Braddock's Field, meeting, A. 73 Bradford County organized, 33 Bradford, Col. David, his address, a. 72 Brady, F. Jr., and Noble, John, their invention, 357 Brice, Rev. John, his church, 103 Brown, Rev. M., address to President Monroe, 171 Bruce, David, his poems, 118 Bucks County organized, 33 (123) 124 INDEX. Buffalo township, 43, 239 schools, 239 Creek, 47 M. E. Church, 240 U. P. Church, North, 240 U. P. Church, South, 240 village, 239 Bulger, 117 Burgesses of Washington, 132 Burgettstown, 117 Presbyterian Church, 118 Burners of 1794, 350 Burnsville, 215 Butler County organized, 33 C. California, 44, 235 Disciples Church, 236 M. E. Church, 236 Odd Fellows' Bodge, 236 schools, 236 S. W. Normal College in, 236 Cambria County organized, 33 Cameron County organized, 34 Campbell's woollen factory, 355 Candor, 112 Canonsburg, 43, 220 Church, U. P., 220 Jefferson College at, 221 M. E. Church, 228 Presbyterian Church, 228 Schools, 221 Canton township, 43, 232 schools, 233 Carbon County organized, 34 Carriage manufactories in Washington, 353 Carroll township, 44, 241 Horse-shoe Baptist Church, 242 Lutheran Church(Ginger Hill), 242 old Presbyterian Church of 1785, 242 schools, 241 United Brethren Church, 242 Catfish, his speech and grave, 127 Cecil township, 43, 99 part given to Allegheny County, 100 Presbyterian Church, 100 schools, 100 Washington's land in, 100 U. P. Church, at Miller's Run, 101 Cemetery, Washington, 217 Centre County organized, 33 Centreville, 237 M. E. Church, 238 Odd Fellows' Lodge, 238 Chambers, J. G., his invention, 357 Chartiers township, 43, 218 Associate Church, 219 Church on the State of our coun try, 114 Creek, 46, 219 Cross Roads Church, 220 distilleries in, 226 incident in, 219 Presbyterian Church, 113 schools, 218 Speers' U. P. Church in, 218 Valley Railroad, 364 Charles I., 10 deposed by Cromwell, 10 Charles II., 10 Chartered rights of Pennsylvania, 9 Chester County organized, 32 Circular to colonels of regiments, a. 69 Clarion County organized, 34 Clark, Gen., his expedition, 278 Clarktown (See Tenmile Village), 93 Claysville, 44, 103 M. E. Church, 103 Presbyterian Church, 104 schools, 103 Clearfield County organized, 33 Clerk of the courts, list of, 257 Clinton County organized, 34 Cloakeyville,Coal Shaft, Washington, 208 Coat of Arms of England and Virginia, 11 Cold Day, 359 College, Washington, 150 and Jefferson, consolidated, 153 and Jefferson, decision of Su preme Court, 162 a synodical college, 152 before Supreme Court, 160 lists of Presidents and Profes sors, 169 Columbia, 241 Columbia County organized, 33 Commissioners, list of, 259 clerks to, 260 Congressmen, list of, 250 Constitution of Pennsylvania, Sent. 28. 1776, 31 * Oct. 9, 1838, 31 Sept. 2, 1790, 31 Continental money, 21 Cooper, D. B., a singular case, 364 INDEX. 125 Corbly, Rev. John, his sufferings, a. 59 Corner-stone of town hall laid, 147 articles deposited, 148 Coroners, list of, 258 Correspondence between D. Reddick and Thos. Jefferson, 370 Cotton and wool cards, 24 Counterfeit money, 24 Court-houses in Washington, 64, 136 Courts and court-houses of Youghio gheny County, 15 Crawford, Col. Wm., his expedition, 287 Crawford County organized, 33 Crawford, William, his execution, 368 Cross Creek township, 43, 46, 231 forts in, 232 Presbyterian Church, 231 H. Graham's donation, 231 Mrs. Patterson's donation, 231 schools, 231 township, original settlers, 232 Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Washington, 192 County organized, 32 township, 43, 101 Fort Jackson, 102 Indian murders in, 102 D. Darby, Wm., his description of Wash ington Dauphin County organized, 33 Delaware annexed to Pennsylvania, 30 Deputy Attorney-Generals, list of, 260 Dickinson township, 123 Directors of Poor, list of, 265 Disciples of Christ (Campbellites), 129, 193 Church in Washington, 195 Dutch Fork, 194 Independence, 194 Maple Cyeek, 194 Martinsburg, 194 Peters Creek, 194 Pigeon Creek, 194 West Finley, 194 Division of Washington County, 40, 42 Donegal township, 43, 102 Associate Church, 104 Associate Reformed Church, 104 Morality, 104 schools, 102 Three Ridge Presbyterian Church, 103 Donegal township U. P. Church, 104 Ducking-stool, 17 Dutch Presbyterian Church on Bush Run, 95 E. Early religious element of Washington County, 77 Early settlers of Tenmile village, 93 East Bethlehem township, 96 Education, 852 Egypt or Midway, 106 Eldersville, 249 M. E. Church, 249 Election of October, 1792, unconstitu tional, a. 84 Electors of Pennsylvania, for 1st Presi dent, 77 Elk County organized. 34 Elliott, Commodore, 360 Episcopal Church of Washington, 184 bequest to, 186 Convention of 1803, 237 of West Pike Run, 237 Parish school-house, 186 Sunday-school, 186 Erie County organized, 33 Events and incidents, 341 Executions. — Thomas Richardson, 366 Wm. Crawford, 368 Chr. Sharp (Kit), 368 Robert Fogler, 369 F. Fairs, 308 Fallowfield township, 43, 104 Disciples Church, 105 M. E. Church (Jonestown), 105 M. E. Church (Pigeon Creek), 105 Presbyterian Church, 105 schools, 105 Fayette County organized, 33 Female Seminary, Washington, 199 Pleasant Hill, 107 Ferries in Youghiogheny County, 22 Finley township, 43, 211 Ancient school-houses of, 214 East, 44, 214 East Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, 214 Halyconites of, 211 New lights of, 213 126 INDEX. Finley township, Rhodeanites of, 213 schools, 214 ' Wheeling, U. P. Church of, 215 West, 44, 215 schools, 215 Presbyterian Church, 216 Disciple Church, 216 U. P. Church, 216 Finleyville, 242 Seeeder Church, 242 Fire department of Washington, 361 Florence, 210 a contemplated duel at, prevented, 210 Presbyterian Church, 210 Fogler R., his execution, 367 Ft. rest County organized, 34 Fort Pitt claimed by Virginia, 13 Forts at Cross Creek, 230 near Tenmile Village, 94 Foster, Miss S. R. (Mrs. S. R. Hanna), 205 Franklin, Benj., plaintiff in Washington County, 101 County organized, 33 Bethel Church, 250 Concord Church, 250 schools, 250 township of 1855, 44, 250 of 1787, 43, 211 Frederick County, 12 Fredericktown, 96 John Adams to the people of, 97 panthers' den, 97 public library at, 97 temperance restriction of, 96 Freemasons' lodges, chapters, councils, and commanderies, 341 Froman's Fort, a. 56 Fulton County organized, 34 Fulton, Robert, 108, 129 G. Gas works of Washington, 207 Geological description of Washington County, 45 German Church of Washington, 187 Ginger Hill, 105 Lutheran Church, 242 Golden wedding of Joseph Henderson, Esq., 379 Good Intent, 215 U. P. Church (onKing'sCreek), 210 Governors of Pennsylvania from 1681 to 1870, 33 Governors of Pennsylvania, votes for, 35 Grant, Gen., his letter to lay corner stone of town hall, 146 Granville, 234 Green County organized, 33, 41 Greenfield, 44, 235 Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 235 farmers' and mechanics' commer cial store of, 235 M. E. Church, 235 Greensburg, 123 Green township, 43, 123 Grist-mills, 23 H. Hall town, 140 Halyconites, a Dew religious sect, 210 poetry on, 212 Hanna, Mrs. S. R., of Female Semina ry, 205 Hanover township, 43, 209 schools, 209 Hastings, Mrs. Sally, her book of po ems, 119 Havelock, or McDonald Station, 112 Hay's carriage factory. 353 Hempfield railroad, 364 Henderson, Joseph, his golden wedding, 374 Hickory, 240 Presbyterian Church, 241 U. P. Church, 241 Hieroglyphic rock near Millsboro, 98 Hillsborough (now Scenery Hill), 98 its elevation above tide water, 98 M. E. Church, 98 Presbyterian Church, 98 schools, 98 Hodgen & McElroy's tannery, 356 Hoge, David, his three purchases, 125 Hopewell township, 43, 106 Pleasant Hill, Female Semi nary "of, 107 Rev. J. Smith, will of, 106 schools, 106 Upper Buffalo Presbyterian Church, 107 Horn & McClain's woollen factory, 355 Horseshoe Baptist Church, 242 Presbyterian Church, 244 House's carriage factory, 354 Huntingdon County organized, 33 Hupp, Dr. John C, his letters on Mil ler's block-house and the Indians, a. 46. INDEX. 127 Incorporation of Washington, 130 essays on, 130 Independence township, 44. 246 M. E. Church, 249 Mount Hope U. P. Church, 250 Presbyterian Church, 249 schools, 249 V. P. Church, 249 Incidents and events, 341 Indiana County organized, 33 Indian scalp, price of, 62 null and -void, 65 . history of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, a. 38 Finley township, a. 56 Injunction against the trustees of Washington and Jefferson Col lege, 160 arguments on, 161 Chief Justice Thompson's opinion, 162 dissolved, 162 Insurance, Washington County Mutual, 370 agency, Aikens, general, 370 Inventions of, 357 F. Brady, Jr., and John Noble, 357 G. W. Moffitt, 357 James S. Wolf, 357 J. G. Chambers, 357 Jackson, General, 360 Jarrett's Fort, 123 Jefferson College, 221 list of presidents and profes sors, 225 literary societies, 227 County organized, 33 township, 44, 249 M. E. Church, 249 Presbyterian Church, 249 schools, 249 Jefferson's reply to Reddick, 371 Jonestown, 105 Judges, list of president and associates, 255 Judicial view of whiskey insurrection, a. 113 Juniata County organized, 33 Justices' courts, 13 Justices of the peace, list of, 267 K. Kammerrer Brothers' establishment, 109 Keystone, why Pennsylvania is named, Kit's execution, 369 Lancaster County organized, 33 Lawrence County organized, 34 Lebanon County organized, 33 Lee, Gen., 116 Leet, Daniel, produces a surveyor's com mission, 22 Hon. Isaac, 360 Lehigh County organized, 33 Lemoyne, Dr., his donation for public library in Washington, 145 Library association of Washington, 358 Limetown, 242 Lindley's Fort, a. 55 mills, 216 List of Wm. Penn's thirty-three treaties with the Indians, 28 Literary company, 359 Locusts, 347 London land company, 3 Lusus Naturae, 110 Luzerne County organized, 33 Lycoming County organized, 33 M. Manufactories, carriage, 353 woollen, 355 March, the first moDth of the civil year, 38 Market houses, 141 Marriage custom in old times, 50 extraordinary of Isaac Meason and Catharine Harrison, 26 Martinsburg, 116 Mason and Dixon's line, a. 24 May pole, 348 McConnellsville, 218 McFarland, Maj. James, killed, a. 68 MeKean County organized, 33 Mechanical Society of Washington, 353 M. E. Church, African, 197 Medical Society, 357 Meetkirke's, Wm., affidavit, A. 70 Mercer County organized, 33 Methodist Episcopal Church of Wash ington, and list of ministers; Sabbath school, 178 128 INDEX. Methodist Protestant Church of Wash ington, 182 Mexican War, 300 Midway, or Egypt, 1 06 Mifflin County organized, 33 Military officers, 23 from Washington Co., 336 of Washington County engaged in rebellion of 1861, 303 Miller's Block house, A. 46 Millsborough, 44, 97 schools, 98 Mingo Creek, 45 Society, 243 Presbyterian Church, 243 Ministers' oath of allegiance, 24 Monongahela and Williamsport Manu facturing Company, 353 City, 44, 243 African M. E. Church, 247 Banking house, 248 Cemetery, 247 Church of the Transfiguration, 246 Cumberland Presbyt. Church, 245 First Baptist Church, 246 Lutheran Church, 246 M. E. Church, 245 Presbyterian Church, 244 Protestant Episcopal Church, 246 Union School building, 247 Union paper mills, 248 Wesleyan Meth. Epis. Church, 246 County, &c, 19 River, 45 Money, continental, 21 counterfeit, 24 Monroe's, James, speech at Canonsburg, 229 at Washington, 176 Monroe County organized, 33 Montgomery County organized, 83 Montour County organized, 34 Moral Societies, 359 Morgan, Col. George, 116 Gen. Daniel, 116 Gen., 116 T. Jefferson, his circular on emi grating to Texas, 297 Company for Texas, 299 township, 43, 108 Morgantown, Virginia, 39 Morality of Donegal, 104 Mormonism, its rise, 89 Morris township, 43, 216 Morris township, Lower Tenmile Pres byterian Church, 217 M. E. Church, 216 schools, 216 Upper Tenmile Presbyterian Church, 216 Mount Pleasant township, 44, 240 Prospect Presbyterian Church, 241 Schools, 240 U. P. Church, 241 Vernon U. P. Church, 118 Munntown, 116 Murdochsville, 210 N. Names of first Bettlers west of Allegheny Mountains, A. 8 Naturalization a religious rite, 25 Neville, Gen., his house destroyed, a. 38 New county proposed, 349 New Lights, a new sect, 211 Newspapers of Washington County from 1795 to 1870, 350 New State proposed in 1782, a. 37 Northampton County organized, 33 North Strabane township, 115 schools, 116 Northumberland County organized, 33 Nottingham township, 43, 108 Mount Prospect U. P. Church. at Munntown, 109 Presbyterian Church at Fair- view, 109 schools, 108 Number of stills, a. 113 O. Oath of allegiance, 13 abjuration, l4 supremacy, 14 the test, 14 Odd Fellows' Lodges and Encampments in Washington County, 304 Ohio County court house, 137 courts, &c, 14 Old Dominion, 11 Orange County, 12 Original lot holders in Washington, 129 Original settlers at Cross Creek, 230 Original township of Washington Co., 43, 58 Orphan children, 21 Outrage on the Chesapeake frigate, 291 INDEX. 129 P. Pan-handle of West Virginia, a. 36 Panther's den, 97 Paris, 210 Parishes to pay church dues, 12 Park, Mr., killed at Cross Creek, 229 Parkinson's ferry resolution, a. 82 Passports, their form, 25 Patterson, D. F., Esq., speech to Gen. Grant, 147 Penn, William, his charter, 28 his thirty-three treaties with the Indians, 28 Pennsylvania, boundaries of, 31 date of formation of each county, with number of acres, and popu lation, 32 a general outline history, 27 its population from 1730, 32 western line of, a. 35 why named Keystone, 34 Pennsylvania and Virginia difficulty, A, 3 Perry County organized, 33 Persons indicted in whiskey insurrec tion, a. 113 Peters Creek, 46 Peters township, 43, 109 Centre Presbyterian Church, 110 schools, 110 U. P. Church, 110 Phenomenon, 349 Philadelphia County organized, 33 Pigeon Creek, 45 Presbyterian Church, 121 Pike County organized, 33 Pike Run township, 43, 233 East, 233 schools, 233 M. E. Church, 233 Quaker meeting-house, 233 West, 44, 237 schools, 237 St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 237 Pillory, description of, 1 7 Pittsburg, resolutions on Whiskey In surrection, a. 62 Pittsburg and Steubenville R. R., 117 Plauk road, upper Tenmile, 361 Pleasant Hill Female Seminary, 107 Plymouth Company, 16 Poe, Adam, 62 Poor, directors of, list of, 265 Post-offices and Postmasters of Wash ington County, 360 Potter County organized, 33 Presbyterian Church of Burgettstown, 118 1st of Washington, 173 2d of Washington, 188 lower Tenmile, 217 upper Tenmile, 216 President and Associate Judges, list of, 255 Presidents of Washington College, 169 of Jefferson College, 225 Proclamation of President Washington on same subject, a. 77 Professors of Washington College, 169 of Jefferson College, 225 Prosperity, 215 Prothonotaries, list of, 256 Q. Quaker, .Westland meeting-house, 95 R. Railroads, 366 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 2 Rawle's letters, 113 to 121 Razortown court-house, 137 Rebellion of 1861, 301 Recorders, list of, 257 Reddick to Jefferson, 370 Reflections, 26 Regiments from Washington County — 1st Battalion, 100 days artillery, 335 6th Regiment Pennsylvania Militia, Company A, 334 Pennsylvania Militia, Company F, 334 9th Reserve, Company A, 335 12th Regiment, Company E, 303 . Company G, 303 37th Regiment, 8th Reserve, Com pany K, 304 39th Regiment, 10th Reserve, Com pany D, 306 44th Regiment, 15th Pennsylvania Reserve, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, 307 Pennsylvania Reserve, Com pany I, 307 Pennsylvania Reserve, Com pany K, 303 62d Regiment, Company K, 309 79th Regiment, Company D, 310 85th Regiment, Company A, 312 130 INDEX Regiment, 85th, Company B, 312 Company C, 313 Company D, 313 Company E, 314 100th Regiment, Round heads, 315 Round heads, Company A, 316 Round heads, Company M, 317 140th Regiment, 317 Company C, 318 Company D, 319 Company E, 320 Company G, 321 Company K, 322 152d Regiment, 3d Pennsylvania artillery, Company K, 323 154th Regiment, Pennsylvania drafted militia, 323 159th Regiment, 14th Pennsyl vania Cavalry, Company H, 323 161st Regiment, 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company K, 324 185th Regiment, 22d Pennsylvania Cavalry rejoined, 325 Ringgold Cavalry, A, 325 Washington Cavalry, B, 327 Keystone Cavalry, C, 327 Beallsville Cavalry, D, 329 Independent Cavalry, E, 330 Patton Cavalry, F, 331 Lafayette Cavalry, G, 331 McKennan Infantry, 332 212th Regiment, 6th heavy artil lery, Company E, 335 Provost Guard, 335 Registers, list of, 257 Religious agreement of 1782, 47 Reports on boundary line between Penn sylvania and Virginia, A. 31 Representatives, list of, 252 to Supreme Executive Council, 252 Rhodianites, a new sect, 211 Rice's fort, A. 45 Richardson's, Thomas, execution or dered, 68, 366 Rich hill township, 43, 239 Roads, 20 Robinson township, 43, 111 schools, 111 U. P. Church, 113 Upper Racoon Presbyterian Church, 112 Roman Catholic Church of Washington, 196 Roney's block-house, A. 56 Royal family, 348 S. Sabbath school county conventions, 372 St. George's Parish, 12 St. Mark's Parish, 12 Salt belonging to Youghiogheny County, 23 School houses, 53 Schuylkill County organized, 33 Seceding States in 1861, 301 Semi-centennial voters, 362 Senate declare election of October, 1794, as unconstitutional, a, 87 Senators, list of, 251 Settlers west of Allegheny Mountain, a. 8. Sharp's (Kit) execution, 368 Sheriffs, list of, 258 Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs of Virginia, 22 Slavery meetings, 362 Smith, Rev. Joseph, his will, 106 Smith township, 43, 117 Centre U. P. Church, 118 Presbyterian Church, 118 poets, 118 schools, 117 towns, 117 U. P. Church, 118 Snyder County organized, 34 Soldiers' monument, 339 rations in 1781, 60 Somerset County organized, 33 Somerset township, 43, 120 Baptist Church, 123 Disciple Church, 123 M. E. Church, 123 Pigeon Creek U. P. Church, 123 schools, 120 Sparta, 215 Spear's U. P. Spring Church, 211 Spottsylvania County, 11 Steam tannery, 336 mill, 356, 357 Still, number of, 113 Strabane township, 43, 113 Chartiers Presbyterian Church, 113 North, 44, 115 schools, 116 South, 44, 116 schools, 116 Streams of Washington County, 45 Stool ducking described, 17 Sullivan County organized, 34 INDEX 131 Supreme Court of Pennsylvania on the consolidation of Washington and Jefferson Colleges, 162 appeal from, 167 Supreme Executive Council proceedings from 1781 to 1791, 54 Surveyor-General's deputies, 267 Surveyors of Virginia, 22 Susquehanna County organized, 33 T. Tavern signs, 348 Taverns licensed, and bill of prices, 20 Taylorstown, 239 Presbyterian Church, 240 Temperance society, 359 Temperance, stringent provision in Fredericktown, 96 Tenmile Creek and its forks, 45 Tenmile Village (Clarktown), 93 churches, 94 early settlers, 93 forts, 94 Texas, 297 Theatrical, 308 Thompson, Chief Justice, of Pennsylva nia, on college questions, 262 Thompsonville, 110 Three Ridge Presbyterian Church, 133 Tom the Tinker, his advertisement, a. 65 Topographical description of Washing ton County, 44 Town council of Washington, list of, 133 Town hall of Washington, 144 Townships, original, 42, 58 Treasurers, list of, 264 Trinity Episcopal Church, 183 Turner, Judge, a. 113 Turnpikes, 363 U. Union County organized, 33 township, 44, 242 Presbyterian Mingo Church, 243 schools, 242 Union School building of Washington, 206 United Brethren Church in Carrol town ship, 242 U. P. Church of Smith township, 118 Centre, 1 18 in Hanover township, 210 U. P. Church of Washington, 181 United States and Great Britain, war of 1812, 292 Upper Tenmile Presbyterian Church, 216 Venango County organized, 33 Venice, U. P. Church at, 101 Virginia, its claim to Washington Coun- . ty, 9 its name, 9 coat of arms, divided into counties, 11 Virginia and Pennsylvania controversy, A. 3. Votes for Governors since 1790, 35 W. Walker & Fitz William's planing mill, 356 Warren County organized, 33 Washington and Jefferson College, con solidated, 153 Alumni recommend it, 153 College, address of a commit tee of trustees, 169 and Pittsburg pike, 363 Wellsburg, 364 Williamsport, 364 borough, 43, 125 burgesses from 1810 to 1870, 132 is incorporated, 131 its original name, 125 its public grounds, 126 lots deeded for the public buildings, 125 original plan, 125 public buildings, 136 town clerks, 135 towncouncilfroml810to 1870, 133 treasurers, 135 cemetery, 207 coal company, 208 College, 150 literary societies, 170 synodical, 152 County organized, 33 established, 39, 57 geological description, 44 its boundaries, 44 streams, description, 45 topographical description, 44 132 INDEX. Washington County under Virginia, 9 Female Seminary, 199 gas works, 207 Washington, Gen., his lands, 100 Geo., plaintiff, 101 his surveyor's commission, 20 Washington's proclamation in 1794, a. 77 letter to Judge Addison, a. 90 Wayne County organized, 33 West Alexander, 102 M. E. Church, 102 Presbyterian Church, 102 Roman Catholic Church, 103 U. P. Church, 104 West Augusta, district of, 12 West Bethlehem township, 98 schools, 98 West Brownsville, 44, 234 schools, 234 West Liberty, Va., 19 West Middleton, 44, 107 Disciple Church, 107 schools, 107 U. P. Church, 107 Wesleyan M. P. Church, 107 Westmoreland County organized, 33 Wheeling, and Little Wheeling Creek, 47 Whipping-post, 17 Whiskey insurrection, 291, A. 59 Whitetown coal works, 117 Williamsburg, Va., 11 Williamson, Col. D., expedition, 283 Wilson & Warrick's grist-mill, 356 Wolf, James S., his invention, 357 Wolfe's Fort, a. 55 Wood rangers, 309 Wright's Chapel (African), Washington, 197 Wylie, Rev., address to President Mon roe, 171 Wyoming County organized, 34 Year (civil), to commence with March, 38 York County organized, 33 Youghiogheny County, 15, 18 benevolence of, 26 Zollarsville, 99 Baptist Church, 99 Fort at, 99 M. E. Church, 99